jf * TALE ? VNIVERSITY » f ? L I B R,A JRJ » HISTOET OF DELAWARE COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA. BY HENRY GRAHAM ASHMEAD. ILLUSTKATED. PHILADELPHIA: L. H. EVERTS & C O. 188 4. Copyright, 4-884, by L. H. Everts & Co. PRESS OF J. B. LIPPINCOTT & CO., PHILADELPHIA. TO JOHN HOSKINS, PHILADELPHIA, O? 13L I S WOBK IS EBSPECTFULLY DEDICATED BT HIS SINCEKE PEIEND, THE AUTHOR. PREFACE. Since the publication of the admirable History of Delaware County, written by Dr. George Smith, nearly a quarter of a century ago, the interest awakened in the National Centennial re sulted in directing general attention in almost every locality through the country to its early annals, and as a consequence in Delaware County, at least, much historical material was reclaimed from the past of which Dr. Smith could have had no information while preparing his work for the press. The present history has been written with the purpose of presenting, as far as could be done in a single volume, an authentic, exhaustive, and unbiased narrative of the events which have occurred in Delaware County from the period of the early settlements within its territory to the present time ; and in so doing care has been taken to avoid any reference to in cidents happening without its boundaries, excepting in those cases where it became necessary to give a brief account of the movements elsewhere in order to render the incidents related in the present work intelligible. It will be noticed that very little attention has been given to the re cital of political contests which have taken place in the county. The effervescent nature of such public incidents is such that after the reasons which have produced them have ceased to be poten tial, very little substance remains for the annalist to deal with in relating the story of the times that have passed. In that part of the work devoted to the histories of the several townships, the author has received the assistance of Mr. Austin N. Hungerford, a gentleman whose accuracy of research and comprehensive examination of documentary authorities has made his labors of the utmost value to the writer in the preparation of this history. To Mr. Hungerford's unwearying industry and quick appreciation of the data necessary to that end is largely due the full history given of the industrial establishments in the county. The pressure of time rendered it necessary that several of the township histories should be prepared by other writers. To Mr. Alfred Mathews was assigned Media borough, and Haverford and Radnor to Mr. John S. Schenck. Mr. Mathews' narrative of the history of Media is very full and accurate, and must commend itself to the reader, not only for those features, but because of the graceful style in which the narrative is presented. The histories of Haverford and Radnor, written by Mr. Schenck, are also admirable presenta tions of the annals of those localities. The author, in the preparation of this work, has been met with the utmost kindness by the residents of Delaware County, who responded promptly to his application for data and access to vi PREFACE. documents of a historical character. From William B. Broomall, Edward A. Price, David M. Johnson, John B. Hinkson, George M. Booth, and others, he has received many favors. The intro ductory chapter of the General History was prepared by Dr. Ellwood Harvey, and that relating to the ten-hour movement was contributed by James Webb. These articles must commend themselves to the reader, as to style, comprehensiveness, and accuracy of statement. To the Historical Society of Pennsylvania the author desires to return his especial acknowledgments for favors shown, and also to Gilbert Cope, of West Chester, for like kindnesses. The atlas of Early Grants and Patents in Delaware County, prepared by Benjamin H. Smith, is the authority on which the author has based in most cases his references to the lands taken up by the early settlers. The rupture of a blood-vessel in one of the eyes of the author rendered it impossible for him to read much of the proof of the General History, and possibly errors may occur therein which might have been avoided under other circumstances. H. G. A. Chester, Sept. 9, 1884. CONTENTS. CHAPTER I. PAGE Physical Geography and Geology of Delaware County 1 CHAPTER II. The Early Settlement of Delaware County to the Grant of the Province to William Penn 2 CHAPTER III. The Circular Boundary Line between Delaware County and the State of Delaware 15 CHAPTER IV. William Penn's First Voyage to his Province in 1682 — The Change of the Name Upland to Chester, and the Reason it was Made 20 CHAPTER V. The First Assembly of Pennsylvania, and the House wherein it met 22 CHAPTER VI. The Colonial History to the War of the Eevolution 24 CHAPTER VII. The Revolutionary Struggle to the Battle of Brandywine 40 CHAPTER VIII. The Battle of Brandywine 55 CHAPTER IX. From the Defeat at Brandywine to the Conclusion of the Revolu tionary War 65 CHAPTER X. From the Revolutionary War to the Erection of Delaware County.. 77 CHAPTER XI. From the Erection of the County of Delaware to the Second War with Great Britain 83 CHAPTER XII. The Second War with England 86 CHAPTER XIIL From the Second War with England to 1850 91 CHAPTER XIV. Storms, Freshets, and Earthquakes 09 CHAPTER XV. The Ten-Hour Movement 108 CHAPTER XVI. The Removal of the County-seat to Media 112 CHAPTER XVII. The Civil War 114 CHAPTER XVIII. Crimes and Punishments 157 CHAPTER XIX. PAGE Manners and CuBtoms — How Inhabitants of Delaware County lived in former Years 178 CHAPTER XX. Traveling and Transportation, with an Account of the Railroads in the County 192 CHAPTER XXI. Redemptioners and Slavery in Delaware County 200 CHAPTER XXII. Agriculture, with a brief Mention of our Domestic Animals 207 CHAPTER XXIII. Wild Animals, Fish, etc., of Delaware County 211 CHAPTER XXIV. Delaware County Climate, together with Notices of Remarkable Weather 215 CHAPTER XXV. The Court, Bench, and Bar of Delaware County 217 CHAPTER XXVI. Physicians and Medical Societies 253 CHAPTER XXVII. Civil Lists 267 CHAPTER XXVIII. The TownBhip of Tinicum 274 CHAPTER XXIX. Aston Township 290 CHAPTER XXX. Bethel Township 305 CHAPTER XXXI. Birmingham Township 311 CHAPTER XXXII. City of Chester 327 CHAPTER XXXIII. Chester Township 424 CHAPTER XXXIV. Borough of Upland 427 CHAPTER XXXV. South Chester Borough 435 CHAPTER XXXVI. North Chester Borough 443 CHAPTER XXXVIL Upper Chichester Township 448 vii Vill CONTENTS. CHAPTER XXXVIII. PAGE Lower Chichester Township 455 CHAPTER XXXIX. Concord Township 482 CHAPTER XL. Darby Township 505 CHAPTER XLI. Darby Borough 515 CHAPTER XLII. Upper Darby Township 531 CHAPTER XLIII. Edgmont Township 553 CHAPTER XLIV. Haverford Township 563 CHAPTER XLV. Marple Township 579 CHAPTER XLVI. Borough of Media 587 CHAPTER XLVII. PAGE Middletown Township 611 CHAPTER XLVIII. Newtown Township 634 CHAPTER XLIX. Nether Providence Township 652 CHAPTER L. Upper Providence Township 666 CHAPTER LI. Radnor Township 678 CHAPTER LII. Thornbury Township 702 CHAPTER LIII. Springfield Township 713 CHAPTER LIV. Ridley Township 734 APPENDIX 756 INDEX 769 ILLUSTRATIONS. PAGE Abraham, D. C 700 Adams, George B.. 67G Andrews, James 515 Austin, Obdyke & Co 551 Bancroft, Samuel 660 Bartram, Thomas P 650 Beaumont, Davis 650 Bishop, Jeremiah 677 Bishop, Randal 732 Black, Henry B 403 Blakeley, Abraham 400 Booth, Thomas, Sr 311 Brinton, John .• 711 Brinton, Joseph E 712 Brinton, Joseph E., residence of 712 Brooke, H. Jones 608 Burnley, Charles 624 Burnley, George 545 Burnley, John 623 Campbell, James 397 Cassin, Isaac S 675 Cheyney, Charles M ; 311 Childs, George W 697 Childs, George W., residence of 695 Converse, John H., residence of 6^8 County House, Media 595 Court-House and Jail 394 Crozer, John P 430 Custer, Bethel M 755 Darlington, Edward, Jr 632 Deshong,J. O 376 Dunwoody, James 651 Dun woody, John 586 Eachus, Eber » 562 Eckfeldt, A. C 447 Edgmont Central Seminary , 557 Edwards, Samuel , 248 Ellis, Rudulph, residence of 684 Elwyn, A. L 628 Esrey, D.R 447 Etting, Frank M., residence of 482 Eureka Cast-Steel Company 404 Friends' Meeting-House, Middletown 613 Forwood, J. L 262 Gartside, Amos between 398, 399 Gartside, B. & Sons " 398. 399 Gartside, Benjamin " 398, 399 GartBide, James " 398,399 Gartside, John 401 Gest, Joseph 502 Gest, Rebekab 502 GibbonB, Joseph 732 Gibbons, Joseph, residence of. 724 Green, William H 437 Haldeman, Isaac 604 Hibberd, John 251 Hinkson, F. J 377 Holmes1 Map of the Province of Pennsylvania 26 Hoskins (Graham) House 354 PAGE Hunter, J. Morgan 676 Irving, James 444 James, Daniel 710 Johnson, Charles 633 Kent, Thomas 544 Keystone Paper-Mills 550 Kirk, Benjamin 702 Land ftig-Pl ace of William Penn 415 Larkin, John, Jr 379 Leedom, Jesse 652 Leedom', Joseph B 579 Lewis, J. Howard, Paper-Mills 663 Lewis, Milton 609 Lewis, William, Birthplace of. 561 Magill, Edward H 722 Manley, Charles D 608 Mathues, C. W 500 McCall, Robert 310 Mcllvain, Spencer 407 Mendenhall, John 563 Middletown Presbyterian Church 614 Milbourne Mills 547 "Millbourne" 549 Moore, James A 578 Moore, John M 586 Mural Tablet in St. Paul's Church, Chester 338 Outline Map 1 Palmer, Charles 501 Palmer, Lewis 501 Palmer, Samuel 423 Pancoast, Samuel 585 Peace, Edward , 698 Peace, Edward, residence of. 699 Pennell, Edmund 378 Penn Memorial Stone 416 Peterman, David • 587 Plumstead, Robert 552 Porter House, the 356 Powel, T. P 500 Pratt, Thomas 632 Ramey, Lawrence 701 Rawle, James, residence of. 699 Reece, Thomas 607 Rhodes, John B 294 Rhodes, John B , residence of. 295 Rhoads, William 651 Roach, John 390 Scott, Alexander, residence of 486 Seal, William 634 Seal, Jane T 635 Sellers, John 548 Sharpless, Joel 633 Shaw, Hugh 446 Shaw, Esrey & Co ¦ 445 Smedley, Samuel L 560 St. David's Church 644 Swarthmore College 719 Tasker, Thomas T 7B4 Taylor, Joseph 424 ILLUSTKATIONS. PAGE Thatcher, Garrett 713 Thomas, Jonathan, residence of G18 Thomson, J. Edgar 728 Thurlow, John J 436 Trainer, David ,.... 4.70 Trainer, J. Newlin, residence of 468 Trainer, William 481 Tyler, Hugh L.. 677 Ward, William 422 Walter, Y. S 383 PAGE Webster, Joseph 713 West, Benjamin, birthplace of 726 Wetherill, Robert & Co 405 Williams, Edward H., residence of 680 Willcox, James M 494: Willcox Paper Mills 492 Wilson, Dr. Ellwood, residence of 292 Worrall, Jacob 755 Worrell, David 733 Worth, Edward, residence of. 298 HISTORY OF DELAWARE COUNTY. CHAPTEE I. PHYSICAL GEOGRAPHY AND GEOLOGY OF DELA WARE COUNTY.1 The surface of the county is hilly with very little exception in its western part, but somewhat level in its eastern portion. Its drainage is by several small streams, called creeks, that flow in a southerly direc tion and empty into the Delaware River. These and their tributary branches make Delaware a well-watered county. Almost every country house is supplied from a never-failing spring of pure, soft water, and nearly all the fields of every farm have running streams through them. The flowing of these creeks down a surface inclined to the Delaware River, which is the southeastern boundary of the county, gives an abundance of water- power, which is used for various manufacturing pur poses. The rapid flow of these streams and their numerous branches have cut deeply into the surface of the land, making it beautifully diversified by wood- crowned hills and fertile valleys and hill-sides. No one who has ever seen the charming scenery of this part of our State can exclude from the recollection of it the well-tilled farms, with their tastefully-planned homes, capacious barns, fields of waving grain, and the herds of cows that supply milk and butter of the very best quality to the Philadelphia market. Here grow luxuriantly all the fruits, grains, grasses, and vege tables of the temperate zone. The declension of the surface of the land toward the south brings it near to a right angle with the rays of the sun, which has an effect on its temperature that is equivalent to being a degree or more farther south. The lower altitude of lands touching tide-water also favors the mildness of the climate as compared with higher surfaces. Grass is ready for pasturing about ten days earlier in the spring than on the higher and more horizontal lands of similar quality a few miles farther north. The river has a considerable influence on the tempera ture of that part of the county bordering immediately on it. In winter the air may be for a long time at a freezing temperature before the river has ice on it, for the reason that the whole depth of water must be very 1 Contributed by Ellwood Harvey, M.D., Chester. near to the freezing-point before its surface can be come ice, though the surface of the ground will be frozen by a single night of coldness. Under such circumstances, and they occur every year, the two miles of width of water that is several degrees warmer than the general atmosphere has a very perceptible modifying influence. Fruits and flowers remain untouched by frost for several weeks after hard freezing has occurred in other parts of the county. In summer, evaporation keeps the river cooler than the surface of the land, which, becoming heated by the sun's rays, radiates the heat into the air above it. The air expanding by the heat becomes lighter, and rises, and is replaced by the heavier air from the river, which flows with refreshing coolness and moisture over the parched land. These river breezes are of daily occurrence whenever the surface of the land is warm and dry, and their visits are delightfully acceptable. The geology of the county is somewhat peculiar. Our rocks belong to the earliest formation known to geologists. They were formed by the first process of hardening, which occurred when the surface of the great red-hot drop of molten matter which now con stitutes the earth had cooled to the hardening-point. Having been formed by cooling from a melted condi tion, they are crystalline in structure. It appears that they have not been submerged in the water of seas or lakes, where, if they had been, deposits of mud, sand, and gravel might have been washed upon them, to afterwards be hardened into rocks, but that since rocks have existed on the earth these have been a part of the dry land. They contain no traces of the remains of organic beings, such as are found in the stratified rocks that are formed under water. In many parts of the county great fissures have opened, in the remote past, into which the liquid rock of the earth's interior has been injected, form ing what are known as dikes. Into these different kinds of rock have been forced, some being trap-rock and others serpentine. Coming from the earth's in terior, this liquid matter was intensely hot, and heated the rocks on both sides the dikes so much as to change their texture by semi-liquefying them, and thereby favoring a recrystallization into different forms. HISTORY OF DELAWARE COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA. Overlying the rocks of the country are deposits of gravel, sand, and clay. Some of these are results of the decomposition of the rocks themselves, but the greater part of them appear to have been brought from some other region, and the opinion is generally accepted that they were pushed from the country north of us by immense glaciers, that appear to have at one time covered all the northeastern parts of this country. The minerals of the county are very nu merous. There are very few places in the whole country that offer such an extensive field for scien tific research in this direction as the small county of Delaware. CHAPTER II. THE EARLY SETTLEMENT OP DELAWARE COUNTY TO THE GRANT OF THE PROVINCE TO WILLIAM PENN. The first vessel under the control of white men whose prow ever ruffled the bosom of the great sheet of water now known to the world as Delaware Bay was the "Half Moon" (" Halvemann"), of eighty tons burden, an exploring vessel belonging to the Dutch East India Company, commanded by Henry Hudson. The log-book of Robert Jewett, the mate, records that about noon of Friday, Aug. 28, 1609, a warm, clear day, " we found the land to tend away N. W. with a great bay and river." The lead line, however, dis closing many shoal places, the vessel, next morning, was put about and steered on a southeast course, the oificers being convinced that " he that will thoroughly explore this great bay must have a small pinnace that must draw but four or five feet water, to sound before him.'' The following year Sir Samuel Argall is said to have entered the bay ; and in honor of Thomas West, Lord De La War, the then Governor of Virginia, he named it Delaware Bay. In 1610, Lord Delaware, it is stated, himself visited it, and again in 1618, when he died on his vessel when off the Capes. In 1614, Capt. Cornelius Jacobsz Mey, in the "Fortune," a vessel owned by the city of Hoorn, entered the bay, and in commemoration of his visit Cape Cornelius and Cape May between them still bear his name. Two years subsequent to Mey's voyage, Capt. Cornelius Hendrickson, in a small yacht, the " Restless," is positively asserted by some historians— and the state ment is almost as positively denied by others — to have explored the Delaware as far as where the Schuylkill empties into the former river. If it be true that Capt. Hendrickson did actually sail up the stream to the place named, he was the first European of whom we have record that saw any part of the land now com prising the county of Delaware, for his vessel moved along the river the entire length of our southeastern boundary, and he must have noticed the localities where afterwards was planted that germ of civiliza tion from which has'evolved the great commonwealth of Pennsylvania. The history of the various attempts of the Dutch and Swedish powers to establish permanent lodgment on the Delaware is a most interesting theme to the student of our colonial annals. Especially is this true since the indefatigable labors of the members of the Historical Societies of Pennsylvania, New York, and New Jersey have unearthed in recent years a number of authentic documents and historical papers whose very existence was unknown, which now shed much light on those early days of adventurous colonization. But the scope of this work forbids other than a brief narrative of these events excepting where, happening wholly within the territory now comprising Delaware County, they become part of the immediate story of this locality. In 1621, in Holland, was incorporated the great West India Company, which while its object was a monopoly of the trade of the territory where it might locate posts simply for barter with the savages, the practical result of its efforts was the establishment of a permanent colony in New York and, in a measure, the settlement of the Delaware. Under the auspices of this company, in 1624, Capt. Mey located a garri son 1 near the mouth of Timber Creek, Gloucester Co., N. J., and built Fort Nassau, which post was aban doned the year following. Nevertheless the Dutch company did not relinquish its purpose of making a permanent lodgment on the Delaware, and with that end in view, Samuel Goodyn and Samuel Bloemmaert in 1631 purchased from three of the chiefs of the resi dent tribe of Indians a large tract of land, sixteen miles square, extending from Cape Henlopen north ward towards the mouth of the river. To this pur chase — although it was not made until after the arri val of the vessel in the winter of 1630-31, which was remarkably mild— Capt. Peter Heyes, in the ship " Walrus," conveyed a small colony, which he located on Lewes Creek, designing to establish a whale- and seal-fishery station there, as well as plantations for 1 Dr. Smith ("History of Delaware County," page 9) states that from the deposition of Catelina Tricho, said to haye been the first white woman at Albany, the colonists who located at and built Kort Nassau in 1624 were accompanied by females. The curious document (see "Documentary History of New York," vol. iii. page 49) is as follows: "New Yobk, February 14, 1684-6. "The deposition of Catelina Tricho, aged fouer score yeares or there abouts, taken before the right hono>»° Collo. Thomas, Leu' and Governour under his Roy" high" James, Duke of York and Albany, etc., of N. York and its Dependencyes in America, who saith and declares in the pr'sens of God as followeth : " That she came to this Province either in the year one thousand six hundred and twenty-three or twenty-fouer, to the best of her remember- ance, an that fouer women came along with her in the same shipp, in which the Governor, Arien Jorissen, oame also over, which fouer women were married at Sea, and that they aud their husbands stayed about three weeks at this place, and then they with eight seamen more went in a vessel hy ord™ of the Dutch Governc to Delaware river and there settled. This 1 Certifie under my hand and ye Seale of this province. "Tho. Donoan." EARLY SETTLEMENT. the cultivation of tobacco and grain. The settlement was called Swanendale, or "Valley of Swans," be cause of the great number of those birds in the neigh borhood. After the erection of Fort Oplandt, and surrounding it with palisades, Capt. Peter Heyes sailed for Holland, leaving Gillis Hossett, commissary of the ship, in command of the territory. Early in 1632 it was determined that David Pieter- sen De Vries, one of the patroons of the company and an experienced navigator, should repair to the colony on the Delaware with a number of emigrants, to join those already there ; but before the expedition sailed from the Texel, May 24th of that year, the rumor was received that the little colony at Swanendale had been massacred by the Indians. The truth of this intelli gence was established when De Vries entered the Delaware, after a circuitous passage, on the 5th of December following, and a careful exploration was made in a boat the next day. The fort was found a charred ruin, while the bones of the settlers and those of the horses and cows were discovered here and there bleaching in the sun. The adroit De Vries, however, managed to secure the confidence of the Indians, and induced one of the natives to remain all night on his vessel, from whom he learned the cir cumstances connected with the massacre. The par ticulars, as so related by the Indian, are thus recorded by De Vries : L " He then Bhowed us the place where our people had set up a column to which was fastened a piece of tin, whereon the arms of Holland were painted. One of their chiefs took this off, for the purpose of making tobacco-pipes, not knowing that he was doing amiBS. Those in com mand at the house made such an ado about it that the Indians, not knowing how it was, went away and slew the chief who had done it, and brought a token of the dead to the house to those in command, who told them that they wished that they had not done it ; that they should have brought him to them, as they wished to have forbidden him not to do the like again. They went away, and tbe friends of the murdered chief incited their friends, as they are a people like the Indians, who are very revengeful, to set about the work of vengeance. Observing our people out of the house, each one at his work, that there was not more than one inside, who was lying sick, and a large mastiff, who was chained, — had he been Ioobo they would not have dared to approach the house, — and the man who had command standing near the house, three of the stoutest Indians, who were to do the deed, bringing a lot of bear-skins with them to exchange, Bought to enter the house. The man in charge went in with them to make the barter, which being done, he went to the loft where the stores lay, and in descending the stairs one of the IndianB seized an axe and cleft his head so that he fell down dead. They also relieved the sick man of life, and shot into the dog, who was chained fast, and whom they most feared, twenty-five arrows before they could dispatch him. They then proceeded towards the rest of the men, who were at work, and, going amongst them with pretensions of friendship, struck them down. Thus was our young colony destroyed, causing us serious loss." On Jan. 1, 1633, De Vries, who. by divers presents had so won the good opinion and friendship of the Indians that they concluded a treaty of peace with him, sailed up the river, and on the 5th of the same month reached the abandoned Fort Nassau, where he was met by a few Indians, who seeing him approach ing, had gathered there to barter furs. The Dutch i " Voyages of De Vries." New York Historical Society Collection (new series), vol. iii. page 23. captain told them he wanted beans, and that he had no goods to exchange for peltries, whereupon the sav ages told him to go to Timmerkill (now Cooper's Creek, opposite Philadelphia), where he could get corn. An Indian woman to whom he had given a cloth dress secretly informed De Vries that if he went there he would be attacked, for the natives had mur dered the crew of an English boat which was ascend ing the Count Earnest (Delaware) River. Thus fully on his guard, the next day when De Vries went to Timmerkill he permitted the Indians to visit his vessel, at the same time informing the savages that their evil designs had been revealed to him by Manitou, the Indian god. After making a treaty of permanent peace with them, being unable to obtain corn in any quantity on the Delaware, De Vries sailed to Vir ginia, where he purchased provisions and received from the Governor a present of six goats for Swanen dale, to which he returned, and subsequently taking the colonists on his vessel, sailed to New York and thence to Europe. Hence, in the summer of 1633 no settlement of Europeans was located at any point along the shores of Delaware Bay and River. In 1635 a party of Englishmen from the colony on the Connecticut River, consisting of George Holmes, his hired man, Thomas Hall, and ten or twelve others, attempted to make a lodgment on the Delaware, of which fact the Dutch authorities in New York seemed to have had information, and made preparation to thwart their design, for when the English squatters made an effort to capture Fort Nassau they found it garrisoned. The English party were taken prisoners and sent to Manhattan, where they were permitted permanently to settle. Thomas Hall, at the latter place, rose to some eminence, and was active in all the movements in the early days of New York while it was a Dutch province. In 1624, William Usselincx visited Sweden, and as as it was he who had drafted the first plan for the Dutch West India Company, he was invited by Gus- tavus Adolphus to remain in Sweden. Although ad vanced in years, in 1626, Usselincx obtained from the king a charter for the Swedish West India Company, a commercial organization, whose project of forming a colony in " foreign parts" received the earnest sup port of Gustavus Adolphus and Axel Oxenstierna, the great chancellor of Sweden. But nothing beyond the consent of Adolphus to the organization of the com pany seems to have been done, and even the official royal signature to the charter was never procured. Hence after the death of the king the company was dissolved and the whole project apparently was aban doned, notwithstanding a publication of the privi leges granted by charter, although unsigned by the late monarch, was made by Chancellor Oxenstierna. This was the external appearance merely, for several persons were still earnest in the effort to establish the Swedish West India Company. It is a peculiar cir cumstance that as late as the middle of the year 1635 HISTORY OF DELAWARE COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA. the objective-point of the proposed expedition seemed to have been undetermined, the coast of Guinea and that of Brazil being under consideration, while the eastern coast of North America apparently offered no attractions whatever. In the summer of 1635, Peter Minuit, who had some knowledge of the territory on the Delaware, entered into correspondence with the Swedish authorities, and early in 1637 he went to Sweden, where, after many difficulties, on Aug. 9, 1637, the Admiralty issued a passport for the ships "Kalmar Nyckel" and " Gripen," the former a man- of-war, and the latter a sloop, or tender, which vessels comprised Minuit's fleet, the first Swedish expedition. It is stated in a Dutch state paper that Minuit's col onists were " Swedes, the most of whom were ban ditti."1 Unforeseen delays followed, until the winter was near at hand before the expedition finally made sail for the New World, after having put into the Dutch harbor of Medemblik for repairs. It is stated by Professor Odhner,2 of Sweden, that documentary evidence seems to establish the fact that the fleet ar rived in the Delaware in March or early in April, 1638. Minuit about that time, it is known, purchased from the Indians a tract of land several days' journey in extent, located on the west bank of the river, whereon he set up the arms of Sweden, and with a salvo of artillery christened the fort he began build ing, near the present site of Wilmington, the " Kris- tina," in honor of the youthful queen whose flag he was the first to unfold on the American continent. The river Christiana retains the name thus bestowed on the fort — for Minuit called that stream the Elbe — to this day. Within the palisade were built two log houses, for the accommodation of the soldiers and for the storage of provisions. After the little settlement had been provided with all necessaries to sustain life, and for barter with the Indians, Lieut. Mans Kling was placed in command of the garrison, and Minuit, in July, 1638, sailed for Sweden, touching in his homeward voyage at the West Indies, where the sloop " Gripen" had preceded him. At St. Christo pher he sold all the merchandise on the " Kalmar Nyckel," and in place of the cargo he had taken to the island loaded the vessel with tobacco. When ready to sail Minuit and the captain of his vessel were invited to visit a Dutch ship, "The Flying Deer," and while on board of the latter a furious hur ricane arose, compelling all the vessels in the road stead to go to sea. Several of the ships were dis masted, while others were lost, among the latter " The Flying Deer." She was never afterwards heard from. The " Kalmar Nyckel" made search for the missing Swedish officers, but, learning no tidings of them, after several days sailed for Europe. The sloop " Gripen" subsequently returned from the West 1 Penna. Archives, 2d series, vol. v. p. 236. 2 " The Founding of New Sweden" (Penn. Mag. of History, vol. iii. p. 279) is a mine of interesting information on tho early settlements of the Delaware River. Indies to the Delaware, where she was loaded with furs, and sailed for Sweden, reaching there in the latter part of May, 1639, having made the passage in five weeks. The same year Cornelius Van Vliet, a Dutch cap tain, was ordered to proceed in the " Kalmar Nyckel" to New Sweden, learn the condition of the colony, and make report of the country, no report having been made by Minuit, as it was the purpose of Queen Christina to people the land with Swedes. To the latter end an effort was made to obtain willing emi grants, but failing in that, the government ordered the Governors of Elfsborg and Viirmland " to lay hands on such marriaged soldiers as had either evaded ser vice or committed some other offence, and transport them, with their wives and children, to New Sweden, with the promise to bring them back, if required, within two years ; to do this, however, 'justly and dis creetly,' that no riot might ensue." 3 The " Kalmar Nyckel" on her second voyage to the colony sailed for Gottenburg, where she arrived in June, 1639. There she was detained more than three months, occasioned by the difficulty of procuring emi grants, cattle, horses, swine, implements for hus bandry, and partly because of the negligence of the new commander of the second expedition. Rev. Reo- rus Torkillus, the first Swedish clergyman in New Sweden, is believed to have been one of the passengers on the vessel, which left Gottenburg in the early autumn of 1639. The ship was obliged to stop at Medemblik to be overhauled, she having sprung a leak, and, afterward, when having put to sea, she was twice compelled to return for repairs, until the crew stated they were not willing to sail in such a vessel and under such a captain. Van Vliet was thereupon discharged, a new crew procured, and Capt. Pouwel Jansen, a Dutchman, given charge of the ship. The "Kalmar Nyckel," after encountering a remarkable storm, that intercepted all navigation in the Zuider-Zee, finally, on Feb. 7, 1640, sailed from the Texel for New Sweden. Lieut. Peter Hollandare, who had been appointed Governor of the province, accompanied the expedition, which, after a voyage of over two months, landed at Christiana on the 17th of April of the same year, where they found the colony planted by Minuit in good condition.* The emi grants who accompanied the second expedition were of the most unpromising character, since Peter Hol landare records that "no more stupid, indifferent peo ple are to be found in all Sweden than those who are now here," and the domestic animals transported in the ship were few and of poor quality. On Nov. 2, 1640, ;i " The Founding of New Sweden," by Professor C. T. Odhner. Trans lated by ProfeBsor G. B. Keen, Penn. Mag. of History, vol. iii. p. 396. 4 This statement, which appears from Swedish documents, is in marked contrast to the assertion of Director Kieft, whose letter, dated in the latter part of May, 1640 (" New York Colonial Documents," vol. i. p. 593), states, " The Swedes in the South River were resolved to move off and to come here" (New York). " A day before their departure a ship arrived with a reinforcement." EARLY SETTLEMENT. the ship ".Friedenburg," under the command of Capt. Jacob Powellson, having on board a number of Dutch colonists, with Jost Van Bogardt, who emigrated under the auspices of the Swedish crown, cattle, and " other things necessary" for the cultivation of the country," arrived in New Sweden. These emigrants occupied land three or four Swedish miles below Christiana. Very little is known of the history of the colony from 1640 to 1643, saving that in 1642 a general sickness prevailed among the Swedish settlers on the Dela ware.1 The " Kalmar Nyckel" returned to Sweden in July, 1640. The home government, in its anxiety to obtain settlers for its American colony, had ordered the Gov ernor of Orebro to prevail upon the unsettled Finns in that province to emigrate with their wives and children to New Sweden, while Mans Kling was in structed from the mining classes, and particularly from among the roaming Finns, who lived free of charge in the houses of the inhabitants of the Swedish forests, to procure settlers to be sent abroad. The third ex pedition, in the " Kalmar Nyckel" and the " Chari- tas," sailed for New Sweden in 1641, and a number of the Finns came hither in those vessels. Hence many of the early Swedish settlers were not of a class to be desired as fourfders of a new empire, for the ar chives of Sweden disclose the fact that quite a number of criminals and forest-destroying Finns were trans ported to the Delaware River settlements to rid the mother-country of their presence. The Finns men tioned had, in violation of the mandates of the royal government, set fire to the forests in Varmland and Dal, that they might free the ground of trees to sow grain in the ashes, and for this act they were banished to the New World. Professor Odhner directly asserts that in the province of Skaraborg, a trooper, who was condemned to death for having broken into the monas tery gardens at Varnhem, was permitted to make his selection between being hanged or embarking for New Sweden, and as late as 1653 2 a criminal who had been convicted of killing an elk on the island D'Auland was sentenced to transportation hither. The fourth colony, and the one whose history most intimately connects itself with Delaware County, was that which left Gottenburg on Nov. 1, 1642. This expedition, composed of the ships " Fama" and "Swan," was under the command of Lieut.-Col. John Printz, who had been commissioned Governor of New Sweden, Aug. 15, 1642, with an annual salary of one thousand two hundred dollars in silver and an allowance of four hundred rix-dollars for his ex penses. The journey was a long one; "the watery way to the West was not yet discovered, and therefore, for fear of the sand-banks off Newfoundland, the ships which went under the command of Governor Printz sailed along the coast of Africa until they found the eastern passage, then directly over to Amer ica, leaving the Canaries high up to the north."' They landed at Antigua, inhabited at " that time ' by Englishmen and negroes, with some Indians,' where they 'spent their Christmas holidays, and were well entertained,'" says Mr. Holm, "'at the Governor's house.' After quitting this seat of 'perpetual sum mer' (as the same gentleman depicts it) they en countered ' a severe storm,' accompanied at the last ' with snow,' which ' continued about fourteen days,' by which they ' lost three large anchors, a spritsail, and their mainmast, and the ship was run aground ; but on the 15th of February, 1643, by God's grace, came up to Fort Christina, in New Sweden, Va.,' in the precise phrases of the historian, ' at two o'clock in the afternoon.' Here the first three Swedish expe ditions had established their chief settlement, under Minuit and Hollandare, and here remained a short time also this fourth and greatest of the colonies, enjoying friendly intercourse with fellow-countrymen most glad to welcome them, and happily reposing from the distresses of their long and perilous voyage.' "4 Under the instructions he had received from the home government, Printz, in the exercise of his dis cretion, located the seat of government at Tinicum Island, where he built a fort, which he called New Got tenburg, and resided for a time in the fortress, until he built his mansion-house, known in our annals as Printz Hall. On this island the principal inhabitants then had their dwellings and plantations.5 With the fort at that place, Printz controlled the passage of the river above Tinicum, and when he, shortly afterward, built Fort Elsenburgh, at Salem Creek, placing therein four brass and iron twelve-pound cannon and one " pots-hooft," 6 manned by twelve soldiers in command of a lieutenant, he rendered the Dutch fortress on the east side of the river above the mouth of the Schuyl kill almost useless to the Holland colony, as was fully recognized by Hudde, who reported that Printz had closed " the enterance of the river." We are told by Campanius that "In the be ginning of Governor Printz's administration there came a great number of those criminals, who were sent over from Sweden. When the European inhab itants perceived it they would not suffer them to set their foot on shore, but they were all obliged to re turn, so that a great many of them perished on the voyage. This was related to me, amongst other things, by an old, trustworthy man, named Nils Matsson Utter, who, after his return home, served in His Majesty's life-guards. It was after this for bidden, under a penalty, to send any more criminals to America, lest Almighty God should let his ven- 1 Winthrop, vol. ii. p. 76. 2 5 Penna. Archives, 2d series, p. 780, where is given Queen Chris tina's order of Aug. 11, 1653, directing that Henry D'Oregrund, a male factor under sentence of death, he sent to New Sweden. s Acrelius, " History of New Sweden," p. 41. < Professor G. B. Keen's summary of Printz's voyage, in " Descend ants of Joran Kyn," Penna.. Mag. of History, vol. ii. p. 326. "Campanius, "History of New Sweden," p. 79. e Hudde's Report, Penna. Archives, 2d series, vol. v. p. 104. HISTORY OF DELAWARE COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA. geance fall on the ships and goods, and the virtuous people that were on board." 1 This statement is in direct conflict with the report of Governor Printz in 1647, for therein he asked in struction from the home authorities "how long the criminals must serve for their crimes,"2 and is told that nothing definite can be prescribed respecting that matter, that it is left to his discretion, but those who reform and perform their duty satisfactorily may be allowed the same wages as other free people. " But those who go on in the same wrong way as be fore and do not exhibit any improvement may have their punishment increased by you, Sir Governor, or may continue to serve without wages."3 The voluntary emigrants to New Sweden were of two classes, the freemen, those who were privileged to settle where they chose in the colony and to return to the mother-country at pleasure, and the company's servants, those who were employed at stipulated wages for a designated term. " There was a third, consisting of vagabonds and malefactors ; these went to remain in slavery, and were employed in digging the earth, throwing up trenches, and erecting walls and other fortifications. The others had no intercourse with them, but a particular spot was appointed for them to reside upon.* The first year under Printz's administration many of the settlers died, which the Governor states was due to hard work and the scarcity of food.5 In four years thereafter (1647) we learn from the report fur nished the home government that the total number of whites in the Swedish settlements on the Delaware was one hundred and eighty-three souls. Twenty- eight of the freemen had made settlements, and part of them were provided with oxen and cows. Tobacco seems to have been chiefly the crop grown, for in the return cargo of the "Golden Shark," in that year, 1 Campanius, "New Sweden," p. 73. 2 Penna. Mag. of History, vol. vii. p. 277. 3 Count Oxenstierna's reply to Printz, Penna. Mag. of History, vol. vii. p. 283. In fact, we have reaBon to believe that during all our colo nial history criminals were sent to the American plantations. In a series of articles on crimes and criminals, published in the New Castle (England) Weekly Chronicle, in 1883, the author says, " The statute of 39 Elizabeth was converted by James I. into an Act of Transportation to America, hy a letter to the treasurer and council of Virginia, in the year 1619, commanding them ' to send 100 dissolute persons to Virginia, which the Knight Marshall would deliver to them for the purpose.' Transportation is not distinctly mentioned by any Euglish statute prior to Charles II., which gives a power to the judges, at their discretion, * either to execute or transport to America for life the mosstroopers of Cumberland.' This mode of punishment, however, was not commonly practiced until the reign of George I. The courts were then, by Act of Parliament, allowed a discretionary power to order felons to be trans ported to the American plantations. This lasted from 1718 to the decla ration of American independence in 1776." The importation of crimi nals into this colony in the character of redemption servants, who were purchased from the officers in England, became such a public evil that on Feb. 14, 1729-30, the General Assembly by statute forbade master's of vessels, under heavy fines, landing such persons in the province, and extended the penalties to merchants who should import, sell, or dispose of such convicts in the province in violation of the act. I Campanius, " New Sweden," p. 73. 5 Printz's Report, Penn. Mag. of Hist., vol. vii. p. 272. was six thousand nine hundred and twenty pounds of tobacco, grown in New Sweden, the rest having been purchased from Virginia. To stimulate this project those persons who cultivated land were exempted by the home government for ten years from taxation. A grist-mill had been erected by Printz in 1643, about a quarter of a mile in the woods at " Kara Kung," other wise called the Water-Mill stream, " a fine mill, which ground both fine and coarse flour, and was going early and late. It was the first that was seen in that coun try." 6 This mill was located on Crum Creek, and the holes sunk in the rocks to receive the posts sup porting the frame-work are still to be seen, near the Blue Bell Tavern, on the Darby road.7 Townsend Ward 8 tells us that in front of the old portion of the Blue Bell Tavern " is a carriage stepping-stone of considerable historical interest, for it is, perhaps, one of the first millstones used in what is now the terri tory of Pennsylvania, and was in use before Penn's arrival. The stone is circular in form, with a square hole through its centre. Not far from the inn, and in the bed of the creek, only a few feet west of the old King's (Queen's) road bridge, may be seen the holes, drilled in the rocks, in which were inserted the sup ports of the ancient mill wherein the stone was used. Mr. Aubrey H. Smith remembers* finding, when a boy, a piece of lead weighing seventeen pounds, that had evidently been run, when melted, around an inserted post." Printz was much pleased with the mill, " which runs the whole year, to the great advantage of the coun try, particularly as the windmill, formerly here before I came, would never work, and was good for nothing." 9 Not only had he built this needed public improvement, but had caused some waterfalls to be examined as a site for saw-mills below the dam of the grist-mill, as well as three other places where oak-timber grew plen tiful. But as he was without the saw-blades, and no person in the colony understood the management of such an establishment, Printz suggested to the home government that it would be worth considering, as a good trade in planking, pipe-staves, and timber could be made with the West Indies and other points, pro vided a proper vessel was kept in New Sweden to transport those articles to market.10 It is not my purpose to relate the history of the dif ficulties and trials which Printz had to contend with from the encroachments of the Dutch and English in their efforts to make a lodgment on the Delaware. That he was insolent in his manner to those whom he regarded as intruders on the Swedish territory cannot be questioned, if the statement of his enemies is to be credited. Hudde tells us that Printz replied to his 6 Campanius, p. 81. Of course the statement applies to the first mill run by water. We know, from Printz's report, that a windmill had preceded it. ' Record of Upland Court, p. 88. 8 " A Walk to Darby," Penn. Mag. of Hist., vol. iii. p. 262. 6 Report for 1647, Penn. Mag. of Hint., vol. vii. p. 274. 10 Penn. Mag. of Hist., vol. vii. p. 279. EARLY SETTLEMENT. suggestion that the Dutch were the earliest settlers on- the Delaware, " that the devil was the oldest pos sessor of hell, but he sometimes admitted a younger one." That on another occasion, Printz treated con temptuously a letter he had sent him by a sergeant, in that he threw it towards one of his attendants who stood near him, saying, "There, take care of it," and that when the sergeant insisted on seeing the Gov ernor, who left him to meet some Englishmen, he, the sergeant, was thrown out of doors, " the Governor taking a gun in his hand from the wall to shoot him, as he imagined, but was prevented from leaving his room," and that when the servants of the Dutch Company went to Tinicum, Printz unreasonably abused them, " so that they are often, on returning home, bloody and bruised," while John Thickpenny,1 of the New England colony on the Delaware, de posed that, at Tinicum, Printz cursed and swore at the Englishmen, calling them renegades, and threw John Woollen, the Indian interpreter for the English settlers, into irons, which Printz himself fastened on his legs, and that he stamped with his feet in his rage. Despite all these statements, Printz was true to his sovereign's interest in the colony, even if he had failed in that respect in the Old World.2 On Feb. 20, 1647, when the ship "Golden Shark," which had arrived in New Sweden on the 1st of Oc tober of the preceding year, left the colony on the return voyage to Europe, Printz dispatched Lieut. John Pappegoya, as a special messenger to orally make a report of the growth and need of the settlement. Pappegoya had been one of the early Swedish settlers on the Delaware and had returned home, but de siring to revisit New Sweden, he came back in 1644, particularly recommended to the favorable considera tion of Printz by the home government. It is be lieved at the time Pappegoya was sent to Sweden as bearer of dispatches he was then married to Ar- migart, Governor Printz's daughter, who figured prominently in our early annals. He returned to New Sweden in a short time (in those days of long voyages), for about in the middle of June, 1648, Hudde3 mentions that the committee of the Dutch Council, after completing the purchase of land on the Schuylkill from the Indians, " with a becoming suite, sailed to Tinne Konck, and was received there by the commissay, Huygen and Lieut. Passegay (Pappe goya), who left them about half an hour in the open 1 Deposition of John Thickpenny, " New Haven Colonial Records," vol. i. pp. 97-99. 2 John Printz was well educated, and after he entered military life he rose rapidly during the Prussian and German war. In 1638 he was pro moted lieutenant-colonel of West Gbtha Cavalry. In 1640 he shamefully and disgracefully surrendered the fortress of Chemnitz, and returned to Stockholm without the consent of the field-marshal. He was put under arrest, tried, and broken of his rank in the army. He was subsequently (Aug. 16, 1642) appointed Governor of New Sweden. On his return to the Old World he was made a general, and in 1658, Governor of the dis trict of Jonkoping. He died in 1663, leaving no male issue to succeed to the title conferred on him in 1642. 3 Hndde's Report, Penna. Archives, 2d series, vol. v. p. 115. air and constaint rain," before they could obtain an interview with Governor Printz. When the latter, after administering the affairs of the colony on the Delaware for twelve years, sailed for Sweden in the latter part of the year 1653, he left the government in charge of his son-in-law, John Pappegoya. May 21, 1654, the ship " Eagle" arrived at New Castle, having on board John Claudius Rising, who had been appointed commissary and Governor's as sistant counsellor, — an office equivalent to Lieutenant- Governor ; but Printz having sailed before Rising came, the full charge of the colony devolved upon him. His first official act was not only a violation of his instructions, but an error which was disastrous in its results to the colony. As the vessel came to at Fort Cassimir two guns were fired as a salute to the fortress, after which Rising demanded the surrender of the stronghold. The Dutch commander desired time to consider, but Rising ordered a force of thirty men to land and take the place by assault, refusing, as the Dutch alleged, " to give one hour's delay." Acrelius tells us, "A correct inventory was made of everything in the fort, and every one was allowed to carry off his property, whether belonging'to the com pany or to private individuals ;" * while Gerrit Becker, the Dutch commander, deposed, " I could scarcely induce him (Rising) by prayer not to be turned out naked, with his (my) wife and children, and all the property in this fort was confiscated by them."5 The capture of this fortress having taken place about noon on Trinity Sunday, the Swedes called it the " Fort of the Holy Trinity ;" and subsequently, under the su pervision of Peter Lindstrom, the engineer, it was repaired, enlarged, and " as good as built anew." On the 17th of June, 1654, Vice-Governor Rising held a council with the Indian sachems at Printz Hall, at Tinicum, and although the savages stated that the Swedish vessel had introduced among them diseases, of which many of their people died, the gifts, which Rising laid before them were too tempt ing to be resisted, and a treaty of friendship was then " made between the Swedes and the Indians, which has ever since been faithfully observed on both sides." 6 When the news of the capture of Fort Cassimir was received in Holland it excited much indignation among the directors, and although previous to that event the home government had not approved fully of Stuyvesant's action in erecting the fort at New Castle, all differences of opinion were swallowed up in the indignation and anger the seizure of the fortress aroused. Hence, Stuyvesant was ordered "to exert every nerve to revenge that injury, not only by re storing affairs to their former situation, but by driving the Swedes from every side of the river, as they did with us, provided that such among them as may be 4 Acrelius, " New Sweden," p. 63. 5 Penna. Archives, 2d series, vol. v. p. 253. fl Campanius, p. 78. HISTORY OF DELAWARE COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA. disposed to settle under and submit to our govern ment may be indulged in it." * In conformity with the spirit of these instructions, Stuyvesant silently but promptly made preparation for an aggressive move ment against the Swedish settlement on the Delaware. To that end he gathered an armament and fleet, while the Swedes, unaware of the danger that lowered over them, made no unusual provision for defense. On Sunday, Sept. 4, 1655, the expedition under Stuyve sant, in seven vessels, with about six hundred men, set sail for the Delaware, and on the morning of the 9th of September anchored a short distance from Fort Cassimir, when Stuyvesant sent a lieutenant ashore to demand the restitution of the stronghold. Lieutenant Schute, the Swedish officer, desired time to communicate with his superior, which was refused. In the mean while the Dutch commander had landed a force which occupied all the approaches in rear of the fort, and, after some negotiation, the Swedish gar rison capitulated on the morning of the 11th of Sep tember. After the reduction of Fort Cassimir the Dutch forces laid siege to Fort Christiana, and from Governor Rising's official report2 we learn that the enemy made regular approaches until, having their guns in position in rear of the fort, Stuyvesant form ally demanded the surrender of the post within twenty-four hours. The Swedish Governor, after a general consultation with the whole garrison, decided to accede to the demand he was powerless to resist. The articles of capitulation, among other matters, provided that the Swedish forces should march out of the fort with the honors of war, — drums and trumpet playing, flags flying, matches burning, and with hand and side arms. That they, as prisoners of war, were first to be conducted to Tinicum Island, and placed in the fort at that place until they could be taken to New Amsterdam.3 Campanius asserts that " The Dutch then proceeded to destroy New Gottenburg, laying waste all the houses and plantations without the fort, killing the cattle, and plundering the in habitants of everything that they could lay their hands on ; so that after a siege of fourteen days, and many fruitless propositions to obtain more humane treatment, the Swedes were obliged to surrender that fortress for want of men and ammunition."4 1 Hazanl's Annals, p. 168, 2 Penna. Archives, 2d series, vol. v. p. 224. 3 Acrelius, " Hist, of New Sweden," p. 76. 4 Campanius, "New Sweden," pp. 85, 86. Smith, in his "History of New Jersey," page 34, says the Dutch " destroyed New Gottenburg, with such houses as are without the fort, plundering tbe inhabitants of what they had, and killing their cattle." From his account it also ap pears that the fort at Tiuicum was defended fourteen days, and that the pillngitig took place before the fort was surrendered. Tbe statements of both Campanius and Smith were doubtless based on tradition ary recitals, which, in descending from one generation to another, had confused two separate matters into one. Campanius' work was not published until 1702, nearly forty years after the circumstances nar rated took place, while that of Smith was issued long subsequent to that date. To show how soon confusion may take place in matters connected with historical events it is only necessary to cite " An Account of the Seditious False Konigsmack in New Sweden" (Penn. Mag. of Hist., vol. From the fact that the articles of capitulation at Fort Christina stipulated for the detention of the Swedish prisoners of war at the fort at Tinicum, and that there is, so far as known, an absence of all documentary evi dence to support the assertion made by Campanius, the conclusion seems irresistible that that author has con fused his account of the doings at New Gottenburg with those occurring on the siege of Fort Christiana. Vice- Governor Rising, in his report,5 already mentioned, when relating the pillaging of " the people without sconce of their property, and higher up the river they plundered many and stripped them to the skin," thus briefly narrated the outrages of the Dutch in vaders at Tinicum. " At New Gottenberg they robbed Mr. Papegoija's wife of all she had, with many others who had collected their property there." Not a word has this man, who pictured the minutest incident of the siege of Fort Christiana, and the killing of Swedish " cattle, goats, swine, and poultry," to say about the investment of Fort, Gottenburg, the resistance of its slender garrison for fourteen days, or the laying waste of all the houses and plantations without the forts. Certain it is, that the Swedish Church at Tinicum, Printz Hall, and other buildings stood uninjured long years after the Dutch power in North America had waned before the conquering standard of Great Britain. In 1680 "the remains of the large block house, which served them (the Swedes) in place of a fortress," was on the island, together with " three or four houses built by the Swedes, a little Lutheran Church made of logs, and the ruins of some log huts."6 In Rising's reply to Stuyvesant,' only thirty- four days after the capture of Fort Christiana, he does not mention the destruction of the post at New Got tenburg, but sets forth the following outrages com mitted by the Dutch in their conquest of New Sweden : "Your Honor's troops have behaved here as if they were in the country of their bitterest enemy, as the plundering of Tornaborg, Uplandt, Finland, Prince- dorp, and other places more clearly proves (not to speak of the deeds done about Fort Christiana), where the females have partly been dragged out of their houses by force ; whole buildings torn down, even hauled away ; oxen, cows, pigs, and other animals daily slaughtered in large numbers ; even the horses were not spared, but shot wantonly, the plantations devastated, and everything thereabouts treated in such away that our victuals have been mostly spoiled, carried away, or lost somehow." So, too, on Dec. 19, 1656,8 the directors instruct Stuyvesant to occupy the vii. p. 219), where is given, by an unknown writer, in 1683, an account of the attempted insurrection of the Long Fin, which occurred iu 1669, The writer states, " These are the particulars which I received from the oldest SwedeB," and yet he relates that the conspirators " went to Phila delphia and bought powder, balls, shot, lead, and so forth," nearly four teen years before that city had an existence. 5 Penna. Archives, 2d series, vol. v. p. 227. « Journal of a Voyage to New York in 1679-80. Memoirs of the Long Island Hist. Soe, vol. i. p. 177. 7 Penna. ArchiveB, 2d Beries, vol. vii. p. 487. » lb., 496. EARLY SETTLEMENT. tort at New Gottenburg with eight or ten soldiers pro visionally, " as well for the safety of the Swedes, now our subjects." The Dutch had conquered, and the Swedish flag no ^longer floated over the disputed territory on the Dela ware. But the triumph was a costly one, the expenses of the expedition swelling so largely the debt of the Dutch West India Company that in the summer of 1656, to relieve itself from liability to the city of Am sterdam, the company ceded to the burgomasters of that municipality a portion of the Delaware River territory, extending from Bombay Hook to Christiana Creek, which subsequently was known as "the City's Colony," while the land north of that creek was termed "the Company's Colony." Before intelligence of the conquest of New Sweden had reached the mother-country, on March 24, 1656, the Swedish ship "Mercury," with a hundred and thirty emigrants on board, entered the river. John Paul Jacquit, the Dutch Governor, prohibited the captain of the vessel to land the crew or passengers, as well as refusing to permit him to ascend the river beyond Fort Cassimir. John Pappegoya, who had not yet returned to Sweden, together with Capt. Huygen, on March 30th wrote to the Council in New Amsterdam, requesting that these emigrants who came from Sweden should be permitted to settle in the colony, urging as reasons " the immense loss they would suffer, many good farmers would be ruined, parents separated from children, and even husbands from wife," but their appeals only made the Council hold more firmly to their resolution that the Swedes should settle at New Amsterdam, where their number could not be a constant menace to the authorities. Much time was consumed in tedious negotiations, until at length the patience of the Swedish colonists was exhausted, and through the influence of Pappe goya with the savages, a number of the residents, Swedes and Indians, went aboard the vessel, when, in spite of the guns of the fort or the command of Gov ernor Jacquit, the anchor was weighed, the "Mer cury" sailed up the river, and landed her cargo and passengers at Christiana.1 The Dutch, fearing that some of the Indians on board might be injured, re frained from firing on the vessel in her passage by the fort. After the Dutch had acquired absolute sway on the Delaware the ancient Swedish capital at Tinicum seems to have been abandoned, possibly because of the grant of that island to Governor Printz, hence in the early records only occasionally, at this period, do we find allusion to any places lying within the boun dary of the present county of Delaware. Georan Van Dyck, who had been appointed sheriff of the company's colony, requested permission to establish 1 Acrelius, " Hist, of New Sweden," p. 90. Vincent says (Hist, of State of Delaware, vol. i. p. 276) that the passengers and cargo of the " Mer cury" were landed at Marcus Hook. On what authority that statement is based is not given. the Swedish settlers in villages,->and on June 12, 1657, the Council responded that he was " not only author ized and qualified, but also ordered and directed, to concentrate their houses and dwellings, buthenceforth to erect them in shape of a village or villages, either at Upland, Passayonck, Finland, Kinghsessing, on the ' Verdrietige hoeck,' or at such places as by them may be considered suitable, under condition that previous notice be given to the Director-General and Council, in case they should chose some other places than those specified above."2 This effort to gather the Swedish residents into villages failed, and it seems not to have been pressed earnestly until after Wil liam Beekman was appointed, Oct. 28, 1658, vice- director of the company's colony on the Delaware, and even not then until the directors in Holland, under date of Oct. 14, 1659,°' recommend that the Swedes should be separated and scattered among the Dutch, since they, the directors, had reason to believe that the English may undertake "something against us there under the Swedish flag and name." In fur therance of this recommendation, Beekman, in March following, attempted to execute the order, but found that he could not get the Swedish settlers to choose a location for the village, every one asserting that he would keep his entire lot and fields.* Miss Printz " objected to moving because the church was located at Tinicum, on her plantation, that her buildings were heavy, that she had offered her land rent free, but no one would live with her." Beekman also informed Stuyvesant that to enforce the edict then would result in great loss, as it would prevent the planting of spring crops, and he, therefore, had granted the Swedes five or six weeks longer before compelling compliance with the order. Thus the matter rested, for the Dutch authorities could not convince the Swedes of the advantage of the proposed change, and they had not sufficient force at hand to compel obedience therewith.5 Beekman, however, constantly endeav ored to prevail upon them to settle at Passayunk, but when the Swedes intimated that " they would rather go to Maryland than to remove to another place here and sponge upon the others," the project was finally abandoned by the authorities. The affair of the Delaware's having been so mis managed that many complaints had been lodged with the authorities in New Amsterdam, Council on April 20, 1658, determining that these matters " as well as some necessary arrangements to be made among and regarding the Swedes, cannot well be attended to by a letter," ordered that Stuyvesant and Pieter Tonne- man should personally visit the Delaware River set tlements " for the special service and advantage of the company." On May 8th Stuyvesant was at Tini cum, for on that day Georan Van Dyck, Orloff Stille, 2 Penna. Archives, 2d serieB, vol. vii. p. 511. 3 lb., p. 598. 5 Acrelius, "Hist, of New Sweden," p. 96. i lb., p. 628. 10 HISTORY OF DELAWARE COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA. Malthys Hanson, Peter Rambo, and Peter Kaik, the Swedish magistrates,1 presented a petition to the Gen eral Director, asking for the appointment of a court messenger to serve summons, make arrests, and " the carrying out of sentences," and that they be allowed " free access to the commander at Fort Altona to get assistance from the soldiers in case of emergency." The third request was "that an order be made that nobody shall leave these boundaries without knowl edge of the magistrates, much less, that the servants, man or woman of one, when they leave or run away without their masters' or mistress' permission, shall be concealed by the other." From this petition, which was favorably received and acted on, we learn that Fort Gottenburg had at this time ceased. to be a military post. This was per haps due to the fact that the Dutch officers were doubtful of the loyalty of the Swedes to the new ad ministration, and thought it judicious to concentrate their forces at the most available and strongest fortifi cation ; that at Tinicum, being merely a block-house, was abandoned. We also gather from the same doc ument that the system of redemption servitude at that early stage of our history was recognized in this locality.2 From the report of Jacob Alricks to the commis sioners of the city's colony, Oct. 10, 1658,3 we ascer tain that children from the almshouse at Amsterdam had been sent over to the Delaware River settlements and had been bound out among the residents there, the eldest for two, the major portion for three, and the youngest children for four, years. He suggested that from time to time more of these young people should be dispatched hither, " but, if possible, none ought to come less than fifteen years of age and some what strong, as little profit is to be expected here without labor." In a letter from Beekman to Stuyvesant, April 28, 1660,* the former states " that among the Fins at Op- land there is a married couple who live very wretch edly together, and the wife is often fearfully beaten, and daily driven out of the house like a dog, which was continued through several years. Nothing is heard of the wife, but he, on the contrary, has com mitted adultery. Therefore the priest, the neighbors, the sheriff, and commissaries, and others besides, have appealed to me, at the request of the man and the woman, that they might be divorced, and the few ani mals and personal property be divided among them. I answered that I would inform your Noble Worship of it and await orders." What was done finally in this case is unknown. On the night of Sept. 20, 1661,5 the wite of Rev. 1 Penna. Archives, 2d series, vol. vii. p. 531. 2 As to the latter statement, see Penna. Archives, 2d series, vol. vii. p. 716. a lb., vol. v. p. 300. * lb., vol. vii. p. 634. 5 lb., 5th serieB, vol. vii. p. 668. Laurence Charles Laers, the Swedish- priest at Up land, eloped with Joseph Jongh (Young), the fugi tives leaving the settlement in a canoe. Director Beekman, the next day, as soon as he was informed of the occurrence, dispatched an express to the Gov ernor of Maryland and the magistrates at Sassafras River, requesting that should the parties come there they might be detained, and be notified of tbe fact. Four days afterwards Beekman came to Upland to look after the property there of Jacob Jongh. It ap pears that in his hasty flight Jongh had left his per sonal effects at Upland, and the next day the Rev. Mr. Laers went to the house of Andreas Hendriexson, a Finn, where his wife's paramour had lived, and without notifying the authorities forced open the door of Jongh's room with an axe.6 The keys to the chest belonging to the fugitive being found in the apartment, the clergyman opened the luggage and appropriated some of the contents. The Dutch au thorities supposed, as they learned nothing from Maryland, that the runaways had gone to New Eng land, whereas it is now almost conclusively estab lished that this Jacob Jongh or Young made his way to Maryland, where he subsequently figured promi nently in the early history of that colony.' The abandoned husband, however, did not appear to be crushed by his wife's desertion, for in less than a month (October 15th) he asked Vice-Governor Beek man to be allowed the next day to make the first proclamation of the banns of his intended marriage with a girl of seventeen or eighteen years, which con sent the former withheld until he could hear from Stuyvesant.8 The authorities in New Amsterdam ap parently acted too slowly for the reverend lover, for November 8th9 he again asked for advice " whether he may now marry again, as his household requires it." On December 15th10 he was granted a provis ional divorce, the decree being subject to Stuyvesant's approbation ; but without tarrying until the latter signified his approval, the reverend gentleman, on Sunday, Jan. 26, 1662, entered anew into the married relation, which act aroused the indignation of Beek man, and prejudiced him against " this fine priest." On April 14, 1662, the case against the Rev. Mr. Laers was tried at Fort Altona. He was prosecuted on behalf of the company for having broken into the room and making an inventory of the goods left by the absconding Joseph Jongh. In the crude system of justice then in vogue on the Delaware, the court sentenced him to pay two hundred guilders, which had been advanced to Jongh to purchase grain for the company, forty florins in beavers which were due from Jongh to Director Beekman and Mr. Decker, and was also fined forty guilders for usurping the author ity of the court. The unhappy defendant was in ad- « lb., 669. ' Johnson's " History of Cecil County, Md.," pp. 80-130. 8 Penna. Archives, 2d series, vol. vii. p. 670. 0 lb., 671. 10 lb,, 672. EARLY SETTLEMENT. 11 dition informed that " his new marriage was declared illegal."1 The clergyman thereupon petitioned Gov ernor Stuyvesant, setting forth that he broke the door open in the search for his wife, whom he imagined was concealed in that place ; that he had found among Jongh's goods a few pairs of his (the petitioner's) wife's stockings ; that he had no intention " to vilify the court;" that his acts were committed through ignorance, and that in his marriage " he did not sup pose it should have been so unfavorably interpreted ;" he therefore, to save his " reputation as a minister," prays that the Governor will disapprove of the sen tence of the court, and " not inflict any further pun ishment" than that he has already undergone, since, independent of the fine of two hundred and eighty guilders, the desertion of his wife had cost him nearly two hundred guilders.2 What was done with this petition does not appear. From the report made by the commissioners and directors of the city's colony,3 on Aug. 10, 1663, we learn that on the Delaware River it was found that " the Swedes, Fins, and other natives" had " made and erected there 110 good bouweries, stocked with about 2000 cows and oxen, 20 horses, 80 sheep, and several thousand swine." This was comparatively a good showing, and it induced the city of Amsterdam to accede to the proposition of the Dutch West India Company, that the former should, in discharge of the debt owed by the company, accept a deed for "all the country on the Delaware." In furtherance of this agreement a formal deed was executed Dec. 22, 1663, and the sway of the authorities at New Amsterdam ceased on the Delaware River. On the day after the date of this conveyance Beekman wrote to Stuyves ant that fifty farm laborers who had arrived in the ship " St. Jacob" during June of that year had been hired out to farmers, and that six or seven girls had been sent on the same vessel to cook and wash for the emigrants. He informed the director-general that " this is almost the same method as that of the English trade in servants."* The authority of the city of Amsterdam over the entire Delaware River settlements was only of brief duration, and destined in a few months to be wholly overthrown. The crown of Great Britain had never acknowledged the right which the Dutch and Swedes maintained they had acquired by occupancy to the territory, and it was merely due to the intestine dis cord at home that the former nation had not earlier brought the mooted subject to the arbitrament of arms. Charles IL, then firmly seated on the throne of England, on March 12, 1664, granted to his brother James, Duke of York and Albany, the territory now comprising the State of New York and New Jersey, and, by a subsequent grant, that of Delaware. With 1 Penna. Archives, 2d series, vol. vii. p. 680. 2 Hazard's Annals, p. 332. 8 Penna. Archives, 2d series, vol. v. p. 470. * lb., vol. vii. p. 716. unusual promptness the duke fitted out an expedition, consisting of four vessels of war and four hundred and fifty men, including sailors and soldiers, which, under the command of Col. Richard Nicolls, sailed from Portsmouth, England, on May 25, 1664, 6 to reduce and occupy the Dutch possessions in North America. Sir Robert Carr, George Cartwright, and Samuel Maverick, Esquires, accompanied the expedition as commissioners appointed by the king, with power to hear and determine all military, civil, and criminal matters, and to proceed in all things for " settling the peace and security of the country," as also to adjust " boundaries between neighboring colonies and dis putes between the Indians and the English." 6 The Governors of New England were instructed by the king " to join and assist them vigorously in recovering our right to those places now possessed by the Dutch, and reducing them to an entire obedience and submis sion to our government." ' On the 25th of August the frigate " Guinea," the first vessel of the expedition to reach the point of destination, entered the lower bay of New Amsterdam, and a proclamation was issued guaranteeing protection to those persons who should submit to the English authority. The other vessel having arrived, after considerable negotiation, on the 9th of September, the Dutch authorities sur rendered New Amsterdam to the English, the latter permitting the garrison to march out of the fort with all their arms, drums beating and colors flying. The English commissioners, when they had acquired pos session of the settlement, changed the name of the place to New York, in honor of the duke. To secure control of the Delaware River territory, on the 3d (13th) of September, 1664, Sir Robert Carr was or dered to proceed thither with the frigates " Guinea" and " William" and " Nicholas" and " to reduce the same" 8 to an English province. The instructions given him, among other things, required that all planters were to retain their real and personal property un molested by the conquerors, and Carr was particularly directed to conciliate the Swedes; that all persons were to be permitted liberty of conscience ; the magis trates were to be continued in office for six months on subscribing to the oath of allegiance ; the settlers were to be protected from violence in persons or estates; and the system of jurisprudence there is urged not to be disturbed for the present.9 After a long and troublesome passage, the expedition arrived in the Delaware on the last day of September, and passed the fort at New Amstel without an exchange of shot, which was done, as Carr states, " the better to sattisfie the Sweede, who, notwithstanding the Dutches ps- 5 Old style ; England at that time had not accepted the modern com putation of time. « Penna. Archives, 2d series, vol. v. pp. 507-512. ' lb., 513. 8 Hazard's Register, vol. i. p. 36 ; Penna. Archives, 2d series, vol. v. p. 536. <• Penna. Archives, 2d series, vol. v. pp. 536, 537. 12 HISTORY OF DELAWARE COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA. wasions to y' contrary, were soon our frinds." Carr then summoned the fort to surrender, and for three days negotiations were had between the opposing forces, which resulted in the magistracy of the place agreeing to surrender the town, a conclusion in which D'Hinoyossa and his soldiers declined to concur. " Whereupon," states Carr, in his official report,1 " I landed my soldiers on Sunday morning following, & comanded ye shipps to fall downe before y8 Fort wilhn muskett shott, wth directions to fire two broadesides apeace upon yl Fort, then my soldiers to fall on. Which done, the soldiers neaver stoping untill they stormed ye fort, and soe consequently to plundering; the seamen, noe less given to that sporte, were quickly wtbin, & have gotten good store of booty ; so that in such a noise and confusion noe worde of comand could be heard for sometyme ; but for as many goods as I could preserve, I still Keepe intire. The loss on our part was none ; the Dutch had tenn wounded and 3 killed. The fort is not tenable, although 14 gunns, and w'^out a greate charge w011 unevitably must be expended, here wilbee noe staying, we not being able to keepe itt." We learn from Col. Nicolls' report to the Secretary of State2 that the storming-party was commanded by Lieut. Carr and Ensign Hooke ; and, notwithstanding the Dutch fired three volleys at them, not a man in their ranks was wounded in the assault. Sir Robert Carr, it seems, stayed aboard the " Guinea" until the fort was captured, when he landed and claimed that the property in the fort, having been won by the sword, was his and his troops. All the soldiers and many of the citizens of New Amstel were sold as slaves to Virginia by the English con querors, and most of the negroes belonging to the Dutch settlers were distributed among the captors, as were also one hundred sheep, forty horses, sixty cows and oxen.3 Lands and estates were confiscated, and granted by Sir Robert Carr to his officers, as well as the commanders of the vessels which took part in the expedition to the Delaware. When the standard of Great Britain floated from the flag-staffs over the captured Dutch forts on the Hudson and the Delaware it marked the supremacy of the Anglo-Saxon race on the North American continent, and as authority was then exercised from Maine to Florida, on the Atlantic coast, by a homo geneous people, it made possible the great nation that was born to the world a century later. It was singu larly fortunate, at this juncture, that the unbridled executive power in the new province was confided to so prudent and able a man as Col. Richard Nicolls proved to be, whose " administration was so wise and impartial that it enforced universal peace." * On the Delaware the Swedes, who had heretofore been held as a subjugated people, were in every respect benefited by the change, and even the Dutch settlers had reason 1 Penna. Archives, 2d series, vol. v. p. 550. 2 n,^ 541. 8 N. Y. Colonial Doc, vol. iii. p. 345 ; Vincent's Hist, of Del., p. 432. 4 Gordon's " History of Pennsylvania," p. 30. to be glad that the tyrannical sway of Stuyvesant had ended. In May, 1667, Col. Francis Lovelace suc ceeded Col. Nicolls, and, as has been said by an able writer, "under Governor Lovelace the work of ad justing tbe government of the Delaware, so as to bring it slowly but steadily into conformity with English law, progressed systematically year by year, until it received an unexpected check in 1673 by the total, but temporary, suspension of English authority inci dent to the second conquest of the country by the Dutch." 5 Late in the summer of 1671 the Indians had com mitted several atrocious murders, and it became neces sary for Governor Lovelace to act cautiously but firmly to check further outrages, and to punish the culprits for the crimes already perpetrated. As pre liminary to an Indian war he ordered that persons living in the outer settlements should thrash their grain and remove it and the cattle to a place of com parative safety ; that no person, on pain of death, should sell powder, shot, or liquor to tlie savages, as also recommending the strengthening of garrisons and fortifications. Lovelace prudently had a confer ence with the Governor of New Jersey, to secure, if war should result, the co-operation of that province, since the murderers were said to be under that juris diction, and a meeting was held at New York, Sep tember 25th, and another at Elizabethtown, N. J., Nov. 7, 1671, when it was determined that it was in judicious at the then late season to begin an offensive movement against the savages, but that several com panies of soldiers should be organized on the Dela ware ; that every man capable of bearing arms (be tween the ages of sixteen and sixty) should always be provided with powder and bullets fit for service, under a penalty ; that block-houses should be erected at sev eral places on the river ; and also forbidding the ship ment of grain unless a special license should be granted therefor. In the latter part of November the Indian sachems and William Tom, clerk of the court on the Delaware, held a council at Upland, at the house of Peter Rambo, at which the savages promised to bring the murderers to the whites within six days thereafter that they might be punished for their crimes, and if they could not bring them alive they agreed to deliver their dead bodies, as an earnest of their purpose to prevent a war between the races. It afterwards appeared that one of the guilty men escaped from his people, and could not be delivered as promised, but the other was captured. It is stated by Tom6 that the smaller Indian, learning of the purpose of the sachems, went to the other and advised him to flee. The latter said he would go the next morning. Of the two Indians who had been dis patched to take the culprits one was a personal friend, and was loath to kill his captive, but when the latter learned that the sachems had determined he must 6 Appendix B, Duke's Book of Laws, p. 447. 0 Penna. Archives, 2d series, vol. v. p. 610. EARLY SETTLEMENT. 13 die he placed his hands on his eyes and said, " Kill me." Tbe other savage, not his friend, thereupon shot two bullets into his breast. The body was taken to Wiccaco and delivered to the whites, who trans ported it to New Castle, where it was hung in chains. The other murderer escaped by flight. The sachems faithfully notified the tribes that any of their people who should murder a white person would be similarly dealt with, and with this annunciation the cloud drifted by, greatly to the satisfaction of the magis trates on the Delaware, who were opposed to the war, because among other things they proposed to " make towns at Passayvncke, Tiunaconck, Upland, Verdrie- ties Hoocks, whereto the out plantacions" must retire in the event of a struggle.1 The proscription on trade, which prevented vessels from ascending the Delaware River beyond the fort at New Castle, remained in force until the latter part of the year 1672, after which date no record re mains, so far as known, of special licenses being given to trade above that point. On Sept. 29, 1671, Gov ernor Lovelace authorized Capt. Thomas Lewis, of the sloop " Royal Oak," " to trade and Trafic, as the said masters occasion shall require," on the Delaware above Newcastle, and no other vessel was permitted there to ship corn or provisions for exportation.2 But pre vious to this Capt. Martin Crieger, who seems to have run a packet-sloop regularly from New York to New Castle, had license to go to the latter point, and Mrs. Susanna Garland was authorized to trade between those places.3 In about three weeks subsequent to the issuing of this license, permission was given the wife of Lawrence Hoist to go in Capt. Martin Crieger's sloop to New Castle, and " from thence to go up the River in some boat or Canoe to the Sweeds Plantations with shoes & such other of her Husband's Trade, & to return again without any maner of Lett, hinderence or molestation whatever."* March 20, 1672, John Schouten, in the sloop " Hope," was authorized to trade at New Castle and parts adjacent, while the same day John Garland, of New York, and Susanna, his wife, were licensed to " Traffick with the Indyans" on the river above New Castle.5 Mr. Christoph Hoog- land, Sept. 28, 1672, was licensed to go on Criegers' sloop to New Castle, with the privilege to trade on the river. Capt. Crieger, who was a " Dutchman," seems to have run the packet between the places named for more than ten years, for in July, 1682, Deputy Gov ernor Markham complained that Capt. Crieger at New Castle had permitted Lord Baltimore the use of astronomical instruments, which were shipped by Markham at New York and intended only for him.6 War having been declared in 1672 by England and France against the United Belgic Provinces, on the 30th of July, 1673, the colony of New York, with its 1 Penna. Archives, 2d series, vol. vii. p. 756. 2 lb., vol. v. pp. 605-607. 8 lb., pp. 611, 612. * lb., p. 613. 5 lb., 628. 1 Penna. Mag. of Hist., vol. vi. p. 429. dependencies on the Delaware River settlements, was recaptured by the Dutch fleet under Admiral Evert- sen, and Capt. Anthony Colve was commissioned Governor-General of "New Netherlands with all its Appendencies." Peter Alricks was appointed com mander on the Delaware, with instructions that the right of private property should not be disturbed, nor should that belonging to persons holding office under the Duke of York be confiscated where the party took the oath of allegiance to the Dutch government. Freedom of conscience was assured to those who were followers of the true Christian religion according to the Synod of Dordrecht, but the new commander was instructed not to permit "any other sects attempting anything contrary thereto." ' By the terms of the treaty of peace, Feb. 9, 1674, the province reverted to the Duke of York, and English authority was re established on Oct. 1, 1674, when Maj. Edmund An- drosse, as governor, received possession of Fort James at New York, and appointed Capt. Edmund Carr commander on the Delaware. On Sept. 25, 1676, the Duke of York's laws were promulgated as the rule of conduct on the Delaware River, and courts in con formity therewith were established ; one of which was "above att Uplands," where quarterly sessions were directed to be held on the second Tuesday of the month. Early in the year 1675 the first member of the So ciety of Friends known to have resided within the boundaries of Delaware County purchased an estate at Upland. Robert Wade, on March 21, 1675, bought the tract of ground known as Printzdorp from " Jus- tina Armguard, alias vpo Papegay," for eighty pounds sterling,8 whereon he subsequently erected the famous " Essex House." 7 Penna. Archives, 2d series, vol. v. p. 636. 8 Recital in Deed from Jonathan Dickinson Sargeant and William Rotch WiBter, trustees under the will of Albanus C. Logau, deceased, to John M. Broomall, Deed Book E, No. 2, page 673, etc., Recorder's office, Media, Pa. The date of the conveyance to Wade is of record, 1673, but that there iB a clerical error is evident from the following let ter, which is published in "A Further Account of New Jersey, in an Abstract of Letters written from thence by Several Inhabitants there Resident. London, Printed in the year 1676," pages 6 and 7 : " Dear and Loving Wife " Having now an opportunty to let thee understand of my welfare, through the great mercy of God &c, aud as to the other place it is as good or healthful place as man can desire to live in, and here is plenty enough of all provisions, and good English Wheat and Mault, plenty of Fish and Fowl ; Indeed here is no want of anything, but honest people to Inhabit it; there is Land enough purchased of the Indians for ten times so many as we were and these Indians here are very quiet and Peacable Indians ; In New England they are at Wars with the Indians, and the news is, they have cut off a great many of them ; hut in this place, the Lord is making way to exalt hiB name and truth ; for it is said by those that live here abouts, that within these few years, here were five Indians for one now, and these that be are very willing to sell their land to the English ; and had John Fenwick done wisely, we had not been disperst, but I hope it may all work for the best ; And dear Wife, I hope thou will be well satisfied to come and live here, where we may live very quietly and Peacably, where we shall have no vexation, nor tearing nor rending what we have from us ; I have bought a plan tation by the advice and consent of some Friends, upon which there iB a very good house, a great deal of Out-housing, Orchards, and Gardens ready planted, and well-fenced ; I do intend (if God permit) after the 14 HISTORY OF DELAWARE COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA. The Essex House1 stood on the site of the present brick dwelling at the northwest corner of Second and Penn Streets, Chester. It was a story and a half in height, its southeast gable fronting the river, the rear or southwest side facing Concord Avenue, and its front, with a commodious porch, extended the entire length of the building to Chester Creek. Almost one hundred and ten feet southeastwardly from it stood the noted trees under which Penn landed, seven years after Wade became the owner of the estate. In the journal of the Labadists, Dankers and Sluyter, in 1679, particular mention is made of these trees. " We have nowhere seen," they record, " so many vines together as we saw here, which had been planted for the purpose of shading the walks on the river side in between the trees."2 It seems that Wade, after the purchase of the estate from Mrs. Pappegoya, re turned to Great Britain, whence, accompanied by his wife, Lydia, he sailed in the ship " Griffin," which arrived in the Delaware on the 23d of Ninth month (November), 1675. It was in that year, we are told, that William Edmundson, a public Friend from Ire land, made a second visit to America, and while he and his party journeyed, swimming their horses across the river at Trenton and the intermediate creeks, and camping out in the woods at night, when on the way to " Delaware Town, on the west side of the river Delaware," ..." there came up a Finland man, well-horsed, who spoke English. He soon perceived what they were, and gave them an account of several of their friends. His house was as far as they could Harvest is gotten in, to come to England for thee, and I hope thou wilt be willing to come, seeing here are several of thy Neighbours whom thou knowest well, as Richard Guy and his Wife and William Hancock and his Wife, and many others; and here is an honest Friend with me, that would have a fourth part of the Land &c, And so hoping these lines may find thee in good health, as through the great mercy and goodness of God I have never been better in health. " My love to Richard Green, he desired me to send him some account of the Country, which to the beBt of my knowledge I will do; as to Buildings here is little until more People come over, for the Inhabitants that were here did generally Build their own houses, though after a mean manner, for they fell down Trees, and split them iu Parts, and so make up a sorry House, &c. But here is Earth enough that will make very good Bricks, and Stone enough of severall sorts, as four that will Btroke fire, which may make millstones, or what a man will put them to; they make their Lime of oyBtcr shells; here is a good Land and a Healthful and Plentiful Country, here is no Tanner in all the River, but some Tann their Hides themselves, after their own manner. Here is good Oak enough, here is Hemp and Flax, good Water, and the Ground will bear anything that Groweth in England, and with less Pains and trouble ; with my dear Love to thee I rest thy loving Husband. "Robert Wade. " Delaware River, the place called Upland, the 2d of the 2d month, 1675." l In "A Journal of a Voyage to New York in 1679-80," Memoirs of Long Island Historical Society, vol. i. p. 183, it is recorded : " It was late before we left here and we therefore had time to look around a little and see the remains of the residence of Madame Popegay, who had her dwell ing here when she left Tinekonk." The diary the preceding day mentions that Robert Wade had brought the travelers to Upland after dark, and "we went to tbe house of the Quaker who had brought ub down." So that there can bo no doubt that the Essex House was never owned by Mrs. Pappegoya. 2 " Journal of a Voyage to New York in 1679-80." Memoirs of Long iBland Historical Society, vol. i. p. 183. ride that day ; there he conducted them and lodged them kindly. The next morning being the first day of the week, they went to Upland (since named Chester), where a few Friends were met at Robert Wade's house. After meeting was over they took boat and went to Salem, where they met with John Fenwick and several families of Friends, who, with those at Chester, had come from England in that year with John Fenwick." 3 It is, however, nowise certain that the Essex House had been built when the first recorded meeting of Friends in Pennsylvania was held at Wade's dwelling at Upland, but that it had been erected before 1679, the statement of the Labadist ministers, already quoted as a note, conclusively estab lishes. Governor Andross, on Sept. 25, 1676, promulgated the Duke of York's laws by proclamation, declaring that they " Bee likewise in force and practiced in this River and Precincts," excepting such ordinances as were peculiarly applicable to Long Island. At the same time he ordered courts to be held at three places on the river. That at Upland to be a Court of Quar ter Sessions, and to begin on the second Tuesday of the month.* The records of these early courts are historically interesting, for in them is found the story of the gradual growth of the English system of jurispru dence in the State, which will be related elsewhere in this work. On March 4, 1681, Charles II. of England signed the great charter which conveyed to William Penn, in lieu of the sum of sixteen thousand pounds, which the king owed to Admiral William Penn, the enor mous tract of land now known as Pennsylvania, and from that period our early annals become more inter esting, for from that time we may date the actual founding of this great commonwealth. Almost im mediately thereafter Penn sent his first cousin, Wil liam Markham, to the colony as his Deputy Governor. It is presumed that he came over in the ship " John and Sarah," from London, commanded by Henry Smith, which was the first to arrive here after the grant was made to Penn. Certain it is that Markham was in New York about June 15, 1681,5 and previous to the 21st of that month he had presented his com mission to the authorities at New York, for on that date the Governor and Council issued a proclamation announcing the royal grant and commanding all per sons to recognize Markham as Governor of Pennsyl vania. On August 3d following he was at Upland and had assumed the reins of power on the Delaware, for on the date last mentioned his Council took and subscribed to the oath of office. The members of the 3 Smith's " History of the Province of Pennsylvania." Hazard's Regis ter, vol. vi. p. 182. 4 Ponnna. Archives, 2d series, vol. iii. p. 783. 5 A letter to William Penn from New York, dated June 25, 1681, says. " ThiB is to acquaint thee that about ten daies since here arrived Francis Richardson with thy Deputy."— Penn. Mag. of Hist., vol. vi. p. 175. THE CIRCULAR BOUNDARY LINE. 15 Governor's Council were Robert Wade, Morgan Drewt, William Woodmanse, William Warner, Thomas Fairman, James Sandilands, William Clayton, Otto Ernst Cock, and Lasse Cock, almost every one resi dents of the territory now Delaware County. " The proceedings of their first session were kept secret and little is known, except that the government of the new province was established with the capital at Up land, where we find Markham holding court on the 30th of November, 1681."1 Markham made his resi dence at the Essex House,2 and there the first sum mons from Penn, calling a General Assembly, were writ'ten and proclaimed, for, as is well known, the proprietary was Wade's guest on his first coming to the province in 1682. CHAPTER III. THE CIRCULAR BOUNDARY LINE BETWEEN DELA WARE COUNTY AND THE STATE OF DELAWARE. That Lord Baltimore, long before the royal grant to Penn, during the Dutch ascendency on the Dela ware, had made demand upon the Hollanders for all the land lying to the south of the fortieth degree north latitude is fully attested by the published records, but inasmuch as his representatives never, so far as we have knowledge, personally came to any locality in Pennsylvania, the story of that disputed territorial authority at that time is properly the subject-matter of the history of the State of Delaware, and does not come within the scope of this work. The controversy respecting the proper adjustment of the boundary line between the territories of Lord Baltimore and William Penn was a long and bitter struggle, which, descending from father to son, cov ered nearly a century in tedious and expensive litiga tion before it was finally set at rest by the decree of Lord Chancellor Hardwick and the establishment of the noted Mason and Dixon line in conformity there with. While the southern boundary of Delaware County presents a circular course extending the State of Delaware several miles at its northern limit beyond the straight line which elsewhere forms the southern boundary of Pennsylvania, that circle constitutes historically no part of the Mason and Dixon survey, which, during the Missouri Compromise debates in 1820, was made so familiar to the nation by John Randolph, who, in his remarks, constantly referred to it as the imaginary geographical line which marked the division between the free and sla-ve States. Nearly four years previous to the grant of the territory to Penn, for the convenience of the then settlers on the 1 Dnke of York's Book of Laws, p. 471. 2 Sept. 23, 1682, Markham lived there, for he says, " Lord Baltimore was at my lodging at Robert Wade's."— Penn. Mag. of Hist., vol. vi. p. 430. Delaware, an amicable adjustment of the line dividing New Castle and Upland (afterward Chester County) was made. At a court held at Upland, Nov. 12, 1678, this proceeding is recorded as follows : 3 "The Limits and Division between this and New Castle county, were this day agreed upon and settled By this Court and Mr. John Moll president of New Castle Court To he as followeth, vlzt. " This County of Upland to begin from ye north syde of oele fransens Creeke, otherwise Called Steenkill Lying in the boght above ye verdrie- tige hoeck, and from the said Creek over to ye singletree point on tbe East syde of the River." This division, Edward Armstrong, in his valuable note to the "Record of Upland Court," has made intelligible to the modern reader. The creek, he tells us, ac the time when the boundary line between the two counties was adjusted, known as Oele Francens, was at a late date called Streen or Stoney Creek, and is now recognized as Quarryville Creek, crossing the Philadelphia, Wilmington and Baltimore Railroad three and three-quarter miles below the mouth ot Naaman's Creek, in Brandywine Hundred, New Castle Co., Del. " Verdrietige hoeck," or corner of land, was also called Trinity Hook, lying between Shellpot (a corruption of " Skelldpadde," the Swedish for "turtle") and Stoney Creeks. "Verdrietige" was a term derived from the Dutch " verdrietigh," signify ing " grievous" or " tedious," owing to the character of the navigation in approaching that point, while " Singletree Point" is now " Old Man's Point," on the New Jersey shore, one mile below the mouth of " Old Man Creek." The charter or patent of Charles II. to William Penn, bearing date the 4th day of March, 1681, as also in the proclamation of the king, April 2d of the same year, in defining the territorial boundaries of Penn's provinces, mentions the circular line as " on the South by a circle drawn at twelve miles distance from New Castle northwards and westwards into the beginning of the fortieth degree of northern latitude and then by a streight line westwards to the limits of longitude above mentioned." After Penn had acquired jurisdiction of the territory by virtue of the royal grant, he dispatched his cousin, Capt. William Markham, as his Deputy Governor, to represent him in the province. The latter, in a letter to Penn, dated New York, June 25, 1681, says, "This is to acquaint thee that about ten daies since here arrived Francis Richardson with thy Deputy," and on the 3d day of August, 1681, Markham was in Upland, as stated in the preceding chapter. In the latter part of August, 1681, Capt. William Markham, Deputy Governor of Pennsylvania, who had been intrusted by the king with a letter to Charles, Lord Baltimore, requesting the latter to " ap point with all convenient speed some person or per sons who may in connection with the agent or agents of ye said William Penn make a true division & sepa ration of ye said Province of Maryland and Pennsil- 8 Record of Upland Court, page 119. 