"/give thefe Books for the founding- cf a. College in this Colony"] Bought with the income of the Edward Wells Southworth Fund JMUHl NATURALIZATIONS OF FOREIGN PROTESTANTS IN THE AMERICAN AND WEST INDIAN COLONIES PURSUANT TO STATUTE 13 GEORGE II, c. 7. THE ^ttfcltcattotuf 0f &t)* Sugumot Jborietg of HBftbutt FOUNDED A.D. MDGGGLXXXV. VOLUME XXIV. Printed by SHERRATT & HUGHES, 34 CROSS STREET, MANCHESTER. 1921. The COUNCIL of the HUGUENOT SOCIETY OF LONDON desires it to be understood that it is not answerable for any opinions or observations that may appear in the Society's publications; the Editors of the several Works being alone responsible for the same. z.v 4-54- \ US 7 24 XTbe Ibuguenot Society of Xonbon, (Inaugurated i$ih April, 1885.) OFFICERS AND COUNCIL FOR THE YEAR 1920*21. lpresfbent. WYATT WYATT-PAINE, F.S.A. IDice-flirestoents. The Right Hon. the Earl of Radnor. George Beaumont Beeman. Sir James Digges La Touche, K. C.S.I. Wiluam Minet, F.S.A. Sir William Wyndham Portal, Bart, F.S.A Reginald St. Aubyn Roumieu. Charles Poyntz Stewart, F.S.A. Scot. Council. Richard Arthur Austen-Leigh. Henry Martyn Cadman-Jones. The Rev. William George Cazalet. Robert William Dibdin. Francis be Havilland Hall, M.D., F.R.C.P. E. Sydney Luard. Robert Alfred McCall, K.C. Major Oswald Cecil Magniac. Lt.-Col. Sir Alexander Brooke Pechell,- Bart., R.A.M.C. Samuel Romilly Roget, A.M. Inst. CE-, A.M.I.E.E. Francis Oliver Rybot. Carl Schelling, L.D.S.R.CS. Eng. treasurer. Arthur Herve Browning, 16 Victoria Street, Westminster, S.W. 1 Ibon. Secretary. Colonel Duncan George Pitcher. assistant Secretary. M. S. GiUSEPPi, F.S.A., 94 Vineyard Hill Road, Wimbledon, S.W. 19. trustees. The Treasurer. William Minet, F.S.A., V.P. Reginald St. Aubyn Roumieu, V.P. 1ftaturali3ations of foreign Protestants IN THE Hmerican anb West JnMan Colonies (pursuant to Statute 13 George II, c. 7). EDITED BY M. S. GIUSEPPI, F.S.A., Assistant Secretary of the Huguenot Society of London. Printed by SHERRATT & HUGHES, 34 CROSS STREET, MANCHESTER. 192 1. ./< MANCHESTER Only four hundred and fifty copies privately printed for the Huguenot Society of London by Sherratt & Hughes. No. Jntrobuction. The present volume contains all the returns sent from the Colonies to the Lords Commissioners for Trade and Plantations in pursuance of the Act 13 George II, c. 7 (' An Act for Naturalizing such foreign Protestants and others therein mentioned, as are settled, or shall settle, in any of his Majesty's Colonies in America '), which have been found amongst the records of those Commissioners now classified with the records of the Colonial Office preserved at the Public Record Office. The general principles of the law regulating naturalizations in the English Plantations and Colonies have already been explained by Dr. Shaw in the Introduction he wrote to Letters of Denization and Acts of Naturalization of Aliens in England and Ireland, 1603 — 1700, issued by this Society in 191 1* Therein the provisions of this Act of 13 Geo. II are set out and its special importance in the history of our Colonial Naturalization law is emphasised. Briefly, it may be said that the effect of the Act was the same as that designed by the short-lived Act of 7 Anne, c. 5 for England, namely, to provide a simpler mechanism for naturalizing the great numbers of religious refugees than was already provided by cumbrous and doubtless expensive private Acts of the various Colonial Assemblies, by giving those qualified by a seven years residence in any colony, with a few limitations, the rights of natural-born subjects of Great Britain upon their taking the prescribed oaths before the Chief Judge or other Judge of the colony wherein they had resided. Special provision was made for an Affirmation in place of the oaths to be made by Quakers, and both Quakers and Jews were exempted from the obligation of receiving the Sacrament of the Lord's Supper within three months of their taking the oaths or making affirmation. For every naturalization under this Act a payment of two shillings and no more was to be made. In the present introduction no attempt will be made to set out the history of the various immigrations of religious refugees into the American colonies. The best part of the material for that history necessarily does not exist in this country. All that can be attempted here is to explain the machinery of the Act 13 Geo. II so far as is necessary for an understanding of the returns made under it which are here printed ; to draw such general deductions as are permissible from these returns as to the alien settlements in America ; and to point out any reasons there may be against their acceptance as a complete record of those settlements for the period they cover. Firstly, therefore, very clear and full directions for the registration of every naturalization under the Act both in the Colony and in England were contained in its provisions. The * Huguenot Soc. Publ., XVIII, pp. xxvii — xxxii. x INTRODUCTION Judge before whom the oaths or affirmation were taken was to make a due and proper entry thereof in a book to be kept for the purpose under a penalty of ten pounds for every omission. Similarly every Secretary of a Colony, wherein the naturalization took place, was to enter the same in a special book upon notification from the Judge under the like penalty. Further, he was required under a penalty of ,£50 to transmit to the Office of the Commissioners for Trade and Plantations in London or Westminster at the end of every year, to be computed from 1 June 1740, a true and perfect list of the names of all in his Colony who had entitled themselves to the benefit of the Act in that year. The lists so transmitted were to be regularly entered by the said Commissioners in a book or books to be kept for that purpose in their Office fo public view and inspection. It is, as already stated, the records of the naturalizations under the Act formerly preserved at the Board of Trade which form the matter of the present volume. Two of the entry books prescribed in the last direction are now in existence.* In all probability no more were ever kept, for the second is obviously unfinished. These books were transcribed by the late Mrs. Shaw with the intention, as stated in the Introduction already referred to, of being included in the volume of Denizations and Naturalizations for the period between 1701 and 1800 upon which her husband is at present engaged for the Society. It happened, however, that when the proof sheets of his transcript were ready for correction, Dr. Shaw owing tt> the pressure of other work occasioned by the War, was unable to attend sufficiently at the Public Record Office to examine them with the original entry books. The present editor therefore undertook this task, but on going into the matter with Dr. Shaw found not only that the original returns by the Colonial Secretaries from which the entry books were compiled were in existence but that they extended in the case of some colonies to later years than appear to have been entered in the books. These later lists would have so extended Dr. Shaw's volume that on his suggestion and with the approval of the Council it was decided to print them in a separate volume. For a fuller understanding of the contents of the following pages and the steps here taken to render the record as complete as possible a brief explanation is necessary of the archive system of the Commissioners of Trade and Plantations, who until the year 1782 represented jointly with the Secretary of State the central administrative authority over the Colonies. Their records divide themselves into the three broad classes usual to all administrative bodies, namely (a) original correspondence including all letters, reports, papers, etc., sent in to the Board ; (b) entry books and registers including copies of letters sent out by the Board, minutes of its proceedings, copies or entries of returns such as those in the present volume and registers of papers received and the like ; and (c) miscellanea including papers of personal interest, accounts, drafts, etc. Almost from their first appointment in 1695 the Commissioners were methodical in the filing of the letters and reports they received. These were sorted under the several colonies or provinces, save that in the case of those provinces which had been granted by the Crown to proprietors, e.g. Pennsylvania Maryland, the New Jerseys, the papers were bundled together under the general title : ' Proprieties.' Under each colony the bundles, arranged in chronological order and long since bound up as volumes, were distinguished by *C.O. 324, Nos. 55, 56. INTRODUCTION xi a letter of the alphabet and the papers in them by this letter and a consecutive number. Reference to these papers was made from the registers of them which are still preserved. Shortly afterwards references to the entry books of the out-letters were added in these registers, and finally to the Journals or Minute Books of the Board. By means of the general catalogue of the records now preserved at the Public Record Office and classified as belonging to the Colonial Office* the references in these registers can almost invariably be readily identified. It will be seen that in the lists which have been printed here from the two entry books already described the writer was careful to give the bundle letter and the number of the original which he copied. In all cases those originals have been found and examined with the copy as entered in the books. Variations from the copy in these originals and all particulars in them which were not copied out are shown in parentheses. As these originals are the actual lists sent over by the secretaries in the various colonies they represent a stage in the process nearer to the first entry in the colonial court and are consequently of greater authority than the entry books. As to the lists which were not copied into these books the registers of correspondence have been carefully gone through to the year 1782 when the Board ceased to exist and every reference in them to a list of naturalizations under the Act of George II has been looked up and the list copied and printed, so that, as far as the Board's papers are concerned, it is hoped that the present volume contains a complete record of all naturalizations under the Act. We have next to consider the evidence of the lists as to the alien settlements in the American colonies during the eighteenth century. In the first place, it will be noted that not even in each colony were the returns made out uniformly. The Act required nothirr more than a list of the names to be sent to the Commissioners in London, although entry had to be made in the Court where the naturalization took place and in the Office of the Secretary of the particular colony of the certificate, and the names of the two credible witnesses to it, of the administration of the Sacrament within three months before the taking of the oaths, which was necessary in the case of all persons save Quakers and Jews naturalized in pursuance of the Act. Only in the case of New York did the Colonial Secretary think fit occasionally to include the names of these witnesses in his returns to the Board of Trade (pp. 31 — 33 below). Usually indeed the New York lists far exceed those from the other colonies in the detailed particulars furnished. Not only did the Secretary give the place of residence of the alien but also sometimes his exact religious denomination and his occupation. From no other colony was the latter information supplied. f The colonial residence is given generally, though not invariably, in the Pennsylvania lists. Only in the few returns from Virginia is the valuable information of the alien's country of origin given. In the matter of religious denominations it is generally only possible from these lists to make a distinction between Protestants (other than Quakers and Moravians), Quakers, Moravians and Jews. Quakers under the Act of 1740 were the only persons specifically exempted from taking the oaths, and it was doubtless because it was found that the Act did * P.R.O. Lists and Indexes, No. XXXVI (1911). f For the trades, etc., represented see the Index of Subjects. XH INTRODUCTION not cover the case of the Moravians, who had the like conscientious scruples as to the taking of an oath, that the later Act of 20 George II c. 44 (1747) was passed extending the benefits of the original Act to all foreign Protestants who had such scruples. Moravians first appear in the Pennsylvania lists in 1750, and although subsequently they are classed with the Quakers as affirmers they can as a rule be readily distinguished from them by the fact that they were not similarly exempted from taking the Sacrament, the date of taking which is, with the exception of the period between 1756 and 1760, inserted in the lists from this colony. The numbers of the aliens in the several colonies naturalized under the Act of 1740 and their religious denominations so far as they can be deduced from the lists are set out in the following table : — Jamaica, 1740— 1750. - ro •a 19s. to the Speaker of the Assembly and the Judge and Clerk of the Court. Whether because the privileges thus conferred were considered to be superior to those obtainable under the British Act of 1740 or for some other reason, it is clear that for many years after the passing of the latter, there were aliens in the Colony of New York who thought it preferable to pay the additional fees in order to be naturalized by Act of the Colonial Assembly. In 1761 170 were so naturalized under two several Acts, in 1762 78.* There were 23 in 1763, 15 in 1764, 12 in 1765, 15 in 1766, 39 in 1768, 31 in 1769, 43 in 1770, 51 in 1771, 19 in 1772 and 94 in 1773 all included in Acts of Assembly. f In Pennsylvania on the other hand, where the 1740 Act was made such full use of, we find, as we might expect, but few instances of naturalization by Acts of the Provincial Assembly. Subsequent to 1740 no private Naturalization Act of this Colony exists in the collection at the Public Record Office until 1763 when six persons were naturalized under one Act. t Thenceforward until 1773, a period for which the collection is apparently complete there are five such Acts only, namely one each in 1765 (three persons), § 1766 (four persons),|| 1771 (one),** 1772 (one)ft and 1773 (six).tt All these persons are described as Protestants, and what is of especial value their occupations and places of origin are stated. Nearly all came from German states, thus bearing out the inference to be drawn from our lists, but one, a minister of religion, was a Swede and two were Danes. The Pennsylvania Naturalization Acts are all in the same form and bear such titles as *C.O. 5. 1168 and 1169. +C.0. 5. 1167— 1179 passim. The 31 names in the letter of 1769 (S.s. 79, printed on p. 39) belong to a New York Naturalization Act of that year and have not been included in the totals shown in the above table. X CO. 5. 1249 (36). § CO. 5. 1250 (65). || CO. 5. 1251 (85). ** CO. 5. 1253 (179), tt CO. 5. 1254 (207). XX Ibid. (227). xvi INTRODUCTION ' An Act the better to enable the Persons therein named to hold lands, and to invest them with the privileges of natural-born subjects of this Province.' No exceptions from these privileges are mentioned but the persons named are, after taking the oaths and declarations directed bv Acts of Parliament made for securing the King's person and government and for preventing the dangers which may happen by Popish Recusants, declared to be deemed freely and fully able to trade, etc., freight and transport all goods and merchandize not prohibited by law to be imported or exported, as if they had been natural liege people of the King of Great Britain born in the Province; they were also to be able to hold and enjoy all manner of lands, tenements, hereditaments, and real and personal estate acquired by purchase or gift, to sue in all manner of actions and to enjoy all the rights, liberties, etc., belonging to his Majesty's natural subjects born within the Province. The fact that the Statute of 13 George II did not cover the case of the Moravians was early felt in Pennsylvania and met by an Act of Assembly passed on 3 February 1742-3 'for naturalizing such Foreign Protestants as are settled or shall settle within this Province who, not being of the People called Quakers, do conscientiously refuse the taking of any Oath.'* This declared that all such persons should, on conforming to the Act 13 George II, be deemed to be the King's natural-born subjects of the Province. This anticipated by several years the later Act of the British Parliament of 1747, and it is rather surprising that it was not found to be ultra vires by the home Government. Moravians were not specially distinguished in the Pennsylvania lists until 1750, but it is probable that they were included in the preceding years amongst the Quakers as affirmers. The case of the two provinces of New Jersey, East and West, is in singular contrast to that of Pennsylvania, for we have not a single list of naturalizations under the Act of 1740 effected in their courts, although, as we have seen, residents of New Jersey were naturalized in the Court of Philadelphia. Possibly the Board of Trade's practice of combining the Proprieties, to which both New Jersey and Pennsylvania belonged, in a joint administration was held to render a naturalization effected in any of these provinces equally valid in the others. On the other hand objection may have been taken in New Jersey to the fact that there was nothing in the Act of 13 George II to make anyone naturalized under it ineligible to be of the King's Council or of the General Assembly of the Colony or to hold any post or office of trust within it, for in all the private Naturalization Acts of that Colony, and there are many, there is a clause excluding the grantees from such benefits. This question of the eligibility of persons naturalized under the 1740 Act to become members of a Colonial Assembly crops up in another form in Maryland. Maryland was another of the Proprieties, but in this case, as we have seen, we have actual lists of naturalizations in conformity with the Act down to the year 1753, although subsequently all the naturalizations of residents of the colony by the same means that we know of were effected in Pennsylvania. The fact, however, that it is not possible to identify the Mr. Hagar mentioned in the following letter in any of the lists raises the question whether there may not have continued to be naturalizations in the Maryland Court of which no lists were sent to the Board. t * CO. 5. 1242. t There are a Philip Hager and a John Haagar in 1765, but both were then resident in Pennsylvania. INTRODUCTION xvii That no opposition was generally raised in this colony to the eligibility of naturalized aliens sitting in its Assembly may be concluded from the unqualified benefits conferred on such persons who were naturalized by Act of that Assembly* Nevertheless the Assembly, as will be seen by the letter, which is quoted below, had passed an Act to render any person disabled by the laws of England from sitting in Parliament ineligible for election to the Assembly. As the Act 13 George II had declared that all persons naturalized under it were not to be qualified to sit in the Parliaments of Great Britain or Ireland, this Act of the Maryland Assembly would have similarly debarred those persons from serving in that Assembly. Accordingly, to remedy this defect an Act was passed in the Assembly at Annapolis in 1771 which on reference to the Board of Trade was evidently held by its law officer to be invalid, f The following extract from a letter of the Lieutenant Governor of the Colony dealing with this matter contains several points of interest affecting the character and status of the foreign settlers in America : — Annapolis, 29th January, 1773. My Lord, I am to acknowledge the Honor of your Lordship's Letter of the 4th November 1772 ( No 1} ********* I shou'd be extremely Sorry if the Explanation I am to give your Lordship of the Motive for passing the Act Cap. 1, shou'd not prove satisfactory; for I can venture to assure your Lordship that this Act was not intended to contravene the Statute in any degree, and that the People, in whose Favor it was passed, have the Merit of being must usefull subjects. In Consequence of the Encouragement given by Statute a great Number of German Emigrants have settled in North America, particularly in Pensylvania, and the frontier County of Maryland. They are generally an industrious, laborious People. — Many of them have acquired a considerable share of property. — Their Improvement of a Wilderness into well stock'd Plantations, the Example and beneficial Effects of their extraordinary Industry have raised, in no small Degree, a spirit of Emulation among the other Inhabitants. That they are a most usefull People, and merit the publick Regard is acknowledged by all who are acquainted with them. It happened that one Mr. Hagar, a German who had been Naturalized according to the Statute, was elected one of the Burgesses to serve in Assembly for the frontier County. — When the Assembly met, it became a Question whether he was eligible or not, and it was determined in the Negative by a Majority of one only, as your Lordship will observe on having Recourse to the transmitted Copy of the Votes and Proceedings, p. 9. 10. It was understood that, if the Limitation or Proviso in the 13 of George 2nd Cap. 7. had been omitted, by the general Purview of the Act Mr. Hagar would have been eligible, and that the Limitation or Proviso " that no Person, who shall become a natural born Subject of this Kingdom by Virtue of this Act shall be of the Privy Council or a Member of either * For the general form of the Maryland Naturalization Acts see the ' Act for Naturalization of Thomas Harvey of Calvert County [a Frenchman] and his Children,' CO. 5. 736, p. 42. t For the provisions of this Act see CO. 5. 738, ' An Act for vesting in such foreign Protestants as are now naturalized, or shall be hereafter naturalized in this Province, all the Rights and Privileges of Natural-born Subjects.' xviii INTRODUCTION House of Parliament or capable of taking, having, discharging or enjoying any Office or Place of Trust within the Kingdoms of Great Britain or Ireland, civil or military, or of having, accepting or taking any Grant from the Crown of any Lands, Tenements or Heredita ments within the Kingdoms of Great Britain or Ireland." I say, My Lord, that this Limitation or Proviso alone did not extend to disqualify Mr. Hagar to be a Member of the Maryland Assembly ; but an Act of Assembly having provided that no Person, Disabled by the Laws of England from sitting in Parliament, should be elected to serve in Assembly, the Question arose on the Proviso in the Statute, and the Reference of the Act of Assembly to the Laws of England conjunctly, and though a Majority of the Lower House of Assembly thought Mr. Hagar on the Question to be ineligible, yet the Act Cap. i. unanimously passed for the very purpose that a Person in his Situation might in future be chosen a Member of the Assembly, and your Lordship will perceive on turning to p. 53. 54. that Mr. Hagar was re-elected. Such, My Lord, was my motive for passing the Act Cap. 1. And permit me to assure your Lordship if I had entertained any Suspicion that this Act impugned in any Degree the Statute, I would have dissented to it avowedly on that very ground. In Pensylvania Foreigners naturalized may be chosen Members of the Assembly, and there is Reason to apprehend that if they shou'd not have (since the point has been stirred) the same Privelege in Maryland, it would be a great disadvantage to this Colony, especially as (notwithstanding they maintain their Ministers by Contribution) thev are equally taxed with others to support the established Clergy; a Charge to which thev are not liable in Pensylvania, where there is no such Establishment. The effect of this Act is meerly local, the Design of it was in no Degree to set aside the Limitation contained in the Statute, and the pervisions of it are allmost necessary on account of the Privelege enjoyed by Foreigners naturalized in Pensylvania. On these Considerations I hope for your Lordship's most favourable Construction. * * * * [Signed : ] Robt. Eden. [Endorsed :] Letter from Lt. Govr. Eden to the Earl of Dartmouth, dated Jan'ry 29, 1773 [cVc.j Read Deer. 20, 1773.* The following letter on the subject from the Board's law officer in London, though of later date than the Lieutenant Governor's letter, had doubtless determined the Commissioners' attitude many months before the receipt of the letter : — To the Right Honourable the Lords Commissioners for Trade and Plantations. May it please your Lordships. In humble Obedience to your Lordships' Commands Signified to me by Mr. Pownall, I have perused and considered Twentv Nine Acts passed by the Governor and Assembly of the Province of Maryland in the Year 1771. Intitled ********* And I am humbly of opinion that the said Acts are well founded on the Powers of Legislature granted by the Royal Charter of his Majesty King Charles the first. *C0. 5. 1278 (Z. 51). The long interval of time between the date of the letter and its production before the Board is remarkable. INTRODUCTION xix I have also perused and considered another Act passed in the same Year 1771 Intitled, " An Act for vesting in such foreign Protestants as are now Naturalized or shall be hereafter Naturalized in this Province, all the rights and privileges of Natural Born Subjects." And am humbly of opinion that the same is altogether void, inasmuch as it can have no Effect, unless it be construed to be a Repeal of the Sixth Section of the Statute of the 13th of his late Majesty Cap. 7, by which Construction it becomes repugnant to the Laws of this Realm. 9 Febry., 1773. [Signed-.] R. Jackson. [Endorsed -. ] Rece'd ] * Read Febr'y 11/ I773" Before, however, the Lieutenant Governor's letter had been read to the Board on 20 Dec. 1773 the Statute 13 George III, c. 25 had been passed. This declared that all persons who had been naturalized in conformity with the Act of 13 Geo. II and another of Geo. Ill should be capable of holding any office or place of trust, either civil or military, and taking and holding any grant of lands, etc., from the Crown, though they were still to be debarred from holding such offices and lands within the Kingdoms of Great Britain and Ireland. There is one American Colony which we know from other sources to have been largely populated in the eighteenth century by religious refugees from Europe but of which we have no record in the following returns. This was the new Colony of Georgia founded by royal charter of 9 June 1732. Here the Acts of the Colony are equally silent on the question of naturalization, possibly because under the terms of the charter the question did not arise. A clause in the charter expressly declared that it should be lawful for the Trustees for the establishment of the Colony 'to transport into the said Province of Georgia to be there settled all such and so- many of our loving subjects or any foreigners that are willing to become our subjects and live under our Allegiance in the said Colony, as shall willingly go to inhabit and reside there. A further clause declared that all persons born in Georgia were to enjoy the liberties of free denizens within any of the dominions of the Crown. From the considerations that have been adduced it will be seen that the evidence furnished by the lists that we now print is insufficient to enable us to form any correct or full estimate of the numbers and character of the alien immigrations into the American colonies during the eighteenth century. Yet the lists have a value, apart from that attaching to the genealogical interest in the many names which they contain, in that they constitute the whole source to be found in our own country of our information as to the effect of one particular Act of Parliament for bringing the subjects of those immigrations within the pale of their fellow colonists of British birth. To fellows of the Huguenot Society they have the further interest of showing to some extent how as late as the eighteenth century religious persecution was still tending to drive out of Europe the followers of the Reformation. M. S. GIUSEPPI. 28 Feb., 1 92 1. * CO. 5. 1278 (Z. 40). Naturalizations of Foreign Protestants in the American and West Indian Colonies. (Pursuant to Statute 13 George II.) [Note. — The following lists have been transcribed, so far as they extend, from the two Entry Books formerly belonging to the Board of Trade and Plantations, and known as ' Plantations General, 59 and 60,' but now referred to as CO. 324, 55 and 56 respectively. The lists have been checked in all cases with the original certificates sent to the Board by the Secretaries for the respective Colonies, and important variations and additions in these are shown in parentheses. For the Colonies of Virginia, New York and Pennsylvania (including Maryland and New Jersey) later certificates than were copied into these Entry Books exist, and these have been transcribed from the papers amongst the original correspondence of the Board now classed with the Colonial Office records preserved at the Public Record Office.] CO. 324-55 A list of persons that have intituled themselves to the Benefit of the j\ct (13 Geo. II) for Naturalizing such Foreign Protestants and others therein mentioned as are settled or shall settle in any of His Majesty's Colonies in America. BARBADOS [no entry]. ANTIGUA [no entry]. NEVIS [no entry]. ST. CHRISTOPHER [no entry]. MONTSERRAT [no entry]. JAMAICA. W. 34 (1 June, 1740, to Tuesday, the 25th day of November, 1740. 1 June, 1741). Persons professing the Jewish Religion. Jacob Mendes Gutteres. Benjamin Bravo. Abraham Ribiero. Moses Lopes Heneriques (Henriques). Jacob Pinto Brandon. David Bravo. Isaac Fuertado (Feurtado). Moses Martins. Del. Mz. Da Costa. Isaac Ramalho. Moses Cohen Delara. Aaron Lamera. NATURALIZATIONS JAMAICA. Thursday, the 26th day of February, i74°[_IJ' Persons professing the Jewish Religion. Elias Fernandes Corche. Moses Alvares Corche. Aron Dias Fernandes. Jacob De la Penha. Jacob Gutteres Henriques. Solomon Mendes. Jacob Lyon. David Torres. Henriq' Israel. Isaac Henriques Campos. David Salom. Jacob Da Silva. Abm. Laguna. Jacob Fernandes Mesquitta. Benjn. Rodriques Gabriel. Joseph Abrathar. Daniel Dovalle. Isaac Henriques Sequira. Isl. de la Penha. Moses Rodriques. Isaac Fernandes Prll. Isaac Da Silva Henriques. Rapl. Mendes. Tuesday, the 2nd day of March, i74o[-iJ. Rachaell Cardosa .... a person professing the Christian Religion. W. 44 (1 June, 1740, to 1 June, 1 741. Addi- Tuesday, the 26th day of May, 1741. tional list). Persons professing the Jewish Religion. Abraham Henriques Sequira. Solomon Curiel. Abraham Lopez Henriques. Jacob Lopez De Crasto. W. 53 (1 June, 1741, to Tuesday, the 25th day of August, 1741. 1 June, 1742). Persons professing the Jewish Religion. Isaac Nunez Da Costa. ' Daniel Alves Fernandes. Isaac Lopes Prette. Phinelias Mattos. Isaac Devalle. Jacob Xunez Da Costa. Tuesday, the 24th day of November, 1741. Jacob Brandon. Joseph Soares. Menashe Ribas. Leah Soares. Rebecca Pennea, JAMAICA Wednesday, the 24th day of February, 1741P-2' Moses Alvares. Wednesday, the 26th day of May, 1742. David Mendez. Joshua Gomez Silva. Wednesday, the 26th day of May, 1742. Persons professing the Christian Religion. Joseph Lavou. Lewis Fortune. W. 61 (1 June, 1742, to Persons professing the Jewish Religion. 1 June, 1743). Wednesday, the ist day of September, 1742. Rodriques Moeda. Wednesday, the 1st day of December, 1742. Daniel Da Silva. Daniel Cardozo. Wednesday, the 23rd day of February, 1742 [-3]. Jacob Pereira Mendes. Esther Pereira Mendes. Ester Da Costa Alvaringa. Leah Ramalho. Rachael Alvaringa. Rachael Da Costa Alvaringa. Sarah Sanches. Moses Ladesma. Isaac Gomes Silva. Tuesday, the 31st day of May, 1743. Abraham Nunez Da Costa. Leah Martins. Sarah Cardozo. Leah Cardozo. Rachael Oroibo Furtado. Sarah Nunez. Rachael Henriques. Moses Alvares Correa. Jacob Laguna, Junr. Moses Levy. Isaac Henrioues Cuna. Tuesday, the 31st day of May, 1743. Persons professing the Christian Religion. Francis Linton. W. 76 (1 June, 1743, to Persons professing the Jewish Religion 1 June, 1744). Tuesday, the 30th day of August, 1743. Moses Nunez Da Costa. Isaac Campos Almeyda. Jacob Lopes (Lopez) Henriques. Hanah Lopes (Lopez) Riz, NATURALIZATIONS JAMAICA. Tuesday, the 29th day of November, 1743- Isaac Mendes Cunha. David Fernandes. Joseph Alvares Corcho. Jacob Cordoso. Rachael (Rachel) Cordoso. Joshua Nunez. Abigail Mendes. Tuesday, the 28th day of February, i743[— 4l- Sime Mendes. Rebecca Lag una. Sarah Lopes Henriques. Rachael (Rachel) Lopes Henriques. Henry Levy. Reina Torres. Abraham Dovall Saldana. Friday, the ist day of June, 1744. David Valentia. Abigall Valentia. W. 102 (1 June, 1744, to Tuesday, the 27th day of November, 1744. 1 June, 1745). Persons professing the Jewish Religion. David Da Silva Fles. Thursday, the 6th Day of December, 1744. Persons professing the Christian Religion. Peter Fredrick Calame. Tuesday, the 26th day of February, 1744 [-5]. Persons professing the Jewish Religion. Jacob Nunes Henriques. Abrm. Roiz Cardozo. Abigail Fernandez. Abram De Campos, Senr. W. 123 (1 June, 1745, to Tuesday, the 27th day of August, 1745. 1 June, 1746). Persons professing the Jewish Religion. Moses Nunes Henriques. Esther Lopes Pereira. Judith Orobio Furtado. Rice Vega. Rachel Henriques. Esther Salom. Isaac Rodriques Miranda. Elias Lazares. Esther Pinto Brandon. Rica Campos Almeyda. Thursday, the 5th day of September, 1745. Person professing the Christian Religion, Mathew (Matthew) Croe, JAMAICA November Court. None. Persons professing the Jewish Religion. Thursday, the 27th day of February, 1745 [-6]. Soloman Abrahams. Thursday, the 27th day of May, 1746. Moses Aquilar. Solomon Saldana. W. 140 (1 June, 1746, to Persons professing the Jewish Religion. 1 June, 1747). Tuesday, the 26th day of August, 1746. Abraham Sanches. Moses Roderiques. Benjamin Sanches. Gabriel Mendes. Moses Pera. Da Costa. Rachel Fernandes Pereira. Esther Mendes. Judica Da Silva. Rica Da Silva. Rachel Mendes. Judith Mendes. Esther Mendes. Wednesday, the 26th day of November, 1746. Rachel Lopez Depais. Tuesday, the 24th day of February, 1746P-7" Abraham Surzedas. Rachael Sarzedas. May Court. None. X. 26 (1 June, 1747, to Persons professing the Jewish Religion. 1 Sept., 1748). Tuesday, the 23rd day of February, 1 747^—8") . Rebecca Nunez Vizea. Ester Henriques Furtado. May Court. None. Wednesday, the 31st day of August, 1748. Abraham Pereira Mendes. X. 54 (1 Sept., 1748, to November Court. 1 Aug., 1749). None. NATURALIZATIONS JAMAICA. Persons professing the Jewish Religion. (February Court.) Ben. Dias Fernandes. Samll. Pra. Mendes. Daniel Lopes Barrios. David Nunis (Nunes) Trois. Abraham Caville. May Court. None. X. 62 (1 June, 1749, to August Court. 1 June, 1750.) None. Tuesday, the 28th day of November, 1749. Persons professing the Christian Religion. Peter Rouse. Persons professing the Jewish Religion. Ester Nunes Trois. Judith Henriques Campos. Ester Dias Fernandes. Rachel Henriques Cuntra. Tuesday, the 27th day of February, 1 749^50] . Abraham of Benjamin Persira (Pereira) Mendes Jacob Nunes De Lara. Daniel Abuquerques. Moses Mesquitta, Senr. Joshua Aboab. Tuesday, the 29th day of May, 1750. Alexander Nathane. X. 76 (1 June, 1750, to August Court. 1 June, 1751). Persons professing the Jewish Religion. None. Wednesday, the 28th day of November, 1750. Abigail Lopez. Moses Dias Fernandes. Isaac Henriquez Furtado. Tuesday, the 26th day of February, 1750. Isaac Rodriques Nunes. Jacob Mendes Seixas. Persons professing the Christian Religion. Anthoyne Lacourt. Jaques Beranger. May Court, 1751. None. SOUTH CAROLINA 7 BAHAMAS [no entry]. BERMUDA [no entry]. GEORGIA [no entry]. SOUTH CAROLINA. (South Carolina, Secretary's Office, 13 February, 1741 [-2]. A List of Persons who have taken the benefit of the late Act of Parliament to Naturalize themselves by Certificates from Benjamin Whitaker, Esqr., Chief Justice of the Province, sworn before him in Court of General Sessions of the Peace and Recorded in this Office as followes :) G.67. Daniel Bourzet, Certificate Recorded January 20th, 1741 [-2"|- David Christina, Certificate Recorded January 20th, 1741 [—2"] . Peter Calvet, Certificate Recorded January 22nd, 1741 [— 2J. Francis Dalgas, Certificate Recorded January 20th, i74i[-2]. Peter Delmetre, Certificate Recorded January 26th, 1 741 [-2]. Francis Guishard, Certificate Recorded January 20th, i74i[-2~|. Joseph Tobias, a Jew, Certificate Recorded December nth, 1741 . James Voloux, Certificate Recorded January 20th, 1741 [— 2~| . Matthew Vanall, Certificate Recorded, January 20th, i74i[-2~|. (All which are Recorded in this Office in Book E. E. — J. Hammerton, Secretary.) Persons' Names. Time when Naturalized. I.38. David Christina. October 24th, 1741. Jean Pririe Brez. October 24th, 1741. Gabriel Guignard. October 24th, 1741. John Ernest Poyas. October 24th, 1741. Jean Lewis Poyas. October 24th, 1741. Daniel Bourget. October 24th, 1741. Francis Guicharde. November 12th, 1741. Mathieu Vanall. November 12th, 1741. Francis his X mark Dalgas. November 12th, 1741. Jaques Vouloux. November 12th, 1741. Pr. Colvet. November 12th, 1741. Pierre Delmestre. November 12th, 1741. Frederick Grimkee. February 8th, 1742-3. Peter Bouquet. August 14th, 1744. Francois Varambaugh. August 14th, 1744. Mark Anthony Bessilleu. August 14th, 1744. Daniel Chopard. August 14th, 1744. Daniel Fayssoux. October 18th, 1744. Jean Rodolph Le Grand. October 18th, 1744. John Martini. May 12th, 1748. Ad. Loyer. May 12th, 1748. Frederick Holzendorf. May 12th, 1748. John Paul Grimkee. May 12th, 1748. (Secretary's Office in Charlestown, South Carolina. Certified by William George treeman, Department Secretary.) NATURALIZATIONS NORTH CAROLINA [no entry]. VIRGINIA. Persons Naturalized. V.37. James Marye, a Frenchman. V.43.* Peter Stephan, a German, (a native of Hidelburgh on the River Mayne, in the Empire of Germany, who hath resided for the space of seven years and more in that part of Orange County designed to be called Frederick). V.48.* James Porteus, a Swede (of the County of Orange, a native of the City of Stockholm, in the Kingdom of Sweden). When Naturalized. April 26th, 1743. [This date is not given in the original certificate, dated 1 June, 1743, of Thomas Nelson, junr., Department Secretary.] October 21st, 1743. May 2nd, 1744. VIRGINIA. [The following Certificates for this Colony were not entered into the Entry Book.] (CO. 5, 1326.) V 86. Pursuant to the Directions of the Act of Parliament you receive the inclosed Certificates of Foreigners naturalized in this Colony which are registered in my Office at Williamsburgh. I am [&c] Thos. Nelson, Virginia. [Addressed] Thos. Hill, Esq., Secretary to the Lords Commissioners of Trade and Plantations. [Endorsed] Received July 3 Read do. [Enclosures] (1) Virginia. 1746. Jacob Mansboil Lawrence Grans Thomas Weeland Matthew Gesler Conrad Broil Christopher Uhl Martin Walk \ At a General Court held at the Capitol, October 15, 1745, 'Natives of the Dukedom of Wirtemberg in Germany, who have resided in this Colony upwards of seven years last past and have not been absent out of the same the space of two months at any one time, came into Court between 9 and 12 in the forenoon, produced Certificates of their having received the Sacrament, and took and subscribed the Oaths appointed, [&c] [Signed] Ben. Waller, Cl. Cur. Registered in the Secretary's Office of Virginia by Ben. Waller, Cl. Sec. Off. (2) Virginia. At a General Court held at the Capitol October 28, 1745 : William Rickley, a native of the Canton of Berne, in Swisserland. [Similar Certificate to the foregoing, signed and registered as above.] V. 87. Two further Certificates transmitted with the foregoing letter of Mr. Nelson : — (1) General Court at the Capitol, October 19, 1745 : JoChnA W^hotd10 |Natives of the Electorate of Mentz, in Germany. * (Both certificates signed by Benjamin Waller, Cl. Cur.) VIRGINIA— MARYLAND 9 (2) Virginia. General Court held at the Capitol October 23, 1745 : Jacob Christman, a native of the city of Worms, in Germany. [Both Certificates similar to ihe foregoing and similarly signed and registered.] V. 106. Four Certificates endorsed ' Certificates of Foreign Protestants Naturalized in the Colony of Virginia, between ye 20th of October, 1744, and ye 19th of April, 1746. Registered in the Secretary's Office of Virginia, by Ben. Waller, Cl. Cur. and Secretary. Transmitted by him to the Secretary of this Board. Received Aug. 10th. Read Do. ye 20th, 1747.' (1) General Court, October 20, 1744: ) John Paul Vogt, a native of Frankfort > in Germany. Andrew Vogt, a native of Carlsbad) John Bum Gardner, a native of Risenbach, in Sweden. (2) General Court, April 17, 1745 : Philip Lung, a native of Sarprigkn, in Germany. Nicholas Lung, a native of Wigsden, in Germany. (Both Quakers — affirmed.) (3) General Court, April 19, 1745 : Zachariah Blankenbeeker 1 Natives of Nieuberg, in the Bishoprick of John Thomas J Spire. Henry Ahler, a native of Wirtenberg, in Germany. John Zimmerman, a native of Saltzfeld in Germany. (4) General Court, April 19, 1746 : Peter Fleshman, a native of Germany. [All Certificates similar in form to the previousones and signed and registered by Ben. Waller.] CO. 324-55 (continued). MARYLAND. Between the ist of June 1742 and the ist of June 1743. V. 4. Zachariah Spencer. Titur Loney. Phineas Alferino. John House. Philip Kince. Matthew Reislin. Peter Harout. Conrad Kemp. (Certified under seal of Provincial Court of Maryland by William Ghiselin, Clerk, Secretary's Office and Provincial Court.) Between the 1st of June 1743 and the 1st of June 1744, viz. October Term 1743. V. 1 1 . Jacob Fauzs. Martin Kijsmuller. John Verdriss (Verdress). Valentine Verdris. George Schweinhart. Peter Middlecave. Michael Will. David Young. Mark Pickler. 10 NATURALIZATIONS MARYLAND. Jacob Shrier. Martin Whisther. Martin Shope. Christopher Geston (Getson) Tanner. John Hend. Gesper Mier. Isaac Miller. Conjuist Gash. David Harriott. Mateas Ambrose. George Scheildler. John George Huzel. Andrew Shriver. Lutwick Shriver. Conrad Echard. George Shriver. John Shrier. Nicholas Shrier. Jaed Knave. Adam Stall. Jacob Stern. Jacob Staley. Henry Boughtall. Godfrey Gash. (Certified under Seal of Provincial Court of Maryland by Richard Burdus, Clerk, Secretary's Office and Provincial Court.) April Term, 1746. V. 37. George Gump. (This is repeated in V. 60 which is described as a Duplicate, a note stating that the originals had not been received. Similarly certified by the same.) (Persons Naturalized between 1 June, 1746, and 1 June, 1747.) V. 60. Christian Kemp. Gilbert Kemp. Peter Hoofman. October Term, 1747. Jacob Stull. George French. Jacob Miller. Isaac Simmons. Joseph Vulgemat. Jacob Rorrer. Henry Avey. Andrew Hobre. Felta Gratt. Martin Keisner. Ludowick Miller. Jonathan Is agar. Nicholas Wrightnomer. MARYLAND 11 October Term, 1748. V. 64. Hendrick Siex. Frederick County April Assizes, 1749. Henry Roades. Christopher Stable. Adam Spaught. Lawrence Greeger. Jacob Waller. Leonard Masser. George Smith. Conrad Hollingsmith. Philip Knabelt. John Miller. TlTTRICK MASSONER. John George Smith. Jacob Ambrose. Godfret Mung. George Goats. Peter Apple. George Michael Gesseron. George Clem. Jacob Smith. George Soldener. Henry Smith. Frederick Wilhyde. Nicholas Whelsale. Frederick Unseld. Martin Welseld, Senr. [Senr. omitted in orig. Martin Welseld, Junr. Jacob Vertreese. Jacob Frank. George Cunce Betiny. John Simon Kern. Valentine Uselman. Michael Romar. Frederick Vertreese. John Michael Hafner. Frederick Hafner. Thomas Sligh. Jacob Sligh. Henry Sin. Bartholomew Monts (Moonts). David Delater. Michael Thomas. Henry Tordine. John Young. Martin Adam. Rodolph Keller. John Naph. John Wymer. Barnard Young. Peter Young. 12 NATURALIZATIONS [Note. — The following names are at the end of V. 131, which is a duplicate list ox all Naturalizations in Maryland under the Act of 13 Geo. II from October 1742.* It should be noted there are certain discrepancies, not only in the spelling of the names, but also in the dates of the Naturalizations between this list and those preceding for the same province.] April Term, 1750. Feiters Hartway. Daniel Barnets. September Term, 1750. Peter Myer. September Term, 1 751. Frederick Kemp. John Hoofman. Carl Bernitz. Angel Israello. George Hartman. Michael Meyerer. Connerah Shmith. John Semmer. September Term, 1752. Valentine Mier. Jacob Clont. Hendrick Cuikes. April Term, 1753. Henry Reidenhaur (Reidenaur). Peter Reidenhaur (Reidenaur). Matthias Reidenhaur (Reidenaur). Conrad Hagmayer. Casparus Wintenorth (Wintenoth). „.„¦ ™s fenertl1. list Tas sent by covering letter of Edm. Jenings, dated 5th Sept returned' (V ™3QC,arnaf?e may have happened to some of the lists formerly PENNSYLVANIA 13 PENNSYLVANIA. Persons Naturalized in 1740 and 1741 . (Supreme Court at Philadelphia", held 10 and 11 April, 1741.) Persons' Names. 50. Johan Philip Behm. Henrick Warner. Sebastian Graaff. Johan Dedrick Youngman. George Honig. Feight Georger. John George Merstaller. Johan Dedrick Buchert. George Jacob Spingler. Paul Linsenbekler. Andreas Overbeck. Christopher Smith. Henry Rumfeldt. Johannes Shafer. Theowald Bawm. Henrick Devald. Conrad Niedermardt. Adam Eichely. Francis Roos. Johannes Kastner. Christian Leaman. Johan Adam Schrocher. Charles Hunter. Valentine Berndheisell. Ubrick Stephan. Jacob Frye. Jacob Miller. Hans Michael Crumryne. Johannes Neihawsen. Stephen Brecht. John Jost Heck. Of what County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Lancaster County. Philadelphia County. Bucks County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Bucks. County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Chester County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Lancaster Countv. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Lancaster County- Lancaster County. Time of taking the Sacrament. April nth, 1741. April nth, 1741. February 10th, 1740. April nth, 1741. April 10th. April 7th. April 2nd. April nth. February 4th, 1740. April 7th, 1 741. April 5th, 1741. April 5th, 1 741. April 2nd. April 7th. February 4th, 1740. April 1 ith, 1 741. March 29th. April 1 ith. April 5th April nth. April 5th. April 2nd. February 5th, 1740. j^pril 1 ith, 1 741. April 5th. April 7th, 1 741. March 31st. April 9th. April nth. April nth. April nth. 14 NATURALIZATIONS PENNSYLVANIA. (Philadelphia, May 7th, 1741 : The foregoing is a true and perfect List taken from the Original Certificate under the Hands of Thomas Graeme and Thomas Griffiths, Esqs., remaining in my Office. Pat. Baird, Secretary. Supreme Court at Philadelphia, 25, 26 and 27 Sept., 1740.) Persons' Names. Peter Kock. John Mason. Gustavus Hesselius. Frederick Smith. Andrew Reinberg. Jacob Hoffman. John George Myer. Jacob Byar. Michael Fersler. Jacob Server. Joannes Barthol. Reiger, Lutheran Minister. John William Straube. Jacob Arent. Andreas Bernhard. Jacob Arwogaust. Oswald Walt. Leonard Melihar. Adam Kittler. George Bergstraser. George Henry Hartsle. John Frey. George Beck. Christopher Ankenbrand. John Rodey. Blessius Byar. John Wendell Brechbill. Bartholomeus Hornbergher. Peter Rule. Peter Gruber. George Hartsell. Dedrick Rudey. Philip Henrick Seller. Joseph Penkick. George Reiger. Caspar Simon. Uriah Humble, Junr. Andrew Trumbole. John George Kepler. Hans Bernard Kepler. Michael Sebastian. Hieronimus Hans. Henrick Hans. George Roup. Mathias Otto. Valentine Geygar. Peter Roup, Of what County. Philadelphia City. Philadelphia City. Philadelphia City. Philadelphia City. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Bucks. County. Bucks. County. Bucks. County. Lancaster County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Bucks. County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Bucks. County. Bucks. County. Bucks. County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Bucks. County. Philadelphia City. Philadelphia City. Bucks. County. Bucks. County. Bucks. County. Bucks. County. Bucks. County. Bucks. County. Philadelphia County Philadelphia County Philadelphia County Bucks. County. Philadelphia Countv Philadelphia County Philadelphia County Philadelphia County Philadelphia County Philadelphia County Bucks. County. Philadelphia County Philadelphia County Bucks. County. Time of taking the Sacrament. August 10th, 1740. September 23rd. September 23rd. September 23rd. September 23rd. September 22nd, 1740. September 22nd, 1740. June 29th. September 21st. September 22nd. September 19th. September 21st. September 22nd. June 29th. June 29th. June 29th. September 22nd. August 3rd. September 22nd, 1740. September 22nd, 1740. September 22 nd, 1740. September 25th. September 25th. September 22nd. September 22nd. September 7th. September nth. September 22nd. September nth. September 22nd. September 22nd. September 22nd. September 25th. July 15th. July 29th. September 25th. June 29th. September ist. July 29th. September ist. September 25th. September ist. July 22nd. September 1st. September 25th. July 22nd. PENNSYLVANIA 15 PENNSYLVANIA. Persons Naturalized in 1740. Persons' Names. John Lerick. Elias Hasell. Jacob Keefer. Mathias Pender. John Frederick Richard. Balthazar Sailor. Jacob Walter. Martin Humble. Peter Ritter. Bartholomew Maul. John Vogler. Matheus Nees. John Philip Streiter, Lutheran Minister. Henrick Ritter. Henry Schleydorn. Mathias Schutz. Mathias Schutz, Junr. John Leonard Stone. Adam Reder. Valentine Keeler. Leonard Knopp. Henrick Peters. Nicholas Coob, Junr. Henry Mathison. John Michael Dill. George Allbright. Feelix Fesler. Jacob Uttrey. Of what County. Bucks. County. Bucks. County. Bucks. County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Bucks. County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Bucks. County. Bucks. County. Philadelphia City. Philadelphia City. Philadelphia City. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Bucks. County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia City. Philadelphia City. Philadelphia City. Philadelphia City. Philadelphia City. Time of taking the Sacrament July 22nd, 1740. July 22nd, 1740. July 22nd, 1740. September 25th. September 25th. September ist. September 7th. September 25th. September ist. September 23rd. September 23rd. September 21st. September 21st. September nth. August 3rd. July 30th. August 3rd. July 6th. September 22nd. September 22nd. September 22nd. September 22nd. September 25th. July 27th. July 26th. August 3rd, 1740. September 23rd. September 7th. Quakers. At a Court held the 25th, 26th and 27th of September, 1740. Persons' Names. T. 50. John Cressman. Henry Ott. John George Vanlaor. Benjamin Rossenbergh. Isaac Miller. Christian Snider. Lodowick Harnong. John Vanfossen. John Shelliberger. Christopher Trewbey. Mathias Nice. Christian Stowfer. Henry Stettler. Dewald Nice. Philip Redival. John Hunter, Of what County. Philadelphia County. Bucks. County. Chester County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia Countv. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia Countv. Bucks. County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Bucks. County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. 16 N ATURALIZ ATION PENNSYLVANIA. Persons' Names. Michael Ryer. Gerrart Shrager. Gossen Shrager, Junr. Andrew Fisher. Michael Writter. Isaac Grall. George Wood. Johannes Snider. Nicholas Wallber. Bartholomew Writter. Daniel Warley. Anthony Hunter. Jacob Peters. Peter Peters. Valentine Keeler. Henry Grothouse. John Philip Shellig. Jacob Huber. Henrick Hermell. Jacob Collman. Abraham Sailer. Anthony Gilbert. Jacob Naglee. Abraham Kintzing. George Haws. George Shorn. Daniel Berndaller. Herman Gotshall. Blasius Daniel Mackinet. Caspar Ott. Alexander Dibbin Durfer. John Groothouse. Jacob Souter. Martin Wightman. George Bensell. Charles Bensell. Nicholas Rabine. Philip Sharp. Valentine Shadaire. Adam Leberger. John Gull. Caspar Feight. Paul Wykerline. John Omstadt. Peter Snider. Garret Rattenhawsen. John Bartholomew. John Wood. Mark Minser. John George Hoffman. Bernard Woolfinger, Baltes Rezer, Ol what County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia Countv. Philadelph PhiladelphPhiladelph:Philadelphia County. r xiiiciucxtjixi. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Bucks. County. Philadelphia County Philadelph Philadelph... Philadelphia County Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Lancaster County. Philadelphia County. Lancaster County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia City. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Bucks. County. Bucks. County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Lancaster County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Bucks. County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. PENNSYLVANIA 17 Persons' Names. George Crossman. John George Little John. Henry Bard. Caspar Wistar. Joseph Smith. John Heiser. John Rush. Thomas Myer. John Wistar. Arent H assert. David Deshler. Of what County. Philadelphia County. Bucks. County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia City. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia City. Philadelphia City. Philadelphia City. Philadelphia City. (Philadelphia, May 7th, 1740: The foregoing is a true List taken from the Original Certificate under the Hand of Jeremiah Langborne, Esq., in my Office by Pat. Baird, Secretary.) ([Covering letter with T. 63] Sir, — I was honoured with your Letter of the nth of August last, acknowledging the receit of mine of May 7th preceding, with the Lists of Foreigners naturalized here; and am glad that the manner in which those Lists were transmitted proved satisfactory to their Lordships. I now have the Honour to transmit herewith lists of such taken the Benefit of the Naturalization Act in this Province past ; and am [&c] Philada, April 24th, 1742. Thomas Hill, Esq. Foreigners as have within this year last Patrick Baird. Supreme Court held Persons Persons' Names. T. 63. John Caspar Stoever. Conrad Sharff. Nathaniel Lytner. Michael Rhyne. Elias Lang. Martin Reyer. Bartle Cooker. Peter Balsbach. Johannes Gorner. Lawrence Lawfer. Philip Reid. George Wellker. Hans Adam Mayrer. Benedict Straum. Johannes Dunckell. Ulrick Sherer. Hans George Kapple. Michael Reeder. Henrick Hoover. Henrick Gollman. Johannes Tricktenhengst. Peter Beysell. at Philadelphia, 24 Sept., Naturalized in 1741. Of what County. Lancaster County. Lancaster County. Lancaster County. Lancaster County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Lancaster County. Lancaster County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. 1741.) Time of taking the Sacrament. September 20th, 1741. September 13th, 1741. September 20th, 1741. September 20th, 1741. August 30th, 1 741. August 30th, 1 741. August 30th, 1 741. September 22nd, 1741. September 13th, 1741. August 30th, 1 74 1. August 30th, 1 74 1. August 30th, 1 74 1. August 23rd, 1 741. August 30th, 1 74 1. September 16th, 1741. September 15th, 1741. September 24th, 1741. August 30th, 1 741. September 21st, 1741. August 30th, 1 741. September 16th, 1741. August 23rd, 1 741. 18 NATURALIZATIONS PENNSYLVANIA. Persons' Names. Jacob Frederick Reiger. George Zimmerman. Henrick Klein. John Bishop. Philip Emmert. George Paltsgraaff. Jacob Kraus. Of what County. Lancaster County. Philadelphia County. Lancaster County. Lancaster County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Persons Naturalized in 1742. (Supreme Court held 10 April, 1742.) Persons' Names. Of what County. Christian Markling. Philadelphia County. Bucks. County. Nicholas Kern. Peter Trachsell. Peter Trachsell, Junr. Abraham Wotring. Bucks. County. Bucks. County. Bucks. County. Time of taking the Sacrament. Sep. 30th (13th), 1741. August 30th, 1 741. August 13th, 1741. September 24th, 1741. August 16th, 1741. August 16th, 1741. September 16th, 1741. Time of taking the Sacrament. March 23rd, 1741. March 9th, 1741. March 9th, 1741. March 9th, 1741. February 20th, 1741. [Secretary's Certificate in similar form to foregoing dated Philadelphia, April 24, 1742.] Persons Naturalized in 1742 and 1743. (Supreme Court at Philadelphia, 24 Sept., 1742.) Persons' Names. Of what County. Time of taking the Sacrament. V. 5. Peter Ulrick. Philadelphia County. September 19th, 1742. Frederick Antes. Philadelphia County. September 12th, 1742. Johan Peter Wallber. Bucks. County. September 5th, 1742. (Supreme Court at Philadelphia, 11, 12 and 13 April, 1743.) Hans Adam Ox. Leonard Ox. Johan Michael Weichell. John Brown. Michael Knoll. Michael Kalb. Simon Belzener. George Hilig. Johan Martin Derr. Jacob Keitz Miller. Leonard Buck. Wendel Swegger. Michael Ranck. Michael Brubagh. John Dewed Darfer. John Smose. Jacob Keller. Adam Miller. George Sailer. Nicholas Steyler. Peter Walber. Hans George Overbeck. Adam Stump, Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia Countv. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Lancaster County. Philadelphia County. Lancaster County. Lancaster County. Lancaster County. Lancaster County. Lancaster County. Lancaster County. Lancaster County. Philadelphia County. Bucks. County. Bucks. County. Philadelphia County. Lancaster County. January 25th, 1742. April 3rd, 1743. April 3rd, 1743. April 3rd, 1743. April 10th, 1743. April 10th, 1743. April 10th, 1743. February 12th, 1742. April 3rd, 1743. April 3rd, 1743. April 3rd, 1743. April 3rd, 1743. April 3rd, 1743. April 3rd, 1743. April 3rd, 1743. April 3rd, 1743. April 3rd, 1743. April 3rd, 1743. April 5th, 1743. April 5th, 1743. April 4th, 1743. April 3rd, 1743. April 3rd, 1743, PENNSYLVANIA Persons' Names. Henrick Moyer. Leonard Crow. Jacob Kough. John Deany. George Moyer. Andreas Maas. Philip Stior. David Beehler. Leonard Miller. Jacob Wise. Jacob Wise, Junr. John Berger. Sebastian Reyer. Michael Heintz. Michael Heintz, Junr. Anthony Heintz. Peter Cunradt. Jacob Mawrer. Frederick Maurer. Conrad Templeman. Matthias Ringer. George Stultz. Johan Peter Koogher. Bernhart Renn. Peter Heybey. Henry Christ. Lawrence Bast. Ulrick Burkhalter. Conrad Border. John Nicholas Mertz. Michael Hoffman. Henry Circle. Michael Kraps. Henry Kraps. Simon Kraps. Johannes Miekendurffer. Jacob Fellman. John Geo. Evensidell. Of what County. Lancaster County. Lancaster County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Bucks. County. Lancaster County. Lancaster County. Lancaster County. Lancaster County. Lancaster County. Lancaster County. Lancaster County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Bucks. County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Lancaster County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Lancaster County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Bucks. County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Bucks. County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Bucks County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. 19 Time of taking the Sacrament. April 3rd, 1743. April 5th, 1743. February 3rd, 1742. April 9th, 1743. April 4th, 1743. April 9th, 1743. April 3rd, 1743. April 3rd, 1743. April 3rd, 1743. April 3rd, 1743. April 3rd, 1743. April 3rd, 1743. April 3rd, 1743. April 4th, 1743. April 4th, 1743. April 4th, 1743. January 25th, 1742. April 3rd, 1743. April 3rd, 1743. April 4th, 1743. ' April 9th, 1743. April 4th, 1743. April 3rd, 1743. April 10th, 1743. April 3rd, 1743. April 3rd, 1743. April 3rd, 1743. April 4th, 1743. April 5th, 1743. April 5th, 1743. April 5th, 1743. April 4th, 1743. April 10th, 1743. April 10th, 1743. April 10th, 1743. April 3rd, 1743. April 3rd, 1743. April 4th, 1743. Quakers. V.5- Persons' Names. OHN CiMMERMAN Or CARPENTER. ohn Boucher. _ohn William Crox. 'iENRY OTTMAN. Ienry Wet Stone. Nicholas Harmany. Conrad Fisher. Joseph Albright. Abraham Ashman. George Kelckner. Of what County, Lancaster County. Lancaster County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Bucks. County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. 20 NATURALIZATIONS PENNSYLVANIA. Persons' Names. Henrick Reezer. William Reezer. Ulrick Reezer. Johannes Ryme (Kyme). Johan Geo. Stoneman. John Stineman. Federick Fandy. Valentine Greasmore. Jacob Shaid. John Lesher. Mathias Beck. William Speck. Michael Kelcknor. Ingle Peter. Abraham Peter. Gabriel Bouyer. Peter Rodermill. Christian Stump. Michael Nett. Michael Nett, Junr. Elias Wagoner. Gabriel Iseberger. Florian Boobinger. George Adam Widener. David Wiser. Sebastian Cimmerman. Daniel Leivan. John Perdo. Philip Faust. Sebastian Wagonar. Dedrick Bidleman. Jacob Karst. Sebastian Derr. Philip Schmyer. Philip Beyer. John Lyne. Reinard Vogdes. Christopher Weifer. William Greanmore. George Casper Sleher. Abraham Bartolet. John Bartlet, Junr. Jacob Vetter. Christian Brower. Peter Brecker. Adam Widenar. John Widtner. John Geo. Widtner. Michael Spoone. Martin Kindig. John Kindig. William Pott. Of what County. Lancaster County. Lancaster County. Bucks. County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Germantown. Philadelphia County. Bucks. County. Philadelphia Countv. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia Count}. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia Count)'. Philadelphia County. Lancaster County. Lancaster County. Lancaster County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Chester County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia City. Bucks. County. Bucks. County. Philadelphia County. Lancaster County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Chester County. Lancaster County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Lancaster County. Lancaster County. Lancaster County. PENNSYLVANIA 21 Persons' Names. Abraham Shelly. Lawrence Slaymaker. Jacob Graff. Christian Kintzing. Johannes Baldt (Babelt). Jacob Baldt. Rudolph Marolff. Charles Kres. Sebastian Miller. Christian Tappan. Emanuel Sassamanhaws. Johannes Leddraugh. George Beighley. Jacob Tatwaiter (TATWfAiLER). Andreas Leddraugh. Peter Dunckleberry. John Lingenfelter. Jacob Wise. Jacob Kalckloeser. f manuel Kalckloeser. Abraham Bryder. Jacob Wislar. Jacob Mast. John Accre. John Adams. Christian Allebaugh. collee hefflef1nger. Caspar Bowman. Daniel Stouffer. Valentine Kratz. Peter Beidler. Jacob Buckw'alter. Ulrick Beidler. Isaac Meyer. Johannes Brower. Ulrick Scherer. Jacob Clemens. Hans Meyer. Andreas Swartz. Lawrence Cornelius. Henry Hefflefinger. Nicholas Uplinger. Nicholas Hadleman(Haldeman). Nicholas Hadleman(Haldeman), Junr. Christian Beidler. Abraham Flury. John Beyle. Jacob Bussart. Peter Ash. Henry Rudht. Johannes Brand. Jacob Lantes. Jacob (Johannes) Bekner. Of what County. Bucks. County. Lancaster County. Lancaster County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Lancaster County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Bucks. County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Lancaster County. Philadelphia County. Germantown, Philadelphia County. Germantown, Philadelphia County. Bucks. County. Philadelphia County. Lancaster County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Chester County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Chester County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Chester County. Chester County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. 22 NATURALIZATIONS PENNSYLVANIA. Persons' Names. Johannes Swing. Jacob Krop. Jacob Graffe. Hans Wyerman. Hans Wyerman, Junr. Jacob Wyerman. Jacob Greder. Christian Haldeman. Henry Rosvberger. Jacob Oberholser. Jacob Oberholser, Junr. Jacob Winer. Jacob Engars. Johannes Engars. Jost Engar. Jacob Landes, Junr. Michael Driftain (Dirstein). Conrad Stemm. Abraham Myer (Meyer). Julius Kassle. Johannes Kassle. Hans Ulrick Burgher. Jacob Shoemaker. Jacob Hogman. Samuel Mosleman. Jacob Hefflefinger. Philip Hough. Jacob Bach. Jacob Landes. Jacob Sable Kool. Jacob Overholster. Henry Overholster. John Bower. Samuel Bower. Henry Dentlinger. Julius Julius. Christian Meyer. John Henry Schynder. Abraham Meyer. Peter Shelbert. Johannes Stump. Christian Meyer, Junr. Hans Reiff. Jacob Sessenning. Francis Ladshower. Peter Mell. Johannes Steiner. John Clemens. Federick Allderfer. Hans Ulrick Stober. Martin Greter. John Kiem. Of what County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Chester County. Chester County. Chester County. Philadelphia County. Bucks. County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Chester County. Philadelphia County. Bucks. County. Philadelphia County Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Lancaster County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Lancaster County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Chester County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. PENNSYLVANIA 23 Of what County. Nicholas Englehart. Henry Wenger. George Reezer. Christian Crall. Jacob Huntsberger. Frederick Styner. Andreas Hoffman. Anthony Noble. Peter Swartz. Johannes Mak. Andreas Buzzard. Christian Brandiman. Johannes Seigler. Peter Bingamon. Christopher Rheinwald. Valentine Baker. Michael Krider. George Dresher. Christopher Dresher. George Kribell. George Heidrick. Abraham Hedrick (Heidrick). Hans Hubner. Christopher Moll. Leonard Hendricks. Paul Hendricks. Wendell Wiand. Caspar Kribell. David Seibt. Johannes Heanes. Jost Shingler. Christopher Weigner. Christian Lehman. John Lehman. Christopher Yeakell. Abraham Yakell. Balthazar Heidrick. John Hubener, Junr. Abraham Yakell. Christopher Yakell. John Yakell. Balthazar Yakell. David Messhter. George Schultz. Balthazar Kaus. William Smith. Martin Hildebidle. John Geo. Wambeldt. Andrew Hawk. Jacob Levan. cunrad henninger. George Scholtz, Junr. Melchior Scholtz. Christopher Scholtz. Persons' Names. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Chester County. Bucks. County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Chester County. Philadelphia City (paintor [sic]). Philadelphia County. Germantown, Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Lancaster County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Germantown, Philadelphia County. Germantown, Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Bucks. County. Bucks. County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Bucks. County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Bucks. County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. 