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Partly as the result of the appearance of a complete history of the old town; partly in consequence of continued research; and partly owing to fortunate accidents which have brought to light sources of information lost for centuries, the materials for the history of Plymouth are far bulkier and more trustworthy now than they were twenty years ago. Moreover, the Archives of the Corporation, which ¦ are and must remain the most important of our authorities, have been systematically examined and arranged, and are more easily accessible. Hence floods of light have been thrown upon some of the most obscure points of local history, correcting many errors due to imperfect information, and filling in the details of many a picture hitherto sketched in faintest outline. For nearly a quarter of a century the author has been engaged in the elucidation of the local record. The subject has been continuously before him. And whether from the Municipal Archives ; from the State Papers of various classes ; from deeds and other documents in private hands ; or from works of reference tested by material facts; he has been constantly adding to his historical data. The result is given in the present volume, mainly re written, twice the size of its predecessor. It would have A 2 IV PREFACE. been more easy to have made it much larger: but there is such a thing as historical proportion ; and to enlarge upon topics of minor importance simply because more information is available concerning them, or because they seem to bulk more largely in a nearer view, would be out of place in dealing with a civic life of centuries. "Wherever possible the statements made are based upon original and contemporary documents ; and Local Records are the authority for three-fourths of the following pages. Many an error in assertion or inference would have been avoided could these Eecords have been examined fully and accurately half a century ago ; and their recent accessibility has made correction a plain duty. As a rule, proper names are spelt as in the authorities cited; and a little repetition has been found desirable to maintain historic connection in different sections of the narrative. With few exceptions the numerous additional illustrations are reproductions of original drawings by the author's son, Mr. E. Hansford "Worth, o.E., prepared specially for this work. Where such a multiplicity of details is dealt with absolute accuracy is unattainable; but it is hoped that present errors will be both few and unimportant ; and that the main points in the history of Plymouth may at length be regarded as resting on secure foundations. Christmas, 1890. CONTENTS. PAGE Preface . . . . ... iii List of Illustrations . . ... vii CHAPTER I. Beginnings of History . . ... 1 CHAPTER II. Domesday : The Suttons . . . . . 17 CHAPTER III. Rising Fame and Fortunes . . ... 26 CHAPTER IV. The Days of Good Qoeen Bess . . 39 CHAPTER V. The Plymouth Company . . ... 63 CHAPTER VI. The Siege . . . ... 88 CHAPTER VII. Development, 1650-1890 . . ... 136 CHAPTER VIII. Parliamentary Representation . ... 155 CHAPTER IX. Local Government . . . • . . 171 VI CONTENTS. CHAPTER X. PAGE Religion . . . ... 226 CHAPTER XI. Education . . . ... 269 CHAPTER XII. Charity and Philanthropy . . ... 286 CHAPTER XIII. Trade, Commerce, and Manufacture . ... 317 CHAPTER XIV. The Town : Its Growth and Buildings . . . 362 CHAPTER XV. Fortifications . . . ... 402 CHAPTER XVI. The Borough Water Works . . ... 429 CHAPTER XVII. Literature, Science, and Art . ... 457 Index . ' . . . ... 481 List of Subscribers . . . ... 495 ILLUSTRATIONS. PAGE Guildhall and St. Andrew Tower , . . Frontispiece Flint Nodule, Cattedown Cave 6 Palaeolithic Plymouthians — Cattedown Cave 6 Deer-horn Pick, Keyham . 7 Stillman Street Kistvaen . 8 British Coins 9 Mirror, Stamford 9 Figure of Mercury, Hooe . 12 Plan of Burial-place, Stonehouse 13 Section of „ „ . 13 Plymouth, temp. Henry VIII. . 37 „ „ Elizabeth 41 Statue of Sir Francis Drake . 54 ' Trve Mapp ' of Plymouth at the Siege . 99 Victualling Office' . 139 Winstanley's Eddystone Lighthouse . . 147 Rudyard's „ „ . 147 Smeaton's „ „ . 148 Douglass's „ . 149 Seal of Sutton . 195 Original Seal of Plymouth . . 196 Original Mayor's Seal . 196 Adapted Arms of Plymouth . 197 Correct Arms of Plymouth . 198 Sparke's Gateway at Friary . 228 Friary Court in 1830 . 229 ' Resurrection ' Carving . 231 Vlll ILLTJSTKATIONS. ' Prysten House,' The St. Katharine Chapel Old Building on Mewstone . Chancel, Charles Church . Entrance of the Orphans Aid Seal of Orphans Aid Hospital of Poor's Portion . Seal of Poor's Portion Semi-Norman Arch Church Alley and Almshouse, 1860 Entrance of Catharine Lane from Bedford Street, 1837 Gateway of Jory's Almshouses Lanyon's Exchange Stonehouse Bridge and Ferry House, 1774 Old Custom House, Parade A Corner of Sutton Pool . Plymouth China Marks ' Rose and Crown,' Old Town Street Plan of Plymouth in 1762 . Old House, Notte Street . St. Andrew Street Turk's Head Palace Court Pins Lane Royal Hotel, Theatre, and Clock Tower Entrance to Church Alley from Whitnple Street, 1800 Jacobean Guildhall Guildhall, Southern Block Castle Gateway of Castle, 1887 Bear's Head Hoe Gate Old Town Gate Batten Tower Citadel Gate Old Town Conduit HISTORY OF PLYMOUTH. CHAPTEE I. BEGINNINGS OF HISTORY. The ghost of ages dim. — Howitt. LIKE the history of most nations, but unlike that of most towns, the history of Plymouth begins in the region of myth and legend. There is no certain record of its existence much before the Norman Conquest; but tradition, in connection with its most prominent physical feature, the Hoe, would carry us back to extremely remote antiquity. Brutus the Trojan. To Geoffrey of Monmouth, least trustworthy of the old chroniclers, we owe the story of the settlement of Britain by Brute or Brutus, the Trojan, somewhere about 1200 B.C. Brutus and his companions are said to have landed at Totnes, then included in the kingdom of Cornwall ; and to have found the country so pleasant that, despite its giant dwellers, they determined to make it their abode. One day, when Brutus and his friends were holding a festival to the gods, they were attacked by the giants in force. After a terrible struggle the Trojans got the upper hand, and killed all their assailants except the leader, Goemagot, who was preserved for a combat with Corinaeus, one of the chiefs of the Trojan party. Goemagot was ' twelve cubits high, and of such strength that with one stroke he pulled up an oak as it had been a hazel wand.' Nevertheless Corinseus, 'holding it a diversion to encounter giants,' met him manfully. Goemagot broke three of his opponent's ribs, and this so enraged Corinseus, that, taking the giant upon his B 2 HISTOEY OF PLYMOUTH. shoulders, he ran with him to the shore, and 'getting upon the top of a high rock, hurled down the savage monster into the sea, where, falling on the sides of craggy rocks he was torn to pieces, and coloured the waves with his blood. Inis high rock was the Hoe, thence called Lam-Goemagot or ' Goemagot's Leap.' There is, however, a version that the struggle took place at Dover. Drayton quaintly rhymes the legend in his Polyolbion : Then, forraging this He, long pronris'd them before, Amongst the ragged Cleeues those monstrous Giants sought : Who (of their dreadful kind) t' appall the Troians, brought Great Gogmagog, an Oake that by the roots could teare : So mightie were (that time) the men who liued there : But, for the vse of Armes he did not vnderstand, (Except some rock or tree, that comming next to hand Hee raz'd out of the earth to execute his rage) Hee challenge makes for strength, and offereth there his gage, Which Corin taketh vp, to answer by and by, Vpon this sonne of Earth his vtmost power to try. All doubtful to which part the victorie would goe, Vpon that loftie place at Plinmouth, call'd the Hoe, Those mightie Wrastlers met ; with many an irefull looke Who threatned, as the one hold of the other tooke : But, grapled, glowing fire shines in their sparkling eyes. Arid, whilst at length of arme one from the other lyes, Their lusty sinewes swell like cables, as they striue : Their feet such trampling make, as though they forc't to driue A thunder out of earth ; which stagger'd with the weight : Thus, eithers vtmost force vrg'd to the greatest height. Whilst one vpon his hip the other seekes to lift, And th' adverse (by a turne) doth from his cunning shift, Their short-fetcht troubled breath a hollow noise doth make, Like bellowes of a Forge. Then Gorin vp doth take The Giant twixt the grayns ; and voyding of his hould (Before his combrous feet he well recouer could) Pitcht head-long from the hill ; as when a man doth throw An Axtree, that with sleight deliured from the toe Bootes vp the yeelding earth : so that his violent fall, Strooke Neptune with such strength, as shouldred him withall ; That where the monstrous waues like Mountaines late did stand, They leap't out of the place, and left the bared sand To gaze vpon wide heauen : so great a blowe it gaue. For which, the conquering Brute, on Gorineus braue This home of land bestow'd, and markt it with his name ; Of Gorin, Cornwall call'd, to his imniortall fame.1 And so' Spencer in the Faerie Queene : That well can witness yet unto this day The Western Hogh, besprinkled with the gore Of mighty Goemot. 1 Th? tw,°, fig^0 ,fiSur6s £n the Guildhall of the city of London, popularly called Gog and Magog, really present Corinseus and Goemagot. BRUTUS THE TROJAN. • 3 Few in the present day will contend for the truth of this story. Once it was a cardinal point of historical belief, and strengthened by arguments which somewhat remind us of the citation of the bricks laid by Jack Cade's father in the chimney of Smith's house, for proof of Cade's royal descent. Carew,2 who nevertheless had his doubts about the whole business, backs up the claims of Plymouth as the scene of this ' wrastling pull ' against Dover. The statements that Brutus landed at Totnes in Cornwall, and that Cornwall was the province bestowed upon Corinseus, he holds to imply that ' this wrastling was likely to have chaunced ther sooner than elsewhere.' He considers also that the great activity of Devon and Cornishmen in the faculty of wrestling seems ' to derive them a speciall pedigree from that grand wrastler Corinoeus.' He adds — and here we first light upon fact in connection with the story — 'Moreover upon the Hawe at Plymmouth, there is cut out in the ground the pourtrayture of two men, the one bigger, the other lesser, with clubbes in their hands (whom they terme Gog Magog), and (as I have learned) it is renewed by order of the Townesmen when cause requireth, which should inferre the same to be a monument of some moment.' The Corporation records confirm this, containing entries referring to the re-cutting and renewal of these figures as early as 1494. The effigies were incised in the turf, after the fashion of the famous White Horse in Berkshire, whose 'scouring' Tom Brown celebrates. Westcote (1630), also mentions their existence. 'Here [the Hoe] the townsmen pass their time of leisure in walking, bowling, and other pleasant pastimes, in the side whereof is cut the portraiture of two men of the largest volume, yet the one surpassing the other every way ; these they name to be Corinseus and Gogmagog ; intimating the wrestling to be here between these two champions ; and the steep rocky cliff affording aptitude for such a cast.'3 This interesting memorial of antiquity was destroyed when the Citadel was erected, about the year 1671. It is not easy to define the exact connection between the figures and the story; but whether they sprung out of the legend or the legend' out of them, they are un doubtedly traceable to remote antiquity. Inasmuch, however, as Geoffrey himself makes no allusion to them, it must be assumed, either that he did not know of their existence, or that they did not then exist. The latter being the more 3 Survey of Cornwall, 2. s View of Devon, 383. b 2 4 HISTORY OF PLYMOUTH. reasonable supposition, it may with some confidence be concluded that they were first cut soon after Geoffreys Chronicle became current; unless, as is possible, they had a different origin, and were associated with the wrestling story in later days. The name given to the giant — Goemagot — is conclusive testimony that the legend, as we have it, is not so old as the introduction of Christianity into this country; or — if the story were indeed taken by Geoffrey from Armorican manuscripts — into Brittany. There is just one morsel of evidence which possibly connects the legend with very early times. Geoffrey states that the place whence the giant was precipitated was called Lam-Goemagot = 'Goemagot's Leap.' Now Lambhay Hill4 is the traditional scene of the occurrence, and lam in old Cornish being 'leap,' Lamhay might mean the 'leap-field' or close.5 So too an ancient name of the Hoe (Saxon = hou, a ' hill'; heah, ' high ') was Wynrigg, and Wynrigg might be derived from the Saxon winnan, to ' struggle,' and hric, ' ridge ' Of course neither Lamhay nor Wynrigg compel belief in the legend, even if thus interpreted correctly, any more than the Devil's 'gaps' and 'leaps,' so common in mountainous districts, are still supposed to have anything to do with that personage. But the coincidence is curious ; and were it safe to raise any superstructure upon such very slight foundations, we might venture on the following suggestion : — That the legend in the first place did refer to something that occurred at or near the Hoe ; that it was carried to Brittany; that in Brittany, under the mingled influences of half -understood classical history and of religious sentiment working through the monastic mind, it developed into the full-blown myth of Brutus the Trojan; and that when it returned to England, and was made known under the auspices of Geoffrey of Monmouth, the Plymouthians per petuated the memory of what they undoubtedly believed to be sterling fact, by cutting the figures of the two champions on the greensward. This however is purely hypothetical, and is put forward simply as an effort to arrive at whatever kernel of truth there may be in the first event recorded in connection with Plymouth. Moreover, it assumes that Geoffrey's authority was Armorican, whereas it is perfectly clear that he mainly depended on the Welsh Bruts. 4 An ancient chart in the British Museum places the 'Lammy' on the extreme south-eastern point of the Hoe, at Fishers Nose » The Rev. W. Beal derived Lamhay from 'Lamhl* the hand or arm, in memorial of the reputed strength of Corinseus. BRUTUS THE TROJAN. 5 The Chronicle of Geoffrey cannot be accepted as sober history ; but he certainly did not invent the story of Brutus, and it may be one of the few grains of wheat to be winnowed from his huge pile of chaff. ' Stripped of the dress in which it was decked out by Geoffrey, improving on his predecessors ; deprived of its false lustre of classicism; cleared from the religious associations of a later day — the myth of Brutus the Trojan loses personality, but becomes the traditionary record of the earliest invasion of this land by an historic people, who, in their assumed superiority, dubbed the less cultivated possessors of the soil whose rights they invaded, "giants," and extirpated them as speedily as they knew how.' The local bearing of another allusion in Geoffrey's Chronicle, has been lost by the absurd identification of ' Hamo's Port,' either by Geoffrey or by his mediaeval editor, with Southampton, after ' a crafty Boman named Hamo.' But Hamo's Port is clearly the estuary of the Tamar — the modern ' Hamoaze.' Made by Geoffrey ' the fitting centre of some of the most stirring scenes in the traditional national life, the Hamoaze best suits the reference.' The statement that Maximian, the senator, when invited by Caradoc, Duke of Cornwall, to be king of Britain, lands at Hamo's Port, leads to the inference that it was on Cornish territory. So the Armoricans sent to the help of Arthur, land at Hamo's Port ; and it is from Hamo's Port that Arthur sets sail on his expedition against the Eomans — a fabulous story indeed, but still helping to indicate the commodiousness and importance of the harbour intended. The port of Plymouth was well known to the Armorican Britons as the Hamoaze, in the troublous times that followed the departure of the Bomans ; and it may well have been that the independence retained by the Dunmonii (otherwise Danmonii, Domnonii, Damnonii, and Dumnonii) during the Boman occupation placed them in a position of leadership. When we turn from legend to history we find the earliest reference to the locality in Ptolemy's citation of the Tamar river. There is no allusion to Plymouth or its site before the Norman Conquest, though the Saxon monastery of Plympton is mentioned in a deed circa 904. By this Eadward of Wessex (Eadward the Elder, son of iElfred the Great) granted to Asser, Bishop of Sherborne, and the convent at that place, three properties: Wellington (Somerset), consisting of six manors ; Buckland (West), and Lidiard (Bishops), consisting together of twelve manors — by way of exchange for the 6 HISTORY OF PLYMOUTH. monastery, 'which in the Saxon tongue is called Plymentun' (Plympton), to be held on either side by the grantee ana nis successors in perpetuity. Prehistoric Times. But we are not dependent upon record to show that from very remote antiquity the shores of Plymouth Sound nave been the seat of human occupation ; and that long betore Plymouth itself was founded there were settlements of importance in the neighbourhood. The discovery in 1887, of remains of human beings in a cave at Cattedown, in association with the bones of rhinoceros, lion, hyena, and other extinct British mammalia with ashes of their fires, Flint Nodulk, OATTEDOvra Cave. and a rudely-chipped flint nodule, carries back the residence of man on the site of Plymouth itself to palaeolithic times.6 Mr. F. Brent, f.s.a., has found on Staddon and Maker Heights 'many specimens of flint, consisting of almost all the varieties of the smaller implements, with a number of unwrought pebbles, and many fragments or pieces.'7 Flakes and cores have been -yielded by the Hoe, with a beautifully- shaped arrow head, discovered by Mr. Brent. A large and 6 Trans. Plyin. Inst. x. 10-38. 7 Trans. Dev. Assoc, xvii. 72. PREHISTORIC TIMES. finely-polished chert axe, now in the Museum of the Plymouth Institution, was unearthed at Houndiscombe in 1887. The head of a deer-horn pick was found in the mud in excavating for the Key ham Docks.8 Deeb-hobn Pick, Keyham. Belonging to the Stone Age also, but now associated with relics of later date, are the remains of a very extensive kitchen midden on the isthmus at Mount Batten. Marine shells, chiefly of the littoral type, are the most prominent feature — the limpet and periwinkle predominating. But there is evidence of a wider range of diet in the presence of bones of fish, long-fronted ox, deer, pig, and dog. Fragments of rude pottery, and portions of funeral urns, have likewise been found. More direct illustrations of early interment have been yielded by Plymouth itself. Mr. Henry Woollcombe recorded the discovery in 1815, near the old turnpike gate between Stonehouse and Plymouth, which stood at the corner of Phoenix Street, of a kistvaen. It was of an early type — six slabs of stone forming a chamber three feet six inches long, two feet two inches wide, and two feet three inches deep ; and it contained some fragments of bones, and a rude urn of baked clay holding a quantity of ashes. Mr. F. Brent in 18819 described a kistvaen containing an urn, found beneath an old house in Stillman Street. The kist was very peculiar — eighteen inches deep, two feet wide, and three feet long, excavated in the rock, lined with slabs of dunstone, and roofed gable fashion with two other stones, the ends being closed in. The urn was of black ware, finer 8 Trans. Bev. Assoc, xvii. 73. * Trans. Bev. Assoc, xiii. 99. 8 HISTORY OF PLYMOUTH. than ordinary British, and contained ashes. Shells were scattered through the adjacent soil— mostly oyster, peri winkle, cockle, and mussel. Stillman Street Kistvaen. Stadio Duentia. Eelics of the Bronze Age are so numerous and important as to indicate the presence of a comparatively large and active population, eventually attaining the highest stage of British pre-Boman civilisation. In 1868 a hoard of bronze weapons — sixteen celts, a chisel, three daggers, and a spear head — was discovered near Pomphlett. In 1884 three implements of similar character — two palstaves and a socketed celt — were found at Torr Lane, Weston Peverel, on the line of the ancient British road to the passage of the Tamar at Saltash. But the focal remains of the Bronze Age to which chief importance attaches were disinterred on the eastern shores of Plymouth Sound, in the angle next the Cattewater. In March, 1832, a quarryman found in a crevice of the rock at Mount Batten, five gold and eight silver coins, which Col. Hamilton Smith, F.R.S., pronounced to be British of the earliest type. Since then similar coins have been found near the same spot ; and the date may be regarded as fixed by Mr. J. Evans, f.r.s., who has conclusively shown that there was a British coinage at least 150 years B.C. Some of STADIO DUENTIA. these coins were placed in the Museum of the Plymouth Institution, but long since passed into private hands. No feature however in the early archaeology of Plymouth has such interest as the Bronze Age Cemetery, opened in 1864, between Fort Stamford and Mount* Batten, and investigated and described by Mr. C. Spence Bate, F.R.S.1 Here, on the slope facing Cattewater, a number of graves were found, which con tained numerous articles in bronze, earthenware, glass, a few of iron; and particularly a couple of bronze mirrors. These, with other matters thence, are now in the Museum of the Ply mouth Institution ; and in character and orna ment are all but unique. In most localities such remains,continuing from the Bronze into the Iron Age, would suggest a post-Boman origin. The earlier culture of the West of England renders that conclusion here unnecessary. Some what similar graves MlKK0B- s"*™">- were found in 1833 at Trelan, St. Keverne, one of which contained a bronze mirror of kindred type; and all the characters are Keltic, not Eoman. These relics are really the latest and most perfect developments of the vanishing Age of Bronze. Instead of being Eomano-British, they are the final types of an older pre-Boman civilization— though not necessarily of supreme antiquity, nor free from foreign influence. 1 Archoeologia, xl. 500-10. 10 HISTORY OF PLYMOUTH. The existence of a great cemetery is conclusive proof of the presence or contiguity of a large population ; and "these graves were naturally thought to afford a clue to the site of Ptolemy's Tamara. The solution of the problem was nearer at hand. The Stadio Duentia of the Anonymous Choro- grapher of Bavenna, twelfth on his list of British civitates et castra, is simply an inflected form of Staddon {i.e. Stad-io Duen-tia,). The ancient community must have survived in some form until after the Saxon occupation, though lost so long that, but for opening up the Cemetery, this identi fication, in the absence of material relics of tne Eavennat's city, would have seemed idle. The Roman Period. History is silent on the presence of the Eomans in the chief harbour of the West. Not many years since there was no more evidence for their visits, than for the hypothesis of Phoenician trade in the waters of the Tamar and the Plym. Mr. J. C. Bellamy, indeed, recorded that the remains of a Eoman galley had been found in excavating in Newnham Park2 but with no proof of identification (another account— more reasonably — calls the vessel a canoe); and it was commonly believed that the Eomans had something to do with the old Ridge Eoad, whence Eidgeway takes its name — that ancient British track of which Mr. E. J. King wrote : — The Ridge Road ran from Totnes to the Tamar, and so onward into Cornwall. It was for many centuries the main line of road eastward from Plymouth, and in how many stirring events and 'passages' must it not have borne its part. Roman spears and helmets have glittered there in the sun. Pierce Saxons and fiercer Danes; the destrier of the Norman knight, and the Benedictine abbot's ambling mule, alike have passed along it. There rode the captive King of France with the Black Prince at his side when after Poictiers he landed at Plymouth, and proceeded thence to London, feasted by all the great towns in his way. There the Princess Katharine of Arragon looked for the first time on English fields and orchards as she passed onward to meet her chequered destiny. There King Charles has ridden both triumphant and despairing, and there fled 'the most worne and weak pitiful creature in the world,' the poor Queen Henrietta, after the troops of Essex had all but prevented her escape from Exeter. The spurs of Fairfax and his bands, the plumes of 2 Nat. Hist. South Devon, 116. THE ROMAN PERIOD. 11 Hopton and his Cavaliers, alike have jingled and fluttered there. What hopes and what fears — what changes and chances — has not that forgotten road-line witnessed. The cloud shadows that sweep along it, or the lights stealing through the boughs that overhang it, are scarcely more varied or more countless.3 Until 1888 — setting aside this more than doubtful galley — the only distinct traces of the Eomans in the neighbour hood, were the casual occurrence - of a few coins ; and of some fragments of pottery, found while the Stamford Cemetery was explored, and identified as Eoman by Mr. A. W. Franks, F.R.S. The coins had been mainly found adjacent to the ancient shore line ; they sufficed to shew presence and intercourse, but in themselves could not fairly be held to indicate occupation. They included examples (single unless others are specified) of Alexander Severus, found at Mount Batten and Cattedown ; Antoninus Pius, Mount Batten and Cattedown ; •Cams, Milibay; Constantine, Mannamead, Prospect Street, Prince Eock ; Constans, Mount Batten ; Domitian, Mount Batten, Battery Hill ; Faustina, Hoe ; Hadrian (two) Cattedown ; Magnentius, Milibay ; Nero, Mount Batten, Prospect Street; Probus, Devonport Park; Trajan Decius, Mount Batten ; Vespasian, Mount Batten ; Victorinus, Staddon; three undetermined, Prospect Street; two ditto, Plympton ; several, no particulars, Milibay and Prince Eock, and some at Torr. A silver denarius of Hadrian is also said to have been found in George Street. In April, 1888, however, a Eoman bronze was dug up in a garden at Hooe, Plymstock — a figure of Mercury — god of merchandise and patron of merchants. It is two and one- eighth inches in height, and one and a quarter inches in extreme breadth over the extensions of the hands; and the thickest part of the body just a quarter of an inch. Light for its size, it weighs precisely two- thirds of an ounce. The right foot has been long lost, but with that exception it is perfect. The modelling is somewhat rude, yet, so far as the attitude goes, vigorous, and not without merit. The left arm slopes outwards and downwards, the hand holding the emblematic purse. The right arm is extended outwards and upwards, with the hand raised, and the fingers as in benediction. The left wing on the cap is much larger than the right. 3 Bartmoor and its Borders, x. xi. But the references to King John of France and Queen Henrietta are not historical. 12 HISTORY OF PLYMOUTH. The right leg is straight, the left bent as m motion, and the feet-wings are fixed on the outer sides of the calves immediately above the ankles. The figure is for the most part, thickly patinated. Some of the mould-marks are visible, but it appears to have been carefully trimmed after it was cast. There is full reason to believe that this figure was one of the gods of a Eoman merchant ; and the little landlocked harbour of Hooe at once suggests itself as admirably adapted for a trading post. R.rt.w Figure of Mercury, Hooe. In 1888, also, there came to light, through the energy and investigations of Mr. Stenteford of Hooe, certain facts attending the destruction in 1882 of an ancient burial-place in Newport Street, Stonehouse. While excavating for the erection of four cottages, there was found on the southern shore of Stonehouse Creek, between the ancient limestone cliff and the water, less than six feet above high-tide level, essentially on the beach, an area brokenly paved with pebbles (at least fifty feet square), with a pavement of slate slabs bounding it on the north. In one corner of this area was a group of little tombs of brick and stone, arranged in rows. Upon this pebble pavement, and covering these tombs, there lay, under ordinary made ground, a heap of ashes containing an enormous quantity of infra-human bones, and the usual broken pottery and other constituents of a later refuse heap, some of the contents of which dated themselves the early part of the seventeenth century. THE ROMAN PERIOD. 13 The tombs were built of thin tile bricks, and covered with slate slabs. They averaged four feet to four feet six inches in length ; two to two and a half feet in height ; were two and a half feet in width; and ran lengthwise north and south. Fourteen or fifteen in all were found, grouped in one corner of the area, after the following plan : Plan of Burial-place, Stonehouse. A section of the ground excavated, which had long been used as a garden, gave these details. Slate. Section of Burial-place, Stonehouse. 14 HISTORY OF PLYMOUTH. The fact that the tombs ran north and south is not unusual in Eoman interments, while wholly at variance with Christian practice. Another important point is that they were mere kistvaens, not big enough for interment by ordinary inhumation ; and showing in their construction an approach to Eoman characteristics. The evidence is thus against Christian interment; while the- structural detail of the tombs forbids an earlier date than that of Eoman intercourse. In the unavoidable absence of personal investigation, it would be unwise to give positive judgment ; but there is nothing to militate against the possibility of having here the remains of a late Roman ustrinum. These ustrinae were simply places where bodies were burnt and interred. They were not large, averaging about 300 feet in compass, and the Stonehouse area certainly exceeded 200. If this were a Eoman burial-place, it gives the first distinct evidence of Roman residence in the Three Towns' area, and supplies a clue to the very remarkable distinctive name of Stonehouse, the occurrence of which, so early as Domesday, shows that the spot must have had an edifice far in advance of neighbouring manors. The remains of a Roman dwelling would supply an adequate interpretation.4 Saxon Settlement. Plymouth does not find place in any contemporary Saxon record ; and beyond the Plympton deed already cited, there is no definite Saxon reference to the locality. We have indeed an incidental proof of the insignificance of any settlement that may have then existed, in the statement of the Saxon Chronicle, that in 997 the Danes sailed up the Tamar, assailing Lydford, and burning the minster at Tavistock. Had there been opportunity for special ravage on the way it would hardly fail to have been recorded. The only associated historical fact of the Saxon period is the defeat of the Danes in 851 at Wicganbeorge. If we identify this place with Wembury, the ' Viking's earthwork ' seems fairly acceptable as a rendering of the name in its original form, and thus affords additional witness to the event. But Okenbury and Wickaborough are also claimants. Where information is so scanty we gladly welcome light from any quarter, however faint the rays; and somewhat may be gleaned from the evidence afforded in place-names, 4 See further the chapter on ' The Town.' SAXON SETTLEMENT. 15 and surviving customs, of the conditions of the earlier Saxon settlements. The names of all the rivers in the district, and of many of the smaller streams, are Keltic: and the fact that they have been handed down proves lengthened intercourse between Kelt and Saxon, and continued intercourse from Keltic times. But the names of local manors (and manors were at first merely the homesteads or clearings of the individual or the family) are nearly all Saxon. Either, then, the population in Keltic times was very small, the country comparatively unsettled, or most of the Keltic sites must have been abandoned and their names and memory lost. The latter hypothesis cannot be accepted to the extent required to explain the disappearance of so many traces of a numerous Keltic race. We conclude therefore that it was not until Saxon times the locality commenced, to assume a fully settled aspect ; and that the majority of the tuns, hams, leys, stocks, and worthys are of direct Saxon origin and date. Making the fullest allowance for the substitution of new names for old, the district, at the Norman Conquest, must thus have been far more populous than in Keltic days. And a fact to be specially borne in mind is the great preponderance of names of a peaceful class — the simple enclosure of the 'tun' largely predominates, and the more defensible 'stocks' are few and far between. Probably the ' stocks ' represent the earlier settlements, when the need of defence was greater, and thus afford some clue to the sites where the Saxon first planted himself. The distribution of the places so named somewhat favours this idea ; and it may be that Plymstock became the Saxon continuant of the ancient and important pre-historic, thence Keltic, settlement on the eastern shores of the Sound. No corner of Devon yields so many distinct general Saxon place-names; and the traces of Norse influence if few are unmistakeable, as in the familiar ness, and the less frequent hangr ( = ' mound.') All points to a wide immigration from many sources. Vestiges of the old Teutonic tenure of the ' mark ' favour also the inference that this South- West Devon was the scene of active Saxon colonization from the sea, long before the county passed into Saxon hands. These vestiges were first noted in the examination of a number of deeds belonging to the Plymouth Corporation. References were found to fields 'lying in landscore' and to 'landscore land,' and further 16 HISTORY OF PLYMOUTH. enquiry shewed that these landscores were portions of undivided fields. Some such properties retained a mixed and complicated ownership to very recent days.5 There is thus evidence of the occupation by man of the shores of Plymouth Sound, so far back as the days of the cave-dwellers; and fair presumptive proof that this occupation has been continuous to the present day. 5 One of the most interesting references is in a lease of 1604, by which George Whyte grants Nicholas Dymond 'all those his parts p'plies & porcons (to weete) the third pte of one peice or pcell of land . . . scituate & lyinge in Lanscowre wthin a close there called the Thissell pke on the westr syde . . ' . And also fyve pte of some other third pte of the same peice or pcell of Lanscowre land.' What was known in Plymouth by the name of landscore was a strip of unenclosed land ; and a tenement which lay in landscore consisted of a series of these unenclosed scores or shares. Such tenements are traceable in every quarter of the borough. One which was enclosed in the latter part of the seventeenth century went by the name of 'Roper's piece.' Of a landscore by the Laira the dimensions are given. It consisted of 136 yards of land at 36 feet the yard. CHAPTER II. DOMESDAY: THE SVTTONS. The King sent his men over all England into every shire, and caused to be ascertained, what or how much each man had who was a holder of land in England, in land or in cattle, and how much money it might be worth. So very narrowly he caused it to be traced out, that there was not one single hide, nor one yard of land, nor even — it is shame to tell, though it seemed to him no shame to do — an ox, nor a cow, nor a swine was left - that was not set down in his writ. — Anglo-Saxon Chronicle. TJie Domesday Record. IN opening Domesday Book we for the first time feel, in relation to Plymouth, that we tread upon firm historical ground. There is, indeed, a statement by Eisdon,1 that, in the life of St. Indractus, Plymouth is named Tamarworth; but this rests upon no sound authority, and in any event has little significance. Tamarworth may fairly be interpreted the 'island of the Tamar' — island being one of the usual renderings of many-meaninged ' worth ' ; and in such a case would by no means imply the existence of a town of that name. Moreover, had there been such a settlement, how can we account for its total disappearance at the Norman Conquest ? Plymouth appears in Domesday under the name of Svdtone = Sutton ; belonging to the Conqueror in succession to the Confessor; and appendant with Macretone (Maker), and Tanbretone (Kings Tamerton) to the manor of Walchentone (Walkhampton), the original head of the hundred long known as Eoborough. 2 The translation of the Exchequer entry runs : — The king holds Svdtone. In the iime of king Edward it paid geld for one virgate of land. There is land for six ploughs. In demesne is half a plough with one serf, and there are four 1 Chorographical Bescription of Bevon, 201. 2 The other Svtone given in the Bevon Bomesday, has nothing to do with Plymouth. C 18 HISTORY OF PLYMOUTH. villeins and two hordars, with five ploughs. There are two acres of meadow and twenty acres of pasture. It renders twenty shillings by weight. The Exeter Book supplies the additional facts that the king had half a virgate and half a plough in demesne; the villeins half a virgate with their five ploughs ; and that there were fifteen sheep. Since the area here given is 742 acres only, it is clear that Svdtone did not comprise the whole of modern Plymouth — even when every allowance is made for land reclaimed from the sea on the borders of Sutton Pool, and in the inner reach of Milibay, long known as Surpool, which extended along the Plymouth section of Union Street eastwards, and to the rising ground beyond King Street northwards. The remainder of the municipal area must be sought chiefly in the two manors of Lisistone (Lipson) and Leuricestone. Lisistone had belonged to Godwin, but had passed to the Count of Mortain, half-brother of the Conqueror, and was held under him by the most important Norman ' tenant ' in the district, Eeginald of Valletort. It had gelded for half a hide, but contained three plough lands, one virgate of pasture, an acre of meadow, and six acres of coppice. The enumerated population was one serf, three villeins, and four bordars, who had one plough team. The live stock totalled five head of cattle, twenty-eight sheep, and thirty goats ; and the value had fallen from twenty shillings a year to ten shillings. Leuricestone had belonged to Saulf, but had passed to the great Norman baron, Judhel or Joel of Totnes. It had gelded for one virgate, consisted of two plough lands, with three acres of meadow and eight acres of wood; had an enumerated population of one serf and two villeins ; no live stock beyond two plough teams ; and remained of the same value in 1086 as in 1066 — ten shillings a year. If we add the 487 acres of Lisistone and the 251 of Leuricestone to the 742 of Sutton, the total of 1480 comes very near to the 1394 acres of the municipal borough. It may be suggested that as there are two Lipsons — Higher and Lower — Leuricestone has merged in the one and Lisistone in the other; but part of Lipson is not within the corporate limits ; nor is part of the ancient Sutton. And in any case Sutton alone is not of sufficient area for the modern town. The Domesday manors bordering Plymouth were Stone house (Stanehvs) on the west, which had passed from Alwyn the Saxon to Eobert the Bastard; Stoches on the THE DOMESDAY RECORD. 19 north, which still retains in its distinctive suffix as Stoke Damerel, the name of its Norman lord, Eobert of Albemarle, who had succeeded the Saxon Brismar ; the two little manors of Modlei (Mutley) on the north-east, held by Judhel in succession to the Saxons Godwin and Alwyn; Contone (Compton Gifford) on the east, which had passed from Osulf to Judhel; and finally on the south-east a corner of Bocheland, another possession of Judhel, which still preserves in its distinctive prefix, as Egg Buckland, the memory of its dispossessed Saxon owner, Heche. We can fix the position of Sutton with some precision. The southern boundary was the Sound, the northern the inlet now known as Stonehouse Creek and Deadlake ; but of old time in its upper waters, from Pennycomequick down wards, as Stoke Damarel Fleet. West and east the line is not so clear. There are fair grounds for believing that the Stonehouse of Domesday did not comprise the portion of the township north of the line of High Street; and that the bulk of the land now occupied by the Royal Naval Hospital formed part of the old manor of Sutton. The Charter of Incorporation expressly excludes a parcel of the hamlet of Sutton Vawter or Valletort ; and there are deeds in existence which mention 'The Vawters' as being in the neighbour hood of what is now Noplace. On the east the bounds are yet more uncertain. Sutton extended to Sutton Pool ; but there is nothing to shew that it went beyond. The position of Lisistone is fairly indicated by the modern Lipson ; but Leuricestone is lost to our nomenclature. There is just this suggestion to be made. It may have included the Cattedown district. The first syllable unquestionably gives us the Bar of Lary (now Laira) and the remainder hints the old name of Cattedown; namely, Hingstone.3 And there was a distinct manor between the modern Lipson and Sutton so late as the middle of the seventeenth century, associated with Lipson, and in its name of Lulyetts Fee quaintly if faintly recalling the long-lost Leuricestone. Among the muniments of the Plymouth Corporation is a book recording the courts leet and courts baron of John Giffard and Alice Giffard, his widow, for the manor of 3 Cattewater in the Act-Charter is 'the Catte [cp. Cattegat] to Hingstone1; and in a sixteenth-century map the southernmost angle of Cattedown is Hingston Point, a name continuing into the seventeenth century. Hingstone, as elsewhere, possibly indicates the former existence of a hanging stone or cromlech. (Cp. Stonehenge.) 20 HISTORY OF PLYMOUTH. ' Uletts ffee als Lulytts Sparke als Luletts See,' with a parcell of the manor of Lypston or Lipson. The first court recorded was held 16th July, 1st James I. (1603), and the last 13th Charles I. (1638). Uletts Fee certainly reached from Bilbury Street to North Hill, and so far east by Briton Side as the Whitefriars. The Headlands, otherwise described as a close by the Maudlyn, was part of the manor; so was Hampton Shute or close ('als Gilwell parke'), on part of which Charles Church stands; and so was a certain unnamed close in the occupation of Thomazine Gibbons (Gibbons Fields), and which, as the rent paid to the lord averaged 3s. 6d. an acre, may be taken as about four acres in extent. Probably the manor had been to a certain' extent dismembered; for besides Bilbury Street and East Cross Street there is mention of a tenement in Looe Street. Moreover the list of free tenants in 1603 reaches a total of thirty-six, all but three of whom are entered as heirs of former tenants, while in subsequent years they do not muster a fourth of that number. In the same year there are recorded six conventionary and customary tenants for Uletts Fee, and six conventionary tenants for Lipson. Domesday thus gives no colour to the idea that Plymouth existed as a town, in the modern sense, before the Conquest. The total enumerated population of the three manors is but eighteen. It also disposes of the pretence accepted by Leland in his statement — 'The church and much of the ground whereon Sutton now caullid Plimmouth was builded was longing to one of the Prebendes titulo S. Petri and Pauli of Plympton, a collegiate chirch, alias Capella libera dni. Regis, before the Conquest.'* Domesday is utterly silent touching any such holding of the Saxon college. Leland does not quote his authority; but we may fairly assign it to the Priory. Monkish legends, however, are not always to be trusted ; and monkish forgeries of title deeds are not unknown. Nor can we turn to Domesday for confirmation of the finding of a jury empanelled by the Sheriff of Devon in 1318, who declared, as we shall see more at length hereafter, that before the foundation of the town of Sutton there was a place within its limits where the King's Courts were held and tolls levied on fish offered for sale. This must have been subsequent to the Great Survey ; unless the germ of the story is the existence of the ordinary manorial courts. 4 Itinerary, iii. 43. THE VALLETORTS. 21 It would greatly help the elucidation of the earlier history of Plymouth, if we could account for the name Sutton = ' South town.' What more important place lay immediately to the northward? Many suggestions have been made— the legendary Tamarworth, the mythical Tamara, among the number. The most feasible hypothesis assigns the reference to Stoke, shown by its name to have been a defenced ' strength,' and possessing at the time of the Survey the unusually large enumerated population of twenty-five — the virtual head of the immediate district. The occurrence of the allied relative name Weston, at Weston Peveril, strengthens this view. The Valletorts. The Valletorts were the first to stimulate the fortunes of Plymouth. Henry I. gave the manor of Sutton, with those of Maker and Kings Tamerton, to Beginald of Valletort ; and either Eeginald or his successors made it a place of residence. This is set forth in a grant by Ealph of Valletort, who mentions a way to Surpole by the corner of his garden of Sutton, ' anglo gardini mei de Suthtona.' The actual site is indicated in a couple of deeds among the muniments of the Earl of Mount Edgcumbe, dated 1370 and 1373. In the first of these James Vautort, lord of Sutton, releases in fee to Stephen Durnford, ' Vautordispark atte Pole,'6 at the west part of Churcherhull, the way from Sutton to Stonhous lying north, the meadow of William Cole south, and the land of Thomas Cok called Bomisbery west. By the second deed John Vyncent and John Holcomb grant the same land to Stephen and his wife Cecilia, the boundaries being the same, with the important addition that the highway to Soure- polemylle lay to the east. This enables us to fix the site with absolute precision. Churcherhull is Church Hill— the hill on which stands St. Andrew Church. The highway to Stonehouse ran fairly along the line of what is now Bedford Street, Frankfort Street, King Street (a little north to avoid the edge of Surpool) to Fore Street, Stonehouse, where it turned sharply south to the ferry at Cremill (now Devil's) Point — then, as long after, the chief thoroughfare from this part into Cornwall. Bomisbery indicates the existence of an old earthwork, probably near the end of the Western Hoe ; William Cole's meadow lay on the northern slope of the Hoe adjacent. The highway to Sourepolemylle — Milibay — is 5 The variations in the spelling of proper names follow the documents cited. 22 HISTORY OF PLYMOUTH. either that mentioned in various old deeds as running from Sutton Pool thither, or a branch thereto from the Old Town. The garden and park of the Valletorts thus lay in the angle of the two roads; and the residence would be nearly adjacent to the church. Here, by the side of the mansion of its Valletort lords, the germ of ancient Plymouth, for centuries distinctively known as Old Town, was planted and grew. The day came when Sutton Prior beat it in the race ; but the village of the Valletorts was the real beginning of Plymouth town; and its superior antiquity was visible at Leland's visit, when he found it ' sore decayed.' ' Old Town ' has been fussily modernised into ' Old Town Street ' ; but the memory of the original site is happily preserved. In process of time the original Sutton gave place to three — Sutton Valletort, Vaward, or Vautier ; Sutton Prior ; and Sutton Eaf or Ealf. Sutton Vautier lay on the north ; Sutton Prior on the south, forming the ' middle and heart ' of the growing town ; Sutton Eaf, later given as Eadcliff, on the east. Sutton Vautier was the original from which Sutton Prior, and probably Sutton Eaf, had been severed, though the evidence on the latter head is not so clear as could be wished. Sutton Prior became a distinct manor by the grants of the Valletorts to the Priory of Plympton. The severance of Sutton Ealf must have been a matter of family arrangement. It is significant of the varying development of the three that in 1440 we find them described as the town of Sutton Prior, the hamlet of Sutton Vawtier, and the tithing of Sutton Raf. The grant of Sutton to the Valletorts was made within fifty years of the compilation of Domesday, since Henry I. died in 1135. Reginald of Valletort in 1086 had his chief manor at Trematon, whence he exercised rights over the waters of the Tamar ; and among his estates was the Cornish Macreton, or Maker, which, with Trematon and many others, he held under the Count of Mortain. He had a son called Roger, who was father to a second Reginald, and a second Roger was living in 1195. Whether the grant of Sutton was made to the son or the grandson of the first Reginald is uncertain; for both Roger and Reginald are given as the name of the grantee. But other family interests had been created in Sutton by the middle of the twelfth century. In a deed, circa 1150, we find Philip of Valletort holding lands here, and the names of the first Plymouthians on record are given as witnesses — Eoger de THE VALLETORTS. 23 Fletehenda, Gilbert cycharista, William pistore, John Boscher, Eeginald de veifer. The earliest grant to Plympton Priory now traceable was by Eeginald of Valletort, of all his fishing rights, whether in Tamar or in Lynher, with the waters belonging thereto — ' concurrentibus tractibus' — save and except the pool 'sub aula de halton.' The copy of this grant in the Black Book of the Corporation of Plymouth is undated ; 6 but it was probably made not long after the manor passed into the hands of the Valletort family. Still greater benevolence was shown by Ralph of Valletort, son and heir of Reginald, who granted to God and the church of St. Peter and St. Paul of Plympton and the canons there, in perpetual alms for the welfare of his soul and the souls of his ancestors and successors, a convenient place next Surepole, with right to erect a mill and mill dam, and all the mill toll of his manor of Sutton, with a suitable way thereto — that was to say, by the corner of his garden of Sutton, as anciently they were accustomed to go to the fishery of the canons at Surepole {'piscarium canonicorum de Surepola '). It is important to notice that by this grant the Priory received distinct manorial rights", in connection with the mills at Milibay (whence that inlet took its modern name, Surpool being reserved for its inner reach) which thereafter were appendant to the manor of Sutton Prior. The reference to the length of time during which the canons had held their fishery would appear to place the grant of Reginald early in his ownership; for although there is an undated grant by John or Joel of Stanhust (Stonehouse) to the canons of free fishery 'per totam terram meam,' Surpool, as an inlet from Milibay, has always been treated as part of the Duchy rights under the honour of Trematon which the Valletorts held. John or Joel of Stanhust, who may have been a grandson of the Reginald of Domesday, in granting the canons free fishery throughout his lands, attached a condition about the division of the fish: ' qd si Batilli nostri pprij cediuvire sibi obtenuerunt in piscando in terra meo per equalis porcus captura piscum inter nos dividati.' One other Valletort grant to the Priory is recorded — that by Walter of Valletort of the island of St. Nicholas (cum cuniculus) with the rabbits thereon.7 6 All the Valletort grants here cited are set forth in the Black Book of the Corporation. 7 An ancient error in copying this record made it read ' cum camculus. 24 HISTORY OF PLYMOUTH. Possibly there were others, but the final result was this —that while in the reign of Henry I. the entire manor of Sutton belonged to the Valletorts, in the reign of Edward I. (1281) the 'ville of Sutton' was held by the Prior, who claimed to have held it in the preceding reign. We shall see in the chapter on Municipal Government that the manor of Sutton Prior passed to the Corporation. The descent of Sutton Vautier and of Sutton Raf is undefined. The history of the Valletorts has yet to be written; but Browne Willis was wrong in asserting that the Valletort estates escheated to the Crown on the death of Boger of Valletort in 1290 ; and there is no definite corroboration of the tradition preserved by Leland, that the greater part of their lands had been confiscated 'for a rnurther done by one of them.' From the Inquisitions Post Mortem, and from the muniments of the Earl of Mount Edgcumbe, enough can be gathered to show that the family continued to the reign of Henry VIII. ; dealing with property at Sutton long after their assumed extinction. Eichard Vautort is mentioned as lord of Maker, one of the manors granted to his ancestor with Sutton, so late as 1426 ; and John Vautort leases lands in South Millbrook in 1433. The Nomina Villarum of 1314 mentions only the ' Burgus de Sutton' as belonging to the Prior, and 'Sutton Eauff' as the property of John de Dalecurta ( = Valletort). Sutton Vautier is not named. Only three years later we find the Prior claiming to be lord of two parts of Sutton, and two Valletorts, both named John, of Clyst and of Modeton (Moditonham) respectively, acting as joint-lords of the other third. It is a fair assumption, therefore, that Sutton Vautier had then ceased to be Valletort property. There is no suggestion beyond the statement that the Prior held two-thirds of the town that it belonged to the Priory ; but had it done so, and continued an ecclesiastical possession, it must have gone with Sutton Prior to the Corporation at the Incorporation of 1439-40. There is better reason to believe that it had passed to the Courtenays,8 in the fact that Baldwin of the Isle, the last Bedvers Eari of Devon, obtained a market grant for Sutton in 1257 (42 Henry III.) with certain manorial powers; and that Courtenay rights were saved under the charter of Henry VI. After this uncertain interval we find Sutton Vautier in the 8 Leland's statement may suggest the explanation why. THE VALLETORTS. 25 Nereys family; while about the middle of the fourteenth century it was sold to William Cole. On his death it remained for some years in the hands of feoffees; the Specotts subsequently becoming the owners. In the thirty- fourth year of Henry VIII. Sir Hugh Pollard sold it to William Hawkins, father of the celebrated Admiral, for 1,000 marks. In 1637 it was purchased by the Corporation of John Hawkins, his descendant, as is shown by the following entry in the Beceivers' Accounts : Itm for a prsent given Mr. Risdon to pcure out of his hands such writinges as concerned Vauter's Fee, lately bought by the Towne of Mr John Hawkyns, and a ' man and two horses two Journyes to fetch the sayd writeinges . . . . . vu iiijB When and why the Corporation parted with the manor there is no trace ; but it is said that in the reign of James II. it had become the property of Edward Spoure, of whom it was purchased by Thomas Bewes. It has remained in the Bewes family ever since. As a manor it has long been extinct, and of late years most of the land has been sold in lots for building purposes. Sutton Eaf yields somewhat better history. The distinctive title is the name of the first Valletort lord under whom it came into separate existence; and it appears to have been included among the properties transferred by James Vautort, lord of Sutton, to Stephen Durnford, circa 1370. As the manor of Eadclyffe it came with the heiress of the Durnfords to the Edgcumbes, in the reign of Henry VII. The position is practically shown by the mention of Little Saltram as one of the tenements. Down to within the present century the reputed manor of Sutton Pill ( = Pool), including portions, if not the whole of Cattedown, appeared in part to continue the succession. No manorial rights have now been exercised in Plymouth, however, for many years, beyond those of the Duchy of Cornwall in foreshore and fundus ; and those of the Corporation in the market. CHAPTEE III. RISING FAME AND FORTUNES. Some achieve greatness. — Shakspere. THE general history of Plymouth may be divided into three sections : {a) Prehistoric and Legendary, extending down to the compilation of Domesday ; (6) Uncertain and Fragmentary, dating from Domesday down to the incorpora tion of the existing borough by Act of Parliament in 1439 ; and (c) Consecutive, from 1439 onward to the present time. Of the second section, which covers 350 years, we know less than of the history of any town in England of equal importance, over so long a period. There is but one single contemporary document among the Corporation archives within its range, though there are copies of others, and must once have been many. Probably the bulk perished when the ' towne's evydence ' was destroyed by fire in the assault of the Western Eebels in 1548. And yet during these three centuries and a half Plymouth grew from a mere fishing hamlet to a port so famous that it took a principal part in the wars of the Edwards against France ; that it was the rendezvous of a fleet of 325 ships in 1287 ; that it stood third on the list of contributories to the Calais fleet in 1346 ; and that in 1377 the poll tax returns assign it a taxable inhabitancy of 4,837, and thus give it the rank of the fourth town in the kingdom — London, York, and Bristol, alone taking precedence.1 The Priory of Plympton. The old couplet applied with variations to so many places in the kingdom, and locally running : Plympton was a borough town "When Plymouth was a vuzzy down, 1 The chief authorities for this chapter are State Papers in the Record Office, and the Municipal Archives. THE PRIORY OF PLYMPTON. 27 is true so far as the relative antiquity of the two places is concerned, although Plymouth had ceased to be a ' vuzzy down' when Plympton was chartered by Baldwin of Eedvers in 1241. Plympton at the time of the Conquest had long been the head of the district; although we have no mention of it, any more than of Sutton, in the record of the defeat of the Danes at Wembury. The importance of Plympton in early days centered in the monastery, which, as we have seen, finds documentary notice in the opening years of the tenth century. We have no certain knowledge of its origin, but Domesday speaks of its members as canons, and notes incidentally in connection with Eobert Bastard that it was dedicated to St. Peter; while the Exeter book states that the ecclesiastical land there belonged to St. Peter of Plintona. There was a very old tradition that the house was founded by King Eadgar, and this was regarded as established in an early suit between the Crown and the later Augustinian Priory. According to the deed already cited, the community must have been in existence long before Eadgar's time. It consisted of five members — a dean and four prebendaries, and no doubt Plympton was one of the prebends. Cause has already been shown for discarding Leland's further assertion, that another of the prebends was that of Peter and Paul at Sutton. Whenever begun, the Saxon house came to an end in 1121, being dissolved by Bishop Warelwast (who founded the college at Boseham, in Sussex, in substitution), and re placed by what afterwards became the famous Augustinian Priory of the Blessed Mary and Saints Peter and Paul. Leland states that the old house fell because the canons would not 'leave their concubines'; in other words, would not give up their wives; but this story smacks of later origin. Within a very few years of the new foundation, the first Valletort grant to the Priory was made ; and the connection began which was to continue some three centuries. The brethren soon felt their power, for when John of Valletort, about the middle of the twelfth century, claimed to present to the benefice of Sutton, the Prior successfully established his right. This seems to have been their only quarrel with the Valletorts. The Priors continued lords of Sutton Prior until the Act of Parliament Incorporation in 1439, and under their government the community flourished. The Crown, however, 28 HISTORY OF PLYMOUTH. questioned their claim to certain privileges and immunities, and at length, under an Exchequer writ, issued in the year 1313, a jury was summoned to determine the points in difference. By their decision the Prior, in consideration of a fee farm rent, was confirmed in the exercise of various powers — particularly those of granting leases of houses as lord of the fee; having a view of frankpledge; an assize of bread and beer; a ducking-stool and pillory; and the right of fishery of the waters from the entrance of Catte- water to the head of the Plym. In the reign of Edward the Third, John of Eltham, as Earl of Cornwall, claimed the fishery of the waters as ancient demesne. This claim occasioned new disputes ; but on the declaration of a special jury that the privileges enjoyed by the Prior and his tenants were bestowed by a charter of Henry the Third, the decision made in the time of Edward the Second was again confirmed. After the earldom was erected into a duchy, and conferred upon the Black Prince, there was another inquisition anent Sutton Pool. The Prior claimed a share successfully; and although the Pool proper remained until 1890 part of the Duchy estate, the Corporation, as representatives of the Priory, are the proprietors of certain quays. The monks of Plympton appear to have been fully alive to the value of their property at Sutton, and to have neglected no opportunity of developing its resources. Leland re marks : ' Al such as hath by continuance sins the Tyme of Henry the Second builded houses in Sutton Prior, now the greatest part of Plymouth, take Licence of the Priorie of Plympton as of their chief Lord.' From other sources we learn that by giving privileges, and by granting leases at small fines, successive Priors did all they could to encourage people to take up their residence in the growing town. There was a ferry in the water of Plimmouth, between Sutton and 'hole' (Hooe) so far back as 1281, worked by a barge belonging to John Beaupre, the toll being a half penny for horse or man. Plymouth under the Edwards. Sutton, or, as it had already come to be called, Plymouth, began to make its mark in the history of England six hundred years ago ; and the capabilities of its magnificent harbour soon brought it into prominence. The first impor tant historical fact connected with the town is the assembly PLYMOUTH UNDER THE EDWARDS. 29 in 1287 of a large fleet of ships — 325 in number, under the command of the Earl of Lancaster, brother of Edward I., which sailed for Guienne. A few years later Plymouth had attained such importance as to be called upon to send deputies to Parliament. Since, according to Leland, it was in the reign of Henry II. 'a mene thing as an Inhabitation of Fischars,' it must therefore have made very rapid progress. There are a few traces left of the stages by which the port became known ; such for example as the brief note in the Annals of Tewkesbury that in 1230 the body of Gilbert of Clare, Earl of Gloucester and Hertford, who died at Penhros, in Brittany, was landed at Plummue. In 1348 the Sheriff of Devon was directed to assemble thirty bowmen at Plummouth to conduct Johanna, the King's daughter, to Gascony. This was in February. Forty ships had been ordered to be pressed for the same purpose in the previous December, and a further order to press was made in March. In March, 1354, proclamation was made that all ships, from London even unto Plimmouth, were to assemble at the latter port to transport the Prince of Wales and his followers to Gascony. In July, 1362, orders were given to gather ships at Plymouth to convey the Prince of Aquitaine and Wales to support the King's right in Aquitaine; while in the month of August, Eobert Monk and others were ordered to repair to Plymouth to assist in passing over the King's ' beloved son, John, Duke of Burgundy, to Brittany.'2 How many times Plymouth was attacked by the French and Bretons is uncertain — the Black Book of the Corporation says that it was burnt by them three times — in 1377, 1400, and 1403, but the first recorded descent was in 1339, in retaliation for the advance of the claims of Edward III. to the French throne. The French then did very consider able damage, destroying great part of the town; but were eventually repulsed by the men of Devon under their Earl. A few years passed and the gallant seamen of Plymouth had their revenge. To the siege of Calais in 1346 Plymouth sent 26 ships, manned by 603 men;3 Millbrook 1, with 12 men; Hooe 2, with 24; and Yealm 2, with 47. In 2 Several writs to the bailiffs and other officials are cited in the chapter on Early Municipal History. 3 Fowey sent the greatest number of any port in the kingdom, 47, with 770 men. Yarmouth came next ; and Dartmouth next, with 31 ships and 757 men. London only sent 25 vessels ; Bristol 22 ships and 608 men. 30 HISTORY OF PLYMOUTH. 1350 the French again returned to the charge, after having burnt Teignmouth, but according to Stow4 found the place so well defended that they were only able to destroy ' some farms and fair places ' in the neighbourhood.5 Edward the Black Prince made Plymouth the head-quarters of his operations against France. He landed in the port in 1348, and honoured the Prior with his presence at dinner. In 1355 it became the rendezvous of the English fleet. 'Heere [says Carew] the never inough commended black Prince, attended by the Earles of Warwick, Suffolk, Sarisbury, and Oxford, the Lord Chandos and others, committed himself to the sea, with a navy of 300. bottoms for landing and maintayning his fathers right in France ; and hither after his glorious battell at Poictiers he returned, with the captiue French King and his nobles.' Other accounts make the Prince land at Sandwich. Yet Izaacke6 repeats the story thus : ' Prince Edward brought over into England John, the French King, and sundry of his Noblemen, all as Prisoners, who landed at Plymouth, and from thence came to this City [Exeter], where they were honourably received, and so conveyed to London.' The Black Prince was detained at Plymouth before he set sail upon this expedition forty days by contrary winds. A highly interesting document at Mount Edgcumbe, contains a record of the first acts done by him as Duke of Cornwall. Many of these are noted to have been done at Plympton Priory or at Plymouth, during the forty days of detention. There then existed an officer called the havener, acting for the Duchy ; and the Duchy rights and dues were by no means of an unremunerative character. Thus early, therefore, the commerce of Plymouth was of some importance. A couple of amusing entries relate to the ferries. One is a grant to a follower of the Prince of the ferry at Asche (Saltash), in consideration of his services and his disfigure ment by the loss of an eye in battle. The other is the complaint of the master of a foreign trader — a Hamburgher — that his boat had been taken for the use of the ferry at Cremill, while the Cremill boat had been taken for Saltash, whilst the Saltash boat was under repair ; and his grievance appears to have been, not so much that the boat was taken, as that he had not received the tolls during its use. The 4 AnnaU. 8 Perhaps this was the occasion when West Stonehouse, a hamlet at Mount Edgcumbe, was destroyed. Carew says the ruins were to be seen in his time. 6 Antiquities of Exeter, 54. DESCENTS AND REPRISALS. 31 same document contains the record of a grant by the Prince to certain ' poor brothers ' at Plymouth. A subsequent entry by Izaacke records in 1371 : 'Edward the Black Prince returns sick from France with the Princess his Lady, and Richard their son (who was afterwards King of England by the name of Richard the Second), and arrived at Plymouth.' And this was undoubtedly so. Plymouth received important privileges from Eichard II. In 1384 it was named as one of the places at which passports to depart the realm might be had. In 1389, it was ordered that with the exception of known merchants and soldiers, and others going to Ireland, no persons should without license depart the realm elsewhere than at Dover or Plymouth. These two ports, moreover, were named as the only legal places of transit for pilgrims to cross the Channel. Descents and Reprisals. In the opening years of the fifteenth century Plymouth was attacked on sundry occasions by the French and Bretons, and much damage done. But the accounts are confused and contradictory. An attempt to fire the town in 1399 is said to have been repulsed, with a loss of 500 men, by the inhabitants. And then it is stated that in the following year a French fleet, under James of Bourbon, Count de la Marche, put into Plymouth on its way to Wales, and destroyed a considerable portion of the town, but that a gale wrecked some of his largest ships, while the rest escaped with difficulty. This is, however, an inaccurate version of an event set forth in detail in Wylie's Henry IV. It was in 1403 that Bourbon came over with his brothers Louis, Count of Ven- dome, and John, Lord of Clarency. They chased seven trading vessels, which tried to make Plymouth in vain, and were abandoned, the crews escaping. ' The people crowded into the town in wild alarm,' and the Plymouth folk, by doubling the price of provisions for outsiders, drove them out again, but did nothing else. The attack was made on the afternoon of Lammas-day, August 10, when large bodies of Bretons, under the Sieur du Chastel, Lord of Chateau Neuf, near St. Malo, landed about a mile from the town, which they entered at the ' bak haf,' and burned and plundered at will until ten the next morning. Upwards of 600 houses were burnt at the spot thence called Briton Side (now part of Exeter Street), but the castle and the 32 HISTORY OF PLYMOUTH. higher parts of the town (Old Town) held out ; and many of Chastel's men were killed or mutilated, while others were captured. Eeprisals quickly followed. Sir William Wilford, 'born nigh Plymouth, a valiant and successful seaman,' with a fleet drawn from Plymouth, Dartmouth, and Bristol . . . 'took forty ships on the coast of the Britains, and burnt as many at Penarch, repaying the Monsieurs in their own coin.' The presence of the Dartmouth contingent so incensed Du Chastel, that he in turn retaliated by a descent upon that town in 1404, but found unexpected resistance. The townsfolk and the country people joined their forces, and ' the women like Amazons, by hurling of flints and pebbles, and such -like artillery, did greatly advance their husbands' and kinsfolks' victory.' Du Chastel and many others were slain; but three lords and twenty knights of note were saved, as many more might have been had not ignorance of the language confounded the cries alike of indignation and pity. The King gave the captors much ' golden coyn ' for their captives. Thus Speed. The destruction of 600 houses in this descent of the Bretons helps us to accept the statement of the Subsidy Eoll touching the populousness of the town in 1377. It shows further that the townsmen had good ground for the plea in their petition for incorporation, that they had been ' nyghtly and dayly spoyled.' Not that they themselves were by any means blameless. We find, in January, 1403, one Henry Don, of Plymouth, summoned to appear before the Privy Council to answer a charge of piracy. Was this the Henry Don whom Owen Glendower called upon to join him ? However some steps had been taken for local as well as national defence. An undated paper in the Eecord Office of about this period sets forth a list of ships and barges in ports in the South and West of England under the Admiralty : — Otymouth, 1 barge ; Exon, 2 ; Teignmouth, 2 ; Brixton (Brixham), 2 ; Dartmouth, 7 ships and barges ; Portlhmouth, 7 ships and barges (not . Portsmouth, which is only down for one barge) ; Yealm, 1 barge ; Plymouth, 10 ships and barges; Saltash, 2 barges; Looe, 1; Fowey, probably a barge ; Lostwithiel, 2 ships and barges ; Falmouth, 2 ships and barges; Padstow, 1 barge; Barnstaple, 6 ships and barges. In 1442 it was decided to have upon the sea continually eight ships from Candlemas to Martinmas, one with another EARLY COMMERCE. 33 150 men each. Every ship was to have a barge and balynger attending her. At Plymouth was to be procured a barge called the Mangeleke in the water of Saltash ; and at Saltash itself a barge called the Slugge barge. Dartmouth had to furnish two ships. Early Commerce. The proceedings and ordinances of the Privy Council during the fifteenth century contain numerous references to Plymouth, which supply some indication of its importance at that period. Thus we find Henry Beaufort, Bishop of Lincoln, with the Earls of Somerset and Worcester, who had been sent to escort the second wife of Henry IV, Joan of Navarre, to England, writing from Plymouth in December, 1402, to say that they had been driven back from the coast of Brittany by stress of weather. Subsequently we find the same bishop, then on his way to the Holy Land, writing from Bruges to the Bishop of Durham, as Lord Chancellor, concerning a grievance of the burgomaster and echevins of that city. Certain goods belonging to them had been seized on board a Genoese carrack at Plymouth, and Beaufort asks that these might be restored, remarking that if they were not, ten times their value would be taken. The port at this time was frequented by vessels of all maritime nations, and of some that were hardly considered maritime until a much later period. Thus we have in 1417 a memorandum to speak to the king about the release of a Prussian ship lying there. Under 1419 there is a most amusing entry. The King has learnt that Thomas ap Eeece, and other merchants of Bristol, have 'taken to the port of Plymouth certain carracks and other vessels charged with good merchandise of Janevois (Genoese) and others our enemies'; and having a fancy for certain of the goods he asks that they may be sold to him, promising that he will most faithfully pay. In 1423 the Mayor of Plymouth, in conjunction with the Mayors of London, Bristol, Hull, Lynn, and Yarmouth, is ordered to proclaim to all persons who may wish to buy certain great ships, that they are for sale at Southampton. The date of this entry, being sixteen years antecedent to the Act of Parliament Incorporation of the town, is one proof among others that there existed a Corporation of some kind before that period. In 1433 we find the 'customers and comptrollers' of D 34 HISTORY OF PLYMOUTH. Plymouth and other ports ordered to appear at Westminster with their accounts. The subsidies on wool were then 3s. a ton, and 12d. in the pound. Customers and comptrollers were not the only representatives of royalty at Plymouth during this period. Henry VI. appointed John Hampton, Esquire, water bailiff of Plymouth in 1434 ; the office, with the rangership of the forest of Kingare, being valued at £5 annually. Entries which shew the prominence of the port in national affairs at length become almost of yearly occurrence. In 1451 'moustres' for Lord Lisle's expedition to Guienne were directed to be made either at Plymouth or Dartmouth. March 28th, 1452, it was ordered that as many ships as possible from Plymouth and other ports should rendezvous at Sandwich before the last day of the ensuing February, which may be regarded as ample notice ; and yet in 1453 the King, intending to despatch a ' great and notable armee ' to France finds himself constrained to write to the ' mayors and customers' of Dartmouth, Plymouth, and Fowey, 'preying heretely that by all the weyes and menes possable unto you, ye on our behalve sture, moeve, trete, and enduce all the oweners and maisters of the shippes and vessailles that belonge unto youre porte to be ready to go.' York and Lancaster. In the Wars of the Roses Plymouth leant somewhat to the Lancastrian side. It was either at Plymouth or at Dart mouth (authorities differ) that the Earl of Warwick, with the Duke of Clarence and the Earls of Pembroke and Oxford, landed in 1470 ; and commenced the revolt which caused the temporary restoration of Henry VI. Proclaiming Henry at Plymouth, they proceeded to London, and caused Edward to fly into Burgundy within eleven days after Warwick had set foot in England. And the claims of Plymouth have been set up against Weymouth, as the port where Margaret of Anjou landed in the following year with her son Edward, and the French auxiliaries annihilated at Tewkesbury. In later years Lancastrian feeling was no doubt stimulated by the adherence of the town's most powerful neighbour, Sir Richard Edgcumbe, to that side, though for the time the Yorkists bore the sway. Carew heard the inhabitants of Cawsand report ' that the Earle of Richmond (afterwards Henry the seuenth), while hee houered vpon the coast, here [Cawsand] by stealth LANDING OF KATHARINE OF ARRAGON. 35 refreshed himselfe ; but being aduertised of streight watch, kept for his surprising at Plymouth, he richly rewarded his hoste, hyed speedily a shipboord, and escaped happily to a better fortune.' The substantial accuracy of this statement is borne out by a royal proclamation directed against Henry in 1483, which sets forth that 'the said Henry callying hymself Erie of Richemond, and Jasper, callying hymself Erie of Pembroke, and their adherents, beying Enemyes to oure said Soveraigne Lord, came falsely and traiterously with a greate Navye and Armye of Straungiers' to Plymouth, 'and there falsly and traiterously to have arrived and destroied our said Soveraigne Lord's most roiall p'sonne, his true subgetts, and this his Reame.' Towards the end of the year 1497 the Warbeckian insurrection excited much commotion in the West. Ply mouth does not appear to have been much concerned, although 'Robert Warweke of Plymouth, yeoman,' subse quently figures in a proclamation as one of the rebels. He was a man of some means, having lands in Plymouth and Exeter worth £5 16s. yearly. Warbeck landed at Whitsand Bay, near the Land's End, not at Whitsand Bay, near Plymouth, as from the identity of name has sometimes wrongly been inferred. There are a few entries concerning this matter in the Receiver's Accounts of the Corporation for 1496-7. Item pd to aman y* was send vnto Exetr when the Captyn was at Exetr to Spy tydyngs . ij" vjd Item delyvryd vnto viij me y' wer send by ye mayer to my lord of devonshyr in Cornewalle to defende pkyn viij8 iiijd They were dressed in 'Grene Jaketts,' which cost 8d. the yard. It is curious to note 'defend' used here in the sense of oppose, which has continued to the present day in France. [So in 1598 money raised to defend the town against Sir Ferdinando Gorges is said to be to 'defend Gorges.'] Landing of Katharine of Arragon. On the 2nd of October, 1501, amidst the heartiest demonstrations of popular rejoicing, Katherine of Arragon, landed at Plymouth Barbican on her way to wed Prince Arthur. 'Had she been the Saviour of the world,' wrote the Licentiate Alcares, she could not have had a more enthusiastic welcome. The voyage had been boisterous and uncomfortable, for the ship was laden with plate and jewels, d 2 36 HISTORY OF PLYMOUTH. and crowded with the members of her household. Immediately on landing she went to church in procession to return thanks for her preservation. She was lodged in the ' goodly house towards the Haven' of a rich merchant named Paynter, which has been traditionally identified with the fine old building of Palace Court, pulled down to give place to the Palace Court Board Schools. Hither flocked, during her stay, all the nobility and gentry of the neighbourhood, to pay her homage, and look upon the veil which covered her features, and which her duenna, Donna Elvira Manuel, persistently kept down. That this did not damp the loyal enthusiasm of the Corporation, the amount of their expenditure shows : Itm pd to Richard Gewe for vj oxen the wich wer psented to my lady prynces . . vju yjs viijd Itm pd to Gelan Mellow Bocher for xx shepe the wich wer psented to my lady princes . . xxxiij8 iiijd Itm pd to Willm Chapyn for iiij shepe that wer psented to my lady princs . . . viij8 viijd Itm pd for ij hogeshedds of Gaston Wyne wich was psented to my lady princs . . . xls Itm pd to Mr. Yogge for a hogshed of clarett wyne psented to my lady princs . . xvj8 viijd Itm pd for a pipe of meskedell psented to my lady pryncs . . . . xlvj8 viijd Itm delyuryd to my lady pryncs ys amner [almoner] to wryte oure supplicacion yn Spaynysch and in latyn and to be owre salucyt' . ... Xs Itm a. Reward to the pryncs ys mylstrells . . ij8 Itm to the Erie ys mylstrells of Spayne . . . xxd Itm to the pryncs ys ij fotemen at his deptyng . . ij8 From Plymouth Katherine rode to London by way of Exeter, being met by Lord Willoughby de Broke, Steward of the Household, and curiously enough High Steward also of Plymouth. Izaacke's note concerning her entertainment in the ever-faithful city is too amusing to be omitted: — ' In the month of October, the Lady Katherine Prince Arthur's Spouse arrived at Plymouth, unto whom forthwith resorted the Gentry of the Country, and conducted her hither, and lodged her in the Dean's House, and had such entertainment as did belong to so honourable a Personage; whilst she remained here the Weather proved stormy, and the Weather cock on St. Marys Steeple, kept such a noise, that the Princess could not sleep, which occasioned the taking down of the said cock, which was erected again on her departure, and shortly thereafter the whole Steeple was taken down.' 38 HISTORY OF PLYMOUTH. The Western Rebellion. Some local references to the Western Rebellion for the restoration of Catholicism will fittingly bring this chapter to a close. There is a note by Carew that during this rising St. Nicholas Island ' yeelded a safe protection to diuers dutyful subiects, who there shrowded themselves,' and it is clear from the statements in the local records that the attack on Plymouth was serious. The entry in the Black Book (1548-9) runs : In this yere was a greatte insurrecyon throughoutte all the Royalme of England and esspecially in the Counties of Devon and Cornwall in wch tyme the Cytee of Excestre and the Castell of Plymothe were valyently defended and kept from the Rebelles vntyll the comyng of the Lord Russel . . . then was our stepell burnt wtlx all the townes evydence in the same by Rebelles. Plymouth followed up its defence by pursuing the attacking force into Cornwall. The following items in the Receiver's Accounts are clear and grim enough. There is no clue to the identity of the unlucky traitor : Itm delyured to henry blase for hym & his companye the viij411 of Aprell when they Rode w* Sir Richard Eggecombe into Cornewall agaynst the Rebells there xxvj" viijd Itm paid for a dowsen of bowestryngs for them . vd Itm pd for a dowsen of faggots & a quart of rede for doyng thexecucyon vpon the Traytor of Cornewall viijd Itm for tymbre for the gallowes . . . xijd Itm for makyng the gallowes & for workynge at the howe xiiijd Itm paid to John Wylstrem for doyng execucyon vpon the Traytr . . vjs Itm to lands man for leadyng the horse when the traytr was drawen to execucon . . . . iiijd Itm for ij pooles to putt the hede & qrtr of the said traytor vpon & for ij Crampys of Ieron for to staye the pole vpon the gyldhall . xd Itm pd for the dyn of the vndershyryff of Cornewall beyng here when the trayter was putto execucyon . v8 Itm paid to John Mathewe for Caryng a quartr of the traytor to Tavystoke . ... xijd Itm paid to Wyllm Byckf ord for wyne at the Receyvyng of the Traytr of Cornewall . . . ' . xvid We also find that some of the town guns were taken to the Maudlyn (North Hill), to repel the assailing force. I CHAPTER IV. 