16 HISTORY OF DELAWARE COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA. vania according to the bounds and degree of northern latitude expressed in our letters patent, &c," went to Maryland in order to settle as quickly as might be the controversy respecting the boundary line between the two provinces. Markham also took with him a letter from William Penn to Lord Baltimore, urging the prompt adjustment of the vexatious dispute. The lord proprietary of Maryland received Penn's repre sentative with marked kindness ; and as the latter was suffering from indisposition, induced by the in tensely warm weather, Baltimore invited Markham to his house on the Patuxent River, where the latter became dangerously ill, and for nearly a month was incapable of being moved. On his recovery he de termined to return to Pennsylvania, but before his departure Baltimore and he arranged to meet at Up land on the 16th of October following, where observa tions should then be taken to ascertain precisely where the fortieth degree of northern latitude was, and thus adjust the disputed point of territorial boundaries. Markham also promised to borrow from Col. Lewis Morris, of New York, the necessary instruments for making the astronomical observations. Unexpected, the passage of the vessel up Chesapeake Bay to its head was long and tedious, so that much of the time Markham had intended for his journey to New York was thereby consumed. Hence, from the head of the bay, he addressed a letter to Lord Baltimore, Sept. 25, 1681, requesting that the meeting should be deferred until the 26th of the same month. When the Deputy Governor reached Upland he was again taken ill, and thereupon he wrote to Lord Baltimore, this time in forming him that his physical condition was such that it would be impossible for him to attend to the adjust ment of the boundary line until the following spring. This letter was forwarded, but before it reached its destination Markham received a communication from Lord Baltimore, dated Oct. 10, 1681, in which the latter stated that he could not come to Upland that year "for fear of the frost," which might intercept navigation, but inasmuch as the king's wishes in this matter have not been complied with, his lordship would place on Markham the responsibility of not meeting that year. In the mean while both parties to the controversy maintained that his adversary was trespassing on his domain, and so convinced was Wil liam Penn that this was the case, that on Sept. 16, 1681, he addressed letters to six of the most extensive land-owners in Maryland, whose possessions were lo cated within the debatable territory, stating that he had no doubts that their estates were within his prov inces, under his grant from the crown, and notified them to pay no taxes or assessments in obedience to any order of the lord proprietary or laws of Mary land. This claim on the part of Penn caused many of the residents of the latter colony to resist the pub lic levies, and so general was this sentiment in Balti more and Cecil Counties that the military was ordered to assist the sheriffs in collecting the taxes. Lord Baltimore, in his account of the difficulty respecting the boundaries, states that one of Penn's commission ers, William Haige, a Quaker, had taken astronomi cal observations at the head of the bay (Chesapeake), and that he was very much dissatisfied at the result he obtained. Haige afterward went to Patuxent, where, in an interview with Baltimore, the latter charged him with having " taken some observations at Elk river, for his private satisfaction," which Haige acknowledged he had done, but said the instrument he had used was so small that nothing decisive could be arrived at. The winter of 1681 passed without any definite ac tion being had until May 14, 1682, when Lord Balti more wrote to Markham, desiring to meet him at Augustine Herman's plantation1 on June 10th, to adjust boundaries. Markham, who was compelled to meet the Indians, to make payment for lands he had purchased from them, could not meet the Maryland commissioners at the time Baltimore had designated, since the Indians had deferred their annual hunt, nor was he ready, inasmuch that he was unable to pro cure the use of Col. Morris' instrument until he had personally visited New York and entered security for its safe return. For the latter purpose he went to New York on the 26th of May, 1682, and before he started he sent a message to Lord Baltimore, ap prising him of his journey thither, and requested that the proposed meeting might be deferred until his re turn. Baltimore, however, dispatched commissioners to represent him at the time fixed by him, and by them sent a letter to Markham, stating that they were fully qualified to act in his behalf, and trusting that they would be met by parties similarly commissioned on the part of Penn. The Maryland commissioners, when they reached Herman's plantation, feigned to be surprised at not meeting Markham's representa tives, and on the day designated by Baltimore (June 10, 1682) addressed a letter to Markham, which was delivered to the Deputy Governor, then in New York, by George Goforth. In the communication the writers requested Markham to send the instrument he had promised to borrow from Col. Morris, as also to dis patch duly qualified persons to meet with them. The Maryland commissioners tarried several days at Her man's, ostensibly to await the coming of Markham's representatives, but in the mean while employed them selves in making astronomical observations.2 i A tract of four thousand acres, still known as Bohemia Manor, Cecil Co., Md., on the east bank of Elk River, which was patented June 19, 1662, by Lord Baltimore to Augustine Herman, in consideration of the latter having undertaken to prepare a map of Maryland. This ihart was engraved and published by Faithorne, in London, in 1672, and is very accurate so far as it delineates the western shore of the Chesapeake and the peninsula lying between the Chesapeake and Delaware Bays. (Johnston's "History of Cecil County, Md.," page 37.) 2 Extract of a letter to the Ld Baltimore from the commissioner. appointed by his lordship to settle the bounds between Maryland and Pennsylvania, June 17, 1682 (published iu Pennsylvania Magivnne of History and Biography, vol. vi. p. 418, note) : " Wee have taken three severall observations & in all of them have not THE CIRCULAR BOUNDARY LINE. 17 The letter from the commissioners to Markham, as before stated, was delivered to him in New York, and he immediately procured the instrument, which he sent in a sloop to New Castle, and made his way homeward by land to Burlington, where he took a boat for the remaining distance. Pending these move ments on the part of the Deputy Governor of Penn sylvania, the Maryland commissioners had gone to New Castle, — out of " a curiosity to see yt Towne," as they said, — and when they got there they learned that the sloop having Col. Morris' astronomical in strument was at the landing. They, aided by the entreaties of the Dutch inhabitants of the place, per suaded Capt. Criger, himself a Dutchman, to permit them to make use of the instrument. On Tuesday, June 27, 1682, it being a very clear day, the commis sioners made several observations, and found that town was in thirty-nine degrees forty odd minutes north latitude. The next day Markham went to New Castle, where he learned that the Maryland commis sioners had left the place the very night of the day they had used the instrument which the Governor of Pennsylvania had had so much trouble to procure. The following morning Markham sent William Haige to Herman's plantation, trusting that the Marylanders had gone thither, but before he got there they had renewed their journey southward. Markham there upon wrote to Baltimore explaining his absence, and received in reply an intimation that in September he (Baltimore) proposed to send his commissioners again to meet him, and perhaps he might personally accom pany them. On September 12th, Lord Baltimore sailed from Patuxent, reaching the Elk River on the 19th of the same month. There was no accommoda tion for his suite at Herman's, and after he had dis patched a message to Markham, who was then at Burlington, Lord Baltimore, with a number of per sons, went to New Castle, from which place, on the evening of the 23d of September, he embarked in boats for Upland, reaching the latter hamlet that night. He lodged at tbe dwelling of Robert Wade, where Markham then dwelt. The following morning (Sunday) Markham (who had been informed that Baltimore was at New Castle, had hastened his return to meet him, and had reached home the same night ¦that the Marylanders came to Upland) called on Lord Baltimore. The latter was accompanied by Col. Corsie, Maj. Seawell, Maj. Sawyer, four commission ers, and forty men " armed with carbines, pistols, and differed two minutes & wee find Mr. Augustin Herman's house to lye in the latitude of 39d & 45m so that your Lordship has 15m. yet from hence due North which will go not farr short of Upland & this differs yery little from their own observation lately taken as wee are credibly informed wee have used our endeavors in letting all here know of your Lordship's Desire to have the bounds determined & all seem much satis fied with your Lordship's proceedings much blaiming Mr. Markham that after so many flourishes he should bee thus backward ; Wee ques tion but ye Lines will fall to answer yor Lordship's expectacons & our true endeavors shall not be wanting to give your Lordship satisfac tion." 2 swords." The lord proprietary of Maryland, al though Markham stated that it was the Sabbath, and not a day for the transaction of business, requested that his own as well as Col. Morris' instruments should be set up, so that it would be known how they agreed. Markham at length consented, it being un derstood that the degree of latitude should be ascer tained the following day ; but while the Pennsylva- nians were absent one of Lord Baltimore's attendants took an observation, and reported that he found the latitude of Upland was thirty-nine degrees forty-five minutes. Next morning Baltimore desired to go far ther up the river, as far as the fortieth degree, and, that ascertained, to follow that line westward as the boundary of the province. Markham, however, de clined this proposition, stating that he (Baltimore) could have no claim on the river twelve miles north ward of New Castle, because the king's grant to Wil liam Penn fully covered all the land on the Delaware above that point. Baltimore replied that he had nothing to do with the grant to Penn, but would be guided by the grant the king had made to him, many years before Penn's charter. The dispute thereupon waxed warm, during which Baltimore declared that he did not propose to bring the matter before the king and his Council, but designed to take his own wherever he found it; that if, as Markham asserted, New Castle was the centre of the circle, and a sweep therefrom must be had before the beginning of the direct line westward was established, "his Majesty must have long compasses." The interview terminated by Markham refusing to permit Lord Baltimore to ascend the river to make observations, and a demand from the latter that the Deputy Governor of Pennsyl vania should furnish his reasons for his action in writing, a request which the latter immediately com plied with.1 The two Governors, however, agreed to meet at New Castle the next day, so that the point of forty degrees might be determined at the head of Chesapeake Bay. In the afternoon of the 20th of September Lord Baltimore left Upland for New Castle, but before he stepped into the boat at the landing he spoke in a 1 This letter is published in 6 Penn. Mag. of History and Biography, p. 432 : " To His ExcelVy My Lord Baltimore : " Whereas your lordship hath been pleased to Desire a reason of me under my Hand why I concurr not with your lordshipp in Laying out the bounds of this province Pennsilvania upon Delaware river : My Lord This is my reason that as I received all yt part of The river Delaware beginning 12 Miles above New Castle Towne and so Upwards, ffrom The Government of New York which is according to The Express words of his Majesty's Letters Patent To our Proprietory Wm. Penn EBqr I most humbly Conceive That I am not to he accoumptable to any other person Than his Majesty or Royall Highness ffor any part of This Province lay ing upon Delaware River & soebounded but if your Lordshipp be willing to lay out ye bounds betwixt This Province and your Lordshipp's Laying towards Chesapeake Bay and The rivers on That Bide I am ready and willing to wayte upon your Lordship for yt end & purpose. " Upland in Pennsylvania 7ber 29th 1682. " I am my Lord your Lordshipps most Humble Servt " Wm. Markham." 18 HISTORY OF DELAWARE COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA. loud voice to Markham, who was present, together with a number of the residents of the place. " You are sensible, Capt. Markham, that by an observation taken yesterday that this plantation is in thirty-nine degrees forty-seven minutes and some seconds, and must therefore be sensible that I am here about twelve miles to the southward of the degree of forty, which is my north bound as the same is Mr. Penn's south bound. Therefore, afore you and all the rest here present, I lay claim to this place and as far further as the degree of forty will reach." To this claim of Lord Baltimore, Markham made no response, but with courteous attention conducted the former to the boat, and thus they parted. Baltimore, as he descended the river, halted at Marcus Hook, where he landed, and, going to each of the dwellings at that place, pro hibited the residents from paying any more quit-rents to Penn, as the land did not come within his territory, but was part of Maryland, and that he, Baltimore, would return suddenly and take possession of his own. This notification, particularly as the one who made it was attended with the pomp and circumstance of power, caused the utmost consternation among the settlers, who repaired to Upland the next day, just as Markham — the instrument being placed on board a boat — was about starting on horseback with his at tendants for New Castle, and so great was the excite ment consequent on Lord Baltimore's unexpected claim that Markham called his Council immediately together, and they decided that the Deputy Governor must remain at Upland " to quiet the disturbed peo ple." Whereupon Markham wrote to Lord Baltimore that he could not meet him at New Castle under the circumstances.1 Although the proprietaries of the two provinces could not adjust their dispute, for the expediency of the inhabitants the court at Chester, on March 14, 1683, declared that Naaman's Creek should be the boundary line between the two counties ; and so generally was this recognized, that Thomas Holme, surveyor-general under Penn, in his " map of the improved part of the Province of Pennsylvania in America," observes this division. Nevertheless there was some confusion still exist ing, hence ten years later, in 1693, a petition was pre sented by some of the inhabitants of Chester County to the Governor and Council, stating that they were seriously inconvenienced because of there being no authoritatively recognized, line between that county and New Castle. The Council after discussing the topic, on the 9th of August, 1693, — " Resolved, That for the present convenience of the government, and not for an absolute and final proprietarie division, but that the inhabit ants on the borders of both counties may Know to which of the two to pay their levies, taxes, etc., and perform their other countie services, the bounds of New Castle county shall extend northward to the mouth of Naaman's creek and upwards along the southwest side of the Northmost 1 For fuller particulars of the interview between Baltimore and Mark ham, see 6 Penn. Mag. of History and Biography, p. 412. branch (excluding the townships of Concord and Bethel), and not to ex tend backwards of the said northmost branch above the said two town ships." For eight years the boundary thus established seemed to meet in a measure the demands of the sparsely-settled country immediately effected thereby, although the constantly-growing disposition on the part of the inhabitants of the three lower counties (now the State of Delaware) to separate from the ter ritory comprising the commonwealth of Pennsyl vania was often manifested during the interval, and at length culminated in a petition from the Assembly to Penn, 20th of Seventh month, 1701, in which they urge "that the division line between the counties of New Castle and Chester be ascertained allowing the boundary according to the proprietary's letters patent from the King." Penn, then in Philadelphia, in response to this petition, replied, " It is my own inclination, and I desire the representatives of New Castle and Chester Counties forthwith, or before they leave town, to attend me about the time and man ner of doing it." In conformity with the wish of Penn a conference was held, which resulted in a warrant being issued 28th of Eighth month, 1701, to Isaac Taylor, surveyor of Chester County, and Thomas Pierson, surveyor of New Castle County, requiring them to meet the magistrates of the two counties, or any three of them, and, — " In their presence to ad measure and survey from the town of New Castle the distance of twelve miles in a right line up ye said river and from ye said distance according to ye King's letters patent and deeds from the Duke and ye said circular line to be well-marked two-thirds parts of ye semi-circle." The surveyor designated made report that, on the 4th day of Tenth month (December), 1701, in the presence of Cornelius Empson, Richard Halliwell, and John Richardson, justices of New Castle County, and Caleb Pusey, Philip Roman, and Robert Pyle, justices of Chester County, they ran the division lines, beginning at the point of the radial line, which was selected by the magistrates " at the end of the horse dyke next to the town of New Castle." Thence they measured due north twelve miles, the termination of that distance being " a white oak marked with twelve notches standing on the west side of Brandywine Creek, in the lands of Samuel Helm ;" thence, east- wardly, " circularly changing our course from the east southward one degree at the end of every sixty-seven perches, which is the chord of one degree to a twelve miles radius ; and at the end of forty-three chords we came to the Delaware River, on the upper side of Nathaniel Lampley's old house at Chichester." The surveyors then returned to the marked white oak on Helm's land and ran a westwardly course, changing, as before, " our course one degree from the west-south ward at the end of every sixty-seven perches, . . . until we had extended seventy-seven chords, which, being added to the forty-three chords, make two-thirds part THE CIRCULAR BOUNDARY LINE. 19 of the semi-circle to a twelve-mile radius, all which said circular lines being well marked with three notches on each side of the trees to a marked hick ory standing near the western branch of Christiana Creek." The cost of the survey to the county of Chester is exhibited in the annexed interesting report of the Grand Jury : " Chester the 24 of the 12 month 1701-2. " We of the Grand Jury for the county having duly considered and carefully adjusted an account of charges contracted by running a cir cular line dividing this county from the county of New Castle and set tling the boundaries and having duly and deliberately debated every articlo of the said account, do allow of the sum of twenty-six pounds nine shillings due to be paid by the county for said work. " James Cowper, Foreman." Although there is a general impression that Mason and Dixon afterwards ran the circular line, that is a popular error ; nor is it true, as stated in an excellent article published in a leading American periodical, that "in the difficulty of tracing this circle was the origin of the work of Mason and Dixon." 1 The sur vey of Isaac Taylor and Thomas Pierson, in 1701, be fore described, is the only one ever made of the cir cular boundary between Pennsylvania and Delaware. The act of May 28, 1715,2 providing "for corrobo rating the circular line between the counties of Ches ter and New Castle," seems to have been a dead letter from its passage, and was repealed July 21, 1719. It is an interesting fact, in view of the ease with which the justices, in 1701, arrived at the point in New Castle where the twelve-mile radius should begin, — " the end of the horse dyke next to the town of New Castle," — to recall the manner in which the commissioners of Maryland, in 1750, attempted to reach a like starting-point. In the diary of John Watson,8 one of the surveyors on behalf of Pennsyl vania on that occasion, he mentions that the map of the Maryland officials had a puncture in it at a desig nated place within the limits of the town of New Castle from which they contended the radius of twelve miles should be measured. Watson subsequently learned that this point had been ascertained in this wise : " The commissioners of Maryland had con structed an exact plan of the town of New Castle upon a piece of paper, and then carefully pared away the edges of the draught until no more than the draught was left, when, sticking a pin through it, they suspended it thereby in different places until they found a place whereby it might be suspended hori zontally, which point or place they accepted as the centre of gravity," hence the centre of the town. As the notches made by Taylor and Pierson to mark the circular line in the lapse of time were ob literated, thereafter to be recalled only in vague and 1 Harper's Magazine, vol. liii. p. 549. 2 Dallas' " Laws of Pennsylvania," vol. i. p. 105. 8 This diary iu good preservation is owned by the Historical Society of Pennsylvania, to whom it was presented by the late William D. Gil pin, of Philadelphia. Gilpin stated that he found it among some old papers which had been sent to his mill as waste. uncertain traditions, and as the story that on the re examination, in 1768, by Mason and Dixon, of the line surveyed in 1751 by Emory, Jones, Parsons, Shankland, and Killen, that the "middle stone," planted by the latter surveyors at the southwestern boundary of the State of Delaware, was found over thrown by money-diggers, who believed because of its armorial bearing that it had been set up by Capt. Kidd to mark the spot where part of his ill-gotten treasures were secreted, had shifted its location many times, the impression became general that the stone planted by Mason and Dixon to mark the intersection of the three States had also been removed. Hence, in 1849, the Legislature of Pennsylvania authorized the Governor to appoint a commissioner to act in con junction with similar commissioners representing the States of Delaware and Maryland to determine the points of intersection, and to place a mark or monu ment thereon to indicate its location. On behalf of Pennsylvania, Joshua P. Eyre, of Delaware County, was appointed commissioner. George Read Riddle represented Delaware, and H. G. S. Key, Maryland. The commissioners made application to the Secretary of War to detail Lieut.-Col. James R. Graham, of the corps of Topographical Engineers, who had acquired considerable prominence in adjusting the boundary of the United States and Mexico, to make the neces sary surveys. On Oct. 30, 1849, the commissioners assembled at Annapolis, Md., where they had access to the notes of Mason and Dixon, as well as the agreement dated May 10, 1732, between Charles, Lord Baltimore, and the heirs and successors of William Penn, as also tbe subsequent agreement between Frederick, Lord Baltimore, and Thomas and Richard Penn, surviving heirs of William Penn, dated July 4, 1760, and the decree of Lord Chancellor Hardwick, May 15, 1750, which was tbe basis of the final settle ment of the long controversy. The commissioners, we are told by the accomplished historians of Chester County,* at the northeast corner of Maryland — the commencement of the Mason and Dixon east and west line — found that the stone planted in 1768 to designate the spot, in a deep ravine, on the margin of a small brook near its source, was missing. That several years before the commissioners visited the place it had fallen to the earth, and had been taken away and used as a chimney-piece by a resident in the neighborhood, who, with some slight propriety, had driven a stake into the ground to mark the spot where the stone once stood. The commissioners at that point erected a new stone with the letter P on the north and east sides, and M on the south and west sides. At the junction of the three States the com missioners set up a triangular prismatic post of cut granite, eighteen inches wide on each side and seven feet in length. It was inserted four and a half feet in the ground, and occupies the exact spot where the * Futhey and Cope 'b " History of Chester County, Pa.," p. 160. 20 HISTORY OF DELAWARE COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA. old unmarked stone placed there by Mason and Dixon was found by Col. Graham in 1849, who had the old boundary mark buried alongside of its more modern and pretentious fellow. This new stone is marked with the letters M, P, and D, on the sides facing re spectively towards the States of Maryland, Pennsyl vania, and Delaware. On the north side, below the letter P, are the names of the commissioners in deep- cut letters, with the date 1849. Col. Graham, in his report, says, — " At the meridian or middle point of the arc, corresponding to the length of the chord as we actually found it, and at the distance of one hundred aud eighteen and four-tenths feet perpendicular from the middle point of said chord, a poet of cut granite six feet long was inserted in the ground four and a half feet of its length. This stone squares seventeen hy fourteen inches. It is rounded on the west side to indicate that it is on the ourve, and on the east side the date 1849 is cut in deep figures. " The circular boundary between Pennsylvania and Delaware from the point of junction of the three States to river Delaware being yet un marked, and a number of citizens residing near the common border being in doubt whether as to which State they belonged, the survey was con ducted with such precision as to enable us to describe that boundary correctly, as will appear upon our map, for a distance of about three and three-quarter miles northwestward from junction. We have determined the diBtance by computation at which a due east line from northeast corner of Maryland will cut that circular boundary, and find it to be four thousand and thirty-six feet, or seven sixty-six of a mile. We have also computed the angle with the meridian at the said northeast corner made by a line drawn from thence to the spire of the court-house at New Castle, and find it to be 70 degrees, 20 minutes, and 45 secouds east of south. At the distance of 3786 feet, measured by the said line from the aforesaid northeast corner, this line will intersect the circular boun dary."1 As stated before, no survey of the circular line be tween Delaware and Pennsylvania has ever been made since that run by Isaac Taylor and Thomas Pierson, in 1701, and it may be asserted without fear of contradiction that no person at this time knows exactly where the line dividing New Castle County, Del., and Delaware County, Pa., is, and where it en ters the river. CHAPTER IV. WILLIAM PENN'S FIRST VOYAGE TO HIS PROVINCE IN 1682— THE CHANGE OF THE NAME UPLAND TO CHESTER, AND THE REASON IT WAS MADE. As stated in the preceding chapter, as soon as Penn had acquired title to the three lower counties,2 — the i Col. Graham states that the want of a proper demarkation of bound aries between States is always a source of inconvenience and frequently of great trouble to parties residing therein, who are uncertain as to which State their taxes and personal services, jury duty and the like, are due. He tells ub that they found that William Smith, who had served as a member of the Legislature of Delaware, resided fully half a mile within Pennsylvania, measured ou the shortest direction from his dwell ing-house to the circular boundary. 2 Futhey and Cope, in a note to their HiBtory of Chester County, page 20, Btate, " Although tbe territory west of the Delaware had been gov erned by the Duke of York, he at tlie time held no valid title to any part of it. King Charles II. made a regular conveyance to him of the country comprised within the present territorial limits of the State of Delaware present State of Delaware, — he made his arrangements to visit his colony, and so energetically did he act that in less than one week after the execution of the deeds by the duke on the 30th day of the Sixth month (August,— for the Friends of those days computed the year as beginning on the 1st of March), he sailed for Pennsylvania from Deal in the ship " Welcome," of three hundred tons burden, Robert Greenaway, com mander, accompanied by about one hundred com panions, mostly Friends, from Sussex, England. The voyage was lengthy (smallpox having broken out on the vessel, of which disease thirty of the emigrants died on the passage), and on the 27th day of October, 1682, the " Welcome" stopped at New Castle, where Penn landed, and took possession of the three lower counties with all the pomp and circumstance usual at that time in the formal transfer of estates. It is known he stayed at New Castle all night, and the next day the vessel stood up the river and cast anchor off the mouth of Chester Creek, opposite the house of Rob ert Wade, for, as is stated in the manuscript book of Evan Oliver, a passenger on the " Welcome," " We arrived at Upland in pensilvania in America, ye 28th of ye 8th month, '82." 3 Dr. Smith, in referring to the landing of Penn, says, " He landed at ^Upland, but the place was to bear that familiar name no more forever. Without reflection, Penn determined that the name of the place should be changed. Turning round to his friend Pearson, one of his own society, who had accompanied him in the ship ' Welcome,' he said, ' Providence has brought us here safe. Thou hast been the companion of my perils. What wilt thou that I should call this place ?' Pearson said, ' Ches ter,' in remembrance of the city from whence he came. William Penn replied that it should be called Chester, and that when he divided the land into counties one of them should be called by the same name. Thus for a mere whim the name of the oldest town, the name of the whole settled part of the prov ince, the name that would have a place in the affec tions of a large majority of the inhabitants of the new province, was effaced to gratify the caprice or vanity of a friend. All great men occasionally do little things." * Although Dr. Smith cites Clarkson's Life of Penn and Hazard's Annals in support of this statement, it will not bear investigation. We know that Penn is sued his proclamation three weeks after his arrival at Chester to the several sheriffs of the counties of Ches ter, Philadelphia, and Bucks, as well as the three lower counties, to hold an election for a General As sembly, to convene at " Upland." The original letter of Penn, now in the Historical Society of Pennsyl- on the 22d of March, 1683 ; the deeds from the duke to Penn for the same country were executed on the 24th of August, 1682. See Hazard's Register, vol. i. p. 429, 430 ; vol. ii. p. 27." 3 Note in Martin's " History of Chester," p. 62. 4 Smith'B " History of Delaware County," p. 139. WILLIAM PENN'S FIRST VOYAGE TO HIS PROVINCE IN 1682. 21 vania, addressed to several gentlemen requesting them to meet him on the following " so-called Thursday, No vember 2, 1682," is dated " Upland, October 29, 1 682," the day after his arrival, clearly indicating that he did not change tbe name of this city in the dramatic manner tradition has stated. There is no authentic list of the passengers on the " Welcome" extant, although Edward Armstrong has gathered the names of several of Penn's companions in the ship, which are generally accepted as well established by evi dence, excepting that in that list the name of Pearson appears, to which is added, " supposed to be Robert," a statement that may well be questioned. As this mythical personage is represented to be an eminent member of the society of Friends, the rec ords of meetings ought to disclose his Christian name, but it has never been found among the list of the early settlers. Hence we have reason to believe that the first person of the name of Pearson in this prov ince was Thomas, and we know that neither of the Thomas Pearsons — for there were two of that name — came here until the following year, 1683.1 The second of that cognomen in a diary memorandum written by himself, also in the Historical Society's collection, clearly states when he came.' To quote his own words, after setting forth his various adventures, he says, " On ye 25th day of July, in ye year 1683, I set sail from Kingroad, in ye ' Comfort,' John Reed, Master, and arrived at Upland in Pennsylvania ye 28th of September 1683," almost a year after Penn's arrival. In the report of the vestry of St. Paul's Church, Chester, to the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts, in the year 1704, occurs this sentence : " The people of Chester County showed very early zeal to have the Church of Eng land worship settled among them. This county is so called because most of the inhabitants of it came from Cheshire, in England. Chester, the chief town of the county, is finely situated on the river Dela ware." 1 Martin's " History of Chester," page 499. See " Queries," Penna. Mag. of History, vol. iii. page 358, where the ubiquitous Mr. Pearson presents himself once more in a new light and demanding unexpected honors. The statement in the volume just cited is that in a recent life of Ben jamin West it is said, " In the year 1677 or 1678, one Thomas Pear son, from England, Bettled in a cave on the west bank of the Delaware River, now below Philadelphia. He was a blacksmith by trade, and, it is said, wielded the first smith's hammer in Pennsylvania. About the first work done was to make small axes for his Indian neighbors, who in their short way termed him Tom or Tommy. In their language the word hawk signifies any tool used for cutting, hence the origin of the word tomahawk." That this was " the Pearson" is settled by the state ment in the same book quoted from that he was the grandfather of Ben jamin West. Here then is the man who, before Penn came, was the only blacksmith in Pennsylvania making " little hatchets" for the In dians, and from his Christian name and that of the article he produced caused the savages to coin the word " tomahawk." Pearson (sup- poBed to be Robert) turns up in 1682 a passenger on the ship " Wel come," and the proprietary, especially for this Pearson's benefit, changes the name of "Upland" to " Chester" instantly and without re flection. In the future some enterprising historian may yet discover the man who swallowed the first oyster, and I have no doubt that Friend Pearson will have his claims present for that noteworthy act, and in all probability have that claim allowed. Bampfylde Moore Carew, the celebrated "King of the Mendicants," who, while escaping from banish ment in Virginia, passed through Chester in 1739, in relating his adventures, records that he came "to Chester, so called because the people who first settled there came for the most part from Cheshire. . . . The place is also called Upland." Thirty years previous to Carew's coming, Oldmixon stated, in 1708, when mentioning the town of Chester, "This place is called Upland," and when he alludes to Chester County he gives the like and true reason for the name that Carew did : " so called because the people who first settled here came for the most part from Cheshire in Eng land." 2 The Labadist missionaries, Danckers and Sluyter, record, nearly three years before Penn's coming, in describing their journey down the Dela ware in 1679, that " It clearing up towards evening i we took a canoe and came after dark to Upland. This is a small village of Swedes, although it is now over run by English."3 In a letter from Penn, Nov. 1, 1682, the epistle is dated from Upland ; but subsequently, Dec. 16, 1682, from West River, Md., Penn writes, "That an As sembly was held at Chester, alias Upland." These circumstances clearly establish that the official change of name had taken place previous to the last date and subsequent to the preceding one. In the letter of December 16th is the first time we have record of the name of Chester as applied to the old Swedish settle ment at Upland. The most rational conclusion is that Penn, when he changed the name of the town, doubtless within a few weeks after his arrival, and also designated the county of the like name when he divided the settled parts of Pennsylvania into three divisions, he did so in deference to the desire of the English settlers who had " overrun" the town, the major part of whom had come from that locality in England. As stated in the extracts quoted, the name of the shire-town soon became Chester, although its ancient name did not entirely disappear from familiar use until nearly three-quarters of a century had elapsed after William Penn's first visit to the province. The Pearson story for the first time appeared in our annals in Clark- son's " Life of Penn," a work which was not published until more than a century had elapsed after the inci dents therein first recorded are said to have occurred. Until the publication of the work just alluded to, no writer makes any mention of tbe change of name having been suggested to Penn by "his friend Pear son." The Swedes, we are told by Acrelius, received the English proprietary and his companions with great friendliness, carried up their goods and furniture from 2 " Tlie British Empire in America," etc., by J. Oldmixon, in Hazard's Register, vol. v. p. 180. 3 "Journal of a Voyage to New York in 1679-80," by Peter Sluyter and Jasper Danckers ; Memoirs of the Long Island Historical Society, vol. i. p. 183. 22 HISTORY OF DELAWARE COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA. the ships, and entertained them in their houses with out charge, " as many aged Quakers still relate with great pleasure." [ Penn, when he landed, resided temporarily at the dwelling-house of Robert Wade, and that fact has rendered the "Essex House" famous in our State annals. Penn remained but a short time there as the guest of Wade, for after his return to Chester from New York, whither he had gone to "pay his duty" to the Duke of York by a visit to the latter's repre sentative in that place, as well as from his visit to Maryland, he lodged, according to tradition, at the Boar's Head Inn, a noted public-house at Chester in the early days, which stood until March 20, 1848, when it was destroyed by an incendiary fire. CHAPTER V. THE FIRST ASSEMBLY OF PENNSYLVANIA, AND THE HOUSE WHEREIN IT MET. On the 18th day of November, 1682, three weeks after his arrival in the colony, William Penn issued his writs requiring the sheriffs of the several counties, in their respective bailiwicks, "to summon all the freeholders to meet on the 20th inst and elect out of themselves seven persons of the most note for wisdom, sobriety and integrity to serve as their deputies and representatives in General Assembly to be held at Upland, in Pennsylvania, December 6th (4th) next." In pursuance of this proclamation the Assembly met at Chester on the day designated, Dec. 4, 1682, and organized by the election of Nicholas Moore, of Philadelphia County, president of the " Free Society of Traders," as chairman of that body. After the appointment of committees, four of the members were selected to apprise the Governor that the Assembly " humbly desired him to honor the House with a trans mission of his constitutes." It is an interesting historical fact that the very first record in the commonwealth regarding the meeting of a legislative body discloses that then, as now, " ways that are dark" were resorted to in the effort to secure the election of members in the interest of par ticular individuals. On that occasion Edmund Cant- well, the sheriff of New Castle County, was charged with " undue electing a member to serve in Assembly from that county," in which effort he was ultimately thwarted, for the Committee on Elections and Priv ileges reported adversely to Abraham Mann, the » Acrelius, "History of Now Sweden," p. 111. That author returned to Sweden in 1756, and doubtless he might have talked to old persons who could recall the incidents connected with the arrival of the pro prietary, as such an event would make a lasting impression on their young minds. sheriff's candidate, and in favor of John Moll, who was contesting his seat, in which conclusion the House concurred. The first two days of the session were consumed in hearing the case of contested election just mentioned, the adoption of rules governing the meeting, passing the act of union, which annexed "the three lower counties" (those comprising the present State of Del aware), and. providing for the naturalization of the inhabitants thereof, as well as the Swedes, Finns, and Dutch settlers in Pennsylvania. On the third day they received from William Penn the " Printed Laws" and the " Written Laws, or Constitutions." The "Printed Laws" were "the laws agreed upon in England," which had beeu prepared by learned coun sel there, at Penn's desire, and printed in that country, and the " Written Laws, or Constitutions," were the ninety bills presented to the Assembly by the propri etary, out of which the meeting passed the sixty-one chapters of " the great body of the laws." 2 A strange fact is that not one of those enactments, as adopted, is now in force in this commonwealth. As soon as the statutes had been acted on, the members from the lower counties particularly became anxious to return to their homes, and so intimated to the Assembly. The Speaker considered this desire to adjourn as un becoming in the members, and bordering on an insult to the Governor. A committee of two of the deputies was appointed to wait upon Penn respecting it, and he consented "that the Assembly be adjourned for twenty-one days, which was accordingly ordered by the Speaker." The body failed to meet again at the time designated by adjournment, and at the next reg ular Assembly in Philadelphia it is recorded that the Speaker " reproves several members for neglecting to convene at the time appointed when the House last adjourned." Nearly forty years ago an old structure stood on the western side of Edgmont Avenue, north of Second Street, which was commonly termed " The Old As sembly House," because of the popular belief that it was in this building that the first Assembly convened in Pennsylvania, Dec. 4, 1682. Dr. George Smith, in his valuable " History of Delaware County," conclu sively established the fact that this building was the first meeting-house of Friends in Chester, and was not erected until 1693, hence the first Assembly, which held its session more than ten years before that date, could not have met in that structure. We know that on the 6th day of the First month, 1687, Joran Kyn, or Keen, made a deed conveying a lot in Chester, ad joining his " lot or garding," to certain persons in trust, " to use and behoof of the said Chester meeting of the people of God called Quakers, and their successors for ever," and on this lot, now included in William P. a For a most interesting disquisition on the subject of the laws, the number enacted at the session of tho Assembly, and other valuable in formation in relation thereto, see " Historical Notes, Part II., Appendix to the Duke's Book of Laws," pp. 477-482. THE FIRST ASSEMBLY OF PENNSYLVANIA. 23 Eyre's ground, on Edgmont Avenue, the ancient meet ing-house was built. Dr. Smith thereupon argues that the Assembly must have met in the court-house, or, as it was then known, " The House of Defense," which stood on the eastern side of Edgmont Avenue, above Second Street, and so projected into the roadway that, when Edgmont Avenue was regularly laid out as a street, it had to be removed. The doctor rightly thinks, " It was the only public building in Upland, at the time, of which we have any knowledge." Martin, in his " History of Chester," accepts the doctor's conclusions as un questionably accurate. Nevertheless, both of these able historians are in error in this. The thought es caped them that perhaps Penn saw that the " House of Defense" was too small for the purpose intended, and therefore a private dwelling was used for the meeting of the members.1 Mrs. Deborah Logan informs us in her notes to the " Penn and Logan Correspondence," 2 that the Assem bly convened in the large, or, as then termed, " The Double House," by way of distinction, which James Sandilands, the elder, had erected for his own dwell ing which stood near the creek, and subsequently, when the road to Philadelphia was laid out, near that highway. On an old plan of the borough of Chester, made about 1765, now owned by William B. Broomall, Esq., of that city, the lot on which "The Double House" stood is designated as beginning about one hundred and thirty feet southerly from the intersection of the present Edgmont Avenue and Third Street. The lot itself was about one hundred and twenty feet front on the west side of Edgmont Avenue. This house, which was spacious and pretentious for those times, — and would even now be regarded as an unusually large dwelling, — had unfortunately been built with mortar made of oyster-shell lime, which proved utterly value less. In a few years the building showed signs of decay, then became a ruin, and as such continued until the be ginning of the present century, when its foundations were removed. In time its very existence was gen erally forgotten, so much so that, as is mentioned, some of our most accurate and painstaking historians were unacquainted with the fact that it had ever per formed the important part it did in our early colonial annals. In considering the location of the house wherein the Assembly convened, it is unnecessary to refer to the first meeting-house of Friends. The fact that it was not built previous to 1693 is proved conclusively from the original minutes of the Society, which takes 1 The "House of Defense," we are told by Edward Armstrong, in his admirable notes to "The Record of Upland Court," p. 202, "was rectangular in shape, its size waB 14 by 15 feet, and, according to meas urement, ita S. E. corner stood about 84 feet from the N. E. corner of Front and Filbert. The northern portion of the house of Mrs. Sarah P. Combe occupies about eleven feet of the south end of the site of the . House of Defense." 2 Vol. i. p. 46 ; " Descendants of Joran Kyn," the founder of Upland. By Professor Gregory B. Keen, Penna. Mag. of History, vol. ii. p. 446. it entirely out of the controversy. After standing one hundred and fifty-two years it was torn down in April, 1845, by Joshua P. and William Eyre, the then owners of the property. I believe that the Assembly met in the double house and not the House of Defense, and my reasons for this opinion are briefly these. The first record we have of the site of the Assem bly building will be found in " The Traveller's Di rectory," 3 wherein it is stated in the notice of Chester that " The first Colonial Assembly for the province was convened in this place on the fourth day of December, 1682. ' A part of the old wall of the room still remains.' " This wall could not have been part of the old House of Defense, for July 13, 1728, George McCall and Ann, his wife (Jasper Yeates' eldest daughter), and John Yeates conveyed to George Ashbridge the house now owned by the heirs of the late Sarah P. Coombs, which dwelling, according to Armstrong, on the north side occupies about eleven feet of the south end of the site of the House of Defense. On May 5, 1797, George Ashbridge, the grandson of the grantee just mentioned, sold the property to Dorothy Smith and Zedekiah Wyatt Graham as joint tenants. In 1798, Mrs. Smith and Mr. Graham, brother and sister, both died of the yellow fever, and the property passed to their nephew and four nieces in equal shares. At that time the passage-way on the north side of the house was paved, and rose-bushes and other shrubbery grew in a bed alongside of the fence which divided the Smith and Graham property on the north from that of Henry Hale Graham. No part of a wall was to be seen at the point designated several years before the beginning of this century, and it must have been there in 1802 had it been the site of the Assembly House. Official evidence, however, tells us that almost a hundred years before the "Traveller's Directory" was printed, the House of Defense was destroyed, for at the November court, 1703, the grand jury pre sented " the old Court hous, being a nuisance to the town in case of fire, and also the chimney of Henry 3 " The Traveller's Directory or Pocket Companion. By S. S. Moore and T. W. Jones, Philadelphia. Published by Mathew Carey, 1802." An exceedingly rare volume, in library of Pennsylvania Historical Society. Fifteen years subsequent to the publication of the Directory a correspondent of the West Chester Federalist visited Chester and re cords that, " On the bank of Chester Creek, which passes through the town, there is still shown an old wall, now making a partof a dwelling house, which formed one side of the first hall of justice in Pennsyl vania— answering for the sessions of the Legislature and the Court of Justice, in both of which Wm Penn occasionally presided." (Martin's " History of Chester," p. 122.) The extract just quoted is of course full of historical misstatements, the narrative being based on perverted tra ditions related to the writer by the people of Chester of that day. The old Assembly House is confused with the fourth court-house of Chester County, built by John Hoskins in 1695, and the wall mentioned still remains in the dwelling-house to this day (1884). It shows, however, that tradition at that time never located the site of Assembly House on the east side of Edgmont Avenue, where the House of Defense stood, — a species of negative proof. 24 HISTORY OF DELAWARE COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA. Hollingswortb, in Chester Town," and, thereupon, " The Court on deliberate consideracon orders the sd hous to be pulled down, and that Jasper Yeats, chief burges of ye borough of Chester, shall see ye order Pformed." Martin is of opinion that this order had reference to the House of Defense, and there seems to be no doubt but that the authorities were alarmed lest the great pile of logs, dry as they must be, would burn the small cluster of houses at Chester. The site of the House of Defense subsequently became the property of Jasper Yeates, and he doubtless saw that the order of court was executed. We certainly learn nothing further from the records of the old nuisance, hence the presumption is that it was abated. On the other hand, it is known that on the double- house lot the ruins of the dwellings remained for several years after the beginning of this century, and as it adjoined the lot to the south, where the Friends' meeting-house stood when the foundation of Sande- land's dwelling was removed to be used in other build ings, the tradition that the first Assembly had met there attached itself to the antiquated structure on the adjoining lot, and in time the fact that the double house had ever existed was generally forgotten. So quickly did the tradition link itself to the meeting-house that John F. Watson, in 1827 (only a quarter of a century after the " Traveller's Directory" had correctly located the place where the Assembly met), refers to it as the " old Assembly House," and Stephen Day, in 1843, in his "Historical Collections of Pennsylvania," follows with the same statement, until the error had made permanent lodgment in the popular mind, and is now difficult of eradication. CHAPTER VI. THE COLONIAL HISTORY TO THE WAR OF THE REVOLUTION. The only hamlet in Pennsylvania which had re ceived a distinctive name that was known to persons in England at the time Penn acquired title to the ter ritory was Upland, and that that had done so was doubtless due to the fact that Robert Wade had al ready made it his home. He being a Friend in com munication with members of that religious sect in the mother-country, that circumstance directed the atten tion of the Quakers, " a society," says Acrelius, " that the realm could well spare," to the little cluster of rudely-fashioned dwellings on the banks of the Dela ware. Hence Friends (whom, fortunately for the United States, could be spared from Europe to plant on this continent those seeds of political truths and re ligious liberty which, germinating, have grown into a nation on the maintenance of which the future contin uance of constitutional representative government on the earth largely depends), or Quakers, as popularly known, desiring to flee from persecution and ignominy at home, gladly availed themselves of the liberal conditions which Penn offered to persons anxious to leave England, and particularly did the latter meet the approval of those people whose poverty had been largely produced by reason of the heavy fines im posed on them simply because of the religious senti ments they maintained. That Penn originally in tended to locate his proposed capital city at Upland can hardly be questioned, for his instructions to his commissioners, Crispin, Bezer, and Allen, particu larly directing them "that the creeks should be sounded on my side of the Delaware River, especially Upland, in order to settle a great toune," will bear no other legitimate construction. That this was his purpose is evident from all the surrounding circum stances, and he only abandoned it when he learned that Lord Baltimore, by actual observation, had dis covered that the site of the hamlet was in the debata ble land as to ownership. That the proprietary, after he had been informed of Lord Baltimore's persistent claims, had resolved to build a city farther up the river, before he first came to his province, will not admit of doubt; hence the result of the visit of William Penn to James Sandelands, mentioned as having taken place almost as soon as the former landed at Upland, when it was " talkt among the people that it was with Intent to have built a City" at that place, "but that he and Sanderlin could not agree,"1 may perchance have interfered with some proposed improvement at the old Swedish settlement, but even had Sandelands assented to all that Penn may have required, it would not have eventuated in locating the contemplated "great town" at that point.2 Under the circumstances the risks, owing to the disputed ownership of that part of his territory, were too great for Penn to assume. Martin informs us on the authority of Mrs. Sarah Shoemaker, aged ninety-two years, who died in Ches ter in 1825, and who had heard her grandfather, James Lownes, often speak of the times of which I am now writing, that during the winter of 1682-83, Upland presented a very animated appearance. It was the only place then in the province, as stated, known to English ship-owners, and consequently, as the destination of all vessels was this port, most of the emigrants landed here, and several ships often rode at anchor at the same time off the hamlet. It is said that the water was deep near the western shore, and vessels could approach so closely to land that the trees would often brush their upper rigging. The great influx of emigrants in the hamlet caused nearly every dwelling in it to be a house of entertain ment, and as the people of that day, in the majority of instances, used beer instead of tea or coffee, that fact may account for the number of presentments by the 1 The Breviato, Penn vs. Lord Baltimore, folio 105 ; Professor G. B. Keen'B " Descendants of Jorau Kyn," Penna. Mag. of Hist, vol. ii. p. 445. 2 Latrobe's " History of Mason and Dixon's Line." THE COLONIAL HISTORY TO THE WAR OF THE REVOLUTION. grand juries of the residents along the Delaware " for selling beer, etc., without license, contrary to law." The proprietary himself is believed to have made his home at Chester during the greater part of the winter of 1682-83, and while here, it is said (on Nov. 25, 1682), he divided the territory theretofore known as Upland into the three counties, — Chester, Philadel phia, and Bucks. William Penn, having called the city of Philadel phia into being, — he had named it before it had any actual existence as a town, — summoned the freemen throughout the province to hold an election on the 20th day of the Twelfth month, 1682 (February, 1683), to choose seventy-two persons of most note for their wisdom, virtue, and ability to serve as members of a Provincial Council, to meet on " the 10th day of the First month next ensuing" (March, 1683), at the new capital. From each county twelve men were returned under this order, but the several sheriffs also pre sented petitions from the people in their bailiwicks praying that only three of the twelve men returned as councilors be vested with the duplex character of councilors and assemblymen, and the remaining nine as simply assemblymen. The petition presented by the people of Chester County was as follows : * "To William Penn, proprietary and governor of the province of Pennsyl vania and territories thereof. " The petition of the freeholders of the County of Chester respect fully showeth, That iu obedience to the writ sent to our Sheriff wo have chosen twelve persons for our delegates to serve in the provincial Council, but considering that the numbers of the people are yet Bmail, and that we have few fit for or acquainted with such public business, and also that we are unable to support tho charge of greater elections and Assemblies. After our humble acknowledgments of the favor in tended us therein, we take leave humbly to request that three of the twelve we have chosen may serve as provincial Councillors, and the other nine for the Assembly, which provincial Councillors are John Symcock (for three years), Ralph Withers (for two years), and William Clayton (for one year), leaving it to thee to increase the number, as occasion may serve, hereafter. [Signedl "James Brown & Co." The assemblymen thus designated from Chester County were John Hoskins, Robert Wade, George Wood, John Blunston, Dennis Rochford, Thomas Bracy, John Bezer, John Harding, Joseph Phippes. These petitions, although in direct violation of the charter, were favorably acted on, but in the formation of Council Ralph Withers appeared as credited to Bucks County, while Christopher Taylor represented Chester. It is not my purpose to make extended ref erence to the proceedings of the second Assembly further than to notice that the seal of Chester County at that session was established, bearing as its dis tinctive design a plow. The influx of immigrants into Pennsylvania for the few years immediately after Penn acquired own ership of the territory is unequaled in the history of the British colonial possessions in North America, and can only be likened in recent years to the mar velous growth of settlements in the oil region of this State, or localities west of the Mississippi, where pre- 1 Hazard's Annals, p. 603. cious metals are supposed to yield almost certain for tune to adventurers who locate there. Within the limits of the present county of Delaware, before the close of the year 1683, the population began to pre ponderate largely of members of the Society of Friends, and at Chester, Marcus Hook, Darby, and Haverford permanent settlements of Quakers had been made, from which centres their influence ex tended outwards, giving tone and character to the whole people. The few Swedes and Dutch who had preceded these Friends were soon absorbed in, and their individuality of thought and action was merged into that of the more intelligent majority, greatly to the benefit of the former. The Welsh immigrants, who had secured a tract of forty thousand acres in a whole from Penn previous to leaving the Old World, found, on arriving in the colony, that they could not locate it within the city limits of Philadelphia, and were forced to push out into the then wilderness; and we find, in 1682, that their first lodgment with a few settlers was made in Merion and Haverford, from which they rapidly spread into Radnor, Newtown, Goshen, Tredyffrin, and Uwchlan. It was the fixed policy of William Penn, in order to avoid all causes of trouble with the Indians grow ing out of disputed rights to the soil, to purchase from the aborigines, and extinguish the title to the territory as rapidly as civilization pushed outward into "the backwoods." The ownership of the land within Delaware County was released to William Penn by the Indians in two deeds, both of which are interesting because of the consideration mentioned as having been paid to chiefs. The first deed was exe cuted over a year before William Penn returned to England, in 1684. The old document is as follows : "We, Secane & Icquoquehan, Indian shackamakers, and right owners of ye Land Lying between Manaiunk, als Sculkill and Maco- panachan, als Chester Rivers, doe this 14th day of ye flft month, in ye year according to English account 1683, hereby graunt and Sell all o»r Right & Title in ye sS Lands Lying between ye sa River, begining on ye West side of Manaiunk, called Consohockhan, & from thence by a WeBterly Line to ye sd River Malopanackhan, unto William Penn Pro- priet' & Govern' of ye Province of Pennsilvania &c, hiss heires & As signee, for Ever, for and in Consideration of 150 fathom of Wampum, 14 Blanketts, 65 yds. Duffills, 28 yds. stroud watrs, 15 Gunns, 3 great Kettles, 15 small Kettles, 16 pr. Stockins, 7 pr. Shoes, 6 Capps, 12 Gimb- lctts, 6 Drawing KniveB, 15 pr. Sissors, 15 Combes, 5 Papers needles, 10 Tobacco boxes, 15 Tobacco Tongs, 32 Pound Powder, 3 papers Beads, 2 papeiB Red Lead, 15 Coats, 15 Shurts, 15 Axes, 15 Knives, 30 barrs of Lead, 18 Glasses, 15 hoes, unto us in hand paid, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged have renounced all Claims & DemandB for ye future from us o* heires or Assignee, iu or to y prmises. In witness whereof we have hereunto sett o» hands and seals ye day & year first above written. 'The mark of "The mark of x x Secane. Icquoquehan. "Sealed and delivered in presence of "PlSEKICKEM. " The mark of X. Peter Rambo, " The mark of X Swan Swanson, " Philip Th. Lehnmann, "Jos. Corteis, "Catemus, an Indian king." 2 2 Penna. Archives, 1st series, vol. i. p. 65. 26 HISTORY OF DELAWARE COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA. The second deed was made after Penn had returned to England. The Provincial Council, on tbe 22d of the Seventh month (September), 1685, was notified by Capt. Lasse Cock that the Indians were anxious to dispose of their land between Upland and Appoqui- nomy. Council immediately appointed Thomas Holme, surveyor-general, John Simcock, and Col. William Markham, the then secretary of the body, to meet the Indians and purchase from them the terri tory named. The following deed, executed in ten days after the date given, shows how expeditiously the authorities acted in carrying out the original in tention of Penn, the extinguishment of Indian titles ; but the indefinite bounds, "so far as a man can ride in two days with a horse," clearly shows the superior bargaining abilities of the white man, and the success which attended this transaction might have prompted the noted " walking purchase" of a later date. " This Indenture Witnesseth That We Lare Packenah Tareek- ham Sickais Pettquessitt Tewis Essepenaick Petkhoy Kekelappan Feomus Mackalohr Melieonga Wissa Powey Indian Kings Sachemak- ers, Right Owners of all the Lands from Quing Quingus Called Duck Creek unto upland Called Chester Creek all along by the West Side of Delaware River and So between the Said Creeks Backwards as far as a man can Ride in two days with a horse for and in Consideration of these following good to Vs in hand paid and secured to be paid by Wm Penn Proprietary and Gouvnour of the Province of Pennsilvania and Territo ries Thereof, Viz Twenty Gunns Twenty fathom Matchcoat twenty Fathom Stroudwaters, twenty Blankets twenty Kettles twenty pounds Powder One hundred Barrs Lead forty Tomahawks One hundred Knives Fourty pare Stocking One Barrel of Beer twenty pound red Lead One hundred Fathom Wamphum thirty Glass Bottles thirty Pewter Spoons one hundred Awl Blades three hundred tobacco Pipes One hundred hands of Tobacco twenty Tobacco Tongs twenty Steels three hundred flints thirty pare Sissers thirty Combs Sixty looking Glasses two hun dred Needles one Skiple Salt thirty pounds Slmger five gallons Moilas- sis twenty Tobacco Boxes One hundred Juise Harps twenty Hows, thirty Guimlets thirty Wooden Screw Borers & One hundred Strings Beeds Wee hereby Acknowledge in behalfe of Our Selves as Only Rright Own ers of the aforesaid Tract of Land to Bargain and Sell And by these Presents doe fully Clearly and Absolutely Bargaine & Sell Unto the said Wm Penn his heirs and Assignes for Ever without any mollestation or hindrance from or by Us and from or by any other Indians whatsoever that Shall or may Claime any Right Title or Interest in or unto tbe Said Tract of Land or any Part thereof. In Witness Whereof Wee have hereunto Set our hands and Seals at New Castle the 2d day of the Eighth month 1685. " Signed sealed and delivered unto Capfc Thomas Holme Survey1- Gen1 of ye Province of Pennsylvania to & for ye use of William Penn Esqr Proprietary & Govern1, of y aforesd Province & Territories thereunto belonging in the presence of us. " Pieter Alricks " Lasse Cock " Philip Th Lehnmann "James Atkinson "Christopher Gorr " The Mark of " John X Walker "Edward Lare "John Mandy. " The Mark of " Tamma X Gwaran The Mark of Oweg Ham The Mark of Oweg X Ham The Mark of Lik X Hamm The Mark of Patasko X The Mark of Mack X Rashute."1 The general history of our county is very meagre of interesting incidents in the early days of the province other than the happenings which became matter for the intervention and adjudication of the courts ; and as these subjects will be found collated and treated of 1 Penna. Archives, 1st series, vol. i. p. 95. in a distinctive chapter, no allusion will be made to them at this time. The absence of William Penn from England af forded an opportunity to his enemies and for the friends of Lord Baltimore in the mother-country to press with earnestness objections to the former's title to the "three lower counties," now Delaware, as also to seriously menace his ownership of the greater part of the present county of Delaware (as well as others) in Pennsylvania. Hence it became imperatively es sential that he should return to Great Britain ; and preparatory to his departure he appointed Thomas Lloyd, James Harrison, and John Simcock — the former to be Deputy Governor, and, in the event of death, the others to succeed to that position in the order mentioned— to represent him in the province, and, in the contingency of his (Penn's) death before other officers were selected, empowered them to be " Commissioners & Guardians in Government to my dear Heir, Sprigett Penn." As the record shows that on Aug. 14, 1684, Penn presided for the last time in Council until he returned, nearly sixteen years subse quently, it is thought that he sailed not long after the date above mentioned. At a Council held at Philadelphia, April 1, 1685, Thomas Lloyd presiding, the boundaries of the county of Chester were officially prescribed, as follows: "The county of Chester to begin at ye Mouth or Entrance of Bough Creek, upon Delaware River, being the upper end of Tinicum Island, and soe up that creek, dividing the said Island from ye Land of Andros Boone & Company; from thence along the several courses thereof to a Large Creek Called Mill Creek : from thence up the several courses of the said creek to a W.S.W. Line, which Line divided the Liberty Lands of Philadelphia from Several Tracts of Land belonging to the Welsh and other Inhabitants; and from thence E.N.E. by a line of Marked Trees 120 perches, more or less; from thence N.N.W. by the herford (Haverford) Township 1000 perches, more or less; from thence E.N.E. by ye Land belonging to Jno. Humphreys 110 perches, more or less; from thence N.N.W. by ye Land of John Eckley 880 perches, more or less ; from thence continuing ye said Course to the Scoolkill River, wch sd Scoolkill River afterwards to be the natural bounds." 2 Many complaints having been made respecting the manner in which Charles Ashcom, the deputy sur veyor for Chester County, had encroached on the forty thousand acres which Penn had ordered set apart as the Welsh tract3 (including Radnor and 2 Colonial Records, vol. i. p. 126. Dr. Smith (" History of Dela ware County," p. 155), Bays, "This line continues to be the eastern boundary of Delaware County to tbe north line of Haverford. The resolution of the Council makes the next course run easterly instead of westerly, and is probably a mistake, as Radnor township never extended farther easterly than it now does." 3 The survey of the Welsh tract was authorized by the following warrant from the proprietary : " Whereas divers considerable persons among y« Welsh Friends have REFERENCES TO THE SETTLEMENTS OF SEVERAL INHABITANTS IN THE COUNTY OF CHESTER. u Phil. Roman. 6 Gibbons Hobbs. b Wm. Hiohcot. 7 J. Bluntston. C Pet. Lounder. 8 Jos. Fern. d Jno. Simcock. 9 Geo. Wood. e Rich. Far. 10 Wm. Wood. f Wm. Collet. 11 Pet. Ellet. 9 Jos. Philps. 12 Jno. Bluntston. h Wm. Clayton. 13 Sam. Bradshaw. i Jo. Beale. 14 Tho. Bradshaw. k Mos. and Ben. Mendinhall. 15 Jam. Stan field. I Wm. Hiohoot. 16 Ant. Sturgis. m Rob. Chamberlain. 17 Edw. Cartledge. n Wm. Brampton. IS Jos. Pottor. o Tho. King. 19 Tho. Hood. P Tho. Moor. 20 Jos. Slayton. 1 Nat. Park. 21 Pet. Lester. r Jno. Hannam. 22 Geo. Gleave. 8 Godin Walter. 23 Geo. Mearis. t Tho. Hall. 24 Fra. Yornel. it Jno. Palmer. 25 Jac. Steedman. V Wm. Ouborn. 20 Jno. Steedman. w Jno. Brazor. 27 Jno. Steedman. 1 Adam Roads. 28 Jno. Holwel. 2 Jno. Kerk. 29 Cha. Wheetaker, 3 J. Bluntston. . 30 Edm. Cartledg. 4 Cha. Lee. 31 Jos. Potter. 5 Sam. Sellers. 32 Tho. Hood. 33 Smith. 34 Jno. Batram, 35 Edw. Gibbs. 36 Amb. Boon. 37 Wm. Wood. 38 Rich. Tucker. 39 Har. Johnson. 40 Col. Hook. 41 Hansunin. 42 Mer. Morten. 43 Mountstoker. 44 Jno. Henrickson. 45 Tho. Nerbury. 46 Jno. Simcock. 47 Jno. Harding. 48 Jno. Kingsman. 49 Jno. Edg. 50 Rob. Cawdwell. 51 Wal. Fosset. 52 Jno. Nixon. 53 Jno. Simcock. 54 Sar. Baker. 55 Cha. Whitaker. 56 Tho. Rawlins. 57 Fra. Cook. 58 Tho. Ducket. 60 Joel Baloy. 61 Tho. Taylor. 62 Jno. Buckley. 63 Jos. Bushell. 64 Rob. Piles. 65 Jno. Kibbons. 66 Rob. Southrey. 67 Widdow. 69 Jam. Swarfar. 70 Jno. Houlson. 71 Wm. Gregory. 72 Boweter. 73 Will. Edwards. 74 Oswin Musgrave. 75 Churchman. 76 Free Sehoole. 77 Dav. Ogdon. 78 Jno. Hodskinson. 79 Jac. Chanler. 80 Fra. Harrison. 81 Jno. Peusey. 82 Jno. Prisner. 83 Gil. Woolam. 85 Jno. Prisnor. 86 Wm. Woodmansee. 87 Jno. Gibbons. 88 Fra. Harrison. T or Fac-slmlle of a part of Holme's Map, showing Settlers of Delawartfi akenfrom an original in ihe possession 0r THE COLONIAL HISTORY TO THE WAR OF THE REVOLUTION. 27 Haverford townships, in this county), in laying out lands for other purchesers, not recognized as distinc tively Welsh settlers, in such a way as to interfere with the continuity of " the Barony," and because the inhabitants of that territory were summoned to do jury and other public duties in both Philadelphia and Chester Counties, in 1688 a lengthy petition was prepared by them and forwarded by Col. William Markham the same year to Penn in England. It is not known whether the letter was ever received by Penn; at least so far as the writer has information no notice was ever taken by the proprietary of the communication. The Welsh settlers in Radnor and Haverford, how ever, declined to recognize the division of the coun ties of Philadelphia and Chester, and silently refused to pay their proportion of the public taxes to the treasury of Chester County or to serve on juries. The authorities of the latter at length, having exhausted all means at their command to compel recognition of their jurisdiction, presented a petition from the jus tices and inhabitants of Chester County to the Gov ernor and Council, March 25, 1689, in which they represented that the county was at first small, " not above 9 miles square & but Thinly seated, whereby ye said County is not able to Support the Charge thereoff," and that the Governor in "his Serious Con sideration of our Weak Condition was pleased, out of Compassion to us, to grant an Enlargement of ye same," which was subsequently done in the official boundaries before mentioned. To support the allega tion that these limits had been approved by William Penn, John Blunstone testified "that a ffew days be fore Gover Penn left this Province that upon ye bank by John Simcock's house I moved him to Deside this matter that had been so long Discoursed, who then, before me and Others did Declare that ye bounds Should thus runn from the mouth of Bow Creek to Mill Creek, w°h should be ye bounds until it come to ye Land of Herford, and then to take in the Townds of Herford & Radnor ; from thence to the Skoolkill, and take in his mannour of Springtowne, . . . then I asked him if he would be pleased to give it under requested me yt all ye Lands Purchased of me by those of North Wales and South Wales, together with ye adjacent counties to ym, as Haver- fordshire, Shropshire, and Cheshire, about fourty thousand acres, may be Iayd out contiguously as one Barony, alledging y' y» number allready come and suddenly to come, are such as will be capable of planting y° Bame much wthin ye proportion allowed by ye custom of y° country, & so not lye in large and useless vacancies. .And because I am inclined and determined to agree and favour ym wth any reasonable Conveniency & priviledge: I do hereby charge thee & strictly require thee to lay out y« «a tract of Land in as uniform a manner, as conveniently may be, upon y« West side of Skoolkill river, running three miles upon y« same, & two miles backward, & then extend y« parallell w'h y river six miles, and to run westwardly so far as till y° s^ quantity of land be Com- pleately surveyed unto y». Given at Pennsbury, y« 13th 1" mo. 1684. " Will. Penn. "To Ths. Holmes, Surveyor General." In pursuance of this warrant tbe Surveyor General, on the 4th of the 2d month (April), 1684, iBsued an order to his deputy, David Powell, he directing him to execute it. The survey was probably made before tbe end of 1684. See Smith's " History of Delaware County," pp. 164-65. his hand, to avoyd ffurther Trouble, who answered he would, if any of vs would Come the next day to Philadelphia, in order thereunto; one was sent, but what then obstructed I am not certaine, but y1 y" Goverr Departed about two days after." Randall Vernon testified that William Howell, of Harford, "Signified unto me" that he had "asked y" Goverr to what County they should be joined or belong unto, & The Goverr was pleased to answer him that they must belong to Chester County." Thomas Usher, sheriff of Chester County, testified that Penn said to him, " Thomas, I perceive that the Skoolkill Creek Comes or runs so upon the back of Philadelphia that it makes y° City almost an Island, so that a Robbery or the like may be there Committed, and y" offender gitt over ye Creek, and so Escape for want of due persute, &c, therefore I intend that ye bounds of Philadelphia County Shall Come about 3 or ffour miles on this side of the Skoolkill, and I would not have thee to take notice or to oppose that Sheriff on ye Execution of his office, about Kingses or the like, but I intend to enlarge this County downwards to Brandywine." ' The Deputy Surveyor-General produced the official map, showing the county lines as before given, and stated that "it so is set out by order of the Governor and Provincial Council." Governor Blackwell and the Council intimated that as the bounds had been pub lished in the map of Thomas Holme, which had been distributed in England, and as land had been sold and located according to that map, to change the boundaries now might result in much confusion to purchasers. Besides, the Welsh settlers had refused to bear any part of the taxes or serve on juries in Philadelphia, as they had done in Chester County, claiming that they were a distinct "barouy," and although the Governor and Council intimated that clearly the Welsh Tract was a part of Chester County, yet they refused to announce their final conclusion until the next morning, when, if the Welsh settlers chose to show cause why they should not be part of Chester County, they would be heard. The next morning, Thomas Lloyd and John Eckley appeared on behalf of the Welsh, alleging that Penn had in timated to them that they would form a county pal atine ; but as they had no written evidence to sub stantiate that assertion, Council decided that the boundaries already shown to have been established must be confirmed. Thereupon the strong arm of the law was extended to compel the reluctant Welsh men to yield obedience to the decree that had been made. The Court of Chester County appointed John Jerman constable for Radnor, and John Lewis for Haverford, but these recipients of judicial favor fail ing to present themselves, the justices determined that the dignity of the bench should be maintained. Hence we find that at court held "3d day of 1st week, 3d mo., 1689, ordered that Warrants of Con- 1 Colonial Records, vol. i. pp. 263, 265. 28 HISTORY OF DELAWARE COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA. tempt be Directed to ye Sheriff to apprehend ye Bodyes of John Lewis aud John Jerman for their Contempt of not entering into their respective offices of Constables (viz.) John Lewis for Harfort, and John Jerman for Radnor, when thereunto required by this Court." At the same session, David Laurence, who had been returned as a grand juror from Haverford, failed to attend, and for his neglect or refusal to appear was presented by the grand inquest. The court fined Laurence ten shillings. The jury also presented "the want of the inhabitants of the townships of Radnor and Hartfort, and the inhabitants adjacent, they not being brought in to join with us in the Levies and other public services of this county." The move ment to compel the Welsh to submit to the consti tuted authority did not cease, for at the following (June) court the commission of William Howell, of Haverford, was read, and he afterwards assumed the office and subscribed "to the solemn declaration" required. William Jenkins, of Haverford, at the same court, served as a juror. Haverford had yielded, but the court deemed it wise that public proclamation, as was then customary with all laws, should be made respecting this decree, hence we find this entry in the old record of the county : That at court, on Wednesday of the first week in June, 1689, "the Division Lyne between this County and Philadelphia was read, dated ye 1st of ye 2d mo", 1685." At the December court following, John Jerman was qualified as constable of Radnor, and thereafter the two townships made no further objection to act with and pay taxes to the authorities of Chester County. In 1688 the inhabi tants of the province were greatly alarmed by reason of a rumor diligently circulated that two Indian women from New Jersey had informed an old Dutch resident near Chester that the aborigines had deter mined, on a designated Thursday, to attack and mas sacre all the white settlers on the Delaware. To add to the general consternation, about ten o'clock at night of the evening fixed upon by the savages to begin the attack a messenger " out of the woods" came hurriedly into Chester with the report that three families, residing about nine miles distant, had been murdered by the Indians. The people of the town gathered to consider the startling intelligence, and at midnight a Quaker, resident at Chester, ac companied by two young men, went to the place named, where they found the three houses empty, but no signs of murder. The dwellers therein, alarmed by the rumor, had fled to the homes of their parents, about a mile distant on Ridley Creek. The further particulars of this alarm are thus given by Proud : ] "The master of one of these families being from home, had been informed five hundred Indians were actually collected at Naaman's Creek, in pursuit of their design to kill the English; and as he was hastening to his home, he thought he heard his boy crying out and say ing, 'What shall I do, my dame is killed!' Upon which, instead of s Hist, of Pennsylvania, vol. i. page 336. going home to know the certainty of the affair, he ran off to acquaint the government at Philadelphia, but being met by a person of more prudence than himself before he got to the city he was persuaded by him to return. "The report, notwithstanding, soon arrived at the city, and was told with such alarming circumstances that a messenger was immediately dispatched to Marcus Hook, near the said Naaman's Creek, to enquire the truth of it. He quickly returned and confirmed the report, but with this variation, that it was at Brandywine Creek, at an Indian town, where the five hundred Indians were assembled, and that they, having a lame king, bad carried him away, with all their women and children. These circumstances rendered the affair still more alarming, and with many amounted to a certainty. "The Council were, at that time, sitting at Philadelphia on other affairs, when one of them, a Friend, supposed to be Caleb Pusey,2 who lived iu Chester County, voluntarily offered himself to go to the place, provided they would name five others to accompany him, without weapons ; which, being soon agreed on, they rode to the place ; but, in- Btead of meeting with five hundred warriors, they found the old king quietly lying with his lame foot along on the ground, and his head at ease on a kind of pillow, the women at work in the fields, and the chil dren playing together. " When they had entered the wigwam the king presently asked them very.mildly, ' What they all came for ?' They told him the report which the Indian women had raised, and asked him whether the Indians had anything against the English. He appeared much displeased at the report, and said, ' The woman ought to be burnt to death, and that they had nothing against the English,' adding, ' 'Tis true there is about fifteen . pounds yet behind of our pay for the land which William Penn bought, but as you are Btill on it and improving it to your own use, we are not in haste for our pay; but when the English come to settle it we expect to be paid.' This the messengers thinking very reasonable, told him they would undoubtedly be paid for their land. "One of the company further expressed hiniBelf to the Indian King, in the following manner: 'That the great God, who made the world, and all things therein, consequently made all mankind, both Indiansand English ; and as he made all, so his love was extended to all ; which, was plainly shown, by his causiug the rain and dews to fall on the ground of both Indians and English alike; that it might generally pro duce what the Indians, as well as what the English sewed or planted in it, for the sustenance of life; and also by his making tbe sun to shine equally on all, both Indians and English, to nourish them all, extend ing his love thus to all, for they were naturally bound to love one another.* " The King answered, ' What they had said was true; and as God has given you corn, I would advise you to get it in (it being harvest time) ; for we intend you no harm.' They parted amicably, and tbe messengers returning put an end to the people's fears." The Revolution of 1688 in England was a serious obstacle to the rapid development of this province. William Penn was known to be a warm personal friend of the deposed king, from whose hand he had received many favors ; hence, when the new mon archs were told that Penn was a Jesuit of St. Omers, a self-devoted slave to despotism, and even charged with conspiring for the restoration of James II., the royal ears hearkened attentively to the wildest rumors circulated by his enemies. Penn was twice exam ined before the Privy Council, and he was even held to bail for his appearance, but the Court of King's Bench discharged him, as no evidence was presented substantiating the charges lodged against him ; there- 2 Dr. Smith has correctly shown that Pusey was not a member of the Council that year. It is to be regretted that the name of this member of Council is not recorded, for his act was one of rare heroism. In all probability Proud has confused the incidents, in that he makes Pusey visit the Indians from Philadelphia, when doubtless— for he was of that stamp of noble men— the Quaker who at midnight rode from Chester, accompanied by two young men, to the scene of the alleged violence was Pusey. THE COLONIAL HISTORY TO THE WAR OF THE REVOLUTION. 29 upon he decided to return immediately to his colony, and to that end had gathered about five hundred per sons to accompany him, the government had even ordered a convoy for the protection of the emigrants, 'when an infamous wretch accused him under oath of attempting to incite a treasonable outbreak in Lan cashire, and Penn escaping arrest, was compelled to abandon his proposed colony, entailing on him serious loss. Meanwhile in the province faction feelings and dissensions had been aroused until the three lower counties, now comprising the State of Delaware, actu ally separated from the three upper counties of Penn sylvania, their representatives refusing to act in con junction with the authorities in Philadelphia. At last Penn, in the hope of maintaining order, was compelled to appoint, in the beginning of 1692, Thomas Lloyd to be Governor of the province, and William Markham to be Governor of the territory (Delaware). The new order of things, however, failed to produce the harmony desired, so that reports of the confused condition of affairs in the province which went abroad supplied the crown of England with an excuse for suspending the proprietary rule, which was done by a commission from William and Mary, dated Oct. 20, 1692, to Col. Benjamin Fletcher to be Captain-General and Governor-in-Chief of Pennsyl vania. The commission to Fletcher set forth three reasons for the act of suspension, but the real in centive was the doubt of Penn's loyalty, which the latter's enemies had awakened in the royal breasts. But whatever was the motive, the whole system of Jaws which had been enacted were revised, modi fied, and repealed by the throne in the authority vested iu Fletcher. There is little of interest, speci ally in reference to the radical changes thus made, connected with the annals of Delaware County, apart from that of the State at large, but among the seven members of the late Governor Lloyd's Council who protested so earnestly against any and all measures in contravention of Penn's charter this county was ably represented. Governor Fletcher's understand ing of the situation was made clear in his reply to a subsequent address by the Assembly, that " These Lawes and that model of government is desolved and at an end." William Penn, than whom no more adroit politician (in the legitimate, not the conventional use of that word) appears on the pages of English history, waited for the royal distrust to subside in time, and by degrees the antagonistic feelings of the crown died away to such an extent that their Majesties themselves at last desired to restore Penn to the enjoyment of those rights of which they had arbitrarily deprived him. Hence, on Aug. 20, 1694, the commission of Governor Fletcher was annulled, and letters patent granted to Penn fully restoring to him the Province of Pennsylvania and its territories. The proprietary not having matters arranged that he could leave Eng land at that time, commissioned William Markham Governor, which office the latter discharged until late in the spring of 1698, when he received a new com mission as Lieutenant-Governor. In the fall of 1699 the yellow fever visited Phila delphia as a pestilence. Many of the inhabitants died of the disease, and the utmost alarm prevailed through out the province. Although we have no direct record that the malady made its appearance at Chester, that such was the case may be inferentially concluded from the fact that the September court adjourned without transacting any business, an incident without a par allel in our county's history. Later on, in November of that year, William Penn came for the second time to his colony, and before leaving England he an nounced that it was his intention to make his perma nent residence in the province. As the vessel sailed up the Delaware the proprietary caused it to be an chored off Chester, and, coming ashore, he for a second time became an honored guest at the Essex House. Robert Wade, his friend, was dead, but Lydia, his widow, welcomed Penn, and here he met Thomas Story, who had recently returned from a religious journey to Virginia. The next morning, as is related by Clarkson,1 Penn was rowed across the creek in a boat to the eastern side, " and as he landed, some young men officiously, and contrary to express orders of some of the magistrates, fired two small sea pieces of cannon, and being ambitious to make three out of two, by firing one twice, one of them, darting in a car tridge of powder before the piece was sponged, had his left arm shot to pieces; upon which, a surgeon being sent for, an amputation took place." The young man, Bevan, thus injured died the following April, and the expenses attending the nursing and ultimate burial of the wounded lad were discharged by Penn. The proprietary was not destined to end his days in his colony. William III., after the death of Mary, is believed to have regarded him in no friendly spirit, and when the proprietary learned that the ministry, with the intention of converting the provincial gov ernment into a regal one, had introduced a bill to that effect in Parliament, the consideration of which had been postponed until he could be present, the urgency of affairs compelled his prompt return to England. He sailed from Philadelphia, Nov. 1, 1701, never again to visit the commonwealth he had founded. Before his departure he established a Council of State, and appointed Andrew Hamilton as Deputy Governor. The general history of our county, saving such in cidents as relate to court proceedings, religious asso ciations, organization of townships, and similar mat ters, which will be considered hereafter, is very meagre until the approaching struggle of the colonists with Great Britain threw the country into a commotion that tore asunder family ties, and strained the social and political fabric to its very foundation. In a great measure previous to that period, year had followed i Life of William Penn, vol. ii. p. 163. 30 HISTORY OF DELAWARE COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA. year without leaving any impression that has remained to our day. Even the absurd farce, on May 16, 1706, of the French invasion, in which Governor Evans played such a ridiculous part, seems to have made no lasting trace on our county's records, yet doubtless the messenger who rode with such hot haste to Philadel phia, and whose tidings caused such widespread con sternation in the latter place1 as he passed through Marcus Hook, Chester, and Darby, gave forth intima tions that he was the bearer of momentous intelli gence, for such a course would have been in full accord with the preconcerted scheme of the Governor to arouse general alarm in the province, and yet there seems not to be the faintest reference to this in our local annals. On May 16, 1712, to the Provincial Council was presented " A Petition of a great number of the In habitants of the county of Chester, praying that y* Burrough of the Town of Chester, in this Province, may be made a free Port, was read & Considered ; And it is the opinion of the board that the matter may be presented to the Propry., that he may take proper methods Concerning the same & Consult the Courts of the Queen's Customs therein." 2 In all prob ability William Penn, whose energy was beginning to yield under the weight of years and constant pecu niary embarrassments, never gave this petition any serious consideration, his chief desire at that period appearing to be to rid himself of the trouble, vexa tion, and expense of the colony by its sale to Queen Ann for twelve thousand pounds. This transfer would doubtless have been effected had not a stroke of par alysis rendered Penn unable to formally execute the contract. During all the last century, as will be shown as we proceed in this narrative, Chester was a place where outward- and inward-bound vessels stopped for days together. On the 4th of Fifth month, 1730, at noon, James Logan dispatched a letter to his son, William, " on his voyage to Bristol, sent to him at Chester," and during the British occupation of Phila delphia almost all their transports and men-of-war lay off the former town. As just stated, William Penn's health became so impaired that he was unable to carry to an end his contemplated sale of the province to the crown, and from that time he never wholly rallied, his mind gradually becoming more and more feeble until his death, July 30, 1718. The disputes respecting the northwestern boundary of the county of Chester, which had been, as supposed, officially determined in 1685, and after a protracted resistance had finally been accepted by the Welsh in 1689, in the early spring of 1720 again engaged the attention of Council, when at that time a petition of the inhabitants of the west side of Schuylkill was presented, setting forth that the commissioners of Chester County had compelled the payment by them 1 Gordon's "History of Pennsylvania," p. 138. 2 Colonial Records, vol. ii. p. 546. of taxes levied by the assessors of that county, al though they stated that ever since their first settle ment they had paid their taxes to Philadelphia ; that they had no trade with Chester, "seeing it is impos sible for us to have any tolerably convenient road to Chester by reason of Rocks and Mountains," and also urged other arguments, all concluding with a prayer that the counties might be so divided as to place them within Philadelphia.3 On Feb. 1, 1721, Council re ported * that the General Assembly had acted on the matter, and that the secretary had made full examina tions as to the official boundaries as theretofore estab lished, but that he expressed his belief that the line then run "was done arbitrarily by the Surveyor-Gen eral, and that in his opinion it would have been more regular to carry the Division Line along the side of Radnor and the upper part of that called the Welch Line, laying all those Tracts called Manors to Phila delphia County." Council thereupon concluded that until the matter could " be more fully and effectually settled, the Commissioners and Assessors of Chester County should forebear to claim those Inhabitants . . . and that the said Inhabitants be permitted to pay their Taxes and do all other Duties to the county of Philadelphia as formerly." Chester County, how ever, declined to accept this decree without resist ance, for on March 28, 1722,5 David Lloyd (who at the time was chief justice of the province) and Nathaniel Newlin, in behalf of themselves, and the other com missioners appointed by the act of Assembly for Chester County, presented a petition to Council pray ing relief " from the unrighteous Attempts of the said persons to sever themselves from the said County of Chester." Council called the attention of David Lloyd to the fact that no regular division of the coun ties, so far as known, had been made, and the inter diction of the commissioners of Chester County from levying taxes only applied to cases where persons had been assessed in and had paid taxes to Philadelphia County, for it would be unreasonable to require on the same estate taxes in both counties, and, besides, those who had thus paid their assessments to Philadelphia County were only six in number, but they were of opinion that it was of great importance that the divi sion-lines should be adjusted without delay. David Lloyd replied that there were persons yet living who remembered the running of the division-line, which was done, he believed, about the year 1688, under the administration of Governor Blackwell, but the com missioners of Chester County did not know where to apply for the record " or written proofs of it, except to the secretary, in whose custody all things of that kind should be kept." After an interesting statement relative to the custody of the papers of the former secretary, Patrick Robinson, Council instructed the 3 lb., vol. iii. p. Ill . 4 Futhey and Cope's "History of Chester County," p. 41. ' Colonial Records, vol. iii. p. 168. THE COLONIAL HISTORY TO THE WAR OP THE REVOLUTION. 31 then secretary, James Logan, and Attorney-General Andrew Hamilton, without delay, to make search for the missing documents belonging to the records of Council, and the secretary was "ordered to make ?further search for the proofs that have been mentioned of the Division Line between the Counties of Phila delphia & Chester." With this announcement, so far as the minutes of Council are concerned, the whole matter dropped out of public notice, and adjusted itself in the manner suggested by Secretary Logan, by " laying all those Tracts called Mannors to Phila delphia County." At a meeting of Council held Feb. 6, 1728-29, a pe tition was presented by the inhabitants of the upper part of Chester County, setting forth that " by Reason of their Great Distance from the County Town, where the Courts are held, Officers are Kept and Annual elections made," the inconvenience of attending court or obtaining writs and other legal process, being compelled to travel one hundred miles for such purposes, the want of a jail to imprison " Vagabonds and other dissolute People" who harbored among the frontier settlements where they believed themselves "safe from justice in so remote a Place," a division of the county should be made between the upper and lower parts, and that the upper portion should be erected into a county.1 It is not within the scope of this work to follow the particulars of this movement, which finally resulted in the county of Lancaster being erected by the act of May 10, 1729. We learn from the minutes of Council of Dec. 16, 1728,2 that the propriety of again making Chester the seat of the Provincial Government was seriously con sidered. It seems that a resolution had been carried in the General Assembly which set forth, " that inas much as there has been of late several Indecencies used towards the Members of Assembly attending the Service of the Country in Philadelphia by rude and disorderly Persons unknown to this House," the Gov ernor and Council were requested to select a place which they shall deem "more safe for the Members of Assembly and most convenient for the Dispatch of the Business of the Country." The Provincial Coun cil, on their part, after considering the inconvenience of removal at that season of the year and setting out other difficulties, concluded that " if on further Ex perience the House shall continue in the same Senti ments that a Removal is necessary, the Board are of opinion that the same out [ought] to be adjourned to Chester, as the most convenient place for their meeting next to Philadelphia." The sober second thought of the indignant legislators, or the penitent petitions of the inhabitants of the Quaker city pre vailed over the anger of the Assembly, and, on "further experience, the House" neglected to press the subject of removal, and thus Chester did not grasp the prize she was so willing to secure. 1 Colonial Records, vol. iii. p. 343. 2 lb., p. 340. About 1730, the first mission of the Roman Catholic Church within the territory now comprising the present county of Delaware was located at the resi dence of Thomas Willcox at Ivy Mill, in Concord, to which fuller reference will be made in the history of that township. This religious sect did not progress very rapidly, for in 1757, in the census of Roman Catholics in Pennsylvania,3 the following return shows that in Chester County there were Men. Women. " Under care of Robert Harding 18 22 " " Thomas Schneider 13 9 (Irish) 9 6 " " FerdinaneFarmer(Irish) 23 17 " " " " (German) 3 "TheBe were all who took the sacrament above twelve years of age or thereabout." On the afternoon of Aug. 11, 1732, Thomas Penn, the son of the proprietary, landed at Chester, and a messenger was dispatched to Philadelphia to apprise the Council and Assembly, then in session, of his arrival. The secretary of Council immediately came to Chester, with the congratulations of the authori ties, and " to acquaint him — Penn — that to-morrow they would in person pay their respects to him." The following day the Governor and Council, accom panied by a large number of gentlemen, visited the borough, and " waited on the Honorable Proprietary and paid him their compliments. After dinner the Proprietary with his company, now grown very num erous, sett out for Philadelphia." On September 20th of the following year, John Penn arrived at Chester, from England, and was there met and welcomed by his younger brother, Thomas, who, with a large num ber of gentlemen, had come from Philadelphia to greet the eldest son of the founder. After passing the night at Chester, the next morning the party rode to the city, where they were received with manifesta tions of popular rejoicing. In 1739, when England declared war against Spain, an expedition was proposed from the colonies to in vade the West Indies, and the Governor, in a procla mation calling for recruits "to inlist in the important Expedition now on Foot for attacking and plundering the most valuable Part of the Spanish West Indies," notified the people of Chester and vicinity that those who proposed to recruit should call on James Mather in the borough, while Henry Hockley, Robert Fin ney, and Lazarus Finney were designated for like service in other localities throughout the then county of Chester. It seems that in this enterprise a num ber of redemption servants were enlisted, and not withstanding the attention of Governor Thomas was drawn to that fact, he took no official action to pre vent such recruiting, and the parties aggrieved were compelled to seek redress from the Assembly. That body promptly provided for the payment by the prov ince of all losses sustained by masters whose servants had been accepted into the military forces, and ac cordingly, on June 3, 1741, to James Gibbons and s Penna. Archives, 1st series, vol. iii. p. 144. 