24 NATURALIZATIONS PENNSYLVANIA. Persons' Names. John Mock. Melchior Weigner (Wiegner). Abraham Beyer, Junr. Hans Weigner. Christopher Noyman. William Caricis. Nicholas Moritz. Herman Junghen. Henry Luken Beell. Henry Grubb. Conrad Grubb. Michael Kuntz. John Hallman. Frederick (Federick) Baker. Johannes Shinholser. Jacob Shwartz. Christopher Bastian. lodewick englehart. Dewald Kemp. Johannes Quartstilwag. Peter Federoff (Federolff). Paul Branner. Of what County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Chester County. Bucks. County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Bucks. County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. (A true copy from the Records of the Supream Court of Pennsylvania : Certified by John Ross, Proton' Let this be delivered to the Secretary of the Province of Pennsylvania that an Entry thereof may by him be made, pursuant to the Tenor of the Act of Parliament in such case lately made and provided. John Kinsey.) (Supreme Court at Philadelphia, 24, 26 and 27 Sept., 1743.) Persons' Names. V. 28. John Conrad Radd John Jacob Rathe. Michael Bettley. Mathias Higner. Michael Haninger Johannes Schreyck. Melcher Ingel. Jacob Myer. Adam Hill. Gotliff Hill. Henry Acker. Michael Moll. Bernard Hubbley. Jacob Smith. Burch ard Hoffman. Getty Grimm. Christopher Exline. Melchior Susholt. Christopher Stadler. Philip Jacob Ackre. Of what County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Lancaster County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Lancaster County. Lancaster County. Bucks. County. Philadelphia County. Lancaster County. Bucks. County. Philadelphia County. Lancaster County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Bucks. County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Bucks. County. Bucks. County. Time of taking .the Sacrament, September nth, 1743. September nth, 1743. September 18th, 1743. September 18th, 1743. September 18th, 1743. July 3rd, 1743. August 2 ist, 1743. September 18th, 1743. August 2 ist, 1743. September 21st, 1743. September 16th, 1743. September 18th, 1743. September 18th, 1743. September 18th, 1743. September nth, 1743. September 19th, 1743. May 25th, 1743. September nth, 1743. September 16th, 1743. September 19th, 1743. PENNSYLVANIA 25 V. 28. V. 28. Persons' Names. George Staningar. Henry Ricke. John Lichtenwallner. Jacob Sneffle. Casper Shaffner. Peter Knopple. Hans Jacob Kuntz. John Hanniberger. Persons' Names. Henry Kendrick. Jacob Boyer. Rudolph Stoner. Andrew Musseman. Jacob Harnest. John Byer. Samuel Byer. Abraham Smith. Ulrick Hoover. Jacob Besler. Jacob Hoover. John Kingry. Rudolph Behme. Jacob Rhora. John Rhora. Andrew Ackre. Philip Gavy. Peter Leman. John Meem. George Spingler. Henry Lebart. Martin Schultz. Christian Hoover. Hans Mussle. Of what County. Bucks. County. Bucks. County. Bucks. County. Lancaster Countv. Lancaster County. Lancaster County. Lancaster County. Lancaster Countv Quakers. Of what County. Lancaster Countv. Lancaster County. Lancaster Count}". Lancaster County. Lancaster County. Lancaster County. Lancaster County. Lancaster County. Lancaster County. Philadelphia County. Lancaster County. Lancaster County. Lancaster County. > Lancaster County. Lancaster County. Bucks. County. Bucks. County. Lancaster County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County, Lancaster County. Lancaster County. Lancaster County. Lancaster County. Time of taking the Sacrament. September 19th, 1743. September 19th, 1743. September 19th, 1743. September 18th, 1743. Taken in the presence of John Hanneberger and Jacob Koontzasby their Depositions appear. Taken as the above two. Taken by them as by the Depositions of Peter Knopple and Casper Shaffner appear. (Said Supreme Court, Persons' Names. Philip Swickack. George Thomas Sowder. John Wolfersparger. George Waterman. John Sheffer. Philip Schatz. Henry Saunder. Wyrick Pence. Jacob Hough. George Hough. Samuel Hough. 10, 11 and 12 April, Of what County. Lancaster County. Lancaster County. Lancaster County. Lancaster County. Lancaster County. Lancaster County. Lancaster County. Lancaster County. Lancaster County. Lancaster County. Lancaster County. 1 744-) Time of taking the Sacrament. March 23rd, 1743-4. April 8th, 1744. April ist. 1744, February 26th, 1743. March 25th, 1744. February 26th, 1743. April 6th, 1744. April 6th, 1744. March 26th, 1744. March 26th, 1744. March 26th, 1 744. 26 NATURALIZATIONS PENNSYLVANIA. Persons' Names. Rudolph Draugh. George Swope. Christian Croll. Ludovick Willanger. George Croaner. John Richard. Adam Simon Kichn. Baltzer Steever. Christian Stambaugh. Leonard Harman. Cronomus Hickman. Valentine Unruw. John Ryall. Jacob Wilhelm. Elias Myer. Mathias Bettley. George Vaffenberger. Peter Bernhard. Nicholas Carver. John Cambree. Peter Gardner. George Ammond. Of what County. Lancaster County. Lancaster County. Lancaster County. Philadelphia County. Bucks. County. Philadelphia County. Lancaster County. Bucks. County. Bucks. County. Philadelphia County. Lancaster County. Lancaster County. Lancaster County. Lancaster County. Lancaster County. Lancaster County. Lancaster County. Philadelphia County. Chester County. Philadelphia County. Lancaster County. Lancaster County. Time of taking the Sacrament. March 25th, 1744. April ist, 1744. March 18th, 1743-4- March 25th, 1744. March 25th, 1744. March 25th, 1744. April 8th, 1744. March 25th, 1744. March 25th, 1744. April ist, 1744. April 8th, 1744. April 2nd, 1744. April 2nd, 1744. April 2nd, 1744. March 25th, 1744. March 25th, 1744. March 25th, 1744. April ist, 1744. April 5th, 1744. April ist, 1744. April nth, 1744. April nth, 1744. Quakers. Persons' Names. V. 28. Peter Bunn. John Frederick. John Miller. Ulrick Lype. Henry Aberlee. Hans Shownower. John Hartman. Peter Good. John Faltz. Conrad Weiser. Oswald Hastadder. John Hastadder. Joseph Crell. Of what County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Lancaster County. Lancaster County. Lancaster County. Lancaster County. Philadelphia County. Lancaster County. Lancaster County. Lancaster County. Lancaster County. Lancaster Countv. Philadelphia City. Persons' Names. V. 28. John George Graff. John David Sickle. Godfrey Brown. John Philip De Bertholt. Andrew Wolf. Henry Miller. John Michael Heyter. (Said Supreme Court, 24 and 25 Sept., 1744. Of what County. Lancaster County. Philadelphia County. Lancaster County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Time of taking the Sacrament. September 5th, 1744. September 24th ,1744. August 22nd, 1744. September 24th, 1744. September 16th, 1744. September 24th, 1744. September 24th, 1 744. PENNSYLVANIA 27 Quakers. Persons' Names. V. 28. Christian Rodarmarle. Daniel Lodowick. Paul Rodarmarle. Jacob Hofman. Peter Loback. Leonard Hulster. Valentine Freeman. Andrew Strickler. Andrew Elliott. John Johnston. Hans Garber. Michael Garber. Michael Brechth. Of what County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Lancaster County. Lancaster County. Lancaster County. Lancaster County. Lancaster County. Lancaster Count}-. Lancaster Count}'. Lancaster Countv. (Said Supreme Court, 10 and 11 April, 1745.) V.28. V.28. Persons' Names. Jacob Heagy. Balthazar Sees. David Kerger. Mathias Venrick. Persons' Names. William Mye. Ulrick Stoupher. Rudolph Salver. Mathias Windle. Benjamin Boucher. Casper Creesermer. George Riter. Nicholas Eyes. Of what County. Lancaster County. Lancaster County. Philadelphia County. Lancaster County. Time of taking the Sacrament. April 8th, 1745. January ist, 1744. April 10th, 1745. December 25th, 1744. Quakers. Of what County. Philadelphia County. Lancaster County. Bucks. County. Philadelphia County. Lancaster County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. (Quakers — continued. Said Supreme Court, 24 Sept., 1745.) Abraham Hartrampff. George Wigner. Abraham Wigner. Melchior Mayster. George Hoffman. Christopher Kribel. George Reinwalt. Christopher Seibr [sic], Christopher Hibner. David Hibner. Michael Schairer. Jonens Joner. Christian Gemelin. Philip Shaffer. Michael Brooks. David Shewbert [sic]. Jacob Beidleman. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Lancaster County. Lancaster County. Philadelphia County. Lancaster County. Lancaster County. Philadelphia County. Bucks. County. 28 NAT U RALIZATIONS PENNSYLVANIA. [Note.- V.47- (Said Supreme Court, -This is marked 'Duplicate," with note V.28.] Of what County. Abraham Hartramff. George Wigner. Abraham Wigner. Melchior Mayster. George Hoffman. Christopher Kribel. George Reinwalt. Christopher Seibt [sic]. Christopher Hibner. David Hibner. Michael Schairer. Jonens Joner. Christian Gemelin. Philip Shaffer. Michael Brooks. David Shubert [sic]. Jacob Beidleman. V.47. V. 47. V.48. 24 Sept., 1745.) ' Original not Received,' but see above, Persons' Names. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Lancaster County. Lancaster County. Philadelphia County. Lancaster County. Lancaster County. Philadelphia County. Bucks County. (Said Supreme Court, 10 and 11 April, 1746.) Of what County. Lancaster County. Lancaster County. Philadelphia City. Philadelphia City. Philadelphia City. Bucks. County. Bucks. County. Bucks. County. Persons' Names. Valentine Urich. Martin K alder. John Lodwick Seipel. Jacob Maag. Jacob Weine. Michael Lutz. George Ruch. Michael Ruch. Revd. Mr. John Justice Jacob Bergestock. Time of taking the Sacrament. February 2nd, 1745. February 2nd, 1745. April 4th, 1746. April 4th, 1 746. April 4th, 1746. February 2nd, 1745. February 2nd, 1745. February 2nd, 1745. Persons' Names. Jacob Reiser. John Keider. John Schlichter. Abraham Rife. Jacob Ruck. (Said Persons' Names Johannes Rudolph. George Horne. Leonard Nutz. Simon Shirman. Johannes Mayer. Johannes Haberling. Bucks. County. Quakers. February 2nd, 1745. Of what County. Lancaster County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia Countv. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Supreme Court, 24 Sept., 1746.) Of what County. Philadelphia Countv. Philadelphia County. Lancaster County. Lancaster County. Lancaster Countv. Lancaster County. Time of taking the Sacrament. July 27th, 1746. September 14th, 1746. September 21st, 1746. September 21st, 1746. August 31st, 1746. September 14th, 1746. PENNSYLVANIA 29 V.48. V 48. Persons' Names. Michael Mesinger. Jacob Meily. Peter Folk. John Snievly. Henry Heilman. Valentine Hey ser. Quakers. Of what County. Philadelphia County. Lancaster County. Lancaster County. Lancaster County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. (Said Supreme Court, 10, 11, 13 and 14 April, 1747.) Persons' Names. Johan Daniel Bouton. Elias Stricker. John Stricker. Michael Rois (Reis). Johannes Wolfert. Christian Myer. George Brosius. Jacob Hoffman. Adam Morgan. George Kern. Revd. Mr. Tobias Wagenar. George Kocher. John Christopher Cun. Leonard Reiber. Philip Mann. John Philip Dold. Jacob Muller. godfried harlacher. George Dannehauer. Adam Hinton. Paul Geisel. Michael Ege. . Christopher Loist. Person's Name. Moses Heyman, a Jew. *^"~ — p — j^ — , Of what County. Philadelphia City. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia City. Lancaster County. Lancaster County. Lancaster County. Lancaster County. Lancaster County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia Count}-. Time of taking the Sacrament. February ist, 1746. February ist, 1746. February ist, 1746. March 8th, 1746. March 8th, 1746. March 8th, 1746. March 8th, 1746. March 8th, 1746. April 5th, 1747. March 30th, 1747. March 25th, 1747. January 18th, 1746. March 28th, 1747. March 28th, 1747. March 28th, 1747. April 5th, 1747. April 5th, 1747. April 5th, 1747. April 5th, 1747. April 5th, 1747. April 1 2th, 1747. April 12th, 1747. March 25th, 1747. Of what County. Philadelphia County. Quakers. Persons' Names. V. 48. Ludwig Plum. Peter Brett (Prett). Nicholas Cron. Daniel Womelsdorff. Elias Budleman (Beidleman). Christopher Croffern. John Drout. Valentine Lier. Herick Rotter. Johannes Egenter (Eigenter). Dominicus Gassner. Conrad Weignar. Nicholas Kroft. John Housom. [Note. — The returns V. 47 and V. 48 are duplicated in V later ones (see below).] [The Certificates for Pennsylvania are continued below on p. 41.] Of what County. Philadelphia County. Lancaster County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Bucks. County. Lancaster County. Philadelphia County. Lancaster County. Bucks. County. Bucks. County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Lancaster County. 57, which, however, contains 30 NATURALISATIONS NEW YORK. Persons Naturalized between the ist of June, 1740, and the ist of June, 1741. Protestants. Gg.68. Philip Miller. Johannes Miller. Johannes Christ. Frederick Sensiback. John Christ Sensiback. Hieronimus Velden. Zacharia Becker. Martinus Snider. coenradt rlghtmeyre. Martinus Marckell. Stephen De Lancey. James Faviere. Marie Bringier. Jean Emau. John Rog. John Auboyneau. Jews. David Gomez. Mordecai Gomez. Daniel Gomez. Jacob Terro, Junr. Samuel Levy. Samuel Myers Cohen. Abraham Myers Cohen. Abraham Isaacs. Isaac Levy. Solomon Myers. Joseph Simson. Solomon Bares. David Huy. Abrm. Rodrigues de Riveres. Danll. Rodrigues Vinera. Moses Lopez. Judah Hayes. Levy Samuel. Solomon Hart, Junr. (Certified by Geo. Jos. Moore, Deputy Secy.) Names of the Persons Naturalized. Their Religious Profession. The Month and Year. Gg.81. Moses Gombauld. Daniel Bontecou. James Buvelot. Johannes Kurts. Samuel Gillot. Jonas Spach. George Jacob Sornberger. Johannes Weber. Christopher Sneider. Adam Betser. Isaac Nunes Henriques. Abraham De Leas. Charlotte Bouyer Favieres. William Lawrence. Dutch Reformed. French Church. French Church. French Church. Lutheran. French Reformed. French Reformed. Lutheran.Lutheran. Lutheran. Lutheran. Jew. Jew. French Church July 28th, 1741. July 31st, 1741. July 31st, 1741. October 20th, 1741 October 21st, 1741 October 21st, 1741 October 23rd, 1741 October 23rd, 1741 October 23rd, 1741 October 23rd, 1741 October 23rd, 1741 October 23rd, 1741 April 27th, 1742. October 25th, 1742 (Certified by the same.) G. 97. (The 3rd, 4th and 5//1 columns are taken from the original certificate and have not been copied in the Entry Book.) Names of Persons Naturalized. Religion. Moses Levy. Jew. Johannes Huntziger. Lutheran. John Jacob Oel. Lutheran. Lawrentz Diel. Lutheran. Johan Peter Lutheran. Gernreick. Their Temporal Profession and Place of Abode, City of New York, Merchant. Dutches County, Blacksmith. County of Albany, Clerk. Dutches County, Yeoman. Same County, Yeoman. Ministers Certifying Receiving the Sacrament. Michael Christian Knell. Henry Barclay. Michael Christian Knell. Michael Christian Knell. The Names of the Witnesses to the Certificate. The Day and Year. April 19th, 1743. April 25th, 1743. (Certified by the same.) Gg. 118. (The 3rd column is given only in the original certificate.) fohn Phafen. Laurens Van Boskerch. facob Glen. Jacob H. Tenlyck. E. Christian Hover. Henderick Beringer. Johan Valentine Scheffer. October 24th, 1743. Andries Wiederwax. July 28th, 1743. October 19th, 1743. Names of Persons Naturalized. George Peterson. Jonas Moleck. Henrick Hater [sic], Casparus Schultz. Johannes Peter Klyn. Johannes Staats. Hendrick Dieter. Christophell Fritz. Andrew Weys. Their Religious Profession, Lutheran. Lutheran. Dutch Reformed. Lutheran. Lutheran. Lutheran. Lutheran. Lutheran. Lutheran. Their Temporal Profession and Place of Abode. The Month and Year- April 17th, 1744. April 23rd, 1744. August 7th, 1744. Of the City of New York, Sugar Boiler. Of same place, Baker. Of same place, Carman. Of Dutches County, Farmer. October 17th, 1744. Of same County, Farmer. October 17th, 1744. Of same County, Farmer. October 17th, 1744. Of same County, Farmer. October 17th, 1744. Of same County, Farmer. October 17th, 1744. Of same County, Carpenter. October iS'th, 1744. 2ffl O Certified by the same. 32 NATURALIZATIONS Gg. 161. Names of the Persons Naturalized, George Peterson. Jonas Moleck. Henrick Heder [sic]. Casparus Schultz. Johannes Peter Klyn. Johannes Staats. Hendrick Dieter. Christopher Fritz. Andrew Weys. William Van Dalsem. NEW YORK. Their Religious Profession. The Month and Year. Lutheran.Lutheran. Dutch Reformed. Lutheran.Lutheran. Lutheran. Lutheran. Lutheran. Lutheran. Lutheran. April 17th, 1744. April 23rd, 1744. August 7th, 1744. October 17th, 1744. October 17th, 1744. October 17th, 1744. October 17th, 1744. October 17th, 1744. October 18th, 1744. August ist, 1745. (Certified by Jno. Catherwood, Secretary.) [This with the variation noted and the addition of Van Dalsem, whose temporal profession is not here given, is a duplicate of Gg. 118. Weys, however, is bracketed with the preceding persons from Schultz downwards as ' Farmers,' and the original Certificate has the follow ing two additional columns immediately preceding the final one : — Minister Certifying Receiving tlie Sacrament. (Peterson) (Moleck) (Heder) (Schultz) (Klyn) (Staats)(Dieter) (Fritz) (Weys)(Dalsem). JMich Christ" Knoll. G. D. Bois. ,G. M. Weiss. Mic" Christ" Knoll. fohs Ritzema. The Names of the Witnesses to the Certificate. Charles Beekmann, Johan David Wolf. Hans Pfeffer, Henrick Behr. Abraham Lott, Johannes Lott. Johannis Snue, Teunis Snyder. Johannes Snue, Frederick Beringer. The same. The same. Johannis Snue, Teunis Snyder. Johannis Snyder, Christian Haver. Elbert Haring, Ahasuerus Turck.] Gg-2i3- Names of the Persons Naturalized. William Van Dalsen. John Michel Will. John George Debele. Isaac Seixas. Andreas Reber. Casparus Hertz. Erich Christian Hoyer. Emus Helms. Jacob Rodriques Revera. Hans Jacob Huber. Christopher Meyer. (The 3rd column is given only in the original certificated) Their Religious Profession. Their Temporal Profession and Place of Abode, Lutheran. Lutheran. Lutheran. Jew. Lutheran.Lutheran.Lutheran.Church of England. Jew. Dutch Reformed. Lutheran. Of the City of New York, School Master. Of the same City, Cordwainer. Of the same City, Gardiner. Of the same City, Merchant. Of the same City, Shop Keeper. Of the same City, Cartman. Of the same City, School Master. Of the same City, Marriner. Of the same City, Merchant. Of the same City, Yeoman. Of the same City, Cartman. (Certified by Geo. Banyar, D. The Month and Year. August i st, 1745. October 31st, 1745. October 31st, 1745. November 4th, 1745. November 5th, 1745. April 17th, 1746. July 29th, 1746. August 4th, 1746. January 21st, 1746. April 23rd, 1747. July 30th, 1747. Secy.) 2 O Hh. 22. (The 3rd, 4th and $th columns of this and the following are given only in the original certificates.) Their Names of Persons Naturalized. Religious Their Temporal Profession and Ministers Certifying Receiv- The Names of the Witnesses to the Certificates. Profession. Place of Abode. ing the Sacrament. The Month and Year. [ohan Teunis Sinseback. Dutch Ref. Daniel Schneider. Dutch Ref. Johannes Kool. Dutch Ref. Geo G. Wilhs Mancius. Do. D. Bois. Andries Michell. Daniel Smith. Isaac Hays. Dutch Ref. Dutch Ref. Jew. Christopher Godlieb Lutheran. CREUT7 Moses Benjamin Franks Jew. Anthony Steenbagh. Dutch Ref. John Andrew Hering. Lutheran. Hh. 70. John Lewis. Ch.ofEng. John Henry GoETSCHius.Dutch Ref. John Mauritzius Dutch Ref. Goetschius David Pypper. Lutheran. Gottfried Giselbreecht Lutheran. Mathew Bowman. Lutheran. Of Ulster County, Yeoman. Of the same County, Yeoman. Of the City of New York, Cordwainer. Ofthe same City, Labourer j T Ritzema. Of the same City, Tallow Chandler. Of the same City, Baker. MicW Christ11 Knoll. Of the same City. Of the same City, Baker. Of the same City, Weaver. Daniel Schneider, Johannes Schneider. Oct. Johan Teunis Sinseback, Johannes Schneider. Oct. William Crelus, Christian Stouber. Johannes Myer, Daniel Smith. Johannes Ooueback, Andries Michell. Oct.Apr.Apr. Apr. 20th, 1747. 20th, 1747. 23rd, 1747, 2 ist, 1748. 2 ISt, 1748. 26th, 1748. Henricus Schriffer, Casparus Hertz. Aug. ist, 1748. G. D.Bois. M. C. Knoll. Of the City of New York, Henry Barclay. Marriner. Of Hackinsack in New Jersey, U. Van Sinderen. Minister of the Gospel. Ofthe same place, Chirurgeon. Jn° Henricus Goetschius. OftheCityof New York, Taylor M. Christian Knoll. Of Dutches County, Physician. M. Christian Knoll. Of the City of New York, M. Christian Knoll. Yeoman Oct. 18th, 1748. Henry Heder, William Laurens. Oct. 19th, 1748. Charles Beekman, Junr., John Michael Wille.Oct. 25th, 1748. (Certified by Geo. Banyar, D. Secy.) CoenradtTen Eyck, AbrahmTen Eyck. Jan. 18th, 1748. Abrah™ Lott, Barent Vandewater. Jan. 19th, 1748. Abrahm Lott, Barent Vandewater. Jan. 19th, 1748. Johan George Windlinger, Valente Lambert.Apr. 18th, 1749. Casper Hertz, Henricus Schleffer. Apr. 24th, 1749. Leendert Riegeler, John Michael Will. July 28th, 1749. (Certified by Geo. Banyar, D. Secy.) NEW YORK. Hh. 142. (The 3rd column in this and the following is given only in the original certificates.) Jacob Tenni. Daniel Speder. Henderick Sneyder. Jacob Melsiger (Metsiger). Johannes Zuerigher. Bernard Kynlander. John Shoals. Mattys Knecht. Philip Schaff. Jacob Grim. Johan Adam (Mildenbergen). Johan Peter Sax. Elizabeth Axson. Henderick Witeman. Nicholas Melsbach. Hans Ulrich Binder. Christian Rokkenfelder. Phillipus Sensebach. William Cyffer. Johannes Schurri. William Smith. John Ute. Jacob Steinbrinner. Johann Henrich Bush. Ii.52. Henry van den Ham. Christopher Jacobi. John Fred Oosterman. James Heroy. Charles Heroy. Josiah Crane. Jacob Boshart. William Brown. Johann Jacob Werth. Johan Willem Ditz. Johannes Jacob Graaf. Hans George Ranck. Lawrence Alsdorf. Hans George Niets. New York City. New York City. New York City. New York City. New York City. Westchester County. New York City. New York City. New York City. New York City. New York City. Albany County. New York City. New York City. Ulster County. Ulster County. Ulster County. Ulster County. Dutches County. Dutches County. Dutches County. New York City. New York City. Ullster County. Church of England. Lutheran. Lutheran. Church of England. Church of England. Church of England. Dutch Reformed. Dutch Reformed. Dutch Reformed. Dutch Reformed. Dutch Reformed. Dutch Reformed. Dutch Reformed. Dutch Reformed. Cartman.Cartman. Cartman. Yeoman.Yeoman. Tanner. Marriner. Mason. Brass Founder. Feltmaker. Husbandman. Farmer.Widow. Brass Button Maker. Farmer.Husbandman. Blacksmith. Farmer. Farmer. Blacksmith.Blacksmith. Butcher. Blacksmith.Blacksmith. October 17th, 1749. October 18th, 1749. April 17th, 1750. April 17th, 1750. April 17th, 1750. April 2 ist, 1750. April, July 31st, [sic : April not in orig]. August ist, 1750. August ist, 1750. August ist, 1750. August 2nd, 1750. August 2nd, 1750. October 18th, 1750. October 18th, 1750. October 18th, 1750. October 18th, 1750. October 18th, 1750. October 18th, 1750. October 18th, 1750. October 18th, 1750. October 18th, 1750. October 18th, 1750. October 18th, 1750. October 22nd, 1750. (Certified by Geo. Banyar, D. Secy.) Of the City of New York, Vintner. Of Germantown in the Prov. of Pennsyl vania, Stocking Weaver. Of the City of New York, Labourer. Of the said City, Cartman. Of Westchester County, Weaver. Of the City of New York, Merchant. Of the said Citv, Stone Cutter. Of Schoharyin in Co. of Albany, Wheelwright . Do. Doctor of Physick. Do. Shoemaker. Of King's County, Farmer. Of Ulster County, Shoemaker. Of Ulster County, Farmer. Of Ulster County, Farmer. January 15th, 1750. Jan. 15th, 1 705 [sic.]. (1750 in original.) April 1 6th, 1751. January 21st, 1752. January 21st, 1752. April 2 ist, 1752. April 21st, 1752. July 29th, 1752. July 29th, 1752. July 29th, 1752. July 29th, 1752. July 29th, 1752. July 29th, 1752. July 29th, 1752. 3 > d> N> 31/1 (Certified by Geo. Banyar, D. Secy.) NEW YORK 35 [The following Certificates for this Province were not entered into the Entry Book.] CO. 5 1070. O.0.62. List of Persons Naturalized pursuant to Stat. 13 Geo. II, from 17 Jan., 1753, to 20 Oct., 1758. Names of the Persons Naturalized. Their Religious Profession, Tunis Risler. Jacob Funck. Johannes Michael Sax. Peter Melsback. Benjamin Minema. Gerardus Haaghort. Jeremiah Beaudovin. John Veldtman. Lodowick Roos. William Rhinelander. Moses Clement. Balthazar Winthrop. Mathias Smith. Casper Casper. Christopher Smith. Elias Fritz. Jacob Fry. John Hendrick Brown. Isaac Adolphus. godfried streit. Dutch reformed. Lutheran. Lutheran.Dutch reformed. Dutch reformed. Dutch reformed. French Protestant. Church of England. Church of England. Church of England. Lutheran. Lutheran.Church of England. Dutch reformed. Jew. Lutheran. Their Temporal Profession and Place of Abode. City of New York, Baker. City of New York, Baker. City of New York, Baker. Ulster County, Farmer. Dutchess County, Clerk. Essex County, in the Province of New Jersey, Clerk . City of New York, Staymaker. Richmond County, Farmer. City of New York, Yeoman. City of New York, Cabinet Maker. City of New York, Mariner. Month. Year. 17 Jan. 1753. 17 Oct. 1753. 17 Oct. 1753. 17 Oct. 1753. 24 Oct. 1753. 24 Oct. 1753. 17 Jan. 1754. 31 July 1754- 31 July 1754 31 July 1754. 16 April 1755 City of New York, Yeoman. WestChester County, Yeoman. City of New York, Baker. City of New York, Trader. City of New York, Cordwainer. 23 Oct. 24 Oct. 24 Oct. 24 Oct. 21 Apr! 24 Oct. 25 July 27 July 20 Oct. 1755-1755- 1755- 1755- 1757- 1757- 1758. 1758. 1758. Examined with the Record in the Secretary's Office of New York, By [Signed] Geo. Banyar, D. Sec'ry. 36 NATURALIZATIONS NEW YORK. CO. 5 1070. O.0.63. List of Persons Naturalized pursuant to Stat. 13 Geo. II, from 16 Jan., 1759, to 21 Oct., 1761. Names of the Persons Naturalized Their Religious Profession. Hyam Myers. Jew. Manuel Myers. Jew. Henry Ritter. Lutheran. Michael Ritter. Lutheran. John Goodperlet. Lutheran. Andrew Frederick. Lutheran. John Painter. Lutheran. John George Lorilland. French Protestant. Mathew Hoyer. Lutheran. George Michael Keyser. Lutheran. David Henry Mellow. Lutheran. James Blanchard. French Protestant. John Peter Chappelle. French Protestant. Mathew Morrell. French Protestant. John Henry Tiers. French Protestant. Jacob Epply. Lutheran. Andrew Ladner. Lutheran. Benjamin Linder. Lutheran. John Muller. Lutheran. Bernard Gans. Reformed German Church Jacob Heitz. Lutheran. Cornelius Kuyper. Unitas Fratrum. John Christopher Reformed German Armpriester. Church Philip Will. Reformed German Church Henry Will. Reformed German Church John Philip Spies. Reformed German Church John Remmy. Reformed German Church George Leonard. Lutheran. Jacob Rislar. Lutheran. Blazey Moore. Lutheran. Johannes Petrus Reformed Dutch ROKHEFFELLER. Church. Simon Rokheffeller. Reformed Dutch Church. John Mulledaller. Reformed German Church. Their Temporal Profession and Place of Abode. City of New York, Butcher. City of New York, Trader. City of New York, Cordwainer. City of New York, Taylor. City of New York, Taylor. City of New York, Baker. City of New York, Shopkeeper. City of New York, Yeoman. City of New York, Baker. City of New York, Labourer. City of New York, Mariner. City of New York, Cooper. City of New York, Labourer. City of New York, Labourer. City of New York, Labourer. City of New York, Carman. City of New York, Baker. Do., Practitioner in Physick. City of New York, Labourer. City of New York, Vintner. City of New York, Carman. City of New York, House Painter. City of New York, Inholder. Month. Year. 16 Jan. 1759. 16 Jan. 1759. 19 Apr. 1759. 19 Apr. 1759. 19 Apr. 1759. 17 Apr. 1760. 31 July 1760. 27 Oct. 1760. 28 Oct. 1760. 21 Jan. 1761. 21 Jan. 1761. 22 Apr. 1 761. 22 Apr. 1761. 22 Apr. 1761. 22 Apr. 1761. 22 Apr. 1 761. 22 Apr. 1 761. 29 July 1761. 29 July 1761. 29 July 1761. 29 July 1761. 29 July 1761. 21 Oct. 1761, City of New York, Pewterer. 21 Oct. 1761. City of New York, Pewterer. 21 Oct. 1761. City of New York, Cordwainer. 21 Oct. 1761, City of New York, Potter. 21 Oct. 1761. City of New York, Butcher. 21 Oct. 1761. City of New York, Tallow 21 Oct. 1 761. Chandler. City of New York, Inholder. 21 Oct. 1761. County of Albany, Farmer. 21 Oct. 1761. County of Albany, Farmer. 21 Oct. 1761. City of New York, Cordwainer. 21 Oct. 1761. New York, 8th January, 1762. Examined with the Record in the Secretary's Office, By [Signed] Geo. Banyar, D. Sec'ry. NEW YORK 37 CO. 5 107 1. P. p. 28 (bound up between P. p. 66 and 67). List of Persons Naturalized pursuant to Stat. 13 Geo. II, from 21 Jan., 1762, to 27 Oct., 1763. Names of the Persons Naturalized. ThStr Religious Profession. Daniel Tiers. French Protestant. Mathew Tiers. Do. Magdalen Tiers. Do. Christopher Tobias. Quaker. John Hess. Lutheran. David Ritman. Do. Wendel Boos. Do. Christian Pontius. Do. Andreas Regler. Do. Alexander Oxbury. Church of England Nicholas Croob. Lutheran. Peter Vallade. French Protestant. Peter Louillard. Do. John Peter Tetard. Do. John Carle. Do. Peter Rougeon. Do. Joseph Anthony. Do. Abraham Andrews. Jew. Johannes Panet. Dutch reformed. Peter Durand. French Protestant. Andrew Habener. Lutheran. Michael Gress. Do. Frederick Ranzier. Do. John Gasner. Do. Jacob Hoertse. Do. Valentine Rhinehart. Do. Frederick Deetz. Do. George Workhard. Do. Jacob Muller. Dutch reformed. Otho Parisien. French Protestant. Egydius Wonderly. Lutheran. Michael Ritman. Do. Frederick Ruger. Do. John George Crosskop. Do. Tobias Lerver. Do. John Mannel. Do. Christian Frolick. Unitas Fratrum. Isaac Elizer. Jew. Frederick Sigismd. Lentz. Lutheran. John Vogel. Do. Conradt Barnes. Do. Adam Muller. Dutch reformed. Andries Muller. Do. Jurian Voss. Do. Peter Swartz. Do. Levy Hart. Jew. Jonas Solomons. Do. Their Temporal Profession and Place of Abode. City of New York, Labourer. Do. Blacksmith. Do. Spinster. Queen's County, Yeoman. City of New York, Tallow Chandler. Do. Carpenter. Do, Baker. Do. Taylor. Do. Butcher. Do. Cordwainer. Do. Do. Do. Merchant. Do. Stocking Weaver. Do. Clerk. Do. Do. Do. Ship Carpenter. West Chester County, Merchant. City of New York, Shopkeeper. Do. Gentleman. Do. Taylor. Do. Cordwainer. Do. Sadler. Do. Cooper. Do. Glazier. Do. Mason . Do. Inholder. Do. Taylor. Do. Baker. Manor of Cortlandt, Farmer. City of New York, Silversmith. Do. Joiner. Do. Weaver. Do. Carman. Do. Baker. Orange County, Husbandman. Do. Do. City of New York, Sugar Baker Rhode Island, Merchant. City of New York, Gentleman. Do. Vintner. Do. Hatter. Manor of Cortlandt, Farmer. • Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Colony of New York, Merchant Do. Do. Month and Year. 21 Tan. 1762. 21 Jan. 1762. 21 Jan. 1762. 23 Jan. 1762. 21 Apr. 1762. 21 Apr. 1762. 21 Apr. 1762. 21 Apr. 1762. 21 Apr. 1762. 21 Aor. 1762. 21 Apr. 1762. 21 Apr. 1762. 21 Apr. 1762. 21 Apr. 1762. 21 Aor. 1762. 21 Apr. 17-62. 22 Apr. 1762. 22 Apr. 1762. 29 July 1762. 29 July 1762. 29 July 1762. 29 Tuly 1762. 29 July, 1762. 29 July, 1762. 29 July, 1762. 29 July, 1762. 29 |uly, 1762. 21 Oct. 1762. 29 Oct. 1762. 18 Jan. 1763. 20 Apr. 1763. 20 Apr. 1763. 20 Apr. 1763. 20 Apr. 1763. 20 Apr. 1763. 20 Apr. 1763. 21 Apr. 1763. 23 July 1763. 18 Oct. 1763. 19 Oct. 1763. 19 Oct. 1763. 19 Oct. 1763. 19 Oct. 1763. 19 Oct. 1763. 19 Oct. 1763. 27 Oct. 1763. 27 Oct. 1763. Secretary's Office, New York, 28th March, 1764. Examined with the Record in this Office, By [Signed] Geo. Banyar, D. Sec'ry. [Note. — According to the Board of Trade Register, Q.q. 17 should be a List of Persons Naturalized in the Province of New York. No date is given, and the number is missing from the volume of original correspondence. There appears, however, to be no hiatus between the preceding and the following lists.] 38 NATURALIZATIONS NEW YORK. CO. 5 1072. Q.q. 63. Listof Persons Naturalized pursuant to Stat. 13 Geo. II, from 18 Jan., 1764, to 22 Jan., 1766. Names of the Persons Naturalized. Their Religious Profession. Nicholas Toulon. Napthaly Hart Meyers. John George. William Bell. John Strebell. Jacob Blattner. Jacob Henderer. David Wolhaupter. Jacob Klinck. Daniel Fueter. Nicholas Kilman. Revd. John Caspar Fryenmoet. John Thys Kous. Johan Peter Rose. Michael Hartesteim. George Fach. Reynold Lodz. John Muller. John Kline. David Gartner. Frederick Schonneret. Alexander Fink, Jun. Jacob Ott. Henry Fach. George Lucam. Martin Menold. Wilhelm Leonhard. Michael Kopp. Henrich Horneffer. Henrick Oertly. John Fischer. Henry Zimmerman. Ludewig Cammerdinger. John Klein. Philip Ekert. Christoph Schel. Godfried Brugman. George Klein. Peter Poyshert. David Gobel. Michael Weber. Philip Mannhard. Mathew Schenerhinger. Martin Egle. John Herbert. Peter Stubarare. John Daniel Wiedershein. Daniel Voshee. Joseph Jesurum Pinto. French Protestant. Jew. Dutch reformed. Do. Lutheran. Do.Do. Do. Do. Unitas Fratrum. Lutheran.Dutch reformed. Their Teinporal Profession and Place Time when of Abode. Naturalized. Westchester County, Mariner. 18 Jan. 1764. City of New York, Merchant. 27 Apr. 1764 Orange County, Farmer. 31 July, 1764 Do. Cooper. 17 Oct. 1764, Abany[sic] County, Farmer. 26 Oct. 1764 Do. Miller & Mill- 23 Apr. 1765 wright. Do. Cordwainer. 23 Apr. 1765 City of New York, Turner. 23 Apr. 1765 Do. Carman. 23 Apr. 1765 Do. Silversmith. 31 July, 1765 Do. Innholder. 2 Aug. 1765 Albany County, Minister of the 15 Oct. 1765 Gospel. Do. Dutches Do., Farmer. Do. Albany Do., Shoemaker. Lutheran. City of New York, Labourer. Do. Do. Baker. French Protestant. Queen's County, Gardiner. Reformed German City of New York, Doctor of Church Physick Do. Do. Baker. Do. Do. Taylor. Lutheran. Do, Shopkeeper. Do. Do. Butcher. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Shoemaker. Do. Do. Butcher. Do. Do. Shoemaker. Reformed German Church. Do, Baker. Do. Do. Cooper. Do. Do. Baker. Do. Do. Yeoman. Lutheran. Do. Tanner. Do. Do. Carpenter. Do. Do. Taylor. Do. Do, Nail Smith. Do. Do. Carpenter. Do. Do. Cartman. Do. Do. Mason. Do. Do. Baker. Do. Do. Placksmith. Do. Do. Baker. Do. Do. Shoemaker. Do. Do. House Carpenter. Do. Do. Hatter. Do. Do. Carpenter. Do. Do. Butcher. Do. Do. Stocking Weaver. Do. Do, Butcher. Do. Jew. Do. Tobacco Cutter. Do, Minister of the Jewish Congregn. 15 Oct 15 Oct 15 Oct 15 Oct 1 5 Oct 15 Oct 15 Oct. 15 Oct 18 Oct 18 Oct 18 Oct 18 Oct 18 Oct 18 Oct 21 Oct 21 Oct 21 Oct 21 Oct 21 Oct 21 Oct 21 Oct 21 Oct 21 Oct 21 Oct 21 Oct 21 Oct 21 Oct 21 Oct 21 Oct 23 Oct 23 Oct 23 Oct 2-3 Oct 23 Oct 23 Oct 23 Oct 22 Jan 1765 1765 1765 176517651765 1765 1765 1765 1765 1765176517651765 17651765 17651765 17651765 176517651765 176517651765 1765 1765 1765 1765 176517651765 1765 1765 1765 1766 Secretary's Office, New York, 3rd February, 1766. Examined with the Record in this Office. By me [Signed] Geo. Banyar, D. Sec'ry. NEW YORK 39 CO. 5. 1073. R.r. 30. List of Persons Naturalized pursuant to Stat. 13 Geo. II, from 21 April, 1767, to 20 Jan., 1768. Names of the Persons Naturalized. Their Religious Profession. Their Temporal Profession and Place Time when of Abode. Naturalized. John Albert Weygand. Lutheran. City of New York, Minister of 21 Apr. 1767. the Gospel. William Britt. Reformed Protestant County of Westchester, Farmer 24 Apr. 1767. Dutch Church. John Enters. Do. Do. Ditto. Henry Detloff. Lutheran. City of New York, Cartman. Ditto. George Stuber. Do. Do. Taylor. Ditto. George Man. Do. Orange County, Farmer. Ditto. Jane De Joncourt. Church of England. City of New York, Widow. 20 Jan. 1768. Secretary's Office, New York, 18 February, 1768. Examined with the Record in this Office;, By [Signed] Geo. Banyar, D. Sec'ry. CO. 5. 1074. S.s. 59. List of Persons Naturalized pursuant to Stat. 13 Geo. II, from 20 April, 1768, to 18 Jan., 1769. Names of Persons Naturalized. Their Religious Profession. Their Temporal Profession and Place Time when of Abode. Naturalized. John Dealing. Unitas Fratrum. City of New York, Shopkeeper. 20 April 1768. Lawrence Kilbrunn. Do. Do. Merchant. Do. Christopher Johnson. Lutheran. Do. Tavernkeeper. Do. Barent Smith. Reformed Protestant Do. Taylor. 27 July 1768. Dutch Church. John Jouch. Lutheran. Do. Shingle Shaver. 18 Oct. 1768. Carl Luneman. Do. Do. Carpenter. Do. John Peter Lorentz. Reformed Protestant Dutches County, Yeoman. 22 Oct. 1768. Dutch Church. John De Voyelles. Church of England. Orange County, Gentleman. 18 Jan. 1769. Secretary's Office, New York, 1 February, 1769. Examined with the Record in this Office, By [Signed] Geo. Banyar, D. Sec'ry. S.s. 79. To the Right Honourable the Lords Commissioners for Trade and Plantations. May it please your Lordships. In humble obedience to your Lordships' commands, signified to me by Mr. Pownall, I have perused and considered an Act passed by the Assembly of his Majesty's Colony of New York in May 1769, Intituled, An Act for Naturalizing Garret Schotler, John Brunckhorst, John Samler, Michael Srum, Joseph Steirer, Daniel Duchemin, Adrian De Ronde, Matheus De Ronde, John Cherbacker, Jachen Christian Schaltz, Johan Jacob Stapell, Philip Oswald, John Sticklen, William Cline, Coenrad Wolfe, George Powers, Michael Hennegor, Anthony Apple, Francis Ortman, John Hill, Anthony Dodine, John Michael Richers, Daniel Sleght, Pierre Eugene Du Simitiere, Jacob Moses, John Brooks, Jubaliste Dupuy, Honore Marsequie, Louis Faugeres, Charles Freidenbergh, and George Woolrice. And I am humbly of opinion that the same is proper in point of Law, which is humbly submitted by, my Lords, your Lordships' most obedient most humble servant. [Signed] 22nd June, 1770. R. Jackson. [Endorsed :] Received June 241 Read July 2 / I77°' 40 NATURALIZATIONS NEW YORK. CO. 5. 1075. T.t. 4. Listof Persons Naturalized pursuant to Stat. 13 Geo. II, from 18 April, 1769, to the end of April Term, 1770. Names of Persons Naturalized, Their Religious Profession. David Grim. John Heerbenk. Henry Rossel. Anston Appel. John Hill. Peter Chappelle, Jun. Daniel Tier. John Ries. ludewyk krauskop. Adam All. DlETRICK HEYER. Jacob Moore. John Fagh. George Deybertsyer. Hendrick Snyder. Christopher Bell. Harmanus Trumper. Edward William Kiers. Frederick Breytigam. John Randeker. John Westermeyer. Christian Will. Jonathan Eckart. German Evangelical Church. German Reformed Congregation. Do. Do. Do. French Protestant. Do. Lutheran. Do.Do.Do. Do.Do. Do. Reformed Protestant Dutch Church. Do. Do. Do. Lutheran. Do.Do. German Reformed Congregation. Lutheran. Their Temporal Profession and Place Time when of Abode. Naturalized. City of New York, Vintner. 18 Apr. 1769, Do. Tanner. 20 Apr. 1769. Do. Do. Do. Do. Baker. Do. Do. Labourer. Do. Do. Stocking Weaver. Do. Do, Cartman . Do. Outward of Do., Farmer. Do. Do. Do. Do. City of New York, Yeoman. 19 Apr. 1769. Do, Sugar Boyler. Do. Outward of Do., Farmer. 20 Apr. 1769. City of New York, Cartman. Do. Do. Chimneysweeper. Do. Orange County, Farmer. 21 Apr. 1769. Do. Do. Do. Do, Do. Do. Do. Merchant. 25 July 1769. City of New York, Baker. 26 July 1769. Do. Cartman. Do. Do. Baker. Do. Do. Pewterer. 18 Oct. 1769 Do. Trader. Do. Secretary's Office, New York, 2 July, 1770. Examined with the Record in this Office, By [Signed] Geo. Banyar, D. Sec'ry. PENNSYLVANIA 4] Persons' Names. V.57. Jacob Vanderweight. Peter Spycker. John George Crysman George Poger. Peter Holtzetter. C 0- 324. 55 (continued). CONNECTICUT [no entry]. RHODE ISLAND [no entry]. MASSACHUSETS. Nicolas Budd, October 10th 1743. NEW HAMPSHIRE [no entry]. PENNSYLVANIA. (Supreme Court at Philadelphia, 25 Sept., 1747.) Of what County. Time of taking the Sacrament Philadelphia County. June 29th, 1747. Philadelphia County. August 23rd, 1747. Philadelphia County. August 23rd, 1747. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. August 23rd, 1747. August 23rd, 1747. Persons' Names. V. 57. Christopher Highmager. Christian Sensenig. Adam Stout. Henrick Wyerman. John Lob. Christian Souder. Quakers. Of what County. Bucks. County. Lancaster County. Philadelphia County. Bucks. County. Bucks. County. Philadelphia County. (Said Supreme Council, 13 and 15 April, 1748.) Persons' Names. V. 57- Jacob Ntiss. George Mill. Peter Somij. Johannes Lehmenn. George Emann. Michael Yoachum. Henry Ramsaur. George Noll. Jacob Hauk. Philip Balshazar Croesman. Adam Clampferr. William Clampferr. Matthias Lambert. Wendal Neft. Michael Durr. (Christoper Kraus. Of what County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Lancaster County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Lancaster County. Bucks County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia City. Philadelphia City. Lancaster County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Time of taking the Sacrament. April 9th, 1748. April 10th, 1748. April 10th, 1748. April 10th, 1748. April 10th, 1748. April 10th, 1748. April 10th, 1748. April nth, 1748. April 3rd, 1748. March 13th, 1747. April 10th, 1748. April 10th, 1748. April 10th, 1748. April 10th, 1748. April 10th, 1748. Who conscientiously scruples to take an Oath.) 42 NATURALIZATIONS V.91. V.92. Persons' Names. Michael Becker. Anthony Newhouse. Johannes Ebler. Johan Peter Fraxel. Magdalen Anspachen, wife of Peter Anspachen. Jacob Geari. Caper Holtz Housen. Margaret Reis, wife of Michael Reis. Anna Maria Naefen, wife of Michael Naefen. Andrew Miller. PENNSYLVANIA. (Said Supreme Court, 26 Sept., 1748.) Of what County. Philadelphia County. (Lives in the Northern Libertys of the City of Philadelphia.) Philadelphia County. Lancaster County. Bucks. County. Lancaster County. Philadelphia County. Bucks. County. Lancaster County. Time of taking the Sacrament. September 18th, 1748. September 18th, 1748. July 22nd, 1748. September 5th, 1748. July 22nd, 1748. September 4th, 1748. September 5th, 1748. September 22 nd, 1748. Persons' Names. Melchior Hartramff. Jacob Yoner. John Bucks. Lancaster County. Lancaster County. Quakers. Of what County. Philadelphia County Lancaster County. Lancaster County. July 22nd, 1748. September 22 nd, 1748. (Said Supreme Persons' Names. Michael Nees Hendrick Heilig. Henry Shellenberg. William Labaer. Conrad Timberman. Anna Dorethea Keiz. Matthias Reel. Daniel Hister. Michael Hillegas. George Shive. Peter Scholl. Michael Ritter. Lawrence Dehr. Andrew Boyer. Abraham Faust. Henrick Young. Nicholas Rush (Raush). John Gaufres. Adam Miller. John George Rott. Michael Small. John Jacob Fox. John Widman. Conrad Schneider. Nicholas Icks. John Stone. Adam Moser. David Stripe. Court, 11 April, 1749.) Of what County. Lancaster County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Bucks. County. Philadelphia County. Bucks. County. Bucks. County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Bucks. County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Bucks. County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Bucks. County. Lancaster County. Philadelphia County. Lancaster County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Lancaster County. Lancaster County. Bucks. County. Time of taking the Sacrament. March 25th, 1749. March 26th, 1749. March 25th, 1749. March 25th, 1749. March 18th, 1749. March 26th, 1749. March 25th, 1749. March 25th, 1749. March 26th, 1749. March 25th, 1749. March 25th, 1749. March 25th, 1749. March 25th, 1749. March 25th, 1749. March 25th, 1749. March 25th, 1749. March 25th, 1749. March 25th, 1749. March 25th, 1749. March 25th, 1749. March 25th, 1749. March 31st, 1749. March 25th, 1749. March 25th, 1749. March 26th, 1749. March 25th, 1749. March 25th, 1749. March 25th, 1749. PENNSYLVANIA 43 V.94 Persons' Names. Felix Brunner. Michael Keller. Jacob Dubes. John Huber. Christian Willower. Jacob Wetzell. Peter Etter. Jacob Frank. Daniel Etter. Thomas Hail. Andrew Godshall. John Grout. Henry Bowman. Casper Sherick. (Said Supreme Court, Persons' Names. volentine stober. Henry Mots. Peter Baker. Solomon Libkep. John Dethrick Held. John Grose. John William Fisher. Philip Filchmir. Francis* Creek. Christopher Orish. Conrad Frick. John Sigismund Hanely. Andrew Creutzer. Michael Miller. Michael Axer. Loodwick Cornman. Godfret Reorher. Adam Linn. Persons' Names. Joseph Simon, a Jew. Quakers. Of what County. Bucks. County. Bucks. County. Bucks. County. Bucks. County. Bucks. County. Bucks. County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Lancaster County. Lancaster County. 25 and 26 Sept., and 4 Oct. Of what County. Lancaster County. Lancaster County. Lancaster County. Bucks County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Lancaster County. Lancaster County. Lancaster County. Lancaster County. Philadelphia County. Lancaster County. Lancaster County. Lancaster County. Lancaster County. Lancaster County. Lancaster County. York County. 1 749-) Time of taking the Sacrament. August 27th, 1749. September 27th, 1749. (Corrected to 17.) August 27th, 1749. September 17th, 1749. August 6th, 1749. August 6th, 1749. September 30th, 1749 September 30th, 1749 September 30th, 1 749 September 17th, 1749 September 3rd, 1749. September 19th, 1749 September 30th, 1749 September 30th, 1749 September 30th, 1749 September 30th, 1 749 September 30th, 1749 August 27th, 1749. Quakers. John Christopher Heebner. Melchior Creeble. Christopher Wagner. Casper Seibt. Christopher Hoffman (Hoffmann). Of what County. Lancaster County and Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Bor'. V.95. (Said Supreme Court, 12 April, 1750.) Persons' Names. Of what County. Andrew Miller. Philadelphia County. Dietheric Ramsaur. Philadelphia County. Adam Wartham. Philadelphia County. Time of taking the Sacrament. April 8th, 1750. March 25th, 1750. April 8th, 1750. 44 NATURALIZATIONS Persons' Names. Adam Drullinger. Jacob Brua. John Stoner. Martin Bechtel. Christian Blim. Peter Engle. Christian Croup. Christian Perry. Andrew Heit. Roderick Smith. Persons' Names. Jacob Weiss, a moravian. Persons' Names. Joseph Sherick. Michael Swoope. Jacob Shantz. Henry Bear. Benjamin Widmer. Quakers. Of what County. Bucks. County. Lancaster County. Chester County. Philadelphia County. Philadelphia County. Chester County. Lancaster County. Chester County. Chester County. Chester County. Of what County. Time of taking the Sacrament. Philadelphia Co. & City. April ist, 1750. Quakers [&c] Of what County. Lancaster County. York County. Philadelphia County. Chester County. Lancaster County (a Protestant who conscientiously scruples to take an Oath). (Said Supreme Court, 25 Sept., 1750.) [The names of the Townships in this and the following list (V. 100) are given in the original Certificates only.] Persons' Names. Of what Township. Of what County. Hatfield. V. 99. Peter Pener. Frederick Wambold. George Winter. Adam Rifel. Michael Hauk. Philip Shriener. Leonard Billmyer. John Valentine Shreiner. Jacob Billmyer. Jacob Fackler. Herman Bott. Christopher Trencle. Nicholas Havener. Peter Gebhart. Persons' Names. David Nitchman, a moravian. Ruthol Lap. Melchior Heavenor. John Christy. John Furrey. Ulrick Shulleberg. Henry Strickler. Bostian Haupt. Henry Snider. Towamensin. Alsace.Alsace.North Wales. Manheim.Manheim.Manheim. York. York. York. Lancaster.Talpahaken.Talpahaken. Quakers [&c. Of what Township. Bethlem. Hatfield. Frederick. Lancaster. Hempfield. Hempfield. Hempfield. Skippack. Dunegall. Time of taking the Sacrament. September 9th, 1750. August 26th, 1750. August 5th, 1750. September 16th, 1750. July 3rd, 1750. September 2 ist, 1750. September 2 ist, 1750. August 18th, 1750. September 2nd, 1750. September 2nd, 1750. September 2nd, 1750. August 5th, 1750. September 16th, 1750. September 16th, 1750. Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Philadelphia.Philadelphia. Lancaster. Lancaster. Lancaster. York.York.York. Lancaster. Lancaster.Lancaster. J- Of what County. Bucks; took the Sacrament Aug. 27th, 1 75 1 (as certified by the Bishop of the Unitas Fratrum), at Bethlehem. Philadelphia.Philadelphia. Lancaster.Lancaster.Lancaster.Lancaster. Philadelphia. Lancaster. PENNSYLVANIA 45 (Said Supreme Court, n April, 1751.) Persons' Names. V. 100. Stephen Conrad. John George Kehl. Maria Ursula Kelm. Mathias Smith. Nicholas Bittell. George Kleppinger. Jonas Kohler. Jacob Riedy. Henry Reid. John Fisher. Barnard Zowman. Joseph Solomon. Barnard Laubers Weiler. Bernard Holsinger. Martin Bower. Conrad Shutz. Henry Shutz. Jacob Whigtman. Conrad Keehmle. Mathias Bush, a Jew. Adam Weber. Charles Ewald. John Frederick Vigera. Jacob Roar. Of what Township. Tulpahocken. Tulpahocken. Tulpahocken. Tulpahocken. New Providence. North Wales. Moyamensin. Marlborough. Upper Sulford. Upper Sulford. Helm. Lancaster. Philadelphia. York.Manchester. Lower Merion. Springfield. Frederick. Northern Liberties of Philadelphia. Philadelphia City Of what County. Lancaster.Lancaster. Lancaster.Lancaster. Philadelphia.Philadelphia.Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Philadelphia.Philadelphia. York. Lancaster. Philadelphia. York. York. Philadelphia. Philadelphia.Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Philadelphia City Philadelphia. Philadelphia City Philadelphia. Philadelphia City Philadelphia. Chaising. Bucks. Time of taking the Sacrament. April 7th, 1751. April 7th, 1 75 1. April 7th, 1751. April 7th, 1 75 1. April 7th, 1 75 1. April 7th, 1 75 1. April 7th, 1751. April 7th, 1 75 1. April 7th, 1 75 1. April 7th, 1 75 1. March 24th, 1750. A Jew sworn on the Old Testament only. April 8th, 1751. March 24th, 1750. March 24th, 1750. April 7th, 1 75 1. April 7th, 1 75 1. April 7th, 1 75 1. April 10th, 1751. Sworn on the Old Testament only. April 7th, 1751. April 7th, 1751. April 7th, 1 75 1. April 7th, 1 75 1. Quakers [&c] . Persons' Names. Leonard Sing. Ulrick Peninger. John Rowtrock. Jacob Stout. Christian Koplin. Michael Hoversticht. Jacob Rubley. Philip Herker. George Slipplear. William Young. Martin Boeler, a moravian, (took the Sacrament "some weeks before " the 8th Day of April, 175 1, the Day of the Date of the Certificate of the Revd. Mr. Christian Rauch, as 'tis expressed in the said Certificate). Of what Township. Towamensin. Sulford. Upper Sacham. Rock Hill. New Providence. Conestogo.Conestogo. Marlborough. Strasburg. Philadelphia City. Warwick. Of what County. Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Bucks. Bucks.Philadelphia. Lancaster.Lancaster. Philadelphia. Lancaster. Philadelphia. Lancaster. 46 NATURALIZATION S PENNSYLVANIA. V. 1 20. (Su Foreigners' Names. Philip Cunius. David Muller. George Pry. George Leidick. John Nicholas Seydel. Eva Barbara Holstein. Andrew Groff. Martin Kapp. Eva Margaretta Kap(p). Christian Miller. Eva Maria Miller. George Emmert. Eva Maria Emmert. Peter Werner. Philip Hautz. Philip Lawrence Hautz. John Sieble. Daniel Houy. George Larow. Jonas Larow. Peter Pisel. George Slacker. George Lechner. George Dollinger. Jacob Katterman. Francis Wenery. Peter Laucks. John Trautman. John Imel. Simon Carll. George Hoffman. Jacob Wart. John George Lechner. Michael Ebert. Martin Ebert. Balthazar Knoertzer. Martin Watz. Ulrick Nesley. John Peter Speiht. Henry Keller. preme Court at Philadelph Of what Township. Upper Hanover. Lower Milford. Marlborough.Frederick.New Providence. Heidleberg.Bethel.Heidleberg. Heidleberg. Heidleberg. Heidleberg. Bethel. Bethel. Heidleberg.Bethel.Bethel.Bethel.Bethel. East Cain. Pextang.Marlborough. Upper Hanover. Tulpyhoccon. Tulpyhoccon.Tulpvhoccon. Tulpyhoccon.Tulpyhoccon.Tulpyhoccon.Tulpyhoccon.Tulpyhoccon. Makonsey.Makonsey. Hempfield. Manchester.Manchester.Dover.Lancaster. Springfield. New Hanover. Chaising. ia, 25 Sept., 1 75 1 Of what County. Philadelphia. Bucks. Philadelphia.Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Lancaster. Lancaster. Lancaster. Lancaster. Lancaster. Lancaster.Lancaster. Lancaster. Lancaster.Lancaster. Lancaster.Lancaster. Lancaster. Chester. Lancaster.Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Lancaster. Lancaster. Lancaster. Lancaster.Lancaster.Lancaster.Lancaster.Lancaster. Bucks. Bucks. Lancaster.York. York. York.Lancaster. Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Bucks. Foreigners' Names. Volentine Stickle. Conrad Bop. George Woolford. Peter Simerman. Jacob Machlen. Jeremiah Jackle. George Graff. Killean Wice. Melchior Meng. Quakers [&c.]. Of what Township. Oley. Colebrookdale. Cocolico. Cocolico. Colebrookdale. Germantown. Lancaster. Germantown.Germantown, •) Sacrament when taken. Sept. 22nd, 1751. Sept. 20th, 1 75 1. Sept. 20th, 1 75 1. Sept. 22nd, 1751. Sept. ist, 1 75 1. Sept. 15th, 1 75 1. Sept. 15th, 1 75 1. Sept. 15th, 1 75 1. Sept. 15th, 1 75 1. Sept. 15th, 1 75 1. Sept. 15th, 1 75 1. Sept. 15th, 1 75 1. Sept. 15th, 1 75 1. Sept. 15th, 1 75 1. Sept. 22nd, 1751. Sept. 22nd, 1751. Sept. 22nd, 1751. Sept. 14th, 1 75 1. Aug. 1 8th, 1751. July 19th, 1751. Sept. 15th, 1751. Sept. 22nd, 1751. Sept. 15th, 1 75 1. Sept. 15th, 1 75 1. Sept. 15th, 1 75 1. Sept. 22nd, 1751- Sept. 22nd, 1751. Sept. 22nd, 1 75 1. Sept. 15th, 1751. Sept. 15th, 1 75 1. Sept. 3rd, 1 75 1. Sept. 22nd, 1751. Sept. 15th, 1 75 1. Sept. ist, 1 75 1. Sept. ist, 1 75 1. Sept. ist, 1 75 1. Sept. ist, 1 75 1. Aug. 3rd, 1 75 1. Sept. 22nd, 1 75 1. Sept. 24th, 1 75 1. Of what County. Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Lancaster.Lancaster. Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Lancaster. Philadelphia.Philadelphia. PENNSYLVANIA 47 V. i 20. (Said Supreme Court, 11 April, 1752.) Foreigners' Names. Martin Eisenhaver. Peter Eisenhaver. Elizabeth Eisenhaver. John Geo. Grof. Jeremiah Tracsler. Henry Oal. Elias Bonder. John Short. Peter Woodring. Henry Walter. William Hawker (Hauker). Thomas Dormer. Of what Township. Bethel.Bethel. Bethel. Bethel.Mocconsey.Heidleberg. Heidleberg. Egypt. Egypt. Cocolico. Cocolico. Cordwainer of the Of what County. Lancaster.Lancaster. Lancaster.Lancaster. Bucks. Bucks.Bucks. Bucks. Bucks. Lancaster. Lancaster. City of Philadelphia. Affirmers' Names. Cornelius Lane. Peter Lane. bolser spangler. Henry Everli. John Adam Schaw(s). Quakers. Of what Township Manheim. Manheim. York. Bethel. Skippack. Sacrament when taken. March 29th, 1752. March 29th, 1752. March 29th, 1752. April 4th, 1752. March 29th, 1752. March 29th, 1752. March 29th, 1752. March 29th, 1752. March 29th, 1752. March 29th, 1752. March 29th, 1752. March 29th, 1752. Of what County. Lancaster. York.York. Lancaster. Philadelphia. Foreigners' Names. Jacob Folmar. Frederick Hertjog. Solomon Heim-Bonn. Michael Israel. (Said Supreme Court, 25 Sept., 1752.) Of what Township. Of what County. Tulpyhoccon. Berks. Upper Salford. Philadelphia. Of the City of Philadelphia. 1 Of the City of Philadelphia. J Affirmers' Names. Geo. Nich. Mayer. Andrew Wint. Paul Anthony. Frederick Baker. Quakers [&c] . Of what Township. Philadelphia City. Upper Saucon. Upper Hanover> Philadelphia City. Sacrament when taken. Aug. 16th, 1752. Sept. 20th, 1752. Jews sworn on the Old Testament only. Of what County. Philadelphia Northampton Philadelphia Philadelphia Foreigners' Names. Peter Smidt. Michael Hoobley. Peter Backer. (Said Supreme Court, 10 April, 1753.) Of what Township. Of what County. Cocolico. Lancaster. Lancaster Town. Lancaster. Providence. Philadelphia. Affirmers' Names. Lewis Clots. Peter Miller, Junr. Adam Redd. John Eggman. Quakers [&c.]. Of what Township. Upper Milford. Philadelphia City. Newberry. Strasburg. Sacrament when taken. April 8th, 1753. Feb. 14th, 1753. April 8th, 1753. Of what County. Northampton.Philadelphia.York. Lancaster. 48 NATURALIZATIONS PENNSYLVANIA. Affirmers' Names. Marcus Forney. Conrad Price. Henry Konn. Christian Hoober. John Shultz. Leonard Fessler. George Werfield. Melchior Werfield. Jacob Ehrenhart. John Knaws (Knaus). Adam Shuler. Martin Stutsman. Peter Sites. Francis Rutter. George Rutter. Rudolph Heckeler. Sebastian Henry Knauss. John Wagner. John Franckleberger. Anthony Deshler. Frederick Romig. Conrad Kearsner. Of what Township. Manheim. Oley. Hallam. Hempfield. Hallam.Earl. Bart. Bart. Salisbury. Upper Milford. Upper Milford. Cowisseoppen. Bart. Exeter.Exeter. Exeter. Salisbury. Oley. Paradise.Philadelphia City. Maccungy.Windsor. Of what County. York. Berks. York. Lancaster. York. Lancaster.Lancaster.Lancaster.Northampton.Northampton. Northampton. Berks. Lancaster. Berks.Berks.Berks. Northampton. Berks. York. Philadelphia. Northampton. Berks. (Supreme Court at Philadelphia, 24 Sept., 1753.) X41. Jurors' Names. George Estherly. Martin Bumbarger. Jacob Orndt. Henry Bumbarger (Bumberger) John Martin. Peter Geerhart. Jacob Lydie. Bernard Kountzer. Benjamin Spyker. Henry Toopes. Henry Glyn. Michael Dorrerer (doddererev Michael Fortnee. George Meelzer (Meelzger) Abram Hoobler. Jacob Eichholtz. John Michael Byerly. Ludwick Lauman. Michael Gross. Valentine Crug (Krug). John Barr. Township. Franconia. Lancaster. Rockhill. . Rockhill.Upper Dublin. Tranconia. Franconia. Franconia.Lancaster. Bethel. New Hanover. ). Colebrookdale.Lancaster. Lancaster. Bethel. Lancaster.Lancaster.Lancaster. Lancaster.Lancaster.Lancaster. County. Philadelphia. Lancaster. Bucks. Bucks.Philadelphia.Philadelphia. Philadelphia.Philadelphia. Lancaster.Lancaster. Philadelphia. Berks. Lancaster.Lancaster. Lancaster.Lancaster.Lancaster. Lancaster. Lancaster. Lancaster. Lancaster. Sacrament when taken. Sept. 1 6th, 1753. Aug. 26th, 1753. Sept. 9th, 1753. Sept. 9th, 1753. Aug. 20th, 1753. Sept. 9th, 1753. Sept. 16th, 1753. Sept. 16th, 1753. Aug. 26th, 1753. Sept. 16th, 1753. Sept. 22nd 1753. Sept. 22nd 1753. Sept. 22nd 1753- Sept. 2nd, 1753. Sept. 16th, 1753. Sept. 2nd, 1753. Sept. 2nd, 1753. Sept. 2nd, 1753- Sept. 19th, 1753. Sept. 2nd, 1753. Aug. 26th, 1753. PENNSYLVANIA 49 Quakers. Affirmers' N lines. Township. Of what County. Benedict Estlemai* I. Conesto go. Lancaster. Michael Hess. Conestogo. Lancaster. Johannes Thomas. Lancaster. Lancaster. Jacob Markley. Perquiomen. Philadelphia. Jacob Ross. Philadelphia City. Philadelphia. Gerrard Brenor. Manor. Lancaster. Michael Shaver. Tolpohockon. Berks. Peter Shaver. Tolpehocken. Berks. Frederick Shaver Tolpohocken. Berks. John Reeser. Maiden Creek. Berks. John Yerb. Warwick. Lancaster. Melker Waggoner. Worcester. Philadelphia. Daniel Kepotz. Conestogo. Lancaster. Wendal (Wendali ) Whole. Earl. Lancaster. ohn Bowman. Strasbu rgh. Lancaster. acob Yerb. Warwick. Lancaster. " saac Whole. Earl. Lancaster. (Supreme Court at Ph iladelphi a, 10 April, 1754 ) Foreigners' Names. Township. County. Sacrament when taken Valentine Nungasser. Upper Salford. Philadelphia. March 31st 1754 Charles Swartz. Lower Salford. Philadelphia. March 31st 1754 Daniel Kokert. Lower Sauce n. Northampton. April 7th, 1 754- Michael Wilhelm. Williamstowfi. "Northampton. April 10th, 1754- Jacob Miller. Hereford. Berks. April 10th, 1754- Jacob Deck. Williamstow n. Northampton. April 7th, 1 754- Casper Ritter. Upper Milford. Northampton. April 10th, 1754- Jacob Pfister. Philadelphia Philadelphia. April 14th, 1754- Martin Gatter. Philadelphia Philadelphia. April 14th, 1754- Mathias Cleine. Philadelphia Philadelphia. April 14th, J754- George Jacob Young. Moyamensick. Philadelphia. April 14th, 1754- Johannes Neglee. Moyamensick. (Philadelphia.) Philadelphia. April 14th, 1754- Jacob Whitman. Passyunck. Philadelphia. April 14th, 1754- John Cubber. Cressom. Philadelphia. April 14th, 1754- Christopher Galler. Philadelphia. Philadelphia. April 14th, '754- George Hoffman. Germantown Philadelphia. April 14th, 1754- Jacob Swenkee. Cressom. Philadelphia. April 14th, 1754- Henry Maag. Moyamensick. Quakers. Philadelphia. April 14th, 1754- Foreigners' Names. County. Township. Andrew Boyer. Heidleb urgh. Berks. John Sarver. Heidleb urgh. Berks. Ernast Sigsmond Seydle. Alsace. Berks. David Ely. Richmond. Berks. Philip Epright. Earl. Lancaster. Urick (Ulrick) Hooy. Maiden Creek. Berks. Michael Daiser. Earl. Lancaster. Leonard Stone. Earl. Lancaster. Leonard Miller. Earl. Lancaster. Jacob Kern. Reading. Berks. John Gonkle. Berry. Lancaster. Christian Neegle. Lower Saucon. Northampton. 1 Daniel Remich. Lower Saucon. Northampton. 50 NATURALIZATIONS PENNSYLVANIA. (Supreme Court at Philadelphia, 24 Sept., 1754.) Foreigners' Names. Township. Christopher Shibler. Philadelphia. Arnst Kurts. Philadelphia. John (Joseph struck through, Perquiomen. Jno written over) Barned. Carl Ryar. Providence. Michael Simon. Philadelphia Nicholas Swingle. Heidleburgh. Adam Wilrick. Lebanon. Elias Detrick. Easton. George Button. Philadelphia. Andreas Ohl. Marlborough Daniel Kraninger. Cresson. Henry Muhlenburgh. Providence. John Christopher Hartwick. Philadelphia. County. Philadelphia.Philadelphia.Philadelphia. Philadelphia. (Cresson). Philadelphia . Lancaster.Lancaster.Northampton.Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Foreigners' Names. John Wagle. Henry Lane. Henry Shank. Quakers. Township. Easton. Manheim. Strasburg. Sacrament when taken. Sept. 22nd, 1754. Sept. 22nd, 1754. Sept. nth, 1754. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Aug. Sept. Sept.Sept. 22nd, 1754. 22nd, 1754. 23rd, 1754. 8th, 1754. ist, 1754. 22nd, 1754. 25th, 1754. 22nd, 1754. 15th, 1754. 15th, 1754. County. Northampton. Lancaster. Lancaster. (Supreme Court at Philadelphia, 10 April, 1755.) Foreigners' Names. David Gusy ( ? Giesy). Francis Roth. Adam Blank. Jacob Timanus. Valentine Puff. Martin Boger. Johannes Forer. John Boyer. Philip Fentermaker. Jacob Girardin. Samuel Burger. Christian Ruth. Frederick Kelwig. Dewald Carne. Joseph Burrey. John Hiss. Budolph Berger. Michael Knabb (Knab). Christian Doll. George Stolnaker. John Ordt. Nicholas Swingle. Peter George. Adam Downey. Christian Kern. Township. Upper Salford. Salisbury (Salsbury). Salisbury (Salsbury). Upper Dublin. Upper Dublin. Long Swamp. Tulpehoccon. Heidleburgh. Long Swamp. Long Swamp. Long Swamp. Maccungy. Long Swamp. Long Swamp. Long Swamp. Berks.Maxatawny. Oley.Perquiomen. Upper Milford. Upper Milford. Tulpehoccon. Bockhill (Rockhill). Hilltown. Rockhill. County. Northampton. Northampton.Northampton. Philadelphia.Philadelphia.Berks. Berks. Berks. Berks.Berks. Berks.Northampton.Berks. Berks.Berks.Berks. Berks. Berks. Philadelphia.Northampton.Northampton.Berks.Bucks.Bucks.Bucks. Sacrament when taken March 30th, 1755 March 30th, 1755 March 30th, 1755 March 30th, 1755 March 30th, 1755 March 30th, 1755 March 30th, 1755 March 3o(29)th, 1755- March 23rd, 1755 March 23rd, 1755 March 23rd, 1755 March 23rd, 1755 March 23rd, 1755 March 23rd, 1755 March 23rd, 1755 March 30th, 1755. March 23rd, 1755 March 30th, 1755 April 6th, 1755. March 30th, 1755 March 30th, 1755 March 30th, 1755 Feb. 26th, 1755. March 30th, 1755 March 30th, 1755 PENNSYLVANIA 51 Foreigners' Names. Godfrey Knous. Frederick Nighat. Nicholas Swingte. George Stout. Adam Lists. Michael Floras. John Deiter. Adam Deshler. H. B. Franks. Peter Kittle (?Hittle). Adam Heavely. Lawrence Good. George Jacob Kern (Karn). Henry Wilhelm. Isaac Dalep. Township. Whitehall. Whitehall. Bockhill (Rockhill). Salsbury.Tulpehoccon. Upper Milford. Heidleburgh.Whitehall.Yorktown. Upper Milford Whitehall.Whitehall. Whitehall. Upper Milford. Upper Milford. County. Northampton.Northampton. Bucks. Northampton. Berks. Northampton.Berks.Northampton. York. Northampton.Northampton.Northampton.Northampton.Northampton. Northampton. Foreigners' Names. Jost Vallert (Vollert). Henry Christ. Francis Yost. Elias Rotter. Christian Heller. Michael Kyper. Michael Smith. George Heisler. Christopher Beenivolt (Beenivalt). Martin Brand. John Etter. David Newman. Christopher Hebener. George Andrews. George Kreebel. David Barringer. Matthias Bumgardner (Bumbgardner). Valentine Westhoffer. George Henderick. Christian Vandashant (Vanlashant). William Baker. Quakers. Township. Salsbury.Maxatawny. Alsace. Robeson.Upper Milford. Upper Milford. Upper Milford. Germantown.Worcester. Philadelphia. Donegall. North Wales. Frederick. Towamensing. Towamensing. Upper Milford. Donegall. Cocolico. Lebannon (Lebannan). Germantown. Philadelphia City. Sacrament when taken. March 31st, 1755. April 3rd, 1755- Jan. 26, 1755. March 30th, 1755. March 30th, 1755. April 8th, 1755. March 29th, 1755. March 31st, 1755. A Jew. April 8th, 1755. March 31st, 1755. March 31st, 1755. April 3rd, 1755. April 8th, 1755. April 8th, 1755. County. Northampton Berks.Berks. Berks. Northampton. Northampton. Northampton. Philadelphia.Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Lancaster. Philadelphia.Philadelphia.Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Northampton. Lancaster.Lancaster. Lancaster. Philadelphia. Philadelphia. (Supreme Court at Philadelphia, 24 Sept., 1755.) Jurors' Names. Henry Lorah. Reinholt Abendshen. Graft Hiner ( ? Kiner). Frederick Cressman. Abraham Ornt. Township. Frankonay (Frankoney) Berks. Alsace. Northampton. Frankonay (Frankoney) County. Philadelphia. Berks.Berks. Philadelphia.Philadelphia. Sacrament when taken. Sept. 2 1 st. 1755- Aug. 31st, 1755- Sept. 2 ist. 1755. Sept. 24th, 1755. Sept. 2 ist, 1755. 52 NATURALIZATIONS PENNSYLVANIA. Jurors' Names. Jacob Graff. Albright Straus. Jacob Crysler. Christr. Dickenshat. George Swinehart. Henry Newkirk. Michael Swinehart. Ludwick Pickle. Christ11 Newman. Nicholas Yost. Andrew Smith. John Spyker. Geo. Swank. Mathias Keeler. Valentine Gerber. Conradt Beam. Nicholas Swank. Conradt Speech. John Gates. Philip Yost. John Shnuke. Nicholas Martin. Casper Gore. Philip Gephart. Henry Shewen. Sebastian Stain. Township. Philadelphia City. Barn.Philadelphia City. Upper Salford. Cole Brook. Douglass. Douglass.New Hanover. Alsace.Hanover. Lebanon (Lebanan). Perquiomen.Douglass. Reading. Cole Brook (Colebrook). Norrington.Hanover. Upper Salford. Limerick.Lebannon. HeidleburghBethel. Tulpehoccon. Berks. Bethel. County. Philadelphia. Berks. Philadelphia.Philadelphia.Berks. Philadelphia.Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Berks. Philadelphia. Lancaster. Philadelphia.Philadelphia. Lancaster. Berks. Philadelphia.Philadelphia.Philadelphia.Philadelphia.Lancaster. Lancaster. Lancaster. Berks.Berks. Lancaster. Quakers. Affirmers' Names. Philip Linghear. Andrew Boyer. John Buckaus. Samuel Filbert. Stephen Bernard. Peter Hysler. Tobias Bekle. Yost Olewine. Jacob Keen. Frederick Gerhart. Peter Oufensanberger. David Breack. John Gotleck. Lazarus Winger. John Meyer. Jacob Miller. George Stump. Jacob Greater. Henry Star. Peter Knop. Jacob Whistler, Township. Lancaster. Worcester. Germantown. Barn. Maiden Creek. Germantown. Heidleburgh.Upper Milford. Heidleburgh.Heidleburgh. EarlEarl. Barn. Heidleburgh.Heidleburgh. Barn. Franconia.Heidleburgh. Heidleburgh.Heidleburgh.Manor, Sacrament when taken. Sept. 14th, 1755. Aug. 24th, 1755. Sept. 14th, 1755. Aug. 31st, 1755. Sept. 14th, 1755. Sept. 14th, 1755. Sept. 14th, 1755. Sept. 14th, 1755. Sept. 22nd, 1755. Sept. 21st, 1755. Sept. 22nd, 1755. Sept. 16th, 1755. Sept. 23rd, 1755. Sept. 22nd, 1755. Sept. 2 ist, 1755. Sept. 8th, 1755. Sept. 24th, 1755. Sept. 22nd, 1755. Aug. 31st, 1755. Sept. 22nd, 1755. Aug. 31st, 1755. Sept. 2 ist, 1755. Aug. 5th, 1755. July 27th, 1755. July 27th, 1755. July 27th, 1755. County. Lancaster. Philadelphia.Philadelphia. Berks. Berks.Philadelphia.Lancaster. Bucks. Berks. Berks. Lancaster. Lancaster. Lancaster. Berks. Berks. Berks . Philadelphia.Berks. Berks. Berks. Lancaster, PENNSYLVANIA .53 Affirmers' Names. Township. County. Daniel Heckedown. Lebanon Lancaster. Gerhart Etter. Lebanon. Lancaster. John Hergarater. Maxatawny. Berks. Valentine Gross. Hempfield. Lancaster. Daniel Burneman. Upper Hanover. Philadelphia. Christn. Fry. Hamfield. Lancaster. Peter Reesaker. Warwick. Lancaster. Christian Palmar. Hamfield. Lancaster. Henry Smith. Lebanon. Lancaster. Frederick Keysell. Warwick. Lancaster. Valentine Miller. Manor. Lancaster. Christian Richeop. Providence. Philadelphia George Lests. Heidleburgh. Lancaster. (Supreme Court at Philadelphia, 10 April, Quakers. I756-) Foreigners' Names. Township. County. Rudolph Honaker. Rockhill. Bucks. Jacob Miner. Easton. Easton. Martin Weybreythe. Manheim. Lancaster. Henry Schweitzer. Manheim. Lancaster. (Supreme Court at Philadelphia, 24 Sept., 1756.) Foreigners' Names. Philip Brown. George Lintz. John Philip Heist. Quakers. Henry Meyer. George Telp. John Williams. (Supreme Court at Philadelphia), 10 April, 1757. Foreigners' (Jurors') Names. Jacob Ehrenzeller. Jacob Heauke. John Nicholas Heist. John Seidel. George Kentz. Andrew Nappinger. goliffe seigle. Adam Falker. Jacob Dowdle. George Arnstmeyer. Conrad Bapp. John Conrad Schweighauser. David Shaffer. Christopher Hans Man (Mann). Philip Peal. 54 NATURALIZATIONS PENNSYLVANIA. Affirmers' Names. Peter Everly. Teterich Marshal (Marshall). Adolph Meyer. Jacob Everly. Ulrick Staley. (Supreme Court at Philadelphia), 24 Sept., 1757. Jurors' Names. Michael Theis. Michael Hoffman. Martin Letterman. Rudolph Oberling. Peter Knight. Antony Lerch. Affirmers' Names. ohn Cook. ohn Dedeir. ¦Ienry Leshier. ohn Weaver. Casper Dumernielt. David Dumernielt. Lewis Casler (Caslar). (Supreme Court at Philadelphia), 10 April, 1758. Jurors' Names. Anthony Forrest (Forest). Adam Spaan. Gabriel Riecher. Alexander Sheffer. William Pawman ( ? Bawman). George Sprecker. Martin Tomy. Catherina Coch (Koch). Baltzer Erlach. John Unfersaht. John Frederick Rohr. Joseph Hister (Hisler). Jacob Isaac. Valentine Shallos. (Supreme Court at Philadelphia), 25 Sept., 1758. Jurors' Names. Abraham Brosis. Nicholas Sysinger. Henry Haun. Martin Kaust. audones eugel. (Isaac Young.) Peter Rupp. PENNSYLVANIA 55 Jurors' Names. Henry Reitmeyer. George Shultz. Henry Deacanhall (Deacanhalt). Christian Orendolf. Adam Sliger (Sleger). Everhart Martin. Antony Derder. Michael Kauble. Conrad Bem. John Adam Miller. John George Rees. George Kast. George Fredk. Byer. Michael Partius. (Supreme Court at Philadelphia), 10 April, 1759. Jurors' Names. Paul Baillet (Bailliet). Michael Spiegle. Michael Newhart. Michal Karcher. Andrew Brechel. Christian Herner. Catherina Koufman. John Egle. Negro Fry. Affirmers' Names. Stophel Hanley. Stophel Haimsel. Christian Fernstermaker. John Benner. Bastian Benner. Gregorius Maister. Peter Keehline. Geo. Schlosser. Ulrick Hansberger. Baltzer Yeagle. John Beetell. Martin Karcher. Benedict Kayman. (Supreme Court at Philadelphia), 24 Sept., 1759. Jurors' Names. George Loutz. Nicholas Boyer. Jacob Sharen. Peter Feather. Jacob Yaiger. Peter Haas. George Geisler. lodovick tlllinger. 