YALE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY //- Qui^u< / GENEALOGICAL HISTORY OF THE DESCENDANTS OF THE EEV. NEHEMIAH SMITH OF NEW LONDON COUNTY, CONK, WITH MENTION OF HIS BROTHER JOHN AND NEPHEW EDWARD. 163 8-1888. BY H. ALLEN SMITH, BROOKLYN, N. Y. ALBANY, N. Y.: JOEL MUN SELL'S SONS, PUBLISHERS. 1889. Copyrighted by U. ALLEN SMITH, Brooklyn, N. Y. CONTENTS. Page. List of illustrations 4 Introduction 5 John, Nehemiah and Edward 6 Statistical 7 New and old style of dating 8 Record system and abbreviations used 9 The family name 13 The family in England 16 Smith and Bourne homesteads 19 Frances M. Caulkins, and olden times 22 John Smith and family 28 The attempt to break his will in 1680 31 Edward and a line of Smith descendants 47 Nehemiah Smith and ten generations of descendants. . . 53 Other Smith families, published and unpublished 267 Index of names, referring to the number of the page .... 279 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS. Family Record No. 1 H. Allen Smith 271 2 Smith Homestead, Poquonoc 3 Smith Lake Cemetery 4 Smith Homestead, Niantic 5 Col. Oliver Smith's house 27 6 Edward Smith 60 7 Mrs. Phebe (Moore) (Smith) Denison, se. 24 60 8 " " " " se. 66 60 9 Fac simile signature of Neliemiah Smith, 2d 3 10 Capt. Jesse D. Smith 68 11 Mrs. Mary (Smith) Stanton 61 12-13 Mr. and Mrs. Denison Smitli 64 14 Denison Smith's house 64 15 Deacon Nathan Smith 99 16 Job Cooledge Smith Ill 17 Simon Smith 128 18 William E. Smith 141 1 9-20 Mr. and Mrs. J. Aborn Smith 148 21 Amos D. Smith 157 22 Gov. James Y. Smith 158 23 Orlando Smith 172 24 Hon. Elijah F. Smith 1S1 25 W. Brown Smith 229 26 Nathan D. Smith 273 INTRODUCTION From an early desire to know something of the history of my ancestors, and with the knowledge that others, by their own direct line of descent, are equally interested, this volume has been compiled, in the hope that it will prove of interest, not only to those of the present time, but will preserve in durable form a record of the family that will be of value to future generations. Had a compilation been made a century ago and now brought down to date, the results would have been more satisfactory, for doubtless many items of interest are now irrevocably lost. That much more may now be gained by further research, not only in America, but more especially in England, hardly any one can more fully realize than the writer; but as genealogy is something that can be pursued almost indefinitely, and as publication has already been delayed far beyond the time originally intended, it has been deemed best to secure, beyond the possibility of loss, the data thus far obtained. The work was taken up as a pleasure, and the Time for col lecting the facts herein contained has been limited almost entirely to winter evenings and a few weeks' vacation in the summer. Many items hastily written may appear of small importance ; but they will be useful, in the absence of other knowledge, to identify the members of the family, and thereby to furnish something to the reader besides a mass of names and dates. In relation to the earliest families I have, as far as practicable, given the exact wording from the records, the quaintness of 6 Introduction. which materially aids in obtaining a proper idea of the times in which they were written. Unless a man was prominently before the public in some official capacity, it is a most difficult task to learn any thing of a biographical nature after all have passed away that could have remembered him. The few obituary notices that may be found among files of old newspapers pub lished previous to 1840, contain little else than a proper recog nition of devotion to religious affairs. Of the early church, town and court records consulted, some are in a state of good preservation, and a few have been copied for public use : but of the larger portion, the early pages are almost invariably lost, and those which remain are hardly readable, from long-continued handling. In one case the ink used has eaten through the paper, leaving holes for words. Quite a number now date from some fire that swept out of existence the original and only copy of the records previously made, so that much that appears in this work as incomplete is mainly due to the absence of such records ; especially is this true from the burning of New Lon don by Arnold, the fire at the Smith homestead, and the loss of the early records at Stratford, Conn., and Southold, L. I. Of all the thousands, of surnames, the name of Smith is the most difficult in the way of research, and something beyond ordinary carefulness was required to be constantly in mind in accepting the evidence of relationship. In avoiding the con fusion occasioned by the records of members of other Smith families formerly residents of New London and vicinity, con siderable knowledge has been gained of their lines of descend ants, who at the present writing are not known to be related to our family. These families and a list of published and unpublished Smith genealogies will be found at the end of this volume. Nehemiah Smith and his brother John came to America about 250 years ago. Their nephew Edward came later, in 1652. Nehemiah married and had a family of eight daughters and one son. A predominance of daughters in several of the early families has somewhat lessened the labors of this com pilation, although, as far as possible, the children of Smith Introduction. 7 daughters are included. John married a widow with one child, but had no children of his own. It was at first intended to include the descendants of Edward. The want of time has alone prevented. According to the knowledge in the writer's possession, the record would contain biographical sketches that would do honor to any family history. Statistical. In relation to the 400 families recorded, appear many inter esting facts worthy of special notice. The averages mentioned are not to be considered as complete, on account of the absence of necessary data, but, so far as obtained, it will be found that of the marriages previous to 1750, eighteen families show the average number of children to have been seven and one-half. Of those married between 1750 and 1800, forty-seven average five and one-half. Of those from 1800 to 1850, 164 average four and three-fourths. Where there were two or more wives, each wife with her husband is considered as a separate family. Among those having a large number of children, sixteen had eight children each, eighteen had nine, nineteen had ten, eight had eleven, four had twelve, four had thirteen ; and Mary, wife of Col. Oliver Smith, had sixteen children, of whom eleven married and record sixty-three grandchildren to her, thirty-six children and grandchildren being living at the time of her death. Nathan Smith, born 1702, lived eighty-two years upon the farm on which he was born. His wife was eighteen years of age at the time of marriage ; they lived together sixty-one years ; she died eighty -seven years of age, and it is said at that time she had 152 living descendants. As the marriages of the large number of grandchildren and great grandchildren lead to so many different surnames, the writer has not found time to verify this tradition. Sufficient search ing has, however, been made to show that it is not only pos sible, but very probable. Capt. Jonathan Caulkins died in 1787, at the age of fifty- one. His thirteen children by his wife Lydia Smith were all living at that time with the exception of the youngest, who 8 Introduction. had died two days before. Daniel Palmer had nine children by his first wife, Margaret Smith ; after her death he married a widow who had twelve children by a former husband. Sarah Smith had nine children by three husbands, outlived her part ners and died at the age of ninety-one. Deacon Nathan Smith had four wives, outlived them all and died aged eighty-nine. Mrs. Temperance Smith had twelve children, lost her husband and married a widower who had eight -children living. Mrs. Elizabeth A. Smith had nine children ; she was married at the early age of fifteen. Mrs. Louisa Smith, married in 1846, had ten children ; her husband died in 1885, but she and all her children, the youngest being twenty years of age, were living at that time. Twenty-seven couples (and possibly more) lived together over fifty years, the average being over fifty-five years, that of the men being almost eighty, and that of the women seventy- nine years and five months. Six of the couples were living at the time of sending the family record ; with their full age credited the average would doubtless be over eighty. Most of them had large families. Abigail Smith was married at sixteen and had thirteen children. She and her husband lived together fifty-eight years, and died within four days of each other, both seventy-four years of age. Denison and Waity Smith were both eighteen at the time of their marriage ; they had eleven children, and lived together sixty-five years, nearly all of the time in the same house. A special list of the military members of the family would show not only a large number of volunteers in all the wars in the history of the country, but this too with a proportionate share of officers of the higher ranks. New and Old Style of Dating. No attempt has been made to correct the difference between the Julian and Gregorian calendars. The dates given are the same as found on the public records. It must, therefore, be borne in mind that Pope Gregory XIII, in order to make the calendar adopted by Julius Cassar more correct, ordered a new Introduction. 9 one, in which ten days were omitted. October 5, 1582, became October 15. This new style was immediately adopted by all the Roinan Catholic countries, but was not established by Eng land until 1752. The delay made it necessary then to omit eleven days, September 3, 1752, becoming by law September 14. Hence all dates between October 5, 1582, and 1700 inclu sive, should have ten days, and all from 1701 to September 3, 1752, inclusive, should have eleven days added to correspond with the present mode of reckoning. Another feature of the old or Julian style was that February was the twelfth month, and the new year commenced on March 25; the two modes of dating being both in use in Europe at the same time, it became established that all dates between January 1 and March 24, inclusive, should notice both years, as follows : 9th of First month, 1637-8, which interpreted and corrected to new or present style would be March 19, 1638. Record System and Abbreviations Used. The usual system of recording has been adopted ; those who are not familiar with family histories should notice that the index refers to the page on which a name and individual num ber may be found, and that this number refers to the birth record when found at the left of the page, and to the family record when found in the middle of the page. By this arraugement it becomes easy to follow the line of ancestors or descendants. The earliest of .our family in this country are classified as of the first generation, which is represented by Nehemiah Smith, 1st, and wife, their children being of the second generation, and so on down and including the tenth generation. In a family record, the names and figures within a parenthesis indicate the line of father, grandfather, great grandfather, etc., and the number of the generation to which each belongs. By taking a memorandum of your own number and also of the one with whom you may wish to learn the degree of relationship, follow both back, taking a memorandum of each generation by the individual name and number until you find 2 10 Introduction. where the ancestors meet as brothers, then by an arrangement similar to the following it becomes simplified : 10 Nathan 12 Isaac brothers 27 Oliver 34 Simeon 1st cousins 60 Edward 84 Rufus 2d cousins 141 William E 181 Elijah F 3d cousins The abbreviations are as follows : as. — Aged. b. — Born. bap. — Baptized. bur. — - Place of burial. ch. — Child or children. d.— Died. dau. — Daughter. m. — - Married. res. — Residence, past or present. It is not expected that others than members of the family will be interested in a perusal of these pages, and to them I wish to say that in its present shape the compilation will form a basis for future efforts. And as no genealogy was ever pub lished without at least a few errors, either typographical, or arising from imperfect data furnished by correspondents, or in copying from the public records, it is particularly desired that any one finding an opportunity to aid in making this record as correct and complete as possible, should not only consider it in the light of a momentary duty to communicate the facts to the compiler, but also do it with a realization that it would be a lasting tribute of kindly thoughtfulness to posterity. For special interest, valuable assistance and encouragement, I wish to make grateful acknowledgment to Mrs. Frances M. Stoddard, Mrs. Javed W. Smith, Mrs. Abbie M. Schofield and Miss Ellen Geer; also to the late Gov. James Y. Smith of Rhode Island, the late Hon. Elijah F. Smith, Rochester, N. Y., Judge Richard A. Wheeler, Stonington, Conn., J. Aborn Introduction. 11 Smith, Boston, Mass., Charles J. Hoadley, Connecticut State librarian, Andrew B. Smith, Franklin, Conn., Wing R. Smith, Syracuse, N. Y., and Sanford B. Smith, of the Rhode Island Historical Society. Neither am I unmindful of courteous treatment from the custodians of the public records, the privilege of examining manuscripts left by Frances M. Caulkins, the historian of New London, Conn., or the intrinsic value of over one thousand let ters received from the various branches of the family and others, without which this work could not have been woven together. Several of these letters were from members of the family eighty-five to ninety years of age ; one from Mr. Othniel Gager, ninety-three years of age, and town clerk of Norwich, was remarkable for its neat, fine appearance, and was as easily read as any received. With many regrets that the work of compiling had not fallen into more capable hands, the book is sent forth as a family affair, intended to stimulate a kindred interest through the fam ily surname. H. ALLEN SMITH. Brooklyn, N. Y., 1889. THE FAMILY NAME. "And Zillah, she also bare Tubal-eain, an instructor of every artificer in brass and iron." — Genesis iv: 22. " And all the men of might, even seven thousand, and craftsmen and Smiths a thousand, all that were strong and "apt for war, even them the King of Babylon brought captive to Babylon." — II Kings, xxiv : 16. " Behold, I have created the Smith that bloweth the coals in the fire, and brought forth an instrument for his work." — Isaiah liv : 16. " From whence came Smith, all be he knight or squire, But from the Smith that forgeth at the fire?" — Verstagen. As this work is not an encyclopedia of the numerous Smith families of America, but simply a genealogical record of one family entirely distinct from the others, a dissertation on the name is not called for. A few items of general interest may, however, be briefly alluded to : As defined in Webster's Dictionary, a Smith is " one who forges with the hammer ; one who works in metals ; as an iron- smith, goldsmith, silversmith, and the like." By others the name is further defined as " He who smooths metal by smiting, he who smiteth," and referring to all branches of hammer work. Arthur in his derivations of family names says : " The term was originally applied to artificers iu wood as well as metal, in fact to all mechanical workmen." And that the Smith must have united in his profession different branches of knowledge which are now practised separately, such as raising the ore, converting it into metal, etc. Ferguson, in his Teutonic name system, goes still further and claims that " anciently the term was not confined to iron work, but was applied to every thing which 14 The Family Name. required ''smiting.'" Thus the poet was a "verse-smith" though he had only to " cudgel his brains." In the old records the name generally appears as Smith. Smithe, Smeith or Smyth. It is one of the very oldest of sur names, and by some historians it is said to be the oldest of all, with possibly the exception of the name of King; during the last century it has occasionally been used as baptismal. Associated in ancient history with thousands of armorers and artisans, skilled in Smith-craft, the families in no way related to each other, it is easily understood how by generations increasing in the number of families the name now stands numerically the most illustrious in the world. The " mystery " of shaping armor and military weapons was handed down from father to son, and every king and chief in the olden times had a Smith. So great was the honor paid to them, that in Wales the King's Smith sat beside his Majesty at the table and had the right to drink of every wine brought into the banquet hall before even guests were served. A part of his duty was to teach the young warriors how to use the weapons after they were made. Among the Highland clans the Smith ranked third in dignity to the chief. The proudest earldom in England is that of the Smiths, the real family surname of the Earl of Derby. In our own country the Smiths and other handicraft men of the Plymouth colony were prevented, by a law passed in 1626, from using their science for the benefit of strangers or foreign ers, without the consent of the Governor's Council, " the breach thereof to be punished at their discretion." The Smiths were also compelled by law to repair arms for any one in the colony. The writer of "My Country 'tis of Thee," was the Rev. Dr. Samuel Francis Smith of Newton Centre, Mass. In relation to this hymn the doctor writes from Boston, under date of February 17, 1888. * * * "a number of volumes of German songs and music having been put into my hand by the late Lowell Mason, with the request that I should translate such as I was impressed by, or write new songs adapted to the music, so that he could use The Family Name. 15 it in this country. One day turning over the leaves, I fell in with the music of ' God Save the King,' which pleased me, and on the impulse of the moment wrote the hymn now so well known. It was never designed by me for a national hymn, but the people took it up because they would. The hymn was written in February, 1832, and first brought into use at a Fourth of July celebration, in the Park Street Church, Boston, the same year." An interesting article on the name of Smith may be found in the " Patronimica Britannica," by Mark Antony Lower, M. A., London, 1860, p. 319, from which the following lines are taken : "In entering upon the illustration of this surname, I feel almost overcome with the magnitude of my subject. " Closely connected as it is with the personal identity of thousands upon thousands of my countrymen, enjoying as it does the proud pre-eminence of being the commonest of all English surnames, and associated as it must be with statistics, with anecdote, with archeology, with varieties of orthography, the name of Smith is a topic which requires no common hand- . ling. Why, it demands a separate essay, a volume, to- do it any thing like justice. Nay, I am not quite sure that a new science, to be designated Smithology, would not prove quite as instructive as many existing ologies, while it would have the merit of being perhaps more amusing ; assuredly it would come home both to ' the business and bosoms ' of a vast section of Englishmen. " And I might go further afield and trace out the history of smith-craft from the days of Tubal-cain — expatiate upon the labours of Vulcan, of Icarus, of Wayland Smith, and of St. Dunstan — show how men lived in the Iron Age — bring in the classical Fabri, and Fabricii, the Schmidts of Germany, the Lefevres of France, the Fabbroni of Italy, and the Gowans of Scotland, as members of this mighty race — and deal largely in irony and ' smith's- work in general.' But space forbids, and I must be as brief as possible. "Let us first hammer out the archaeology of the subject. The word smith, then, is A.-Sax., from smitan, to smite — origi nally, 'any one who strikes or smites with a hammer, an artificer, a carpenter, smith, workman.' — Bosworth. " So general was the application of the word, that in the Saxon Chronicle we find the expression ' mighty war-smits ' 16 The Family Name. applied to valorous soldiers, and the great enemy of mankind is called ' hell-smith,' though this phrase, being also applied to Yulcan, has probably a direct reference to 'smithery' in the modern sense. One who worked in iron was called ' iren-smith, an iron- smith. In later times, Smith was applied more speci fically to a worker in metals, while wryhta, Wright, was the name given to artificers in wood and other materials:' The Family in England. That our Smith ancestors were of English origin, there can be no reasonable doubt. It is true we do not know at the present time who was the father of John and Nehemiah, but we do know that their nephew Edward came from England where his father, their eldest brother and probable heir to the home estate, was theu living. Nehemiah and his wife testify ing in court, speak familiarly of " Old England," and another witness alludes to John Smith's " losses and crosses in Old England." Only one copy of a family Coat of Arms has been found. It is traditional that this was painted about 1781, after a trip to England, but it is a well-known fact that one or two men traveled through this country painting Arms for any customer whose name could be found in a work on heraldry. In this way many were imposed upon. As most of these fraudulent pictures have doubtless been carefully preserved to the present time, it is hardly safe to consider any Coat of Arms as an item in one's family history without knowing every generation con necting back to the one to whom the Arms may have been granted. With the faint hope that in our own case the Arms might reveal a connecting link between the countries, consid erable effort has beeu made with that end in view. The family indicated is said to trace back to the Rt. Rev- Dr. William Smith (aud even further), who was bom in the Parish of Prescot, County of Lancaster, about the year 1460. He was Bishop of Lincoln and Litchfield, and with Sir Richard Sutton, was the founder of Brazenose College, Oxford. His picture and a long account of his life was published by Ralph Churton, M. A., Oxford, 1800. Bishop Smith died at his The Family Name. 17 palace at Buckden, Jan. 2, 1513, and was buried in the nave of Lincoln Cathedral, near the great western door. According to family records in the Harley MS. No. 1439, College of Arms, C. 10 London, John Smith, who was twice mayor of Newcas tle, County Stafford, and living in 1614, was a descendant of the fifth generation from the Bishop. He signs himself John Smyth, and to him was granted a crest, and the family arms recognized in 1561. This latter document is herewith given in full, not because of its possible relation to our family, but as an interesting paper in itself. College of Arms. Sir Gilbert DethicKs Gifts, 162, fol. 249 John Smyth of Newcastell under Line co. Stafford. To all and singuler as well nobles and gentlemen as others to whome these presents shall come I Gilbert Dethicke Knight ats Garter pryncypall Kinge of Armes sende greetinge in Or Lorde, ffor as muche as auncyentlie from the beginninge the valiaunte and vertuous actes of excellent psonnes have been comended to the worlde and postetytie wthe sundry monn- mentes and remembrances of theire good desertes, amonge the whiche the cheefeste and moste usuall hathe bene the bearinge of sigues in shields called Armes wohe are evydent demonstra- cyones and tokennes of prowis and valoir diversely distributed accordinge to the qualytie of eache partie demerytinge ye same. And whereas therefore John Smythe of new castell under Lyme in the Countye of Staff, gent havinge of longe tyme been one of the bearers of these auncient arms to wytt Barrie of Sixe Ermyn and Gules, A Lyon rampante Crounde sable, and yet knowinge certaine of no creaste dulye appertayninge thereto, hath requested me the said Garter to assigne unto his saide Cote Armor suche Creaste or cognysaunce as he may lawfullie beare. In consyderacon whereof and for a further declaracon of the worthynes of the sayde John I the saide Garter have assigned him this Creaste or cognysaunce followynge, viz : on his wreathe Argent and gules A Tyger passaunt Argent wounded on his shoulder geules Manteled Argent doubled geules, as in the margent depicted appearethe. Whche sayde Armes and Creaste wthe everye pte and parcell thereof I the sayde Garter do ratyfie confyrme and allowe unto the fore- sayde John and to his posterytie for ever. And he and they to have houlde use and injoye the same wthoute the lest imped- yment or interruption of anye other psonne or psonnes what- 3 I8 The Family Name. soever. In wytnes whereof I have sett hereunto my hande and seales of myne offyce and Armes dated the xvii of decembre in the 4th yeare of the raigne of our most gratious Sonveraigne Lady Elizabethe by the grace of God of Englande Ffraunce and Irelonde Qneene defender of the faithe, &c. Anno dni 1561. A genealogical history of a branch of the family remaining in England, from the time of Bishop Smith (1460) down to 1840, may be found in John Ward's " Manorial History of Newcastle-upon-Tyne," London, 1843, published with the "Borough of Stoke-upon -Trent." See also Burke's " Landed Gentry," vol. 2, page 1247, Smith of Elmhurst and Lineage, and the "Heraldry of Smith," by H. Sydney Grazebrook, London, 1870. THE SMITH HOMESTEAD, POQUONOC, GROTON, CONN.. First house built about 1653. Second one built durlntr the Revolutionary War, and standing, (1888; over the original cellar. THE SMITH AND BOURNE HOMESTEADS. Fourteen years after his arrival in America, Nehemiah Smith, then living at what is now New London, Conn., obtained a grant of land for a homestead on the other side of the river, at what is now known as Poquonoc in the Township of Groton. This homestead, with the several additional grants, soon became a large farm, and was located about one mile north of Poquonoc Village, on the east side and adjoining Poquonoc Lake, or as it was then called " The Pond beyond Skull Plain," or " Smith's Pond," "Smith's Lake," &c. The land was selected, doubt less, because of its richness and the ease with which it could be worked as compared with the hills and the rocky fields of that section. The first house was built by the first Nehemiah Smith soon after 1652 on the east side of the road, and was burned down during the Revolutionary war. The second house was built by his great grandson, Nathan Smith, over the same cellar and is still standing, although a new house was built a few years ago on the west side of the road, by the present owner, Jabez Smith. Among the neighbors of the elder Nehemiah were his brother John and nephew Edward Smith, James Mor gan, William Meades and James Avery. They all attended church at New London, as the first church in Groton was not started until 1702 or soon after, although from 1698 the New London church allowed its minister to preach in Groton every third Sunday during the winter months. Most of the old trees that surrounded the old house and lined the drive to the main r,oad were destroyed by the terrible gale of September, 1815. 20 The Smith and Bourne Homesteads. Poquonoc Lake is a very pretty sheet of clear spring water, quite deep and well supplied with fish. Smith Lake Cemetery, situated at its south-east corner, was taken off from the Smith farm. A number of generations of the family are buried here, although it is not the oldest burying ground in the town. Nehemiah Smith, the first, was buried at Norwich ; his son, Nehemiah second, and grandson, Nehemiah third, were buried at Poquonoc in the first or Morgan and Avery burying ground, which is situated a short distance from Poquonoc Bridge, on the north side of the main road to the New London Ferry, in the second field back from the road. The gravestones were standing not far from the only entrance until the summer of 1888, when they were removed with the remains to Smith Lake Cemetery. The bones were found to be very large in size, and in a state of good preservation, notwithstanding they had been underground 160 years. The family had all moved from Massachusetts to Connecticut by 1652, and remained in the section now known as New London County during the next 150 years. After that a few families removed to New York, New Jersey, Virginia, North Carolina, Ohio, and later to nearly all the Western States, with only a very few families remaining in the South. Notwithstanding the migration of the family westward even to the Pacific coast, it is a pleasant reflection to realize that the two homesteads, Smith and Bourne, representing Nehemiah Smith and his wife, Sarann Bourne, of the first generation, have never passed in ownership out of their respective family names to this day. The Bourne family homestead at Marshfield was granted to Thomas Bourne of England in 1637, and has always been occu pied by one of the Bourne family, the title having descended from oldest son to oldest son, according to the old English law. John Bourne, a centenarian and soldier of the Revolution, was the longest resident. The present low double house was built about 1800 ; the location is about a mile north of the Daniel Webster place, a mile from the shore of the ocean, and about a mile and a quarter east of the church. Thomas Bourne was The Smith and Bourne Homesteads. 21 doubtless from Kent in England ; he died 1664, 83 years of age ; his wife died 1660, aged 70. For a record of the Bourne family see "Memorials of Marshfield," p. 38, "History of Duxbury," by Windsor, p. 229, "N. E. His. & Gen. Rec," Vol. XIV, p. 82, and " Genealogy of the Bourne family," by Sweete. FRANCES M. OAULKINS. Frances M. Caulkins, who was born in New London, 1795, and died there, 1869, was a descendant of this family ; her paternal grandmother being Lydia Smith, of the fifth generation. Miss Caulkins wrote the histories of New London and Norwich, the former a work of 680 and the latter of over 700 pages. These, with other contributions to the History of New London county, represent many years of hard, conscientious work ; for which, every genealogist writing of any of the old families of the county must ever feel grateful. The following, from. the History of Norwich, will be read with interest, as illustrating a period of time in which the early generations lived that are represented in this work : * * * " The first meeting-house stood near the south west corner of the Green, not far from dwellings of the minister and magistrate, and forming with them the three corners of a triangle. "It is not probable that this primitive church had either steeple, porch, or gallery. We may conjecture that a sun-dial stood near the door and perhaps a horse-block. Without doubt it was furnished with a pulpit, though no tasseled cushion sup ported the open Bible. In all probability long benches were used instead of pews — the men sitting on the right hand of the minister and the women on the left. A choir of singers was then unknown ; the deacon read off the lines, and the con gregation followed in tuneful quavers. " In 1668 a small rate was collected to pay Samuel Lothrop ' for repairing and heightening the meeting-house.' But this first rough-hewn edifice could not long satisfy the demands of the growing town. It was in use only twelve or fourteen years. Frances M. Caulkins. 23 " In 1673 the town contracted with John Elderkin to build forthwith a new meeting-house. The site fixed for it was the summit of the hill, towering over the Green, and looking east and west toward the two ends of the town-plot. The country was at this period in a disturbed condition. The atmosphere was dark with the shadows of approaching evil. On the western border of New England the Dutch had assumed a threatening attitude, and several of the larger Indian tribes appeared surly and vindictive. " In this posture of affairs, if a new meeting-house was to be built, the prudence and foresight of the managers would lead them to select for it an appropriate site. On this elevated platform it could not be easily surprised, and it might serve as a watch-tower, an arsenal, and a garrison-post, as well as a house of worship." "Mr. James Fitch having provided nails for this meeting house, to the value of £12, ' wherein his forwardness for the use and benefit of the town is owned and accepted,' liberty was granted him to take 200 acres of land, as a satisfaction for the same, viz.: ' 100 in the crotch between Quinebaug and Showtucket, and 100 as convenient as he can find it, on the other side of Showtucket river.' " The situation of this meeting-house was very imposing. Perched like a citadel upon its rocky height, with perpendicular ledges, or abrupt, stony declivities on either side, it presented a formidable and secure aspect, and was the centre of vision to both ends of the town. The difficulty of access was such as to require climbing, rather than walking. Without doubt the wayfarers often caught hold of shrubs by the path, to assist in pulling themselves up ; the aged people felt their way, planting the staff firmly at each step. . "In winter it must have been a cheerless sanctuary, even when the approach was not obstructed by icy foot-paths and incumbent snows. Churches in those early days were always comfortless in cold or stormy weather. They had no apparatus for warming ; neither fire-place, stove, nor furnace. The women carried heated stones or bricks in their muffs, and the men put their feet into fur bags or moccasins, with which many of the seats were provided. At a later date, foot-stoves were used. " To this church, until all fear of the Indians had passed away, the men of the congregation were accustomed to repair with muskets upon their shoulders, which were not, however, carried into the house, but stacked without, and kept under 24 Frances M. Caulkins. watch and guard by some person conveniently stationed for that purpose. The regular soldiers or militia-men, went in last, and sat near the door, to be ready in case of alarm. " Swords were customarily worn when in full dress, by per sons both in a civil aud military capacity. Hats were made with a broad brim and a steeple crown. Perhaps two or three at the church door reverently took off a ' black beaverett,' though that was a costly article in those days, and considered quite magnificent. The poorer sort of people wore puff caps, knit from woolen yarn, often in gay colors and crowned with a heavy tassel. The coat was made with a long, straight body, falling below the knee, and with no collar, or a very low one, so that the stock or neck-cloth of spotless linen, fastened behind with a silver buckle, was fully displayed. In warm weather it was not considered indecorous to go to meeting in one's shirt sleeves, or to take off the coat when there. " It is not probable that any one of the inhabitants assumed such a degree of state and dignity as to wear a ruff, though that article was in vogue among people of rank, as were also hand-ruffles. A conspicuous wrist-band with sleeve- buttons was more common. " It is uncertain whether the small clothes had then begun to ' grow,' so as to reach below the knee, and to be fastened with knee-buckles or not. The earlier mode was to have them ter minate above the knee and to be tied with ribbons. The com mon kind was made of dressed deer's leather. Petticoat trowsers of striped linsey-woolsey, the leg short and loose, were a cus tomary article of every-day dress among the common people. " Red woolen stockings were much admired. The shoes were coarse, clumped, square-toed and adorned with enormous buckles. If any boots made their appearance, prodigious was the thump ing as they passed up the aisles, for a pair of boots were then expected to last a man's life. The tops were short but very- wide; formed, one might suppose, with a special adaptation to rainy weather — collecting the water as it fell, and holding an ample bath for the feet and ankles ! " Wigs were not then common ; it was at a later day that hats were trimmed with gold lace and full powdered wigs were worn and scarlet roquelaurs adorn a few distinguished characters! Long hair was getting into vogue. It was combed back from the forehead, and gathered behind into a club or queue, wound with a black ribbon. A congregation of such men, in frugal, respectable attire, with their brave, manly brows, fronting their minister, worshiping God upon the high rock that overlooked Frances M. Caulkins. 25 their settlement, must have been a solemn and majestic sight to superior beings. " But our great -grandmothers are also here : they come decently but not gaudily dressed. They have finery, but they leave it at home on the Sabbath. The more respectable matrons have all a full dress of flowing brocade, embroidered stomachers, and hanging sleeves, but it is reserved for feasts and great civic occasions. They are dressed on the Sabbath, perhaps in short gowns and stuff petticoats, with white aprons of linen or muslin starched stiff. The gown sleeve is short and they wear mittens extending to the elbow, and leaving the fingers with a part of the thumb bare. The cloak was short, with a hood to cover the head, and was a riding-hood. The hood was thrown back in meeting and those who wore bonnets took them off. The matrons wore caps, and the young women had their hair curled or otherwise dressed. " The feminine attire, though in general plain and somewhat uncouth, was of a purer type than some of the fashions of later generations. It might even be called graceful and becoming in comparison with the short waist, the low neck, the high head cushion with its wings of lappets flaunting in the wind, and the huge calash of the next century. "Rank, birth and station were in high account, and customs of deference and precedency were carefully maintained. It is a fact not easily explained, that such stiff and stately notions should have been cherished in a community where there was so little disparity of wealth and comfort. " Mr. was a title of respect awarded only to those who held office in church or State, or were of the rank commonly called gentlemen. Mrs., Mistress, Dame, and Madam, were the femi nine titles of honor, bestowed charily and only in accordance with 'family rank, saintly character, and venerable age. " The minister was simply Mr. The title of Reverend was seldom bestowed, except in such phrases as i Our Reverend Pastor.' Church members almost invariably called each other brother and sister. Good man and Good wife were in common use. Goodey was sometimes heard. Gaffer and Gammer, old Saxon words of address to the aged, are not found on our rec ords. Neighbor was a common adjunct. Parents were uni formly called daddy and mammy, even by people of mature age." ********* " The early houses of our country covered a large area, but they were seldom thought finished, and the upper rooms of 4 26 Frances M. Caulkins. course were cold and comfortless. A snug, well-finished house, adapted to the family and circumstances of the owner, is an improvement of modern times. These old houses were gen erally square, heavy buildings, with stone chimneys that occu pied' a large space in the centre. The posts and rafters were of great size and solidity, and in the rooms heavy beams stood out from the ceiling overhead, and projected like a low, narrow bench around the sides. " The floor was made of stout plank, with a trap door lead ing to the cellar. A line of shelves in the kitchen performed the office of side-table and closet. The best apartment was used for a sleeping-room, and even the kitchen was often fur nished with a bed. The ceilings were low, and the fire-place, running deep into the chimney, gaped like an open cavern. But when the heaped-up logs presented a front of glowing coals and upward-rushing flame, while storms were raging without, or the heavy snow obliterated the landscape, such a fountain of warmth not only quickened the blood, but cheered the heart, inspired gratitude, and promoted social festivity. Such scenes have made the fireside an expressive type of domestic happi ness. Among articles of furniture distinctively belonging to old times, we may notice the high chest of drawers reaching nearly from floor to ceiling, and its multitude of drawers graded in size from a button-box almost to a trunk. " Whether any of the first settlers owned a clock or watch is unknown. Perhaps Mr. Fitch or Major Mason had this convenience ; but in general, the only time-pieces must have been the universal noon-mark in the window, and the dial in the garden — both useless when the sun was obscured. After a time, as wealth increased, the great house clock, with its radiant, moon-like face, made its appearance in a few houses. In the kitchen, the high wooden settle was never absent — now used as a screen, and now receding to the wall, to give full exhibition to that grand receptacle of cheering coals and flame, the wide-mouthed fire-place. " The kitchen was the principal sitting room of the family. Blocks in the chimney-corners were used for children's seats ; the settle kept the air from the door; a tin candle-stick, with a long back, was suspended on a nail over the mantel, and the walls were adorned with crook-necks, fliches of bacon and veni son, raccoon and fox skins, and immense lobster claws. After ward, as fears of the Indians died away, and weapons of war fare were less used, occasionally a musket or an espontoon might be seen suspended transverse from beam to beam, and d Frances M. Caulkins. 27 bearing as trophies, reserved for winter use, strings of dried apples, chains of sausages, and bunches of red peppers. A small open recess for books was usually seen on one side of the fire-place, a little below the ceiling, where even the cleanest volumes soon acquired a dingy hue. Venerated were these books, for they came from the fatherland, and were mostly of that blessed Puritan stamp whose truths had inspired the owners with courage to leave the scenes of their nativity, to find a home in that distant and savage land. This little recess, displaying its few books, often appears in the feack-ground of ancient portraits." > JOHN SMITH, New London, Conn. John Smith was born in England about 1609, and possibly came over with his brother Nehemiah in 1638. He first appears on the Boston Town Records, Vol. 2, p. 41, under date of 29th of 5 mo. 1639. The Council, on the part of the town, " granted a great lot to our brother John Smith, Taylor, at Muddy River for three beads." This lot would now fall within the limits of Brookline, Mass. Again, page 6, Boston Book of Possessions, may be found the following : " John Smith, his possessions within the limit of Boston, one house and garden, bounded with the street on the south, John Davies on the east, Major Edward Gibones on the west, and the Cove on the north." [See map in this Book of Possessions.] This location in Boston would be at the corner west of Hanover street, and north of Portland street. July 5, 1653, there was recorded a sale at Boston of land lying in Mystic, from William Wellman "inhabiting" at Pequot, to John Smith, Naylor, of Boston. Mystic is now in the town of Groton, and Pequot, at that time, included not only the present city of New London, but the town of Groton as well. The mistake of the Town Clerk in writing " Naylor " for " Taylor " has led to the erroneous alias of " Nailor Smith " in the works of Savage and Caulkins. He is occasionally recorded as " Taylor Smith " from the occupation he followed during his early years in Boston. He married about 1640, Joanna , she being a widow with one child, named Elizabeth. He remained in Boston, in John Smith. - 29 all, about fourteen years. A short time previous to removing he wrote to his eldest brother in England, for his brother's eldest son, Edward, to come to this country and make his home with him. Edward came probably in the spring of 1652. Soon after his arrival John sent him to his uncle Nehemiah, then living on Long Island. John " being in a low condition in respect to his estate," Nehemiah gave him cattle and sheep, and kept them for him until both families moved to New Lon don, where he further assisted him with money to build a house. John repaid his brother as he became able. July 5, 1653, "Nehemiah Smith's brother hath given him what land in the ox pasture is betwixt my six acres next the rails, and Thomas Griffens' lot, provided it exceed not six acres." Also, "two hundred acres of upland next beyond the land given to his brother Smith beyond Skull Plain." He was granted a house lot at New London, August 9, 1653. This was a year after his brother's grant. The entry reads, " a home lot granted to Nehemiah Smith's brother," without mentioning his name. Jan. 24, 1653-4, Nehemiah Smith " hath also given him a hundred acres of upland joining to his brother's about Mystic Hill, his brother's two hundred acres which is half granted by the Pond, and half about Mystic Hill." Feb. 19, 1654, " John Smith, brother to Nehemiah Smith, hath given him four acres of meadow where it can be found next to what is 'granted out." In March, 1658-9, the General Court of Hartford appointed him Commissioner of Customs for the Port of New London. He was the first regular custom house officer in the town, and probably in the Colony. In May, 1660, the same Court granted New London to have an assistant and three commissioners with full power to try small cases. John was made one of the commissioners. He was also at one time grand juryman; in 1661, one of the townsmen ; in 1663, he was on a committee to hear and determine the differences betwixt the Indians of Niantic and the English respecting the burning of their fence, or any other complaints presented to them respecting the Indians. 30 John Smith. In Jan., 1663-4, he was on a committee relating to the minister of the First Church at New London " to go to Mr. Buckley for the settling him among us." John and his wife were members of this church. He was a deacon, and in 1665, with Goodman Nichols received the church contributions, and in 1667, with others "to endeavor to settle Mr. Bradstreet in the work of the ministry." He was a member of the General Assembly 1669. Sept. 16, 1663, "John Smith hath given him one hundred acres of upland to his four acres of meadow, if may be where he can find four acres of the town not hindering former grants." Feb., 1666-7, " John Smith hath given him the two trees that stand in the street before his house for shade not to be cut down by any person." His residence was in New or Cape Ann street at that time, but it is possible that for a short time he lived on his farm in Groton, although all of the farm owners of that section continued to reside for a number of years on the west side of the river on account of a constant fear of an uprising of the Indians. He lived in New London county twenty-four years, and the early and latter part of this time he resided in what is now the city of New London. After his death his nephew Edward claimed in court that his uncle had adopted him. The testimony reveals the fact that Edward was living on the east side of the- river for some years previous to his uncle's death, possibly on the land owned by his uncle and which Edward believed he was entitled to by inheritance, although Edward had land granted to him in 1664. This case occupied considerable time in the courts, and on account of its quaintness and general interest a separate chapter is devoted.to it. The will was made in favor of his wife. John had no children of his own. He died Oct. 4, 1679, at least sixty years of age, and probably several years more. His wife died in 1687, aged about 73. After the death of Joanna Smith, then a widow for' the second time, the estate was inherited by her daughter Eliza beth, wife of George Way, then living in Lyme. The maiden name of Elizabeth does not appear on the records. The house and lot on Cape Ann street was deeded, in 1695, to Samuel John Smith. 31 Fosdick, by George and Thomas Way, children of George and Elizabeth Way. George married Susanna, daughter of Joseph Nest, and resided at West Farms, not far from Lake's Pond. He was ensign, and died February, 1716-17. As this was the time of the great snow, the funeral was delayed eleven or twelve days, and he was finally carried into town, March 7, by men on snow- shoes. [See History New London, pages 362-405.] Thomas Way resided at New London, married Ann, daughter of Andrew Lester, and had ten children, 1688-1714. In 1720 they removed to East Haven, Conn., where he died, 1726. The Attempt to Break the Will. In September, 1679, while John Smith was very sick at his home in New London, a will was made out according to his directions, in which he gave to his wife a life lease of his whole estate ; after her death, Thomas Way, her grandson, was to have several lots of land, including the Lester lot and the old house upon it, while nearly all the balance of the property was to be given to John, the son of his nephew Edward Smith. This document, however, he did not sign, but changed his mind and signed the will as probated April, 1680, by which the bulk of his estate was given outright to his wife. In the next month, the Court at Hartford, granted Edward the opportunity of making out his objections in the following Oct., which he did, and under date of Oct. 14, 1680, the Court decided that it " Doe see no cause nor reason to make any alteration of the Will of' the said John Smith, from what was exhibited and proved in the Court at New London April last." The next May, Edward received permission to review the case at the General Court at Hartford. Oct. 13, 1681, there was the following decision : " This Court having heard what hath been by Edward Smith objected against the last Will and Testament of Mr. John Smith, of New London, why it should not stand with the pleas of the widow why it should stand, doe see no cause to make 32 John Smith. any alteration therein, but doe establish what the County Court of New London hath done therein." Daniel Clark was the attorney for Edward Smith, and William Pitkin for the widow, Joanna Smith. The record of the case as finally disposed of may be found at Hartford, Conn., Archives Private Controversies, Vol. 1, Docs. 254 to 281, from which the following papers and abstracts from deposi- ' tions are taken. Under date of Sept. 24, 1679, or ten days before his death, John Smith signed the following will, which had been read to him several times. The Will. " I, John Smith, being in perfect understanding do for the avoiding of after trouble that might arise amongst my friends after my death and decease in this world, dispose of ye estate that God hath given me as followeth : " First : I give to my wife my whole estate after my debts are paid, excepting some legacies as namely : to George Chappell Jr. I give my best broadcloth coat with silk buttons and two shirts and one pair of stockings and shoes. " Second : I give to my cousin, Edward Smith, all the rest of my linen and woolen clothing and the best of my hats that never hath been worn, also I give to Edward, all dues and demands that are due from him to me, only excepting ye cattle which are in his hand that are my half, them I give to his children. "Third: I give with the consent of my wife, also unto Gabriel Harris, or his assigns my biggest book of Mr. Heldersam's works after the death of my wife, to be his book. " Fourth : I give to my three overseers Mr. William Douglas Sr., Gabriel Harris and Joseph Coite, each of them fifty shillings apiece, after ye death of my. wife. " Fifth : I make my wife sole Executrix to this my last Will, as witness my hand. "JOHN SMITH. " Witness "William Douglas. "Joseph Coite." John Smith. 33 Edward's Objections. " Whereas, my Aunt hath given me warning of a Special Court by her procured to prove that which she calleth my uncle's Will, my answer is, that the law of nature and the law of nations and common equity, doth enjoin a father to will and dispose the most considerable part of his estate and par ticularly his lands, unto his child that these may not be alien ated unto strangers unless the child hath disinherited himself by his undntifulness. "But that I^was by my uncle's engagement to me to be as his child, not only the nature of his action in sending and drawing me from my father, his house, my other kindred, and other opportunities doth evidence it, but I shall prove by some testimonies in time convenient and likewise his approbation of my behavior towards him in his family, upon nine years experience. " The Will of the deceased must express that which was his free consent and therefore called Will, and sometimes called his Testament, that is, the witness of his mind, and this being the description of a legal Will, hence, it follows that which my aunt calls my uncle's Will was not his legal Will. "For what his consent was respecting his dispose of his lands to my child, and other things to me and that this was his Will for many years and very nigh unto the time of his departure out of this world, and that which is called by my aunt to be his Will, was nothing but that which she by her disquieting of my uncle and taking advantage of his extreme pains and anguish in his sickness did divert him from his free consent and by force driving him to the contrary and what ever reasons are mentioned for the alteration of his former Will, they are but coverts of her injurious behavior to blind those that will be deceived, by such devices, she having gained the opportunity by her disturbance, to make him say what she please, all these I shall in fit season prove, but as to this Court I had no legal warning and as to her suddenness and privacy in calling this Court it seemeth to me to be her device for the perverting of justice, and I do humbly desire this Court to take notiee that I do declare against this Will mentioned by my aunt, to be unjust and illegal. "EDWARD SMITH." The above was taken at Special Court, held at New London, April 12, 1680, by desire and approbation of William Leete, 5 34 John Smith. Esq., Governor of Connecticut, upon the motion of Joanna Smith, widow, of New London, before Captain John Allyn, Captain James Avery, Mr. Daniel Witherell, and Captain James Fitch, who were present to keep the said Court. William Douglas, Sr., Gabriel Harris, and Joseph Coite tes tified as having been witnesses to the signing of the will, and the widow " did accept of the place and power of administra trix or executrix as by affidavit of March 29, 1680." The will was ordered to be recorded with an inventory of the estate with this recommendation : " And whereas, it was testified by Gabriel Harris &c, that the said Mr. John Smith did desire that his wife would con sider his relations when she dispose of the estate he left her, or used words to this purpose we think meet to desire her that she would remember what her husband expressed as before, and when she shall come to make such disposal of her estate she would make known her respect to her late husband by a kind remembrance of her husband's kinsman, Edward Smith, by settling some part of her estate upon him." The First Draft of the Will. The first item of the unsigned will was as follows : " I give to my wife during her natural life my whole estate excepting some few legacies as namely, to George Chappell Jr., &c." The second item is the same as in the will as probated. Third : " My will is that after the decease of my wife that Thomas Way shall have my fresh meadow in the woods which lies above the mill pond, and the grass plot called the ' hop yard ' and the lot which was Lester's lot, together with the old house upon it." Fourth: " My Will is that after my wife's death and decease, that John Smyth, the son of cousin Edward Smyth shall have and enjoy forever my housing and land and meadow whatso ever and wherever, excepting what is specified, which I have given to Thomas Way, my wife's grandchild." The fifth item is the same as the third in the will as probated. Sixth: "Also my Will is, that Mr. William Douglas Sr., and Gabriel Harris, and JoseDh Coite, shall be my overseers that this my Will be performed and they three shall have the produce of all my uplands, meadow and' orchard the first year after the death of my wife, as witness my hand." John Smith. 