'THE DAYS OF GOOD QUEEN BESS.' The brave old men of Devonshire 1 'T is worth a world to stand As Devon's sons on Devon soil, Though infants of the band, And tell old England to her face, If she is great in fame, 'T was stout old heart of Devon oak That made her glorious name ! — Capern. T was the Plymouth of the days of Elizabeth, Drayton had in mind when he sang — Upon the British coast, what ship yet ever came That not of Plymouth heares ? where those brave Navies he, From Canons' thund'ring throats that all the world defie ? In the latter half of the sixteenth century Devonshire was the foremost county in England ; and Plymouth its foremost town. Even the old Edwardian fame was eclipsed. Elizabeth called the men of Devonshire her right hand, and so far carried her liking for matters Devonian, that one of the earliest passports of Ralegh to her favour was the fact that he talked the broadest dialect of the shire, and never abandoned it for the affected speech current at court. Contemporary writings abound with references to the note of Elizabethan Plymouth. Camden says : ' The town is not very large, but it's name and reputation is very great among all nations ; and this, not so much for the convenience of the harbour as for the valour and worth of the Inhabitants.' x Pole remarks : ' Plymouth from a small town is now one of the greatest.' 2 Carew soars far above the level of his quaint, shrewd, gossiping style, in sounding its praises : ' Here, [says he] mostly, haue the troops of aduenturers, made their Rendez vous for attempting new discoueries or inhabitances : as, Tho. 1 Britannia (Gibson's ed.), i. 34. " Collections. 40 HISTORY OF PLYMOUTH. Stukeleigh for Florida, Sir Humfrey Gilbert for Newfound-land, Sir Rich. Greynuile for Virginia, Sir Martyn Frobisher, and Master Dauies, for the North-west Passage, Sir Walter Raleigh for Guiana, &c. Here Count Mongomery made forth, with a more commendable meaning, then able meanes, or wel- speeding effect for relieving the hard-besieged, and sore- distressed Rochellers. Here, Sir Era. Drake first extended the point of that liquid line wherewith (as an emulator of the Sunnes glorie) he encompassed the world. Here, Master Candish began to second him with a like heroicall spirit, and fortunate successe. Here, Don Antonio, King of Portugal!3 the Earles of Cumberland, Essex, and Nottingham, the Lord Warden of the Stanneries [Ralegh], Sir John Norrice, Sir lohn Hawkins (and who elsewhere, and not here ?) haue euer accustomed to cut sayle, in carrying defiance against the imaginarie new Monarch [the King of Spain] ; and heere to cast anker, vpon their returne with spoyle and honour. I omit the infinite swarme of single ships, and pettie fleetes, dayly heere manned out to the same effect. And here, in eightie eight, the foreremembred Lord Admirall expected and set forth, against that heauen-threatening Armado, which, to bee tainted with the shamefuller disgrace, and to blaze our renoume with the brighter lustre, termed itself Inuincible.' Westcote, when another half-century had passed, declared, 'Whatever show it makes in description, it is far larger in fame, and known to the farthest and the most remote parts of the world. ... In a word, I think it second to no town in England for worth every way ; yea, it is so esteemed of our neighbours the Cornishmen, that they would by few very slender reasons claim it from us as their own.' Adventure and Discovery. Plymouth attained this position by no accidental, no sudden means. From the beginning of the century her seamen had borne their part in the new work of Western adventure and discovery. One at least, Martin Cockrem, sailed with Sebastian Cabot, the discoverer in 1497, with his father, of the mainland of America, and in after years the explorer of the River Plate, whither Cockrem accom- 3 Izaacke's note on the arrival of Don Antonio at Plymouth in 1584 runs : ' In the month of September, Don Anthonio King of Portugal, being driven out of his own Countrey by Philip King of Spain, arrived at Plymouth, and upon St. Michael's Day came to this City [Exeter], who with his retinue (during their abode here) were lodged in this Mayor's house [John Davy], and by him very liberally entertained.' 42 HISTORY OF PLYMOUTH. panied him. And when another Plymouth worthy, old William Hawkins (in the words of Hakluyt, 'a man for his wisdome, value, experience, and skill in sea causes, much esteemed and valued of K. Henry the 8,') became the pioneer of English adventure in the South Seas, and sailed in 1530 in the Paul of Plymouth, on one of his three famous voyages to Brazil, Cockrem went also, and was left in pledge with the natives for the safety of one of the ' savage kings,' whom Hawkins brought back with him to England. Unhappily the poor Brazilian died ere he could return ; but the natives believed in the good faith of the English people, seeing that Hawkins had 'behaved wisely' towards them, and restored Cockrem — the first Englishman who ever dwelt in South America — to his friends. Cockrem outlived his old captain, and was living still, the patriarch of Plymouth seamen, the last link between the old times and the new, long after his old captain's son, Sir John, had proved a worthy inheritor of his father's skill and daring. Advanced by such means, it is no exaggeration to say that, during the reign of Queen Elizabeth, Plymouth was the foremost port in England. The history of the relations of Elizabeth with Spain, and the general history of the town during her reign, are so connected that the one includes the other. If any person desired to see her English worthies, Plymouth was the likeliest place to seek them. All were in some fashion associated with the old town. These were days when men were indifferent whether they fought upon land or water; when the fact that a man was a good general was considered the best of all reasons why he should be a good admiral likewise. ' Per mare, per terram,' was the motto of Elizabeth's ' true-born Englishmen,' and familiar and dear to them was Plymouth — with its narrow streets, its dwarfish quays, its broad waters, and its glorious Hoe. The roll of Plymouth's naval heroes begins with the name of 'Wyllm Hawkyns,' thus set down fifth on the oldest extant list of Plymouth freeman. He was son of John Hawkins,4 of Tavistock, and Joan, daughter of William Amadas, of Tavistock or Launceston. His wife was Joan, daughter of Roger Trelawny. His eldest son was another William Hawkins ; his second Sir John Hawkins, the most renowned of Plymouth worthies. These Hawkinses were a remarkable race. ' Gentlemen ' as Prince 5 quaintly phrases, 4 The occurrence of the name in a rent roll of 1491 appears to show a connection with Plymouth before Tavistock. 6 Worthies of Bevon. ADVENTURE AND DISCOVERY. 43 'of worshipful extraction for several descents,' they were made more worshipful by their deeds. For three generations in succession they were the master spirits of Plymouth in its most illustrious days — its leading merchants, its bravest sailors, serving oft and well in the civic chair and the Commons House of Parliament. For three generations they were in the van of English seamanship, founders of England's commerce in South and West and East, stout in fight, of quenchless spirit in adventure — a family of merchant statesmen and heroes to whom our country affords no parallel. The early voyages of Sir John Hawkins were to the Canary Isles. In October, 1562, he made his first expedition in search of negroes to sell in Hispaniola, and his second in October, 1564. While preparing for a voyage in 1567, at which time he was admiral of the port, an amusing incident occurred, which has found record in the pages of Froude. As the tale is told by his son, Sir Richard, Hawkins simply meant to teach politeness. A Spanish vessel entered Plymouth waters without lowering her flag or striking her topsails, and Hawkins gently reminded her captain of his want of courtesy by sending a cannon ball crashing through his galleon's sides. The other side of the story may seem more to the purpose. The ship had entered Cattewater with a number of Low- Country prisoners on board. Hawkins 'imagined' she came with bad intentions, fired upon her, and in the subsequent tumult the prisoners got free. Another ship was boarded and prisoners released, and a third driven away and lost. Of course the Spanish ambassador complained; equally of course Elizabeth asked Hawkins what he meant by such proceedings ; and Hawkins in turn was mightily astonished she should be displeased at the protection of the honour of her realm. If we are to believe all that the Spanish ambassadors had to say of Plymouth in the early part of the reign of Elizabeth,' the port certainly had a very doubtful character. That Hawkins fired upon the Spaniard was a small matter. For nearly a century later even English vessels entering Cattewater were fired at from the fort if they did not salute ; but in 1631 this was forbidden, on the plea that the ships .themselves were floating forts of the king. William Hawkins, John's brother, had a vessel under the commission of the Prince of Conde, one of a fleet of Huguenot craft which made Plymouth their head-quarters, and" scoured the Channel in search of Catholic ships. It 44 HISTORY OF PLYMOUTH. must be noted too that the Hawkinses had a private grievance against France, since in 1556 the Peter of Plymouth, belonging to them, had been taken by the French before war was proclaimed. The ships captured by the Huguenot cruisers were carried into Plymouth, and the spoil divided. Flemish ships frequently met a like fate. In 1569, a French ship commanded by M. de Bordela, plundered two hulks in the sight of the whole town. Flemish ships were treated as Spanish; but neither French nor English cruisers were particular. So Francesco Diaz, captain of a Spanish treasure- ship, found when he visited. Plymouth in 1568. William Hawkins was mayor, and chief purchaser of the spoil as it was brought in. He searched the Spanish and Flemish vessels in the port, seized sixty-four chests of silver which Diaz had, and placed them in the Guildhall — of course for safety. All that the Spanish ambassador could do was to protest, and that right, at least, was never denied him. Sir John's voyage of 1567 was the 'most important ex pedition that had ever been made by the English nation beyond the coasts of Europe. ... It was the first occasion on which English keels furrowed that hitherto unknown sea, the Bay of Mexico.' Of this voyage, the turning-point in Hawkins's career, we have a brief narrative from his own pen. He left Plymouth, October 2nd, 1567, with a fleet of six ships — the Jesus of Lubeck, Mynion, William and John, Judith, Angel, and Swallow. The Jesus and the Mynion were 'the Queenes Maiesties,' the other four were Hawkins's private venture; and the Judith is memorable from the fact that she was commanded by Francis Drake. The expedition ended in disaster. Treacherously assailed in the port of San Juan de Ulloa, Hawkins lost all his vessels save the Mynion and the Judith, and brought back but a hundred of his men. When his brother William heard of the disaster he begged Elizabeth to allow him. to make reprisals on his own account; and when John returned it may fairly be said that Plymouth declared war against Spain. Hawkins and Drake thereafter never missed a chance of making good their losses. The treachery of San Juan de Ulloa was the moving cause of the series of harassments which culminated in the destruction of the Armada. For every English life then lost, for every pound of English treasure then taken, Spain paid a hundred and and a thousandfold. John Hawkins led the way with one of the boldest acts of Machiavellian statesmanship on record. ADVENTURE AND DISCOVERY. 45 The plaint, blunt sailor set his wits against those of King Philip and all his Court, and bent them to his will like puppets. With the full knowledge of Burghley, he pretended treachery ; obtained the release of his captured seamen ; pardon and titles for himself ; and what was of more account, a large sum of money, which was immediately laid out in works of defence. In 1573 Hawkins was chosen by the Queen ' as the fittest person in her dominions to manage her naval affairs'; and for twenty-one years he ' toiled terribly ' as Treasurer of the Queen's Marine Causes and Comptroller of the Navy. It was he who prepared the Royal fleet which set forth against the Armada. Faithful in the least, as well as in the greatest, ' when the moment of trial came he sent her ships to sea in such a condition — hull, rigging, spars, and running rope — that they had no match in the world.'6 The royai vessels that sailed out of Plymouth Sound to beat the Armada were perfectly equipped to the minutest detail, though Hawkins bitterly felt the straits to which he had been put. Sir John died in November, 1595, whilst employed in the joint expedition with Drake to the West Indies, which cost England the lives of both these great captains. His sickness began upon the news of the taking of one of the vessels, called the Francis ; and Drake's, as we shall see, was caused in a similar manner. Sir John Hawkins's elder brother William, the patriarch of the port, was Mayor of the Armada year ; and in February preceding the attempted invasion directed the preparations at Plymouth, where several great ships were made ready for sea. The work was ' very chargeable, being carried on by torchlights and cressets in the midst of a gale of wind.' Next to Sir John, however, the most prominent member of the Hawkins family was his son Sir Richard, the ' complete seaman,' who in 1593 sailed from Plymouth with five ships on his memorable expedition to the South Seas, which, after his rediscovery of the Falkland Isles — Hawkins's Maiden Land, ended in his capture by the Spaniards. From various causes the fleet was reduced to the single vessel, the Dainty, which he himself commanded. Manned by seventy-five men only, she was assailed by eight Spanish vessels with crews of 1300. Nevertheless this worthy son of a worthy sire kept up the fight three days, and did not surrender until he had himself been wounded six times, and then upon good terms, which the Spaniards broke by sending their prisoners to 6 Fboude, History of England. 46 HISTORY OF PLYMOUTH. Spain. Hawkins remained in captivity several years, being ironed when he attempted to escape, and is one of several Englishmen wrongly credited with being the hero of the Would you know a Spanish lady, How she wooed an Englishman. Sir John in terse nervous English penned an account of his disastrous voyage to San Juan de Ulloa; and we are indebted to Sir Richard's Narrative of his Voyage to the South Seas for a few graphic descriptive touches of the manners and customs of Plymouth sailors in the olden time. Before he could start on this expedition he and his friends the justices had to spend two days in hunting up his crew in lodgings, taverns, and other houses. When he left, the most part of the inhabitants ' were gathered together upon the Howe to show their grateful corres pondency to the loue and zeal which I, my Father, and Predecessors, have ever borne to that place as to our naturall and mother Towne; and first with my noyse of Trumpets, after with my waytes, and then with my other Musicke; and lastly with the Artillery of my Shippes, I made the best signification I could of a kinde farewell. This they answered with the waytes of the Towne, and the Ordinance on the shore, and with shouting of voyces: which with the fayre evening and silence of the night were heard a great distance off.' A third William Hawkins, son of William the Armada Mayor, and cousin of Sir Eichard, did yeoman service for England in the East. As his grandfather established English trade with the South Seas, and his uncle pioneered the way into the Bay of Mexico, so he laid the foundation of our Indian empire. Sailing in 1607 to the- East Indies in command of the Hector, in the third East India Company's voyage, in company with Capt. Keeling, in the Dragon, he established a trading house or factory at Surat, and went on to Agra as ambassador, attended by one Englishman — Nicholas Ufflett — and a boy. Here he won favour with the Great Mogul, the Emperor Jehangir, and at his desire married the daughter of 'Mabarique Sha,' a Christian Armenian. Then we have Drake, a Plyniouthian by adoption, though not like the Hawkinses by birth, whom Camden calls ' with out dispute the greatest captain of the age;' and who is unquestionably the central figure of the sea life of these times. A kinsman of Hawkins, he was associated with ADVENTURE AND DISCOVERY. 47 him in several daring enterprises. There were many giants in these days, but Drake with his bullet head, his dogged determination, his unflinching pluck, was held the typical Englishman of the age. Beloved at home, he was terrible abroad ; and many a legend obtained ready credence among the Spaniards — and for that matter the English also — concerning his magical powers.'7 Camden says of Drake that he, ' first, to repair the losses he had suffer'd from the Spaniards, . . . did as it were block up the Bay of Mexico for two years together, with continual defeats; and travell'd over the Straits of Darien ; whence having descry'd the South-Sea, ... it made such impression on his mind, that like Themistocles inflam'd with the trophies of Miltiades, he thought he should be wanting to himself, his country, and his own glory, if he did not complete the discovery.' Drake was brought to the sea under Hawkins ; and accompanied him on the voyage of 1567, which ended so disastrously, Drake losing all he had. His first separate expedition against his natural enemies the Spaniards was in 1572, in May of which year he set out, with the Pascha of 70 tons, and the Swan of 25, commanded by his brother John, the joint crews numbering 73 men, on his memorable expedition to Nombre de Dios. He returned on Sunday, the 9th of August, in the following year. The inhabitants were engaged in worship at St. Andrew Church; but when the news of Drake's arrival reached them, straightway the congregation swarmed out to the Hoe to welcome their hero home. Four years later Drake started on his famous voyage of circumnavigation. His little fleet consisted of the Pelican (afterwards the Golden Hind) 120 tons, Elizabeth 80, Swan 50, Marygold 30, and Christopher 15 ; the crews mustering 164 men, all told.8 He sailed on the 15th of November, 1577, giving out that he was proceeding on a voyage to Alexandria; but was compelled to put back, and did not take his final 7 Thus it is said that he brought the leat into Plymouth by pronouncing certain magical words over a Dartmoor spring, which caused it to follow the heels of his horse back to the town. There are likewise traditions that he made fire ships to destroy the Armada, by throwing chips of wood into the water; and that to prevent his wife's marrying in his absence, thinking him dead, he fired a cannon ball through the world which came up between her and her intended at the- altar. 8 One of the most notable features of the English maritime expeditions of those days is the smallness of the vessels. Hawkins, Drake, and their fellows go voyages of discovery to the other hemisphere, and fight battles too, in craft which a modern trawler would despise. 48 HISTORY OF PLYMOUTH. departure until the 13th of December following. Nearly three years elapsed before he returned. Disaster and disaffection had broken up the little fleet, but he persevered, and on the 26th of September, 1580, brought the Pelican safely back to Plymouth again; the first English captain and the first English ship that had ploughed a furrow round the world. Great was the rejoicing. Plymouth turned out, headed by the Mayor and Corporation, to greet the dauntless sailor ; the bells of St. Andrew rang merry peals the livelong day ; and from far and near Devonshire men flocked to the town to welcome and honour their brave brother. The Pelican was crammed with treasure. Drake was allowed by the Queen an opportunity of helping himself; after which there remained on board, besides gold and plate, twenty tons of silver. The thenceforward historic bark was taken round to Deptford, and on the following April Drake had the honour of entertaining the Queen on board; when she, with that rare appreciation of merit which she possessed, conferred upon him the highest honour in her power to bestow, that of knighthood. The Queen knew the value of these expeditions as well as any one in her dominions. It was her custom to make much of her seamen. Thus when Frobisher left the Thames on one of his expeditions, she bade him farewell, ' shaking her hand at us out of the window.' In 1585, Drake with a fleet of twenty-five sail, made another expedition to the West Indies. His next exploit, performed in 1587, was what he jocularly called ' singeing the King of Spain's beard.' With his fleet he so ravaged the coast of Spain as to delay the sailing of the Armada for a year. In the account of this voyage the English are said to have satisfied themselves that the ' carracks were no such bugs, but they might be taken,' and that four ships 'made no account of twenty gallies.' In August, 1595, Drake and Hawkins sailed together from the port to which they were never to return, with a fleet of twenty-seven vessels. Two months after Hawkins died {i.e., January, 1596) Drake died also, chagrin at the failure of an attack upon Panama producing his illness. ' He used some speeches a little before his death, rising and apparelling himself.' Drake was a man of such activities, that when at home he could not remain idle. He became Mayor of Plymouth, and like Hawkins represented the town in Parliament. Moreover he was a capable man of business. The esteem in which he ADVENTURE AND DISCOVERY. 49 was held by his contemporaries, and especially by fellow West-Countrymen, seems to have been unbounded. Witness the lines inscribed beneath his portrait in the Plymouth Guildhall: Sir Drake whom well the world's end knew, Which thou didst compasse rounde, And whom both poles of Heaven ons saw, Which North and South doe bound : The starrs above will make thee knowne, If men here silent were ; The Sunn himself cannot forgett His fellow Traveller ! Great Drake, whose shippe about the worlde's wide waste In three years did a golden girdle cast. Who with fresh streams refresht this Towne that first, Though kist with waters, yet did pine for thirst. Who both a. Pilote and a Magistrate Steered in his turne the Shippe of Plymouthe's state ; This little table shewes his face whose worth The worlde's wide table hardly can sett forth. Prince describes Drake as low in stature, but set and strong grown, a very religious man toward God and His houses generally, sparing churches wherever he came, chaste in his life, just in his dealings, true to his word. Only second to Drake and Hawkins as a seaman was Ealegh, the finished courtier, statesman, philosopher, and soldier, the very epitome of the spirit of the age, fated to be led away to the death to which the pedant tyrant James had doomed him, from the town which he had so often visited, and rarely without advantage to his country and credit to himself. Then Grenville the undaunted, the Bayard of his country and generation; the brothers Gilbert, with their manly piety and grand projects; Candish, the daring circumnavigator, who seems to have had local connections, from the frequent occurrence of this unusual form of the name in the South Hams in the sixteenth century; the unfortunate Oxenham, a Plymouth freeman, who made the marvellous overland march from Nombre de Dios to Panama, but lost both life and treasure by the wrangling of his company; 'loveable John Davis'; Frobisher, who ended his adventurous life at Plymouth in 1594, and part of whose remains were buried in St. Andrew Church ; Fenner ; and many another man of mark in these stirring times — all knew and loved Plymouth. Such were the leaders, but we go deeper still. Hosts of unrecorded heroes made up the maritime population 50 HISTORY OF PLYMOUTH. of the western ports in these days, and heartily followed where the others led. A Drake, a Hawkins, a Gilbert, a Grenville, never looked in vain to Plymouth, or Dartmouth, or Bideford, for a crew. The twin spirit — love of adventure, hatred of the Spaniard— pervaded the whole community. There is a statement that Philip of Spain, husband of Mary, once landed at Plymouth, and was entertained by the Corporation at a cost of £300. But the records are silent on this, and their silence is conclusive. In all likelihood the tradition originated in an incident recorded under 1505-6. Itm pd to the purcevant for hryngyng of the kyngs lettr when the Kyng of Castell landed here . ij8 This would presumably be Philip the Fair, who married Joanna, daughter of Ferdinand and Isabella, and who, after the death of the latter, succeeded in right of his wife. Probably he put in on his way from the Netherlands to Spain. The Defeat of the Armada. Passing by for the time the records of discovery and settlement in the far West, we come to the defeat of the Armada, the most memorable event associated with the history of Plymouth. Every one is familiar with Macaulay's ringing fragment. Plymouth strikes the keynote. It was about the glorious close of a warm summer's day, There came a gallant merchant ship full sail to Plymouth Bay ; Her crew had seen Castile's black fleet, beyond Aurigny's Isle, At earliest twilight on the wave he heaving many a mile. At sunrise she escaped their van, by God's especial grace, And the tall Pinta till the noon had held her close in chase. Forthwith a guard at every gun was placed along the wall ; The beacon blazed upon the roof of Edgcumbe's lofty hall ; Many a light fishing bark put out to pry along the coast ; And with loose rein and bloody spur rode inland many a post. With his white hair unbonnetted the stout old sheriff comes : Behind him march the halberdiers, before him sound the drums. His yeomen round the market cross make clear an ample space, For there behoves him to set up the standard of her Grace. And merrily the trumpets sound, and gaily dance the bells, As slow upon the labouring wind the royal blazon swells. Look 1 how the lion of the sea lifts up his ancient crown, And underneath his deadly paw turns the gay lilies down. So glared he when at Azincour in wrath he turned to bay, And crushed and torn beneath his feet the princely hunters lay ; So stalked he when he turned to flight on that famed Picard field Bohemia's plume, Genoa's bow, and Csesar's eagle shield. THE DEFEAT OF THE ARMADA. 51 The Armada consisted of 129 ships, most of them of great size (the total tonnage being 60,000 tons), carrying 3165 guns, and manned by 32,000 soldiers, sailors, and volunteers. A return by Sir John Hawkins, preserved among the Harleian MSS. in the British Museum, places the total number of the English fleet, including victuallers, at 190 ships, of 31,985 tons, and manned by 15,272 men. Of these the vessels of 'Her Majesty' numbered 34, of 12,190 tons, manned by 6,225 men. The largest ship was of 1100 tons, and was commanded by Frobisher. Hawkins had the Victory, of 800 tons ; Drake the Revenge, of 500. The Plymouth contingent was seven ships and a fly-boat. Hawkins writes that the charge 'of the army prepared against the Spaniard from the beginning of November, 1587, to the last of September, 1588, above the charges borne by the port townes throughout the realme, the victual excepted,' was £35,100.9 The English fleet was under the command of Lord Howard of Effingham as admiral, with Drake and Hawkins as vice and rear admirals, whilst all the famous seamen of the time held commands ; and there they lay in Cattewater, ' a paltry squadron enough in modern eyes, the largest of them not equal in size to a six and thirty gun frigate,'1 waiting the approach of the most stupendous force then known. The news that the Armada was off the coast was brought about four o'clock on the afternoon of the 19th July, but the fleet itself did not appear in sight of Plymouth until noon of the following day. The English had almost given up expecting the Spaniards, and consequently were somewhat unready. Tradition has recorded that tidings of the approach of the enemy came to the captains whilst they were playing bowls on the Hoe. In language that makes the actors in the great drama live and move before us Canon Kingsley, though drawing largely on imagination for some of his portraiture, has described the scene : In the little terrace howling green behind the Pelican Inn, on the afternoon of the 19th of July, chatting in groups or lounging on the sea wall, which commanded a view of the Sound and of the shipping far below, were gathered almost every notable man of the Plymouth fleet, the whole posse comitatus of England's forgotten worthies See those five talking 9 Out of 10,000 'able men' in Devon 6200 were armed and 3660 trained ; out of 7766 ' able men ' in Cornwall 3600 were armed and 1500 trained. 1 There was a dock in Sutton Pool on the site of what is now Smart's Quay ; and there is a record that the Boebuck, one of these vessels, was taken there subsequently to be ' amended.' E 2 52 HISTORY OF PLYMOUTH. earnestly in the centre of a ring, whom every one longs to overhear, and yet is too respectful to approach close. The soft long eyes and pointed chin you recognise already; they are Walter Ralegh's. The fair young man in the flame-coloured doublet, whose arm is round Ralegh's neck, is Lord Sheffield; opposite them stands by the side of Sir Richard Grenville, a man as stately even as he, Lord Sheffield's uncle, the Lord Charles Howard of Effingham, Lord High Admiral of England ; next to him is his son-in-law, Sir Robert Southwell, captain of the Elizabeth Jonas: hut who is that short, sturdy, plainly dressed man, who stands with legs a little apart, and hands behind his back, looking up with keen grey eyes into the face of each speaker ? His cap is in his hand, so you can see the bullet head of crisp brown hair and the wrinkled forehead, as well as the high cheek bones, the short square face, the broad temples, the thick lips, which are yet firm as granite. A coarse plebeian stamp of man : yet the whole figure and attitude are that of boundless determination, self-possession, energy ; and when at last he speaks a few blunt words, all eyes are turned respectfully upon him; for his name is Francis Drake. A burly grizzled elder, in greasy sea-stained garments, contrasting oddly with the huge gold chain about his neck, waddles up, as if he had been born, and had lived ever since, in a gale of wind at sea. The upper part of his sharp dogged visage seems of brick -red leather, the lower of badger's fur ; and as he claps Drake on the back, and with a broad Devon twang shouts, 'Be you a coming to drink your wine, Francis Drake, or he you not?' — saving your presence, my lord,' the Lord High Admiral only laughs and bids Drake go and drink his wine ; for John Hawkins, admiral of the port, is the patriarch of Plymouth seamen if Drake be their hero, and says and does pretty much what he likes in any company on earth ; not to mention that to-day's prospect of an Armageddon fight has shaken him altogether out of his usual crabbed reserve, and made him overflow with loquacious good humour even to his rival Drake. So they push through the crowd, wherein is many another man whom one would gladly have spoken with face to face on earth. Martin Frobisher and John Davis are sitting on that bench, smoking tobacco from long silver pipes ; and by them are Eenton and Withrington, who have both tried to follow Drake's path round the world, and failed, though by no fault of their own. The man who pledges them better luck next time is George Fenner, known to the 'seven Portugals,' Leicester's pet, and captain of the galleon which Elizabeth bought of him. That short prim man in the huge yellow ruff, with sharp chin, minute imperial, and self-satisfied smile, is Richard Hawkins, the 'complete seaman,' Admiral John's hereafter famous and hapless son. The elder who is talking with him is his good uncle William, whose monument still stands, or should stand, in THE DEFEAT OF THE ARMADA. 53 Deptford Church ; for Admiral John set it up there but one year after this time, and on it recorded how he was ' a worshipper of the true religion, an especial benefactor of poor sailors, a most just arbitrator in most difficult causes, and of a singular faith, piety, and prudence.' That and the fact that he got creditably through some sharp work at Porto Rico is all I know of William Hawkins ; but if you or I, reader, can have as much, or half as much, said of us when we have to follow him, we shall have no reason to complain. There is John Drake, Sir Francis's brother, ancestor of the present stock of Drakes ; and there is George his nephew, a man not over wise, who has been round the world with Amyas ; and there is Amyas himself, talking to one who answers him with fierce curt sentences — Captain Barker, of Bristol. And so our Devonshire prose epic goes on to recount how the news of the approach of the Armada was brought by Captain Fleming, and how it was received by Drake and Hawkins, and the rest. The game of bowls was played out the Spaniards notwithstanding, and tradition has assigned to Drake the pithy sentence, ' There is time enough to play the game out first, and thrash the Spaniards afterwards.' The circumstances under which the Armada was destroyed belong to the general history of the country, and need not be recited here. To one point, however, reference must be made. The only man of note among the English who fell, one Captain Cocke, or Cock, Fuller's ' cock of the game,' was a native of Plymouth. He was a volunteer, had fitted out a ship on his own account, and having taken a Spanish vessel died in the moment of victory. In commemoration of the defeat of the Armada, it was the custom for the bells of St. Andrew to ring a merry peal annually on the Saturday night preceding the 25th of July. On the Sunday the Corporation used to walk to church in state. For more than two hundred years the anniversary was thus celebrated in Plymouth. It was reserved for the nineteenth century to put an end to this interesting practice. On the other hand there has been recent compensation in the erection of a fine statue of Sir Francis Drake on the Hoe ; and the provision of a memorial in connection with a celebration of the tercentenary of the Armada. The statue, a noble figure in bronze by Boehm, a replica of that given by the Duke of Bedford to Tavistock, was erected by subscription, and inaugurated in the presence of an immense gathering (February 14th, 1884) by Lady Fuller Drake, wife of Sir Francis Fuller Drake, a representative in the 54 HISTORY OF PLYMOUTH. female line of Drake's brother Thomas. The features are idealised. The foundation stone of the Armada Memorial was laid on July 19th, 1888, by the Mayor, Mr. H. J. Waring, that day being taken as the anniversary of the first sighting of the Armada from the Hoe, which did not occur, however, as already noted, until the 20th. Excursion trains were run and enormous crowds were present at the ceremony, and the occasion was made a public holiday, with a banquet in the Guildhall. The Memorial was in augurated by the Duke of Edinburgh October 21st, 1890, with full civic pomp and imposing naval and military demonstration and ceremonial. Mr. W. H. K Wright was the originator and energetic secretary of both movements. Another memorial of these stirring days is the fine historical picture by Seymour Lucas of 'The Game of Bowls'; itself in Australia, but familiar by its frequent reproductions. The bowling story rests wholly on tradition, though old tradition; and while there is no reason to doubt the event itself, there is strong ground for believing that the Bowling Green, while near the Hoe, could not have been upon it. Fleming, who reported the advent of the Armada, seems to have been subsequently employed in the port. In 1591 the Dolphin, of Plymouth, commanded by one of that name, carried despatches to Howard at the Azores, at a cost of £200 12s. He impressed a pinnace laden for Eochelle, and in twenty-four hours unladed and fitted her out. Statue of Sib Francis Drake. PLYMOUTH THE ELIZABETHAN RENDEZVOUS. 55 Plymouth the Elizabethan Rendezvous. During the whole of Elizabeth's reign Plymouth continued the rendezvous of the various expeditions sent out against the Spaniard. It had been the resort of the ships of the Royal Navy throughout the century. A list of 1513 contains the names of the Trinity of Plymouth, of 50 tons and 183 men ; and the Jamys of Saltash, 80 tons and 122 men, John Cornwallis captain. The Mary Holway, the property of William Holway of Plymouth, serving against the French in 1564, was no doubt one of these semi-piratical ventures which made Plymouth so hated abroad. The next important event to the defeat of the Armada was the sailing of the expedition under Drake and Norris, to place Don Antonio on the throne of Portugal. Don Antonio is said to have visited Mount Edgcumbe in 1580, but the records there only refer to the visit of Diego Botelho, his ' Councillor of State and Chancellor of the Exchequer.' As a result, Piers Edgcumbe — described in the papers as ' Caualeiro Execom ' — fitted out a squadron of ten ships in 1582, under letters of marque from Antonio, the fate of which is unknown. Antonio, we are told, again visited Plymouth in 1583 and 1584. The Corporation books do not mention him ; but £4 is charged in 1581 for entertaining Botelho; so that if Antonio also had visited Plymouth some record might have been expected. The expedition of Drake and Norris did considerable damage to the enemy, but could not take Lisbon. Half of the 20,000 volunteers who manned it perished by sickness, famine, fatigue, or the sword. Then in June, 1595, was despatched the memorable expedition against Cadiz, of which Howard and Essex were the chief commanders. So many knights were made at Cadiz that the plentiful crop gave rise to the stanza — A gentleman of Wales, a knight of Cales, And a laird of the North countree ; But a yeoman of Kent with his yearly rent, Could buy them out all three. The last of the knights of Cales, Sir Robert Dudley, was knighted in the streets of Plymouth, as the Lords-General 'came from the sermon.' And we find from the Town Records that Captain Parker had 'a shippe y* serued the towne in the Cales action.' These Records contain frequent references under the head 56 . HISTORY OF PLYMOUTH. of expenditure to the great men and events of these days. Thus we may cite : 1570-71 Itm payd for a bote & men to cary the procla mation abord the prince of Orenge is shippes . . iij8 As already seen, Plymouth was a great resort for Con tinental Protestant privateers ; and there are many allusions to the visits of those of the Huguenots, or, as they are often called, ' Rochellers,' and the Dunkirkers. This proclamation was the order of Elizabeth prohibiting the supply of the Dutch patriots with meat, bread, or beer. 1582-3 Itm pd for wyne gewen to the prince of Cundie [Conde] . . . . . vB xd Itm pd to the drumer to call the prince of Cundies company aborde . . ... xviijd Itm pd for the hire of a bote wch was sente to Cawson the xxviijth of Auguste to knowe what the shippe was there ij8 Itm pd for victualls for the Bote wch was sente over into Brittaine for the discoverie of the Spaunishe Fleete xxv8 idob 1586-7 Itm pd to certaine Laborers working at the diche sente thither when the Brut [bruit = rumour] was of ye Spanniards . . . . viij8 xid The entries in the Armada year are not so numerous as might be looked for, and no doubt there was a separate account which has not been preserved ; as with some other matters. We find : Itm pd to Rohte Scarlette for goinge oute to discover the Spaynish Fleet . . . . . yj8 Itm pd to John Gibbons and Henry Woode for watching at Rame hedd iiij daies when the Spaynyerds were vppon the Coaste . . . . . x8 Itm pd to Philipp Boyes in Consideracon of certayne Treasure Trove . . . ... xxl; Beyond this we have only some which refer to the ship and pinnace found for the fleet by the town and district, towards which Sir John Hawkins gave £20, while letters were written to the justices touching ' monie wch we should receue for fetting out of a shipp against the Spaniards.' Itm paied to George Sterling for riding to Mr. Champnon [Champernowne] of Modberie wth Sir Fraunces Drake his Ire for staieng of the monies wch hath ben gathered of Armenton hendred for fitting out of the Shippe . xviijd Itm to John Jope bestowed upon the shipp and the Pynnace that Srved vnder the Lo : admiral! . . iiiju THE REVERSE OF THE PICTURE. 57 1588-9 Itm paied to Edward Hill for rowing up to Howe to adurtise the Lo : Chamberlen of the Spaniard that Cam into Bigberie Baie . . . . ijs 1589-90 Itm pd for Charges of Spanyardes brought in by the Rawe Bucke & Gallion dudeley for theire dyett & sendinge theym & for theire guyde . . . xxiiij" This last entry does not seem to agree with a statement that a number of Spanish prisoners were kept at Plymouth a year and a half, until ransomed. There are numerous ' items ' of feasting and entertainments of various kinds to ' Sir Richard Grayneville,' Sir Humphry Gilbert, the Earl of Bedford, Sir Walter Ralegh, ' my lord admirall,' and others; while gifts were made and salutes fired, e.g. : Itm pd to Mr. Ric Hawkins for a Silver Cuppe wch was geiven to the Lo Warden . ... xijh Itm pd for iiiju of powder spente at the cominge in of Sr Fraunces Drake . . . iiij8 yjd Itm pd for 4 pounde of powder to shoutte of the pieces in the Church yarde . . ... iiij8 Itm pd for 18 pound of powder that charged the 4 pieces of ordyn'mce in the Castell at the landinge of Earle of Essex ... ... xviij8 Some of the humours of the times are indicated in the current phrase, ' a Plymouth cloak,' for a cudgel. The Reverse of the Picture. All this gives us the heroic side of Elizabethan Plymouth. But there was a reverse to the picture. The town was ill fortified; and the inhabitants had to see to their own defence. Until the fort was built on the 'hawclifts' — the old bulwarks being ' methodized into a fortification regular ' in 1591-2 — there was really nothing in the shape of a military garrison. When the Queen contributed, moreover, she exercised authority in the appointment of a captain of ' the fort and island,' and these officials were not always on the best of terms with ' the Mayor and his brethren.' The town lay so open to the enemy (though Sir Francis Drake and the Mayor drew the long bow a little when they told Elizabeth in 1590 that it was 'not defended by any fort or rampier'); it was the natural object of so much Spanish animosity ; and the almost constant absence of so many of its stoutest sons at sea so weakened its personal means of defence ;— that, when its ' captains ' were away, there ruled a 58 HISTORY OF PLYMOUTH. chronic state of alarm, by no means unreasonable. In 1586 it was found needful to fine the inhabitants who did not do their duty or provide efficient substitutes for the day or night watch ; and in the following year exceedingly stringent measures were taken. The Corporation ordered that all who, on any attack being offered by the enemy, should absent themselves or any way withdraw themselves out of the town, against their duty and allegiance, should forfeit all their goods and chattels within the liberty, be utterly dis franchised, never restored, and never allowed again to dwell therein. Plymouth folk indeed were not all heroes, even in Armada days ; and rumour had full sway in the concluding years of the sixteenth century. Spies -were thought to be everywhere. In July, 1591, Weston wrote to Francis Bacon that ten seminary priests and Jesuits had been landed in a creek near Plymouth by a London merchant, who had received £60. In February, 1593, John Sparke wrote the Privy Council that many of the inhabitants were leaving, because they had heard the Spaniards intended to burn the town in the summer. Naturally this alarm was held to be justified in July, 1595, by the petty invasion at Mousehole, which resulted in the Spaniards occupying Penzance, and in help being sought from Plymouth, where Drake and Hawkins then lay with their fleet bound to the West Indies. By the time the English vessels had reached the Lizard the four Spanish galleys were clear away. In the following March fears were again aroused by the daring of a Spanish pinnace with 25 men, which came into Cawsand Bay, landed some of the crew, and set on fire five houses and two boats. A force arriving the fire was quenched, and at the discharge of the first musket the invaders fled, leaving behind them a 'bridge barrel,' which was sent to London. We trace the effects on the minds of the Plymothians in the following entries of expenditure for this year : Itm to John Drummer for warninge all the Inhabitaunts to be in aredynes w'h their armor . . . yjd Afterwards they were ordered to ' muster on the hawe.' Itm pd him [Edwards] for calling w*h his bell all saylors before the presse master . ... iijd Itm pd for erectinge of the barracathes and for other Chargs layed out aboute the same . . clxxij11 vjs ijd THE REVERSE OF THE PICTURE. 59 Some of the ' btKracathes ' were put up at Batten by Sir E. Champernowne. \ In 1597 hearsay, became circumstantial. Traitors at Plymouth had sold it to the Spaniards for £50,000. Eight thousand men were to be disembarked from long boats to the westward of Plymouth at peep-of-day, and a diversion to be effected at Falmouth. Hence pinnaces were frequently sent out to ' spy tidings.' In the spring of 1599 a Spanish squadron captured vessels in Plymouth Sound itself — fishing boats, and a small craft belonging to Edward Cock. Whether any of the prisoners then made entered the Spanish service is not stated ; but one Thomas Griffin, of Plymouth, had done so a little earlier. On the 25th of June, 1599, came a terrible scare. Edward Doddington, captain of the fort in the absence of Sir Ferdi- nando Gorges, sent off an express to London (which got there on the 27th) that the Spaniards had come. He endorsed his letter, ' For her Majesty's special use ; haste post haste for life ; haste haste, post haste for life.' That night three companies of the townsfolk kept under arms on the Hoe, one in the town ; and Doddington complained that they would not go into the fort. The Mayor retorted that they knew better. If they had gone into the fort they would not have been allowed out ; they were not going to abandon the defence of their houses and property; and the best of them would leave the town if it were sought to put them under military command in any such way. The ' Spaniards ' turned out to be a fleet of friendly Flemings ! But this was only one alarm of many ; and gates and barricades were again put up at the cost of the inhabitants, who were then greatly encouraged by the presence of 4000 men and some horse, commanded by the Earl of Bath. The Black Book quaintly notes that these remained ' about three weeks and were well lodged and entertayned to the great comforte and encourage ment of the Towne and country, who yf itt pleased God that the enemye shoulde come were then readie and willinge to fighte.' The appearance of a strange fleet in July, 1601, aroused fresh fears; and this time it was one Captain Gilbert who complained that the Mayor and burgesses would not obey his orders. They put themselves in arms without his directions, and 'would not go into the fort.' They would defend the town voluntarily, but in their own way. ' What ever I bid to be done, they will do nothing till they have called a council ! ' 60 HISTORY OF PLYMOUTH. Twenty-two chests of bulls and pardon were burnt this year, but it is not said whence they carae. Itm pd for calling in the Popes pdons and for making a tier to burn them . . . . . v We glean many interesting glimpses of the manners and customs of seafaring Englishmen in these days. Sailors have ever been less amenable to strict discipline than soldiers; and three hundred years ago they were just as fond of bolting from their vessels and going ' on the spree ' as since. In one case we find 2s. 6d. paid for ' hue and crie made after Sr Fraunces Drake's musitions.' Sometimes the reins of discipline were held with a very tight hand. While the expedition to Cadiz was in preparation two offenders were executed at the local Tyburn, which has been the scene of many such events — 'a little without the toune, in a very fayre pleasant greene called the Ho'— one for mutiny, the other for running away from his colours. William Meade and Mychell Fenton were executed there in May, 1596. A Dutchman who killed a comrade under the influence of drink was tied to the dead body and thrown overboard; and a lieutenant was, ' by sound of drumme, disgraced in all the streets.' Plymouth Expeditions under the Tudors. This chapter may fittingly be concluded with a list of the chief voyages from Plymouth under the Tudors. 1528 (!). First voyage of William Hawkins the elder to the South Seas, in the Paul of Plymouth. 1530. Second voyage of William Hawkins the elder. 1532. Third voyage of William Hawkins the elder. 1562 (October). First voyage of John Hawkins to the West Indies, in the Solomon, 120 tons ; Swallow, 100 ; Jonas, 40 — the crews numbering 100 men. 1564. Thomas Stukeley sailed on his pretended voyage to Florida. 1564. John Hawkins sailed, 18th October, on his second Guinea and West Indian voyage, with the Jesus of Lubeck, 700 tons; Solomon, 140; Tiger, 50; Swallow, 30. 1566. Third West Indian voyage of Sir John Hawkins, of which no detailed record exists. 1567. Fourth voyage of Sir John Hawkins to the West Indies, sailing, October 2nd, with the Jesus of Lubeck, Mynion, William and John, Judith, Angel, and Swallow. Ended in the disaster of San Juan de Ulloa. PLYMOUTH EXPEDITIONS UNDER THE TUDORS. 61 1572. Sir Francis Drake sailed on his expedition of war against the King of Spain, with the Pascha of 70 tons, and the Swan of 25, manned by 73 men. He took Nombre de Dios, and first saw the Pacific. 1575. John Oxenham made his last famous voyage in a vessel of 140 tons and 70 men. He left his ship aground in the Bay of Mexico, covered with boughs, crossed the isthmus of Darien, built a pinnace, and was the first Englishman who sailed on the Pacific. Being taken, he was executed at Lima. 1577. Drake's famous voyage of circumnavigation. He sailed first, November 15th, with 5 ships and 164 men; but, driven back by a storm, did not make his final departure until December 13th. Thomas Drake, his brother, went with him; also John Drake. Returned September 26th, 1580. Vessels— Pelican or Golden Hind, 120 tons ; Elizabeth, 80 ; Swan, 50 ; Marigold, 30 ; Christopher, 15. 1580 (?). William Hawkins the younger, brother of Sir John, sailed to the West Indies, taking with him his nephew Richard. 1583. Sir Humphry Gilbert sailed from 'Causet Bay neere vnto Plimmouth' on his second voyage to Newfoundland — in which he took possession of that country, and from which he did not return. 1585. Sir Richard Grenville sailed, April 9th, with the Tyger, Roebucke, Lyon, Elizabeth, Dorothie, and two small pinnaces, containing Ralegh's earliest Virginian colony, the first practical attempt of the English to colonize North America. Settlement planted by Ralph Lane. 1585. September 14th. Sir Francis Drake sailed on the voyage in which he took San Iago, San Domingo, Carthagena, and San Augustine, in Florida. He had a fleet of 25 sail, with 2,300 soldiers and sailors, of whom 750 were lost on the voyage, chiefly by disease. Frobisher was vice-admiral, Thomas Drake captain of the Thomas, Richard Hawkins of the galiot Duck. 1586. Thomas Candish, or Cavendish, sailed on his voyage of circumnavigation July 21st, 1586, with the Desire, 120 tons ; Content, 60 ; Hugh, galiot, 40. Returned to Plymouth, September 9th, 1588. William Stevens, gunner, of Plymouth, was killed in a fight at Quintero. 1587. Ralegh's second Virginian colony, under John White, sailed May 8th, in three vessels. 1587. Drake sailed, with twelve ships, on the 3rd of April to " singe the king of Spain's beard." 1588. The English fleet under Howard, Drake, and Hawkins, sailed July 21st, to meet the Armada. 62 HISTORY OF PLYMOUTH, 1589. John Chudley sailed August 5th to the South Seas. 1589. Sir Francis Drake and Sir J. Norris sailed April 18th, 'to restore the king of Portugal.' 1590. Sir Richard Hawkins granted commission to attack the Spaniards on the South Seas. 1590. John White sailed March 20th with five vessels, with supplies for Ralegh's Virginian colony. 1590. Sir John Hawkins and Frobisher sailed with fourteen ships against the Spaniards. 1590. Commission issued to Richard Grenville, Piers Edgcumbe, Arthur Basset, John Fitz, Edmund Tremayne, W. Humphreys, Alexander Arundel, Thomas Digges, Mortimer Dare, Dominick Chester, and others, to fit out and equip a fleet for the discovery of land in the Antarctic Sea, the special object of their search being an approach to the dominions of the 'Great Cam of Cathaia.' 1591. Candish sailed against the Spaniards August 26th, with three ships and three barks. 1593. Sir Richard Hawkins sailed with five ships to the South Seas, where he was taken prisoner. 1595. Sir Walter Ralegh sailed from Plymouth for Guiana February 6th. He had Captain Whiddon with him, and ' Butshead Gorges.' 1595. The expedition to Cadiz of Howard and the Earl of Essex. 1595. Drake and Hawkins went on their last voyage to the Indies, with six Queen's ships and twenty-one others, manned by 2,500 men and boys. They finally sailed from 'Causon Bay' on Friday, August 29th. As they left, the Hope struck the Eddystone, but soon cleared. 1596. 'Master William Parker of Plimmouth, gentleman,' fitted out the Prudence, 120 tons, and the Adventure, 25, at his own charges. Sailed in November, and sacked Campeachy with 100 men on the following Easter even. 1601. Captain William Parker sailed (November) with the Prudence, 100 tons (130 men) ; Pearl, 60 tons (60 men); and a pinnace of 20 tons (18 men). The Pearl was commanded by Captain Robert Rawlins. The pinnace was lost with all but three men. In this expedition Porto Bello was taken. CHAPTER V. THE PLYMOUTH COMPANY. Have over the waters to Florida, Farewell, good London, now ; Through long delays, on lands and seas, I 'm brought, I can't tell how, In Plymouth town, in a threadbare gown, And money never a deal. Hey trixi trim ! go trixi trim ! And will not a wallet do well. — Old Ballad. Wild was the day ; the wintry sea Moaned sadly on New England's strand, When first the thoughtful and the free ; Our fathers ; trod the desert land. — Bryant. CONSPICUOUS in the annals of English colonization in North America is the name of the ' Plymouth Company.' Yet there is no portion of our local history about which information is more fragmentary. Plymouth herself yields but one single trace in her records of the existence and operations of this once notable organization, which undertook and partially accomplished the settlement of New England ; and for some of the leading facts of its career we must cross the Atlantic.1 There was a time when Bristol seemed destined to lead the van of Western adventure. Thence John and Sebastian Cabot sailed on the famous voyage in which they discovered the American mainland, nearly a year before Columbus. Sebastian Cabot in subsequent expeditions explored the coast of North America; several years later he visited Brazil. Other voyages must have been made to the West, probably from Bristol, which under the patent of Henry VII. had a monopoly of the trade with the discoveries of the 1 The materials for this chapter are mainly drawn from the contemporary narratives of voyages in Hakluyt and elsewhere, Captain John Smith's writings, Prince's New England Annals, and the Transactions of the Maine and Massachusetts Historical Societies. 64 HISTORY OF PLYMOUTH. Cabots. North American Indians were exhibited in London for a show as early as 1502, and within the first decade of the sixteenth century the foundations of the Newfoundland fishing trade were laid. Yet when Sebastian Cabot entered the Spanish service, Bristol, notwithstanding its mercantile status and reputation, ceased to take an active interest in the work of discovery. Then Devonshire and Plymouth came to the front. Two Englishmen, 'somewhat learned in cosmographie,' sailed with Sebastian Cabot in the Spanish expedition which made the discovery of the river Plate, and it is a natural conclusion that information thus obtained led to the first systematic English trading expeditions to the Brazils, the voyages of William Hawkins, in the Paul of Plymouth, in the years 1528 (?), 1530, and 1532. For nearly a century from the date of these Brazilian voyages the work of Western and Southern discovery .and settlement was carried on almost wholly by Devonshire men, sailing from Devonshire ports; while from the waters of Plymouth Sound more expeditions set forth than from all the other harbours in the kingdom put together. Early American Colonists. The French were the first nation who definitely attempted to colonise North America. Carrier's description of the St. Lawrence, discovered by him in 1534, led to an unsuccessful effort to plant a colony near what is now Quebec, by Francis de la Roque, or Eoche, Lord of Eoberval, in 1542. The French did effect a settlement on the coast of what is now called Carolina, but was then known under the general name of Florida, by John Eibault, as early as 1562. But all came to grief, Eibault and his company being massacred on a subsequent voyage by the Spaniards. The failure of a colony under Eene Laudonniere, in 1565, brings into honourable prominence the name of Hawkins. When the Frenchmen were in great distress John Hawkins, with a fleet of four vessels, put in to water, and ' being moued with pitie,' gave them wine, provisions, shoes, and other necessaries. He offered to take them back to France, but it was arranged that he should sell them a ship, which he did at their own valuation — 700 crowns — receiving guns and powder. M. Laudonniere notes : ' We receiued as many courtesies of the Generall as it was possible to receiue of any man liuing.' The Frenchmen went back a month after Hawkins's visit. EARLY AMERICAN COLONISTS. 65 In 1568 the massacre of Eibault was avenged by Dominic de Gourges, who destroyed the Spanish settlement and returned to France. And here the French attempts in Florida came to an end. Dartmouth was the first Devonshire pojt to send forth a colonising expedition. Sir Humphry Gilbert wrote a dis course to prove a passage by the North- West to Cathay and the East Indies, and obtained a patent from Elizabeth, empowering him to discover and settle in North America any savage lands. His first voyage (1579) was unsuccessful. In his second (1583), he took possession of Newfoundland, which had long been a fishing station for various nations, but was drowned before he could turn this formality to any practical account. His brother Adrian next solicited a patent for the search and discovery of the North- West Passage. All the traffic of his new discoveries was to be conducted either at London, Dartmouth, or Plymouth, where the Queen's tenth was to be paid. Plymouth became the headquarters of Ealegh's efforts to colonise Virginia, or, as it was for a short time called, after its intending founder, Ealeana. His patent was granted March 25th, 1584; and his first expedition left the Thames in the April following, under Captains Philip Amadas and Arthur Barlowe. Virginia was then formally and feudally taken possession of for him. Next Grenville sailed from Plymouth, April 9th, 1585, with the Tyger, Roebucke, Lyon, Elizabeth, Dorothie, and two small pinnaces, his biggest ship being 140 tons. A settlement was planted by Ealph Lane, and of the 107 who took part therein several by their names were evidently from the West-Country. This first practical effort by the English to colonise North America was, however, of short duration. It continued only from August 17th, 1585, to June 18th, 1586, when Drake, cruising on the coast, gave the colonists a ship to return home in. Ralegh had in the meantime sent out a vessel for their relief, and Grenville, visiting the deserted settlement of Roanoke shortly after they had left, landed fifteen men there. Another attempt was made in the following year (1587). Ralegh again sent out a well-appointed party, under John White as governor, and twelve assistants. The expedition sailed from Plymouth May 8th, and consisted of three ships. On arrival at Roanoke only the bones of one of the fifteen were found. This second colony consisted of ninety-one men, seventeen women, and nine children; and the chief point connected with it is, that on the 18th August, at the ' City of F 66 HISTORY OF PLYMOUTH. Ralegh,' there was born Virginia Dare, whose parents were Ananias Dare and Eleanor, daughter of Governor White, the first American-born, child of English descent. This effort was likewise doomed to failure. White, who had come home for supplies, sailed from Plymouth March 20th, 1590, with three ships and two shallops, and when he reached the infant settlement found it destroyed. All present hopes of settling Virginia were then abandoned. Ealegh had done his best. His individual efforts cost him £40,000. He formed a company under his patent, which was no more fortunate than himself, but which became the germ of the more notable Plymouth and London Companies. Five times he searched for the missing colonists, whom Indian tradition asserted to have been adopted in their distress into the Hatteras tribe. The last search was made by Bartholomew Gilbert, who sailed from Plymouth in May, 1603, and, with four of his men, was killed by the Indians of Chesapeake Bay. To Captain Bartholomew Gosnold belongs the honour of the next colonising expedition. In March, 1602, he sailed from Falmouth with thirty-two persons, coasted along the shores of New' England, discovered Cape Cod, and built a fort on Elizabeth Island, near Martha's Vineyard, returning to Plymouth (or Exmouth) in the following July, as the men who had gone out to settle refused to stay. There was thus no English settlement on the North American coast when, in November, 1603, Henri Quatre granted the charter of Acadie, now Nova Scotia, to the Huguenot du Mont, who, with Champlin and others, planted a colony in 1604 at the mouth of the St. Croix. This was the first permanent European settlement in North America. Thence the French extended their plantations in various directions. Dislodged from St. Croix in 1613 by the English, they held tenaciously to their claims, and eventually the English occupied the country as far east as the Kennebec, the French as far west as the Penobscot, the intervening territory being considered debateable. Meanwhile English adventurers had been by no means daunted. Captain George Weymouth, in 1605, coasting New England, discovered the St. George's Eiver, and the Penobscot — 'the most excellent and beneficyall riuer of Sachadehoc' He brought back with him to Plymouth five natives of Pemaquid, three of whom, Manida, Shetwarroes, and Tisquantum, he gave to Sir Ferdinando Gorges, governor of Plymouth Fort, who henceforward became one of the FORMATION OF THE PLYMOUTH COMPANY. 67 most energetic promoters of North American adventure and settlement. This voyage was the immediate occasion of the formation of the Plymouth Company, and the direct result of efforts made to follow up Ealegh's patent, which had passed into various hands. Formation of the Plymouth Company. In April, 1606, James I. granted two charters for the colonization of the North American coast, between Canada and Florida, then known by the general name of Virginia. ; Chief Justice Popham being the moving spirit of the scheme. South Virginia, between the 34th and the 38th degrees north latitude, was assigned to the London Company. North Virginia, between the 41st and 45th degrees, to the Western, or Plymouth Company. Each association had an equal right in the intermediate district, but their colonies were not to be planted within 100 miles of each other. The Plymouth Company was composed of adventurers not only of Plymouth, but of Bristol and Exeter. Its earliest promoters were Thomas Hanham, Ealegh Gilbert, William Parker, and George Popham. Sir John Popham and Sir Ferdinando Gorges were also much concerned, and in the same year (1606) sent out the Richard, from Plymouth, under Captain Henry Challons. He was, however, taken by the Spaniards, who still claimed the exclusive right of navigation in American waters. Another vessel, sent from Bristol to second Challons, under Thomas Hanham and Martin Prinn, reached the coast safely, but not finding Challons there, returned. The first expedition to settle New England under the auspices of the Plymouth Company set forth in 1607. Lord Chief Justice Popham fitted out two vessels, which sailed from Plymouth on the last day of May. Of this expedition Captain George Popham was president; Captain Ealegh Gilbert, admiral; Captain Edward Harlow, master of the ordnance; Captain Eobert Davis, sergeant-major; Captain Elis Best, marshal ; Mr. Seaman, secretary ; Captain James Davis, captain of the fort; and Mr. Gome Carew, chief searcher — these being members of the Council. Two of the natives brought home by Weymouth were taken as interpreters. The colonists came to land August 11, and planted themselves at the mouth of the Kennebec. The winter was so cold, and their provision so small, that all the company were sent back but forty-five. Then George F 2 68 HISTORY OF PLYMOUTH. Popham died; and learning by the ships sent out with supplies that the Chief Justice was dead, and also Sir John Gilbert, whose lands the adventurers were to possess, and thus 'finding nothing but extreme extremities,' all the rest returned in 1608. The colonists erected a fort called St. George, which stood on or near the site of the present United States fortification, named, in memory of the first active head of the Plymouth Company, Fort Popham. The. 225th anniversary of the landing was commemorated in 1862 by placing a memorial stone in its walls. The only written record of the existence of the Plymouth Company among the Plymouth Archives is a letter, dated February 17, 1608, from the London Company to the Mayor and Commonalty. The London Company say that they had heard of the ill success of the attempt of the Plymouth Company to plant a colony ; that they on the contrary had been successful in their venture; that in the month of March they intended to send a large supply of 800 men under the Lord de la Warre [Delaware] ; and that, ' nothing doubting that the one ill success hath quenched your affections from so hopeful and goodly an action,' they still hoped and desired that the Corporation should participate in this new venture by individual investment for the fitting out of a ship to join the new expedition. The shares were £25 each, and all who were disposed to invest that sum would come in on equal terms. The Earl of Pembroke, as Warden of the Stannaries, had been asked to help in providing one hundred labouring men. The ardour of the Plymouth Company had indeed been quenched. As an association it ceased for the time to do anything beyond warning off foreign interlopers. Sir Ferdi nando Gorges, it is true, had other views. He says, 'I became an owner of a ship myself, fit for that employment, and under cover of fishing and trade, I got a master and company for her, to which I sent Vines and others, my own servants, with their provisions for trade and discovery-, appointing them to leave the ship and the ship's company to follow their business in the usual place.' The London Company meantime founded Jamestown, and some of their trade was carried on by way of Plymouth. Hence the western port became associated with the romantic history of Poeahontas (' the nonpareil of Virginia,' daughter of Powhattan), who saved the life of Captain John Smith, and ever proved the firmest friend of the white man. ' The Lady Eebecca,' as she was afterwards known, landed at CAPTAIN JOHN SMITH. 69 Plymouth with her husband, John Eolfe, June 12, 1616. She died at Gravesend, when about to return to her native country, and her little child, Thomas Eolfe, was left at Plymouth with Sir Lewis [Judas] Stukely. At Plymouth, too, landed the envoy, Vetamatomakkin, whom crafty old' Powhattan sent over to reckon the strength of the English. When _ he landed the innocent savage got a large stick, intending to cut thereon a notch for every Englishman he saw, ' but,' as the chronicler naively notes, ' he was quickly weary of that task.' Captain John Smith. For some years after this no attempt was made at settle ment; though vessels continued to be sent to the New England coast for fishing and trading purposes, and there were expeditions to discover mines of gold and copper. Fish and fur, however, were the main objects of traffic, and these proved very profitable to merchants of London, Plymouth, the Isle of Wight, and elsewhere. The chief undertakers in the business at this date were Sir F. Popham and Sir Ferdinando Gorges. Nor did the course of trade run smooth. The French were also in the field; and the first expedition to New England in which Capt. John Smith took part, in 1614, was marred by the conduct of one Thomas Hunt, master of the second of the two ships of which the little fleet consisted. Left behind by Smith to fit with dry fish for Spain, he ' betrayed four and twenty of those poor savages aboard his ship, and most dishonestly and inhumanly for their kind usage of me and all our men, carried them with him to Maligo, and there for a little private gain sold those silly savages for rials of eight; but this wild act kept him ever after from any more employment to those parts.' According to Smith, when he returned to Plymouth from this voyage, the patent of the Plymouth Company was virtually dead. He gave, however, such an account of the resources of the district, which he was the first to name New England, that he stirred the patentees to new life, and they promised to fit out an expedition for a fresh plantation, and put it in his charge. Meanwhile he went to London, and thence, in consequence of his report, the London Company sent out a fishing fleet of four vessels, under one Michael Couper, master of Smith's vessel. When Smith came back to Plymouth, however, he found nothing done. Not long before Smith's return from New England, a bark 70 HISTORY OF PLYMOUTH. had sailed from Plymouth to discover a gold mine, which Epenow, an Indian brought home by Captain Harlow, had reported to exist. The object of the crafty red man was, however, to get home. Exhibited as a giant, and resenting his treatment, he contrived this fable of the gold mine to secure his return. Thus the expedition was a failure, and this being learnt while Smith was in London, the West- Country folk were too much discouraged to make any of the preparations promised. But Smith was not so easily daunted. He had taken much pains to get the Londoners and the Plymouth men to join together, because the ' Londoners have most money, and the Western men are more proper for fishing.' Besides, it was 'near as much trouble but much more danger, to sail from London to Plymouth, than from Plymouth to New England !' so that half the voyage would be saved by making Plymouth the head-quarters. Both parties were too desirous to be ' lords of the fishing ' for this end to be accomplished. Nevertheless Smith brought down with him from London 'two hundred pounds in cash for adventure, and six gentlemen well furnished,' and Sir Ferdinando Gorges persuaded Dr. Sutcliffe, Dean of Exeter, and several Western merchants, ' to entertain this plantation.' Arrangements were made that Smith should settle in New England with sixteen companions; and in 1615 he set sail in a vessel of two hundred tons, with a consort of fifty, to make a second effort to plant a colony in the territory of the Plymouth Company. Ill-fortune still dogged his efforts. A violent storm so shattered his ship that he had to put back (his 'vice-admiral,' not knowing of this disaster, proceeding on the voyage), and it was not until the 24th of June that he could again sail, this time in a small bark of sixty tons only, with but thirty men. Once more disaster. He was taken by French pirates or privateers of Eochelle ; and though his vessel and crew after a while returned safely to Plymouth, he was kept captive by the Frenchmen, partly in consequence of the mutiny of some of his men, until he could make his escape to Eochelle, and thence to Plymouth, where he 'laid by the heels' such 'chieftains of this mutiny' as could be found. Thus ended abortively the second attempt to settle New England. The efforts made were not, however, wholly thrown away. ^ The four ships sent from London under Couper, and Smith's vice-admiral, made good voyages. More were sent in the following year, and this led, as in the case of Newfoundland, to the establishment of small trading CAPTAIN JOHN SMITH. 71 posts of a temporary character. There is reason to believe that the first trading outposts, as distinct from settlements, on the coast of New England were those formed by Plymouth merchants. The regular traders were accustomed to frequent the same harbours ; and Sir Francis Popham had for years occupied one near the island of Monhegan. The Trelawnys of Plymouth, too, must have been actively engaged in the trade, even at this early date. Smith still persevered. On his return from France he raised £100 in London, and finding Plymouth ill-prepared for another expedition at the moment, he spent the summer of 1616 in visiting Bristol, Exeter, Barnstaple, Bodmin, Penryn, Fowey, Millbrook, Saltash, Dartmouth, Absom, and Totnes, and ' the most of the gentry in Cornwall and Devon shire,' trying to enlist support for further efforts. Another expedition was then projected, and the Plymouth Company agreed that Smith should be Admiral of New England during life, and that the profits should be equally divided between the patentees and Smith and his associates. Again well-laid plans came to nothing, and Smith remarks of the Company : ' I am not the first they have deceived.' We need not wonder that Smith had little love for the Plymouth Company. ' No man,' said he, ' will go from hence to have less freedom there than here . . . and it is too well known there have been so many undertakers of patents, and such sharing of them, as hath bred no less discouragement than wonder to hear such great promises and so little performance ; in the interim you see the French and Dutch already frequent it, and God forbid they in Virginia, or any of his majesty's subjects, should not have as free liberty as they.' Smith in his day was probably England's most energetic and earnest advocate of colonization. He did his utmost, by tongue and pen, to stir up his countrymen. Even the ' ever-living actions ' of the Portuguese and Spaniards ' will testify with them our idleness and ingratitude to all posteri ties, and the neglect of our duties in our piety and religion. We owe our God, our king, and country, and want of charity to those poor savages, whose country we challenge, use, and possess ; except we be but made to use, and man, what our forefathers made, or but only tell what they did, or esteem ourselves too good to take the like pains.' Moreover, the way had been prepared by Providence! 'God hath laid this country open for us, and slain the most part of the inhabitants by civil wars and a mortal disease.' 72 HISTORY OF PLYMOUTH. Revival of the Plymouth Company. In 1615 Sir Eichard Hawkins sailed with a commission from the Council of Plymouth to do what he could in New England. He found the natives at war, and passed along the coast to Virginia. In the following year, however, four ships from Plymouth and two from London made good voyages. One of the former was sent out by Gorges, under the charge of Eichard Vines. Other captains for Gorges were Edmund Eocroft and Dermer, or Dormer, who in 1619 went out with Squanto, one of the Indians taken by Hunt to Malaga, to act as interpreter. But the natives remained irreconcileable, and the operations of the Company continued to be confined to ordinary trade. This indeed grew to some what important dimensions. In 1619-20 the merchants of London and Plymouth had eight vessels trading to New England; and the voyages were so profitable, that Smith notes seamen working on shares being able to earn £17 in six months — or, say, £85. Meanwhile the Company did all they could to keep the trade to themselves, and in 1618 a French trader from Dieppe was seized by a vessel sent out by Gorges. This brings us to the revival of the Plymouth Company on an enlarged basis, and with wider powers. Experience had taught the promoters of New England colonization some lessons from which they were not slow to profit. Sir Ferdinando Gorges had become the moving spirit, and to his experience of Western adventure and traffic, and his influence at the Court, we may give the chief place among the causes which led to the reconstruction of the Company. On the 3rd November, 1620, James granted a new charter to Lodowick Duke of Lennox, George Marquis of Bucking ham and Hamilton, the Earls of Arundel and Warwick, Sir Ferdinando Gorges, and thirty-four others, incorporated, as being 'the first modern and present Council established at Plymouth, in the county of Devon, for the planting, ruling, and governing of New England, in America'; and the patentees were 'to elect and choose others to the number of forty persons, and no more, to be of that Council,' so incorporated, 'by the name of the Council established at Plymouth for the governing of New England, in America.' The territory conferred on the patentees in absolute perpetuity, with unlimited jurisdiction, the sole powers of legislation, the appointment of all officers and all forms of government, extended, in breadth, from the fortieth to the forty-eighth degree of north REVIVAL OF THE PLYMOUTH COMPANY. 73 latitude, and, in length, from the Atlantic to the Pacific : that is to say, nearly all the inhabited British possessions to the north of the United States, all New England, New York, half of New Jersey, very nearly all Pennsylvania, and the whole of the country to the west of these States, comprising, and at the time believed to comprise, much more than a million of square miles, were, by a single signature of King James, given away to a corporation within the realm, composed of but forty individuals. The grant was absolute and exclusive ; it conceded the land and islands, the rivers and the harbours, the mines and the fisheries. Without the leave of the Council of Plymouth, not a ship might sail into a harbour from Newfoundland to the latitude of Philadelphia; not a skin might he purchased in the interior ; not a fish might be caught on the coast; not an emigrant might tread the soil. No regard was shown for the liberties of those who might become inhabitants of the colony; they were to be ruled, without their own consents, by the corporation in England. 2 But James and the Company overreached themselves ; so huge a monopoly, even in these days, could not pass un challenged. The pretensions of the patentees were laughed to scorn and ignored. Their vast designs dwindled into a scramble for individual interests and proprietorships. The settlement of New England was effected without their first knowledge or intervention. The ' Council of Plymouth ' does not fill a very important niche in history; but it might have advanced the development of New England at least half a century. Before we proceed to trace the Company's brief career, its second founder claims a few words of personal notice. Sir Ferdinando Gorges was the youngest son of Edward Gorges, of Wraxall, Somerset, probably born circa 1565-7. He served with distinction in France, and was one of the knights made by the Earl of Essex at the siege of Rouen, in 1591. He was also sergeant-major to the earl in the Cadiz expedition, and was imprisoned for his share in that ill-fated nobleman's rebellion. * His direct connection with Plymouth appears to have begun with his appointment as o-overnor of the fort. He died at Long Ashton, and was buried there May 14th, 1647. His last public service was his participation as a Royalist in the defence of Bristol. Though Sir Ferdinando Gorges was himself of a Somerset shire stock, the name had long been connected with the neighbourhood of Plymouth. A family of Gorges, giving three gurges or whirlpools as their arms, was settled at a Bancroft, Hist. United States. 