56 NATURALIZATIONS PENNSYLVANIA. Jurors' Names. Martin Heckrendom (Heckendom). John Bishop. John Moll. Jacob Begtol. Henry Herner (Kerner). Durst Fister. Adam Kookert. Nicholas Francis. Michael Fleese. John Geo. Myerley (Myerly). David Myerly. Henry Radeback. Jno. Nich. Ensminger. Jno. Nich. Hennicke. John Albught Hackenmillar (Hackenmiller). John Sneider. Jacob Hookart. Christian Laughbaugh. Affirmers' Names. Hieronimus Hennig. Michael Lodwick. John Pott. Lodowick Imbler. Casper Mantz. Philip Greenvalt (Greenwalt). George Yoke. Abraham Immoberstake. Peter Shitz. Frederick Maynard. Conrad Weaver. Adam Goos. John Titmore. Michael Diffiderfer. John Taylor. Christian Stribely. Bastian Lev an. (Supreme Court at Philadelphia), 10 April, 1760. Jurors' Names. Rudoph (Rudolph) Breneisen. Michael Reuter. Gerrahrt Hibshman. Johannes Hernst (Ernst). John Philip Burkhard. John Geo. Stone. Frederick Worth (Wirth). Henry Steel. lorenze marquetand. William Bush. John Nicholas Jobb (Job). PENNSYLVANIA 57 Jurors' Names. Leonard May. John George Sneider. Michael Ohl. John Casper Graffe. Henry Gickert. Adam Boone. Frederick From. Mathias Weaver. Henry Sauer. Jacob Barge. Christopher Graffe. Peter Dick. Henry Brunner. Peter Deal. Peter Paris. Abraham Wild. Emanl. Fredk. Weckerle. Jacob Cohler (Kohler). Michael Schlonecker. Michael Schlonecker, Junr. Gebhart Berthold. John William Hoffman. Conrad Browne. Dier Bauer. Martin Kind. Joseph Welshance. Martin Danner. George Michael Kam. John Gittenger. John Shultz. Nicholas Kintzer. Jacob Dunder. George Wolf. Jacob Bricker. John Hoy. Adam Stricker. Peter Koker. Henry Procter. Adam Hambright. Conrad Hyssley. Leonard Leighner. Leonard Abel. Christian Milheim. George Christian Sinn. Michael Karle. Frederick Getwicks. Nicholas Bedinger. Martin Icleberger. Peter Rap (Rapp). Michael Kuhns. John Wolf. Jno. Jacob Shoemaker. Henrick Wolf. WlNEBERT TSHOUDER. 58 NATURALIZATIONS PENNSYLVANIA. Jurors' Names. Jacob Wilhelm. Anna Cath. Wilhelm. Fredk. Nungesser. Jacob Grotz. Mathias Kern. Petriem Weiland. Michael Klein. Christ. Henry Reinhold. John Michael Amweg. Martin Burkholder. Martin Dresback. Leonard Mayer. Frederick Mayer. Mathias Kelchner. Peter Uler. Philip Teigler (Zeigler). Philip Entler. George Derr. Lucas Rous. William Kock. Geo. Burkhard. Willm. Shimel (Shimell). John Beeber. Michael Thirnese (Kirnise). Peter Haus. Nicholas Mayer. Harman Mohr. Maria Catha. Albright. George Mayer. Conrad Amma. Jacob Teigler (Zeigler). Nichs. Wolfhart. John Beisser. Jacob Dictrick. Nicholas Kerner. Lawrence Reese. Philip Dick. Adam Probst. John Sawter. Godfried Bockries (Bockuis). Lodowick Sanner. George Bush. Andreas Sheffer. Christ. Grubber. Philip Meeth. John George Eppely. Paul Reiser. Martin Fischer. Christ. Reenhart Uhl. Ulrick Tollinger (Zollinger). Jacob Maag. Jacob Hagy. John Henry Katz. PENNSYLVANIA 59 Jurors' Names. William Kains. Melchior Smith. Michael Radeback. Martin Becker. Henry Kik. Peter Buker (Buger). Christian Cassel. Henry Willm. Steigle. David Duckener. Henry Young. George Becker. Henry Souter. Quakers. Affirmers' Names. Rudolph Naglee. John Gurr (Gur). Adam Cutwaltz. George Hartman. Frederick Shous. .Conrad Streiber. George Frederick (Fredrick). Jacob Peck. John Nichol (Nicholl). Jacob Rich. George Weller. George Strotz ( ? Shotz). Christian Sleighty. William Putt. Frederick Post. Leonard Biddleman. John Bitting. Elias Hammell. Jacob Grove. Francis Michl. Bishop. Jacob Stove. (Supreme Court at Philadelphia, 24 Sept., 1760.) Jurors' Names. John Eckert. John Focks. Martin Alstat. Michael Feithorn. Adam Epler. Nicholas Alstal. John Cunnuis. Philip Faass. Peter Buker. Philip Runk. Caspar Yost. John Bnowbraker. Henry Woolskull. Township. Heidleburg. City of Philadelphia. Exeter. Reading. Reading. Exeter. Harford.Frederick.Earl.Earl. Earl. Earl. Earl. County. Berks. Philadelphia.Berks.Berks.Berks. Berks.Berks. Philadelphia. Lancaster.Lancaster. Lancaster. Lancaster.Lancaster. Sacrament when taken. Sept. 1 8th, 1760. Sept. 7th, 1760. Sept. 7th, 1760. Sept. 14th, 1760. Aug. 10th, 1760. Sept. 7th, 1 760. Sept. 7th, 1760. Sept. 2 ist, 1760. Sept. 2 ist, 1760. Sept. 2 ist, 1760. Sept. 2 ist, 1760. Sept. 2 ist, 1760. Sept. 2 ist, 1760. 60 NATURALIZATIONS PENNSYLVANIA. Jurors' Names. William Gigir. Christopher Wagman. Abraham Sherper. Conrad Mark. Christian Hollenjer. Melchior Haffa. Philip Erpff. Christopher Weidman. Lawrence Housholder. Michael Kraus. Peter Fisher. Paul Durst. Conrad Keller. Jno. Fred. Handshuh. Frederick Yaisser. Michl. Kelkner. Michael Ziester. Frederick Spiegle. George Nutz. George Shuhntz. Jacob Shuhntz. William Figel. Matthias Burgher. Jacob Boyer. Mathias Deter. George Hoyle. Frederick Walkich. John George Meyer. Jacob Loeser. Daniel Rudy. Martin Shriener ( ? Shaiener). Martin Ventheuse ( ? Ventheusel). John Nicholas Kurtz. Conrad Bonner. George Sonn. John Shmeck. John Geo. Fitler. Nicholas Shubert. Jacob Becker. Charles Hesslin. George Volick (Volik). Martin Offner. Philip Moser. Fcelix Huzliman. Henry Arnt. Thomas Sehley. George Hacker. George Whitman. George Reiger. Wendal Buker. Barnaby Buker. Township. Hanover.Lebanon. Reading. Warwick. Warwick.Greenwich. Heildeburg.Cocolico. Cocolico. Greenwich. Exeter. Exeter.Exeter.Philadelphia. Lancaster. Richmond.Reading. Maccungy. Richmond. Colebrookdale.Colebrookdale. Maccungy. Lancaster. Exeter.Exeter. Elizabeth. Amity.Philadelphia.Lancaster. Manheim. Manheim. Lancaster.Philadelphia. Philadelphia. York. Alsace. Philadelphia. Eastor (Easton) Northern Liberties. Richmond. Richmond. Lancaster. Philadelphia.Philadelphia.Philadelphia. Frederick. Cocolico.Cocolico. Richmond.Philadelphia. Philadelphia. County. Philadelphia. Lancaster. Berks. Lancaster.Lancaster. Berkshire. Lancaster. Lancaster.Lancaster. Berks. Berks. Berks. Berks.Philadelphia. Lancaster.Berks.Berks. Northampton. Berks.Berks.Berks.Northampton.Lancaster. Berks.Berks. Lancaster. Berks.Philadelphia. Lancaster. •Lancaster. Lancaster. Lancaster.Philadelphia.Philadelphia. York. Berks. Philadelphia. Northampton. Philadelphia. Berks.Berks. Lancaster. Philadelphia.Philadelphia.Philadelphia. Frederick in Maryland. Lancaster.Lancaster. Berks. Philadelphia.Philadelphia. Sacrament when taken. Sept. 7th, 1760. Aug. 17th, 1760. Aug. 10th, 1760. Sept. 14th, 1760. Sept. 14th, 1760. Sept. 14th, 1760. Sept. 2 ist, 1760. July 6th, 1760. July 6th, 1760. Sept. 14th, 1760. Sept. 7th, 1760. Sept. 7th, 1760. Sept. 7th, 1760. Sept. 2 ist, 1760. Aug. 31st, 1760. Sept. 14th, 1760. Sept. 2 ist, 1760. Sept. 6th, 1760. Sept. 14th, 1760. Sept. 2 ist, 1760. Sept. 2fst, 1760. Sept. 6th, 1760. Aug. 31st, 1760. Sept. 7th, 1760. Sept. 7th, 1760. July 6th, 1760. Sept. 14th, 1760. Sept. 7th, 1 760. -^ug. 31st, 1760. Aug. 31st, 1760. Aug. 31st, 1760. Aue. 31st, 1760. Sept. 2 ist, 1760. Sept. 7th, 1760. July ist, 1760. July 20th, 1760. Sept. 7th, 1760. Sept. 2 ist, 1760. Sept. 2 ist, 1760. Sept. 14th, 1760. Sept. 14th, 1760. Aug. 24th, 1760. Sept. 2 ist, 1760. Sept. 2 ist, 1760. Sept. 2 ist, 1760. July 22nd, 1760. July 6th, 1760. July 6th, 1760. Sept. 14th, 1760. Sept. 2 ist, 1760. Sept 2 ist, 1760. PENNSYLVANIA 61 Jurors' Names. Jno. Nicholas Handwirk. Conrad Been. Conrad Gilbert. Bernard Gilbert. Ludwick Herring. Christopher Hienkle. Danl. Nyer. Jacob Cawer (Carver). Andreas Kiekeline. Jacob Rees. John Walker. Township. Heidleburgh.Hartford.Douglass.Douglass. Douglass. Douglass. Douglass. City of Philadelphia. Hilltown.Rockhill. Marlborough. County. Northampton.Berks. Philadelphia.Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Philadelphia.Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Bucks.Bucks. Philadelphia. Affirmers' Names. Frederick Lienback. John Lienback. Henry Lienback. John Killis. Michael Hofman. John Keller. Stephen Dysher. Jacob Tribblebess. Conrad Manismit. Jacob Whitmore. Jacob Hoyle. Christian Good. Leonard Cline. Detrick Coquelin. John Coquelin. Valentine Bowman. Frederick Waidle. Sebastian Keller. John Tendler. John Stokey. Peter Little. George Schwantz. Henry Yunken. Township. Oley.Oley. Oley. Towamensing. Gwinedth.Salisbury. Richmond. Richmond. Maxatawny. Strasburgh.Warwick. Hempfield. Lancaster. Cocolico. Cocolico.Elizabeth.Lancaster. Elizabeth. Cocolico. Elizabeth. Germany. Lancaster. Springfield. Sacrament when taken. Aug. 31st, 1760. Aug. 14th, 1760. Sept. 23rd, 1760. Sept. 23rd, 1760. Sept. 23rd, 1760. Sept. 23rd, 1760. Sept. 23rd, 1760. Sept. 7th, 1760. Sept. 20th, 1760. Sept. 7th, 1760. Sept. 2 ist, 1760. County. Berks. Berks . Berks. Philadelphia.Philadelphia. Northampton. Berks. Berks.Berks. Lancaster. Lancaster. Lancaster. Lancaster.Lancaster.Lancaster. Lancaster. Lancaster. Lancaster.Lancaster. Lancaster.York.Lancaster. Philadelphia. (Supreme Court at Philadelphia), 10 (and 11) April, 1761. Foreigners' Names. Matthias Leopald. Jno. Frederick Hagner. William Strainer. Jno. George Laib. Jno. Jacob Rhode. Jno. Weisman. Matthias Smith. Peter Gottshall. George Fred. Baish. John Appleman. Conrad Weins. Jacob Graff, Junr. Sebastian Muffler. Andreas Holsbaum. Township. City of Philadelphia. City of Philadelphia. Cit" of Philadelphia. City of Philadelphia. City of Philadelphia. City of Philadelphia. Tulpohockon. Hempfield. Lancaster. Paradice. Earl. Citv of Philadelphia. City of Philadelphia. Earl. County. Philadelphia. Philadelphia.Philadelphia.Philadelphia.Philadelphia.Philadelphia. Philadelphia (Berks). Lancaster.Lancaster. York.Lancaster.Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Lancaster. Sacrament when taken. March 22nd, 1761. March 22nd, 1761. March 22nd, 1761. March 22nd, 1761. March 22nd, 1761. March 22nd, 1761. March 22nd, 1761. April 4th, 1 76 1. April 4th, 1761. March 22nd, 1761. March 22nd, 1761. March 22nd, 1761. March 22nd, 1761. March 22nd, 1761. 62 NATURALIZATIONS PENNSYLVANIA. Foreigners' Names. George Weber. David Schurck. Philip Rhode. George Werns. Gerhard Kafroth. Jacob Dummin. Henry Fedder. George Yund. Johannes Schneider. David Law. Johannes Hoffman. Ulrick Badmaker. Jno. Andrew Missersmith. Henry Keppell (Keppele). Jno. Andrew Rhor. Herman Weber. Jacob Steen. Conrad Schneider. Herman Rick. George Waggoner. wllkelm leimeister. Christian Hoffman. Jno. Althouse. Peter Ruth. Jacob Bordner. Valentine Mayer. Geo. Wolf. George Canter. Christian Book. Abraham Riblet. John Bentz. William Headrick. Yost Headrick (Hedrick). Martin Ernhold. Bernard Shertele. Yost Shoemaker. Valentine Mogle. Ludwick Saman. Eberhard Gushwind. Ulrick Bagentoss. Henry Gruber. Michael Shower. Herman Hassingro. Jacob Wagner. Christopher Wagner. Jacob Lanciscus. Rudolph Gerhart. Jacob Young. Victor Spiess. Philip Reezer. Township. County. Cocolico. Lancaster. Earl. Lancaster. Earl. Lancaster. Earl. Lancaster. Cocolico. Lancaster. Earl. Lancaster. Cocolico. Lancaster. Earl. Lancaster. Bern. Berks. Orange County in North Carolina Bern. Berks. Bern. Berks. City of Philadelphia. Philadelphia. City of Philadelphia.- Philadelphia. City of Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Bern. Berks. Bern. Berks. Bern. Berks. Bern. Berks. Bern. Berks. Bern. Berks. Bern. Berks. Bern. Berks. Cumru. Berks. Tulpohockon. Berks. Tulpohockon. Berks. Tulpohockon. Berks. Tulpohockon. Berks. Lancaster. Lancaster. Lancaster. Lancaster. Mannor. Lancaster. Bern. Berks. Bern. Berks. Tulpohockon. Berks. Bern. Berks. Bern. Berks. Bern. Berks. Bern. Berks. Bern. Berks. Bern. Berks. Heidleburg. Berks. Heidleburg. Berks. Oley. Berks. Bern. Berks. Bern. Berks. Alsace. Berks. Alsace. Berks. Exeter. Berks. Alsace. Berks. Alsace. Berks. Sacrament when taken. March 22nd, 1761. March 22nd, 1761. March 22nd, 1761. March 22nd, 1761. March 22nd (24th), 1761 March 22nd (24th), 1761 March 22nd (24th), 1761 March 23rd, 1761. March 22nd, 1761. March 22nd, 1761. March 22 nd, 1761. March 22nd, 1761. March 22nd, 1761. March 22nd, 1761. Feb. 22nd, 1 761. April ist, 1 76 1. April ist, 1 761. April ist, 1 76 1. March 22nd, 1761. April ist, 1 761. March 22nd, 1761. March 22nd, 1761. April ist, 1 761. March 15th, 1761. April 7th, 1 761. April 7th, 1761. April 7th, 1761. April 7th, 1 761. March 22nd, 1761. March 22nd, 1761. March 22 nd, 1761. March 22nd, 1761. March 22nd, 1761. March 22nd, 1761. March 22nd, 1761. March 22nd, 1761. March 29th, 1761. March 29th, 1761. March 29th, 1761. April ist, 1 761. March 22nd, 1761. March 22nd, 1761. April 5th, 1 761. April 5th, 1761, April 5th, 1 761. April 5th, 1761. April 5th, 1761. April 5th, 1 761. April 5th, 1761. April 5th, 1761. PENNSYLVANIA 63 Foreigners' Names. Township. County. Sacrament when taken. Philip Lowdinbach. Exeter. Berks. April 5th, 1761. George Yoh. Exeter. Berks. April 5th, 1761. Christian Weeks. Exeter. Berks. April 5th, 1 761. Conrad Keller. Alsace. Berks. April 5th, 1761. Adam Gerhart. Alsace. Berks. April 5th, 1 761. Jacob Wyler. Exeter. Berks. April 5th, 1 761. Yost Wagner. Ruscomb. Berks. April 5th, 1 761. John Shock. Bern. Berks. March 29th, 1761. Nicholas Finger. Earl. Lancaster. April 3rd, 1 761. Jacob Stuke. Philadelphia. Philadelphia. March 22nd, 1761. Jno. Engle Brown. Cumru. Berks. March 22nd, 1761. Christopher Schaub. Cocolico. Lancaster. April ist, 1 76 1. Peter Frankhouser. Brecknock. Lancaster. April ist, 1 76 1. Jno. Ryswick. Upper Milford. Northampton. March 22 nd, 1761. Christopher Keiser. Tulpehockon. Berks. March 22nd, 1761. Jno. Wurman. Bedminster. Bucks. March 28th, 1761. Fred. Tackses. Heidleburg. Berks. March 22nd, 1761. Reinhart Roreback. Cumru. Berks. March 22nd, 1761- Nicholas Marritt. Warwick. Lancaster. March 19th, 1761. Martin Spiekler. Warwick. Lancaster. March 19th, 1761. Henry Dehoff. Warwick. Lancaster. March 19(29)^, 1761. Ludwick Beeker. Hempfield. Lancaster. March 19th, 1761. Peter Gudelius. Rapho. Lancaster. March 29th, 1761. Jacob Ran. Exeter. Berks. April 6th, 1761. Leonard Hoekgenug. Exeter. Berks. April 7th, 1761. Bernard Feather. Warwick. Lancaster. March 22nd, 1761. George Reiner. Upper Milford. Northampton. March 29th, 1761. Anthony Lambright. Heidleburg. Berks. April ist, 1761. Matthias Stout. Heidleburg. Berks. March 22nd, 1761. Valentine Schneider. Cocolico. Lancaster. March 22nd, 1761. Philip Stober. Brecknock. Lancaster. March 22nd, 1761. Casper Mesner. Brecknock. Lancaster. March 22nd, 1761. Christian Mesner. Brecknock. Lancaster. March 22nd, 1761. George Weaver. Earl. Lancaster. March 29th, 1761. Matthew Meyer. Philadelphia. Philadelphia. March 22nd, 1761. Paul Kober. Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Feb. 22nd, 1761. Christian Ruth. Bern. Berks. April ist, 1761. Nicholas Klee. Bern. Berks. March 22nd, 1761. George Mettler. Bern. Berks. April 7th, 1 761. Sebastian Crime. Bern. Berks. April (March) 29th, 1761 Jacob Crime. Bern. Berks. April (March) 29th, 1761 John Yost. Frederick. Philadelphia. April (March) 28th, 1761 Jacob Gickert. Tulpohockon. Berks. April 3rd, 1761. Peter Fitzer. Heidleberg. Berks. March 22nd, 1761. Saml. Kuth. Reading. Berks. April 6th, 1761. George Bick. York. York. March 22nd, 1761. Jacob Schneider. York. York. March 22nd, 1761. Jacob Bott. York. York. April 5th, 1761. Michael Ruth. Heidelburgh. Berks. March 15th, 1761. John Bullman. Heidleburg. Berks. March 15th, 1761. Philip Adam Sherman. Heidleburg. Berks. March 15th, 1761. Jacob Ruth. Heidleburg. Berks. March 15th, 1761. John Hehart. Heidleburg. Berks. March 15th, 1761. 64 NATURALIZATIONS PENNSYLVANIA. Jurors' Names. Michael Miller. Michael Traxall. Jno. Christopher Spingler. John Mettaver (Mettauer). Henry Reech. Henry Hanse. Matthias Hoffer. Michael Wolf. Adam Keener. William Spotz. John Bernard Frank. Conrad Farsnaught. Martin Schwenk. Jacob Smith. George Pfotezer. Saml. Wolff. Daniel Huber. Jacob Miller. Christopr. Reem. Philip Seng. Philip Dennius. John Bonnett. Peter Wolff. NlCHS. SCHREINER. Nichs. Gampert. John Mohn. William Ermet. Nichs. Schappart. William Marks. George Weidner. Batizer Myerly. Henry Geiger. Martin Ginginger. Philip Henry Rapp. Peter Herr. Andreas Hertz. Melcher Debler. George Haffner. Abraham Keefer. Henry Swass. George Sheffer. Michael Cline. Caspar Nype. Martin Crafft. John Bebber. Dewald Bebber. Ulrick Hartman. Rudolph Kidwiler. Charles Witz. Jacob Libegut. Township. Heidleburg. Whitehall. Reading. Cocolico. Cocolico. Warwick. Warwick.Warwick.Warwick. Heidleburg. Earl. Earl.Upper Milford. Upper Milford. Warwick.Warwick. Warwick. Warwick. Lancaster.Lancaster.LebannonLebannon. Lebannon. Philadelphia.Philadelphia.Cumru. Reading.Reading. Reading.Maiden Creek. Reading.Heidleburgh.Maccungy. Germantown. Whitehall. Salisbury.Tulpohockon. Blocklem. Richmond. Richmond. Richmond. Lower Milford. Alsace. Reading.Maxatawny. Richmond. Worcester. Lower Milford. Frankford and New Hanover. Frankford and New Hanover. County. Berks.Northampton. Berks. Lancaster.Lancaster.Lancaster. Lancaster. Lancaster.Lancaster.Lancaster.Lancaster.Lancaster. Northampton. Northampton.Lancaster. Lancaster.Lancaster.Lancaster.Lancaster. Lancaster.Lancaster.Lancaster.Lancaster.Philadelphia.Philadelphia. Berks. Berks.Berks. Berks.Berks.Berks.Northampton. Northampton. Philadelphia.Northampton.Northampton. Berks.Berks.Berks. Berks. Berks. Bucks.Bucks.Berks. Berks. Berks. Philadelphia.Bucks.Philadelphia.Philadelphia. Sacrament when taken. March 15th, 1761. March 22nd, 1761. April 7th, 1 761. March 22nd, 1761. March 22nd, 1761. March 19th, 1761. Feb. 15th, 1761. March 19th, 1761. Feb. 15th, 1761. April 7th, 1761. March 29th, 1761. March 22nd, 1761. March 23rd, 1761. March 23rd, 1761. Feb. 8th, 1761. Feb. 8th, 1761. Feb. 8th, 1761. Feb. 8th, 1761. March 22nd, 1761. March 22nd, 1761. April 7th, 1 761. April 7th, 1761. April 7th, 1 761. April 9th, 1 761. April 9(8)th, 1761. March 15th, 1761. March 22nd, 1761. March 22nd, 1761. March 22nd, 1761. April 7th, 1 761. March 22nd, 1761. March 23rd, 1761. March 22nd, 1761. March 22nd, 1761. March 22nd, 1761. March 22nd, 1761. March 22nd, 1761. April 8th, 1761. March 6th, 1761. March 6th, 1761. March 6th, 1761. March 22nd, 1761. March 6th, 1761. March 22nd, 1761. April 6(5)th, 1761. April 6(5)th, 1761. March 23rd, 1761. April 5th, 1 761. March 22nd, 1761. March 22nd, 1761. PENNSYLVANIA 65 Jurors' Names. Michael Brand. Melchior Shenvee (Sheener). Ludwick Shiek. Peter Howg. Martin Yorger. Philip Adam Dieter (Dieler). John Smidt. Christian Sitzman. Abraham Hauser. John Greenwalt. Peter Burkholder. Jacob Rumman. David Deshler. George Henry Joseph. Caspar Slatter. George Shoub. Jacob Kopp. Jacob Schyck. Michael Horlactior ( ? Horlacher). Bless Weiber. Philip Behm. wlgand pannibecker. Jno. Nichs. Young. Ludwick Zeigler. Melchior Barr. Ulrick Spinner. Henry Swartz. Michl. Hartman Dillo. Christr. Goodman. George Shamback. Daniel Rott. Daniel Traxell. Christian Birkenbeiel. Philip Spear. Henry Wolff. Andreas Boyer. Geo. Kershner. Geo. Reinhard. Abram Dannehower. Frederick Sheffer. Henry Huber. John Waspie. John Jacob Miller. Francis Westgo. Nichs. Rottenberger. Adam Berger. Christr. Barr. Henry Brunner. Jacob Engle. Andrew Honnetta. Henry Fetter. Andrew Erdman. f Township. Frankford and New Flanover. New Hanover. New Hanover. Frederick.New Hanover. Earl. New Providence. Lower Milford. White Marsh. White Marsh. Whitehall. Upper Dublin. Whitehall. Rockhill.Upper Dublin. Horsham. Upper Dublin. Upper Dublin. Lower Milford. Montgomery Marlsborough. Upper Hannover. Upper Hannover. Mannor.Maccungy.Lower Milford. Heidleberg. Upper Milford. Upper Milford. Lower Salford. Whitehall. Whitehall. Passyunk. Worcester.Cumru. Upper Milford. Saucon.Saucon. Saucon. Saucon (Maccungy). Lower Milford. Philadelphia.Upper Hannover. Upper Milford. Upper Milford. Bethel. Whitehall. Upper Saucon. Douglass. Douglass. Salisbury. Upper Saucon, County. Philadelphia.Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Philadelphia.Lancaster. Philadelphia.Bucks.Philadelphia.Philadelphia. Northampton. Philadelphia. Northampton. Bucks. Bucks. Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Philadelphia.Bucks. Philadelphia.Philadelphia.Philadelphia.Philadelphia. Lancaster.Northampton. Bucks. Berks. Northampton. Northampton.Philadelphia.Northampton. Northampton.Philadelphia. Philadelphia.Berks. Northampton.Northampton. Northampton.Northampton. Northampton. Bucks.Philadelphia.Philadelphia. Northampton. Northampton. Lancaster. Northampton. Northampton. Philadelphia.Philadelphia. Northampton. Northampton. Sacrament when taken. March 22nd, 1761. April ist, 1761. April ist, 1761. March 28th, 1761. April ist, 1761. March 29th, 1761. March 23rd, 1761. March 23rd, 1761 . March 23rd, 1761. March 22nd, 1761. March 22nd, 1761. March 23rd, 1761. March 15th, 1761. March 22nd, 1761. March 23rd, 1761. March 23rd, 1761. March 15th, 1761. March 15th, 1761. April 9th, 1 761. March 22nd, 1761. April 16th, 1761. March 15th, 1761. March 22nd, 1761. March 22nd, 1761. March 23rd, 1761. March 22nd, 1761. March 22nd, 1761. March 22nd, 1761. March 25th, 1761. March 28th, 1761. March 15th, 1761. March 15 th, 1761. March 22nd, 1761. March 23rd, 1761. March 22nd, 1761. March 22nd, 1761. April 6th, 1761. April 6th, 1761. April 6th, 1761. April 6(8)th, 1761. March 22nd, 1761. March 22nd, 1761. March 22 nd, 1761. March 23rd, 1761. March 23rd, 1761 . March 22nd, 1761. March 22nd, 1761. April 6th, 1761. March 22nd, 1761. April ist, 1761. March 22nd, 1761. April 6th, 1 761. 66 NATURALIZATIONS PENNSYLVANIA. Jurors' Names. Michael Sieder. Baltzer Boyle. Henry Ekell. Geo. Schellmeir. Michl. Putts. Christ. Shukes. Nichs. Wierpack. Jacob Overpeck (Overpeek). Christian Duy. Matthias Foltz. Christian Schneider. Henry Rees. Jacob Seider. John Groce. Valentine Stienmetz. Christian Donnacre. Jno. Remiguis Spiegle. Leonard Freely. Jno. Peter Witberger. George Adam Gaah. George Kee.mer. John Haberacker. Nicholas Shilfer (Shitfer). Jno. Nicholas Praxell. Jno. Schneider. Ulrick Flickinger. Philip Upp. Durst Thomas (Thoma). George Holer. Fred. Wolfesberger. John Meyer. Martin Hetfelsinger. Jacob Dui. Adam Bollman. Yost Hoffman. Peter Lamb. Adam Hickman. John Adam Schneider. Yost Sterback. Jacob Yost. Samuel Seger. Christian Seger. Christian Berger. Lawrence Kehnly. Nicholas Long. John Raeber. Jacob Hubler. John Schop. Adam Huey. Tobias Retter. Geo. Schwingle. Abraham Netf. Township. Upper Saucon. Upper Saucon. Bedminster. North Wales. Springfield. Springfield.Springfield.Springfield. Germantown. Lower Merrion. Lower Merrion. Upper Milford. Cumru. Reading. Saucon. Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Germantown. Philadelphia.Philadelphia. Germantown. Reading.Heidleburg. Whitehall.Whitehall.Whitehall. Brecknock.Heidleburg.Heidleburg. Heidleburg. Heidleburg. Heidleburg.Heidleburg.Heidleburg. Heidleburg.Heidleburg.Alsace. Hanover. Helm. Whitpain. Whitehall.Whitehall. Bern.Maccungy. Tulpohockon. Bern. Tulpohockon.Tulpohockon. Easton. Heidleburg. Tulpohockon.Tulpohockon, County. Northampton.Northampton. Bucks. Philadelphia. Bucks.Bucks. Bucks.Bucks.Philadelphia. Philadelphia.Philadelphia.Northampton.Berks.Berks. Northampton.Philadelphia. Philadelphia.Philadelphia.Philadelphia.Philadelphia.Philadelphia. Berks. Berks.Northampton.Northampton. Northampton.Lancaster. Lancaster. Lancaster.Lancaster.Lancaster.Lancaster.Lancaster. Lancaster. Lancaster. Berks.Berks. Philadelphia. York. Philadelphia. Northampton. Northampton.Berks.Northampton. Berks.Berks. Berks. Berks. Northampton.Lancaster.Lancaster.Lancaster, Sacrament when taken. April 6th, 1761. April 6th, 1761. April 8th, 1761. March 15th, 1761. April 5th, 1 761. April 5th, 1761. April 5th, 1761. April 5th, 1 761. March 22nd, 1761. March 22nd, 1761. March 22nd, 1761. March 23rd, 1761. March 22nd, 1761. March 22nd, 1761. April 6th, 1761. Feb. 22nd, 1761. March 22nd, 1761. March 22nd, 1761. April 10th, 1761. March 22nd, 1761. March 22nd, 1761. April 7th, 1 761. March 15th, 1761. March 22nd, 1761. March 22 nd, 1761. March 22nd, 1761. March 29th, 1761. April 7th, 1 761. April 7th, 1 761. April 7th, 1761. April 7th, 1 761. April 7th, 1761. April 7th, 1761. April 7th, 1 761. April 7th, 1 761. March 15th, 1761. March 22nd, 1761. April 6th, 1761. April 5th, 1 761. March 22nd, 1761. April 5th, 1 761. April 5th, 1761. April ist, 1761. April 5th, 1761. April 7th, 1 761. April ist, 1 761. April 7th, 1761. April 7th, 1761. April 5th, 1 761. March 29th, 1761. April 5th, 1761. April 5th, 1761. PENNSYLVANIA 67 Jurors' Names. Township. County Jacob Netf. Tulpohockon. Lancaster. Henry Moke. Warwick. Lancaster. Andreas Mohr. Heidleburg. Lancaster. Caspar Ipa. Heidleburg. Lancaster. John Matthias Albert. Heidleburg. Lancaster. Nicholas Hess. Philadelphia. Philadelphia Jacob Eyler. Philadelphia. Philadelphia Christopher Steigh. Mannor. Lancaster. Henry Shenck. Mannor. Lancaster. William Moy. Bern. Berks. John Endres. Cocolico. Lancaster. Michael Hentzell. Bern. Berks. Conrad Ernst. Heidleberg. Berks. Michael Oberly. Earl. Lancaster. Nicholas Lesher. Cocolico. Lancaster. Jacob Kuhl. Heidleburg; Berks. Nicholas Holder, Senr. Bern. Berks. Nicholas Holder, Junr. Bern. Berks. John Henry Cline. Philadelphia. Philadelphia Jacob Genslin. Germantown. Philadelphia Martin Noll. Philadelphia. Philadelphia John Waldschmith. Cocolico. Lancaster. Jacob Dick. Alsace. Berks. George Diehl. Alsace. Berks. David Rein. Alsace. Berks. Adam Wagner. Alsace. Berks. Jacob Bucher. Alsace. Berks. William Miller. Alsace. Berks. Wolfgang Hackner. Alsace. Berks. Fred. Goodhart. Alsace. Berks. Julius Kerper. Alsace. Berks. Jacob Librook. Alsace. Berks. Christr. Gotshall. Alsace. Berks. Gabriel Schopp. Alsace. Berks. Christr. Smith. Alsace. Berks. George Rehm. Alsace. Berks. Michael Fetter. Alsace. Berks. Valentine Hemalbarger. Tulpohockon. Berks. Catherina Schuen. Bethel. Berks. Yost Tobie. Bern. Berks. Jacob Hoffman. Bern. Berks. Martin Kersener. Bern. Berks. Adam Stumm. Bern. Berks. Caspar Lerk. Heidleburg. Berks. Michael Geissleman. Strasburg. York. Daniel Dehl. Codorus. York. John Glaidy. York. York. Sebastian Stohler. Donegal. Lancaster. John Feltman. Lancaster. Lancaster. Daniel Dewald. York. York. Jacob Wagner. York. York. John Jacob Ottinger. Manchester. York. John Herick Cline. . York. York. Francis Noll. Manheim. York. Sacrament when taken. April 5th, 1761. March 30th, 1761. March 29th, 1761. March 29th, 1761. March 29th, 1761. March 22nd, 1761. March 22nd, 1761. March 22nd, 1761. March 22nd, 1761. March 22nd, 1761. April 3rd, 1761. March 22nd, 1761. March 22nd, 1761. March 23rd, 1761. April ist, 1 76 1. March 22nd, 1761. March 22nd, 1761. March 22nd, 1761. March 22nd, 1761. March 22nd, 1761. March 22nd, 1761. March 22nd, 1761. April 7th, 1 761. April 7th, 1761. April 7th, 1 761. April 7th, 1761. April 7th, 1 761. April 7th, 1 761. April 7th, 1761- April 7th, 1 761. April 7th, 1 761. April 7th, 1 761. April 7th, 1761. April 7th, 1761. April 7th, 1761. April 7th, 1761. April 7th, 1761. March 22nd, 1761. April 6th, 1761. March 29th, 1761. March 29th, 1761. April ist, 1761 April ist, 1761. April ist, 1761. April ist, 1 761. April ist, 1761. April 5th, 1761. March 29th, 1761. March 22nd, 1761. March 22nd, 1761. March 22nd, 1761. March 22nd, 1761. March 22nd, 1761. March 22nd, 1761. 68 NATURALIZATIONS PENNSYLVANIA. Jurors' Name" George Neiss. Jacob Rudisilly. Michl. Wommer. John Wolf. George Gerrnant. John Zinn. Jacob Meyer. Peter Obb. Peter Streeher. Jacob Epler. Peter Harbine. Philip Mahomer. Chirstian Albright. John Faust. George Ressler. Daniel Zachariss. John Michl. Womer. Valentine Epler. Jacob Albright. Christian Oldhouse. George Grafft. Conrad Gentzler. Henry Bott. Rynhard Botts. John Runkett. Michael Keiser. Henry Spohn. Henry Zank. Martin Pottiker. Philip Breitenback. William Stoy. Jacob Grim. George Gansell. Henry Speecher. John Kuster. Michl. Spingler. Nicholas Treber. John Treber. Henry Derr. John Hurand. John Shotter. Michael Deny. Michael Sifert. Michael Stout. Jno. Jacob Rabbold. Matthias Dornback. Sebastian Rhutt. Henry Sanger. Martin Bayer. Frederick Kern. John Made. Nicholas Runkett. Township. County. Manchester. York. Manchester. York. Bern. Berks. Manchester. York. Bern. Berks. Dover. York. Dover. York. Dover. York. Dover. York. Bern. Berks. Bern. Berks. Bern. Berks. Bern. Berks. Bern. Berks. Bern. Berks. Bern. Berks. Bern. Berks. Bern. Berks. Bern. Berks. Bern. Berks. York. York. York. York. York. York. York. York. Bern. Berks. Heidleburg. Berks. Heidleburg. Berks. Lancaster. Lancaster. Heidleburg. Berks. Heidleburg. Lancaster. Lancaster. Lancaster. Bern. Berks. Bern. Berks. York. York. Heidleburg. Lancaster. Heidleburg. Lancaster. Manheim. Lancaster. Manheim. Lancaster. Maiden Creek. Berks. Maiden Creek. Berks. Earl. Lancaster. Pikeland. Chester. Vincent. Chester. Bern. Berks. Reading. Berks. Bern. Berks. Bern. Berks. Reading. Berks. Berks. Upper Milford. Northampton Bern. Berks. Bern, Berks, Sacrament when taken. March 22nd, 1761. March 22nd, 1761. April 5th, 1761. April 5th, 1761. March 22nd, 1761. March 22nd, 1761. March 22nd, 1761. March 22nd, 1761. April 5th, 1 761. April 3rd, 1 761. April 3rd, 1761. April 3rd, 1 761. April 3rd, 1 76 1. April 3rd, 1 761. April 3rd, 1 761. April 3rd, 1761. April 3rd, 1 76 1. April 3rd, 1 761. April 3rd, 1 761*. April 3rd, 1761. March 22nd, 1761. March 22nd, 1761. March 22nd, 1761. March 22nd, 1761. March 22nd, 1761. March 22nd, 1761. March 22nd, 1761. March 22nd, 1761. March 22nd, 1761. April 5th, 1761. March 22nd, 1761. March 29th, 1761. March 22nd, 1761. March 22nd, 1761. March 22nd, 1761. March 22nd, 1761. March 26th, 1761. March 26th, 1761. April 7th, 1761. April 7th, 1 761. April 3rd, 1761. March 15th, 1761. March 15th, 1761. April ist, 1761. April 6th, 1761. March 29th, 1761. March 29th, 1761. April 6th, 1761. April 5th, 1761. March 22nd, 1761. March 29th, 1761. March 29th, 1761. PENNSYLVANIA 69 Jurors' Names. Township. County. Sacrament when taken. George Englehard. Cumru. Berks. April 7th, 1761. Martin More. Bern. Berks. March 29th, 1761. Jacob Heck. Bern. Berks. April ist, 1761. Quakers [&c.]. If Moravian Foreigners' Names. Township. County. Sacrament when taken. Jacob Seigerist. York. York. Ludwick Mohler. Earl. Lancaster. Martin Funk. Cocolico. Lancaster. Rudy Bollinger. Cocolico. Lancaster. Peter Heffley. Cocolico. Lancaster. John Bowman. Cocolico. Lancaster. Jacob Martin. Cocolico. Lancaster. John Senzeman. Cocolico. Lancaster. Jacob Keller. Cocolico. Lancaster. Valentine Hoffman. Lancaster. Lancaster. Peter Denny. Lancaster. Lancaster. Detrick Fannerstick. Cocolico. Lancaster. Conrad Bolthouse. Cocolico. Lancaster. Andrew Gear. Earl. Lancaster. Paul Gear. Earl. Lancaster. John Feegly. Rapho. Lancaster. John Bougher. Cocolico. Lancaster. Martin Stover. Manor (Mannor). Lancaster. Valentine Young. Upper Saucon. Northampton. John Christr. Hayne. Lancaster. Lancaster. Henry Mohler. Cocolico. Lancaster. George Blesskenner. Cocolico. Lancaster. George Keller. Cocolico. Lancaster. Jacob Mohler. Cocolico. Lancaster. John Mather. Cocolico. Lancaster. Christian Brenzer. Elizabeth. Lancaster. Peter Brooker. Heidleburg. Berks. Valentine Hoff. Oley. Berks. Jacob Stonmetz. Northern Liberties. Philadelphia. John Lorey. Amity. Berks. Peter Bryell. Oley. Berks. Michael Andreas. Cocolico. Lancaster. Jacob Reezer. Bern. Berks. Philip Reezer. Bern. Berks. Adam Spittelmyer. Alsace. Berks. Peter Wyland. Warwick. Lancaster. John Feisser. York. York. March 21st, 1761. Frantz Ludwick Berot. York. York. March 21st, 1761. George Iglefritz. Dover. York. March 21st, 1761. John Beitzell. Dover. York. March 21st, 1761. Bemhart Hewrison. Dover. York. March 21st, 1761. John Fishill. York. York. March 21st, 1761. George Holler. Helm. York. William Reel. York. York. William Woitz. Cocolico. Lancaster. John Hover. Manheim. Lancaster. Christian Hartman. Manheim. Lancaster. 70 N ATURALIZATTONS PENNSYLVANIA. Foreigners' Names. Johannes Peter. Wilder Laudermeligh. Jacob Milliner. Conrad Rush. Jno. Mauyer. Valentine Young. Adam Young. Michael Small. Lazarus Weidner. Dichius Weidner. Philip Weinnimer. Lawrence Remich. John Adam Kittering. Philip Trapp. Peter Tyse. Hans Keller. Jacob Lannius. Peter Huber. Jacob Shantz. Jacob Shirtzer. John Rupe. John Wingher. Joseph Wingher. Francis Schunck. Christian Kinsey. Adam Swartzback. Anthony Hamshaw. John Grove. Jacob Sheffer. Jacob Lewis. Christian Ess. Peter Herple. Philip Cratzer. Andreas Geiring. Conrad Miller. Baltzer Reem. Peter Beel. Henry Lowman. Abraham Paul. John Sneebly. Nicholas Huber. Andreas Izenheart. Charles Shally. John Apple. Henry Alshouse. Abraham Berlin. Frederick Saiger. John Staily. Martin Apple. Bernard Bare. Melchor Kneply. Christian Hoffert. Township. Philadelphia.Heidleburg. Cocolico.Germantown. Upper Milford. Oley. Exeter.Philadelphia. Oley.Oley. Philadelphia. Worcester.Derry. Upper Saucon. Upper Saucon. Heidleburg. Helm. Warwick. Warwick.Warwick. Cocolico. Cocolico. Cocolico. Providence. Alsace. Alsace.Oley. Reading.Maxatawny. LTpper Saucon. Lebannon.Oley. Upper Milford. Salisbury. Richmond. Richmond. Richmond. Cocolico.Cocolico. Bethel. Lebanon. Maccungy. Lebanon. Lower Saucon. Easton. Easton. Bethel. Lower Saucon. Upper Milford. Upper Saucon. Whitpain. County. Philadelphia. Lancaster.Lancaster. Philadelphia. Northampton. Berks.Berks. Philadelphia.Berks. Berks.Philadelphia.Philadelphia. Lancaster. Northampton.Northampton.Berks. York. Lancaster.Lancaster.Lancaster.Lancaster.Lancaster.Lancaster.Philadelphia.Berks.Berks.Berks. York. Berks.Northampton. Lancaster. Berks.Northampton.Northampton.Berks. Berks. Berks. Lancaster. Lancaster. Lancaster.Lancaster. Northampton.Lancaster. Northampton. Northampton. Northampton. Lancaster. Lancaster.Northampton. Northampton. Northampton. Philadelphia. If Moravian Sacrament when taken March 19th, 1761. March 21st, 1761. March 20th, 1761. March 20th, 1761. March 20th, 1761. April 3rd, 1 76 1. PENNSYLVANIA Foreigners' Names. Henry Bush. Henry Weaver. Gregorius Shultz. Andreas Warner. John Knagy. John Vanlashy. Leonard Eckstine. Elias Reed. Henry Sleighter. George Frederick. Christopher Waggoner. Cralluis Larch. John Melcher. Moses Trable. John King. George Starnher. Jacob Christian Gleim. Michael Stiles. Township. Easton.Upper Saucon. Maccungy. Towamensing. Bethel. Carnarvon.Germantown. Maiden Creek. Franconia. Upper Salford. Lower Saucon. Lower Saucon. Lower Saucon. Montgomery. Towamensing. Germantown.Germantown.Germantown. County. Northampton. Northampton. Northampton.Philadelphia. Lancaster. Lancaster.Philadelphia.Berks. Philadelphia.Philadelphia. Northampton. Northampton.Northampton. •Philadelphia. Philadelphia.Philadelphia.Philadelphia. Philadelphia. 71 If Moravian. Sacrament when taken. C. 0. 324. 56. A List of persons that have intitled themselves to the benefit of the Act (13th Geo. 2d) intitled "An Act for Naturalizing such foreign Protestants and ethers therein men tioned as are settled or that shall settle in any of His Majesty's Colonies in America." PENNSYLVANIA. (Sup Foreigners' Names. Albright Kochler. Frederick Zeegle. Abraham Weidman. George Miller. Jacob Schwaub. Martin Eichold. Christian Bechtel. Jacob Lenherr (Lehnherr). Jacob Enck. Adam Jacobs. George Michael Weiss. Jacob Bullinger. John Buttser. Thomas Kurr. Jacob Kidler. John Philip Schmid. John Henry Gostler. Jno. Henrick Byerlo. Michael Luib. Nicholas Gougher. Abraham Raiguel. John Miller. Proprieties Bundle, X. 41 , Sept. 24th, 1 76 1 reme Court, Philadelphia, 24 and 25 Sept., 1 761.) Township. County. Sacrament when ta Conestogo. Lancaster. July 26th, 1761. Conestogo. Lancaster. July 26th, 1761. Lebanon. Lancaster. Sept. 13th, 1 761. Lebanon. Lancaster. Sept. 13th, 1761. Lebanon. Lancaster. Sept. 13th, 1 761. Heidleburg. Lancaster. Sept. 13th, 1 76 1. Tulpeho(c)kon. Berks. Aug. 17th, 1761. Warwick. Lancaster. Sept. 13th, 1 76 1. Warwick. Lancaster. Sept. 13th, 1761. Warwick. Lancaster. Sept. 13th, 1 761. Cocolico. Lancaster. Sept. 13th, 1 76 1. Cocolico. Lancaster. Sept. 13th, 1 76 1. Earl. Lancaster. Sept. 20th, 1 761. Tulpehockon. Berks. Aug. 17th, 1761. Reading. Berks. Sept. 1 6th, 1 76 1. Reading. Berks. Sept. 16th, 1 761. Reading. Berks. Sept. 16th, 1 761. Reading. Berks. Sept. 1 6th, 1 76 1. Cumrey. Berks. Sept. 13th, 1761. Tulpehockon. Berks. Sept. 13th, 1761. Lebanon. Lancaster. Sept. 13th, 1 761. Lebanon. Lancaster. Sept. 13th, 1 761. 72 NATURALIZATIONS PENNSYLVANIA. Foreigners' Names. Jacob Graff. Henry Gaeble. Wilhelm Erhman. Joseph Berritt. George Ernst Maurer. Erhard Rost. Philip Sailer. Peter Knobb. Henry Newkirets (? Newkirch). Christr. Smith. Conrad Bab. George Neiss. Michael Glosser. Adam Appel. Jacob Mikely. Jacob Hottenstyn. Nichs. Winegardner. William Graffe. Tobias Helsel. Jacob Shoemaker. Frederick Shingle. Philip Umborne. Jacob Shaffner. John Huber. Diederick Martin. Sebastian Morgan. John Maurice Row. Christr. Brytenhart. Nichs. Messer Smith. Charles Snyder. Christr. Kneerenshield. Frederick Martin. Martin Schudy. Christian Wallborn. Martin Battorff. Sebastian Krowser. Conrad Brown. Samuel Shultz. Philip Weiss. Jacob Wild. Adam Bott. Peter Schaub. Peter Feeser. Adam Krill. Nicholas Weinhold. Marcus Egle. George Hott. William Oldhouse. John Henry Krauss. France Brosman. Township. County. Lebanon. Lancaster. Reading. Berks. Reading. Berks. Reading. Berks. Reading. Berks. Reading. Berks. Reading. Berks. Oley. Oley. Berks. Berks. Philadelphia. Alsace. Philadelphia. Berks. Alsace. Berks. Alsace. Berks. Alsace. Berks. Whiteland. Manheim. Northampton Lancaster. Lancaster. Lancaster. Reading. Berks. Paradise. York. Lampeter.Lampeter.Lebanon (Lampeter). Lebanon. Lancaster. Lancaster.Lancaster. Lancaster. Lebanon Lancaster. Oley.Gomery. Lancaster. Berks.Berks. Lancaster. Lancaster. Lancaster. Lancaster. Lancaster. Lancaster. Lancaster. Lancaster. Lancaster. Elizabeth. Lancaster. Elizabeth. Lancaster. Heidleburg. Lancaster. Heidleburg. Lancaster. Reading. Berks. Reading. Berks. Reading. Berks. Reading. Berks. Lancaster. Lancaster. York. York. Cocolico. Lancaster. Cocolico. Lancaster. Cocolico. Lancaster. Cocolico. Lancaster. Cocolico. Lancaster. Brecknock. Lancaster. Sarancony Philadelphia. (Torancony). Philadelphia. Heidleburg. Philadelphia.Lancaster. Sacrament when taken. Sept. 13th, Sept. 1 8th, Sept. 1 8th, Sept. 1 8th, Sept. 1 8th, Sept. 1 8th, Sept. 1 8th, Sept. 20th, Sept. 20th, Sept. 20th, Sept. 14th, Sept. 14th, Sept. 14th, Sept. 14th, Aug. 9th, 1 Sept. 20th, Sept. (Aug Sept. 1 8th, Aug. 30th, Sept. 20th, Aug. 23rd, Aug. 23rd, Aug. 23rd, Aug. 23rd, Sept. 20th, Sept. 1 8th, Aug. 23rd, Aug. 23rd, Aug. 23rd, Aug. 23rd, Aug. 23rd, Sept. 13th, Sept. 13th, Sept. 13th, Sept. 13th, Sept. 1 6th, Sept. 1 6th, Sept. 1 6th, Sept. 1 6th, Sept. 20th, Aug. 30th, Sept. 6th, 1 Sept. 6th, 1 Sept. 6th, 1 Sept. 6th, 1 Sept. 6th, 1 Sept. 6th, 1 Sept. 13th, 761761 761761761761 761 761761 761. 761. 761. 761.761. 761. 761. 123rd, 1 761. 761761761 761761 761 761 761761 761761761761 761 761761761 761 761761761 761 761761 761.761.761.761.761.761. 1761 Sept. 20th, 1 76 1. Sept. 13th, 1 76 1. PENNSYLVANIA 73 Foreigners' Names. Augustine Widder. Charles Miller. Michael Senghaas. Rudolph Fry. Fred. Driesh. Adam Kowsman. Henry Klien. Johannes Kock. Michael Kock. Martin Young. Jno. Peter Klinger. Martin Ege. John Dengler. Andreas Salzgeber. Mathias Streeher. Mathias Streeher, Junr. Philip Jacob Zinn. Michael Bentz. Jacob Fry. Jno. Adam Haushaller. Nicholas Gower. John Godlin Bryninger. Henry Schlaback. Ludwick Wolfart. Philip Maurer. Michael Fischer. John Caspar Yager. John Switzer. John Henry Radin. George Marks. Christr. Embig. Henry Rincel. George Schupp. Martin Yock. Jno. Martin Brininger (Bryninger). Philip Sulzback. George Heist. Detrick Sheffer. Peter Rehm, Senr. Peter Rehm, Junr. George Schuffer. George Meess. Adam Eckart. Michl. Bohr. William Stehr. Tillman Shitz. George Reinhard. John Wolfersberger. John Futwieler. Michael Rush, Senr. Michael Rush, Junr. Anastasius Uhler. Wendal Hoyl. Township. County. Strasburg. Lancaster. Strasburg. Lancaster. Lebanon. Lancaster. Hanover. Lancaster. Lancaster. Lancaster. Lancaster. Lancaster. Lebanon. Lancaster. Reading. Berks. Reading. Berks. Reading. Berks. Reading. Berks. Reading. Berks. Reading. Berks. Heidleburg. Lancaster. Lebanon. Lancaster. Lebanon. Lancaster. Dove i York. Earl. Lancaster. Brecknock. Lancaster. Cumru. Berks. Cumru. Berks. Cumru. Berks. Brecknock. Lancaster. Earl. Lancaster. Earl. Lancaster. Alsace. Berks. Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Reading. Berks. Lebanon. Lancaster. Reading. Berks. Lebanon. Lancaster. Lebanon. Lancaster. Brecknock. Lancaster. Earl. Lancaster. Cumru. Berks. Northern Liberties. Philadelphia Reading. Berks. Rockland. Berks. Heidleburg. Lancaster. Heidleburg. Lancaster. Rockland. Berks. Heidleburg. Lancaster. Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Lebanon. Lancaster. Lebanon. Lancaster. Warwick. Lancaster. Elizabeth. Lancaster. Heidleburg. Lancaster. Heidleburg. Lancaster. Reading. Berks. Reading. Berks. Lebanon. Lancaster. Bethel. Lancaster. Sacrament when taken. Sept. 20th, 1 761. Sept. 20th, 1761. Sept. 20th, 1761. Sept. 14th, 1 761. Aug. 23rd, 1761. Aug. 23rd, 1 76 1. Aug. 23rd, 1761. Sept. 6th, 1 761. Sept. 6th, 1 76 1. Sept. 6th, 1 761. Sept. 6th, 1 76 1. Sept. 6th, 1 76 1. Sept. 6th, 1 76 1. Aug. 2nd, 1761. Aug. 30th, 1 761. Sept. 6th, 1 761. Sept. 15th, 1761. Aug. 30th, 1 761. Aug. 23rd, 1 761. Sept. 6th, 1 76 1. Sept. 6th, 1 761. Sept. 6th, 1 76 1. Sept. 6th, 1 761. Sept. 20th, 1761. Sept. 20th, 1 761. Sept. 20th, 1761. Sept. 20th, 1 761. Sept. 6th, 1 761. July 26th, 1761. Sept. 6th, 1761. July 26th, 1 761. July 26th, 1 761. Sept. 13th, 1 761. Aug. 30th, 1 761. Sept. 6th, 1 76 1. Sept. 20th, 1 761. Sept. 6th, 1 76 1. Sept. 20th, 1 761. Sept. 13th, 1 76 1. Sept. 13th, 1 761. Sept. 20th, 1 761. Sept. 13th, 1 761. Sept. 20th, 1761. Aug. 30th, 1 761. Aug. 30th, 1 761. Sept. 13th, 1 76 1. Sept. 13th, 1 761. Sept. 13th, 1 761. Sept. 13th, 1 761. Sept. 6th, 1 761. Sept. 6th, 1 761. Aug. 30th, 1761 Aug. 30th, 1 761. 74 NATURALIZATIONS PENNSYLVANIA. Foreigners' Names. Adam Hallman. Ludwick Mohn. John Newcomer. Chs. Ludwick Mecklinburgh. Christr. Curfess. George Hefft. Abraham Kern. John Souder (Snider). Henry Kitner. Philip Staffer. George Straal. Wendal Koemer. Michael Growl. Lawrence Bitter. John Deetz. Lenhart (Lehnhart) Rubbert. John Philip Klinger. Alexander Klinger. Matthias Kinnelin. Jno. George Eisinbeiss. George Stradler. Jno. Martin Fritz. John George Hafner. George Riess. Andrew Cammerel. Christian Gyger. John Shryber. John Keisler. Henry Mayer. Michael Folemir. Philip Wacks. Jacob Yoacham. George Gayer. Christopher Boyer. George H offer. Adam New. Nicholas New. Conrad Rose. John Elberth (Eberth). Andrew Ebbert. Valentine Vogt. Valentine Propst. Nicholas Schweiger. George Beeber. George Kutz. George Sell. Henry Alsback. Peter Knorr. Nicholas Yost. Jno. Adam Neidig. Frederick Casemir Miller. Nichs. Heidshu. Township. County. Lebanon. Lancaster. Cumru. Berks. Alsace. Berks. Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Brecknock. Lancaster. Brecknock. Lancaster. Reading. Berks. Bern. Berks. Brecknock. Lancaster. Bern. Berks. Marlboro. Philadelphia. Cumru. Berks. Lebanon. Lancaster. Lebanon. Lancaster. Reading. Berks. Reading. Berks. Reading. Berks. Reading. Berks. Reading. Berks. Douglass. Berks. Amity. Berks. Passyunck. Philadelphia. Northern Liberties. Philadelphia. Warwick. Lancaster. Warwick. Lancaster. Manheim. Lancaster. Rapho. Lancaster. Rapho. Lancaster. Cumru. Berks. Alsace. Berks. Providence. Philadelphia. Warwick. Lancaster. Reading. Berks. Cocolico. Lancaster. Derry. Lancaster. Lebanon. Lancaster. Oley. Berks. Bern. Berks. Reading. Berks. Douglass. Philadelphia. Albany. Berks. Maxatawney. Berks. Maxatawney. Berks. Maxatawney. Berks. Maxatawney. Berks. Cumru. Berks. Cumru. Berks. Cumru. Berks. Cumru. Berks. Reading. Berks. Alsace. Berks. Sacrament when taken. Sept. 13th, 1 76 1. Sept. 1 8th, 1761. Sept. 1 8th, 1 761. Sept. 20th, 1 761. Sept. 20th, 1 76 1. Sept. 6th, 1 761. Sept. 6th, 1 761. Sept. 6th, 1 76 1. Sept. 13th, 1 76 1. Sept. 6th, 1 76 1. Sept. 13th, 1 76 1. Sept. 16th, 1761. Sept. 2 ist, 1 761. Sept. 30th, 1 761. Sept. 30th, 1 76 1. Sept. 1 8th, 1 76 1. Sept. 1 8th (6th), 1761. Sept. 1 8th (6th), 1761. Sept. i8th(6th), 1761. Sept. 1 8th (6th), 1761. Sept. 13th, 1 76 1. Sept. 13th, 1761. Sept. 20th, 1 761. Sept. 20th, 1 761. Aug. 23rd, 1761. Aug. 23rd, 1761. Aug. 23rd, 1761. Aug. 30th, 1 761. Aug. 30th, 1 761. Sept. 6th, 1 761. Sept. 13th ( 1 8th), 1 761. Sept. 20th, 1 76 1. Sept. 13th, 1761. Sept. 6th, 1 76 1. Sept. 20th, 1761. Aug. 2nd, 1761. Aug. 30th, 1 76 1. Sept. 20th, 1 761. Sept. 2 ist, 1 761. Sept. 18th, 1761. Sept. 1 6th, 1 76 1. Sept. 20th, 1 761. Sept. 20th, 1 761. Sept. 20th, 1 761. Sept. 20th, 1 761. Sept. 20th, 1 761. Sept. 16th, 1 761. Sept. 16th, 1 761. Sept. 16th, 1761. Sept. 16th, 1761. Sept. 16th, 1761. Sept. 16th, 1761. PENNSYLVANIA 75 Foreigners' Names. Michael Hessler. George Hoffman. Philip Spring. Conrad Glinder. Caspar Sneble. Ludwick Schui. Conrad Wolfhart. John Guncket (Gunckel). Conrad Hart. Frederick Barlet. John Marks Rininger. Conrad Steer. Martin Shabeeker. Michael Yoh. Henry Gittelman. John Joseph Roth. Philip Wentz. Henry Heist. Mich. Gratz. John Riess. Lawrence Ficks. Abraham Shriener. Henrick Engel. Christian Sneeder. Thomas Yerger. Valentine Sherer. Andrew Yerger. Jno. Ruef Snyder. Martin Bower. George Gilbert. Jacob Gieger. Leonard Immel. Frederick Krelmer (Kreimer). [acob Dietrick. George Waldhawer. Christor. Waldhawer. Frederick Glass. Michael Propst. John Keistler. Simon Freese. Jacob Hogabugh (Hoggabugh). Jacob Dreess. Charles Kachlin. Conrad Stighter. Jacob Kiemil. George Michael Kolb. Adam Keck (Koch). Nicholas Swartz. George Eberhard. Jacob Roth. Daniel Eberhard. Jno. Christ. (Fred.) Wolff. Jno. Danl. Maylander. Geo. Chr. Reinhold. Township. Alsace. Alsace.Alsace. Alsace. Bethel.Bethel. Heidleburg. Bethel. Cumru. Reading. Upper Salford. Rockhill.Rockhill. Skippack. Upper Salford. Upper Salford. Upper Salford. Marlboro.Marlboro.Maccungy. Reading.Rockhill. Douglass. Earl.Hanover.New Providence. New Hanover. Amity. Rockhill. Colebrookdale. New Hanover. York.Greenwich.Greenwich. Brecknock.Brecknock.Earl. Albany (Abany sic.) Albany (Abany sic.) Albany (Abany sic.) Albany (Abany sic.) Albany (Abany sic.) Hilltown. Reading. Weisemburgh. New Hanover. Entemir. Long Swamp. Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Passyunk. Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Philadelphia. County. Berks.Berks.Berks. Berks. Berks. Lancaster.Lancaster. Berks. Berks. Berks. Philadelphia. Bucks.Bucks.Philadelphia. Philadelphia.Philadelphia.Philadelphia.Philadelphia.Philadelphia.Northampton. Berks.Bucks. Philadelphia. Lancaster. Philadelphia.Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Berks. Bucks.Berks. Philadelphia. York. Berks. Berks. Lancaster.Lancaster.Lancaster. Berks.Berks.Berks. Berks.Berks. Bucks.Berks.Northampton. Philadelphia. Cumberland. Berks.Philadelphia.Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Sacrament when taken. Sept. 1 6th, 1 76 1. Sept. 1 6th, 1 76 1. Sept. 16th, 1761. Sept. 16th, 1 761. Sept. 13th, 1 76 1. Sept. 13th, 1761. Aug. 16th, 1 761. Sept. 20th, 1 76 1. Sept. 6th, 1 761. Sept. 6th, 1 761. Sept. 6th, 1 76 1. Aug. 16th, 1761. Aug. 16th, 1 761. Aug. 16th, 1 761. Sept. 6th, 1 761. Aug. 16th, 1761. Sept. 6th, 1 76 1. Aug. 13th, 1761. Aug. 13th, 1761. Sept. 13th, 1 761. Sept. 6th, 1761. Sept. 13th, 1 761. Sept. 20th, 1 761. Sept. 2 ist, 1 76 1. Sept. 13th, 1761. Sept. 20th, 1 76 1. Sept. 13th, 1761. Sept. 20th, 1 761. Aug. 30th, 1 761. Sept. 2 1 st. 1 761. Sept. 13th, 1 761. Aug. 30th, 1 76 1. Sept. 13th, 1 76 1. Sept. 13th, 1761. Aug. 23rd, 1 761. Aug. 23rd, 1 761. Aug. 30th, 1 761. Sept. 24th, 1 761. Sept. 24th, 1 761. Sept. 24th, 1 761. Sept. 24th, 1 761. Sept. 24th, 1 76 1. Aug. 30th, 1761. Sept. 6th, 1761. Sept. 13th, 1761. Sept. 20th, 1761. Sept. 24th, 1 761. Sept.i3th, 1761. Sept. 22nd, 1 761. Sept. 22nd, 1761. Sept. 24th, 1761. Sept. 20th, 1761. Sept. 20th, 1761. July 5th, 1 761. 76 NATURALIZATIONS PENNSYLVANIA. Foreigners' Names. Jeremiah Barr. Caspar Filling. John Bowse. Peter Mecomer. Geo. Adam Heilman. Geo. Chr. Ebberly. Jno. Jacob Binder. Jno. Fred. Uhland. Foreigners' Names. John Gruber. Jacob Rohrer. Michl. Bower. wlllm. reaser (reeser). John Miley. Nichs. Surface. Henry Brunner. Ulrick Supinger. Christopher Sullinger. Christian Uplinger. Jacob Lidert. Ulrick Weetmore. John Bender. Fred. Rautforin. Cath. Leven, formerly Quinmore (Quimore). Christian Brunestrottz. Jacob Foutz. Emanuel Brollier. John Clinneyenny. Peter Assum. Abraham Smoudtz. George Brendel. Simon Aigler. Mich. Lower. John Bentz. John Moyer. Jacob Dobler. George Sysinger. Bernard Ropost ( ? Propost). Martin Bouher. George Schweeter. Bartholw. Seguist (Segrist). John Carvir. Christian Suke. Joseph Mishler. Jacob Mishler. Adam Rickabacker. Philip Brendlo (Brendle). John Ruby Township. County. Bern. Berks. Elizabeth. Lancaster. Douglas. Berks (Bucks) Heidleberg. Northampton. Vincent. Chester. Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Quakers [&c.J. Township. County. Derby. Chester. Cocolico. Lancaster. Warren. York. Reading. Berks. Cocolico. Lancaster. Cocolico. Lancaster. Warwick. Lancaster. Cocolico. Lancaster. Cocolico. Lancaster. Warwick. Lancaster. Warwick. Lancaster. Rapho. Lancaster. Warwick. Lancaster. Conestogo. Lancaster. Oley. Berks. Cocolico. Lancaster. Strasburgh. Lancaster. Cocolico. Lancaster. Cumru. Berks. Lancaster. Lancaster. Lebannon. Lancaster. Heidleburg. Berks. Heidleburg. Berks. Heidleburg. Berks. Manchester. York. Upper Saucon. Northampton. Bethlehem. Lancaster. Oley. Berks. Alsace. Berks. Warwick. Lancaster. Earl. Lancaster. Earl. Lancaster. Cumru. Berks. Cumru. Berks. Cumru. Berks. Cumru. Berks. Alsace. Berks. Cocolico. Lancaster. Brecknock. Lancaster. Sacrament when taken. Sept. 6th, 1 76 1. Aug. 16th, 1761. Sept. 20th, 1 761. Sept. 13th, 1 761. Sept. 20th, 1 76 1. July 5th, 1761. Sept. 20th, 1 76 1. Sept. 20th, 1 761. Moravians Sacrament when taken. Aug. 29th, 1 76 1. Sept. 6th, 1 76 1. Sept. 6th, 1 761. Sept. 6th, 1 76 1. PENNSYLVANIA Foreigners' Names. Philip Eckert. John Shuttz (Shultz). Conrad Swartz. George Miley. John Stouffer. Christr. Wilker (Willher). Barbara Ritter. Daniel Boin. Birnhard Faber. Jacob Spickler (Spikler). Adam Faber. Philip Bake. Jacob Gootz. John Newcomat. Matthias Seidler. John Beidler. Jacob Speedler. John Marckle (Markle). Dorst Thomas. Abrahm. Bomper. Andreas Schoute. John Lisher. Fredk. Buckle (Backle). Andreas Weber. Francis Grove. John Amend. Frederick Hoove. Anthony Snider. Barbara Ritter. Peter Ganter. David Tressler. Bernard Rodebeck. Martin Pfattager. John Martin. Jacob Hocknower (Kochnower). Valentine Eckbert. George Trone. Henry Bowman. Philip Henry Dahne. John Hickman. Mathias Bysher. Philip Bushung. Adam Deasisback. Jacob Rowland (Rowlond). John Christn. Guteyahr. Andrew Hoover. Jacob Kockanower. Abraham Kurtz. Christian Smoker. Christian Rohrback. Jacob Keentzly. John Heckendorn. Jacob Viest. Township. Leacock. Lebanon.Lancaster. Warren. Warwick.Warwick. Albany. Bethel. Bethel.Bethel. Bethel. Bethel.Maxatawny. Hempfield. Lancaster. Providence. Cocolico.Cocolico. Lebanon. Bethlehem. Bethlehem.Bethlehem. Bethlehem. Bethlehem. Chanceford.Windsor. Oley. Lancaster. Albany.Lancaster.Lancaster.Lancaster.Heidleburg.Upper Hanover. Conestogo. Alsace. Manheim.Manheim. Lancaster.Strasburg. Manchester.Lampeter.Leacock.Earl. Warwick. Frederick County Manheim. Earl.Earl. Cocolico. Mountjoy. York. Paradice, County. Lancaster.Lancaster.Lancaster.York. Lancaster.Lancaster. Berks. Lancaster. Lancaster. Lancaster. Lancaster.Lancaster. Berks. Lancaster.Lancaster. Philadelphia. Lancaster.Lancaster.Lancaster. Northampton.Northampton.Northampton.Northampton.Northampton.York.Berks (York). Berks.Lancaster. Berks. Lancaster.Lancaster. Lancaster.-Berks. Philadelphia. Lancaster. Berks. Yorks.Yorks.Lancaster. Lancaster. York. Lancaster.Lancaster.Lancaster. Lancaster. in Maryland. Lancaster. Lancaster. Lancaster.Lancaster. Lancaster.York. York. 77 If Moravian. Sacrament when taken. Sept. 13th, 1761. Sept. 10th, 1761. Sept. 10th, 1 761. Aug. 29th, 1 761. Aug. 29th, 1 761. Aug. 29th, 1 761. Aug. 29th, 1 761. Aug. 29th, 1761. June 27th, 1 761. Aug. 22nd, 1761. Aug. 22nd, 1761. Aug. 29th, 1761. Aug. 29th, 1761. Sept. 6th, 1 761. Sept. 9th, 1 761. 78 NATURALIZATIONS PENNSYLVANIA. Foreigners' Names. John Fishel. Ludwick Shally. Valentine Kaller. John Matezer. Jacob Earley. John Keever. Henry Baker. Moravian Township. County. Sacrament when taken. Manchester. Lancaster. Lebanon. Lancaster. Lebanon. Lancaster. Oley. Berks.* Amity. Berks. Bethel. Hunterdon, New Jersey. New Hanover. Philadelphia. X. 51. [The following certificates for this Colony have not been entered into the Entry Book.] CO. 5. 1276. Supreme Court held at Philadelphia, 10 and 12 April, 1762. Foreigners' Names Christian Moy. Werner Weitzel. Daniel Masserly. John Nicholas King. Ludwick David Rippell. John Peter Wolffe. John Leonard Shedoron. Michael Zinser. John Peter Goodling. John Nicholas Schram. John Wolff. John Backenstoose. Peter Lent. Frederick Weitzell. Peter Beer, Senior. Barnet Wolf. Frederick Youse. John Fockler. Andrew Budesill. Ludwick Mayer. Michael Sommer. Wendall Laumeister. Conrad Maul. Yost Waggoner. Philip Graber. Philip Hoss. Henry Graber. Adam Roppert. Baltzer Shafer. Peter Rieghter. John Huber. John Shauman. George Spanseiler. John Shoron. Ludwick Miller. Andreas Fucks, Township- County New Hanover. Philadelphia. Cumru. Berks. Dover. York. Dover. York. Dover. York. Dover. York. Dover. York. City of Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Dover. York. Dover. York. Dover. York. Lancaster. Lancaster. Winchester. York. Cumru. Berks. Lancaster. Lancaster. Lancaster. Lancaster. York. York. York. York. York. York. York. York. York. York. York. York. Manheim. York. Manheim. York. Manchester. York. Manchester. York. Manchester. York. Manchester. York. Lancaster. Lancaster. Lancaster. Lancaster. Germany. York. Germany. York. Germany. York. Germany. York. German v. York. Reading. Berks. Sacrament, when taken. 9 April, 1762. 21 March, 1762. 21 March, 1762. 21 March, 1762. 21 March, 1762. 21 March, 1762. 21 March, 1762. 14 March, 1762. 21 March, 1762. 21 March, 1762. 21 March, 1762. 21 February, 1762. 8 April, 1762. 4 April, 1762. 21 February, 1762. 21 February, 1762. 4 April, 1762. 4 April, 1762. 4 April, 1762. 4 April, 1762. 4 April, 1762. 4 April, 1762. 7 March, 1762. 4 March, 1762. 4 March, 1762. 4 March, 1762. 4 March, 1762. 4 March, 1762. 21 February, 1762. 21 February, 1762. 4 April, 1762. 4 April, 1762. 4 April, 1762. 4 April, 1762. 4 April, 1762. 4 April, 1762. PENNSYLVANIA 79 Foreigners' Names. Jacob Deem. John Swartzhowft. Andreas Shaber. Jacob Kuntz. George Burkhard. Valentine Weber. John Doll. John Graff. Henry Bott. Philip Miller.. Michael Long. John George Spahr. John Caspar Margberg. John Hoofnaigle. Abraham Caubal. Adam le Roy. Henry Bergey. Jacob Moor. Jacob Petre. John Wirmley. Jacob Krowter. Lawrence Shrunck. Valentine Baremgartner. Peter Reti. Valentine Kayser. Uti Ritschart. Baltzer Zerch. Detrick Sole. Henry Sole. Henry Fry. John Bast. George Sibbert. John Wesner. Adam Hawker. Adam Oberly. Charles Schaid. Jacob Schneizer. Philip Hoffman. Michael Dewald. Gerhard Will. Andrew Hagebuck. George Kishtler. Philip Miller. Henry Lease. Henry Scheizer. Philip Henzel. Bastian Kreicher. Adam Lukembiel. Jost Kreicher. Caspar Smit. David Alsrach. David Brenning. John Fraunvelter. Frederick Blatt. Township. County. Sacrament when taken. Cumru. Berks. 4 April, 1762. Bern. Berks. 4 April, 1762. Reading. Berks. 4 April, 1762. Albany: Berks. 4 April, 1762. Lancaster. Lancaster. 21 February, 1762. Lancaster. Lancaster. 21 February, 1762. Lancaster. Lancaster. 21 February, 1762. Mannor. Lancaster. 21 February, 1762. Mannor. Lancaster. 21 February, 1762. Manchester. York. 4 April, 1762. Manchester. York. 4 April, 1762. Dover. York. 4 April, 1762. Lancaster. Lancaster. 21 February, 1762. Lancaster. Lancaster. 21 February, 1762. Lancaster. Lancaster. 21 February, 1762. Lancaster. Lancaster. 21 February, 1762. Whitehall. Northampton. 4 April, 1762. Salsburg. Northampton. 4 April, 1762. Windsor. Bucks. 4 April, 1762. Lancaster. Lancaster. 7 March, 176: 2. Heidleburg. Lancaster. 4 April, 1762. Heidleburg. Berks. 1 April, 1762. Heidleburg. Berks. 1 April, 1762. Heidleburg. Berks. 1 April, 1762. Heidleburg. Berks. 1 April, 1762. Heidleburg. Berks. 1 April, 1762. Heidleburg. Berks. 1 April, 1762. Heidleburg. Berks. 4 April, 1762. Heidleburg. Berks. 4 April, 1762. Heidleburg. Berks. 4 April, 1762. Maxatawny. Berks. 4 April, 1762. Rockland. Berks. 4 April, 1762. Albany. Berks. 4 April, 1762. Cocolico. Lancaster. 4 April, 1762. Cocolico. Lancaster. 4 April, 1762. Elizabeth. Lancaster. 4 April, 1762. Cocolico. Lancaster. 4 April, 1762. Warwick. Lancaster. 4 April, 1762. Windsor. Berks. 4 April, 1762. Windsor. Berks. 4 April, 1762. Albany. Berks. 4 April, 1762. Albany. Berks. 4 April, 1762. Linden. Northampton. 4 April, 1762. Maiden Creek. Berks. 5 April, 1762. Windsor Berks. 5 April, 1762. Windsor. Berks. 5 April, 1762 Windsor. Berks. 5 April, 1762. Windsor. Berks. 5 April, 1762. Windsor. Berks. 5 April, 1762. Windsor. Berks. 5 April, 1762. Windsor. Berks. 5 April, 1762. Windsor. Berks. 5 April, 1762. Maiden Creek. Berks. 5 April, 1762. Maiden Creek, Berks, 5 April, 1762. 80 NATURALIZATIONS Foreigners' Names. Frederick Lease. hleronimus proback. Christian Grow. John Schnabeli. Paul Lingel. John Pontius. Michael Powser. Caspar Hinckel. Valentine Urledick. John Christr. Neidlin. Frederick Wm. Frick. Werner Stam. Adam Sontag. Jacob Fox. Jacob Stough. George Christian. Martin Cronmiller. Peter Pens. Philip Mayer. Detrick Mayer. Andrew Schaub. Hans Ulrick Angst. Henrick Conrad. Joseph Dinshirtz. Jacob Wertz. Leonard Sable. John Wolf. Adam Protzman. John Michl. Shubert. Melchior Hay. Jacob Prutzman. Geo. Thos. Heymberger. Herman Hatchy. Daniel Reinhard. Jacob Gobler. John Ederick. George Troutman. John George Beck. John George Sauter. John George Kugler. Geo. Adam Rockeberger. Geo. Adam Pfister. Gallus Sleighter. John Christian Lceser. George Sncering. Henry Krips. George Ludwick Meyer. Paul Weilzel. Geo. Ernst Lindenberger. John George Heirness. William Staddleman. Jacob Korr. Baltzer Spitznagle. PENNSYLVANIA. Township. County. Roscombe Manor. Leacock. Leacock. Tulpehocken. Heidleberg. Tulpehocken. Tulpehocken.Tulpehocken. Reading. Reading.Reading. Bern.Bern. Bern. Heidleberg. Tulpehockon. York. Dover. Tulpehockon. Manchester. Cocolico.Worcester.Worcester. Heidleberg. Antrim. Manchester. Limerick.Skippack.Philadelphia. . Williams.Williams. Philadelphia. Upper Dublin. Upper Dublin. Upper Dublin. Whitemarsh. Tulpehocken. Philadelphia. Philadelphia.Passyunck.Philadelphia. Philadelphia.Philadelphia. Upper Dublin. Philadelphia. Southwark. Lancaster.Lancaster. Philadelphia. Philadelphia.Lower Merion. Whitpain. Whitpain. Berks. Lancaster. Lancaster. Berks. Berks. Berks. Berks.Berks. Berks. Berks.Berks. Berks. Berks.Berks. Berks. Berks. York. York. Berks. York. Lancaster. Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Lancaster. Cumberland. York. Philadelphia. Philadelphia.Philadelphia. Northampton. Northampton. Philadelphia. Philadelphia.Philadelphia.Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Lancaster. Philadelphia. Philadelphia.Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Philadelphia.Philadelphia.Philadelphia. Lancaster. Lancaster. Philadelphia. Philadelphia.Philadelphia.Philadelphia.Philadelphia, Sacrament when taken. 5 April, 1762. 28 March, 1762. 28 March, 1762. 21 March, 1762. 21 March, 1762. 21 March, 1762. 4 April, 1762. 4 April, 1762. 4 April, 1762. 4 April, 1762. 4 April, 1762. 1 April, 1762. 1 April, 1762. 4 April, 1762. 4 April, 1762. 4 April, 1762. 4 April, 1762. 4 April, 1762. 21 March, 1762. 21 March, 1762. 9 April, 1762. 9 April, 1762. 9 April, 1762. 7 March, 1762. 10 April, 1762. 10 April, 1762. 10 April, 1762. 10 April, 1762. 14 March, 1762. 4 April, 1762. 4 April, 1762. 10 April, 1762. 9 April, 1762. 9 April, 1762. 9 April, 1762. 9 April, 1762. 21 February, 1762. 14 March, 1762. 14 March, 1762. 14 March, 1762. 14 March. 1762. 14 March, 1762. 10 April, 1762. 11 April, 1762. 11 April, 1762. 11 April, 1762. 17 March, 1762. 21 February, 1762. 11 April, 1762. 11 April, 1762. 11 April, 1762. 11 April, 1762. 11 April, 1762. PENNSYLVANIA 81 Foreigners' Names. Baltzer Weig. Barbara Hehl. Jacob Hiltzheimer. John Odenheimer. Township. Gwinedth. Philadelphia.Philadelphia. Philadelphia. County. Philadelphia.Philadelphia.Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Sacrament when taken. II April, 1762. 14 March, 1762. 29 March, 1762. 29 March, 1762. Quakers and other Protestants who scruple to take an Oath. Jacob Ecker. John Francis Reineir. Nicholas Burkhart. Adam Camel. Andrew Gellinger. Henry Wert. Jacob Bleck. John Kr 1763. Philip Weidman. Lynn. Northampton. 31 Mar ., 1763. Frederick Fishell. Codorus. York. 3 Apr., 1763. Philip Sheerman. Lynn. Northampton. 5 Apr., 1763. Henry Oswald. Lynn. Northampton. 5 Apr. 1763. Simon Peter School. Lynn. Northampton. 31 Mar - 1763. Valentine Hagenek. City of Philadelphia. Philadelphia. 3 Apr., 1763. John Frederick Teetz. City of Philadelphia Philadelphia. 3 Apr., 1763. George Peter City of Philadelphia Philadelphia. 3 Apr., 1763. Kockendoffer. Ludwick Spamagle. Whitemarsh. Philadelphia. 3 Apr., 1763. Philip Venus. York. York. 4 April 1763 PENNSYLVANIA 87 Jurors' Names. Henry Maurer. Balthasar Federfaaff. Philip Weber. Nicholas Tik. Andreas Fickthorn. John Mahrigen. Cathrina Kendel. Henry Spengler. Peter Trett. Adam Powlus. John Crone. Michael Powlus. Wilpert Camper. Christr : Pechin. Henry Rung. Peter Smidt. Bernard Sherer. Valentine Sherer. Jacob Renner. Leonard Spear. Philip Leister. Jacob Nonnemaker. Nicholas Slieckting. Johannes Kurtz. Henry Haeffner. David Kamp. Melchior Fritz. Michl. Reiffsnieder. John Fry. Philip Filman. Leonard Shneider. Christr. Gyser. Leonard Frutshy. Henry Bumbarger. Caspar Hinterlieter. Mathias Hinterlieter. John Alt. Jeremiah Zimmer. Michael Frankhauser. Daniel Hoffman. Thomas Deem. Jno. Christr. Lehman. John Michl. Becker. Wilhelm Hoster. Balthasar Derter. Jacob Rossell. Jacob Miller. Peter Liess. Johan Hess. Henry Krimler. Johannes Sassamanhause. Peter Grienwald. Henry Ardelle. George Kreemer. Township. Lancaster. Manheim. York. Reading. Reading.Reading. Reading. York. Windsor.Windsor.Windsor.Windsor.Lancaster.Citv of Philadelphia. Lancaster.Heidleburg. Whitpain.Whitpain.Worcester.Worcester.Rockland.Hill Town. Reading. Reading. Richmond. Richmond.Richmond. Dublin. Philadelphia.Uoper Salford. Upper Salford. Marlborough. Lower Saucon. Upper Salford. Marlborough.Marlborough. Marlborough.Brecknock. Brecknock. Reading. Reading.Reading.Heidleburg. Heidleburg. Heidleburg. Tulpohoccon.Tulpohoccon. Tulpohoccon. Tuloohoccon. Reading. Greenwich. Richmond. Richmond. Greenwich. County. Lancaster. Lancaster. York. Berks. Berks.Berks. Berks. York. York. York. York. York. Lancaster. Philadelphia. Lancaster. Berks. Philadelphia. Philadelphia.Philadelphia. Berks. Bucks. Bucks. Berks. Berks.Berks.Berks.Berks. Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Philadelphia.Philadelphia.Philadelphia. Northampton. Philadelphia. Philadelphia.Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Berks. Berks.Berks,Berks. Berks. Lancaster. Lancaster.Lancaster. Berks. Berks.Berks. Berks. Berks. Berks.Berks. Berks. Berks. Sacrament when taken. 3 Apr., 1763. 3 Apr., 1763. 3 Apr., 1763. 3 Apr., 1763. 3 Apr., 1763. 3 Apr., 1763. 3 Apr., 1763. 3 Apr., 1763. 3 Apr., 1763. 3 Apr., 1763. 3 Apr., 1763. 3 Apr., 1763. 3 Apr., 1763. 3 Apr., 1763. 3 Apr., 1763. 3 Apr., 1763. 4 Apr., 1763. 4 Apr., 1763. 4 Apr., 1763. 3 Apr., 1763. 3 Apr., 1763. 3 Apr., 1763. 3 Apr., 1763. 3 Apr., 1763. 3 Apr., 1763. 3 Apr., 1763. 3 Apr., 1763. 3 Apr., 1763. 3 Apr., 1763. 3 Apr., 1763. 3 Apr., 1763. 3 Apr., 1763. 3 Apr., 1763. 3 Apr., 1763. 3 Apr., 1763. 3 Apr., 1763. 3 Apr., 1763. 3 Apr., 1763. 3 Apr., 1763. 3 Apr., 1763. 3 Apr., 1763. 3 Apr., 1763. 3 Apr., 1763. 3 Apr., 1763. 3 Apr., 1763. 3 Apr., 1763. 3 Apr., 1763. 3 Apr., 1763. 3 Apr., 1763. 3 Apr., 1763. 3 Apr., 1763. 3 Apr., 1763. 3 Apr., 1763. 31 Mar., 1763. 88 NATURALIZATIONS PENNSYLVANIA. Jurors' Names. Jacob Lewegood. GODFRIED KlRKER. John George Ott. Jno. Paul Boosse. William Albert. Henrick Echard. Jacob Fischer. Nichs. Fierstone. Andrew Frederick. Peter Flick. Paul Cruss. Sebastian Truckenmiller. Mathew7 Landenberger. John Nicholas Strasser. Peter Kruger. Hilarius Beker. Matthias Smith. Frederick Knapp. John Unruh. Frederick Kammerer. Jacob Kuns. Felix Dutwyler. Abraham Wakerley. Andrew Highberger. Adam Hoffman. Henry Cress. John Gottfried Teele. Charles Witterhold. Frederick Becking. Peter Stirewalt. Andrew Erdman Leinau. Meyer Josephson. Lyon Nathan. Barnard Grats. Isaac Levy. Affirmers' Names. Jacob Longacre. Susannah Longacre. Anna Andrews. SlMBRIGHT HELSELL. Frederick Sholeberger. George Richwind. Frederick Sallady. Valentine Shamback. William Busler. Philip Surface. John Izyle. John Baker. Township. County. Sacrament when taken. Tulpohoccon. Berks. 3 April 1763. Heidleburgh. Berks. 3 Apr., 1763. Bristol. . Bucks. 3 Apr., [763. Bristol. Bucks. 3 Apr., [763. Salisbury. Northampton. 3 Apr., I763- Reading. Berks. 3 Apr., [763. Reading. Berks. 3 Apr., 1763. Paradice. York. 3 Apr., I763- Paradice. York. 3 Apr., [763. Heidleburg. Berks. 13 Feb., [763. Frederick. Frederick County in Maryland. 3 Apr., [763. Upper Milford. Northampton. 4 Apr., 1 763- Citv of Philadelphia. Philadelphia. 11 Apr., 1763. Albany. Berks. 11 Apr., 1763. Tulpohoccon. Berks. 3 Apr., 1763- Germantown. Philadelphia. 11 Apr., 1763. Upper Dublin. Philadelphia. 11 Apr., 1763. Springfield. Philadelphia. 11 Apr.,* 1763. Bristol. Philadelphia. 3 Apr., t763- Maccungy. Northampton. 27 Mar., I763- Springfield. Philadelphia. 3 Apr., 1763. Springfield. Philadelphia. 3 Apr., [763. Springfield. Philadelphia. 3 Apr., 1763. Springfield. Philadelphia. 3 Apr., 1763- North Wales. Philadelphia. 10 Apr., 1763- Germantown . Philadelphia. 3 Apr., 1763. Northern Liberties. Philadelphia. 3 Apr., 1763. Germantown. Philadelphia. 3 Apr., I763- Lower Merion. Philadelphia. 3 Apr., i 703- Northern Liberties. Philadelphia. 3 Apr., i 763- Philadelphia. Philadelphia. 