Yale University Library !ili:{l-ii!-[iy;?si!'!lff!-iif!!l::1:|:||li,i;!'Hii«||:i;H 39002009644254 IS"fOiy OF THE ¦8ITY O'F VINCENNES ''^fi^m i&Hi- ;iiH Im- I'io: jjiijjj^j!!'"" ' * ->. .. -Id ^d". ¦•¦bi. V. ¦..¦i.i ¦1. rf. ,-¦-1 r , .." .-¦-=¦- I I . . C'-a34---?/ *t^. } f \| r ie>i 1 it 'Y^LE-^IMHYIEIESIirY- 790? .it ¦'A rr.y- 1^. <1 r ll f -It .f Lt,JTBS.=R-?*««*"F" '-5q^»<*'-^-5i CITY HALL. A HISTORY OF THE City of Vincennes, INDIANA FROM 1702 TO 1901 BY HENRY S. CAUTHORN OCTOBER 15, 1901. PUBLISHED BY MARGARET C. CAUTHORN. Copyright, 1902. By MAKGAEET CLOTILDA CAUTHORN. 1902. Mooee & Langen Feinting Co., TEEEE HAI'TE, iND. PREFACE. I propose to write a history nf A^iueemies, Indiana. Thi,^ idaee is the oldest town wiihin ihe limits of the State of In diana. ^\'ith the exception of Detroit, Alichigan, whicli was settled by the French in IfiTO, and of Kaskaskia, Hiinoi>, which was also settled by the French iu 167:5, it is the oldest town in that vast territorial expanse formerly known as ''The Territory Xorthwcst of the Eiver Ohio," out of which the five great States of Ohio, Indiana. Illinois, Micliigan and ^Yis- consin have been formed. In the preparation of the history I will gather material from authentic and reliable sources. Of course some data which I will use have already found their way into print and are now part of the general history of the country. In addi tion thereto I will consult and be aided by many manuscript diicuments by learned and truthful men which have nevt-r a.^ yet been published. I will also obtain valuable information from the writings of Bishop Brute, the first Catholic Bishop of A'incennes, from the files of the Western Sun newspaper embracing the vears 1807 to 184.5, the records of St. Francis Xavier Cathedral, reaching from April, 171:9, to the present, and will trust reliable and well authenticated traditions, and also matters \\'itJiin my own personal knowledge with a re ceptive and retentive memory covering a period of at least sixty-six years. I will endeavor to make the recital both pleasing and inter esting to the reader, and hope to contribute some historic matter concerning the place and its antecedents which have never yet been accessiljle to the general reader. And above ail will endeavor to make the presentation of facts and incidents both truthful and reliable. HFNRY S. CAUTHORX. VixcEN'XEs. October 1-"), 1001. CHAPTERS. 3. 4. ''). 6. 7.8.!l. 10.11. 12. 13. 14.15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24,25. Location .... Topography . Environments - Landmarks . . . The Old Fort . . Creole Customs Courts . . Municipal . . . Police . . . Newspapers . . Antiquities . . . Clark's Kaskaskia Campaign . Clark's St. Vincents Campaign Fire Protection .... Religion . FinanceCorporationsAgricultureCommerce . Fraternities Education Manufactures Material Progress Personal Mention Distinguished Personnel Partial List of Prominent Citizens Subsequent to 1800 . Conclusion ... . .... 11 15 19 24 32 40 46 51 ."S4 57 f.3 79 90 110114131 135139 144148 152157 161 167 170 215219 (2) ILLUSTRATIONS. City Hall ... .... Frontispiece Harrison House . ... In Chapter IV Old Fort - • In Chapter V Court House ... - In Chapter VII Old Catholic Church . • In Chapter XI Churches . . In Notices in Chapter XV Individual Pictures . • . . In Notices in Chapter XXV A HISTORY OF VINCENNES. CHAPTER I. LOCATIOX. Vincennes is situated on the east bank of the Wabash River IdO miles above its junction with the Ohio. It is distant 192 miles -west of Cincinnati, Ohio; 151 miles east of St. Louis, ilissouri : 2.36 miles south of Chicago, Illinois ; 51 miles north of the Ohio Eiver at Evansville, and 117 miles southwest of Indianapolis, the capital of thc State of Indiana. The United States Government in 1883 made an accurate geodetic survey of the United States. Vincennes was se lected as one of the stations for observation. The station hert was located near the g-eographical centre of the town in the Court House yard off the northeast side of the Court House and is marked by three stones set in concrete, the centre one nearly flush with the surface and Ijearing an ''X" mark. Lat itude of the station point, 38° 40' 39". Longitude west of (ireenwich, 5 h, 50 min, .08S8 sec, or 87° 31' 28". It is situated on high grounds beyond the possible reach of inundation and is bounded on the northeast and southwest l)y beautiful and fertile prairies, and on the southeast by a picturesc|ue range of hills covered in part by forest trees and presenting from the city an attractive and pleasing landscape view. The location is peculiarly fortunate and safe, occupying as it does a level depression surronnded on most sides ljy elevated grounds ancl hills which jtrotect it from the chilly blasts of winter and the destructive storms of summer so prevalent and 12 A History of Vincennes. desolating in portions of the west. The surrounding hills operate as a bulwark to divert and elevate the course of pass ing winds and thus shield and protect it from their fury, so that during the long period of time the site has been the home of civilization no occasion for alarm has been furnished and not the least da.mage has been done to life or property within its limits on this account. It has numbered among its struc tures, steeples and towers insecurely anchored, but which stood for years unharmed and until removed by design. Vincennes in early times was a fine field for sportsmen. As late as 1852 the quail in the fall of the year invaded the town and as many as desired could be killed without leaving its corporate limits. And during the same time prairie chicken:^ were so numerous that as many as sufficient to satisfy the most grasping sportsman could be killed in its immediate vicinity. There are on the southeast side of the city three beautiful mounds, the most noted and picturesque evidences of the work of the mound builders to be found anywhere. These mounds overlook and arc in full view from the city. The} add much to the physical appearance and beauty of the loca tion, and are in fact a handsome background, and from their summits the best view of the city can be obtained. And when viewed from their heights, the cit}', located as it is npon a level plain, and the streets on either side ornamented with shade trees, appears to advantage ancl seems as if located in one large, unljroken forest. There is a fiction connected with these mounds that Gen. Clark, when he approached the place in February, 17 7!1, marched his troops around one of them in a circle many times to impress the inliabitants ^v[i]\ the magnitude of his force. Xo such performance ever took place. Gen. Clark says in his account that he did not wish to surprise the people. He met two Frenchmen of the village -wlien he was at Warrior's Is- Locality. 13 land, two miles below the place, and by them sent a message to the inhabitants of the town to the effect that he did not wish to surprise them, and warning all who were friendly to the "hair buyer'' general, as he called Hamilton, to join him in the fort. Warrior's Island in the prairie two miles below A'incennes was in full view of the town and his force could be seen and numbered there, and any such performance as marching around one of the mounds to create a false impres sion of his force would have been detected and inspired merit ed contempt and disgust. This alleged performance may be credited to many others designed to magnify the exploits of Clark and invest them with colors of romance akin to the deeds of chivalry. Gen. Clark himself says in his report that when he sent his message to the inhabitants of the town ].)}¦ the two Frenchmen from Warrior's Island that he knew that the French inhabitants were friendly to him, as was also "Tobacco's Son," the most powerful Indian chief in the coun try. It seems cruel to spoil this romantic story, but regard for truth compels it to be done. The streets of the city are all level and graded with gravel containing a co-hesive substance which when first taken from its bed is of a dull red color, bnt upon exposure to the air soon cements and makes a hard and substantial road bed, and also Itleaches and presents a bright and shining appearance, and gives the city streets the appeara,ncc of threads of silver wind ing through shaded avenues. The sidewalks are as level as a sheet of paper, and when improved with granitoid, of whicli many miles have already been constructed, and many more miles are being added each year, gives the city sidewalks that cannot be surpassed any where, and but rarely equaled. The site of Vincennes has ahvays been admired and praised 1 ly all travellers, who ever visited the place. Count Volney in his account of his travels refers to it as a garden spot remind- 14 A History op Vincennes. ing him of some of the vine-clad provinces of France. It was in 1796 tha.t he visited the place, and he says the village on all sides Avas surrounded by the most luxurious vineyards from which abundance of the purest -wines were made by the villagers, and that the prairies adjoining the village were cov ered with the finest fruit orchards he ever saw. This condi tion as to the fruit orchards continued in the lower prairies until within the memory of men still living. But the vine yards and orchards have now disappeared and their places have been given up to the cultivation of wheat and corn. ^Ir. Scott, in a gazetteer, published in 1793, says that a pleasant wine was made here of old. In 1765 Col. Croghan came here to treat with the Miami. and Illinois tribes. In his report he praised Post Vincennes as "one of the finest situations that can be fovLacl." He praised the soil as very rich, "producing wheat and tobacco, and that the tobacco raised here is preferable and superior to that of Ma.r}dand and Virginia, and that Post Vincennes is a place of great importance for trade." William H. English, when he first visited the place in 1S91, thus speaks of it in his history of the Xorthwest : "In addition to its early settlement and the multitude of interesting incidents connected with its history, its locatioii and surroundings are so attractive that one can readilj' under stand -ivhy it was a favorite of the Indians in the earliest times, and subsequentl}' of the French and others of the white race. There are few places where life at all periods has been more thoroughly and philosophically enjoyed than at the 'Old Post' St. A'incents, the modern city of Vincennes." Topography. 15 CHAPTEE II. Topography. The topographical situation and site upon which the city of Vincennes stands is remarkal)le and worthy of attention. The area it oteupics may be called a gravel bank extending from the surface to the water line below. Xo point in tliis area has been pierced and penetrated where this gravel form ation has not "iDeen exposed. In 1880 the city authorities ex cavated on Busseron street between Second and Third streets, for a cistern for the use of the fire department. It was exca vated to the water line below and gravel and sand were only found in the progress of the work. At a considerable depth below the surface a large isolated lump of coal was found im bedded in gravel both above and below. The conformation of the surrottnding hills indicate that in the remote past they were the restraining- barriers of volumes of water either in a flowing stream or confined lake. Every thing around the site of a natural formation indicates the former presence and active agency of water which has been expelled from the surface and the site of the city elevated by some mighty upheaval. A similar but gradual and quiet firocess has been observable since the adA'cnt of civilized men. In 1804, and for many }ears after the village Avas annually surrounded by water and the pivogu'.-i, as they were called, used by the early French settlers, circttmnavigated the village at flood seasons and unloaded their cargoes in the rear of the high ground upon which the Court House stands. As late as 1836 the topographical appearance of th,' pla_e was unique. The river front at Hart street was called the stone landing. From that point abruptly rose and extended 16 A History- op Vincennes. along the entire river front to the prairie below, a pure gravel hill flfteen or twenty-flve feet in height alaove the present level of the city streets. It presented an abrupt face to the river 1>ut gradually sloped in the direction of I'irst street. This gravel hill has been removed by the city authorities to grade streets and fill depressions in other parts of the city. Between this gravel hill and the elevated ground upon which the Court House stands the village was originally located and mostly below Broadway street. This space in many places was unfit for occupation owing to the presence of ponds and sur face water. F''rom a point near the intersection of Perr}- and Fifth streets, running diagonalh- through the town in the direction of the public cemetery, the ground was low and little better than a pond, and was covered by water most of the year. Immediately beyond the high ground upon which the Court House stands was an immense pond called ""Dinah's pond," having a depth of several feet, and which was sus tained to a consideraljle depth throughout the year. The first road leading from Vincennes to the east in the direction of Louisville, Kentucky, was )jy way of Petersburg over what was called the ""Buffalo trace." so-called as stated l)y old residents who had travelled over it from the fact that it had been originally traced through the intervening forest i)y the immense herds of buffalo that passed over it in their annual migrations l)ack and forth from the blue grass re gions of Kentuelcy. They crossed the Kentucky River at the ""great crossings" in Scott coitnty, the Ohio River at the falls at Louisville, and the 'W'aba.sh at the ford just below this place, and thence to the rich prairie lands of Illinois beyond. This "buffalo trace" was the only and usual route of travel from Vincennes to the cast for many ycars aftcr 1804. As late as 1846 the road to Lotiis\ille ]iassed out of town on the southeast and thence to what is now called "Burnet heights,"' and over what was then in its course an impassible Topography. 17 swamp the road itself being an artificial construction called "Corduroy," and animals running at large would mire any where outside the roadway itself. The land on the southeast side of the town as far as the high land beyond was covered with scrub oak bushes that never attained a height greater than ten feet. The town at first huddled and centered around the present locality of the Catholic Church. The old fort built Ijy Fran cois Morgan de Vincenne in 1702, was located on the river l^etween what is now the Catholic Church square and the river, and between Barnet and Vigo streets. The main en trance to the fort was on what is now Church street. The following- diagram will give a better idea of the location of the ¦old fort than any mere description. •'.¦..'¦..'¦j>'.V.''.',* AVabash Eiver. OLD FORT Gate Calvery Street Catholic Cemetery and Catholic Church Square o Around these two places, the church and thc fort as .i nucleus, the town gathered and sprung up. The hotel of 31ark Barnet, long the principal one. was on the river below 18 A History op Vincennes. Barnet street, and that of Peter Jones, of a much later date, was also on the river below Broadway street where Jordan's elevator now stands. The space between these points, and extending a short distance back from the river, was all the space occupied by the town. On the northeast side of the town above Broadway street was located the Piankeshaw vil lage and fields, attd their (^'otincil House stood on the high gravel hill where the B, & 0. S. AV. R. E. freight depot now stands. This high hill was for many years, and as late as 1850, selected for raising the liberty pole and firing the can non on the Fourth of July, which A\-as always observed willi the antiual return ol: that day until Philander F'cllows was killed there by a premature explosion. There has been expressed by some of late years a doubt as to the location of the old fort. But the doubt thus expressed is not founded upon any authentic or reliable information. The location of the fort as given above is sustained by all authentic evidence and was always called l3y the old residento of the place "The Old Block IIoilso Lot.' Thc plot of ground was only subdivided and sold in parcels as now held as late as 1830. Its location, as stated above, is consistent with all his toric references to it, ami the happening- of known events con nected with it, and there is no evidence of its location el>c- where. According to the report of the State Geologist. A^ncennes is situated in one of the richest coal districts in the west. The town itsclf is liuilt upon coal deposits. The surface within the limits of tlu- city has been pierced in several place- and veins of coal have always been found, one layer below the flrst, and of a superior quality, which will in the future be worked with profit. A coal ^haft has been sunk on the east outskirts i)f the city and superior coal is taken out and has lieen suc cessfully and iirofltabl)- operated fen- several vears. and fur nishes the chca]iost coal used in thc cit\-. Environments. 19 CHAPTER ill. ExVlltOXilENTS. The country surrounding A^incennes gives the town a loca tion unsurpassed for beauty. It was originally situated be tween two handsome jn-airies one above and the other below. The upper prairie extended about two miles from the limits of the town to Prairie Creek on the north. Bnt this beautiful prairie has been encroached upon by the expansion of the city. Within the past two }"ears it has been covered with manufact uring plants, business houses and dwellings and with the same process continued for a year or two longer it AA'ill pre sent a city appearance. But the two prairies below the town remain as they were when the town \vas settled. They are beautiful and fertile pirairies extending from the lower limits of the city some six miles below. The land was originall}- granted to the early French settlers by the commandants of the fort. These prairie lands as Avell as the lots granted in the village were designated upon small slips of paper ancl no record kept or made of any of the grants so far as known. The titles of the French settlers and claimants rested wholly upon actual possession and occupancy. And the transfer of lots in the village and prairie lands from one to another was made without documentary or Avritten evidence of transfer, but simply by changing possession and occupancy in the same way personal property changed hands. This custom and transfer of real property without any written evidence of transfer gavc the commissioners appointed by the United States to examine and report upon the claims of the French to lots and lands much trouble and compelled them to rely upon 20 A History op Vincennes. verbal testimony in such cases. Thc lots in the village were not numbered, bnt only identified as adjoining lots of other persons. The same disposition of lands was made in the lower and Cathlinette prairies, which adjoin each other in the same imperfect manner and evidenced by descriptions on small slips of paper of which no record Avas made. The grants in the two prairies below Vincennes except the first granted the church, Avhich contains four arpents, all contain two arpents in front by forty arpents in depth, French measure. A French arpent is a little less than an English acre. The grants in the lov.er prairie Avere thus divided in small slips so that each proprietor could have a frontage on the Wabash river. The grants in the prairies Avere not numljcred and in transferring them long after deeds Avere in use, Avere simply described as bonded liy lands of different owners. These prairie lands were afterwards surveyed by the United States government, after it acquired the territory, and numljered. The loAver prairie containing by the survey 52 tracts and the Cath linette prairie 18 tracts. But for years after the survey and numbering of the lands in the Iavo prairies in all deeds, the same defective mode of conveyance Avas continued, causing much confusion. The lands in the two prairies below A'in- cennes Avere never enclosed by the French. They were culti vated by tlie owners in a common field. They all lived in the town, French fashion, and went out to the fields each day to cultivate the lands. .\. turning roAv Avas alloAved for between each grant to enable the adjoining owners to cultiA'ate their respective portions without trespassing on his neighbor in turning his team. These prairie lands and lots in the tOAvn in that part called '"French Town," Avere originally, and as late as 1850, OAvned by the French people. But since that time they have changed hands and passetl into the possession of other proprietors and but fcAv lots or lands are uoav OAnied l)y the descendants of the original French proprietors. ENVIRONMEnTS. 21 The lots in the village and the lands in the neighborhood Avere all granted b}- the commandants of the Post commenc ing Avith Francois Alorganne de A^incennc, the builder of the fort and first commandant, and all his successors. This is shown by the official report of the judges of the court, dated July 3d, 1790, to Winthrop Sargeant, the secretary of the Territory, in Avhich they expressly state that Francois Mor- ganne de A'incenne AA-as the builder of the fort and its first commandant. Tliis report can be found in the American state papers and is authentic, and settles beyond question Avho built thc fort. On the Illinois side of the AVabash adjoining A^incennes is the large and fertile ""Allison" prairie extending from the river back about eight miles and up and down the river about fifteen miles. This prairie is very rich and produces abund ant crops of all kinds and throws upon the Vincennes market as large a volume of produce almost as the County of Knox. It is thickly settled Avith an industrious population and adds much to the business and prosperity of Vincennes. By an act of Congress passed March 5, 1791, there Avas appropriated a large tract of land adjoining Vincennes con taining about 5,000 acres for a commons, for the use of all the inhabitants of A'incennes. This tract of land was not enclosed but was used by all tlie inhabitants of the town for purposes of pasturing their stock of all kinds. This use of the commons continued until the commons lands were sold by the borough trustees from and after 1825. The inhabitants of the toAvn in 1816 joined in a iDetition to Congress for au thority to sell the commons lands. In accordance with this petition Congress on April 20, 1818, passed an act transferring the commons lands to the trustees of the borough of A^in- cennes in trust, howeA"er, for the purpose of selling the same, and Avith the proceeds of sales to drain a pond on the east of the toAvn and to pay any balance remaining to the A^incennes 22 A History of A'incennes. University. The trustees of the borough by an ordinance passed September 28, 1818, accepted the trust and proceeded to execute the same. The commons lands Avere surveyed and divided in three divisions, A, B and C divisions. A Avas di vided into 138 lots of 5 acres each, diA'ision B Avas divided into 204 lots of 10 acres each and diAision C' was divided into 96 lots of tAventy acres each. The lots in these three diAisions AA'ere sold by the trustees of the borough at different times from and after 1825, and are uoav held by individual proprie tors under the sales made by the trustees. But the pond ad joining the city Avas not drained by the borough trustees and no part of the proceeds were paid to the A'incennes Univer sity. On the Illinois side of the Wabash River a chain of hills rise near the river and extend along its bank about three miles above and wdiich add much to the scenery surrounding A'in cennes. On the Indiana side of the river the picturescpte hills on Avhich Fort Knox Avas erected, rise from the water's edge and add much to the scenery in that locality. And tliese hills commencing at Fort Knox Avith slight interruptions extend continuously in a circle around A'incennes, terminating with Bitnker Hill beloAV the limits of the city. Upon these hills thus surrounding the city, on the east and south, beautiful sites for suburban residences are afforded which are being rapidly taken up by Avcalth}' citizens and fine private resi dences erected thereon. Aud on these hills on the east is erected the Knox County Poor Asylum, a fine brick structure. On AA'hat is usually called the "Highlands," a splendid struct ure has been built, somc three miles from the city, but in full vicAv from all parts of it, for St. A'incent's Orphan Asylum. A'incennes has four magnificent parks in close proximity to the cit}'. ".Harrison Park' is situated in the city limits in Xorth A'incennes and is finely shaded and provided Avith AA'alks and seats for the convcniciiee of \'isitors. ""FairvicAv Park," Environments. 23 also well shaded and improved, near the limits of the city on the northeast. "Fairground Park," a little farther out, is also Avell shaded and has numerous buildings for the use and con venience of visitors. "Harmonic Park," a half mile still farther out, is also well shaded and improved. All tliese parks can be reached by the cars of the electric railroad. In the summer they are daily resorted to by all parties for pic nics, recreation or pleasure and no better places can be found in the vicinity of any city for the purpose of amusement and pleasure and escaping from the heat of the city. A'incennes is blessed with driveAvays in all directions around the city. And these afford any variety of route and scenery that may be desired. On one route the driver can pass over picturesque hills on a road Avell impiroved. On another he can pass over a road well gTaded and improved and as level as a floor. And on another he can pass over the most beauti ful undulating country to be found anywhere. And on an other, along a shaded road running by a running stream, AA'hich tends to moisten and cool the air. And on the other side of the AVabash he can drive either up or doAvn the river on its banks, well shaded, and on a road as smooth as possible. And on any of the routes he may take he can drive for an evening airing a distance of ten miles through beautiful rural scenery and return to the city without passing twice over the same roadwav. (3) 24 A History op Vincennes. CHAPTER IV. LaND-AIAEKS. The first houses erected in Vincennes by the French settlers as Avell as those erected by their Creole descendants, Avere of timbers set upon end, thatched with straAV and plastered with adobe. They were durable and lasting structures. Some »uch hoasec were knoAvn to have stood for upAvards of a hundred 3'eavs, and were still in good preservation Avhen torn down to give place to more modern structures. They even resisted much longer the destroying ravages of flre than frame houses. One of them caug'nt fire in the early part of the night between the years 1840 and 1850, and after burning all night, with the aid of the volunteer fire department, Avas consumed as the sun Avas casting its first rays over the eastern horizon. They Avert comfortable residences, being Avarni in winter and cool in summer. The first church erected in this way for St. Francis Xavier was used for church purposes for about eighty year^, and then for a pastoral residence many years afterwardb. Xone of the structures now remain in Vincennes. The building occupied by the Territorial Government dur ing the time Vincennes Avas the capitol of the Territor}'. Avas situated on the soutliAA'cst side of Alain street about midAvay between Second and Third streets. It was a tAVO story frame building which about flfty years ago Avas removed to the southeast side of Upper Third street and located just below "Harrison" Park, where it yet stands in a good state of pret- ervation. The upper prairie survey, now in part occupied by "Harri son" Park, Avas covered OA'cr on the river front by many hand- Landmakks. ¦2i'\ some brick residences. These remained as late as 1814, but have siiiee entirely disappeared. The Itrick in these build ings Avas used in the construction of lirick buildings in var ious parts of the city, and may lie said ti.i lie the beginning of the erection of lirick buildiitgs itt the city. The survey upon AA'hich these buildiiio's stood on the failure of the Steam Altli Company was mortgaged to the United States for $100,000, and tlte title suliject to the mortgage jtassed to Hall Xeilsnn, FIRST CAPITOL OF INDIANA TERRITORY. of Washingtoti City. The United States Avas sulijccted to a long litigation to establish its claim, whieli was not flnaliy settled until 1880, Avhen the governiiient claim Avas finally qttited. Tlte Government then had tlie sur\ey subdivided into lots and sold all thc lots except that portion fronting on the riA'er AAdiich Avas donated to the eity for a public park, and is noAV knoAAii as "Harrison" Park. The Harrison mansion is tlte oldest building in Vincennes, and is truly an ancient landmark. Alany fictitious stones 26 A Hist(.)RY (IF \'incenxes. connected Avith the old mansion have been circulated. One to the effect that thcrc was a subterraneous passage leading from the mansion to the river as a means of escape in case of any hostile attack. Xo such passageway ever had any exist ence. The mansion itself was the best protection in case oi danger of any place in the vicinity. Another to the effect that in the liasement there Avas a dungeon in AAdiich slaves and HARRISON MANSION. others Avere confined. Xo dttn,ixeon Avas CA'er in the basement. These stoi-ies are akin to another that the Itttge boulder in the A'ard of the Ralili residence on Sixtli street Avas the trystriug place AAdicre Jeft'erson Uavis and Jessie Ta}'lor often met. Jessie Ta}'lor left the ]ilace Avhen au infant and never return ed to it, and .Jefferson Davis Avas nevev in A^incennes. The mansioti AA^as the centre of attraction during its oecu- piation by Gen. Harrison, and long afterAv.-irds. Wheit the L.\Nn.M.-\RKs. 27 general left in 1811, it Avas occupied by his son, John Cleves Symmes Harrison, who was as popular and as great a favorite Avith the people as his father. He Avas a cultured man. He married the daughter and only child of General Pike, who was equally cultured. The Vincennes Library Avas kept in the mansion during the time it Avas occupied by Symmes Harri son, and it continued to be tlie resort of the elite and cultured of the place. When he left, a public banquet was tendered him by the citizens of the place, at which he delivered an ad dress. In part, he said: "I had fondly hoped to spend my life here, but cruel fate has decreed otherwise. But rest as sured I can never forget the place or the nianj^ friends I leave behind me." He died at his father's home in North Bend on the Ohio Eiver, October 30, 1830, of typhoid fever. A fine obituary notice of his death was published in the Western Sun. After Symmes Harrison left, the mansion was occupied by Gen. James P. Drake, who was the receiver of public monies at this place, and kept his office there. Gen. Drake was one of the leading men of the State, and Avas afterwards elected Treasurer of State and removed to Indianajjolis, where he died after 1850. After Gen. Drake left the mansion was greatly neglected and fell into the hands of men who appropriated it to im proper use. Gen. John Myers, who lived near on Second street, used it for storing his wheat and com. And after the completion of the railroad to St. Louis it was occupied by James Gattan as a hotel. But thanks to its durable construc tion it exhibits no signs of misuse and is now as well pre served and substantial as any building in Vincennes. It was at the Harrison mansion that the celebrated inter view took place between Gen. Flarrison and Chief Tecumseh. This interview is often referred to as a treaty. But it was no treaty and was not intended as such. It Avas called by Gen. 28 A History of Vincennes. Harrison for the sole purpose of a friendly exchange of greet ings. Gen. Harrison aAvare of the intrigues and machination of that celebrated chief requested him to come and visit him and that he would assure him of the friendly good Avill of the government toAvards the Indian tribes. He Avas requested to come unarmed and assured he Avould receive kind and courte ous tratment. He agreed to come and did come. But in stead of coming unarmed he came Avith 70 armed warriors, who encamped for the night on Prairie creek, near the present residence of Air. Kelso. Gen. Harrison, aAvare of his thus coming with an armed force, prepareil to meet him in an in terview on the following day, August 15, 1810. For precau tion in case of necessity Gen. Harrison summoned a numbei of his friends, Avho Avere well armed and occupied places in the halhvay and circular parlor of the mansion This inter view Avas held on the soutliAVcst front of the mansion in a groA^e of trees that surrounded it on that side Some conflict ing statements have been made as to AA'here this interview took place. But there should lie no doubt a.bout it. Eobert G. McClure and Elihu Stout and many others who were part of Gen. Harrison's guard at the time all stated that this inter view Avas held in the grove in front of the porch on the south west side of the mansion. Gen. Harrison never left the porch and Tecumseh refused to take a seat on it, but stood in the grove. Gen. Harrison proceeded to address Tecumseh and his warriors and to assure them of the friendly feeling and good wishes of the government toAvards the Indians, and was willing to do all possible to promote their comfort and happi ness and preserve peace. Tecumseh, Avho understood English imperfectly, here interrupted the general and told the inter preter to tell him he lied. The interpreter fearing if thc ex act language Avas given it Avouhl produce trouble modified it. But Tecumseh interrupted hira and told him to state his exact language and to tell Gen. Harrison he lied Avlten he said the Landm.arks. 29 government Avas friendly to the Indians, but had cheated them and stolen their lands. When this was communicated to the general he terminated the interview and Tecumseh and his warriors withdrew. This porch and the grove of trees that surrounded it where this interview was held remained until 1840. It was here the great mass meeting and barbecue Avas held during the exciting political campaign of "Tippe canoe and Tyler too" in 1840. The meeting was composed of such numbers that four speakers of national reputation ad dressed it at the same time. The names of these four speak ers were George G. Dunn of Bedford, Eichard W. Thompson of Terre Haute, George H. Proffit of Petersburg and John EAving of Vincennes. The grounds around the Harrison mansion, extending to the river, were artistically laid out and filled with the choicest fruits and flowers. It Avas in fact a thing of beauty and a joy and remained in good preservation as late as 1855. The river front and for some distance back was enclosed with a picket fence of locust timbers firmly planted in the ground. The square in front of the mansion, on laying out Harrison's addi tion, Avas reserved for a park. The brick used in the construc tion of the mansion were manufactured by Samuel Thomp son, who received for this work 400 acres of land about three miles above the city on the Terre Haute road. The second brick building erected in Vincennes was the old seminary, which occupied four of the present city squares, bounded by Fourth and Sixth streets and Perry and Hart streets. This seminary Avas built in 1807 and was intended for use of common schools. It was sold by the school author ities in 1839 to Bishop Hailandiere, who started St. Gabriel's College there under the managment of the Udist fathers, AA'ho conducted the college until 1844, when they left the diocese and Avent to New Orleans. It Avas then converted into an orphan asylum and so continued until the orphans were 30 A History of A'incennes. removed to Terre Haute. The Seminary was then turned over to the Sisters of Providence who established there St. Rose Academy. Francis Silas Chatard, the present bishop of the diocese, subdivided the square and opened Fifth and Seminary streets through it. The old Seminary was torn down in 1883 and the lots of the subdivision have all been sold except the part reserved for St. Rose Seminary, and are noAv held by private persons, and for the most part covered by fine residences. As late as 1850 the survey out of which has been carved iu part Judah's addition, Avas enclosed with a rail fence and used for farming purposes. The part of the town back of the Court House was unoccupied and used for a race track. That portion extending back from Sixth street Avas Marachall's field, and extended to the limits of the town and was culti vated in corn. This Avas divided into lots by Alvin W. Tracy, his executor, in 1855, ancl the lots sold. All that part of the city above Hart street Avas vacant except the Harrison man sion, the former residence of Judge Parke and that of Judge Law between them and the Judah square, afterAvards called "the Baty place." In 1857 the Lutheran Church on Eighth street Avas built and Avas then the sole and solitary structure of any kind in that quarter. So late as 1850 the buildings of the Steam Alill Company on the river front on Avhat is iioav "Harrison" Park remained in a good state of preservation. The main structure of bricic was 700 feet in length and tAvo stories high. It Avas painted white. From the second story extended a log carriage-Avay to the river upon Avhich logs floated down the river were car ried by steam poAver into the mill. The Terre Haute State Eoad passed beneath this log-Avay. Immediately above the mill Avas a tall, brick malt house, and still farther up a large distillery. Around this mill as late as 1850 there were sttll standing many large tAvo-story brick buildings for business Landm.arks. 31 and residence purposes. The surroundings indicated that regular streets and paved sideAvalks had been constructed. The houses Avere all finely finished. The Alasonic Hall was in one of them and the Avails Avere beautifully frescoed Avith the symbolical emblems of the order. The building occupied by the Bank of Vincennes, and sub sequently by act of the State Legislature in 1816 adopted as the State Bank of Indiana, and which bank gave rise to the celebrated quo warranto proceedings in the Circuit and Su preme Courts of the State, was located in a brick building ou the east corner of First and BroadAvay streets. The flrst building used for court purposes was of logs, sit uated on the north corner of Second and Broadway streets, and which after it Avas abandoned for such purposes Avas, while Fort Knox, was occupied by Federal troops used for hospital purposes for sick, wounded and disabled soldiers. The second building used for court purposes was purchased from Robert Bnntin, and Avas located on the Avest corner of Fourth and Buntin streets, and the county jail and estray pen were on the north corner of the same streets. The present court square was purchased from Jacob Ku}- kendall, September 20, 1830, and has ever since been used for court and county purposes. The old fort built by Francois Alorgan de Vincenne in 1702 was built of logs and remained until 1820, when it was torn down and the logs used in its construction were used in build ing private houses in various parts of the city, and Avhich houses were durable and remained until torn down. One of the houses built of logs from the old fort was situated on Lower Sixth street near the Catholic cemetery, and was only torn down a few j'ears ago. 32 A History' op Vincennes. CHAPTER V. THE OLD PORT. The old fort on the Wabash at A'incennes owed its origin to considerations of military necessity. The French Avero aware as early as 1650 of the dangers that would in the future imperil their possessions on this continent and prudently en deavored to counteract them. Their colonies on the St. Law rence river in the north, Avere Avidely separated from those on the Gulf of Alexico in the south. It Avas necessary for firo- tection in a military point of view to connect them by a direct communication. This could not be done along the Atlantic coast as the English, their menacing and hostile rivals, occu pied the intervening space in that quarter. It was only feasi ble by a line of forts through the unbroken and unexplored Avilderness of the AA''est. This connection was determined on as early as 1650 by the French ministry in control of affairs. But to execute it Avas a Avork requiring time. A survey had to be made and a practicable route adopted. It required years to explore this vast expanse of country through which the pro posed connection was to be made. I]xploring parties Avould have to grope their Ava}- through this extended stretch of Avil derness, not only presenting natural obstacles, but fllled Avith savage and in many cases hostile Indian tribes. The entire field stretching for thousands of miles had to be viewed in order to select the most feasible route and locate the forts in the proper places. The Alississippi river floAving almost di rectly north and south, Avas a natural higltAvay affording easy ingress to the north from the Gulf of Alexico. The St. Law rence riA'cr and the great chain of lakes connected Avith it Avere a natural highAvay opening the heart of the continent to ap- The Old Fort. 33 roach from the Atlantic. It Avas deterntined to connect these tAVO great natural highAvays. The St. LaAvrence route Avas direct and eontinous from the Atlantic to Detroit river. But here its direction Avas liroken and ottly sustained bv a lon,o' de tour to the north and then an equal distance to the south. To avoid this cirettit}' and Avaste of time, it Avas determined to make the connection from Detroit to the Alississippi at tlte junction of the Ohio. The site of Aincennes Avas selected as the place to locate one of the forts. This route Avas practica ble and att'drded a Avater comrauttication in a direct course ¦ir't^ife THE OLD FORT. iilmo,-t the entire distance. The Avntcrs of the Alaumce. the St. Jiiscph, the St. Alarv and Waliaslt rivers, presented nat ural facilities for communication only interrupted by a very narroAV jiortage. This divide separating the Avaters of these ri\'ers is so narroAV and contracted that the cr}'stal drops fall- in,? on the earth from their home in the sky, are at first puz zled to determine Avhiclt course to take, Avhether to seek the cold and s]iarkling Avaters of the Atlantic through the gTeat lakes and the St. LaAvrence ri\'er or the Avarm and rosy bosom of the Gnlf of Alexico through the Wabash, Ohio and Alissis sippi rivers. Tljis route had been selected and determined 34 A History op A'incennes. upon by the French government before 1700. It was sup posed for many years that the "Ouabasche" Avas the river that emptied into the Alississippi River. Judge Law in his address of February 22, 1838, says: "It is a singular fact that the Wabash river Avas knoAvn and navigated by the whites long before the Ohio was known to exist." But this is not a sin gular fact and results as a natural sequence from the way the country was settled. This continent was flrst settled by the Europeans along the Atlantic coast, but the Allegheny mountains and the Blue Eidge Avere barriers forbidding the discovery ancl settlement of the Alississippi valley from that direction. This could only be done by way of the St. Law rence and its connecting lakes. And tliis is the way it was explored and settled. The head Avaters of the Wabash river being nearer this route