74 HISTORY OF PLYMOUTH. Warleigh for several descents. The estate came to them (temp. Henry III.) by marriage with the heiress of the Foliots, who gave the Tamerton parish in which Warleigh is situate its distinctive suffix. From the Gorges it passed by successive female heirs to the Bonvilles, Coplestones, and Eadcliffes. But there was a much later settlement of the Gorges family, and nearer Plymouth, before Sir Ferdinando's day. Sir William Gorges married Winifred, daughter and heiress of Eoger Budockshed,4 the last of the ancient house which took its name from the ancestral seat at St. Budeaux, and in her right succeeded to that estate in 1576. Elizabeth, the daughter of Tristram Gorges, his son, became Sir Ferdinando's third wife ; and Sir Ferdinando had a residence at Kinterbury. The Pilgrim Fathers. The special work of the Plymouth Company was taken out of its hands by men and women who had nothing to do with Plymouth, save a passing connection ; but whose names are now indissolubly identified with the old town. In the year 1608 a small body of Puritans had expatriated themselves for conscience sake, and settled at Leyden. After a residence there of eleven years some of them determined to seek a home on the shores of the New World, and by the aid of certain English merchants — who looked at the matter from a strictly business point of view, and gave them hard terms — they obtained powers to effect a settlement near the mouth of the Hudson. These Puritans were the Pilgrim Fathers. They chartered two vessels, one the ever-memorable Mayflower, of 180 tons, and the other the ill-speeding Speedwell, of 60. Bancroft describes the parting of the Pilgrim pioneers at Delfthaven from their friends who were to follow, and their subsequent proceedings, ere they finally set sail for their destination : As morning dawned Carver, Bradford, and Winslow, Brewster, the ruling elder, Allerton, and the brave and faithful Standish, with their equal associates — a feeble band for a perilous enterprise — bade farewell to Holland ; while Robinson kneeling in prayer by the sea -side, gave to their embarkation the sanctity of a religious rite. A prosperous wind soon wafts the vessel to 3 This name is of very ancient origin, and probably represents ' Budocks- hide,' the title of the land dedicated to the British saint Budock, whence the parish takes its designation. Budockshed preserves the old pronunciation, ' Budo ' being a comparatively modern vulgarism, of the same type as the substitution of the fashionable Prido for the genuine Devonian Priddicks= Prideaux. THE PILGRIM FATHERS. 75 Southampton, and in a fortnight the Mayflower and the Speedwell freighted with the first colony for New England, leave Southampton for America. But they had not gone far upon the Atlantic before the smaller vessel was found to need repair, and they enter the port of Dartmouth. After the lapse of eight precious days they again weigh anchor; the coast of England recedes ; already they are unfurling their sails on the broad ocean, when the captain of the Speedwell with his company, dismayed at the dangers of the enterprise, once more pretend that his ship is too weak for the service. They put back to Plymouth to dismiss their treacherous companions, though the loss of the vessel was very grievous and discouraging. The timid and the hesitating were all freely allowed to abandon the expedition. Having thus winnowed their number of the cowardly and disaffected, the little band, not of resolute men only, but wives, some far gone in pregnancy, children, infants, a floating village, yet in all but 101 souls, went on board the single ship which was hired only to convey them across the Atlantic; and on the sixth day of September, 1620, thirteen years after the first colonization of Virginia, two months before the concession of the grand charter of Plymouth, without any warrant from the sovereign of England, without any useful charter from a corporate body, the passengers in the Mayflower set sail for a New World. The destination for which the Pilgrims sailed they were fated never to reach. Whether by stress of storm, or whether by the double dealing of their captain — none can now tell— they were carried to a point far north of the Hudson, in the centre of the depopulated territory of New England; and there, without patent or authority, without any other rights than their necessities, they built the town of Plymouth.4 There could be no more befitting name. Dear to them was the last spot of the mother country which their wandering feet had trod — dear to them if for that fact alone, but dearer still for the many kindnesses received from certain Christians there, having been ' kindly entertained and courteously used by divers friends there dwelling.' They planted the first settlement on the coast of New England. They drew up the earliest American constitution, by which, before they left the Mayflower (November 11th), they constituted themselves a civil body politic. * It has been held that the Pilgrims gave it that name ; but the place is called Plymouth in Smith's First Account of New England, 1616 — four years before the arrival of the Pilgrims, and probably, therefore, had been early frequented by Plymouth ships. No one can say positively whether the Pilgrims continued the old name or gave it anew ; but if, as Mr. Justin Winsor believes, they had Smith's map with them, it must have been simply a continuation. The descendants of- the Pilgrims retain an affectionate regard for English Plymouth still. 76 HISTORY OF PLYMOUTH. There is a very general and mistaken belief that the Pilgrim Fathers were Plymouth people. But not only were no Plymouth folk in their ranks, several of the company of the Mayflower were merely hired men or apprentices, so small was the real New England germ. Only Winslow and Standish were above the yeoman class. Not many years after the settlement of Plymouth the Pilgrims and their descendants drifted away until, shortly after the foundation of the adjacent and favoured town of Duxbury, Bradford was the only one of the first comers of consideration who remained in the old town. At the present moment Duxbury probably contains more Pilgrim blood than any other locality in Massachusetts. And on the occasion of the celebration, June 17th, 1887, of the two hundred and fiftieth anniversary of the foundation of that town, Mr. Justin Winsor, Librarian of Harvard, a son of Duxbury of approved Pilgrim strain, in his commemorative address delivered the last words which have been authoritatively spoken on the subject of the landing. The Pilgrims, he said, were hound under the patent which they had received from the old Virginia Company to find land somewhere in the neighbour hood of Hudson River, perhaps on the Connecticut, perhaps on the Jersey coast ; and it is almost equally certain that they had with them the map of the New England coast which John Smith had made when he examined its bays and headlands six years before, and had later published with the native names displaced by the English ones marked by Prince Charles on the draught which the engraver followed. So when at last they sighted land they knew it by the description to be the sandhills of the point which was called on Smith's map Cape James, after the Prince's royal father, but which the mariners who had been on the coast before — and they had such among the crew — told them was never theless known by those who frequented the region for traffic with the Indians by the designation which Captain Gosnold had given it eighteen years before, when he was surprised at the numbers of fish which he found thereabout, and called it Cape Cod. As soon as it became evident where they were they turned to the south to seek the place of their destination ; but before long getting among the shoals off Nanset, and fearing that after all their tribulations they were running too great hazard to proceed, they turned once more northward, and rounding the head of the cape came at last to anchor in the shelter of what we now know as Province Town Harbour. Finding that stress of weather and the lateness of the season had rendered it necessary to cease the attempt to find a haven PROGRESS OF COLONIZATION. 77 within the privileges of their patent, and that they were brought beyond the pale of the delegated authority which that patent vested in their leaders, on territory not within the bounds of such necessary control, it was then that mutterings — at least from some of these same hired men and apprentices, eager to make the most of the freedom which chance had seemingly given them — made it necessary to draft that immortal compact, wherein by the subscription of all, this band of exiles in the very spirit of their religious independence took upon themselves the power of a body politic, fit to govern themselves, and compel the subjection of any that were evil disposed. The Huguenots were then at Port Royal or Annapolis (founded 1604), the London Company at Jamestown (1607), the Dutch at New York (1614). Progress of Colonization. The large concessions made by James soon provoked hostility. The Plymouth Company were first assailed in their attempt to limit the right of fishing. Coke declared their charter void. Two years after it was granted there were as many as thirty-five vessels from the West of England fishing on the New England coasts. An appeal from the Company to James procured a proclamation forbidding all access to the 'northern coast of America, except with the special leave of the Company of Plymouth, or of the Privy Council.' It was alleged that the ' interlopers ' sold arms to the natives and taught their use. In 1623 Francis West was commissioned as Admiral of New England to put an end to unlicensed fishing. His efforts failed, for the fisher men were ' stubborn fellows,' too strong for him. Nor was the appointment of Robert Gorges, son of Sir Ferdinando (who had a grant made him in Massachusetts Bay), as Lieutenant-General of New England, one whit more effectual. Meanwhile the House of Commons took the matter up in earnest, and a bill was passed declaring that fishing should be free, Coke telling Gorges to his face, ' The ends of private gain are concealed under cover of planting a colony.' ° This was much too near the truth to be pleasant. It had been found far easier to trade than to settle. Nevertheless settlement was encouraged, though the patentees took chief care of themselves. The earliest grant traceable under the Council of Plymouth is one made on June 21st, 1621, to John Pierce, of London. A hundred acres of land were allotted by the Company for every person Pierce took with him and a grant of 1,500 more in consideration of Pierce 78 HISTORY OF PLYMOUTH. and his associates undertaking to build churches, hospitals, and bridges. Pierce settled at Pemaquid, subsequently joining with one John Brown, who on July 15th, 1625, bought a tract of land there, eight miles by twenty-five, of two Indian chiefs, for fifty skins. It was through Pierce, in 1622, that the patent was granted under which the Plymouth Colony was formally chartered. In the following year a patent was granted to Master Weston for the first plantation in Boston Bay. Weymouth was settled, but came to grief in less than a twelvemonth. In 1623 another attempt was made at the same spot by Eobert Gorges, but he did not find the state of things to answer his quality, and returned to England. Then two of the leading members of the Plymouth Council proceeded conclusively to justify Coke's allegation of the paramount influence of private gain. On the 10th of August, 1622, Sir F. Gorges and Capt. John Mason obtained a grant of all the lands between the sea, the St. Lawrence, the Merrimac, and the Kennebec, extending back to the great lakes and river of Canada. They commenced to settle in the following year on the Piscataqua river, by David Thompson, Edward and William Hilton, and others. This patent either was, or in some way became, inoperative, in whole or in part, but it was renewed in due form several years later, and in 1634 the lands were divided. Gorges took the lands east of the Piscataqua, the province of Maine, or, as he called it, New Somersetshire ; Mason, the lands on the west, to which he gave the name of New Hampshire. The enlarged limits of the Plymouth charter included the French territories. These, however, were granted, with the consent of the Company, under the name of Nova Scotia, to Sir William Alexander, afterwards Earl of Stirling, September 10th, 1621. Alexander had a further grant from the Company, immediately before the surrender of its charter, of the land from St. Croix to Pemaquid and up to the Kennebec, to be called the country of Canada. He expelled the French, and they made reprisals. There is not any complete record of the land grants made by the Council of Plymouth, but they include the following : 1621. John Pierce, of London, liberty to settle — Pemaquid. 1622. Patent to Weston for Weymouth, the first plantation in Boston harbour, abandoned in 1623. 1622 Sir F. Gorges and Capt. Mason, lands between the Merrimac and Kennebec, inoperative wholly or in part, but after wards confirmed. PROGRESS OF COLONIZATION. 79 1623. Robert Gorges, lands in Massachusetts. 1623. Patent to John Pierce, for the Plymouth Colony. He subsequently obtained another in his own favour, but meeting with disaster, sold it for £500 to the ad venturers who had set out the Plymouth Colony in England. 1626. Grant of a tract on the Kennebec to the Plymouth ad venturers, subsequently enlarged. 1628. Charter to the Massachusetts Company, the foundation of the state of Massachusetts. 1629 (!) Alderman Aldsworth and Giles Elbridge, merchants of Bristol, 12,000 acres at Pemaquid. 1630. William Bradford and his associates, new patent for the Plymouth adventurers, intended to place Plymouth on the same footing as Massachusetts, but failing con firmation of the King. 1630. Thomas Lewis and Richard Bonython, four miles by eight on the east side of the mouth of Saco river. 1630. John Oldham and Richard Vines, four miles by eight on the west of the Saco. 1630. Sherley and Hatherly, of Bristol, Andrews and Beauchamp, of London, lands at Penohscott. 1630. John Beauchamp, London, and Thomas Leverett, Boston, ten leagues square on the west of the Penobscott. 1630. John Dy, Thomas Luke, Grace Harding, John Roach, John Smith, Brian Brinks — most, if not all, of London — the province of Ligonia, between Cape Porpus and Cape Elizabeth, extending forty miles from the coast. This is commonly known as the Plough Patent. An unavailing attempt at settlement was made in the following year. 1631. Sir F. Gorges, Capt. Mason, and others, a small tract on both sides of the Piscataqua. 1631. Thomas Cammock, 1,500 acres, Black Point. 1631. Richard Bradshaw, 1,500 acres, claimed to be at Spurwink. Bradshaw was said to have been settled there by Capt. Walter Neele on behalf of the patentees. 1631. Robert Trelawny and Moses Goodyear, of Plymouth, a tract between Spurwink river and Casco Bay. 1631. Walter Bagnall, Richmond Island, and 1,500 acres. 1631. John Stratton and his associates, 2,000 acres on the south of Cape Porpus River. 1631. Edward Godfrey, a grant on the river Agamenticus, now York. 1632. Robert Aldsworth and Giles Elbridge, an additional tract on Pemaquid Point. 1632. George Way and Thomas Purchase, lands between the Kennebec and Androscoggin rivers and Casco Bay. 80 HISTORY OF PLYMOUTH. 1634. Edward Godfrey, Samuel Maverick, William Hooke, and others, 12,000 acres north of the Agamenticus. 1634. Ferdinando Gorges (grandson of Sir Ferdinando), 12,500 acres west of the Agamenticus. (Grants were also made to Thomas, William, and .Henry Gorges, Sir Ferdinando's nephews.) 1635. Sir F. Gorges, the territory between the Piscataqua and Kennebec. 1635. Capt. Mason, the lands between Kennebec and Pemaquid. 1635. Sir W. Alexander (Earl of Sterling), the territory between the Pemaquid and St. Croix. The lands east of the St. Croix and south of the St. Lawrence had been relinquished in his favour under Royal grant in 1621. Deriving from these grants, or some of them, a large amount of property in New England is still held. Massachusetts. The most important work effected under the immediate auspices of the Council of Plymouth was the foundation of the Colony of Massachusetts. The first permanent plantation in Massachusetts Bay was that of David Thompson, who removed thither in 1624, the year after he had settled at Piscataqua, and possessed a fruitful island and a very desirable neck of land. He was a Scotchman, and was speedily followed by the pioneers of the Massachusetts Colony, who began a plantation at Cape Ann. White, a Puritan minister of Dorchester, was the original promoter of this undertaking. The Cape Ann patent belonged to the Plymouth Colony, and the Dorchester plantation was at first held of them, the Plymouth settlers having a fishing work there also. But independent action was soon taken. Differences arose at New Plymouth, and several persons removed thence and settled at a Plymouth trading port at Nantasket, at the entrance of the bay of Massachusetts. Among these was one Roger Conant, a Devonshire man, whom White and his co-adventurers chose to manage their affairs at Cape Ann, where he with some companions settled in 1625. In the same year another plantation was com menced in the north of the Bay, at Braintree, by Captain Wollaston and others. Among these was the afterwards notorious Thomas Morton, who so sorely offended all the Puritanism of New England by setting up a maypole at Merry Mount, whence he and his comrades, Master Endicott's rebuke failing, were subsequently ejected by the Plymouth forces under Capt. Miles Standish. The great grievance MASSACHUSETTS. 81 against Morton was less his merry doings than his selling arms to the Indians, and making Mount Dagon, as the Puritans called it, the refuge of all the colonial rascaldom. Conant, after sundry removes, selected Salem as the most fitting site for the Dorchester colony, which was in the end to lead to the extinction of the Plymouth Company itself, and become the germ whence sprung the wide liberties of the New England States. The territory comprised under the charter of the Governor and Company of Massachusetts Bay included all the lands in the bottom of the Bay from three miles north of the Merrimac to three miles south of the Charles, and westerly to the Pacific. The original grantees were Sir Henry Eosewell, Sir John Young, Thomas Southcoat, John Humphrey, John Endicott, and Simon Whetcomb ; but the interest of the first three was purchased by Winthrop and the other leading Massachusets founders. Endicott planted a colony at Salem in 1628, and a royal charter was granted in 1629. The Massachusetts Company prosecuted the work of colonization with great activity, a large proportion of the early colonists coming from Devon, Dorset, and Somerset. Plymouth is specially associated with their operations by an entry that early in 1630 ' a Congregational Church is, by a pious People, gathered in the New Hospital at Plymouth [i.e. the Hospital of the Poor's Portion], in England, when they keep a Day of solemn Prayer and Fasting. That worthy man of GOD, Master White, of Dorchester, being present, preaches in the fore part of the day ; and in the after part the People solemnly choose and call those godly Ministers, the Eeverend Master John Warham, a famous Preacher at Exeter ; and the Eeverend Master John Mave rick, a Minister who lived forty miles from Exeter, to be their Officers ; who, expressing their acceptance, are at the same time Ordained their Ministers.' This party sailed from Plymouth in the Mary and John, March 20th following. Southampton was, however, the chief rendezvous of the Massachusetts Company. Fifteen hundred colonists were brought over in twelve ships in 1630 — five other vessels arriving later in the same year — and Charlestown founded as the capital. That year also Boston, Dorchester, and Water- town were named and finally settled. Within the next two or three years the work of settlement and forming new plantations went rapidly on. Roxbury, Cambridge, Medford, Ipswich, Marblehead, and other towns sprang up in Massa chusetts; and Duxbury became the second town in the 82 HISTORY OF PLYMOUTH. district of the Plymouth Colony. Connecticut was first settled by the English from New Plymouth at Windsor in 1632, after sundry trading voyages. The charter of the Plymouth Company was surrendered June 7th, 1635. Ferdinando Gorges, grandson of Sir Ferdi nando, gives the reason as follows : ' The country proving a receptacle for divers sorts of sects, the establishment in England complained of Sir Ferdinando Gorges, and he was taxed as the author of it,6 which brought him into some discredit, whereupon he moved those lords to resign their grand patent to the King, and pass particular patents to themselves of such parts along the sea coast as might be sufficient for them.' Accordingly on the 3rd of February, 1635, the patentees made such division as they desired by lot, finally settling the grants on the 22nd April. The reasons for the surrender of the Plymouth charter were set forth at length by the Council at a meeting in Whitehall, April 25th of the same year, three days after the confirmation of the division. 'Forasmuch,' they say, 'as we have found by a long experience, that the faithful endeavours of some of us, that have sought the plantation of New England, have not been without frequent and inevitable troubles as companions to our undertakings, from our first discovery of that coast to this present, by great charges and necessary expenses; but also depriving us of divers of our near friends and faithful servants employed in that work abroad, whilst ourselves at home were assaulted with sharp litigious questions both before the Privy Council and the Parliament, having been presented as a grievance to the Commonwealth . . . the affections of the multitude were thereby disheartened . . . and so much the more by how much it pleased God about this time to bereave us of the most noble and principal props thereof, as the Duke of Lennox, Marquis of Hamilton, and many other strong stayes to this weak building . . . then followed the claim of the French Ambassador, taking advantage of the divisions of the sea-coast between ourselves, to whom we made a just and satisfactory answer. . . . Nevertheless these crosses did not draw upon us such a disheartened weakness till the end 5 The Massachusetts Company on their part charged Gorges, Mason, and their associates with attempting to take away their liberties. A petition was presented by Gorges and his friends against both the Massachusetts and Plymouth Colonies to the Privy Council ; and much to their discomfiture, determined in January, 1633, in favour of the settlers. English polities made themselves felt on the further shore of the Atlantic as well as at home. SETTLERS FROM THE WEST OF ENGLAND. 83 of the last parliament' — when the Massachusetts Company obtained their charter, and afterwards thrust out the under takers and tenants of some of the Council — 'withal riding over the heads of those lords and others that had their portions assigned to them in his late Majesty's presence.' These and other things were too grievous to be borne, putting the Council in 'so desperate a case' that they saw no remedy for 'what was brought to ruin'; and so — 'After all these troubles, and upon these considerations, it is now resolved that the patent .shall be surrendered into his Majesty.' Accordingly on the 7th June the charter was surrendered, and the King somewhat spitefully urged to take away the charter of Massachusetts, and appoint a general governor for the whole territory, to be chosen among the lords proprietors. Charles naturally agreed to this; but Puritan Massachusetts and her sister colonies made such opposition that ere the plan could be carried out the Civil War com menced, and the affairs of New England had to give place to nearer concerns. Ferdinando Gorges the grandson was indeed appointed General Governor of New England in 1637, but he never assumed the duties, and eventually sold his rights in Maine for £1250. Settlers from the West of England. We have yet to trace the special personal relations of the Western Counties to New England settlement. In Western Maine, and the lower districts of Massachusetts, the population to this day largely retains the characteristics of the men of Devon, Cornwall, Somerset, and Dorset, from which it principally springs, and is spoken of as ' the pure Eno-lish race.' 'The importation in the first instance was made by the English proprietors, who sent the farmers, mechanics, and adventurers, who lived in and about Devonshire, to cultivate and improve their large and vacant , grants.6 Massachusetts generally drew from a much wider field. As many as eighty emigrants left Plymouth in one ship in 1622, Philemon Powell being purser. Plymouth men played a prominent part in the work of actual settlement. The little island of Monhegan, a place of resort for fishermen at least as early as 1618, on which Gorges had a plantation in 1621 or 1622, afterwards became the property of Abraham Jennings, a Plymouth merchant, » Willis. g 2 84 HISTORY OF PLYMOUTH. who in 1622 had the Abraham of Plymouth, and Nightingale of Portsmouth, fishing there. He sold it, in 1626, to Abraham Shurt, agent for Aldsworth and Elbridge, merchants of Bristol; but in all probability continued to trade. A daughter of Jennings married Moses Goodyear, another Plymouth merchant trafficking to the New England coast ; and Goodyear and Robert Trelawny, a third Plymouthian, in 1631 commenced the work of plantation, and led to the foundation of the town of Portland. The Council of Plymouth made them a grant of lands adjoining other lands previously granted to Thomas Cammock, at one shilling a year rent, ' because they and their associates had adventured and expended large sums of money in the discovery of the coasts and harbours of those parts, and were minded to undergo further charge in setting a plantation.' Whether Goodyear or Trelawny was leader in the scheme we do not know ; but in the end it was carried on by the latter alone. Robert Trelawny came of a good stock. In the days of Elizabeth it was counted no degradation for Western men of family to engage in trade. Country gentlemen were content to live at home upon their estates, and farm for themselves ; and if their families grew too rapidly, they planted some of their children in the towns. Hence the very large proportion of the issuers of the tradesmen's tokens of the seventeenth century, who placed their family arms upon their coins. To the changes that have taken place in our national customs in this respect we owe the enormous number of decayed manor and barton houses which have fallen into ruin, or become degraded into mere tenanted farms. The modest but sufficient properties of the sixteenth century do not suit the larger wants of the nineteenth. An illustration of the olden practice is afforded by the case of Robert Trelawny, senior, father of the Robert with whom we have to do. The record is still extant, which sets forth how, in the mayoralty of George Maynard, 1578, 'Robert Trelawney the son of Robert Trelawney of St. Germanes in the county of Cornewall gent put himself apptice wth George Burgoyne & Agneis his wief for vin from the date of the same Indent to be enstructed in the trade of merchandize & the said George and Agnes to kepe and maynteine the said Robert a convenyent tyme in Spayne or Portugal! & in France and to make hym free of the Company of fiske- mongers of the cytye of London and in thence double apparell.' This Robert Trelawny was Mayor in 1607-8, 1616-7, and 1627-8, dying before his last mayoralty was SETTLERS FROM THE WEST OF ENGLAND. 85 iIm , Robert> fche New England planter, was Mayor in 1033-4 ; and was elected member in 1640. His Royalist sympathies led to his downfall and death. He was expelled from Parliament and imprisoned, on the charge of having said the House of Commons had no power to appoint a guard for themselves without the King's consent. In prison he died. John Winter, a Plymouth captain, was sent out, by Tre lawny and Goodyear, to take possession of the lands granted them between Spurwink river and Casco Bay. When he arrived he found George Cleeves, another Plymouthian, and Eichard Tucker, without doubt a Devonian, in possession, having erected at Portland the first house built there by European hands. Winter ejected them, and thus initiated a controversy which lasted many years. Winter claimed the land as Trelawny's ; Cleeves and Tucker insisted that it was theirs. In an action between Cleeves and Winter in 1640, Cleeves stated that for more than seven years he had possessed a neck of land in Casco Bay, called Machigonney, taking it at first under a proclamation of James I., which gave 150 acres to every person, for himself and those whom he might transport to the colony ; and that after four years he had had a lease of enlargement from Gorges. Winter claimed that the land was included within the Trelawny grant ; but the court ruled otherwise. The disputes between Winter and Cleeves and their respective parties greatly troubled the peace of the infant settlements. Winter kept a store, and the fashion of his dealings caused Cleeves and others to charge him with the Dutchman's fault (according to Canning) of Giving too little and taking too much ; while Winter denounced Cleeves for scandalous conversation, in saying that Winter's wife, who had been left behind at Plymouth, was 'the veriest drunkenest whore in all that town,' and further alleging that there were not ' four honest women there.' However, a peace was patohed up, which lasted until Winter's death. Winter, described by Eoyalist Josselyn as 'a grave and discreet man,' was entrusted by Trelawny with the entire management of his affairs, and had a tenth of the patent when it became Trelawny's sole property. For some years a large trade was carried on by Trelawny with his New England possessions, among the ships engaged being the Agnes, Richmond, Hercules, and Margery. The cargoes 86 HISTORY OF PLYMOUTH. consisted chiefly of pipe-staves, beaver-skins, fish, and oil. Winter made his first plantation, on behalf of Trelawny and Goodyear, at Eichmond Island in July, 1632. Two years later Eichmond was a place of such trade, that as many as seventeen fishing ships are recorded to have visited it and the Isle of Shoals as early as the 1st March. In 1638 Winter had sixty-one men engaged in fishing. In this year Trelawny shipped wine to the plantation, and in the course of trade some of his vessels used to take their cargoes thence directly to Spain. Trelawny's family did not benefit by his transatlantic estates — probably in consequence of his early death in prison — and they eventually passed into the hands of a certain Eev. Eobert Jordan, who married Winter's daughter. Jordan, in all likelihood another Devonshire man, went over to the Colony in the Richmond. His business capacities are undoubted; for he obtained an award of the Trelawny property in 1648 in satisfaction of the claims for management put in by him on behalf of Winter's estate, which he increased by charging a legacy from Trelawny to Winter as a debt due to himself ! Cleeves became a man of great note in the infant colony. Colonel Eigby, a staunch Eepublican, bought the 'Plough Patent' in April, 1643. Cleeves, who is supposed to have suggested this purchase, was appointed Eigby's first deputy. Directly, however, he attempted to exercise authority his rights were denied by Eichard Vines, as deputy for Gorges. Both parties appealed to the authorities of Massachusetts, without result. Vines was succeeded by Henry Jocelyn as deputy-governor in 1645, and the dispute was settled by the triumph of the Eepublican party in England, in favour of Rigby and Cleeves. The social position of Cleeves is shown by the fact that in a grant from Sir Ferdinando Gorges he is described as ' esquire,' his partner, Tucker, being set down as ' gentleman.' Two other Plymouthians are named among the earlier settlers — Richard Martyn, cousin of John Martyn, Mayor in 1634-5 ; and Winthrop. The letters of the Plymouth Trelawnys, published by the Maine Historical Society, contain the names of many from Plymouth or its vicinity, who either settled or worked in New England, chiefly on the Trelawny patent. The usual practice was for men to be bound to work in the colony for three years, at wages of £6 to £8 a year. Most of those whose places of abode are not given in the following list, compiled from the Trelawny Papers, were from Plymouth : SETTLERS FROM THE WEST OF ENGLAND. 87 Edward Andrews, Yealmpton; Thomas Algar, Newton Ferrers ; John Amirrie, William Allen, Millbrook ; Ambrose Bawden, Holbeton; Edmund Bake, Newton Ferrers; Thos. Bone, Saltash ; Edward Best, Millbrook ; John Bellin, Josias Bayly, George Bunt, Roger Bucknell, Priscilla Bickford Nat. Cannage, Oliver Clarke, Anthony Clarke, Ellen Curkeet Thos. Dustin, George Dearinge, Henry Edmunds, Millbrook William Frythy, Sanders Frythy, Rd. Foxwell, Rd. Feild Mark Gaud, St. Johns; Arthur Gill, Peter Gill, Peter Gullet^ William Gooch; Charles Hatch, Newton Ferrers; Arthur Heard, John Hosken, Wm. Ham, Andrew Hoffer, Henry Hancock, John Hempson, John Hole, Petronel Heamond, Wm. Hearle, Philip Hingston, Narias Hawkins (master of a vessel and a settler) ; Samson Jope, Reginald Jinkin ; Thos. King, Stonehouse; Thos. Lissen, Stev. Lapthorne, Wm. Lucas, John Libby, W. Lukes, J. Lukesley; Paul Michell, Sheviock; Rd. Martin, Francis Martin, Nich. Mather, Michael Maddiver, Wm. Mellin; Rd. Niles; Rd. Okers; Thos. Pomeroy (mariner), Plymouth ; Clement Pennywell ; Nich. Rouse, Wembury ; George Rogers, Wm. Rundell; Robt. Saunders; Ben. Stephens, Landrake; John Simmons, Thos. Saunson, Tobias Shorte, Roger Satterley, Thos. Shepperd, Stephen Sergeant; John Taylor, Yealm; Ed. Trebie; Bennet Wills, Nich. White, Roger Willing, Oliver Weeks. CHAPTER VI. THE SIEGE. A fortress formed to Freedom's hands. ***** And there the volleying thunders pour, Till waves grow smoother at the roar. The trench is dug, the cannon's breath Wings the far-hissing globe of death ; Fast whirl the fragments from the wall, Which crumbles with the ponderous ball ; And from that wall the foe replies O'er dusty hills and smoky skies, With fires that answer fast and well. — Byron. PLYMOUTH won special distinction during the troubles of the Civil War. But before dealing with the events of that epoch, a few prior in time require reference.1 Piracy and Plague. It is not to the credit of the men of Plymouth in the early Stuart days, that they seemed unable to grapple with the Algerine pirates, who infested the shores of Devon and Cornwall in the opening years of the seventeenth century, and singed the beards of James and Charles more effectually, because more continuously, than Drake did that of Philip. One wonders what had become of the pluck and seamanship of Devon, when these corsairs were able, year after year, with impunity to haunt our coasts, and to enter and plunder not merely fishing-creeks, but such harbours as Plymouth. Hundreds of Devonshire men were carried into captivity by these rovers ; scores died there ; and from first to last thousands of pounds were raised within this county alone for their ransom. 1 Here is the entry 1605-6 of the first local Guy Fawkes day: Itm pd for the Gunners for shooting of the Ordynance vppon the tryvmphe for ye Joyful deliverance of ye King and State from the Treason of Pircie & others . . . . ij» PIRACY AND PLAGUE. 89 Our forefathers were not wholly helpless against pirates in general, for in 1608 'Thomas Trontes and his company' were tried at Plymouth for robbing Frenchmen, seven condemned and one executed; but with the Moors they could not themselves grapple, and they leant on a broken reed when they appealed to the State. The necessity of doing something in this direction was felt early in the reign of James I., and in 1610 a patent was granted to the Lord Admiral Nottingham to impress ships and mariners for the suppression of pirates, under which he, in 1613, made a grant to the Mayor, &c, of Exeter, to the same effect. Four years later, March, 1617, the King brought the matter before the Privy Council ; and this led to the suggestion of united action on- the part of England with Spain and other powers, and to steps being taken to levy money for fitting out the English expedition. Thus in July, 1617, the merchants of Exeter declared that they were willing to pay any reasonable sum towards sup pressing the pirates, of Algiers and Tunis ; and in the same month Sir Ferdinando Gorges wrote from Plymouth to the Privy Council, that the merchants of that town thought a small fleet would effect little. Their trade was much injured by the pirates, but it was injured still more by the encroachments of the Londoners, whose proposal to give £40,000 was none too liberal, considering that they engrossed the commerce of the world. The best way to destroy the pirates was to make war, both by sea and land, upon the Turks. After this the scheme practically slept until February, 1619, on the seventh of which month letters were sent by the Privy Council to several ports, demanding contributions towards the fleet. The amounts required give a fair idea of the relative importance of the shipping and commerce of the respective places. Thus the sum levied on Southampton was £300 ; on Hull, £500 ; Weymouth, £450 ; Lyme Regis, £450 ; Pool, £100 ; Bristol, £1000 (promised ; the demand was greater) ; Exeter, £500 ; Barnstaple, £500 ; Cinque Ports, £400 ; Yarmouth, £200 ; Newcastle, £300 ; Chester, including Carnarvon, Liverpool, and Beaumaris, £100. Plymouth was assessed in £1000. This had to be raised by the port and its members of which Truro was one, and there is extant a very curious correspondence between the Mayor of Plymouth, Thomas Fownes, and the Corporation of Truro, who refused to pay.2 2 Trans. Bev. Assoc, xx. 312-331. 90 HISTORY OF PLYMOUTH. After many delays, the expedition sailed to Algiers under the command of Sir Robert Mansell, 12th October, 1620. Sir Richard Hawkins was Vice- Admiral. Mansell was duly entertained at Plymouth : Item given to Sr Robert Mansell Knight Generall of his Mties Fleet agaynst the Pyrats of Algeir at his goeing to sea two fat sheepe two sugar loafes, twelve capons and six fat gennies . . . vu ij8 iiijd Five years later (September, 1625) Charles and Henrietta visited the town with their Court, to set forth an expedition against Spain, which terminated in ' disgrace and disappoint ment ' to the nation, and great sorrow to Plymouth. There were just 100 ships, of 26,507 tons, manned by 5441 sailors and 9983 soldiers. Charles remained at Plymouth ten days, attended service in the church, and was most hospitably entertained. The town gave him £150 in a purse costing £3 6s. 8d., and his suite £33 3s. 4d. He reviewed the army on Roborough Down. The expedition was under Sir Edward Cecil, and Glanville, afterwards Recorder, was secretary. Before it started there wis great distress. Using his best endeavours the Mayor was unable to find billets for the soldiers, who were only paid 2s. 6d. a week. When they came back they brought the plague. In April, 1626, the sickness had so increased that 14 or 15 died daily, and the inhabitants fled into the country. In June all commerce had ceased, the town was destitute of its best men, and the infection had spread into all the parishes where the soldiers were billeted. Early in July only two aldermen were left resident; and there was no constable. 1600 in all died. Temporary hospitals were erected at the cost of the town at Lipson and Haw Start (Batten). One of the most curious entries in the Accounts reads : Itm pd for the charge of the setting vpp of the house in the feilds out of the Towne wherein the Mayor was chosen, being wholy occasioned by meanes of the plague then in towne . ... xxviij8 xid This was by no means the first visitation of the kind, or caused in a similar way, but it was the most severe. There had been a very fatal epidemic in 1570-71 ; and in 1580 ' the plague was soe great in Plym" that this Mayor [Blithe- man] was chosen on Catdown.' Six hundred are said to have died then. Again in 1590 there was much sickness caused by the PIRACY AND PLAGUE. 91 congregation of soldiers for the expedition under Drake and Norris. Sick soldiers lay in 'Vincent Scoble's barn;' 3d. was laid out with John Gybbons for ' frankencense ' for fumigation. Houses were shut up, infected goods burned, and a cordon established. Another failure was the expedition intended for the relief of Rochelle in 1628 — a fleet of 60 vessels, but so ill found that the sailors of the Lion, Adventure, and Vanguard, as they lay in the harbour, robbed all that came near them from sheer want of victuals ; and that we find the Corporation spending money on powder and match ' for suppressing the saylers when they were in a mutiny.' The result of the expedition is recorded in the following entry : News sent to the Lords of the Council upon the first intel ligence of the Earle of Denbeighes departure from before Rochell with the Fleete without relieving the said Towne xu Plymouth had thus serious drawbacks as a residence in the earlier years of the seventeenth century. If plague was not ever present, pirates were always about. Thomas Ceely, Mayor in 1625, on one occasion reported the appearance on the coast of twenty sail of English, French, Dutch, and Turkish rovers. In 1629 seven Dunkirkers were in the Channel for a month, and took twenty sail, of which four or five were Plymouthians. Most of their company were English or Scots. Perhaps this was the reason why, in April, 1639, all the Scotch ships at Plymouth were seized and the men imprisoned. The Rochellers made Plymouth their rendezvous ; and it cannot be said that the Plymouth folk themselves were much better than their visitors. From 1625 to 1629 there were licensed in connection with the port no fewer than 57 privateers ; while Stonehouse, Plympton, Oreston, Saltash, and Millbrook had 21 more, ranging from 330 tons to 62. We find among the owners of the Plymouth vessels Sir James Bagge, Sir A. Hurton, Abraham Colmer, Nicholas Sherwill, John Scoble, Wm. Dolbery, James Foran, Edward Ameredith, John Smarte, Abraham Jennings, Nicholas Blake, Nicholas Harris, John Pryn, William Pryn, Jerom Roch, Henry Barnes, James Waddon, John White, John Hill, Mat. Buroins, Robt. Trelawny, Bartholomew Nicholl, Nich. Opie, David Brown, Moses Slany, Jelmer Tiebbes, Edward Cooke, Thos. Ceely, Wm. Burch, John Jope, Gabriel Greene, Peter Foran Peter Nean, Francis Amadas, Henry Gayer, Wm. Rowe Henry Meath, Mat. Cassemarte, Rd. Donnell, Thomas 92 HISTORY OF PLYMOUTH. Aumonere. Some of these, or members of their families, commanded several of the ships. Bagge claims a passing notice. Vice- Admiral of the south of Cornwall, and holding other offices, he was the chief repre sentative of the government at Plymouth during the earlier part of the reign of the first Charles. The creature of the favourite, one letter to him he signs as Buckingham's ' slave.' From his greed, Sir John Eliot dubbed him ' that bottomlesse Bagge.' He lived at Little Saltram. He was by no means popular ; and we find him writing, in December, 1625, that he had pressed so many the country cried out and thought ill of him. There were severe storms in 1624 and 1625. On October 4th, 1624, two Dutch and three English ships were cast away in the Sound; while in November 16th, 1625, there was a great snow, and many lives lost. ' Never such before in memory of man' in Devon. Many ships were wrecked then also. Opening of the Siege. The Siege of Plymouth marks an epoch of the first im portance in national as well as local history.3 Foremost in defending the liberties of England in the sixteenth century, when the haughty Armada was launched against our shores, no town in the West of England — London excepted, none in the whole kingdom — did more for the defence of these same liberties in the seventeenth, when they were assailed from within. In fact, as Mr. Gardner says, there was a time when the whole fortunes of the Parliament turned on the retention of Plymouth and Hull. There are places in the West that have been besieged more often ; Plymouth alone claims the proud title of a maiden town. Bristol, Exeter, Taunton, have been attacked and have fallen, again and again. Ply mouth endured a siege longer and fiercer than either of theirs, and sustained it to the end. When civil dudgeon first grew high there were still among the elders of the borough many who had known Drake, and Hawkins, and Ralegh, and Frobisher, and Grenville, and Gilbert — some perchance who had sailed with them ; many who had watched with kindling eye and 3 The chief authorities for this narrative are the Local Records, the con temporary Siege Tracts, references in contemporary newspapers (these were collected by Mr. R. Burnard, and published in the Tavistock volume — 1889 — of the Transactions of the Bevonshire Association), Clarendon's History, Whitelock's Memorials, and Rushworth's Collections. OPENING OF THE SIEGE. 93 eager heart the haughty Spanish fleet sail by to its destruc tion. The half century that had passed had not after all quite tamed the spirit or quenched the energies which made Plymouth the first port in the land in days of Elizabethan glory. These only slumbered ; hence the town was one of the first to declare on the Parliamentary side. Clarendon says that Plymouth Was a rich and populous corporation, being, in time of peace, the greatest port for trade in the West ; and, except Bristol, then more considerable than all the rest. There was in it a castle very strong towards the sea, with good platforms and ordnance; and little more than musquet-shot from the town was an island with a fort in it much stronger than the castle, both of which were, before the troubles, under the command of a captain with a garrison of about fifty men at the most, and were only intended for a security and defence of the town against a foreign invasion, the castle and the island together having a good command of the entrance into the harbour ; but towards the land there was very little strength. This command was in the hands of Sir Jacob Ashley, and as unprovided to expect or resist an enemy as the other castles and forts of the kingdom, less for the receiving a recruit, there being only ordnance and ammunition, without any other provisions for the support of the soldiers within the walls, and the garrison itself, being by time, marriage, and trade incor porated into the town, and rather citizens than soldiers ; so that Sir Jacob Ashley, being sent for to the king, before his setting up his standard, as soon as there was any apprehension of a party for the king in Cornwall, after the appearing of Sir Ralph Hopton and those other gentlemen there, the Mayor and Corporation of Plymouth quickly got both the castle and island into their own power. The King's standard was hoisted at Nottingham on the 25th of August, 1642. It was therefore in the mayoralty of Thomas Ceely that the town declared against the King. Ceely was succeeded on Lambert Day following by Philip Francis, a man of energy and resource, one of the chief leaders of the townsfolk. To him the Parliament gave the command of the castle and town, about which 'a line was cast up of earth, weak and irregular.' To Sir Alexander Carew, one of the representatives of Cornwall, and member of a Committee of Defence appointed to assist the Mayor, was given the charge of the fort and island, regarded as the key of the whole position, with a sufficient garrison. The first attack came from Cornwall. Sir Ralph Hopton, the King's Lieutenant-General of Horse in the West, with 94 HISTORY OF PLYMOUTH. Sir John Berkeley and Sir Bevil Grenville, assembled a party in that county. A bill was presented against them at the Michaelmas Quarter Sessions in 1642, as 'certain persons unknown, who were lately come armed into the county against the peace '; and Sir Alexander Carew and Sir Richard Buller gathered the Parliamentary forces at Launceston to cut off their retreat. But the tables were turned. A counter bill was preferred against the Roundheads as a rout and an unlawful assembly. It was found by the Royalist grand jury, the posse comitatus was called out, and Carew and Buller, with their followers, driven from the county. Saltash was the last place the Parliament held. It had a garrison of 200 Scots, but Hopton soon ejected them ; and the Parliament, who had thought both Cornwall and Devon in their hands, were plainly undeceived. Nor was this all. There was a constitutional principle that trained bands, or militia, could not operate out of the county in which they were raised, and at the orders of whose high sheriff they were. When, therefore, the Cornish posse comitatus of 3,000 foot had done its work, it was disbanded ; but the Royalist leaders raised voluntary regiments, wherewith they made con tinual incursions into Devon, even to the walls of Plymouth and Exeter, both garrisoned against the King. Hopton's Attacks. Plymouth was first attempted in November and December, 1642, by Hopton, with about 2,500 horse and foot. The town was then under the command of Col. William Ruthin, or Ruthven4 — a brave and able soldier, but deficient in caution. Like a wise captain, however, so far, he had garrisoned certain outposts, Plympton among them. Here upon H°pton came down in such force that the Roundheads had to retire. But they did not go far. A retreat across the Plym enabled them to cover their front by that river; and the Cavaliers were .too wary to attempt more. We read that on the 1st of December the garrison 'stood upon the Lary for the space of three hours facing the enemy, who attempted one charge to have drawn us to their ambuscades ; but durst not with all their force, which we judge was at least 2,500 horse and foot, give in a charge upon fair ground.' So Hopton in his turn retreated upon Modbury, where, 4 Or Ruthyen. He had commanded the Scots ejected from Saltash, with whom he — a Scottish soldier of fortune — had been on his way to France when fortunately driven into Plymouth from stress of weather. HOPTON'S ATTACKS. 95 notwithstanding he had in the interim received reinforce ments, he was on the seventh of the month surprised by Ruthin, with four troops of horse and 100 dragoons. This determined the Parliament to carry the war into the enemy's country. The forces of Dorset and Somerset were ordered to join those of Devon, and march into Cornwall — one body under the command of Ruthin, the other under that of the Earl of Stamford, governor of Exeter, and general for the Parliament of the five Western Counties. Euthin led the way. An attempt to force the passage of the Tamar at Saltash was repulsed with loss. He then took his forces up the eastern bank, and crossed by Tavistock Newbridge. And here Euthin blundered. Instead of waiting for Stamford, he pushed on to Liskeard, and was utterly defeated on the 19th of January by Hopton at Braddock Down. With the remnant of his shattered army he fled to Saltash, where he hastily entrenched himself, and where, with the aid of a ship of 400 tons carrying sixteen guns, he hoped to make a stand. Hopton followed him up with vigour ; and as a regiment which the Earl of Stamford had sent to Launceston fled to Plymouth, he was enabled to give his undivided attention to Saltash. The assault was made at four o'clock on the afternoon of Sunday the 22nd of January. For three hours the storm continued; and at length in the dark the town was captured, Euthin and his principal officers escaping by boat to Plymouth. The loss of the Parliamentary troops was very great: seven score prisoners to add to the 700 taken at Braddock, arms and stores for 4,000 men, and the ship, the master of which was accused of treason in that, though hired to ' batter ' Hopton, he did not do so. The Eoyalists claimed that they only lost one man ; but this we may take leave to doubt. Plymouth was now menaced for the second time, and far more seriously. Flushed with success, the whole of Hopton's forces sat down before it. We learn their disposition from a letter of Sir Be vii Grenville to his wife, dated Plympton, February 20th, 1642-3 : ' Our Army lyes still in severall quarters. Sir Eh. Hopton, with my Lord Mohun, is upon the north side of Plimouth with two regiments; Collo. Ashbourn [Ashburnham], Sir Jo. Berk [Berkeley], and I are on the east side with two regiments; and Sir Ni. Slan [Nicholas Slanning], with Jack Trevan [Trevanion], were sent the last weeke to Modbury to possess that quarter before the enimy come, being the richest part of this countrey, whence most of our provision and victualls does come. If 96 HISTORY OF PLYMOUTH. it were taken from us we might be starved in our quarters.' Grenville saw no hope of taking Plymouth. It was too well supplied by sea, which the besiegers could not hinder. One of the Civil War Tracts, Good News from Plymouth, dated February 20th, 1642-3, asserts that an attempt had been made to take the town by treason : On Munday last there was a great treason found out, which is, That Sir Nicholas Slaning, being acquainted with one of the master gunners in Plymouth, sent him a letter to this effect : That if he would charge his guns with Powder and Paper, and give false fire, he would give him an hundred pounds ; this news being brought to the Mayor of Plymouth, he presently sent for this said gunner, and imprisoned him, and wrote back a letter in the gunner's name that all should be effected according to Sir Nicholas Slaning's desire ; upon which promise Sir Ralph Hopton went on and set upon one of the outworks with confidence to enter ; but Plymouth men having charged their peeces with small shot, discharged upon them, and slew 800 of their men, amongst whom Sir Ralph Hopton was one. As Hopton was not killed in any such way, probably the whole story is apocryphal ; still, some such attempt may have been made to tamper with the garrison then, as well as at a later period. The Battle of Modbury. When Sir Bevil wrote, the Parliamentary forces were con centrating in the direction of Kingsbridge. They attacked the entrenched camp at Modbury four days afterwards — on the 24th February — and again won a complete victory. The Bideford and Barnstaple men led, while the London ' Gray- coats ' and other troops from Plymouth assailed the Cavaliers from that direction. The Royalists were completely routed, and five pieces of ordnance, 200 arms, and 120 prisoners captured. There was taken also one Alderman Fittock, the master of the Newcastle ship which was said to have betrayed its trust at Saltash; and it was reported, though falsely, that Slanning was among the killed. While the fight was onward at Modbury the Plymouth garrison made a sally, drove Hopton off, and slighted 'that spacious work which they called after his name.' The Cavaliers, compelled to raise the siege, fled in such haste that they left behind them three great guns and much powder. As a result of the ' battle of Modbury,' efforts were made by the moderates in the West to conclude a treaty of peace between the two counties, and proposals were discussed by STRENGTHENING THE DEFENCES. 97 Commissioners (whom the Corporation spent £10 in enter taining) at Mount Edgcumbe, Stonehouse, and elsewhere. An agreement was arrived at, both sides being heartily tired of the conflict, though it had but begun. The Parliament, however, would have none of the treaty, sending 'Master Prideaux and Master Nicholls' down, and hostilities soon recommenced. About this time Sir George Chudleigh was the governor of ' Plymouth, Mountwise, and other Castles thereabouts,' having under his command 2,000 foot and 500 horse. 'Barronet Norcot,' with his regiment of about 1,200, was quartered near Eoborough to hinder the passage from Cornwall by Saltash, where Sir Nicholas Slanning had 1,000 men. And so a petty border warfare was carried on, the Cornish generally having the advantage, daily stealing horses, sheep, and oxen. In April the Earl of Stamford made another attempt to subdue Cornwall, marching thereinto all the forces at his disposal. They were utterly defeated and dispersed on the 16th of May at Stratton ; and Sir George Chudleigh, who had won a partial success at Bodmin, beat a hasty retreat to Plymouth. His son James, one of the Parliamentary leaders at Stratton, was charged with treason by Stamford and joined the Eoyalists. Strengthening the Defences. After the expedition of the Cornish forces eastward, which terminated so fatally for their leaders — Sir Bevil Grenville being killed at the battle of Lansdowne, Colonel Trevanion and Sir Nicholas Slanning at the siege of Bristol, and Sidney Godolphin, the other wheel of the 'wain,' at Chagford — Plymouth was left awhile to itself. The inhabitants made the best use of their time. The Black Book contains 'an order made the fifth day of Julye in the xixth yeare of the raigne of our Sovereigne Lord Charles, annoque dni 1643, for the erection of a wall rounde the towne of Plymouth for the better defence and safetie of this towne agst the Enemyes nowe in armes agst the Parliament.' The order ran 'There shall be a wall with all expedition erected and Lenged [lengthened] for the better defence and safetie of this Towne agst those Enemyes that dayly threaten our sd burrow, and that every Inhabitant of the same shall be reasonably rated and assessed for and towards the Charges and Costes of lengthening and erecting the same according to their respective estates and substance.' There were then no Eoyalist forces of any strength in the H 98 HISTORY OF PLYMOUTH. neighbourhood, but it was thought wise to be prepared for what was seen to be inevitable. According to tradition women and children aided in the work. That the townsfolk wished to stand well with the Par liament we may glean from such an entry as this : Itm pd for a rolle of Spannish tobacchoe sent the Speaker of the howse of Comons assembled in Parliam* for a gratuitie from the Towne . ... vji; xs The earliest entries of expenditure in connection with the Siege are in 1642-3 : Itm payd for makeinge a wall att Mr. Alsopp's house an other by Dr. Wilson's howse and a third in the way leadeinge to Totehill . . . . iiij11 vj" xid Itm pd for carryeinge gunnes into Mr. Fowells and Mr. Elliotts gardens when they were mounted for ye better defence of the towne agBt Sr Ralph Hopton and to gunners y* attended one moneth there . . . iiij1' Itm payd for Carriadge of gunnes to the Town Gates and unto the Old Towne and for Lanternes for the guardes and for shott ... . . xxixs ixd The full history of the defences will be found in the chapter on the Fortifications. It is sufficient here to say that the town was enclosed by a wall which extended from the Castle westward, northward, eastward, and southward to Sutton Pool; that there was a fort on the Hoe, with bulwarks on Drake's Island ; and that along the high ground north of the town there stretched a breastwork connecting a series of redoubts. The first of these was above Lipson, east of Freedom Fields, the second at Holiwell, near the prison ; the third and chief, Maudlyn Fort, near the site of the Blind Institution, where the Maudlyn House once stood ; the fourth at Pennycomequick, near the head of Cobourg Street ; the fifth at Eldad. There were subsequently on the same line Little Maudlyn Work, N.W. of the Maudlyn; and Little Pennycomequick Work, near the site of Houndiscombe House. This rampart covered the heads of Stonehouse and Lipson Creeks, which were easily passable there at low- water. Detached works were made at Stonehouse and Lipson Mill ; at Laira Point, Mount Gould, Prince Rock, and Cattedown ; and south of Cattewater at Mount Stamford and Mount Batten. The redoubts were of earth, stockaded ; the breast work merely a low earthen rampart and ditch. The sea formed a natural moat, except towards Mutley; and there lay the main strength of the defence. 100 HISTORY OF PLYMOUTH. Treachery. The next attack was made about the middle of August by Col. Digby, who with 600 horse and 300 foot formed his head-quarters at Plymstock, and for five or six weeks so scoured the country that no provisions could be brought in. But the chief troubles of the town just then were internal. Sir Alexander Carew, commander of the fort and island, was discovered in communication with the King's army. Clarendon says he was in treaty with Sir John Berkeley; Rushworth, that he held intelligence with Col. Edgcumbe and Major Scawen by night. Mayor Francis, however, was a man of decision ; and the evidence of a servant supplying all the proof required, Sir Alexander was apprehended and sent to London. He denied the treason, was reprieved for a while on the application of his wife, but at length was executed on Tower Hill, December 23rd, 1644. When voting for the execution of Strafford, he told Sir Bevil Grenville: 'If I were sure to be the next man that would suffer on the same scaffold with the same axe, I would give my consent to the passing of it.' It was with the same axe that he was be headed. Among the witnesses against Carew were Francis, two ministers named Willis and Rundall, Capt. Hancock, John Deep, merchant, and Arthur Skinner. Carew's own soldiers are said to have taken him in the act of attempting to introduce Royalist soldiers into the island. Probably he was one of those who thought the conflict was being carried beyond what had been intended or needed. A Perfect Diurnal of Some Passages in Parliament (No. 8, September 4th to 11th, 1643) narrates his apprehension thus : Monday 4 Sep. They [the Parliament] also received notice from Plymouth that another of their members — namely, Mr. Alexander Carew, Governor of the Island, near Plymouth, that commands the Sound there — was proved an Apostate, and went about to betray that island and the town of Plymouth into the hands of the Cornish cavaliers, but was prevented by the fidelity of his honest soldiers, who upon the first discovery of his per fidious purpose seized on him, and are about sending him up to the Parliament to receive just punishment, according to his demerit; and least there should be any protraction of justice here, by reason of other business, the good women in that town, upon his first apprehending (so odious was his treachery unto them), were about to be the executioners of justice themselves, and were very hardly intreated to forbear the hanging of him in the Island. And the House of Commons, upon consultation hereof, to evidence to the FALL OF MOUNT STAMFORD. 101 world their detestable hatred of such perfidiousness in any of their members, and to make him more capable of a speedy trial with some other of his fellow apostates by a Council of War, agreed in a vote to disable him from being any longer a member of that House, and that there should be [another member] chosen in his place. Advance of Maurice. Exeter surrendered to Prince Maurice on the 7th Septem ber; and Clarendon holds that if Maurice had then marched directly -upon Plymouth, it would have yielded at his ap proach, such was the discouragement the loss of Exeter caused, and so little was the town provided to sustain an attack. Maurice resolved to take Dartmouth on his way, having all the disinclination of the old school of generals to leave even a weak enemy in his rear or on his flank ; and the Parliament took advantage of the consequent month's delay to send 500 or 600 soldiers by sea from Portsmouth to Plymouth, under Col. Wardlaw — appointed commander- in-chief of the town — and Col. Gould. Passing Dartmouth, they left 100 men there, and came on to Plymouth with the remainder. This addition to the garrison made the place secure. The Mayor, according to Clarendon, was in no very good heart; while the inhabitants were afraid they would lose their trade and become only soldiers. Wardlaw struck his first blow on the 8th October. Under cover of the night he sent 300 men over Cattewater, who fell upon and routed Digby's guard at Hooe, taking 54 prisoners, some powder, and a pair of colours, with the loss of only two men. Dartmouth soon fell, and the garrison learnt that Maurice, with his whole strength, was on the march against them. Willing while they had the chance to strike again, they made a sally against a guard at Knackers- knowle, and captured 20 or 30. The enemy rallied, were reinforced from Roborough Down, and fifteen of the garrison, who had pushed too far in advance, were captured, the only one who escaped being Major Searie, who gallantly charged through his opponents. Fall of Mount Stamford. The town was soon hemmed in. Maurice had five regiments of horse, and nine of foot, stationed at Plym stock, Plympton, Tamerton, Buckland Monachorum, Mount Edgcumbe, Cawsand, and elsewhere, his head - quarters conveniently placed at Widey. The garrison were deceived 102 HISTORY OF PLYMOUTH. by the Cavaliers bringing thirteen fishing boats overland from the Yealm into Pomphlet Creek. This was interpreted to indicate a design upon Cattedown, and the little redoubts and breastworks there were strengthened. But the besiegers knew their business better. In the night of the 21st October they ^raised a square work within pistol-shot of Mount Stamford, with regular approaches to cut off all relief. It cost the Stamford garrison three hours' hard fighting before the work was taken, and in it fifty prisoners, under one Captain White. The capture was garrisoned by thirty musketeers, under the command of an ensign; but in the night the enemy fell on again, and ensign and men decamped without warning the fort.5 Next morning there was a yet more desperate struggle. The Royalists brought up rein forcements, and it was not until the leader of the Roundheads, Captain Corbett, had been shot in the forehead as he was encouraging his men to fall on, that the coveted spot was regained. This cost the garrison twenty men killed, and over a hundred wounded beside officers, Colonel Gould among the latter. The besiegers certainly an equal number, in cluding six commanders of rank. The work was then destroyed, and Mount Stamford strengthened by slight outworks — a breastwork on each side, terminated by a half moon, along the ridge — which were manned as well as the smallness of the force at hand permitted. The Cavaliers gave no rest. Daily there were assaults and skirmishes; and on the third of November batteries were raised within pistol-shot of the fort, which on the fifth began to play, discharging upwards of 200 demi- cannon and whole culverin shot, beside the shot of smaller guns. These batteries completely commanded Mount Stam ford, and flanked the outworks from Oreston Hill. On the first day several breaches were made in the fort, and the lieutenant and some gunners slain. The works were repaired during the night, but there were serious needs that could not be easily supplied. Provisions and ammunition alike ran short; and no reinforcements came to relieve the garrison, who had been continuously fighting for eight days. They held out under another battering until noon of the next day, Sunday. The outworks then fell to a general assault ; and the captain of the fort having sustained three further attacks, having only seven serviceable men left out of thirty-six, no provisions, and very little ammunition, and having made a 5 This was regarded as either treachery or cowardice, and on the eighth November — a few days afterwards— the eusign was shot. FALL OF MOUNT STAMFORD. 103 signal of distress unavailingly for two hours, during which he kept the enemy at bay, surrendered on good terms, marching off with colours flying, bag and baggage, the best gun — a demi-culverin — in the work, and exchange of prisoners. If defeated, therefore, he was not disgraced; though the townsfolk who did not come to his aid were called both faint and false-hearted. So fell Mount Stamford— the first and only advantage gained by the Royalists during the protracted and often revived Siege. It cost nearly three weeks independent leaguer, and some scores of lives, including four or five Cavalier captains, rumour magnifying the loss of the besiegers to a thousand. While the capture did credit to the energy of the Royalists, the surrender was no discredit to its immediate defenders. The importance of Mount Stamford proved to have been monstrously exaggerated. The Royalists thought it the key to the position; and on its capture demanded the surrender of the town. That you may see our hearty desire of a just peace, we do summon you in his Majesty's name to surrender the town, fort, and island of Plymouth, with the warlike provisions thereunto belonging, into our hands for his Majesty's use. And we do hereby assure you, upon the power devised to us from his Majesty, upon the performance of a general pardon for what is past ; and engage ourselves upon our honour to secure your persons and estates from all violence and plunder. We have now acquitted ourselves on our parts ; and let the blood that shall be spilt in the obtaining of these just demands (if denied by you) be your guilt. — Given under our hands at Mount Stamford the 18th day of November, a.d. 1643. — John Digby, Thomas Bassett, Peter Killigrew, John Wagstaffe, J. Treleany [Trelawny], R. Prideaux, John Arundell, Thomas Marke, William Arundell, John Downing, Thomas Stucley. The townsfolk were seriously inclined to comply. Colonel Wardlaw was of a different mind, and seized the fort and island, determined that if the town surrendered these strengths should still be held. Strong measures were needed. The neutralists who desired surrender were no feeble folk in numbers, whatever they were in mind. Moreover, both town and garrison were very ill-provided. A letter written from Plymouth to Capt. Joseph Vaughan, a month before (October 27th), states that affairs were then all at sixes and sevens, and men and money both wanted; 1,000 men and £5,000 being of more service at that juncture than 20,000 men and £100,000 if the town were lost. Governor 104 HISTORY OF PLYMOUTH. Wardlaw and Mayor Cawse had to face a desperate state of affairs; and to guard against treason, ever lifting its head, care was had to certain suspected deputy-lieutenants. The Vow and Covenant. It was soon seen that the loss of Mount Stamford was rather a gain. Of little use as a protection to the shipping — which, because of the enemy's cannon at Oreston and Mount Edgcumbe, had to shelter in Milibay — its maintenance would have drawn too heavily on the small strength of the garrison. Moreover, very little damage was done by the Cavalier cannon at Stamford, beyond shooting off a vane of the windmill on the Hoe, which was quickly new grafted, and injuring a woman in the arm. The final result was: ' The town, which before was altogether divided and heartless in its defence, now grew to be united, with a resolution to stick by us in the defence thereof; partly out of fear, knowing that the fort and island would be goads in their sides if the town should be lost ; but especially from their assurance of our intention to defend the town to the last man, by securing of those four deputy-lieutenants whom they suspected, and by the many asseverations and resolutions of the officers that they would, when they could defend the town no longer, burn it to ashes rather than the enemies of God and of His cause should possess it; which resolution of theirs they confirmed by joining in a solemn vow and covenant for the defence of the town.' This Vow and Covenant, ordered to be taken by all, ran thus : In the presence of Almighty God I vow and protest that I will to the utmost of my power faithfully maintain and defend the towns of Plymouth and Stonehouse, the fort and island, with all the outworks and fortifications to the same belonging, against all forces now raised against the said town, fort, and island, or any part thereof; or that shall be raised by any power or authority whatsoever, without the consent of both Houses of Parliament. Neither will I by any way or means whatsoever contrive or consent to the giving up of the said town and fortifications aforesaid, or any parcel of them, into the hands of any person or persons whatsoever, without the consent of both Houses of Parliament, or of such as are authorized thereunto by them. Neither will I raise or consent to the raising of any force or tumult, nor will I by any way or means give or yield to the giving of any advice, counsel, or intelligence, to the prejudice of the said town and fortifications, either in whole or in part, but will with all faith THE 'SABBATH DAY FIGHT.' 105 fully discover to the Mayor of Plymouth, and to the Commander- in-Chief there, whatsoever design I shall know or hear of hurtful thereunto. Neither have I accepted any pardon or protection, nor will I accept any protection from the enemy. And this vow or protestation I make without any equivocation or mental reser vation whatsoever, believing that I cannot be absolved from this my vow and protestation, and wishing no blessing from God on myself or my posterity if I do not sincerely and truly perform the same. So help me God. An attempt was made when Stamford fell to retain a hold on the south of Cattewater by raising a fort upon Haw Start. Hitherto the garrison of Mount Stamford retreated, but as the townsfolk would not go to their aid, and they were wearied almost to death, they came back to Plymouth. Haw Start was then fortified by the Cavaliers. On the same day Mount Stamford was taken Lipson Work was assailed, but without success : and possibly this was but a feint. The townsfolk had a solemn day of humiliation, took their vow and covenant, and, in the spirit of the Cromwellian saying, ' Put your trust in Providence, and keep your powder dry,' proceeded to complete the rampart and ditch connecting the five great outworks, which were yet in a very imperfect state. Between the 6th and the 16th of November nothing of note occurred except a foraging sally at Thornhill, which ended in the capture of Major Leyton, because, as in the assault on Knackersknowle, the party pushed forward too far. The Lipson end of the line was the first attacked. The deep valley, however, prevented the Cavaliers from raising their battery (which opened on the 18th November) near enough to do much damage. Though the townsfolk were by this time both united and determined, they were not thoroughly purged of the leaven of malignity. Three notorious 'malignants' were among them — Ellis Carteret, sailor; Henry Pike, vintner; and Moses Collins, attorney. Carteret endeavoured to induce Roger Kemborn, chief gunner of Maudlyn Work, to blow it up. Kemborn revealed the plot, ' God not suffering his conscience to. rest until he did'; and Carteret was apprehended. Pike and Collins fled to the enemy. TJie 'Sabbath Day Fight.' Sunday, the third of December, 1643, is one of the most memorable days in the history of Plymouth. Never stood the town in such peril. Its fate trembled in the balance. If trainbands and soldiers had not alike done their duty, 106 HISTORY OF PLYMOUTH. the Parliament would have lost its last stronghold in the West. There was a small breastwork at Laira Point, at the junction of what then was Lipson Creek with the Laira. It was an entrenched outpost with three cannon, in itself of little strength. Low tide fell during the dark hours of the morning of the third December, and Lipson Creek, save the middle channel, was dry. Guided by Pike and Collins, 400 musketeers crossed the mud, wading the stream a little below the mill ; and following down the western shore under cover of the precipitous banks, surprised the guard at the Point. It then wanted three hours to sunrise. The guard gave the alarm to the garrison ; and at daybreak, 150 horse and 300 musketeers fell in above Tothill to repel the attack. The ridge concealed them from the main body of the besiegers ; but as they were in full view of Mount Stamford, a warning shot fired thence aroused Prince Maurice and ' all the gallantry of his army,' who immediately advanced in full strength from Compton and Egg Buckland down Lipson Valley, under cover of their ordnance and sheltered by a hedge, to the support of their forlorn hope. Speed as they would, the Roundheads were before them ; and by the time they arrived, a hot conflict was onward near the Point. The besiegers' supports turned the scale. The Roundheads were outnumbered ten to one, and driven back in absolute rout for the space of three fields. So hasty was the retreat, and so hot the pursuit, that some of the Cavalier horse pushed on past the outworks to within pistol-shot of the walls, and were there either killed or taken. The bulk of the Round heads, however, rallied on the highest point of Freedom Fields, their left flank protected by Lipson Work. Here they were reinforced from the different outworks, though the aid was small. There was great danger of assault elsewhere. Pennycomequick Work indeed was attempted without success ; and few could be spared. Weak as the defenders were, they held their ground for hours of anxious expectancy, while the Cavaliers were either unable or afraid to follow up their advantage. At length they summoned Lipson Work, probably the obstacle. Their trumpet was answered by a cannon, and this shot heralded the renewal of the battle. A drake was brought up, planted in a position of vantage, and discharged several times on the enemy's horse with good effect. The field party were reinforced by a couple of hundred of the trainbands. Sixty musketeers were sent round under Mount Gould to take the enemy in the rear. Then at a signal given by the sound of drum, a DEPARTURE OF MAURICE. 107 general assault was made along the whole line. The enemy gave way. Their retreat, followed up, became a rout. Down the hill they rushed pell-mell, in far too much of a hurry to choose a path ; and while making their hasty way over the creek, some were killed, and still more captured. Their rear guard of cavalry, cut off, was forced into the mud in utter confusion. Many of the horses were drowned ; some of the horsemen made their escape by crawling on shore. Not a few were killed by the cross-fire of the pursuing horse and foot, and of some vessels stationed at Laira Point, which had parleyed with the enemy while the issue of the day was doubtful, but when the retreat commenced became ' honest ' again. These vessels in all likelihood were some just sent by Parliament to the town's relief. The repulse was complete, and Plymouth was saved. Both sides suffered heavily. The garrison, when they were driven back, lost forty-three officers and men prisoners, Captain Wansey and twelve men killed, and a hundred wounded, some mortally. The loss of the assailants was much greater. The boasting shouts of the Cavaliers, 'The town is ours,' had been answered by the hopeful cries of the garrison, ' God with us.' And when in the event, to quote the words of the old chronicler, the Lord showed himself so wonderfully in their deliverance, soldiers and townsfolk united in a solemn day of thanksgiving, proclaiming their confidence in the noble motto, 'Tunis fortissima est nomen Jehovae.' For many a year the bells of St. Andrew rang joyous peals each third of December in memory of the great mercy of this ' Sabbath-day fight.' It was indeed a great deliverance. If the Royalists had held possession of their ground that night they would have gained Cattedown. Then the garrison would have had to betake themselves to the wall ; and as that was not finished, a very few hours woidd have settled the fate of the town. No wonder Major-General Basset called from the trenches to one of the Roundhead officers, he verily thought God fought against the Cavaliers. Departure of Maurice. The next three weeks were quiet, the only episode a night attack upon the small redoubt near Lipson Mill, then newly raised. On the 18th of December bombardment commenced, but with little success. To make the attack more effective, the batteries were approached so close that they were commanded by the outer earthworks; and the Cavalier gunners were beaten from their guns. A more serious danger 108 HISTORY OF PLYMOUTH. soon threatened. On the night of the 20th December, under cover of the darkness and the rain, aided by the carelessness of the captain at Maudlyn, who neglected his sentries, the besiegers contrived, with the help of a corner of a field, to raise a square work within pistol-shot of Maudlyn, endanger ing the communication with the work at Pennycomequick. At daybreak this was discovered ; and, anxious to repair their neglect, the garrison at Maudlyn, threescore strong, made an attack. They found that the new work was held by a force four or five times their number, and were driven back. All the available men from the town were then brought up, both horse and foot, and at nine o'clock the attack renewed. The first assault was repulsed ; at the next the assailants made a footing in the work, to be immediately driven out again. But they were not daunted. The reserves were brought into action. Again they fell on, and this time succeeded, driving the Royalists headlong before them, and being held back with difficulty from assailing their batteries. The work was destroyed. What it cost the garrison we have no means of knowing; but as nearly 100 Cavaliers were slain, the loss of the stormers must have been severe. The effect of this blow was such — coupled with the fact that disease had broken out in the camp, the wet weather ' breeding such a rot ' that the men died in great numbers, while hundreds sick and maimed were in the trenches — that on Christmas-day, the date by which Maurice said the town should be taken, the Siege was raised; the Prince as a parting shot issuing an order to the constables and tything- men of Egg Buckland and St. Budeaux against the relief of the garrison : Forasmuch as divers persons disaffected to his Majesty's service make their daily recourse into Plymouth, furnishing the rebells there with all manner of provision for man and horse, contrary to his Majesty's proclamation prohibiting the same ; these are there fore to signify that if any person, of what degree or quality soever, presume to have any commerce or dealing with any in the said town, or take or carry with him any horses, oxen, kine, or sheep, or other provision for man or horse, into the said town of Plymouth for the relief of the rebells there, every such person and persons shall be proceeded against, both in person and estate, as abettors of this horrid rebellion and contemners of his Majesty's proclamation, according to the limitation of the Court of Wards in such cases provided : willing and requiring all mayors, justices of peace, bailiffs, constables, and all other of his Majesty's officers and ministers, to cause them to be forthwith published in all DEPARTURE OF MAURICE. 