32 HISTORY OF DELAWARE COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA. Samuel Levis was issued an order on the loan-office for £515 lis. 9d., in payment for fifty-eight servants mustered by the officers in Chester County. Other claims for damages suffered by similar enlistments were urged and paid; in one instance it was alleged that ten servants were taken from the iron-works at Coventry and Warwick, and those establishments were obliged to cease operation for a time, because their skilled labor had been marched away as recruits. On Dec. 22, 1741, the Governor presented to Coun cil a petition from the justices of the county of Ches ter, setting forth that great abuses had been " com mitted" in the county by the use of defective weights and measures, and that they, the justices, at the in stance of some of " the substantial Inhabitants," as well as an address from the Grand Inquest, had '"' di rected the purchasing of Standards of Brass for Weights & Measures, accordingly to his Majesty's Standard for the Exchequer." They therefore prayed that " the Governor would be pleased to appoint an Officer to keep the said Standards, and to Seal and Mark all Weights and Measures within the said County."1 Isaac Taylor was the favored one who re ceived the appointment, and the standards, we learn, cost the county £17 12s. lit?.2 On March 29, 1744, war was declared between Great Britain and France, and on the 11th of June of the same year Governor Thomas issued a procla mation3 in which he not only announced the hostile position of the two nations, but strictly enjoined and required all persons in the province capable of bear ing arms "forthwith to provide themselves with a Good Firelock, Bayonet, and Cartouch-Box, and a sufficient Quantity of Powder and Ball," that they might be prepared to attack the enemy or defend the province from invasion. The Governor also urged the fittiug out of privateers, not only as a war meas ure highly beneficial to the State, but " may bring great advantages to the Adventurers themselves." The Assembly, however, in which the Society of Friends largely predominated, took no step of a de cided military character ; but Franklin, by his pam phlet, "Plain Truth," aroused the public to a knowl edge of the defenseless condition in which the province then stood. A meeting of citizens was called, a regiment was formed in Philadelphia, and money was raised by a lottery to erect a battery below that city, on the river. "These military preparations were necessary to intimidate a foreign enemy, and to curb the hostile disposition of the Indians, which had been awakened by several unpleasant rencontres with the whites." 4 The crown having, on April 9, 1746, ordered that four hundred men should be raised in the province of Pennsylvania, to be part of the forces designed for 1 Colonial Records, vol. iv. p. 607. 2 Futhey and Cope'B " HiBtory of Chester County," p. 49. 3 Colonial Records, vol. iv. p. 696. * Gordon's " History of Pennsylvania," p. 245. the immediate reduction of the French Canadian colonies, Governor Thomas, on June 9th of the same year, issued his proclamation 5 to that effect, and under it four companies were recruited, commanded respect ively by Capts. Trent, Perry, Deimer, and Shannon. The latter, John Shannon, of New Castle County, Del., was commissioned June 25, 1746, as captain, and authorized to enlist one hundred men.6 Professor Keen informs us that the company was to be recruited on the Delaware River.7 That the men were collected in New Castle and Chester Counties the names on the roll fully establish, and aside from that inferential proof, we have positive evidence that the organization was quartered in the borough of Chester, for in January of the following year the petitions of James Mather, David Coupland, John Salkeld, and Aubrey Bevan, then tavern-keepers in that town, were presented to the Assembly, asking payment " for the diet of Captain Shannon's company of soldiers," while Dr. Gandouit, a practicing physi cian in Chester at that time, also petitioned for pay ment for medicine furnished by him, as well as pro fessional attendance on the sick soldiers.8 These companies were ordered to Albany, where they went into winter quarters. From a letter from Capt. Trent to Governor Thomas, written from Albany, Oct. 21, 1746,9 we learn that the troops were badly provided with blankets, and that the officers had been com pelled to purchase a number for them, paying there for in a draft on the Governor. He stated that had they not supplied the troops with those articles the whole body would have deserted. The weather was extremely cold, and as many as thirty men had al ready deserted from Capt. Shannon's company, giving as their reason the want pf proper covering, and that they might as well take the chance of being killed in trying to make their escape as by remaining to surely die. He related that one of Shannon's men, "when the snow was knee-deep, in attempting to make his escape, got frost-bit, and his companions, fearing to undergo the same fate, left him, when he miserably perished." The following month the captains of the four Pennsylvania companies united in an appeal to the Governor to supply the troops with necessaries, for " we have been making as near a calculation as possible of our provisions, & find, with the utmost frugality, we have not more meat than sufficient to serve till the 19th January, & as to our Bread & Rum, it falls far short of that time."10 The troops, after being kept in cantonment until Oct. 81, 1747, were discharged by proclamation of the Governor, wherein he declared the reason that "the late in- 5 Colonial Records, vol. v. p. 39. 6 See his commission and instructions, Pennsylvania Archives vol. i. p. 688. ' " Descendants of JcJran Kyn," Penna. Mag. of Hist., vol. iv. p. 108. 8 Futhey and Cope's " History of Chester County," p. 49. 0 Penna. Archives, 2d series, vol. ii. p. 680. 10 lb., p. 681. THE COLONIAL HISTORY TO THE WAR OF THE REVOLUTION. 33 tended expedition against Canada having been by his Majesty laid aside for the present." 1 During the early summer of 1747 a French pri vateer entered Delaware Bay, and captured several inward- and outward-bound vessels.2 The intelligence of these acts reaching Philadelphia on July 4th, pilots were forbidden by proclamation " to conduct, Pilot, or bring up any foreign Ship or Vessel carrying a Flag of Truce ... to any Port or place within this Prov ince above that Tract of Land lying in Chester county, commonly called and known by the name of Marcus Hook,"5 unless special license was issued by the Governor. The following summer the Spanish and French privateers showed the utmost daring in cruising off the mouth of and in Delaware Bay. On May 25, 1748, George Proctor, a prisoner of war, succeeded in escaping by swimming from the "St. Michael," a Spanish privateer, carrying twenty- two guns and a crew of one hundred and sixty men, which was at the time moored off Salem Creek. The deposition of the Proctor was taken, and an express sent immediately to Philadelphia with the intelli gence, which threw the city into the utmost conster nation, a condition of affairs which was in no wise allayed when on the following day the escaped sailor was himself sent to Philadelphia, the bearer of a let ter from the authorities, stating that the Spanish ves sel, about ten o'clock that morning, came up within gunshot of New Castle, and there anchored, with a spring on her cable. The tide, together with a calm, being against her, she was prevented getting nearer to that town, and as the people opened fire upon her, she weighed, and by her boats was towed "stern foremost, giving three Huzzas & one Gunn, hoisted Spanish Colours, & went down the River again." Council desired Capt. Ballet, commander of the sloop- of-war " Otter," to go down the bay and engage the privateer, but that officer stated that he had an en counter with a large French ship, in which 'his vessel had received such damage that required her to be hoved down for repairs.4 The Spanish privateer, un molested, remained in the bay for some time, during which she made prizes of a number of vessels. The result of the alarm, however, was to arouse the public to the necessity of organization ; hence the bodies known as Associators, which had been called into existence during the previous December by the vol untary action of the people throughout the province, became firmly established, and the military education imparted thereby to the populace was of the utmost consequence to the patriot cause when, a quarter of a century later, the Revolutionary contest was forced upon the colonies. The following is the list of the officers of the two Associate Regiments of Chester County in 1747-48 : - 1 Colonial Records, vol. v. p. 127. 2 lb., p. 234. 3 Penna. Archives, 2d series, vol. ii. p. 682. * Colonial Records, vol. v. pp. 248, 252, 253, 266, 260, 261, 263, 264. 5 Penna. Archives, 2d series, vol. ii. p. 506. 3 Colonels, William Moore, Andrew McDowell. Lieutenant-Colonels, Samuel Flower, John Frew. Majors, John Mather, John Miller. Captain David Parry. Captain Job Rushton. Lieutenant Isaac Davy. Lieutenant Joseph Smith. Ensign Nathaniel Davies. Ensign James Dysart. Captain Roger Hunt. Captain Andrew McDowell. Lieutenant Guyon Moore. Lieutenant John Cunningham. Ensign William Littles. Ensign George McCullough. Captain George Ashton. Captain John McCall. Lieutenant Robert Morrell. Lieutenant John Culbertsou. Ensign Edward Pearce. Ensign James Scott. Captain William McKnight. Captain George Taylor. Lieutenant Robert Anderson. Lieutenant John Vaugn. Ensign Samuel Love. Ensign Robert Awl. Captain Moses Dickey. Captain James Graham. Lieutenant John Boyd. Lieutenant William Darlington. Ensign James Montgomery. Ensign Francis Gardner. Captain Richard Richardson. Captain Robert Grace. Lieutenant John Cuthbert. Lieutenant John Kent. Ensign John Hambright. Ensign Jacob Free. Captain John Williamson. Captain Hugh Kilpatrick. Lieutenant James McMakin. Lieutenant William Buchanan. Ensign John Johnson. Ensign William Gumming. Captain John Mathers. Captain William Bell. Lieutenant James Mathers. Lieutenant Robert McMuIlen. Ensign JoBeph Talbert. Ensign Rowland Parry. Captain James Hunter. Captain Joseph Wilson. Lieutenant Charles Moore. Lieutenant James Cochran. Ensign Benjamin Weatherby. Ensign Joseph Parke. Captain John Miller. Captain Henry Glassford. Lieutenant George Bently. Lieutenant Robert Allison. Ensign Thomas Brown. Ensign John Emmitt. Captain William Clinton. Captain William Boyd. Lieutenant MorriB Thomas. Lieutenant John Culbertson. Ensign William Carr. Ensign John Donald. Captaiu Thomas Hubert, Jr. Captain William Reed. Lieutenant John Rees. Lieutenant Thomas Hope. Ensign Anthony Richard. Ensign Thomas Clarke. Captain George Leggitt. Captain William Porter. Lieutenant Thomas Leggitt. Lieutenant Robert Mackey, Ensign Archibald Young. Ensign John Smith. In the autumn of the year 1748 a general sickness prevailed throughout the province. Kalm records that " the disease was so violent that when it attacked a person he seldom lived above two or three days, and of those who were taken ill with it very few recovered. It was a true pleurisy, but it had a peculiarity with it, for it commonly began with a difficulty of swallow ing." ..." The physicians did not know what to make of it, nor how to remedy it."6 In 1751 the act of Parliament,7 which, as its title stated, was to regulate the commencement of the year and to correct the calendar then in use, was adopted. By its provisions Wednesday, the 2d day of Septem ber, 1751, was followed by Thursday, the 14th day of the same month, and as the act was intended to equal ize the style in Great Britain, Ireland, and the colo nies with that used in other countries in Europe, it was necessary that the Society of Friends should take action on so important a change. Hence the records of Chester Monthly Meeting respecting this altera tion in style, as transcribed by Dr. Smith,8 are here given entire : « Kalm's Travels, vol. i. pp. 376, 377. s Hist, of Delaware Co., pp. 261, 262. I 24 Geo. II., c. 23,'1751. oi HISTORY OF DELAWARE COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA. " Agreed that as by the late Act of Parliament for regulating the com mencement of the year, that it is ordered that the first day of the Elev enth month next shall be deemed the first day of the year 1762, and that the month called January Bhall be successively called the first month of the year, and not the month called March, as heretofore hath been our method of computing. " That from and after the time above mentioned, the Eleventh month, called January, shall thenceforth be deemed and reckoned the First month in the year, be so styled in all tbe records and writings of Friends, instead of computing from the month called March, according to our present practice, and Friends are recommended to go on with the names of the fullowing months, numerically, according to our practice from the beginning, so that the months may be called aud written as follows : That January be called and written theFirst month, andFebruary called and written the Second month, and so on. All other methods of com puting and calling of the months unavoidably leads into contradiction. "And whereas, for the more regular computation of time, the same act directs that in tbe month now called September, which will be in the year 1752, after the second day of the said month, eleven numerical days shall be omitted, and that which would have been the third day Bhall be reckoned aud esteemed the 14th day of the said month, and that which otherwise would have been the fourth day of the said month, must be deemed the 15th, and so on. It appears likewise necessary Friends should conform themselves to this direction, and omit the nom inal days accordingly." In 1753 the French and Indian war was actually begun by a direct violation of good faith on the part of the French, and the struggle then inaugurated, although Great Britain did not declare war until 1755, finally terminated in the white standard of France giving place to the red-crossed banner of St. George throughout that vast territory now known as British North America. When, in the summer of 1755, Gen. Braddock took up the line of march for Fort Du Quesne, there was but one impression in all the Eng lish provinces, and that was that victory was already assured to his arms. We know that on May 28, 1755, the justices, sheriffs, and constables of the counties of Philadelphia, Chester, Berks, and Bucks were notified that sixty wagons were required for the use of Brad- dock's army, and that, if possible, they should be pro cured without harsh measures before the 8th day of June following, but if they were not willingly fur nished they must be impressed. It is, however, very doubtful whether any soldier from the then county of Chester was present at the fatal field of the Monon- gahela,1 but when the news of the crushing defeat 1 Andrew Wallace (better known as Sergt. Wallace, of Wayne's Bridge), in a sketch of his life published in Hazard's Register, vol. xiii. p. 63, sayB, " About tbe 1st of May, 1754, 1 entered aB a volunteer at Chester, and was appointed orderly sergeant in a company commanded by Capt. John Hannum." (This was about the commencement of what was ¦ termed the French war.) The company before referred to became a part of the regiment under the command of Col. Charles Dack, of Virginia. " We were afterwards marched from Chester to the Gum-Tree Tavern, in Chester County, and from thence to Carlisle, where we were placed under the command of Maj. Samuel Hughs. From the last-mentioned place we were marched to Fort Chambers, now Chambersburg ; from thence to Fort Louden, to join the troopB raised, and to be commanded by Gen. Forbes, whose division was a part of the army commanded by Gen. Braddock, in the year 1755, as no part of tbe immediate command of Gen. Forbes was in that engagement." ThiB statement was made by Wallace in 1833, when he was a petitioner for a penBiou, and be stated he was one hundred and four years old. The aged veteran was possibly in error in his date. He may have been in ForbeB' expedition in 1758, but Forbes was not with Braddock in 1755. At the time Wallace places Hannum in command of a company the latter officer was not fourteen years of age. which made famous the rash, overbearing English gen eral, who purchased with his life posthumous renown, came to astound the colonists as greatly as it amazed the English nation, many a young man from this locality enrolled himself in the hastily-recruited com pany which, commanded by Capt. Isaac Wayne, was sent into Northampton County to guard the frontier inhabitants from threatened Indian attacks,2 as also in that commanded by Capt. George Aston.3 When, in the summer of 1758, Brig.-Gen. John Forbes took command of the troops collected to reduce Fort Du Quesne, in not a few instances the garb of the peaceful Society of Friends gave place to the dark-scarlet coat, faced with blue, the uniform of the Royal Americans, or the fringed hunting-shirt of the Pennsylvania Pro vincial. Dr. Smith4 records that no less than eight young men in full membership with Radnor Meeting went into active military service in 1756, and were disowned by the society because of that open viola tion of its rules. After Braddock's defeat, so in tense was the feeling in Chester County 5 among the masses that on Nov. 24, 1755, a letter was read in Council from Col. William Moore, informing the Gov ernor that two thousand of the inhabitants of that locality were prepared to march to Philadelphia to compel the Assembly to pass laws providing for the defense of the province. As at the same meeting a letter from Mr. Weiser, of Berks County, of a like import, was read, the Governor issued orders to the authorities in Philadelphia to take proper precautions to preserve the public peace. Subsequently Moore's letter played a prominent part in the legislative and gubernatorial quarrels of that day, which, being more particularly the history of the State, requires no further mention in this work. In 1755 the English nation suffered a disgrace far greater than defeat to her arms, and that was the vio lent expatriation of the French Neutrals, or, as after wards called, "Acadian exiles," from Nova Scotia. These unfortunates were the descendants of French parentage, and by the treaty of Utrecht, in 1713, Great Britain had stipulated that these people should retain their lands on taking the oath of allegiance to the English king, and were not to be required to bear arms against the Indians or the French. For nearly half a century both parties adhered to the terms of the treaty, but in 1755 the love of their ancient country animated a few of the Acadian young men to enlist under the standard of France, and at the capture of Beau Sejour three hundred were found in arms. A number of these, however, were unwilling soldiers, forced into the ranks. Governor Lawrence, of Nova Scotia, thereupon demanded of the whole population, amounting to over seven thousand souls, including 2 Col. Samuel Miles' Manuscript, Feb. 4, 1802: Penna. Archives, 2d series, vol. ii. p. 517. 3 Futhey and Cope'B "History of Chester County," p. 61. < Smith's " History of Delaware County," p. 264. 5 Colonial Records, vol. vi. p. 729. THE COLONIAL HISTORY TO THE WAR OF THE REVOLUTION. 35 those who had not been in arms, to take the oath of allegiance to the British monarchy unconditionally. This being refused, because it was a violation of the treaty, Lawrence expelled the Acadians from Nova Scotia, confiscated their property (excepting their money and household goods), burned their dwellings, and wasted their estates. In this wantonly cruel act husbands and wives, parents and children, were torn apart aud transported to different parts of the British American colonies, while the vessels which carried them were so crowded that many died on the voyage. On Aug. 11, 1755, Governor Lawrence wrote to Gov ernor Morris, of Pennsylvania, that he had shipped one hundred and sixty-eight men, women, and chil dren to the latter province.1 This letter, which was brought by the vessels on which the Acadians came, was received November 19th, and Council immedi ately commanded that a guard should be placed over the ship to prevent the landing of the exiles, but fresh provisions and necessaries were ordered to be delivered on board, and continued to be sent until Council de termined what should be done with these people.2 On the 25th of the same month Governor Morris, by message, informed the Assembly that he had the French Neutrals landed at Providence Island, as the doctor had reported that it would be dangerous to have them remain longer in the crowded vessel.3 Early in December it was officially reported that in the ships " Hannah," " Three Friends," and "Swan" four hundred and fifty-four out of the five hundred French Neutrals assigned to Pennsylvania had been received at Providence Island. Governor Morris, touched at the wrongs these unhappy exiles had suf fered, strove earnestly to reunite those families which had been separated in transportation.4 On Feb. 20, 1756, the Assembly passed an act dispersing the Aca dians in the several counties of Philadelphia, Bucks, Chester, and Lancaster, and making provision for their maintenance.5 By the act three commissioners were, appointed in each of the counties named to dis tribute the Acadians among the people, locating only one family in a township, and to have a supervisory care over them. Nathaniel Pennock, Nathaniel Grubb, and John Hannum were the commissioners named for Chester County. The Governor failing to approve the bill promptly, on March 3d a committee from the Assembly waited on him to know what " he had done" with it, and on the 5th he signed it. When the law was attempted to be enforced, the Neutrals claimed to be prisoners of war, but Governor Morris and Council, after considerable delay, decided, six months subsequent to the promulgation of the act, that under the treaty of Utrecht they were subjects of Great Britain.6 Jan. 14, 1757, an additional act was approved, empowering the binding out and settling of t Colonial Records, vol. vi. p. 711. 3 lb., p. 729. B lb., vol. vii. pp. 14, 15. 2 lb., p. 713. 4 lb., p. 45. 6 lb., pp. 239, 240, 241. the Acadians under age, and providing for the main tenance of their aged, sick, and maimed at the ex pense of the province. The unfortunate people, feel ing the injustice that had been visited on them, having lost heart and refusing to work, were soon in the utmost want. One week subsequent to the passage of the law just mentioned, William Griffith informed Council that unless something was immediately done many of the French Neutrals would perish. Already death had been busy among them, for shortly after they landed more than one-half of them had died.7 On March 21, 1757, Governor Denny caused the arrest of five of the Neutrals at the request of Lord Low- doun, two in the city of Philadelphia, one in Frank- ford, " Paul Bujaud in Chester, and Jean Landy in Darby," because they were " suspicious and evil- minded persons, and have and each of them hath at divers Times uttered menacing speeches against his majesty and his liege subjects, and behaved in a very disorderly manner."8 No wonder; for surely the poor men who were thrown in jail in Philadelphia had every reason to utter menacing speeches against the Hanoverian scoundrel who then sat on the throne of Great Britain. In Chester, before the act author izing the overseers of the poor in the several townships to bind out the children of the Acadians, the former officials had in many cases refused to receive the ex iles or minister to their wants, hence many of the latter had died with smallpox; but after the law of Jan. 14, 1757, became operative the condition of the Neutrals was considerably improved. The burden of their support, however, aroused the taxpayers of that day, and when four years later it was found that seven thousand pounds had been expended in the support of the exiles, a committee of the Assembly was appointed to inquire into the condition of these people, and to ascertain whether the cost of their maintenance could not be lessened. It was, after investigation, reported that the reason their children had not been bound out to service was mainly owing to the religious opinions of their parents, who feared that their offspring might be surrounded with objectional influences in the fami lies of the English settlers or their descendants. The result of the report was finally the repeal of the law providing for the support of these exiles. The glamour of Longfellow's genius has made the wrongs of these Acadians more familiar to the popular mind than any of the many harsh and unjustifiable acts of ministerial minions in American colonial history, but to the stu dent, the story of the banishment of these ignorant French people is a mere incident, the happening of which had little or no influence in shaping the direc tion of events. Even at that time among the Northern colonies the impression was being made on some thoughtful minds that at no distant day there would be an absolute separation from the mother-country. ' Gordon's " History of Pennsylvania," p. 500. 3 Colonial Records, vol. vii. p. 446. 36 HISTORY OP DELAWARE COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA. In the summer of 1758, Brig.-Gen. John Forbes, as before stated, with three hundred and fifty Royal Americans, twelve hundred (thirteen companies) of Montgomery's Highlanders, twenty-six hundred Vir ginians, and twenty-seven hundred Pennsylvania Pro vincials, besides a thousand wagoners,1 set out from Philadelphia intending the reduction of Fort Du Quesne. Capt. John Hasslet, of New Castle County, recruited a company on the Delaware River, and the roll shows that Chester County contributed at least the following persons to the ranks2 of this organiza tion : Peter Allen, enlisted May 7, born iu Chester Co., aged 22, and by oc cupation a eaddler. William Boggs, enlisted May 0, born in Chester Co., aged 40. James Brieslin, enlisted May 12, born in Chester Co., aged 17. Edward Gallagher, enlisted May 12, born in Chester Co., aged 17. Thomas Harvey, enlisted May 12, born in Chester Co., aged 17. John McAfee, enlisted May 8, born in Chester Co., aged 21, and by occupation a laborer. James Thomas, enlisted May 8, born in Chester Co., aged 22, and by occupation a laborer. Samuel White, enlisted May 10, born in Chester Co., aged 26. In the same month and year Capt. John Singleton enlisted a company of soldiers for Forbes' expedi tion. The list of that organization shows that the following men were certainly from Chester County, and probably the number from this locality was greater than here represented : 3 William Henry, aged 22, resident of Chester, Pa., drummer, Samuel Armitage, aged 27, resident of Chester, Pa. William Bevard, aged 28, resident of Chester, Pa., weaver. Thomas Callican, aged 20, resident of Chester, Pa. Thomas Connolly, aged 17, resident of Chester, Pa. John Cross, aged 25, resident in Chester, Pa., cordwainer, " pock- pitt'd," " stout made." John Cruthere, aged 16, resideut of Chester, Pa. Hugh Davis, aged 20, resident of Chester, Pa., smith. William Foster, aged 25, resident of Chester, Pa. William Kennedy, aged 25, resident of Chester, Pa., weaver. John Long, aged 24, resident of Chester, Pa. Edward McSorley, aged 22, resident of Chester, Pa. Terence Kealy.aged 35, residing in Chester, Pa., "pock-pitt'd." John Richeson, aged 27, residing in Chester, Pa., " cocke nose and smooth faced." Patrick Roe, aged 22, residing in Chester, Pa., "bold looking." John Shannon, aged 23, residing in Chester, Pa., chandler, " Irish man." Edward Sheppard, aged 21, residing in Chester, Pa., "red hair and thin visaged." David Way, aged 24, residing in Chester, Pa., tanner. Coupland David. Besides these organizations there was a company of Pennsylvania Rifles under Capt. West, an elder brother of Benjamin West, the painter,4 who was present with his command when, on Nov. 25, 1758 the standard of Great Britain floated over the blackened 1 Penna. Gazette, 1768, No. 1553. Winthrop Sargent, in his " History of Braddock's Expedition," page 270, make a difference in the number of men in Forbes' command. He places the Virginia troops at sixteen hundred men. 2 Penna. Archives, 2d series, vol. ii. p. 551. 3 lb., p. 553. * Sargent's " H Istory of Braddock's Expedition," p. 274. Mr. Sargent cites, in reference to the search of Sir Peter Halket for the remains of his father, Blain in Braddock's defeat, a statement that the English nobleman was accompanied by Capt. West. Gait's " Life of West," p. G5. and charred remains of the Fortress Du Quesne, and when the general, who had sworn the day previous to carry the works or leave his body beneath its walls, christened the heap of ruins Fort Pitt. The army having retraced its steps, the government the follow ing year determined to rebuild the dismantled fortifi cation, or to erect a new one on its site. Brig.-Gen. John Stanwick was placed in charge of this expedi tion, he having, on the death of Gen. Forbes, suc ceeded to the command. Troops were ordered to be enlisted, and on May 4, 1759, Gen. Stanwick gave notice that a number of wagons would be required, and in order to avoid the impressment of horses or wagons, a certain rate of compensation had been fixed by the authorities, which would be paid to those persons who would willingly furnish teams. From the county of Chester sixty-four wagons and four times as many horses were required.5 In the same locality a number of men enlisted, and doubtless the whole company recruited by Capt. John Mather, Jr.,6 was credited to Chester County, because Mather him self was a resident of the borough of Chester, and the following men certainly resided in that neighbor hood: John Gorsel, aged 16, of Chester, Pa., enlisted June 8, 1759, laborer. Evan Jones, aged 38, of Chester, Pa., enliBted May 27, 1759, laborer. Jacob Kirgan, aged 19, of Chester, Pa , enlisted May 27, 1759, weaver. Hugh Wallace, aged 17, of Chester, Pa., enlisted June 12, 1759, shoe maker. In Capt. Robert Boyd's company appear the fol lowing persons who were undoubtedly residents of Chester County : James Campbell, aged 22, resides in Chester, Pa., enlisted June 13, laborer. James Darragh, aged 20, resides in Chester, Pa., enlisted May 11, laborer. Samuel Fillson, aged 18, resides in Chester, Pa., enlisted June 6, tailor. James Hamilton, aged 21, resideB in Chester, Pa., enlisted May 21, laborer. George Matthews, aged 18, resides in Chester, Pa., enlisted June 2, laborer. ¦ Robert Sandford, aged 23, resides in CheBter, Pa., enlisted May 26, laborer. John Small, aged 22, resides in Chester, Pa., enlisted May 1, laborer. John Travers, aged 20, resides in Chester, Pa., enlisted May 14, tailor. John Willson, aged 20, resides in Chester, Pa., enlisted May 7, tailor. In Capt. James Armstrong's company from Chester County were William Moore, aged 17, resides in CheBter, Pa., enlisted May 9, hatter hy trade. James Parr, aged 16, resides in Chester, Pa., enlisted May 9, laborer. In Capt. Jacob Richardson's company, Third Bat talion provincial service, under command of Gover nor William Denny, appears the following : William Cassiday, aged 21, resides in Chester, Pa., enlisted Aug. 20, carpenter. These are all the persons which can absolutely be designated as belonging to Chester County, but the 5 Penua. Archives, 1st series, vol. iii. p. " lb., 2d series, vol. ii. p. 588. THE COLONIAL HISTORY TO THE WAR OF THE REVOLUTION. 37 foregoing is but a very small part of the men who en listed from this locality. The wagons required by Gen. Stanwix, so far at least as Chester County was concerned, seem not to have been forthcoming, for on Aug. 13, 1759, he wrote to the Governor from Bedford,1 complaining that Lan caster County was the most backward, but that " Bucks and Chester have given us only Nominal Assistance, by sending us impressed Waggons, unfit for this Ser vice, by the Weakness of the Horses and Carriages. The Managers meet with more opposition in these two Counties than in any of the others, as the Magis trates seem unwilling to disoblige them ; and unless they are spurred by the fear of incurring your Dis pleasure, I am afraid they will not exert their Au thority in such a manner as will Answer the Pur pose." Notwithstanding the constant assertion of Gen. Stanwix, the number of horses and wagons furnished by Chester County, according to the account-book of Roger Hunk,2 was not inconsiderable, particularly when we consider that the expedition really was of little moment in the shaping of events, and was use ful only in that it made permanent the settlement then first called Pittsburgh. The history of the province at this period is exceed ing interesting, but, strange as it may appear, for almost a decade no event of sufficient importance to impress itself on the fleeting years seems to have oc curred in our county. The French war, which was most honorable to the colonial arms, was approaching its conclusion, and in 1761, after the subjugation of Canada was complete, the whole of the provincial forces raised by Pennsylvania were discharged, except ing one hundred and fifty men. Considerable alarm was felt along the Delaware and at Philadelphia when the intelligence was received that about the beginning of the year (January 4th) 1762 Great Britain had de clared war against Spain. The defenseless condition of the city of Philadelphia, its wealth and importance, it was feared would attract the combined naval power of France and Spain to attempt its capture, therefore the Assembly, which had been hastily convened, appro priated twenty-three thousand five hundred pounds, the parliamentary allotment for 1759,3 to the defense of the city, and also voted five thousand pounds to erect a fort mounting twenty guns on Mud Island, at the site of the present Fort Mifflin. However, the prov ince breathed more freely when, in January, 1763, news was received that on the 3d of November, 1762, peace had been proclaimed with both France and Spain. In 1765 we find that no less than three lotteries were authorized by the Legislature for the benefit of churches within the territory of the present county of 1 Colonial Records, vol. viii. p. 376. 2 Futhey and Cope's "History of Chester County," pp. 54-58. 3 Gordon's " History of Pennsylvania," p. 393. Delaware, viz.: St. Paul's, at Chester; St. John's, at Concord ; and St. Martin's, at Marcus Hook. 1768 "was a year of jubilee4 for our good people, for the commissioners and assessors, after inspecting into the affairs of the county, " find no necessity for raising a tax this year." The power and wealth exhibited by the colonies during the French war amazed the home government, hence Mr. Grenville, in his desire to relieve the press ure of taxation at home, — the result of that war, — as well as to personally acquire reputation as a shrewd financier, proposed to raise a revenue from the col onies for the direct use of the British treasury. The scheme was not devoid of arguments to commend it to a debt-ridden people, yet the history of the prov inces ought to have clearly demonstrated that such a measure would be met with determined resistance. The decided stand taken by the latter in 1754, when a plan for colonial taxation was suggested, should have fully indicated the temper of the people, who, when ever called on, had freely contributed pecuniary aid to the king by a vote of the Assembly, but who had always denied the right of the English Parliament to levy taxes on the provinces unless the latter had rep resentation in the home legislative bodies. And per haps no more objectionable form could the duties be made to assume than that which levied a tax on colonial imports, which resulted in almost destroying • the colonial trade with the Spanish and French West India islands. It is unnecessary for me to discuss further this topic of colonial taxation, the resistance to which finally culminated in the Revolutionary war, and subsequently the formation of the United States as a nation. It seems that Chester was the outpost where the customs officer was stationed to board vessels and pre vent violations of the revenue laws. We learn that on Saturday afternoon, Nov. 23, 1771, about four o'clock, Alban Davis, who was attached to the cus tom-house schooner then lying off Chester, noticed several vessels coming up the river, among the num ber a light brig and a pilot-boat. Capt. Thomas Mus- kett, of the revenue cutter, boarded the pilot-boat, and signaled the schooner to come alongside. The crew on the pilot-boat then stated they wished to go down the river, which brought the inquiry from the officer what was their cargo, and the command to open the hatches or he would seize the vessel. Those in charge of the craft being insolent, the officer " put the broad arrow on the boat's mast." Whereupon the captain of the latter said that, as he had no further business on the vessel, he would go ashore. The rev enue cutter and her prize, lashed together, had sailed up abreast of Red Bank, when the ebb-tide compelled them to anchor. Shortly before ten o'clock that even ing, a pilot-boat coming down the river stood directly for the government schooner, when Capt. Muskett * Smith's " History of Delaware County," p. 274. 38 HISTORY OF DELAWARE COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA. ordered them to keep off or he would fire at them, and was answered that he might fire and be damned, the river was as free to them as the cutter. Bearing down, the pilot-boat came alongside, when a man leveled a blunderbuss at Capt. Muskett, and gave him the choice to surrender or have his brains blown out. Even be fore the captain could make the selection about thirty men, armed with cutlasses and clubs, boarded the schooner, knocked down the captain and two of his men, and threw them into the hold, then fastened down the hatches. The captors ran the schooner ashore, cut her rigging and sails to pieces, and, un- lashing the prize, sailed away with it. On December 5th Governor Richard Penn issued a proclamation, offering a free pardon to any one who should give in formation by whom the act was done.1 But nothing was learned of the men who had thus boldly set the law at defiance. TheNavigation Act, which interdicted colonial trade with foreign nations, compelling the purchase of all goods from England directly, as before stated, aroused 1 Penna. Archives, 1st series, vol. iv. p. 445 ; Colonial Records, vol. x. pp. 8-14. To show the unpopularity with which the custom-house offi cers were regarded, even among that class of the colonists whose feelings leaned towards the doctrine that the king could do no wrong, the fol lowing case is a good example: On Wednesday afternoon, Feb. 8, 1775, Francis Welsh, in a boat with four men, boarded the schooner " Isabella" off Gloucester Point, and was told that the vessel was in ballast from Portsmouth, New England, whereupon the officer ordered the hatches to be removed. Capt. John Ritchey drew a pistol, declaring the first man who should attempt to search the schooner "he would blow to h— 1." The pilot wanting to be ptit ashore, Officer Welsh remarked that no man should leave the vessel, but Ritchey ordered a boat manned, and the pilot was landed. Ritchey subsequently told Welsh that the schooner belonged to Capt. David Campbell, who was the sole owner, and every dollar he had in the world was in her and the cargo, which consisted of dry goods and other dutiable or contraband articles from Dunkirk, France. Welsh was permitted to look around the cabin, and saw, among other things subject to impost duties, thirty pounds of tea. That night, about nine o'clock, Capt. Campbell, the pilot, and two gen tlemen came aboard, but the latter went away, and about an hour later three other gentlemen boarded the boat, who told the officer that he ought not to pursue Capt. Campbell, for it would ruin him. They of fered Welsh twenty-five guineas, and promised him more if he would let the vessel go. About two o'clock at night Welsh formally seized the "Isabella" in the king's name, and ordered his men to take the helm. Upon this Campbell said the king never paid for her, and, drawing a pistol, put it to the pilot's head, swearing that if he did uot run the ves sel down the river without putting her ashore he would kill him. On the next ebb-tide tbe schooner was abreast of Chester. Welsh aud Campbell went ashore to get something to eat, aud while in tlie town the officer inquired for a justice of the peace. He went to Francis Rich ardson, but he was ill, and afterwards to Henry Hale Graham, whose sympathies leaned towards the crown, but he told Welsh that he had no authority to go on hoard any vessel. Welsh then called on Sheriff Ver non, the most pronounced loyalist iu the county, and the latter stated he would go and summon Borne men to aid him, but he never came with the posse comitatus, and Welsh again hoarded the boat, which, on the ebb, weighed anchor and got to New Castle before the tide changed. Hero the officer tried to get assistance, but all the local authorities there begged to be excused. Welsh clung to the "Isabella" until she got within five miles of the Capes, when Capt. Ritchey ordered him and his men into their boat, and they were compelled at midnight to row for shore, which they reached after three hours' constant work. The col lector of customs complained to the Governor and Council against tbe magistrates who bad refused to aid his officer, but he was informed that the jurisdiction of any county in the province did not extend to the river, and magistrates therefore could not legally give any assistance in these cases. See Colonial Records, vol. a. p. 230. a storm of indignation, but the right of Parliament to regulate commerce was not questioned ; hence the colonists could only retaliate by adopting the noted non-importation agreement. The Stamp Act and its subsequent repeal, in this locality as elsewhere, in voked popular resentment, and the line of demarka- tion between the ultra Whigs and the Loyalists became every month more distinct. In 1770 the act of 1767, imposing a duty on glass, paper, painters' colors, and tea imported into the colonies, was repealed, save the threepence per pound tax on tea. The colonists, strictly adhering to their determination to use no goods on which the detested duty was collected, modi fied the non-importation agreement so that it applied to tea only. In 1773 but little had been imported into America, and the East India Company, which had then on hand nearly seventeen million pounds of tea, was permitted to export that commodity into any part of the world free of duty ; hence, to the colonists, tea, even with the threepence tax, would be much cheaper than ever before, since the export duty of sixpence per pound was removed. The principle, however, of taxation without representation was still involved, and the colonists were violently excited, particularly when it was learned that the East India Company consented to ship cargoes to America only on the as surance of the British government that they should at least suffer no loss. The indignation consequent on this new attempt of Lord North to enforce the ob noxious duty was resisted at every port where tea-ships were consigned, and while in New England the de struction of the tea in the harbor of Boston on the night of Dec. 16, 1773, was more dramatic in its cir cumstances than the action taken by Philadelphia and the Whig populace along the Delaware River, the feel ing of resistance was not more intense than at the latter place. In Philadelphia a public meeting of citizens was held in State-House yard on Oct. 16, 1773, when it was declared " that whoever shall directly or indi rectly countenance this attempt (to send out the tea), or in any way aid or abet in unloading, receiving, or vending the tea sent . . . while it remains subject to the payment of a duty here, is an enemy to the coun try," and strong measures were determined on to re sist the landing of any tea in Philadelphia. On Nov. 29, 1773, Dunlap's Pennsylvania Packet announced, — " The ship ' Polly,' Capt. Ayres, from London for this port, left Graves- end on the 27th of September with the detested Tea on board, and is hourly expected," The excitement consequent on this brief news item was intense. On December 5th a committee was appointed to inquire the cause of the sudden and extraordinary rise in the price of tea, and the report made eight days after was not calculated to appease the popular indignation. The air was filled with rumors of the arrival of the "Polly," which proving prema ture, only added to the public anxiety and suspense. On Saturday (Christmas) the tea-ship "Polly" ar rived at Chester, she having followed another ship up THE COLONIAL HISTORY TO THE WAR OP THE REVOLUTION. 39 the river, for no pilot would dare, in the heated con dition of the people's mind, to bring that vessel to the city. The Whigs of Chester, as soon as they were convinced that the ship was lying off that town, dis patched a messenger post-haste to Philadelphia to announce the long-expected but unwelcome news. When he arrived, during the evening of that day, Gilbert Barclay, one of the consignees of the ship, who was a passenger in the vessel, had also gone to Philadelphia by post, and early the next morning he was waited on by a committee, who urged his renuncia tion of the commission so warmly that he deemed it the wisest plan to accede to their demands. This being accomplished, the committee appointed three of their number to go to Chester, and two others to Gloucester Point, to have an interview with Capt. Ayres, and acquaint him with the public feeling re specting his voyage and the cargo with which the vessel was ladened. The three gentlemen who had set out for Chester, when some distance below the city, were informed that the " Polly" at noon had weighed anchor, and was on her way to her port of destination. They, therefore, returned to the city. About two o'clock she appeared in sight at Gloucester Point, where, as the news had spread in all directions, a large crowd had gathered. When the vessel came sufficiently near she was hailed, and Capt. Ayres re quested to come on shore. This he did, and, the people dividing so as to form a lane, he was con ducted to the members of the committee, who repre sented to him the general feeling and the danger to him personally if he refused to comply with the pop ular demand. They also requested him to go with them to Philadelphia, where he could learn fully the temper and resolution of the masses. The next morn ing eight thousand people gathered in the State-House yard, when it was resolved that the tea should not be landed ; that the vessel should not be reported or entered at the custom-house; that the tea must be taken back to England immediately ; that a pilot must take charge of the " Polly," and on the next high-water take her to Reedy Island; that Capt. Ayres could stay a day in town to procure supplies for his return voyage ; that he then should go to the vessel and put to sea immediately. On Tuesday, after being in the town forty-six hours, Capt. Ayres left the city where he had been so inhospitably received, and like a prudent man sailed for London, where he re ported the unsatisfactory result of his voyage. On Feb. 5, 1774, Earl Dartmouth wrote to Governor Penn, that " the Insult that has been offered to this Kingdom by the Inhabitants of Philadelphia, in the Case of the 'Polly,' Capt. Ayres, is of a very serious nature, and leads to very important consequences." In conclusion, the earl demanded that " a Circum stance, which at present Appears so extraordinary, should be fully explained."1 If it was, no record seems to have been preserved of thatfact. 1 Penna. Archives, 1st series, vol. iv. p. 480. In 1774, when the news of the determined resist ance made by the colonists to the landing of the tea was received in Europe, England was greatly excited at the intelligence, and Parliament hastily enacted several bills relating to colonial matters extremely offensive in their provisions. Because of the destruc tion of the tea in Boston harbor, the vengeance of the ministry was particularly directed against that town, hence the law which was known as the Boston Port Bill was passed, interdicting all vessels from landing and discharging, or of landing and shipping wares and merchandise at that port. As soon as these acts were promulgated in the colonies, a storm of de nunciation and defiance swept across the land. Staid, dignified Philadelphia even yielded to the tempest, and on Saturday, June 18, 1774, at a large meeting of the leading citizens of that city, was passed a series of resolutions, among which was a call for the holding of a Continental Congress, and instructing the com mittee thus appointed to take steps necessary to have the province of Pennsylvania represented in the pro posed assemblage. Rev. Dr. William Smith, Provost of the University of Pennsylvania, who addressed that gathering, in his calm, dispassionate remarks, with prophetic vision saw that the business they were then about meant " perhaps nothing less than whether the breach with the country from which we descended shall be irreparably widened." On June 28th, the com mittee sent a circular letter to every county in the province, particularly urging the appointment of a committee in the several counties to assemble in Phil adelphia on Friday, the 15th of July, to meet the com mittee from the whole province. This letter was ad dressed to Francis Richardson, Elisha Price, and Henry Hayes, of Chester County, who by a peculiar coincidence issued the following call for a meeting of the people of the county on the day which two years afterwards was to become one of the most memorable in the world's history : " To the Freeholders and others, inhabitants of the County of Chester, qualified by law to vote for Representatives in General Assembly. " Gentlemen : _, "The large and very respectable committee for the City and bounty of Philadelphia have wrote to us, the subscribers, requesting that a committee might be chosen for this county as soon as possible, to meet the committee from the other Counties of this province, at the city of Philadelphia on the 15th day of this instant, to deliberate ou matters of the neatest weight and importance, not only to us, but to all America. And°we are now assured, that on the account of the Indian disturbances his Honor-the Governor-has found it necessary to call tbe Assembly to meet,in their legislative capacity, on Monday the 28th of this instant ; and we also find, that it is not only the opinion and request of the said committee for Philadelphia, but also the opinion and desire of a number of respectable persons of this county coinciding with our own opinions, as lovers of civil and religious liberty, that the committee of the several counties of this province should meet at Philadelphia, on the said 15th of this instant, in order to assist in framing instructions, and preparing such matters as may be proper to recommend to our representatives, at this meeting the Monday following. "We have therefore thought proper on mature deliberation and by the advice of a number of gentlemen of this county, to appoint Wed nesday, the 13th instant, at one o'clock in the afternoon, as a proper time for the inhabitants of this county to meet at tbe Conrt-House in Chester, to choose a number of our best aud wisest men as a committee for this 40 HISTORY OF DELAWARE COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA. county, aa shall be judged necessary to meet the other committees, at the time and place above mentioned, for the purpose aforesaid, and for Buch other purposes as may then be deemed useful and necessary. And we sincerely hope that the good people of this county will give tbeir attendance on that day, and calmly and heartily join with [us] in doing the business proposed, which we earnestly wish and desire may answer the good proposed, and the good purposes intended by it. " Chestee, July 4, 1774." The following is the record of the proceedings of the meeting : "At a meeting of a very respectable number of the freeholders and others, inhabitants of the county of Chester, at the court-house, on Wednesday, the 13th of July, 1774, in consequence of public notice for that purpose given, Francis Eichardson, Esq., chairman, — "ThiB Assembly, taking into their serious consideration the present critical and alarming situation of American affairs and the unhappy differences now subsisting between Great Britain and her colonies, do agree and resolve, as follows, viz. : "1. That the inhabitants of this county do owe and will pay all due faith and allegiance to our lawful and rightful sovereign lord, George the Third, king of Great Britain and the dominions thereunto be longing. " 2. That it is an absolute right, inherent in every English subject, to have free use, enjoyment, and disposal of all his property, either by him self or representatives, and that no other power on earth can legally divest him of it, " 3. That the act of Parliament lately passed for shutting up the port of Boston is unconstitutional, oppressive to the inhabitants of that town, in its consequences dangerous to the liberties of the British colonies; and that, therefore, we consider our brethren at Boston as suffering in the common cause of America. " 4. That the protection of the liberties of America is an indispensable duty, which we owe to ourselves who enjoy them, to our ancestors who transmitted them down, and to our posterity who will claim them at our hands, as the best birthright and noblest inheritance of mankind. ,(5. We do agree with the Committee of the City and County of Phila delphia, that a Congress of Deputies from the said colonies is the most profitable and proper mode of procuring relief for our suffering brethren, obtaining redress, preserving our rights and liberties, and establishing peace and mutual confidence between our mother country and her colo nies on a constitutional foundation. "6. The inhabitants of this county ought and will cheerfully adopt, adhere to, and assist in executing all and singular such peaceable and constitutional measures, which may hereafter be agreed upon and de termined by the said general Congress. "7. It is our opinion that it would conduce greatly to the restoration of the liberties of America, should tho colonies enter into a solemn agree ment not to purchase any goods, wares, or merchandise imported from Great Britain, under such restrictions as he agreed upon by the Congress. We, for our parts, sensible of the great advantages which must arise from promoting economy and manufacturing among ourselves, are determined to use as little of foreign manufactures, of what kind or quality soever, as our necessities will permit, until the several acts of the British Parlia ment, injurious to American liberty, be repealed. " 8. That, as our brethren at Boston are now suffering in the cause of America, it is the duty of the inhabitants of this county, in common with the neighboring colonies, generously to contribute towards their support; and, therefore, the Committee hereafter appointed are re quested immediately to open and sot on foot a subscription for the said sufferers, and the money arising therefrom to be laid out and expended as the said committee, or a majority of them, shall judge best to answer the benevolent intention. "9. That the following persons, to wit : Francis Richardson, Elisha Price, John Hart, Anthony Wayne, John Sellers, Hugh Lloyd, William Montgomery, Francis Johnston, William Parker, Richard Riley, Thomas Hockley, Robert Mendenhall,and John Fleming, or a majority of them be and they are hereby appointed a committee for this county to meet and correspond with the committees of the several counties of this and the other colonies, and to join in such measures as to them shall appear necessary for the public good. "Francis Johnston, Clk. Com." The provincial meeting of deputies chosen by the several counties in Pennsylvania was held at Phila delphia, July 15, 1774, and Chester County was rep resented thereat by Francis Richardson, Elisha Price, John Hart, Anthony Wayne, Hugh Lloyd, John Sel lers, Francis Johnston, and Richard Riley. On the committee appointed to prepare and report a draught of instructions to be presented to the General Assem bly asking that body to appoint delegates to the Con tinental Congress, then in session, Chester County was represented by Elisha Price. The Assembly unani mously concurred in the instructions and promptly appointed Joseph Galloway (their Speaker), Daniel Rhoads, Thomas Mifflin, John Morton, Charles Hum phreys, George Ross, Edward Biddle, and (at a subse quent meeting) John Dickinson the delegates from Pennsylvania to the Continental Congress to be held at Philadelphia on the 5th day of September follow ing. Of these, two — Morton and Humphreys — were resident within the present county of Delaware. After agreeing to the Declaration of Rights Con gress remained in session nearly eight weeks, having, on October 18th, adopted articles of confederation, signed two days thereafter, which date, Oct. 20, 1775, the late distinguished orator, Henry Armitt Brown, maintained should be accepted as the commencement of the American Union, based upon freedom and equality. On the 26th of October, after adopting an address to the people of Great Britain, a memorial to the inhabitants of British America, — the Canadian provinces, — and a loyal address to the king, the body adjourned to meet at Philadelphia, May 10, 1775. Before that Congress again assembled, in less than six months after it had adjourned, the April gales, as Patrick Henry had foreseen, sweeping from the North carried to the ears of the long-suffering colonists the clash of resounding arms, the last appeal had been made, and the Revolutionary struggle had actually begun. CHAPTER VII. THE REVOLUTIONARY STRUGGLE TO THE BATTLE OE BRANDYWINE. The thoughtful men of that period who stopped in the midst of the popular clamor to consider the probable termination of. the controversy between the mother-country and her colonies began to be alarmed at the excited temper of the public mind in both hemispheres-, hence many of those persons who had been prominent in advising resistance to the arbitrary acts of Parliament, now when their reason taught them that the absolute overthrow of the power of Great Britain in the provinces, or the abject sub mission of the colonies, could alone set at rest the long dispute, hesitated, some retraced their steps, casting their lots with the established authority; others, shrinking from public view, ceased to be active on either side ; while yet others, believing that THE REVOLUTIONARY STRUGGLE TO THE BATTLE OF BRANDYWINE. 41 man, mentally and socially, was but partially devel oped, picturing to themselves the possibilities of a free representative government, comprehending fully the lesson of the hour, braved the issue, and boldly Advocated the adoption of a then untried Utopian scheme. The great mass of the people — the majority uneducated — drifted with the day until events made them bitter partisans either for crown or Congress. When sides became radical, as a general rule, the wealthy and cultured few, afraid of change, were loyalists, while the middle classes and the poor were Whigs. The direct result of the meeting of the Continental Congress of 1774 was to intensify the feeling of the masses in opposition to the ministerial powers, the address issued by that body being so calm and dis passionate, but so convincing, that it found ready re sponse in popular approval. Especially was this true of the resolution that all importations of English goods should be prohibited, and that no articles should be exported from the colonies to Great Brit ain after December, 1776, unless before that time Parliament had removed the obnoxious law against which the people in America complained. In all parts of the colonies meetings were held to ratify and carry into execution the association recommended by Congress, and on Dec. 20, 1774, " a very respectable number of the inhabitants of the County of Chester convened at the Court-house in the Borough of Ches ter," at which the following persons were named as a committee to act for the county to that end, viz. : An thony Wayne, Francis Johnston, Richard Riley, Evan Evans, and James Moore, Esqs. ; Hugh Lloyd, Thomas Hockley, David Coupland, John Hart, Sketchley Mor ton, Samuel Fairlamb, David Coupland, John Crosby, Nicholas Diehl, Jesse Bonsall, Aaron Oakford, Ben jamin Brannan, John Talbot, Joseph Brown, Samuel Price, John Crawford, John Taylor, Lewis Gronow, Ed ward Humphreys, Henry Lawrence, Richard Thomas, William Montgomery, Persifor Frazer, Thomas Tay lor, John Foulke, Robert Mendenhall, Joseph Pen- nell, George Pierce, Nicholas Fairlamb, Samuel Trim ble, Charles Dilworth, John Hannum, George Hoops, Joel Bailey, John Gilliland, Joseph Bishop, Jr., John Kerlin, Edward Jones, William Lewis, Patrick An derson, Joshua Evans, Thomas Hartman, Dr. Bran son van Leer, William Evans, Joseph Cowan, Thomas Haslep, Patterson Bell, Dr. Jonathan Morris, Andrew Mitchell, Thomas Buffi ngton, James Bennett, Joseph Musgrave, William Miller, Richard Blower, Walter Finney, James Simpson, David Wherry, James Ev ans, Thomas Bishop, William Edwards, Jonathan Vernon, Jr., Lewis Davis, Sr., Joseph Gibbons, Jr., and Thomas Evans; which committee were "to be and continue from this time until one month after the rising of the next Continental Congress, with full power to transact such business, and enter into such associations as to them shall appear expedient." Immediately after the committee had been selected that body organized by the appointment of Anthony Wayne, chairman, and Francis Johnston, secretary. The following resolutions were then unanimously adopted : " 1st. That any twelve or more uf tlie said Committee, meeting upon due notice, be empowered to enter upon and transact all such business as shall come under their consideration ; provided, the majority agreeing shall not be less than twelve. " 2d. That the present unhappy situation of public affairs in general, and of this province in particular, renders it highly necessary that a Provincial Convention should be held as soon as possible, for which pur pose twelve persona shall be appointed out of the said committee as dele gates to attend the said Convention, at such time and place as shall be generally agreed on." As there were no further matters requiring imme diate attention, after the delegation of twelve to the Provincial Convention had been named, the commit tee adjourned to meet on Jan. 9, 1775, at the house of David Coupland in the borough of Chester. In the mean while, in furtherance of the resolutions passed by the convention of the people of Chester County, held on July 15th, heretofore mentioned, as well as the similar resolution adopted by Congress, calling on the other colonies to aid with contributions the necessities of the inhabitants of Massachusetts, so long as the enforcement of the Boston Port Bill rendered such assistance needful, the people of Chester County made generous contributions to the fund. Dr. Smith shows that the purse-strings of Friends were unloosened liberally to this end: "Chester monthly meeting contributed £70 for the relief of Necessitous inhabitants of Massachusetts Bay and Provinces ad jacent. Darby meeting paid £33 14s. for the relief of the poor and distressed in New England, while Hav erford meeting responded to the request of the meet ing for suffering, ' that Friends should contribute liberally for the relief of friends or others (in the New England Government), who are or maybe reduced to indigent circumstances in this time of public calamity, and in a short time had the satisfaction to receive an affecting account of the state of the poor of these provinces, and of the distribution of the donations sent from hence.' " l On Jan. 23, 1775, the Provincial Convention assem bled at Philadelphia, and continued in session for six days. Chester County was represented in that body by Anthony Wayne, Hugh Lloyd, Richard Thomas, Francis Johnston, Samuel Fairlamb, Lewis Davis, William Montgomery, Joseph Musgrave, Joshua Evans, and Persifor Frazer. Thomas Hockley and Thomas Taylor, who had been appointed delegates, failed to attend. The proceedings of this body show that the men who composed it had carefully weighed the means necessary to build up and sustain a nation, while at the same time they comprehended that slav ery, which then existed throughout the colonies,— largely due to the fact that Great Britain had always interdicted any restriction in the traffic,— was an ob- 1 Dr. Smith's " History of Delaware County," p. 282. 42 HISTORY OP DELAWARE COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA. stacle which intruded itself in carrying out the idea of a free constitutional government, and should be done away with. Hence, to that end they resolved that the members of the General Assembly should be urged to pass a law prohibiting the future importation of slaves into the province. On March 20th a meeting of the committee of Chester County was held at the house of Richard Cheyney, in East Calm, where Messrs. Hockley, John ston, Gronow, Lloyd, Frazer, Moore, and Taylor were appointed a committee to draft a petition to the As sembly, "with regard to the manumission of slaves, especially relating to the freedom of infants hereafter born of black women within this Colony," and report at the following meeting, while each committeeman was instructed to " use his utmost diligence in collect ing the several sums of money subscribed for the use of Boston, and pay the same" to Anthony Wayne, "treasurer," at the next meeting, after which the committee adjourned to meet on Wednesday, May 31st, at the house of David Coupland. But before that date had come, the reverberation of the musketry volleys at Lexington and Concord had stirred the blood of the Whigs throughout the colonies, and nothing was considered but how preparation should be made to meet the storm which had now broken on the country. Hence, in Chester County the commit tee met at an earlier day than that named when they adjourned in March, and published the following extract from the proceedings then had : " In Committee, Chester, May 22, 1775. " Whereas, it appears very neceBsary in order to avert the evils and calamities which threaten our devoted country, to embody ourselves and make all the military preparation in our power ; and it appears ab solutely impossible to carry this laudable design into execution without observing the greatest order, harmony, and concord not only under the laws of civil government, but also while under arms and in actual duty, we therefore unanimously recommend the following Association, to be entered into by the good people of this County : " We, the subscribers, do most solemnly resolve, promise, and engage under the sacred ties of honor, virtue, and love to our country, that we will use our utmost endeavors to learn the military exercise and pro mote harmony and unanimity in our respective companies ; that we will strictly adhere to the rules of decency during duty; that we will pay a due regard to our officers ; that we will, when called upon, sup port with our utmost abilities the civil magistrate in tho execution of the laws for the good of our country, and that we will at all times be in readiness to defend the lives, liueities, and properties of ourselves and fellow-countrymen against all attempts to deprive us of them. " Extract from the minutes. " By order of the Committee, " Francis Johnston, Sec'y." The enlistment of soldiers was at once begun, for on June 29, 1775, at a meeting of several officers of the militia of Chester County, it was determined that for the better regulation of the military in this dis trict it was advisable that a meeting of all the officers in the companies should be held at the public-house of Richard Cheyney, in East Calm, on the 21st day of July next, the day immediately after the Continental Fair, at which meeting it was proposed to divide the county into the most proper and convenient military districts, to form several battalions, and to elect field- officers. The next day, June 30th, the Assembly by resolution recommended to the boards of commission ers in all the counties in the province, " as they re gard the Freedom, Welfare, and safety of their County immediately to provide a proper number of good new Firelocks with Baynets fitted to them, Cartridge Boxes with Twenty-three Rounds of Cartridges in each box and Knapsacks," and in the apportionment five hun dred of each of these equipments was the number the county of Chester was directed to procure.1 By the same act the Assembly appointed a Committee of Safety, consisting of twenty-four members, those named from Chester County being Anthony Wayne, Benjamin Bartholomew. Francis Johnston, and Rich ard Riley, only the latter residing within the territory now comprising Delaware County. On July 10th, for the first time, was any of the committee from Chester County present at the meetings of the body, and on that occasion Francis Johnston and Anthony Wayne both took part in the proceedings. In a letter dated at Philadelphia, July 10, 1775,2 the writer says, " Travel through whatever part of this country you will, you see the inhabitants train ing, making fire-locks, casting mortars, shells, and shots, and making saltpetre, in order to keep the gun powder-mills at work during the next autumn and summer. Nothing, indeed, is attended to but pre paring to make a defence that will astonish the whole world." On July 17th the Committee of Safety determined that eight good rifles should be assigned to each boat now building, a part of which were to be put into the hands of such men as Capt. Francis, of Philadelphia, and Col. Wayne, of Chester County, should engage to go as minute-men on the boats when required. At this time Wayne was colonel of militia only. The same day the committee requested " the good women" of the province to supply their family doctors " with as much scraped Lint & old Linen for bandages as they can conveniently furnish, that the same may be ready for the service of those that shall happen to be wounded in the defence of the country." Considerable apprehension having been aroused among the members of the Society of Friends as to their position amid all this din and clash of approach ing war, Congress, on July 18, 1775, by a resolution stated to those people " who from Religious Principles cannot bear Arms in any Cause, this Congress intends no Violence to their Conscience, but earnestly recom mend it to them to Contribute Liberally in this time of universal calamity to the relief of their distressed brethren in the several colonies, and to do all other services to their oppressed country which they can consistently with their Religious principles." The allusion to riflemen to be placed on the boats, who were to be men selected by Capt. Francis and Col. 1 Colonial Records, vol. x. p. 279. 2 Hazard's Register, vol. iii. p. 248. THE REVOLUTIONARY STRUGGLE TO THE BATTLE OF BRANDYWINE. 43 Wayne, related to the defense of Philadelphia from a threatened attack by British vessels of war; hence a brief account of those defenses, so far as they refer to the history of Delaware County, should not be omitted Trom this work. The obstructing of the Delaware River by vaisseaux- de-frise was the suggestion of Dr. Franklin, who also strongly urged the building of galleys, — vessels of considerable size, propelled by oars, and intended to be armed with heavy guns, besides carrying a number of marines, — as well as locating fortifications at cer tain places on the banks. The chevaux-de-frise, as the obstructions were popularly termed, consisted of large frames of timber, filled in with stones to cause them to sink, and from these frames huge beams shod with iron extended to the surface of the water. So ener getically did Franklin labor, that although he had returned, May 5, 1775, after many years' absence in Europe, in four months he had three rows of these ob structions laid, the fort at Red Bank completed, and seven of the galleys afloat. One of the rows of vais- seaux-de-f rise was sunk within the territory now of Del aware County, and extended across the main channel of the Delaware, opposite the upper end of Hog Island, and a mile and a quarter below Red Bank. Subse quently a row was laid to Billingsport, N. J. On Sept. 13, 1775, Richard Riley, from Marcus Hook, wrote to George Gray,1 of the Committee of Safety, arguing that, as the provincial galleys would soon be finished, the entire fleet, in his opinion, should be stationed at the boundary of the province on the river, below the " shiver de fress's/' and then, if they — the boats — " are any Protection, every Person above them will Receive a Benefit;" that as there was a large island opposite Marcus Hook, it would afford a harbor to the galleys; while if the fleet was stationed above the obstructions at the forts, " Chester and Marcushook may be re duced to ashes before any Relief can be obtained, which would be a Considerable Loss, as all the Rec ords & other public papers of the county is their." This matter of the defenses at Marcus Hook seems to have been presented to Council ; for on Nov. 16, 1775, it was resolved "that two tier of Chivaux de Frize be sunk, for the further Security of this province, in the Channel opposite or near to Marcus Hook."2 That this resolution as to locating obstructions at Marcus Hook was never carried into effect is apparent, for the proceedings of the Committee of Safety show that on Jan. 18, 1776, Col. Wayne states to the committee that as large vessels must come within musket-shot of the shore at and near Marcus Hook, in his opinion "a Line or two of Chevaux de Frize placed there would be of considerable Service. The Shore near this narrow channel is nearly as high as Red Bank, and a battery of Cannon there would greatly annoy an Enemy." s On Feb. 15, 1776, Richard Riley again 1 Pennsylvania Archives, 2d series, vol. i. p. 550. 2 Colonial Records, vol. x. p. 404. > Pennsylvania Archives, 2d series, vol. i. p. 471. wrote to George Gray,4 calling attention to the ex posed condition of Marcus Hook, where, should the enemy come up the river, they would certainly land. He therefore urged erection of a battery on the shore, or the stationing of a floating one there, together with one or two companies of riflemen, to protect that part of the province, "now Intirely exposed, without the least defence or the least means for defence, being without Battery, arms, or ammunition, & of course, if left to continue, will be obliged to abandon their Habitations." In addition, as confirmatory proof that the obstructions did not extend below Chester, as late as July 24, 1777, Council ordered that before a master of a vessel could obtain an order for a "Chevax De Frize Pilot" he was compelled to swear that he would not permit such pilot to remain on the vessel from "the time she leaves the town of Chester."5 The purpose of this order was to prevent any person knowing the unobstructed channel from getting ac cess to British vessels, and for a reward imparting that knowledge to the enemy. Early in the fall of the year the galleys were ready, as already stated, and, on Sept. 22, 1775, the Commit tee of Safety appointed Capt. John Moulder, of Mar cus Hook, commander of the armed boat "Hancock;" but the latter, on the 10th of October following, noti fied the committee that he declined to act in that capacity. The Committee of Chester County seems to have had no meetings during the summer, but in pursu ance of a notice of the chairman, Wayne, they met on Monday morning, September 25th, at the Turk's Head Tavern,— now West Chester,— at which time the board of commissioners and assessors of the county were present. At this meeting the following dis claimer of all treasonable intentions on the part of the colonies was adopted and published in the Phila delphia newspapers of that day. The ignorance dis played in that resolution of the tendency of public affairs might be pardoned in Wayne, who was an ad mirable soldier but a wretched politician ; but the committee certainly had among its members some men who could read the signs of the times better than to have issued such a document as that, particularly when it was known that statesmen like John Adams were openly advocating the independency of the colo nies. The disclaimer was as follows : " Whereas some persons, evidently inimical to the liberty of America, have industriously propagated a report, that the military associators of this County, in conjunction with the military associators in general, in- * lb., p. 572. 5 lb., 501. Nearly two years before the order, Nov. 7, 1775, the Com- mittee'of Safety had ordered that five of the ten licensed pilots should be in readiness at Philadelphia to carry vessels down to Chester, and, having performed that service, were immediately to return by land or in skifts to the city. The other five were to be at Chester to bring ves- sels up the river, and are, immediately after piloting the vessel, to re turn to Chester by skift or land. In Chester the pilots were directed to be at the house of Mrs. Withy, to receive applications from owners or masters of vessels, every day from 10 to 1 o'clock, and none are to be absent except when on duty.— Colonial Records, vol. a p. 390. ; 44 HISTORY OF DELAWARE COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA. tend to overturn the Constitution, by declaring an Independency in the execution of which they are aided by this Committee and the board of Commissioners and Assessors with the arms now making for this County ; and as such report could not originate but among the worst of men for the worst of purposes, — This Committee have therefore thought proper to declare, and they hereby do declare, their abhorrence even of an idea so pernicious in its nature; as they ardently wish for nothing more than a happy and speedy reconciliation, on constitutional princi ples, with that Btate from whom they derive their origin. "By order of the Committee. " Anthony Wayne, Chairman." The committee, after adopting the foregoing docu ment providing for an election by the people in the several townships on the 11th day of October follow ing, for persons to serve on the committee for Chester County for the ensuing year, then adjourned to meet in the borough of Chester on that date. The next day, September 26th, the Council of Safety di rected that an order for five hundred pounds should be drawn in favor of Chester County, the money to be expended in the purchase of arms and other munitions of war. The Assembly, Oct. 19, 1775, reappointed the then Committee of Safety, and added new members thereto. So far as Chester County was concerned, the repre sentation remained unchanged, excepting that it was increased by the appointment of Nicholas Fairlamb,1 the latter a resident of the present county of Dela ware. The new committee of the county of Chester which had been selected on October 2d, by which some slight change was made in the personnel of that body, met shortly afterwards, and gave official publi cation to the following proceedings : " CnESTER, Oct. 23rd, 1775. " Pursuant to public notice given, the Committee met at the house of David Coupland, in the borough of Chester. On motion ordered, that each member of this Committee do immediately make return to the Chairman, of tho quantity of Powder which he already has or may col lect within his district, together with the price and the name of tlie owner thereof, that the same may be paid for. "On motion resolved, that Anthony Wayne, Francis Johnston, and Elisha Price Esqrs., Mr. Richardson, Mr. Knowles, Mr. Lloyd, and Mr. Brannan, be and they are hereby appointed a Committee of Correspond ence for this County. " By order of tho Committee. "Francis Johnston, Sec'y." It may be doubted whether any of the muskets ordered for Chester County were delivered until this month, for on October 6th, Mr. Dunwicke, a gun smith, "now employed in making the Provincial Muskets for Chester County," asked Council for an order on the commissary for two pounds of powder " to prove some of them now ready." Which request was granted, and the commissary ordered to be present when the firearms were tried.2 The necessity for a more thorough organization in the several counties became so apparent that the As sembly, on Nov. 25, 1775, adopted rules and regula tions to that end, and at the meeting of the committee of Chester County, on December 26th, that body re organized in conformity with the suggestions of the Legislature. At the same meeting the committee " Resolved, that Anthony Wayne, James Moore, Francis Johnston, Esq., Dr. Samuel Kenedy, Caleb Davis, William Montgomery, Persifor Frazer, and Richard Thomas, Gentlemen, or any five or more of them, be appointed, and they are hereby appointed to represent the county (if occasion be) in Provincial Convention for the ensuing year." The provincial authorities were very active in pushing forward military organizations, for Wash ington was constantly drawing the attention of Con gress to the fact that in a short time the term of ser vice of many of the troops with him, besieging Boston, would expire, and the army must be filled with fresh men. On Dec. 9, 1775, Congress resolved that four battalions should be raised in Pennsylvania, and on the 15th provided that the Committee of Safety should be requested to recommend proper persons as field- officers, from which names Congress would select and commission the colonels, lieutenant-colonels, and majors. Of all officers below the rank of major, the Committee of Safety were to make the appoint ments. On Jan. 2, 1776, the Committee reported the name of Anthony Wayne as colonel of the Fourth Battalion, which nomination was confirmed by Con gress. On the 3d of January the Committee nomi nated Francis Johnston as lieutenant-colonel, and on the 4th, Nicholas Haussegger as major of the same battalion, which nominations were promptly con firmed. The next day the Committee of Safety ap pointed Persifor Frazer, Thomas Robinson, John Lacey, Caleb North, Thomas Church, Frederick Ver non, James Moore, and James Taylor captains of the several companies of the Fourth Battalion, and they were commissioned as of that date.8 The battalion rendezvoused at Chester on February 9th, and on the 17th, Col. Wayne reported that five hundred and sixty officers and men were present at camp, and that ten commissioned officers were absent, with recruits, the number of which was sufficient, he believed, to make the battalion complete. At that date he stated he "had only twelve rifles and twenty muskets," and was in want of every other article. On January 22d, Congress ordered the companies, as fast as they were equipped, to march to New York. Robinson's, Church's, and Lacey's companies, under the command of Maj. Haussegger, reported at New York on the 28th. The troops must have been housed even as far • away from Chester as Darby, for on April 26th, Wayne arrived at New York, assumed command of his regi ment there, and dispatched Maj. Haussegger to Phil adelphia to immediately bring on the other five com panies, and we find that the next day he ordered Capt. Lacey to return to Darby and settle for the board of his (Lacey's) men. Capt. Lacey always asserted that Wayne had promised to settle that account himself, and he sent him (Lacey) back simply to have an op- 1 Colonial Records, vol. v. pp. 373-74. 2 lb., 356. 3 Penna. Archives, 2d series, vol. a. p. 119-136. Fourth Pennsylvania Battalion, Col. Anthony Wayne. THE REVOLUTIONARY STRUGGLE TO THE BATTLE OF BRANDYWINE. 45 portunity " to give the command of his company to his ' pet,' Capt. Moore." On Jan. 17, 1776, five days before Congress ordered Wayne's battalion to New York, the Committee of Safety resolved : " That Col. Wayne, Col. Johnston, TVIr. Bartholomew, & Mr. Riley be a Committee to Ex amine the Fire-locks, Cartridge-Boxes, Knapsacks, &c, as ordered by Assembly to be provided for Ches ter County . . . and make return of the same to this Board." The following day, January 18th, a member of the committee suggested that a thousand chosen riflemen should be recruited for the provincial service, which body should be stationed near Chester to harass the enemy in their march to Philadelphia, should they at tempt the capture of that city.1 At that time the gen eral confidence in the efficacy of the obstructions in the river was such that the thought of an attack by water was rarely entertained. The suggestion was adopted, and in the spring of 1776, Col. Samuel Miles was appointed to the command of a regiment of one thousand riflemen, formed in two battalions. This body of men must have begun to assemble at Marcus Hook and Chester early in April, 1776, for on the 13th of that month the Committee of Safety had a report from Col. Miles that there was not sufficient " houses or other buildings" in or about the towns mentioned to quarter the troops then being raised, and Council authorized Col. Miles to purchase one hundred good tents on the most reasonable terms he could.2 On April 17th, Caleb Davis made application to the com mittee for money to pay for fire-locks made in Chester County for the use of the province. He received fifteen hundred pounds for that purpose, to the order of the commissioners and assessors of the county, and also one hundred pounds for saltpetre, and two quarter-casks of gunpowder were ordered to be de livered to him.3 On March 25, 1776, Henry Fisher, at Lewes, Del., by express, notified the Committee of Safety that a sloop-of-war was coming into Whorekill " Road with a Small Tender," and it being night, he could not state whether she was bound up the bay or not, but every effort would be made to pre vent her procuring a pilot. The express was started at seven o'clock on Monday evening, and reached Ches ter by half-past two o'clock on Tuesday afternoon, where, after stopping forty minutes, Richard Kane, the messenger, left that place for Philadelphia. On the receipt of the dispatch, Council ordered Commo dore Caldwell to send four well-manned and armed boats down the river to Reedy Island, which galleys were directed to act with Capt. Barry of the brig " Lexington," and endeavor to capture the English vessel. Caldwell subsequently returned, for Council on April 30th ordered the fleet to go down the river again, if Mr. Mease and Mr. Morris thought it neces sary. It was ordered down, and in the mean time, as constant reports were being sent to the committee of the daily progress up the river«.of the British men-of- war, on May 7th, Robert Towers was directed to de liver to Col. Miles one thousand pounds of gun powder and two thousand pounds of lead, " or as great a part thereof as is in store, and for the use of the Associators of Chester County, to be consigned there agreeably to Col. Miles' direction, 20,000 Car tridges for Muskets." At the date just mentioned the " Roebuck" of forty-eight, and the " Liverpool" of twenty-eight guns, were off New Castle, bound up the river, and the galley fleet was ordered to attack them, while at the same time Col. Miles, who was at the meeting of the Council, went at once to Marcus Hook with some powder and lead for his riflemen, and the next morning marched one hundred and fifty of his men — all of his troops for whom he had equipments — to Wilmington, which place he reached in time (two o'clock in the afternoon) to see the action between the galleys and the British ships. " I am con vinced," he stated in his journal,4 "that had the gal leys been sufficiently supplied with ammunition in due time (although one-half of them appeared very shy, and never came within point-blank shot of the ships) that these vessels, at least the ' Roebuck,' would have fallen into our hands." Council, on June 12th, ordered Col. Miles to furnish from the provincial troops under his command guards over the powder- house, over the military stores deposited at the State- House, as well as the materials collected for fire-rafts at Philadelphia, stating the reason for this order was that the Continental troops had been withdrawn. Col. Atlee, on June 13th, from Chester, wrote to John Morton5 that, under Col. Miles' order, he had de tached four companies of " musquetrey," under Col. Parry, to Philadelphia, and would be pleased if the remainder of his battalion- could be ordered there, " that they might jointly be properly Disciplined." On the 17th, Atlee was directed to move bis whole battalion from Chester to be quartered in the barracks at Philadelphia. On July 3, 1776, Congress desired the Committee of Safety to send as many troops as they could spare immediately to Monmouth County, N. J., and the same day it is noted that " In Conse quence of the following Resolve of Congress, a Letter was wrote to Colo. Miles, requesting he would give orders for the most Speedy March of the Rifle Bat- talione to this city."6 From a letter written by Col. Miles to Richard Riley, dated July 10th, it appears that when the troops left Marcus Hook, in obedience to the foregoing order, a number of men inoculated for 1 Pennsylvania Archives, 2d series, vol. i. p. 471. ' a Colonial Records, vol. x. p. 540. 3 lb., 545. i Pennsylvania Archives, 2d series, p. 519. (See Pennsylvania Ar chives, 1st series, vol. iv. p. 748, for Col. Miles' report. From some of the reports made by the commanders of the galleys and Pennsylvania vessels of war, it is evident that they had no great longing for the allotted task, that of capturing the British men-of-war.) 5 lb., 1st series, vol. iv. p, 772. 6 Colonial Records, vol. x. p. 628. 46 HISTORY OF DELAWARE COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA. the smallpox had been left there under charge of Dr. Davis, who was afterwards ordered to join his com pany in the Jerseys, and the sick men " still remained at the Hook under the notice of Doct'r Chapman." Col. Miles therefore desired Mr. Riley to see that these sick men were served with every necessary pro vision.1 As stated in the letter hereinbefore quoted, giving an account of the activity in military affairs in the provinces as early as July, 1775, the people were busy " in making saltpetre." Grave apprehensions were entertained early in the war that possibly that commodity could not be had in sufficient quantity to meet the demand in making gunpowder. To prevent such a disaster the Committee of Safety made extraor dinary efforts to instruct the people in the manner of preparing the necessary article. Hence the following advertisement appeared in the Pennsylvania Packet in February, 1776 : " To the Inhabitants of the County of Chester : " Pursuant to the recommendation of the Committee of Safety for the Province of Pennsylvania to the Committee for Inspection for the County of Chester, Benjamin Brannan, Walter Finney, and John Beaton were appointed to attend the saltpetre manufactory in the City of Philadel phia, in order to perfect themselves in said art, We having complied therewith, do hereby give notice to all those whose public virtue and patriotic spirit would excite them to such a valuable and necessary un dertaking at this crisis of time; that attendance will be given at the house of Benjamin Brannan, in Darby,2 on tbe 23d and 24th of Febru ary ; at the house of Mr. Cochran, in East Fallowfield, on the 27th and 28th; at the house of Mr. Whithy (Withy), in the borough of Chester, on the 1st and second of March ; at the house of Mr. Hood, in Oxford, on the 4th and 5th ; at the house of Mr. Miller, in Birmingham, on the 6th and 7th ; at the house of Mr. Bell, in Kennet, on the 12th and 13th ; and at the house of Walter Finney, iu New London, on the 14th and 15th of said month, in order to teach and instruct all persons who may please to apply at the times and places above mentioned. "Benjami.v Brannan, " Walter Finney. " N.B. — The times and places in the North West district are not yet appointed." The Council next turned its attention to the erec tion and operation of powder-mills. On Feb. 3, 1776, Dr. Robert Harris proposed to the committee to build a mill on the Valley Stream, about twenty-five miles from the city, and stated that he would engage to be ready by the 1st of March to make one ton per week, on the same terms as the Committee of Safety would make with other parties.3 Dr. Harris and the com mittee entered into the agreement, but he did not locate his powder-mill at the place where he first in tended to have built it, for in John Ladd Howell's report to Owen Biddle, dated June 3, 1776,4 he de scribes his works thus : " Doctr. Robert Harris's, on Crum Creek, about three miles from Ches ter, begun to Work about the 23d ult. The dimensions of the Mill House 30 ft. by 20 ft. , Head of Water about 2% feet fall, about 6 ft. Water Wheel 12 ft. " The Shafts that Worke (Eighty Stampers of i% by 8% Inchs & 1 Colonial Records, vol. a. p. 783. 2 Dr. Smith Btates (Hist, of Delaware County, p. 288) that at that time Brannan lived in Upper Darby. 3 Penna. Archives, 1st series, vol. iv. p. 709. ' lb., p. 765. eleven ft. Length) is thirty-two ft. Long, five Mortars made of Two Inch Plank, about five foot each, one Stamper & Mortar for preparing Sulphur. " Drying House, 20 ft. by 15 ft., neither floor'd nor plastered. He has received one Ton of Salt Petre and five Hundred wht of Sulphur, or thereabouts, expected to deliver one Ton of Powder on the first Inst. & the same Quantity Weekly. "The sides of the Mill House & Gable Ends of that & the Drying House being enclosed by Boards not sufficiently seasoned, are very open & must have a bad effect on the Powder, yet the Doctr is of a Different Opinion." This mill was located in Springfield township at Strath-haven, on Crum Creek. In the same month, June, 1776, as the enlisted troops would be in all probability ordered away from Chester County, it was necessary to put the militia in such a condition that they could be called on in an emergency. Hence we find that on June 1st Col. Wil liam Montgomery was ordered to purchase a quantity of lead for the use of the Associators of Chester County,5 and shortly after an estimate was made of the number of firearms in the county, and the follow ing return was made :" 1st Battalion, Col. James Moore 380 2nd Battalion, Col. Thomas Hockley 400 3d Battalion, Col. Hugh Lloyd 300 * 4th Battalion, Col. William Montgomery* 450 6th Battalion, Col. Richard Thomas 300 1830 The dread that the enemy — whom it was known was preparing an expedition at Halifax — intended to make an attack on Philadelphia was so general that every means in the reach of the colony was employed to defend the city from the threatened assault. To that end, on June 19, 1776, Abraham Kinsey, the tenant of Samuel Galliway's estate on Hog Island, was notified that it might be necessary to " lay that island under Water on the near approach of the Enemy," but whatever injury he should sustain would be made good to him by the public. On June 20, 1776, George Bryan, the naval officer, was also in structed that no application for a cheveaux-de-frise pilot should be allowed unless the captain on oath declared that he would not take the pilot farther down the river than Chester, except in cases where the vessels should go down the bay under convoy of Continental sloops-of-war. On June 22d the committee ordered Robert Towers, commissary, to deliver to the colonels of the Battalions of Associators in Chester County the following quan tities of ammunition : " To Colo. James Moore : 2300 Cartridges for Provincial Muskets. 2070 do., sorted, for the other different Bores of Firelocks. 1500 flints. To Colo. Thorn's Hockly : 2300 Cartridges for Provincial MuBkets. 2300 do., sorted, for the other different Bores of Firelocks. 1600 flints. To Colo. Hugh Lloyd: 1840 do. for Provincial Muskets. 1610 do., sorted, for the other different Bores of Firelocks. 1200 flintB. 6 Colonial Records, vol. x. p. 692. 0 Penna. Archives, 1st series, vol. iv. p. 776. THE REVOLUTIONARY STRUGGLE TO THE BATTLE OP BRANDYWINE. 47 . To Colo. W°> Montgomery : 2760 Cartridges for Provincial Muskets. 2415 do., sorted, for the other different Bores of Firelocks. 1800 flints. To Colo. Rich'd Thomas: 1840 Cartridges for Provincial Muskets. 1610 do., sorted, for the other different Bores of Firelocks. 1200 flints. " And to each of the said Colonels, the same proportion of loose pow der and Lead, equal to the Quantity of partridges." * By this time almost unconsciously the public mind in the colonies had been rapidly educated to an ac ceptance of the idea of absolute independence from the kingdom of Great Britain. The stirring sentences of Paine's " Common Sense" had rung through the provinces like the blare of a trumpet, giving direction to the thoughts and ideas of the struggle, and " crys tallized into fixed purpose the wishes and hopes for independence," until those persons who, as members of the committee of Chester County, had only a few months before declared "their abhorrence even of an idea so pernicious" now gave support freely to the movement for the establishment of a new nationality on the earth. Congress, on May 15, 1776, recommended "the re spective Assemblies and Conventions of the United Colonies, where no government sufficient to the exi gencies of their affairs has been hereunto established, to adopt such government as shall, in the opinion of the representatives of the people, best conduce to the happiness and safety of their constituents in particu lar, and America in general." In Pennsylvania, where the legislative power had (by popular consent or obedience) been transferred to the Committee of Safety, the people were unwilling to submit the matter to an Assembly which had become simply the empty form of authority. Thereupon the Committee of Correspondence for Philadelphia communicated with all the county committees, appointing June 18th as a day for the meeting of a provincial confer ence to be held in Philadelphia. On that day the body thus summoned assembled in Carpenters' Hall, and elected Col. Thomas McKean president; Col. Joseph Hart, vice-president ; and Jonathan B. Smith and Samuel C. Morris, secretaries. The county of Chester, in that body, was represented by Col. Richard Thomas, Maj. William Evans, Col. Thomas Hockley, Maj. Caleb Davis, Elisha Price, Samuel Fairlamb, Capt. Thomas Levis, Col. William Montgomery, Col. Hugh Lloyd, Richard Riley, Col. Evan Evans, Col. Lewis Gronow, and Maj. Sketchley Morton. The conference unanimously resolved that the then form of provincial government was " not competent to the exigencies of our affairs," and that it was necessary that a convention should be called for the purpose of forming " a new government in this Province on the authority of the people alone." Thereupon the confer ence made provision for representation of every county in the province, and for an election of members to 1 Colonial Records, vol. i. p. 613. the proposed Constitutional Convention. On the 24th of June, 1776, the meeting adjourned, after each deputy had signed a declaration which stated their "willingness to concur in a vote of the Congress declaring the United Colonies free and independent States." The momentous event which made the year 1776 one of the most noticeable in the history of the world was at hand. For some time the fact that a separa tion was inevitable between the United Colonies and the mother-country was apparent, and the declaration of the deputies to the conference at Philadelphia, just mentioned, exhibits how popular the movement had already become. Hence, when the committee of Congress appointed to draft a formal Declaration of Independence reported to that body on the 28th of June, it needed no prophet to foretell the fate of the measure when the question as to its adoption should be submitted to the members, and it occasioned no surprise when, after some alterations had been made in the document, on July 4, 1776, it was sanc tioned by the vote of every colony. Of the eight members from Pennsylvania on the day of its adop tion, Robert Morris, John Dickinson, and Andrew Allen were absent; Benjamin Franklin, John Martin, and James Wilson voted in the affirmative, while Thomas Willing and Charles Humphreys recorded their voices against the Declaration. Of these men deemed worthy to represent the then wealthiest prov ince in the colonies in a Congress of the leading minds of the continent, it is a highly honorable record that there were two who were natives of the territory now Delaware County, — John Morton, of Ridley township, who voted in the affirmative, and Charles Humphreys, of Haverford township, who voted in the negative on the final question of the adoption of the Declaration. The convention which had been called to prepare a constitutional form of government for the republic of Pennsylvania met in Philadelphia July 15, 1776. Dr. Benjamin Franklin presided over the assemblage. The representatives from Chester County were Ben jamin Bartholomew, John Jacobs, Thomas Straw- bridge, Robert Smith, Samuel Cunningham, John Hart, John Mackey, and John Fleming. This con vention absolutely assumed the chief legislative and executive power in the province, appointed a Council of Safety, ratified the Declaration of Independence, and filled all the offices under the new order of things. The body continued in session until Sept. 28, 1776, when it adopted the constitution it had made, which went into effect immediately without being submitted to a vote of the people. By its pro visions the legislative power was reposed in a Gen eral Assembly acting as one House, the executive authority was vested in a president, who was to be chosen annually by the Assembly and Council in joint ballot, the Council consisting of twelve persons who were elected in classes for a term of three years. 