of travel from the north was neces sarily discoA'ered and navigated before the Ohio. The old fort here Avas built in the fall of 1702. The first of the military forts in the Xorth of the contemplated chain built by the French, Avas at Detroit in 1701. The next year Francois Alorgan de A'incenne, according to the Quebec an nals, a trusted ofhcer in the service of the French, was sent with a military force to build three forts on the route selected for the chain of French forts to connect Canada and Louisi ana. One at the junction of the St. Joseph and St. Alary rivers Atdiere the cit}' of Fort Wayne now stands, two on the Wabash river, one aliout seven miles beloAv the present city of Lafayette called "Outanon." The third at the site of Vin cennes. These forts AA'ere certainly built in the order named as that Avould naturally foUoAV, considering the point Avhere the force engaged in their construction started to do the Avork AA'hich was Detroit. It Avas tlie custom of the French in all their explorations and settlements on this continent to operate Avith Iavo forces, the SAvord and the cross. The one represented the civil, and The Old Fort. 35 the other the spiritual poAver. Accordingly the force that came here Avith de Vincenne in 1702 to build the fort, and thus lay the foundation of civilization in these parts, Avas ac companied by a French Jesuit missionary, AAdio iu the fall of 1702 celebrated the holy sacrifice of the mass at this place, in the open air, before the troops, the villagers and thousands of Indians. This mass was said near Avhere the fort Avas to be built and near where the cathedral now stands. This act of the Jesuit missionary is recited in the Quebec annals and may be taken as the date when the site of Vincennes Avas conse crated and dedicated to civilization and Christianity. AVhen the French catnc here in 1703 to build the fort they Avere welcomed and kindly received by the Indian tribes in habiting the AVabash country about here. It is certain they gave them no active opposition but made them concessions of land in the village and surrounding country. It is stated in documents still preserved in Quebec that the Indians assisted the French in building both the church and the fort. And this is reasonable to believe frora the known amicable rela tions that ahvays existed between the French and the various Indian tribes, with whom they came in contact. The French and Indian tribes always lived in peace and concord. Judge LaAV says in his adress of February, 1838 : "The French have always succeeded in conciliating the Indians and gaining their confidence and good Avill, Avhile the Anglo Saxon has made but little progress in claiming their confidence and af fection." The country around Vincennes has been subject to the sov ereignty of several different nationalities. It was first claimed, occupied and colonized by the F^rench. It remained subject to this jurisdiction until the year 1763, AA'hen by the treaty of Paris of that year, it was ceded to Great Britain. It remained subject to that poAver until the capture of Kas kaskia and other French posts on the Alississippi riA'er in 36 A History op Vincennes. July, 1778, and the capture of the old fort here in February, 1779, by Virginia troops under command of George Eogers Clark. It then became a part of tiie commonwealth of old Virginia. It so remained until 1784, when that state ceded to the general government the territory nortliAvest of the river Ohio, only stipulating in the act of cession that the ter ritory thus ceded, should be divided into nCAV states and ad mitted into the Union Avithout slavery. And in accordance Avith this stipulation in the grant of A'irglnia to the general government, the five states of Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Alichi- gan and AVisconsIn, have been carved out of the territory and admitted into the Union as free states. The old fort here Avas called by many different names but never during all the time the l^rench continued in possession, Avas it ever called liy the name of "Sackville." It was never so called until the British acquired the Xorthwest Territory after the close of the old French war by the treaty of Paris. The British wishing to obliterate from the minds of the in habitants all recollection of the F'rench regime named the fort here "Sackville." This Avas intended as a compliment to Sir Thomas Sackville, earl of Dorset, an English scholar and statesman, Avho Avas a great favorite of the English govern ment and Avho Avas employed in many important foreign mis sions. On the death of Lord Burleigh he succeeded him as Prime Alinister of England, in Avhich capacity he A\'as regarded in sagacity and fidelity, as equal to his great predecessor, and in his honor the English named the fort here. But the object of the English in naming the fort failed of its purpose. The French did not approve or accept the name and never as long as the fort stood referred to it in any other Avav than the "old fort," and Avould not have knoAA'ii Avhat fort Avas referred to as "Sachville." The town itself has been called by many different names. I have seen it stated that the name of the original village that The Old Fort. 37 occupied this site Avas ''Chippccoke." But I do not knoAV npon Avhat authority the statement is made. Xo reliable document calling the Indian village upon the Wabash at this place by that name has yet come under my observation. As to the dif ferent names the place has been called. Bishop Brute says: "Few places have received so many different appellations in the public documents either of old Virginia, of Congress or even of the territory where it would seem it would be best pre- serA'ed ; f eAV had their orthography more wonderfully diversi fied. Beside the "Ancient Poste," "The Poste," "Au Poste," "Post Ouabache," "Post St. Francis Xavier," and finally "Poste A^incents." The town was never called A'incennes until after 1736. It has been frequently stated that the place received its name from a place so called in the vicinity of Paris in France. But this is a mistake. The place derives its name from no city in France or elsewhere, but from the French officer VA'ho came here in 1702, and built the fort. And this name Avas given the place to perpetuate the memory and heroism of its founder. This was done in consequence of the tragic death and self sacrifice of de A^incenne in a disastrous battle with the Chickasaw Indians. In 1736 the French to force their way and complete their chain of forts, Avere at Avar with these Indians Avho inhabited the country midway betAveen here and the fort at Vicksburg. It was determined by the French in order to complete the chain of forts, to attack them both from the north and south. Accordingly two armies were organized for the purpose. The force from the south was under the command of Bienville. The one from the nortii under the command of D'Artegette and Fi-ancois Alorgan de Vincenne. It was intended tbe forces should form a conjunction before risking a decisive battle with the Chickasaws. But the forces from the south under Bienville were delayed and failed to form a junction. D'Artegette, unfortunately determined to 3S A History op Vincennes. attack the Indians with the northern forces alone. He did so and Avas successful in several minor engagements and capt ured several of their smaller villages. When they approached the stronghold of the ChickasaAvs in the vicinity of the present city of Alemphis, they halted before it in hopes they would be joined by the force from the south under BienA'ille. As long as that officer remained in the vicinity in a threatening atti tude, the Indians and French remained quietly confronting each other. AA'hen BienviUe retreated with his force and re turned to Louisiana, the savages became emboldened and at tacked the French, and defeated them in a bloody engage ment. In consequence of this defeat, AI. D'Artegette, de A'in cenne and Father Antoninus Senat, then pastor of St. Fran cis Xavier church here, aa'Iio accompanied the expedition as spiritual adviser, Avere all taken prisoners by the Indians. Father Senat and de A'^incenne could have easily escaped with the remnant of the troops that retreated, and came back, and AA-'ere entreated to do so. The retreat was conducted by AI. A'oisin, a young French officer, but both Father Senat and de A'incenne, Avith self sacrificing devotion of true heroes and martyrs, refused to join the retreating forces and thus save themselyes, but leave the Avounded and dying soldiers to the fury of the savages. They remained with the wounded sold iers and AA'ere both burned at the stake on Easter Sunday, 1736. This day has ahA'ays been obserA'ed as a holiday in all Catholic churches throughout the Avorld and Avas a fitting day for the introduction of Iavo martyr saints into the glories of the church triumphant. And from the time the troops avIio survived and returned to the fort here, this place has been called A'incennes and Avill ever be called as long as the rec ollection of heroism and noble deeds Avill be appreciated among men. And thus it is clear A'incennes derives its name from an honorable source in perpetuation and remembrance of its founder. On this suliject. Bishop Brute, says: '"Al- The Old Fort. 39 though we find no deliberation, no special act, no express monument for attaching the name of de Vincenne to the Post, Ave see how effectually that honorable gratitude gave his name to it." Of the three forts built by Francois Morgan de Vincenne in 1 7 02, the one at this place Avas destined to endure the long est and become of historic importance. The one built at the junction of the St. Mary's and St. Joseph's rivers was de stroyed by tbe Indians and the remains seen and described by Gen. Wayne in 1794. The one called Outanon, on the AVa bash, was destroyed by the Indians in 1765. But the old fort built bere remained until torn doAvn after 1816. (4) 40 A History- op Vincennes. CHAPTEE VI. FRENCH CUSTOMS. Vincennes was originally settled by the French, as already stated. When they came here and settled they found the country filled with various Indian tribes living together in peace and amity. These tribes were Delawares, Kickapoos, Mascontens, Miamis, Shawnees, Pottawatomies and Pianke- shaAvs. This place, from its location on high ground when the whole surrounding country was subject to overflow, made the site of Vincennes a favorite place of resort and abode for the Indian tribes. When the French came here they associated and affiliated with them on terms of equality. The marriages between the French and the Indian races were frequent. From this admixture of blood a dual race was produced called "Creoles." This race was for many years the dominant race about here in both town and country, and could, as late as 1855, control all elections in Knox county. Tbe Creole Fi-encb occupied almost exclusively all that part of town, be low Main street, and the Lower and Cathilinette prairies. Their Indian ancestry Avas easily discernible in their personal appearance with high cheek bones and straight, black hair. They stood erect and held their bead high and walked with long strides, and carried their persons upright and as straight as an arrow. Many of the Creoles AA'ere here until long after 1850. But very few specimens are left noAV surviving in the town or country. This mised stock embodied in combination the qualities of the two races or sources of derivation. They inherited all the virtues as well as the vices of the French and Indian in com bination. From the French vivacity and good nature, and French Customs. 4L from the Indian Avild, roving and irascible traits of character. The result was that the Creole population Avaa of rather a wJd and intractable disposition, and mingled with it a love of ease and pleasure. Labor was distasteful and only perform ed as a matter of necessity to provide for the Avants of life and not from any desire to accumulate worldly goods and possessions. Hunting, fishing and dancing and all manner of sports and amusements were practiced. The same social state was observable here during the Creole supremacy as ex ists today in the French Arcadian settlements of Lottsiana back of the Alississippi Eiver. The dance was a favorite pastime, and the sound of the fiddle and the tread of feet to. its strains were more frequently heard than that of the loom or the anvil. This has been so within the memory of men still living who well remember the joyous, free and easy times when Alitchel Eichardville Avas king of the ball room and led the dance with tbe strains of his fiddle, and the stamp of his right foot at one and the same time making as much noise with tbe one as tbe other. A favorite dance with the F'rench was tbe king ball on N cav Year's night. On this occasion the young man chosen as king for the ball had the privilege of selecting his queen for the dance and during the evening. The king and queen were this most important persons at the ball and enjoyed themselves to their heart's content. The next day the king Avas expected, by custom, to present his queen Avith a new dress. Chicken fighting and horse racing were also resorted to, and were favorite diversions among the Creole French, and all manner of means devised by them to pass aAvay the time and enjoy life without Avork. Tbe Creoles were a very sociable and hospitable people. On Easter Sunday it was an invariable custom among them to visit their neighbors and acquaintances and make presents of colored eggs. On Christmas day it was expected that all 42 A History op Vincennes. among them, both young and old, male and female, sbould exchange presents with their friends and acquaintances. On Xew Year's day it was general for them to exchange visits from house to house, and every one was welcome to any bouse and was expected to partake of the many good things provided for the occasion. Fighting was common among them and all the Creole men were boastful of their personal prowess. But these fights were all in old fashioned style Avith such arms only as nature provided. Up to 1844 the elections were attended in the town by all the voters and they were not conflned to the townships in whicb they resided. The great volume of the vote was cast here at the county seat. Election day was a great event, and tbe voters generally flocked to the county seat to vote and see the sights usual on such occasions. It Avas the time set apart by custom to settle personal disputes by trial, by battle and many difficulties were adjusted that way on election day. The result Avas that thousands flocked bere on election day to wit ness these personal encounters. Persons yet living in A^m- cennes can remember that on election day as many as a dozen flghts AA'ould take place one after the otber, and w'nen one would cry, "Hold, enough !" hostilities would instantly cease and the difficulty was settled and at rest. The main battle ground was tbe intersection of Alain and Third streets, aud thousands there assembled to witness these pugilistic exercises, ancl elevated places of observation Avere at a premium. Tbe only vehicles to be seen on the streets of Vincennes as late as 1845 were French carts called "calesche." One of them would be a curiosity noAV. They Avere creations of necessity, as the old Creole French in their isolated condition here were cut off in a manner from tbe outside world. These French carts Avere of home made manufacture. They Avere two- Avheeled vehicles with shafts for only one borse. They Avere entirely constructed of wood Avithout the use of anv metal French Customs. 43 Avbatever. They Avere used for hauling wood and produce ol every kind, and for every kind of farm work. They were the only vehicle provided for tbe use of tbe family either male oi female. In these carts, tbe body of which was in size and shape very similar to a large dry goods box, an entire Creole family, man, wife and children, would huddle together and jostle along going to church or on a visit, the horse maintain ing a brisk trot, and the heads of tbe household bobbing up and down at a lively rate. These Creole customs and practices were legitimate fruits of tbe blending of the French ancl Indian races. They Avere all professed Catholics in religion, but paid little attention to the precepts of the church. They, as a general rule, only en tered the church on three occasions during life. First, when baptised; then Avhen married, and lastly wben carried there to bave the last rites of the church performed over their dead bodies. AVhen Father Flaget, afterwards flrst bishop of Bardstown, Ky., came bere as resident pastor, December 21, 1792, be tried to curb the Creole population and reform their habits and enforce conformity to church discipline. He con demned their wild and roving habits and frivolous amuse ments as being contrary to tbe teachings of the church. Ht encouraged agriculture and tbe mechanic arts and started a free industrial school to instill into their minds habits of in dustry. He urged them to see that their children attended re ligious schools where they Avould form habits of honor, piety and virtue and become an honor to their name and a consola tion to their grey hairs. He exhorted them to fence about their homes so they would be structures of Christian virtue. He exhorted them to be faithful Catholics and their country would be proud of them as models of religious enlightenment and patriotism. He accomplished much good, but was re called before he had flnished his good work. It is a singular fact that both Indians and negro slaves 44 A History of Vincennes. were held bere among the Creoles, as Avell as otber settlers from Virginia, North Carolina, Tennessee and Kentucky long after tbe passage of the ordinance of 1787 and the state con stitution of 1816. In 1830 the trustees of tbe Borough di rected the Alarshal to take a census of the population. He did so, and his official return to the Trustees shows the fol lowing result: White males, 768; white females, 639; free black males, 63 ; free black females, 63 ; slave males, 12 ; slave females, 20 ; total population, 1,565. Vincennes was for a long time after it was founded an out post in the wilderness. It had no communication with the colonies on the Atlantic and Avas to them a "terra incognita." But the formation of the Territorial Government in 1800 changed all this. Wben the flrst coiners after that arrived here they found a French settlement speaking that language exclusively, and no more than a dozen English speaking peo ple in the place. The Creole population never learned to speak tbe English language. AA'hen the Territorial Govern ment was formed and A^incennes named as the capital, the sea board States poured their overfloAv population composed of ,j restless, battling swarm of home seekers through the Alleghen ies out npon tbe rich prairies of the west. All these adven turous men directel their steps to Vincennes as a common mecca. As tbe curtain rose upon the advancing Saxon and Celt they beheld with aAve the mystery of a ucav civilization. The native Indian and Latin races mingled in fraternal ac cord on the banks of tbe AVabash. The town Avas a marvel, a page torn from some book of enchantment. A fragment of Europe suddenly dropped in his path could scarce bave aAvak ened more astonishment. Fie beheld long lines of Avhitu bouses thatched with straAV and covered Avith adobe, each Avilh its arcade festooned with trailing vines and half hidden in season under the bloom of peach, cherry and apple trees. In the centre the f roAvning walls of a citadel overlooking a bel- fried church, and a necropolis entombing a century's dead. French Customs. 45 Its streets thronged with brightly dressed, dark-eyed women and well-dressed men chatting in a strange tongue. These people were all seekers after pleasure and social enjoyment, and were not wedded to the acquisition of wealth. He min gled with them in their balls and festive days. In tbe church tbe altar blazing with lights before which robed priests chant ed Latin prayers and intoned tbe music of tbe mass. With such scenes were tbe flrst adventurers of tbe English speak ing race confronted on their arrival among tbe ancient in habitants of Vincennes. But what became of this civiliza tion ? "Where are the lords of tbe forest who reigned with un bounded sway over these fertile regions? Where the Dela- AA'ares, tbe Kickapoos, tbe Miamis, the Shawees, the Potta- Avatomies ; nay ! even the half civilized Piankeshaws who with their village occupied one-half tbe town? Their bows are broken, their council fires extinguished, tbe graves of their fathers deserted. The wbite man came, civilization attended him, and desolation and death followed in his train. And AA'hat became of tbe patriarchs of the Post, the gay, tbe polite, the lively and tbe hospitable French and Canadians who set tled it? The dance bas ceased, the sound of the viol is no longer beard. Tbe Anglo-Saxon has usurped tbe place of the descendants of St. Louis. Hoav many French families whose members were formerly almost as numerous as the leaves of the forest are now represented by any living members ? Where are the Busserons, tbe Lasselles, the Geueroms, the Andres, the BurdaloAvs, tbe Cardinals, the Bazadous, tbe Amlins, the Eichardvilles, the Laderouts, the Eacines? They are all gone. This result is attributable in part to the frequent in termarriage of blood relations, and the impoverishment of the stock. In part from having come in contact with the Anglo-Saxon, that strong and aggressive blood race that ab sorbs, eliminates, appropriates, enslaves or extinguishes ah races that come into its way, and the result is the stronger has supplanted the weaker. 46 A History op \'incennes. CHAPTEE Yll. Courts. As long as tbe French held possession of the NorthAvest Territory there were no courts of justice at Vincennes or au}'- Avhere else in tbe French settlements, so far as knoAA-n. All matters of dispute AA'ere decided by tbe various commandants of the Post, Avho Avere cle A'incennes, St. Auge, LeGrand and Legras. All concessions of land to the inhabitants AA'ere made by them on little slips of paper. Of all these transactions no record was ever made so lar as knoAA'n, and tbe slips of paper evidencing concessions of land Avere not recorded. The trans fers of land were made by actual transfer of possession as per sonal property was transferred. This was much the same as tbe old livery of seizure in English practice. This manner of transferring lands Avithout record or deed gave the United States commissioners appointed to adjust French grants much trouble, as these old French grants had to be ascer tained and adjusted by parole testimony. After tbe English acquired the territory in 1763 they only held it until 1779, a period of nineteen years, and nothing Avas done by them in the matter of establishing civil government in tbe Northwest Territory. AVhen Virginia acquired the territory in 1779 by her troops under George Eogers Clark, in the spring of that year an act was passed by tbe Virginia Legislature for the government of the territory thus acquired. John Todd was appointed "Lieutenant of tlie Country and Commnvdcr-iH-C/iicf." He im mediately came to A'incennes and issued a proclamation an nouncing his poAver and purposes. In June, 1779, he organ ized "A Court for the District of Post Yiiicmncs." This Cdl'RTS ,^, .Tt* COURT HOUSE. 48 A History of Vincennes. court possessed both civil and criminal jurisdiction and was composed of the folloAving judges: F. Bus.-eron, L. E. Do- line, Pierre Gamelin and Pierre Queray. This court contin- ned in existence until it Avas superseded by the courts of the United States, appointed under the ordinance of 1787. AVhen the United States acquired the territory steps were taken by Congress to establish civil government for the terri tory. On tbe 13th of July, 1787, an act of Congress was passed organizing tbe "Territory Xortliwest of the River Ohio." Gen. Arthur St. Clair Avas appointed the first gov ernor of the territory. In January, 1790, he sent Wtlthrop Sargeant, secretary of the territory, to Post A'incennes to or ganize the county. Sargeant accordingly came to Vincpnuet and did this in the summer of 1790, and named tbe county be organized "Knox" after Gen. Henry Knox, the secretary of Avar. The court established by him for Knox county was called "Gmeral Quarter Sessions of the Peace." It held its first session at the house of John Small, who was appointed sheriff on July 4, 1790. Tliere were present at this session as judges, Antoine Gamelin, Paul Gamelin, Francois Busser on, James Johnson and Luke Decker. Samuel Baird was ap pointed clerk of this court. It continued until Indiana Terri tory AA'as organized in 1800. There was a court of "Oyer and Terminer, and General Jail Delivery and Nisi Prius" held at A'incennes in October, 1795, before John Cleves Symmes. senior judge of the Territory XorthAvest of the Ohio. But little business Avas done at this session, and VA'as the only term of said court ever held bere of which there is any record. Wben Indiana 'T^Titory AA'as organized, Heuf}- A'ander- burg, William Clark and John Grifiin Avere appointed the flrst Federal judges of the Territory. Under the Federal GoA'ern ment there AA'ere tAvo Courts that excTcised jurisdiction in this county. One AA'as called the "General Court," and exercised Courts. 49 jurisdiction throughout the territor}'. Tbe other was called "Common Pleas," and its jurisdiction was limited to the sev eral counties and possessed jurisdiction in probate matters. Henry Hurst Avas clerk of both these courts from their organ ization until they were superseded by the courts organized by the State Government in 1816. Since the organization of. the State Government probate matters bave been transacted by different courts. Tbe flrst one in point of time was the "Court of Probate.'' The fol lowing judges presided in this court in the order named: William Caruthers, William E. AlcCall, John EAving, John B. Drennon, Henry Euble, Alark Barnett, William L. Coleman, William Polke, John Moore and Eichard P. Price. This court was adjourned sitie die Saturday, August 15, 1829. Tbe above court was succeeded by the "Probate Court/' whicb was organized September 7, 1829. Tbe foUoAving per sons presided as jndges in this court in the order named: William Polke, George AV. Ewing, Abner T. Ellis, Eobert N, Carnan, George E. Gibson, Eobert P. AlcCoungbey, John H. Harrison, James Thorne and Clark AVillis. This court was in 1852 abolished by act of the Legislature. The Probate Court was succeeded by tbe "Court of Com mon Pleas." This court was organized in this county Jaa- nary 3, 1853. This was not strictly speaking a county court. It was called a district court and embraced several counties, presided over by tbe same judge. This district, in which Knox county Avas " situated, Avas composed of the counties ol Knox, Daviess, Alartin and Pike. This court had jurisdiction •of all probate matters and civil cases when the amount in controversy did not exceed one thousand dollars, but not in cases of slander or where the title to real estate was involved, and in criminal cases less than felony. The following per sons presided as judges in this court in this county in the ¦order named: Eichard A. Clements, James C. Denny, Eich- 50 A History op A'incennes. ard A. Clements, Jr., William E. Gardner and James T. Pierce. This court AA-as abolished by an act of the Legisla ture in 1873, and its jurisdiction aud business was transferred to the Circuit Court. The most important court in dignity and jurisdiction in the county has ever been the Circuit Court. It has always pos sessed general common laAv and equity poAvers in all cases, both civil and cnminal. It Avas first created by an act of thc Territorial I>egislature passed at Corydon in 1814. Tbe flrst court met in this county Alay 9, 1814, but no business was transacted, as onh' the clerk and sheriff were present, but no president judge. The same thing occurred at the follo-wing August term, as no president judge appeared. The first term of this court at Avliich any business was transacted was beld Alarcb 16, 1815, AAdien Isaac Blackford appeared as the pres ident judge, and Daniel Sullivan and James B. McCall as associate judges. It was for many years that in this court m addition to the president judge, who Avas to be a laAV}'er, there were tAVO associate judges who were not necessarily required to be laAvyers. The president judges in this court have been in the order named: Isaac Blackford, David Eaymond, William Prince, Thomas H. Blake, General W. Johnson, Jon athan Doty, Jacob Call, John E. Porter, John Law, General W. Johnson, Amory Kinney, Elisha AI. Huntington, AA'illiam P. Bryant, John LaAv, Samuel B. Gookins, Delano E. Eecles, Alvin P. Hovey, AVilliam E. Xiblack, Ballard Smith, Alicbael F. Burke, James C. Denny, John Baker, NeAvton F. Malott, George W. ShaAV, and Orlando H. Cobb, the present incum bent. Municipal. 51 CHAPTEE A^Il. Municipal. A'incennes enjoys the unique distinction as haA'ing been knoAA'n and recognized by name long before she Avas legally liorn. .ft was frequently mentioned as ""'Borough of Vin cennes" in many official documents and reports and acts of legislatures before any specific act incorporating it was ever pas-sed. It was referred to as the "Borough of A^incennes" in the act of tbe Territorial Legislature incorporating tbe "Vin cennes University," wbich was passed in 1806. The first act incorporating Vincennes was passed by the Territorial Legis lature in 1807. By this act the following persons were cre ated its first board of trustees: Eobert Buntin, AVilliam Bul litt, Charles Smith, Hyacinthe Lasselle, Joshua Bend, Henry Hurst, Jacob Kuykendall, Touissant Dubois and Peter Jones. The act declared tbe territory included Avithin the following boundaries to be tbe limits of the borough : Hart street on tbe northeast, the church lands on the southwest, the AVabash river on the northwest and Eleventh street on the southeast. These boundaries continued to be the limits of the old borough until the act of tbe state legislature passed January 3, 1817, annexed to it "Harrison's Addition." The limits of the borough thus extended, continued to be its limits during the life of tbe borough organization. The subsequent annex ations to include the present limits of the city have all been tbe work of tbe eity organization. A number of acts Avere afterwards passed by the state leg islature amendatory in character, but the most important one was tbe act passed February 14, 1838. This borough organi- 52 A History op Vincennes. zation remained in operation until it was succeeded by the present city organization in 1856. The old Borough of Vincennes during its long continued existence called into her service many trust-Avorthy men. Among these I Avill name tbe following who filled various positions of trust and honor under the old borough of A'in cennes: Jacob D. Early, John Moore, General AV. Johnson, Charles H. Tillinghast, Valentine I. Bradley, Andrew Gard ner, Martin Eobinson, Abner T. Ellis, George E. C. Sullivan, Owen Eeily, John EAving, John Collins, Elihu Stout, Sam uel Hill, Henr}' D. AVheeler, J. C. S. Harrison and Jeremiah Donovan. The last meeting of the board of trustees under the old borough organization, Avas held on tbe 7th day of February, 1856. An election Avas beld on the 25th day of January, 1856, to decide tbe question Avhether to abandon the old borough or ganization and incorporate under the general law of the state providing for the incorporation of cities. This election called out but a light vote. The Avhole number of votes cast was only 255 of Avhich 181 AA'ere in favor and 74 against tlie adop tion, being an affirmative majority of 107 votes in favor of the adoption of the general laAV of the state for the incorpora tion of cities. This majority Avas sufficient, hoAvever, to de stroy the borough organization and that historical old borough ceased to exist and the ncAV born city of A'incennes succeeded to its poAvers and franchises. The folloAA'ing persons have filled the office of Alayor of Vincennes in the order named : John Aloore, James Dick, William A. Jones, Eichard J. AIcKenney, Henry A'. Somes, George E. Greene, AV'illiam B. Eobinson, James S. Pritchett, AVilliam II. Beeson, William B. Searight, James H. Shouse, John Wilhelm, Francis ALurphy, Oliver G. Alillcr and George J^'. Greene. MUNICIP.AL. 53 The f olloAving persons have filled the office of clerk : James S. Mayes, John EAving, Albert Alontgomery, Charles G. Alatbesie, George G. Turney, Emil Grill, Charles W. East ham, Charles A. Cripps, Cyrus AI. xA.llen, George E. Greene and Charles Laugel. The f oUoAving have been treasurer : AndrcAV Armstrong, Isaac N. Eastham, Gerhard FI. Duesterberg, Joseph Bey, Charles AV. Jones, Peter E. McCarthy, Henry B. Duesterberg, Charles G. Alatbesie, Frank H. Hoffman and Thomas East ham. 54 A HisTORA- OF Vincennes. CHAPTEE IX. Police. For a century after tbe toAvn Avas founded it Avas without any incorporation or police guardianship. During all that time the inhabitants Avere honest and everybody attended lo his OAvn business and suffered his neighbor to do tbe same. The distinction betAveen meum and tuum Avas strictly ob served. In fact the doors of the houses were Avithout locks or bars of any kind. This was tbe condition of affairs during the French supremacy. With tbe infiux of strangers from the Atlantic States came tbe necessity for civil organization and police protection. Accordingly, in 1807, the town was incor porated for the first time as a borough. For many years after this the police protection of the toAA'u was satisfactorily per formed by the marshal alone. And for a long time after Avards, with the assistance of a single deputy. This continued to be tbe case during the life of the borough organization. The following persons filled the oftice of marshal during this period: Jeremiah Donovan, Thomas J. Beeler. Benjamin F. Thorne and A. L. Cornoycr. After the organization of the city government tbe common council, September 1, 1871, passed an ordinance organizing a police force to assist the marshal in keeping order and preserving the peace. The members of the police force Avere to be elected by tbe cily council and AA-cre subject to its control, and could be removed ll}' the council. This police force Avas sufficient for the pur pose intended. The foUoAving persons filled the office of city marshal uncler the city organization : Emanuel Aleisenbelter, John J. AA^orman, Jeremiah Donovan. Jacob Aletzger, Jolni A. PuUiam, William Sachs, John T. AlcBride, Louis Hahn, Frank Johnson, George AI. White and Thomas Eobertson. The General Assemlilv at the session of 1901 amended the Police. 55 act providing for a metropolitan police so as to include Vincennes within the provisions of that law. This laAV batl already been in force as to many cities of the State for many years. But its provisions only included such cities as had a larger population than Vincennes. The amendment of 1901 made the law applicable to cities having a population as large as Vincennes. Under tbe metropolitan system the governor of tbe State is authorized to appoint three police commis sioners in cities witbin its operation, only requiring him to select members so far as possible from the two leading politi cal parties. This restriction on the appointing power of tbe governor insures a non-partisan board of police commission ers. Tbe governor under this act appointed as the first board of police commissioners for Vincennes, Schuyler C. Beard, Daniel L. Bonner and Dexter Gardner. These appointees are all good and competent men and their appointment gave gen eral satisfaction to the people of the city. These police com missioners are empowered to make rules for tbe government of tbe police force, to fix the number of the force ana their compensation, and can remove tbe members for cause wiien they see proper. The compensation of the commissioners is not fixed by themselves, but by tbe governor. This police sys tem -^ill in all probability give the city better police protec tion than tbe old. This, for the reason that there is no di vided responsibility in the appointment of the commissioners or members of tbe force. Tbe responsibility for tbe character and qualifications of tbe police commissioners rests indi vidually with tbe governor, and bis reputation in the matter is directly and solely at stake and will cause him on that ac count to appoint qualifled and worthy men without bias or prejudice. The same responsibility rests upon the commis sioners in the appointment of memhers of the police force, and will operate upon them in tbe appointments they make, and thus a competent and trustworthy police force Avill al- 56 A History of Vincennes. ways be assured. For these reasons, in all probability the metropolitan police system will afford the city as good protec tion as possible. AVhen this system first' went into operation bere there was manifested in some quarters opposition to it. But this oppo sition and criticism was premature and not well founded. Tbe system has not yet been given a fair trial, and its work ings are not yet known. This opposition was in part due to personal considerations, but mainly to partisan prejudice on account of its being supposed to be a Eepublican measure. But this view is erroneous. It is not a Eepublican measure, but was originally introduced as a Democratic measure and supported by such men as Thomas A. Hendricks, Joseph E. McDonald, William H. English, Isaac P. Gray and Eichard J. Bright. But this partisan view sbould not be entertained. Tbe system should be given a fair trial, and it will be devel oped that it is a better system than the old. Neavsp.apers. 57 CHAPTEE X. Xeavspapeks. Vincennes almost from the organization of the territory, has been liberally supplied Avith ncAvspapers. The establish ment of a newspajDer in a jilace is an important era in its bistory. The press is the great conduit through which intel ligence is generally disseminated among the masses. It brings communities in close contact with each other and tends in an eminent degree to enlighten, refine and elevate tbe character of the masses generally. Tbe first newspaper established in Vincennes, and in fact in the whole territory, now comprising the State of Indiana, Avas the Western Sun, by Elihu Stout. The first number of this paper was issued on July 4th, 1804. It required much labor and endurance to establish this paper. The material for the purpose had to be procured in Kentucky and transported here on pack horses. There AA'ere no roads leading from Vin cennes to tbe East at that time. Air. Stout was compelled to take three horses on his trip to Kentucky to procure material and travel through the wilderness. One of the horses was for himself to ride and tbe other Iavo for the purpose of carry ing tbe material. But he persevered and issued his first num ber July 4, 1804. The publication was regularly continued for nearly two years, when the office was destroyed by fire. But not discouraged, he procured from Kentucky other ma terial, and on the 4th of July, 1 807, issued the first number of his resurrected paper. He continued its publication with regularity until November, 1845, when be was appointed Postmaster at Vincennes, and sold the paper to John E. 58 A History op Vincennes. Jones. During tbe tiiiie ^Ir. Stout published the paper be took in partnership many different persons who soon became discouraged and fell by the wayside. The names of these persons it is not necessary to state. After he sold the paper to Jones, it was neglected and for a time its publication sus pended. During this time attempts were made to start vari ous papers under different names, but they were all short lived, and soon passed away and were forgotten. Among the number may be mentioned: "Jones' Vincennes Sentinel," "The Indiana Patriot," "The Vincennes Courant," "The Patriot and Courant." Finally George E. Greene in 1856, purchased tbe paper and re-issued it under its old name, "Western Sun." From the time he took possession, the paper has been a success, financially and politically, and bas become a leading Democratic paper in Southern Indiana. Air. Greene commenced tbe publication of a semi-weekly wben, be took charge and Mr. Purcell, the present proprietor, in 1879 com menced tbe publication of a daily. Mr. Greene died in 1870 and the paper was purchased by Gen. Eeuben C. Kise. He soon died and the paper was purchased by Dr. Alfred Patton. He subsequently sold tbe establishment to Andrew J. Thomas & Co. It passed from tb-em to the possession of Eoyal E. Purcell, the present proprietor. In the early days of the territory many different news papers were attempted to be started bere by Samuel Hill, John EAving and Mr. Osborn, but all these ventures were fail ures, and the papers they started soon passed out of existence. Tn 1816 tbe Indiana Sentinel was started by X. Blackman, for Willis FelloAvs, and was published in a brick building opposite the Vincennes steam mill in the upper part of the city, now occupied by ".Ha,rrison Park." This paper was started in the interest of the steam mill company and to ad- Neavspapers. 59 vance and advertise its business. The publication of the paper was continued until the failure of tbe steam mill com pany some four or five years after, when its publication ceased. In 1808 a paper was started here in tbe interest of Jona than Jennings, who Avas a candidate for Territorial Delegate to Congress against Thomas Eandolph, who was tben District Attorney of tire United States for the Indiana territory. Jen nings was strongly opposed to the introduction of slavery in the territory and he claimed that Eandolph was at heart in favor of its introduction. To advance his political interests, a paper was started bere which took strong ground against tbe introduction of slavery in the territory and warmly advo cated tbe election of Jennings. But this venture, like all its predecessors, was short lived and ceased to exist with the occasion that called it forth. Tbe first paper that can be said to have been founded here in opposition to the Sun Avas tbe Vincennes Gazette, started by Eichard Y. Caddington in 1830. This paper was ably edited and became tbe organ of tiie Whig party, and was a success. Mr. Caddington continued its publication until 1855. Tbe paper was tben sold to Harvey Mason & Co., who successfully continued its publication until Alay 28, 1859, when it became the property of Dr. H. M. Smith &nd M. P. Gee. In 1861 William Denny became proprietor and con tinued its publication until 1862, when Cyrus M. Allen and Dr. H. M. Smith became owners. In a few months Charles I. Williams became proprietor and Cyrus M. Allen continued as editor. In May, 1863, John M. Wilson became proprietor Avith T. C. Shuber as editor. In January, 1864, William H. Jackson succeeded Shuber as editor. In a few months it passed into the hands of AVilliam H. Jackson and John M. Griffin. On October 14, 1865, John AI. Griffin became sole 60 A History op Vincennes. proprietor and the old Vincennes Gazette soon ceased to exist. On the 24th February, 1854, AA^illiam H. Jackson and James G. Hutchinson commenced the pulilication of the "News of the Day." This was a paper devoted to the cause of the Know Nothing party and being located in a community hostile to that party, it soon expired a natural death for Avant of patronage. The "Old Post Union" Avas started by James G. Hutchinson, March 7, 1862. This paper survived but a very short time, and AA'as succeeeded by the "Vincennes Times," tbe publica tion of -vvbich was commenced liy E. Y. Caddington and AVill iam H. Jackson. Mr. Jackson retired from the paper and was succeeded by Gen. Lazarus Xolile, December 6, 1873. The paper Avas sold to Alalachi Krebs, October 17, 1875, but Krebs failed to pay the purchase money and tbe paper passed to James J. Mayes, John Mallet and A. V. Crotts. Air. Crotts ceased his connection Avith tbe paper in 1879 and it soon after ceased to exist. The "A^incennes Commercial" Avas established by S. F. Horrall, A. Horrall and X. Horrall, Alarcb 13, 1877, under the firm name of S. F. Horrall & Sons. This paper Avas de voted to the interests of tbe Eepublican party and was con tinued by its founders until February 15, 1881, Avhen it passed into the hands of the "Commercial Company,'' Avith T. H. Adams as editor. The paper was subsequently purchased by Mr. Adams, who became the sole proprietor and editor, and bas continued its publication until the present time. In ad dition to a weekly a daily edition has been successfully and profltably issued. It is ably conducted and edited and claims to be the organ of the Eepublican part}' in this coimty. The ""A'incennes Xcavs'' Avas established by W. AV. Bailey & Co. with Warren Worth Bailey as editor in 1877. This Avas ¦ Seavsp.apers. 