3 Apr., 1 763- Reading. Berks. A Jew. Reading. Berks. A Jew. Philadelphia. Philadelphia. A Jew. Philadelphia. Philadelphia. A Jew. other Protestants who scruple to take an Oath. Township. County. If Moravians, their time of Coventry. Chester. taking the Sacrament. Coventry. Chester. Towamensing. Philadelphia. Langenhose. Frederick County in Maryland. Greenwich. Berks. Upper Dublin. Philadelphia. Earl. Lancaster. New Providence. Philadelphia. Windsor. Berks. Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Lancaster. Lancaster. Plymouth. Lancaster. PENNSYLNANIA 89 Affirmers' Names. Simon Heller. Daniel Heller. Ludwick Heller. Henry Miller. Adam Evey. George Martin. John Ellick. Stephen Goodman. Christr. Mason. Charles Hay. John Styer. John Spore. Y. 6. Township. Lower Saucon. Lower Saucon. Lower Saucon. Mount Bethel. Philadelphia.Charlestown. City of Philadelphia. Lower Merrion. Whitemarsh. Bristol. Hunterdon. Lancaster. County. Northampton. Northampton . Northampton.Northampton. Philadelphia. Chester. Philadelphia. Philadelphia.Philadelphia.Philadelphia. In New Jersey. Lancaster. If Moravians, their time of taking the Sacrament I Apr., 1763. Certified by Joseph Shippen, Jr., Secretary. Philadelphia, 16 Nov., 1763. CO. 5- 1277. (Supreme Court at Philadelphia, 24 September, 1763.) Foreigners' Names. Philip Hall. Jacob Looss. Christian Stear. Balthazer Kleber. Jacob Fry. Jacob Crowl. Jno. George Weender. John Geetz. David Shaefer. Charles Dehl. John Meyer. Nicholas Schouster. Henry Eberhard. Anthony Wolf. Jacob Reno. Andrew Weider. Michael Zeh. Philip Gentler. Erasmus Hotzapfel. Martin Harry. George Liewenstien. Valentine Hamme. Philip Lau. Tobias Pliger. Joseph Long. John Brown. Philip Ohleweyler. Andrew Heims. Jno. George Heusung. Conrad Stenger. Leonard Miller. John Rupp. Jacob Bernhard. Yodocus Dobeler. Township. Philadelphia.Windsor.Upper Milford. Reading. Brecknock.Reading.Reading. Philadelphia.Strewsbury. Strewsbury. Strewsbury. Strewsbury. Manchester. Manchester. Philadelphia,Manchester. Philadelphia. York. Manchester. Manchester.Manchester.Paradise.Manchester.Lancaster. Lancaster. Lancaster. Manor. Philadelphia. Brecknock. Rockhill. Marlborough.Philadelphia. Limerick.Lancaster. County. Philadelphia. Berks.Bucks. Berks. Berks.Berks. Berks. Philadelphia.York. York. York.York. York. York. Philadelphia. York. Philadelphia. York. York. York.York. York. York. Lancaster. Lancaster. Lancaster. Lancaster. Philadelphia.Berks. Bucks.Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Lancaster. Sacrament, when taken. 18 Sept., 1763. 11 Sept., 1763. 18 Sept., 1763. 18 Sept., 1763. 11 Sept., 1763. 18 Sept., 1763. 18 Sept., 1763. 22 Sept., 1763. 18 Sept., 1763. 18 Sept., 1763. 18 Sept., 1763. 11 Sept., 1763. 23 Sept., 1763. 21 Aug., 1763. 18 Sept., 1763. 21 Aug., 1763. 18 Sept., 1763. 21 Aug., 1763. 21 Au?., 1763. 21 Aug., 1763. 21 Aup\, 1763. 21 Aug., 1763. 4 Sept., 1763. 4 Sept., 1763. 4 Sept., 1763. 4 Sept., 1763. 4 Sept., 1763. 18 Sept., 1763. 22 Sept., 1763. 23 Sept., 1763. 20 Sept., 1763. 23 Sept., 1763. 22 Sept., 1763. 4 Sept., 1763. 90 NATURALIZATIONS PENNSYLVANIA. • Foreigners' Names. Michael Frederick. Michael Weidman. Arndt Kurtz. Theobald Shallus. John Hoffman. Peter Ish. Abraham Le Roy. John Peter Le Roy. John Shriet. Michael Beltz. Philip Wonsidler. Nicholas Haine. Philip Jacob Focsig. Casper Pfister. Michael Kurtz. Peter Gabel. John Mecklien. Christian Reyner. Jacob Seecher. Jacob Walter. Philip Zeigler. Solomon Ruckstool. John Faust. Ulrick Hertzell. Phtlip Staug. George Frederick. Frederick Leeser. Frederick Koeler. Peter Krowt. Peter Pechin. Nicholas Godschall. Conrad Fleck. Frederick Groh. Henry Schmidt, Senr. Henry Schmidt, Junr. Jacob Duerr. John Beltz. Township. Douglas. Douglas.Limerick.Mountpleasant. Lancaster. Lancaster.Lancaster.Lancaster. Cumru. Lebanon.Lower Milford. Cocolico. Reading. Lampeter.Newhanover. Newhanover. Newhanover.Upper Milford. Upper Milford. Tulpehoccon. Upper Salford. Upper Salford. Upper Salford. Upper Salford. Lower Salford. Earl. Cocolico. Worcester.Worcester. Haverford. Greenwich. Northern Liberties. Lower Merion. Frederick.Upper Hanover. Upper Hanover. Passyunk. County. Philadelphia. Philadelphia.Philadelphia. York. Lancaster. Lancaster.Lancaster. Lancaster. Berks. Lancaster.Bucks. Lancaster.Berks. Lancaster.Philadelphia. Philadelphia.Philadelphia.Northampton. Northampton. Berks.Philadelphia. Philadelphia.Philadelphia. Philadelphia.Philadelphia. Lancaster. Lancaster.Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Chester. Berks.Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Philadelphia.Philadelphia. Sacrament when taken. 21 Aug., 1763. 21 Aug., 1763. 21 Aug., 1763. 4 Sept., 1763. 28 Aug., 1763. 28 Aug., 1763. 28 Aug., 1763. 28 Aug., 1763. 11 Sept., 1763. 14 Aug., 1763. 14 Aug., 1763. 11 Sept., 1763. 11 Sept., 1763. 19 Aug., 1763. 21 Aug., 1763. 21 Aug., 1763. 21 Aug., 1763. 14 Aug., 1763. 14 Aug., 1763. 17 July, 1763- 18 Sept., 1763. 11 Sept., 1763. 11 Sept., 1763. 11 Sept., 1763. 11 Sept., 1763. 14 Sept., 1763. 21 Aug., 1763. 21 Aug., 1763. 21 Aug., 1763. 25 Aug., 1763. 4 Sept., 1763. 4 Sept., 1763. 11 Sept., 1763. 24 Sept., 1763. 24 Sept., 1763. 24 Sept., 1763. 23 Sept., 1763. Quakers and others who scruple to take an Oath. Foreigners' Names. Julius Brookhart. George Pearshler. Jacob Salback. Henry Wealer. Henry Frank. Peter Overshield. Valentine Fry. Christian Stover. Jacob Cumerah. Conrad Vanderweit. Andrew Paul. Township. Helm. Oley. Berwick. Paradise. Berwick.Kingwood. Heidleberg. Lampeter.Maxatawny.Northern Liberties. Limerick. County. York. Berks. York. York. Lancaster. West New Jersey. Berks.Lancaster. Berks. Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Moravians Sacrament when taken II Sept., 1763. PENNSYLVANIA 91 Foreigners' Names. Joseph Piffer. Jacob Carter. Martin Binder. Andrew Weiberick. Jno. Roadermill. Jacob Hoobler. Philip Helzell. Township. Springfield.Springfield. York.Lancaster. Richmond. Blanfeild. Philadelphia. County. Philadelphia. Philadelphia. York. Lancaster.Berks.Northampton. Philadelphia. Certified by Joseph Moravian. Sacrament when taken. 3 Sept., 176^ Shippen, Jr., Secretary. Philadelphia, 20 July, 1764. Y. 6. Foreigners' Names. Conrad Maag. Jacob Keiser. George David Siekel. John George Rees. George Walker. Jacob Lydie. Ulrick Hess. Martin Fry. Gerrard Steigler. Mathias Alber. Abraham Stone. Nicholas Hoffman. George Stowgh. Frederick Stowgh. Adam Deel. George Deel. George Herhold. Jacob Erb. Mary Erb. Christian Voght. Nichs. Torsberg. Frederick Kuhn. Michael Bowsman. Jacob Tasht. John Adam Hilligas. KlLLIAN DEBBINGER. John Michl. Piper. Jacob Fuckeroot. Benedict Kebner. Frederick Reemer. John Jacob Voght. Henry Bollinger. Peter Swartz. Adam Erben. Jacob Huber. Conrad Kother. Felix Ley. Caspar Naglee. Christr. Rickotine. George Desch. Michael Yost. (Supreme Court at Philadelphia, 10 and 23 April, 1764.) Township. Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Codorus.Strasburg. Strasburg.Strasburg. Cocolico. Cocolico. Dover. Dover.Dover.Dover.Dover. Heidelberg. Heidelberg. Heidelberg.Lancaster. Philadelphia. York. Lancaster. Marlborough. Upper Hanover. Roseborough. Philadelphia. Oxford. Bern. Codorus.Paradice. Long Swamp. Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Rockhill. Hilltown. Rockhill. Bedminster. Maiden Creek. Haycock. Bedminster. County. Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Philadelphia.Philadelphia. York. York.York. York. York.York. York. York. York.York. York. Berks. Berks.Berks. Lancaster. Philadelphia. York. Lancaster.Philadelphia. Philadelphia. York. Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Berks. York. York.Berks. Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Bucks. Bucks.Bucks.Bucks. Berks.Bucks. Bucks. J Sacrament, when taken. Apr. 0, 1764. Apr. 6, 1764. Mar. 11, 17O4. Mar. 1 1, 1764. Mar. 11, 1764. Apr. 4, 1764. Apr. 4, 1764. Mar. 25, 1764. Mar. ^> 1764. Mar. 25, 1764. Mar. 25, 1764. Apr. 1, 1764. Apr. 1, 1764. Apr. 1, 1764. Apr. 1, 1764. Apr. 1, 1764. Apr. 6, 1764. Apr. 6, 1764. Apr. 6, 1764. Apr. 1, 1764. Mar. 11, 1764. Apr. 1, 1764. Apr. 5, 1764. Mar. 23, 1764. Mar. 25, 1764. Apr. 4, 1764. Mar. 11, 1764. Mar. 11, 1764. Feb. 26, 1764. Apr. 4, 1764. Apr. 1 1, 1764 Apr. 8, 1764. Apr. 11, 1764. Apr. 8, 1764. Apr. 1, 1764. Apr. 8, 1764. Apr. 1, 1764. Apr. 1, 1764. Mar. 29, 1764. Apr. 8, 1764. Apr. 8, 1764. 92 NATURALIZATIONS PENNSYLVANIA. Foreigners' Names. Valentine Reintzell. Charles Hei. George Boltz. Michael Faucks. Nicholas Jacob. Jacob Meenich. Philip Drescher. Jacob Wagner. Detrick Youmer. Mathew Ludwick. John Schaffer. Paul Moser. Andreas Yeager. Philip Albert. John George Lowness. Leonard Gennevine. Conrad Keefaber. Bastian Moser. Frederick Shoemaker. Adam Shoemaker. John Peter Miller. Jno. Raunfauner. Geo. Fuckrodt. Benj. Lesley. Jno. Philip Dehaas. Myer Hart. Township. Tulpehoccon. Tulpehoccon. Tulpehoccon. Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Bethel. Maccungy.Maccungy. Maccungy. Maccungv. Amwell Hunterdon. New Hanover. New Hanover. Hempfield. Cusshahoppen. Manheim. Manheim. Hanover. Upper Milford. Upper Milford. Upper Milford. Rockland.Oxford. Brecknock.Philadelphia. Easton . County. Berks. Berks. Berks. Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Berks. Northampton. Northampton. Northampton. Northampton. West New Jersey. Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Lancaster.Bucks. York. York. Philadelphia.Northampton. Northampton.Northampton.Berks. Philadelphia. Lancaster.Philadelphia. Northampton . Sacrament when taken. Apr. i, 1764. Apr. 1, 1764. Apr. 1, 1764. Mar. 11, 1764. Mar. 11, 1764. Apr. 1, 1764. Mar. 25, 1764. Mar. 25, 1764. Mar. 25, 1764. Mar. 25, 1764. Mar. 25, 1764. Apr. 8, 1764. Apr. 8, 1764. Mar. 4, 1764. Apr. 6, 1764. Apr. 10, 1764. Apr. 10, 1764. Apr. 10, 1764. Apr. 2, 1764. Apr. 2, 1764. Apr. 3, 1764. Apr. 8, 1764. Mar. 11, 1764. Mar. 18, 1764. . Apr. 22, 1764. A Jew. Quakers and other Protestants who scruple to take an Oath. Foreigners' Names. Isaac Stohler. Martin Myer. George Conrad. Jacob Stigliman. Jno. Conrad Knight. George Meintzer. John Musch. Michael Burkey. Jacob Helm. Jno. Hartman Haas. John Behm. Henry Seitenbender. Daniel Bussart. David Zeisberger. Jno. Jacob Schmick. Andrew Horn. John Cline. Caspar Straab. Jacob Pliler. Herman Miller. Nicholas Hazleback. Daniel Kliest. Township. Manchester.Strasburg.Paradise. Lancaster. Canewaga. Robeson.Easton. York. Providence. Providence. North Wales. Cumru. Cumru. Bethlehem.Bethlehem. Warwick. Warwick.Alsase. Alsase. York. Germantown. Bethlehem. County. York.York.York. Lancaster. York. Berks. Northampton.York. Philadelphia. Philadelphia.Philadelphia. Berks. Berks. Northampton. Northampton. Lancaster. Lancaster. Berks. Berks. York. Philadelphia.Northampton. Sacrament, when taken by Moravians. Feb. 25, 1764. Apr. 9, 1764. Mar. 24, 1764. Mar. 17, 1764. Mar. 10, 1764. PENNSYLVANIA 93 Foreigners' Names. Jno. Adam Horsfield. Herman Titiar. Daniel Pfeiffer. Peter Miers. Philip Peter Scholl. Christr. Lowbougher. Barnard Wintringer. Daniel Price. Samuel Koffman. William Long. Anthony Steimer. Philip Schneider. Township. Bethlehem. Reading. Amwell. Amwell. Maxatawny. Amwell.Hilltown. Darby. Lower Milford. New Providence. Germantown.Lower Saucon. County. Sacrament when taken Northampton. by Mora™n- Yorks. Hunterdon in West New Jersey. Hunterdon in West New Jersey. Berks. Hunterdon in West New Jersey. Bucks. Philadelphia. Bucks. Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Northampton. Certified by Joseph Shippen, Jr., Secretary. Philadelphia, 20 July, 1764. Y. 8. Supreme Court at Philadelphia, 24 and 25 Sept., 1764. Foreigners' Names. John Fritz. Michael Hetzell. Christian Bick. Jacob Frelick. Jacob Boythyman. Jacob Wirking. George Kemmell. Francis Peter Lohrens. George Gerlach. John Kehler. Andrew Pertsch. George Knairr. John Nexley. George Aache. Henry Aache. Michael Kissinger. Jacob Greiner. David Etelin. Melchior Gysert. Jacob Frank. Frederick Sinsel. Chas. Fred. Wildbahne. Daniel Shneyder. Adam Krierchbaum. Sebastian Brosius. Abraham Schneider. Peter Krietzer. Nicholas Gibhard. Frederick Hoffman. Henry Holtzman. George Wiekhart. Peter Menge. Township. Southwark. Northern Liberties. Philadelphia. Lancaster. Northern Liberties. Philadelphia. Lancaster. Lancaster.Lancaster.Lancaster. Philadelphia. Philadelphia.Philadelphia. Cocolico. Cocolico.Cocolico. Philadelphia.Paxton.Paxton.Germantown.Oley. Heidleberg. Bethel. Tulpehoccon. Tulpehoccon.Tulpehoccon.Tulpehoccon. Bethel. Tulpehocken. Tulpehocken.Tulpehocken. Heidleberg. County. Philadelphia. Philadelphia.Philadelphia. Lancaster. Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Lancaster. Lancaster. Lancaster.Lancaster. Philadelphia. Philadelphia.Philadelphia. Lancaster. Lancaster.Lancaster. Philadelphia. Lancaster. Lancaster. Philadelphia. Berks. York. Berks. Berks. Berks.Berks.Berks.Berks. Berks. Berks. Berks. Lancaster. Sacrament, when taken Sept. 9, 1764. Sept. 9, 1764. Sept. 9, 1764. Aug. 5, 1764. Sept. 9, 1764. Sept. 9, 1764. Sept. 2, 1764. Aug. 5, 1764. Aug. 5, 1764. Aug. 5, 1764. Sept. 9, 1764. Sept. 9, 1764. Sept. 9, 1764. Sept. 20, 1764. Sept. 15, 1764. Sept. 9, 1764. Sept. 9, 1764. July 22, 1764. July 22, 1764. Sept. 8, 1764. Aug. 23, 1764. Sept. 18, 1764. Aug. 12, 1764. Aug. 12, 1764. Aug. 12, 1764. Aug. 12, 1764. Aug. 12, 1764. Aug. 12, 1764. Aug. 12, 1764. Aug. 12, 1764. Aug. 12, 1764. Sept. 23, 1764. 94 NATURALIZATIONS PENNSYLVANIA. Foreigners' Namep. John Lahn. Adam Mengs. Francis Smith. George Ulrich. Jacob Fotler. John Moyer. John Tzoller. George Adam Egold. Martin Doggenback. John Schainer. Philip Wirth. Jacob Beck. Jacob Bylestine. Paul Faiger. Wilhelm Hildner. Anthony Ritz. George Eisenhard. Peter Popp. Conrad Popp. Caspar Deal. Henry Siectnist. Adam Partmess. Jacob Wiest. Jacob Nagle. John Jordan. Henry Kreyer. Ludwick Spies. Jacob Houk. Peter LIollebush. Christian Hollebush. Frederick May. John Zoller. Philip Rowk. George Lether. gotlieb kriesenger. Conrad Schutz. Adam Staiger. Martin Elie. John Metzler. Martin Oberlin. Sebastian Nagle. Frederick Hubley. Rhinehart Kahmer. Manus Weber. Jacob Dentzeller. John Mangen. Christopher Knower. burkhard becktel. Frederick Shenkel. Matthias Gebler. George Weck. godfried lehr. • John Ernst Hayser. Township. Heidleberg. Lebanon. Heidleberg. Heidleberg-.Heidleberg. Douglass. Hanover. Hanover. Hanover. Douglass. Union. Cocolico. Bart. Plymouth. Whitemarsh. York. York. Brecknock. Brecknock. Carnarvon. Rapho. Dover. Oley. Oley. Oley. Abington.Dover. Frederick. Frederick.Frederick . Upper Salford. Upper Hanover. Upper Hanover. Passyunk. Germantown. Upper Hanover. Lebanon. Lebanon. Germantown. Bethel. Bethel. Lancaster. Philadelphia.Rockland. Rockland. Philadelphia. East Nantmell. East Nantmell. Philadelphia. Passyunk. Philadelphia.Passyunk. Philadelphia. County. Lancaster. Lancaster.Lancaster.Lancaster. Lancaster. Philadelphia.Philadelphia. Philadelphia.Philadelphia.Philadelphia. Berks. Lancaster.Lancaster.Philadelphia. Philadelphia. York. York. Lancaster. Lancaster.Lancaster.Lancaster. York.Berks.Berks. Berks. Philadelphia.York. Philadelphia.Philadelphia.Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Philadelphia.Philadelphia.Philadelphia.Philadelphia.Philadelphia.Lancaster.Lancaster. Philadelphia. Lancaster. Lancaster.Lancaster. Philadelphia. Bucks.Bucks. Philadelphia.Chester.Chester. Philadelphia. Philadelphia.Philadelphia.Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Sacrament when taken. Sept. 23, 1764. Sept. 23, 1764. Sept. 23, 1764. Aup\ 12, 1764. Aug. 12, 1764. Sept. 21, 1764. Sept. 21, 1764. 21, 1764. 23, 1764. 23, 1764. 23, 1764. 2, 1764. 3, 1764- 23, 1764. 23, 1764. 27, 1764. Aug. 27, 1764. Sept. 9, 1764. 9, 1764. 9, 1764. 5, 1764- 16, 1764. 23, 1764. 29, 1764. 29. 1764- 23, 1764. 12, 1764. 23, 1764. 23, 1764. Sept. 23, 1764. Sept. 23, 1764. Sept. 23, 1764. Sept. 23, 1764. Sept. 9, 1764. Sept. 23, 1764. Sept. 16, 1764. Aug. 29, 1764. Aug. 26, 1764. Sept. 9, 1764. Aug. 26, 1764. Aug. 26, 1764'. Sept. 2, 1764. Sept. 23, 1764. Aug. 20, 1764. Aug. 2, 1764. Sept. 9, 1764. July 15, 1764. July 11, 1764. Sept. 23, 1764. Sept. 23, 1764. Sept. 23, 1764. Sept. 23, 1764. Sept. 23, 1764. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept. Sept.Sept. Sept. Aug-. Sept. Sept. Aug.Sept. Sept. Aug.Aug.Sept.Aug. Sept.Sept. PENNSYLVANIA 95 Foreigners' Names. Township. County. Sacrament when George Justus. Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Sept. 23, 1764. William Fox. Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Sept. 23, 1764. Henry Rhinehart. Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Sept. 23- 1764. Henry Gamper. Blockley. Philadelphia. Sept. 23, 1764. George Plum. Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Sept. 23, 1764. William Miller. Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Sept. 23, 1764. Michl. Wien. Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Sept. *3, 1764. John Stroop. Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Sept. 23, 1764. George Merkell. Richmond. Berks. Sept. 20 1764 Godfried Towenhower. Coventry. Chester. Sept. 23, 1764. Michl. Mildeberger. Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Sept. 9, 1764. Jacob Kutch. Passyunk. Philadelphia. Sept. 9, 1764. Danl. Dinckle. York. York. Sept. 23. 1764. John Gardner. Germantown. Philadelphia. Sept. 23. 1764. Mathias Heiss. Cheltenham. Philadelphia. Sept. 23 1764 Balthazar Ernst. Cheltenham. Philadelphia. Sept. 23 1764 Christr. Weigle. Douglass. Berks. Sept. 24. 1764. Jacob Bare. Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Sept. 23 1764 Bernhard Roope. Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Sept. 23 1764 Matthew Walter. Marlborough. Philadelphia. Sept. 16, 1764. William Bauccus. Northern Liberties. Philadelphia. Sept. 23 1764 Jno. Rudolph Kohler. Northern Liberties. Philadelphia. Sept. 23 1764 Jno. Ritenauer. Tulpehocken. Berks. Sept. 12, 1764. Thomas Meyer. Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Sept 9. 1764. Caspar Glockner. Passyunk. Philadelphia. Sept. 23. 1764. Philip Klumberg. Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Sept. 23, 1764. George Losh. Northern Liberties. Philadelphia. Sept. 24, 1764. Adam Haas. Germantown. Philadelphia. Sept. 24, 1764. David Heim. Northern Liberties. Philadelphia. Sept. 24, 1764. Jacob Mitshed. Northern Liberties. Philadelphia. Sept. 23 1764 Nicholas Hauer. Lancaster. Lancaster. Aug. 5, 1764. Jacob Hildebrand. Lancaster. Lancaster. Aug. 20, 1764. Charles Klug. Lancaster. Lancaster. Aug. 20, 1764. George Scheffer. Germantown. Philadelphia. Sept. 16, 1764. Nicholas Ritenauer. Lancaster. Lancaster. Aug. 5. 1764. QUIRINUS MORNER. Brecknock. Lancaster. Sept. 24 1764 Dietrick Rees. Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Sept. 9, 1764. Justus Driber. Lancaster. Lancaster. Aug. 5, 1764, John Beck. Lancaster. Lancaster. Sept. 23, 1764. Christian Ritz. Lancaster. Lancaster. Sept. 23, 1764. Jno. Henry Smith. Tulpehocken. Berks. Sept. 24, 1764. Lewis FIess. Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Sept. 23. 1764. Henry Smith. Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Sent. 23. 1764, Jacob D*ubendisteil. Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Sept. 23. 1764. Martin Worn. Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Sept. 23, 1764. John Gerlach. Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Sept. 23. 1764. Matthew Kern. Cushehoppen. Philadelphia. Sept. ? * 1764. Balthazar Smidt. Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Sept. 23, 1764. Christian Mincke. Southwark. Philadelphia. Sept. 23. 1764. George Doctor. Upper Salford. Philadelphia. Sept. 23. 1764. George Schanck. Lancaster. Lancaster. Sept. 8, 1 76 j.. Philip Ulrich. Blockley. Philadelphia. Sept. 23, 1764. Christian Dietrick. Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Sept. 9. 1764. Andrew Bowshard, Philadelphia. Philadelphia, Sept. 9- 1764. 96 NATURALIZATION S PENNSYLVANIA. Foreigners' Names. Casper Gyer. Frederick Schreyer. Eva Catherina Schlishtern. Conrad Schneider. Moses Mordecai. Township. Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Philadelphia.Philadelphia. County. Philadelphia. Philadelphia.Philadelphia. Philadelphia.Philadelphia. Sacrament when taken. Sept. 23, 1764. Sept. 23, 1764. Sept. 9, 1764. Sept. 23, 1764. A Jew. Quakers and other Protestants who scruple to take an Oath Foreigners' Names. Matthew Reezer. Jacob Brown. George Sheppard David Suldrick. Peter May. George Rouderbush. Jesse Greyger. Philip Kouse. John Taymoot. Michl. Hogberr. John Bussinberger. Jacob Houser. John Krosser. Abraham Grove. Joseph Smith. Michl. Dowdle. Lodwic Stone. Jacob Snyder. Abraham Kryder. Henry Leppy. WlNDELL KlNGFIELD. Peter Smith. Henry Kraaff. Michl. Miller. Adam Weaver. Henry Hoffman Christian Fry. John Light. Christr. Righart. Michael Miller. John Groff. Jacob Stadler. John Adolph Gilman. Leonard Stoneburner. Jacob Weaver. Foreigners' Names. George Meleon. John Ribone. George Keefer. Township. Lancaster.Philadelphia.Philadelphia.Lower Merrion. Upper Hanover. Upper Hanover. Merrion. Oley. Lower Milford. Upper Hanover. Amwell. Earl.Northern Liberties. Earl.Greenwich. York. Lancaster. Germantown. Allenstown. Passyunk. Lower Merrion. Germantown.Tulpehocken. Cocolico. Bensalem.Chestnut Hill. Springfield. Piles Grove. Lancaster. Antrim.Plymouth.Philadelphia. Germantown.Germantown. Northern Liberties. County. Lancaster.Philadelphia.Philadelphia.Philadelphia.Philadelphia.Philadelphia.Philadelphia. Berks.Bucks. Philadelphia.Hunterdon in Lancaster.Philadelphia. Lancaster. Sussex in New Jersey York.Lancaster. Philadelphia. Northampton. Philadelphia.Philadelphia.Philadelphia. Berks. Lancaster. Berks. Philadelphia. Berks. Salem West Lancaster. Cumberland. Philadelphia. Philadelphia.Philadelphia.Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Certified Moravians Sacrament, when taken. Sept. 8, 1764. New Jersey. New Jersey. Sept. 22, 1764. by Joseph Shippen, Jr., Philadelphia, 18 June, 1765. Supreme Court at Philadelphia, 10 April, 1765. Township. County. Moyamesink. Philadelphia. City of Philadelphia. Philadelphia. City of Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Sacrament when taken. Apr. 7, 1765. Apr. 7, 1765. Apr. 8, 1765. PENNSYLVANIA 97 Foreigners' Names. Township. County. Sacrament wher George Schneck. City of Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Apr. 9, I765- Wilhelm Wagner. of New Jersey. Apr. 7, 1765- Joseph Spittal. Douglass. Philadelphia. Apr. 7, 1765- Wilhelm Goetling. Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Apr. 7, 1765- Jacob Beener. Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Apr. 7, 1765- George Kiehmly. Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Apr. 9, 1765- Henry Fox. Douglass. Philadelphia. Apr. 7, 1765- Nicholas Wirking. Connewago. York. Apr. 8, I765- Peter Mann. Northern Liberties. Philadelphia. Apr. 7, 1765- Michl. Weaver. Northern Liberties. Philadelphia. Apr. 7, I765- John Weeber. Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Apr. 7, 1765- Philip Sensfelder. Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Apr. 7, I765- George Streyper. Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Apr. 7, 1765- Geo. Frederck Scheffer. Rockland. Berks. Apr. i, 1765- Jno. Wilhelm Engelfried. Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Apr. 7, 1765. Matthias Bastian. • Hereford. Berks. Apr. 7, 1765- Jacob Andrew Spregher. Lancaster. Lancaster. Mar. 3, 1765- Godfried Kline. Lancaster. Lancaster. Apr. 8, I705- Mathew Buffenmeyer. Hempfield. Lancaster. Apr. 7, 1765- Abraham Kesler. Heidleberg. Berks. Apr. 7, 1765- Andrew Hammer. Brecknock. Lancaster. Apr. 7, 1765- John Beck. Brecknock. Lancaster. Apr. 7, 1765- Peter Beck. Earl . Lancaster. Apr. 7, 1765- Matthew Gurner. Earl. Lancaster. Apr. 7, I765- Christian Swartsweller. Earl. ' Lancaster. Apr. 7, I765- Adam German. Earl. Lancaster. Apr. 7, 1765- Ludwick Kieffer. Codorus. York. Apr. 7, I765- George Jacob Scheffer. Codorus. York. Apr. 7, I7&5- Melchior Stricker. Forks. Northampton. Apr. 7, 1765- Bartholomew Ziebach. Tulpehocken. Berks. Mar. 7, 1765- Jacob Spees. Bethel. Berks. Mar. 7, 1765- Chas. Baumberger. Tulpehocken. Berks. Mar. 7, I765- Jacob Awlem. Haycock. Bucks. Apr. 8 1765- Valentine Philip. Rockland. Bucks. Apr. 8, I765- Nichs. Popp. Bedminster. Bucks. Apr. 5, I765- Jacob Fischer. Cheltenham. Philadelphia. Apr. 8, 1765- Joshua Lamparter. Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Apr. 7, 1765- Caspar Brunner. Lancaster. Lancaster. Apr. 7, 1765- George Shaaf. Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Apr. 7, 1765- Philip Walter. Maccungy. Northampton. Apr. 4, 1765- John Philip Pentz. York. York. Apr. 9, 1765- Balthazar Goll. York. York. Apr. 9, I765- Peter Gascha. York. York. Apr. 9, 1765- Michael Weider. York. York. Apr. 9, 1765- Zachary Bath. Lampeter. Lancaster. Apr. 8, 1765- Martin Toreward. Lancaster. Lancaster. Apr. 7, 1765- Revd. John Sigfred Gerock Lancaster. Lancaster. Apr. 7, 1765- Jacob Metzer. Lancaster. Lancaster. Aor. 7, 1765- Jacob Row. Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Apr. 7, 1765- Peter Leash. Passyunk. Philadelphia. Apr. 7, 1765- Ludwick Shittler. Frederick. Philadelphia. Apr. 7, 1765- Stephen Steeselmyer. Frederick. Philadelphia. Apr. 9, 1765- Jacob Seltzer. Heidleberg. Berks. Apr. 7, 1765- John Hirt. h Whitemarsh. Philadelphia. Apr. 7, 1765- 98 NATURALIZATION S PENNSYLVANIA. Foreigners' Names. Philip Young. Jacob Bower. Jacob Underkoffler. George Gerster. Jacob King. George Shreeder. Michael Woolpert. Philip Fackeroth. Baltzer Stowss. George Cresh. Michl. Stofflat. Henry Bouquet. Valentine Sailer. Township. Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Frederick. Oxford. Lynn. Weisenberg. West New Jersey. Oxford.Philadelphia.Douglass.Douglass. Colonel in the Royal Providence. County. Philadelphia.Philadelphia.Philadelphia.Philadelphia. Northampton.Northampton.Philadelphia. [blank] Berks. Philadelphia.American Regiment. Philadelphia. Sacrament when taken. Apr. 7, 1765. Apr. 7, 1765. Mar. 17, 1765. Apr. 7, 1765. Apr. 7, 1765. Apr. 7, 1765. Apr. 9, 1765. Apr. 7, 1765. [blank] Apr. 7, 1765. Apr. 7, 1765. Mar. 3, 1765. Apr. 14, 1765. Quakers and others who scruple taking an Oath. Foreigners' Names. Adam Shellick. Jacob Kuntz. Rudolph Huber. Joseph Funk. Michael Feedlee. Paul Engle. Peter Reppart. Jacob Bieser. Adam Smith. Martin Shlatter. Casper Rawn. Christr. Gideon Myrtetus. Henry Hoober. Anthy. Lichtel. Jacob Conrad. Valentine Kime. Michael Beard. Peter Freed. Tohn Hornecker. Henry Kirtz. Nicholas Wirkhiser. Anthony Osshyer. Andrew Lantz. Adam Richards. George Rychart. Wyrick Selser. Township. Paradice. Germany. City of Philadelphia. Northern Liberties. New Hanover. Germantown.New Britain. Hatfield.Hatfield. Upper Merrion. New Providence. Philadelphia. 'Lower Milford. L'pper Salford. Lebanon. Maiden Creek. Providence.York. Rockland. Philadelphia.Worcester. Easton. Harrow.East Cain. Lower Saucon. Tulpehocken. County. York. York. Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Philadelphia.Philadelphia.Bucks. Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Bucks. Philadelphia. Lancaster. Berks. Philadelphia.York. Bucks. Philadelphia.Philadelphia. Northampton. York.Chester. Northampton.Berks. Moravians Sacrament, when taken. Mar. 23, 1765. Apr. 7, 1765. Apr. 7, 1765. Certified by Joseph Shippen, Jr., Philadelphia, 18 June, 1765- 15- PENNSYLVANIA Supreme Court at Philadelphia, 24 — 28 and 30 Sept., and 3- 14 — 19, 22 — 26 Oct., 1765, 99 -5, 7— 9> 12, Jurors' Names. Michael Andreas. George Presler. John Christian Seiler. Peter Hoffman. George Berger. Adam Daniel. Jno. Samuel Swordfeger. Frederick Hauer. George Leli. John Shartel. Henry Waggoner. Christopher Meyer. George Odellwald. Jonas Metzger. Michael Kearn. Henry Gross. Colman Gryner. Anthony Zeyner. John Adam Edelman. Conrad Raber. George Weber. Jacob Kantner. John Meyer. Marks Brinig. Philip Klaar. Jacob Mulheisen. Michael Bretzius. Caspar Long. John Michl. Weidmeyer Michael Hummell. Charles Smith. George Gottschalt. George Smith. Martin Trester. George Sherman. Dietrick Six. Nicholas Brosius. John Stein. Michael Kuntz. Nicholas Schlisman. Harman Miller. Michl. Kock. George Reitzel. Henry Staut. George Ludwig. Christr. Hauer. Michael Long. Jno. Geo. Bernard. John Gethert. Philip Muth. Peter Darand. Township. Maxatawny. Tulpehoccon.Tulpehoccon. Tulpehoccon. Bethel. Bethel. Frederick Countv. Albany.Albany. Lancaster.Lancaster. Lancaster.Lancaster.Lancaster.Lancaster. Lancaster.Lancaster.Lancaster.Lancaster. Tulpehoccon. Tulpehoccon.Tulpehoccon.Tulpehoccon. Tulpehoccon. Tulpehoccon. Tulpehoccon.Tulpehoccon.Tulpehoccon. Frederick. Tulpehoccon. Bern. Bern. Heidleberg. Bethel. Tulpehoccon.Bethel.Bethel. Bethel. Tulpehoccon.Tulpehoccon. Tulpehoccon. • Lancaster. Lancaster. Lancaster.Tulpehoccon. Warwick. Woodbridgy. Easton. Easton. Marlborough. Haycock, County. Berks. Berks.Berks.Berks. Berks. Berks. Maryland. Berks. Berks. Lancaster.Lancaster. Lancaster. Lancaster.Lancaster.Lancaster. Lancaster.Lancaster.Lancaster. Lancaster. Berks.Berks. Berks. Berks.Berks. Berks. Berks. Berks. Berks. Maryland. Berks. Berks. Berks.Lancaster. Berks. Berks.Berks. Berks. Berks.Berks. Berks. Berks. Lancaster. Lancaster. Lancaster. Berks. Lancaster. New Jersey. Northampton. Northampton. Philadelphia. Bucks, Sacrament, when taken. Sept. 8, 1765. Aug. 4, 1765. Aug. 4, 1765. Aug. 4, 1765. Sept. 17, 1765. Sept. 17, 1765. June 23, 1765. Sept. 8, 1765. Sept. 8, 1765. Sept. 15, 1765 Sent. 15, 1765 Sept. 15, 1765 Sept. 15, 1765 Sept. 15, 1765 Sept. 15, 1765 Sept. 15, 1765 Sept. 15, 1765 Sept. 15, 1765 Sept. 15, 1765 Sept. 17, 1765 Sept. 17, 1765 Sept. 17, 1765 Sept. 17, 1765 Sept. 17, 1765 Sept. 17, 1765 Sept. 17, 1765 Sept. 17, 1765 Sept. 17, 1765 Sept. 23, 1765. Sept. 22, 1765. July 28, 1765. July 28, 1765. Sept. 15, 1765. Aug. 4, 1765. Aug. 4, 1765. Sept. 15, 1765 Sept. 15, 1765 Sept. 15, 1765 Sept. 15, 1765 Sept. 15, 1765 Sept. 15, 1765 Sept. 15, 1765 Sept. 15, 1765 Sept. 15, 1765 Sept. 15, 1765 Sept. 15, 1765 Sept. 22, 1765. Sept. 23, 1765. Sept. 23, 1765. Aug. 25, 1765. Sept. 8, 1765. 100 NATURALIZATIONS PENNSYLVANIA. Jurors' Names. John Riss. Conrad Baar. John Echel. Erhart Dierwachter. Anthony Shaller. George Betz. George Hayde. Christopher Graaf. Henry Hellzell. Geo. Ludwig Meidinger. Jacob Raindollar. John Nicholas Smith. Christian Keeper. John Fry. Michl. Eidemiller. George Freiss. Rudolph Weiss. John Marburger. Andreas Weiss. Henry Shultz. Henry Huber. Dietrick Bieber. Henry Sterner. Geo. Leibelsperger. Nichs. Smith. Jno. Jacob Sneilberger. Emanuel Seiss. Herman Neiman. George Brynig. Stephen Berheinezer. Jacob Barger. William Finstermaker. Michael Diehl. Nicholas Miller. Peter Miller. Michael Bauerman. Godfrey Seidell. Jno. Breidenbach. Jacob Daney. Michael Lang. George Hauer. Thomas Philbert. Nicholas Meyer. Nicholas Lang. Jacob Elinger. Daniel Neidig. Mathias Sheiffele. George Henry Bauer. Justus Fishbach. Erhart Chappell. Clemens Dunkleberger. Nicholas Weinninger. Township. Easton. Colebrookdale. Philadelphia.Heidleberg. Albany. Lancaster.Lancaster.Lancaster. Lancaster.Lancaster.Philadelphia.Albany. Lancaster. Lancaster. New Cushahoppen. White Marsh. Upper Milford. Upper Milford. Earl. Earl. Upper Milford. Maxatawny. Maxatawny. Weisenberg.Warwick. Heidleberg.Warwick.Limerick.Weisenberg.Warwick.Long Swamp. Long Swamp. Long Swamp. Hanover.Lower Milford. Weisenberg. Windsor. Lancaster. Bethel. Long Swamp. Windsor. Bern. • Rockland.Rockland.Rockland. Rockland. Cushahoppen.Heidleberg-. Heidleberg.Windsor. Windsor.Windsor, County. Northampton. Berks. Philadelphia. Lancaster. Berks.Lancaster. Lancaster.Lancaster.Lancaster. Lancaster. Philadelphia. Berks. Lancaster. Lancaster. Philadelphia.Philadelphia.Northampton. Northampton. Lancaster.Lancaster. Northampton. Berks.Berks. Northampton.Lancaster.Lancaster. Lancaster. Philadelphia. Northampton.Lancaster. Berks. Berks.Berks. Philadelphia.Bucks. NorthamDton.Berks. Lancaster. Berks.Berks.Berks. Berks. Berks.Berks.Berks. Berks.Philadelphia. Berks. Berks.Berks. Berks. Berks, Sacrament when taken. Sept. 8, 1765. Sept 21, 1765. Sept. 22, 1765. Sept. 15, 1765. Sept. 15, 1765. Sept. 15, 1765. Sept. 15, 1765. Sept. 15, 1765. Sept. 15, 1765. Sept. 15, 1765- Sept. 22, 1765. Sept. 8, 1765. Sept. 15, 1765. Sept. 15, 1765. Aug. 25, 1765. Sept. 22, 1765. Sept. 20, 1765. Sept. 20, 1765. Sept. 15, 1765. Sept. 15, 1765. Sept. 20, 1765. Sept. 8, 1765. Sept. 8, 1765. Sept. 8, 1765. Sept. 1, 1765. Aug. 4, 1765. Sept. 1, 1765. Sept. 20, 1765. Sept. 8, 1765. Sept. 1, 1765. Sept. 22, 1765. Sept. 22, 1765. Sept. 22, 1765. Aug. 25, 1765. Aug. 25, 1765. Sept. 22, 1765. July 24, 1765. Sept. 15, 1765. Sept. 18, 1765. Sept. 21, 1765. July 14, 1765. Sept. 15, 1765. Sept. 4, 1765. Sept. 4, 1765. Sept. 4, 1765. Aug. 25, 1765. Aug. 25, 1765. Sept. 15, 1765, Sept. 15, 1765. Sept. 15, 1765. Sept. 15, 1765. Sept. 15, 1765. PENNSYLVANIA 101 Jurors' Names. Andrew Schadt. Conrad Wierth. Peter Ahman. John Nichs. Philip. Henry Frieman. George Ludwig. Jacob Kreisenger. David Wildemuth. Benedict Nydlinger. Valentine Kayser. Jacob Pfiefer. Adam Pfatticher. Nicholas Blatter. Frederick Yerde. John Conrad Koch. Wm. Kreitchbaum. Melchior Dietzler. George Wolf, Senr. George Deerhamer. Mathias Ley. Jacob Rodt. George Weldonger. John Fry. Jacob Hossbenner. Peter Henry. Lawrence Mayer. Michael Schull. Henry Weiber. Valentine Hoffman. Andrew Day. Martin Camp. Adam Weider. Frederick Kearn. Valentine Petri. Thomas Smith. Jacob Hummell. Joseph Stump. Adam Bossert. David Levy. Philip Smith. Nicholas Faust. Philip Hager. Jacob Waggoner. John Buchler. George Fegele. George Fegele. Adam Lautenschleger. John Unrou. Peter Ribtell. Henry Eisenmenger. Peter Kuhl. Jno. Christian Bentz. Ludwick Uber. Daniel Conrad. Township. County. Sacrament when t Tulpehoccon. Berks. Sept. 15, 1765. Tulpehoccon. Berks. Sept. 15, 1765. Tulpehoccon. Berks. Sept. 15, 1765. Bern. Berks. July 28, 1765. Bern. Berks. Sept. 17, 1765. Bern. Berks. Sept. 17, 1765. New Cushahoppen. Philadelphia. Aug. 25, 1765. Bern. Berks. July 28, 1765. New Cushahoppen. Philadelphia. Sept. 21, 1765. New Cushahoppen. Philadelphia. Aug. 21, 1765. Heidleberg. Berks. Aug. 4, 1765. Tulpehoccon. Berks. Sept. 15, 1765. Reading. Berks. Sept. 15, 1765. Reading. Berks. Sept. 15, 1765. Reading. Berks. Sept. 1, 1765. Bethel. Berks. Sept. 1, 1765. Bethel. Berks. Sept. 1, 1765. Bethlehem. Northampton. Sept. 22, 1765. Bethlehem. Northampton. Sept. 22, 1765. Greenwich. Berks. Sept. 18, 1765. Rockhill. Bucks. Sept. 18, 1765. Haycock. Bucks. Sept. 18, 1765. Haycock. Bucks. Sept. 18, 1765. Rockhill. Bucks. Sept. 18, 1765. Rockhill. Bucks. Sept. 18, 1765. Rockhill. Bucks. Sept. 18, 1765. Rockhill. Bucks. Aue. 25, 1765. Heidleberg. Berks. Aug. 4, 1765. Maiden Creek. Berks. Aug. 4, 1765. Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Sept. 23, 1765. Albany. Berks. Sept. 8, 1765. Salsbury. Northampton. Sept. 15, 1765. Rockhill. Bucks. Sept. 8, 1765. Albany. Berks. Sept. 8, 1765. New Hanover. Philadelphia. Sept. 22, 1765. Windsor. Berks. Sept. 20, 1765. Franconia. Philadelphia. Sept. 15, 1765. Marlborough. Philadelphia. Sept. 15, 1765. Upper Hanover. Philadelphia. Sept. 15, 1765. Richland. Bucks. Sept. 15, 1765. Lower Milford. Bucks. Sept. 15, 1765. Lower Milford. Bucks. Sept. 15, 1765. Rockhill. Bucks. Sept. 15, 1765. Heidleberg. Lancaster. Aug. 4, 1765. Colebrookdale. Philadelphia. Aug. 4, 1765. Maiden Creek. Berks. Sept. 20, 1765. Upper Hanover Philadelphia. Aug. 25, 1765. Manheim. Lancaster. Aug. 25, 1765. Lancaster. Lancaster. Sept. 15, 1765. Heidelberg. Berks. Sept. 15, 1765. Heidelberg. Berks. Sept. 8, 1765. Bern. Berks. Sept. 17, 1765. Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Sept. 22, 1765. Exeter. Berks. Sept. 22, 1765. 102 NATURALIZATIONS PENNSYLVANIA. Jurors' Names. John Mertz. Christian Bollinger. Martin Gross. Casper Werner. Henry Leiner. Henry Leiner, Junr. Peter Lang. Jacob Bretzius. Benj. Fred. Wilbert. Geo. Godfreidt Wilbert. Jno, George Zacharius. John Jacob Wolf. Jno. Nichs. Fisher. Abraham Holle. Alexander Stamm. John Seitz. John Christr. Krepts. George Mayer. Baltzer Neifang. Sebastian Wildfang. Adam Smell. Valentine Hun. Tno. Christian Krebs. Henry Nagle. Henry Bauchman. Ferdinand Facundus. John Goetz. Peter Keifer. Richard Hoffman. George Foulke. Adam Bettinger. Michl. Keiffer. John Bach. Christian Chress. John Billman. Christor. Weibright. Nichs. Luchman. Bastian Gerhaudt. Mathias Koch. Michl. Hotz. Henry Haffa. Conrad Rosch. Nichs. Bacher. John Weber. Chas. Shoemaker. John Martin Rayser. Vincent Kieffer. Thomas Buhl. Mathias Fox. Martin Aupitch. Jacob Godschalt. George Fred. Stieff. Township. Oley. Berwick. Warwick. Berwick. Manheim.Manheim. Abington. Tulpehoccon. Philadelphia.Philadelphia.Manheim. Berwick. Manheim. Berwick. Paradice.Bern. Philadelphia.Cumry. Windsor. Blockley. Ruscomb Manor. Manheim. Northern Liberties. Philadelphia.Cushahoppen. Philadelphia. Lancaster. Rockland.Rockland.Rockland. Berwick.Richmond.Philadelphia. Germant[own]. Cocolico. Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Greenwich.Windsor. Philadelphia. Greenwich. Kingsington. Albany. Philadelphia. Windsor . Philadelphia. York.Philadelphia.Douglass. Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Reading. County. Berks. Lancaster. Lancaster.Lancaster. York. York.Philadelphia. Berks. Philadelphia.Philadelphia.York.York.York. York. York. Berks. Philadelphia. Berks.Berks. Philadelphia. Berks. Lancaster. Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Philadelphia.Philadelphia.Lancaster. Berks. Berks. Berks. York. Berks. Philadelphia.Philadelphia.Lancaster. Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Berks.Berks.Philadelphia. Berks. Philadelphia. Berks. Philadelphia. Berks. Philadelphia.York.Philadelphia.Philadelphia.Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Berks. Sacrament when taken. Sept. 8, 1765. Sept. 15, 1765. Sept. 1, 1765. Sept. 15, 1765. Sept. 15, 1765. Sept. 15, 1765. Sept. 22, 1765. Aug. 4, 1765. Sept. 22, 1765. Sept. 22, 1765. Sept. 15, 1765. Sept. 15, 1765. Sept. 15, 1765. Sept. 15, 1765. Sept. 15, 1765. Sept. 1, 1765. Sept. 22, 1765. Sept. 1, 1765. Sept. 1, 1765. Sept. 24, 1765. Sept. 1, 1765. Sept. 21, 1765. Sept. 22, 1765. Sept. 22, 1765. Sept. 22, 1765. Sept. 22, 1765. Sept. 15, 1765. Sept. 22, 1765. Sept. 17, 1765. Sept. 22, 1765. Sept. 23, 1765. Sept. 22, 1765. Sept. 22, 1765. Sept. 22, 1765. Sept. 15, 1765. Sept. 22, 1765. Sept. 22, 1765. Sept. 20, 1765. July 14, 1765- Sept. 22, 1765. Sept. 8, 1765. Sept. 22, 1765. Sept. 8, 1765. Sept. 22, 1765. Sept. 20, 1765. Sept. 22, 1765. Sept. 22, 1765. Sept. 22, 1765. Sept. 22, 1765. Sept. 22, 1765. Sept. 22, 1765. Sept. 20, 1765. PENNSYLVANIA 103 Jurors' Names. George Miller. Frederick Dauber. Michael Huber. Jacob Lantz. Frederick Ruhl. Michael Miller. John Adam Gist. Jacob Ernst. Bernhard Popp. Frederick Brown. John Erhley. Jacob Smith. Frederick Forster. George Itzangmister. Melchior Shewrer. George Haal. George Welter. George Stahl. Jacob Huber. Jonas Eckert. Philip Stambach. Melchior S'tok. Michael Drion. Regina Ottman. George Smith. John Hartman. Jacob Fox. Christian Lentz. Andreas Burghart. John Erret. Michael Busch. Ludwick Swerentz. Bernard Gilbert. John Adam Fucks. David Mechel. Christr. Goebrecht. Peter Erman. David Forteny. Sebastian Stiehler. Michael Lowrey. Nicholas Gerringer. Rudolph Bollinger. John Wieber. Urban Friebele. Jacob Sixt. Mathias Rost. Leonard Flohr. George Dieterle. Henry Swencke. Hieronimus Drautman. Ludwick Haspelhorn. Christian Schieb. Valentine Gramlich. Michael Braucher. Township. Windsor. Northern Liberties. Derry. Albany.York.Philadelphia. Weisenberg. Heidleberg. Heidleberg. Windsor. Derry.Derry.Derry. Lower Milford. Philadelphia. Albany. Lower Milford. Lower Milford. Lower Milford. Tulpehoccon. Linn. Tulpehoccon. Heidleberg. Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Reading. Ruscomb Manor. Warwick. Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Heidelberg.Cumru. Cushahoppen.Heidleberg. Lower Milford. Germantown. Warwick. Warwick. Brecknock.White Hall. Weisenberg. Heidleberg.Heidleberg. Philadelphia. Lancaster. Lancaster. Dover.Earle.Albany.Heidleberg. Greenwich.Weisenberg.Weisenberg. Weisenberg. County. Berks. Philadelphia.Lancaster. Berks. York.Philadelphia. Northampton. Berks. Berks.Berks. Lancaster.Lancaster. Lancaster. Bucks. Philadelphia. Berks. Bucks. Bucks. Bucks. Berks. Northampton. Berks. Lancaster. Philadelphia.Philadelphia. Berks. Berks. Lancaster. Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Berks.Berks. Philadelphia. Berks.Bucks.Philadelphia. Lancaster. Lancaster. Lancaster. Northampton. Northampton. Lancaster. Lancaster.Philadelphia.Lancaster.Lancaster.York. York. Berks. Lancaster. Berks. Northampton. Northampton.Northampton. Sacrament when taken. July 14, 1765. Sept. 22, 1765. Sept. 22, 1765. Sept. 22, 1765. Sept. 15, 1765. Sept. 22, 1765. Sept. 18, 1765. Sept. 15, 1765. Sept. 15, 1765. July 14, 1765. Sept. 28, 1765. Sept. 28, 1765. Sept. 28, 1765. Sept. 22, 1765. Sept. 22, 1765. Sept. 8, 1765. Sept. 22, 1765. Sept. 22, 1765. Sept. 22, 1765. Sept. 17, 1765. Sept. 8, 1765. Sept. 17, 1765. Sept. 21, 1765. Sept. 22, 1765. Sept. 22, 1867. Sept. 1, 1765. Sept. 22, 1765. Sept. 15, 1765. Sept. 22, 1765. Sept. 22, 1765. Sept. 15, 1765. Sept. 21, 1765. July 25, 1765. Sept. 21, 1765. Sept. 8, 1765. Sept. 22, 1765. Sept. 13, 1765. July 14, 1765. Sept. 8, 1765. Sept. 23, 1765. Sept. 18, 1765. June 30, 1765. June 30, 1765. Sept. 22, 1765. Sept. 15, 1765. Sept. 15, 1765. Sept. 8, 1765. Sept. 17, 1765. Sept. 8, 1765. Sept. 15, 1765. Sept. 20. 1765. Sept. 15, 1765. Sept. 8, 1765. Sept. 8, 1765. 104 NATURALIZATIONS PENNSYLVANIA. Jurors' Names. Henry Grub. Philip Alberti. John George Derr. Conrad Gensely. Nichs. Gress. Christian Freymayer. Caspar Lutz. Michael Red. John Dubs. John Roodt. Lawrence Brundle. Henry Ensmenger. Jno. Mich. Snyder. George Kamp. Philip Poger. Philip Odens welder. Jacob Xander. Jno. George Snyder. Christian Ungerer. Nicholas Pox. Philip Herple. Anna Barbara Redmanner. Henry Briel. Michael Swenck. John Arbegast. Thomas Lennich. Christian Frantz. Jacob Kemmerling. Peter Brua. Henry Geiss. Henry Friely. Nichs. Weigand. Michael Dichert. George Kline. Jacob Greenwalt. Anthony Kelker. mlchuael scheaffer. Michael Blocker. Michael Goodman. Philip Klingersmith. Lawrence Bahman. Nicholas Bibble. John Shuch. Nicholas Wolf. Jacob Huber. Simon Aspect. Daniel Behtely. Martin Hauser. Michael Friedly. Philip Straus. Bernard Siegman. Baltzer Kohler. Township. Bristol. Philadelphia. Richmond . Philadelphia. Bethlehem. Bethlehem.Cocolico.Cocolico. Hanover. Tulpehoccon. Derry. Newberg.Philadelphia. Greenwich. Weisenberg.Forks. Lebanon. Readino-. Greenwich. Haycock. Bedminster. Cushahoppen. Lower Milford. Lower Milford. Bern. Tulpehoccon.Heidleberg. Heidleberg. Tulpehoccon. Maccungy. Germantown. Tulpehoccon. Tulpehoccon.Philadelphia. Weisenberg. Bethel. Rockland. Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Sadsbury. Lynn. Willingstown. Willinp-stown. Bethel. Upper Milford. Lebanon.Whitpain.GermantTown]. Chesnut Hill. Tulpehoccon. Tinicum.Tinicum. County. Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Berks. Philadelphia. Northampton. Northampton.Lancaster. Lancaster.Lancaster.Lancaster.Lancaster. York. Philadelphia. Berks. Northampton.Northampton. Lancaster. Berks. Berks. Bucks.Bucks. Philadelphia. Bucks. Bucks.Berks.Berks.Berks.Berks. Berks. Northampton.Philadelphia. Berks.Berks. Philadelphia. Northampton. Lancaster. Berks.Philadelphia.Philadelphia.Northampton. Northampton.Northampton.Northampton. Lancaster.Northampton. Lancaster. Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Berks.Bucks.Bucks. Sacrament when taken. Sept. 22, 1765. Sept. 22, 1765. Sept. 20, 1765. Sept. 22, 1765. Sept. 22, 1765. Sept. 22, 1765. Sept. 8, 1765. Sept. 8, 1765. Sept. 20, 1765. Sept. 15, 1765. Sept. 15, 1765. Sept. 1, 1765. Sept. 22, 1765. Sept. 20, 1765. Sept. 18, 1765. Sept. 22, 1765. Sept. 15, 1765. Sept. 1, 1765. Sept. 20, 1765. Sept. 12, 1765. Sept. 8, 1765. July 25, 1765. Sept. 8, 1765. Sept. 8, 1765. July 28, 1765. Sept. 1, 1765. Sept. 8, 1765. Sept. 20, 1765. Sept. 20, 1765. Sept. 22, 1765. Sept. 22, 1765. Sept. 15, 1765. Aug. 4, 1765. Sept. 22, 1765. Sept. 15, 1765. Sept. 20, 1765. Sept. 8, 1765. Sept. 22, 1765. Sept. 22, 1765. Sept. 22, 1765. Sept. 15, 1765. Aug. 15, 1765. Aug. 15, 1765. Sept. 4, 1765. Sept. 12, 1765. Aug. 11, 1765. Sept. 22, 1765. Sept. 20, 1765. Sept. 20, 1765. July 22, 1765. Sept. 15, 1765. Sept. 15, 1765. PENNSYLVANIA 105 Jurors' Names. Christian Kaub. Frederick Kayser. Sebastian Smith. John Knight. Bernard Neitzer. Matthias Sommer. George Maishe. John George Weiss. Peter Steckell. Frederick Fleager. Andrew Kryner. Peter Gruber. Andrew Kreps. Henry Feger. Henry Minich. Henry Nichodemus. Lawrence Bumberger. /John Fisher. Adam Shissler. Henry Knoth. Frederick Wentz. George Adam Groh. George Ruhl. Michl. Christman. John Schnee. Peter Kern. Mathias Knoll. Jacob Backer. Philip Sherer. Gotliep Strohocker. George Martin Ernst. Christian Richard. John Weaver. John Shneido. Thomas Hansucker. John Shout. Martin Senfendorfer. John George Meckline. George Beck. Jacob Shreiner. Andrew Hertzhog. George Cooper. Ludwick Pfifer. Henry Hartman. Conrad Lambargar. Henry Hertzhell. George Musteller. Henry Sheffer. John Rode. George Etzler. John Baker. Philip Stein. Melchior Myer. Fredk. Doublebauer. Township. Sadsbury. Tulpehoccon. Haycock.Lower Saucon. Cocolico. Roxboro. Creesham. Salisbury. Whitehall. Creesham. White Marsh. Haycock.Philadelphia. Plymouth. Tulpehoccon. Warwick. Northern Liberties. Creesham. Germantown. Exeter. Upper Salford. Linn. Tulpehoccon. Maxatawny. Tulpehoccon. Rockhill.Heidleberg. Albany. Upper Saucon. Reading. Bern. Cumru. Hanover.Warwick. Allen. Upper Saucon. New Hanover. New Hanover. Bethlehem. Philadelphia.Philadelphia.Philadelphia. Bern. Northern Liberties. Northern Liberties. Upper Milford. Hartford. Rockland. Heidleberg.Heidleberg. Philadelphia. Northern Liberties. Oley.Passyunk. County. Northampton. Berks. Bucks. Northampton.Lancaster. Philadelphia.Philadelphia. Northampton. Northampton. Philadelphia.Philadelphia. Bucks. Philadelphia.Philadelphia. Berks. Lancaster.Philadelphia.Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Berks. Berks. Northampton. Berks.Berks. Berks. Bucks. Lancaster. Berks. Northampton. Berks. Berks.Berks. Lancaster.Lancaster.Northampton.Northampton.Philadelphia.Philadelphia. Northampton. Philadelphia.Philadelphia.Philadelphia.Berks.Philadelphia.Philadelphia. Northampton. Berks.Berks. Lancaster. York. Philadelphia.Philadelphia. Berks. Philadelphia. Sacrament when taken. Sept. 22, 1765. Sept. 22, 1765. July 7, 1765. Sept. 12, 1765. Aug. 13, I765- Sept. 22, 1765. Sept. 22, 1765. Sept. 22, 1765. Sept. 22, 1765. Sept. 22, 1765. Sept. 22, 1765. Sept. 22, 1765. Sept. 22, 1765. Sept. 22, 1765. Sept. 22, 1765. Sept. 15, 1765. Sept. 20, 1765. Sept. 23. 1765. Sept. 23, 1765. Sept. 23, 1765. Sept. 23, 1^6=;. Sept. 23, 1765. Sept. 23, 1765. Sept. 23, 1765. Sept. 23, 1765. Sept. 23, 1765. Sept. 23, 1765. Sept. 18, 1765. Sept. 22, 1765. Sept. 1, 1765. Sept. 1, 1765. Sept. 9, 1765. Aug. 24, 1765. Sept. 15, 1765. Sept. 15, 1765. Sept. 15, 1765. Sept. 15, 1765. Sept. 15, 1765. July 14, 1765. Sept. 22, 1765. Sept. 22, 1765. Sept. 22, 1765. July 28, 1765.' Sept. 23, 1765. Sept. 2-\, 1765. Sept. 23, 1765. Sept. 24, 1765. Sept. 24, 1765. Sept. 20, 1765. Sept. 20, 1765. Sept. 22, 1765. Sept. 22, 1765. Sept. 10, 1765. Sept. 22, 1765. >>0^gOht)> I-I M M — ^T m > _ Cl t: V 5J X T "¦ 0 ~ > l/l ra£ M r> 0 M cr * t/l r1 - -i Jtl T) - X - N - c: 71 tt H -. W '. ) W «-- ¦d » rr o OS mu«*«^^^^^«^>ri^.. *rt,^^^fflr^-^T*AAffl^-^s-riritPfii>iQ2 3\^T O cd 3^ £T 3^ 3^ 3^ n> 3^ 3^ cr o> p crp o.c c ™, p cr S tr &• o s p 0. a. d. cl rt> p &aa rD XOOO^^'TtT^^^^1^ U(tf»(l(l(I(lC ffffO O " -i fi.i-tMV'-i'-l'-l'-t'-t'-l'-l'-l'-l ft, l-t |-t '-t "i "-i ¦-• ttr* Cl: d '-i 'i 2 3 o^^S-3333333 3'3 0333333^ sfSfs-s-3 p rLroSopppppppyqP Spuispj^traasSs 3 r*-i-. 333333333,3 O ^^coobooooSLo Si rryq?!^^sis!S'S!p-§< 3 3 3 3 sj ?• 8 SJrr^ 3 ^^S'SBSBBBB 3 3j>D33333PP3r-3r:3 ft) a> ro a> >-i >-i r+ (-t- rt a> re re cn in 71 t/i 3T3"3-3"3-3'3-3-3-3-3-3-D-D-3'3-3;D^tTprtr(Ti 3^D^3rcrtrfrp^tr3;o o o p ^sT.^EB.S.^^^S.^EB.^sT-T"1 p P 3 rc> 3 3 p^Yn p^p^C-iBrcarcniDprtirDrD^ H 3> "¦ 3 rt- *r:ro jo10? a 3 3«»3 « ^tJ-TLjcrLir 3* fi ^3-^Lir^? 21-11- 3 3P rr5" J-t-sPPPP^sPPP ff ^ ZJ re " ro V Z rO > > p-pppppppppppppppppppp^p-pJpJpppppp^^^pp-ppp-p-p-p_pp"p-p-p-p'5rp'frs' ; o r&rtrpfDftrcrcf&fDrcaircrtircfDfOftrtinir&ni rDrDrDfDrDrDrj^rj^a^pp3.^a>rj^rj^cDrDrD<^r^fl>rDcDrDCD<"D ^ ^jETi-TEr^S!^:-?.^^^^^ B! 5. 5. S! 5^ 5t r£ 5! 5. ^ ~^ " £H!£5!:T5!!-n5.er!E!5.5.5.H.5.Er s p' p' p" p' p' p" p" p' p' p' p' p' p" p" p' p' p' pppp p p p p p p p p p 2 2 2 p p p p p p p p p p P1 p p p" p' p' tS" in in in in in in in in ^CDCDCDCtCDCDCD K! T3hOhOhOhO*T3lT3 o c+ r+ r+ c-t- i-t- r-t- f-1" ^ 9= tO(otOWMtOtOtOMtOtON>K>N>tOtOK>tOtOtOUtOtOtOUK>tJWtOtOtJN>touWMMM|OtOWUtOto B JO CjO M to M to 10 JO (O to (O to Go 10 to M M » M N N WU W M N JO N M M ^ J> J> M MtflOlUirr i1 ]° »M „M ^ J° * T* to (0 to" § <-" ^ i^i aiLnCnUHjiuiOiaiUi clvV VlV1VlV1V,VlVlV,V,VlV1VlV1V1VlC^V1VIVv tla . tn tn oi oi ' » PENNSYLVANIA 107 Jurors' Names. Michael Smith. Jacob Amos. Henry Schaffer. Michael Deither. Michael Walter. Peter Steinmetz. Nichs. Housegger. John Phile. John Yetter. John Greiss. Baltzer Fetterman. Jacob Wetzel. George Bader. George Fluft. Mathias Garrett. William Garrett. Frederick Stuber. mordecai m. mordecai. Peter Keyser. Philip Hen. Simon Hen. Phil. Jacob Michael. Mathias Boor. Adam Bart. Christian Heissler. Francis Brownhalt. Philip Greuse. Herman Stump. Christr. Rack. Jno. Schweitzer. Simon Heydell. Sylvester Fred. Gruber. Tewald Beck. Peter Keyner. Jacob Kline. John Marcus Beck. Peter Hartman. Geo. Lautzenslegher. Peter Bohrer. Fred. Miller. Tewald Miller. Jacob Miller. Leonard Leidich. John Louser. George Matter. John Matter. George Wike. Theobald Firfrock. Jacob Keyser. Adolph Reihl. Fred. Kaighnley. Conrad Ries. Jno. Sigmund Hagelgaus. Philip Maus. Township. Germantown. Roxborough. Northern Liberties. Northern Liberties. New Hanover. Germant[own]. Heidleberg. Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Philadelphia.Upper Milford. Hartford.Upper Milford. Maccungv.Philadelphia.Philadelphia.Philadelphia.Philadelphia. Maccungy. Hertford. Maccungy.Rockland.Hanover. Lebanon. Maccungy. Northern Liberties. Lower Milford. Bristol. Philadelphia.Philadelphia.Philadelphia. Elizabeth. Maccungy. Maccungy.Amity. Philadelphia.Philadelphia. Heidleberg.Heidleberg.Heidleberg.Heidleberg.Heidleberg. Elizabeth. Heidleberg. Earl. Earl.Earl.Earl. Earl. Northern Liberties. Northern Liberties. Northern Liberties. Philadelphia.Philadelphia. County. Philadelphia.Philadelphia.Philadelphia.Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Philadelphia.Lancaster. Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Northampton. Berks. Northampton. Northampton. Philadelphia.Philadelphia.Philadelphia.Philadelphia. Northampton. Berks. Northampton.Berks. Lancaster.Lancaster.Northampton. Philadelphia. Bucks. .Philadelphia. Philadelphia.Philadelphia.Philadelphia.Lancaster. Northampton. Northampton. Berks.Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Lancaster.Lancaster. Lancaster. Lancaster.Lancaster. Lancaster.Lancaster.Lancaster.Lancaster.Lancaster.Lancaster.Lancaster. Philadelphia.Philadelphia.Philadelphia.Philadelphia.Philadelphia. Sacrament when taken. Sept. 24, 1765. Sept. 24, 1765. Sept. 24, 1765. Sept. 24, 1765,. Sept. 22, 1765 Sept. 22, 1765 Sept. 25, 1765 Sept. 25, 1765 Sept. 25, 1765 Sept. 25, 1765 Sept. 23, 1765 Sept. 23, 1765 Sept. 23, 1765 Sept. 23, 1765 Sept. 23, 1765 Sept. 23, 1765 Sept. 23, 1765 [A Jew]. Sept. 26, 1765 Sept. 26, 1765 Sept. 26, 1765 Sept. 22, 1765 Aug. 11, 1765 Aug. 11, 1765 Sept. 24, 1765. Sept. 22, 1765 Sept. 8, 1765. Sept. 22, 1765 Sept. 22, 1765 Sept. 22, 1765 Sept. 22, 1765 Sept. 1, 1765. Sept. 23, 1765 Sept. 23, 1765 Sept. 25, 1765. Sept. 22, 1765. Sept. 25, 1765. Sept. 1, 1765 Sept. 1 Sept. 1 Sept. 1 Sept. 1 Sept. 1 Sept. 1 Sept. 26 Sept. 26 Sept. 26 Sept. 26 Sept. 26 Sept. 27 Sept. 22 Sept. 22 Sept. 27, 1765 Sept. 27, 1765 1765- 1765- 1765- 1765-1765-1765- , 1765- . I765- - 1765-" , 1765. , I765- , I765- , 1765- . I765- 108 NATURALIZATIONS PENNSYLVANIA. Jurors' Names. Daniel Heck. George Feadel. Abraham Frioth. Martin Waal. Henry Rorman. Ludwic Yetter. Frederick Kern. John Hancker. Henry Zimmerman. Nicholas Smith. Peter Lutz. John Friess. George Hermany. George Blensig.1 Conrad Rorman. Jacob Miller. George Derr. Nichs. Berlinger. Caspar Wiezer. Adam Rauentsaner. John Kinely. Martin Marquart. Jacob Plessing. Jacob Meyer. Jacob Stumph. John Correll. John Kreitz. Jacob Donat. John Becker. Ludwick Rauhenzaner. Caspar Ruppard. Peter Folik. Michl. Fisher. George Syng. Bernard Kuter. Christr. Wideman. Jacob Meyer. George Kerman. Jacob Brown. George Sommer. George Mildeberger. Bernard Crict. George Fager. Martin Worth. John Dalcher. Jacob Herman. Jacob Danner. George Delcher. Henry Gilbert. Paul Gimberling. Township. Philadelphia.Philadelphia.Philadelphia.Philadelphia. Philadelphia.Philadelphia.White Marsh. Philadelphia.Albany. Linnon.Linnon. Linnon. Linnon. Philadelohia.Philadelphia. Rockland. Rockland.Rockland.Rockland. Ruscomb Manor. Maccungy. Amity.Upper Milford. Oxford. Albany. Albany. Albany. • Albany. Rockland. Rockland.Rockland.Rockland. Long Swamp. Springfield.Springfield. Creesham. Lower Dublin. Lower Dublin. Lower Dublin. Lower Dublin. Northern Liberties. Blockley. New Hanover. Philadelphia.Philadelphia. Maccungy.Maccungv. Cheltenham. Cheltenham. Heidleberg. County. Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Philadelphia.Philadelphia. Philadelphia.Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Berks. Northampton.Northampton. Northampton. Northampton. Philadelphia.Philadelphia. Berks. Berks. Berks. Berks. Berks. Northampton. Berks. Northampton. Philadelphia. Berks.Berks.Berks. Berks.Berks.Berks. Berks. Berks.Berks.Philadelphia.Philadelphia.Philadelphia.Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Philadelphia.Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Northampton.Northampton. Philadelphia.Philadelphia. Lancaster. Sacrament when taken. Sept. 27, 1765. Sept. 27, 1765. Sept. 27, 1765. Sept. 27, 1765. Sept. 22, 1765. Sept. 22, 1765. Sept. 22, 1765. Sept. 22, 1765. Sept. 8, 1765. Sept. 26, 1765. Sept. 26, 1765. Sept. 26, 1765. Sept. 26, 1765. Sept. 22, 1765. Sept. 22, 1765. Sept. 27, 1765. Sept. 27, 1765. Sept. 27, 1765. Sept. 27, 1765. Sept. 27, 1765. Sept. 24, 1765. Sept. 7, 1765. Sept. 24, 1765. Sept. 24, 1765. Sept. 26, 1765. Sept. 26, 1765. Sept. 26, 1765. Sept. 26, 1765. Sept. 27, 1765. Sept. 27, 1765. Sept. 27, 1765. Sept. 27, 1765. Sept. 27, 1765. Sept. 22, 1765. Sept. 22, 1765. Sept. 22, 1765. Sept. 22, 1765. Sept. 22, 1765. Sept. 22, 1765. Sept. 22, 1765. Sept. 22, 1765. Sept. 22, 1765. Sept. 22, 1765. Sept. 22, 1765. Sept. 24, 1765. Sept. 25, 1765. Sent. 25, 1765. Sept. 22, 1765. Sept. 22, 1765. Sept. 22, 1765. 1. From a marginal note in the MS. it appears that this and the following entry should have immediately followed that of Henry Bobman above. PENNSYLVANIA 109 Jurors' Names. Henry Peters. Christopher Beck. Andrew Grubel. Elijah Etting. Erhart Grim. Frederick Wolber. Philip Sommer. Andrew Beck, Junr. Michael Gitts. And. Beck, Senr. John Slyerwald. George Breiner. Jacob Gortner. Christr. Braucker. George Sausele. Lewis Graas. Ludwick Snyder. John Strohm. Christr. Whitner. Nichs. Klein. George Ternis. Adam Fritchman. Ludwick Lynberger. Philip Fox. Christopher David Cotz. Jacob Frey. Frantz Moser. • John Albrecht. Nicholas Kuntz. gotlep dornblaser. John Hummel. Jacob Wible. Nicholas Weiss. George Haering. John Haering. Henry Minich. Andreas Bolch. John Witt. Peter Haal. Martin Imhoof. Conrad Seinman. Michael Fisher. Geo. Michael Stern. Philip Meyer. Leonard Saul. Anthony Altman. Sebastian Geringer. Peter Gartner. Lewis Winckler. Christian Conrad. Melchior Weber. Adam H utter. Peter Miller. Philip Hen. Township. Lebanon. Philadelphia.Philadelphia.York. Philadelphia. Northern Liberties. Northern Liberties. Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Philadelphia.Albany. Albany. %Albany. Albany. Linon. Northern Liberties. Northern Liberties. Northern Liberties. Northern Liberties. Northern Liberties. Northern Liberties. Bethlehem. Bethlehem. Bethlehem.Bethlehem. District in Oley. Rachlin. Oley. Bethlehem. Greenwich. Lebanon. Lebanon. Greenwich. Greenwich.Greenwich. Greenwich. Greenwich. Greenwich.Lebanon. Lebanon. , Ruscom Manor. Greenwich. Maxatawny . Weisenberg. Maxatawny. Weisenberg. Albany. Bethlehem. Rockland. Hartford.Hartford. Maxatawny.Maxatawny. County. Lancaster. Philadelphia.Philadelphia. York. Philadelphia.Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Berks.Berks.Berks.Berks. Northampton. Philadelphia.Philadelphia.Philadelphia.Philadelphia.Philadelphia.Philadelphia. Northampton. Northampton.Northampton. Northampton. Berks. Berks.Berks.Berks. Northampton. Berks. Lancaster. Lancaster. Berks. Berks.Berks. Berks. Berks.Berks. Lancaster.Lancaster. Berks.Berks.Berks.Northampton.Berks.Northampton.Berks. Northampton. Berks.Berks. Berks. Berks.Berks. Sacrament when taken. July 21, 1765. Sept. 22, 1765. Sept. 22, 1765. [A Jew]. Sept. 22, 1765. Oct. 3, 1765. Oct. 3, 1765. Oct. 3, 1765. Oct. 3, 1765. Sept. 22, 1765. Oct. 3, 1765. Oct. 3, 1765. Oct. 3, 1765. Oct. 3, 1765. Oct. 3, 1765. Oct. 3, 1765. Oct. 3, 1765. Oct. 3, 1765- Oct. 3, 1765. Oct. 3, 1765. Oct. 3, 1765. Sept. 22, 1765. Sept. 26, 1765. Sept. 28, 1765. Sept. 26, 1765. Oct. 1, 1765. Aug. 4, 1765. Sept. 8, 1765. Sept. 27, 1765. Sept. 22, 1765. Oct. 1, 1765/ July 21, 1765. July 21, 1765. Sept. 28, 1765. Sept. 28, 1765. Oct. 3, 1765. Oct. ? 1765. Oct. 3, 1765. Oct. 3, 1765. July 21, 1765. Sept. 22. 1765. Sept. 8, 1765. Sept. 28, 1765. Sept. 28, 1765. Sept. 28, 1765. Sept. 28, 1765. Sept. 18, 1765. Aug. 25, 1765. Sept. 22, 1765. Sept. 22, 1765. Oct. 1, 1765. Oct. 1, 1765. Sept. 2, 1765. Sept. 2, 1765. 110 NATURALIZATIONS PENNSYLVANIA. Jurors' Names. Jacob Kriey. Yost Latigh. Simon Hirsh. Jacob Hoffman. Peter Bechtel. Jacob Barrel. Michael Lang. John Rudraff. Theobald Drumheller. John Lutz. Simon Zienrich. Jacob Brand. Henry Grob. Conrad Menges. Frederick Weiss. John Weber. Frederick Martin. Nicholas Snyder. George Wissner. Adam Shib. John Shlothire. Jno. Lewis Dietterle. Stephen Kneisler. John Graub. Philip Lauter. Jno. Martin Keiler. Peter Gabel. Stephen Rybold. Conrad. Snyder. Jno. Grieffenstein. George Straus. Peter Heyges. Nicholas Finck.1 Leonard Wissner. Conrad Maesser. Michael Palmer. Peter Hertzell. Michael Wiseler. John Roth. Henry Roan. John German. Ludwick Michael. Alexr. Zart.man. Martin Geetz. Conrad Reinhard. Michael Dietrick. Jacob Walter. Michl. Wentz. Lawrence Spatz. John Kline. Township. Maxatawny.Maxatawny. Maxatawny. Rachlin.Rachlin.Rachlin.Rachlin. Weisenberg.Weisenberg. Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Philadelphia. District in Philadelphia.Philadelphia. Providence.Providence. Douglass. Northern Liberties. Philadelphia. Northern Liberties. Northern Liberties. Northern Liberties. Northern Liberties. Northern Liberties. Philadelphia.Linn.Linn. Northern Liberties. Frederick.Philadelphia. Hartford. Douglass. Springfield. Elizabeth. Elizabeth. Pikeland. Philadelphia.Bethlehem.Elizabeth.Elizabeth. Warwick. Elizabeth.Elizabeth. Philadelphia.Warwick.Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Passvunk. County. Berks. Berks. Berks.Berks.Berks. Berks. Berks. Northampton. Northampton. Philadelphia. Philadelphia.Philadelphia.Philadelphia. Berks. Philadelphia.Philadelphia.Philadelphia.Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Philadelphia.Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Philadelphia Philadelphia. Philadelphia.Philadelphia.Philadelphia. Northampton.Northampton. Philadelphia. Philadelphia.Philadelphia. Berks. Philadelphia.Philadelphia.Lancaster.Lancaster.Chester.Philadelphia. Northampton.Lancaster.Lancaster.Lancaster.Lancaster.Lancaster. Philadelphia. Lancaster. Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Sacrament when taken. Sept. 2, 1765. Sept. 2, 1765. Sept. 2, 1765. Sept. 22, 1765. Sept. 22, 1765. Sept. 22, 1765. Sept. 22, 1765. Sept. 22, 1765. Sept, 22, 1765. Sept. 22, 1765. Sept. 22, 1765. Sept. 22, 1765. Oct. 3, 1765. Sept. 8, 1765. Oct. 4, 1765. Oct. 4, 1765. Oct. 3, 1765. Oct. 3, 1765. Sept. 3, 1765. Sept. 3, 1765. Sept. 3, 1765. Sept. 22, 1765. Sept. 22, 1765. Sept. 22, 1765. Oct. 3, 1765 Oct. 3, 1765 Oct. 3, 1765 Oct. 3, 1765 Oct. 3, 1765 Oct. 3, 1 765 Oct. 4, 1765 Oct. 4, 1765. Sept. 28, 1765 Sept. 3, 1765. Oct. 4, 1765 Oct. 1, 1765 Oct. 1, 1765 Oct. 5, 1765 Oct. 5, 1765 Oct. 5, 1765 Oct. 5, 1765 Oct. 5, 1765 Oct. 5, 1765 Oct. 5, 1765 Oct. 5, 1765 Oct. 4, 1765. Sept. 1, 1765. Sept. 1, 1765, Sept. 1, 1765. Oct. 3, 1765/ 1. From a marginal note it appears that this and the following entry should have immediately followed that of George Wissner above. PENNSYLVANIA 111 Jurors' Names. George Fox. Henry Mitshett. William Shaut. Jacob Staiss. Adam Reeser. John Shimp. Adam Minsh. George Fisher. Philip Shimp. Andrew Haegy. George Kraik. George Mebold. Adam Graaf. Fred. Smith. Jacob Amen. Christopher Frink. George Penter. Anthy. Berbenbile. Christopher Tull. Nicholas Diehl. George Adams. Anthy. Snyder. Henry Slotter. George Unungst. Peter Teatts. Martin Keemerlin. George Looser. Wendel Wolf. Valentine Nicholas. Jno. Anthy. Simon. Henry Ernig. Henry Eagle. George Springher. Michael Page. Nicholas Singer. Andreas Kramer. Baltzer Smith. George Gantzel. Ludwick Gantzel. John Nicholas MiLDENBERGER. Lawrence Kurtz. Christian Smith. Stephen Switzer. Michael Steindel. Felix Buch. John Held. Peter Bon. Christian Wertz. Henry Stouter. Jacob Frantz. Jacob Loos. Adam Jacoby. Wilhelm Wiber. Township. Oxford. Northern Liberties. Cocolico. Northern Liberties. Cumberland in Cumberland in CumberlandCumberland Cumberland in Northern Liberties. Northern Liberties. Lower Dublin. Haycock.Haycock.Philadelphia.Philadelphia. Northern Liberties. Passyunk. Conegecheeg. York. Eastown. Springfield. Oxford.Oxford.Oxford. Bethel.Bethel.Bethel. Haycock. Bedminster. Haycock. Bedminster. Richmond. Northern Liberties. Worcester. Bethel. Bethel.Bern.Bern. Albany.Lancaster.Lancaster.Lancaster.Lancaster.Lancaster. Lancaster. Lancaster. Lancaster. Lancaster. Lancaster. Tulpehoccon.Tulpehoccon. Tulpehoccon. County. Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Lancaster. Philadelphia. Jersey. Jersey.Jersey.Jersey.Jersey. Philadelphia.Philadelphia.Philadelphia. Bucks.Bucks. Philadelphia. Philadelphia.Philadelphia.Philadelphia. Cumberland. York. Chester. Philadelphia. Philadelphia.Philadelphia.Philadelphia.Lancaster.Lancaster. Lancaster. Bucks.Bucks.Bucks.Bucks. Berks. Philadelphia. Philadelphia.Berks.Berks.Berks. Berks. Berks. Lancaster.Lancaster.Lancaster.Lancaster.Lancaster.Lancaster.Lancaster.Lancaster.Lancaster.Lancaster.Berks.Berks. Berks. Sacrament when taken. Oct. 3, 1765. Oct. 3, 1765. Oct. 1, 1765. Oct. 3, 1765. Sept. 29, 1765. Sept. 29, 1765. Sept. 29, 1765. Sept. 29, 1705. Sept. 29, 1765. Oct. 3, 1765- Oct. 3, 1765- Oct. 6, 1765. Oct. 6, 1765. Oct. 6, 1765. Oct. 6, 1765. Oct. 6, 1765. Oct. 3, 1765. Oct. 3, 1765. Sept. 22, 1765. Sept. 22, 1765. Sept. 22, 1765. Sept. 23, 1765. Sept. 23, 1765. Sept. 23, 1765. Sept. 23, 1765. Aug. 4, 1765. Aug. 4, 1765. Aug. 4, 1765. July 7, 1765. Oct. 8, 1765. July 7, 1765. Sept. 8, 1765. Sept. 22, 1765. Sept. 22, 1765. Sept. 22, 1765. Sept. 17, 1765. Sept. 17, 1765. Aug. 28, 1765. Aug. 28, 1765 Sept. 8, 1765. Sept. ie 1765 Sept. 15, 1765 Sept. 15, 1765 Sept. 15, 1765 Sept. 15, 1765 Sept. 15, 1765 Sept. 15. 1765 Sept. 15, 1765 Sept. 15, 1765 Sept. 15. 1765 Sept. 17, 1765. Sept. 17, 1765. Sept. 17, 1765. 112 NATURALIZATIONS PENNSYLVANIA. Jurors' Names. Township. County John Herberberger. Tulpehoccon. Berks. Simon Groh. Tulpehoccon. Berks. Ephraim Benedict Garble. Lancaster. Lancaster. Michael Hambergher. Tulpehoccon. Berks. Peter Diemigh. Marlboro. Philadelphia, David Krimm. Bern. Berks. Frederick Gottshalt. Bern. Berks. Henry Seidell. Bern. Berks. Adam Heiser. Bern. Berks. Henry Strack. Heidleberg. Lancaster. Jacob Gasser. Tulpehoccon. Berks. Ulrick Fisher. Tulpehoccon. Berks. William Stein. Bethel. Berks. Jacob Metz. Bethel. Berks. Lawrence Sample. Bethel. Berks. Stophel Woolfart. Tulpehoccon. Berks. Peter Ritzman. Tulpehoccon. Berks. John Henry Siess. Tulpehoccon. Berks. Jacob Weaver. Lancaster. Lancaster. Martin Toreward. Lancaster. Lancaster. John Shrieber. Lancaster. Lancaster. Philip Craefert. Lancaster. Lancaster. Bernard Hower. Cocolico. Lancaster. Philip Pasters. Eastown. .Northampton. John Simon. Eastown. Northampton, Christian Pfifer. Forks. Northampton. Jacob Beck. Tulpehoccon. Berks. Jacob Schnor. Whitehall. Northampton. Michael Kurtz. Tulpehoccon. Berks. Peter Stein. Heidleberg. Lancaster. Jacob Danner. Long Swamp. Berks. Abraham Dauber. Worcester. Philadelphia. Martin Lowman. Lancaster. Lancaster. Michael Guntaker. Lancaster. Lancaster. George Hayde. Lancaster. Lancaster. Jacob Feesell. Lancaster. Lancaster. Stephen Mann. Lancaster. Lancaster. Peter Snyder. Conestogo. Lancaster. Mathias Streeher. Conestogo. Lancaster. Andreas Wenner. Albany. Berks. Bernard Becker. Lancaster. Lancaster. Henry Schlesman. Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Rudolph Biggy. Bristol. Philadelphia. Philip Herteg. Upper Milford. Northampton. Jacob Funk. Upper Milford. Northampton. Martin Nehr. Earl. Lancaster. Caspar Ginther. Earl. Lancaster. Bernard Frank. Earl. Lancaster. Sebastian Hower. Earl. Lancaster. Frederick Neemyer. Upper Hanover. Philadelphia, Jacob Bieber. Maxatawny. Berks. Charles Bernard. Long Swamp. Berks. Sacrament when taken. Sept. 17, 1765. Sept. 17, 1765. Sept. 15, 1765. Sept. 17, 1765. Aug. 25, 1765. July 28, 1765. July 28, 1765. July 28, 1765. July 28, 1765. Sept. 15, 1765. Aug. 4, 1765. Aug. 4, 1765. Sept. 17, 1765. Sept. 17, 1765. Sept. 17, 1765. Sept. 17, 1765. Sept. 17, 1765. Aug. 4, 1765. Sept. 15, 1765. Sept. 15, 1765. Sept. 15, 1765. Sept. 15, 1765. Sept. 15, 1765. Sept. 23, 1765. Sept. 23, 1765. Sent. 2^, 1765. Aup-. 