109 churches, chappies, markets, and other places, whereby his Majesty's loving subjects may the better take notice thereof. — Maurice. It was time for some relief. The privations of the inhabitants had been severe, and their death-rate had risen very high. The registers of St. Andrew, which deal only with the actual burials in the churchyard, show that in December alone, instead of the eighteen or twenty which would have been a fair average for that time of the year, there were 132. The leat was cut off. Provisions had been very scarce ; and it is acknowledged with devout thankfulness, that when the poor people were grievously punished, 'there came an infinite number of pilchards1 into the harbour within the Barbican, which the people took up with great ease in baskets, which did not only refresh them for the present, but a great deal more were taken, preserved and salted, whereby the poor got much money.' Another providential occurrence was the fact that the day after the Siege was raised, instead of earlier, part of two of the works fell down. The trainbands had done their duty well ; and perhaps it is to this period of the Siege that we must refer a tradition preserved by Mr. John Fox in his MSS.,2 the death, while defending Maudlyn Work, or in Mutley fields, of a silver smith named Smith, an ancestor of the Collier family. A relative was going up to the work with his dinner, when he or she met his body being brought back, headless, thrown across a horse like a sack. The idea of taking out dinner to the combatants may seem strange; but we have a special record of 'the great humanity of the good women of Plymouth, and their courage in bringing out strong waters and all sorts of provisions, in the midst of all our skirmishes and fights, for the refreshing of our soldiers, though many women were shot through the clothes.' The credit of the defence is not confined therefore to the sterner sex, and the pluck of the women must have helped to compensate for the scant numbers of the men. The garrison were deficient of munitions also; but they had one piece of good fortune. When they were most pressed for money, Sampson Hele, of Fardel, came informally, without drum or trumpet, with a summons of surrender; whereupon, by way of ransom, he was ' persuaded ' to yield £2,000 for the payment and clothing of the soldiers. When Maurice left, the Siege was turned into a blockade 1 Sprioge says 'mullets,' which is much more likely. s Now in the Proprietary Library. 110 HISTORY OF PLYMOUTH. under the charge of Digby. Mount Stamford was retained, but the head-quarters were at Plympton, whilst a strong force was quartered at Tavistock. Moreover, the Cavaliers of Devon and Cornwall entered into a solemn vow and protestation, to the utmost of their power to assist his Majesty's armies in reducing Plymouth. The chief commanders of the attack during this period were — Prince Maurice, the Earls of Marlborough and Newport, Lord Mohun, Sir Thomas Hele, Sir Edmund Fortescue, Sir John Grenville, Sir Richard Caire, Sir James Cobourne, Sir John Digby, Sir Peter Courtenay, Sir William Courtenay, Lieut.-General Wagstaffe, Major-General Basset. The officers of the garrison — Colonels Wardlaw, Wm. Gould, Michael Serle ; Lieut.-Colonel William Layther ; Nathaniel Willis, Sergeant-Major; Captains Samuel Bersch, Gabriel Bernes, Henry Potter, William Watton, Henry Plumley, William Hill, Thomas Hughes, Robert Northcote, Thomas King, George Hamilton, William Owen, Humphry Burton, Thomas Halsey ; Capt.-Lieuts. Bartholomew Henderson, James Moore ; Lieuts. Philip Beaumont, Thomas Stayner, — Chaffin. Officers of the horse — Philip Francis, John White, Richard Evins, Arthur Gay, Richard Burthogg, Henry Hatsell. Captains of the town — Ellis Crymes, Philip Crocker, Robert Harvie, Christopher Martin; Christopher Crocker, Captain- Lieutenant. In January, 1644, Wardlaw ceased to be active governor, and was succeeded by Gould. A letter from him was read to the House of Commons September 4th, 1644, in which it is stated that he had become incapacitated for service by infirmities incurred in the discharge of his duty; but in January he complained of supercession without notice. The town had a month's peace ; but peace did not mean idleness. The breathing time was employed in strengthening and repairing the old fortifications, and in adding new ones. Not only were the enemy's redoubts and batteries slighted, but the hedges immediately contiguous to the outworks destroyed. This was more important than making sallies. The soldiers sorely wanted rest: it had been a common thing for them to endure six or seven nights' duty without relief. Blockade under Digby and Grenville. And peace consisted only in living free from actual assault. Mount Stamford daily favoured the town with great shot, but they did little damage. Hostilities in the field BLOCKADE UNDER DIGBY AND GRENVILLE. Ill were renewed on the 26th of January, when the Cavaliers at Plympton and Buckland fell upon some scattered parties of the garrison. Major Halsey, with the Roundhead horse, pursued and attacked the enemy at Tamerton. In February and March there were various sallies, which inflicted con siderable annoyance on the besiegers, but had no effective result. In one of these, Colonel Digby was placed hors de combat, receiving a rapier wound in the eye, from which he never properly recovered. The conduct of the Siege thus fell into the hands of Sir Richard Grenville, of whom more anon. A little later death deprived the garrison of Colonel William Gould, who also held the office of High Sheriff of Devon under the Parliament. The decease of this 'noble and valiant gentleman ' was improved by Stephen Midhope, one of the chaplains, who, when publishing the sermon, dedicated it to Sir John Bampfield (ancestor of Lord Poltimore), then commanding in the town. There is a singular uncertainty about the date of Gould's death. One of the contemporary Siege Tracts places it on the 27th of March. The register of St. Andrew records the burial of Colonel William Gould on the 9th July. When he died, the command of the town was put into commission, being granted (it would almost seem by Colonel Wardlaw) to the Mayor, Colonel Crocker, and Lieut.-Colonel Martin, until a commander-in-chief was sent down from the Parliament; the two former subsequently transferring their authority to the last. But this has carried us in advance of the course of events. On the 18th of March — Digby was probably wounded in a sally on the 15th — Grenville sent the following letter into the town : For Col. Gold, together with the officers and souldiers now at the Fort, and Towne of Plinimouth, These Gentlemen, That it may not seeme strange unto you, to understand of my being ingaged in his Majesties service, to come against Plimouth as an Enemy, I shall let you truely know the occasion thereof. It is very true, that I came from Ireland with a desire and intention to look after my own particular fortune in England, and not to ingage myself in any kind in the unhappy difference betwixt the King and the pretinded Parliament now at London. But chancing to land at Liverpoole, the Parliament's forces there brought me to London, where I must confesse I received from both the pretended houses of Parliament great tokens of favour, and also importunate 112 HISTORY OF PLYMOUTH. motions to ingage me to serve them, which I civilly refused : afterwards divers honourable persons of the pretended Parliament importuned me to undertake their service for the Government and defence of Plymouth : unto which my answer was, that it was fit (before I ingaged my self) I should understand what meanes they could and would allow and provide for the effectuall performance of that service ; upon that a Committee appointed for the West thought fit with all speede to send a present reliefe of Men and Munition to Plymouth, which with very great difficulty was brought thither, being the last you had ; afterwards there were many meet ings more of that Committee, to provide the meanes that should give Plymouth reliefe, and enable it to defend itself, and notwith standing the earnest desires, and endeavours of that Committee accordingly, I protest before God, after six moneths expectation, & attendance on that Committee by me, I found no hopes- or likelyhood of but reasonable means for the reliefe and defence of Plymouth, which made me account it a lost Towne, and the reather because I being by Commission Lieut. General! to Sir William Waller, had an ordinance of the Parliament for the raising of 500 horse for my Regement at the charges of Kent, Surry, Sussex, Hampshire, who in 3 moneths time, had not raised 4 Troopes, and my own Troope, when I left them having 2 months pay due to them, could get but one month for which extraordinary means was used, being a favour none else could obtain, it being very true, that the Parliament's forces have all beene unpaid for many months, in such sort, that they are grown weak, both in Men and Monies, and have by only good words kept their forces from disbanding. The processe of so long time spent at London, made me and many others plainly see the iniquity of their policy, for I found Religion was the cloak for Rebellion, and it seemed not strange to me when I found the Protestant religion was infected with so many independants, and sectaries of infinite kinds which would not heare of a peace, but such as would be in some kind as pernicious as was the warre. The Priviledges of this Parliament I found was not to be found by any of the former, but to lay them aside and alter them as they advantaged their party. This seemed so odious to me that I resolved to lay my self, as I have done at his Ma : feete, from whence and his most just cause, no fortune, terrour, or cruelty shall make me swerve, in any kind : and to let you see also what hath formerly past, I have sent you these inclosed. Now for a farewell ; I must wish, and advise you, out of the true and faithfull love and affection, I am bound to .beare towards mine own Country, that you speedily consider your great charges, losses, & future dangers, by making and holding your selves enemies to his Majestie, who doth more truly desire your welfare and safety, then it seemes you doe your selves, wherefore (as yet my friends) I desire you to resolve speedily of your Propositions for peace, by which you may soone injoy your liberties, BLOCKADE UNDER DIGBY AND GRENVILLE. 113 contents, and estates, lest on the contrary, the contrary which with a sad heart I speake, you will very soon see the effect of. Thus my affection urgeth me to impart unto you, out of the great desire I have, rather to regaine my lost old friends by love, then by force to subject them to ruine, and on that consideration I must thus conclude. Your loving friend, Fitzford 18 Martij. 1643. [Old style.] Rich. Grenville. To this the Garrison replied : Sir, — Though your Letter meriting our highest contempt and scorne, which once we thought fit by our silence (judging it unworthy of an answer) to have testified, yet, considering that your self intends to make it publique, we offer you these lines, that the world may see what esteem we have of the man notorious for Apostacy and Trechery, & that we are ready to dispute the justice and equity of our cause in any lawfull way, whereto the enemy shall at any time challenge us. You might well have spared the giving us an account of your dissimulation with the Parliament. We were soone satisfied ; and our wonder is not so great that you are now gone from us as at first, when we under stood of your ingagement to us : & to tel you truth, it pleased us not so well to hear you were named to be a Governor for this place as now it doth to know you are in arms against us, we accounting our selves safer to have you an enemy abroad than a pretended friend at home, being persuaded that your principles could not afford cordiall endeavors for an honest cause. You tell us of the pretended houses of Pari, at London, a thred-bare scandal suckt from Aulicus, whose reward, or a Bp. blessing, you may chance to be honoured wth for your Court-service; & how they make Religion the cloak of Rebellion, a garment which we are confident your Rebellion wil never be clad with : You advise us to consider the great charges we have beene at, and the future dangers we runn our selves into, by making our selves enemies to his Majesty, who more desires our good than we our selves, & thus would have us prepare conditions for Peace. That we have bin at great charges already we are sufficiently sensible, & yet resolve that it shall not any way lessen our affections to that cause, with which God hath honoured us, by making us instruments to plead it against the malicious adversaries. If the King be our enemy, yet Oxford cannot proove that we have made him so. That his Majestie desires our wel-fare we can easily admit, as well as that its the mischievous Councellors so neere him who render him cruel to his most faithful subjects : & as for our proposing conditions of peace, we shall most gladly do it when it may advance the publique service ; but to do it to the enemies of peace, though we have bin thereto formerly invited, yet hath it pleased the disposer of all things to preserve us from the necessity of it, & to support us against all the fury of the inraged enemy. The same God is still I 114 HISTORY OF PLYMOUTH. our rock and refuge, under whose wings we doubt not of protection and safety, when the Seducers of a King shall die like a candle, and that name which by such courses is sought to be perpetual in honor, shall end in ignominy. For the want of money to pay the Parliaments souldiers, though it be not such as you would persuade us, yet certain we are their treasury had now bin greater, and honest men better satisfied, but that some as unfaithful as your selfe have gone before you in betraying them both of their trust & riches. Whereas you mind us of the lost condition of our town, sure it cannot be you should be so truly persuaded of it, as they are of your personall, who subscribe themselves, and so remaine friends to the faithfull. Grenville enclosed a book entitled the Iniquity of the Covenant. This was burnt in the market-place, by the hands of the common hangman, under order of the Council of War. Moreover, proclamation was made that all who had any of these books, and did not bring them forth, should be held and dealt with as enemies to the State and Town. Colonel Martin on the Offensive. Colonel Martin was a commander of decision and vigour. He acted upon the offensive, to prevent the enemy taking up close quarters again ; but the Cavaliers, as the year wore on, gradually drew their circle narrower. The garrison must have received some reinforcements. Our only definite in formation is that certain of the prisoners captured took the Covenant and enlisted on the Parliamentary side ; and that men from all parts came in daily, but that there was no money to pay them. Martin's earliest movement of importance was an assault upon St. Budeaux. Hearing that 500 Cavaliers were quar tered there, he sent against them 600 musketeers, with 120 horse, at the same time making a feint in the direction of Plympton, the besiegers' head-quarters. The attacking party were separated by a mistake of the guides. Nevertheless the foot fell upon St. Budeaux unobserved, captured the garrisoned church tower, and took a couple of officers and 44 other prisoners, besides powder, horse, and arms. This was on the 16th April. On the 19th Martin beat up the enemy's quarters at ' Newbridge on the way to Plympton,' somewhere between Longbridge and Marsh Mills. Impetuous as usual, the forlorn hope, disobeying orders, fell on while the reliefs were yet a mile behind, beat the Cavaliers from hedge to hedge, and captured a breastwork in advance of the bridge ; but at length, their powder being spent, they had to COLONEL MARTIN ON THE OFFENSIVE. 115 retire before the main strength of the enemy, two men only being wounded. On the 21st of April an attack was made from Prince Rock upon the Cavalier guard at Pomphlet Mill, and prisoners and provisions brought in. This was but a small affair. On the 11th of May a more formidable expedition attacked the enemy at Jump (now Roborough), then called ' the Jump,' or 'Trenaman's Jump.' This sortie issued from Hopton's Work — probably an old fortification of the besiegers, opposite Maudlyn. It consisted of 1,000 foot and 100 horse, 400 musketeers and 25 horse 'making good the wayes about Compton ' to prevent a flank attack. The enemy were beaten out of their quarters, and 100 brought back prisoners, despite attempts at rescue. Colonel Martin next turned his attention westward. The Mercurius Rusticus contains a statement under date May 12th: 'The rebels from Plymouth assaulted Mount Edg cumbe House in Cornwall (which was only defended by thirty musketeers), were bravely repulsed, and eighty of them killed in the place.' While there is evidently some exaggeration in the roll of the slain, there is little doubt this action really took place three days later — on the 15th of the month, when Colonel Martin sent Captain Haynes with 300 men from Cremill (now Devil's) Point to Mount Edgcumbe, himself following with twenty horse when the passage was open. On his arrival he despatched the following summons to Mount Edgcumbe, but without effect : To prevente the Efusyon of Chrystian Blood I doe heerbye Require ya ymediately to deliver Mount edgcumbe house unto mee for ye use of the Kinge & Parliamt And yu shall have fayre quarter whcl1 if yu shall Refuse I have acquitted myselfe from the guilte of the Blood wch may be spilte in obtayninge my just desire Robt Marten Passage 15 May 1644 To the Governour of Mount Edgcomb House : these. The landing was effected at the Warren, near the Old Blockhouse yet standing in the gardens. Here had been mounted three small guns, which used greatly to annoy the boats going to Stonehouse. These were captured at the outset, the gunners retreating to the house. Finding that his summons produced no result, Martin left a party to watch the garrison, and pressed onward. Maker Church tower was assaulted and taken, and therein a barrel of I 2 116 HISTORY OF PLYMOUTH. powder. A fort at Cawsand was surrendered; Millbrook, entrenched and garrisoned by 250 men, was carried with the capture of cannons, prisoners, and cattle. A fort at Inceworth was abandoned on the approach of the victorious Roundheads. But the posts could not be held. The Cavaliers came down in force from their head-quarters on the Cornish side, at Saltash ; and so Colonel Martin retreated with his booty, and 200 prisoners. On the road he assaulted Mount Edgcumbe, but was repulsed. The banqueting-hall and the out-offices were burnt, but the main building, being of stone, was not to be dealt with in that summary way. According to Col. Martin, the casualties in this affair were very slight ; not a tithe of the eighty slain by the writer in Mercurius Aulicus. When the sortie returned it was learnt that the besiegers had attacked the outworks with 1,000 horse and foot, and been beaten back. On the 22nd of the same month Warleigh House was assailed, and fifty horses taken. This was not effected without loss; for the party were considerably harassed in their return. There were other sorties. Whitelock mentions one in which forty prisoners, with horses, arms, and ammunition, were taken ; another, wherein the garrison issued forth two miles, and captured nine guns, 150 prisoners, 100 cows, and 500 sheep ; a third, whence forty horses and prisoners were brought in ; a fourth, resulting in 100 prisoners ; and a fifth, towards Newbridge, in which fifty horses were captured, Capt. Arundel and other inferior officers, and many soldiers slain. How far these are to be identified with the forays already detailed we cannot say ; but in all likelihood some are duplicate versions of the same events. Arundel, who was son of the gallant Governor of Pendennis, familiarly called ' Old Tilbury ' and ' John for the King,' was shot dead in the entrenchments by Capt. Braddon.6 There were still troubles within the walls. A feminine malignant and traitor was detected holding correspondence with the enemy, and committed to the Castle. The articles against her were that she sent suits of apparel to the renegadoes Pike and Collins; that she discovered to the 6 James Hals, of Efford, was Lieut.-Colonel in Colonel Boscawen's regiment defending Plymouth. He was captured in a sortie, and sent prisoner to Lydford. Here some of his fellow-officers— Leach, Morris, and Brabyn [Brabant ?]— were executed without trial for high treason by Grenville. Hals was spared, but kept in prison until, twenty months afterwards, Essex in his march into the West set the prisoners free. While in prison, Browne gave him a copy of his Lydford Law ' for his diversion.' (Hals's Cornwall.) ESSEX'S UNLUCKY MARCH WEST. 117 enemy the quantity of powder in the town ; that she invited the enemy to assault it; and that she desired a Cavalier, Major Harris, to quarter in her house when the town was taken, informing him moreover that the Protestant religion in Plymouth was decayed and breathing its last gasp. There was another 'virago,' but she was allowed to 'sleep for a while that her shame and doom might be the heavier.' The Weekly Account of July 30th, 1644, states that Plymouth was well supplied with provisions: beef, 2£d. per lb. ; cheese, coal, and meal, cheaper than in London. From another source, however, we learn there was great distress. The chief wants were of money and river-water, (though there were plenty of wells), and water to drive the mills. Col. Gould had been an officer of the most approved Puritan type, purging ' the forces from swearers, drunkards, and abominable livers, causing the town and garrison to be very careful in observing the Lord's-day and days of humiliation, and to be frequently present at the ordinances of the Lord of hosts.' Col. Martin followed in his footsteps. So far as actual warfare went, he was the most energetic and daring commander the town had. 'Tough Old Plymouth' was now the only place in Devon and Cornwall that adhered to the Parliament. Save Plymouth, Poole, and Lyme, the whole of the West of England was in Royalist hands. Like his predecessors, Wardlaw and Gould, Martin succumbed to the service. The burial of Lieut.-Colonel Martyn is recorded in the register of St. Andrew for October, 1644. Col. Kerr was the next commander. On his arrival, June 14, he was entertained by the garrison and whole town with very great expressions of love and joy. Martin, however, was still at the head of affairs when, early in July, there was another unsuccessful assault. Essex's Unlucky March West. On the 1st of this month an ordinance of the Lords and Commons appointed Commissioners for the Western Counties for raising moneys for the maintenance of the army and garrisons there, and for other purposes. The chief care of this committee was the supply of Plymouth. At the head of the Commissioners for Cornwall was John Lord Robartes (ancestor of Lord Robartes); and it was at his desire that Essex made his unfortunate march into the West, Robartes believing and arguing that in this way great assistance would be obtained in his own county. Plymouth was greatly 118 HISTORY OF PLYMOUTH. encouraged by the news of the Lord General's approach. As he drew near, Grenville, who had now only 500 foot and 300 horse, retreated on Tavistock, abandoning all his positions. At Fort Stamford four guns were taken, and at Plympton eight ; whilst at Saltash and a ' great fort ' — wherever that may have been — there were found more cannon and many arms. Essex, strengthened by 2,500 men from Plymouth, where he only left Colonel Harvey's horse, marched on into Cornwall by Newbridge. Grenville's house at Fitzford was assaulted on the 23rd July, 150 prisoners made, and £3,000 worth of pillage taken. On the 26th the passage at New bridge was forced, Essex losing 40 men against Grenville's 400. Captain Reynolds's Plymouth horse are recorded to have charged bravely. It does not add to our estimate of Grenville's qualities as a soldier, or to our opinion of his men, that Essex was able to effect the passage so easily. The sides of the gorge of the Tamar at Gunnislake are exceedingly steep, even precipitous, the river deep: and Grenville's force, if small, ought to have inflicted great loss on the assailants. At this time some of the Parliamentary fleet were at Plymouth, as appears from the following correspondence, for which, with the summons of surrender already cited, we are indebted to the Earl of Mount Edgcumbe, among whose family muniments the originals are : Robert Earle of Warwicke, Lord High Admiral of England, Ireland, and Wales, and Captain-Generall of his Maties Seas and Navy RoyalL To ye Commander-in-Chiefe of Mount Edgecomb, — I doe hereby sommon you, in the name of the King and Parliament, forthw*h to render to mee Mount Edgecomb, now in yor keeping, for the use of his Matie and ye Parliam* wth all things in it. Els you you may expect the rigour of warre, I being resolved otherwise to enforce yor speedy obedience. You are to retorne mee yor answere by this Bearer, my Lieutennant. Warwicke. Aboord his Mat.'s ship the James, in Plimouth Sound, 30 July, 1644. The answer is as follows : Noble Earle of Warwicke, — Wheras you have sumoned me, in the name of the King and Parliament, to Render unto yor Lordpp the Howse Mountedgcombe ; may ytt please yor Honner, I am heere intrusted to keepe the Howse for my Master, Coll11 Edgcombe, till his returne : to whom, as I conceive, itt doth justly helonge. Your Humble Servant, Henry Bourne. Mountedgcombe, July the 30th, 1644. CHARLES BEFORE PLYMOUTH. 119 There is no need to recall the details of the disaster that befell Essex ; the greatest blow the Parliament had received. The King and Prince Maurice marched after him. Richard Symonds, a Cavalier who was with the King, states that their joint armies mustered 10,000 foot, 5,000 horse, and 28 pieces of cannon. Essex was hemmed in at Boconnoc, the scene of Ruthin's disaster. Sir William Balfour, with 2,300 horse, broke through the investing line, and reached Plymouth by Saltash; Skippon, with the foot, including the Plymouth contingent, surrendered. Essex, with Lord Eobartes, Sir John Merrick, and a few others, escaped from Fowey in a small vessel, contemptuously termed a cock-boat by the Cavaliers, to Plymouth. Charles before Plymouth. Every preparation was made at Plymouth to resist the coming attack of the Eoyalists, flushed with victory. Fortu nately some supplies had been received which were originally intended for Gloucester. The breathing-time was brief. Skippon surrendered on the 1st September ; by the 5th the . King, with Maurice and Grenville, were at Tavistock, whence the latter sent a trumpeter summoning the town to surrender. The trumpeter, who according to Symonds ' was abused and imprisoned,' did not return until the next day, and then only with the message that the answer should be sent by one of the Eoundhead drummers. All we know of this answer is that it was in the negative. On the 9th of the month (Monday) the army marched to Eoborough, where they camped, and whence Sir John Campsfield, with the Queen's regiment of horse, was sent to demonstrate against the stubborn town ; the result being that when he returned the rebel horse followed him at a less respectful distance than was convenient. So on the Tuesday the army marched upon Plymouth, with drums beating and colours flying, and making, no doubt, a very gallant show in the eyes of the expectant Eoundheads as they poured down, 15,000 strong, over the slopes of Mannamead and Compton. Still the garrison were not moved by the spectacle; and the march had to be made under ' mercy of the enemy's cannon,' which played upon the Cavaliers as they advanced, taking cover of the hedges. But they, too, were not easily to be daunted. The twenty-eight great guns were brought, and planted within half cannon-shot of the outworks, and the battle began in earnest. 120 HISTORY OF PLYMOUTH. Next day the King resorted to negociation. His head quarters were at Yeoman Heale's, at Widey. Charles tried every means that ingenuity could suggest to obtain possession of the town — force, persuasion, treachery, bribes, blandish ments. Plymouth was proof against them all. Well that it should be. It is not claiming too much for the fame of the good old town to say that, if it had been less staunch and true the entire complexion of the Civil War might have changed. The whole of the West and South of England would have been at the mercy of the Eoyalists ; and if this had not caused events to take a different turn, it would beyond doubt have greatly prolonged the struggle. But Plymouth was true ; and while it remained loyal to liberty it absorbed the energies of a Eoyalist army. Charles in his summons of surrender, set forth : That God having given him a great victory, yet as his desire was to reduce his people by acts of grace and clemency, so he is desirous of setting a special mark of favour on his town of Plymouth, and doth therefore require them to surrender up the town, assuring them, on the word of a king, that they shall enjoy all their wonted privileges, and have no other garrisons put upon them than what they had in the most peaceful times ; viz., in the fort and in the island; promising pardon to all townsmen and soldiers for what was past; entertaining such as shall be willing in his service ; and requiring their speedy answer. The answer was not very speedy; for the trumpeter did not return until a drummer was sent after him, and then not until the next day, with a hint that if he came again he would be hung ; but if not speedy, it was decided — ' Never.' Lord Digby made a private appeal to Lord Eobartes, appointed Governor on the 11th September, offering him preferment and honour if he would betray his trust. To this the same answer was returned. The next appeal was to arms. The 'gallant spirits of Plymouth ' had ' shut up their shops ' and ' betook themselves to the workes to stand it out to the last.' They were none too soon. That same day, the Cavaliers made a desperate attack on the western line of defence by Stonehouse and Pennycomequick, but were repulsed with great loss; the sailors of the fleet then lying in Cattewater being especially notable for their gallantry. According to Symonds, on the Saturday night ' our souldjers gave the enemy strong alarmes, and cryd, " Fall on," " Fall on the enemy," shott thousands of musket and many pieces of cannon as was the severall SIR RICHARD GRENVILLE IN CHARGE. 121 night before.' But this did no good ; and in the morning. between six and seven, the armies of the King and Maurice marched away. Symonds records with evident chagrin that the 'rogues followed the reare, commanded by Lord North ampton ; little or no hurt, onely the basest of language,' This was even more aggravating than hard blows. To lose was bad enough ; to be abused and ridiculed far worse. It was the King's custom daily to demonstrate with his chief officers and guards at Mannamead. Daily was he received with a shotted salute from the guns at Maudlyn; and the townsfolk with grim humour dubbed the site of these idle vauntings — 'Vapouring Hill.' After the King left, forty prisoners of quality were sent from Plymouth to London. These were very perilous times. Essex, who before his defeat had spoken of Plymouth as 'a place of as great concernment as any in the kingdom next to London,' in his letter from Plymouth of September third announcing his defeat says : ' I have taken the best care I can to secure this towne, but without a present supply of men and monie it will be in great danger.' On the 18th August the Earl of Warwick had written that the garrison was only 800 strong beside the burgesses, and that there were four miles of line to defend, with 150 cannon. ' If this town be lost all the West is in danger.' The Mayor and Governor were quarrelling, the soldiers wanted pay, and the townsfolk were not very forward. Eobartes declared the soldiers low in courage and loud in complaints ; many of the inhabitants cold and weary of the two years' siege. When the King attacked there were 2,500 foot and 400 horse in the garrison besides the towns men; and Essex was told that his army must wait until Plymouth was supplied. Sir Richard Grenville in Charge. The Siege being raised, a blockade was substituted under Grenville, who was made General of the King's forces in Devon and Cornwall, with special charge of Plymouth. According to Clarendon, Grenville promised to take the town before Christmas ; and to that end to raise and pay an army of 6,000 foot and 1,200 horse. That he might have the means to do this, there were allotted to him half the Eoyalist contributions of Devon, over £1,100 weekly; the whole of those of Cornwall, about £700 ; and arrears of near £6,000. Eichard Grenville was utterly unlike his brother Bevil. He was grievously hated by the Eoundheads, equally for his 122 HISTORY OF PLYMOUTH. cruelty, and his cool and deliberate treachery to the Parlia mentary cause. Brave and a good disciplinarian; he was charged with misapplying the moneys granted him for the maintenance of his army, and with being chiefly diligent in seizing the estates of partisans of the Parliament for his own individual benefit. ' Though he suffered not his soldiers to plunder, he was in truth himself the greatest plunderer of this war.' And so he was cruel, even malignant, in his disposition. He brought no good character from the Irish wars ; and to keep his hand in, would now and then hang a constable ; while his minor acts of oppression were countless. He met four or five soldiers of Plymouth garrison coming out of a wood with faggots, and made one hang the rest to save his own life, which, says the historian, ' he was contented to do.' He caught an unfortunate solicitor — Francis Brabant, of Breage — who had acted for his wife in a lawsuit, and hung him as a spy. And now we come to an incident which set Grenville and Eobartes (Eicraft's ' most noble religious and pious lord ') in such deadly antagonism, that thereafter, while they com manded, no quarter was given. When the blockade was first left in Grenville's charge, his chief endeavour was to stop the supplies, and many skirmishes necessarily resulted. Lord Lansdowne states that in some such affair, wherein prisoners were taken on both sides, a young gentleman about sixteen, near kinsman to Grenville [probably a natural son], fell into the hands of the garrison ; that Sir Richard wanted to ransom or exchange him, but that Robartes hung him at one of the town gates without other reply. Such is Lord Lansdowne's explanation of the passage in Clarendon, that a message passed between Grenville and Robartes, which kindled such furious resentment between them that all who fell into their hands afterwards on both sides were put to death by the sword or, what was worse, by the halter. And if Lansdowne's story were true, we need not wonder at what followed ; the act would have been base and cruel — worthy of Grenville himself. But there is a very different version of the affair. White- lock's account is that young Grenville was a cousin of Sir Richard's, and was persuaded into a plot to betray Plymouth to him, but discovered and executed. Rushworth adds that this Grenville offered Col. Serle, then second in command, £3,000 to betray his trust, and was executed on the 24th September accordingly. And however we may lament the fate of this unfortunate young man, if he obtained entrance THE COMMITTEE OF DEFENCE. 123 into Plymouth to effect such an object, by all the rules of war his life was forfeit. There were not many incidents of importance during the remainder of 1644. Grenville took up his head-quarters at Buckland Monachorum, and busied himself chiefly in looking after his own interests, receiving the money allowed, but not raising the force agreed. On the fourth October a party from Plymouth took Saltash, after a short encounter; on the fifth a boat party captured Millbrook and the fort at Inceworth. This roused Grenville. He drove the Round heads out of Millbrook, killing 40, and taking 33 prisoners. Saltash cost more time and life. It had a garrison of 500. Of these, 200 were killed in the assault ; the other 300 refused quarter, were taken prisoners, and Grenville wrote to the king that he intended to hang them. Possibly he did ; but there is no further record of their fate. That was on the 11th October. The Committee of Defence. This brings us to the year 1645. There is among the archives of the Corporation a valuable document, which relates to the proceedings of the defenders of Plymouth during this year, and contains a store of detailed information. This document is the account of the expenditure of the Com mittee of Defence, who included Col. Christopher Savery, Francis Godolphin,7 Justinian Peard (the Mayor), Thomas Ceely (Mayor in 1641-2), John Cawse (Mayor in 1636-37 and 1643-44), and on the death of the latter, Robert Gubbes (Mayor in 1650-51). Sir John Bampfylde, Col. Kerr, Col. Crocker, and John Beare, acted also, and the treasurer was Timothy Alsop, Mayor in 1648-49, and twice elected repre sentative of the town under the Commonwealth. The Mayor was the chief of the Committee, which acted at first under the authority of Lord Robartes, who continued Governor until May, when he was removed, in spite of a petition for his retention, by virtue of the Seif-denying Ordinance, and the government vested in the Committee of five, Col. Kerr having the military command. The Committee had powers to execute martial law. Sir John Bampfylde was Governor for some little while. 7 This was Francis Godolphin, of Treveneage, Cornwall, the father-in-law of John St. Aubyn, ancestor of Lord St. Levan, himself a colonel of horse in the garrison, while his brother Thomas was colonel on the other side. Sir Francis Godolphin, the head of the Godolphin family, and all his sons, were staunch Royalists. 124 HISTORY OF PLYMOUTH. The records of the appointment of the Committee were copied into the book of accounts by Henry Rexford, clerk : Whereas Sr John Bampfeilde, appointed by ye Comittee of the West to be one of those whoe should distribute the last 2,000 sent for the vse of this garrison and other puisons expressed by theire last Lres, refuseth to attend the saide service, And whereas Collonell Kerre, one other named by ye said Comittee to attend ye service, excuseth himself e in respect of other imploym'; and whereas the necessitie of this garrison requireth ye speedie performance of this service ; I doe therefore appointe Collonell Christopher Savery, Harcourt Leyton, one of ye Comr8 of Parliam', Mr John Cawse, & Mr Thomas Ceely to sett wth, joyne, and to be assistant vnto Justinian Peard, now Maior of Plymouth, and Francis Goodolphin, esq1", two of ye psons named for ye said service and for their soe doeinge this shalbee their warnt. Dated ye 19 day of Febr. 1644 [1645]. J. Roberts. Whereas Mr. Cawse is deceased, and there is required for the despatch of this garrison one other to supply his place, I haue appointed Mr. Robert Gubbes of this Towne to attend ye Maior, & joine with and assiste for the prnte service. Dated the 25 of March, 1645. J. Roberts. In these appointments Robartes acted on behalf of the Committee of the West, of which he was a leading member, as well as in the capacity of Governor of the town. The first entries refer to the payment of £1,805 16s. for the Kentish regiment of Colonel John Birch from October 29th, which the Committee of Kent had to repay ; but the regular account does not commence until February, 1645 [1644 old style]. From the 15th February to the 3rd March the sum total sent up was £2,135 4s. 2d. The chief item of expenditure was for the weekly pay of the officers and soldiers of the garrison. This passed chiefly through the hands of Commissary Slade ; and there was another com missary, named Clapp. The first entry under this head, on the 17th February, is for £459 18s.; but the amount gradually and largely increased, indicating that as the year went on the garrison was considerably strengthened. In the last week of December the amount thus paid was £723 3s. 2d. ; and in January, 1646, it reached its highest mark, £734 19s. 8d. These payments did not include the cost of maintaining the guards at the town walls, and the outworks. Their pay was handed over fortnightly — some times, when money ran short, once in three weeks — to the officers in command. The first entry under this head, also in February, amounts to £134 18s. 6d., which includes the cost THE COMMITTEE OF DEFENCE. 125 of coals and candle-light. The outworks were dismal places in the winter nights; and the soldiers would have fared badly without fires. Candle-light was an absolute necessity. The fact that the pay for ' ye commanders and gunners of ye outworkes and wall' was handed over to the officer in command, has preserved the names of those who at different times occupied that honourable post. The amount paid per week ranged from about £70— £69 6s. 6d. is given in one week in March, and £72 18s. lid. in another — down to a little over £50. There is an entry in December that Captain Walters had £113 lis. for two weeks' payment of the commanders, gunners, and seamen of the outworks, ' shippes in Lary,' and redoubts on the town walL The variation in amount is easily accounted for, since the number of men on guard would depend mainly on the activity or inactivity of the enemy. What the ships in Laira were there is no record; but there are entries of payments made to the masters of vessels named the Welfare, Diana Hopewell, Elizabeth and Susan, Hampton, Hopewell of Plymouth, Dymond, Endeavour, and Amity of Plymouth, employed in the public service in various ways, the latter in May at Laira Point. Governor Kerr received £8 a week towards his housekeeping — some thing akin to the modern table allowance. Gunners in the outworks were paid at the rate of 7s. a week. The chaplains of the garrison were not neglected. April 9th, ' Paid Mr. Stephen Midhope minister for his labour in ye ministry w*hin this garrison the summ of £5.' Francis Porter, afterwards the first minister of Charles Church, had for his ministry a like sum ; J. Wills also £5, and George Shugge £10. Abraham Cheere, the first recorded pastor of the Baptist Church of Plymouth, who served in the trainbands as a full private, was ' for some few weeks, unknown to him and against his will, mustered a chaplain to the fort, but quickly got himself discharged of that again.' His name does not appear in the accounts. The Committee had in charge the whole question of supply. There are records of payment for boots, biscuit, beer, forage, and various articles of clothing. At times funds ran short, and then they borrowed from all who were willing to lend until fresh supplies arrived. And they were practically grateful for the relief of their necessities. On the 20th of December, Captain Somester had £5 'for his paines in bringing down money for the supply of the garrison.' It must have been a great slice of luck when, on 20th November, 1645, the Earl of Warwick brought in a 126 HISTORY OF PLYMOUTH. barque laden with kerseys for clothing the King's soldiers, which he had taken. Very quaint is the methodical way in which the Ply- mouthians managed the defence. The accounts abound with entries of payments for masons' and carpenters' work on the wall and at the outworks, which seems to have been treated quite as a matter of ordinary business. Parts of the wall were battered down, or a weak point in the outer line of defence would need palisading. The Committee sent their orders to their tradesmen, and they went and did the work — to all appearance, much in the same way as they would have followed out the ordinary details of their occupation — coming up for their pay with exemplary regularity. These old Puritan folk took a lesson from the builders of the wall of Jerusalem under Nehemiah. 'They which builded on the wall, and they that bare burdens, with those that laded, every one with one of his hands wrought in the work, and with the other hand held a weapon. For the builders, every one had his sword girded by his side, and so builded.' All this illustrates with singular force the matter-of-fact earnestness and straightforward simplicity of character which characterised these rugged Roundheads, and in the end won them a victory at first very doubtful. There was an active business carried on in horse stealing. The chief supplies of horses for the garrison were obtained by levying requisitions on the besiegers. This was profit able, because the Committee regularly paid for all such captures. In April we find, ' Item : Pd Cornett Rolles for ye horses taken by him from ye enemye yesterday, four of which were lifted in Collo Sentaubyn's troope for ye service, and ye other imployed for ye publique service in ye garrison, £4 10s.' Horse lifting flourished with the greatest vigour towards the end of the year, and the reward dropped from £1 to 10s. Land was rented of Ambrose Diggens at Cattedowne for keeping the troop horses by night. To return to our narrative. When 1644 closed the besieged were in a much better position than when Charles made his unsuccessful assault. The interim had been well spent in strengthening the defences, which Grenville, although he scoured the country and kept up an aggravating blockade, did little to prevent. It is evident, from the entries in the account-book, that the line of defence was considerably more extended than it had been twelve months before, though its general features remained the same. Half- moons had been added to the defences, at least of Gasking GENERAL ASSAULT. 127 and of East Gates ; the chain of earthworks and their communications strengthened, and the former palisaded ; the detached redoubts made more formidable, and others added. The ground held now extended from Mount Batten on one side to Mount Wise on the other. There is no evidence that at Mount Wise there was more than a guard ; but at Batten a fort of formidable character was reared. Mount Stamford remained as left when slighted by the garrison after the advance of Essex. General Assault. Grenville at length resolved to do something to justify his proud title of King's General in the West. In January he collected a force of 6,000, and made a desperate assault upon the outworks. He attacked them at four different points — Lipson, Holiwell, Maudlyn, and Pennycomequick Works. For a time the fate of the town appeared to tremble in the balance. He is said to have taken three of the works, and to have turned their guns against the town. Robartes, however, credits him with only capturing one ; and probably the solution of the contradiction is that he gained at first a footing along the line, but was able to make it good at one point only. This would be either Pennycomequick or Maudlyn. But even that modicum of success was evanescent. With the loss of 300 men slain, 75 of whom were left dead around the batteries, and many hundreds wounded, Grenville was thus beaten off at every point save one. The captured work was then stormed on all sides by the Plymouth men, who behaved with extraordinary gallantry, and speedily carried, all within being either killed or taken prisoners; those who did not fall eventually surrendering upon quarter. The intelligence of this success was very welcome to the House of Commons, and care was at once taken for the supply of the garrison. The city of London petitioned that due regard shoidd be had to the necessities of the town. Moreover, news came that Grenville, under discontent, had pistolled Col. Champernowne and his brother. After this bout the town wall and outworks stood greatly in need of repairs, which were at once executed. Grenville's next movement was upon the other side of Cattewater. In the night of the 17th February his troops cleverly effected a lodgment among the ruins of Mount Stamford, and raised a breastwork of faggots twelve feet thick, which they intended to complete on the following night. The garrison had not expected this. But their measures were soon matured. The 128 HISTORY OF PLYMOUTH. little force at Mount Batten was strengthened at noon by a party of horse and foot ; the latter partly seamen, under the command of Capt. Swamley, who had just relieved Plymouth, and landed a body of soldiers. A feint sally was made from Pennycomequick, which kept the main body of the besiegers engaged. And then, under cover of the fire of sixty guns from the ships and forts, which ' beat up the dust about the Cavies ears,' the new Fort Stamford was attacked and carried. The Cavaliers were driven from the field and pursued two miles. Twelve officers, including a lieutenant-colonel, a major, and four captains, with ninety- two soldiers, were captured; and in the new work were found 300 arms, and good store of mattocks, shovels, and faggots. Only one of the attacking party was slain, and that by aceident. There is an entry that £6 worth of biscuit was supplied by Thomas Bowden, on the 18th February, for the soldiers in fight with the enemy at Batten. We know very little about the conduct of the Siege for the next few months. No general attack appears to have been made; but the garrison did not relax their efforts to improve the defences. Little Maudlyn and Little Penny comequick Works were erected, additional fortifications raised at Lower Lipson, and a new redoubt thrown up at Mount Gould, which took its name from the dead colonel. Con siderable sums were spent in palisading the whole line of ditch and rampart. Grenville was meantime engaged at the siege of Taunton, where he was dangerously wounded in the thigh. He left scarce 2,000 foot and 400 horse before Plymouth. Indeed it does not seem that from the date of the fight at Mount Stamford the town was in any serious danger, although continually harassed. The sending away of the Kentish regiment proves this. In June, Sir John Berkeley was placed in command of the Siege, but failed to do more than his predecessor, and never attempted to go beyond a blockade. It is questionable whether at this time the garrison were not the stronger party of the two. There had been a continual drain on the resources of the Royalists, promoted by the action of Grenville, and many of the King's soldiers had deserted to the Parliament, who were taking abundant care for the needs of the besieged. An ordinance passed in March to raise one per cent, for the supply of the town and the recruiting of the Kentish regiment. There was another order for money in May ; and in October it was reported that Plymouth, though beleaguered, was in no want. Yet the DIGBY's APPEAL. 129 straits of the Committee had been so severe, that in the early part of the year they had to borrow at three several times from their friends, and even then were only able to pay some of their debts in coals at the rate of £1 a quarter. Autumn, however, found the townsfolk not only in good circumstances, but in good spirits. They felt secure them selves. They were cheered by the tidings of success elsewhere. To the bearer of the tidings of the great victory at Naseby they gave a silver tankard, thus recorded : Paid Johane Chandler widdow for a silver tankard weighing 12 ounces given a gentleman y* brought the intelligence of ye defeateinge ye King's army by Sir Thomas Fairefaxe £3 9. Digby 's Appeal. In September Sir John Berkeley was succeeded by General Digby ; and subsequently Col. Welden, who had been engaged with Fairfax at the siege of Bristol, and had at one time conducted the defence of Taunton, was appointed Governor of Plymouth. Mount Batten takes its name from Captain, afterwards Admiral Batten, made by Parliament Governor of Batten's Tower and Batten's Mount a little earlier. It does not appear as if Welden's appointment took immediate effect ; for Kerr continued in command until the following January. Digby was not more active than his predecessors, and con fined himself to the blockade until December. He then did make an effort to take the town. But it was by treachery. Whitelock states that the agent was hanged, by martial law. This can hardly have been the case, unless Digby tried twice. The only attempt of which we have any information is that recounted in the following correspondence between Digby and Kerr : Sir> — I am troubled to understand, that through the ingratitude of those you serve you are likely to be rewarded with the dis honour of having a person of much inferior merit put over your head, an injury insupportable to any man of spirit, and which may offer you a justifiable occasion of doing a very eminent service to your Native King and Country ; and which if you will embrace to deliver up the Town with the works of Plimouth, I shall engage myself on my honour and the faith of a gentleman, you shall0 be rewarded with ten thousand pounds, and have the command if you please of a Regiment of 500 Horse, with what honour yourself can desire. Sir, be not scrupulous in taking the advice of an enemy that desires heartily on these terms to become your true friend and faithful servant, For Col. Ker, Governor of Plimouth. Jo. Digby. 30 Decern. K 130 HISTORY OF PLYMOUTH. Sir, — Your motion to Treason I have seen, and detest it ; it is below my spirit for personal injury (supposed only by an enemy) to take national revenge, and for a Punctillio of honour to take advice from Hell, and betray my trust. I am sorry that one so ingenious as your selfe should abuse your natural parts only to do mischief. Yet I have no reason to wonder much at your per suasion to treacherie, because I have had the experience of the indeavours of your Family to corrupt others also. I remember the Gunpowder Plot,8 the letter which your brother writ to the Lord Roberts in this place for the same purpose ; and his Negoti ation with General Brown at Abington. Surely these Principles came from Spain ; but you should have told me also that Spanish proverb, To love the Treason, and hate the Traytor, &c. Your assured servant, 20 Dec- James Ker. Final Incidents of the Leaguer. The work of strengthening the defences still continued. So late as December we find the platforms on the earthworks kept efficient ; and even in the following month there was a payment of £42 19s. 2d. for building a new guard-house and repairing the town wall at Frankfort. After this period of quiescence the first move was made by the garrison resuming, the offensive. The besiegers had a small redoubt at Kinterbury. This was assailed on the 27th December and easily taken, with 17 prisoners and store of arms and ammunition. From Kinterbury the Roundheads marched to St. Budeaux, where the church and tower had again been turned into a garrison. After an hour and a half's hard fighting the church was captured, and in it Major Stucley, 20 other officers, and 100 soldiers. Another account puts the number of prisoners at 92, including 55 horse ; arms and ammunition likewise fell into the hands of the victors. Ten of the defenders were killed, and seven of the Roundheads, with Major Haynes, the officer of highest rank slain, so far as we know, on the side of the besieged during the whole of the operations. Buckland Abbey was next stormed, and 100 prisoners taken; while five pieces of ordnance were captured at Saltash. The last entry of actual operations in connection with the siege is on the 5th January, a payment of soldiers 'ymployed in ye raissinge of fortificacions against Forte Arundell on ysueinge forth of the fources of ye garrison on Saturday last.' The advance of Fairfax from Exeter to Totnes put an end 8 Sir Everard Digby was one of the conspirators. COST OF THE SIEGE. 131 to the Siege in name — it had for some time ceased to exist in fact — and on the 18th January it was finally raised, the Royalists decamping in such a hurry that they left guns, arms, and ammunition behind. Fairfax and Cromwell visited Plymouth March 25th, and viewed the fort and works — 'Tbe Governor and the Towne entertaining the General very honourably, three hundred pieces of ordnance discharged to welcome him thither.' There were still two Royalist garrisons in the neighbour hood — Mount Edgcumbe and Ince House. For the surrender of the former, Fairfax offered good terms. If Col. Edgcumbe woulddisgarrison his house, lay down arms, and perswade those of the Cornish in whome hee hath good interest to sitt down and submitt to all orders and ordinances of Parlamnt, in that case I doe under take that his house shall not be made a garrison, but that hee shall have the free liberty of it, security of his person and goods as to my army, and further, that hee shall have from mee a Ire. of recomendacion to the Parliament or committee for ye army, that hee may by them be dealt withal as one that deserves their favour for his liberal and seasonable coming in. Mount Edgcumbe was eventually surrendered to Colonel Hammond, Governor of Exeter, who found there thirty pieces of ordnance and store of arms and ammunition. Ince House held out until the end of March. On the 29th of that month it was summoned by a party from Plymouth. The garrison returned a scornful answer. Thereupon the Plymouth men sent for their cannon. The sight took the scorn out of the Cavaliers ; they begged quarter, and had it. The house was armed with four guns, and these, with ninety muskets, were taken. Cost of the Siege. This was the last act of the Siege tragedy, which now with intervals had continued for over three years, and the inhabitants could reckon the price of their gallantry. The success was glorious, but it was bought at a .terrible cost. The registers of St. Andrew show that during the Siege there were upwards of 3,000 interments, whereas under ordinary circumstances these should not have much exceeded 600. From the data at hand we can estimate that of the extra number, one-third were soldiers and two-thirds townsfolk. Nor does this exhaust the fatality. It neither includes the losses on the side of the besiegers, whether in the field or from the fatal ' camp disease,' nor the deaths of those of the garrison K 2 132 HISTORY OF PLYMOUTH. whose bodies were buried where they fell. Taking the length of time over which the operations extended, noting that there were several occasions when over 100 were killed — one at least, when more than 300 fell — we shall not exaggerate if we assume that the deaths due to the Siege reached nearly 8,0QQ ; in other words, that in three years or so a number greater than that of the entire population of the town was swept away. The whole history of the Civil War fails to supply a parallel to this. Nor did the evil effects of the Siege end here. The trade of the town was, for the time at least, ruined. Scores of families, by the deaths in the field of husbands and fathers, were deprived of their means of support and reduced to the greatest misery. After a while provision was made for their needs. The Siege was thus a very real thing to the townsfolk for many a year after the last sally had been made and the last shot fired. But little by little its memory failed:, as the old earthworks which had been attacked and defended so bravely crumbled into decay; as, creeping slowly onward, the growing town burst the cincture of the once well- guarded wall ; as, one by one, the ancient gates passed away. A hundred years ago there were still living men whose fathers had remembered the great struggle. Fifty years since tradition was almost dead ; but there yet remained many relics of the old defences. The past ten years have swept away every recognizable vestige ; save a fragment or two of wall. Relics of the Siege have frequently been discovered. Bones in Gibbons Fields in 1824. Levelling a bank at Mutley Farm, the property of the Rev. C. Trelawny, in 1853, the labourers found a broken cannon and a sword. This was just opposite Maudlyn. In 1855 a quantity of human bones was unearthed at the head of Old Town Street, near the site of Old Town Gate, by workmen employed in laying water-pipes. It is presumed that these were the remains of men killed in the Siege, and buried where they fell. In ex cavating at Stamford, at Hooe, and on the sites of others of the forts cannon balls and bullets have often been exhumed. And on the localities of the old 'guards' so many broken tobacco pipes have been dug up as show that even Puritan soldiers were alive to creature comforts. Holiwell, Maudlyn, and Pennycomequick Works have yielded such traces. A burial pit was found by the Laira five-and-twenty years since, and another in 1880 by Furze Hill Lane, now West- OFFICERS OF THE GARRISON. 133 minster Terrace ; an old hedge in Torr Lane yielded store of pistol bullets in 1884; and in 1887 a very old hedge at Houndiscombe, in front of Stafford Terrace, was found to contain large quantities of leaden bullets and a chain shot. This was the hedge utilised by the Cavaliers in raising their work against Maudlyn. Skeletons were discovered in Russell Street, outside Frankfort Gate, in 1889. The most interesting find was, however, made in 1886, when Messrs. Burnard, Lack, and Alger, dredging in front of their deep-water wharves at Cattedown, uncovered the remains of what proved to be a war vessel of the Siege period, probably sunk by the Cavalier fire from the south. A small iron cannon was also found, still charged, which Mr. Robert Burnard traced to belong to this date, and which he deposited in the Museum of the Plymouth Institution, mounted on a carriage made of the vessel's timbers. It is 2 feet 9J inches long, of cast-iron, weighs 1 cwt. 0 qrs. 3 lbs.; and was evidently dismounted by a shot which broke one of the trunnions. The vessel was short, deep, and broad, about 80 feet long, and some 300 tons burthen. A curious bequest made by Thomas Sherwill for the defence of the town at this time is recorded in the follow ing entry, the only record left : Itm reed of Mr. Thomas Sherwill of London for eight yeares arrearages of an annuitie of vu per annum given by Mr. Thomas Sherwill Mte deed out of his lands att Houndis combe to the towne to buy powder two yeares of the eight being abated him in regard of the troubles his being the firste payment of that annuitye beinge to Con tinue five and twenty yeares. . ... xxx1' Several Plymouthians were members of the Committee of public safety which met in three divisions weekly at Exeter in 1648 ; namely, Christopher Martin, Arthur Upton, C. Vaughan, Justinian Peard, E. Crymes, J. Waddon, Philip Francis, C. Ceely, T. Alsop, Ed. Pollexfen, John Beare. Most if not all of these were members of the Committee of Plymouth, with Richard Evens and John Champeys. Officers of the Garrison. The officers of the Garrison in 1645-6 included the following : Governor. — Col. Kerr. Governor of the Fort and Island. — Arthur Upton. Master Gunner. — Thomas Bolitho. 134 HISTORY OF PLYMOUTH. Colonels. — John Saint Aubyn, Crocker, Anthony Rows, Powell, Leyton, Christopher Savery, John Birch, Brooking, T. Trendall. Lieut.-Colonels. — Kekewich, T. Fitch, Robert. Moore, Elias Crymes. Majors. — Symonds, Foxworthy, Haulsey, Worthevale, Barrett, Haynes, Martyn, Gabriel Barnes. Captains. — Shilston Calmady, Voyzey, Hawken, Courtney, Roope, Hall, Penrose, Lyall, Burgess, Baghett, Dutton, Catterell,1 Cozens, Sampson Crabb, Bawden, Owen, Louis Perry, Wools, Diment, James Pears, Henderson, Holt, Pope, Richards, Fountayne, Barnes, Rowe, Robert Savery, E. Blagge, * Whittie, Trayes, Richard Laugherne, J. Rows, E. Weston, W. Wbtton, John Richards, John Bawden, Wm. Gregory, Hoop,* Adrian Anthony,* R. Clarke,* Jn. King, * James Randle, * George Fownes, * Nath. Walters, * Hy. Hatsell. Those to whose names an asterisk is attached are men tioned as at different times commanding the outworks. Weston for some time was master of the hospital, and was apparently succeeded by John Hall, physician. Captain-Lieutenants. — Roe, Vaughan. Lieutenants. — Ellis Greenwood, G. Wyatt, Nicholas Bowy, Thos. Emerson, J. Tapson, Richard Phillips, Walter Clifford. Ensigns. — Plumley, Gwilliam, J. Crocker (reformado), N. Birke- hell, Ed. Webb, Digory Hony, Arthur Carter (reformado), Anthony Gefferys, R. Gest. Cornets. — Edward Beare, Clarke, George Charleton, Memory, Rolles. Commissaries. — Samuel Slade, Richard Clapp. Chaplains. — Alexander Grosse, Stephen Midhope, Shugge, J. Wills, Francis Porter. Physicians. — Charles Goldsmith, John Hall. Surgeons. — Samuel Lumley, John Parker. Quartermaster. — Edwards. Masters of Marshdlsea. — Robert Chislett, James Deeble. Master of Magazine. — John Allin. He had coadjutors. The Siege Accounts also contain the names of a large number of persons with whom the Committee did business in various matters of supply of goods and work. Thus we have: Apothecary. — Christopher Eaton. Blacksmiths. — William Maynard (made ironwork for 'sweyne's feathers '), Thos. Bootie, Jn. Letheren, J. Anderton (made crooks and heads for palisades), T. Parker, Jn. Bennett, Philip Eliott, Arthur Yeole. Carpenters, Masons, #c. (chiefly employed in repairing and improving the outworks and town wall). — Oliver Werry, Jn. Kingston, James Deeble, Ralph Weston (or Westcott), Robert Andrews, John Briant, Thomas Dunstan (mason), Jn.. Foster, OFFICERS OF THE GARRISON. 135 Wm. Medland, Kettleby Woodhouse, Ludowick Stitson (carpenter), Robert Arundell, Wm. Moore, William Murch, William Gaye, Matthew Stanley, Yeoland, T. Boyes. Andrews was extensively employed, as were Woodhouse and Moore, Chandlers. — Amy Gladman (widow), Henry Batten, George Batten. Cutler. — Francis Fownes. Cordwainers. — Wm. Dunridge, Richard Dunrith, Ed. Keagle, Jn. Lane, Richard Morgan, Jn. Kempe, Thomas Arrowsmith, Jn. Lapthorne, Wm. Webb, Richard Webb, Barnard Burd, Richard Chase, Roger Wannell. Cobblers. — Jn. Kendall, Mark Batt. Farriers. — Andrew Joye, Thos. Penny, Philip Hatch, Wm. Fuge, Wm. May, Ambrose Gubby, J. Hoop,!T. Parkins. Gunsmiths and Armourers. — Richard Manning, John Anderson, Thos. Bickford, William Stenhouse, Peter Scott, Judith Turtly (widow), Ralph Briant, Jn. Galpin, G. Hall, Wm. Hammett, Eichard Veale, James Batten, Jn. Williams, Francis Roe, Anthony Richards, Thomas Quicke, Wm. Pownell, Jn. Gaye, Eichard Teate, Wm. Fursley. Mercers and Tailors. — Christopher Ceely (sold 2,346 yards of dowlas), Thomas Yabsley (cloth), Caleb Brookinge (cloth), Hum phry Thomas (kerseys), J. Harris (kerseys), Thos. Durant (kerseys), Edward Pattison (cloth), Thomas Dalkeinge. Saddlers. — Richard Cory, Thomas Kingston. Shipwright. — Robert Hingston. Lead was bought of Peter Kekewich ; cheese of Henry Goyne ; beer of John Paige ; materials for fireworks of John Whiddon ; coals of John Searle. Benjamin Butt had 7s. for a coffin. Timber; was bought of Hugh Cornish, Simon Jackson, Crispin Painter, John Allen ; biscuit of Thomas Bowden. CHAPTER VII. DEVELOPMENT, 1650-1890. How oft by Fancy led, Sweet Plym, at morn or eve, I stray with thee : But chief at shadowy eve I linger where The ocean weds thee, and delighted view, Proud rising o'er the vast Atlantic surge, Thine own, — thy Plymouth, — nurse of heroes— her ' Who bears thy noble name.' The azure Sound, The reservoir of rivers. Silvery bays Are seen where commerce lifts the peaceful sail, Or where the war-barks rise ; the indented coast Frowns with wave-breasting rocks, nor does the eye Forget the proud display of bustling towns, And busy arsenals, and cliffs high-crowned With pealing batteries and flags that wave In the fresh ocean gale. — Carrington. THE history of Plymouth during the past two and a half centuries, is not marked by such an intimate connection with the general history of the country as dis tinguished the two centuries which preceded. There is no defeat of an Armada, no Siege, to chronicle. The period was by no means barren of important events, but their importance was more of a local character. The development of the capabilities of the port, and of the resources of the community, have chiefly occupied the interval between 1650 and the present day. Nevertheless we find the name of Plymouth inextricably interwoven, first with the naval, then with the commercial interests of the nation. The characteristics of the town have completely changed, twice over, since the reign of Charles II. Under that monarch and his successor Plymouth was purely commercial. The foundation of the Dockyard under William III. introduced a permanent warlike element, which a century later almost extinguished the pacific. The gradual separation of the interests of Plymouth Dock, now Devonport, from those of NAVAL DEVELOPMENT. 137 Plymouth, and the conclusion of peace after the Napoleonic struggle, again led to the rise of trade. And now we have the parent town engaged in and flourishing by commerce; the daughter maintained by the arts of war. Declaration for William of Orange. There is, however, one prominent point of connection with the national history, of which Plymouthians may well be proud. The borough was the first in the kingdom to declare for William of Orange. The fleet which brought him and his gallant followers to Torbay sailed round to Plymouth, and wintered in Cattewater. The Earl of Bath, then Governor of Plymouth, negotiated the surrender of the fort and of a ship of war that lay in the harbour, to William at Moditonham; and the news reached William at Sherborne on the morning of November 28th. In 1689 Lord Lansdowne, the earl's son, was governor, and in con sequence of his inaction, a quarrel between the garrison and the townsfolk, at the rejoicing for the coronation of William and Mary, led to one of the latter being killed. That spring two regiments were sent to Plymouth to embark for Ireland. Once more, in consequence of the crowded state of the town, 'great infection' happened, and upwards of 1,000 people were buried in three months. Two years later, in 1691, there were 4,500 Danes at Plymouth, apparently soldiers, in sore want of provisions. The only suggestion that the second James had a party in Plymouth is the statement under date April 2nd, 1690, 'One night last week several declarations of James were posted up at Plymouth.' Naval Development. Until William succeeded the port was not in the strict sense of the term a naval arsenal. It was rather a shipping station — a rendezvous, where fleets used to gather, and whence they used to sally. It was, however, one of the principal stations for naval prizes ; and there was so much embezzling of prize goods (which paid the same duties as goods belonging to Englishmen) that a commission of enquiry was issued, of which Sir Edward Wise was chief. The prize-office establishment at Plymouth during the reign of Charles II. was somewhat extensive. There was a clerk at £150 a year, a clerk and examiner at £60, a surveyor at £60, a housekeeper at £40, and a messenger at £25. A proposal was made to build a prison at Plymouth in 138 HISTORY OF PLYMOUTH. 1695, to contain three hundred prisoners of war, at "a cost of £656 19s. 6d. Naval yards had been established for nearly 2.00 years at Woolwich and Deptford, and Portsmouth and Chatham were considerably more than a century old, before that at Devonport was formed. Mr. Woollcombe in" his MS. history records a tradition that ' an establishment somewhat of the description of a dockyard on a small scale existed in two parts of Cattewater — one at Turnchapel, and the other at Teats Hill ' ; but there is no evidence that these had any public character. The first suggestion of a government dock was in the reign of Charles I. Saltash was the place selected; and in November, 1625, Sir James Bagge, with Cawse (a shipbuilder and afterwards Mayor) and Apsley went to 'Ashe' to make arrangements, and plans were drawn. Either then, or subsequently, the Saltash folk objected, ' because their gardens would be interfered with,' and a spot at Ernesettle was proposed. Charles II., by whose direction the yard at Sheerness was formed, intended to organize a similar establishment at Plymouth, and in 1677 came hither to inquire thereon. Nothing, however, was done until the accession of William. Plans were prepared in 1689 ; and next ' we learn that the Dock in Hamoaze was begun on the 2nd of September, 1691.' Before the formation of the establishment the spot was called Point Froward, and advantage was taken of a natural inlet in the construction of the first basin and dock. Dummer was the designer; and up to 1698, when a plan. of the works was included in a survey of the Dockyards of England now in the British Museum, £67,095 6s. had been expended. At first no dwellings were erected, and the artificers either resided on board a ship fitted for the purpose, or in Plymouth. A few years later the building of Dock commenced. 'The new establishment was regarded with great jealousy by the inhabitants of the old town, as re moving to a distance from them the benefits of the building and repairing of the King's ships.' Nevertheless Dock throve. By the time its jubilee was reached it was half the size of its ancient neighbour. Before another half century passed it was quite as populous ; and at the time of the first census, in the year 1801, so great had been the impulse given to the arts of war over those of peace by the long years of conflict with France, that whilst the inhab itants of Plymouth numbered 16,040, those of Devonport had mounted to 23,747. In 1821 the disparity was still ¦NAVAL DEVELOPMENT. 139 greater, Devonport having 33,578 inhabitants against Ply mouth's 21,591. But when war had ceased and commerce had fairly revived, the tables were soon turned. In 1835 the numbers were once more equal, and since then a steady increase has given Plymouth an advantage of some sixty per cent. Prior to the foundation of Dock, Plymouth was the seat of the various local government establishments. As there were the equivalents of. dockyards at Plymouth previous to1 that at Devonport ; so there were Ordnance Storehouses at Plymouth many years before the Gunwharf at Devonport was constructed; and a Victualling Office, a century and a half older | than that at Stonehouse. The' storehouses were erected in Sutton Pool at Coxside, on land which; being part of the foreshore, be longed to the Duchy. The Victualling Office still remains below Lambhay Hill ; long used as the Emigration depot. Devon- port eventually became the naval and military headquarters of the- district; and now Stonehouse even is more closely con nected with the Government than Plymouth, possessing the magnificent Victualling establishment, of which an engraving is annexed, with a Naval Hospital and extensive Marine Barracks. From the time of the formation of the Dockyard, the port of Plymouth has continued a chief naval station, for which the noble estuaries of the Tamar and the Plym — ¦ particularly the former — and the magnificent bay in which they meet, afford every facility and convenience. The speedy Tamar, which divides The Cornish and the Devonish confines ; Through both whose borders swiftly down it glides And meeting Plim, to Plimmouth thence declines. Killigrew, Shovell, Benbow, Boscawen, Rodney, Howe, Jervis, Collingwood, Nelson, Cochrane — all our most famous admirals and captains, have made it their resort; and its 140 HISTORY OF PLYMOUTH. name is associated with the records of imperishable deeds of naval glory, wrought by these worthy successors of the Drakes, the Hawkinses, and the Blakes of an earlier time.1 The words Portsmouth or Plymouth (Devonport did not win separate title or recognition until long after the Napoleonic struggle had ceased) are to be found upon every page of England's maritime history; and traditions of the port in war time, though swiftly disappearing, yet linger — traditions of pressgangs and prize-money, of prisoners and prowess. Such traditions as that which states how Lord Cochrane, when appointed to the Pallas, went to Sutton Pool to fill up his crew, and quickly manned his vessel with longshore men and merchant sailors, so great was his reputation for kindli ness and daring. Or as that which recalls the day in March, 1805, when he sailed into the Sound with three golden candle sticks taken from a Spanish prize, lashed to the mastheads of his frigate. The Customs authorities would not let the candlesticks through without payment of full duty, so he broke them up to pass as old gold. In ten days Cochrane took four rich prizes, and one had nearly half a million dollars on board. These were the ' gallooners,' still associated in popular local legend with his name. Although the principal naval business, then as now, was transacted at Dock, Plymouthians were by no means idle spectators. They were quite ready to divide the labour if only they could divide the spoil. And thus legitimate com merce gave way almost entirely to privateering and prize dealing ; both found remarkably profitable speculations. Invasion Scares. But there was a reverse to the medal. The sun did not always shine. Occasionally — not often— a Plymouth priva teer met her match, and escaped, if at all, with loss. Occa sionally a feeling akin to that which our vessels caused in many a French and Spanish seaport, became unpleasantly prominent in the minds of the inhabitants of Plymouth. When all England was on the qui vive in the matter of invasion, Plymouth had extra cause to feel the necessity of keeping a sharp look-out. More than once a visit from the foe was very narrowly escaped. There is an old story that an attempted descent was nipped in the bud by the strategic array upon the Hoe of all the old women who were possessed 1 Blake died Aug. 27th, 1657, on his return from Santa Cruz, as his fleet was entering the Sound. INVASION SCARES. 141 of red cloaks ; but as a similar yarn is told of almost every seaport from Dover to the Land's End, a little scepticism may be excused. In 1662 the Dutch Admiral De Ruyter came to an engagement with Sir George Ayscough in sight of Plymouth; and three years later De Ruyter's fleet anchored off the Sound, though no landing was attempted. There was great alarm, too, in 1690, when the French fleet under Tourville, which burnt Teignmouth, was seen sailing past. But the scare was in August, 1779. For four days the combined fleets of France and Spain— eighty-eight vessels — were off the Sound; and although Plymouth was not injured, the Ardent was captured within sight of the port, and one of the French frigates played havoc with the fishing boats in Cawsand Bay. Dibdin made this incident the subject of a musical farce produced at Covent Garden, and entitled Plymouth in an Uproar. In this allusion is made to Maker Tower as the look-out place. That a descent upon Plymouth was actually in contemplation is clear from a work by the Count De Parades — Memoirs of a Spy in England, and the Causes of the Failure of the Expedition against Plymouth in 1779. A very good tale is told of Paul Henry Ourry, Commissioner of the Dockyard at the time. He is said to have asked the Admiralty, 'Shall I, Paul Ourry, burn His Majesty's Dockyard, or wait until the French admiral comes in and does it? ' The Admiralty commended his zeal, but thought that, on the whole, he had better wait. The fright was very great, and sauve qui pent was at first the motto. When no attack was made, the townsfolk plucked up spirit, and helped to remove thirteen hundred French prisoners to Exeter. The most graphic account is that given in the MS. of an old townsman named Harris : ' Many thousands came to Plymouth to see the enemy, lining Eame Head and the opposite heights from daylight till dusk; thousands of women and children left the town in great confusion. Mr. Bidwell, mason, collected a body of men, chiefly masons, who acted as pioneers, and threw up a battery on the West Hoe. When the fleets were gone, a small Welsh regiment of militia encamped on the East Hoe, and some Highlanders. Mr. Cater, shipwright, fortified the quay at Calcutta with some old ship guns, resolving to stay and die by them. After a while the bustle was again revived by the hourly arrival of troops, baggage waggons, and powder. Great alarm was caused by the rumour that 142 HISTORY OF PLYMOUTH. a boat's crew had landed at the back of Staddon Heights, and were got into the town. They were taken about the town, one in the pathfield adjoining the Hoe. The merchant vessels were taken up Cattewater and Hamoaze. The only armed ships in the port were two small vessels that lay between the island and the main. There was a camp on Eoborough.' The enemy, if they had known all, would have found the port an easy prey. As to the English Channel Fleet, under Hardy, it ran away, for ' strategic purposes '; and the French seemed equally afraid of attacking. In August, 1815, special orders were issued ' in case of an alarm of the approach of the enemy.' Three guns were to be fired from the post first alarmed, and answered by the others, the posts named being Mount Wise, St. Nicholas Island, the Citadel, and Maker Heights. At night three rockets were also to be fired, and the beacon at Maker lit, if the officer there was perfectly sure he had good grounds. Directly the alarm was given all the soldiers and volunteers were to repair ' to their respective Begimental Parades, and wait for orders from Lt.