61 a weekly paper and Avas edited with marked ability. It claimed to be a Democratic paper, but Avas erratic in its course, and was never recognized as tbe organ of tbe Democratic party. It was generally thought to be a political guerilla. It advocated the Henry George theory of a single tax and for want of sufficient patronage ceased to exist about 1884. I must not omit to notice the "Vincennes Joker and Jocu lar Jingler," a small newspaper started bere in 1846, in the interest of merriment and good feeling. It was a spicy little sheet and was devoted to personal criticism of a harmless nature. It was ably edited by D. C. Eobinson and William H. Jackson, and was very popular as long as published, but Avas short lived and soon disappeared. The "National Era" was founded bere by D. W. and A. L. Harbison, devoted to tbe principles of the Populist party. But Avith tbe passing of that party it lost its prestige although its publication is still continued. The "Knox County Democrat" was started by Allen Camp bell. It was originally started in Monroe City, but was sub sequently removed to this place and its publication continued bere for several years by Air. Campbell. It was a weekly paper and strongly advocated the free coinage of silver. Mr. Campbell sold tbe paper to Frank Signor and the paper was published by bim for some time. He flnally sold it to its present proprietors. Chancellor and Comfort. Its publication is still continued and it is Democratic in politics. The "Ladies' Home Ideal" is a monthly periodical pub lished by Thomas II. Adams. It was started a few years ago and its publication is still continued. It is especially de signed to advertise and promote the sale of patent medicines, of Avhich Air. Adams is iDroprietor. The "Vincennes Capital" is the last newspaper venture in A'incennes. It bas rapidly Avorked its Avay to the front and 62 A History op Vincennes. although young in years, is uoav regarded as the peer of any paper published in Vincennes. It is enterprising and strives to give its patrons the latest news and in this is successful. It is always alive to tbe best interests of Vincennes and is ever planning and suggesting means to advance the city and help build it up. It publishes both a weekly and daily edi tion. It is ably edited and is strongly in tbe interest of Ee publican principles and men. Anticu'ities. 63 CHAPTER XI. Antiquities. Vincennes is rich in material of historic interest. There centre around her memories of a past extending beyond thc recollections of the living, and reaching farther and farther backward till they gradually fade aAvay and are lost and shrouded in the mists of conjecture. The date when the site of Vincennes was flrst visited by civilized man cannot be de termined Avith precision at this time, and probably never can be. But it Avas in all probability as early as the year 1660. This is not mere speculation, but can be reasoned out as a necessary sequitur by comparison Avith the happening of Avell known and authentic occurrences. Bancroft, in bis history of the United States, says, "That no bay, no lake, no river, no mountain in all the vast expanse of this continent bas ever yet been visited by any explorer but that a Jesuit missionary bad been there before bim." It is a well known and admitted fact that the early Jesuit missionaries in the Northwest Avere actuated by no love of gain, but for the sole purpose of dis covery and the conversion of the Indian tribes to Christianity. To accomplish this they traversed the vast wilderness of the Northwest, visiting the Indians in their villages thrO'Ughout the vast country bordering on tbe great lakes, the Mississippi, the Illinois and the AA^abash Rivers. Jacques Marquette Avas one of the most celebrated and intrepid of these missionaries. He visited all parts of tbe Northwest. He circumnavigated Lake Superior, the largest and most Avesterly of the great lakes, and with Joliet sailed down tbe Alississippi river and is well known to have been in tbe Wabash country. Bishop Brute in bis writings, says, "That tbe St. Joseph portage Avas 64 A History' of Vincennes. used by Father Alarquette long before La Salle and Hennepin passed througb that portage." He further says that "Father Alarquette and AUonez passed through that portage on their way to the 'Ouacbasche' country soon after 1660. While there is no positive evidence that Feather Alarquette was ever at the site of Vincennes, yet reasoning by the inductive pro cess we are bound to conclude he Avas here as early as 1660. It Avould be unreasonable to suppose that this indefatigable Avorker for the conversion of the Indians would fail to visit so important a point in the AVabash Valley as this when he OLD CATHOLIC CHURCH. Avas known to be in its Aicinit}'. This site Avas a favorite re sort for all the Indian tribes on both sides of the Wabash River. It Avas a safe place of abode for them in consequence of its high situation and thc conditions then existing' in this part of the surrounding country. From the earliest times until in very recent years the entire country on both sides of the AVabash River Avere coyercd Avith Avator many feet deep twice during each year during the January and June freshets. During these flood seasons the country for hundreds of miles in all directions front the site of A^incennes Avas covered Avith Antiquities. 05 water many feet deep and offered no suitable abiding place for the Indians. As late as 1846 the AVabash and Embarras Rivers annually overfloAved their banks and united their waters, covering the intervening space of eight miles to a depth of seven or eight feet. And in the same Avay b}- overflow the AVliite Eiver united its waters with tbe Wabash to tbe east to a like depth. In 1846 tbe steamboat Daniel Boone was carried by the force of the overflow current a short distance above Vincennes from the channel of the Wabash River out into tbe prairie for over a mile, and was only re turned to tbe river with difficulty. And in tbe same year tbe United States mail was carried from A^'incennes over the over flowed prairies on the Illinois side to the high ground on tbe Embarras River at LawrencevUle. And this was not an un usual or singular occurrence, but happened frequently, until the country was protected by levies. These conditions made the site of A^incennes a resort and place of abode for tbe Indians, as it was always on high ground above the reach of any flood. It was here they had their permanent village and flelds whicb were still visible when the wbite settlers came to tbe place. It Avas here they had their council houses and where all tbe surrounding tribes assembled many times dur ing tbe year when they returned from tbe chase or forage. And such a place, where so many of the Indians could be easily found, it is contrar}- to reason to suppose that such a zealous missionary as Father Alarquette would fail to visit when be was in the Wabash country. I wish to locate F'ather Marquette at the site of A^mcenncs, as it will flx the probable date of his visit. It is well knowu that be left the Jesuit mission at Kaskaskia a sick and worn- out man in consequence of his labors and exposure, to return to St. Ignace, a 'few days after Easter, 1675. On this, his final trip, be travelled by way of the St. Joseph portage. He died May 18, 1675, ascending the eastern shore of Lake Mich- 66 A History' op Vincennes. igan, and Avas buried in the sands of tbe lake shore before he reached bis destination. Therefore be must have visited the site of Vincennes, if at all, prior to 1675, and in all proba bility about 1660. I have endeavored to locate Father Mar quette bere, as he is a Avell-knoAvn historic character. However it may be whether Feather Marquette was ever at the site of Vincennes, it is certain beyond a reasonable doubt that some Jesuit missionary bad been bere prior to 1700. They bad accomplished wonderful results in convert ing the Indians that inhabited the countrj' about tbe present site of Vincennes. Tbe records of St. Francis Xavier Church, as preserved (I use the words "as presen'ed" as Bishop Brute used them whenever be referred to these records) show from April, 1749, for half a century after tbe greater part of the entries of baptisms, marriages and funerals were of Indian converts. This vast number of Indian converts to the faith as evidenced by these records as preserved show that the work of the missionaries, AA'hile fruitful of good, was not the work of a day or month, but of many years. Tbe untamed savages of the forest could not be converted to Christianity at short notice. The labors of tbe missionaries Avere not only sIoav, but dangerous. In this connection Judge Law in bis address delivered on February 22, 1838, says: "It was not only toil of hunger and cold that the Jesuit missionaries of the cross were called upon to endure, but many, very many were tomahawked, or what was far worse, burned at tbe stake. No sooner was it known that their pre decessors had perished at the stake or by tbe scalping knife than new recruits offered their services to fill their places. In fact a mission among the Indians was a labor of love to these heralds of the cross." From tbe statements already made it seems clear that the site of Vincennes had been visited by wbite men long before 1700, and probably as carly as 1660. But these visits of civ- Antiquities. 67 ilized men AA'ere made in some cases for purposes of trade and traffic Avith the Indians, or by Jesuit missionaries for the pmr- pose of spreading tbe true faith among the Indian tribes. And these early visits cannot be referred to as the date of tbe actual founding and permanent settlement of Vincennes. But there are other evidences more tangible and reliable thai will throw much light on the subject to which I shall now refer, and which fixes the true date of its founding about 1700. "Wben the Ind"'ana Territory was organized in 1800 and the capital of the Territory fixed at Vincennes, it at once became a centre of interest and attracted the cream of the energetic, aspiring and cultivated men from all the older States of the 'Union. Vincennes was a prominent point in the west before 1800, and many eminent men came and settled here as early as 1780. But the organization of the territory gave fresh im pulse and prominence to the place and greatly accelerated its increase in population and wealth. John LaAV, Elihu Stout, John Ewing and Samuel Ju.dab and other prominent citizens who came and located here between 1800 and 1820 asserted that the population of the place by 1820 was as great as it is today. But the loss of the capital and the dreadful epidemic of 1820 that visited the place that year discouraged and terri fied the citizens and depopulated the place, and for years re tarded its growth. The many educated and distinguished men who came and located at Vincennes when the territory was organized, took a deep interest in everything calculated to promote and ad vance tbe prosperity of tbe place. In the early days of the territorial government, and before 1809, they procured the passage by the territorial legislature of many incorporations Avith this object in vicAV. Among these incorporations I Avill enumerate tbe following three: Tbe Vincennes University, The Vincennes Library, and The Vincennes Historical and 68 A History op Vincennes. Antiquarian Society. The object of the last named corpora tion, as its name implies, Avas to investige and establish au thentic evidence concerning the early history of the place. Among tbe many distinguished men who were members of the Vincennes Historical and Antiquarian Society I will enumer ate tbe following : AVilliam Henry Harrison, John Gibson, Waller Taylor, Nathaniel EAving, John BadoUet, ElUiu Stout, Moses Tabbs, Isaac Blackford, Thomas Randolph, John Law, John EAving, Benjamin Parke, George Rodgers Clark Sullivan, Samuel Judah and many others equally dis tinguished. Nearly all of these distinguished men came here about the year 1800. They found when they came old set tlers who had been connected Avith the place for periods rang ing from twenty-five to seventy-fiA'c years before 1800. And these old people had knowledge of tbe place from those who had been living here before them extending back to a period prior to 1700. Among these old people I avUI enumerate Francis A'igo Laurent Bazadone, Angeline Burdalow, Paul Gamelin, John Rice Jones and General AV. Johnson. One of the first subjects that occupied tbe attention of the Vincennes Historical and Antiquarian Society was fixing the date when Vincennes AA'as settled by the F^rencb. Before 1820 the date of the settlement of Vincennes by the French was fixed by tbe Vincennes Historical and Antiquarian Society at the year 1680. Here the matter quietly rested until the ad vent of Bishop Brute in 1834. He foimd in tbe church li brary connected Avith St. Francis Xavier church registers and many manuscript documents AA'hich had been neglected, as no one had before him been inclined to burn the midnight oil in looking them over, page by page, tbe only way to ob tain tbe valuable historic information they contained, as they were not indexed, but a confused mass. But Bishop Brute did this. He furnished tbe public, from time to time, through tbe columns of the Western Sun neAvspaper tbe re- Antiquities. (iO suits of this investigation. He was a studious, careful and truthful man, and made no statement unless fnlly sustained by authority in making it, and which can be relied on as cor rect. He stated that he bad found evidence in the church records here and in the records of tbe Mission of St. Louis of Peoria, and the Church of the Immaculate Conception of tbe Virgin Alary at Kaskaskia, Illinois, and the recorder's office there, that both the town of Vincennes (not then known by that name), and the Church of St. Francis Xavier bere Avere both in existence as early as 1708, and perhaps earlier. And in one of his last communications published in the Western Sun he says he avIU continue the search, and if any thing additional is found indicating an earlier date be will communicate it to the public. But his investigations Averet unfortunately terminated by his death in June, 1839. In this connection I will remark that in 1835 Bishop Brute, to familiarize himself with the wants of his immense diocese, embracing all of Indiana and Illinois, made a pastoral visit in person, travelling on horseback, to all tbe missionary sta tions in that vast territory and carefuUy examined the church records they contained. He made a detailed report of this pastoral visit througb his diocese in his own happy manner to tbe Leopoldine Association in France in return for assist ance lent him to build up bis diocese, a great part of which report is inserted in Father AUerding's (now bishop of Fort Wayne, Indiana) History of the Diocese of Vincennes. The communications of Bishop Brute on -the subject of the- early settlement of Vincennes published in the Western Sun revived interest in the question and tbe A'incennes Historical and Antiquarian Society again considered it. John Law, at the request of this society, delivered bis celebrated address on F'^ebruary 22, 1839, wben the question was under discussion by this society for the second^ time. Upon this reconsidera tion that society before 1840, settled upon 1683 as the dale- 70 A History- op Vincennes. of the settlement of Vincennes by the French. This decision of that society Avas generally accepted by the citizens of Vin cennes as conclusive of the question, and it became a common saying, as I Avell remember, and as many old citizens of Vin cennes now living also remember, that Vuicen.nes was settled the y,ar after Philadelphia. It is Avell knoAvn as a historic fact that Philadelphia was settled in 1682. AVere these men qualified and competent to examine, adju dicate and determine this question ? It is sure they were far better qualified than persons living at a distance who have Avritten upon and expressed opinions as to the true date of the settlement of Vincennes. To illustrate this I will only refer to three members of the Vincennes Historical and An tiquarian Societ}', and tbe peculiar opportunities they pos sessed of examining and passing a reliable judgment upon the question. These three members are Nathaniel Ewing, Johu BadoUet and Elihu Stout. The two first came to Vincennes almost with tbe advent of the territorial government in 1800. The first as receiver of public monies, and tbe second as the register of the United States land office in this land district. The third came a little later in the spring of 1804. They Avere all members of that society and took an active part in the discussion of the question. Alessrs. Ewing and BadoUet Avere tbe equals intellectually of any of the able men who came to Vincennes in territorial days. They all located bere permanently and died and were buried bere. They all pos sessed superior advantages for examining and determining this question above others from the very nature of their sev eral employments. Elihu Stout published the first ncAA'spapcr in the Northwest Territory at this place, commencing on July 4, 1804, and continuing its publication until the fall of 1845, and from the nature of his business came in contact Avith the people generally and ascertained their vicAvs upon all public questions. Alessrs. Ewing and BadoUet constituted the board Antiquities. 71 of commissioners appointed by the Federal Government to examine and adjust land titles founded upon the grants of land to tbe early French settlers from tbe different com mandants of the post while tbe country was under the juris diction of Prance, and which grants had been secured to the several grantees by treaty stipulations and acts of Congress. These commissioners held their sessions at Vincennes from 1804 to 1810, and examined and passed upon these old French land grants reaching back to the first settlement of Vincennes by tbe F^rench. And as there was no record or documentary CAidence of these old French grants, the commissioners were compelled to hear oral testimony to estabUsh them. This nec essarily brought them in close contact in their official capacity with the old French settlers who could give testimony con cerning these French land grants extending back in many cases to tbe flrst settlement of Vincennes by tbe French. These were tbe men who took an active part in the discus sion of tbe question as to the date of tbe settlement of Vin cennes by the French, and who finally flxed -the date of settle ment at 1683. Messrs Ewing and BadoUet were perhaps bet ter qualified to determine this question than any other per sons from the very nature of their employment in tracing back matters to tbe very beginning. Is not more reliance and confldence due and sbould be given in determining this ques tion to the opinions and conclusions of men who lived and died in Vincennes and were actually a part of its history tban upon tbe mere dicta and opinions of men who never lived here, nor visited the place, or who were here only for a few days, and with these crude and imperfect impressions thus obtained in hasty visits went off and published books purport ing to give facts? Count Volney, the celebrated traveller, who was bere in 1796 for a few days only, states in the history •of his travels that the place was settled by tbe French in 1735. David Thomas, who was here at a much later date, and for a (6) 72 .A History of Vincennes. few days only, follows in his wake and gives the erroneous date given by Count Volney. Monette, Flint and Scott, who have all given an opinion on the subject of the date of the settlement of Vincennes by the French were never here so far as I know, and derived their information from second-hand sources upon which they based their opinions and conclusions. John B. Dillon, who published a book purporting to be a his tory of Indiana, on the question of the date of tbe settlement of Vincennes by tbe French, cannot be regarded as any au thority on the subject against the combined opinions of such men as I have referred to. It is matter of sincere regret that the Vincennes Historical and Antiquarian Society was permitted to perish for want of appreciation and support. The valuable collection of im portant physical specimens contained in its museum, and its documents and records were suffered to be carried off and scattered, and are not now for tbe greater part in existence, or at least are not accessible to the public. But there are otber evidences bearing on the subject of the date of tbe settlement of Vincennes by tbe French to which I will now refer. It is recorded in tbe Quebec annals that Francois Morganne de Vincenne, an officer in tbe service of tbe King of France, was commissioned for the purpose and started from Detroit in tbe early spring of 1702 with'French troops to build three forts. One was to be built at the junc tion of the St. Mary's and St. Joseph rivers, where they form tbe Alaumee river, where tbe city of Fort Wayne now stands. The second was to be built on the AA^abash river on the AVeeo plains, about seven miles below the site of the present city of Lafayette. The third was to be built on the "CoUine gravois.'' on the Wabash river, the site of tbe present city of Vincennes. The Quebec annals also state that be came to this place on that mission and actually built a fort in the fall of 1702. He was accompanied according to the annals bv a Jesuit mission- Antiquities. 73 ai7, who offered up tbe Holy Sacriflce of the mass on the bank of tbe Wabash river in tbe open air near where the fort was to be built in tbe presence of tbe troops who came to build the fort and many Indians. If tbe Quebec annals are reliable and satisfactory authority then tbe evidence of the actual founding of Vincennes may be regarded as conclusive. But it bas been claimed by some, on what authority I do not knoAA', that tbe Quebec annals are not in all cases accurate and reliable in flxing the dates of the happening of events. This may be true in some cases, especially concerning some of tbe Jesuit missions in tbe wilderness of the West. This in accuracy in some instances results from the fact that many of these missions were 2,500 miles distant from tbe place where the annals were compiled and published. This inaccuracy results also, if there is found any inaccuracy which I do not admit from the great distance of so^me of the missions from Quebec where they were publisbed, the uncertain and difficult mode of communication between them and the lapse of time after the happening of the events related and their communi cation to the mother house of tbe Jesuit order and before tbe information was received and the record made and pubUshed. But in no instance can it be shown that the events related did not actitally happen and the date assigned, if inaccurate in any ease which I deny, is more apt to be too recent rather tban too remote. Tbe Quebec annals state that the French came here in 1702 and built a fort, which actually remained standing to a period within tbe recollection of persons living in Vinceimes at tbe present time. If it cannot be shoAvn that this fact re cited in the Quebec annals is not correct tben I bold the Que bec annals should definitely settle tbe question if there is any question about the matter. The Avriter bas not personally inspected the Quebec annals and makes tbe above statement of their contents on the au thority of Bishop Brute, Bishop Hailandiere, Father AUer- 74 A History' op Vincennes. ding in bis history and Edmund Mallet of the Carroll Insti tute at Washington City, D. C. AAT.iat are the Quebec annals ? They comprise 72 volumes, printed by the Jesuit Fathers at Quebec, containing the rela tions and transactions of tbe Jesuit missionaries in the dif ferent missions of tbe Jesuit order in the Northwest. They commence in the year 1610 and continue to the year 1780, AA'hen the Jesuit order was suppressed. They are either in the French, Latin or Italian languages according to tbe national- ¦ ity of tbe missionary who wrote them. Twenty of these vol umes are now in the library connected with St. Francis Xavier Church of this city. But unfortunately they do not go back to tbe date of the settlement of Vincennes. These annals were not until very recently witbin reach of tbe gen eral student. It is certain these annals contain the most re liable historic information concerning discoveries and settle ments in the Northwest Territory. So important is tbe his torical knowledge contained in these annals that the Histor ical Society of Wisconsin which has done so much to deter mine historic events in the west when the celebrated historian, Lyman 0. Draper, was secretary of that society determined in 1894 to have the Quebec annals translated and published in tbe English language. This herculean task was immediately commenced by a competent force of translators and prose cuted until tbe work was completed, and the important his toric information contained in the annals brought within reach of the general student. The writer endeavored to pro cure a copy of this translation covering the period of the early settlement of Vincennes, but could not procure them, as no broken volumes would be sold, but the entire set must be taken. An effort was then made to have those important vol umes purchased and placed in tbe city library, but the effort failed and these important works were not secured for the city library, but their places have been filled with useless Antiquities. 75 Avorks of fiction of no real value. This action was akin to that want of foresight which permitted the Harrison mansion to pass into private hands instead of being purchased for a public museum and library for tbe use of the city, as it was from 1812 to 1832, when occupied by John Cleves Symmes Harrison, a son of General Harrison. The work of translating and publishing in the English lan guage has just been completed. The English edition was publisbed by Burrows Bros., publishers of Cleveland, 0., un der tbe title of "Tbe Jesuit Relations and Allied Documents Containing tbe Travels and Explorations of the Jesuit Mis sionaries in New France from 1610 to 1791." The work is edited by Reuben Gold Thwaites, the present secretary of the AVisconsIn Historical Society. In the conclusion of tbe 72nd and last volume he writes as follows : "Tbe editors decided to go to tbe sources never depending on a printed version when ever the original manuscript could be obtained, thereby elminating so far as might be the changes introduced by such earlier copyists and reprinters as bad taken more or less liberties with the text. Approaching the task with no conscious prejudices of race or religion, it has been tiie sole desire of the editor impartially to collect, pre serve and annotate tbe great body of documents having so im portant a bearing upon tbe foundations of American bistory." The 72nd and last volume of these relations has just been issued from tbe press of BurrOAVs Bros., of Cleveland, 0., the present year. But there are other and abundant evidence of equal au thenticity and credibility upon the subject of the settlement of Vincennes by tbe French to whicb I Avill now refer. There is abundant and conclusive evidence in the writings of Bishop Brute that tbe French built a fort and made a permanent set tlement here about the beginning of the year 1700. In a 76 A History of Vincennes. communication publisbed in the Western Sun neAvspaper of Saturday, April 27, 1839, he states: "We find that Father John Mermet came from Quebec to St. Louis of Peoria in 1708 on his way to the post on the 'Ouabasche.' " The Mission of St. Louis of Peoria referred to by the Bishop was situated on what was tben called Lake Peoria, but whicb in fact was only an expansion of tbe Illinois Eiver where the city of Peoria in Illinois, is now located. This was one of tbe Jesuit missionary stations which Bishop Brute vis ited and examined its church records on bis pastoral visit in 1835. This Father Mermet is no m3d;h, but on tbe contrary a well-known historic character. He remained at this place as a missionary priest from the time be came in 1708 until the latter part of November, 1712, wben be returned to Kas- kaskai, where he remained until his death in 1728, and was buried there in tbe church of the Immaculate Conception. He left writings whicb Bishop Brute personally inspected on his visit to Kaskaskia in 1835, and wbich conclusively show that Father Mermet was here in 1708. From his writings Bishop Brute made au extract Avhich hc published in the Western Sun of Saturday, April 27, 1839, as foUoAVs: "An epidemic desolated the village in 1708, and tbe In dians died in great numbers. The jugglers kept up their de lusions. They ordered a great sacrifice of their dogs. Forty of these poor animals, innocent as they were of the cause of the epidemic, to satisfy their manitoes, were immolated and carried on poles in a solemn procession around the fort. Eealize, if you can in mind, the Avretched procession on one side led on by these fanatical jugglers, and tbe gaze of the soldiers and their officers, of the traders and the whole popu lation of the village at that time listening to tiie loud appeals of the Indians." This unquestioned evidence of Father Alermet shows con- Antiquities. 77 elusively that the fort and village were here in 1708. It shows also that he was the resident priest or missionary here in 1708. But there is otber and very sufficient evidence to corrob orate the statement of Father Mermet. Father Gabriel Alarest, missionary of the Society of Jesus, stationed at Kas- kaskai, from a date as early as 1700, until long after 1725, conclusively corroborates tbe fact that Father Mermet was sent bere as a missionary some time before 1712, but the pre cise date when he was sent is not given. The Mission of tbe Immaculate Conception of tbe Blessed Virgin at Kaskaskia, 111., was the principal mission and headquarters of the Jesuits in the Northwest Territory. From a letter Avritten by him, dated at Kaskaskia, November 9, 1712, and addressed to Father German General of the Jesuit Order in Paris, France we quote as follows : "The French having lately established a fort on tbe river "'Onabasche," demanded a priest or missionary, and Father J ohn Mermet was sent to them." This latter is inserted in a historic work of undoubted re liability publisbed in Paris, France, in the year 1761. It is inserted in that historic work on page 325 thereof. It will be observed that tbe letter does not give the precise date when the French built or established a fort on tbe "Ouabasche," but it must have been some years before November 9, 1712, the date of tbe letter, for the French inhabitants to have so in creased in numbers at that early date to have merited and demanded the services of a missionary. In the year 1837 an old oak tree standing on the west bank of the Wabash Eiver in Vermillion county, Indiana, near the toAvn of Eugene, was felled. An axe of French manufacture Avas found embedded in the tree. Tbe annual growths around tbe a.ie were counted by persons skilled in matter of that kind and it was found that tbe annual groAvths around the axe in- 78 A History op Vincennes. dicated that it had been inserted in tbe tree at a period pos sibly as early as 1700, and certainly not later than 1705. The difficulty in fixing tbe exact date when tbe axe was inserted was in consequence of tbe blending of the grovrths around the axe where the wound was infiicted on the tree. On this ac count the blending and confusion of growths the exact date of its insertion coiUd not be determined with greater precis ion than between the year 1700 and 1705. One hundred and twenty-seven growths were distinct, and a number immediate ly around the axe confused. It was stated at the time the axe was found that it had been inserted in the tree by some Jesuit missionarj' on his lonely journey through the wilderness. But this could not be in the nature of things as it is well known that tbe Jesuit missionaries among the Indians of the NortliAvest never carried axes or weapons of any kind. They only carried crosses on their lonely pilgrimage througb the wilderness. Neither could it bave been inserted by one of a small party who carried few axes, as its loss would have been noticed ancl the implement recovered. It was inserted by one of a large party, and its loss was not noticed on account of the large number they carried. It is reasonable to suppose this axe was inserted in that oak tree by one of the men accom panying de Vincenne on his wa}- doAvn thc Wabash Eiver to this place in the fall of 1702 to build tbe fort bere. And I claim, with reason, that this is a natural record aiding and contributing by its silent and unimpeachable testimony in fixing the date of the building of the fort here, and the actual founding of Vincennes about the year 1700. Clark's Kaskaskia Campaign. 79 CHAPTEE XII. claek's kaskaskia campaign. The inhabitants in the XorthAvest at the time of its acqui sition by Great Britain in 1763, were almost, if not exclu sively, French people or the descendants of French, and were all animated by that common race prejudice that then ex isted and still exists betAveen the English and French people. They were not reconciled to the change of ruler and always regretted that by the terms of the treaty of Paris this promis ing and rich country bad been Avrested from their beloved France. This race prejudice is well Icnown to exist among all peoples of different nationalities and can never be oblit erated, and is still active and potent after the lapse of centuries. As an illustration, take the Irish race, and it is Avell Imown that a bitter hatred exists betAveen tbe Celt and the Anglo Saxon. ShoAV me an Irish Catholic in any quarter of the habitable globe, whether be neath tbe burning rays of a tropical sun, or the frozen regions of the Xorth, and I will at the same time show you a bitter and determined foe of the British government. This hatred bas been engendered by the centuries of injustice and oppres sion that relentless power has infiicted upon their native isle. They are ever ready to seize upon any occasion to raise their hand against the oppressor. During the Eevolutionary AA^ar it filled tbe roster of officers and the ranks of tbe revo lutionary soldiery with Irishmen. Among the forces under George Eogers Clark, that took part in the capture of Kaskas kia, there were many Irishmen, and found there in conse quence of this race prejudice. Of the 150 men that are said to have composed his force when he started upon bis Kaskas- 80 A History op Vincennes. kia campaign, the following were Irishmen, either by birth or descent: Lieutenant- Colonel John Montgomery, Major Thomas Quick, Captain Eichard McCarty, John Rodgers, John Williams, Lieutenant Valentine Dalton, James Alont gomery, James Eobertson, Lawrence Slaughter, John SAvann, Sergeants John Brand, James Brown, Michael Miles, John Moore, Jolm O'Eear, Eobert Patterson, John Vaughan, John AVilliams, Privates John Ash, Thomas Batten, William Bell, James Bigger, John Bayle, James Bryant, Edward Bulger, Nicholas Burke, John Campbell, Andrew Conore, Thomas Clifton, Dennis Chohem, Cornelius Copeland, John Cowan, James Curry, Eobert Davis, Frederick Doherty, Neal Doh- erty, Patrick Dorn, John Duff, Edward Fear, Samuel Finley, James Finley, James Finn, John AIcFlanagan, Michael Glass, David Glenn, Francis Godfrey, John Green, John Grimes, William Gwin, Silas Harland, Hugh Henry, Barney Higgins, John Hughes, Edward Johnson, Alathew Jones, John Javmes, AViUiam Learne, Eichard Lutterell, John Lyons, Joseph Lyons, Isaac McBride, Francis McDermott, David AIcDonald, John McGann, Alexander Mclntyre, George McManus, John McManus, John McManus, Jr., Samuel McAIillen, James McNutt, Francis Mahoney, Patrick Marr, Charles Alartin, John Montgomery, John Moore, Thomas Aloore, John Murphy, Edward Alurray, Peter NeAvton, Alicbael O'Hara, Daniel O'Bear, Peter Preist, William Parcell, William Slack, Francis Spellman, John TaUey, Joseph Thornton, Daniel Tiger, Barney A^Tiallen and Dominique Welch. -And what, was it that induced Alarquie de La Fayette Count de Grasse and Count de Rochambeau to come and take part in our revolution ? It was not for any love of liberty, as Ave understand, and use that Avord. The two latter were offi cers in the service of the King of France, long before and long afterwards. It was a desire to aid their own country. It was a military stratagem to attack tbe English as it were in the Clark's Kaskaskia Campaign. 81 rear by aiding her revolted colonies, and thus effect her dis memberment and weakening of that power. And all this was brought about by race prejudice. By this, I do not wish to detract in the least, from tbe debt of gratitude we owe these men, and all others who rendered our country assistance in time of need. I only go beneath the outward surface of things and indicate tbe controlling motives that prompted their action. Tbe idea that originated the military movement against Kaskaskia was based upon tbe race prejudice, known to exist between tbe French and English. It was known to the au thorities of Virginia that all the inhabitants of Kaskaskia were Frenchmen, either by birth or descent. It was also equally known that they all chafed imder Britsh domination and would be Avilling at any favorable opportunity to throw it off. This knowledge justified tbe authorities of Virginia in making the attempt. It could not be supposed that any force A^irginia could send at that time against Kaskaskia, if met with active opposition, would be crowned with success. The condition of affairs at Kaskaskia may have been obtained from some of the French officers in tiie American army. There can be no doubt in tbe mind of an intelligent man that tbe Vir ginia authorities obtained it from some source before they countenanced and authorized tbe expedition against Kaskas kia. Otherwise the project in view of tbe fact that the state was involved in a death struggle at home, would bave been fool hardy and ridiculous. And this debt of gratitude or moral obligation which the American people were under to tbe "French and Canadian inhabitants and other settlers of the EashasJcia, St. Yincents and the nnghioring villages" of the territory northwest of the Ohio Eiver for their throwing off the allegiance of Great Britain and acknowledging themselves citizens of Virginia at tbe bare request of Col. Clarke, with out offering any resistance, was tacitly acknowledged by the 82 A History of Vincennes. Federal Government upon acquiring the territory from A'ir ginia in 1783. It Avill be remembered that tbe territory northwest of the Ohio River Avas acquired by the State of Virginia by her troops under Col. Clarke, acting under the commission of Patiick Henry, the Governor of Virginia, Kaskaskia in July, 1778, and St. A^incents in February, 1779. This was during the Revolutionary AVar and before tbe independence of the American colonies had been acknoAvledged by Great Britain. The United States by their act of September 6tb, 1780, rec ommended to the several states haA'ing claims to waste and unappropriated lands in the Avestern country, "to make a lib eral cession of such lands to the United States for tbe com mon benefit of the Union." The State of A'irginia in ac cordance Avith said recommendation of Congress, did by her act passed on the 2d day of January, 1781, agree to the rec ommendation of Congress subject to the following conditions, viz: 1st, that tbe territory so ceded sbould be divided into states and admitted into the Union on the same footing as the original states ; 2d, that tbe expenses of Virginia in acquiring said territory should be paid to her liy the United States ; 3d, "that the French and Canadian inhabitants and other settlers of the Kaskaskia, St. Vincents and neighboring villages, wlio professed themsilvcs citizens of Virginia, should have their possessions and titles confirmed to them." It is further knoAvn that the United States liy the act of September, 1783, acceded to these conditions. It is further known that the State of A'irginia subsequently by an act of her legislature in 178.3, authorized her delegates in Congress to cede and transfer to the United Sta.tes her landed posses sions nortliA\'est of the Ohio Eiver, and that by the authority of said act, Thomas Jeff'erson, Sainuel .Hardy, Arthur Lee and James Alonroe, the delegates in Congress from the State Clark's K.askaskia Campaign. 83 of A'irginia, on the 1st day of March, 1784, conveyed said ter ritory to the United States by deed of that date. It is thus apparent by the mere recital of legislative and historical facts that the only obligation resting upon the United States in consideration of said cession, was that ^'tlie French and Canadian inliabitants and other settlers of the Kaskaskia , St. Vincents and the neighboring villages who had professed themselves citizens of Virginia, should have their possessions and titlis confirmed to them." There was no condition or obligation whatever that the United States should make such inhabitants any additional grants of land, but simply to confirm to them such lands and titles as they already possessed. In discharge of the obligation thus im posed upon tbe United States a commission was appointed by the United States to investigate and determine what lands and titles said inhabitants possessed and when ascertained by said commission which sat and beld session at Vincennes from 1804 to 1810, the said lands were confirmed to them by Con gi-ess. But it is well known the United States did more than the condition and obligation imposed by the act of Virginia required to be done. By resolution of Congress, passed Aug. 29, 1788, and the act of Congress of March 3d, 1791, it was provided that 400 acres of land should be donated to every head of a family at Post Vincennes and Kaskaskia, at and prior to 1783, the date of the acquisition of tbe territory by tbe United States from Virginia. And this grant of 400 acres of land applied to every head of a family AA'ho had ever been at Post Vincennes or tbe Kaskaskias at any time prior to 17S3, whether they remained such inhabitants or had left tbe territory. To provide for filling this voluntary grant, a tract of land in Knox County, Indiana, ten miles square, was sur veyed and divided into 400 acre lots for this purpose. And such original tract not being sufficient to supply all such in habitants as was subsequently ascertained, two additional do- 84 A History op Vincennes. nation tracts Avere surveyed and set apart for such purpose so that all of such inhabitants as aforesaid, should receive a 400 acre tract of land or their heirs or assigns. This grant of 400 acres of land Avas in addition to any obligation resting upon the United States by virtue of the cession from Virgina, and was a voluntary offering or gift to such inhabitants and Avas given them, as a free will offering to reward them for their promptly espousing the cause of the American colonies and discarding all allegiance to Great Britain, upon the sim ple request of Col. Clarke, without firing a gun or showing the slightest resistance. The town of Kaskaskia was the oldest of tbe settlements of tbe French in the northwest. It was the most populous set tlement containing probably 3,500 population, was weU forti fied and supplied with cannon, small arms and munitions of Avar and defended by a strong garrison. But without excep tion they were all French people. Governor John Eeynolds in bis pioneer histor}' of Illinois, referring to Kaskaskia at the date of Clarke's arrival there in July, 1778, says : '"Kaskaskia was to Ilinois then what Paris is at this day to France. Both were in their respective days tbe great em poriums of fashion, gaiety and happiness. Kaskaskia was for many years the largest toAvn Avest of the Allegheny mountains. It Avas a tolerable place before Pittsburg or Cincinnati had any existence." But Kaskaskia since that period has gone back until it is not now a station for a postotfice. For many years afterwards Kaskaskia continued to be the most populous and important toAvn in Illinois. It was the first capital of the territory and state and remained such until 1820, when it was removed to A^andalia. But it still maintained its prominence and all the printing of the state, even for years after the removal of the capital to A^'andalia in 1820, was done at. Kaskaskia. Tbe first term of the Supreme Court of lUinois was beld at Vandalia Clark's Kaskaskia Campaign. 