31, 1765. Sept. 24, 1765. Sept. 21, 1765. Sept. 15, 1765. Sept. 20, 1765. Sept. 22, 1765. Sept. 15, 1765. Sept. 15, 1765. Sept. 15, 1765. Sept. 15, 1765. Sept. 15, 1765. Sept. 15, 1765. Sept. 15, 1765. Sept. 15, 1765. Sept. 15, 1765. Sept. 22, 1765. Sept. 22, 1765. Sept. 20, 1765. Sept. 20, 1765. Sept. 15, 1765. Sept. 15, 1765. Sept. 15, 1765. Sept. 15, 1765. Aug. 25, 1765. Sept. 8, 1765. Sept. 8, 1765. PENNSYLVANIA 113 Jurors' Names. Ulrick Michael. Adam Aares. Martin Harsh. Michael Haas. Geo. Reigner. Henry Brill. Jacob Saltzer. Adam Edleman. Frederick Dyss. Jacob Wymer. Theobald Keppele. Ludwick Ricart. Jacob Begt. Andreas Seidell. Michael Jacoby. George Haamer. Jacob Long. Michael Hiddle. Michael Oth. Wendal Hauer. Nicholas Blader. Nicholas Jacoby. John Caufman. Adam Neidig. Daniel Shumacker. Philip Wagner. John Geo. Yakle. Jeremiah Schappell. Caspar Hentsell. George Snyder. Nicholas Wingert. Valentine Neu. Fred. Degler. Philip Hinckell. Caspar Philip. Ludwick Marsteller. Philip Bayer. Philip Bobbemire. John Ache. Ludwic Laros. Anthony Petri. John Kluck. Peter Fogt. George Rigel. Peter Lippo. Peter Miller. Bastian Lentz. Stophel Herrald. Adam Snyder. Geo. Wolf, Junr. Jacob Turner. Michael Ott. Ulrick Stoller. Valentine Renner, Township. County. Sacrament when taken Heidleberg. Berks. Sent. 8, 1765. Heidleberg. Berks. Sept. 15, 1765. Heidleberg. Berks. Sept. 15, 1765. Pikeland. Chester. Sept. 23, 1765. Limerick. Philadelphia. Sept. 20, 1765. Heidleberg. Lancaster. Sept. 15, 1765. Heidleberg. Lancaster. Sept. 15, 1765. Saucon. Northampton. Sept. 22, 1765. Long Swamp. Berks. Sept. 22, 1765. Long Swamp. Berks. Sept. 22, 1765. Long Swamp. Berks. Sept. 22, 1765, Weisenberg. Northampton. Sept. 22, 1765. Oley. Northampton. Sept. 22, 1765. Windsor. Berks. July 14, 1765. Lonp- Swamp. Berks. Sept. 22, 1765. Upper Milford. Northampton. Sept 8, 1765. Lonp- Swamp. Berks. Sept. 22, 1765. Salsburv. Northampton. Sept 8, 1765/ Salsbury. Northampton. Sept 8, 1765. Windsor. Berks. July 14, 1765. Rockland. Berks. Sept. 4, 1765. Rockland. Berks. Sept. 4, 1765. Tulpehoccon. Berks. Sept. 1, 1765. Newhanover. Berks. Aug. 24, 1765. Weisenberg. Northampton. Sept. 12, 1765. Heidleberg. Berks. Sept. 15, 1765. Heidleberg. Berks. Sept. 15, 1765. Windsor. Berks. Sept. 15, 1765. Windsor. Berks. Sept. 15, 1765. Windsor. Berks. Sept. 15, 1765. Windsor. Berks. Sept. 15, 1765. Tulpehoccon. Berks. Sept. 15, 1765. Tulpehoccon. Berks. Sept. 15, 1765. Windsor. Berks. July 14, 1765. Bern. Berks. Sept. 28, 1765. Bern. Berks. Sept. 28, 1765. Bern. Berks. Sept. 28, 1765. Windsor. Berks. Julv 14, 1765. Tulpehoccon. Berks. Aug. 20, 1765. Maccungv. Northampton. Sept. 20, 1765. Lancaster. Lancaster. Sept. 15, 1765. Albany. Berks. Sept. 8, 1765. Windsor. Berks. July 14, 1765. Greenwich. Berks. Sept. 15, 1765. Heidleberg. Berks. Aug. 4, 1765. Reading. Berks. Sept. 15, 1765. Rockland. Berks. Sept. 8, 1765. Rockland. Berks. Sept. 8, 1765. Cusshahoppon. Bucks. Aug. 24, 1765. Bethlehem. Northampton. Sept. 22, 1765. Bethlehem. Northampton. Sept. 22, 1765. Bedminster. Bucks. Sept. 22, 1765. Bedminster. Bucks. Sept. 22, 1765. Bedminster, Bucks, Sept. 22, 1765. 1 114 NATURALIZATIONS PENNSYLVANIA. Jurors' Names. Philip Fluck. Philip Person. John Bows. Fred. Sollite. George Ernig. Herwart Leer. ludwic nosbittle. Jacob Leiby. George Michl. Leiby. Michael Dunckell. John Dampman. Michael Singer. Frederick Dorflinger. Jno. Adam Stien. George Prensh. Frederick Gietz. John Muck. Frederick Miller. Jno. Echart Weiss. Peter Werner. Nicholas Mumbower. Rudolph Huber. Stophel Shaber. John Becker. Adam Smith. Frederick Hausman. John Bachman. Michael Bower. William Lerch. Philip Spaet. Nicholas Lerch. Jacob Backenstos. Henry Spaet.1 Daniel Swartz. John Conrad. Hermames Lorchback. John Enk. Christian Lamback. John Bender. Peter Sharman. Andreas Winter. Matthias Waigell. Nicholas Miller. Ludwic Mouse. John Bittle. Nicholas Rupp. Geo. Will. Kerbach. Conrad Felte. Tno. Fred. Wolf. Adam Degomoy. 1. From a marginal note ii Phit-tp Spaet above, Township. County. Sacrament when taken Hilltown. Bucks. Sept. 22, 1765. Hilltown. Bucks. Sept. 22, 1765. Hilltown. Bucks. Sept. 22, 1765. Rockhill. Bucks. Sept. 22, 1765. Rockhill. Bucks. Sept. 22, 1765. Rockhill. Bucks. Sept. 22, 1765. Rockhill. Bucks. Sept. 22, 1765. Greenwich. Berks. Sept. 15, 1765. Greenwich. Berks. Sept. 15, 1765. Douglass. Philadelphia. Sept. 22, 1765. Douglass. Philadelphia. Sept. 22, 1765. Bethel. Lancaster. Aug. 4, 1765. Rockhill. Bucks. Sept. 8, 1765. Heidleberg. Berks. Aug. 4, 1765. Lynn. Northampton. Sept. 8, 1765. Lower Salford. Philadelphia. Sept. 15, 1765. Marlborough. Philadelphia. Sept. 15, 1765. Marlborough. Philadelphia. Sept. 15, 1765. Upper Hanover. Philadelphia. Sept. 15, 1765. Frederick. Philadelphia. Sept. 15, 1765. Lower Milford. Bucks. Sept. 15, 1765. Lower Milford. Bucks. Sept. 15, 1765. Heidleberg. Berks. Sept. 8, 1765. Weisenberg. Northampton. Sept. 18, 1765. Tulpehoccon. Berks. Sept. 20, 1765. Maxatawny. Berks. Sept. 22, 1765. Marlborough. Philadelphia. Sept. 21, 1765. Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Sept. 22, 1765. Heidelberg. Berks. Sept. 8, 1765. Bern. Berks. Sept. 21, 1765. Heidleberg. Berks. Sept. 8, 1765. Lancaster. Lancaster. Sept. 15, 1765. Bern. Berks. Sept. 21, 1765. Oley. Berks. Sept. 4, 1765. Exeter. Berks. Sept. 22, 1765. Lancaster. Lancaster. Sept. 15, 1765. Warwick. Lancaster. Sept. 15, 1765. Warwick. Lancaster. Sept. 15, 1765. Warwick. Lancaster. Sept. 15, 1765. Cumru. Berks. Sept. 8, 1765. Bern. Berks. Sept. 28, 1765. Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Sept. 22, 1765. Heidleberg. Berks. Sept. 8, 1765. Cocolico. Lancaster. Sept. 15, 1765. Manheim. York. Sept. 23, 1765. Blockley. Philadelphia. Sept. 24, 1765. Berwick. York. Sept. 15, 1765. Manheim. York. Sept. 15, 1765. Berwick. York. Sept. 15, 1765. Berwick. York. Sept. 15, 1765. s that this name should have been entered immediately after that of PENNSYLVANIA 115 Jurors' Names. Stephen Poppenmyer. John Mecklin. Jacob Zanger. Henry Kloss. Peter Hickman. John Kloss. John Riegell. Philip Keesicker. Killian Rupp. Geo. Seigenthaler. Henry Hain. Jacob Penninghoff. Anthony Nagle. John Haager. Henry Wellfling. Henry Hoofman. Abraham Haas. Moses Benter. Henry Mench. Nicholas Newman. Theobald Keefer. Henry Stiller. Peter Clein. Geo. Michl. Brenner. George Shall. George Ruse. John Godfry Hall. Michael Hollebach. George Heller. Simon Snyder. Peter Edleman. Henry Shoemaker. John Fred. Bash. Ernst Ludwick Bash. John Jacob Rayser. Philip Prinkenmiller. George Kinsinger. George Sto. Andrew Getter. John Koser. Christopher Shum. John Kann. Anthony Eggy. George Seetz. Daniel Bender. George Gassinger. Jacob Yenser. Jacob Koch. John Kochenbach. Melchior Weisinger. Frederick Meyerly. Peter Zimmerman. Frederick Kost. George Meyer. Township. Upper Milford. Cheltenham. Ruscom. Manor. Bern. Alsace.Alsace. Ruscom Manor. Heidleberg.Blockley. Cocolico. Philadelphia.Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Richmond. Philadelphia. Rockland. Bern. New Hanover. Philadelphia. Manheim. Richmond. Philadelphia.Philadelphia.Cocolico. Oley.Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Linn. Philadelphia. Upper Milford. Upper Milford. Windsor. Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Philadelphia.Philadelphia.Philadelphia.Philadelphia.Philadelphia. Greenwich. Tulpehoccon.Tulpehoccon. Northern Liberties. Philadelphia. Philadelphia.Gwinedth. Weisenburg. York. Weisenberg. Philadelphia. Readino-.Reading. Reading. Tulpehoccon, County. Sacrament when taken Northampton. Sept. 15, 1765. Philadelphia. Sept. 13, 1765- Berks. Sept. 1, 1765- Berks. Sept. 1, 1765- Berks. Sept. 1, 1765- Berks. Sept. 1 , 1765- Berks. Sept. 1, I765- Lancaster. Sept. 15, 1765. Philadelphia. Sept. 24, 1765- Lancaster. Sept. 8, 1765- Philadelphia. Sept. 22, 1765. Philadelphia. Sept. 22, 1765. Philadelphia. Sept. 22, 1765. Berks. Sept. 20, 1765- Philadelphia. Sept. 22, 1765- Berks. Sept. 22, 1765- Berks. Sept. 17, I7&5- Philadelphia. Sept. 22 1765- Philadelphia. Sept. 22 1765. York. Sept. 22 1765. Berks. Sept. 22 1765. Philadelphia. Sept. 22 1765. Philadelphia. Sept. 22 1765. Lancaster. Sept. 15, 1765- Berks. Sept. 22, 1765. Philadelphia. Sept. 22, 1765- Philadelphia. Sept. 22, 1765- Northampton. Sept. 18, 1765. Philadelphia. Sept. 8, 1765. Northampton. Sept. 15, 1765- Northampton. Sept. 15, 1765- Berks. Sept. 20, 1765- Philadelphia. Sept. 22, I765- Philadelphia. Sept. 22, 1765- Philadelphia. Sept. 22, 1765- Philadelphia. Sept. 22, 1765- Philadelphia. Sept. 22, 1765- Philadelphia. Sept. 22, 1765- Philadelphia. Sept. 22, 1765- Berks. Sept. 20, 1765- Berks. Sept. 15, 1765- Berks. Aug. 4, 1 765. Philadelphia. Sept. 22, 1765- Philadelphia. Sept. 22, 1765- Philadelphia. Sept. 22, 1765- Philadelphia. Aug. 25, 1765- Northampton. Sept. 22, I765- York. Sept. 15, 1765. Northampton. Sept. 18, 1765- Philadelphia. Sept. 22, I765- Berks. Sept. 1, 705- Berks. Sept. 1, 1765. Berks. Sept. 1, 1765. Berks. Aug. 22, i765- 116 NATURALIZATIONS PENNSYLVANIA. Jurors' Names. Albright Sickly. Christr. Kisterer. Adam Lotz. John Brundle. Melchior Ram. Andrew Engleman. Peter Schlosser. Christian Fisher. Henry Olt. Theobald Browkler. Conrad Eckert. Andreas Scholl. John Kurtz. John Thuddy. Henry Swallbach. John Keller. Henry Mertz. Andreas Mishslegel. Conraid Abel. Ludwick Benner. George Grot. Chas. Chamberlain. Jacob Albert. Henry Werheim. Jacob Snyder. John Frantz. Christian Maurer. Caspar Reinecker. Michael Mattinger. Valentine Kryner. Peter Armishon. Philip Knappenberger. Wendal Waitman. Conrad Gertenger. Wendall Martzall. Andreas Wittemire. Nichs. Kuntz. Henry Rathflag. Peter Heist. Jno. Philip Sprecker. Jacob Glaser. Frederick Deim. Leonard Acre. Caspar Grubb. Nicholas Shoemaker. Godfrey Krcemer. Jacob Holbe. George Shoemaker. George Bender. Adam Gebhart. George Merkell. Conrad Beftis, Township. Paxton. Elizabeth . Northern Liberties. Derry. Hanover. Lower Milford. Lower Milford. Lower Milford. Lower Milford. Lower Milford. Heidleberg. Heidleberg. Heidleberg. Reading. Philadelphia.Philadelphia. Rockland. Richmond. Philadelphia. Rockhill. Philadelphia. Philadelphia.Bethel. Heidleberg. Marlboro. Heidleberg. Reading. Warwick. Upper Milford. Warwick. Warwick. Whitehall. Plymouth.Plymouth. Rappho. Heidleberg. Tulpehoccon. Philadelphia. Marlboro. Earl.Earl.Earl. Earl. Warwick.Greenwich.Greenwich, Weisenberg. Weisenberg. Bern. Upper Milford. Windsor. Philadelphia. County. Lancaster.Lancaster.Philadelphia. Lancaster. Philadelphia. Bucks.Bucks.Bucks. Bucks. Bucks.Berks. Lancaster.Lancaster. Berks. Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Berks.Berks.Philadelphia.Bucks.Philadelphia.Philadelphia. Lancaster. Berks. Philadelphia. Berks. Berks. York. Northampton. Lancaster.Lancaster.Northampton. Philadelphia.Philadelphia.Lancaster.Lancaster. Berks. Philadelphia.Philadelphia.Lancaster. Lancaster. Lancaster.Lancaster.Lancaster. Berks.Berks. Northampton.Northampton. Berks. Northampton. Berks. Philadelphia. Sacrament when taken. July 28, 1765. Sept. 15, 1765. Sept. 22, 1765. Sept. 15, 1765. Aug. 21, 1765. Sept. 22, 1765. Sept. 22, 1765. Sept. 22, 1765. Sept. 22, 1765. Sept. 22, 1765. Sept. 9, 1765. Sept. 20, 1765. Sept. 20, 1765. Sept. 8, 1765. Sept. 22, 1765. Sept. 22, 1765. Sept. 8, 1765. Sept. 20, 1765. Sept. 20, 1765. Aug. 8, 1765. Sept. 22, 1765. Sept. 22, 1765. Sept. 22, 1765. Sept. 9, 1765. July 25, 1765. Sept. 9, 1765. Sept. 9, 1765. Sept. 23, 1765. Sept. 8, 1765. July 14, 1765. July 14, 1765- Sept. 23, 1765. Sept. 22, 1765. Sept. 22, 1765. Sept. 23, 1765. Sept. 20, 1765. Aug. 4, 1765. Sept .22, 1765. July 25, 1765. Sept. 17, 1765. Sept. 17, 1765. Sept. 17, 1765. Sept. 17, 1765. Sept. 25, 1765. Sept. 20, 1765. Sept. 20, 1765. Sept. 15, 1765. Sept. 8, 1765. Sept. 1, 1765. Sept. 15, 1765. Sept. 20, 1765. Sept. 22, 1765. PENSYLVANIA 117 Jurors' Names. Philip Eger. Peter Shlosser. Peter Eit. Adam Gorringer. Peter Seip. John Fassnight. Henry Leed. Jacob West. Henry Jacoby. Erhard Fosselman. John Mease. John Perret. Stephen Martin. George Shoemaker. Conrad Sheser. Henry Gerlach. John Backastoes. Peter Drunkenmiller. Andreas Dressler. Matthias Kammerer. Jacob Yerling. Jacob Loos. Henry Hoover. Valentine Krees. Conrad Kraft. Joshua Sease. Christian Hendrick. Jacob Strunk. Michael Kell Jno. Geo. Kunkell. Theobald Stork. Christian Philippi. Jacob Stough. Jacob Sarber. Frederick Winter. John Bickell. Jacob Phillippi. Ludwick Sheetz. George Rhinehart. Christr. Ratz. Peter Miller. Christian Miller. Peter Tayler. Michl. Shoemaker. Michael Steinler. Herman Brill. Peter Taester. Martin Rudy. John Mish. Peter Hay. Paul Bower. Jacob Sherateen. Jacob Philip Gees. Joseph Foltz. Township. Philadelphia. Lebanon.Bethlehem. Bethlehem. Forks. Cocolico. Cocolico.Cocolico. Whitehall. Linn. Lebanon. Whitehall. Lancaster. Reading.Reading. Strasburg.Lebanon. Warwick.Greenwich. Reading. Tinicum. Bern. Lower Milford. Richmond. Reading.Maiden Creek. Rockland. Heidleberg. Plymouth. Albany. Moyamens.Cocolico. Maccungy. Germantown. Tulpehoccon. Bethel. Heidleberg. Lower Milford. Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Sadsbury. Linn. Willingstown. Willingstown. Philadelphia. Lower Milford. Bethel. Bethel.Bethel. Germantown. White Marsh. Maxatawny.Tulpehoccon. Heidleberg. County. Philadelphia.Lancaster. Northampton.Northampton.Northampton. Lancaster. Lancaster.Lancaster. Northampton. Northampton. Lancaster. Northampton.Lancaster. Berks.Berks. York.Lancaster.Lancaster. Berks. Berks. Bucks.Berks.Bucks. Berks. Berks. Berks. Berks. Berks. Philadelphia. Berks. Philadelphia. Lancaster. NorthamDton. Philadelphia. Berks. Lancaster. Berks.Bucks. Philadelphia.Philadelphia. Northampton.Northampton. Northampton.Northamoton. Philadelphia.Bucks. Lancaster. Lancaster. Lancaster. Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Berks.Berks. Lancaster. Sacrament when taken. Sept. 22, 1765. Sept. 22, 1765. Sept. 22, 1765. Sept. 22, 1765. Sept. 22, 1765. Sept. 8, 1765. Sept. 8, 1765. Sept. 8, 1765. Sept. 15, 1765. Sept. 14, 1765. Sept. 18, 1765. Sept. 22, 1765. Sept. 22, 1765. Sept. 1, 1765. Sept. 1, 1765. Sept. 22, 1765. Sept. 20, 1765. Sept. 14, 1765. Sept. 20, 1765. Sept. 1, 1765. July 28, 1765. Sept. 21, 1765. Sept. 8, 1765. Sept. 20, 1765. Sept. 1, 1765. Sept. 4, 1765. Sept. 8, 1765. Sept. 21, 1765. Sept. 23, 1765. Sept. 18, 1765. Sept. 22, 1765. Sept. 15, 1765. Sept. 22, 1765. Sept. 22, 1765. Sept. 15, 1765. Sept. 20, 1765. Sept. 21, 1765. Sept. 8, 1765. Sept. 22, 1765. Sept. 22, 1765. Sept. 15, 1765. Sept. 11, 1765. Sept. 1, 1765. Aug. 15, 1765. Sept. 22, 1765. Sept. 22, 1765. Sept. 20, 1765. Sept. 20, 1765. Sept. 20, 1765. Sept. 22, 1765. Sept. 20, 1765. Sept. 22, 1765. July 22, 1765. Sept. 20, 1765. 118 NATURALIZATIONS PENNSYLVANIA. Jurors' Names. Godfrey Hebberlin. John Keller. George Labach. Reinard Labach. Peter Labach. Charles Bower. Henry Stief. John Bower. John Fisher. Peter Pancake. Caspar Sesler. William Ruff. Jacob Feiner. John Stuber. Peter Baader. Michl. Helder. Frederick Dull. Henry Miller. John Shreiver. Frederick Zimmerman. John Shee. John Knipe. Christian Foth. Maria Magdalena Hannekan, John Graber. Philip Cloninger. Bartholomew Sheitzlin. John Bender. Frederick Richenacre. Lewis Koch. George Stayley. Daniel Ruyter. Jost Feidt. Frederick Hammon. Henry Roshong. John Shlessman. Jacob Karl. Henry Snyder. Jacob Young. Michl. Milteberger. Jacob Fisher. Adam Stein. Fred. Gassler. Fred. Entsminger. Wendal Fetter. John Vanderlind. Ulrick Freiaur. Jacob Grees. Valentine Clages. Michl. Hintz. Conrad Mach. Frederick Mause. Township. Heidleberg. Haycock. Lower Saucon. Lower Saucon. Lower .Saucon. Roxborough.Roxborough.Whitpain.Whitpain. Paxton. Creesham.Creesham.Whitemarsh.Whitemarsh. Hilltown. Hilltown. Plymouth. Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Elizabeth. Northern Liberties. Guinedth. Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Northern Liberties. Maiden Creek. Philadelphia.Passyunk. Passyunk.Passyunk. Passyunk. Roxborough. Northern Liberties. Greenwich. Germantown. Philadelphia. Bedminster.Philadelphia. Philadelphia. ( reesham. Germantown. Northern Liberties. Northern Liberties. Philadelphia. North Wales. Roxborough. Lower Dublin. Lower Merrion. Germantown.Germantown.Germantown. Philadelphia. County. Lancaster. Bucks. Northampton. Northampton.Northampton. Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Lancaster. Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Philadelphia.Philadelphia. Bucks. Bucks. Philadelphia. Philadelphia.Philadelphia. Lancaster.Philadelphia.Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Philadelphia.Berks.Philadelphia.Philadelphia. Philadelphia.Philadelphia.Philadelphia. Philadelphia.Philadelphia.Berks. Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Bucks. Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Philadelphia.Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Philadelphia.Philadelphia.Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Philadelphia.Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Sacrament when taken. Sept. 20, 1765. July 7, 1765. Sep Sep Sep .Sep Sep SepSep Sep Sep SepSep SepSep Sep SepSepSepSepSepSepSepSepSepSepSepSep Sep Sep SepSepSepSepSepSep Sep Sep Sep SepSep Sep SepSepSepSep SepSep SepSepSepSep 12, 1765. 12, 1765. 12, 1765. 15, 1765. 22, 1765. 22, 1765. 22, 1765. 8, 1765. 22, 1765. 22, 1765. 22, 1765. 22, 1765. 23, 1765- 23, i7»5- 22, 1765. 22, 1765. 22, 1765. i» 1705- 20, 1765. 22, 1765. 22, 1765. 22, 1765. 22, 1765. 22, 1765. 22, 1765. 30, 1765. 30, i7«5. 30, 1765. 30, '765- 22, 1765. 22, 1765. 22, 1765. 22, 1765. 22, 1765. 22, 1765. 22, 1765. 22, 1765. 22, 1765. 22, 1765, 22, 1765. 22, 1765. 22, 1765 22, 1765, 22, 1765 22, 1765. 22, 1765. 22, 1765. 22, 1765. 22, 1765. 22, 1765. PENNSYLVANIA 119 Jurors' Names. Daniel Mause. Yost Meyer. Fred. Ermendrout. Jno. Adam Swaab. Balthazer Geyer. John Nichs. Hertzhogg. Jno. Geo. Ringer. Abraham Young. Jacob Meyer. Jno. Michl. Meyer. Henry Krise. Jacob Lupfer. John Andrew Rey. John Dieter Fall. Michael Brown. Michael Boltz, Junr. George Meyer. John Nise. Adam Hollbuch. Andrew Young. Philip Kressler. Jacob Shweiger. George Shweiger. Bernard Eytel. Valentine Woolrigh. Valentine Stritcher. Jacob Seyfried. Caspar Lay. Peter Stout. John Mutshitler. Jacob Seyfred. William Stein. Michl. Hellman. Jno. Adam Fritzenbagh. Jno. Andreas Forster. Cmristian Shide. George Rapp. Martin Kistner. George Martin. George Wyandt. Henry Kippell. George Beyer. Jacob Sheffer. Jacob Kress. Jno. Martin Forster. Henry Beyer. George Derr. Jno. Philip Krebs. Michael Sharp. Pancratius Nizel. Michael Labourer. Samuel Spaet. Christian Shiek. Christian Gutnecht. Township. Philadelphia. Whitehall.Germantown. Northern Liberties. Northern Liberties. Whitehall. Whitehall. Whitehall.Cheltenham. Williams. Bethlehem.Richmond. Maiden Creek. Ruscomb Manor. Lebanon. Lebanon. Germantown.Frederick.Frederick. Upper Hanover. Frederick. Maxatawny. Maxatawny. Frederick. Hatfield. Douglass. Douglass.Douglass. Northern Liberties. Philadelphia. White Marsh. Passyunk. Vincent. Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Marlboro.Marlboro. Marlboro. Upper Salford. Upper Salford. Upper Salford. Frederick.Upper Hanover. Worcester. Northern Liberties. Frederick.Upper Salford. Northern Liberties. Northern Liberties. Northern Liberties. Warwick. Oley. Richmond. Germantown. County. Philadelphia.Northampton. Philadelphia.Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Northampton.Northampton. Northampton.Philadelphia. Northampton.Northampton.Berks.Berks.Berks. Lancaster.Lancaster. Philadelphia. Philadelphia.Philadelphia.Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Berks. Berks.Philadelphia.Philadelphia.Philadelphia.Philadelphia. Philadelphia.Philadelphia.Philadelphia.Philadelphia.Philadelphia. Chester.Philadelphia.Philadelphia. Philadelphia.Philadelphia.Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Philadelphia.Philadelphia.Philadelphia.Philadelphia. Philadelphia.Philadelphia. Philadelphia.Philadelphia. Philadelphia.Philadelphia. Lancaster. Berks. Berks. Philadelphia. Sacrament when taken. Sept. 22, 1765. Sept. 23, 1765. Sept. 24, 1765. Sept. 24, 1765. Sept. 24, 1765. Sept. 24, 1765. Sept. 24, 1765. Sept. 24, 1765. Sept. 22, 1765. Sept. 22, 1765. Sept. 22, 1765. Aug. 4, 1765. Sept. 20, 1765. Sept. 22, 1765. Aug. 18, 1765. July 28, 1765. Sept. 29, 1765. Sept. 19, 1765. Sept. 19, 1765. Sept. 19, 1765. Sept. 29, 1765. Sept. 8, 1765. Sept. 8, 1765. Aug. 25, 1765. Sept. 29, 1765. Sept. 29, 1765. Sept. 29, 1765. Sept. 29, 1765. Sept. 30, 1765. Sept. 22, 1765. Sept. 22, 1765. Sept. 29, 1765. Oct. 4, 1765. Sept. 30, 1765. Sept. 30, 1765. Sept. 22, 1765. Sept. 22, 1765. Sept. 22, 1765. Sept. 22nd, 1765 Sept. 22nd, 1765 Sept. 22nd, 1765 Sept. 22nd, 1765 Sept. 22nd, 1765 Sept. 22nd, 1765 Sept. 30th, 1765. Aug. 25th, 1765. Aug. 25th, 1765. Oct. 2nd, 1765. Oct. 2nd, 1765. Oct. 2nd, 1765. Oct. 3rd, 1765. Oct. 4th, 1765. Oct. 4th, 1765. Oct. 3rd, 1765. 120 NATURALIZATIONS PENNSYLVANIA. Jurors' Names. John Mankell. Mary Hasselw anger. Henry Gessner. Fred. Renn. George Michl. Craft. Conrad Smith. Michl. Rapp. Jacob Kneedler. Lawrence Sandman. Adam Gerich. George Kneedler. Jacob Shuster. John Pless. Wm. Eckert. Nichs. Linderman. Conrad Cott. Philip Waggoner. Jno. Philip Rcerich. George Smith. Anthony Kern. George Adam Bortz. Fred. Wertz. Stephen Wunder. John Mitchell. George Fisher. Michael Teiss. George Hanselman. Christofr. Bittle. Jacob Debertshauser. Conrad Smith. John Ebener. John Romicht. Christr. Bearman. Bernard Gartner. Hartman Cook. Jonas Rubb. Benedict Storney. John Kamerling. Christopher Mayer. Baltzer Kientzler. Jonas Metzger. Theodore Kiehl. Jno. Jacob Faust. Eberhard Michael. John Vogel. John Nydich. Leonard Nydich. Tacob Dantfelzer. Wendal Hendrich. Conrad Miller. Jacob Eppele. Martin Gloss. Township. Frederick.Northern Liberties. Moyamens : Moyamens : Northern Liberties. Horsham. Germantown.M. Moreland. M. Moreland. Passyunk. Philadelphia. Bristol. Philadelphia.Philadelphia. Cheltenham. Northern Liberties. Northern Liberties. Northern Liberties. Northern Liberties. Northern Liberties. Maccungy. Upper Milford. Maccungy. Whitemarsh.Whitemarsh. Tredryffrin. Douglass. Douglass. Douglass.Douglass. Rachlin. Douglass. Skippack. Cocolico. Lebanon. Lebanon. New Hanover. Lebanon.Philadelphia.Philadelphia.Upper Salford. Greenwich.Greenwich.Philadelphia. Bethlehem. Frederick.Frederick.Pikes. Pikes.Pikes.Vincent. Douglass. County. Philadelphia.Philadelphia.Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Philadelphia.Philadelphia. Philadelphia.Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Philadelphia.Philadelphia.Philadelphia.Philadelphia.Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Philadelphia.Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Philadelphia.Philadelphia.Northampton.Northampton.Northampton. Philadelphia.Philadelphia. Chester. Berks.Berks.Berks.Berks.Berks.Berks. Philadelphia. Lancaster.Lancaster. Lancaster.Philadelphia. Lancaster. ' Philadelphia.Philadelphia.Philadelphia.Berks.Berks.Philadelphia.Northampton.Philadelphia.Philadelphia. Chester.Chester.Chester.Chester. Philadelphia. Sacrament when taken. Oct. 4th, 1765. Sept. 22nd, 1765. Oct. 3rd, 1765. Oct. 3rd, 1765. Oct. 3rd, 1765. Oct. 3rd, 1765. Oct. 3rd, 1765. Oct. 3rd, 1765. Oct. 3rd, 1765. Sept. 30th, 1765. Oct. 4th, 1765. Oct. 4th, 1765. Oct. 4th, 1765. Oct. 4th, 1765. Sept. 22nd, 1765. Oct. 4th, 1765. Oct. 4th, 1765. Oct. 4th, 1765. Oct. 4th, 1765. Oct. 3rd, 1765. Sept. 29th, 1766. Sept. 15th, 1765. Sept. 29th, 1765. Oct. 4th, 1765. Oct. 4th, 1765. Oct. 4th, 1765. Oct. 4th, 1765. Oct. 4th, 1765. Oct. 4th, 1765. Oct. 4th, 1765. Sept. 8th, 1765. Oct. 4th, 1765. Oct. 2nd 1765. Sept. 15th, 1765. Sept. 15th, 1765. Sept. 22nd, 1765. Oct. 4th, 1765. Sept. 22nd, 1765. Oct. 4th, 1765. Oct. 4th, 1765. Oct. 4th, 1765. Sept. 15th, 1765. Sept. 15th, 1765. Sept. 15th, 1765. Sept. 22nd, 1765. Oct. 3rd, 1765. ' Oct. 3rd, 1765. Oct. 4th, 1765. Oct. 4th, 1765. Oct. 4th, 1765. Oct. 4th, 1765. Oct. 4th, 1765. PENNSYLVANIA 121 Jurors' Names. Eberhard Diehl. Adam Cumpar. Henry LIintz. Nichs. Hoofman. John Junt. Christr. Weaver. George Wolkemar. Michl. Teiss. John Nessly. Jacob Lcesher. Michl. Harman. Michl. Brothears. John Ogenbach. Conrad Loubsher. Conrad Messinger. Mathias Boger. Bernard Ketz. Peter Heylman. Daniel Stroh. Nichs. Entsminger. George Sterr. John Jacob Gloss. Jacob Rill. Jacob Baum. George Snyder. Leonard Umberger. Sebastian Sonleightner. Rudolph Meyer. Nicholas Baltewin. Michl. Seyfried. Gollip Zinch. Conrad Zellner. Felix Fenner. William Griscum. John Braininger. Christr. Bol. Henry Umberger. Conrad Wagner. John George Kreiss. Paul Dullman. Andrew Stollberger. John Joseph Graff. George Bakeoven. Conrad Grim. John George Grim. John Shlotter. Fred. Hobbaker. John Fehr. Christr. Notz. George Feck. Martin Farringer. Anthony Height. Martin Snyder. Christian Huntziker. Township. Northern Liberties. Bethlehem. Germantown.Worcester.Upper Salford. Plymouth.White Marsh. Plymouth.Germantown.Lower Dublin. Lower Dublin. Philadelphia. Lebanon. Lebanon.Lebanon. Lebanon.Lower Salford. Lebanon. Lebanon. Lebanon. Northern Liberties. Northern Liberties. Northern Liberties. Northern Liberties. Northern Liberties. Lebanon.Northern Liberties. Philadelphia. Moyamens : Whitpain. Northern Liberties. Pikeland. Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Windsor. Northern Liberties. Lebanon.Northern Liberties. Northern Liberties. Philadelphia.Philadelphia.Philadelphia.Philadelphia. Upper Salford. Upper Salford. Philadelphia. Germantown.Tinnicum. Lower Dublin. Philadelphia. Philadelphia.Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Allen. County. Philadelphia. Northampton. Philadelphia.Philadelphia. Northampton. Philadelphia. Philadelphia.Philadelphia.Philadelphia.Philadelphia. Philadelphia.Philadelphia. Lancaster.Lancaster.Lancaster.Lancaster.Philadelphia.Lancaster.Lancaster.Lancaster.Philadelphia.Philadelphia.Philadelphia.Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Lancaster. Philadelphia.Philadelphia.Philadelphia.Philadelphia.Philadelphia.Chester.Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Berks. Philadelphia. Lancaster. Philadelphia. Philadelphia.Philadelphia. Philadelphia.Philadelphia.Philadelphia.Philadelphia.Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Bucks. Philadelphia. Philadelphia.Philadelphia.Philadelphia.Philadelphia.Northampton. Sacrament when taken. Oct. 4th, 1765. Sept. 30th, 1765. Sept. 22nd, 1765. Sept. 29th, 1765. Sept. 15th, 1765. Oct. 4th, 1765. Oct. 3rd, 1765. Oct. 3rd, 1765. Sept. 22nd, 1765. Oct. 4th, 1765. Oct. 4th, 1765. Oct. 4th, 1765. Sept. 28th, 1765 Sept. 28th, 1765 Sept. 28th, 1765 Sept. 28th, 1765 Sept. 28th, 1765 Sept. 28th, 1765 Sept. 28th, 1765 Sept. 28th, 1765 Oct. 3rd, 1765. Oct. 4th, 1765. Oct. 4th, 1765. Oct. 4th, 1765- Oct. 4th, 1765. Oct. 3rd, 1765. Oct. 4th, 1765. Oct. 4th, 1765. Oct. 3rd, 1765. Oct. 3rd, 1765. Oct. 3rd, 1765. Oct. 3rd, 1765. Oct. 3rd, 1765. Oct. 3rd, 1765. Sept. 20th, 1765. Oct. 3rd, 1765. Oct. 3rd, 1765. Oct. 3rd, 1765. Oct. 3rd, 1765. Oct. 3rd, 1765. Oct. 3rd, 1765. Oct. 3rd, 1765. Oct. 3rd, 1765. Oct. 4th, 1765. Oct. 4th, 1765. Oct. 3rd, 1765. Oct. 3rd, 1765. Oct. 4th, 1765. Sept. 15th, 1765. Sept. 22nd, 1765. Sept. 22nd, 1765. Sept. 22nd, 1765. Sept. 22nd, 1765. Oct. 6th, 1765. 122 NATURALIZATIONS PENNSYLVANIA. Jurors' Names. Peter Klein. John Geo. Ehrenhart. Andrew Ershbach. George Kind. Lorentz Klein. Jacob Bachman. Yost George. Martin Buchman. George Seiger. Bartholomew Miller. Henry Grigell. Nichs. Mannabach. Martin Shob. Daniel Stetler. Adam Klein. Frederick Moyer. Simon Wehr. Frederick Snyder. John Reinshmit. Adolph Peter. John Peter. Henry Sheffer. Jno. Martin Wuchter. Henry Shimpfer. George George. Engle Thomas. Michl. Bieber. Francis Gildener. Charles Ruppert. Daniel Burger. Adam Thomas. Jacob Taubenspeck. Jacob Snyder. Frederick Poppemyer. Martin Eilert. Peter Kroh. Peter Confer. Jacob Klein. Peter Selt. Jacob Arndt. Melchior Seip. Christopr. Oble. Henry Becklee. John Caspar Snerr. George Sparr. Leonard Fuhr. John Warner. WlGAND DlEHL. Conrad Blotz. Caspar Peter. Jacob Beeren. John Miller. Township. Maccungy. Lowhill.Lowhill. Lowhill. Lowhill.Lowhill. Lowhill. Lowhill. Weisenberg. Maccungy. Lowhill.Weisenburg. Weisenburg.Weisenburg. Weisenburg.Heidleberg. Heidleberg.Heidleberg.Heidleberg.Richmond.Richmond. Weisenberg. Heidleberg. Lowhill.Lowhill.Lowhill. Weisenberg. Heidleberg.Heidleberg.Heidleberg. Heidleberg. Heidleberg. Lowhill.Long Swamp. Lowhill. Weisenburg. Weisenburg. Weisenburg. Heidleberg.Heidleberg.Maccungy. Lowhill.Northern Liberties. Heidleberg.Heidleberg.Heidleberg.Philadelphia.Frederick.Heidleberg. Heidleberg. Maccungy.Heidleberg. County. Northampton. Northampton. Northampton. Northampton. Northampton.Northampton. Northampton.Northampton. Northampton.Northampton.Northampton. Northampton. Northampton.Northampton.Northampton.Northampton.Northampton.Northampton.Northampton. Berks. Berks. Northampton.Northampton.Northampton.Northampton.Northampton;Northampton.Northampton.Northampton. Northampton.Northampton.Northampton. Northampton. Berks. Northampton.Northampton.Northampton.Northampton. Northampton. Northampton.Northampton.Northampton. Philadelphia. Northampton.Northampton. Northampton.Philadelphia.Philadelphia.Northampton.Northampton. Northampton. Northampton. Sacrament when taken. Sept. 29th, 1765. Sept. 29th, 1765. Sept. 29th, 1765. Sept. 29th, 1765. Sept. 29th, 1765. Oct. 10th, 1765. Oct. 10th, 1765. Oct. 10th, 1765. Sept. 22nd, 1765. Oct. 7th, 1765. Oct. 7th, 1765. Oct. 7th, 1765. Oct. 7th, 1765. Oct. 7th, 1765. Oct. 7th, 1765. 22nd Sept., 1765. Oct. 6th, 1765. Oct. 6th, 1765. Oct. 6th, 1765. Sept. 8th, 1765. Sept. 8th, 1765. Sept. 8th, 1765. Sept. 22 nd, 1765. Oct. 10th, 1765. Oct. 10th, 1765. Oct. 10th, 1765. Oct. 8th, 1765. Sept. 22nd, 1765. Sept. 22nd, 1765. Oct. 6th, 1765. Oct. 6th, 1765. Oct. 6th, 1765. Oct. 10th, 1765. Oct. 6th, 1765. Oct. 10th, 1765. Oct. 8th, 1765. Oct. 8th. 1765. Sept. 22nd, 1765. Sept. 22nd, 1765. Sept. 22nd, 1765. Sept. 29th, 1765. Oct. 10th, 1765. Oct. 9th, 1765. Oct. 6th, 1765. Oct. 6th, 1765. Oct. 6th, 1765. Oct. 7th, 1765. Oct. 10th, 1765. Oct. 6th, 1765. Oct. 6th, 1765. Sept. 24th, 1765. Sept. 22nd, 1765. PENNSYLVANIA 123 Jurors' Namesi John Fceller. Rudolph Peter. John Keck. Jacob Fcerber. George Stern. Jacob Klotz. Michl. Dieber. Samuel Mehl. Jacob Guiger. Leonard Wassum. Henry Shlebach. Jacob Shankweiler. Peter Rethler. Christian Trefensted. Bernard Fegele. Conrad Yeger. Matthias Eigner. George Hauser. John Siegell. Martin Semell. Melchior Ziegler. Christian Reys. Henry Witerstien. Peter Hatterick. Nichs. Hatterick. Leonard Hinckell. Philip Hcering. John Mann. Peter Hefft. Simon Peter Geres. Peter Shuk. Philip Correll. Isaac Wyerbach. Michl. Diehl. Daniel Diehl. George Hammond. Joseph Gerber. Jacob Weitzell. Michl. Weitzell. Peter Gift. Dewald Myer. John Henningher. Dietrick Batteauf. ¦ Valentine Durr. George Breyner. Philip Anthony. Melchior Durr. Andreas Wilt. Sebastian Werlein. Adam Klaus s. Jacob Snyder. Ludwick Hantz. Sylvester Holloe. George Binkes. Township. Heidleberg. Heidleberg.Heidleberg.Heidleberg.Lowhill. Lowhill.Lowhill. Heidleberg. Heidleberg.Heidleberg. Heidleberg. Maccungy. Maccungy.Maccungy. Long Swamp. Long Swamp. Maccungy.Whitehall.Whitehall. Whitehall. Maccungy. Linn.Linn. Richland. Bedminster.Richland.Richland. Springfield. Haycock.Springfield.Springfield.Springfield.Springfield.Springfield.Springfield. Haycock.Linn.Linn.Linn. Linn. Weisenburg. Rockhill. Linn. Linn. Linn.Linn. Linn. Weisenburg.Weisenburg.Linn.Linn.Linn. Linn.Linn. County. Northampton.Northampton. Northampton. Northampton.Northampton. Northampton.Northampton.Northampton. Northampton. Northampton. Northampton.Northampton. Northampton.Northampton. Berks.Berks. Northampton.Northampton.Northampton.Northampton.Northampton. Northampton.Northampton. Bucks. Bucks. Bucks.Bucks.Bucks.Bucks. Bucks. Bucks. Bucks.Bucks.Bucks.Bucks.Bucks.Northampton. Northampton. Northampton. Northampton. Northampton. Bucks. Northampton.Northampton. Northampton. Northampton.Northampton.Northampton.Northampton. Northampton.Northampton. Northampton. Northampton. Northampton. Sacrament when taken. Oct. 6th, 1765. Oct. 8th, 1765. Sept. 22nd, 1765. Oct. 8th, 1765. Oct. 10th, 1765. Oct. 10th, 1765. Oct. 10th, 1765. Oct. 8th, 1765. Sept. 22nd, 1765. Sept. 22nd, 1765. Sept. 22nd, 1765. Oct. 9th, 1765. Oct. 9th, 1765. Oct. 9th, 1765. Oct 6th, 1765. Oct 6th, 1765. Oct. 9th, 1765. Oct. 8th, 1765. Oct. 8th, 1765. Oct. 8th, 1765. Oct. 9th, 1765. Oct. nth, 1765. Oct. nth, 1765. Aug. 8th, 1765. Aug. 8th, 1765. Aug. 8th, 1765. Aug. 8th, 1765. Oct. 10th, 1765. Oct. 10th, 1765. Oct. 10th, 1765. Oct. 10th, 1765. Oct. 10th, 1765. Oct. 10th, 1765. Oct. 10th, 1765. Oct. 10th, 1765. Oct. 10th, 1765. Oct. nth, 1765. Oct. nth, 1765. Oct. nth, 1765. Oct. nth, 1765. Aug. 4th, 1765. Aug. 4th, 1765. Oct. nth, 1765. Oct. nth, 1765. Oct. nth, 1765. Oct. nth, 1765. Oct. nth, 1765. Oct. 8th, 1765. Oct. 8th, 1765. Oct. 8th, 1765. Oct. 8th, 1765. Oct. 8th, 1765. Oct. 8th, 1765. Oct. 8th, 1765. 124 N AT URALIZATION S PENNSYLVANIA. Jurors' Names. George Nydig. Peter Martin. Michael Ringer. George Steinroc. Philip Kistner. Jacob Boger. Martin Shuck. Michael Hedinger. Baltzer Smith. George Edleman. Conrad Klein. Honnes Kraus. Andreas LIootz. Henry Nelich. Joseph Kendell. Theobald Kendell. John Martin Eyre. John Philip Shrier. Hartman Leibengut. Jacob Diehl. Bernard Dorr. Michl. Warmkessell. John Weibar. Christian Seiter. Michl. Basler. Andreas Fetzer. Jacob Finstermaker. Engle Binckes. Samuel Dormeyer. Theobald Kline. George Kline. Peter Weiss. John Merckle. Christian Seiberling. Philip Krig. Jacob Lehman. John Flammer. Conrad Drees. Andreas Saam. Jacob Blesing. Jacob Thomas. Geo. Hetzler. Baltzer Hetzler. Caspar Augislin. Nichs. Marx. George Myer. Daniel Snyder. Felix Arner. Christopher Miller. Philip Arnold. George Kncedler. Andreas Leiser. Township. Linn.Upper Milford. Upper Milford. Douglass. Weisenburg.Lowhill. Linn. Linn.Long Swamp. Maccungy. Upper Milford. Heidleberg. Heidleberg. Whitehall. Whitehall. Whitehall.Bedminster.Bedminster. Upper Milford. Upper Milford. Upper Milford. Maccungy. Maccungy.Maccungy.Maccungy.Maccungy.Long Swamp. Upper Hanover. Longswamp.Longswamp.Longswamp. Weisenburg. Maccungy. Weisenburg.Warwick. Cocolico. Longswamp.Longswamp. Longswamp. Cocolico. Elizabeth. Warwick. Elizabeth.Elizabeth. Whitehall. Whitehall.Whitehall.Whitehall. Maccungay. Weisenburg. Lowhill.Lowhill. County. Northampton.Northampton. Northampton. Philadelphia. Northampton.Northampton.Northampton.Northampton.Berks. Northampton.Northampton.Northampton.Northampton.Northampton.Northampton.Northampton. Bucks. Bucks. Northampton. Northampton.Northampton. Northampton.Northampton. Northampton.Northampton.Northampton. Berks. Philadelphia. Berks.Berks. Berks. Northampton. Northampton.Northampton. Lancaster.Lancaster. Berks. Berks. Berks. Lancaster.Lancaster.Lancaster.Lancaster.Lancaster.Northampton.Northampton.Northampton.Northampton.Northampton. Northampton. Northampton.Northampton. Sacrament when taken. Oct. 8th, 1765. Oct. 9th, 1765. Oct. 9th, 1765. nth, 1765. nth,nth,nth,nth, 9th, 1765. 9th, 1765. 9th, 1765. 22nd, 1765. 1765-1765- 1765-1765- Oct.Oct.Oct.Oct.Oct. Oct. Oct. Sept. Sept Sept. 22nd, 1765. Sept. 22nd, 1765. Sept. 22nd, 1765. Sept. 22nd, 1765. Sept. 8th, 1765. Sept. 8th, 1765. July 15th, 1765. July 15th, 1765. July 15th, 1765. Oct. 9th, 1765. Oct. 9th, 1765. Oct. 9th, 1765. Oct. 9th, 1765. Oct. 9tht 1765. Sept. 22nd, 1765. Sept. 22nd, 1765 Sept. 13th, 1765. Sept. 13th, 1765 Sept. 13th, 1765. Oct. nth, 1765. Oct. nth, 1765. Oct. nth, 1765. Oct. 13th, 1765. Sept. ist, 1765. Sept. 22nd, 1765. Sept. 22nd, 1765 Sept. 22nd, 1765. Oct. 14th, 1765. Oct. 14th, 1765. Sept. ist, 1765. Sept. ist, 1765. Sept. ist, 1765. Sept. 22nd, 1765 22nd, 22nd, 22nd, 22nd, 22nd, SeptSeptSeptSeptSeptSept 1765. 1765- 1765- 1765- 1765. 24th, 1765. Sept. 24th, 1765 PENNSYLVANIA 125 Jurors' Names. Township. County. Sacrament when ta George Hartman. Lowhill. Northampton. Sept. 24th, 1765. Leonard Welker. Maccungy. Northampton. Sept. 24th, 1765. John Tserfass. Lowhill. Northampton. Sept. 24th, 1765. George Sinn. Lowhill. Northampton. Sept. 24th, 1765. Philip Stein. Bedminster. Bucks. July 15th, 1765. George Gootekuntz. Weisenburg. Northampton. Oct. 12th, 1765. Paul Shumaker. Lowhill. Northampton. Sept. 24th, 1765 Godfrey Becker. Exeter. Berks. Oct. 14th, 1765. Frederick Beck. Weisenberg. Northampton. Oct. 1 2th, 1765. Jacob Winter. Lowhill. Northampton. Sept. 24th, 1765. Caspar Baner. Maccungy. Northampton. Sept. 18th, 1765. Conrad Maintzer. Warwick. Lancaster. Sept. ist, 1765. Mich. Maintzer. Warwick. Lancaster. Sept. ist, 1765. Nichs. Kiendt. Weisenberg. Northampton. Oct. 12th, 1765. Martin Karch. Weisenberg. Northampton. Oct. 12th, 1765. Adam Diederick. Lowhill. Northampton. Sept. 30th, 1765. Simon Moser. Linn. Northampton. Sept. 30th, 1765. Adam Maurer. Whitehall. Northampton. Sept. 22nd, 1765 Adam Shneck. Whitehall. Northampton. Sept. 22nd, 1765 Conrad Ludwick. Hertford. Berks. Oct. 13th, 1765. Philip Leytentecker. Hertford. Berks. Oct. 13th, 1765. Caspar Berich. Upper Hanover. Philadelphia. Oct. 13th, 1765. Abraham Gerrard. Douglass. Philadelphia. Oct. 13th, 1765. John George Sterry. Whitehall. Northampton. Sept. 30th, 1765. Samuel Muse. Whitehall. Northampton. Sept. 30th, 1765. John Martin Herter. Whitehall. Northampton. Sept. 30th, 1765. Jacob Henrick. Whitehall. Northampton. Sept. 30th, 1765. Jacob Wirt. Whitehall. Northampton. Sept. 30th, 1765. Yost Diehl Lowhill. Northampton. Sept. 1 2th, 1765. George Ruppert. Heidleberg. Northampton. Sept. 30th, 1765. John Frey. Heidleberg. Northampton. Oct. 6th, 1765. Nichs. Stcerner. Allen. Northampton. Oct. 13th, 1765. David Hausman. Allen. Northampton. Oct. 13th, 1765. Bartholomew Ribelet. Allen. Northampton. Oct. 15th, 1765. Yost Shliger. Upper Hanover. Philadelphia. Oct. 13th, 1765. Henry Ress. Hatfield. Philadelphia. Oct. 13th, 1765. Frederick Karn. Heidleberg. Northampton. Sept. 30th, 1765. Jacob Gutner. Heidleberg. Northampton. Sept. 30th, 1765. John Kunkle. Heidleberg. Northampton. Sept. 30th, 1765. Jacob Hausman. Heidleberg. Northampton. Sept. 30th, 1765. Peter Guth. Whitehall. Northampton. Oct. nth, 1765. Peter Beckler. Whitehall. Northampton. Oct. nth, 1765. Henry Turnet. Whitehall. Northampton. Oct. nth, 1765. Paul Gross. Whitehall. Northampton. Oct. nth, 1765. Abra'm Knerr. Lowhill. Northampton. Oct. nth, 1765. John Wasem. Heidleberg. Northampton. Oct. nth, 1765. Jacob Horner. Lowhill. Northampton. Oct. nth, 1765. Caspar Koch. Warwick. Lancaster. Sept. ist, 1765. Catherine Koppin. Weisenberg. Northampton. Sept. 30th, 1765. Peter Elser. Warwick. Lancaster. Oct. 15th, 1765. Baltzer Wirtz.1 Whitehall. Northampton. Sept. 30th, 1765. George Stober. Cocolico. Lancaster. Oct. 15th, 1765. 1, According to a, marginal note this entry should have followed immediately that of Jacob Wibt above. 126 NATURALIZATIONS PENNSYLVANIA. Jurors' Names. Bernard Kuhns. John Sold. John Shaeffer. William Kreitz. George Heitzelman. Christian Hoffman. Peter Behr. Henry Reinhard. Conrad Kolb. Adam Gerrman. Charles Guss. John Miller. Jacob Hauser. Paul Gerharding. Sebastian Rink. John Keck. Peter Smith. Christr. Tresher. Jacob Vogel. Peter Geiss. Peter Haff. Andrew Susang. George Par all. Michael Kern. John Yeager. Christian Smith. Ulrick Neff. Henry Smith. John Reber. Philip Fitler. Henry Hoffman. John Noman. Conrad Mittxman. Anna Barbara Bensherin. Jno. Diehl Herman. Frederick Hirsh. Adam Weber. Jacob Barrall. John Rumpell. Peter Heymbach. Jno. Nich. Gift. Matthias Gift. Fred. Douey. Sebastian Werner. Jacob Peter. Peter Feller. Andreas Feller. George Arnold. Henry Fry. George Bauman. Rudolph Ziemer. Mathias Rcemer. Township. Lehi.Lehi. Maccungy. Whitehall. Lowhill. Heidleberg.Heidleberg.Heidleberg. Richmond.Bern.Upper Hanover. Tredeffrin.Tredeffrin. Tredeffrin.Tredeffrin.Tredeffrin. Weisenburg.Weisenburg. Maccungy. Maccungy.Maccungy. Longswamp. Longswamp. Linn. Heidleberg.Heidleberg.Heidleberg. Heidleberg.Heidleberg. Heidleberg.Heidleberg. Bedminster.Bedminster. Bedminster. Weisenburg.Weisenburg. Weisenburg.Weisenburg.Heidleberg.Weisenburg.Weisenburg.Weisenburg. Providence. Heidleberg.Heidleberg.Heidleberg.Heidleberg. Albany. Albany. Greenwich.Greenwich.Greenwich. County. Northampton. Northampton.Northampton.Northampton.Northampton. Northampton.Northampton.Northampton. Berks.Berks. Philadelphia. Chester. Chester. Chester.Chester.Chester. Northampton. Northampton. Northampton.Northampton. Northampton. Berks.Berks. Northampton.Northampton.Northampton.Northampton. Northampton.Northampton. Northampton. Northampton. Bucks. Bucks.Bucks.Northampton. Northampton.Northampton.Northampton.Northampton.Northampton.Northampton.Northampton. Philadelphia.Northampton.Northampton.Northampton.Northampton. Berks.Berks.Berks.Berks.Berks. Sacrament, when taken Oct. 6th, 1765. Oct. 6th, 1765. Oct. 9th, 1765. Oct. 13th, 1765. Sept. 30th, 1765. Oct. 1 2th, 1765. Oct. 12th, 1765. Oct. 12th, 1765. Oct. 15th, 1765. July 22nd, 1765. Sept. 30th, 1765. Sept. 14th, 1765. Sept. 14th, 1765 Sept. 14th, 1765 Sept. 14th, 1765 Sept. 14th, 1765 Sept. 30th, 1765 Sept. 30th, 1765 Oct. 9th, 1765. Oct. 9th, 1765. Oct. 9th, 1765. Oct. 15th, 1765. Oct. 15th, 1765. Oct. 13th, 1765. Oct. 6th, 1765. Oct. 6th, 1765. Oct. 6th, 1765. Oct. 6th, 1765. Oct. 6th, 1765. Oct. 6th, 1765. Oct. 6th, 1765. Sept. 15th, 1765 Sept. 15th, 1765 Sept. 15th, 1765 Sept. 30th, 1765 Sept. 30th, 1765 Sept. 30th, 1765 Sept. 30th, 1765 Sept. 30th, 1765 Sept. 30th, 1765 Sept. 30th, 1765 Sept. 30th, 1765 Sept. 15th, 1765 Oct. 15th, 1765 Oct. 15th, 1765 Oct. 15th, 1765 Oct. 15th, 1765 Oct. 15th, 1765 Oct. 15th, 1765 Oct. 15th, 1765 Oct. 15th, 1765 Oct. 15th, 1765 PENNSYLVANIA 127 Jurors' Names. Martin Unungst. Jacob Fost. Philip Hammell. Jno. Adam Dell. Anthy. Shreter. Philip Shuuns. John Kohler. Adam Meyer. Jacob Willdraut. Nicholas Baron. Ludwick Otterman. Nichs. Quierin. Geo. Olinger. Godfry Stirn. Mich. Mauser. Anthy. Walter. Jacob Hartman. Justus Treshbach. Adam Treshbach. Simon Dreishbach. John Tresbach. Henry Ulrick. Conrad Bauer. Jacob Almand. Jacob Buckman. Nichs. Almand. Christr. Hower. Henry Ratemaker. Bernard Snyder. George Oberdorf. George Adam Kober. Samuel Weiss. Jacob Berner. Solomon Baker. Bernard Reiss. Andrew Petri. George Wachter. John Phillippi. Hartman Kuntz. Christr. Eilenberger. John Shreiber. Nichs. Carker. Peter Hardman. Michl. Petz. Michl. King. George Emig. John Klinger. John Millar. Jacob Smith. Jacob Biel. Peter Bernard Hinken. Theobald Long. John Hilbert. Jacob Keppler. Township. Greenwich. Bedminster. Maccungy. Greenwich. Richmond.Richmond. Greenwich. Greenwich.Greenwich. Richmond.Richmond. Maxatawny. Richmond. Greenwich.Greenwich. Greenwich.Maxatawny.Lehi.Lehi. Lehi. Lehi.Lehi.Greenwich.Lehi.Lehi. Lehi.Cocolico.Bern.Linn. Maxatawny. Rockhill. Long Swamp. Weisenberg.Albany. Lehi. Providence. Cocolico. Elizabeth.Linn. Eastown. Whitehall. Pikes. Pikes. Warwick.Pikes. Pikes. Pikes. Colebrookdale. Colebrookdale. Linn. Pikes. Colebrookdale.Oley. Upper Milford. County. Berks. Bucks. Northampton.Berks.Berks.Berks.Berks. Berks. Berks. Berks. Berks.Berks.Berks.Berks.Berks. Berks.Berks.Northampton.Northampton. Northampton.Northampton.Northampton.Berks. Northampton.Northampton. Northampton. Lancaster. Berks.Northampton.Berks. Bucks. Berks.Northampton.Northampton.Northampton.Philadelphia. Lancaster. Lancaster. Northampton.Northampton. Northampton.Chester.Chester.Lancaster.Chester.Chester.Chester. Berks. Berks.Northampton.Chester. Berks. Berks.Northampton. Sacrament, when taken Oct. 15th, 1765 Oct. 15th, 1765 Oct. 9th, 1765. Oct. 15th, 1765 Oct. 15th, 1765 Oct. 15th, 1765 Oct. 15th, 1765 Oct. 15th, 1765 Oct. 15th, 1765 Oct. 15th, 1765 Oct. 15th, 1765 Oct. 13th, 1765 Oct. 15th, 1765 Oct. 13th, 1765 Oct. 13th, 1765 Oct. 13th, 1765 Oct. 13th, 1765 July 16th, 1765 July 16th, 1765 July 1 6th, 1765 Julv 1 6th, 1765 July 16th, 1765 Oct. 13th, 1765. Oct. 6th, 1765. Oct. 6th, 1765. Oct. 6th, 1765. Sept. 29th, 1765. Sept. 22nd, 1765 Oct. 6th, 1765. Oct. 13th, 1765. Oct. 15th, 1765. Oct. 6th, 1765 Oct. 6th, 1765 Oct. 6th, 1765 Oct. 6th, 1765 Oct. 6th, 1765 Sept. ist, 1765. Oct. 13th. 1765. Oct. 14th, 1765. Aug. 18th, 1765. Oct. 6th, 1765. Oct. 1 2th, 1765. Oct. 12th, 1765. Oct. 14th, 1765. Oct. 17th, 1765. Oct. 17th, 1765 Oct. 17th, 1765. Oct. 16th, 1765. Oct. 16th, 1765. Oct. 14th, 1765. Oct. 6th, 1765/ Oct. 17th, 1765. Oct. 17th, 1765. Sept. 29th, 1765. 128 NATURALIZATIONS PENNSYLVANIA. Jurors' Names. Adam Moses. Jacob Sleer. George Fislar. Peter Demler. Philip Mentz. George Sheetz. George Zigenfoos. John Hartman. Francis Oberkirsh. George Braidbeck. Michl. Oberkirsh. William Deile. Jacob Bachman. Christopher Rouch. Peter Diehl. Philip Ennes. Jacob Berr. Jacob Lieser. Valentine Yager. Conrad Dithart. Paul Eberhard. Adam Knappenberger. Adam Kehl. Mathias Kern. John Geo. Kern. Stephen Ackerman. Daniel Naregany. Henry Weitzell. John Geo. Wimmar. Jacob Shock. Paul Frantz. Michl. Heller. Henry Cratzer. Geo. Reigell. Philip Reiffsnider. Yost Smith. Eie Frankenfield. Baltzer Lotz. John Keistner. Peter Anthony. John Peter Altman. Jacob Stroh. Caspar Altman. Michl. Boch. Christr. Fehr. Peter Heimbach. Henry Sander. Jacob Shenk. Wendei. Renninger. Fred. Gwinner. Caspar Kientz. William Deter, Township. Pikes. Pikes. Pikes. Pikes. Pikes. Lower Milford. Lower Milford. Pikes. Maccungy.Maccungy.Maccungy.Springfield. Weisenberg. Lower Saucon. Lower Saucon. Linn.Linn. Linn.Lower Saucon. Springfield.Whitehall.Whitehall.Upper Milford. Upper Milford. Upper Milford. Haycock. Lower Saucon. Springfield. Haycock. Haycock. Lower Saucon. Lower Saucon. Lower Saucon. Lower Saucon. Lower Saucon. Springfield.Springfield. Long Swamp. Long Swamp. Lehi.Lehi.Lehi.Lehi.Linn. Heidleberg. Lindaw.Lindaw. LongsAvamp. Upper Hanover. Lower Saucon. Philadelphia.Lehj. County. Chester. Chester.Chester.Chester. Chester. Bucks.Bucks. Chester. Northampton.Northampton. Northampton. Bucks.Northampton.Northampton.Northampton.Northampton. Northampton. Northampton.Northampton. Bucks. Northampton. Northampton. Northampton. Northampton.Northampton.Bucks.Northampton.Bucks,Bucks. Bucks. Northampton.Northampton.Northampton.Northampton.Northampton. Bucks.Bucks. Berks. Berks.Northampton.Northampton. Northampton.Northampton.Northampton.Northampton.Northampton.Northampton. Berks.Philadelphia.Northampton.Philadelphia.Northampton. Sacrament, when taken Oct. 1 2th, 1765. Oct. 12th, 1765. Oct. 1 2th, 1765. Oct. 1 2th, 1765. Oct. 1 2th, 1765. Oct. 6th, 1765. Oct. 6th, 1765. Oct. 12th, 1765. Oct. 14th, 1765. Oct. 14th, 1765. Oct. 14th, 1765. Oct. 15th, 1765. Oct. 15th, 1765. Oct. 14th, 1765. Oct. 14th, 1765. Oct. 15th, 1765. Oct. 15th, 1765. Oct. 15th, 1765. Oct. 15th, 1765. Oct. 14th, 1765. Oct. 16th, 1765. Oct. 16th. 1765. Sept. 29th, 1765. Sept. 29th, 1765. Sept. 29th, 1765. Oct. 13th, 1765 Oct. 13th, 1765 Oct. 14th, 1765. Oct. 13th, 1765 Oct. 13th, 1765. Oct. 14th, 1765. Oct. 14th, 1765. Oct. 14th, 1765. Oct. 14th, 1765. Oct. 14th, 1765. Sept. 15th, 1765. Oct. 14th, 1765. Sept. 16th, 1765. Sept. 1 6th, 1765. Oct. 1 8th, 1765! Oct. 18th, 1765. Oct. 18th, 1765. Oct. 1 8th, 1765. Oct. 14th, 1765. Oct. 1 8th, 1765. Oct. 1 8th, 1765. Oct. 1 8th, 1765. Sept. 8th, 1765. Oct. 17th, 1765. Oct. 14th, 1765. Oct. 14th, 1765. Oct. 14th, 1765. PENNSYLVANIA 129 Jurors' Names. John Kunkell. John Lademacher. Henry Cappes. Jacob Huber. John Klein. Andreas Sintel. Christr. Rentsberger. Jacob Shantz. John Kroom. Francis Krum. Christian Krum. William Meyer. Mich. Kichlein. Joseph Steidell. David Beilman. Dewald Kuntz. Andrew Sheibling. Jacob Sheibling. Jacob Witman. John Wein. Jacob Tommayer. Mathias Shutz. Martin Hoe. George Hoe. George Shaeffer. Michael Werner. Henry Young. George Wannemacher. Ludwick Kqester. Andrew Shetterly. Nichs. Shyer. Nichs. Geissel. William Best. Henry Best. John Geo. Weber. Adam Kurtz. John Godfry. Steiberitz. Geo. Steibesand. Nichs. Gruber. George Michael. Fred. Bachman. Christn. Bachman. George Braun. Henry Kalbach. Michael Confer. Adam Klein. John Back. Martin Nyfang. Peter Nefang. Peter Stetster. Val. Emrich. Jno. Wendal Ernst. Martin Hummell. Jno. Michl. Karber, j Township. Franconia.Lower Saucon. Lower Saucon. Weisenburg. Maccungy. Lowhill. Albany.Lehi. Heidleberg.Heidleberg.Heidleberg. Lowhill. Maccungy. Linn.Linn. Maccungy. Lower Saucon. Lower Saucon. Hartford.Upper Hanover. Maccungy.Linn. Cocolico.Cocolico. Springfield.Springfield. Passyunk. Lechaw.Lechaw.Lechaw. Lechaw.Lechaw. Lechaw.Lechaw. Upper Saucon. Upper Saucon. Chestnut Hill. Oley. Tinicum. Maccongy. Ruscomb Manor. Ruscomb Manor. Ruscomb Manor. Windsor. Windsor.Windsor. Windsor.Windsor.Windsor.Windsor. Windsor.Windsor.Windsor. Rockland. County. Philadelphia.Northampton. Northampton. Northampton.Northampton.Northampton.Berks. Northampton. Northampton.Northampton. Northampton.Northampton.Northampton.Northampton. Northampton.Northampton.Bucks. Bucks. Berks. Philadelphia.Northampton.Northampton. Lancaster.Lancaster. Bucks.Bucks. Philadelphia.Northampton. Northampton. Northampton. Northampton. Northampton. Northampton.Northampton.Northampton. Northampton. Philadelphia. Berks. Bucks. Northampton.Berks.Berks.Berks. Berks.Berks. Berks.Berks.Berks.Berks. Berks.Berks.Berks.Berks.Berks. Sacrament, when taken Sept. 15th, 1765. Oct. 14th, 1765. Oct. 14th, 1765. Oct. 14th, 1765. Sept. 20th, 1765. Sept. 16th, 1765. Oct. 19th, 1765. Oct. 18th, 1765. Oct. 6th, 1765. Oct. 6th, 1765. Oct. 6th, 1765. Oct. 16th, 1765. Oct. 17th, 1765. Oct. 14th, 1765. Oct. 14th, 1765. Oct. 17th, 1765. Oct. 13th, 1765. Oct. 13th, 1765. Oct. 13th, 1765. Oct. 13th, 1765. Oct. 17th, 1765. Oct. 19th, 1765. Sept. 29th,- 1765. Sept. 29th, 1765. Oct. 13th, 1765. Oct. 13th, 1765. Sept. 21st, 1765. Sept. 21st, 1765. Sept. 2 ist, 1765. Sept. 21st, 1765. Sept. 21st, 1765. Sept. 2 ist, 1765. Sept. 21st, 1765. Sept. 2 ist, 1765. Sept. 13th, 1765. Sept. 13th, 1765. Sept. 13th, 1765. Sept. 13th, 1765. Sept. 15th, 1765. Oct. 20th, 1765. Oct. 20th, 1765. Oct. 20th, 1765. Oct. 20th, 1765. Oct. 2 ist, 1765. Oct. 2 ist, 1765. Oct. 2 ist, 1765. Oct. 2 ist, 1765. Oct. 21st, 1765. Oct. 2 ist, 1765. Oct. 2 ist, 1765. Oct. 2 ist, 1765. Oct. 2 ist, 1765. Oct. 21st, 1765. Oct. 2 ist, 1765. 130 NATURALIZATIONS PENNSYLVANIA. Jurors' Names. Conrad Winkler. Fred. Bayer. Conrad Bachman. Henry Bartholomew. Nichs. Shall. Phil. Henry Sholl. Tobias Sholl. Jno. Philip Hall. Henry Egle. Mich. Hoffman. Geo. Fritz. John Mayer. George Rupp. Melchr. Danner. Conrad Kuhl. Jno. Jacob Stickler. Philip Mathias. Joseph Lehman. John Hauser. Jacob Roth. Andrew Myer. Dietrick Matthew. Jacob Barr. John Dorr. Mich. Krolman. Jacob Hill. Mich. Katz. Geo. Kristein. Geo. Wagner. Sebastian Stein. Ludwick Lindenshmiit. Godfrey Gruber. William Shaffer. Geo. Millar. John Geo. Kraus. Adam Blatt. Steph. Kreitter. Jno. Adam Kreitz. Christian Lauffer. Adam Marits. Christian Millar. Peter Eysenman. Conrad Housman. Mich. Shlyer. Andrew May. Conrad Zora. Mathias Shappele. Auds. Weymager. Tacob Shappele. George Hand. Michl. Werlein. Michl, Galinger, Township. Windsor.Ruscomb Manor. Lehi. More. Lower Saucon. Lower Saucon. Lower Saucon. Upper Saucon. Amity.Douglass. Amity. Amity.Maccungy. Maccungy. Brecknock.Brecknock. District.Oley. Windsor. Lehi. Lehi. Oley.Maccungy. Lehi.Rockhill.Windsor.Philadelphia. Philadelphia.Lower Milford. Bedminster.Haycock. Germant[ownJUpper Milford. Upper Milford. Heidleberg. Bern.Bern. Albany. Lehi.More. Lehi. Lehi.Windsor.Windsor.Windsor.Windsor. Windsor. Windsor. Windsor.Albany. Albany. Richmond. County. Berks.Berks.Northampton.Northampton.Northampton. Northampton. Northampton.Northampton. Berks.Berks. Berks. Berks. Northampton. Northampton.Lancaster.Lancaster. Berks. Berks. Berks.Northampton. Northampton.Berks. Northampton. Northampton. Bucks. Berks. Philadelphia.Philadelphia. Bucks.Bucks.Bucks.Philadelphia. Northampton. Northampton.Northampton.Berks. Berks.Berks. Northampton.Northampton. Northampton.Northampton. Berks. Berks.Berks. Berks.Berks. Berks. Berks.Berks.Berks.Berks. Sacrament, when taken Oct. 2 1 St, 1765. Oct. 20th, 1765. Oct. 2 1 St, 1765. Sept. 2nd, 1765 Sept. 14th, 1765 Sept. 14th, 1765 Sent. 14th, 1765 Sept. 14th, 1765 Sept. 2 ist, 1765 Sept. 2 ist, 1765 Sept. 2 ist, 1765 Sept. 2 ist, 1765 Sept. 20th, 1765 Sept. 20th, 1765 Sept. 20th, 1765 Sept. 20th, 1765 Sept. 20th, 1765 Sept. 22nd, 1765 Oct. 2 ist, 1765. Oct. 2 ist, 1765. Oct. 2 ist, 1765. Oct. 2 ist, 1765. Oct. 20th, 1765. Oct. 20th, 1765. Oct. 20th, 1765. Oct. 6th, 1765. Oct. 22nd, 1765. Oct. 22nd, 1765. July 28th, 1765. Oct. 15th, 1765. Oct. 20th, 1765. Oct. 22nd, 1765. Oct. 8th, 1765. Oct. 8th, 1765. Oct. 14th, 1765. Oct. 6th, 1765. Oct. 6th, 1765, Oct. 6th, 1765. Oct. 20th, 1765. Oct. 20th, 1765. Oct. 22nd, 1765. Oct. 19th, 1765. Oct. 2 ist, 1765. Oct. 2 ist, 1765. Oct. 2 ist, 1765. Oct. 2 ist, 1765. Oct. 2 ist, 1765. Oct. 2 ist, 1765. Oct. 2 ist, 1765. Oct. 20th, 1765. Oct. 20th, 1765. Oct. 20th, 1765. PENNSYLVANIA 131 Jurors' Names. Wm. Beck. Jacob Yolman. Jno. Heintzicker. Michl. Wenderright. Caspar Peishlein. Peter Stawerwald. Jno. Angstet. Geo. Snyder. Geo. Alsbach. Phil. Alsbach. Fred. Seitz. Henry Gross. John Hoefer. Jacob Miller. Martin Raust. Geo. Gordner. Jacob Hill. Yost Shalm. Michl. Feeger. Henry Diehl. Jacob Batsh. Barentz Jacob. Jacob Ob. Philip Jacob Julius. Catha. Dorithea Matthesen. Abraham Frey. George Miller. Christian Metzger. Michl. Seibly. Jacob Berger. Jno. Phil. Tutsh. Jacob Graiber. Fred. Steitinger. Phil. Conrad Wolf. Margt. Tawney. Feight Heerd. Thomas May. Jacob Liehtner. John Emmell. Henry Koenich. Geo. Adam Gosler. Jacob Frey. Conrad Beiser. Sebastian Weigell. Philip Opp. Jno. Rhinehart. John Mantz. John Handwerk, Senr. John Handwerk, Jr. Ludwick Waltimyer. William Snyder. Michl. Spatz. Philip Launce. Township. Lehi. Ruscom Manor. Heidleberg. Bedminster. Bedminster. Greenwich. Rockland. Lowhill. Windsor.Windsor. Maccungy. Windsor. Windsor. Windsor. Windsor. Windsor.Windsor. Maccungy. Lower Saucon. More. Northern Liberties. Heidleberg. Dover.Dover. Greenw. Linn. Weisenberg. Upper Milford. Upper Milford. Richland. York.York. York.Dover.Upper Milford. Windsor.Windsor. Windsor. Whitpain.York. York. Linn. York.York. Williams.Albany. Albany. Heidleberg. Heidleberg. York. Upper Douglass. Upper Douglass. Windsor, County. Sacrament, when taken Northampton. Oct. 20th, 1765. Berks. Oct. 20th, 1765. Northampton. Oct. 20th, 1765. Bucks. Sept. 22nd, 1765. Bucks. Sept. 22nd, 1765 Berks. Sept. 22nd, 1765 Berks. Sept. 22nd, 1765 Northampton. Sept. 22nd, 1765 Berks. Sent. 22nd, 1765 Berks. Se^t. 22nd, 1765 Northampton. Sept. 22nd, 1765 Berks. Sept. 22nd, 1765 Berks. Oct. 22nd, 1765. Berks. Oct. 22nd, 1765. Berks. Oct. 22nd, 1765. Berks. Oct. 22nd, 1765. Berks. Oct. 22nd, 1765. Northampton. Oct. 20th, 1765. Northampton. Oct. 14th, 1765. Northampton. Oct. 20th, 1765. Philadelphia. Oct. 22nd, 1765. Lancaster. [A Jew.] York. Sept. 29th, 1765. York. Sept. 29th, 1765. Berks. Sept. 2 ist, 1765. Northampton. Sept. 20th, 1765. Northampton. Sept. 20th, 1765. Northampton. Sept. 29th, 1765. Northampton. Sept. 29th, 1765. Bucks. Oct. 20th, 1765. York. Oct. 22nd, 1765. York. Oct. 22nd, 1765. York. Oct. 22nd, 1765. York. Oct. 22nd, 1765. Northampton. Sept. 29th, 1765. Berks. Sept. 22nd, 1765. Berks. Sept. 22nd, 1765. Berks. Sent. 22nd, 1765. Philadelphia. 14th Sunday post Trinity, 1765. York. Oct. 24th, 1765. York. Oct. 24th, 1765. Northampton. Sept. 20th, 1765. York. Oct. 24th, 1765. York. Oct. 24th, 1765. Northampton. Oct. 24th, 1765. Berks. Oct. 24th, 1765. Berks. Oct. 24th, 1765. Northampton. Oct. 24th, 1765. Northampton. Oct. 24th, 1765. York. Oct. 24th, 1765. Berks. Oct. 24th, 1765. Berks. Oct. 24th, 1765. York. Oct. 24th, 1765. 132 NATURALIZATIONS Jurors' Names. Philip Mellehoof. Nichs. Brand. Adam Hundel. George Meyer. George Myers. Will. Lohman. Philip Gauff. Tobias Zimmerman. PENNSYLVANIA. Township. Windsor. York. Windsor. Windsor. Fairfield.Passyunk.Codorus.Northern Liberties. County. Sacrament, when taken. York. Oct. 24th, 1765. York. Oct. 24th, 1765. York. Oct. 24th, 1765. York. Oct. 24th, 1765. Cumberland in Jersey. Oct. 24th, 1765. Philadelphia. Oct. 26th, 1765. York. ' Oct. 29th, 1765. Philadelphia. Oct. 22nd, 1765. Mordecai M. Mordecai, Barentz Jacob, and Elijah Etting within mentioned, being Jews, were qualified and subscribed the Declarations, &c, according to the directions of the Act of the thirteenth of King George the Second. Quakers and other Protestants who scruple to take an Oath. Affirmers' Names. Jacob Dester. Christr. Shockee. Peter Boos. Jacob Keller. Godlip Sener. Henry Shlyfer. Jacob Shlyfer. George Boderoh. Peter Heffly. Geo. Ackerman. Baltzer Ackerman. Anthy. Serich. Francis Thomas. Fred. Alder. Lawrentz Erbach. Nichs. Bartolemow. Henry Berger. Nichs. Keesel. Jacob Howett. George Booch. Jacob Smock. Ludwick Riehl. William Yans. John Hoove. Gideon Christian. Peter Krine. Martin Clever. Daniel Grub. Frederick Leeser. Michl. Foltz. Philip Klies. Jacob Miller. Conrad Shoup. Thomas Derringer. John Stitzel. Baltzer Boochacre, Township. Bern.Antrim.Cocolico. Cocolico.Lancaster. Upper Milford. Upper Milford Allen. Lancaster.Lancaster.Lancaster. Frederick in Lancaster. Exeter.Lower Milford Lancaster. Richmond. Warwick. Exeter. Manheim. Warwick. Alsace.Heidleberg. Oley. Lower Saucon. Saucon. Hereford.Philadelphia,Lancaster. Lancaster.Lancaster. Lancaster. Hereford.Providence. Oley. Saucon. County Berks. Cumberland. Lancaster. Lancaster.Lancaster.Northampton.Northampton. Northampton.Lancaster.Lancaster. Lancaster. Maryland. Lancaster. Berks. Bucks. Lancaster. Berks.Lancaster.Berks. Lancaster.Lancaster. Berks. Berks Berks. Northampton.Northampton. Berks.Philadelphia. Lancaster. Lancaster.Lancaster.Lancaster. Berks. Philadelphia. Berks. Northampton, Sacrament, when taken by Moravians. PENNSYLVANIA Affirmers' Names. John Stoner. Peter Knappley. Abraham Stump. Jacob Shitz. Caspar Snevely. George Hoke. John Miller. Daniel Hendrickson. Christr. Angney. Philip Seller. Jacob Hoser. Jno. Herman Niess. Henry Holler. George Geesman. Jacob Lebbert. Henry Boochacre. John Grosh [a Moravian]. Nichs. Sallady. Henry Gessler. Jacob Radgay. Christn. Frederick. Ludwick Wittemyer. Robert Hallafel. John Lush. Jacob Shitz. Yost Rydle. Jacob Needhock. Jacob Drawer. Henry Penner. Henry Winterberger. John Peetler. Bernard Wunsh. Philip Rupert. Ludwick Braihl. Henry Krout. Peter Lawks. George Bossell. Simon Litzenberger. Justus Fox. John Rights. George Gartner. Michl. Branson. George Menges. George Gartner. Henry Shoister. John Koler. Francis Diehl. Peter Lowrey. Christian Alberger. Philip Alberger. Adam Alberger. Simon Walter. John Wikart. Jacob Seiss. County. Hempfield.Upper Saucon. Heidleberg.Whitpain.Lebanon. Lebanon. Philadelphia.Germantown. Bedminster. Upper Saucon. White Marsh. Upper Milford. Reading. Lebanon. Ruscomb Mannor. Upper Saucon. Hempfield. Tulpehoccon. Lancaster.Union. Warwick. Heidleberg. Lancaster. Heidleberg. Strasburg. Warwick. Reading. Heidleberg. Coventry. Robeson. Union. Salisbury. Reading. Philadelphia.Bedminster. Bedminster. Haverford. Haverford. Germantown. Philadelphia. Heidleberg. Germantown. Bern. Plainfield. Lower Morrion. Upper Dublin. Northern Liberties. Philadelphia. Northern Liberties. Northern Liberties. Northern Liberties. Upper Milford. Tulpehoccon. Easton. Township. Lancaster. Northampton. Lancaster.Philadelphia.Lancaster. Lancaster. Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Bucks. Northampton. Philadelphia.Northampton. Berks. Lancaster. Berks. Northampton.Lancaster.Berks.Lancaster.Berks.Lancaster. Lancaster.Lancaster. Berks.Lancaster.Lancaster.Berks. Lancaster. Chester.Berks.Berks.Northampton.Berks. Philadelphia. Bucks.Bucks. Chester. Chester. Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Lancaster.Philadelphia. Berks. Northampton. Philadelphia.Philadelphia.Philadelphia.Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Northampton.Berks. Northampton. 133 Sacrament, when taken by Moravians. Aug. 24th, 1765. 134 NATURALIZATIONS PENNSYLVANIA. Affirmers' Names. John Shlessman. Caspar White. John Adam. Godlip Leffler. Frederick Umpert. Joseph Browne. Jno. Wm. Troutwine John Conrad Young. Conrad Good. Jacob Rabsom. Casemir Massemir. Conrad Jacobi. Fred. Strousnider. Henry Sharpkneck. John Strousnider. Martin Housman. Philip Kreighbaum. Jacob Ries. Augustine Nessor. Andrew Shirl. Martin Beck. John Tripler. John Switzer. Jacob Hersberger. George Zinn. Adam Beckele. Thomas Bissert. Henry Snyder. Henry Goodman. George Fetterman. Peter Shouster. Charles Sowder. John Herman. Frederick Haas. Jno. Martin Shiebly. Philip Hertzhog. Andrew Shetler. Nichs. Wondsidler. Adam Kable. John Wellar. George Heck. Fred. Kuhn. Michl. Stadleman. Rudolph Latch y. Rudolph Siebly. Jno. Nichs. Billman. John Whitmer. Christr. Effreky. Henry Stoffel. Henry Boyle. Ulrick Buttman. Geo. Barkman. Township. Cheltenham.Cheltenham. Germantown. Heidleberg. Maxatawny.Philadelphia. Northern Liberties. Philadelphia. Germantown. Philadelphia. New Hanover. New Hanover. Springfield. Germantown.Springfield.Springfield. Lower Merrion. Germantown. Germantown. Upper Merrion. Germantown.Germantown. Bethlehem. Cocolico.Cocolico. Reading.Philadelphia. Plymouth.Plymouth. Upper Merrion. Germantown. Philadelphia. Montgomery. Windsor. Upper Milford. Upper Milford York.Rockhill.Rockhill. Conestogo. Philadelphia.Forks. Radnor.Blockley.Lower Merrion. Northern Liberties. Northern Liberties. Northern Liberties. Upper Merrion. Germantown.Germantown.Germantown. County. Philadelphia.Philadelphia.Philadelphia.Berks.Berks. Philadelphia.Philadelphia.Philadelphia. Philadelphia.Philadelphia.Philadelphia. Philadelphia.Bucks.Philadelphia.Bucks.Bucks.Philadelphia. Philadelphia,Philadelphia.Philadelphia.Philadelphia.Philadelphia.Northampton.Lancaster. Lancaster. Berks. Philadelphia. Philadelphia.Philadelphia. Philadelphia.Philadelphia. Philadelphia.Philadelphia. Berks.Northampton.Northampton. York. Bucks. Bucks.Lancaster.Philadelphia.Northampton. Chester. Philadelphia.Philadelphia.Philadelphia.Philadelphia.Philadelphia.Philadelphia.Philadelphia.Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Sacrament, when taken by Moravians. PENNSYLVANIA Affirmers' Names. Michl. Foltz. Jacob Bare. Philip Seebolt. John Steer. Jacob Gilbert. Philip Ludwie. Nicholas Riffet. Caspar Whiteman. Christian Hepler. John Omeler. Wendal Bretzius. Sebastian Myer. William Small. Jacob Lush. Jacob Bowman. Nichs. Hartzbach. Jno. Halveirstadt. Henry Sommers. Ezekiel Sangmaster. John Martin. Jno. Adam Kelp. Christian Luther. George Kohn. John Fry. Jno. Creightbaum. John Haas. Christr. Green. Peter Long. Philip Beck. John Able. Christr. Hoofman. Wm. Lesher. Peter Care. Phil. Eddiburne. Conrad Switzer. Joseph Shaank. Peter Bucchius. Peter Benedict. Jacob Brenniser. Christr. Garrett. George Wunderlin. Andrew Hans. Philip Altlajstd. John Serber. Peter Goocher. Francis Leyditch. Jas par Ackabach. Jacob Miller. Barnaby Francis. Chas. Bowmer. Nichs. Berminger. Michl. Kline. Bartholomew Lamb. John Lamb. Township. Springfield. Lancaster.Upper Milford. Germantown. Germantown. Pikeland.Charlestown. Blockley.Frederick.Heidleberg. Northern Liberties. Philadelphia.Northern Liberties. Germantown. Germantown. Philadelphia. Philadelphia.Northern Liberties. Cocolico.Cocolico. Cocolico.Cocolico. Germant[own]. Germant[own]. Maxatawny. Germantown. Germantown.Upper Milford. Hertford. Bristol. Maccungy. Germantown. Bristol. Creesham.Northern Liberties. York. Germantown. Lebanon. Lebanon. New Hanover. Creesam. Dover.Paradise. Springfield. Frederick.Frederick.Frederick. White Marsh. Springfield. Northern Liberties. Douglass. Merion. Germantown.Germantown. County. Bucks. Lancaster. Northampton. Philadelphia. Philadelphia.Chester.Chester. Philadelphia.Philadelphia.Berks.Philadelphia.Philadelphia.Philadelphia.Philadelphia. Philadelphia.Philadelphia.Philadelphia.Philadelphia.Lancaster.Lancaster.Lancaster. Lancaster. Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Berks.Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Northampton. Berks.Philadelphia. Northampton. Philadelphia.Philadelphia.Philadelphia. Philadelphia. York. Philadelphia.Lancaster.Lancaster, Philadelphia.Philadelphia. York.York. Philadelphia.Philadelphia.Philadelphia.Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Philadelphia.Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Philadelphia.Philadelphia.Philadelphia. 135 Sacrament, when taken by Moravians. Sept. 14th, 1765. 136 NATURALIZATIONS PENNSYLVANIA. Affirmers' Names. John Shearer. Lawrence Shearer. Adam Renner. Caspar Zelling. Adam Trump. Anthy. Hone. Baltzer Shelling. John Moyster. Christian Keller. Jacob Renner. Garret Bornhutter. Geo. Keitel. Martin Hubacker. Peter Yoh. John Beidler. Ludwick Shearer. Frederick Surface. Jacob Renger. Peter Meffert. Conrad Echer. John Fertich. Jacob Linn. Conrad I sonn. Christian Boos. Christian Snyder. Henry Brower. Jacob Senor. George Roh. Jacob Detwider. John Swaner. John Hangey. Martin Killer. Philip Leese. Andrew Herster. Michl. Sink. George Shimmel. Jacob Sigfrid. Jacob Serber. Wm. Springher. Jacob Rester. John Springher. John Clowes. George Lawrence. Mathias Diehl. John Shephard. Henry Cassell. Melchior Yoder. Peter Defrain. Peter Shoeman. John Waggoner. Philip Waggoner. William Walter. Township. Whitpain.Whitpain. Worcester.Whitpain. Upper Milford. Springfield. Manheim.Manheim. Lower Salford. Worcester. Creesham.Creesham.Worcester. Hatfield. Richland. Norrington. Worcester. Roxborough.Douglass.Limerick.Limerick. Richland. Creesham.Haycock.Haycock. Coventry. Worcester.Vincent.Upper Hanover. Coventry. Pikeland. Limerick.Vincent. Providence. Coventry.Springfield. North Wales. Hatfield. Towamensing. White Marsh. Towamensing. Allen. Allen. Germantown. Lower Dublin. Lower Salford. Perquioming. Vincent. Pikeland.Pikeland.Pikeland.Pikeland. County. Philadelphia.Philadelphia.Philadelphia.Philadelphia.Northampton.Philadelphia. Lancaster. Lancaster. Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Philadelphia.Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Philadelphia.Bucks.Bucks.Philadelphia.Philadelphia.Berks. Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Bucks.Philadelphia. Bucks. Bucks. Chester. Philadelphia. Chester. Philadelphia. Chester.Chester. Philadelphia. Chester. Philadelphia. Chester. Bucks.Philadelphia.Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Philadelphia.Philadelphia.Northampton.Northampton. Philadelphia.Philadelphia.Philadelphia.Philadelphia. Chester.Chester. Chester. Chester.Chester. Sacrament, when taken by Moravians. Aug. 17th, 1765. PENNSYLVANIA Affirmers' Names. Isaias Carl. Simon Shunk. Conrad Sheimer. Nichs. Mensh. Henry Yoners. Mathias Forker. Henry Debarear. Henry Leninger. Justus Linderman. Jacob Erien. Michl. Reichart. John Hartman. Henry Berger. Henry Marklan. George Yeager. Christopher Woltz. Valentine Opp. Jno. Wm. Wynandt. Fred. Swartz. Adam Walter. Jacob Keckler. John Plankenhorn. Peter Cline. Michael Wooler. Adam Siter. Henry Snyder. Caspar Purbower. Samuel Royer. Isaac Boudeman. Henry Kephart. John Rom. Caspar Souder. Peter Dishong. Frederick Dishong. Henry Rich. Jno. Adam Hoe, Senr. Jno. Adam Hoe, Junr. David Juvenah. Michl. Oberle. Henry Long. Christr. Ernst. William Wolf. Henry Sharer. jMathias Crawl. George Strohm. Michl. Didderlie. Jeremiah Herple. Solomon Nonomecker. Frederick Wolf. Caspar Gross. Andrew Kncedler. Philip Harding. Michl. Barrenstone. Christr. Sower. Township. Pikeland. Vincent.Vincent. Springfield. Northern Liberties. Northern Liberties. Philadelphia. Lower Merrion. Coventry. Philadelphia. White Marsh. White Marsh. Bristol.Cheltenham.Vincent. Pikes.Easton.Linnen. Kensington.Forks.Blockley. Whitpain. Philadelphia. Oxford. Radnor. Gwenidth. Pikeland.Warwick. Germantown. Bedminster.Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Roxborough.Roxborough. Lower Dublin. Lower Dublin. Lower Dublin. Bristol.Darby. Paradise. Philadelphia.Philadelphia. Allen. Heidleberg. Lebanon. Rockhill.Hanover.Rockhill. Tulpehoccon. Richland. Heidleberg.Philadelphia. Creesham.Germantown. County. Chester.Chester.Chester. Bucks.Philadelphia.Philadelphia.Philadelphia.Philadelphia. Chester. Philadelphia.Philadelphia. Philadelphia.Philadelphia.Philadelphia. Chester.Chester. Northampton.Northampton.Philadelphia.Northampton.Philadelphia. Philadelphia.Philadelphia.Philadelphia. Chester. Philadelphia.Chester. Lancaster. Philadelphia. Bucks.Philadelphia.Philadelphia.Philadelphia.Philadelphia.Philadelphia.Philadelphia.Philadelphia.Philadelphia. Chester. York.Philadelphia. Philadelphia.Northampton. Lancaster.Lancaster. Bucks.Philadelphia. Bucks. Berks. Bucks. Northampton. Philadelphia. Philadelphia.Philadelphia. 137 Sacrament, when taken by Moravians. 