Yale University Library 111 III II urn mi III 39002009689515 ElSJn•J.r^^tg.•^MMH^SearyJ;v^;.^:--ry^y.^^r-sy.'r:y^^ ' ;.h.*:.- ftScSiiK ' YALE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY SKETCHES THE LIFE AND CHARACTER PATRICK HENRY. BY WILIilAM WIRT OF BICHUOKD, VtBSIKIA, " la quo hoc maximum est, quod neque ante Ulum, quern ille Imltarateur neque post Ulum qui eiim Imltanltioosset. inveptus.eis;!," Pafere. \Ui, i. is«B> v. * Bit dUtin^uUhirtg^eharaettriaHc'ia- thist thta ?ievKtm preesdedyi^inorU lohtm fte.. nor did any come Oifter who could imiiate him," REVISED EDITION, WITH BEADIH08 TO EACH CHAPTER, AND SCCH AN ARRAI^OEMEHT OF THE NOTES CONTAINED IN THE FORMER EDITlONSj AS TO RENDER THE -WORK SUITABLE FOR A CLASS BOOK IN ACADEMIES AllD SCHOOLS. ITHACA, N. Y. : PUBLISHED BY MACK, ANDRUS & CO., No. 6D CWEGO STBEBT. 1848. PlSTRIOT OF FeNNSYLTAMZA, TO WIT : Be it Remembered. That, on the twenty-first day of March, !n the forty-second year ol the Independence or the United States of America,- James Webster, of the said District, hath deposited in this office the title of a book, the right whereof he claims as proprietor, in the words following, to wit : "Sketches of the Life and Character of Patrick Henry. By William Wirt, of Kicbmond, Virginia. Second edition, corrected by the Author, In quo hoc maximum est, quod nequ^ ante illum^ qu^m ille imitaretur, neque post iUum, qui eum imitari posset, inventus est. Paterc. Lib. i. cap. v." In conformity to the act of Congress of the United Slates, entitled,. "An act. for the encouragement of learning, by securing the copies of Maps, Charts, aiid Books, to the authors and proprietors of such copies, during the time therein mentioned ;" and also to an act, entitled, '^ An act supple mentary to an act, entitled, 'An act for the encouragement of learning, by securing the copies of Maps, Charts, and Books, to the authors and proprietors of such copies, during Ihe time therein mentioned,' and extending the benefits thereof to the arts of designing engraving, and etching, historical and other Prints." D. Caldwsll, Clerk of the District qf Penncy^vam'a. Re-entered, according to the act of Congress, in the year 1839, by Thouas M'Elrati^ in Iha Clerk's Office of the District Court of the Southern District of New York. CV>/J I .^5 (o p I^A^. TO THE YOUNG MEN OF VIRGINIA, THIS WORK IS RESPECTFULLY INSCRIBED, BY THE AUTHOR. Ch'^lZS^h PREFACE. 1 HE leader has a right to know what degree of credit is due to the following narrative ; and it k the object of this preface to give him that satisfaction. It was in thb summer of eighteen hundred and five, that the design of writing this biography was first conceived. It was produced hy an incident of feeling, which, however it affected the author at the time, might now be thought light and trivial by the reader ; and he shall not, therefore, be detained by the recital of' it. The author knew nothing of Mr. Henry, personally. He had never seen him, and was of course compelled to rely wholly on the information of others. As soon, therefore, as the design was formed of writing his life, aware of the necessity of losing no time in collecting, from the few remaining coevals of Mr. Henry, that personal knowledge of the subject which might ere long be expected to die with them, the author despatched letters to every quarter of the state in which it occurred to him as probable that interesting matter might be found ; and he was gratified by the prompt attention which was paid to his inquiries. There were, at that time, living in the county of Hanover, three gentlemen of the first respectability, who had been the companions of Mr. Henry's child hood and youth ; these were, Col. Charles Dabney, Capt. George Dabney, and Col. "William 0. -Winston ; the two first of whom are still living. Not having the pleasure of a personal acquaintance with these gentlemen, the author interested the late Mr. Nathaniel Pope in his object, and, by his instru mentality, procured all the useful' information which was in their possession. Mr. Pope is well known to have been a gentleman of uncommonly vigorous and discriminating mind ; a sacred observer of truth, and a man of the purest sense of honour. The author cannot recall the memory of this most amiable and excellent man, to whom (if there be any merit in this work) the friends of Mr. Henry and the state of Virginia owe so many obligations, without paying to that revered memory the tribute of his respect and affection. Mr. Pope was one of those ardent young Virginians, who embarked before they had attained their maturity, in the cause of the American revolution : he joined an animated and active corps of horse, and signalized himself by an impetuous gallantry, which drew upon him the eyes and the applause of his commander. In peace, he was as mild as he had been brave in war ; his bosMn was repleta A3 n PREFACE. with the kindest affections ; he was in truth, one of fhe best of companiOBa, and one of the warmest of friends. The fact that he was the acknowledged head of the several bars at which he practised in the country, may assure the reader of his capacity for the commission which he so cheerfully undertook, ia regard to Mr. Henry ; and the unblemished integrity of his life may assure him also of the fidelity with which that commission was executed. So many important anecdotes in the following work depend on the credit of this gentle man as a witness, that the slight sketch Which has been given of his character, will not, it is hoped, be thought foreign to the purpose of this preface. Mr. Pope did not confine his inquiries to the county of Hanover : he was indefati gable in collecting information from every quarter ; which he never accepted, Jiowever, but from the purest sources j and his authority for every inpid'ent wasi given with ike most scrupulous' accuracy. The-author had hoped to havs 'had it Bi rhis :powerto:gtatify this gentleman, by submitting to his view-the joint result of their labours, and lobtaining the benefit