85 in December, 1820, but the first volume of its reports, by Sid ney Breese, Avas published in November, 1831, at Kaskaskia. Yet it was such a toAvn and fortress that Col. George Rogers Clarke, with only 150 men, captured in the short space of a few hours, before Eocbblave, the British commander, had risen from his bed, without firing a gun or losing a man. AA^'ben Col. Clarke's force arrived before Kaskaskia they bad been since leaving tbe falls of tbe Ohio, on the go for eleven days, seven of whicb bad been spent marching througb a desert country. They were vrithout cannon, horses or any provisions, except what they carried. They were hungry and footsore. Would it not seem incredible that such a force could capture such a place as Kaskaskia is represented to have been at that time, without some cause, except brute force, operating in their favor, that made it possible. Such a cause did operate in his favor and Col. Clarke knew it would oper ate. He knew from two men from Kaskaslda, he met on his overland march to that place, that tbe race prejudice between the French and English, would operate in bis favor. He knew tbe inhabitants of Kaskaskia were all French people and bos- tile to the British and ready to throw oft' tbe yoke at any fa vorable opportunity. It is a well Imown fact from the journal of Major BoAvman, an officer in Clarke's command, that tbe. supplies and men authorized to be furnished him by Virginia, were owing to many causes and difficulties never actually furnished. On ac count of this failure the prospects of a successful issue of the campaign before starting from the falls of the Ohio', were anything but encouraging. It was thought for a time it would be abandoned altogether. But Gen. Clarke was a man of undoubted courage and determination and relying upon the race prejudice that was knoAvn to exist he determined to make the attempt with the small force he had gathered. Fie started from the falls of tbe Ohio Eiver on bis way to 86 A History op Vincennes. Kaskaskia on June 28th, 1778. That Kaskaskia was tbe ob jective point of his expedition is clear from tbe commission of Gov. Henry from which we extract as follows : "You are to proceed with all convenient speed to raise seven companies of soldiers to consist of fifty men each, officered in the usual manner and armed most properly for the enterprise, and with this force attack tbe British post at Kaskaskia. It is conjectured there are many pieces of cannon and military stores in considerable amount at that place, tbe taking and preservation of which, would be a valuable acquisition to tbe state. * * * jf ^g inhabitants at the post wUl give evi dence of their attachment to this state, let them be treated as felloAV citizens and their persons and property duly secured. Assistance and protection against all enemies, whatever shall be afforded them, and the Commonwealth of Virginia is pledged to accomplish it." This objective point of the expedition is also manifest from the journal of Alajor BoAvman, who does not mention or bint any other ulterior point being in contemplation. Tbe force of Col. Clarke proceeded down the Ohio Eiver in boats to a point a feAV miles below the mouth of the Tennessee Eiver. There the boats were abandoned and a march overland to Kas kaskia was begun. The route of this march was over a desert country with no road and no convenience to cheer them on the way. They only carried muskets and such provisions as they could carry on their back. After a tedious march of seven days through this Avilderness, they arrived weary and worn out before Kaskaskia, on the 3rd of July, 1778. Kaskas kia was situated on tbe opposite bank of the river and the journal of Major BoAvman says their advance was discovered from the toAvn. Gen. Clarke crossed tbe river tbe next day, July 4th, 1778, and appeared before tiie fortified toAvn of Kaskaskia. In accounts originating from Gen. Clarke and bis com- Clark's Kaskaskia Campaign. 87 mand, it is stated that AAdien bis small force a.ppeared before the Avails of the toAvn of Kaskaskia, from indications ob served, they feared they Avotild meet with resistance, but a Catholic priest opened the gates of the fort and approached Gen. Clarke and had an intervieAV Avith him. This priest w.s undoubtedly Pierre Gibault, the patriot priest of tbe West. It was quite natural that seeing an armed force of strangers approaching tbe place that the inhabitants should wish to be c-dvised of the cause and object of their coming. It is also stated that this priest and Gen. Ciarke had an interview. It is fair to presume that in this IntervieAV Gen. Clarke informed this priest of their object and intentions, and that they Avould be protected in their persons, property and religion. This priest, if tbe surmise is correct, was already enlisted against the English cause, returned to the fort Lud advised the achnit- tance of the strangers, and soon after the gates were opened and Gen. Clarke entered the fortified toAvn and the bloodless capture of Kaskaskia Avas accomplished without firing a gun or loosing a man, even before the British commander was aware of the fact. It is fair to conclude that it all happened as stated and that the above is a true account of tbe case. In after yet.rs it be came necessary to magnify the achievement for tbe purpose of self aggrandizement and to stimulate rewards and land grants. In reading some accounts of this remarkable achieve ment, tbe intelligent reader is led to recall tbe wonderful and Don Quixotic performances of Sir John Falstaff, as related by that master and thorough probe of human nature, and espec ially of Anglo-Saxon braggadocio, AVilliam Shakespeare. Hon. AA'illiam H. English in vol. 1 on page 171 of bis work, quotes Alajor Bowman, an officer in Clarke's command, who was Avriting concerning Kaskaskia at the time of its capture by Clark, as using this strong and forcible language : (7) 88, A History of Vincennes. "Kaskaskia Avas so fortified that it might have resisted a thousand men." And Governor Reynolds in his bistory of the capture of Kaskaskia by Gen. Clarke in 1778, says: "Clarke htid no cannon or means of assaulting the fort and therefore was compelled to use strategem." This language by learned men concerning tbe capture of Kaskaskia sounds strange in the ears of men acquainted Avith the facts in the case. Hoav could Gen. Clark use strategem wben his own account states their advance was detected a dA\ before tbe surrender. And how could a bloodless issue bave been achieved against such a fortified fort? There is no question but that Kaskaskia Avas Avell fortified at the time and supplied with cannon and ammunition. One blast from these heavy guns would have scattered the weak and Aveary forces of Gen. Clarke as autumn winds scatter faded leaves from the forest trees. After gaining possession of Kasktiskia as above stated. Gen. Clark sent small detachments from bis own small force and in succession obtained peaceable possession of Cahokia, Prai rie du Rocher and all the French villages on the Alississippi River in the same bloodless manner. And it is reasonable to conclude, and we do conclude, that all these bloodless tri umphs were the result of sonie influence other tha.n military necessity. They all fell into the hands of Gen. Clark as the ripe apple falls to tbe ground from tbe parent stem. It is fair and just we think to attribute these bloodless results to the influence of Gibault from the necessary operation of well knoAvn causes. He had been laboring at all these French set tlements for more than ten years. He Avas unquestionably the ablest man in the entire nortliAA-est territory. He labored day and night, teaching tbe children and adults, not only on Sun day but on Aveek days. He Avas so successful that in about six months after his arrival there in September, 1768, be Clark's Kaskaskia Cajipaign. 89 brought them all back within the fold of the church, and al most the entire population received communion on Easter Sunday, 1769. The same thing be accomplished at Cahokia and Prairie du Eocher and all the missions on both sides of the Alississippi River. He built and blessed the first chapel on the site of the present city of St. Louis, Avhen Col. Francis A'igo resided there. AA^ben Gen. Clark bad thus obtained possession of Kaskas kia and all the F^rench villages on the Alississippi River, he bad fully accomplished the objects embraced in bis commis sion from Gov. Henry. But he Avas not to receive his dis charge. His invaluable services and his undoubted courage, were not to be dispensed with. He Avas to receive a new com mission, not from Gov. Henry, but in all probability from Pierre Gibault. It Avas then for the first time it was heard mentioned that tbe capture of the fort on the AVabash River at this place, was to be undertaken. It was represented to Gen. Clark that the fort bere Avas the real key to the posses sion of tbe northwest territory. That the capture of Kaskas kia was not so important, as the capture of the fort on the AA'abash would be, Avhich was in the heart of the northwest Avliile Kaskaskia was only an outpost on the frontier and ad joining a foreign, if not a hostile state. He therefore urged upon Gen. Clark to undertake tiie capture of the fort on the AVabash here. He represented to bim how easy it was of ac- ¦complishment and how the same conditions on the part of the inhabitants in the post here Avould operate in his fa.A-or, as they had operated at Kaskaskia. He promised and agreed to furnish him additional men and means to render tbe expedi tion successful. Gen. Clark was convinced and agreed to com mand tbe expedition and thus was organized at Kaskaskia the ¦expedition to capture the fort at A^incennes. The intelligent reader of tbe transaction will come to the conclusion that ii -all happened as stated aboA'e. 90 A History op Vincennes. CHAPTER XIII. Clark's st. a'incent campaign. In 1770 there came to A^incennes as the parish priest here the Eev. Pierre Gibault. Fle came to the Northwest from Quebec, as the vicar general of the Archbishop of that place. He remained bere as tiie parish priest Avitli the exception of an interregnum in 1778, Avben he Avas expelled by Governor Hamilton, until 1789. He Avas without question the most learned and influential man in the North Ave st at that early day. He had almost unbounded influence over tbe inhabit ants bere who were all French by birth or descent. In the winter of 1778 he received information of tbe pending strug gle of the American colonies against Great Britain for inde pendence. This information had been studiously concealed from the inhabitants of the Northwest by the British author ities in Canada. The struggle had been actively in progress for upwards of Iavo years before it was knoAvn here. There were no roads or means of communication with the Atlantic from this place at that early day. All information came by way of the lake region of the north. AA'hen Eev. Pierre Gibault beard of this struggle Avith the natural instincts ani mating every cultured Frenchman he at once decided to join tbe rebellious colonies and cast bis lot and influence in tiieir favor. In the latter part of the Avinter of 1778 he announced at mass to his parishoners that he Avished them to meet him at a stated time as be had important information to commun icate to them. That meeting so announced Avas accordingly beld. It bas been frequently stated this meeting Avas beld in the old church here. But it Avas not held there. All accounts we have of this remarkable man and his a.ustere church dis- Clark's St. Vincent Camp.aign. 91 cipline indicate be Avould have considered it a desecration to bold such a meeting in the church. Besides tbe church was not a suitable place for such a meeting. It was a small struc ture Ayith no Avindows or openings except a door. It bad no pews or any floor except the eath. This meeting was held in the old fort, Avbich was large and a better place, and was then unoccupied. AVhen tbe meeting so called was assembled tbe Eev. Father Gibault addressed them in French to this purport : "My Beloved Brethren and Fellow Citizens: "I bave received authentic ancl reliable information that the American colonies on the Atlantic Ocean have revolted and are now at war with England in a struggle for independ ence. This war has now been going on for upwards of Iavo years AA'ith varying success. AA'e bave just received tbe flrst account of its being -waged. The English authorities in Canada bave studiously kept us in ignorance of the fact, fearing we Avould follow tbe example of so many of our French brethren and join the colonists and throw off our allegiance to them. This is a just struggle of tbe AA'eak against the strong. It is our duty as Frenchmen and lovers of our native land to render all the assistance we can to the struggling colonies. Everything we do in this way will in reality be done in the interest of our French brethren. Therefore I propose that we throAV off all allegiance to tbe English nation and declare ourselves citizens of the revolted colonies. I propose that you manifest this declaration and intention by taking tbe oath of allegiance to the American cause, and if you are agreed I will noAv admin ister the oath of allegiance to you and will assist in hauling doAA'u the English emblem of its sovereignty over this fort." At the conclusion of this address tbe entire population of the place with one accord agreed to take the oath of allegiance to tbe American cause and asknoAvledged themselves citizens 92 A History op Vincennes. thereof. The oath of allegiance was thereupon administered to them by Father Gibault, and the English flag was hauled down over the old fort on the "Onabasche." AATien tbe British authorities in Canada became aware cf these proceedings Governor Henry Hamilton was sent here to re-take possession of the old fort. He came a.nd the fort being practically unguarded, only Lieutenant Helm and one other person with bim being in tbe fort, he bad no difficulty in gaining possession of it. Father Gibault, in consequence of his connection with this affair, incurred the displeasure of the English. They could not brook the idea of letting the key to the possession of the NortliAvest pass from their grasp. Father Gibault Avas arrested by Gov. Hamilton and held as a prisoner for some time. Finally it was agreed by Gov. Hamilton to liberate him if he would leaA-e the place. Father Gibault agreed to this and left, and returned to Kaskaskia. This expulsion of Gibault Avas a year before Gen. Clark came in February, 1779, and was providential and ultimately proved a great advantage to the American cause in the Eevo lutionary AVar. It placed this able and influential man where he could assist in wresting the great Northwest Territory from the English. It placed bim very fortunately at Kas kaskia, Avhen Gen. Clark approached that place in July, 1778. After he bad fully accomplished the task outlined by tbe commission of Governor Henry of A'irginia, and secured peaceable possession of all the French villages on tbe Alis sissippi Eiver tbe project was for the first time broached to organize another expedition to capture the old fort here. This scheme was suggested, it is safe to assert., by Pierre Gibault. No other character of Avhom any account has reach ed us, was to be found in the entire Northwest possessed of the necessary knoAvledge, influence and ability to plan and hope to successfully carry out such an expedition. To show that the capture of the fort on tbe "On^ibasche," Clark's St. A'incent Campaign. 93 was not AAithin tbe scope of Clarlr's original program, it is sufficient to remark it Avas not named in bis commission from Governor Henry. It was not named by any one in bis com mand until after the bloodless capture of Kaskaskia. And in addition it may be said that the fort here was not known to Gen. Clark or his command until after bis capture of Kas kaskia. There Avas no road or other communications between this place and even Kentucky at that early date. If it had been within tbe scope of Gen. Clarke's objective point be could bave reached this place by a march of only fifty miles from tbe Ohio Eiver, and from here be could have proceeded to Kaskaskai by a shorter, better and well known route, tiian the one he took from the Ohio Eiver. But upon this point there is no room for doubt or question. Tbe capture of the fort here was not in the original plan of Clark's campaign. It was suggested and originated at Kas kaskia by Father Gibault, the only man at the time having tbe ability to plan or carry out such a scheme. He represented to Gen. Clark the importance of the fort bere, the general feel ing of the French inhabitants, and the defenseless condition of the fort at tbe time. He proposed to furnisli him addi tional troops from Kaskaskai, and means to carry it forAvard, and also guides to lead the force to this place. He did all this. He furnished Gen. Clark tAvo companies of troops, all Catholics and all members of his congregation. One of these companies under the command of AIcKa.y, and the other under tbe command of Francois Charleville. These two companies from Kaskaskai came with Gen. Clark and assisted in tbe capture of the fort, and many permanently settled bere. He enlisted F'rancis Vigo, a trader at an Indian village upon the site of tbe present city of St. Louis in the enterprise, and in duced him to furnish means to carry it on. Vigo was at tbe time a zealous and devoted Catholic and a member of Father Gibault's congregation. 94 A History op Vincennes. AA'ithout Avishing to detract in the least from the deserved honor due to tbe men that actively took part in the cap lure of the fort here, it is due to truth and justice to give honor to whom honor is due. There Avas no man in the country, except Pierre Gibault, Avho could accomplish tbe above enumerated results. Gen. Clark AA-as an entire stranger in the country, and could not be expected to liaAC sufficient influence over a strange people speaking a different language from his oaa'u to induce them to enlist Aoluntarily in a hazardous enterprise through his exertions alone. A^igo Avas an illiterate, but suc cessful trader among the untutored Indians. He could not at that time write his OAvn name, ancl never could do it, except mechanically as the parrot learns to say "Pretty Poll.'' But all these plans, purjioscs ancl details Avere Avithin the range of accomplishment of Pierre Gibaull, and to him the merit of success is primarily and principally due. In August, 17 78, it Avas determined to send a message to Vincennes to apprise the inhabitants of the intended expedi tion. Father Gibault selected as this messenger his confiden tial and trusted friend, John Baptiste Laffont. This messen ger Avas AA'cU knoAvn to Father Gibault and a member of his congregation. Father Gibault solemnized the marriage of his daughter Marie Laffont to Eobert AIcKay, one of tbe captains appointed to command one of the companies raised at Kaskas kia for the St. A'inccnt's compaign. Air. Laffont accordingly went to A'incennes on this mission and carried A\itb him a commission signed by Gen. Clark, dated at Kaskaskia, Augitst 15, 1778, appointing Francois Busseron captain of a company to be raised at A^incennes. This Francois Busseron Avas a valued friend of Father Gibault and Avas one of his principal advisers and associates AA'hile hc Avas at A'incennes, from 1770 to the date of his expulsion. He Avas a man of great promi nence and influence in the place and was appointed one of the judges of the court by John Todd Avhen he came bv authority Clark's St. A'incent Cajipaign. 95 of A'irginia to organize civil government in tbe Territor}' in 1779, and Avas also appointed one of tbe judges of the court by AA'inthrop Sargeant, secretary of the Territory, AA'hen he came to organize the territory by authority of the United States in 1790. He AA'as a distinguished pioneer citizen AA'ho bad been prcAiously appointed captain of a company raised when Father Gibault administered the oaith of allegiance to the French inhabitants in tbe Avinter of 1778 and Avas tbe man AA'ho hauled doAvn the British flag over the fort and raised in its stead the red and green serge flag. One of the streets in Vincennes is named in memory of this man. He died in 1791 and Avas buried in tbe Catholic cemetery bere. AA'hen tbe force was organized at Kaskaskia to come and capture the fort bere it Avas Pierre Gibault Avho insisted it should be undertaken at an inclement season of the year Avhen the Avbole intervening country betAveen Kaskaskia and Vin cennes was covered Avith ice and water. He did this because he ImeAV of the existing condition of the fort bere. It Avas practically unguarded and in total want of supplies of all kinds. These Avere expected from Canada in the early spring time. Success, therefore, depended upon speedy action before tbe expected supplies arrived. These matters Avere all within the knoAvledge of Pierre Gibault, Avho Avas Avell acquainted with tbe French inhabitants here, and communication bet^veen this place and Kaskaskia Avas frequent. But these important facts were not known to Gen. Clark or any of the command that accompanied bim from the falls of the Ohio to Kaskaskin. And wben tbe force was fully armed and equipped, ready to proceed to come and capture the fort here, it AA'as Pierre Gi bault Avho gave them cheer and encouragement. Gen. Clark in bis report of this expedition, says that when tiie force was ready to depart from Kaskaskai for the Wabash on February 5, 1779, that Father Gibault appeared before the Iavo Illinois -companies he had been instrumental in raising and addressed 96 A History of A'incennes. them and gave them his blessing. Gen. Clark does not give the substance of the address of Father Gibault to tbe Iavo Illi nois companies on that interesting and momentous occasion. AA'e will supply this omission. The address was delivered in French, but Ave give the substance of it in English for the beu- eflt of the reader : "My Dear Brethren and Follow Citizens : "You are about to start on a glorious mission, the succe^.-s of wbich will cover you with everlasting glory. And of the entire success of it there can be no doubt. * The French people residing in tbe village on the AVabash are animated by the same feelings and impulses as you are. I am well acquainted with them, having resided among them as their pastor from 1770 until I was driven away by tbe English in the spring of last year. These French people are no friends of the English-, and are ready at any favorable opportunity to strike them a deadly blow. They unanimously, at my request, in tbe wint ir of 1778, manifested this by renouncing allegiance to the Eng lish and taking an oath to support the American cause in the revolution now in progress against the English. You are now going forAvard to furnish them this opportunity, as you rep resent the same cause that is now at A\'ar with tbe Engiioh. Go then Avith stout hearts and fearless souls knowing in ad yance that your efforts Avill be crowned Avith complete success. And I specially charge that you do not forget that what you do in this glorious cause is really done in the interest of }'Our beloved France, for AA'hich you all feel a deep and abiding af fection, as it is your fatherland. And that you may be sus tained and clieered on your journey during the Avintry weather through snow, Avaler and ice and various hardships and priva tions you will have to undergo, I Avill noAV give you the bless ing of a poor CathoUc priest for your safety and protection. I now implore our Common Father, Avithout whose knowledge not a sparroAv falls to the ground, and who feeds the young ravens when they cry, that He may sustain you, preserve you and crown your mission Avith success iu the name of th(^ Farther, and of the Son, and the Holy Ghost. Amen." Clark's St. A^incent Campaign. 97 A representation of this imposing and dramatic scene can be seen in AA'. H. English's history of the conquest of the Northwest, Vol 1, on page 2S7. The expedition started from Kaskaskia on February 5, 1779. How was it that the force made its Avay through the intervening overfloAved and icy ground on the Avay to Vin cennes? Gen. Clark nor any of the men who came Avith hirn from the falls of tbe Ohio Eiver to Kaskaskia had ever been in tbe country before, and knew nothing of the route to be passed over. This was known, bowever, to many of the men in the two French companies furnished tbe expedition at Kas kaskia. Alany of them, no doubt, bad frequently passed over tbe route ancl were familiar with it. AVithout the aid ol these men as guides the force of Gen. Clark could never bave suc cessfully threaded its Avay to the fort here. It is stated in tbe journal of Major Bowman that AA'hen Clark arrived at the AA'^abash Eiver on bis way, with its banks all overfloAved, he gave orders to his men to look out for boats and supplies. He was tben nine miles below Vincennes at an inclement sea son of the year, and surrounded on all sides by a miniature sea of water. AVhy should such an order have been given if there had not been a pre-arrangement that boats and supplies Avould be furnished bim ? AVhy, under all tbe circumstances, shoaid any sane man expect boats and supplies at that point? Tlie only reason that can be assigned for Clark's order is that boats and suppUes had been promised him, and therefore he ei- pected them. AA'ho was it that had promised tbe boats and supplies? AVho could have given such a promise with any reasonable hope of fulfllment ? It was not Gen. Clark or any of his command that be brought Avith him from the falls of the Ohio Eiver. They were all entire strangers in the coun try and wholly unknown to tbe inhabitants of Vincennes who were expected to furnish the boats and supplies. It was un questionably Father Gibault, the only man at that time pos- •98 A History of Vincennes. sessing the necessary influence to make such a promise Avith any hope of its fulflUment. After the force bad secured Iavo boats and crossed the Wa bash Eiver to the "Mamelle Eill" they were nine miles from Vincennes. Behveen them and thc toAvn AA'ere the overflowed waters of the AA'abash Eiver in places fifteen and even twenty- five feet deep. The intervening space Avas filled with coulees, ravines, marshes, SAA'amps and morasses. Xo man unacquaint ed Avith the topography of the country could have attempted to pass safely over that space. He AA'ould have been drowned in making the attempt. Yet the French inhabitants acquaint ed with the country could do it safely by wending their way through tbe waters on the ridges of high ground and reach Vincennes on their little French ponies AA'ithout wetting their feet. The journal kept by Alajor BoAvman says they met duck hunters Avho conducted them from t]ie'"Mamell'; Hill" to the sugar camp, and from thence to "Warriors Island," and then by a detour to the south to the high grounds on wbich A'in cennes is situated. This Avas a very tortuous and circuitous route to take to reach A^incennes from the "Mamelle Hill." But it Avas tbe only one that could be taken with any chance of reaching A^incennes. AA^ho Averc the duck hunters spokeu of by the writer of tbe journal? It is not reasonable to sup pose that they Avere reall}- duck hunters from A'incennes in mid-Avinter Avith the Avhole country covered Avith ice and water, when they could capture all the ducks they Avanted without leaving tbe high grounds upon AA'hich the village was situated No ; they were not duck hunters, but they AVore guides that had been provided through thc influence of Father Gibault to con duct Gen. Clark and his force 1;o the village. And AA'hen th^y flnally reached the village half famished, as they had not taken, according to the journal of Alajor Bowman, any food for three days, and Avorc Avet and tired and foot-sore, what caused the inhabitants of the villatie to receive an armed force Clark's St. Vincent Campaign. 99- of strangers with kindness and hospitality and to furnish them needed refreshments? It Avas unquestionably the infiu ence of their old pastor, Pierre Gibault. It is Avell knoAA'u that the inhabitants acquainted Gen. Clark with the condition of things at the fort, its Avant of supplies and munitions of war, and that these were daily expected to arrive from Canada. They urged Gen. Clark to commence operations the night of his arrival before the supplies and ro inforcements could arrive. Three-fourths of the men who took part in the attack on the old fort Avere Catholics. It is both reasonable and just to cla.im that all this was accom plished througb the influence of Pierre Gabault. He sug gested and planned the expedition, its execution in mid-winter before supplies and reinforcements could arrive, and thus crowned it with success. After the oath of allegiance to tbe American cause had been administered to tbe French inhabitants, Father Gibault suc ceeded in organizing tAvo companies of French men, one under the comniand of Francois Busseron, and tbe other under the command of Capt. Nicholas. Capt. Helm Avas appointed tc take possession of the old fort, Avbich tbe English had naiited "SackA'ille." Its name, when Clark captured it in February, 1779, was again changed to "Fort Patrick Henry." Captain Busseron hauled down the English fiag and hoisted in its stead a two-colored flag made of green and red colored serge. For tbe expense occasioned by the flag, Capt. Busseron pre sented an account against Capt. Helm which was paid bim, of whicb the foUowing is a copy : "1778 Paid to St. Marie tor 5 ells of red serge for the flag, 45c. Paid to Air. Defonet for 3 3-4 eUs of green serge for flag, 371/20. Paid to Airs. Godare for making tbe flag, 25c." Tbe facts connected AA'ith the haul ing doAvn the British flag and hoisting the two-colored flag are proven by papers connected with the estate of Capt. Bus seron, now in possession of Hon. Charles B. Lasselle, of Lo- 100 A History- op Vincennes. gansport, Indiana. Capt. Busseron died in 1791, and Anloin Alarachall administered on his estate. Upon his death, Hy- cinthe Lasselle administered on bis estate and came into pos session of the papers of the estate of Capt. Busseron, and upon his death Charles B. Lasselle came in possession of bis father's papers and bas them noAV. After the capture of tbe Fort in 1779 by George Eogers Clark, he changed tbe name of the fort to Fort Patrick Henrj', and many accounts and docu ments concerning the fort after Clark got possession are all dated at "Fort Patrick Henry." For the part taken by Father Gibault in this transaction, AA'hen Hamilton afterAvards came with bis eighty soldiers aud 400 Indian allies and retook tbe fort he arrested Father Gi bault and held him a prisoner for some time, but flnally re leased bim on promise that he Avould leave the place. For th's release Gov. Hamilton Avas censured by the British authori ties in Canada on the ground that as Father Gibault was a British subject at tbe time, living in the territory of that country, he should bave been held and tried for treason. Col. Clark, in a commission dated by him at "Fort Clark,'' Kaskaskia, August 15, 1778, appointed Francois Busseron captain of a militia company at Post Vincenne, which con- mission is also in possession of Hon. Charles B. Lasselle, of Logansport, Indiana. AA'hy was the fort actually captured by Gen. Clark on the 25tb of February, 1779 ? It Avas not on account of the violence of the attack or any deadly effect produced by it. Tbe firi.ng on the fort began at 5 o'clock, February 24, 17 79, and Avas kept up without intermission until 10 o'clock the next day, and not the least impression had been made on the walls of the fortress, and not a man Avithin its protecting Avails had been either killed or Avounded. They might have kept up the fusilade Avith their flint-lock muskets until all their ammuni tion Avas exhausted Avith the same fruitless result. If the fort Clark's St. A'incent Campaic;n. 101 had been supplied with ammunition one blast from one of tbe large cannon witbin the fortress Avould have scattered the as saulting force like tbe early spring flowers are scattered and perish before sheets of desolating Avintry storm. It cannot le denied that if Governor Hamilton had possessed ammunition he could have driven off the assailants as easy as tbe tempest shakes tbe rain drops from the bending forest. This attack on the old fort with flint-lock muskets without producing- any damaging result has always reminded the intelligent reader of the silly attempt of the Chinese to scare off the allied forces under tbe command of Lord Elgin wben they approached Pekin in 1860. They assembled innumerable hordes of Chi nese armed Avith gongs, and by the noise they could make AA'ere expected to scare off the allied forces. But tbe allies Avere not frightened away. To use the language of Lord Elgin, in his report, "I gave tbe order to sack and destroy the favorite residence of tbe emperor, and it would tben become a solemn act of retribution. The palaces were cleared of every valuable and their walls destroyed by flre and sword." How, then, was the capture of the old fort actually accom plished by Gen. Clark on February 25, 1779 ? It Avas tbe want of provisions and ammunition, and the fact that starvation confronted its inmates. It is well known that Gov. Hamilton tried to temporize and seek delay in the hope in tbe mean time bis expected supplies and re-inforcements would arrive. But Gen. Clark prudently refused to give any time. Gov. Hamilton knew be could get no supplies or provisions from the French inhabitants of the village, who were all hostile to his cause. This entire want of provisions and ammunition induced bim to bold tbe conference with Gen. Clark in the old church near tbe fort, when he signed the following articles of capitulation, February 25, 1779 : "Agreed to for tbe following reasons : The remoteness from succor, the state and quantity of provisions, etc., tbe unan- 102 A History op A'incennes. imity of officers and men in its expediency, the honorable terms allowed, ancl lastly, the confldence in a generous enemy. Henry Hamilton, Lieut.-Governor and Superintendent. And in consequence of this surrender the flag of Great Britain was lowered and possession of the fort surrendered to A^irginia. In this connection the trutii of bistory requires a fanciful incident to be spoiled Avhich has been circulated in this place for many years. It has been said that the American fiag was hoisted over the fort after the surrender. If any flag Avas hoisted it was the fiag of Virginia, as Col. Clark was in command of Virginia troops, acting under a commission of the governor of that State. Various French women bave been named as having made the Star Spangled Banner that was hoisted. But the Star Spangled Banner had no existence at that date, Avliicb was Februar}', 1779. The Star Spangled Banner is a growth rather tban a creation. The flags used during the Eevolutionary AA'ar were the various flags of the several revolted colonies before ancl after the Declaration of Independence. The Stars and Stripes then had no existence, and after it Avas adopted underAvent many changes before fat ing the shape at present established. During the revolution each of the colonies had its OAvn flag. That of A'irginia was of silk with a heroic figure standing erect and armed, with occ foot upon tbe neck of a prostrate form Avith the motto, "Si", Semper Tyrannis." If any flag Avas hoisted at the time over the old fort when it Avas surrendered to Col. Clark in Febra- ary, 1779, it Avas the flag of Virginia. No person in A'in cennes, male or female, at that early period, could have made a flag of A'irginia. It is probable no flag Avas raised unless one that Col. Clark brought Avitli bim. But it is more rea sonable to conclude no flag was raised, tbe victors beiug con tent to haul doAvn the British flag, the emblem of its sover eignty. The date of surrender was before the flag raising Clark's St. A'incent Campaign. 103 craze had arrived. And Avlty has not the important share borne by Father ({ibault in this important affair been prop erly acknoAA'ledged and compensated? This neglect and Avant of recognition of valuable services rendered by the missionary fathers in the XorthAvest is in tbe main due to their oavu Avant of desiring any such recognition. A celebrated historian in alluding to this, says : "The priests on the missions in the XortliAvest AA'ere con tent to labor and suffer and to leaA'c the record of their deeds lo God." Eev. Pierre Gibault Avas one of these missionaries and acted upon the principle laid doAvn in the parable as recorded m Luke, chapter 18, verse 14: '"I tell }ou this man Avent doAvn to bis house justified rather than the other : for every one that exalteth himself shall be abased : and he that bumbleth him self shall be exalted." He did make a modest request that a small lot in the village of Cahokia should be given him. In reference to this reque.r, GoA'ernor St. Clair in his report, dated in I'l 91, to Air. Jeffei- son, secretary of state, says : ""Xo. 24 is the rcc]uest of Air. Gibault for a small lot that has long been in tbe occupation of the priests at Cahokia, hav ing been assigned them by the French. It is true he was veiy useful to Gen. Clark upon many occasions, ancl has suffered very heavy losses. I believe no injury would be done to any one by his request being granted." This French grant Avas Avithin the stipulations that all the grants of the French should be respected and confirmed. But this modest and just request of Father Gibault AA'as never granted, and the last }'cars of this distinguished and able riian Avere passed in suffering and poverty. After an active hie spent by bim for tbe benefit ol his fellow men and his country he had nothing to shoAV for it, not even a house he could call (8) 104 A History of Vincennes. his OAvn. He could truly say "the birds of the air have nests, and tbe foxes holes, but I have no place to lay my bead." Judge Law in his address to the Vincennes Historical and Antiquarian Sociot}', delivered on February 22, 1839, bas this to say of Father Gibault : "Next to Clark and A'^igo, the United States are indebted to Father Gibault for the accession of the States comprised within what was the original XorthAvest Territory more than to any other man." This address Ave note Avas delivered three years, lacking a month, after the death of Col. Vigo, and after he had made a remarkable will and in it confirmed the contract and employ ment of tbe judge to prosecute bis claim for the suppUes he had furnished Gen. Clark against the government, and to take his compensation for his services from the amount allowed oy Congress. Why, it may be reasonably asked, did Judge Law thus prefer the sympathetic, sociable but unlettered Sardinian to the magnetic, eloquent and learned Arcadian ? Was it the hope that it would hasten and stimulate the passage of the claim before Congress, and thus enable bim to get bis fee.j that be felt called upon to magnify the services and claims of Vigo above those of Gibault ? ¦'S^ "Truth crushed to earth shall rise again, The eternal years of God are bers ; But error AAOuuded, Avrithes Avith pain. And dies among ber worshippers." These missionary priests who labored on the missions in the Northwest were in the Avorld but not of the world. Thcy labored not for the transitory things of earth, but for the nobler and better things pertaining to eternity. They passed quietly through the turbulent scenes of this unfriendly world and found a final resting place in unknown and unmarked graves. But in the flnal dav the great "I am" avUI call them Clark's St. A'incent Campaign. 105 forth from their solitude clothed in robes of immortality to receive golden harps and croAvns of glory. "Softly and noiselessly some feet tread. Lone ways on earth without leaving- a mark ; They move 'mid the living, they pass to the dead As still as the gleam of a star thro tbe dark. Lonely and biddenly in the world Tho in the world 'tis their lot to stay The tremulous wings of their hearts are furled Until they fly from the Avorld aAvay And find their rest On our Father's breast AA^bere earths unknown shall be ImoAvn the best. And tbe bidden heart shall be brightest, best." It bas been frequently said that Eepubllcs are ungrateful. The truth of this trite saying is forcibly illustrated by the treatment of tbe Federal Government towards three men, Avbo, aboA'e all others, were the main instruments in wresting from England the territory nortbAA'est of tbe Eiver Ohio, and thereby paving tbe way for its ultimate acc[uisition through A^irginia of that vast and fertile country out of which the five rich ancl populous States of Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Alicbigan and Wisconsin bave been carved and added to tbe sisterhood of States. The three men alluded to are Pierre Gibault, George Eogers Clark and Francis Vigo. They all went to their graves in a very similar condition, and all present a parallel of gov ernment neglect in consideration of patriotic and valuable services rendered the government without a counterpart in the annals of history. Eev. Pierre Gibault was a French missionary Catholic )Driest that spent his entire life after completing his educa tion in laboring incessantly for the good of his fellow men in the wilderness of the northwest. He was finely educated, of commanding presence, superior oratorical powers and pos sessed magnetic qualities. He exercised unbounded influence 106 A History op Vincennes. ever the inhabitants of the entire countr}', as be had visited and ministered at all thc mission stations in the cottntry. The inhabitants AA'ere almost exclusively French or of French descent, and Catholics. From 1770 to 1790 his influence over the inhabitants was unlimited. He Avas the ablest man in the country at that time. He did more to have tbe Xorthwest Territory severed from England than any other man. It may be claimed Avith much reason that the expeditions that cul minated in the conquest of the nortlnyest AA'as inspired by hita in consequence ol information furnished by him to some of the many distinguished French officers Avho came over and as sisted the colonies in the AA'ar for independence. The British authorities in Canada in an official report made in 17 78, make special reference to him as being the most learned, influential and dangerous enemy of British interests of any man that had appeared in the nortliAvest. And all be did was done at great personal risk, as he was claimed by the English to be a British subjeet, and also at heavy pecuniary loss. His great services Avere often acknoAvledged in official reports of various kinds and never questioned. Compensations for his loss and val uable services Avere promised, but the promises AA'ere never f til- fiUed. After a life of toil and privation in the Avilderness iie contracted bodily infirmities incident to his arduous labors. But he Avas permitted by the Government to spend the las' da}'s of his life in suft'ering and want Avithout even a hou.