35 In relation to the above, Gabriel Harris testified that : "Having written this Will, I did read it to him and he said it was according to his mind, and that he would set his hand to it, but at that time he was full of pain and said he would sign to it another time. And mentioning again that Mr. Douglas and goodman Coite and myself should be his overseers and said they twain should witness to this will, and that I should have the keeping of it. The next day as I take it, coming to see him, he asked me if I had told his wife of the Will, I told him No, that were a very unworthy part to tell his Will to her, or anybody else without his order, until time and place required it. Why ! saith he she knows all, and was troubled at it, and so was I, but how she knew, I know not, withont there was some secret listening, and goodwife Smith was much troubled, and desired me to tell her what was done, and said she would know and have a copy also, but I waived it, and did not tell her. Then she said in the presence of her husband and me that her husband and I were juggling together and that he could not have got such a juggling person, not in all the town whereupon he said, Come, Come, mind not what she saith, this is my mind. So I left him at that time and soon after 1 came again to see him, and he said to me, I think I mnst alter my Will, for you see what a doing she keeps, where upon I said 1 thought it was very well already, for his wife's good as long as she lived and not to want anything. He said he had considered of it and was not willing to grieve his wife, for she had been a loving wife, and prudent in her place near forty years : though now, she was more childish. He said that his wife should see that he loved her and that the world should see that he loved her, whereupon I said I have said my mind, you know best what to do with your own. Yes, yes, I will alter my Will, I will leave all to her. But yet he said his desire was that his wife should consider his relations when please God to take her away by death. These words he spake to me all alone. Afterwards he spake the same in effect to Mr. Douglas and Joseph Coite, and me namely, that she should consider his relations at her death. I told him that I heard the greatest part of his estate came by his wife, I told him that I rather thought that the pewter and chests and bed and furniture, to wit : was near all. He answered and said, truly, little else." 36 John Smith. Nehemiah and Ann Smith testifieth : " That about twenty-seven years ago, a man named Antony 'Waters lived with us upon Long Island ; he being minded to go for old England, we desired him to go to our brother, John Smith,- who then lived at Boston ; and as afterward we were informed that our brother John wrote to England for Edward Smyth, his eldest brother's ' oldest son, to come and hye with him, and as we always understood to make him his heir ; and the aforesaid Antony Waters brought the said Edward Smith out of England to our brother John in Boston, as we under stood ; and Antony Waters brought Edward Smith to us upon Long Island, and said that our brother John in Boston had sent him up till he himself came up, and when our brother came up, then Edward Smith lived with him ; and if at any time he was with us, 'twas by our brother's order, and he had the pay, viz. : our brother, John Smith, who we did never at any time hear say any thing to the contrary, but that he would do by Edward Smith as his child." Elizabeth Bliss, aged about fifty-six : " That John Smyth came to our house and asked me why we were unwilling that his kinsman should marry with our daughter. I answered, I did not know whether they would be in a way to live. He answered me, 'woman, he is as my child, and I will do by him as a child,' upon which we con sented the match might go on." Joseph Truman, aged about thirty-seven years, testifieth : " That being at goodman Smith's house in September, 1 679, I asked him how he did, and he told me that his wife would be the death of him." Edward's Second Address to the Court. "October 1680. " To the Honored General Assembly now sitting in Hartford the humble address and declaration of Edward Smith sheweth, That Whereas it pleased this Honored Court to favour me so far as to grant me at this session in October, a hearing of my reasons that I have to preseut against the settlement of myT uncle John Smith's inheritance of housing and lands according to a Will exhibited and proved at New London, I do with all humility acknowledge your Honor's condescension to my John Smith. 37 request and briefly lay down my objections against the dona tion according to ye tenor of that Will. " First : Because I and my children are the true genuine heirs-to that inheritance, and that both by lineage descent and adoption and the pre-engagement of my uncle. To ye first I am the eldest son of the deceased's eldest brother and as so I am the next heir in law to ye inheritance of my uncle now deceased, he dying without issue and by the law of God directed to ye rulers in Israel it should be established upon me. " Second : Lam the adopted son of my uncle deceased. He sent for me from my father and friends for that end that I might be heir to his estate. And upon his desire and motion to my father in his letter, I chose rather to adventure my life upon the ocean than to accept of other tendries made to me by my aunt who desired my abode with her in England, who prof fered to make me her heir if 1 wonld have lived with her. I was not chargeable to my uncle in my transportation, came to him plentifully clothed and about 15 years old : when I came to him I found him in a low condition, yet I was not discour aged but was willing to rise and fall with him. He manifest ing fatherlike affection to me and often declaring to me his resolution to make me his heir when he died : which he hath also occasionally declared to others as may be seen in the testi monies that I shall present. I continued under his government nine years attending his order and occasions dutifully, faith fully and laboriously, and through God's blessing was instru mental to advantage his estate by subduing wilderness land and bringing it to be profitable. And my expectation of future enjoyment of the benefit of my labor was a spur to my diligence as well as my good respect to my uncle and aunt's welfare and my own comfort involved with theirs. Upon the account and under the respect of a child so accepted, so owned, I came to him and stayed with him, no other bond tied me to such a long and laborious service, but as we acknowledged one the other as a father and son. I humbly intreat this Honored Assembly to consider not only my uncle's promise and engagement to me and my friends when he sent for me but his resolution in this matter grounded upon an equitable consideration of my desert as some of the evidences do hold forth in discourse with him about the dispose of his estate and this may be plainly under stood that it was his determinate purpose (to be as good as his promise) almost to ye period of his natural life, as the first draft of his Will will demonstrate which when drawn and read to him, he acknowledged to be that which was the elicite act of 38 John Smith. his will, had he not been overborne with the disturbed passion and injurious carriage of his wife when she came to under stand now he had disposed his estate in that draft as the testi monies do import, so that what alteration was afterwards made in the second'' draft was not the free act of the deceased, but compelled thereto by disquietness of his wife. Further I humbly intreat this Honored Court to consider that had it not been that I satisfied myself with expectation of the reversion of this inheritance, I might in that nine years that I lived with him, I might have acquired a trade and estate with God's blessing, on my industry that might have been more advan tageous to me and mine than the reversion of this inheritance. " I humbly intreat your Honors to consider that the personal estate left to ye relict besides the housing and lands amounts to about half the estate inventoried which in the total is £383. I desire not to be prejudicial to my aunt's comfortable sub sistence while she lives. And as I desire her welfare and have been instrumental according to my capacity to promote it whiles I lived with my uncle, so I hope this Honored Court will be pleased to consider my condition and order the return of the inheritance to me and my heirs according to ye real intent resolution and pre-engage ment of my honored uncle and patron deceased, and so referring your Honors to ye examination of ye evidences, I humbly submit myself to God's good pleasures and this Honored Assemblies' determination. " And shall ever pray etc. "EDWARD SMITH." The testimony of Richard Smith, aged about thirty-eight years, May, 1680, who saith : " That ten years since, he being at work .with John Smith now deceased, and Goodman Nickalls as they sat down and smoked, the said John Smith said to G. Nickalls ' who do you and I work for ? ' ' For our children ' G. Nickalls replied, 'you have Hetty, you will give her a good portion.' The said John Smith answered, 'No, truly I have bred her up well and maintained her in victuals and clothing as well as any gnrle in town,' and that yf she matched to his mind he might give her a cow ; and that is the most this deponent said to'ye said John Smith. There's your cousin Ned Smith atother side of ye river, I suppose you will give your estate to him. ' Aye ' truly said the said John Smith, ' he best deserves it.' " John Smith. 39 Deposition of Martha Mould, the wife of Hugh Mould, of New London, was in effect : " That she was well acquainted with the family, had attended them in sickness : that they always ' carried on to ye other with all due love and respect as husband and wife, and if that any words had passed between them in the last sickness wherein one being sick and sometimes testy and angry, and the other through age, weakness and want of sight, not able to do as formerly she could have done, she imputes that to both their distempers, and saw nothing but a christian carriage and demeanor was between them as could be expected from two such in their condition. That Edward did little else but tend a flock of sheep, and that goodman Smith, after Edward left him carried on his concerns of husbandry with great comfort with ye assist ance of the grandchild Mehitable Way.' " Testimony of Richard Smith, aged sixty-four years, taken May 15, 1680 : " That John Smith told him that he wrote oyer to his brother Smith in England, to send over Edward, his son, promising to his brother that he would make the said Edward, his child and heir. John Smith also informed the deponent in the reason why he chose this youth Edward Smith to be his heir namely, because his father was a very good man, and his mother a precious christian, and the youth himself, hopeful and like to make a good man, and so like to make a good use of his .estate. Furthermore, John Smith added that his wife had been very earnest with him, to make one of her daughters children, his heir. But the said John Smith said he wholly declined it because his wife's daughter was a Quaker, and he said he could not abide the Quakers, and also that her husband did not please him. John Smith further added that he could not answer his wife's desire, for if he did, he could never fulfil his engagement to his brother, and he took it as a great token of his brother's love to him, in that he would part with his child and send him so many thousand miles to him, and he took notice of his kinsman Edward his love to him also, in that he would part with his father and come so many thousand miles to him, and therefore said he would make him his heir." James Morgan, Sr., aged seventy years, testified that John told him he intended to make Edward his heir. 40 John Smith. The testimony of Thomas Crocker, aged about forty-height years, who saith : " That in discourse with John Smith (now deceased) some years since, being at work together, as they sat down his wife's granddaughter was coming with beer to them, the said - John Smith said to this deponent: "Look yee-heres Hitty a coming this deponent said Aye, I suppose you will give her a good portion, ye said Smith replied that he had brought her up well, and that if she matched to his liking he might give her a cow. This deponent said there's Edward Smith atother side of ye river, I suppose you will give ye estate to him, Aye replied the said Smith, who- should have it. else, I sent for him from his friends to ye same purpose, and he hath been very true and faithful to me." Lydia Smith, aged thirty-three or thereabout, testifieth that her uncle John told her that he never did intend to make Mehitabel Way his heir, if she had lived. Richard and Dethiah Dartt and Lydia and Elizabeth Smith gave testimony intended to convey the impression that Joanna was quite indifferent in regard to the comfort and welfare of her husbaud during his sickness, and that the widow Bond was not permitted to make use of some linen from a chest that was full. Anne Lattemore of New London, a widow, had known the family fifteen years ; had often been at the house " and in all her observations she could never observe any difference or dis gust, one against the other;" that she was there watching in the time of his sickness, and that Joanna acted "with all tenderness and due respect as a wife could do, being in such a condition as she was, in being weak, aged and dark sighted." Ralph Parker, aged sixty, years, and Susanna, his wife, said they " lived lovenly together." The following appears to be a letter from Rev. Simon Brad street, pastor of the First Church at New London, where John and Joanna Smith were members in " full communion : " " Mr. Haras : " I have been desired to give my testimony with reference to the widow Smith in regard of many aspersions cast upon her, John Smith. 41 wherein as to many particulars, if not to all, 1 believe she is wronged and abused very highly. " These are to satisfy all concerned that for 13 years and more, being intimately acquainted with that family, I never observed more love and affection between any persons in that relation, and I doubt not but many scores in ye town can give ye same testimony; I well remember also, that some years since the widow Smith being very ill, that few expected, her life, her husband with tears told me : ' Ah ! I shall lose a good wife ; she hath been a faithful, careful wife to me.' &c. " I would add, being desired (and I think there is reason for it) that I have often heard him say that all ye troubles of that nature he ever met with, was not so much, as what he had met with from his cousin Smith upon ye account of his daughter. When I was stripped to my shirt (said he) in ye civil war, I was not so much troubled and afflicted. This is as much as I see meet at present to express to those who may have use for it, and with my hand attest it." " SIMON BRADSTREET." "October 13, 1680." Ensign Clement Miner declareth, and saith : " That he hath been several times in company with John Smith, deceased, when he the said Smith hath declared unto him, and sometimes with tears, that the unkindness of his cousin Edward Smith in relation to a daughter of his that he took from -him had gone nearer his heart and been more afflic tion to him than all the troubles and afflictions that he met with in all his losses and crosses in old England, and words at large to that effect, and further saith not." Robert Alen, aged sixty-four or thereabouts, said : " That John told him Edward was as his child, and at Mr. Foot's house in Boston told him that he had sent for his kins man Edward Smith." Joseph Coite, of New London, testifieth : " That at the time John signed the Will he was in good and perfect memory and understanding and could then discourse in and about spiritual concernments as his own temporalis under- standingly, as I have heard him formerly, being more than ordinarily conversant with him as a good christian neighbor." 6 42 John Smith. The Widow's Defense. " To the Honored General Assembly of the Colony of Con necticut : "Joanna Smith, widow, offereth her defense against the un just impeachments laid in by Edward Smith against her late husband's last Will and Testament. It is no small disadvan tage' that my adversary is allowed to trouble me and hath not in Court exhibited his articles or accusation against me that I might know what I am to answer to, but must only guess at it by the issue a former General Court made on this controversy if I mistake not, viz : that the General Court having heard and considered Edward Smith's objections against my late hus band's Will which was proved and ordered to be recorded and was recorded at the County Court he deceased in, the said General Court saw no cause to alter the same, which being done upon an oath of God that the General Court had taken on it, I hoped it had been the end of that question ; but since the Court is pleased to grant Edward Smith another hearing, I take the question to be as then, whether my husband's Will be a lawful Will, yea or no, and consequently whether it ought to stand or fall, and if that be not the question, I do desire his articles, and time to answer them at some other session, if the Court see cause. "Now that my husband's Will is a lawful "Will and conse quently ought to stand I will prove by showing that it is such a Will as answers the requirements of the law, which if so. then it is a lawful Will and ought to stand." * * * * The defense continues at some length to tell what are the requirements of the law^ and how it has all been fulfilled in this case, and answers the objections of Edward Smith, as fol- fows: " The first thing objected, is that my carriage was ill to my husband while he lived &c. " 1st. If my carriage were ill to my husband, yet that nulli fies not the Will : if my husband would be kind to the unkind and requite good for evil it's not for any other to overrule him therein. _ " 2nd : Yet I have abundant testimony proving that my car riage was good. " 3rd : My husband who best knew his own usage so declared of me at his end and rendered it as the reason why he did as John Smith. 43 he did in his Will saying I had been a good wife and the world should know he loved me and his testimony for me is more than all others against me in that respect. "4th: His rewarding me as a loving wife is my witness against these calumnies and that reward, is it, that Edward Smith would pluck out of my hand, though given me by my dear husband. "Their second objection is that I forced him to make his Will as he did &c. I answer I forced him not otherwise than by loving and dutiful carriage, and if I used any persuasions, I had both reason for it, and broke no law in it: but as for any forcible compulsion called duress, I never used any nor could do at making the Will, for it's proved that he gave instructions to the writer of it in my absence and signed it before three witnesses, after twice or thrice reading, and as for those speeches he uttered in anguish, he receded them all in his last testimony of me, that I was a loving wife and that the world by his Will which he spake of should know how he loved me. " Their third objection is that the Will was not lawfully proved &c. " This I answer by the witnesses who deposed at Court that it was my husband's act &c, and the witnesses answering all interrogatories, the Court saw cause to put them to and order ing the Will to be recorded, and it being since testified I hope is an answer to that can ill his discourses and the whole agita tion prove him to be of good memory when he signed his Will, and I hope the Court had skill enough to know how to swear the witnesses, but nothing pleaseth Edward Smith that makes herein for me. " Their fourth objection is that my husband was so bound by pre-engagement to him having sent for him from England to make him his heir and saying he was his child and he would do for him as a child and that he intended to make him his heir and would make him his heir and had made a former Will to that purpose &c. " This being their grand objection, and heaping up many things, requires a distinct answer as followeth : " 1 do answer that the testimony of Robert Alen, James Morgan, Thomas Crocker, Elizabeth Bliss and Richard Smith, are all single testimonies and prove nothing at all lawfully and if they bring more such it is enough to say, they are but so many ones, and not two of them testifying to the same individ ual speech it's no proof. Nehemiah and Anne Smith are joint 44 John Smith. in saying that they never heard my husband say anything to the contrary but that he would make Edward Smith his heir, which needs no answer, for that he might not say to the con trary and yet never say it. That what he intended to do referred to a future act that he did not pass his estate to Edward also that he made no such declaration to Edward; that all gifts of houses and lands must be in writing : that those that had titles to houses and lands, and were not in possession were to lose their claim if they sued it not out by the last of November, 1668 : that the law requires to see a grant under the hand of the grantor or a record and doth dash all other grants as bratts of confusion wherewith the world hath been too much troubled. A bare tongue conveyance and a mere memory record such as Edward now brings, the law apparently rejects as prostituting titles and estafes of inheritance in houses and lands to rapine of traducers and contingencies of forgetful hearers: and the rashness of inconsiderate expressions whereby titles will be put almost to a lottery to the ruin of persons and families. A Will is a legal instrument and is not to be balanced without as legal a deed of gift." ****** "It's no wonder to hear of men altering their minds and it's grown to a proverb that the first deed and the last Will are the best in law, nor yet were these sayings to and with Edward, but were mere cursory discourses with particular persons, if any such were. "Their fifth objection against the Will is that his deserts do merit a greater reward and therefore the Will ought not to stand. This objection is so incongruous with its self that it is a flat absurdity, for merit may contract a debt but cannot compel iu a Will : had he brought an action of debt against me for any thing since three years before the first of May last past, I must have answered it, but these old services have long ago been paid for or requited, if not, he should have demanded them before they were outlawed, but if desert be the case I hope the Court will consider that as a wife I have been much longer in sub jection to my husband than ever he was and have taken much more pains for him than he did." * * * * " His sixth objection is that he is proper heir at law and there fore ought to have the estate. His_ uncle, my husband hath an own brother still living at Norwich, therefore Edward is not proper heir. 2nd. It's no entailed estate, my husband has disposed of. 3rd. I am heir to a part by Will and therefore Edward is not sole heir at law. John Smith. 45 Besides the foregoing answer I desire the Court to consider what the scripture saith, that if it be but a man's testament, no man disannnlleth it nor addeth thereunto which contains both the Divine precept and practice among God's people. The 38th Statute of King Henry 8th enableth Englishmen to make their Wills and thereby to dispose of their estates, destroying no Will but of such as are under 21 years, or the testator not being not of sound memory. Our own law grants the same ability even to excommunicates upon which grounds I assert my husband's Will to be good. Who shall make a persons Will, himself or others ? If others, then a man is no owner : for power to dispose is co-essential to propriety." * * * "Lastly, it is declared and why he made his Will, namely to prevent trouble amongst his relations, and since he did it for that very end I desire his Will may stand as he left it, with out alteration, none had more power than he of his own, none better knew my deserts and necessity than he: also he knew Edward's deserts and I think I may add hardly any one was more willing to do each of us justice in his distributions than he, and whatever his will and mind was formerly yet he could not be staked down to that, but as reason may sway him, he may vary from it and if a man say to-day he will make his Will thus, yet to-morrow he may make it otherwise if he please and this robs no man's purse though it may disappoint his expectation, else first Wills would like first deeds cut off all after ones whereas last Wills take the place of all former' ones. What my husband said to the several persons that have testi fied can import at the worst no more than his present resolves and intentions concerning the future dispose of his estate (it was no present gift) which the law enabling him to make his last Will doth leave him at liberty to do, not binding him to his first purpose besides those single tests are no sufficient pfroof that he ever so said as they rehearse, and such as by the General Court already have been judged on as no reason why my husband's Will should be altered. "October 14th, 1681. " WM. PITKIN, " As Attorney to Joanna Smith, widow." The widow, in another document, wishes the Court to con sider : " That I stand as a third person distinct from my deceased husband and Edward Smith, with a lawful conveyance of a part of my husband's estate in my hand which cannot be void by all those former acts which they pretend to be my husband's. 46 John Smith. " He is worse than an infidel that provides not for his own house. I was the proper house my husband had to provide for, flesh of his flesh, and bone of his bone, and he could not with good conscience do less than provide well for me. I brought an estate to him : I helped in getting the estate, the bare rents my husband knew would not maintain me, who he knew he was to leave blind and sickly and aged. If he did in former times say he would do more for Edward, and less for me, it is to be supposed that those purposes were upon his view of things as they stood when I was well able to live by my chyrurgery, but now I am blind and cannot see a wound much less dress it or make salves, also my husband expected better behavior from Edward : then after he found, and the providence of God altering my condition so much as from being a good help to others, that I was grown to be a great burthen, gave my husband a just call to alter his former inten tions and to give me what might purchase me that respect and supply which the necessity of my condition called for, and which was his indispensable duty to provide for which he having done, if it must now be undone, then woe to poor widows when their husbands are dead, and under what doubts must all considerate, tender, .conscionable husbands live and die when they shall see an instance of orle that did what he could to provide for his widow, but it was frustrate the law would not maintain it. But I hope for better things from the prudence and justice of this Court, such as may make the widow's heart sing for joy &c. "JOANNA SMITH." EDWARD SMITH, Groton, Conn. Edward Smith, born in England about 1637, came to Boston about 1652, he then being about fifteen years of age and "exceedingly well clothed." The names of his father and mother do not appear, but he is spoken of as a very good man, and she as a precious Christian. His father was the eldest brother of John and Nehemiah Smith, who had then been in America fourteen or fifteen years. John was residing in Boston and Nehemiah on Long Island. Antony Waters, a man living with the latter, made a trip to England and brought Edward with him to his uncle John, who had written for him. Just previous to Edward's arrival, John had lost most of his property "in ye Civil war," and he sent Edward with Waters, to his brother Nehemiah on Long Island. Within a very short time, both families moved to New London, and Edward made his home with his uncle John, for nine years. He was married June 7, 1663, to ElizabethBliss of Saybrook, she being seventeen years of age and a dau. of Thomas and Eliza beth Bliss of Norwich, Conn. The following Feb. he received a grant of fifty acres in Groton in 1664. His ear mark for cattle was " the right ear cropt, and the left ear slitt down and the upper part of it cutt away." June 1, 1666, "Edward Smith was to take goodman Meads place to gather in the town rate of £40." In Nov., 1668, his uncle Nehemiah " made over property by the Big Pond " to him. He was a member of the Assembly in 1669. fn 1680 and 1681, he contested the will of his uncle John, claiming that his uncle had promised his father by letter, and subse quently acknowledged to others that he would make him his heir. [See the attempt to break the will.] The summer of 1689 was an exceptionally warm one, " the 48 Descendants of like having not been known in the memory of man." Prevalent at this time was a " distemper of sore throat and fever, which passed through most families and proved mortal with many." Edward, his wife and son John all died from it in less than one week. The son Obadiah and the seven daughters went to Norwich to live with relatives. Edward died July 14, 1689, aged about 52. His wife died July 10, 1689, aged 43, having been born Nov. 20, 1645. Ch. Elizabeth, b. Aug. 16, 1664; m. John Baley. Ann, b. Oct. 25, 1665 ; d. 1700 ; never married.. Rebecca, b. Aug. 5, 1668. Sarah, b. Sep. 6, 1670 ; in. Richard Handy of Windham. Mart, b. Nov. 21, 1672. John, b. Dec. 28, 1674 ; d. July 8, 1689. 2. Obadiah, b. Feb. 5, 1676-7. Hannah, b. Oct. 5, 1678. Mehitable. 2. Obadiah2 {Edward1), b. Feb. 5, 1676-7; m. Feb. 8, 1700, Martha, dau. of Joshua Abell of Bozrah. He was sergeant and afterward captain, 1719, of the Trainband, and in 1704 con stable of Norwich. The history of Franklin, published in 1869, says his house was where Edmund A. Allyn now resides on the road to Lebanon Hill. He was one of the petitioners for the organization of the new society in West Farms or Franklin as now known. He d. 1727. The widow m. 1730, a Mr. Buel. Here lies ye Body of Capt. Obadiah Smith who died May 1=1727 and in ye 50th year of his age. Now Between These carved stons Rich Tresser lies Deer Smith his hones. Edward Smith. 49 Ch. 3. Joshua, b. Sep. 11, 1705. Daniel, b. Dec. 4, 1707. Martha, b. Nov. 26, 1710. John, b. Nov. 15, 1715. Abner, b. Sep. 22, 1722 ; d. Oct. 4, 1729. James, b. June 30, 1725 ; d. Oct. 1, 1729. 3. Joshua3 {Obadiah*, Edward*), b. Sep. 11, 1705; m. Ednah Hazen, Oct. 21, 1724. Ch. Elizabeth, b. Sep. 30, 1725 ; d. Sep. 20, 1729. Obadiah, b. May 27, 1728 ; m. Jan. 5, 1753, Irene Backus, of Norwich,, dau. of Josiah and Love (Kingsbury) Backns; res. -Franklin, Conn.; was deacon and died April 15, 1797 ; six children, Andrew, b. 1754; Ednah, Anna, Irene, Eunice and Martha. Andrew (b. 1754) had a son Backus, b. 1792, who had a son, Andrew B. Smith, b. 1818. He was postmaster at Franklin, Conn., for a number of years. Another son of Andrew was Christopher H., b. 1795, who had three ch., one son and two daus., Rhoda C, b. 1822 ; m. 1st, Richard H. Woodruff ; res. Niagara Falls, N. Y.; m. 2d, John Perine ; res. Doon, Ontario; shed. 1878; her sister, Sarai Ann, m. Mr. Perine, 1879 ; the son is Col. Chas. C. Smith, St. Paul, Minn. Abijah, b. Jan. 16, 1730-31. Elizabeth, b. April 12, 1733. Judah, b. Nov. 7, 1735 ; in. Sarah Rudd, Dec. 10, 1761 ; res. Norwich and Franklin ; ch. Elizabeth, Lucretia, Oliver, Simeon and Jabez. 4. Joshua, b. April 1, 1738. Jacob, b. April 24, 1741. 4. Joshua4 {Joshua1, Obadiah*, Edward1), b. April 1, 1738; m. Nov. 15, 1768, Hannah Bentley. He was a farmer and 7 50 Descendants of carpenter, and a soldier in the Revolutionary war. He d. Oct. 6, 1806; said to have had a large family of children; res. Granville, N. Y. Ch. Elied, b. Oct. 27, 1769 ; m. Betsey ; res. War- • saw, N. Y., had ch. Oliver, Hyde T., and Sarah, who m. O. D. Foote. 5. Joshua, b. June 21, 1774. 5. Joshua' {Joshua*, Joshua3, Obadiah*, Edward'), b. June 21, 1774 ; m. Elizabeth Hartshorne ; he d. March 20, 1813 ; res. Franklin, Conn. Ch. Hannah, b. . ; m. Alpens Kingsley, one ch., d. young ; she d. May, 1824. 6. Beriah H., b. — : . Joshua, b. March 1, 1809 ; graduate Yale, 1833 ; mis sionary to Cape Palmas, West Africa; res., 1853, at Newark, N. J. ; Episcopal minister ; d. Aug. 19, 1865 ; never m. [See His. Franklin, p. 77.] JaYed H., b. ; res. Rochester, N. Y., ch. Maurice and Chas. E. ; both d. ; no ch. 6. Beriah H." {Joshua", Joshua*, Joshua3, Obadiah*, Edward'), m. Jan. 11, 1829, Philena Morton of Deerfield, Mass.; removed to New York State, 1829; to Sweden, Monroe Co., N. Y., in 1836, and from 1839 to 1846 he was at Clarendon, Orleans Co., N. Y., and from there removed to Evansville, Putnam Co., 111., in 1847. Ch. Julia, b. Oct. 15, 1829 ; m. ; seven ch. Charles Eugene, b. April 29, 1832; m. Julia Wilson ; res. Evansville, 111.; one ch., Julia. 7. Edward, b. Sep. 17, 1836. Sarah Antonette, b. March 29, 1839 ; m. ; three ch. Chester M., b. Nov., 1846 ; m. March 16, 1873, Sarah, dau. of Thos. and Maria (Warren) Pethond; res. Beatrice, Gage Co., Neb. Edward Smith. 51 7. Edward7 {Beriah H.°, Joshua", Joshua*, Joshua3, Oba diah*, Edward'), b. Sep. 17, 1836, at Sweden, Monroe Co., N. Y. ; m. Antoinnette Wardlaw ; res. Beatrice, Neb. Ch. Celia. Martha B. Frances M. 8. Edward. SMITH HOMESTEAD. NIANTIC CONN .. View In SMITH-LAKE CEMETERY, POQUONOC, CONN.. Rev. NEHEMIAH SMITH, Norwich, Conn. FIRST GENERATION IN AMERICA. Plymouth, Mass. Nehemiah Smith was born in England about 1605, came to America and made application to be admitted a freeman at Plymouth, March 6, 1637-8. John Derby, John Hewes and Giles Ricard also made application at this time and may have been fellow passengers with him during the voyage over. May 7 of the same year, Nehemiah, with others, "desired land towards the Six-Mile Brook." This was on the way to Nawascutte. March 5, 1638-9, with twenty others he " proposed to take up " his " freedom next court." Marshfield, Mass. He married Anne Bourne, of Marshfield, Jan. 21, 1639-40. She was a daughter of Thomas and Elizabeth Bourne, her full name being doubtless Sarah Ann, or Sarann Bourne. On the New Haven records his wife is recorded as Sarah ; her first child, born 1642, but it is not at all probable that he lost his first wife and married a second one in so short a time, and afterward married for the third time another Ann, with no mention of his frequent losses and marriages on the Plymouth and New Haven records. After leaving New Haven he lived one or two years on Long Island, and there his wife was surely named Ann, and, in fact, she is always alluded to as Ann ex cept on the church records at New Haven. Martha, a sister of Ann Bourne, married John, a son of Gov. William Bradford. 54 Nehemiah Smith. Martha Bradford and Ann Smith were living at Norwich at the same time. Nehemiah and his wife settled for a while m Marshfield or Greens Harbor, as it was then called, and he is believed to have been the first religious teacher at that place. In relation to this the following is from the records of Ply mouth : " March 3d, 1639-40, whereas there is controversy betwix Greens Harbor and Duxborrow about the lands between the fresh of Greens Harbor and the South River it is ordered and granted by the Court of Freeman to Mr. Edward Winslowe & the rest of the neighborhood of Greens Harbor, a compe- tant portion of uplands and meadow betwix the said rivers for a farm for a minister and one other competent portion of land near unto the said lot for the minister, either for Nehemiah Smyth or some other as the said inhabitants of Greens Harbor shall place in." This location was probably the marsh aud uplands formerly belonging to the first parish, and lies not far from the Webster farm north-west. May 5, 1640, he is on a committee of five to view all the meadows of Greens Harbor which were not granted forth and to measure them and to report to the Court. On April 23, 1641, Nehemiah Smith and Mrs. Bridget Fuller, a widow residing at New Field, entered into an agree- . ment by which he was to keep her sheep on shares. Mrs. Fuller was to furnish four ewes, which he was to keep until the 23d June, 1643, each to have half of the, wool annually and the increase to be divided at the expiration of the time. Mrs. Fuller one-half, and Nehemiah "thother" half, and the stock sent to Mrs. Fuller at " thend " of the term, there was also an agreement of a second term of years which was never entered upon, and most likely the first agreement was soon dissolved as the widow married Henry Sirkman the next September, and under date of Plymouth records June 1st, 1641, is the following : ' ' Whereas there is an act against the selling of sheep out of the Colonies and that Nehemiah Smyth having some sheep is 28 — 4 mo. .1640 — Marshfield. Geo. Barrell is granted to have that acre of ground at Spectaekell Island, which was passed over to him by good man Smith. Nehemiah Smith. 55 departing the collonies and wonld carry them away with him contrary to the said act, the Court doth order that the said Nehemiah Smyth shall bringe his sheepe to the towne of Plymouth the next second day at night or the morning follow ing, and shall sell them to any person or persons that is disposed to buy them viz : his ewes at f ourty shillings a piece, and the lambs at twenty shillings a piece, to bee payed in money or such commodities as the said Nehemiah shall like ; of and for the rest that are not bought he to be permitted to carry them with him whither he goes to dwell." Stratford, Conn. From Marshfield, Nehemiah Smith probably sailed with his wife direct to Stratford, taking his sheep with him. Certainly he was there in 1644. Unfortunately, the early town records are not complete. The first ecclesiastical society was organized 1640, but all records previous to 1675 were destroyed by fire. New Haven, or Quinipiack as it was then known, had been settled by the Davenport and Eaton Company, in 1638, and the records of the first church are in a remarkably good con dition. The original entries relating to the baptism of the children of Nehemiah and Sarah Smith may be found among the early pages of vol. 1 ; they mention the first three children, born 1642-4, all baptized 14th of the 10th mo., 1645, at New Haven, as of Stratford. This date modernized would be Dec. 24, 1645. It is possible that at about this time he moved from Stratford to New Haven, but more probable that he continued to reside in Stratford for a longer time, but kept a flock of sheep on the west side of Oyster river, then in the jurisdic tion of New Haven, which gave him the name of Shepherd Smith. It appears that he built at this place a sheep-pen on what was afterward called Shepherd's Hill, as early as the Spring of 1645. This now falls within the town of Milford and is located near the junction of Oyster river with the Sound. New Haven, Conn. The following interesting items relating to his life at New Haven are from the records of the General Court at that place : 56 Nehemiah Smith. June 23, 1644, " A motio made on the behalf of Goodina Smyth for a lott by the sea side, beyond the West River, was taken into consideratio and referred to bro. Gibs, bro : Miles, bro : Ceely, bro : Clark and bro : Peck to see if itt may stand with the convenience of the towne to grant itt." Oct. 21, 1644. "Goodma Smyth of Stratfords desired thatt he may have 30 or 40 acres of upland and 10 acres of meadow granted him for the comfortable keeping of sheepe about the Oyster River whereupon itt was ordered that those who were intrusted in the townes occasions for disposeing of lotts, shall consider of the said ppositio and order itt as they see cause." June 16th, 1645, " Whereas some have taken offence att the shepheards keeping his sheep and making a penne for them towards the Oyster River thinking they were wronged by itt, but the order of the Court the 21 of October, 1644, being read itt appeared thatt nothing was done butt by order of Court." Oct. 22d, 1645. " Goodman Smith desired the Court to take some order that his land may be layed out. The Govennour wished the Court to consider whether they would confirm their former grant to the said Smith or revoke or alter it, but it was respited to further consideration because for the present he hath put off his sheep." December 8, 1645. " The Goernour propownded to the Court whether they would confirme their former grant to Goodman Smith in refference to his sheepe, or such part of it as might bee conveynient for him and his famyly, wch occasioned a lardg debate, and sundry questions were put to Goodman Smith, both about the quantitye of ground he desired and keeping sheep for the town' s benefit. " Goodman Smith declared that he would not be content with five acres of meadow, nor would he be tyed to keep any sheepe but his owne, at wch the Court was offended because his promise to keep other men's sheepe was the grownd of their former grant. In conclusion, the former condition grant being voted, was by this Court revoked." August 16, 1646. "Nehemiah Smith's request was read, viz.: '"These are the propositions I thought meete in wrighting to propownd to yo'r worp's, upon which 1 desire land. '"First: that I might have for myne owne propryetv 20 acres of upland and 10 acres of meadow. " ' 2dly, that I might have it upon that hill where I have made a sheeps penne, of the south side of the hill of Mr. Mal- bons cove, because the sheep may have the ayre of the sea in Nehemiah Smith. 57 the summer time, lying four square by reason lesse chardge will fence it. " ' 3dly, also I desire when the sheepe doe returne, I may have 20 acres of upland and 10 acres of meadow, for w'hout 20 acres of meadow I can doe noe good wth keeping the sheepe. Also that it may be the hithermost of the Oyster River, & yt I may cntt timber for fencing upon the common, by reason there is little besides walnut upon that land. " ' This being granted, I shall doe what I am able for the keeping the town's sheepe and the good of them. This I desire may be granted as speedyly as may bee, that I may pro vide for them against they come. (Signed) "'NEHEMIAH SMITH' " The above said request of Nehemiah Smith was granted to him according to his propositions in the close of his wrighteing if it be accepted. "It was ordered that the Surveyor should runne the lyne on this side of Mr. Davenport's farme, from the stone east & by south 120 gr. parrallell to the other. July 5, 1647. " It was now remembered that form'r orders were made for the incouradgement of the sheapheard but lately it is fownd that uppon some speeches that he hadd mett w'thall from some, he has entertayned thoughts to remove. Therefore it was desired that things might be so considered off, that the sheepe with himselfe might bee kept in this towne, for thereby much good may redound to the publicque. " Whereupon it was ordered that the necke, or so much of it as may be improved by the sheep, should from time to time be made use of as a sheep pasture, and to that purpose it was further ordered that every one who hath grownd in the neck should cleare his land, according to order from the Committee to be chosen to treate w'th Goodman Smith, & consederation was had also about a penn to keepe sheepe in, all wch w'th sundry other questions was committed by this gen' 11 Court unto those of the particular Court, joyning to them elder New man, bro : Myles, Mr. Tuttle, Mr. Caffinch, Mr. Gilbert, Mr. Wackman, Wm. Preston, bro: Camfield and Goodman John son as a committee unto whom all questions concerninge the sheep buisinese is referred." June 11, 1649. " after excusing Jno. Thomas ' to goe cary some phisicke to one that was sicke.' The Governer acquainted the Court that the principall ocasion of this Court was aboute Nehemiah Smith the Sheppard, whoe is willing if he maye be 8 58 Nehemiah Smith. accommodated heare to come hither & bring ye flock of sheepe with him, both them vt belonge to ye towne and his own allso, thoughe not willing "to keepe the townes sheepe because of some weakness he finds upon himselfe, but he shall sell some of his owne & Keepe aboute 20 or 30 himselfe, and therefore propounds that he might have land wher he formerly pro pounded for it ; that is, twenty ac'rs of- upland at ye sheppards penn & 10 ac'rs of meadow in Oyster meadow. " Affter much debate it was voted that he should have 20 ac'rs of upland upon sheppards hill and 10 acrs of meddowe in Oyster River meddow for his proprietie, and for the rest of his commonage he must fall under ye rules of a planter as other planters doe. May 6, 1650 "Nehemiah Smith having had 20 acres of land granted him by this Court, to be laid out for him on Sheppards hill, but by an error it is laid out in another place, which the Court witnessed against, but seing it is laide out, and some cost bestowed upon it the Court did now order for his incouragmt that he should have that 20 acres that is laide out for him. In the margin, "At a towne meeting ye 13th of May, 1650, it was voted yt yt clause in this order of keeping 20 or 30 sheep should be of no force, but that he keepe what sheep he sees meete selling some to ye towne, and when ye towne sees cause to stint themselves in other catle, that then he be stinted also as other planters." " And order made by this Court 5th July, 1647, concerning the necke was read and confeirmed, and ye committee then chosen to consider of clearing ye necke for ye sheepe was desired to meete and consider what is needfull to be done for ye p'rsent against the sheepe come, and whereas Wm. Preston, one of ye comittee is dead Henry Lendall was chosen in his roome." (The records of the Particular Court have been lost for 150 years or more.) July i, 1651. " It is ordered that John Wood, nor any for Nehemiah Smith, meddle no more to break up or any way improve the land formerly granted for sheepe on the Westside, the grant being voyde and the land returned to the townes use and dispose." Long Island. In Oct., 1679, at Norwich, Nehemiah Smith aged about seventy-four, and Anna his wife aged sixty-four or " there about," testified in relation to an attempt to break his brother's Nehemiah Smith. 59 Will, that "about seven and twenty years ago they lived on Long Island." It would seem by this that the family was liv ing somewhere on Long Island in 1652. Probably they moved there in the spring of 1651, as he was in New Haven until after May 13, 1650, since migrations were usually made as early as possible in the spring of the year, and John Wood was on Shepherd's Hill previous to July, 1651. A branch of the New Haven Church was established at Southold, Long Island, about 1640, and it may be supposed that this was the place where Nehemiah lived on Long Island. Unfortunately there are but few town records at Southold preserved previous to 1653, or of church records previous to 1745. He remained on Long Island one or two years and returned to Connecticut. New London, Conn. From an entry made August 29, 1652, on the Town Records of New London, or Pequot, as it was then known, we learn that " Goodman Smith that comes from Long Island, hath 8 acres of upland given him for an house lot at the back of Good man Kenny & Parkers house lots bounded with the highway that runs to the marshes given to Cape Ann men. Also he hath a grant of the next lot upon the general neck that falls to the town." This location is now within the limits of the city of New London, where the following items relative to his life in Groton may be found at the Town Clerk's office : " December 27, 1652, 20 acres of upland given him upon the plain upon the east of the pond in Scull plain. " This was on the other side of the river at Smith Lake, Poquonoc, and since known as the location of the Smith homestead. " February, 1652-3, Goodman Smith the weaver hath given him next Goodman Waller what land is there left to be divided. " February 9, 1652-3. Nehemiah Smith hath given ham 150 acres of upland upon the plain joining to his 20 acres given him by the pond on Scull plain. 60 Nehemiah Smith. " Februare 9, 1652-3, Goodman Smith hath given him for his whole proportion of all divided lands 8 acres of upland more to be laid to his house lot, excepting swamps, &c. " February 20th, 1652-3 Nehemiah Smith hath given him a piece of meadow joining to Captain Denison's 50 acres — two or three acres, if it be there. " February 25th, 1652-3, he is on a committee to make the rate £60 for the minister, John Elderkin. "December 23rd, 1653, goodman Smith, the weaver, two acres * * * near high mountain. "January 24, 1653-4, Nehemiah Smith hath given him a piece of plain land about fifteen acres lying on the eastward of his land given beyond Skull Plain. He hath also given him one hundred acres of upland joining to, his brother's about Mistic Hill, his brother's two hundred acres which is half granted by the Pond and half about Mistic Hill. " Richard Houghton and ' Weaver' Smith one hundred acres each, above goodman Cheesbroughs. " February 19, 1654, he hath given him five acres of meadow lying upwards upon Poquonnoc River, at Mistic, he hath given him four acres of meadow. " He hath also given hiin two hundred acres of upland more or less upon the hills towards Poquonoc plains bounded on the west by land of goodman Burroughs and Thomas toward Poquonoc, bounded by the pond of water. Also more land January 4th, 1653-4. He continued to reside at New London, probably until after 1655, owing to trouble with the Indians. He then moved to his farm at Smith Lake, Poquonoc, where he doubtless had been making improvements, building, etc., for several years. Norwich, Conn. Norwich was purchased of the Indian Chief Uncas and his sons, iu June, 1659. Neliemiah Smith was one of the original proprietors, and his home lot was laid out with the others, in Nov., 1659, with fifteen acres added in 1663. Whether he joined the company from Saybrook in 1660, and moved from Pequot to Norwich at that time does not definitely appear; but in 1663 he is spoken of as " now of New Norridge." His was the largest tract of land of any possessed by any of the first set- Nehemiah Smith. 6l tiers. His house stood about fifty-seven feet north of the oldest burying ground after it was enlarged and known as the Post and Gager burying ground located on the south side of the road which runs north-west and south-east. He was on the north side of the road with Hammer brook running between his land and that of Thomas Howard on the north-west, while Samuel Hyde was his neighbor on the south-west, with a road between them. Forty-seven acres of upland meadow and pasture at the further end of the Yan tick — "abutting easterly on land of Jonathan Rogers on the Pine swamp and a brook" — was laid out April, 1661, and granted to him May, 1663. In April, 1661, there were four and a half acres of meadow laid out for him ; and again twenty-two acres on Forty-acre hill, abutting easterly on the brook near William Backus, laid out in May, 1663. Also fifteen and a half acres of upland and meadow on Scotch cove, mostly on land of Thomas Bingham. This grant was laid out in May, 1663. The following was recorded at the Superior Court between June 6 and September 20, 1666 : "Nehehomyah Smith of Norwig declaring himself to be above sixty years in age, his brother John Smith declaring also the same, upon his earnest desire is freed from training, watch ing and warding." Nov. 18, 1668 (New London Records) he made over some of the property by the Big pond, to Edward, his nephew. Five days later, he with Nathaniel Leneis apprised a stray horse at Norwich at £4 10s. May 2, 1673, he was granted seven acres of pasture and about this time he purchased five and a quarter acres at Yantic. June 12, 1684, Nehemiah and Ann Smith made over their homestead and other property to their son-in-law, Joshua Abell, stipulating only for maintenance dur ing life, they being in an infirm and weakly state. He died about 1686, aged about 81 years. His wife, born about 1615, died after Jan. 12, 1684. They were both buried in the Post and Gager burying ground, in the oldest part, which was purchased by the town of Thomas 62 Descendants of Post in 1661. All of the early residents were buried here and without gravestones to mark the identical places. The Gager portion was added sometime after Nehemiah's death. A granite monument has been erected on the highest portion of the ground and contains his name with those of the other proprietors. The compiler has not been able to find any further record of his will than what is contained in the following from the records of the Superior Court : " The last Will with an Inventory of the estate of Mr. Nehemiah Smith, Sr., of Norwich, being exhibited in Court, was proved and ordered to be recorded, and this Court grants power of administration unto the heir, Nehemiah Smith. This Court approves of the agreement drawn between the lega tees, bearing date the 30th of June, 1686, and ordered it to be re corded. The above was exhibited in a Court holden at New London, September 22nd, 1686." Unfortunately no copy of the inventory or agreement of legatees can be found, as the oldest book of wills belonging to the county was destroyed in the burning of the town of New London by the British in 1781. No pictures of the descendants of Nehemiah Smith earlier than of the sixth generation have been found. Surely, one of the emigrants himself would be most interesting to look at. Judging by later generations he was a man of full height arid size generally, with a good constitution. Though spoken of as a minister he does not appear to have ever been permanently settled in that capacity. He doubtless always took an active interest in church affairs and may have occasionally officiated in the absence of the regular pastor. He came to America when he was about thirty-three years of age, and lived here nearly fifty years. He was among the earliest in the several new towns in which he resided, remaining the longest time at Norwich, in his old age, a period of about twenty-five years. He is occasion ally spoken of as Mr. in deference to his being a minister, but more often as Goodman, Shepherd, or Weaver Smith. Ch. Sarah, b. about 1642; bap. First Church, New Haven, Dec. 14, 1645 ; possibly same as Ann, Sarah Ann after her mother. Nehemiah Smith. 