48 HISTORY OF DELAWARE COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA. A council of censors was provided consisting of two persons from each city and county, the first members of which were to be chosen in 1783 and elected every seven years thereafter, whose province was to see that the legislative and executive branches had performed their duties properly, neither failing in nor exceeding their powers. On Nov. 13, 1783, the only council of censors ever chosen in pursuance of this constitution met at the State-House, Philadelphia, and continued its session until Sept. 25, 1784. Chester County was represented in that body by Anthony Wayne and John Evans. The latter dying while a member of the council, James Moore was chosen in his stead, being present Dec. 30, 1783, for the first time. After the Declaration of Independence, the men who had led the people forward to that step, now that the bonds that held them to the mother-country had been severed, put forth additional energy. It was the days when the bullets used in the chase and in war, at least in America, were cast of lead, and gen erally by those who used them ; hence the authorities were anxious to gather material which could at once be utilized for that purpose. On July 8, 1776, the Com mittee of Safety ordered certain gentlemen to collect " all the Leaden Window-weights, clock-weights, and other Lead in Germantown and its Neighborhood, for which the Liberal price of six Pence per pound will be allowed." I do not find that the county of Ches ter was distinctly named so far as gathering lead is concerned, but on July 17, 1776, the Committee of Safety made a general demand as follows : " The Families who have leaden Window- or Clock- Weights are earn estly requested to give them up immediately to the Persons appointed to Collect them. Such Families may be assured that they will be sup plied as soon as possible with Weights of Iron, and it is hoped the tri fling Inconvenience of being for a few days without them will not be put in Competition with the Danger that may Arise to this Country from the want of a sufficient quantity of Lead for our Defence."1 Guard boats were stationed in Darby Creek,2 for on July 26th, Capt. Charles Lawrence, William Watkin, and Robert Tatnall represented to Council that the inconvenience of going to the fort for provisions was such that they desired Sketchley Morton might be appointed to furnish their supplies, which order was made.3 The uncertainty as to the destination of the English expedition still hung over all the provinces, and extraordinary efforts were made to meet the storm when it should burst. On July 29th, Council ordered that fifty muskets should be delivered to Col. James Moore, of Chester County, for the use of his battalion,4 and on August 1st, Col. Moore made application for " 50 Bayonets or Tomhawks, 30 Hatchets, 100 screws, & 100 worms, for the use of his Battalion," and Com- 1 Colonial Records, vol. x. p. 649. 2 In a letter from David Joy to Samuel Howell, Jan. 16, 1776 (Penna. Archives, 1st series, vol. v. p. 700), the former suggested that a few fire- rafts should "be kept in some creek below the Chevee de Frizes in order to sett them on the Enemy ou the flood. Darby, Chester, or Ra coon creeks will do." 3 Colonial Records, vol. x. p. 656. i Ib.( p. g59. missary Towers was ordered to deliver these articles to the colonel.5 At this time there must have been an encampment of troops at Chester, for on August 5th, Council ordered £4 6s. Sd. to be paid James Pen- nell for wood delivered at that place " for the use of the Pennsylvania Musketry."6 The report that the British fleet had rendezvoused off Sandy Hook on the 28th of June had allayed somewhat the dread of an attack on Philadelphia, but the long delay in disem barking the troops and the constantly receiving tidings that daily reinforcements were being made by transports and vessels of war to the armada that was to subjugate the colonies kept alive the apprehension that at any moment the fleet might weigh, and almost before the news could be carried to Philadelphia the guns of the hostile vessels would announce their pres ence in the Delaware. Hence the alarming condition of the time demanded constant vigilance and prepa ration on the part of those men who, advocating in dependence, must do everything to resist the capture of the foremost city of the colony. August 6th, one hundred stand of arms was delivered to Col. Richard Thomas, of Chester County, for his battalion, and the following day thirty stand of arms was sent to Col. Moore. The same day the muster-master, Davis Bevan, of the borough of Chester, was instructed " to Pass Col. R'd Thomas's Battalion of Chester County with the Present number of Officers and Men," and the com missary was directed to supply the battalion with accoutrements, as also to immediately deliver to Col. Thomas sixty stands of arms.7 The alarm increasing, as news of unusual activity in the British fleet was received by express, the militia was hastily armed and mustered into the service, hence we find that on Au gust 8th the muster-master was ordered to pass Capt. Thomas Heslep's company of the First Battalion of Chester County, commanded by Col. Moore, with the number of officers and men then recruited. There was intense anxiety in the county of Chester at that time and unusual activity, as is evidenced from the minutes of the Council of Safety. On August 12th, Col. Richard Thomas received £196 3s., the price he had paid for eighty-one firelocks, bought of non-asso- ciators,8 and on the 14th of the same month fourteen pounds was paid for cartridge-boxes and bayonet-belts for Col. Thomas' command, while the same day £75 As. 6d. was paid for like articles for the use of Col. Moore's battalion.9 On the 20th of August the news, borne by express, reached Chester that the British fleet, under Sir Peter Parker, had been signally re pulsed at Fort Moultrie, and a few days subsequently that the English army had disembarked on Long Island, and hence the " Flying Camp" was dispatched immediately to New York. On August 23d, the day following that of the landing of Gen. Howe's 5 lb., p. 665. 8 lb., p. 681. • lb., p. 670. » lb., p. 685. ' lb., pp. 672-73. THE REVOLUTIONARY STRUGGLE TO THE BATTLE OF BRANDYWINE. 49 army on Long Island, Maj. Caleb Davis was paid £202 10s. for necessaries for the Chester County quota of the Flying Camp, and the same day John Hart was paid £5 14s. Sd. mileage for his company of Col. Lloyd's Chester County battalion, and Capt. Pierce of the same organization received £6 8s. Id. for mile age. The next day, August 24th, Capt. Andrew Boon of the Second Battalion received £6 2s. 6d. to pur chase drums, fifes, etc., for his company. Many of these men who marched from Chester County with the Flying Camp never returned, but in the early gray light of the morning of the 27th of August, 1776, their ghastly faces stiffened in death, when the first pitched battle of the war was begun by an attack on the Pennsylvania " Flying Camp" on Long Island. How severely the troops from Chester County suffered on that disastrous day can be inferred from the letter of Capt. Patrick Anderson to Benjamin Franklin, dated from West Chester County, N. Y., Sept. 22, 1776,1 and how bravely the women of Chester County acted at that time is shown by the following extract from the New England Courant of Sept. 5, 1776 : 2 "Philadelphia, August 27, 1776. — The Women of Chester County, Penna. Since the departure of the able-bodied men from the forks of the Brandywine, in Chester County, in the service of their country, the patriotic young women, to prevent the evil that would follow the neglect of putting in the fall crop in season, have joined the ploughs, and are preparing the fallows for seed ; and should their fathers, brothers, and lovers be detained abroad in defense of the liberties of these States, they are determined to put in the crops themselves, — a very laudable example, and highly worthy of imitation." The Council of Safety, on September 16th, resolved that the members of the Constitutional Convention, then in session, should recommend proper persons in their respective counties, to be appointed by Council, to purchase "blankets, coarse Woolens, Linens, & Stockings for the use of the Troops belonging" to Pennsylvania, and on the 4th of October, William Evans was desired " to purchase all the Coarse Cloths, Blankets, & Stockings in Chester County for the use of ye State, and draw on the Board for the Cost." 3 The following summons from the Council of Safety to the justices of Chester County* explains itself so far as known, for there appears no further reference to the matter in the official records of Council : " In Council of Safety, "Philadelphia, Oct'r. 9th, 1776. " Gentlemen : " You are hereby required to appear before this Council at Ten o'clock on Saturday morning, then and there to answer for your conduct in holding an Election on Tuesday of the first Instant, at the Borrough of Chester, apparently with a view of supporting the late Government of the King of Great Britain, in direct Violation of the resolves of Con gress and of the late Convention of this State. " By order of the Council. " Thos. Wharton, Jun., Pres't." 1 Penna. Archives, 1st series, vol. v. p. 26. See, in addition, Col. Atlee's journal, as well as that of Col. Miles, 1 Penna. Archives, 2d series, vol. i. pp. 512 to 522. 2 Futhey and Cope's "History of Chester County," p. 66. 3 Colonial Records, vol. x. p. 741. 4 Penna. Archives, 2d series, vol. i. p. 652. 4 On the 8th of November, 1776, Council order the sergeant-at-arms "to arrest Richard Swanwick, of Chester County," and bring him before that body, for what offense does not appear;6 and the next day an order was made that Rev. Mr. Rodgers be "paid £70, being part of his wages as Chaplain to late Miles's and Atlee's Battalion." On the 8th, too, we learn that Council gave orders requiring " Provisions to be made at Chester for Troops to Rendevous there." That such an encampment was located at that place at that time is inferentially established by the fact that on November 14th, " Intelligence was rec'd by Express that several hundred Transports had sailed from New York & steered their Cource to the South ward, & expected to be intended for this City ; where upon the Council wrote a Circular Letter to the Com manding Officers of the Battalions of Militia, earnestly requesting them to march their respective Battalions to this city Immediately."6 The next day Col. Bayard was paid fifty-seven shil lings for expenses going to Chester with Gen. Arm strong,7 and on the 21st, George Weiss received £5 for riding express to Chester County to order the militia to be in readiness to march at short notice.8 On the 23d, Council determined that the salt then in posses sion should be divided among the committees of the several counties, the proportion allotted to Chester being eighty bushels, which was to be sold to the people at the rate of fifteen shillings per bushel, and in no greater quantity than half a bushel to any one family. The salt was to be distributed equally ac cording to the necessities of the people, " for which purpose they are to require a declaration of what quantity they are possessed of more than their just proportion of the necessary article at a time of such very great scarcity of it." 9 On the 28th, Council de clared that the salt sent to the various counties, as mentioned, should be sold only to the militiamen who entered the service, or to their families 10 and reiterated the like order on November 30th. On Nov. 27, 1776, Dr. Thomas Bond wrote from New Brunswick, stating that he had obtained permis sion to carry the sick American soldiers under his care, and stated that it would be well to consult Gen. Mifflin on the desirability of locating hospitals at Darby, Chester, Marcus Hook, Wilmington, and New Castle. " I think the Water Carriage from Trenton to these Places would save much Carting, & this plan much better than one propos'd, of sending the Sick to East Town, Bethlehem, Nazareth, Reading, etc." u The times were unpropitious for the American col onists. The battle of Long Island had been fought and lost, New York had fallen, and Washington, ap parently driven from post to post, was retreating across New Jersey, followed by the victorious foe. It was to 6 lb., p. 644. 6 Colonial RecordB, vol. xi. p. 3. ' lb., p. 5. 8 lb., p. 11. 9 lb., p. 13. « Penna. Archives, 1st serie, vol. v. p. 79. "> lb., p. 20. 50 HISTORY OF DELAWARE COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA. prepare for the attack which threatened Philadelphia, alike by sea and land, that Council issued the order of Nov. 14, 1776, for all owners of cattle along the Delaware River to make arrangements to remove their stock inland at least five miles, notifying the owners that if they failed to act promptly in carrying out the order when required, the board " may be under the disagreeable necessity of giving the most peremptory order for the removal and to see that the same be punctually and suddenly complied with."1 At the same time the minutes of Council show that the ut most anxiety prevailed, and the activity displayed in collecting troops, for that time, was proportionally as great as when, ninety odd years later, the Confederate forces, under Lee, invaded Pennsylvania. As Wash ington drew nearer to Philadelphia, retiring before the exulting enemy, his army dwindled to a mere handful of war-worn, ill-clad, ill-fed, ill-armed troops, fleeing across New Jersey, sorely pursued by Lord Cornwallis' overpowering force of twenty thousand men, the flower of the English soldiery, the na tion's fate trembled on the verge of ruin. On No vember 30th, Council resolved "that in the present alarming situation of affairs" no vessel should be per mitted to leave the port of Philadelphia, and all ship ping was interdicted passing through the chevaux- de-frise. Money was immediately dispatched to the colonels of the militia organizations in the counties of Chester, Philadelphia, Bucks, Northampton, and the city of Philadelphia to furnish support to " the families of such associators as go into actual service and may stand in need of the same," which money was to be distributed among the families requiring supplies, " from time to time, according to their need, in the most discreet manner." 2 On December 1st dispatches were sent by expresses to Chester, Phila delphia, Bucks, and Northampton Counties to hasten the march of militia to reinforce Gen. Washington in New Jersey. On the 3d, Council desired the members of Assembly from the counties of Philadelphia, Ches ter, Bucks, and Lancaster 'to recommend immediately in the respective counties, proper persons to be ap pointed by the board to hire all the wagons in those counties.5 On the 4th, Dr. Robert Harris was paid fifty-eight pounds for making powder at his mills, at Strath-haven, on Crum Creek, and the same day Mr. Towers was ordered to deliver to Dr. Harris a ton of saltpetre and sulphur, in proportion to make gun powder.* The same day John Morton was paid £3 6s. for wharfage of the floating-battery " Arnold," in the preceding March. This, doubtless, must relate to ex penses incurred while the war-boats and galleys lay in Darby Creek. On the 8th of December the American army crossed the river from New Jersey to the west bank, and so eager were the pursuing enemy that they came in sight 1 Colonial Records, vol. xi. p. 4. 2 lb., p. 23. a lb., p. 28. 4 lb., p. 30. but a few moments after the rear-guard had passed over and destroyed the bridges. The English com mander was so assured that the armed resistance of the colonies was virtually at an end, that leave was given Lord Cornwallis to return to England, and he had gone to New York with the intention of embark ing for Europe. The hopes of the colonists were over clouded with doubts. The Council, however, hurried forward the raw levies of militia to reinforce the wasted ranks of the Continental army. On December 11th, Col. Evan Evans, of Chester County, was paid £2 9s. 4d. for the transportation of the baggage of his company, as well as £2 0s. 5d. for flints and lead for his battalion. Col. James Moore received one hundred pounds to advance a month's pay to his battalion,5 and on the 14th, Col. Evans received " 1000 dollars to pay his Battalion of Militia a month's wages advance." 6 On Dec. 11, 1776, Capt. Hammon, of the British vessel-of-war "Roebuck," landed Davis Bevan and Benjamin Canby at Lewes under parole, with instruc tions to proceed to Philadelphia and make arrange ment for an exchange of prisoners of war. It seems that the schooner " Nancy," of which vessel Davis Bevan was master, had been captured by the " Roe buck," and he, Canby, and other Americans, prison ers of war in the hands of the commander of tbe British vessel, were exchanged Dec. 30, 1776. The cause of the united colonies seemed, previous to the holidays of 1776, almost beyond hope ; only the most patriotic citizens could bear up against the constant reverses which attended the Continental arms, and it is not surprising that less than a week before the brilliant affair at Trenton Col. Francis Johnston, in a letter dated from New London Cross- Road, December 21st, should present the following gloomy picture of the uncertainty that maintained among the inhabitants of Chester County respecting the outcoming of the struggle, and their hesitancy to part with any commodities in exchange for Continen tal currency. He i " I think it my Duty to inform you of the strange and perverse Change in PolitickB which hath taken place through a great part of this County. " Even some quondam associators, as well as conscientiously scrupu- lous men, totally refuse to accept Congress money as payment for old Debts, And there are some so maliciously averse to our support of Lib erty that they refuse to part with any commodity whatsoever, even the Necessaries of Life, unless tbey can get hard money or the old Paper Currency of this Province. Most of the Tavern Keepers who are friends on the Lancaster Road have pull'd down their Signs, & refuse the Soldiery Provisions or drink — they will assign you no reason for such conduct ; the reasou, however, is too evident, they are afraid to receive Congress Money." " Col. Johnston was not only incensed at the conduct of the people of Chester County, but on Jan. 7, 1777, he gave Council to understand that the appointment of junior officers over his "head" was objectionable; particularly the case of Lieut.-Col. Penrose brought s lb., p. 44. ° lb., p. 60. 7 Penna. Archives, 1st series, vol. v. p. 100; see also 2d series, vol.i. p. 657. Ib., 1st series, vol. v. p. 125. THE REVOLUTIONARY STRUGGLE TO THE BATTLE OF BRANDYWINE. 51 forth his indignation, but his wrath was mollified when, on Feb. 21, 1777, Congress promoted Col. An thony Wayne to the rank of brigadier-general, and he (Johnston) was made the colonel of the Fifth Pennsylvania Regiment, Persifor Frazer its lieuten ant-colonel, and Thomas Robinson its major. The term of the Fourth Pennsylvania Battalion had ex pired on Jan. 5, 1777, but it remained over until Jan uary 24th to allow other troops to be enlisted and forwarded to take its place. It is, however, not to be inferred from the foregoing remark that the Fourth Battalion marched away from the field in a body, for the fact is that the greater number of Wayne's men, being of Irish birth or descent, re-enlisted, under their old officers, in the Fifth Regiment of the Penn sylvania line.1 Those who did not re-enter the ser vice were ordered to Chester, where the battalion was mustered out Feb. 25, 1777. On the same day John Evans, of Chester County, was notified that he had been elected a member of the Council of Safety, the duties of which office he assumed shortly afterwards. Although early in the year the storm of war, owing to Washington having assumed the offensive, had rolled away from Philadelphia, the Council did not lessen its efforts to place the Continental army in as efficient condition as possible, and to that end, on Jan. 13, 1777, it required the commissioners in the several counties in the State to furnish thirty-eight thousand bushels of horse feed, and of that total, four thousand bushels were required for Chester County. At this time the prevalent idea was that Gen. Howe proposed to make an attempt to capture Philadelphia by water, and this impression was confirmed when, on March 25th, James Molesworth, who bore a lieutenant's com mission from Gen. Howe, was arrested in Philadelphia, charged with attempting to obtain a chevaux-de-frise and two bay pilots, to bring the British fleet up the Delaware. Not only did he attempt to corrupt pilots to that end, but he strove to have accomplices, whose duties it should be to spike the guns at Fort Island (Fort Mifflin), and to destroy the posts and ropes at the ferries. Molesworth was tried by court-martial, on the charge of being a spy, was found guilty, and hung March 31, 1777.2 Previous to his execution he 1 In Gen. Henry Lee's " Memoirs of the War in the Southern Depart ment," vol. ii.p. 203, the personnel of the Pennsylvania Line is thus de scribed: "Wayne had a constitutional attachment to the decision of the sword, and this cast of character had acquired strength from indulgence, as well as from the native temper of the troops he commanded. They were known by the designation of the Line of Pennsylvania, whereas they might have been with more propriety called the Line of Ireland. Bold and daring, they were impatient and refractory, and would always prefer an appeal to the bayonet to a toilsome march. Restless under the want of food and whiskey; adverse to absence from their baggage, and attached to the pleasures of the table. Wayne and his brigade were more encumbered with wagons than any equal portion of the army. The general and his soldiers were singularly fitted for close and stubborn action, hand to hand, in the centre of the army. Cornwallis, therefore, did not miscalculate when he presumed that the junction of Wayne would increase rather than diminish his chances of bringing his antago nist, Lafayette, to action." 2 Penna. Archives, 1st series, vol. v. p. 282; Colonial Records, vol. xi. p. 197. made a confession, and accused a number of persons as being implicated in the design to restore the royal authority in Philadelphia. Council hastened its preparation to meet the threatened invasion, and on April 3d a hundred wagons drawn by four horses was called for by the Board of War, to remove public stores from Philadelphia to the west side of the Schuylkill. Col. Caleb Davis, Maj. Evans, Col. Wil liam Dewees, and Isaac Webb were designated to hire such wagons in Chester County. On April 21st Coun cil instructed the committees of the counties of Bucks, Philadelphia, and Chester " to take an Inventory of all the Flour, Wheat, Rye, and Indian Corn, Oats, Beef, Pork, Horses, Neat Cattle, Sheep, Hogs, &c, also Wagons, Carts, &c," in each county, and make re turn as quickly as possible, so that in the event of sudden alarm the provender and live stock might be removed to a place of safety. This was the osten sible reason for this order, but in all probability the purpose was to ascertain how much and where located were the articles enumerated, so that, if necessary, they might be impressed for the use of the American army. Robert Smith had been appointed lieutenant of Chester County on March 12, 1777, which office gave him the rank of colonel, and devolved on him the duties of raising, arming, and provisioning the mili tary contingent in his district, and preparing the troops when called into service. They remained under his command until ordered to take the field. On April 12th, Col. Smith reported that Chester County then contained five thousand men capable of bearing arms, and he promised to use his utmost ex ertions to get his contingent in the greatest possible state of forwardness.8 On April 24th, Congress re quested that three thousand of the militia of Penn sylvania, exclusive of the militia of the city of Phila delphia, should be called, one-half of the "troops to rendezvous at Chester, on the Delaware." The fol lowing day Council ordered the lieutenants in the several counties to furnish men, although the number from Chester County was not designated. Each man was to be provided with a blanket, which was to be purchased; if that could not be done blankets were to be impressed, but in a way that should give the least offense to the public. The troops from the 3 Penna. Mag. of Hist., vol. iv. p. 84: " The onerous duties of his office were discharged in au active, untiring, self-sacrificing spirit, and much of his property melted away during the war, partly from direct gifts to the army and to the needy families of the soldiers, and partly because his public duties gave him no time to attend to his private business. On one occasion when foragers were sent into TJwchlan to procure supplies for the famishing army at Valley Forge, Col. Smith assisting to load corn from his own stores into the wagon, was urged by his wife to keep enough to subsist his own family through the winter. He replied, say ing that the Boldiers' needs were greater than their own, and continued his work till the wagons were filled and his granary was almost empty. He spoke with feeling in his latter life of taking, on another occasion, unthreshed wheat to Valley Forge, and being met on his arrival at the edge of the encampment by numbers of hungry men, who seized the sheaves and mitigated the pangs of hunger by eating the grains, which they rubbed out with their hands." Ib., p. 85. 52 HISTORY OF DELAWARE COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA. counties of Chester, Lancaster, and York were ordered to form a camp "at or near Chester."1 Col. Smith acted promptly, as did the other counties' lieutenants, for May 30th Council notified Congress that the militia called out by the recommendation of that body was encamped at the places named, part of the troops being already there and the remainder pre paring to march ; that as Council had but few arms fit for service, Congress was requested to furnish arms, tents, and camp equipage. On June 11th, Benjamin Brannon, sub-lieutenant of the county of Chester, ap plied to Council for a cannon, that several companies of artillery had been formed in the county, hence he desired that the men might practice with the gun, and to that end also asked for a few pounds of powder. On the 14th, Council ordered that the first class of militia should be immediately forwarded to camp, and the second class be ordered to march, and the third class be held in readiness to move on short notice. The same day Col. Robert Smith received one thousand pounds to equip the militia of Chester County, and he was also instructed to send to Phila delphia thirty wagons. This activity was due to the intelligence Congress had received that Gen. Howe proposed marching to and reducing Philadelphia. When the British army, on June 13th, actually made an advance in two columns from Brunswick, the news was dispatched by Washington to Congress, and being received the next day, prompt measures were taken to meet the threatened attack. On the 17th, Lewis Granow, sub-lieutenant of Chester County, received four thousand dollars to purchase substitutes, blankets, etc., and od the 20th four hundred stand of arms was delivered to Col. Smith. The next day he received a like number each of canteens, knapsacks, priming- wires, brushes, and cartouch-boxes. John Beaton was appointed paymaster of the Chester County militia. On the 21st two thousand dollars were appropriated for paying substitutes in Chester County, and on the 24th a like sum for the same purpose. On July 12th Col. Smith reported that notwithstanding repeated orders only three hundred and twenty men of the Chester County militia had arrived at Chester, and two hundred of these were substitutes. Col. John Hannum was then commanding officer at that sta tion. The alarm having passed away on the return of the British army to Brunswick on the 25th, Coun cil, considering "the extreme inconveniency arising from the march of the militia in the time of Har vest," countermanded the order for the levies to go to camp, but instructed the lieutenants of the counties of Philadelphia and Chester that it was unnecessary to move the second class of militia, but that it should be held in readiness to march at the shortest notice. On July 9th, Council requested the magistrates of the counties of Philadelphia, Chester, and Bucks to re turn the names of persons well qualified to take an 1 Penna. Archives, 1st series, vol. v. p. 321. account of all flour, wheat, grain, and other stores in the several counties, so that it might be removed "in case the Enemy's movements should make it neces sary," and on the 29th Council appointed John Pear son, Nicholas Deihl, Isaac Hendrickson, Isaac Serrill, Harvey Lear, and Jacob Richards, to be added to a committee consisting of Samuel Levis, William Ker- lin, and Sketchley Morton, which had been appointed to drive off the stock in the county of Chester on the approach of the British forces. On July 20, 1777, Congress received information that a British fleet of one hundred and sixty sail was in the Narrows, on the way to Sandy Hook. On the 22d, Washington, perplexed as to the destination of Howe, requested that trustworthy persons should be stationed at the Capes of the Delaware to give prompt notice if the fleet should appear in that quarter. In the early morning of July 23d the expedition sailed, but owing to light winds and fog the fleet did not get in sight of the Capes until the 30th, when expresses from both Cape May and Lewes were sent to Council apprising that body that the fleet of two hundred and twenty- eight vessels was in sight. Gen. Mifflin was at the time in Chester, for he signed for and indorsed the time of departure from that place on the dispatch from Lewes. Late on the 31st the hostile vessels bore away to the southward. Geh. Howe, in his narrative, states, " that finding it hazardous to sail up the Dela ware, he agreed with the admiral to go to Chesapeake Bay, a plan which had been preconcerted in the event of a landing in the Delaware proving upon our arrival there ineligible."2 On July 9th, Gen. Washington had requested Council to have a plan of the shore of the Delaware River made, and on the 18th that body notified the commander-in-chief that General Du Coudray had produced a plan of a fortification to be erected at Bil- lingsport to prevent the enemy removing the ehevaux- de-frise at that place, and the chart would be made of the shore of the river as soon as proper surveyors could be procured. On the 24th the " proper sur veyors" were procured, for four persons were directed to make " A Survey of the Shore of the River Dela ware and of the land for about four miles to the Westward, taking in the Great Road leading to the Southward, when they may extend further than that distance from the river, and remarking the several places where an enemy may land and the kind of ground adjoining, whether marshy, hilly, open, or covered with woods, and when there are several heights near each other remark'g their altitudes and distances apart, remarking particularly the several Creeks and streams of water as high up, at least, as the tide flows, and the places where they may be 2 George H. Moore, a gentleman whose assertion on any historical topic is always worthy of consideration, states in his work, " The Trea- Bon of Charles Lee," that this movement was made by Gen. Howe, at the treasonable suggestion of Gen. Lee, the English soldier who had re ceived so many honors at the hands of the American Congress. THE REVOLUTIONARY STRUGGLE TO THE BATTLE OP BRANDYWINE. 53 forded or passed by bridges. Where there are Swamps near the river, or roads, not'g particularly their kinds & size nearly. Passes of difficulty to an army to be accurately surveyed and well described." Nathan Sellers was directed to make the survey from the Schuylkill River to Christiana Creek, which included all the territory now Delaware County, in which duty he was enjoined to use secrecy and dis patch. When the news of the arrival of the British fleet at the cape of the Delaware was received, Council prepared to meet the threatening attack, and as many of the militia were without guns, it was ordered that those persons who had not taken the oath of alle giance to the colonies should immediately be dis armed, " and their arms made use of by those who are willing to risk their lives to defend their liberties and property."1 On August 1st the justices of Chester County returned the names of a number of citizens in the county who were, in their opinion, proper per sons to take an account of the grain and other stores within twenty miles distant westward from the river Delaware, and also persons to provide for the poor who might be compelled to leave Philadelphia in the event of an attack on that city by the British forces. The major part, if not all, of the persons thus sug gested resided without the present county of Delaware. Washington was at this time in Philadelphia, and on August 1st, in company with Lafayette, — whom the commander-in-chief had met for the first time the day previous at a dinner-party, — he inspected the for tifications on the Delaware River,2 and proceeded as far as Chester, from which place Washington, on the date just mentioned, addressed a letter to Gen. Put nam.3 On Aug. 14, 1777, Col. Galbraith wrote from Lan caster that he had dispatched nearly one thousand militia on foot for the camp at Chester, but they had neither arms, accoutrements, camp-kettles, etc., — nothing except blankets.* Two days subsequently, John Evans, member of Council, wrote from Chester that about one thousand militia was assembled at that place from Berks County, part of two classes ; from Cumberland one company, and part of two companies from Lancaster; the Chester County class "was about half completed, and when completed" would have arms sufficient for their own use, but several com panies from other counties must be supplied. The quartermaster reports, he says, " that it will be diffi cult to find shelter for any more troops at this place, all the empty houses being now occupied.5 The next day, Col. Jacob Morgan wrote from Reading that the greater part of the twelve companies from Berks County— two battalions under Cols. Daniel Hunter 1 Peuna. Archives, 1st series, vol. v. p. 472. 2 Sparks' " Life of Washington," p. 232. 3 Sparks' " Correspondence of Washington,' 4 Penna. Archives, 1st series, vol. v. p. 521. 5 lb., p. 529. vol. v. p. 2. and Daniel Udree, comprising six hundred and fifty- six men — had marched for Chester, and by that time were doubtless at that place.6 On the 18th, Col. Ben jamin Galbraith notified Council that the third class of Lancaster County had marched to Chester, and re quested that commissions for the officers of the three classes of militia from that county be sent there.7 In the mean while no further intelligence being received of the movements of the British fleet, the opinion became general that one of the Southern seaports was the point of destination, and as the expense of massing the militia bore heavily on the indigent commonwealth, on Aug. 20, 1777, Council called the attention of the Pennsylvania delegation in Congress to the fact that the militia called into service had encamped at Chester, and were still reporting there ; that as it was the season for sowing winter wheat, on which the country largely depended, it would be a relief to industrious people if public affairs would permit the discharge of part of the militia at Chester, " particularly as they were defi cient in arms and blankets and wholly unprovided with tents."8 The following day a dispatch was received in Phila delphia, stating that on the night of the 14th instant the British fleet had been seen standing in between the Capes of Chesapeake Bay. Washington, who was rest less in his encampment on the Neshaminy, had that very day apprised Congress that he would move his army to the Delaware the next morning, proposing to march thence to the Hudson River, which proposition on his part, notwithstanding the reported news from the fleet, was approved by Congress. The commander- in-chief, however, determined to halt until further intelligence was received, which came the next day confirmatory of the enemy's presence in Chesapeake Bay. Washington at once ordered Gen. Nash, then at Trenton, N. J., to embark his brigade and Col. Proctor's corps of artillery, if vessels could be pro cured for the purpose, and proceed to Chester ; or, if vessels could not be had, to hasten towards that place by land with all possible speed.9 On the 23d the Continental army broke camp and moved for Philadel phia, through which city it passed early the next day, August 24th (Sunday), marching down Front Street to Chestnut, and up Chestnut to the Middle Ferry, Washington himself riding at the head of the column and Lafayette at his side. That evening the army encamped in and about Chester, and the next even ing (the 25th) they reached Wilmington.10 On the « lb., p. 530. ' lb., p. 532. 8 lb., p. 536. 9 Penna. Mag. of Hist.,\o\. i. p. 282. lo "Washington's Encampment on the Neshaminy," by William J. Buck ; Penna. Mag. of Hist., vol. i. p. 284. Irving says, in speaking of the 25th of August, "The divisions of Gens. Greene and Stephen were within a few miles of Wilmington ; orders were sent for them to march thither immediately. The two other divisions, which had halted at Chester to refresh, were to hurry forward." — Irving's " Life of Wash ington," RiverBide edition, vol. iii. p. 205. In Townsend Ward's most interesting "Walk to Darby" (Penna. Ma.j. of Hist., vol. iii. p. 262) it is 54 HISTORY OF DELAWARE COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA. morning of that day the British army landed at the head of Elk,1 or, rather, some distance above the mouth of the Elk River.2 The effect of the news of the approach of Gen. Howe's expedition aroused Congress and Council to renewed exertion. The former, on August 22d, re quested the State of Pennsylvania to keep four thou sand militia in readiness to assist in repelling the threatened attack. The following day Council or dered Col. Henry, of the city and liberties of Phila delphia, to complete the third class of Philadelphia militia, which was ordered to march to Downingtown, while the artillery of the same locality was to assem ble in numbers equal to three-eighths of the whole corps, which (with cannon) were ordered one-half to Chester and the other half to Downingtown, there to await the commands of Washington. Maj. -Gen. John Armstrong, the veteran Indian fighter, was placed in command of the forces at Chester. On the 26th Deputy Wagonmaster-Gen. Thomas Hale applied to Council for wagons for Gen. Nash's brigade, and the justices of Chester County were ordered to furnish seven wagons, which, if not immediately forthcoming, were to be impressed. The following day the justices were required to send to Philadelphia twenty-five wagons. On August 29th Gen. Armstrong wrote from Chester stating that matters there had " been that of a chaos, a situation more easy to conceive than describe." He had, however, forwarded at least eighteen hun dred men, and also, in concert with Gen. Potter, he had formed a rifle regiment of three hundred men, had given Col. Dunlap, who was " not unacquainted with the business of a Partisan," command of it, and it would march to Marcus Hook the next day. The three hundred men, as well as the one hundred and sixty which he would send to Wilmington that day, were not included in the number he had mentioned as already forwarded to Washington's army. He stated that the want of arms was the " great complaint at a crisis like this."3 On August 31st Council au thorized Gen. Armstrong to buy blankets for the use of the troops, but if purchasing was impracticable to make as equal and moderate a levy of blankets as circumstances would permit upon the inhabitants of Chester County, " confining the same to persons who refuse to bear arms or take an active part in the defence of their bleeding country, now invaded by a said, " It was here, along the higher ground on the left bank of the Kakari Konk (Cobb's Creek), that Washington, when moving towards the field of Brandywine, was forced, by rains so heavy as to swell the stream almost beyond precedent, to remain three days inactive." Did not the incident thus described occur when the army was moving southward to meet Cornwallis in Virginia? 1 "Journal of Capt. John Montressor," l'enna. Mag. of Hist., vol. v. p. 409. There is au error in the day of the week on which the landing « as made, as recorded in the journal. Capt. MontresBor notes Aug. 25, 1777, as falling on Sunday, while the minutes of the Supreme Executive Council record Saturday as Aug. 23, 1777. - Johnson's " History of Cecil County, Md.," p. 327. 3 Penna. Archives, 1st series, vol. v. p. 563. cruel enemy." He was instructed to employ proper and discreet persons to make the levy, to appraise the blankets, certify the number and value of the articles, from whom taken, as well as the townships wherein the levies were made. The general was recommended to keep account of the blankets collected that they might be returned to the militia, so that the troops subsequently called into service could be supplied therewith.* The two days immediately succeeding the landing of the British at Elk were stormy, with lightning and thunder, which delayed the advance of their army. On the morning of October 27th, two divisions of light infantry, under Howe, moved forward, and the army of invasion thus began its march in the direction of the city of Philadelphia. The lines of the royal troops, who had proceeded slowly and cautiously on Wednesday, the 3d day of September, extended from Aikentown (now Glasgow) to a point some distance northwest of the Baptist Church on Iron Hill, in Pencader Hundred, Del., when at the latter place their vanguard was encountered by Gen. Maxwell's brigade, consisting of a detachment of Continental and the Maryland and Delaware militia. An English officer records, " The Rebels began to attack us about nine o'clock with a continued smart irregular fire for near two miles." 5 The American sharpshooters as usual did good service, but being inferior in number and without artillery, were pushed backward and finally compelled to retreat across White Clay Creek with a loss of forty killed and wounded. The English claimed that their loss was three killed and twenty wounded,6 but a woman who the following day had been in the British camp declared she saw nine wagon- loads of wounded brought in. On September 1st, Gen. Armstrong had forwarded almost all the troops at Chester to Washington's com mand, and proposed following them himself the next day after he had adjusted some matters requiring his personal supervision. Three days later Council wrote to Gen. Armstrong stating that a part of the militia of Chester belonging to a class which had not been called into service had formed themselves into companies and had applied for ammunition and rations at headquarters, and had been refused. Council was willing to encourage those people " at this juncture," and if they could be of use in the field, would " consider their two months service at this time as if they had served in future classes." These men were from the southern part of Chester County, and Col. Smith the same day was directed to extend the like terms " to all other volun teers that may go forth in this common cause, they first accommodating their services to the ideas of Gen. A." On September 5th the American army was encamped 4 Colonial RecordB, vol. ix. p. 285. 6 Capt. Montrossor's Journal, Penna. Mag. of History, vol. v. p. 412. » lb., p. 413. THE BATTLE OP BRANDYWINE. 55 on the east side of Red Clay Creek, and all the troops in Wilmington were ordered to march to Newport, excepting Gen. Irwin's brigade, which was to remain in Wilmington, at work on the intrenchments at that place. "The enemy," writes Gen. Armstrong, "as far as we yet learn, appear to spread over some con siderable space of Country, but in a detached way from Couches Mills to some part of Nottingham."1 The same day the Navy Board recommended to Council that as there were reasons to believe that some vessels of the English fleet would attempt to approach the city, a certain number of persons should be assigned to flood Hog Island, and that ninety or one hundred men should garrison the fort at Darby Creek. Council requested the Navy Board to see to the flooding of the Island, and ordered a company of artillery and a com pany of " Musqueters," under the command of Col. Jehu Eyre, to the works at Darby Creek. Congress having recommended, on September 5th, a call for five thousand militia of Pennsylvania, the following day Council directed the several lieutenants of the counties to order the militia to immediately march to Darby, where they were " to rendezvous on the heights," and to "appear with what arms they have, or can procure, and otherwise equipped in the best manner they may be able." These equipments, including blankets, Council assured the troops, would be paid for by the State in the event of their being " taken by the enemy or otherwise unavoidably lost." 2 This call for militia only included those of the counties of Philadelphia, Chester, York, Cumberland, and Northumberland.3 Why Lancaster was omitted does not appear on the records of the Executive Council. We also learn from the journal of Capt. Montressor, chief engineer of the British army, that three fugitives came into Howe's camp on the 5th of September and reported that Gens. Mifflin and Cadwallader were, "with what militia they have and can collect, at Chester, with an intention to harass our rear." * Deputy Quartermaster-General Mifflin, on Septem ber 7th, wrote to Council from Newport, stating that the English army had disencumbered itself of all heavy baggage, and was then in light marching order. Washington, thereupon, had directed all baggage, ex cepting blankets and " a few small clothes," to be sent away from the army, and for that purpose Quarter master Mifflin desired a hundred wagons be at once ordered to headquarters. These teams were " to be placed in the rear of the divisions, and immediately on an alarm the tents and small packs left with the men were to be sent over Brandywine." The follow ing day Council directed one hundred wagons from Berks, and a like number from Lancaster County, to report to Mifflin. Gen. Armstrong, on the 8th, stated that the night 1 Penna. Archives, 1st series, vol. v . p. 587. 3 Colonial Records, vol. xi. p. 293. * Penna. Mag. of Hist., vol. v. p. 414. ¦¦ lb., p. 592. previous he had told Washington that in his opinion Howe's intention was to re-embark on the Delaware, cross to the New Jersey side, march up to the "Shevar de frize," clear the way for the fleet, and then bombard Philadelphia. He, therefore, was urgent for an attack on Howe in his camp.5 The commander-in-chief, however, had strengthened his position, intending to offer battle on Red Clay Creek, but on the very day on which Gen. Armstrong wrote to Council, Howe advanced in two columns, one as if threatening an immediate attack, while the other, extending its left, halted at Milltown. At once Washington detected the intention of the British general, which was to march by his right, throw his army suddenly across the Brandywine, occupy the heights on the north ef that creek, and thus cut the Continental arms abso lutely off from communication with Philadelphia. Had Howe succeeded in that movement it is not probable that anything other than the total surrender of the American forces could have followed its con summation. That evening Washington held a coun cil of war, at which it was decided at once to change position. At two o'clock in tbe morning the army was on the march, and had already crossed the Brandy wine. On Tuesday afternoon, September 9th, in pur suance of the enemy's plan, Lieut.-Gen. Knyphausen, with the Third Division and two British brigades, marched for Kennett Square via New Garden. That afternoon, at half-past five o'clock, Gen. Howe as certained that Washington had " evacuated Newport and Wilmington, and had taken post at Chad's Ford on the Brandywine Creek."6 Washington having moved almost due north from Newport on the after noon of the 9th, was intrenched on the high ground immediately north of the present Chad's Ford Hotel. During the night of the 10th, Maxwell's Light Infan try, which had the advanced posts, dug intrenchments on the west side, covering the approaches to the ford, and at this point Washington decided to deliver battle in defense of Philadelphia. CHAPTER VIII. THE BATTLE OF BRANDYWINE. " The Brandywine Creek, as it is called, com mences with two branches called the East and West branches, which unite in one stream, flowing from West to East about twenty-two miles, and emptying itself into the Delaware about twenty-five miles below Philadelphia."7 The union of these branches takes place over four miles above where the stream crosses the circular boundary-line dividing Delaware County 6 Penna. Archives, 1st series, vol. v. p. 598. 0 Penna. Mag. of Hist., vol. v. p. 415. ' Irving's " Life of Washington," vol. iii. p. 213 56 HISTORY OP DELAWARE COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA. from the State of Delaware. The banks of the creek were steep, uneven, and covered with a heavy growth of forest trees at the period of which I am writing, and for the accommodation of public travel, roads had been cut and graded at convenient points to reach the fords of the Brandywine ; that most gen erally used being on the direct road to Philadelphia and known as Chad's Ford. The topography of that section, in a military aspect, impressed the English chief of engineers as •' an amazing strong country, being a succession of large hills, rather sudden with narrow vales, in short an entire defile." 1 Washington, as before stated, at Chad's' Ford, the centre of his position, where he anticipated the prin cipal attack would be made, had stationed the main body of his army under command of Maj. -Gen. Greene, and comprising the brigades of Gens. Wayne, Weedon, Muhlenberg, and Maxwell's Light Infantry. Slight earthworks and a redoubt had been constructed, and Col. Proctor, with his Pennsylvania Artillerists, was in charge of the battery of six guns, which com manded the usual crossing of the stream at that place. Wayne's brigade, with Proctor's men, occupied the intrenchments, while Weedon's and Muhlenberg's brigades of Virginia troops were stationed some dis tance in the rear as a reserve. The Pennsylvania militia, under Gen. John Armstrong, constituted the left wing and extended through the rough ground — then known as Rocky Field — to Pyle's Ford, two miles below Chad's, and there Col. Jehu Eyre, with Capt. Massey's and McCullough's companies of the ar tillery militia of Philadelphia, had placed his cannons so as to prevent the crossing of the stream at that point by the enemy. The right wing of the American army was composed of six brigades, in three divisions, that of Gen. Sullivan's on the left, Gen. Lord Stirling on the right, and Gen. Stephens in the centre, reach ing about two miles up the creek beyond Washing ton's headquarters, while the pickets were extended well up the stream, Maj. Spear being stationed at Buffington's Ford, now Brinton's, five miles beyond Chad's Ford. On the evening of the 9th of September the two divisions of the British army under Lord Cornwallis and Maj. -Gen. Grant marched from Howe's head quarters, in Mill Creek Hundred, Del., to Hock Hossing Meeting-House, and the following morning moved to Kennett Square, reaching that place about noon, where Lieut.-Gen. Knyphausen's division was already encamped. At daybreak next morning, the 11th of September, 1777, Gen. Howe marched his army in two columns against the American forces. The left wing, consist ing of mounted and dismounted chasseurs, the first and second battalions of grenadiers, the guards, two squadrons of the Queen's Light Dragoons mounted, 1 Journal of Capt. John Montressor, Penna. Mag. of History, vol. v. p. 415. and two squadrons dismounted, and four brigades of infantry, comprising, according to English reports, seven thousand men, commanded by Lord Cornwallis and accompanied by Howe himself, who, on that oc casion, we are told by Joseph Townsend, rode a " large English horse, much reduced in flesh," the result of the long voyage from New York and the scarcity of provender on shipboard. The American accounts, on the other hand, insist that this column amounted to thirteen thousand men. On that sultry autumn morn ing a thick fog hung like a curtain shutting out this movement from the eyes of the Continental scouts, and for miles the British troops, in light marching order, even their knapsacks laid aside, threaded their way along the road that ran northward almost par allel with the Brandywine for several miles without a whisper of their coming being borne to the ears of the American generals. The column under Cornwallis having marched away, Knyphausen was not hurried in his move ment, as his purpose was merely to amuse the Conti nental force in front of him until the left wing of the British army should have time to gain their right flank and rear. Hence it was about nine o'clock, four hours after Cornwallis had gone, that the Hes sian general began to advance on the direct road to Chad's Ford. Early on the morning of the day of battle, Gen. Maxwell crossed at Chad's Ford, and with his riflemen had gone as far as Kennett Meeting- House to feel the British force, while small scouting- parties were extended even beyond that place. A graceful historical writer tells us that, as tradition has preserved the incident, a party of scouts had ven tured to John Welsh's tavern, within the very clutches of Knyphausen, and there hitched their horses at the front of the inn, while they comfortably sampled the New England rum and apple whiskey in the bar room. The Hessians, who " wore their beards on their upper lip, which was a novelty in that part of the country," advancing, cut off the retreat of the American party by the front of the house, so that, abandoning their horses, they ran from the back door, turning, however, as they " fled, to discharge a spluttering volley that wounded one of their own horses left in the hands of the enemy." 2 The riflemen began to harass the advancing troops, and, by resorting to trees, fences, and every available shelter, Maxwell thus maintained an efficient skir mish, sustaining himself well as he retired slowly be fore the heavy column moving against him. From behind the building and graveyard walls at Kennett Meeting-House a number of the sharpshooters in flicted much loss on the British troops, but were com pelled to retreat before the overwhelming body ar rayed against them. By ten o'clock Maxwell had by the pressure of superior numbers been forced back- 2 " Brandywine, 1777," by Howard M. Jenkins, in Lippincolt's Magazine for September, 1877. THE BATTLE OF BRANDYWINE. 57 ward to the high ground on the west of the creek, and, after a bitter contest, to the ford itself. Some troops being sent over to his assistance, he renewed the struggle, even regaining the heights. Capt. Por terfield and Waggoner, with their commands, crossed the ford, moved to the left of Maxwell, where they began a vigorous attack on Ferguson's Corps of Royal Riflemen, who at the time, together with a portion of the Twenty-eighth British Regiment, were engaged in throwing up light works, to put two guns in po sition on their right, to respond to Proctor's artillery, which had opened fire from the opposite bank. The troops under Porterfield and Waggoner fought their way up a narrow, thickly-wooded valley, and forced a company of the enemy, supported by a hundred men from Gen. Stern's Hessian brigade, to seek protection back of the stone house of William Harvey, the elder, who lived on the west side of the creek, until addi tional troops had hastened to their assistance. Proc tor, from the other side of the stream observing this, trained his guns on the advancing Britons, and the house came directly in the line of his fire. William Harvey, then in his sixtieth year, had sent his family away from the dwelling, but, being a man of great personal courage, determined to remain to protect his property as far as he could from plunderers. When the American guns opened, Harvey sat on his front porch, when a neighbor, Jacob Way, seeing him there, called out, " Come away ; thee is in danger here ! Thee will surely be killed I" The old gentle man merely shook his head, while his friend urged him in vain. As they exchanged words a twelve- pound cannon ball from Proctor's battery passed through both walls of the kitchen, and plunged along the piazza floor, tearing up the boards and barely avoiding William's legs, until, a little farther on, it buried itself six feet deep in the earth. It is recorded that William hesitated no longer, but sought a safer locality. His house was thoroughly despoiled when the British came up." 1 He, however, lived nearly forty years after that trying ordeal. The pertinacity of the attack of Maxwell's brigade, as well as the audacious action of Porterfield and Waggoner, made it necessary for Knyphausen to send forward two brigades, supported by artillery, while at the same time a heavy column was marched toward Brinton's Ford, thus outflanking Maxwell, who was compelled to recross the Brandywine. Simultaneously with these movements the Queen's Rangers, under Capt. Weyms, of the Fortieth British Regiment, poured so hot a fire down the valley that Porterfield and Waggoner were also forced hastily to retire across the creek. The high ground about half a mile back from the Brandywine, vacated by Maxwell, was im mediately occupied in force by the enemy, and guns were placed in position by Knyphausen to command 1 Lippincott's Magazine for September, 1877 : Howard M. Jenkins. ' Brandywine, 1777," by the ford. From these occasionally a few shots were discharged, and responded to by Proctor's cannons, which desultory firing inflicted but little damage. The casualties on the American side thus far had not exceeded sixty, while those of the British and Hes sian troops were about one hundred and sixty. Hence, at half-past ten o'clock in the morning, when the enemy at Chad's Ford seemed disinclined to make any vigorous attack, Col. Harrison, Washington's secretary, might be well excused for having dispatched a hurried note to Congress, stating that he had no doubt but that the enemy would be repulsed. Major Ferguson, the commander of the rifle corps in the English army, in a letter describing this battle, stated that while his men were lying concealed in a clump of woods, he noticed "a rebel officer in a hus sar dress" pass in front of the American line, followed by another officer in dark green and blue, who was "mounted on a good gray horse, and wearing a re markably high cocked hat." Ferguson ordered three of his men to creep towards and fire at them, but hardly had he done so when he recalled the command, for the Americans were so near that he felt to shoot at them would be little less than deliberate murder. After the officers had passed some distance, they re turned, and were again within easy reach of his sharpshooters. The following day Ferguson, in con versation with a wounded American, learned " that Gen. Washington was all the morning with the light troops, and attended only by a French officer in a hussar dress, he himself mounted and dressed in every respect as above described." On the morning of the battle Gen. Washington ascertained that Cornwallis had moved northward to some of the upper and unimportant fords, designing thus to turn the right flank of the American army. The commander-in-chief, fully aware that Maj. Spear was posted at Buffington's Ford, whence he could dispatch intelligence of such a movement to Gen. Sullivan, who would promptly communicate with him, had resolved to strike Knyphausen, while be yond the reach of the support of Cornwallis' division, and overwhelm him by numbers, and thus crush the British army in detail. The Hessian general, it is known, did not begin his advance until nine o'clock in the morning, and it was rightly believed that Cornwallis would have to march twelve miles before he could cross the creek, even if he effected a pas sage at Buffington's Ford. Between nine and ten o'clock Col. Bland, with a few light-horsemen, crossed to the west side of the stream at Jones' Ford, three miles above Chad's, and, observing that Cornwallis' column was then approaching Trimble's Ford, on the west branch, he immediately dispatched a messenger with the tidings to Gen. Sullivan. Col. Hazen also made a report of like import. The following dispatch, which Col. Carrington2 states is a model for clearness 2 Carrington 's "Battles of the American Revolution." 58 HISTORY OF DELAWARE COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA. in all details then needed, was sent by Lieut.-Col. Ross, of the Eighth Pennsylvania, to Gen. Sullivan, and by him in turn forwarded to Gen. Washington : " Great Valley Road, " 11 o'clock A.M. "Dear General, — A large body of the enemy, from every account 5000, with 16 or 18 field-pieces marched along this road just now. The road leads to Taylor's Ferry & Jeffries' Ferry on the Brandywine, & to the Great Valley, at the Sign of the Ship, on Lancaster road to Phila delphia. There is also a road from the Brandywine to Chester, by Dil- worthtown. We are close in their rear, with about 70 men. Capt. Simpson lay in ambush with 20 men & gave them 3 rounds within a small distance, in which two of his men were wounded; one mortally. I believe General Howe is with this party, as Joseph Galloway is here known by the inhabitants with whom he spoke, & told them that Gen. Howe was with them. Tours, " James Ross, Lieut-Col." Washington at once ordered Gen. Sullivan to cross the Brandywine and engage this division, to keep it employed, as it was the purpose of the commander- in-chief to attack the Hessian general immediately, shatter his command, and capture his baggage-train before the left wing, comprising the greater part of the British army, could retrace their steps and come to his relief. Gen. Greene was also directed to cross above Chad's Ford, in order to strike Knyphausen on the left flank. That officer, with the celerity of movement that was a conspicuous trait in his military character, promptly sent his advance guard across the stream at Brinton's Ford, where Sullivan's command lay, and was prepared to follow with his command. The commander-in-chief was to remain with Wayne, who was to cross the Brandywine at Chad's Ford in the face of the enemy. The fog which had clung to the earth in the early morning had vanished before the scorching sun, not yet midday high, and by noon this decisive movement would have been made, when the following note was delivered to Washington : " Brenton Ford, "Sept. 11. " Dear General: — Since I sent you the message by Major Moore, I saw Major Spear of the militia, who came this morning from a tavern called Martin's, at the fork of the Brandywine. He came from thence to Welch's Tavern, & heard nothing of the enemy about the fork of the Brandywine, & is confident they are not in that quarter; so that Col. Hazen's information must be wrong. I have sent to that quarter to know whether there is any foundation for the report, & shall give your excellency the earliest information. "I am, etc., "John Sullivan." The bearer of this dispatch was followed by Maj. Spear, who was sent by Gen. Sullivan to Washington to verbally make his report to the commander-in- chief, and this intelligence was speedily supplemented by a similar statement made by Sergeant Tucker, of the Light-Horse. These tidings were of the utmost consequence to the American general, for they argued that Cornwallis had merely moved off as a ruse de guerre, and that both wings of the British army were in supporting distance of each other. Hence the orders for crossing the creek were countermanded, Gen. Greene's advanced detachment was withdrawn, and the American army again resumed its former po sition. Washington, however, instructed Col. Bland to proceed to the extreme right and reconnoitre above the forks. When the British invaded Chester County, Justice Thomas Cheyney, who was an outspoken Whig, was advised to absent himself from his dwelling in Thorn bury, and to avoid personal danger he withdrew to the home of his relative, Col. John Hannum, at " Cen tre House," now the village of Marshallton, located between the East and West Branches of the Brandy wine. Here Cheyney had passed the night of Sept. 10, 1777, and the next morning he, with Hannum, started to visit the American camp at Chad's Ford. As they rode along the highway near Trimble's Mill and Ford, on the West Branch, in descending the hill they saw a large body of soldiers, their scarlet uni forms designating them as British troops, descending the hills opposite. Halting, they watched the direc tion in which the column moved, and saw that it was making towards Jefferies' Ford, on the East Branch, their polished arms flashing and glittering in the sul try September sun. Having ascertained that fact, for a moment the two men consulted as to the course they should pursue, and finally it was decided that imme diate intelligence of the presence of the British force at this point must be conveyed to Washington. Cheyney being mounted on a fleet hackney, — Dr. Harvey tells me it was a sorrel pacing mare, — started off in the direction of the American headquarters at a rapid pace, followed by Hannum, whose horse being less speedy was soon distanced, notwithstanding the squire turned the scales at two hundred pounds.1 Washington was seated under a cherry-tree which then stood — now blown down years ago — on the gentle declivity south of the road which leads to the crossing at Chad's Ford, when he saw a stout- built man without a hat, riding a sorrel horse, which jumped the fences that stood in the directiou he was coming across the fields to where Washington was.. It was Cheyney, who, having first reported to Sullivan his tidings, had been so discourteously received that he inquired and was told where Washington himself was to be found. The latter listened as the squire related what he had seen, and, as the chieftain seemed to hesitate, Cheyney exclaimed, " By h — 11, it is so !" and dismounting, he picked up a twig, drew a sketch on the ground of the upper roads, describing how the British passed the fords of the forks of the Brandy wine, and where the enemy would probably be at that time. So accurately was this information imparted, that notwithstanding it was most unwelcome news, the general was reluctantly convinced of its truth. Some of his staff-officers, however, spoke sneeringly of the report made by the j ustice, and the excited man with an oath said to Washington, " If you doubt my word, sir, put me under guard till you ask Anthony 1 Futhey and Cope's "History of Chester County," p. 586. THE BATTLE OP BRANDYWINE. 59 Wayne or Persie Frazer1 if I am a man to believed," and then, turning to the smiling officers, his indigna tion found utterance : " I would have you to know that I have this day's work as much at heart as e'er a Blood of you!"2 The delays that had attended Squire Cheyney's at tempt to apprise the Americans of the danger that threatened them had consumed considerable time, and hardly had Washington acknowledged the accuracy of the intelligence brought to him, when an orderly galloped hastily to the group and delivered a dispatch. It read as follows: " TWO O'CLOCK P.M. " Dear General :— Col. Bland has this moment sent me word that the enemy are in the rear of my right and coming down. They are, he says, about two brigades of them. He also says he saw a dust, back in the country, for about an hour. " I am, &c, "John Sullivan." Inclosed in this note was one addressed to Gen. Sullivan, as follows : " A Quarter-Past 1 O'Clock. " Sir, — I have discovered a party of the enemy on the height, just on the right of the two widow Davis', who live close together on the road called the Forks road, about one-half mile to the right of the meeting house. There is a higher hill on their front. " Theodore Bland." By this time Washington knew that Gen. Sullivan, a brave and patriotic officer, had permitted Howe once more to play with success the stratagem which had given him victory on Long Island, and for the like reason, Sullivan's neglect to make a proper reconnois sance. It was a brilliant but dangerous movement of the English commander, separating his army into two divisions, seventeen miles asunder ; and had not the second dispatch been sent by Sullivan, declaring on Maj. Spear's assertion, that Cornwallis' division had not moved northward in the manner reported by Col. Ross, the attack determined on by Washington could have been made on Knyphausen's division in over whelming numbers, and in all likelihood would have been wholly successful. Never in all his military career did Washington display greater capacity as a commander, than when he had decided to recross the Brandywine and engage the Hessian general. No wonder was it then that the American chieftain ever after disliked to discuss the stragetic movements of that day. Gen. Washington, knowing that his presence was necessary at the point menaced, was anxious to reach that part of the field as soon as possible, and desired to go thither by the shortest way. To that end an elderly man of the neighborhood, Joseph Brown, who was well acquainted with the locality, was found and asked to act as guide. The latter was loath to under take this duty, and only consented to do so when the 1 Persifor Frazer was lieutenant-colonel of the Fifth Pennsylvania Line, recruited in Chester County. He was born in Newtown township, and was a partner in the noted Sarum Iron-Works, in Thornbury. 2 Dr. William Darlington's sketch of Thomas Cheyney in Notas Cestri- enses. Newspaper clippings in Library of Historical Society of Pennsyl vania. request assumed such a form that it could not with safety be refused. One of the general's staff, who rode a fine horse, dismounted, Brown was lifted into the saddle, and the party started in the most direct route for Birmingham Meeting-House. The mettle some beast the guide rode cleared the fences as they dashed across the fields, the officers following at his heels. So great was Washington's anxiety that he constantly kept repeating the command, " Push along, old man ; push along, old man." Brown subse quently, in relating the incidents of this wild scamper across the country, stated that when they were about half a mile west of Dilworthtown, the bullets were flying so thickly that, as the noise of battle was now a sufficient guide to the American officers, and no no tice was taken of him, he, unobserved, dismounted and stole away. Cornwallis, accompanied by the commander-in- chief, Sir William Howe, had marched his column from five o'clock in the morning through the woods that skirted almost his entire route on the west bank of the Brandywine. During the first four hours a heavy fog clung to the earth, and a trying march it was that sultry day, with the dust rising in clouds under the feet of a moving army and the wheels of the parks of artillery and trains of baggage-wagons. It was past the midday hour when the British column reached the west branch of the creek at Trimble's, and it was here, while making directly for Jefferies' Ford, that Cols. Cheyney and Hannum watched it on the march, as heretofore related. On the west side of Jefferies' Ford Emmor Jefferies owned a fine farm, the home of his ancestors, and from his father's ownership of the real estate on both sides of the branch the crossing had received its name, — Jefferies' Ford. When the British army first landed at Elk and moved in the direction of Wil mington, a number of the storekeepers, as well as other residents of that town, sent their goods to Ches ter County, near the forks of the Brandywine, whose peaceful quiet at that time it was supposed the march of armies never would disturb. In the house of Em mor Jefferies, who leaned somewhat to the royal side, it was thought goods could be safely kept. But when the British soldiers learned that in his cellar a large quantity of liquors were stored, the thirsty, hungry men rolled out the barrels and casks, knocked in the heads, and drank freely, without asking the approval of the reputed owner. Nor was that all. Emmor Jefferies was himself pressed into service by Sir Wil liam Howe as a guide. It was not one o'clock when the vanguard of the Brit ish army passed the ford and pressed onward towards Osborne's Hill, near Sullivan's right. Almost half a century ago Joseph Townsend (who, as a young man of twenty-one, was a witness of much appertaining to the battle) published his recollections of that day. He was attending that Thursday morning a mid-week meeting of Friends in the wheelwright-shop at Scon- 60 HISTORY OP DELAWARE COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA. nelltown, for Gen. Washington had taken the Bir mingham meeting-house as a hospital for his sick and wounded soldiers, even before he moved his army to Chad's Ford, and hearing a disturbance outside, the meeting was brought to a close. While endeav oring to quiet several of the women of the neighbor hood, who were alarmed at the approach of the Brit ish troops, Townsend relates : " Our eyes were caught, on a sudden, by the appearance of the army coming out of the woods into the field belonging to Emmor Jefferies, on the west side of the creek, above the fording-place. In a few minutes the fields were lit erally covered over with them, and they were hasten ing towards us. Their arms and bayonets, being raised, shone bright as silver, there being a clear sky and the day exceedingly warm." This eye-witness records how " the space occupied by the main and flanking parties (of the British army) was near half a mile wide ;" that Cornwallis " on horseback appeared very tall and sat very erect. His rich scarlet cloth ing, loaded with gold lace, epaulets, etc., occasioned him to make a brilliant and martial appearance, and that most of all the officers who conversed with us were men of the first rank, and were rather stout, portly men, well dressed, and of genteel appearance, and did not look as if they had ever beeu exposed to any hardship ; their skins were as white and delicate as is customary for females brought up iu large cities or towns." The entire column of British troops had crossed Jefferies' Ford by two o'clock, its advance having reached the vicinity of Osborne's Hill, and in half an hour thereafter the whole body of men halted to re fresh themselves, for they had not eaten since the early morning, and had marched about seventeen miles almost without a halt. Many of the soldiers on that weary tramp had fallen out of ranks, and ex hausted remained along the road.1 When Washington first learned that the lost column of Cornwallis had been found, unfortunately for the Continentals in such a position that the inferior American force — in numbers, in discipline, and arms — would have to fight at great disadvantage, or, as Capt. Montressor states it, " were instantly obliged to divide their army, leaving part to oppose our right," Gen. Sullivan was ordered to bring his division to bear upon the British, and this compelled a forward movement of the whole right wing up the Brandy wine. The American troops formed in a strong posi tion above Birmingham meeting-house on a hill about a mile and a half removed from the British column, the ground falling gradually for more than half a mile in their immediate front "a natural glacis," and a thick woods covered their rear. As the divisions of Gens. Stirling and Stephens formed, Lord Corn wallis, on horseback, — Sir William Howe and his gen erals gathered about him, — sat watching the Ameri- 1 " Journal of Capt. Montressor," Penna. Mag. of History, vol. v. p. 416. can officers arrange their line of battle, and as his glass showed him the disposition they were making, his eminent military abilities, never excelled in Eng land's history during the last three hundred years, except by Marlborough, compelled him to pay this tribute to their merit, " The damned rebels form well !" Cornwallis, under the immediate supervision of Sir William Howe, formed his battle array in three lines. The Guards were on the right of the advance, the First British Grenadiers to the left, the centre of the latter organization, supported by the Hessian Grena diers, formed in a second line. " To the left of the Second Grenadiers, who held the centre, were two battalions of light infantry, with the Hessian and Anspach Chasseurs, supported by the fourth brigade, for a second line." The third brigade, consisting of the Fifteenth, Forty-fourth, and Seventeenth Regi ments, was held in reserve, and was not called into action during the day. Both flanks of the British army were covered by very thick woods, and the ar tillery was advantageously disposed so that its fire might most seriously affect the American lines, and sustain the advance in its attack on the Continental troops. Gen. Sullivan seems to have questioned his own judgment and hesitated to decide what was best to be done, when the true situation of the two armies was clearly presented to his mind. He had command of the entire right wing, hence the command of his im mediate division devolved on Gen. DeBorre, his brig adier, a French officer of thirty-five years' experience in service, but a martinet, insisting on every little punc tilio of military etiquette, even where such trifling matters might jeopardize the whole army. Hence when the latter marched his division to form, because it had laid along the Brandywine, fronting across, he insisted on moving his command on the right of Stephens and Stirling, which determination on his part made disorder in the division and occasioned an interval in the American line of over half a mile. It should be remembered that Stirling and Stephens as soon as they learned that the enemy were on their flank moved promptly, without waiting for orders from Sullivan, to the nearest good position from which they could resist the advancing British columns. Sullivan, thereupon leaving his old division in disorder, rode forward to where the other general officers were, and it was their unanimous opinion, he tells us in his report, " that his division should be brought on to join the other and the whole should incline further to the right to prevent our being out-flanked." Even the graphic account of the battle furnished by Gen. Sullivan shows that he lost that self-control which in Gens. Greene and Washington showed conspicuously during that afternoon of disaster to the American arms. " At half-past two," he says, " I received orders to march with my division to join with and take com- THE BATTLE OF BRANDYWINE. 61 mand of that and two others to oppose the enemy who were coming down on the right flank of our army. I neither knew where the enemy were, or what route the other divisions were to take, and of course could not determine where I should form a junction with them. I began my march in a few minutes after I received my orders, and had not marched a mile when I met Col. Hazen with his regi ment, which had been stationed at a ford three miles above me, who informed me that I might depend that the principal part of the British army was there, although I knew the report sent to headquarters made them but two brigades. As I knew Col. Hazen to be an old officer, and a good judge of numbers, I gave credence to his report in preference to the intelligence before received. While I was conversing with Col. Hazen and our troops still on the march, the enemy headed us in the road about forty rods from our ad vance guard. I then found it necessary to turn off to the right to form, and so got nearer to the other di visions, which I at that moment discovered both in the rear and to the right of the place I was then at. I ordered Col. Hazen's regiment to pass a hollow way, file off to the right, and face to cover the artillery. The enemy, seeing this, did not pass on, but gave me time to form my division on an advantageous height in a line with the other divisions, about almost a half mile to the left." This gap of half a mile must be closed, and while this was being attempted at about half-past three o'clock,1 the English commander hurled his well-dis ciplined soldiers full at the unformed Americans' right wing, and a half-hour previous to this assault the British guns had opened fire.2 The distance sep arating the combatants was about a mile and a half, the assaulting party being compelled to cross a valley and ascend a hill slope before they came to close quarters with their enemy. , According to Joseph Townsend, an advance com pany of Hessians, when they reached " the street- road were fired upon by a company of the Americans who were stationed in the orchard north of Samuel Jones' brick dwelling-house," and the mercenaries scrambled up the bank of the road alongside the orchard, and resting their muskets on the upper rails, discharged them at the small body of Continentals. This was merely an episode in the engagement, and was one of many similar incidents alluded to by Capt. Montressor, in the remark, " Some skirmishing began in the valley in which the enemy was drove." 3 The American artillery Sullivan had placed in the centre of the line, where he had taken his position, and he ordered the guns discharged as quickly as possible to stop the progress of the British and to give the brigade 1 At half-past three the whole moved toward the enemy in three columns.— Journal of Capt. Montressor, Penna. Mag. of Hist., vol. ». p. 416. 2 Penna. Archives, 2d series, vol. x. p. 316. 3 Penna. Mag. of History, vol. v. p. 416. under DeBorre time to form, for that body had been thrown " into the worst kind of confusion" before the assaulting party was upon them, and although Sulli van sent four of his aids, two of whom were killed in the effort to adjust the disorganized division, and had gone himself to rally the men who had fallen out of ranks, he succeeded only in partly forming there a line of battle. Conscious that the artillery on the centre com manded both the right and left of the line, he re turned to that poiut, determining to hold the position as long as possible, knowing that if it was carried "it would bring on a total rout, and make a retreat very difficult." The right, however, was demoralized, and though some of the troops in that division were ral lied and made a show of resistance, the greater por tion could not " be brought to do anything but fly." In front of the American left was a plowed field, and the attack at this point was made by the Guards, the First British Grenadiers, and Hessian Grenadiers; and although it was claimed by Gen. Howe that, notwith standing a heavy fire of artillery and musketry, his troops pushed the rebels at once from the position they had taken, the fact is that for nearly an hour the struggle for the possession of the summit was con tinued, and although five times did the British sol diers drive the American troops from the hill, as often was it retaken. The regiments of Drayton, Ogden, and Hazen's " Congress' Own" stood firm on the left, while the resistance of Stirling and Stephens was highly creditable, the main defense being made by the centre, where Sullivan exhibited great per sonal courage, and doubtless by his example ani mated his men in their contest with an overwhelming force. At length the left wing broke and fled, pur sued by the Guards and Grenadiers into a thick woods, whence the larger part of the American troops escaped, while the English were "entangled, and were no further engaged during the day." The centre still remained firm ; and here Gen. Conway, by the good conduct of his brigade, gained consider able reputation for himself (which he subsequently tarnished at Valley Forge), the Twelfth Pennsylva nia, under his command, suffering very heavy loss. Cornwallis now turned the whole fire of his artillery on the small body of men who still stood in line, and they were soon compelled to retire, a movement which was effected with some degree of steadiness and an occasional resumption of the offensive, since they took with them their artillery and baggage. The noise of heavy ordnance almost due north from Chad's Ford apprised Knyphausen that Gen. Howe had succeeded in turning the right wing of Washing ton's army, and, although the musketry firing could be distinctly heard, it was not until an hour before the sun's setting that the Hessian commander made the attempt to cross at the ford.4 It is doubtful whether 4 Penna. Archives, 2d series, vol. x. p. 316. 62 HISTORY OF DELAWARE COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA. Wayne had more than a thousand men who before that day had been under fire to resist the passage of the creek by the enemy. Knyphausen, taking ad vantage of the smoke from his own and the American cannon, for they had been firing for some time, marched his column, under the immediate command of Maj.- Gen. Grant, into the stream, and, notwithstanding Proctor's guns and the artillery with Wayne, plowed gaps in the advancing ranks, so that for days after wards "the farmers were fishing dead bodies from the water," 1 the crossing was made, and the redoubt cap tured. "Mad Anthony" knew that a retreat was in evitable, but his pugnacious nature, and that of the Pennsylvania line in his command, was' loath to re tire before an enemy, but the appearance of a large body of English troops from Cornwallis' division, on his right, compelled a hasty and disorderly retreat, in which he and Maxwell were compelled to abandon the greater part of their artillery and stores. The handsome black horse which Col. Proctor rode that day was shot from under him, but subsequently the State of Pennsylvania, in consideration of his bravery on that occasion, remunerated him for the loss he had sustained. The Pennsylvania militia, under Gen. Arm strong, which had taken no active part in the battle, fled with the rest of the American soldiers, and joined the demoralized body, which then almost choked the Concord road with a struggling mass of panic-stricken men hastening wildly in the direction of Chester. Washington, when he received positive information that the British left wing had made its circuitous march from Kennett Square to Jefferies' Ford, the first part of the route under the guidance of Joseph Parker, whom Sir William Howe had compelled to point out the most direct road to Trimble's, and from Jefferies' Ford by Emmor Jefferies, and had already turned Sullivan's flank, started across the country for the scene of conflict, as already mentioned. He had immediately commanded Greene's division, con sisting of Weedon's and Muhlenberg's brigade, to ad vance to the support of the right wing. With the promptitude ever noticeable in Greene's movements, the latter immediately put his division in motion. Weedon's brigade was on the advance, and at trail arms, the men, guided by the noise of battle, and knowing that Sullivan could have no line of retreat "but towards Dilworthtown, as the British right wing had outflanked it to the left, and intervened between it and Chad's Ford," double-quicked nearly to Dilworthtown, four miles in forty-five minutes, and then by a wheel to the left of a half-mile, he was enabled to occupy a position where, opening his ranks, he let the retreating, discomfited battalions pass through while he held the pursuing British in check and saved the American artillery. Previous, however, to Greene's coming to their re- i Mr. Auge's statement, published in Futhey anJ Cope's " History of Chester County," p. 81. lief, a number of Americans were induced to make a stand, and rallied on a height to the north of Dil worthtown, where, under the personal command of Washington, who had reached the field, accompanied by Lafayette, the latter for the first time under fire in America, a stout resistance was made. It was here that the marquis was wounded. He stated that a part of the American line had broken, while the rest still held its ground ; and to show the troops that he " had no better chance of flight" than they, he ordered his horse to the rear, and dismounted, he was endeavor ing to rally the disorganized column, when he was struck in the left foot by a musket-ball, which " went through and through." The fact that Lafayette was wounded was immediately carried to Washington, " with the usual exaggerations in such cases." The surgeon endeavored to dress the injured foot on the battle-field, but the firing was so sharp that the at tempt was abandoned, and the young Frenchman mounted his horse and galloped to Chester, where, becoming faint from loss of blood, he was " carried into' a house and laid on a table, where my (his) wound received its first dressing." 2 Before he per mitted his injuries to be cared for, Lafayette stationed a guard at the old decayed draw-bridge at Chester Creek (the site of the present Third Street bridge) to arrest stragglers and return them to their regiments. The Baron St. Ovary, who was aiding Lafayette in the endeavor to rally the American soldiers, was not so fortunate as the marquis, for he was captured by the English, and to be consigned to the tender mer cies of that fiend, William Cunningham, provost- marshal of the royal army, was certainly less to be desired than a wound which healed kindly in two months. The enemy meanwhile pressed the Americans back ward until Weedon's brigade came in sight, and Sul livan joining him with some of his men, the battle continued until many of the fugitives had succeeded in effecting their retreat. At a place then called Dilworth's Path, now known as Sandy Hollow, the American army made its final stand. It is said by Irving that Washington, when riding in the neigh borhood previous to the battle, had called Greene's at tention to that locality, suggesting that if the army should be driven from Chad's Ford there was a point well calculated for a secondary position, and here Greene was overtaken by Col. Pinckney, an aid of the commander-in-chief, ordering him to occupy that place. Be that as it may, Greene formed there; Weedon's brigade, drawn up in the narrow defile, flanked on either side by woods, and commanding the road, while Greene, with Muhlenberg's— the fight ing parson— brigade formed on the road on the right. The English troops, flushed with success, for it is idle to say they were not the victors of the day, came on, and were surprised at the unexpected resistance they 2 Poulson's Advertiser, Philadelphia, Feb. 26, 1825. THE BATTLE OP BRANDYWINE. 63 encountered here. Charge after charge did they make, but were repeatedly driven back. Gen. Howe states, " Just at dark the infantry, Second Grenadiers, and fourth brigade had a brief action beyond Dil- worth, between the two roads which run from Dil- worth to Chester." Capt. Montressor tells us that here the heaviest fire during the battle for the time was poured on the British soldiers. Indeed, he re cords, " Late in the evening, when the action was near concluded, a very heavy fire was received by our grenadiers from six thousand rebels, Washing. ton's rear-guard, when Col. Monckton requested me to ride through it to Brig.-Gen. Agnew's brigade and his (4) twelve-pounders, which I did in time enough to support them ; and by my firing the (4) twelve- pounders routed the enemy." ^ The latter statement is not accurate, for Weedon, after holding his posi tion until the demoralized troops had retreated down the Wilmington road to the Concord road, fell back in good order on Greene, and gradually the whole division drew off, showing their fangs to their enemy, who did not pursue the retiring Continentals. It is even stated that many of the American officers were so enraged at the result of the conflict that they de manded to be led immediately against the enemy, but Washington shook his head, replying, " Our only recourse is to retreat." Greene, whose blood was up from the conflict and defeat, asked how far they must retreat? " Over every hill and across every river in America if I order you," was the stern reply.2 The American troops, considering the circum- ¦ stances, fought well. Particularly was this true of | the Twelfth Pennsylvania, commanded by Col. Walter Stewart — said to have been the handsomest man in the Continental service — of Conway's brigade ; of the Fifth Virginians, Woodford's brigade, commanded by Col. John Marshall, afterwards the great chief justice of the United States ; and the Tenth Virginia, under Col. Stevens, in Weedon's brigade. The First, Third, and Sixth Maryland Regiments, and the First Dela ware, under Gen. Smallwood, acquitted themselves with marked bravery, while the Second, Fourth, and Seventh Delaware and German Regiments, four com panies recruited in Pennsylvania, and the like number in Maryland, were the first to give way, and retired in disorder from the field. This was largely due to the fact that Gen. DeBorre did not possess the confi dence of his troops. The Eighth Pennsylvania, Col. Bayard, suffered greatly, and in the action Bayard was struck down by a cannon-ball, which broke the barrel of a rifle on the shoulder of Sergt. Wyatt, as well as the sergeant's shoulder, and then struck Bayard on the head and shoulder, " turning him over on the ground for nearly two rods," when Lieut. Pat terson helped the colonel to his feet, who, the latter 1 "Evelyns in America," by Gideon D. Scull, Oxford, England, 1881 (privately printed), p. 266. 2 Headley'B " Life of Washington," p. 256. states, " was frantic" at his unceremonious treatment. The Eleventh Pennsylvania lost so heavily that it was subsequently consolidated with the Tenth. Capt. Thomas Butler, of the Third Pennsylvania, for rally ing a detachment of retreating troops, was on the field publicly thanked by Washington. Capt. Louis de Fleury conducted himself with such gallantry that Congress presented him with a horse to substitute his own, which was killed in the' battle, and Gen. Sulli van's horse, " the best in America," was shot under him in the engagement. Count Casimir Pulaski, the Polish nobleman, highly distinguished himself that day, when, as a volunteer in the American Light- Horse, he rode within pistol-shot of the British lines to reconnoitre. This action and his conspicuous bravery won him troops of friends, so that when he was appointed brigadier-general, with a command of cavalry, it met fully the approval of public opinion. The actual loss of the American forces can only be approximated, since Gen. Washington never made a detailed report of this battle. The British claimed the loss was about a thousand killed and wounded and five hundred prisoners, together with nine " Branfield pieces, one more of a composition,3 and one brass Howitzer, with several ammunition wagons."4 Howe reported his own loss as only five hundred and seventy- eight killed and wounded, including officers, a state ment that is not probably correct,5 while Capt. Mon- 3 " We took ten pieces of cannon and a howitzer ; eight were braBS, the other two of iron of a new construction." Materials for History, by Frank Moore, quoted in Penna. Mag. of History, vol. i. page 294, note. "In the war of the Revolution a singular cannon was made by a person who afterwards lived in the village (Mount Holly, N. J.). It was con structed of wrought-iron staves, hooped like a barrel, with bands of the same material, excepting there were four layers of staveB breaking joint, all of which were firmly bound together, aud then bored and breached like other cannon. William Denning (he died in the ninety-fourth year of his age) was an artificer in the army of the Revo lution. He it was who, in the day of his country's need, made the only successful attempt ever made in the world to manufacture wrought-iron cannon, one of which he completed in Middlesex, Pa., and commenced another and larger one at Mount Holly, but could get no one to assist him who could stand the heat, which is said to have been so severe as to melt the lead buttons on his coat. The unfinished piece is now (1844) in the Philadelphia Arsenal. The one completed was taken by the British at the battle of Brandywine, and is now in the tower of London. The British offered a stated annuity and a large sum to the person who would instruct them in the manufacture of that article, but tbe patriotic blacksmith preferred obscurity and poverty in his own beloved country, though the country for which he had done so much kept her purse cloBed from the veteran soldier until near the period of hie decease." Barber and Howe's Historical Collections of New Jersey, pp. 113-114. 4 Penna. Mag. of History, vol. vi. p. 297. 5 In the Penna. Mag. of Hist., vol. iv. page 121, is given what purports to be a memorandum of the British forces at the battle of Brandywine, and the loss sustained by the several divisions. The document was, it is stated, found in one of the British officers' marquet, at Germantown, Oct. 4, 1777, which, after being in possession of Col. Thomas Forrest, subsequently came to John F. Watson, the annalist. The total loss as given in the memorandum is nineteen hundred and seventy-six. In Headley's Life of Washington, page 258, is published a paper found among those belonging to Gen. James Clinton, and in his handwriting, indorsed, " Taken from the enemy's Ledgers, which fell into the bands of General Washington's army at the action of Germantown." An ex amination of the two statements shows that the one is a copy of the other, although there is a difference of ten in the grand total, the latter being nineteen hundred and eighty-six. This occurs in the loss of the First 64 HISTORY OF DELAWARE COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA. tressor tells us that the British troops had sixty killed and three hundred wounded. Certain it is that the English not continuing the pursuit is some evidence that they were in no condition to do so. Thomas Paine declared that Brandywine, " excepting the enemy keeping the ground, may be deemed a drawn battle," and that as Washington had collected his army at Chester, " the enemy's not moving towards him next day must.be attributed to the disability they sustained and the burthen of their wounded." 1 The dead of both armies, it should be remembered, were left on the field and had to be burned, while the number of wounded was so great, that on the Sunday following the battle (September 14th) Drs. Rush, Leiper, Latimer, Way, and Coates, with Mr. Willet, a mate in the hospital, with their attendants, who had been sent by Washington, arrived at headquarters of the British army, or, as Capt. Montressor records the incident, came "to attend the wounded Rebels left scattered in the Houses about the field of Battle un attended by their Surgeons until now." To return to the army, which was drifting down the road to Chester in a confused mass. The artillery saved from the enemy's clutches jolted and surged along as rapidly as the tired horses could be made to go under the goading whip, while the baggage-wagons crowded to the front amid the oaths of the teamsters and the panic-stricken men who were forced to make room for the vehicles to pass. Fortunately the early evening was still and clear, and the moon looked down on the defeated, demoralized men, who tiring at length of their senseless flight, the disorder in a meas ure ceased as the weary journeying came near an end, so that the guard at Chester bridge, placed there by Lafayette, succeeded in gathering the men into some thing like company and regimental order without much difficulty. Greene's division, as well as many of the men from other commands, preserved a mili tary organization, and they marched from the field in columns becoming the brave soldiers they had proved themselves to be on the heights of Brandywine. In Chester the noise of the distant cannonading could be distinctly heard, like far-away mutterings of thunder, and after the battle had been lost, the bearers of ill tidings traveled fast with their unwelcome in telligence. Before dusk the first of the discomfited American forces began to straggle in, spreading all kind of rumors regarding the results of the contest, and the ancient borough was never so aroused. In Philadelphia all was excitement.' Paine states that he was preparing dispatches for Franklin " when the report of cannon at Brandywine interrupted my (his) proceedings." 2 Hessians at the Upper Ford, under Cornwallis, — the ForreBt memoran dum making it sixty, while that of Clinton's places it at Beventy. The two papers differ somewhat in designating the numerals of the British regiments. The Clinton paper is probably tbe most accurate. 1 Paine's letter to Franklin, Penna. Mag. of History, vol. ii. p. 283. 