-e he could call his owir, and his remains, after death, were buried in a countr}' grave-yard aud his grave remains to this day unmarked and he slce]is his last "Sleep unmarked Eacu liy such slight memento as the hind Carves on his own coarse tomlistone." George Eogt-rs Clark, thc hero and patroit and active mj- chanical instrument in the acquisition of the territor','. Clark's St. A'incent Campaign. 107 through Avhose courage, indomitable Avill and stubborn deter mination to accomplish his purpose regardless of opposition or danger surviA'ed his brilliant achieA'ements in the north Avest thirty-nine years. He died at Locust Grove, near Louis- A'ille, Kentucky, February 13, 1818. He Avas buried in a coun try grave-yard February 18, 1818. The last years of tbe life of this hero and patroit Averc also spent in penury ana pain. He depended upon the charity of friends for even tb"? necessaries of life. He suffered before his death a paralytic stroke, and to saA'e his life his left leg was amiDutated aboA'e the knee. In this distressed and disabled physical condition he lingered many years before his death. He petitioned Con gress for a small appropriation of money to sustain him ti his declining years. The appropriation was never made in his lifetime, and never, so far as I knoAV, but Avhich if ever granted did him no benefit, and AA'ent to collateral relatives Avbo had not come to bis relief in his hour of distress. He Avas ncA'er married and left no issue. His remains, after his death, remained neglected for over fifty ycars in tbe country grave-yard AA'here be was buried among many others. Xo mark was placed over his grave to indicate the place of inter ment. Here they remained until private persons, in 1869, determined to disinter them and give them proper sepulture, in Cave Hill cemetery, adjoining Louisville, Ky. Great diffi culty was experienced in finding his remains. Seven or eight bodies were dug up in the quest, and finally they were found and identified, by the Avant of his left leg, which had been amputated above the knee. And thus over fifty years after the death of this hero and patroit his remains were transferred from the lonely country graA'c-yard and buried on October 29, 1869, in Cave Hill cemetery, that beautiful city of the dead, and a suitable monument erected over his grave. I Avill conclude this brief rcvicAv of the last days and burial 108 A History op A'incennes. of Gen. Clark by slightly changing and then adopting the poetic sentiment of Shakespeare, viz : 0, my country ! my countr}' ! Had I served my God with half the zeal I haA'e served thee, be Avould not in mine age Have left me naked, like a shattered Bark on tbe stream of time. Francis A'igo, a Sardinian by birth and a successful Indian trader, Avas located in 1778 at the site on the Alississippi Eiver Avhere the present city of St. Louis noAv stands. He was a zealous Catholic at the time and Avas a member of the congre gation of .Father Gibault. He was induced by the request and infiuence of his pastor to furnish the necessary means to ac complish the conquest of the fort at St. Vincent, where the present city of A'incennes uoav stands. He survived the suc cessful capture of the fort, for the accomplishment of which he had contributed so much, for over sixty years. Tbe fact years of his life AA'ere spent in Vincennes. He died Alarcb 22, 1836, after a long and lingering illness, and for many years before his death was in actiial want of even the necessaries of life and Avas in reality a pensioner on the charity of the pubhc. He petitioned Congress to alloAv him in his destitute condition the money advanced by bim to aid the expedition to capture the fort at this place. But this just claim, although its pay ment Avas made a part of the consideration to be paid by Con gress for the cession by Virginia to the Federal Government, Avas never paid by the Government during the life of Col. A'igo. He died without issue or any knoAvn relatives by blood, and the amount alloAved by the GoA'ernment forty years after his death went to relatives of his childless Avife avIio did not come to his relief during his life and in tbe hour of his dis tress. He Avas buried in the public cemetery of A'incennes by charity at public ex]iense, so far as any expense attending his funeral Avas concerned. The only expense of his funeral ever Clark's St. Vincent Campaign. 109 paid was tAventy doUars for his plain coffin, which was not paid until forty years after bis death. He was awarded a mil itary funeral with the honors of Avar, and the evening of hit funeral, wbich tbe author attended, was spent in firing cannon over bis grave. But this military display did no good for tbe hero and patroit, as his spirit bad taken its flight and bis body bad been buried to return to dust from whence it came. He was buried in the public cemetery, as already stated, and no mark or monument was erected over bis grave to mark his last resting place for many years after his death. After thc lapse of many years some unknoAvn person caused a plain, small slab of stone to be laid on the top of his grave, but so long after his death that the date thereof had been forgottsn and an erroneous date of bis death carved on the small stone lying flat on the grave. And there be yet lies in a neglected grave except when the Grand Army of the Eepublic on Me morial day scatters flowers over the graves of the heroic dead. "Sic transit gloria mundi." 110 A History op Vincennes. CHAPTEE XIA'. EIRE PROTECTION. .For many years after A'incennes AA'as settled there was no provision made of any kind for the extinguishment of fires. If a fire broke out in au}- part of the town it was left to be fought liy its inmates and their neighbors, with such appliances as could be readily procured for use. This condi tion of affairs and AA-ant of preparation in case of emergency, continued to exist long after municipal organization had taken place in 1807. The old Borough of A'incennes took no immediate step in the direction of aiding in the extinguish ment of fires or providing any appliances for that pur]30se. This total neglect of fire protection on the part of the borough authorities, Avas in part due to the fact, that no neces sity Avas felt, as the place had never been visited by any de structive fire. But Avith the increase of population this could not long continue. In 1819, the borough trustees passed an ordinance to proA'ide six fire hooks and six ladders thirty feet long, and required CA'ery family to nrovide itself with two two gallon leather buckets. These buckets were to be kept by the inhabitants at their homes and brought by them to any fire that might occur. But many families failed to provide the buckets, many Avere lost or destroyed and many failed to bring their buckets to a fire. In case of a fire Avhere these buckets Avere to be used, two lines Avere formed reaching to some water suppl}-. Along one the empty buckets Avere passed to be filled Avith Avater and along thc other the buckets when filled AA'ere passed to be used at the flre. This arrangement was very imperfect. If the fire was not near a water supply, it was practically useless. In consc(|uence of a destructive fire which lirok-e out in the store of George Cruikshank & Co., sit uated midway on the northeast side of Alain street between Fire Protection. Ill First and Second streets. Avhich entirely consumed all the buildings on the square except the storeroom of AA^illiam Burtch on the corner of First street and tbe storeroom of Thomas Bishop on the corner of Second street, the borough authorities AA'cre aroused to the necessity of providing better protection for the toAA-n. A hand fire engine Avas purchased from Philadelphia and a volunteer fire company Avas organ ized to use it. A building Avas erected on the alley adjoining the Citv Hall fronting on Alain street. This company existed for many }'ears and Avas the only fire company organized for the extinguishment of fires. Frederick A. Eeiley AA'as em ployed to take care of this engine, and keep it in order. As this company could not afford satisfactory fire protection, another hand engine Avas purchased, and a house erected for it about midway on the southwest side of Broadway between Third and Fourth streets, and another volunteer fire com pany Avas organized for its use. James A. Plummer was em ployed to take charge of this engine and keep it in order. There existed betAA'een these Iavo volunteer companies great rivalry as they each Avished to be useful and to be the first at a fire and throAv thc first water on any fire. On this account many skirmishes took place betAveen the members of the Iavo volunteer companies as to Avhich one should have possession of the cistern or other A\'ater supply and during the struggle between them, tbe burning building Avas entirely lost sight of. But these Iavo volunteer fire companies, altiiough the members used their utmost exertions to extinguish all fires that occurred, did but ver}' little good. The members being scattered at their homes or places of business in case of a fire alarm, took some time for a sufficient number to arrive at the engine house, locate the place of the fire and to be in suffi cient force to enable them to move the engine and other ap paratus to the fire. The result AA'as that AA'hen they arrived at the fire, it had p^ogTCssed so far as to be beyond relief and all ¦^-^.2 A History op Vincennes. tbe fire companies could do was to endeavor to save adjoining property. And although as stated, the two fire companies used their best endeavors to exting-uish a fire, it is not recorded that they ever succeeded in saving any buUding that took fire, but it must be said to their credit they always succeeded in saving the lot upon which the house stood. In vicAv of the imperfect protection in case of fires provided by the hand engines and tbe volunteer fire companies, tbe city councU on the 17th January, 1870, passed an ordinance for the employment of a paid fire department. A steam fire en gine was purchased and it Avas thought that there was nothing in tbe way of fire protection that was not tben provided. It Avas in fact claimed that ne plus ultra" could be devised. This steam fire engine Avas certainly a great advance over aU previous attempts to provide means for the extinguishment of fires. But in view of the admirable system that bas since been provided and uoav in existence, this steam engine was as much behind the times in comparison with tbe present system as the different systems that had preceded it. In 1886 the city council authorized the construction of water Avorks for tbe city. Under this ordinance a complete water supply has been obtained for the use of the citizens and of the fire department. The Avater Avorks plant erected has no superior in any city in the state. Tbe water tower is over two hundred feet high and affords ample pressure to enable the fire companies to throAv several streams of water at the' same time over the highest buildings in tbe city, no matter where they may be located. And in connection with a perfect system of electric fire alarms, that has been also provided, the city is as adequately and perfectly provided with fire protec tion as possible. ITnder the present fire system three compan ies have been formed and houses erected for tbe reception of the apparatus. These houses are situated in different quar ters of the city so that one company Avill be near the location of any fire that may take place in any part of tbe city. Fire Fire Protection. 113 Company Xo. 1 is located in a brick building on Fourth street, midAvay between Alain and A'igo streets, of Avhich company J. J. Anderson is captain. This conipany is also provided with a Babcock fire extinguisher and the most improved and per fect book and ladder appliances manufactured. Company Xo. 2 is located in a brick building on, the comer of Sixth and Harrison streets and James J. Hedden is tbe captain. Company Xo. 3 is located in a brick building on tbe corner of Second street and Eailroad avenue and Henry H. Aliller is captain. The chief engineer of the entire fire department of tbe city is George Fendrich, Avho has been retained in that position for many years, until he has become perfectly famil iar with all the details of his position. And tbe fire depart ment as now organized is ready at a moment's warning to com mence operations on any fire that may break out in any quar ter of the city and as often happens, the fire department will be on band to fight the fire before the immediate neighbors are aAvare of its existence and in some cases before the inmates of the house know it is on fire. It is not probable that any fire that may occur in any part of the city will have any shoAV or chance of success wben con fronted by our efficient and faithful firemen. The alarm of fire now occasions no confusion or misgiving in tbe minds of our citizens, ancl very few go to it, only asking where it is located. They all feel that tbe fire department Avill pay its respects to the destroying element and prevent any serious re sult. In vicAV of this the citizens of A'incennes noAv feel perfectly secure and think their residences and business houses are pier- fectly secure from destruction by flre so far as it is possible for human agencies to secure them. This security acts as a stimulant to encourage and promote the building up of the city in full confldence that what they build will sustain no loss by flre. 114 A History of A'incennes. CHAPTEE XV. Eeligion. The first mention must be made to St. Francis Xavier church because it Avas first in point of time. It was founded in 1702. It is stated in the Quebec annals that many Indian converts assisted in its erection. It Avas built of timbers set on end and the interstices filled Avith adobe. It bad a dirt fioor, benches and a rude altar. It had no AvindoAvs or open ing except the door in the nortliAvest end facing the fort. The second log church Avas built at the request of Father Gibault. In a letter to the Bishop of Quebec, dated Alay 1785, he AA'rites: "A ncAv log church 90 by 42 feet has been built and the old church has been fitted up for my use as a pastoral res idence." This second church remained standing until the present brick church Avas roofed over. It Avas then torn down about 1830. The present brick church Avas projected bv Eev. J. B. Champomier in 1825. He succeeded in raising funds for its erection and on Alarch 4th. 1826. published notice in the AA'estern Sun that the corner stone Avould be laid on Alareh 30, 1826. The AA'alls of the church and the roof AA'ere com pleted by thc time Bishop Brute came in 1834. The church has been finished liy different bishops, but Avas not fully com pleted until 1850. There have been five bishops connected Avith this church. Bisbojis Brute. Hailandiere, Bazin, St. Palais and Chatard. The four first are dead and their re mains are dejiosited in the basement chapel of the cathedral. Bishop Chatard is the present bisho]i. ITis residence and the name of the diocese has been changed to that of "Indiana polis." The foUoAving persons have been jiastors of this church: liELIliKlC^ 1 I .> CATHEDRAL CHURCH. 116 A History of A'incennes. METHODIST CHURCH. Religious. 117 John Alermet, Antoninus Senat, Alercurin Conic, Sebastian Louis Aleurin, Pierre Du Jaunay, Louis A'ivier, Julian Duver- nay, Pierre Gibault, Louis Pa}'et, Benedict J. Flaget, Alicbael Levadoux, John F. Rivet, Donatieu Oliver, G. J. Chabrat, Jo seph Rosati, John B. Ac[uironi, Anthony Blanc, Augustus Jean Jeans, A. Ferrari, AI. Dolimen, John B. Champomier, S. P. Lalumiere, liOuis X. Petit, Anthony Parret, L. Picot, John Corbe, Celestine Hailandiere, August Alartin, Michael E. Sliawe, Ernest Andrau, John Contin, Bede O'Connor, John Gueguen, Hugh Peytbieu, James Stremler and Louis Gue- guen. Of the above pastors seven have reached high positions in tbe church. Benedict J. Flaget, Bishop of Bardstown; An thony Blanc, Archbishop of Xew Orleans ; G. J. Chabrat, Bishop of Louisville ; August Alartin, Bishop of Xachitoches ; Joseph Rosati, Bishop of St. Louis; Celestine Hailandiere Bishop of Vincennes. Tbe congregation now comprises five hundred families Avith a membership of over fifteen hunderd members. The Alethodist church Avas founded here April 18, 1828. Before that time itinerant ministers of that denomination, occasionally Aisited the place and held services. The first of these was Rev. Air. AA^inans, Avho Avas here in 1808. The next AA'as John AL Baker in 1810, then Thomas StilhA'eU in 1811, James Turner in 1812, Richard Richardson in 1813, Zacha riah Chilton in 1814, John Shrader in 1815', Thomas Davis in 1816, James JlcCord in 1817, Charies Slocitm in 1817, John McCord in 1818. But all tbe above came of their oaa'u voli tion Atitbout the appointment of any authority of the church and made only passing at sits of short duration. During the time of tbe visits of the above ministers there Avas no congre gation bere and no church builcling. On April 18, 1828, steps Avere taken to form a congregation and a lot on the cor ner of Third and Buntin streets Avas purchased and a brick 118 A History op Vincennes. church erected on the lot. This church Avas enlarged and im proved from time to time and Avas used by the congregation until the present ucav stone church Avas ready for use in 1900. ScA'cral years prcvious to this a fine lot in one of the choicest locations in the city on the corner of Fourth and Perry streets, Avas purchased. Upon this lot the congregation erected a fine durable stone church AA'hich AA'ill last for centuries, and it is noAv used by the congregation. The corner stone of this stone church Avas laid by Bishop FoAAder, April 17, 1899, and it was dedicated by Bishop AlcCabe. April 1, 1!)00. I give from rec ollection the names of the foUoAving pastors of the church: Elijah AAliitten, Aaron AA'ood, John AA'. Jackson, AA'iUiam AlcK. Hester, AA^ H. Grim, Air. AA'alker, Air. Clippinger and Mr. AA'illis, the present incumbent. The Presliyterian church Avas founded here in 1833. Before that date the Presbyterians had services at the Iavo Indiana churches in the country abottt four miles east of the toAvn. In 1806 Samuel B. Robertson of Kentucky, came here and or ganized the church in the country. He was succeeded by Samuel T. Scott in 1807. He Avas succeeded by Samuel E. .Alexander, AA'ho continued to preach for many years. Before 1833 the Presbyterians of A'incennes held religious services either in private houses or the Court House and occasionally attended the upper or lotver Indiana churches in the country. But on January 5, 1833. Avhich date is the real founding of the church, the foUoAving persons organized a church m toAvn. John Bruner, Samuel Harris, Lidia Harris, Samuel Smith, James Kuykendall, Sarah Flay, Patsy Hill, Elizabeth Decker, Airs. Shadduck, John A[c(tifiin, Elizabeth AAh'ant, AEinerva Eoseman, AndrcAV Graham, Airs. Graham, Elizabeth Graham. Jane Shuler, Air. Driatt, Francis Bruner, Joseph Aladdox, Alary Small, Elizabeth Smith, Catharine Kuykendall, J. D. Hay, E. Dooley, Elizabeth AlcCall, William E. AlcCall, John C. Holland, F^lias Beedle, Hannah AVise, Airs. Lucree and Airs. Keliokhs, 119 (il) PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. 120 A Hif-TDKA' nF A'incennes CHRISTIAN CHURCH. , Religious. 121 XyceAA'anger. A lot on the corner of F''iftb and Busseron streets AA'as donated by Air. Bruner and a brick church AA'as erected on it. This church Avas remodelled from time to time and continued to be uscd by tbe congregation until 1862, when a division took place and a portion ceceded and built a brick church on tiie corner of Alain ancl Sixth streets. This divis ion was subsequently harmonized and the Iavo congregations united. A fine new church Avas erected on the old location in 1884. but Avas not completed according to plans until 1898. The, church as it stands today is in appearance tbe finest church building in A'incennes. The pastors of tbe Presby terian church have been: AA'. AA'. Alartin, John AlcXair, Thomas Alexander, Samuel E. Alexander, John F. Smith, John W. Blythe, J. F. Jennison, Eli B. Smith, John F. Flendy, Joseph Vance, E. P. AA^hallen, George Knox and Dr. Hunter, the present pastor. The Christian church Avas organized in 1833. The first members of tbe church Avere: Henry D. Wheeler and Avife, Airs. Harriet Judah, Dr. John R. Alantle and Stephen Bur net. Tbe congregation Avorsbipped in private bouses and in the Town Hall until 1846, when a lot Avas purchased on Sec ond street and a brick church erected. The first trustees of the church were Henry D. AA'heeler, John R. Alantle and Al pheus Draper. In 1878, the church building Avas improved by an addition in front and a toAver and subsequently a baptistry and pastoral residence AA'ere erected. In 1901, Clar ence B. Kessinger, one of tbe members, donated to tbe congre gation a lot on the corner of Third and Broadway streets, upon which it is intended to erect a fine church at an early day. The fund's for this purpose are being rapidly gathered. The following persons have been pastors of this church : Eli- jab Goodwin, P. K. Dibble, I. AI. Alatbews, AV. W. Eecles, 0. A. Bartholomew, T. T. Holton, W. H. Tiller, Thomas J. 122 A History of Vincennes. Clark, AV. Corter and W. Oestricher. It has a membership of 500. The parish of St. James of the Episcopal church Avas organ ized by Rt. Rev. Jackson Kemper, October 27, 1839. The fol loAving members Avere elected vestry men: George DaAis, George Cruikshank, John Cruikshank, James AA'. GreenboAv, Samuel Langdon, Abner T. Ellis and Joseph Somes. George Davis and James AV. Greenhow Avere chosen wardens. Joseph Somes, treasurer and (reorge AA'. Rathbone, clerk of the vestry. The use of the Toaa'ii Hall AA'as obtained and fitted up as a place of Avorship. Services Avere commenced to be held in the ToAvn Hall on the 5th February. 1840, and were continued to be held there until August, 1843. A lot was purchased on the corner of Fourth and Busseron streets and on tliis lot a brick church was erected in 1843, and has been improved from time to time by additions and improvements until it is at present a very imposing church edifice. This church Avas founded in 1841 and dedicated in August, 1843, by Rev. B. B. KUlikeUy, D. D., who was the first rector. The following otber persons have been jiastors of the church: F^oster Thayer, Air. Carter. Mr. Roberts, Dr. Austin and De Lou Burke. The African Alethodist Episcopal church was organized about 1845 by Rev. W. F. Quinn. The first members of the church were : Samuel Clark, Cornelius Sims, A. AIcGill, James BrunsAvick, AA'iUiam Johnson, Alary Johnson, Henry Eider, Anna Eider, T. Paryear and H. H. StoAvart. Services were first held at the residences of tbe members. But in 1850 a frame church was erected on tbe corner of Tentli and Buntin streets. This Avas succeeded in 1875 by a brick church on tbe same lot. The following persons have been pastors of this church : Daniel AA'insloAv, G. AA'. Johnson, Eobert Johnson, James Curtis, Eobert Jones, AA'. E. Eevels. Benjamin Hill, Emanuel AA'illiamson, John Turner, B. L. Brook, Levi AA'. Bass, Thomas Slrotter, H. C. Xelson, Aladison Pattison, G. KEi.Kiiors, 123 EPISCOPAL CHURCH, 124 A History' op Vincennes. ST. JOHN'S CATHOLIC CHURCH. Religious. 125 AV. Black. AViUiam Jackson, H. B. Smith, J. H. Alexander, J. S. LoAvis, Jesse Bass, H. FI. AA'ilson, J. E. Ferguson and Jason Bitiidy. The African Baptist church Avas organized here about 1860. A frame church Avas erected for thc congregation on Tentli street and has been occupied by the congregation until the present time. St. John's Catholic church Avas organized in 1851. Prior to that time the German Catholics of A'incennes worshipped at the cathedral. They AA'ere served by Charles Opperman in 1846 and afterwards by Conrad Sneider jeans. In 1851 Xicho- las Strauber built the first church of brick on Main street be tAveen Eighth and Xinth streets. He Avas succeeded by Leon ard Brandt, and he by AA'iUiam F^ngeln, Avho remained until 1863. Eev. Aegidius Alerz took charge in September, 1863, and remained until his death in 1897. He made many addi tions and improvements to the church and also built a pastoral residence ancl a large school building- all of brick. The church property of this congregation, considering its fine lo cation and surroundings, is unquestionably the finest church property in the city. The con,gregatioii is also the largest in the city. The present rector is Eev. Aleinrad Fleischmann. St. John's Lutheran church for a number of years held serAices in the Town Flail. A brick church Avas built on the corner of Eighth and Scott streets and Avas used for some years by the Lutheran and Evangelical churches jointly. But in 1859 a division of the congregations took place and the Lutherans remained in possession of the church property pay ing the Evangelical branch a consideration agreed upon for their interest. The present congregation Avas organized Au gust 29, 1859, by Rev. Peter Send. He Avas succeeded by J. D. F. Alayer and he by J. AA'. Alueller. Carl Kretzma.n is the present pastor. The first brick church Avas torn down in 1876 and the present substantial edifice erected in its stead. This 126 A History op A'incennes. congregation has a large school building and maintains a flourishing school for boys and girls, and the church is in a flourishing condition. St. John's Evangelical church Avas organized on tbe separa tion of St. John's Evangelical Lutheran church in August, 1839, by Rev. C. Hoffmeister. The leading members of the church at the time of organization Avere: John Hamm, Fred erick, Peter and AA'iUiam Ritterskamp. Jacob Breuhans, Louis Bonsil and August Kircher. A frame church Avas erected in 1862 on the corner of Fifth and Scott streets and occupied bv the congregation until the erection of tlte splendid brick struc ture on the corner of Fifth and Shelby streets Avhicli is an architectural ornament to the cit}-. This congregation has a large and commodious pastoral residence and a fine school building and maintains schools for both bovs and girls. This congregation is in a flourishing condition. The foUoAv- ing haA'e been pastors of this church: C Hoffmeister, F. Dar- litz. AVilliam Jung, X. Burkhart, P. AA'eber. Albert Schorev and Henry Alehl. The Baptist church Avas organized in 1860. Aleetings were first held in the City Hall and in private residences. The church Avas formaUy organized Alay 1, 1862, Avith the follow ing membership : Airs. Alary S. Heberd, Airs. Buck, Airs. Flora, Airs. An,-ustus J. AVise, Aliss L. Duree, Aliss AI. Gilles pie, Airs. L. Gillespie, Eev. J. S. Gillespie and Christian Eal- len. A lot Avas purchased on the corner of Fifth and Broad Avay streets, and a frame church erected on it AA'hich bas been uscd ever since by the congregation. The foUoAving jiersons haA'e been iiasloi-s of this church: J. S. Gillespie, L. D. Eob inson, B. F. Gavins, Dr. Stinson, A. Brandenburg. I. H. But ler, T. J. Keith, James E. AVolford and G. AV. Law. St. Rose Chajiel in conncttion Avith St. Rose Female Acad emy has a fine place of worship on the corner of Fifth and Seminar}' streels. This chapel is regularly attended every day RELiornus, 127 LUTHERAN CHURCH, 12S A History of \'ixcexnes EVANGELICAL CHURCH. Religious. 129 130 A History of A'incennes. by the clergy attached to St. Francis Xavier church. The Baptist congregation divided a feAV years ago and a portion separated from the main body and formed a new con- gTCgation called the Immanuel Holiness Baptist church. Rev. Thomas J. Keith is pastor of this congregation and regular services are held in the old Presbyterian church on Alain street. The Free Alethodist church has a frame building on the cor ner of Fourth and Sycamore streets and regular services are held there on Sundays. Enos C. Robbins is the pastor. The B'nai Israel congregation of the HebrcAvs have a con gregation and hold regular services on the corner of Seventh and BroadAvay streets, on the second Snnday of each month. The congregation is wealthy and avIU erect a synagogue in a short time. AI. Rindskopf and A'ictor Schoenfeld are trustees and B. Kuhn. treasurer of the congregation. Finance 131 CHAPTER XVL Finance. A'incennes has ahvays lieeii supplied with a sufficient num ber of banking institutions. The Bank of A'incennes Avas in corporated by the Territorial Legislature. This bank Avas or ganized by Xathaniel Ewing, Charles Smith ancl others. It continued to do business until the state government Avas or ganized. B}' an act of the state legislature it was adopted as the State Bank of Indiana. This bank failed in 1824. The AA'abash Insurance Company Avas organized bere and Avas invested with banking privileges and issued notes to cir culate as money. Joseph Somes was secretary of this institu tion. A branch of the State Bank of Indiana Avas located here in 1834 on tbe organization of the State Bank of Indiana. John Ross was cashier of this branch from its organization until it ceased to exist upon the expiration of the charter of the State Bank of Indiana. This branch and all tbe branches of the State Bank of Indiana AA'ere honestly and prudently man aged and were a source of profit to the stockholders. Tbe XeAV York Stock Bank AA-as organized here in 1855 under the law passed by tbe legislature of Indiana, proAiding for the formation of Stock Banks. These banks were required by tbe laAV to deposit Avitli the Auditor of State the stocks of any state in tbe Union and receiA'e circulating notes to the face value of the securities less ten pier cent. Tbe defect in this laAV was that the bonds of some of the states Avere not of equal value and some only Avortli fifty cents on the dollar. This bank, as its name implies, Avas supposed to be founded on the bonds of New York state Avhich were above par. In 132 A History op Vincennes. fact, it Avas founded on the stock of tbe State of Alississippi, Avhich Avere Avorth only about fifty cents on the dollar. The capital of this bank Avas .$500,000. It was soon forced out of existence. On the expiration of the charter of the State Bank of In diana, the legislature passed a laAV in 1855, creating the Bank of the State of Indiana Avith lirancbes. A branch of this bank Avas located here and John Ross Avas elected cashier and pru dently managed this branch until it Avent out of existence. This bank secured a large line of business and bad the entire confidence of the community and Avottld have successfully continued in business, but Avas taxed out of existence by the I'nited States laAvs, passed in the interest and for the benefit of the Xational Bank system. The A'incennes Xational Bank Avas organized as tiie suc cessor and principally Avith the capital of tbe Vincennes branch of the Bank of the State of Indiana. Tbe capital of this branch when first organized, Avas $250,000, but Avas sub sequently reduced to $100,000. This branch for a number of }'ears AA'hile it Avas under the mana.gement and control of John Eoss and AA'^ilson J. AA^illiams. did a fine and legitimate busi ness. But it passed from their control by reason of their death and failed in July, 1893. It passed into tbe hands of Thomas R. Paxton of Princeton, Avho Avas appointed by the Controller of the Currency Receiver of the defunct bank. It Avas found to be a very liad failure. The stockholders were compelled to pay in addition to the loss of their stock, an amount equal thereto to pay the debts and liabilities of the bank. The officers at tbe time of its failure AA'ere Wilson AI. Tyler, president : and Hiram A. Foulk. cashier. Tbe first private bank organized here Avas the A'incennes Deposit Bank of R. J. AtcKcimey i,V Co. It AA'as organized in September. 1867 by Richard J. AfcKciine.A', Peter E. LaPlante, Hiram A. Foulk, AVilliam Fleber-d, Ulysses Heberd and Finance. 133 Henry S. Cauthorn, on a capital of $25,001-), Avhich Avas sub sequently increased to $50,000. This Avas simply a private partnership for banking purposes and did a very large and lucrative business until 1879, Avbeii it AA'ent into voluntary liquidation. Richard J. AlcKcnney Avas the business manager of this partnership from its opening to its close. The Gernian Banking Company Avas organized bere in 1871 by Henry Knirihm, Louis L. AA'atson, Joseph L. Bayard, Alarcelle D. Lacroix and others AAitli a capital of $50,000. This was simply a partnership for banking purposes and did a large and profltable business. Joseph L. Bayard Avas cash ier and manager of this business from its organization and during its existence. This banking company went out of busi ness and the partners interested organized in its stead, the First Xational Bank of Aancennes Avith its capital. John H. Eabb was elected president of this bank and Joseph L. Bay ard, cashier. The banks uoav doing business in the City of A^incennes are three. The First Xational Bank, the Second Xational Bank and the German Xational Bank. The First Xational Bank with a capital of $100,000 and a large surplus, Avas organized in 1871, as the successor of the German Banking Company, and succeeded to its business bouse and business. On the ex piration of its first charter the bank Avas re-organized as it ex ists today. Tbe present officers of this bank are Joseph L. Bayard, president; P. AI. O'DonneU, cashier; and Henry Somes, Jr., assistant cashier. The Second Xational Bank was organized in 1893, with a capital of $100,000, and has been doing a safe and profitable business ever since its organization. The officers of this bank are George W. Donaldson, president; AA'illiam J. Freeman, cashier; J. T. Boyd, assistant cashier. The German Xational Bank was organized in 1888 Avith a capital of $100,000 and immediately secured a large line of 134 A History of Vincennes. deposits and has from the start done a lucrative and prosper ous business. The officers of this bank are AA'iUiam Baker, president; Gerard Eeiter, vice-president; George E. Alsop, cashier : Henry J. Boechman, assistant cashier. All three of the above Xational Banks are prudently and honestly managed and have the confidence of the entire com munity. In consequence they are all doing a heaA'y and pros perous business. I here insert tlte consolidated condition of tbe First Xa tional Bank, the Second Xational Bank and the Gennan Xa tional Bank as indicated by their reports under the call of the comptroller of the currency at the close of business on Feb ruary 25, 1902: Loans and Discounts $1,574,870 49 Deposits 2.684.183 41 Eesonrces 3,873,632 94 AA'e doubt AA'hether there is another city of the population of A'incennes that can sIioav as strong banking facilities as these. Corporations. 135 CHAPTEE XVII. Corporations. A'incennes bas originated many corporations in tbe past. The Vincennes Steam Alill Conipany organized August 6, 1817, for tbe manufacture of flour, lumber and spirits, was started on a grand scale on the survey now occupied in part by Harrison Park. This company erected extensive and sub stantial buildings and for many years did a large and pros perous business. Xathaniel EAAing, John D. Hay, Willis Fel lows and Benjamin Parke, were members of this corporation. Tbe Wabash Insurance Company possessing also banking privileges in addition to general insurance. The Knox In- .surance Company organized about 1850, for a time, did a large business and would have continued except for extending its business to marine risks on the Gulf of Mexico and tbe At lantic Ocean, which so increased its losses as to compel it to go into liquidation. The American Live Stock Insurance Company, tbe flrst one of the kind ever organized anywhere for tbe insurance of live stock. These corporations bave all passed away. The corporations yet in existence in tbe city are the follow ing: The Vincennes University, organized in 1806, under an act of the territorial legislature, is now in a floririsbing condition and doing as good educational work as any similar institution in tbe state. It originally possessed a large donation of lands granted by the United States for the purpose of endowment. It started out Avith bright prospects, but its advance was re tarded by tbe unjust attempt of the state legislaure to rob it of its donation of land and divert the same to the use of the (10) 136 A History of Vincennes. Indiana University at Bloomington. This legislation is con sistent with all state legislation which bas never been favora ble, but inimical to A^incennes. But this unlaAvful misappro priation of its lands Avas partially prevented by tbe Supreme court of tbe United States Avhicli declared this action of the state legislature to be unlaAvful and void. But tbe univer sity was crippled in its operations for A'ears. But it weathered this storm of unfriendly legislation and is yet as successfully performing its work as any university in the state, not ex cepting the State University, supported as it is by large ap propriations and endowment funds from the state treasury. Tbe Vincennes Board of Trade, organized for the purpose of aiding and building up the city in every way, is doing good service. If such an organization had been in existence years before, it would have been of great advantage to this city. The Home Building and Loan Association, incorporated in 1893 with a capital of $200,000. Tbe Knox Building Loan Fund and Savings Association, incorporated in 1883 with a capUal of $1,000,000. Tbe Peoples' Savings Loan and Building Association, in corporated in 1889 with a capital of $1,000,000. The Vincennes and Knox County Building and Loan Fund Association, incorporated in 1890 Avith a capital of $1,000,000. Tbe Wabash Building and Loan Fund Association, incor porated in 1898 with a capital of $500,000. Tbe Prospect Hill Coal Alining Company, operating niines adjoining the city. Tbe Prospect HUl Brick Yard Company, operating works in tbe immediate vicinity of the city. The Vincennes Alutual Fire Insurance Company, organized for the purpose of insuring such property only as is situated within tbe city limits. The Wabash Mutual Benefit Association, The Knox County Corporations. 137 Agricultural and Alechanical iAssociation, organized in 1870, and whicb has already held thirty-one successful fairs, almost equalling the state fairs of Indiana. The Aincennes Gas Light Compan}', originally organized in 1859 by Charles P. McGrady, Nathaniel Usher, W. H. H. Terrell, under a twenty years' franchise. This company and its property was merged in the Citizens' Gas Light Company Avbich is yet in existence and doing a fine business. Tbe Vincennes Electric Light and Power company, organ ized in 1891, and Avhich bas a fine plant and is doing a fine business. Tbe City Electric Lighting Company, organized in 1899, and which has erected a fine plant and under a contract with tbe city, is now lighting it in all its parts, all night and every night. The Central Foundry Company, for the manufacture of soil pipe, is tbe second largest establishment of tbe kind in tbe United States and has very extensive works and employs a large force of men. The Central Union Telephone Company has a complete plant making connections witii all parts of the city, and in connection with the long distance telephone company with all parts of tbe United States. The A'incennes Citizens' Street Eailway Company AA'hich manufactures its own electric power and operates a railway extending from tbe principal business portions of the city, and to tbe adjoining suburbs. The Vincennes AVater Supply Company, with a splendid plant and the highest water toAver in tbe Avest (except one at Cleveland) being 210 feet high and of a capacity sufficient to throw several streams of water at the same time over tbe high est buildings in the city. The Citizens' Gas Light Company with a fine plant and doing a successful business. 138 A History op Vincennes. The Vincennes Egg Case Company doing a large and in creasing business. Tbe Vincennes Paper Mill Company with the most im proved machinery and with a large capacity for tbe manu facture of paper, and running both day and night to supply the demand for its product. Tbe John Ebner Ice Company having a large plant and capable of manufacting 200 tons of ice each day. Tbe Eagle Brewing Company of Hack & Simon, manufact uring tbe flnest beer of any establishment in the state and furnishing its product to tbe city and surrounding towns. Agriculture. 139 CHAPTEE XVIII. Agriculture. Xo city can expect to attract and retain a dense population without adequate resources. They must have a sure base upon ¦n'bich to depend to supply the wants of the citizens. Vin cennes in this regard is highly favored by its location and sur roundings. Situated in one of the flnest agricultural locali ties in the West, it has in its favor that paramount interest whicb is tbe corner-stone npon whicb rests all enterprizes. Tbe county of Knox in Indiana, and Lawrence in Illinois, are directly tributary to this city, and several otber counties in both States to a great extent. Tbe report of tbe state geologist gives the first place to Knox county as possessing soil suitable for the production of all kinds of fruit, grain and otber pro- duets that go to make up the general volume of agricultural resources. This great interest bas been in tbe past what has sustained and built up Vincennes. The citizens of Vincennes for many years paid no attention to manufacturing interest-^, and consequently until witbin a fcAV years past there were no manufacturing establishments in tbe city. It bas been sus tained solely by its unrivalled agricultural resources. There are yet in Knox and Ijawrence counties rich and pro ductive lands that can be purchased for less money than many less valuable lands in portions of tbe far west where there are no school bouses, churches, roads and otber accompaniments of civilization. The reason the lands in this vicinity have been overlooked by the ceaseless flow of emigration is because they bave not been advertised by railroad and otber companies as otber lands in less favored regions have been. Besides ag riculture in tbe vicinity of Vincennes is yet in its infancy. Although an old settled region, for many years but little at tention was paid to developing and improving the agricultural 140 A History of A'incennes. resources of which it is capable. Large tracts of fertile and productive lands in Knox county were suffered to remain until witbin a few years past uncleared and unproductive. Oth'cr tracts were covered Avith swamps and marshes. And other lands on both the AVabash and White Rivers bottoms were practically valueless on account of tbe overfloAV of these river^. But enterprise and industry in tbe last twenty years bas ran- edied this. The rivers have been levied and tbe wet lands drained and rendered flt for cultivation. This good work is still in progress and the time not far distant when aU the lands surrounding Vincennes will be a veritable garden. The roads of the country bave been greatly unproved and others are now in progress which will make Vincennes accessible al all seasons from all parts of the surrounding country over fine and durable roads. The following tables extracted from tbe official statistical report of the State of Indiana for 1898, the latest report ac cessible, shows a gratifying result for Knox county, in which Vincennes is situated, in comparison with eleven otber of the largest and most prosperous counties in the State for the pro duction of the principal sources of the farmers' wealth : AVHEAT. Knox . . . . Green . . . . Sullivan . . Davies . . . Pike , . . . Gibson . . . Allen . . . . Elkhart . . . St. Joseph , Laporte . . MontgomeryTippecanoe . 