63 Mary, b. about 1642 ; bap. New Haven, Dec. 14, 1645 (may have been twin with Sarah) ; m. Samuel Raymond, a brother of Joshua, who m. her sister Elizabeth ; both were living in 1700 at Norwich, Conn.; left a large estate ; no ch. Hannah, b. about 1644; bap. New Haven, Dec. 14, 1645. Mercy, b. about 1645 ; bap. New Haven, Feb. 22, 1645-6. 2. Elizabeth, b. about 1645. 3. Nehemiah, b. about 1646. Lydia, b. about 1647 ; Superior Court records Norwich ; May 8, 1680; "33 years of age or thereabouts." 4. Ann, b. 5. Mehitable, b. 3. Elizabeth2 {Nehemiah'), b. at New Haven about 1645 ; bap. First Church, Feb. 22, 1645-6 ; m. Deacon Joshua Ray mond, Dec. 10, 1659, she being about fifteen years of age. He was of New London, but a son of Richard and Judith " Ray- ment " of Salem, Mass. [See Gen. of the Raymond Families of New England, 1886, p. 5.] In the February previous to his marriage, Joshua removed to New London and purchased a house and lot, corner of Parade and Bank streets, which remained thereafter in the Raymond family for 150 years. In Feb., 1661-2, he was granted land south of the Fort on the water side. He is said to have been in Norwalk in 1664, and in October of the same year at Saybrook. In 1668 he with James Avery and Dan'l Wetherell advanced the £15 which the town had agreed to pay the Indian chief Uncas for certain lands in settlement of boundary claims. They were each in demnified by the town with 200 acres of land. Mr. Raymond is believed to have been the second person who built on this Indian land at "Mohegan Fields." "The house stood in a commanding position on the west side of the road to Norwich, eight miles from New London." This homestead remained in possession of the family 175 years, and at one time included 1,000 acres lying together about it. In 1672 a company of 64 Descendants of forty horsemen was organized ; this was the first company of troopers in the county. Joshua Raymond was the cornetist, and is occasionally alluded to on the town records as Cornet Raymond, a title which was quite as familiar as that of captain or lieutenant. He was later made commissary, and in 1673 one of the administrators to the estate of Robert Bartiett. Deacon Joshua Raymond was b. about 1639 ; d. April 24, 1676; bur. New London. His wife Elizabeth was made administratrix of his estate on Block Island, 1676. Oct. 10, 1678, the General Assembly empowered the widow to "pass over" to Oliver Manwaring a house and land which her hus band had bought for him, and for which he had received pay ment, though he had not completed the transaction at the time of his death. Manwaring was his brother-in-law. The widow m. for her second husband George Dennis, Jan. 26, 1681. He was from Long Island. He d. previous. to 1708. She was living at the time of her father's d. in 1686. Ch. First husband : Joshua Raymond, b. Sep. 18, 1660; m. April 29, 1683, Mercy, dau. of James Sands of Block Island. It is this Mercy Raymond who held out her apron for Capt. Kidd to throw in handfulls of gold and jewels. [See Harper's Magazine, Dec, 1879 ; Hurd's His. New London, pp. 155 and 571 ; Caulkins' His. New London, pp. 292, 343 and 351 ; Descendants of Comfort Sands, by Prime, Ed. 1886, and Raymond Genealogy, p. 6.] After Mr. Raymond's d. at Block Island in 1704, she with John Merritt purchased 600 acres of land at Montville, Conn. Iu 1722 they gave two acres on Raymond Hill for a church. She d. May 3, 1741, se. 78 ; bur. Pine Neck. Elizabeth Raymond, b. May 24, 1662 ; m. Daniel Richards. Ann Raymond, b. May 12, 1664. Hannah Raymond, b. Aug. 8, 166S ; m. Thomas Avery. Richard Raymond, b. April 7, 1670; d. Sep. 1, 1670. Mary Raymond, b. March 12, 1(571-2; m. Hon. John Chand ler, Nov. 10, 1692; res. New London and Woodstock, Conn. [See Chandler Gen., p. 44.] She d. April 8, 1711. Nehemiah Smith. • 65 Experience Raymond, b. Jan. 20, 1673-4 ; d. June 25, 1689. Mehitable Raymond, b. Dec. 19, 1675 ; d. young. Second husband : Ebenezer Dennis, b. Oct. 23, 1682. 3. Nehemiah3 {Nehemiah'), b. New Haven, Conn., 1646, was bap. Oct. 24, 1646, by the Rev. John Davenport, first pastor of the First Church. He moved with his father to the Poquo noc farm, adjoining Smith lake, when he was about ten years of age. When he was seventeen, if not earlier, his father was living in Norwich, leaving him at the homestead farm. His uncle John and cousin Edward, who was then about twenty- four years of age, also lived near by. At twenty-three he m. Oct. 24, 1669, Lydia Winchester, a dau. of Alexander Win chester of Roxbury, Mass. During this same year he was a member of the General Assembly at Hartford, which office he filled in several subsequent years. Both he and his wife were members in full communion of the First Church, New London, although one child was bap. at the First Church, Stonington. In 1673, he claimed the bounty of sixteen shillings each for five wolves that he had killed during the year. "Sep. 16, 1679, Mr. Nehemiah Smith and Ensign James Morgan, appearing in Court, and informing the Court of two oxen of about five years old and vantage, and one steer of four years old and a cow, have been taken up by them as strays, and have been in their custody about a twelve month, and that they have been cry'ed according to law in all places far and near, and no owner appearing, this Court Orders that the four year old steer be ordered to ye partyes findeing and Keeping the Sayde Strayes for wintering and charges in Crying them and the other three Cattle to be aprized by Capt. James Avery and William Meades, and then to be Dispoased of by the County Treasurer for the Countys use and the fonre yeare old Steers to be allsoe Aprized by the partyes above mentioned and A Record to be entered of the valuation of them in the Court Records under the hands of the Sd Aprizers and the markes of the Sd Cattle to be allsoe entered and recorded." 9 66 Descendants of In Sep., 1686, by his father's will, which reads, " To the heir Nehemiah Smith." He received title to the Poquonoc farm, since known as the Smith homestead. He bought a large tract of land at Niantic, Conn., in 1691-2, of Joseph and Jonathan Bull, of Hartford. John Christophers also appears in the transaction. The first payment of twenty shillings was made Jan. 30, 1691-2. This land was known as the Soldiers land or Soldiers Reward, and was situated north of Black Point on Niantic bay, from Sargents' Head (probably Oswegatchie Hill or Walnut Hill) west to a fresh pond. North-west of this was a tract of 100 acres-, secured to the Hammonassetts, and was called Obed land, from the name of their chief. The Soldier land having been laid out so as to include the Obed land, an exchange was effected by the General Court and 200 acres added to the grant on the north side as a compensation for the 100 relinquished, on the south. The Hammonassetts, however, sold their reservation to the proprietors of the grant, March 9, 1691-2. March 12, 1692, Joseph and Jonathan Bull conveyed the Obed land and 700 acres north of it to Nehemiah Smith of Groton. Thomas Bradford, his brother-in-law, was a partner in the transaction. Partial payments were made during 1692-3-4 varying from £1 14s. to £68 10s. Oct. 21, 1701 ; Nehemiah Smith of New London, and Thomas Bradford of Lyme, divided some of the property, Smith to have two-thirds of the meadow, north of Great creek, and Bradford one-third, or all south of the creek. The following from Col. Rec. of Conn., Vol. 12, p. 115, under date of Oct., 1762, is in reference to a portion of this tract of land. The Joseph Smith referred to was doubtless his grandson, son of Samuel. "We the subscribers being mutually chosen by the tribe of Indians at Nehantick in Lyme on the one part and Edward Champlain, Joseph Smith &c, of said Lyme on the other part, to settle and determine a controversy subsisting between said parties respecting a piece of land lying in said Nehantick commonly known by the name of The Upper Hundred Acres, and is part of a large tract of land formerly granted to Joseph Nehemiah Smith. 67 and Jonathan Bull, of Hartford, and by them conveyed to Nehemiah Smith, Esq., of Groton, wherein said parties agree to be concluded as to ancient bounds of said tract by our judg ment on the bounds mentioned in said Joseph and Jonathan Bull to said Nehemiah Smith and that the said land be then equally divided by ns for quantity and quality, which settle ment when so made by us the parties agree to stand by and acquiesce in and shall put a final end to any further controversy respecting said lands, and having met at said Niantic on the 8th day of April 1762. The parties being all present we, viewed said lands aud heard all their talks and debates re specting said lands, and agree to bound and divide the said lands as follows, viz : Beginning on the west side at the head of the creek a£ a spring about 1 rod northwestward of Indian Joseph's house, from thence east 31 d. south 120 rods a straight line across the neck to a point of rocks on Nehantick Bay. Said 100 acres lying on the north side of said line and bounded east on said Niantic Bay, north on said Champlain's land, and west on the brook which runs into the creek, which piece of land we divide between the parties by a straight line beginning at a cherry tree with stones about it, standing under the hill about 30 rods west from Champlain's dwelling house and about 1 rod- east of a gate and bars going into Black Point, thence running south 3 d. west 148 rods to a heap of stones in the line above described which divides the upper from the middle hundred acres and is about eleven rods westward from the point of rocks above mentioned. The said Indians to have all the lands on the west side this line and the said Champlain &c, to have all the land on the east side of said line excepting and reserv ing to the Indians the perpetual use of their burying place which is on that part of said tract to bury their dead. And whereas the highway down to Black Point is on the Indian part of land in this division we would signify that a proper allowance hath been made to them in this division therefor. All of which we have done according to our best judgment and skill, the rules of equity and justice and to the general satisfaction of the parties. PYGAM ADAMS, ) STEPHEN HEMPSTEAD, V Referees. RICHARD WAIT, ) Lyme, April 15, 1762. (Confirmed.) 68 Descendants of In 1694, he is alluded to on the records as Sergeant. July 11 of this year, it was decided to build anew meeting-house, and he was one of the committee chosen " to agree with work men for building the house and managing the whole concern about it." In Oct., 1696, with Captain Mason and Samuel Chester, he is to "go on the lands belonging to the family of the Rogers in New London, and endeavor a right understand- ing of differences." May 13, 1697, at Hartford Court of Elections may be found the following: "John Avery appoint ed Captain of the trainband at New London on the east side of the river, and Nehemiah Smith to be their Ensign and to be Commissionated accordingly. These are commissionated." May 12, 1698, Ensign Nehemiah Smith is appointed a Justice for New London county, and also appointed with "the Worshipful Captain Samuel Mason and Captain Daniel Witherell," to look after the selectmen of Stonington or any of the towns in the county in relation to the highways. In 1706, he is a lieutenant. He was also a representative from New London, justice of the peace, justice of the quorum, etc. Oct. 14, 1704, his name is number 5 on a list of seventy-seven names to whom the patent of New London was granted by the General Assembly, by virtue of Letters-Patent granted by his Royal Majesty, Charles the Second of England, April 23, 1663. Oct. 11, 1705, he is a representative from New London at the General Assembly held at New Haven. Major-General Fitz John Winthrop, Esq., Gov. In Dec. of this year, the first town meeting in Groton was held. He appears as one of the selectmen. March 25, 1703, the town of New London granted liberty to James Morgan, James Avery and Nehemiah Smith to lay out and sell 300 acres of land in Groton for the building of the first meeting-house. In a list of freemen dated Dec. 22, 1708, his is the first name. April 26, 1709, he appears on the committee to settle boundaries between Norwich and Groton, and Groton and Preston, and afterward, Groton and Stonington. New Haven, Oct. 10, 1706, he with Captain James Mor- Nehemiah Smith. Q9 gan were appointed " to go to the eastern part of Stonington and to see how their difficulties is " in relation to boundary troubles, and he is also on another committee " to treat with Owaneco concerning the differences arising from his claim to land with full power to finally agree and report to the Gov ernor." April 2, 1707, at Hartford, he is a representative from Groton and continues annually to 1716. In 1711, Gov. Saltonstall and Council at New Haven " Or dered that the Treasurer do pay out of the Colony Treasury to Nehemiah Smith of Groton Esq., the sum of four pounds and one shilling money for satisfying what is due to him from the Colony for goods to our Indian soldiers which appears by his account this day laid before this Board, and now on file." May, 1713, he is allowed one pound two shilling and sixpence for attendance at the Assembly. March, 1714-15, he is on a committee " to make seats in gallery some time this year." In 1715, Mr. Justice Smith of Groton and Mr. Justice Pren tiss of New London were appointed overseers of the Indians at Niantic. The Indians complained that some of their number had been induced by drink and other ways to allow the Eng lishmen to inclose large pastures out of the land set off by the government for the improvement of the Indians. March 20, 1715-6, he was on a committee in relation to the debts of the town. In 1716, he is spoken of as severity years of age. He was the second town clerk of Groton, 1707 to 1718. In 1719, he was on several committees relating to schools, Indians, and laying out of land. His wife Lydia died Oct. 24, 1723, in the seventy-eighth year of her age. Sep. 7, 1724, within one year after his marriage to Elizabeth Haynes, he promises her 100 pounds of current bills of Credit of New England, as a jointer dowry. They were married two days later. She was a widow, and by her will names the following daughters: Michel Williams, Cayiat Streat, Elizabeth Phillops, Anne Brown and Deborah Hainsand"my loving son Josiah Hanes and my loving son Caleb Hains." 70 Descendants of Nehemiah Smith died Aug. 8, 1727, in the eighty-first year of his age. He and his first wife were buried in the First graveyard at Poquonoc, Groton, Conn., and both removed in 1888 to Smith Lake Cemetery. The tombstone gives his age as in his eightieth year. As he was born in New Haven, it is probable that they did not know the exact date of his birth. The New London town clerk recorded his death as follows : "August 8th, 1727, died in Groton, Mr. Justice Smith, an aged gentleman of about 80 years." Under date of July, 1735, or eight years after his death, Hempstead in his diary says : " Fin ished gravestones for old Justice Smith, of Groton." Ch. Lydia, b. Oct. 29, 1670 ; bap. First Church, New London, Sep. 21, 1673. 6. Nehemiah, b. Nov. 14, 1673. 7. Samuel, b. June 2, 1676. Martha, b. Oct. 15, 1678. Daniel, b. Nov. 29, 1680 ; m. Elizabeth ; res. Groton ; he d. previous to Probate inventory, Jan. 7, 1729-30 ; she was administratrix, Dec. 24, 1730, and d. previous to Jan. 1, 1739-40, when her own estate was inventoried ; no ch. mentioned. 8. Margaret, bap. 1683. Joseph, bap. Nov. 7, 1686 ; First Church, Stonington. 4. Ann2 {Nehemiah?), m. Thomas Bradford, a son of Major William and grandson of Gov. William Bradford who came in the "Mayflower" 1620; res. New London and Norwich, Conn. He was a partner with his brother-in-law Nehemiah2 in the purchase of Indian land at Niantic ; he dv 1708 ; record of only one ch. has been found. Jereusha Bradford, bap. Norwich, May 28, 1693; m. Hezekiah Newcomb, a large landholder at Lebanon, Conn.; she d. Nov. 5, 1739, S3. 47 ; he had 2nd wf. and d. Aug. 15, 1772, se. 79. [See interesting account of his life, pp. 41-47, Gen. of the Newcomb Family, Ed. 1874,] Nehemiah Smith. 71 5. Mehitable8 {Nehemiah'), m. Nov. 1, 1677, Joshua Abell, of Dedham, Mass. " He was Constable in 1682, and was frequently chosen Townsman." She d. March 14, 1684-5, and he m. his second wife Nov., 1685, Bethiah, dau. of John laager ; she d. March 31, 1723, se. 63 ; he d. March 17, 1724-5, jb. 75 or 76 ; his estate was distributed the same year ; four daughters received $4,500 each ; there were six ch. by the second wife. Ch. First wife : (No name), b. Jan. 1, 1678; d. Jan. 6, 1678. Nehemiah Abell, b. Jan. 15, 1679 ; d. Jan. 27, 1679. Anne Abell, b. April 2, 1681. Martha Abell, b. Feb. 13, 1682 ; m. Sergt. Obadiah Smith, Feb. 8, 1699-70. [See His. Franklin, Conn., p. 62.] 6. Nehemiah3 {Nehemiah*, Nehemiah'), b. Nov. 14, 1673; m. April 22, 1696, Dorothy Wheeler, a dau. of Isaac and Martha (Park) Wheeler and granddaughter of Thomas and Mary Wheeler. Soon after their marriage they both joined the First Church, New London. He was known as an honest and highly respected farmer, and appears on the town records as Nehemiah, Jr. He was townsman 1712-14. At the time of his death, which was a few years before that of his father, all of his twelve children were living except Dorothy. He was b. and always resided on the homestead farm near Smith lake, Poquonoc, Groton, Conn. He also owned land at "Nowa- yanck." This land, according to the original inventory of his estate, by an error in surveying comprised thirty acres more than actually existed. This error was afterward corrected and the laud shows a valuation of about $12 an acre. By his will he gave £1648 2s. lOd. to the family, one-third to his wife, the balance equally among the eleven children, except to Nathan, the oldest son, who had received his full double share during his father's life-time. He d. Nov. 21, 1724, fifty-one 72 Descendants of years of age. His wife, called Dollie, was b. Dec. 6, 1679, and d. May 25, 1736. They were both buried near his father and mother in' the first burying ground at Poquonoc, and both removed to Smith Lake Cemetery, 1888. Ch. Dorothy, b. Aug. 26, 1697; d. Jan. 4, 1697-8. Hannah, b. Feb. 20, 1699. 9. Elizabeth, b. Nov. 17, 1700. 10. Nathan, b. Sep. 16, 1702. 11. John, b. June 14, 1704. William, b. May 10, 1706 ; m. first, Halsey, and second, Avery; in 1731 he was guardian for his sister Sarah, giving bonds for £250 ; he d. Oct. 5, 178S, se. 82 ; bur. Smith Lake Cemetery. 12. Isaac, b. Dec. 29, 1707. Mary, b. Nov. 16, 1709. Lydia, b. Jan. 24, 1712-13. 13. Jabez, b. Feb. 7, 1714. Anna, b. Nov. 1, 1717. Sarah, b. July 14, 1719 ; living Dec. 30, 1731. 7. Samuel3 {Nehemiah*, Nehemiah'), b; Poquonoc, Conn., June 2, 1676, on the homestead farm. He was bap. at the First Church, New London, one month later. The Probate Court records show that his wife's name was Elizabeth, and in all probability it was Elizabeth Ely. The limits of this work will not permit of a review of the traditional stories relating to his wife's name, or as to whether Elizabeth Ely was the wife of either Nehemiah Smith, the evidence that contradict them are abundant. Samuel Smith received title from his father to a large tract of land at Niantic, June 23, 169S, and doubtless was married and located there previous to that date, since his father had made the purchase several years previous, and was not living there himself. Samuel Smith d. about 1732. His wife and oldest son Nehemiah appear as adminis trators to the estate Sep. 1, 1732. Ch. Nehemiah Smith. 73 14. Nehemiah, bap. 1701. 15. Samuel, b. about 1696. 16. Simon, b. about 1712. 17. Joseph, b. 18. Paul, b. about 1726. 19. Daniel, b. 20. Lydia, b. 21. Elizabeth, b. Margaret, b. ; m. Ephraim Foote. 8. Margaret3 {Nehemiah*, Nehemiah'), b. at the homestead ; was bap. 1683. She was m. by her father, a justice of the peace, to Daniel Palmer of Stonington, March 25, 1700. He was a son of Nehemiah and Hannah (Stanton) Palmer and grandson of Walter Palmer of the first gen. Hannah Stanton was a dau. of Thomas Stanton, the famous Indian interpreter- general to the United Colonies. Mrs. Smith d. June 4, 1727. He m. 2nd, the widow Mary (Avery) Denison, Jan. 30, 1730. She had twelve ch. by her first husband, Wm. Denison. [See Des. of George Denison, pp. 84 and 180.] Ch. Nehemiah Palmer, b. April 9, 1702 ; m. Submit Palmer ; res. Stonington ; had ten ch. ; he d. July 25, 1762, se. 60; shed. Jan. 29, 1793. Daniel Palmer, b. June 10, 1704 ; m. Mary Palmer, Jan. 6, 1731; res. Yoluntown, Conn.; nine ch. ; he d. Aug. 17, 1772. Samuel Palmer, b. April 1, 1707 ; m. ; had a son Samuel of Thompson, Conn.; Samuel, Sr., d. Jan. 19, 1775. Nathan Palmer, b. Oct. 24, 1711; m. Phebe Billings, April 21, 1735 ; a physician ; had thirteen ch. ; res. Ston ington ; d. March 28, 1795. Rufus Palmer, b. Oct. 7, 1713; m. Phebe Babcock, Feb. 15, 1749. Huldah Palmer, b. Nov. 15, 1715 ; d. July 25, 1727. 10 74 Descendants of Lydia Palmer, b. Aug. 16, 1718 ; d. June 25, 1727. James Palmer, b. July 13, 1720 ; m. Hannah Chesebrough, June 4, 1749 ; res. Stonington ; eight ch. ; d. June 20, 1794. Rebecca Palmer, b. April 13, 1726 ; m. Capt. Daniel Fish, Feb. 17, 1743; she d. July 12, 1786; he d. April 11, 1788 ; res. Preston, Conn. 9. Elizabeth4 {Nehemiah3, Nehemiah1, Nehemiah'), b. at Groton, Nov. 17, 1700 ; bap. First Church, New London, Dec. 22, 1700 ; m. Dec. 13, 1719, James Avery, Jr. Ch. James Avery, b. July 27, 1724. Elizabeth Avery, b. Jan. 13, 1726. lO. Nathan4 {Nehemiah3, Nehemiah*, Nehemiah1), b. Sep. 16, 1702, at the Smith homestead, Poquonoc. He was m. by Rev. Ebenezer Rossiter, of the First Church, Stonington, to Mary Denison, of Stonington, Dec. 5, 1723. She was a sister of his brother Isaac's wife and daughter of Deacon Daniel and Mary (Stanton) Denison. [See Des. of Geo. Den., p. 121.] At the age of twenty-two, less than a year after his marriage, his father died leaving him in charge of the homestead farm, which was then a very large one. About the time of the Revolutionary war, his house was burned down and with it many papers, books, etc., valuable in the way of family history. He soon rebuilt over the same cellar, and this dwell ing is known as the second house and is still standing on the east side of the road near Smith Lake Cemetery. He held various public offices and d. Dec. 4, 1784, having spent his entire life of eighty-two years on the farm upon which he was born. He left a wife with whom he had lived happily sixty- one years. She d. Feb. 20, 1793, se. 87. Both were buried at Smith Lake Cemetery. [See Introduction, for statistical information of her large number of descendants.] Ch. Nehemiah Smith. 75 22. Nathan, b. Sep. 18, 1724. 23. Mary, b. Oct. 1, 1726. 24. Dorothy, b. April 18, 1729. 25. Jane, b. Jan. 13, 1731-2. 26. Elizabeth, b. May 2, 1736. 27. Oliver, b. April 27, 1739. 28. Gilbert, b. April 2, 1742. 29. Hannah, b. July 19, 1745. 30. Jabez, b. May 9, 1748. Sabria, b. , said to have m. Sanford Billings. 11. John4 {Nehemiah3, Nehemiah*, Nehemiah1), b. June 14, 1704, at the Smith homestead, Poquonoc, was m. May 10, 1727, by Rev. Ebenezer Rosseter, to Temperance Holmes of Stonington, a dau. of Joshua and Fear (Sturges) Holmes and great granddaughter of Robert Holmes of Stonington. They resided in Groton, where their first five children are recorded, but removed to Colchester in 1736, and the remaining seven children are recorded in that place; they both joined the church at Colchester, Nov. 19, 1738. He was captain of the Trainband 1749, and owned a large farm. They both joined the First Church of Stonington. He June 16, 1745, "by a recommendation by a church in Colchester," and she Jan. 19, 1746, " by a recommendation from ye Rev. Mr. Ephraim Little of Colchester." He d. Dec. 22, 1758, in the fifty-fifth year of his age, bur. in the oldest Poquonoc graveyard. His will appears on the probate records of Colchester and the inventory shows £3105. 10. 5. His widow married James Treadway of Colchester, Dec. 10, 1761. She was his second wife. He having also a large family of ch. of his own, eight of whom were living at the time of his death. His will was recorded Jan. 20, 1775, in favor of his wife and the ch. by his first wife, and also mentions a jointer and dowery made before his marriage with the widow of Capt. John Smith. Ch. 76 Descendants of John, b. March 26, 1728 ; d. Aug. 17, 1752. Joshua, b. Jan. 31, 1729 ; probably m. Elizabeth Pomery, Jan. 11, 1750 ; res. Colchester; five ch., , b. Aug. 29, 1750 ; d. Sep. 6, 1750 ; Elizabeth, b. April 12, 1752 ; John, b. March 21, 1754 ; Mary, b. March 6, 1756 ; Temperance, b. March 21, 1758. Shubel, b. Sep. 27, 1731 ; d. May 19, 1736 ; bur. Old Cemetery, Colchester. 31. Nehemiah, b. Oct. 30, 1733. David, b. Dec. 10, 1735 ; d. young. Shubel, b. Dec. 7, 1737 ; m. Hannah Waterman of Norwich, June 11, 1760 ; his will recorded July 6, 1761; his wife's bro. executor; the property be queathed to his wife and mother and seven brothers and sisters ; no ch. mentioned. Caleb, b. Jan. 4, 1739 ; d. Dec. 22, 1740 ; bur. Col chester. 32. Roswell, b. Feb. 19, 1741-2. David, b. July 20, 1744 ; living in 1761. Temperance,- b. Dec. 7, 1746. Olive, b. Feb. 12, 1753 ; probably m. at Colchester, April 21, 1768, James Treadway, Jr. ; he. d. July 2, 1780. 33. Charles, b. March 9, 1749. IS. Isaac4 {Nehemiah3, Nehemiah*, Nehemiah^), b. Groton, Dec. 29, 1707; m. Nov. 4, 1729, Esther, dau. of Deacon Daniel and Mary (Stanton) Denison, First Congl. Church, Ston ington ; she was a sister of his brother Martin's wife ; they were both members in full communion of the First Church, New London, April 15, 1731 ; he d. March 14, 1783, se. 75 ; she d. Aug. 17, 1798, se. 86 ; bur. oldest graveyard Poquonoc. Ch. Daniel, b. Dec. 1, 1730 ; m. ; a son and dau. lived near Rochester, N. Y. ; the dau. removed to Canada and d. there ; he d. Oct. 2, 1753. Nehemiah Smith. 77 Amos, b. Dec. 13, 1732 ; probably m. Susannah ; res. Norwich, and had seven ch. Susannah, b. Oct. 9, 1757 Daniel, b. June 7, 1759 ; Isaac, b. June 10, 1762 Amos, b. April 20, 1764 ; Nathan, b. April 2, 1766 James, b. May 9, 1768 ; Jabez, b. Sep. 12, 1770. Esther, b. A.ug. 9, 1734 ; d. Aug. 18, 1734. Hannah, b. Aug. 9, 1734 ; d. June 15, 1736. 34. Simeon, b. June 9, 1738. Abigail, b. Feb. 15, 1740 ; d. Nov. 4, 1760. 35. Mary, b. Nov. 15, 1743. 36. Lucy, b. Nov. 11, 1746. 37. William, b. Oct. 26, 1749. Silas, b. April 18, 1752 ; d. April 18, 1762. Phebe, b. April 18, 1752; d. Oct. 28, 1760. 13. Jabez4 {Nehemiah3, Nehemiah*, Nehemiah1), b. Poquo noc, Feb. 7, 1714 ; m. 1st, Desire Denison, of Westerly, R. I., Nov. 11, 1736, a dau. of Edward and Mercy Denison ; said to have d. in Groton, 1740 ; Colchester Church records : Desire, wife of Jabez Smith, d. Aug. 8, 1739, about twenty-six years of age ; he m. 2nd, May 26, 1742, Amy Avery, a sister of Rev. Park Avery of Groton. He was ensign first Company Train band, Groton, 1748, and made lieut. 1749. Ch. First wife, Groton records: Desire, b. July 31, 1737. Prisctlla, b. about 1740. Second wife, Groton records : Amy, b. Jan. 18, 1746-7. Eunice, b. Feb. 25, 1748-9. Jabez, b. Aug. 31, 1751 ; one dau. m. a Denison, and lived at Colerain, Mass. Anna, b. Dec. 4, 1754. John, b. April 11, 1757; d. Feb. 17, 1759. Maey, b. Oct. 31, 1759. John, b. April 10, 1762. Perez S., b. July 15, 1766 (possibly should be Percy Swan). 78 Descendants of 14. Nehemiah4 {Samuel3, Nehemiah2, Nehemiah}), was bap. June 8, 1701. His wife's name Betty. He was a farmer at East Lyme, a prominent deacon in the first Baptist Church of Connecticut, aud died 1769. His wife, six daughters and two sons were living at that time. His wife died 1774-5, her will going to probate Jan. 24, 1775. The first Baptist Church in Connecticut was formed in Groton about 1705, and often spoken of as the Fort Hill Bap tist Church. Elder Valentine Wightman, of North Kingston, was the first pastor. [See History of the Baptists by Backus, Vol. 2, p. 516; Benedict's History of the Baptists, Vol. 1, p. 519; also Caulkins' History of New London, Ed. 1860, pp 436-439, from which the following is an extract : • " Nehemiah Smith, who resided in the eastern part of Lyme, withdrew at an early period from the Fort Hill Church and set up meetings in his own house by which means Baptist principles became disseminated in the neighborhood. It is stated in Benedict's History of the Baptists that Valentine Wightman preached in Lyme in 1727 and was ' challenged by the Rev. John Bulkley of Colchester to a public dispute with him upon Baptists and the support of gospel ministers, June 7, 1727, which was first maintained in a verbal manner and afterwards kept up in writing.' This preaching was probably at Nehemiah Smith's. A church was soon gathered in the vicinity and Joshua Rogers (also from Fort Hill Church) was ordained elder at the house of Mr. Smith, Oct. 11, 1743. After officiating as pastor for ten or twelve years he fell into disre pute and died by his own hands in 1756. The members of the church being few in number and scattered in point of resi dence, joined other Baptist societies as they were formed, and this, the most ancient Baptist organization in Lyme, became extinct."] Ch. A dau. ; living, 1769. Grace, ; m. Abijah Beebe. Eunice, ; m. Jedediah Beckwith, Jr., of Lyme. Molly, ; m. Oliver Manwaring. Nehemiah Smith. 79 Desire, ; m. John Manwaring. 38. Lydia, b. ab. 1743 ; m. Jonathan Caulkins. Nehemiah, ; had a wife -whose name was probaby Elizabeth ; they had a son Nehemiah. 39. Jedediah, ; m. 1749 ; estate inventory, 1782. 15. Samuel4 {Samuel3, Nehemiah2, Nehemiah1), b. East Lyme ab. 1696; m. Mary; he d. June 18, 1737 — forty-two years of age ; bur. E. Lyme ; his wife died previous to her probate inventory, June 9, 1777. Ch. Lemuel, probably d. unmarried. Evidence January 9, 1777, that he gave his property to his bro. Samuel. 40. Samuel.Sarah, ; m. Isaac Tubbs ; may have been b. April 22, 1716, a son of Isaac and Martha Tubbs. Mehitable, ; m. Jonathan Gillet. Mary, ; m. Joseph Way. Lucretia, ; m. James Huntley. Anna, ; m. Daniel Miner. 16. Simon4 {Samuel3, Nehemiah*, Nehemiah1), b. about 1712, at East Lyme, Conn.; m. Dorothy Beckwith; he d. May 28, 1760, se. 48 ; she d. Oct. 12, 1787, se. 68 ; bur. Stone Church graveyard, Niantic, Conn. Ch. 41. Preserved, b. about 1743. 42. Slmon, b. about 1750. Paul, Nathan,Elizabeth, ; d. 16 years of age. 43. Stephen, b. about 1754. 44. Joseph, b. about 1755. 45. Elijah, b. about 1759-60. Daniel. 80 Descendants of 17. Joseph4 {Samuel3, Nehemiah*, Nehemiah1), b. East Lyme ; m. Mercy Fargo, Nov. 2, 1775 ; he had a large farm at Niantic which included what was afterward known as Capt. Avery Smith's ice pond. Miss Caulkins says this Joseph Smith m. late in life ; that he had previously adopted a son of his brother Simon, who had been named after him, and had expected the estate, which, however, fell to Nehemiah Dodge and wife Lucy. Mr. Smith used to say pleasantly that he had been dodged. Joseph, Sr., d. Sep. 19, 1787. Probate £1094 15s. 7d.; his widow m. James Turner. Only ch. of Joseph 46. Lucy, b. Oct. 22, 1778. 18. Paul4 {Samuel?, Nehemiah*, Nehemiah1), b. and always lived on his father's farm; m. Oct. 2, 1746, Mary, dau. of Hezekiah King, of Coventry, Conn.; she had come down to the salt water for her health and boarded with Paul's mother. He gave each of his sons a good farm ; he died Sep. 10, 1804 ; his wife died Dec. 10, 1805. Ch. Mary, b. Sep. 24, 1748. 47. Freelove, b. 48. Sarah, b. , 1758. (Called Sally.) 49. King, b. Oct. 10, 1760. Lydia, b. Nov. 23, 1762; m. Abner Coles; res. Col chester ; no ch. 50. Hezekiah, b. July 24, 1765. Nancy, b. (possibly should be Mercy, and m. a Fargo.) 19. Daniel4 {Samuel3, Nehemiah*, Nehemiah1), b. on his father's farm at Niantic ; m. 1st, Lois Way, Oct. 16, 1751 ; m. 2nd, Hannah Avery, Sep. 1, 1758, of Mohegan. She was a sister of Jonathan and dau. of Abraham and Jane (Hill) Avery. [See Index.] He married 3rd, Sarah Buddington of Groton, Nehemiah Smith. 81 Conn., Jan. 1, 1783.- He was a farmer and manufacturer of furniture. He d. in the spring of 1800 ; bur. Presbyterian burial ground, East Lyme. Ch. First wife : Amy, b. Jan. 4, 1753 ; d. young. Lois, b. Jan. 1, 1755 ; m. William Browning; res. Wood stock, Conn. ; descendants in Pa. Second wife : 51. Daniel, b. July 20, 1759. Betsey, b. Feb. 11, 1761 ; m. Daniel Ayer ; res. East Lyme ; no ch. 52. Hannah, b. June 10, 1763. Eunice, b. May 1, 1765 ; never m. ; d. July 3, 1828, se. 63. 53. Slmon, b. March 7, 1767. 54. Ruama, b. Feb. 3, 1769. Nathan, b. Aug. 25, 1771 ; never m. ; d. March 24, 1840, 83. 69. No. ch. by third wife. SO. Lydia4 {Samuel3, Nehemiah*, Nehemiah1), m. 1st, Elijah Beckwith; m. 2nd, Elisha Miller; m. 3rd, Noah Lester. Ch. First husband : Elijah Beckwith, m. Sally, dau. of Noah Miller. Perry Beckwith, m. a Chapman of Saybrook. Second husband : Amasa Miller. Ezra Miller. Jeremiah Miller. Elisha Miller. Joseph Miller. No ch. by third husband. 11 82 Descendants of 91. Elizabeth4 {Samuel3, Nehemiah*, Nehemiah1), b. East Lyme ; m. John Fenner of Essex, Conn. He d. about 1738, and his widow m. Amaziah Bush ; res. Essex. Ch. First husband : Elizabeth Fenner. Sabah Fenner. John Fenner. Second husband : John Bush. Fenner Bush. Amaziah Bush, m. Jemima, dau. of J. Griswold of Westbrook, Conn.; she lived eight years after m. and had four ch., Elizabeth, John, Fenner and Jemima. 99. Nathan6 {Nathan*, Nehemiah3, Nehemiah2, Nehemiah1), b. at Groton, Sep. 18, 1724; m. Betsey, dau. of Col. Robert Denison of Montville and his wife Deborah Griswold of Lyme ; he d. at Washington, Mass., March 13, 1810'; se. 85; she b. Sep. 10, 1726, d. Feb. 14, 1813, 83. 86; both bur. in Smith Lake Cemetery, Poquonoc. Ch. Abigail, b. ; m. 1786, Rufus Smith. [See record, 84.] Lucy, b. ; bap. July 24, 1748. Nathan, b. ; bap. April 22, 1750. Elizabeth, b. ; bap. Oct. 6, 1751. Sarah, b. ; bap. May 16, 1756 ; m. 1772, William Smith. [See family record, No. 37.] 57. Mary, b. May 12, 1757 ; bap. July 3, 1757. 58. Lydia, b. , 1759 ; bap. June 17, 1759. Charlotte, b. ; bap. May 8, 1763 ; m. 1784, Major Simeon Smith. [See record, 83.] Phebe, b. ; bap. Aug. 11, 1765. Denison, b. ; bap. July 15, 1769. Nehemiah Smith. 83 93. Mary5 {Nathan*, Nehemiah3, Nehemiah2, Nehemiah1), b. at Groton, Oct. 1, 1726 ; m. Timothy Swan of Stonington, Dec. 28, 1743. Ch. Mary Swan, b. Nov. 5, 1744. Ruth Swan, b. June 5, 1747. Lucy Swan, b. Jan. 17, 1749-50. Timothy Swan, b. July 15, 1752. Nathan Swan, b. Jan. 23, 1754. Elijah Swan, b. Dec. 26, 1755. Elias Swan, b. Jan. 31, 175S. Oliver Swan, b. Sep. 23, 1759. Eunice Swan, b. Aug. 20, 1762. Elizabeth Swan, b. July 25, 1764. David Swan, b. Cynthia Swan, b. , 1770. 94. Dorothy5 {Nathan*, Nehemiah3, Nehemiah2, Nehemiah1), b. at Smith homestead, April 1.8, 1729 ; m. Deacon Samuel Edgcomb of Groton, May 7, 1752. He was probably son of Samuel of New London, a son of John the son of Nicholas Edgcomb of Plymouth, England. Deacon Edgcomb gave the land on which stands St. James' Church, New London. He d. Aug. 14, 1795, se. 6.".; she d. Jan. 14, 1813, se. 83; both bur. Smith Lake Cemetery. Ch. Catharine Edgcomb, b. March 8, 1753 ; never m.; d. March 14, 1849. Dorothy Edgcomb, b. Dec. 8, 1754; m. Joshua Williams of Stonington. David Edgcomb, b. June 8, 1756 ; in. Desire Parks ; res. Groton; d. April 8, 1826. Elizabeth Edgcomb, b. Jan. 15, 1758 ; m. Joshua Walworth ; res. Groton ; d. Jan. 10, 1821. 84 Descendants of Samuel Edgcomb, b. Feb. 28, 1760; m. Katy Williams, March 13, 1788 — two ch. ; m. 2nd, Rachel D. Copp, Dec. 11, 1791 — seven ch.; he d. Feb. 25, 1843. Gilbert Edgcomb, b. March 3, 1762; m. twice; lived at Ledyard, Conn., and in N. Y. State; d. Oct. 5, 1847. Jabez Edgcomb, b. Oct. 6, 1763 ; m. Esther Morgan ; res. Groton ; d. May 18, 1843. Hannah Edgcomb, b. May 27, 1765 ; m. Grant ; res. North Stonington ; d. Feb. 4, 1836. Thomas Edgcomb, b. Jan. 29, 1767 ; m. Morgan ; d. Feb. 14, 1848. Asa Edgcomb, b. April 14, 1772; d. Sep. 4, 1774. 95. Jane6 {Nathan*, Nehemiah3, Nehemiah*, Nehemiah1), b. Groton, Jan. 13, 1731 ; m. Feb. 23, 1748, George, son of George and Lucy (Gallup) Denison. Lived on the old Denison homestead, Stonington, Conn. Ch. Lucy Denison, b. Feb. 9, 1750; m. Elisha Williams; large family of ch. George Denison, b. Sep. 16, 1753 ; m. 1784, Mrs. Abby Palmer, widow of David Palmer, who was killed at Fort Griswold, Sep. 6, 1781. Dorothy Denison, b. April 8, 1756; m. 1770 Daniel Denison ; she d. Feb. 22, 1803. [See Des. of George Denison, p. 122.] William Denison, b. April 8, 1756 ; m. Anna Slack. Oliver Denison, b. March 2, 1758 ; m. Martha Williams. Nathan Denison, b. April 8, 1760; m, Thankful Dean; res. Colerain, Mass. Gilbert Denison, b. Sep. 18, 1762 ; m. Dec. 24, 1784, Huldah Palmer. Elisha Denison, b. Oct. 12, 1764; d. during the Revolu tion on Jersey prison ship. Dudley Denison, b. July 25, 1767; m. 1795, Nancy Latimar; he was a physician, and d. Oct. 1, 1797; no ch. IMioto-Uravure n>, n. y. COL. OLIVER SMITH HOUSE, Nehemiah Smith. 85 Esther Denison, b. Nov. 16, 1769; m. Enoch Burrows; res. Mystic. Jane Denison, b. Sep. 16, 1772 ; d. se. 7. 96. Elizabeth6 {Nathan*, Nehemiah3, Nehemiah2, Nehemiah1), b. Groton, May 2, 1736 ; m. Joseph Swan of Stonington, Oct. 17, 1756; shed. March. 10, 1761 ; he m. Jan. 28, 1762, Mary Minor, and had four ch., Adin, Elizabeth, Lois and Eunice. Ch. First wife : Elizabeth Swan, b. April 17, 1757. Joseph Swan, b. Dec. 3, 1758. Lucy Swan, b. March 10, 1760. 97. 'Oliver5 {Nathan*, Nehemiah3, Nehemiah2, Nehemiah1), b. April 27, 1739, at the Smith homestead, Poquonoc, in the first house, which was built about 1653. He m. April 5, 1759, Mary Denison, a dau. of John and Mary (Noyes) Denison, and a descendant of William Denison of England, who came to America in 1631. [See Descendants of George Denison, p. 180. | She was also a descendant of John Howland, a pas senger on the Mayflower, 1620. Desire Howland, dau. of John and Elizabeth (Tilley) Howland, m. Captain John Gor ham ; their dau. Mercy Gorham m. Geo. Denison, 2nd ; their son Edward Denison m. Mercy ; their son John Deni son m. for his second wife Mary Noyes ; their dau. Mary Denison was bap. 1742, and m. as above. Mary Noyes was a dau. of Dr. James Noyes, and granddaughter of Gov. Sanford of Rhode Island. Mrs. Smith was the mother of sixteen children. Edward, the oldest, was b. in Groton, the others in Stonington, where they all appear on the baptismal records of the First Church. The family Bible, now in possession of Oliver D. Smith of Groton Bank, Conn., gives a complete record of the births of this remarkable family of children, eleven of whom married and had children, three d. between twenty and twenty-three years of age, and the other two died as infants. 86 Descendants of Oliver Smith was a man fully six feet in height and well proportioned; had 'dark eyes and a full head of grey hair. He stood naturally very straight, and in walking showed a military bearing. He has been described by those who remem ber him as a fine-looking man, affable and gentlemanly in his manner, and one who much enjoyed the entertaining of friends at his own home. Gen. Washington occasionally called upon him, and it is said that a son was named after the general, especially because he happened to be at the house soon after the child was born. The colonel was very fond of music and was him self a violinist above the ordinary ability of amateurs. Those of his friends who could associate with him in gratifying a taste for music of a classical order, lived in other towns, and it was their custom to visit in turn together for several days at a time at their respective homes for the pleasure of con certed instrumental music. It is said of the colonel that find ing himself short of a supply of violin strings just previous to a gathering of this kind at his own house in Stonington, he rode on horseback to New Haven and back in great haste for no other purpose than to personally select a few strings. Early in the war of the Revolution and on Aug. 30, 1775, Oliver Smith was captain of a company stationed at Stonington, Long Point, when the British ship Rose, in command of Captain Wallace, bombarded the village. The principal injury inflicted was the wounding of Jonathan Weaver, Jr., " a music man in the company of Captain Oliver Smith," for which the Gen eral Assembly at Hartford allowed Weaver the sum of £12 4s. and 4d. Soon after this the captain was promoted to major, and Gen. Washington called for troops from New London and Stonington, to be sent to the camp near Boston. As this , wrould leave the town without sufficient protection, Major Smith was, on Sep. 14, 1775, ordered to enlist fifty men for the defense of Stonington. In the Session of the General Assembly of Feb. 23, 1776, the major urged that an additional number might be enlisted. The company was finally aug mented to ninety men, to be stationed at or near the fortifica tion at Stonington. Nathan Palmer, Jr., was first lieut. Nehemiah Smith. 87 John Belcher, second lieut., Clement Miner, ensign, and Nathaniel Miner, commissary " under Captain or Major Oliver Smith." On May 9, 1776, the Assembly ordered Major Smith to New London. July 2d of the same year, he was appointed lieut.-col. of the first regiment at New London, under Col. S. Mott, then organizing for service in the north. July 3, 1776, " Nathan Palmer was appointed Captain of the company sta tioned at Stonington in place of Col. Smith promoted," and " N. Shaw was ordered to deliver to the commanding officer at New London or to Col. Smith for the use of the fort at Ston ington, 500 pounds of cannon powder." May 31, 1777, one- half of the militia at the forts of New London and Groton, and all of those at Stonington were ordered to be dismissed. In continuation of the story of the colonel's military life, the fol lowing is from page 132 of Hinman's War of the American Revolution : " By a letter dated Horse Neck, Nov. 2, 1777, it appears that a class of villians who were harbored at Westchester, N. Y., who had been accustomed the season previous of plunder ing the unarmed inhabitants in the country, and had nearly ruined many respectable and wealthy families. Col. Smith with others formed a design to break up the banditti ; there fore they detached 150 men under Lieut. Col. Smith of Col. Enos' regiment, with Captains Leavenworth and Ely, of Meigs' regiment, and Pettibone of Enos' (on the 29th of Oct. 1777) on the 30th of Oct. they arrived at Wright's Mills, eighteen miles from Westchester, and in the night marched to the place destined, and arrived there a little before daylight; divided into three parties and surrounded most of the houses in the place, and made prisoners of six of the enemy's light horse men, about 30 of the band of horse thieves and cow drivers, and six of the militia, took about 40 cattle and horses, and about 45 arms, and other articles of value ; burnt three vessels laden with provisions for New York, aud then returned to Horse Neck on the 1st of Nov. at 10 o'clock; all of which was perforrned in about ten hours, including a march of 60 miles within about two miles of the enemy's works without any loss." Col. Oliver, as he was familiarly spoken of, moved from Groton -to Stonington in the spring of 1761. He built his first 88 Descendants of house, which is still standing, in the borough on the east side of Main street, between Wall and Harmony streets. He carried on quite an extensive business in trading in the West Indies. He was a shipbuilder, his yard being located at Stonington Point, a short distance north of the breakwater. He also, at one time, had a shipyard in another part of the town on the east bank of the Mystic river, just below Elm Grove Ceme tery, where Barber's line walk is now located, and where the channel comes close to " Burnt Tree Point," as it was formerly called. At that time he is also said to have lived at the point on the other side of the river, going back and forth in a small boat. He was a Stonington representative in the General As sembly, 1780-1782. He owned a few slaves ; one of them was ",Qld Venture," who was born in Guinea, Africa, about 1729, and after having had several owners was bought by the colonel from Thomas Stanton, 2nd. Venture's Christian character and faithful services were highly appreciated by the colonel and his family. The following paper was signed in 1798 by several prominent men of Stonington, certifying that Venture was then a free negro, about sixty-nine years of age. * * * " that said Venture hath sustained the character of a faithful servant and that of a temperate, honest and indus trious man and being ever intent on obtaining his freedom, he was indulged by his masters after the ordinary labor on the days of his servitude to improve the nights in fishing and other enjoyments to his own emolument, in which time he procured so much money as to purchase his freedom from his late master, Colonel Oliver Smith; after which he took upon himself the name of Venture Smith, and has since his freedom purchased a negro woman called Meg, to whom he was previously mar ried, and also his children who were slaves, and said Venture has since removed himself and family to the town of East Haddem, in this State, where he hath purchased lands on which he hath built a house and there taken up his abode." Mrs. Mary D. Smith d. Sep. 17, 1800, in the fifty-minth year of her age. She, as well as her husband, were members of the First Church, Stonington. He married for his second wife Mary Noyes Eggleston, who, after the colonel's death, Nehemiah Smith. 89 married a Mr. Andross of Rhode Island. No children. Col. Oliver Smith d. Aug. 1, 1811, in the seventy-third year of his age. Family burial, Smith Lake Cemetery, Poquonoc, Groton, Conn. Ch. 60. Edward, b. March 28, 1760. 61. Mary, b. Aug. 19, 1761. 62. Elizabeth, b. Feb. 18, 1763. 63. Nathan, b. June 12, 1764. Oliver, b. April 29, 1766 ; m. Mary Shepard of North Carolina; had at least four ch. ; John who visited, in New London, when about twenty-one years of age- ¦ Ebenezer; Betsey m. a Smith ; Peggy m. a physician. At Greenville, N. C, is a gravestone to the memory of Oliver Smith, a native of Stonington ; d. 1807. John Fine, b. Jan. 5, 1768; d. in the West Indies; se. about 20. 64. Denison, b. June 19, 1769. Nathaniel, b. Feb. 28, 1771 ; d. in the south with yel low fever ; se. about 23. Coddington, b. Dec. 31, 1773 ; m. a Miss Salter of Greenville, N. C. ; had a dau. and a son named Cod dington, who d. young ; Mr. Smith d. about 1810- 1820 ; his widow m. and removed to Tenn. George Washington, b. Jan. 16, 1776 ; never m. ; d. Nov. 14, 1796. 65. Nancy Ann, b. Sep. 30, 1777. 66. Sarah, b. Aug. 28, 1779. 67. Fanny, b. Aug. 4, 1781. 68. Jesse Denison, b. Oct. 10, 1783. Ebenezer, b. , 1785; d. youuj; Jo- Son, b. , 1787 ; d. infant. 98. Gilbert6 {Nathan*, Nehemiah3, Nehemiah*, Nehemiah), b. Groton, April 2, 1742 ; m. Aug. 2, 1764, Eunice Denison of Stonington ; she d. Feb. 26, 1792, se. 48 ; he m. 2nd, the widow Phebe (Denison) Chesebrough ; after his d. she m. Rev. 12 90 Descendants of Silas Burrows [see Index] ; Mr. Smith d. April 7, 1814, se. 73 ; bur. with his first wife, Smith Lake Cem.; no ch. by second wife. Ch. 69. Gilbert, b. Sep. 25, 1766. Eunice, b. Oct. 31, 1772 ; m. Joseph Smith. [See family record, No. 85.] 71. Martha, b. May 24, 1776. 72. Amos Denison, b. Nov. 14, 1778. 99. Hannah6 {Nathan*, Nehemiah3, Nehemiah2, Nehemiah1), b. Groton, July 19, 1745 ; m. Thomas Avery, July 7, 1768 ; res. Stonington. Ch. Russell Avery, b. July 18, 1769. Gilbert Avery, b. Jan. 23, 1771 ; d. Jan. 30, 1772. Hannah Avery, b. Dec. 13, 1772. Gilbert Avery, b. Jan. 18, 1775. Anna Avery, b. Oct. 25, 1777. Sabria Avery, b. Sep. 10, 1779; m. Vine Stoddard [see record, 150], Jan. 11, 1801; d. Aug. 7, 1803. Thomas Avery, b. Jan. 1, 1782. Lucy Avery, b. July 3, 1784. Mary Avery, b. June 26, 1786. Samuel P. Avery, b. Nov. 9, 1793. 30. Jabez6 {Nathan*, Nehemiah3, Nehemiah2, Nehemiah1), b. May 9, 1748, on the homestead farm, Poquonoc; m. Waity Burrows of Mystic, dau. of John and Desire (Parker) Burrows, and a descendant in a direct line from Robert Burrows who settled by the Mystic river 1653. [See Burrows' Family- Ed., 1872, p. 18.] Jabez Smith was a man six feet in height, well proportioned, and possessed of great physical endurance. He was strictly an honest man, in fact generous in his dealings as well as kind and affectionate in disposition. While still a young man he Nehemiah Smith. 91 joined the Second Baptist Church of Groton. then standing on Fort Hill. He was soon elected deacon and held the office as long as he lived, a period of nearly fifty years. He was an efficient officer of the church. He was liberal in his views and had independence of thought and was firm in his conviction as to what he believed was right. In case of any difficulties arising in the church, he, above all others, was called upon to make peace. He was a representative in the General Assembly in 1800, and a farmer all his life on the old homestead farm, having received title thereto from his father, April 7, 1783. He d. Nov. 10, 1831, 83. 83. His wife was of medium size, fair complexion, with bright Jflack eyes and handsome features. They lived a quiet, happy life together; shed. Sep. 17, 1823, se. 71; both bur. Smith Lake Cemetery, Poquonoc, Groton, Conn. Ch. Waity, b. 1770; m. Denison Smith, 1788. [See family record, 64.] 31. Nehemiah5 {John*, Nehem-iah3, Nehemiah2, Nehemiah1), b. Groton, Oct. 30, 1733, m. May 3, 1758, Abigail Avery of Groton. Her mother, Mrs. Thankful Avery, was m. at fifteen, was the mother of fifteen children, and lived to the age of 101 years. Four of her family were killed in the battle of Groton Heights, viz.: her husband, two sons, and a son-in-law by the name of Burrows. Mrs. Abigail Avery Smith was b. Dec. 12, 1737, d. Aug. 8, 1797, se. 59. He was a lieutenant and at the se. of 63 m. for his second wife, Marion Holmes of Stonington, Dec. 12, 1799. He is said to have participated in the battle of Groton Heights, although his name does not appear on the list in the history of the battle of Groton Heights; this list was compiled principally from the petitions for relief for loss of time while prisoners, or on account of wounds received, or for loss of goods, etc. But it is certain that Lieut. Smith was in the field at work on his farm when the news of the attack reached him and left at once for the scene of action, and was 92 Descendants of among the volunteers who doubtless by their activity hastened the departure of Arnold. He died May 4, 1810, se. 76. Ch. All by first wife : 74. Abigail, b. Aug. 10, 1759. 75. Sarah, b. Aug. 9, 1761. 76. Anna, b. Dec. 8, 1765. 77. Nehemiah, b. April 21, 1767. Temperance, b. Jan. 1, 1769; m. 1st, Park Allyn; m. 2nd, Packer; she d. Feb. 6, 1859, se. 90; one ch., Marianne Allyn, who m. Reed. Thankful, b. Jan. 1, 1769; d. Sep. 6, 1770. 78. John, b. April 9, 1771. Thankful, b. Jan. 21, 1775 ; m. Ezra, son of Isaac Geer, farmer ; res. Ledyard, Conn.; he b. Oct. 6, 1771 ; d. June 13, 1855 ; she d. July 1, 1864, se. 89 ; no ch. 39. Roswell5 {John*, Nehemiah3, Nehemiah2, Nehemiah1), b. Colchester, Feb. 19, 1741-2; m. Abigail Holmes of Ston ington, March 11, 1762; she b. Oct. 18, 1741, dau. of Joshua and Mary (Richardson) Holmes, and niece of Temperance Holmes, the mother of Roswell Smith. Ch. Roswell, b. Nov. 24, 1778. 33. Charles6 {John*, Nehemiah3, Nehemiah2, Nehemiah1), b. Colchester, March 19, 1749; m. Hannah Stewart, Oct. 13, 1771 ; he d. May 17, 1802, se. 53 ; she d. May 14, 1831, se. 75 ; both bur. Smith Lake Cemetery. Ch. " 79. Charles S., b. Oct. 30, 1772. 80. Shubel, b. Feb. 4, 1775. 81. Russell, b. May 3, 1777. 82; Hannah, b. Juiy 6, 1780. 34. Simeon6 {Isaac*, Nehemiah3, Nehemiah*, Nehemiah1), b. Groton, June 9, 1738; m. Jan. 7, 1762, Eunice Walworth, Nehemiah Smith. 93 only dau. of William Walworth and his second wife Elizabeth Hinckley, and granddaughter of William and Mary (Seatori) Walworth, both of whom came from England, and in. at New London, 1690. This William 1st settled on Fischer's Island as farmer for Governor Winthrop, he was driven off by Captain Kidd, and settled in Groton, where he d. soon after. [See Hyde Gen., Vol. 2, p. 905.] Simeon Smith was the first deacon and one of the earliest members of the Second Baptist Church, in Groton, which office he filled for over fifty years. He had a farm of 100 acres at Noyank, and 150 acres of woodland on Candlewood Hill. He was representative in the General Assembly, 1793 and 1799, and lived at Flanders north of Fort Hill. He d. April 8, 1823, se. 84; his wife b. June 4, 1743 ; d. May 18, 1823, se. 80. Family bur. Lower Mvstic Cemetery, near Mystic river. Ch. 83. Simeon, b. Oct. 14, 1762. 84. Rufus, b. Jan. 9, 1765. 85. Joseph, b. March 25, 1767. 86. Esther, b. Nov. 21, 1769. 87. Eunice, b. June 24, 1772. 88. Charles, b. Feb. 24, 1775. 89. Elijah, b. Nov. 16, 1776. 90. Abigail, b. Jan. 27, 1779. 91. Mary, b. June 1, 1781. 92. Jabez, b. Aug. 25, 1783. 35. Mary6 {Isaac*, Nehemiah3, Nehemiah*, Nehemiah1), b. Groton, Nov. 15, 1743; m. April 7, 1764, Rev. Silas Burrows of Groton, son of Amos and Mary (Rathburn) Burrows. They lived together fifty -two years ; she d. Oct. 6, 1816, se. 73 ; he m. 2nd, the widow Phebe (Denison) (Chesbrough) Smith. [See Index for other m. connections; His. of the Burrows Family, Ed. 1872, p. 7, and Sprague's Annals, Vol. VI, p. 106.] Ch. 94 Descendants of Silas Burrows, b. March 14, 1765; d. 1781. Daniel Burrows, b. Oct. 28, 1766 ; m. Mary Avery, Dec. 16, 1787 ; res. Middletown, Conn. ; d. Groton, Jan. 23, 1858, se. 91 ; he a Methodist minister. Roswell Burrows, b. Sep. 2, 1768 ; m. Sarah Avery, Jan. 28, 1790; d. Groton, 1837; he a Baptist minister. [See record, 84.] Enoch Burrows, b. July 28, 1770; m. 1st, Esther Denison, 1791 ; m. 2nd, Hope Randall King. Jabez Burrows, b. April 13, 1772 ; m. Betsey Bell. Gilbert Burrows, b. May 10, 1774; d. 1775. Joshua Burrows, b. Jan. 1C, 1779 ; lost at sea 1809. Mary Burrows, b. May 9, 1782 ; m. Jedediah Randall, 1799; A Groton, May 25, 1871. Elizabeth Burrows, b. Aug. 1, 1784; d. 1785. Lucy Burrows, b. Dec. 5, 1786; d. 1791. 36. Lucy5 {Isaac*, Nehemiah3, Nehemiah2, Nehemiah1), b. Groton, Nov. 11, 1746 ; m. Elisha Packer, son of Ichabod and Abigail (Eldridge) Packer. He was familiarly known as Doctor Elisha. He was b. 1747, and d. Jan. 1, 1832, 83. 