-Gen1. England.' The prisoners brought in during the American and French wars were lodged at Plymouth, in the barracks at Milibay, then called the French Prisons. Others occupied hulks in Hamoaze. When the prisons at Princetown were completed (1809), the captives were removed thither. During the Crimean War the buildings at Milibay were again applied to their old purpose, and held some hundreds of Russians, chiefly from Bomarsund and elsewhere in the Baltic. Maritime Discovery. More peaceful but not less gratifying reminiscences than either of the foregoing, are to be found in the association of the port with the maritime discoveries of the last century. In 1764 the Dolphin and Tamar sailed for the purpose of circumnavigating the globe, under Byron. In 1766 Wallis left with his expedition in the Dolphin,; one of his junior officers, Captain Carteret, in the Swallow, making a distinct voyage. In 1768 (August 26th) Cook sailed in the Endeavour on his first circumnavigation ; in 1772 (July 13th), in the Resolution and Adventure, on his second ; and in 1776 (July 12th) on his third, from which he never returned. His ships were then nearly wrecked under the Citadel. NOTABLE VISITORS. 143 Notable Visitors. Within the period under review Plymouth entertained many distinguished guests. Charles II. paid several visits. In 1670 he arrived by sea in company with the Dukes of York and Monmouth, and lodged in the Old Fort on the Hoe. John Allen, a Plymouth mercer, gives2 brief accounts of two of the visits of Charles II. At the first visit Charles landed, on the 17th July, at five o'clock in the after noon, at the Barbican Stairs, and went to the fort on the Hoe, where the Mayor and his brethren presented him with a purse of gold. He was out on the Hoe by four o'clock the next morning, and subsequently visited Saltash, ' Ozen,' and Lary. The royal squadron mustered seven pleasure-boats and six frigates. In August, 1677, the King and his brother paid another visit, memorable to Allen by the fact that he saw the king oftentimes, and that 'my wife had ye honour of being kissed, both by ye king and by his brother James, Duke of York.' Allen's wife was a Stert of Brixton, twenty-three years of age. Charles then attended divine service at St. Andrew Church, where a state canopy and throne had been erected at a cost of £32 10s. 4d., and where he went through the ceremony of 'touching for the evil.' One day he dined at Mount Edgcumbe. Upon this occasion he is recorded to have lodged in a private house. The Citadel was in progress, and no doubt he watched with interest the advancement of a work intended to hold in check the liberal views of the Plymouthians, should civil disturbances again arise. Other noteworthy visitors about the same time were: Monk, Duke of Albemarle, who was made a freeman ; Lord Dartmouth, who sailed hence on the expedition to Tangiers, when Pepys accompanied him, and ' stayed for his doublet — his sleeves altered to sea fashion ' ; Cosmo di Medici, Grand Duke of Tuscany, who landed at Plymouth in 1674; and the Queen of Portugal, who sailed for Lisbon in 1687 under convoy of a fleet commanded by the Duke of Grafton ; while in 1684 the ' famously loyal Judge Jeffreys ' came on invitation, and was entertained at a charge of £20. 3 Several visits were paid to Plymouth by George III. and various members of his family. William IV., when Duke 2 In his MS. Biary, now at the Athenaeum. 3 Blake in 1650 and 1653 had a hogshead and a butt of sack ; and in 1658 John Howe had a piece of plate, costing £7 2s., for 'solicitinge the town :buisinesse with the late lord ProtectoV 144 HISTORY OF PLYMOUTH. of Clarence, from his connection with the navy, was quite a familiar personage at Plymouth and at Dock. Many a yarn concerning his wild pranks has been handed down, several of which will not bear repetition. The most memor able royal visit of the last century was that of George III., Queen Charlotte, and the three eldest princesses, in August, 1789. They were entertained at Saltram, and during their stay inspected the Dockyard (where they were received by Lords Chatham, Howe, and Chesterfield) ; witnessed a grand naval sham fight; visited Mount Edgcumbe, Cotehele, Maristow, and other notable places ; and by their patronage of the old theatre conferred upon it the title of Royal. On the 20th of the month the Mayor and Corporation presented a dutiful and loyal address at the Governor's house in the Citadel. The Saltash women made quite a demonstration — 'a handsome cutter rowed by six fine young women, and steered by a seventh, all habited in loose white gowns with nankeen safeguards and black bonnets, each wearing a sash across her shoulders of royal purple, with " Long live their Majesties " in gold,' accompanying the royal barge. Queen Victoria has made frequent visits to the port — both before and since her accession to the throne. In August, 1833, she landed with her mother, the Duchess of Kent, at the Dockyard, received an address from the Mayor and Corporation of Plymouth at the Eoyal Hotel, and presented the 89 th Regiment with new colours. She came also in August, 1843; July, 1852; and in 1856. In May, 1859, the Prince Consort arrived alone for the purpose of opening the Royal Albert Bridge. On the ninth of July, 1860, the Prince of Wales took his departure from the Sound on his visit to Canada and the United States, when addresses were presented to him by the sister towns, that from Devonport being made in person. At Plymouth, too, he first touched English soil on his return. In July, 1865, both the Prince and the Princess came to the town, and went through the exhibition of the Royal Agricultural Society, held that year at Pennycomequick. The Prince of Wales and the Duke of Edinburgh also visited Plymouth in August, 1873; attending the march past at the conclusion of the Autumn Manoeuvres on Dart moor, and the Plymouth races. They received addresses from the municipalities of each town. On August 13th, 1874, the Prince of Wales came officially as Lord High Steward, and opened the Guildhall. The Prince and Duke and other members of the Royal family have visited the town since ; NOTABLE VISITORS. 145 and the Duke of Edinburgh took up his official residence as Port Admiral at Devonport in October, 1890. Of the other distinguished personages who have been temporarily associated with Plymouth in recent times two must receive especial mention — Napoleon Bonaparte and Garibaldi. Napoleon remained some days in the Sound on board the Bellerophon in 1815, thousands flocking around that vessel in boats during the period of his stay. A picture of the Emperor as he appeared, gazing round him from the gangway, was painted by the late Sir C. L. Eastlake, who seized every opportunity of catching a glimpse of the great captive. Napoleon was aware of his intention, and rendered all assistance in his power, even to sending his clothes on shore that the attire might be correctly delineated. A large copy of this work was sold for £1000. Garibaldi simply passed through the borough by rail, in April, 1864, whilst on his way to visit his old companion in arms, Colonel Peard, at Penquite, near Fowey. Advantage was taken of the occasion by the Corporation to present him with an address at the Colonel's mansion. Great was the popular excitement ; but the eager multitude turned out for nothing; for the hour of Garibaldi's arrival at Plymouth was so long delayed that the night had far advanced before he came, and nearly all the would -be -sight -seers had gone home. Napoleon III., with the Prince Imperial, visited Plymouth October 14th, 1871. The ex-Emperor was staying at the Imperial Hotel, Torquay, and came on a visit to the Earl of Mount Edgcumbe. Other notable visitors include : Warren Hastings on his return from India. In 1809 the Prince of Orange. In 1810 Lucien Bonaparte with his family, who landed at the old Victualling Office, and put up at the King's Arms, where a great many ladies 'waited table to obtain a glimpse of them!' In 1817 the Grand Duke Nicholas and General Mina. In 1828 Don Miguel was entertained at the Royal Hotel until he embarked for Lisbon. Two years later three thousand Portuguese refugees, who had fled from their native country to escape Miguel's tyranny, took shelter in the town. Storehouses at Coxside were converted into barracks for their reception; and there they remained until their departure to the Brazils was required May 19th, 1881, the King of Sweden came. As the chief western centre of population Plymouth has likewise been visited by most of the political leaders of modern times: Bright, Canning, L 146 HISTORY OF PLYMOUTH. Chamberlain, Cobden, Dillon, Gladstone (1877, 1889), Har- court, the Marquis of Hartington (1886), Labouchere, O'Brien, Parnell, Lord Eosebery, the Marquis of Salisbury (1884), &c. The Eddystone Lighthouses. The later years of the seventeenth century are memorable in the history of Plymouth, not merely for the settlement of a new town on the borders of the Hamoaze, but for the commencement of a work of national importance — the establishment of a lighthouse on the dangerous reef of rocks known as the Eddystone, which lies fourteen miles off Plymouth Sound, right in the Channel fairway. Many a tall ship had been lost thereon before any successful attempt to mark the danger was made. The credit of the erection of the first lighthouse belongs to Mr. Henry Winstanley, a gentleman of property residing at Littlebury, Essex, a self- taught mechanician, and a whimsical as well as a clever man. His house was filled with curious contrivances for the surprise — not always for the pleasure — of his friends. If you trod on a certain board in a passage forthwith a skeleton started up against you. Did you unwittingly sit down in an arbour near the edge of a pond in his grounds, straightway you would be launched upon a floating island. In one room an old shoe left lying about invited a kick ; give it, and a ghost would appear. Sufficient proofs these of Mr. Winstanley's ingenuity. He commenced the erection of the lighthouse in the year 1696, and completed it in four years. The structure was exceedingly beautiful, elaborately ornamental in design, and admirably built. It consisted of a polygonal shaft one hundred feet in height, with an open gallery near the top, through which it was said a six-oared boat could be washed clear in a storm. The accessories made the building resemble a pagoda, rather than a fabric which was intended to defy the utmost fury of wave and wind. It braved the elements just three years. Peculiarly tragic were the circum stances of its destruction. Mr. Winstanley had the utmost confidence in his work, and frequently expressed the wish that he might be in the lighthouse under the fiercest storm that ever blew, to witness the effect. His desire was fatally fulfilled. One morning in November, 1703, he left the Bar bican to superintend some repairs. An old seaman standing by warned him that a tempest was at hand. Nevertheless, strong in his confidence, he went. That night, whilst he remained at the lighthouse, a hurricane sprung up, and THE EDDYSTONE LIGHTHOUSES. 147 morning broke upon the untenanted rocks. Lighthouse and occupants — all had been swept away. Not a vestige could be seen but the fragment of a chain wedged into a cleft, though in building the last lighthouse the old clock weights were found.4 Three years elapsed before another attempt was made to rear a beacon. At length, under the powers of an Act of Parliament, the work was undertaken by Mr. Rudyard, a silk mercer of London. He determined to avoid the error of his predecessor, and to give the winds and waves as little RUDYAKD. hold upon the structure as was possible. Hence his light house was round instead of angular, and instead of stone he built it of wood, conceiving that by so doing he would be able to fasten the respective parts more firmly together. He was justified by the event. Commenced in 1706, and com pleted in 1709, the slender shaft weathered the storms of nearly fifty winters in safety, and might have defied them until the present time. Proof against wind and surge, it 4 This storm carried devastation to every part of the kingdom ; thousands of houses were blown down, and hundreds of ships lost. The Bishop of Bath and Wells and his wife were killed by the falling of their palace. L 2 148 HISTORY OF PLYMOUTH. was not however proof against fire; and on the second of December, 1755, it was accidentally burnt. There were three keepers on the rock at the time, and they worked courageously to subdue the flames until compelled to desist, and to take refuge from destruction in a hole of the rock. Fortunately for them it was low water. They were rescued by some Cawsand fishing boats, the crews belonging to which, seeing the conflagration, hastened to the spot. One was so panic-stricken, that immediately on landing he took to flight and was never heard of afterwards. Another, an old man of 94, named Hall, died within twelve days. He stated when rescued that some of the molten lead from the roof had run down his throat as he was looking up. This was disbelieved ; but when he died his body was opened, and a piece of lead weighing seven ounces and five drachms found in his stomach. Twelvemonths were not suffered to elapse before the third lighthouse was commenced. Mr. Smeaton was recommended as architect by the Royal Society. | He based his design for the shaft of the building on the outline of the trunk of a tree. This he believed would ensure stability. By the use of nothing but stone in the construc tion — granite without and Portland within — he effectually guarded against fire. Until 1882 his lighthouse stood -~~^zT— to all appearance an imperishable monument of the architect's skill. The work of preparation was commenced in August, 1756; in June, 1757, the first stone was laid; on the 16th October, 1759,the lantern was lit. Thus the whole undertaking was accomplished within about three years; without accident or loss of life or limb. During the whole period there had been but 421 days on which, from the weather, the men could work on the rock; and of these only so small a portion Smeaton, THE EDDYSTONE LIGHTHOUSES. 149 could be used, that the whole time really spent in the erection of the building did not amount to sixteen weeks. A large work-yard was established at Milibay, fitted with workshops and smitheries. Here the stones were hewn, and fitted to each other, and thence conveyed to the rocks by yawls and other vessels, to be placed in their permanent position. All the lower courses of stone were joggled and morticed into the rock itself, which was hewn for that purpose into a series of six step-like courses ; and all the tiers of masonry were ingeniously dovetailed together, as well as into each other, and strengthened with trenails, cramps, and every other appliance which experience or ingenuity could suggest. The lower portion of the building was solid throughout, and, from its peculiar dovetailed construction, was practically but one stone, of quite as firm a texture as the rock upon which it was raised. So far as Smeaton's work was concerned, indeed, his tower might have stood for another century; but the continual beat of the waves undermining its foundations, another was commenced, on an adjacent part of the reef, from the designs of Mr. (now, Sir J.) Douglass, in 1879— the memorial stone being laid by the Prince of Wales, August 19th; and the practi cally-completed edifice inau gurated by the Duke of Edinburgh, May 18th, 1882. f. This new lighthouse contains mSi nine stone vaulted apart ments, one above the other, and stands on a circular base of masonry, dovetailed even more ingeniously than the sub structure of Smeaton. The total height of the tower is 148 feet, and the focal plane of its light 130 feet above ordinary high water springs; whereas the focal plane of Smeaton's was 72 feet. When Douglass's tower was completed the upper portion 150 HISTORY OF PLYMOUTH. of Smeaton's was removed ; and, following up a suggestion by Mr. F. J. Webb, F.G.S., a subscription was raised to rebuild it on the Hoe, where it replaces an old Trinity obelisk. The Duke of Edinburgh laid the foundation, October 20th, 1882, and the building was opened by the Deputy Master and elder brethren of the Trinity House, September 24th, 1884. The new base, nineteen courses of Dartmoor granite, was given by Mr. J. Pethick. The total height is 87 feet 8 inches. The Breakwater. Whilst the eighteenth century saw the realization of the efforts to erect a beacon on the Eddystone, it was reserved for the nineteenth to witness the commencement and completion of a still greater national work, for the protection of the magnificent roadstead of Plymouth Sound — the Breakwater. So far back as 1788 a plan was submitted to the Government by Mr. Smith, then Master-Attendant in the Dockyard, for making the anchorage secure by running out a pier from Staddon Point to the ' Panther Rock.' Before the formation of the Breakwater Torbay was deemed safer than the Sound, and it was the practice to send supplies and stores thither from Dock accordingly. Never theless Torbay is so exposed that several men-of-war were lost there; and hence Lord Howe said it would in all probability prove the 'grave of the British fleet.' Menrof- war when at Plymouth generally anchored in Cawsand Bay. Here they had the beat of the south-easterly and easterly winds ; whilst if they anchored in the Sound they were open to the full fury of the south-westers. That some improve ment should be made was recognised on all hands, but nothing was done until Earl St. Vincent moved. In 1806 Mr. Rennie, C.E., and Mr. Whidby, Master- Attendant at Woolwich, were ordered to draw up a report. They prepared a plan for the construction of the Breakwater very much as we see it now, with certain supplementary works since found unnecessary. The scheme lay in abeyance until 1811, when, after several other plans had been discussed, it was decided that Messrs. Rennie and Whidby's should be adopted. Twenty-five acres of land near Oreston were purchased for the purpose of raising the stone, and on August 12th, 1812, the first block was dropped into the sea. The plan of construction adopted was to sink rough masses as they came from the quarries within the line of GREAT STORMS. 151 the intended mole, and so rapid was the progress of the work, that on March 31st, 1813, the corners of some of the stones peered above the surface at low water spring tides. In 1815 it was determined to raise the structure to twenty feet above low water, instead of ten, as originally contem plated. In January, 1817, a hurricane displaced much of the work, and altered the seaward slope from one in three to one in five. At the same time it afforded ample evidence of the value of the undertaking. The Jasper sloop-of-war, and the schooner Telegraph, anchored outside the Break water, were driven to the head of the Sound and wrecked ; whilst a deeply-laden collier, anchored within its shelter. rode out the gale in safety. Although the natural slope had been indicated by the damage done, the work still proceeded upon the original plan. In November, 1824, however, a storm still more violent again reduced the slope to one in five, removing upwards of 200,000 tons of stone. It was then determined to follow the dictates of experience, and the centre line was removed thirty-six feet inwards, the width of the top being reduced from fifty feet to forty-five. The original estimate for the work was £1,200,000, and it was believed it would be completed in six years. Over £1,500,000 were expended, and the works were not finished until 1841. About 4,500,000 tons of stone were used, the twenty-five acres of rock originally purchased from the Duke of Bedford proving insufficient. The greatest number of workmen employed at any one time was 765. Great Storms. Reference has already been made to some of the more violent tempests that have visited the Sound. In 1691 the Coronation, ninety guns, and Harwich, seventy, were wrecked there with great loss of life. In 1760 the Conqueror was lost off Drake's Island. In January, 1762, the Lambhay Pier was swept away, and damage to the extent of £80,000 done to the shipping. Six merchant vessels were wrecked between Teats Hill and Bear's Head ; and out of nine men-of-war in the Sound only three kept their masts. In January, 1806, a boat belonging to the Hibernia was driven ashore near the Shagstone, and twenty-six drowned out of forty-five ; while in the following year contrary winds detained so many vessels as to com pletely fill Cattewater. Of Danes alone there were 150. The great storm of November 23rd and 24th, 1824, was 152 HISTORY OF PLYMOUTH. the most disastrous of recent times. Between the Citadel and Cattewater twenty-five ships were driven on shore — sixteen within 300 yards in Deadman's Bay. The barometer fell to 2819, and the tide rose twenty-one feet two inches. In January, 1828, fifteen vessels were driven ashore. There was another terrible storm in 1838, when the Inconstant frigate, which had just returned from Canada, with Earl Durham and his family on board, had to lie in the Sound for three days, without being able to communicate with the shore. Had it not been for the Breakwater she could never have ridden out the gale in safety. The striking pictures of Luney have made specially memorable the wreck of the Dutton under the Citadel in January, 1796. She was an East Indiaman, and had 400 soldiers on board, besides women and her crew. The scene was a terrible one. None more fearful was ever witnessed from the Hoe. 'The vessel lay on the rocks, inclined to one side, her decks covered with soldiers as thick as they could stand, with the sea breaking over them in the most horrible manner.' Yet, chiefly through the exertions and personal risk of Lord Exmouth, then Captain Edward Pellew (who in consequence was presented with the freedom of the town), all except ten or fifteen were saved. In the following September a far more fatal maritime disaster occurred at Devonport, the blowing up of the Amphion off the Dockyard, when nearly 200 lives were lost. In 1769 the Kent had met a similar fate in Cawsand Bay ; La Coquille, in 1798, in Hamoaze. Executions. Executions were comparatively frequent interludes in the earlier history of Plymouth ; and it seems clear that some were the result of purely local authority. Gibbets were commonly erected on the Hoe; but in 1595-6 there was one in Market Street. The first execution remaining on record is that of a Spaniard, hung in the mayoralty of William Brokyng — 1518 — by ' mastr Jerman of Exett,' for being engaged in an affray, in which ' Thomas Rowland and ffote were slayne.' In 1548 there was an execution for high treason on the Hoe. March 26th, 1662, the head of John Alured, of Stokeinteignhead, was set on the top of the Guildhall ' on a spill of iron fixed to a strong pole.' Alured was beheaded for speaking treason. According to Yonge he was a resident of Plymouth. EXECUTIONS. 153 The most noteworthy execution in the period directly under review was in 1676, when two women were put to death — one burnt — at Cattedown. This was for poisoning. A young servant girl, set on by a nurse, poisoned her mistress. The Puritan minister Quicke wrote a book about it— Hell Opened ; or, The Infernal Sin of Murder Punished— and the original depositions are still among the Plymouth archives. Michael Pentire had £1 14s. for a guard. April 16th, 1703, Captains Kerby and Cooper Wade were shot in the Sound, on the day of their arrival in England, for cowardice in Benbow's action with Du Casse, and buried in Charles Church. In 1758 a young grenadier was shot for desertion.; and in the following year five Frenchmen were executed for murdering a comrade in Hamoaze. They flogged him, jumped upon him till he was dead, then cut him up and threw him overboard. In 1762 a sergeant was shot at Dock for mutiny. July 6th, 1797, three marines, Lee, Coffee, and Bronham, were shot on the Hoe, in presence of 10,000 soldiers and marines, for mutiny and sedition. They had formed a plot to release the French prisoners, and to upset the Government. August 30th, 1798, six ' United Irishmen,' mutineers of the Cassar, were executed on board her in Cawsand Bay. In 1807 Lieutenant Berry was hung on board the Hazard in Hamoaze for an unnatural offence. December 4th, 1811, four seamen were hung in the Sound for mutiny and desertion. The last execution in Plymouth itself was that of Cajetano Canado, a Spanish prisoner of war, in 1807. Touching minor methods of punishment we find the ' cokying stoll ' named as early as 1486. It was last used early in the present century ; and when the first edition of this book was published (1871) those were yet alive who had seen it in operation. The pillory had frequent occupants. John Stone was put therein in 1685 after whipping for using seditious words — the innocent remark, ' I hear that the king is dead.' One of the last occasions on which it was set up in the market place was January 30th, 1813, when a man and his wife were stood therein for keeping a disorderly house at Charlotte Row — the man for an hour, and the woman half an hour. The town records show that in Tudor and Stuart days there was always plenty of entertainment provided for the general public in the way of whipping at the cart's tail. 'Fackabons' and 'hores' were commonly passed on to Stone house or Compton. 154 HISTORY OF PLYMOUTH. There were serious riots in Plymouth at various times during the great French war on account of the high price of provisions ; and Harris records sundry incidents of that in 1801. The butchers and bakers were assailed. The mob threatened to hang a baker named Yelland, of Briton Side, putting a rope round his neck and only letting him go on promise of amendment. ' Mr. Crimp, baker, Market Street, kept them off with his drawn sword.' Special constables were sworn in, and the authorities in London communicated with. On another occasion the crews of men of war in Hamoaze, who had quarrelled, landed at Dock to the number of several hundred to fight the issue seriously out. CHAPTER VIII. PARLIAMENTARY REPRESENTATION. Sicintos : How now, my masters ? Have you chose this man ? Citizen : He hath our voices, sir. — S' PLYMOUTH first sent representatives to Parliament in the reign of Edward L, as the Borough of Sutton. The earliest record is dated 1298, the twenty-sixth of Edward I. The returns seem to have been intermittent until the twentieth Henry VI., from which date they have been continuous. We find the town sending to councils on maritime affairs, however, when its parliamentary voice appears to have been suspended ; and the representation may have been more continuous than is now traceable. Thus in 1344 two inhabitants acquainted with shipping were sum moned to London to advise the king and council; in 1369 two sufficient men familiar with mercantile affairs ; while in 1374.Willian Noytour, master of the Trinity of Plymouth, was called by name to advise. Right of Election. The right of election was variously exercised, sometimes by the Mayor and Corporation, sometimes by the freemen, including the corporate body, and later by the freemen and freeholders jointly. There is no doubt now that the Com monalty were the body in whom the right of election originally vested, and that in the first instance freeman was a term of as wide an application as burgess has become, and practically included the general body of native male inhabi tants of full age. The House of Commons in 1660 decided upon a contested return, that the right of election of members to serve in Parliament for the borough of Plymouth was vested in the Mayor and Commonalty, and Sir John Maynard and Mr. Edmund Fowell, who had been elected by the Corporation, 156 HISTORY OF PLYMOUTH. were therefore declared unduly chosen. The Corporation, however, chose the members in 1685. From that time onward the elections were made by both freemen and free holders, though without authority, until the creation of fictitious votes led in 1739 to the rights of the freeholders being disputed. Mr. John Rogers and Mr. C. Vanbrugh were the opposing candidates, and the election being decided in favour of the former by ' the vast number of faggots which came from the utmost parts of Cornwall,' a petition was presented against his return. The House decided that the word Commonalty mentioned in the former decision extended to freemen only, and Mr. Vanbrugh was declared duly elected. The free holders also claimed to vote in 1780 on behalf of Mr. John Culme against Sir F. L. Rogers. Each candidate then voted for his opponent. For Rogers 119 freemen polled ; for Culme 61, and 87 freeholders. The last attempt of the freeholders was in 1807. In the freemen the right of election then remained until the Eeform Bill of 1832, when the franchise was extended to the ten-pounders. The Corporation at various times passed bye-laws regulating the choice of representatives. Thus in 1568-9 it was ordered that no burgess should be chosen ' but onelie suche men as be toune dwellers and the counsell of the toune'; and in 1601 it was directed that one should be a freeman. The Freemen. When the Eeform Bill of 1832 passed Plymouth was returned to have just 240 voters (there were 426 names, however, on the roll); and fifty years elapsed ere the last freeman passed away — Mr. William Dart, whose right accrued before 1832, but was not taken up by him until 1844, and who died in 1883. In him ended the line which began with William Ketherick, named Mayor in the charter of Henry VI. There must indeed have been freemen of the ville of Sutton before then. Only we know nothing of them; and the earliest list of freemen of Plymouth extant is dated 1540, from which time to the present day materials exist for the compilation of a fairly complete list. To be-a freeman of Plymouth once meant a great deal. All that it meant to Mr. Dart was the right of voting for members of Parliament without paying rates. In the old days no one could claim to reside or trade in the town without being free of the franchise, or compounding for his disability; and THE FREEMEN. 157 there were certain classes of persons who could never become freemen at all. No ' alion borne ' could attain that dignity, unless he were "of Normandy, Gascon, Syon, Irelond, Caleys, Benoyke, and the bordars of the same Being Englisshe ' — these being at the date of the regulation foreign possessions of the English Crown. Moreover, about the same time, in the reign of Edward IV., it was declared that freemen of Plymouth must be either whole or half brothers in ' oure Lady and saynct George is yelde,' and all ' fforeyns ' — which meant simply anybody who did not belong to Plymouth — were ejected. The names of freemen were entered in the town 'ligger'; and the freedom of the borough was the highest honour the Corporation could bestow. There were four classes of freemen— honorary, of whom very few were made previous to the Eestoration ; hereditary, the eldest son of a freeman being entitled to the freedom after the death of his father; apprenticeship, curtailed at one time to a freeman's first apprentice only ; and purchase, the price varying from a few shillings up to £25. At this latter figure the unreformed Corporation sold a large number of freedoms just before 1832, and gave only a barren honour. As the new freemen had not voted before 1832 or held the freedom twelve months, the first Eeform Bill extinguished them, and the money was not handed back, but applied in building the gaol. More creditable to the Corporation was their recognition of the services of the medical men of the Three Towns at the time of the first cholera visitation. All who were not already freemen were made so; and those who were had the right to nominate a substitute, granted also to the widow of one of these gentlemen. It became the custom for each Mayor to choose a freeman on his retiring from office ; and for some little time — mysterious statement — 'the Mayoress was allowed to make her favourite if she had any.' As beseemed the last representative of this once important body, Mr. Dart had great faith in the ' good old times.' For some years he occupied a return in the Parliamentary register to himself. The original list of freemen in the Black Book, which may be distinguished from the earlier additions by the writing (further on the names of. the freemen made are entered under the respective mayoralties) contains 108 entries. These then formed the entire Commonalty in the year 1540. The names are as follows : William Eandall, James Horswell, William Hawkyns, Thomas Clowter, Henry Harvy, Lucas Cok, Thomas Holwaye, 158 HISTORY OF PLYMOUTH. John Persse, John Bovy, John Ude, Eobert Craswell, Eichard Cuscott, William Wyks, Eichard Chugg, William Ayshelegh, Stephen Burdon, John Towson, William Edgcombe, Thomas Bull, John Bygporte, John Ellyott, Thomas Byrtt, John Thomas, Thomas Mylls, Eobert Dyghton, Eichard Lybbe, John Keynsham, Henry Martyn, William Bulbar, Eobert Hampton, John Brokyng, Thomas Trowin, John Tasse, Stephen Mylls, John Moone, William Gybbons; John Grosse, Philip Collas, John Pegon, John Howell, Eobert Horswell, William Hawkyns, baker, Thomas Byrtt, jun., Thomas Symon, William Trounse, Eichard Crockar, Henry Bolde, Lewes Mendose, Peter Chopyn, John Gybbons, Eichard Cavell, Thomas Whyddon, Edward Cok, Stephen Andrew, Eichard Saunder, John Eowe, John Coram, Symon Cok, John Hawkyns", John Lowde, John Persse, jun., John Small, Thomas Kaye, Thomas Whyte, Eobert Hornebroke, William Coosyn, John Charelton, Eobert Charelton, John Ysan, Patryke Makane, Vyncent Bury, Eichard Eowlyn, Thomas Hacker, John Dery, John Gawde, Nicholas Pounde, Thomas Eodger, John Gyll, Thomas Eowlyn, Thomas Pecock, Andrew Tooker, William Foorde, William Myll, John Notyng, Thomas Mayson, John Feltwell, John Pery, Eichard Heywoode, Alexander Trott, Eichard Gawde, John Pounde, Richard Rodger, Henry Howe, John Palmer, John Lowter, John Clement, John Mounforde, Nicholas Dunforde, William Macy, John Herfforde, John Hooper, John Lenden, John Peryn, Thomas Collyn, Henry Cowper, tailor, Robert Burley. The earliest dated entry of admissions is in 1552, up to which time 135 had been made free in addition to the original list quoted ; but there is no record of losses save here and there the mention of a death or an expulsion, as in the case of John Lighe, 'dysmysed for disobeinge of Mr. Edmonds coihandnt beinge Mr. Maior.' The numbers admitted in each year varied greatly, ranging in the sixteenth century from two to thirty-eight, while in some mayoralties in the early part of the seventeenth century none were made; for example, in the successive mayoralties of Clements, Colrner, and Trelawny 1614-15-16 ; and again in those of N. Sherwell and Fownes, 1618-19. There were evidently from the earliest date more ways than one of getting on the freeman's roll ; for while to the great majority of the names no note is appended, some of the freedoms are said to have been purchased, and others given by the Mayor, or by the Aldermen, as in the case of Francis Fletcher, preacher — ' Gvyn by thassent of the whole masters,' in the mayoralty THE FREEMEN. 159 of George Maynard, 1586. Honorary freemen were then almost unknown, though now and then we get the name of a member of a county family — a Carewe, a Copleston, a Budocushyde for example. But these would have some local interest, and the first purely honorary freemen on record are ' William Jackson and Henrfrie Jobson, esquires,' made free in 1605, apparently for the all-sufficient reason that they were ' secretaries to the Earle of Nottingham, Lord Admirall of England.' It will help to complete this personal picture of Elizabethan Plymouth if we add the earliest list preserved of those who being unfree ' fyned to dwell in the town ' in 1566, for in these days only a freeman could habitually reside in Plymouth as of right. The list, some of the Christian names of which are defaced, is in the White Book. Philip Cocke, James Wyght, Nich. Holman, John Doble, John Gale, Thomas Allyn, . . . Cottye, Nich. Browne, . . . Edmownds, Richard Lawgh, Patrick Dyngle, Thomas Pyers, John Hawkyn, mariner, Robert Pyeke, . . . Curber, . . . Harvye, . . . Lygh, Robert Master, . . . Courtys, Walter Perott, William Coile, Robert Johns, . . . Parke, William Waters, . . . Hancock, Robert Cowrtys, . . . Granger, William Maye, Robert Smyth, . . . Ambrose, . . . Coram, Roger Swyngebye, John Metherell, Thomas Morysse, William Buttler, John Hewberd, Mr. Bandfyld, Martyn Lovet, John Gybbyns, Edward Thruston, Thomas Mathew, Martyn Darton, William Bennytt, mariner, Robert Plymton, John Martyn, mariner, . . . Collyn weyver, Hewys . . . helyer, John Nycholas, tayler, Philip Barber, John Blythman, Nyghyll Jones, George Skarlytt, John Truslow, Arnold Johnson, Thomas Trypplyn, William Godfrye, William Bachyler, Harrye Lovell, William Roger, brewer, William Roger, mariner, George Tye, Robert Grigg, Jerman Blake, Ellys Welshe, Christopher Browkyng, Roger Rowlyn, Thomas Collyn, cooper, John Blake, John Francklyn, baker, John Gryffyn, Cornelius Morsse, John Towre, William Collyng, Francis Burdon, John Towker, Harry Rawlyn, Martyn Pottran, Thomas Wyllyams, mariner, John Nycks, Richard Byrt, Arthur Yeats, Vynson Browsye, John Vde, John Penrye, John Bowman, Sander Skobyll, Richard Smale, Lawrence Rowland, John Halse, Mr. Cuttyll, Edward Crosse, John Bromhyll, Lawrence Wyllyams, Thos. Davyes, William Byant, Charles Glowbbe, Thomas Horwyll, John Rowke. The permanent character of the residence of many of these is shown by the number who subsequently become 160 HISTORY OF PLYMOUTH. free. If to the 99 names here given we add 200 for the freemen, we shall get a total of just 300 male heads of house holds at this date. In the earlier years of the present century there was much concern among the freemen as to their rights and privileges, and they had a club, the ' Shoulder of Mutton.' Proposals made to increase their number were generally objected to, the desire of the majority being to retain the power in their own hands, for reasons which are apparent enough. At length the club quarrelled among themselves as to the choice of a mayor, and held their last meeting September 15th, 1827. In 1817 the freemen (who had sustained their right to elect the Mayor against the corporate body in 1803) made good their claim to elect Aldermen, as against a choice by the Mayor and Aldermen, out of the Common Council. In this same year an attempt was made to open the borough by electing to the freedom upwards of a hundred of the 'respectable inhabitants,' but it was lost on a poll by 74 votes to 68. The list of honorary freemen contains many distinguished names. The Duke of Albemarle with ' forty other gentry ' were made free in October, 1676. The patents were generally given in silver boxes costing 30s., but the Prince of Wales had a gold box in 1736-7. Such names occur as Sir Cloudesley Shovel, the Archbishop of York, the Dukes of Montagu and Wharton, Lords Mansfield, Howe, and later of Nelson, St. Vincent, Wellington, Earl (Lord John) Russell. The Reform Bill. Intense interest was felt in the Reform cause in Plymouth, the great majority of the inhabitants being without the pale of the franchise, and having no influence whatever either in Parliamentary or local affairs. When in May, 1832, it was learnt that the Bill was lost, and that ministers had resigned, the demonstrations of public feeling were very decided. Shops were half closed, flags were hoisted half-mast high, muffled peals were rung, and on the 16th an immense public meeting was held on the Hoe, Dr. Cookworthy presiding. The news in the following month that the Act was passed was received with corresponding rejoicing; and on the 27th instant the event was celebrated in most enthusiastic fashion with a monster procession a mile and a half in length, the parapher nalia of which are stated to have cost in money alone, REPRESENTATIVES. 161 exclusive of labour, upwards of £5,000. The procession started from Granby Square, Devonport, and perambulated the Three Towns. The jubilee of the Bill was celebrated July 7th, 1882, by a mass meeting in the Hoe Bull Eing. Representatives. The following is probably as accurate a list of representa tives as is now obtainable : EDWARD I. 1298 William of Stoke, Nicholas the 'Rydlere.' 1304 William Bredon, John Austin. EDWARD II. 1311 Robert the Sopere, William Smith. 1311 Robert Cokeman, Walter Trompere(?). John of Honeton, Henry Welych(^). Soper and Smith may be for 1309. The four names given for the second Parliament of 1311 are unappropriated Devon returns, and one of the two sets may belong to Plymouth. A William Honyton was mayor in 1381. 1313 John Austyn, William Berd. These early returns are very defective; some have lost their dates, others the names of the places. Nothing is consecutive in the original documents before the accession of Mary. Austin, Bredon, and Berd seem to have sat for Plymouth at other times. The local records supply many of the early dates and names. EDWARD III. 1340 John Bernard, John Berd. HENRY VI. 1441 John Wolston, John Carwynnak. 1446 William Eggecombe, William Taillour. 1448 Thomas Hill, William Da wen. 1449 Thomas Wely wrought, John Brygham. 1450 John Radeford, William Dawny. 1452 William Tayler, John Clyff of ScobhilL 1454 Vincent Pydilysden, Richard Page. EDWARD IV. 1467 John Rowelond, Richard Page. 1472 John Snape, Nicholas Snape. 1477 Alfred Cornburgh, Eichard Page. M 162 HISTORY OF PLYMOUTH. HENRY VII. 1487 Thomas Grey son. 1495 William Thyckpenny, William Bree. 1496 Thomas Tresawell, William Bree. 1503 Roger Elford, John Style. 1508 John Bryan, Henry Strete. HENRY VIII. 1510 Roger Elford, — Legh. 1511 Ditto Ditto. 1514 Roger Elford, — Bowrynge. 1523(2)J. Oreng, — Bowrynge. 1529 John Pollard, Thomas Vowell. 1536 John Pollard. 1539 James Horswell, William Hawkins. 1542 George Ferrers, James Horswell. 1543 James Horswell. EDWARD VI. 1547 William Hawkins. 1553(?)Sir Richard Edgcumbe. MARY. 1553 Roger Budocushyde, William Hawkins. 1554 John Mallett (or Mailer), Richard Hooper. PHILIP AND MARY. 1554 Sir Thomas Knyvet, Roger Buttissyde. 1555 Thomas Carew of Anthonye, John Yong. 1557 Humphry Specotte, Nicholas Slannynge. ELIZABETH. 1562 Henry Champernowne, William Peryam. 1571(?)Sir Humphry Gilbert, John Hawkyns.1 1572 John Hawkyns, Edmund Tremain. 1584 Henry Bromley, Christopher Harris. 1586 Henry Bromley, Hugh Vaughan. 1589 Miles Sandes, Reginald Nichols. 1593 Sir Francis Drake, Eobert Bassett. 1597 Warwick Hele, William Stallenge. 1601 James Bagge, William Stallenge. JAMES I. 1604 Sir Richard Hawkins, James Bagge. 1614 John Glanville, Thomas Sherwill. 1620 Ditto ditto. 1624 Ditto ditto. 1 There was no Parliament this year, so that the date given must be wrong. Possibly it should be 1566. REPRESENTATIVES. 163 CHARLES I. 1625 John Glanville, Thomas Sherwill. 1626 Ditto ditto. 1628 Ditto ditto. 1640 Robert Trelawny, John Waddon. 1640 Ditto ditto. \^x (i64n Sir John Yonge.2 COMMONWEALTH. 1654 Christopher Ceely, William Yeo. 1656 John Maynard, Timothy Alsop. 1659 Christopher Ceely, Timothy Alsop. CHARLES II. 1660 John Maynard, Edmund Fowell. These gentlemen were declared unduly elected by the Corporation and unseated on petition. In their stead were taken, chosen by the freemen 1660 William Morice, Samuel Trelawny. 1661 Sir William Morice, Samuel Trelawny, of Ham. 1666 Sir Gilbert Talbot, vice Trelawny, dead.3 1677 John Sparke, vice Sir William Morice, dead. 1679 Sir John Maynard, John Sparke. 1680 Sir William Jones, vice Sparke, dead. 1681 Sir John Maynard, Sir William Jones. JAMES II. ] 685 Bernard Grenville, Richard Jones, Earl Ranelagh. 1689 Sir John Maynard, A. Herbert. WILLIAM AND MARY. 1689 John Granville, vice A. Herbert, created Viscount Torrington. 1690 John Granville, Sir J. Maynard. 1690 John Trelawny,. vice Maynard, dead. WILLIAM III. 1695 John Granville, George Parker. 1698 C. Trelawny, John Rogers, senr.4 1700 C. Trelawny, Henry Trelawny. 1701 Ditto ditto. 1702 John Woollcombe, vice H. Trelawny, dead. * Yonge was elected in the place of Trelawny, expelled for having said that the House eould not appoint a guard for themselves without the king's consent, under pain of high treason. Trelawny died in prison. Yonge signed the Remonstrance, and was one of the one hundred members secluded. The second Parliament of 1640 was the Long Parliament. 3 Talbot's speech was, ' Gentlemen, I desire your company, at three of the clock, at the Sun Tavern, where I have a glass of wine at your service.' 4 They beat Parker and Calmady by 190 votes to 135. M 2 J64 HISTORY OF PLYMOUTH. ANNE. 1702 C. Trelawny, John Woollcombe. 1705 C. Trelawny, Sir G. Byng.5 1708 Ditto ditto. 1709 Sir G. Byng. 1710 C. Trelawny, Sir G. Byng. 1713 Sir J. Rogers, Sir G. Byng. GEORGE I. 1715 Sir John Rogers, Sir G. Byng. 1720 Sir G. Byng. 1721 Pattee Byng, vice Sir G. Byng, called to House of Lords. 1722 William Chetwynd, Pattee Byng. 1724 Pattee Byng. GEORGE II. 1727 Arthur Stert, George Trehy. 1728 Robert Byng in place of Treby, who sat for Dartmouth. 1731 Arthur Stert, Robert Byng. 1735 Ditto ditto. 1739 Charles Vanbrugh. Bye-election, Byng made governor of Barbadoes, John Rogers declared unduly elected. 1740 Lord Henry Beauclerk, vice Vanbrugh, dead. 1741 Arthur Stert, Lord Vere Beauclerk. 1744 Lord Vere Beauclerk. 1747 Lord Vere Beauclerk, Arthur Stert. 1750 Charles Sanders, vice Beauclerk, called to House of Lords. 6 1754 Viscount Barrington, Samuel Dicker. 1755 Viscount Barrington. 1760 Vice-Admiral G. Pocock, vice Dicker, dead. GEORGE III. 1761 Viscount Barrington, Vice-Admiral Pocock. 1762 Viscount Barrington. 1765 Viscount Barrington. 1768 Viscount Barrington, Francis Holburne. 1770 F. Holbourne. 1771 Admiral Sir C. Hardy, vice Holbourne, dead. 5 According to Yonge's Memoirs the Whig interest carried Byng by ' tricks and overbaring.' 6 This Saunders is described as 'a man of neither figure nor character,' his election being due to the ' vile scoundrel Aldermen in place, and their lacqueys the Common Council, one half of both benches within a few years having made themselves slaves and dependents on the Board of Admiralty by getting into places.' — Woollcombe. REPRESENTATIVES. 165 1774 Viscount Barrington, Admiral Sir C. Hardy. 1778 Viscount Lewisham, vice Barrington, retired. 1780 . Sir F. L. Rogers, vice Hardy, dead. 1780 Sir F. L. Rogers, Vice-Admiral G. Darby. 1 784 Captain R. Fanshawe, r. n., Captain John Macbride, r. n. 1790 Captain Alan Gardner, E.N., vice Fanshawe, made Commissioner of Navy. 1790 Captain Gardner, Sir F. L. Rogers. 1796 Sir F. L. Rogers, W. Elford. 1797 Francis Glanville, vice Rogers, dead. 1802 Sir W. Elford, Philip Langmead. 1806 Sir Thomas Tyrwhitt, vice Langmead, retired. 1806 Sir C. M. Pole, Sir T. Tyrwhitt. 1807 Ditto ditto.7 1812 Sir C. M. Pole, Sir B. Bloomfield. 1818 Sir W. Congreve vice Bloomfield, keeper of privy purse. 1818 Sir W. Congreve, Sir T. B. Martin. GEORGE IV. 1820 Sir W. Congreve, Sir T. B. Martin. 1826 Ditto ditto. 1828 Sir G. Cockburn vice Congreve, dead. 1829 Sir G. Cockburn. WILLIAM IV. 1830 Sir T. B. Martin, Sir G. Cockburn.8 1831 Ditto ditto. Under First Reform Act. 1832 Dec. John Collier (L). Thomas B. Bewes (L) unopposed. 1835 Jan. John Collier (L) 720 Thomas B. Bewes (L) 687 Sir George Cockburn (C) 667 VICTORIA. 1837 July John Collier (L) 780 Thomas B. Bewes (L) 772 Sir George Cockburn (C) 551 Hon. P. Blackwood (C) 466 7 The freeholders voted for Sir W. Elford and Mr. T. Bewes, who petitioned, but the committee would not enter into their petition, holding themselves precluded by the decision of 1739. 8 The Hon. Captain Elliott was the third candidate. He was a Reformer, and the effort was to turn out Sir George Cockburn. At this election there was much controversy concerning the rights of the new freemen, who had become such by purchase. 166 HISTORY OF PLYMOUTH. 1841 July Thomas Gill (L) Viscount Ebrington (L) Alderman J. Johnson (C) 821 787 552 On Lord Ebrington becoming a Lord of the Treasury. 1846 July Viscount Ebrington (L) Henry Vincent (Chartist) 716 188 1847 July Viscount Ebrington (L) Roundell Palmer (L C) C. B. Calmady (L) 921837769 1852 July C. J. Mare (C) R. Porrett Collier (L) G. T. Braine (L) Bickham Escott (L) 1036 1004 906372 Mr. Mare being unseated on petition. 1853 June Roundell Palmer (L C) G. T. Braine (L) 944876 1857 Mar. R. P. Collier (L) James White (L) John Hardy (C) 11671106 622 1859 April Viscount Valletort (C) R. P. Collier (L) James White (L) 1153 1086 964 On Viscount Valletort succeeding his father, Edgcumbe. Earl Mount 1861 Oct. Walter Morrison (L) 1179 Hon. W. W. Addington (C) 984 On Mr. Collier becoming Solicitor-General. 1863 July Sir R. P. CoUier (L) 1865 July Sir R. P. Collier (L) Walter Morrison (L) R. S. Lane (C) 129912181147 Under Second Reform Act. 1868 Nov. Sir R. P. Collier (L) Walter Morrison (L) R. S. Lane (C) 2086 2065 1506 1868 Dec. Sir R. P. Collier (L) 1870 Aug. Sir R. P. Collier (L) Sir Robert Collier was re-elected without opposition in December, 1868, on becoming Attorney-General; and in REPRESENTATIVES. 167 August, 1870, on being appointed Recorder of Bristol, which office he resigned immediately after re-election, as objec tion had been raised to his taking it. The next contested election was in 1871, on Sir R. P. Collier's becoming puisne judge of the Common Pleas, preparatory to being chosen Judge of Appeal.9 1871 Nov. Edward Bates (C) 1753 Alfred Booker (L) 1511 1874 Jan. Edward Bates (C) 2045 Sampson Lloyd (C) 2000 Sir George Young (L) 1714 Walter Morrison (L) 1700 1880 Mar. Edward Bates (C) 2442 P. S. Macliver (L) 2407 Sir G. Young (L) 2402 S. Lloyd (C) 2384 On petition Sir Edward Bates was unseated for illegal payments, but exonerated from corrupt motives. To fill the vacancy — 1880 July Edward Clarke (C) 2449 Sir G. Young (L) 2305 Under Third Reform Act. 1885 Nov. Sir E. Bates (C) 4354 E. Clarke (C) 4240 P. S. Macliver (L) 4132 Hon. Baliol Brett (L) 3968 The nominal electorate had increased to 10,139, and the borough had been extended by the additions of the tithing of Compton Gifford and a portion of Laira. On the Irish Home Rule question — 1886 July E. Clarke (C) 4137 Sir E. Bates (C) 4133 T. E. Stephens (L) 3255 E. Strachey (L) 3175 1886 Aug. Sir E. Clarke (C) On the formation of the Conservative Government in August, 1886, Mr. Clarke was appointed Solicitor-General, and re-elected without opposition. 9 Sir R. P. Collier, the most distinguished of modern Plymouthians, was created Lord Monkswell in 1885, and died in 1886. 168 HISTORY OF PLYMOUTH. Many of the names in this list speak for themselves. The earlier members were for the most part local men, many belonging to the Corporation, and others to families resident in the neighbourhood. And this local character distinctly predominated until the middle of the reign of George II., the exceptions being insignificant, and occurring, as a rule, at long intervals. The three most distinguished men who ever sat for Plymouth represented the borough in the reign of Elizabeth — Sir Humphry Gilbert, Sir John Hawkins, and Sir Francis Drake. The arrest of George Ferrers, one of the representatives in the reign of Henry VIII. was the occasion of the statute giving members freedom from imprisonment for debt. Throughout the first half of the seventeenth century Plymouth swelled the ranks of the popular party in the House of Commons; but after the Restoration there was a change, evidenced by the election of Sir William Morice, a Secretary of State, and one of the chief agents in pro moting the King's return. Sir William's connection with Plymouth preceded by some years his purchase of the manor of Stoke Damerel from the Wises. The influence of the Court was exerted with more effect after the charter of the borough had been surrendered, and another granted appoint ing a new Corporation. The Revolution saw a return to the old class of representatives— the Trelawnys, and men of that stamp. Not many years, however, elapsed before the borough again fell under the domination of the powers that were. As the naval establishment at Dock grew, the influence of the Government increased, and early in the reign of George II. Plymouth became an Admiralty nomination borough, which character it retained, with few intervals, down to the time of the Reform Bill, when Devonport with Stonehouse were constituted a distinct constituency, and the reproach in popular estimation transferred to them. But there are still numerous voters connected with the dockyard and other Government establishments resident in the older town. Many amusing stories might be told of old election humours. The struggle in 1784 between Captain Macbride and Sir Frederick Eogers was long held in memory. A popular election couplet — the Captain carried the day — was : Macbride 's a man, Sir Frederick 's a mouse, Macbride shall sit in the Parliament house. It was chiefly through Macbride's exertions that the Parliamentary grant was obtained for the erection of the PAYMENT OF MEMBERS. 169 Sutton Harbour piers; and his memory is still preserved at the Barbican, where a small public-house rejoices in the name of 'Admiral Macbride, the faithful Irishman.' But the fight was really for the independence of the borough against official dictation and corruption, which Macbride represented. The Eogers family were among the leading merchants of Plymouth in the days of its great colonial trade. They were raised to the baronetage in 1698, and throughout the eighteenth century held a foremost position in the Corpora tion. In 1871 Sir F. L. Rogers, who had been Under Secretary of State for the Colonies, was raised to the peerage as Lord Blachford. The title lapsed on his death in 1889 ; but the baronetcy continues in his brother, Sir J. C. Rogers. Payment of Members. Numerous entries occur in the Corporate accounts of payments made to members of Parliament. The following are fair samples : In 1495 we find — Itm pd to William Thyckpeny and to Wilhn Bree burgs of the pliament the same yere . . . . xl" In the next year Thyckpeny had 20s., and Bree 13s. 4d. Then in 1510— It deluyryd to John Bryan for harry Strete and hym beyng hurges of plement for the towne for ther labor and Expences durynge the plement and for rewards and pleasurs gyven to dyus lordes of the Courte to be fryndeley to the towne . . . . xu A very suspicious entry, and only one of many pointing in/ the same direction. The Mayor, 'twelve and twenty-four,' Were autocrats within the town, but had to be very wary of /their ways without. In 1542 Ferrers had a doublet of satin for his fees. In 1602 Sir James Bagge was paid £32 for sixty-four days attending on Parliament, himself and man, at 10s. a day. In 1622 John Glanvyll, the Recorder, had a bason and ewer of silver gilt given him for his service as a burgess in Parliament. They cost £33 17s. 3d. Engraven on the basin was 'a mapp of the Towne of Plymouth' after a ' Plott' by 'Robert Spry the Paynter.' 170 HISTORY OF PLYMOUTH. Timothy Alsop, one of the members under the Common wealth, kept his constituents supplied with ' newes Bookes ' and letters in 1659-60. In 1680 there were £37 10s. paid for ' a large silver salver Cawdle Cupp and cover embost and thick washed with gold,' weighing seventy-five ounces, given to John Sparke, one of the burgesses in Parliament, in token of the 'Respect and Gratitude of the Towne for his faithfull and diligent service.' Regular payment of members in cash went out in Plymouth with the Protectorate, but presents were given, as here, at intervals during the next half century. Then the tables were turned, and the representatives commenced to pay their constituents. The two first to do this were Charles Trelawny and George Byng, who in 1710-11 gave £100 each for the use of the Corporation. The last payment of a member was in 1694-5, when John Trelawny had 100 guineas 'in consideration of his services to the town in parliament.' CHAPTER IX. LOCAL GOVERNMENT. Enter the Mayor and his brethren. — Shakspere. OBSCURITY veils the commencement of the corporate history of Plymouth. The borough, to the extent of its present municipal limits, was incorporated by Act of Parliament passed in 1439 ; but a Corporation by prescrip tion existed within a part at least of the town from a much earlier period. An Inquisition taken at Exeter before Salamon of Roffe and his associates, justices itinerant, on the octave of St. Martin, 9 Edward I. (1281), sets forth inter alia that the manors of Sutton, Maketon (Maker), and Kings Tamerton, ' cum filo ague de Tamar,' were ancient demesne of the King, but had been given by Henry I. to Roger (elsewhere called Reginald) of Valletort by the service of a knight's fee and a half — that John of Vautort then held the manors of Sutton and Maketon, and Elias of Blakeston that of Kings Tamerton, while Edmund Count of Cornwall 'tenet filum aque,' it did not appear by what warrant. And John and Elias came and said that they and their predecessors had held these manors before the time of Richard the King. The Abbot of Buckland held Buckland Monachorum, Bickleigh, Walkhampton, and the hundred of Roborough; while Robert Gyffard (whence Compton Gifford) held the manors of Egg Buckland, Compton, and Haueknol (Honick- nowle). Moreover, it was presented that the ville of Sutton belonged to the Prior of Plympton, with assize of bread and beer, and this right was allowed. The Prior claimed that these liberties had been enjoyed for many years by charter of Henry III. 172 HISTORY OF PLYMOUTH. Here is the first mention of Sutton as a ville. It is thus evident that it assumed the status of a town in the modern sense somewhere in the earlier part of the thirteenth century. Leland tells us, and unquestionably he had access to authorities no longer extant, that in the reign of Henry II. Sutton was 'a mene thing as an Inhabitation of Fischars'; and he asserts that all who had built houses in Sutton Prior since then took licence of the Prior of Plympton as their chief lord. The town, however, had increased more rapidly than his 'Litle and Litle,' or it would never have become a parliamentary borough in 1298 ; or in 1377 ranked next to Bristol as the most populous port in the provinces. The establishment of a market is an excellent landmark of progress, and the first market grant for Plymouth was made in the reign of Henry III., though the dates are some what uncertain. The Hundred Rolls of Edward I. state that the Prior of Plympton ' habet libertatis ut assisas panis et cervisii et theolonea in villa de Sutton,' by charter of Henry III. Elsewhere the grant is said to have been made 38th Henry III. (1253) and to be of a Thursday market with a fair of three days at the festival of John the Baptist. Some sixty years since this charter was sought for on behalf of the Corporation, without success. In the forty-second year of the same monarch, Baldwin of the Isle had a grant for Sutton of a Wednesday market and a fair of three days at the feast of the Ascension. Henry's grant to the Prior was believed to have contained particular liberties. Baldwin of the Isle is Baldwin of Eedvers, the last Eedvers Earl of Devon, lord of Plympton, who does not previously appear to have had any connection with Ply mouth. We cannot believe that the two grants applied to the same place or jurisdiction, for they are made to two different authorities and in inconsistent fashion. No town of the size of Sutton would have needed a market two days following. Had the second grant been made to a Valletort in respect of Sutton Vawter, all would be clear enough ; and we should be helped somewhat to understand certain apparent contradictions with regard to the market site, one of the spots alleged being within Sutton Prior and the other in Sutton Vawter. And as a reference to the Patent Bolls shows that the grant to Baldwin included manorial rights, possibly a dismemberment, if not a transfer, of Sutton Vawter was made in his favour. STRIVINGS FOR INCORPORATION. 173 Strivings for Incorporation. Tear by year through the reigns of Henry III. and of the two first Edwards Sutton Prior continued to grow and flourish, until it either excited the attention of royalty, or the inhabi tants sought to cast off the convent yoke. A movement com menced in the penultimate decade of the 13th century which never slackened long together for just 150 years, until its end was achieved. The inhabitants were determined to assert their independence, and be kept in leading-strings no longer. By writ from the King to the Sheriff of Devon, circa 1317, Nicholas of Cheigny, William of Chivelston, and Nicholas of Tewksbury, were appointed commissioners to enquire by a jury in the presence, if so desired, of the Prior of Plympton, John of Vautort of Clyst, and John of Vautort of Modeton, touching the property of the King in the town of Sutton, and a petition by the burgesses of Sutton to be granted at a yearly rent certain waste places belonging to the Crown there. In opposition the Prior and the two Valletorts declared that the King had no lands in the town ; and that he had no right to make Sutton a free borough and grant thereto a fair and market, the Prior being lord of two parts of the same town, and having a fair and market by royal charter, and the Valletorts being lords of the other third. Further, that Sutton was within the hundred of Eoborough, of which the Abbot of Buckland was lord. So the Prior and the Valletorts declared that the town was wholly theirs and none of the King's, and prayed the King not to grant franchise there nor any other thing. Nevertheless upon an Inquisition held before Eobert Bondyn, Sheriff of Devon, at Exeter, ' die dominica in festo Sancte Trinitatis anno regno Eegis Edwardi ximo ' (1318), on the oaths of John Giflbrde, William Kemell, Walter of Colrigg, Vincent of Wyneston, Alan of Lydeton, John of Sergeuill, Thomas Collinge, John Adam, Eobert Baffe, Ealph Cocke of Brendon, Martin the Clerk, and David Attewill, it was found that the kings of England before the foundation of the ville of Sutton had a piece of waste land near the port of Plymouth, five perches long and one perch broad ; and a certain other piece of land in the withdrawal of the sea — ' in retractio maris ' — containing six acres of land, where a certain house of the town was built : at which places the King's ancestors by their bailiffs held their courts ; and that fishing boats of the said ville and other places were accus tomed to resort thither to dry their sails and nets, and 174 HISTORY OF PLYMOUTH. expose their fish for sale — paying the King a rent of 12d. and a penny on each basket of fish there brought. More over, that the proceeds amounted- to £4 annually. This so far justifies Leland that it shows the existence of a fishing village of Sutton to be long antecedent to the foundation of the town; and it indicates moreover the existence of certain market rights in the King's demesne, prior to and contemporary with those granted to the Priory. The royal rights recognised by the jury are practically those which formed part first of the Earldom and then of the Duchy of Cornwall in connection with Sutton Pool — 'the port of Plymouth ' in its original sense. Another Inquisition, taken by Matthew of Clynedon in the same year, indicates more clearly the character of the proprietorial rights in Sutton, and locates the two main divisions. The town of Sutton was upon the coast of the port of Plymouth, but no part of it stood upon the King's soil. A certain portion of the town north of the said coast was upon the soil of the Prior of Plympton, and the Prior had assize of bread and ale, and rents to the amount of £14 9s. 6£d., and so had had from time immemorial, and there were free tenants. Another part of the town, south of the said coast, was upon the soil of John of Vautort, but the said John received nothing therefrom, save certain rents to the amount of £11 16s. 6d. ; and his tenants did suit to his court twice in the year. In this part of the town the Abbot of Buckland had assize of bread and ale. The port of Plymouth belonged to the King, and rendered yearly £4 into the Exchequer; and Matthew of Clynedon found that it would neither prejudice the King nor any others if Sutton were made a free borough, and the inhabitants free burgesses, saving the service to the lords. It is evident that the meaning we must attach to the words 'Port of Plymouth,' is 'Harbour of Sutton Pool,' otherwise the description, strained in any case, becomes absolutely unintelligible ; for while Sutton Prior undoubtedly lay mainly to the north of this inlet, Sutton Vawter, though partially it might be regarded as south, was essentially west. And south of the port of Plymouth in any larger sense we have only the Channel. However, the way in which the word south is applied in the Inquisition is clearly enough indicated, by the use of the phrase Southside of the immediate south-western border of Sutton Pool; and ancient deeds show that tenements here were comprised within the manor of Sutton Vawter. FIRST TRACES OF A GOVERNING BODY. 175 As we have seen (Chap, ii.) the rights of the Priors and their brethren were questioned on various occasions, but were always successfully defended, whether against the Crown or the Earldom and Duchy of Cornwall, though the Convent had to submit to pay a fee farm rent into the Exchequer. Still these repeated proceedings on the part of the Crown appear to indicate some peculiarity in the title of the religious lords of Sutton. First Traces of a Governing Body. The earliest reference to a governing body at Plymouth is the address of a writ by Henry III. (1254) to the Bailiffs of the port of Plymouth (Plymmue), among others ; but this general allusion is no absolute proof that such existed. The first clear evidence of a local authority is contained in a letter dated May 31st, 1289, in which the Bailiffs and Commonalty of Plymouth write to the King that having been ordered to get ready a ship to transport men at arms and horses upon service, they had prepared the Michel, of Plymouth. There are extant a number of writs addressed during the fourteenth century to persons in Plymouth, which indicate still further the existence of the germs, at least, of municipal government. Thus in 1326 the ' Bailiffs of Plymouth, with the Port of Sutton,' were directed to seize all suspected persons and letters ; though this proves very little, for a similar writ was directed to the Bailiffs of Yalhampton (Yealmpton) and of Newton Ferrers. Again, in 1344 the Bailiffs of the 'ville de Plumuth' were directed to send two inhabitants acquainted with shipping to London, to advise the King and Council; similar directions being sent to Bristol, Hull, the chief Cinque Ports, Exeter, and Dartmouth; while Portsmouth was ordered to send one. In 1358 Walter the Venour ( = Hunter), of Plimmouth, and sundry others, were ordered to detain three ships there and at Dartmouth, to transport Oliver, Lord of Clissons, and men-at-arms, to Brittany. It is worth notice that John Venour is elsewhere mentioned as Mayor in 1377, so that it is at least possible that Walter occupied a somewhat similar office; and we know from other sources that the family were of considerable local note. In the following year (1359) the Bailiffs of Plymouth are directed, with others, to raise a subsidy of 6d. for the defence of the realm. In 1364 they are ordered to take steps to forbid the export of precious metals ; and in 1372 the Bailiffs of 'ville 176 HISTORY OF PLYMOUTH. de Plymouth ' are the first mentioned in a writ addressed to the western ports to stay ships and men. In October, 1369, the Mayor and Bailiffs were directed to send two sufficient men to Westminster conversant with mercantile affairs ; and in the December following, the same, with Thomas Fishacre, John Sampson, and Eobert Pilche, were ordered to provide ships and men for the defence of the realm. This is the earliest local mention of the office of Mayor. In May, 1374, William Noytour, master of the Trinity of Plymouth, was ordered to come to London to advise the Council.- In addition to these writs to Mayors and Bailiffs and the like, there are many others, either addressed to unspecified authorities, or to the collectors of customs and subsidies — as in 1347 to the collectors of subsidies 'inportibus villarum de Plummuth,' and all other places upon the water of Tamar. From 1287, when Plymouth was made the rendezvous of the fleet which sailed under the Earl of Lancaster for Guienne, down to the date of the Incorporation in 1439, not a decade passed but such writs were sent to Plymouth on sea service, and occasionally we may note them year after year. The White Book of the Corporation contains the copies of several ancient deeds made by a town clerk of the sixteenth century, because they mentioned the names of divers Mayors of Sutton Prior and of Plymouth prior to the Act of Incor poration ; with references to ten other ' auncyent dedes . . . oy the which it is manyfest that Sutton Pryors and sythyns by the nomynation 'of Kyng Henry the Sixte named the burghe of Plymouthe, was a town of auncyent name and hadd yerelie an officer chosen by the name of P'positus or Custos ville de Sutton Pryors, whiche then dyd rule and governe vnder the Kynge.' These deeds were dated 8th, 10th, and 16th Edward II., and 42nd Edward III. In the deeds actually recited the word Mayor is almost always used. Prepositus and Mayor are by no means identical terms, though the" offices were very much akin. The existence of a Prepositus in Plymouth so early as the commencement of the fourteenth century is certain, for Eichard the Tanner held that office for Sutton in 1310 ; but Maurice Berd, 1370, is the first Mayor whose name has been preserved. A few hints are given in records of grants of land by the Priory of Plympton. The earliest we have of these is by John [de la Stert], Prior of Plympton, 15 Edward III. (1342), to Eobert, son of William the Spicer, of Sutton, and Alice, his FIRST TRACES OF A GOVERNING BODY. 177 wife, of a tenement in Billabiri Street, south of one belong ing to William of Northcote, and extending sixty feet to the east to a way leading towards the market of Sutton, and a way leading from Bilbury Street towards the Oldtowne. The only other with a date is by John Prior of Plympton, 10th Eichard II. (1387), to Ade Blogge, and Isabella, his wife, of a tenement at the hill in Sutton Prior, east of the stalls and south of the pillory, with survivorship, at a yearly rent of 36s. 8d. The undated grants are all in the name of John Prior of Plympton, probably de la Stert above. There is one of an acre and a half of land in Sutton, near Martock's Well, to Margery Stilman and her heirs ; a second of an acre and a half ' apud le hauedlonde,' north of the middle of the hyauedlond, to John of Stoke; another of an acre and a half near the heauedlonde, south of the middle, to Eobert of Whitelegge; and a fourth of three acres and a half to William Berde, of Sutton, next the field held by William Cocke, and a piece of waste adjoining (' eodum wastu sub salistu maris '). As William Berd was Prepositus of Sutton in 1313, we have some clue to the date of this last document. Again, John Austen was his colleague in the representation of Sutton in Parliament, and John Austen appears among the witnesses to Margery Stilman's grant. The grants of the land at the heauedlonde were apparently somewhat anterior, as the first is said to have afterwards been the property of Eobert Sope, who took to wife the daughter of John of Stoke; and Eobert the Soper was member in 1310, as William of Stoke had been in 1298. The heauedlonde at first would seem to be represented by the field called the Headlands ; but that conclusion is negatived, not merely by the fact that this was part of the manor of Lulyett's Fee, but from the entry, ' Postea Rdbtus Sope qxd duxit in uxorem fll Johis de Sok & vendidit terr in Cart que est sup la howe vbi molendinum ventritim Mauricii Prigge sit.' The distinctive character of the divisions of those days is shown in the oldest deed at present in possession of the Corporation of Plymouth, 1381 (4th Eichard II). It is a release by William Okelegh, of Plymouth, to William Wrouke of the same place, of a tenement and garden in ' lo ward de Sutton Vautort.' It is dated at Sutton Vautort, and witnessed by Eobert Hill, William Honiton, John Bull, and others. William Honiton is elsewhere named as Mayor in this very year, but does not appear as such in the deed. A point to which attention may specially be directed here is N 178 HISTORY OF PLYMOUTH. the use of the phrase 'lo ward de Sutton Vautort'1 at this early date ; for it is fairly equivalent to the division which afterwards existed for centuries under the Act-Charter — ' Old Town Ward.' In the assessment of tenths and fifteenths first found, the burgh of Sutton Prior is assessed at £24 ; Sutton Vawter at £10 12s. 8d. ; and down to the middle of the sixteenth century Old Town Ward had to pay just twice as much as Vintry, though that must have been the wealthiest part of the borough. Market Rights Acquired. Some sort of independent action in the inhabitants was assumed and acknowledged definitely early in the fourteenth century ; for market rights were acquired by the burgesses in 1311. In that year there was final concord and agreement made on the morrow of the feast of St. James, between the Prior and Convent of Plympton, and the Burgesses of the Commonalty of the town of Sutton, in the presence and by the mediation of the Bishop of Exeter, the Lord Hugh of Courtenay, Peter Abbot of Buckfastleigh, the Lord Thomas of Cilecestre, Knight, and others. A stone cross had been erected in a certain place within the borough of Sutton 1 Before the incorporation of the town the territorial divisions were of course proprietorial; but this phrase 'ward of Sutton Vautort' naturally suggests the inquiry how far the ward divisions of later times represented the earlier manors. Leland mentions the four wards of the town in his day as being Old Town, Venners, Vintry, and Lower ; and this division practically remains in the Land Tax assessment. No doubt it also represents the original arrangement ; for each ward had the care and defence of one of the four towers of the ' castel quadrate ' by which the town was defended As the town grew the outer boundaries of the wards, which were purely urban in their character, would be modified ; but there is no reason to assume any internal modification while the number remained unchanged. On the contrary, there is every reason to believe that the old internal ward boundaries, which can be traced back to the seventeenth century, were practically those that had existed from the beginning, and that the division was made then, as it continued later, by drawing lines as nearly as the thoroughfares allowed east and west and north and south, intersecting at the point where the Free Library stands. The manorial distinctions must therefore have been disregarded ; for while Old Town did in the main represent Sutton Vawter, and Venner's Ward also in part, yet they both included portions of Sutton Prior. Vintry, however, was almost wholly in Sutton Prior, the only exceptions being the premises at Southside, in Sutton Vawter ; and Lower Ward, though certainly in later days consisting largely of Sutton Raf, must then have been chiefly repre sentative of Sutton Prior likewise. The relative positions of the four wards in population and wealth is shown very clearly by the amounts levied in poor-rates. In the year previous to the commencement of the Siege (1642) the total poor-rate of the borough was £204 15s. Of this Vintry Ward alone contributed nearly half, £90 3s. id. ; Venour Ward, £37 15s. 2d. ; Old Town Ward, £38 19s. 4d. ; and Looe Street (Lower) Ward, £32 7s. 6d. AN INFORMAL CHARTER. 179 (Holycross Lane is probably a survival of its vicinage), and certain stalls for the sale of fish, flesh, and other victuals. These, with the Church of Sutton, are stated to belong to the Prior and Convent ; while the burgesses had no right to erect others without license, which however they had done. The controversy is settled by the burgesses having let to them eighteen stalls, at a penny each per year — to be paid on their behalf by the Prepositus for the time being — and agreeing not to put up any more, either in that place or any other spot within the borough, without due license. As the burgesses had no seal, Eichard the Tanner, Prepositus, put his. Some where within the next half century, however, corporate authority must have gained a more definite existence, probably in the division of Sutton Vawter, for, as we shall see, a deed of 1368 has a seal with a ship for device, and the legend Si . commvnitatis . ville . de . Svttvn . svper . Plymovth, a designation assumed to be distinct from Sutton Prior. The deed is that by which Stonehouse is conveyed from the Bastards to the Durnfords, and the Commonalty of Sutton were sufficiently important to be called in as witnesses. An Informal Charter. At length we reach more definite ground. Edward III., towards the close of his long reign, conferred upon the inhabitants of Sutton what was essentially a charter, and was so regarded. On the 24th November, 1374, he directed letters patent to William Cole, Stephen Durneford, John Sampson, Eoger Boswines,2 Eobert Possebury, Geoffrey Couche, John Weston, William Trevys, William Gille, Maurice Berde, William Bourewe, jun., and Humphry Passour, as burgesses of the borough of Sutton. Being mindful of the damage and disgrace that might happen to the town and the country adjacent by invasion of the enemy, in default of good rule; being willing to provide for its defence and safety ; and fully confiding in the fidelity of the men above named — the King assigns them jointly and severally to survey all defaults in the town and port thereof whereby dangers might arise; to procure the same to be amended ; to cause the men of the said town to be arrayed, so that they should always be ready and prepared to meet their enemies ; and to do and execute such other things as might be necessary to provide for the safety of the same 2 Roger Beauchamp, who lived at ' Boswines,' Plymouth, is probably intended. The name Boswines appears to be lost. N 2 180 HISTORY OF PLYMOUTH. town. Moreover the Mayor and Bailiffs, and all and singular the inhabitants of the town, were to be obedient and aiding in the performance and execution of these premises. It seems as if we have here a recognition of the existence of two rival divisions, Sutton Prior and Sutton Vawter. Had the Mayor and Bailiffs possessed full authority, the orders should, in due course, have been addressed to them ; and as from other sources we gather that the twelve men named were inhabitants of Sutton Prior, the corporate body recognized in these letters must have had jurisdiction in Sutton Vawter. Under cover of this quasi-charter, the effort was made to bring the whole town under one juris diction ; and hence probably it was that in 1378 Eichard II., for the purpose of fortifying the town (which was then in great danger, and not enclosed or fortified with walls or turrets or otherwise), made a grant of customs duties for the purpose to ' the Mayor, Bailiffs, honest men, and Commonalty,' while in 1383 an order was directed in his' name to the Mayor and Bailiffs against the exportation of provisions. In 1384 we find William Cole, Thomas Fishacre, Geoffrey Couche, and Humphry Passour licensed by Eichard II. to alienate six acres of land held of the King in chief to the Friars Minors ; and three of these men, it will be seen, were of the twelve commissioned to take steps for the defence of the town under the letters patent of ten years previous. In the same year, moreover, the Eoyal rights to toll of fish taken in the sea water of Sutton Plumpmouth and Tamar, and sold in Plymouth, were enforced against certain fishermen, by whom they had been evaded. All this points to definite action on the part of the Crown and of the inhabitants to bring the whole town under one municipal government ; and it will be noticed that the name chosen to combine Sutton Prior and Sutton Vawter was Sutton - upon - Plymmouth, thence Sutton Plymouth, and finally, when union and incorporation were completed, the Plymouth without the Sutton as now. The old Manorial Government, and its Assailants. The records of the controversy between the Priors and their tenants have preserved a description of the old manorial government of Sutton Prior ; and the most interesting notice extant of the early municipal history of Plymouth is contained in the finding of an Inquisition taken by order of the King on the complaint of the Prior of Plympton, 8th THE OLD MANORIAL GOVERNMENT. 