67,72023,54633,68011,816 40,761 73,245 40,232 52,57455,98148,177 55,71558,855 BUSHELS 1,015,800 353,100538,880 153,608 652,176 1,098,675 804,640 893,758839,715867,186891,140 1,000,718 AA'ERAGE PER ACRE 45 15 1613161520 17151816 17 Agriculture. HOGS. 141 Knox . Greene SullivanDavies Pike . Gibson 27,310 23,07229,528 27,90516,62122,987 Allen . . . Elkhart . . St. Joseph . LaPorte . . MontgomeryTippecanoe 30,73117,17412,337 9,628 48,590 28,905 CORX. Knox . . Greene . . . Sullivan . . Davies • . ¦ Pike . . . . Gibson . . Allen . . . . Elkhart . . . St. Joseph La Porte ¦ • MontgomeryTippecanoe . 6455 5147 325152 36: 38 49 73 102 ,052 295583 ,738 586 183 130 226 079 ,292 ,640 ,065 2,818.2881,990,6202,063,3201,628,092 1,288,2681,647,8561,876,0001,376,588 1,237,728 1,528,052 3,008,300 3,776,415 AVERAGE PER ACRE 44 36 40 34 38 32 36 3832 31 49 37 And the above is only a partial showing of the ricb agricul tural country tributary to A^incennes, and whose products flnd a market bere. Tbe ricb Allison prairie in Lawrence county, Illinois, extending from the Wabash River backAvards aboui, eight miles and up and doAN'n the river ten miles produce-i abundant crops of all kinds of grain whicb comes to tbe Vin cennes market and equals almost the amount that comes from Knox county itself. This prairie is noted for tbe fertility of its soil. For many years this ricb prairie was mostly unflt lor -cultivation, being twice in the year overfloAved by the united 143 A History of 'a'incennes. waters of tbe Wabash and Embarras Rivers. Througb the centre of it extended a vast swamp called "Purgatory Swamp" which was difficult and dangerous to pass over at any season of tbe year. But this has all been remedied by the building of levees to conflne the waters of these rivers, and by drainage and this prairie is today as rich and productive as any landi in the west. The immense quantities of wheat, com, oats, hay and all agricultural products that are thrown on tbe Vincennes mar ket at proper seasons put the transportation companies to es- traordinai-y exertions to send it to eastern and foreign mar kets. It is stated by agents in this city buying wheat for easi;- em parties, and by the city millers and owners of differeui elevators in the city, that the wheat crop of Knox county alone the present year will reach two million bushels, and some give a still higher figure. To this Lawrence county, in Illinois, will add at least one million bushels more. As already stated, the country around Vincennes on both sides of the Wabash River is adapted to the production of ail kinds of produce. Within the last decade tbe production of watermelons and nutmegs has reached such vast proportious that it is difficult in season AA'hen ready for market to procure cars for their transportation. The points in Knox county suitable and devoted to the cultivation of melons are Decker, Purcell, Vincennes, Emison and Oaktown, and Sandridge in Lawrence county, Illinois. From these various places im mense shipments are made and tbe product is highly prized and talces rank in tbe markets of tbe north and east with the produce of any otber section. The returns to tbe producer amount to more in proportion to tbe time, labor and acreage cultivated than the production of AA'heat, corn or otber grain crops. And this industry has only commenced witbin a fcAV years past and is as it Avere in its infancy. The county of Knox in Indiana and the county of LaAV- Agriculture. 143 rence in Illinois have all kinds of soil. The high lands are rich and productive and adapted to any kind of farm use. The immense bottom lands on tbe Wabash and AVhite Rivers are especially adapted to the production of corn and hay, and average crops can be raised on these lands without the custom ary rains in seasons of most severe drought. There is no kind of produce that is required for tbe use of man or beast but what can be profitably raised in abundance in the country around Vincennes. It is, therefore, no idle boast to claim thar Vincennes is situated in tbe midst of the garden spot o£ thi world. 144 A History op Vincennes. CHAPTER XIX. Commerce. Vincennes has ahvays been favorably located for commerce. The Wabash Eiver has been a natural bighAvay ready for use. AA^hen there Avere no roads or other means of inter-commimi- cation in the Northwest, the AVabash Eiver was the great artery of commerce for all the inhabitants along its course. When the red men of the forest Avere here in their glory, the lords of all they surveyed, the Wabash Eiver was his delight. His bark canoe Avas all that disturbed its crystal waters. And Avhen the white men came and settled along its banks and built up a profitable trade with tbe Indians, tbe Wabash Eiver afforded the only means of communication with tiie out side world. The "pirogues" of the "Courier der bois," as the advance guard of commercial men Avere called, navigated its waters, bringing goods and merchandize from Canada for tbe inhabitants and carrying back to Canada the peltries and goods purchased from tbe Indians. AA'hen the country in creased in wealth and population and better means of com munication Avere demanded to ansAver the increased demands of commerce, the steamboat came to supply tbe demand. And tbe Wabash Eiver was again the great artery of commerce. From tbe introduction of steamboats until the advent of railroads the Wabash Eiver was in its glory. Steamboats from New Orleans, St. Louis, Louisville, Cincinnati and Pittsbui-g Avere daily visitors to the A^incennes port during tbe boating season, lasting about five inonths in tbe }'ear, and after the building of the lock and clam at tiie grand rapids much larger, it Avas then no uncommon sight to see three and four steamboats from the Ohio and Alississippi Eivers at the A'in- Commerce. 145 cennes wharf at the same time, and fiatboats called ''broad- horns'' to cart-}' the produce of the country to tbe southern markets could be seen at all times passing tbe toAvn, Avending their sluggish Avay Avith the fioAving current to their southern destination. In 1836 as many as 800 of these boats passed by A^incennes liy actual count. To show tbe immense business transacted on the AA'abash Eiver by steamboats, we will insert a partial list of tbe boats that regularly traded Avith A^ineen- nes from tbe various ports on the Alississippi and Ohio Eivers from 1840 to 1845 : Argus, Alpha, Aid, Adelaide, Arabian, Banner, Citizen, Caledonia, Conveyance, Companion, C'eres, Concord, Cuba, Coquette, Camden, Corsair, Cecelia, Cumber land A^alley, Caslcet, Comanche, Canton, Daniel Boone, Dayton, Envoy, Emigrant, Exchange, Elk, F^xperiment, Fairy Queen, Fox, Fame, Florida, Gazelle, Gen. AA'arner, Gen. Alarion, Gleaner, Gen. Hanna, Helen Alar, Herald, Hero, Hunter, Home, Herschel, Harriet, Hudson, Hilander, Indian, Juniata, Java, Julia, Gratiot, Jim Brown, Kentucky, Lady Boon, Lady Byron, Lady Aladison, L'Orient, Lilly Lancaster, Little Ben Franklin, Logansport, Aliiior, Alonroe, Alotto, Alt. A'ernon, Alinstrel, Alartba, Alarquette, Alinerva, Alaryland, Nile, Ximrod, X'ew Haven, Xick of the AA'oods, Nathan Hale, Niagara, Newark, Osage, Orion, Otsego, Ohio, Othello, Para gon, Penn, Portsmouth, Putnam, Pittsburg, Pekin, Philadel phia, Pearl, Planet, Eapids, .Rover, Eochester, Eoanoke, Ee- serve. Sylph, Science, Shoal AA^ater, Spy, Signal, Shylock, Sciota Belle, Spartan, Salem, Sabine, Tecumseh, Tuscumbia, Tide, Texas, Thames, Tippecanoe, Temiessee, Tray, U. S. Alail, V^ictor, A?'igilant, Visitor, Virginia, AVaterloo, AA'yoming, AViUiam Penn, AA'm. Halbert, AA'acauster. In 1843 a company AA-as formed to provide slack Avater nav igation at the grand rapids of the AVabash Eiver. This com pany built a lock and clam that overcame that obstacle to the 146 A History of Vincennes. river navigation. But the lock and dam was constructed of wood and in the coarse of time rotted and became an obstacle to navigation instead of an aid. Tbe stockholders fortunately sold their shares to the ITnited States and the Federal author ities constructed durable and expensive Avorks of stone in their place at a cost of near a million dollars. But this expendi ture of money was useless as the splendid works are not used for the purposes originally intended and never will be of any use except for the valuable water power they can furnish. The Wabash River as an artery of commerce to transport the produce of the AA'abash valley to market bas lost its pres tige. The advent of railroads, that Avonderful creative power that bas built up cities in localities where nature never de signed they should be located, has robbed the AA'abash River of its glory as a waterway of commerce for general purposes. But it is yet and ever Avill be an aid and feeder for the A'in cennes market. Several steamboats navigate its waters both above and below Vincennes at all stages of AA'ater and gather up and bring to tbe Vincennes market the abundant crops of tbe farms along its bank Avbere they are re-shipped to the markets of tbe Avorld by rail. This now makes, and in future will increase tbe volume, A^incennes one of the largest and best points for the purchase and shipment of produce in the AA^est. The profitable and remunerative business of A^'incen- nes, noAV very heavy, is constantly on the increase, and from the nature of things, avUI continue to increase Avith acceler ated force Avith tbe improvement and development of the country. There is no point in the West that offers better ad vantages in all departments of active life than A'inceimes. While tbe AA^abash River has ceased to be the artery of trade and commerce as it was in the past, A'incennes is now supplied with railroad facilities that more than compensate this loss. Railroads are the great arteries of commerce Avhich have been contrived b}' the ingenuit}' of man and Avhich have relegated Commerce. 14T to the rear in many cases rivers, canals, and macadamized roads. Vincennes is noAV connected by the railroad to Terre Haute and thence by direct connection with Chicago, the greatest railroad center in the world, with the entire northern country. The railroad to Indianapolis, the capital of the state, and the second railroad center in the West, gives it connection with all points in tbe East. The railroad to Cin cinnati and its Louisville branch, opens up the entire East and Southeast. The railroad to Evansville and its southern con nections, opens up the South. The railroad to Cairo at the- junction of tbe Ohio and Mississippi Eivers, opens up the en tire Southwest. And the railroad to St. Louis opens up tbe entire AA'est. These various railroads and their close connec tions open up a direct communication Avith all points of the compass and make Vincennes a railroad center of no small importance. 148 A History of Vincennes. CHAPTER XX. Fraternities. A'incennes has been noted for the number of its fraternal societies. This is evidence of the mutual regard and friend ship of its citizens for each other. Among these fraternities tbe first place is due to the Ala sonic Order. Tbe first lodge of Alasons was organized beie March 31, 1809, under the Grand Lodge of Kentucky, anc; was Xo. 8 under that jurisdiction. AA'^hen tbe Grand Lodge of Indiana was formed it surrendered that charter, and on the 13tb of January, 1818, received one from tbe Grand Lodge of Indiana being No. 1, whicb primitive rank it has ever since maintained. The lodge meets the first Alonday in each month. Tbe A'inc-ennes Royal Arch Chapter Xo. 7 meets tbe second Monday in each month. The Vincennes Council No. 9 meets the third Alonda}- m each month. The A'^incennes Commandery Xo. 20, Knights Templar, meets the fourth Alonday in each month. The above are all Alasonic fraternities and meet at the Ala sonic Temple on the comer of Alain and Third streets. AA'abash Lodge No. 20 of the Independent Order of Odd FelloAvs meets at Odd F'elloAV Hall on the corner of Second and Broadway streels every Tuesday evening. The Pride of tbe AA'abash No. 458, Daughters of Rebecca, meets every Alon da}' evening. Dioscuri Lodge No. 47, Knights of Pythias, meets every Tuesday eA'ening. A'inceimes DiAision No. 42, Uniform Rank of thc Knights of Pythias, meets CA-ery Friday eA'ening. Fraternities. 149 Jefferson C. Davis Post No. 16 of the Grand Army of the Eepublic meets the first and fourth Fridays in each month. Piankeshaw Lodge No. 108 of the Improved Order of lied Alen meets every AA^ednesda}- on tbe corner of Second and Broadway streets. Tbe Home Forum, No. 590, of the Home Forum Benefit Order, meets every Tuesday on tbe corner of Seventh and Broadway streets. St. Francis Xavier Branch No. 256 of the Catholic Knigiits of America meets on tbe second and fourth Sundays in each month at St. Francis Xavier Hall. St. John's Branch X^o. 533 of the Catholic Knights of ¦ America meets every second ancl fourth Thursdays in each month at St. John's Hall. St. Paul Commandery of the Uniform Eank of the Catholic Knights of America meets tbe second and fourth Thursdays of each month at St. John's Hall. Vincennes Lodge No. 29 of the Ancient Order of United Workmen meets every Thursday at the corner of Main and Fifth streets. A'incennes Lodge No. 291, of tbe Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks meets every Thursday in their hall on the corner of Fourth ancl Alain streets. -- Tbe Vincennes Council No. 674 of the National Union meets the second and fourth Alondays of each month on cor ner of Main and Fifth streets. Plato Council No. 492 of the Eoyal Arcanum meets every Thursday at 3101/2 Main street. AloUuch Court No. 45 of the Tribe of Ben Hur meets tbe second and fourth Fridays of each month at Odd Fellows HaU. Tecumseh Camp No. 3945 of the Alodern Woodmen of America meets first and third Thursdays of each month at Odd FeUoAvs Hall. 150 A History op Vincennes. Elmwood Camp Xo. 31 of the AVoodmen of tbe World meetf last Saturday of each month at the corner of Main and Fifth streets. The Fortnightly Literary Club meets the second and fourtb Wednesdays of each month at the City Hall at 2 :30 p. m. The Independent Order of B'nai B'rith Etz Chain Lodge No. 205 meets first and third Sundays in each month at cor ner of Seventh and Broadway streets. Bethlehem Senate No. 150 of tbe Knights of tbe Ancient Essenic Order meets first and third Tuesdays of each month at 3101/2 Main street Vincennes Lodge No. 936 of the Knights of Honor meats first and third AVednesdays of each month at 3101/2 Main street. Eeview Lodge No. 362 of the Knights and Ladies of Honor meets on the first and third Alondays of each month at 3101,2 Main street. The Columbian Eeading Circle meets on tbe second and fourtb Wednesdays of each month at tbe residences of the members. St. John's Benevolent Society meets every Sunday at St John's School Hall. Aaron Mitchener Lodge No. 33 of the United Brothers of Friendship (colored) meets first and third Thursdays of each month at 1021^ East Alain street. Lillies of tbe A^alley Temple No. 36, Auxilliary to the United Brothers of Friendship, meets second and fourtb Thursdays of each month at 1021/) East Alain street. Tbe Harmonic Verein meets on the corner of Third and Busseron streets. Tbe Palace Club meets at 526 North Second street The Pastime Club meets on Nortli Second street. The Tecumseh Boat Club meets at their boat house on the river, foot of Alain street. Fraternities. 151 Tbe Teutonia Club meets at St. John's Hall. The order of "Americano'' Avas recently initiated in this city. A wandering herd of Xoble and Exalted Buffaloes while passing through tbe city last spring were captured, domiciled and incorporated Avitli tbe other fraternal orders of the city. Although it comes late it bas made rapid strides and it is stated by those avIio claim to be advised that its membership equals any other fraternal order in the eity. We are not ad vised of tbe purposes of this order, but from representations of its members we wish it well. It is to be hoped it avUI exict longer and do more good than either of its illustrious prede cessors, the "Thousand and One" or tbe "Eclampus Vitus." Tbe first and present grand exalted ranchman is Orestes C. Phillips. (nt 152 A History op Vincennes. CHAPTEE XXI. Educational. A'incennes has been favored since 1834 Avith educational faciliites. Ea'CU before that time AA'hen Benedict Joseph Flaget came in December, 1792, as pastor of the church here, he directed his first attention to establishing schools. Out of his OAVU scanty means be commenced free schools for the edu cation of the youth. But he Avas too soon recalled to make any permanent headway. AA'hen Bishop Brute came here in 1834 he called to his aid and assistance tbe Sisters of Charity from BardstoAA'n, Kentucky, and opened a free school for the education of young ladies. Hc also opened another free school for men and bo}'s. These schools were maintained by funds supplied by the bishop himself. He is therefore enti tled to be called the father of the free school system of In diana. He also established St. Gabriel's College here in 1838, for higher education which Avas not free, and whicb during its existence bad a large attendance from all parts of the AA'est and the South. A'et notAvithstanding these evidences given by the Catholic church of its patronage of learning, it has been claimed and believed by the ignorant, that the Catholic church is un friendly to learning. This in the face of the fact that all the great universities in Europe Avcre established by tbe Papacy. Some of these universities have passed from the control o f Catholic influence since thc period of the reformation, but honor has compelled some of them to give honor to Avhom honor is due. On this subject. Lord AlcCauley, on being inaugurated rec tor of the University of GlasgOAA', uses this language : Eiirc-\TKi-\Ar,. 1.53 "¦-At a conjuncture ol unrivalled interest in the liistor\' of letlers. a man ne\er to be nieiitioned withotit reverence by ever}' lover of letters, held tlte highest place in Kurojie. Our attat^ltnient to the Protestant religion must not piVA'citt us from paying the tribute Avhich on this occasion and in this place justice and gratitude demand to the founder ot the I'ni- ver-ity of GlasgoAv, the .greatest of Hie re\'i\-ors of lea-rning. Pope Xicholas the Fifth." « fe 1 1 w. Jj bT "- ****w^'*1 ¦-^ ¦MJlj^Bui \ /^^^Up i -^m- 'm / /J'.g f^ \ s ft ^^P^^^s ^hI ^ '^'^- y \^I^M.^^^^A W'y HIGH SCHOOL. -And tlte facult}' of this ttni\'ersity during the present year on tlte (•elebration ol its .""yOOth anni\ersar\', sent compliment ary resolutions to I'ope Leo XIIL ai-kito\\'k'dging the debt of ur;ititude tlte uniA'ersit}' oA\'ed to tbe jiapacy, to Avltich the Pope appropriatel}' re|ilii'il. But general jmblicity has not been given to it. This charge against tbe Catholic church is of a kin to that similar chara'e that the church docs not eit- cotira,<;'e the reading ol the scri]itttfes. The fact is that all the 154 A History op Vincennes. prophesies of the Old Testament and aU tbe episfes and gos pels of the Xew are read and explained during the course of each ecclesiastical year. But these false charges were to be expected and were all foretold by tbe Savior as recorded in AlathcAV, chapter v. verse 11, or more positively in John, chap ter 16, verse 2. These charges are signs of premonition. In addition to these schools, at a later date, private schools Avere started by Samuel E. Crosby, Mr. Ennis and Mr. Wil- kerson. These latter schools were not free but tuition was charged for attendance. The school facilities of Vincennes at the present time are equal to those of any place in tbe AA'est, and far superior to many. The A'incennes LTniversity is Avhat its name implies, and affords opportunity for a higher education equal to any uni versity in the AVest. It has an active a- d energetic board of trustees who are fully alive to the interests of the university. It is numerously attended by students from tbe city and county and embraces in its curriculum many from otber states. Xo institution of learning offers better facilities for a com plete and fimished education tban tbe Vincennes UniA'ersity. Tbe public schools of the city are of a high order. The High School partakes in a great measure of university feat ures. All branches of learning are there taught. In connec tion with the High School and subordinate thereto, there are 1st a central school in the heart of the city, 2d tbe North Vin cennes School, 3d the South AA''est School in the lower part of the city, 4tb the East Public School in the east part of the city, 6tb tbe Southeast Public School for colored children, and 6th the school in Oklahoma, a suberb of the city. All these schools through the watchful care and vigilance of the city trustees are supplied Avith competent teachers and are well attended. These public schools are under tbe manage ment of the following able and efficient board of tiitstees: Educatioxal. 155 Eitg-ene Hack, president ; Alasoii J. Xiblack, secretary ; aud T. H. AA'illis, treasurer. In addition to these public schools the foUoAAing other paro chial Schools are maintained and are all numei-ously attended: St. Francis Xavier, parochial school for boys and St. Rose Academy for girls, under the direction of the Sisters of Provi- CENTRAL SCHOOL. dence. These schools are practically free as no tuition is char.o'ed and only those Avbo feel themselves able are expected or required to pay for the tuition of their children. The St. John's Gennan Catholic Schools for boys and girls are also under the care of the Sisters of Providence and are numerously attended. The St. John's Lutheran School for lioys and girls under 156 A History of Vincennes. the direction of St. .John's Lutheran church, and supported by the congregation of that church. The Evangelical School for boys ancl girls under the con trol of the Evangelical church and sustained by that congre gation. All these parochial schools are liberally patronized by their respective congregations. In the aggregate the}' have almost as large an attendance as at the public schools. Tbe Vincennes Shorthand Institute for teaching shorthand and AA'hich is Avell patronized and has sent out many pupils AA'ho have found ready and renumerative employment, both in the city and in other states, in all branches of business. It will be observed that A'incennes is Avell supplied Avith school facilities, affording all persons a Avide range to select from. It is therefore evident that A-'incennes aff'ords as good if not superior advantages over any point in tbe AA'est for the education of children. IALanupactures. 157 CHAPTER XXII. ALANl'l--ACTt;HES. Alanufacturing imlustries AAcre not encouraged for many }'ears in A^incennes. AA'ithin the last tAventy years the atten tion of ber citizens has been called to their importance and strenuous exertions have been put forth to secure them. This change is due in a great measure to the Board of Trade and the encouragement it has shoAvn for all manufacturing indus tries and to secure their locatioii in this city. Alany years ago David S. Bonner, a A-ery Avealthy man, began the manufacture of cotton yarn. He built a large mill and employed many men and Avomen. But his venture was uot successful and invoh'ed him in financial ruin. Some time after 1848 Christian Kratz and AVilliam Heil- man came here for tbe purpose of locating and establishing an iron foundr}'. They Avished a location on the river front but none of the propert}' owners on the river front would sell to them. They remained here some time and failing to secure a suitable location, they AA'ent to Evansville and there located and established an iron foundry Avhicli Avas very succcssful. At a later date Alessrs. Aliller & Cannon came here for the imrpose of establishing an iron foundry. They selected an old brick stable on tbe Avest corner ol: Second and Buntin streets ancl fitted it up and had their furnace ready toi begin Avork. They had expended all their means in baying patterns made and other necessary articles connected Avith their busi ness and Avere unable to pay their rent. Suit Avas brought and on the judgment recovered their entire plant was sold and this infant industry destroyed. The old brick building was never used for any purpose and the fine patterns were only used for AA'bittling purposes. In view of these discouraging facts an enterprising citizen 158 A History op A'incennes. remarked that Vincennes Avould never advance until there were twenty or twenty-five funerals among the wealthy classes in tbe city. AA^ell, that time has come. The times have changed and an aggressive spirit has taken hold of the citi zens here. They are now striving Avitli united action for the location of all kinds of manufacturing industries. These efforts have already been satisfactory and tbe movement is gaining accelerated force with the passing inonths. Among the principal establishments already secured we notice the following : The A''incennes Bridge Conipany for tbe manufacture and building of iron bridges, arches and structural work Avhich is successfully competing Avith older establishments in other places. The Vincennes Glass Factory uoav in course of construction and nearing completion, for the manufacture of glass. This will be one of the largest factories of the kind in tbe West. The Inter-State Distilling Company is one of the largest distilleries in the country and is running at its utmost capac ity day and night. The Central Foundry Company for tbe manufacture of iron scAA'er pipe. This is the second largest plant of the kind in the United States. The Eagle Brewery of Hack & Simon, whose product is equal to any in the state and is being supplied not only to the city, but to all the surrounding cities and toAvns. The John Ebner Ice Compaii}- for the manufacture of ice and having a capacity of 200 tons a day. The Steam Saw Alill of thc Alessrs. Glover Avbich employs a large force and is doing a large and profitable business. The Vincennes AA''ater Supply Company Avitlt a plant equal to any in the AA''est and having a water toAver 210 feet high and of sufficient capacity to supply the Avaiits of a city of 50,000 population. Manufactures. 159 The A^incennes Egg Case Company for tbe manufacture of egg cases and is run day and night to supply the increasing demand for its product. The Vincennes Paper Company for the manufacture of paper with a splendid plant of tbe latest and most improved machinery and running day and night to enable it to fill its orders. The Vincennes Electric Light and Power Company is in successful operation. The Wabash A^alley Foundry for the manufacture of steam boilers and all kinds of mill machinery is doing- a fine busi ness. The BroadAvay Alills now being enlarged and furnished Avith new and improved machinery and AA'hen completed will have a capacity of 200 barrels of flour a day. The Vincennes Elevator Company for the pu.rchase and storage of all kinds of grain. Tbe Atlas Elevator for the purchase and storage of wheat and com, with a storage capacity of a quarter million bushels of grain. Tbe Atlas Mills for the manufacture of flour and running day and night and turning out 200 barrels of flour per day. Tbe Baltic Alills for the manufacture of corn meal, and running at its utmost capacity day and night to enable it to supply its customers. The Citizens' Gas Light Company Avitli a fine plant and doing a profitable and successful business. Tbe City Electric Light Conipany erected in 1899 and with the latest and improved machinery, is noAV lighting the entire city under a contract. The A^incennes Citizens' Street Railroad with a poAver bouse of its own and running its cars through the business portion of the city and to many points in tbe vicinity. The A^'incennes Galvanized Iron AA''orks for the manufacture 160 A History op Vincennes. of slate, tin and iron roofing and galvanized iron cornice and doing an extensive business and filling large contracts at home and in many other states in the Xorth and South. The A'incennes Xovelty Alanufacturing Company for the manufacture of all kinds of jcAvelry and brie a brae and being tbe only establishment of thc kind in this country, and is being run all the time to enable it to supply the increasing de mand for its products. The A'igo Alills for the manufacture of flour and com meal. The Union Elevator Company for the purchase and stor age of all kinds of grain. The machine and repair shops of Convery & Recker for the repair and manufactureing of all kinds of mill and agricult ural machinery. The AA'agon AA'orks of J. F. Aliller ct Sons for the manu facture of AA'agons and buggies and doing a large business, filling orders not only at home but in many foreign states. The AA'agon and Buggy AA^orks of Salter & Snyder, doing a large and profitable business. The HartAvell Bros. Company for tbe manufactitre of hickory handles ami carriage stock generally and running constantly to keep up with the demand for its product. The Flartman Alanufacturing Company for the manufact ure of all kinds of agricultural machinery. The Alarion Hard AVood Alanufacturing Company. The Enterprise Stove Company for the inanufactu.re of stoves and iron Avork generally in connection thercAvitb. The Dr. Knapp Sanitarium for the treatment of all dis eases of tbe eye, ear and nose. The Grand Hotel, one of the finest hostelries in the AA'est, and lately enlarged and improved. The Union Depot Hotel has ahvays commanded a large share of the patronage of the traA'cling public and still main tains its rank and business. Material Progress. 161 CHAPTER XXIII. AIATERIAL PROGRESS. The progress of A'incennes has been very sIoaa', but sure ancl steady. It has not been of a mushroom character, stim ulated by fictitious booms and destined to retrograde Avlteit the cause hastening the advance has spent its force. There has been no retrograde movement in its history. The United States census returns show a healthy advance. A^incennes occupied a prominent place in the Xorthwest AA'hen the only other places Avere Detroit ancl Kaskaskia. Alany other cities have since sprung up and attained prominence AA'hich bad no existence when A'incennes Avas an important point. In this connection I avIU notice an incident in connection Avith Chi cago, now the second city in the Union in Avealtb ancl popu lation. Alany years ago the citizens of the then village of Chicago, sent a deputation of its citizens to confer with the citizens of the city of A'inceimes and lay before them the rich country around their village and that the only thing they lacked was an outlet to the markets of the Avorld for the pro ducts of their land. They came and suggested it would be a benefit to tbe city to aid in building a gravel road from this city to their Aillage. A public meeting Avas called and held at Clark's Hotel to consider the proposition. This meeting Avas addressed by John LaAV, Samuel Judah, John EAving and others of the leading citizens of A'incennes at that time. They all took strong- ground in favor of the project and urged immediate action, as A'incennes to advance must reach out for trade. The meeting passed resolutions in its favor and so far as resolutions Avent. determined that tbe road should be built AAitbout delay. But nothing AA'as ever done farther than adopting resolutions. This Avas in 1828. 162 A History of Vincennes. There are man}' causes that can be assigned fqr tiie sIoav advance of Aincennes. Some of these are external and have operated Avithout any fault of ber citizens. But many can be laid directly at the door of her oavu people, AA'ho by their in difference and non-action, permitted golden opportunities to pass Avithout taking advantage of them. It is an old saying that lightning seldom strikes tAvice in the same place. The capital of tbe Territory Avas foolishly removed from A'incennes to Corydon in 1814, on account of an imaginary fear of an Indian uprising that never bad any real foundation. This movement Avas not only unopposed but in fact sanc tioned by her citizens on the ground that the records of the Territorial Government might be destroyed. These records of any value at the time might have been put in a small box ancl hidden in a hoUoAV tree as the charter of Connecticut was bidden in the celebrated Charter Oak. But the reinoval took place to the great detriment of A'incennes. A'incennes, although the first seat of civilization and relig ion in tlie AA'est, bas never been favored by legislation. Xo act of Congress Avas ever passed giving it material aid. The same neglect has also been observed by the State Legislation. AA'hen the Internal Improvement S}'stem Avas determined on this discrimination against Vincennes Avas clearly manifested. Xone ofthe various improvements entered upon and carried on by state aid, ever benefited this place in the least. Take the Vincennes and Ncav Albany macadamized road as one instance. That road Avas to be built by funds raised by taxa tion. A'incennes Avas the most populous and Avealthy place along its route and furnished in taxation more than any three counties on the line. But not a dollar of the money thus fur nished, Avas expended at this end of the road, but all was spent on the eastern end and a fine road from NeAV Albany Avas built to Paoli and no farther. Take again the AA'abash and Erie Canal. AA'hen the exten- Material Progress. 163 sion of that improvement to the Ohio River Avas determined on from Lafayette south, an immense sum of money Avonld necessarily be spent along its course and this expenditure would be a great advantage in building up the localities AA'here it Avould be expended. For some cause unknoAvn, Vincenne:^ was left off the line of this canal, and it AA'as diverted eastAvard from Terre Haute and thus left A incennes off its course This diversion made the length of the canal longer and added gTeatly to the cost of construction. AA'ater to supply it bad to be supplied by artificial reservoirs and large tracts of rich and valuable land overfioAved for the purpose Avhich could have been supplied by the Waliasb River at less cost and Avithout damage. The immense amount of money required to make the extension to Evansville Avas all expended, but A^incennes received no benefit from this immense expenditure which all Avent to build up rival towns along its route. This immense output of money was a great benefit and ricb harvest for the towns and counties through which it passed during the time it was being spent, but that Avas all tbe benefit they ever re ceived as tbe canal was a practical failure and Avith the advent of railroads, was abandoned. These causes operated against Vincennes but were matters over Avbich her people bad no exclusive control. But there Avere other causes operating against Vincennes for which they Avere solely responsible. It is situated in one of the richest agricultiiral districts in the West. These rich lands tributary to A^incennes on both sides of the Wabash River, in Illinois and Indiana, threw upon her market an nually, tbe ricb and valuable products of their soil. These were marketed here and bought up and paid for by the deal ers and merchants of A^in cennes and the farmer paid for them in high priced goods purchased in the eistem cities. This process resulted in a golden harvest for the merchants and traders. But the profit they realized from resources tributary 164 A History of Vincennes. to the place Avere not invested in industries and manufactu- ries calculated to build up and advance the place, but AA'ere unAvisely loaned out to enterjDiising men in Terre Haute, Evansville, Cincinnati and CA-en Philadelphia. The money thus loaned Avas used by the borroAvcrs in establishing nianu- facturics in these cities to the detriment of A'inceimes, where the golden egg that enabled them lo do these things Avas laid. And it is a avcU knoAvn fact to man}- citizens now living in A'incennes. that for many years the old merchants and busi ness men of the place, discouraged the location of nianu- facturies here for fear that these goods manufactured here Avould come in competition A^'itll their wares purchased in eastern cities and thus diminish their profits. But all these draAvbacks have spent their force. In spite of them the city has maintained a steady ad\-ance, only stimu lated liy its OAvn natural resources. It is evident to the most casual observer that a better feeling has dawned upon the place. XeAV men of enterprise ancl push liaAc come and inau- ,i;urated a ucav programme. In the past fifteen years all the improveincnts Avliich are uoav the pride of the city have come. And these improvements received no aid or encouragement littt the actiA'c opposition of the AA'calthy citizens of the place. The magnificent s}'slem of Avater AVorks AA'hich bave been con structed, ha\'ing no superior and but fcAV equals in any city, Avas violentl}' opposed and only secured by a small majority at a piopular election. The street railroad system Avas not favored or encouraged by man}- and Avas secured bv the enter prise of a fcAv indiA'idual citizens. The splendid electric light plant Avliich Avas creeled last year, lighting the city in all its ])arts eA'ery night and all night, AA'as secured after a long and lioA\erful opposition had spent its force. These and many other aids to the upbuilding of a modern city have already been secured. They are noAV operating as poAA'crful factors in hastening the ouAvard march of imiiroA'emertt. Xo such AIaterial Progress. 165 efforts Avill be required to be put forth in future to secure additional aids as Avere required to obtain the ones aa'c uoav have. These are as it Avere, levers that have lifted the city out of the mire of perdition, stripped it of its sAvaddling clothes and put on it tbe garments of a rising giant. The material structures of the city are being changed. There is not in the cit}' a solitary landmark reaching back beyond 1800. The oldest house in the city is tbe Harrison mansion, erected in 1804, and that substantial structure is a half century older than the one erected just after it. All the old time houses have disappeared and their places have been taken by modem houses of architectural designs, and present a UCAV and beautiful appearance. The real property of the city has to a considerable extent changed owners ancl this change is continuously going on. It may be said that in the past tAventy years the realty of the city has passed out of the hands of the original proprietors into tbe possession of enter prising men. 'The material structures of tbe city are up to date and present as attractiA'e appearance as any city in In diana. The hotel interest has caught the improvement fever and Avitbin tbe past year the Grand Hotel has been enlarged and improved at a great outlay of money so that A'incennes iioav pos.scsses AA'hat has been so long Avaiited, a first class hotel. This hotel is really an adA'ertisenient of the city as strangers pass ing througb a place see more of its hotels than any other of its buildings and fonn their impressions of tlte place from the character of its hotels. AA'ithin three years past more substtrntial buildings have been erected in A'incennes than in any lAA'cntv years previous thereto. This building boom is constantly on the increase since it started three years ago. Each succeeding year sur- jiasscs the number of buildings erected the previous year. During the present A'ear all previous records haA'e been broken 166 A History op Vincennes. and tbe largest and most costly business bouses and residences have been erected. Some of the Avholesale business houses now in course of erection are constructed on a mammoth scale and of as large dimensions as can be found in any city in Indiana. They are also located with an eye to business and economy in receiv ing and shipping goods Avith a private spur to them from the main railroad track so that in the reception and distribution of goods all drayage will be avoided. This mode of building is original here and will be imitated in this city and else where as its advantages are apparent and will make Vincennes an exceptional point for tbe rapid and cheap distribution of goods of all kinds. And the end is not yet. The improvement of the city is in its infancy. This necessarily results from the natural and ac quired resources of tbe city Avbich offers better inducements than any other city in the state at this time for any one seek ing a location for active business or wishing to enjoy life "otium cum dignitate." While A'incennes has a venerable past on one side, on tbe other side it is on the verge of an opening future full of youth and vitality. While it has a bistory reaching back to a time "AA'hereof the memory of man runneth not to the contrary," it is now like an old man AA'ho has laid off his old clothes and put on ncAY ones. Personal Mention. 