85, at the Packer homestead at Mystic river; she d. Feb. 24, 1819, se. 73 ; bur. old Packer burying ground ; both members of the Second Baptist Church. Ch. Phebe Packer, ; m. Joshua Packer. Asa Packer, ; d. unm. at St. Martins, W. I. Eldridge Packer, ; d. Charleston, S. C. Hannah Packer, ; m. Asa Park. Elisha Packer, ; m. Desire Packer ; one son was the late Judge Asa Packer, a millionaire at Mauch Chunk, Pa. Daniel Packer, ; m. Mary Avery. Sally Packer, ; m. Simeon Haley. Mary Packer, ; m. Nathan Fish. Roswell Packer, ; m. Eliza Fish. Nehemiah Smith. 95 37. William5 {Isaac*, Nehemiah3, Nehemiah2, Nehemiah1), b. Oct. 26, 1749 ; m. 1772, Sarah Smith, twin sister of Abby Smith who m. Rufus Smith ; Sarah, a dau. of Nathan and Elizabeth Smith. [See Index]. He was a farmer, Mt. Archer, North Lyme; deacon of the Baptist Church; he d. Sep. 1, 1841, se. 93 ; she d. July 14, 1831, se. 76. Ch. 93. William, b. Jan. 22, 1775. Sarah, b. Feb. 1, 1777 ; in. 1st, Capt. Ansyl Anderson ; m. 2nd, Dr. Mather; res. Lyme; shed. Aug. 11, 1831. 94. Elizabeth, b. Dec. 1, 1779. 95. Guedon, b. Dec. 4, 1781. 96. John D., b. Aug. 12, 1782. 97. Edward, b. Aug. 24, 1784. 98. Phebe, b. Aug. 20, 1786. 99. Nathan, b. Nov. 12, 1788. Charlotte, b. Jan. 1, 1791 ; m. Gilbert Burrows, 1816, son of Rev. Daniel Burrows; res. Gibson, Pa.; she d. Sep. 5, 1861, se. 70 ; no ch. Lucy, b. Feb. 14, 1793 ; m. Silas Burrows, 1817, son of Rev. Daniel Burrows ; res. Gibson, Pa. ; she d. Oct., 1848, se. 55 ; no ch. Almira, b. March 1, 1797; m. 1828, Deacon Elisha Tiffany ; res. Deep River, Conn. ; she adopted a niece, Almira Beckwith, m. Roberts. 100. Ansyl, b. April 2, 1799. 38. Lydia6 {Nehemiah*, Samuel3, Nehemiah*, Nehemiah1), b. about 1743, at East Lyme, Conn.; m. April 24, 1764, Capt. Jonathan Caulkins, son of Thomas and Mary (Rogers) Caulk. ins. He d. Sept. 21, 1787, se. 51. All of the thirteen children were living, except the youngest, which had died two days previous; the widow m. Isaac Crocker; she died 1813, se. 70. This Jonathan and Lydia Smith Caulkins were the paternal grandparents of Miss Frances M. Caulkins, the 96 Descendants of historian. The following, relating to them, was written by Miss Caulkins, and found among her private papers. A portion of it is embodied in a memoir in the last edition of her history of Norwich, 1874 : # " Captain Jonathan Caulkins was a soldier of the Revolution, resolute, brave and independent in thought and action. He was a Capt. in Col. Ely's Regiment of State troops raised by voluntary enlistment in Nov., 1776. He was stationed that winter in Providence, arid returned in May, 1777, disbanding his company on the Parade at New London. In July, 1777, he again enlisted and joined with his regiment the Northern Army, participating in the labors and conflicts which terminated in the capture of Burgoyne. His company at the time of the surrender consisted of 100 men, a sturdy and fearless body, choice yeomanry of New London County. An anecdote which , Captain Caulkins himself related to his family will show that our brave militia at that time were but little acquainted with the strictness of military subordination and sometimes assumed the dangerous office of acting on their own responsibility. Capt. C. was sent by Gen. Arnold with a small party to intercept a company of stragglers from the British Army who were reported to be at a certain place. His orders were to go to that place, perforin the duty and return. After starting he fell in with a scout from whom he learned that the party of which he was in pursuit had taken a different route from the one indicated in his orders. He changed his route, pursued their track, captured the whole party and brought them into camp. When he made his report to Arnold the latter was so exasperated with him for his disobedience of orders that he struck him with his sword. Captain C. restrained his anger and retired expecting next morning to be under an arrest. Instead of that Arnold made him a handsome apology. " Captain Caulkins was in no other conspicuous engagement during the war, but was more or less out every year, perform ing in the whole 6 or 7 tours of arduous military duty. At home he had a wife and seven small children at the commence ment of the contest, the children being increased to ten before the close : obtaining a laborious subsistence from a hard and unproductive farm. Lydia his wife was a woman of great energy and discretion, in person tall and erect, her complexion fair, eyes brilliant and in all respects a handsome woman. After her husband's death she managed the farm wisely and retained it unimpaired for her children. As a christian she Nehemiah Smith. 97 was eminent for her gifts and graces, belonging to the Baptist persuasion and often it was said ' talking like a minister.' She was a seventh daughter and had in consequence a local reputa tion as a doctress and was occasionally resorted to by persons from a considerable distance to touch for the King's Evil. In the cure of this disorder she had considerable success, but she by no means depended solely upon the superstitious stroking of the hand for efficiency but prescribed strict regimen, exer cise with prudence and cleansing syrups and decoctions. She retained through life and until her last sickness the same un bent majestic figure, the bright eye and even the bloom of her cheek. Her fair brow showed but just the slightest form of a wrinkle. The writer of this article has a vivid recollection of her as seen a certain position one morning some four or five years previous to her death. . " A Baptist Elder with whom she was acquainted rode up to her door, which had no fence in front and she came to the threshold and stood conversing with him while he sat upon his horse near the large footstone. She stood erect but with one hand upon the side of the door and as she conversed earnestly her countenance was radiant and noble and her right hand was used for expressive though not violent gestures. She seemed an inspired being to the young admiring eyes that were fixed upon her. The minister grave, solemn and attentive appa rently had some such feeling also. She had on a small cap but her ample hair with no mingling of gray overflowed and nearly concealed it in front, her sleeves iwere rolled up to her elbows as employed in her household affairs and displayed an arm still round and fair. On her neck was a linen kerchief pinned quaintly in front it was not entirely white but was plaided largely with a narrow stripe of blue, a long checked apron com pleted her visible apparel. The friend passed along and she re turned to her curds and cheese press which she had left in the rear of the house." Ch. Naroni Caulkins, b. Feb. 9, 1765 ; m. 1st, Ebenezer Dar- row, Jan. 1, 1786 ; m. 2nd, Wm. Keeny. Jonathan Caulkins, b. July 10, 1766. Mary Caulkins, b. May 17, 1768 ; m. 1st, Elisha Stewart, 1787 ; m. 2nd, William Keeny ; m. 3rd, William Fox. Elizabeth Caulkins, b. Jan. 10, 1770 ; m. George Potter, Nov. 10, 1791. Joshua Caulkins, b. Jan. 19, 1772 ; m. Fanny Manwaring, 1792 ; she was the mother of Frances M. Caulkins, the 13 98 Descendants of historian. [See Memoir His. Norwich, Ed. 1874.] He d. 1795 ; widow m. Philemon Haven. [See Des. George Denison, p. 63.] Isaac Caulkins, b. Dec. 23, 1773. Eunice Caulkins, b. Sep. 17, 1775 ; m. James Haynes. Lydia Caulkins, b. Jan. 15, 1777; m. James Huntley ; res. Exeter, N. Y.; d. Aug. 14, 1865, se. 88. Nehemiah Caulkins, b. Oct. 13, 1778 ; never m.; d. Sep. 10, 1798. Patience Caulkins, b. Sep. 9, 1780 ; m. 1st, Jansen Dar- row ; m. 2nd, Daniel H Caulkins. David Caulkins, b. Feb. 27, 1783. Sarah Caulkins, b. March 3,' 1785; m. Gurdon Crocker, Nov. 19, 1807 ; they celebrated the sixtieth anniversary of their wedding at New London, Nov. 19, 1867 ; she d. Aug. 11, 1871, se. 85. Grace Caulkins, b. Feb. 11, 1787; d. Sep. 19, 1787. 39. Jedediah5 {Nehemiah*, Samuel3, Nehemiah2, Nehemiah1), b. Lyme ; m. Dec. 26, 1749, Hannah, dau. of Clement Leech of New London. He d. . The inventory of estate, taken Oct. 21, 1782, mentions his wife Hannah and son John as administrators. Ch. John, ; mentioned 1773 and 1782. 40. Samuel5 {Samuel*, Samuel3, Nehemiah2, Nehemiah1), b. in what is now the town of East Lyme ; m. 1st, (possibly Chadwick) ; m. 2nd, Mary Wightman, a sister of Rev. John Wightman of Groton, dau. of Rev. Timothy and grand- dau. of Rev. Valentine Wightman ; res. Niantic ; he d. during the winter of 1799-1800; she d. Aug. 24, 1848; 33. 93. Ch. First wife: 101. Betsey. 102. Anna. 103. Bridget. Nehemiah Smith. 99 Second wife : 104. Jesse, b. Aug. 11, 1786. 105. Samuel, b. April 17, 1790. William C, b. about 1792 ; m. in Troy, N. Y.; d. Sep. 8, 1723, se. 31. Wightman, d. 1795 ; m. Eunice Tuman of Troy — no ch.; after his d. widow m. Jesse Lamb — two ch.; she m. 3rd, Frazer. 106. John Gano, b. May 2, 1796. 107. Lucinda, b. about 1787. Mary, ; m. James Gould of New York, a manufacturer of ladies' shoes. Ch. Marietta Gould, who m. in N. Y. 41. Preserved5 {Simon*, Samuel3, Nehemiah2, Nehemiah1), b. about 1740 ; m. Jonathan Avery, a brother of Hannah Avery. [See Index.] He was a son of Abraham and Jane (Hill) Avery of Montville, Conn. Previous to his m. he resided at Norwich, but moved to Montville, and in 1769 to East Lyme. He was b. Jan. 22, 1737; d. Feb. 7, 1805; she d. Feb. 9, 1833, between 90 and 95 years of age ; both buried old Stone Churchyard, East Lyme. Ch. Abraham Avery, b. Sept. 12, 1764 ; m. Elizabeth Noyes of Lyme, Feb. 6, 1785; res. E. Lyme; he d. Oct. 4, 1834; she was b. 1766, a dau. of Moses and Mary (Ely) Noyes, and d. 1835. 49. Simon5 {Simon*, Samuel3, Nehemiah2, Nehemiah1), b. East Lyme about 1750 ; m. Lucretia Grant ; he d. a young man. Ch. 108. Benjamin, b. July 17, 1791. 43. Stephen5 {Simon*, Samuel3, Nehemiah2, Nehemiah1), b. about 1754, at what is now East Lyme, Conn.; m. Feb. 4, 1781, 100 Descendants of Jemima Cooledge, dau. of a Baptist minister. Mr. Smith was a farmer and lived at Florence, Ohio. In old age they lived with their dau. Mrs. King. They were members of the Bap tist Church, and lived a remarkably peaceful and happy life. He d. April 28, 1838, se. 84; she d. April 24, 1838, se. 80; bur. family ground, on the farm of Joseph King, Florence, Erie Co., Ohio. Ch. 109. Eunice, b. July 11, 1782. 110. Jemima, b. Aug. 6, 1784. 111. Job Cooledge, b. April 1, 1786. Fanny, b. July 1, 1788 ; in. Paul Grant Smith. [See 118.] Stephen, b. ; d. in the South unm. Dorothy, b. ; m. Elias Denn of Huron, Ohio ; she d. 1831, at Berlin, O. ; a son aud three dan. d. young. Eliza Ann Denn m. 1845, Perry Heath, res. Huron. 44. Joseph5 {Simon*, Samuel3, Nehemiah2, Nehemiah1), b. 1755, East Lyme; m. Feb. 20, 1785, Lydia, dau. of John Tur ner of New London. In 1799 he bought the Stewart farm of 470 acres. He was at one time captain of a whaling ship. He d. Sep. 25, 1844, as. 89 ; she d. Oct. 26, 1824, se. 64. Ch. Elizabeth, b. March 16, 1886; called Betsey; m. at St. James' Church, New London, May 12, 1811, Lodowick Fosdick; shed. 1854; no ch. Sarah, b. May 12, 1793; called Sally; res. New London; d. 1876. Susan, b. March 24, 1795; called Sukey; m. Nov. 9, 1840, Capt. Gilbert Potter of Wilmington, N. C; res. Sing Sing, N. Y.; d. 1874; no ch. Charles, b. , 1798; d. 1799. Joseph, b. June 30, 1800 ; m. 1828, Eliza, dau. of Ebenezer Clark of New London ; no ch.; she d. Feb., 1883 ; he living (1885). Nehemiah Smith. 101 45. Elijah5 {Simon*, Samuel3, Nehemiah2, Nehemiah1), b. about 1760 ; m. April 10, 1788, Lydia, dau. of Jonathan Rogers of Old Lyme. He was a farmer; d. April 20, 1835, se. 75; she d. April 4, 1840, se. 79 ; bur. old Stone Churchyard, Niantic, Conn. Ch. Lydia, b. Sep. 19, 1792; never m.; d. July 4, 1839. 113. Elijah W., b. April 20, 1803. 46. Lucy5 {Joseph*, Samuel3, Nehemiah2, Nehemiah1), b. Niantic, Oct. 22, 1778 ; m. Rev. Nehemiah Dodge, son of John Dodge of New London, and his wife Lydia Rogers of Pom fret, Conn. He was pastor of the First Baptist Church in New London, afterward of the First Universalist Church ; late in life he resided in New York city. [See Tristian Dodge and Descendants, Ed. 1886, p. 138.] He d. June 4, 1843, se. 72; she d. Sep. 25, 1868, se. nearly 90 ; bur. New London. Ch. Nehemiah Dodge, b. Joseph Smith Dodge, b. Lebanon, Conn., Aug. 23, 1806; res. New York city ; m. Oct. 14, 1828, Julia A. Burgess; m. 2nd, April 22, 1852, Alania Burger. Mary Ann Dodge, m. John Woodward. ™j 47. Freelove5 {Paul4, Samuel3, Nehemiah2, Nehemiah1), b. in what is now East Lyme ; m. Thomas Fitch, March 10, 1782 ; res. Montville, Conn.; she died Jan. 21, 1783; he m. for his second wife, Mary Allen, who d. Oct. 11, 1852, se. 92; he died Sep. 1, 1855, se. 95. " Thomas Fitch for a long period of years was one of the most successful men of the town. He was constantly active and achieved fame as one of the most daring speculators in Conn, at that time, pushing his commercial ventures into all the States of the Atlantic sea-board. He was a man of enter prise and indomitable energy, a heavy trader in stock and wool, besides managing a very large farm." 102 Descendants of Ch. First wife : William Fitch, b. Jan. 3, 1783; m. Nancy Latimer of Montville; res. Salem, Conn.; removed to Huron Co., Ohio, about 1826 ; he d. June 22, 1856, se. 73. Second wife: Nancy.Freelove.John.James.Mary.Thomas. 48. Sarah5 {Paul*, Samuel?, Nehemiah2, Nehemiah1), b. 1758, called Sally ; m. about 1776, Joseph Smith of Montville. His father was killed in the French war and left a widow, two daughters and four sons besides Joseph. The widow lived with her son Joseph during the latter part of her life, about two and one-half miles north of the Niantic R. R. depot. He d. April 7, 1814, se. 58 ; his wife d. April 14, 1814, se. 56. Ch. Mary Smith, b. Jan. 4, 1778, called Polly; m. Christopher Maynard. Roxy Smith, b. May 9, 1780 ; m. Francis Darrow ; res. Waterford; d. Oct. 30, 1851; three ch. Freelove Smith, b. May 21, 1783 ; m. Richard Beckwith ; res. Waterford ; d. Aug. 13, 1836 ; eight ch. Sabin K. Smith, b. May 31, 1787 ; m. Joanna Beckwith about 1807; m. 2nd, Hannah D. Moore about 1832; res. New London ; d. 1862 ; nine ch. Javed Smith, b. March 22, 1790; m. Hannah Harris; res. New London ; moved to Huron Co., Ohio, about 1830 ; d. there ; eight ch. John Smith, b. June 18, 1793 ; d. April, 1814. James Smith, b. June 18, 1793 ; m. Emiline Beach, June 3, 1818 ; res. Waterford ; d. June 25, 1864 ; seven ch. Anson Smith, b. Aug. 31, 1795 ; m. Amy C. Beckwith of New London ; he was largely interested in real estate at Nehemiah Smith. 103 New London; removed to Cleveland, Ohio, 1837; living (1885) ; eleven ch. 49. King6 {Paul*, Samuel3, Nehemiah*, Nehemiah1), b. Oct. 1, 1760 ; m. Sep. 3, 1784, Lucy Allen of Montville, Conn. ; she d. Jan. 11, 1815; he m. 2nd, Youngs; he was a farmer at East Lyme, and member Congl. Church ; d. Sep. 26, 1825. Ch. First wife : Allen, b. Nov. 7, 1785 ; never m. ; lost at sea, May, 1807. Celinda, b. Nov. 4, 1787; never m. ; res. East Lyme and Waterford. 114. Mercy, b. Nov. 2, 1789. 115. Joseph Allen, b. July 3, 1792. 116. Lucy Dodge, b. Aug. 4, 1797. Harriet, b. Aug. 17, 1799 ; m. Timothy Wightman, July, 1827 ; she was lost at sea, Oct. or Nov., 1829 ; no ch. 117. Lorenzo King, b. Sep. 23, 1802. Charles Edwin, b. March 9, 1807 ; m. July 5, 1827, Mary Eliza Tubbs, sister of Dr. John Tubbs [see Index] ; res. East Lyme and Waterford, Conn.; d. Oct. 14, 1862; no ch. Second wife : Isaac P., b. 1818 ; d. 1819. 50. Hezekiah6 {Paul*, Samuel3, Nehemiah*, Nehemiah1), b. East Lyme, July 24, 1765 ; m. Oct. 14, 1787, Rebecca, dau. of Turner Miner of Waterford ; res. Hartford and New London, Conn. ; moved to Berlin Heights, Erie Co., Ohio, about 1816 ; farmer; he d. Oct. 1, 1827; she d. April 23, 1833; bur. family ground, Berlin, Ohio. Ch. 1.18. Paul G., b. July 25, 1788. 104 Descendants of Theodia, b. Dec. 1, -1789 ; m. 1811, Benjamin Smith. [See 108.] 120. Nancy, b. Nov. 11, 1791. 121. Rebecca, b Sep. 21, 1793. 122. Turner M., b. June 15, 1795. 123. Nehemiah D., b. Aug. 26, 1797. Martha S., b. Nov. 2, 1799; m. April 6, 1817, Win- thrup Hurlburt of Conn. ; no ch. 124. Hezekiah, b. Oct. 21, 1801. Ann M., b. Aug. 29, 1803; never m. Henry K, b. Nov. 5, 1806 ; m. Feb. 3, 1831, Clarissa, dau. of Samuel Carpenter of Bloomingville, Ohio; he d. in B., Sep. 17, 1835 ; one ch., Newton, who d. young. 51. Daniel6 {Daniel*, Samuel3, Nehemiah*, Nehemiah1), b. July 20, 1759 ; ra. Aug. 31, 1786 ; Hannah, dau. of Rev. Timothy Wightman [see Index, a sister Mary Wightman] ; he farmer at Niantic; d. April 7, 1809; she d. about 1847; bur. old Storie Churchyard, Niantic. Ch. Daniel, b. Feb. 4, 1788 ; in. Susan, dau. of Capt. Elisha Pelton of Marlboro, Conn.; res. Niantic, Conn., Onondaga, N. Y., and Racine, Wis., where he d. with title of Dr. ; four ch., one Ellen, never m. ; one Sophronia m. King ; res. Beloit, Wis. 125. Hannah, b. May 8, 1790. Mark Stoddard, b. June 27, 1792 ; d. young man ; never m. 126. Avery, b. June 20, 1794. Timothy W., b. Sep. 18, 1796; res. East Haddam, Conn.; d. young man; never m. 127. Roswell, b. Aug. 20, 1798. John Calvin, b. April 29, 1801 ; d. Oct. 11, 1805. 59. Hannah5 {Daniel*, Samuel3, Nehemiah2, Nehemiah1), b. June 10, 1763 ; in. April, 1808, David, son of Ezra and Abi- Nehemiah Smith. 105 gail (Caverly) Strong. He was b. in Marlboro, Conn., June, 1750, resided on the old homestead until 1794, then removed to East Hampton, a parish in Chatham, Conn. He was a weaver by trade, but a farmer and innkeeper the most of his life. Hannah Smith was his second wife, he having m. 1773, Hannah Ackley, who d. Jan. 24, 1808, se. 52; she was the mother of nineteen ch., eleven of whom d. in infancy. [See Strong Gen., Ed. 1871, Vol. II, p. 931.] He d. Nov. 28, 1825, as. 75 ; Mrs. Hannah Smith Strong d. Nov. 11, 1835, se. 72 ; no ch.; bur. Lake Cemetery, East Hampton, Conn. 53. Simon5 {Daniel*, Samuel3, Nehemiah2, Nehemiah1), b. in what is now East Lyme, Conn., March 7, 1767; grew up a farmer. In 1798 he was commissioned by Jonathan Trum bull, captain of the Second Company, 33rd Conn. Reg. In 1801, "In consideration of love and good-will," he received title to a farm from his father. He m. in Oct., 1803, Mary Burr of Ludlow, Mass., a dau. of Jonathan Burr and his wife, who was a Miss Freeman of Middle Haddam, Conn. Miss Burr was a descendant of Benjamin Burr >of Hartford, 1635. [See Burr Gen., p. 251.] Capt. Smith built the Stone Church with its marble floor, and also his house of stone; the latter is. still standing ; he d. April 22, 1851, se. 84 ; his w-ife, b. April 6, 1782, d. March 14, 1858, se. 76 ; both bur. in the old Stone Church Cemetery, Niantic. Ch. 128. Simon, b. Aug. 5, 1804. Freeman Bure, b. Jan. 12, 1806; never m. ; graduate of Yale College ; a physician ; lost at sea, Nov. , 1829, on his way to Key West, where he expected to locate. 129. Horace, b. Aug. 26, 1807. 130. Mary, b. May 8, 1809. 131. Daniel, b. Nov. 5, 1810. 132. Eli,d. April 22, 1814. 133. Benjamin Franklin, b. Aug. 15, 1817. 134. William Henry, b. March 6, 1820. 14 106 Descendants of 54. Ruama6 {Daniel*, Samuel3, Nehemiah*, Nehemiah1), b. East Lyme, Feb. 3, 1769 ; m. Nov., 1800, Lay Ayer of Lyme, son of John and Clarrissa (Lay) Ayer ; she d. Jan. 3, 1835 ; he d. Oct. 6, 1848 ; both bur. Congregational Church Ceme tery, East Lyme, Conn. Ch. Daniel Smith Ayer, b. June 29, 1806 ; m. Jan. 20, 1831, Mrs. Tacy Knight, dau. of Joseph Skinner of New London ; she d. July 1, 1841 ; he m. 2nd, Abby Ann, dau. of Seth Smith of Montville, Conn., Feb. 15, 1842 ; res. Liberty Hill ; he d. May 15, 1871 ; bur. Cedar Grove Cemetery, New London. Clarissa Smith Ayer, b. Oct. 25, 1808; m. Oct. 20, 1833, Enoch Francis Morgan; res. Waterford, Conn. 57. Mary" {Nathan", Nathan*, Nehemiah3, Nehemiah*, Nehe miah1), b. Groton, May 12, 1757; m. 1783, Gamaliel, son of Gamaliel and Sarah (Hazen) Reynolds. [See His. of Strong Family, Ed. 1871,' p. 1363.] He b. May 20, 1754; d. June 20, 1836 ; she d. Aug. 29, 1847, se. 90 ; both bur. Mt. Hope Cemetery, Rochester, N. Y. Ch. Abelard Reynolds, b. Oct. 2, 1785 ; m. at Pittsfield, Mass., Oct. 1, 1809, Lydia Strong, who was b. Sep. 23, 1785, and living June, 1886, nearly 100 years of age, with her son M. F. Reynolds, Rochester, N. Y.; Abelard Reynolds d. Dec. 28, 1878. Gamaliel Reynolds, b. , 1788 ; res. Windsor, Conn.; d. 1806. Eliza Reynolds, b. Jan. 19, 1790; m. July 22, 1813, Ebenezer Brown ; res. Rochester, N. Y.; d. Oct. 16, 1817 ; bur. Mt. Hope Cemetery. Fabritus Reynolds, b. , 1794 ; res. Jacksonville, Fla.; d. 1869 ; bur. Mt. Hope Cemetery. Mary Reynolds, b. , 1796 ; m. Levi Brown ; res. Rochester; d. 1877 ; bur. Mt. Hope Cemetery. Nehemiah Smith. 107 Albert Reynolds, b. Oct. 24, 1799 ; m. H. J. Butterfield, Oct. 18, 1846; res. Lostant, 111.; living (June, 1886). 58. Lydia6 {Nathanl, Nathan*, Nehemiah3, Nehemiah2, Nehe miah1), b. Poquonoc, Groton, Conn., 1759 ; bap. June 17, 1759; m. May 4, 1776, when 17 years of age, Capt. Wil liam Avery Morgan, b. Poquonoc, Nov. 24, 1754, a son of Capt. William and Temperance (Avery) Morgan ; they resided in Groton for over twenty years, then moved to that part of Salem now a portion of Colchester ; she d. Jan. 4, 1804, se. 45 ; she was the mother of thirteen children, twelve of whom were living at the time of her death ; he m., on the 10th of the fol lowing June, Sarah, dau. of Capt. Nathan Harris ; in March, 1814, they removed to Lebanon, Conn., where he d. March 22, 1842, se. 87. [See Desc. of James Morgan, Ed. 1869, p. 80.] Ch. First wife : William Morgan, b. Nov. 22, 1777; m. 1802, Orra Pellet; res. Colchester and New London, Conn.; d. July 23, 1837. Griswold Morgan, b. March 3, 1779 ; d. at sea, se. 20. Avery Morgan, b. May 20, 1781 ; ra. 1802, Jerusha Gar diner; res. Bozrah, Colchester and Hartford; d. Oct. 18, 1860. Jasper Morgan, b. Jan. 3, 1783 ; m. Catharine (Copp), widow of James Avery ; res. Groton and Bozrah, Conn., and Washington, Mass. ; he m. 2nd, Abigail Chaffee of Windsor, where he removed abt. 1820 ; he m. 3rd, Sarah McCauley Gillet. The late Gov. Edwin D. Morgan, who d. New York 1883,' was a son by first wife. Lydia Morgan, b. Oct. 8, 1784; m. Henry Waterman; res. Hartford ; d. July 6, 1858. Nathan Morgan, b. Oct. 10, 1786 ; m. 1808, Lydia Brewster ; res. Hartford; d. Jan. 21, 1837. Betsey Morgan, b. Dec. 18, 1788 ; m. 1816, Archippus McCall ; res Lebanon ; d. Dec. 17, 1837. Denison Morgan, b. Oct. 29, 1790 ; m. 1815, Ursula Brain- ard ; res. Hartford ; d. May 7, 1855. 108 Descendants of Nancy Morgan, b. July 16, 1792 ; m. 1811, Capt. Gurdon Waterman ; res. Hartford. Phebe Morgan, b. March 12, 1794 ; m. 1816, Lyman Bacon ; m. 2nd, Noah L. Phelps in 1851. Lucy Morgan, b. Feb. 3, 1796; m. 1816, William McCall. Rebecca Morgan, b. April 1, 1798 ; m. 1822, Hezekiah Brainard ; res. Hartford. Charlottk Morgan, b. Dec. 28, 1801 ; m. 1821, Stephen G. Johnson ; res. Colchester, Conn. Capt. Morgan had four other children by second wife. [See Morgan Genealogy.] GO. Edward6 {Oliver1', Nathan*, Nehemiah3, Nehemiah2, Nehe miah1), b. March 28, 1760, in Groton, Conn. His father moved to Stonington when he was about one year of age. After the ordinary education he learned the trade of shipbuild ing in his father's ship-yard. May 10, 1781, he was m. by Rev. Nathaniel Eells, of the First Congregational Church, to Elizabeth Grant of Stonington ; she was a dau. of Alexander Grant, a Scotchman, and Abigail Chesebrough, his wife, of Stonington. He purchased a very comfortable residence corner of Water and Wall streets, near where the Ocean Bank now stands, and soon afterward a store and wharf nearly opposite his house. In time he became a successful merchant and ship builder. His business included not only a general stock of dry goods, groceries and hardware, but also ship chandlery and all necessaries for fitting out vessels for the long voyages made in those days. He also did considerable business in the way of shipping country produce to New York and other places. He became interested in several vessels that made a good many trips to the West Indies, and in these ventures he was nearly always associated with Gen. William Williams and Judge Coddington Billings, settling up each voyage by itself. His ship-yard was the one from which his father retired a number of years previous to his death, and was situated on Stonington Point, just north of the breakwater. Mr. Smith was an active, ~*4- \^r^)^^^7i/ Nehemiah Smith. 109 industrious man and respected highly as a citizen. He took a deep interest in public affairs, was clerk of the Probate Court in 1808, notary public, justice of the peace, and representative in the General Assembly for a number of years. After a long sickness his wife Elizabeth d. Dec. 14, 1808, se. 45 years. In Oct., 1809, he in. the widow Phebe (Moore) Wickham, at that time residing at Mattitnck, L. I. Some of his letters written to her during their engagement are not only fine in compo sition, but remarkable for good penmanship. It apparently required from six to nine days for a letter to go by post between Stonington, Conn., and Mattitnck, L. I., at a cost of 17 to 25£ cents. He d. June 25, 1811, se. 51 years. In a biographical sketch of the life of his second wife and her early efforts in organizing Sunday Schools, he is spoken of as "a gentleman of refined sensibility, cultivated manners and great affability. Hence he was much esteemed and beloved. He graced a high social and public rank." Mrs. Phebe M. (Wickham) (Smith) Denison. The maiden name of the widow of Edward Smith was Phebe Moore of Southold, L. I. She was the youngest daughter of Dr. Micah Moore and his second wife, the widow Abigail (Hempstead) Ledyard. Phebe was half sister to John Led- yard, the noted traveler, and a direct descendant of Thomas Moore, who was born in England about 1615, and came to America previous to 1636. She was also a descendant of Rev. Christopher Youngs, vicar of Reydon, Suffolk county, Eng., and of the "Hampton and Hempstead families, all early resi dents on the east end of Long Island. Her mother formed the subject of a chapter in a series of articles published in the "Republican Watchman," of Greenport, L. I., entitled " Our Revolutionary Mothers ; " but while she was one of the hero ines, even to maintaining her position in her own house against the English soldiers, she was not less devoted to church affairs, and doubtless to her teachings may be ascribed Phebe's early interest in religious work. 110 Descendants of Phebe Moore was born Nov. 5, 1769 ; at the age of 19 she joined the Strict Congregational Church of Aquebogue, L. I., and for a time taught in the district school. At the age of 22 she married Joseph Parker Wickham, a widower without children. He had a fine residence and estate in the parish of Mattituck, and was a prominent, wealthy lawyer. In L793, at the age of 24, Mrs. Phebe Wickham organized in her own house- at Mattituck the first Sunday School on Long Island, being the second in America. Mr. Wickham died Jan. 1, 1806, and his widow set at liberty the slaves be longing to her husband's estate. In 1809 she married Edward Smith as previously mentioned, and soon after started her sec ond Sunday School at Stonington, which was the first in East ern Connecticut. These meetings were held in her house, corner of Water and Wall streets, nearly opposite the site of the Eagle Hotel. This school was afterward connected with the First Congregational Church, which she joined March 3, 1811. Shortly after Mr. Smith's death she returned to her native village, Southold, and there organized her third Sunday School in 1813 at the house of her brother-in-law, Captain Landon. She returned to Stonington previous to June, 1815, and married for her third husband Deacon Ebenezer Denison, Sep. 12, 1816. He was a widower with one son, living in Stonington. The next spring they moved to Mystic Bridge, and she there started her fourth Sunday School in 1817 in her own house, located where the Hoxie House now stands. The school was soon removed to the large sail loft owned by Charles Mallory, Esq., the father of the senior member of "the firm of the Mallory line of steamers of New York city. It was the first religious institution in that vicinity, and large numbers came not only in carriages, but in boat-loads to attend the meetings. She died April 4, 1840. Her only child was Wil liam E. Smith, born in Stonington, 1811; died in Brooklyn, N. Y., sa. 75 years. She was kindly spoken of as Aunt Phebe Denison and in many respects was a remarkable woman and a true Christian. Her enthusiasm in religious work and her gift of language Nehemiah Smith. Ill qualified her to address an assemblage with as much freedom as any minister of the Gospel. She had the faculty of com manding respect and esteem from every one. The children in the neighborhood grew up with a deep affection for her. She had much independence of character and refused an offer of marriage while she was yet single, and again when she was a widow, from a gentleman of wealth, for no other reason than that she did not believe he would be congenial in church matters. By her second marriage she relinquished a valuable interest in the Wickham estate. She had decided views on the question of temperance, and the following characteristic con versation with an unsteady traveler who had stopped at her door, is credited to her : " Madam, can you give me some cider ? " " We don't keep cider for the accommodation of travelers." " Well, can't you give me lodging for the night ? " "No, sir; we don't keep a public house.'' " But, madam, you may not know who I am, and the Bible says, forget not to entertain strangers, for thereby some have entertained angels unawares." " Very true, sir ; but angels don't ask for cider." At the age of 24, while she was Mrs. Wickham, and during the year she started her first Sunday School (1793), her portrait was painted by Mr. Earle, an English artist, at that time in this country under orders from the British government to depict on canvas the falls of Niagara. Again, in 1835, at the age of 66, she sat for a portrait painted by Mr. Dorance. It is the face of the latter painting that has become familiar. The limits of this work will not permit of a more extended record of her interesting life. For additional facts, see the " Mystic Pioneer " (Conn.) of 1867, in which the Rev. Frederick Denison, A. M., gives nearly thirty columns in seven chapters on the life and labors of Mrs. Phebe Denison. Also Wheeler's History of the First Congregational Church, Stonington, Ed. 1875, pp. 102-106; "The Republican Watchman," Green- port, L. I., March 18, 1854; "The Long Island Traveler," May 20, 1875, and " The New York Observer," May 16, 1840, from which the following extracts are taken : 112 Descendants of " In person Mrs. Denison was interesting and dignified. Her mind was vigorous and discriminating and well stored with useful knowledge. In her social and domestic relations she was instructive and kind. She loved the society of her friends and here she possessed a remarkable faculty to render herself agree able and useful." * * * "Under God she exerted a most delightful and elevating influence in the neighborhood in which she resided. She was the first to go out and impress upon the minds of parents and children the importance of Sabbath School instruction. Her own doors were cheerfnlly thrown open for the admission of children and youth on the Sabbath, and for many years she and her husband were almost con stantly employed a part of each Sabbath in endeavoring to prepare the young for honor and usefulness here and for glory and blessedness hereafter." * * * "An intimate friend of Mrs. Denison's, one who loved her and who loved to be associated with her in well doing, says of her, she possessed in an eminent degree the ornament of a meek and quiet spirit. On her tongue was the law of kindness ; she loved the sanctuary and the ministers of Christ, assisting them all in her power by her influence and co-operation in every good word and work. The sick and afflicted in mind and body found in her a sympathizing helper and an able counsellor. She possessed a happy talent in introducing and maintaining re ligious conversation in all companies, illustrating her remarks by pertinent, instructive anecdotes. * But in the female prayer-meeting she shone with peculiar lustre. She loved to pray with and for others. Here she poured forth the holy affections of her heart for impenitent sinners — for the Churcli of Christ — for the ministers of every name — for the spread of the Everlasting Gospel — and here she formed friendships which we trust will be remembered in Heaven." Ch. first wife : 135. David Chesebrough, b. June 20, 1782. 136. Alexander Grant, b. Sep. 1, 1783. 137. Elizabeth, b. Aug. 6, 1785. Margaret, b. Aug. 3, 1787; d. Aug. 4, 1787. John Fine, b. June 2, 1788 ; d. May 29, 1800. Abigail Chesebrough, b. Sep.' 23, 1790; never m..; d. Piscataway, N. J., March 25, 1868. Edward, b. April, 1793 ; d. June 29, 1793. 138. Edward Ledyard, b. June 29, 1794. 1793 ae. 24 1835 ae. 66 MRS. PHEBE M. (WICKHAM,) (sMITHJ DENISON. Family record No. 60. Fac-slmlle signature of Nehemiah Smith, 21??- Tuwn clerk, Groton Conn. ITOT. Family record No. 3. aJtusUtt*-*'' MRS. MARY (SMITH> STANTON. Family record. No. 61. FAMILY RECORD N° 68. PHOTO-CRAVURE CO N.Y Nehemiah Smith. 113 139. Mary, b. Oct. 7, 179- (probably 1796). 140. John Denison, b. June 2, 1800. "William Chesebrough, b. June 2, 1800 ; d. March 16, 1801. Ch. second wife : 141. William Edward, b. June 2, 1811. 61. Mary6 {Oliver'', Nathan*, Nehemiah3, Nehemiah2, Nehe miah1), b. Stonington, Aug. 19, 1761 ; m. March 18, 1781, Capt. Ebenezer, son of Nathan and Elizabeth (Billings) Stan ton. He was of the fifth generation from Thomas Stanton, 1st ; Elizabeth Billings was of the fifth generation from William and Mary Billings, of what is now North Stonington. Capt. Stanton was a man of fine sensibilities ; he owned his own vessel and engaged in the Mediterranean trade; res. New London. She was a highly respected Christian lady, and familiarly known as " Aunt Stanton." She d. 1850. Ch. Nathan Smith Stanton, b. Aug. 1, 1782; m. Elizabeth Smith. [See family record, 137. j Elisha Stanton, d. unmarried. Mary Stanton, b. Jan. 21, 1788 ; m. Frank Richards ; no ch. ; she m. 2nd, Frederick Geer ; no ch. Ebenezer Stanton, b. July 15, 1791 ; d. unmarried. Edward Stanton, b. May 10, 1793; m. Caroline Spencer; no ch. 62. Elizabeth6 {Oliver', Nathan*, Nehemiah3, Nehemiah2, Nehemiah1), b. Stonington, Feb. 18, 1763 ; m. Nov. 21, 1784, Nathaniel, son of Gilbert Fanning. He was a sea captain, and second in command to Paul Jones. He d. Charleston, S. C, Sep. 30, 1805. The widow m. 2nd, Samuel Palmer of Ston ington. She d. March 8, 1840. Only ch. Lavinia Fanning, b. Sep. 11, 1796 ; m. 1814, Nathan Smith. [See record, 144.] 15 114 Descendants of 63. Nathan6 {Oliver6, Nathan*, Nehemiah3, Nehemiah2, Nehe miah1), b. in Stonington, Conn., June 12, 1764; m. June 8, 1788, Mary Denison, b. Stonington, April 16, 1767 ; she was a dau. of Joseph and Mary (Babcock) Denison [see Descendants of George Denison, Ed. 1881, p. 92]; he was a sea captain, and at one time interested in shipbuilding at Stonington ; he resided in the borough ; on June 13, 1800, the dwelling caught fire and one of the boys, with a playmate, a son of Thomas Butler, were burned to death ; both were about 8 years of age ; Captain Nathan Smith d. May 23, 1845 ; said to have had thirteen children. Ch. Mary, b. June 12, 1790; d. June 14, 1790. Evelina, b. June 12, 1790 ; d. young. Nathan, b. Aug. 12, 1791; d. Aug. 27, 1792. Oliver, bap. April, 1797. Evelina, b. Dec. 13, 1798; never in.; d. April, 1866. 142. Mary Denison, b. Sep. 3, 1801. Nathan Stanton, b. April 20, 1803. Nelson, b. June 9, 1806; never m.; d. over 30 years of age. 64. Denison6 {Oliver6, Nathan*, Nehemiah3, Nehemiah2, Nehe miah1), b. June 19, 1769, at Stonington, received a good ordi nary education ; m. March 6, 1788, Waity Smith of Poquo noc, only child of Jabez and Waity (Burrows) Smith [see Index], both being 18 years of age; he started a store close to the old Smith homestead, but about 1792 moved into the vil lage of Poquonoc and there for over forty years did a thriving business for those days ; he was at one time quite largely engaged in the manufacture of linen cloth, putting out the flax to families all over that section of the county, taking the cloth to New York and there exchanging it for such goods as he needed for his store, which included a general assortment of dry goods, groceries, hardware, etc.; he was a successful merchant MR. & MRS. DENISON SMITH. POQUONOC BRIDGE CONN. Family record No. til. Pboto-Gravun? RECORD N9 141. Nehemiah Smith. 167 After the usual schooling, which included one year at Mat tituck, L. I., and one at Westerly, R. I., he learned the trade of cabinet-making. As so many of his relatives were interested in shipping, he was induced to make a few trips at sea, but finding this unsuited to his tastes, he visited his half-brother at Mobile, Ala., and became somewhat acquainted with the South. He located at Charleston, S. C, in Oct., 1832, taking a posi tion as clerk in the old established house of S. & J. Dixon, wholesale grocers, 201 and 203 East Broadway. He remained with them about a year and spent the following winter in Key West. He returned North in the spring and m. Aug. 10, 1834, Sophia Gallup of Candlewood Hill, Groton, Conn. She was a dau. of Benadam and Cynthia (Fish) Gallup, and a direct descendant of Capt. John Gallup who moved from Boston to New London Co. in 1651. During the next winter Mr. Smith returned to the South and opened a store of general mer chandise at Apalachicola, Fla., his wife remaining with her parents. He had hardly become settled in business when he was suddenly called North on account of his wife's illness. She d. June 4, 1835, 23 years of age. Returning to his busi ness interests in Apalachicola, he opened a branch store and trading place at Columbus. He m. for his second wife, Oct. 22, 1840, Lydia Maryott, of Lisbon, Conn., a daughter of Henry, Jr., and Frances (Stanton) Maryott. Henry Maryott, Sr., was a son of Samuel Maryott, whose farm at Newport, R. I., included the rocky bluff and chasm now known as Purgatory. After one more year in the South he returned with his wife to Conn. In the spring of 1847 he moved from New London to Brooklyn, became interested in the manufacture of buttons, in Duane street, New York, and in 1849 commenced the business of wholesale provisions in Brooklyn near the old James Street market, where the bridge anchorage now stands. He removed to Fulton street near Fulton ferry in 1853, where he continued an active interest until the afternoon previous to his death, a period of thirty-seven years in the provision trade. He was a member of Plymouth Church, having always been a pewholder from the time Mr. Beecher became installed 168 Descendants of pastor. He was also a member of the New York Produce Exchange from its earliest history, when it was known as the Corn Exchange. He was highly esteemed by the members and the trade generally for his honesty, and his genial, liberal qualities. He was very domestic in his habits and resided on Brooklyn Heights during the last thirty years of his life ; he d. Aug. 13, 1886, 75 years of age ; family bur. Elm Grove Cemetery, Mystic Bridge, Conn. Ch. First wife : Sophia Gallup, b. Groton, Conn., June 3, 1835 ; res. Brooklyn, N. Y. Second wife : Edward Moore, b. Jewett City, Conn., Jan. 1, 1842 ; res. Brooklyn, N. Y.; sergt., Co. I, 56th N. Y. State Vol., 1863, war of the Rebellion. Robert Winfield, b. Jewett City, Aug. 16, 1845 ; d. Brooklyn, N. Y., June 20, 1847. 271. Henry Allen, b. Brooklyn, N. Y., Nov. 10, 1847. 272. Chandler, b. Brooklyn, N. Y., Nov. 22, 1851. 142. Mary Denison' {Nathan", Oliver5, Nathan*, Nehemiah3, Nehemiah?, Nehemiah1), b. Stonington, Sep. 23, 1801 ; m. Dec. 13, 1820, Elisha, son of Elisha and Desire (Hallara) Faxon of Stonington; she d. Dec. 20, 1825, as. 24; he m. 2nd, Dec. 31, 1838, the widow Maria L. (Smith) Woodbridge, a dau. of Capt. Joseph and Nancy (Ells) Smith of Stonington ; six ch. by second wife. [See His. Faxon Family, Ed. 1880, p. 215.] He was largely engaged in the whaling business at Stonington ; he d. July 22, 1858. Ch. Elisha Faxon, b. April 8, 1823; in. July 26, 1848, Sarah A., dau. of John and Lydia Forshew ; res. Hudson, N. Y. Nathan Smith Faxon, b. April 16, 1825 ; m. Jan. 3, 1850, Elizabeth Prescott. Nehemiah Smith. 169 143. Mary Denison7 {Denison5, Oliver5, Nathan*, Nehemiah3, Nehemiah?, Nehemiah1), b. Poquonoc, July 20, 1789 ; m. Sep. 18, 1805, Lewis, son of Thomas and Amelia (Taber) Allen; res. Groton, Fisher' s Island and New London. He b. May 2, 1783; d. May 3, 1845 ; she d. Oct. 21, 1854, as. 65. Ch. Lewis Denison Allen, b. Groton, Aug. 10, 1806 ; m. July 24, 1837, Lucretia Isham ; res. Washington, D. C. ; living (1886). Mary Smith Allen, b. Fisher's Island, July 7, 1808 ; m. May 9, 1832, Dr. Enoch V. Stoddard ; res. New London. [See Des. of James Morgan, Ed. 1869, p. 54.] Frances Elizabeth Allen, b. Fisher's Islaud, Jan. 21, 1811 ; m. May 9, 1832, A. Waldo Tucker; res. Lancaster, Pa.; living (1886). Harriet Amelia Allen, b. Groton, Sep. 25, 1813 ; m. Dec. 21, 1841, Ansel C. Cady ; m. 2nd, Dec 20, 1852, Thomas Perkins; res. Buffalo; living (1886). Sarah Ann Allen, b. Groton, May 4, 1817; m. Jan. 15, 1849, Dr. Enoch V. Stoddard; res. New London; living (1886). Frederick Lee Allen, b. New London, May 20, 1820 ; m. June 4, 1849, Wait Harris Lippet; d. Feb. 27, 1872. Thomas H. C. Allen, b. New London, Sep. 21, 1822; m. June 1, 1852, Jennie D. Woodruff ; three ch. ; he m. 2nd, July 7, 1853, Laura A. Rowe ; one ch. ; res. Cincinnati, Ohio ; living (1889). Jane Celina Allen, b. New London, June 28, 1824 ; m. May 8, 1848, Worthington B. Button; res. New York city ; living (1889). Eleanor Caroline Allen, b. New London, April 29, 1828 ; m. Sep. 13, 1847, William Mercer; res. New London; liv ing (1886). Anna Maria Allen, b. New London, May 23, 1831 ; d_. Sep. 11, 1832. 22 170 Descendants of 144. Nathan7 {Denison5, Oliver5, Nathan*, Nehemiah3, Nehe miah2, Nehemiahi), b. Groton, March 31, 1793 ; m. March 6, 1814, Lavinia, dau. of Nathaniel and Elizabeth (Smith) Fan ning of Stonington. He was a farmer at Poquonoc and d. April 4, 1851 ; she b. Sep. 11, 1796; d. Dec. 24, 1879, as. 83. [See record, 62.] Ch. 273. Nathan Denison, b. Sep. 14, 1815. 274. Betsey Fanning, b. Oct. 25, 1818. 275. Jabez, b. March 1, 1821. 276. Lavinia Malvina, b. Feb. 24, 1823. 277. Nathaniel Fanning, b. Jan. 28, 1826. 278. Jane Denison, b. Sep. 23, 1828. 279. Edward Stanton, b. Nov. 29, 1830. Benjamin Franklin, b. March 7, 1833; d. Sep. 25, 1852. 280. George Washington, b. Sep. 11, 1836. Edward Fanning, b. June 25, 1839 ; killed May 16, 1864, at the assault on Drury's Bluff, Va., Company C, 21st Reg., Conn. Vol. 145. Sarah' {Denison", Oliver", Nathan*, Nehemiah3, Nehemiah*, Nehemiah1), b. Groton, May 24, 1800; m. Feb. 24, 1820, Coddington Billings Williams of Stonington ; res. Lee, Mass., Palmyra, Salina and Syracuse, N. Y.; she d. April 17, 1854, as. 53 ; he b. May 12, 1796 ; d. Dec. 5, 1881. Ch. Coddington Smith Williams, b. Lee, Nov. 28, 1 820 ; d. Cincinnati, Ohio, July 5, 1850. Sarah Billings Williams, b. Lee, March 29, 1823 ; m. Oct. 15, 1846, Edward Barker Judson, pres. First Nat. Bank ; res. Syracuse ; three ch. Frances Elizabeth Williams, b. Palmyra, Jan. 26, 1825 ; m. Alonzo Blossom, May 31, 1848; seven ch.; res. Dubuque, Iowa. Nehemiah Smith. 171 Mary Denison Williams, b. Palmyra, Sep. 14, 1827; m. Sep. 14, 1853, B. Davis Noxen; res. Syracuse. Almira Smith Williams, b. Salina, April 26, 1830 ; d. Aug. 10, 1831. Almiea Borodell Williams, b. Salina, July 25, 1832 ; m. Henry Van Vleck, July 5, 1854 ; she d. at Jackson, Miss., Oct. 29, 1871 ; eight ch. Jane Augusta Williams, b. Salina, Oct. 15, 1835 ; m. Oct. 25, 1859, Edward Jesup Wood ; res. Gorshen, Ind. ; three ch. Ellen Lavinia Williams, b. Salina, Nov. 29, 1837 ; m. July 29, 1857, James Sisson Gillespie; res. Binghamton, N. Y.; six ch. George Montgomery Williams, b. Salina, March 16, 1840 ; m. June 22, 1864, Helen Risley Congdon ; res. Syracuse ; three ch. 146. Nathaniel Denison7 {Denison", Oliver", Nathan*, Nehe miah3, Nehemiah*, Nehemiah'), b. Groton, Nov. 5, 1802 ; m. June 17, 1827, Eliza, dau. of Capt. Jesse and Elizabeth (Avery) Williams of Groton. He was a merchant in New London ; d. Feb. 19, 1837, as. 34; she d. Dec. 15, 1848, as. 45 ; she was a granddau. of Lieut. Ebenezer Avery of Fort Griswold ; family bur. Smith Lake Cemetery. Ch. Sarah Elizabeth, b. May 26, 1828 ; m. Joseph Wash ington Smith, Sep. 7, 1847. [See record, 319.] 281. Jesse Denison, b. April 18, 1830. 282. William Burrows, b. Sep. 14, 1833. 283. Nancy, b. Oct. 28, 1835. 147. Frances Ann7 {Denison", Oliver", Nathan*, Nehemiah", Nehemiah', Nehemiah'), b. Groton, Dec. 24, 1804 ; m. Oct. 18, 1825, Luther, son of Jeduthan and Abigail (Brown) Tucker of Cummington, Mass.; she d. at Walworth, N. Y., April 14, 1831, as. 26; he m. 2nd, April 26, 1832, Alrayra, dau. of 172 Descendants of Elijah Kent of Walworth ; two ch., Luther K. and George P. Mr. Tucker d. Oct. 20, 1838, as. 39. Ch. First wife — b. Walworth : Frances Ann Tucker, b. Jan. 9, 1827 ; m. Philo J. Bacon of Oneida Co., N. Y., June 29, 1852; res. Lincoln, Neb. Luther D. Tucker, b. Sep. 6, 1828 ; d. Nov. 14, 1828. 148. Joseph Aborn7 {Denison", Oliver", Nathan*, Nehemiah3, Nehemiah*, Nehemiah1), b. at Poquonoc, Groton, Conn. , Aug. 29, 1807. He attended the district school until the age of 14, continuing his education in New London. He assisted in his father's store and on the farm until the age of 17, when he became clerk in a clothing and grocery store in New London. The firm did a large business, one branch being the fitting out of whalemen, New London having about that time eighty ves sels engaged in that trade. At 20 he was in business on his own account. His capital, though small at starting, became in a few years a most encouraging sum. He m. June 24, 1832, Sarah Augusta, dau. of Thomas and Sally (Rogers) Avery of Groton. Soon after his marriage he took a partner in business, and removed to the store in State street, where he had formerly been a clerk. In 1837 two other partners were taken, the firm name being J. A. Smith & Co. They had a branch store at Mystic. The firm dissolved in 1844, and Mr. Smith continued with a partner for three years, and later, in 1850, formed a new partnership with Captain Loring Cottrell. They engaged very extensively in buying old ships, which they broke up for the copper, iron, timber, etc. This venture proved very suc cessful. Fourteen years later Mr. Smith retired from business, and removed in 1864 from New London to Boston, where he now resides. His wife d. June 18, 1877, in the 65th year of her age, and in the 45th year of their married life. Ch. Mary Aborn, b. New London, Nov. 10, 1833 ; m. May 31, 1864, Albert A. Dickerman of Stoughton, Mass.; res. Boston, Mass. - MR. & MRS. JOSEPH ABORN SMITH. Family record No. 148. Nehemiah Smith. 173 149. Almira Waity' {Denison", Oliver", Nathan*, Nehemiah3, Nehemiah2, Nehemiah1), b. Poquonoc, Aug. 4, 1812; m. July 4, 1833, William T. Burrows of Groton ; res. Poquonoc, Conn.; he d. Dec. 20, 1858. Ch. Almira S. Burrows, b. March 7, 1838 ; m. Nov. 3, 1859, Albert B. Kingsley of Hopkinton, R. I. ; he d. Oct. 17, 1870; she m. 2nd, May 10, 1874, Orin W. Beckwith; res. Poquonoc William T. Burrows, b. March 11, 1840; m. Ella Mitchell of Groton ; res. Poquonoc. Francis R. Burrows, b. Feb. 14, 1843; d. March 5, 1843. Fannie E. Borrows, b. Jan. 9, 1847; m. Feb. 12, 1866, Edward W. Cole of Rehoboth, Mass. ; res. Taunton, Mass. Judson D. Burrows, b. Oct. 17, 1849; m. Nov. 16, 1869, Alice A. Colver of Centre Groton ; res. Poquonoc Sarah A. Burrows, b. April 29, 1852; m. April 6, 1876, James H. Wells of Groton ; res. Poquonoc. Mary J. Burrows, b. Nov. 4, 1855 ; m. Sept. 27, 1876, Rev. Lemuel W. Frink; res. Preston, Conn. 150. , Frances Mary7 {Jesse D.°, Oliver", Nathan*, Nehemiah3, Nehemiah2, Nehemiah1), b. New London, Conn., July 30, 1816 ; m. at St. James' Church, Nov. 22, 1841, William Carey Bolles of Salem, Mass., son of Rev. Lucius and Lydia Bolles of Boston; he b. March 8, 1814; d. Pomfret, Conn., Nov. 23, 1855, as. 41 ; she m. 2nd, Sep. 18, 1856, Prentice Samuel Stoddard of Syracuse, N. Y., son of Vine and Sabria (Avery) Stoddard [see record, 29] ; res. Roxbury, Boston, Mass.; he was b. June 20, 1803 ; d. Feb. 8, 1885. To her the compiler is indebted for his first memoranda relating to the lineage of the family. Only ch. Frances Amelia Bolles, b. July 27, 1844 ; m. at St. Paul's Church, Syracuse, N. Y., Feb. 8, 1865, Rev. George Her bert Patterson, LL. D., son of Rev. Albert C. and Juliet C. 174 Descendants of Patterson ; he was for a number of years president De Veanx College, Suspension Bridge, Niagara, N. Y., now rector Berkley School, Providence, R. I.; she d. Oct. 16, 1887 ; eight ch. [See " The Churchman," Nov. 5, 1887.] 151. Erastus Tenant7 {Gilbert, Jr.", Gilbert", Nathan*, Nehe miah3, Nehemiah*, Nehemiah1), b. Groton, Conn., J une 24, 1789 ; m. the widow Mrs. Rebecca (Barber) Lester, Feb. 2, 1812, a dau. of John Barber of Groton, and Elizabeth Deni son, his wife, of Stonington. [See Des. of George Denison, Ed. 1881, p. 38.] John Barber was a son of Rev. Jonathan Barber of Groton. Miss Barber was b. March 6, 1789 ; she was a sister of Hon. Noyes Barber, who m. the widow of Elijah Smith. [See Index.] Mrs. Lester's dau., Emily M. Lester, m. the Hon. Elijah F. Smith of Rochester, N. Y. [See Index.] Mr. Smith resided in Preston Centre until about 1817, when he moved to Centre Groton, where with his brother he kept a large store for a number of years. He was clerk of the Pro bate Court, Groton, 1818, and a representative in the General Assembly, 1825 and 1828 ; he was made justice of the peace in 1830, and a year or two later he removed to Rochester, N.Y. Mrs. Rebecca Smith d. Nov. 11, 1838, 49 years of age. He m. 2nd, Lucia Mills of West Hartford, Aug. 23, 1839 ; she was b. Sep., 1797, and d. in Rochester, N. Y., March 27, 1857, He m. for his third wife, Emily Perkins of Litchfield, Conn., April 23, 1862, a dau. of Elijah H. Perkins of Southbury, Conn., and his wife Julia Sophia Hill of Bethlehem, Conn.; she d. Oct. 14, 18 - ; he d. at Rochester, N. Y., May 14, 1863. Ch. All by first wife. 284. Erastus Barber, b. Nov. 27,1812. 285. Frances Rebecca, b. March 13, 1815. Gilbert Morgan, b. March 15, 1818, at Centre Gro ton; m. Aug. 7, 1830, Eliza R., dau. of Homer Ely of West Springfield, Mass.; res. South Hadley, Mass.; she d. July 31, 1882 ; no ch. Nehemiah Smith. 175 Prudence Elizabeth, b. May 9, 1820, at Centre Gro ton ; m. April 19, 1842, Dr. H. W. Dean of Roches ter, N. Y.; she d. April 4, 1877; three ch., one, Wm. K. Dean, Roxbury, Mass. 286. Byron, b. July 16, 1825. 287. Henry Walworth, b. June 6, 1827. William Avery, b. Sep. 14, 1829, Centre Groton ; d. Rochester, N. Y., Jan. 6, 1833. Helen Frederica, b. April 6, 1833, Rochester; never m.; d. South Hadley, April 21, 1851. 153. Gilbert Avkry7 {Gilbert", Gilbert", Nathan*, Nehemiah3, Nehemiah2, Nehemiah1), b. Groton, Conn., Sep. 15, 1796 ; m. 1824, Elizabeth, dau. of Capt. Thomas Barber of Norwich, Conn.; she d. July 16, 1833, as. 29. He in. for his second wife Catharine Brewer Hayes, March 16, 1836, a dau. of Rev. Joel and Mary (Bliss) Hayes. Mr. Smith was for forty-five years a member of Hampton Lodge of F. &¦ A. M., in Springfield, Mass.; he was a member of the church, and for a long time a resident of South Hadley; in his younger days he and his brother kept store at Centre Groton, Conn. ; he d. July 27, 1869, as. 72; Mrs. Catharine B. Smith d. July 15, 1878, as. 81. Ch. Edwin B., b. 1824 ; d. 1850, as. 26. Anna E., b. 1828 ; d. Feb. 20, 1847, as. 19. Thomas, b. 1830 ; d. June 2, 1833, as. 2 years 7 months. Jane, b. 1833; d. Oct. 20, 1836, as. 3 years 6 months. 155. Eunice7 {Amos D.", Gilbert", Nathan*, Nehemiah3, Nehe miah*, Nehemiah), b. Poquonoc, Feb. 12, 1799 ; m. April 26, 1818, Hon. Albert Gallup of Albany, N. Y.; he b. Jan. 20, 1796; d. Nov. 5, 1851 ; she d. Oct. 17, 1872. Ch. Gallup, b. ; d. infant. Caroline Gallup, b. Aug. 5, 1821, at Berne, N. Y.; m. May 14, 1851, Rev. Sylvanus Reed; four ch.; res. New York city. 176 Descendants of Albert S. Gallup, b. Sep. 20, 182#3, at Berne. Priscilla Gallup, b. June 21, 1828, at Berne ; m. April 13, 1852. George H. Whitney ; five ch. Lucy Gallup, b. May 11, 1832, at Albany, N. Y.; m. Henry D. Paine, Feb. 2, 1858 ; one ch. Edwin C. Gallup, b. March 21, 1835, at Albany; m. Anna B. Calket, Jan. 5, 1870; two ch. Eunice I. Gallup, b. Apr. 14, 1840. Francis W. Gallup, b. July 15, 1841 ; d. Sep. 17, 1842. 156. Francis7 {Amos D?, Gilbert5, Nathan*, Nehemiah3, Nehe miah2, Nehemiah1), b. Poquonoc, Aug. 19,1800; m. March 26, 1825, Caroline Celia, dau. of John D. and Grace B. (Wil liams) Smith of Stonington. [See record, 96.] He was a sea captain, and in 1819 was one of the crew who went in the " Savannah," the first steam vessel. to cross the Atlantic. [See Harper's Magazine, Feb., 1877, p. 342.] He d. June 20, 1830 ; bur. at sea. His widow m. Feb. 2, 1835, William Vin cent, son of John aud Sarah (Minor) Daboll of Groton ; she d. Jan. 25, 1881 ; bur. Swan Point Cemetery, Providence, R. I.; seven ch. by 2nd m. : Josephine, Floride, Franklin, Sarah, John, Grace and William S. Daboll. Ch. 288. Helen Theresa, b. July 14, 1826. 289. Francis Albert, b. Nov. 30, 1827. 290. Amos Denison, b. June 12, 1829.' 157. Amos Denison7 {Amos D.6, Gilbert5, Nathan*, Nehemiah3, Nehemiah2, Nehemiah1), b. Poquonoc, Groton, Conn., April 30, 1805. At the age of 21, he went to Providence and became a clerk for James Aborn, then doing a very large business in the lumber trade. His younger brother James was also a clerk in the same office with him at that time. Nov. 7, 1827, he m. Sarah A. Franklin of Providence, dau. of Hen-ry P. and Hannah (Cooke) Franklin. A year or two later he was a partner of John W. Aborn in the lumber business, with yards FAMILY RECORD N9157 Nehemiah Smith. 