181 Eichard II. (1385). It was held at ' Ekebokland,' on the Wednesday next after the feast of the Holy Trinity, before Walter Cornu and Eichard Gripston, on the oaths of Peter Whitelegh, Stephen Lautron, William Wyneslond, Ealph Bytheyes, David Treweman, Richard Wylberton, Thomas Stanton, William Worston, William Lake, Thomas Boyes of Hareston, Thomas Cut, and William Godegrome. They found that the Prior of Plympton and his predecessors from time immemorial had been lords of Satton Prior, and accustomed to hold a Monday Court, with assize of bread and beer and weights and measures, with jurisdiction over trans gressors, and authority over millers, bakers, butchers, sellers of wine and hydromel, and cooks, and those who made bread outside the town and carried it therein to sell. That in this Court, held by the Prior's Seneschal, at the first sitting next after the feast of St. Michael yearly, twelve tenants of the same Prior, in the said town, were sworn to determine and choose a Prepositus of the same Prior and town, and him so chosen to the said Seneschal immediately to present, where upon, having taken his corporal oath before the said Seneschal, the said Prepositus should from that time forth of the said Court be head, receiving for the Prior all debts, amerciaments, fines, reliefs, and perquisites of the said Court, and all other like profits of the same Prior at the same place well and faithfully collecting and levying ; and immediately on the end of his year of office well and faithfully accounting for the same to the aforesaid Prior in the Priory of Plympton. Moreover, all other things to his said office of Prepositus belonging, without favour he should do and execute, in all respects as had been accustomed, holding the sittings of the Court aforesaid under the license of the Prior, and all else that a Mayor in the aforesaid town should do, or as had been accustomed from remote times. And now (said the jury) Humphry Passour, cunningly and falsely plotting subtlely to usurp the rights of the lord King and to make himself Mayor of the aforesaid town, instead of John Sampson, recently-chosen Prepositus (that is to say, in the Court held on Monday next after the feast of St. Michael last past, in the said Court elected, presented, and sworn to the said office), him to amove, and the said Prior and Church of the Apostles Peter and Paul of Plympton maliciously to disinherit in this part, the aforesaid John before the lord King and his Council of divers offences and misdemeanours assailed and accused. Moreover, under cover of a eertain brief of the lord King to the Bailiffs and honest men of the said town of 182 HISTORY OF PLYMOUTH. Sutton Prior by the name of the town of ' Sutton Plyrap- mouth,' certain burgesses of the said town Humphry Passour to the office of Mayor of the same town chose and elected, admitting him as such and obeying him in that office, and themselves to him in all things touching the said office sub mitting and obeying, whereas they would not allow the said John to enter and exercise his office. And in the King's Chancery the said Humphry Passour fraudulently, under colour of the brief of the lord King, sought to set himself in the mayoralty of the said town without the Court of the Prior, not being chosen before the Seneschal of the aforesaid Prior (whereas" the mayoralty of the town with the Mayor of the same ought not so to be) ; and the removal of the aforesaid John from the office and exercise of the said prepositure he procured and made, and the same office of Mayor, without sufficient authority and warrant, he for a long time has occupied and at present occupies — that is to say, from the feast of the Conversion of St. Paul last past ; and John Martyn, the Seneschal of the said Prior, he has pre vented from holding the Monday Court by force of arms from the aforesaid feast ; and has held it himself without the licence of the said Prior by his own authority, exercising all the rights of the said prepositure, and up to this time has continued to do and perpetrate other enormities and injuries, and as many and as grievous deeds as lay in his power. And further the jurors aforesaid say under oath that never was there Mayor in the aforesaid town of Sutton Prior before the aforesaid feast of the Conversion of St. Paul last past, neither ought there so to be, nor used. there to be but a Prepositus, until the day when the aforesaid Humphry caused himself to be chosen Mayor of the aforesaid town of Sutton Prior. If this finding were strictly accurate, then, as we find Mayors of Sutton mentioned nearly twenty years prior to the inquiry, they must have been Mayors of Sutton Vawter, But the absolute accuracy of the finding is not quite certain ; for the term mayor had been used of the chief officer of Sutton Prior antecedently to that date, though of course it may have had no authority. John Sampson, the Prepositus, will be noted as one of the twelve put in commission with Passour. The proceedings did not end with the Inquisition ; for in 1386 we find Passour rejoining in defence of his right to the mayoralty that at various times during the reign of Ed wan III., and during the reign of the present King for the space of twenty years, mandates had been sent both under the King's privy seal and by his letters patent to the Mayor of INCORPORATION BY ACT OF PARLIAMENT. 183 the town, under the name of the Mayor of the town of Sutton Plymouth, and had thus appointed the inhabitants to have a Mayor. However, judgment was given against Passour and his friends, ' because it has not been the custom for a Mayor to govern in the town of Sutton Prior.' The point to be specially noticed throughout this con troversy is that everything turns upon Sutton Prior, and that no judgment is given in respect of Sutton Vawter, which, though termed a hamlet in the Act of Incorporation, is frequently called a town in earlier documents, and at times even takes precedence of Sutton Prior ; while it is significant that from the time of the opposition raised by the Johns of Valletort of Clyst and Moditon in 1318 to the creation of the borough a free community, we have no evidence of any further opposition on behalf of the owners of Sutton Vawter. All the difficulty is with the Priory of Plympton, and in respect of Sutton Prior. There thus seems reason for believing that the older town had acquired and maintained its claim to corporate rights, and that the line which the Plymouth Reformers then took was one of extension and comprehension. Thus in 1411 — stimulated by the destruction of 600 houses in the Breton invasion in 1403 — we find the inhabitants of Sutton Prior and Sutton Vawter jointly petitioning for incorporation — the right to elect a Mayor, and to levy dues and tolls for defence; the answer being, 'Let the petitioners compound with the lords having franchises before the next Parliament, and report having made an agreement.' Incorporation by Act of Parliament. The present Incorporation of the town within existing boundaries was, as already stated, effected in 1439 by Act of Parliament, which seems to have been needful to carry out legally the arrangements made with the Prior of Plympton. No other rights of government were recognized by the statute as existing in the town ; but there were saved out of the provisions of the Act the rights of Sir John Cornewaill, Lord of Faunhope, to the Duchy property held under lease by him, and out of the provisions of a subsequent charter his rights, and those of Thomas Courtenay, Earl of Devon. No one seems to have succeeded, unless the Courtenays, to the claims set up by the Valletorts ; and the Priory had suffered so severely by the French inroad that it was well disposed to surrender on terms. 184 HISTORY OF PLYMOUTH. The prayer of the Act is in somewhat significant words, that the town of Sutton Prior, the tithing of Sutton Raf, parcel of the hamlet of Sutton Vautort (commonly called Plymouth), with a parcel of the tithing of Compton, should be a free borough incorporate with one Mayor and one perpetual Commonalty. The Act did not provide for the election of any officer besides the Mayor, save the creation of fresh burgesses : and its chief provisions, beyond the general powers of incorporation, were for the acquisition of the manorial rights of the Priory (saving only the advowson of St. Andrew and three messuages which were never to be parcel of the borough3), by the Mayor and Commonalty, under terms to be arranged ; and for the satisfaction of the Abbot of Buckland touching the loss of his Hundred jurisdiction. On the 25th of July following (1440), Henry VI. followed up the Act by a Charter, which gave power to elect a Eecorder and a Coroner, made the Mayor and Eecorder justices of the peace, conferred the right to hold pleas and to exercise criminal jurisdiction, and to have and hold a Merchants' Guild, ' with all and singular the appurtenances to a Merchants' Guild, as the Mayor and Bailiffs of our city of Oxford jointly and severally better and more freely have and hold, or may have and hold.' Moreover, there was a fresh market grant — a market on Monday and Thursday, and two fairs of three days annually, at the feast of St. Matthew the Apostle, and the feast of the Conversion of St. Paul — the latter, be it noted, the time of year assigned to Passour's ' ursurpation,' and a curious coincidence, if nothing more. Either in the Guild Merchant, or in the continuance of a pre-existing custom, does it seem most probable that we must look for the origin of the form the Corporation assumed. The Charter mentions only the Mayor, Recorder, Coroner, and Commonalty ; but within half a century we find existing the 'twelve and twenty -four' — the Aldermen or Masters, and the Common Councilmen— rwho formed the executive down to the year 1803, when the Commonalty successfully asserted their right to choose the Mayor. It was not indeed until the charter of Elizabeth, in 1601, that the 'twelve and twenty-four ' had the recognition of authority ; but they may well have been a modified survival of a pre-existing adminis trative body. The peculiar way in which the Mayor was elected until the Commonalty obtained the power, by a 3 These were on the south of Bilbury Street, north of Note (Notte) Street, and north of Stillman Street. BOUNDARIES. 185 jury of thirty-six chosen by four alfurers or affeerers — two Aldermen appointed for the Aldermen, and two of the Common Council chosen by the Commonalty — recalls the method of electing the Prepositus, and may also have been a survival of the twin manorial jurisdiction of Suttons Prior and Vawter. Boundaries. There remains among the Plymouth muniments a copy of the Act-Charter in the vernacular — or rather of its earlier portion, written certainly not later than the reign of Henry VII., but which differs so remarkably in some points from the present translation of the same Act that it may represent, in part at least, an original draft: Knowe ye that wher as the towne of Sutton pryor and the tythynge of Sutton Raf and parcellys of the hamelet of Sutton vautor whech towne tethynge and pcellys Comynly be callyd and namyd Plymouth and a sertayne of the tethynge of Compton wythyn the Cowtye of deuynshere beyng and sett so ny to the stronds and costys of the see and soo many and soo greate and soo Comyn applying of fletys of Shyppys and of vessels aswel of Enymys as of others yn the port of the same towne tethynge pcellys of the hamelet and tethynge of Compton lying that fro time to time hyt hath be that the towne tethynge and pcellys aforsaid a fore thys tyme of x tymys yn gretter ptye of the same for the faute of Co — : and aswell the same yn tymes of oure nobyll execu tors often broke and distrevyth and aswell the ynhabitans of the same of theyre goods and catellys nyghtly and dayly Spoylyd and many of theym of the ynhabitans by the same enymyes take and lede to the owte contryes and there kepte yn to the tyme that they had made fennans and Ravnson and they were yn harde kepyng p'sament and vnderful kept yn gevys stocks and other wayes and other evyll losts and vnpfytabyle not lytyll to the same towne Tethynge and pcellys of the hamelett and of the Tethynge of Compton and to the ynhabytance of the same yn tymys past eur and were hade and many ither yn tymes to Time they doth but yf relef fortefyinge and betterynge of the towne tethynge and pcell aforsaid the other remedy be vyded be howfull by the apetycyon to us yn our plement beyng at Westmyster the xijth daye of Noueber last past holden [and then it is enacted] ... for the Rest of the malys of oure enymys theryn dayes applying and for the saluacon of the Towne tethyng and pcellys aforsayd and that the ynhabitance of the same the Rather that the townetethyng and pcellys aforsaid be fro hensforthward a fre Borough In corporat of one Mayer and of one Comynaltie for eur and hytt shalbe callyd the borowgh of plymouth . . . and that the aforsaid borowgh By the makys and boundys vnder wretyn all tymes that ys to Wete 186 HISTORY OF PLYMOUTH. bytwyne the hyll callyd the Wynderygge by the Banke of Sowre pole a yenst the North on the grete dyke otherwyse callyd the greate deche and fro thens ayenst the North vnto Stoke damrele flete and fro thens by the stronde of the same flete vnto mylbroke brygge ynclewdyd and fro thens to the yate of thorne hylle pke ayenst motley pkelane and fro thens vnto lypstone brygge ynclewdyd and fro thens by the seestronde to the lary poynt To the Catte to henstone fyse store and Est kyng and fro thens to the said hylle callyd Wynderygge as the mkys and bonds eur were that be derectyd and fyxed fully and opynly schewyth. The metes and bounds given here differ materially in some points of expression, though the general effect is the same, from the language of the Act of Parliament, as copied directly, from the original roll : Inter montem vocat Wynrigg p ripam de Sourpole v'sus boriam usque ad le grete dyche alias diet' le grate diche et exinde it'um v'sus boriam ad Stokedamarleflete et abinde g litus eiusdem flete usque ad Millebroke brigge inclusive et deinde v'sus orientam g le middeldiche de Houndescom usque ad Houndescombrigge inclusive et abinde usque ad Thornhilpark exclusive et deinde usque ad Lypstonbrigge inclusive et abinde g litus maris continue usque ad le lare ad le Catte ad Hyngston Fysshtore et Estkyng, et abinde usque diet' montem de Wynrigg.4 It is difficult to understand the use of the term ' parcel of the hamlet of Sutton Vawter ' — for the whole of that manor seems included. It may, however, be that both in this case 4 We must see here that the vernacular version has an independent authority of some kind. There is an important proviso in the Act-Charter of Henry VI. wholly excluding from its operation the Manor of Trematon, to which Sutton Pool belongs ; and hence and because of the words in the description of the ambit ' by the sea shore ' the Sutton Harbour Company, on their rating being greatly raised in 1889, appealed against the rate on the ground of non-liability among other points. The custom has been, however, to take the boundary of the borough across the mouth of Sutton Pool from Fishers Nose, and rates had been regularly paid for a century and a half. The Recorder, Mr. Bom pas, Q.c, held that the Trematon proviso did not operate in this respect, and that the description of the metes and bounds was general rather than particular" and to be interpreted by marks which had been fixed ; hence gave judgment for the Guardians. From this decision the Company again appealed ; hut without effect. The documentary evidence for the exclusion of Sutton Pool as part of the Manor of Trematon was regarded as in their favour ; but judgment was given against them on the score of usage and continued rating. The clause in the Act-Charter excluding Trematon runs : ' Prouise semp quod pdcus actus et ordinacie minime se extendant ad man'rii de Trematon Burgu de Saltayshe aqua de Tamer nee ad aliqua alia possessiones ffranchesias libtates aquas piscarias redditus seuie cur' iurisdiccees officia hereditamenta forissturas escaetus aut aliqua alia excitus profitua seu commoditates qui Johes Cornewaill dns de ffauuhope tenet ad tr'm vite suo reu'sione inde ad nos spectante.' UNPERPETUAL COMMEMORATION. 187 and in that of the tithing of Compton, no portion of which as at present recognized forms part of the municipal borough of Plymouth, the omission and inclusion were of the very slightest (and soon forgotten), for the purpose of the rectifi cation of the boundary, which followed the natural lines of coasts and watercourses wherever practicable ; and only at two places crossed from one such point to the other. One of these was on the verge of Sutton Vawter, next Stonehouse ; the other next Compton. Moreover as Leland places Sutton Vawter on the north, giving Sutton Prior the 'middle and heart ' and Sutton Ealf the east ; and as he states that the oldest part of Plymouth in his day was north and west, and some thereof sore decayed, it seems clear that Sutton Vawter extended much further up the hill and along the ridge between Surpool and Stoke Damarel Fleet (Stonehouse Mill Lake) than implied in the later use of the words ' Old Town.' We have also recorded the existence of a spot called ' The Vawters ' on this ridge, closely adjoining Stonehouse, which aids a similar inference.5 Unperpetual Commemoration. An agreement made on the 28th August, 1440, between William Keterigge, Mayor of Plymouth and the Commonalty of the same, and the Prior and Convent of St. Germans, sets forth that Eichard Trenode, merchant of Bristol, and Thomasia Venour, widow of William Venour, formerly of Plymouth, and sister of the said Eichard Trenode, had been at great expense and labour to have Plymouth made a corporation of ' one Mayor and Commonalty.' In recognition of this the Mayor and Commonalty, to keep the same Eichard and Thomasia in perpetual remembrance as their principal and special benefactors, bound themselves to the Prior and Convent, to maintain a chaplain to say mass daily at the altar of the blessed Virgin in the Church of St. Andrew, for the souls of Eichard Trenode, Alice his late and Joan his present wife, William Venour and Thomasia his widow, for their children, for Eichard Trenode and Dionisia his wife, father and mother of Eichard Trenode, for John Venour and Joan his wife, parents of William Venour ; and for the souls of all others for whom Eichard Trenode, William and Thomasia Venour, were bound to pray. 5 In the early 'fifteenths' Vawter's Ground and Stonehouse were each assessed in the same amount, 2s. 6d.— distinct from Plymouth ; and we find the entry ' terra tenentis apud Vautard ex pte Boriali le mylle poole tenenta solvere.' 188 HISTORY OF PLYMOUTH. As another means of remembrance — equally, as the result has proved, wwperpetual — one of the wards of the borough received the name of Venar Ward ; and this was in the part of Sutton Prior which lay immediately west of Sutton Pool, in which locality some of the family had lived. We are not told what Trenode and his sister did ; but as expense was involved as well as trouble, probably the passage of the Act was smoothed after a fashion well understood. The Venours were people of position ; for one was Mayor in 1377 — John, no doubt the father of William — and their exertions may not have been confined to the finally successful effort. Early Mayors. The following names of Mayors and Headmen prior to the full Incorporation have been preserved: 1310, Eichard the Tanner, prepositus of Sutton; 1313, William Berd, pre positus ; 1318, Richard Tannere, prepositus ; 1325, Edward of Northcote, prior's prepositus; 1370, Maurice Berd, mayor; 1377, John Venour, mayor of Sutton Priors; 1381, William Honyton, mayor ; 1383, Humphry Passour, mayor of Sutton Priors; 1384, John Sampson, prepositus; 1395, Walter Crocker, mayor of Sutton Priors; 1397, Richard Row, mayor ; 1398, Walter Dymmick or Dymcock, prepositus ; 1397, Henry Boon, mayor of Plymouth; 1399-1403 (?), William Pollard, mayor ; 1408, William Bentle, mayor ; 1412, William Rogherne, mayor of Plymouth ; 1413, William Bentley, mayor of Sutton; 1414, William Boon, mayor of Plymouth ; 1418, William Bentley, mayor of Sutton Priors ; 1439, William Totwell (the old form of spelling the modern Tothill), prior's portreeve of Sutton. Though we have here only twenty mayoralties for a period of over a century and a quarter, it is probable from the repetitions preserved that several of these Mayors and Prepositors held office still more frequently, the range of choice being narrow. Moreover, the fact that between each of Bentley's three recorded mayoralties five years elapsed, seems to indicate the existence of a select body — as of Aldermen — from whom the choice was made in turn, and is fair collateral evidence of the existence of organized corporate authority. The good standing of some of these early Mayors is shown by one of them having been chosen to represent the borough in Parliament— William Berd,in 1313; while John of Honeton, no doubt father or grandfather of William Honyton, was elected, probably for Sutton, in 1311. From various sources we learn that several others were men of wealth for those days. THE NAME OF PLYMOUTH. 189 The name of Plymouth. Since it is in the charter of Henry VI. that the substitution of the name of Plymouth for that of Sutton is first officially recognized, some notes on the origin of the word will be here in place. It is spelt in very nearly 300 different ways in various records — Plimu being the shortest and Pilimmouthe the longest. The port of Plymmue is named as early as 1254 ; but late in the reign of Edward II. the town is still ' Sutton villa supera costera portus de Plymouth.' There was a Plympton long before there was a Plymouth ; but Plympton is not and never was on the river now called the Plym. It was upon the estuary afterwards called the Lary. Why then should it be named after the river ? The answer lies in the derivation of the word. In all likelihood the Keltic name for the estuary was simply lyn — a 'lake or pool,' retained at the present day locally by the estuary of the Notter — the Lynhir, or ' long lake ;' and found translated into Saxon in such names as Stonehouse Lake, Keyham Lake, St. Johns Lake, Millbrook Lake. Penlyn is 'the head of the lake.' Penlinton exactly expresses the site of the original Plympton, which we find in Domesday as Plintona. Precisely this contraction has taken place in Cornwall, where Pelynt is often called Plynt. On this hypothesis Plympton gave name to the Plym, Penlin being first blunderingly applied by the Saxons to the estuary, and thence to the river. We have several instances in Devon of names being carried up rivers. Such are the East and West Dart, and the East and West Okement ; whereas many tributary streams of less importance have distinctive titles. Only those who were ignorant of the true names of the branches would duplicate that of the lower river. Mewe, or Meavy, the name of the main branch of the Plym, really means 'the greater water'; and as Lary is easily resolvable into the ' lesser water,' that may well have been the name of the branch which of late years, without the smallest authority, because of a poetic ' slip,' it has been the fashion to call the ' Cad.' Plin passed into Plym through Plinmouth, whence Plymouth, just as at the present day the local pronunciation of Lynmouth is Lymouth. Transfer of the Priory Property. The value of the property transferred from the Priory to the new Corporation was assessed at a public Inquisition, held by the Archdeacon of Totnes, in the nave of the Priory Church on the seventh of January, 1440. The jury found 190 HISTORY OF - PLYMOUTH. that the conventual property had been in part destroyed by the descent of the Bretons in 1403, that the yearly rental of lands was £8, that of courts, markets, and fairs 60s., and the profit of the mills over £10. Under these circumstances the offer of the Corporation of a fee farm rent of £41 was deemed a sufficient compensation, and was accepted. In 1464 this rent was reduced to £29 6s. 8d., in consequence of the ' povertee and dekaye ' of the town ; and in 1534 to £20. The arrangement with the Prior included the payment of ten marks annually to the Prior of Bath ; and under it the lordship of the fee of the manor was vested in the Mayor and Commonalty for ever, with the appurtenances, the assize of bread and beer, fishery, view of frankpledge, tolls of the market, ducking-stool, and pillory. There is an ordinance that the Prior's rent was to be wholly discharged by the grant of the advowsons of Ugborough and Blackawton, but the town paid the £20 until the Dissolution, and was relieved by the King in 1545. The livings had not been vacated, which was the condition. The fee farm rent payable to the Crown — 40s. to Henry VIII. — became eventually £1 13s. lOd. It was granted to Lord Somers in 1697, and redeemed by the Corporation in 1875, by the payment of £40 to Mr. William Latham, to whom Earl Somers had sold it in 1853. The Charters. The oldest known charter of the borough is that of Henry VI. — 1440 — but the original does not exist; and that of Mary — 1558 — is the earliest preserved. Charters have been granted by Henry VI., as above, Edward IV. (1464), Richard III. (1484), Henry VII. (1490), Henry VIII. (1510), Edward VI. (1547), Mary (1553), Elizabeth (1601), James I. (1604, 1613), Charles I. (1628), Charles II. (1668, 1684), William III. (1697). Most of these were simple confirmations, and only four effected any material changes in the constitution. The charter of Elizabeth was important. Mathew Boyes, the town clerk, had £170 for it; the charter being entered as ' purchased,' and as being renewed by his ' meanes and industrie.'6 Under this the late Mayor was made a fellow- justice with the present Mayor and Recorder, theretofore the only ones. In 1628 Charles I. granted a charter which added the two senior Aldermen to the bench of justices. This cost £136 7s. 6 Court favours were costly. In 1597-8 there were spent 'for charges in London on town business at the Court this year' £137 8s. more thau was collected. THE CHARTERS. .' 191 In accordance with the usual policy when towns were governed by corporations regarded as inimical to the higher powers, Plymouth in 1684 was made to surrender its charter to Charles II., although it had been closely ' regulated ' in 1662. The requisition for the surrender was made by the infamous Jefferies, the man of the Bloody Assize ; and the Mayor and five other members of the Corporation were authorized to make it in due form, and to get the best terms they could. The surrender was made at Windsor (after the Corporate property had been duly secured by transfer to trustees), and a new charter granted in answer to a petition, which, after setting forth that much of the income of the Corporation was held by prescription, and that it was encum bered by debt, concluded thus : We, your most humble petitioners, do therefore in all dutiful manner implore your majesty to vouchsafe your princely com passion and favour to your said town and to pardon its past offences, and out of your abundant royal grace and bounty to accept of a surrender of the whole governing part of the said Corporation, in such manner as is most conducing to your majesty's service ; we only beseeching your royal favour that what is not useful for your majesty's service, but of great benefit and advan tage to the said town, may be preserved, wherein we most humbly pray your majesty to signify your royal pleasure in such manner as your most sacred majesty in your great wisdom shall think fit. The new charter varied in several particulars from the old one, and named the members of the new Corporation- staunch Church and King men all. It vested the power in thirteen Aldermen, of whom the Mayor was one, and in twelve Assistants or Common Councilmen, instead of twenty- four. And yet the Corporation had done their best to keep the King in a good humour. In 1660 they had given him the wine fountain now among the royal regaba. Item paid mr Tymothy Allsopp for two Royall pieces of plate bought by him of Alderman Vynar of London, by order from the maior and Cominalty of this Burrough, which vpon theire speciall Request was presented to the Kings most Excellent majesty vpon his happy Restauration to the Government of his Dominions by the hands of Sir William Morrice knight, the kings chief e Secretary of State and Samuel Trelawny Esqr Burgesses of the Burrough in this prsent parliament, Sergeant Maynard Recorder of this Burrough and Edmond ffowell Esqr the Towne Councell, the sum of flower hundred pounds. 192 HISTORY OF PLYMOUTH. Moreover, they had spent £49 15s. 9d. in proclaiming ' the merry monarch,' paid £16 14s. 4d. for putting up his arms in the Guildhall, and 17s. 6d. for painting them on the new shambles ! There is an entry in an old court book of the persons who in public court declared their humble acceptance of His Majesty's gracious pardon, June 4th, 1660. The declarations were made in open court, before John King, Samuel North- cott, and Eobert Gubbes the elder, who also 'laid hold on and accepted' the pardon aforesaid. Nevertheless, 'the Roundhead ringleaders were almost to a man ejected from the Corporation when it was 'regulated' by the Com missioners, and this charter of 1684 placed them wholly at the mercy of the Court. It cost some £620. r The old charter was practically restored by William of Orange in 1697, Sir Francis Drake being the moving spirit, at an outlay of £504 5s. 6d. This made the Corporation to consist of a Mayor, Recorder, twelve Aldermen, and twenty- four Common Councilmen, with twenty-six freemen. The number of the freemen varied, but the municipal body continued the same without alteration down to the Municipal Reform Act, which added twelve Councillors to the twenty- four, and divided the town into the six wards Of St. Andrew, Frankfort, Drake, Charles, Sutton, and Vintry.8 Mayor-Choosing in the Olden Time. Under the old regime the Mayor was chosen on St. Lambert's Day (17th September), on whatever day of the week that might fall, the last Sunday Mayor-choosing being in 1826. For three centuries a very curious mode of election was followed. The Mayor and Aldermen (at one time the Mayor only9) would elect two Aldermen, under the name of alfurers or affeerers ; and the freemen two more, out of the 7 In 1683 the Aldermen usurped the election of Councilmen for 'five years,' but this was put an end to by the new grant. The old Corporation was essentially a self-elected one, but there was occasionally much controversy touching the hands in which the power lay, not unfrequently followed by litigation. At times the Aldermen claimed the sole right of electing their colleagues ; at times, as in 1683, the sole right also of choosing the ' twenty- four,' who on their side were equally tenacious ; while now and again the freemen asserted their right to appoint sometimes one, sometimes both ; and there were kindred disputes touching the election of freemen. But the full story would be a very long one, and of no practical interest now. 8 By the Local Government Act of 1888 Plymouth was made a county, and the town- became a county-couneil April 1st, 1889. 8 Trans. Plym. Inst. v. 555. Yonge's Memoirs, MAYOR-CHOOSING IN THE OLDEN TIME. 193 Common Council. By the four a jury of thirty-six would be chosen, and by this jury one of the Aldermen was elected. A contest arising at the Mayor-choosing in 1802, the matter was brought to trial at the Exeter Lent Assizes in 1803, before Mr. Baron Thompson. It was then declared to be an infringement upon the rights of the Commonalty, and therefore illegal ; and the elective franchise was restored to the freemen at large, every freeman being eligible. Mr. J. C. Langmead was -the first Mayor thus appointed by the Commonalty. This memorable victory of the freemen over the old Corporation is commemorated by a medal, worn suspended to the chain of office which was then presented to the Mayor, and first became part of his paraphernalia. It bears on the obverse the arms of the borough, and the following inscription: " Usurpatione depressi, Legibus Restituti. Turris fortissima est nomen Jehovse. 17 Martis, 1803.' On the reverse: ' The freemen of Plymouth request your wearing this medal, to be returned at the expiration of your Mayoralty, in honourable token of that inestimable branch of the British Constitution, trial by jury, by whose verdict the right to elect a chief magistrate for the borough was restored, after having been unjustly withheld for upwards of three centuries.' Notices of the Mayor-choosing used to be given in the churches, after the Nicene Creed, two Sundays previous to St. Lambert: 'The Right Worshipful the Mayor desires the Commonalty of this Borough to meet him in the Guild hall thereof on the seventeenth day of September next at 10 o'clock in the forenoon, then and there to elect a Mayor of the said Borough for the year ensuing.' Harris's description of the procedure in 1807 is as follows : Mayor-choosing-day is ushered in by the ringing of the church bells, which continue ringing at intervals. At 10.30 the corpora tion met in the Guildhall, and proceeded to church, where the vicar preached on the duty of magistrates and brotherly love. When returned to the Guildhall the list of the freemen was called and the names ticked. If there was opposition a short poll would be taken and the freemen sworn, three or four at a time, in the same manner as at the election of representatives. The Mayor must be chosen before the meeting was dissolved, and many times it was midnight before this was done. The rest of the business being done, they went to church again for to pray, as sly rogues say, that the dinner might be good. From the church they used to go down High Street to the New Quay, thence to the Mayoralty O 194 HISTORY OF PLYMOUTH. House [Woolster Street]. At present they go the same road as far as Woolster Street, then into Foxhole Street, Tin Street, up Broad Streets, [Bilbury and Buckwell Street] to the Guildhall again. The Mayor did not take office until Michaelmas Day ; and between Lambert and Michaelmas was Freedom Day, when the Corporation ' saw the franchise about,' and 'the boyes have liberty to take w* they meet y4 is eatable.' This was a local Saturnalia, kept as such from the earliest times, fruit and the like being provided by the Corporation for the boys to scramble for, in addition to that to which they helped themselves. The proceedings closed in Freedom Fields. In later years one of the incidents of the day was the fighting between the Old Town and Burton [Breton] boys for a barrel of beer. Martyn's Gate was the dividing line of the two districts, and the beer was given by the Mayor. The practice was abolished in 1782, because ' some young gentlemen had their collar bones broken.' Nickey Glubb, a porter pugilist, who died in 1809 blind, was the latest Burton chief. The charity boys were the last who held to the ancient custom of ' self- help.' The swearing in of the Mayor on Michaelmas Day was the occasion of a very curious survival. Under the Act- Charter the Mayor had to be sworn before the Prior of Plympton or his steward, if either chose to attend, and the Commonalty had to wait until eleven in the morning for them. Priors and stewards alike ceased to be at the Dis solution of the Monasteries ; but the burgesses continued to wait! And thus down to the passing of the Municipal Reform Act, though it was the practice of the freemen to assemble on Michaelmas Day at ten, the customary hour elapsed ere his worship was sworn. Lo ! in the Apple of the Charter's Eye The Prior and his Steward never die : Our Guardian Angels must await for these Ecclesiastical nonentities. In Common Hall assembled, Eeason says hence, Until the Law that supersedes their presence.1 The old corporate processions were somewhat imposing affairs. When Harris wrote the order was thus: The old governor of the Barbican, the town corporals, the constables, a band, a standard bearer armed, with the town flag, the Mayor, Aldermen, Justices, and Recorder, two and two in 1 Baron's Mayors and Mayoralties, 20. THE CORPORATE INSIGNIA. 195 scarlet robes, Vicars and Clergy gowned, Common Councilmen two and two in black silk gowns, Town Clerk, Coroner, freemen, gentlemen not members of the Corporation. The Aldermen seem first to have assumed scarlet gowns, which they wore by regulation sixteen times a year, in 1572, though the practice was subsequently dropped, to be renewed in 1598. In 1669 the gowns of the 'twenty-four' were of black cloth, guarded with black velvet, and having square collars lined with fur. The Corpwate Insignia. The Seals of the borough are interesting. There is only one impression known of the seal of the early Corporation of Sutton. It is attached to a deed of 1368 in the possession of Earl Mount Edgcumbe; the device a ship on the water, and the legend si • COMMVNITATIS ¦ VILLE • DE • SVTTVN • SVPER • PLYMOVTH. The seal which was used down to the Municipal Reform Act is a quaint composition. It is circu lar, with,in the upper part, three elaborate canopies. Beneath the central canopy is a figure of St. Andrew, with cross and book, and nimbus sur rounding the head ; and beneath the others figures bearing respectively shields of St. George and the royal arms. In the lower part is a shield of the arms of the borough — the saltire and castles with lion supporters. It bears the WOrds, THE : COMEN : SELLE : OF : THE : BOROVGH : & : COMENALTE : OF : Y15 : KYNGS : TOWNE : OF : PLYMOTHE. This, however, is a late reproduction of the original seal of 1439, two fragmentary impressions only of which are known to exist, dating respectively 1479 and 1493. These show portions of the legend in black letter instead of Roman capitals, while the device is more skilfully cut, and the tabernacle work in better taste. Altogether this was a very fine seal, and with a very marked ecclesiastical character. The figure of St. Andrew refers to the dedication of the church ; the shield of St. George to the Freemen's Guild. o 2 196 HISTORY OF PLYMOUTH. The accompanying illustration represents the more perfect of the existing impressions, with the full restoration otherwise suggested — the legend being ' §->igillu : tomiUU : burgf : St I commtmftatis : btll : -ftegis : Ue : Pptourt).' A third and smaller seal is also circular. The field is occupied by the shield of the saltire and castles, with Gothic ~ tracery at the sides, and surmounted by a crown of fleurs de lis. This is the original Mayor's seal of 1439, and bears the legend: ' jb'rjflictt matotatus imrgf hilb irnf regis be Pgrnourh.' The words 'dni regis' have been defaced, probably in the days of the Common wealth. There is further a plain circular seal of rude workmanship, having the borough arms (saltire and castles) in a shield, with the date 1595. In 1580 the town seal is mentioned in the THE CORPORATE INSIGNIA. 197 singular. In 1623-4 6s. 9d. is entered for a small silver seal with the town arms ; and in the foUowing year we read that the town seal was 'graved' at a cost of 6s. 4d. by John Bardsey. If this was the later St. Andrew seal the smallness of the pay may excuse the poorness of the work. The modern seal introduced in 1837 under the Municipal Reform Act was designed by Col. Hamilton Smith, who combined the two coats of arms [see p. 198], by placing the saltire and castles with the lion sup porters on board the ship with beacons ; and added six flags of the saltire and castles, to represent the six wards, to the coronal crest. The town motto is placed round the device, and in an outer circle the words, COMMON SEAL OF THE MAYOR ALDERMAN & BURGESSES OF THE BOROUGH OF PLYMOUTH. 1835. The first mention of a Mace is in 1486-7, when James the goldsmith, mended ' John gele ys mase ij tymes,' and ' rystaffer ys mase.' In 1494 we have 'ye lyttell mace.' The maces came so frequently to repair in early days as to suggest that they were more for use than ornament. In 1576 four maces were procured, costing £3 lis. lOd. for silver and £2 2s. for work. In 1625 three small maces were new made and gilt at a charge of £2 13s. 6d., while three new maces cost £19 15s. 8d. Two others were bought in 1710 for £90. These maces mostly disappeared in the reign of Queen Anne. Some no doubt had been thrown aside before. The fate of others can be traced. Roche, the mayor, amoved in 1711 for malpractice, retained the maces in his possession, and had to pay £41 lis. 6d. for three. These were, however, recovered, for £16 lis. 6d. was paid to the person to whom he had sold them ; but in 1714 two were sold for £14. The three maces now belonging to the borough date from the reign of Queen Anne. The largest was given by Colonel Jory, when one of the others was ordered to be carried before the mayoress. The most ancient members of the civic paraphernalia are a couple of silver-gilt Cups. One, called the 'Union cup,' was given June 5th, 1585, 'The gyft of Iohn Whit of London, 198 HISTORY OF PLYMOUTH. Haberdasher, to the Mayor of Plymouth and his brethren for ever to drinke crosse one to ye other at their Feastes and Meetinges." The second was given by Sir John Gayer, founder of the ' Lion Sermon,' in 1648. The Mayor's Chain dates only from 1803, as already noted, when chain and medal were bought at a cost of £77 10s. 6d., a sum which there was an unfortunate delay on the part of the donors in paying. The medal now attached to the chain bears the date of 1816, so that it is not the original. The Mayor's Hammer of office was the gift of Mr. John Kelly in 1873. Plymouth is unquestionably entitled to two Coats of Arms. The saltire vert between four castles sable, with the rampant lion supporters or, found on the large seal, probably dates from the charter of Henry VI. It combines the cross of the parish church of St. Andrew, the four turrets of the town castle, and the national lions. But the device on the seal of Sutton is a ship, and the Heralds' Visitation of 1575 gives a three-masted ship on the waves, the masts sur mounted by blazing fire beacons. A manuscript Armorial in the Exeter Cathedral Library, of about the same date, gives a three-masted ship on the waves with the motto, 'Si vela tendas nimium navis mergitur.' The modern motto, ' Turris fortissima est nomen Jehovcs ' is probably traceable to the Puritan feeling of the siege time. It became the custom from the year of the Municipal Eeform Act to treat as the local coat the unauthorized combined device arranged by Colonel Hamilton Smith for the modern Corporation seal (see p. 197). In 1887, however, in the second mayoralty of Mr. W. H. Alger, a return was wisely made to the simple and dignified coat of the Incor poration : Argent a saltire vert between four castles sable ; supporters two lions I rampant or ; crest a royal coronet or. The Municipal Records. The Municipal Eecords have been reported upon by the Historical Manuscripts Commission, and are duly arranged and calendared ;2 but valuable as .they are only represent the smaller proportion of what once existed. The first destruc tion appears to have been at the time of the Western Eebellion, 1548-9, when we have the cited record, 'Then 8 The reports are by Mr. J. C. Jeaffreson and the writer. THE MUNICIPAL RECORDS. 199 was our stepell burnt, wth all the townes evydence in the same by Rebelles.' In 1601-2 further damage was done by a Totnes man, who burnt a chest in the Council Chamber. The present charter chest dates from about this period. Here is the entry from the Receiver's Accounts — Itm. rec. of Nicholas Goodridge of Totnes mrchaunte vppon an agreement made between the Towne and him for an offence committed by him the said Nicholas in burning of a cheste in the Council Chamber wherein were contayned divers evidences and writings concerninge the Towne. Cu- It is probably to this severely punished piece of arson (the fine would be equivalent to nearly £600 now) that one William Jennens and John Warren, in the course of a suit with the Corporation, referred when they declared, about 1665, that the town records had been burnt some seventy years previously. The wonder, however, rather is not that so much has been lost, but that so much is left. The borough records passed through a worse peril than even the fires raised by the Western Rebels or by Nicholas Goodridge, when the sometime old Guildhall, now the Free Library, replaced its Jacobean predecessor at - the commencement of the present century. Books were taken some care of, but it is said that accumu lated papers were thrown into heaps in the streets, and carted off, and that whoever cared to do so helped themselves at pleasure. There may be a little exaggeration; but if the story were not essentially true it would be impossible to account for the almost entire absence of current letters" and papers during the eighteenth century; whereas those since that date and a small proportion of the older ones have been preserved. When the penultimate Guildhall was finished, and the records moved back again, confusion became worse confounded. There was no room to arrange them properly, and a lot of loose papers were thrust under the roof, where they remained for many a long year. The first attempt to arrange the municipal records was in 1813, when a committee was appointed, and did much valuable work. Insufficient space, however, prevented them from carrying out their intentions fully ; and meantime deeds and papers rapidly accumulated. When the late Mr. Henry Woollcombe, F.s.A., was appointed Recorder he continued the task which he had commenced as a member of this committee, and by him a large number of loose papers and parchments were care fully preserved by being mounted in portfolios. He utilised 200 HISTORY OF PLYMOUTH. his researches also by writing the first history of Plymouth, which remains in manuscript at the Plymouth Institution. More than he did it was impossible, with the very limited office facilities of the old building, to do; but when the present Guildhall was projected a large and well-lighted muniment room was provided; and the papers and books of the old Corporation down to 1835 are now separately classified and arranged, in such a manner that with the help of an index catalogue any document may be turned to without difficulty or delay. Several missing books and papers have been recovered, the most important being the volume of Receivers' Accounts between the years 1570 and 1658. This was found in January, 1881, among the muniments of the Morshead family at Widey Court, and restored to the Corporation. The Receivers' Accounts are thus practically complete from the year 1486. There are some other accounts of the end of the fifteenth century, chiefly relating to works connected with the church of St. Andrew ; but the most valuable records of this period are to be found in an old book, which some one kept as a kind of commonplace or day-book for the entry of miscellaneous matters. It contains notices of the proceedings of the manor courts, of the borough and pie powder courts, of inquests by Simon Carswell, coroner, probably the writer; copies of various deeds, some of con siderable interest and value; the earliest borough rental, commencing 6th Henry VII. ; precepts and warrants con cerning the water of Sutton Pool ; a very curious abstract in Enghsh of the Charter of Henry VI. ; and a copy of the earliest noted bye-laws. Some of the entries are as early as 38th Henry VI., and it contains the oldest series of con temporary records now in the possession of the Corporation. Next in point of date, but first in importance, is the ancient ' Town Ligger,' a bulky volume in oak boards and tattered pigskin, long known by the name of the Black Book. This is the new ' lygger,' for which, and writing therein all that was in the old, 20s. was paid in 1535-6. It commences, 'Jesus Christus. Liber maioris et Communitatis burgi de Plymouthe in Com. Devon.' The eariiest current entries refer to the year 1540; but it contains copies of charters and of a number of ancient documents of importance relating to the town, for which in most cases it is now the sole authority. The Black Book was evidently intended to be a repertory of all matters of note relating to the community —proclamations, bye-laws, Acts of Parliament, guild orders, THE MUNICIPAL RECORDS. 201 assessments, with lists of Mayors and freemen. Eventually it came to be used as a registry, in which deeds relating to private properties in the town were enrolled by the town clerk for safe keeping. All communications from the King or court were not only to be entered ' for the good gyding of the towne,' but every article in the ' lygger ' was to be read once a quarter or twice a year in the hall 'for the good remembraunce and good rule of the same to be hadde,' an order which can never have been literally fulfilled. A very important feature of the Black Book is the fact that it became the custom to enter under each mayoralty brief memoranda of leading local and national events. The book remained in use as a record of the mayoralties down to 1709, and its lists of freemen continue to 1658. Without it much of the early history of Plymouth would be a blank. Next in importance to the Black Book is the White Book, a volume given to the town by John Ford, Mayor in 1555, and used from 1560 down to 1754 for the entry of bye-laws and orders of the 'twelve and twenty-four,' and of the sessions. The orders are for the most part signed by those who made them. There are a number of letters from the Privy Council and various persons of note in the reign of Elizabeth still extant, but only a very small proportion of those which once existed. There is merely one autograph letter of Sir Francis Drake, whereas there must have been scores ; and although there are several papers of various kinds connected with William Hawkins, Sir John is all but unrepresented. There are, however, autographs of nearly all the statesmen of the Elizabethan Court ; and of the local notables from this period downward the autographic representation is complete. From the early part of the seventeenth century the various sets of current Corporation books are fairly con tinuous ; and there are a few of the day-books, which it was the custom to destroy, with the vouchers generally, when they had been produced and examined at the annual audit. The most interesting volume of seventeenth-century accounts belonged to the Committee of Defence at the time of the siege of Plymouth by the Royalists, containing a full state ment of their expenditure from February, 1644-5, to January, 1645-6. The papers of the Borough Court date back to the reign of Henry VII., but there are only a few of the older ones left. The Court books now extant commence in 1636, and some of the volumes contain quaint illustrations of the manners and 202 HISTORY OF PLYMOUTH. customs of old Plymouth. There are some very curious entries respecting the style in which ' conventicles ' and their frequenters were dealt with under the second Charles and James. Corporate Bye-Laws and Regulations. The powers exercised by the mediasval municipality of Plymouth were very wide. Save in great matters of imperial concern Plymouth in the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries was in all essential respects a little republic, governed by its oligarchical ' twelve and twenty-four,' the Mayor at the head of whom wielded an authority almost as great and mysterious as that of a Venetian Doge. As the townsfolk were charged with the defence of the port — with building the fortifications, finding the guns, keeping watch, and manning the bulwarks — so the Mayor was general of the town by land and sea. Whether he could actually hang any one may not be quite clear ; but he could banish an offender as easily as lock one up ; and what with prison, pillory, whipping-post, stocks, and ducking stool, had plenty of ways and means of making his will obeyed. He was not only the president of the free burgesses, but the direct representative of the Crown, and to him royal letters and mandates were sent, involving at times no little charge. Moreover, he issued passports, and there is one extant in which William Thyckpeny, oh the 16th of March, 1492, in choice mediaeval Latin, bespeaks for one John Cropp peaceable passage, without being vexed or troubled, in his journey to visit divers shrines — to wit, that of the blood of Christ at Haylys, 'San Johem in pria de Scotland,' the blessed Virgin of Walsingham, St. Thomas of Canterbury, thence to transact certain business, and then to return by ' Beatem Begem Henry apd Wyndsore ' (Henry VI.) to Plymouth. The Freemen's Oath, as taken prior to the 'Eegulation' of 1684, shows how independent in many ways a mediaeval corporation was. The borough was 'to be held harmless,' even against the King : You sweare, to be true & faithfull to or soveraign Ld ye king, his heirs and successors, and you shall be obedient, and Ready to the Mayor, his ministers, & keepers of this Burrough, officers under ye king; the Franchise, and franchises, libertyes, and Customes of this Burrough you shall keep, and maintain, after yr power ; and as farr forth as you can, you shall save this Burrough harmles, ags' y1 King, and all his Leige people, and you shall be partaker of all manner of charges, touching this Burrough, as in CORPORATE BYE-LAWS. 203 surnons, Contributions, watches, wards, tole, taxe, and Tollage, as other freemen be of this Burrough after your power, you shall avow noe forraigners goods, as your own goods, nor buy and bargain with any forraigner, or stranger in your own name, to ye use, behoof, & proffit of another forraigner, and stranger, whereby any Custom, or duety may be Lost or withdrawn, from y° Mayor and Commons of this Burrough. You shall take noe apprentice for less than seven yeares, and within that tyme, you shall see them taught, and Instructed of some honest mystery, craft, or occupation. And if you shall hereafter know any forraigners, merchants, or handy crafts men, that shall use to buy, or sell, or practice any craft, continually within this Burrough, not being free of ye same, you shall then give warning thereof, unto the Mayor, of this Burrough, for the tyme being, or his officers, and you shall not Implead, or sue any person, out of this court, or courts of this Franchise, or liberty, of any action, cause, or quarrell, that is pleadable, or determinable within ye said court, or courts, holden and kept here within the precincts of this Burrough, and you shall give & keep in counsell, of all things that shall come to your knowlidge, concerning the publique weal of this Burrough, and you shall wear noe man's Livery otherwise than ye Law Suffereth and permitteth, fy you shall maintain no cause, or quarrell, ag*1 ye Mayor, fy comons of this Burrough, and you shall pay year-ely for your freedom to the Mayor and Cofnonalty sixe pence. to these points, and all other things, touching this franchise, & Liberty, you shall truely keep and observe, as nigh as God shall give you grace, soe help you God. The Freemen's Oath of 1684 differs in some very material restrictive particulars from this old oath. For the words ' and as farr forth as you can, you shall save this Burrough harmles, ags* ye King, and all his Leige people,' the words ' you shall save this burrough harmless as farr as Lawfully you may' are substituted. The passage, 'whereby any Custom, or duety may be Lost or withdrawn, from ye Mayor and Commons,' is altered by the insertion of the words ' from the king and ' before ' ye Mayor.' And before the words 'and you shall pay yearely for your freedom' there is inserted the significant clause, '& you shall from time to time give notice to ye Mayor of this Burrough for ye time being, of all conventicles or unlawfull Assemblyes y* you shall know to be within this Burrough.' Here is an order made by the Mayor circa 1450, which shows the strict local pobce of those days : Maister mayer chargyth and comaundyth yn our sourayng lord the kings be halffe that all man of stranges resortyng to this towne here no wapyn swerd byll glevys or other wapyng vppone 204 HISTORY OF PLYMOUTH. the forfayture of the same wapyng and there bodys to pson and ffyn and Ransom to the Kyng. And allso that none of then habytance of this said towne w'oute the mair ys comaundement were no wapyn vppon the forfayture of the same excepte siauntes and constables or suche as be assigned thereto by the mayr or suche officer as ben w'yn the said towne for oure said souraigne lard the kyng. Itm that eury Strang loged w'yn the said towne be atte his loggyg sone vppon vj or vij atte clocke att leste. And thake vppon theyme to loge eny pson or psons butte as they wolle onswer for theyr goode beryng. Itm that no vacabundes or travelyng men or beggers passing thorowe the contray a byde here ovyr a day and a nyght vppon the payne of ympsonment and theyr hosts to answer yn lyke wyse for the same. And also that all manr of vytelers w'yn. this said towne sell theyr vytaill att aresonabyll pse aswell to stranges as to deynzyens vppon payn of forfaytor of the same as well yn brede, fflesch, fiyshe, wyne, ale, Eggs butt1 chese and all other vytaill so that eury pson as well strangrs as other maybe resonabely yntretyd. And also that eury pson loged yn the schypps a nyght take theyr loggyng ther be tymes by the our aforsaid. And also that no pson nor psons w*yn this said towne take vppone hym tobe owte of his house ovyr viij atte cloke excepte offyces or wachemen by the maire there to assigned. And god save the king and send vs pease. The general trade and commerce of the port was controlled by the Corporation, and so remained, in part at least, to within the eighteenth century. Only free residents had the right to conduct business. From the brewing of beer to the building of a church steeple ; from the regulation of fisher- women to the sustentation of a guild, nothing came amiss to the ' twelve and twenty-four.' The first act, order, or constitution of the Corporation extant was made by the Mayor and Commonalty in the second mayoralty of William Paige (1474-5) ; and declared that no man should be free of the Corporation unless he were a whole or half brother of Our Lady and St. George's Guild, a whole brother paying 12d. quarterly, and a half brother 6d. ; while each of the ' twenty-four ' had to pay 8d. yearly, and each of the 'twelve' 12d. Moreover, 'no foreigner' (all were foreigners who were not natives of Plymouth) was to be made free. This sweeping act of disfranchisement 'was appoynted by the hoole Councell of the Toune, and John Yogge, John Shippen, and other foreyns putte owte of theyre freedom.' Less than twenty years later (1492) the stringent step CORPORATE BYE-LAWS. 205 was taken of banishing from the town Nicholas Law and Avys his wife ; and a series of orders were made to uphold the dignity of the Mayor : Yf any pson or psons of the Inhitaunce of the said Towne rebell and dysbey the Mayer for the tyme being or distvrbe and lett him to doo and execute even Justice within the said Boroughe or drawe a knyfe hanger swerde vpon the Mayer or sott his hondes vpon his knyve hanger or swerde entending to drawe it vpon the Mayre or Bill Axe or Cleve or any othe Abylements of werre, or letting of the Mayre and his officers to mynistre their office according vnto the kinges lawes then hit shalbe at the libertye of the said Mayre to punishe him or theym so offending in svche prison within the said Boroughe as it shall please him. Freemen were to be imprisoned in the Guildhall. More over, fine and disfranchisement, or other penalties at the discretion of the Mayor, followed on declaring the ' counsell ' of the town to any foreign person, or seeking 'any helpe and mayntinaunce of any lorde, kniyght, or any other, what degree or condition he be of, agenst the Mayre.' About the same date, or a little earlier, appear the follow ing regulations : The Mayor comaundith in the king's name of England that all maner of Bakers make good brede and of good come and holsome for man's bodye, and that they make a loffe for a peny ij loffes for a peny and iiij loffes for a peny, and that yor brede keepe weight att the first tyme vpon payne of a grevous am'cem* and the second tyme a grevouser amrciament and the third faulte a payne of the pillorie and to forfaite their Bread and their bodie to prison and there to make or fyne att the Mayor's will. Also that all manner Brewers make good ale and of good malte holsome for man's hodye, and that they sell a gallon of the best in the keve for ld and q, and when it is cleare and stale in the Barrell for ld ob. And of the second ale in the kyve for iij farthings, and when it is cleare and stale in the Barrell for ld, and that they sell no ale by wyne measure but onlye by ale measure and sealed. And that they sell none till the Ale Taster have tasted it, and so that it be good holsome and able for man's bodye. And that no manner of Brewster neither hoggester sell none ale till they have sett out their signe on payne of forfeyture of all together and their bodies to prison there to make a fyne and Raunsome at the Mayor's will. Also that no man1 men sell no corrupt wynes neyther reboyled wynes, neither melled wynes ne no other but it be good and wholsome for man's bodie, neither sett two prices on one pype hoggeshed or toun to raise the price that is to saie first for iiijd and after for vjd on payne, &c. 206 HISTORY OF PLYMOUTH. [Then the butchers were only to sell wholesome meat — 'no Bulls flesh, no Ramms flesh, no Cowe flesh that be an Calfe and the Calfe be quicke.' They were also to bring ' their kidneys in their muttons and their skynnes of all manner of flesh to markett,' and were not to make any filth in the shambles. Linen and woollen cloth were only to be sold by measures tested by the King's standard in the Guildhall; and the only weights to be used were those of Winchester standard.] Also that no hostler ne any other man oste no vacabunds neyther anye other man passing two dayes and two nights, but he be a man of knowledge and whence he came and whether he will and where his busienes be in Toune, and that no man walk vp and downe working daies to ale and to wyne but he be a man lyvelichoode a mrchaunt other wayting vpon any gentleman, on payne of ymprisonm* of theire bodies and a grevous fyne to be att the MayorB will for it is suspicious. Also that no hosteler nor Taverner by color of their Taverne or hosterie suffer anye suspetious people of theire lyving to ryott accompanny or lodge together as man and a woman but he knowe verielie that it be a man and his wief, and that no Tavrner keepe in his house harlote neyther strumpett, but voyde her awaie hastelie on payne of a grevous amrciament. [Furthermore no man was to forestall before all victuals were in the market ; none to regrate ' before the towne be full served.' No fish to be bought in boats, but all to be landed, 'and that everie man haue a parte thereof that is present att the buying of the same pounde and pounde if it like them.'] The Borough Court was a local law court, dealing with debts, of large powers and considerable importance, with a settled procedure, and came to an end in 1842. The town clerk, who was always a barrister, presided, and the custom was to hold it weekly on Mondays. Quarter and Petty Sessions were held under the old charters. Quarter Sessions were re-granted 6 William IV., and a Commission of the Peace. In old days there was a Court of Pie Powder in connection with the fairs. Corporate Finance. Fines were long levied on members of the Corporation and freemen not present at Mayor -choosing; and persons who refused to take office were imprisoned until they complied or found surety. In 1520 the fines leviable for non-attend ance were: 'twelve' £5, 'twenty-four' 40s.; 'freemen' 12d. : and in 1566, the fine for refusing the mayoralty was raised to £20, from £10, at which it had been fixed in 1560. CORPORATE FINANCE. 207 Only the Aldermen could be chosen Mayors, and they were taken to some extent in turn ; while there are several orders of the discharge from all liability to serve of those who had filled the office on several occasions. In 1571, to relieve the burden, it was ordered that no one should be made Mayor who had been Mayor within six years, four having been the limit. In 1597 this was increased to eight years; the six was restored in 1643. As further illustration of the general powers of the Cor poration, we may quote an order of 1566, that all alien servants received within a year were to be discharged within a month; and others of 1603 and subsequently, fining and imprisoning those who spoke evil of the local dignitaries, using disparaging words and making slanderous speeches; for example : Itm rec of Joseph Gubbes for an offence in speaches on St Lamberts daie at thelation of the newe maior . x8 The chief sources of the town revenue in early days were rents, petty customs, the mills, pound, and market, ale and wine 'wits,' tonnage, land -leave, rollerage, and package. Most of these were really manorial rights, and transferred at the Incorporation from the Priory. The town customs were, however, granted by Eichard II. in aid of the fortifications. Tonnage was a payment of a penny per ton by ships coming into Sutton Pool ; land-leave was a landing due ; rollage and package were paid by brewers, and con nected with the landing, &c, of casks; ale and wine wits were dues paid by drinking-houses — in fact, licences. The total ordinary receipts from these sources in the fifteenth and early in the sixteenth centuries ranged from £50 to £60 a year. There were also certain miscellaneous sources of income, such as a mysterious ' dawnsyng money ' in 1483. A few samples will be of interest. 1513-14. md that ther was taken owte of a fHemyng shyp this yere yn the tyme of warre vj ffrenshe men psons w' the which was taken of ther goods yn the said shyp viij butts & j hoggshed of Romney where oon butt went to vlage the other so remayned but vij butts & j hoggshed of the whiche ther was solde to dyus psons vj butts & j hoggshed pee for the butte liijs iiijd & the hoggshed for xxij" iiijd sma . . xvij11 iij8 iiijd 208 HISTORY OF PLYMOUTH. Itm Recd of oon of the forsaid ffrenshemen that were taken psons yn the said ffiemyng shyp the which was a pilott yn the same shyp for his Raunson (xls) & of ij other of them (xxB) a pece beside oon of them that dyed & beside ij of them the whiche went home for their Raunson and came not ageyn . . • U1J l 1527-8. Itm Rec of tharrogosye [the argosy] for defendynge theyre shyp ageynst the ffrenshemen that wold have taken her . ' . xvj]i xiij3 iiijd Itm Rec of ij Spaynards for lyke defens . . xxvj8 viijd Itm pd for wyne at the welcom of the ffrenshe Kyngs capteynes when they were comaundyd to com a lond out of theyre shipps to be spoken w'all for the peace to be kept w'n the porte . . . ij8 Itm pd ffor fyndyng of the said Capteynes & theyre Sruants iij dayes when they were kept alond ageynst theyre wylls . . . xxvj8 viijd Itm spent in wyne when the frenshemen went hens . xijd Itm spent in wyne when the Spaynards pd theyre money xxjd 1538-9. Itm for a ffustyan blankett & for a harte of Sylur and gilte which was taken from lytell'Rawe the taylor for an Excheyte to the Towne . . vj8 1541-2. Itm pd for the shroudyng & buryeng of Johanne lyons whose hangyd her selffe by meanes whereof her goods wer forfeytt to the Town . iij8 iiijd 1592-3. Itm rec of a ducheman for a fyne for a hains offence by hym and his compayny done . . ccc" 1654-5. It Recd of Margarett the wife of Anthony Skynner for a Fine beinge Convicted for breach of a Late Ordinance of the Lord Protector against Duells Challenges and all provocons therevnto in abusinge Mary the wife of Benjamin Dymond whereof the said Dymond's wife had £10 soe Remaines £10 20 00 00 So in 1603-4 a man was hanged, and the town 'seased on his goodes.' Rates were at first only made for special objects. When money was short it became the practice to borrow, and in later times to hamper the town property by leases. The Corporation would grant leases on lives or for fixed terms for fines at nominal rentals, and when all the property was leased would lease it again in reversion, two and three leases deep, securing the best bargains for themselves. Thus the estates of the town were rendered almost wholly unpro ductive, for the fines were spent as soon as got. By and bye CORPORATE FINANCE. 209 the Corporation went a step further and got rid of the fee. Very few Plymouthians have any idea of the once enormous extent of the town lands. If they had been properly dealt with there would be no need of any rates in Plymouth ; but they were wasted and spoiled. The lands of the Corporation included the Marshes, on which Union Street and its adjuncts stand; the 'Great hill' above Pennycomequick; Tamelary, Windmill Park, &c, on the east ; the Vawtiers, Crosse Down, Well Park, Mayes Cross, on the north; Frankfort Fields, adjoining the Marshes, on the west; and houses in Green, Bilbury, Kinterbury, St. Andrew, Stillman, Tin, Looe, Lyme, Lyneham, Buckwell, Petherick, Market, Castle, Vennell, Whimple, Treville, Finewell, High, Batter, Market, Notte, East, and Woolster Streets ; Katherine, Hoe, Loaders, White- friars, and Peacock Lanes; also at Briton Side, Cockshedd (Coxside), Southside, Friary Green, Old Town, the Hoe and the Quay, with Corpus Christi House and other properties adjoining. Most of the lands belonging to the Corporation, with some belonging to charities ! were finally disposed of between 1822 and 1827 in 238 lots. Between March 9th, 1822, and June 25th, 1825, 52 lots were sold, realizing £10,898. It will be of interest in this connection to quote the details of the eariiest town rental preserved — Michaelmas to Michaelmas, 1491-2. It is the oldest existing list of Plymothians : Thos. Tregarthen, heirs of Jayben, heirs of Wm. Cornu, ' Domi psbiteros ij8 id,' Wm. Rogger, Robt. Harry, Ste. Hamelyn, Ralph Chompelayn, heirs of John Rowlond, Thos. Grayson, Wm. Tregoll, Wm. Chopyn, Wm. Baylly, Rd. Pomeray, John Bailly, Isabel Dowrygge, Thomasia Lawry, 'Ten See Crucs vj,' John How, Wm. Russeil, Wm. Taylor helyer, wife of John Mayen, heirs Wm. Bykbury, late Geo. Elysworthy, heirs Nich. Henscotte, Margaret Henscotte, heirs Robt. Hylle, Awing She, Rosa Sherman, And. Alenson, Rd. Bovy, Cornelius Burg, heirs of Eggbeore, late Thos. Bymmor, Alexander Vppecote, Walter Prdyaux, Thos. Wyett, Robt. Bear, John Carkeke, John Furnes, Thos. Phylypp, Wm. Nycoll, Thos. Byne, John Greselyng jun., Rd. Dowrysh, heirs John Foote, heirs Hugh Davy, Thos. Bulle jun., heirs Belworthy, heirs Trecarrell, Wm. Brune, Alice Bady, heirs John Benet, John Rougemont, John Colles, John Banadon, Nich. Holand, Wm. Gole, Garrard Barry, 'Decan et capit Exon vij8 jd' heirs of Margaret and John Stubbys, heirs Wm. George, heirs Thos. Gew, Thos. Browse, Thos.- Cotterell, Thos. Bykporte, heirs Prymeton, heirs Rd. Page, Robt. Savage, Joan Stubbys, heirs John Gwyn, Joan Fox, Andrew Hunt, Thos. Cropp, Peter Carswyll, ' ffratrnitat P 210 HISTORY OF PLYMOUTH. corpis xpi jd,' Peter Lygger, John Beke, heirs Vincent hogge, Marquis of Dorset, Walter Dusty, John Grysby, Radegund Badly, Wm. Lucas, cordwainer, heirs of Porter, Thos. Tresawell, ' ffoxhole ixd,' Joan Daw, Elias Crocker, John Parker, Isabel Sarges, Margaret Cornysh, John Mona, ' Custod domq Eleosinar ijs mj ,^ ' Custod. sci marie vjd,' heirs of Spyller, ' Dymnr at Moreshed,' Robt. Hayes, 'Custod Ecclie sci Andr de plyoth vjd,' Lord de Broke, heirs John Cok, Walter Pollard, Wm. Polhaman, Thos. Ford, Thos. Furlong, Thos. Gaym, Thos. Coche, Wm. Cokeram, Robt. Nele, Rd. Cade, Rd. Gele, Robt. Holbeme, Thos. Kelly, Jn. Chopyn, Wm. Rede, Henry Gray, Walter Yewan, Rd. Dabnon, Joan Pollard, Peter Carswyll, Joan Baker, Thos. Yogge, John Ilcombe, Thos. Sayer, Walter Honychurch, Robt. Lawrans, Joan Newton, John Morles, John Glynne, heirs John Hawken, Philip Hop [Hooper], Peter Eggecomb, Peter Erie, Rd. Whytley, Wm. Colman, John Bucke, John Horswyil, Wm. Attre, Thos Butsyde. - In shambles— Wm. Bold, Robt. Warwyke, Rd. Goe, Wm. Joseph, Wm. Chopyn, Robt. Ayer, Matthew Chopyn, Gelam Bocher, Rd. Drap, John Moysen, Robert Hore, Roger Joseph, Thomas. The total paid by 157 tenants was £23 13s. 7d. 'Feasts and Treatments.' Entertaining and banqueting figure prominently in the Corporate records. In 1486 we read : Itm payd ffor vj lovys of sugg1" weyyng xxxviij qr at vj ye lb ye wnyche was gevyn to my lord steward and vnto Syr John Sapcott at plymton when we made owre benevolence of C mark for the whole town of p . . . . xiij8ijd In 1494-5 there are entries of wine given to the Sheriff to look after the interests of the town in empanelling a jury to decide in a lawsuit with Sir John Crocker ; and to S Wiltiam Courteney at S. Carsewylls hows ij galons of wyne at his dynr & a galon at Sop [supper] by cause he was one of or best Jurors . ij8 William Thykpeny also laid out money at Exeter to help to pay the jury. He was then Recorder. The townsfolk were always desirous to stand as well as they could with their more powerful neighbours, and they seem to have been on terms of special amity with the Edgcumbe family. The first reference of this kind is the following : Coste done to mastr Eggscomb by advys of mr Mayr m1 Record1 the xij & the xxiiij when he was made Knygt and Shyryff. viijd viijd 'FEASTS AND TREATMENTS.' 211 ffirst for ij Sugr loffe weyeng x li qrtr iiij li qrtr ye of at xvij and ye vj li at ij vd sma . . . iij» xid It ij botells of Redde wyne pee It a potell of Malmsey It a Galon of Clarett wyne & bayne wyne It a botell of bastard It do dos of pownegarnarde a pownde sedo and a dos do of Orenge . . ... viijd A hogshead of wine was drunk in the market in 1511, 'at the pcession for the byrthe of the prynce ' ; and in the next year we have — Itm to John Gryslyng for a hoggshed of wyne which was sette a broche & dronken vppon the key when the pryor of plympton & his Company were here to rescewe the town when it was said the frenshemen had brende [burnt] ffowey . . . xx8 Bishop Veysey in 1521 was treated to 'gresyd Congers,' oranges, figs, raisins, great figs, conserve, and marmalade; in 1533-4 hake was sent to London to ' Mr. Crumwell.' In 1547 there was a 'tryumphe' for the 'victory in Scotland,' (Pinkie) at which a hogshead of wine was drunk, and a ' bankett ' had. Itm pd to them wch made the bankettynge housse and for nayles . . ... viijd Itm pd for meate & drynke for them woh played the antycke the same tyme . ... xijd Itm pd to them woh toke paynes to fett forthe the boats to fetch the vysyters from Aysshe . . . xijd Grenville, Drake, Ralegh, Hawkins, Howard, Essex, Mansell, Blake, Cromwell, Fairfax — in fact all distinguished visitors to the town were entertained by the Corporation, even if they went no further than the 4d. expended in London beer on Bishop Cotton in 1599. Among the most curious items of entertainment, is that of 'four Indian Kings' in 1709-10; and the gift of £5 5s. to the 'Prince of Chesroan' in 1709-10, with 19s. for his travelling expenses to Liskeard. Here the Corporation was evidently ' done.' And Corporation banquets formed a leading feature in the civic life. The Mayor in 1558 was allowed £20 yearly towards his expenses; with power to modify the several feasts then held. In 1571 all feasts and banquets were utterly done away; but this regulation was not long in force. In 1646 the rents and profits of the shambles were p 2 212 HISTORY OF PLYMOUTH. settled on the Mayors, their charges being so great, and their allowances so small. Then this was qualified by the Mayor being expected to repay £13 a year, the old rent, and £30 interest of £600 advanced by the Poor's Portion, out of the market profits. Later the £30 was reimbursed, and even tually in 1738, when great efforts at retrenchment were made, a fixed allowance of £100 was substituted ; and the enter tainments restricted to feasts on Lambert and Michaelmas Days, and cakes and wine on Freedom Days. The freemen's dinner was given up in the mayoralty of Mr. George Eastlake (1819-20), and the Mayor's allowance finally stopped. The Mayoralty House in Woolster Street, where the later feasting took place (now the Mayoralty Stores), was bought for £168, and £230 paid towards its repairs in 1736-7. Then it was burnt, and in the following year rebuilt at an outlay of £748 19s. 10id. Mayors under the Present Incorporation. 1439-40 William Kethriche. 1440-41 Walter Clovelley. 1441-42 William Pollard. 1442-43 John Schepeley. 1443-44 William NycoU. 1444-45 Ditto. 1445-46 John Schepeley. 1446-47 John Facye. 1447-48 John Carwynyk. 1448-49 John Facye. 1449-50 John Paige. 1450-51 Stephen Chepeman. 1451-52 Ditto. 1452-53 Thomas Tregle. 1453-54 Vincent Petelysden. 1454-55 Ditto. 1455-56 John Dernford. 1456-57 Vincent Petelysden. 1457-58 John Carwynyk. 1458-59 Thomas Tregle. 1459-60 William Yogge. 1460-61 John Pollard. 1461-62 William Yogge. 1462-63 John Page. 1463-64 John Rowland. 1464-65 Ditto. 1465-66 Ditto. 1466-67 Richard Bovy. 1467-68 William Yogge. 1468-69 John Page. 1469-70 John Rowland. 1470-71 William Yogge. 1471-72 William Page. 1472-73 Richard Bovy. 1473-74 Nicholas Heynscott. 1474-75 William Page. 1475-76 Nicholas Heynscott. 1476-77 Ditto. 1477-78 John Pollard. 1478-79 Nicholas Heynscott. 1479-80 William Rodgers. 1480-81 Thomas Tregarthen. 1481-82 Thomas Tresawell. 1482-83 Nicholas Heynscott. 1483-84 Thomas Greyson. 1484-85 Pers Carswell. 1485-86 Thomas Tresawell. 1486-87 Thomas Greyson. 1487-88 Nicholas Heynscott. 1488-89 Peryn Earle. 1489-90 Thomas Greyson. 1490-91 Nicholas Heynscott. 1491-92 John Paynter. 1492-93 William Thykpeny. 1493-94 Ditto. 1494-95 Thomas Bygporte. MAYORS UNDER THE PRESENT INCORPORATION. 213 1495-96 William Nycoll. 1496-97 William Rodgers. 1497-98 Thomas TresaweU. 1498-99 John Paynter. '99-1500 John Ilcombe. 1500- 1 William Byle. 1501- 2 Thomas Cropp. 1502- 3 John Horswell. 1503- 4 John Paynter. 1504- 5 John Brewne. 1505- 6 WiUiam Tregle. 1506- 7 Thomas Tresawell. 1507- 8 Simon Carswell. 1508- 9 John Paynter. 1509-10 Richard Gew. 1510-11 Walter Pollard. 1511-12 William Brokynge. 1512-13 John Gryslyng. 1513-14 John Pounde. 1514-15 William Brokynge. 1515-16 John Paynter. 1516-17 John Brewne. 1517-18 John Herforde. 1518-19 William Randall. 1519-20 John Pounde. 1520-21 William Randall. 1521-22 Stephen Pers. 1522-23 Thomas Bull. 1523-24 John Bovy. 1524-25 William Brookynge. 1525-26 John Pounde. 1526-27 John Herforde. 1527-28 Henry Bykham. 1528-29 James Horswell. 1529-30 William Brokynge. 1530-31 William Randall. 1531-32 John Bygporte 1532-33 William Hawkyns.3 1533-34 Christopher Moore. 1534-35 John Elyott. 1535-36 James Horswell. 1536-37 Thomas Bull. 1537-38 Thomas Clouter. 1538-39 William Hawkyns. 1539-40 Thomas Byrte. 1540-41 John Thomas. 1541-42 Thomas My lies. 8 Capt. Will, father of Sir John 1542-43 James Horswell. 1543-44 Thomas Holwaye. 1544-45 Thomas Clowter. 1545-46 William Randall. 1546-47 Lucas Coke (Cocke). 1547-48 John Elyott. 1548-49 Richard Hooper. 1549-50 WmWiks(Weekes), 1550-51 John Keynsam. 1551-52 Thomas Clowter. 1552-53 John Thomas. 1553-54 Lucas Cocke. 1554-55 John Ilcomb. 1555-56 John Ford. 1556-57 Thomas Clowter. 1557-58 JohnDerry. 1558-59 William Wiks. 1559-60 Lucas Cocke. 1560-61 John Elliott. 1561-62 William Lake, died November 10th. Edward Whyte chosen in his stead. 1562-63 John Forde. 1563-64 John Deny. 1564-65 Nicholas Slannyng. 1565-66 Nicholas Bickford. 1566-67 John Ilcomb. 1567-68 William Hawkyns. 1568-69 Lucas Cocke. 1569-70 John Martyn. 1570-71 Gregory Cocke. 1571-72 William Hollowaye. 1572-73 John Blythman. 1573-74 William Brookynge. 1574-75 John Amadas. 1575-76 Walter Peperell. 1576-77 John Ilcomb, senr. 1577-78 George Maynarde. 1578-79 William Hawkyns.4 1579-80 Gregory Cocke. 1580-81 John Blythman. 1581-82 Sir Francis Drake. 1582-83 Thomas Edmonds. 1583-84 John Sparke. 1584-85 Christopher Broking 4 Brother of Sir John. 214 1585-861586-871587-88 1588-89 1589-90 1590-911591-921592-931593-941594-95 1595-961596-97 1597-98 1598-99 '99-1600 1600- 1 1601- 2 1602- 3 1603- 4 1604- 5 1605- 6 1606- 7 1607- 8 1608- 9 1609-10 1610-11 1611-12 1612-13 1613-14 1614-151615-161616-171617-18 1618-191619-20 1620-21 1621-221622-231623-241624-25 1625-26 1626-27 1627-28 HISTORY OF PLYMOUTH. Thomas Ford. George Maynard. William Hawkyns.5 Humphry Fownes. John Blythman. Walter Peperell. John Sparke. John Gayre. John Phillips. George Barons. James Bagg. Humphry Fownes. Sir John Trelawny. Martin White, died; John Blythman. Richard Hitchens. Thomas Paine. William Parker. John Martyn. Sir Richard Haw kyns.6 Walter Mathew. James Bagge. William Downeman. Robert Trelawny. Thomas Sherwill. John Buttersby. Thomas Fownes. John Trelawny. John Waddon. John Scobell. John Clement. Abraham Colmer. Robert Trelawny. Thomas Sherwill Nicholas Sherwill. Thomas Fownes. Robert Rawlyn. John Bownd. John Martyne. Leonard Pornery. Thomas Ceely. Nicholas Blake. Thomas Sherwill.7 Robert Trelawny; Abraham Colmer. 1628-29 Nicholas Sherwill. 1629-30 William Hele. 1630-31 John Bownd. 1631-32 John Waddon, jun. 1632-33 Philip Andrews. 1633-34 Rob. Trelawny, jun. 1634-35 John Martyn, jun. 1635-36 ThomasCrampporne. 1636-37 John Caws. 1637-38 Nicholas Sherwill. 1638-39 William Hele. 1639-40 Robert Gubbes. 1640-41 William Byrche. 1641-42 Thomas Ceely. 1642-43 Philip Francis. 1643-44 John Cawse. 1644-45 Justinian Peard. 1645-46 Barth. Nicholl. 1646-47 Christopher Ceely. 1647-48 Richard Evenes. 1648-49 Timothy Allsop. 1649-50 Oliver Ceeley. 1650-51 Robert Gubbes. 1651-52 Philip Francis. 1652-53 John Madocke. 1653-54 Richard Spurwell. 1654-55 John Paige. 1655-56 Christopher Ceely. 1656-57 Justinian Peard. 1657-58 William Gefferie. 1658-59 Samuel Northcot. 1659-60 John Kinge. 1660-61 Oliver Ceely. 1661-62 William Allen, re moved for noncon formity; William Jennens. 1662-63 William Jennens. 1603-64 John Harris. 1664-65 John Martyn. 1665-66 William Harpur. 1666-67 George Strelley. 1667-68 Thomas Stutt. 1668-69 William Symons. 1669-70 Daniel Barker. 1670-71 William Cotton. 5 Brother of Sir John. 6 Son of Sir John. 7 There were three mayors in 1627, Sherwill and Trelawny dying of the plague. MAYORS UNDER THE PRESENT INCORPORATION. 215 1671-721672-73 1673-741674-751675-761676-771677-78 1678-791679-801680-81 1681-821682-831683-84 1684-851685-861686-871687-88 1688-89 1689-90 1690-9-1 1691-92 1692-931693-94 1694-951695-961696-971697-98 1698-99 '99-1700 1700- 1701-1702-1703- 1704-1705- 1706- 1707- 8 1708- 9 1709-10 1710-11 1711-121712-13 1713-141714-15 1715-16 Peter Schaggell. John Lanyon. Henry Webb. William Weekes. John Dell. Andrew Horseman. William Tom. John Munyon. James Hull. William Symons. Daniel Barker. Peter Foote. William Martyn. Isaac Tillard, died; William Martyn. Samuel Madocke. John Trelawny. Thomas Stutt. Willliam Symons. Philip Andrews. John Paige. John Martyn. John Munyon. Philip Willcox. James Yonge. Robert Berry. John Munyon. John Warren. John Neel. Richard Opie. Joseph Webb. William Davies. William Cock. Nicholas Ginnys. Thomas Darracot. Jonah Lavington. Samuel Allen. James Cocke. Robert Hewer. James Bligh. Wm. Roche, amoved ; Richard Opie. Robert Cown, died; Benjamin Berry. Andrew Phillips. William Hurrill. John Pike. John Crabb. 1716-17 1717-181718-19 1719-20 1720-211721-22 1722-231723-24 1724-251725-26 1726-271727-28 1728-291729-301730-311731-32 1732-33 1733-34 1734-351735-36 1736-37 1737-381738-39 1739-401740-41 1741-42 1742-43 1743-44 1744-45 1745-461746-471747-481748-491749-501750-511751-521752-531753-541754-551755-561756-57 Abraham Joy. John Beere, died ; Robert Hewer. Edward Deeble. William Bartlett. George Ridout. John Fletcher, died the day after elec tion ; John Elford. Sir John Rogers. Andrew Phillips. John Crabb. Samuel Brent. Benjamin Berry. Edward Deeble. John Rogers. Samuel Allen, died; William Cock. John Tapson. John Wadden. Robert Hewer. John Hellier. Thomas Phillips. William Strong,died; Robert Hewer. John Veale. Greenhill Darracott. Henry Tolcher. Edward Deeble. John Waddon. RichardGortley, died; Sir J. Rogers. Launcelot Robinson. John Rogers. Edward Hoblyn. William Martyn. Wm. Davis Phillips. Michael Nicholls. John Ellery. John Facey. James Richardson. Robert Triggs. John Drake, died ; Michael Nicholls. John Morshead. Jacob Austen. Thomas Bewes. John Forest. 