2 Penna. Mag. of Hist., vol. ii. p. 283. Irving (Life of Washington, vol. iii. p. 222) thus describes tbe excitement in Philadelphia: "The scene Far into the night the American army kept march ing into Chester, and it is related that after the moon had set Col. Cropper, then a captain in the Ninth Vir ginia Infantry, — a part of Greene's command covering the retreat, — because of the darkness, and to prevent his men being crowded off the approaches to the bridge at the creek, fastened his handkerchief on a ramrod, and stood there holding it aloft as a signal until his command had filed by. Hon. William Darlington has recorded the escape of Col. Samuel Smith, of Maryland, from the field, as related to him by the old veteran, who subsequently defended Fort Mifflin so determinedly. Having be come separated from his command in the retreat, and, apprehensive of falling into the hands of the enemy, the colonel rode to the house of a Quaker farmer, whom he desired forthwith to conduct him by a safe route to Chester. The latter protested against the undertaking, but Col. Smith drew a pistol, stating that if he did not get his horse at once and do as he asked, he was a dead man. The Quaker, in alarm, exclaiming, " What a dreadful man thou art!" did as he was told. "Now," said Col. Smith, "I have not entire confidence in your fidelity, but I tell you ex plicitly that if you do not conduct me clear of the enemy, the moment I discover your treachery I will blow your brains out." The terrified farmer there upon exclaimed, " Why, thou art the most desperate man I ever did see." However, he brought the colonel safely to Chester and was rewarded for his services. At midnight Washington addressed a letter to Con gress, apprising that body of the loss of the battle. The missive is dated Chester, and traditionally in the Kerlin family, it is said, he wrote the letter at the Washington House, on Market Street. It was pub lished by the order of Congress, and is as follows: " Chester, September 11th, 1777. " Twelve o'clock at night. " Sir: — I am sorry to inform you that in this day's engagement, we have been obliged to leave the enemy masters of the field. Unfortu nately the intelligence received of the Enemy's advancing up the Bran dywine and crossing at a ford about six miles above ub, was uncertain and contradictory, notwithstanding all my plans to get the best. This prevented my making a disposition adequate to the force with which the enemy attacked us on our right ; in consequence of which, the troops first engaged were obliged to retire, before they could be reinforced. In the midst of the attack on the right, that body of the enemy that re mained on the other side of Chad's ford, crqssed and attacked the di vision there under the command of General Wayne, and the light troop under General Maxwell ; who after a severe conflict, also retired. The militia under the command of General Armstrong, being posted at a ford about two miles below Chad's, had no opportunity of engaging. " But though we fought under many disadvantages, and were from the cause above mentioned, obliged to retire, yet our loss of men is not, I am persuaded, very considerable; I believe much less than the ene my's. We have also lost seven or eight pieces of cannon according to of this battle, which decided the fate of Philadelphia, was within six and twenty miles of that city, and each discharge of cannon could he heard there. The two parties of the inhabitants, Whig and Tory, were to be seen in groups in the squares and public places, awaiting the event in anxious silence. At length a courier arrived. His tidings spread consternation among the friends of liberty. Many left their homes; entire families abandoned everything in terror and despair and took refuge in the mountains." CONCLUSION OP THE REVOLUTIONARY WAR. 65 the best information I can at present obtain. The baggage having been previously moved off all is secure; saving the men's blankets, which at their backs, many of them doubtless are lost. " I have directed all the troops to assemble behind Chester, where they are now arranging for the night. Notwithstanding the misfortunes of the day I am happy to find the troops in good spirits, and I hope another time we shall compensate for the losses now sustained. " The Marquis La Fayette was wounded in the leg, and General Wool- ford in the hand. Divers other officers were wounded and some slain, but the numbers of either cannot be ascertained. "G. Washington. " P.S. — It has not been in my power to send you earlier intelligence ; the present being the first leisure moment I have had since the engage ment." The American army assembled to the east of Ches ter along the Queen's Highway, and Washington, after dispatching this letter, went to the present Leiperville, where, still standing on the north of the road, is the old stone dwelling, then the home of John Mcllvain, in which the chief of that retreating army passed the night after the ill-starred battle of Brandywine. Gen. Howe demonstrated in this battle his ability to command armies successfully, and the skill with which he manoeuvred his troops in a country of hill and vale, wood and thicket, showed the accomplished, scientific soldier. The rapidity with which Washing ton brought order out of disorder was shown when the American troops marched through Darby to Phila delphia, on September 12th, in the soldierly bearing of that part of the army which the day before had fled from the field a panic-stricken mob. Taking all things into consideration, never was Washington's wonderful command of men and extraordinary ca pacity to recover from disaster more exhibited than at this period of our nation's history, and that in this emergency the whole country turned to him as its fore most man is evidenced in that Congress, while the thunder of the cannons of Brandywine was yet heard in Philadelphia, clothed the commander-in-chief with almost dictatorial power for two months. CHAPTER IX. FROM THE DEFEAT AT BRANDYWINE TO THE CONCLUSION OF THE REVOLUTIONARY WAR. On the afternoon of September 12th, the day suc ceeding the battle, Maj. -Gen. Grant, with the First and Second Brigades of the English army, marched from Chad's Ford to Concord meeting-house, whence he sent out foraging-parties to bring in wagons, horses, provisions, and cattle from the surrounding neighbor hood. Early the following morning (Saturday, the 13th), Lord Cornwallis, with the Second Battalion of Light Infantry and Second Grenadiers, made a junc tion with Gen. Grant and advanced to the Seven Stars, in Aston, within four miles of Chester. The day was very cold, as the noticeable equinoctial gale of the fol lowing Tuesday was already threatening. It may be 5 that an advance party of the British troops that day went as far as Chester, for on Sept. 13, 1777, James Dundas wrote from Billingsport that " the people em ployed here begin to be very uneasy, since we have heard that Chester is in possession of the enemy." 1 Notwithstanding this assertion, I doubt much whether the ancient borough was occupied by any of the com manding army officers at that time, for on September 15th Capt. Montressor records in his journal2 that " the Commander in Chief went with his Escort only of Dragoons to Lord Cornwallis' Post f of a mile west of Chester," and under the same date he states, " This night at 8, the body with Lord Corn wallis moved from near Chester toward the Lancaster road." The day following the battle of Brandywine, Coun cil called for the militia in the several counties — the fourth class in Chester County — " to turn out on this alarming occasion," and to march to the Swede's Ford, on the Schuylkill, unless Washington should command them to rendezvous elsewhere. On the 13th, Washington, whose army was resting at Ger mantown, instructed Col. Penrose to overflow the ground upon Providence Island, which necessarily meant cutting the banks at Darby Creek, so as to pre vent the English army, should it march immediately to Philadelphia, from erecting batteries in the rear of Fort Mifflin, or carrying it by a land force in that direction. On September 15th, Washington broke camp at Germantown and marched his soldiers along the Lancaster road. From the Buck Tavern, in Hav erford township, he called the attention of Council to the pressing necessity for an immediate supply of blankets for the troops, stating that he had been "told there are considerable quantities in private hands, which should not be suffered to remain a moment longer than they can be conveyed away." 3 The American commander had fully determined to meet the British army again in battle before the city of Philadelphia should fall into the hgnds of the enemy. For that purpose he had turned his column westward, and that evening Washington was en camped in East Whiteland township, Chester Co., in the vicinity of the Admiral Warren Tavern. Late in the afternoon of September 15th the report was received by Gen. Howe that the American army, as he supposed, in flight, was " pursuing the road to Lancaster," i and at eight o'clock that night, Lord Cornwallis moved from near Chester towards the Lan caster road, following the Chester and Great Valley road, " by way of the present village of Glen Riddle, Lima, and Howellville and by Rocky Hill and Goshen Friends' meeting-house."6 The next morning Gen. Howe, who had remained at Birmingham for five days 1 Penna. Archives, 1st series, vol. v. p. 616. 2 Penna. Mag. of Hist., vol. vi. p. 35. 3 Penna. Archives, 1st series, vol. v. p. 624. * Penna. Mag. of Hist , vol. vi. p. 35. 6 Futhey and Cope's " History of Chester County," p. 78, 66 HISTORY OF DELAWARE COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA. after the battle,1 on the morning of the 16th, marched towards Lancaster by the way of the Turk's Head (now West Chester), Goshen meeting-house, and the Sign of the Boot, on the Downingtown road, and at eleven o'clock made a junction with Cornwallis' division, the latter column moving in advance until it had gone about a mile and a half north of Goshen meeting house, where, about two o'clock, the two armies con fronted each other, and Wayne attacked the British right flank with so much spirit that in a few moments the action would have become general, when, doubt less, owing to the discharge of musketry, the heavy, low-hanging, scudding clouds broke into a deluge of rain, accompanied by a tempest of wind, which re sulted in separating the armies immediately. So far as the American troops were concerned, they were in a few moments wet to the skin. Their ammunition was ruined, owing to their cartouch-boxes and " tum brels" being so defectively constructed that they were no protection from the rain. About four o'clock, Washington retired to Yellow Springs, which place his army reached in the night, and the next morning the commander-in-chief retreated with the main army up the Schuylkill, crossing it at Parker's Ferry. While the English forces lay at Birmingham, Jacob James, a loyalist of that neighborhood, re cruited in Chester County a troop of light-horsemen, and when the army marched away, he and his com pany followed the British standard. "The Chester County dragoons, under Captain James, subsequently took part in the surprise of Col. Lacey's Militia Bri gade, lying at Crooked Billett," on April 30, 1778, and in March, 1780, Capt. James was captured in North Carolina. President Reed, on April 18th of the latter year, wrote to Governor Caswell stating that James had been " a distinguished Partizan here in the Winter 1777, & particularly active in Kidnap ping the Persons in the Vicinity of the City who were remarkable for their Attachment to the Cause of their Country. He was also extremely troublesome to the County by stealing & employing his Associates in stealing Horses for the British Army." President Reed therefore requested Governor Caswell " that he may not be exchanged as a common Prisoner of War, but retained in close Custody untill a favorable Opp'y shall present to bring him to this State for Tryal."2 The regular British officers, however, were not over scrupulous in this matter of appropriating horses to their use, for, on Sept. 19, 1777, Lieut.-Col. Harcourt, with a party of dragoons and light infantry, came from Howe's encampment in Goshen, on the Phila delphia road, and from Newtown Square brought a hundred and fifty horses to the enemy.3 The British not only had made these advances by 1 See " A plan of the Operations of the British & Rebels Army in the Campaign, 1777," under Descriptive Letter F. " The Evelyns in Amer ica," p. 262. 2 Penna. Archives, 1st series, vol. iii. p. 191. 5 Penna. Mag. of History, vol. vi. p. 38. land, but on September 17th Howe was notified that several of the English vessels of war had arrived in the river, " and three vituallers, one at anchor, iu the Delaware off Chester."* The "Roebuck," Capt. Hammond, whose presence in the river, as heretofore noticed, had made that officer familiar with the navi gation of the Delaware River, at least as far as Wil mington, was one of the advanced men-of-war. Ad miral Earl Howe, after the battle of Brandywine, hastened with his fleet into the river and anchored his vessels along the Delaware shore from Reedy Island to New Castle. Washington, as well as Gen. Howe, when tbe latter by " doubling on his tracks" had crossed the Schuylkill and captured Philadel phia, knew that the English commander must have uninterrupted water communication to maintain his army, and while the enemy were resolved to do every thing they could to force the passage of the river, the American authorities were equally resolved to keep up, if possible, the obstruction. " If these can be maintained," wrote Washington to Congress, " Gen. Howe's situation will not be the most agreeable ; for, if his supplies can be stopped by water, it may easily be done by land."5 When the city fell, on September 25fch, Gen. Howe sent a messenger to notify the Eng lish fleet, then at Chester, that his had taken posses sion of Philadelphia. That communication by the river must be had was well understood by the Eng lish officers, for, in a letter from Lieut.-Col. William Harcourt to Earl Harcourt, dated at Philadelphia, Oc tober 26th, he remarks that " it was absolutely neces sary we should open a communication with our fleet ;" 6 and in the letter he narrates the attempts, up to that time, made by the British commander to that end, the defeat of Col. Dunop at Red Bank, the attack on Fort Mifflin, the repulse of the English forces there, and the destruction of the frigate " Augusta" and sloop-of-war " Merlin," classifying them as " checks following so close upon the back of each other." The enemy, however, had already made unwelcome visits to the section of country now Delaware County, for a resident of Philadelphia, under date of October 3d, records that " a foraging party went out last week towards Darby and brought in a great number of cattle to the great distress of the inhabitants." ' We also learn that on October 5th (Sunday) a captain of the Royal Artillery, with thirty men, went to Chester to bring to Philadelphia two howitzers and a large number of mortars. A battalion of Grenadiers and the Twenty-third or Welsh Fusileers accompanied them as an escort.8 On September 29th, Col. Stirling, with two British regiments, crossed the river from Chester, and took possession of the fortifications at Billingsport, which was manned only by militia, who, « lb., p. 37. 5 Sparks' "Correspondence of Washington," vol. v. p. 71. 6 " The Evelyns in America," p. 246. 7 "Diary of Robert Morton," Penna. Mag. of Hist., vol. i. p. 12. 8 " Journal of Capt. Montressor," Penna. Mag. of Hist., vol. vi. p. 42. CONCLUSION OF THE REVOLUTIONARY WAR. 67 after spiking the cannons and setting fire to the bar rack, withdrew without firing a gun.1 The force under Stirling is stated by Col. Bradford to have been Highlanders and marines from the man-of-war. Capt. Montressor says the troops were the Seventy-first Highlanders. On October 4th the enemy retired, excepting three hundred men, after they had made some unsuccessful efforts to remove the obstructions sunk in the river there, and on October 6th the British set fire to all the works and house, and the men who had been left to garrison the fort were withdrawn. The same evening Commodore Hazelwood of the Pennsylvania navy came down the river with the row-galleys, and attacked the British vessels of war between Fort Island and Chester. The firing " was almost a constant cannonade," and resulted in the British vessels getting under way, retiring to Chester, where nine of his Majesty's war ships were then lying.2 The same evening the Forty-second and Tenth British Regiments, with two howitzers and.two mortars, marched to Philadelphia to protect a large quantity of provisions landed at Chester for the use of the army, which were then being transported to the city. In the evening of October 11th, about three hundred American militia entered the town of Ches ter and captured the loyal sheriff of Sussex County, Del., who had sought shelter there under the British authorities. The night after the battle of the Brandy wine, Governor McKinley, of that State, was taken from his bed and made a prisoner. In retaliation for that act the Governor offered a reward of three hun dred dollars for the arrest of the sheriff, at whose in stance it is said McKinley had been apprehended. The day previous to this bold movement of the milita, Col. Boyd, sub-lieutenant of Chester County, was instructed to call out the fifth class of the militia to defend the inhabitants from foraging parties, and that a troop of fifty horsemen should be organized for that purpose. The ammunition required for these has tily-assembled forces was ordered to be placed at Col. Boyd's immediate disposal. On the 13th of October it was reported that Gen. Proctor, with sixteen hun dred men, was then in Newtown township, almost sixteen miles from Philadelphia.3 Potter had been ordered to keep a sharp lookout for parties of Eng lish foragers, and if possible prevent any provisions from being taken from the west side of the Schuylkill to Philadelphia for the use of the British troops. Congress had also by resolution declared that any one who should furnish provisions or certain other desig nated supplies to the British forces, or who should be taken within thirty miles attempting to convey such interdicted articles to any place then occupied by his Majesty's soldiers, would be subject to martial law, and if found guilty of the offenses, should suffer 1 Marshall's "Life of Washington," vol. iii. p. 176. ' Penna. Archives, 1st series, vol. v. p. 648. 3 Penna. Mag. of Hist., vol. i. p. 18. death.* Gen. Armstrong, on the 14th, informed Coun cil that his division had been separated, that Gen. Potter with his brigade had been " sent to Chester County to annoy the Enemies' small parties, whether Horse or foot, that may be found on the Lancaster or Darby roads, prevent provisions going to the Enemy, &c. I have heard," he continued, " of a fifth class of the militia of that County being ordered to remain for its own defence, which is very proper, the Com mander of that Class ought to communicate with General Potter & occasionally take his instructions."5 On the 15th the British fleet moved up the river and joined the "Roebuck" and "Vigilant," that then lay at anchor off Little Tinicum Island, the latter having the day before come up the Delaware sufficiently near to exchange shots with Fort Mifflin. The Americans were still confidently relying on the strength of the chevaux-de-frise, being entirely unaware of the fact that Robert White, who had been employed to sink the obstructions, was a traitor, as his subsequent base conduct showed, and had designedly left the channel near the Pennsylvania side open.6 Yet even after the forts were in the hands of the British, the approach to the city of Philadelphia was regarded as so hazard ous that most of the English vessels lay in the river below the Horse-Shoe, making the town of Chester the port where they discharged supplies for the army. Richard Peters, as secretary of the United States Board of War, on Oct. 18, 1777, called President Wharton's attention to information received, that a great number of the inhabitants of Chester County had furnished intelligence to and supplied the enemy with provisions while they were in that county, with out which assistance it was believed the British would not have succeeded in the capture of Philadelphia. The authorities of the United States were determined to render such service impossible, and to that end urged upon the State that "the great principle of self Preservation requires that the most effectual means should be forthwith pursued to put it out of their Power to persist in their former Mai-Practices, by taking from them such Articles of Cioathing & Provisions, & of the former particulary shoes, stock ings & Blankets, as might serve for the comfort & subsistence of tbe Enemy's Army, & the Acquisition whereof is of absolute Necessity to the existence of our own." The War Department, therefore, urged on Council that " spirited and determined militia," com manded by discreet and active officers, should be im mediately sent to Chester County to collect blankets, shoes, and stockings from all of the inhabitants that had not taken the oath or affirmation of allegiance to the State of Pennsylvania, and 'that all provisions and stock which might be useful to the enemy should be removed to a point beyond the latter's incursions. 4 Marshall's "Life of Washington," vol. iii. p. 172. 5 Penna. Archives, 1st series, vol. v. p. 673. 6 Penna. Mag. of Hist., vol. vi. p. 192, note. 68 HISTORY OF DELAWARE COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA. Gen. Washington, it was apprehended by Richard Peters, would order Gen. Potter to co-operate with the officers appointed for that purpose by Council.1 On the 21st, which was possibly the day Council re ceived the dispatch just mentioned, for it had been sent from York to Lancaster, Col. Evan Evans, Col. William Evans, Col. Thomas, Col. Gibbons, Col. Thomas Levis, Capt. William Brooks, and Capt. Jacob Rudolph were appointed to collect the articles enumerated from persons who had not publicly given in their adherence to the State of Pennsylvania, and were instructed to give certificates to owners whose goods were taken, allowing them three pounds for new single blankets. The articles thus taken were to be delivered to the clothier-general. Dr. Smith tells us that this order bore with unusual harshness on the Quakers, who were indeed a class peculiarly situated, their religious principles prevented them from taking the oath of allegiance and abjuration, for not only did they suffer from the inconvenience of parting with the necessaries for their family, but in addition, " their conscientious scruples would not permit them to re ceive the proffered compensation."2 At this time the British were making every effort to forward the siege they had begun of Fort Mifflin, where, under the supervision of Capt. Montressor, bat teries had been erected on Providence Island in the rear of the fort and communication had also been es tablished with the fleet by way of Bow Creek. On the 23d of October an unsuccessful attack was made on the fort, twenty vessels taking part therein, but in the action the frigate "Augustas," anew sixty-four gun ship, got aground, was set on fire, her magazine exploded and she was a total wreck, as was the " Mer lin" sloop-of-war, which ran on the chevaux-de-frise and sunk. The day before the attempt to carry Red Bank by assault had resulted disastrously for the British arms. On the 25th, Col. Joseph Reed, then at Darby, wrote to Council that a deserter from the Hessian Losberg regiment stated that the British army " must retreat in a few Days to Wilmington if they cannot get up their Provisions. Great Distress for Provisions in Town." Hence, when the news of Burgoyne's surrender was received in Philadelphia on October 31st well might Capt. Montressor record : " We are just now an army without provisions, a Rum artillery for Beseiging, scarce any amunition, no clothing, nor any money. Somewhat dejected by Burgoyne's capitulation, and not elated with our late manoeuvres as Dunop's repulse, and the 'Augustas' and 'Merlin' being burnt and to complete all, Block aded." Gen. Potter was active in his efforts to harass the enemy and cut off their means of supply, for we learn from a letter to President Wharton, written on Octo ber 27th, that when he first went to Chester County 1 Penna. Archives, 1st series, vol. v. p. 686. - Smith's " History of Delaware County," p. 319. with his command the country people carried to the city all kinds of marketing, but that he had put an end to that trade, no one being suffered to go to Philadelphia without a pass. At the time he wrote, sixty ships of the enemy were lying at and below Chester. From the best information he could get he learned that provisions " is very scarce and deer in the city," and he also stated that he had moved all the beef cattle and the flour from that part of the county, — the territory now included within the present limits of Delaware County. Two days after the date of this letter Gen. Wash ington (Oct. 31, 1777) wrote to Gen. Potter: " As soon as the Schuylkill is fordable, I will send over a large body of militia to you, for the purpoBe of executing some particular matters. The principal one is to endeavor to break up the road by which the enemy have a communication with their shipping over tbe islands (by Bow Creek) if practicable; and to remove the running-stones from the mills in the neighborhood of Chester and Wilmington." The commander-in-chief was very explicit in the orders to Gen. Potter, and the latter was instructed to execute them at once, and, if he had no teams or insufficient means of transporting the stones, he was directed to impress wagons. The grist-mills from which the stones were to be taken he designated thus : " Lloyd's, about two miles on this side of Chester (afterward Lapadie, Leiper's Snuff-mills) ; Robinson's, on Naaman's Creek ; Shaw's, about one mile back of Chester (now Upland), and the Brandywine mills. . . . The stones should be marked with tar and grease, or in some other manner, that it may be known to what mill they belong, that they may be returned and made use of in the future, and they should be moved to such diBtance that the enemy cannot easily recover them. If there is any flour in the mills it should be removed, if possible, after the stones are secured. I am informed that there is a considerable quantity in Shaw's mill, particularly, which there is reason to believe is intended for the enemy. It iB very convenient to the navigation of Chester Creek, and should be first taken care of. I beg you may instantly set about this work for the reason above mentioned. That no previous alarm may be given, let a certain hour be fixed upon for the execution of the whole at one time, and even the officers who are to do the business should not know their destination till just before they set out, lest it should take wind." In a postscript, Washington says, " I have desired Capt. Lee, of the Light-Horse, to give any assistance that you may want."3 That this order was carried into effect we learn from a letter dated Nov. 4, 1777, written by Maj. John Clark, Jr., to Washington, in which he informed the general that, " Near Hook fell in with Capt. Lee with a few dragoons and about sixty of foot, among whom were a few riflemen. . . . Tlie mills are dismantled, and we drove off some fat cattle from the shore at Chester, which I believe were intended for the enemy."* I have been unable to find where the mill-stones were taken, or how long their owners were deprived of them. Certain is it that after the British evacuated Philadel phia, the mills mentioned were in full operation. The service of light cavalry was indispensable in moving rapidly from place to place in order to inter: cept the enemy in their raids in the neighborhood of 3 Annals of Buffalo Valley, by John Blair Linn, p. 144. 4 Bulletin of Penna. Hist. Society, vol. i. No. 10, March, 1847, p. 34. CONCLUSION OF THE REVOLUTIONARY WAR. 69 the city and in rescuing booty from their foraging parties or in driving cattle beyond their reach So important was it deemed to have such bodies of men in Chester County that Council, October 31st, ordered Cols. Cheyney and Granow, without loss of time, to form three or four troops of light-horse, particularly in the southeastern parts of the county — now Dela ware County — and in the formation of such mounted troops the advice and direction of Gen. Potter was to be taken. The militia officers designated immedi ately set about carrying out the orders they had re ceived, for on November 8th, Gen. Potter, who then had his headquarters at Mr. Garret's, in Newtown, wrote to President Wharton that considering the close approach of winter, he doubted whether the men could be raised and equipped sufficiently early to be of any service in the then campaign, and that he then had volunteers who were acquainted with the country, and answered every purpose of dragoons. If it was necessary to have dragoons for an emer gency, Washington would send any number that might be required. The reasons assigned by Gen. Potter seem to have fully satisfied Council, for nothing more appears in reference to the troops of light-horse men from Chester County. Meanwhile the British forces were making regular siege to Fort Mifflin, for the scarcity of provisions was such that already many articles of food had so advanced in price in Philadelphia that they had thereby been banished from the tables of all but the wealthier classes, and provender for animals was difficult to procure. Although the city had fallen, on the whole, considering the repulse of the fleet at Fort Mifflin and the defeat at Red Bank, together with the stirring tidings from the North that Bur goyne had been captured, the outlook for the enemy was in nowise promising. For a number of years before the war, the industrious residents of that part of Chester County bordering on the Delaware, at a considerable outlay of labor, time, and money, had constructed dikes or embankments of earth along the river bank, so that much of the low and swampy ground had been converted into rich meadow land. As a means of defense, Council had determined to cut these banks when necessary, and flood the meadows. Hence we find that on November 1st, Capt. Montres sor, who was constructing the batteries on Carpenter's and Providence Islands, and who had effected com munication with the fleet by the way of Bow Creek, records on that day that "two hundred of the Rebels employed in cutting up the road to Bow Creek, and breaking down the dam to overflow us." Previous to this, however, the meadows had been flooded, for in a letter to Gen. Potter, dated October 31st, Washington says, " I am glad to hear the flood had done so much damage to the meadows. Endeavor by all means to keep the breakers open." Still the engineers strength ened the batteries, the work of reducing the fort and opening the river continued. The American army even then, before the winter at Valley Forge set in, was miserably deficient in clothing, and as the State authorities were highly in dignant at the peaceable position assumed by the Society of Friends, on Nov. 8, 1777, Council ap pointed collectors in the several counties in the State to collect from those persons who had not taken the oath of allegiance,1 or who had aided the enemy, arms, accoutrements, blankets, woolen and linsey- woolsey, cloth, linen, stockings, and shoes for the army. For Chester County, the following persons were named: Col. Evan Evans, Philip Scott, Esq., Elijah McClenaghan, Capt. John Ramsay, Patterson Bell, Esq., Thomas Boyd, Esq., Capt. Benjamin Wal lace, William Gibbons, Col. George Pierce, Capt. McCay (Concord), Maj. Thomas Pierce, Capt. John Gardiner, Samuel Holliday, Col. William Evans, Capt. Israel Whellam, John Wilson, Capt. Samuel Vanlear, Thomas Levis, Esq., Capt. William Brookes, Capt. David Coupland, Col. Thomas Taylor, Capt. Allen Cunningham. At this juncture John James, a loyalist, seems to have been especially objectionable to Council, hence on Nov. 13, 1777, all the officers of the commonwealth, both civil and military, were instructed to exert their utmost endeavors to apprehend him, so that he might be dealt with according to law ; and the following day Col. Smith, lieutenant of Chester County, was notified that John James had been clandestinely sent out from Philadelphia by Gen. Howe into his territory, and the authorities were particularly desired to secure " that dangerous emissary and to bring him to condign pun ishment." To that end Col. Smith was instructed to watch the quarterly meetings of the Society of Friends, where, it was believed, he would endeavor to promote the views of the invaders. That he might be more readily detected, Council furnished a personal descrip tion of James, setting forth that he was then about thirty-five years of age, five feet ten inches in height, slenderly made, with a stoop in his walk, leans side- wise, and his shoulders falling greatly. His eyes were dark, and his hair, for he wore no wig, was of a dark hue. His apparel, it is stated, was generally a light drab, in " the strictest Quaker fashion, being lengthy in the skirts and without pockets," while his hat was very plain. He was, so the instructions stated, a native of Chester County, and would be better known to the people there personally than by any description Council could give of him. " For this man you have, 1 No wonder is it that the Society of Friends, as a body, were not zeal ous in the interest of the Continental authorities, a sentiment that the ¦men most active in the Revolutionary war were mainly responsible for. Washington, usually so just in all his acts and deeds, was eminently un just to Friends. Even at the time was this patent to careful observers, for in a letter written from Philadelphia by a British officer, shortly after the capture of that city, he says, io speaking of those who remained when it fell, " Til! we arrived I believed it was a very populous city, but at present it is very thinly inhabited, and that only by the canaille and the Quakers whose peaceable disposition has prevented their taking up arms, and consequently has engaged them in our interests, by drawing upon them the displeasure of their countrymen." 70 HISTORY OF DELAWARE COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA. under cover of this letter," the order to Col. Smith stated, " a warrant, tho' it is expected that all agents of the Enemy will be industriously sought after and apprehended by you and many other friends of their country without such formalities." l The arrest of John James and many other Friends had been specially ordered by Council in the month of August preceding the battle of Brandywine.2 On Monday morning, Nov. 10, 1777, the batteries opened on Fort Mifflin, which was bravely defended until the Saturday, when, about a half-hour before midnight, the garrison evacuated it, the enemy's fire having rendered it no longer tenable. Before they retreated the Americans applied the torch, and when the royal troops took possession and hauled down the flag, which had been left flying at the staff-head, it was almost a ruin. A noticeable incident of the siege, which shows the changes in the river, is thus mentioned in Howe's dispatch : " On the 15th, the wind proving fair, the ' Vigilant' armed ship, car rying 16 twenty-four pounders, and a hulk with three 24-pounders, got up to the Fort through the Channel between Providence Island and Hog Island, those assisted by several Bhips-of-war in the Eastern channel, as well as by the batteries on Bhore, did such execution upon the Fort and collateral block -houBes that the enemy, dreading our impending assault, evacuated the island in the night between the 15th and 16th and it was possessed on the 16th at daybreak by the grenadiers of the guards." We are told by Marshall' that the water between Providence and Hog Islands had been deepened be cause the obstructions in the main channel had forced a strong current in that direction, which fact was en tirely unknown to the garrison. The sharpshooters from the round-top of the " Vigilant" kept the Ameri can guns silenced, for no sooner would a man show himself than he was fired at from the vessel with fatal effect. The American galleys endeavored to drive the English man-of-war away, but without success, and the evacuation of the fort became absolutely necessary. Lord Cornwallis, who was incensed at the stubborn resistance, and the loss its capture had occasioned to the British forces, with a round army oath denounced it as " a cursed little island." * Fort Mercer, at Red Bank, still floated the rebel colors, and it was determined by the invaders to effect its reduction. Hence, to that end, Gen. Howe, on the evening of the 18th,5 dispatched Cornwallis from Philadelphia with three thousand men, comprising 1 Penna. Archives, 1st series, vol. vi. p. 4. 2 Colonial Records, vol. xi. p. 342. '' Marshall's "Life of Washington," iii. p. 178. 4 Penna. Archives, 1st series, vol. vi. p. 23. 5 John Clarke, Jr., on Nov. 20, 1777 (Penna. Archives, 1st series, vol. vi. p. 2:1), wrote to Paul Zantzinger, Esq., that at noon on the 17th, Cornwallis left Philadelphia for Chester with three thousand British and Hessian troops, but Gen. Howe in his report unequivocally asserts that the soldiers began their march on the night of the 18th, in which state ment he is supported by Robert Morton (Penna. Mag. of Hist., vol. i. p. 28), and by Capt. Montressor (Penna. Mag. of Hist., vol. vi.p. 193). Clark in a postscript to this letter says, " I dined at Chester yesterday, caught a person supplying the enemy at the wharf with provisions, the boat pushed off, and about thirty pounds of butter and an excellent cheese fell into my hands." the Fifth, Fifteenth, Seventeenth, Thirty-third, and Fifty -sixth Regiments, exclusive of the Hessians and Light Infantry, with twelve pieces of cannon and several howitzers,6 together with a number of baggage- wagons, which body marched across the Middle Ferry on their way to Chester. On the morning of that day a numerous fleet of British vessels sailed up to and anchored off Billingsport,7 where was disembarked a large body of troops, estimated by the American scouts as nearly six thousand men. They had '¦ ar rived a few days before from New York," under the command of Maj.-Gen. Sir Thomas Wilson, with whom were Brig.-Gens. Leslie and Patton.8 As the division under Cornwallis was on the march to Chester they drove iu the American pickets on the Darby road, who, retreating, sought shelter in the Blue Bell Tavern, on Crum Creek, and from the win dows fired at the advancing English. Two men of the Thirty-third Regiment were killed, one of the slain being the sergeant-major." The Grenadiers, en raged, broke ranks, rushed into the house, and there bayoneted five of the Americans who had taken ref uge iu the inn. They would have killed all the militiamen had not the British officer interfered, and the whole picket, which had numbered thirty-three including the killed, were captured. The column then resumed the march and encamped a few miles eastward of Chester, from which point marauding parties plundered the inhabitants. The next day they reached Chester, where the whole of Cornwallis' command was embarked on transports by sunset, and it was conveyed across the Delaware to Billingsport, where he united his forces with those of Gen. Sir Thomas Wilson. Washington, who had been apprised of this move ment, ordered Gen. Greene to repair to the support of Gen. Varnum at Red Bank, and Gen. Huntingdon was immediately detailed with a brigade to reinforce the garrison. It is not within the scope of this work to narrate the circumstantial story of the unnecessary abandonment of Fort Mercer, which was vacated on the evening of the 19th, and the destruction, two days thereafter, of eight American armed vessels aud two « Bulletin Pennsylvania Historical Society, No. 10, March, 1847, p. 15. Robert Morton (Penna. Mag. of History, vol. i. p. 28) says the troops num bered three thousand five hundred. Maj. John Clark, Jr. (Penna. Ar chives, 1st series, vol. vi. p. 23) in a letter to Paul Zantzinger places the command at three thousand, and in his letter to Washington in the Historical Society's Bulletin, the first citation of authority iu this note, he makes the number five thousand. Clark seems to have made a mistake of one day in the date he gives in the letters just quoted. He reports Cornwallis as coming from Philadelphia on the 17th instead of the 18th, and his crossing to Billingsport on the 18th instead of the 19th. 1 Penna. Archives, 1st series, vol. vi. p, 27. 8 Gen. Howe's report, dated Nov. 28, 1777. Hazard's Register, vol. ii. p. 288. » John Clark, already quoted, says there was a captain, a sergeant- major, and three privates killed on the part of the English. Morton says there were two grenadiers killed in the British forces, and Mon tressor put the euemy'B loss a sergeant-major. I have followed Morton both as to the number of men under Cornwallis, and the number killed at the Blue Bell. CONCLUSION OF THE REVOLUTIONARY WAR. 71 floating batteries to prevent them from falling into the hands of the enemy. On the 20th, at mid-day, Cornwallis took possession of Fort Mercer, the force under his command amounting to six thousand men. Thus the great water-way — the Delaware — was opened to the British fleet, and supplies could easily and without opposition be forwarded to the city in vessels of light draught. Notwithstanding the river was cleared to the enemy their ships seemed not, in most instances, to have gone above Chester. The day that Cornwallis crossed the river to Billingsport, Maj. Clark, who was then at Mrs. Withy's tavern, now the Columbia House, stated that " eighty sail lie op posite to Bridgeport." Capt. Montressor's journal shows that in most instances the British vessels as cended the Delaware no higher than Chester. On Nov. 21, 1777, he records : " This morning sailed from Chester, dispatches for New York." On April 8, 1778, he tells us : " Arrived the ' Brune' frigate at Chester, having sprung her mainmast in the late Gale. Arrived also the ' Isis,' ship of war, with 8 transports, part of 12 separated in ye gale." On the 22d : " This day arrived at Chester a fleet of 35 sail from New York with forage, &c. Also arrived the ' Eagle' (the flag-ship) with Lord Howe." On the 28th, "The 'Lord Hyde' Packet only sailed from Chester this morning," and on May 7, 1778, "The ' Porcupine' sloop of war arrived at Chester this evening from England, where she left 25th of March last." Joseph Bishop, an octogenarian resident of Delaware County, who died many years since, related that when a boy he stood on the porch of Lamoken Hall, now the Perkins mansion, in South Ward, and watched the fleet practicing, and on several occasions when receiving distinguished passengers, the yard- arms were manned and the vessels gayly dressed with many flags and streamers. Even Gen. Howe, when he sailed for Great Britain, was compelled to descend to the vessel by land, for on May 26, 1778, Montressor notes : " Early this morning sailed from below Bil lingsport for England the 'Andromeda' frigate, Brine commander, in whom went General Sir William Howe." The day before Montressor had gone with Howe to Billingsport. When it was determined that the Continental troops should go into winter quarters, the English general must have been speedily apprised of that movement, for on the 11th of December, the very day the army under Washington began its march from Whitemarsh to Valley Forge, and a portion of his troops had crossed the Schuylkill at Matson's Ford, Cornwallis was in force on the other side, where Gen. Potter met him, we are told by Washington, " with a part of the Pennsylvania militia who behaved with great bravery, and gave them every possible opposition till he was obliged to retreat from their superior numbers." Cornwallis had in all probability made this movement as a reconnoissance, for portions of his command had been in the townships of Radnor, Haverford, and Darby. On the 10th, the next day, from Matson's Ford he returned to Haverford, his command en camping for the night at the hillside on which Haver ford meeting-house stands, and the next day he re turned to Philadelphia. The residents of those town ships had cause to remember the merciless plunderings of the British troops during that raid. We learn that at this period some of the militia of Chester County had organized as a troop of horse, for on December 19th, Council ordered that in addition to their pay as infantry they should be allowed all the expenses of forage, when it could not be supplied by the commissary. In the same month Lord Cornwallis had been sent to England by Gen. Howe as bearer of dispatches, and subsequent thereto the English com mander-in-chief, on December 22d, with seven thou sand men marched out from Philadelphia, leaving Gen. Knyphausen in command in that city, and encamped on the heights of Darby, his lines extending along the road from Gray's Ferry to the heights below the vil lage, extending along the Springfield road to the dwelling then of Justice Parker, while their pickets in that direction were at the intersection of Providence and Springfield roads, near the house then of Mr. Swain. This movement of the British general was made for the purpose of protecting the transporting, by water, of a large quantity of forage, which the enemy had collected from the islands and in the neigh borhood of Darby. Gen. Howe states that about a thousand tons were secured in this raid, sufficient, he estimated, for the winter consumption of the British army.1 On the 24th, Col. John Bull notified Presi dent Wharton that "By Certain Intelligence Just Reed from Head Quarters the Enemy are in a Large Body in Chester County with Genl. Howe at their head," and in consequence of that movement he had been ordered to march to Germantown or below, towards the enemy, with six regiments of militia. Gen. Pot ter, in a letter dated from Radnor, Dec. 28, 1777,2 wrote to President Wharton that to annoy Howe as much as possible, a detachment of Continentals with Morgan's riflemen had been sent from the American encampment to operate in connection with the militia under his command, and that they had kept close to the enemy's lines ; that on Tuesday, the 23d, thirteen of the British light horses had been captured, and ten of their horsemen, while the next day two more of their horses and riders had been taken. The activity of the Americans had prevented the enemy from plundering the inhabitants, as they usually did, but there had been little skirmishing, and but one of the American soldiers had been killed and two wounded, while upwards of twenty of the English had been captured, and a number of deserters had made their way to his lines. On the other hand, Gen. Howe re ported that " the detachment returned on the 28th of 1 Gen. Howe's report, Jan. ID, 1778. Hazard's Register, vol. ii. p. 2 Penna. Archives, 1st series, vol. vi. p. 141. 72 HISTORY OP DELAWARE COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA. December without any further attempt from the enemy to retard the- progress of the foragers, than from small parties skulking, as is their custom, to seize upon the straggling soldiers. One of these parties, consisting of two officers and thirty men, were decoyed by two dragoons of the Seventeenth Regiment into an am buscade and made prisoners." Potter, it seems, agreed with Howe in the results of this raid, for he stated that the English had carried off large quantities of hay, and had provided themselves with winter fuel and forage, " and will bless themselves, and sit down in peace this winter in the city." Perhaps the militia men captured by the British, mentioned by Howe, was the same party of whom Dr. Smith records, that, under the command of Capt. William Brooke, of Haverford, — -who during the second war with England was a general of the Pennsylvania troops, — they were enjoy ing themselves in a house a mile below Darby, when the enemy suddenly surrounded the house. Brooke jumped from a window and made his escape, but in getting over a fence found that in his leap he had partially dislocated his foot, to which he was subject. " Putting his foot through the fence, and giving his leg a quick extension, the joint was brought into a proper condition," and he continued his flight until he reached a place of safety.1 While the British forces held possession of the city and river, many acts of inhumanity are recorded of their foraging-partie's. The marine service was more objectionable in that respect than the army, and many cases are recorded of this brutality. Notwithstanding his advanced years, David Coup- land, of Chester, was earnest in his advocacy of the cause of the colonies, and previous to the battle of Brandywine having entertained the Marquis de Lafay ette at his home, he became very obnoxious to the Tories ; hence, when the British authority was tempo rarily supreme, he was held under suspicion of com municating with the Continental authorities. In the spring of 1778, when the " Vulture," 2 a British man- of-war, lay off Chester, in the middle of the night, a boat's crew came ashore, and, going to David Coup- land's dwelling, the present Stacey house, he was taken out of bed and conveyed to the vessel, where he was detained for many weeks a prisoner. His age, as well as the anxiety consequent on his forced detention from home, his inability to learn aught of his family, the exposure and harsh treatment, induced a low, ner vous fever. At length, when the disease began to assume alarming symptoms, the commander of the " Vulture" had him conveyed ashore and returned to his home, but without avail. He died previous to Aug. 26, 1778, for his will was admitted to probate at that date. About the same time Capt. John Crosby, of the militia in the Continental service, was captured at his home and taken on board the vessel of war, 1 Smith's " History of Delaware County," p. 325. 2 Martin's " History of Chester," p. 175. sent to New York, and detained there in the old " Jersey" prison-ship for six months. So extreme were the privations and hardships he had to undergo, that for the remainder of his life he suffered from their effects. The incidents happening during the Revolutionary struggle within the territory now comprising Delaware County were few, and generally comprise the adven tures of a resident seeking to save bis property from seizure, or an American soldier who, while on leave of absence, had had narrow escapes from being cap tured by the British troops. Most of these events which have come to my knowledge will be related in the history of the townships wherein the incident happened. Still, it should be remembered that while the army lay at Valley Forge the authorities were active in preparation to place the forces in as effective condition as their limited means would permit. Hence, on Jan. 9, 1778, Col. Thomas Moore was appointed wagon-master of Chester County, and on the 30th of that month a requisition for sixty wagons was made on the county, and on February 17th, recruiting being enjoined to fill out the de pleted regiments, Council, on Washington's recom mendation, ordered Lieut. James Armstrong, Lieut. John Marshall, and Lieut. William Henderson to Chester County in that service. On March 11th, Robert Wilson was appointed one of the sub-lieu tenants of Chester County instead of Col. Thomas Strawbridge, and on the 23d of that month Col. An drew Boyd, holding the like office in the county, re ceived two thousand musket cartridges for the use of the militia, in all probability for the use of the men instructed to prevent the farmers of the county car rying to Philadelphia and the enemy their produce, an act on their part which might call down upon them the severest punishment, since Council had au thorized persons so violating their orders to be subject to military law, and if found guilty to pay the penalty with their lives. The collection of the militia fines was a frequent source of trouble in Chester County, and on several occasions we find that complaints were made to Council by the officers there that they were unable to execute the duties imposed by law upon them. On May 22, 1778, Col. Boyd, one of the sub-lieuten ants, represented that in the townships in the south easterly parts of the county, — necessarily part of the present county of Delaware, — many of the inhabit ants were "disaffected," and "in a riotous & seditious manner commit Treason & felony, & oppose the exe cution of the Law." The lieutenant of the county, Col. Smith, was thereupon instructed to select seventy-five men from the militia, with a captain, lieutenants, an ensign, and the proper number of non-commissioned officers, which company was to be employed in arresting all persons who should so re sist the execution of the laws. This specially-detailed body was placed by Council in charge of Col. Boyd, CONCLUSION OF THE REVOLUTIONARY WAR. 73 who was expected to use the men only in making arrests, but " that nothing be done by them by way of Punishment," which was to be reserved until trial and sentence, for any other course would "be dis creditable not only to Counsel but to the cause of Freedom." However, on June 4th, Cols. Hannum and Cheyney informed the authorities that there was no occasion for the guard of men mentioned in order to collect the fines for non-service in the militia; that the ravages made by the enemy in their march through and raids in the county, as well as the great quantities of provisions, forage, and other supplies furnished to the American army were such that the residents there had great difficulties in raising money for substitutes and militia fines. Council thereupon ordered the company of soldiers under Col. Boyd to report to camp, and directed that in all cases where the parties to whom the certificates for articles fur nished the government tendered those certificates in payment of their substitute money or for fine, they should be accepted by the officers, but this tender was not to include any who had obtained a certificate by assignment. On May 6, 1778, Council appointed William Evans, Thomas Cheyney, Thomas Levis, Patterson Bell, and John Hannum to act as commissioners for Chester County in enforcing the act of attainder, and on July 15th the Supreme Executive Council issued a pro clamation calling on a large number of persons " who it is said have joined the Armies of the Enemy to render themselves & abide their legal trial for their Treasons, &c," and among the number were the fol lowing persons formerly residents of that part of Chester County which is now included within the present boundaries of Delaware County: " George Davis, Husbandman, now or late of the Township of Spring field; John Taylor, Tavern-keeper; John Moulder, Waterman; John Talbot, wheelwright; & Thomas Barton, Sawyer, all now or late of the Township of Chichester; . . . Edward Grissil, Laborer ; & John Wilson, Taylor ; both now or late of the TownBhip of Thornbury ; William Mil- son, Taylor; Isaac Bullock, Laborer; Benjamin James, Cooper; & John Bennet, Jun'r, Laborer; all now or late of the TownBhip of Concord ; . . . William Maddoek, Tavern-keeper ; William Dunn, Laborer ; JoBeph Edwards, Mason; George Dunn, Taylor; James Malin, Laborer, & Gideon Vernon, Husbandman ; all now or late of the Township of Provi dence ; And Christopher WilBon, Husbandman, & John Taylor, Grazier, both now or late of the Township of Ridley ; . . . Joshua Proctor, laborer, now or late of the Township of Newtown;. Aaron Ashbridge, Water man ; Joseph Gill, Malster ; Elias Wernon (" Vernon"), Taylor ; all now or late of the Township of Chester; And David Rogers, Carpenter, now or late of the Township of Egmant; And John Supplee, William Cald well & James Hart, Husbandmen ; John Musgrove, Trader ; and William Andrews, Fuller; all now or late of the Township of Darby; And Wil liam Smith of Tinicum Island ; & William Anderson, Laborer, both now or late of the Township of Ridley ; Henry Eflinger, Junior, Hugh O'Cain, William Kennedy, Darby O'Cain & James McClarin, Laborer ; & Isaiah Worrell, Miller, All now or late of the Township of Spriugfield ; And Isaac Buck, Abraham Talkenton, Thomas Burns, William Clarke & George Good, laborers ; aud William Henry Taylor; all now or late of the Township of Providence. And George Dunn & David Malis, Tay lors ; & William Bell, Laborer ; all now or late of the Township of New town ; and Robert Kissack, Weaver; James Brown, Wheelwright; James German & Enoch German, Cordwainers ; & Michael Crickley, Laborer; all now or late of the Township of Haverford, all now or late of the County of Chester. . . . And Malin Dunn, Taylor; now or late of the Township of Providence; have severally adhered to & knowingly & wil lingly aided & assisted the EnemieB of the State & of the United States of America, by having joined their Armies at Philadelphia, in the County of Philadelphia, within this State. ... We the Supreme Ex ecutive Council ... do hereby strictly charge and require the said George Davis &c. to render themselves respectively to some or one of the Justices of the Supreme Court, or of the Justices of the Peace ... on or before the third day of AuguBt next ensuing & also abide their legal trial for such their Treasons on pain that every of them the said George Davis &c. not rendering himself as aforesaid & abiding the trial afore said, shall, from and after the said first day of August, stand & beat- tainted of High Treason, to all intents & purposes & shall suffer such pains and penalties & nndergo all such forfeitures as persons attainted of High Treason ought to do. And all the faithful subjects of this State are to take notice of this Proclamation & govern themselves accord ingly."' Gen. Benedict Arnold, after the British army had evacuated Philadelphia, June 18, 1778, was placed in command of that city. While there, as is well known, he used his official position to further his own personal ends, and one of his speculations finally re- 1 Colonial Records, vol. xi. pp. 513-18. Governor Guerard, of South Caro lina, having applied for the name of all the persons who has beeu pro claimed as traitors in Pennsylvania, on Nov. 28, 1783, John Morris pre pared acertified list from which are taken the following names of persons from the present county of Delaware, and thoBe who were then recorded as from Chester, without designating the townships where they resided : Aaron Ashbridge, Chester, discharged ; William Andrews, fuller, Darby ; William Anderson, laborer, Ridley; Isaac Bullock, laborer, Concord; Isaac Buck, laborer, Providence ; Thomas Burns, laborer, Providence; William Bell, laborer, Newtown; James Brown, wheelwright, Haver ford ; William Caldwell, husbandman, Darby ; William Clark, laborer, Providence; Michael Crickley, laborer, Haverford; George Davis, hus bandman, Springfield ; William Dunn, laborer, Providence; George Dunn, discharged ; Malin Dunn, tailor, Providence ; George Dunn, tailor, Providence ; Henry Eflinger, Jr., discharged ; Abraham Falkens- ton, laborer, Providence; Samuel Fairlamb, yeoman, Chester ; George Good, laborer, Providence; Joseph Gill, maltster, Chester; William Henry, tailor, Providence ; Benjamin James, cooper, Concord ; William Kennedy, laborer, Springfield; John Moulder, waterman, Chichester; John (William) Millson, tailor, Concord; William Maddoek, tavern- keeper, Providence ; John Musgrove, trader, Darby ; David Maris, tailor, Newtown ; Hugh O'Kain, laborer, Springfield ; Darby O'Kain, laborer, Springfield ; Joshua Proctor, laborer, Newtown ; John Taylor, tavern- keeper, Chichester; John Talbot, wheelwright, ChicheBter; John Tay- ler, grazier, Ridley; Nathaniel Vernon, late sheriff; Nathaniel Vernon, Jr., laborer, Gideon Vernon, husbandman, Providence; Christopher Wilson, husbandman, Ridley, tried aud convicted; Isaiah Worral, mil ler, Springfield. Of Chester County — Thomas Bulla, husbandman ; Tim othy HurBt, gentleman ; Henry Skyles, huBbandman ; John Swanwick, late of Custom-house ; Richard Swanwick, late of Custom-house ; Joseph Thomas, late sub-sheriff. A John Taylor, of Chester County, was par doned May 30, 1783, on taking oath of allegiance and giving bonds for good behavior during the war. By tbe time this list was made out it became a question which of the John Taylors herein mentioned had received tlie Executive clemency, and the master of the rolls himself acknowledges in a quere that he could not determine the controversy. Penna. Archives, 1st series, vol. x. pp. 250-60. On June 3, 1783, John Briggs, who had been convicted of harboring Gideon Vernon, " an at tainted traytor," was sentenced to a fine of fifty pounds and imprison ment to the 14th of October following, appealed to Council, who miti gated his punishment by remitting the imprisonment, on his entering security for payment of the fine, fees, and costs, and to be of good be havior for three years. On Sept. 13, 1783, President John Dickinson is sued a proclamation offering a reward for the noted Doan brothers, and charging many others with being implicated in their crimes, among the number Gideon Vernon. The proclamation stated that any one who should kill any of these persons fleeing from arresr, " he or they so kill ing shall be and hereby are justified, and in case of any prosecution shall be commenced against any person or persons for the same, he or they may thereto plead the general issue and give this act iu evidence." Moreover, any person who should kill any of the persons named in the proclamation, on proof of that fact produced to the president of the State should receive a reward of three hundred pounds in good money. Colo nial Records, vol. xiii. pp. 687-90. 74 HISTORY OP DELAWARE COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA. suited in casting on his reputation and character, which seemed to have had only remarkable physical bravery as a redeeming trait, the suspicion that mur der, as well as treason, was among the crimes of which he had been guilty. The circumstances are briefly these: Jesse Jordan, a deputy wagon-master of Chester County, on Sept. 27, 1778, with a brigade of twelve wagons in his care, was ordered by Col. Andrew Boyd, the wagon-master of the county, to Philadelphia, there to load with provisions, and thence to New Windsor. Jordan was absent much longer than was expected. On his return Col. Boyd demanded the reason, and was told that when he reached Philadelphia, Deputy Quartermaster-General John Mitchell had ordered him, with his train of empty wagons, to Egg Harbor, N. J., then a harbor for American privateers, where he was instructed to load with merchandise belonging to private persons. This he did, and when he returned to the city the goods were delivered to stores kept by private indi viduals. Col. Boyd immediately laid the matter be fore Council, and on Jan. 18, 1779, that body de manded an explanation of this transaction from Gen. Mitchell. On the 23d the latter replied that he had sent the wagons to New Jersey by order of Gen. Ar nold, whereupon Council requested the general to in form them whether the goods transported were public or private; if the latter, to whom they belong; also desiring Arnold to refer them to the authority by which "public wagons of Pennsylvania were sent into another State to do business merely of a private nature." On January 30th, Jesse Jordan was fully examined respecting the circumstances of this trip. While the matter was pending Arnold left the city, and Jordan and his teamsters being then " in great ne cessity," the Council considered that "the board ou't to relieve them, so far as to advance £450 until they can procure further redress." On the 25th of Febru ary, Deputy Quartermaster-General Mitchell ap peared before Council, acknowledged that the blot in his memorandum book under date of Oct. 30, 1778, was done by his orders to conceal an entry of his clerk "of the return of Mr. Jordan's Brigade of wag gons from Egg Harbor, & that the obliteration was made after the charge against Gen. Arnold for having used the public waggons for his private business had come to his (Mitchell's) knowledge." He subse quently, on March 1, 1779, in a lengthy letter to Pres ident Reed, gave a circumstantial account of the matter, and on March 27th, Timothy Matlack, the secretary of Council, wrote to Jonathan Dickinson Sergeant, stating that Council had advanced Jordan four hundred and fifty pounds, to be repaid when he should recover compensation for the use of the wagons from Gen. Arnold, and the body was anxious to learn whether legal proceedings had been instituted. There appears no reference to the subject until October 10th, when Mr. Sergeant informed Council that he had instituted suit for Jesse Jordan against Gen. Arnold, but the action had at that time abated by the plain tiff's death, for "Jesse Jordan has been lately mur dered in Chester County." That Arnold personally did that deed no one believed, but there was a general impression that of all men he had the greatest inter est in the wagon-master's death, and after the former's treason many there were who thought that perhaps he knew more of the particulars of Jesse Jordan's " taking off" than he cared to tell. The privateer brig " Holker," named in honor of the French consul at Philadelphia, was owned by Robert Morris, and it is related that on one occasion the vessel, in lead ballast, reached the city very op portunely, for, at the time, the American troops were entirely out of bullets. Her owner immediately turned her cargo over to the authorities for the use of the army. On July 20, 1779, the " Holker" was lying at Chester, where a crew was being recruited for the privateer, and Maj. George Harvy was in structed by Council to allow the then owner of the vessel, Mr. McClanachan, to have ten tons of disa bled cannons for ballast. The price was not exactly stipulated, but the major, as some guide for him in adjusting that matter, was informed that when these disabled cannon were delivered at Chester the iron master would give one ton of bar iron in exchange for four tons of the old metal. The brig, as before stated, was then lying at Chester, commanded by Capt. Matthew Lawler, and at that place, from July 17th to August 2d, a crew was recruited for the vessel by Davis Bevan, captain of marines, who had before been mustering officer for the county of Chester. The following list gives the names of the crew, as well as the sums paid each man at the time of enlisting:' Received as Bounty. £ s. d. John Bayley 37 William Mackey 37 Christopher Battnel 37 10 0 George Trnsk 37 10 Joseph Marshal) 37 10 Nicholas Francis (1st)... 37 10 William Smith 37 John Basset 37 William Swanson 37 10 0 Edward McDonagh 37 William Johnson 37 0 00 10 0 10 0 John McGlocklin 37 10 Joseph Claterbuck 37 10 Frederick Waggoner 37 10 "" 15 00 0 0 0 David Kenedy 37 15 0 Joseph Bowdin 37 10 0 Eber Porry 37 John Aruyz 37 John Dunham 37 George Geddey 37 10 0 Nathaniel Heath 37 10 o Charles Orsonall 37 10 0 Joseph Hulings 37 Thomas Richards 37 George Ennis 28 William Thomson 28 John Wallace 28 Robert Loague (carpen ter's mate) _ 28 Peter Anderson 18 John Harkins 18 15 0 David Colemar 18 15 0 William Coulter John Virdine John Hambright, Sr... John Cockshott Nathaniel Carr PattCain John Whitehead Matthew Penell William Webb Roger Brown James McAlester George McCay George Wass Allen Mongomery Thomas Burnel John Plog 10 0 i David Bamiskay David Harding Patrick Shannon John Slaughter David Cahill Charles Griffith Matthew W. Murray- George Parker , Andrew Rowar Benedicteo Pida James Hambleton Peter Abrams Jesse Hall Richard Dickson Patrick McOnuld John Crawford 10 0 10 0 10 0 10 0 2 6 2 6 2 6 0 Received as Bounty. £ s. d. 8 15 0 8 15 0 8 15 0 8 15 0 8 16 0 8 15 0 8 15 0 15 0 16 0 15 0 15 0 15 0 15 0 15 0 15 0 8 15 0 15 0 15 0 15 0 22 10 10 22 10 6 15 0 15 0 15 0 15 0 15 0 15 0 15 0 15 0 15 0 15 0 16 0 1 From the manuscript receipt-book of David Bevans, captain of marines on the " Holker," now in the Delaware County Institute of Science, Media, Pa. CONCLUSION OF THE REVOLUTIONARY WAR. 75 Received as Bounty. £ a. d- Received as Bounty. £ «. d. John N eagle James Harper Thomas Henry (a m latto) William Smith (2d) ... Thomas Apkin Francis Brown Matthew McSherny... John Fair-land James Hardin George Shilstone James Anderson , Hugh Harris Robert Cornish Samuel Armitage J. Bickham Dennis Lynch Richard Bickerton Ralph Horn Thomas Lee Charles Rouff. William McGlocklin... 18 15 0 18 15 0 18 15 0 18 15 (I 18 16 0 18 15 0 18 15 0 18 15 0 18 15 0 18 15 0 18 15 0 18 15 0 18 15 0 18 15 0 18 15 0 IS 15 0 18 15 0 18 15 0 IS 15 0 18 15 0 18 15 0 Anthony Elton 18 Blenkine Cornaickle 18 Samson Moore 18 Daniel Binckar 18 Joseph Seilings 18 WilliamPoke 18 John Hoddy 18 James Robertson 18 Patrick McGinnis 18 David Cahill 18 Richard Oockshott 18 Jeremiah Casey 18 Thomas Hornsby 18 CorneliuB Bookly 18 Samuel Clayton 18 Stephen Green 18 Thomas Forrest 18 David Buchanan (a cabin boy) 7 Joel Jones Ekena Tessune Porpino 15 0 15 0 15 0 15 0 15 0 15 0 15 0 15 0 15 0 15 0 15 0 15 0 15 0 10 0 . $100 . 100 100 July 28, 1779, Barney Cuninghaui receipted for .£11 fis. for one hand- vice for use of brig " Holker." July 30, 1779, Thomas Fell receipted for thirty-six pounds for two muskets for use of brig " Holker." Aug. 2, 1779, Thomas Lee receipted for fifteen pounds in part of prize money. Aug. 2, 1779, George Geddey receipted for two hundred and four dol lars by bounty paid David Forsyth and James McNeil, masters-at-arms. The April preceding the " Holker" had captured a schooner of ten guns and forty men, and also two armed sloops early2 in the month of July, before she lay at Chester to refit and recruit her crew. In July, 1780, the " Holker" had an engagement off the coast of New Jersey with the loyal privateer " Lord Rod ney," in which the cutter, after an action of an hour and a half, was captured, her commander, Samuel Moore,1 and five of her crew killed, and twenty wounded. The " Holker" suffered severely in the engagement, her loss being six killed, including the first lieutenant, and fourteen wounded.2 The war-cloud had drifted away from Chester County, and never since that time have the good people of this section of the commonwealth been dis turbed by the tread of hostile forces in martial array. But, although the husbandmen could resume their la bors without the constant dread that inimical parties might gather the harvests and lay waste their fields, the State of Pennsylvania still made heavy demands on the public both for men and means to carry on the war. In the fall of the year 1778, when Sir Henry Clinton, in accordance with instructions from the ministry, had detached five thousand men to the West Indies and three thousand to Florida, the destination of these troops being unknown, the mysterious preparations aroused widespread apprehension as to the objective point of the expedition. Naturally the public dis quietude was increased when the attack on Little Egg Harbor and the butchery of the sleeping, unarmed infantry attached to Pulaski's brigade, was known. 1 Penna. Mag. of Hist., vol. vi. p. 255. 2 Penna. Archives, 2d series, vol. i. p. 370, in note C, it is said that the captain of the " Holker" was killed. The captain of the " Lord Rod ney" was, but Matthew Lawler, captain of the " Holker," lived to be mayor of the city of Philadelphia from 1801 to 1804, both years inclusive. On October 19th, Council ordered that the militia in the counties of Philadelphia, Chester, Bucks, and Lan caster should be held in readiness to march at the shortest notice, but the minute-men were not further called out that year, nor were they in June, 1780, when Gen. Knyphausen crossed from New York and made an incursion into New Jersey. The purpose and extent of that movement being unknown, Council, on the 12th of that month, ordered the fourth class of the militia of the counties of Philadelphia, Bucks, and Chester to hold themselves 'in readiness to march to the support of the Continental army, should later intelligence indicate that such a movement was neces sary. But orders to take the field were not issued. Not long afterwards, on July 28th, President Reed wrote a complaining letter to Col. Robert Smith, that Chester was lagging behind the other counties in for warding volunteers, and urged him to exertion in fur nishing the quota of militia, which must report, he said, according to Washington's command, at Trenton, by the 12th of August. In September of the follow ing year (1781), after the army had gone southward, and Benedict Arnold was making preparations to undertake his infamous expedition, under the British flag, against New England, on September 25th, Col. Smith was again ordered to hold the militia of the county in readiness to march on a moment's notice to Newtown, Bucks Co., notwithstanding there was no recent tidings of the movements of the enemy at New York. The troops had assembled on the occasion, and had already begun to move as required, for, on Oc tober 10th, Col. Smith wrote Council that, as ordered, the fourth class of the militia of Chester County had twice marched, but as often the orders had been countermanded, and the men were on furlough till further commands were issued. The order to march had been countermanded before the troops left the county, and as but few of the enrolled men failed to appear, the fines on the delinquents would amount to a very small sum. The cost of supplying necessaries for the men was considerable, and hence, as the time was short, there was a general objection to assessing on the delinquents the " whole costs of the tour." No further particulars respecting the calling out of troops appear during the remainder of the war ; although on Jan. 30, 1781, James Moore received five hun dred pounds to enlist men into the Pennsylvania line from Chester County. The incidents happening in the county now became of little general interest. On March 30, 1780, Col. Robert Smith was appointed lieutenant of the county, with Col. Thomas Cheyney, Lewis Gronow, Andrew Boyd, Thomas Levis, and Robert Wilson as sub lieutenants. On June 8th the quartermaster-general stated that Col. Boyd had been instructed to send sixty wagons and teams from Chester County, but none had up to that time reported. Council, therefore, on the 21st, ordered a requisition on the several counties for wagons, fixing the quota of Chester at forty, which, 76 HISTORY OF DELAWARE COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA. if " cannot be procured in any other way, must be im pressed." On July 25th, Council made requisition for supplies for the army, and Chester County was re quired to furnish eight hundred barrels of flour per month, two thousand bushels of forage per month, two hundred horses, forty wagons, and five hundred militia ; and, on August 8th, David Denny for First; Owen Thomas, Second ; Joseph Luckey, Third ; David Wilson, Fourth ; Thomas Strawbridge, Fifth ; John Crosby, Sixth ; George Price, Seventh, and Joseph Spear for Eighth Battalion, to collect quota of horses in Chester County, under direction of Col. Andrew Boyd, wagon-master. On August 10th, John Beatan was appointed paymaster of the militia, with instruc tions that Continental money was to be paid out at the rate of sixty dollars for one in that of State issues. As an illustration of the depreciation of Con tinental money, — owing to the fact that Congress then could not levy a tax to provide for the redemption of these issues, — some of the payments made for cattle in 1780 are annexed : June 20, 1780. John Crozer received $6000 for 5 head of cattle. Jane 27, 1780, Gideon Gilpin £2400 for 6 cattle. June 27, 1780, Israel Gilpin £700 for 20 sheep. June 27, 1780, James Hannum £2000 for 5 cattle. June 27, 1780, Caleb Pyle £1240 for 5 cattle. July 12, 1780, Isaac Sewell £19,106 for 14 head of beef cattle. In the latter month, Commissary-Gen. Ephraim Blaine gave notice that William Evans was his rep resentative in Chester County to receive live stock, and that " the magazine" for such supplies was located in Philadelphia. Early in April, 1782, — for the vessel did not sail from Philadelphia until the 8th of that month, — occurred in Delaware Bay the remarkable engagement between the Pennsylvania vessel-of-war " Hyder Ali," com manded by Capt. Joshua Barney, and the British ship " General Monk." The American vessel carried six teen six-pound guns and a crew of one hundred and ten men, while that of the English had one hundred and thirty-six men and twenty nine-pounders. The vic tory of the former was largely due to the fact that tbe understanding between Barney and his men was that every order should be executed as though an exactly opposite command had been given. Thus, while the two vessels were approaching each other, Barney cried out, " Hard a-port your helm ; do you want him to run aboard of us ?" The Englishman heard the order and made preparations to counteract the movement, as the American captain hoped, so that when Barney's vessel answered the helm, which had been clapped hard a-starboard by the men at the wheel, the enemy's jib-boom caught in the fore-rigging of the " Hyder Ali," and there remained during the short engage ment which followed, giving the latter a raking posi tion. The same confusion of orders mystified the Brit ish captain throughout the action, for, as understood, when Barney gave the command "Board!" his men were to fire, and when he shouted " Fire !" they were to board. When the vessels ran together, as stated, Barney in a loud voice gave the order " Board !" and the stubborn Englishmen crowded forward to repel the enemy, when a broadside was discharged at close range ; and so rapidly did the American gunners load, that in twenty-six minutes, the time the action lasted, the " Hyder Ali" had fired twenty broadsides. The English vessel kept her colors flying until she had twenty killed and thirty-three wounded. Among the former were the first lieutenant, purser, surgeon, boatswain, and gunner ; among the latter Capt. Rogers and every officer on board, except a midshipman. The American loss was four killed and eleven, wounded. Captain Barney left the " Hyder Ali" at Chester, at which place he took Capt. Rogers ashore to the house of a Quaker lady, who nursed him until he had en tirely recovered from his wounds. The victor pro ceeded to the city in his prize. In the latter part of 1782, Col. Hannum, Col. Fra- zier, and Dr. Gardner, as representatives of the Coun cil in Chester County, seized a quantity of British goods while passing through the county, designed for the prisoners of war at Lancaster. The wagon-train was under a flag of protection granted by Washington. The seizure was made because of some alleged viola tion of the passport granted to those having the goods in charge. Congress, immediately after receiving in formation of the fact, took action in the matter, and it was presented to the attention of Council in such a manner that the latter required the opinion of At torney-General Bradford as to whether Council could summarily dispose of the case, and thus prevent a trial of the cause in Chester County. Bradford was clearly of opinion that Council had no authority to interfere, asserting that if the goods seized were neces sary for the prisoners of war and were covered by a passport issued by the commander-iu-chief, they were not contraband or liable to condemnation ; if the passports had been violated the offense was one against the law of nations, and punishable in our courts of judicature. On Jan. 17, 1783, Congress appointed a committee to confer with Council on the subject, and the following day President John Dickinson, in a special message, called the attention of the attorney- general to the matter. On the 21st the committee of Congress, a committee from the General Assembly, and Council met in the chamber of the latter body, where the question was discussed, and the position of each fully understood, and adjourned to the 23d, when a representation of the case as agreed on was drafted, which, after being signed by Cols. Hannum and Fra- zier and Dr. Gardner, was referred to Congress, and thus the difficulty terminated ; although on March 24, 1783, John Gardner, sheriff of Chester County, a brother of the doctor, was instructed by Council to proceed with the utmost diligence in securing such of the goods seized in the county which had not as yet been delivered to the person designated by the Sec retary of War to receive the articles. THE ERECTION OF DELAWARE COUNTY. 77 The surrender of Cornwallis on the afternoon of Oct. 19, 1781, was virtually the last great struggle of the Revolutionary war, although some sharp engage ments followed that decisive event, and, as will be no ticed in the preceding narrative subsequent to that date, the public records demonstrate the belief so gen eral that the end was at hand, that matters other than the preparation and march of troops occupied almost exclusively the attention of the authorities. On the 15th of April, 1783, Council issued a proclamation an nouncing a cessation of hostilities, but the treaty of peace was not concluded until November 30th. The independence of the United States was announced by the king of Great Britain, in his speech on Dec. 5, 1783. CHAPTER X. FROM THE REVOLUTIONARY WAR TO THE EREC TION OE DELAWARE COUNTY. When the storm of war had subsided, Chester County, with the whole country, suffered severely in the process of adjustment from a warlike to a peaceful condition which naturally followed the recognition by the king of England of the independence of the con federate colonies. The period between the cessation of hostilities until the establishment of the present form of Federal government was indeed dark and un promising, when Washington himself could, express ing the regret he felt at the death of Gen. Greene, pen these words, " I have accompanied it of late with a query whether he would not have preferred such an exit to the scene which it is more than probable many of his compatriots may live to bemoan." This locality had, it is true, recovered greatly from the effects of the pilferings and exactions it had sustained at the hands of the British troops when five years before the invading army overran the territory, but it never theless lost heavily in the fluctuation in values and general depression which followed the close of the war. Added to this, the constant manifestations of weakness in the crude system of State and confederated government which had maintained from the period of the Declaration to the conclusion of the struggle, were in nowise calculated to allay public anxiety. The war had for five years been carried on with Continental money, emanating from a body without authority to impose taxes, and absolutely dependent on the several State Legislatures for enactments regulating the law ful value of the currency they put forth; hence, as the confederation was held together by a wisp of straw, necessarily the Continental notes depreciated until, in September, 1779, the aggregate sum of these bills in circulation amounted to two hundred millions of dollars. The discount became so great, and so rap idly did the currency depreciate in value, that further issues of these notes were impracticable, and in the beginning of the year 1781 they ceased to circulate, becoming worthless,— dying as a medium of exchange in the hands of their possessors. It was now abso lutely essential that some new means should be pro vided to carry on the war. In 1780, it will be remem bered, the Bank of Pennsylvania was established, its purpose being to supply the army of the United States with provisions. On May 17, 1781, Robert Morris proposed the plan for a bank to Congress, which scheme met the approval of that body, and it recom mended that the several States should interdict any other banks or bankers from carrying on business within their territory during the war. Congress, Dec. 31, 1781, incorporated the Bank of North America with a capital of two million dollars, most of this being subscribed from abroad through the influence of Morris.1 The States of Massachusetts and Pennsyl vania also granted charters of a similar character, and the first Bank of Pennsylvania having done its work was discontinued. The immediate effects of the Bank of North America were highly advantageous, and aided materially in furnishing the means to carry on the war to a successful ending, but the exclusive privileges granted it, as well as the manner in which its business was conducted, created considerable dis satisfaction, until, in 1785, a petition, numerously signed by the citizens of Chester County, was pre sented to the Legislature, and so earnestly did the friends of the measure press the public complaints on that body that it revoked the charter granted by the State to the bank. The institution, however, con tinued to act under Congressional authority, and in 1787 the Legislature rechartered the bank. While the country was recovering from the extraordinary exer tions consequent on the war, many estates changed owners, and the busiest man in the county was the sheriff; yet the pressure was beneficial, inasmuch as it compelled unusual exertion among the people, and the whole system of slovenly farming, which had theretofore been the rule, gave place to careful, intel ligent husbandry, while enterprises were projected and carried on so that in a comparatively short time the public recovered from financial depression and made rapid strides in material improvements. Local matters now exercised in a large degree the attention of the people of the State in all sec tions. In the county of Chester the project of re moving the county-seat from the ancient town of Chester to a more central situation was revived, for the agitation of that question antedated the Revolu tionary war, but during the latter struggle so much greater were the issues involved to the public at large, that the scheme was permitted to slumber by its most ardent friends. Seated as the borough was on the ex- 1 Judge Peters' account of Morris, published in Brotherhead's " Sketch of Robert Morris" in " Lives of Eminent Philadelphians now Deceased," p. 708. 78 HISTORY OF DELAWARE COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA. treme southeastern edge of the county of Chester, it was doubtless a serious matter to those persons resid ing in such remote townships as Coventry, Honey- brook, or West Nottingham, when, as jurors, suitors, or witnesses, they were compelled to attend at court. It involved considerable labor to go and return in those days, and in winter time, when, in a warm spell, the roads would be wretched beyond expression, it was a journey such as no man of these modern times would contemplate calmly. It is a theme for wonder now that previous to Jan. 28, 1766, no earnest effort was made to procure legis lation looking to a proposed removal of the county- seat to a more central location. At the date men tioned a petition was presented to the Legislature, setting forth the grievances of a large number of peo ple of the county because of the location of the court ; they were so far removed from the public offices that that fact alone increased the fees charged for mileage by the officials. A class of cases of peculiar hardship they stated were, " that many poor widows are obliged to travel thirty or forty miles for letters of adminis tration, and are put to much trouble in attending Or phans' Court at so great a distance." In consideration of these and other reasons, the petitioners urged the en actment of a law providing for the erection of a court house, and the holding of court therein, as near the centre of the county as could possibly be done. This was supplemented on May 7th by nine other petitions of a like tenor, and on the following day the anti- removalists submitted twelve petitions, which, after calling the attention of the Legislature to the estab lishment of Chester as the shire-town during the first visit of William Penn to his province, in 1682,1 as a further reason why the location of the county-seat should not be changed, they set forth "it is noto rious" that those persons residing in the near neigh borhood of the court attended its sessions three times i"That in the first regulation of the said county, in the year One Thousand Six Hundred and Eighty-two, the Honorable William Penn, Esq., Proprietary and Governor of the Province of Pennsylvania, by virtue of the Royal Charter, did order that the Townsted or Village, then bearing the name of Upland, should be called Chester, and thereupon constituted it the Shire-Town of the County of Chester, and ordained and appointed all the Courts of Judicature for the Affairs of the County to be there held and kept, and tbe County Goal or prison to be and remain there forever ; that the said William Penn, Esq., afterwards, to wit, on the Thirty-first day of October, One Thousand Seven Hundred and One, did grant, by charter, unto the Freeholders and Inhabitants of the said Borough, that tbe Sheriff aud Clerk of the Courts of the said County for the time being, if not Residents in the said Borough should appoint and constitute sufficient Deputies, who Bhould from Time to Time reside, or constantly attend, in the said Town of Chester, to perform the duties of their respective offices ; which said Privileges (with respect to the holding of the Courts of Judicature at CheBter), were afterwards estab lished by John Evans, Esq., Lieutenant-Governor of the said Province, by an Ordinance issued by him, under the Great Seal, bearing Date the Twenty-second Day of February, One Thousand Seven Hundred and Seven and afterwards confirmed by an act of General Assembly, made perpetual, and passed in the Tear One thousand Seven Hundred and Twenty-one." This interesting paper, so far as I have been able to ascertain, was first recovered from the dust of nearly a century by Messrs. Futhey and Cope, and published by them in their " History of Chester County," p. 116. as frequently as those living at a distance, while the deputy register, in the discharge of the duties of his office, had no connection with the courts of justice at all. The war caused an absolute cessation of the move ment until fourteen years had elapsed, when the in habitants of the ancient shire-town stood aghast, in the face of an act of Assembly, passed March 20, 1 780, which authorized William Clingan, Thomas Bull, John Kinhead, Roger Kirk, John Sellers, John Wil son, and Joseph Davis, or any four or more of them to build a new court-house and prison in the county of Chester, and when the proposed buildings should be ready for public use to sell the old court-house and prison in the borough of Chester. It is believed that the majority of the commissioners named were ad verse to the proposed change, — hence the law re mained a dead letter on the statute-book. But in 1784, the representatives in Assembly from Chester County being largely composed of removalists, a sup plement to the former act was passed on March 22, 1784, which empowered John Hannum, Esq., Isaac Taylor, Esq., and John Jacobs, or any two of them, to put the law into execution. As all of the persons named were uncompromising removalists, they imme diately set about enforcing its provisions. By the wording of the act they were restrained from erecting the new county buildings at a greater distance than one mile and a half from the Turk's Head Tavern in the township of Goshen. This location tradition as serts — a statement which Judge Futhey and Gilbert Corte say may reasonably be questioned — was inserted in this bill through the influence of Col. John Han num, an adroit politician who, with an eye to his personal advantage, desired to bring a tract of land he owned within the site designated. In this, how ever, he made an error, for his premises subsequently proved to be more than two miles from the Turk's Head. The commissioners, notwithstanding Han- num's mistake, diligently began the erection of a court-house and prison adjacent, connected by a jail- yard. After the buildings had progressed until the walls were nearly completed, and while work was suspended thereon by reason of the severe winter and before the spring permitted its resumption, the people of old Chester succeeded, March 30, 1785, in having an act passed suspending the supplemental act under which the new structures were being erected. To render themselves absolutely assured of retain ing the county-seat in the ancient borough, a number of the anti-removalists gathered in Chester under command of Maj. John Harper, then landlord of the present City Hotel, and provided with arms, a field- piece, a barrel of whiskey, and other necessary muni tions of war, took up the line of march for the Turk's Head, intent on razing the walls of the proposed court-house and jail to the earth. In the mean while Col. Hannum, learning of the hostile designs of the Chester people, dispatched couriers in all directions, THE ERECTION OF DELAWARE COUNTY. 79 calling on the friends of removal to rally to the pro tection of the half-completed buildings, and Thomas Beaumont is said to have ridden all night from farm house to farmhouse in Goshen and Bradford town ships, summoning the clan. The forces under com mand of Maj. Harper marched toward the Turk's Head, and at night were camped at the General Greene Tavern, a few miles east of West Chester, when Col. Hannum was first apprised of their approach. The latter collected his men within the building, the win dows boarded on the out as well as the inside and the space between filled in with stones, loop-holes being arranged at convenient intervals through which the defenders could thrust their muskets, and each man had his place assigned him where, under designated officers, they remained awaiting the approach of the enemy. The next morning the Chester people came in sight of the fortification, when Maj. Harper planted his artillery on an eminence known as Quaker Hill, commanding the court-house. The absurdity of the matter dawning on the minds of some of the men in the ranks of Harper's troops, they contrived to bring about a cessation of hostilities, and the whole affair ended in a jollification, during which the cannon was repeatedly discharged in rejoicing over peace restored. The invaders were thereupon invited to inspect the unfinished structure. During the time the troops from old Chester were in the building, one of the lat ter, seeing the banner of the removalists floating from the flag-staff, struck it down, which so angered the defenders that it was with much difficulty their officers could restrain them from resenting the insult by im mediately opening fire on their opponents. Peace, however, was maintained. The armistice was based on the agreement of the removalists that they would desist from further work on the building until the Legislature should take action in the mat ter. Although the removalists suspended labor only until the anti-removalists were out of hearing,1 they would not, had they preserved faith, been long de layed, for, at the next session, March 18, 1786, the following curiously-entitled act became a law: "An act to repeal an act entitled an act to suspend an act of the General Assembly of this Commonwealth, en titled an act to enable Wm. Clingan, etc.," and under its provisions the buildings at the new county-seat were finished. On the 25th of September, 1786, Wil liam Gibbon, the then sheriff of Chester County, by law was empowered to remove the " prisoners from the old jail in the town of Chester to the new jail in Goshen township, in the said county, and to indemnify him for the same." 1 Dr. Smith's " History of Delaware County," p. 842, says, " It has come to the author traditionally that the attack of the Chester people was instigated by the removalists proceeding with the building after the passage of the Suspension Act. . . . The fact that they were allowed to escape with impunity is rather corroborative of the idea that the attack was not altogether unprovoked, and rendered it probable that the cauBe for it assigned by tradition is the true one." The old court-house and county buildings in Ches ter were sold on the 18th of March, 1788, to William Kerlin for four hundred and fifteen pounds. A struggle which had arrayed in bitter feeling one section of the county of Chester against the other, and culminated in the erection of the eastern townships into the new county of Delaware, naturally drew forth many sarcastic articles on both sides of the contro versy. The press of that day, however, did not fur nish the same facilities for epistolary discussion as the present, hence the following address to the Legis lature written by David Bevan,2 an acrimonious anti- removalist. for the first time is given to the public : " To the Honor Representatives of the freemen of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania : " Through the chanell of the preBB I make free to address your honor body, not choosing to petition in the usual mode, as I am too well ac quainted with the manner pursued by some parts of Chester county, mustering scribes and getting poor-rate duplicates, and inserting names without asking consent. You, gentlemen, will no doubt receive a num ber of petitions from those who have already got every request they wanted from the Legislature, the removal of tbe seat of Justice or Court of Jurisprudence from the ancient borough of Chester to that elegant and notorious place called the Turk's Head (by some called West Ches ter), a place as unfit for the general convenience, and much more so, that any one spot that might be pointed out within ten miles square of the above-described place, except towards New Castle line. " We have no doubt of petitions fabricated for this purpose, that Mr. T s, the greatest advocate for this spot of any member of Chester county, might vociferate, as he often doeB, iu the house, more for the display of his Talents than any universal good. Let ua, therefore, beg, if we have sent one noisey member, that he may be heard, and, altho'"he does stammer sometimes, perhaps, with the assistance of a few pebble stones, he may become a prodigee of the age, and (may he) exceed De- mothenes to convince you of his superior abilities. I have a petition of his fabricating for the purpose of the Township of Edgmont, which shall be handed to the publick for their perusal as a pattern that any body politic corporate, &c, may have a form to fabricate petitions for such purposes, if ever any such may be needed." On the other side the removalists were not deficient in scribes who presented the ludicrous aspect of the contest in rude derisive jests wherein their adversa ries were burlesqued in sarcastic jingling verses, many of which in lapse of years have been entirely forgot ten. One, however, has been preserved by Dr. Wil liam Darlington, in a sketch of West Chester prepared by him for the Directory of that borough, published in 1857. The author of the "Pasquinade" was Joseph Hickman, and, as we are told by Dr. Darlington, an old English wool-comber, Marmaduke Wyvil, about the beginning of this century " used to ramble about the country like an ancient Troubadour," and a glass of cider or whiskey " would at any time procure its recital with emphatic intonation and peculiar unc tion." The ditty was known as " Chester's Mother," and designed to give expression to the woe of the promi nent anti-removalists, who were dependent on the public for a livelihood at the county-seat, and their 2 In the receipt-book of David Bevan, in the Delaware County Insti tute of Science at Media, will be found the draft of the above address. If it ever, as a whole, was published before its insertion in this work, I fail to find it in the fileB of the newspapers of that period. so HISTORY OF DELAWARE COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA. lamentation consequent on the prospective 1 nursing mother." "LAMENT OVER CHESTER'S MOTHER. " Poor Chester's Mother's very sick ; Her breath is almost gone; Her children throng around her thick, And bitterly do moan. " Cries little 'Lisha1 the first born — ' What will become of I, A Httle orphan, held in scorn, If Mama she should die? "' Not only I will be ouprest; — I younger brothers have Who cannot do without the breast When Mama's in her grave.' " And then poor helpless Billy2 cries — 'Oh! how shall I be fed? What shall I do, if Mama dies? I cannot work for bread. " ' These little hands have never wrought Oh ! how I am opprest ! For I have never yet done aught But hang on Mama's breast.1 " Little Davis 3 he comes next A puling, silly boy; His countenance appeared perplex'd And destitute of joy. "'How is our dear Mama?' he cried: ' Think you we can her save ? How is the wound that's in her side Which cursed Hannum4 gave?' of "a 1 Elisha Price, a nephew of Elisha Gatchell, who became so noted in the controversy between Penn and Lord Baltimore, was a lawyer of prominence in the last century, having beeu a student in the office of Joseph Parker. He frequently represented Chester County in the Colo nial Legislature, and in the troublous times preceding the active out break of hostilities in the war of Independence, he was an unflinching Whig. When the merchants of Philadelphia and New York adopted their noted non-importation agreement and asked the support therein of the people in the outlying districts, he was one of three to whom was addressed the circular sent to Chester County, and was one of the com mittee selected by the Convention, July 15, 1774, held in this borough to consider the matter. The following day he, with his associates, met similar committees from tbe other counties in Philadelphia. In 1775 he was appointed one of the committeemen of correspondence from Chester County. After the erection of Delaware County he was ap pointed an associate judge. He was an earnest Episcopalian, and from 1767 to 1798 his name appears among the vestrymen and wardens of St. Paul's Church. His wife was descended from James Barton, a minister of Friends, and " an early settler," says Deborah Logan, " a gentleman and a person of excellent character." Elisha Price died in 1798, a victim of the yellow fever. His two sons who survived him both lost their lives in the Bervice of the government, Maj. Price being one of the American invaders of Canada, during the war of 1812, and died there. 2 William Kerlin, then owner and landlord of the Washington House, Chester, a strong anti-removalist. 3 Davis Bevan, captain of the schooner " Polly," captured by the " Roe buck" man-of-war ; appointed mustering-master of Chester County, was captain of marines on privateer " Holker," and afterwards a retail mer chant in Chester. He, of course, was a strong anti-removalist. 