177 at the foot of Washington st. About 1830 he hired what was known as the " Buttonwood Privilege," in Johnston, and com menced the manufacture of cotton goods in the small mill which had been built there a few years previous. In 1831, his partnership terminated with Mr. Aborn, and he transferred all his business energy to the cotton goods trade with his princi pal office in Providence on South Water street, a place with which he was identified for over forty years. Mrs. Sarah A. Smith died Jan. 31, 1835, and he m. Sep. 8, 1836, for his second wife Amy A. Mathewson of Cranston, R. I. She was a dau. of Obadiah Mathewson, and his wife, Susan Sprague, the latter a sister of Gov. Wm. Sprague, Sr., and aunt of the present (1885) Gov. Wm. Sprague. In 1843, he became associated with his brother James Y., under the firm name of A. D. & J. Y. Smith, which was changed in 1856 to A. D. & J. Y. Smith & Co. In 1862, Mr. James Y. Smith retired, the business being continued under the firm name of Amos D. Smith & Co., and included in their business interests the Franklin Manufacturing Co., which com prised the Franklin and Merino mills in Johnston, the Providence Steam Milling Co., comprising the Durfee mill and steam mill of Providence, and the Groton Manufacturing Co., with mills at Woonsocket. Together these manufactories furnished em ployment for over 10,000 people. Mr. Smith was for a long time connected with the Provi dence Horse Guards, and in 1840 was a brigadier-general. He was for some time a member of the General Assembly and also of the City Council, a trustee of the sinking funds and of the Butler Hospital. He was president of the Providence Gas Co. from the time of its organization, treasurer of the Rhode Island Hospital, and president of the Bank of Commerce and of the People's Savings Bank, to all of whose interests he gave an honest, faithful service. Amos D. Smith d. Jan. 21, 1877, 71 years of age; family bur. Swan Point Cemetery. The following obituary notice appeared in the " Providence Journal" the day after his demise : 23 178 Descendants of " Amos D. Smith so long and highly respected in this com munity, died yesterday morning at his residence on Hope St. Mr. Smith has been in failing health for more than a year, and his friends have sadly anticipated the fatal termination of his disease. Few men were better known among us in public or private life ; b. in Groton, Conn., he came to this City while he was yet a boy, and has resided here more than fifty years. En dowed by nature with a strong physical constitution and a mind remarkable for its vigorous activity and its clearness of judg ment uniting to a capacity for hard work an unbending will and an unwearied perseverance, and governing himself and his aims by an honest and moral purpose, he achieved success in the very beginning of his career, and in the humble labors and the upright conduct of the boy, laid the foundations of his pros perity and his character. Mr. Smith was about 70 years old. Until within a year or two he has been strong in body as in mind, and the day rarely passed that did not see him at his counting room or on the street. His commanding form, his genial face and his pleasant manners will be missed by many a friend who in his sense of loss will sadly turn his sympathy to those whose bereavement comes nearer to the heart and whose sorrows are mingled in the memory of affections as well as virtues."Ch. first wife : 291. Hannah Cook.e, b. Nov. 7, 1828. Sarah Burgers, b. April 9, 1830; d. Sep. 1, 1830. 292. Henry James, b. Sep. 12, 1831. 293. FRANcrs Mitchel, b. May 13, 1833. Amos Denison, b. Jan. 7, 1835 ; m. April 16, 1861, Susan, dau. of Lawrence and Eliza Talbot Almy, of Providence, R. I. He was a partner with his brother Francis in the manufacture of cotton goods. One ch., a dan., b. June 11, 1869; d. an infant. Second wife : 294. Charles Morris, b. Dec. 17, 1838. William Sprague, b. Aug. 23, 1840 ; d. April 10, 1872. Brookholst Mathewson, b. Dec. 31, 1842; d. Feb. 7, 1844. Brookholst Mathewson, b. Nov. 19, 1844; d. June 25, 1846. Nehemiah Smith. 179 Annie Brown, b. Sep. 29, 1846. 295. George Mathewson, b. Jan. 23, 1849. Hope Alden, b. Nov. 11, 1856 ; d. Jan. 28, 1858. 158. James Young7 {Amos D?, Gilbert,5 Nathan*, Nehemiah3, Nehemiah?, Nehemiah1), b. Sep. 15, 1809, at Poquonoc, Groton, Conn. He received a common school education, and at the early age of 13, became employed in a grocery store in New London. He remained there four years, and during the latter part of the time he was often intrusted with the entire charge of the business. At the age of 17, on the 26th of April, 1826, he removed to Providence and entered the office of James Aborn, the most extensive lumber dealer in the State of Rhode Island, at that time. When 21 years of age, he became a part ner under the firm name of Aborn & Smith. Aug. 15, 1835, he was married to Emily Brown of Providence. She was a daughter of Thomas and Mary (Waterman) Brown, and born Sep. 6, 1813. In 1838, Mr. Smith became inter ested in the manufacture of cotton goods, in Willimantic, Conn., and Woonsocket, R. I. These enterprises proving suc cessful he retired from the lumber business in 1843, and devoted all his business energy to manufacturing. The following is from an obituary notice, published in the "Providence Bulletin," the day after his death : " Possessed of a most vigorous constitution, re-enforced by the simplest habits of life, he accomplished for years in the prosecution of his business as a manufacturer the severest labors. The greater as well as the smaller affairs were sub jected to his personal supervision. The details of the manu facture at the mills were kept constantly under his eye, no less than the business of the counting room and of the market. Before the building of the Hartford railroad, he was accus tomed to make regular journeys to Willimantic, a distance of forty-eight miles, by carriage, at night, in order not to incroach by travelling upon the business hours of the day, and in the same manner, before the Worcester road was built, he kept up his personal supervision of the mills in which he was inter ested af Woonsocket. 180 Descendants of " In addition to his own extensive business, it is doubtful if any man in the State has, during the last twenty-five years, been so completely the servant of the people or been appealed to more generally to fill positions of trust or to give his advice and time to the private affairs of others. The trust and confi dence of the public in his personal integrity and sound judg ment was next to universal. While he accepted these trusts and evidences of confidence without hesitation, he was not neglectful of the duties of the least of them. An office to him was in no respect a sinecure. Whether he was called upon to act as a committee in building a bridge, a house for a charity, a church, a school-house, a city hall, or to serve as a referee in a pri vate controversy, or as an appraiser of an estate, each and every duty, the smallest as well as the greatest, was conscientiously performed. No one among his fellows remembers when his seat has been vacant at the Board of Direction of the Union Bank, and at the last formal meeting of the Commissioners of the Dexter Donation, he was the only member except the Mayor who kept that almost obsolete duty in mind. " At the time of his decease he was the President of the Union Bank, and of two savings institutions, and was also the President of one, and a director in seven insurance companies. For several years he has been active in the Board of Direction of the Providence and Worcester Railroad, and at his death he was a valued member of no less than five commissions under the city government. To all these positions of trust he brought a sound judgment, a willing service and conscientious upright ness of purpose. "Governor Smith served the city, as its Mayor, for the years 1855 and .1856. He was elected as the nominee of the citizens, in opposition to both .the recognized political parties, and was tendered the office for a third term, but declined a re election. "From 1863 to 1865 inclusive, he served the State with ability, fidelity and patriotism as its Chief Magistrate. The period covered by this service was a very trying one, from the fact that it was the most gloomy period in the history of the civil war." The " Providence Press " of March 27, 1876, contains an editorial of nearly two and a half columns, written by the Rev. Mr. Dean, who enjoyed an intimate friendship with the gover nor. The following is a portion of the article : GOVERNOR OF THE STATE OF BHODE ISLAND. Nehemiah Smith. 181 * # * * "His judgment in purchasing material, in the making of contracts and sales has been conceded by our busi ness men as superior, while his spirit of fair dealing and his interest in his employees has been a marked feature in the administration of his different mills. His superintendents and overseers have remained with him for long years, and many for life. There is honest and sincere mourning in all his manufactories to-day. " But not in this particular department alone did Gov. Smith excel. His investments and his gains brought him immediately into the field of finance, and in 1844, or over thirty years ago, he became a Director in the old Union Bank : in I860 its pres ident, and in 1866 president of the Union Savings Bank, which offices he filled at the time of his death. In fact, offices requiring great financial ability were pressed upon him, so that for years he has been the president of one bank and two sav ings banks, and one insurance company, and a directqr in seven other like institutions in this city. "The value of his services was long since known and appreciated by his fellow citizens, and the city laid upon him the duties of a Commissioner of its Sinking fund! of the Cove Land Commission, and later the chairmanship of the commis sion to build our new City Hall. It is but a short year since he resigned the office of one of the Trustees of the R. I. Hospital, and but a month since he ceased to be a trustee of Swan Point Cemetery, because he could not give to these enterprises the time and care which in his judgment they re quired at the hands of their trustees. " If to these we add the many and almost daily applications for business advice and help : the immense correspondence growing out of his large private business and his official relations, some approximate idea can be obtained of his busy life. Few men could carry it successfully, none can continuously. " The early political principles of Governor Smith were of the Jacksonian, or Democratic school. He was then what we should now term a conservative democrat. At the time of the Dorr war he was for ' law and order,' and took an active part in the suppression of that rebellion. He was repeatedly elected as one of the representatives of the city to the General As sembly, serving the State in that capacity faithfully and to the satisfaction of his constituents. In 1855 he accepted the nomination of the citizens for the office of Mayor of Provi dence — a nomination made in opposition to both the Whig and Democratic parties, and was elected over both his opponents, a 182 Descendants of large majority testifying their confidence in the man and his ability to administer the affairs of the city correctly and economically. His administration was so marked a success, his suggestions so practical, the improvements so patent and so important, that he was re-elected in 1856, and but for his firm declination of further honor would have been again renominated and elected. He never ceased to take an active interest in all that conduced to the true prosperity of the city : ever jealous for its fair fame and its increasing moral and material pros perity. "In 1861 the Republican Convention of the State, with unwonted unanimity, tendered him the nomination for Gover nor, but the war of the rebellion and the activity of Gov. Sprague in military affairs led to the latter's re-election. Sub sequent to the election of Gov. Sprague to the Senate, or in the Spring of 1863, Gov. Smith was again nominated by the Republican party and was elected Governor by the largest majority given in the State, in a sharply contested election. In 1864, he was re-nominated and elected over two opposing can didates, and such was the confidence of his fellow citizens in his integrity and ability, that he was nominated for the third term, receiving a majority in every town and ward in the State. " The labors of Gov. Smith during this period were indeed herculean. The war was at its height. President Lincoln was following each call for troops with still larger calls, and drafts were ordered in every State. The demand of the government was continuous and imperative for men and money. Rhode Island had made a proud and patriotic record, but the calls already made had taken off from her soil the major portion of its real fighting material, who, by their bravery and skill were winning a golden crown for the State. Gov. Smith believing that a draft, a forced supply of fighting material, would reflect discredit upon the State, turned his attention and energies to the raising of our quota for all calls in advance of the call itself. He was as successful in this as in all else which, he undertook. We remember the deep anxiety which existed when the President issued an order for a draft for five hundred thousand men on the 24th of February, 1864. On the 16th of March Gov. Smith issued a proclamation announcing that the quota of the State had been more than filled by voluntary enlistments. On the 18th of July of the same year another call for five hundred thousand men was made and the draft ordered in September, but again this indefatigable executive issued his proclamation announcing that this quota had also Nehemiah Smith. 183 been filled. On the 19th of December of the same year another requisition for three hundred thousand men was made, and on the 23rd of January following, Gov. Smith announced the quota of Rhode Island complete. The last announcement was followed by a communication from the War Department declaring the State still indebted to the government for men, although a large excess over all the calls had been provided and the Governor held the receipts of the government for the same. Governor Smith quietly took the train for Washing ton, but received no encouragement from the Provost Marshal or Secretary of War. In an interview with President Lincoln the latter learned the personal character of Gov. Smith, tendered him every facility possible, gave prompt and direct orders to the War Department, and as far as (possible aided the Governor in fulfilling his deep desire to preserve Rhode Island from the stigma of a draft. The system of assigning quotas had been changed by the War Department, or Provost Marshal General on the day after the announcement by the Governor that the quota of Rhode Island had been filled. This change made the quota from our State as large as it would have been upon a call for one million four hundred thousand men. It seemed to Gover nor Smith and to others, an act of injustice to States like ours whose quotas were kept steadily filled in advance, but there never was even the suspicion of a cloud of disloyalty on the mind and heart of James Y. Smith. He was patriotic and loyal to the government in every fibre of his being. His offi cial correspondence shows his protest against the injustice in flicted upon the State, but the same pen that wrote the protest wrote the Message to the General Assembly, inviting the co operation of that body in the work of meeting the full demands of the government. He was unceasing in his efforts until the last man demanded of the State, had responded to the roll call, and even then continued to send forward the recruits. * * " Gov. Smith was a man of large benevolence, joined to a modesty, which was sensitive. He gave liberally and con stantly. During the war and his incumbency of the guber natorial office his benefactions were without stint or measure. Many is the soldier's family that has called him blessed : many the widows and orphans who will weep his departure. We had occasion during the war, to know something of his dis tributions for sweet charity and mercy's sake, — something of the tax which poverty and daily want made upon his purse, and from our known intimacy ventured a modest remonstrance. We said : ' Gov. Smith, we do not know how much you are 184 Descendants of worth, but unless you have the wealth of an Astor at your com mand, you should pass some of your charities over to other hands.' Without offence, nay, studiously avoiding it, he thanked us and said, that he allowed no person to interfere with his personal charities, for these were matters with him of per sonal duty and pleasure, adding : ' I love to give and am glad that in these times I have something to give.' " But not alone in gifts of money and its equivalent, was Gov. Smith a pattern for others. His assistance to the deserv ing, in lines of business, in opening channels for their employ ment, and in judicious advice, have been a power for success in life of many a man among us. His nature was sympathetic and to honest worth his sympathy and aid were extended with out hesitation — and as continuously as they were needed. He was unselfish in his care for the interest and welfare of his friends, entering minutely and sympathetically into their cir cumstances, their trials and their sorrows. He was a man remarkably prudent in speech when dealing with the character or reputation of others, keeping inviolate all secrets entrusted to him. To sum up the character of Gov. Smith, we should speak of him as a man of rare integrity, of great benevolence, of unusual frankness, of decided courage and marked positive- ness, of great sympathy, of real simplicity joined to the most sterling good sense, and of sensitive modesty in matters per taining to himself. He was a rare type of the old New England business man and manhood, and much as we honor the living there are few among them who can fill his place. He was an honest man, a true representative of all the better and nobler elements of Rhode Island manhood, and as such posterity will do his memory honor." Gov. Smith was much interested in the compilation of this work, and it was the writer's privilege to receive from him a number of letters relating to his ancestors and the branches of the family collateral with his own ; but it was not until after several urgent requests for memoranda relating to his own life that he modestly sent about five lines, not one word of which referred to the fact that he had given over $100,000 toward the comfort of the soldiers and the sick and wounded, dur ing the war, and a large amount afterward, in aid of the wid ows and orphans. Gov. James Y. Smith d. March 26, 1876, as. 66; family burial, Swan Point Cemetery, Providence, R. I. Ch. Nehemiah Smith. 185 Thomas Brown, b. June 19, 1836 ; d. Sep. 19, 1840. 296. Isabella Brown, b. Feb. 12, 1839. 297. Emily Priscilla, b. Jan. 11, 1842. 159. Priscilla7 {Amos D.°, Gilbert", Nathan*, Nehemiah3, Nehe miah*, Nehemiah1), b. Poquonoc, May 1, 1820 ; m. June 10, 1841, Samuel Foster, b. Oct. 13, 1803, Dudley, Mass.; she d. March 24, 1867.- Ch. All b. in Providence, R. I. Ella Mitchel Foster, b. July 21, 1842 ; m. June 10, 1862, Edward H. Clarke. Walter Smith Foster, b. July 12, 1844. Louis Tucker Foster, b. July 12, 1846 ; m. Nov. 20, 1872, Mary H. Nightingale of Providence. Frederic Leeds Foster, b. Jan. 27, 1849 ; m. March 2, 1871, Maria M. Harris of Providence. James Herbert Foster, b. July 20, 1851. Clara Denison Foster, b. Nov. 17, 1853. 160. Abigail7 {Nehemiah", Nehemiah", John*, Nehemiah?, Nehe miah*, Nehemiah1), b. May 10, 1793; m. 1809, when 16 years of age, Leonard Eager Curtis of Worcester, Mass.; they moved to Ohio, where he d. 1821, and was bur. in the family lot on the farm of Judge Phelps, Painsville, Ohio. The widow removed with her three children to Fleming, N. Y., where she m. May 22, 1825, William, son of Noah and Sarah Gregory of Wilton, Conn.; they soon moved to Ohio, near the town of Norwalk, where he d. 1868 ; she d. Dec. 15, 1879 ; both bur. Bronson, Huron, county, Ohio. Ch. James Curtis, b. 1812; m. 1836, Eveline Smith; res. Perry, Wyoming county, N. Y.; d. 1839; no ch. Mary Curtis, b. 1814, called Polly ; m. 1835, V R. Guth rie; res. Peru, Huron county, Ohio; d. 1841 ; three ch. 24 186 Descendants of Alfred S. Curtis, b. Dec. 9, 1816; in. 1845, Elmira Wad- hams; she d.; he had 2nd and 3rd wife; res. Oneida, Knox county, 111.; lawyer and banker; living (1886). Edward S. Gregory, b. April 20, 1828 ; m. 1850, Clara Baldwin ; professor (1886) Hudson College, Summit, Ohio. Lydia Gregory, b. April 13, 1830 ; m. 1855, Isaac Under hiU ; res. Norwalk, Ohio. Harmon Gregory, b. May 31, 1832; m. 1852, Julia Gilbert; res. McHenry, 111. 161. Alfred7 {Nehemiah", Nehemiah", John*, Nehemiah', Nehe miah*, Nehemiah), b. Aug. 31, 1796 ; m. Lydia Johnson ; res. Fleming, N. Y.; he surveyor, teacher and merchant ; d. April 22, 1828. Ch. Edwin, d. young. Alfred Henry Clay, living (1886) Dayton, Ohio ; he was in the army, Co. H, 173rd N. Y. Vols., from Sep., 1862, until the close of the war ; two sons. 163. Mary7 {Nehemiah", Nehemiah", John*, Nehemiah3, Nehe miah*, Nehemiah1), b. May 4, 1800; sometimes called Maria; m. Aug. 13, 1818, Harmon, son of Amon and Naomi Skid more ; he d. Sep. 6, 1729 ; bur. Perry, Wyoming Co., N. Y.; the widow m. 2nd, Moseley Stoddard ; res. Mount Morris, N. Y,, and (1886) Flint, Mich. Ch. Mary Ann Skidmore, b. Oct. 9, 1819 ; d. June 13, 1821. Mary Ann Sktdmore, b. April 2, 1824; m. Hiram Redfield; res. New York city. \Franklin Skidmore, b. April 20, 1827 ; res. New Orleans, La. Julia Skidmore, b. May 13, 1829; m. June 21, 1848, Mar tin Willey; res. Flint, Mich. 163. John7 {John", Nehemiah", John*, Nehemiah3, Nehemiah', Nehemiah1), b. Feb. 1, 1794; m. March 17, 1816, Hannah, dau. Nehemiah Smith. 187 of Samuel and Mary (Holmes) Morgan of Colchester and Gro ton [see Des. Jas. Morgan, Ed. 1869, p. 68] ; res. Stoning- tpn, Salem and Colchester, Conn.; he d. Sep. 14, 1859, as. 65 ; she b. April 3, 1794; d. April 26, 1880, as. 86; bur. Salem. Ch. Morgan, b. Dec. 20, 1816 ; d. Salem, Dec. 23, 1816. Mary, b. April 28, 1818 ; d. Salem, May 1, 1818. John, b. April 29, 1819; d. Salem, May 7, 1819. 298. Erastus M., b. May 12, 1821. John Avery, b. April 24, 1825; m. a widow, Mrs. Mary L. Williams of Suffield, Conn., Nov. 23, 1864; res. Colchester ; no ch. Eliza Ann, b. May 11, 1827; d. April 4, 1842. 299. Hannah Maria, b. June 5, 1830. 164. Nancy7 {John", Nehemiah", John*, Nehemiah ', Nehemiah', Neliemiah), b. Aug. 11, 1796 ; m. 1816, Harry, son of Jonas Brown of Stonington and Salem ; he d. Oct. 11, 1825, as. 35; she m. 2nd, 1829, Joseph C, son of Chauncey Beckwith of Long Island; she d. April 23, 1856, as. 59 ; bur. Salem ; he d. April 9, 1854; res. and bur. Greenport, L. I. Ch. Henry S. Brown, b. Oct. 3, 1817; res. Colchester; d. March 29, 1852. Erastus C. Brown, b. June 13, 1819; m. 1847, Hannah M. Smith. [See Index.] Stephen A: Brown, b. Dec. 29, 1821 ; m. Angeline Moore; res. Norwich, Conn. ; m. 2nd, Sarah Greenhood ; he d. June 13, 1874. Joseph Beckwith, b. Feb. 29, 1830 ; res. Greenport, L. I.; d. in the army, war of the Rebellion. Harriet D. Beckwith, b. April 8, 1838 ; d. July 22, 1838. Nancy M. Beckwith, b. April 8, 1838; d. Sep. 6, 1838. 165. Coddington7 {John", Nehemiah", John*, Nehemiah ', Nehe miah*, Nehemiah1), b. Aug. 20, 1805 ; m. Sep. 8, 1833, Eliza 188 Descendants of Ann Stanton of Glastenbury, Conn. ; she d. Jan. 2, 1852 ; he m. 2nd, Sep. 21, 1852, Nancy Maria, dau. of Andrew Lathrop of Lebanon; he was a farmer; d. April 27, 1865; bur. Lebanon, Conn. Ch. 300. Charles Coddington, b. Salem, Conn., July 11, 1837. Martha Eliza, b. Salem, Conn., Nov. 2, 1839 ; m. Jan. 26, 1881, William C. Geer; res. Syracuse, N. Y.; d. July 4, 1883. ^ Ann Maria, b. Salem, Conn., Jan. 21, 1843 ; m. March 23, 1869, William F. Geer; res. Syracuse, N. Y.; he d. Sep., 1883; she m. 2nd, Albert Foster; res. Albion, N. Y. 301. Jeannette, b. Franklin, Conn., May 14, 1848. 166. Charles W.7 {Charles S.', Charles", John*, Nehemiah3, Nehemiah*, Nehemiah1), b. Groton, Jan. 18, 1793 ; m. Oct. 10, 1813, Mary M. Stanton of Stonington, Conn.; res. Water ford, Conn. Ch. Charles Stewart, b. March 3, 1815. Betsey, b. May 8, 1819. Mary Esther, b. Feb. 12, 1823. George T., b. March 13, 1829. Curtis A., b. March 10, 1831. 167. Elizabeth7 {Charles S.°, Charles", John*, Nehemiah3, Nehe miah*, Nehemiah1), b. Oct. 6, 1795, called Betsey ; m. May 16, 1811, Col. John W, son of Latham and Desire (Williams) Hull of Stonington ; shed. May 18, 1819 ; he b. Jan. 5, 1789 ; d. Feb. 28, 1878; res. Stonington, Conn. Ch. Eliza Smith Hull, b. May 22, 1812 ; m. John H. Brown ing, Sep. 21, 1829 ; res. New York city ; she d. March 21, 1875 ; five ch., one of them, J. Hull Browning, president Northern N. J. R. R. Nehemiah Smith. 189 Eunice Billings Hull, b. May 10, 1814, m. March 23, 1837, B. F. Browning; res. New York city; she d. Dec. 18, 1841 ; one ch., d. young.. John Pomeroy Hull, b. July 17, 1816; m. May 10, 1843, Hannah Argall ; res. New York city; he d. July 8, 1859; one ch. 168. Hannah Emeline7 {Shubel", Charles", John*, Nehemiah3, Nehemiah2, Nehemiah1), b. Feb. 22, 1806; m. Feb. 11, 1833, Prentice B., son of David and Hope (Lord) Skinner of Marl borough, Conn.; she d. June 11, 1870, as. 64; res. and bur. Marlborough. Ch. Julia Emtly Skinner, b. June 20, 1840 ; m. June 15, 1867, * Edward W., son of Rev. Hiram Bell of W. Colchester ; res. New York city. 169. Leonard Christopher7 {Shubel", Charles", John*, Nehemiah3, Nehemiah', Nehemiah), b. June 6, 1808; m. Sep. 15, 1841, Harriet Newell, dau. of Rev. Timothy and Mary (Norton) Tuttle of Ledyard, Conn.; he d. Sep. 13, 1870; she living (1884). Ch. 302. Mary Norton, b. Jan. 22, 1845. Harriet Raymond, b. May 8, 1849 ; d. May 12, 1851. 170. Jared Whitfield7 {Shubel", Charles", John*, Nehemiah3, Nehemiah', Nehemiah'), b. May 3, 1810; m. Aug. 10, 1846, Sarah P. White of Belchertown, Mass., dau. of Benjamin E. White of Chester, Mass., and Sarah Weston, his wife, of Wil- lington, Conn.; res. Hartford; he was for many years con nected with Colt's Armory ; he d. March 17, 1887. Ch. Clarence Devere, b. Aug. 10, 1847; d. Feb. 7, 1853. Francis Raymond, b. Dec 13, 1848 ; d. Jan. 8, 1849. 190 Descendants oE Frank B., b. May 26, 1852 ; m. June 4, 1883, Sarah Amelia, dau. of Edward Kellogg of Colchester, Conn. ; res. Hart ford, Conn. Jennie Estelle, b. Aug. 24, 1857 ; d. Nov. 27, 1861. 171. Harriet L.7 {Shubel", Charles", John*, Nehemiah3, Nehe miah', Nehemiah'), b. March 23, 1812; m. Dec. 9, 1830, Noyes P., son of Robert and Deborah (Dewey) Denison of Stonington; she d. March 30, 1846, Waterford, Conn. ; bur. Cedar Grove Cemetery; he b. 1804; d. and bur. 1875 in Virginia. Ch. Noyes P. Denison, m. Mary A. Minor, Feb. 17, 1861, a dau. of Capt. Minor of Groton ; res. Groton ; he d. July 4, 1876 ; five ch. [See Des. Geo. Denison, p. 257.J Other ch. d. young. 172. Orlando7 {Shubel", Charles", John*, Nehemiah3, Nehemiah', Nehemiah), b. Feb. 9, 1814; m. April 10, 1845, Emeline, dan. of Isaac and Prudence (Geer) Gallup of Ledyard. [See Index, Seth Williams.] She was a direct descendant of Capt. John Gallup. [See His. New London, p. 291, and Wheeler's His. First Congl. Church, Stonington, p. 299.] Mr. Smith was the owner of the valuable granite quarry in Westerly, R. I. He d. May 30, 1859. The business continued by the family under the name of the Smith Granite Co. The widow d. Dec. 30, 1886, at Fletchers, N. C, the result of a railroad accident. Ch. 303. Orlando Raymond, b. June 1, 1851. 304. Sarah Almira, b. June 16, 1853. Julia Emeline, b. Feb. 16, 1855. Isaac Gallup, b. June 5, 1857; m. Jan. 1, 1885, Har riet Trumbull Hall of Pawcatuck, Conn., dau. of Horace R. and Sarah (Avery) Hall of Preston, Conn." res. Westerly, R. I. ORLANDO SMITH. family record Sn. 1T-J l'linto-tiruviivp Co. N. V. Nehemiah Smith. 191 173. Eliza A.7 {Shubel", Charles", John*, Nehemiah3, Nehemiah', Nehemiah'), b. April 4, 1816 ; m. Sep. 4, 1839, James, son of William and Mary (Smith) Noble of Washington, Mass. ; she d. Jan. 14, 1882 ; bur. Cedar Hill Cemetery, Hartford ; he living (1885). Ch. Charles Smith Noble, b. Feb. 4, 1842; m. MaryN. Smith. [See record, 302.] Edward Raymond Noble, b. Aug. 10, 1844 ; d. March 2, 1846. Harriet Eltza Noble, b. Dec 13, 1846 ; d. Feb. 6, 1852. Mary Kate Noble, b. March 24, 1849 ; d. Feb. 20, 1852. Emma Caroline Noble, b. March 1, 1853 ; m. Oct. 26, 1880, Rev. Geo. B. Adams of Northboro, Mass.; he d. Aug. 25, 1881. Edwin Augustus Noble, b. Oct. 23, 1855 ; d. May 29, 1860. 174. Julia Abby7 {Shubel", Charles", John*, Nehemiah3, Nehe miah', Nehemiah), b. April 7, 1819; m. March 10, 1851, Henry H. Rogers6, son of Lester6, David4, Jonathan3, Jonathan2, James1. This James Rogers came to America 1635 and settled at New London ; he was a son of the eldest son of John Rogers the Martyr, whose Bible is now in the Theological Library of the Alfred University, New York. The Bible con sisted of the New Testament and the Psalter and Litany of the State Church in the time of King Edward VI. Henry H. Rogers b. Jan. 21, 1806; he has always been in terested in shipping, and for forty years captain of vessels of which he was the only owner ; res. New London. Ch. Edward Raymond Rogers, b. May 25, 1859 ; d. July 17, 1859. 175. Henry Wright7 {Russell5, Charles5, John*, Nehemiah3, Nehe miah2, Nehemiah), b. Centre Groton, Conn., April 24, 1807 ; 192 Descesdants of m. April 7, 1832, Amanda Malvina, dau. of David and Esther (Latham) Woodbridge of Groton ; she b. Aug. 25, 1807 ; d. July 14, 1852, as. 44 ; she was a direct descendant of John Woodbridge, b. England 1613, came to America 1634. [See The Woodbridge Record, Ed. 1883, p. 161.] He was a farmer at Salem, Conn., but removed to Williamstown, Mass.; he d. Aug. 25, 1843, as. 86; bur. Smith Lake Cemetery, Poquonoc, Conn-. Ch. Frances Amanda, b. Jan. 27, 1833 ; res. New Brighton, N. Y.; never m.; d. March 11, 1869. Arabella, b. April 24, 1836 ; m. Feb. 24, 1858, Silas N., son of Silas and Marietta (Griffen) Havens of Lyme, Conn.; res. New Brighton, N. Y. Hannah Moore, b. March 12, 1841; res. Salem, Conn.; never m.; d. July 3, 1856. 176. Gurdon Buckley7 {Russell", Charles", John*, Nehemiah3, Nehemiah', Nehemiah1), b. Centre Groton, Conn., July 26, 1823 ; m. Sep. 10, 1843, Lucy G., dau. of Barnabas and Lucy (Gorham) Hallett of Barnstable, Mass.; she d. April 29, 1863 ; he m. 2nd, May 9, 1867, Maria Louisa, dau. of Thomas L. and Elizabeth C. (Holt) Fox of Waterford, Conn.; res. Stonington and Chicago; he d. Sep. 1, 1876 ; she d. Oct. 29, 1879 ; family bur. Rose Hill, Cook county, 111. Ch. First wife : Charles Minor, b. Stonington, Sep. 3, 1844; d. April 27, 1846. Lucy Corcoran, b. Stonington, Jan. 22, 1849; res. Plainfield. 305. Daniel Gurdon, b. Stonington, Oct. 16, 1854. Second wife : Charles James, b. Chicago, Jan. 7, 1873 ; res. Plain- field, 111. Nehemiah Smith. 193 177. Marcus Lafayette7 {Russell", Charles", John*, Nehemiah3, Nehemiah', Nehemiah), b. Centre Groton, July 20, 1825 ; m. June 12, 1853, Caroline, dau. of Thomas L. and Elizabeth C. (Holt) Fox of Waterford, Conn.; res. Plainfield, 111., and Day ton, Volusia county, Fla., where Mr. Smith is the owner of a very valuable orange grove. Ch. 306. Andrew Holt, b. May 10, 1854. George Fox, b. May 3, 1856 ; m. Catharine Spangler, Dec. 26, 1879 ; res. Daytona. Walter N. W., b. Dec. 2, 1870; d. Dec. 14, 1884. 178. Henry Channing7 {Simeon", Simeon", Isaac*, Nehemiah3, Nehemiah*, Nehemiah1), b. Groton, Conn., May 26, 1789; m. Dec. 16, 1825, Fanny Louise, dau. of John Arnold ; she d. Jan. 8, 1833, as. 35 ; he d. Oct. 31, 1865. Ch. 307. Simeon, b. March 19, 1827- 308. Ezra Chappell, b. Aug. 19, 1828. Henry Arnold, b. March 31, 1830; d. young. Fanny Louise, b. Nov. 22, 1832; never m.; d. Feb. 7, 1879. 179. Elias7 {Rufus", Simeon", Isaac*, Nehemiah3, Nehemiah*, Nehemiah1), b. Groton, Aug. 2, 1787; m. Nov. 21, 1811, Pru dence, dau. of Nathan Crary of Stonington ; res. North Ston ington and Groton ; he d. Oct. 29, 1822 ; she d. Jan., 1855. Ch. 309. Henry Austin, b. Nov. 24, 1812. 310. Frances Louisa, b. March 6, 1814. 311. Ann Maria, b. April 5, 1816. Russell Crary, b. June 30, 1818 ; d. Jan. 19, 1822. Prudence A., b. Nov. 11,1819; d. Aug. 9, 1845; never m. 25 194 Descendants of 180. Simeon7 {Rufus", Simeon", Isaac*, Nehemiah3, Nehemiah', Nehemiah), b. Groton, Conn., Sep. 6, 1790; m. Nov. 20, 1814, Clarissa, dau. of Daniel Meech of Stonington; res. Groton, Conn., and Poughkeepsie, N. Y. ; he deacon Baptist Church since 1821 ; she b. Sep. 7, 1792 ; d. at North Parma, N. Y., April 22, 1865. Ch. 312. James M., b. April 23, 1816. Anna R., b. July 31, 1818; m. Nov. 11, 1840, George H. Roberts, a very successful flour merchant New York city, a member of the Produce Exchange for many years ; res. Brooklyn, N. Y. ; no ch. 313. Elizabeth, b. Nov. 3, 1820. 314. Elias, b. Aug. 7, 1823. Clarissa M., b. Dec 31, 1825 ; m. Sep. 10, 1868, Smith Horton ; res. Poughkeepsie, N. Y. ; no ch. Lucy A., b. July 14, 1828; untn. Albert G., b. March 28, 1831 ; d. Feb. 20, 1832. Julia A., b. Dec 18, 1832; unm. 181. Elijah Frederick7 {Rufus", Simeon", Isaac*, Nehemiah3, Nehemiah, Nehemiah'), b. in Groton, Conn., Dec. 13, 1792, went to live with relatives in Petersburgh, Va., when 13 years of age. In a few years he removed to New York city, where he became familiar with the wholesale grocery business in all its practical details. He m. Dec 28, 1825, Emily Mal- vina Lester of Groton, dau. of Henry and Rebecca (Barber) Lester. [See Index, Erastus T. Smith.] In May, 1826, he removed to Rochester, N. Y., where he established a wholesale grocery business on the east side of Exchange street ; subse quently the firm name became E. F. & A. G. Smith, Smith & Perkins, and finally in 1859, Smith, Perkins & Co., with a capital of half a million dollars. Soon after this, Mr. Smith retired from the active position he had held. FAMILY RECORD N9 181. Nehemiah Smith. 195 In 1841, he was elected mayor of the city, being the first mayor elected by the people, and the next year he was re-elected by an overwhelming majority. Prior to that time the mayor had been appointed by the Common Council. In 1841 he was elected trustee of the Rochester Savings Bank, and for thirty- nine years he was in continuous service in this institution, seventeen years of the time as president, which office he held at the time of his death, Sep. 12, 1880, as. 87. His wife died 1864. The following is a portion of an obituary notice from the " Rochester Chronicle :" * * * * "Mr. Smith's life had been so interwoven with the history of Rochester for more than a half century that the announcement of his death carries with it a feeling of genuine sadness even to those who knew him only casually, or by reputation, while to those who enjoyed the privilege of his friendship or who were associated with him in public life the loss is that of a dear friend and a personal benefactor. With an integrity never shadowed by suspicion, a business ability so marked that the association of his name meant success to struggling enterprises, and personal qualities so genial that friendships were made unconsciously on every side, it was not strange that he was called to positions of public trust and honored with a respect that was all enduring. These were the qualities that commended him to his fellow citizens at large, but in the private walks of life he was endeared to his friends by traits of character rare as they were lovely. Pure in thought and purpose, quick to sympathize with the afflicted, unselfish to a marked degree, a friend once made was a friend forever, and they can be numbered by hundreds throughout the City. Many instances are related of his unostentatious charity, and in scores of humble homes made brighter for his coming there will be honest mourning for his death. His Was a ripe old age, made glorious by duties well performed, and better praise cannot be given than the old epitaph truthfully uttered, the world is better for his living. * * He was one of the original Trustees of the House of Refuge and of the other offices held may be mentioned Trustee of the University of Rochester, Trustee of the City Orphan Asylum, connected with the old Tonawanda Road, and one of the direct ors of the Genesee Valley (now Erie) Railway, and a Director in the Rochester City Bank. Mr. Smith connected him- 196 Descendants of self with the First Baptist Church when he first came to the City and all his fife remained a prominent and influential member, serving for many years as deacon and Trustee." Ch. Frederica V., b. Feb. 23, 1827; d. Oct. 5, 1831. 315. Charles Frederick, b. Feb. 23, 1829. 316. Henry Lester, b. Aug. 26, 1831. Julius W., b. Jan. 10, 1834 ; m. Feb. 9, 1873, Alma D., dau. of Henry and Anna E. (Williams) Wheeler ; res. Grand Rapids, Mich., and Washington Ter.; no ch. Frances Elizabeth, b. Nov. 20, 1835; d. Sep. 13, 1842. 317. Julia Emily, b. Aug. 13, 1838. Ednah Virginia, b. June 10, 1841 ; res. Rochester. Lewis Augusta D., b. Nov. 29, 1845 ; d. April 26, 1851. 183. Joseph D.7 {Joseph", Simeon", Isaac*, Nehemiah3, Nehemiah', Nehemiah1), b. Lyme, Conn., May 4, 1794 ; m. Jan. 28, 1817, Eliza Fanning, dau. of Denison and Waity (Burrows) Smith of Poquonoc, Conn. [See record, 64.] He a merchant, New London ; he d. April 2, 1840, as. 45 ; she d. May 2, 1852, as. 57 ; bur. Smith Lake Cemetery. Ch. Two sons, b. Groton, Feb. 12, 1818 ; d. same day. 318. Eliza Jane, b. Groton, April 16, 1819. 319. Joseph Washington, b. Groton, April 30, 1821. 320. Oliver Denison, b. Groton, June 26, 1825. 321. Gilbert Tucker, b. New London, July 11, 1827. 322. Frances Almira, b. Rochester, Aug. 30, 1831. 323. Mary Louisa, b. New London, Aug. 23, 1835. 324. Sarah M., b. New London, Nov. 6, 1837. 184. Gilbert T\ {Joseph", Simeon", Isaac*, Nehemiah3, Nehe miah', Nehemiah'), b. at Lyme about 1800 ; m. Feb. 23, 1818, Maria, dau. of Deacon Rufus and Abigail (Smith) Smith of Groton. [See record, 84.] He d. Rochester, N. Y., July 22, Nehemiah Smith. 197 1842, as. 41; she m. 2nd, May 4, 1844, Henry W. Lang- worthy of Ballston Springs, N. Y.; no ch. Ch. of Gilbert T. Smith : 325. Ellen M., b. Sep. 28, 1819. Clarinda F., b. May 9, 1822 ; d. May 10, 1823. Gilbert, b. May 7, 1824; d. July, 1832. Jane D., b. Nov. 7, 1827 ; m. Nov. 7, 1851, Rev. H. M. Richardson ; res. Rochester, N. Y. ; d. May 13, 1861 ; bur. Mt. Hope Cemetery ; no ch. Francis A., b. Dec. 24, 1830; d. July 15, 1847. 185. Mary7 {Charles', Simeon", Isaac*, Nehemiah3, Nehemiah*, Nehemiah'), b. Lyme, Conn., Dec. 25, 1801 ; m. Dec. 19, 1820, Charles Williams, son of Remsen and Susan (Matson) Wait of Lyme. [See Hyde Gen., p. 905.1 He was b. April 18, 1789 ; she d. July 19, 1835. Ch. All b. Lyme, Conn.: Theodore Wait, b. Oct. 3, 1821 ; m. 1852, Sarah Wandall; d. Toledo, Ohio, March 22, 1870. Charles F. Wait, b. March 8, 1824 ; m. 1850, Eunice Lovell of London, England ; he d. on passage to London, Sep. 29, 1858 ; widow and son res. London. Gilbert S. Wait, b. Jan. 29, 1886 ; res. Lyme. Albert S. Wait, b. May 15, 1828 ; m. 1855, Mary Hunt; d. New York, Oct. 9, 1864 ; widow and son res. Brook lyn, N. Y. Mary L. Wait, b. Oct. 23, 1830 ; never m.; d. Lyme, Oct. 17, 1852. Oliver C. Wait, b. May 29, 1833 ; m. 1856, Caroline Miles ; d. Geneseo, Hi., May, 1874. Norman Wait, b. April 11, 1835; m.; res. Toledo, Ohio. 186. Julia7 {Charles", Simeon", Isaac*, Nehemiah3, Nehemiah*, Nehemiah1), b. Lyme, Oct. 16, 1809 ; m. Rochester, N. Y., 198 Descendants of March 3, 1835, Alvin C. Bradley, b. July 22, 1810, at Tru- mansburgh, N. Y. He was a graduate of Yale College, 1831 ; lawyer, New York city ; res. Castleton, Staten Island, N. Y. Ch. Charles L. Bradley, b. Lockport, N. Y., May 9, 1836. Julia S. Bradley, b. Lockport, N. Y., Jan. 16, 1838. ' William F. Bradley, b. Lockport, N. Y., March 3, 1840 ; d. Brooklyn, N. Y., April 19, 1847. Hiram G. Bradley, b. Lockport, N. Y., Aug. 7, 1841; d. Lyme, Aug. 21, 1842. Louisa S. Bradley, b. Brooklyn, N. Y., Nov. 26, 1845. Ellen B. Bradley, b. Brooklyn, N. Y., March 24, 1849. 187. William Parsons7 {Charles', Simeon", Isaac*, Nehemiah3, Nehemiah', Nehemiah), b. Lyme, June 2, 1813; m. Aug. 5, 1839, Frances E., dau. of Jedediah and Mary (Burrows) Ran dall of Groton ; rea. Mystic River, Conn. ; he d. Sep. 22, 1868, as. 55. Ch. Charles Randall, b. Rochester, N. Y., Sep. 11, 1842; d. Mystic River, March 27, 1849. 326. Walter Elwood, b. Rochester, N. Y., Jan. 13, 1847. Mary Frances, b. Mystic River, Jan. 4, 1855. 188. Clarinda Susan7 {Jabez5, Simeon5, Isaac*, Nehemiah3, Nehemiah2, Nehemiah), b. Petersburg, Va., April 25, 1811; m. July 22, 1830, Robert Chesley Edgerton of Baltimore, Md.; he d. March 25, 1852 ; she d. Feb. 22, 1869 ; bur. Blanford Cemetery, Petersburg, Va. Ch. Laura R. Edgerton, b. Oct.—, 1831 ; d. Jan. 2, 1834. Robert Lawrence Edgerton, b. July 22, 1833 ; m. 1880, Jennie Buckles ; res. Louisville, Ky. Jabez Smith Edgerton, b. Oct. 5, 1835. Mary Elizabeth Edgerton, b. Feb. — , 1838; d. Dec. 16, 1859. Nehemiah Smith. 199 William Bridgewater Edgerton, b. July — , 1840; res. Petersburg, Va. ; d. at Elmira, N. Y., in 1864. Sue Melville Edgerton, b. Aug. — , 1842 ; m. 1861, Robert Boiling Freeman ; res. Petersburg, Va. ; m. 2nd, 1867, Dr. D. W. Hand; res. St. Paul, Minn.; she d. Aug. — , 1876. Lou Clarinda Edgerton, b. Oct. 7, 1845 ; m. Oct. — , 1869, William Evelyn Cameron ; res. Petersburg, Va. James Chesley Edgerton, b. Dec. — , 1847; m. 1870, Jen nie Lifter; res. Minneapolis, Minn. Richard Osoar Edgerton, b. Oct. 7, 1851 ; m. Bessie Stuart Hall, April 7, 1884 ; res. Petersburg, Va. 189. Archibald Lawrence7 {Jabez", Simeon", Isaac* , Nehemiah , Nehemiah*, Nehemiah), b. Petersburg, Va., May 25, 1815 ; m. Sep. 30, 1846, Catharine P. Jones; res. Petersburg; he d. May 10, 1864; she living (1886) ; family bur. Blanford Ceme tery. Ch. Walthall, b. June 14, 1848 ; d. Jan. 23, 1868. Emma V., b. June 6, 1850 ; m. Oct. 7, 1873, Dr. Henry C. Hand ; res. Petersburg. Nannie E., b. May 21, 1855 ; m. July 14, 1870, Robert T. Stone ; res. Petersburg. Mary B., b. April 3, 1858 ; d. Nov. 3, 1881. 190. Joseph Walworth7 {Jabez5, Simeon5, Isaac*, Nehemiah3, Nehemiah2, Nehemiah1), b. May 24, 1828 ; m. Jan. 16, 1864, Mary Hicks of North Carolina; she d. 1864; bur. in N. C. ; he m. 2nd, Oct. 28, 1872, Judith, dau. of Rev. James A. and (Gregory) Riddick of Stony Creek, Va. ; he d. July, 1879 ; bur. Blanford Cemetery. Ch. Jabez Stdney. James Walworth. 200 Descendants of 191. Eliza7 ( William6, William5, Isaac*, Nehemiah3, Nehemiah2, Nehemiah), b. Ledyard, Conn., Sep. 15, 1817; m. Stephen, son of Jacob and Amy (Baily) Perkins of Ledyard ; res. Led yard until 1855, when they moved to Wisconsin, where he d. June 5, 1877 ; she d. Dec 22, 1877 ; bur. Brandon Cemetery, Brandon, Wis. Ch. Eliza Ann Perkins, b. 1818 ; m. 1S38, William Hempstead; res. Norwich, Conn.; she d. 1862. Eunice Smith Perkins, b. 1821; m. 1846, Ralph Arthur; res. Brandon, Wis. Abigail Jane Perkins, b. 1826 ; d. 1834. Austin Lester Perkins, b. 1829 ; d. 1833. Abbie Perkins,. b. 1835; m. George Perkins; res. Fon-du- Lac, Wisconsin ; she d. 1868. Stephen Francis Perkins, b. 1839 ; m. 1864, Lizzie Long ; res. Brandon ; he d. 1872. 192. Eunice L.7 ( William", William5, Isaac*, Nehemiah3, Nehe miah2, Nehemiah1), b. Dec. 25, 1804 ; m. March 15, 1830, Nel son, son of Samuel and Elizabeth (Strong) Terry of Moriches, N. Y.; res. Moriches ; he d. Feb. 22, 1883 ; she living (1886). Ch. Elizabeth Terry, b. June 25, 1832; m. Sep. 26, 1849, Alfred Gregory ; res. Brooklyn, N. Y.; she d. May 30, 1883. Mary E. Terry, b. Dec. 2, 1833 ; m. Sep. 30, 1855, George T. Osborn ; res. East Moriches. Henry S. Terry, b. Nov. 3, 1835; m. Sep. 28, 1869, Caroline A. Yates ; res. Moriches, N. Y. George N. Terry, b. Feb. 6, 1837; res. New York city. William Terry, b. March 26, 1839; d. March 20, 1841. William Terry, b. March 26, 1841 ; m. May 28, 1873, Mary J. Dillon ; res. East Moriches. Nehemiah Smith. 201 Emma Terry, b. July 15, 1843 ; m. May 19, 1862, Edwin Hawkins ; res. Centre Moriches. Amanda Terry, b. Dec. 27, 1845; d. Sep. 25, 1849. Gilbert Terry, b. June 26, 1850 ; d. Nov. 14, 1872. 193. Sarah M.7 ( William?, William5, Isaac*, Nehemiah3, Nehe miah2, Nehemiah1), b. Moriches, N. Y., Oct. 5, 1806; m. 1829, Joseph Brewster, son of Ebenezer and Ruth (Brewster) Jayne of Smithtown, N. Y.; res. Smithtown until 1853; re moved to Saint Charles, Minn.; she d. Sep., 1876 ; he d. May 5, 1881 ; both bur. St. Charles. Ch. Austin Jayne, b. Sep. 2, 1831 ; m. Oct. 12, 1853, Elizabeth Armstrong ; res. Smithtown and Rockville Centre, Long Island. Sarah Jayne, b. Aug. 21, 1834; d. Sep. 19, 1834. Maria S. Jayne, b. Nov. 19, 1835 ; m. March, 1854, Albert D. Randall ; m. 2nd, Jonas B. Stebbens in 1862 ; res. Smithtown, N. Y., and Utica, Minn. Juliette Jayne, b. Aug. 8, 1839; m. Stevens; res. Minnesota; d. Sep. 20, 1863. Havens B. Jayne, b. Oct: 4, 1840 ; m. Nellie Pike ; res. Minnesota; d. Jan. 29, 1873. Sidney Jayne, b. Aug. 1, 1845 ; d. Oct. 7, 1845. Rufus Jayne, b. Aug. 18, 1846 ; res. Minnesota ; d. Feb. 2, 1862. Augusta Jayne, b. June 6, 1849 ; d. June 20, 1853. 194. William7 ( William", William", Isaac*, Nehemiah3, Nehe miah*, Nehemiah1), b. May 6, 1808, at Gales Ferry, which is now in Ledyard, Conn.; he learned the trade of carriage-mak ing at Sag Harbor, N. Y., and when of age he went to Sus quehanna Co., Pa., where many of his relatives were living ; he m. July 4, 1830, Sarah Stroud, then residing in Pennsylva nia, but formerly of Poquetannuck, which is situated a few miles from Gales Ferry ; they had been acquainted from child- 26 202 Descendants of hood ; she was a dau. of John and Fanny (Eldridge) Stroud ; he engaged in carriage- making on his own account for a num ber of years, kept a hotel a short time and for ten years lived on a farm at Bridgewater, situated about three miles south of Montrose, Pa., removing to Montrose in 1860, where he d. April 13, 1864; his wife was b. May 18, 1809, and d. Oct. 23, 1879 ; both bur. in Montrose Cemetery ; Mr. Smith had a very quiet, retiring disposition and was very fond of his home and family; both members of the Presbyterian Church. Ch. 327. Nelson Terry, b. April 18, 1832. 328. Charles Hyde, b. March 25, 1845. 195. Harriet A.7 {Gurdon", William", Isaac*, Nehemiah3, Nehe miah*, Nehemiah1), b. April 5, 1803 ; m. March 13, 1821, L, Buell, son of Levi and Lucy (Denison) Post of Essex, Conn.; he d. Oct. 25, 1839; bur. at Mobile, Ala.; widow removed to Essex, Conn., 1841, where she d. Sep. 1, 1884, as. 81 ; bur. Essex. Ch. Harriet S. Post, b. Feb. 13, 1823; m. Dec. 27, 1846, War ren Waterman ; res. Farmington, Conn. ; he d. Dec. 15, 1867; widow res. Thomaston, Conn. Maron H. Post, b. Oct. 26, 1824; d. Oct. 28, 1825. James B. Post, b. April 2, 1827; m. Dec. 27, 1856, Louisa Miller; res. Mobile, Ala.; d. Brooklyn, N. Y., April 7, 1868. Mary L. Post, b. May 6, 1829 ; res. Brooklyn, N. Y. Gurdon S. Post, b.- Oct. 31, 1831 ; d. April 18, 1835. Emma B. Post, b. Jan. 2, 1840; m. Jan. 22, 1861, George B. Jones; res. New Haven, Conn. 196. Susan G.7 {Gurdon", William", Isaac*, Nehemiah3, Nehe miah*, Nehemiah1), b. June 23, 1804; m. April 4, 1824, E. Denison, son of Levi and Lucy (Denison) Post; res. Essex Conn. Ch. Nehemiah Smith. 203 Ellen. Virginia, d. unm. Adelaide, m. Amos Lawrence ; res. Brooklyn, N. Y. Isabel, m. J. S. Hayden ; res. Brooklyn, N. Y. 197. William A.7 {Gurdon", William" , Isaac* , Nehemiah3, Nehe miah*, Nehemiah), b. Lyme, Conn., Aug. 13, 1810; m. Sarah Hinsoii ; he d. Mobile, Ala., 1866 ; she living (1886) Augusta, Ga. Ch. Hinson H., res. Augusta, Ga. Mary, m. James F. Lyon; res. Charlotte, N. C. William G., d. Mobile. 198. Eliza C.7 {Gurdon", William", Isaac*, Nehemiah3, Nehe miah', Nehemiah1), b. March 26, 1815 ; m. May 6, 1834, Sil vester Munger of Guilford, Conn. Ch. Charles S. Munger, b. Oct. 28, 1835; m. Ellen H. Deni son, July 25, 1861 ; res. Essex, Conn. Florence E. Munger, b. May 3, 1840 ; m. Sep. 19, 1865, Gustavus W. Pratt ; res. Essex. Sarah H. Munger, b. Feb. 11, 1842; res. Essex. Gurdon L. Munger, b. Sep. 9, 1845 ; m. Victoria G.' Chap- pell, Aug. 20, 1872; res. Essex. 199. George H.7 {Gurdon", William", Isaac*, Nehemiah3, Nehe miah*, Nehemiah), b. July 2, 1816; m. June 26, 1843, Anna Gordon of New London, dau. of George Gordon of New Lon don and Nancy Whittemore of New York city; he d. Dec 30, 1871, at New York ; bur. Essex, Conn. Ch. George G., b. July 3, 1844 ; res. New York ; d. July 16, 1845. Georgiana M., b. Aug. 5, 1848; m. Oct. 26, 1869, Daniel B. Hodgsdon. 204 Descendants of SOI. John Williams7 {John D.", William", Isaac*, Nehemiah3, Nehemiah*, Nehemiah1), b. Oct. 26, 1808 ; m. May 10, 1831, Elizabeth, dau. of William II. and Sarah (Foreman) Sabin of Onondaga, N. Y.; res. Dubuque, Iowa; she d. April 4, 1879; he d. July 19, 1879, as. 70 ; bur. Linwood Cemetery. Ch. William Sabin, b. March, 1832 ; d. Aug., 1835. Sarah Elizabeth, b. Nov. 14, 1833 ; d. Feb., 1834. 329. Elizabeth Sabin, b. Jan. 15, 1835. Mary Ann, b. April 2, 1838 ; d. 1839. 330. Frances Sabin, b. April 2, 1840. 331. Sarah Sabin, b. April 2, 1842. William Henry, b. June 25, 1844 ; d. July, 1844. Cecilia Sabin, b. Sep. 13, 1846 ; d. March 29, 1850. Harvey Billings, b. April 11, 1849; d. March 30, 1850. 202. Lucy A.7 {John D.", William", Isaac*, Nehemiah3, Nehe miah', Nehemiah1), b. Oct. 5, 1810; m. June 11, 1835, Rev. Austin E., son of Nathaniel and Chloe (Eaton) Chnbbuck of Ellington, Conn.; res. Elmira, N. Y.; he d. April 15, 1882 ; bur. Woodlawn Cemetery, Elmira. Ch. Charlotte Lucy Chubbuck, b. July 17, 1837. Elijah Hibbard Chubbuck, b. Dec. 2, 1843 ; d. Jan. 4, 1882. Manley Tucker Chubbuck, b. Sep. 10, 1846 ; m. S. Louisa Davis, Aug. 3, 1 882 ; res. Elmira, N. Y. 203. Charlotte Ann7 {John D.°, William", Isaac*, Nehemiah3, Nehemiah*, Nehemiah1), b. Oct. 5, 1810; m. Oct. 6, 1829, Leonard, son of Daniel and Mary (Avery) Burrows of Hebron, Conn.; he b. July 2, 1807 ; d. Oct. 29, 1868 ; she d. Nov. 19, 1881 ; bur. Indian Hill Cemetery, Middletown, Conn. Ch. Nehemiah Smith. 205 Helen Elizabeth Burrows, b. May 16, 1832 ; d. March 17, 1836. Urbane Avery Burrows, b. Oct. 28, 1 834 ; d. May 15, 1838. Wilbur F. Burrows, b. Feb. 27, 1837 ; m. Dec. 15, 1864, Ellen Hubbard ; res. Middletown, Conn. Mary Grace Burrows, b. Feb. 2, 1839 ; m. June 17, 1871, James G. Dolbeare ; res. Norwich, Conn. William Henry Burrows, b. Oct. 18, 1840 ; m. May 18, 1863, E. Fannie, dau. of William Stroud ; m. 2nd, Amelia B. Southmayd, Oct. 29, 1870; he cashier Middletown Nat. Bank. 204. Frances Grace7 {John D.°, William", Isaac*, Nehemiah3, Nehemiah*, Nehemiah'), b. Aug. 21, 1812 ; m. Aug. 23, 1832, Ralph, son of Elisha and Abigail (Porter) Tarbox of Hebron, Conn.; res. until 1845, Susquehanna Co., Pa. ; moved to St. Paul, Minn. Ch. Charles Smith Tarbox, b. June 4, 1833; m. 1859; d. April 30, 1875. Arthur Denison Tarbox, b. May 3, 1836 ; killed at the battle of Jonesborough, Sep. 1, 1864. Jasper Billings Tarbox, b. Dec 10, 1837; in. Emma Rogers, Dec, 1866; m. 2nd, Eva Lamprey, April 27, 1884 ; res. St. Paul. Annette Matilda Tarbox, b. Aug. 19, 1842; m. Morris Merrill, Jan. 11, 1866 ; res. St. Paul. 205. Matilda Avery' {John D.°, William", Isaac*, Nehemiah3, Nehemiah*, Nehemiah), b. July 3, 1815; m. Dec 28, 1841, John, son of Daniel and Persis (Boggs) Hutchinson of Mar cellus, N. Y. ; he wholesale confectioner, Chicago, 111. Ch. Harriet Matilda Hutchinson, b. Sep. 7, 1842 ; m. B. H. Badger, Dec. 14, 1863 ; res. Chicago. Sophia Smith Hutchinson, b. Dec. 19, 1849; m. Horace H. Badger, June 10, 1874 ; res. Chicago. 206 Descendants of 206. Denison B.7 {John D.6, William5, Isaac*, Nehemiah3, Nehe miah2, Nehemiah1), b. Oct. 26, 1817; m. July 11, 1843, Mary Sophia (Spencer) Hunt of Maumee, Ohio ; he sec. Toledo (Ohio) Produce Exchange (1S85). Ch. Mary Grace, b. Jan. 27, 1845 ; ra. April 3, 1867, Ralph W. Baker, sec. Duluth Board of Trade ; he a son of James Whipple and Arethusa Dewey (Berry) Baker ; no ch. Frank, b. March 10, 1849 ; d. Toledo, May 24, 1879. Julia Elliot, b. June 20, 1851. [See record, 361.] Denison Billings, b. March 17, 1854; m. March 17, 1885, Clara M., dau. of Charles Darwin and Marinda (Minor) Coleman ; res. Duluth, Minn. Virginia, b. Feb. 22, 1856 ; m. James J., son of David, Jr., and Elizabeth (Jacobs) Robinson of Wooster, Ohio ; res. Toledo, Ohio, and Wichita, Kansas. 207. Rebecca7 {Edward5, William5, Isaac*, Nehemiah3, Nehe miah2, Nehemiah1), b. Lyme, Conn., 1812; m. 1830, John W., son of Dr. Samuel and Sarah (Smith) Mather of North Lyme; he d. 1840 ; she m. 2nd, 1845, Charles Beraan of Saybrook, Conn. ; Mr. Mather was killed at the battle of Newberne, March, 1862 ; she res. (1885) East Haddam, formerly at Deep River, Conn. Ch. All by first husband: Alonzo S. Mather, b. Nov. 14, 1831 ; m. 1853, Matilda B. Brock way; res. Norwich, Conn.; she d. June 22, 1885. John R. Mather, b. Oct. 25, 1834 ; m. Hannah Hoadley ; res. Deep River; m. 2nd, Judith South worth, who d. Aug. 10, 1884. Sarah A. Mather, b. June 21, 1838 ;'m. Richard Peck; res. Brooklyn, N. Y. ; d. 1839. Nehemiah Smith. 207 208. Sarah Matilda7 {Nathan5, William5, Isaac*, Nehemiah3, Nehemiah2, Nehemiah1), b. Aug. 6, 1814; m. at Lyme, Conn., April 30, 1835, Columbus, son of Ezra and Esther (Edgerton) Reed of South Amenia, N. Y. ; res. Wassaic and Araenia, N. Y.; she d. June 2, 1848; he d. Jan. 31, 1856; bur. South Amenia Cemetery. Ch. Alfred Burroughs Reed, b. March 8, 1836; m. Emma Sherman ; res. Dover, Dutchess Co., N. Y. Frederick Smith Reed, b. March 17, 1837; d. May 16, 1837. Charlotte Louisa Reed, b. Oct. 14, 1842 ; d. Aug. 7, 1845. Nathan Waterman Reed, b. Jan. 9, 1844; m. Emma Hurlburt, April 7, 1872; res. Waterbury, Conn. Fitch Dana Reed, b. June 7, 1848 ; m. Erretta Vail, Sep. 20, 1876 ; res. New London, Conn., and Brooklyn, N. Y. 209. Gllbert B.7 {Nathan5, William5, Isaac*, Nehemiah?, Nehe miah2, Nehemdah1), b. April 10, 1816; m. July 4, 1839, Jane Amelia, dau. of Deacon Stephen and Mary (Torry) Smith of Williamstown, Mass ; she d. Sep. 12, 1854 ; he m. 2nd, Oct. 2, 1861, Martha M., dau. of Stephen and Electa (Whipple) Mer chant of Schodack, N. Y. ; she d. Sep. 15, 1864 ; he m. 3rd, Esther C, widow of Dr. G. F. Johnson and dau. of Edward and Tadice D. (Martin) Edwards of Corinth, N. Y. Ch. First wife : Gilbert Waterman, b. July 4, 1849; m. July 4, 1873, Catharine Baker; res. Rotterdam, N. Y.; ch. Carrie Louisa, b. Feb. 14, 1875 ; Etta Belle, b. March, 1884. Second wife: Stephen Merchant, b. Nov. 11, 1863 ; res. Stillwater, N. Y. 208 Descendants of 210. John H.7 {Nathan", William", Isaac*, Nehemiah3, Nehe miah?, Nehemiah1), b. June 1, 1821 ; m. June 1, 1847, Maria, dau. of Myron Reed of Amenia, N. Y.; carriage builder, Was- saic, N. Y. Ch. 332. Nathan, b. April 21, 1848. Sarah M., b. Sep. 11, 1849 ; m. June 26, 1879, Charles, son of Philo S. Hoyt of Danbury, Conn., and his wife Laura J. Barlow of Oarmel, N. Y.; no ch.; res. Danbury. 333. Myron, b. May 12, 1851. Belinda, b. April 11, 1855. 334. Esther M., b. Sep. 22, 1856. Edwin D., b. Jan. 18, 1859; res. Newark, N. J. John H, b. March 18, 1863 ; res. Wassaic, N. Y. 211. Fitch C.7 {Nathan", William5, Isaac*, Nehemiah3, Nelie miah?, Nehemiah1), b. North Lyme, Conn., Jan. 19, 1826 ; m. March 26, 1849, Lois C, dau. of Jared Watrous of Lyme; he farmer Black Hall, Conn. Ch. Jared W., b. Feb. 2, 1850. Hannah A., b. Feb. 4, 1852 ; d. Jan. 6, 1859. 335. Nathan H, b. July 21, 1854. Hattie L., b. Sep. 16, 1856. Herbert F., b. Sep. 16, 1856 ; d. Dec. 6, 1856. Herbert G., b. Sep. 6, 1858. Jennie G., b. April 26, 1860. 212. Henry S.7 {Nathan", William", Isaac*, Nehemiah3, Nehe miah2, Nehemiah1), b. May 20, 1828 ; m. Jan. 25, 1850, Laura A., dau. of Andrew and Laura (Chester) Stark of East Had dam, Conn.; res. Waterford, Conn.; he a deacon North Lyme Baptist Church ; his father and grandfather were also deacons Nehemiah Smith. 209 in the same church. Ch. by adoption a dau. of his nephew, Alfred B. Reed, of Dover Plain, N. Y. Laura B. Smith, b. Jan. 2, 1872. 213. Luoy Cornelia7 {Ansyl", William", Isaac*, Nehemiah3, Nehemiah*, Nehemiah), b. Hebron, Conn., July 5, 1828; m. Sep. 5, 1848, at Brooklyn, Ohio, Dr. James H. Williamson of Richmond, Ind.; res. Ithaca, Ohio; she d. Sep. 8, 1850. Ch. Ayora Olial Williamson, b. Aug. 14, 1849. 