138 NATURALIZATIONS PENNSYLVANIA. Affirmers' Names. Leonard Tutweiler. John Slyfer. George Loosh. John Keely. William Myer. Christian Gayman. John Uley Rinker. Henry Seawitz. Peter Kline. Maria Jacobi. Jacob Weisell. John Christn. Beck. Valentine Krcemer. Adam Stock. Jacob Bumm. Syrach Judy. Jacob Sebely. Henry Booser. William Groh. Philip Jacob Wolf. David And. Gebhart. Henry Effinger. John Huppny Leer. Arnold Shuman. Peter K unkle. Philip Burrier. Jacob Long. Peter Bahl. William Turf. William Silvius. Peter Shwenck. Jacob Shnoll. Nichs. Smith. Francis Fewer. Jacob Judy. Adam Snyder. John Silvius. Lorentz Miller. Hans Zimmerman. Philip Heck. Philip Baum. Conrad Mons. Peter Diehl. Michael Fouk. Joseph Basler. Conrad Silvius. Lorentz Kible. George Keyser. John Smith. Jacob Gottshalt. Lorentz Shaler. Nichs. Muffley. Township. Easton. Springfield. Bern.Plymouth. Springfield.Springfield. Saucon.Saucon. Havcock.Haycock.Bedminster. East Nantmell. Hilltown.Limerick.Northern Liberties. Oxford. Northern Liberties. Frankfort.Havcock.Haycock.New Briton. Ridley. Tinicum. Tinicum. Hartford. Longswamp. Long Swamp. Lowhill.Cushahoppen. Heidleberg.Salisbury. Germantown. Elizabeth. Cocolico. Lehi.Douglass. Weisenberg. Linnen. Earl. Bern. Rappho. Linn. Havcock. New Briton. Vincent.Lehi. Vincent.Douglass.Douglass. Cole Brookdale. District. Maxatawny. County. Northampton. Bucks.Berks.Philadelphia. Bucks.Bucks. Northampton.Northampton. Bucks.Bucks. Bucks. Chester. Bucks. Philadelphia.Philadelphia.Philadelphia. Philadelphia.Philadelphia. Bucks. Bucks. Bucks. Philadelphia. Bucks. Bucks.Berks.Berks.Berks. Northampton. Philadelphia. Northampton.Northampton. Philadelphia. Lancaster.Lancaster.Northampton. Philadelphia. Northampton. Northampton.Lancaster. Berks. Lancaster.Northampton. Bucks.Bucks. Chester.Northampton. Chester. Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Berks. Berks.Berks. Sacrament, when taken by Moravians. PENNSYLVANIA Affirmers' Names. Valentine Hevins. Francis Kehl. John Mertz. Jacob Ginther. John Snyder. Valentine Smith. Henry Kippell. George Emrich. Conrad Wolfkeel. Jacob Raugh. George Raugh. Alexander Neglee. Ludwick Shryer. Anna Maria Shryer. Abraham Harp. John Shauman. Ulrick Kooley. Michl. Everheiter. Philip Menn. Peter Menn. George Kohl. Michl. Wumpler. Peter Diehl. Killian Hawker. Sebastian Horn. Andreas Trebich. Nichs. Fisher. Jacob Klein. Henry Fritz. Geo. Shlotterer. Ulrick Brenner. Henry Dietsh. Barth White. Adam Foulke. Sebastian Shallus. Anthy. Klickner. Peter Heeder. Lebolt Yost. George Stingar. Philip Shock. John Beckley. Tobias Fies. Dietrick Metzner. Valentine Kahn. Valentine Ames. Christian Swartz. Nicholas Clemens. Gallus Guledy. Jacob Hoofhans. Jacob Rode. Philip Hehn. Philip Waggoner. Daniel Sloppick. Yost Sloppick. Township. County. Pikeland. Chester. Maccungy. Northampton. Pikes. Chester. Pikes. Chester. Pikes. Chester. Pikes. Chester. Pikes. Chester. Pikes. Chester. Earl. Lancaster. Rockhill. Bucks. Rockhill. Bucks. Rockhill. Bucks. Haycock. Bucks. Haycock. Bucks. Hertford. Berks. Hertford. Berks. Hertford. Berks. Haycock. Bucks. Springfield. Bucks. Springfield. Bucks. Springfield. Bucks. Lebanon. Lancaster. Springfield. Bucks. Springfield. Bucks. Springfield. Bucks. Springfield. Bucks. Rockhill. Bucks. Franconia. Philadelphia. New Cushahoppen. Philadelphia. Lower Salford. Philadelphia. Maxatawny. Berks. Antrim. Cumberland. Bedminster. Bucks. Blockley. Philadelphia. Reading. York. Lower Saucon. Northampton, Rockland. Berks. Brennock. Lancaster. Windsor. Berks. Plainfield. Northampton. Oley. Berks. Oley. Berks. Philadelphia, Philadelphia. Robeson. Berks. Robeson. Berks. New Briton. Bucks. Rockland. Bucks. Skippack. Philadelphia. Bern. Berks. Bern. Berks. Bern. Berks. Bern. Berks. Bern. Berks. Bern. Berks. 139 Sacrament, when taken by Moravians. 140 NATURALIZATIONS PENNSYLVANIA. Affirmers' Names. Township. County. Wm. Leimaster. Bern. Berks. Ludwick Rimel. Brecknock. Lancaster. Lorentz Shollberger. Greenwich. Berks. Henry Shollberger. Greenwich. Berks. Garret Shollberger. Greenwich. Berks. Henry Bark. Greenwich. Berks. Elizabeth Reisin. Oley. Berks. George Fohler. Carnarvon. Lancaster. George Reddich. Cocolico. Lancaster. Henry Plumshine. Cocolico. Lancaster. Leonard Reesh. Cocolico. Lancaster. Michl. Shick. Nockamixon. Bucks. John Pyle. Nockamixon. Bucks. Michl. Snowper. Robeson. Berks. Fred. Pershing. Hamiltons Bann. York. Jacob Shorp. Nockamixon. Bucks. George Mentzer. Earl. Lancaster. John Fehr. Carnarvon. Berks. Mathias Brightsworth. Carnarvon. Berks. Jacob Hoffman. Carnarvon. Berks. Fred. Heil. Lancaster. Lancaster. Henry Chrishnan. Greenwich. Berks. Rudy Bussart. Greenwich. Berks. Nichs. Linn. Greenwich. Berks. Martin Keefer. Bethel. Lancaster. Adam Ramsower. Radnor. Chester. William Otterbein. York. York. John Spitler. York. York. Jacob Miller. York. York. Henry Booser. York. York. John Bush. York. York. Michl. Firhell. York. York. Peter Pfaff. Manchester. York. Philip Hans. Manchester. York. Adam Fishel. York. York. Peter Feiser. York. York. Henry Frantz. Chesnut Hill. Northampton. Jean Hugon. Nockamixon. Bucks. Fred. Everhart. Nockamixon. Bucks. Jacob Waggoner. Bern. Berks. Peter Gashau, Junr. York. York. Anthy. Gossler. York. York. Henry Shaeffer. Leacock. Lancaster. Englehart Brown. Leacock. Lancaster. Jacob Creisher. Leacock. Lancaster. Michl. Long. York. York. Henry Bentzell. Dover. York. Philip Bentzell. Dover. York. John Bentzell. Dover. York. John Shuman. York. York. John Wonnemacker. Plumsted. Bucks. Melchior Fisher. York. York. Sacrament, when taken by Moravians. July 20th, 1765. PENNSYLVANIA Affirmers' Names. Christian Zimmerman. Henry Rust. Henry Hasher. Andreas Gilbert. Christr. Hatterick. Simon Pressler. Mathias Kemp. George Neiman. Peter Moser. Henry Meelhaan. Henry Shuert. Killian Small. George Hassebecker. George Stak. Christr. Weider. George Landzer. Nichs. Reisinger. Peter Reisinger. Wendal Reisinger. William Backer. Paul Delcork. Solomon Weshley. Christian Moser. Jerome Heinzelman. Philip Gimmell. Zacharias Nordein. John Boochamer. George Garber. Michl. Stacklick. John Marks. Dewald Sampson. Arnold Eberhart. Michl. Rapp. Christr. Rapp. Daniel Peterman. Christian Lehnhart. Christr. Zigenfoos. Caspar Rubi. Peter Peterman. Michl. Peterman. Baltzer Stahley. Henry Custabather. Peter Stout. Geo. Claywell. Leonard Obitz. Graff Goss. Conrad Hayflich. Tobias Reihm. Andreas Mannykinger. John Trickler. John Klaas. Godfry Krips. Geo. Diffebiss. Nichs, Miller, Township. Earl. Tulpehoccon. Heidleberg. Conestogo. Tulpehoccon. Tulpehoccon.Tulpehoccon. Douglass.Douglass. Douglass.Horsham.York.York.York.York. Windsor. Windsor.Windsor.Windsor. Springfield. Hatfield. Douglass. Douglass.Manheim. Pequea. Lancaster. Hatfield. York. Lebanon.York. Lower Milford. Lower Saucon. Oley. Olev. Windsor. York. Springfield. Windsor.Windsor.Windsor. Bethlehem. Plainfield.Plainfield.Plainfield. Plainfield.Hempfield. Lancaster. Lancaster. Lower Milford. Richland. Richmond. Lancaster. Frederick Lancaster, m County. Lancaster. Berks.Berks. Lancaster. Berks.Berks.Berks.Philadelphia.Philadelphia.Philadelphia.Philadelphia. York. York. York. York. Berks. York. York. York. Bucks.Philadelphia. Philadelphia.Berks. Lancaster.Lancaster.Lancaster. Philadelphia. York. Lancaster. York. Bucks. Northampton. Berks. Berks. York. York.Bucks. York.York.York.Northampton. Northampton.Northampton. Northampton. Northampton.Lancaster.Lancaster. Lancaster. Bucks.Bucks. Berks. Lancaster. Maryland. Lancaster, 141 Sacrament, when taken by Moravians. 142 NATURALIZATIONS PENNSYLVANIA. Affirmers' Names. Philip Hart. Jacob Dikert. Daniel Wentzell. John Eisenhawer. Arnold Becker. Michl. Klingman. David Harman. Martin Waltz. John Messencope. Baltzer Funcannon. Adam Glover. John Ibeling. John Smith. John Moser. Nichs. Lush. Ludwick Christian. Tobias Miller. Christian Isun. Stephen Hornberger. Philip Dietrick. Jacob Engle. Lawrence Bausman. Philip Snyder. Christian Hoofnagle. John Ties Klaas. Henry Wald. John Graybill. John Kingery.* Christian Kingery. Adam Lutz. Conrad Deemer. Jno. Ulrick Snively. Martin Ertman. Jacob Stahl. Henry Stofer. Henry Berringer. Leonard Carman. Willm. Touver. John Yaunce. Conrad Rykley. Nichs. Weaver. Philip Boohotar. John Koch. Peter Kaster. Godfrey Laudermilk. Henry Layer. Ulrick Hornecker. John Blattinger. Adam Stahler. Philip Thomas, Township. Lancaster. Lancaster. Oley. Bethel.Lancaster.Northern Liberties. Exeter.Exeter. Lancaster.Leacock.Warwick. Alsace.Hanover. Cocolico. Easton. Lower Saucon. Cocolico. Lancaster. Lancaster.Conestogo. Bristol. " Paradice.Hempfield.Ruscom Manor. Richmond.Upper Salford. Heidleberg. Warwick.Warwick.Whitpain.Whitpain.Lebanon. Chesnut Hill. Upper Milford. Bedminster.Bedminster. Earl. Northern Liberties. Upper Milford. Upper Saucon. Northern Liberties. Upper Saucon. Warwick. Tulpehoccon. Heidleberg.Amitv. Rockhill. Warwick. Albany.Lancaster. County. Lancaster. Lancaster. Berks. Lancaster. Lancaster. Philadelphia.Berks.Berks. Lancaster.Lancaster.Lancaster.Berks. Philadelphia. Lancaster. Northampton. Northampton.Lancaster. Lancaster. Lancaster.Lancaster. Philadelphia. York. Lancaster. Berks.Berks.Philadelphia. Lancaster.Lancaster. Lancaster. Philadelphia.Philadelphia.Lancaster. Philadelphia.Northampton. Bucks. Bucks. Lancaster. Philadelphia.Northampton. Northampton. Philadelphia. Northampton.Lancaster. Berks. Lancaster. Berks. Bucks.Lancaster.Berks. Lancaster. Sacrament, when taken by Moravians. Originally written Klingery but the I has been erased. PENNSYLVANIA Affirmers' Names. George Neisser. Henry Matthias. Adam Hooke. Jacob Meyer. Michael Gloss. Daniel Penner. Christian Penner. Adam Eaff. Henry Roadebush. Andrew Campble. John Baker. Matthias Wesner. Jacob Letherman. Christian Fretz. Christr. Gatselman. Jacob Gross. Jacob Hofner. Andreas Bertraff. John Leech. John Peter Young. Philip Rapp. Jacob Weiss. John Doulousant. Peter Boke. John Hartman. Andreas Pfy. John Haas. Adam Bole. George Stephen. Michl. Hosler. Chas. Maus. Jacob Ulrich. Jacob Burrell. Lawrence Zimmerly. John Zell. George Klingell. David Smith. j'Vndreas Albrecht. Carl Sigmond Weinicke. Thomas Fisher. Jno. Jacob Weisinger. Ernst Walter. Francis Clewaldt. John Groves. Peter Kurtz. Conrad Hoover. Jacob Laub. Jacob Ridebacher. Conrad Kile. Peter Saiger. Philip Hall. Gabriel Saiger. John Hankey. John Gann, Township. Philadelphia. Strasburg.Strasburg. Warwick. Bethlehem. Coventry.Coventry. Upper Merrion. Berwick. Germantown.New Hanover. Sadsbury. Bedminster. Tinicum. Haverford.Philadelphia.Philadelphia.Rapho.Kingcess. Northern Liberties. Upper Merion. Lower Saucon. Germantown.Norriton. New Hanover. Springfield. Bethlehem.Upper Darby. Germantown. Lower Merrion. Philadelphia. Whitpaine.Germantown.Germantown.Lower Merrion. Germantown. Plumsted. Bethlehem. Bethlehem.Bethlehem.Bethlehem.Bethlehem.Plainfield. Philadelphia.Philadelphia. Blockley. Blockley. Warwick. Lower Milford. Richland.Upper Saucon. Rockhill. Upper Milford. LTpper Saucon. County. Philadelphia. Lancaster. Lancaster. Lancaster. Northampton. Chester.Chester. Philadelphia.York. Philadelphia.Philadelphia.Northampton. Bucks. Bucks. Chester. Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Lancaster.Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Philadelphia.Philadelphia.Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Northampton. Chester. Philadelphia.Philadelphia. Philadelphia.Philadelphia.Philadelphia.Philadelphia.Philadelphia.Philadelphia. Bucks. Northampton. Northampton. Northampton.Northampton.Northampton.Northampton. Philadelphia Philadelphia.Philadelphia.Philadelphia.Lancaster. Bucks. Bucks. Northampton. Bucks. Northampton.Northampton. 143 Sacrament, when taken by Moravians. Sept. 2 ist, 1765. Sept. 2 ist, 1765. Sept. 2 ist, 1765. Sept. 2 ist, 1765. Sept. 2 ist, 1765, 144 NATURALIZATIONS PENNSYLVANIA. Affirmers' Names. Elias Jordan. Peter Kammer. Urbanus Long. Henry Haitz.* Peter Sampson. Philip Wilheimer. John Danl. Frailey. Fred. Stillwaggon. Simon Sweitzer. John Baker. Jacob Kibler. Rosina Pfinstag. Henry Beck. John Lender. George Bogart. John Grous. Andrew Keyser. Henry Valentine. Ernst Keesicker. Daniel Maurer. Christian Diehl. Conrad Meyer. Lawrence Smith. Peter Hinkle. Nichs. Yisely. Jacob Barger. Ludwick Sweitzer. Caspar Nill. Jacob Hauser. Dewald Grim. Ulrick Waggoner. Jacob Staam. Jno. Laubach. Conrad Shierer. William Bercart. Adam Shirly. Christian Shirly. Michl. Albright. Jacob Spainhower. Michl. Pitzer. Mathias Pitzer. Christr. Johnson. Jacob Lehrey. Baltzer Stann. Christr. Shubart. George Wambolt. Martin Walter. Henry Noblo. John Foulke. Peter Piper. Henry Desh. Township. Warwick. Philadelphia. Bethel.Rockhill. Lower Milford. Radnor. Amity. Merion. Germantown. Philadelphia. Germantown. Passyunk. Germantown. Earl. Earl. Earl.Earl.Earl. Earl. Germantown.Germantown. Earl. Roxborough. Germantown. Maccungy.Upper Milford. Germantown. Horsham. Linn.Weisenburg.Albany.Albany. Pikes.Pikes.Philadelphia. Lebanon.Lebanon.Linn.Warwick.Leacock. Leacock.Upper Saucon. Philadelphia.Hatfield. White Marsh. White Marsh. Upper Merrion. Maccungy. Maccungy.White Marsh. Upper Milford. County. Lancaster. Philadelphia. Lancaster. Bucks.Bucks. Chester. Berks. Philadelphia.Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Philadelphia.Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Lancaster. Lancaster. Lancaster.Lancaster. Lancaster.Lancaster.Philadelphia.Philadelphia.Lancaster.Philadelphia.Philadelphia. Northampton. Northampton. Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Northampton.Northampton. Berks. Berks. Chester. Chester. Philadelphia. Lancaster. Lancaster. Northampton.Lancaster. Lancaster. Lancaster. Northampton. Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Philadelphia.Philadelphia.Northampton. Northampton. Philadelphia. Northampton. Sacrament, when taken by Moravians. Aug. 24th, 1765. The a. has been struck through. PENNSYLVANIA Affirmers' Names. Philip Sharer. Erasmus Alshouse. John Penner. Danl. Tser. Michl. Malvier. John Hayfer. Peter Brightbill. Caspar Shright. Dewald Maider. Peter Crumbacker. Jacob Fautz. Christian Miller. Henry Wunnerly. Michl. Keeselman. Jacob Knoll. Peter Knipper. Jacob Lehre. David Hansell. Jacob Maurer. Caspar Serber. David Gilbert. John Ritzle. Adam William. Fred. Roushenberger. Philip Etter. George Greager. Philip Tush. John Everly. John Brown. Leonard Gerrard. Peter Gerrard. Jeremiah Runkell. Samuel Runkle. John Youngblut. George Rush. Frederick Recope. Jno. Nichs. Gerrard. Michl. Lentz. Matthew Lentz. Benedict Garber. Francis Huber. Michl. Shmell. Fred. Fleckenstein. Fred. Shienlin. Jacob Smith. Melchr. Colp. Henry Weber. Michl. Weirman. George Reinheimer. George Holtzschuch. Mathias Abel. Andreas Schaffer. Peter Herble. Jacob Hill. k Township. Maccungy. Richland. Windsor.Philadelphia. Lebanon. Cocolico. Lebanon. Cocolico.Cocolico.Coventry. Warwick. New Britain. Bristol. Hertford.Lower Merrion. Albany.Albany.Upper Darby. Northern Liberties. Germantown.Germantown. Hempfield.Northern Liberties. Upper Milford. Germantown. Worcester. Springfield. Passyunk.Lebanon.Norrington.Norrington.Norrington. Norrington. Charles.Whitpain.Providence. Whitpain. Whitpain.Whitemarsh.Providence. Springfield. Haycock. Germantown.Upper Hanover. Upper Hanover. Upper Hanover. Heidleberg.Hatfield. Upper Hanover. Oley. Philadelphia.Philadelphia.Providence.Kensington, County. Northampton. Berks. Chester. Philadelphia. Lancaster.Lancaster.Lancaster.Lancaster.Lancaster. Chester.Lancaster. Bucks.Philadelphia. Chester. Philadelphia. Berks.Berks. Chester. Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Lancaster. Philadelphia. Northampton. Philadelphia.Philadelphia. Bucks. Philadelphia.Lancaster. Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Philadelphia.Chester.Philadelphia.Philadelphia.Philadelphia.Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Bucks. Bucks.Philadelphia. Philadelphia.Philadelphia.Philadelphia. Berks.Philadelphia.Philadelphia.Berks. Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Philadelphia. 145 Sacrament, when taken by Moravians. 146 NATURALIZATIONS PENNSYLVANIA. Affirmers' Names. John Cramp. John Snyder. Martin Shnieb. John Smith. Conrad Leonard. Jacob Ries. Philip Hirsh. Rudolph White. Fred. Shwartz. Peter Muth. , Caspar Shisler. Jacob Conrad. Nichs. Shultz. Peter Conrad. Henry Heyman. Peter Ott. Henry Sweitzer. Peter Peppel. Christr. Byerly. George George, Jr. George George, Senr. George Heltenbach. Jacob Wagner. Christian Van Erden. Philip Peter Walter. Christian Smith. George Geyler. George Shutz. Adam Farber. Nicholas Leister. Peter Frick. Conrad Shauecker. Jacob Waggoner. Michl. Etzel. Jno. Nichs. Wagner. Peter Haan. George Shryer. Jacob Nicholas. Philip Staiber. Charles Jones. Christian Conver. John Fliman. Jacob Kehr. Jaspar Horn. Peter Yost. Baltis Kleimer. Philip Merevien ( ?).* John Pfeil. George Frey. Andrew Closs. * The name has been corrected, Township. Kensington. Kensington. Kensington.Upper Hanover. Lancaster.Germantown.Whitemarsh. Germant[own]. Frankford.Oxford.Oxford.Lower Merrion. Lower Merrion. Lower Merrion. Springfield. Blockley.Skippack. Manheim.Philadelphia.Abington.Abington. Unner Dublin. Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Northern Liberties. Northern Liberties. Northern Liberties. LTpper Salford. Franconia.Hatfield.Northern Liberties. Gwenidth. Gwenidth. Northern Liberties. Northern Liberties. Northern Liberties. Northern Liberties. Northern Liberties. Roxborough. North Wales. Pikeland.Pikeland. Rockhill. Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Roxborough. Roxborough.Roxborough. Northern Liberties. County. Philadelphia. Philadelphia.Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Lancaster. Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Philadelphia.Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Philadelphia.Philadelphia.Lancaster.Philadelphia. Philadelphia.Philadelphia.Philadelphia.Philadelphia.Philadelphia.Philadelphia.Philadelphia. Philadelphia.Philadelphia. Philadelphia.Philadelphia.Philadelphia.Philadelphia. Philadelphia.Philadelphia. Philadelphia.Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Philadelphia.Philadelphia.Philadelphia.Philadelphia. Chester. Chester. Bucks.Philadelphia.Philadelphia. Philadelphia.Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Sacrament, when taken by Moravians. The first ehas a line over it, the v is a correction and the last e has been inserted above the line. PENNSYLVANIA Affirmers' Names. Henry Lewis. Peter Waggoner. Michl. Gebhard. Theobald Sheib. Henry Rush. Jno. Fred. Leydich. Henry Engle. Jacob Dengler. Anthy. Spies. Conrad Richer. George Ludwick. John Myer. George Huber. Michl. Smith. Jno. Nicholas Fooks. Martin Kratz. John Guckus. George Shwenker. Thomas Baltzer. George Bauerman. Yost Ebert. Peter Brown. Fred. Brown. Arnold Kramer. Nichs. Rehrig. Abraham Peter. Conrad Hoff. John Messemir. Jno. Fred. Mulenfeld. Peter Knipper. Valentine Petri. Mathias Brukert. Andrew Stahl. Christian Yentzer. Paul Benner. Conrad Yost. Christopher Lentz. John Star. Bernard Feder. John Hofeman. Charles Coty. George Meyer. Jacob Hoffman. Jacob Frick. Rudolph Kittinger. Andrew Smith. Philip Culp. Jacob Neracher. Frederick Bantlion. Christr. Rohrbach. John Rohner. Henry Kuntz. John Stout. Henry Knerr, Township. Roxborough. Philadelphia.Northern Liberties. Philadelphia.Philadelphia. Philadelphia.Douglass.Douglass. Douglass. York.Philadelphia. White Marsh. Bethlehem. Germant[own]. Bethlehem.Philadelphia. Manchester. Upper Saucon. Greenwich. Weisenberg. Pikeland.Maxatawny. Long Swamp. Northern Liberties. Salford. Philadelphia. Philadelphia.Passyunk. Passyunk. Albany. Weisenburg.Weisenburg.Germantown.Northern Liberties. Vincent. Germantown. Springfield.Germantown. Cocolico.Germantown. Germantown. Bristol. Germantown.Hanover.Cheltenham.Germantown.Lower Milford. Springfield. Philadelphia. Vincent.Philadelphia.Springfield. North Liberties. Vincent. County. Philadelphia.Philadelphia.Philadelphia.Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Philadelphia.Philadelphia.Philadelphia. York.Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Northampton. Philadelphia. Northampton. Philadelphia.York. Northampton. Berks. Northampton. Chester. Berks. Berks. Philadelphia.Philadelphia.Philadelphia.Philadelphia.Philadelphia. Philadelphia.Berks.Northampton.Northampton.Philadelphia.Philadelphia.Chester.Philadelphia. Bucks.Philadelphia. Lancaster. Philadelphia.Philadelphia.Philadelphia.Philadelphia. Philadelphia.Philadelphia.Philadelphia.Philadelphia.Philadelphia.Philadelphia.Chester. , Philadelphia.Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Chester. 147 Sacrament, when taken by Moravians. Sept. 26th, 1765. Sept. 26th, 1765. 148 NATURALIZATIONS PENNSYLVANIA. Affirmers' Names. Lawrence Pearson. Peter Young. Peter Edenborn. Henry Miller. Conrad Miller. George Brownish. Peter Brintle. Mark Tomi.* Jacob Buck. Chas. Gartz. Simon Vogelgesang. John Engle. Christr. Kuhn. John Komer. Peter Stroub. Caskar Wirshurn. Ulrick Ruhner. Peter Alt. Philip Wentzell. John Rush. Jacob Plankenhorn. Peter Steges. Caspar Snyder. Pierre Roushon. Peter Faust. Peter Laub. Wendal Horst. Sebastian Eigelberger. Jno. Michl. Newhauser. Jacob Straus. Charles Cramp. Peter Shug. Christr. Hertzell. Jno. Mich Frey. Leonard Rost. John Walter. Thomas Snyder. Peter Wagner. Henry Smith. Philip Steffan. George Penter. Peter Putha. Henry Shlyer. Philip Weiand. Conrad Rauch. John Young. Henry Mechlin. John Graff. Melchior Knorr, Township. Nockamixon. Nockamixon. Germantown. Vincent.Manchester.Waterford. Cheltenham.Philadelphia. Philadelphia.Philadelphia. Germantown.Germantown. Bristol. Springfield. Germantown. Northern Liberties. Northern Liberties. Springfield.Northern Liberties. Leacock.Whitpaine. Vincent.Vincent. Roxborough.Roxborough. Springfield. Springfield. Springfield.Springfield.Springfield.Springfield. Worcester.Worcester. Worcester.Worcester. Pikeland. Pikeland. Pikeland.Pikeland.Pikeland. Providence. Cheltenham. Pikeland. Pikeland. Vincent. Cheltenham.Cheltenham.Philadelphia. White Marsh. County. Sacrament, when taken by Moravians. Bucks.Bucks.Philadelphia. Chester. York.Gloucester in West New Jersey. Philadelphia.Philadelphia. Philadelphia.Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Philadelphia.Philadelphia.Philadelphia.Philadelphia.Philadelphia. Philadelphia.Bucks.Philadelphia. Lancaster. Philadelphia. Chester.Chester. Philadelphia.Philadelphia.Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Philadelphia.Philadelphia.Philadelphia.Philadelphia.Philadelphia. Philadelphia.Philadelphia.Chester.Chester.Chester.Chester.Chester. Philadelphia. Philadelphia.Chester.Chester. Chester. Philadelphia.Philadelphia.Philadelphia.Philadelphia. * There is a line over the m. PENNSYLVANIA 149 Affirmers' Names. Sebastian Seifert. John Kerbach. Abraham Forre. Michl. Snyder. Jacob Kloti. George Shuss. Jacob Katz. Jacob Kimmell. George Merker. Henry Shait. George Weisbach. Ernst Miller. John Unger. George Ingle. Caspar Upperman. William Ingersbach. Jacob Ering. Conrad Seipell. Richd. Reill. John Sailer. John Westbarger. Henry Stuber. Albright Stimmell. Mathias Stimmell. Christr. Plickensterfer. Caspar Shearer. Philip Hay. Michl. Caner. Adam Guier. John Peters. Stophel Grass. Caspar Fetter. William Bishop. Peter Meyer. Henry Ruman. Peter Frank. Abraham Eley. Township. Northern Liberties. White Marsh. Mountjoy.Mountjoy. Mountjoy. Warwick. Philadelphia.Philadelphia.Philadelphia. Frankfort. Northern Liberties. Radnor. Warwick.Warwick. Elizabeth. Northern Liberties. Northern Liberties. Hilltown.Kensington.Passyunk.Passyunk. Philadelphia. Philadelphia.Philadelphia.Warwick.Lower Dublin. Bristol. Philadelphia. Kingcess.Kingcess. Northern Liberties. Manor Moreland. Mountjoy. Springfield. Upper Dublin. Upoer Saucon. Richmond. County. Philadelphia.Philadelphia. Lancaster.Lancaster.Lancaster. Lancaster. Philadelphia.Philadelphia.Philadelphia.Philadelphia.Philadelphia. Chester. Lancaster.Lancaster.Lancaster. Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Bucks. Philadelphia.Philadelphia. Philadelphia.Philadelphia. Philadelphia.Philadelphia. Lancaster,Philadelphia.Philadelphia. Philadelphia.Philadelphia.Philadelphia.Philadelphia. Philadelphia.Lancaster. Bucks. Philadelphia. Northampton. Berks. Sacrament, when taken by Moravians. The Persons before named having entituled themselves to the Benefit of the Act of Parliament aforesaid, A perfect List is to be transmitted to the Lords Commissioners for Trade and Plantations ; To which end in pursuance of said Act I have caused their names to be made known. Will. Allen, Chief Justice. To Joseph Shippen, Junr., Esquire, \ Secretary of the Province of Pennsylvania/ I do hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and perfect List taken from the Original Certificate under the Hand of William Allen, Esquire, Chief Justice of the Province of Pennsylvania, remaining in my office. [Signed :] Joseph Shippen, Jr., Secretary. Philadelphia, ioth November, 1766. 150 NATURALIZATIONS PENNSYLVANIA. Y. 16. Jurors' Names. Peter Huett. Peter Heims. Nichs. Lantz. Leonard Werntz. Affirmers' Names. Peter Happa. Peter Young. Yost Sheffer. Peter Clover. John Smith. Supreme Court held at Philadelphia, 10 April, 1766. County. Berks. Philadelphia. Northampton. Philadelphia. Township. Exeter. Philadelphia.Williams.Northern Liberties. Quakers, cVc. Couuly. Hunterdon.Hunterdon. Hunterdon. Hunterdon.Hunterdon. Sacrament when taken. April 10th, 1766. Mar. 30th, 1766. Mar. 29th, 1766. Mar. 30th, 1766. Province. New Jersey. New Jersey. New Jersey. New Jersey. New Jersey. Certified by Joseph Shippen, Jr., Secretary. Philadelphia, 10 Nov., 1766. Y. 26. Jurors' Names. Supreme Court held at Philadelphia, 24 September, 1766. Tobias Dittis. Caspar Shiebele. Philip Kramer.* Fred. Ulrick. Leonard Keplinger. Jacob Keisling. George Keisling. Yost Erdman. Geo. DANNAHOWER.f John Miller. Christr. Hanly. John Carr. Dietrick Marcky. Michl. Gratz. Philip Super. Affirmers' Name Martin Reyly. Samuel Harnish. Nichs. Harvick. Jacob Geezy. Jacob Albrecht. Danl. Taylor. Ludwick Hibner. Township. County, Salisbury. Lancaster. Lancaster. Lancaster. Reading. Berks. Raclin. Berks. Cumry. Berks. Bern. Berks. Bern. Berks. Lower Milford. Bucks. Robinson. Berks. Earl. Lancaster. Earl. Lancaster. Whiteland. Chester. Heidleberg. Lancaster. Philadelphia. Philadelphia Haverford, Chester. Quakers, &c. Sacrament when taken. Sept. 7 th, 1766. July 2 ist, 1766. Sept. 2 ist, 1766. Sept. 1 8th, 1766. Sept. 22nd, 1766. Sept. 22nd, 1766. Sept. 22nd, 1766. Sept. 14th, 1766. Sept. 2 ist, 1766. Sept. 23rd. 1766. Sept, 23rd. 1766. Sept. 24th, 1766. Sept. 2 ist, 1766. [a Jew]. Oct. 5th, 1766. Bethlehem h Krcemer in Y. 34. in Northampton County. Certified by Joseph Shippen, Jr., Secretary. t Dannahover in Y. 34. PENNSYLVANIA 151 Jurors' Names. David Epler. Christr.* Lerck. Peter Sohl. Abraham Bollman. Elias Lewis Treichel. Adam Bach. Jacob Morehard. Peter Kable.j George Potts. George Tressly. Paul Geiger. Stephen Franciscus Walck. Affirmers' Names. Augustus Shubart. Caspar Shell. Phil. Hammersmith. Michl. Bower. Adam Shyer. Henry Wacks. Peter Wacks. Peter Wingleblegh. Michl. Sights. John Peter Runyoe. Stephen Ulrick. Jacob Stutsman. Michael Miller. Conrad Fox. Jacob Snyder. Simon Stucky. Philip Jacob Miller. e Court held at Philadelphia, 10 April Township. County" Earl. Lancaster. Heidleberg. Berks. Heidleberg. Berks. Heidleberg. Lancaster. Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Lebanon. Lancaster. Earl. Lancaster. Marlborough. Philadelphia. Bethel. Lancaster. Lower Dublin. Philadelphia. Robinson. Berks. Robinson. Berks. * Cristopr. in Y. 35. t Kabel in Y. 35. Quakers, < eVc. Township. County. Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Donegal. Lancaster. Douglass. Philadelphia. Amity. Berks. Exeter. Berks. Alsace. Berks. Bern. Berks. Bethel. Lancaster. Bedminster. Chester. Bedminster. Bucks. Frederick County in Maryland. Cumberland County. Frederick County in Maryland. Frederick County in Maryland. Frederick County in Maryland. Frederick County in Maryland. Frederick County in Maryland. 1767. Sacrament when taken. Apr. 5th, 1767. Apr. 5th, 1767. Apr. 6th, 1767. Apr. 5th, 1767. Apr. 9th, 1767. Apr. 5th, 1767. Apr. 10th, 1767. Apr. 7th, 1767. Apr. 5th, 1767. Apr. 8th, 1767. Mar. 29th, 1767. Mar. 29th, 1767. Certified by Joseph Shippen, Jr., Secretary. [Note : Y. 34 and Y. 35 are duplicates of the preceding two lists (Y. in the two have been noted.] 26). The variations Y. 36. Supreme Court held at Philadelphia, 24 and 25 Sept., and 5 Oct., 1767. Foreigners' Names. William Kurtz. David Fookes. Jacob Michel. Jno. George Woolf. John Adam Miller. Jno. Nichs. Miller.' Fred. Limbach. Jno. Greeseman. Township. Earl.Reading. York.Tulpehockon. Plainfield.Plainfield. Upper Milford. Whitehall. County. Lancaster. Berks. York. Berks.Northampton. Northampton.Northampton. Northampton. Sacrament when taken. Sept. 23rd, 1767. Aug. 30th, 1767. Aug. 2nd, 1767. Sept. 1 6th, 1767. July 5th, 1767. July 5th. 1767. Sept. 2 ist, 1767. Sept. 13th, 1767. 152 NATURALIZATIONS Foreigners' Names. John Paul. Heny. Shenckell. Jacob Schuster. Henry Shaver. Conrad Moore. John Growar. Leond. Heidley. Gideon Moore. Peter Fookes. Andw. Zeigerfoos. John Miller. John Woolman. Conrad Wannemacher. Leonard Weber. Andrew Loyman. Martin Miller. Foreigners' Names. Henry Miller. Dewald Hushaa. Adam Hynicky. Wendal Seibert. Christr. Steel. Peter Gerrard. Michl. Hirsh. Peter Smith. Stophel Knebbell. Stophel Reyer. Jacob Werryfields. Jacob Bowman. Christian Whitmore. John Yeager. Henry Inkle. Saml. Wolegamode. Paul Westerberger. Christr. Zimmerman. William Claus. John Cornman (Moravian). PENNSYLVANIA. Township. County. Vincent. Chester. Coventry. Chester. Nantmile. Chester. Charlestown. Chester. Robeson. Berks. Lower Merrion. Philadelphia. Lower Merrion. Philadelphia. Upper Hanover. Philadelphia. Maccungy. Northampton Springfield. Bucks. Northampton. Northampton Horsham. Philadelphia. New Hanover. Philadelphia. Gwinedth. Philadelphia. New Castle County. Merrion. Philadelphia. Quakers, cVc. Town ship. County. City of Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Brecknock. Lancaster. York. York. Bethel. Berks. Manheim. York. Upper Milford. Northampton Lebanon. Lancaster. Bethel. Lancaster. Bethel. Berks. Bethel. Berks. Frederick County in Maryland. Frederick County in Maryland. Frederick County in Maryland. Frederick County in Maryland. Frederick County in Maryland. Frederick County in Maryland. Frederick County in Maryland. City of Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Upper Dublin. Philadelphia. City of Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Sacrament when taken. Sept. 20th, 1767. Sept. 20th, 1767. Sept. 20th, 1767. Sept. 6th, 1767. Sept. 24th, 1767. Sept. 22nd, 1767. Sept. 22nd, 1767. Sept. 10th, 1767. Sept. 19th, 1767. Sept. 23rd, 1767. Sept. 13th, 1767. Sept. 24th, 1767. July [sic]. July 12th, 1767. Sept. 24th, 1767. Sept. 30th, 1767. took Sacrament Aug. 8th, 1767. List certified by Joseph Shippen, Jr., Secretary. Y. 37- Supreme Court held at Philadelphia, 11 April, 1768. Foreigners' Names. Township, County. Sacrament when tal Conrad Brotzman. Erhard Kliss. Providence.Earl. Philadelphia. Lancaster. Apr. 1 st, 1768. Apr. nth, 1768 List certified by Joseph Shippen, Jr., Secretary. PENNSYLVANIA Y. 38. 153 Nisi Prius Court held at Reading for the County of Berlj County. 13 May, 1768. Foreigners' Names- Township. Sacrament when taken, Lawrence Cooper. Amity. Berks. Apr. 24th, 1768. John Reber. Heidleberg. Berks. Apr. 10th, 1768. John Wohlheber. Tolpohocken. Berks. May 8th, 1768. John Jacob. Bern. Berks. in Easter. 1768. George Michael Kettner. Tolpohocken. Berks. May nth, 1768. Nisi Prius Court held at York for the County of York, 20 May, 1768. Foreigners' Names. Christopher Sliegle senior. Lewis Rudisilly. Christian Lough. Peter Lough. Frederick Meyer. George Mitchell. Abraham Bleimyer. Township. County, Sacrament, when taken Berwick. York. May 20th, 1768. Codorus. York. May 20th, 1768. Manchester. York. Apr. 17th, 1768. Manchester. York. Apr. 17th, 1768. Dover. York. Mar. 27th, 1768. Dover. York. Mar. 27th, 1768. York. York. May 20th, 1768. Nisi Prius Court at Reading in Berks. County, 13 May, 1768. Affirmers' Name. Township. County. Jacob Kurtz (' a foreign Pro- Cumru. Berks. testant who conscientiously scruples to take an oath '). List certified by Joseph Shippen, Jr., Secretary. PENNSYLVANIA. CO. 5. 1278. Z. 28. A true and perfect List of the Names of all and every Person and Persons who have from the ist day of June 1768 to the ist day of June 1769 intituled themselves to the Benefit of being admitted to be His Majesty's natural born Subjects of the Kingdom of Great Britain before one or more of the Judges of the Supream Court of the Province of Pennsylvania according to the Directions of an Act of Parliament made in the thirteenth Year of the Reign of his late Majesty George the second intituled " An Act for naturalizing such foreign Protestants and others therein mentioned as are settled or shall settle in any of His Majesty's Colonies in America," and according to an Act of General Assembly of the said Province of Pennsylvania made in the sixteenth year of the Reign of his said late Majesty entituled "An Act for naturalizing such foreign Protestants as are settled or shall settle within this Province who, not being of the People called Quakers, do conscientiously scruple and refuse the taking of an Oath " ; Viz*. Foreigners' Names. Places of Residence. Sacrament, When In what County Jurors. Affirmers, when taken. Naturalized. Naturalized. Charles Ebersohl. — Berks County. Sept. 23rd, 1768. Sept. 24th, 1768. Philadelphia. fej Jacob Neff. — Berks County. Sept. 23rd, 1768. Sept. 24th, 1768. Philadelphia. ^—1 > William Croft. — New Jersey. Sept. 23rd, 1768. Sept. 24th, 1768. Philadelphia. H Nicholas Smidt. — Berks County. Sept. 24th, 1768. Sept. 24th, 1768. Philadelphia. a Michael Swartz. — Philadelphia Cnty. Sept. 29th, 1768. Sept. 29th, 1768. Philadelphia. w John Edwin. Northampton. Aug. 13th, 1768. Sept. 29th, 1768. Philadelphia. > Ferdinand Jacob t-1 Detmerj >. Northampton. Sept. 10th, 1768. Sept. 29th, 1768. Philadelphia. 1— 1 > John Francis Oberlin. Northampton. Sept. 10th, 1768. Sept. 29th, 1768. Philadelphia. John Arbo. Northampton. Sept. 10th, 1768. Sept. 29th, 1768. Philadelphia. Jacob Stork. Chester. — Sept. 29th, 1768. Philadelphia. 1— 1 George Pooderbach. Maryland. — Sept. 29th, 1768. Philadelphia. Osi Catherine Toms. Maryland. — Sept. 29th, 1768. Philadelphia. Nicholas Bittinger. — York County. Sept - 1 8th, 1768. Nov. 1 8th, 1768. York. George Swoab. — .. York County. Sept. 4th, 1768. Nov. 1 8th, 1768. York. Philip Christ. — York County. Sept. 4th, 1768. Nov. 1 8th, 1768. York. Daniel Amma. — York County. Oct. 9th, 1768. Nov. 1 8th, 1768. York. Adam Kreemer. — York County. Oct. 23rd, 1768. Nov. 1 8th, 1768. York. Peter Wolf. — York County. Oct. 9th, 1768. Nov. 18th, 1768. York. Jacob Lambert. — — Nov. 1 8th, 1768. York. Christian Ratfoun. — — Nov. 1 8th, 1768. York. Adam Dick. — — Nov. 1 8th, 1768. York. Nicholas Yoner. — — Nov. 1 8th, 1768. York. Henry Ruetlinger. — Bucks County. Mar. 26th, 1769. Apr. 10th, 1769. Philadelphia. John Philip Hazelbecher Berks County. Apr. 7th, 1769. Apr. 10th, 1769. Philadelphia. Ann Mary Dorin. — Philadelphia. Mar. 6th, 1769. Apr. 10th, 1769. Philadelphia. George Dosch. — Lancaster Cnty. Apr. 1 6th, 1769. May 16th, 1769. Lancaster. Foreigne rs' Names. Places of Residence. Sacrament, When In what County Jurors. Affirmers when taken Naturalized, Naturalized. Jacob Wolf. — Lancaster Cnty. Mar. 23rd, 1769. May 1 6th, 1769. Lancaster. Peter Deihl. — Lancaster Cnty. Mar. 23rd, 1769. May 16th, 1769. Lancaster. Lodwick Lindenmuth Lancaster Cnty. Mar. 23rd, 1769. May 1 6th, 1769. Lancaster. Philip Brenner. — Lancaster Cnty. Mar. 231 d, 1769. May 1 6th, 1769. Lancaster. Philip Grosh. Lancaster Cnty. Apr. 22nd, 1769. May 1 6th, 1769. Lancaster. Martin Meixell. Lancaster Cnty. j — May 1 6th, 1769. Lancaster. Michael Schneider. — Berks County. Apr. 23rd, 1769. May 30th, 1769. Berks. George Geret. — Berks County. Mar. 26th, 1769. May 30th, 1769. Berks. Michael Hallem. Cumberland. — May 22nd, 1769. Cumberland. Henry Bittinger. — Virginia. May 15th, 1769. May 20th, 1769. York. Michael Spaar. — York. Apr. 2nd, 1769. May 20th, 1769^ York. Henry Shadron. York. — May 20th, 1769. York. Christian Kare. York. — May 20th, 1769. York. List certified by Joseph Shippen, Jr., Secretary. Philadelphia, 13 Oct., 1772. -3SJ List [similar heading to foregoing] from 1 June 1769 to 1 June 1770. Michael Masser. — Bucks County. Sept. 17th, 1769. Sept. 25th, 1769. Philadelphia. si in Ludwick Nichola. Berks County. — Nov. 1 8th, 1769. Berks. 2; Peter Kochler. — Lancaster Cnty. Nov. ist, 1769. Nov. 22nd, 1769. Lancaster. HH John Stouffer. Lancaster Cnty. — Nov. 2 ist, 1769. Lancaster. > John Rohrer. Lancaster Cnty. — Nov. 2 ist, 1769. Lancaster. Tobias Heyer, Senior. York County. Oct. 19th, 1769. Nov. 24th 1 769. York. Matthias Hartman. — York County. Sept. 3rd, 1769. Nov. 24th 1769. York. John Hagner. York County. — Nov. 24th 1769. York. Andrew Dihm. — Berks County. Apr. 10th, 1770. Apr. 10th, 1770. Philadelphia. Zacharias Haller. — Northampton Cnty. — Apr. 10th, 1770. Philadelphia. Henry Leimbacker. — Bucks County. — Apr. 10th, 1770. Philadelphia. John Ludwig. — Lancaster Cnty. Apr. 29th, 1770. May 17th, 1770. Lancaster. Lawrence Shook. — Maryland. — May 25th, 1770. Lancaster. Conrod Stuck. — York County. Apr. 29th, 1770. May 2 ist, 1770. York. Adam Syfert. — York County. May 13th, 1770. May 2 ist, 1770. York. Conrod Witham. — York County. Apr. 1 2th, 1770. May 2 ist, 1770. York. Matthias Detter. York County. — May 2 ist, 1770. York. Johannes Ermel. York County. — Mav 2 ist, 1770. York. h- 1 List certified by Joseph Shippen, Jr., Secretary. Philadelphia, 13 Oct., 1772. £j PENNSYLVANIA. List [similar heading to foregoing] from i June 1770 to 1 June 1771. OrOS Jurors. Foreigners' Names. Affirmers. William Claver. Philippina Waggoner. Peter Lober. John Fritz. Lewis Stannert. Charles Leopold. Andreas Maurer. Lewis Farmer. John Hopff. Nicholas Long. Jacob Brucker. Maurice Duppel. Frederick Housman. Michael Hemicker. Jacob Probst. Jacob Heisler. George Barge. Jacob Miller. Levy Marks. John Conrad Gragg. Catharine Ikken. Andreas Yost. Peter Shoemaker. George Yerkardt. Peter Naffreger. John George Storm. Welder Dantfeltzer Peter Wenger. John Mingle. Peter King. Jacob Diemer. Jacob Friech. George Grauss. Andreas Kachel. Jacob Hollinger. Michael Krehl. Names of Residence. Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Berks County. Philadelphia Cnty. Philadelphia Cnty. Philadelphia Cnty. Philadelphia Cnty. Citv of Philadelphia. Northampton Cnty. Berks County. Berks County. Lancaster Cnty. Lancaster Cnty. Lancaster Cnty. Lancaster Cnty. York County. York County. York County. Maryland.Maryland. Maryland. Philadelphia. Philadelphia.New Jersey. Citv of Philadephia. New Castle. .Chester County. Chester County. New Jersey. Philadephia Cnty. Lancaster Cnty. Bucks County. Chester County. Berks County. Lancaster Cnty. Lancaster Cnty. Sacrament. when taken. Marxist, 1771 . Marxist, 177 1 . Apr. 7th, 1 77 1. Apr. 10th, 1 77 1. Apr. 7th. 1 77 1. Apr. 10th, 1 77 1. Marxist, 1771. Marxist, 1771. May 7th, 177 1. May 19th, 1 77 1. Marxist, 1771. May 2 ist, 1 77 1. May 19th, 1771. May 19th, 1771. Apr.31 [sic] 1771 Sept. 2nd, 1770. Sept. 24th, 1770. Sept. 24th, 1770. a Jew. Sept. ist, 1770. Sept. 30th, 1770. Nov. 18th, 1770. Oct. 14th, 1770. When Naturalized. Apr. nth, 177 Apr. nth, 177 Apr. nth, 177 Apr. nth, 177 Apr. nth, 177 Apr. nth, 177 Apr. nth, 177 Apr. nth, 177 Apr. nth, 177 Ma\ 17th, 177 May 20th, 177 May 24th, 177 May 24th, 177 May 24th, 177 May 24th, 177 May 30th, 177 May 30th, 177 .May 30th, 177 May 30th, 177 May 30th, 177 May 30th, 177 Sept. 24th. 1770. Sept. 24th. 1770. Sept. 24th. 1770. Sept. 24th. 1770'. Sept. 24th. 1770. Sept. 24th, 1770. Sept. 24th, 1770. Sept. 24th, 1770. Sept. 24th, 1770. Sept. 24th, 1770. Sept. 24th, 1770. Sept. 24th, 1770. Nov. 19th, 1770. Nov. 2 ist, 1770. Nov. 21st, 1770. In what County Naturalized. Philadelphia. Philadelphia.Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Philadelphia.Philadelphia.Philadelphia.Philadelphia.Berks. Berks. Lancaster. Lancaster.Lancaster.Lancaster. York.York.York. York.York. York. Philadelphia.Philadelphia. Philadelphia.Philadelphia. Philadelphia.Philadelphia.Philadelphia.Philadelphia.Philadelphia.Philadelphia.Philadelphia.Philadelphia.Berks. Lancaster. Lancaster. si > H > HHN >HO m Jurors. Arnold Shervitz. Henry Schmidt. Foreigners' Names. Affirmers. Places of Residence. Sacrament, when taken. When Naturalized. In what County Naturalized. Simon Schneider. Oct. 14th, 1770. Nov. 18th, 1770. Lancaster Cnty. Lancaster Cnty. Lancaster Cnty. List certified by Joseph Shippen, Jr., Secretary. Philadelphia, 13 Oct., Nov. 2 ist, 1770. Nov. 2 ist, 1770. Nov. 2 ist, 1770. Lancaster. Lancaster. Lancaster. Nicholas Carl. Adam Behm. Jacob Decker. Christian Ilgner. William Smith. John Weber. George Renner. John Peter Emrick. Godfrey Rheinhard. Gerard Hulsekamp. Henry Schraffler. Nicholas Keller. Adam Calback. Philip Fishbourn. Michael Huber. Christopher Miller. List [similar heading to foregoing] from 1 June 1771 to 1 June 1772. Christopher Rick. Frederick Frees. Peter Buyfogel. John Schott. John Erdman Donig. Christian Bower. John Henry David. Philip Hombogh. Michael Bealer. Nicholas Forney. Matthias Hehr. Henry Worman. Philadelphia Cnty. Chester County. Virginia. Berks County. Berks County. Boro' of Lancaster. Boro' of Lancaster. City of Philadelphia. Philadelphia Cnty. Philadelphia Cnty. Philadelphia Cnty. New Jersey. Citv of Philadelphia. Philadelphia Cnty. Maryland. Berks County. Berks County. Berks County. Maryland.Maryland. Maryland. Maryland. Maryland.Maryland. York County. York County. York County. Maryland. Aug. 25th, 1771. Oct. 13th, 1771. Sept. ist, 1 77 1. Oct. 13th, 1 77 1. Apr. 5th, 1772. Apr. 3rd, 1772. Apr. 3rd, 1772. Mar. 30th. 1772. Apr. 10th, 1772. Apr. 19th, 1772. Apr. 19th, 1772. Apr. 19th, 1772. Apr. 19th, 1772. May 29th, 1772. May 29th, 1772. May 30th, 1772. Sept. 24th, 1 77 1. Sept. 24th, 1 77 1. Sept. 24th, 1 77 1. Nov. 16th, 1 77 1. Nov. 16th, 1 77 1. Nov. 23rd, 1 77 1. Nov. 23rd, 1 771. Apr. 10th, 1772. Apr. 10th, 1772. Apr. 10th, 1772. Apr. 10th, 1772. Apr. 10th, 1772. Apr. 10th, 1772. Apr. 10th, 1772. Apr. 10th, 1772. May 18th, 1772. Mav 18th, 1772. May 20th, 1772. May 30th, 177,2. Mav 30th, 1772. May 30th, 17712. May 29th, 1772. May 29th, 1772. May 29th, 1772. Mav 29th, 1772. May 29th, 1772. May 29th, 1772. May 30th, 1772. Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Philadelphia. Berks. Berks.Lancaster.Lancaster. Philadelphia.Philadelphia.Phi tdelphia. Philadelphia. Philadelphia.Philadelphia. Philadelphia.Philadelphia.Berks. Berks.Berks. York.York.York. York.York. York. York. York.York. York. W Si2!in <>si List certified by Joseph Shippen, Jr., Secretary. Philadelphia, 13 Oct., 1772. -3 Index Index of Persons. Aache, George, 93. , Henry, 93. Aares, Adam, 113. Abel, Conraid, 116. , Leonard, 57. , Mathias, 145. Abendshen, Reinholt, 51 Aberlee, Henry, 26. Able, John, 135. Aboab, Joshua, 6. Abrahams, Sol., 5. Abrathar, Jos., 2. Abuquerques, Dan., 6 Accre, John, 21. Ache, John, 113. Ackabach, Jaspar, 135. Acker, Henry, 24. Ackerman, Baltzer, 132. , Geo., 132. , Stephen, 128. Ackre, Andrew, 25. , Philip Jacob, 24. Acre, Leonard, 116. Adam, John, 134. , Martin, 11. Adams, George, 111. • , John, 21. Adolph, John, 106. Adolphus, Isaac, 35. Ahler, Henry, 9. Ahman, Peter, 101. Aigler, Simon, 76. Alber, Mathias, 91. Alberger, Adam, 133. , Christian, 133. , Philip, 133. Albert, Jacob, 116. , John Matthias, 67. , Philip, 92. , William, 88. Alberti, Philip, 104. Albrecht, Andreas, 143. , Jacob, 150. , John, 109. Albright, Christian, 68. , Jacob, 68. , Joseph, 19. , Maria Catha., 58. , Mich., 144. Alder, Fred., 132. Alferino, Phineas, 9. All, Adam, 40. Allbright, George, 15. Allderfer, Federick, 22. Allebaugh, Christian, 21. Allen, William, Chief Justice of the Province of' Pennsylvania, 149. Almand, Jacob, 127. , Nichs., 127. Almeyda, Isaac Campos, 3. , Rica Campos, 4. 1 Alsbach, Geo., 131. , Phil., 131. Alsback, Henry, 74. Alsdorf, Lawrence, 34. Alshouse, Erasmus, 145. , Henry, 70. Alspach, David, 79. Alstal, Nicholas, 59. Alstat, Martin, 59 Alt, John, 87. , Peter, 148. Althouse, Jno.. 62. Altland, Philip, 135. Altman, Anthony, 109. , Caspar, 128. , John Peter, 128. Alvares, Mo., 3. Alvaringa, Ester Da Costa, 3. , Rachael Da Costa, 3. Ambrose, Jacob, 11. , Mateas, 10. Amen, Jacob, 111. Amend, John, 77. Ames, Volentine, 139. Amma, Conrad, 58. , Daniel, 154. Ammond, George, 26. Amos, Jacob, 107. Amwey, John Michael, 58. Andreas, Michael, 69, 99. Andrews, Abraham, 37. , Anna, 88. , George, 51. Angney, Christr., 133. Angst, Hans Ulrick, 80. Angstat, George, 84. Angstet, Jno., 131. Ankenbrand, Christopher, 14. Anspachen, Peter, his wife Magdalen, 42. Antes, Frederick, 18. Anthony, Joseph, 37. , Paul, 47. , Peter, 128. , Philip, 123. Appel, Adam, 72. , Anston, 40. Apple, Anthony, 39. , John, 70. , Martin, 70. , Peter, 11. Appleman, John, 61. Aquilar, Mo. 5. Arbegast, John, 104. Arbo, John, 154. Ardelle, Henry, 87. Arent, Jacob, 14. Armishon, Peter, 116. Armpriester, John Christopher, 36. Arndt, Jacob, 122. Arner, Felix, 124. Arnold, George, 126. , Philip, 124. Arnstmeyer, George, 53. Arnt, Henry, 60. Artz, Jacob, 83. , John, 81. Arwogaust, Jacob, 14. Ash, Peter, 21. Ashman, Abraham, 19. Aspect, Simon, 104. Assum, Peter, 76. Auboyneau, John, 30. Augislin, Caspar, 124. Aulenbacher, Andw., 83. Aupitch, Martin, 102. Avey, Henry, 10. Awlem, Jacob, 97. Axer, Michael, 43. Axson, Elizabeth, 34. Baader, Peter, 118. Baar, Conrad, 100. Bab, Conrad, 72. Babbon, George, 84. Babelt (Baldt), Johannes, 21. Bach, Adam, 151. Jacob, 22. John, 102. Bacher, Nichs., 102. Bachman, Christn., 129. , Conrad, 130. Feolix, 84. , Fred., 129. , Jacob, 122, 128. , John, 114. Back, John, 129. Backastoes, John, 117. Backenstoose, John, 78. Backenstos, Jacob, 114. Backer, Jacob, 105. , Peter, 47. William, 141. Backle (Buckle), Fredk., 77. Bader, George, 107. Badmaker, Ulrick, 62. Bagentoss, Ulrick, 62. Bahl, Peter, 138. Bahman, Lawrence, 104. Bailliet (Baillet), Paul, 55. Baird, Pat., Secretary for Pennsyl vania, 14, 17. Baish, George Fred., 61. Bake, Philip, 77. Bakeoven, George, 121. Baker, Federick, 24. , Frederick, 47. , Henry, 78. , John, 88, 105, 143, 144. , John Philip, 83. 162 INDEX Baker, Peter, 43. , Solomon, 127. , Valentine, 23. , William, 51. Baldt, Jacob, 21. , see also Babelt. Balmir, George Michl., 81. Balsbach, Peter, 17. Baltewin, Nicholas, 121. Baltzer, Thomas, 147. Baner, Caspar, 125. Bantlion, Frederick, 147. Banyar, George, deputy secretary for New York Colony, 33-40. Bapp, Conrad, 53. Barclay, Henry. 31, 33. Bard, Henry, 17. Bare, Bernard, 70. , Jacob, 95, 135. Baremgartner, Valentine, 79. Bares, Solomon, 30. Barge, George. 156. , Jacob, 57. Barger, Jacob, 100, 144. Bark, Henry, 140, Barkman, Geo., 134. Barlet, Frederick, 75. Barned, John, 50. Barnes, Conradt, 37. Barnets, Daniel, 12. Baron, Nicholas, 127 Barr, Christr., 65. , Jacob, 130. , Jeremiah, 76. , John, 48. , Melchior, 65. Barrall, Jacob, 126. Barrel, Jacob, 110. Barrenstone, Michl., 137. Barringer, David, 51. Barrios, Dna. Lopes, 6. Bart, Adam, 107. Bartholomew, Henry, 130. , John, 16. Bartlet, John, jun., 20. Bartolet, Abraham, 20. Bartolemow, Nichs., 132. Bash, Ernst Ludwick, 115. , John Fred., 115. Basler, Joseph, 138. , Michl., 124. Bast, John, 79. , Lawrence, 19. Bastian, Christopher, 24. , Matthias, 97. Bath, Zachary, 97. Batsh, Jacob, 131. Batteauf, Dietrick, 123. Battorff, Martin, 72. Bauceus, William 95. Bauchman, Henry, 102. Bauer, Conrad, 127. , Dier, 57. , George Henry, 100. Bauerman, George, 147. , Michael, 100. Baum, Jacob, 121. , Philip, 138. Bauman, George, 126. Baumberger, Chas., 97. Baun, Henry, 82. Bausman, Lawrence, 142. Bawm, Theowald, 13. Bawman ( ?) (Pawman), William, C4, Bayer, Fred., 130. , Martin, 68. Philip, 113. Bealer, Michael, 157. Beam, Conradt, 52. Bear, Henry, 44. Beard, Michael, 98. Bearman, Christr., 120. Beaudovin, Jeremiah, 35. Bebber, Dewald, 64. , John, 64. Beber, Lawrence, 84. Bechlel, Jacob, 85. Bechler, David, 19. Bechtel, Christian, 71. , Martin, 44. , Peter, 110. Bechtell, George, 106. Bechtoe, Philip, 82. Beck, Andrew, sen., 109. , , jun., 109. , Christopher, 109. , Frederick, 125. , George, 14, 105. , Henry, 144. . Jacob, 94, 112. , John, 95, 97. , John Christn., 138. , John George, 80. , John Marcus, 107. , Martin, 134. , Mathias, 20. , Paul, 106. , Peter, 97. , Philip, 135. , Tewald, 107. , Wm., 131. Beckele, Adam, 134. Becker, Arnold, 142. , Bernard, 112. , George, 59. , Godfrey, 125. , Jacob, 60. , John, 108, 114. , John Michl., 87 , Martin, 59. , Michael, 42. , Zacharia, 30. Becking, Frederick, 88. Becklee, Henry, 122. Beckler, Peter, 125. Beckley, John, 139. Becktel, Burkhard, 94. Bedinger Nicholas, 57. Beeber, George, 74. , John, 58. Beeker, Ludwick, 63. Beekman, Charles, jun., 33. Beekmann, Charles, 32. Beel, Peter, 70. Beell, Henry Luken, 24. Been, Conrad, 61. Beener, Jacob, 97. Beenivalt (Beenivolt), Christopher, 51 Beer, Peter, sen., 78. Beeren, Jacob, 122. Beetell, John, 55. Beetis, Conrad, 116. Begt, Jacob, 113. Begtol, Jacob, 56. Behm, Adam, 157. , Johan Philip, 13. , John, 92. , Philip, 65. Behme, Rudolph, 25. Behr, Henrick, 32 , Pete, 126. Behtely, Daniel, 104. Beidleman (Budleman), Elias, 29. , Jacob, 27, 28. Beidler, Christian, 21. -— , John, 77, 136. , Peter, 21. , Ulrick, 21. Beighart, Ulrick, 85. Beighley, George, 21. Beilinger, Adam, 106. Beilman, David, 129. Beiser, Conrad, 131. Beisser, John, 58. Beitzell, John, 69. Beker, Hilarius, 88. Bekle, Tobias, 52. Bekner, Johannes (or Jacob), 21. Bell, Christopher, 40. , William, 38. Beltz, John, 90. , Michael, 90. Belzener, Simon, 18. Bern, Conrad, 55. Bender, Daniel, 115. , George, 116. , John, 76, 114, 118. , Ludwick, 83. Benedict, Peter, 135. Benner, George, 106. , John, 55, 106. , Ludwick, 116. , Paul, 147. Bensell, Charles, 16. , George, 16. Bensherin, Anna Barbara, 126. Benter, Moses, 115. Bentz, John, 62, 76. , Jno. Christian, 101. , Michael, 73. Bentzell, Henry, 140. , John, 140. , Philip, 140. Beranger, Jaques, 6. Berbenbile, Anthy., 111. Bercart, William, 144. Berger, Adam, 65. , Budolph, 50. , Christian, 66. , George, 99. , Henry, 84, 132, 137. , Jacob, 131. , John, 19. Bergestock, Rev. John Justice Jacob, 28. Bergey, Henry, 79. Bergstraser, Geo., 14. Berheinezer, Stephen, 100. Berich, Caspar, 125. Beringer, Frederick, 32. , Henderick, 31. Berlin, Abraham, 70. Berlinger, Nichs., 108. Berminger, Nichs., 135. Bernard, Charles, 112. , Jno. Geo.. 99. , Stephen, 52. Berndaller, Daniel, 16. Berndheisell, Valentine, 13. Berner, Jacob, 127. Bernhard, Andreas, 14. , Jacob, 89. INDEX 163 Bernhard, Lewis, 106. , Peter, 26. Bernhardus, George, 83. Bernitz, Carl, 12. Berot, Frantz Ludwick, 69. Berr, Jacob, 128. Berringer, Henry, 142. Berritt, Joseph, 72. Berthold, Gebhart, 57. Bertraff, Andreas, 143. Besler, Jacob, 25. Bessilleu, Mark Anth., 7. Best, Henry, 129. , William, 129. Betiny, Geo. Cunce, 11. Betser, Adam, 30. Bettinger, Adam, 102. Bettley, Mathias, 26. , Michael, 24. Betz, George, 100. Beyer, Abraham, jun., 24. , George, 119. , Henry, 119. , Philip, 20. Beyle, John, 21. Beysell, Peter, 17. Bibble, Nicholas, 104. Bick, Christian, 93. , George, 63. Bickell, John, 117. Biddleman, Leonard, 59. Bidleman, Dedrick, 20. Bieber, Dietrick, 100. , Jacob, 112. , Michl., 122. Biegler, Stephen, 106. Biel, Jacob, 127. Bieser, Jacob, 98. Biggy, Rudolph, 112. Billman, John, 102. , Jno. Nichs., 134. Billmyer, Jacob, 44. , Leonard, 44. Binckes, Engle, 124. Binder, Hans Ulrich, 34. , Jno. Jacob, 76. , Martin, 91. Bingamon, Peter, 23. Binkes, George, 123. Birkenbeiel, Christian, 65. Bishop, Francis Michl., 59. , John, 18, 56. , William, 149. Bissert, Thomas, 134. Bittell, Nicholas, 45. Bitter, Lawrence, 74. Bitting, John, 59. Bittinger, Henry, 155. , Nicholas, 154. Bittle, Christofr., 120. , John, 114. Blader, Nicholas, 113. Blanchard, James, 36. • Blank, Adam, 50. Blankenbeeker, Zachariah, 9. Blatt, Adam, 130. , Frederick, 79. Blatter, Nicholas, 101. Blattinger, John, 142. Blattner, Jacob2 38. Bleek, Jacob, 81. Bleimyer, Abraham, 153. Blensig, George, 108. Blesing, Jacob, 124. Blesskenner, George, 69. Blim, Christian, 44. Blocker, Michael, 104. Blotz, Conrad, 122. Bnowbraker, John, 59. Bobbemire, Philip, 113. Boch, Michl., 128. Bockuis (Bockries), Godfried, 58. Boderoh, George, 132. Boeler, Martin, 45. Bogart, George, 144. Boger, Jacob, 124. , Martin, 50. , Mathias, 121. Bohr, Michl., 73. Bohrer, Peter, 107. Boin, Daniel, 77. Bois, G D., 32, 33. Boke, Peter, 143. Bol, Christr., 121. Bolch, Andreas, 109. Bole, Adam, 143. Bollinger, Christian, 102. , Henry, 91. . Rudolph, 103. , Rudy, 69. Bollman, Abraham, 151. , Adam, 66. Bolthouse, Conrad, 69. Boltz, George, 92. , Michael, jun., 119. Bomper, Abrahm., 77. Bon, Peter, 111. Bonder, Elias, 47. Bonnett, John, 64. Bonner, Conrad, 60. j Bontecou, Daniel, 30. Boobinger, Florian, 20. Booch, George, 132. Boochacre, Baltzer, 132. , Henry, 133. Boochamer, John, 141. Boohotar, Philip, 142. Book, Christian, 62. Boone, Adam, 57. Boor, Mathias, 107. Boos, Christian, 136. , Peter, 132. , Wendel, 37. Booser, Henry, 138, 140. Boosse, Jno. Paul, 88. Bop, Conrad, 46. Border, Conrad, 19. Bordner, Jacob, 62. Born, George, 84. Bomhutter, Garret, 136. Bortz, George Adam, 120. Boshart, Jacob, 34. Bossell, George, 133. Bossert, Adam, 101. Bott, Adam, 72. , Henry, 68, 79. , Herman, 44. , Jacob, 63. Botts, Rynhard, 68. Boucher, Benjamin, 27. , John, 19. Boudeman, Isaac, 137. Bougher, John, 69. Boughtall, Henry, 10. Bouher, Martin, 76. Bouquet, Henry, 98. , Peter, 7.' Bourzet, Dan., 7 (2). Bouton, Johan Daniel, 29. Bouyer, Gabriel, 20. Bower, Adam, 84. , Charles, 118. , Christian, 157. , Jacob, 98. , John, 22, 118. , Martin, 45, 75. , Michael, 76, 114, 151. , Paul, 117. Bowman, Caspar, 21. , Henry, 43, 77. , Jacob, 135, 152. , John, 49, 69. , Mathew, 33. , Valentine, 61. Bowmer, Chas., 135. Bows, John, 114. Bowse, John, 76. Bowshard, Andrew, 95. Bowsman, Michael, 91. Boyer, Andreas, 65. , Andrew, 42, 49, 52. , Christopher, 74. , Jacob, 25, 60. , John, 50. , Nicholas, 55. , Philip, 81. Boyle, Baltzer, 66. , Henry, 134. Boythymaa, Jacob, 93. Braidbeek, George, 128. Braihl, Ludwick, 133. Braininger, John, 121. Brand, Jacob, 110. , Johannes, 21. , Martin, 51. , Michael, 65. , Nichs., 132. Brandiman, Christian, 23. Brandon, Esther Pinto, 4. , Jac, 2. , Jac. Pinto, 1. Branner, Paul, 24. Branson, Michl., 133. Braucher, Michael, 103. Braucker, Christr., 109. Braun, George, 129. Bravo, Benj., i. , David, 1. Breack, David, 52. Brechbill, John Wendell, 14. Brechel, Andrew, 55. Brecht, Stephen, 13. Brechth, Michael, 27. Brecker, Peter, 20. Breidenbach, Jno., 100. Breiner, George, 109. Breitenback, Philip, 68. Brendel, George, 76. Brendle (Brendlo), Philip, 76". Breneisen, Rudolph, 56. Brenner, Geo. Michl., 115. , Philip, 155. , Ulrick, 139. Brenning, David, 79. Brenniser, Jacob, 135. Brenor, Gerrard, 49. Brenzer, Christian, 69. Brett, see Prett. Bretzius, Jacob, 102. . Michael, 99. , Wendal, 135. Breyner, George, 123. I Breytigam, Frederick, 40. 164 INDEX Brez, John Pririe, 7. Bricker, Jacob, 57. Briel, Henry, 104. Brightbill, Peter, 145. Brightsworth, Mathias, 140. Brill, Henry, 113. , Herman, 117. Bringier, Marie, 30. Brinig, Marks, 99. Brininger, see Bryninger. Brintle, Peter, 148. Britt, William, 39. Broil, Conrad, 8. Brother, Emanuel, 76. Brooker, Peter, 69. Brookhart, Julius, 90. Brooks, John, 39. , Michael, 27, 28. Brosis, Abraham, 54. Brosius, George, 29. , Nicholas, 99. , Sebastian, 93. Brosman, France, 72. Brosse, Adam, 84. Brothears, Michl., 121. Brotzman, Conrad, 152. Brower, Christian, 20. , Henry, 136. , Johannes, 21. Browkler, Theobald, 116. Brown, Conrad, 72. , Englehart, 140. , Frederick, 103. , Godfrey, 26. , Jacob, 96, 108. , John, 18, 89, 145. , Jno. Engle, 63. , John Hendrick, 35. , Michael, 119. . Pete, 147. , Philip, 53. , William, 34. Browne, Conrad, 57. , Joseph, 134. Brownhalt, Francis, 107. Brownish, George, 148. Brua, Jacob, 44. , Peter, 104. Brubagh, Michael, 18. Brucker, Jacob, 156. Brugman, Godfried, 38. Brukert, Mathias, 147. Brunckhorst, John, 39. Brundle, John, 116. , Lawrence, 104. Brunestrottz, Christian, 76. Brunner, Casper, 97. , Felix, 43. , Henry, 57, 65, 76. Bryder, Abraham, 21. Bryell, Peter, 69. Brynig, George, 100. Bryninger. John Godlin, 73. (Brininger), John Martin, 73. Brytenhart, Christr., 72. Bucchius, Peter, 135. Buch, Felix, 111. , Jacob, 106. Bucher, Jacob, 67. Buchert, Johan Dedrick, 13. Buchler, John, 101. Buchman, Martin, 122. Buck, Jacob, 148. , Leonard, 18. Buckaus, John, 52. Buckle, see Backle. Buckman, Jacob, 127. Bucks, Johin, 42. Buck waiter, Jacob, 21. Budesill, Andrew, 78. Budleman, see Beidleman. Buffenmeyer, Mathew, 97. Buger (Buker), Peter, 59. Buhl, Thomas, 102. Buker, Barnaby, 60. , Peter, 59. , Wendall, 60. , see also Buger. BuUinger, Jacob, 71. Bullman, John, 63. Bumbarger (Bumberger), Henry, 48, 87. , Martin, 48. Bumberger, Lawrence, 105. Bumbgardner (Bumgardner), Matthias, 51. Bumm, Jacob, 138. Bunn, Peter, 26. Burdus, Richard, Clerk of Provincial Court, Maryland, 10. Burger, Daniel, 122. , Samuel, 50. Burghart, Andreas, 103. Burgher, Hans Ulrick, 22. , Matthias, 60. Burkey, Michael, 92. Burkhalter, Ulrick, 19. Burkhard, George, 58, 79. , John Philip, 56. Burkhart, Nicholas, 81. Burkheimer, Leonard, 84. Burkholder, Martin, 58. , Peter, 65. Burneman, Deniel, 53. Burrell, Jacob, 143. Burrey, Joseph, 50. Burrier, Philip, 138. Busch, Michael, 103. Bush, George, 58. , Johann Henrich, 34. , John, 140. , Henry, 71. , Mathias, 45. , William, 56. Bushung, Philip, 77 Busier, William, 88. Bussart, Daniel, 92. , Jacob, 21. , Rudy, 140. Bussinberger, John, 96 Buttman, Ulrick, 134. Button, George, 50. Buttser, John, 71. Buvelot, James, 30. Buyfogel, Peter, 157. Buzzard, Andreas, 23. Byar, Blessius, 14. , Jacob, 14. Byer, George Fredk., 55. , John, 25. , Samuel, 25. Byerlo, Jno., Henrick, 71. Byerly, Christr., 146. , John Michael, 48. Bylestine, Jacob, 94. Bysher, Mathias, 77. Calame, Peter Fred., 4. Calback, Adam, 157. Calvet, Peter, 7, See aho Colvet, Cambree, John, 26. Camel, Adam, 81. Cammerdinger, Ludewig, 38. Cammerel, Andrew, 74. Camp, Martin, 101. Campble, .Andrew, 143. Camper, Wilpert, 87. Campos, Is. Henriques, 2. , Judith Henriques, 6. Caner, Michl., 149. Canter, George, 62. Cappes, Henry, 129. Cardosa, Rachaell, 2. Cardozo, Abr. Roiz, 4. , Dan., 3. , Leah, 3. , Sarah, 3. Care, Peter, 135. Caricis, William, 24. Carker, Nichs., 127. Carl, Isaias, 137. , Nicholas, 157. Carle, John, 37. Carll, Simon, 46. Carman, Leonard, 142. Carne, Dewald, 50. Carpenter, see Cimmerman. Carr, John, 150. Carter, Jacob, 91. Carver (Cawer), Jacob, 61. , Nicholas, 26. Carvir, John, 76. Caslar (Casler), Lewis, 54. Casper, Casper, 35. Cassel, Christian, 59. Cassell, Henry, 136. Catherwood, John, Secretary for New York Colony, 32. Caubal, Abrahamam, 79. Caufman, John, 113. Caville, Abr., 6. Cawer, see Carver. Chamberlain, Chas., 116. Chappell, Erhart, 100. Chappelle, John Peter, 36. , Peter, jun., 40. Cherbacker, John, 39. Chopard, Dan., 7. Chress, Christian, 102. Chrishnan, Henry, 140. Christ, Henry, 19, 51. , Johannes, 30. , Philip, 154. Christian, George, 80. , Gideon, 132. , Ludwick, 142. Christina, David, 7 (2). Christman, Jacob, 9. , Michl., 105. Christy, Johni, 44. Cimmerman or Carpenter, John, 19. , Sebastian, 20. Circle, Henry, 19. Clages, Valentine, 118. Clampferr, Adam, 41. , William, 41. Claus, William, 152. Clava, Benjamin Moses, 82. Claver, William, 156. Claywell, Geo., 141. Clein, Peter, 115. Cleine, Mathias, 49. Clem, Geo., 11. Clemens, Jacob, 21, , Jphn, 22, INDEX 165 Clemens, Nicholas, 139. Clement, Moses, 35. Clever, Martin, 132. Clewaldt, Francis, 143. Cline, Andrew, 82. , John, 92. , John Henry, 67. , John He-rick, 67. , Leonard, 61. , Michael, 64. , Peter, 137. , William, 39. Clinneyenny, John, 76. Cloninger, Philip, 118. Clont, Jacob, 12. Closs, Andrew, 146. Clots, Lewis, 47. Clover, Peter, 150. Clowes, John, 136. Coch, see Koch. Cohen, Abraham Myers, 30. , Samuel Myers, 30. Cohler, see Kohler. Collman, Jacob, 16. Colp, Melchr., 145. Colvet, Pr., 7. See also Calvel. Comfort, Andrew, 82. , John, 82. Confer, Michael, 129. , Peter, 122. Conrad, Christian, 109. , Daniel, 101. , George, 92. , Henrick, 80. , Jacob, 98, 146. , John, 114. , Peter, 146. ¦ , Stephen, 45. Conver, Christian, 146. Coob, Nicholas, Jun., 15. Cook, Hartman, 120. , John, 54. Cooker, Bartie, 17. Cooper, George, 105. , Lawrence, 153. Coquelin, Detrick, 61. , John, 61. Corche, Elias Fernandes, 2. , Mo. Alvares, 2. Corcho, Jos. Alvares, 4. Cordoso, Jac., 4. , Rachel, 4. Cornelius, Lawrence, 21. Cornman, John, 152. , Loodwick, 43. Correa, Mo. Alvares, 3. Correll, John, 108. , Philp, 123. Cott, Conrad, 120. Coty, Charles, 147. Cotz, Christopher David, 109. Craefert, Philip, 112. Crafft, Martin, 64. Craft, George Michl., 120. Crall, Christian, 23. Cramer, Conrad, 106. Cramp, Charles, 148. , John, 146. Crane, Josiah, 34. Cratzer, Henry, 128. , Philip, 70. Crawl, Mathias, 137. Creeble, Melchior, 43. Creek, Francis, 43. Creesermer, Casper, 27. Creightbaum, Jno., 135. Creisher, Jacob, 140. Crell, Joseph, 26. Crelus, William, 33. Cresh, George, 98. Cress, Henry, 88. Cressman, Frederick, 51. , John, 15. Creutz, Christopher Godlieb, 33. Creutzer, Andrew, 43. Crict, Bernard, 108. Crime, Jacob, 63. , Sebastian, 63. Croaner, George, 26. Croe, Matthew, 4. Croesman, Philip Balshazar, 41. Croffern, Christopher, 29. Croft, William, 154. Croll, Christian, 26. Cron, Nicholas, 29. Cronmiller, Martin, 80. Croob, Nicholas, 37. Crosskop, John George, 37. Crossman, George, 17. Croup, Christian, 44. Crow, Leonard, 19. Crowl, Jacob, 89. Crox, John William, 19. Crug, see Krug. Crumbacker, Peter, 145. Crumryne, Hans Michael, 13. Crush, John, 81 Cruss, Paul, 88. Crysler, Jacob, 52. Crysman, John George, 41. Cubber, John, 49. Cugnet, John Peter, 82. Cuikes, Hendrick, 12. Culp, Matthias, 85. , Philip, 147. Cumerab, Jacob, 90. Cumpar, Adam, 121. Cun, John Christopher, 29. Cuna, Is. Henriques, 3. Cunha, Is. Mendes, 4. Cunius, Philip, 46. Cunnuis, John, 59. Cunradt, Peter, 19. Cuntra, Rachel Henriques, 6. Curfess, Christi, 74. Curiel, Sol., 2. Custabather, Henry, 141. Cutwaltz, Adam, 59. Cyffer, William, 34. Da Costa, Abr. Nunez, 3. , Del. Mz., 1. , Is. Nunez, 2. , Jac. Nunez, 2. , Mo. Nunez, 3. , Mo. Pera., 5. Dahne, Philip Henry, 77. Daiser, Michael, 49. Dalcher, John, 108. Dalep, Isaac, 51. Dalgas, Francis, 7 (2). Dampman, John, 114. Daney, Jacob, 100. Daniel, Adam, 99. Dannahower (Dannahover), Geo., 150. Dannehauer, George, 29. Dannehower, Abram, 65. Danner, Jacob, 108, 112. , Martin, 57. Danner, Melchr., 130. Dantfeltzer, Welder, 156. Dantfelzer, Jacob, 120. Darand, Peter, 99. Darfer, John Dewed, 18. Da Silva, Dan., 3. , jac, z. , Judica, 5. , Rica, 5. , see also Silva. Daubendisteil, Jacob, 95. Dauber, Abraham, 112. , Frederick, 103. David, John Henry, 157. Day, Andrew, 101. Deacanhalt (Deacanhall), Henry, 55. Deal, Caspar, 94. , John, 85. , Peter, 57. Dealing, John, 39. Deany, John, 19. Deasisback, Adam, 77. Debarear, Henry, 137. Debbinger, Killian, 91. Debell, John George, 33. De Bertholt, John Philip, 26. Debertshauser, Jacob, 120. Debler, Melcher, 64. Debre, Jacob, 82. De Campos, Abr., senr., 4. Deck, Jacob, 49. De Crasto, Jac. Lopez, 2. Decker, Jacob, 157. Dedeir, John, 54. Deel, Adam, 91. , George, 91. Deem, Jacob, 79. , Thomas, 87. Deemer, Conrad, 142. Deer, John, 85. Deerhamer, George, 101. Deetz, Frederick, 37. , John, 74. Defrain, Peter, 136. Degler, Fred., 113. Degomoy, Adam, 114. Dehaas, Jno. Philip, 92. Dehl, Charles, 89. , Daniel, 67. Dehoff, Henry, 63. Dehr, Lawrence, 42. Deihl, Peter, 155. Deile, William, 128. Deim, Frederick, 116. Deiter, John, 51. Deither, Michael, 107. De Joncourt, Jane, 39. De Lancey, Stephen, 30. De la Penha, Isl., 2. , Jac, 2. De Lara, Jac. Nunes, 6. Delara, Mo. Cohen, 1. Delater, David, 11. Delcher, George, 108. Delcork, Paul, 141. De Leas, Abraham, 30. Dell, Jno. Adam, 127. Delmestre (Delmetre), Peter (Pierre'/, 7(2). Dernier, Peter, 128. Dengler, Jacob, 147. , John, 73. Dennius, Philip, 64. Denny, Peter, 69. Dentlinger, Henry, 22. 166 INDEX Dentzeller, Jacob, 94. Deny, Michael, 68. Depais, Rachel Lopez, 5. Derder, Antony, 55. De Riveres, Abraham Rodrigues, 30. De Ronde, Adrian, 39. , Matheus, 39. Derr, George, 58, 108, 119. , Henry, 68. , Johan Martin, 18. , John George, 104. , Sebastian, 20. Derringer, Thomas, 132. Derter, Balthasar, 87. Desch, George, 91. Desh, Henry, 144. Deshler, Adam, 51. — — , Anthony, 48. , David, 17, 65. Destee, Jacob, 132. Deter, Mathias, 60. , William, 128. Detloff, Henry, 39. Detmers, Ferdinand Jacob, 154. Detrick, Elias, 50. Detry, Conrad, 81. Detter, Matthias, 155. Detwider, Jacob, 136. Devald, Henrick, 13. Devalle, Is., 2. Devilsbit, Caspar, 85. De Voyelles, John, 39. Dewald, Daniel, 67. , Michael, 79- Deybertsyer, George, 40. Dichert, Michael, 104. Dick, Adam, 154. . Jacob, 67. , Peter, 57. , Philip, 58. Dickenshat, Christr., 52. Dietrick, Jacob, 58. Didderlie, Michl., 137. Dieber, Michl., 123. Diederick, Adam, 125. Diehl, Christian, 144. ¦ , Daniel, 123. , Eberhard, 121. , Francis, 133. , George, 67. , Henry, 131. , Jacob, 124. , Mathias, 136. , Michael, 100, 123. , Nicholas, 111. , Peter, 128, 138, 139. , Theobald, 106. , Wigand, 122. , Yost, 125. Diehm, Peter, 83. Diel, Lawrentz, 31. Dieler (Dieter, q.v.), Philip Adam, 65. Diemer, Jacob, 156. Diemigh, Peter, 112. Dierwachter, Erhart, 100. Dieter, Hendrick, 31, 32. , see also Dieler. Dieterle, George, 103. Dietrick, Christian, 95. , Jacob, 75. , Michael, 110. , Philip, 142. Dietsh, Henry, 139. Dietterle, Jno. Lewis, 110. Dietzler, Melchior, 101. Diffebiss, Geo., 141. Dimderfer, Michael, 56. Dihm, Andrew, 155. Dikert, Jacob, 142. Dill, John Michael, 15. Dillo, Michl. Hartman, 65. Dinckle, Danl., 95. Dinshirtz, Joseph, 80. Dirstein (Driftain), Michael, 22. Dishong, Frederick, 137. , Peter, 137. Dithart, Conrad, 128. Dittis, Tobias, 150. Ditz, John William, 34. Dobeler, Yodocus, 89. Dobler, Jacob, 76. Doctor, George, 95. Doddererev (Dorrerer), Michael, Dodine, Anthony, 39. Doggenback, Martin, 94. Dold, John Philip, 29. Doll, Christian, 50. , John, 79. DoUinger, George, 46. Donat, Jacob, 108. Donig, John Erdman, 157. Donnacre, Christian, 66. Dorflinger, Frederick, 114. Dorin, jinn Mary, 154. Dormer, Thomas, 47. Dormeyer, Samuel, 124. Dornback, Matthias, 68. Dornblaser, Gotlep, 109. Dorr, Bernard, 124. , John, 130. Dorrerer, see Doddererev. Dosch, George, 154. Doublebauer, Fredk., 105. Douey, Fred., 126. Doulousant, John, 143. Dovalle, Dan., 2. Dowdle, Jacob, 53. , Michl., 96. Downey, Adam, 50. Draiss, Peter, 86.. Draugh, Rudolph, 26. Drautman, Hieronimus, 103. Drawer, Jacob, 133. Drees, Conrad, 124. Dreess, Jacob, 75. Dreishbach, Simon, 127. Dresback, Martin, 58. Drescher, Philip, 92. Dresher, Christopher, 23. , George, 23. Dressier, Andreas, 117. Driber, Justus, 95. Driesh, Fred., 73. Driftain, see Dirstein. Drion, Michael, 103. Drout, John, 29. Drullinger, Adam, 44. Drum, George, 82. Drumheller, Theobald, 110. Drunkenmiller, Peter, 117. Dubes, Jacob, 43. Dubs, John, 104. Duchemin, Daniel, 39. Duckener, David, 59. Duerr, Jacob, 90. Dui, Jacob, 66. Dull, Frederick, 118. Dullman, Paul, 121. Dumernielt, Casper, 54. , David, 54. Dummin, Jacob, 62. Dunckell, Johannes, 17. , Michael, 114. Dunckleberry, Peter, 21. Dunder, Jacob, 57. Dunkleberger, Clemens, 100. Duppel, Maurice, 156. Dupuy, Jubaliste, 39. Durand, Peter, 37. Durfer, Alexander Dibbin, 16. Durr, Melchior, 123. , Michael, 41. , Valentine, 123. Durst, Paul, 60. Du Simitiere, Pierre Eugene, 39. Dutwyler, Felix, 88. Diiy, Christian, 66. Dysher, Stephen, 61. Dyss, Frederick, 113. Eaff, Adam, 143. Eagle, Henry, 111. Earley, Jacob, 78. Ebberly, Geo. Chr., 76. Ebbert, Andrew, 74. Ebener, John, 120. Eberhard, Daniel, 75. , George, 75. , Henry, 89. , Paul, 128. Eberhardt, Nichs. Henry, 81. Eberhart, Arnold, 141. Ebersohl, Charles, 154. Ebert, Martin, 46. , Michael, 46. , Yost, 147. Eberth (Elberth), John, 74. Ebler, Johannes, 42. Echard, Conrad, 10. , Henrick, 88. Echel, John, 100. Echer, Conrad, 136. Eckart, Adam, 73. , Jonathan, 40. Eckbert, Valentine, 77. Eckell, Jacob, 84. Ecker, Jacob, 81. Eckert, Conrad, 116. , John, 59. , Jonas, 103. , Philip, 77. , Wm., 120. Eckstine, Leonard, 71- Eddiburne, Phil., 135. Edelman, John Adam, 99. Edenborn, Peter, 148. Ederick, John, 80. Edleman, Adam, 113. , George, 124. , Peter. 