167 CHAPTEE XXI V. PERSONAL JIENTION. The foUoAving is a list of the beads of families settled at Post A'incennes on or before the 1st of August 1783, to each of Avhom AA'ere donated 400 acres of land in the old_ Donation tract. -Louis Alaire, Joseph Andrez, Francois Brouillet, Francois Boraye, Jr., John Baptiste Binette, Charles Boneau, Vital Bencher, Alarie, Avidow of Louis Bayer, Amable Boulon, Cliarles Bugard, Alitchel BurdeloAv, Alitchel Brouillet, Fran cois Bosseron, Francois Boraye, Sr., Antoine BurdaloAV, Sr., Louis Brouillet, Louis Bayer, John Baptiste Cardinal, Fran cois Coder, Pierre tAirnoyer, Joseph Chabot, Antoine Cary, Francois Compagniat, Jacques Cardinal, Joseph Chartier, Xicholas Chapard, Joseph Charpontier, Picre Chartier, Sr., Aloses Carter, Antoine Dronette, John Baptiste Dubois, John Baptiste Duchene, Charles Dielle, Charles Delisle, Pierre Daigncau, Antoine .Dorr\'s, Louis De Ciauiicf, John Baptiste Delovier, Flonore Dorrys, Charles Dudevoir, Amable Delisle, Jacques Denze, Joseph Ducharme, Bonaventure Drogier, Xicholas Ditart, Francois Desauve, Louis Edeline, Joseph Flamelin, John Baptiste Javale, Paul Gamelin, Charles Gu- sillc. Touissaint Goder, Antoine Gamelin, Paul Gamelin, -Amable Gaurquipie, Alexis .A. Gallinois, Pierre Gilbert, John Baptist Harpiii, Joseph Hunot, Sr., Etieune Jacques, EdAA-ard Johnson, Jacques Latrimoille, Francois Lognon, Joseph Log- non, Jacques Lacroix, Pierre Laforest, Anthony Luneford, Ci'harlcs Languedoc, Jacques Lamolte, Andre Languedoc, Pierre Langlois, Josc]jh Leveron, Louis Laderoute, Francois Languedoc, Louis Lamere, John Baptiste Alangen, Pierre (12) 168 A History of Vincennes. Alallet, Antoine Mallet, Andre Alontplesir, Louis Aleteycr, Francois Winie, John Baptiste Alallet, Xicholas Alayat Fran cois Alallet, Joseph Michael, Antoine Alarier, Frederick Alahl, Joseph Alallet, John Baptiste IVIoyes, Alicbael Xean, John Baptiste Quillet, Joseph Perrdeau, Guillaume Payes, Pierre Perret, Amable Perron, Pierre Quivez, Sr., John Baptiste St. Alarie Eacine, Pierre Eegnez, Francois Eacine, Pierre Andre Eacine, Louis Eavellette, Louis Raupiault, Joseph Raux, Jo seph St. Alarie, Joseph Sabelle, John Baptiste, St. Aubin, Fltienne St. Marie, Francois Turpin, Francois Tuidel, Joseph Tongas, Francois Vacbette, John Baptiste A''audra}', John Baptiste Vaudray, Jr., -Francis A'igo, Alexander Vallez, An toine Vaudrez, John Baptiste Vilray, Angelique, widow of Etienne Phillibert, Mary Louisa, widow of Xicholas Perrot, Felicite, Avidow of Francois Peltier, Angelique, AvidoAV of Francois Basinet, Marie, widoAv of Xicholas Cardinal, Su sanna, Avidow of Pierre Coder, Marianne, Avidow of Louis Denoyou, Marie, widow of Hyacinthe Denoyou, Veronique, AvidoW of Guilleaume Daperon, Francois, widoAV of Ambrose Dagenet, Genevieve, widow of Pierre Gremore, Ann, widow of Aloses Henry, Catarine, widoAA' of Jolm Baptiste Lafon- taine, Madeline, widoAv of St. Jean Legarde, A'eronique, Avidow of Gabriel LaGrande, Marie Louis, AvidoAV of John Philip Marie Lagras, Louise, widow of Antoine Lefevre, Cat arine, widow of Amable Lardoise, Aladeline, AvidoAV of Joseph Stone, Genevieve, Avife of Joseph Laboissier, the husband de serted, Renez Godene de Pannah, Agate, Avidow of Amable Rumay. The foUoAving were the effective men belonging to Capt. Pierre Gamelin's company at Post A'incennes, July 4th, 1790: (Jhristopher W'yant, ensign; Peter Thorn, sergeant; Frederick Alabl, sergeant; Jeremiah Alayes, sergeant; Richard Johnson, cadet; Robert Johnson, Joseph Cloud, David Pea, John Loc, Godfrey Peters, John Alurphy, John Lafferty. Frederick Bar- Person,\l Mention. 169 ger. George Barger. Peter Barger, Frederick Alidle, Benja min Beckes, Robert Day, Edward Sherbrook, John AA'estfall, EdAvard Johnson, Joshua Harbin, John Robbins, John Mar tin, Abraham AVestfall, -James AVatts, Thomas Jordan, AA'ill iam Smith, Daniel Smith, James Johnson, Ezekiel Holliday, Alicbael Thorne, Solomon Thorne, Daniel Thorne, Charles Thorne, Christian Barkman, Abraham Barkman, John Rice Jones, Patrick Simpson, John WUmore, Frederick Lindsay, Alatthew Dibbons, Hugh Demsey, John Culbert, Robert Gra- vert and Isaac Carpenter. 170 A History op Vincennes. CHAPTER XXV. DISTINtiUISHED PERSONNEL. A'incennes has been a common center in Avhich congregated an array of able and determined men. Alost of these became iiermanent residents. Alany after a short sojourn Avent in every direction to lay the foundations of society in other places, to frame constitutions ancl laws for the well being of generations of civilized people, and to exercise power and authority over countries of vast extent. It is impossible in a proper limit to enumerate all. Only chosen examples illustrative of the qualities of the men Avho laid the foundations of our social structure Avill be presented. FRANCOIS MORGAN DB VINCENNE. This distinguished man Avas a Canadian liy birth. He wa* a trusted officer in the service of the King of France. He came here in command of the troops of the king to build the old fort in 1702. lie came and built the fort near the jiresent site of the Catholic church. He did not remain after per forming that serAHce, bul returned to Canada. He Avas there entrusted Avith an expedition against the Indians near De troit, AA'hich AA'as successful. The last mention of him in the C Canadian records is by Ta- Potheric, AA'ho says he Avas scnt to command the fort on thc "Ouabasche.'' AA'hen he came, then hc remained until his death. He married a daughter of Philip Longpre, of Kaskaskia, Illinois. His father-in-laAV died in 1732 and left a large estate Avhich Avas divided among- his children. Thc records in the Recorder's office at Kaskas kia shoAV that de A'incenne Avent there to look after his AAifo's inter-est and that his Avife Avas then at the Post here. The receipt for her to si,ifn lor her share Avas sent here and she- Distinguished Personnel. 171 signed it before Avitnesses. This receipt is still presefA'ed in the Recorder's office at Kaskaskia. In 1736 the French Avere at Avar with tbe ChickasaAV In dians, inhabiting the country to tbe south. De A'incenne Avent Avith the troops of the fort here to attack them. An en gagement Avith them near where Alemphis now stands Avas dis astrous and be Avas taken prisoner. He could have escaped Avitli the remnant of bis force that retreated under De Voi sin, a French officer, and was entreated to do so. But he refused to leave bis wounded soldiers ancl Avas burned at the stake on Easter Sunday, 1736. This place had never been called A'in cennes until after his death in 17'36. AA^len tbe remnant of his troops returned bere the place was named in his honor. .After his death his AA'idoAV returned to her relatives in Kas kaskia. He left an only daughter named Alaria Louisa, Avbo married liOuis De Lisle, and left a large f armily of children at Kaskaskia. Some of his descendants Avere still residing there in 1836, and they all prided themselves on their rela tionship to bim and added to their signatures the charmed AA'ords "De A^incenne." This celebrated and gifted officer is generally referred to by his title de A'incenne and not by his family name Francois Alorganne. But this is very natural and is tbe general prac tice in all countries that were under the infiuence and opera tion of the feudal systein. This is evident from Robertson's history of Charles the Fifth and Hallam's Aliddle Ages and other writers concerning that system. We have instances of it in our own political bistoi7. All our school children havc heard of Count de Grass, who rendered such valuable serA'ice to our fathers in the Revolutionary war. But this appella tion is his title and not his family name, which was Francois Joseph Paul. Again in the case of Count cle Rochambeau. His family name was Jean Baptiste Donatien. Again in the case of Alarquis de La Fayette, after A\'hom so many counties, 172 A History of A'incennes. cities and toAvns in this country are named. His family name Avas Marie Joseph Roch Gilbert. This custom among the French, Avhich was one of tbe countries under the feudal sys tem, is fully exemplified by that exhausting Avork con cerning the French in America during the Eevolutionar}' war, by Thomas Balch, in vol. 2 of bis AVork. And the same prac tice obtains to this day in England whicb was also imder tbe operation of the feudal system. To refer to a nobleman by his title is the highest compliment that can be given bim. John Churchill after the Battle of Blenheim, was enobled and given the title of Duke of Alarlborougb. Arthur AVellesley, after his victory' at Waterloo, was given the title of Duke of Wel lington, and George X. Curzon on his appointment as Vice roy of India, Avas given the title of Lord Kedleston, and by their titles are ahvays addressed and referred to. This cus tom is referred to by Sir AValter Scott in his AA^averly novel of "The Antiquary." And such was the case Avith De A^incenne. That his family name was Francois Morganne is stated by Ed mond Alallet of the Carroll Institute of AA'ashington City, Avho bas made a special study of French Canadian families. and is the best authority on that subject. Also by Bishops Brute and Bishop Hailandiere. PIERRE GIBAULT. He Avas born at Alontreal, Canada, April 7th, 1737. He was specially educated with reference to missionary work among the Indians of the Northwest. He Avas ordained priest at C^uebec, Alarch 19tb, 1768. Immediately after he was ap pointed Vicar General of the Archbishop of C^ucbec for the Illinois countrv'. Fie set out for tbe field of his life work and spent the remainder of his days in missionary labors among the Indians and French settlers in the Northwest. He ar rived at Kaskaskia on the 8th of September, 1768, and on that day his first official entrv in the Church of the Immaculati' I iisTiNoeisrrED Personnel. ]7:i Conception is made. He loutid church matters in great con fusion, but by his eiierg\' and zeal itt all the French settle ments on the Alississippi, he lirought order out of confusion. In the spring of ll'^O. he came lo A'mcennes, and with slight interruptions remained here as thc pastor of the churdi until 17.S9. He Avas unquestionabh' thc ablest man in the Xorth Avest at that time. He had great influence oA'cr all the Fi-encb inhabitants in the XortltAvest. lie Avas here as parish priest in 17;.'^. Avhen he heard of the American Eevolution, and A\ith the instincts of all Frcm-ltnten, lie es[iouscd the cause of the Pierre Gibault. Ameticati colonies. He called a ptililtc meetiir,g to take place in thc old fort here AA'hich Avas then unoccupied. He addresseil the meeting and explained to them the nature of the sii-ttgglo and their duty as Frenchmen and lovers of their iiattA'c land, so as to indttec theirr to tinile Avitlt the strn,2gltng colonies, and he adniinislered to them thi.' oath of allegiance to the Anieri- caii cause. The symbol of the Eevolution, a red and ,urcen flag. Avas then hoisted over tlte old fort. This Avas in ll^'^. AVhen news of this reached the (^anadian authorities, (-io\'. Henry Hamilton av;is 174 A History of Vincennes sent here with an armed forcc to counteract the movement. He came and retook the fort and arrested Father Gibault and held him a prisoner for some time. He finally agTeed to re lease him if hc aa'ouM leave the jilace. To this Father Gibault agreed and he returned to Kaskaskia. This expulsion was a providential happening and placed him in a position Avhere his influence was equally great and Avhere be could render Gen. Clark substantial aid Avlien he arrived Avith his small- and tired army July 4th, 1778. It AA'as certainly through the in fluence of this influential and magnetic man that the gates of that fortified place AA'ere opened to receive bim without firing a gun or losing a man. Tho same influence induced all the French settlements on the Alississippi to do the same thing. It Avas unquestionably Father Gibault that suggested and planned the expedition to capture the old fort here. This was not in the line of Gen. Clark's instructions and had never been mentioned by him oi' any of his command until after tbe bloodless capture of Kaskaskia. It Avas certainly his influence that furnished Gen. Clark Avith t'\vo companies of Frenchmen from Kaskaskia to aid him in his capture of the fort here. It is AA'ell known that Father Gibault addressed the troops on their departure from Kaskask'ia for the AA'abash and gave them his blessing. He induced his friend and parishioner, Francis A^go, an Indian trader, at the present site of St. Louis, to furnish means to aid the expedition. He also fur nished guides to conduct the force over the overfloAA'ed and icy Avilderness to this place. Gen. Clark Avith his small and Avorii out force arrived here on February 24, 1779, and on the next day comirelled Gov. Hamilton to sttn-cnder the foi-t. for Avant of munitions of Avar and necessary supplies. The flag of A'ir ginia. perhaps, AA'as raised OA'cr the old fort here and the Eng lish dominion Avas at an end forever. Father Gibault died at Xcav Aladrid, Alissouri, in 1804, and his body AA'as sent to Canada, and this grand historical char- Distinguisiieii Pkusonnei.. 17.') acter aaIio did so much for ciA'ilization and religion in the Xorthwest. sleep-; his last sl >eii In a lonely and nnmarkeil grave. GEN. GKORiiK ROGKKS ('L-ARIv. tie Avas a (h-secndant of a A'irginia family, settled in All 1- marle and C'aroliiie counties. Fle Avas eomttirssioticd by Pat- I'iek Henry, (ioveriior of A'irginia, to organize a niilitar\' force and jiroceed to cai>ture the English fort at Kaskaskia. He undertook lite task but failed to si'ather the force or iiittni- Gen. George Rogers Clark. tions of v.'ar antliorizod li}" his eoinniission. He onlv siic^ceeded by Itis i'i\vu ar^cottnt in raising 15(1 men and Avitli this force he started front the Falls ofthe Ohio EiNer at Louisville, in open lioats. on June 2S. IWs. and after a tedious voyage of five- da}"s doAvn the Ohio I\i\'er, he kd't his boats a fcAV miles lieloAv the nrotith of the 'tennessee Eiver and jiroceoded by land Avithout a road and lltroit,gh a desert country to Kaskaskia. He arrived there on the o]iposite bank ol the Kaskaskia Eiver 176 A History' op Vincennes. on July 3d, 1778. The next day he crossed the river and ob tained possession of Kaskaskia without firing a gun or losing a man. The same thing be accomplished in the same blood less manner in all the F'rench settlements of the Alississippi Eiver. He tben formed an expedition to capture the old fort here, the real key to the possession of the XortliAvest. AA'^ith a force augmented by two companies furnished him at Kaskaskia, be started February 5, 17 79, on his campaign against the Eng lish fore here. He arrived here after many hardships incident to the overfioAA'ed condition of the country on the 24tb of Feb ruary, 1779, and on the next day compelled Gov. Hamilton, the English commander, to surrender thc fort and hoisted tbe flag of Virginia over it. This result Avas also accomplished Avithout the loss of a single man. Tbe English lost the entire Xorthwest territory out of Avhich the five great and populous states of Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Alichigan and Wisconsin have been formed. Gen. Clark for this service Avas granted a large tract of land in Clark county, Indiana, Avhich Avas divided among tbe troops of his command. He died at a plantation called "Locust Grove" near LouisA'ille, Kentucky, on the 12th of February, 1818. FRANCIS A'IGO. He Avas a iiatiA'e of Alondovi in the Kingdom of Sardinia, born about the year 1747. He left his native place and Avent to Spain and enlisted as a Spanish soldier. AA'ith his cora pany he eame to Xcav Orleans. He soon left the military sei-Aice and AA'ent up the AIississip[)i Eiver and located at an Indian village on the high lands on the site of the present City of St Louis. He began to trade Avith the Indians and although be Avas illiterate, Avas a successful trader. He be came possessed of a large estate for that early day. He was at that Indian village on the Alississippi Uiver AA-hen Gen. Clark DlSTlNGlISHEl) Pkrsonnei,. 177 arrived at Kaskaskia. and Avithout (Irlliettlt}', obtained jios- sessii.m of that I'rench village. After Oen. Clark had obtained possession of Kaskaskia and the other French villages on thc Alississi]ipi River, it Avas determined to undertake an exjiedi- tion from Kaskaskia to capture the old lorl on the AA'aliash at A'incennes. AA'hen that expedition Avas planned. Col. A'igo Avas induced to furnish aid attd means lo carry it on. It is -afc to claim that the influence that operated on (-'ol. A'igo was Father Pierre Giliault. (-leu. ('lark Avas not knOAvn to Col. A'igo. He Avas. lioAvever, a nicnilicf of Father Gibault's Francis A/igo. eongrcgatiott and he had great inllnenee over him. Father CJibault at the request of Col. A'igo, had creeled the first C.lalh- ollc church in thc Indian village Avhere Col. A^igo resided. HoAvever this niaA' lie, it is certain that C-'ol. A'igo furnished money and support, if Congress appropriations are lo be lie- lieved, to aid thc expedition. Aftcr (ien. (?lafk captured thc fort here, Col. A'igo came to A'incennes and located and con tinued to reside here until his death in IS:!!;. He Avas induced to corae and locate heri-' in consequem^e of Ihe land grants of Congress to the French, and he began to trade Avitlt the Indians and the French inhaliitants who had 178 A History op \'incennes. been granted lands by Congress. He Avas again successful and by the time tbe United Stales Commissioners came here to adjust French land grants in 1804, he had become the largest land proprittor here. Hc was successful Avlien trading Avitli the red savage or the ignorant Frenchman, but when he came in contact with tbe educated class that came here, AA'hen the territory Avas organized, this vast estate disappeared as the morning mist is dissipated by the rising sun and he died in 1836, an object of charity. AA'hen Col. A^igo carae here be A\'as unmarried, liut be mar ried a Aliss Shannon. She lived but a short time after the marriage and bore him no children. At his death he left no heirs of his body and no known blood kindred. The only re latives he left Avere by affinity Avith his Avife. AA'hen he came and long before, he Avas a devout Catholic. It Avas through his exertions that many priests Avere sent here liy Bishop John Carroll of Baltimore, before and after 1796. He was a very zealous Catholic in all church functions and his name appears on the church register as godfather at many baptisms and as AA'itness to many marriages. This continued tmtil he became too old to attend to such church matters. AA-hen the church here Avas incorporated in 1807, he Avas elected one of the trustees and so continued until 1822 and attended all meetings of the trustees. Yet his body after his death Avas buried in a Protestant cemeterv. He was poor and Avanting the necessaries of life at the time of bis death. AA'hen the branch of the State Bank of Indiana Avas organized here in 1834, thc first five dollar bill issued by the branch was made payable to Col. A'igo. He AA'ould not use this raoney although in distress, but depositel the bill in the archives of the A'incennes Historical aud .Antiquarian Society as a relic. It remained there for many A'ears after tbe death of Col. A'igo. It Avas abstracted from the archives of that society by one Jolm Decker, and put in circulation. Efforts Distinguished Personnel. 179 Avere made to secure its return, but Avitli Avliat success is not knoAvn. Col. A^igo bad a claim before Congress for rerauneration on account of the advances he had furnished Gen. Clark. It Avas never paid until forty years after his death. At the time of payment by Congress he had no blood relations to become ben eficiaries of tbe appropriation. He had employed John La.Av, Abner T. Ellis and Luther H. Eeed as attorneys to prosecute this claim, avIio Avere to receive their compensation out of any funds Congress might appropriate. In relation to this claim be frequently stated that the gov ernment Avas sloAv in alloAving it and that be bad becorae too old for it to be of any use to him, and that if ever paid, tbe Catholic church should have it. He made this statement to Bishop Brute AA'hen on his death bed at the house of Betsy La Plante. But the claim AA'as not paid until forty years after his death and the church got nothing out of the appropriation made by Con,n-rcss. In 1834 he executed what purported to be his last Avill. But this document on account of remarkable provisions in it, Avas thought by his friends to have been exe cuted AA'hen be Avas "non compos." AA-hen Air. English AA'as here looking up data for his history, be requested tbe author to accorapan}' him to the Catholic cemetcr}' and shoAv bim the grave of Col. A'igo. AA'hen informed Col. A^igo Avas not buried in the Catholic but in the Protestant cemetery, he expressed surprise. He Avas accompanied to the Protestant cemetery and his neglected grave hunted up and after cutting aAvay the briers and scraping aAA'ay the moss on the plain slab lying on his grave, we found the date of bis death erroneously given. This fact satisfied us that the plain slab had been placed there by 'some good Samaritan not acquainted with the facts connected with his death. In tbe remarkable Atill exe cuted during bis declinging ycars it is provided that after paAing the laAvycrs fees the balance of any money appro- ISO A History of A'incennes. priated by Congress on his claims, should be used in buying a small bell for the Court House of A'igo County, Indiana, wbich was named in his honor, and the entire balance sbould be paid to Francis AIcKee and Archibald McKee. The avIU appointed Albert BadoUet, George AA'. EAving and Archibald AIcKee, one of his devisees, his executors. Alessrs. BadoUet and Ewing never qualified, but AIcKee did, and took upon himself the sole execution of the trust. The will also contained the provis'ion that after death his body should be disposed of in any manner his exec utors might see proper. This clause particularly caused re marks and his friends clou It ted bis sanity at the time of its execution. He died at the house of Betsy LaPlante, who lived in a rented frame house on the soutliAvest side of Alain street inidAvay betAA'een Fourth aud Fifth streets. She was a poor French Avoman and attended him in his last sickness and until his death, March 33, 1836, and never received any compensa tion for her services. Andrew Gardner Avas the undertaker AA'ho buried his remains and for bis services charged the rea sonable and modest sum of tAventy dollars. But this small charge Avas not paid until forty years after his death and is one of the few debts against bis estate that Avere ever paid. His executor and devisee never filed any inventory of bis es tate or raade any final report of the amount Congress alloAved on the claim or the manner it was disbursed, and did not pay the costs of the administration or the printing of the funeral tickets. Senator A''oorhees stated the original claim of Col. A^igo for supplies furnished Gen. Clark AA'as $8,016. But this claim Avas not alloAved until 1875 wben it Avas allowed AA'itit the addition of $41,382.60 for interest. This large sum Avas allowed forty years after the death of Col. A'igo, Avho had no blood relations to be benefited, and it all AA'ent to persons Avho bad not ministered to bim in his hour of distress. Distinguished Personnel. 181 He was buried in tbe Protestant cemetcr}- on the 22d of Alarcb, 1836, Avith the honors of Avar. GENERAL W. JOHNSON. He AA'as a native of Culpepper, County of Virginia. He came to A^incennes and permanently located in 1783. He Avas a prominent member of the bar and was the first attorney ad mitted to practice in the courts bere. He filled many offices of trust under tbe borough organization and also under the territorial government. He was twice elected to the bench as President Judge of tbe Knox Circuit Court. Fle Avas fre quently elected to represent tbe county in the legislature. He Avas an enthusiastic Alason. He compiled tbe first code of laAA's of tbe Indiana Territory. He resided on the Avest corner of First and Hart streets in a bouse that was torn doAvn the present year. He died (Dctober 26 lb, 1833, and Avas buried with Alasonic honors. GENERAL HYACINTHE LASSELLE. He Avas a Frenchman by birth and came to the AA'abash country from Canada in 1797. He remained bere in business until 1833, Avhen.be remoA'ed to Logansport, Indiana. He was a practical Catholic and Avas one of the tiustees of the church as long as he resided here. He Avas in the military service of tbe gOA'ernment Avben Zachary Taylor was com mandant of Fort Knox. AVhen Col. Taylor was promoted for his gallant defense of Fort Harrison in 1813, Gen. Lasselle was promoted and succeeded him as commandant of Fort Knox. Hc erected a very large frame hotel on tbe Avest corner of Second and Perry streets, Avbich AA'as the principal hotel of tbe town as long as he remained here. It Avas destroyed by fire in 1871. Gen. Las.selle Avas one of tbe most active and influential citizens of tbe place and bis removal to Logansport Avas generally regretted. 182 A History op A'incennks, AVlt^LtAM HENRY HARRISON, lie Avas born at iiurkcley. A'irginia, on tlte banks of the .lames litA'cr. He descended from a revoltttionar}' ancestry. His father, Benjamin Harrison, Avas one of the signers of the Dc'claration of Independence. He Avas editeatt'd in A'irginia, Gen. Harrison. anil imlitbed tlie principles ol Ihe gri'af men of that state. He lielon,ued to a Avealthy family Avho had ,u'reat inlliicnce in the state and nation, and enabled bim to obtain honoralile and remunerative employinenl. lie Avas a[ipointcd tlte tii'st Oov- eriior ol Indiana Tei'ritoi'A and came to tins place in ISdL Distinguished Personnel. 183 AA'hen he came he found Vincennes in reality a French vil lage, as there Avere but few persons in the place who spoke or understood an}' language except the French. AVhen be came there Avas not a brick house in the place. He erected in 1804, on his plantation called "Grouseland," adjoining the village, a fine brick mansion AA'hich yet stands and will bear contrast Avith any brick structure in the city. He Avas tbe patron of learning ancl education and Avas instrumental in founding the Vincennes Librar}' and' the Vincennes University. He com manded tbe troops in tbe bloody battle of Tippecanoe, fought Avith tbe Indians in Xovember, 1811. He was the candidate of the AVhig party in tbe memorable political contest of 1840, Avlien he Avas elected tbe ninth President of the United States over Alartin Van Buren, by a large majority of the electoral vote. He was inaugurated President on the 4tb of Alarch, 1841, and one month after on April 4th, 1841, he died in tbe presidential mansion at AA^ashington City. His remains were brought to Ohio ancl buried on his homestead estate at North Bend on the Ohio .Eiver, a few niiles below Cincinnati. Gen. Harrison had represented Ohio in tbe Senate of tbe United States before he was elected President. He left Vincennes tbe latter part of October, 1811, on bis way to fight the battle of Tippecanoe, ancl never returned here to reside. He was soon after the battle of Tippecanoe appointed a major-general in the United States army and was engaged in military oper ations in the North and fought the battle of the Thames in AA'hich Tecumseh, the celebrated Indian chief, was killed. Although he never returned to this place to reside, he was beld in high esteem by tbe citizens. In tbe presidential election of 1840, on account of bis personal popularity, be received a large vote in this city and county. He visited Vincennes in 1835, and was at tbe house of Elihu Stout, where the writer saw him frequently. (13 1 184 A History op Vincennes. GENERAL JOHN GIBSON. He Avas born in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, in Alay, 1740. He was appointed the first Secretary of tbe Indiana Territory and came here Avith Gen. Harrison in 1801. He re mained bere until April, 1814, Avhen as acting Governor of the Territory, he removed with the capital to Corydon. He Avas an honest man and capable official. During his long offi cial life he was always above temptation or suspicion, and left an off.cial record without a blemish. He bad Avent through severe and trying service in various Indian wars before he came here. He was tbe interpreter to whom Logan, the cele brated Alingo chief, delivered tbe speech AA'hich has been im mortalized by Jefferson in his notes on Virginia. He died at "Braddocks Fields" near the City of Pittsburg, Pennsylvania. at tbe residence of George Wallace, his son-in-law, on April 1 9tb, 1822, in tbe 82d year of his age. JOHN BADOLLET. He was bom in the City of Geneva, Switzerland, in the vear 1758. He was tbe son of a Lutheran minister. A strono' friendship and attachment sprung up between hira a,nd Albert Gallatin. They came to the United States together and ar rived here about 1776. He first settled in Pennsylvania and during his residence there was entrusted with various state offices. Through tbe influence of his friend Albert Gallatin, he was appointed tbe first Eegistrar of the LTnited States land office at this place, and came and permanently located bere and remained until his death. He discharged the complicated duties of the Registrar's office Avith such exactness that no er rors have been detected in his work. He continued as Eegis trar of the land office until 1S36, Avben be resigned and his son, Albert BadoUet, was appointed in his place. Fle was one of the commissioners appointed by the United States to adjust land grants in the A^incennes District. He AA'as elected a mem- Distinguished Personnel. 185 ber of the convention that framed the first Constitution of Indiana in 1816. Fle served on many important committees in that convention and Avas an influential and useful meraber. He died universally regretted, July 39, 1837. NATHANIEL EWING. He Avas appointed the flrst Eeceiver of Public Monies of the land office here. He came here to discbarge tbe duties of that office and remained bere untilbis death. He was one of the United States Commissioners to adjust land titles in the A'incennes District. He was one of tbe many able men who came bere during territorial days. He was full of resources and was always ready to encourage any enterprise calculated to beneflt tbe place. He died August 6, 1846, at his county seat four miles east of A^incennes. His remains were brought to this city and buried in tbe public cemetery and a flne mon- lunent erected over his grave. He left six children, three sons and three daughters. Caroline married Dr. George W. Alears, of Indianapolis; Harriet married James Farrington, of Terre Haute ; and Sarah married John Law. George W. Ewing was elected Probate Judge and acquired tbe title of the "Orphans' Friend." AVilliam L. Ewing went to St. Louis and engaged in banking and accumulated a large fortune. James Ewing remained here and was a successful business man. ZACHARY .TAYLOR. He was a Virginian bv' birth and was a descendant of Eev olutionary ancestors. He eame to Vincennes a stranger to fortune and fame, as a United States military officer, to take command of Fort Knox. He began bis military career here and gained his flrst distinction by his gallant defense of Fort Harrison in 1811, whicb brilliant achievement, se- (itred bis promotion. He resided in Vincennes with bis fam- il}' and bere his daughter, Jessie Taylor, Avho afterwards mar- LSH A History op X'incennes. ried .lett'erson Davis in a runaway nutlch, Avas liorn. He left here Avith his familv after 1S12 and was stationed at Baton riou.ti'e. Louisiana, in command of the Department of the Gulf. He was in command here at the breaking out of the Alc'.xican Avar and commanded the armv at the storming of Zachary Taylor. Alataiiioras and tlte battles of Saltillo and Buena A'ista. He Avas elected the lAVclfth President of tho L'nited States in ]S4s. and Avas inau,guratcd Alarch 4, 1S49. He died in the executive mansion at AA'ashingtoti (^'ity during his tcritt, on July 4th, 1S50. GEORGE ROGKRS CLARK St'LLIYAN, He Avas born on the fanit of his lather. General Henry Snllivan, near Louisville, Kentucky. He studied hnv and Avas ailmittcd to practii-e. Hc \Aas a lirotber-in-law of Elihu Stout, and came here and jiracticed his profession for many }'ear's. Hc Avas honored Avliile here Avith many marks of popu lar favor. He Avas often elected lo office under the old bor(iii,gh and Avas one of tlte first postmasters of A'incennes. He A\'as several limes elected a member ol thc lA^gislalure and also I'roseeiitin,^ .Altoriuv. He Avas very sttcci'sslul in his practice and had the rejuitation of liein,i;' one of the most lio- i|nent men al the bar ol his time. He Avas cm]ilo}-cd in the Distinguished Personnel. 187 defense in grave criminal cases at home and abroad. In one of such cases he received as a fee tbe portrait of his namesake, George Eogers Clark. This was one of the only two that were ever painted from life. He brought it to Vincennes and it is now preserved in the A'incennes University. He married Helen A^anderburg, one of tbe daughters of Judge Vander- burg, and raised a large family of children. He removed from here and Avent to Quincy, Illinois, where be died. Many of his descendants iioav reside there and occupy prominent places in society. ALEXANDER BUCKNER. He was born in Kentucky and Avas a member of the cele brated Buckner family of that state. He studied laAV and Avas admitted to the bar. He came here to practice law. Wben tbe capital was removed to Corydon, he left and located at Charlestown, Indiana. He continued to practice law there. AA'hen tbe Grand Lodge of Masons was organized he was elected the first Grand Master. He removed to Missouri and Avhen that state was admitted into the Union, he was elected one of its Senators in the United States Senate. He died in the prime of life of tbe cholera in 1833, and was buried at night by negro servants in a lonely grave whicb remained un marked until a few years ago. Tbe Grand Lodge of Alasons of Indiana in 1897, took action in tbe matter and appointed a committee to go and seek out his lonely grave and erect over bis remains a suitable monument. This committee of whicb Alason J. Xiblack of this city, was chairman, went in the dis charge of their duty and found bis lonely grave and trans ferred his remains to St. Gerard cemetery on tbe Mississippi River and erected over this new made grave a suitable mon ument properly inscribed to mark his final resting place. This action of the Masonic Grand Lodge was creditable to the order and negatives tbe oft repeated saying "Out of sight out of mind." 188 A History of Vincennes. BENJAMIN PARKE. He AA'as born in New Jersey, September 29, 1777, and re moved to this place in 1801. He filled many offices under the territorial government. He was elected a delegate to Congress from the Territory. He resided here in tbe bouse on the cor ner of First and Hart streets, wbich was known as "Park Place." On the organization of the state government he was appointed the first Federal Judge for the District of Indiana. On receiving this appointment in order to be nearer Corydon, the capital of the state, he remoA'ed to Salem, where be con tinued to reside until his death August 13, 1835. He was still the District Judge of Indiana at the time of bis death. IIOSES TABBS. He Avas born in Maryland and was an accoraplished scholar and lawyer, and very eloquent. He married into tbe family of Charles Carroll, one of the signers of the Declaration of Independence. He came to Vincennes with bis family when the state government was organized and was admitted to the bar bere in 1818, and commenced the practice of law bere. He soon rose to the front rank of his profession. A brilliant career was opening before bim wben a false report connected him with the wife of Cleves Harrison. She AA'as a pure and cultured woman and the daughter and only child of Gen. Pike. Although tbe rumor had no foundation and Avas dis credited by the people generally, and thought to have been originated by jealous rivals, it so operated upon bis pure and sensitive nature as to induce hint to terminate his connection Avith the place and return to bis native state. ISAAC BLACKFORD. He Avas a native of Xcav Jersey and a graduate of Prince ton College. He commenced the practice of law here and became a popular favorite. He Avas elected a member of the Distinguished Personnel. 189 Legislature and Avas made Speaker of the House. Fle was the first President Judge of the Knox Circuit Court. He Avas appointed September 10, 1817, one of tbe Judges of tbe Supreme Court of Indiana, to fill a vacancy caused by the death of John Johnson. Fle remained continuously on the bench of the Supreme Court until January 3d, 1853. He Avas afterAvards appointed one of tbe Judges of tbe United States Court of Claims at Washington City. He was not a spealvcr of any force and made few speeches, but was re garded as a well read laAvyer and safe counsellor. He will be remembered in Indiana on account of the many able decisions be rendered while on the Supreme Bench and for the eight volumes of the decisions of that court which bear his name. He married a Miss Johnson of this county, but their marriage relations were not pleasant and they separated many years before his death ancl never lived together after the separa tion. He had one son, George Blackford, by his marriage Avith Miss Johnson, who Avas finely educated by his father and gave indications of becoming a worthy successor of his father but died before reaching manhood. Judge Blackford at the time of his death was very wealthy and owned rauch valuable real estate in the business center of Indianapolis. JACOB CALL This learned raan and able lawyer came to Vincennes soon after the organization of the state government. He was elected President Judge of tbe Knox Circuit Court and dur ing bis term presided during tbe trial of Thomas McKinney for the murder of Jaines Boyd, and during the trial of Will iam Cox, a colored man, for committing a rape on a Miss Smith. Both were convicted of tbe charges against them and Avere sentenced to be hung and were accordingly executed, AIcKinney on the 22d of October, 1822, and Cox on April 9, 1824. These were the only persons ever executed in Knox 190 A HiSTORA' op A'incennes. county in accordance with the sentence of a court until the execution of Syhester Grubb in April, 1889. Judge Call was elected to Congress frora this district over Thoraas H. Blake in 1824. He Avas never married, but at the time of his death, was engaged to Aliss Ellen Egan, a lady residing in Lexington, Kentucky. He Avent there for the purpose of being married in 1825. He died veiy suddenly before the ceremony was performed and it Avas generally supposed he committed suicide. WALLER TAYLOR. He was a natiA'e of Lunenberg County, A^irginia. He studied laAV and came bere in territorial days to practice bis profession. He rose rapidly in public estimation and was elected Judge of the COmraon Pleas Court. AVTieii the state Avas admitted into the LTnion in 1816, be was elected one of the United States Senators as the colleague of Jaines Xoble. He took his seat in the Senate of tbe United States, Decem ber 13th, 1816, and drcAV tbe terra expiring Alarcb 4th, 1819. He was the first and only United States Senator elected who resided bere when elected. He died at his mother's house in Lunenberg County, Virginia, August 36, 1826. THOMAS RANDOLPH. He was a native of A'irginia and a blood relation of the celebrated John Eandolph of Eoanoke, ancl also of Thomas Jefferson, tbe author of the Declaration of Independence. He Avas a laAA'yer of superior ability, a fine scholar and forcible speaker. He Avas the United States Attorney for the District of Indiana. In 1809 he Avas a candidate for delegate in Con gress against Jonathan Jennings. Being a A''irginian by birth and an intimate friend of Gov. Harrison, Avho Avas knoAvn to be favorable to the suspension of the operation of the ordinance of 1787, forbidding slavery for a term of years, be AA'as charged 1)A' the friends of Air. Jennings to be Distinguished Personnel. 191 secretly in favor of slavery. Air. Eandolph denied this charge and challenged Dr. AlcXamee, an ardent supporter of Jen nings, Avhd circulated tbe charge, to fight a duel. But Alc Xamee refused to accept the chaUenge. A paper was started bere to oppose Randolph and assist in the election of Jen nings. Tbe contest Avas very bitter and resulted in the defeat of Air. Randolph by a majority of 43 votes. EDAVARD A. HANNEGAN. He was born in the State of Ohio. In early life he removed to Lexington, Kentucky. He studied law and came bere and commenced bis brilliant career. He was married bere by Rev. Samuel R. Alexander, on April 4th, 1829, to Miss Mar garet C. Duncan. After practicing his profession here for several }'ears he reraoved to Covington, Indiana. He was elected to the 23d and 24tb Congresses from bis district. In 1843 he was elected to tbe Senate of the United States to succeed Oliver H. Smith, and served one full term of six years in that body. Fle was regarded as tbe most eloquent member of tbe Senate during his service. He delivered an extempore eulogy on tbe death of Henry Clay, the "Great Commoner," wbich was regarded by the country as a master performance. During the presidential election of 1844, tbe Democratic party declared in faA'or of fixing tbe Oregon boundary Une at 54 degrees, 40 minutes or fight. But after the election Air. Polk yielded to the demands of Great Britain and the boundary line was fixed at 49 degrees. For this concession Mr. Hannegan denounced the President in a speech of great power on the floor of the Senate in the course of Avbich he used tbe memorable expression, "by this act of perfldy the President has sunk himself so low in popular estiination that the band of resurrection would never reach him." After the close of his senatorial career be left the state and located at St. Louis to practice bis profession. But soon after be died 192 A History' of Vinc-ennes. of a broken heart occasioned b}' the homicide of his friend and brothcr-in-laAv, under an insane impulse. SAMUEL Jl'DAH. Fle Avas born in the City of Xcav York in V]dS. He came to Indiana and first located at Alcrom m Sullivan County. But he soon came here and located and remained here until his death. He Avas regarded as one of the ablest laAvyers in tlte state. His reputation Avas not confined to the limits of the state. Fle AA-as frequently employed in important cases in Samuel Judah. other states. In the court here he Avas employed on one side of ever}' important case that came before the court for trial. He Avas tlte chief counsel employed liy the A'incennes Uni versity in thc long and tedious litigation springing from the unjust attempt of thc Indiana Legislature to deprive the A'in cennes University of the grant of lands made to it by Con- .gress. AAiien the case Avas in thc slate courts. Air. Judah Avas liefore an unfriendly tribunal and the decisions Avere alAva}'s against him. But not discouraged bv tlte adverse de cisions of thc state court, ho pcrscA'cred and appealed to the Suiiretne Court of the United States, and Avas there success- Distinguished Personnel. 193 ful and finally prevented the state from diverting the land grants for tbe benefit of the Indiana University. Air. Judah married Harriet Brandon, a daughter of Alexander Brandon, and three sons and three daughters were the fruit of this marriage. Of the daughters, Airs. Alice Clark alone survives. The three sons are living. John M. Judah is a leading at torney of Indianapolis. Xoble Judah occupies a prominent position at the bar and in political circles in Chicago. Sam uel B. Judah resides in Vincennes and is the Deputy Revenue Collector of this district and collects monthly about a quarter million dollars of internal revenue. Air. Judah died at Vin cennes, April 24, 1869, and was buried in the city cemetery. ABNER T. ELLIS. He was bom in Xew England. He came bere and com menced the practice of law. He secured a large and lucrative practice and accumulated a large estate. He was for many years President of tbe Board of Trustees of the Borough of Vincennes. He was an active promoter in organizing the AA'abash Xavigation Company and in building the lock and dam at the grand rapids of the AA'abash River. He was one of the persons who advocated the building of tbe Ohio and Alississippi Railroad connecting the Ohio and Mississppi Rivers by a railroad extending from Cincinnati, Ohio, through Vincennes to St. Louis. He was instrumental in procuring a charter from tbe States of Ohio, Indiana and Illinois, to authorize the building of the road. He Avas elected tbe first president of the corporation formed to build it and was re-elected several times. The road was finally biult and in great part through bis active support. He was elected Probate Judge of Knox County and also a State Sen ator from Knox County. After an active life and tbe ac cumulation of a large estate, be died in this city in October, 1864, in embarrassed circumstances. 