214. Sarah Frances7 {Ansyl", William", Isaac*, Nehemiah3, Nehemiah*, Nehemiah), b. Columbia, Ohio, March 19, 1838 ; m. July 3, 1856, at Santa Clara, Cal., Joseph Francis, son of John and Martha (Greenwood) Gosbey of Nova Scotia; he merchant Santa Clara. Ch. Carrie Luella Gosbey, b. Aug. 15, 1857 ; m. Rev. John Jeffry Martin, June 12, 1884 ; res. Auburn, Cal. Perley Frank Gosbey, b. May 15, 1859; prof, of mathe matics and Latin at the San Jose High School. Hattie Verna Gosbey, b. Sep. 1, 1865 ; d. Jan. 14, 1867. Herbert Austin Gosbey, b. May 10, 1868; d. June 19, 1868. Stella May Gosbey, b. April 24, 1869. Joseph Stanley Gosbey, b. March 16, 1874. 215. Mary Emily7 {Ansyl", William", Isaac*, Nehemiah3, Nehe miah*, Nehemiah'), b. Columbia, Ohio, Sep. 3, 1840 ; m. May 22, 1862, Cornelius D. Brooke of Centre Cross, Va., son of Lewis and Elizabeth (Blake) Brooke; he > farmer and fruit grower, Diamond Springs, El Dorado Co., Cal. Ch. William -Ansyl Brooke, b. May 17, 1864. Lucie Vernie Brooke, b. Feb. 1, 1867; d. Feb. 10, 1867. Luoy Alice Brooke, b. Feb. 2, 1868. 27 210 Descendants of Clara Virginia Brooke, b. Aug. 22, 1870. Morris Brooke, b. March 16, 1872. Roy Latney Brooke, b. Dec. 19, 1878. 216. Betsey Frances7 {Jesse", Samuel", Samuel*, Samuel3, Nehe miah', Nehemiah'), b. East Lyme, Nov. 3, 1810; m. Jan. 5, 1832, Austin Ledyard Gray of Ledyard ; he was a wheelwright and carriage-maker by trade, previous to his in. ; he with rela tives were pioneer settlers in the town of Norway, N. Y., and engaged in the lumber trade; he d. Feb. 21, 1875 ; she d. Nov. 7, 1875. Ch. All b. Ledyard : Lydia Elizabeth Gray, b. Aug. 7, 1837; m. April 5, 1864, Austin Benham of New London ; two ch. Julia Frances Gray, b. June 2, 1840; m. 1868, Daniel W. Strong Chesterfield of Montville ; one son. Sarah Jane Gray, b. Dec. 22, 1842; m. Oct. 11,1876, Erastus Gilbert ; res. New London ; no ch. Austin Ledyard Gray, b. Aug. 17, 1849; res. Ledyard Centre. John Minor Gray, b. Oct. 6, 1852; m. June 12, 1875, Flora Ida Peekham ; res. Ledyard Centre ; two ch. 217. Charles Albert7 {Jesse", Samuel", Samuel*, Samuel3, Nehe miah*, Nehemiah1), b. North Groton, Conn., Nov. 25, 1812 ; m. March 30, 1842, Amanda, dau. of Moses Colverof Groton; she b. Sep. 17, 1814 ; d. Groton, March 3, 1857 ; he m. 2nd, Betsey A., widow of Charles Heath, Sep. 7, 1851 ; he farmer living (1886) Centre Groton. Ch. First wife: Moses Jones, b. Ledyard, Feb., 1843 ; d. Sep. 30, 1849. Second wife: Jane, b. Groton, April 11, 1855 ; m.; had son Jesse, b. Groton, May 2, 1876 ; she d. March 24, 1883. Sidney A., b. Groton, Nov. 11, 1859. Nehemiah Smith. 211 218. Sandford Billings7 {Jesse5, Samuel5, Samuel*, Samuel3, Nehemiah2, Nehemiah), b. Groton Ferry, Conn., Sep. 8, 1816. In early youth he removed with his parents to North Groton (now Ledyard) where he followed the usual course of summer agriculture and winter schooling. In 1835, at the age of 19, having for some time been in the employ of a veteran school teacher, and having becornje competent himself to teach, he took charge of a large school which his tutor resigned in his favor, and thereafter followed the occupation of school teaching for fully thirty years. In 1838 the present school district system was established and Mr. Smith took charge of one of the schools in New London, and later was for nearly twenty years principal of one of the grammar schools of that city. He m. Nov. 14, 1840, Anna Richmond Walker of Bristol, R. I. She was a dau. of Capt. Gilbert Walker. [See Gen. of Old Colony Walkers.] In 1858 he removed to the town of Smithfield, R. I. He lived on a small farm which he had previously purchased, but continued teaching until the autumn of 1865. In 1875, after a few years previously spent in travel ing for a publishing firm, he located at Providence where, during the past six years, he has been assistant librarian of the R. I. Hist. Soe Ch. 336. Mary Helen, b. Ledyard, Oct. 9, 1843. 219. Isaac Wightman7 {Samuel", Samuel", Samuel*, Samuel", Nehemiah*, Nehemiah1), b. New London county, Conn., Jan. 28, 1811. The following is taken from an obituary notice in a Rochester newspaper : "He removed with his parents from New London to Rochester, N. Y., in 1824 and in a few years commenced the study of law in the office of Vincent Mathews; he afterward removed to New Orleans where he commenced the practice of law which he followed with much ability and success. He m. Urilda Breedlove, April 20, 1840. About 1841 his health fail- 212 Descendants of ing he was obliged to relinquish his law practice and visit Europe for the benefit of his health. He returned after a pilgrimage of about two years somewhat renewed in strength, and resumed the practice of his profession, but was finally obliged to abandon it altogether. " At the next succeeding election he was selected as the Whig candidate to represent one of the districts of that city in the State Legislature and elected by a very flattering majority, which post of honor he filled with such acceptance to his con stituents as to be almost unanimously re-elected a second time. He was a very warm friend of the lamented Taylor aud being in the Legislature at the close of the Mexican War moved a resolution which was passed to present the hero with a sword from the Legislature of Louisiana as a mark of their apprecia tion of his worth and services. "He died in Pisa, Italy, June 28, 1860. Mr. Smith was a young man of fine abilities as a lawyer and statesman and much esteemed and respected in whatever circle he moved. He was warmly devoted to his friends and was very much attached to his widowed mother, who deeply feels this bereave ment. He leaves a wife and three children whose devotion to a husband and father prompted them to forget the sacrifices of such an undertaking and accompany him on his pilgrimage and were by his bed side to administer consolation in his dying hours. They are left in a strange country among strangers but the God of the faithful will be theirs to watch over them and return them to their friends in safety. He leaves a large circle of friends in this City and vicinity to mourn his early death. His body has been embalmed and will be brought to his native land for final interment." Widow and three ch. res. New Orleans, La. ; one named Florence, m. John Rodd, a merchant at New Orleans ; have a large family of ch. 220. Lydia Ann7 {Samuel", Samuel", Samuel*, Samuel3, Nehe miah?, Nehemiah1), b. March 20, 1816 ; m. Oct. 31, 1836, John Hubbard, son of John Graves of Walpole, N. H. ; both living (1887) Rochester, N. Y., over 80 years of age. Ch. b. Rochester. John Wightman Graves, b. March 25, 1838; m. Louise Nehemiah Smith. 213 George William Graves, b. April 20, 1845 ; m. Cora Car penter. 221. Elizabeth Esther7 {Samuel", Samuel5, Samuel*, Samuel3, Nehemiah*, Nehemiah1), b. Quaker Hill near New London, Feb. 18, 1820; m. April 17, 1838, George Thomas, son of George and Mary Ann (Hawkins) Frost. He is a native of Bampton, Oxfordshire, England ; came to America when 14 years of age and learned the printer's trade, which profession he has followed ever since, and is at the present time one of the oldest of the craft in Rochester, N. Y., where all his ch. were b. Ch. Alcesta Flora Frost, b. Jan. 23, 1839 ; m. Robert Nevins ; res. Providence, R. I. George Washington Frost, b. June 11, 1840 ; d. Aug. 7, 1840. Charles William Frost, b. Sep. 22, 1841 ; m. Martha Post; res. Providence, R. I. George Samuel Frost, b. Dec 31, 1842 ; d. Nov. 24, 1844. Theodore Carr Frost, b. Dec 20, 1844; m. Josephine Everetts; res. Carthage, Ohio. George Breedlove Frost, b. Aug. 27, 1848; m. Alnette Moore Lawrence ; res. Carthage, Ohio. Eugene Evarts Frost, b. Jan. 16, 1855 ; m. Amelia Mary Hall ; res. Rochester, N. Y. 222. Noyes Gillett' {Samuel5, Samuel5, Samuel*, Samuel3, Nehemiah2, Nehemiah1), b. Rochester, N. Y., April 3, 1828 ; m. Sep. 19, 1848, Sarah Babcock of Penfield, N. Y.; she d. 26 years of age, having been killed by a sky rocket, July 4, 1857 ; res. Chicago ; two ch. Wightman, b. ; m.; has two ch. George Noyes, b. 1854; m.; d. Baltimore, 1886 ; left widow and one ch. 214 Descendants of 223. Hannah D.7 {John G. IF.0, Samuel5, Samuel*, Samuel3, Nehemiah?, Nehemiah1), b. Orangeville, N. Y., Nov. 21, 1817; m. Maxwell Thorp of Groveland, N. Y.; res. Kansas; she d. April 30, 1850. Ch. Adelbert Thorp, b. Groveland, Sep. 13, 1843. Nelson B. Thorp, b. Mt. Morris, Aug. 30, 1846. Montraville M., b. Mt. Morris, Dec. 9, 1849. 224. Benjamin P.7 {Benjamin", Simon", Simon*, Samuel3, Nehe miah', Nehemiah)1, b. March 18, 1819, at Darien, Ga. His early boyhood was spent in Milan, Ohio. He studied law and was admitted to the bar at Norwalk. He m. June 1, 1843, Mary Jennings of Danbury, Conn., a dau. of Samuel and Har riet (Shore) Jennings. He removed to Napoleon and thence to Carey, Ohio, from which he was in 1850 a delegate to the Ohio Constitutional Convention. He removed to the old homestead, Lyme, Huron Co., and from there to Norwalk where he was judge of probate ; thence he went to Bellevue where he practiced law and filled various offices until 1 869 ; he was clerk of the several courts of the county, and during his incumbency of six years all bore witness to his unblemished character as a public officer and private citizen. He was one of the most esteemed members of the Huron county bar, a true Christian, and was distinguished for his probity and genial qualities; he died March 9, 1876; family burial Woodlawn Cemetery. Ch. Emma E., b. March 20, 1844; d. Oct. 6, 1846. Harriet S., b. Dec. 10, 1845. Vaneie E., b. Aug. 9, 1849 ; d. Aug. 13, 1849. Horace J., b. Dec. 10, 1852 ; d. Nov. 13, 1854. Theodia A., b. April 1, 1856. Carrie E., b. April 4, 1858; m. May 13, 1880, Charles F. Stewart ; res. Hillsdale, Mich. Nehemiah Smith. 215 Daughter, b. July 25, 1860 ; d. July 26, 1860. Kirkwood, b. July 14, 1862; res. Norwalk, Ohio. 225. Theodia L.7 {Benjamin", Simon", Simon*, Samuel3, Nehe miah', Nehemiah'), b. Milan, Ohio, Jan. 5, 1824; m. April 2, 1844, Chauncey Lewis, son of Chauncey and Dorcas (Mander- ville) Cook of Adams, N. Y.; she d. Oct. 15, 1871; res. North Monroeville, Ohio ; bur. Monroeville Cemetery. Ch. Frances Mandeeville Cook, b. Sep. 15, 1845; m. Dec. 17, 1865, Charles H. Williams; res. Monroeville, Ohio. 226. Jane A.7 {Benjamin", Simon", Simon*, Samuel3, Nehemiah', Nehemiah'), b. Aug. 28, 1829; m. Feb. 22, 1848, Nathan T., son of Daniel and Rachel (Logan) Stratton of Norwalk, Ohio ; res. Brockway Centre, Mich. ; she d. Aug. 4, 1884 ; bur. Mid land city, Mich. Ch. Frank W. Stratton, b. Feb. 13, 1849; m. Hattie Caswell, May, 1872; res. Portage, Wood Co., Ohio. Sarah J. Stratton, b. July 13, 1852 ; d. Feb. 26, 1853. Charlie Y. Stratton, b. Feb. 7, 1854 ; d. Oct. 20, 1856. Fannie L. Stratton, b. Sep. 5, 1856 ; d. Oct. 17, 1858. Benjamin P. Stratton, b. Aug. 18, 1858; m. Hattie J. Avery, March 11, 1800 ; res. Portage, Ohio. John W. Stratton, b. Aug. 5, 1861 ; m. Anna Ayres, Aug. 4, 1883; res. Brockway Centre. Hattik J. Stratton, b. Dec 6, 1863 ; m. Harry A. Higgins, March 14, 1883 ; res. Brockway Centre. Nellie T. Stratton, b. May 2, 1866; m. Frank A. Gris wold, Aug. 4, 1883; res. Brockway Centre. Bert S. Stratton, b. Feb. 6, 1869; res. Milford, Mich. Leroy Y. Stratton, b. March 28, 1871; res. Brockway Centre. 216 Descendants of 227. Sarah A.7 {Benjamin", Simon", Simon*, Samuel3, Nehe miah', Nehemiah1), b. Milan, Ohio, Feb. 26, 1835; m. Sep. 20, 1853, John W., son of Amasa and Sarah (Burt) Newton of Oswego, N. Y.; he d. Dec. 4, 1868; bur. Monroeville Ceme tery, Huron Co., Ohio ; widow m. Jan. 18, 1871, H. C. Strong of Huron, son of Samuel and Sally (Northrop) Strong. Ch. all b. Milan, Ohio. Catharine J. Newton, b. Oct, 14, 1854; d. Sep. 15, 1857. John B. Newton, b. Dec. 29, 1856; d. Sep. 18, 1857. William H. Newton, b. Dec. 29, 1856; m. Nov. 19, 1879, Kittie L. Saunders; res. Enterprise, Ohio. Mary E. Newton, b. Nov. 18, 1858 ; m. Frank J. Symes, Dec. 6, 1876 ; res. Bancroft, Shiawassee, Mich. Jennie L. Newton, b. Jan. 21, 1861. Jessie T. Newton, b. Jan. 21, 1861 ; m. Joseph Howard, Jan. 17, 1883; res. Medoc, Jasper Co., Mo. Walter B. Newton, b. April 26, 1868; res. Enterprise, Ohio. Arthur D. Strong, b. June 29, 1873. Benjamin C. Strong, b. Oct. 20, 1877. 228. Cynthia' {Job C", Stephen", Simon*, Samuel3, Nehemiah, Nehemiah1), b. Brighton, N. Y., July 4, 1809 ; m. Jan. 13, 1831, Jedediah Austin of Vermillion, Ohio, a brother of her father's second wife and son of William Austin ; he d. Dec. 5, 1840; bur. Sharloe Cemetery, Paulding, Ohio; widow m. June 10, 1841, George W., son of John and Martha A. (Craigg) Williams of Pittsburgh, Pa.; he d. March 1, 1854; bur. Macedonia Cemetery, Maledon, Ohio ; widow res. (1885) Totten, Darke Co., Ohio. Ch. Esther B. Austin, b. June 12, 1833; m. Feb. 11, 1855, Samuel Redmon ; res. Chickasaw, Ohio ; d. Feb. 15, 1881. Caroline E. Austin, b. Jan. 10, 1837 ; m. Feb. 17, 1855 ; res. Fort Recovery, Ohio ; ten ch. W BROWN SMITH. milly ivci.nl X, Nehemiah Smith. 217 George W. Austin, b. Feb. 12, 1840; m. Jane Money, March 10, 1857 ; res. Winchester, Jay Co., Ind.; d. Jan. 20, 1867. Martha A. Williams, b. Feb. 13, 1842 ; m. Nov. 14, 1861 ; res. Houston, Ohio. Job W. Williams, b. Dec. 8, 1843 ; m. Sep. 27, 1866, Sarah Griflis ; res Houston, Ohio ; d. June 12, 1880. Thomas J. Williams, b. June 13, 1846; missing after the battle of Atlanta, 1864. Cynthia M. Williams, b. Oct. 9, 1849 ; m. Oct. 14, 1872, Andrew Saunders ; res. Houston, Ohio ; d. Feb. 14, 1874. 229. William Brown7 {Job C.5, Stephen5, Simon*, Samuel3, Nehe miah2, Nehemiah1),},. Brighton, N. Y., March 2, 1815; m. Dec. 5, 1839, Lucy Yeomans of Greene county, N. Y., a dau. of Gilbert Yeomans of Walworth, N. Y. ; she d. with out ch. ; bur. Palmyra, N. Y. ; he m. 2nd, March 29, 1843, Augusta Maria, dau. of Silas and Keziah (Hallock) Boardman of South Westerlo, N. Y. ; res. Syracuse, N. Y. ; Mr. Smith is senior in the very successful firm of Smiths, Powell & Lamb, whose valuable nurseries and live-stock farms are among the largest in the east. Ch. 337. Luoy Caroline, b. Jan. 13, 1844. 338. Wing Russell, b. March 9, 1850. Julia, b. June 7, 1852 ; d. July 21, 1862. 339. William Judson, b. Aug. 31, 1855. 230. Joseph Nottingham7 {Job C?, Stephen5, Simon*, Samuel3, Nehemiah2, Nehemiah1), b. Jan. 15, 1816; m. Nov. 16, 1S39, Lydia, dau. of Joseph Smith Condit of Orange, N. J. ; she d. ; he m. 2nd, ; no ch. ; she d. Aug. 30, 1859, as. 42; bur. Spring Grove Cemetery, Cincinnati, Ohio; he d. Feb. 13, 1885, as. 69; bur. Cypress Hills Cemetery, Brooklyn, N. Y. ; res. Mansfield, Ohio. Ch. 2S 218 Descendants of All by first wife : 340. Eleanor, b. July 10, 1841. Cornelia, b. , 1843 ; d. July 18, 1859, as. 16. 341. Nancy Elizabeth, b. July 14, 1845. 342. AsENETH,.b. Sep. 8, 1846. Josephine Mary, b. — ; m. Albert S. Roe, Sep. 30, 1885; res. New York city. 231. George Washington A.7 {Job C.5, Stephen5, Simon*, Samuel3, Nehemiah2, Nehemiah), b. East Lyme, Conn., July 8, 1818; m. Aug. 17, 1848, Sarah Jane, dau. of Hugh Watts of Pa. ; res. Spencerville, Ind. Ch. Job Cooledge, b. May 1, 1850; m. Carrie Kensey, Oct. 3, 1883 ; res. Spencerville. Mary Elizabeth, b. Aug. 15, 1852; m. Oct. 9, 1883, Edward Packer ; res. Waterloo, Ind. Maria, b. July 23, 1855 ; d. Oct. 9, 1855. Sabin Ames, b. Sep. 24, 1856 ; d. Aug. 17, 1868. William Brown, b. Jan. 27, 1860 ; d. March 9, 1864. Celia Stellb, b. Feb. 27, 1863 ; d. March 1, 1864. Caroline Eliza, b. Feb. 27, 1863. George Grant, b. Aug. 15, 1866. Laura May, b. May 1, 1870. 232. Job Cooledge7 {Job C.5, Stephen5, Simon*, Samuel3, Nehe miah?, Nehemiah}), b. Brownhelm, Ohio, Aug. 25, 1822 ; m. Aug. 6, 1843, Phebe, dau. of Jacob and Mary Wilson of Ohio; she d. Oct. 28, 1854; he m. 2nd, Aug. 21, 1865, Sarah M. Saterlee, widow of Voluey Saterlee of Branch Co., Mich.; res. East Portland, Oregon. Ch. 343. George W,, b. Sep. 2, 1844. Mary E., b. July 4, 1846 ; d. July 3, 1847. 344. Caroline, b. June 1, 1848. 345. Charles, b. July 18, 1850. Nehemiah. Smith. 219 233. Caroline7 {Job C.°, Stephen", Simon*, Samuel3, Nehemiah*, Nehemiah), m. Thomas, son of Joseph and Abigail (Fay) Atkinson ; she d. March 17, 1883 ; res. Vermillion, Ohio. Ch. Abbie Atkinson, b. 1842; ra. William Roland of Vermil lion; she d. 1871. Jasper W. Atkinson, b. March 4, 1848 ; m. Aug. 22, 1869, Mary J. Hann of Dundee, Mich., a dau. of John and Roxana (Wright) Hann ; res. Sebewaing, Mich.; three ch.; two living Bay City, Mich. Josephine H. Atkinson, b. 1851 ; d. 1864. 234. Elizabeth Fosdick7 {Elijah W.", Elijah, Simon*, Samuel3, Nehemiah*, Nehemiah1), b. Niantic, Conn., Sep. 19, 1848 ; m. June 9, 1874, William, son of Nehemiah and Mary (Manwar ing) Haynes of Niantic ; res. Niantic. Ch. Effie Smith Haynes, b. April 26, 1875. Annie Fosdick Haynes, b. Sep. 6, 1876. 235. Gurdon W.7 {Turner M.°, Hezekiah", Paul*, Samuel3, Nehemiah, Nehemiah), b. Nov. 13, 1819, in Berlin, Ohio ; after a good education he taught school and read law for seven years ; was then admitted to the bar and practiced about four years; he m. Maria B. Pebbles, Sep. 13, 1846; in 1849 he moved to California, where he became interested in mining for two years, and then to Minnesota, where for more than ten years he again practiced law ; in 1863 he crossed the plains to Montana and spent six years in hunting and trapping; he located in Wet Mountain Valley, Colorado, in 1870, engaged in farming and stock-raising, making a specialty of fine horses ; he has a farm of 240 acres under high cultivation about two miles from Silver Cliff, where he now resides. No ch. 220 Descendants of 236. Horace T.7 {Turner M.°, Hezekiah", Paul*, Samuel3, Nehe miah2, Nehemiah1), b. Berlin Heights, Erie Co., Ohio, Jan. 12, 1822; m. Oct. 16, 1854, Susan E., dau. of Stephen and Susan (Blair) Johnson of Amherst ; farmer in his native town. Ch. Alice Mary, b. Aug. 7, 1855. Fremont Charles, b. Aug. 26, 1857. Gurdon William, b. Nov. 11, 1859. Lucius Horace, b. Nov. 11, 1862. Norton Turner, b. Feb. 17, 1868. 237. Lucius B.7 {Turner M.°, Hezekiah", Paul*, Samuel3, Nehe miah', Nehemiah1), b. Berlin Heights, Ohio, May 27, 1824 ; graduated at the Cleveland Medical College in 1847, and com menced the practice of medicine in his native town. He m. Dec. 17, 1849, Frances L., dau. of Simon Barrett of Milan, Ohio. The " Polk County Press " of June 2, 1866, contained over a column relating to his life, from which the following is taken : * * * "In 1853, he removed to Taylor's Falls and by his skill and noble manly qualities, soon gained a large prac tice and hosts of friends. In the fall of 1862, he was appointed by the Governor of Minnesota, First Assistant Surgeon of the 7th Minnesota Volunteers. He served with his Regiment through the Indian campaigns of the Northwest under Gen. Sibley, and was promoted to Surgeon in the summer of 1863. He accompanied his Regiment South in the fall of the same year, and served for some time under Gen. Rosecrans at St. Louis. His Regiment was finally attached to Gen. A. T. Smith's command, and soon became actively engaged in the memorable Mississippi campaign. But Surgeon Smith was not permitted to see its close ; on the 13th day of July, 1864, while preparing for the battle of Tupello, he with a portion of his Regiment was ambushed by a party of rebels. At the first fire of the rebels he was shot through the neck and instantly killed. He was given a soldier's burial near the place where he fell. In the latter part of May, 1866, he was removed to the Cemetery at Taylor's Falls, where the last solemn rites Nehemiah Smith. 221 were witnessed by a large number of the citizens of the Upper St. Croix Valley. After the masonic funeral service, the mili tary fired salute over the grave. " As a man, Dr. Smith stood high in the estimation of all who knew him. He was a Christian gentleman, a warm hearted friend, and a loving and faithful husband and father. As a citizen he was public spirited. As a physician, skillful and attentive. " He was deaf to the calls of interest even in the course of his profession, and whenever he beheld an indigent object which claimed his healing skill he administered it without even the hope of any other reward than that which resulted from the reflection of having so far promoted the happiness of his fellow man. As a mason he was a true and faithful brother, ever willing to extend the hand of charity and to whisper good counsel. Asa soldier, he was brave and true, always doing his duty nobly and well." Ch. 346. Mary Frances, b. July 21, 1852. Louis Barrett, b. Nov. 29, 1854; d. Feb. 15, 1859. Charles Lucius, b. March 28, 1860 ; veterinary sur geon, Denver, Col. 238. Lucy Ann7, Sallie Angeline7 {Nehemiah D.°, Hezekiah", Paul*, Samuel3, Nehemiah2, Nehemiah1); Lucy A. b. May 22, 1822; m. Nov. 14, 1838, Daniel Minkler of Jay, Essex county, N. Y., son of John and Asenath (Call) Minkler of Grand Isle, Vermont; she d. June 28, 1855, and he m. Nov. 6, 1855, her sister Sallie A., b. Nov. 5, 1830; res. Vermillion and Goodsell, Erie county, Ohio. Ch. First wife : Eliza A. Minkler, b. June 23, 1840 ; m. Nov. 12, 1859, W. L. Driver; res. Townsend, Huron county, Ohio. Olive M. Minkler, b. Sep. 23, 1842 ; m. Sep. 22, 1858, Thomas Lee ; res. Florence, Erie county, Ohio. Nehemiah D. Minkler, b. May 21, 1846 ; m. Emma Park hurst, April 5, 1878; res. Fremont, Sandusky county, Ohio. 222 Descendants of Clara E. Minkler, b. Aug. 23, 1850 ; m. Sep. 24, 1874, Willis Routson ; res. Lorain, Ohio. Second wife : Frances A.- Minkler, b. Sep. 1, 1857; in. Sidney Simons, Sep. 1, 1874; res. Townsend, Ohio. 239. Francis King7 {Nehemiah D.°, Hezekiah", Paul*, Samuel3, Nehemiah2, Nehemiah1), m. Feb. 7, 1844, Elizabeth J. Mink ler, at Vermillion, Ohio; she d. Dec 2S, 1859; he m. 2nd, Cornelia J. Craig, at Coffin's Grove, Delaware county, Iowa, Feb. 22, 1865 ; res. Manchester and Masonville, Iowa. Ch. First wife: Emma, m. J. Brown ; three ch. , m. a Baptist minister, probably Rev. J. D. Martin. , d. about 6 years of age. Second wife : Bertie, d. as. 6. Ada, living (1886). 240. Christiana Eveline7 {Nehemiah D.", Hezekiah", Paul*, Samuel3, Nehemiah2, Nehemiah), b. Nov. 19, 1830 ; m. Feb. 1, 1855, Dr. S. B., son of Jesse Carpender of Rutland, Vt.; he d. 1862; bur. Castalia, Ohio; the widow m. Levi Carkins of New York State ; res. Goodsell, Erie county, Ohio. Ch. First husband : Ida D. Carpender, b. Dec. 12, 1855 ; ra. Sep. 7, 1876, Orlando Minkler ; res. Vermillion, Ohio. Simeon P. Carpender, b. April 7, 1859 ; m. Dec 22, 1880, Julia Fuller; res. Laomi, Iowa. Second husband : Kittie M. Carkins, b. Sep. 1, 1867. Herbert E. Carkins, b. Aug. 13, 1869. Nehemiah Smith. 223 241. Henry Clinton7 {Nehemiah D.% Hezekiah5, Paul*, Samuel3, Nehemiah2, Nehemiah1), b. June 4, 1837 : m. Feb. 7, 1858 Phebe Elliott of Erie Co., Ohio ; he a farmer until 1855 ; then of the firm of Hopkins & Smith, manufacturers of agricultural implements, Laomi, Iowa. Ch. Hattie I., b. April 25, 1859 ; m. Nov. 27, 1880, Lester J. Barr; res. Laomi; ch. Vernie E., b. 1881, and Velvia A b. 1883. Fannie L., b. Aug. 4, 1863; m. March 4, 1880, J. Allen Hopkins of St. Jose, Cal., son of William and Elizabeth Ann (Horner) Hopkins of Hornerstown, N. J.; ch. Clara P. b. 1881. 242. Lizzie P.7 {Nehemiah D.5, Hezekiah5, Paul*, Samuel3, Nehe miah?, Nehemiah1), b. April 16, 1840; m. July 13, 1861, Fred D., son of George R. and Lucy (De Lano) Bosworth of Ver mont ; res. Sandusky, Ohio. Ch. Florence O. Bosworth, b. Aug. 29, 1863; m. May 16, 1883, William E. Myers ; res. New Hampton, Iowa. 243. Burton Guy' {Nehemiah D.5, Hezekiah5, Paul*, Samuel3, Nehemiah2, Nehemiah1), b. Berlin, Ohio, Dec. 19, 1849 ; m. Dec. 19, 1881, Lela M., dau. of Robert A. and Melinda Caroline (Clintsman) Fleming of Columbus, Wis., and pre viously New York State ; res. New Hampton, Iowa ; senior member of the banking-house of Smith & Darrow; a large owner of real estate, including a very valuable farm of 1,400 acres. Ch. Burton Aubrey, b. Oct. 26, 1882. Lloyd Fleming, b. July 30, 1884. 224 Descendants of 244. Ezra Allen7 {Hezekiah5, Hezekiah5-, Paul*, Samuel3, Nehe miah2, Nehemiah), b. Orland, Ind., Dec 7, 1825; m. March 11, 1847, Harriet Mellissa, dau. of Theophilus and Rhoeda (Randall) Sanders of Cayuga, N. Y.; res. Orland; he d. Dec. 30, 1887. Ch. Mellissa Eveline, b. June 13, 1848 ; d. June 12, 1856. 347. Asa Alphonso, b. Oct. 26, 1854. Mary Rosinda, b. May 13, 1858. Lincoln Ezra, b. Feb. 22, 1860. William Norton, b. April 1, 1864. Theda M., b. Feb. 6, 1867. 245. Matihew King7 {Hezekiah", Hezekiah", Paul*, Samuel3, Nehemiah*, Nehemiah'), b. July 3, 1830, on Huron Prairie, Erie county, Ohio ; his opportunities for attending school were limited, but he worked days and studied and read at home by lamp-light ; he attended the high school in Orland, Ind., a part of two seasons, teaching district schools during the winter ; he m. Hannah Barnard, Dec. 25, 1854, accepted a situation in a drygoods and drug store and shortly after became a partner ; in the spring of 1855 he sold a small farm and his interest in the business and went to Topeka, Kan., where he immediately purchased a claim before the land bad been surveyed, bought four yoke of oxen and a plow and commenced breaking prairie, and planting corn ; during the next year (1856) his wife died; in the same year he built a mercantile house for which the town association gave him an original interest in the town ; the Free State Legislature held its first session in this building ; he m. June 9, 185S, for his second wife Alrneda M. Caswell, dau. of C. G. Caswell of Quincy, Mich.; he continued as a mer chant iu Topeka until 1868 when he moved to Springfield, Mo., where he had invested in land adjoining the city, and commenced the manufacture of woolen goods; in 1872 his Nehemiah Smith. 225 large mills were destroyed by a cyclone, scattering a fine stock of wool in all directions; this was a heavy loss, but he immediately repaired the damage and continued to do an ex tensive business until October, 1881, when owing to his failing health he removed to Los Angeles, Cal., having disposed of his business and property in Springfield ; he bought a beautiful home and had determined to spend the balance of his days in Los Angeles, hoping to regain his lost health, but overwork and a too close application to business had thoroughly wrecked his constitution and left but little on which to build new life and strength ; his health gradually failed, and in the spring of 1882, hoping to receive better medical attendance, he went to San Francisco, where he d. June 3, 1882; he was bur. Ever green Cemetery, Los Angeles, Cal., where his widow has erected a beautiful monument to his memory. Ch. Lena Leata, b. Feb. 9, 1860 ; m. Jan. 7, 1885, Richard C. Shaw ; res. Los Angeles, Cal. Jessie Fremont, b. Nov. 22, 1861. Mary Lizzie, b. Feb. 5, 1865. Gracie Jennie, b. July 8, 1872. 246. Mark Stoddard7 {Hezekiah5, Hezekiah5, Paul*, Samuel3, Nehemiah2, Nehemiah), b. Sep. 17, 1832 ; m. Nov. 11, 1858, the widow Delia A. (Smith) McQueen, b. 1832, near St. Thomas, Canada West, a dau. of Samuel Smith of New Jer sey, and his wife Mabel Brown of Vermont ; Samuel was a son of Othaniel Smith, whose parents came from England; Delia A. m. 1847, Daniel McQueen, who d. 1851 ; no ch.; Mark S. Smith was a farmer at Orland, Ind. ; he d. June 28, 1860 ; no ch.; his widow m. William Smilie Thompson, June 24, 1861 ; res. Orland ; no ch. 247. Betsey Jane7 {Hezekiah5, Hezekiah5, Paul*, Samuel3, Nehe miah2, Nehemiah1), b. July 25, 1835; m. Nov. 12, 1854, 29 226 Descendants of Charles, son of William and Mary (Breed) Wilder of Orland, Ind. ; she d. Nov. 13, 1857; he d. Nov., 1883 ; res. Orland. Ch. Dexter E. Wilder, b. Dec. 7, 1856 ; res. Orland, Ind. 248. Jerome Hezekiah7 {Hezekiah5, Hezekiah5, Paul*, Samuel3, Nehemiah2, Nehemiah1), b. June 12, 1837 ; m. Feb. 3, 1861, Fanny Chase of Kansas; she d. Jan. 3, 1862; no ch. ; he m. 2nd, Jan. 25, 1863, Julia, dau. of Hosea Horton and Frances (Caulkins) Baxter of Vermillion, Ohio. [See 109.] Farmer; res. Orland and Brushy Prairie, Lagrange Co., Ind. ; he d. Jan. 6, 1873 ; bur. Orland. Ch. Second wife : Clarence Chester, b. Jan. 1, 1864 ; res. Glendire, Montana Territory. Minnie May, b. Oct. 2, 1 866 ; res. Norwalk, Ohio. Maud Marilla, b. March 21, 1873 ; res. Rome City, Ind. 249. Alonzo7 {Hezekiah?, Hezekiah5, Paul*, Samuel3, Nehemiah2, Nehemiah), b. Nov. 7, 1841; m. March 30, 1878, Ada, dau. of John S. and Mary E. (Graves) Miller of Orland ; res. Orland, Ind. Ch. Grace, b. Oct. 24, 1880. Harry, b. April 3, 1883 ; d. Jan. 19, 1884. 250. Phebe Emeline7 {Hezekiah5, Hezekiah5, Paul*, Samuel3, Nehemiah?, Nehemiah), b. July 8, 1844; m. May 3, 1868, Jerome E., son of Edson D. and Clarrissa L. (Hemp) Murray of Steuben Co., Ind. ; res. Dawson, Dakota. Ch. Edson H. Murray, b. Jamestown, Ind., June 6, 1872. Marilla Murray, b. Millgrove, Ind., Feb. 18, 1880. Rose W. Murray, b. Fisher, Dakota, Oct. 21, 1882. •Nehemiah Smith. 227 251. Frederick7 {Roswell", Daniel", Daniel*, Samuel3, Nehe miah?, Nehemiah1), b. East Lyme ; m. Sep. 20, 1864, Lucretia, dau. of Selden and Satira (Manwaring) Cook of East Lyme ; she d. Dec. 25, 1872 ; he d. Sep. 29, 1874 ; bur. Niantic, Conn. Ch. Selden Avery, b. May — , 1866 ; d. Sep. 6, 1866. Flora Mandane, b. Nov. 20, 1867 ; res. Niantic, Conn. 252. Elizabeth Priscilla7 {Simon", Simon", Daniel*, Samuel3, Nehemiah?, Nehemiah), b. Niantic, Conn., June 14, 1831 ; m. Oct. 10, 1854, Joseph D., son of Joseph and Alice (Durfey) Latham of East Lyme, Conn. He was a merchant, and d. Norwich, Conn., Oct. 21, 1862. Ch. Born Niantic. Herman Nelson Latham, b. Oct. 13, 1855 ; d. Dec. 9, 1859. Frank Herbert Latham, b. May 23, 1860 ; res. Crystal River, Hernando county, Fla. Joseph William Latham, b. Jan. 26, 1862 ; res. Bozrah- ville; Conn. 253. Beriah Greene7 {Simon", Simon", Daniel*, Samuel3, Nehe miah2, Nehemiah1), b. Niantic, June 15, 1833 ; in. Dec. 1, 1857, Elizabeth Jane, dau. of Calvin and Fanny (Minor) Spen cer of East Lyme, Conn.; merchant, Putnam, Conn., since 1884; formerly resided at Norwich. Ch. Fannie Ellen, b. Aug. 27, 1859; m. Jan. 8, 1884, Charles James Satchel ; res. Norwich, Conn. Calvin Edward, b. Sep. 1, 1861. George Arthur, b. Sep. 8, 1863. Frank Walter, b. May 16, 1870; d. Aug. 31, 1887. Jane Elizabeth, b. July 17, 1872. 228 Descendants of • 254. Sidney C7. {Simon", Simon", Daniel*, Samuel3, Nehemiah?, Nehemiah1), b. Niantic, Conn., Oct. 31, 1835; m. Oct. 16, 1861, Frances Elizabeth, dau. of Job and Fanny Chappell (Tinker) Tubbs of East Lyme, Conn.; res. Niantic. Ch. Fanny Emma, b. Niantic, Aug. 24, 1862. Charles Isaac, b. Niantic, Jan. 8, 1864. Mary Gridley, b. Norwich, June 22, 1868. Albert Arthur, b. Norwich, Dec. 5, 1871. Hattie Ripley, b. Norwich, Sep. 24, 1875. 255. Abby Matson' {Simon", Simon", Daniel*, Samuel3, Nehe miah2, Nehemiah1), b. Niantic, Conn., June 17, 1838 ; m. Nov. 17, 1863, Socrates, son of Nathan and Betsey S. (Hill) Schol- field of Montville, Conn.; res. Providence, R. I. Ch. Bessie Marian Scholfield, b. June 5, 1865. Herbert Scholfield, b. Aug. 4, 1872. 256. Adelaide Louisa7 {Simon", Simon", Daniel*, Samuel3, Nehe miah?, Nehemiah1), b. Niantic, Conn., Jan. 10, 1841 ; m. Oct. 16, 1866, Edwin P., son of Nathan P. and Lydia (Durfey) Avery of Norwich, Conn.; he connected with the Nonotuck Silk Co., Florence, Mass. Ch. Nathan P. Avery, b. May 13, 1869. S. Louisa Avery, b. June 18, 1873. 257. George Simon7 {Simon", Simon5, Daniel*, Samuel3, Nehe miah?, Nehemiah), b. Niantic, Conn., Oct. 23, 1843 ; m. April 7, 1869, Lizzie L. Loomis, b. Vernon, Conn., Feb. 7, 1848; res. Norwich, Conn. Ch. George Henry, b. Oct. 8, 1870 ; d. June 22, 1875. Alice May, b. Dec. 29, 1873. Theodore Simon, b. Nov. 17, 1876. Isaac Bromley, b. Nov. 17, 1881. Nehemiah Smith. 229 258. Freeman Burr7 {Horace", Simon5, Daniel*, Samuel3, Nehe miah2, Nehemiah1), b. Wacahootie, Alachua county, Florida, Dec. 31, 1831. When six years of age he removed with his father to Conn. After a common education, at the age of 16 he went to sea. At 18 he shipped for San Francisco, Cal., stopping at Rio de Janeiro. From here the vessel was thirty days reaching the Straits of Magellan, in which they remained forty-three days. He arrived in San Francisco in time to see the first wharf built at that port. He became interested in the surface mines near Sonora, and remained there about one year, when he sailed for Boston with Capt. Holmes, in the ship Raritan. After a few trips to Georges Banks he became cap tain of one of the finest vessels in the fishing trade connected with Fulton Market, New York. Dec 24, 1860, he m. Olive Champlin of Ludlow, Mass., a dau. of Charles Dire and Mary (Smith) Champlin of East Lyme, Conn. [See record, 130.] In May, 1878, they removed to New Haven, Conn., taking with them letters to the First Congregational Church. His wife was b. July 31, 1837, and d. Nov. 19, 1882 ; bur. lot 638 Evergreen Cemetery, New Haven. She had no children, but adopted a daughter who at the time was only two weeks of age. She is now a highly-educated lady and a teacher in Rolins' Col lege at Winter Park, four miles from Orlando, Florida. Mr. Smith removed to the latter place in May, 1886, and was elected a deacon of the Congregational Church, 1887. No ch. 259. Anna Elizabeth7 {Horace", Simon5, Daniel*, Samuel3, Nehe miah2, Nehemiah1), b. East Lyme, Conn., May 23, 1846 ; m. Dec. 6, 1869, Charles P., son of Albert B. and Eliza (Dunbar) Sturtevant; res. East Lyme. Ch. Blanche Mizelle Sturtevant, b. Sep. 10, 1870. Mabel Seymour Sturtevant, b. July 9, 1872. Albert Burr Sturtevant, b. May 23, 1874. Eliza Faith Sturtevant, b. Aug. 19, 1885. 230 Descendants of 260. Benjamin Franklin7 {Horace5, Simon5, Daniel*, Samuel3, Nehemiah2, Nehemiah), b. June 13, 1848; in. Oct. 12, 1871, Jennie Elizabeth, dau. of William and Adeline (Haynes) Rogers of East Lyme, Conn.; res. New Haven, Conn. Ch. Newton Franklin, b. Sep. 12, 1872. Agnes Lillian, b. July 31, 1882. 261. Mary Annie7 {Eli", Simon5, Daniel*, Samuel3, Nehemiah2, Nehemiah1), b. Niantic, Conn., June 8, 1S34; m. Nov. 26, 1858, Spencer, son of Joshua and Tacy (Beckwith) Howard of Waterford, Conn.; he d. July 27, 1877 ; bur. East Lyme ; widow m. 2nd, Mathew, son of Peter and Bathsheba (Dodge) Murdock of Westbrook, Conn.; res. Waterford. Ch. Cyrena Smith Howard, b. Aug. 17, 1859. Frank Mayo Howard, b. Sep. 8, 1861. Herbert Spencer Howard, b. Dec. 29, 1864; m: Carrie Braman, Jan. 1, 1885 ; res. Broad Brooks, Conn. Myron Champlin Howard, b. Aug. 6, 1869. 262. Eli Taylor7 {Eli", Simon", Daniel*, Samuel?, Nehemiah?, Nehemiah), b. Niantic, Conn., April 13, 1842; m. Jan. 10, 1872, Sarah Maria, dau. of William Bates and Emily (Clark) Wood ; res. East Lyme, Conn. Ch. Casper Wistar, b. April 28, 1873. Mary Emily, b. Sep. 22, 1878. Esther Cyrena, b. July 27, 1884. 263. Alva Sikes' {Eli", Simon", Daniel?, Samuel3, Nehemiah?, Nehemiah), b. Feb. 16, 1844; m. Oct. 5, 1881, Mary Adela Miller of Ludlow, Mass., dau. of Leonard and Rebecca (Wal ker) Miller of Belchertown, Mass.; res. Niantic, Conn. Ch. William Taylor, b. Nov. 18, 1882. Nehemiah Smith. 231 264. Grace H.7 {Benjamin", Simon5, Daniel*, Samuel3, Nehe miah2, Nehemiah), b. Amherst, Mass., June 1, 1850 ; m. Nov. 23, 1870, Luther W. Bodman of Northampton, Mass., son of Luther and Philena (Hawks) Bodman; res. at Bern en t, 111., until Dec, 1879, when they removed to Baltimore, Md., and from there to Chicago, 111., Jan., 1884, where he is a merchant in the grain trade ; he is a member of the Chicago Board of Trade and represented in the N. Y, Produce Exchange. Ch. Marjorie May Bodman, b. Nov. 16, 1872. Edward Whitney Bodman, b. Sep. 5, 1879. Luther Franklin Bodman, b. July 5, 1883. 265. William H. H.7 ( William H.", Simon5, Daniel*, Samuel3, Nehemiah2, Nehemiah1), b. Niantic, Conn., Aug. 23,1841* m. Oct. 9, 1865, Maria B., dau. of William H. and Maria L. (But ler) Allyn of Hartford, Conn.; res. Washington, D. C; chief clerk (1885) Bureau of Steam Engineering, Navy Dep. Ch. Charles Sidney, b. July 21, 1867. Mary Elizabeth, b. March 16, 1871. 266. Elizabeth L.7 {William H", Simon5, Daniel*, Samuel3, Nehemiah2, Nehemiah1), b. Niantic, April 15, 1843 ; m. Jan. 12, 1879, William, son of William and Abiah (Douglass) Gor ton of Waterford, Conn.; res. Waterford. Ch. Mary Elizabeth Gorton, b. Nov. 18, 1879. Alfred Carl Gorton, b. April 27, 1881. Grace Louise Gorton, b. Sep. 28, 1882. Emily Wilhelmina Gorton, b. July 25, 1884. 267. Julia P.7 ( William H.", Simon5, Daniel*, Samuel3, Nehe miah2, Nehemiah1), b. Niantic, Conn., Nov. 20, 1847; m. Oct. 232 Descendants of 8, 1871, Frank Albert Harris of Niantic, b. April 16, 1847, son of Albert Harris of Salem, Conn., and Eliza C. Williams, his wife [see James Harris and his Desc, Ed. 1878, p. 120] ; res. Niantic ; she d. April 21, 1875. Ch. Frank Albert Harris, b. Dec. 6, 1873. 268. Mary Jane Grey7 {William5, Simon5, Daniel*, Samuel3, Nehemiah2, Neliemiah), b. Niantic, Nov. 21, 1849; m. Oct. 20, 1872, Charles E., son of Alanson and Elizabeth (Squire) Beckwith of New London, Conn. ; res. N. L. Ch. Charles Herman Beckwith, b. Aug. 7, 1873. 269. Betsey8 {David C." ', Edward5, Oliver5, Nathan*, Nehe miah3, Nehemiah2, Nehemiah1), b. Stonington, 1806 ; m. April 23/1827, Charles P., son of Ephraim Williams: she d. Sep. 12, 1860, as. 54; he m. 2nd, Georgia P. Babcock, June 11, 1861; two ch.; Georgia, b. June 31, 1863; m. April 14, 1885, George H. Warren, Jr., and Charles P. Williams b. June 15, 1866 ; res. New York city ; Mr. Williams was a res. of Stoning ton, Conn., where he was a prominent and highly esteemed citizen ; he d. Oct. 28, 1879, as. 75 years. Ch. Of Betsey Smith Williams : Bessie S. Williams, b. Sep. 9, 1833 ; m. Oct. 20, 1862, E. L. Sherman; res. Riverside, Cook county, 111. Mary B. Williams, b. Sep. 20, 1835 ; m. Nov. 15, 1855, Coddington Billings ; res. New York city. Charles P. Williams, b. Nov. 6, 1841 ; a. Nov. 30, 1861. 270. Edward Alexander8 {Alexander G.1, Edward5, Oliver5, Nathan*, Nehemiah3, Nehemiah2, Nehemiah1), b. Stonington, Conn., Sep. 14, 1830. His mother died when he was about one year old, and his father two years later. His guardian was an uncle-in-law, Dr. Holt, with whom he went to live at Pom- Nehemiah Smith. 233 fret, Conn. He attended the district school and afterward the academy on Woodstock Hill, a few miles distant, and later the Leicester Academy in Worcester Co., Mass. He studied medi cine and became assistant physician in the State Lunatic Hos pital at Worcester, the head physician being his uncle, Dr. George Chandler. He remained here about eight years, when a position was offered him as assistant physician in the State Hospital for the Insane at Philadelphia, which position he accepted, he then being about 26 years of age. Six years later he resigned and became one of the surgeons at the United States Military Hospital in Philadelphia ; this was during the war of the Rebellion ; Dec. 10, 1863, he married Rebecca Miller Welch of Philadelphia, a daughter of Samuel and Elizabeth (Thomas) Welch. After a number of years of private practice in which the doctor was very successful, he retired, and moved to New York city. Ch. Elizabeth Welsh, b. Philadelphia, June 26, 1865. Josephine Chandler, b. Philadelphia, Dec. 26, 1866. 271. Henry Allen8 ( William E.\ Edward5, Oliver5, Nathan*, Nehemiah3, Nehemiah', Nehemiah1), b. Brooklyn, N. Y., Nov. 10, 1847 ; m. Sep. 5, 1871, Sarah Augusta, dau. of Frederick Wolcott and Susan De Forest (Squires) Benedict of Danbury, Conn.; she was b. 1847, a direct descendant of Thomas Bene dict from England 1638. [See " Genealogy " of the Benedicts in America, Ed. 1870, p. 395.] He has always been a res. of Brooklyn with the exception of April, 1876, to Dec, 1878, when they res. at Woodstock, Conn.; engaged in the trade of wholesale provisions at Brooklyn since he was fourteen years of age ; for sixteen years a member of the New York Produce Exchange where for four years he has been a member of the trade committee on provisions. The compiler of this work. Ch. Oliver Benedict, b. Brooklyn, Aug. 26, 1875; d. Dec 21, 1887, as. 12 years. 30 " 234 Descendants of 272. Chandler6 ( William E? , Edward", Oliver1', Nathan*, Nehe miah3, Nehemiah2, Nehemiah), b. Brooklyn, N. Y., Nov. 22, 1851 ; m. Dec 5, 1871, Almeda Childs Ashby of Mystic River, Conn., a dau. of Capt. George Washington and Sally Ann (Sawyer) Ashby. Capt. Ashby was a son of George, the son of Edward Ashby ; Sally A. Sawyer was a dau. of William, the son of Moses Sawyer, Jr., who came from Yorkshire, England, and settled on Shelter Island and removed during the Revolutionary war. to Mason's Island, Conn. He was for a number of years engaged in the business of wholesale provisions at Brooklyn, but in 1870 became interested in the manufac ture of packing boxes at Mystic Bridge ; res. Mystic River, Conn. Ch. Josephine Almeda, b. Mystic River, Conn., April 18, 1875. 273. Nathan Denison8 {Nathan', Denison", Oliver5, Nathan*, Nehemiah?, Nehemiah?, Nehemiah), b. Poquonoc, Conn., Sep. 14, 1815; m. Sep. 12, 1841, Mary Abby, b. 1820, a dau. of Elisha and Caroline Morgan. [See Des. of James Morgan, Ed. 1869, p. 112.] He is senior in the old established firm of Nathan D. Smith & Son, manufacturers of pianos and organs, New London, Conn. Ch. 348. Adriana, b. June 27, 1844. 349. Frederick Morgan, b. Aug. 27, 1847. 350. Aborn Fanning, b. April 10, 1849. 274. Betsey Fanning8 {Nathan*, Denison5, Oliver5, Nathan*, Nehemiah3, Nehemiah2, Nehemiah1), b. Poquonoc, Conn., Oct. 25, 1818 ; m. May 26, 1839, George L., son of Nathan and Betsey Daboll, and grandson of Mr. Daboll, whose arithmetics and almanacs are so well known ; the latter was first published in Nehemiah Smith. 235 1772 and has been continued to the present time ; George L. Daboll d. July 17, 1887 ; res. Centre Groton, Conn. Ch. Frances Elizabeth Daboll, b. Aug. 20, 1840; ra. Ralf Baily ; six ch. George Whitefield Daboll, b. July 21, 1845 ; ra. Julia Daboll ; two ch. 275. Jabez8 {Nathan1, Denison", Oliver5, Nathan*, Nehemiah3, Nehemiah*, Nehemiah1), b. Poquonoc, Conn., March 1, 1821 ; m. Oct. 1, 1853, Ellen M., dau. of John Enos of Ledyard ; he- a farmer at the Smith homestead. [See Introduction, Smith and Bourne Homesteads.] Ch. Emma W., b. July 24, 1854; m. Sep. 18, 1884, William A. Graham. Mabelle L., b. Aug. 18, 1862. 276. Lavinia Malvina8 {Nathan1, Denison", Oliver", Nathan*, Nehemiah3, Nehemiah?, Nehemiah1), b. Poquonoc, Conn., Feb. 24, 1823 ; m. Jan. 1, 1846, Sanford A., son of Sanford and Lavinia (Avery) Morgan [see Des. of James Morgan, Ed. 1869, p. 212] ; res. Remington, Ind., and Poquonoc, Conn.; she d. Oct. 14, 1855, as. 33 ; he m. 2nd, Emily Edgcomb, Nov. 12, 1856. Ch. First wife : Lavinia Morgan, b. June 29, 1849; d. Oct. 1, 1857. Frank S. Morgan, b. Jan. 19, 1851. Cornelia Morgan, b. Jan. 2,1854; m. March 16,1875, Parish B. Lyon of Braintree, Vt. 277. Nathaniel Fanning8 {Nathan1, Denison", Oliver5, Nathan*, Nehemiah3, Nehemiah2, Nehemiah), b. Poquonoc, Jan. 28, 1826 ; m. May 12, 1856, Mary Abbie, dau. of Elias and Sarah (Morgan) Loomis of Salem, Conn, [see Des. James Morgan, 236 Descendants of Ed. 1869, p. 101] ; she was b. April 2, 1835 ; d. Sep. 25, 1866, as. 31; he m. 2nd, Dec. 22, 1869, Caroline Augusta Ingersoll of Lee, Mass., dau. of Asher and Eliza Ingersoll ; res. Groton and West Meriden, Conn. Ch. First wife : Elvia Fanning, b. Groton, Sep. 17, 1857; m. Jan. 18, 1881, L. F. Griswold of Meriden. Sarah Leora, b. Groton, April 26, 1859 ; d. July 26, 1859. 278. Jane Denison8 {Nathan1, Denison", Oliver5, Nathan*, Nehemiah?, Nehemiah2, Nehemiah), b. Poquonoc, Sep. 23, 1828 ; m. Jan. 12, 1862, Edward, son of Joseph and Sarah (Tucker) Nichols of Stonington, Conn.; farmer, Waterford, Conn. Ch. Frank E. Nichols, b. Oct. 16, 1863 ; d. May 3, 1864. Lavinia Nichols, b. Jan. 28, 1865 ; m. Charles Crocker, April 28, 1885 ; res. Waterford. Elmer F. Nichols, b. May 26, 1868 ; d. Sep. 16, 1868. Adell Nichols, b. Aug. 24, 1869 ; d. Oct. 31, 1870. Lillian Nichols, b. Aug. 16, 1871. 279. Edward Stanton8 {Nathan1, Denison", Oliver5, Nathan*, Nehemiah?, Nehemiah*, Nehemiah'), b. Poquonoc, Nov. 29, 1830; m. Jan. 1, 1861, Zida Maria Nettleton of Durham, Conn.; res. West Meriden, Conn. Ch. Etta Luella, b. June 4, 1871. 28©. George Washington8 {Nathan1, Denison", Oliver5, Nathan*, Nehemiah?, Nehemiah2, Nehemiah1), b. Poquonoc, Sep. 11, 1836; m. March 19, 1861, Jane, dau. of John and Jerusha Lathrop (Bates) Crandall of Groton, Conn.; res. Poquonoc Bridge, Conn. Ch. Minnie Belle, b. July 25, 1866. Nehemiah Smith. 237 281. Jesse Denison8 {Nathaniel D.1, Denison", Oliver5, Nathan*, Nehemdah3, Nehemdah2, Nehemiah), b. Poquonoc, April 18, 1830 ; m. Ledyard, April 20, 1851, Mary Jane, dau. of Elisha Stoddard ; res. Groton, Meriden and New London, Conn.; she d. 1886. Ch. Mary Isabella, b. Groton, Feb. 25, 1852. Eliza Caroline, b. Groton, Dec. 4, 1854. Sarah Elizabeth, b. Groton, Dec. 7, 1856. Eunice Fish, b. Meriden, Dec. 20, 1857; d. Sep. 11, 1868. Nathaniel Denison, b. Meriden, Nov. 15, 1859 ; d. Aug. 5, 1861. Charles Denison, b. Meriden, April 7, 1863 ; d. June 21, 1863. Jennie Denison, b. Meriden, Aug. 8, 1865 ; d. Aug. 28, 1865. Geneva Teresa, b. Meriden, Sep. 5, 1867. 282. William Burrows8 {Nathaniel D.1, Denison", Oliver5, Nathan*, Nehemiah3, Nehemiah2, Nehemiah), b. Poquonoc, Sep. 14, 1833 ; m. Sep. 1, 1855, Lucretia, dau. of Asabel Har vey of Meriden, Conn.; merchant, New London; formerly res. at Meriden. Ch. William Edward, b. Meriden, July 31, 1857. Florence Lucretia, b. Meriden, Oct. 8, 1865. ' Rosa Eliza, b. Meriden, Nov. 19, 1867. 283. Nancy8 {Nathaniel D.1, Denison", Oliver5, Nathan*, Nehe miah3, Nehemiah?, Nehemiah1), b. Poquonoc, Oct. 28, 1835; m. Oct. 25, 1855, Thomas Latham of Noank, Conn. Ch. Lovetta Latham, b. Sep. 27, 1857. Henry L. Latham, b. Aug. 4, 1860. Nathaniel S. Latham, b. July 19, 1866. Hannah Latham, b. July 1, 1873. 238 Descendants of 284. Eeastus Barber8 {Erastus T.\ Gilbert5, Gilbert5, Nathan*, Nehemiah3, Nehemiah2, Nehemiah), b. Preston Centre,, Groton, Conn., Nov. 27, 1812; m. April 23, 1835, Margaretta Case, dau. of Dr. John B. Henry of Rochester,, and Hannah Case, his wife, of Philadelphia. When about 27 years of age he removed to Hopkinsville, Ky., where he engaged in mercantile business for a short time and afterward started and was editor of the "People's Press," the first Democratic paper in south western Kentucky. In the fall of 1847 he entered the volun teer service and received his commission as commissary and member of General Wm. A. Butler's staff, with the rank of major. After reaching the city of Mexico, a senior officer was given his position on General Butler's staff, and he was trans ferred to the staff of General Patterson. On his return while waiting at Vera Cruz his clerk was taken with what proved to be yellow fever, and died while crossing the Gulf of Mexico. Mr. Smith, who had promised the parents of the clerk to take care of him if he became ill, did so, and contracted the yellow fever himself ; when the vessel reached New Orleans he was carried to the St. Charles Hotel, where he died July 11, 1848. Buried Smithland Point, Coupee county, La. Ch. 351. Frances C, b. Rochester, N. Y., May 9, 1836. 285. Frances Rebecca8 {Erastus T.7, Gilbert5, Gilbert5, Nathan*, Nehemiah3, Nehemiah2, Nehemiah), b. Preston Centre, March 13, 1815; m. March 13, 1834, Isaac, son of Isaac and Mary (Armstrong) Lyon ; res. Rush, N. Y.; removed to Rochester, N. Y., where he was a merchant ; he d. there Oct. 26, 1839, as. 36 ; bur. Mount Hope Cemetery ; the widow m. 2nd, Nov. 17, 1840, Wells Southworth of West Springfield, Mass., son of Dr. Abiah and Heziah (Boltwood) Southworth of Pelham, Mass. ; she d. March 5, 1844; he was afterward a paper manufacturer at New Haven, Conn., where he d. June 29, 1882. Ch. Nehemiah Smith. 239 Nelson E. Lyon, b. Wetumpka, Ala., Jan. 10, 1S38 ; m. Feb. 15, 1865, Lucinda B. Davis of Lambertsville, N. J.; he a merchant at Ludlow ville, N. Y. 286. Byron8 {Erastus T.\ Gilbert5, Gilbert5, Nathan*, Nehemiah3, Nehemiah2, Nehemiah), b. Centre Groton, July 16, 1825; m. Oct. 20, 1847, Nancy, dau. of Justus and Eliza M. (Marshall) Dwight of Belchertown, Mass. ; res. South Hadley, Mass. Ch. Rebecca Frances, b. April 26, 1852. 352. Erastus Gilbert, b. April 30, 1855. 287. Henry Walworth8 {Erastus T.1, Gilbert", Gilbert5, Nathan*, Nehemiah3, Nehemiah*, Nehemiah1), b. Centre Groton, June 6, 1827 ; m. April 14, 1864, Mary A., dau. of Edward and Mary A. (Dwight) Hooker of South Hadley, Mass.; he served in the war of the Rebellion; d. Evansville, Ind., Dec. 2, 1873. Ch. Edward Hooker, b. South Hadley, Mass., Sep. 12, 1866 ; res. South Hadley. Francis C. D., b. Leavenworth, Kan., Sep. 19, 1870 ; res. South Hadley. 288, Helen Theresa9 {Francis1, Amos D.", Gilbert5, Nathan*, Nehemiah3, Nehemiah2, Nehemiah), b. Providence, R. I., July 14, 1826; ra. Aug. 13, 1845, Edwin, son of Gershom and Lois (Eddy) Turner of Nassau, N. Y. ; res. Providence, R. I. Ch. Caroline Smith Turner, b. Aug. 30, 1846 ; m. Oct. 12, 1870, James Barton Niver ; res. Jamaica Plain, Mass. Lois Eddy Turner, b. May 18, 1848 ; m. Nov. 14, 1876, Nelson Race ; res. Providence, R. I. Franklin Turner, b. May 31, 1852 ; d. March 17, 1858. Isabelle Turner, b. May 20, 1860; d. June 19, 1872. Annie Frances, b. Oct. 14, 1863 ; d. Dec. 21, 1864. 240 Descendants of 289. Francis Albert8 {Francis1, Amos D.", Gilbert", Nathan*, Nehemiah", Nehemiah*, Nehemiah), b. Providence, R. I., Nov. 30, 1827 ; m. Dec 9, 1853, Rebecca M. Logee; res. Provi dence ; he d. Feb. 29, 1862, from the effects of a wound re ceived at the battle of Bull Run. Ch. James Francis, b. Sep. 12, 1854; d. March 15, 1859. Grace, b. Sep. 27, 1855. Helen Theressa, b Sep. 5, 1857. Minie, b. July 18, 1859. Frances Alden, b. Aug. 9, 1861 ; d. Aug. 27, 1862. 290. Amos Denison" {Francis1, Amos D.", Gilbert5, Nathan*, Nehemiah3, Nehemiah*, Nehemiah'), b. Providence, R. I., June 12, 1829; m. Feb. 25, 1852, Harriet Phebe, dau. of Richard and Phebe N. Ross of Dover, N. H.; she b. Feb. 3, 1830 ; d. Nov. 28, 1868 ; b. Snow Point Cemetery, Providence ; he m. 2nd, April 12, 1870, Kate Richmond, dau. of George W. and Mary B. Jackson of Providence. Araos D. Smith & Son, managers of agency of the Mass. Mutual Life Ins. Co., Philadelphia; all ch. b. Providence. Ch. First wife : George Albert, b. Nov. 10, 1857. Edwin Denison, b. July 28, 1859; d. July 15, 1861. Harriet Ross, b. Aug. 22, 1863. Frederic Foster, b. Sep. 4, 1866 ; d. March 25, 1872. Caroline Cecelia, b. Nov. 4, 1868 ; d. Jan. 18, 1872. Second wife : Maude Denison, b. Feb. 8, 1873; d. Feb. 8, 1873. Bertha, b. April 1, 1875. 291. Hannah Cooke8 {Amos D.1, Amos D.°, Gilbert", Nathan*, Nehemiah, Nehemiah*, Nehemiah), b. Providence, R. I., Nehemiah Smith. 241 Nov. 7, 1828 ; m. Nov. 7, 1849, Edward A., son of Simon Henry and Caroline Cornelia (Aborn) Greene of Providence ; res. Providence. Ch. Henry Franklin Greene, b. Aug. 9,1850; d. Dec' 27, 1867. Sarah Franklin Greene, b. Oct. 2, 1853. Edward Aborn Greene, b. Nov. 10, 1856. Charles Rogers Greene, b. Oct. 21, 1858 ; d. July 30, 1859. Charles William Greene, b. March 18, 1861. Anna Mitchel Greene, b. Jan. 1, 1864; d. Dec. 19, 1870. Amos Denison Greene, b. May 24, 1869 ; d. Nov. 16, 1869. 292. Henry James8 {Amos D.1, Amos D.°, Gilbert5, Nathan*, Nehemiah3, Nehemiah*, Nehemiah), b. Providence, Sep. 12, 1831 ; m. Nov. 30, 1857, Eliza Greene Harris of Centreville, R. I., dau. of Dr. Stephen and Maria Manten Harris, both of Johnston, R. I.; res. Providence ; she d. Newport, R. I., May 18, 1883. Ch. Maria Manten, b. Nov. 3, 1859 ; m. Sep. 28, 1882, Clement Newhall Williams ; res. Philadelphia. Eliza Harris, b. June 20, 1864. Sarah Franklin, b. Jan. 2, 1868. Florence, b. Oct. 27, 1871. 293. Francis Mitchel8 {Amos D.1, Amos D.°, Gilbert5, Nathan*, Nehemiah3, Nehemiah?, Nehemiah), b. Providence, R. I., May 13, 1833 ; m. Jan. 3, 1856, Caroline Imogene, dau. of George W. and Caroline M. (Branch) Rhodes of Providence ; he with his brother Amos D. are owners of the Whitestone Mills, Providence, R. L; manufacturers of cotton goods, making specialties of fancy goods ; they also do an extensive commis sion business under the firm name of Smith Bros. Ch. Imogene Rhodes, b. June 18, 1867. Francis Mitchel, b. Jan. 16, 1871. 31 242 Descendants of 294. Charles Morris8 {Amos D.% Amos D.", Gilbert", Nathan*, Nehemiah, Nehemiah2, Nehemiah'), b. Providence, R. L, Dec. 17, 1838 ; m. Oct. 31, 1861, Sarah Elizabeth Burgess of Provi dence, dau. of Judge Walter S. and Eleanor (Burrill) Burgess. Mr. Smith has always been interested in the manufacture of cotton goods, having large interests in the Groton Manufactur ing Co., Franklin Manufacturing Co., Providence Steam and Dexter Mills, and now (1885) president of the Eagle Mills, Woonsocket, R. I. ; res. Providence. Ch. Eleanor Amey, b. July 9, 1862 ; d. Sep., 1863. Charles Morris, b. June 28, 1863. Walter Burgess, b. Sep. 30, 1866. William Mathewson, b. June 11, 1873; d. Feb. 7, 1881. 295. George Mathewson8 {Amos D.1, Amos D?, Gilbert5, Nathan*, Nehemiah3, Nehemiah2, Nehemiah), b. Providence, Jan. 23, 1849; m. Oct. 31, 1876, Mary Elizabeth, dau. of Royal C. and Mary F. (Armington) Taft of Providence ; he manufacturer of cotton goods, treas. Eagle Mills, Woonsocket, R. I. [see record of his bro. Charles] ; res. Providence, R. I. Ch. Hope, b. May 10, 1879. Brookholst Mathewson, b. Oct. 17, 1881. 296. Isabelle Brown8 {Amos YJ, Amos D?, Gilbert5, Nathan*, Nehemiah3, Nehemiah?, Nehemiah1), b. Providence. R. I., Feb. 12, 1839; m. April 24, 1864, Col. Charles A. Nichols of Haverhill, Mass., son of Moses and Abigail Bailey (Osgood) Nichols. He was a graduate of Yale College, after which he studied law at Harvard. He was a member of the firm of Miller, Peef & Nichols, and attained an honorable and successful position in his profession. In 1866, he removed to Providence, and Nehemiah Smith. 243 became a partner with his father-in-law, Gov. James Y. Smith, in the manufacture of cotton goods. Mr. Nichols soon became identified with Rhode Island interests and institutions. He was representative in the General Assembly, and was actively engaged in the direction of a number of banks and insurance companies. He was a man of culture and .refinement, of ability and great integrity of character. He died . Ch. Isabelle Brown Smith Nichols, b. March 29, 1865. James Young Smith Nichols, b. May 1, 1867. Edith Nichols, b. June 3, 1876. 297. Emily Priscilla8 {James T.1, Amos D.", Gilbert5, Nathan', Nehemiah3, Nehemiah2, Nehemiah), b. Providence, R. I., Jan. 11, 1842 ; m. Oct. 6, 1869, Gen. Horatio Rogers of Prov idence, son of Horatio and Susan (Curtis) Rogers ; he was attorney-general when his father-in-law was governor of the State ; he was manager of the Smithville Mfg. Co. of Provi dence, and largely interested in the manufacture of cotton goods until 1886 when the mills were sold ; living (1889) Providence, R. I. Ch. Emily Priscilla Smith Rogers, b. Dec. 19, 1870. 298. Erastus M.8 {John1, John", Nehemiah5, John*, Nehemiah3, Nehemiah2, Nehemiah1), b. May 12, 1821; m. July 24, 1842, Harriet A. Thomas of Colchester, Conn.; res. Colchester; he d. July 16, 1854. Ch. 353. Harriet Ellen, b. Oct. 22, 1851. 