115. Edwin, John, 154. Effinger, Henry, 138. Effreky, Christr., 134. Ege, Martin, 73. , Michael, 29. Egenter, see Eigenter. Eger,'Philip, 117. Eggman, John, 47. Eggy, Anthony, 115. Egle, John, 55. , Henry, 130. , Marcus, 72. , Martin, 38. Egly, Caspar, 83. INDEX 167 Egold, George Adam, 94. Ehler, George, 82. Ehrard, Jacob, 86. Ehrenhart, Jacob, 48. , John Geo., 122. Ehrenzeller, Jacob, 53. Eichely, Adam, 13. Eichholtz, Jacob, 48. Eichold, Martin, 71. Eidemiller, Michl., 100. Eigelberger, Sebastian, 148. Eigenter (Egenter), Johannes, 29. Eigner, Matthias, 123. Eilenberger, Christr., 127. Eilert, Martin, 122. Eisenhard, George, 94. Eisenhaver, Elizabeth, 47. , Martin, 47. , Peter, 47. Eisenhawer, John, 142. Eisenmenger, Henry, 101. Eisinbeiss, Jno George, 74. Eit, Peter, 117. Ekell, Henry, 66. Ekert, Philip, 38. Elberth, see Eberth. Eley, Abraham, 149. Elie, Martin, 94. Elinger, Jacob, 100. Elizer, Isaac, 37. Ellick, John, 89. Ellinger, George, 82. Elliott, Andrew, 27 . Elser, Peter, 125. Ely, David, 49. Emann, George, 41. Emau, Jean, 30. Embig, Christr., 73. Emig, George, 127. , . John, 84. Emmell, John, 131. Emmert, George, 46. , Philip, 18. Emrich, George, 139. , Val., 129. Emrick, John Peter, 157. E'nck, Jacob, 71. Endres, John, 67. Endris, Mary Elizh., 83. Engar, Jost, 22. Engars, Jacob, 22. , Johannes, 22. Engel, Henrick, 75. Engeland, Theophilus, 84. Engelfried, Jno. Wilhelm, 97. Engle, Henry, 147. , Jacob, 65, 142. , John, 148. , Paul, 98. , Peter, 44. Englebright, Martin, 82. Englehard, George, 69. Ehglehart, Lodewick, 24. , Nicholas, 23. Engleman, Andrew, 116. Enk, John, 114. Ennes, Philip, 128. Ensmenger, Henry, 104. Ensminger, Jno. Nich., 56. , Philip, 83. Enters, John, 39. Entler, Philip, 58. Entsminger, Fred., 118. , Nichs., 121. Epler, Adam, 59. Epler, David, 151. , Jacob, 68. , Valentine, 68. Eppele, Jacob, 120. Eppely, John George, 58. Epply, Jacob, 36. Epright, Philip, 49. Erb, Jacob, 91. , Mary, 91. Erbach, Lawrentz, 132. Erben, Adam, 91. Erdman, Andrew, 65. , Yost, 150. Erhley, John, 103. Erhman, Wilhelm, 72. Erien, Jacob, J37. Ering, Jacob, 149. Erlach, Baltzer, 54. Erman, Peter, 103. Ermel, Johannes, 155. Ermendrout, Fred., 119. Ermet, William, 64. Ernhold, Martin, 62. Ernig, George, 114. , Henry, 111. Ernst, Balthazar, 95. , Conrad, 67. , Christr., 137. , George Martin, 105. , Jacob, 103. (Hernst), Johannes, 56. , Jno. Wendal, 129. Erpff, Philip, 60. Erret, John, 103. Ershbach, .Andrew, 122. Ertel, Valentin*, 81. Ertman, Martin, 142. Esch, Jacob, 106. Ess, Christian, 70. Estherley, George, 48. Estleman, Benedict, 49. Etelin, David, 93. Etter, Daniel, 43. , Gerhart, 53. , John, 51. , Peter, 43. , Philip, 145. Etting, Elijah, 109, 132. Etzel, Michl., 146. Etzler, George, 105. Eugel, Audones, 54. Evensidell, John Geo., 19. Everhart, Fred., 140. Everheiter, Michl., 139. Everli, Henry, 47. Everly, George, 81. , Jacob, 54. , John, 145. , Peter, 54. Evey, Adam, 89. Ewald, Charles, 45. Exline, Christopher, 24. Eyes, Nicholas, 27. Eyler, Jacob, 67. Eyre, John Martin, 124. Eysenman, Peter, 130. Eytel, Bernard, 119. Faas, Philip, 59. Faber, Adam, 77. , Bimhard, 77. Fach, George, 38. , Henry, 38. Fackeroth, Philip, 98. Fackler, Jacob, 44. Facundus, Ferdinand, 102. Fager, George, 108. Fagh, John, 40. Faiger, Paul, 94. Falker, Adam, 53. Falkler, Adam, 85. Fall, John Dieter, 119. Faltz, John, 26. Fandy, Federick, 20. Fannerstick, Detrick, 69. Fans, Henry, 106. Farber, Adam, 146. Farmer, Lewis, 156. Farringer, Martin, 121. Farsnaught, Conrad, 64. Fassnight, John, 117. Faucks, Michael, 92. Faugcres, Louis, 39. Faust, Abraham, 42. , John, 68, 90. , Jno. Jacob, 120. , Nicholas, 101. , Peter, 148. , Philip, 20. Fautz, Jacob, 145. Fauzs, Jacob, 9. Faviere, James, 30. Favieres, Charlotte Bouyer, 30. Payssoux, Dan., 7. Feadel, George,' 108. Feather, Bernard, 63. , Peter, 55. Feck, George, 121. Fedder, Henry, 62. Feder, Bernard, 147. Federaaff, Balthasar, 87. Federolff (Federoff), Peter, 24. Feedlee, Michael, 98. | Feeger, Michl., 131. Feegly, John, 69. Feesell, Jacob, 112. Feeser, Peter, 72. Fegele, Bernard, 123. , George, 101 (2). Feger, Henry, 105. Fehr, Chrstr., 128. , John, 121, 140. Feidt, Jost, 118. Feight, Caspar, 16. Feiner, Jacob, 118. Feiser, Peter, 140. Feisser, John, 69. Feithorn, Michael, 59. Feller, Andreas, 126. , Peter, 126. Fellman, Jacob, 19. Felte, Conrad, 114. Feltman, John, 67. Fenner, Felix, 121. Fentermaker, Philip, 50. Fernandez (Fernandes) : , Abigail, 4. , Aron Dias, 2. , Ben. Dias, 6. , Dan. Alves, 2. , David, 4. , Ester Dias, 6. , Mo. Dias, 6. Fernstermaker, Christian, 55. Fersler, Michael, 14. Fertich, John, 136. Fesler, Feelix, 15. Fessler, Leonard, 48. Fetter, Caspar, 149. 168 INDEX Fetter, Henry, 65. , Michael, 67. , Wendal, 118. Fetterman, Baltzer, 107. , George, 134. Fetzer, Andreas, 134. , Frederick, 81. Feurtado (Fuertado), Is., 1. , see also Furtado. Fewer, Francis, 138. Ficks, Lawrence, 75. Fickthom, Andreas, 87. Fierstone, Nichs., 88. Fies, Tobias, 139. Figel, William, 60. Filbert, Samuel, 52. Filchmir, Philip, 43 Filler, Baltzar, 86. Filling, Caspar, 76. Filman, Philip, 87. Finck, Nicholas, 110. Finger, Nicholas, 63. Fink, Alexander, jun., 38. Finstermaker, Jacob, 124. , William, 100. Firfrock, Theobald, 107. Firhell, Michl., 140. Fischer, Jacob, 88, 97. , John, 38. , Martin, 58. , Michael, 73. Fishbach, Justus, 100. Fishbourn, Philip, 157. Fishel, Adam, 140. , John, 78. Fishell, Frederick, 86, Fisher, Andrew, 16. , Christian, 116. , Conrad, i9. , George, 111, 120. , Jacob, 118. , John, 45, 105, 118. , John Henry, 86. , Jno. Nichs., 102. , John Philip, 106. , John William, 43. , Melchior, 140. , Michael, 108, 109. , Nichs., 139. , Peter, 60. , Thomas, 143. , Ulrick, 112. Fishill, John, 69. Fislar, George, 128. Fister, Durst, 56. Fitler, John Geo., 60. , Philip, 126. Fitzer, Peter, 63. Flammer, John, 124. Fleager, Frederick, 105. Fleck, Conrad, 90. Fleckenstein, Fred., 145. Fleese, Michael, 56. Fles, David Da Silva, 4. Fleshman, Peter, 9. Flick, Peter, 88. Flickinger, Ulrick, 66. Fliman, John, 146. Flohr, Leonard, 103. Floras, Michael, 51. Fluck, Philip, 114. Fluft, George, 107. Flury, Abraham, 21. Fockler, John, 78. Focks, John, 59. Focsig, Philip Jacob, 90. Fceller, John, 123. Fcerber, Jacob, 123. Fogt, Peter, 113. Fonler, George, 140. Folemir, Michael, 74. Folik, Peter, 108. Folk, Peter, 29. Folmar, Jacob, 47. Foltz, Joseph, 117. , Matthias, 66. , Michl., 132, 135. Fookes, David, 151. , Peter, 152. Fooks, Jno. Nicholas, 147. Forer, Johannes, 50. Forest (Forrest), Anthony, 54. Forker, Mathias, 137. Forney, Michael, 48. , Nicholas, 157. Forre, Abraham, 149. Forster, Frederick, 103. , Jno. Andreas, 119. , Jno. Martin, 119. Forteny, David, 103. Fortnee, Michael, 48. Fortune, Lewis, 3. Fosselman, Erhard, 117. Fost, Jacob, 127. Foth, Christian, 118. Fotler, Jacob, 94. Fouk, Michael, 138. Foulke, Adam, 139. . George, 102. , John, 144. , Jno. Wilhelm, 85. Foutz, Jacob, 76. Fox, Conrad, 151. , George, 111. , Henry, 97. , Jacob, 80, 103. , John Jacob, 42. , Justus, 133. , Mathias, 102. , Philip, 106, 109. , William, 95. Frailey, John Danl., 144. Francis, Barnaby, 135. , Nicholas, 56. Franckleberger, John, 48. Frank, Bernard, 112. , Henry, 90. , Jacob, 11, 43, 93. , John Bernard, 64. , Peter, 149. Frankenfield, Eie, 128. Frankhauser, Michael, 87. Frankhouser, Peter, 63. Franks, H. B., 51. , Moses Benjamin, 33. Frantz, Christian, 104. , Henry, 140. , Jacob, 86, 111. , John, 116. , Paul, 128. Fraunvelter, John, 79. Fraxel, Johan Peter, 42. Frederick, Andrew, 36, 88. , Christn., 133. , George, 71, 90. , John, 26. , Michael, 90. Fredrick, George, 59. Freed, Peter, 98. Freely, Leonard, 66. Freeman, Valentine, 27. , Wm. Geo., Dept. Sec. of S. Carolina, 7. Frees, Frederick, 157. Freese, Simon, 75. Freiaur, Ulrick, 118. Freidenbergh, Charles, 39. Freiss, George, 100. Frelick, Jacob, 93. French, Geo., 10. Fretz, Christian, 143. Frey, Abraham, 131. , George, 106, 146. , Jacob, 14, 109, 131, , John, 125. , Jno. Mich., 148. Freymayer, Christian, 104. Frick, Conrad, 43. , Frederick Wm., 80. , Jacob, 85, 147. , Peter, 146. Friebele, Urban, 103. Friech, Jacob, 156. Friedly, Michael, 104. Friely, Henry, 104. Frieman, Henry, 101. Fries, Jacob, 83. , Peter, 83. Friess, John, 108. Frink, Christopher, 111. Frioth, Abraham, 108. Fritchman, Adam, 109. Fritz, Christopher (Christophell), 31,32. , Elias, 35. , Geo., 130. , Henry, 139. , John, 93, 156. , Jno. Martin, 74. , Melchior, 87. Fritzenbagh, Jno. Adam, 119. Frolick, Christian, 37. From, Frederick, 57. Frutshy, Leonard, 87. Fry, Christian, 53, 96. , Godfrey, 84. , Henry, 79, 126. , Jacob, 35, 73, 81, 89. , John, 87, 100, 101, 135. , Martin, 91. , Negro, 55. , Rudolph, 73. , Valentine, 90. Frye, Jacob, 13. Fryenmoet, Rev. John Caspar, 38. Fuckeroot, Jacob, 91. Fuckrodt, Geo., 92. Fucks, Andreas, 78. , Conrad, 84. , John Adam, 103. Fuertado, see Feurtado. Fueter, Daniel, 38. Fuhr, Leonard, 122. Fulbright, William, 85. Funcannon, Baltzer, 142. Funck, Jacob, 35. Funk, Jacob, 112. , Joseph, 98. , Martin, 69. Furrey, John, 44. Furtado, Ester Henriques, 5. , Is. Henriquez, 6. , Judith Orobio, 4. , Rachael Oroibo, 3. , see aho Feurtado. Futwieler,'John, 73. INDEX 169 Gaab, George Adam, 66. Gabel, Peter, 90, 110. Gabriel, Benj. Rodriques, 2. Gaeble, Henry, 72. Gaerber, John, 83. Gaitz, Baltzer, 82. Galinger, Michl., 130. Galier, Christopher, 49. Gamper, Henry, 95. Gampert, Nichs., 64. Gann, John, 143. Gans, Bernard, 36. Gansell, George, 68. Ganter, Peter, 77. Gantz, John, 84. Gantzel, George, 111. , Ludwick, 111. Garber, Benedict, 145. , George, 141. , Hans, 27. , Michael, 27. Garble, Ephraim Benedict, 112. Gardner, John, 95. , John Bum, 9. , Peter, 26. Garrett, Christr., 135. , Mathias, 107. , William, 107. Gartner, Bernard, 120. , David, 38. , George, 133 (2). , Peter, 109. Gartz, Chas., 148. Gascha, Peter, 97. Gash, Conjuist, 10. , Godfrey, 10. Gashau, Peter, jun., 140. Gasner, John, 37. Gasser, Jacob, 112. Gassinger, George, 115. Gassier, Fred., 118. Gassner, Dominicus, 29. Gates, John, 52. Gatselman, Christr., 143. Gatter, Martin, 49. Gauff, Philip, 132. Gaufres, John, 42. Gavy, Philip, 25. Gayer, George, 74. Gayman, Christian, 85, 138. Gear, Andrew, 69. , Paul, 69. Geari, Jacob, 42. Gebhard, Michl., 147. Gebhart, Adam, 116. , David And., 138. , Peter, 44. Gebler, Matthias, 94. Geerhart, Peter, 48. Gees, Jacob Philip, 117. Geesman, George, 133. Geetz, John, 89. , Martin, 110. Geezy, Jacob, 150. Geiger, Henry, 64. , Paul, 151. Geiring, Ajidreas, 70. Geisel, Paul, 29. Geisell, John, 106. Geisler, George, 55. Geiss, Henry, 104. , Peter, 126. Geissel, Nichs., 129. Geissleman, Michael, 67. Geitner, Jno. George, 85. Gellinger, Andrew, 81. Gemelin, Christian, 27, 28. Gennevine, Leonard, 92. Gensely, Conrad, 104. Genslin, Jacob, 67. Gentler, Philip, 89. Gentzler, Conrad, 68. George, George, 122. , , sen., 146. , , jun., 146. , John, 38. , Peter, 50. , Yost, 122. Georger, Feight, 13. Gephart, Philip, 52. Gerber, Joseph, 123. , Valentine, 52. Geres, Simon Peter, 123. Geret, George, 155. Gerharding, Paul, 126. Gerhart, Adam, 63. , Frederick, 52. , Jacob, 82. , Rudolph, 62. Gerhaudt, Bastian, 102. Gerich, Adam, 120. Geringer, Sebastian, 109. Gerlach, George, 93. , Henry, 117. , John, 95. German, Adam, 97. , John, 110. Gernreick, Johan Peter, 31. Gerock, Rev. John Sigfred, 97. Gerrard, Abraham, 125. , Jno., Nichs., 145. , Leonard, 145. , Peter, 145, 152. Gerringer, Nicholas, 103. Gerrman, Adam, 126. Gerrnant, George, 68. Gerster, George, 98. Gertenger, Conrad, 116. Gesler, Matthew, 8. Gesseron, Geo. Mich., 11. Gessler, Henry, 133. Gessner, Henry, 120. Gethart, John, 99. Getter, Andrew, 115. Getwicks, Frederick, 57. Geyer, Balthazer, 119. Geygar, Valentine, 14. Geyler, George, 146. Ghiselin, William, 9. Gibhard, Nicholas, 93. Gickert, Henry, 57. , Jacob, 63. Gieger, Jacob, 75. Giesler, Christian, 106. Gietz, Frederick, 114. Gift, Jno. Nich., 126. • , Matthias, 126 , Peter, 123. Gigir, William, 60. Gilbert, Andreas, 141. , Anthony, 16. , Bernard, 61, 103. , Conrad, 61. , David, 145. , George, 75. , Henry, 108. , Jacob, 135. Gildener, Francis, 122. Gillot, Samuel, 30. Gilman, John Adolph, 96. Gimberling, Paul, 108. Gimmell, Philip, 141. Ginginger, Martin, 64. Ginther, Caspar, 112. , Jacob, 139. Girardin, Jacob, 50. Giselbreecht, Gottfried, 33. Gist, John Adam, 103. Gittelman, Henry, 75. Gittenger, John, 57. Gitts, Michael, 109. Glaidy, John, 67. Glaser, Jacob, 116. Glass, Frederick, 75. Glassbenner, George, 81. Glattfelder, Caspar, 86. Gleim, Jacob Christian, 71 Glen, Jacob, 31. Glinder, Conrad, 75. Glockner, Caspar, 95. Gloss, John Jacob, J 21. , Martin, 120. , Michael, 143. Glosser, Michael, 72. Glover, Adam, 142. Glyn, Henry, 48. Goats, Geo., 11. Gobel, David, 38. Gobler, Jacob, 80. Godschall, Nicholas, 90. Godschalt, Jacob, 102. Godshall, Andrew, 43. Goebrecht, Christr., 103. Goetling, Wilhelm, 97. Goetschius, John Henry, 33 (2). , John Mauritzius, 33. Goetz, John, 102. Goll, Balthazar, 97. Gollman, Henrick, 17. Gombauld, Moses, 30. Gomez, Daniel, 30. , David, 30. , Mordecai, 30. Gonkle, John, 49. Goocher, Peter, 135. Good, Christian, 61. , Conrad, 134. , Lawrence, 51. , Peter, 26. Goodhart, Fred., 67. Goodling, John Peter, 7S. Goodman, Christr., 65 , Henry, 134. , Michael, 101. , Stephen, 89. Goodperlet, John, 36. Goos, Adam, 56. Gootekuntz, George, 125. Gootz, Jacob, 77. Gordner, Geo., 131. Gore, Casper, 52. Gorner, Johannes, 17. Gorringer, Adam, 117. Gortner, Jacob, 109. Gosler, Geo. Adam, 131. Goss, Graft, 141. Gossler, Anthy., 140. Gostler, John Henry, 71. Gotleck, John, 52. Gotschall, Nicholas, 83. Gotshall, Christr., 67. , Herman, 16. Gottschalt, George, 99. Gottshall, Peter, 61. Gottshalt, Frederick, 112. 170 INDEX Gottshalt, Jacob, 138. Gougher, Nicholas, 71. Gower, Nicholas, 73. Graaf, Adam, 111. . Christopher, 100. , Johannes Jacob, 34. Graaff, Sebastian, 13. Graas, Lewis, 109. Graber, Henry, 78. , John, 118. , Philip, 78. Graeme, Thomas, 14. Graff, George, 46. , Jacob, 21, 52, 72. , , jun., 61. , John, 79, 148. , John George, 26. , John Joseph, 121. Graffe, Christopher, 57. , Jacob, 22. , John Casper, 57. , William, 72. ' Grafft, George, 68. Gragg, John Conrad, 156. Graiber, Jacob, 131. Grail, Isaac, 16. Gramlich, Valentine, 103. Grass, Stophel, 149. Grats, Barnard, 88. Gratt, Felta, 10. Gratz, Mich., 75, 150. Graub, John, 110. Grauss, George, 156. Graybill, John, 142. Grays, Lawrence, 8. Greager, George, 145. Greanmore, William, 20. Greasmore, Valentine, 20. Greater, Jacob, 52. Greder, Jacob, 22. Greegev, Lawrence, 11. Green, Christr., 135. Greenwalt, Jacob, 104. , John, 65. (Greenvalt), Philip, 56. Grees, Jacob, 118. Greeseman, Jno., 151. Greiner, Jacob, 93. Greiss, John, 107. Gress, Michael, 37. , Nichs., 104. Greter, Martin, 22. Greuse, Philip, 107. Greyger, Jesse, 96. Greysher, Mich., 85. Griefienstein, Jno., 110. Grienwald, Peter, 87. Griffiths, Thomas, 14. Grigell, Henry, 122. Grim, Conrad, 121. , Dewald, 144. , David, 40. , Erhart, 109. , Jacob, 34, 68. , John George, 121. Grimkee. Fred., 7. , John Paul, 7- Grimm, Getty, 24. , Jacob, 84. Griscum, William, 121. Grob, Henry, 110. Groce, John, 66. Grof, John Geo., 47. Groff, Andrew, 46. , John, 96. Groh, Frederick, 90. , George Adam, 105. , Simon, 112. , William, 138. Groothouse, John, 16. Grose, John, 43. Grosh, John, 133. , Philip, 155. Gross, Caspar, 137. , Henry, 99, 131. , Jacob, 143. , Martin, 102. , Michael, 48. , Paul, 125. , Valentine, 53. Grot, George, 116. Grothouse, Henry, 16. Grotz, Jacob, 58. Grous, John, 144. Grout, John, 43. Grove, Abraham, 96. , Francis, 77. , Jacob, 59. , John, 70. Groves, John, 143. Grow, Christian, 80. Growar, John, 152. Growl, Michael, 74. Grub, Daniel, 132. , Henry, 104. Grubb, Caspar, 116. , Conrad, 24. , Henry, 24. Grubber, Christ., 58. Grubel, Andrew, 109. Gruber, Godfrey, 130. , Henry, 62. , John, 76. , Nichs., 129. , Peter, 14, 105. , Silvester Fred., 107. Gryder, Martyn, 84. Gryner, Colman, 99. Guckus, John, 147. Gudelius, Peter, 63. Guicharde (Guishard), Francis, 7(2). Guier, Adam, 149. Guiger, Jacob, 123. Guignard, Gabr., 7. Guishard, see Guicharde. Guledy, Gallus, 139. Gull, John, 16. Gump, Geo., 10. Gunckel (Guncket), John, 75. Guntaker, Michael, 112. Gur (Gurr), John, 59. Gurner, Matthew, 97. Gushwind, Eberhard, 62. Guss, Charles, 126. Gusy (?Giesy), David, 50. Guteyahr, John Christn., 77. Guth, Peter, 125. Gutnecht, Christian, 119. Gutner, Jacob, 125. Gutteres, Jac. Alendes, 1. Gwinner, Fred., 128. Gyer, Casper, 96. , Paul, 82. Gyger, Christian, 74. Gyser, Christr., 87. Gysert, Melchior, 93. Haager, John, 115. Haaghort, Gerardus, 35. Haal, George, 103. , Peter, 109. Haamer, George, 113. Haan, Peter, 146. Haas, Abraham, 115. , Adam, 95. , Frederick, 134. , John, 135, 143. , Jno. Hartman, 92. , Michael, 113. , Peter, 55. Habener, Andrew, 37. Haberacker, John, 66. Haberling, Johannes, 28. Hackenmiller, John Albright, 56. Hacker, George, 60. , Jacob, 81. Hackner, Wolfgang, 67. Hadleman, see Haldeman. Haegy, Andrew, 111. Haefiner, Henry, 87. Haering, George, 109. , John, 109. Haff, Peter, 126. Haffa, Henry, 102. , Melchior, 60. Haffner, George, 64. Hafner, Frederick, 11. , John George, 74. , John Mich., 11. Hagebuck, Andrew, 79. Hagelgaus, Jno. Sigmund, 107. Hagener, Valentine, 86. Hager, Philip, 101. Hagmayer, Conrad, 12. Hagner, John, 155. , Jno. Frederick, 61. Hagy, Jacob, 58. Hail, Thomas, 43. Haimsel, Stophel, 55. Hain, Henry, 115. Haine, Nicholas, 90. Haines, Marcus, 85. Haitz, see Hitz. Haldeman, Christian, 22. (Hadleman), Nicholas, 21. , , , jun., 21. Hall, John Godfry, 115. . Jno. Philip, 130. , Philip, 89, 143. Hallafel, Robert, 133. Hallem, Michael, 155. Haller, Zacharias, 155. Hallman, Adam, 74. , John, 24. Halveirstadt, Jno., 135. Hambergher, Michael, 112. Hambright, Adam, 57. Hamme, Valentine, 89. Hammell, Elias, 59. , Philip, 127. Hammer, Andrew, 97. Hammersmith, Phil., 151. Hammerton, J., Secretary of S. Caro lina, 7. Hammon, Frederick, 118. Hammond, George, 123. Hamshaw, Anthony, 70. Hancker, John, 108. Hand, George, 130. Handshuh, Jno. Fred., 60. Handwerk, John, sen., 131. , , jun., 131. Handwirk, Jno. Nicholas, 61. Hanely, John Sigismund, 43. INDEX 171 Hangey, John, 136. Hamnger, Michael, 24. Hankey, John, 143. Hanley, Stophel, 55. Hanly, Christr., 150. Hannekan, Maria Magdalena, 118. Hanniberger (Hanneberger), John, 25. Hans, Andrew, 135. , Henrick, 14. -, Hieronimus, 14. , Philip, 140. Hansberger, Ulrick, 55. Hanse, Henry, 64. Hansehnan, George, 120. Hansell, David, 145. Hansucker, Thomas, 105. Hantz, Ludwick, 123. Happa, Peter, 150. Harbine, Peter, 68. Harding, Philip, 137. Hardman, Peter, 127. Haring, Elbert, 32. Harlacher, Godfried, 29. Harman, David, 142. , Leonard, 26. , Michl., 121. Harmany, Nicholas, 19. Harnest, Jacob, 25. Harnish, Samuel, 150. Harnong, Lodowick, 15. Harout, Peter, 9. Harp, Abraham, 139. Harriott, David, 10. Harry, Martin, 89. Harsh, Martin, 113. Hart, Conrad, 75. , Levy, 37. , Myer, 92. , Philip, 142. , Solomon, jun., 30. Hartesteim, Michael, 38. Hartman, Christian, 69. , George, 12, 59, 125. , Henry, 105. , Jacob, 127. , John, 26, 103, 128, 137, 143. , Matthias, 155. , Peter, 107. , Ulrick, 64. Hartrampff, Abraham, 27, 28. , Melchior, 42. Hartsell, Geo., 14. Hartsle, Geo. Henry, 14. Hartway, Feiters, 12. Hartwick, John Christopher, 50. Hartzbach, Nichs., 135. Harvick, Nichs., 150. Hasell, Elias, 15. Hasher, Henry, 141. Haspelhorn, Ludwick, 103. Hassebecker, George, 141. Hasselwanger, Mary, 120. Hassert, Arent, 17. Hassingro, Herman, 62. Hastadder, John, 26. , Oswald, 26. Hatchy, Herman, 80. Hater (Heder), Henrick, 31, 32. Hatterick, Christr., 141. , Nichs., 123. , Peter, 123. Hauer, Christr., 99. , Frederick, 99. , George, 100. , Nicholas, 95. Hauer, Wendal, 113. Hauk, Jacob, 41. , Michael, 44. , Stephen, 83. Hauker (Hawker), William, 47. Haun, Henry, 54. Haupt, Bostian, 44. Haus, Peter, 58. Hauser, Abraham, 65. , George, 123. , Jacob, 126, 144. . John, 130. , Martin, 104. Haushaller, Jno. Adam, 73. Hausman, David, 125. , Frederick, 114. , Jacob, 125. Hautz, Philip, 46. , Philip Lawrence, 46. Havener, Nicholas, 44. Haver, Christian, 32. Hawk, Andrew, 23. Hawker, Adam, 79. , Killian, 139. Haws, George, 16. Hay, Charles, 89. , Melchior, 80. , Peter, 117. , Philip, 149. Hayde, George, 100, 112. Hayes, Judah, 30. Hayfer, John, 145. Hayflich, Conrad, 141. Hayne, John Christr., 69. Hays, Isaac, 33. Hayser, John Ernst, 94. Hazelbecher, John Philip, 154. Hazleback, Nicholas, 92. Headrick, William, 62. (Hedrick), Yost, 62. Heagy, Jacob, 27. Heanes, Johannes, 23. Heauke, Jacob, 53. Heavely, Adam, 51. Heavenor, Melchior, 44. Hebberlin, Godfrey, 118. Hebener, Christopher, 51. Heck, Daniel, 108. , George, 134. , Jacob, 69. , John Jost, 13. , Philip, 138. Heckedown, Daniel, 53. Heckeler, Rudolph, 48. Heckendom (Heckrendom), Martin, 56. Heckendom, John, 77- Heder, Henry, 33. , see aho Hater. Hedinger, Michael, 124. Hedrick, see Headrick. Heebner, John Christopher, 43. Heeder, Peter, 139. Heek, Jacob, 83. Heerbenk, John, 40. Heerd, Feight, 131. Heffer, William, 83. Hefflefinger, Collee, 21. , Henry, 21. , Jacob, 22. Heffley, Peter, 69. Heffly, Peter, 132. Befft, George, 74. , Peter, 123. Hehart, John, 63. Hehl, Barbara, 81. Hehn, Philip, 139. Hehr, Matthias, 157. Hei, Charles, 92. Heidley, Leond., 152. Heidrick (Hedrick), Abraham, 23, , Balthazar, 23. , George, 23. Heidshu, Nichs., 74. Height, Anthony, 121. Heil, Fred., 140. Heilig, Hendrick, 42. Heilman, Geo. Adam, 76. , Henry, 29. Heim, David, 95. Heimbach, Peter, 128. Heim-Bonn, Solomon, 47, Heims, Andrew, 89. , Peter, 150. Heintz, Anthony, 19. , Michael, 19. , , jun., 19. Heintzicker, Jno., 131. Heinzelman, Jerome, 141. Heirness, John George, 80. Heiser, Adam, 112. , John, 17. Heisler, George, 51. , Jacob, 156. Heiss, Adam, 86. , Mathias, 95. Heissler, Christian, 107. Heist, George, 73. , Henry, 75. , John Nicholas, 53. , John Philip, 53. , Peter, 116. Heit, Andrew, 44. Heitz, Ja,cob, 36. Heitzelman, George, 126. Held, John, 111. , John Dethrick, 43. Helder, Michl., 118. Heller, Christian, 51. , Daniel, 89. , George, 115. , Ludwick, 89. , Michl., 128. , Simon, 89. Heilman, Michl., 119. Hellzell, Henry, 100. Helm, Adam, 85. , Jacob, 92. Helms, Emus, 33. Helsel, Tobias, 72. Helsell, Simbright, 88. Heltenbach, George, 146. Helzell, Philip, 91. Hemalbarger, Valentine, 67. Hemicker, Michael, 156. Hen, Philip, 107, 109. , Simon, 107. Hend, John, 10. Henderer, Jacob, 38. Henderick, George, 51. Hendrich, Wendal, 120. Hendrick, Christian, 117. Hendricks, Leonard, 23. , Paul, 23. Hendrickson, Daniel, 133. Henkey, Henry, 86. Hennegor, Michael, 39. Hennicke, Jno. Nich., 56. Hennig, Hieronimus, 56. Henning, Jacob, 85. Henninger, Conrad, 23. 172 INDEX Henningher, John, 123. Henrick, Jacob, 85, 125. Henriques, Abr. Lopez, 2. , Is. Da Silva, 2. , Isaac Nunes, 30. , Jac. Gutteres, 2. , Jac. Lopez, 3. , Jac. Nunes, 4. , Mo. Lopes, 1. , Mo. Nunes, 4. , Rachael, 3. , Rachel, 4. , Rachel Lopes, 4. , Sarah Lopes, 4. Henry, Abraham, 106. , Godfrey, 106. , Peter, 101. Hentsell, Caspar, 113. Hentzell, Michael, 67. Henzel, Philip, 79. Hepler, Christian, 135. Herberberger, John., 118. Herbert, John, 38. Herble, Peter, 145. Hergarater, John, 53. Herhold, George, 91. Hering, John Andrew, 33. Herker, Philip, 45. Herman, Jacob, 108. , John, 134. , John Diehl, 126. Hermany, George, 108. Hermell, Henrick, 16. Herner, Christian, 55. , Frederick, 84. , see aho Kerner. Hernst, see Ernst. Heroy, Charles, 34. , James, 34. Herple, Jeremiah, 137. , Peter, 70. , Philip, 104. Herr, Peter, 64. Herrald, Stophel, 113. Herring, Ludwick, 61. Hersberger, Jacob, 134. Herster, Andrew, 136. Herteg, Philip, 112. Herter, John Martin, 125. Hertjog, Frederick, 47. Hertz, Andreas, 64. , Casparus (Casper), 33 (3). Hertzell, Christr., 148. , Peter, 110. , Ulrick, 90. Hertzhell, Henry, 105. Hertzhog, Andrew, 105. , Philip, 134. Hertzhogg, John Nichs., 119. Hess, Johan, 87. , John, 37. , Lewis, 95. , Michael, 49. , Nicholas, 67. , Ulrick, 91. Hesse, Fred., 83. Hesselius, Gustavus, 14. Hessler, Michael, 75. Hesslin, Charles, 60. Hetfelsinger, Martin, 66. Hetzell, Michael, 93. Hetzler, Baltzer, 124. , Geo., 124. Heusung, Jno. George, 89. Hevins, Valentine, 139. Hewrison, Bernhart, 69. Heybey, Peter, 19. Heydell, Simon, 107. Heyer, Dietrick, 40. , Tobias, sen., 155. Heyges, Peter, 110. Heylman, Peter, 121. Heyman, Henry, 146. , Moses, 29. Heymbach, Peter, 126. Heymberger, Geo. Thos., 80. Heyser, Valentine, 29. Heyter, John Michael, 26. Hibner, Christopher, 27, 28. , David, 27, 28. , Ludwick, 150. Hibshman, Gerrahrt, 56. Hickman, Adam, 66. , Cronomus, 26. , John, 77. , Peter, 115. Hiddle, Michael, 113. Hien, John, 82. Hienkle, Christopher, 61. Highberger, Andrew, 88. Highmager, Christopher, 41. Higner, Mathias, 24. Hilbert, John, 127. Hildebidle, Martin, 23. Hildebrand, Jacob, 95 Hildner, Wilhelm, 94. Hilig, George, 18. Hill, Adam, 24. , Gotliff, 24. , Jacob, 130, 131, 145. , John, 39, 40. , Thos., Secretary to the Board of Trade, 8, 17. Hillegas, Michael, 42. Hilligas, John Adam, 91. Hiltzheimer, Jacob, 81. Hinckel, Caspar, 80. Hinckell, Leonard, 123. , Philip, 113. Hiner ( ? Kiner), Graft, 51. Hinken, Peter Bernard, 127. Hinkle, Peter, 144. Hinterlieter, Caspar, 87. , Matthias, 87. Hinton, Adam, 29. Hintz, Henry, 121. , Michl., 118. Hirsh, Frederick, 126. , Michl., 152. , Philip, 146. , Simon, 110. Hirt, John, 97. Hisler (Hister), Joseph, 54. Hiss, John, 50. Hister, Daniel, 42. Hittle (?), see Kittle. Hitz (Haitz), Henry, 144. Hobbaker, Fred., 121. Hobre, Andrew, 10. Hocknower, see Kochnower. Hoe, George, 129. , Jno. Adam, sen., 137. . , , jun., 137. , Martin, 129. Hoefer, John, 131. Hoekgenug, Leonard, 63. Hearing, Philip, 123. Hoertse, Jacob, 37. Hofeman, John, 147. Hoff, Adam, 85. Hoff, Conrad, 147. , Valentine, 69. Hoffer, George, 74. , Matthias, 64. Hoffert, Christian, 70. Hoffman, Adam, 88. , Andreas, 23. , Burchard, 24. , Christian, 62, 126. , Daniel, 87. , Frederick, 93. , George, 27, 28, 46, 49, 75. , Henry, 96, 126. , Jacob, 14, 29, 67, 110, 140, 147. , Johannes, 62. , John, 90. , John George, 16. , John William, 57. , Michael, 19, 54, 130. , Nicholas, 91. , Peter, 99. , Philip, 79. , Richard, 102. , Valentine, 69, 101. , Yost, 66. Hoffmann (Hoffman), Christopher, 43. Hofman, Jacob, 27. , Michael, 61. Hofner, Jacob, 143. Hogberr, Michl., 96. Hoggabugh (Hogaburgh), Jacob, 75. Hogman, Jacob, 22. Hoke, George, 133. Holbe, Jacob, 116. Hold, Adam, 106. Holder, Nicholas, sen., 67. , , jun., 67. Holer, George, 66. Hollbuch, Adam, 119. Holle, Abraham, 102. Hollebach, Michael, 115. Hollebush, Christian, 94. , Peter, 94. Hollenjer, Christian, 60. Holler, George, 69. , Henry, 133. Hollinger, Jacob, 156. Hollingsmith, Conrad, 11. Holloe, Sylvester, 123. Holsbaum, Andreas, 61. Holsinger, Bernard, 45. Holstein, Eva Barbara, 46. Holtzetter, Peter, 41. Holtzman, Henry, 93. Holtzschuch, George, 145. Holzendorf, Fred., 7. Hombogh, Philip, 157. Homshir, John, 81. Honaker, Rudolph, 53. Hone, Anthy., 136. Honig, George, 13. Honnetta, Andrew, 65. Hoober, Christian, 48. , Henry, 98. Hoobler, Abram, 48. , Jacob, 91. Hoobley, Michael, 47. Hoofhans, Jacob, 139. Hoofman, Christr., 135. , Henry, 115. , John, 12. , Nichs., 121. , Peter, 10. Hoofnagle, Christian, 142. Hoofnaigle, John, 79. INDEX 173 Hoofney, George, 81. Hookart, Jacob, 56. Hooke, Adam, 143. Hootz, Andreas, 124. Hoove, Frederick, 77. , John, 132. Hoover, Andrew, 77. , Christian, 25. -* — , Conrad, 143. , Henrick, 17. , Henry, 117. , Jacob, 25. , Ulrick, 25. Hooy, Ulrick, 49. Hopff, John, 156. Hoppeker, Hans, 85. Horder, Jacob, 106. Horlacher ( ?) (Horlactior), Michael, 65. Horn, Andrew, 92. , Jaspar, 146. , Sebastian, 139. Hornberger, Stephen, 142. Hombergher, Bartholomeus, 14. Home, George, 28. Hornecker, John, 98. , Ulrick, 142. Horneffer, Henrich, 38. Homer, Jacob, 125. Horsfield, Jno. Adam, 93. Horst, Wendal, 148. Hoser, Jacob, 133. Hosier, Michl., 143. Hoss, Philip, 78. Hossbenner, Jacob, 101. Hoster, Wilhelm, 87. Hott, George, 72. Hottenstyn, Jacob, 72. Hotz, Michl., 102. Hotzapfel, Erasmus, 89. Hough, George, 25. , Jacob, 25. , Philip, 22. , Samuel, 25. Houk, Jacob, 94. House, John, 9. Housegger, Nichs., 107. Householder, George, 82. Housen, Caper Holtz, 42. Houser, Jacob, 96. Housholder, Lawrence, 60. Housman, Conrad, 130. , Frederick, 156. , Martin, 134. Housom, John, 29. Houy, Daniel, 46. Hover, John, 69. Hoversticht, Michael, 45. Hower, Bernard, 112. , Christr., 127. , Sebastian, 112. Howett, Jacob, 132. Howg, Peter, 65. Hoy, John, 57. Hoyer, Erich Christian, 31, 33. , Mathew, 36. Hoyl, Wendal, 73. Hoyle, George, 60. , Jacob, 61. Hubacker, Martin, 136. Hubbley, Bernard, 24. Hubener, John, jun., 23. Huber, Daniel, 64. , Francis, 145. , George, 147. , Hans, Jacob, 33, Huber, Henry, 65, 100. , Jacob, 16, 91, 103, 104, 129. , John, 43, 72, 78. , Michael, 103, 157. , Nicholas, 70. , Peter, 70. , Rudolph, 98, 114. Hubler, Jacob, 66. Hubley, Frederick, 94. Hubner, Hans, 23. Huett, Peter, 150. Huey, Adam, 66. Hugon, Jean, 140. Huke, Ludwick, 84. Hulsekamp, Gerard, 157. Hulster, Leonard, 27. Humble, Martin, 15. , Uriah, jun., 14. Hummel, John, 109. Hummell, Frederick, 84. , Jacob, 101. , Michael, 99, 129. Hun, Valentine, 102. Hundel, Adam, 132. Hunter, Anthony, 16. , Charles, 13. , John, 15. Huntsberger, Jacob, 23. Huntziger, Johannes, 31. Huntziker, Christian, 121. Hurand, John, 68. Hurbach, Jno., 82. Hushaa, Dewald, 152, Hutter, Adam, 109. Huy, David, 30. Huzel, John Geo., 10. Huzliman, Foelix, 60. Hynicky, Adam, 152. Hysler, Peter, 52. Hyssley, Conrad, 57. Ibeling, John, 142. Icks, Nicholas, 42. Icleberger, Martin, 57. Iglefritz, George, 69. Ikken, Catherine, 156. Ilgner, Christian, 157. Imbler, Lodowick, 56. Imel, John, 46. Imhoof, Martin, 109. Immel, Leonard, 75. Immoberstake, Abraham, 56. Ingel, Melcher, 24. Ingersbach, William, 149. Ingle, George, 149. Inkle, Henry, 152. Ipa, Caspar, 67. Isaac, Jacob, 54. Isaacs, Abraham, 30. Isagar, Jonathan, 10. Iseberger, Gabriel, 20. Ish, Peter, 90. Isonn, Conrad, 136. Israel, Henriq', 2. , Michael, 47. Israello, Angel, 12. Isun, Christian, 142. Itzangmister, George, 103. Izenheart, Andreas, 70. Izyle, John, 88. Jackie, Jeremiah, 46, Jackson, R., 39, Jacob, Barentz, 131, 132. , John, 153. , Nicholas, 92. Jacobi, Christopher, 34. , Conrad, 134. , Maria, 138. Jacobs, Adam, 71. Jacoby, Adam, 111. , Henry, 117. , Michael, 113. , Nicholas, 113. Jenings, Edm., 12 n. Job (Jobb), John Nicholas, 56. John, see Little John. Johnson, Christopher, 39, 144. Johnston, John, 27. Joner, Jonens, 27, 28. Jones, Charles, 146. Jordan, Elias, 144. , John, 94. Jorrigg, Abraham, 83. Joseph, George Henry, 65. Josephson, Meyer, 88. Jouch, John, 39. Judy, Jacob, 138. , Syrach, 138. Julius, Julius, 22. , Philip Jacob, 131. Junghen, Herman, 24. Junt, John, 121. Justus, George, 95. Juvenah, David, 137. Kable, Adam, 134. (Kabel), Peter, 151. Kachel, Andreas, 156. Kachlin, Charles, 75. Kafroth, Gerhard, 62. Kahmer, Rhinehart, 94. Kahn, Valentine, 139. Kaighnley, Fred., 107. Kains, William, 59. Kalb, Michael, 18. Kalbach, Henry, 129. Kalckloeser, Imanuel, 21. , Jacob, 21. Kalder, Martin, 28. Kaller, Valentine, 78. Kam, George Michael, 57. Kamerling, John, 120. Kammer, Peter, 144. Kammerer, Frederick, 88. , Matthias, 117. Kamp, David, 87. , George, 104. Kampman, Peter, 106. Kann, John, 82, 115. Kantner, Jacob, 99. Kapp, Eva Margeretta, 46. , Martin, 46. Kapple, Hans George, 17. Karber, Jno. Michl., 129. Karch, Martin, 125. Karcher, Martin, 55. , Michal, 55. Kare, Christian, 155. Karl, Jacob, 118. Karle, Michael, 57. Karn, Frederick, 125. , see also Kern. Karst, Jacob, 20. Kassle, Johannes, 22. , Julius, 22. Kast, George, 55. 174 INDEX Kaster, Peter, 142. Kastner, Johannes, 13. Katterman, Jacob, 46. Katz, Jacob, 149. , John Henry. 58. , Mich., 130. Kaub, Christian, 105. Kauble, Michael, 55. Kaus, Balthazar, 23. Kaust, Martin, 54. Kayman, Benedict, 55. Kayser, Frederick, 105. , Jacob, 106. , Sabastian, 85. , Valentine, 79, 101. Kearn, Frederick, 101. , Michael, 99. Kearsner, Conrad, 48. Kebner, Benedict, 91. Keck, John, 123, 126. , see also Koch. Keckler, Jacob, 137. Keefaber, Conrad, 92. Keefer, Abraham, 64. , George, 96. , Jacob, 15. , Martin, 140. , Theobald, 115. Keehline, Peter, 55. Keehmle, Conrad, 45. Keeler, Mathias, 52. , Valentine, 15, 16. Keely, John, 138. Keemer, George, 66. Keemeiiin, Martin, 111. Keen, George, 85. , Jacob, 52. Keener, Adam, 64. Keentzly, Jacob, 77. Keeper, Christian, 100. Keesel, Nichs., 132. Keeselman, Michl., 145. Keesicker, Ernst, 144. , Philip, 115. Keever, John, 78. Kehl, Adam, 128. , Francis, 139. , John, 83. , John George, 45. Kehler, John, 93. Kehnly, Lawrence, 66. Kehr, Jacob, 146. Keider, John, 28. Keifer, Peter, 102. Keiffer, Michl., 102. Keiler, Jno. Martin, 110. Keiser, Christopher, 63. , Jacob, 91. , Michael, 68. Keisler, John, 74. Keisling, George, 150. , Jacob, 150. Keisner, Martin, 10. Keistler, John, 75, Keistner, John, 128. Keitel, Geo., 136. Keiz, Anna Dorethea, 42. Kelchner, Mathias, 58. Kelckner, George, 19. Kelcknor, Michael, 20. Keli, Michael, 117. Kelker, Anthony, 104. Kelkner, Michl.', 60. Kell, John William, 85. Keller, Christian, 136. Keller, Conrad, 60, 63. , George, 69. , Hans, 70. , Henry, 46. , Jacob, 18, 69, 132. , John, 61, 116, 118. , Michael, 43. , Nicholas, 157. , Rodolph, 11. , Sebastian, 61. Keim, Maria Ursula, 45. Kelp, Jno. Adam, 135, Kelwig, Frederick, 50. Kemmell, George, 93. Kemmerling, Jacob, 104. Kemp, Christian, 10. , Conrad, 9. , Dewald, 24. , Frederick, 12. , Gilbert, 10. , Mathias, 141. Kendel, Cathrina, 87. Kendell, Joseph, 124. , Theobald, 124. Kendrick, Henry, 25. Kenig, Godfried, 82. , Jacob Philip, 82. Kentz, George, 53. Kephart, Henry, 137. Kepler, Hans Bernard, 14. , John Geo., 14. Keplinger, Leonard, 150. Kepotz, Daniel, 49. Kepple (Keppell), Henry, 62. , Theobald, 113. Keppler, Jacob, 127. Kerbach, Geo. Will., 114. , John, 149. Kerbock, John, 106. Kerger, David, 27. Kerman, George, 108. Kern, Abraham, 74. , Anthony, 120. , Christian, 50. , Frederick, 68, 108. , George, 29, (Karn). George Jacob, 51. . Jacob, 49, 86. , John Geo., 128. , John Simon, 11. , Mathias, 58, 128. , Matthew, 95. , Michael, 126. , Nicholas, 18. , Peter, 105. Kerner (Herner), Henry, 56. , Nicholas, 58. Kerper, Julius, 67. Kersener, Martin, 67. Kershner, Geo., 65. , Lawrence, 84. Kesler, Abraham, 97. . Leonard, 86. Kettner, George Michael, 153. Ketz, Bernard, 121. Keyner, Peter, 107. Keysell, Frederick, 53. Keyser, Andrew, 144. — -, George, 138. , George Michael, 36. , Jacob, 107. , Peter, 107. Kible, Lorentz, 138. Kibler, Jacob, 144. Kichlein, Mich., 129. | Kichn, Adam Simon, 26. Kidler, Jacob, 71. Kidwiler, Rudolph, 64. Kieber, Jacob, 155. Kieffer, Ludwick, 97. , Vincent, 102. Kiehl, Theodore, 120. Kiehmly, George, 97. Kiekeline, Andreas, 61. Kiem, John, 22. Kiemil, Jacob, 75. Kiendt, Nichs., 125. Kientz, Caspar, 128. Kientzler, Baltzer, 120. Kiers, Edward William, 40. Kijsmuller, Martin, 9. Kik, Henry, 59. Kilbrunn, Lawrence, 39. Kile, Conrad, 143. Killer, Martin, 136. Killis, John, 61. Kilman, Nicholas, 38. Kime, Valentine, 98 Kimmell, Jacob, 149. Kince, Philip, 9. Kind, George, 122. , Martin, 57. Kindig, John, 20. , Martin, 20. Kinely, John, 108. Kiner (?), see Hiner. King, Jacob, 98. , John, 71. , John Nicholas, 78. , Michl., 127. , Peter, 156. Kingery, Christian, 142. , John, 142. Kingfield, Windell, 96. Kingrick, Peter, 85. Kingry, John, 25. Kinnelin, Matthias, 74. Kinser, Jacob, 83. Kinsey, Christian, 70. , John, 24. Kinsinger, George, 115. Kintzer, Nicholas, 57. Kintzing, Abraham, 16. — — , Christian, 21. Kippell, Henry, 119, 139. Kirker, Godfried, 88. Kirman, Michael, 86. Kirnise (Thirnese), Michael, 58. Kirsten, Rosind, 81. Kirtz, Henry, 98. Kishtler, George, 79. Kissinger, Michael, 93. Kisterer, Christr., 116. Kistner, Martin, 119. , Philip, 124. Kitner, Henry, 74. Kittering, John Adam, 70. Kittinger, Rudolph, 147. Kittle (?Hittle), Peter, 51 Kittler, Adam, 14. Kitz, Jacob, 85. Klaar, Philip, 99. Klaas, John, 141. , John Ties, 142. Klauss, Adam, 123. Kieber, Balthazer, 89. Klee, Nicholas, 63. Kleimer, Baltis, 146. Klein, Adam, 122, 129. , Conrad, 124. INDEX 175 Klein, George, 38. , Henrick, 18. , Jacob, 122, 139. , John, 38, 129. , Lorentz, 122 , Michael, 58. , Nichs., 109. , Peter, 122. Kleppinger, George, 45. Klickner, Anthy., 139. Klien, Henry, 73. Klies, Philip, 132. Kliest, Daniel, 92. Klinck, Jacob, 38. Kline, George, 104, 124. , Godfried, 97. , Jacob, 107. , John, 38, 82, 110. , Michl., 135. , Peter, 138. , Theobald, 124. Klingell, George, 143. Klinger, Alexander, 74. , John, 127. , Jno. Peter, 73. , John Philip, 74. Klingersmith, Philip, 104. Klingman, Michl., 142. , Peter, 83. Kliss, Erhard, 152. Kloss, Henry, 115. , John, 115. Kloti, Jacob, 149. Klotz, Jacob, 123. Kluck, John, 113. Klug, Charles, 95. Klumberg, Philip, 95. Klyn, Johannes Peter, 31, 32. Knab, Michael, 50. Knabelt, Philip, 11. Knagy, John, 71. Knairr, George, 93. Knapp, Frederick, 88. Knappenberger, Adam, 128. , Philip, 116. Knappley, Peter, 133. Knaus (Knaws), John, 48. Knauss, Sebastian Henry, 48. Knave, Jaed, 10. Knebbell, Stophel, 152. Knecht, Mattys, 34. Kneedler, George, 120. , Jacob, 120. Kneerenshield, Christr., 72. Kneisler, Stephen, 110. Knell, see Knoll. Kneply, Melchor, 70. Knerr, Ahra'm, 125. , Henry, 147. Knight, John, 105. , Jno. Conrad, 92. , Peter, 54. Knipe, John, 118. Knipper, Peter, 145, 147. Knobb, Peter, 72. Knodel, Jacob, 106. Kneedler, Andrew, 137. , George, 124. Knoertzer, Balthazar, 46, Knoll, Jacob, 145. , Mathias, 105. , Michael, 18. (Knell), Michael Christian, 31, 32, 33. Knop, Peter, 52. Knopp, Leonard, 15. Knopple, Peter, 25. Knorr, Melchior, 148. , Peter, 74. Knoth, Henry, 105. Knous, Godfrey, 51. Knower, Christopher, 94. Kober, George Adam, 127. , Paul, 63. Koch (Keck), Adam, 75. , Caspar, 125. (Coen), Catherina, 54. , Jacob, 115. , John, 142. , John Conrad, 101. , Lewis, 118. , Mathias, 102. Kochenbach, John, 115. Kocher, George, 29. Kochler, Albright, 71. , Peter, 155. Kochnower (Hocknower), Jacob, 77. Kock, Johannes, 73. , John Michael, 85. , Michael, 73, 99. , Peter, 14. , William, 58. Kockanower, Jacob, 77. Kockenbach, Henry, 84. Kockendoffer, George Peter, 86. Koeler, Frederick, 90. Koemer, Wendal, 74. Koenich, Henry, 131. Kcenig, Henry Anthy., 83. Kcester, Ludwick, 129. Koffman, Samuel, 93. Kohl, George, 139. Philip, 84. Kohler, Baltzer, 104. (Cohler), Jacob, 57. , John, 127. , Jno. Rudolph, 95. , Jonas, 45. Kohn, Adam, 83. , George, 135. Koke, John, 155. Koker, Peter, 57. Kokert, Daniel, 49, Kolb, Conrad, 126. , George Michael, 75. Koler, John, 133. Komer, John, 148. Konn, Henry, 48. Koogher, Johan Peter, 19. Kookert, Adam, 56. Kool, Jacob Sable, 22. , Johannes, 33. Kooley, Ulrick, 139. Koontz, see Kuntz. Koplin, Christian, 45. Kopp, Jacob, 65, 83. , Michael, 38. KopDin, Catherine, 125. Korr, Jacob, 80. Koser, John, 115. Kost, Frederick, 115. Kother, Conrad, 91. Koufman, Catherina, 55. Kough, Jacob, 19. Kountzer, Bernard, 48. Kous, John Thvs, 38. Kouse, Philip, 96. Kowsman, Adam, 73. Kraaff, Henry, 96. Kraft, Conrad, 117. Kraik, George, HI. Kramer, Andreas, 111. , Arnold, 147. (Kroemer), Philip, 150. Kraninger, Daniel, 50. Kraps, Henry, 19. , Michael, 19. , Simon, 19. Kratz, Martin, 147. , Valentine, 21. Kraus, Christopher, 41. , Henry, 83. , Honnes, 124. , Jacob, 18. , John Geo., 130. , Michael, 60. Krauscop, George, 106. Krauskop, Ludwyk, 40. Krauss, John Henry, 72. Kreber, Anthony, 81. Krebs, Jno. Christian, 102. , Jno. Philip, 119. Kreebel, George, 51. Kreemer, Adam, 154. , George, 87. Krees, Valentine, 117. Krehl, Michael, 156. Kreicher, Bastian, 79. , Jost, 79. Kreighbaum, Philip, 134. Kreimer (Krelmer), Frederick, 75. Kreisenger, Jacob, 101. Kreiss, John George, 121. Kreitchbaum, Wm., 101. Kreitter, Steph., 130. Kreitz, John, 108. , Jno. Adam, 130. , William, 126. Kreps, Andrew, 105. Krepts, John Christr., 102. Kres, Charles, 21. Kress, Jacob, 119. Kressler, Philip, 119. Kreyer, Henry, 94. Kribel, Christopher, 27, 28. Kribell, Caspar^ 23. , George, 23. Krider, Michael, 23. Krierchbaum, Adam, 93. Kriesenger, Gotlieb, 94. Krietzer, Peter, 93. Kriey, Jacob, 110. Krig, Philip, 124. Krill, Adam, 72. Krimler, Henry. 87. Krimm, David, 112. Krine, Peter, 132. Krips, Godfry, 141. , Henry, 80. Krise, Henry, 119. Kristein, Geo., 130. Kreemer, Godfrey, 116. , John, 81. , Valentine, 138. , see aho Kramer. Kroft, Nicholas, 29. Kroh, Peter, 122. Krolman, Mich., 130. Kroom, John, 129. Krop, Jacob, 22. Krosser, John, 96. Krout, Henry, 133. Krowser, Sebastian, 72. Krowt, Peter, 90. Krowter, Jacob, 79, 176 INDEX Krug (Crug), Valentine, 48. Kruger, Peter, 88. Krum, Christian, 129. , Francis, 129. Kryder, Abraham, 96. , Martin, 81. Kryner, Andrew, 105. , Valentine, 116. Kugler, John George, 80. Kuhl, Conrad, 130. , Jacob, 67. , Peter, 101. Kuhn, Christr., 148. , Frederick, 91, 134. , John, 86. Kuhns, Bernard, 126. , Michael, 57. Kunkell, John, 129. , Jno. Geo., 117. Kunkle, John, 125. , Peter, 138. Kuns, Jacob, 88. Kuntz, Dewald, 129. — — , Francis, 83. (Koontz), Hans J" ob. 25. , Hartman, 127. , Henry, 106, 147. , Jacob, 79, 98. , Michael, 24, 99. , Nicholas, 109, 116. Kuntzelman, George, 106. Kurr, Thomas, 71. Kurts, Arnst, 50. , Johannes, 30. Kurtz, Abraham, 77. , Adam, 129. , Arndt, 90. , Jacob, 153. , Johannes, 87. , John, 116. , John Nicholas, 00. , Lawrence, HI. , Michael, 90, 112. , Peter, 143. , William, 151. Kuster, John, 68. Kuteh, Jacob, 95. Kuter, Bernard, 108. Kuth, Saml., 63. Kutz, George, 74. .. Kuyper, Cornelius, 36. Kyme (or Ryme), Johannes, 20. Kynlander, Bernard, 34. Kyper, Michael, 51. Labach, George, 118. , Peter, 118. , Reinard, 118. Labaer, William, 42. Labourer, Michael, 119. Lacourt, Anthoyne, 6. Lademacher, John, 129. Ladesma, Mo., 3. Ladner, Andrew, 36. Ladshower, Francis, 22. Laguna, Abm., 2. , Jac, junr., 3, , Rebecca, 4. Lahn, John, 94. Laib, Jno. George, 61. Laibell, Simon, 82. Lamb, Bartholomew, 135. , John, 135. , Peter, 66, Lamback, Christian, 114. Lambarger, Conrad, 105. Lambert, Jacob, 154. , Matthias, 41. , Valentine, 33. Lambright, Anthony, 63. Lamera, Aaron, 1. Lamparder, John, 86. Lamparter, Joshua, 97. Lanciscus, Jacob, 62. Landenberger, Mathew, 88. Landes, Jacob, 22. , , jun., 22. Landzer, George, 141. Lane, Cornelius, 47. , Henry, 50. , Peter, 47. Lang, Elias, 17. , Michael, 100, 110. , Nicholas, 100. , Peter, 102. Langborne, Jeremiah, 17. Lannius, Jacob, 70. Lantes, Jacob, 21. Lantz, Andrew, 98. , Jacob, 103. , Nichs., 150. Lap, Ruthol, 44. Larch, Cralluis, 71. * Laros, Ludwic, 113. Larow, George, 46. , Jonas, 46. Latchv, Rudolph, 134. Latigh, Yost, 110. Lau, Philip, 89. Laub, Jacob, 143. , Peter, 148. Laubach, Jno., 144. Laucks, Peter, 46. Laudenbough, Conrad, 86. Laudermeligh, Wilder, 70. Laudermilk, Godfrey, 142. Lauffer, Christian, 130. Laughbaugh, Christian, 56. Lauman, Ludwick, 48. Laumeister, Wendall, 78. Launce, Philip, 131. Laurens, William, 33. Lautenschleger, Adam, 101, Lauter, Philip, 110. Lautzenslegher, Geo., 107. Lavou, Jos., 3. Law, David, 62. Lawfer, Lawrence, 17. Lawks, Peter, 133. Lawrence, George, 136. . William, 30. Lay, Caspar, 119. , Ludwick, 82. Layer, Henry, 142. Lazares, Elias, 4. Leaman, Christian, 13. Lease, Frederick, 80. , Henry, 79. Leash, Peter, 97. Lebart, Henry, 25. Lebbert, Jacob, 133. Lebengut, Peter, 83. Leberger, Adam, 16. Lechner, George, 46. , John George, 46. Leddraugh, Andreas, 21. , Johannes, 21. Lederman, Peter, 82> Leech, John, 143. I Leed, Henry, 117. Leer, Herwart, 114. , John Huppny, 138. Leese, Philip, 136. Leeser, Frederick, 90, 132. Leffler, Godlip, 134. Le Grand, Jean Rodolph, 7. Lehman, Christian, 23. , Jacob, 124. , Jno. Christr., 87. , Joseph, 130. -, Ludwick, 155. Lehmenn, Johannes, 41. Lehnhart, Christian, 141. Lehnherr (Lenherr), Jacob, 71. Lehr, Godfried, 94. Lehre, Jacob, 145. Lehrey, Jacob, 144. Leibelsperger, Geo., 100. Leibengut, Hartman, 124. Leiby, George Michl., 114. , Jacob, 114. Leidich, Leonard, 107. Leidick, George, 46. Leighner, Leonard, 57. Leim, John, 106. Leimaster, Wm., 140. Leimbacker, Henry,, 155. Leimeister, Wilkelm, 62. Leinau, Andrew Erdman, 88. Leiner, Henry, 102. , , jun., 102. Leinweber, Henry, 83. Leiser, Andreas, 124. Leister, Nicholas, 146. , Philip, 87. Leivan, Daniel, 20. j Leli, George, 99. Leman, Peter, 25. Lender, John, 144. Leninger, Henry, 137. Lennich, Thomas, 104. Lent, Peter, 78. Lentz, Bastian, 113. — — , Christian, 103. , Christopher, 147. , Frederick Sigismd., 37. , Matthew, 145. , Michl., 145. Leonard, Conrad, 146. , George, 36. Leonhard, Wilhelm, 38. Leopald, Matthias, 61. Leopold, Charles, 156. , George Adam, 86. Leppy, Henry, 96. Lerch, Antony, 54. , Nicholas, 114. , William, 114. Lerck, Christr., 151. Lerick, John, 15. Lerk, Caspar, 67. Le Roy, Abraham, 90 , Adam, 79. , John Peter, 90. Lerver, Tobias, 37. Lesher, John, 20. , Nicholas, 67. , Wm., 135. Leshier, Henry, 54. Lesley, Benj., 92. Lests, George, 53. Lether, George, 94. Letherman, Jacob, 143. Lettsrman, Martin, 54. INDEX 177 Levan, Bastian, 56. ¦ , Jacob, 23. Leven (formerly Quimore or Quinmore) Cath., 76. Levy, David, 101. , Henry, 4. , Isaac, 30, 88. , Moses, 3, 31. , Samuel, 30. Lewegood, Jacob, 88. Lewis, Henry, 147. , Jacob, 70. , John, 33. Ley, Felix, 91. , Mathias, 101. Leydich, Jno. Fred., 147. Leydig, John Philip, 83. Leyditch, Francis, 135. Leytentecker, Philip, 125. Libegut, Jacob, 64. Libkep, Solomon, 43. Librook, Jacob, 67. Lichtel, Anthy., 98. Lichtenwallner, John, 25. Lidert, Jacob, 76. Liehtner, Jacob, 131. Lienback, Frederick, 61. • , Henry, 61. , John, 61. Lier, Valentine, 29. Lieser, Jacob, 128. Liess, Peter, 87. Liewenstien, George, 89. Light, John, 96. Limbach, Fred., 151. Lindenberger, Geo. Ernst, 80. Lindenmuth, Lodwick, 155. Lindenshmitt, Ludwick, 130. Linder, Benjamin, 36. Linderman, Justus, 137. , Nichs., 120. Lingel, Paul, 80. Lingenfelter, John, 21. Linghear, Philip, 52. Linn, Adam, 43. ¦ , Jacob, 136. , Nichs., 140. Linsenbekler, Paul, 13. Linton, Francis, 3. Lintz, George, 53. Lippo, Peter, 113. Lisher, John, 77. Lists, Adam, 51. Little, Peter, 61. Little John, John George, 17. Litzenberger, Simon, 133. Lob, John, 41. Loback, Peter, 27. Lober, Peter, 156. Lodowick, Daniel, 27. Lodwick, Michael, 56. Lodz, Reynold, 38. Loeser, Jacob, 60. , John Christian, 80. Loesher, Jacob, 121. Lohman, Will., 132. Lohrens, Francis Peter, 93. Loist, Christopher, 29. Loney, Titur, 9. Long, Caspar, 99. • , Henry, 137. ¦ , Jacob, 113, 138. , Joseph, 89. , Martin, 83. , Michael, 79. 99, 140. m I Long, Nicholas, 66, 156. , Peter, 135. , Theobald, 127. , Urbanus, 144. , William, 93. Longacre, Jacob, 88. , Susannah, 88. Loos, Jacob, HI, 117. Looser, George, 111. Loosh, George, 138. Looss, Jacob, 89. Lopez, Abigail, 6. , Moses, 30. Lorah, Henry, 51. Lorchback, Hermames, 114. Lorentz, John Peter, 39. Lorey, John, 69. Lorilland, John George, 36. Losh, George, 95. Lott, Abraham, 32, 33 (2). , Johannes, 32. Lotz, Adam, 116. , Baltzer, 128. Loubsher, Conrad, 121. Lough, Christian, 153. , Peter, 153. Louillard, Peter, 37. Louser, John, 107. Loutz, George, 55. Lowbougher, Christr., 93. Lowdinbach, Philip, 62. Lower, Mich., 76. Lowman, Henry, 70. , Martin, 112. Lowness, John George, 92. Lowrey, Michael, 103. , Peter, 133. Lowtherman, John, 85. Loyer, Ad., 7. Loyman, Andrew, 152. Lubengut, Adam, 83. Lucam, George, 38. Luchman, Nichs., 102. Ludwick, Conrad, 125. , George, 147. , Mathew, 92. Ludwie, Philip, 135. Ludwig, Christr., 86. , George, 99, 101. , John, 155. Luib, Michael, 71. Lukembiel, Adam, 79. Luneman, Carl, 39. Lung, Nicholas, 9. , Philip, 9. Lupfer, Jacob, 119. Lush, Jacob, 135. , John, 133. , Nichs.; 142. Luther, Christian, 135. Lutz, Adam, 142. . Caspar, 104. , John, 110. , Michael, 28, 106. , Peter, 108. Lydie, Jacob, 48, 91. Lynberger, Ludwick, 109. Lyne, John, 20. Lyon, Jac, 2. Lype, Ulrick, 26. Lytner, Nathaniel, 17. Maag, Conrad, 91. , Henry, 49. , Jacob, 28, 58. Maas, .Andreas, 19. Mach, Conrad, 118. Machlen, Jacob, 46. Mackinet, Blasius Daniel, 16. Made, John, 68. Maesser, Conrad, 110. Mahomer, Philip, 68. Mahrigen, John, 87. Maider, Dewald, 145. Maintzer, Conrad, 125. , Mich., 125. Maishe, George, 105. Maister, Gregorius, 55. Mak, Johannes, 23. Malvier, Michl., 145. Man, George, 39. Mancius, Geo. Wilhs., 33. Mangen, John, 94. , John Ernst, 86. Manismit, Conrad, 61. Mankell, John, 120. Mann (Man), Christopher Hans, 53. , Henry, 85. , John, 123. , Peter, 97. , Philip, 29. , Stephen, 112. Mannabach, Nichs., 122. Mannel, John, 37. Mannhard, Philip, 38. Mannykinger, Andreas, 141. Mansboil, Jacob, 8- Mantz, Casper, 56. , John, 131. Marburger, John, 100. March, Peter, 85. Marckell, Martinus, 30. Marcky, Dietrick, 150. Margberg, John Caspar, 79. Marits, Adam, 130. Mark, Conrad, 60. Marklan, Henry, 137. Markle (Marckie), John, 77. Markling, Christian, 18. Markley, Jacob, 49. Marks, George, 73. , John, 141. , Levy, 156. , William, 64. Marolff, Rudolph, 21. Marquart, Martin, 108. Marquetand, Lorenze, 56. Marritt, Nicholas, 63. Marsequie, Honore, 39. Marshall, Teterich, 54. Marsteller, Ludwick, 113. Martin, Diederick, 72. , Everhart, 55. , Frederick, 72, 110. , George, 89, 119. , Jacob, 69. , John, 48, 77, 135. , Nicholas, 52. , Peter, 124. , Stephen, 117. Martini, John, 7. Martins, Leah, 3. , Mo., 1. Martzall, Wendall, 116. Marx, Nichs., 124. Marye, James, 8. Mason, Christr., 89. , John, 14. Massemir, Casemir, 134. Masser, Leonard, 11. 178 INDEX Masser, Michael, 155. Masserly, Daniel, 78. Massoner, Tittrick, 11. Mast, Jacob, 21. Master, Chrisr., 81. Mateery, Nichs., 83. Matezer, John, 78. Mather, John, 69. Mathias, Philip, 130. Mathison, Henry, 15. Matter, George, 107. , John, 107. Matthesen, Catha. Dorithea, 131. Matthew, Dietrick, 130. Matthias, Henry, 143. Mattinger, Michael, 116. Mattos, Phinelias, 2. Maul, Bartholomew, 15. , Conrad, 78. Maurer, Adam, 125. , Andreas, 156. , Christian, 116. , Christr., 85. , Daniel, 144. , Frederick, 19. , George Ernst, 72. ¦ , Henry, 87. , Jacob, 145. , Philip, 73. Maus, Bernard, 83. , Chas., 143. , Philip, 107. Mause, Daniel, 119. , Frederick, 118. Mauser, Mich., 127. Mauty, John Daniel, 86. Mauyer, Jno., 70. Mawrer, Jacob, 19. May, Andrew, 130. , Frederick, 94. , Geo., 85. , Leonard, 57. , Peter, 96. , Thomas, 131. Mayer, Christopher, 120. , Detrick, 80. , Frederick, 58. , George, 58, 102. , Geo. Nich., 47. , Henry, 74. , Johannes, 28. , John, 130. , Lawrence, 101. , Leonard, 58. , Ludwick, 78. , Nicholas, 58. , Philip, 80. , Valentine, 62. Maylander, Jno. Danl.. 75. Maynard, Frederick, 56. Mayrer, Hans Adam, 17. Mayster, Melchior, 27, 28. Mease, John, 117. Mebold, George, 111. Mechel, David, 103. Mechlin, Henry, 148. Mecklien, John, 90. Mecklin, John, 115. Mecklinburgh, Chs. Ludwick, 74. Meckline, John George, 105. Mecomer, Peter, 76. Meelhaan, Henry, 141. Meelzger (Mealzer), George, 48. Meem, John, 25. Meenich, Jacob, 92. Meess, George, 73. Meeth, Philip, 58. Meffert, Peter, 136. Mehl, Samuel, 123. Meidinger, Geo. Ludwig, 100. Meily, Jacob, 29. Meintzer, George, 92. Meixell, Martin, 155. Melcher, John, 71. Meleon, George, 96. Melford, Casper, 82. , John, 82. Melihar, Leonard, 14. Mell, Peter, 22. Mellehoof, Philip, 132. Mellow, David Henry, 36. Melsbach, Nicholas, 34. Melsback, Peter, 35. Melsiger, see Metsiger. Mench, Henry, 115. Mendez (Mendes) . , Abigail, 4. , Abr. Pereira, 5. , Abr. of Benj. Pereira, 6. , Da., 3. , Esther, 5 (2). , Esther Pereira, 3. , Gabr., 5. , Jac, Pereira, 3. , Judith, 5.. , Rachel, 5. , Rapl., 2. , Sam. Pra., 6. , Sime, 4. , Sol., 2. Meng., Melchior, 46. Menge, Peter, 93. Menges, Conrad, 110. , George, 133. Mengs, Adam, 94. Menn, Peter, 139. , Philip, 139. Menold, Martin, 38. Mensh, Nichs., 137. Mentz, Philip, 128. Mentzer, George, 140. Merckle, John, 124 Merevien ( ?), Philip, 146. Merkell, George, 95, 116. Merker, George, 149. Merstaller, John Geo., 13. Mertz, Henry, 116. , John, 102, 139. , John Nicholas, 19. Mesinger, Michael, 29. Mesner, Casper, 63. , Christian, 63. Mesquitta, Jac Fernandes, 2. , Mo., senr., 6. Messemir, John, 147. Messencope, John, 142. Messersmidt, Barbara, 85. Messhter, David, 23. Messinger, Conrad, 121. Mettauer (Mettaver), John, 64. Metsiger (Melsiger), Jacob, 34. Mettler, George, 63. Metz, Jacob, 112. Metzer, Jacob, 97. Metzger, Christian, 131. , George, 106. . Jonas, 99, 120. Metzler, John, 94. Metzner, Dietrick, 139. Meyer (Myer), Abraham, 22 (2). Meyer, Adam, 127. Adolph, 54. Christian, 22. , jun., 22. Christopher, 33, 99. Conrad, 144. Frederick, 153. George, 115, 119, 132, 147. George Ludwick, 80. Hans, 21. Henry, 53. Ts3i3.C 21. Jacob, 68, 108 (2), 119, 143. John, 52, 66, 89, 99. John George, 60. Jno. Michl., 119. Matthew, 63. Nicholas, 100. Peter, 149. Philip, 109. Rudolph, 121. Thomas, 95. William, 129. Yost, 119. see also Myer Meyerer, Mich., 12. Meyerly, Frederick, 115. Meyers, Napthaly Hart, 38. Michael, Eberhard, 120. , George, 129. , Ludwick, 110. , Phil. Jacob, 107. , Ulrick, 113. Michel, Andries, 33 (2). Miekendurffer, Johannes, 19. Middlecave, Peter, 9. Mier, Gesper, 10. , Valentine, 12. Miers, Peter, 93. Mikely, Jacob, 72. Mildeberger, George, 108. , Michl., 95. Mildenbergen, Johan Adam, 34. , John Nicholas, 111. Miley, George, 77. , John, 76. Milheim, Christian, 57. Mill, George, 41. Millar, Christian, 130. , Geo., 130. , John, 127. Miller, Adam, 18, 42. , Andrew, 42, 43. , Bartholomew, 122. , Catherine, 84. , Charles, 73. , Christian. 46, 117, 145. . Christopher, 124, 157. , Conrad, 70, 120, 148. , Ernst, 149. , Eronimus, 85. , Eva Maria, 46. , Frederick, 107, 114. , Frederick Casemir, 74. , George, 71, 84, 103, 131. , Harman, 99. , Henry, 26, 84, 89, 118, 148, 152. , Herman, 92. , Isaac, 10, 15. , Jacob, 10, 13, 49, 52, 64, 87, 107, 108 131 132, 135, 140, 151, 156. , Jacob Keitz, 18 , Johannes, 30. , John, H, 26, 71, 83 84 199 196 133, 150, 152. ' ' ll' iZb' INDEX 179 Miller, John Adam, 55, 151 . , John Jacob, 65. , Jno. Nichs., 151. , John Peter, 92. , Leonard, 19, 49, 89. , Lorentz, 138. , Ludowick, 10. , Ludwick, 78. ¦ , Martin, 152. , Michael, 43, 64, 96 (2), 103, 151. , Nicholas, 100, 114, 141 , Peter, 100, 109, 113, 117. , Peter, jun., 47. , Philip, 30, 79 (2) . , Philip Jacob, 151. , Sebastian, 21. , Tewald, 107. , Tobias, 142. , Valentine, 53. , William, 67, 95. Milliner, Jacob, 70. Milteberger, Michl., 118. Mincke, Christian, 95. Minema, Jacob, 35. Miner, Jacob, 53. Mingle, John, 156. Minich, Henry, 105, 109. Minser, Mark, 16. Minsh, Adam, 111. Miranda, Is. Rodriques, 4. Mish, John, 117. Mishler, Jacob, 76. , Joseph, 76. Mishslegel, Andreas, 116. Missersmith, Jno. Andrew, 62. Mitchell, George, 153. , John, 120. Mitshed, Jacob, 95. Mitshett, Henry, 111. Mittman, Conrad, 126. Mock, John, 24. Moeda, Rodriques, 3. Mogle, Valentine, 62. Mohler, Henr, 69. , Jacob, 69. , Ludwick, 69. Mohn, John, 64. , Ludwick, 74. , Ulrick, 83. Mohr, Andreas, 67. , Harman, 58. Moke, Henry, 67. Moleck, Jonas, 31, 32. Moll, Christopher, 23. , John, 56. — , Michael, 24. Mons, Conrad, 138. Moonts (Monts), Bart., 11. Moor, Jacob, 79. Moore, Blazey, 36. , Conrad, 152. , Geo. Jos., deputy secretary for New York Colony, 30. , Gideon, 152. , Jacob, 40. Mordecai, Mordecai M., 107, 132. , Moses, 96. More, Martin, 69. Morehard, Jacob, 151. Morgan, Adam, 29. , Sebastian, 72. Moritz, Nicholas, 24. Morner, Quirinus, 95. Morrell, Mathew, 36. Moser, Adam, 42. m 2 Moser, Bastian, 92. , Christian, 141. , Frantz, 109. , John, 142. , Paul, 92. , Peter, 141. , Philip, 60. , Simon, 125. Moses, Adam, 128. , Jacob, 39. Mosleman, Samuel, 22. Mots, Henry, 43. Mouse, Ludwic, 114. Moy, Christian, 78. , William, 67. Moyer, Frederick, 122. - — , George, 19. , Henrick, 19. , John, 76, 94. Moyster, John, 136. Muck, John, 114. Muffler, Sebastian, 61. Muffley, Nichs., 138. Muhlenburgh, Henry, 50. Mulenfeld, Jno. Fred., 147. Mulheisen, Jacob, 99. Mulledaller, John, 36. Muller, Adam, 37. , Andries, 37. , Jacob, 29, 37. , John, 36, 38. Muller, David, 46. Mumbower, Nicholas, 114. Mumma, Peter, 81. Mung, Godf ret,' 11. Musch, John, 92. Muse, Samuel, 125. Musseman, Andrew, 25. Mussle, Hans, 25. Musteller, George, 105. Muth, Peter, 146. , Philip, 99. Mutshitler, John, 119. Mye, William, 27. Myer, Andrew, 130. , Christian, 29. , Dewald, 123. , Elias, 26. , George, 124. , Jacob, 24. , Johannes, 33. , John, 147. , John Andrew, 86. , John Geo., 14. , Martin, 92. , Melchior, 105. , Peter, 12. , Sebastian, 135. , Thomas, 17. , William, 138. , see dtso Meyer. Myerly, Batizer, 64. , David, 56. , John Geo., 56. Myers, George, 132. , Hyam, 36. . Manuel, 36. , Solomon, 30. Myrtetus, Christr. Gideon, Naefen, Michael, his wife, Anna Maria, 42 Naffreger, Peter, 156. Nagle, Anthony, 115. Nagle, Henry, 102. , Jacob, 83, 94. , Philip, 86. , Sebastian, 94. Naglee, Caspar, 91. , Jacob, 16. , Rudolph, 59. Naph, John, 11. Nappinger, Andrew, 53. Naregany, Daniel, 128. Nathan, Lyon, 88. Nathane, Alex., 6. Neck, Michael, 83. Needhock, Jacob, 133. Neegle, Christian, 49. Neemyer, Frederick, 112, Nees, Matheus, 15. , Michael, 42. Nefang, Peter, 129. Neff, Jacob, 86, 154. , Rudolph, 86. , Ulrick, 126. Neft, Wendal, 41. Neglee, Alexander, 139. , Johannes, 49. Nehr, Martin, 112. Nehroot, Henrick, 82. Neidig, Adam, 113. , Daniel, 100. , Jno. Adam, 74. Neidlin, John Christr., 80. Neifang. Baltzer, 102. Neihawsen, Johannes, 13. Neiman, George, 141. , Herman, 100. Neiss, George, 68, 72. Neisser, George, 143. Neitzer, Bernard, 105. Nelich, Henry, 124. Nelson, Thomas, Dept. Sec. of Virginia, 8. Neracher, Jacob, 147. Nesley, Ulrick, 46. Nessly, John, 121. Nessor, Augustine, 134. Netf, Abraham, 66. , Jacob, 67. Nett, Michael, 20. , , jun., 20. Neu, Valentine, 113. New, Adam, 74. , Nicholas, 74. Newcomat, John, 77. Newcomer, John, 74. Newhart, Michael, 55. Newhauser, Jno. Mich., 148. Newhouse, Anthony, 42. Newkirch (?) (Newkirets), Henry, 72. Newkirk, Henry, 52. Newman, Christopher, 52. , David, 51. •, Nicholas, 115. Nexley, John, 93. Neyshevander, Saml., 106. Nice, Dewald, 15. , Mathias, 15. Nichodemus, Henry, 105. Nichola, Ludwick, 155. Nicholas, Jacob, 146. , Valentine, 111. Nicholl, John, 59. Niedermardt, Conrad, 13. Niep, John, 84. Niess, John, 84. , Jno, Herman, 133. 180 INDEX Niets, Hans George, 34. Nighat, Frederick, 51. Nil!, Caspar, 144. Nise, John, 119. Nitchman, David, 44. Nizel, Pancratius, 119. Noble, Anthony, 23. Noblo, Henry, 144. Nodle, Ulrick, 86. Noll, Francis, 67. ¦ , George, 41, , Martin, 67. Noman, John, 126. Nonemaker, Embrick, 84. Nonnemaker, Jacob, 87. Nonomecker, Solomon, 137. Nordein, Zacharias, 141. Nosbittle, Ludwic, 114. Notz, Christr., 121. Noyman, Christopher, 24. Nunez (Nunes) : •, Is. Rodriques, 6. , Joshua, 4. , Sarah, 3. Nungasser, Valentine, 49. Nungesser, Fredk., 58. Nushack, Chas., Williams, 106. Niiss, Jacob, 41. Nutz, George, 60. — — , Leonard, 28. Nydich, John, 120. , Leonard, 120. Nydig, George, 124. Nydlinger, Benedict, 101. Nyer, Danl., 61. , John, 84. Nyfang, Martin, 129. Nype, Caspar, 64. Oal. Henry, 47. Ob,' Jacob, 131. Obb, Peter, 68. Oberdorf, George, 127. Oberholser, Jacob, 22. , , jun., 22. Oberkirsh, Francis, 128. , Michl., 128. Oberlander. Henry, 106. Oberle, Michl., 137. Oberlin, John Francis, 154. , Martin, 94. Oberling, Rudolph, 54. Oberly, Adam, 79. , Michael, 67. Obitz, Leonard, 141. Oble, Christopr., 122. Odellwald, George, 99. Odenheimer, John, 81. Odenswelder, Philip, 104. Oel, John Jacob, 31. Oertly, Henrick, 38. Oeter, Christr. Fred., 85. Offner, Martin, 60. Ogenbach, John, 121. Ohl, Andreas, 50. , Michael, 57. Ohleweyler, Philip, 89. Oldhouse, Christian, 68. , William, 72. Olewine, Yost, 52. Olinger, Geo., 127. , Peter, 81. Olt, Henry, 116. Oraeler, John, 135, Omstadt, John, 16. Oosterman, John Fred, 34. Ooueback, Johannes, 33. Opp, Philip, 131. , Valentine, 137. Ordt, John, 50. Orendolf, Christian, 55. Orish, Christopher, 43. Orndt, Jacob, 48. Ornt, Abraham, 51. Ortman, Francis, 39. Osshyer,, Anthony, 98. Oswald, Henry, 86. , Philip, 39. Oth, Michael, 113. Ott, Caspar, 16 , Henry, 15. , Jacob, 38. , John George, 88. , Michael, 113. , Nicholas, 82. , Peter, 146. Otterbein, William, 140. Otterman, Ludwick, 127. Ottinger, John Jacob, 67. Ottman, Henry, 19. , Regina, 103. Otto, Jno. Matthew, 85. , Mathias, 14. Oufensanberger, Peter, 52. Overbeck, Andreas, 13. , Hans George, 18. Overholster, Henry, 22. , Jacob, 22. Overpeek (Overpeck), Jacob, 66. Overshield, Peter, 90. Ox, Hans Adam, 18. , Leonard, 18. Oxbury, Alexander, 37. Page, Michael, 111. Painter, John, 36. Palmar, Christian, 53. Palmer, Michael, 110. Paltograaff, George, 18. Pancake, Peter, 118. Panet, Johannes, 37. Pannibecker, Wigand, 65, Parall, George, 126. Paris, Peter, 57. Parisien, Otho, 37. Partius, Michael, 55. Partmess, Adam, 94. Pasters, Philip, 112. Paul, Abraham, 70. , Andrew, 90. , John, 152. Pawman, see Bawman. Peal, Philip, 53. Pearshler, George, 90. Pearson, Lawrence, 148. Pechin, Christr., 87. , Peter, 90. Peck, Jacob, 59. Peetler, John, 133. Peishlein, Caspar, 131. Pence, Wyrick, 25. Pender, Mathias, 15. Pener, Peter, 44. Peninger, Ulrick, 45. Penkick, Joseph, 14. Pennea, Rebecca, 2. Penner, Christian, 143. , Daniel, 143, Penner, Henry 133. , John, 145. , Veit, 84. Penninghoff, Jacob, 115. Pens, Peter, 80. Penter, George, 111, 148. , Nicholas, 106. Pentz, John Philip, 97. Peppel, Peter, 146. Perdo, John, 20. Pereira, Esther Lopes, 4. , Rachel Fernandes, 5. Perret, John, 117. ' Perry, Christian, 44. Pershing, Fred., 140. Person, Philip, 114. Pertsch, Andrew, 93. Peter, Abraham, 20, 147. , Adolph, 122. , Caspar, 122. , Henry, 83. , Ingle, 20. , Jacob, 126. , Johannes, 70. , John, 122. , Rudolph, 123. Peterman, Daniel, 141. , Jacob, 85. , Michl., 141. , Peter, 141. Peters, Henrick, 15. , Henry, 109. , Jacob, 16. , John, 149. , Peter, 16. Peterson, George, 31, 32. Petre, Jacob, 79. Petri, Andrew, 127. — — , Anthony, 113. , George, 82. , Valentine, 101, 147. Petz, Michl., 127. Pfaff, Peter, 140. Pfattager, Martin, 77. Pfatticher, Adam, 101. Pfeffer, Hans, 32. Pfeifer, Jacob, 101. Pfeiffer, Daniel,' 93. Pfeil, John, 146. Pfifer, Christian, 112. , Ludwick, 105. Pfinstag, Rosina, 144. Pfister, Casper, 90. , Geo. Adam, 80. , Jacob, 49. Pfotezer, George, 64. Pfy, Andreas, 143. Phafen, John, 31. Philbert, Thomas, 100. Phile, John, 107. Philip, Caspar, 113. , John Nichs., 101. , Valentine, 97. Philippi, Christian, 117. Philips, John, 82. Phillippi, Jacob, 117. , John, 127. Phister, John, 155. Piccus, George, 81. Pickle, Ludwick, 52. Pickler, Mark, 9. Piffer, Joseph, 91. Pinto, Joseph Jesurum, 38. Piper, John Michl., 91 ¦ , Peter, 144, INDEX 181 Pisel, Peter, 46. Pitzer, Mathias, 144. , Michl., 144. Plankenhorn, Jacob, 148. , John, 137. Pless, John, 120. Plessing, Jacob, 108. Plickensterfer, Christr., 149. Pliger, Tobias, 89. Pliler, Jacob, 92. Plum, George, 95. , Ludwig, 29. Plumshine, Henry, 140. Plutner, Michael, 85. Poger, George, 41. , Philip^ 104. Poh, John Jacob, 83. Pontius, Christian, 37. , John, 80. , Nicholas, 84. Pooderbach, George, 154 Popp, Bernhard, 103. , Conrad, 94. , Nichs., 97. , Peter, 94. Poppemyer, Frederick, 122. Poppenmyer, Stephen, 115. Porteus, James, 8. Post, Frederick, 59. Pott, John, 56. , William, 20. Pottiker, Martin, 68. Potts, George, 151. Powers, George, 39. Powlus, Adam, 87. Pownall, Mr., 39. Powser, Michael, 80. Pox, Nicholas, 104. Poyas, John Ernest, 7. Poyshert, Peter, 38. Praxell, Jno. Nicholas, 66. Prensh, George, 114. Presler, George, 99. Pressler, Simon, 141. Prett (Brett), Peter, 29. Prette, Is. Lopes, 2. Price, Conrad, 48. , Daniel, 93. Prinkenmiller, Philip, 115. Prll, Is. Ferandes, 2. Proback, Hieronimus, 80. Probst, Adam, 58. , Jacob, 156. , Martin, 83. Procter, Henry, 57. Propost (?) (Ropost), Bernard, 76. Propst, Michael, 75. , Valentine, 74. Protzman, Adam, 80. Prutzman, Jacob, 80. Pry, George, 46. Puff, Valentine, 50. Purbower, Caspar, 137. Putha, Peter, 148 Putt, William, 59. Putts, Michl., 66. Pyle, John, 140. Pypper, David, 33. Quartstilwag, Johannes, 24. Quierin, Nichs., 127. Quimore, Quinmore, see Leven. Rabbold, Jno. Jacob, 68. Raber, Conrad, 99. Rabine, Nicholas, 16. Rabsom, Jacob, 134. Rack, Christr., 107. Radd, John Conrad, 24. Radeback, Henry, 56. , Michael, 59. Radgay, Jacob, 133. Radin, John Henry, 73. Raeber, John, 66. Raiguel, Abraham, 71. Raindollar, Jacob, 100. Ram, Melchior, 116. Ramalho, Is., 1. , Leah, 3. Ramsaur, Dietheric, 43. , Henry, 41. Ramsower, Adam, 140. Ran, Jacob, 63. Eanck, Hans George, 34. , Michael, 18. Randeker, John, 40. Ranzier, Frederick, 37. Rapp, Bernard, 85. , Christr., 141. , George, 119. , Michl., 120, 141. (Rap), Peter, 57. , Philip, 143. , Philip Henry, 64. Ratemaker, Henry, 127. Ratfoun, Christian, 154. Rathe, John Jacob, 24. Rathflag, Henry, 116. Rattenhawsen, Garret, 16. Ratz, Christr., 117. Rauch, Rev. Christian, 45. , Conrad, 148. Rauentsaner, Adam, 108. Raugh, George, 139. , Jacob, 139. Rauhenzaner, Ludwick, 108. Raunfauner, Jno., 92. Raush (Rush), Nicholas, 42. Raust, Martin, 131. Rautforin, Fred., 76. Rawn, Casper, 98. Rayser, John Jacob, 115. , John Martin, 102. Reber, Andreas, 33. , John, 126, 153. Recope, Frederick, 145. Red, Michael, 104. Redd, Adam, 47. Reddich, George, 140. Reder, Adam, 15. Redival, Philip, is. Redmanner, Anna Barbara, 104. Reech, Henry, 64. Reed, Elias, 71. Reeder, Michael, 17. Reel, Matthias, 42. , William, 69. Reem, Baltzer, 70. , Christopr., 64. Reemer, Frederick, 91. Rees, Dietrick, 95. , Henry, 66. , Jacob, 61. , John George, 55, 91. Reesaker, Peter, 53. Reese, Lawrence, 58. I Reeser, Adam, 111. j , John, 49. (Reaser), Willm., 76. I Reesh, Leonard, 140. Reezer, George, 23 , Henrick, 20. , Jacob, 69. , Matthew, 96. , Philip, 62, 69. , Ulrick, 20. , William, 20. Regler, Andreas, 37. Rehm, George, 67. , Peter, sen., 73. , , jun., 73. Rehrig, Nichs.,' 147. Reiber, Leonard, 29. Reichart, Michl., 137. Reid, Henry, 45. , Philip, 17. Reidenaur (Reidenhaur), Henry, 12. , Matthias, 12. , Peter, 12. Reiff, Hans, 22. Reiffsneider, Conrad, 83. Reiff snider, Philip, 128. Reiffsnieder, Michl., 87. Reigell, Geo., 128. Reiger, George, 14, 60. , Jacob Frederick, 18. , Joannes Barthol., 14. Reigner, Geo., 113 Reihl, Adolph, 107. Reihm, Tobias, 141. Reill, Richd., 149 Reily, John, 86. Rein, David, 67. Reinberg, Andrew, 14. Reinecker, Caspar, 116. Reiner, George, 63. Reinhard, Conrad, 110. , Daniel, 80. , George, 65, 73 , Henry, 126. Reinheimer, George, 145. Reinhold, Christ. Henry, 58. , Geo. Chr., 75. Reinshmit, John, 122. Reintzell, Valentine, 92. Reinwalt, George, 27, 28. Reis (Rois), Michael, 29. , , his wife Margaret, 42. Reiser, Jacob, 28. , Paul, 58. Reisin, Elizabeth, 140. Reisinger, Nichs., 141. , Peter, 141. , Wendal, 141. Reislin, Matthew, 9. Reiss, Bernard, 127. Reitmeyer, Henry, 55. Reitzel, George, 99. Remich, Daniel, 49. , Lawrence, 70. Remmy, John, 36. Renger, Jacob, 136. Renn, Bernhart, 19. , Fred., 120. Renner, Adam, 136. , George, 157. , Jacob, 87, 136. , Valentine, 113. Renninger, Wendel, 128. Reno, Jacob, 89. Rentsberger, Christr., 129. Reorher, Godfret, 43. Reppart, Peter, 98. Resler, John, 82. Ress, Henry, 125. 