194 A History op A'incennes. JONATHAN DOTY. He Avas born in Somerville, Xew Jersc}', and Avas a gradu ate of Princeton College. He came to A'incennes wben a very young man but must have bad winning and attractive man ners as be was elected soon after, and became President Judge of tiie Knox Circuit Court. But he did not hold the position A'ery long as he died during his term, February 22, 1822. WILLIAM PRINCE. He came to A'incennes during territorial days and com menced his active business life here. He Avas a lawyer by profession. He Avas elected President Judge of the Knox Circuit Court in 1817. He Avas a young man when be came here and married Theresa Ptmyea, a daughter of one of tlie old resident French families of Vincennes. Tbe family re sided on the corner of Alain and Sixth streets, where tbe Presbyterian parsonage noAV stands. The father and mother of his Avife lived to an advanced age, being over ninety' years old at death. Judge Prince was elected to Congress from this district in 1824, but died during his terra of office. AA^ien Gibson County was organized in 1813, Judge Prince reraoved there with bis family and "Princeton," tbe county seat was named in his honor. He left surviving him, two daughters, one of whom inarried Sarauel Hall, once Lieutenant-Gover nor of Indiana, and afterwards President of tbe Evansville and Terre Haute Railroad. Many of his descendants are now living in Princeton. He died in 1824. RT. REV. SIMON AVILLIAM GABRIEL BRUTE. He was the first Eoraan Catholic Bishop of the Diocese of A''incennes. He Avas born in Eennes, France, Alarcb 20, 1779, of noble parentage. He was finely educated and prepared for a medical profession and a bright field in his native country Avas open before hira. But he turned his back upon it and Distinguished Personnel. 195 determined to enter the ministry and fill up tbe ranks de pleted by the fur}' of tbe French Eevolution. He arrived at Baltimore, Aid., August 10, 1809. He was first engaged in teaching in a seminary in Baltimore, but was soon transferred to Alt. St. Alary 's College at Emmitsburg. He built up this college and made it one of the principal seats of learning in this country, a reputation it still enjoys. While quietly em ployed at this college be was, against his wishes, appointed the first Bishop of the newly created Diocese of Vincennes, tben in an impoverished and unorganized condition. He was con secrated by Bishop Flaget of Louisville, at St. Louis, ancl in conipany with Bishops Flaget and Purcell, came here and took possession of bis pauper diocese, saying his first mass in tbe unplastered cathedral on November 5, 1834. He soon gained tbe esteem of tbe people generally and by bis charita ble and virtuous deportment, acquired tbe reputation of sanc tity. He died on tbe 26th of June, 1839, and bis remains are entombed in the basement chapel of tbe cathedral. RT. REV. CELESTINE EENE LAURENT GUINEMERE DE LA HAILANDIERE. He was the second Bishop of the CathoUc Diocese of Vin cennes. Fle was bom in the Toaati of Comborg, France, Alay 2, 1798. The French Eevolution was still desolating France and the Eeign of Terror was exterminating tbe priest hood. Being of noble birth and assured of an honorable career in civil life, he determined to join the ministry and fill up its thinned ranks. He was ordained priest at Paris on May 28, 1825. Wben Bishop Brute was in France seeking priests for his diocese, be met him and determined to accom pany him to this country and aid bim in the work of build ing up his diocese. He arrived at Vincennes in tbe fall of 1836. He was assigned to work as parish priest at Vin cennes and continued to labor in that position until tbe death of Bishop Brute. At that time he was in Prance solic- 196 A History of A'incennes. iting funds for the diocese. He Avas appointed tbe second bishop Avhile in France and Avas consecrated at tbe Chapel of the Sacred Heart in Paris, by Bishop Janson, assisted by the Bishops of A^ersailles and Beauvais. Soon after his conse cration, he started for Vincennes and arrived here November 14, 1839. He had succeeded in collecting a large sum of money in France which he used in finishing tbe cathedral. He was a man of liberal ideas and good judgment and fore sight and prudently purchased real estate in all parts of tbe diocese, wbich was of great value to tbe church. He contin ued to preside over the diocese until 1848, when he resigned tbe see and returned to his ancestral home in France. Here he lived in retirement on his estate at Triandin, France, until he died on May 1, 1882. He never forgot the diocese of A'in cennes and every year sent from bis private raeans considera ble sums of money to aid the diocese. He always expressed a wish to be buried in A''incennes. In accordance with this desire, his nephew, Ernest Andr an, went to F'rance and pro cured his remains, and brought them to A^incennes, and on the 22d of November, 1882, they AA'ere entombed with appro priate religious services in tbe basement chapel of the cathe dral. RT. REV. JAMES M. MAURICE DE LONG DE ST. PALAIS. He was tbe fourtb Bishop of A^incennes. He was born at La Salvetat in the Diocese of Montpelier, in tiie south of France, November 15, 1811. He was descended frora an ancient and noble family. He could trace his ancestry back through centuries. His family was wealthy. But he decided on a ministerial course and for this purpose Avas educated at the celebrated Seminary of St. Sulpice at Paris. He finished his theological stiidies at this seminary and was ordained priest by Bishop Brute when he was on a visit to France. He determined to devote bis life to missionary Avork in the AA^est He came to Vincennes and AVas assigned to duty in various Distinguished Personnel. 197 parts of the diocese. He Avas for some time at Chicago, Avhen it Avas a mere village. He was afterwards at Logansport and other small missionary stations in tbe state, undergoing all tbe hardships and privations incident to pioneer life in tbe wilderness. He Avas on the death of Bishop Bazin, appointed the fourtb Bishop of A'incennes on October 3, 1848. On tbe 14tb of January, 1849, be Avas consecrated Bishop in St. Francis Xavier Cathedral by Bishop Miles of Nashville, and Bishop Spaulding of IjOuisville. He immediately entered on the discharge of bis duties. He soon gained the good will of all AA'ith' whom he eame in contact, and of all denominations. He was tbe most unassuming and approachable man that was ever known in A'^in cennes. He seemed to be as innocent as a child and always bad a pleasant word for any one he met. He was connected with the Diocese of Vincennes for 41 years, 13 of whicb be spent as a missionary priest in a wild and sparsely settled country, and 28 as head ol the diocese. He died very suddenly at St. Alary's Academy near Terre Haute, June 28, 1877, and his remains were entombed in the base ment chapel of the cathedral. REV. SAMUEL T. SCOTT. He was the pastor of tiie Presbyterian church of this place, who died December 30, 1827. This good and exemplary pas tor was virtually the builder and organizer of the Presby terian church and congregation in Vincennes. By his pure holy and exemplary Ufe he endeared himself to all classes of people and his death was universally regretted. We extract from the Western Sun of January 12, 1828, from an obituary notice of this truly good and pious pastor: "In the death of this worthy and pious man society is bereaved of one of its most useful and amiable members. Tbe general gloom spread oyer tbe country! tbe number larger than we have ever witnessed bere on a similar occasion 198 A History op Vincennes. AA'ho assembled to pay the deceased the last solemn tribute of their respect ; the tears of affection and friendship shed upon his grave are evidences strong and clear of the worth of our departed friend." HENRY M. SHAAV.* He Avas the pastor of tbe Episcopal church bere for many years. In addition to his pastoral duties he conducted a seminary for the education of young ladies. He Avas one of the most eloquent men who ever liA'ed in A^incennes. On the occasion of Lafayette's visit to this country in 1825, be was selected by the citizens here to go to Louisville and deliver a Avelcome address on the occasion of his visit to that city. He AA'ent and delivered tbe address of welcome Avhich was pro nounced by Lafayette and the many who heard it, to have been the finest address delivered on such occasions, among the many which had been delivered in different parts of tbe country. He was elected to represent this district in the Senate of Indiana. After a long and brilliant career here, he determined to go to Texas and locate. He started with bis family but died on the Avay and his family returned to this place. MICHAEL EDGAR SHAAVE. He Avas born in England in the village of Oscott. He re ceived a fine education and was appointed a captain in the British army. During bis military service the battle of AA'aterloo Avas fought and bis regiment was in the thickest of tbe battle. He received a severe wound and was carried from the field and it Avas thought he could not recover. But his mother hastened to his side and nursed hira througb a sick ness of many months. After his recovery, he determined /to abandon a military career and become a minister of the gospel. He resigned his commission in the British army and went to the Seminary of St. Sulpice hi Paris, to study for the minis try. He finished his ecclesiastical studies bere. But before Distinguished Personnel. 199 his ordination Avas found by Bishop Britte, then in France, seeking priests for his diocese. He agreed to accompany hira and came bere with bim and was ordained priest by tbe bishop, Alarcb 12, 1837. He AA'as among the most gifted and eloquent men who ever resided here. He immediately com menced his career as a Catholic priest. He accompanied the bishop on his visitation throughout the diocese, preaching everywhere to large congragations. He was first stationed at Aladison and by his exertions, built up St. Alichael's church. He was afterwards appointed Professor of Belles Lettres in Notre Dame University and continued bis connection with that university for several years, and left it in a flourishing condition. He was appointed pastor of the Cathedral of Saints Peter and Paul at Detroit. His brilliant career was unfortunately terminated by an accident AA'hen on bis Avay to consecrate a church in tbe vicinity of Detroit, AA'hich resulted in bis death, May 10, 1853. His re mains were interred in the family lot of E. E. EUiott, a banker of Detroit, who erected a fine monument over bis graA'e, Avitli the coat of arms of his family inscribed upon it. ELIHU STOUT. He Avas born in Xewark, New Jersey, and learned the printers trade. He came West and obtained employment on the Kentucky Gazette, published at Lexington, Kentucky, by the Bradfords. He remained with them several years. Aft erwards be went to Nashville, Tennessee, and obtained em ployment there. He there made tbe acquaintance of Andrew Jackson and contracted a friendship which continued during their lives. AA-hen tbe Indiana Territory was organized he determined to come to Vincennes, the capital of the terri tory, and start a ncAvspaper. He made all tbe necessary prep arations to start bis paper, surmounting many difficulties. He finally surmounted them all and issued tbe first number of C14) 200 A History of Vincennes. his paper, July 4, 1804. This office Avas destroyed by fire in 1806. But he iramediately AA'ent to Kentucky and purchased another outfit. And on tbe 4th of July, 1807, he issued a nuraber of his paper. This Avas the first paper published AAithin the limits of Indiana, and the first paper published anyAvhere in the Northwest Territory save tbe "Liberty HaU" and "Cincinnati Gazette," published at Cincinnati, Ohio, a few months previous. This paper thus founded has with slight interruptions, a continued existance to the present time. Eliliu stout. It is now and has ahvays been Democratic in politics. In 1845, Air. Stout was appointed postmaster at Vincennes, and severed bis connection with the press. At the expiration of his term as postmaster, he Avas elected by the voters of Knox County, Eecorder of Deeds for two terras, although the county was strongly opposed to bim in politics at tbe time. He Avas a member of the Methodist Episcopal church. He was also a very enthusiastic Fh-ee Alason and Avas the first Alaster DistinCtUished Personnel. 201 of the Lodge bere. After the organization of tbe Grand Lodge of Indiana, be Avas elected Grand Alaster of that lodge. He often requested during life to be buried by tbe Masonic fraternity. .His death was ver}' sudden and hastened by the troubles in the Democratic party in 1860, wbich be believed Avould result in the dissolution of the Union or a long and bloody Avar. He died in April, 1860, and according to bis wishes Avas buried with Alasonic orders in the city cemetery. JOHN F. BAYARD. He Avas born in Grenoble, France, September 11, 1786. He enlisted in tbe French army and became an officer in the Grand Army of the Empire under Bonaparte. He partici- Jolin F. Bayard. pated in tbe various campaigns and battles in which the Grand Army took part. He fortunately passed through the ordeal unhurt. When the Emperor abdicated in 1815, he re signed bis commission in the army and received an honorable discharge. He then determined to leave France and come to the United States. He applied for and received permission from the authorities to emigrate. He came to this country 202 A History of A'incennes. and settled for brief periods in different places. He finally came to A''incennes about 1820, and permanently located. He raarried here. Alary Ann Boneau in 1823, and becarae the father of a large faraily, six daughters and three sons. The children all inarried. Susan married AI. A. Pilard, Mary Louise married Prosper Eluere, Adelia raarried Alarcelle D. Lacroix, Eleanor P. married Charles A. Weisert, Mar}' Eliza beth married Henry V. Somes and Margaret Clotilda mar ried Henry S. Cauthorn. The three sons all become promi nent and infiuentlal bank men. Sainuel was president of the largest bank in Evansville at the time of bis death. John Francis was a prominent bank man here until his death and Joseph L. Bayard is now president of tbe First Xational Bank of Vincennes, Indiana. Air. John F. Bayard Avas a successful business man and left a large estate. He was an exemplary and practical Catholic. He died February 13, 1853, and Avas buried in tbe Catholic cemetery. JOHN MOORE. Judge Aloore, as he Avas familiarly called, Avas born in tbe City of Staunton, A^irginia, in the year 1788. He came to A'incennes at a very early age in time to enlist in the army Avhich Gen. Harrison raised for tbe Tippecanoe Campaign in 1811, and went with that amiy and took part in that bloody battle. He afterwards returned to this place and enlisted in a company and performed valuable services in the Black HaAvk war. After that Avar was over he comraenced here as a builder and contractor of public and private buildings. He built the Knox County Court House, the ToAvn Hall and' St. Jaraes Episcopal church, and in fact, all the principal pub lic and private buildings erected in the toAvn for thirty years. He also during that time filled raany places of trust and profit under the .Borough Government, and was Trustee, Alarshal and President of the Board of Trustees of the Borough. He was DisTiNoi- ISHED Personnel. 2ti3 elected Judge of the Knox County Probate Court and formany years discharged the duties of that important position Avith fidelity and general satisfaction. He Avas a careful and pru dent financier and on account of his peculiar fitness for the position, Avas appointed agent of the A'incennes Branch of the State Bank of Indiana, Avhich responsible position be filled and held Avith marked ability until the charter of the bank expired. AAHien the city government Avas organized in 1856, he Avas elected first Aiayor of the city and Avas re-elected to John Moore. the same position. The city Avas organized soon aftcr the state law Avas passed proAiding for the organization of cities. It AA'as one of the first cities organized under that laAv and was without a code of ordinances for its govenmicnt. The first City Council by resolution required the city attorney to prepare and report a code of ordinances for its government. The writer was at the time city attorney and Avas engaged for a period of tAVO years in drafting and reporting such a code as the ordinances had to be drafted Avithout any guide to resort to as no city in the state bad at the time any code. In 204 A History op Vincennes. the preparation of tbe code of ordinances, Judge Moore by his experience and acquaintance in dealing with such matters, rendered the writer important and invaluable services. The code of ordinances thus prepared was published by Harvey Alason & Co., comprising according to recollection over 300 pages of printed matter. Before the expiration of his second term as Alayor, he was appointed by President Buchanan, postmaster at Vincennes, and during his four years term discharged bis duties faithfully and satisfactorily to the citi zens. At tbe end of his term as postmaster he retired from active business having by prudence, industry and economy ac quired a fortune sufficient for all his wants. He was a model and upright citizen, a kind aud affectionate father. He was a member of the Catholic church and a Democrat in politics. He died December 33, 186-1, and was buried in tbe Catholic cemetery on Christmas day. SAMUEL WISE. He was born in BroAvnsville, Pennsylyania. He came to Vincennes and permanently located. He Avas proceeded bere by his brother, John, and later by his brother, William J. These three brothers forraed the partnership of J. S. & W. J. AA'ise, wbich has the distinction of a continued existence of thirty-five years and was never settled until after the death of all the partners. After the death of AA^illiain J. Wise, tbe last survivor of the firm, the partnership affairs Avere adjusted and the heirs of John and Samu.el received their portion Avithout any trouble. But WiUiara J. AVise never inarried and raade a will and after a long and expensive contest, the avUI Avas sustained and his interest distributed among his devisees. Air. Sarauel Wise possessed good judgment and his advice Avas always sought. He Avas very unassuming and was kind to all Avho approached hira. He Avas a very ardent Democrat and took a deep interest in politics. He Avas a great admirer Distinguished Personnel. 205 of Jolm C. Calhoun and Avarmly espoused bis vieAvs. He Avas not an office seeker, but he Avas appointed by President Polk, Receiver of Public Atonies at this place, which Avas the only official position he ever held. Fle Avas not a member of any secret society or of any church. But his family affiliated with thc Presb}'terian church ancl be Avas always ready to furnish aid to that church. Fle died suddenly Xovember 3, 1855. ANDREW GARDNER He was born in the State of Massachusetts. He came to A'incennes and located permanently in 1816. He engaged in the cabinet making and undertaking business Avliicb he con tinued until bis death. He Avas tbe principal undertaker in the place during his life. After bis death tbe business was successfully carried on by bis son, E. Ct. Gardner, Avho is still living at tbe advanced age of 82 years. He voluntarily re tired from business and passed its good will to his son. Dexter Gardner, Avho continued it alone for many years and last year took bis son, George Gardner, as partner, and they are still conducting tbe same business originally started in 1816 by AndrcAV (xardner. The business is now conducted by Dex ter Gardner & Son, who are the principal undertakers in the city. Andrew Gardner AA'as a model citizen. He was fre quently called to fill important offices in tbe Borough of Vin cennes. He was not an office seeker and the positions he obtained AA'ere freely bestowed upon hint. He Avas on one oc casion tbe Democratic candidate for Treasurer of Knox County. The politics of the county was strongly AA'hig at tbe time, and that party fearing the personal popularity of Air. Gardner, nominated against bim, James Johnson, their strongest man. The race was exciting but Air. Johnson was elected by a very small majority. Air. Gardner was a faith ful member of the Alethodist church. He died in the spring of 1860. 200 A Histora- op A^incennes. NICHOLAS SMITH. Mr. Smith Avas one of the oldest successful and highly re spected business raen Avho ever resided in Vincennes. He was of Scotch descent He was born in the City of Newark, Nbav Jersey, September 14, 1790. His father lost bis life in tbe Passaic River wben he was only two years old. He was thus throAvn upon his oaa-u resources, but he set out with an earn est determination to raake his way through the world. In 1810 he carae to Cincinnati, Ohio, and opened a tin shop on F'ourth street. Two years later he returned on foot to his native city. In 1817 he again carae AVest intending to locate in St. Louis. On bis way he passed though Vincennes. After remaining in St. Louis a very short tirae be determined to return to Vincemies and permanently locate here. He opened a hardware store on the corner of Alain and Second streets and afterwards removed to tbe large brick building Avliich be erected on Alain street, where be continued to carry on business until his death in conjtmction Avitli his two sons, John A. and Edward H. Sraith. During seventeen years of his life, be engaged in trading and boating to New Orleans. He also engaged in land speculation in Indiana and Illinois, travelling on horseback over the Wabash Valley in .both states, and became widely knoAvn in the AA^abash A'alley as far as Lafayette. His boating and trading operations to Xew Orleans were conducted on an extensive scale, some years sending as many as forty fiatboats doAvn tbe Mississppi River. He Avas strictly attentive to bis oavu business affairs and was never tempted to engage in politics or any other outside matters. By bis sagacity and prudence he amassed a large fortune Avhicli he left to his children. Two of his sons are still in business in this city and Iavo others built up one of the largest hardware establishments in Terre Haute. Air. Smith AA-as not a member of auy religious society, but Avas partial to the Presbyterian church and contributed largely to the sup- Distinguished Personnel. 207 port of that church. He Avas up to the time of bis death very vigorous and active and was an early riser and every day until a fcAv days before bis death, was one of tbe first to be seen on the streets of the city. Notwithstanding his extensive business transactions, be did so without friction or incurring the ill will of any one with whom be had dealings, and en joyed tbe good will and friendship of all the citizens of the city. He was probably tbe best known of any of the citizens of Vincennes. He died on Tuesday, August 1, 1871, after a brief illness of only four days. As a testimony of bis stand ing and appreciation among bis friends and neighbors, his remains were followed to the grave by an immense concourse of citizens. BENJAMIN v. BECKES. He was of Welch descent but was bom in A''incennes in 1786. He was raised in A^incennes and spoke French flu ently. He was a farmer and stock raiser and was very suc cessful and accumulated a large estate. His brother, Par- nienas Beckes, was Sheriff of tbe county in 1813, and was killed in a duel with Dr. EdAvard Skull. Benjamin Y. Beckes was appointed to flll out the balance of his terra and Avas twice re-elected to the same office. He was brave to a fault and commanded troops in the Indian wars in this part ¦ of the country. He was captain of a company in tbe Black Hawk war. He also commanded a company at tbe battle of Tippecanoe. Fle was kind and generous to his friends. He never forgot a friend or forgave an eneray. He served in the State Legislature several terms. He was a Democrat in poli tics and took a deep interest in all political matters. He Avas a member of the Catholic church at bis death and was buried in tbe Catholic cemetery. GEORGE E. GREENE. He Avas born in Bardstown, Kentucky, July 13, 1826, of Irish parentage. He learned tbe printers trade and in 1837 208 A History op Vincennes. was eraployed in tbe office of the Louisville Journal, then conducted by the celebrated George D. Prentice. He re mained here until the fall of 1856, ayIicii he came here and purchased tbe AA'estern Sun ncAvspaper. That paper Avhen he purchased it Avas entirely run doAvn, and its publication suspended. Air. Greene soon resurrected it and made it one of the most influential papers in the state. AAUien be came here the parties were about equally divided in politics. But Air. (jreeiie took the lead and management of party affairs. Fle attended all conA'entions and public meetings of the party and planned all campaigns. He managed affairs so success fully that the Democratic party soon had a majority of 1200 in tbe county. He was a magnetic man and attracted to bim all persons Avith whom he came in contact. He Avas appointed Registrar of the liand Office here and remained in office until the records Avere destroyed by fire in April, 1860. He AA'as elected by the Legislature one of the directors of the Indiana State Prison at Jeffersonville, for a term of four years. In 1809 he Avas elected Alayor of the City of A'incennes. He Avas a very social man and a Avelcome guest at all social functions. He Avas a member of the Catholic church ancl Avas buried in the Catholic cemetery. He died October 15, 1870. LEWIS L. AVATSON. Air. AA''atson is one of the oldest and most highly respected citizens of Vincennes. He Avas born in Vincennes on the 13tb day of April, 1809. His father, Robert G. AA'atson, Avas of Scotch descent and was a prominent merchant and fur trader of A^incennes. His mother, GenevicAe AA'atson, Avas descended from one of tbe oldest French families, aa-Iio came here as early as 1704. Air. AA^atson received but limited educational advantages in his }'outh, but in after life by study and appli cation, be acquired a fine business education AA'hich he uti lized in his business affairs. In 1826 he Avent to St. Louis Distinguished Personnel. 209 and learned the tailors trade. He soon returned to bis native town to foUoAv his trade, but in 1833 be returned to St. Louis, but in 1832 returned to Vincennes and has resided here ever since. He worked at his trade in partnership Avitli tbe late Samuel R. Dunn until 1849, wben be Avas appointed by Presi dent Ta}'lor, postmaster at Vincennes. He continued in this office until 1853. He tben was appointed Collector of Tolls of the AA'abash Navigation Company at the lock and dara of the Wabash River, at the grand rapids. He then served for a short time as tbe conductor of a passenger train on the Evansville and Crawfordsville Railroad, now known as the Evansville and Terre Haute Railroad. Hc was soon pro moted and appointed agent of the railroad at Vincennes. He also at tbe same time carried on a lumber yard in partnership with tbe late Charles Dawes. In 1859 he was appointed pay master and supply agent of tbe Ohio and Mississippi Rail road, which he resigned in 1871, to take an active part in tbe hotel business in partnership with tbe late Isaac Mass and Avith bim established tbe Union Depot Hotel wbich business be still carries on in partnership with his son, Edward AA^atson. Mr. Watson by an energetic and prudent business career, has accumulated a large fortune until he is now reputed as one of the Avealtbiest men in Vincennes. Hs is a member of the Eoman Catholic church and in politics is a Democrat. He was married November 6, 1832, to Lydia Fellows, a daughter of Captain AVillis FelloAVs. To this union twelve children were bom, four sons and two daughters are yet living. Mr. AA'atson at his advanced age still survives and continues to act as a director of the First Xational Bank of Vincennes, one of the largest banking institutions in tbe city. 210 A History of Vincennes GEORGE WALLACE .lONES. He Avas born in A'incennes on April 12, ]Sii4. He Avas the son of John Rice .Tones, who Avas a native of AVales. Hc Avas educated at Transylvania University, Lexington, Kentucky. He left Vincennes and first Aveiit to Alissouri. liut in 182 7, he moA'ed to Sissinewa AlounJ, AA'isconsin. In ls29 he raarried Josephine Gregoire of St. Genevieve, Alissouri. He served in John Rice Jones. the Black Hawk Avar on (-lo\-. Dodge's staff'. In 1S35 he was elected delegate to Congress from Alichigan. and re-elected in 1837. In 1840 he Avas ajipointed Surveyor General at Du buque. In 1848 hc Avas elected to the United States Senate from Iowa, holding the position eleven years. Itt 1859 he was appointed Alinisler to Bogota. He died at Dubuque. Iowa. July 22, 1896, and Avas buried in Alt. Olivet ceiiieterA". JOHN KAVINO. He was born in Ireland, but he ahvays claimed that he Avas born on an American ship on the ocean ott his AvaA' to this country. But after his death his naturalization papers taken out in the Alarine Court of Baltimore, AA'ere found bv his Distinguished Personnel. 211 administrator. His rich Irish brogue detected his ancestry. In the heated political contest of 1844, his vote was chal lenged and he was called upon to produce his natitralization papers. This he refused to do claiming to be an American citizen. This challenge came near producing a riot which Avas only prevented by the challenge being withdrawn. He came to Vincennes very rich and engaged in merchandizing. But possessing a diamond mind and fine education, he soon drifted into politics. He was a fiuent and versatile speaker. He Avas elected to many positions under tbe borough. He was also frequently elected a member of tbe Senate and House of tbe Indiana Legislature. He was also elected to Congress for two terms from this district. Being a ready speaker his services were in constant demand during the campaigns of 1840 and 1844, and be made a speech almost every day in some part of Indiana or Illinois. He was of a very excitable disposition whicb prevented bim accomplish ing tbe good bis talents would otherwise have enabled hira to do. Air. Ewing before his death bad gotten away with all his estate and in bis last days was an object of charity. He never married and lived a lonely life. He died April 6, 1858, and Avas buried in the city cemetery in a lot by himself and thus sleeps bis last sleep as solitary as be lived. AVILLIAM E. NIBL.ACK. He was bom in Dubois County, Indiana, May 19, 1823. He studied law and commenced the practice at Mt. Pleasant, then tbe county seat of Alartin County. He was elected from Alartin County to the State Legislature and also to tbe Sen ate of Indiana. He decUned a re-election to the Senate. In 1854 he was appointed Judge of the Judicial Circuit Court in which Knox County Avas situated and came here to reside. AVhile still on the bench of the Circuit Court be Avas nomi nated by tbe Democrats for Congress and Avas elected without 212 A History op A'i.n-cennes. opposition. He was re-elected a member of Congress by large popular majorities until bis service in Congress was fourteen A'ears. He Avas also elected in 1863 a meraber of the House of Eepresentatives in tbe Indiana Legislature. -After bis congressional career he AA'as nominated in 1876 as the Demo cratic candidate for Judge of the Supreme Court of Indiana and was elected. On the expiration of bis first term he Avas re-elected and thus served on that exalted tribunal twelve years. He Avas a candidate for re-election in 1888 but went doAvn Avith his party in the defeat of that year. This was tbe first and only defeat at an election before the people he ever sustained. All the official positions he occupied seemed to come to him unasked for. He Avas the most successf til candi date before the people the state bas ever produced. After his defeat for Suprerae Judge in 1888, he reraoved to Indiana polis, as it presented a Avider field for the practice of bis pro fession. He soon came into a large practice whicb was abruptly terminated by his death May 7, 1893. His remains Avere buried in CroAvii Hill cemetery at Indiana.polis. JOHN LAAV. He Avas a native of Xew London, Connecticut, Avhere be was bom October 34, 1796. He came to Vincennes and lo cated for tbe practice of laAV in 1817. He rose rapidly at the bar and in public estimation. Por more than a quarter of a century be was the central figure in all enterprises and pro jects calculated to advance A'incennes. He Avas its first his torian and being a fine orator be held a high place in the councils of his party and Avas generally alluded to as tbe favorite son of Knox ( 'ounty. Fle Avas Prosecuting Attorney and Judge of tbe Knox Circuit Court, Eeceiver of Public Atonies for this district. United States Coraraissioner to ad just land titles in this district and a meraber of CongTess for tAVO terras. A short tirae before his death he removed toi I > I ST I NO U I s ir K I) Pe K SONN E I 21:; F]yansville to look after the landed interesls of a brother Avho residt'd ill (i'onnectieut. But he ahvays cherished a love and aft'eetioii lor A'incennes and wished to lie buried here. He married Sarah EAA'ing. a dau,o-]iter of Xathaniel EA\"iiig. He died (»i-|(.ib(.T 7, 1873, at E\'ansville, Indiana, and accord ing to his recjuest his remains AVere lirought here and liuried in the city cemetery. TH(>M.\S K, COBB. tie Avas liorn in Ija.Avrencc County, Indiana, Julv 2. 1828. He studied hiAV and eoittmenced the practice at Bedford, In diana, in 185:1. In ls(',7 Ik., removed to A'incennes and in partnersliip Avith XeA\ton F. Alalott eonimcnced the practice here. This firm soon secured a large and profitable business. In 18:0 Air. Alalott Avas elected Judge of the Knox Circuit Court. The business of thc late firm Avas successfully con tinued liA' Air. (^'olib until is;i";, Avhen hc A\'as elected to Con gress from this district. He Avas re-elected lo Congress by 214 A History' op A'incennes. succcssIa'C elections for ten consecutive years. Before he came here to reside be had been elected to tbe State Senate of In diana and was a prominent and infiuentlal member of that body. After he came here be was elected a raember of tbe City Council of Vincennes. He was also the Democratic can didate for presidential elector in 1868 and made a thorough canvass of tbe district. As a member of Congress be was chairnian of the Committee on Public Lands and througb his exertions, "Harrison Park" tvas donated by Congress to Vin cennes. Air. Cobb died in 1893 and was buried in tbe city cemetery. The list of the number of distinguished men who have been connected with Vincennes in the past could be extended, but time and space forbid. Pro.aiinent Citizens Subsequent to 1800. 215 CHAPTEE XXVI. PARTIAL LIST OE PROMINENT CITIZENS SUBSEQUENT TO 1800. A partial list of prominent citizens of Vincennes, subse quent to tbe year 1800. LAAVYERS. Cyrus AI. .Alien, Joseph G. Bowman, William W. Carr, Will iam A. Jones, P. W. Viebe, John M. Boyle, E. N. Carnan, Eobert P. AlcConahey, John Baker, NcAvton P. Malott, J. C. Denny, John AI. Clark, Jonathan Keith, C. B. Kessinger, AA^illoughby & House, W. H. & E. H. DeAVolf, AV. H. Penning ton, L. A. Aleyer, AA'. C. Johnson, Samuel W. AA'illiaiiis, Cal- verley & Judah, Johnson & Hill, E. V. Davis, AA'. HarroAV, Jo seph Eandolph, A. L. Harbinson, A. AV. AlcClure, CtiUop & Shaw, A. T. Cobb, Emison & Moff'et, AI. J. Niblack, W. S. Hoover, Coulter & Beckes, Haughton & Emison, E. L. Buck les, G. G. Eeily, Orestes Philipps, H. S. Cauthorn, Jr., B. M. Thomas, James S. Pritchett, John T. Goodman, J. P. L. AVeems, Harry Lewis, C. E. Dailey, Henry Fauntleroy, Cyr PouUet, Robert G. Cauthorn, John AVilhelm, Charles G. AlcCord. PHYSICI.VNS. Dr. Offut, Daniel Stahl, Joseph BroAvne, John J. Baty, H. AI. Smith, L. AI. Beckes, H. W. Held, Patrick Caney, S. C. Beard, AL G. Aloore, Dr. Anderson, Norman E. Beckes, Jo seph Somes, T. H. Maxedon, Georgge Knapp, J. R. Mante, AV. AV. Hitt, J. S. Sawyer, O'ConneU Fairhurst, M. M. AIc- DoweU, AA'. H. Davenport, Dr. Von Knappe, R. B. Jessup, Dr. Troost, Dr. AlcCoy, Dr. Hall, Dr. Smadell, Dr. Branstop, Hiram Decker, Dr. Harris, J. C. Bever, AV. AI. Hindman, AV. B. Ridgway, Dr. StcAA-art, J. P. Ramsey, Solomon Rathbone. JUSTICES OF THE PEACE. Frederick Graeter, Elihu Stout, Sainuel Hill, Alartin Rob- (15 1 216 A History of Vincennes. insoii, John B. Martin, David AIcHenry, Alilton L. Edson, Zachariah PuUiem, James S. Mayes, Thomas Reilly, Joseph Woodman, George W. McCoy, E. A. Baecher, Edward AA^ei- sert, Joseph Powee, John Collins. REAL ESTATE AGENTS. Benjamin P. Wheeler, Henry W. Alexander, H. J. Poulks, AV. L. Tewalt, Haines & Simonson, John Stork, J. S. Spiker. MINISTERS. Thomas Alexander, Henry AI. Shaw, Alicbael E. Shawe, John P. Smith, Eli B. Smith, Aaron AVoods, Elijah AA'hitten, Thomas J. Clark, Aegedius Alerz, P. B. O'Connor, Thomas AIcLaughlin, W. H. Carter, B. B. Killykelly. LANDLORDS. Peter Jones, Mark Barnett, Christian Graeter, John C. Clark, Eoyal FL Gould, AA^illiam Busse, George Weisenberger, Edward Lindner, Edward Watson, Charles W. Padgett, Par- menas Beckes, Patrick Doran, Hyacinthe Lasselle, Thomas J. Beeler, John Kuhn. BUSINESS MEN. John D. Hay, William Meuire, Blum, Bemard & Co., George Davis, TomUnson & Eose, John K. Kuntz, H. D. AVheeler, Burtch & Heberd, J. S. & W. J. AVise, Smith & Car son, Eose & Harper, Bedford, Sbelmiere & Co., Samuel Bru ner, David S. Bonner, Thorn & Tracy, G. Cruikshank & Co., Eobert Smith & Co., A. W. Morris, Luck & Landel, Adam Gimbel, M. D. Lacroix, Charles Graeter, John Cakhvell, AA'Ul- iara Hays, J. W. Maddox, Theodore Huslage, Isaac Joseph, John B. & Peter E. LaPlante, Charles A. AVeisert, Gerhard Eeiter, L. B. Smith, James T. Cox, Curry & Coons, E. G. Gardner, Prank Horsting, Henry Soete, N. Smith & Sons, AA'il- kins & Robinson, .Page & Orr, Thing & Potter, W. J. Heberd & Sons, FI. P. BrokaAV, J. & H. Ostendorf, B. Kuhn & Co., Prominent Citizens Subsequent to 1800. 217 J. C. Cohen, W. E. BroAvne, & Co., H. T. Roseraan, George Kerkboff & Co., Harvey Alason & Co., Emison & Green, John A. Louis, AViUiam Huey, J. H. Shepard & Co., E. B. Rams- deU,EdAA'ardBierhaus& Sons, Bierhaits Bros., Moore & Har ris, P. AV. Tweitmeyer, Hall Bros., John Burke, J. W. Cassell, H. J. Hellert, P. AV. Ritterskamp, John Hoffman, Christian Hoffman, Bernard & Beckes, J. & T. Hayes, B. Knirihm, G. AA^einstein & Co., L. A. Wise & Co., H. AVUlougbby & Son, S. Blum & Co., Perry Tindolph, Fred Harsh, Charles S. MU ler, Isaac Lazurus, H. J. Watjen, W. A. Markee, J. M. Duesterberg, AI. Bauer, V. Schoenfield, William Davidson, J. Bernstein, J. H. Dunn, J. A. Breivogel, Joseph Obnemus, H. F. Tbuis, Sebastian Risch & Sons, Riscli & Heller, Henry BadoUet, 0. C. Busse, AV. AV. Cassell, G. R. Alsop, WiUiam Baker, John Turney, George AV. Donaldson, Robinson & Don aldson, AV. J. Freeman, M. O'DonneU, Jolm Loten, Salyards & Bums, John Hartigan, R. M. Glass, J. & S. Emison, T. H. Adams, R. E. Purcell, W. W. Bailey & Bros., A. V. Crotts, AA'. .J. Nicholson, A. Kapps, George Klein, C. H. Blase, C. J. Lipe, A. Philipson, Eacey & Palfrey, Bratton & Eacey, L. Aloyes, C. P. Schultz, C. Lane, J. S. Kitchell, Bumet & East ham, William H. Glover & Co., James A. Plummer, Speigle & Gardner, P. E. McCarthy, John Watson, S. R. Jackman, Gimbel Haughten & Bond, Georgge Fendrich, Joseph Smith, E. Youngbans, John Schwartz, Prank A. Hines, M. Tyler Son & Co., Hiram A. Foulks, Miller & Shepard, H. M. Hack- man, Geo. Harris, P. Eluere & Sons, J. B. Eamsdell, Prank Krack, George Harris, P. Eluere & Sons, J. P. Sechler & Co., A. Alarone, John Kuhn, H. AI. Townsley, D. J. Philips, Nor man, E. Beckes, J. W. Emison & Co., F\ J. Trengaw, A. J. Taylor, John Murphy, Thomas Kilfoil, Thomas Borrowman, E. L. Ryder, P. AI. Mail, W. Tromley, Merchant Bros., Peter Alarcbino, P. A. Yocum, Planke Bros., E. E. Shores, J. C. Haartze, Moses Wile, Auton Labr, John C. Holland, Charles 218 A History op Vincennes. Dawes, Henry Schaffer, AI. Johnson & Co., AA^. H. AA^'eed, Al bert AI. & Edward Shepard, Isaac N. Eastham, A. L. Corno- yer, W. B. Eobinson, A. M. Yelton, Jaraes Ewing, Patrick Aloore, Morgan Jones, 0. McCone, S. & J. Lyons, Lyttleton Tiinms, Samuel Miller, Ben Fritch, Eugene Hack, Anton Simon, Frank Liberman, 0. B. AVietzell, William AVUliara- son, E. J. AIcKenney, WiU L. Tewalt, V. Geese, John B. Brouillette, AA^. W. Berry, John AV. Carnan, Emanuel Meisen- lielter, E. Y. Caddington, Isaac Lazarus, AVilliam Nugent, John Vickery, Jacob Aletzger, F. M. Fay, Alexander Von Smith, Martin Agnew, Jaraes AV. Greenhow, Jolm Myers, Herman Brokhage, George AV. Eathbone, Samuel Bayard, Major AA'. Gould, Xelson Sparrow. Conclusion. 219 CHAPTER XXA^I. CONCLUSION. It must be admi+ted that A^incennes has a past histor}' that is both venerable and honorable and that places her in the front rank among the cities of tbe state. It is true that for }'ears she was held in abeyance by a sort of Eip Van AA^inkle sleep that paralyzed her energies and prevented her material progress. But this condition of aff'airs on account of the in fusion of new bloocl consequent upon tbe arrival of active and enterprising citizens has been arrested and the ancient city aroused from her long lethargy, bas entered upon a splen did career of progress. The old order of things has been done aAvay and a ncAv and active era has been evolved from this change of population. The hard working and prudent Ger man, the energetic and prolific Irishman and many other races from Europe have come and infused new life in the mass of our population. The infiuence is producing good results in tbe many evidences of prosperity and accomplished results. The money making Yankee and the discerning Jcav can be seen on our streets. In fact everything toda.y is indicative of a glorious future for tbe City of Vincennes. But this bright prospect although long delayed might bave been expected from the opinions of the place and its natural advantages expressed by the missionary fathers who first vis ited it before the advent of civilized men and wben it was in tbe midst of a vast wilderness. These men were far seeing' and almost with prophetic vision foretold tbe future of vari ous places they visited in their wanderings. In no instance have their prophetic utterances failed of fruition unless it shall be in the solitary instance of Vincennes. They declared that the site of this place wben they first beheld it Avas des- 220 A History of Vincennes. fined on account of its surroundings to become in course of time tbe seat of a great city, possessing an extensive commerce, great wealth and a dense population. They made the same prophetic utterances with reference to Pittsburg, Cincinnati, Louisville, Detroit, Chicago, St. Paul, St. Louis, San Fran cisco and raany otber cities, wbich have since, all verified their predictions. And why should their opinions Avith regard to Vincennes not be realized ? Its splendid location and im mediate surroundings indicate that the city Avill in the future go forward with gigantic strides. There is nothing in nature or political conditions in the way of its accomplishment. If the citizens avUI all take heart and put their shoulder to tbe AA'heel of progress, it will roll forward with increasing speed year by year. Everything at present indicates that we are on tbe eve of the realization of golden dreams and that tbe dull aud monotonous past will be swallowed up and obliterated from memory in the brilliant achievement of tbe opening future. That this will be an accomplished fact we bave no more doubt tban we have when we see tbe sun sink behind the Avestern horizon at nightfall, that it will rise again on the morroAA', with undimnied brilliancy. All that is necessary is for all the citizens to Avork together in harmony and with united action for its accoraplishraent and it avUI be accom plished. Ililliililillililllililllllllllilllillllllli *^ 3 9002 00964 4254 ^ \tl./V\ pf'^rji .'I Wm"^ 1,1 1