299. Hannah Maria" {John1, John", Nehemiah5, John*, Nehe miah3, Nehemiah*, Nehemiah1), b. June 5, 1830 ; m. June 6, 1847, Erastus C, son of Harry and Nancy (Smith) Brown of Stonington [see record, No. 164] ; res. Colchester. Ch. 244 Descendants of Lafayette W. Brown, b. Dec. 26, 1848. Erastus A. W. Brown, b. July 27, 1853. Eliza E. Brown, b. Sep. 15, 1854. Harriet E. Brown, b. June 6, 1857. Sarah J. Brown, b. July 14, 1860. Albert A. Brown, b. Jan. 28, 1868. 300. Charles Coddington8 {Coddington1, John", Nehemiah5, John*, Nehemiah?, Nehemiah*, Nehemiah'), b. Salem, Conn., July 11, 1837; ra. Sep. 8, 1869, Sarah Ann, dau. of Nelson Stark of Lebanon, Conn.; she d. Sep. 14, 1871; hem. 2nd, Nov. 9, 1876, Jessie Fremont, dau. of Henry L. and Elizabeth (Clock) Hale of Elbridge, N. Y.; he merchant at Elbridge. Ch. Harrie Stratton, b. June 16, 1885 ; d. Aug. 4, 1886. 301. Jeannette8 {Coddington1, John", Nehemiah5, John*, Nehe miah3, Nehemiah*, Nehemiah), b. Franklin, Conn., May 14, 1848; m. Jan. 21, 1868, William C. Geer; she d. Sep. 4, 1876 ; res. Syracuse, N. Y. Ch. Harriet Elizabeth Geer. Mary Jane Geer. 302. Mary Norton8 {leonard C.1, Shubel", Charles", John*, Nehe miah, Nehemiah*, Nehemiah1), b. Ledyard, Jan. 22, 1845 ; m. Oct. 17, 1867, Charles Smith Noble of Hartford, son of James and Eliza A. (Smith) Noble [see record, 173] ; she d. Aug. 20, 1879 ; bur. Ledyard, Conn. Ch. Charles Leonard Noble, b. May 7, 1870. Harriet Eliza Noble, b. March 3, 1872. Edward James Noble, b. July 30, 1875. Mary Emily Noble, b. Aug. 10, 1879. Nehemiah Smith. 245 303. Orlando Raymond* {Orlando1, Shubel", Charles5, John", Nehemiah3, Nehemiah*, Nehemiah1), b. Westerly, R. I., June 1, 1851 ; m. June 18, 1872, Sara A. P. Chapman of Westerly, dau. of William Robinson and Sally Ann (Hiscox) Chapman ; she d. Sep. 8, 1874; he m. 2nd, Julia A. Chapman, Dec. 28, 1875, a sister of his first wife [see record, 304] ; res. Westerly ; he interested in the Smith Granite Co. Ch. First wife : Anna Raymond, b. Oct. 2, 1873 ; d. Second wife: Orlando Raymond, b. Feb. 1, 1877. Sara Augusta, b. Dec. 28, 1879. Julia Grace, b. Dec. 23, 1881. Emeline Gallup, b. Feb. 28, 1883. Martha, b. 304. Sarah Almira8 {Orlando1, Shubel", Charles', John*, Nehe miah, Nehemiah*, Nehemiah1), b. Westerly, R. I., June 16, 1853 ; m. Otis P. Chapman of Westerly, son of William Rob inson and Sally Ann (Hiscox) Chapman [see record, 303] ; res. Westerly. Ch. Otis P. Chapman, b. June 15, 1875. William R. Chapman, b. Nov. 22, 1881. 305. Daniel Gurdon8 {Gurdon B.\ Russell", Charles", John*, Nehemiah3, Nehemiah*, Nehemiah1), b. Stonington, Oct. 16, 1854; m. April 30, 1879, Bessie Lane, dau. of George A. and Mary (Clark) Staekhouse of St. John, N. B.; res. Plainfield, 111. " Ch. Walter Gurdon, b. June 6, 1882. 246 Descendants of 306. Andrew ELolt8 {Marcus I.1, Russell5, Charles5, John*, Nehemiah3, Nehemiah*, Nehemiah1), b. May 10, 1854; m. April 14, 1881, Kate Burrell of Plainfield, dau. of John and Caroline (Calegrove) Burrell ; res. Plainfield, 111. Ch. Caroline, b. 307. Simeon8 {Henry C.1, Simeon", Simeon5, Isaac*, Nehemiah3, Nehemiah2, Nehemiah), b. March 19, 1827; m. Oct. 31, 1854, Georgina, dau. of Robert and Nancy (Hempstead) Holt ; res. New London ; he d. Dec 1, 1871, as. 44 ; she b. July 16, 1831 ; d. Feb. 23, 1879. Ch. Fannie Lodisa, b. April 30, 1856. Alice Holt, b. Feb. 23, 1859. Mary Sears, b. Jan. 1, 1861. Henry Channing, b. Nov. 9, 1866 ; d. Dec. 6, 1866. 308. Ezra Chappell8 {Henry C.1, Simeon", Simeon5, Isaac*, Nehemiah3, Nehemiah*, Nehemiah1), b. Aug. 19,1828; m. Nov. 20, 1855, Ann, dau. of Richard and Eliza Grant (Wheat) Coffin, all of New London ; he d. June 10, 1881 ; she b. March 22, 1831 ; living New London (1885). Ch. Clara Frink, b. May 5, 1857. Mary Ella, b. Jan. 13, 1859. (Called Nellie M.) 309. Henry Austin8 {Elias1, Rufus5, Simeon5, Isaac*, Nehe miah?, Nehemiah?, Nehemiah1), b. Nov. 24, 1812; m. Aug. 14, 1843, Lucy, dau. of Amos and Susan (Moore) Peabody of Angelica, N. Y. ; res. Leavenworth, Kan., where he d. Sep. 16, 1865; widow res. Deleware City, Kan. Ch. Josephine, b. June 12, 1844. James P., b. Sep. 25, 1845 ; d. April 25, 1849. Nehemiah Smith. 247 Henry C, b. Aug. 5, 1847 ; m. Sarah E. Wright, Aug. 2, 1873; res. Deleware, Kan. Edwin F., b. April 21, 1850. Richard R. P., b. Jan. 28, 1852. Susie M., b. April 8, 1860. Charles E., b. Jan. 16, 1862. William T., b. April 25, 1864. Sarah E., b. April 25, 1864. 310. Frances Louisa8 {Elias1, Rufus5, Simeon5, Isaac*, Nehe miah3, Nehemiah2, Nehemiah1), b. March 6, 1814, at Grace, Monroe county, N. Y.; m. Feb. 17, 1S35, William T., son of John Smith of Ballston Springs, N. Y. ; res. Cleveland, Ohio. Ch. Oliver C. Smith, b. July 29, 1836 ; d. July 12, 1841. Henry A. Smith, b. July 20, 1838; m. Lydia Dwight of Chicago, Nov., 1865. Albert B. Smith, b. March 25, 1840 ; m. Sep. 10, 1863. George E. Smith, b. Oct. 25, 1841. Franklin W. Smith, b. Dec 16, 1843; m. May, 1867, Louisa Moore. Frances M. Smith, b. Dec. 16, 1843 ; m. Sep. 27, 1865, Henry A. Sherman ; res. Chicago. Charles A. Smith, b. Oct. 24, 1846 ; m. Sep., 1869, Ida Belle Rose. Louisa M. Smith, b. Sep. 29, 1852 ; d. Aug. 2, 1853. 311. Ann Maria8 {Elias1, Rufus5, Simeon5, Isaac', Nehemiah3, Nehemiah?, Nehemiah1), b. April 5, 1816; m. March 7, 1836, Silas Boardman of Westerlo, N. Y., a brother of Augusta Maria Boardman [see Index] and son of Silas and Kesiah (Hal lock) Boardman ; he a nurseryman, Brighton, N. Y. ; he was b. March 18, 1800 ; living (1885) ; she d. Feb. 14, 1866. Ch. 248 Descendants of Emily Boardman, b. Dec. 29, 1836. John H. Boardman, b. July 7, 1839 ; m. Annie Rathbone, Feb. 3, 1820. Silas S. Boardman, b. March 11, 1841. Lucy T. Boardman, b. Feb. 8, 1845. William P. Boardman, b. March 15, 1853 ; d. Jan. 26, 1872. Julius W. Boardman, b. April 26, 1856. 312. James M.8 {Simeon1, Rufus5, Simeon5, Isaac*, Nehemiah3, Nehemiah2, Nehemiah1), b. April 23, 1816 ; m. March 9, 1854, Amanda M., dau. of Benjamin and Caroline (Morgan) Chester [see Descendants of James Morgan, Ed. 1869, p. 102] ; she b. July 18, 1831 ; d. June 19, 1866; he m. 2nd, June 27, 1871, Octavia D., dau. of Barri and Eliza (Huskall) Burnham ; res. Dwight, 111.; she d. Oct. 12, 1880. Ch. First wife : 354. Chester Amos, b. Dec. 22, 1854. Carrie Estella, b. June 18, 1859; d. Oct. 18, 1859. Carrie Ella, b. Feb. 22, 1862. Nellie, b. Oct. 6, 1864; d. Feb. 8, 1867. Second wife : Frederick Leslie, b. Jan. 11, 1874. 313. Elizabeth8 {Simeon1, Rufus5, Simeon5, Isaac*, Nehemiah?, Nehemiah2, Nehemiah1), b. Nov. 3, 1820 ; m. Oct. 2, 1839, Ira Foote, b. March 26, 1816 ; res. Rochester, N. Y. Ch. Henry Foote, b. Jan. 29, 1841 ; m. Sep. 29, 1864, Mary, dau. of Christopher Lester of Groton, Conn.; res. Rochester. Harriet E. Foote, b. July 26, 1842 ; d. March 27, 1843. Harriet A. Foote, b. January 5, 1844 ; m. Aug. 28, 1864, Eugene, son of Christopher Lester ; res. Albion, Mich. Viola Foote, b. Dec. 3, 1846 ; m. Dec. 31, 1868, Decatur Goodenough ; res. Albion, N. Y. Ada Ellen Foote, b. Sep. 25, 1851. Nehemiah Smith. 249 314. Elias8 {Simeon1, Rufus", Simeon5, Isaac*, Nehemiah3, Nehe miah2, Nehemiah), b. Aug. 7, 1823; m. March 30, 1852, Juliet, dau. of Rufus Childs ; res. Rochester, N. Y. Ch. Frank R., b. Feb. 17, 1854. Jesse J., b. Jan. 31, 1856 ; d. Feb. 17, 1857. George R., b. May 23, 1859. 315. Charles Frederick8 {Elijah F.1, Rufus5, Simeon5, Isaac*, Nehemiah3, Nehemiah?, Nehemiah1), b. Rochester, N. Y., Feb. 23, 1829 ; received his education at the Rochester High School and at the Westfield Academy, Mass. In 1849 when 20 years of age and during the "gold fever" he visitea* Cali fornia. He remained there about a year and returned to his native city. He m. Oct. 31, 1850, Sarah G, dau. of Dr. Moses and Sarah (Gardner) Long. In 1852 he entered the wholesale grocery house of Smith & Perkins, the business of which had been established by his father in 1826. In 1859 his father retired from the firm, and the subject of this sketch, then 30 years of age, became senior member of this very suc cessful firm; he continued to take an active interest in the direction and management of the business until a few weeks previous to his death. At a meeting of the wholesale grocers of Rochester the following action was taken : " The wholesale grocers of the City desire unitedly to express their sincere regret at the death of Charles F. Smith so long and honorably connected with the trade, and recognized by each of us as a gentleman of honor and strict integrity of character, and who has for many years contributed to the growth and prosperity of the business of our city. We shall miss him in his uniform gentlemanly and courteous bearing." At a special meeting of the trustees of the Rochester Savings Bank, of which he had been a member of the board for twenty years, the following minute was adopted : 32 250 Descendants of " Mr. Smith was one of our oldest trustees. His term of service in connection with that of his father dates nearly from the organization of the Bank. For upwards of twenty years he has rendered this institution a faithful service which his associates can especially appreciate and the loss of which they will deeply deplore. His judgment was sound! His in tegrity of purpose was beyond ail question. To a mind sin gularly capable of seeing what was just he added a will and resolution that never swerved from the line of duty. To know what was right was with him to do what was right. While true to his friends and generous to those who differed with him, he was faithful to every trust and obligation which his position imposed. He was courteous, kind, frank and liberal, full of sympathy and consideration for others, and his personal relation to members of this Board was at all times and under all circumstances of the most genial and pleasant charac ter. He commanded and deserved both our confidence and respect." He was one of the directors of the old Rochester and State Line Railway Company. He was one of the largest stock holders in the Union Bank, and for a number of years a vestry man of St. Luke's Church. He d. May 31, 1888. Ch. Millie Theodora, b. Jan. 22, 1860 ; d. Rome, Italy, March 14, 1874. Charles Walter, b. April 8, 1862 ; res. Rochester. Lester Boardman, b. Jan. 2, 1867 ; res. Rochester. 316. Henry Lester8 {Elijah F1, Rufus5, Simeon5, Isaac*, Nehe miah?, Nehemiah2, Nehemiah), b. Aug. 26, 1831 ; m. Nov. 10, 1858, Sarah Angeline, dau. of William and Caroline Lovel (Perkins) Barry ; res. Rochester, N. Y. Ch. Frederick Lester, b. Nov. 18, 1857. Kate Waydell, b. Aug. 12, 1864. Elizabeth Dean, b. Jan. 30, 1871 ; d. Sep. 28, 1871. Charles Perkins, b. March 4, 1872; d. Aug. 12, 1872. Nehemiah Smith. 251 317. Julia Emily8 {Elijah F.\ Rufus", Simeon", Isaac*, Nehe miah3, Nehemiah*, Nehemiah'), b. Aug. 13, 1838 ; m. Dec. 24, 1867, Herve D., son of Rev. Andrew and Laura M. (Barnes) Wilkins ; res. Rochester, N. Y. Ch. Ednah Smith Wilkins, b. Jan. 16, 1869. Hekve Lester Wilkins, b. Sep. 25, 1872. Grace Eugenia Wilkins, b. Nov. 16, 1874. 318. Eliza Jane3 {Joseph D.1, Joseph", Simeon," Isaac*, Nehe miah3, Nehemiah*, Nehemiah'), b. Groton, Conn., April 16, 1819 ; m. July 23, 1845, C. Orrin, son of Caleb Burrows ; res. Poquonoc, Conn. Ch. Francis A. Burrows, b. June 5, 1847; d. Aug. 5, 1847. Adela E. Burrows, b. May 21, 1849 ; d. Sep. 11, 1849. Julia E. Burrows, b. June 29, 1851; m. June 26, 1871, Earle B. Kenyon ; res. New Haven. Frank S. Burrows, b. March 19, 1853. Charles L. Burrows, b. June 7, 1855. William Burrows, b. June 27, 1858; d. Sep. 18, 1858. 319. Joseph Washington8 {Joseph D.1, Joseph5, Simeon5, Isaac*, Nehemiah3, Nehemiah2, Nehemiah1), b. Groton, Conn., April 30, 1821; m. Sep. 7, 1847, Sarah Elizabeth, dau. of Nathaniel D. and Eliza (Williams) Smith [see record, 146]; adopted when an infant; a dau. of Orlando Middleton ; Lottie Elizabeth Smith who lived with the family until her death, Aug. 8, 1881, as. 20 ; she m. Aug.. 1879, Leonard W. Dart of New London ; Mr. Smith a merchant at New London ; no ch. 320. Oliver Denison8 {Joseph D.\ Joseph5, Simeon5, Isaac*, Nehemiah3, Nehemiah2, Nehemiah1), b. Groton, Conn., June 252 Descendants of 26, 1825; m. July 20, 1850, Mercy A., dau. of Paul and Celinda (Comstock) Rogers of Waterford ; merchant ; res. New London, Waterville, Waterford and Groton Bank, Conn. Ch. All b. New London : Gilbert Denison, b. Sep. 9, 1851 ; d. Sep. 9, 1851. 355. Emma Augusta, b. Jan. 10, 1853. 356. Ella Hurlbert, b. Dec. 9, 1854. 357. Joseph Aborn, b. March 28, 1860. 358. Ida Celinda, b. March 5, 1864. 321. Gilbert Tucker8 {Joseph D.1, Joseph", Simeon5, Isaac*, Nehemiah3, Nehemiah2, Nehemiah), b. New London, July 11, 1827; m. May 22, 1854, Emma Matilda, dau. of Deacon Charles F. and Louiea A. (Rogers) Starr of Groton ; he was a physician at Somerville, Mass.; after a divorce he m. Mary Howard from the South ; he was one of the first to enlist in the war of the Rebellion in the Tenth Conn. Reg.; he became acquainted with Miss Howard and returned after the war and m. her; he d. June 25, 1884, as. 56; his widow m. Pal mer ; res. Poquonoc, Conn. Ch. First wife : Charles, m.; res. Kansas City. Aborn, m. ; res. Los Angeles, Cal. Second wife : Walter, b. about 1876. Gilbert Denison, b. about 1883. 322. Frances Almira8 {Joseph D.1, Joseph", Simeon5, Isaac*, Nehemiah3, Nehemiah*, Nehemiah1), b. Rochester, N. Y., Aug. 30, 1831 ; m. Oct. 1, 1850, John Sumraersfield Heath, son of Reuben and Betsey Heath ; she m. 2nd, Oct. 3, 1863, Thomas Wilson, a graduate of Oxford University, England, and son of Dr. William Wilson, physician and surgeon to the Queen ; Nehemiah Smith. 253 Mr. Wilson d. Aug., 1864, in the war of the Rebellion, a member of the Fourteenth Conn. Reg.; his widow m. 3rd, April 5, 1866, Marvin Almon, son of Marvin and Anna (New ton) Smith ; res Uncasville, Conn. Ch. George Reuben Heath, b. Dec. 30, 1851. Denison Smith Heath, b. Sep. 10, 1854; d. Oct. 1, 1854. Joseph Washington Heath, b. Jan. 6, 1859. No ch. by Mr. Wilson. Wallace Almon Smith, b. Nov. 24, 1868. Marvin Elliott Smith, b. Dec. 26, 1872. 323. Mary Louisa8 {Joseph D.1, Joseph", Simeon5, Isaac*, Nehe miah3, Neliemiah2, Nehemiah1), b. New London, Aug. 23, 1835 ; m. Nov. 23, 1855, Albert H. Alexander of East Had dam, son of Livingston Alexander of Preston, and his wife Jerusha Burnham of Colchester, Conn.; res. Poquonoc, where all the ch. were b.; she d. Nov. 8, 1865 ; family removed to Willington Green — East Haddam, Conn. Ch. -Henry Alexander, b. April 2, 1857 ; d. Oct. 12, 1865. Mary Augusta Alexander, b. June 2, 1860. Arthur Denison Alexander, b. Nov. 1, 1863. Lewis Olmstead Alexander, b. Nov. 1, 1865. 324. Sarah M.s {Joseph D.\ Joseph", Simeon", Isaac*, Nehe miah?, Nehemiah?, Nehemiah1), b. New London, Nov. 6, 1837 ; ra. Nov. 17, 1861, Joseph, son of Joseph and Sarah (Tucker) Nichols ; res. Waterford and New London. Ch. Joseph Clark Nichols, b. Oct. 16, 1866; res. New London. 325. Ellen M.8 {Gilbert1, Joseph5, Simeon5, Isaac*, Nehemiah3, Nehemiah2, Nehemiah1), b. Rochester, N. Y., Sep. 28, 1S19 ; m. Oct. 11, 1838, M. J. Ellis of Burlington, N. J., son of John 254 Descendants of and Jane (Hubbs) Ellis ; she d. Aug. 20, 1840 ; bur. Mt. Hope Cemetery, Rochester; he d. July 8, 1877; bur. Detroit, Mich. Ch. Ellen M. Ellis, b. Aug. 20, 1840 ; m. Dr. T. Cleland, Oct. 26, 1867; res. New York city. 326. \ Walter Elwood8 ( William P.1, Charles5, Simeon5, Isaac*, Nehemiah3, Nehemiah2, Nehemiah1), b. Rochester, N. Y., Jan. 13, 1847 ; m. Sep. 16, 1869, Mary A. Burrows of Albion, N. Y., dau. of Charles and Jannette A. (Fowler) Burrows ; he resided at Mystic River, Conn., during his childhood and school days ; at IS he removed to Albion and became a clerk in the banking house of Roswell & Lorenzo Burrows and m. a grand dau. of the senior member of the firm ; he afterward had charge of ihe mining and railroad business at and near Richmond, Va.; over-attention to work injured his health so that he returned to Albion, where he d. Feb. 11, 1884, as. 37; he was a mem ber of the church and highly respected socially. Ch. Edward B., b. Aug. 18, 1874. Stewart A., b. Jan. 4, 1876. Jeannette, b. Oct. 10, 1878. 327. Nelson Terry8 ( William1, William5, William5, Isaac*, Nehemiah3, Nehemiah2, Nehemiah1), b. Montrose, April 18, 1832 ; m. Aug. 7, 1857, Adelaide, dau. of Martin and Belinda Newman of Lanesboro, Pa ; he was for a time a farmer; he was in the army under Gen. Grant at the time of the surrender of Gen. Lee; he is now (1887) street commissioner, Montrose, Pa. Ch. Fanny, b. Sep. 9, 1858; d. May 2, 1864. Marcus L., b. Nov. 25, 1861. Eva Annie, b. Dec 22, 1872. Sarah B., b. July 19, 1875. Nehemiah Smith. 255 328. Charles Hyde8 {William1, William5, William5, Isaac*, Nehemiah3, Nehemiah2, Nehemiah), b. Montrose, Pa., March 25, 1845 ; m. March 2, 1868, Nettie Cornelia, dau. of Orris S. and Cornelia Beebe of Jessup, Pa.; he remained on hi§ father's farm at Bridgewater, about three miles south of Montrose, until the age of 15 ; soon after this he taught school two terms ; he was in the Twenty-eighth Pennsylvania at the time of the battle of Gettysburg ; afterward he joined the United States navy ; he was in the North and South Atlantic squad ron, and was at the battle of Fort Fisher ; he engaged in the insurance business in 1866 and continues it at the present time at Binghamton, N. Y., to which city he removed in 1886. Ch. Alonzo Beebe, b. Jan. 10, 1869 ; d. Nov. 15, 1870. Fanny Stroud, b. Jan. 22, 1872. William Orine, b. March 13, 1875. 329. Elizabeth Sabin' {John W.1, John D.°, William", Isaac', Nehemiah3, Nehemiah*, Nehemiah1), b. Perrysburg, Ohio, Jan. 15, 1835 ; m. Oct. 9, 1854, William, son of William H. and Almira (Bachelor) Sessions of Warren, Mass.; she m. 2nd, James Plaister, Oct., 1871 ; he was from England, and in the insurance business, Dubuque, Iowa; she d. Sep. 3, 1873; bur. Lin wood Cemetery, Dubuque. Ch. William Sessions, b. Parkersburg, Ohio, Aug. 20, 1855 ; d. March 11, 1857. Fannie B. Sessions, b. Dubuque, April, 1857; m. William Westphal, May 25, 1876 ; four ch.; res. Dubuque, Iowa. 330. Frances Sabin8 {John W.1, John D.", William", Isaac*, Nehemiah?, Nehemiah*, Nehemiah1), b. Perrysburg, Ohio, April 2, 1840 ; m. Jan. 3, 1860, Noble C. Ryder of Danbury, 256 Descendants of Conn., son of John and Ann (Roberts) Ryder; he is of the firm of Carr, Ryder & Wheeler, manufacturers of doors, sashes, blinds, etc., Dubuque, Iowa, where all the ch. were b. Ch. Frederick Smith Ryder, b. May 24, 1861 ; d. Feb. 5, 1865. Anna-Roberts Ryder, b. Dec. 23, 1863. Belle Roberts Ryder, b. Aug. 16, 1871. 331. Sarah Sabin8 {John W.1, John D.°, William5, Isaac*, Nehemiah3, Nehemiah*, Nehemiah1), b. Miami, Ohio, Jan. 15, 1835; m. Dec. 24, 1862, William Wyatt, son of Silas T. and Susan L. Cau of Elmira, N. Y.; res. Dubuque, Iowa, where all the ch. were b. Ch. Jessie Sabin Cau, b. Jan. 3, 1864 ; d. Aug. 2, 1865. James Trowbridge Cau, b. Oct. 29, 1869 ; res. Dubuque. Harvey Lawrence Cau, b. Feb. 28, 1873; d. Sep. 13, 1873. 332. Nathan8 {John H.1, Nathan5, William5, Isaac*, Nehemiah3, Nehemiah*, Nehemiah), b. Wassaic, N. Y., April 1, 1848 ; m. Sep. 18, 1872, Josephine L., dau. of William and Patty (Pres ton) Hufcutt of Dover, N. Y.; she d. Sep. 30, 1875; he m. 2nd, March 27, 1877, Sarah C, dau. of Caleb and Caroline (Clark) Barrett of Northeast, Dutchess county, N. Y.; res. Amenia Union, N. Y. Ch. First wife : Josephine L. E., b. Sep. 29, 1875. Second wife: Dau., b. April 24, 1879 ; d. same day. Carrie Clark, b. Feb. 18, 1880 ; d. Feb. 5, 1882. 333. Myron8 {John H.1, Nathan5, William5, Isaac*, Nehemiah3, Nehemiah2, Nehemiah1), b. Wassaic, N. Y., April 21, 1848 ; Nehemiah Smith. 257 m. Feb. 18, 1875, Mary E., dau. of Henry and Mary H. (Arnold) Tripp of Washington, N. Y. Ch. Howard A., b. Nov. 13, 1876; d. Jan. 23, 1878. Edna Louisa, b. Jan. 16, 1878. 334. Esther M.8 {John H.\ Nathan", William", Isaac*, Nehe miah3, Nehemiah2, Nehemiah1), b. Sep. 12, 1856 ; m. Jan. 18, 1882, William S., son of Daniel Tripp of Washington, N. Y., and Mary Elizabeth Seely, his wife, of Stanford, N. Y.; res. Millbrook, N. Y.; she d. April 18, 1884. Ch. Esther M. Tripp, b. April 16, 1884. 335. Nathan H.8 {Fitch C.1, Nathan", William5, Isaac*, Nehe miah3, Nehemiah2, Nehemiah), b. Old Lyme, Conn., July 21, 1854 ; m. Feb. 24, 1885, Annie Bailey of Middletown, Conn. Ch. Warren H., b. Nov. 19, 1885. Tracy W., b. July 15, 1887. 336. Mary Hellen8 {Sandford B.\ Jesse5, Samuel5, Samuel*, Samuel?, Nehemiah2, Nehemiah), b. Ledyard, Oct. 9, 1843 ; m. at Lincoln, R. I., May 18, 1869, George Abel, son of Albert Holbrook of Providence, R. I. [See Hopkins and Holbrook Gen.] He is of the firm of A. & C. W. Holbrook, manufac turers of raw-hide goods, belting, etc, Providence, R. I. Ch., b. Providence. Sarah Hellen Holbrook, b. Dec. 27, 1876. Helen Wescot Holbrook, b. Sep. 16, 1879. 337. Lucy Caroline8 ( William B.1, Job C?, Stephen5, Simon*, Samuel3, Nehemiah2, Nehemiah), b. Jan. 13, 1844; m. June 25, 1868, Edward Alexander, son of Averell and Sarah (Beatty) 33 258 Descendants of Powell of Springboro, Pa.; he is of the firm of Smiths, Powell & Lamb, Syracuse, N. Y. Ch. Robert Smith Powell, b. Nov. 27, 1871 ; d. May 5, 1874; bur. Oak wood Cemetery. Edward Alexander Powell, b. Aug. 16, 1879. 338. Wing Russell8 ( William B.\ Job C.5, Stephen5, Simon*, Samuel3, Nehemiah?, Nehemiah1), b. March 9, 1850 ; ra. Dee. 21, 1881, Mary Abigail, dau. of Payn and Hannah (Munro) Bigelow of Baldwinsville, N. Y. He is of the firm of Smiths, Powell & Lamb, Syracuse, N. Y., Lakeside stock farm and Syracuse nurseries. Ch. Hannah Munro, b. Dec. 8, 1882. Esther Augusta, b. Aug. 28, 1885. 339. William Judson8 ( William B.1, Job C", Stephen5, Simon*, Samuel3, Nehemiah2, Nehemiah1), b. Aug. 31, 1855 ; m. April 20, 1882, Laura, dau. of Hon. James and Frances (Terry) Geddes, of Fair Mount, N. Y. He is of the firm of Smiths, Powell & Lamb, Syracuse, N. Y. Ch. William Brown, b. Jan. 11, 1883. 340. Eleanor8 {Joseph N.\ Job C.\ Stephen5, Simon*, Samuel3, Nehemiah?, Nehemiah1), b'. July 10, 1841 ; m. April 5, 1866,. Edward, son of Daniel and Susan P. (Smith) Whiting of New York city ; res. Brooklyn, N. Y. Oh. Grace Lillian Whiting, b. April 5, 1867. Laura Belle Whiting, b. March 29, 1869; d. June 5, 1884. Edward Nottingham Whiting, b. March 22, 1872. Herbert Condit Whiting, b. March 9, 1874. Nehemiah Smith. 259 341. Nancy Elizabeth8 {Joseph N.1, Job C.°, Stephen5, Simon*, Samuel3, Nehemiah2, Nehemiah1), b. July 14, 1845 ; m. May 19, 1875. Thomas L., son of Lewis and Hannah Thomas ; res. Dunellen, N. J. Ch. Lewis Smith Thomas, b. Feb. 26, 1876. Joseph Simeon Thomas, b. Oct. 30, 1877. Margaret Cornelia Thomas, b. Aug. — , 1879 ; d. Dec. 25, 1880. Thomas L. Thomas, b. Jan. 4, 1881. Nancy Elizabeth Thomas, b. Jan. 11, 1883. 342. Aseneth8 {Joseph N.1, Job C", Stephen5, Simon*, Samuel3, Nehemiah2, Nehemiah1), b. Sep. 8, 1846; m. Feb. 13,, 1866, Henry A., son of Samuel and Harriet A. (Inman) Estes of Woonsocket, R. I.; res. High Bridge, N. J. Ch. Cornelia Estes, b. Jan. 16, 1869. A son, b. Jan. 16, 1869 ; d. Jan. 19, 1869. Clarence Henry Estes, b. Aug. 22, 1871. Oliver Christy Estes, b. Feb. 5, 1874; d. March 5, 1874. Olive H. Estes, b. Aug. 12, 1883. 343. George W.a {Job C.\Job C.°, Stephen", Simon*, Samuel3, Nehemiah*, Nehemiah1)^. Sep. 2, 1844; m. March 20, 1872, Viola B., dau. of S. B. Bennett of Pattine,' 111.; res. Lebanon, Oregon. Ch. Charles V., b. June 17, 1873. Bertie C, b. March 22, 1875. Phebe A., b. April 5, 1878. 344. Caroline8 {Job O.1, Job C", Stephen5, Simon*, Samuel3, Nehemiah2, Nehemiah1), b. June 1, 1848 ; m. March 27, 1865, 260 Descendants of Alcincous, son of David and Lydia Buchanan of Millenburg, Ohio ; res. La Center, W. T. Ch. David Buchanan, b. Dec. 29, 1865. Charles Oscar Buchanan, b. Nov. 27, 1867. Homer Buchanan, b. Nov. 5, 1869 ; d. May 27, 1871. Flora Elsie Buchanan, b. Nov. 4, 1871. Ivy Irene Buchanan, b. Sep. 15, 1873 ; d. Feb. 2, 1876. Carrie Essie Buchanan, b. June 16, 1878. 345. Charles8 {Job C.1, Job C", Stephen5, Simon*, Samuel3, Nehemiah*, Nehemiah1), b. July 18, 1850 ; m. Feb. 18, 1875, Bertie M., dau. of H S. and M. A. Harris of Leominster, Mass.; res. Dayton, W. T. Ch. George J., b. Nov. 23, 1875. Pearl P., b. June 12, 1877. Daisy C, b. Aug. 11, 1880. Raymond H, b. Nov. 20, 1883. 346. Mary Frances8 {Lucius B.1, Turner M.°, Hezekiah", Paul*, Samuel3, Nehemiah*, Nehemiah1), b. July 21, 1852; m. Sep. 5, 1871, John W., son of William A. and Rebecca (Waters) Passmore; res. East Paw Paw, De Kalb county, III; he d. Silver Cliff, Col., June 25, 1880. Ch. Charles Lucius Passmore, b. Sep. 14, 1872. Ellis Whiting Passmore, b. Jan. 5, 1875. Frances Waters Passmore, b. July 22, 1877. Joan Winifred Passmore, b. June 14, 1880. 347. Asa Alphonso6 {Ezra A.1, Hezekiah", Hezekiah", Paul*, Samuel3, Nehemiah2, Nehemiah1), b. Orland, Ind., Oct. 26, 1854; m. 1877, Mary Clarissa, dau. of John H. and Supremia D. (Holstead) Gatehouse of Clear Lake, Steuben county, Ind.; Nehemiah Smith. 261 he moved in 1881, from Indiana to Sherman, Isabella county, Mich., where he purchased a farm and now resides. Ch. Lluellyn L., b. March 25, 1878. Emma Evaline, b. March 15, 1880. Theda Madge, b. Aug. 27, 1882. Eva Rozinda, b. May 4, 1884. 348. Adriana' {Nathan D.", Nathan1, Denison", Oliver5, Nathan*, Nehemiah3, Nehemiah2, Nehemiah1), b. New London, June 27, 1844; m. July 28, 1871, Daniel S., son of Daniel Sheldon and Sophia (Peck) Marsh of Penn Yan, Yates county, N. Y.; res. Chicago, 111. Ch. Cora Adriana Marsh, b. June 18, 1872. Daniel Sheldon Marsh, b. Sep. 28, 1876. 349. Frederick Morgan' {Nathan D?, Nathan1, Denison", Oliver5, Nathan*, Nehemiah3, Nehemiah2, Nehemiah), b. Aug. 27, 1847; ra. April 15, 1873, Annie, dau. of Capt. Henry W. and Lucy A. Holt; res. New London ; pianos and organs, N. D. Smith & Sons. Ch. Nathan Holt, b. Jan. 25, 1874. Frederic Morgan, b. March 14, 1875. Richard Kimball, b. Nov. 5, 1876. Child, b. Oct. 14, 1878; d. same day. Henry Holt, b. Feb. 19, 1881. Lucy Bishop, b. July 18, 1883. 350. Aborn Fanning' (Nathan D?, Nathan1, Denison", Oliver5, Nathan*, Nehemiah?, Nehemiah2, Nehemiah1), b. Poquonoc, April 10, 1849 ; m. Sep. 16, 1882, Nellie Darrow, dau. of Capt. Charles Edwin and Sarah Elizabeth (Jeffery) Allen ; res. New London ; pianos and organs, N. D. Smith & Sons. Ch. 262 Descendants of Charles Allen, b. June 14, 1883. Audrey Morgan, b. July 22, 1885. Margery, b. April 29, 1888. 351. Frances C.9 {Erasttis B?, Erastus T1, Gilbert", Gilbert5, Nathan*, Nehemiah?, Nehemdah2, Nehemdah), b. Rochester, N. Y., May 9, 1836; m. Oct. 10, 1859, Alexander McVean, b. Wheatland, N. Y., April 27, 1834, son of Duncan McVean of Sterling, Scotland, and Christina McNaughton, his wife} of Wheatland. He a number of years treasurer of Monroe comity, N. Y.; res. Rochester. Ch. Henry Dean McVean, b. April 27, 1861. Margareta Christina McVean, b. January 26, 1864. Mary Reynolds McVean, b. Feb. 14, 1872 ; d. May 23, 1873. 352. Erastus Gilbert9 {Byrons, Erastus T.1, Gilbert5, Gilbert5, Nathan*, Nehemiah3, Nehemiah?, Nehemiah), b. April 30, 1855, at South Hadley, Mass.; m. Dec. 26, 1883, Elizabeth Maria Mayher, eldest daughter of John and Eleanor Jane (Sprague) Mayher, of Easthampton, Mass. After taking a diploma from the South Hadley High School, he received the degrees of B. A. and M. A. from Amherst College and the degrees of M. A. and Ph. D. from the University of Gottin- gen, Germany. He is a member of the Chemical Societies at Berlin and London. In 1885, he was Prof, of Chemistry and Mineralogy, Beloit College ; now (1888) mayor of Beloit, Wis. Ch. Gilbert Morgan, b. Beloit, Jan. 6, 1885. 353. Harriet Ellen9 {Erastus M?, John1, John5, Nehemiah5, John*, Nehemiah3, Nehemiah2, Nehemiah1), b. Colchester, Conn., Oct. 22, 1851 ; m. May 23, 1871, William Sherman, sou Nehemiah Smith. 263 of Jonathan and Frances H. (Worthington) Bigelow of Col chester; she d. Oct. 4, 1879. Ch. Harriet May Bigelow, b. Colchester, Nov. 6, 1873. 354. pfCHESTEK Amos9 {James M?, Simeon1, Rufus5, Simeon5, Isaac*, Nehemiah3, Nehemiah2, Nehemiah1), b. Dec. 22, 1854; in. Dec. 29, 1881, Martha L. Johnston. Ch. Harold Chester, b. April 10, 1884. 355. Emma Augusta9 {Oliver D?, Joseph D1, Joseph5, Simeon5, Isaac*, Nehemiah3, Nehemiah2, Nehemiah), b. New London, Jan. 10, 1853 ; m. Sep. 20, 1873, Eugene A., son of Samuel Nichols of Wolcott, and his wife Charlotte M. Wells of Utica, N. Y. ; res. Wolcott, Conn., where all the ch. were b. Ch. Ella Celinda Nichols, b. Feb. 9, 1880; d. Oct. 20, 1881. Emma Eliza Nichols, b. Jan. 19, 1876. George Eugene Nichols, b. Feb. 12, 1878. Joseph Aborn Nichols, b. Nov. 17, 1881. 356. Ella Hurlburt9 {Oliver D?, Joseph D.1, Joseph5, Simeon5, Isaac*, Nehemiah3, Nehemiah?, Nehemiah), b. New London, Dec. 9, 1854; m. Henry Poppe of Waterbury, Conn., son of Peter W. Poppe and Dorathea Behrene, his wife, of Webster, Germany; res. Waterbury. Ch. Irving Henry Poppe, b. March 5, 1882. Olive Dorathea Poppe, b. June 13, 1883. 357. Joseph Aborn9 {Oliver D?, Joseph D.1, Joseph5, Simeon5, Isaac*, Nehemiah3, Nehemiah?? Nehemiah1), b. New London, March 28, 1860; m. Oct. 25, 1882, Fannie C. Potter of New 264 Descendants of London, dau. of Oscar and Delia (Lewis) Potter of Stonington ; drug store, Groton Bank, Conn. Ch. Ethel Rebecca, b. Aug. 8, 1883. 358. Ida Celinda9 {Oliver D?, Jdseph D.1, Joseph5, Simeon5, Isaac*, Nehemiah3, Nehemiah2, Nehemiah1), b. New London, March 5, 1864; m. Ernest O., son of Orange W. and Mary E. (Allen) Bradley of Waterbury, Conn. ; res. Waterbury and Groton Bank, Conn. Ch. Harry Allen Bradley, b. Sep. 11, 1883. 359 (see 118). Lauretta Cooledge7 {Paul G.5, Hezekiah5, Paul*, Samuel3, Nehemiah2, Nehemiah1), b. Berlin, Ohio, March 3, 1817; m. April 3, 1838, Charles A., son of Zebediah and Clarissa A. (Johnson) Morse of Gorham, N. Y.; res. Rochester, N. Y. ; both living (1886). [See record, No. 118.] Ch. Horace J. Morse, b. Dec. 30, 1838 ; m. 1862, Fanny E. Trask ; res. Brooklyn, N. Y. Fanny L. Morse, b. March 25, 1841 ; d. Aug. 2, 1841. Martha L. Morse, b. Aug. 5,1842; m. 1863, Robert J. Kimball ; res. Brooklyn, N. Y. Harriet C. Morse, b. Jan. 15, 1845 ; m. 1874, Rev. W. H. Rewnelsor; res. Rochester. Charles Morse, b. July 16, 1847 ; d. May 1, 1848. Alice J. Morse, b. Nov. 3, 1849 ; d. Aug. 1, 1851. George R. Morse, b. June 25, 1852 ; m. 1880, Adele Mcin tosh ; res. Rochester. Frances L. Morse, b. Jan. 5, 1855 ; m. 1880, Henry S. Howland, Jr. ; res. West Toronto, Ont. 360 (see 118). Dorothy Almenia7 {Paul G.5, Hezekiah5, Paul*, Samuel3, Nehemiah?, Nehemiah1), b. Berlin, Ohio, Dec. 1, 1822; m. Nehemiah Smith. 265 March 23, 1843, Rev. Roswell N. Henderson ; res. Berlin ; she d. Feb. 28, 1850 ; bur. Woodlawn Cemetery, Norwalk, Ohio. Ch. Fanny Henderson, b. June 17, 1846; m. Jan. 16, 1867, Walter E. Bell of Sandusky, Ohio.; res. Norwalk, Ohio; three ch. Ella Almenia Henderson, b. May 3, 1848 ; m. Nov. 1, 1871, Nathan Perry; res. Georgetown, Conn; 361 (see 206). Julia Elliot8 {Denison B.1, John D.5, William5, Isaac*, Nehemiah?, Nehemiah?, Nehemiah1), b. Toledo, Ohio, June 20, 1851 ; m. May 24, 1877, Col. George E. Welles, b. July 3, 1840, Cleveland, Ohio, son of Woolsey Welles, LL. D., and Zilpa L. Henderson, his wife; he entered the army during the war of the Rebellion in April, 1861, as first lieutenant; was mustered out four years later on July 10, 1865, as colonel (brevet brig. -gen eral) 68th Ohio vet. vol. infantry; now engaged in grain com. business, Toledo, Ohio. Ch. William Buel Welles, b. March 30, 1878. George Denison Welles, b. Nov. 21, 1881. 362 (see 106). Orson H.7 {John G. W.5, Samuel5, Samuel*, Samuel3, Nehe miah2, Nehemiah1), b. Orangeville, N. Y., Dec. 13, 1824; m. May 17, 1848, Janet Armstrong of Warsaw, N. Y., dau. of Gurdon and Rachel (Lee) Armstrong; she d. Feb. 26, 1888, as. 66; bur. cemetery at Commerce; he remained in his native town until March, 1855 ; he then removed to Commerce, Oak land Co., Mich., where he has since resided on the same farm thirty-three years ; he has been commissioner of highways three years and justice of the peace twelve years ; he is a deacon in the Free Will Baptist Church, where his wife was also a mem ber. Ch. George Whitman, b. March 27, 1850 ; m. Ida J. Donald son, May 21, 1879 ; lawyer ; res. Pontiac, Mich. 34 266 Descendants of Nehemiah Smith. Frances Desire, b. June 30, 1853 ; m. Herbert D. Arm strong, Dec. 19, 1878 ; res. Jackson, Mich. 363 (see 106). James R.7 {John G. W.°, Samuel", Samuel*, Samuel3, Nehe miah*, Nehemiah1), b. Orangeville, N. Y., March 6, 1832 ; m. March 2, 1852, Lois M. Cook of Warsaw, N. Y., a dau. of Ezekiel and Lucinda (White) Cook ; res. Warsaw. Ch. J. Frank, b. Oct. 26, 1854 ; res. Warsaw, N. Y. 364 (see 106). William C.7 {John G. W.", Samuel", Samuel*, Samuel3, Nehemiah2, Nehemiah1), b. Orangeville, N. Y., May 30, 1821 ; m. April, 1845, Almira Webster of Stephentown, N. Y.; she d. Sep. 12, 1858 ; he m. 2nd, Helen M. Tanner of Attica, N. Y., Jan. 1, 1860, a dau. of Captain William Tanner and his wife Vallonia Richards ; res. Orangeville and Attica, N. Y., and Prairie City, Grant county, Oregon. Ch. First wife : Fannie Rosaltha, b. Jan. 30, 1845 ; m. Godfrey Grosvenor ; res. Tekamah, Neb. William Rudel, b. Aug. 12, 1848. John Gano W., b. Sep. 18, 1851 ; d. Oct. 30, 1858. Second wife: Hattie Vallonia, b. Dec. 7, 1860 ; d. Dec. 13, 1860. Frankie Helen, b. March 1, 1862; m. John D. Sutherland, Sep. 27, 1880 ; res. Canyon City, Oregon ; she d. May 24, 1886. Frederick Tanner, b. Oct. 30, 1877. OTHER SMITH FAMILIES OF NEW LONDON AND VICINITY. Richajrd Smith1 from Martin's Vineyard, who settled in Lyme about 1652 ; m. Joanna , whose maiden name was in all probability Quarles. Richard2. Francis3. Benjamin4. Joseph6. Joseph6; m. Mary Watson ; Joseph7; m. Lucy Har ris. Nelson H.8 Walter9 ; res. Le Roy, N. Y. Richard Smith1 of Lyme, m. March 4, 1669, Bathsheba, dau. of James Rogers; this Richard d. about 1682. James2, bap. 1674 j d. Groton, 1751. Samuel3, b. about 1709. Bar tholomew4, b. 1763. Joseph5, of Colchester, b. 1794. Josephine"; res. Salem, Conn. Jonathan Smith1 of Groton ; m. Deborah . Jonathan2; d. 1706. Joseph3 ; m. Zuriah Breed ; he d. 1735. Joseph4, b. 1766. Abel6, b. 1785; m. Lydia Palmer. Benjamin A.6 Welcome A.7, Norwich, Conn. John Smith1 of North Stonington, d. about 1741. Daniel2. Joseph3, b. 1729. Joseph4, b. 1755. Joseph6, b. 1784, Ston ington. Emma A.6, Mystic, Conn. William Smith1 of England; res. Groton or Preston. Moses2, b. 1756. Henry3, b. Groton about 1802. A dau.4; m. Elizur Smith; res. Lee, Mass. 268 Other Smith Families of New London. William Smith1, b. 1742; m. 1772, Mary Moore; res. Lyme. Capt. William M.2, b. 1782. Henry3; res. Salem. Alice C.4; m. Chas. A. Williams; res. Salem, Conn. Samuel C. Smith1 of New Hampshire ; res. Waterford, Conn. Capt. Denison B.2; res. Groton. Latham A.3 and other ch., Smith Lake Cemetery. Joseph Smith2 of Montville. His father1 was killed in the French war at Quebec. Joseph2, d. 1814. Sabin K.3, b. 1787, New London. Sabin4, b. 1819 ; res. Chicago, 111. Susan P.5, m. Richard Campbell, 1874 ; res. Independence, Iowa. PUBLISHED AND UNPUBLISHED SMITH GENEALOGIES. While there are many instances where brief accounts of early Smith families may be found in genealogies bearing other names in historical magazines as well as in some town histories, the following lists of published and unpublished histories in the name of Smith in America is as complete as the compiler has been able to learn : Life of Rev. William Smith, with Family Genealogy, by Horace W. Smith ; 2 vols. Phila., 1879. The Burlington Smiths of New Jersey, by R. Morris Smith ; 300 pages. Phila., 1877. Genealogy of William Smith of Bucks County, Pa., by Jonah B. Smith ; 113 pages. Newton, Pa., 1883. Family Register of the Descendants of Nathaniel Smith, Jr. Utica, N." Y., 1849. Traces to Rev. Henry Smith of Weath ersfield ; by Harvey D. Smith ; 44 pages. Genealogy of the Family of William Smith of Petersborough, N. H., compiled by Messrs. Leonard & Smith, 1852. Traces to Robert Smith who came to America 1736 ; 24 pages. Smith Family Records, tracing to Gilbert Smith, born at Stonington, Conn., 1756. New York, 1870; Melania Bough- ton Smith; 19 pages. • Genealogical Sketch of the Family of Rev. Worthington Smith of St. Albans, Vt.; 16 pages. Chicago, 1878. In course of preparation — Histories of the Smith Families of Long Island, from the Earliest Times, by the late Samuel 270 Published and Unpublished Smith Genealogies. A. Smith, and continued by Mrs. Ruth N. Smith, Patchogue, N. Y. In course of preparation — Family Records of the Descend ants of James Smith, 1648, of Woolwich, Maine, by H. D. Smith, Norway, Me. Private Record of the Descendants of John Smith, born Ipswich, Mass., Oct. 29, 1654, by the late William Jones, Chelsea, Mass. Private Record of the Descendants of Richard Smith, Ips wich, Mass., 1639-40, by J. Emory Hoar, Brookline, Mass. Private Record of the Descendants of John Smith; res. Hartford, Conn., 1726 ; 1,500 names ; by A. D. Smith, Colum bus, Ohio. FAMILY RECORD. FAMILY RECORD. FAMILY RECORD 35 FAMILY RECORD. FAMILY RECORD. FAMILY RECORD. FAMILY RECORD. FAMILY RECORD INDEX OF NAMES. REFERRING TO THE NUMBER OF THE PAGE. A Abell, Anna (b. 16S1) 71 Abell, Martha, 48, 71 Abell, Joshua, 48, 61, 71 Aborn, Caroline C. 241 Aborn, James, 176, 179 Aborn, John W. 176 Ackeley, Hannah, 105 Adams, Geo. B. (Rev.) 191 Adams, Pygam, 67 Alexander, Albert H. 253 Alexander, Arthur D. 253 Alexander, Henry, 253 Alexander, Mary A. 253 Alexander, Lewis O. 253 Alexander, Livingston, 253 Allen, Anna M. 169 Allen, Charles E. (Capt.) 261 Allen, Eleanor C. 169 Allen, Frances E. 169 Allen, Frances Taber, 120 Allen, Frederick L. 169 Allen, Harriet A. 169 Allen, Jane C. 169 Allen, Lewis, 169 Allen, Lewis D. 169 Allen, Lucy, 103 Allen, Marilla, 150 Allen, Mary, 101 Allen, Mary E. 264 Allen, Mary S. 169 Allen, Nathaniel (M. D.) 165 Allen, Nellie D. 261 Allen, Robert, 43 Allen, Sarah A. 169 Allen, Thomas, 120, 169 Allen, Thomas H. C. 169 Allen, William, 150 Allyn, Edmund A. 48 Allyn, Maria B. 231 Allyn, Marianne, 92 Allyn, John, 34 Allyn, Park, 92 Allyn, William II. 231 Almy, Lawrence, 178 Almy, Susan, 178 Anderson, Ansyl, 95 Andross, 89 Arcularous, Elizabeth, 134 Argall, Hannah, 189 Armington, Mary F. 242 280 Index of Names Armstrong, Elizabeth, 201 Armstrong, Gurdon, 265 Armstrong, Herbert D. 266 Armstrong, Janet, 265 Armstrong, Mary, 238 Arnold, Fanny L. 193 Arnold, Mary' H. 257 Arnold, John, 193 Arthur, Ralph, 200 Ash, , 162 Ashby, Almeda C. 234 Ashby, Edward, 234 Ashby, George, 234 Ashby, George W. (Capt.) 234 Atkinson, Abbie, 219 Atkinson, Jasper W. 219 Atkinson, Joseph, 219 Atkinson, Josephine H. 219 Atkinson, Thomas, 219 Austin, Caroline E. 216 Austin, Elizabeth, 144 Austin, Esther B. 216 Austin, George W. 217 Austin, Jedediah, 216 Austin, William, 144, 216 Avery, 72 Avery, Abigail, 91 Avery, Abraham, 80, 99, 99 Avery, Amy, 77 Avery, Anna, 90 Avery, Curtis L. 126 Avery, Charles S. 126 Avery, Daniel, 126 Avery, Ebenezer (Lieut.) 171 Avery, Edwin P. 228 Avery, Elizabeth, 74, 171 Avery, Frederick, 123 Avery, Gilbert, 90 Avery, Hannah, 80, 90, 99, 123 Avery, Hannah E. 126 Avery, Hattie J. 215 Avery, James, 19, 34, 63, 65, 68, 74, 74, 107 Avery, Jane (Mrs.) 80 Avery, Jonathan, 80, 99 Avery, John, 68, 116 Avery, John Sands (Capt.) 116 Avery, Lavinia, 235 Avery, Louisa, 123 Avery, Lucy, 90 Avery, Marvin S. 126 Avery, Mary, 73, 90, 94, 94, 127, 204 Avery, Nathan P. 228, 228 Avery, Park (Rev.) 77 Avery, Peter (Capt.) 116, 116 Avery, Prudence, 121 Avery, Russell, 90 Avery, Sabria, 90, 173 Avery, Samuel P. 90 Avery, Sarah, 94, 190 Avery, Sarah A. 172 Avery, Sarah Sands, 117 Avery, S. Louisa, 228 A very, Temperance, 107 Avery, Thankful (Mrs.) 91 Avery, Thomas, 90, 90, 172 Avery, William, 127 Ayer, Clarrissa S. 106 Ayer, Daniel, 81 Ayer, Daniel S. 106 Ayer, Elizabeth, 150 Ayer, Hannah S. 151 Ayer, Harriet. 151 Ayer, Hester S. 151 Ayer, John, 106, 150 Ayer, John C. 150 Ayer, Lambert S. 151 Ayer, Lay, 106 Ayer, Mary A. 151 Ayer, Mercy, 151 Ayer, Sarah A. 151 Ayres, Anna, 215 Ayres, Lay, 146 Referring to the Number of the Page. 281 B Babcock, Georgia P. 232 Babcock, Sarah, 114, 213 Babcock, Phebe, 73 Bachelor, Almira, 255 Bacon, Lyman, 108 Backus, Irene, 49 Backus, Josiah, 49 Backus, Love K. (Mrs.) 49 Backus, William, 61 Bacon, Philo J. 172 Badger, B. H. 205 Badger, Horace H. 205 Bailey, Amy, 200 Bailey, Annie, 257 Bailey, Benjamin, 149 Bailey, Isaac, 122 Bailey, John, 48 Bailey, Melinda, 123 Bailey, Noah, 122 Bailey, Olive, 149 Bailey, Ralf, 235 Bailey, Thomas M. 117 Baker, Catharine, 207 Baker, James W. 206 Baker, Mathius, 137 Baker, Nancy (Mrs.) 137 Baker, Ralph W. 206 Baldwin, Clara, 186 Ball, Elizabeth W. 133 Barber, Axie, 149 Barber, Elizabeth, 175 Barber, Ellen, 132 Barber, John, 174 Barber, John S. 132 Barber, Jonathan (Rev.) 174 Barber, Julia M. 132 Barber, Mary E. 132 Barber, Noyes (Hon.) 131, 174 Barber, Noyes C. 132 Barber, Rebecca, 174, 194 Barber, Thomas (Capt.) 175 ¦ 36 Barlow, Laura J. 208 Barnard, Hannah, 224 Barnes, Laura M. 251 Barr, Lester J. 223 Barrett, Caleb, 256 Barrett, Frances L. 220 Barrett, Sarah C. 256 Barrett, Simon, 220 Barry, Francis O. 149 Barry, Sarah A. 250 Barry, William, 250 Bartiett, Robert, 64 Bates, Jerusha L. 236 Baxter, Hosea H. 143, 226 Baxter, Julia, 143, 226 Beach, Emiline, 102 Beatty, Sarah, 257 Beckwith, Alanson, 232 Beckwith, Allen, 142 Beckwith, Almira, 95 Beckwith, Amy C. 102 Beckwith, Calvin, 141 Beckwith, Charles E. 232 Beckwith, Charles H. 2b2 Beckwith, Chauncey, 187 Beckwith, Dorothy, 79 Beckwith, Elijah, SI Beckwith, Jedediah, 78 Beckwith, Joanna, 102 Beckwith, Joseph, 187 Beckwith, Joseph C. 187 Beckwith, Harriet D. 187 Beckwith, Lucinda, 142 Beckwith, Lydia, 145 Beckwith, Nancy M. 187 Beckwith, Nathan, 141 Beckwith, Nelson, 141 Beckwith, Orin W. 173 Beckwith, Perry, 81 Beckwith, Richard, 102 Beckwith, Samuel, 141 282 Index of Names Beckwith, Sylvanus, 141, 141 Beckwith, Tacy, 230 Beebe, Abijah, 78 Beebe, Betsey, 139 Beebe, Cornelia, '_;55 Beebe, David, 138, 139 Beebe, Lucinda, 139 Beebe, Nettie C. 255 Beebe, Orris S. 255 Beebe, Ray, 155 Behrene, Dorathea, 263 Belcher, John, 87 Bell, Betsey, 94 Bell, Edward W. 189 Bell, Hiram (Rev.) 189 Bell, Walter E. 265 Bellows, Elizabeth, 123 Bellows, Lois, 123 Bellows, Nathaniel, 123 Beman, Charles, 206 Benedict, Frederick W. 233 Benedict, Sarah Augusta, 233 Benham, Austin, 210 Bennett, Viola B. 259 Bennett, S. B. 259 Benschotten, Ann M. 148 Benschotten, Aaron Van, 148 Benschotten, Cordelia V. 149 Benschotten, Daniel, 148 Benschotten, Daniel H. 149 Benschotten, Eliza, 148 Benschotten, George S. 148 Benschotten, Jeanette, 148 Benschotten, Leander, 148 Benschotten, William G. 148 Bentley, Hannah, 49 Berry Arethusa D. 206 Bigelow, Harriet M. 263 Bigelow, Jonathan, 263 Bigelow, Mary A. 258 Bigelow, Payne, 258 Bigelow, William S. 262 Billings, Coddington, 108, 158, 232 Billings, Elizabeth, 113 Billings, Grace, 136 Billings, Mary (Mrs.) 113 Billings, Phebe, 73 Billings, William, 113 Bishop, Esther, 134 Blackmer, J. E. 141 Blair, Susan, 220 Blake, Elizabeth, 209 Bliss, Elizabeth, 36, 43, 47 Bliss, Mary, 175 Bliss, Thomas, 47 Blossom, Alonzo, 170 Boardman, Augusta M. 217, 247 Boardman, Emily, 248 Boardman, John H. 248 Boardman, Lucy T. 248 Boardman, Silas, 217, 247 Boardman, Silas S. 248 Boardman, William P. 248 Bodman, Edward W. 231 Bodman, Marjorie M. 231 Bodman, Luther, 231 Bodman, Luther F. 231 Bodman, Luther W. 231 Boggs, Persis, 205 Bolles, Frances A. 173 Bolles, Lucius (Rev.) 173 Bolles, Lydia (Mrs.) 173 Bolles, William C. 173 Boltwood, Heziah, 238 Bosworth, Florence O. 223 Bosworth, Fred. D. 223 Bosworth, George R. 223 Boughton, Melania, 269 Bourne, Ann, 53 Bourne, Elizabeth (Mrs.) 53 Bourne, John, 20 Bourne, Martha, 53 Bourne, Sarah, 53 Bourne, Thomas, 53 Bradford, Jerusha (bap. 1693) 70 Referring to the Number of the Page. 283 Bradford, John, 53 Bradford, Thomas, 66, 70 Bradford, William (Gov.) 53, 70 Bradford, William (Major) 70 Bradley, Alvin C. 198 ' Bradley, Charles L. 198 Bradley, Ernest O. 264 Bradley, Henry A. 264 Bradley, Hiram G. 198 Bradley, Julia S. 198 Bradley, Louisa S. 198 Bradley, Orange W. 264 Bradley, William F. 198 Bradstreet, Simon (Rev.) 41 Brainard, Hezekiah, 108 Braman, Carrie, 230 Branch, Caroline M. 241 Breed, Mary, 226 Breed, Zuriah, 267 Brewster, Lydia, 107 Brewster, Ruth, 201 Brockway, Matilda B. 206 Brooke, Clara V. 210 Brooke Cornelius D. 209 Brooke, Lewis, 209 Brooke, Lucy A. 209 Brooke, Lucie V. 209 Brooke, Morris, 210 Brooke, Roy L. 210 Brooke, William A. 209 Brown, Abigail, 171 Brown, Anne, 69 Brown, Albert A. 244 Brown, Ebenezer, 106 Brown, Eliza E. 244 Brown, Emily, 179 Brown, Erastus A. W. 244 Brown, Erastus C. 187, 243 Brown, Esther, 144 Brown, Harry, 187, 243 Brown, Henry S. 187 Brown, Jonathan, 144 Brown, Martha, 124 Brown, Mary, 165 Brown, Harriet E. 244 Brown, J. 222 Brown, Jonas, 187 Brown, Lafayette W. 244 Brown, Levi, 106 Brown, Mabel, 225 Brown, Sarah J. 244 Brown, Stephen A. 187 Brown, Thomas, 179 Browning, B. F. 189 Browning, J. Hull, 188 Browning, John H. 188 Browning, William, 81 Buchanan, Alcincous, 26u Buchanan, Carrie E. 260 Buchanan, Charles O. 260 Buchanan, David, 260, 260 Buchanan, Flora E. 260 Buchanan, Homer, 260 Buchanan, Ivy Irene, 260 Buchanan, Lydia (Mrs.) 260 Buckland, Julia, 156 Buckles, Jennie, 198 Buddington, Sarah, 80 Buford, Thomas M. 133 Bulkley, John (Rev.) 78 Bull, Johnathau, 66 Bull, Joseph, 66 Burdick, Catharine, 132 Burger, Alania, 101 Burgess, Julia A. 101 Burgess, Sarah E. 242 Burgess, Walter £. 242 Burnham, Barri, 248 Burnham, James, 129 Burnham, Jerusha, 253 Burnham, Joseph. 129 Burnham, Octavia^D. 248 Burnham, William J. 129 Burr, Benjamin, 105 Burr, Mary. 105 Burr, Jonathan, 105 Burrell, John, 246 284 Index of Names Burrell, Kate, 246 Burrill, Eleanor, 242 Burroughs, 60 Burrows, Adela E. 251 Burrows, Almira S. 173 Burrows, Amos, 93 Burrows, C. Orrin, 251 Burrows, Caleb, 251 Burrows, Charles, 254 Burrows, Charles L. 251 Burrows, Daniel, 94, 204 Burrows, Daniel (Rev.) 95, 95 Burrows, Desire P. (Mrs.) 90 Burrows, Elizabeth, 94 Burrows, Enoch, 85, 94 Burrows, Fannie E. 173 Burrows, Francis A. 251 Burrows, Francis R. 173 Burrows, Frank S. 251 Burrows, Gilbert, 94, 95 Burrows, Helen E. 205 Burrows, Jabez, 94 Burrows, John, 90 Burrows, Joshua, 94 Burrows, Judson D. 173 Burrows, Julia A. 129 Burrows, Julia E. 251 Burrows, Leonard, 204 Burrows, Lorenzo, 254 Burrows, Lucy, 94 Burrows, Mary, 94, 198 Burrows, Mary A. 254 Burrows, Mary G. 205 Burrows, Mary J. 1 73 Burrows, Mary R. (Mrs.) 93 Burrows, Robert, 90 Burrows, Roswell (Rev.) 94, 129 Burrows, Roswell, 326 Burrows, Sarah A. 173 Burrows, Silas, 94, 95 Burrows, Silas (Rev.) 90, 93 Burrows, Urbane A. 205 Burrows, Waty, 90. 114, 196 Burrows, Wilbur F. 205 Burrows, William, 251 Burrows, William H. 205 Burrows, William T. 173, 173 Burt, Sarah, 216 Bush, Amaziah, 82, 82 Bush, Elizabeth, 82, 146 Bush, Fenner, 82 Bush, Jemima, 82, 82 Bush, John, 82 Butler, Maria L. 231 Butler, William A. (Gen.) 238 Butterfield, H. J. 107 Button, Worthington B. 169 c Cad well, Stephen W. 116 Cady, Ansel O. 169 Calegrove, Caroline, 246 Calket, Anna B. 176 Call, Asenath, 221 Cameron, William E. 199 Campbell, Richard, 268 Carkins, Herbert E. 222 Carkins, Kittie M. 222 Carkins, Levi, 222 Carpender, Ida D. 222 Carpender, Jessie, 222 Carpender, S. B. (Dr.) 222 Carpender, Simeon P. 222 Carpenter, Clarissa, 104 Carpenter, Cora, 2l3 Carpenter, Samuel, 104 Carr, 256 Caruth, Henry C. 134 Case, Hannah, 238 Caswell, Almeda M. 224 Caswell, C. G. 224 Caswell, Hattie, 215 Cau, Harvey L. 256 Referring to the Number of the Page. 285 Cau, James T. 256 Can, Jessie S. 256 Cau, Silas T. 256 Cau, Susan L. (Mrs.) 256 Cau. William W. 256 Caulkins, Daniel H. 98 Caulkins, David, 98 Caulkins, Dolly, 143 Caulkins, Elisha C. 156 Caulkins, Elizabeth, 97 Caulkins, Elizabeth A. 156 Caulkins, Eunice, 98, 143 Caulkins, Frances, 143, 226 Caulkins, Frances M. 22, 95, 97 Caulkins, Grace, 98 Caulkins, Isaac, 98 Caulkins, Job, 143 Caulkins, Jonathan, 139, 139 Caulkins, Jonathan (Capt.) 95 Caulkins, Jonathan, Jr. 97 Caulkins, Joshua, 97 Caulkins, Laura, 143 Caulkins, Lydia, 98 Caulkins, Mary, 97,443, 150 Caulkins, Naomi, 97, 139 Caulkins, Nehemiah, 98 Caulkins, Osman, 143 Caulkins, Patience, 98 Caulkins, Peraber, 143 Caulkins, Richard, 143, 150 Caulkins, Sally, 139 Caulkins, Samuel, 139 Caulkins, Sarah, 98 Caulkins, Stephen, 143 Caulkins, Thomas, 95 Caverly, Abigail, 105 Chaffee, Abigail, 107 Charaplain, Edward, 66, 67 Champlaine, 117 Champlin, Charles D. 154, 229 Champlin, Charles H. 154 Champlin, Dire, 154 Champlin, Horace S. 154 Champlin, Julia O. 154 Champlin, Mary E. 155 Champlin, Mary L. 155 Champlin, Myran, 230 Champlin, Olive, 229 Chandler, George (M. D.) 233 Chandler, Hannah S. 164 Chandler, John (Hon.) 64 Chandler, William (1637) 164 Chapman, 81 Chapman, Abigail, 156 Chapman, Anice, 151, 153 Chapman, Julia A. 245 Chapman, Mary, 152 Chapman, Otis, 245 Chapman, Otis P. 245 Chapman, Sara A. P. 245 Chapman, Sibyl, 157 Chapman, William R. 245, 245, 245 Chappell, George, Jr. 34 Chappell, Victoria G. 203 Chase, Fanny, 226 Chesebrough, Abigail, 108 Chesebrough, Hannah, 74 Chesebrough. Phebe D. 89, 93 Chester, Amanda M. 133, 248 Chester, Andrew J. 133 Chester, Benjamin, 133, 248 Chester, Charlotte S. 133 Chester, Eldridge P. 133 Chester, Eunice W. 133 Chester, Frances S. 133 Chester, Laura, 208 Chester, Mary, 131 Chester, Mary A. 133 Chester, Samuel, 68 Chester, Starr, 131, 132, 133 Chester, Thomas, 133 Childs, Juliet, 249 Childs, Rufus, 249 Christopheres, John, 66 Chubbuck, Austin E. (Re v.) 204 Chubbuck, Charlotte L. 204 Chubbuck, Elijah H. 204 286 Index of Names Chubbuck, Manley T. 204 Chubbuck, Nathaniel, 204 Church, Eunice, 146 Church, Fanny S. 124 Clark, Caroline, 256 Clark, Daniel, 32 Clark, Denison S. 117 Clark, Ebenezer, ICO Clark, Eliza, 100 Clark, Emily, 230 Clark, Francis R. 117 Clark, George W. 116 Clark, James M. 117 Clarkj Jesse D. 117 Clark, John, 116 Clark, Jonathan, 116 Clark, Jonathan G. 116 Clark, Mary, 245 Clark, Nancy Avery, 117 Clark, Peter Avery, 117 Clarke, Edward H. 189 Cleland, T. (M. D.) 254 Clintsman, Melinda C. 223 Clock, Elizabeth, 244 Coffin, Ann, 246 Coffin, Richard, 246. Coggeshall, 118 Coite, Joseph, 32, 34, 41 Cole, Edward W. 173 Coleman, Charles D. 206 Coleman, Clara M. 206 Colver, Alice A. 173 Colver, Amanda, 210 Colver, Moses, 210 Compton, Ellen, 150 Comstock, Celinda, 252 Condit, Joseph S. 217 Condit, Lydia, 217 Congdon, Helen R. 171 Cook, Chauncey, 215 Cook, Chauncey L. 215 Cook, Ezekiel, 266 Cook, Frances M. 215 Cook', Lois M. 266 Cook, Lucretia, 227 Cook, Selden, 227 Cooke, Hannah, 176 Cooledge, Jemima, 100, 147 Copp, Catharine, 107 Craig, Cornelia J. 222 Craigg, Martha A. 216 Crandall, Jane, 236 Crandall, John, 236 Crary, Nathan, 193 Crary, Prudence, 193 Cravath, Laura, 155 Crocker, Charles, 236 Crocker, Gurdon, 98 Crocker, Isaac, 95 Crocker, Thomas, 43 Cunningham, B. F. 142 Curtis, Alfred S. 186 Curtis, James, 185 Curtis, Leonard E. 185 Curtis, Mary, 185 Curtis, Polly, 185 D Daboll, Betsey, 234 Daboll, Julia, 235 Daboll, Ezra, 116 Daboll, Nathan, 234 Daboll, Frances E. 235 Daboll, Sarah, 176 Daboll, George L. 234 Daboll, William S. 176 Daboll, George W. 235 Daboll, William V. 176 Daboll, Grace, 176 Daniels, 148 Daboll, John, 176, 176 Darrow, 223 Daboll, Josephine, 176 Darrow, Adeline, 146 Referring to the Number of the Page. 287 Darrow, Calvin, 148 Darrow, Ebenezer, 97 Darrow, Francis, 102 Darrow, Hezekiah, 148 Darrow, Janson, 98 Darrow, Lemuel, 14S Darrow, Lyman, 148 Darrow, Martin, 148 Darrow, Rebecca, 14S Darrow, Zadock, 148 Dart, Leonard W. 251 Dartt, Dethiah, 40 , Dartt, Richard, 40 Davis, Lucinda B. 239 Davis, S. Louisa, 204 Day, Emily, 123 De Lano, Lucy, 233 Dean (Rev.) 180 Dean, Fanny, 124 Dean, H. W. (M. D.) 175 Dean, Thankful, 84 Dean, William K. 151 Dee, Mercy, 138 Denison, Abby (Palmer) (Mrs.) 84 Denison, Anna S. (Mrs.) 84 Denison, Betsey, 82 Denison, Daniel, 74, 76, 84 Denison, Deborah (Mrs.) 82 Denison, Desire, 76 Denison, Dorothy, 84 Denison, Dudley (M. D.) 84 Denison, Ebenezer, 1 10, 166 Denison, Edward, 77 Denison, Elisha, 84 Denison, Elizabeth, 127, 129, 174 Denison, Ellen H. 203 Denison, Esther, 76, 85, 94 Denison, Eunice, 89, 129 Denison, Frederick, 111, 161 Denison, George, 84, 84, 84, 85 Denison, Gilbert, 84 Denison, Gorman, 138 Denison, Jane, 85 Denison, Jonathan, 138 Denison, John, 85 Denison, Joseph, 114 Denison, Lucy, 84, 202, 202 Denison, Lucy G. (Mrs.) 84 Denison, Mary, 74, 77, 85, 114 Denison, Mary A. (widow) 73 Denison, Mary N. 85 Denison, Martha W. (Mrs.) 84 Denison, Mercy (Mrs.) 77 Denison, Mercy, 85 Denison, Nancy L. (Mrs.) 84 Denison, Nathan, 84 Denison, Noyes P. 190, 190 Denison, Oliver, 84 Denison, Phebe, 89, 93 Denison, Phebe (Mrs.) 109 Denison, Robert (Col.) 82 Denison, Robert, 190 Denison, Thankful' D. (Mrs.) 84 Denison, William, 73, 84, 85 Denn, Elias, 100 Denn. Eliza A. 100 Dennis, Ebenezer, 65 Dennis, George, 64 Derby, John, 53 Dewey, Deborah, 190 Diekerman, Albert A. 172 Dillon, Mary J. 200 Dix, Matilda, 117 Dixon, S. & J. 167 Dodge, Bathsheba, 230 Dodge, John, 101 Dodge, Joseph S. 101 Dodge, Mary A. 10 1 Dodge, Nehemiah, 80 Dodge, Nehemiah, Jr. 101 Dodge, Nehemiah (Rev.) 101 Dolbeare, David R. 122 Dolbeare, James G. 205 Dolbeare, William B. 121 Donaldson, Ida J. 265 288 Index of Names Dorance, 111 Douglas, William, 32, 34, 35 Douglass, Abiah, 231 Douglass, Sarah, 125 Downer, Desire, 141 Downer, Uriah, 141 Driver, W. L. 221 Dunbar, Eliza, 229 Dunham, Edward, 166 Dunham, Elijah, 165 Dunham, Elizabeth T. 166 Dunham, Joel, 165 Durfee, 177 Durfey, 125 Durfey, Alice, 227 Durphey, Lydia, 228 Dwight, Justus, 239 Dwight, Lydia, 247 Dwight, Mary A. 239 Dwight, Nancy, 239 E Eaton, Chloe, 204 Eddy, Lois, 239 Edgcomb, Asa, 84 Edgcomb, Catharine, 83 Edgcomb, David, 83 Edgcomb, Dorothy, 83 Edgcomb, Elizabeth, 83 Edgcomb, Emily, 235 Edgcomb, Gilbert, 84 Edgcomb, Hannah, 84 Edgcomb, Jabez, 84 Edgcomb, John, 84 Edgcomb, Nicholas, 83 Edgcomb, Samuel, 83, 83, 84 Edgcomb, Thomas, 83 Edgerton, Esther, 207 Edgerton, Jabez S. 198 Edgerton, James C. 199 Edgerton, Laura R. 198 Edgerton, Lou C. 199 Edgerton, Mary E. 198 Edgerton, Robert C. 198 Edgerton, Robert L. 198 Edgerton, Richard O. 199 Edgerton, Sue M. 199 Edgerton, William B. 199 Edwards, Edward, 207 Edwards, Esther C. 207 Eells, Nancy, 168 Eells, Nathaniel (Rev.) 108 Eggleston, Mary Noyes, 88 Eldridge, Abigail, 94 Eldridge, Fanny, 202 Elles, James, 117 Elliott, Phebe. 