4 Col. John Hannum, a militia officer of the Revolution. He was a native of Concord township, but purchasing a large farm iu East Brad ford, he became an earnest removalist. During the Revolutionary war he was one of tbe Committee of Seventy, appointed at the county meet ing held at Chester Dec. 20, 1774. Col. Hannum was present with Wayne during the latter part of the day of Brandywine battle, and during the winter of 1777 was captured one night asleep in his bed by some British light-horse, who were conducted to his house by a loyal ist neighbor. He was taken to Philadelphia, where he was retained as a prisoner of war until the following spring, when he made his escape. In 1778 he was appointed one of the five commissioners of Chester "Says little Ned,5— 'Upon my word, Poor Mama will be slain ; — Though cursed Hannum lost his sword0 He's got it back again. " ' What shall I do, if Mama dies? What will become of Ned?' The tears came trickling from his eyes And straight he took his bed. "Then Caley,7 he came next in view, — His mouth was all awry; Says he— ( Oh ! what will Caley do, If dear Mama should die? " ' She might have liv'd for many a year, And all her children fed, If Hannum hadn't poisoned her — Curse ou his frizzled head!' " Cries little John,8 the youngest son, Who just began to crawl — ' If Mama lives, I soon Bhall run ; If not, I soon shall fall. " ' Oh ! may Jack Hannum quickly die — And die in grievous pain ; — Be sent into eternity That Mama may remain. " * May all his projects fail, likewise — That we may live again V Then, every one roll'd up his eyes And cried aloud, ' Amen !' " The ancient borough of Chester had been shorn of its chief glory; the little hamlet of sixty houses9 was County under the act of attainder. He was one of the justices of the peace, but resigned that office as well as commissioner of forfeited es tates when, in 1781, he was elected to the General Assembly. He was a member of that body until and including 1785, during which time he steadily fought the battle of removal to a successful conclusion. He was very active in bringing about the repeal of the test law, and after the erection of the county of Delaware he filled many important ofBces in the county of Chester. Col. Hannum died Feb. 7, 1799. 5 This reference, the late Dr. Darlington, of West Chester, stated, is either to Edward Vernon or to Edward Richards, but which is now un certain. « This allusion is to the capture of Col. Hannum, as heretofore men tioned. 7 Caleb Davis, who was prothonotary from 1777 to 1789, when Dela ware County was erected, and was a strong opponent of removal. 8 Mayor John Harper was a stanch Whig and a brave soldier. On Feb. 9, 1776, he was appointed quartermaster of the Fourth Pennsylva nia Battalion, commanded by Col. Anthony Wayne; on Oct. 12, 1776, he was commissioned ensign in Capt. Taylor's company of the same battalion ; Jan. 1, 1777, ho was appointed first lieutenant of the Fifth Pennsylvania Line, and was brigade major of Second Brigade at battle of Brandywine. A few days subsequent to that engagement Maj. Har per, in company with Lieut.-Col. Persifor Frazer, was on a reconnois sance, when the whole party was captured by some of Gen. Grant's com mand, and taken to Philadelphia. Col. Frazer succeeded in making his escape, but Harper, after the evacuation of the former city, was sent to the prison hulk at New York, where he was detained as a prisoner for over three years. He was exchanged Nov. 4, 1780. Towards the end or after the Revolution Maj. Harper took the tavern now known as the City Hotel, and became mine host of the inn. Of course he was opposed to removal. On March 5, 1785, Harper, who was then coroner of the county, purchased the tavern property, doubtless well knowing that the Suspension Act of March 30, 1786, would be passed. His action when the forces of old Chester moved against those at West Chester has been narrated in the text. After the county-seat was removed to the latter place, Maj. Harper, believing that the sun of Chester's prosperity had Bet never to rise again, emigrated to the new local capital, and became the landlord of the Turk's Head Inn there. He died at Dilworthtown shortly after the beginning of this century, and was buried at the grave yard at Cheyney Shops, Thornbury. • Article » Chester, borough of,'' in Joseph Scott's " United States Gaz etteer," first gazetteer published iu tho United States (Philadelphia) 1795. THE ERECTION OE DELAWARE COUNTY. 81 no longer the place where the weary suitor waited on the law's delays, or the culprit cringed in the dock ; no longer did the court-house ring to the eloquent sentences of Wilson, Bradford, Chew, Levy, Sergeant, Reed, Rush, Laurence, and a score or more of noted lawyers, who, in that early day, rode circuit with the Supreme Justices, nor yet of Elisha Price and Henry Hale Graham, who made the old town their place of residence. The staffs of office had fallen from the tip staves' clutch, the crier's often repeated admonition of " Silence in the court-room I" had become a verity ; the jangling bell ceased to announce that the justices had taken their places on the bench, and the innkeepers would no longer mark with anxious longings the time for holding the quarterly courts, when their hos pitalities should be taxed to the utmost, and money flow to their coffers. Now the vacant jail stared at the occasional passer-by with its barred windows, and the empty building returned a hollow echo to the blow of the reckless urchin who could summon courage to rap on its iron-bossed door. The very town seemed to stagnate, and the twinkle of triumph in the eyes of the Goshen and Western township peo ple when in the spring of the year they journeyed hither to buy fish, was aggravating to the people of Chester beyond endurance. It was too much for the residents of the eclipsed county-seat to bear, hence they earnestly bestirred themselves in manufacturing public opinion looking to the erection of a new county, and so earnestly did they labor to that end that on Sept. 26, 1789, the following act was approved, au thorizing a division of the county of Chester and the erection of a part thereof into a new county : " Whereas, The inhabitants of the borough of Chester, and the south eastern part of the county of Chester, having by their petitions set forth to the General Assembly of the State, that they labor under many and great inconveniences from the seat of justice being removed to a great distance from them, and have prayed that they may be relieved from the said inconveniences by erecting the said borough and southeastern parts of tbe said county into a separate county ; and as it appears but just and reasonable that they should be relieved in the premises, "2. Be it enacted, etc., That all that part of Chester County lying within the bounds and limits hereinafter described shall be, and the same is hereby erected into a separate county, that is to say, Beginning in the middle of Brandywine River, where the same crosses the circular line of New Castle County; thence up the middle of the said river to the line dividing the lands of Elizabeth Chads and Caleb Brinton, at or near the ford commonly known or called by the name of Chads1 Ford ; and from thence on a line, as nearly straight as may be, so as not to split or divide plantations, to the great road leading from Goshen to Chester, where the Westown line intersects or crosses the said road ; and from thence along the line of Edgmont, Newtown, and Radnor, so as to in clude these townships, to the line of Montgomery County, and along the Bame to Philadelphia County line, and alongtbesame to the river Dela ware, and down the same to the circular line aforesaid, and along the same to the place of beginning, to be henceforth known and called by the name of ' Delaware County.' "3. All that part of the township of Birmingham, which, by the line of division aforesaid, shall fall within the county of Chester, shall be one township, and retain the name of Birmingham ; and all that part of the said township, which, by the division-line aforesaid, shall fall Israel AcreliuB, however, in his " History of New Sweden," published in 1758, tells us that " Chester, the County-town on the Delaware, is sixteen miles below Philadelphia and has one hundred and twenty houses." Reynolds' Translation, p. 143. within the county of Delaware, shall be one township, and shall retain the name of Birmingham ; and all such part of the township of Thorn bury, which, by the division-line aforesaid, shall fall within the county of Chester, shall be one township, and shall retain the name of Thorn bury, until the same shall be altered by the Courts of General Quarter Sessions of the said counties respectively. " 4. The inhabitants of the said county of Delaware shall, at all times hereafter, enjoy all aud singular the jurisdictions, powers, rights, liber ties, and privileges, whatsoever, which the inhabitants of any other county of this State do, may, or ought to enjoy by the constitution and laws of this State, "5. The elections for the said county of Delaware shall be held at the old court-houBe, in the borough of Chester, where the Freemen of the said county Bhall elect, at the times and under the regulations directed by the constitution and lawB of this State, a councillor, representatives to serve them in General Assembly, censors, sheriffs, coroners, and com missioners, which said officers, when duly elected and qualified, shall have and enjoy, all and singular, such powers, authorities, and privileges, with respect to their county, as such officers elected in and for any other county may, can, or ought to have, and the said elections shall be con ducted in the same manner and form, and agreeably to the same rules and regulations as now are or hereafter may be in force in the other counties of this State. " The justices of the Courts of Quarter Sessions and Common Pleas, now commissioned within the limits of the county of Delaware, and those that may hereafter be commissioned, or any three of them, shall and may hold Courts of General Quarter Sessions of the Peace and Gaol Delivery, and County Courts of Common Pleas, for the said county of Delaware, and shall have all and singular such powers, rights, jurisdic tions, and authorities, to all intents and purposes, as other justices of the Courts of General Quarter Sessions and justices of the County Court of Common Pleas, in the other counties of thiB State, may, can, or ought to have in their respective counties. "The sheriffs, coroners, treasurers, and collectors of excise hereafter to be appointed or elected in the said county of Delaware, before they, or any of them, shall enter upon the execution of their respective offices, shall give. security for the faithful execution of their respective offices.' ' By the provisions of the act, John Sellers, Thomas Tucker, and Charles Dilworth were appointed com missioners " to run and mark the line dividing the counties of Chester and Delaware," and they scrupu lously performed their duty. The act, probably hastily drawn, provided that the western boundary of Delaware County should begin in the middle of Brandywine River, where it crosses the circular line of New Castle County. Strictly following this direc tion, the result was a severing of a fraction of territory from the rest of the county of Chester. An exami nation of the map1 shows that a short distance above Smith's bridge the circular line separating Pennsyl vania from Delaware is crossed by the Brandywine, and that stream then makes a bend northward, and returning touches the circular line about half a mile northwest of the point where the river first enters the State. Delaware being erected out of Chester County, only that territory expressly coming within the designated lines of the new county could be in cluded within it, hence this small tract of land lying between the circular line and the bend of the river remained a part of Chester County. The commis sioners were directed to run the "line as nearly straight as may be, so as not to split or divide planta tions," and while they fully carried out the latter 1 Dr. Joshua W. Ash's map of Delaware County, published in 1848, shows plainly this little part of Chester County which wedges itself into Birmingham, Delaware Co., and yet oweB allegiance to and pays taxes in another jurisdiction. 82 HISTORY OP DELAWARE COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA. instruction, the former seems to have been entirely overlooked, for a more crooked boundary-line could not have been surveyed had that been the intention of the persons making the division. Certain it is more obliging commissioners would have been diffi cult of selection, if tradition be accepted, for the latter states that the owners of farms in the townships of Birmingham and Thornbury were permitted to choose in which of the two counties their plantations should be placed. From a draft in the possession of Dr. Smith, which was probably prepared from the surveys made by the commissioners, that author was enabled to glean the following interesting particulars of the manner in which the line was finally adjusted, as well as some of the representations made to the Legislature when the act was pending before that body : "A straight line was run from the starting-point on the Brandywine to the intersection of the Goshen road by the western line, which is six miles three- quarters and fifty-four perches in length, whereas the crooked line between the same points, passing along the boundaries of the farm, cut by the straight line, and now forming the division-line between the two counties, has a length of eleven miles one quarter and nineteen perches. On a line perpendicular to the above-mentioned straight line, the court-house at West Chester is only three miles three-quarters and fifty-eight perches distant. The bearing of this per pendicular line is N. 46° W. It is charged in a note on the draft, that a member of the Legislature, while the act for a division of the county was under consid eration, asserted that no part of the straight line run by the commissioners would come nearer West Ches ter than six miles. The court-house at West Chester lies nearly due north from the commencement of the division-line on the Brandywine, and is a little over five miles distant from that point, whereas it was alleged at the session of Legislature at which the act was passed that the distance was nine miles. From the intersection of the Goshen road and the county line to West Chester the distance in a direct line is four miles three-quarters and sixty perches, nearly, and the course N. 85° W. The shortest distance from the Street road to West Chester is nine hundred and thirty-five perches. It also appears from the draft that another division-line had been proposed. This commenced at the mouth of Davis' or Harvey's Run, on the Brandywine, and ran so as to include the whole of Thornbury township, in Chester County."1 That the people of the original township of Thorn bury, who, by the division-line, were included within the limits of Delaware County, were dissatisfied there with, we learn from the proceeding of the Legislature, for, on Nov. 30, 1789, a petition was presented to that body from "the inhabitants and freeholders of the township of Thornbury, Delaware County, remon- 1 Smith's " History of Delaware County," p. 345. strating against the act for erecting the said county, and praying they may be re-annexed to the county of Chester." The Legislature, it seems, had at last be come weary of the constant wrangling growing out of the efforts for the removal to or retention of the seat of justice at designated localities in Chester County, which had extended over twenty years, and had now culminated in a division of the territory ; they refused to further hearken to complaints, and the petition was therefore ordered to lie on the table. After the passage of the act of Sept. 26, 1789, cre ating the county of Delaware, Kerlin sold the old court and jail building Nov. 3, 1789, to the county for £693 3s. Sd. The first election in the new county took place in October, 1789, all voters coming to Chester, where the poll for the entire territory was held. On the 12th of October, President Mifflin and the Supreme Execu tive Council appointed John Pearson, Thomas Levis, Richard Hill Morris; and George Pearce to be jus tices of the peace, and on November 7th Henry Hale Graham was commissioned president judge of the courts of Delaware County. Almost immediately thereafter it was discovered that this appointment was irregular, Graham at the time not having been com missioned as a justice of the peace, which was requisite to make him legally eligible to the position. There upon President Mi'fflin desired Graham to return his commission, which he did, and on the 9th day of the same month he was appointed a justice of the peace, and the following day, president judge in and for the county of Delaware. The first constitution of Pennsylvania, framed by the convention which met early in July, 1776, aroused considerable opposition even at the time of its adop tion, but when its crude and cumbersome provis ions, after nearly fifteen years' trial, were found to bear unequally on the people, and legislative and ex ecutive authority was discovered to be sadly jumbled, the opinions became prevalent that the fraudulent law of the State required general revision. When, on March 20, 1789, Representative Wynkoop offered a resolution in the General Assembly, providing for the calling of a Constitutional Convention, there was some opposition manifested, but the measure was finally adopted March 24,. 1789, the six representa tives from Chester County voting in the affirmative. On September 15th the Assembly ordered the conven tion to assemble at Philadelphia on the fourth Tuesday of November following, and likewise directed at the next election that the several counties should select delegates thereto. Two days subsequent to the adop tion of these resolutions the county of Delaware was erected ; hence, at the election in October, the people of the county selected John Sellers and Henry Hale Graham to represent them in the convention. While attending the sessions of that body in Philadelphia, on Saturday, Jan. 23, 1790, Henry Hale Graham died, and on Monday following the convention appointed FROM THE ERECTION OF THE COUNTY TO THE WAR OF 1812. 83 Messrs. Roberts, Gray, Gibbons, Thomas Ross, and Sellers a committee to attend the funeral of Judge Graham the next morning, January 26th, at eleven o'clock. On Wednesday, Mr. Roberts reported " they had performed that service," and the same day the county of Delaware was directed to hold a special election on Wednesday, 3d of February, to fill the vacancy occasioned by Graham's death. On Friday, Feb. 5, 1790, the return of the special election was presented to the convention, and Nathaniel Newlin, who had been chosen a member of that body, was duly qualified and took his place therein. The last member of the Supreme Executive Council from Chester County was Col. Richard Willing, of Haverford township. When Delaware was erected Chester County discovered that the division had left the old territory without a member in Council, hence at the election in October, 1789, Dr. Thomas Ruston was chosen to represent that county. Dr. Ruston, on October 26th, addressed a petition to President Mifflin, claiming a seat in Council, be cause, as he argued, every county by law was entitled to one representative, and no councillor could repre sent more than one county; that by the erection of Delaware Col. Willing virtually became its repre sentative, for in that county his property and resi dence was located, and that Chester, believing a vacancy existed in Council, had, in accordance with law, filled the vacancies at the ensuing election. The Supreme Executive Council, however, was unmoved by his reasoning, for on Oct. 29, 1789, it was unani mously " Resolved, That Dr. Thomas Ruston cannot be admitted to take his Beat as councillor for the county of Chester, that couuty being represented in Council by Col. Richard Willing, who was elected on the fifteenth day of October, 1788." With the adoption of the Constitution of 1790 the Supreme Executive Council ceased to be, and the last cause of contention between the two counties was laid at rest by the new and better order of things which was ushered into being when the republic of Penn sylvania gave place to the great commonwealth of the like name. CHAPTER XL FROM THE ERECTION OP THE COUNTY OF DELA WARE TO THE SECOND WAR WITH GREAT BRITAIN. The sparsely-peopled territory, which in the anger of defeat at the removal of the court-house from " Old Chester"— for so the ancient borough now began to be termed, to distinguish it from the -newly-born West Chester— had formed a separate county govern ment, now began bravely to organize its local admin istration, select its officers, and prepared to meet the obligations it had assumed. So bitter had been the quarrel respecting the removal of the seat of justice in the old county of Chester, that in those townships which had been erected into Delaware County, regret for the step taken seldom found utterance, notwith standing the cost of separate government soon began to be oppressive to the taxpayers. The people un willingly paid their taxes, scolded the rulers for want of economy in county matters, but rarely re flected that the additional cost had been the direct outcoming of their own action. The burden of main taining public highways and county bridges particu larly bore heavily on the people. The Queen's High way from Darby to Chester, and the King's Highway from Chester to the State of Delaware, formed the direct line of communication to the Southern States, and travel was exceedingly heavy on these roads. The county was unable to keep those thoroughfares in good repair; their condition in winter time was so wretched that the press of that day, as well as trav elers' letters, constantly referred to them in the most uncomplimentary terms. The State, at length, in order that the county of Delaware might be relieved in a measure of the oppressive cost for the mainte nance of these roads, which, in the major part, was incurred for the benefit of persons residing without her borders, authorized the county commissioners, by act of Assembly, April 11,' 1799, to place toll-gates on the post-road for the term of five years, when the law expired by limitation, and to collect tolls from persons using that highway. The county commission ers, in compliance with the law, placed a toll-gate at the bridge over Ridley Creek, and the following schedule of tolls was observed : Coach, light wagon, or other pleasurable carriage, with four wheels and four horses 25 cents. Coach, light wagon, or other pleasurable carriage, with two wheels and two horses 15 Chairs, sulkey, etc., with one horse 10 ^ Sleigh, with two horses 6 ^ Man and horse 2 ([ Wagon, with four horses 12 (t Wagon, with two horses 8 ^ Cart and horse * Every additional horse to carriages of pleasure 4 Every additional horBe to carriages of burden 2 In 1793 the yellow fever raged as a dire pestilence in Philadelphia. It is related that a party of boys in that year, at Chester, went in a boat to a vessel lying in the stream on which were several persons ill with the disease, and in that way it was communicated to some of the residents of the town and neighborhood, but it did not spread, nor was it as fatal as the same malady proved to be five years thereafter. Ninety- four years before the period of which I am now writing, in 1699, when for the first time we have undoubted record of the yellow fever visiting the shores of the Delaware, Chester and the adjacent settlements suf fered severely, but beyond that fact very meagre par ticulars respecting it have been preserved. In 1793, however, the scourge in Philadelphia was so malig nant that the city was almost depopulated ; those of its inhabitants, as a rule, who had the means, fled for safety to the surrounding country districts. The record of the noble deeds of a few men who remained 84 HISTORY OF DELAWARE COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA. in Philadelphia in that appalling time to minister to the sick and dying, as well as to give assistance and succor to the poor and needy, in true heroism far ex ceeds the achievements of the ordinary class of sol diers with whom history deals, who amid the din and smoke of battle sought the bubble reputation at the cannon's mouth, and for their courage have received the unstinted praises of poets and historians alike. Nor is the cool, calm bravery of the men alluded to the only matter disclosed by the minutes of citizens which is worthy of commendation : in other respects these records present a grand testimonial to the higher and better nature of mankind. I have just narrated the difficulties encountered by the inhabitants of this section in meeting the ex penses of the county ; but when the cry of distress went up from Philadelphia it awakened a responsive sympathy throughout our territory, and from people in all condition of circumstances contributions freely came. It is an interesting fact that the first donation from Delaware County, which was received Oct. 4, 1793, was from " Widow Grubb, of Chester," who presented " eighteen bundles of shirts and shifts for the use of the orphans under the care of the commit tee." On the 12th of the same month, John Pearson, of Darby, informed that body that a sum of money had been collected for the use of the orphans, and the same day Benjamin Brannan, of Upper Darby, gave notice that the people of Delaware County were raising money for the relief of the sick in the hospital and for persons in distress. On the 15th the com mittee was notified that £161 6s. 6d. had been col lected in Delaware County ; that Nathaniel Newlin, of Darby, was ready to pay that sum to any person authorized to receive it. The letter also stated that further contributions might be looked for. Henry De Forest was instructed to go to Newlin's house, near Darby, and receive the money, which he did. October 16th Mathew Carey and Caleb Lownes met Isaac Lloyd at Weed's Ferry, on the Schuylkill, from whom they received 11448.21, being part of the sub scription made by citizens of Philadelphia residing in the neighborhood of Darby, to be applied to the use of the sick and poor of that city. Two days there after, the 28th, Mathew Carey and Caleb Lownes by appointment visited Nathaniel Newlin's house, and received $641.91, a further donation from Delaware County, while the same day Thomas Levis, of Spring field, sent $13 for the like purpose. On December 1st, John Pearson, of Darby, paid £12 10s., an additional sum raised by our people, and on Jan. 18, 1794, the committee acknowledge $34.69 from citizens of Phila delphia residing in and near Darby. The contribution from Delaware County amounted in all to $1291.57, a record of which this locality may justly be proud, when it is remembered that at that time the popula tion was less than ten thousand persons all told. The sum just stated was exclusive of the donations " from citizens of Philadelphia residing in and near Darby," which fund was contributed, among others, by Col. Thomas Leiper, of Ridley; John Wall, a large real-estate owner in our county ; Edward Tilgh- man, that distinguished lawyer, who refused the chief-justiceship of Pennsylvania, that it might be bestowed on his kinsman, William Tilgh'man, and whose country-seat was in Nether Providence, where Samuel C. Lewis now resides ; Raper Hoskins, who then owned the estate, and spent his summers at Green- bank, more recently the Porter House, at Chester, and others deserving prominent places in the history of Delaware County, as well as in that of the city of Philadelphia. In 1798 the yellow fever visited Philadelphia again, and once more the people fled, many carrying with them the seeds of the disease in their systems, to spread it at the places of refuge they sought. Mrs. Deborah Logan records that a woman from Philadel phia, dying of the fever in Chester, "exacted a promise from some of her friends that her body should be brought back to the city and buried in consecrated ground, and that in consequence of this bad vow the infection was first caught in the borough (Chester), where it spread with frightful rapidity, and depopulated whole families and streets." x On Edgmont Avenue, from Fourth Street to the river, there were then only seventeen houses within the space mentioned; more than thirty persons died, while in one of those dwellings '' all the family ex cepting a boy of five years fell a victim to the plague. Indeed, it is stated that almost one-fifth of the popu lation of Chester was swept away before the fever had subsided. At Chester Mills, now Upland, it was very virulent. Richard Flower, the owner of the mills, was so severely attacked that he was believed to be dead ; but when the burial party was about to place him in the coffin he spoke, and subsequently recovered, to live nearly half a century thereafter. The cooper-shop at that place was made a hospital, and it is traditionally asserted that three dead bodies at one time were then awaiting interment. Only thirty persons constituted the entire population. In other localities near by the disease was equally fatal. The power of the Federal government to impose taxes, or in any wise to act within the limits of the several States, was during Washington's administra tion very imperfectly understood, and from that igno rance the difficulties in Western Pennsylvania, known in history as the Whiskey Insurrection, had their origin. The settlers of that part of our common wealth were largely Scotch-Irish, and naturally in traditions descended from fathers to sons recitals of the oppressive acts of the excisemen in the mother- country in discharging their official duties, which nar- 1 Mrs. Deborah Logan's manuscript " Reminiscences of Chester," con tributed as notes to John F. Watson's " Visit to Chester in 1827," in collection of the Historical Society of Pennsylvania. 2 The house adjoiuing on the north, the present residence of Jona than Pennell. FROM THE ERECTION OF THE COUNTY TO THE WAR OF 1812. 85 rations had so moulded the opinions of their descend ants that, throughout all our colonial and early State history, any excise tax was regarded with open disap proval by a large class of citizens. During the Revo lutionary war the whole people submitted to the levying of duties on distilled liquors, yet at the con clusion of that contest those who were opposed to the measure combined and secured the repeal of the act of 1772 providing for the tax. Hence when Congress, on March 3, 1791, at the suggestion of Secretary Ham ilton, imposed a duty of four pence per gallon on dis tilled liquors, the law was openly defied in Fayette, Alleghany, Westmoreland, and Washington Counties of this State. President Washington, on Sept. 15, 1792, issued a proclamation requiring all persons to cease their resistance and submit to the law, which failed to have the desired effect. On June 5, 1794, Congress amended the law, which action on its part, instead of satisfying those hostile to the tax, merely resulted in making them more clamorous for its abso lute repeal. Deputy marshals and collectors, who had theretofore only been tarred and feathered, were now fired upon by large bodies of armed men and com pelled to promise they would not attempt to exercise their authority. The Federal government, however, determined to enforce the law, and instructions were issued to indict those distillers who refused to pay the duties. These instructions on the part of the admin istration were productive of widespread disorder and organized open defiance. President Washington, on Aug. 9, 1794, published another proclamation, re quiring all associations whose object was resistance to the excise law to disperse on or before the 1st of September following, at the same time directing a force of nearly thirteen thousand men to be imme diately raised in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Maryland, and Virginia to suppress the insurrectionary move ment, which body of soldiers was required "to be held in readiness to march at a moment's warning." On the same day Governor Mifflin called for the quota assigned to Pennsylvania, five thousand two hun dred men, directing them to be armed and equipped as quickly as possible. The number of troops required from Delaware County was twenty cavalrymen and sixteen artillerymen, which force was to compose part of the Second Brigade of the Third Division, under command of Brig.-Gen. Thomas Proctor.1 The call, however, was not responded to with alacrity, for Sec- 1 In William Whitehead's "Historical Sketch of the Borough of CheBter" (Directory of Chester, 1859-60) it is stated, " Chester sent a company of infantry to the scene of disturbance, under the command of Capt. Wil liam Graham." Dr. Smith merely says that Delaware County furnished a company under Capt. Graham, and refers to the Directory of Chester as authority for the statement. An article written in 1854 by William H. Dillingham, and published iu the West Chester Republican (quoted at large in Martin's "History of Chester," pp. 169-170), entitled "Remin iscences of William Graham, Esq.," says, "He commanded a troop of cavalry in the western expedition." Benjamin M. Nead, Esq., of Har- risburg, in a sketch of the life of Brig.-Gen. Thomas Proctor (Penna. Mag. of History, vol. iv. p. 466), states that "on August 7, 1794, Gen. Proctor was placed in command of the First Brigade, which marched retary Dallas, in his report to the Senate of Pennsyl vania, says, " Returns from the County of Delaware, dated the 6th of September, 1794, stating a variety of difficulties that leave little hope of procuring by reg ular drafts the quota of this county," and he reiterated that assertion in his " report relative to the want of promptness of the militia,"2 dated Jan. 16, 1795. Indeed, from a letter written by Attorney-General Ingersoll to Governor Mifflin, May 25, 1795, it appears that in order to raise the quota in both Chester and Delaware Counties three thousand three hundred and ninety-six dollars had to be paid in bounties, Sec retary Dallas pledging his personal credit to procure the amount expended.3 Why the quota of Delaware County was placed at only thirty-six men is difficult to understand, when we remember that in May of the same year, under the call of the President for ten thousand seven hundred and sixty-four militia in Pennsylvania to be held in readiness during the threatening difficulties on the frontier, our county was required to furnish two hundred and sixty-two men. And it is equally incomprehensible why any difficulty was had in raising thirty-six men in the Whiskey Insurrection, when it is considered that in May, 1794, Governor Mifflin had ordered Adjt.- Gen. Harmer to immediately organize and equip the militia of Phila delphia and the county of Delaware to be in readiness, if needed, to prevent any breaches of the neutrality laws by the cruisers of England or France within this State, or the equipment of any privateer at Philadel phia by either of the belligerent powers. However, Capt. William Graham, a lawyer, of Chester, raised a company of cavalry, the greater part of the organization being recruited or drafted from the neighborhood of Chester, and the quota of Delaware County was filled. When the troop was ready to march the ladies of Ridley township presented it with a white silk flag, trimmed with fringe of like material. On it was painted a figure of Washington in full mili tary costume, to whom an American eagle was de scending bearing in its claws a sprig of laurel, while from its mouth was a ribbon with the motto, " Liberty or Death." The allegorical picture was surrounded by flags, drums, cannons, and other military emblems.* with 1849 men, 96 of which were from Delaware county." The fore going statement is the only one wherein the gross number of men is given, other than that which is presented in the text. The latter I derived from various papers (in the fourth volume, second series, Penn sylvania Archives) relating to the Whiskey Insurrection. Yet Mr. Nead may be correct iu the number mentioned, for he is a gentleman whose assertion on an historical point is always worthy of respect and consideration. Unfortunately, I cannot find on record, at Media, the election returns for the year 1794. The troops called into service voted in the fields, and the duplicates for that year, if they could be found in the prothonotary's office, would give the names of every man from this county, and, of course, to obtain the number would be a simple matter of addition. 2 Penna. Archives, 2d series, vol. iv. p. 306. 3 lb., p. 532. 4 In 1840 this flag was in the possession of Dr. Joseph Wilson. It was carried in the great Whig procession, at Chester, on July 23d of that year by the delegation from Springfield. 86 HISTORY OF DELAWARE COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA. Governor Henry Lee, of Virginia, as chief com mander of the army, took up the line of march for the scene of tumult, and an imposing body it was when we recall that Governor Thomas Mifflin led the Pennsylvania troops, Governor Richard Howell, of New Jersey, those from his State, Governor Thomas S. Lee those from Maryland, and Gen. Daniel Mor gan those from Virginia. President Washington, ac companied by Gen. Knox, Secretary of War, Alexan der Hamilton, Secretary of the Treasury, and Judge Richard Peters, followed the army. In the mean time the more conservative part of the inhabitants of the offending counties, when they learned that the overwhelming force was coming against them, dis patched a committee to visit the President. An inter view was had, and the campaign finally ended without further bloodshed. A few of the leaders in the insur rectionary outbreak were subsequently tried, and con victed of treason. They were, however, pardoned by Washington, and the rebellion, which at one time promised to be difficult of suppression, melted away be fore the determined action of the Federal government. The general history of Delaware County, until the declaration of war between Great Britain and the United States, is very meagre of stirring incidents, and little took place excepting those matters which belong to the story of the several townships, or judi cial narrative, which will be related under these head ings, so that it is unnecessary to refer to those events in this summary of the county's annals. Dr. Smith has so admirably portrayed this placid period in our his tory that a reproduction of his statement will suffi ciently represent the quiet but certain progress of that day. " Owing to the European war that raged during this period," he says, " the commerce of our country was benefited, and there was an increased de mand for its agricultural products. Our county fully shared these advantages, and the result was an effort on the part of our farmers to improve their lands, and thereby to increase their products. These lands in many places had become exhausted by a system of bad farming that is generally adopted in new coun tries, and it was not then uncommon to see large tracts abandoned for agricultural purposes and left uninclosed. These exhausted tracts generally re ceived the appellation of 'old fields.' The use of gypsum and lime as manures now began to be intro duced ; the former at first worked almost miracles by the increased productiveness it imparted to the soil. It was soon discovered, however, that its effects were greatly diminished by repeated application, and, as a consequence, it became less used ; while lime, though slow in developing its benefits, soon became the gen eral favorite with our farmers, and deservedly so, for it cannot be denied that it was owing to its extensive and continued application, combined with a better system of farming, that much of this county has been brought from an exhausted condition to its present state of fertility and productiveness." CHAPTER XII. THE SECOND WAR WITH ENGLAND. In a work such as this it is not to be expected that space can be given to a discussion of the causes which led the Congress of the United States, on June 18, 1812, to a declaration of war against Great Britain, but it is sufficient to say that the act was looked upon as largely a political measure, — the Democratic party, which was then in power, declaring for a vigorous prosecution of the war, while the Federalists opposed the contest as unnecessary, injudicious, and destructive of our commercial prosperity. In the city of Balti more to such an extent was party spirit aroused that serious breaches of the peace and riotous attacks were manifested between the opposing political factions. In the county of Delaware, as elsewhere, there was a division of sentiment, but the preponderance of opinion was adverse to the war, and was outspoken in its disapproval. On Aug. 5, 1812, in the Ohester'and Delaware Federalist (now Village Becord),1 appeared the following advertisement : " COUNTY MEETING. THE FEDERAL REPUBLICANS and all others friendly to Peace and Commerce in Delaware county are re quested to meet at the house of Isaac Cochran, in the township of Upper Providence, on Saturday, the 8th of Angust, at 2 o'clock P.M., on busi ness preparatory to the ensuing ELECTION in October and November next." The county meeting thus called was largely at tended. Thomas Smith was appointed chairman, and Maskell Ewing secretary, and the following preamble and resolution were unanimously adopted : "The Congress of the United Stales having on the 18th of June last passed an act declaring war against Great Britain and her dependencies, which has thrown this heretofore happy and prosperous country into a hostile attitude, at a time, too, when we are unprepared by land or sea, our territory and citizens exposed to invasion and plunder, our com merce unprotected, a prey to an enemy whose ships have power to con trol the ocean, — "Resolved, That we view the proceedings as hostile to the happiness and interest of this country, and consider the men who sanctioned it by their votes as unworthy of our confidence, that we will exercise every constitutional right to displace them and put those at the head of our affairs whom we deem capable of honestly representing us." The resolution met with such general approval that a meeting of the young men of the county was called in the court-house at Chester, and on Aug. 22, 1812, the building was crowded, many persons who attended being unable to enter the doors. Samuel Edwards, Esq., then a rising young lawyer who had been ad mitted a few years previous, was called to preside, and Zedekiah W. Flower was appointed secretary. A lengthy address, evidently carefully prepared, was read, in which it was argued that no good reason, ex cepting the impressing of American seamen by Eng lish vessels, had been advanced by the advocates of the war, and even that cause should and could be re moved by negotiation between the two nations. The following resolutions were adopted : 1 No newspaper was then published in Delaware County. THE SECOND WAR WITH ENGLAND. 87 "Resolved, That we are determined to employ all our exertions to pro duce a speedy and honorable peace, and that we will obey all constitu tional acts of our government. " Resolved, That, feeling confident that nothing but a change of men and measures will produce the blessings of peace and National prosper ity, we consider it a solemn duty imposed on every citizen by true and genuine patriotism to use all honorable means in the exercise of the right of suffrage to procure au immediate change in the administration of the National Government, and thereby save us from the dreadful consequences of a protracted war. " Resolved, That at a time like the present, when one of our most flour ishing and commercial cities haB been subjected by an infuriated mob,1 we consider it the duty of every citizen to aid and assist in suppressing all riots, tumults, and mobs, believing that they are tending to over throw the only Republican government on earth. " Resolved, That although we do not apprehend any disturbance of the kind in this quarter, yet should any outrages be attempted we pledge ourselves to each other and to society to use our utmost exertions to support the laws and defend the lives and property of our fellow-citizens against such proceedings." Little of interest can be gleaned, at this late day, from our annals respecting the progress of the war. That there were a number of soldiers enlisted from our county is fully ascertained, but the names of such persons have been forgotten in the lapse of time, and because they were recruited into organizations not strictly local. We know that the two sons of Elisha Price, of Chester, both died in the service, one from diseases contracted, and the other killed in action on the Canadian frontier. An interesting scrap of local history is furnished in the following extract from the Freeman's Journal, pub lished in Philadelphia, March 12, 1813, for it not only shows the means used to convey intelligence of im portant events in those days, but it indicates that the ancient borough of Chester was proud to have an op portunity to send forth to the public the news of the great victory achieved by the gallant captain who made that town his home : "Postscript. Another Naval Victory.— The following important note was endorsed on the way-bill from Chester, Penna., received at the Post- office last night : ' " Essex" frigate captured the British frigate " Castor," and killed one hundred and fifty of her men.' The report adds that the ' Essex,' Capt. Porter, had arrived in the Delaware, March 10, 1813." The safe arrival of the "Essex," thus reported, was only six days previous to the active blockade of the Delaware River and Bay by the British vessels of war "Poictiers," "Belvidere," and several smaller crafts under the command of Commodore Beresford. On March 16th, when the former vessel lay off the village of Lewes, near Cape Henlopen, and threat ened to open fire on the hamlet unless twenty-five bullocks and a proportionate quantity of vegetables should be contributed to the support of the English " fleet, the news of the outrage was carried by couriers to arouse the people to resistance, and Delaware County promptly responded. That organization was effected within our county previous to Admiral Cock- burn's attack on and spoliation of Havre de Grace, and even before the latter's forces applied the torch to the village of Fredericktown, on May 6th, is evident from the official correspondence. Under date of April 1 Riots had occurred in Baltimore. 7, 1813, James Trimble, deputy secretary of the com monwealth, wrote to William Brooke, brigadier-gen eral of the Third Division of militia, stating that on the application of Samuel Edwards and Thomas D. Anderson, of Chester, Governor Snyder had consented to furnish sixty muskets with bayonets, and, if possi ble, as many cartridge-boxes, for the purpose of arm ing the Chester Company of Infantry, on condition that Messrs. Edwards and Anderson, with two other gentlemen to be approved by Gen. Brooke, should enter bonds to return the arms and accoutrements in good order in six months after they received them. On May 12, 1813, Secretary of State Boileau wrote to Thomas S. Anderson that Governor Snyder was pre pared to forward as early as practicable five or six hun dred stands of arms and cartridge-boxes, and orders had been forwarded to Deputy Quartermaster-Gen eral Foering to furnish whatever ammunition might be required, but that there were no tents or other camp equipments belonging to the State, fit for use, that could be had. He suggested that in the then season of the year, and in a country so thickly settled, the men in service might find shelter from any inclement weather in houses, barns, or temporary huts. He fur ther stated that in 1793 Governor Mifflin had loaned one hundred and sixty tents to the Board of Health in ' Philadelphia, and Gen. Foering would be instructed to ascertain their condition, and, if found fit for use, they would be delivered to Gen. Brooke, the brigade inspector for the district including Delaware County. Under date of May 15, 1813, Secretary Boileau wrote to Joseph Engle that three hundred and fifty stands of arms, with other articles, had that day been for warded to Chester, and as Gen. Brooke lived some distance from the latter place, the arms had been sent in Mr. Engle's care, and he should receipt to the wagoner for them. In a postscript he adds that after the muskets were loaded in the wagon it was found it would not carry more than three hundred boxes, and as it was thought the other articles were not as neces sary as the guns, they had not been forwarded. The muskets mentioned in the letter to Anderson of May 12th, and those that were forwarded to Engle on May 15th, were doubtless intended to arm the emergency men, when the intelligence of the de struction of Fredericktown was received, together with the report that a large force of English troops, accompanied by Indians, who spared neither women nor children, had landed there, doubtless intending serious mischief. The latter part of this rumor was without foundation. Nothing of interest appertaining to the war oc curred in Delaware County for fifteen months, al though the militia must have been held in readiness to move at short notice. In the early part of March, 1814, Secretary Boileau wrote to Gen. Brooke that a thousand muskets had been sent by the United States to the State arsenal in Philadelphia to arm the mili tia, and the quota of Delaware County would be de- SS HISTORY OF DELAWARE COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA. livered when it became necessary. The cartridge- boxes which had been sent to Chester must have been sadly out of order, for in the same letter the Secretary says in respect to them, "Although not of the best quality, (they) will at least serve for a short campaign. Any man who receives a box can easily put a few more tacks to secure the belts." On the same day Secretary Boileau wrote to Deputy Quarter master-General Foering, "That in case of a threat ened invasion of the shores of the Delaware, and you should be called upon by Brig.-Gen. Brooke, of the Third Division, or Maj. -Gen. Steele, of the said di vision, for arms, equipments, and ammunition, that you furnish them with what may be deemed neces sary.' The idea of gathering the militia into camps of in struction seems to have been the suggestion of Presi dent Monroe, for April 6, 1814, he wrote to Gen. Joseph Bloomfield, stating that the military organiza tions " ought to be assembled and a camp formed," suggesting that such cantonment should be on "some commanding, healthy ground between the Schuylkill and the heights of the Brandywine." The President urged the gathering of this force at once, as "we must keep together a nucleus at least of an army, with every necessary equipment, sufficiently strong to oppose the enemy on his landing until you can get the whole together to overwhelm him." l In the early summer of 1814 the inhabitants of the Middle and Southern seaboard States were fully aware that England, now that peace in Europe had appar ently released a large force of veteran soldiers from service there, and that they were under orders to America, meditated a decisive movement against the United States, aud, being uncertain where the blow would be struck, made every effort to place all ex posed situations on our coast in a position of defense. Hence when the city of Washington fell before the British army under Ross, on the 18th of August, when the incendiary Cockburn had applied the torch to the unfinished capitol, the library of Congress, the President's house, and other public buildings, and Baltimore was menaced, Governor Snyder promptly, on Aug. 27, 1814, issued a general order, setting forth that " the recent destruction of the capital of the United States, the threatened and probable conflagra tion of the metropolis of a sister State, and the gen eral threatening aspect of affairs, warranted the opin ion that an attack is meditated by the enemy on the shores of the Delaware." To repel the foe and to guard against surprise, he deemed it necessary to have a sufficient force "of freemen" ready for every emergency, and therefore required that the militia generally of the counties of Philadelphia, Bucks, Montgomery, Delaware, Chester, Lancaster, Dauphin, Lebanon, Berks, Schuylkill, Lehigh, Northampton, and Pike, in addition to those drafted for the service 1 Penna. Archives, 2d series, vol. vii. p. 735. of the United States, under orders of July 22d, who were already subject to the orders of Gen. Bloom- field, " be held in readiness to march at a moment's warning." The militia of Pennsylvania having been ordered to assemble at the town of York to the number of five thousand, on Sept. 8, 1814, Governor Snyder wrote to Gen. Bloomfield that he proposed asking the Secretary of War to transfer the troops to the shores of the Del aware for the defense of the city of Philadelphia and the country along the river. In his letter to President Monroe dated September 9th, the Governor advocated this movement, adding that the authorities " must at present rely upon the patriotic feeling which per vades Pennsylvania, rather than on coercing obedi ence to our militia laws, and before that feeling can have an effect, the enemy, by rapid movements, may have effected his depredatory incursions." He sug gested a locality for the camp should be selected so that the troops would be marched in a few days either to the Delaware River or Chesapeake Bay. On the 10th, Governor Snyder wrote to the President that about six thousand volunteers had arrived in Phila delphia, and many others were on the march to that city ; that Gen. Bloomfield thought a camp should be formed at Marcus Hook, where the volunteers should be organized under United States regulations, and Gen. Bloomfield would himself take command of the forces. The Governor was of the opinion that inas much as the militia had selected their own company officers, they would be unwilling to be consolidated into other bodies and have strange commanders placed over them. He, therefore, suggested that they should be organized in accordance with the laws of the State, in battalions and regiments, under which they would willingly serve the term of three months for which they had enlisted. Immediately below Marcus Hook, to command the river, extensive earthworks were hastily constructed and mounted with cannon, while between Ridley and Crum Creeks earthworks were erected to control the Queen's Highway to Philadelphia. So intense was the alarm in the borough of Chester and county of Delaware that the records were packed ready to be transported, if necessary, at a moment's notice to the interior of the State. On Sept. 18, 1814, Secretary Boileau wrote to Gen. Brooke that, during the alarm at Elkton the preceding | summer, three hundred stands of arms had been sent to Chester for the use of the militia. These muskets ¦ , Gen. Brooke was ordered to have delivered to him, and if any repairs to them were needed, to have them mended in the neighborhood, if possible, but if that could not be done, to send them to the State arsenal at Philadelphia for that purpose. He also required Gen. Brooke to inquire for and take into his posses sion the cartridge-boxes which had been forwarded to Chester at the same time the muskets were sent. We learn, from a letter written by Secretary Boileau, THE SECOND WAR WITH ENGLAND. 89 Sept. 28, 1814, that the drafted men at that date, who were stationed at Marcus Hook, were destitute of tents and other camp equipments, while the volunteers had good quarters and were well supplied with all neces sary camp furniture. The cantonment was located just back of Marcus Hook cross-roads, was called Camp Gaines (subsequently Fort Snyder), and was under the command of Maj. -Gen. Worrall. Col. William Duane, Adjt.-Gen. and Maj. Hunter, both of the United States army, had the care of the camp and superintended its discipline. Dr. Smith states, respecting the drafted troops from Delaware County, that " the first company was con vened at the ' Three Tuns,' now the Lamb Tavern, in Springfield, on the 14th of October, and marched to Chester that day. Its officers were Capt. William Morgan, 1st Lieut. Aaron Johnson, 2d Lieut. Charles Carr, and Ensign Samuel Hayes. This company re mained at Chester two weeks waiting for camp equip age, before repairing to the encampment at Marcus Hook. During this time the men occupied meeting houses and other public buUdings." ' From the manuscript Orderly Book of the Mifflin Guards of Delaware County, commanded by Capt. Samuel Anderson, we learn that on Sept. 15, 1814, that body of volunteer infantry was at Camp Bloom field, Kennett Square, Chester Co. That on the 17th of the same month they broke camp, and the troops marched to Gregg's Tavern, three and a half miles from Wilmington, while the following day they were in cantonment at Camp Brandywine, and on the 29th they were at Camp Dupont. This cantonment was located in the neighborhood of Wilmington, Del., and was under the command of Brig.-Gen. Thomas Cad- walader. Governor Snyder, on October 5th, visited the camp and was received with 'a Federal salute, fired under direction of Maj. Provost, as soon as the head of the escort entered the main grounds, the troops presenting arms and "the drums giving the ruffles." Gen. Bloomfield was superseded in control of the Fourth Military District, Oct. 7, 1814, on which date Maj. -Gen. Gaines assumed the command and re viewed the troops at Marcus Hook on the 12th of the same month. The discipline of the troops of course was very lax, and the desertions from camp numerous ; therefore, October 19th, Gen. Gaines issued a general order, in which he stated that he had received the finding of a court-martial, to which he had refused his approval, because the sentence imposed on certain soldiers found guilty of desertion, in his opinion, " has no ade quate proportion to the offence committed by them. Slight punishments for high military offences are worse than useless. The infamous crime of desertion particularly calls aloud for the highest punishment. Deserters must be shot." 1 History of Delaware County, p. 31. There is a slight error in the dates given by Dr. Smith, since the official records at Harrisburg show that the company was in camp at Marcus Hook on Oct. 10, 1814. A general order was issued on Oct. 14, 1814, dated at Marcus Hook, commanding that the Pennsylvania volunteers called into service under the order of Governor Snyder, Aug. 27, 1814, should be imme diately organized under the act of Assembly of March 28, 1814. On Oct. 29, 1814, the Delaware County Fencibles, Capt. Serrill, was attached to the First Brigade Pennsylvania Volunteers till further orders. On Nov. 15, 1814, Lieut.-Col. Raquet was ordered to march the next day with Capt. Leonard's company of artillery, and Capts. Mifflin's, Swift's, Brown's, Ser- rill's, and Murray's companies of infantry, and take a position to cover New Castle. The artillery was to consist of two six-pounders and two howitzers. On the same day, Gen. Gaines issued an order approving the finding of the court-martial which sat at Fort Clem- son, November 1st, for the trial of David Jefferies, a private in Capt. Patterson's company, Thirty-second Regiment, United States Infantry, charged with deser tion, who was found guilty, sentenced to be shot to death, and the execution ordered to take place the next day, November 16th, between twelve and four o'clock, at such place as Col. Irwin, or the officer in command at Camp Clemson, near New Castle, should appoint. The dread of an immediate invasion or attack on the Middle Atlantic States having subsided, on Nov. 28, 1814, the artillery companies commanded by Capts. Rodney and Reed, of Delaware Volunteers, were ordered to take post at New Castle for the de fense of that town, and Gen. Cadwalader was in structed to put the whole of the Advance Light Brigade in march for the city of Philadelphia, there to await further orders. That this was done appears from an affidavit of Abel Green, of Edgmont, on file in the prothonotary's office, Media, who, under date of April 7, 1855, states that he was a private in the company of Capt. Benja min Weatherby, which was drafted for the term of three months, and " was honorably discharged at Philadelphia on the 2d day of December, 1814." That the Mifflin Guards were ordered to Chester we know beyond dispute, because at the latter place, under date of Dec. 10, 18'14, Capt. Samuel Anderson issued the following order : " The company will assemble for drill in Chester on every Wednesday and Saturday at ten o'clock until further orders. The orderly or a ser geant acting as orderly will attend at my headquarters every morning at nine o'clock to receive and execute such orders as may be given. All knapsacks, haversacks, and canteens in possession of the members will be delivered at my quarters on the next company day. It is expected that the members will pay the same attention to the cleanliness of their arms as they did while in camp. As a reward for industry, the four per sons having the cleanest muskets on each day of parade will be excused from duty for one week. The company will bear in remembrance that they are still in the service of the government, consequently that they are subjected to the penalties and punishments prescribed by the arti cles of war for the neglect of duty, disobedience of orders, or any other violation of the rules and regulations laid down for the government of the armies of the United States. It is therefore expected that all orders from your commander will be respected aud punctually obeyed. De faulters must and will be puniBhed. 90 HISTORY OF DELAWARE COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA. "Those persons who formerly considered themselves as members of this company, but had not patriotism and fortitude sufficient to encoun ter the difficulties and endure the hardships and privations of the cam paign, are ordered to deliver up their arms and accoutrements, being no longer considered members of the company." On Dec. 21, 1814, Capt. Anderson issued this order : " Company drills are dispensed with until further orders. For the conveniences of members the company will be divided into three classes. The first class will include all the members residing in Chester and its yicinity, to be under the immediate command of the captain. The second class will include those who reside in the neighborhood of Marcus Hook, and all others who may find it most convenient to meet at that place, to be commanded by Lieutenant Marshall. The third class will be under the command of Lieutenant Evans, to include all tbosewho may find it most convenient to meet at tbe Black Horse Tavern in Middletown. The members of each class, respectively, will assemble at the quarters of the officer commanding on every Wednesday at 11 o'clock, a.m., with arms, except in wet weather. The officers commanding the second and third class will report to the Captain on every Thursday. The names of absentees to be inserted in their reports, also the names of those who neglect to keep their muskets in order. All such as neglect to comply with this order will be considered deserters and reported as such to the commanding General. Those who obtained leave of absence before the troops left camp, on account of sickness, and have not since reported themselves, will report forthwith, otherwise they will be reported as unfit for the service of the U. S. and discharged accordingly. The Quarter-Master will report to Philad. in order to procure the rations due to the company." I have not learned when the volunteers were mus tered out of the service of the Uuited States. Martin says it was Dec. 6, 1814. The foregoing orders show that tbat date is inaccurate. In 1863, when the bill was before Congress provid ing for pensions to the soldiers of the war of 1812, a meeting of the survivors of that struggle in Delaware County was called at the Columbia House, in Ches ter, on December 6th, and organized by the appoint ment of Hon. George G. Leiper chairman, and Capt. John Martin secretary. The object of the meeting being stated, it was " Resolved, That we approve of the convention of soldiers of the war of 1812, which is to assemble at Philadelphia, on the Ninth of January next, and that the following persons are hereby appointed delegates to Baid convention from this county, viz : James Serrill, George G. Leiper, Levi Reynolds, Henry Myers, David Hayes, George Litzenberg, and Aaron Jphnson. " Resolved, That the soldiers of the war of 1812, poorly clad, poorly fed, subjected to great exposure in defending the Coasts and a long line of Northern frontier, after a tardy delay, should not be stinted in the be- stowment of Government bounty, aud that any discrimination against - the soldiers of 1812 is manifestly unjust. "Resolved, That the above proceedings be published in the papers of this county, and that the Secretary be requested to forward a copy of them to Dr. J. B. Sutherland, of Philadelphia. " George G. Leiper, Chairman. "John Martin, Secretary.''' The following is the roll of the soldiers of the vol unteer and drafted companies from Delaware County: BOLL OF MIFFLIN GUARDS, FIRST REGIMENT, PENNSYL VANIA VOLUNTEERS. Commanded by Col. Clement C. Biddle. Samuel Anderson, captain; Frederick Shull, first lieutenant; David A. Marshall, second lieutenant; William Biggart, ensign. (Atan elec tion held at Camp Dupont Oct. 21, 1814, John Caldwell was elected first lieutenant.) Sergeants. — John Caldwell, Benjamin Haskins, William Evans, Henry Home. Corporals. — John Thomson, George Hawkins, John Marshall, Joseph Derrick, John Rowan. Privates. — Samuel Edwards, Edward Minshall, Thomas Kille, John Gar rett, John Lambert, John Lloyd, Joseph Hall, David Fisher, Joseph Martin, Jr., John Hawkins, Levi B. Martin, Thomas Parsons, Laza rus Martin, Daniel Broomall, Robert Beatty, Thomas Pedrick, James Burns, Jeremiah Brown, Samuel Palmer, Evan Bonsall, Thomas Merion, John Lutkin, Juseph Hooper, Jacob Duey, Robert Clark, Jonathan S. Bonsall, William Kinsey, William Helms, John Mc- Lain, Thomas Ash, Peter Long, Cornelius Macky, David Smart, Na than Hayes, David Bonsall, Isaac Brooks, Daniel McGineley, John McGilton, Samuel Bunting, Philip Painter, George Myers, Davis Smith, Thomas P. Ash, Jonathan Quicksall, Thomas Fleming, Thomas Painter, William Beatty, James Evans, Thomas P. Smith, Charles Lear, John Stevenson, John Pyewell, William Geary, Wil liam H. Marshall, James Lock, Daniel Mitchell, John McKee, John Martin (Hook), Joseph Wilkinson, Leonard Cole, William Cummins, Thomas D.Barnard, Thomas Bowers, John Statton, John Halm, George Ross, Thomas Williams, Moses Wells, Jr., Thomas McCul- lough, William Smith, Andrew Rively, John McCleaBter, William Glover, Joshua Bonsall, Samuel Bonsall, Jr., Thomas Bonsall, Clement Smith, William Cox, John Shaw, George W. Johnson, William Jones, William Humphreys, John Frazfer, John Meyers, John Wetherill. ROLL OF DELAWARE COUNTY FENCIBLES, TWENTY-SECOND PENNSYLVANIA MILITIA. Entered service Sept. 21, 1814. October 14th encamped at Marcus Hook. James Serrill, captain; George G. Leiper, first lieutenant ; JameB Ser rill, Jr., second lieutenant; George Serrill, ensign ; Moses Adams, sergeant-major. Sergean ts.— John B. Pearson, Richard R. Jones, David Rose, Jr., Joseph Oak ford. Corporals. — Henry Wood, Joseph Shallcross, Andrew Urian, John C. Farrell. Musicians. — James Warner, Robert Holmes. Privates.— John Stroop, Enoch Bonsall, Thomas J. Martin, Ellwood Ormsby, Mathew McNulty, Casper Trites, Jesse Z. Paschal!, John Rively, Daniel Smith, John Dobbins, George Williamson, William Fines, Reuben Bonsall, Charles Justis, James Cleary, John Duuant, Richard G. Martin, Charles G. Snowden, Joseph Pyle, William Lind say, George Caldwell, David Cummins, James Brattin, Aaron Mar tin, Joseph Hibbert, Lewis B. Stannard, Clement Hanse, Charles Bonsall, Charles Gibson, Charles Attmore, Miles McSweeny, Aaron Helms, Cadwalader M. Helms, Andrew Noblit, Andrew Enberg, Marshall Siddons, Thomas Bonsall, William McCormick, Samuel Bonsall, John Brown, John Hansell, Joseph T. Jones, William Tor rance, John Dermont, William Grubb,John Bradford, John Martin (Chester), TownBend T. Johns, William Torrence, John McDermott. ROLL OF CAPT. WILLIAM MORGAN'S COMPANY, FIRST COM PANY OF FIRST BRIGADE, THIRD DIVISION OF PENN SYLVANIA MILITIA. Encamped at Marcus Hook Oct. 10, 1814. Sergeants. — James Morgan, Caleb Smith, John Mather, Lewis Brook, Charles Crozer. Corporals. — David Trainer, William Urain, George Davis, Isaac Smith. Quartermaster-Sergeant. — Isaac Atmore. Privates. — George Delainey, James Lee, William Gill, Samuel Brown, Vernon Lewis, Jeremiah Mau], William McClelin, Aaron Hibberd, Henry Handly, Adam Litzenburg, John Schringer, Benjamin Ar- ment, William Fraim, Hezekiah Kamp, Isaac Jones, James Wright, Israel Jones, Philip TriteB, William Wright, John Forsyth, Isaac Cox, William Armstrong, John Stewart, George Yoecome, Alexan der Garey, Jacob Byers, William Stewart, John Tree, John Heppel- finger, John O'Harrah, Joseph Davis, Robert Low, John Smith, Isaac Burns, Jonathan Davis, William Mace, Robert Valentine, Jones Jone^William Eppright, Joseph Rhudolph (2), James Lindsay, Jr., John Latch, Enoch Ramsey, Evan Pennell, John Hoven, John Kerns, John Gare, Jr., Samuel Humphrey, William Orr, Jamea Price, Hugh McDade, John Little, George Wells, John Hoff, Elias Worrell, Jonathan Vernon, Joshua Hardey, Joseph Green, Robert Lithgaw, James McDougal, Enoch Djckason, William Palmer, Thomas Taylor, Jonathan Morgan, George Dunn, Davis Smith, Jo seph Rhudolph, John Gore, Samuel Wright, Thomas Rhudolph, Jacob Grim, David Smith, James Fraim, John Fraim, Samuel Lind sey, Lewis Williamson, John Crozer, William Trites, John Ewing, Michael Flahady, John Morton, John McDonnal, James Holdt, George Ely, John Cozens, Edward Waters, Septamus Flounders, John Green, Isaac Sliarpless, John H. Worrell. FROM THE SECOND WAR WITH ENGLAND TO 1850. 91 ROLL OF FIRST COMPANY, SIXTY-FIFTH REGIMENT PENN SYLVANIA MILITIA. Commanded by Lieut.-Col. John L. Pierson, of Ridley. Captain, John Hall ; First Lieutenant, Matthew Dunbar; Second Lieu tenant, William Scofield ; Third Lieutenant, Thomas Oily ; Ensign, Robert TVuriu. Sergeants — Jacob Wise, John Bowers, Jr., Joseph Dunwoody, Jabez Lewis. Privates. — Joseph Bittle, Isaac Davis, Robert Corker, Moses NewliD, Joseph Fulton, Bennett Lewis, Thomas J. Miles, Isaac Richards, John Daver, John Reyner, Joshua LainhofF, Samuel Taylor, John Ormsby, Benjamin Serril, John Mann, John Engle, John McGahey, John Cray, Peter King, Joseph Evens, Samuel Lynch, Abraham Miller, Philip Rap, Thomas Car, Armet Rossiter, William Phillips, Jacob Kulp, Ezekiel Shur, Jesse Shauer or Shawer, Jacob Root, Daniel Root, John Job," Frederick Hough, Isaac Zebar, John Mc- Kealher, George Hough, Daniel Rice, Thomas Scot, Jabez Nice, Samuel Lindsey, William Rudabaugh, Samuel Rudolph, James Blundat, William Field, Peter Burns, William Evens, Lewis Pennell, John Alexander, Edward McLary, Thomas C. Pearce, Eli Roberts, Samuel Lindsey, John Standley, John Humphreys, Jacob Wiley, John Fergurson, John Hoofstickler, Benjamin Worrell, Thomas E. Downs, James Everheart, Samuel Miller, St0», Samuel Miller, Wht, John Shaffener, John White, David Royer, Adam Poley, Jacob Donahower, Samuel Walker, Peter Defrain, Conrad Baker, Jesse Boyer, David Shuteman, John Rap, Nathan Brook, Mittle Hause, Andrew Laird, Jacob Haven, Martain Sheater, John Walker, Alex ander Clemans, Malen Rossiter, Miles Beaty, Francis Enos, William Fox, James McFagen, William McNeal, Marcus Boon, Charles Bugle, Mifflin Lewis, John Hoops, Jacob Jones, Able Lodge, Daniel Davis, Samuel Jenet, Philip Litzenburg, Benjamin Urian, John Hoiser, Denis Sheridan, George Brannan, James Hughs, Isaac Gar- riBon, Mordecai Thomas, Philip Millep, Jacob Stoneback, Henry Longacker, Abiza Rossiter, Able Williams, Jacob Smith, John Shinkle, Jacob King, Michael King, George Geger, Jacob Defrain, James Lundy, Jacob Longaker, James Adrikens, Henry Stophel- bine, William Danafolser, Isaac JoneB, Henry Sheet, John Possey, Daniel Young, George Litzenburg, John Saylor, AmoB Griffith, Andrew Rively. ROLL OF FIFTH COMPANY, SIXTY-FIFTH REGIMENT PENN SYLVANIA MILITIA, CAPT. JAMES LACKEY COMMAND ING. Privates. — Reuben Taylor, George Roberts, Jacob Goodwin, James De- graut, Kenith McKinzy, John Smith, George Hersh, Hezekiah Jackson, Lawrence Wilson, Edward Salyards, Henry Garman, Jacob Forwood, William Hoskins, Joseph Conway, Thompson Hunter, Samuel Sinquet, Jacob Howell, John McDonald, Levi Waldravin, Davis Morgan, David Rider, David Egee, William Town, John Frame, Joseph Rogers, John Cross, John Archer, Benjamin Torton, Samuel Eppright, William Thompson, William Sill, Matthew Scott, Thomas McKeown, Charles Rowland, John King, James Day, Wil liam White, William Bowers, Joseph H. Lawrence, George Wells, Powell Clayton, Charles Griffith, John Burk, Benjamin Clare, Evan Griffith, John Walker, Richard Ford, William Bucknell, Hugh Love, David Williamson, Thomas Trimble, James Cummings, Johu Far row, Samuel Griffith, John Galliuo, Francis Himes, John Funter- wise, Thomas Hutcheson, Henry Pearson, Peter Pearson, Thomas Llewellyn, George L. Davis, Joseph Farrow, Thomas Everson, Jona than Crozier, James Brothers, Isaac White, John Kitts, William Martin, Jacob Essex, George Hannum, Benjamin Work, Edward May, Edward W. Robeson, William Dempsey, Samuel Pennell, John Petterson, Timothy Pierce, William Hodge, Benjamin Thomp son, William McCray, Abram Peck, John Gilmore, Thomas Kelly, Martin Bryan, Thomas Chaffin, John Nickles, William Sharp, Peter Young, Aaron Carter, Jeremiah Murry, Jesse Sharpless, Oswald Sill, John Bane, Isaac Eaches, John Heck, Bartholomew Shimer, Samuel Sullivan, John Haycock, Jacob Stanley, Thomas Cochran, Henry Carr, Atlee Porter, Samuel Cozens, Emmor Davis, Charles Rowland, George Farrow, John Wizer, -Lazarus Weidner. ROLL OF SIXTH COMPANY, SIXTY-FIFTH REGIMENT PENN SYLVANIA MILITIA, CAPT. BENJAMIN WETHERBY. Entered United States service Sept. 20, 1814; encamped at Camp Snyder, Marcus Hook, Oct. 17, 1814. Sergeants.— James McGuigan, John Taylor, George Peters, Thomas Ash, Patrick McGuigan. Corporals.— Samuel Roberts, Barney McGuigan, Benjamin Yarnall. Privates. — Samuel Bittle, Eli Ratteu, James Mitchel, William Davis, James Huff, Jehu Griffith, John Henthorn, John Gorby, Aaron Beale, Giliad Burns, William McLaughlin, Sr., Jacob Stewart, John Varly, Thomas Marshall, Aaron Smith, John Davis, William Turner, John Kelly, Samuel Burnet, Jesse Green, James McCoy, Joseph Griffith, Henry Bean, Jesse McKinstry, Woodward Hampton, Nich olas Marrow, Daniel Likens, George McBride, Frederick Stimel, Alexander Torbert, Peter Harper, Richard Baker, Abel Green, Fran cis Harbinson, William Rauzel (or Raugel), David Cornog, Robert Valentine, William Graff, George Russell, Frederick Close, Curtis Barlow, Cornelius Wright, William Odenheimer, William Weare, John R.Price, Archibald Dougherty, William Smith, Jacob Rizer, William Mace, Levari Bernard, Andrew Black, James Weare, Sam uel Russell, CharleB Smith, Thomas Mercer, Benjamin Allison, Isaac Tompkins, Richard Clayton, Aaron Lawrvnce, Jeremiah Dut- ton, John Smith, William McLaughlin, David Torton, John H. Craig, John Barlow, Vincent Jester, Charles McGarraty, John Alcot, John S. Hannum, Robert Steel, Thomas Brown, James Hodge, George Hine, Peter Smith, John Burnet, Joseph Murphy, Jacob Young, Valentine Dick, David Jay, Abel Smedley, John S.Travis, Richard Warnick, John Wheeling, James Taylor, John Hoops, Felix Fields, Henry Collins, Joseph Edworthy, Matthew Hopkins, James Weare, Jr., Alexander Parks, Baldwin Weaver, Thomas Jones, An thony N. Still, Andrew Hunter, Reuben Miles, John Hook, Jona than Gibson, John King, Joel Scott, Neheraiah Baker, David Broom- ell, John Pyle. CHAPTER XIIL PROM THE SECOND WAR WITH ENGLAND TO 1850. The second war with England had almost wholly severed communication with the Old World, particu larly with Great Britain, and the immediate result was an effort on the part of the people to meet the public demand for those commodities which previous to the beginning of hostilities were obtained entirely from Europe. The numberless cruisers of England had swept the merchant marine of the Republic al most from the seas, until the only vessels bearing the American flag were men-of-war or letters-of-marque ; hence the great demand from this cause stimulated the establishment of manufacturing enterprises, largely throughout the Eastern and in a measure in the Middle States. It should be remembered that during all our colo nial history — not only our State but all the colonies — England had persistently, as in Ireland, forbidden the people to engage in manufacturing any articles which might come in competition with the industries of the home country. Although writers during the middle of the last century in Great Britain argued that the American colonies would not for hundreds of years engage in manufacturing, basing their conclu sion on the then known history of the world, that it was only " after there was such an overplus of inhab itants, beyond what is necessary for cultivating the soil, as is sufficient for forming large towns, where trade and manufacturing can be carried on to advan tage;" still there were others who rightly judged the geographical position of the American colonies might make them an exception to the rule as taught in the 92 HISTORY OF DELAWARE COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA. annals of the Old World. The English Parliament early became alarmed at the development of the iron industry in the colonies, particularly in Pennsylva nia, and the establishment of furnaces and rolling- mills, so that in 1749 an act was passed " to encour age the importation of pig- and bar-iron from His Majesty's colonies in America, and to prevent the erection of any mill or other engine for slitting or rolling of iron, or any plating Forge to work with a tilt-hammer or any furnace for making steel in any of the said colonies." At that time one forge we know was in operation in Thornbury township, at the pres ent Glen Mills, and some years before that date was another on Crum Creek, — Peter Dick's Iron Works. The numerous trades, such as carpenters and brick- makers, and the like, were early known on the Dela ware ; hence, from the references found in the Dutch records a quarter of a century before Penn came, I am confident that no bricks in any dwelling standing in Pennsylvania to-day were made in Europe and brought here. Indeed, the bricks which we know came from Governor Printz's mansion-house, at Tin icum, present every appearance of having been hard ened merely by the heat of the sun ; and besides, the peculiar yellow clay of which they were made is still found on Tinicum Island. Previous to 1698, we learn from Gabriel Thomas, who came to the colony before Penn, that "brickmakers have twenty shillings per thousand for their bricks at the kiln." Wool-comb ers, we are also told, " have for combing twelve pence per pound." It would seem from Thomas' account that even in that early day the people of the colony had turned their attention to producing articles of daily use, for he informs us that all sorts of very good paper was made at Germantown, and a fine German linen, "such as no person of quality need be ashamed to wear, and in several places they make very good Druggets, crapes, camblets, and serges, besides other woolen clothes, the manufacture of all which daily improves." One of the first notices we have of the doings of the European settlers in Pennsylvania was that Governor Printz had built a yacht at Tinicum ; and previous to 1758 we learn from Acrelius that Marcus Hook was noticeable for the building of ships, and in 1727 the first paper-mill in the old county of Chester was erected at the present Ivy Mills, in Concord. In 1715, John Camm, a stocking- weaver, was located in Upper Providence, and in 1723 he warned the public against one Mathew Burne, who had been in his employ two years, part of the time at stocking-weaving, and that Burne was no longer connected with him, but " goes about selling stockings in John Camm's name" when the articles were not made by him. Strange as it may seem, until William T. Seal1 had shown the contrary, this Mathew Burne was credited with having made the 1 " History of Hosiery InduBtry in Philadelphia.' March, 1883. -Textile Journal, first stocking as a regular manufacturer in the United States. But of more particular interest to our present purpose is Gabriel Thomas' reference to " the famous Darby river which comes down from Cumbry by Darby town, whereon are several mills, viz., fulling- mills, corn-mill, &c." Of course, these fulling-mills did not manufacture, but simply scoured the cloth made by the busy housewives of that day. The wives and daughters of the early English settlers, as the Swedes who had preceded them, employed "them selves in spinning wool and flax, and many of them in weaving."2 During all the period before the Revolutionary war, the greater number of farmers in the colonies had looms for weaving in their dwellings, on which the women wove flax and tow-linen, cloth, and linsey- woolsey of coarse texture but stroDg and substantial. Indeed, when power other than manual labor was first applied to any part of the process of preparing the raw material to manufacture linen, cotton, or woolen cloths, the mills were very small, containing only a few hundred spindles, where yarn simply was pro duced, which was afterwards woven by hand in the farm-houses. From that fact the coarse fabrics of that day, in contra-distinction of the imported goods, were known as " domestic," a term which has been contin ued as the name of shirtings and sheetings even to this day, although the reason for the name had ceased a half-century ago. So general was this individual manufacturing carried on in the colonies to the north of Maryland that David Dulany, the great lawyer of that colony, in 1765, wrote that " the poorest .sort of people to the Northward make all their clothes." 3 The unprecedented growth of the United States after the Revolution early directed the attention of thoughtful men to the subject of American manufac tures, and foremost in advocacy of the establishment of such industries was Tench Coxe, of Philadelphia, — a member of our bar, and Assistant Secretary of the Treasury under Hamilton. It is now generally conceded that the first manufactory of textile fabrics in the Union was established by Samuel Wetherell, in Philadelphia, previous to 1782, at which date he was making " Jeans, Fustins, Everlastings, Coatings, &c," suitable for every season of the year, as he in formed the public by his advertisement in the Penn sylvania Gazette in April, 1782. Near the close of the year 1791, William Pollard, of Philadelphia, obtained a patent for cotton-spinning which was, we are told by Samuel Weller,4 the first water-frame put in motion in Pennsylvania, but the enterprise failing, its want of success retarded the progress of cotton-spinning in that vicinity. The time, however, was fast approach ing when the spirit of enterprise, born of necessity, would stimulate the development of the manufacture of textile goods to an abnormal extent. - Campanius, p. 90. 3 Penna. Mag. of History, Tol. iii. p. 148. * Manuel of Power, pp. 22-28. FROM THE SECOND WAR WITH ENGLAND TO 1850. 93 In the new era of industrial progress which was coming, the county of Delaware occupied no second ary position in the story of that time, but it marched abreast of the commonwealth in the movement which has resulted in placing Pennsylvania in the fore- front of manufacturing States. As early as 1810, we are told by Dr. Smith,1 an English family named Bot- tomly erected an addition to an old saw-mill on a small stream in Concord, and converted it into a woolen factory, to the great astonishment of the people in that neighborhood. Dennis Kelley, the same au thor informs us, with the assistance of a Mr. Wiest, about the beginning of the war, erected a small stone factory on Cobb's Creek, in Haverford, which enter prises, owing to the embargo and the demand for goods by the national government created by the war and the want of the people generally, the factory was compelled to run night and day up to its full ca pacity. The statement of Dr. Smith, however, does not give our county its due credit in early manufac turing, for in Upper Darby, in 1798, Nathan and Da vid Sellers had a cotton-mill, and, .in Darby, Isaac Oakford had a fulling-mill and stamping-works. At that date John Orna was employed there as a calico- stamper and Samuel Wetherington as a calico-printer. Previous to May, 1812, Benjamin Smith and William Stedham had begun spinning and carding at William Siter's clover-mill, near the Spread Eagle Tavern, in Radnor, and advertised that they had placed a spin ning-machine in their building " which will work for customers," and also setting forth the prices de manded by them for their labor. These factories were small, but the almost total prohibition of European goods had advanced the prices of American fabrics to such extravagant rates, and the profits realized to the manufacturers were so large, that it naturally stimulated men of means, de sirous of rapidly making large fortunes, to embark in the business. The result was that cotton- and woolen- mills sprang up in all parts of New England, and quite a number were located in the Middle States. In the latter the majority were woolen-factories. The war, as usually is the case, had inflated every article in prices, — flour had advanced to ten and fifteen dol lars a barrel, a statement also true as respected other commodities, while real estate, during the time the nation was practically shut out from the world, had doubled and in many instances quadrupled in its supposed valuation. No sooner was peace declared than the storehouses of the Old World opened, and the superior articles of European manufacture were thrown into the American market, and being offered at less prices than the actual cost of the coarsest do mestic goods, found ready sale. The English mill- owners, pressed to meet their obligations at home, realized, even at a loss on their stock, in the vain hope of being able to withstand the pressure of a 1 History of Delaware County, p. 353. falling market, and succeeded in merely prolonging the period of their financial ruin. But it finally came to them as it did to their American rivals. The public mind in this country, notwithstanding the present losses, had been aroused to the possibili ties of manufacturing on a large scale, and the inter vention of Congress was had in the tariff act of 1816, which imposed a duty of twenty-five per cent. . Snyder, private, must, in Sept. 6, 1862 ; trans, to Co. M, date unknown. COMPANY E. Isaac Bartram, com.-sergt., must, in Oct. 3, 1862 ; pro. to corp Oct. 30, 1862; to com.-sergt. March 1, 1863 ; must, out with company. COMPANY F. Simeon Lord, Jr., sergt., must, in Aug. 22, 1862; pro. to corp. March 1, 1863; to sergt. May 12, 1863 ; must, out with company. Henry W. Pancost, Corp. Pi-ivates. William Armstrong, must, in Aug. 22, 1862 ; must, out with company. James Buck, must, in Aug. 22, 1862 ; must, out with company. Andrew J. Buchanan, must, in Aug. 22, 1862. William Pancost. COMPANY G. H. McAllister, Jr., capt., must, in Oct. 3, 1862 ; pro. from 1st Bergt. Co. L to 1st lieut. March 1, 1863; to capt. May 8, 1863; com. maj. June 1, 1865; not muttered; must, out with compauy. E. Middleton, Jr., 1st sergt., must, in Oct. 3, 1862 ; pro. from private to sergt. March 1, 1863 ; to 1st sergt. May 8, 1863 ; com. 2d lieut. May 29, 1865 ; not mustered ; must, out with company. Geoffrey P. LewiB, sergt., must, in Aug. 30, 1862 ; disch. for promotion Feb. 18, 1864. Marshall L. Jones, q.m.-sergt., must, in Oct. 3, 1862; pro. to corp. May 14, 1863 ; to q.m.-sergt. June 5, 1863 ; must, out with company. George W. S. Allen, sergt., must, in Oct. 2, 1862 ; pro. from private May 16, 1863 ; died in Delaware County, Pa., Aug. 20, 1863. Charles Pugh, Corp., must, in Aug. 22, 1862; pro. to corp. March 16, 1865; muBt. outwith company. Privates. Augustus W. Markley, must, in Aug. 22, 1862 ; trans, to Co. L, date un known. Edward W. Jones, must, in Oct. 3, 1862 ; trans, to Co. A, date unknown. John B. Pugh, must, in Aug. 22, 1862 ; must, out with company. E. G. Shortledge, must, in Sept. 3, 1864; disch. by G. 0. July 7, 1865. Samuel Trimble, must, in Aug. 30, 1862 ; must, out with company. COMPANY H. Edward Sellers, capt., must, in Aug. 22, 1862; pro. from sergt.-maj. May 8, 1863 ; res. March 6, 1865. Theodore F. Bamsey, 1st lieut., must, in Aug. 22, 1862 ; pro. from q.m.- sergt. Co. M March 13, 1865; mnst. out with company. Joseph B. Thomas, 1st lieut., must, in Aug. 22, 1862; pro. to sergt. March 1, 1863 ; to 1st sergt. March, 1863; to 2d lieut. Co. A, 180th Begt. P. V., Sept. 10, 1863. John W. Caldwell, q.m.-sergt., must, in Aug. 22, 1862 ; pro. from private March 1, 1863 ; must, out with company. George W. Lukins, com.-sergt., must, in Aug. 22, 1862 ; pro. from private March 1, 1863 ; must, out with company. Charles P. Sellers, private, must, in Aug. 22, 1862 ; pro. to hosp. steward Nov. 1, 1862. COMPANY I. Edward C. Smith, 1st lieut., must, in Aug. 22, 1862 ; pro. from sergt. Co. F to 1st sergt. May 1, 1863; to 1st lieut. July 22, 1864; must. out with company. COMPANY K. Benjamin Bartram, corp., must, in Oct. 3, 1862 ; pro. to corp. Feb. 5, 1865 ; must, out with company. COMPANY L. Annerly N. Morton, 1st lieut., must, iu Aug. 22, 1862 ; pro. to corp. Oct 30, 1862; to 1st sergt. March 1, 1863; to 1st lieut. May 8, 1863; must, out with company. Ellis L. Vandling, com.-sergt., must, in Aug. 22,1862 ; pro. to corp. June 6, 1863; to com.-sergt. July 8, 1864 ; must, out with company. John W. Zay, sergt., must, in Aug. 22, 1862; pro. to corp. March 10, 1864; to sergt. June 1, 1865 ; must, out with company. THE CIVIL WAR. 145 Privates. Joseph S. Bunting, must, in Oct. 10, 1862 ; disch. on surg. certif. Feb. 9, 1863. Edward H. Engle, must, in Aug. 22, 1862 ; muBt. out with company. William H. Powell, must, in Oct. 3, 1862 ; died at Nashville, Tenn., of wounds received at Stone Biver Dec. 29, 1862 ; buried in National Cemetery. Terrill TJlrich, must, in Sept. 4, 1864 ; must, out with company. The defeat of Hooker at Chancellorsville, in May, 1863, again aroused the hopes of the Confederate leaders that by a bold, rapid, and successful invasion of the North the war might be brought to a speedy termination. The unpopularity of the draft ordered in the Union States, it was believed by them, would be an important factor in bringing about the result they desired. The active, vigilant Executive of Penn sylvania saw the gathering storm, and began making preparations to meet it when it should come. Hence on June 12th he issued a proclamation asking the co operation of the people of Pennsylvania in raising a home force for the protection of the State. Rumors of proposed Confederate invasions had been so often current that the plan suggested by Governor Curtin met with but slight public favor. The evidences that such a move was in contemplation, however, became so marked that on June 15, 1863, President Lincoln called for one hundred thousand militia from four States, — the quota of Pennsylvania being placed at fifty thousand men. Shortly before midnight on the 15th a Confederate force occupied Chambersburg, and the news was telegraphed all over the North. On Monday, June 15th, the undoubted intelligence- was received that Lee had invaded Pennsylvania, and the utmost excitement prevailed. In Chester a meet ing was immediately held and a company recruited, — the Chester Guards and Linwood Guards consolida ting, — while many of the citizens, aroused to the re sponsibility of the hour, hastened to Philadelphia, and united with military organizations there. In the Crozer United States Hospital, at Upland, eighty con valescent Union soldiers and a number of men from Bancroft's mill, in Nether Providence, formed a com pany, with Lieut. Frank Brown, of the Twelfth New Jersey, as commanding officer, and the next day left for Harrisburg ; but on Wednesday they were ordered to return, transportation having been refused them at Philadelphia, as it was thought they were in no con dition to undergo the fatigue of the campaign. At Media the excitement was, if anything, greater than at Chester. On Wednesday, the 17th, messages were sent in all directions to call the people together, and the court-house bell rang out a general alarm, so that at noon an immense assemblage gathered in the court room, and steps were taken to enroll companies at once to go to the front. John M. Broomall had al ready collected a company, and on that evening started for Harrisburg. Dr. D. A. Vernon, and almost every man in the Delaware County American office, volun teered and went to the front. The next day the Del aware County companies of the One Hundred and 10 Twenty-fourth Regiment, which had been mustered out only a month previously, again offered themselves to do battle for the nation, and the same evening Company B, Capt. Woodcock, and Company D, Capt. Yarnall, left for the State capital. The ranks being incomplete, Lieut. Buckley was ordered to remain at Media to collect the recruits, and on Monday, the 21st, he too followed the troops with a number of men. Capt. James Wilcox, with a company from Glenn Mills, and Capt. Benjamin Brooks, with a company from Radnor, left for Harrisburg on the 17th. John C. Beatty, of Springfield, suspended operations at his edge-tool works that his employes might enlist. At Darby, on Monday, when the news was received a strawberry festival was in progress, given by the Union League to the returned soldiers of the One Hundred and Twenty-fourth Regiment from that neighborhood, and a meeting was immediately organized, when in a short time a full company was recruited. While the enrollment was being made at one end of the porch, where the festival was held, at the other end contri butions were being raised to provide for the families of those who would enlist. One aged gentleman sub scribed a thousand dollars to the fund. The troops went to the front under command of Capt. Charles Andrews, on the Wednesday following. At Lenni, at short notice, thirty men enrolled who joined the Media company, and on Wednesday a meeting was held at the Black Horse, in Middletown, when a num ber of men were recruited. In Chester fifty or more colored men proposed to raise a company of their race, but the offer was not accepted. The public was aroused to the true condition of affairs when, on the afternoon of June 26th, Gordon's brigade of Early's division of Lee's army occupied Gettysburg, and moved on toward Hanover and York. The same day Governor Curtin issued a proclamation calling sixty thousand militia to the field for forty days. The wildest rumors were in the air, and found ready credence. On Sunday, the 28th, at Media it was reported that a Confederate force was marching for Philadelphia, had already advanced as far as Ox ford, and the excitement was intense. An old cannon was charged and repeatedly fired as an alarm-gun, while the bells in the town rang out a call for the people to assemble. H. Jones Brooke was chairman, and B. F. Baker secretary of the meeting. Before the people assembled Charles R. Williamson and Frederick Fairlamb collected two thousand three hundred dollars, which money was to be used in bounties, and when the people gathered the fund was largely increased, Mr. Fairlamb promising, if it was needed, to personally contribute one thousand dollars beyond the sum he had already given. The rumored advance of the Confederate soldiers spread over the county like a wave, occasioning the utmost consterna tion. Plate and valuables were packed ready to be transported to places of safety, while the money in the vaults of the bank at Chester was hastily gathered 146 HISTORY OF DELAWARE COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA. and carted away by the officers of that institution to Philadelphia, in order that it might be shipped to New York. In Chester, on Monday, June 29th, a meeting of the citizens was held in the town hall, and Coun cil, also assembling, appropriated ten thousand dollars for supplies for the families of volunteers. A call for additional troops was then made, and in an hour eighty men enrolled under Capt. William Frick. In the case of George Baker, he and every man in his employment enlisted in the ranks, compelling the closing of his store during their absence. The next day the company left for Harrisburg, the ranks now swollen to over a huudred men, many in the line whose gray hairs testified that patriotism, not the law's compulsion, had called them to the field. At Upland, on Monday morning, the 29th, a spontaneous assemblage of the people took place, and as rapidly as the names could be taken man after man presented himself, until a company of seventy-two men was ob tained. George K. Crozer was elected captain, and on Wednesday it went to Philadelphia, where it was attached to the Forty-fifth Regiment Pennsylvania Militia (First Union League Regiment), Col. Frank Wheeler, and was encamped for a day or two at the Falls of Schuylkill, when the whole regiment was ordered to Shippensburg, soon after to Greencastle, near the Maryland line, and after the retreat of Lee it was stationed at Pottsville, returning to Upland Saturday, Aug. 22, 1863, its term of service being ex tended beyond that of any Delaware County company of militia. At Rockdale and Lenni, in addition to the men already sent forward, in ten hours a company of fifty was raised, and on Tuesday, July 2d, hastened to the State capital. Of the number of militia re quired under President Lincoln's call on Pennsyl vania of June 15th from Delaware County all ex cepting two hundred and fifty-five men had been forwarded by June 28th, and in two days thereafter twice the number necessary to fill the quota was in course of transportation to Harrisburg. Over a thou sand of the militia had responded. The Army of the Potomac in the mean while was advancing to meet the audacious enemy, and Lee learning from his scouts that he would be shortly confronted by that body of men, summoned his scat tered forces to concentrate at Gettysburg. So rapidly followed the movements of the armies that scarcely had the militia assembled at Harrisburg when, for three days, the opposing veterans of the North and South contended on the field of Gettysburg in the greatest battle ever fought by man of which we have authentic record, and at the conclusion of that strug gle victory perched on the standard of the Union,— "the backbone of the rebellion" had indeed been broken. The militia companies were distributed as follows : Company C (Capt. Broomall), Company F (Capt. Woodcock), Company G (Capt. Bunting), Company A (Capt. Andrews), and Company I (Capt. Platt,— Capt. Yarnall having been appointed lieutenant-colonel), were assigned to the Twenty-ninth Regiment, and were stationed for a time at Huntington ; Company G (Capt. Brooke) was assigned to the Twenty-eighth Regiment ; Company A (Capt. Frick) and Company F (Capt. Huddleson) became part of the Thirty-seventh, and were at Harrisburg, Carlisle, Shippensburg, and on the Maryland line, while Company F (Capt. Black) was assigned to the Forty-seventh, Col. Wickersham, and was stationed at Williamsport, afterwards at Reading, and subsequently in the mining regions of Schuylkill County, where outbreaks were feared. All the companies from Delaware County returned be tween the 1st and 5th of August, excepting Capt. Crozer's company, which was kept in service nearly three weeks longer than any of the other military organizations from this locality. TWENTIETH REGIMENT— EMERGENCY TE00PS OF 1863. Company C. Mustered in June 17, 1863 ; discharged Aug. 10, 1863. Second lieutenant, James Kirkman. Privates. — John Ardis, John Bail, David Beaumont, John Blythe, Jehu Butler, Samuel Christy, Robert J. Eagleson, John Gilmore, Artemus C. Jenkins, Joseph Kay, John McLaughlin, John O'Hara, George Openshaw, Joseph Openshaw, Johu Pretty. John W. Thompson, Nathan Van Horn, William S. Van Horn, John Ward, James West. TWENTY-EIGHTH BEGIMENT— EMERGENCY TROOPS OF 1863. Mustered in June 19-24, 1863; discharged July 27-28, 1863. Company G. Captain, Benjamin N. Brooke ; first lieutenant, Frank Fennimore ; sec ond lieutenant, Samuel L. Craig; first Bergeant, Isaiah Matlack; sergeants, Joseph Baldwin, Emmor Chi Ids, William H. Potter, George W. Blanchard ; corporals, George Black, Charles H. Hale, Fleming Park, Harrison C. Lewis, John Frick, Nathan Brooke, John Hen- thorne, Randell C. Norris ; musicians, George Hampton, Nathaniel Lewis, Frank C. Smith. Pvivales.— Matthias P. Anderson, Maris D. Baldwin, John W. Bolton, Hugh Blakeley, Charles V. Bloom, Joseph P. Bloom, Isaac W. Davis, Err Davis, Henry Dewees, William C. Duckett, Alfred W. S. Ed wards, Henry Eckert, James Eavenson, Penrose Garrett, Orison Gleason, John Green, Samuel Godshall, Jeremiah Griffith, Carver W. Hall, James C. Hayworth, Benjamin F. Howard, William T. Heins, William Hunter, Joseph Huffty, Jeremiah G. Hughes, James B. Jenkins, Lewis D. Lafferty, Isaac Leamey, John C. Lewis, Pbineas Lewis, John P. Litzenburg, Joseph Mann, John MulleD, William Mullen, Isaac McCoy, George T. Phillips, Joseph T. Phil lips, Owen M. Phillips, Hartman Prizer, Jacob Eeinhard, Harrison Roberts, Isaac Roberts, Joseph Rowan, Marion Rossiter, Joseph Sharpless, Samuel Snyder, Francis Stewart, George Stewart, Gilbert H. Todd, Isaac Walker, Henry C. Wells, George W. White. Company F. Captain, John Woodcock ; first lieutenant, Ealph Bulkley ; second lieu tenant, Horatio G. Hotchkiss ; first sergeant, Boswell S. Williams; sergeants, Alexander E. Crozier, William Major, Edwin Boadin, Daniel Crowder, Lewis P. Watkins, William B. Farra, John A.LIeb, Alfred Kenyon, Frederick A. Davis, Hiram Hyzer, Thomas Lomax, Jonathan Henrock ; musician, Bansaler McFarland. Privates.