216 HISTORY OF PLYMOUTH. 1757-58 Antony Porter. 1758-59 John Facey. 1759-60 James Richardson. 1760-61 Robert Phillips. 1761-62 Michael NicoUs. 1762-63 John Morshead. 1763-64 Jacob Austen. 1764-65 Thomas Bewes. 1765-66 John NicoUs. 1766-67 Wm. Davis Phillips. 1767-68 Richard Beach. 1768-69 Henry Tolcher. 1769-70 Samuel Peters. 1770-71 Joseph Tolcher. 1771-72 Diggory Tonkin. 1772-73 Joseph Brent. 1773-74 Robert Fanshawe. 1774-75 Sir F. L. Rogers. 1775-76 Ralph Mitchell. 1776-77 Henry Tolcher, jun. 1777-78 Samuel White. 1778-79 Joseph Freeman. 1779-80 Thos.BlythDerricott 1780-81 Jacob Shaw. 1781-82 Joseph Austen. 1782-83 George Marshall. 1783-84 John Arthur. 1784-85 John NicoUs. 1785-86 Joseph Tolcher. 1786-87 Diggory Tonkin. 1787-88 Robert Fanshawe. 1788-89 Peter Tonkin. 1789-90 John Cooban. 1790-91 Stephen Hammick. 1791-92 George Winne. 1792-93 William Crees. 1793-94 Andrew HiU. 1794-95 William Symons. 1795-96 Robert Fuge. 1796-97 Richard Burdwood. 1797-98 Peter Tonkin. 1798-99 Bartholomew Dun- sterville. '99-1800 John Arthur. 1800- 1 Philip Langmead. 1801- 2 Thomas Cleather. 1802- 3 Jn. Clark Langmead. 1803- 1804- 1805-1806-1807- 1808- 1809-101810-11 1811-121812-13 1813-14 1814-15 1815-16 1816-171817-181818-19 1819-201820-211821-221822-231823-241824-25 1825-26 1826-271827-281828-29 1829-30 1830-311831-32 1832-33 1833-341834-3518361836-371837-381838-39 1839-40 1840-41 Edmund Lockyer. James Elliott. John Hawker. Thomas Lockyer. Thomas Eales. William Langmead. Joseph Pridham. Edmund Lockyer. George Bellamy. John Arthur. Henry Woollcombe. Sir Diggory Forest. WUliam Lockyer. Samuel Pym, Capt. E.N. Thomas Miller. Richard Arthur, Captain, e.n. George Eastlake, jun. Richard Jago Squire. Edmund Lockyer. W. Adams Welsf ord. Nicholas Lockyer, Captain, r.n. Edmund Lockyer. Wm. Henry Hawker. Richard Arthur, Captain, e.n. Richard Pridham, Captain, e.n. Richard Freeman. William Furlong Wise, Capt., e.n. Nicholas Lockyer, Captain, B.N. Aaron Tozer, Capt., E.N. George Coryndon. William Hole Evans. John Moore. Thomas Gill.8 James King. William Hole Evans. George Wm. Soltau. Joseph Collier Cook- worthy. Ditto. 8 First Mayor elected under the Municipal Reform Act. Mr. Moore held office to the end of 1835. MAYORALTY NOTES. 217 1841-42 George Wm. Soltau. 1842-43 William Prance. 1843-44 Nicholas Lockyer. 1844-45 Philip Edward Lyne. 1845-46 Benjamin Parham. 1846-47 Thomas Hillersden Bulteel. 1847-48 John Moore. 1848-49 William Burnell. 1849-50 James Moore. 1850-51 David Derry. 1851-52 Alfred Booker. 1852-53 Herbert Mends. Gibson. 1853-54 Copplestone Lopes Radcliffe. 1854-55 Thomas Stevens. 1855-56 John Kelly. 1856-57 Fras. Freke Bulteel. 1857-58 Richard Hicks. 1858-59 James Skardon. 1859-60 John Burnell. 1860-61 William Luscombe. 1861-62 William Derry. 1862-63 ditto. 1863-64 Charles Norrington. 1864-65 ditto. 1865-66 Francis Hicks. 1866-67 William Radford. 1867-68 ditto. 1868-69 Alexander Hubbard. 1869-70 William Luscombe. 1870-71 Robert Coad SerpeU. 1871-72 Isaac Latimer. 1872-73 John Kelly. 1873-74 Alfred Rooker. 1874-75 Wm. Foster Moore.' 1875-76 ditto. 1876-77 ditto. 1877-78 Joseph Wills. 1878-79 Edward James. 1879-80 William Derry. 1880-81 Francis Morrish. 1881-82 Charles Frederick Burnard. 1882-83 John Shelly. 1883-84 John Green way. 1884-85 Edward James. 1885-86 Wm. Henry Alger. 1886-87 ditto. 1 887-88 Henry John Waring. 1888-89 ditto. 1889-90 ditto. 1890-91 John Thomas Bond. Mayoralty Notes. A William Keterigge, probably the Mayor named in the Charter, sat for Tavistock in 1423 and 1425. Heynscott was a man of position. He is mentioned by Boger Machado, Ambassador to Spain and Portugal, who put into Plymouth in 1489 with the Castilian ambassadors, as a knight, under the name of Nicholas Aynsle, and as entertaining some of the party. Others lodged with John ' Tickpeny,' one of the customers ; some with Thomas Tresawel, alderman ; others with the Mayor. William Yogge was another early Mayor of note, a great benefactor to the town and the builder of the Old Church tower according to one authority, though a second gives the Christian name of the builder as Thomas. John Yogge, put out of the freedom in 1472, was no doubt a relative. The most notable Mayors are those of. the EUzabethan period — William Hawkins, Mayor of the Armada year, Sir Francis Drake, Sir Richard Hawkins, and a little later the Fowneses, Trelawnys, Waddons, Sherwills, and men of that 218 HISTORY OF PLYMOUTH. stamp, who had worthy colleagues or successors in the Ceelys, and the Mayors of the Siege days — Philip Frances, John Cawse, Justinian Peard, and Bartholomew Nicholl. A Thomas Ceely, who may have been the father of the Mayor of 1624, declares in 1588 that he had been thirteen years in prison for the Queen's sake. In 1604, according to Yonge,9 an amusing contest of dignities occurred. Sir Richard Hawkins was succeeded in the mayoralty by Walter Mathew, said to have been Sir Richard's servant, and his wife Lady Hawkins's. The latter ' disdaining to sitt bellow one y* had been her mayd, endeavoured to keep ye uper hand, wch the other attempting, ye Lady struck her a box in the eare.' To make satisfaction Sir Richard is said to have given the town a house in the Market Street. There is, however, no trace of this in the records, and the story seems somewhat apocryphal. Mathew indeed was a man of means, for he built a new conduit in Briton Side at his own cost. Nicholas Blake was ruined by the charges he was com pelled to incur in connection with the Cadiz expedition — £624 6s. 4d. He petitioned piteously for payment in 1632, want of the money having caused him to be imprisoned and sell his estate. He was then eighty years of age. Samuel Northcot, Mayor in 1658-9, was also ruined by office. As a matter of conscience he refused to give currency in Church to a proclamation of Parliament, and was sent for to London and imprisoned. In 1662 William Allen was ejected for Nonconformity. In 1711 William Roche was amoved, and prosecuted for malpractice, having 'broken open the chest to get at the seals, in order to make one Hugo vicar of the New Church, in the absence of the majority of the aldermen.' Opie succeeded Roche, but the latter kept the maces, and every Sunday hung them out at his windows in derision as Opie went to church. There were times when party feeling ran very high in the Corporation, as may be seen by a perusal of Yonge's Memoirs. The highest pitch was probably reached in 1728, when the Lambert Day contest lasted until midnight. The jurymen were equally divided between Colonel George Treby and Mr. Rogers. It is said that actual bloodshed was only prevented, the 'mob' feeling running high, by a providential fire in Gascoyne Street. Edward Deeble, the Mayor, called a new meeting the next day, and a new jury was sworn, which also proved equally divided, between Mr. Hewer and Mr. Rogers, Treby and Rogers had drawn their swords on each other; 9 'Plimouth Memoirs,' Trans. Plym Inst. vol. v. RECORDERS. 219 and Hewer refused to be sworn. In Michaelmas term both sides applied for a mandamus — one to swear Hewer, the other to proceed to a fresh election. Both applications were granted, but the Treby-Hewer party did not proceed. On the 11th December there was another jury, and again there were eighteen for Hewer and eighteen for Rogers. Event ually it was agreed that John Rogers should be chosen. His Tory friends had been joined by many zealous dissenters. In 1729 the contest was prolonged until noon the following day. In 1745 there was such a high tide on Freedom Day eve, that the corporate feasters were carried out of the Mayoralty House on men's shoulders. In consequence of the operation of the Test and Corpora tion Acts, Plymouth was without a sworn Mayor from September to December, 1811. Dr. Bellamy, who was elected, was not, to quote the 'poet corporate' (R. W. S Baron), swearable, in consequence of having omitted to take the sacrament within the previous twelve months. It was a Sunday swearing day, and he was perfectly willing to qualify at once, but the vicar of St. Andrew, the Bev. J. Gandy, declined to administer on the spur of the moment ; the town clerk refused to put the oath ; and the Corporation did not go to church, where the congregation were waiting for them. There was great excitement, not only in the Common Hall, but in the streets. Eventually the Mayor was sworn under a writ of mandamus, December 16th, having qualified himself in the meantime. Dr. Bellamy was one of the candidates in another memorable contest in 1825, when the Aldermanic party in the town put forward Mr. Wm. Henry Hawker, and the ' Shoulder of Mutton ' party among the freemen, Dr. Bellamy, who was beaten by ten votes. Mr. Alfred Rooker, who died while on a visit to the Holy Land, is commemorated by a fine statue (Stephens, A.R.A., sculptor) at the western end of the Municipal Buildings. Recorders. There is no complete list of the Becorders, but there can be few omissions in the following statement. From the beginning of the seventeenth century the dates are those of appointment. Before that period the years are those in which the names occur : - 1480 Thomas TresaweU. 1482 John Denys. 1487 — Bowrying. 1493 Thomas Tresawell. 220 HISTORY OF PLYMOUTH. 1495 William Thykpeny. 1522 Andrew Hillersden. 1539 Peter Courtenay. 1547 John Charles. 1564 John Williams. 1569 John Fitz. 1574 John Williams. 1585 Sir John Hele. 1609 John Hele. 1611 Sir W. Strode. 1620 Serjeant Glan ville — Strode resigned. 1640 Serjeant Maynard — Glanville resigned. 1684 John [GrenviUe], Earl of Bath — Maynard displaced. 1697 Sir F. Drake. 1717 Sir John Rogers. 1744 Sir John Rogers, son of the former. 1774 Sir F. Rogers. 1777 Sir F. L. Rogers. 1797 Sir William Elford. Unavailing efforts were made to get him to resign on several occasions previously to 1833 H. Woollcombe. 1837 W. C. Rowe, afterwards Sir W. C. Rowe. 1856 C. Saunders. 1872 H. T. Cole. 1885 H. M. Bompas. Serjeant Maynard was displaced under the new charter of Charles, and the Earl of Bath substituted. After the Revolu tion Maynard, notwithstanding his great age, represented the borough in Parliament. It will be noted that for eighty years in succession during the last century the recordership was, so to speak, hereditary in the Rogers family. Mr. Woollcombe was elected by the Mayor and Commonalty, previous appointments back to an unknown date having been made by the Corporation. Under the Municipal Reform Act the office is in the gift of the Lord Chancellor. The early stipends were very small. Bowryng, in 1487, had £1 6s. 8d. ; Fitz, in 1570, had £4 ; Glanville, in 1634, £2 13s. 4d. Lord High Stewards. Plymouth rejoices in the possession of Lord High Stewards, whose duties are now purely honorary, whatever they may have been in times past. The origin of the office and its early history are involved in much obscurity. Lord Willoughby De Broke is the first holder of the stewardship whose name is traceable. Sir William Courtenay seems to have held it for some time previous to his death in TOWN CLERKS. 221 1536, and to have been followed by Sir Richard Edgcumbe. Sir Robert Cecil was steward for many years before his death, and had £10 a year for his fees. Then we have the Earl of Suffolk in 1613; the Earl of Bedford in 1631; Lord Eobartes in 1666 ; the Earl of Stamford — succeeded in 1722 or 1723 by the Earl of Berkeley; Frederick Prince of Wales. Lord Anson was appointed in 1751 ; the Duke of York in 1762. It has long been the custom to create one of the Royal Family. George IV. held the office when but a child, and was succeeded by the Duke of Sussex, the Prince Consort, and in 1862 the Prince of Wales. Town Clerks. The first Town Clerk whose name has been preserved is Nicholas Slanning, who held the office in 1552 ; Thomas Purkins occurs in 1562 ; William Wells alias Ferneworthy in 1563 and 1566 ; William Wills, jun., 1580 ; George Barons, 1592 ; John Luxton or Lupton, 1601 ; Matthew Boys followed in 1605, and was succeeded by John Fowell in 1613. The same surname occurs in 1635 ; but the holder of the office in the latter year was Edmund Fowell, son of the preceding. William Yeo, appointed in 1647, was town clerk in 1662 when the Corporation was 'regulated,' and was replaced by Philip Shapcote, who held office until 1665. Edmund Pollexfen was town clerk when the charter was surrendered and the new one granted in 1684. He was succeeded in 1699 by Eobert Berry; and Berry in 1705 by Francis Pengelly; who was followed in 1722 by Eichard Waddon. In 1725 Aaron Baker was appointed ; and in 1764 Philip Vyvyan resigned. John Heath, who afterwards became Justice of the Common Pleas, held the office until 1768, when he resigned, and was succeeded by Charles Fanshawe, who in his turn resigned in 1780. Warwick Hele Tonkin was next elected, and held on until 1835, when Mr. C. C. Whiteford who (as his father, Mr. Joseph Whiteford, before him) had been deputy town clerk, was appointed under the Municipal Eeform Act. He resigned December 31st, 1878 — when his bust was placed in the Council Chamber — and was followed by the present holder of the office, Mr. J. Walter Wilson, January 1st, 1879. There used to be Town Counsel and Town Attornies. In 1503 Elford was town attorney at a fee of 13s. 4d. ; Adam Williams in 1543 ; V. Calmady in 1561. From 1572 to 1658 we have the names in the former capacity of Coplestone, Hele, 222 HISTORY OF PLYMOUTH. Maynard, Glanvill, Eattenbury, Mason, Eolles, and Fowell ; in the latter of Pope, Chollwiche, Tozer, Rich, and Treby. Coroners. It is impossible to compile a full list of the borough Coroners. Simon Carswyll occurs as holding the office temp. Henry VII. ; Thomas Payne, Charles I. ; Thomas Paige, Charles II. ; Thomas Payne, William III. In 1713 Andrew Phillips was succeeded by Matthew Roe ; and George Wood ward Mallett by Richard Rosdew in 1791. The office was then held in succession by George Eastlake and R. J. Squire (1821), and Mr. Squire was followed by Mr. John Edmonds, who gave up the aldermanship to which he had been chosen in the then newly-reformed Corporation, for the purpose. Mr. Edmonds resigned in 1868, when Mr. T. C. Brian was appointed, and on Mr. Brian's death in 1888, the present Coroner, Mr. A. Clark. A curious custom prevailed during the latter part of the last century, in the frequent absence or incapacity of Mr. Mallett, of appointing temporary coroners to hold single inquests, their power ceasing when the individual enquiry ended. Hence the roll of Plymouth coroners includes the names of Digory Mills, George Strode, Robert Saunders, Moses Williams, Henry Woollcombe, and Thomas Reynolds. The formula ran, ' for this occasion only.' Clerk of the Peace. The Clerk of the Peace dates from the Municipal Reform Act; and Mr. R. E. Moore, then chosen, still holds the appointment. Receivers and Chamberlains. The Receiver was a member of the Corporation, chosen annually; but eventually his duties came to the Borough Steward or Chamberlain, a paid official; the offices being combined in 1807. Since then the office has been filled by Messrs. Rattenbury, R. L. Stephens, R. Treeby, C. W. Croft, and Mr. G. G. Davey, its present holder. Borough Surveyors. The first public Surveyor in Plymouth was an officer of the Commissioners; and John Eastridge Adams, who held that office until his death from cholera in 1849, was not only Surveyor, but Captain of the Watch, and, in fact, general head of the executive. He was followed by Augustus Bampton, who held the office from 1849 to 1854 ; and Robert Hodge, from 1854 to 1880. On Mr. Hodge's retirement on TOWN IMPROVEMENTS. 223 a pension as Consulting Surveyor Henry Alty was elected ; and on his death in 1882 Mr. G. D. Bellamy, who had been Assistant Surveyor in charge of the waterworks, became Chief Surveyor, and so remains. Town Improvement. The work of town improvement, so vigorously prosecuted by the present generation, dates more than a century back, although so long ago as 1673, in the mayoralty of John Lanyon, it is recorded that the debts of the town were paid, the streets cleansed, houses of office built on the quays, new pounds built, &c, whilst in the following year a fire engine with buckets was provided. Not long before the inhabitants had been ordered to put out a light nightly until nine o'clock, from All Saints to the Purification. The streets had needed cleansing, for in 1634 they were so filthy that a royal writ required them to be put in decent order. These reforms, however, were of a spasmodic character : the town was little the better for them after their novelty had worn off. Towards the middle of the last century the authorities were inspired by visions of rural loveliness. In 1737 elm trees were planted about the town, at Milibay, Pennycome quick Hill, Frankfort Gate, and other localities. Within the next twenty years the tide of improvement fairly set in. In 1753 the Horse-pool without Frankfort Gate was filled up, levelled, and planted with two rows of trees (' le hors pole ' is named temp. Henry VII.) ; rails, gates, and turnstiles were erected on the Hoe, and towards the water side in various directions ; and ' a gutter made in Butcher's Lane (now Treville Street) to carry the water underground,' in plain English, a sewer. In the following year trees were planted on the Hoe by the ' king's engineer.' These are but trivial matters, but they show people were beginning to think that after all the old town was not quite what it might and should be. Soon after the accession of George III. streets began to be paved, and lamps to be set up ; and in the tenth year of that monarch the first of four special Acts for paving, lighting, and watching the town, and regulating the carmen and porters therein, became law; the second and third following in quick succession, in 1773 and 1775 respectively. These statutes were repealed in 1824 by an Act for local improvement, which estabbshed a body of Commissioners, with power to levy rates to the amount of 2s. in the pound. By the Municipal Act the control of the watching was 224 HISTORY OF PLYMOUTH. transferred to the Corporation, and the Commissioners limited to a Is. 3d. rate," the average expenditure of the previous seven years, exclusive of the cost of watching ; the average rate having been Is. 6d. and the cost of watching 3d. In the twenty-eight years from 1824 to 1852 inclusive, the Commissioners raised and expended in rates £140,322 9s., and incurred a debt of £15,000, chiefly for widening Treville Street. Some of the improvements commenced by them at the outset of their career, notably the widening of Old Town Street, are as yet uncompleted, and others have been carried out by the Local Board. At length it was felt that the powers of the Commissioners were inadequate to the wants of the town. The cholera had made great ravages, Plymouth ranking in point of unhealthi- ness and mortality the seventh town in England and Wales.1 This increasing death-rate led (January, 1846) to a public meeting being called, and a committee being appointed, to make systematic enquiry into the whole matter; and, sub sequently, to the publication of the Plymouth Health of Towns Advocate (the first number in January, 1847), and the preparation of a very exhaustive and valuable report by the Eev. W. J. Odgers. At this time there were thirty streets in Plymouth without drainage, and fifty only imperfectly drained, whilst two-thirds of the houses were in the same condition, the Commissioners' Act containing no power to compel persons to connect their premises with the sewers. Under these circumstances an enquiry was directed by the General Board of Health, and made by Mr. (now Sir) Eobert Eawlinson, one of the inspectors of that body, in January, 1852. He did not present his report until the January succeeding, and in the interim application was made to Parliament for a private Act repealing the old Improvement Act, and giving enlarged powers to a new body of Com missioners. Mr. Eawlinson reported against this measure, and in favour of the adoption of the Public Health Act; and in 1854 the Town Council was duly authorised to act as a Local Board, and the functions of the Commissioners ceased, their assets and liabilities being transferred to the new body. There was much controversy concerning the respective merits of the two schemes. Proceedings were taken against sixteen gentlemen who promoted the private 1 Cholera in 1832 carried off 779 people in Plymouth, and in 1849 1894 —there being 1894 eases in 99 days in the first year ; and 3360 cases in 127 days in the second. The annual death-rate has since the latter date been considerably decreased as the result of sanitary improvement. TOWN IMPROVEMENTS. 225 Act, resulting in their being saddled with very heavy costs, the greater portion of which was however defrayed by subscription. The worst result of the dissensions was the loss of the opportunity for improving George Street. The opening of the Milibay railway- station gave this thorough fare a business importance not previously possessed. Nearly every house then had a small garden in front, part at least of which should have been thrown into the road or footway. Instead of this these spaces were suffered to become covered with shops ; and the authorities have paid thousands of pounds to make small improvements where substantial ones might almost have been made for shillings.2 a The improvement of the town under the Municipal Authority will he treated of elsewhere. It was necessary, however, to trace here the course of events which led first to the establishment of the Commissioners and then to their extinction. The Court of Guardians originated in a charity, and is noticed in the Chapter on Charities. CHAPTEE X. RELIGION. Who with another's eye can read, Or worship by another's creed ? Revering God's commands alone We humbly seek and use our own. — Scott. Of every race We nurse some portion in our favoured place, Not one warm creature of one growing sect, Can say our borough treats him with neglect.— Crabbe. The British Church. PLYMOUTH in the reign of Edward the Confessor was attached ecclesiastically to the College of SS. Peter and Paul at Plympton (the oldest rebgious foundation in the neighbourhood); but there is no ground, as already shown, to believe the story of Leland that part of its site belonged to that community, or that Sutton as such had a church. What evidence we have points in the other direction. There is nothing to suggest the existence of a benefice until after the Conquest, when the original parish of Plymouth stretched from the Plym to the Tamar, in cluding the whole of the angle between the Laira and the Hamoaze, the parish of Stoke Damerel excepted. Domesday shows that the population of this area was small and scattered. No church would then be called for in Sutton; though it may very well be that one of the preaching stations of the canons of Plympton was on the high ground by the Workhouse, which long bore the name of Cross Down. But there is very distinct evidence that Christianity was originally established within the limits of the old parish by the British Church, in the dedications of St. Budock at St. Budeaux and St. Pancras at Pennycross. Both these saints belong to the elder British Church, which preserved its independence in Cornwall until the tenth century; and RELIGIOUS ORDERS. 227 the last is specially characteristic. It is worth noting too that the parish of St. Stephens-by-Saltash crosses the Tamar at Saltash Passage, and that the ancient chapelries of St. Budeaux and Pennycross form simply a prolongation of that tongue of Keltic ecclesiastical authority. The Parish of Sutton. If Camden is correct, Ealphage — a Saxon by his name — was a priest at Sutton in the time of Eufus, and was succeeded in turn by his son Sadda, Alnodus, Eobert Dan- priest, and William Bacon. The dispute in the middle of the twelfth century between the Prior of Plympton and John of Valletort as to the right of presentation proves that the benefice was not only then in being, but had so long existed that the Prior was able successfully to plead custom in his favour. It is in the thirteenth century, however, that we find ourselves first upon firm ground, and that the consecutive history of the parish begins, with the entry in Bishop Bronescombe's Register that on the 16th October, 1264, Master ' William de la Stane ' was instituted to the vicarage of Suthtone; patrons, the Prior and Convent of Plympton. Of much the same date is the transitional Norman arch now in the Athenaeum, found in pulling clown the old almshouses, and which, there is no reason to doubt, formed part of the earlier church of St. Andrew. In 1291 the Taxation of Pope Nicholas gives the value of the living at £5 6s. Sd.1 Religious Orders. As time rolled on, various monastic bodies established themselves in the growing town. First came the Carmelites, or White Friars, who settled the only house of their order in Devon or Cornwall, on the site still known as the Friary, in 1313. Some irregularity in this procedure was overlooked by the bishop, at the request of the King. They had exten sive buildings, and a stately church with a tall steeple ; and here in 1387 the Commissioners in the Scrope and Grosvenor controversy, touching the right to the arms Azure a bend or,' held a sitting. John of Gaunt was one of the witnesses, and declared for Scrope. It has been said that at the Disso- 1 For fuller details on all these heads see the exhaustive papers by Mr. J. Brooking Rowe, f.s.a., on 'The Ecclesiastical History of Old Plymouth,' in the fourth and fifth volumes of the Transactions of the Plymouth Institution ; also republished with additions. Q 2 228 HISTORY OF PLYMOUTH. lution the buildings of the Friary passed to the Corporation; but the town records seem absolutely silent on this head, and the probability is that they were acquired by Giles and Gregory Iselham, who obtained possession of other eccle siastical property in Plymouth. And not long after' we find the Friary in the Sparkes family, who resided there, and y Jt^jti Sparke's Gateway at Friary. from whom it passed through the Molesworths and Clarkes to the Beweses. The steeple was still standing in the latter part of the reign of Elizabeth, so that it was not the steeple burnt with the 'town's evydence' by the Western rebels. The buildings were converted into a hospital for sick soldiers in the year 1794, when great mortabty prevailed among the troops detained at the port for the West India expedition. They were subsequently used as an infirmary for the troops stationed at Milibay and Frankfort Barracks. Portions RELIGIOUS ORDERS. 229 were used as dwellings, Friary Court not being one of the most aristocratic purlieus of Plymouth. Now all has disappeared ; the bulk of the site is occupied ^'iii'i'tfii!'!1'' I"1'/*'' '?-*£i'-ii KZMMi by the Friary terminus of the London and South Western Bail way; but part by the Eoman Catholic Church of the Holy Cross. 230 HtSTORY OF PLYMOUTH. All that is certainly known of the establishment in Plymouth of the Franciscans, or Grey Friars, is that Richard II. in 1384 licensed William Cole, Thomas Fisher, Geoffrey Couche, and Humphry Passour, to alienate to them six acres of land in Plymouth for a church, belfry, houses, buildings, and closes. Then they got into difficulty. Having pro ceeded without license to erect their church in 'Villa de Sutton juxta Plymouth; and having obtained its consecration by one John Berham, who pretended to be Bishop of Naples, they were punished by Bishop Brantyngham, who laid the church under an interdict. The Franciscan house was in Woolster Street, and some of the old granite doorways in that locabty are now its only relics. Part of the ancient building was eventually used as a public-house, and known as the ' Old Mitre.' Oliver2 observes : ' The Inn was entered from the street through a low arched doorway leading into a quadrangular court, having on the eastern side a cloister supported by twisted spiral pillars. At the end of this a staircase led to apartments formed out of the Convent church. The lower part had been used as cellars for merchandise.' All this was removed in 1813, when the present Exchange was built. Giles and Gregory Iselham were the grantees of the Franciscan property in 1546 ; but its history cannot be traced. The Dominicans had a house in Southside Street. Nothing however is known of their connection with Plymouth ; and the one thing that links the existing remains with that body is the name Blackfriars Lane. Curiously enough these remains, now the distillery of Messrs. Coates and Co., are all that is structurally extant of either of the monastic houses of Plymouth. After the Dominicans were ejected, the house came into the hands of the Corporation, who long used it as the town Marshalsea. In 1672 it became the first meeting- place of the Plymouth Nonconformists after Bartholomew, under Nicholas Sherwill; and later it was occupied by a congregation of Huguenots. For nearly a century it has been a distillery. The refectory has been divided, but is still perfect, and has a singularly elegant roof. An ancient burial- ground existed in New Street, not far distant. There are considerations that seem to point to the settle ment in Plymouth of other religious orders ; and there is a tradition, but nothing more, of the presence of the Cistercians. Leland says that St. Andrew Church stood by the ' Grayes,' though the Franciscans were clearly settled 2 Monasticon Exoniensis, p. 157. CORPUS CHRISTI. 231 in Woolster Street. So in laying the foundation of the tower of the Guildhall an ancient burial-ground was dis^ covered, evidently of great antiquity. Moreover, during a suit promoted by the Eev. Dr. Wilson, Vicar of St. Andrew, in 1637, in the Star Chamber against the Corporation, one of the points in dispute was the building of the Hospital of Orphans Aid, where the Vicar had anciently a house. These facts render it clear that the site of the Guildhall was occupied, in addition to the old almshouses, before the ' Besurrection ' Carving, found in pulling down Palace Court. seventeenth century, and that the buildings thereon were at least partially ecclesiastical. Houses were built by Charles Kiddewe 'on the viccaridge near the churchyard' in 1620 ; but these were in Whimple Street, where the old vicarage stood. Corpus Christi. The house of the Guild of Corpus Christi was near what is now the northern end of Westwell Street, and passed to the Mayor and Commonalty. In 1610 we read : ' Wilbam Brooking and John Brooking for a Tentt adioyning .to the Church yard wherein Eobert Stephens weaver nowe dwelleth, knowen by the name of Corpus Christ house, w'h the garden 232 HISTORY OF PLYMOUTH. to the same house adioyning on w°h garden certen dwelling houses are buylded. viij8.' The ' Prysten House.' The so-called ' Abbey ' south of St. Andrew Church is not an abbey or monastic house at all, but the old ' prysten ' or The 'Prysten House.' clergy-house of the town. Eent was paid to the Corporation for the ' prysten-house ' in the reign of Henry VII.; and at a much later date, early in the sixteenth century, there is record of a grant by the Corporation to ' Sir' Thomas Flyte, THE MAUDLYN. 233 chantry priest, of the ' prysten-house,' for life, in consideration of his outlay in repairing the kitchen. The Maudlyn. There was a Maudlyn or Leper House at North Hill, which occupied in part the site of the Blind Asylum. It has been stated that the Maudlyn of Plymouth was dedicated to the Trinity and St. Mary Magdalene, and that it was the occasion of a dispute with the Prior of Plympton in 1370, at which date it was said to be of unknown antiquity. This is an error, which arose from confounding Plymouth and Plympton. The only important record concerning Plymouth Maudlyn House is the entry in the Chantry Bolls (1547) that there was then in Plymouth an almshouse called ' Goddeshowse for the releife of impotent and lazare people with owte any certayne nomber appoynted.' At the date of this report there were fourteen inmates; but sometimes there were twenty, more or less, ' as the occasyon of tyme dothe offerr.' Beside their 'mansyon howse,' they had the rents of lands given by different benefactors, amounting to £14 7s. The Maudlyn is mentioned in 1569 as the subject of an intended gift by William Weekes, and it is shown in the Cecil and British Museum maps of the Plymouth Leat as existing about thirty years later. When it disappeared we cannot say, but it must have been some where within the next half-century, since at the Siege the site was occupied by a fort. It is quite possible that the Siege was the cause of its destruction ; for we have the record of a sale in 1648 to John Martyn of land 'neere the late howse called the mawdlyn howse . . . neere Plymouth,' which appears to indicate a very recent removal. The road leading thither was long afterwards called Maudlyn Lane. St. Katherine. The ' fair chapel ' of St. Katherine on the Hoe, first noted in 1370, was in use down to nearly the end of the sixteenth century. The ' hermyt of Seynt Katyn' is mentioned in 1511. The engraving is a facsimile from the old chart temp. Henry VIII. Pro bably it was originally a votive chapel, like that of St. Michael, of which all we know is that it stood upon Drake's Island. Originally that island was called after St. Michael ; but a dedication to St. Nicholas apparently led 234 HISTORY OF PLYMOUTH. to the name being changed, and the fame of Drake caused it eventually to be again re-named, with the appellation it now popularly bears. This chapel was destroyed before the middle of the sixteenth century, a letter written concerning the fortification of the island in 1548 stating that it was plucked down to the foundation. It is mentioned by Wilbam of Worcester in his Itinerary, 1478. It is probable that this chapel, in conjunction with that at Eame Head, and that of St. Katherine, also served the purpose, like many other cliff chapels, of mediaeval lighthouses — the three giving a fair lead into Sutton Pool. Another ancient chapel, St. Lawrence, stood at Devil's (Duval's) Point, and it is quite possible that the ancient part of the abandoned dwelling on the Mewstone had some ecclesiastical connection. The 'Ha we bell' was cast by 'Platter of Bucklande' in 1592-3—225 lbs. weight and 19 pounds of 'mettell,' 47s. A cross will be seen in the sketch of St. Katherine Chapel. There were others in the town, and one near the Custom House had Sanctuary rights. Chantries. Among the smaller foundations were certain chantries, and a hermitage of our Lady at Quarrywell, also called St. Marie Attewiile, and 'le capell beate Marie de font.' It is doubtful that this is represented by the modern Ladywell. Wardens of St. Mary occur in 1491. The fullest information touching the chantries is contained in a series of deeds belonging to the Earl of Mount Edgcumbe. Herein is set forth the grant to Edward Grymstone, senior, and Edward Grymstone, junior, in 1579, of a messuage and barn called ' the hermytage of our ladie at Quarrywell,' with two acres of land in Plymouth, lately belonging to Plympton Priory, and, inter alia, certain messuages, tofts, lands, and tenements in Sutton Prior, Sutton Vautorte, and Sutton Eauff given for the maintenance of a chaplain to say mass daily at the altar of St. John the Baptist in the south aisle of the church of St. Andrew, for the soul of John Jabyen. Eventually these properties came to Piers Edgcumbe ; and in 1582 a general commission issued to enquire into various lands, &c, detained from the Crown in Devon and in Corn wall; which sat at Plymouth in September. Jabyen was living in Plymouth in 1419, and died in 1441, when he was buried near the altar of St. John the Baptist in the north aisle of St. Andrew Church, which aisle he had probably built. The evidence given before the Commissioners went %,' mm^m 236 HISTORY OF PLYMOUTH. to prove that Jabyen's chantry was sometimes called Tre- garthen's chantry, and that there were also the 'rood chantry,' and 'Dabarns chantry.' The chantry priests mentioned are Sir Thomas Fleete, Sir Keysar, and Sir John Nichols; and it is perfectly clear that the bulk of the chantry land did not pass to the Crown and its grantees. Jabyen's chantry is set down as being worth about £7 a year.3 Dabernon's charity, according to the Chantry Roll (1547), was established by 'Dabnone and John Paynter to fynd a pryst to praye for the soules of the founders, and mynystre dyvyne service in the quyer in ye parish cherch of Plyn- mouthe. Paying unto Margaret Sommester, sometyme a wyf unto John Paynter, one of y" sayd founders, xviijs. yerely for her dowry, wh is deue unto her during her lyf.' The value of the lands and possessions of the foundation is set down at £9 2s. 4d. Some of these lands lay south of St. Andrew, some in Old Town, and some near Tothill. Licences to celebrate divine service in domestic chapels or oratories were granted by Bishop Stafford, whose episco pate seems to have been a time of peculiar local activity in this direction, to the following in the parish of Plymouth : Eoger and Margaret Beauchamp, of Boswyns, 1395 ; Joan, relict of William Cole, 1400 ; Stephen and Radegund Durne- ford, in their mansion of East Stonehouse, 1414 ; Eichard Row, his mansion in the parish of Plymouth, 1411 ; Joan 3 The inquiry was conducted by interrogatories administered to each witness in the same form, and duly set forth : ' Imprimis doe you knowe that there was a chauntrie founded in the Churche of St. Andrewes in Plymothe called Jabyns chauntrie or Tregarthans chauntrie and whether was the said chauntrie founded to haue continuance for euer Or what haue you harde by Credible reporte concerninge the same Itm what lands tenements or hereditaments eyther within the towne or pishe of Plymouth lansalus in Cornewall or elswhere belonginge to the said chauntri or chauntrie priste thereof or ymployed towards the necessary vse of the said chauntrie by whom where the said lands geven and in what mannr were they soe geven and whoe were ffeoffees thereof Itm what pristes haue you knowen to singe or saye masse or other s'uice within the said chauntrie and how longe sithens whether did you knowe one Sir Thomas Fleete Clerke Sir John Crofte Clerke and one Thomas Washington Clerke, or eyther of them to be chauntrie priestes there in what princes raine and aboute what yere thereof did the saide seu'all chauntrie pristes or eyther of them s'ue the said chauntrie Itm were not the rents and pffiitts of the said lands ymployed paid or bestowed towards the findinge of the said chauntrie pristes within fyve yeres before the deathe of the late kinge henry theigte and how longe after were they paid by whom and to whoine and how muche was there paid yerelye out of the said lands towards the said chauntri or chauntrie pristes and by whom Item whoe were tennaunts and ffarmers of the said laDds at the time of the gevinge over of the said chauntrie and whoe the nowe tennants and occupiers thereof.' ST. ANDREW. 237 Schaldon ; and William and Christina Haisende, at Kynter- bury. St. Andrew. But of the ancient ecclesiastical institutions of Plymouth only one remains, and that the oldest of them all, the parish of St. Andrew. Its original area has been limited from time to time, but St. Andrew continues the mother parish, and the patronage of its older divisions still remains in the hands of its Vicar. So far back as the fourteenth century there is record of the ancient chapels at St. Budeaux, Stonehouse, and Pennycross. St. Budeaux became a distinct parish in 1482, and the church of that date was replaced by the present fabric in 1563. License to celebrate divine worship in the church of St. Lawrence, Stonehouse, was granted by the Bishop in 1472 ; but the chapel of St. George, on the site of the present edifice, existed and had chapel wardens in 1497, -though Stonehouse continued distinctly within the parish of Plymouth until its register began in 1697. Penny- cross, or the tithing of Weston Peverel, is still a chapelry of St. Andrew; although, like St. Budeaux, the tithing of Compton, and the township of East Stonehouse, in civil parochial matters it has always managed its own affairs. Touching the other tithing of Sutton Eaf, we have no information on this head. We glean a few dates and facts concerning the early history of the present church of St. Andrew. An aisle dedicated to the Virgin, then noviter constructa, was licensed in August, 1385. This, Mr. Eowe suggests, was the south chancel aisle. An aisle dedicated to St. John the Baptist was added in 1441. Twenty years later it is recorded that Thomas Yogge built the tower, the town, to use Leland's words, ' finding the stuff,' also adding, again to quote Leland, a ' fair chapel ' on the north side of the church — no doubt the north transept. Yogge is the name we find now as Young. There was a John Yogge, as we have seen, put out of the freedom as a ' foreyn ' in 1474 ; but the Mayor of that surname was called William, and the tower builder Thomas, and that the town continued on good terms with him is clear. Gew, the Eeceiver in 1495, rode to Ayspton (Ashburton) to see him when he was sick, and 8d. was spent 'when he came fro London at seynt Tomas ys day yn the towne ys name yn wyne,' the same year. At the earliest recorded date the connection of the Corporation with St. Andrew and its services was very close. 238 HISTORY OF PLYMOUTH. In the Eeceiver's Accounts of 1482 we find entries of pay ments by them on ' Seynt John ys He,' and on the ' Stypyll,' for which later four wardens were appointed— one for each ward of the town— William Thykpeny, Peryn Erie, William Eogger, and John Browne. The 'southe Ilde,' and 'Sent George ys yele ' also occur. The works were in hand several years. John Dawe is first named as mason, and afterwards John Andrew, on to 1488. Thenceforward there was no important change in the structure of the fabric, beyond the choking with pews and galleries ; and the demolition under the name of renovation by Mr. Foulston in 1826 ; until the restoration by Sir Gilbert Scott in 1874-5. In 1818 it was actually proposed to divide the building into two places of worship by a ' Babylonish wall.' Of the church which preceded the present there are a couple of relics, two defaced sepulchral effigies of the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries. St. Andrew Church, as it stands, is the chief link with antiquity which Plymouth possesses — the building in which Katherine of Arragon returned thanks for her safe voyage; wherein the Elizabethan heroes wor shipped ; whence the congregation swarmed to the shore to welcome Drake ; where the Puritans of the Commonwealth took the Solemn League and Covenant, and vowed to defend the town to the last ; where the second Charles touched for the evil ; which supplied a resting-place for portions of the bodies of Frobisher and Blake ; and in which Johnson criti cally sat to hear the sermon Mudge preached for his special delectation. Church Ale. In the closing years of the fifteenth century we find the Corporation paying for sermons, for playing ' to organs,' for singing men, and (1490) making regulations for the due use of the copes and vestments at interments, the wardens accounting for the money received for the same. Many years before this they had established a church ale to be kept by every ward of the Borough in the feast of Corpus Christi yn the Parishe Church Yarde of Seynte Andrewe aforesaide ; and every person of the said wardes to bring with theym, except Brede and Drinke, such vytayle as they like best. And have there such and as many persons, estraungers, as they thinke best of theyr friends and acquaynted men and women, for the encreasing of the sayde He ; paying for brede and ale as it cometh thereto in rekening for theyr dyners and sopers the same day, etc. Item, it is agreed, that every taverne of Wyne and Ale within the said THE ANCIENT CHURCH PLATE. 239 Burghe do forbeare theyre sale the same daye of theyre wyne and ale,' for the well of the said Churche : every person of the xii. upon payne of vi8 viiid, and every of the xxiiii. iii8 iiiid, and every of the commoners one pound of waxe, or the value of the same, to the said churches behoufe. And he. or they doing the contrary at the Mayre, xii. and the xxiv., is wyllod to stand in jupardye of his fredome ; and to paye the said fyne : and every fyne or fynes so forfayte to be levyed by the Mayre for the tyme being, within iiii. dayes after the said feaste ; and in his defaulte to be levyed of his fee. And upon the audyte thereof, item, the Mayre for the tyme being, allwayes in his owne Warde in the Hall so made for hym and his Warde, &c. Item, that the xii. and the xxiiii. aide and helpe the Mayre to levy the said paynes forfayte at every yere and tyme therto called. Item, that no person that shall goe about with the Shipp of Corpis Xti. bring no body there but himselfe to charge the yle. Item, that they make a rekening to every person for mete and drinke, and notte to paye at theyr leasure. Item, that every He from hensforthe for the welthe of the Churche in tyme comyng be accomptabyle afore the Mayre, the xii. and the xxiiii. in the Gyldehall of the Burghe aforesaide, and the debet of every of theym to be sett in the legger of the said Towne entered ; and the said debet to be atte the Mayre xii. and xxiiii. disposicion in every yere and tyme for the welthe of the said Churche. The record goes on to lay down certain regulations for assuring every freeman to be present, or pay his fine, and for other purposes. The Ancient Church Plate and Ornaments. The Vicarage remained in the Priory of Plympton until the Dissolution of the Monasteries, when it passed to the Crown, being valued at £25 10s. 9d. In some way or other the church plate, however, fell into the hands of the Corpo ration, as set forth in the following entries of 1539-40 : here followth thaccompte of willrn hawkyns, mchaunt, made before the auditors in the tyme of John Thomas mayre a0 xxxij h viij of certen of the Churche Juells & other thyngs to the said willm hawkyns delyuyd in the tyme of his laste mayraltie a° xxx h viij ffirste delyuyd to the said William hawkyns a chalice belongyng to or lady store ij Cruetts of Situ1 a ly tell pax of Silur the Roode shoes a Crowne for the ymage of or lady certen small beds stones of silur a Crucifix of Silur, a bokell & a pendant of a gurdell weyeng lix vncs & do. Itm more delyuyd to the said willm hawkyns an olde Crosse that stode yn the hande of the ymage of Seynt Savyor weyeng . . . i vnce & iij qrtrs 240 HISTORY OF PLYMOUTH. Itm more delyuyd to hym certen offeryng pens & a lytell shype of Silur hangyng apon Seynt Clere cloth weyeng . . . . . i vnce & do Itm more delyuyd to hym by the hands of Thomas Clowter a Chalice that was at or lady chapell at quary well weyeng . . . . . xij vnces Sma lxxiij vncs & iij qrtrs The which was sold one wth a nother for iijs and iiijd the vnce Sma of the money xijh ix8 ijd Itm more the said willm hawkyns had of Seynt Clere store xliij8 xid Itm more he had & rec of John bovy for wax of Seynt Clere taps and other taps . . . viij8 ixd Sma Iij8 ixd Sma Tot1 Rec by the said willm hawkyns xvu xxiiijd Whereof paid to willm wike for that he paide to Robert Dighton for Seynt Katyn Chalice that lay wth hym to plegge . . . ... xxs Itm pd to John Moone to acquyte a chalice of the churche that lay wth hym to plegge . . xxxiij3 xd ob Itm mtr John hals hath in his honde a chetyll whiche he had of the wardyns of Seynt Andrew is store at Compton. m° to call for or ladyes Cote & her childs cote & for the vestments of Crymson velvett that Dr. John Melyn gave to the Churche. We also read under 1543-4 : plate & juells delyuryd to willm hawkyns rurchant the xiij daye of ffebruary a° xxxvjto h viij yn the tyme of Thomas holway to by therwth for the Toune gunpowder bowys & for arrowys ffirste the foote of the crosse weyeng xlv vncs & do gilte at iij8 & xd the vnce Sma ..... vij11 iij8 vjd Itm iij Silur candelstycks pcell gilte weyeng xv vncs & do at iij8 vjd the vnce Sma . . . liiij8 iiijd Itm a Chalice vngilte weyeng xij vncs & j qrtr at iij8 vjd the vnce Sma . . . xlij8 xd ob Itm a Chalice gilte weyeng xx vnces iij qrtrs at iij8 vjd the vnce Sma . . . iij11 xix8 vjd ob Itm a shyp of Silur pcell gilte weyng xviij vncs at iij8 vjd the vnce Sma . . ... iij1' iij" Itm more the said Mayre delyuryd hym to sende on to london . . . ... xv8 Sma of the vnces ccxxvij Sma of the money xlju xiij8 vd Whereof rebate for tynne & sawdyer vij8 & also pd thereof to the said Willm hawkyns & to Thomas Mylls to them due for money that they layde owte for the townys busynes . . ... iiij11 So reste xxxvij11 vj8 vd SINCE THE DISSOLUTION. 241 Of this Hawkins spent £21 5s. on ten barrels of powder in London, 1000 lbs., at 5d. a lb. ; £2 for 20 bows, at 2s. each; £2 15s. 'for xxxte sheffe of arrowys at xxijd the sheffe'"; £2 15s. for a cwt. of saltpetre. Canvas for bow cases, carriage, &c, came to £3 19s. Id., leaving with Hawkins £5 Is. lid. In 1545-6 William Hawkins paid £18 12s. in part payment of plate sold by him in London; and £14 lis. 8d. were received for plate sold by Richard Saunders to pay for ordnance. Nearly one hundredweight of plate at 2-|d. the pound fetched £1 is. lOd. This 'plate' was probably pewter. Since the Dissolution. The Dissolution introduced important financial changes. The town was relieved of the payment of the annual fee farm rent to the Priory; and in 1572 Elizabeth granted the advowson to the Mayor and Corporation (at a cost for the letters patent of £59 7s. 8d.) on condition that they should find a fit person to serve the cure (which had been burdened with a pension of £8 a year, payable first to the Prior and then to the Crown) and maintain a free grammar school. Some rights in the Vicarage had been previously acquired from a Mr. Maslar. This proved at first an excellent arrangement, but the Puritanic leanings of the townfolk speedily brought them into collision with the Court; and Dr. Aaron Wilson was instituted by the King, first Alexander Grosse and then Thos. Ford, having been refused.4 Wilson and his flock soon quarrelled over temporalities, and he took proceedings in the Star Chamber. He failed to prove allegations of encroachment on the Vicarage; but the Corporation thought it wise to surrender the right of presentation to the King, who regranted it under conditions. When the Civil War broke out Wilson was sent prisoner by the townsfolk to Portsmouth, and died at Exeter in July, 1643. On this the King intruded the lecturer, Thomas Bedford (chosen in 1635 at the instance of the King and Bishop), whom Walker describes as having been still more roughly treated ; but who, instead of dying from his perse cution as stated, bved till 1653 a Presbyterian and Parlia mentarian. Hobbes the clerk is said, by Walker, to have been frightened to death by the Puritan threats. The 4 It was the custom at this time for the Vicars to enter into bond to the Corporation to resign when called on ; and there are many entries of pay ments to preachers, who seem to have filled the position of informal ' lecturers,' chosen by the Mayor and Council. R 242 HISTORY OF PLYMOUTH. retaliation of the Corporation was the appointment of the great Puritan leader of the county, George Hughes, to whom eventually they gave a fixed income of £200. There were Acts of the Commonwealth to rate the town for the better maintenance of the ministers, and for building on the vicarage lands. Under the Municipal Eeform Act the advowsons of St. Andrew and Charles were sold (the next presentation on the death of Mr. Gandy had produced £5050), and the Corporation ceased to appoint lecturers of St. Andrew, as they had done, when unhindered, from the reign of Elizabeth. There are many unedifying records of squabbles in regard to the rights to official seats in the church, especially with the wives and daughters of the corporators, which were revived even within living memory. The register of St. Andrew commences in 1581, the first entry, May 10th, being the baptism of ' Fraunces the sonne of Mr. William Hawkynges,' and a nephew of Admiral John. There are few entries of peculiar interest. From September, 1653, down to September, 1662, the register was kept by Henry Champlin, who was appointed by the parish and approved by the Mayor. During this period entries of 'contracts' occur. Vicars of St. Andrew. The following list of Vicars of St. Andrew is substantially that given by Mr. J. Brooking Eowe. All the dates from the reign of James I. are those of appointment, and most of those before; but a few are simply the years in which the names are found.5 Ealphage. Sadda. Alnodus. Robert Dunpriest. William Bacon. 1264 Wm. of the Stane. 1309 — Martin. 1313 Robt. Russell (?). Wm. of Wolley. 1334 Nich. of Weyland. 1371 John Hanneye. Thos. of Amcotes. John Edenes. Mich. Sergeaux. 1397 John Gyles. 1409 Thos. Guldesfelde. 1427 John Cokworthy. 1433 Ranulph More will. 1464 Thos. Mochell. 1472 John Stubbes. 1502 John Anthony Bonfaunt, Cardinal de Castello. 1509 Thos. Griffith. Richd. Follet. 1528 John Gybbons. 1530 Edward Wygan. 1540 John Peryn. 1558 Ranulph Newton. 5 William of Suttone, priest, was instituted vicar of Totnes, May, 1283. Sir John of Suttone was deprived of a canonry at Crediton in 1319. 1600 Thos. Upham. 1604 Henry Wallis. 1633 Alex. Grosse. 1634 Aaron Wilson. 1643 Thos. Bedford. 1643 George Hughes. 1662 Roger Ashton. CHARLES. 243 1667 Hen. Greens worth. 1681 John Gilbert. 1723 Wm. Stephens. 1732 Zachary Mudge. 1769 John Gandy. 1824 John' Hatchard. 1870 Charles T. Wilkinson. Charles. Down to nearly the middle of the seventeenth century the parish of St. Andrew included the entire town. Ostensibly in consequence of the want of accommodation for the whole of the inhabitants in the Old Church, but partly, it would seem with a view to obtain a more Puri tanical ministry, a petition was presented to the King in 1634, praying him to grant permission for the building of a new church on a spot called the Coney or Gayer's Yard, which had been given by John Hele, of Wembury, for the purpose. Letters patent were accordingly passed granting the prayer of the petition; and in 1640 the parish of Charles was formally constituted by Act of Parliament, as soon as the new church should be built. The Act, which cost the Corporation upwards of £150, recapitulates the grant to the Corporation by Queen Elizabeth of the ad- vowson of the Vicarage of St. Andrew, and of a pension of £8 issuing out of the same ; and confirms the license granted by the King to the Mayor and Commonalty to build the new church, to set forth the boundaries of the new parish, and to prefer a Vicar to it, as they had hitherto done to the old one. The Mayor and Commonalty on their part undertook to build the church, to maintain a hospital for the use and relief of poor persons within the parish, and confirmed their agreement to keep up a grammar school with a stipend of £20 a year. For some reason, now unknown, the Coney Yard, which was a ' pallace ' in Tin Street, on the shore of Sutton Pool, was abandoned, and the present site given in 1665 by William Warren, vintner, to whom was assigned in return a place of burial adjoining the chancel, and a seat, 14 ft. 6 in. by 3 ft. 6 in., to ' hear divine service and the word of God preached.' Money was given by several donors, and other funds raised by rating the inhabitants. The erection of the church commenced soon after the date of the Act, but the Civil War and Siege delayed its progress. In 1643, when operations were suspended, it bad reached the roof; and the fabric R 2 244 HISTORY OF PLYMOUTH. seems to have been used — possibly there was a temporary covering — for there is record of a baptism in December of this year. In 1646 the work was resumed, but slowly. A rate of £500 was levied on the inhabitants for the purpose in 1656, and the building was not completed until 1658 — the tower is dated 1657. It was dedicated in 1666. The first spire, wooden, covered with lead, was built in 1707-8, and a few years later a clock with chimes was given to the church by Colonel Jory. This spire was taken down, and the present stone one erected in 1767. The building is one of the finest post-Reformation Gothic churches in the kingdom, the east and west windows being notably good, and recent restoration has made its singular excellence more clearly apparent. Chancel, Charles Church. The parish has been, and is now frequently, called Charles the Martyr, and sometimes St. Charles, from a belief that it was dedicated to the monarch in whose reign it was commenced, whereas it is simply named after him. The 'martyr' affix originated with a zealous parish clerk, and was officially expunged in 1868. It was held with the curacy of Compton Gifford, and the vicar presented to Charles Chapel, now St. Luke. Familiarly St. Andrew is still called Old Church and Charles New Church. MODERN CHURCH EXTENSION. 245 The following is a list of the Vicars of Charles. Porter was a Presbyterian who conformed. He had laid aside the liturgy before Hughes came. On the vacation of the living by Martin a controversy arose, and an illegal appointment of a Mr. Hugoe was made by the mayor, Wilbam Roche, who broke open the chest to get at the seals in the absence of a majority of the Aldermen. For this he was amoved ; his protigi retired. Dr. Hawker is the most noteworthy Vicar of Charles. A very voluminous writer, he was the leader of the revival of Calvinistic theology in the West. 1646 Francis Porter. 1675 Francis Collier. 1686 Abednego Sellar (non juror). 1690 Thomas Martin. 1711 Walter Hugoe. 1711 Charles Monkton. 1725 Nathaniel Boughton. 1748 William Brent. 1759 John Bedford. 1784 Robert Hawker. 1827 James Carne. 1832 Septimus Courtney. 1843 Charles Greenhall Davies. 1845 Sir Cecil Bisshop. 1846 Henry Addington Greaves. 1878 G. F. Head. 1885 J. M. Laycock. 1889 N. Vickers. A hundred years ago the provision for religious worship in Plymouth consisted of the two churches, and eight chapels and meeting-houses unconnected with the Estab lishment. Modem Church Extension. From the building of Charles Church until 1812 nothing was done to provide additional church accommodation in Plymouth. In that year a bill was suggested to divide the town into four parishes with a church in each ; while in 1813 one was promoted to build two new churches — the money to be "raised by levy on the inhabitants. The Dissenters strongly opposed this scheme (though offering to contribute towards a new burial ground), and it fell through.6 The first practical step was the building in 1823 of St. Andrew Chapel, at a cost of £5,000, and at the joint expense of the Rev. Robert Lampen, Messrs H. Woollcombe, J. Pridham, and T. Gill. Mr. Foulston was the architect. The death of Dr. Hawker next led to the erection of Charles Chapel (now St. Luke) for the Rev. Septimus Courtney, who had been the doctor's curate. The chapel was built in 1828-9 from designs by Mr. Ball, at a cost of £4,000. In the first case there was some little controversy touching the damage that might be done by ' competition ' to the pro- 6 Church rates ceased to be levied in 1834. 246 HISTORY OF PLYMOUTH. prietary rights of the Corporation in the advowsons; but ' unquahfied consent ' was given in the latter. Next followed a chapel erected at Eldad— then ' the first field in Noplace Lane' — for the Rev. John Hawker, who left the Church on the concession of Catholic emancipation. The Corporation consented, on condition that Episcopalian rites and ceremonies were observed. Licensed in 1848, as the church of the new parish of St. Peter, it was replaced in 1882 by the present handsome fabric, designed by Mr. Fellowes Prynne. Holy Trinity Church, begun in 1840, was completed in 1842. Then came Christ Church (1845-6), Mr. Wightwick, architect ; St. John, Sutton-on-Plym (1855), architect, Mr. Ferrey; St. James (1861), Mr. St. Au.byn, archi tect. These, with St. Peter, were churches of new parishes, taken out of the old ones under Sir Robert Peel's Act. The movement which led to their formation originated in an appeal by the then Bishop of Exeter, Dr. Phillpotts, to provide for the great spiritual destitution of Plymouth and Devonport. In 1870, were consecrated the churches of Emmanuel, Mr. Eeid, architect ; and St. Saviour ; in 1874, All Saints, taken out of St. Peter ; and in 1876 St. Jude, Mr. Hine, architect ; in 1887, St. Matthias, Messrs. Hine and Odgers, architects. In the last forty years at least £80,000 have been spent on church building and restoration, &c, in Plymouth. Incumbents of Modern Parishes. For the following list of appointments to the modern parishes of Plymouth we are indebted to Mr. A. Burch, Diocesan Eegistrar : St. Andrew Chapel. Robert Lampen, October 4th, 1823. George Hadow, October 19th, 1849 ; Death of R. Lampen. John Challice Street, July 6th, 1855 ; Cession of G. Hadow. John Erskine Risk, February 20th, 1867 ; Resignation of J. C. Street. Charles Chapel (St. Luke). Septimus Courtney, December 8th, 1829. Meshach Seaman, February 1st, 1834; r. of S. Courtney. George Ferris Whidborne, August 5th, 1839 ; r. of M. Seaman. William Hawker, December 2nd, 1846 ; c. of G. F. Whidborne. George Bellamy; September 20th, 1850 ; r. of W* Hawker. George David Doudney, January 20th, 1852 ; c. of G. Bellamy. Frederick Courtney, August 5th, 1865; d. of G. D. Doudney. Isaac Hawker, February 8th, 1871 ; r. of F. Courtney. Trinity. Hinton Castle Smith, October 24th, 1843. Francis Barnes, November 18th, 1851 ; r. of H. C. Smith. THE SISTERS OF MERCY. 247 St. John, Sutton-on-Plym. George Greystock Carrigham, November 1st, 1844. Charles Coombs, August 16th, 1866 ; d. of G. G. Carrigham. Arthur Wynell-Mayow, November 29th, 1888 ; d. of C. Coombs. Christ Church. George Ferris Whidborne, May 4th, 1846. Richard Malone, November 16th, 1849; c. of G. F. "Whidborne. Thomas George Postlethwaite, October 14th, 1851 ; c. of R. Malone. William Crofts Bullen, December 13th, 1861 ; r. of T. G. Postlethwaite. Theophihis Bennett, August 26th, 1865; r. of W. C. Bullen. Henry George Gervase Cutler, October, 6th, 1869; r. of T. Bennett. James Metcalfe, July 6th, 1870 ; r. of H. G. G. Cutler. Thomas Whitby, May 24th, 1877; c. of J. Metcalfe. Benjamin Mills, December 19th, 1881 ; c. of T. Whitby. Albert Bonus, November 29th, 1888; c. of B. Mills. St. James. George Stephen Hookey, April 8th, 1847. James Bliss, May 31st, 1858; r. of G. S. Hookey. Horace Stone Wilcocks, January 9th, 1873 ; r. of J. Bliss. Frederick Gurney, April 30th, 1875; r. of H. S. Wilcocks. William Humphrey Child, September 30th, 1884; c. of F. Gurney. St. Peter. Edward Godfrey, May 29th, 1847. George Bundle Prynne, August 16th, 1848 ; r. of E. Godfrey. Emmanuel, Compton Gilford. George Henry Fletcher, April 1st, 1872. George Benton Berry, March 11th, 1879; r. of G. H. Fletcher. All Saints. Samuel William Elderfield Bird, June 26th, 1875. Charles Rose Chase, December 5th, 1878 ; r. of S. W. E. Bird. St. Jude. Thomas Henry Howard, June 25th, 1877. St. Matthias. Philip Williams, November 12th, 1889. St. Saviour. Joseph Jones, 1884. The Sisters of Mercy. Plymouth is the seat of the oldest of the various sister hoods connected with the Engbsh Church. Originally established in a house in Milne Place, Morice Town, it was called the Devonport Society. Statements concerning the working of the sisterhood caused Bishop Phillpotts in 1849 to hold an inquiry into its character and operations ; when his lordship not only exonerated Miss Sellon, the lady superior, but wished her God -speed. Much controversy arose concerning the alleged Romish nature of the Society, and the Devonport Sisters of Mercy became famous from one end of the land to the other. In 1850 the foundation- stone of the Abbey in the North Eoad was laid ; and it is now the head-quarters of the sisterhood, which has 248 HISTORY OF PLYMOUTH. ramifications in many parts of England, and also abroad. There are large schools and a house of refuge on the premises. The Abbey is in the parish of St. Peter, the use in which of what became known as High Church or Eitualistic practices — then denominated Tractarian or Puseyite — by its incumbent, the Eev. G. E. Prynne, led to an inquiry by the Bishop in September, 1852, with regard to the question of confession, and was the fruitful source of controversy and pamphleteering. The Church Congress met at Plymouth in October, 1876. Puritanism and Nonconformity. Nonconformity in Plymouth dates to the Puritan feeling of the early years of the seventeenth century. In 1620, when the Pilgrim Fathers called at the port on their way to America, they ' were kindly entertained and courteously used by divers friends there dwelling.' The Pilgrim Fathers were Independents ; and the earliest recorded Nonconformist organization of Plymouth was such a mixed congregation of Independents and Baptists as was then common. The local Puritanism developed remarkably during the reigns of Elizabeth and James. In 1609 an order was made that no beer should be carried through the streets on the Sabbath except for the supply of strange ships ; and we have other Puritanic clues in the constitutions of the Hospital of Orphans Aid, founded in 1617; and of the Hospital of the Poor's Portion, founded in 1630. Plymouth Puritanism had its first check when Charles I. in 1631 ordered that Thomas Forde of Brixton should not be chosen lecturer, and in 1632 instituted Aaron Wilson to the Vicarage instead of the choice of the Corporation, Alexander Grosse. The Corporation seem to have tried to sustain Grosse as lecturer; and this was met by the institution of Bedford, as already noted. Hence the probability that the petition of 1634, to erect a new church, had far less to do with the want of church accommodation in the town (the population had been greatly reduced by pestilence) than with the lack of Puritan preaching. Wilson could not be got rid of, the lecturer was of the same type ; what more ready mode of solving the difficulty than the erection of another place of worship ? Charles Church was built, largely if not wholly, out of the rates of the town ; and since the Civil War not only delayed its progress, but prevented its consecration until the Eestoration, and in the interval it was THE EARLY FRIENDS. 249 used for Presbyterian worship, there is a sense in which it may fairly be called Plymouth's oldest 'Nonconformist meeting.' During the Siege (1642-46) there were several religious assemblies in the town, and not only Presbyterians, but Baptists, Independents, and Fifth Monarchy Men, were represented. Plymouth, moreover, was the refuge of ministers of adjoining parishes, who could not exercise their functions in the presence of the Royalist soldiery ; as it was likewise the prison of Episcopal clergy, zealous for the Royal cause. . There is little to record concerning the progress of Non conformity during the Commonwealth, when Presbyterianism was the established faith. St. Andrew was occupied by George Hughes, a man of high character, unblemished reputation, sincere piety, and great ability. Francis Porter was preacher of Charles. There were two Nonconforming congregations. The oldest, the Baptist, is now represented by the Baptist Churches of George Street and Mutley, of Devonport, and of many other places in the neighbourhood. A careful, detailed, and interesting history of this Church has been written by Mr. H. M. Nicholson. It sprung from the mixed congregation of Baptists and Independents already mentioned, and its records date back to 1648. In that year Abraham Cheare, a native of Plymouth, and a fuller, was baptized, and shortly afterwards received an invitation to the pastorate, which he accepted. The society must have been large, as the invitation was signed by one hundred and fifty members. In 1651 a piece of land was bought in the Pig-Market, now Bedford Street, and a meeting-house erected. This was rebuilt in 1751, abandoned in 1789 in favour of the chapel in How Street, and finally, having been converted into stores, removed in April, 1865. Tlie Early Friends. The Independents of the old united congregation, and those of the garrison during the Siege, do not seem to have left successors, and the Baptists continued the only separatists in Plymouth until the middle of 1654. There then came thither John Audland and Thomas Arey, two of the early Quakers, who were ' received of many who were waiting for the Lord's appearance.' They held several meetings in public and in private ; ' and on the first day the sd John Audland went to one of the steeple-houses in the Towne, and testyfied against the priest and there worship, and also sounded truth 250 HISTORY OF PLYMOUTH. amongst them, for wch the sd John Audland received from the people in the steeple-house pritty much Abuse ; and the sd Thomas Arey he went to the Baptist meeteing, and sounded truth amonge them, who stod in great opposition to his testimony.' March 16th, 1655, Thomas Salthouse and Miles Halhead visited Plymouth, and established the first meeting, their reward for which was thirteen months' imprisonment at Plymouth and Exeter. In the same year George Fox paid the first of his four visits to Devonshire, and his journal records how, ' Having refreshed ourselves at our inn, we went to Robert Cary's house, where we had a very precious meeting. At this meeting was one Elizabeth Trelawny, daughter to a baronet. She, being very thick of hearing, came close up to me, and clapped her ear very nigh me while I spoke; and she was convinced. After the meeting came in some jangling Baptists; but the Lord's power came over them, and Elizabeth Trelawny gave testimony thereto. A fine meeting was settled there in the Lord's power, which hath continued ever since.' There is a tradition in the Plymouth Society that the first meeting-house of the Quakers was a thatched building which stood at the head of Sussex Street. Near this was undoubt edly the original Quaker burial-ground, used as such before the erection of the original meeting-house on the site in Bilbury Street in 1674, and not given up until 1721. The present (now modernized) meeting-house replaced the old one in 1804. Persecutions. The persecutions of the Quakers at Plymouth began with a drunken naval chaplain, who attended a meeting held by Halhead and Salthouse in the garden of John Harris, and waxed excessively wroth at being told to combine works with faith. He complained to John Paige, the Mayor, and Salt- house and Halhead were committed to the assizes as disturbers of the public peace, and for 'diverse other high misdemeanours against a late proclamation prohibiting the disturbance of ministers and other Christians in their assemblies and meetings.' Themselves the disturbed ; they were prosecuted as the disturbers ! Then Margaret Killam offended the Mayor by speaking to him on religious matters; and to gaol she went. Next year Priscilla Cotton, Margaret Cole, and Katherine Martindale spoke to the ' priest and people ' in the Church, after the sermon; and to gaol went they: while Barbara Pattison was locked up for interrupting a funeral THE PLYMOUTH 'BARTHOLOMEW.' 251 sermon. In 1658, John Evans, for speaking to the people in a steeple-house, was not only imprisoned, but whipped through the streets. And so matters went on, until by 1660 every prison in the county was crowded with the Friends. ' Within two months of that year the High Gaol and Bridewell of Exeter received no less than seventy, including all the men inhabitants of Plymouth of that persuasion.' Plymouth was governed in all strictness during the Pres byterian regime ; and there remain a few illustrative records. Thus, in 1659, John Wood was presented for walking on the Hoe during 'sermon time,' and George Cragg for suffering company in his house to drink burnt wine during 'sermon time'; while in June the constables of Old Town Ward presented John Olde 'for keeping men drinking yesterday, being Lord's-day.' This last, of course, is in accordance with modern ideas; but the present amount of 'walking on the Hoe during sermon time ' would be very Shocking to the old Puritan ' twelve and twenty-four.' Immediately on' the Eestoration persecution began all round, and the wrongs of the Quakers were avenged on the Presbyterians. One Captain William Pestell paid the West a visit in 1661, in character of spy. He wrote Secretary Nicholas, 26th September, that the Fifth Monarchy Men were associated with the Presbyterians in encouraging the people to withstand the Common Prayer ; that ' several of the old sea-captains at Plymouth were determined the Common Prayer should not come into Mr. Hughes's church,' and that there was the same feeling at other places on the coast, where Anabaptists and Quakers abounded. The Presbyterians could not be touched until the Act of Uniformity; the Quakers were in prison before Charles returned; only the Baptists were available. So Abraham Cheare was sent to Exeter gaol for encouraging religious assemblies, and remained there three months, until released by ' special grace.' The Plymouth 'Bartholomew' and its Results. Plymouth was singled out for special visitation. Its gallant stand for the Parliament made it a marked town. Its Corporation was thoroughly Puritan. Every way it was obnoxious to the ruling powers. So it had a call from the Commissioners appointed to regulate corporations, who ejected the Mayor, made a clean sweep of his brethren, and turned out Hughes from the Vicarage of St. Andrew, a week before 252 HISTORY OF PLYMOUTH. the fatal 24th of August. The Mayor, William Allen, a Presbyterian, gave place to William Jennens, who proved an adept in persecution ; and the old corporators to new Alder men and Councillors of the same school. Four ministers were silenced in Plymouth. George Hughes, the Vicar; Obadiah Hughes, his son, ejected from a studentship at Oxford; Thomas Martyn, lecturer at St. Andrew; Samuel Martyn, his son, an occasional preacher. Porter, minister of Charles, conformed. George Hughes and Thomas Martyn were sent to Drake's Island, under charge of musketeers. That rugged rock then held the dignity of state-prison ; and among its occupants were General Lambert (who died there), Colonel Lilburne, and Harrington, the author of Oceana. Hughes was attacked with dropsy and scurvy, and after nine months was released on bond for £2,000 (given by his friends without his knowledge) not to come again within twenty miles of Plymouth. So he retired to Kingsbridge, where, in July, 1667, he died. Martyn was released under a similar bond for £1,000. He had been silenced some months before Bartholomew Day, on pretence of speaking certain words in private conventicles, which he altogether denied. Cheare was again seized, and lodged in the gaol at Exeter for three years. But when the appointed ministers were removed their adherents were not left utterly to themselves. There lived in Plymouth Nicholas Sherwill, member of the wealthy merchant family of that name, an M.A. of Magdalen, a Presbyterian and an occasional preacher, "who had received episcopal ordination. He, with the younger Hughes, had been imprisoned, and set free on promising not to return to Plymouth without leave of the Governor, the Earl of Bath, or his deputy. However, he commenced the first register- book of the Unitarian congregation in Treville Street, now preserved at Somerset House, with the entry of the marriage by him at Stonehouse, on the 17th September, 1662, not a month after Bartholomew Day, of Walter Trowt and Katherine Crampron; while on the 28th November he baptized Mary, the daughter of George and Mary Lapthorne. He ministered to the people who had adhered to Hughes- and Martyn; and in the congregation thus formed the two societies in Treville and Batter Streets originated. It has been held that there were two congregations from the commencement ; but as Hughes and Martyn both ministered in the same church, and as Sherwill was the only minister free to engage in ministerial work in Plymouth immediately THE PLYMOUTH 'BARTHOLOMEW.' 253 on the Ejection, it seems clear that the Nonconforming lay- folk of Plymouth must at first have formed one body, though meeting in different places as best they could. And Sherwill ere long had assistance. Obadiah Hughes was ordained by Jasper Hicks, ejected from Landrake, and five other ministers, and preached in the neighbourhood as he had opportunity. When no longer safe, in 1674, he removed to London, where he became minister of a large congregation. John Quicke, ejected from Brixton, also preached in Plymouth, and spent eight weeks in the Marshalsea. Jacob too, the ejected minister of Ugborough, rode to Plymouth once a fortnight, and eventually became permanent pastor. Still for several years Sherwill was clearly the sole regular minister of the Plymouth Presbyterians. George Hughes never saw Plymouth after his retirement to Kingsbridge. He was then sixty years of age, and worn out by infirmities. Martyn took advantage of the Indulgence of 1672 to return to Plymouth. There are entries of baptisms by him in the Treville Street registers from June 12th, 1672, to February, 1675, and he did not die until 1677. It was upon his return that the division of the followers of the Ejected into two societies took place; for to this date the existence of two separate bodies can clearly be traced. Sherwill continued in the ministry until his sudden death, May 15th, 1696. His last entry of baptism was on the 7th May preceding. Persecution was revived at intervals, until the Toleration Act was passed in 1689 ; and the records of the town contain many entries of Baptists, Presbyterians, and Quakers being sent to gaol, and of meetings being broken up by constables and soldiers. Under the Declaration of Indulgence, in 1672, there were bcensed in Plymouth not only Sherwill and Martyn, but the younger Hughes, Quicke, and George Mortimer, who had been ejected from Harberton, and apparently returned thither to minister. John Glanville, who had been proceeded against for not coming to church, had his house licensed for worship, as did Thomas Yeabsley. A house near Charles Church was also licensed, and the widow Menir's at Stonehouse. The illegal Indulgence was speedily revoked, and persecution again began, being es pecially active from 1677 onward. Sometimes the meetings were broken up by force, sometimes the doors were locked and sentinelled, and then the Quakers used to gather boldly in the open air outside. The sites of some of the early meeting-places can be fairly identified. Martyn the elder baptised at ' Greene House, in 254 HISTORY OF PLYMOUTH. Greene Street.' Sherwill's congregation met at the 'Old Marshalls ' — the Marshalsea, the Dominican house in South- side Street — and probably continued until the erection, in 1705, of the chapel in Batter Street, the oldest meeting house now remaining in the town. In 1689 the following were licensed in open sessions : John Woods and Thomas Sheppard certified that a house in Bilbury Street, in the possession of William Eowe, merchant (founder of Rowe's Charity), was chosen as the meeting-place of the congrega tion under Mr. Nathan Jacob. This was the predecessor of the present Unitarian Chapel. Isaac Pickes, grocer, entered a house in the Pig -Market as the Baptist meeting-house. D. Papier and Jos. Boutill a house near Frankfort, the property of John Stone, for French Protestants, under John Calvett and Michael Lions. Under Nathaniel Harding, who succeeded Jacob at Treville Street, and John Enty, who followed Sherwill, the two societies founded by the ejected ministers flourished. Arianism first made head in Plymouth under the ministry of the Bev. H. Moore, successor to Mr. Harding; and as it showed itself at the same time in the Batter Street congre gation, where it was favoured by Mr. Hanmer, assistant to Mr. Baron, there was a double exodus ; the orthodox of both congregations settling in Batter Street, the heterodox in Treville Street, which has since been distinctly Unitarian. The Huguenots. An exceedingly interesting feature of the religious life of the town has passed into oblivion. Plymouth was the seat of a colony of Huguenot refugees, driven from their own country by the Eevocation of the Edict of Nantes. The first party escaped across the Channel in an open boat from Eochelle, arriving on the fifth September, 1681. They numbered between forty and fifty, and were joined by so many others that they established two congregations, one at Plymouth and the other at Stonehouse. It is the one redeeming feature in the years of persecution which followed, that these poor creatures do not seem to have been molested. We know little more concerning them than is to be found in the registers of the two congregations, now at Somerset House ; those of the Stonehouse congregation ranging from 1692 to 1791, and those of the Plymouth congregation from 1733 to 1807, the earlier records having been lost. The register of 1733 commences with an entry of the election, THE HUGUENOTS. 