223 Ellis, Ellen M. 254 Ellis, John, 253 Ellis, M. J. 253 Ely, (Col. ) 96 Ely, (Capt.) 87 Ely, Eliza R. 174 Ely, Elizabeth, 72 Ely, George E. 135 Ely, Henry L. 135 Ely, Homer, 174 Ely, Mary, 99 Ely, Samuel, 135, 135 Enos, (Col.) 87 Enos, Ellen M. 235 Enos, John, 235 Estes, Clarence H. 259 Estes, Cornellia, 259 Estes, Henry A. 259 Estes, Oliver C. 259 Estes, Olive H. 259 Estes, Samuel, 259 Everetts, Josephine, 213 Referring to the Number of the Page. 289 F Fage, Anna W. 145 Fanning, Edward, 170 Fanning, Gilbert, 113 Fanning, Lavinia, 170 Fanning, Nathaniel, 113, 170 Fargo, Mercy, 80 Faxon, Elisha, 168, 168, 168 Faxon. Nathan S. 168 Fay, Abigail, 219 Fenner, Elizabeth, 82 Fenner, John, 82, 82 Fenner, Sarah, 82 Fish, Cinthia, 137, 167 Fish, Eliza, 94 Fish, Nathan, 94 Fitch, Daniel (Capt.) 74 Fitch, James, 34, 102 Fitch, John, 102 Fitch, Mary, 102 Fitch, Nancy, 102 Fitch, Thomas, 101, 102 Fitch, William, 102 Flagg, James M. 133 Fleming, John J. 120 Fleming, Lela M. 223 Fleming, Robert A. 223 Foot, ,41 Foote, Ada E. 248 Foote, Harriet A. 248 Foote, Harriet E. 248 Foote, Henry, 248 Foote, Ira, 248 Foote, O. D. 50 Foote, Viola, 248 Forbes, 118 Foreman, Sarah, 204 Forshew, John, 168 Forshew, Lydia (Mrs.) 168 Forshew, Sarah A. 168 Fosdick, Lodewick, 100 Foster, Albert, 188 Foster, Clara D. 185 Foster, Ella M. 185 Foster, Frederic L. 185 Foster, James H. 185 Foster, Lonis T. 185 Foster, Martha H. 165 Foster, Samuel, 185 Foster, Walter S. 185 Fowler, Jeannette A. 254 Fox, Caroline, 193 Fox, Maria L. 192 Fox, Thomas L. 192, 193 Fox, William, 97 Franklin, Henry P. 176 Franklin, Sarah A. 176 BVazer, 99 Freeman, , 105 Freeman, Robert B. 199 Freeman, Zenas (Rev.) 131 Frink, Adam, 128 Frink, David, 128 Frink, Elizabeth, 140 Frink, Lemuel W. 173 Frost, Alcesta F. 213 Frost, Charles W. 213 Frost, Eugene E. 213 Frost, George, 213 Frost, George B. 213 Frost, George S. 213 Frost, George T. 213 Frost, George W. 213 Frost, Theodore C. 213 Fuller, Bridget, 54 Fuller, Julia, 222 Fuller, John E. 144 37 290 Index of Names G Gager, 61. Gager, Bethiah, 71 Gager, John, 71 Gager, Othniel, 11 Gallup, Albert (Hon.) 175 Gallup, Albert S. 176 Gallup, Anna, 123 Gallup, Avery, 123 Gallup, Benadam, 123, 137, 167 Gallup. Caroline, 175 Gallup, Edwin C. 176 Gallup, Emeline, 190 Gallup, Elias, 124 Gallup, Elihu, 124 Gallup, Erastus, 124 Gallup, Eunice I. 176 Gallup, Francis W. 176 Gallup, Isaac, 123, 123, 190 Gallup, Jabesh, 123 Gallup, John (Capt.) 190 Gallup, Lucy, 84, 176 Gallup, Mary, 137 Gallup, Priscilla, 176 Gallup, Russell, 123 Gallup, Samuel, 132 Gallup, Sarah, 123 Gallup, Shubel, 124 Gallup, Sophia, 167 Gardiner, Jerusha, 107 Gardner, Sarah, 249 Gatehouse, John H. 260 Gatehouse, Mary C. 260 Gauff, George, 143, 143 Geddes, James, 258 Geddes, Laura, 258 Geer, Abigail, 124 Geer, Amos, 124 Geer, Daniel, 123 Geer, Ezra, 92 Geer, Frederick, 113 Geer, Harriet E. 244 Geer, Isaac, 92 Geer, James L. 122 Geer, Mary J. 244 Geer, Prudence, 123, 190 Geer, William C. 188, 244 Geer, William F. 188 Gibones, Edward (Major) 28 Gilbert, Erastus, 210 Gilbert, Julia, 186 Giles, Estelle, 150 Giles, Runion, 150 Gillespie, James S. 171 Gillet, Jonathan, 79 Gillet, Sarah McC. 107 Goodenough, Decatur, 248 Gordon, Anna, 203 Gordon, George, 203 Gorham, John (Capt.) 85 Gorham, Lucy, 192 Gorham, Mercy, 85 Gorton, Abby A. 141 Gorton, Emily W. 231 Gorton, Grace L. 231 Gorton, Mary E. 231 Gorton, William, 231, 231 Gosbey, Carrie L. 209 Gosbey, Herbert A. 209 Gosbey, Hattie V. 209 Gosbey, John, 209 Gosbey, Joseph F. 209 Gosbey. Joseph S. 209 Gosbey, Perley F. 209 Gosbey, Stella M. 209 Gould, James, 99 Gould, Marietta, 99 Graham, William A. 235 Grant, Alexander, 108 Grant, Elizabeth, 108 Grant, Lucretia, 99 Grasbeck, Sarah, 137 Referring to the Number of the Page. 291 Graves, George W. 213 Graves, John, 212, 212 Graves, John W. 212 Graves, Louise (Mrs.) 212 Graves, Mary, 137 Graves, Mary E. 226 Graves, Phebe, 150 Gray, Austin L. 210, 210 Gray, John M. 210 Gray, Julia F. 210 Gray, Lydia E. 210 Gray, Sarah J. 210 Greene, Amos D. 241 Greene, Anna M. 241 Greene, Charles R. 241 Greene, Charles W. 241 Greene, Edward A. 241, 241 Greene, Henry F. 241 Greene, Sarah, 138 Greene, Sarah F. 241 Greene, Simon H. 241 Greenhood, Sarah, 187 Greenwood, Martha, 209 Gregory, 199 Gregory, Edward S. 186 Gregory, Harmon, 186 Gregory, Lydia, 186 Gregory, Noah, 185 Gregory, Sarah (Mrs.) 185 Gregory, William, 185 Griffen, Allen W. 137, 137 Griffen, Harriet N. 137 Griffen, Henry, 137 Griffen, Marietta, 192 Griffen, Laura, 130 Griffen, Lemuel, 137 Griffen, Phebe, 137 Griffens, Thomas. 29 Griffis, Sarah, 217 Griswold, Deborah, 82 Griswold, Elizabeth, 121 Griswold, Frank A. 215 Griswold, George, 157 Griswold, J. 82 Griswold, L. F. 236 Grosvenor, Godfrey, 364 Guthrie, ^.R. 185 H Hale, Frank E. 145 Hale, George, 145 Hale, Henry L. 244 Hale, Jessie F. 244 Haley, Mary, 123 Haley, Simeon, 94 Hall, Amelia M. 213 Hall, Bessie S. 199 Hall, Harriet T. 190 Hall, Horace R. 190 Hallett, Barnabas, 192 Hallett, Lucy G. (Mrs.) 192 Hallock, Keziah, 217 Hallom, Desire, 168 Halsey, 72 Hains, Caleb, 69 Hains, Deborah, 69 Hampton, 109 Hand, Henry C. (M. D.) 199 Hand, D. W. (M. D.) 199 Handy, Richard, 48 Hanes, Josiah, 69 Hann, Mary J. 219 Hann, John, 219 Harris, Albert, 232 Harris, Bertie M. 260 Harris, Eliza G. 241 Harris, Frank A. 232, 232 Harris, Gabriel, 32, 32, 34, 34 Harris, Hannah, 102, 146 Harris, H. S. 260 292 Index of Names Harris, Lucy, 267 Harris, M. A. (Mrs.) 260 Harris, Maria M. 185 Harris, Nathan. (Capt.) 107 Harris, Sarah, 107 Harris, Stephen (M. D.) 241 Hart, Ira (Rev.) 163, 166 Hartshorne, Elizabeth, 50 Harvey, Asahel, 237 Harvey, Lucretia, 237 Haven, Philemon, 98 Havens, Silas, 192 Havens, Silas N. 192 Hawkins, Edwin, 201 Hawkins, Mary A. 213 Hawks, Philena, 231 Hay, James, 142 Hayden, J. S. 203 Hayes, Catharine B. 175 Hayes, Joel (Rev.) 175 Haynes, Adeline, 230 Haynes, Annie F. 219 Haynes, Erne S. 219 Haynes, Elizabeth, 69 Haynes, James, 98 Haynes, Nehemiah, 219 Haynes, William, 219 Hazen, Sarah, 106 Heath, Betsey (Mrs.) 252 Heath, Betsey A. (Mrs.) 210 Heath, Charles, 210 Heath, Denison S. 253 Heath, George R. 253 Heath, John S. 253 Heath, Joseph W. 253 Heath, Perry, 100 Heath, Reuben, 253 Hemp, Clarrissa L. 226 Hempstead, Abigail, 109 Hempstead, Nancy, 246 Hempstead, Stephen, 67 Hempstead, William, 200 Henderson, Ella A. 265 Henderson, Fanny, 265 Henderson, Roswell N. (Rev.) 265 Henderson, Zilpa L. 265 Henry, John B. (M. D.) 238 Henry, Margaretta C. (Mrs.) 238 Hewes, John, 53 Hewitt, Hannah, 103 Hicks, Mary, 199 Higgins, Harry A. 215 Hill, Betsey S. 228 Hill, Jane, 80, 99 Hill, Julia S. 174 Hillyard, Eliphlet, 137 Hillyard, Nancy, 137 Hinckley, Elizabeth, 93 Hinson, Sarah, 203 Hiscox, Sally A. 245, 245 Hoadley, Hannah, 206 Hoar, J.' Emorv, 270 Hodgsdon, Daniel B. 203 Hoffman, Margaret, 148 Holbrook, Albert, 257 Holbrook, George A. 257 Holbrook, Helen W. 257 Holbrook, Sarah H. 257 Holley, Adeline, 137 Holley, Augustus, 137 Holmes, (Capt.) 229 Holmes, Abigail, 92 Holmes, Joshua, 75, 92 Holmes, Marion, 91 Holmes, Mary, 187 Holmes, Mary R. (Mrs.) 92 Holmes, Robert, 75 Holmes, Temperance, 75, 92 Holstead, Supremia D. 260 Holt, (M. D.)232 Holt, Annie, 261 Holt, Elizabeth C. 192, 192 Holt, Georgina, 246 Holt, Henry W. (Capt.) 261 Holt, Lucy A. (Mrs.) 261 Holt, Robert, 246 Referring to the Number of the Page. 293 Homer, Elizabeth A. 223 Hooker, Edward, 239 Hooker, Mary A. 239 Hopkins, J. Allen, 223 Hopkins, William, 223 Horton, Smith, 194 Houghton, Richard, 60 Houghton, Harriet, 148 Howard, Cyrena S. 230 Howard, Frank M. 230 Howard, Herbert S. 230 Howard, Joseph, 216 Howard, Joshua, 230 Howard, Mary, 252 Howard, Spencer, 230 Howland, Desire, 85 Howland, Elizabeth T.(Mrs.) 85 Howland, John, 85 Howland, Henry S. 264 Hoyt, Charles, 208 Hoyt, Philo S. 208 Hubbard, Ellen, 205 Hubbs, Jane, 254 Hufcutt, Josephine L. 256 Hufcutt, William, 256 Hughes, Mary, 149 Hull, Eliza S. 188 Hull, Eunice B. 189 Hull, John P. 1 89 Hull, John W. (Col.) 188 Hull, Latham, 188 Hultz, Catharine, 143 Hunt, Mary. 197 Hunt, Mary S. (Mrs.) 206 Huntley, James, 79, 98 Hurlburt, Emma, 207 Hurlburt, Winthrop, 104 Huskall, Eliza, 248 Hutchinson, Daniel, 205 Hutchinson, Harriet M. 205 Hutchinson, John, 205 Hutchinson, Sophia S. 205 Ingersoll, Asher, 236 Ingersoll, Caroline A. 236 Ingersoll, Eliza (Mrs.) 236 Ingraham, 144 Inman, Harriet A. 259 Isham, Lucretia, 169 Isham, Sarah M. 124 Jackson, George W. 240 Jackson, Kate R. 240 Jackson, Maggie, 144 Jackson, Mary B. (Mrs.) 240 Jacobs, Elizabeth, 206 Jayne, Augusta, 201 Jayne, Austin, 201 Jayne, Ebenezer, 201 Jayne, Havens B. 201 Jayne, Joseph B. 201 Jayne, Juliette, 201 Jayne, Maria S. 201 Jayne, Rufus, 201 Jayne, Sarah, 201 Jayne, Sidney, 201 Jeermigan, H. L. 135 Jeffery, Sarah E. 261 Jennings, Mary, 214 Jennings, Samuel, 214 Johnson, Clarissa A. 264 Johnson, Esther C (Mrs.) 207 Johnson, G. F. (M. D.) 207 294' Index of Names Johnson, Lydia, 186 Johnson, Stephen, 220 Johnson, Stephen G. 108 Johnson, Susan E. 220 Johnson, Martha L. 263 Jones, Catharine P. 199 Jones, George B. 202 Jones, Paul (Capt.) 113 Jones, William, 270 Joseph (Indian) 67 Judson, Edward B. 170 K Keeler, William, 142 Kellogg, Edward, 190 Kellogg, Sarah A. 190 Kelsey, DeWitt, 153 Kelsey, Obediance (Mrs.) 153 Keeny, William, 97, 97 Kenny, 59 Kensey, Carrie, 218 Kent, Alrayra, 171 Kent, Elijah, 172 Kenyon, Earle B. i?51 Kidd, (Capt.) 64, 93 Kimball, Philander, 151 Kimble, Robert J. 264 King, 104 King, Charles (Dr.) 144 King, Chester, 143 King, Chester C. 143 King, Joseph, 100, 144 King, Hezekiah, 80 King, Hiram, 143 King, Hope R. 94 King, Louise C. 143 King, Mary, 80 King, Rosana E. 144 King, Stephen S. 144 Kingsbury, Love, 49 Kingsley, Albert B. 173 Kingsley, Atpens, 50 Knapp/Chloe, 148 Knight, Tacy (Mrs.) 106 L Lamb, Jesse, 99 Lamb, Mary, 138 Lamb, Samuel, 138 Lamprey, Eva, 205 Landon, 110 Langworthy, Henry W. 196 Latham, Esther, 192 Latham, Frank H. 227 Latham, Joseph, 227 Lntham, Joseph D. 227 Latham, Joseph W. 227 Latham, Hannah, 237 Latham, Herman N. 227 Latham, Henry L. 237 Latham, Lovetta, 237 Latham, Mary, 116, 117 Latham, Nathaniel S. 237, 237 Latham, Thomas, 237 Lathrop, 125 Lathrop, Andrew, 188 Lathrop, Nancy M. 188 Latimer, Nancy, 84, 102 Lattemore, Anne, 40 Lawrence, Alnette M. 213 Lay, Clarissa, 106 Leake, Sarah, 137 Leavenworth. (Capt.) 87 Ledyard, Abigail H. (Mrs.)109 Ledyard, Austin, 117 Ledyard, Austin E. 117 Referring to the Number of the Page. 295 Ledyard, Ebenezer, 116, 117 Ledyard, Eliza, 116 Ledyard, Gurdon, 116 Ledyard, Hamilton, 117 Ledyard, John, 109 Ledyard, Mary A. 116 Ledyard, Nathaniel, 116, 117 Ledyard, William (Col.) 116 Ledyard, William J. 117 Lee, (Capt.) 164 Lee, Rachel, 265 Lee, Thomas, 221 Leech, Clement, 98 Leech, Hannah, 98 Leeds, Mary. 1 22 Leete, William (Gov.) 33 Lester, Ann, 31 Lester, Andrew, 31 Lester^ Christopher, 248, 248 Lester, Emily M. 174, 194 Lester, Eugene, 248 Lester, George, 133 Lester, Henry, 194 Lester, Mary, 248 Lester, Noah, 81 Lester, Rebecca B. (Mrs.) 174 Lewis, Abigail, 122 Lewis, Delia, 264 Lewis, James, 123 Lewis, Nancy, 122 Lewis, Peleg, 122, 123 Lewis, Sarah, 122 Lewis, Sylvester, 122 Lifter, Jennie, 199 Lippet, Wait H. 169 Little, Ephriam (Rev.) 75 Logan, Rachel, 215 Logee, Rebecca M. 240 Long, Lizzie, 200 Long, Moses (M. D.) 249 Long, Sarah G. (Mrs.) 249 Loomis, Elias, 235 Loomis, Lizzie L. 228 Loomis, Mary Abbie, 235 Lord, Hope, 189 Lord, Sarah E. 137 Lovell, Eunice, 197 Luyster, Emma, 153 Lyon, Isaac, 238, 238 Lyon, James F. 203 Lyon, Nelson E. 239 Lyon, Parish B. 235 L'Hommedieu, Abby V. 135 L'Hommedieu, Grover, 135 M Mallory, Charles, 110 Manderville, Dorcas, 215 Manten, Maria, 241 Manwaring, Elizabeth, 122 Manwaring, Fanny, 97 Manwaring, John, 79 Manwaring, Mary, 219 Manwaring, Oliver, 64, 78 Manwaring, Satira, 227 Marsh, Cora A. 261 Marsh, Daniel S. 261, 261, 261 Marshall, Eliza M. 239 Martin, J. D. (Rev.) 222 Martin, John J. (Rev.) 209 Martin, Tadice D. 207 Maryott, Henry, 167, 167 Maryott, Lydia, 167 Maryott, Samuel, 167 Mason, Samuel (Capt.) 68 Masters, Malona, 144 Mather, (M. D.) 95 Mather, Alonzo S. 206 Mather, Joanna, 131, 131 Mather, John R. 206 Mather, John W. 206 296 Index of Names Mather, Joseph, 131 Mather, Samuel (M. D.) 206 Mather, Sarah A. 206 Mather, Timothy, 131 Mathews, Vincent, 211 Mathewson, Amy A. 177 Mathewson, Obadiah, 177 Matson, Ebenezer, 132 Matson, Joanna, 131 Matson, Susan, 197 Mayher, EHzabeth M. 262 Mayher, John, Maynard, Christopher, 102 Mc'Call, Archippus, 107 McCall, William, 108, 123 McCullum, Robert, 129 Mcintosh, Adele, 264 McNaughton, Christina, 262 McQueen, Daniel, 225 McQueen, Delia A. (Mrs.) 225 McVean, Alexander, 262 McVean, Henry D. 262 McVean, Margareta C. 262 McVean, Mary R. ^62 Meades, William, 19, 65 Meech, Clarissa, 194 Meech, Daniel, 194 Meech, Lucy, 123 Meigs, (Col.) 87 Mercer, William, 169 Merchant, Martha M. 207 Merchant, Stephen, 207 Merrill, Morris, 205 Merritt, James, 166 Merritt, John, 64 Middleton, Orlando, 251 Miles, Caroline, 197 Miller, Ada, 226 Miller, Amasa, 81 Miller, Elisha, 81, 81 Miller, Ezra, 81, 146 Miller, Jeremiah, 81 Miller, John S. 226 Miller, Leonard, 230 Miller, Louisa, 202 Miller, Mary, 146 Miller, Mary A. 230 Miller, Noah, 81 Miller, Sally, 81 Mills, Betsey, 137 Mills, Lucia, 174 Minkler, Clara E. 222 Minkler, Daniel, 221 Minkler, Eliza A. 221 Minkler, Elizabeth J. 222 Minkler, Frances A. 222 Minkler, John. 221 Minkler, Nehemiah D. 221 Minkler, Olive M. 221 Minkler, Orlando, 222 Minor, (Capt.) 190 Minor, Clement, 41, 87 Minor, Fanny, 227 Minor, John, 161 Minor, Marinda, 206 Minor, Mary, 85 Minor, Mary A. 190 Minor, Nathaniel, ^7 Minor, Sarah, 156 Minor, Turner, 103 Minturn, 117 Mitchell, Ella, 173 Mitchel, Francis, 122 Mitchell, Priscilla, 122 Mizelle, John, 153 Mizelle, Obedience, 153 Money, Jane, 217 Moore, Angeline, 187 Moore, Hannah D. 102 Moore, Louisa, 247 Moore, Mary, 268 Moore, Micah (M. D.) 109 Moore, Phebe, 109 Moore, Susan, 246 Moore, Thomas (b. 1615) 109 Morehouse, David E. 144 Morgan, Avery, 107 Morgan, Betsey, 107 Referring to the Number of the Page. 297 Morgan, 248 Morgan, Morgan,Morgan, Morgan,Morgan.Morgan, Morgan, Morgan, Morgan,Morgan, 153 Morgan, Morgan, Morgan,Morgan, Morgan, Morgan, Morgan, Morgan, Morgan, Morgan,Morgan,Morgan, Morgan,Morgan, Morgan,Morgan, Morgan, Morgan,Morgan, Morgan, Morgan, Morgan, Caroline, 133, 133, Caroline (Mrs.) 234 Charlotte, 108 Cornelia, 235 Denison, 107 Edwin D. (Gov.) 107 Elisha, 234 Emeline H. 151 Eneas, 122 Frank S. 235 George (Capt.) 151, Griswold, 107 Hannah, 123, 186 James, 19, 39, 65 Jasper, 1<>7 Joseph, 121 Josiah, 137 Lavinia, 235 Lucy, 108 Lvdia, 107 Mary, 131, 132 Mary A. 234 Mary Ann, 153 Nancy, 108 Nathan, 107 Phebe, 108 Prudence, 121 Rebecca, 108 Robert A. 117 Samuel, 187 Sanford, 235 Sanford A. 235 Sarah, 235 Morgan, William, 107, 107 Morgan, William A. 107 Morgan, William P. 133 Morse, Alice J. 264 Morse, Charles, 264 Morse, Charles A. 264 Morse, Fanny L. 264 Morse, Frances L. 264 Morse, George R. 264 Morse, Harriet C. 264 Morse, Henry, 120 Morse, Horace J. 264 Morse, Martha L. 264 Morse, Zebediah, 264 Morton, Philena, 50 Mott, S. (Col.) 87 Mould, Hugh, 39 Mould, Martha, 39 Mullens, Priscilla, 122 Mnlrich, Martha, 143 Munger, Charles S. 203 Munger, Florence, E. 203 Munger, Gurdon L. 203 Munger, Sarah H. v03 Munger, Silvester, 203 Munro, Hannah, 258 Murdock, Mathew, 230 Murdock, Peter, 230 Murphy, Elizabeth, 142 Murray, Edson D. 226 Murray, Edson H. 226 Murray, Jerome E. 226 Murray, Marilla, 226 Murray, Rose W. 226 Myers, William E. 233 Nest, Joseph, 31 Nest, Susanna, 31 Nettleton, Zida M. 236 Nevins, Robert, 213 Newcomb, Hezekiah, 70 38 N Newcomb, Maggie, 154 Newman, Adelaide, 254 Newman, Belinda (Mrs.) 254 Newman, Martin, 254 Newton, Amasa, 216 298 Index of Names Newton, Anna, 253 Newton, Annis, 134 Newton, Catharine J. 216 Newton, Jennie L. 216 Newton, Jessie T. 216 Newton, John B. 216 Newton, John W. 216 Newton, Mary E. 216 Newton, Walter B. 216 Newton, William H. 216 Nichols, Adell, 236 Nichols, Charles A. (Col.) 242 Nichols, Edith, 243 Nichols, Edward, 236 Nichols, Ella C. 263 Nichols, Elmer F. 236 Nichols, Emma E. 263 Nichols, Eugene A. 263 Nichols, Frank E. 236 Nichols, G. 38 Nichols, George, 142 Nichols, George E. 263 Nichols, Isabelle B. S. 243 Nichols, James Y. S. 243 Nichols, Joseph, 236, 253, 253 Nichols, Joseph A. 263 Nichols, Joseph C. 253 Nichols, Lavinia, 236 Nichols, Lillian, 236 Nichols, Moses, 242 Nichols, Samuel, 263 Nightingale, Mary H. 185 Niles, Elizabeth (Mrs.) 166 Niles, Lodowick, 166 Niles, Maria, 166 Niver, James B. 239 Noble, Charles L. 244 Noble, Charles S. 191, 244 Noble, Edward J. 244 Noble, Edward R. 191 Noble, Edwin A. 191 Noble, Emma C. 191 Noble, Harriet E. 191, 244 Noble, James, 191, 244 Noble, Mary E. 244 Noble, Mary K. 191 Noble, William, 191 Northrop, Sally, 216 Norton, Charlotte, 116 Norton, Mary, 189 Noxen, B. Davis, 171 Noyes, Elizabeth, 99 Noyes, Grace, 157 Noyes, Mary (Mrs.) 99 Noyes, Moses, 99 Obed (Indian) 66 Odell, Esther, 137 Odell, Peter, 137 Osborn, George T. 200 O Osgood, Abigail B. 242 Owaneco (Indian) 69 Oxnard, Thomas, 118 Packer, 92 Packer, Asa, 94 Packer, Asa (Judge; 94 Packer, Daniel, 94 Packer, Desire, 94 Packer, Edward, 218 Packer, Eldridge, 94 Packer, Elisha, 94 Packer, Hannah, 94 Packer, Ichabod, 94 Referring to the Number of the Page. 299 Packer, Joshua, 94 Packer, Mary, 94 Packer, Phebe, 94 Packer, Roswell, 94 Packer, Sally, 94 Paine, Henry D. 176 Palmer, 252 Palmer, Abigail, 124, 132 Palmer, Abby (Widow) 84 Palmer, Betsey D. 157 Palmer, Caroline, 132 Palmer, Charlotte, 132 Palmer, Clarinda, 132 Palmer, Clarissa, 132 Palmer, Daniel, 73, 73 Palmer, David, 84 Palmer, David H. 132 Palmer, Eunice, 132 Palmer, Gilbert, 132 Palmer, Henry, 132, 132 Palmer, Huldah, 73, 84 Palmer, Jebez, 132 Palmer, James, 74 Palmer, Lydia, 74, 267 Palmer, Martha, 132 Palmer, Mary, 73 Palmer, Nathan, 73, 87 Palmer, Nathaniel, 157 Palmer, Nehemiah, 73, 73 Palmer, Rebecca, 74, 136 Palmer, Reuben, 124 Palmer, Rufus, 73 Palmer, Samuel, 73, 113 Palmer, Submit, 73 Park, Asa, 94 Park, Martha, 71 Parker, 59 Parker, Desire, 90 Parker, Mary A. 144 Parker, Ralf, 40 Parkhurst, Emma, 221 Parsons, Benjamin, 131 Parsons, John, 131 Parsons, Lois, 131 Parsons, Phebe, 131 Passmore, Charles L. 260 Passmore, Ellis W. 260 Passmore, Frances W. 260 Passmore, Joan W. 260 Passmore, John W. 260 Passmore, William A. 260 Patterson (Gen.) 238 Patterson, Albert C. (Rev.) 173 Patterson, George H. (Rev.) 173 Patterson, Juliet C. (Mrs.) 173 Peabody, Amos, 246 Peabody, Eliza, 121 Peabody, Lucy, 246 Pebbles, Maria B. 219 Peck, Richard, 206 Peck, Sophia, 261 Peckham, Flora I. 210 Peef, 242 Pellet, Orra, 107 Pelton, Elisha, 104 Pelton, Susan, 104 Pendleton, Nathaniel, 162 Penny, John, 134 Perkins, 194 Perkins, Abbie, 200 Perkins, Abigail J. 200 Perkins, Austin F. (M. D.) 145 Perkins, Austin L. 200 Perkins, Caroline L. 250 Perkins, Eliza, 157 Perkins, Eliza A. 200 Perkins, Elijah H. 174 Perkins, Emily, 174 Perkins, Eunice S. 200 Perkins, George, 200 Perkins, Jacob, i!00 Perkins, Stephen, 200 -Perkins, Stephen F. 200 Perkins, Thomas, 169 Perry, Nathan, 265 Pethond, Maria (Warren) 50 300 Index of Names Pethond, Sarah, 50 Pethond, Thomas, 50 Pettibone (Capt.) 87 Phelps (Judge) 185 Phelps, Noah, 108 Phillops, Elizabeth, 69 Pike, Nellie, 201 Pitkin, William, 32 Pomery, Elizabeth, 76 Poppe, Henry, 263 Poppe, Irving H. 263 Poppe, Olive D. 263 Poppe, Peter W. 263 Porter, Abigail, 205 Post, Adelaide, 203 Post, E. Denison, 203 Post, Ellen, 203 Post, Emma B. 202 Post, Gurdon S. 202 Post, Harriet S. 202 Post, Isabel, 203 Post, James B. 202 Post, L. Buell, 202 Post, Levi, 202, 202 Post, Martha, 213 Post, Mary L. 202 Post, Mason H. 202 Post, Thomas, 61 Post, Virginia, 203 Potter, Fannie C. 263 Potter, George, 97 Potter, Gilbert, 100 Potter, Lucinda, 156 Potter, Oscar, 264 Powell, Averell, 257 Powell, Edward A. 257, 258 Powell, Robert S. 258 Plaister, James, 255 Pratt, Gustavus W. 203 Pratt, Nellie, 154 Preble, 118 Prentiss, (Judge) 69 Prentice, Gilbert, 139 Prentice, Mary, 139 Prentice, Nancy, 139 Prentice, Naomi, 139 Prentice, Peter, 139 Prentice, Samuel, 139 Prentice, Sarah, 139 Prentice, Thomas, 139 Prentice, Watson, 139 Prescott, Elizabeth, 168 Preston, Patty, 256 Purdy, R. N. 148 Quarles, Joanna, 267 Raborg, Margaretta, 164 Race, Nelson, 239 Randall, Albert D. 201 Randall, Frances E. 198 Randall, Jedediah, 94, 198 Randall, Rhoeda, 224 Randolf, Elizabeth F. 165 Rath burn, Mary, 93 Raymond, Ann, 64 Raymond, Edward, 125 Q E Raymond,Raymond, Raymond, Raymond, Raymond,Raymond, Raymond, 64 Raymond,Raymond, Elizabeth, 64 Elizabeth G. 122 Experience, 65 George, 121, 121 Hannah, 64 John (M. D.) 121 Joshua, 63, 63, 64, Judith, 63 Mary, 64 Referring to the Number of the Page. 301 Raymond, Mehitable, 65 Raymond, Nancy, 121 Raymond, Richard, 64 Raymond, Samuel, 63 Raymond, Sarah, 125 Raymond, William, 122 Reason. Matilda P. 131 Redfield, Hiram, 186 Redmon, Samuel, 216 Reed, Alfred B. 207, 209 Reed, Charlotte, L. 207 Reed, Columbus, 207 Reed, Daniel, 150 Reed, Ezra, 207 Reed, Fitch D. 207 Reed, Frederick S. 207 Reed, Maria, 208 Reed, Myron, 208 Reed, Nathan W. 207 Reed, Sylvanus (Rev.) 175 Reeve, Emma, 134 Rewnelsor, W. H. (Rev.) 264 Reynolds, Abelard, 106 Reynolds, Albert, 107 Reynolds, Daniel, 148 Reynolds, Eliza, 106 Reynolds, Fabritns, 106 Reynolds, Gamaliel, 106, 106 Reynolds, M. F. 106 Reynolds, Mary, 106 Rhodes, Caroline I. 241 Rhodes, George W. 241 Ricard, Giles, 53 Richards, Frank, 113 Richards, Mary, 92 Richards, Vallonia, 266 Richardson, H. M. (Rev.) 197 Riddick, James A. (Rev.) 199 Riddick, Judith, 199 Roberts, Almira B. (Mrs.) 95 Roberts, Ann, 256 Roberts, George II. 194 Roberts, Mary, 148 Robinson, David, Jr. 206 Robinson, James J. 206 Rodd, John, 212 Roe, Albert S. 218 Rogers, Bathsheba, 267 Rogers, David, 191 Rogers, Edward R. 191 Rogers, Emily P. S. 243 Rogers, Emma. 205 Rogers, Eliza B. 121 Rogers, Henry H. 191 Rogers, Horatio (Gen.) 243 Rogers, James, 191, 267 Rogers, Jennie E. 230 Rogers, John, 134 Rogers, John (The Martyr) 191 Rogers, Jonathan, 101, 191 Rogers, Lydia, 101, 101 Rogers, Mary, 95 Rogers, Mercy A. 252 Rogers, Lester, 191 Rogers, Louisa A. 252 Rogers, Paul, 252 Rogers, Sally, 1 72 Rogers, William, 230 Roland, William, 219 Rose, Ida Belle, 247 Rosecrans, (Gen.) 220 Ross, Harriet P. 240 Ross, Phebe N. 240 Ross, Richard, 240 Rossiter, Ebenezer (Rev.) 74, 74 Routson, Willis, 222 Rowe, Laura A. 169 Rudd, Sarah, 49 Rumsey, Christena, 143 Ryder, Anna R. 256 Ryder, Belle R. 256 Ryder, Frederick S. 256 Ryder, John, 256 Ryder, Noble C. 255 302 Index of Names s Sabin, Elizabeth, 204 Sabin, William H. 204 Salter, 89 Saltonstall, (Gov.) 69 Sanders, Harriet M. 224 Sanders, Theophilus, 224 Sands, James, 64 Sands, Mercy, 64 Sanford, (Gov.) 85 Sanford, Elias, 154 Sanford, Joanna, 154 Satchell, Charles J. 227 Saterlee, Sarah M. 218 Saunders, Andrew, 217 Saunders, Kittie L. 216 Sawyer, Moses, Jr. 234 Sawyer, Sally A. 234 Sawyer, William, 234 Schofield, Lydia, 133 Scholfield, Bessie M. 228 Scholfield, Herbert, 228 Scholfield, Nathan, 228 Scholfield, Socrates, 228 Sears, Barnabus, 128 Sears, Rowland (Dr.) 128 Seaton, Mary, 93 Seely, Mary E. 257 Sessions, Amasa, 146 Sessions, Fannie B. 255 Sessions, William, 255, 255 Sessions, William H. 255 Shaw, N. 87 Shaw, Richard C. 225 Sheffield, Frances, 124 Shepard, Mary, 89 Sherman, E. L. 232 Sherman, Emma, 207 Shore, Harriet, 214 Sibley, (Gen.) 220 Sikes, Cyrena, 155 Sikes, Jonathan, 155 Simons, Sidney, 222 Sirkman, Henry, 54 Skidmore, Amon, 186 Skidmore, Frankiin, 186 Skidmore, Harmon, 186 Skidmore, Julia, 186 Skidmore, Mary A. 186, 186 Skidmore, Naomi (Mrs.) 186 Skinner, David, 189 Skinner, Joseph, 106 Skinner, Julia E. 189 Skinner, Prentice B. 189 Slack, Anna, 84 Smith, A. T. (Gen.) 220 Smith, Abby, 95, 135 Smith, Abby Ann, 106 Smith, Abby L. 228 Smith, Abby M. 228 Smith, Abel, 267 Smith, Abigail, 77, 82, 122, 128, 132, 134, 185, 196 Smith, Abigail C. 112 Smith, Abigail D. 129 Smith, Abijah, 49 Smith, Abner, 49 Smith, Aborn, 252 Smith, Aborn F. 261 Smith, Ada, 222 Smith, Adelaide L. 228 Smith, Adriana, 261 Smith, Agnes L. 230 Smith! Albert A. 228 Smith, Albert B. 247 Smith, Albert G. 129, J 80 Smith, Albert O. 126 Smith, Alexander G. 158 Smith, Alfred, 186 Smith, Alfred H. C. 186 Smith, Alice C. 157, 268 Smith, Alice H. 246 Smith, Alice M. 220, 228 Referring to the Npmber of the Page. 303 Smith, Allen (1785-1807) 103 Smith, Almira, 95 Smith, Almira W. 173 Smith, Alonzo, 226 Smith, Alonzo B. 255 Smith, Alva S. 230 Smith, Amos, 77, 77 Smith, Amos D. 122, 176. 176, 240, 241 Smith, Amy, 77 Smith, Amy E. 136 Smith, Andrew (b. 1754; 49 Smith, Andrew B. (b. 1818)49 Smith, Andrew H. 246 Smith, Ann, 48, 70 Smith, Ann M. 104, 247 Smith, Ann Maria, 188 Smith, Anna, 49, 72, 77, 79, 123, 136, 139 Smith, Anna E. 175, 229 Smith, Anna R. 194, 245 Smith, Annie B. 179 Smith, Anson, 102 Smith, Ansyl, 138 Smith, Arabella, 192 Smith, Archibald L. 199 Smith, Asa, 150 Smith, Asa A. 260 Smith, Aseneth, 259 Smith, Audrey M. 262 Smith, Austin, 129 Smith, Avery, 151, 152 Smith, Backus, 49 Smith, Bartholomew, 267 Smith, Belinda, 20S Smith, Benjamin, 103, 142, 267 Smith, Benjamin F. 136, 155, 170, 230 Smith, Benjamin P. 214 Smith, Beriah G. 227 Smith, Beriah H. 50 Smith, Bertie, 222 Smith, Bertie C. 259 Smith, Bertha, 240' Smith, 188, Smith, Smith,Smith,Smith,Smith, Smith,Smith,Smith,Smith,Smith, Smith, Smith, 176, Smith, Smith, Smith,Smith,Smith, Smith,Smith, Smith,Smith,Smith,Smith,Smith,Smith,Smith,Smith,Smith,Smith,Smith,Smith,Smith, Sraith, Smith, 146, Smith, Smith, Smith, Smith,Smith, Smith, Betsey, 81, 89, 100, 138, 18b, 232 Betsey A. 166 Betsey F. 210, 234 Betsey J. 225 Bridget, 139 Brockholst M. 178,242 Burton A. 223 Burton G. 223 Byron, 239 Calvin E. 227 Carlton, 129 Caroline, 219, 246, 259 Caroline C. 136, 155, 240 Caroline E. 136, 218 Carrie C. 256 Carrie E. 214 Carrie Ella, 248 Carrie Estella, 248 Carrie L. 207 Caspar W. 155, 230 Cecelia J. 141 Cecelia S. 204 Celia, 51 Celia S. 218 Celinda, 103 Chandler, 234 Charles, 252, 260 Charles (b. 1749) 92 Charles(1775-1840)131Charles (b. 1798) 100 Charles A. 210, 247 Charles Allen, 262 Charles C. 244 Charles D. 237 Charles E. 50, 125, 125, • 247 Charles Edwin, 103 Charles Eugene, 50 Charles F. 249 Charles H. 131, 255 Charles I. 228 Charles J. 192 304 Index of Names Smith, Charles L. (M. D.) 221 Smith, Charles M. 192, 242, 242 Smith, Charles P. 250 Smith, Charles R. 198 Smith, Charles S. 126, 188, 231 Smith, Charles S. (1772-1810) 125 Smith, Charles V. 259 Smith, Charles W. 188, 250 Smith, Charlotte, 95, 128, 152 Smith, Charlotte (bap. 1763) 82, 127 Smith, Charlotte (1785-1800) 128 Smith, Charlotte A. 204 Smith, Chester A. 263 Smith, Chester M. 50 Smith, Christiana E. 222 Smith, Clara F. 246 Smith, Clarence C. 226 Smith, Clarence D. 189 Sraith, Clarinda, 128 Smith, Clarinda F. 197 Smith, Clarinda S. 198 Smith, Clarissa M. 194 Smith, Clement, 145 Smith, Coddington, 89, 187 Smith, Cornelia, 218 Smith, Cynthia, 216 Smith, Curtis A. 188 Smith, Daisy C. 260 Smith, Daniel, 79, 80, 81, 104 155, 267 Smith, Daniel (b. 1680) 70 Smith, Daniel (b. 1707) 49 Smith, Daniel (b. 1730) 76 Smith, Daniel (b. 1759) 77 Smith, Daniel (b. 1788) 104 Smith, Daniel G. 245 Smith, David, 144 Smith, David (b. 1744) 76 Smith, David C. 157 Smith, Delia A. 225 Smith, Smith, Smith, Smith, Smith,Smith, Smith, Smith,Smith,Smith,Smith, Smith. 136,' Smith, Smith, Smith,Smith,Smith,Smith, Smith,Smith,Smith,Smith, Smith, Smith,Smith, Smith, Smith, Smith, Smith, Smith, 174 Smith, Smith,Smith,Sraith,Smith,Smith,Smith, Smith, Smith, Smith, Smith, Smith, Denison, 114, 119,196 Denison (b. 1769) 82 Denison B. 206, 206 Denison B. (Capt.) 268 Desire, 77, 79, 141 Dorothy, 83, 100 Dorothy A. 147, 264 Duncan C. 154 Ebenezer, S9, 89 Ednah L. 257 Ednah V. 196 Edward, 47, 108, 112, 140 Edward A (M. D.) 232 Edward B. 254 Edward H. 239 Edward L. 165 Edward M. 168 Edward S. 236 Edwin, 128, 186 Edwin B. 175 Edwin D. 208, 240 Edwin F. 247 Edwin ti. 135 Eleanor, 258 Eleanor Amey, 242 Eli, 155 Eli T. 230 Elias, 125, 193, 249 Elied, 50 Elijah, 101, 131, 132, Elijah F. 174 Elijah F. (Hon.) 194 Elijah W. 145 Ella H. 263 Ella T. 157 Ellen. 104 Ellen M. 253 Eliza, 128, 145, 200 Eliza A. 187, 191, 244 Eliza C. 203, 237 Eliza F. 115, 196 Eliza Harris, 241 Referring to the Number of the Page. 305 Smith, Eliza J. 251 Smith, Smith, Eliza R. 142 Smith, Smith, Elizabeth, 85, 113,113, Smith, 134, 144, 165, 188, 248 Smith, Smith, Elizabeth (dau. of Ju- Smith, dah) 49 129, Smith, Elizabeth (b. 1645) 63 Smith, Smith, Elizabeth (b. 1664) 48 Smith, Smith, Elizabeth (b. 1700) 74 Smith, Smith, Elizabeth (b. 1733) 49 134 Smith, Elizabeth(bap. 1751) 82 Smith, Smith, Elizabeth (b. 1752) 76 Smith, Smith, Elizabeth (b. 1786) 100 Smith, Smith, Elizabeth (Mrs.) (Fen- Smith, ner & Bush) 82 Smith, Smith, Elizabeth D. 250 Smith, Smith, Elizabeth E. 213 Smith, Smith, Elizabeth F. 219 Smith, Smith, Elizabeth L. 231 Smith, Smith, Elizabeth M. 166, 166 Smith, Smith, Elizabeth P. 227 254 Smith, Elizabeth S. 255 Smith, Smith, Elizabeth W. 233 Smith, Smith, Eliznr, 267 Smith, Smith, Elvia F. 236 Smith, Smith, Emiline, 185 Smith, Smith, Emeline G. 245 Smith, Smith, Emily P. 297 Smith, Smith, Emma, 222 ^_ 246 Smith, Emma A. 263, 267 Smith, Smith, Emma E. 214 Smith, Smith, Emma V. 199 Smith, Smith, Emma W. 235 Smith, Smith, Emma Evaline, 261 Smith, Smith, Erastus, 124 Smith, Smith, Erastus B. 238 Smith, Smith, Erastus G. 262 Smith, Smith, Erastus M. 243 Smith, Smith, Erastus T. 132, 174, Smith, 194 Smith, Smith, Estelle, 135 Smith, Smith, Esther, 130 Smith, Smith, Esther A. 258 Smith, Smith, Esther C. 230 Smith, 39 Esther M. 257 Ethel Rebecca, 264 Etta B. 207 Etta L. 236 Eunice, 49, 77, 78, 90, 130, 150, 175 Eunice (b. 1765) 81 Eunice (1782-1842) 143 Eunice (1802 d. young) Eunice B. 131 Eunice F. 237 Eunice L. 200 Eva A. 254 Eva R. 261 Evelina, 114, 114 Ezra A. 224 Ezra C. 246 F. Burr, 154 Fanny, 100, 131, 147, Fanny (b. 1781) 117 Fanny (1819-1826) 126 Fanny C. 147 Fanny D. 132 Fannie E. 227, 228 Fannie R. 364 Fanny L. 135, 193,223, Fanny S. 255 Fitch C. 208 Flora M. 227 Florence, 212, 241 Florence L. 237 Frances A. 172, 197 Frances Alden, 240 Frances Almira, 252 Frances C. 262 Frances D. 266 Frances E. 196 Frances G. 205 Frances K. 222 Frances L. 247 Frances M. 51, 173, 247 306 Index of Names Smith, Smith, Smith, Smith,Smith, Smith, Smith,Smith,Smith,Smith, Smith, Smith, Smith, Smith, Smith,Smith,Smith,Smith, Smith,Smith, Smith, Smith, Smith,Smith, Smith, 105 Smith, Smith, Smith, Smith,Smith, Smith, Smith, Smith,Smith, Smith,Smith,Smith, Smith, 236, Smith,Smith, Smith, 145, Frances R. 238 Frances S. 255 Francis, 176, 267 Francis (Capt.) 136 Francis A. 192, 240 Francis C. D. 239 Francis M. 241, 241 Francis R. 189 Frank, 206 Frank B. 190 Frank R. 249 Frank W. 227 Frankie Helen, 364 Franklin E. 156 Franklin W. 247 Frederick, 134, 227 Frederick F. 240 Frederick J. 157 Frederick L. 248, 250 Frederick M. 261, 261 Frederick T. 364 Frederica V. 196 Freelove, 101, 102, 102 Freeman B. 229 Freeman Burr (M. D.). Fremont C. 220 Geneva T. 237 George A. 227, 240 George E. 247 George F. 193 George G. 203, 218 George H. 203, 228 George M. 242 George N. 213 George R. 249 George S. 228 George T. 188 George W. 89, 115, 259, 265 George W. A. 218 Georgiana M. 203 Gilbert, 89, 121, 129, 197 Smith, Gilbert (b. 1756) 269 Smith, Gilbert A. 175 Smith, Gilbert B. 207 Smith, Gilbert D. 252, 252 Smith, Gilbert M. 174, 262 Smith, Gilbert T. 129, 196, 252 Smith, Gilbert W. 207 Smith. Grace, 7,8, 226, 240 Smith^ Grace H. 231 Smith, Gracie J. 225 Smith, Gurdon, 135 Smith, Gurdon B. 192 Smith, Gurdon L. 135 Smith, Gurdon, W. 220 Smith, H. Allen, 233 Smith, H. D. 270 Smith, Hannah, 90, 104, 126, 150, 152 Smith, Hannah (b. 1644) 63 , Smith, Hannah (b. 1678) 48 Smith, Hannah (b. 1699) 72 Smith, Hannah (m. Kingsley) 48 Smith, Hannah A. 208" Smith, Hannah C. 240 Smith, Hannah D. 214 Smith, Hannah E. 189 Smith, Hannah F. 142 Smith, Hannah M. 187, 192, 243, 258 Smith, Harold C. 263 Smith, Harriet, 103, 147 Smith, Harriet A. 202 Smith, Harriet C. 155 Smith, Harriet E. 262 Smith, Harriet L. 190 Smith, Harriet R. 189, 240 Smith, Harriet S. 214 Smith, Harlan P. 154 Smith, Harrie S. 244 Smith, Harry, 226 Smith, Harvey B. 204 Smith, Harvey D. 269 Smith, Hattie I. 223 Referring to the Number of the Page. 307 Smith, Smith' Smith Smith SmithSmithSmith Smith 268 SmithSmithSmith Smith 247 SmithSmith Smith SmithSmithSmith Smith Smith Smith Smith SmithSmith Smith, Smitl SmithSmith Smith Smith Smith SmithSmithSmith SraithSmith SmithSmithSmithSmithSmith Smith. Hattie L. 208 Hattie M. 145 Hattie R. 228 Hattie V. 364 Helen F. 175 Helen T. 239, 240 Helena, 152 Henry (Salem, Conn.) Henry (Rev.) 269 Henrv (b. 1802) 267 Henry A. 193, 246,247 Henry C. 193, 223, 246, Henry E. 140 Henry H. 261 Henry J. 241 Henry K. 104 Henry L. 250 Henrv M. 155 Henry S. 134, 208 Henry W. 191, 239 Herbert D. 157 Herbert F. 208 Herbert G. 208 Herbert M. 155, 156 Herman W. 157 Hezekiah, 103, 104 Hezekiah, Jr. 143, 150 Hezekiah K. 142 Hinson H. 203 Hope, 242 Hope A. 179 Horace, 153, 154 Horace J. 214 Horace T. 220 Horace W. 269 Howard A. 257 Hyde T. 50 Ida A. 157 Ida C. 264 Imogene R. 241 Irene, 49 Isaac, 76 Smith SmithSmith SmithSmithSmith Smith! Smith. 235 Smith, Smith Smith 49 Smith SmithSmith.Smith.Smith, Smith,Smith,Smith. Smith SmithSmithSmith,SmithSmith 179 SmithSmith Smith Smith SmithSmithSmithSmith Smith, Smith SmithSmithSmith SmithSmithSmith Isaac B. 228 Isaac G. 190 Isaac P. 103, 153 Isaac W. 211 Isabelle B. 242 J. Aborn, 172 J. Frank, 266 Jabez, 19, 77, 77, 115, Jabez (b. 1748) 90 Jabez (1783-1865) 133 Jabez (son of Judah) Jabez S. 133, 199 Jacob, 49 James, 77, 134, 144 James (1648) 270 James (1674-1751) 267 James (1793-1864) 102 James A. 164 James F. 240 James M. 136, 248 James M. (M. D.) 126 James P. 246 James R. 266 James W. 199 James Y. (Gov.) 177, Jane, 175, 210 Jane (b. 1731) 84 Jane A. 207, 215 JaneD. 164, 197, 236 Jane E. 227 Jasper N . 144 Jayed, 102 Javed H. 50 Jayed W. 189, 208 Jeannette, 244, 254 Jedediah, 98 Jemima, 143 Jennie, 134 Jennie D. 237 Jennie E. 190 Jennie G. 208 308 Index of Names SmithSmith,Smith,Smith SmithSmith Smith Smith! Smith SmithSmith SmithSmith!SmithSmithSmithSmithSmithSmithSmithSmith N Smith Jr.) SmithSmithSmithSmithSmith 266 Smith SmithSmithSmith,Smith Smith Smith SmithSmithSmith Jerome H. 226 Jesse, 139, 210 Jesse D. 117, 237 Jesse J. 249 Jessie F. 225 Joanna, 28, 46 Job C. 144, 218, 218 John, 186 John (b. 1654) 270 John (b. 1704) 75 John (b. 1715) 49 John (b. 1728) 76 John (d. 1741) 267 John (d. ab. 1741) 163 John (b. 1754) 76 John (b. 1762) 77 John (1771-1856) 124 John (1794-1859) 186 John (1793-1814) 102 John (1835-1836) 154 John (Ballston Springs, Y.) 247 John (son of Oliver, 89 John A. 187 John Calvin, 104 John D. 136, 166, 176 John Fine, 89, 112 John G. W. 141, 141, John H. 208, 208 JohnK. C. 134 John W. 204 Jonah B. 269 Jonathan, 147, 267, 267 Joseph (Capt.) 168 Joseph (Col.) 163 Joseph (Lyme) 267, 267 Joseph (Montville) 268 Joseph (bap. 11586, Ston ington) 70 Smith, Joseph (b. 1729) 267 Smith, Joseph (d. 1735) 267 Smith, Joseph (b. 1755) 100 Smith,Smith,Smith, 129 Smith,Smith, 102 Smith,Smith,Smith,Smith,Smith,Smith,Smith,Smith,Smith,Smith, 251 Smith,Smith,Smith,Smith,Smith,Smith,Smith,Smith,Smith,Smith, Smith, Smith, Smith,Smith, 265 Smith,Smith,Smith,Smith, Smith, SmithSmith,Smith, Smith,Smith,Smith, Joseph (1762) 66 Joseph (b. 1766) 267 Joseph (1767-1797) Joseph (m. 1775) 80 Joseph (m. ab. 1776) Joseph Joseph Joseph JosephJosephJosephJoseph Joseph Joseph Joseph (b. 1784) 267 (b. 1794) 266 (b. 1800) 100 (d. 1814) 268 (b. 1850) 145 A. 146, 146 Aborn, 263 D. 115, 196 N. 217 W. 171, 199, Josephine, 246 Josephine A. 234 Josephine C. 233 Josephine L. E. 256 Josephine M. 218 Joshua (b. 1705) 49 Joshua (b. 1738) 49 Joshua (b. 1774) 50 Joshua (b. 1809) 50 Joshua (b. 1829) 76 Judah, 49 Julia, 50, 197, 217 Julia A. 140, 191, 194 Julia E. 190, 206, 251 Julia G. 245 Julia M. 147 Julia P. 231 Julius W. 196 Kate W. 250 King, 103 Kirk wood, 215 L. Covel, 147 Latham A. 268 Lathrop, 125 Laura, 147 Referring to the Number of the Page. 309 Smith, Smith, Smith,Smith,Smith, Smith,Smith,Smith, Smith,Smith,Smith,Smith, Smith,Smith, Smith,Smith,Smith, Smith, Smith,Smith,Smith,Smith,Smith, Smith,Smith,Smith,Smith,Smith, Smith,Smith, Sraith,Smith,Smith,Smith,Smith, Smith, Smith,Smith,Smith,Smith,Smith,Smith, Smith, Smith, Laura B. 209 Laura G. 155 Laura M. 218 Lauretta C. 147, 264 Lavinia F. 113 Lavinia M. 235 Lemuel, 79 Lena L. 225 Leonard C. 189 Lester B. 250 Lewis A. 196 Lincoln, 145 Lincoln E. 224 Lizzie P. 223 Llewellyn L. 261 Lloyd F. 223 Lois, 81 Louis B. 220 Louisa, 145 Louisa M. 247 Louisa P. 131 Lottie, 152 Lottie E. 251 Lucinda. 141 Lucius B. CM. D.) 220 Lucius H. 220 Lucretia, 49, 79 Lucy, 82, 94, 101 Lucy (b. 1793) 95 Lucy A. 194, 204, 221 Lucy B. 261 Lncv C. 192. 209, 257 Lucy D. 146 LucvK. 147 Lyd"ia, 81, 145 Lydia (b. 1647) 63 Lydia (b. 1670) 70 Lydia (b. 1712-13) 72 Lydia (b. 1743) 95 Lydia (b. 1759) 107 Lydia (b. 1762) 80 Lydia (b. 1792) 101 Lydia A. 212 Mabelle L. 235 Smith, Smith, ^ 148 Smith, 218 Smith,Smith, Smith,Smith,Smith, Smith,Smith, Smith,Smith,Smith,Smith,Smith, Smith,Smith,Smith,Smith,Smith, Smith,Smith, Smith, Smith, Smith, Smith, 154 Smith, Smith,Smith,Smith,Smith, 102 Smith, Smith, 106 Smith, 2nd Smith, Smith,Smith,Smith, Marcus L. 193, 254 Margaret, 73, 73, 60, Maria, 129, 186, 196, Maria K. 134 Maria L. 168 Maria M. 241 Mark, 157 Mark S. 225 Mark Stoddard, 104 • Marshall V. 150 Martha, 49, 121, 147 Martha (b. 1678) 70 Martha (b. 1710) 49 Martha (b. 1799) 104 Martha B. 51 Martha E. 188 Marvin, 253 Marvin A. 253 Marvin E. 253 Mary (b. 1642) 63 Mary (b. 1672) 48 Mary (b. 1709) 72 Mary (b. 1748) 80 Mary (b. 1756) 76 Mary (m. Burrows) 93 Mary (m. Champlin) Mary (m. Chester) 132 Mary (m. Dunham) 165 Mary (m. Gould) 99 Mary (ra. Lyon) 203 Mary (m. Maynard) Mary (m. Noble) 191 Mary (m. Reynolds) Mary (m. 1st Skidmore, Stoddard) 186 Mary (m. Stanton) 113 Mary (in. Swan) 83 Mary (m. Wait) 197 Mary (m. Way) 79 310 Index of Names Smith 132 Smith, 230 Smith, Sraith,Smith, Smith,Smith,Smith, ¦209, Smith, Smith, Smith,Smith, Smith, Smith, Smith, Smith, 253 Smith,Smith,Smith,Smith,Smith,Smith, Smith,Smith, Smith,Smith, Smith,Smith,Smith,Smith, Smith, Smith,Smith, Smith,Smith,Smith, Smith, 148, Smith, Smith, Mary (widow of Elijah) Mary A. 122, 149,204, Mary Aborn, 172 Mary Avery, 128 Mary B. 199 Mary C. 164 Mary D. 168, ..... Mary E. 136, 152, IS 218, 218, 230, 231 Marv Ella, 246 Mary E. W. 131 Mary Aborn, 172 Mary Avery, 128 Mary B. 199 Mary C. 164 Mary D. 168, 169 Mary E. 136, 152, 218, 218, 230, 231 Marv Ella, 246 Mary E. W. 134 Mary F. 198, 260 Mary G. 206, 228 Mary Helen, 257 Mary I. 237 TIT T /"l cina iry jc. W. 134 Mary F. 198, 260 try G. 206, 228 ]\/[(Q,.,7 Rolan V.KT Mary j_. iso i Mary J. G. 232 Mary L. 133, 155, 225, Mary N. 191, 244 Mary R. 224 Mary S. 246 Mathew K. 147, 224 Matilda A. 205 Maude D. 240 Maud M. 226 Mehitable, 48, 71, 79 Melissa E. 224 Mercv, 63, 145 Millie T. 250 Milton, 154 Minnie, 240 Minnie B. 236 Minnie M. 226 Molly, 78 Morgan, 187 Moses, 267 Moses J. 210 Myron, 256 Nancy, 80, 125, 144, 164, 187, 237, 243 Nancy A. 116 Nancy E. 259 Smith, Nancy L. 138 Smith, Nannie E. 199 Smith, Nathan, 79, 113, 127, 129, 256 Smith, Nathan (b. 1702) 74 Smith, Nathan (b. 1724) 82 Smith, Nathan (bap. 1750) 82 Smith, Nathan (b. 1764) 114 Smith, Nathan (b. 1766) 77 Smith, Nathan (b. 1771) 81 Smith, Nathan (1788-1876) 137 Smith, Nathan (b. 1791) 114 Smith, Nathan (1793-1851) 170 Smith, Nathan D. 234 Smith, Nathan H. 257, 261 Smith, Nathan S. 114 Smith, Nathan W. 137 Smith, Nathaniel, 89, 269 Smith, Nathaniel D. 171, 237, 251 Smith, Nathaniel F. 235 Smith, Nehemiah (b. 1605) 53 Smith, Nehemiah (b. 1646) 65 Smith, Nehemiah (b. 1696) 7 1 Smith, Neliemiah (bp. 1701) 78 Smith. Nehemiah (b. 1733) 91 Smith, Nehemiah (b. 1767) 124 Smith, Nehemiah D. 149 Smith. Nellie. 248 Smithi Nellie'M. 246 Smith, Nelson, 114 Smith, Nelson T. 254 Smith, Newton F. 230 Smith, Newton P. 154 Smith, Norton T. 220 Smith, Noyes G. 213 Smith, Obadiah, 48, 48, 49 Smith, Olive, 76 Smith, Oliver, 49, 85, 114, 115 Smith, Oliver (Col.) 85 Smith, Oliver B. 233 Smith, Oliver C. 247 Smith, Oliver D. 251 Smith, Orlando, 123, 190 Referring to the Number of the Page. 311 Smith, Orlando R. 245, 245 Smith, Smith Orson H. 265 Smith, Smith. Othaniel, 225 Smith, Smith' Ozias B. 154 Smith, Smith Paul, 79, 80 Smith, Smith, Paul G. 147 Smith, Smith, Paul Grant, 100 Smith, Smith Pearl P. 260 Smith, Smith Peggy, 89 Smith, Smith Percy Swan, 77 Smith, Smith Perez S. 77 Smith, Smith Phebe, 82, 137, 147 Smith, Smith Phebe A. 259 Smith, Smith Phebe (D. C. Mrs.) 93 Smith, Smith Phebe E. 226 Smith, Smith Phebe M. (Mrs.) 109 Smith, Smith Philo H. 142 Smith, Smith Polly (b. 1778) 102 Smith, Smith Preserved, 99 Smith, Smith Priscilla, 77, 185 Smith, Smith Prudence A. 193 Smith, Smith Prudence E. 175 Smith, Smith Prudy (Mrs.) 125 Smith, Smith R. Morris, 269 Smith, Smith , Raymond H. 260 Smith, Smith Rebecca, 148, 206 Smith, Smith Rebecca F. 239 Smith, Smith Richard, 266, 266 - Smith, Smith Richard (Ipswich, 1640) Smith, 270 Smith, Smith , Richard (1680) 39 Smith, Smith , Richard K. 261 Smith, Smith Richard R. P. 247 Smith, Smith Robert, 148, 269 Smith, Sraith Robert B. R. 134 Smith, Smith , Robert W. 168 Smith, Smith Rosa E. 237 Smith, Smith Rosalind, 152 Smith, Smith , Roswell, 92, 92, 151,152 Smith, Smith , Roxy, 102 Smith, Smith Ruama, 106 Smith, Smith , Rufus, 95, 127, 128, 129, Smith, 196 Smith, Smith , Rufus S. 133 Smith, Russell, 126 Russell C. 126, 193 Ruth N. (Mrs.) 270 S. Josephine, 267 Sabin (b 1819) 102, 268 Sabin A. 218 Sabin K. 102, 268 Sabria, 75 Sallie A. 221 Sally, 100, 102 Sally A. 147 Sally R. 125 Samuel, 225 Samuel (b. 1676) 72 Samuel (b. ab. 1696) 79 Samuel (b. 1709) 267 , Samuel (1790-1833) 140 Samuel (d. 1799-80) 98 Samuel (b. 1814)141 Samuel A. (L. I.) 269 Samuel (Capt.) 140 Samuel C. 268 , Samuel F. (Rev. Dr.) 14 Samuel P. 148 Sandford B. 211 Sara Augusta, 345 Sarah, 206 Sarah (b. 1642) 62 Sarah (b. 1670) 48 Sarah (b. 1719) 72 Sarah (bap. 1756) 82, 95 Sarah (b. 1758) 102 Sarah (b. 1761) 123 Sarah (m. 1772) 95 Sarah (b. 1777) 95 Sarah (b. 1779) 116 . Sarah (b. 1793) 100 Sarah (1800-1854) 170 Sarah (m. Foote) 50 Sarah (m. Tubbs) 79 Sarah A. 133, 216 Sarah Almira, 245 Sarah Anton ette, 50 , Sarah B. 178, 254 312 Index of Names Smith, Smith,Smith, 251 Smith, Smith,Smith, Smith, 207, Smith,Smith,Smith,Smith,Smith,Smith, Smith,Smith, Smith, 246 Smith,Smith, 127 Smith, 49 Smith,Smith,Smith,Smith, Smith, Smith,Smith,Smith, 147, Smith, Smith,Smith, Smith,Smith,Smith, Smith,Smith,Smith,Smith, Smith, Sarah Denison, 116 Sarah E. 171, 204, 247 Sarah Elizabeth, 237, Sarah F. 209, 241 Sarah J. 136 Sarah L. 236 Sarah M. 141, 141, 201, 208, 253 Sarah S. 256 Selden A. 227 Seldon M. 141 Seth, 106, 145 Shubel, 76, 125 Shubel R. 125 Sidney A. 210 Sidney C. 228 Simeon, 49, 127, 194, Simeon (b. 1738) 92 Simeon (1762-1848) Simeon (son of Judah) Simon, 151 Simon (b. ab. 1712) 79 Simon (b. 1750) 99 Simon (b. 1767) 105 Simon A. 142 Sophia G. 168 Sophronia, 104 Stephen, 99, 100, 144, 207 Stephen M. 207 Stewart A. 254 Sukey, 100 Susan, 100 Susan G. 202 Susan P. 145, 258, 268 Susie M. 247 Temperance, 76, 76, 92 Theda M. 224, 261 Theodia, 104, 142 Theodia A. 214 Smith,Smith,Smith,Smith, Smith, Smith, Smith,Smith,Smith,Smith,Smith,Smith,Smith, Smith, Smith, Smith,Smith, Smith, Smith, Smith,Smith,Smith,Smith, Smith, Smith,Smith, Smith, Smith,Smith, Smith,Smith,Smith. 95 Smith, 134 Sraith, '267 Smith,Smith, Smith, Smith, 237, Smith, Smith, Theodia L. 215 Theodore S. 228 Thankful, 92 Thomas, 173 Thomas B. 185 Timothy, 152 Timothy E. 138 Timothy W. 104 Tracy W. 257 Turner M. 142, 149 Vaneie E. 214 Virginia, 206 Valentine, 152 Waty, 114 Wallace A. 253 Walter, 145, 267 Walter B. 242 Walter E. 254 Walter G. 245 Walter N. W. 193 Walthall, 199 Warren H. 257 Washington G. 134 Welcome A. 267 Wert W. 150 Wightman, 99, 213 William, 201 William (Rev.) 269 William (b. 1706) 72 William (b. 1742) 268 William (b. 1749) 95 William (m. 1772) 82, William (1775-1854) William (of England) William (N. H.) 269 William (Pa.) 269 Williara A. 175, 203 William B. 217, 218, 258 William C. 99, 113, 141 William E. 166, 237 Referring to the Number of the Page. 313 Smith, William G. 203 Smith, William H. 154, 157, 204 Smith, William H. H. 231 Smith, William J. 258 Smith, William L. 138 Smith, William M. (Capt.) 242, 268 Smith, William N. 224 Smith, William O. 255 Smith, William P. 198 Smith, William R.J564 Smith, William S. 178, 204 Smith, William T. 230, 247 Smith, Wing R. 258 Smith, Worthington (Rev.)269 Southmayd, Amelia B. 205 Southworth, Abiah (M. D.) 238 Southworth, Judith, 206 Southworth, Wells, 238 Spangler, Catharine, 193 Spencer, Calvin, 227 Spencer, Caroline, 113 Spencer, Elizabeth J. 227 Spencer, Mary S. 206 Sprague, (Gov.) 179 Sprague, Crandall, 146 Sprague, Eleanor J. 262 Sprague, Lucretia H. 146 Sprague, Susan, 177 Sprague, William (Gov.) 177 Squire, Elizabeth, 232 Squires, Susan DeForest, 233 Stackhonse, Bessie L. 245 Stackhouse, George A. 245 Standish, Miles, 122 Stanton, Ebenezer (Capt.) 113, 165 Stanton, Ebenezer, 113 Stanton, Edward, 113 Stanton, Elisha, 113 Stanton, Eliza A. 187 Stanton, Frances, 167 Stanton, Hannah, 73 40 Stanton, Mary, 74, 76, 113 Stanton, Mary M. 188 Stanton, Nathan, 113 Stanton, Nathan (Capt.) 165, 165 Stanton, Nathan S. 113 Stanton, Thomas, 73 Stanward, Lay, 138 Stan ward, Lucy, 138 Stark, Abiel, 137 Stark, Andrew, 208 Stark, Anna, 136 Stark, Betsey, 140 Stark, Daniel, 140 Stark, Hannah, 137 Stark, Laura A. 208 Stark, Nathan, 136 Stark, Nelson, 244 Stark, Sarah A. 244 Star key, Charles, 157 Starkey, Louisa P. 157 Starr, Charles F. 252 Starr, Emma M. 252 Stebbens, Jonas B. 201 Stevens, 201 Stewart, Chs. F. 214 Stewart, Elisha, 97 Stewart, Hannah, 92 ~^ Stewart, Joshua, 139 Stoddard, Elisha, 237 Stoddard, Enoch V. (M. D.) 121, 169, 169 Stoddard, Mary J. 237 Stoddard, Moseley, 186 Stoddard, Prentice S. 173 Stoddard, Vine, 90, 121, 173 Stone, Robert T. 199 Stratton, Benjamin P. 215 Stratton, Bert S. 215 Stratton, Charles Y. 215 Stratton, Daniel, 215 Stratton, Fannie L. 215 Stratton, Frank W. 215 Stratton, Hattie J. 215 314 Index of Names Stratton, John W. 215 Stratton, Leroy Y. 215 Stratton, Nathan T. 215 Stratton, Nellie T. 215 Stratton, Sarah J. 215 Streat, Cayiat, 69 Strong, Arthur D. 216 Strong, Benjamin C. 216 Strong, Daniel W. 210 Strong, David, 104 Strong, Elizabeth, 200 Strong, Ezra, 104 Strong, H. C. 216 Strong, Lydia, 106 Strong, Mary, 135 Strong, Samuel, 216 Stroud, E. Fannie, 205 Stroud, John, 201 Stroud, Sarah, 201 Stroud, William, 205 Sturges, Fear, 75 Sturtevant, Albert B. 229 Sturtevant, Blanche M. 229 Sturtevant, Charles P. 229 Sturtevant, Eliza F. 229 Sturtevant, Mabel S. 229 Sutherland, John D. 364 Swan, (Capt.) 162 Swan, Adin, 85 Swan, Betsey, 130 Swan, Charles, 130 Swan, Cynthia, 83 Swan, David, 83 Swan, Elias, 83 Swan, Elijah, 83 Swan, Elizabeth, 83, 85, 85 Swan, Esther, 85, 85 Swan, Eunice, 83, 85 Swan, Jabez S. (Rev.) 130 Swan, Joseph, 85, 85, 130 Swan, Joshua, 130, 130 Swan, Lois, 85 Swan, Lucy, 83, 85, 130, 130 Swan, Lucy R. 130 Swan, Mary, 83 Swan, Mary E. 130 Swan, Mary M. 85 Swan, Nathan, 83 Swan, Oliver, 83 Swan, Ruth, 83 Swan, Timothy, 83, 83 Swan, William, 130 Swan, William H. 130 Symes, Frank J. 216 T Taber, Amelia, 120, 169 Taft, Mary E. 242 Taft, Royal C. 242 Talbot, Eliza, 178 Tanner, Helen, 364 Tanner,' William, 364 Tarbox, Aunette M. 205 Tarbox, Arthur D. 205 Tarbox, Charles S. 205 Tarbox, Elisha, 205 Tarbox, Jasper B. 205 Tarbox, Ralph, 205 Taylor, Annie, 155 Taylor, James, 120 Terry, Amanda, 201 Terry, Elizabeth, 200 Terry, Emma, 201 Terry, Frances, 258 Terry, George N. 200 Terry, Gilbert, 201 Terry, Henry S. 200, 200 Terry, Mary E. 200 Terry, Nelson, 200 Terry, Samuel, 200 Terry, William, 200, 200 Thayer, Amy A. 156 Referring to the Number of the Page. 315 Thayer, Josiah, 156 Thomas, Elizabeth, 233 Thomas, Hannah (Mrs.) 259 Thomas, Harriet A. 243 Thomas, Joseph S. 259 Thomas, Lewis S. 259, 259 Thomas, Nancy E, 259 Thomas, Margaret C. 259 Thomas, Thomas L. 259, 259 Thompson, Mary, 148 Thompson, William S. 225 Thorp, Adelbert, 214 Thorp, Maxwell, 214 Thorp, Montraville M. 214 Tiffany, Elisha, 95 Tinker, Fanny C. 228 Torry, Mary, '207 Trask, Fannie E. 264 Treadway, Asanet, 126 Treadway, James, 75 Treadway, James, Jr. 75 Tribby, Mehitable, 135 Tripp, Daniel, 257 Tripp, Esther M. 257 Tripp, Henry, 257 Tripp, Mary E. 257 Tripp, William S. 257 Truman, Joseph, 36 Trumbull, Jonathan (Gov.) 105 Tubbs, Allen, 146 Tubbs, Edwin, 146 Tubbs, Frances E 228 Tubbs, Frances H. 146 Tubbs, Isaac, 79 Tubbs, Job, 228 Tubbs, John, 146 Tubbs, John (M. D.) 103 Tubbs, John G. (M. D.) 146 Tubbs, Julia H. 146 Tubbs, M. Elizabeth, 146 Tubbs, Mary E. 146 Tubbs, Mary Eliza, 103 Tucker, A. Waldo, 169 Tucker, Frances A. 172 Tucker, George P. 172 Tucker, Jeduthan, 171 Tucker, Luther, 171 Tucker, Luther D. 172 Tucker, Luther K. 172 Tucker, Sarah, 253, 336 Tuman, Eunice, 99 Turner, Annie F. 239 Turner, Caroline S. 239 Turner, Edwin, 239 Turner, Franklin, 239 Turner, Gershom, 239 Turner, Isabelle, 239 Turner, John, 100 Turner, Laura (Mrs.) 146 Turner, Lois E. 239 Turner, Lydia, 100 Tuttle, Harriet N. 189 Tuttle, Timothy (Rev.) 189 Tyler, W. S. 156 Uncas, (Indian) 60, 63 Underhill, Isaac, 186 u Underwood, Eugene, 134 Vail, Erretta, 207 Vail, Esther, 135 y Van Vleck, Henry, 171 316 Index of Names w Wadams, Elmira, 186 Wait, Albert S. 197 Wait, Charles F. 197 Wait, Charles W. 197 Wait, Mary L. 197 Wait, Norman, 197 Wait, Oliver C. 197 Wait, Remsen, 197 Wait, Richard, 67 Wait, Theodore, 197 Waldron, (Mrs.) 162 Walker, Anna R. 211 Walker, Rebecca, 230 Waller, 59 Walthall, Mary L. 133 Walworth, Eunice, 93 Walworth, Mary S. 93 Walworth, William, 93, 93 Wandall, Sarah, 197 Ward, Flora, 145 Ward, John L. 145 Wardlaw, Antoinnette, 51 Warren, George H., Jr. 232 Warren, Maria, 50 Washburn, Henry G. 148 Washington -(Geti'l) 86, 86 Waterman, Gurdon (Capt.) 108 Waterman, Hannah, 76, 121 Waterman, Henry, 107 Waterman, Mary, 179 Waterman, Nancy, 137 Waterman, Warren, 202 Waters, Rebecca, 260 Watrous, Javed, 208 Watrous, Lavinia, 154 Watrous, Lois C. 208 Watson, Mary, 267 Watts, Hugh, 218 Watts, Sarah J. 218 Way, Elisha, 125 Way, Elizabeth, 30, 31 Way, George, 30 Way, Joseph, 79 Way, Lois, 80 Way, Thomas, 31 Webster, Almira, 141 Weed, 142 Welch, Rebecca M. 233 Welch, Samuel, 233 Welles, George D. 265 Welles, George E. (Col.) 265 Welles, William B. 265 Welles, Woolsey, 265 Wells, Charlotte M. 263 Wells, James H. 173 Weston, Sarah, 189 Westphael, William, 255 Wetherell, Daniel, 34, 63, 68 Wheat, Eliza G. 246 Wheeler, 256 Wheeler, Alma D. 196 Wheeler, Dorothy, 71 Wheeler, Henry, 196 Wheeler, Isaac, 71 Wheeler, Thomas, 71 Whipple. Electa, 207 White, Benjamin E. 189 White, Lucinda, 266 White, Sarah P. 189 Whiting, Daniel. 258 Whiting, Edward, 258 Whiting, Edward N. 258 Whiting, Grace L. 258 Whiting, Herbert C. 258 Whiting, Laura B. 258 Whitney, George H. 176 Whittemore, Nancy, 203 Whittemore, Philena, 135 Wiand, Henry, 132 Wickham, Joseph P. 110 Wickham, Phebe M. (Mrs.)llO Wightman, 152 Referring to the Number of the Page. 317 Wightman, Allen S. 145 Wightman, Amy, 145, 145, 149 Wightman, Emeline, 145 Wightman, Hannah, 104, 139 Wightman, Isaac, 139 Wightman, John (Rev.) 98 Wightman, John G. 140 Wightman, Joseph 0. 146 Wightman, Lucy A. 145 Wightman, Mary, 98, 104, 139 Wightman, Mary A. 145 Wightman, Maria L. 145 Wightman, P. G. (Rev.) 146 Wightman, Tabitha, 138 Wightman, Timothy, 103, 145 Wightman, Timothy (Rev.) 98 104 Wightman, Valentine, 78 Wightman, Valentine (Rev.) 98 Wilcox, Frank W. 137 Wilder, Charles, 226 Wilder, Dexter E. 226 Wilder, Oscar, 134 Wilder, William, 226 Wilkins, Andrew (Rev.) 251 Wilkins, Ednah S. 251 Wilkins, Grace E. 251 Wilkins, Herve D. 251 Wilkins, Herve L. 251 Willey, Martin, 186 Williams, (Capt.) 120 Williams, Adam, 125 Williams, Almira B. 171 Williams, Almira S. 171 Williams, Anna E. 196 Williams, Bessie S. 232 Williams, Charles A. 268 Williams, Charles H. 215 Williams, Charles P. 232, 232, 232 Williams, Charles S. 130, 130 Williams, Clement N. 241 Williams, Coddington B. 170 Williams, Coddington S. 170 Williams, Cynthia M. 217 Williams, Daniel, 130 Williams, Desire, 188 Williams, Eleazer, 130 Williams, Elisha, 84 Williams, Eliza, 171, 251 Williams, Eliza C. 232 Williams, Ellen L. 171 Williams, Ephraim, 232 Williams, Eunice, 124, 130 Williams, Frances E. 170 Williams, George M. 171 Williams, George W. 217 Williams, Georgia, 232 Williams, Gilbert, 116 Williams, Grace B. 176 Williams, Grace B. (Mrs.) 136 Williams, Hannah, 125 Williams, Jane A. 171 Williams, Jesse (Capt.) 171 Williams, Job W. 217 Williams, John, 216 Williams, Martha, 84 Williams, Martha A. 217 Williams, Mary B. 232 Williams, Mary D. 171 Williams, Mary L. (Mrs.) 187 Williams, Mary S. 130 Williams. Michel, 69 Williams, Sarah B. 170 Williams, Seth, 1 23 Williams, Thomas J. 217 Williams, William (Gen.) 108 Williamson, Ayora O. 209 Williamson, James H. (Mrs.) 209 Wilson, Jacob, 218 Wilson, Julia, 50 Wilson, Mary (Mrs.) 218 Wilson, Phebe, 218 Wilson, Thomas, 252 Wilson, William (M. D.) 252 Winchester, Alexander, 65 318 Index of Names RefferIng to Page. Winchester, Lydia, 65 Winthrop, Fitz John (Gov.) 68, 93 Wood, Edward J. 171 Wood, John (1651) 59 Wood, Julia, 154 Wood, Roswell, 149 Wood, Sally, 149 Wood, Sarah M. 230 Wood, Williara B. 230 Wood, William H. 136 Woodbridge, Amanda M. 192 Woodbridge, David, 192 Woodbridge, Maria L. (Mrs.) 168 Woodruff, Jennie D. 168 Woodward, John, 101 Worthington, Frances H. 263 Wright, Azariah, 126 Wright, Lydia, 126 Wright, Mary, 124 Wright, Roxana, 219 Wright, Sarah E. 247 Yates, Caroline A. 200 Yeomans, Gilbert, 217 Yeomans, Lucy, 217 Y Youngs, 103 ' Youngs, Christopher 109 (Rev.) ADDENDA. 27- On page 88, in relation to the location of Col. Oliver Smith's Shipyard on the Mystic River, there seems to be equalty good authority for believing that the yard was on the West bank of the river, on the point above Taylor's, now called the " Halfway House,'' and nearly opposite the north end of Elm Grove Cemetry. 48. Anson Smith, b. 1795, was a Soldier, War of 1812. 58. Morgan G. Bulklky, now Governor of the State of Con necticut, is a grandson of Avery Morgan, b. May 20, 1781. 128. Simon Smith was Deacon 36 years, and Chorister 49 years, at the "Stone Cliurch," East Lynne, Conn. The choir being a famous one in that portion of the State. 155. Albert S. Gallup, b. 1823; m. Jane A. Balch, Prov. R. I., June 5, 1849 ; 3 ch., b. Prov., all res. (1889), N. Y. City. Mr. Gallup is a prominent lawyer and was appointed Park Commissioner in 1849. 183. Joseph D.Smith was Lieut., Co. A. Coast Patrol, Groton, Conn., War 1812. 295. Royal C. Taft, Governor (1888), ol the State of Rhode Island . 365 (see 181). Ednah Virgihi a°{EUJ ah F.s Rufus,* Simeon,* Isaac,* Neliemiah.* Nehemiah,* Nehemiah'), b. Rochester, N. Y., June 10, 1841; m. Feb. 21, 1878, Henry C. Munn ; res, Rochester, N. Y. Ch. Elijah Smith Munn, b. Jan. 2, 1879. Emily Lester Munn, b. May 14, 1880. 366 (see 177). George Fox* {Marcus £.,' Russell,* Charles,* John,* Nehemiah,* Nehemiah, Nehemiafo),h. May 3, 1856 ; m. Plainfield, 111.. Katie C. Spangler, Deq. 24, 1878 ; res. Day- tona, Fla. Ch. Carrie Louise, b. Nov. lo, 1879. Claudie Spangler, b. Feb. 22, 1882. ERRATA. Page 10. For Mrs. Javed W., read Mrs. Jared W. 11. For Sanford read Sandford. 4S. For Baley read Bailey. 49. For John Perine read Joseph Perine. 61. For. apprised read appraised. 62. For Emigrants read Emigrant 98. Record 40. Read Rev. John Gano Wightman t etc.; read also ch. by first wife, Anna, 102 (the oldest), Betsey 101 ; ch. second wife, Bridget 103, John 104, etc. 147. For Corel read Co vel. 157. For Herbett read Herbert. 169. .Record of Thomas H. C. Allen date of second m. should be Aug. 5, 1879. 170. For Edward Fanning Smith read Edmund, etc. 171. For Gorshen read Goshen. 206. Last line for d. 1839 read d. 210. For March 3, 1857 read March 3, 1851. 222. For Laomi read Lamoni. 223. " " " " 234. Hecord 273. Read Manufacturer of Cabinet Organs and Dealer in Pianos and Musical Merchandise. " 240. For Snow read Swan. " 256. Record 331. For Cau read Carr. " 257. For Averell read Howell. " 261. For Frederick read Frederic. Index. For Smith, Javed W. read Jared W. Smith, Sara Augusta, for 345 read 245.