— John T. Adams, Enos Anson, Samuel T. Allen, Charles W. Broadbent, James H. Brenzinger, Balpli Crowther. Nilson B. Comp- fort, Enoch Chidester, Jerome A. Chase, William Camp, WilliamK. Daniels, George F. Drake, John Dunkerly, William' Eastwood.Sam- uel Fields, John Ford, Edward Fanand, John Greenlee, David Green lee, Cyrus Greenwood, George Henderson, Kennedy Humes, James E. Kinsey, William H. Litzenburg (promoted to sergeant-major June 23, 1863), Joseph. Mulvaney, William Moore, Lyman Mayo, Charles D. Manley, Dennis McLaughlin, George McChan, Albert M. Neil, Patrick Orin, Charles H. Pedrick, George Bobinson, Henry J.Eobin- son, George Smith, John D. Shutts, Lord W. Scott, Aaron L. Shew, THE CIVIL WAR. 147 Pennell Stetser, William Shields, James 0. Taylor, Joseph D. Tnck- erman, Israel Thomas, Washington Thomas, Hezekiah P. Van- bariger, George Westfall, Jamas Wilde, Bennett Wakeman, William P. Worrall, Calvin L. Walker. TWENTY-NINTH REGIMENT, EMERGENCY TROOPS OF 1863. Mustered in June 19, 1863; discharged Aug. 1, 1863; Lieut.-Col. Norris L. Yarnall. Company C— Captain, John M. Broomall ; first lieutenant, William Ormsby; second lieutenant, Thomas F. Beatty; first' sergeant, Hays P. Griffith ; sergeants, Orson F. Bullard, Davis N. Hannum, Isaac Johnson, Andrew T. Walker; corporalB, John M. Hall, George Esrey, John Coburn, James Howard, Benjamin Crowther, Samuel Ottey, William P. Brooke, William W. Warner, Philip Afflick. Privates.— James Albany, Edward Ashworth, William Black, Ezra Bailey, Michael Bradley, William Braunen, John Cathcart, Reuben Crow ther, Ellwood Cornog, Albert Devers, John Doyle, Albert Dunn, William Duel], Joseph A. Doling, David Ellingsworth, David S. Edington, Michael Ferns, William F. France, John W. Fryer, Wil liam P. Frazer, William 0. Fryer, Ellwood H. Gilbert, William S. Goodley, Robert N. Henderson, James Hill, Norris Hall, Joseph L. Heacock, Daniel Hurenstein, Israel Hartzell, Samuel Ingham, James H. Jacobs, Joseph Jones, Israel Jones, Jr., Henry Lowe, John Lowe, James F. Lowe, Walter Markley, James Mullowland, Hamil ton P. Mason, Joseph B. Massy, Joseph P. Maris, David McAvoy, Daniel McAvoy, William McCartney, Alexander McFate, Patrick McGuigan, William Oaks, Mark Parker, JameB S. Pancost, Isaac S Parsons, Joseph Perkins, James Patten, Henry Pennypacker, Pearson Pike, George Riggs, Daniel Rively, Joseph Shipley, James Stamring, James Stewart, Samuel D. Stickler, William Taylor, James Taylor, Joseph Townsend, William H. Walter, William Wat- ersou, Alfred N. Wier, Williams, Clayton Worrell, Mordecai Worrell. Company G.— Captain, Alfred Bunting; first lieutenant, William H. Thatcher; second lieutenant, Henry B. Taylor; first sergeant, Wil liam H. Churchman ; sergeants, Joseph F. Brewster, James K. Gif- fin, Hamilton A. Burk, Charles W. Deors; corporals, Ezra Gray, William M. Black, John Richardson, Henry H. Taylor, Carman Richardson, James Hughes, John Clark, Jeremiah Zider, Richard M.Johnston; musicians,Shelly Sowers, John H. Weaver. Privates. — Robert Anderson, George W. Appleby, George W. Arnold, William Bennett, Benjamin W. Blakeley, Robert Bell, John Bow ers, John F. Barton, James Babcock, George Cadman, Archibald Clark, Isaac A. Campbell, John Culin, Jacob Crider, Elisha Crouch, John Q. Dartow, Charles Dougherty, Allison J. Dickerson, George Dyson, James Denight, Armstrong Elliott, William C. Field, James Feyer, John F. M. Forwood, James Fitzsimons, John H. Greenwood, Job Green, WilUam P. Henderson, Joseph P. Howard, Joseph How arth, Henry Hicken, Joseph G. Hampson, Edward Haraday, Samuel M. Hinds, David Harris, Henry Heacock, Wilmer Heacook, William Hinkson, Andrew Jackson, Daniel Kelley, John Lee, Samuel Mather, JameB R. McClelland, Thomas Nuttall, Jr., Peter Parson, Samuel C. Price, John Robinson, Francis R. Shoemaker, Benjamin Smith, An drew Smith, Johu Taylor, Jacob Wagnor, Wright Wrigley, Levi Walcott, Robert H. Wood. Company H.— Captain, J. Charles Andrews; first lieutenant, George S. Patchel; second lieutenant, Joseph L. Lewis; first sergeant, James D. Byerly; sergeants, John J. Hoops, William K. Ferris, Richard Parson, Samuel Egner; corporals, John Field, Jacob K. Simpers, Henry H. Russell, William H. Bandfield, Charles Willis, John Cain, Joseph K. Printer, Frank B. Worrell; musicians, Annesley N. Kelthler, George S. Siplor. Privates. — George Ash, Jr., Frederick Burkart, James Carr, Horatio P. Connell, John Davis, William Dougherty, James A. Flanagan, John Gorton, James Gormley, Thomas Green, Thomas W. Hawkins, Reece Heacock, John Howtant, Alonzo Heaps, Dennis Hinchey, Thomas J. M. Hoopes, William H. Johnston, Theodore Knight, Francis Kunsman, Charles A. Litzenburg, Rufus Lord, William II. Miller, Charles W. Moore, James Mulholland, Dennis McBride, William H. Norris, Samuel W. Ogden, Thomas J. Ottey, William Palmer, Joseph F. Poster, Frank B. Ridgway, Samuel W. Rudolph, Joseph S. Serrill, Valerius Shelter, Albert G. Thatcher, Edward C. Thatcher, Benjamin Thomas, Milton H. White, William Wilters, William P. West, Enos Yates. Company I.— Captain, Joseph Pratt; first lieutenant, C. D. M. Broom- hall; second lieutenant, Benjamin Brooke; first sergeant, Edward W. Lewis; sergeants, William J. Macpherson, W. W. Vogdis, Hun ter Bruoke, Menander Slack; corporals, Lorenzo F. Davis, John Pugh, James H. Heacock, Richard R. Cummins, Stephen Smith, Stephen M. Blazier, George Eplic, Robert Edwards; musicians, John L. Grimm, WiUiam Williamson, Privates. — Walter Bohanna, Alfred A. Bowen, Frank Brooke, James Cole, Harry Carr, George Cheyney, William ChideBter, John Cun ningham, Jesse L. Cummins, Charles L. Dubree, Gregory B, Elliott, Alfred B. Entrekin, Eli Flounders, Joseph Fell, William Farson, Andrew J. Groves, Joseph Hardcastle, Ralph M. Harvey, James T. Haddock, John G. Haddock, John A. Innes, Daniel W. Jeffries, Henry P. Johnson, Thomas J. Kitts, John W. Kay, John Lindsay, Joel Lodge, George Long, William Mackintosh, Joseph Millsen, Robert Masher, Edward Matlack, Lewis Moulder, Richard Mc- K night, Harry McKnigbt, Ambrose McDade, Joseph Y. Packer, Joseph Pratt, Rowland Pugh, Edwin Palmer, Robert C. Roberts, Thomas S. Ridgeway, Alexander Sherer, Jesse Scott, George M. Tyler, Nelson L. Talley, Aaron M. Tyson, Nicholas F. Walter, John Hunt, Robert Howarth. THIRTY-SEVENTH REGIMENT MILITIA OF 1863. Mustered in July 16, 1863; discharged Aug. 2, 3,4, 1863. Company A. — Captain, William Frick; first lieutenant, Edward M. Lyons ; second lieutenant, William G. Price ; first sergeant, John E. Shaw; sergeants, Thomas Donechy, Charles D. Pennell, William C. Dubree, George Baker; corporals, Charles A. Story, John McFall, John Atkinson, David M. Johnson, Henry Hinkson, Robert M. Green, Charles Hinkson, Frederick Engle; musicians, Hamilton Sample, James Rawclifie. Privates. — Aaron Allen, David Appleby, James R. Abernethy, Abram Blakeley, Thomas Berry, Abram Birtwell, John Birtwell, Chris topher Blakeley, William Blakeley, Thomas W. Baker, Jacob Boon, John Boon, Peter Boon, Henry Bradley, George F. Brinton, Thomas Chambers, James Cochran, George P. Dall, William P. Derr, Alfred 0. Deshong, James Dunkerley, Julius A. Dutton, Joseph Eckersley, Peter H. Engle, Samuel Etchells, William Ewing, Edwin E. Flavill, J. Marshall Garrett, James Gartside, John Gartside, William H. Geary, Thomas Gibbs, Peter Guff, George Gorby, Robert C. Gorby, Jonathan Grant, Charles L. Grubb, James Hause, WilUam Harrison, Joshua Hibberd, JeBse Hicken, Henry M. Hinkson, John Holt, Al fred Hooff, J. Washington Irving, John P. Jones, Jacob B. Kitts, Joseph Ladomus, Henry Larkin, Thomas Lees, Benjamin Mason, Jonas Miller, William Mills, Robert Mirt, William Moore, James Morgan, David W. Morrison, William P. Morrison, James Mont gomery, Daniel McKinney, William J. Oglesby, William Patterson, Andrew Phillips, William R. Rice, George H. Ridgeway, William Schofield, Arnold Shaw, John Slawter, Robert Smith, Jr., Thomas 0. Stephenson, Jacob B. Stewart, Henry Sutliff, Charles Sweeney, Wil liam H. H. Taylor, George Turner, Richard E. Turner, Richard T. Turner, Joseph Weaver, Thomas Wilkinson, Thomas Wood, Jacob B. Yates. Company F. — Captain, Harry Huddleson ; first lieutenant, Joseph Mc Coy ; second lieutenant, Samuel Bowker ; first sergeant, Frederick Y. Young; sergeants, George Hastings, James Oakes, John McDade, Samuel C. Gray ; corporals, David Jones, John C. Baker, John Keyser, James Dougherty, Edward Evans, William Shields, Monroe Graham, John Oakford; musician, John T. Husband. Privates. — Isaac Anderson, Thomas Brobson, John Baggs, Joseph Cath cart, James Cleniff, George Cathcart, Nehemiah Ford, Joseph Ford, John Gambol, Job H. Graham, John Gray, John Gugory, Henry Gilken, Levi M. Houpt, Robert H. Hall, Bernard Hamill, Robert Howard, William Hickey, J. Rowland Lewis, John Lane, Thomas Lattimore, Terrence Landy, John Maloney, Enos Marshall, John McMurray, Alexander McBride, John McGilligan, Thomas B. Ped- rick, David Roberts, Jacob Roberts, John Roebuck, Thomas Reed, John E.Smith, Samuel Scott, John Slater, John Silby, James Town- send, William Thornton, Peter Thornton, Edward Torbert, Reuben Taylor, Benjamin Wallraven, William Waters, John Wildes, Thomas Wildes, William Walters. FORTY-FIFTH REGIMENT MILITIA OF 1863. Mustered in July 16, 1863 ; discharged Aug. 29, 1863. Company B. — Captain, George K. Crozer; first lieutenant, John Graff; second lieutenant, Thomas Stewart ; first sergeant, Robert S. Bent ley; sergeants, George R. Vauzant, Richard Crowther, Ratcliffe Bridge, John Gilston ; corporals, William Anderson, Ezra Danfield, 148 HISTORY OF DELAWARE COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA. Thomas Clough, "William H. Dean, John McGovern, Robert L. West, Agur Castle, Henry Greenwalt. Privates. — Mark Allen, James Allen, William Burley, James Buckley, Mattison Bail, George Blakeley, Edwin Blakeley, James Brecken ridge, Bobert Cornog, John Cardwell, William Chalfant, James Cun- liffe, James Canavan, Bobert E. Cardwell, Sylvester Canavan, James Crowther, James B. Daniels, Richard Dawson, Isaac Dalton, William Dalton, William Dawson, John Deitrich, George Elliott, Eobert El liott, Andrew J. Fenton, Joseph Faulkner, John Faulkner, William Finley, Sr., William Finley, Jr., Charles Firth, Henry Foster, Allen Gartside, Bobert Gartside, William Garthwaite, James Glennand, William Henderson, Luke Hepworth, Richard Hepworth, William Hill, Alexander Hopkins, Edward Howarth, Thomas Kay, JameB Lockwood, John Lavery, George W. Loveland, Andrew J. Lambert, William H. Makin, George Mousley, Arthur Martin, William Mackey, Samuel Montgomery, Davis Minster, Hamilton Morris, James Morgan, James Mills, Joseph McBride, William McClelland, William McNamee, Charles McBride, David G. Pretty, Samuel T. Pretty, James Ross, Samuel Saxon, Alexander Struthers, William Struthers, Joseph V. Scott, James Smith, Lewis Smith, Edward Taylor, George Turner, John Thompson, Nehemiah Vanzant, John Wyatt, William Ward, Casper Wilmer, William Whitaker, Joseph Wyatt, George Waters. FORTY-SEVENTH REGIMENT EMERGENCY MEN OF 1863. Mustered in July 9, 1863 ; discharged Aug. 14, 1863. Company E— Captain, Harry H. Black ; first lieutenant, Richard Mc- Clellan ; second lieutenant, T. Grover Price ; first sergeant, An drew Beatty; sergeants, Joseph Morrell, Mordecai L. Lewis, J. Hunter Moore, James Wielde, Charles Moore (promoted to quarter master-sergeant July 8, 1863) ; corporals, Cyrus H. Caley, Charles Smith, Joseph M. Dickinson, Clement Lawrence, Morris Hannum, William Scott. Privates. — Joshua Beatty, William Buckley, John Bradon, William B. Braden, James Barrett, William Barrett, William Briggs, James Blythe, Charles Bovell, Frederick Christ, Charles Clark, John Dick inson, George W. Davis, Andrew Flinn, Hugh Fox, William Farra, William Garrett, William H. Gross, Richard Harrison, Isaac S. Jones, Alexander Johnson, Edward Knight, Mordecai Lawrence, William Lister, Samuel B. Moore, John L. Moore, George Myers, John Maitland, George McFarland, Mifford B. Note, Baldwin Pyle, John F. Ruse, William Smith, Caleb Smith, David E. Steele, Robert Schofield, George W. Sheaff, Henry Viceroy, Eobert Viceroy, James H. Worrell, Ambrose Wood, Charles H. Worrall. About the middle of the year 1863 conscription was actually enforced in some of the Northern States. In New York it brought on a riot the like of which was never known in that great city. In Delaware County extraordinary exertions had been made, and it was announced by those persons charged with the draft in this district that the quota had been filled ; but the authorities at Washington stating that there was an error of one hundred and eleven men, a draft was immediately made (on Wednesday, June 17th). A public meeting was called at Media on Friday, the 19th, when it was resolved to pay three hundred dollars county bounty for recruits, and the quota was filled. The people breathed more freely, but on Oct. 17, 1863, when President Lincoln called for three hun dred thousand men for three years or the war, and on Jan. 5, 1864, a draft should be made to fill the remain ing quota assigned to every locality iri the Northern States, again the people were aroused to the occasion. On Saturday, December 19th, a meeting was held at Media to encourage volunteering and avoid the draft, when it was urged that the commissioners should ap propriate a sum to pay sufficient bounties to induce men to volunteer. On Wednesday, Dec. 30, 1863, a county meeting was held in the court-house at Media. John P. Crozer was chosen president and Samuel T. Walker vice-president, when it was decided to ask the commissioners to appropriate three hundred and fifty- two dollars bounty for every recruit, and petitions were prepared, which were given to committees of three in every township to obtain signatures of tax payers obligating themselves to indemnify the com missioners in so doing, and also asking the Legislature to enact a law to legalize the expenditure. The draft was again avoided. One Hundred and Eighty-eighth Regiment (Three- Years' Service). — This regiment was recruited out of the artillery early in 1864 as infantry, and assigned to the Eighteenth Corps, Third Division. It took part in the battle of Proctor's Creek on May 10, 1864, and on June 1st was engaged at Cold Harbor, where it suffered heavily. On the 16th of June it was in the battle before Petersburg, aud on the 28th of July it was part of the force which charged on Fort Harrison, which it captured and turned the guns of the fort on the retreating enemy. The same day it attacked Fort Gilmore, but was repulsed, the killed amounting to nearly sixty, and the wounded to upwards of one hundred. It was mustered out of service Dec. 14, 1865. COMPANY B. William Pilger, corp., must, in Jan. 29, 1864 ; pro. to corp. Sept. 1, 1865 ; must, out with company Dec. 14, 1855. COMPANY C. John Davis, 1st lieut., must, in Nov. 3, 1862; pro. from corp. to sergt. May 18, 1864; to 1st sergt. June 6, 1865; to 1st lieut. Aug, 30, 1865; must, out with company. Eichnrd Renshaw, sergt., must, in Feb. 18, 1864; pro. to corp. Oct. 1, 1864 ; to eergt. Fob. 1, 1865 ; wounded Sept. 29, 1864 ; must, out with company Dec. 14, 1865. COMPANY F. William Henry WilliamB, sergt., must, in Nov. 30, 1863 ; pro. to corp. Dec. 1, 1864 ; must, out with company Dec. 14, 1865. Privates. Curnell Buckley, must, in Jan. 11, 1864; must, out with company. Samuel D. Evans, must, in June 22, 1863. Henry Donaldson, must, in Feb. 17, 1864 ; must, out with company. Andrew Kestner, must, iu Dec. 13, 1862 ; disch. May 24, 1865, for wounds received at Fort Harrison, Va., Sept. 29, 1864. Edward Harity, must, in Feb. 25, 1864 ; must, out with company Dec. 14, 1865. William Howard Shindle, must, in Feb. 24, 1864; disch. by G. 0. May 26, 1865. John Ward, must, in Jan. 18, 1864; disch. by G. O. Dec. 14, 1865. Henry Williams, must, iu June 22, 1863 ; must, out with company. COMPANY E. John Culin, corp., must, in Jan. 18, 1864; pro. to Corp. Jan. 1,1865; must, out with company. Armor B. Gallagher, must, in March 21, 1864; must, out with company. ¦ COMPANY H. Isaac E. Wilde, 2d lieut., must, in Feb. 27, 1863 ; pro. to sergt., Battery 1, 152d Regt., April 16, 1864; died at Broadway Landing, Va., July 26,1864. One Hundred and Ninety-seventh Regiment (Hundred-Days' Service).— This regiment was re cruited under the auspices of the Coal Exchange Association of Philadelphia, and was known as the THE CIVIL WAR. 149 Third Coal Exchange Regiment. It was organized at Camp Cadwalader, July 22, 1864, with Capt. John Woodcock, of Delaware County, major. Shortly afterwards it was ordered to Mankin's Woods, near Baltimore, and instead of being sent to the front, as was hoped by the regiment (who were mostly veteran soldiers) would be done, it was ordered to Rock Island, 111., where it was assigned to guarding camp for pris oners of war. The number of prisoners — about nine thousand — was so great, and the duties required of the One Hundred and Ninety-seventh were so con stant, that the service bore almost as heavily on the regiment as an active campaign, excepting casualties of battle. Immediately after the arrival of the regi ment at Rock Island, Capt. Barton was appointed assistant provost marshal of the island, in which capacity he had immediate charge of the prisoners. The prison covered about forty acres, surrounded by a board fence ten feet high, on the outside of which was a trench about twelve feet wide, filled with water. The guard was mounted on an elevated platform on the outside of the fence, and within were barracks for the accommodation of the inmates. The prisoners of war were provided with good food and comfortable clothing, and, notwithstanding, deaths were frequently arising from melancholiness or home sickness. On Nov. 11, 1864, the One Hundred and Ninety-seventh was mustered out at Philadelphia. COMPANY A. James Barton, Jr., capt., must, in July 15, 1864; must, out with com pany Nov. 11,1864. James C Hinkson, 1st lieut., must, in July 15, 1864 ; must, out with company Nov. 11, 1864. Thomas H. Berry, 2d lieut., muBt. in July 15, 1864 ; must, out with com pany Nov. 11, 1864. John M. Clayton, 1st sergt, must, in July 15, 1864 ; must, out with com pany Nov. 11, 1864. Ambrose McDade, sergt., must, in July 15, 1864 ; must, out with com pany Nov. 11,1864. Jesse D. Minshal], sergt., must, in July 15, 1864; must, out with com pany Nov. 11, 1864. William T. Shoemaker, sergt., must, in July 15, 1864 ; must, out with company Nov. 11, 1864. William Trainer, sergt., must, in July 15,1864; must, out with com pauy Nov. 11, 1864. Cheyney H. Smith, Corp., must, in July 15, 1864; must, out with com pany- Nov. 11, 1864. Eobert J. Eagleson, corp., must, in July 15, 1864 ; must, out with com pany Nov. 11, 1864. Joseph L. Arment, Corp., must, in July 15, 1864; must, out with com pany Nov. 11, 1804. Henry Larkin, Corp., must, in July 15, 1864 ; must, out with company Nov. 11,1864. Preston E. Wilson, Corp., must, in July 15, 1864 ; must, out with com pany Nov. 11, 1864. Henry C. Hinkson, Corp., must, in July 15, 1864 ; must, out with com pany Nov. 11, 1864. Benjamin Crowther, Corp., must, in July 15, 1864; must, out with com pany Nov. 11, 1864. George G. Dutton, Corp., must, iu July 15, 1864 ; must, out with com pany Nov. 11, 1864. George W. Schopeid, musician, must, in July 15, 1864; must, out with company Nov. 11, 1864. Privates. John B. Allen, must, in July 15, 1864 ; must, out with company Nov. 11, 1864. Theodore J. Bell, must, in July 15, 1864 ; must, out with company Nov. 11,1864. Samuel A. Benson, must, in July 15, 1864; must, outwith company Nov. 11, 1864. James B. Berry, must, in July 15, 1864; must, out with company Nov. 11, 1864. Abram W. Birtwell, must, in July 15, 1864; must, out with company Nov. 11, 1864. John Birtwell, must, in July 15, 1864 ; must, out with company Nov. 11, 1864. Frank Blagg, must, in July 15, 1864 ; must, out with company Nov. 11, 1864. Peter Boon, must, in July 15, 1864; must, out with company Nov. 11, 1864. Milton J. Bowers, must, in July 15, 1864 ; must, out with company Nov. 11, 1864. James E. Braceland, must, in July 15, 1864 ; must, out with company Nov. 11, 1864. Mark Brewster, must, in July 15, 1864 ; must, out with company Nov. 11,1864. Hamilton A. Burke, must, in July 15, 1864; must, out with company Nov. 11, 1864. John Cannavan, must, in July 15, 1864 ; must, out with company Nov. 11, 1864. Ed. W. Casey, must, in July 15, 1864 ; must, out with company Nov. 11, 1864. Samuel K. Chambers, must, in July 15, 1864 ; must, out with company Nov. 11,1864. Samuel Cook, must, in July 15, 1864 ; must, out with company Nov. 11, 1864. Samuel W. Chadwick, must, in July 15, 1864 ; trans. Sept. 4, 1864, organ ization unknown. George H. Derrick, must, in July 15, 1864 ; must, out with company Nov. 11, 1864. James Dougherty, must, in July 15, 1864 ; must, out with company Nov. 11, 1864. Albert Dutton, must, in July 15, 1864; must, out with company Nov. 11, 1864. Alfred B. Entrikon, must, in July 15,1864; must, out with company Nov. 11, 1864. David Foster, must, in July 15, 1864; must, out with company Nov. 11, 1864. John Gallagher, must, in July 15, 1864 ; must, out with company Nov. 11, 1864. Nelson G. Green, must, in July 15, 1864 ; must, out with company Nov. 11, 1864. Theodore J. Gleason, must, in July 15, 1864. Thomas Hance, niuBt. in July 15, 1864 ; must, out with company Nov. 11, 1864. C. P. Hannaway, must, in July 15, 1864 ; must, out with company Nov. 11, 1864. L. F. Hendrickson, must, in July 15, 1864 ; must, out with company Nov. 11, 1864. William Hopworth, must, in July 15, 1864 ; must, out with company Nov. 11, 1864. Charles J. Hewes, muBt. in July 15, 1864 ; must, out with company Nov. 11, 1864. William Hill, must, in July 15, 1864; must, out with company Nov. 11, 1864. Joseph P. Hindeley, must, in July 15, 1864 ; must, out with company Nov. 11,1864. John M. Hinkson, must, in July 15, 1864; must, out with company Nov. 11, 1864. George Horning, must, in July 15, 1864 ; must, out with company Nov. 11, 1864. Spencer Howard, must, in July 15, 1864 ; must, out with company Nov. 11, 1864. Harrison Hoffman, must, in July 15, 1864 ; died at Bock Island, 111., Oct. 22, 1864. Isaac Jones, must, in July 15,1864; must, out with companyNov.il, 1864. Martin Kelly, must, in July 15, 1864; must, out with company Nov. 11, 1864. John H. Kerlin, must, in July 15, 1864; must, outwith company Nov. 11, 1864. James D. Knight, must, in July 15, 1864; muBt. out with company Nov. 11, 1864. John C. Longbotham, must, in July 16, 1864; must, out with company Nov. 11, 1864. 150 HISTORY OF DELAWARE COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA. Samuel W. Loveland, must, in July 15, 1864; must, out with company Nov. 11, 1864. Benjamin H. Mason, must, in July 15, 1864 ; must, out with company Nov. 11, 1864. Fleming Maloney, must, in July 15, 1864 ; must, out with company Nov. 11, 1864. John McDade, must, in July 15, 1864 ; must, out with company Nov. 11, 1874. Daniel McKinney, must, in July 15, 1864; must, out with company Nov. 11, 1864. William McDonald, must, in July 16, 1864 ; must, out with company Nov. 11, 1864. Henry D. McNeald, must, in July 15, 1864 ; must, out with company Nov. 11, 1864. Vincent Nichols, mnst. in July 15, 1864 ; must, out with company Nov. 11, 1864. Samuel Nuttall, must, in July 15, 1864 ; must, out with compauy Nov. 11, 1864. Joseph Osborne, must, in July 15, 1864 ; must, out with company Nov. 11, 1864. Gibbons L. Pharaoh, must, in July 15, 1864; must, out with company Nov. 11, 1864. Emmor W. Porter, must, in July 15, 1864 ; must, out with company Nov. 11, 1864. Edwin L. Powell, must, in July 15, 1864 ; must, out with company Nov. 11, 1864. John H. Pretty, must, in July 15, 1864; must, out with company Nov. 11, 1864. Samuel C. Price, must, in July 15, 1864 ; must, out with company Nov. 11, 1864. Silas L. Sample, must, in July 15, 1864; must, out with company Nov. 11, 1864 Joseph B. Sample, must, in July 15, 1 864 ; must, out with company Nov. 11,1864. Lewis J. Smith, must, in July 15, 1864 ; must, out with company Nov. 11, 1861. Nelson S. Talley, must, in July 15, 1864; muBt. out with company Nov. 11, 1864. William E. Trainer, must, in July 15, 1864 ; must, out with company Nov. 11, 1864. William Trainer, must, in July 15, 1864 ; must, out with company Nov. 11, 1864. George W. Turner, must, in July 15, 1864; must, out with company Nov. 11, 1864. Terrill J. TJlrich, must, in July 15, 1864; trans. Sept. 4, 1864, organiza tion unknown. Theodore A. Vanzant, muBt. in July 15, 1864; must, out with company Nov. 11, 1864. John W. Warren, must, in July 15, 1864; roust, out with company Nov. 11, 1864. William H. Weir, must, in July 15, 1864 ; must, out with company Nov. 11, 1864. William H. Williams, must, in July 15, 1864 ; trans. Sept. 8, 1864, or ganization unknown. William W. Young, must, in July 15, 1864 ; must, out with company Nov. 11, 1864. COMPANY I. John Woodcock, capt., must, in July 14, 1864; pro. to maj. July 22,1864. Ealph Buckley, capt., must, in July 14, 1864 ; pro. from 1st lieut. July 23, 1864 ; must, out with company Nov. 11, 1864. Boswell T. Williams, 1st lieut., must, in July 14, 1864 ; pro. from 2d lieut. July 23, 1864 ; must, out with company. James Carrick, 2d lieut., must, in July 14, 1864 ; pro. from 1st sergt. July 23, 1864 ; must, out with company. Edwin Bowden, 1st sergt., must, in July 14, 1864 ; pro. from Bergt. July 23, 1864 ; must, out with company. Matthew Bennett, sergt., must, in July 14, 1864; must, out with com pany. Abel Ford, Bergt., must, in July 14, 1864; must, out with company. Daniel Crowther, Bergt., must, in July 14, 1864 ; must, out with com pany. Samuel Greenwood, sorgt , must, in July 14, 1864; pro. from corp. July 23, 1861; must, outwith company. Frederick A. Davis, Corp., must, in July 14, 1864 ; must, out with com pany. Thomas Lomax, Corp., must, in July 14, 1864 ; must, out with company. James Mulholland, Corp., must, in July 14, 1864 ; must, out with com pany. Gardner Kelly, Corp., must, in July 14, 1864; must, out with company. William Donnelly, Corp., must, in July 14,1864; must, out with com pany. John Scofield, Corp., must, in July.14, 1864; must, out with company. Samuel Fields, Corp., must, in July 14, 1864 ; must, out with company. Edward D. Sippler, Corp., must, in July 14, 1864; pro. to corp. July 23, 1864; muBt. out with company. Privates. Reuben Allen, must, in July 14, 1864; must, out with company. John Armstrong, must, in July 14, 1864; must, out with company. Ed. Ashworth, must, in July 14, 1864; must, out with company. William Beaumont, must, in July 14, 1864; must, out with company. Henry Barber, must, in July 14, 1864; muBt. out with company. Uriah Beaumont, must, in July 14, 1864; must, out with company. William Buckley, must, in July 14, 1864; must, out with company. John Baggs, must, in July 14, 1864; mnst. out with company. John Bargeley, must, in July 14, 1864; must, out with company. Charles E. Bourne, must, in July 14, 1864; pro. to sergt.-maj. Aug. 19, 1864. James Bonner, must, in July 14, 1864. William Coppick, must, in July 14, 1864; must, out with company. Miles Dickerson, must, in July 14, 1864; must, out with company. Samuel Duncan, must, in July 14, 1864 ; must, out with company. Joseph Drake, must, in Jnly 14, 1864; must, out with company. James Duflee, must, in July 14, 1864 ; must, out with company. William DouglasB, must, in July 14, 1864 : must, out with company. John Edwards, must, in July 14, 1864 ; must, out with company. Amor Eaches, muBt. in July 14, 1864; must. out. with company. Joseph Faulkner, must, in July 14, 1864; must, out with company. John Faulkner, must, in July 14, 1864; must, out with company. John Ford, must, in July 14, 1864; must, out with company. Nehemiah Ford, must, in July 14, 1864; must out with company. William France, must, in July 14, 1864 ; must, out with company. Daniel Flyun, must, in July 14, 1864; must, out with company. Michael Fearns, must, in July 14, 1864; must, out with company. John Griggory, must, in July 14, 1864 ; must, out with company. John Gilkins, must, in July 14, 1864 ; must, out with company. John Hibbitt, must, in July 14, 1864; must, out with company. James Hibbitt, must, in July 14, 1864; must, out with company. David HortenBtine, must, in July 14, 1864; must, out with company. John Heartgreaves, must, in July 14, 1864 ; must, out with company. Edwin Hunter, must, in July 14, 1864 ; must, out with company. William Howith, must, in July 14, 1864 ; must, out with company. John Holstein, must, in July 14, 1864; absent, sick, at muster out. Jesse Haley, must, in July 14, 1864 ; absent, sick, at muster out. Samuel Heacock, must, in July 14, 1864; absent, sick, at muster out. James Hannum, must, iu July 14, 1864 ; must, out with company. William Hickey, must, in July 14, 1864; must, out with company. John Heague, must, iu July 14, 1864. William Johnson, must, in July 14, 1864 ; must, out with company. Thomas Key, must, in July 14, 1864; must, out with company. John Kieser, must, in July 14, 1864 ; must, out with company. Abram Lee, must, in July 14, 1864; must, out with company. Roland Lewis, must, in July 14, 1864; must, out with company. Thomas Landimore, must, in July 14, 1864 ; must, out with company. Hugh Morrison, must, in July 14, 1864 ; must, out with company. William Milner, must, in July 14, 1864; must, out with company. William Mooney, must, in July 14, 1864 ; must, out with company. Wright Martin, must, in July 14, 1864; must, out with company. Edward Mallin, must, in July 14, 1864; must, out with company. Alfred H. May, must, iu July 14, 1864 ; must, out with company. John Moore, must, in July 14, 1864 ; must, out with company. Thomas Magee, must, in July 14, 1864; must, out with company. Thurlow McMullen, must, in July 14, 1864; muBt. out with company. John McGill, must, in July 14, 1864; must, out with company. Dennis McLaughlin, must, in July 14, 1864; must, out with company. Daniel Newsome, must, in July 14, 1864 ; must, out with company. John Otty, must, in July 14, 1864 ; must, out with company. Johu Parker, must, in July 14, 1864 ; must, out with company. Richard Pyott, must, in July 14, 1864 ; must, out with company. Alvaen Quimby, must, iu July 14, 1864 ; must, out with company. John Redman, must, in July 14, 1864; must, out with company. John Rigley, must, in July 13, 1864 ; must, out with company. Samuel Standriug, must, in July 14, 1864 ; must, out with company. THE CIVIL WAR. 151 William S. Sewell, must, in July 14, 1864; must, out with company. William Scott, must, in July 14, 1864; must, out with company. H. Shillingsburgh, must, in July 14, 1864; absent, sick, at muster out. George W. Somers, must, in July 14, 1864 ; must, out with company. John Scanlin, must, in July 14, 1864. Samuel Thackery, must, iu July 14, 1864 ; must, out with company. John Thorp, must, in July 14, 1864; must, out with company. Edwin Tolbert, must, in July 14, 1864 ; must, out with company. John Thackery, must, in July 14, 1864 ; must, out with company. James Taylor, must, in July 14, 1864; must, out with company. Thomas C. Vernon, must, in July 14, 1864; must, out with company. John Viccary, must, in July 14, 1864 ; must, out with company. William Whittaker, must, in July 14, 1864; must, out with company, Edward Woriall, must, in July 14, 1864 ; must, out with company. John Woriall, must, in July 14, 1864 ; muBt. out with company. Jacob Wheatley, muBt. in Jnly 14, 1864; must, out with company. Edward Wells, must, in July 14, 1864; must, out with company. James Whilde, muBt.in July 14, 1864; must, out with company. One Hundred and Ninety-eighth Regiment (One- Year's Service). — This regiment was recruited under the auspices of the Union League in Philadelphia in the summer of 1864, its ranks being filled in five weeks. On the morning of the 19th of September it was re viewed before the League House and presented by that association with regimental colors, and immedi ately proceeded to Petersburg, where it became part of the First Brigade, Fifth Division, of the First Corps of the Army of the Potomac. On the 30th of that month it took part in the battle of Peebles' Farm, and was scarcely formed in position when the enemy opened upon it a heavy artillery and mus ketry fire, but it held its ground, and finally, in the charge, drove the Confederates from their first line of works'. On October 2d it held its lines under a fierce attack and severe firing from the enemy. On Feb. 5, 1865, at the battle of Hatcher's Run, at three o'clock, the Second Brigade was being hard pressed, when Gen. Sickles ordered the One Hundred and Ninety- eighth to its relief, and at the double-quick it charged across an open field and fell upon Mahone's " fighting brigade.'' The enemy was driven back, but during the night the Confederates succeeded, by massing their troops, in capturing a part of the Union line. At the first alarm the One Hundred and Ninety- eighth delivered a volley and charged with the bay onet. "The struggle for a time was hand to hand, muskets being clubbed and bayonets freely used." The enemy was finally driven back and the works re gained. At the battle of Lewis' Farm, on March 29th, the One Hundred and Ninety-eighth encoun tered the enemy near the old saw-mill, and across a clear field of a thousand yards this regiment and the One Hundred and Eighty-fourth New York, led by Sickles, charged the enemy's works, reserving its fire until near the fortification, when it delivered a close and effectual volley, driving the foe. The regiment's loss was terrific, it afterwards being learned that three of the best Confederate brigades had confronted the Union troops in that engagement. On the 31st it was in action at White Oak Swamp and at Five Forks. On April 1st, after the Union assault had failed, Gen. Chamberlain, who was in command of the division, rode to Maj. Glenn, commanding the One Hundred and Ninety-eighth, and exclaimed, " Major, can you take those works and hold them ?" The latter, turn ing to his troops, inquired, " Boys, will you follow me ?" and he dashed forward, followed by his men. Twice the color-bearer was shot down, but the stan dard, caught up by another, was carried forward in the charge and planted on the enemy's works. Cham berlain promoted Glenn on the field for this deed, but later in the clay the latter was fatally wounded. This was its last battle, the regiment being mustered out of service at Arlington Heights on June 3, 1865. COMPANY K. William R. Thatcher, 1st lieut., must, in Sept. 10, 1864; must, out with company June 4, 1865. Benjamin Jones, Corp., must, in Sept. 10, 1864; not accounted for. Joseph F. Brewster, Corp., must, in Sept. 10, 1864; prisoner from March 29 to April 5, 1865; disch. by G. 0. June 21, 1865. Charles Logan, Corp., must, in Sept. 10, 1864 ; not accounted for. Privates. John H. Bartman, must, in Sept. 10,1864; not accounted for. Levi Booth, must, in Sept. Ill, 1864; wounded at Hatcher's Bun, Va., Feb. 7. 1865 ; not accounted for. William H. Blizzard, must, in Sept. 10, 1864; not accounted for. George E. Burk, must, in Sept. 10, 1S64; not accounted for. Michael Brennan, must, in Sept. 10, 1864; not accounted for. Joseph F. Beeson, must, in Sept. 10, 1864; not accounted for. William H. Costello, must, in Sept. 10, 1864; not accounted for. David Chambers, must, in Sept. 10, 1864 ; disch. by G. 0. May 31, 1865. John B. Crook, muBt. in Sept. 10, 1864; not accounted for. Edward Carson, must, in Sept. 10, 1864; not accounted for. Armstrong Elliott, must, in Sept. 10, 1864 ; disch. by G. 0. June 26, 1865. James Fryer, must, in Sept. 10, 1864 ; not accoun ted for. John E. Holt, must, in Sept. 10, 1864; not accounted for. John Holt, muBt. in Sept. 10, 1864; wounded at Five Forks, Va., April 1, 1865 ; not accounted for. Alfred T. Hart, must, in Sept. 10, 1864; not accounted for. Henry Hickson, must, in Sept. 10, 1864; not accounted for. Washington Hickson, must, in Sept 10, 1864; wounded at Hatcher's Bun, Va., Feb. 7, 1865 ; disch. by G. O. May 16, 1865. Eobert S. JohnBon, must, in Sept. 10, 1864; disch. by G. 0. June 2, 1865. George W. Kaissinger, must, in Sept. 10, 1S64; disch. by G. 0. June 2, 1865. George Latch, must, iu Sept. 10, 1864 ; wounded at Lewis' Farm, Va., March 29, 1865 ; not accounted for. Charles Logan, must, in Sept. 3, 1864 ; not accounted for. Edward L. Morgan, must, in Sept. 10, 1864; not accounted for. James Morgan, must, in Sept. 10, 1S64 ; wounded at Lewis' Farm, Va., March 29, 1865 ; not accounted for. Edward T. Mason, must, in Sept. 10, 1864; wounded at Five Forks, Va., April 1, 1865 ; disch. by G. 0. June 9, 1865. George Mills, must, in Sept. 10, 1864 ; not accounted for. Chandler Marshraan, must, in Sept. 5, 1864 ; not accounted for. Samuel Pullen, must, in Sept. 5, 1864; not accounted for. John 0. Pike, must, in Sept. 5, 1864; not accounted for. Jesse W. Paist, must, in Sept. 5, 1864; wounded at Lewis' Farm, Va., March 29, 1865 ; not accounted for. Eeuben Russell, must, in Sept. 5, 1864 ; not accounted for. Charles G. Slawter, must, in Sept. 13, 1864; not accounted for. James Schofield, must, in Sept. 13, 1864; not accounted for. William Tomlinson, must, in Sept. 10, 1864; not accounted for. Frederick P. Taylor, must, iu Sept. 10, 1864 ; not accounted for. Hiram Williams, mii6t. in Sept. 10, 1864 ; wounded at Appomattox Court- House, Va., April 9, 1865 ; not accounted for. Robert Weir, must, in Sept. 10, 1864; wounded at Lewis' Farm, Va., March 29, 1865 ; disch. by G. 0. June 26, 1865. George Wilson, must, in Sept. 10, 1864 ; not accounted for. Jeff. W. Wetherill, must, in Sept. 10, 1864 ; wounded at Peebles' Farm, Va., Sept. 30, 1864, and at Five Forks, Va., April 1, 1865; disch. by G. O. July 17, 1865. James Willis, must, in Sept. 5, 1864; not accounted for. 152 HISTORY OF DELAWARE COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA. Two Hundred and Third Regiment (One- Year's Service). — This regiment was recruited as sharp shooters for Gen. Birney's division, but the general dying they were treated as ordinary infantry. The regiment was organized Sept. 10, 1864, and on the 27th of the same month they reached the army before Pe tersburg, and were assigned to the Second Brigade, Second Division, Tenth Corps, the same day. As the action at Chapin's Farm and New Market Road the Two Hundred and Third were employed in picketing Malvern Hill and escorting prisoners. On October 7th it took part in the battle on that day, and repulsed the assaults of the enemy, and was in action on the 27th on the Darlingtown road. When the Army of the James was reorganized the Two Hundred and Third was part of the Second Brigade, Second Division, Twenty-fourth Corps. On Dec. 13, 1864, it embarked on transports at Fortress Monroe, and,accompanied the naval expedition under Admiral Porter for the reduction of Fort Fisher, North Carolina. On Jan. 15, 1865, when the assault on the fort was made, the regiment was in Pennypacker's brigade, which drove the enemy from the palisadings. Here the Two Hundred and Third charged through an opening in the face of two guns, which it captured, and traverse after traverse was carried, and just as the fourth was charged Col. Moore, with his regiment's flag in one hand and his sword in the other, urging on the men, fell dead. From half-past three in the afternoon until late into the night the fight was stub bornly continued until the enemy finally yielded. In this memorable assault the colonel, lieutenant-colonel, one captain, and a lieutenant were killed, two cap tains and four lieutenants wounded; among the latter was Capt. Benjamin Brooke, of Company B. Admiral Porter, in his report, states that Fort Fisher was "really stronger than the Malakoff Tower, which defied so long the combined powers of France and England, and yet it was captured by a handful of men under the fire of the guns of the fleet, and in seven hours after the attack commenced in earnest." On February 11th the regiment was in the advance on Wilmington, being thrown out as skirmishers, and succeeded in getting possession of the rifle-pits of the enemy in front of his works, but owing to the swampy nature of the ground and the dense undergrowth the line of battle could not advance. Hence the regiment in possession of the pits could not withdraw until night, when, stealthily, a few men at a time crawled away. The works were finally captured by a flank movement, which compelled the enemy to abandon his fortifica tion. The Two Hundred and Third was active in all the movements in North Carolina until April 26th, when Johnston surrendered, after'which it was assigned to duty at Raleigh, where, on June 22, 1865, it was mustered out of service. Capt. Brooke, on June 22, 1865, was promoted lieutenant-colonel of the regi ment. COMPANY B. Benjamin Brooks, capt., must, in Sept. 12,1864; wounded at Fort Fisher, N. C, January 15th, and in action Feb. 11, 1865 ; pro. to lieut.-col. June 15, 1865. George H. Eplee, 1st lieut., must, in Sept. 12, 1861 ; must, out with com pany June 22,1865. George R. Vanzant, 2d lieut., must, in Aug. 24, 1864; pro. from private Sept. 10, 1864 ; must, out with company. Joseph M. Borrell, 1st sergt., must, in Sept. 12, 1864 ; absent with leave at muster out. John B. Selvey, sergt., must, in Sept. 19, 1864 ; muBt. out with company. William G. Davidson, sergt., must, in Sept. 30, 1864 ; absent on furlough at muster out. Alfred J. Kent, sergt., must, in Sept. 24, 1864; must, out with company. Ezra Drainsfield, sergt, must, in Sept. 24, 1864 ; pro. from corp. May 1, 1865 ; must, out with company. John Lee, sergt., must, in Sept. 18, 1864 ; pro. to 1st sergt. Co. D Oct. 12, 1864. John A. Morrow, Corp., must, in Sept. 3, 1864 ; must, out with company. John Famous, Corp., must, in Aug. 26, 1864 ; must, out with company. Samuel T. Allon, corp., must, in Sept. 2, 1864 ; must, out with company, Richard Parsons, corp , must, in Aug. 24, 1864; must, out with company. Charles T. Brooks, Corp., must, in Sept. 5, 1864; wounded at Fort Fisher, N. C, Jan. 15, 1865; must, out with company. John J. Vanzant, Corp., must, in Aug. 31, 1864 ; must, out with compauy. J. McGinly Wilhelm, Corp., must, in Aug. 30, 1864 ; pro. to corp. May 1, 1865 ; must, out with company. Miller Cox, corp., must, in Sept. 3, 1864; pro. to corp. May 16, 1865; must, out with company. Andrew Lamport, corp,, must, in Aug. 24,1864; wounded at Fort Fisher, Va., Jan. 15, 1865; disch. by G. 0. May 16, 1865. Jacob Deffenderfer, musician, must, in Sept. 2, 1864 ; must, out with com pany. Henry Nagle, musician, must, in Sept. 2, 1864 ; must, out with company. Privates. John Allen, must, in Aug. 26, 1864; must, out with company. Mark W. Allen, must, in Aug. 26, 1864; disch. by G. O. June 10, 1865. Thomas Armstrong, must, in Aug. 29, 1864; must, out with company. John H. Anderson, must, in Sept. 3, 1864 ; must, out with company. Watson Bail, must, in Aug. 24, 1864 ; must, out with company. James Bowen, must, in Aug. 24, 1864 ; must, out with company. John J. Boyer, must, in Sept. 8, 1864; must, out with company. John Booth, must, in Aug. 31, 1864; must, out with company. James P. Boon, must, in Sept. 15, 1864; must, out with company. William Burley, must, in Aug. 19, 1864; must, out with company. Jacob Boon, must, in Sept. 15, 1864 ; pro. to hospital steward Sept. 20, 1864. August Bauiu, must, in Aug. 25, 1864 ; disch. by G. 0. May 15, 1865. Gillead Carter, must, in Aug. 24, 1864; must, out with company. James Craggen, must, in Aug. 24, 1864; must, out with company. William Chadwick, must, in Aug. 29, 1864; disch. by G. 0. June 3, 1865. Thomas Clowgh, must, in Aug. 24, 1864 ; must, out with company. John J. Clar, must, in Aug. 24, 1864; died at Hampton, Va., January23d, of wounds received at Fort Fisher, N. C, Jan. 15, 1865 ; buried in National Cemetery. William H. Camp, must, in Aug. 18, 1864; died at New York, March 15th, of wounds received at Fort Fisher, N. C, Jan. 15, 1865 ; buried in Cypress Hill Cemetery, Long Island. Henry Carmon, must, in Aug. 31, 1864. John Conner, must, in Feb. 10, 1865 ; not on muster-out roll. Joseph Carter, must, in March 3, 1865 ; not on muster-out roll. Thomas Chubb, must, iu March 3, 1865 ; not on muster-out roll. Nathaniel Davis, must, in Sept. 2, 1864; must, outwith company. Theodore Drainsfield, must, iu Aug. 24, 1864 ; must, out with company. George Dilks, must, in Sept. 2, 1864 ; must, out with company. Joseph Doyle, must, in Aug. 25, 1864; must, out with company. John Duffee, must, in Sept. 5, 1864 ; wounded at Fort Fisher, N. C, Jan. 15, 1865 ; disch. by G. 0. Juno 14, 1865. Robert Entwistle, must, in Aug. 26, 1864; must, out with company. Samuel Ewing, must, in Aug. 29, 1864 ; must, out with company. Orange M. English, must, in Sept. 14, 1864 ; disch. by G. 0. June 3, 1865. Hiram Erisman, must, in Feb. 2, 1865 ; not on muster-out roll. Abraham Favinger, must, in Aug. 26, 1864 ; must, out with company. William E. Fetters, must, in Sept. 2, 1864; wounded at Fort Fisher, N. 0, Jan. 15, 1865 ; must, out with company. THE CIVIL WAR. 153 Elwood D. Fryer, must, in Sept. 2, 1864 ; wounded near Wilmington, N. C, Oct. 27, 1864; absent, on detached service, at mustor out. John W. Fryer, must, in Sept. 2, 1864; absent, sick, at muster out. William 0. Fryer, must, in Aug. 31, 1864 ; must, outwith company. William J. Farra, must, in Aug. 29, 1864 ; died at Hampton, Va., Jan. 23d, of wounds received at Fort FiBher, N. C, Jan. 15, 1865 ; buried in National Cemetery. John Grim, must, in Sept. 2,1864; wounded near Wilmington, N. C, Oct. 27, 1864; disch. by G. 0. June 10, 1865. Elwood H. Gilbert, must, in Aug. 31, 1864 ; disch. by G. 0. June 16, 1866. Jesse Gore, must, in Sept. 3, 1864 ; must, out with company. David Gordon, must, in Aug. 27, 1864; absent, in hospital, at muster out. Thomas Grant, must, in Aug. 18, 1864. Thomas J. Harper, must, in Aug. 26, 1864; must, out with company. Lewis Harper, muBt. iu Aug. 26, 1864; must, out with company. Charles Haas, mu6t. in Sept. 1, 1864; must, out with company. Edward Haycock, must, in Sept. 2, 1864; wounded at Fort Fisher, N. C, Jan. 15, 1865 ; absent, in hospital, at muster out. Luke Hepworth, must, in Aug. 26, 1864; must, out with company. James Hulme, must, in Aug. 24, 1864 ; must, out with compauy. Davis N. Hahnem, must, in Sept. 3, 1864; disch. by G. 0. July 3, 1865. John M. Hoffs'titler, must, in Sept. 2, 1864; killed at Fort Fisher, N. C, Jan. 15, 1865. James Hogan, must, in Feb. 9, 1865 ; not on muster-out roll. L. Hays, must, in Sept. 16, 1864 ; not on muster-out roll. David Hildebrand, must, in Jan. 28, 1865 ; not on muster-out roll. Perry Hippie, must, in Feb. 4, 1865 ; not on muster-out roll. Joseph Jones, must, in Aug. 26, 1864 ; must, out with company. Annesley N. Keithler, must, iu Aug. 31, 1864; disch. by G. 0. June 16, 1865. Edmond Kinch, must, in Aug. 26, 1864 ; wounded at Fort Fisher, N. C, Jan. 15, 1865; must, out with company June 22, 1865. William M. Kitts, must, in Sept. 6, 1864 ; died at FortresB Monroe, Va., Jan. 8, 1865. Francis Lachlan, must, in Aug. 23, 1864; must, out with company. Joshua Lodge, must, in Aug. 29, 1864 ; must, out with compauy. Joel B. Lodge, must, in Aug. 19, 1864 ; must, out with company. John Lindsay, must, in Aug. 29, 1864; must, out with company. Elmer Lewis, Jr., must, in Sept. 2, 1864; must, out with company. A. W. Longnecker, must, in Jan. 30, 1865 ; not on muster-out roll. Mitchell Martin, must, in Aug. 24, 1864; must, out with company. George Mooney, must, in Aug. 29, 1864 ; must, out with company. William A. Mousely, must, in Aug. 31, 1864; must, out with company. James Mills, must, in Aug. 19, 1864 ; must, out with company. George Major, must, in Aug. 27, 1864; died at Philadelphia, Pa., Sept. 11, 1864. Aroher Myers, must, in Feb. 9, 1864 ; not on muster-out roll. Joseph Moyer, must, iu March 8, 1865 ; not on muster-out roll. Daniel McClean, must, in Aug. 29, 1S64; must, out with company. John McGilty, must, in Aug. 29, 1864 ; must, out with company. George McFadden, must, in Jan. 30, 1865 ; not on muster-out roll. Johu T. McElroy, must, in Jan. 30, 1865 ; not on muster-out roll. Joseph Naylor, must, in Sept. 7, 1864; must, out with company. Rufus W. Noble, must, in Aug. 30, 1864 ; must, out with company. Joseph H. Ottey, must, in Sept. 3, 1S64; must, out with company. William Peoples, must, in Aug. 29, 1864 ; must, out with company. Benjamin Pierce, must, in Aug. 31, 1864 ; must, out with company. William H. Pool, must, in Sept. 2, 1864; must, out with company. Samuel Playford, must, in Aug. 29, 1864; killed at Fort Fisher, N. C, Jan. lEi, 1865. Emmor E. Rudolph, must, in Aug. 29, 1864; disoh. by G. 0. June 8, 1865. Robort Sample, must, in Sept. 2, 1S64 ; mnst. outwith company. James Sample, must, in Aug. 24, 1864 ; wounded in action Feb. 11, 1865 ; must, out with company. Joseph Smiley, must, iu Sept. 2, 1864; must, out with company. Theodore Smith, must, in Aug. 31, 1864 ; disch. by G. 0. June 25, 1805. Francis Stewart, must, in Aug. 29, 1864 ; must, out with company. William H. Swayne, must, in Aug. 29, 1864 ; wounded near Wilmington, N. C, Oct.. 27, 1864; must, out with company. Henry Stover, must, in Aug. 31, 1864. Lewis Smith, must, in Aug. 30, 1864. Myers Sergent, must, in Jan. 31, 1865; not on muster-out roll. Frederick Sanders, must, in Jnn. 30, 1865 ; not on muster-out roll. Martin Sullivan, must, in Oct. 7, 1SU4 ; nut on muster-out roll. Evan L. Thomas, must, in Aug. 29, 1864 ; absent, in hospital, at muster out. W. M. Vernon, must, in Aug. 24, 1864 ; died at Raleigh, N. C, May 30, 1865. Thomas Waddacor, must, in Aug. 29, 1864 ; must, out with company. John 0. Wilhelm, must, in Sept. 2, 1864; pro. to chaplain 45th Begt. U. S. Colored Troops, May 8, 1866 ; must, out Nov. 4, 1865. George W. Wolf, must, in Aug. 30, 1864 ; disch. by G. 0. June 3, 1865. Robert L. West, must, in Aug. 26, 1804; disch. by G. 0. July 25, 1865. James Wood, must.in Aug. 29, 1864; must, out with company. Winfield S. White, must, in Sept. 2, 1864; must, out with company. Joseph Wyatt, must, in Aug. 19, 1864 ; must, out with company. George F. Washington, must, in Aug. 24, 1864 ; must, out with company. Two Hundred and Thirteenth Regiment (One- Year's Men). — This regiment was recruited under the direction of the Union League Association of Phila delphia, and was organized March 2, 1865. Two days thereafter it was ordered to Annapolis, Md., where it was assigned to duty in guarding Camp Parole, and part of the regiment was ordered to Frederick City, to protect the lines of the Baltimore and Ohio Rail road. In April it was concentrated at Washington, where it remained guarding the Northern defenses of the city until Nov. 18, 1865, when it was mustered out of service. Daniel W. Jeffries, asst.-surg., must, in March 10, 1865 ; must, out with regiment Nov. 18, 1865. COMPANY G. James Carrick, 2d lieut., must, in March 1, 1865 ; must, out with com pany Nov. 18, 1865. Jonathan Kershaw, lBt sergt., must, in Feb. 21, 1865 ; must, out with company Nov. 18, 1865. Abel Ford, sergt., must, in Feb. 24, 1865 ; must, out with company Nov. 18, 1865. William Long, musician, must, in Feb. 18, 1865 ; must, out with com pany Nov. IS, 1865. Privates. Richard Alcutt, must, in Feb. 17, 1865 ; must, out with company Nov. 18, 1865. John W. Beggs, must, in Feb. 17, 1865 ; must, out with company Nov. 18, 1865. Michael Crouse, must, in Feb. 21, 1865 ; must, out with company Nov. 18, 1865. Edward Deterer, must, in Feb. 16, 1865; must, out with company Nov. 18, 1865. David Lynch, must, in Feb. 16, 1865 ; must, out with company Nov. 18, 1865. Franklin Mulford, must, in Feb. 18, 1865; absent, sick, at muster out. Daniel McBride, must, in Feb. 20, 1865; must, out with company. Bernard McAfee, must, in Feb. 17, 1865 ; not on muster-out roll. William A. Williams, must, in Feb. 24, 1865 ; must, out with company. Following are the names of residents of Delaware County who recruited in other regiments other than those already given : SURGEONS. Dr. Joshua Owen, the first surgeon appointed in Pennsylvania, April 18, 1861 ; detailed to 54th Regt. ; must, out Aug. 1, 1861. Dr. John M. Allen, must, in Oct. 15, 1861, surg. of 54th Pa. ; subse quently medical director of the Department of Western Virginia, and surgeon-in-chief of staff; his health failing he was honorably discharged Nov. 4, 1864, after having been in hospital Beveral months. Dr. Charles Matthews, asst.-surg., 64th Pa. Dr. George B. Hotchkin, surg. of 44th Pa. ; must, iu Nov. 12, 1862, and mnst. out Sept. 9, 1864. Dr. S. Cbase King, asst.-surg., 5th Cav. ; must, in Dec. 31, 1861 ; trans. to 4th Cav. March 20, 1865; resigned Aug. 7, 1865. Dr. Isaac T. Coates, aSBt.-Burg., 77th Regt. ; must, in Sept. 19, 1865 ; must. out Dec. 6, 1865. Dr. Coates had, previous to entering the army, been it surgeon in the navy. Dr. Magee, asst.-surg. U. S. navy. 154 HISTORY OF DELAWARE COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA. Dr. William H. Forward, appointed asst.-surg. TJ. S. army June, 1861 ; pro. to surg. 6th U. S. Cav. October, 1863, he was severely wounded in the breast, and after the ball was extracted little hopes were en tertained of his recovery. Aftor a protracted illneBS he was en abled to rejoin hiB command, and is Btill iu the army. Dr. PasBmore Middleton, of Darby, appointed surgeon in regular army, 1863. Dr. Mauley Emanuel, April, 1863, appointed asst.-surg. 43d PA. REGT. (1st ARTILLERY, THREE YEARS). Battery H, Martin Wolf, must, in Sept. 4, 1862 ; must, out with battery June 27, 1865. 64th PA. REGT. (4th CAVALRY). Company C, H. Hawkins. 65th PA. REGT. (5th CALVARY, THREE YEARS). Company C, John Booth, killed at Harrison's Landing, Va., Aug. 1, 1862. Company D, Joshua E. Dyer, 2d lieut., must, in July 30, 1861 ; com. 2d lieut. Dec. 3, 1864; not mustered; captured at Stony Creek, Va., June 29, 1864 ; died in Confederate prison-pen in Florence, N. C, Feb. 16, 1865. Company H, Samuel Wallace, 1st lieut.. must, in July 30, 1861 ; pro. from sergt. Co. D to 2d lieut. Jan. 26, 1862 ; to 1st lieut. January, 1863 ; killed near Williamsburg, Va., Jan. 15, 1863. 66th PA. REGT. (THREE YEARS' SERVICE). William Lewis, lieut.-col., must, in Nov. 1, 1862 ; disch. April 29, 1861. Company C, Alisha Stet6on, capt., must, in Jan. 26, 1862 ; must, out Oct. 10, 1864. 17th PA. REGT. (6th CAVALRY, RUSH'S LANCERS). Charles L. Leiper, col., must, in 1861 ; pro. to capt. Co. L ; to maj. Sept. 1, 1864; to lieut.-col. Feb. 1, 1865 ; to col. March 20, 1865 ; to brig.- gen. (brevet) March 13, 1865 ; trans, to 2d Provisional Cavalry June 17, 1865. Compauy L, Levis Miller, Jr., 1st lieut., must, in Oct. 5, 1861 ; pro. to sergt. Co. L ; captured May 10, 1864 ; pro. from sergt. June 22, 1864 ; com. capt. March 20, 1865; killed before being mustered as such. 71st PA. VOL. (CALIFORNIA, THREE YEARS' SEEVICE). Company A, John T. Thatcher, sergt., must, in May 21, 1861 ; disch. on surg. certif. July, 1862. Company F, William Farrady, private, must, in July 14, 1861 ; killed at Antietam Sept. 17, 1862. Company I, George W. Thatcher, corp., must, in July 6, 1861 ; pro. to Corp. Jan. 1, 1864; must, out with company July 2, 1864. 72n PA. EEGT. (THREE YEARS' SEEVICE). Company E, Phineas E. Kelley, private, must, in Aug. 10, 1861 ; must. out with company Aug. 24, 1864. Compauy E, Jesse A. Gibson, private, must, in Aug. 10, 1861; died at Philadelphia March 10, 1864. 77th PA. REGT. (BAXTER'S ZOUAVES, THREE YEARS' SER VICE). Company E, Joseph Groves, killed at Gettysburg. 88th PA. BEGT. (THEEE YEARS' SERVICE). Company C, John McFeeters, sergt., must, in Feb. 29,1864; pro. to corp. May 1, 1865; to sergt. June 13, 1805 ; must, out with company June 30, 1865. Company D, Robert Anderson, Corp., must, in Feb. 26, 1864; wounded at Cold Harbor, Va., June 3, 1864; pro. to corp. May 1, 1865 ; in hospital at muster out. Company H, James M. Thompson, sergt., must, in Sept. 11, 1861; pro. from private ; died Nov. 16, 1862, of wounds received at Antietam, Md., Sept. 17, 1862. 89th PA. REGT. (Sto CAVALRY, THREE YEARS' SERVICE). Company L.Joseph Dyson, private, mnst. in Sept. 23, 1861 ; died near Washington in service Jan. 25, 1862. 95th PA. REGT. (THREE YEARS' SERVICE). Company A, John Macon, corp., must, in Aug. 21, 1861 ; killed at Wil- liamsport, Va. Company F, Edward M. Lyons, sergt., must, in Sept. 14, 1861 ; disch. on surg. certif. Jan. 30, 1803. Company F, Joshua M. Wilson, private, must, in Sept. 17, 1861; disch. on surg. certif. Jan. 6, 1864. Company H, J. B. W. Aydelott, 1st lieut., must, in Oct. 1, 1861; pro. to capt. Sept. 24, 1862 ; must, out for promotion July 3, 1863. 99th PA. EEGT. (THREE YEARS' SERVICE). Company H, William H. Groundsell, sergt, must, in May 31, 1861 ; captured Sept. 10, 1864, and died at Andersonville, Ga. 113th PA. REGT. (12th CAVALRY, THREE YEARS' SERVICE). Company H, Robert McCourt, 2d lieut., must, in April 9, 1864; honor ably discharged Dec. 8, 1864. Company I, Albert G. Bonsall, 2d lieut., must, in April 21, 1862; disch. Nov. 5, 1862. 118th PA. REGT. (THREE YEARS' SERVICE). Company F, Simeon Davis, died in service. Company E, Henry Lyons, must, in Aug. 20, 1862 ; absent, sick, at mus ter out. Company H, Edward T. Brogan, died Dec. 9, 1864. Company G, George Elliott, muBt. in July 8, 1861 ; captured ; killed at Salisbury, N. C, while attempting to escape. 161st PA. REGT. (16th CAVALRY, THREE YEARS' SERVICE). Company I, Archer N. Martin, 2d lieut., must, in Sept. 23, 1862 ; pro. to 1st lieut. May 21, 1863 ; to capt. June 4, 1863 ; brevet maj. March 13, 1865; must, out May 26,1865; part of time on Gen. Sheridan's staff. 181st PA. REGT. (20th CAVALRY, THREE YEARS' SERVICE). George W. Eachus, q.m., must, in April 1, 1865; must, out Juue 23, 1865. Company F, E. E. Bartleson, 2d lieut., must, in April 1, 1865; pro. to 1st lieut. April 25, 1865 ; must, out with 1st Provisional Cavalry, Co. I, July 13, 1865. 6th NEW JERSEY VOLUNTEERS. Company I, James B.Lilley, wounded in Wilderness May 5th ; died May 15, 1864. 48th ILLINOIS VOLUNTEERS. George B. Thatcher, adjutant, 1863. 6th CALIFORNIA REGIMENT. Henry M. Black, col., graduate of West Point; 2d lieut. 4th U. S. In fantry, detached to take command of regiment. UNITED STATES LIGHT AETILLERY. John Lilley. As soon as the government of the United States announced that colored men would be recruited, a number of Delaware Countians entered the service. The following is a partial list of those soldiers: THIRD U. S. REGIMENT. Company D (mustered 1863).— Edward Brown, Joseph Preston, William Summers, Samuel Brown. Company E (mustered 1863). — Samuel R. Deny. Company F (mustered 1863).— William B. Hall, George Anderson, Ben jamin D. Read. Company G (mustered 1863).— Perry Allen, George W. Potts, Jr., Samuel Jones, Isaac Rotbwell. SIXTH U. S. REGIMENT. Company A (mustered 1863).— Daniel Hopkins. Company D (mustered 1863).— Benjamin Harris. THIRTIETH U. S. REGIMENT. Company A (mustered 1865).— Corp. Nesbert Hall. THIRTY-SECOND U. S. REGIMENT. Company I (mustered 1864).— George Tnspot. Company K (mustered 1864).— Reuben Tunway. FIFTY-FOURTH MASSACHUSETTS. Company C (mustered 1864j.— John Ballard. ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTY-SEVENTH U. S. REGIMENT. Company C (mustered 1864).— David Hall. Company i?(mustered 1864).— Charles Johnson. THE CIVIL WAR. 155 REGULAR ARMY. Maj. H. Stacey, of Chester, appointed 1st lient. 12th U. S. Inf. May 14, 1861; in 1862 took part in siege of Yorktown and battle of Gaines' Mill, Va., June 27, 1862, when he was wounded ; was adjutant of 1st Battalion, 12th Inf., at second battle of Bull Eun, Aug. 30, 1862, and at Antietam ; was in battle of Fredericksburg, Dec. 11, 12, aud 13,1862; severely injured by an accident, was detailed to light duty in Washington, D. C, until February, 1863, and was on duty with company during draft riots in New York ; in 1864 took part in Wilder ness campaign, with his regiment, until June 8, 1864, when he was appointed acting aide-de-camp to Brig.-Gen. E. B. Ayres, command ing 2d Div., 5th Corps; pro. capt. Aug. 17, 1864; was with Gen. Ayres at explosion of mine in front of Petersburg, July 30, 1864, and took part at battle of Weldon Railroad, 18th, 19th, and 21st of August, 1864; appointed, September, 1864, commissary of musters of 2d Army Corps, Gen. Hancock, commanding, and retained posi tion until close of war and disbandment of corps, and while in the discharge of that office was in battle of Armstrong's Mills, Hatch er's Run, and operations terminating in surrender of Gen. Lee's army. He was brevetted capt. U. S. A. for gallant services in the campaign, and brevetted lieut.-col. U. S. A. for serviceB at Weldon Railroad, since which time he has been in service at Washington, Cal ifornia, Nevada, and Arizona, where he was in several of the en gagements with the Indians ; in 1882-83 commandant at Platts- hurg Barracks, N. Y. ; at presont on duty with his cpmpany. Delaware Countians in the Navy.— It is unneces sary under this head to refer to the remarkable race of naval captains, — the Porter family, — William Da vid, David D., and Henry Ogden Porter, except to claim for our county these distinguished officers in our nation's history. Even Farragut himself, when appointed, resided in Chester, and was educated here. We have others, however, who " have done the State some service" in that branch of the national forces. The following list of Delaware County's representa tives in the navy during the civil war, I know, must be very incomplete, but that much is " at least se cured." Rear- Admiral Frederick Engle was born in Ches ter in 1799, and was fifteen years of age in 1814, when he entered the navy as a midshipman, sailing with Commodore Porter when he swept the seas of pirates, particularly the West Indies, and in many of the en counters with those enemies to mankind Midshipman Engle highly distinguished himself. During the Mexican war, he had then become a captain, was in command of the steamship " Princeton," at that time the only steam vessel of war afloat in the navies of the world, and in the bombardment of Vera Cruz and the castle of San Juan d'Ulloa, March 22, 1847, a shot from his vessel made the first breach in the walls of the fortress. During the war of the Crimea he was on duty in the Mediterranean and Black Seas, and visited the scene of battle. In May, 1861, he was dispatched to the East India station to relieve Commodore Stribling, whose loyalty was suspected, of command of the flagship " Hartford." Engle jour neyed overland from England to Hong Kong, where he took command of the vessel, which afterwards be came famous in our national history under Farragut, and brought it safely home to Philadelphia, in De cember, 1861. He also brought with him the sloop " John Adams," twenty guns, and steam sloop " Da cota," six guns. He was subsequently in command of the "Wabash." The forty-seven years of active service in the navy began to press heavily on him, and on Dec. 11, 1861, he was placed on the retired list as captain. On July 10, 1862, he was made com modore on the retired list, and in 1867 rear-admiral. He died in Philadelphia, Feb. 12, 1868, aged sixty- nine years. Commodore Pierce Crosby was born in Chester, Jan. 16, 1824, entering the navy June 5, 1838, as mid shipman, and in 1844 he became a passed midship man, and in that rank served with distinction in the Mexican war. He was promoted to lieutenant in 1853, and held that rank in 1861, when he was em ployed in Chesapeake Bay and in the Sounds of North Carolina, being complimented by Gen. Butler for his conduct at the capture of Forts Hatteras and Clark. In April, 1862, he was in command of the gunboat " Pinola," and during the night of the 23d that vessel and the " Itasca" led the fleet when Farra gut determined to run by Forts Jackson and St. Philip, and broke through the chain-barrier stretched across the Mississippi at these forts. He was present at the capture of New Orleans, April 25, 1862, and when Farragut and his fleet ran the batteries at Vicksburg, June 30th, and returned July 15th, in the same year, Crosby, in command of his vessel, shared in the glory of that daring act. On Sept. 13, 1862, he was pro moted to captain, and during the year 1863-64 as fleet captain did effective service in command of the " Florida" and " Keystone State," North Atlantic Squadron. Oct. 3, 1864, he was promoted commo dore, and in April, 1865, in command of the " Meta- comet," he was active in the dangerous services pre ceding the capture of Mobile. Rear- Admiral Thatcher in his dispatches of April 12th to the Navy Department, said, " I am much in debted to Commodore Crosby, who has been untiring in freeing the Blakeley River of torpedoes, having suc ceeded in removing one hundred and fifty, — a service demanding coolness, judgment, and perseverance." In the year 1872 he was in command of the frigate " Powhattan," and in 1877 was ordered to the navy- yard at League Island, retaining command there until 1881. Commander De Haven Manley, son of Charles D. Manley, entered the United States navy Sept, 25, 1856, and rose step by step until he reached the rank of commander, April 5, 1874. Capt. Henry Clay Cochrane was appointed by Pres ident Lincoln second lieutenant in the Marine Corps, and passed the examination Aug. 29, 1861, but his age precluded him from being commissioned as such immediately, hence he served as master's mate until March 10, 1863, when, having attained the required age, his appointment as lieutenant was confirmed by the United States Senate. On Oct. 20, 1865, he was promoted first lieutenant. During the war he was in active service under Admirals Goldsborough, Dupont, Farragut, Porter, and Lee in the North and South 156 HISTORY OF DELAWARE COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA. Atlantic, Gulf, and Mississippi Squadrons, and at the bombardment of Port Royal, S. C., Nov. 7, 1871, was a division officer on the gunboat " Pembina." In 1880, Lieutenant Cochrane was promoted captain, and is now on the flagship " Lancaster" on a three years' cruise in the Mediterranean and visiting European stations. THIRD ASSISTANT ENGINEERS V. S. NAVY. Robert S. Taylor, com. Aug. 27, 1864 ; served on U. S. steamer " Prim rose ;" dis. July 5, 1865. Martin L. Taylor, com. Sept. 6, 1864 ; served on U. S. steamer " Perri- winkle," monitor "Monadnock," and "Jacob Bell;" dis. Sept. 22, 1865. William F. Cutler, com. 1864; served on V. S. Bteamer " Juniper." Thomas H. Thompson, com. 1864 ; Berved on U. S. steamer " Verbena." Thomas J. Reaney, com. Aug. 22, 1864; served on U.S. steamer "Iron sides" and " Seneca ;" dis. July 26, 1865. William G. Vernon, com. 1864 ; served on U. S. steamer " Wyandank" and " Commodore Read." Thomas Lees, com. Sept. 8, 1864 ; served on U. S. steamer " Wyan dank," " Dragon," aud " Anicostia ;" dis. July 8, 1865. James Brannou, com. 1864. Samuel Anderson, com. 1864; assistant paymaster U. S. steamer " Jacob Bell." William Smead, engineer. William Coverdill, engineer. John P. Gartside, com. 1864; engineer department, U.S. steamer " Iron sides." Henry Pedlow, com. 1864; engineer department, U. S. steamer "Iron sides." J. 0. Wilson, com. 1864; engineer department. John Wolf, com. 1864; engineer department. James Stevenson, carpenter, frigate " Wabash." Samuel Oglesby, com. April 27, 1864; Berved on " New Hampshire," and frigate "Wabash ;" took part in engagement at Fort Fisher, which resulted in its capture ; trans, to gunboat " Eutaw," and disch. May 15, 1865. William Gelston, enl. 1864. Thomas Gillespie Cochrane, captain's clerk, U. S. steamer " Alabama." Herman Wolf, enl. 1864; engineer's department. Robert C. Rennie, quartermaster " Ironsides." James Christie, quartermaster " Ironsides." Edmund Pennell, messenger. James Phillips, yeoman. Drafts were made in several of the townships in Delaware County, and the last time the wheel was put in motion was April 7, 1865. The men who were drafted in Upper and Lower Chichester responded, and the greater part of them held for service. On April 13th, Secretary Stanton ordered all enlistments and drafting to be discontinued in the United States, hence on Monday, April 25th, the drafted men in Delaware County were ordered to return to their homes. The war had terminated, and the North was in a tumult of exultation over the success that had at last crowned its efforts, the like of which history furnished no parallel. Hence it was to be expected that the attention of the nation should be centred at noon of April 14, 18£5, on those shattered, fire-marked ruins in Charleston harbor, where Maj. -Gen. Anderson— in the presence of the survivors of his garrison, who on that day four years before had evacuated Fort Snmter — would with imposing ceremonies again un furl over the broken masses of masonry the old flag, which had been hauled down without dishonor. In Chester, on the afternoon of that day, the Invalid Corps and the soldiers in the United States hospital (now Crozer Theological Seminary), under command of Lieut. Campion, and headed by the Union Brass Band, marched through the streets of the ancient bor ough, cheering and being cheered. From the town hall, over factories, workshops, stores, and dwellings, the American flag was displayed, while almost every building was draped with the national colors. Early in the evening the populace assembled in Market Square, where addresses were made by John M. Broomall and Rev. Messrs. George and Meredith, at the conclusion of which Professor Jackson gave a beautiful exhibi tion of fire-works. At nine o'clock a general illu mination of the town took place, and the streets were crowded with people, on foot and in carriages, moving from point to point to view the display. While the inhabitants of many of the surrounding townships in Delaware County had come to Chester to rejoice over the long-hoped-for and glorious con clusion of the civil war, at half-past nine o'clock that night, at Ford's Theatre, in Washington, during a pause in the play of "Our American Cousin," the report of a pistol was heard, and a deed had been wrought which, in a few short hours, should change the national rejoicing into public mourning and mis givings. Abraham Lincoln had been assassinated. The telegraphic operator in the town heard the alarming intelligence as it flashed over the wires to the press of the great cities, but the injunction of silence (of war time) kept him mute, and it was not until six o'clock the following morning (Saturday) that the news of the dreadful deed reached Chester. All business ceased, the industrial establishments suspended operation, and no business place was opened save that of the news agents, which was filled with people, jostling each other in their anxiety to secure the morning papers giving the particulars of the tragedy. By eight o'clock the death of the Presi dent was confirmed, and the proprietors of dry-goods stores were compelled to open their places of business that the people might replace the tricolored hanging of the preceding day with sombre black. By ten o'clock all the buildings were draped in mourning. The like scene was enacted in every town and village in the county, for the people were stricken with grief for the great dead and with apprehension for the future. On Wednesday, when the funeral of the murdered President was in progress at Washington, all business was suspended aud every mill in the county closed on that day, while at the same hour in all the sanctuaries services were held, and the bells of the churches were tolled in every steeple. At Chester the revenue cutter "William H. Seward," lying off the town, fired minute-guns. At Media the court-room was crowded, and religious services were held therein. The deep feeling of uncertainty and grief prevailing at that time will never be forgotten CRIMES AND PUNISHMENTS. 157 by those who were of sufficient age to recall that period in our history. After the surrender of the Confederate armies the troops were mustered out, and the soldiers of Dela ware County returned to their homes to resume the peaceful routine of life. This period had been looked forward to with apprehension, but the result showed one of the most remarkable features of that remark able period, — the quiet absorption of a great army into the ranks of the people with hardly a ripple in the social realm. List of West Point Graduates. — Since the estab lishment of West Point the following persons ap pointed from Delaware County have graduated from that institution : Francis Lee, Chester, admitted Sept. 2, 1818 ; graduated second lieuten ant, Twentieth Infantry, July 1, 1822. William H. Price, Chester, admitted July 1, 1830; brevet second lieu tenant, First Infantry, July, 1834. Henry M. Black, graduated 1847 ; attached to Fourth Infantry, with rank of brevet second lieutenant. David Porter Heap, Chester, admitted July 1, 1860; first lieutenant, Corps of Engineers, June 13, 1864. Officers of United States Navy.— Delaware County has furnished a number of officers to the United States naval service besides those already mentioned, and the noted Porter family, to whom reference will be made elsewhere. On Oct. 28, 1844, Lieut. Ferdi nand Piper, United States navy, a native of Chester, was lost in the bay of Pensacola. He had left the ship " Falmouth" that morning in a cutter, designing to bring supplies to the vessel. When about midway to the landing a sudden flaw of wind struck the boat, and before sail could be shortened she was overturned. All the men were encouraged by the good conduct and presence of mind of Lieut. Piper, and were cling ing to the overturned boat, when a heavy sea washed Piper, Professor William S. Fox, and six of the seamen away and they were lost. The schooner "Otter" rescued the survivors that evening. Midshipman James Anderson, son of Dr. Samuel Anderson, a promising officer of the navy, died in 1840 while on a visit to his father, then residing at Rockdale. Lieut. Samuel Edwards, United States Navy, who had charge of the battery which made the first breach in the walls at Vera Cruz in the Mexican war, died March 23, 1861. He was a nephew of Hon. Samuel Edwards, of Chester, and his parents having died while he was a child he was reared by his uncle, who took just pride in the young man's rapid promotion. He died just at the eve of the war of 1861. Edward Fayssoux Leiper, son of John C. Leiper, appointed to the naval school at Annapolis since the war, is the only person from Delaware County who has graduated there since Commander Manley, twenty years ago. He is now in temporary command of the " Arago" on South Atlantic coast survey service. CHAPTER XVIII. CRIMES AND PUNISHMENTS. We have little or no information as to the criminal code which maintained among the early Swedish and Dutch settlers on the Delaware.1 The fragmentary 1 The first trial recorded on the Delaware was the following : " In the year 1645, November 25th, between ten and eleven o'clock, one Swen Wass, gunner, set Fort Gottenburg on fire. In a short time all was la mentably burnt down, and not the least thing saved excepting the dairy. The people escaped naked and destitute. The winter immediately set in, bitterly cold ; the river and all the creeks froze up, and nobody was able to get near us (because New Gottenburg is surrounded by water). The sharpness of the winter lasted until the middle of March, so that if some rye and corn had not been unthreshed I, myself, and all the people with me on the island would have starved to death. But God maintained us with small quantities of provisions until the new harvest. By the sad accident the loss of the company, testified by the annexed roll, is four thousand rilasdaler. The above-mentioned incendiary, Swen Wass, I have caused to be brought to court, and to be tried and sen tenced ; so I have sent him home in irons, with the vessel, accompanied by the whole record concerning him, submissively committing and re ferring the execution of the verdict to the pleasure of Her Royal Maj esty and Eight Honorable Company."— Report of Governor Printz for 1647, Penna. Magazine of History, vol. vii. p. 273. Under the Dutch, the first instance of a criminal proceeding occurs in a letter from Alrichs, dated at New Amstel (New Castle), May 14, 1659, to Stuyvesant. He says, "In regard to the four men-servants of Cornells Herperts de Jager, who established in the county near here a brick-kiln, and employed four persons at it, one of them, Peter by name, has come from Fort Orange as a brick-maker, and was married to a woman who came from Amsterdam, and with him owed a largo Bum to the city. He has committed wicked crimes of theft of small cattle, as sheep, also of the city's weapons from the former ensign of the citizens, and has stolen several other things, for which he was pub licly flogged and banished this town or place, but allowed to do his work outBide in the country to earn his living and get out of his debts. This one has been the leader, and he stirred up the others under thiB or that pretext. They have together taken away four good muskets and other goods belonging to their master, and thus run away to the Man- hatans." Alrichs desires Stuyvesant to arrest and return the men by " the first vessel" to New Amstel (Penna. Archives, local series, vol. vii. p. 561). William Beekman, April 28, 1660, writes to Stuyvesant that at " the last court day" Oele Stille and he had a difficulty in re gard to a fine imposed on the Swedish priest. On tlie 19th of August, 1659, and on the 7th of April, 1660, court was held at Christiana, at which Peter Mayer, who was charged with an assault and battery, did not appear ; was fined for his contempt ten guilders (lb., 635). In 1661 there was a prison at Christiana (lb., 655). Certain it is that the first record we have of a capital conviction and execution on the Delaware is related in a letter from William Beekman to Stuyvesant, dated Oct. 24, 1662 (Penna. Archives, second series, vol, vii. p. 691). It appears from this and other authorities that Alexander D'Hinojassa (who held that part of the river from New Castle to Cape Henlopenin opposition to the authority of Governor Stuyvesant, claim ing that he had been appointed Governor over that territory to look after the company's interest, under the will of Jacob Alrichs) ordered the prisoner to be tried. Tlie circumstances are briefly these : A vessel was wrecked on the coast, and a Turk on her succeeded iu gaining the land, where he was taken by the Indians, who 6old him to Peter Al- ricks, a resident of New Castle, who in turn sold him to an English planter in Maryland. The Turk, with several other servants, made his escape to the Delaware, where lie was pursued. He was subsequently captured, and while being taken up the river in a boat, at Bombay Hook attempted and succeeded in making his escape. In doing so he wounded two of the men seriously and tho third slightly. He was, however, again captured, taken to New Castle, and thrown into prison. D'Hino jassa refused to deliver the man to his English master, who claimed him, but ordered him to be tried before Van Sweeringham, who sat as judge. The Turk was convicted of resisting and wounding his captors, and was sentenced to be hung. On Sunday, Oct. 19, 1662, the man was executed at Lewistown, his head afterwards " cut off and placed on a post or stake in the Horekill" (Penna. Archives, vol. vii. p. 728; Duke 158 HISTORY OF DELAWARE COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA. records which have been preserved incidentally in correspondence and official reports do not enlighten us as to the manner of trial or the authority exercised by those holding the courts at that early day. Hence the most important criminal case which presents itself in our annals, if the proceedings can be desig nated a trial, when the instructions given by Gov ernor Lovelace and Council are considered, wherein the sentence is actually pronounced on the prisoner nearly two months before he was arraigned, is that of the " Long Finn." The circumstances of the case are briefly these: It was near the middle of the year 1669 that an adventurer, one Marcus Jacobson, alias John Brinckson, etc., but better known to the then inhabitants of the Delaware as the " Long Finn," be cause of his lofty stature, had succeeded in imposing himself on the Swedes as the son of Konnigsmark, a of York's Book of Laws, p. 459). The following account of the sedi tious false Kiinigsmark in New Sweden was translated by Professor G. B. Keen (the original manuscript, date 1683, is preserved in the Eoyal Library at Stockholm), and published in Penn. Mag. of History, vol. vii. p. 219 : "In Provost Acrelius's ' Beskrifning om de Swenska Tor- samlingars Tilstand uti Nya Swerige,' p. 113, is introduced what Pastor Budnian noted in the Wicaco Church-book about the rioter among the Swedes, who called himself Konigsmark. TheBe are the particulars which I received from the oldest Swedes. This impostor was by birth a Swede, but, for some crime committed by him in England, he was 6ent to Maryland, to serve there as a slave for a number of years. He ran away from there, however, and came to tbe Swedes in New Sweden, who were then subject to the English government. Here he made the Swedes believe he was descended from a great and highly-honorable family in Sweden ; that his name was Kiinigsmark ; that a Swedish fleet of war-ships lay outside of the bay, and were, as soon as they en tered, to take the land again from the English ; and that he was sent to encourage tho Swedes who lived here to shake off the foreign yoke, and to fall upon and slay the English as soon as they had heard that the Swedish fleet had arrived. A great many of the Swedes permitted themselves to be persuadod by this. They concealed the pretended Kiinigsmark for a long time, so that no one else knew anything of him, supplying him with tbe best meat and drink they had, by which means he fared very well. Moreover, they went to Philadelphia* and bought powder, balls, Bhot, lead, etc., to be ready at the first signal. Hereupon he caused tho Swedes to be summoned to a supper, and after they had been drinking somewhat exhorted them to free themselves from tho yoke, reminding them what they suffered from the English, and how the latter, partly by fraud and partly by force, had taken from them one large piece of land after another, and finally asked them whether they held allegiance to the king of Sweden or to the king of England. A part immediately declared themselves for the king of Sweden ; but one of the most honorable of the Swedes, Peter Kock by name, said that as the country was English, and had been surrendered by the king of Sweden to the crown of England, he deemed it just to hold with the king of England. Thereupon Kock ran out and closed the door again laying himself against it, that the so-called Kiinigsmark might not slip out, and called for help to make him prisoner. The impostor labored with all his might to open the door. Kock endeavored to prevent him by hurting him in the hand with a knife. Notwithstanding, he effected his escape, wherefore Kock immediately hastened to give information to the English, who then made search for him, and in a short time took him prisoner. The above-named Peter Kock thon said to him, 'You rascal, tell me what is your name, for we can see well enough that you are no honorable person?' The impostor then answered that his true name was Marcus Jacobson. He proved, besides, to be so ignorant that he could neither rend nor write. Thereupon he was branded and sent to Barbudoes, where he was sold as a slave. The Swedes who permitted themselves to be imposed upon by him were punished by the confisca tion of half their property, laud, cattle, goods, clothes, etc." * This, of course, is a mistake. In 1669 Philadelphia had not been located. noted general of Sweden. Jacobson, it was alleged, was inciting the settlers of that nationality to rebel lion against the English authority, with the design of re-establishing the Swedish power in the province. With him was associated a wealthy Finn, Henry Coleman, while Rev. Lawrence Lock, the former Swedish chaplain, was said to have "played the Trumpeter to the disorder," and Mrs. Pappegoya, the daughter of Governor Printz, was charged with intermeddling "in so unworthy a design." Governor Lovelace, Aug. 2, 1669, issued an order for the arrest of the Long Finn and his fellow-conspirators, accom panying the order with instructions as to the manner in which the trial should be conducted. In accord ance therewith Capt. Carry caused the arrest of the Long Finn, who was thrown into the fort at New Castle, in irons (in those days the irons were riveted on the limbs of a prisoner, and at West Chester, among the records in the commissioners' office, in the next century, are bills paid to blacksmiths for removing the fetters from culprits), while Henry Coleman, learning of his intended apprehension, abandoned his property, fled to the Indians, with whom he seemed to have had great influence, and is never more heard of. Dominie Lock and Mrs. Pap pegoya gave security for their appearance to answer the charges against them when required. The com missioners appointed by the Governor to try the case sat at New Castle, Dec. 6, 1669, and, as was to be expected, the jury returned a verdict of guilty against Jacobson, who was thereupon sentenced in accordance with the punishment prescribed by Council, the 18th of October previous, which was, " that the Long Finn deserves to die for the same, yet in regard that many others concerned with him in that insurrection might be involved in the same Premunire, if the rigor of the law should be extended, and amongst them divers simple and ignorant people, it is thought fit and or dered that the said Long Finn shall be publicly and severely whipped and stigmatized or branded in the face with the letter R, with an inscription written in great letter and put upon his breast, that he receive that punishment for attempted rebellion, after which he be secured until he can be sent and sold to the Bar- badoes, or some other of those remote plantations." On Jan. 25, 1670, the Long Finn was placed on board the ship " Fort Albany," to be transported and sold to the Barbadoes, after which date nothing further respecting him is now known. His accomplices were sentenced to forfeit to the king one-half of their goods and chattels, while a small fine was imposed upon those of lesser note who had taken part in the rebel lion. The case will always be an interesting one to the annalist, for therein is the first recorded trial under English procedure on the Delaware, in which a prisoner was formally indicted, arraigned, and a jury of twelve men impaneled, subject to challenge on the part of the prisoner, who are charged to render a verdict in accordance with the evidence. CRIMES AND PUNISHMENTS. 159 The penal laws of the early English settlers par took in a large degree, so far as the punishment pre scribed for their infraction was concerned, of the fierceness which characterized the criminal code of the mother-country at that period, while many of the legislative enactments were intended to correct, by severe penalties, those matters which are now re garded as subjects purely of personal concern and in no wise coming under public police regulation. The rigor of the law was then so extended that servants tipling at inns or houses of public entertainment were punished by being put in the stocks for at least an hour ; unruly children and servants, on complaint of their parents or masters, if the offender was six teen years old, were whipped not exceeding ten stripes, while a servant who was convicted of assaulting his master, dame, or overseer, was to receive corporal punishment, in the discretion of the court, " saving life and member." The denial of God or his attri butes was punishable with death, as was also the kid napping of any person within the province. He that bore false witness against his neighbor in .a capital case was to be put to death, as was also the child that smote his natural parent. The publisher of false news from the mother-country was subject to fines, and for the third offense was whipped not exceeding forty lashes. No marriage could be solemnized unless both parties swore that they were single and legally qualified to enter into that relationship, while, in case of perjury, the party offending was ordered to " be bored through the tongue with a red-hot iron," besides incurring the penalties for adultery, which inflicted whipping, as well as fine and imprisonment. Forni cation between single persons was punishable by enforced marriage, or whipping, in the discretion of the court. Laborers and servants were compelled to work the whole day, and " Sundays are not to be pro- phaned by Travellers, Laborers, or Vicious Persons." The Duke of York's laws, however, announced full freedom of religious opinion to all Christian sects, as follows : " No congregation shall be disturbed in their pri vate meetings in the time of prayer, preaching, or other divine services, nor shall any person be mo lested, fined, or imprisoned for differing in judgment in matters of religion who profess Christianity." After Penn acquired the title to the province of Pennsylvania, and the great body of laws was enacted at the Assembly convened at Chester, Dec. 4, 1682, much of the severity of the criminal code was done away with. Profanity was made punishable by fine or five days' imprisonment; adultery subjected the party convicted to public whipping and one year's imprison ment, while for a second offense the term of incarcera tion was for life. Under the act of 1705 adultery was punished by whipping with twenty-one lashes and im prisonment for one year, or a fine of fifty pounds ; a second conviction increased the imprisonment to seven years, and on the third conviction, in addition to the foregoing penalty, the culprit was directed to be branded on the forehead with the letter "A." For the crime of rape the convict forfeited half his estate to the party aggrieved, was publicly whipped, and under went one year's imprisonment, while for the second offense he was incarcerated for life. Drunkenness was punished by a fine, " or five days in the house of correction at hard labor, and being fed only with bread and water." A conviction of ar»on made the criminal liable to pay double damages, undergo in carceration for one year, and be subjected to such corporal punishment as the court thought proper to impose. Bigamy made the party convicted liable to imprisonment for life, while burglary was punished by imprisonment at hard labor for three months ; the prisoner was compelled to make fourfold satisfaction, and failing to do so, was imprisoned for seven years. The child who should assault his parent was com mitted to the house of correction at hard labor during the pleasure of the parent. Forgery was punished by three months' detention at hard labor. If the crime was forging the seal of any county, the pris oner should undergo twelve months' imprisonment and be fined, while, if the offense was forging the seal of this province, he should suffer seven years' impris onment and be fined at the discretion of the Gov ernor and Provincial Council. The theft of hogs or other cattle was punished, for the second offense, by a fine threefold the value of the articles taken and im prisonment for six months, while for a third offense the convict should be whipped with twenty-nine lashes and banished never to return again. Persons convicted of premeditated murder, " according to the law of God, suffer death." This punishment did not work an entire forfeiture of his estate, but one-half of his possessions was "to be disposed of as tbe Gov ernor shall see meet." The robbery of orchards, or the theft of any linen, woolen, or other articles left without doors, rendered the party convicted of any of these offenses liable to pay threefold the costs of the articles taken, or to be publicly whipped by the constable not exceeding twenty-one stripes; while the forcible robbery from any person of money or other articles was punishable by restoring fourfold the value of the goods stolen and being whipped not exceeding twenty-one stripes. The minor regulation interdicted all persons from taking part in stage plays, revels, masques, or offering of prizes, under a penalty of five shillings or ten days imprisonment, while card-playing, dicing, lottery, and evil sports and games were punishable by a like fine, or five days' detention in the workhouse at hard labor. The drinking of healths was punishable by a fine of five shillings or five days' imprisonment, while rail- ers and scolders were incarcerated at hard labor for three days, which, at the next General Assembly, was made punishable by gagging, and in that condition to stand one hour in a public place. Subsequently horse- racing, shooting-matches, and such idle sports were 160 HISTORY OF DELAWARE COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA. interdicted, and if the offenders chanced to be ser vants, negro or Indian slaves, they were whipped with fifteen lashes and imprisoned six days, while for the second offense the whipping was increased to twenty- one lashes and the imprisonment to ten days. The humane penal laws prepared by Penn and enacted at his suggestion, were summarily repealed by the act of May 31, 1718. William Bradford, who had been attorney-general and a judge of the Su preme Court of Pennsylvania, and died while dis charging the office of Attorney-General of the United States, in an essay on the criminal law of this com monwealth, declares that the privilege which the act just alluded to conferred on Friends — that of testify ing in court of justice on their solemn affirmations, instead of taking a corporal oath — was the induce ment for adopting, in 1718, the sanguinary rigor of the English law, in violation of the humane policy which had previously influenced the Legislature of Pennsylvania on the subject of crimes and punish ments. By the act mentioned high treason, petty treason, counterfeiting the currency, murder, robbery, burglary, rape, sodomy, manslaughter, witchcraft, and conjuration were punishable by death. Receiving stolen goods or concealing robbers, and murder where benefiting of clergy was craved, was punished by branding on the fleshy part of the left thumb the let ter T for the first crime, and M for the latter, which branding was ordered to be done in open court by the jailer. By the act of Feb. 21, 1767, knowingly re ceiving stolen horses subjected the party convicted thereof to public whipping, not exceeding thirty-nine lashes, standing in the pillory one hour, and to be imprisoned at hard labor not exceeding three years, while by the same act counterfeiting gold and silver coins was punished by standing in the pillory one hour, to have both ears cut off and nailed to the pil lory, to be publicly whipped not exceeding twenty- one lashes, and to forfeit a hundred pounds, which was divided equally between the government and the informer. The severity of the punishment, it seems, did not lessen the number of horses stolen. There fore, March 10, 1780, the Legislature increased the penalty, providing that in the case of a second con viction, in addition to the foregoing punishment, the culprit should be branded on the forehead, "in a plain and visible manner, with the letters H T." That hardly over a century ago men were branded as a punishment we know, for at the special court for the trial of negroes, held at Chester, March 3, 1770, be fore William Parker and Richard Riley, justices, Ne gro Martin, tbe slave of Thomas Martin, was con victed of an attempted rape, and sentenced " to be whipped with thirty-nine lashes, well laid on his Bare Back, at the common whipping-post, between the Hours of one and three this afternoon, and be branded with the letter R on his forehead, and be exported out of this Province by his master within six months, never to return unto the same upon pain of death, and to be kept in Prison till exportation at his master's charge, and to pay the costs of Prosecution." And on Jan. 4, 1772, in the case of Negro Dick, the slave of mulatto Dinah, otherwise Dinah Jones, tried at a like special court, before John Morton and Wil liam Parker, Esqs., the defendant was convicted of a similar crime, and sentenced to a like punishment. On Sept. 15, 1786, the act was passed by the General Assembly which swept away many of the harsh fea tures of our criminal code, substituting therefor in many cases a milder form of punishment. In the early times public acknowledgment by the party accused of the wrong he had done, in many cases seemed to fill the measure of atonement de manded by the judges who dispensed justice among the first settlers of our county. Hence we find that at the court held at Chester, the 3d day of first week, Tenth month, 1689, Allen Robinett, Sr., who was ar raigned " for writing scandalous and abusive papers against John Bristow, one of ye King's Justices and representatives in Council of ye People of this county, contrary to ye 29 law of this Province," having pleaded guilty, was sentenced that "he shall here in Publick acknowledge in particular his fault and crimes for which he stands Indicted, and pay all county charges," while at the same court Nicholas White and William Thomas, who were indicted for "Speaking words tending to sedition and breach of Peace, and persuad ing people (contrary to an order of court) not to pay ye Publicke Levies of this County, when thereunto lawfully required," who acknowledged the fact and prayed the mercy of " ye King and government," were acquitted, paying their fees. On the 14th day of the First month, 1693, Thomas Poe and Sarah Butler, con victed of fornication, were sentenced " to stand at the common wbipping-post and for the offence to declare their offence to the People and also to pay a fine of twenty shillings and court charges." And at the same court John Clowes and Eleanor, then his wife, were also convicted of the like offense. They were sentenced to pay a fine of fifty shillings, and " Eleanor shall stand at the common whipping-post for one-quarter of an hour, with a paper upon her breast that I stand here for an example to all others for committing that most wicked and notorious sin of fornication." As late as February court, 1753, Owen Oberlacker, alias John Bradley, convicted "of speaking seditious words," was sentenced to stand in the pillory one hour, with the inscription, " I stand here for speaking seditious words against the best of Kings, wrote in a large hand, to be affixed to his back." Oberlacker was also subjected to the punishment of twenty-one lashes upon his bare back, well laid on. This whipping of convicts, as is seen by the brief summary of the provincial criminal laws, heretofore given, was a favorite form of punishment in the early days, and continued to be inflicted until after the Revolutionary struggle had ended. One of the first cases I have found when this penalty was imposed ia CRIMES AND PUNISHMENTS. 