255 on the 11th April in that year, as wardens, of Pierre Hory Laine, Jayre Valeau, Jean Pare, and Moyere Thomas, in succession to Jean Pare, Etienne Brigeau, Francois Thomas, and Etienne Cagna — twenty-four heads of families assenting. In the July following there is an entry of the distribution of the royal bounty of fifteen guineas to fifty -one poor members of the community, ranging from eighty-two years of age to an infant in arms. Allowing five to a family, and assuming that the recipients of the bounty did not take any set part in the management of affairs, the number of the little colony may be reckoned at between 150 and 200. For fully half a century these sufferers for conscience lived in Plymouth among, but not of, our forefathers. When they were householders they were entered in the rate-books under the style of Monsieur or Madame. Thus in the poor rate assessment for 1720 we find with the prefix of Monsieur the names of Perry, Peter Perry, Francis Thomas, F. Jourdan, James Borgeau, Peter Bone, James Buffiat, Charles le Mar, Isaac Oust, Mignan, Buffiat, Valleau, Boteet, Pratt, Lavigne, Sherren, Freno, Dammer, Chardevoine, Bourvit, and Euleau. Then we have Mesdames Cateau, Burfeans, Langaller, and 'Mons. Osorio's widow.' Other names of French origin, occurring without either prefix (which were probably applied only to the well-to-do) are Francis Colas, Peter Averilla, Isaac and Peter Lelander, Abraham Angoure, Gilbert de Lapp, Gerrard, Stephen Cagna, Ch. Peneau, Bignon, Barbe, and Gabon, the latter described as a French barber. There was bkewise a Dr. Freno. The registers supply us with several family names in addition to those already given, among them Du Bouchet, Du Clou, Dore, Dechereaux, Arnaud, Bordier, Cherri, Viall, Blondett, GuiUard, Benoit, Bastard, Rous, Dubois, Lardieu, Travers, Duval, Vincent, Herring, Gille, Delacomb, Gruzelier, Bonnet, Maingy, Darton, Lamoureux, Mousnier, and Paillin. While the original refugees lived, and the first generation of their descendants, the foreign character was distinctively kept up ; but the registers show that with the second genera tion exterior influences of association and intermarriage began to work; and the third was far more English than French. The knowledge of the mother tongue wore less and less among the younger members of the community, and the attendance on public worship, which was of course conducted in French, gradually dwindled until it was con fined to a few aged persons, on whose death the congregation 256 HISTORY OF PLYMOUTH. became extinct. James Devoit was pastor from his arrival, in 1685, until his death, in 1723. In 1733, the date of the first register, Pierre du Bouchet was minister. He was suc ceeded in 1739 by Jacob Bordier; followed in 1764 by Jaques Touzeau. During Touzeau's pastorate the congregation gave up the chapel they had erected in How's Lane, which was removed about 1785, after occupation by a Mr. Hemsworth, to give place to the present edifice. Touzeau was the last minister. He died in February, 1810, having been pastor nearly half a century, and having outlived nearly all his people. For many years he kept a French school in Lower Lane, and was much respected in the town. The following names of ministers are believed to belong to the Stonehouse congregation: 1699, Jaques Bevoitz; 1725, Joseph Demain; 1744-60, M. Faurier; 1762-82, David Morin; later, Jacob Maitre and Guilliame Bataille. Many descendants of the refugees still reside in this locality. Such names as Gruzelier and Lamoureux are of course easily identified, but in most cases there has been some amount of Anglicising. Thus Cherri is Cherry; Tou zeau, Tozer ; Gille, Gill ; Pare, Park ; Bonnet, Bonny ; Lar dieu, Lardew ; Rous, Eowse ; Viall, Vile ; Lavigne, Lavin ; Conde, Cundy;- Benoit, Benoy; Guillard, Jillard; Jourdan, Jordan. Calvinistic Methodism. Towards the middle of the last century Conformity and Nonconformity alike became dull and lethargic; decorous indeed, but wanting energy and spirit — the form of Chris tianity, lacking the vitality. All was formal and frigid. Church and chapel come under the same condemnation. Nor was Plymouth any exception, though St. Andrew boasted the polished Zachary Mudge, and the Treville and Batter Street congregations were enlivened somewhat by the stir rings of the Arian controversy. As to the Baptists, they were 'a poor disjointed people,' a 'small remnant,' the membership falling off until it was reduced to eight. At Plymouth therefore, and in the growing town of Dock, there was ample scope for the exertions of the early Methodists, and Whitfield and Wesley reaped an abundant harvest. Calvinistic Methodism was the first established. Whitfield came to Plymouth about 1744, with the intention of em barking for America. Before that date his labours had borne local fruit. Andrew Kinsman, a native of Tavistock, converted by reading one of Whitfield's sermons, settled in CALVINISTIC METHODISM. 257 Plymouth as a grocer ; and by him and his wife chiefly (she was a Mrs. Ann Tiley, and gave the ground) the Tabernacle in Briton Side was built, in the garden behind his house. Adams and Cennick and Midleton, with other of Whitfield's colleagues, and Kinsman himself, occupied the pulpit at first. In 1750 Kinsman became a regular minister, and in 1752 removed to Devonport, where he built the first dissenting chapel. The Tabernacle remained his property, and he was still accustomed to preach there, his chief assistants being named Dunn, Paddon, and McAll. Kinsman was a duly qualified member of the Church Militant. When a party of seamen, led by their lieutenant, broke into the Tabernacle while he was preaching, with intent to put out the lights, and ' castigate the congregation ' — one of the humours of a pressgang — Kinsman seized the leader and took him before the magistrates. When Kinsman died he left the Tabernacle in trust for the purpose of perpetuating the gospel. The bequest was annulled by the Mortmain Act, and Kinsman's son became the owner. He was a very autocrat. The minister wished to get married. Kinsman preferred his celibacy. The minister got married. Kinsman padlocked the door of the Tabernacle, planted himself in a window opposite, armed with loaded pistols, and threatened to shoot any one who meddled with his property. So the congregation were ejected as well as their minister. For a while they met in the Baptist Chapel, which was placed at their service. At length Norley Chapel was built (then called the New Tabernacle), and opened December 8th, 1797. Mr. Cooper, who formed a Baptist church, was ejected by Kinsman from the Old Tabernacle in 1811. His congregation divided, part going to a Moravian Chapel at the Old Mitre, and part to a currier's shop in Duck's Lane (Week Street), whence they moved, in 1812, to a chapel in Willow Street, built by the Universalists, first called the Philadelphian Church, but then the Befuge Chapel. The New Tabernacle was the first dissenting place of worship in Plymouth in which an organ was placed. The instrument was built by a carpenter of Turnchapel named Bedstone, chiefly at the expense of Mr. Cater. Terrible was the resultant discord ; for the organ in the New Tabernacle led to a division in the congregation, and in the end to the re-opening of the Old Tabernacle. The Friday before the organ was to be used a letter was received, signed ' David,' announcing that Dagon had fallen before the ark, and that the writer had discovered the art of ' taking his guts out.' On s 258 HISTORY OF PLYMOUTH. examination it was found that all the pipes of one stop had been taken away, proving, as Harris, who records this incident, quaintly says, ' that the thief was no musician.' Wesleyan Methodism. Wesleyan Methodism was established in a settled shape in Plymouth in 1745, when a class was formed. This was twelve months before Wesley paid his first visit to the town, in September, 1746 ; and as a result he found several zealous local preachers hard at work. Still, more than thirty yeai s elapsed before any attempt was made to erect a chapel. The members met in private houses, and there was a good deal of open-air preaching on the Parade, by the great tree in Briton Side, and in rooms in Catte Street, Batter Street, in the Moravian Chapel, and the Old Tabernacle. The first Wesleyan chapel in the Three Towns was commenced in 1779 in Lower Street, chiefly by the exertions of Bedstone, the carpenter, and Nehemiah Jane, a quarterman in the Dockyard. This sufficed until 1792, when the old chapel in Buckwell Lane (then called Mud Lane) was begun in Mr. Prideaux's garden. Thenceforward the progress of Wesleyanism was very rapid, though the larger population and greater activity of Dock gave it such a preponderance that Devonport still names the district. Ebenezer Chapel was commenced in 1816 ; and consequent upon the cessation of the war and the depression thus caused, Wesley Chapel had to be closed for Wesleyan worship until September, 1847, though occupied by Messrs. Denham (Baptist), Todd, Triggs, Eichards, and others in the interim. Salem Chapel, however, was built in 1828. In 1864 the erection of King Street Chapel was commenced. Ham Street Chapel was erected in 1879, in substitution for Wesley and Salem; and Mutley in 1881, Mr. Snell being architect of both. The eldest represented of the various offshoots of Wesleyan Methodism is the Bible Christian body, which dates from 1818. Its chapel in Zion Street was erected in 1847, and in 1886 that in Greenbank Eoad. The United Methodist Free Church society, originally Wesleyan Association, acquired the large chapel in Ebrington Street, formerly belonging to the Plymouth Brethren, in 1862, and named it Hope Chapel. It had previously assembled for nearly twenty years in the Old Tabernacle. The Primitive Methodists are of more recent appearance in the town, and occupy a little chapel in Ebrington Street, which has been used in turn by several denominations. REVIVAL OF PERSECUTION. 259 The period of the French war, one of the greatest activity in all business affairs in Plymouth and Dock, was marked also by great liveliness in rebgious matters ; thus described by a no means friendly contemporary hand: 'Amidst the general dissipation and rage for worldly aggrandizement, a religious disposition was everywhere prevalent. Churches, chapels, and meetings were crowded with auditors ; the latter not only on Sundays, but many evenings in the week. Besides public places of worship, parties of the pious assem bled at each other's houses, and embryo preachers here first practised the rudiments of their future calling. These spiritual pastors were principally uneducated mechanics and artificers in the Dockyard and town. Never perhaps did moralist survey a more incongruous spectacle than this place afforded. The most open and undisguised profaneness and the most rigid sanctity seemed equally predominant. On one hand were heard the revels of debauchery and drunkenness ; and on the other, the praises and prayers of devotional con gregations. The sanctuaries of religion were surrounded by the temples of profligacy.' Revival of Persecution. The close of the eighteenth century saw the revival of persecution. The Unitarian Chapel opened at Devonport in 1791 was closed, because the Commissioner of the Dockyard intimated that dockyardsmen who attended would be dis missed as disloyal subjects; and by perjury and malice the Eev. W. Winterbottom, junior minister of the Plymouth Baptist congregation, was punished for seditious words he never uttered, and for treason of which he was not guilty. It was the custom in those days for Dissenting congregations to celebrate the anniversary of the landing of the Prince of Orange by special sermons; and on the fifth of November, 1792, Winterbotham preached such a sermon in How's Lane from Exodus xiii. 8, ' Thou shalt shew thy son in that day, saying, This is done because of that which the Lord did unto me.' This he followed on the 18th by a sermon from Eomans xiii. 12, 'The night is far spent, the day is at hand: let us therefore cast off the works of darkness, and let us put on the armour of light.' For these sermons he was brought to trial in the following July. The evidence for the Crown was wholly insufficient to sustain any charge ; indeed, so far as regarded the second sermon, it consisted entirely of the jumbled notes of Edward Lyne, a clerk to the Collector of Excise, and of the random recollection of s 2 260 HISTORY OF PLYMOUTH. John Denby, a midshipman, that he agreed with Lyne. On the other hand, there was abundant testimony that the sermons, though political, were anything but seditious. Yet Winterbotham was found guilty. He was sentenced to four years' imprisonment, two for each sermon ; a fine of £200, £100 for each; and to find £900 security for his good behaviour for five years; while the expenses of the trial were £337. But his friends at Plymouth stood by him, and on his release he returned to minister among them. After this the Baptist Society in Plymouth declined, until it entered on a fresh career of prosperity with the pastorate of the Eev. Samuel Nicholson in 1823. In 1845 How Street Chapel, which has an endowment of £25 yearly from Dean's Charity while used for Baptist purposes, was abandoned for the chapel in George Street, which was erected at a cost exceeding £5,000 ; and in 1869 the new chapel on Mutley Plain was opened, having been erected at an expenditure of £8,000. Sherwell Chapel, the handsomest and costliest Non conformist edifice in Plymouth, was erected by the Norley Street congregation, and is thus an outcome of the work of Whitfield. The site, purchased from the Corporation, at one time formed part of the Sherwell estate, and this circumstance, in conjunction with the fact that Nicholas Sherwell was one of the men of 1662, named the structure. The chapel was opened in September, 1864, having cost with the land upwards of £8,000. The organ, a gift from a member of the congregation, is the finest in any Dissenting place of worship in the West of England. Mount Street Chapel is a mission in connection with Sherwell. Norley Chapel was closed for a time after the removal to Sherwell, but was subsequently re-opened in 1866 by a section of the congregation. Union Chapel, the other Independent place of worship in Plymouth, is an offshoot from Batter Street, and was erected by the Bev. T. C. Hine in 1847-8, on a site where Whitfield is recorded to have preached. Ministers of the Elder Nonconformist Societies. The ministers of the 'Three Denominations'— Baptist, English Presbyterian, and Independent— of the older societies in Plymouth are as follows : Baptist.— Abraham Cheare, 1649-1668; persecution then kept the church without a pastor for nineteen years ; Robert Browne, MINISTERS OF THE NONCONFORMING SOCIETIES. 261 1687-1688; —Warner, 1688; Robert Holdenby, 1688-1690; Samuel Buttall, 1690-1697 or 1698; Nathaniel Hodges, 1698- 1701; — Bryant commenced 1707, not ordained until 1710; Wm. Bennick, 1718-1720; Caleb Jope, 1720-1722; Elkanah Widgery, 1723-1725; John Ridley, 1726-1730; Didcot Hoare, mentioned as pastor in 1737 and 1739 ; John Binnick, left in 1747; Philip Gibbs, 1748 (ordained 1749)-1800; Isaiah Birt, co-pastor with Mr. Gibbs, 1782-1789; William Winterbotham, at first co-pastor, and afterwards successor to Mr. Gibbs, 1790 (four years in prison, 1793-1797)-1804 ; — Ragsdale, 1808-1810; John Dyer, 1811-1814; G. Gibbs, 1816-1819; S. Nicholson, 1823- 1856; G. Short, co-pastor, and afterwards successor to Mr. Nicholson, 1856-1858; T. C. Page, 1860-1869; John Aldis, 1869-1876; Robert Lewis, co-pastor, 1870-1876; John Ashworth, 1878-1882; S. Vincent, 1883; Benwell Bird, pastor of Mutley Chapel, 1876. Unitarian. — George Hughes and Thomas Martyn, ejected in 1662; Nicholas Sherwill, 1662-1672; Thomas Martyn, 1672- 1677; Nathaniel Jacob, 1677-1690; Nathaniel Harding, 1690- 1744; Henry Brett, assistant to Mr. Harding, 1707-1723; Joseph Cock, ditto, 1721-1731 ; Henry Moore, assistant to Mr. Harding till 1744, and afterwards his successor, 1731-1762 ; John Reynell, 1762-1784; John Hanmer, co-pastor with Mr. Reynell, 1762- 1771; Thomas Watson, 1785-1788; Thomas Porter, 1789-1794; John Kentish, 1794-1795; John Jones, ll.d., 1795-1798; John Tingcombe/1798-1806 ; John Jones, 1807-1812 ; Israel Worsley, 1813-1831; William James Odgers, 1832-1853; John Hill, 1853-1854; Henry Knott, 1854-1865; J. K. Smith assisted Mr. Knott for about two months previous to his death, and continued on into 1866, but was never appointed minister; T. W. Freckelton, 1866-1874; William Sharman, 1875-1883; George Evans, 1884-1888 ; W. Binns, 1888. Batter Street. — George Hughes and Thomas Martyn, ejected in 1662; Nicholas Sherwill, 1662-1696; — Byfield, assistant to Mr. Sherwill; John Enty, 1696-1719; Peter Baron, at first co-pastor with Enty, came to Plymouth in 1700, was ordained 1704, chosen minister 1720, died 1759 ; John Moore, assistant to Mr. Baron, and his successor, 1727-1760 (the trustees then chose John Hanmer, the congregation Christopher Mends — the latter was put in possession by a mandamus, and Hanmer became co-pastor at Treville Street); Christopher Mends, 1762-1799; Herbert Mends, co-pastor with his father, afterwards his successor, 1782-1819; J. Mitchell, 1819-1821; Richard Hartley, 1823- 1836; W. Morris, 1837-1839; T. C. Hine, 1839-1846; Joseph Steer, 1846-1851; John Barfitt, 1851-1854; W. R. Noble, 1855-1860; E. Hipwood, 1860-1867; W. Whittley, 1867- 1885; S. Higman, 1886-1888; Alfred Cooke, 1889. 262 HISTORY OF PLYMOUTH. Ministers op Norley and Sherwell Chapels. — Norley Chapel was opened 1797. — Charles Soper, 1798-1805; Thomas Pinchback, 1807-1811; Francis Moore, 1812-1816; James Doney, 1816- 1823; W. P. Davies, 1825-1831; G.Smith, 1833-1842; Eliezer Jones, 1844-1856; C. Wilson, 1858-1882; C. Slater, 1883. Plymouth has a College belonging to the Independent body, and affiliated to the London University. The Western College was established as an academy for the instruction of ministerial students, in 1752, by the Congregational Fund Board. In its early days it was under the direction of various Independent ministers, located in different parts of Devonshire. At length it was removed from Axminster to Exeter, and after some years' sojourn in that city, again removed in 1844 to Plymouth. Here it was carried on upon premises in Wyndham Place for several years. It was then decided to provide it with a permanent habitation, and in April, 1860, the foundation stone of the present handsome pile of Collegiate buildings at Mannamead was laid. They were opened in June, 1861. TJie Brethren. Plymouth has given a distinct name to a- community of Christians who call themselves the Brethren, but are generally known by the name Plymouth Brethren. Nevertheless the movement did not absolutely originate in the town. It appears to have first assumed definite form in Dublin, on the suggestion of Mr. A. N. Groves, of Exeter, in the setting apart every Lord's-day for the breaking of bread in remem brance of Christ. This was about the year 1829, and the meeting at Plymouth, which became the centre and fount of Brethrenism, was commenced in 1831. The two most prominent members of the society in its early days were Mr. B. W. Newton, Fellow of Exeter College, Oxford, and the Eev. J. N. Darby, a minister of the Irish Church, the first of whom was resident for some years at Plymouth. The Eev. J. L. Harris, incumbent of Plymstock, and Mr. H. W. Soltau, were also prominently identified with the movement. In 1845, a difference of views between Mr. Newton and Mr. Darby led to the first open division in the body, since which others have occurred. The first special meeting-place used by the Brethren at Plymouth was what became the -Tem perance Hall, in Ealeigh Street. Later the large ' room ' in Ebrington Street, now the chapel of the United Methodist Free Church Society, was erected. As the transfer of these MISCELLANEOUS. 263 buildings indicates, the Brethren are by no means so numerous in Plymouth as they formerly were. Four or five of their sections, however, meet regularly for worship, and some of the body preach in various places, as at St. Andrews Hall, to which all are welcomed ; but without forming any distinct community or society. This is not the occasion to enter into an exposition of the peculiar tenets of Brethrenism, nor would the task be at all an easy one. Horace Mann stated as their fundamental raison d'etre, that they ' may be represented as consisting of all such as, practically holding all the truths essential to salvation, recognize each other as on that account alone true members of the only Church. They do not believe in human forms or systems, or ordained ministries. They break bread weekly; and some of them consider their assemblies under the guidance solely of the Holy Ghost.' Miscellaneous. Trinity Chapel (York Street) was erected as a High Calvinist place of worship for Mr. Arthur Triggs in 1828. In 1857-8 there were disputes as to its ownership, which led to one party taking possession by force and barring the other out, so that they were compelled to hold service in the open air outside. Legal proceedings followed. The Protestant Evangelical Church in Compton Street was established by the Eev. Wm. Elliott. The Presbyterian Congregation now at Eldad was formed at Devonport in 1857, and removed to Plymouth in 1862. The original chapel was burnt in 1882. Mr. J. L. Hodge is the architect of the present structure. The Catholic Apostolic (Irvingite) body early established a church in Plymouth. The present chapel in Princess Street was rebuilt on the site of a plain building which had been occupied for a dozen years. A Universalist congregation, now extinct, met in Henry Street, having worshipped previously in Park and Ebrington Street Chapels ; and its minister, the Eev. Mr. Seabrook, once officiated in a meeting-house in Eichmond Street.7 The chapel in Portland Villas — Free Evangelical — was built by the Eev. J. Babb, formerly a clergyman of the Church of England, in 1844. It forms the under portion of one of the houses. 7 Some old chapels have been abandoned as such. There was one called Philadelphia Chapel in Willow Street ; and a small Calvinist Chapel (Zoar) in Octagon Street. 264 HISTORY OF PLYMOUTH. The Bethel Union Chapel in Castle Street was originally built in 1833. The Salvation Army commenced operations in the Three Towns early in their history; and subsequently acquired How Street, and Mount Zion (Devonport) chapels. Their Congress Hall in Martin Street was opened by General Booth in February, 1886, and cost £4,724 7s. The Exeter Street Mission Hall was built for a herbalist named Eoland Kiley, who took to preaching, on the site of the old merchant residence of the Treeby family — a fine early eighteenth - century building with deep eaves, and central courtyard surrounded by offices. Kiley left the town deeply in debt in 1886. The Young Men's Christian Association was formed in 1848, and acquired its present handsome and commodious premises in Bedford Street, which Dr. Hingston was mainly instrumental in erecting, in 1887. There is also a Young Women's Christian Association. The Jewish community of Plymouth dates from the earlier part of the last century. About the year 1740 several Hebrew families settled in the town, and formed a con gregation in Broad Hoe Lane. The Synagogue, in Catherine Street, was built in 1760. The elders then were Joseph Jacob Sherenbeck and Gompert Michael Emden. There have for several years been Spiritualist and Secular Societies holding regular meetings. Less than a half century since a few bearded disciples of the Devonshire prophetess, Joanna Southcott, distinguishable by their disuse of the razor in days when shaving was the fashion, might be seen in Plymouth streets. The Three Towns were the seat of a Southcottonian congregation, of which four survived, expecting Joanna's appearance, so lately as 1851. About the same time a number of persons met for worship at the Central Hall, Manor Street, who held that the end of the world was close at hand. Their leaders, Dealtry and Burgess, upon one occasion — in 1847 — positively fixed the date for its destruction, much to the terror of few even outside their flock. Roman Catholic. When Pope Pius IX. decided upon establishing the present Eoman Cathobc hierarchy in England, Plymouth was selected as the seat of one of the new dioceses. The first priest who is known to have statedly ministered in Plymouth after the Reformation was the Rev. Edward Williams, who was settled ROMAN CATHOLIC. 265 at the seat of Mr. Richard Chester, in Buckland-tout-Saints, and who occasionally visited Plymouth to attend to the spiritual wants of the few and scattered Catholics then to be found there. This was a century since.8 The first missionary station in the Three Towns was established at Devonport, in a room over a stable behind the George Inn, by the Eev. Thomas Flynn, an Irish Franciscan. He was succeeded by the Eev. Louis Guilbert, a French emigre, who, being unable to obtain a site for a chapel at Devonport, built and opened in 1806-7 that in St. Mary Street, Stonehouse. The rapid growth of the Three Towns, and the equally rapid increase of their Irish population, rendered the accommodation of this edifice utterly inadequate. Soon after the bishopric was established, it was decided to erect the present cathedral in Cecil Street. The foundation stone was laid in June, 1856, by Dr. Vaughan, the chief promoter of the work ; but nearly twelve months afterwards operations were delayed by the unfortunate falling in of a considerable portion of the building. The spire is a later addition. The cathedral is dedicated to the Virgin and St. Boniface. Adjoining, on the south, is the bishop's residence, and on the west a large conventual establishment and schools, occupied by the Sisters of Notre Dame, the foundation stone of which was laid in 1864. Part of the site of the Old Carmelite Friary was recon verted to its ancient uses by the erection of a conventual building known as Carmel House. This was occupied for a short time by a Carmelite Sisterhood who came to Plymouth from Schlerder. When they left in 1875, they were succeeded by the Sisters of Charity of St. Vincent de Paul, who have a certified poor-law school for girls under their care. The Church of the Holy Cross was erected here in 1881. There is a house of Basilian Fathers at Beaconfield, near Plymouth. The old church premises in St. Mary Street, Stonehouse, were for some years occupied by the Little Sisters of the Poor, who in 1885 built St. Joseph's Home at Hartley, in 1890 adding a chapel. There was formerly at Coxside a Nunnery of Poor Clares, who belonged to a house established at Aire in 1629. They settled at Plymouth in 1813, and removed in 1835. Dr. Errington was the first Bishop of Plymouth (1851) ; and was succeeded by the present prelate, Dr. Vaughan, in 1855. 8 Mass was celebrated in the Citadel Chapel during part of the reign of James II. by his chaplain, Christopher Turner. 266 HISTORY OF PLYMOUTH. Church and Chapel Accommodation. The census returns of 1851, as arranged by Mr. Horace Mann, present the following statement, of the provision for religious worship in Plymouth at that date : Places Attendants on Worship of Sittings Sunday, March 30th. Worship . Free. Apprtd. Total. Morn. Aft. Evng. Church of England . 10 3891 4824 9615 6086 1642 5074 Independents . . 5 736 2232 2968 1517 62 1440 Particular Baptists . 1 329 707 1036 797 114 569 Friends . . .1 400 400 60 30 Unitarians . . 2 168 506 674 213 209 Wesleyan Methodists . 5 810 1466 2276 1487 '78 1363 Bible Christians . 1 88 540 628 279 203 401 Wesleyan Association 1 136 172 308 77 44 Isolated Congregation s 1 0 2450 3050 5500 2527 853 3342 Catholic Apostolic . 1 250 250 83 50 60 Jews .... 1 150 150 50 24 4 Totals 38 9258 13647 23805 13176 3056 12506 The proportion of sittings to population was thus 45-6, and the additional number required to provide for 58 per cent, of the population was 6483. There were not thirty- eight distinct churches or chapels ; some of the congregations meeting in rooms. In 1871 the Nonconformist published a statement of the number of places of worship in Plymouth, as compared with these returns for 1851. Their accuracy was questioned, and a statement concerning the various Dissenting bodies was then published by Mr. Alfred Eooker, substantially corroborative, so far as these were concerned. The figures given for 1871 are: ' NONCONFOI MIST.' Me. Booker, Places of Increase since 1851. Worship. Sittings. Places. Sittings Places Sittings. Church of England . 12 11000 2 1385 . Presbyterian . 1 1200 1 1200 . '. i 1200 Congregationalist 5 3650 682 . . 6 4040 Baptist 4 3300 3 2264 . . 5 3994 Friends . 1 400 ... . 1 400 Unitarians 1 700 dec. 1 26 '. . 1 400 Wesleyan Methodist . 4 3750 dec. 1 1474 . . 5 4061 Primitive Methodist 1 450 1 450 . . 1 450 United Methodist 1 1000 692 . . 1 900 Bible Christians 1 628 . 1 450 Brethren . 3 760 3 760 '. . 4 800 Boman Catholics 1 700 1 700 . . 3 950 Jews 1 150 ... . 1 200 All others . 3 1900 c ec. 8 dec 1 . 3850 '. 5738 . 4 34 1270 39 29588 19115 BURIAL GROUNDS. 267 Excluding mission stations and rooms casually occupied, but including all independent gatherings statedly held, the present accommodation provided, chiefly in separate buildings, for religious worship in the Parliamentary borough may be approximately stated as follows. Absolute accuracy seems unattainable, and there are some grave difficulties of classification. There are now among the miscellaneous group chapels which were placed in the earlier return under the Baptist or Independent heads ; and this must be borne in mind in attempting any comparison. Places of Worship. Sittings Church of England . . 1 ¦ I 12332 Baptist . 2 1860 Independent . 4 3360 Friends I 400 Unitarian 1 400 "Wesleyan Methodist 4 4750 Bible Christians . 2 1300 United Methodist . 1 900 Primitive Methodist 1 400 Eoman Catholic . 2 1000 Catholic Apostolic 1 250 Presbyterian . 1 1200 Brethren 4 800 Salvation Army . 2 4000 Jews 1 200 Miscellaneous 6 3250 47 36402 It is still more difficult to give an exact estimate of the mission accommodation. The mission -rooms and chapels connected with the Church of England do not, however, seat fewer than 3600 ; and the rooms and buildings statedly used for Nonconformist and unsectarian mission work will accommodate approximately 3000. Burial Grounds. At the time of Mr. Bawlinson's enquiry (1852) some interesting particulars were given with reference to the old burial grounds of the town, the whole of which were then in use. St. Andrew Churchyard, the most ancient, dates from the middle of the thirteenth century, and has been raised by interments above the natural level. The burial ground in Westwell Street (Strayer Park), belonging to the same parish, first used about 1700, also had its surface consider ably elevated. Yet 4,320 interments had taken place in the parish within the seven years previous to the enquiry. The 268 HISTORY OF PLYMOUTH. burial ground of the parish of Charles consists of three sections, the original yard, opened about 1650, the higher ground west enclosed in 1824, and the higher ground east first used in 1832. The number of interments there within the seven years was 1,828. The Nonconformist burial grounds date as follows : Friends, Bilbury Street, 1748 ; Presbyterian, Batter Street, about 1750; Jews, near the Citadel, 1748 ;9 Baptist, George Street, 1787; Methodist, Ebenezer, 1817; Unitarian, Norley Street, 1832; Norley Chapel Vaults, 1839. The Plymouth Brethren had a place of interment in Ebrington Street and vaults under the Ealeigh Street Hall. The total area of the whole was 5a. Or. lip. In 1854 the Church, Wesleyan, and Batter Street yards were closed except for interments in vaults ; and since that date the burials from Plymouth have mostly taken place in the Plymouth, Devonport, and Stonehouse Cemetery, on the north-east of the town. The project of establishing a cemetery was started in 1845, and the Act obtained in the following year. Eighteen acres of land were purchased, with power to acquire four more. Ten only were laid out in the first instance. The first interment in the unconsecrated or general ground took place on the 22nd December, 1848 ; and the first in the consecrated 9th February, 1849. A part of the consecrated ground was set apart for the interment of those who died from cholera in 1849, and received 408. Few of the present generation of Plymouthians are aware of the existence of a disused burial ground in front of the Crescent. In that spot the French prisoners of war who died during their incarceration in the Milibay Prisons adjoining were buried ; and when in 1824 the late Dr. Yonge commenced the never-finished Crescent, the Corporation, with the concurrence of the Navy Board, granted the ground to him, to enclose with iron rails and form into a shrubbery, with walks, in consideration of his giving up a road to the Hoe. Though there has long been no external trace of the purpose to which the ground was once applied, the planting of additional shrubs has frequently afforded evidence of an incontestable character. Some of the interments took place in what is now Athenaeum Street; and have come to bght in works of sewerage. 9 The Jews have now a burial ground adjoining the Cemetery. CHAPTEE XL EDUCATIONS Learning by study must be won, 'Twas ne'er entailed from sire to son. — Gay. The Grammar School. THE Grammar School is the oldest educational institution in Plymouth. It was founded in 1561 by the Corpora tion, as the following extract from the White Book shows :2 xiiij Die July 1561. In the guilhale w* thassent of John Eliott Maior w* the more p*6 of the xij and xxiiijty then assembled it was determyned con cluded and vtterlie agreed vpon that one Thorns Brooke should supplie thoffice and function of a teacher or Scholem* w'in this towne so longe as he therin shall decentlye behave hym selfe and in consideracion of an annual stipend of xu quarterly to be paid by the receavo1 he the said Scholemr shall freelye teache all the children native and inhabitaunt w*in the Towne and that he also for his loginge and refuge shall ha we to his owne vse the chambers over the almeshowsse chapell and the said chapell for his schole- howsse and that he shall teache no other but gramer and writinge. Itm ther it was by thassents aforsaid fullie agreed that all suche psons whose names be herin ingrossed as hawe given anye some or somes of moneye toward and for the stipend aforsayd shall for nonpayment of such somes of moneye an they of ther mere good willes hawe given towards the vse aforsayd be Dystreyned and Distreinable for the same. John Elyot, mayor, 13s. 4d. ; Thomas Clowter, 6s. 8d. ; Lucas Cocke, 5s. ; Eichard Hoop[er], 5s. ; William Weks, 10s. ; John Ilcombe, 10s. ; John Derye, 5s. ; Edward White, 5s. ; Nicholas Bickford 6s. 8d. ; William Lake, 6s. 8d. ; Nicholas Slanninge, 1 The materials for this chapter are almost wholly drawn from the original documents in the local archives. 2 The date of 1501, previously assigned by various writers, arose from the misreading of an imperfect figure by the first enquirer. However, we find ' James the scolemaister ' in 1507, with a kind of quasi public position. 270 HISTORY OF PLYMOUTH. 13s. 4d. ; William Hawkyns, 5s.; John Forde, 6s. 8d.— [The Twelve.] William Symons, 20s. ; Eobert Hampton, 16d.; Edward Cocke, lOd. ; Thomas Byrt, 2s. 8d. ; John Sampson, 6s. 8d. ; John Haw kyns, 8s. ; Thomas Hampton, 5s. ; William Howe, sen., Is, Thomas Browne, 4s. ; John Maynard, 2s. 8d. ; John Martyn, 5s. Gregory Cocke, 2s. 8d. ; John Waddon, 2s. ; Thomas Perkyns, 2s. 8d. ; Walter Pepperell, 2s. 8d. ; Christopher Earle, 13s. 4d. John Vosye, 3s. 4d. ; Henry Brecnall, 2s. ; William Brokinge, 1 6d Eichard Enscott, 4d. ; Mr. Edmund Euston, 10s. — [The Twenty- four.] Bichard Lybbe, 10s. ; George White, 3s. 4d. ; Eobert Holman, Is.; George Bolton, 16d. ; JohnEewbye, 10d,; John Greninge, 5d.; John Lyght, Is. ; John Worgow, 2s. ; John Lewys, 4s. ; William Griffyn, of Compton, 2s. ; Wm. Chiswyll, 4s. ; Wm. Jeifrye, 16d.; Thomas Williams, Is.; Wm. Griffyn, Is.; John Whyte, Is.; Wm. Makye, 8d. ; Wm. Blake, fletcher, 16d.; Wm. Gill, 16d. ; John Peny, lOd. ; Eoger Tremlynson, 8d. ; Alse Lyle, lOd. ; Bobt. Wood, 20d. ; John Bealbery, 2s. ; Thos. Turner, 16d. ; John Sounde, (?) 2s. 8d. ; Nicholas Barford, 2s. ; John Bery, 2s. ; John Tennycombe, 2s.; John Harvye, 16d.; Thos. Hoylle, 3s. 4d. ; Thos. Barrett, 6s. 8d. ; John Eoehe, Is. ; John Hoop, 20d. ; Alse Pera, 3s. 4d. ; Nicholas Browne, 5s. ; Thomas Bickley, 5s. ; William Brown, 10s.; John Gewyns, 3s. 4d. ; John Hayleston, 16d.; Wm. Huchins, 6s. 8d. ; John Estcott, 3s. 4d. ; Walter Batteshill, 3s. 4d. ; Bawdon Hooker, 2s. ; John Burnard, 5s. ; Bichard Pers, 2s. ; Jas. Hampton, 16d. ; Henry Blase, 16d. ; John Foote, Is.; Wm. Batti- shill, 2s. ; Margaret Bunting, 16d. Between this date and 1572 there occur many entries of payments on account of the school house — 36 perches of wall were built in 1561 at lOd. a perch — and for the school master's ' table ' and fees, while ' the little schoolmaster ' and ' two schoolmasters ' are also mentioned. In the latter year (February 20th) the Queen granted letters patent which set forth that the revenues of the Vicarage, burdened with the pension of £8 a year payable to the Crown (in succession to tho Priory), and its arrears of £112 were unable to maintain a Vicar, since no one could be found to undertake the duties for the balance. Wherefore, on the undertaking of the Mayor and Commonalty, that they and their successors for ever would find a fit person to serve the cure, and would support a free grammar school in the town, paying the chief master a stipend of £20 per annum, the Queen granted and assigned to the Mayor and Commonalty and their successors the arrears of the said pension, the pension, and the advowson of the Vicarage. THE GRAMMAR SCHOOL. 271 The salary of £20 was for the time liberal. It attracted hither William Kempe, an M.A. of Cambridge, a poet, and author of a work on education. It was the same amount that the Mayor was allowed for his yearly fee, and it was certainly over a third of the whole vicarial revenues. Thus in 1592-3, when the Vicarage was farmed by Kempe, he "paid £40 ; while George Baron gave £10 for the rent of the vicarage house. Moreover, we have clear evidence of what was considered in those days the due division of the income of the bving, in the fact that in 1600 Upham, the Vicar, had £34 to Kernpe's £20. And Henry Wallis, who succeeded Upham, was bound under penalty to pay the £20 every year. In the time of the Commonwealth the difference between the shares of the Vicar and the schoolmaster had become greater ; but then the Mayor and Commonalty made up the ministerial stipend to what was regarded as an adequate amount, out of the town revenues, and doubled the pay of the schoolmaster. The stipend, in fact, never represented the whole of the outlay on the school, as we see even from such entries as the payment of 14s. 8d., in 1592, to Kempe, towards building his study and trimming his chamber. The Almshouse Chapel and its appurtenances may have continued the school-house and master's residence,3 with sundry alterations (though we find the term 'the school-house in the churchyard,' which seems distinctive), until, in 1657-8, the old school-house in the Orphans Aid was erected at the cost of the Mayor and Commonalty; though subsequently rented from the other Charity, and in some way associated with the almshouse property, which it adjoined, and which received a small annual payment from the Orphans Aid on its behalf. The Corporation at that time undertook what was essen tially the foundation of the Grammar School on an enlarged basis. Not only did they build the new school-house, but they resolved that the salary should be £40, with the Orphans Aid house and garden ; and that forty boys should be taught free, the master being allowed to make his own advantage for the rest. Upon this understanding, July 8th, 1658, articles of agreement were entered into with Nathaniel Conduit, of Ilminster, who became the first master in the new premises. The Grammar School in the last century lost its free character altogether, and became simply a subsidized school -" It and the dwelling attached were leased, in 1710, to "William Strong, at a fine of £70, and on condition that £60 should be laid out in alterations. 272 HISTORY OF PLYMOUTH. of the ordinary classical type ; though under the mastership of Dr. Bidlake, which ended in 1810, it attained a high and well-deserved reputation. On the appointment of Dr. Bid- lake's successor, the salary, then £30, was raised to £50, on condition that two sons of poor freemen of Plymouth should be educated therein free ; and at the present time ten boys are educated on payment of two guineas each per annum. The only other change to notice is the removal from the old premises, which had become very inadequate. A payment was then made in lieu of the school-house to the master; and this continues, the Corporation paying £20 as salary, and £50 for the school-house. The fee farm rent of £8 granted to the town by Elizabeth, and once paid to the Prior, is now paid by the Vicar. There is no complete list of the masters, but the following occur: Thos. Brooke, 1561; Gill, 1570; Wystlek, 1574-5; Wm. Mynterne, 1575-6 ; William Kympe, 1581 ; Moore, 1604-5; John Worth, 1605-30 ;4 A. Horsman, 1630- ; N. Conduit, 1658- ; John Bedford, 1674-1738 ; John Bedford, jun. (agreement 1735 in his father's bfetime), 1738- ; Eev. H. Lemoyne, -1779; Eev. Dr. Bidlake, 1779-1810; Eev. W.Williams, 1811-1826 ; Eev. J. H. Borwell, 1826-1840 ; Eev. Dr. Holmes, 1840-1854; W. G. Clase, 1854-1858; Eev. W. Harpley, 1858-1866; W. Bennett, 1867-1879; John Bennett, 1879-1885 ; J. Kinton Bond, 1885- The Orphans Aid. The founder of the Hospital of Orphans Aid was one William Laurence, a merchant living at ' Foxhole.' By his will, made December 3rd, 1612, he bequeathed to Thomas and Nicholas Sherwill, merchants, £100, to be paid at the return ' of the good shippe called the Jonathan of plymouth whereof I am part owner from her now intented vioage to the Straights in the parts beyond the seas, and of the proceeds and returne of my goods and adventure now in the said shipp the said voyage,' the condition being that within seven years after the testator's death the Sherwills should erect and build a ' convenient Almshouse ' in Plymouth for * poore people . . . to dwell and inhabite therein or for the education and bring ing vp of poore children or orphants of the same borough.' Further he bequeathed to the Mayor and Commonalty ' to 4 "Worth was a clergyman appointed in succession to Moore, also a clergy man, who had obtained other preferment, on the recommendation of Bishop Cotton that he was ' an excellent good scholler, a minister and a verie good preacher, one that hath spent most part of his time in teaching schools, and hath made as many good schollers as any one man in the countrie.' THE ORPHANS AID. 273 the use and for and towards the releife and mayntenaunce of the said poore people and orphants which shall from time to time dwell or be brovght vpp in the saide howse,' or in defaulte of the Sherwills erecting such a house, then to the same purpose in any such house erected by other persons within the said seven years, four pounds annually out of his :%*¦ ~ |f*y,S 338 HISTORY OF PLYMOUTH. was laid in 1824, and it was opened July 14th, 1827, when the Duchess of Clarence (afterwards Queen Adelaide) and suite passed over it. Mr. Eendel, the engineer, projected a suspension bridge over the Tamar at Saltash. Railways. The Dartmoor Eailway, the first of its kind to call for notice here, was a work of considerable importance when it was undertaken. It was introduced to the public in 1818 by Sir Thomas Tyrwhitt, the father of modern reclamation works upon Dartmoor, and the originator of Princetown. The accommodation at Plymouth early in the century for prisoners being inadequate and inconvenient, Sir Thomas suggested that they should be transferred to Dartmoor, and in 1806 laid the first stone of the Prisons. Princetown thus created, it became a question how it was to obtain the necessary supplies, and in 1818 Sir Thomas brought before the Plymouth Chamber of Commerce his project for the establishment of a horse railway between the Prisons and Crabtree. The scheme commended itself, and was started. In 1819 the first authorising Act was passed ; in the follow ing year Parliament approved of a two-mile extension from Crabtree to Sutton Pool; in 1821 a third Act gave powers of variation. The total capital authorised was £39,983, Govern ment being empowered to lend £18,000 for the extension to Plymouth. Twenty-three miles, from the town to King Tor, Walkhampton, were opened in 1823 with a public procession. The total length of the line is twenty-four miles, with a tunnel at Leigham of 630 yards. Mr. Hopkins was the engineer. The undertaking never paid. In the first place it was heavily mortgaged to the contractor, in consequence of the expense of construction far exceeding the estimate. In the next, from the downfall of Napoleon until the formation of the Convict Establishment, there was no one at Princetown to supply. Lastly, the line was laid out in the easiest manner, far behind the present age. The traffic graduaUy decreased until 1880, when the Dartmoor portion was recon structed for locomotive purposes, and the line opened to a junction at Yelverton in August, 1883. Under the old coaching system the main road from Cornwall to London was by Launceston and Exeter. The construction of the South Devon and Cornwall Eailways changed the course of the stream of traffic; and it now flows through Plymouth. Attempts were made to restore the old route by the formation of a Central Cornwall and RAILWAYS. 339 associated lines ; but these failed, until the extension of the narrow-gauge system into North Cornwall was taken in hand by the South Western pioneers. The. South Devon Eailway was authorised in 1844; and laid out by its engineer, Mr. I. K. Brunei, as an atmospheric line. Upon that principle it was opened as far as Newton ; but experience then proving that the atmospheric system, however pretty in theory, failed in practice, the Company had to fall back upon the locomotive, which they had hoped to supersede.4 The effect was that about £400,000 were lost. The railway was opened to Laira in 1848, thus giving direct railway access to London, and in 1849 to the present terminus at Milibay. It was at first proposed that there should be a station for the Three Towns in the Five Fields, then open ground, near the present North Eoad Station; but other counsels prevailed. Had there been any idea that the traffic would have de veloped to its present extent, different arrangements would certainly have been made; as the Milibay accommodation has had to be increased at a heavy expense by the removal of the Eoyal Union Baths,5 of the eastern side of Bath Street, and of other property in that neighbourhood; and still further absorptions have become necessary. The Tavistock branch of the South Devon line, made by an independent Company, was opened in 1859 ; and the extension, also the work of a separate Incorporation, from Tavistock to Launceston in 1865. The Cornwall line, after much delay, very serious financial difficulties having to be overcome, was opened in 1859 ; thus placing Plymouth in direct railway communication with Truro and Penzance, and subsequently with Falmouth. All these lines now form parts of the Great Western system. 4 Under the atmospheric system the carriages were propelled by means of the pressure of the air upon pistons to which they were attached. These pistons worked in huge tubes laid between the rails. The air being exhausted in front by stationary steam-engines, the pressure behind forced the pistons on, and with them the carriages. The practical difficulties which put an end to this system were avoided in pneumatic despatch tubes, by enclosing the despatch carriage wholly in the tube ; and the principle could now be success fully adapted. s The Baths stood on the south of Union Street, where the incline to the railway goods shed now commences. Their foundation-stone was laid by Admiral Sir Byam Martin, M P. for the borough, by command of the Duke of Clarence as patron, in 1828. The water was brought in pipes from near the Rusty Anchor. A few years after the erection of the building a spa was discovered and a pump-room added. The waters were obtained from a depth of 360 feet, and contained in the imperial pint t&o cubic inches of carbonic acid gas; chloride of sodium, 96 '64 grains; muriate of magnesia, 18 '68; muriate of lime, 15 '10; sulphate of soda, 9'55 ; sulphate of lime, 8 '94; carbonate of lime, 2 '06 ; carbonate of iron, 0'69. z 2 340 HISTORY OF PLYMOUTH. After several expensive contests in Parliament between the ' broad ' and ' narrow ' gauge railway interests — the Great Western and London and South Western Companies— the latter seeking access to Plymouth, and the former striving to prevent it, powers were granted to the Devon and Cornwall Eailway Company, the pioneer of the London and South Western, to complete a line from the North Devon extension at Yeoford to Lydford, and thence to run over the broad- gauge to Plymouth, with an extension from a joint station at North Eoad to a terminus at Devonport. These works were carried out, and the line opened to Devonport amidst great rejoicing in May, 1876. The undertaking is now that of the South Western Company ; and an independent con nection from Lydford was opened May 30th, 1890. This new line runs down the valley of the Tavy until it crosses the ridge by Morwell, to follow the left bank of the Tamar to Saltash Passage, and so to Devonport and Plymouth. Both systems therefore have independent access to the Three Towns, though in the course of time the broad-gauge has been practically abandoned by its only advocate — the Great Western Company — in favour of the universal ' narrow.' Coaches. Stage coaches are locally quite out of date, but a few notes concerning them may be acceptable. It was not until 1762 that any regular passenger communication was set up between Plymouth and distant localities. In that year a ' diligence ' was put on to Exeter by John Bignell, of the ' Prince George Inn,' performing the distance in twelve hours. Thirty years later there were two coaches from Plymouth (or rather Dock, that town being the terminus of the up-country traffic) to Exeter daily, fares 14s. 6d. and 7s. 6d. There were two London waggons twice a week each, a Launceston waggon weekly, and a Barnstaple waggon fortnightly. Chartered vessels sailed to London and Bristol ; and hoys to Portsmouth were 'generally to be heard of at the Seven Stars, North Corner. Another thirty years saw six stage coaches running daily up country;6 one daily and one alternate days into Cornwall. The ' fly waggons ' from London used to take four and a half days to reach Exeter. Immediately prior to the construction of the South Devon Eailway there were six coaches running daily eastward — the Nonpariel, Telegraph, 6 A second coach in opposition to the mail coach was boycotted in 1802 by some of the leading merchants. STEAMERS. 341 Defiance, Great Western, Quicksilver, and Bath Mail. The distance between Plymouth and Exeter was often done in 3 hours 28 minutes. The Quicksilver ran the 219 miles between Plymouth and London in 21J hours. The first family coaches in the neighbourhood were those of Sir J. Eogers, and ' Madame Darell ' ; and there was no coachmaker in Plymouth until the reign of George III. Steamers. Steam made its influence felt before the advent of the railways. The Plymouth, Devonport, Portsmouth, and Falmouth Steam Packet Company was formed in 1822, through the exertions of Mr. John Hawker, and in the next year regular steam communication was established with Portsmouth. The Brunswick and Sir Francis Drake — names ever memorable in connection with the early history of steam navigation in the Port of Plymouth — were running to Torquay, Cowes, and Portsmouth ; and to Falmouth, Guernsey and Jersey ; respectively in 1836 : whilst the London and Liverpool Companies plied to London, Liverpool, Falmouth, Cork, Dublin, and Belfast. The South Devon United Shipping Company (established 1828) had seven schooners on the line between London and Plymouth; the Plymouth and London Union Shipping Company eight, engaged in coasting ; whilst there were two Bristol traders. The most important development of local shipping affairs in the past half century, has been the selection of Plymouth as a point of arrival or departure for mail steamers to almost every part of the world, beginning with the calling of the Cape Mail Union line in 1850. Moreover, Plymouth has long been the chief Emigration Depot for Government emigrants. Custom Houses. The official Customs business has been carried oh in the vicinity of Sutton Pool for centuries. The present Custom House on the Parade was built from Mr. Laing's designs in 1820, at a cost of £8,000 ; its predecessor being a seventeenth century building opposite, built at a time when what is now the Parade was a creek. The Corporation paid for work on one still earlier in" 1586. The mediaeval merchants did not always get on well with the authorities, and in 1450 obtained an Act of Parliament to relieve them from the extortionate demands of- the water bailiff. Henry Harfam, 'custemer of Plymuth,' was executed at Tyburn in 1537. 342 HISTORY OF PLYMOUTH. In 1834 Plymouth was made a stannary town, but the privileges were abolished so soon afterwards thatthe appoint ment was never worth much. The first tin coinage was at the Exchange, March 25th, 1835. Old Custom House, Parade. Regulation of Trade by the Ancient Corporation. The ancient Corporation had much to do with the regulation of internal trade. Every freeman, as we have already seen, swore — ' You shall avow noe f orraigner's goods as your own goods, nor buy and bargain with any forraigner or stranger in your own name to ye use, behoof, and profit of another forraigner and stranger, whereby any Custom or duety may be lost or withdrawn from ye Mayor and Commons of this Burrough. You shall take noe apprentice for less than seven yeares, and within that tyme you shall see them taught and instructed of some honest mystery, craft, or occupation. And if you shall hereafter know any forraigners, merchants, or handycrafts men that shall use to buy, or sell, or practice any craft continually within this Burrough, not being free of the same, you shall then give warning thereof unto the Mayor of this Burrough for the time being, or his officers.' No one in fact could carry on business unless he were a REGULATION OF TRADE BY ANCIENT CORPORATION. 343 freeman, and then only under regulation.7 There is yet extant the charter granted to the tailors of the town, ' the Liberty of the Tailors' Craft,' in 1479-80 :— Be hit knowen to all manr of people that we Will™ Eogger mayer of the Burgh of plymouthe, Thomas Tresawell Eecorder of the same Thomas byne Willm Nicoll Willm Thikpeny peryn Erie wth other moo com burges of the same burghe with all the comens of the Same burghe haue geuen and grunten vnto the brethern and Crafte of Tayllors of the same Burghe full auctoritee and power to electe chese and make masters of theyre occupacon and Crafte, and they so made and chosen by theym of the same occupacon and shall haue full auctoritee and power to rule and Correcte all things belonging to the said occupacon and crafte so ffyxte made and stablyshed. They shall make or cause to be made at the cost and charge of the said Crafte a pagent yearly vnto Corpus Xri Ilde for the welthe and proffitt of the said ilde on Corpus Xri day. And the same they shall kepe and maynteyn for eur at their Coste and charge for the which pagent the said bretherdyn may be prayed for euer in the same Ilde. And on that yf there be any man of the same occupacon in the same towne not keping household that then he or they so being in the said towne not keping household shallbe noon of the said occupacon but that he or they shall make fyne with us the said mayer and Comons And also with the said occupacon and Crafte after the order and discression of men of the said Crafte by the oursight of the said mayer. And yf the said wardens and Crafte amytte any man to be oon of the said occupacon and Crafte And he happyn to destroye or marre any manr of garment for lakke of vnderstondyng, and non cunnyng yn that behalfe, that then he or they so hurted or greved shall warne the master or masters of the same occupacon thereof, and then the said masters of the same occupacon shall paye and contente for the garment or garments so distroyed as hit can be thought reasonable for the same hurte,~hauing a recompense of the same pson or psons. Provyded alway by this psents that the said masters and Crafte and eury pson of the same shal be ordered ruled and gourned by the mayer of the said burghe for the tyme being in eury thing according to the lbtye and fourme of the said Towne and burghe as any oder of the inhitaimts there being this grunte not withstonding. The Corporation also considered the due regulation of commerce. Their idea of the common weal was supreme; individual rights counted for bttle or nothing. 7 For example, so late as 1659, Abraham Blocke paid 10s. for liberty to trade ; while Hendricke Blocke and Hendricke Peterson paid £3 each for leave to ' open their shop windows ' for the year. There are other entries of similar licences of the ' unfree.' These men were Flemings. 344 HISTORY OF PLYMOUTH. In 1564 it was ordered that no resident should buy any meal brought to the town, on pain of forfeiture and other punishment. This was to compel the inhabitants to have their corn ground at the Milibay mills, which formed one of the chief sources of the town income, and then yielded £24 a year rent. One wonders whence the windmill on the Hoe got its business. In 1570 it was directed that no one was to grind any corn away from the mills, on pain of forfeiting three times the just toll per bushel ; while the millers who did wrong were likewise to restore threefold. Three years afterwards we light upon a record of the most distinguished miller Plymouth ever had, before the time of Sir Francis Drake — no less a person than Sir John Hawkins, who, with his brother William, rented the town mills ; bought a house at 'Pope's Head' to weigh the corn in before it was carried to the mills; and kept a man with a horse ready, on due warning, to fetch the corn from the houses of the inhabitants. In 1580, too, we find mention of a prototype of the Eoyal Hotel- — the Town Tavern — in respect of which Walter Battishill, Humphrey Fownes, and Christopher Ceely agreed to pay yearly £3 6s. 8d. at the winewits audit. As to general merchandise, in 1575 it was enacted that all goods brought by sea should be put, before purchase, into the common hall, 'the large Seller adjoyninge the Crane Kaye,' under penalty of £5. Three years later, John Sparke provided a sufficient cellar for receiving strangers' goods, being recompensed by a moiety of the moneys the town ought to receive thereon. And in 1575 there was another very sweeping enactment, that no one should buy wine, commodities, or merchandise coming to the town by water, without having made the Mayor privy thereto, in order that, if they so desired, the Mayor and his brethren might buy for the town. If they did make a purchase, then every freeman had to take the share apportioned him. This could hardly have been oper ative, or else it must have fallen into desuetude ; for in 1597 it was further enacted that no merchant or other inhabitant should 'bargain for deal boards, corn, grain, salt, or other victuall, wyne only excepted,' up to £5 value in all cases except deal boards, and then to the value of £10, until the Mayor had been apprised, and had decided whether he would deal for the profit of the town generally. In 1603 fines, &c, were inflicted on the parties offending, because Pascowe Pepperell had forestalled the market by MEDIEVAL FISHERIES. 345 buying coal at 7s. lOd. the quarter and selling it at 8s. 8d., which does not seem a very extravagant profit. In 1605, too, there were sundry fines and imprisonments inflicted for buying rye within the Cawsey contrary to rule. Mediaeval Fisheries. The regulations made during the sixteenth century with regard to fish were numerous and important. In the mayor alty of Nicholas Bickford, 1565-6, it was ordered that no alien should lade or buy fresh pilchards above the number of 1,000 in a day ; no man not being free to buy or sell above 5,000, unless the fish were 'in danger of perishing.' In Drake's mayoralty (1581-2), other orders were made. No one was to promise or sell any pilchards before they had them (' time-bargains ! '). Any persons suspected of selling or promising to deliver pilchards before they were 'saved' (cured), or of having received money beforehand from any non-inhabitant to 'make' (cure) the same, was to be questioned on oath before the Mayor, and if guilty, not allowed to ' make ' any more pilchards that year. No woman, whether wife, widow, or servant, was to set or make a price for or upon any pilchards brought to the town, under penalty of 10s. fine (to be paid by the husband or master, if no widow) and personal punishment — as usual at the Mayor's discretion. In 1584 a more stringent order was passed to the same effect, including hake, but allowing women to make provision for their households. Those who brought hake to the town were to sell to every freeman equally some indifferent portion. Freemen who aided any stranger to break these regulations were subject to severe penalties — losing their liberty, and having to pay heavy fines, from 5s. upwards. In 1590-1 a tax of 8d. per last was laid upon pilchards cured, except for household use, towards the defence of the town. Earlier in the seventeenth century the town petitioned the Privy Council, to prohibit the exportation of pilchards, save in ships of Devon and Cornwall, because ' divers ships and mariners lye idle without employment within our harbour,' while foreign ships were continually employed. Special mention was made of certain Flemish vessels of great burden being so engaged.8 8 Outsiders were not encouraged in these days in any way. For many a year it was the custom in Plymouth to send Irish folk back to the place from whence they came ; and at one time it was compulsory on masters of vessels trading between Plymouth and Ireland to take a certain proportion of Irish immigrants as part of their return cargo. 346 HISTORY OF PLYMOUTH. One of the most amusing entries anent fish concerns the fishwomen. In the mayoralty of Humphry Fownes (1596-7), these traders were considered by the 'twelve and twenty-four' to have unduly multiplied. So their numbers were restricted. The names of the favourite ladies of the Corporation allowed to continue their business were : Cyslie Barons, Johanna Straunge, Katheren Earle, Cyslie Sherwill, Thomasine Prince, Bahatch Dune, Elizabeth Lanne, Alse Bree, Agnes Clifforde, Alse Gilbert, Elizabeth Harte, Nell Seelye, Alse Lawrell, Elizabeth Evens. Three-quarters of a century later (1656-7) it was enacted that women who went about 'trucking' to ships without leave, should be set in the ducking-stool at the Barbican and haled up and down three times. The fisheries of the port were not only its oldest but one of its most important industries. Parliament decreed in 1384 that all fish caught in the waters of Sutton, Plymouth, and Tamar should be exposed for sale in Plymouth and Aish (Saltash) only. During the reigns of Elizabeth and James I. pilchards formed a chief branch of the town exports, the old curing-house being at the entrance of Sutton Pool. The erection of fish-houses at Cawsand and other places in the neighbourhood was regarded by the Plymouthians with extreme jealousy. They frequently complained to the Privy Council of those who carried fish taken there to other towns than Plymouth, Stonehouse, Millbrook, or Saltash ; and in consequence an order was issued in 1606 for the sale of two- thirds of the fish taken at Cawsand in Plymouth. Some years previously, Sir John Gilbert had been directed to look into complaints made that forestallers stored pilchards in cellars built in the cliff at Cawsand. The Newfoundland fishery was carried on with consider able vigour, until abolished by the turn given by war to the avocations of the port, and was also the subject of frequent appeals to the Privy Council. In 1620 protest was made against the French and Spanish trading companies, and 'a plantation in the Newfoundland.' 9 Indeed ' about the end of the seventeenth and the commencement of the eighteenth century, when from various conspiring causes Plymouth seemingly enjoyed a greater share of trade than at any other, the Pollexfens, Bogerses, Trelawnys of Ham, Hewers 9 The late Mr. Jonathan Couch, f.l.s., published extracts from the ledger of Richard Trevill, ' an eminent merchant, in the reign of Queen Elizabeth from whom and the members of his house a street in Plymouth derived its name.' Trevill was a very spirited man. He erected fish cellars at Kingsand and Cawsand, and exported 'fumados,' now called 'fairmaids,' to Bordeaux Rochelle, Spain, and Naples, between 1597 and 1600. PRESENT COMMERCIAL POSITION. 347 of Manadon, Fowneses, and Calmadys, accumulated large fortunes from the fisheries and other sources.1 In 1624 there is an entry of 'the charge disburst for the putting down of the Lyzard light, w°h would have been burdensome to all the cuntrie.' A Corner of Sutton Pool. Present Commercial Position. As a general commercial port Plymouth may be ranked about seventh in importance in England and Wales. The import trade is largely in excess of the export, though the latter has shown a very considerable increase in the past five and twenty years. The Customs returns are compara tively small, because of the abolition of imposts on the articles chiefly imported; but in 1857 £266,677 were paid 1 The fortunes of several county families were laid at Plymouth. The Fowneses bought Plympton Priory lands at the Dissolution, that property subsequently passing to the Luttrells of Dunster. The Yonges of Puslineh, spring from Dr. Yonge, a physician of Plymouth. He obtained the estate by marrying Mary, daughter and heir of William Upton, who died in 1709. The founder of the Symonses of Chaddlewood — now represented by Mr. Soltau-Symons — William Symons, an alderman of Plymouth, bought that property of the heirs of Elford Sparke, the Sparkes being likewise Ply mouthians. The Julians are another old Plymouth family ; in 1744 John Julian bought Kingston. 348 HISTORY OF PLYMOUTH. in Customs duties. The coasting trade is large, and gives Plymouth practically the sixth position in England and Wales, and the tenth in the United Kingdom. As an English fishing port Plymouth stands about tenth. Sutton Pool is still, as it has been for at least ten centuries, the harbour of the fishermen of the port ; and is often crowded with fishing craft in various parts. Markets. The first grant of a market at Plymouth was made about the year 1253, to be held on Thursdays, with a fair of three days at the festival of John the Baptist. Four years after wards Baldwin of the Isle had his grant of a Wednesday market, and a fair of three days at the festival of, the Ascension. Under the monastic rule the Markets belonged to the Priory, but when the town was chartered passed to the Corporation. Prior to that, however, the community had acquired market rights. In 1311 Matthew, Prior of Plympton, let to the burgesses of Sutton eighteen market stalls in a certain place in the said ville adjoining a stone cross, at the rent of one penny per stall per year. Eichard the Tanner acted for the bur gesses. Thence until now market jurisdiction has been exercised in Plymouth by the Municipal authorities. The cross here mentioned was presumably the Market Cross, the granite pillars of which were bought by James Bagg for 40s. in 1610. It had probably been demolished in connection with building the Guildhall. Work was done on the Market House (which had a bell) in 1571-2 ; and in 1590 it was 'planched;' but so far as can be gathered it had been mainly rebuilt, with 'more stone' piUars, in 1564. Shambles were erected in 1606, apparently in connection with the Jacobean Guildhall ; and a little later a ' new corn market house,' eventually made a shop. The Corn Market House is mentioned as early as 1539, and in 1625-6 another new market house was built at a cost of £9 13s. lid. ; but in the next year it was taken down and carried away to be rebuilt 'above higher mill.' In 1646-7 the markets were leased at £10 a year. In 1653-4 £6 14s. 6d. was spent on new building the 'Yarn Market' in Old Town. In 1656 Shambles were built in the middle of Old Town, a long narrow range of buildings 200 feet by 12, with the' Leather Hall above extending about a third of the length, and costing £177 10s. 9d. The Old Green Market was on. the south side of Whimple Street. In 1693 Fish Shambles were TEXTILE AND GENERAL MANUFACTURES. 349 constructed in Whimple Street, afterwards called the Old Fish Cage. The building was thirty feet long by ten feet wide, and was demolished in anticipation of the visit of George III. in 1789 — ' a waggon,' says Harris, ' being hired to drive against it to ensure its demolition.' Thence the Market was removed to the Guildhall, and thence again when Evelegh began to build what is now the Free Library, to the site of the Old Almshouses north of St. Andrew Churchyard. A Fish Market had been made against the Churchyard wall in 1601-2, costing £18 19s. 4d. The utter inadequacy of the provision made by Evelegh, with other pressing reasons, rendered the building of a new Market necessary early in this century. Accordingly the present site was bought — then an open field with a pond wherein a boy had been drowned, known as the Bloody Field ; and the foundation stone laid in 1804. It was opened in 1807, and the tolls were first let by auction in 1809 for £900, while in the next year they made £2,010 (in 1783 the market rent had been £430). A tontine loan for building the Market was raised of £10,000, and the land cost £4,000 more. Plans for rebuilding were invited in 1853, and the first awarded to Mr. C. Eales, of London. Other plans by Mr. C. King and Mr. H. Alty were obtained in 1882, and the work has since then been proceeded with piecemeal, a main feature being the construction of a road way through the Market from Cornwall Street to Old Town Street, at the Ebrington Street junction. The Mayor used to be Clerk of the Market ; and at one time had the revenue of the Shambles to keep up his kitchen. A weekly Yarn Market was held in the seventeenth century in the Churchyard ; and a Cloth Fair in November in Old Town, at which the Somerset and Devon clothiers used to assemble in large numbers. The Fairs, for business purposes, practically came to an end in 1864. Textile and General Manufactures. The cloth manufacture is the earliest that can be traced here. There is no record when it was established; but it was certainly carried on in the reign of Elizabeth. When Drake brought in the water, mills were built in the town ; and two of these were used, if not from the time of their erection yet very soon afterwards, as tucking or fulling mills. These were the mills in what is now called Eussell Street, 350 HISTORY OF PLYMOUTH. then Horsepool Lane. They were known as the Eastern and Western Fulling Mills, and were leased by the Corporation with the right of setting up racks for the cloth in the lane and on the ' Great Hill ' — the ridge overlooking Pennycome quick. The first fuber mentioned is John Chare, who rented the Western Fulling Mill, a moiety of which was leased in 1666-7 to Stephen Forstrete. He was the father of Abraham Chare, or Cheere, the first recorded pastor of the Baptist Church of Plymouth, and Abraham's life was on the mill when the lease was granted to Forstrete. Chare had also something to do with the Eastern Tucking Mill, a moiety of which was leased in the following year to William Bray, of Milton Abbot, fuller. There was a revival of the woollen trade early in the last century by Mr. Shepheard, who came to Plymouth from Northampton. It flourished most under Mr. William Shep heard, his grandson, who paid £1,200 to £1,500 weekly in wages, and gave a tenth of his profits to the poor. At Plymouth there was a large baize manufactory, the tucking mills being at Yealm Bridge. The number of woolcombers was about 60, earning 15s. a week; spinners, 800, 3s. to 5s.; weavers 300, 9s. ; warpers and tuckers, 15s. ; spolers and children, 3s. Many of the children took home work one morning, and returned with it the next, when they received sixpence and more work. Mr. Shepheard was also engaged in fellmongering, and had six coasting vessels. The baizes and cloth manufactured from coarse wool, not dis posed of in Plymouth or the neighbourhood, were sent to North America, in exchange for tar and turpentine (which were taken by the manufactory of tar, oil of tar, pitch, and rosin, at Stonehouse, lately belonging to Luscombe and Co.), masts, &c, &c. On the breaking out of the first American war this extensive concern began to decline ; and though a magnificent procession of the woolcombers at Plymouth took place in 1783 on the return of peace, and the business was continued after Mr. Shepheard's death by his sons- with sufficient success to warrant hopes of its reviving, yet the whole has mouldered away or been dispersed into distant quarters, except one solitary remnant — a small white serge manu factory, carried on by Mr. Codd, in Old Town.2 Of manufactories existing in the port when he wrote (1814-15), Burt enumerates, excluding trades : A salt refinery of such antiquity that it was among those privileged in the time of Queen Anne, when an Act of Parliament was passed prohibiting the erection of new refineries, except in places 2 Bum's Review, p. 176. TEXTILE AND GENERAL MANUFACTURES. 351 containing salt pits or springs, and contributing in 1814 at the rate of £12,000 a year to the revenue ; five tallow factories ; a nail factory (in Colmer's Lane) ; a brown paper mill at Milibay ;3 a writing slate and pencil manufactory at Lee Mill, near Ivybridge, delivering two slates per minute ; two potteries, one manufacturing coarse ware of clay im ported from Bideford, and the other 'cream-coloured, or Queen's ware, painted, printed, and enamelled ware,' of clay from Cornwall, Teignmouth, Poole, and Gravesend ; varnish and pitch manufactories, from which large exportations of tar, turpentine, and varnish, had taken place to Newfoundland ; an ivory black manufactory, established three years previously by Mr. Briggs, who employed many persons, principally women, in collecting bones; two tobacco and tobacco pipe manufactories ;4 distilleries, employing twenty men ; a straw- plait manufactory, established when the French prisoners were at Dartmoor, straw being supplied them, which they returned plaited ; five tanyards — an increase of four in thirty years ; thirteen ship-building yards ; seven rope-walks ; and two canvas manufactories, employing about 200 persons, the first established by a Mr. Jardine, from Scotland, in Westwell Street. The sail-cloth manufactory of Messrs. Hammett and Dove (at one time Shepheard, Hammett, and Co., and again, Hammett, Prance, and Co.) was a very flourishing concern; but the changed conditions of the shipping trade caused this industry to decay, and it has been given up by Mr. Yeo, the last to practise it. The white serge factory ceased its operations long before these canvas works in Mill Lane, the last relic of the textile manufactures of Plymouth. A flock and shoddy mill was subsequently carried on at Brent by Mr. Peter Adams, who had introduced the manufacture of Brussels carpets, unfortunately just about the time that power looms were superseding the old machinery ; so that operations were suspended after a couple of years. Textile industries are now represented in Plymouth by great clothing factories, first introduced by the Messrs. Tippetts. The factory system has also been applied of late in other departments of production, and in the manufacture of furniture. 3 A paper mill was erected there by Thomas Netherton as far back as 1710. * The port received very great importations of tobacco from Virginia in the vessels of Mr. Rogers and Mr. Morshead, to the former of whom a singular but lucky accident occurred. Only two days previously to the legal com mencement of the duty imposed on tobacco, three of his vessels arrived, by which he saved, or rather gained, £5,000 to £6,000. 352 HISTORY OF PLYMOUTH. Chemical Manufactures. The great development in the manufacturing industry of Plymouth within the present century has been in the chemical branches. Hence the large establishments which have converted the district to the east of Sutton Pool into a manufacturing suburb", the tall chimney stacks of which sufficiently indicate the purposes to which it is devoted. This locality indeed has enjoyed some sort of connection with manufactures from the date of their introduction. There was a time when Milibay seemed likely to distance it in the race ; but the progress of building has confined the manufacturing operations of western Plymouth within comparatively narrow limits. The Milibay paper mills and glass-house5 have disappeared; but it retains the extensive soap works established by Mr. Thomas Gill in 1818, now the property of the Milibay Soap, Alkali, and Soda Com pany, and formed into a Company in 1856 ; alongside of which a younger concern of the same kind — the Victoria Soap Company — was established in 1858. The Victoria' Company is also the successor to the West of England Soap Company, which formerly conducted business in the Sutton Eoad. The cement manufacture has been carried on for many years — a manufactory of Eoman cement at Milibay being the first established, by the late Mr. Eattenbury. It is now conducted at Cattedown. Nearly sixty years ago the business of sugar refining was re-introduced by Mr. James Bryant. Having established the first starch manufactory in the town in Mill Lane, not long subsequently he founded in the same locality the refinery, the site of which until then was occupied by vegetable gardens and a tanyard. By Messrs. Bryant and Burnell it was carried on until 1856, when the concern passed into the hands of the British and Irish Sugar Be- finery Company. After they ceased operations it was acquired by Sir Edward Bates, M.P., and eventually closed by him, as it was conducted at a loss. Plymouth for a short time possessed a lucifer match manufactory, the property of Messrs. W. Bryant and E. James, which was burnt in 1829. Mr. W. Bryant was afterwards the founder of the Soap Works, subsequently known as the West of England ; Mr. E. James, of the 5 The workmen of Messrs. Stanford's glass-house walked in the pro cession formed to celebrate the coronation of the Queen, with glass hats and all manner of glass paraphernalia. The premises were sold to the Great Western Dock Company. PLYMOUTH CHINA. 353 Starch Works at Coxside, now owned by his sons (Messrs. W. Collier, and E. Hamilton, James), which have grown to very large dimensions ; and at which black lead, blue, and other articles are manufactured. Part of these premises were occupied by the Poor Clares (see page 265). Mr. W. Bryant likewise established candle works, a branch of manufacture carried on at Coxside by the Patent Candle Company. The manufacture of artificial manure has grown to very large proportions, as the extensive establishments of Messrs. Norrington, and of Messrs. Burnard and Alger, testify. Connected with the manufacture of manure are the produc tion of sulphuric acid and metal reduction. The tar distilling works of Mr. Harvey, at Deadman's Bay, are the only ones of the kind in the West of England. The lead works of Messrs. James and Bosewall were established in 1850, on premises which had been unsuccess fully occupied as a naphtha manufactory for a few years. The firm was originally Sparrow, Hodge, and Co. The business was transferred to new premises in the Octagon in 1868. The Plymouth Paper Staining Company has been one of the most successful concerns ever started in the borough. About twenty-five years since Mr. George Frean founded the biscuit factory, now carried on by Messrs. Serpell and Co., by whom the fancy business has been largely developed. Gas making is hardly looked upon as a manufacture. An Oil Gas company was incorporated under an Act passed in 1823, the first meeting to consider the matter having been called July 24th, 1817. (In 1770 the town was lit by 250 oil lamps.) In 1825 the United General Gas Company was established at Milibay; and in 1832 the Oil Gas merged into it. The Plymouth and Stonehouse Gas Light and Coke Company, by which the towns are at present bt, was incorporated in 1845. The prices in the first instance were charged at Plymouth, as elsewhere, per burner. Now the town enjoys the advantage of having almost the cheapest gas in the kingdom. Plymouth China. Plymouth was the seat of the manufacture of the first true porcelain made in England ; and to the founder of the old Plymouth Pottery is Cornwall indebted for the discovery of her great mineral resources in china clay (kaolin) and china stone (petuntse). William Cookworthy, a member of the Society of Friends, was born at Kingsbridge in the year 1705. Eemoving to Plymouth, he engaged in the drug ' 2a 354 HISTORY OF PLYMOUTH. business in a house in Notte Street. In the year 1745 an American directed his attention to the materials used in the manufacture of porcelain, by showing him some specimens of kaobn from Virginia. This led Cookworthy to make investi gations in the neighbouring county, where he discovered both the kaolin and petuntse on Tregonning Hill, whence some of the china stone had been brought to Plymouth to build casemates in the Citadel. This is believed to have been about the year 1750. It was not until after long experiment that he established his pottery at Plymouth. Here the manufacture was carried on for some years with fair success; but in 1774 Cookworthy — who died in 1780 — transferred his rights to Mr. Champion of Bristol, whither the works had been removed. Eventually the patent passed into the hands of Staffordshire proprietors. Cookworthy is said to have procured a painter and enameller from Sevres for the decoration of his ware; and Bone, the celebrated enamel painter (a native of Probus), learnt his art and was brought up in the manufactory. While the pottery was at work there was such a demand for the china, that it could hardly be made fast enough. Wood was the principal fuel consumed, and from fifty to sixty persons were engaged in the various processes. Plymouth china is much valued among collectors, and fine specimens fetch high prices. The Plymouth mark was commonly the alchemical symbol for tin ; but the following varieties occur, and much of the plain white china was not marked at all. •^2^" ^%\<-