182 INDEX Ressler, George, 68. Rethler, Peter, 123. Reti, Peter, 79. Retter, Tobias, 66. Reuter, Michael, 56. Revera, Jacob Rodriques, 33. Rey, John Andrew, 119. Reyer, Martin, 17. , Sebastian, 19. , Stophel, 152. Reyly, Martin, 150. Reyner, Christian, 90. Reys, Christian, 123. Rezer, Baltes, 16. Rhein, John Jacob, 86. Rheinhard, Godfrey, 157. Rheinwald, Christopher, 23. Rhinehart, George, 117. , Henry, 95. , Jno., 131. , Valentine, 37. Rhineir, John Francis, 81. Rhinelander, William, 35. Rhode, Jno. Jacob, 61. , Philip, 62, 84. Rhor, Jno. Andrew, 62. Rhora, Jacob, 25. , John, 25. Rhutt, Sebastian, 68. Rhyne, Michael, 17. Ribas, Menashe, 2. Ribelet, Bartholomew, 125. Ribiero, Abr., 1. Riblet, Abraham, 62. Ribone, John, 96. Ribtell, Peter, 101. Ricart, Ludwick, 113. Rich, Henry, 137. , Jacob, 59. Richard, Christian, 105. , John, 26. , John Frederick, 15. Richards, Adam, 98. Richenacre, Frederick, 118. Richeop, Christian, 53. Richer, Conrad, 147. Richers, John Michael, 39. Richwind, George, 88. Rick, Christopher, 157. , Herman, 62. Rickabacker, Adam, 76. Rickart, John, 84. Ricke, Henry, 25. Rickley, William, 8. Rickotine, Christr., 91. Ridebacher, Jacob, 143. Riecher, Gabriel, 54. Riedy, Jacob, 45. Riegeler, Leendert, 33. Riegell, John, 115. Rieghter, Peter, 78. Riehl, Ludwick, 132. Ries, Conrad, 107. , Jacob, 134, 146. , John, 40. Riess, George, 74. , John, 75. Rife, Abraham, 28. Rifel, Adam, 44. Riffet, Nicholas, 135. Rigel, George, 113. Righart, Christr., 96. Rightmeyre, Coenradt, 30. Rights, John, 133. Rill, Jacob, 121. Rimel, Ludwick, 140. Rincel, Henry, 73. Ringer, Jno. Geo., 119. , Matthias, 19. , Michael, 124. Rininger, John Marks, 75. Rink, Sebastian, 126. Rinker, John Uley, 138. Rippell, Ludwick David, 78. Rislar, Jacob, 36. Risler, Tunis, 35. Riss, John, 100. Ritchey, Gregory, 86. Rdtenauer, Jno., 95. , Nicholas, 95. Riter, George, 27. Ritman, David, 37. , Michael, 37. Ritschart, Uti, 79. Ritter, Barbara, 77 (2). , Casper, 49. , Henrick, 15. , Henry, 36. , Michael, 36, 42. , Peter, 15. Ritz, Anthony, 94. , Christian, 95. Ritzema, Johs., 32, 33. Ritzle, John, 145. Ritzman, Peter, 112. Riz, Hanah "Lopez, 3. Roadebush, Henry, 143. Roadermill, Jno., 91. Roades, Henry, 11. Roan, Henry, 110. Roar, Jacob, 45. Rockeberger, Geo. Adam, 80. Rocky, Henry, 84. Rodarmarle, Christian, 27. , Paul, 27. Rode, Jacob, 139. , John, 81, "105. Rodebach, Peter, 83. Rodeback, Geo., 83. Rodebeck, Bernard, 77. Rodermill. Christr., 82. , Peter, 20. Rodey, John, 14. Rodriques (Roderiques), M., 2, 5. Rodt, Jacob, 101. Rcemer, Mathias, 126. Roerich, Jno. Philip, 120. Rcesilie, Conrad, 81. Rog, John, 30. Roh, George, 136. Rohner, John, 147. Rohr, John Frederick, 54. Rohrbach, Christian, 147. Rohrback, Christian, 77. Rohrer, Jacob, 76. , John, 155. Rois, see Reis. Rokheffeller, Johannes Petrus, 36. , Simon, 36. Rokkenfelder, Christian, 34. Rom, John, 137. Romar, Mich., 11. Romicht, John, 120. Romig, Frederick, 48. Roodt, John, 104. Roope, Bernhard, 95. Roos, Francis, 13. , Lodowick, 35. Ropost, see Propost. Roppert, Adam, 78. Roreback, Reinhart, 63. Rorman, Conrad, 108. , Henry, 108. Rorrer, Jacob, 10. Rosch, Conrad, 102. Rose, Arnd, 86. , Conrad, 74. , Johan Peter, 38. Roshong, Henry, 118. Ross, Jacob, 49. , John, prothonotary of Supreme Court of Pennsylvania, 24. Rossel, Henry, 40. Rossell, Jacob, 87. Rossenbergh, Benjamin, 15. Rost, Erhard, 72. , Leonard, 148. , Mathias, 103. Rosyberger, Henry, 22. Roth, Francis, 50. , Jacob, 75, 130. , John, 110. , John Joseph, 75. Rott, Daniel, 65. , John George, 42. Rottenberger, Nichs., 65. Rotter, Elias, 51. , Herick, 29. Rouch, Christopher, 128. Rouderbush, George, 96. Rougeon, Peter, 37. Roup, Geo., 14. , Peter, 14. Rous, Lucas, 58. Rouse, Peter, 6. Roushenberger, Fred., 145. Roushon, Pierre, 148. Row, Jacob, 97. , John Martin, 86. , John Maurice, 72. Rowk, Philip, 94. Rowlond (Rowland), Jacob, 77. Rowtrock, John, 45. Roy'er, Samuel, 137. Rubb, Jonas, 120. Rubbert, Lehnhart, 74. Rubi, Caspar, 141. Rubley, Jacob, 45. Ruby, John, 76. Ruch, George, 28. , Michael, 28. Ruck, Jacob, 28. Ruckstool, Solomon, 90. Rudey, Dedrick, 14. Rudht, Henry, 21. Rudisilly, Jacob, 68. , Lewis, 153. Rudolph, Johannes, 28. Rudraff, John, 110. Rudy, Daniel, 60. , Martin, 117. Ruetlinger, Henry, 154. Ruff, William, 118. Ruger, Frederick, 37. Ruhl, Frederick, 103. , George, 105. Ruhner, Ulrick, 148. Rule, Peter, 14. Ruman, Henry, 149. Rumfeldt, Henry, 13. Rumman, Jacob, 65. Rumpell, John, 126. Rung, Henry, 87. Runk, Philip, 59. Runkell, Jeremiah, 145, INDEX 183 Runkett, John, 68. , Nicholas, 68. Runkle, Samuel, 145. Runyoe, John Peter, 151. Rupe, John, 70. Rupert, Philip, 133. Rupp, George, 130. , John, 89. , Killian, 115. , Nicholas, 114. , Peter, 54. Ruppard, Caspar, 108. Ruppert, Charles, 122. , George, 125. Ruse, George, 115. Rush, Conrad, 70. , George, 145. , Henry, 147 , John, 17, 148. , Michael, sen., 73. , , j""-, 73. , see also Raush. Rust, Henry, 141. Ruth, Christian, 50, 63. , Jacob, 63. . Michael, 63. , Peter, 62. Rutter, Francis, 48. , George, 48. Ruyter, Daniel, 118. Ryall, John, 26. Ryar, Carl, 50. Rybold, Stephen, 110. Rychart, George, 98. Rychdorfer, Henry, 82. Rydle, Yost, 133. Ryer, Michael, 16. Rykley, Conrad, 142. Ryme, see Kyme. Ryswick, Jno., 63. Saam, Andreas, 124. Sable, Leonard, 80. Sahler, Peter, 83. Saiger, Frederick, 70. , Gabriel, 143. , Peter, 143. Sailer, Abraham, 16. , George, 18. , John, 149. , Philip, 72. , Valentine, 98. Sailor, Balthazar, 15. Salback, Jacob, 90. Saldana, Abr. Dovall, 4. , Sol., 5. Sallady, Frederick, 88. , Nichs., 133. Salom, Da., 2. , Esther, 4. Saltzer, Jacob, 113. Salver, Rudolph, 27. Salzgeber, Andreas, 73. Saman, Ludwick, 62. Samler, John, 39. Sample, Lawrence, 112. Sampson, Dewald, 141. — , Peter, 144. Samuel, Levy, 30. Sanches, Abr., 5. , Benj., 5. , Sarah, 3. Sander, Henry, 128. Sandman, Lawrence, 120. Sanger, Henry, 68. Sangmaster, Ezekiel, 135. Sanner, Lodowick, 58. Sarber, Jacob, 117. Sarver, John, 49. Sassamanhause, Johannes, 87. Sassamanhaws, Emanuel, 21. Sauer, Henry, 57. Saul, Leonard, 109. Saunder, Henry, 25. Sausele, George, 109. Sauter, John George, 80. Sawter, John, 58. Sax, Johannes Michael, 35. , Johan Peter, 34. Schadt, Andrew, 101. Schaff, Philip, 34. Schaffer, Andreas, 145. , Henry, 107. , John, 92. Schaid, Charles, 79. Schain, Peter, 82. Schainer, John, 94. Schaltz, Jachen Christian, 39. Schanck, George, 95. Schappart, Nichs., 64. Schappell, Jeremiah, 113. Schatz, Philip, 25. Schaub, Andrew, 80. , Christopher, 63. , Peter, 72. Schaver, Nicholas, 84. Schaws, John Adam, 47. Scheaffer, Michuael, 104. Scheffer, George, 95. , Geo. Frederck, 97. — ¦ — , George Jacob, 97. , Johan Valentine, 31. Scheildler, Geo., 10. Scheizer, Henry, 79. Sehel, Christoph., 38. Schellmeir, Geo., 66. Schenerhinger, Mathew, 38. Scherer, Ulrick, 21. Schieb, Christian, 103. Schilp, Peter, 84. Schlaback, Henry, 73. Schlatter, Michael, 86. Schleffer, Henricus, 33. Schlesman, Henry, 112. Schleydorn, Henry, 15. Schlichter, John, 28. Schlishtern, Eva Catherina, 96. Schlisman, Nicholas, 99. Schlonecker, Michael, 57. , , jun., 57. Schlosser, Geo., 55. , Peter, 116. Schmaal, Adam, 84. Schmick, Jno. Jacob, 92. Schmid, John Philip, 71. Schmidt, Henry, 157. , Henry, sen., 90. , , jun., 90. Schmoll, Tietman, 106. Schmyer, Philip, 20. Schnabeli, John, 80. Schneck, George, 97. Schnee, John, 105. Schneider, Abraham, 93. , Christian, 66. , Conrad, 42, 62, 96. , Daniel, 33 (2). , Jacob, 63. , Johannes, 33 (2), 62. Schneider, Jno., 66. , John Adam, 66. , Martin, 81. — ¦ — , Michael, 155. , Philip, 93. , Simon, 157. , Valentine, 63. Schneizer, Jacob, 79. Schnor, Jacob, 112. Schoeneberger, Philip, 84. Scholl, Andreas, 116. , Peter, 42. , Philip Peter, 93. Scholtz, Christopher, 23. , George, jun., 23. , Melchior, 23. Schonneret, Frederick, 38. School, Simon Peter, 86. Schop, John, 66. Schopp, Gabriel, 67. Schotler, Garret, 39. Schott, John, 157. Schouster, Nicholas, 89. Schoute, Andreas, 77. Schnaffler, Henry, 157. Schram, George, 83. , John Nicholas, 78. Schreiner, Nichs., 64. Schreyck, Johannes, 24. Schreyer, Frederick, 96. Schriber, Peter, 83. Schriffer, Henricus, 33. Schrocher, Johan Adam, 13. Schropp, Mathew, 85. Schudy, Martin, 72. Schuen, Catherina, 67. Schuffer, George, 73. Schug, Peter, 84. Schui, Ludwick, 75. Schull, Michael, 101. Schultz, Casparus, 31, 32. , George, 23. , Martin, 25. Schunck, Francis, 70. Schupp, George, 73. Schurck, David, 62. Schurri, Johannes, 34. Schuster, Jacob, 152. Schutz, Conrad, 94. , Mathias, 15. , , jun., 15. Schwanger, Paul, 84. Schwantz, George, 61. Schwartz, Andreas, 86. Schwaub, Jacob, 71. Schweeter, George, 76. Schweetzer, Christr., 82. Schweiger, Nicholas, 74. Schweighauser, John Conrad, 53. Schweinhart, Geo., 9. Schweitzer, Henry, 53. , Jno., 107. Schwenk, Martin, 64. Schwingle, Geo., 66. Schyck, Jacob, 65. Schynder, John Henry, 22. Sease, Joshua, 117. Seawitz, Henry, 138. Sebastian, Mich., 14. Sebely, Jacob, 138. Seebolt, Philip, 135. Seecher, Jacob, 90. Sees, Balthazar, 27. Seetz, George, 115. Seger, Samuel, 66. 184 INDEX Segrist (Seguist), Bartholw., 76. Sehley, Thomas, 60. Seiberling, Christian, 124. Seibert, Wendal, 152. Seibly, Michl., 131. Seibt, Casper, 43. (Seibr), Christopher, 27, 28. , David, 23. Seidel, Nathaniel, 81. Seidell, Andreas, 113. , Godfrey, 100. , Henry, 112. Seider, Jacob, 66. Seidle, John, 53. Seidleman, Philip, 106. Seidler, Matthias, 77. Seifert, Sebastian, 149. Seigenthaler, Geo., 115. Seiger, George, 122. Seigerist, Jacob, 69. Seigle, Goliffe, 53. Seigler, Johannes, 23. Seller, John Christian, 99. Seinman, Conrad, 109. Seip, Melchior, 122. , Peter, 117. Seipel, John Lodwick, 28. Seifell, Conrad, 149. Seiss, Emanuel, 100. , Jacob, 133. Seitenbender, Henry, 92. Seiter, Christian, 124. Seitz, Fred., 131. , John, 102. Seixas, Isaac, 33. , Jac Mendes, 6. Sell, George, 74. Seller, Philip, 133. , Philip Henrick, 14. Selser, Wyrick, 98. Selt, Peter, 122. Seltzer, Jacob, 97. Semell, Martin, 123. Semmer, John, 12. Sener, Godlip, 132. Senfendorfer, Martin, 105. Seng, Philip, 64. Senghaas, Casper, 82. , Michael, 73. Senor, Jacob, 136. Sensebach, Philippus, 34. Sensenig, Christian, 41. Sensfelder, Philip, 97. Sensiback, Frederick, 30. , John Christ, 30. Senzeman, John, 69. Sequira, Abr. Henriques, 2. , Is. Henriques, 2. Serber, Caspar, 145. , Jacob, 136. , John, 135. Serich, Anthy., 132. Server, Jacob, 14. Sesler, Caspar, 118. Sessenning, Jacob, 22. Seydall, Nicholas, 84. Seydel, John Nicholas, 46. Seydle, Ernast Sigsmond, 49. Seyferheld, David, 106. Seyfred, Jacob, 119. Seyfried, Jacob, 119. , Michl., 121. Seyler, Jacob, 85. Shaaf, George, 97. Shaaff, Peter, 82. Shaank, Joseph, 135. Shabeeker, Martin, 75. Shaber, Andreas, 79. , Stophel, 114. Shadaire, Valentine, 16. Shadron, Henry, 155. Shaefer, David, 89. Shaeffer, George, 129. , Henry, 140. , John, 126. Shafer, Baltzer, 78. , Johannes, 13. Shaffer, David, 53. , Michael, 84. , Philip, 27, 28. , William, 130. Shaffner, Casper, 25. , Jacob, 72. Shaid, Jacob, 20. Shaiener, see Shriener, Shairer, Michael, 27, 28. Shait, Henry, 149. Shaler, Lorentz, 138. Shall, George, 115. , Nichs., 130. Shaller, Anthony, 100. Shallos, Valentine, 54. Shallus, Sebastian, 139. , Theobald, 90. Shally, Charles, 70. , Ludwick, 78. Sbalm, Yost, 131. Shamback, George, 65. — — , Valentine, 88. Shank, Henry, 50. Shankweiler, Jacob, 123. Shantz, Jacob, 44, 70, 129. Shappele, Jacob, 130. , Mathias, 130. Sharen, Jacob, 55. Sharer, Henry, 137. , Philip, 145. Sharff, Conrad, 17. Sharman, Peter, 114. Sharp, Michael, 119. , Philip, 16. Sharpkneck, Henry, 134. Shartel, John, 99. Shauecker, Conrad, 146. Shauman, John, 78, 139. Shaut, William, 111. Shaver, Frederick, 49. , Henry, 152. , Michael, 49. , Peter, 49. Shearer, Caspar, 149. , John, 136. , Lawrence, 136. , Ludwick, 136. Shedoron, John Leonard, 78. Shee, John, 118. Sheener (Shenvee), Melchior, 65. Sheerman, Philip, 86. Sheetz, George, 128. , Ludwick, 117. Sheffer, Alexander, 54. , Andreas, 58. , Detrick, 73. , Frederick, 65. , George, 64. , Henry, 105, 122 , Jacob, 70, 119. , John, 25. , Yost, 150. Sheib, Theobald, 147. Sheibling, Andrew, 129. , Jacob, 129. Sheiffele, Mathias, 100. Sheimer, Conrad, 137. Sheitzlin. Bartholomew, 118. Shelbat, Peter, 22. Shell, Caspar, 151. Shellenberg, Henry, 42. Shelliberger, John, 15. Shellick, Adam, 98. Shellig, John Philip, 16. Shelling, Baltzer, 136. Shelly, Abraham, 21. Shenck, Henry, 67. Shenckell, Heny., 152. Shenk, Jacob, 128. Shenkel, Frederick, 94. Shenvee, see Sheener. Shephard, John, 136. Sheppard, George, 96. Sherateen, Jacob, 117. Sherer, Bernard, 87. ¦ , Philip, 105. , Ulrick, 17. , Valentine, 75, 87. Sherick, Casper, 43. , Joseph, 44. Sherman, George, 99. , Philip Adam, 63. Sherper, Abraham, 60. Shertele, Bernard, 62. Shervitz, Arnold, 157. Sheser, Conrad, 117. Shetler, Andrew, 134. Shetterly, Andrew, 129. Shewbert, see Shubert. Shewen, Henry, 52. Shewrer, Melchior, 103. Shib, Adam, 110. Shibler, Christopher, 50. Shick, Michl., 140. Shide, Christian, 119 Shiebele, Caspar, 150. Shiebly, Jno. Martin, 134. Shiek, Christian, 119. , Ludwick, 65. Shienlin, Fred., 145. Shierer, Conrad, 144. Shiesler, Geo., 84. Shilfer, see Shitfer. Shimell (Shimel), William, 58. Shimmel, George, 136. Shimp, John, 111. , Philip, 111. Shimpfer, Henry, 122. Shingle, Frederick, 72. Shingler, Jost, 23. Shinholser, Johannes, 24. Shippen, Joseph, jun., Secretary for Pennsylvania, 81, 85, 89, 91, 93, 96, 98, 149—153, 155, 157. Shirl, Andrew, 134. Shirly, Adam, 144. , Christian, 144. Shirman, Simon, 28. Shirtzer, Jacob, 70. Shisler, Caspar, 146. Shissler, Adam, 105. Shitfer (Shilfer), Nicholas, 66. Shittler, Ludwick, 97 Shitz, Jacob, 133 (2).' . Peter, 56. , Tillman, 73. Shive, George, 42. Shlatter, Martin, 98. INDEX 185 Shlebach, Henry, 123. Shlessman, John, 118, 134. Shliger, Yost, 125. Shlosser, Peter, 117. Shlothire, John, 110. Shlotter, John, 121 Shlotterer, Geo., 139. Shlyer, Henry, 148. , Mich., 130. Shlyfer, Henry, 132. , Jacob, 132. Shmeck, John, 60. Shmell, Michl., 145. Shmith, Connerah, 12. Shneck, Adam, 125. Shneider, Leonard, 87. Shneido, John, 105. Shneyder, Daniel, 93 Shnieb, Martin, 146. Shnoll, Jacob, 138. Shnuke, John, 52. Shoals, John, 34. Shob, Martin, 122 Shock, Jacob, 128. , John, 63. , Philip, 139. . Shocker, Christr., 132. Shoemaker, Adam, 92. , Chas., 102. , Frederick, 92. , George, 116, 117. , Henry, 115. , Jacob, 22, 72. , Jno. Jacob, 57. , Michl., 117- , Nicholas, 116. , Peter, 156. , Yost, 62. Shoeman, Peter, 136. Shoister, Henry, 133. Sholeberger, Frederick, 88. Sholl, Phil. Henry, 130. , Tobias, 130. Shollberger, Garret, 140. , Henry, 140. , Lorentz, 140. Shook, Lawrence, 155. Shope, Martin, 10. Shopf, Dietrick, 84. Shorn, George, 16. Shoron, John, 78. Shorp, Jacob, 140. Short, John, 47. Shorter, John, 68. Shotz (?) (Strotz), George, 59. Shoub, George, 65. Shoup, Conrad, 132. Shous, Frederick, 59. Shouster, Peter, 134. Shout, John, 105. Shower, Michael, 62. Shownower, Hans, 26. Shrager, Gerrart, 16. , Gossen, jun., 16. Shreeder, George, 98. Shreiber, John, 127. Shreiner, Jacob, 105. , John Valentine, 44. Shreiver, John, 118. Shreter, Anthy., 127. Shrieber, John, 112. Shriener, Abraham, 75. ( ? Shaiener), Martin, 60. , Philip, 44. Shrier, Jacob, 10. Shrier, John, 10. — *-, John Philip, 124. , Nich., 10. Shriet, John, 90. Shright, Caspar, 145. Shriver, Andrew, 10. , Geo., 10. , Lutwick, 10. Shrunck, Lawrence, 79. Shryber, John, 74. Shryer, Anna Maria, 139. , George, 146. , Ludwick, 139. Shubart, Augustus, 151. , Christr., 144. Shubert (Shewbert), David, 27, 28. , John Michl., 80. , Nicholas, 60. Shuch, John, 104. Shuck, Martin, 124. Shuert, Henry, 141. Shug, Peter, 148. Shuhntz, George, 60. , Jacob, 60. Shuk, Peter, 123. Shukes, Christ., 66. Shuler, John, 48. Shulleberg, Ulrick, 44. Shultz, George, 55. , Gregorius, 71. , Henry, 100. , Jacob, 84 , John, 48, 57, 84. (Shuttz), John, 77. , Nichs., 146. , Samuel, 72. Shum, Christopher, 115. Shumacker, Daniel, 113. Shumaker, Paul, 125. Shuman, Arnold, 138 , John, 140. Shunk, Simon, 137. Shurman, Jacob, 82. Shuss, George, 149. Shuster, Jacob, 120. Shuttz, see Shultz. Shutz, Conrad, 45. , George, 146. , Henry, 45. , Mathias, 129. Shuuns, Philip, 127. Shwartz, Fred., 146. — — , Jacob, 24. Shweiger, George, 119. , Jacob, 119. Shwenck, Peter, 138. Shwenker, George, 147. Shyer, Adam, 151. , Nichs., 129. Sibbert, George, 79. Sickle, John David, 26. Sickly, Albright, 116. Sieble, John, 46. Siebly, Rudolph, 134. Siectnist, Henry, 94. Sieder, Martin, 66. Siegell, John, 123. Siegman, Bernard, 104. Siekel, George Davil, 91. Siess, John Henry, 112. Siex, Hendrick, 11. Sifert, Michael, 68. Sigfrid, Jacob, 136. Sights, Michl., 151. Silva, Is. Gomes, 3. Silva, Joshua Gomez, 3. , see also Da Silva. Silvius, Conrad, 138. , John, 138. — , William, 138. Simerman, Peter, 46. Simmons, Isaac, 10. Simon, Caspar, 14. , John, 112. , Jno. Anthy., 111. , Joseph, 43. , Michael, 50. Simson, Joseph, 30. Sin, Henry, 11. Sing, Leonard, 45. Singer, Michael, 114. , Nicholas, 111. Sink, Michl., 136. Sinn, George, 125. , George Christian, 57. Sinseback, John Teunis, 33 (2). Sinsel, Frederick, 93. Sintel, Andreas, 129. Siter, Adam, 137. Sites, Peter, 48. Sitzman, Christian, 65. Six, Dietrick, 99. Sixt, Jacob, 103. Slacker, George, 46. Slamback, Jacob, 81. Slatter, Caspar, 65. Slaymaker, Lawrence, 21. Sleer, Jacob, 128. Sieger (Sliger), Adam, 55. Sleght, Daniel, 39. Sleher, George Casper, 20. Sleigh, Henry, 84. Sleighter, Henry, 71. , Gallus, 80. Sleighty, Christian, 59. Slieckting, Nicholas, 87. Sliegle, Christopher, sen., 153. Sliger, see Sieger. Sligh, Jacob, 11. , Thomas, 11. Slipplear, George, 45. Sloppick, Daniel, 139. , Yost, 139. Slotter, Henry, 111. Slyerwald, John, 109. Sly fer, John, 138. Small, Killian, 141. , Michael, 42, 70. , William, 135. Smell, Adam, 102. Smidt, Balthazar, 95. , John, 65. , Nicholas, 154. , Peter, 47, 87. Smit, Caspar, 79. Smith, Abraham, 25. , Adam, 98, 106, 114. , Andrew, 52, 83, 147. , Barent, 39. , Baltzer, 111, 124. , Bernard, 84. , Charles, 99. , Christian, 111, 126, 146. , Christopher, 13, 35, 67, 72. , Conrad, 120 (2). , Daniel, 33 (2), 82. , David, 143. , Eberhard, 86. , Francis, 94. , Frederick, 14, 111. 186 INDEX Smith, George, 11, 99, 103, 120. , Henry, 11, 53, 82, 95, 126, 148. , Jacob, 11, 24, 64, 103, 127, 145. , John, 138, 142, 146, 150. , Jno. Balthas, 106. , John Geo., 11. , Jno. Henry, 95. , John Nicholas, 100. , Joseph, 17, 96. , Lawrence, 144. , Mathias, 35, 45, 61, 88. , Melchior, 59. , Michael, 51, 107, 147. , Nicholas, 100, 108, 138. , Nichs. Messer, 72. , Peter, 96, 106, 126, 152. , Philip, 101. , Roderick, 44. , Sebastian, 105. , Thomas, 101. , Valentine, 139 , William, 23, 34, 157. , Yost, 128. Smock, Jacob, 132. Smoker, Christian, 77. Smose, John, 18. Smoudtz, Abraham, 76. Sneble, Caspar, 75. Sneebly, John, 70. Sneeder, Christian, 75. Sneflle, Jacob, 25. Sneider, Christopher, 30. , John, 56. , John George, 57. Sneilberger, Jno. Jacob, 100. Snerr, John Caspar, 122. Snevely, Caspar, 133 Sneyder, Henderick, 34. Snider, Anthony, 77. , Christian, 15. , Henry, 44. , Johannes, 16. (Souder), John, 74. , Martinus, 30. , Peter, 16. Snievly, John, 29. Snively, Jno. Ulrick, 142. Sneering, George, 80. Snowper, Michl., 140. Snue, Johannes, 32. Snyder, Adam, 113, 138. , Anthy., 111. , Bernard, 127. , Caspar, 148. , Charles, 72. , Christian, 136. , Conrad, 110. , Daniel, 124. , Frederick, 122. , George, 113, 121, 131. , Hendrick, 40. , Henry, 118, 134, 137. , Jacob, 96, 116, 122, 123, 151. , John, 139, 146. , Jno. George, 104. , Jno. Mich., 104. , 3*no. Ruef, 75. , Ludwick, 109. ¦ , Martin, 121. , Michl., 149. , Nicholas, 110. , Peter, 112. , Philip, 142. , Simon, 115. , Teunis, 32. Snyder, Thomas, 148. , William, 131. Soares, Jos., 2. , Leah, 2. Sohl, Peter, 151. Sold, John, 126. Soldener, Geo., 11. Sole, Detrick, 79. , Henry, 79. Sollite, Fred., 114. Solomon, Joseph, 45. Solomons, Jonas, 37. Somij, Peter, 41. Sommer, George, 108. , Matthias, 105. , Michael, 78. , Philip, 109. Sommers, Henry, 135. Sonleightner, Sebastian, 121. Sonn, George, 60. Sontag, Adam, 80. Sornberger, George Jacob, 30. Souder, Caspar, 137. , Christian, 41. , see also Snider. Souter, Henry, 59. , Jacob, 16. Sowder, Charles, 134. , George Thomas, 25. Sower, Christr., 137. Spaan, Adam, 54. Spaar, Michael, 155 Spach, Jones, 30. Spaet, Henry, 114 , Philip, 114. , Samuel, 119. Spahr, John George, 79. Spainhower, Jacob, 144. Spamagle, Ludwick, 86. Spangler, Bolser, 47. Spanseiler, George, 78. Sparr, George, 122. Spatz, Lawrence, 110. , Michl., 131. Spaught, Adam, 11. Spear, Leonard, 87. , Philip, 65. Speck, William, 20. Speder, Daniel, 34. Speech, Conradt, 52. Speecher, Henry, 68. Speedier, Jacob, 77. Spees, Jacob, 97. Speiht, John Peter, 46. Spencer, Zachariah, 9. Spengler, Henry, 87. , Rudolph, 82. Spiegle, Frederick, 60. , Jno. Remigius, 66. , Michael, 55. Spiekler, Martin, 63. Spies, Anthy., 147. , John Philip, 36. , Ludwick, 94. Spiess, Victor, 62. Spikier (Spiekler), Jacob, 77. Spingler, George, 25. , Geo. Jacob, 13. , Jno. Christopher, 64. , Michl., 68. Spinner, Ulrick, 65 Spitler, John, 140. Spittal, Joseph, 97. Spittelmyer, Adam, 69. Spitzfarden, Benedict, 85. Spitznagle, Baltzer, 80. Spohn, Henry, 68. Spoone, Michael, 20. Spore, John, 89. Spotz, William, 64. Sprecker, 'George, 54. , John Philip, 116. Spregher, Jacob Andrew, 97. Spring, Philip, 75. Springher, George, 111. , Wm., 136. Spycker, Peter, 41. Spyker, Benjamin, 48. , John, 52. Srum, Michael, 39. Staam, Jacob, 144. Staats, Johannes, 31, 32. Stable, Christopher, 11. Stacklick, Michl., 141. Staddleman, William, 80. Stadleman, Michl., 134. Stadler, Christopher, 24. , Jacob, 96. Staffer, Philip, 74. Stahl, Andrew, 147. , George, 103. , Jacob, 142. Stahler, Adam, 142. Stahley, Baltzer, 141. Staiber, Philip, 146. Staiger, Adam, 94. Staily, John, 70. Stain, Sebastian, 52. Staiss, Jacob, 111. Stak, George, 141. Staley, George, 85. , Jacob, 10. , Ulrick, 54. Stall, Adam, 10. Stam, Werner, 80. Stambach, Philip, 103. Stambaugh, Christian, 26. Stamm, Alexander, 102. Staningar, George, 25. Stann, Baltzer, 156. Stannert, Lewis, 156. Stapell, johan Jacob, 39. Star, Henry, 52. , John, 147. Starnher, George, 71. Staug, Philip, 90. Staut, Henry, 99. Stawerwald, Peter, 131. Stay ley, George, 118. Stear, Christian, 89. Steckell, Peter, 105. Stecktell, Michl., 86. Steel, Christr., 152. , Henry, 56. Steen, Jacob, 62. Steenbagh, Anthony, 33. Steer, Conrad, 75. , John, 135. Stees, George, 106. Steeselmyer, Stephen, 97. Steever, Baltzer, 26. Steffan, Philip, 148. Steges, Peter, 148. Stehr, William, 73. Steiberitz, John Godfry, 129. Steibesand, Geo., 129 Steidell, Joseph, 129. Steigh, Christopher, 67. Steigle, Henry Willm., 59 Steigler, Gerrard, 91. INDEX 187 Steimer, Anthony,* 93. Stein, Adam, 118. , John, 99. , Peter, 112. , Philip, 105, 125. , Sebastian, 130. , William, 112, 119. Steinbrinner, Jacob, 34. Steindel, Michael, HI. Steiner, Johannes, 22. Steinfurt, Balthasar, 86. Steinler, Michael, 117. Steinmetz, Peter, 107. Steinroc, George, 124. Steirer, Joseph, 39 Steitinger, Fred., 131. Stemm, Conrad, 22. Stenee, Jacob, 82. Stenger, Conrad, 89. Stephan, Peter, 8. , Ubrick, 13. Stephen, George, 143. Sterback, Yost, 66. Stern, George, 123. , Geo. Michael, 109. , Jacob, 10. Sterner, Henry, 100. Sterr, George, 121. Sterry, John George, 125. Stetler, Daniel, 122. Stetster, Peter, 129. Stettler, Henry, 15. Steyler, Nicholas, 18. Stickle, Volentine, 46. Sticklen, John, 39. Stickler, Jno. Jacob, 130. Stief, Henry, 118. Stieff, George Fred., 102. Stiehler, Sebastian, 103. Stien, Jno. Adam, 114. Stienmetz, Henry, 86. , Valentine, 66. Stighter, Conrad, 75. Stigliman, Jacob, 92. Stiles, Michael, 71. Stiller, Henry, 115. Stillwaggon, Fred., 144. Stimmell, Albright, 149. , Mathias, 149. Stineman, John, 20. Stingar, George, 139. Stior, Philip, 19. Stirewalt, Peter, 88. Stirn, Godfry, 127. Stitzel, John, 132. Sto, George, 115. Stober, George, 125. , Hans Ulrick, 22. , Philip, 63. , Volentine, 43. Stock, Adam, 138. Stcerner, Nichs., 125. Stoever, John Caspar, 17. Stofer, Henry, 142. Stofflat, Michl., 98. Stohler, Isaac, 92. , Sebastian, 67. Stok, Melchior, 103. Stokey, John, 61. Stollberger, .Andrew, 121. Stoller, Ulrick, 113. Stolnaker, George, 50. Stonck, Weiner, 83. Stone, Abraham, 91. — , Henry Wet, 19. Stone, John, 42. , John Geo., 56. , John Leonard, 15. , Leonard, 49. , Lodwic, 96. Stoneburner, Leonard, 96. Stoneman, Johan Geo., 20. Stoner, Jacob, 81. , John, 44, 133. , Rudolph, 25. Stonmetz, Jacob, 69. Stork, Jacob, 154. , Theobald, 117. Storm, John George, 156. Storney, Benedict, 120. Stouber, Christian, 33 Stouffer, Daniel, 21 , John, 77, 155. Sto ugh, Jacob, 80, 117. Stoupher, Ulrick, 27. Stout, Adam, 41. , George, 51. , Jacob, 45. , John, 147. , Matthias, 63. , Michael, 68. , Peter, 119, 141. Stouter, Henry, IU. Stove, Jacob, 59. Stover, Christian, 90. , Martin, 69. Stowfer, Christian, 15. Stowgh, Frederick, 91. , George, 91. Stowss, Baltzer, 98. Stoy, William, 68. Straab, Caspar, 92. Straal, George, 74* Strack, Henry, 112. Stradler, George, 74. Strainer, William, 61. Strasser, John Nicholas, 8{ Straube, John William, 14. Straum, Benedict, 17. Straus, Albright, 52. , Bernard, 85. , George, 110. , Jacob, 148. , Philip, 104. Strebell, John, 38. Streeher, Mathias, 73, 112. , , jun., 73. , Peter, 68. Streiber, Conrad, 59. Streit, Godfried, 35. Streiter, John Philip, 15. Streyper, George, 97. Stribely, Christian, 56. Stricker, Adam, 57. , Elias, 29. , John, 29. , Melchior, 97. Strickler, Andrew, 27. , Henry, 44. Stripe, David, 42. Stritcher, Valentine, 119. Stroh, Daniel, 121. , Jacob, 128. Strohm, George, 137, , John, 109. Strohocker, Gotliep, 105. Stroop, John, 95. Strotz, see Shotz. Stroub, Peter, 148. Strousnider, Fred., 134. Strousnider, John, 134. Strunk, Jacob, 117. Stubarare, Peter, 38. Stuber, Frederick, 107. , George, 39. , Henry, 149. , John, 118. Stuck, Conrod, 155. Stucky, Simon, 151. Stuke, Jacob, 63. Stull, Jacob, 10. Stutzl, George, 19. Stumm, Adam, 67. Stump, Abraham, 133. , Adam, 18. , Christian, 20. , George, 52. , Herman, 107. , Johannes, 22. , Joseph, 101. Stumph, Jacob, 108. Stutsman, Jacob, 151. , Martin, 48. Styer, John, 89. Styner, Frederick, 23. Suke, Christian, 76. Suldrick, David, 96. Sullinger, Christopher, 76. Sulzback, Philip, 73. Sumer, John, 81. Super, Philip, 150. Supinger, Ulrick, 7<6. Surface, Frederick, 136. , Nichs., 76. , Philip, 88. Surzedas, Abr., 5. , Rachel, 5. Susang, Andrew, 126. Susholt, Melchior, 24. Swaab, Jno. Adam, 119. Swallbach, Henry, 116. Swaner, John, 136. Swank, Geo., 52. , , Nicholas, 52. Swartsweller, Christian, 97. Swartz, Andreas, 21. Charles, 49. , Christian, 139. , Conrad, 77. , Daniel, 114. , Fred., 137. , Henry, 65. , Michael, 154. , Nicholas, 75. , Peter, 23, 37, 91. Swartzback, Adam, 70. Swartzhowft, John, 79. Swass, Henry, 64. Swegger, Wendel, 18. Sweitzer, Henry, 146. , Ludwick, 144. , Simon, 144. Swenck, Michael, 104. Swencke, Henry, 103. Swenkee\ Jacob, 49. Swerentz, Ludwick, 103. Swickaek, Philip, 25. Swinehart, George, 52. , Michael, 52. Swing, Johannes, 22. Swingle, Nicholas, 50 (2). Swingte, Nicholas, 51. Switzer, Conrad, 135. , Jacob, 106. , John, 73, 134. 188 INDEX Switzer, Stephen, 111. Swoab, George, 154. Swoope, Michael, 44. Swope, George, 26. Swordfeger, Jno. Samuel, 99. Syfert, Adam, 155. Syng, George, 108. Sysinger, George, 76. , Nicholas, 54. Tackses, Fred., 63. Taester, Peter, 117. Tanner, Christopher Getson, 10. Tappan, Christian, 21. Tasht, Jacob, 91. Tatwaiter (Tatwailer), Jacob, 21. Taubenspeck, Jacob, 122. Tawney, Margt., 131. Tayler, Peter, 117. Taylor, Danl., 150. , John, 56. Taymoot, John, 96. Teatts, Peter, 111. Teele, John Gottfried, 88. Teetz, John Frederick, 86. Teigler, see Zeigler. Teiss, Michael, 120, 121. Telp, George, 53. Templeman, Conrad, 19. Tendler, John, 61. Ten Eyck, Abraham, 33. , Coenradt, 33. Tenlyck, Jacob H., 31. Tenni, Jacob, 34 Ternis, George, 109. Terro, Jacob, jun., 30. Tetard, John Peter, 37. Tetem, Sibeld, 85 Theis, Michael, 54. Thirnese, see Kirnise. Thoma (Thomas), Durst, 66. Thomas, Adam, 122. , Dorst, 77. , Engle, 122. , Francis, 132. , Jacob, 124. , Johannes, 49. , John, 9, 106. , Mich., 11. , Philip, 142. Thuddy, John, 116. Tier, Daniel, 40. Tiers, Daniel, 37. , John Henry, 36. , Magdalen, 37. , Mathew, 37. Tik, Nicholas, 87. Tillinger, Lodovick, 55. Timanus, Jacob, 50. Timberman, Conrad, 42. Titiar, Herman, 93. Titmore, John, 56. Tobias, Christopher, 37. , Francis, 7. *• Tobie, Yost, 67. Tollinger, see Zollinger. Tomi, Mark, 148. Tommayer, Jacob, 129. Toms, Catherine, 154. Tomy, Martin, 54. Toopes, Henry, 48. Tordine, Henry, 11. Toreward, Martin, 97, 112. Torres, David, 2. Torres, Reina. 4. Torsberg, Nichs., 91. Toulon, Nicholas, 38. Touver, Willm., 142. Towenhower, Godfried, 95. Trable, Moses, 71. Trachsell, Peter, 18. , , jun., 18. Tracsler, Jeremiah, 47. Trapp, Philip, 70. Trautman, John, 46. Trax-all, Michael, 64. Traxell, Daniel, 65. Treber, Nicholas, 68. Trebich, Andreas, 139. Trefensted, Christian, 123. Treichel, Elias Lewis, 151. Trencle, Christopher, 44. Tresbach, John, 127. Treshbach, Adam, 127. , Justus, 127. Tresher, Christr., 126. Tressler, David, 77. Tressly, George, 151. Trester, Martin, 99. Trett, Peter, 87. Trewbey, Christopher, 15. I Tribblebess, Jacob, 61. ! Trickier, John, 141. Tricktenhengst, Johannes, 17. Tripler, John, 134. Trois, David Nunes, 6. , Ester Nunes, 6. Trone, George, 77. Troutman, George, 80. Troutwine, Jno. Wm., 134. Truckenmiller, John, 86. , Sebastian, 88. Trumbole, Andrew, 14. Trump, Adam, 136. Trumper, Hermanus, 40. Tser, Danl., 145. Tserfass, John, 125. Tshouder, Winebert, 57. Tull, Christopher, 111. Turck, Ahasuerus, 32. Turf, William, 138. Turner, Jacob, 113. Turnet, Henry, 125. Tush, Philip, 145. Tutsh, Jno. Phil., 131. Tutweiler, Leonard, 138. Tweitzer, Bernard, 84. Tyse, Peter, 70. Tzoller, John, 94. Uber, Ludwick, 101. Uhl, Christopher, 8. , Christ. Reenhart, 58. Uhland, Jno. Fred., 76. Uhler, Anastasius, 73. , Valentine, 84. Uhlum, Jacob, 85. Uler, Peter, 58. Ulius, Henry, 81. Ullendorf, Charles, 85. Ulrich, George, 94. , Jacob, 143. , Philip, 95. Ulrick, Fred., 150. , Henry, 127. , Peter, 18. , Stephen, 151. Umberger, Henry, 121. Umberger, Leonard, 121. Umborne, Philip, 72. Umpert, Frederick, 134. Underkoffler, Jacob, 98. Unfersaht, John, 54. Unger, John, 149. Ungerer, Christian, 104. Unrou, John, 101. Unruh, George Nichs., 106. , George Sebastian, 106. , John, 88. Unruw, Valentine, 26. Unseld, Frederick, 11. Unungst, George, 111. , Martin, 127. Uplinger, Christian, 76. , Nicholas, 21. Upp, Philip, 66. Upperman, Caspar, 149. Urich, Valentine, 28. Urledick, Valentine, 80. Uselman, Valentine, 11. Ute, John, 34. Uttrey, Jacob, 15. Vaffenberger, George, 26. Valentia, Abigail, 4. , David, 4. Valentine, Henry, 144. Vallade, Peter, 37. Vallert, see Vollert. Vanall, Matthew (Mathieu), 7 (2). Van Boskerch, Laurens, 31. Van Dalsem, William, 32, 33. Vandashant, see Vanlashant. Van den Ham, Henry, 34. Vanderlind, John, 118. Vanderweight, Jacob, 41. Vanderweit, Conrad, 90. Vandewater, Barent, 33 (2). Van Erden, Christian, 146. Vanfossen, John, 15. Vanlaor, John George, 15. Vanlashant (Vandashant), Christian, 51. Vanlashy, John, 71. Van Sinderen, U., 33. Varambaugh, Francois, 7. Vega, Rice, 4. Velden, Hieronimus, 30. Veldtman, John, 35. Venrick, Mathias, 27. Ventheuse (Ventheusel ?), Martin, 60. Venus, Philip, 86. Verdress (Verdriss), John, 9. Verdris, Valentine, 9. Vertreese, Frederick, 11. , Jacob, 11. Vetter, Jacob, 20. Viest, Jacob, 77. Vigera, John Frederick, 45. Vinera, Daniel Rodrigues, 30. Vizea, Rebecca Nunez, 5. Vogdes, Reinard, 20. Vogel, Jacob, 126. , John, 37, 120. Vogelgesang, Simon, 148. Voght, Christian, 91. , John Jacob, 91. Vogler, John, 15. Vogt, Andrew, 9. , John Paul, 9. , Valentine, 74. Volik (Volick), George, 60. Vollert (Vallert), Jost, 51. INDEX 189 Voshee, Daniel, 38. Voss, Jurian, 37. Vpuloux (Voloux), Jas. (Jaques), 7 (2). Vulgemat, Joseph, 10. Waal, Martin, 108. Wachter, George, 127. Wacks, Henry, 151. , Peter, 151. , Philip, 74. Wagenar, Rev. Tobias, 29. Waggoner, Christopher, 71. , George, 62. , Henry, 85, 99. , Jacob, 101, 140, 146. , John, 136. . Melker, 49 , Peter, 147. , Philip, 120, 136, 139. , Philippina, 156. , Ulrick, 144. , Yost, 78. Wagle, John, 50. Wagman, Christopher, 60. Wagner, Adam, 67. , Christopher, 43, 62. • , Conrad, 121. , Geo., 130. , Jacob, 62, 67, 92, 146. , John, 48. , Jno. Nichs., 146. , Peter, 148. , Philip, 113. , Wilhelm, 97 , Yost, 63. Wagonar, Sebastian, 20. Wagoner, Elias, 20. Waidle, Frederick, 61. Waigell, Matthias, 114. Waitman, Wendal, 116. Wakerley, Abraham, 88. Walber, Peter, 18. Walck, Stephen Franciscus, 151. Wald, Henry, 142. Walder, Henry, 86. Waldhawer, Christor., 75. , George, 75. Waldschmith, John, 67. Walk, Martin, 8. Walker, George, 91. , John, 61. Walkich, Frederick, 60. Wall, John, 82. Wallber, Johan Peter, 18. , Nicholas,, 16. Wallborn, Christian, 72. Waller, Benj., Clerk of the Court in Virginia, 8, 9. , Jacob, 11. Walt, Oswald, 14. Walter, Adam, 137. , Anthy., 127. , Ernst, 143. , Henry, 47. , Jacob, 15, 86, 90, 110. , John, 148. , Martin, 86, 144. , Matthew, 95. , Michael, 107. ¦ , Philip, 97. . Philip Peter, 146. , Simon, 133. , William, 136. Waltimyer, Ludwick, 131. Waltz, Martin, 142. Wambeldt, John Geo., 23. Wambold, Frederick, 44. Wambolt, George, 144. Wannemacher, Conrad, 152. , George, 129. Wannemaker, Bernard, 82. , Marx, 82. Warley, Daniel, 16. Warmkessell, Mich., 124. Warner, Andreas, 71. , Henrick, 13. , John, 122. Wart, Jacob, 46. Wartham, Adam, 43. Wasem, John, 125. Waspie, John, 65. Wassum, Leonard, 123. Waterman, George, 25. Watz, Martin, 46. Wealer, Henry, 90. Weaver, Adam, 96. , Christr., 121. , Conrad, 56. , George, 63. , Henry, 71. , Jacob, 96, 112. , John, 54, 82, 105. , Mathias, 57. , Michl., 97. , Nichs., 1421. Weber, Adam, 45, 126. , Andreas, 77. , George, 62, 99. , Henry, 145. , Herman, 62. , Johannes, 30. , John, 102, 110, 157. , John Geo., 129. , Leonard, 152, , Manus, 94. , Melchior, 109. , Michael, 38, 82. , Philip, 87. , Tobias, 81. , Valentine, 79. Week, George, 94. Weckerle, Emanl. Fredk., 57. Weeber, John, 97. Weeks, Christian, 63. Weeland, Thos., 8. Weender, Jno. George, 89. Weetmore, Ulrick, 76. Wehr, Simon, 122. Weiand, Philip, 148. Weibar, John, 124. Weiber, Bless, 65. , Henry, 101. Weiberick, Andrew, 91. Weibright, Christor., 102. Weichell, Johan Michael, 18. Weider, Adam, 101. , Andrew, 89. , Christr., 141. , Michael, 97. Weidman, Abraham, 71- , Christopher, 60. , Michael, 90. , Philip, 86. Weidmeyer, John Michl., 99. Weidner, Dichius, 70. , George, 64. , Lazarus, 70. Weifer, Christopher, 20. Weig, Baltzer, 81. Weigand, Nichs,, 104. Weigell, Sebastian, 131. Weigle, Christr., 95. Weignar, Conrad, 29. Weigner, Christopher, 23. , Hans, 24. (Wiegner), Melchior, 24. Weiland, Petriem, 58. Weiler, Andrew, 83. , Barnard Laubers, 45. Weilzel, Paul, 80. Wein, John, 129. Weine, Jacob, 28. Weinhold, Nicholas, 72. Weinicke, Carl Sigmond, 143. Weinnimer, Philip, 70. Weinninger, Nicholas, 100. Weins, Conrad, 61. Weirman, Michl., 145. Weisbach, George, 149. Weisel, Frederick, 81. Weisell, Jacob, 138. Weiser, Conrad, 26. Weisinger, Jno. Jacob, 143. , Melchior, 115. Weisman, Jno., 61. Weiss, Andreas, 100. , Frederick, 85, UO. , G. M., 32. , George Michael, 71. , Jacob, 44, 143. , Jno. Echart, 114. , John George, 105. , Mathias, 81. , Nicholas, 109. , Peter, 124. , Philip, 72. , Rudolph, 100. , Samuel, 127. Weissman, Geo. Philip, 86. Weitzel, Werner, 78. Weitzell, Frederick, 78. , Henry, 128. , Jacob, 123. , Michl., 123. Weldonger, George, 101. Welker, Leonard, 125. Wellar, John, 134. Weller, George, 59. Wellfling, Henry, 115. Wellker, George, 17. Welseld, Martin, sen., 11. , , jun., 11. Welsh, Jacob, 84. , Michael, 82. Welshance, Joseph, 57. Welter, George, 103. Wenderright, Michl., 131. Wenery, Irancis, 46. Wenger, Henry, 23. , Peter, 156. Wenk, Caspar, 81. Wenner, Andreas, 112. Wentz, Frederick, 105. , Michael, 110. , Philip, 75. Wentzell, Daniel, 142. , Philip, 148. Werfield, George, 48. , Melchior, 48. Werheim, Henry, 116 Werlein, Michl., 130. , Sebastian, 123. Werner, Casper, 102. , Michael, 129. 190 INDEX Werner, Peter, 46, 114. , Sebastian, 126. Werns, George, 62. Werntz, Leonard, 150. Werryfields, Jacob, 152. Wert, Henry, 81. Werth, Johann Jacob, 34. Wertz, Christian, ill. , Fred., 120. , Jacob, 80. Weshley, Solomon, 141. Wesner, John, 79. , Matthias, 143. West, Jacob, 117. Westbarger, John, 149. Westerberger, Paul, 152. Westermeyer, John, 40. Westgo, Francis, 65. Westhoffer, Valentine, 51. Wetzel, Jacob, 107. Wetzell, Jacob, 43. Weybreythe, Martin, 53. Weygand, John, Albert, 39. Weymager, Auds., 130. Weys, Andrew, 31, 32. Whelsale, Nich., 11. Whigtman, Jacob, 45. Whisther, Martin, 10, Whistler, Jacob, 52. Whitaker, Benj., Chief Justice of Carolina, 7. White, Barth, 139. , Caspar, 134. , Rudolph, 146. Whitehead, Isaiah, 85. Whiteman, Caspar, 135. Whitman, George, 60. , Jacob, 49. Whitmer, John, 134. Whitmore, Christian, 152. , Jacob, 61. Whitner, Christr., 109. , Jacob, 83. Whole, Isaac, 49. , Wendall, 49. Wiand, Wendell, 23. Wiber, Wilhelm, HI. Wible, Jacob, 109. Wice, Killean, 46. Widder. Augustine, 73. Wideman, Christr., 108. , Jacob, 106. Widenar, Adam, 20. Widener, George Adam, 20. Widerwax, Andries, 31. Widman, John, 42. Widmer, Benjamin, 44. Widtner, John, 20. , John Geo., 20. Wieber, John, 103. Wiedershein, J. M. Daniel, 38. Wiegner, see Weigner. Wiekhart, George, 93. Wien, Michl., 95. Wierpack, Nichs., 66. Wierth, Conrad, 101. Wiest, Jacob, 94. Wiezer, Caspar, 108. Wightman, Martin, 16. Wigner, Abraham, 27, 28. , George, 27, 28. Wikart, John, 133. Wike, George, 107. Wilbert, Benj. Fred., 102. , Geo. Godfreidt, 102. Wild, Abraham, 57. , Jacob, 72. , Nicholas, 83. Wildbahne, Chas. Fred., 93. Wildemuth, David, 101. Wildfang, Sebastian, 102. Wilheimer, Philip, 144. Wilhelm, Anna Cath., 58. , Henry, 51. , Jacob, 26, 58. , Michael, 49. Wilhoid, John, 8. , Tobias, 8. Wilhyde, Frederick, 11. Will, Christian, 40. , Christopher, 106. , Gerhard, 79. , Henry, 36. (Wille), John Michael, 33 (3). , Michael, 9. , Philip, 36. Willanger, Lodovick, 26. Willdraut, Jacob, 127. WiUher (Wilker), Christr., 77. William, Adam, 145. Williams, John, 53. Willower, Christian, 43. Wilrick, Adam, 50. Wilt, Andreas, 123. Wimmar, John Geo., 128. Winckler, Lewis, 109. Windisch, Caspar, 106. Windle, Mathias, 27. Windlinger, John George, 33. Winegardner, Nichs., 72. Winer, Jacob, 22. Winger, Lazarus, 52. Wingert, Nicholas, 113. Wingher, John, 70. , Joseph, 70. Wingleblegh, Peter, 151. Winkler, Conrad, 130. Wint, Andrew, 47. Wintenoth (Wintenorth), Casparus, 12. Winter, Andreas, 114. , Frederick, 117. , George, 44. , Jacob, 125. Winterberger, Henry, 133. Winthrop, Balthazar, 35. Wintringer, Barnard, 93. Wirkhiser, Nicholas, 98. Wirking, Jacob, 93. , Nicholas, 97. Wirmley, John, 79. Wirshurn, Caspar, 148. Wirt, Jacob, 125. Wirth (Worth), Frederick, 56. , Philip, 94. Wirtz, Baltzer, 125. Wise, Jacob, 19, 21 , , jun., 19. Wiseler, Michael, 110. Wiser, David, 20. Wishong, Simon, 82. Wisler, Jacob, 21. Wisner, Martin, 81. Wissner, George, 110. • , Leonard, 110. Wist, Jacob, 83. Wistar, Caspar, 17. , John, 17. Witberger, Jno. Peter, 66. Witeman, Henderick, 34. Witerstien, Henry, 123. Witham, Conrad, 155. Witman, Jacob, 129. Witt, John, 109. Wittemire, Andreas, 116. Wittemyer, Ludwick, 133. Witterbold, Charles, 88. Witz, Charles, 64. Wohlheber, John, 153. Woitz, William, 69. Wolber, Frederick, 109. Wolegamode, Saml., 152. Wolf, Andrew, 26. " , .Anthony, 89. , Barnet, 78. , Frederick, 137. , George, 57, 62. , George, sen., 101. , , jun., 113. , Henrick, 57. , Jacob, 155. . Johan David, 32. , John, 57, 68, 80. , Jno. Fred., 114. , John Jacob, 102. , Michael, 64. , Nicholas, 104. , Peter, 154. , Phil. Conrad, 131. , Philip Jacob, 138. , Wendel, 111. , William, 137. Wolfart, Ludwick, 73. Wolfe, Coenrad, 39. Wolfersberger, John, 73. Wolfersparger, John, 25. Wolfert, Johannes, 29. Wolfesberger, Fred., 66. Wolff, Henry, 65. , John, 78. , Jno. Christ. (Fred.), , Peter, 64. , Saml., 64. Wolffe, John Peter, 78. Wolfhart, Conrad, 75. , Nicholas, 58. Wolhaupter, David, 38. Wolfkeel, Conrad, 139. Wolkemar, George, 121. Woltz, Christopher, 137. Womelsdorff, Daniel, 29. Womer, John Michl., 68. Wommer, Michl., 68. Wonderly, Egidius, 37. Wondsidler, Nichs., 134. Wonnemacker, John, 140. Wonsidler, Philip, 90. Wood, George, 16. , John, 16. Woodring, Peter, 47. Wooler, Michael, 137 Woolf, Henry, 106. , Jno. George, 151. Woolfart, Stophel, 112. Woolfinger, Bernard, 16. Woolford, George, 46. Woolman, John, 152. Woolpert, Michael, 98. Woolrice, George, 39. Woolrigh, Valentine, 119. Woolskull, Henry, 59. Workhard, George, 37. Worman, Henry, 157. Worn, Martin, ' 95. Worth, Martin, 108. , see also Wirth. 75. INDEX 191 Wotring, Abraham, 18. Wrightnomer, Nich., 10. Writter, Bartholomew, 16. , Michael, 16. Wuchter, Jno. Martin, 122. Wumpler, Michl., 139. Wunder, Stephen, 120. Wunderlin, George, la5. Wunnerly, Henry, 145. Wunsh, Bernard, 133. Wurman, Jno., 63. Wyandt, George, 119. Wyerbach, Isaac, 123. Wyerman, Hans, 22. , . j™-. 22. , Henrick, 41. , Jacob, 22. Wykerline, Paul, 16. Wyland, Peter, 69. Wyler, Jacob, 63. Wymer, Jacob, 113. , John, 11. Wynandt, Jno. Wm., 137. Xander, Jacob, 104. Yager, John Caspar, 73. , Valentine, 128. Yahn, John, 86. Yaiger, Jacob, 55. Yaisser, Frederick, 60. Yakell, Abraham, 23 (2). , Balthazar, 23. , Christopher, 23. , John, 23. Yakle, John Geo., 113. Yans, William, 132. Yaunce, John, 142. Yeager, Andreas, 92. , George, 137. , John, 126, 152. Yeagle, Baltzer, 55. Yeakell, Christopher, 23. Yeger, Conrad, 123. Yenser, Jacob, 115. Yentzer, Christian, 147. Yerb, Jacob, 49. , John, 49. Yerde, Frederick, 101. Yerger, AndFew, 75. , Thomas, 75. Yerkardt, George, 156. Yerling, Jacob, 117. Yetter, John, 107. , Ludwic, 108. Yisely, Nichs., 144. Yoacham, Jacob, 74. Yoachum, Michael, 41. Yock, Martin, 73. Yoder, Melchior, 136. Yoh, George, 62. , Michael, 75. , Peter, 136. Yoke, George, 56. Yolman, Jacob, 131. Yoner, Jacob, 42. , Nicholas, 154. Yoners, Henry, 137. Yorger, Martin. 65. Yost, Andreas, 156. , Caspar, 59. , Conrad, 147. , Francis, 51. , Jacob, 66. , John, 63. , Lebolt, 139. , Michael, 91. , Nicholas, 52, 74. , Peter, 146. , Philip, 52. You, Conrad, 106. Youmer, Detrick, 92. Young, Abraham, 119. , Adam, 70. , Andrew, 119. , Barnard, 11. , David, 9. , George Jacob, 49. . Henrick, 42. , Henry, 59, 129. , Isaac, 54. , Jacob, 62, 118. , John, 11, 148. , John Conrad, 134. , Jno Nichs., 65. , John Peter, 143. , Martin, 73. , Peter, 11, 148, 150. , Philip, 98. , Rowland, 83. , Valentine, 69, 70. , William, 45. Youngblut, John, 145. Youngman, Johan Dedrick, 13. Youse, Frederick, 78. Yund, George, 62. Yunken, Henry, 61. Zachariss, Daniel, 68. Zacharius, Jno. George, 102. Zanger, Jacob, 115. Zank, Henry, 68. Zartman, Alexr., 110. Zeegle, Frederick, 71. Zeh, Michael, 89. Zeigerfoos, Andw., 152. Zeigler (Teigler), Jacob, 58. , Ludwick, 65. (Teigler), Philip, 58, 90. Zeisberger, David, 92. Zell, John, 143. Zelling, Caspar, 136. Zellner, Conrad, 121. Zerch, Baltzer, 79. Zeyner, Anthony, 99. Ziebach, Bartholomew, 97. Ziegler, Melchior, 123. Ziemer, Rudolph, 126. Zienrich, Simon, 110. Ziester, Michael, 60. Zigenfoos, Christr., 141. , George, 128. Zimerman, George, 82. , Mich., 83. Zimmer, Jeremiah, 87. Zimmerly, Lawrence, 143. Zimmerman. Christian, .141. , Christr.. 152. , Frederick, 118. . George, 18. , Hans, 138. . Henry, 38, 108. , John, 9. , Peter, 115. , Tobias, 132. Zinch, Gollip, 121. Zinn, George, 134. , John, 68. , Philip Jacob, 73. Zinser, Michael, 78. Zoller, John, 94. Zollinger (Tollinger), Ulrick, 58. Zora, Conrad, 130. Zowman, Barnard, 45. Zuerigher, Johannes, 34. Index of Places. Abington, co. Philadelphia, Pa., 94, 102, 146. Albany, (Abany), co. Berks, Pa., 74, 75, 77, 79, 82—84, 88, 99—103, 105, 108, 109, 111—113, 117, 126, 129—131, 142, 144, 145, 147. Albany, co. Northampton, Pa., 127. Albany (Abany) County, New York, 31, 34, 36, 38. Allen, co. Northampton, Pa., 84, 105, 121, 125, 132, 136. Allenstown, co. Northampton, Pa., 96. Alsace (Alsase), co. Berks, Pa., 49, 51, 52, 60, 62, 63, 66, 67, 69, 70, 72—77, 82, 92, 115, 132, 142, 151. Alsace, co. Bucks, Pa., 64. Alsace, co. Philadelphia, Pa., 44. Amity, co. Berks, Pa., 60, 69, 74, 75, 78, 84, 107, 108, 130, 142, 144, 151, 153. Amwell, West New Jersey, 92, 93, 96. Antigua, 1. Antrim, co. Cumberland, Pa., 80, 96, 132, 139. Bahamas, 7. Barbados, 1. Barn, co. Berks, Pa., 52. Bart, co. Lancaster, Pa., 48, 94. Bedminster, co. Bucks, Pa., 63, 66, 91, 97, 104, 111, 113, 118, 123—127, 130, 131, 133, 137—139, 142, 143, 151. Bedminster, co. Chester, Pa., 151. Bensalem, co. Berks, Pa., 96. Berks County, Pa., 47—53, 59—142, 144, 145, 147, 149—157. Berks (town), co. Berks, Pa., 50 — 52. Bermuda, 7. Bern, co. Berks, Pa., 62, 63, 66—69, 74, 76, 79, 80, 82, 83, 91, 99—102, 104, 105, 111—117, 126, 127, 130, 132, 133, 138—140, 150, 151, 153. Berne, Switzerland, 8. Berry, co. Lancaster, Pa., 49. Berwick, co. Lancaster, Pa., 85, 102. Berwick, co. York, Pa., 90, 102, 114, 143, 153. Bethel, co. Berks, Pa., 67, 75, 84, 92, 93, 97, 99—101, 111, 112, 152. Bethel, co. Lancaster, Pa,, 46—48, 52, 65, 70, 71, 73, 75, 77, 94, 104, 111. 114, 116, 117, 140, 142, 144, 151, 152. Bethlehem, co. Lancaster, Pa., 76, 85. Bethlehem, co. Northampton, Pa., 77, 81. 84, 85, 92, 93, 101, 104—106, 109, 110, 113, 117, 119—121, 134, 141, 143, 147, 150. Bethlem, co. Bucks, Pa., 44. Blanfeild, co. Northampton, Pa., 91. Blocklem, co. Berks, Pa., 64. Blockley, co. Philadelphia, Pa., 95, 102, 108, 114, 115, 134, 135, 137, 139, 143, 146. Brecknock, co. Berks, Pa., 87, 89. Brecknock, co. Lancaster, Pa., 63, 66, 72<— 76, 82, 92, 94, 95, 97, 103, 130, 140, 152. Brennock, co. Lancaster, Pa., 139. Bristol, co. Bucks, Pa., 88. Bristol, co. Philadelphia, Pa., 89, 104, 107, 112, 120, 135, 137, 142, 145, 147— 149. Bucks County, Pa., 13—29, 41—48, 50— 53, 61, 63—66, 75, 76, 79, 81, 84, 85, 87—94, 96—101, 103—105, 107, 111, 113, 114, 116—118, 121, 123—152, 154—156. Byberry, co. Philadelphia, Pa., 81. Canewaga, co. York, Pa., 92. Carlsbad, Germany, 9. Carnarvon, co. Berks, Pa., 140. Carnarvon, co. Lancaster, Pa., 71, 94, 140. Carolina, North, 8, 62. Carolina, South, Chief Justice of, see Whitaker. , , Dept. Sec. of, see Freeman. , , naturalizations in, 7. , , Secretary of, see Hammer ton. Chaising, co. Bucks, Pa., 45, 46. Chanceford, co. York, Pa., 77. Charlestown (Charles), co. Chester, Pa., 89, 135, 145, 152. Charlestown, S. C, 7. Cheltenham, co. Philadelphia, Pa., 95, 97, 106, 108, 115, 119, 120, 134, 137, 147, 148. Chester County, Pa., 13, 15, 20, 21— 24, 26, 44, 46, 68, 76, 82, 88—90, 94, 95, 98, 110, 111, 113, 119—121, 126—128, 133—140, 143—152, 154, 156, 157. Chestnut Hill, co. Philadelphia, Pa., 96, 104, 129, 140, 142. Cocolico, co. Lancaster, Pa., 46, 47, 51, 60—64, 67, 69—72, 74, 76, 77, 79—83, 90, 93, 94. 96, 102, 104, 105, HI, 112, 114, 115, 117, 120, 124, 125, 127, 129, 132, 134, 135, 138, 140, 142, 145, 147. Cocolico, co. York, Pa., 91. Codorus, co. York, Pa., 67, 82, 85, 86, 91, 97, 132, 153. Colebrook, (Cole Brook), co. Berks, Pa., 52. Colebrookdale (Colesbrookdale), co. Berks, Pa,, 48, 60, 75, 82, 83, 100, 127, 138. Colebrookdale, co. Philadelphia, Pa., 46, 101. Conegecheeg, co. Cumberland, Pa., 111. Conestogo, co. Lancaster, Pa., 45, 49, 71, 76, 77, 134, 141, 142. Connecticut, 41. Connewago, co. York, Pa., 97. Cornstogo, co. Lancaster, Pa., 112. Cortlandt, N. Y., Manor of, 37. Coventry, co. Chester, Pa., 82, 88, 95, 133, 136, 137, 143, 145, 152. Cowisseoppen, co. Berks., Pa., 48. Creesham, co. Philadelphia, Pa., 105, 106, 108, 118, 135—137. Cressom (Cresson), co. Philadelphia, Pa., 49, 50. Cumberland County, Pa., 75, 80, 96, 111, 132, 139, 151, 155. Cumberland, New Jersey, 111, 132. Cumrey, co. Berks, Pa., 71. Cumru, co. Berks, Pa., 62—66, 69, 73— 76, 78, 79, 90, 92, 103, 105, 114, 153. Cumry, co. Berks, Pa., 102, 150. Cushahoppen (Cushehoppen, Cushho- hoppen), co. Philadelphia, Pa., 84, 95, 100, 102—104, 138. Cusshahoppen, co. Bucks, Pa., 92, 113. Darby, co. Philadelphia, Pa., 93. Derby (Darby), co. Chester, Pa., 76, 137. Derry, co. Lancaster, Pa., 70, 74, 84, 103, 104, 116. District, co. Berks, Pa., 109, UO, 130, 138. Donegal (Dunegall), co. Lancaster, Pa., 44, 51, 67, 151. Douglass, co. Berks, Pa., 76, 83,'95, 98, 120, 130, 136. Douglass (Douglas), co. Philadelphia, Pa., 52, 61, 65, 74, 75, 90, 94, 97, 98, 102, 110, 114, 119, 120, 124, 125, 135, 138, 141, 147, 151. Dover, co. York, Pa., 46, 68, 69, 73, 78—81, 91, 94, 103, 131, 135, 140, 153. Dublin, co. Philadelphia, Pa., 87. Duck Creek, co. Kent, Pa,, 84. Dunegall, see Donegal. Dutchess (Dutches) County, New York, 31, 33, 34, 35, 38, 39. Earl, co. Lancaster, Pa., 48, 49, 52, 59, 61—65, 67—69, 71, 73, 75—77, 81—83, 85, 88, 90, 96, 97, 100, 107, 112, 116, 138—142, 144, 150—152. Earle, co. York, Pa., 103. East Cain, co. Chester, Pa., 46, 98. East Nantmell, co. Chester, Pa., 94, 138. Easton (Eastown), co. Northampton, Pa., 50, 53, 60, 66, 70, 71, 92, 98—100, 112, 127, 133, 137, 138, 142. Eastown, co. Chester, Pa., 111. Egypt, co. Bucks, Pa., 47. Elizabeth, co. Lancaster, Pa., 60, 61, 69, 72, 73, 76, 79, 107, 110, 116, 118, 124, 127, 138. Entemir, co. Cumberland, Pa., 75, INDEX 193 Essex County, New Jersey, 35. Exeter, co. Berks., Pa., 48, 59, 60, 62, 63, 70, 81, 84, 85, 101, 105, 114, 125, 132, 142, 150, 151. Fairfield, co. Cumberland, New Jersey, 132. Forks, co. Northampton, Pa., 84, 85, 97, 104, 112, 117, 134, 137. Franconia (Frankoney), co. Philadelphia, Pa. 48, 51, 52, 71, 81, 101, 129, 139, 146. Frankfort, Germany, 9. Frankfort (Frankford), co. Philadelphia, Pa., 64, 65, 86, 138, 146, 149. Frederick County, Maryland, 11, 60, 77, 81, 85, 88, 99, 132, 141, 151, 152. Frederick, co. Philadelphia, Pa., 44 — 46, 51, 59, 63, 65, 83, 84, 86, 90, 94, 97, 98, 110, 114, 119, 120, 122, 135. Georgia, 7. Germantown, co. Philadelphia, Pa., 20, 21, 23, 34, 46, 49, 51, 52, 64, 66, 67, 70, 71, 81, 88, 92—96, 98, 102—107, 117— 121, 130, 133—138, 143—148. Germany, co. York, Pa., 61, ?8, 84, 98. Gloucester County, West New Jersey, 148. Gomery, co. Berks, Pa., 72. Greenwich, New Jersey, 96. Greenwich, co. Berks, Pa., 60, 75, 84, 87, 88, 90, 101—104, 109, 113—118, 120, 126, 127, 131, 140, 147. Gwinedth (Gwenidth, Guinedth), co. Philadelphia, Pa., 61, 81, 115, 118, 137, 146, 152. Hackinsack, New Jersey, 33. Hallam, co. York, Pa., 48. Hamfield, co. Lancaster, Pa., 53. Hamiltons Bann, co. York, Pa., 140. Hanover, co. Lancaster, Pa., 73, 104, 105, 107. Hanover, co. Philadelphia, Pa., 52, 60, 66, 75, 92, 94, 100, 116, 137, 142, 147. Harrow, co. York, Pa., 98. Harford, Hartford, see Hertford. Hatfield, co. Philadelphia, Pa., 44, 98, 119, 136, 141, 144—146. Haverford, co. Chester, Pa., 90, 133, 143, 150. Haycock, co. Bucks, Pa., 91, 97, 99, 101, 104, 105, 111, 118, 123, 128, 130, 136, 138, 139, 145. Heidelberg (Hidelburgh), Germany, 8. Heidleberg (Heidleburgh), co. Berks, Pa., 49, 50—52, 59, 62—70, 76, 77, 79—81, 83, 87, 88, 90, 91, 97, 100, 101, 103, 104, 113, 114, 116, 117, 132—135, 141, 145, 151, 153. Heidleberg, co. Bucks, Pa., 47. Heidleberg (Heidleburgh), co. Lancas ter, Pa., 46, 50, 32, 53, 60, 64, 66—68, 70—73, 79', 80, 82—84, 87, 93- 94, 99— 101, 103, 105, 107, 108, 112, 113, 115— 118, 131, 133, 137, 142, 150, 151. Heidleberg (Heidleburgh), co. North ampton, Pa., 61, 64, 76, 122—126, 128—131, 137, 138. Heidleberg, co. York, Pa., 93, 105. Helm, co. York, Pa., 45, 66, 69, 70, 82, 84, 90, Hempfield, co. Lancaster, Pa., 44, 46, 48, 53, 61, 63, 77, 81, 92, 97, 133, 141. 142, 145. Hereford, co. Berks, Pa., 85, 97, 132. Hertford (Harford, Hartford), co. Berks, Pa., 59, 61, 81, 105, 107, 109, 110, 125. 129, 135, 138, 139. Hertford, co. Chester, Pa., 145. Hidelburgh, see Heidelberg. Hilltown (Hill Town), co. Bucks, Pa., 50, 61, 75, 87, 91, 93, 114, 118, 138, 149. Horsham, co. Philadelphia, Pa., 65, 106, 120, 141, 144, 152. Hunterdon County, West New Jersey, 78, 89, 92, 93, 96, 150. Jamaica, naturalisations in, 1 — 6. Kensington (Kingsington), co. Phila delphia, Pa., 102, 137, 145, 146, 149. Kent County, Pa., 84. Kingcess, co. Philadelphia, Pa., 143, 149. King's County, New York, 34. Kingwood, West New Jersey, 90. Lampeter, co. Lancaster, Pa., 72, 77, 90, 97. Lancaster, co. Lancaster, Pa., 44 — 49, 52, 60—62, 64, 67—69, 72, 73, 76—85, 87—97, 99—103, 111—114, 117, 132, 133, 135, 140—142, 146, 150, 157. Lancaster County, Pa., 13, 14, 16—29, 41—53, 59—85, 87—121, 124, 125, 127, 129—152, 154—157. Langenhose, Maryland, 88. Lannon, co. Northampton, Pa., 83, 84. Leacock, co. Lancaster, Pa., 77, 80, 81, 140, 142, 144, 148. Lebanon (Lebannan, Lebannon), co. Lancaster, Pa., 50—53, 60, 64, 70—74, 76—78, 81—83, 85, 90, 94, 98, 104, 107, 109, 117, 119—121, 133, 135, 137, 139, 141. 142, 144, 145, 151, 152. Lechaw, co. Northampton, Pa., 129. Lehi, co. Northampton, Pa., 126 — 131, 138. Limerick, co Philadelphia, Pa. 52, 80, 89, 90, 100, 113, 136, 138. Limerick, co. York, Pa., 83. Lindaw, co. Northampton, Pa., 128. Linden, co. Northampton, Pa., 79. Linn, see Lynn. Linnon (Linnen, Linon), co Northamp ton, Pa., 108. 109. 137, 138. Long Swamp (Longswamp), co. Berks, Pa., 50, 75. 85, 91. 100, 108. 112, 113. 122—124, 126—128, 138, 147. Lower Dublin, co. Philadelphia, Pa., 108, 111, 118, 121, 136, 137, 149, 151. Lower Merrion (Merion, Morrion), co. Philadelphia, Pa., 45, 66, 80, 85, 88— 90, 96, 118, 133, 134, 137, 143, 145, 146, 152. Lower Milford, co. Bucks, Pa., 46, 64, 65, 85, 90, 93, 96, 98, 100, 101, 103, 104, 107, 114, 116, 117, 128, 130, 132, 141, 143, 144, 150. Lower Milford, co. Philadelphia, Pa., 147. Lower Salford, co. Philadelphia. Pa., 49, 90, 114, 121, 136, 139. Lower Saucon, co, Bucks, Pa., 129, Lower Saucon, co. Northampton, Pa., 49, 70, 71, 81, 87, 89, 93, 98, 105, 118, 128—132, 139, 141. Lower Saucon, co. Philadelphia, Pa., 143. Lowhill, co. Northampton, Pa., 122 — 126, 129, 131, 138. Lynn (Linn), co. Northampton. Pa., 82, 86, 98, 103—105, 110, 114, 115, 117, 123—129, 131, 138, 144. TMaccungy, co- Northampton, Pa., 48, 50, 60, 64—66, 70, 71, 75, 84, 88, 92, 97, 104, 106—108, 113, 117, 120, 122— 131, 135, 139, 144, 145, 152. Maiden Creek, co. Berks, Pa., 49, 52, 64, 68, 71, 79, 91, 98, 101, 117—119. Mainz (Mentz), Electorate of, Germany, 8. Makonsey, see Mocconsey. Manacasy, Maryland, 85. Manchester, co. Lancaster, Pa., 78. Manchester, co. York, Pa., 45, 46, 67, 68, 76—80, 83, 89, 92, 140, 147, 148, 153. Manheim, co. Lancaster, Pa., 44, 47, 50, 53, 60, 68, 69, 72, 74, 77, 81, 87, 101, 102, 132, 136, 141, 146. Manheim, co. York, Pa., 47, 48, 67, 77, 78, 81, 92. 102, 114, 115, 152. Mannor (Manor), co. Lancaster, Pa., 49, 52, 53, 62, 65, 67, 69, 79, 81, 89. Marlborough, co. Philadelphia, Pa., 45, 46, 50, 61, 65, 74, 75, 84, 87, 89, 95, 99, 101, 112, 114, 116, 119, 151. Maryland, persons resident in, natural ized, 9—12, 77, 81, 85, 88, 99, 132, 141, 151, 152, 154—157. , Provincial Court of, 10. Massachusetts, naturalization in, 41. Maxatawny (Maxatawney), co. Berks, Pa., 50, 51, 53, 61, 64, 70, 74, 77, 79, 81, 82, 90, 93, 99, 100, 105, 109, 110, 112, 114, 117, 119, 127, 134, 135, 138, 139, 147. Mentz, see Mainz. Merrion (Merion), co. Philadelphia, Pa., 96, 135, 144, 152, Mocconsey (Makonsey), co. Bucks, Pa., 46, 47. Montgomery, co. Philadelphia, Pa., 65, 71, 134. Montserrat, 1. More, co. Northampton, Pa., 130, 131. Moreland, Manor of, co. Philadelphia, Pa., 81, 120, 149. Mount Bethel, co. Northampton, Pa., 89. Mountjoy, co. Lancaster, Pa., 77, 149. Mountpleasant, co. York, Pa., 90. Moyamensin (Moyamensick, Moyame sink), co. Philadelphia, Pa., 45, 49, 96, 117, 120, 121. Nantmile. co. Chester, Pa., 152. Neewhanover, co. Berks, Pa., 113. Nevis, 1. Newberg, co. York, Pa., 104. Newberry, co. York, Pa., 47. New Britain (Briton), co. Bucks, Pa., 98, 13S, 139, 145. New Castle County, Pa., 152, 156. New Cushahonpen, co. Philadelphia, Pa., 100, 101, 139. 194 INDEX New Hampshire, 41. New Hanover (Newhanover), co. Phila delphia, Pa., 46, 48, 52, 64, 65, 75, 78, 83, 85, 90, 92, 98, 101, 105, 107, 108, 115, 120, 134, 135, 143, 152. New Jersey (West), persons resident in, naturalized, 33, 35, 78, 89, 90, 92, 93, 96—99, 111, 132, 148, 150, 154, 156, 157. New Providence, co. Philadelphia, Pa., 45, 46, 65, 75, 81, 88, 93, 98. New York City, 31, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40. , Outward of, 40. New York Colony, deputy secretary for, see Banyar ; Moore. , naturalizations in, 30 — 40. , secretary for, see Cather- wood. Nieuberg, Germany, 9. Nockamixon, co. Bucks, Pa., 140, 148. Norrington, co. Bucks, Pa., 136. Norrington, co. Philadelphia, Pa,, 52, 145. Norriton, co. Philadelphia, Pa,, 143. Northampton, co. Northampton, Pa., 152. Northampton, co. Philadelphia, Pa., 51. Northampton County, Pa., 47 — 51, 60, 61, 63—66, 68—71, 75—77, 79—93, 96—101, 103—110, 112—145, 147, 149 —152, 154—156. Northern Liberties, see Philadelphia. North Wales, co. Philadelphia, Pa., 44, 45, 51, 66, 88, 92, 118, 136, 146. Oley, co. Bucks, Pa,, 48,- 50, 61, 62, 69, 70, 72, 74, 76—78, 81, 90, 93, 94, 96, 102, 105, 109, 114, 115, 119, 127, 129, 130, 132, 139—142, 145. Oley, co. Northampton, Pa., 113. Oley, co. Philadelphia, Pa., 46. Oley Hills, co. Berks, Pa., 83. Orange County, New York, 37, 38, 39, 40. Orange County, North Carolina, 62. Orange County, Va., 8. , part of, designed to be called Frederick, 8. Oxford, co. Philadelphia, Pa., 86, 91, 92, 98, 106, 108, 111, 137, 138, 146. Paradise (Paradice), co. York, Pa., 48, 61, 72, 77, 82, 88—92, 98, 102, 135, 137, 142. Passyunk (Passyunck), co. Philadelphia, Pa., 49, 65, 74, 75, 81, 90, 94—97, 105, UO, 111, 118—120, 129, 132, 144, 145, 147, 149. Paxton, co. Lancaster, Pa., 93, 116, 118. Pennsylvania, Chief Justice of, see Allen. , naturalizations in, 13 — 29, 34, 41 — 157. — , — , Secretary for, see Baird ; Shippen. , Supreme Court of, see Phila delphia. Pequea, co. Lancaster, Pa., 141. Perquiomen (Perquioming), co. Phila delphia, Pa., 49, 50, 52, 136. Pextang, co. Lancaster, Pa., 46, 106. Philadelphia City, Pa., 14—17, 20, 23, 28, 29, 41, 45, 47—52, 59—67, 70, 72—76, 78, 80, 81, 83, 85—89, 91—98, 100—112, 114—122, 128, 130, 132—135, 137, 139, 143—152. , Northern Liberties of, 42, 45, 60, 69, 73, 74, 85, 86, 88, 90, 93, 95—98, 102, 103, 105—111, 115, 116, 118—122, 131—135, 137, 138, 142, 143, 145—150, 156, 157. , Supreme Court at, 13, 14, 17, 18, 24—29, 41 et seqq. , , prothonotary of, see Ross. Philadelphia County, Pa., 13—29, 41— 53, 59—67, 69—78, 80, 81, 83—122, 124—139, 141—152, 154—157. Pikeland, co. Chester, Pa., 68, 110, 113, 121, 135—137, 139, 146—148. Pikes, co. Chester, Pa., 120, 127, 128, 137, 139, 144. Piles Grove, West New Jersey, 96. Plainfield, co. Northampton, Pa., 85, 133, 139, 141. 143, 151. Plumsted, co. Bucks, Pa., 140, 143. Plymouth, co. Lancaster, Pa., 88. Plymouth, co Philadelphia, Pa., 94, 96, 105, 106, 116—118, 121, 134, 138. Providence, co. Philadelphia, Pa., 47, 50, 53, 70, 74, 77, 85, 92, 98, 110, 126, 127, 132, 136, 145, 148, 152. Queen's County, New York, 37, 38. Rachlin (Raclin), co. Berks, Pa., 109, 110, 120, 150. Radnor, co. Chester, Pa., 134, 137, 140, 144, 149. Rapho (Rappho), co. Lancaster, Pa., 63, 69, 74, 76, 94, 116, 138, 143. Reading, co. Berks, Pa., 49, 59, 60, 63, 64, 66. 68, 71—76, 78—80, 83, 84, 86— 90, 101—106, 113, 115—117, 133, 134, 150, 151. Reading, co. Lancaster, Pa., 52. Reading, co. York, Pa., 70, 93, 139. Rhode Island, 37, 41. Richland, co. Berks, Pa., 145. Richland, co, Bucks, Pa., 101, 123, 131, 136, 137, 141, 143. Richmond, co. Berks, Pa,, 49, 60, 61, 64, 70, 85, 87, 91, 95, 102, 104, 111, 115—117, 119, 122, 126, 127, 130, 132, 141, 142, 149. Richmond County, New York, 35. Ridley, co. Philadelphia, Pa., 138. Risenbach, Sweden, 9. Robertsons, co. Berks, Pa., 85. Robeson, co. Berks, Pa., 51, 92, 133, 139, 140, 152. Robinson, co. Berks, Pa., 150, 151. Rockhill (Rock Hill), co. Bucks, Pa., 45, 48, 50, 51, 53, 61, 65, 75, 84, 89, 91, 101, 105, 114, 116, 123, 127, 130, 134, 137, 139, 142—144, 146. Rockland, co. Berks, Pa., 73, 79 84 85, 92, 97, 100, 102, 104, 105, 107— 109, 113, 115—117, 129, 131, 139. Rockland, co. Bucks, Pa„, 87, 94, 98 139. Roscombe Manor, co. Berks, Pa.. 80. Roseborough, co. York, Pa., 91. Roxborough, co. Philadelphia, Pa., 105 —107, 118, 136, 137, 144, 146—148. Ruscomb, co, Berks, Pa., 63, Ruscomb (Ruscom) Manor, co. Berks, Pa., 102, 103, 108, 109, 115, 119, 129— 131, 133, 143. Saarbriicken ? (Sarprigkn), Germany, 9. Sadsbury, co. Northampton, Pa., 104, 105, 117, 143. St. Christopher, 1. Salem County, West New Jersey, 96. Salford, co. Philadelphia, Pa., 147. Salisbury, co. Lancaster, Pa., 84, 150. Salisbury (Salsbury), co. Northampton, Pa., 48, 50, 51, 61, 64, 65, 70, 85, 88, 101, 105, 113, 133, 138. Salsburg, co. Northampton, Pa., 79. Sarancony, see Torancony. Sarprigkn, ? Saarbriicken, q.v. Saucon, co. Northampton, Pa., 65, 66, 113, 132, 138. Schoharyin, Albany County, N.Y., 34. Skippack, co. Philadelphia, Pa., 44, 47, 75, 80, 120, 139, 146. Smithfield, co. Northampton, Pa., 85. Southwark, co Philadelphia, Pa., 80, 93, 95. Spires (Spire), Bishopric of, 9. Springfield, co. Berks, Pa., 96. Springfield, co. Bucks, Pa., 66, 81, 85, 123, 128, 129, 134—139, 141, 145, 147— 149, 152. Springfield, co. Philadelphia, Pa., 45, 46, 61, 86, 88, 91, 106, 108, UO, HI, 135, 143, 146—148. Stockholm, Sweden, 8. Strasburg, co. Lancaster, Pa., 45, 47, 49, 50, 61, 73, 76, 77, 85, 133, 143. Strasburg, co. York, Pa., 67, 86, 91, 92, 117. Strewsbury, co. York, Pa., 89. Sulford, co. Philadelphia, Pa., 45. Sussex County, New Jersey, 96. Tinicum (Tinnicum), co. Bucks, Pa., 104, 117, 121, 129, 138, 143. Torancony (Sarancony), co. Philadel phia, Pa., 72. Towamensing (Towamensin), co. Phila delphia, Pa., 44, 45, 51, 61, 71, 88, 136. Tredryffrin (Tredeffrin), co. Chester, Pa., 120, 126. Tulpehoccon (Tolpohocken, Tolpo hocken, Tulpehocken, Tulpehockon, Tulpohoccon, Tulpyhoccon), co. Berks, Pa. 47, 49—52, 61—64, 66, 67, 71, 80, 82, 83, 87, 88, 90, 93, 95—99, 101—106, 111—117, 133, 137, 141, 142, 151, 153. Tulpehoccon (Talpahaken, Tulpahocken, Tulpehocken, Tulpohockon, Tulpy hoccon), co. Lancaster, Pa., 44—46, 66, 67, 80, 85, 104. Ulster County, New York, 33, 34, 35. Union, co. Berks, Pa., 94, 133. Upper Darby, co. Chester, Pa., 143, 145. Upper Douglass, co. Berks, Pa., 131. Upper Dublin, co. Bucks, Pa., 65, Upper Dublin, co. Philadelphia, Pa,, 48, 50, 65, 80, 88, 133, 146, 149, 152. Upper Hanover (Hannover), co. Phila delphia, Pa., 46, 47, 53, 65, 77, 90, 91, 94, 96, 101, 112, 114, lig, 124—126, 128, 129, 136, 145, 146, 152, INDEX 195 Upper Merrion, co. Philadelphia, Pa., 98, 134, 143, 144. Upper Milford, co. Bucks, Pa., 52, 89. Upper Milford, co. Northampton, Pa . 47—51, 63—66, 68, 70, 88, 90, 92, 100, 104, 105, 107. 108, 112, 113, 115, 116, 120, 124, 127, 128, 130—136, 142—145, 151, 152. Upper Sacham, co. Bucks, Pa., 45. Upper Salford, co. Berks, Pa., 105. Upper Salford, co. Northampton, Pa., 50, 121. Upper Salford (Sulford), co. Philadel phia, Pa., 45, 47, 49, 52, 75, 84, 87, 90, 94, 95, 98, 119—121, 142, 146. Upper Saucon, co. Northampton, Pa., 47, 65, 66, 69—71, 76, 105, 129, 130, 133, 142—144, 147, 149. Vincent, co. Chester, Pa., 68, 76, 119, 120, 136—138, 147, 148, 152. Virgwiia, Clerk of the Court in, see Waller. * ¦ , Dept. Sec. of, see Nelson. —. — , persons resident in, naturalized, 8, 9, 155, 157. Warren, co. York, Pa., 76, 77. Warwick, co Lancaster, Pa., 45, 49, 53, 60, 61, 63, 64, 67, 69—71, 73, 74, 76, 77, 79, 81, 92, 99, 100, 102, 103, 105, 110, 114, 116, 117, 119, 124, 125, 127, 132, 133, 137, 142—145, 149. Warwick, co. York, Pa., 116. Waterford, oo. Gloucester, West New Jersey, 148. Weisburg, co. Northampton, Pa., 86. Weisenberg ( Weisemburgh) , co. North ampton, Pa., 75, 84, 98, 100, 103, 104, 109, 110, 113—116, 122—129, 131, 138, 144, 147. West Chester (Westchester) County, New York, 34, 35, 37, 38, 39. Whitehall (White Hall), co. Northamp ton, Pa., 51, 64—66, 79, 103, 105, 112, 116, 117, 119, 123—128, 151. Whiteland, co. Chester, Pa., 150. Whiteland, co. Northampton, Pa., 72. Whitemarsh (White Marsh), co. Phila delphia, Pa., 65, 80, 84—86, 89, 94, 97, 100, 105, 108, 117—121, 133, 135— 137, 144—149. Whitpain (Whitpaine), co. Philadelphia, Pa., 66, 70, 80, 84, 87, 104, 118, 121, 131, 133, 136, 137, 142, 143, 145, 148. Wigsden ? (Germany), 9. Williams, co Northampton, Pa., 80, 119, 131, 150. William sburgh, Va,, 8. Williamstown, co. Northampton, Pa., 49. Willingstown, co. Northampton, Pa., 104, 117. Winchester, co. York, Pa., 78. Windsor, co. Berks, Pa., 48, 77, 79, 85, 88, 89, 100—103, 113, 115, 116, 121, 129—131, 134, 139, 141. Windsor, co. Bucks, Pa., 79. Windsor, co. Chester, Pa., 145. Windsor, co. York, Pa., 77, 84, 87, 131, 132, 141. Wirtemberg, Germany, 8, 9. Woodbridgy, New Jersey, 99. Worcester, co. Berks, Pa., 87. Worcester, co Philadelphia, Pa., 49, 51, 52, 64, 65, 70, 80, 87, 90, 98, 111, 112, 119, 121, 136, 145, 148. Worms, Germany, 9. York, York town, co. York, Pa., 44, 45, 47, 51, 60, 63, 67—69, 72, 75, 77, 78, 80, 82—87, 89, 91, 92, 94—98, 102, 103, 109, 111, 115, 131, 132, 134, 135, 140, 141, 147, 151—153. York County, Pa., 43—48, 51, 60, 61, 63, 66—70, 72, 73, 75—98, 102—105, 109, 111, 114—117, 131, 132, 134, 135, 137, 139—143, 147, 148, 151—157. Index of Subjects. Dutch Reformed Church, members of, naturalized, 30 — 39. England, Church of, members of, naturalized, 33 — 35, 37, 39. French Protestant Church, members of, naturalized, 30, 35 — 38, 40. German Church, Reformed, members of, naturalized, 36, 38, 40. Evangelical Church, member of, naturalized, 40. Jews naturalized, 1 — 7, 29—31, 33, 35— 38, 43, 45, 47, 51, 82, 88, 92, 96, 107, 109, 131, 132, 156. Lutheran ministers, 14, 15. Lutherans naturalized, 30 — 40. Moravians naturalized, 44, 45, 69 — 71, 76, 77, 81, 85, 89—92, 133, 135, 136, 140, 143, 144, 147, 152, 154, 155. Quakers (affirmers), naturalized, 15 — 17, 19—29, 37, 41—47, 49—56, 59, 61, 69 —71, 76—78, 81, 85, 88—93, 132—157. Royal American Regiment, the, 98. Trade and Plantations, Lords Commis sioners of, Secretary to, see Hill. Trades, professions, occupations, etc. : bakers, 31, 33, 35, 36, 37, 38, 40. blacksmiths, 31, 34, 37, 38. brass button maker, 34. brass founder, 34. butchers, 34, 36, 37, 38. cabinet maker, 35. carmen, 31, 36, 37, 38. carpenters, 31, 37, 38, 39. cartmen, 33, 34, 38, 39, 40. chimney sweeper, 40. clerks, 31, 35, 37. colonel, 98. coopers, 36, 37, 38. cordwainers, 33, 35, 36, 37, 38, 47. farmers, 31, 32, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40. feltmaker, 34. gardener, 33, 38. gentlemen, 37, 39. glazier, 37. hatters, 37, 38. house carpenter, 38. house painter, 36. husbandmen, 34, 37. innholders (inholders), 36, 37, 38. joiner, 37. labourers, 33, 34, 36, 37, 38, 40. mariners, 33, 34, 35, 36, 38. masons, 34, 37, 38. merchants, 31, 33, 34, 37, 38, 39, 40. miller, 38. millwright, 38. ministers, 14, 15, 33, 38, 39. nail smith, 38. painter, 23. pewterers, 36, 40. physicians (doctor of physic, practi tioner in physic), 33, 34, 36, 38. potter, 36. sadler, 37. school masters, 33. shingle shaver, 39. ship carpenter, 37. shoemakers, 34, 38. shopkeepers, 33, 36, 37, 38, 39. silversmiths, 37, 38. staymaker, 35. stocking weavers, 34, 37, 38, 40. stonecutter, 34. sugar baker, 37. sugar boiler, 31, 40. surgeon (chirurgeon), 33. tailors, 33, 36, 37, 38, 39. tallow chandlers, 33, 36, 37. tanners, 34, 38, 40. tavern keeper, 39. tobacco cutter, 38. traders, 35, 36, 40. turner, 38. vintners, 34, 36, 37, 40. weavers, 33, 34, 37. wheelwright, 34. yeomen, 31, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40. Unitas Fratrum, Bishop of the, 44. , members of, naturalized, 37—39. THE ,{aL.£ UNlVERSm LIBRARY at ®$t ftuguntot &ortetg of Hontum. FOUNDED A.D. MDGCGLXXXY. Volume XXIV. 1RaturaU3ations of foreign Protestants in tbe Hmerican Colonies pursuant to Statute 13 George II, c.7. EDITED BY M. S. GIUSEPPI, F.S.A. MANCHESTER PRINTED FOR THE SOCIETY BY SHERRATT & HIJGHES MCMXXI . . „ , «© 1. 1 ll. 1 1 I l'!!l ;lll II ! Illllllll 5° 'IW1HWII1ID11I1I111U ii1 II 111 * 3 9002 00960 4746 S 3- .