161 at the court held at Chester, 3d day, Twelfth month, 1684, when the record states that " John Martin being convicted of stealing money out of ye house of Wil liam Brown, was ordered twelve stripes on his bare back, well laid on, at the common whipping-post at Chichester, the 4th inst., between the ten and eleven hour in the morning.'' Samuel Jury, Aug. 29, 1704, for being the father of an illegitimate child, was sen tenced " to be whipt with twenty-one lashes on his bare back, well laid on, and pay for the maintaining of said child as the law directs." This is the only instance, so far as I have learned, of a man being subjected to corporal punishment for this offense. May 25, 1708, " Grace Phillips was sentenced to be whipt with twenty-one lashes, well laid on, at the common whipping-post in Chester." The last time when I find records of this corporal punishment be ing imposed is at the November court, 1788, when John Tully, convicted of horse-stealing, was sen tenced to be whipped. The case will be referred to hereafter. The punishment by whipping, to our modern ideas, was most cruel, and that it was extremely painful we have the authority of the editor of the London Medi cal Times, who a few years ago witnessed the flogging of a wife-beater at Newgate. The degradation of the punishment and the effect the shame had upon per sons of sensitive natures is well shown in a case re corded by Watson, wherein a negro, in 1743, who was brought to the whipping-post in Philadelphia to be scourged, took a knife from his pocket, and in the pres ence of the crowd, cut his throat, dying immediately of the self-inflicted injury. May 10, 1698, the Assembly passed a supplemental law respecting " robbing and stealing," whereby for the theft of any article amounting to five shillings or upwards, in addition to fourfold restoration of the value and public whipping, the punishment was in creased, the culprit being " ordered by the court, upon penalty of banishment, to wear such a badge or mark of his or her thievery upon the outside of his or her outer garment in open view, upon the outer part of the Left Arme betwixt Elbow & Shoulder att all times when ever hee or shee shall travel or be seen from his or her habitation or plantation where hee or shee shall live on every day from Sun rising unto Sun setting, for the space of six months, which mark or badge of his or her thieving shall be thus, with a Ro man T, not less than foure inches in length each way, and an inch in breadth, of a different colour from his or her said out garment either Red, Blew, or Yellow, as the Justices of the said court shall direct." This law, or rather the similar one of 1700, remained in force until superseded by the act of Feb. 24, 1721. Under its provisions we find that at the court held at Chester, Third month 26, 1702, Benjamin Patterson being convicted of breaking into the house of Joseph Baker, of Upper Providence, and stealing ten pieces of eights, " the court gave judgment for two pounds 11 eight shillings, to be paid to Joseph Baker, with law ful fees and" (Patterson) " to be whipt with eleven lashes on his bare back and wear a T according to law of yellow colour." Patterson was also sentenced to serve Joseph Baker, his master, one and a half years in consideration of the damages he had sustained. The graphic picture which Hawthorne, in the " Scar let Letter," has drawn of Hester Prynne, who " on the breast of her gown, in fine red cloth, surrounded with an elaborate embroidery and fastastic flourishes of gold thread, appeared the letter A," will recur to almost every reader. Although the persons who wore the insignia of their shame among their fellows in this county, in colonial days, may not have as romantic a story as that the novelist has elaborated, doubtless they felt keenly the degradation the hated letter en tailed upon them. It is unnecessary to refer to all the cases in which this punishment was imposed. Suffi cient is it to my purpose to state that the last instance which I find of this penalty being inflicted was at the court held Aug. 28, 1716, when John Eburnethy, con victed on two indictments, was sentenced to receive twenty-one lashes on each judgment and to wear a Roman T, of a blue color, not less than four inches each way and one inch broad, for six months, and also to wear a Roman T, of a red color, of the like size, for six months. Standing in the pillory was one of the ordinary punishments of our colonial days. The first case in which this penalty was imposed that I have found was at the court held at Chester the third day of the first week, 1689, when Thomas Lasy, an indentured servant of Richard Few, who was convicted on his own confession of counterfeiting pieces of eights, " and a bartering and exposing ye same for goods and other merchandize," was sentenced to stand " at ye Public Place of Correction att ye Town of Chester two Several Court days three hours each day with a Paper of his Crimes written in Capital letters afixed upon his Brest, and that he remaine in ye Sherifes Custody until he gives good Security to perform this Judgment and pay his fine." That this sentence was carried out we know, for John Simcock informed the next court that Robert Wade was passing the place where Thomas Lasy was "Suffering ye last Courts sentance," and that Wade said aloud, " What law has he broken ? or what King's law hath he Broken ?" The court, very sensibly, seems to have taken no notice of Wade's remarks, although in those days the dignity of the bench was sternly maintained, as the following instances disclose: Abraham Buffinjall, at the court held the 3d day of Fourth month, 1685, being " lawfully convicted for abusing and menacing the magestracy of this county was ordered Twenty-one lashes at the public whipping-post on his bear back well laid on and fourteen days imprisonment at hard labour in the House of Correction ;" and at the court held at Ches ter the " 3d day of 1st week of ye 8th month, 1687," Jeremy Collett, "for his Insolency and abuse of ye 162 HISTORY OF DELAWARE COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA. Court and asserting laws which he could not Produce being thereunto required by the Court," was ordered to find security for his appearance at next court and to be of good behavior, " Butt upon refusal was Com mitted to ye Sherifes Custody." At the following court he was fined five pounds, which fine he pe titioned might be remitted, and " the Court considering his Petition and that he putts himself upon ye King and Govern't milligates his former fine and admitts him to a fine of ten shillings to be levied upon his goods, &c, and all manner of Court charges to Sherife & Clerks, &c." Standing in the pillory for stealing or receiving stolen horses after the act of 1767 meant something more than merely being exposed to the gaze of the idle populace. John Bartiff, at Chester, Aug. 9, 1780, was found guilty of horse-stealing, and was sentenced by the court to receive " twenty-nine lashes on his bare back well laid on, to have both his ears cutt off and nailed to the pillory, to pay all costs of prosecution, to be imprisoned six months and to stand committed until this sentence be complied with." On Nov. 28, 1780, Christian Gotlibb, con victed of the like offense of an aggravated nature, was sentenced "to pay a fine of one thousand pounds, to restore the stolen property or the value thereof, to stand one hour in the Pillory to-morrow morning between the hours of eight and ten o'clock, to be whipped on his bare back .with twenty-nine lashes well laid on, to have his ears cut off and nailed to the Pil lory, to pay all costs of prosecution and to be impris oned six months and to stand committed after till fine and fee is paid." It is rather a peculiar circumstance in our county annals, then including Chester County, that after the passage of the act of Sept. 15, 1786, which specif ically abolished the punishment of the pillory, whip ping, branding, cutting off the ears of criminals and nailing them to the pillory for certain crimes, that on Nov. 27, 1788, John Tully, who was convicted of horse-stealing, was sentenced " to stand one hour in the pillory between the hours of nine and twelve o'clock to-morrow morning, to be whipped with thirty- nine lashes on his bare back, well laid on, to have both ears cut off and nailed to the pillory and to be imprisoned six months," besides the payment of a fine and the costs. From the time of the promulgation of the "Duke of York's Book of Laws," in 1676, until the Constitu tion of 1790 gave power to the judges of the several counties to hold Courts of Oyer and Terminer, all cases of great crimes were under the duke tried by the Court of Assizes, under Penn, by the Provincial Council, until the law of March 10, 1685, made it the duty of the judges of the Provincial Supreme Court to hear and determine " heinous and enormous crimes in the respective county courts where the said crimes were committed." Although this act was repealed in 1690, the same rule prevailed until changed by the second Constitution of the State. The first sitting of the Supreme Court in a criminal case in Chester which I find was on Oct. 3, 1705. The suit is an interesting one, hence I give the proceedings somewhat at large : " Whereas James Gibbons, of the county of Chester, yeoman, being bound over to this court (county court held May 28, 1705) to answer such matters and things as on the Queen's behalf shall be laid to his charge by John Hoskins, High Sheriff of the said county, appeared, whereupon the Attorney-General gave the court to understand that the crime laid to the charge of the said Gibbons amounts to Burgulary, and for the court further satisfaction then he produeth the Sheriffs examina tion which being read as followeth : " Chester the 30th day of April 1704 the deposition of John Hoskins, High Sheriff of the County of CheBter, aged about twenty-seven years, being solemnly attested in the presence of God saith that lost night about one o'clock James Gibbons, of the county, aforesaid, came with another person with him to this deponent unknown, and did break open the lock of his stable door and took out a sorril horse with a bald face which this deponent as Sheriff had taken on execution and when this deponent ran to him he with the other person with him made his escape thro' the lot and broke down the pails, whereupon this deponent seized on the horse with a halter on his head, which he supposes the said Gib bons brought with him, and also found a club in the stable, he presumes they brought with them and further saith not. " The circumstances of the fact being considered it is ordered that the said James Gibbons Bhall be and is hereby by the Justices committed into the jail of this County of Chester there to remain till he shall be deliv ered by due course of law." The case being called at the Supreme Provincial Court, Oct. 3, 1705, " the Sheriff was ordered to set the prisoner at the bar, which being done tho indictment was read." (The indictment had been found by the grandjury at the county court.) "David Lloyd moved that he may be admitted to speak of matters of Law unto the indictment before the prisoner plead, which is granted unto him, whereupon he desire it may be inspected by this Court whether or no the Justices ses sion had power by their commission at that time of taking that indictment to enquire of that burgulary in the indictment mentioned." The court concluded to hold the matter under advisement until the after noon session, when they decided that the justices had no jurisdiction, and on motion of David Lloyd the defendant was admitted to bail. Gibbons appears, from the silence of the record, never to have been called on further to answer the charge. The first trial for homicide in this county, so far as has been ascertained, was that of Hugh Pugh, a mill wright, and Lazarus Thomas, laborer, who were in dicted for the murder of Jonathan Hayes, a resident of Marple and a justice of the county, in the year 1715. At the October court of that year the following refer ence to the trial will be found : "This Court request Henry Worley, Bobert Carter and James Sande lands to see if they can procure some place yt may be more Convenient tiian the Court house for holding tbe Supreme Court for ye Tryall of those persons yt are holden in ye Gaol of ye County on Suspition of murder and to make such agreement as they inny see needful for change aud damages to be payd out of the County stock." The records of the county at West Chester, from 1710 to 1720, are very meagre, and little or no infor mation can be had by an inspection of the court paper of the circumstances surrounding the case. We know, from the minutes of the Provincial Council, that the accused " had for several years appeared at the head CRIMES AND PUNISHMENTS. 163 of a lawless Gang of Loose fellows, common disturb ers of the public peace," and that for some reason they had been admitted to bail. The records of our county, however, are silent as reference thereto further than already given. April 17, 1718, before David Lloyd, chief justice, and his associates, at Chester, the case was tried, resulting in a verdict of guilty. Dep uty Governor Sir William Keith was also present. The prisoners were sentenced to be hanged on May 9, 1718.1 The following is a copy of the death-warrant: {seal.} ^ " Chester, ss : To tlie Sheriff of the County of Chester : " Whereas Hugh Pugh & Lazarus Thomas have this Day before us at a Court of Oyer & Terminer & Gaol Delivery held for the sd County been convicted of the murder of One Jonathan Hayes & have received Sentence to be Hanged by the neck until they be Dead. " These are therefore in his majesties name by virtue of the Power to us Granted by the Governours ComiBsion Comand you that upon Fryday the Ninth day of May next betwixt the hours of Eight & Twelve in the forenoon of the same Day you Cause the sd Sentance to be put in Exe- cucon, ffor which this shall be your Warrant. Given under Our Hands & Seals at Chester aforesd the Seventeenth day of April In the ffourth year of the Eeign of our Sovereign Lord George King of Great Britain &c. Annoq Dom.1718. " Da'd Lloyd "Jasper Yeates " Richard Hill " Will'm Trent" The day previous to that fixed for their execution — May 8th — the condemned men petitioned the Governor for a reprieve until the pleasure of the king could be known, they having appealed to the crown, alleging that the following legal errors invalidated the whole proceedings : "1st. Because seventeen of the Grand Inquest who found the bill of Indictment against them and eight of the Petty Jury who found them guilty were Quakers or Reputed Quakers, and were Qualified uo other wise than by an affirmacon or Declaracon contrary to a statue made in the first year of your Mat'ies Beign. " 2d. Because the Act of Assembly of this Province by which Judges, Jury & Witnesses were pretended to be Qualified was made & past the Twenty eight Day of May, in the first year of your Majesties Beign,3 which was after sd murder was supposed to be committed, and after another Act of Assembly of the same nature was repealed by her Late Majesty, Queen Anne. "3dly. Because sd Act of Assembly is not consonant to Reason, but Repugnant & Contrary to the Laws, StatuteB and Bights of your Majes ties Kingdom." The petition for a reprieve was rejected, and doubt less the culprits were executed at the time designated in the warrant. Although the legal matter suggested in the prisoners' petition was never passed upon by a competent tribunal, for we have no record of any action of the supreme judges thereon, yet the points taken aroused such public alarm as to the legality of the proceeding, that in twenty-two days after the execu tion of Pugh and Thomas— May 31, 1718— the law was passed, which adopted the fierce criminal law of 1 See for full particulars of the matter before Provincial Council, Colonial Records, vol. iii. pp. 40, 41. 2 1715. The act designated was " for the case of Buch as conscien tiously sought to take the solemn affirmation formerly allowed in Great Britain." It was repealed July 21, 1719. England in the province, simply in exchange for the right to use affirmations in place of " corporal oaths," the Assembly well knowing that the king would ap prove and confirm the act, which was done early in the following year.3 At the Court of Oyer and Terminer, held at Chester, June 20, 1722, by David Lloyd, chief justice, and as sociates, the case of Rex vs. William Hill and Mary Woolvin, was tried on an indictment for murder. They were convicted, and as the sentence ran, " must be hanged by ye neck until they and each of them be dead." The case of these convicts, together with one William Batten, who was then in Chester jail under senteuce of death, was considered by the Provincial Council, Aug. 3, 1722, "and it was the advice of all the members present, to which the Governor was pleased to agree, that the said William Hill and Mary Woolvin be reprieved for the space of twelve months, in case no orders shall come from the Crown for the execution before the expiration of the said term ; that the said William Batten, being convicted of divers horrid complicated crimes, be executed and hung in irons in the most public place at such times as the Governor shall appoint, and that the warrant for the execution be issued before the Governor set out for Albany." " Aug. 27, 1723, Edward Murphy was tried for mur der and acquitted. "Sanue day Elizabeth Murphy was indicted for murder and found guilty by ye Petty Jury and must be hanged by ye neck until she is dead. And ye Sherif is ordered to Execute her accordingly on ye 13th of 7 month 1724." 5 Sept. 1, 1724, the bill of costs in the above cases, amounting to £2 6s. 6d. each, signed by Robert Assheton, was allowed by the commissioners and assessors.6 At a Court of Oyer and Terminer, held May 21, 1727, " John Hendricks who was indicted for shooting by misfortune one Albert Hendricks, late of the county 8 See also in confirmation of this statement " the humble address and representation of the Governor and General Assembly," the — day of May, 1718 (Proud's "History of Pennsylvania," vol. ii. p. 101), wherein the address to the king sets forth, " That for this end we have laboured, more generally of late, to regulate the proceedings in our Courts of judicature, as near as possibly could be done, to the constitution and practice of the laws of England. " That, from many years experience, we are not only convinced that the solemn affirmation allowed in Great Britain to the people called Quakers, doth, in ali respects, and in every case, here answer the legal and essential purpose of an oath." * The last case wherein I find that a man was gibbeted in Pennsylva nia was that of Thomas Wilkinson, who had been found guilty of piracy April 23, 1781, and sentenced to be hanged. The Supreme Executive Council, May 17, 1781, directed the execution to take place Wednesday, May 25, 1781, between 10 a.m. and 2 o'clock p.m. that day, on Windmill Island, in Delaware River, and that " the body of the said Thomas Wilkinson be taken down to Mud Island, in the said river, and hanged in chains on the north end of the said island." (Colonial Records, vol. xii. p. 730.) Some doubt arising as to the legality of the prisoner's con viction, on May 22d Council reprieved Wilkinson for twenty-one days (16., 732), after which the record is silent as to his fate, except on Oct. 6, 1781 (lb., xiii. p. 76), David Henderson was paid £17 16«. Od. specie, "amount of his account for making a gibbet for Thomas Wilkinson." 5 Supreme Court Docket, Prothonotary's office, Media, Pa. 1 Futhey and Cope's " History of Chester County," p. 407. 164 HISTORY OF DELAWARE COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA. of Chester, Labourer and found guilty by his own con fession, whereby ye Goods and Chatties of the said John Hendricks become forfeited to our Sovereign Lord, ye King. Upon which he puts himself on the mercy of our sd Lord the King and produces in court his pardon from ye Governour of this Provence, under ye Great Seal of the said Provence and prays ye same may be allowed and ye same is allowed per cur."1 At the same court Rachel Lindley and Robert Box, in dicted for murder, were acquitted. In April, 1728, a few Indians belonging to the Twetchtweys, a tribe without the borders of the province, made their appearance near the Warwick Iron Work, on French Creek, and, being well armed, created wide-spread alarm among the settlers. The air was filled with rumors of Indian outrages and murder. John and Walter Winter, two brothers, re spectable farmers, it is thought under the apprehen sion of the savages, and believing that they were doing the State a service, fell upon a party of Indians at Cassea, when Walter Winter shot and killed an aged man named Toka Collie, who was friendly to the whites. John Winter, at the same time, shot one of the Indian women, and then ran and knocked out the brains of an old squaw, " Quilee," otherwise " Hannah." The Winter brothers, with Morgan Her bert, bore the corpses of the two Indian women from the road where they had fallen, and covered them with leaves. The two former men carried two Indian girls (one a cripple) before one of the county officers, demanding a reward for what they had done. Samuel Nutt, the iron-master at the forge, dispatched John Petty to the Governor with a letter informing him of the occurrence. The latter had warrants issued for the arrest of the men, and, on a " hue and cry," the two Winters, together with Morgan Herbert, their neighbor, were taken into custody and lodged in the jail at Chester, in all probability the old prison on Edgmont Street. John and Walter Winter were tried before David Lloyd, Richard Hill, and Jeremiah Langhorne, for the murder of the Indian woman, Quilee, June 19, 1728, and the jury found the de fendants " Guilty of ye murder afd and must be hanged by the necks until they and each of them be dead." 2 Governor Gordon issued the warrant, fixing Wednesday, July 3, 1728, as the date of the execu tion. Morgan Herbert was convicted at the same court as an accessory to the murder, but he was recommended in a petition numerously signed by citizens, as well as by the judges who tried the case, setting forth that " though in strictness of law Her bert's offence may be adjudged murder, yet it ap peared to them that he was not active in perpetrating thereof, but unhappily fell into ye company of those that committed it." The Governor granted a reprieve to Herbert, who was finally pardoned. The Winters 1 Supreme Court Docket, Media, Pa. seem to have done the deed under the impression that the Indians were at war with the whites, " and they felt justified in killing any of the natives with whom they met." A reason which, considering the times in which they lived, takes from the act that wicked animus which constitutes morally the crime of mur der. At the Oyer and Terminer, held at Chester, " 27, 7 ber, 1728," William Davis was indicted for murder ing his master, William Cloud. The jury returned a verdict of guilty, " And ye sd William Davis being asked what he had or could say why sentence of Death should not pass against him says no more than what he has sayd before. " Therefor it is considered by ye Court here that he be taken back to prison from whence he came and from thence to ye place of execution and there be hanged by ye neck untill he be Dead and his body at ye Disposal of ye Governor." 3 On Saturday, Aug. 1, 1752, at the house of Eleanor Davis, in Tredyffrin, a brutal murder was committed by Bryan Doran, James Rice, alias Dillon, and Thomas Kelley. It seems that Rice and Kelley were told by Doran that Eleanor Davis, an old woman, John Thomas, an aged man, and Rachel Jones, a young woman, lived together in the house; that they kept good cider, and "that the old woman had a great deal of money, he believed three or four hundred pounds, in the house." It was thereupon arranged that Doran should go to the dwelling and ask a night's lodging. At bedtime he was to come to the door and cough once, which was the signal to the men outside that no persons save the usual inmates were there. Rice and Kelley, who had disguised themselves by rubbing black earth on their faces, loitered about the premises until the signal was given, when they, with Dillon, entered the house. The latter, armed with a short broad-bladed sword, then called "a hanger," declared that he was going to England, and demanded all the money the old people had. Receiving no answer, he began to strike and stab the parties who had given him shelter. Rice and Kelley, who were armed with sticks, joined in the base assault. The inmates suc ceeded in escaping at the doors, were followed by the assassins and knocked down, but the old lady con tinued to scream, which so alarmed the robbers that they fled without plundering the house, making their escape on two horses which they appropriated to their use. Eleanor Davis and John Thomas were killed, and Rachel Jones was dangerously wounded. The Provincial authorities offered a reward of one hundred and fifty pounds, and the friends of the slain man and woman forty pounds, for the apprehension of the murderers. Rice and Kelley were shortly afterwards arrested, and tried at Chester, November 27th of the same year, the latter pleading guilty to the indict ment, while Rice was found guilty by the jury. James 2 Ib. !Ib. CRIMES AND PUNISHMENTS. 165 Rice was executed Dec. 9, 1752, and Kelley (who had been respited to identify Bryan Doran, as a person of that name had been arrested in Maryland, but subse quently shown not to be the assassin) was hung Dec. 16, 1752. At a Court of Oyer and Terminer, held at Chester, Aug. 25, 1760, John Lewis was convicted of the murder of his wife, Ann. The Provincial Council, Sept. 8, 1760, issued a warrant directing his execution. In 1705 an act creating a special court for the trial of negroes was passed by the colonial authorities, and, although a Supreme Court for the trial of negroes was created and judges commissioned by Lieutenant-Gov ernor John Evans, in February, 1706-7, our records show nothing respecting any tribunal under that enact ment until May 28, 1762, at which time a " Special Court" was held at Chester, " before John Hannum and John Morton, Esqs., two of his Majestys Justices of the peace within the County aforsd particularly Commis sioned," with the assistance of six of the most sub stantial freeholders of the neighborhood, who were "duly & legally summoned, returned, Sworn & af firmed well and truly to give their assistance and judgment on the tryal of such Negro or Negroes as shall be charged or accused before them of committing any Murder, Manslaughter, Buggery, Burglary, Rapes, attempts of Rapes or any High or Heinous offence committed acted or done within the sd county." The first case was that of Negro Abraham Johnson, a slave of Humphrey Marshall, who was arraigned on an in formation exhibited by Benjamin Chew, attorney- general, charging the defendant with " murdering a certain negro man named Glascow, the slave of Alex ander Boyd." The court assigned Joseph Galloway, Esq., to defend the accused. "The court find de fendant not guilty of murder, but that he is guilty of homicide se defends," and thereupon discharged the prisoner from arrest on the charge, but held him for payment of costs. At a like special court held March 2, 1764, Phoebe, the slave of Joseph Richardson, was tried for " Felo niously & Burglarily breaking and entering the Man sion house of Thomas Barnard, and stealing there out divers Goods and Chatties, the property of the said Thomas Barnard." . . . "And now on hearing proof in this Case It is considered and adjudged by this Court that the said defendant Negro Phoebe is Guilty of the Felony & Burglary aforesaid in Manner and form &c. And thereupon it is further considered and adjudged by this Court that the said defendant Negro Phoebe be led to the prison from whence she came and from thence to the place of Execution and there be Hanged by the Neck till she be dead." By the act of March 5, 1725-26, negro slaves convicted of capital offenses were to be valued, and such valua tion was to be paid to their masters out of the colonial treasury. In this case Phoebe was valued at fifty-five pounds, which it seems was paid to her master, Joseph Richardson. On Nov. 30, 1754, Chief Justice William Allen and Alexander Steadman, the latter commissioned that year one of the puisne judges of the Supreme Court, presided at the Oyer and Terminer, at Chester, at which Jane Ewing was tried and found guilty of the murder of her bastard male child, on April 3d of the previous year, and was sentenced to death. " It being reported to the Governor by the Justices of the Su preme Court that they discovered on her trial no kind of remorse," and that the evidence showed that her crime was an aggravated one, a warrant for her exe cution on Saturday, Jan. 29, 1765, was issued. Aug. 15, 1768, John Dowdle and Thomas Vaughan were tried for having, March 31, 1768, murdered Thomas Sharp. The prisoners were convicted and sentenced to be hung. The Provincial Council or dered that they be executed in the county jail on Sat urday, September 17th, of the same year. At the Court of Oyer and Terminer, held by the justices of the Supreme Court at Chester, June 11, 1770, Matthew McMahon was tried and convicted of the murder of John McClester, laborer, of Middle- town. A warrant directing his execution on Saturday, June 30, 1770, was issued. At a similar court held at Chester, March 23, 1772, Patrick Kennedy, Thomas Fryer, Neal McCarther, and James Dever were tried on a charge of rape, com mitted on Jane Walker, of Thornbury, in November of the year previous. They were all convicted and sentenced to death. Patrick Kennedy was ordered to be executed on Saturday, May 2, 1772, but the others were reprieved during the pleasure of the Lieutenant- Governor, Richard Penn. On Saturday, Dec. 26, 1772, Henry Philips, a la borer, who had been convicted of the murder of Rich ard Kelley, was executed at Chester by order of the Provincial Council. John Jones, Aug. 23, 1773, was convicted of burg lary and sentenced to death, but Lieutenant-Gover nor Richard Penn commuted his sentence to trans portation, conditioned that he should " never return unto the Province." In the summer of 1775, James Willis was convicted of the murder of Daniel Culin, and Governor John Penn ordered his execution to take place Saturday, Sept. 30, 1775. During the gloomy days of the Revolution several murders appear to have been committed, the perpe trators of which, so far as the records show, were never discovered, or at least not brought to justice. On Sept. 16, 1775, John Faughnar, a peddler, was brutally murdered and robbed on the highway, near the Red Lion Inn, in Uwchlan township, in the county of Chester. Suspicion pointed to Fleming Elliott, who could not be found, and the Governor offered a reward of fifty pounds for his arrest, appar ently without success. Early in 1778, Benjamin Harmon was murdered under aggravating circum stances in Chester County, and Henry Skyles was 166 HISTORY OF DELAWARE COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA. charged with being the principal in the crime, while Thomas Boyd, James Wilson, John Hastings, and Charles Caldwell, all of Lancaster County, were said to be accessories thereto. They all escaped arrest, although Thomas Wharton, Jr., president of the Ex ecutive Council, on March 24th of that year, offered a reward of one thousand pounds for the appre hension and delivery to justice of the men named, or two hundred pounds for any one of them. In the fall of the year 1779, Jesse Jordan, who had brought suit in Philadelphia against Gen. Benedict Arnold several weeks before, was found murdered in Chester County, the place of his residence, and again the perpetrators of the act escaped " unwhipped of justice." James Fitzpatrick. — The character of "Sandy Flash," in Bayard Taylor's "Story of Kennett," is founded on the adventures and the deeds of a sturdy freebooter, who for more than a twelvemonth kept the good people of the county of Chester in constant alarm and dread by his audacious and frequent crimes. The name of James Fitzpatrick in Chester and Delaware Counties is still surrounded with that peculiar glamour of crime which is so often associated with the acts of bold, bad men, and to this day his deeds are recalled by the representatives of the old families of this section with no little local pi ide, for the subject of their theme was, at least, no ordinary desperado. James Fitzpatrick was born in Chester County, and when quite a lad was indentured by his father, an Irish emigrant in indigent circumstances, to John Passmore, of Doe Run, as an apprentice to the trade of blacksmithing. His early life was distinguished by no unusual incidents. He worked faithfully at the anvil until he attained his majority and acquired some local prominence as a shoer, and was known the- neighborhood round as an excellent judge of horses. His bodily strength is said to have been enormous, his physical endurance noticeable, and he conspicu ously excelled all the young men of the locality where he resided in athletic sports. Personally he was hand some ; above the average height in stature, he was erect and graceful in carriage, his complexion florid, his features well formed, his eyes a clear bright blue in color, and his hair sandy and luxuriant. On sev eral occasions he had exhibited extraordinary per sonal courage, circumstances which, subsequently re membered, increased the alarm of the Whigs when Fitzpatrick became an active, unscrupulous partisan of the cause of the king. After serving the full term of his apprenticeship with Mr. Passmore, he worked as a journeyman at several forges in the county until the outbreak of the Revolutionary war, when he enlisted in the military service of the province. Subsequently, in the shaping of events, he became attached to the Flying Camp, and accompanied that organization to the city of New York. There, for some slight breach of military dis cipline, he was punished by flogging. The penalty imposed for his dereliction was more than he would bear, and deserting in the night-time, he swam the Hudson River, and made his way across New Jersey to Philadelphia, intending to proceed to his home in Chester County. In the latter city he was recognized, apprehended, and being absent without leave of his commanding officers, was lodged in the old Walnut Street prison, whence he was released on consenting to re-enter the Continental army, for at that time men were eagerly sought for to bear arms. The imprison ment was resented by Fitzpatrick as a wrong that had been done him ; therefore, at the first opportunity which presented itself, he again deserted and returned to his home in Chester County, where, for a time, he worked honestly at his trade and in odd jobs at har vesting for the farmers in the neighborhood. During the summer of 1777, Fitzpatrick, with sev eral other men, was mowing in the field of his late master, John Passmore, in West Marlborough town ship, when he was taken into custody as a deserter by two Continental soldiers, who had been sent from Wilmington to arrest him. Fitzpatrick having been captured by surprise, was compelled to resort to sub terfuge to recover his liberty. By a plausible story respecting clothing that he would require, and a re quest to be permitted to bid good-by to his aged mother, he prevailed upon the soldiers (who were in structed to bring their captive to Wilmington) to ac company him to his mother's residence, a tenant- house on Mr. Passmore's land. When they reached the dwelling, Fitzpatrick opened the door and quickly grasped his rifle from behind it, where he was ac customed to keep that firearm, leveled it at the sol diers, and swore that he would kill them if they did not leave immediately. They had learned suffi ciently of the determination of character of their prisoner to believe that he would not hesitate an in stant to make his threat good ; hence, acting upon the better part of valor, they hastily retreated. Fitz patrick, as soon as the men had fled, returned to the meadow where he had been at work, and renewed his labor as coolly as if no unusual incident had occurred to disturb the placidity of his every-day life. The implacable hatred to the patriot cause which was engendered in the mind of Fitzpatrick as the re sult of corporal punishment inflicted on him while with the Continental army in New York soon had the opportunity to vent itself upon the Whigs of Chester County, whom he believed had betrayed his whereabouts to the colonial military authorities. On the 25th of August, 1777, the British forces, eighteen thousand men, under Gen. Howe, landed at the head of the Elk, in the movement against Philadelphia which resulted in the capture of that city. Fitzpat rick promptly repaired to the camp of the British army, was subsequently present at the battle of Bran dywine, and accompanied the victorious enemy to Philadelphia, from which city he made many petty CRIMES AND PUNISHMENTS. 167 plundering excursions into Chester County, in which predatory expeditions he was accompanied by Mor decai Dougherty, a Tory from the same neighborhood whence Fitzpatrick came. The latter had been reared in the family of Nathan Hayes, residing near Doe Run, and, as supposed, the two worthies had known each other in their youth. After Fitzpatrick joined the English forces, he always spoke of himself as captain, and dubbed Dougherty with the title of lieutenant ; but whether either of them were ever commissioned as such by Sir William Howe is very doubtful. In June, 1778, while Fitzpatrick and his associate were engaged in one of these predatory raids, the Brit ish army evacuated Philadelphia, and the two men determined to remain in Chester County and carry on the war as an independent, irregular body. To that end they made their headquarters at a point known as Hand's Pass, near the present town of Coates ville, and had also secluded hiding-places along the Brandywine in Newland and West Bradford town ships, one of which, J. Smith Futhey says, " was on the high hill on the west side of the creek, near the present Marshall's Station, on the Wilmington and Reading Railroad." From these retired places of concealment Fitzpatrick and Dougherty issued to make desperate expeditions, or to undertake daring adventures, which, in a short time, rendered their names a terror to the Whigs of that neighborhood, for, as to the Tories, they regarded them as their friends, and never molested them. The collectors of the public revenue, however, were their especial prey, and oftentimes unfortunate tax-gatherers who fell in their way were made the victims of the utmost bru tality. Frequently, after stripping them of all their money, they would tie the unhappy officials to con venient trees and flog them unmercifully. On one occasion, one of these men was not only robbed of a large sum of money by Fitzpatrick and his companion, but he was taken to one of their hidden lurking- places in the woods, where he was detained for two weeks, to the consternation of his family, who could only account for his absence by the supposition that he had been murdered. At another time two tax-collectors, armed with muskets, met a man walking alone whom they did not know, and entered into conversation with him. During the interview one of the officials inquired of the stranger whether he had seen Fitzpatrick, or if he could give him any information as to the where abouts of that individual, remarking at the same time that he rather preferred that he should encounter that person, for if he did, he, Fitzpatrick, should not escape from him so easily as he had done from other collectors who had fallen in with him. The stranger continued the conversation a few minutes longer when, turning suddenly upon the men, he disarmed them both, then quietly informed them that he was Capt. Fitzpatrick, and that he would be obliged to them for their money. From the boastful Capt. Mc- Gowan, one of the collectors, he took his watch, but as the latter said it was a family relic, doubly valuable to him on that account, he returned it promptly. Capt. McGowan wore his hair in a neat queue, of which he was very vain, and as a particular indignity Fitzpatrick cut it off close to his head. He also de spoiled the unfortunate military officer of his sword and pistols, and then tied him to a tree and adminis tered a sound flagellation. At its conclusion Fitzpat rick informed the crestfallen man that he had heard him, McGowan, boasting while at an inn a few miles distant, what he would do with him should he encoun ter him, and he had therefore given him the opportu nity to make his boast good. A local writer of rude verse of the period in commemorating Fitzpatrick's exploits alludes thus to this incident : " Some he did rob, then let them go free. Bold Capt. McGowan he tied to a tree. Some he did whip and some he did spare, He caught Capt. McGowan and cut off his hair." Subsequently, when the outlaw was in chains in his cell in the jail at Chester, Capt. McGowan visited Fitzpatrick to inquire what he had done with the sword and pistols he had taken from him. The pris oner asked him if he remembered the tavern where he had expressed his wish to meet him, and the tree to which he was tied to be flogged by the man he was looking for. These questions were answered in the affirmative. Thereupon Fitzpatrick told him that about three hundred yards to the southwest of that tree he would find his sword and pistols, concealed between the bark and wood of a decayed oak log. It is stated that the arms were found at the place thus designated. The audacious courage of the man frequently mani fested itself in the most reckless acts of bravado on his part. On one occasion fifty or more persons, all well armed, gathered together with the avowed purpose of taking Fitzpatrick, dead or alive, but being unsuc- ceessful in their search they repaired to an inn, where, seated upon the porch, they discussed the recent ex ploits of the outlaw and. the liquors of the tavern at the same time, until the crowd became excited, and many of the men expressed a desire to meet Fitzpat rick, who was well known to almost every one present. Suddenly, during the heat of the conversation, the out law, with his rifle in his hands, presented himself before them, called for a glass of liquor, drank it, and after paying for it withdrew as quietly as he had come, ex cepting, as he backed off, he announced that he would shoot the first man who stirred to molest him. Then walking backward, holding his rifle menacingly toward the body of men, he moved away until he had attained, as he regarded, a sufficient distance from his enemies, when he turned and fled into the woods. Several weeks before the British army evacuated Philadelphia, Fitzpatrick and Dougherty, in one of 168 HISTORY OF DELAWARE COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA. their expeditions from that city, repaired to the houses of Joseph Luckey and Peter Burgardine, where they committed acts of the most flagrant lawlessness. The whole neighborhood was aroused by the outrages, and Col. Andrew Boyd, the then lieutenant of the county, wrote to the Executive Council of Pennsylvania that he had caused diligent search to be made for the cul prits, but unsuccessfully, as the loyalists of Newlin and adjoining townships aided and secreted the male factors. Council thereupon declared the two men outlaws, and offered a reward of a thousand dollars for their arrest, or a like sum for that of Fitzpatrick alone. The Whigs of Chester County thereupon made cause against the men, and repeatedly large bands as sembled to capture the outlaws, and numerous plans were resorted to to effect that object. Nevertheless the best-laid schemes looking to that end miscarried, the proscribed men eluded every ambushment, and by fresh outrages, in other sections of the county, added to the consternation which their deeds had created among the patriots. It is related that on one occa sion a meeting of the Whigs was called at a tavern on the West Chester road to devise plans for the cap ture of Fitzpatrick and his companion. With amazing effrontery Fitzpatrick presented himself in disguise at the assembly. A militia captain present rendered himself peculiarly conspicuous by his repeated decla rations that he wanted to see Fitzpatrick, whom he had never met, and volunteered to capture him and bring him to justice. The outlaw, who had heard these boasts, unperceived took a candlestick from the mantel-shelf, secreted it in his pocket, and then ap proaching the noisy captain, told him if he would withdraw with him into another room he would in form him how, when, and where he could see the brigand, and have an opportunity to capture him. The latter consented to go with him. Fitzpatrick, after they had entered the room designated, shut and locked the door, then leveled the candlestick at the captain's head, saying as he did so, — " Young man, you want to see Captain Fritz. I am that person. I'll trouble you for your watch and the money you may have about you." The entrapped hero hastily complied with the re quest, whereupon Fitzpatrick tied his hands behind him with his own handkerchief. " Now, sir," he said, as he unlocked the door, " you may go back to your friends and tell them that you wanted to see Captain Fritz and you have seen him." The prominence given to Fitzpatrick by the Exec utive Committee in proscribing him and offering a large reward for his capture was accepted by the lat ter as a flattering recognition of his abilities, and the alarm with which his deeds were regarded by the Whigs. He was repeatedly shot at by concealed marksmen, but always escaped unscathed, until the notion became prevalent that his was a charmed life ; his shrewdness in avoiding snares to entrap him, his ability, courage, and readiness in eluding pursuit, to gether with his apparent recklessness in thrusting himself almost within the clutches of his enemies merely to disappoint them afresh, served to deepen the general impression heretofore mentioned. A short time after a price was set upon his life, to manifest his contempt of the proclamation and his mean opin ion of the bravery of his foemen, in broad daylight, armed only with a pair of pistols and a dagger, he entered the hamlet of Kennett Square, deliberately walked through its streets, the people whom he met making way for him to pass, and repaired to the " Unicorn," the ancient and most noted hostelry in the village, destroyed by fire in January, 1875. He unhesitatingly entered the bar-room, in which a crowd of twoscore men were assembled, talking of the outlaw — for he was the constant topic of conver sation — and making copious draughts upon the good cheer of "mine host," the jolly, jovial Maj. John Bell, until they had become boisterously intoxicated. In that condition many of the men — as seems to have been customary on those occasions — expressed the desire to meet Fitzpatrick, whose personal peculiari ties were well known to almost every one present. The reckless man, apparently as if an accustomed frequenter of the inn, called for a glass of liquor, drank it, and quietly walked away, without the least molestation by word or sign from any one. The inso lent intrepidity of the act so utterly astonished the crowd that they did not recover their amazement until Fitzpatrick was out of range of their firearms. His robberies were bold, and to the sheer effrontery of many of his deeds was he indebted for his immu nity from arrest. On one occasion, when a number of' men were harvesting in a field on the farm of James Shields, Fitzpatrick and Dougherty presented them selves, and the former informed Mr. Shields that he had called at his house and borrowed his watch, his silver shoe-buckles, and his shoes. Shields said, promptly, — " You must return them." " That will depend altogether upon your behavior towards us," was the reply of the outlaw, with a laugh. Archibald Hambleton, a young man who was reap ing in the field at the time, was taken into custody by Fitzpatrick and his companion, who compelled him to go with them to his parents' home. There the out laws appropriated to their own use a rifle, powder- horn, and shot-pouch, and Fitzpatrick forced Ham bleton to swear on a Bible that he would not follow, betray, disturb, or molest any of his (Hambleton's) neighbors, many of whom were Tories, in retaliation for the theft. He also told Hambleton if he violated his oath in any respect he and Dougherty would return there and burn not only his parents' house, but the houses of every rebel in the neighborhood. The brutal punishment of flogging, — then a part of the military law of every nation, — which had caused Fitzpatrick to desert the cause of the colonies and CRIMES AND PUNISHMENTS. 169 sustain that of the loyalists, seemed, after his per- I sonal experience in the Continental army, to have become his favorite mode of punishment. On all oc- I casions he employed castigation as a remedy for every wrong, suppositious or actual, which he had sustained. It is related that on one occasion a man from Not tingham township, when in pursuit of Fitzpatrick, went to the house of the latter's mother, where he behaved in an insolent manner, hoping thereby to compel her to tell him the whereabouts of her son. Among other things, to show his authority when dealing with a proscribed outlaw, he broke her spin ning-wheel. Fitzpatrick, when informed of the in dignities which had been shown his parent, vowed that he would be revenged, and contrived to have a message delivered to the offender, in which he ap prised him that he might expect a visit from him shortly, and could, if so disposed, make whatever ar rangements he deemed necessary to receive his guest in a proper form. The man laughed at the threat, said he would be glad to eee Fitzpatrick (they all said that), and if he came he would not, in all prob abilities, have occasion to ask the hospitality of any other person after he had gotten through with him. Nevertheless, Fitzpatrick kept his promise. One morning he suddenly confronted the man who had ill-treated his mother at the door of his own house, and commanded him, in a peremptory manner, to immediately follow him to the woods. He who had been so prolific in defiances when the danger was re mote had not the courage to resist when Fitzpatrick presented himself in person, but cowardly obeyed his orders. The outlaw tied him to a tree and adminis tered a castigation, which was laid on with a strong arm, and, perhaps, with more good will on the part of the whipper than in any case when Fitzpatrick pun ished his enemy by flagellation. Despite his many crimes, there was a rough chivalry in the character of the man which exhibited itself in his marked gallantry towards women, in his open, generous disposition to aid them on when ill fortune bore heavily ; indeed, he was never known to rob a poor man or ill-treat a female. Many are the in stances related when he bestowed upon the destitute that which he had taken from those in good circum stances, and the weak or defenseless never suffered at his hands. On one occasion an old woman, who made a meagre living by peddling from house to house odds and ends of female apparel, encountered Fitzpatrick in the neighborhood of Cain Friends' meeting-house. She was at the time on her way to Philadelphia to buy goods, and all the money she possessed was on her person. She had never seen Capt. Fitzpatrick, and she informed the tall, hand some stranger that she was told that the outlaw had made some demonstrations in that neighborhood a short time before, and she was afraid that she might fall in with him and be robbed of all her money. Fitzpatrick, by a few questions, drew from her the particulars of her business, and her difficulty in win ning an honest livelihood. He then good-naturedly told her she need be under no apprehension, Fitz patrick never warred upon the weak or defenseless, that she was talking to that personage ; and taking a purse from his pocket containing several gold pieces, he gave it to her to aid her in increasing her scanty stock of goods. Then, wishing her a safe journey, he turned into the woods and disappeared. The short but eventful career of the outlaw was rapidly drawing to an end. On Saturday afternoon, the 22d day of August, 1778, shortly after five o'clock, Fitzpatrick went to the house of William McAffee, a well-to-do farmer, who resided in Edgmont township, in the present county of Delaware, near Castle Rock, a cluster of peculiar rocks, bowlder upon bowlder in picturesque confusion, a place often visited by tourists as a natural curiosity, not far from Crum Creek, where that stream is crossed by the West Chester road, and about ten miles from old Chester, on the Delaware. The house stood on a plantation known as the Castle Rock Farm, now owned by Mr. William Taylor, whose present dwelling stands on the site where McAffee's house was then located. It seems that Fitzpatrick had visited the family, who were ardent Whigs, on a former occasion, aud had taken from them some articles of value. On the afternoon above mentioned, Mr. and Mrs. McAffee and their son, Robert, a captain of a military company, were at tea, when the latter glancing out of the door saw a man armed with a rifle, a pair of pistols in his belt, and a sword at his side approaching on horseback. As he came from the direction of the American camp, the captain supposed the horseman was a soldier in the Continental service. The latter rode to the door, dis mounted, and asked whether William McAffee lived there. An affirmative response was made to this in terrogatory, whereupon the stranger entered the room and inquired, — " Are you Capt. Robert McAffee 1" " I am Robert McAffee," was the rejoinder of the son.. " And I am Capt. Fitzpatrick." " If that be so," quietly said the young man, " sit down and take a cup of tea with us ; you are welcome to it." But Fitzpatrick, who seemed to have entertained personal enmity against the McAffees, rudely refused the invitation, declaring, with an oath, that he would neither eat nor drink, nor would he leave the house until he had stripped its inmates of all the money they had; that he was levying contributions from the rebels, and that he had fixed upon one hundred and fifty pounds as the sum to be paid him by the McAffees. Thereupon presenting his pistol at Capt. McAffee, he ordered the members of the family to de liver to him all articles of jewelry and money they had upon their persons. A pair of well-made low shoes, or pumps, with silver buckles, worn by the son, 170 HISTORY OF DELAWARE COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA. particularly pleased Fitzpatrick's fancy, and, kicking off those he wore, he immediately appropriated those articles to his own use. The shoes, however, were rather small for the outlaw, and when he put them on his heels pressed the counters down. During a moment when Fitzpatrick's attention was drawn else where, Capt. McAffee threw the keys of his chest, to gether with some Continental bills which he had had in his pockets, behind the door. His mother obtain ing possession of the keys went up-stairs, and unlock ing the chest in which a large sum of money was, se creted it under a quantity of wheat which was stored in the garret. Fitzpatrick, as soon as he became aware that Mrs. McAffee had left the room, threatened to kill her son if he did not immediately cause her to descend. In response to the call the mother promptly appeared, accompanied by Rachel Walker, the hired woman. Fitzpatrick having rausacked every place in the lower rooms where he supposed money or plate could be secreted, ordered all the inmates of the dwelling to ascend to the upper apartments. In the passage the outlaw observed Capt. McAffee's rifle, which he discharged and threw out of the door, remarking that it could lie there until it was wanted. At the foot of the stairs William McAffee endeavored to dissuade Fitzpatrick from ascending, promising him immunity from punishment for what he had already done to them ; but the latter, believing that there was a large sum of money in the house, adhered to his purpose, and drawing his sword, placed the point of it at the breast of the old man, threaten ing to run him through if he did not immediately proceed. When in the upper rooms, Fitzpatrick commanded ' Capt. McAffee to unlock his chest and produce the one hundred and fifty pounds already demanded. The latter, in a tone of well-assumed astonishment, exclaimed, — " How can you expect that so young a man as I am would have so large a sum of money in my posses sion?" However, he promptly opened the chest, the keys of which his mother had returned to him, and told Fitzpatrick to search it. The outlaw complied with this invitation, but not finding the money, which, it is supposed, he had learned was in the possession of Robert McAffee, his disappointment was great, and, turning to the captain, said that in lieu of the money he would compel him, as he was his prisoner, to take part in his next campaign, and to that end he must provide himself with a horse and clothing, for it would be a long and severe expedition. The threat was not to be misunderstood, and Capt. McAffee was convinced that his only hope for liberty, possibly life itself, was in the capture of the outlaw. Fitzpatrick ordered Capt. McAffee, his father and mother, in the order given, to stand in a row on his right hand, while Rachel Walker stood a short dis tance from and in front of him. The pumps which the outlaw had appropriated to his own use, being down at the heels, seemed to have annoyed him. He laid his arms, except a pistol which he kept in his hand, on the bed, and placing one of his feet on the side of the bedstead, he strove to force, with both hands, the shoe on his foot. Capt. McAffee, who was a large and muscular man, saw that the opportunity to put his resolution into effect was now presented, and, springing suddenly, he seized Fitzpatrick from behind in such a way as to prevent the latter the full use of his arms, and then, after some struggling, man aged to throw him to the floor. The outlaw strove desperately to free his hand in which he still clutched the pistol. Rachel Walker thereupon caught the weapon, and, although in the pcuffle her hand was badly hurt by the lock, she stoutly maintained her hold until she wrested the firearm from his grasp. As the men were still struggling, Rachel threw a double woolen coverlid over the head and face of Fitzpatrick, holding it in that position, which partially smothered him, and gave McAffee complete mastery over the prostrated man. David Cunningham, a hired man on the farm, who had entered the house, hearing the noise of the scuf fling, came up-stairs. He was immediately ordered by Capt. McAfee to get a rope and secure Fitzpatrick. While Mrs. McAfee was striving to bind his feet, he kicked her so violently in the side that she fell against the partition at the other end of the room. After the unhappy man was firmly bound, he begged earnestly of his captor that he would blow out his brains and make an end of his misery. Capt. McAffee told him that he would deliver him to the proper authorities, and to that end he sent David Cunningham to inform the nearest Whig neighbors of the capture, with a request that they would aid in guarding the prisoner from any attempted rescue. This being done, Cun ningham was instructed to proceed to the American camp, and ask that a guard be sent to take Fitzpatrick to a place of safety. Rachel Walker, after the capture had been made, armed with the pistol she had wrested from the out law, stood sentinel at the door of the apartment, but when David Cunningham rode away on his errand, she remembered that Dougherty and other compan ions of the outlaw might be lurking in the neighbor hood, and she immediately started to bring Miss Jane McAffee home from the house of a friend near by be fore night came on. As the two women were return ing they met a young man and woman walking to gether. The news the former had was too momentous to be kept, and they therefore imparted to the latter the fact that Fitzpatrick had been taken and was then a prisoner at McAffee's. This information aroused the latter's curiosity, and together the four repaired to the house. When they came into the room the young woman seated herself on the bed on which Fitzpatrick was lying, and apparently deeply moved with pity at the sight of the handsome man pinioned, CRIMES AND PUNISHMENTS. 171 her womanly sympathies exhibited themselves in an effort to comfort him. She smoothed his hair with her hand, and when he complained of being chilly, she threw a covering over him. The immediate neighbors of the McAffees were loyalists, and the nearest Whigs were about two miles distant, hence it was between eight and nine o'clock before any assistance was had to prevent a res cue. Capt. McAffee then, exhausted by the struggle and the excitement which he had been under, repaired to an adjoining apartment to rest himself. Some time after he had retired it was discovered that Fitzpatrick, whose body was covered by the quilt, had freed his arm from the rope, and it was suspected that the young woman had been mainly instrumental in loos ing the bonds. He was speedily rebound, and the rope was drawn so tightly that he complained that it hurt him. No attention was paid by the men present to the remonstrance of the prisoner, and he appealed to Miss Jane McAffee, who called her brother. The latter declared that Fitzpatrick should not be ill used, and although he must be bound, the ropes should not be drawn unnecessarily tight to cause him pain. About eleven o'clock one of the men who were guard ing Fitzpatrick sat near the window, when he was immediately fired at, the ball lodging in the weather- boarding of the house beneath the sill. A number of the men present made search for the assailant, whom they believed to have been Dougherty, but failed to apprehend him. They merely found a sword, which was recognized as one that Fitzpatrick had taken from a patriot officer. Two hours after mid night the guard dispatched from the American camp to escort Fitzpatrick to a place of safe detention ar rived, and taking him in charge, conveyed him to Old Chester, where he was lodged in jail early the follow ing morning. Dougherty, after the capture of his superior, passed entirely out of public notice, and nothing is known of his subsequent career. He may have taken part in the series of annoyances to which Capt. McAffee and family were subjected after the capture of Fitzpatrick. Two stacks of oats were burned, the spring-house opened, all the milk-pans therein ruined, and the manes and tails of the horses on their farm cut off, and other outrages perpetrated. On the 15th of September Fitzpatrick was tried and convicted of burglary and robbery, and sentenced to be hanged. The Executive Council of the State approved the sentence, and designated the 26th day of the same month as the time when the execution should take place. While confined in the old jail in Chester, after conviction, Fitzpatrick made an effort to escape. He filed his chains and would have succeeded in his attempt had it not been that iron bars, imbedded in the masonry of the flue of the chimney, prevented his egress in that way, and the noise made in striving to break them out aroused his keepers. He was, there fore, removed by order of Council to the then recently- erected prison on Walnut Street, Philadelphia, as a place of greater security. There he twice broke his handcuffs off in one night, but was prevented from effecting his escape by the vigilance of the guards. The day previous to his execution he was conveyed to Chester. On the morning of the 26th day of September, 1778, at the intersection of Providence and Edgmont Ave nues, in North Ward, Chester, James Fitzpatrick met his fate. Tradition hath it that after the rope was adjusted about his neck and the cart drawn from be neath the gallows he fell to the earth on his feet, and that by standing on his toes the strain on his neck was removed. This the hangman saw, and springing upon the shoulders of the doomed man, the increased weight forced the body down until Jame9 Fitzpatrick was actually strangled to death. Joseph Bates, who had been convicted of burglary, was ordered by the Executive Council to be hung May 20, 1780, at two o'clock p.m., " at the usual place of execution * in Chester." In May, 1780, William Boyd, a collector of the public taxes in Chester County, while in the discharge of his duties, was murdered by John and Robert Smith, who, after the commission of the act, fled. President Jo seph Reed, with the approval of the Executive Coun cil, offered a reward of twenty thousand dollars for the arrest of the murderers. They were making their way across New Jersey to join the British army, in New York, when they were apprehended by Sheriff Furman, of Monmouth County. They were brought to Chester, where, June 26, 1780, they were tried, convicted, and ordered to be hung, at the usual place of execution, on Saturday, July 1st, four full days alone intervening between their condemnation and death. On Oct. 26, 1784, the Executive Council directed a warrant to the sheriff of Chester County requiring the execution of Joseph Clark, John McDonnell, and John Varnum, alias Benson, who were then under sentence of death for burglary, on Tuesday, Nov. 2, 1784. Elizabeth. Wilson— The unhappy life-history of Elizabeth Wilson is one of the most popular tradi tions of Delaware and Chester Counties, and for nearly a century has been told and retold by the old residents of Delaware and Chester Counties and by their descendants, until many of the details, as so related, have gathered about the true narrative much that is unreliable if not absolutely false. Although I have striven to substantiate every item by careful in vestigation, perchance some of the imaginary par ticulars which have clustered arpund the sad, true history of Elizabeth Wilson may yet cling to the story in the present narration. Elizabeth Wilson was the daughter of a farmer residing in East Bradford township, Chester Co., who in the conflict of political opinions preceding and during the Revolutionary war was earnest and honest in the advocacy of the crown. His means i The intersection of Edgmont and Providence Avenues. 112 HISTORY OF DELAWARE COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA. barely raised him above poverty, but he was esteemed and respected by the community in which he lived. His daughter, a bright, sprightly lass at the age of sixteen, was noted for her personal beauty, which as she matured was more and more conspicuous. At that time she became much interested in the religious exercises conducted by Elder Fleeson, an itinerant Baptist clergyman, who was earnest in his efforts to establish permanently the peculiar tenets of his faith in Chester County, wherein several congregations of that religious belief had existed from an early date. The strong Tory sympathies of her parents caused him to regard the capture of Philadelphia, in 1777, as the harbinger of the good time approaching when the king should come to his own again, and Elizabeth, during the occupancy of the British army of that city, visited it, and remained for several weeks at the Indian Queen Inn, on Fourth Street, which at that time was kept by a distant relative of her parents. While there her loveliness attracted the attention of a young man, an incident which years afterwards brought her to an unnatural death, — that of a convicted felon. After the war had ceased Elizabeth Wilson again visited Philadel phia, for the attractions of the metrop olis of the commonwealth, the glare and glitter of the city, had made such an impression on her mind that the quiet stillness of the country became distaste ful to her, while the drudgery of rural life, much greater than in our day, she endeavored to avoid by seeking employment at the Indian Queen Inn, where as a relative, by rendering some service in the house hold affairs, she was received as one of the family. The young man heretofore mentioned resided at the inn as a boarder, and Elizabeth, then in the full maturity of her beauty, became warmly, devotedly attached to him. His attentions were so marked that no doubt was entertained by her relatives in the city that a marriage between the young couple would ulti mately result. They, like Elizabeth, did not suspect the traitorous heart of the young man, who, during the war, had acquitted himself as a bold, dashing officer. Sufficient it is to my purpose to state that the poor girl, unmarried, when on the eve of be coming a mother, was informed by the parties with whom she was living in Philadelphia that she must withdraw herself from their dwelling. Whither to go she knew not, but at length she' de termined to seek the shelter of her father's house, and learning that a farmer living in the same neigh borhood with her parents was in the city, she asked the privilege of riding thither in his market-wagon. It was late in the night, in those days of early hours, that she alighted from the vehicle at the gate of her childhood's home, and, in great agony of mind and body, she wearily made her way to the door of the house, which stood some little distance from the high way, and when there she was so exhausted that she could not rap for admission, but sank on the steps. Her moanings, however, aroused her father, who raised the window and inquired, "Who's there?" "A poor sick woman," was the faint response to his question. The old man's feeling of humanity was touched, and he and his wife— Elizabeth Wilson's step-mother — hurried to the door, and raising the poor girl, bore her to a settee, without recognizing her as their child. And then before morning Eliza beth gave birth to two male children. As soon as the mother had again strength she rode to Philadelphia to find the father of her sons, who had, a little while before their birth, absented him self from the Indian Queen, giving out that he had gone away on business and would be absent some time. On her arrival in the city she found him. He received her apparently with pleasure, and after they had been together several hours she remounted the horse and returned to Chester County. The Sunday following, while her parents were absent at worship, she dressed herself, and taking her babes with her left the house, stating that she was going to meet their father and be married. She walked in the direction of Newtown Square, and for a week (excepting a neighbor going along the road conveyed her a short distance in his wagon, from which she alighted on the King's Highway leading to Philadelphia, and seating herself on a rock on the roadside, near the farm of Mr. Cope, in East Brad ford, where he last saw her nursing her infants) nothing more was heard respecting her for a week or more ; although it afterwards appeared that about dusk the same day she came to the Indian Queen Inn, in Philadelphia, haggard, and exhibiting all the in dications of an unsound mind. Her children were not with her. A week or so after the disappearance of Elizabeth Wilson, while some gunners were traversing the woods on the east side of the Edgmont road, above Street road, their dogs discovered the bodies of two murdered babies hidden beneath a felled tree, a little earth and twigs having been thrown upon the corpses to conceal them from sight. The remains were imme diately taken to her father's house, — for she was at once under suspicion, — where they were fully identi fied by the clothing as her children. A coroner's jury was impaneled, and a verdict rendered charging the crime of murder on the absent mother. She was shortly thereafter arrested and lodged in the old jail in Chester. When taken into custody she remained silent, refusing to make any statement as to the deed, and a sluggish apathy marked her demeanor, saving at' times when she would weep passionately and appeal to heaven for mercy. When the Court of Oyer and Terminer for Chester County was held, the grand jury indicted her for murder and she was arraigned for trial, but to the clerk's inquiry, " How say you, prisoner at the bar, are you guilty or not guilty ?" she made no response save weeping violently. Judge Atlee (William Augustus Atlee, one of the puisne judges of the CRIMES AND PUNISHMENTS. 173 Supreme Court, appointed Aug. 17, 1777), kindly turning to the unfortunate girl, asked her whether she had counsel, and receiving a shake of the head in reply, he ordered that the plea of " not guilty" be taken, assigning also counsel to defend her. The latter asked that the trial might be delayed until the following day, so that he would be afforded an oppor tunity to consult with his client and make prepara tion for her defense, a request which was immediately granted. The next morning when court assembled the pris oner's counsel announced that he did not know, under the circumstances, what to do ; that he had failed, despite his utmost efforts, to obtain a single word in answer to his questions from Elizabeth Wilson ; that he was impressed that there was something in this case so exceptionally out of the ordinary course of crime, that the ends of justice might be reached and an endeavor made to fathom the mystery he asked the bench to defer the trial to the next court. Judge Atlee, knowing that to proceed meant conviction for the prisoner, in the goodness of his heart ordered that the trial should go over to the following term. During the interval an effort was made to solve the mystery which shrouded the murder in obscurity, while, notwithstanding the terrible consequences that would ensue to her if she still remained obstinately silent was made plain to Elizabeth Wilson, not a word could she be induced to say respecting the crime, but every interview with her terminated in an outburst of tears, which would continue for hours. When her case finally came up for trial, although the sympa thies of the court and lookers-on were decidedly with the prisoner, the evidence produced all led to the conclusion that she was guilty of the crime for which she had been indicted. Attorney-General Bradford, at the conclusion of the address of the prisoner's counsel, refused to marshal the evidence for the gov ernment, and when Judge Atlee came to charge the jury he turned to the accused and asked her, even at that late moment, to make some declaration, to say something in the terrible condition in which she then stood, but she merely shook her head, muttering, " I cannot ! Jesus, have mercy on me !" Atlee, in his remarks, was brief, and simply defined the law of murder, without in any wise intimating to the jury his conclusions on the facts in the case. The latter, although no testimony had been offered for the de fense, as an evidence of the general sympathy existing in the community, were several hours deliberating on the verdict, and it is related that as the foreman re turned their finding, " Guilty," his voice was scarcely audible to those nearest him, notwithstanding the stillness in the court-room was intense. The judge immediately, as was then the custom, pronounced the sentence of the law, fixing the date of execution for Wednesday, the 7th of December, 1785. While the friendless girl — for her parents, who had not forsaken her in her misfortune, now turned from her when she was charged with murder, and had re mained obstinately silent as to the accusation — was on trial, her only brother, William Wilson, was em ployed on a farm in a retired part of Lancaster County, and, as news traveled slowly in those days, he was absolutely ignorant of the great danger in which his sister was then placed. But one morning, less than a week before the time fixed for her execu tion, William, while engaged in his ordinary labor, suddenly stated to those with whom he was at work that he must immediately go to Chester, for he was wanted there. When he repaired to the house and informed his employer (Dr. Fahnestock's grandfather, and the doctor narrated this incident), the latter strove to persuade him to remain, and desired to know why he was so anxious to go at that time. William merely responded, " I do not know, but I must go and find out what it is." And he immedi ately set out for Chester, stopping as he journeyed thither at his father's house, where he learned for the first time of the children's birth, their death, and that Elizabeth had been indicted, tried, and in a few days would be hanged for their murder. Without further delay he hastened to Chester, reaching here on the afternoon of Monday, the 3d of December, hardly forty-eight hours before the time designated for her execution. The imprisoned girl had been daily vis ited, after her sentence, by Elder Fleeson and the rector of St. Paul's Church, and the former stated to Dr. Fahnestock that her constant prayer for several days before her brother actually came was that the Lord would direct William to her in her great ex tremity. As soon as the latter had access to the prison, although he had partly promised his father that he would make no effort to have an interview with the woman who had brought such deep sorrow to her aged parent, and after the excitement conse quent on his visit had in a measure subsided, Eliza beth stated that she had something to communicate to him in private. He, however, replied that if it was purely a personal matter, he would consent, but if it was aught relating to the crime, he would not hear her unless two other witnesses besides the cler gymen who were with her were present. It was court-week, and her brother requested Judge Atlee, Attorney-General Bradford, Sheriff Gibbons, and the prisoner's counsel to come to the cell, and in their presence, at the repeated solicitation of William Wil son, the condemned woman made a full confession, the substance of which was as follows : That when she visited Philadelphia after the birth of her children, at the interview she had with her "undoer," he promised to meet her at Newtown Square on the Sunday following, at which time they would be married, and he would provide for the mother and her offsprings. On the day designated he met her, but it was several miles beyond the place appointed, where the road led through a dense woods. He received her with warmth of manner, and re- 174 HISTORY OF DELAWARE COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA. quested her to walk some distance aside, where they would be removed from the observation of persons who might be passing along the highway. The weary woman seated herself on the trunk of a felled tree, having both the children in her arms. After some conversation the man asked Elizabeth to permit him to take one of the children, that he might see whether it resembled him. He held the baby in his arms for a moment; then, after a pause, he laid it on the ground, and, snatching the other from its mother's embrace, deposited it alongside of its brother. The inhuman father thereupon demanded that Elizabeth should destroy her infants. She unhesitatingly re fused to injure them, but in turn besought him to spare their lives, promising that if he did she would never more trouble him, but would work willingly, or even beg her and their daily bread, for the chil dren were dearer to her than her life. He, however, brutally replied that he could have no mercy for a fallen woman or her sinful offspring ; and thereupon drawing a pistol, he pointed it at her, while at the same time he placed his feet on the infants' breasts, and, before she could prevent him, he crushed them to death. The murderer then compelled the un happy woman, on peril of her life, to swear by her soul's everlasting welfare that she would never reveal the dreadful deed nor the name of the chief actor in the crime, but that she would tell all persons who might inquire for the children that they had been taken to New Jersey to nurse and be reared. In conclusion, Elizabeth Wilson declared, " To the truth of this statement I appeal to the Searcher of all hearts, before whose dread tribunal I am to appear next day after to-morrow." The declaration of the prisoner was reduced to writing, and she swore to its truth, while the sig natures of all present were attached to the document, attesting that the confession had been made in their hearing. Armed with this paper, William Wilson, night as it was, with all speed hastened to Philadel phia to obtain a respite from the Executive Council, with what success the following extract from the Pennsylvania Colonial Record (vol. xiv. p. 591) ex hibits : "The petition of William Wilson, brother to Elizabeth Wilson, now confined in jail of Chester under sentence of death, accompanied by a confession of the said Elizabeth, was read, and, in consideration of the circumstances stated therein, it was Ordered, — That the warrant issued by the Board for the Execution of Elizabeth Wilson on Wednesday, the Seventh instant, be revoked, and that another issue, directory of her execution on the third day of January, 1788." William Wilson, immediately after he had given proper notice to the authorities of Chester County of the action of the Supreme Executive Council, set off for West Jersey, where his sister's betrayer was said then to be living. He found him, and when con fronted by Wilson, he declared that he did not know his sister, aud had not been in Philadelphia for two years. Wilson thereupon returned to Chester, had an interview with Elizabeth, and succeeded in find ing a witness who would testify that the man whom she accused had not only been in Philadelphia and lodged at the same house with her, but he had pro cured other important testimony to substantiate her charge, when he was taken severely ill. The time granted by Council had nearly expired, and sick as he was, William Wilson made his way to Chester, intending to go thence to Philadelphia for a further respite. When he reached this place in the after noon he was astonished to learn that the stay of exe cution would expire the next day, whereas he had thought it was not out until the day following. Im mediately on learning of this error he hastened to Philadelphia through a heavy rainfall, and, accord ing to a statement of one of the members of Council,1 " unfortunately he went to the President's (Dr. Frank lin), where, notwithstanding all his entreaties, it was some time before he could get to see him, and when he did he stayed, endeavoring to persuade the doctor to give him a line to the sheriff, which the former, thinking it improper, refused, and directed him to me. I was just leaving the Council-chamber when he came, all the other members but one having gone. I immediately wrote, ' Do not execute Wilson till you hear further from the Council,' and directed it to the sheriff. I well knew the board intended to grant a further respite." Wilson started immediately on his return, the rain in the mean while having increased until it now de scended in heavy torrents, and the road in places was submerged in the water which the wayside ditches could not carry away as fast as it fell. On reaching the Middle Ferry over the Schuylkill — there was no bridge at that time — he found it was impossible to get conveyance over the river on such a night as it was and in the pelting storm. At daylight the next morn ing William was at the ferry, but the river, swollen by the preceding day's rain, was so threatening that the ferryman refused to attempt the passage of the stream, and, although Wilson told him that a human life hung on his movement, it was all in vain, he declined to endanger his own existence on any consideration. The hours were passing, and at last, fully assured that nothing would induce the ferryman to cross the river with the boat, William Wilson fastened the respite in the lining of his cap, which he placed on his head; then spreading a handkerchief over all, he tied the ends securely under his chin, and with great difficulty forced the horse he rode into the water. Right nobly did the animal breast the swiftly-flowing current which washed down the wide channel with terrific force, and in all probabilities it might have made the way safely to the other side had his course not been frequently impeded by drift-ice, and even heavy pieces of timber came driven onward by the flood, which, striking the beast, turned him repeatedly aside. At length, just when the edge of the current t Martin's " History of CheBter," p. 185. CRIMES AND PUNISHMENTS. 175 on the western side of the river had been passed, and the most difficult part of the crossing had been over come, the horse, completely exhausted, sank, leaving t . . William Wilson to battle with the wildly-rushing waters. By this time a number of persons, despite the storm that was raging, had gathered at the ferry- house, and the utmost anxiety prevailed among them as they watched the bold swimmer struggling with the stream, which ran like a sluiceway to the Delaware. The remarkable muscular strength of the man served him well, and although, physically, he was greatly exhausted when he landed on the oppo site shore, two miles below the point where he en tered the river on the Philadelphia side, he imme diately set about procuring another horse, and, after considerable delay, he started for Chester under spur and whip. The highway by this time was mid-leg deep with pasty mud. About mid-day at the latter place the storm abated, and as no reprieve had come, Sheriff Gibbons ordered the preliminary arrangements to be made for the execution. Nevertheless, he determined to> delay carrying out the sentence of the law to the last mo ment possible under his warrant, and even after the prisoner had been placed in the cart and the proces sion, followed by a large number of persons, was on its way to the usual place of execution, he stationed duly qualified deputies at some distance on the road to Philadelphia to notify him by white flags, of the approach of William Wilson with the papers he believed he would bring staying the work of death. The solemn cortege had reached the place desig nated,— a wild cherry-tree on "Hangman's Lot," at the intersection of Edgmont and Providence Ave nues, one of the branches extending some distance at right angles to the trunk, and whereon a little over seven years previously James Fitzpatrick had met his fate, — and the last moment designated for the execu tion was at hand. The unfortunate culprit was or dered to stand up in the cart, and the fatal noose was placed about her neck. There, in the presence of death, she reiterated that her former statement was true in every particular, then, after a few moments were spent in prayer, the last moment for carrying out the mandate of the law had come, and the cart in which she stood was drawn from beneath her feet. Elizabeth Wilson had been landed into eternity, but so engrossed were the spectators with anxiety for the coming of her brother that but few in the assembly knew when she was swung off, so intently were they watching the line of white flags leading to the Queen's Highway. A deep silence followed, hardly a word was spoken for more than a quarter of an hour save in whispers, when in the far distance a tiny white flag was ob served to be waved to and fro, to be caught up and repeated by the other flagmen, and a few moments thereafter a haggard, travel-stained man, bespattered with mud, bestriding a horse struggling from weak ness, that put forth renewed effort under the goading whip and spur, came into sight, holding in his hand at full arm's length a paper. The sheriff immediately cut the rope. The hoarse voice of the man shouting " A reprieve ! a reprieve !" was now audible, and a few moments thereafter William Wilson's horse fell, throwing the rider senseless, almost under the bough where his sister's body had lately been suspended. He came twenty-three minutes too late. The neck of the unhappy girl had been dislocated, and she had died without a struggle. When resuscitated, to the surprise of all beholders the man's face was stamped with lines of age and the dark locks of youth had turned to snowy whiteness. Agony in a few moments had done the work of years. The Pennsylvania Packet for Jan. 12, 1786, refers to the execution as follows : " On Tuesday, the 3d inst., the woman who waB tried and convicted at Chester, of murdering her two bastard children, ten weeks after their birth, was hanged at that place pursuant to her sentence, the respite given by the Honorable Council having expired." The sequel to this extraordinary case is peculiarly marked with dramatic features. When William Wil son was restored to health, for he lingered for some time after his sister's execution with a low fever, in which he, in delirious dreams, re-enacted his remark able efforts to save Elizabeth's life, he withdrew him self from the haunts of men, and taking up his abode in the Hummelstown cave in the Swatara Mountains, Dauphin County, led a solitary life, employing him self at his trade in making grindstones, which he sold to Mr. Wolfersberger, of Campbellstown. His cave was furnished with a table, a stove, a bed of straw, and a few cooking utensils. He was cleanly in his habits, and (a noticeable thing in these days) never shaved his face, but let his long, snowy beard sweep his breast, and he employed all his time when not at work with reading diligently his Bible and religious books. He was popularly known as the "Pennsyl vania Hermit." In the Harrisburg Intelligencer of Oct. 13, 1821, I find the following notice of his death : " Died lately at his lonely hovel among the hills, twelve miles southeast from Harrisburg, Pa., Wilson, who for many years endeavored to be a soli tary recluse from the society of men, excepting as far as was necessary for his support. His retirement was principally occasioned by the melancholy manner of the death of his sister, by which his reason was par tially affected. She had been condemned to die near Philadelphia for murder, in the hope of concealing her shame from the world, and the day of execution was appointed. In the mean time her brother used his utmost means to obtain her pardoD from the Governor. He had succeeded, and his horse foamed and bled as he spurred him homeward. But an un propitious rain had swollen the stream, he was com pelled to pace the bank with bursting brain and gaze upon the rushing waters that threatened to blast his 176 HISTORY OF DELAWARE COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA. only hope. At the earliest moment that a ford was practicable he dashed through, and arrived at the place of execution just in time to see the last struggle of his sister. This was the fatal blow. He retired to the hills of Dauphin County, where he employed himself in making grindstones for a livelihood. He was very exact in his accounts, but was observed fre quently to be estranged, and one morning was found dead by a few of his neighbors, who had left him the evening previously in good health." Long years ago the residents of Chester would fre quently relate the occasional appearance of a spectral white horse and rider which on stormy nights could be seen and heard clattering along Fourth Street at a headlong pace to the prison door, and that reached, the noise ceased and the apparition faded into the darkness. Many of the superstitious people of that day firmly believed that the phantom steed bore the unhappy William Wilson, whose fruitless ride to Philadelphia to obtain a respite for his sister that I have narrated still lingers in the traditions of our county. Jan. 21, 1786, Robert Wilson, or Elliott (for the " Colonial Record" uses both names in referring to this prisoner), was under sentence of death in the old jail at Chester, but the Executive Council saw fit to defer the execution until February 11th of the same year. Before that date came the Council pardoned him, on condition that " he transport himself beyond the seas, not to return to the United States." On June 5, 1786, from the proceedings of the Ex ecutive Council we learn that at that date John Mc- Donough and Richard Shirtliffe were in jail at Ches ter, under sentence of death for rape, and that the sheriff of the county was ordered to execute them on Saturday, June 17, 1786. Subsequently, with a re finement of cruelty hardly to be looked for from the men at the head of the State government, Council ordered that Richard Shirtliffe should be reprieved until further orders, directing, however, that the wel come intelligence should not be imparted to him until he had been taken under the gallows. What became of him subsequently I have not learned, but in less than four months there was a general jail de livery from the old jail at Chester, when, under the act of Sept. 25, 1786, Sheriff Gibbons removed all the prisoners to the new jail in Goshen township (now West Chester), and the " black stage, the cross-beam, the rope, and all the hideous apparatus of death" was removed, not to be erected again in this locality for the third of a century. Although no capital conviction was had in Dela ware County for twenty-nine years after its creation in 1789, it must not be supposed that no trials for murder occurred during that interval, for such would be a serious error. At the Court of Oyer and Ter miner held April 25, 1797, Jacob Rudolph, of Darby township, was tried for killing John Barr by striking him on the head with an iron rake. The defendant was convicted of involuntary manslaughter, and sen tenced to six months' imprisonment and costs. At a like court held in April, 1801, Samuel Black, Catha rine Black, and Sarah Campbell, of Marple, were tried for having beaten a negro girl named Patt with sticks so severely that she died from the injuries sus tained. The jury returned a verdict of not guilty as to all the defendants. Patrick Gallahoe, laborer, was tried Oct. 28, 1802, for the murder of Alexander Mc- Kettuck by striking him with a stick. The jury found the prisoner guilty of murder in the second de gree, and he was sentenced to sixteen years' imprison ment, four of which was to be solitary confinement and the remainder of the term at hard labor. On Jan. 30, 1806, Samuel Howard, a laborer, was tried for the murder of Abraham Stevenson. The accused had thrown the deceased into the river, where he was drowned. Howard was convicted of manslaughter, and sentenced to five years' imprisonment in the penitentiary at Philadelphia. At the October sessions, 1806, Francis Patterson was indicted and convicted of challenging Curtis Lownes, of Ridley, to fight a duel. The accused was sentenced to pay costs of prosecution, a fine of five hundred dollars, and to undergo an imprisonment in the county jail at hard labor for one year. In addi tion he was deprived of all rights of citizenship within the commonwealth for the term of seven years. On April 14, 1818, John H. Craig was tried for the murder of Squire Hunter, Of Newtown, an account of which crime will be found in the history of that town ship. At the January Oyer and Terminer, 1819, Charles Norton was convicted of rape, attended with aggra vated circumstances. Judge Ross sentenced him to be confined "in the goal and penitentiary-house of Philadelphia for a period of twenty-one years from this day, and to be confined and kept at hard labour, fed and clothed, as the Act of Assembly directs, and be placed during one-fourth o'f the said term in the solitary cells, that he pay the costs of prosecution, and be committed till the whole sentence is complied with." Thomas Prevard, who was convicted at the same court of a similar offense, received a like sen tence. Henry Duffey, at the January Oyer and Ter miner, 1820, was convicted of rape, and sentenced to imprisonment for fifteen years. At the April court, 1820, Benjamin Bevan was tried for the manslaughter of Ebenezer Cook by a blow on the head with a stick, causing death in three days thereafter. The jury by their verdict acquitted the accused. At the October Court of Oyer and Terminer, 1824, Michael Munroe, alias James Wellington, was con victed of the murder of William Bonsall, and Wash ington Labbe of murder in the second degree. An account of this case will be found in the history of Upper Darby township. On Jan. 16, 1827, James Fleming was tried for the CRIMES AND PUNISHMENTS. 177 murder of Patrick Gill. The prisoner had a knife in his hand when he was attacked by Gill, and in the quarrel Fleming struck the deceased with the weapon in the left side near the groin, causing the latter's death the same day. The defense was that the act was done in self-protection, and the jury acquitted Fleming. On Oct. 23, 1829, Thomas Brooke was arraigned for the murder of William Brook, a Revolutionary sol dier, the indictment setting forth that the accused had struck the deceased on the head with a stick, which killed him instantly. Hon. Edward Darling ton, the then deputy attorney-general, abandoned the case after a few witnesses had been examined for the commonwealth, stating that " there was not a shadow of proof to support the accusation." The jury, with out leaving the box, acquitted the defendant. Charles Williams, a colored man, who had been convicted of burglary, on Oct. 24, 1829, was taken by Sheriff Broomhall, of Delaware County, to undergo a term of imprisonment at Cherry Hill. It is stated that Williams was the first prisoner from any part of the State ever confined in the present Eastern Peni tentiary. At November court, 1836, Richard Milner Martin, a colored man, was tried for killing William Patton by striking him on the head with a stick of wood. He was acquitted. On Nov. 29, 1838, Thomas Mc Laughlin was tried for the murder of William Pierce. The defendant, November 16th of the same year, struck the deceased on the head with a handspike, and from the injury death ensued the same day. The jury convicted the accused of manslaughter, ac companying their finding with a recommendation of the prisoner "to the most extended leniency of the court." McLaughlin was sentenced to two years' imprisonment in the penitentiary. May 28, 1841, Thomas Cropper was convicted of the murder of Martin Hollis, and executed Aug. 6, 1841, in the jail-yard at Chester. This was the last capital conviction in Delaware County. A full ac count of this case will be given in the history of Birmingham. On Nov. 23, 1841, Thomas Vanderslice, known to the detectives as " Old Tom Vanderslice," was tried for passing counterfeit money. He refused to employ or have counsel assigned to conduct his defense, but managed his own case, and made a speech to the court (Judge Bell was on the bench) which was remarkable for its boldness and impudence. He was convicted, and sentenced to three years' incarceration in the penitentiary. After his discharge, on March 24, 1848, he fell into the river at Dock Street wharf, Philadel phia, and was drowned. On May 27, 1845, Alexander Harris, alias Dobson, was tried for the murder of Ruth Harris, an infant. The accused was a colored man, and the child was the fruits of his criminal intimacy with a white woman. The body of the infant was found at " Deep Hole," 12 in Darby Creek, at Calcoon Hook, in a bag, in which was a heavy stone to sink it in the water. The jury, after three hours' deliberation, found the prisoner not guilty. Nov. 27, 1846, Isaiah Spencer, indicted for shooting William Davis in the left breast, from which wound the latter died instantly, was arraigned. Spencer plead guilty to manslaughter, and was sentenced to two years in the penitentiary. May 28, 1862, Martha J. Long, of Chester, was tried for the murder of her bastard child. The pros ecution strove to show how she had strangled it, but the jury acquitted her of murder, but found her guilty of concealing the death of a bastard child. The court sentenced her to three months' imprisonment. On Feb. 23, 1864, George Wilkinson was indicted for the murder of Ellen Jones and John Blair, in Middletown. The particulars of this crime are nar rated in the history of that township. On Feb. 26, 1866, John Ward, charged with en gaging in a prize-fight with Farrell, near Linwood, which brutal exhibition took place on February 3d of the same year, was tried and convicted. The court sentenced him to two years' imprisonment in the Eastern Penitentiary. Jan. 6, 1869, James Weir, a lad thirteen years of age, living in Chester, was tried for the murder of John Thomas, a youth of sixteen. The boys were employed in Patterson Mill, had quarreled, and in the scuffle Weir, with his pocket-knife, stabbed Thomas, who died almost immediately. The jury convicted the prisoner of manslaughter, and he was sentenced to one year's imprisonment. On Novem ber 25th of the same year Thomas Bryson, a shoe maker, of Marple, was tried for the murder of William Stinson. The deceased and the accused had a diffi culty on September 22d, during which Bryson struck Stinson on the head with a stone, inflicting an injury from which death ensued the following day. The jury found a verdict of manslaughter, with a recom mendation to the mercy of the court. Bryson was sentenced to two years' imprisonment. Aug. 22, 1870, Sarah Seaburn, a widow, was tried for the murder of her father, Geo. Clay, of Upper Darby. She had struck him with a hatchet on the head, producing almost instant death. The jury ac quitted her on the ground of insanity, and she was committed to the county-house. Nov. 25, 1872, Joseph Worrall, Jr., was tried for the murder, in August preceding, of David Neidig. The deceased, with a number of ladies and gentle men, were walking near Lima, when all of the party, excepting the deceased, went into the yard of Mr. Stork's dwelling for a drink of water. One of the party in the yard cast a stone, striking the house, and Worrall, who was in the house, came out and threw a stone violently at the crowd, who were then in the road, which struck Neidig on the head. He died three days afterwards. The jury found the accused 178 HISTORY OF DELAWARE COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA. guilty of involuntary manslaughter, and he was sen tenced to one year and nine months' imprisonment. On Sept. 22, 1875, Charles McDevitt, a peddler, sixty years of age, living in Upper Darby, was tried for the murder of James Fletcher, of Haverford. On May 21st McDevitt was ordered away from Fletcher's house, was put out of the gate, and his bundle was tossed over in the road to him. " Throw my stick over, too," he said to Fletcher. From this a quarrel resulted, and during the scuffle the peddler stabbed Fletcher near the heart, killing him almost imme diately. The jury convicted McDevitt of man slaughter, and he was sentenced to imprisonment for one year. James Sheridan, a hired man on the farm of Samuel H. Hibberd, of Haverford, was killed Dec. 6, 1875, under the following circumstances : Six young men, accompanied with dogs, were gunning on Mr. Hib- berd's farm, where persons were interdicted from tres passing. The owner of the place took a double-bar reled gun, and, going to where the parties were, shot one of the dogs. This brought on a serious difficulty between the trespassers, Mr. Hibberd, and his hired men. In the struggle Sheridan grappled with John Baird, and the prosecution strove to show that Thomas Cromie, who had a gun, fired the shot killing Sheri dan, or that Frederick Troup had deliberately shot him from a lot adjoining. The case was tried March 10, 1876, the jury retired on Saturday night, and on Monday afternoon returned a verdict of voluntary manslaughter. The court sentenced Frederick Troup, John Baird, and Thomas Cromie each to three years' imprisonment in the county jail. On March 8, 1876, Josiah Porter, a colored man, was tried for the murder of Joseph Murray. The supervisors of Ridley were repairing the Lazaretto road, just above the Queen's Highway, and Porter, Murray, and a number of other men were there work ing. Some difficulty occurred between the two men respecting a shovel, which Murray took from Porter and then threw it back. The latter seized the shovel, and as Murray turned to walk away struck him over the head with it. Murray died several hours after receiving the blow. The jury found the prisoner guilty of murder in the second degree, and he was sentenced to ten years' imprisonment in the county jail. On the night of July 29, 1876, Lewis Kershaw, a police officer of Chester, arrested three young men in South Ward, and while he was taking them to the lock-up several persons interfered, and James Mc- Ginley broke away and ran, pursued by the officer. The latter overtook his prisoner, a scuffle followed, during which the officer's pistol was discharged, the ball lodging in McGinley's side, wounding him so se verely that he died before morning. The grand jury at the September court ignored the bills of indictment against Kershaw which were laid before them by the district attorney. John Duffey, charged with the murder of Thomas Conner, at Rockdale, on the night of Aug. — •, 1880, was tried Sept. 27, 1880. The commonwealth sought to show that Duffey and William Frame had had a dispute, and a short time afterwards, when at the Rockdale depot, where there were a number of per sons, Duffey fired at Frame, the ball striking Conner, a young man in no wise party to the difficulty, killing him instantly. The defense alleged that in drawing his pistol it was accidentally discharged, and there was no intention on Duffey's part to injure any one. The jury convicted him of involuntary manslaughter, and he was sentenced to nine months' imprisonment in the county jail. On Sept. 23, 1881, Patrick Kilcorse was tried for the murder of his wife on the 4th of July previous. The prisoner had quarreled with his wife the night before, and she had sought shelter in an outhouse, where she remained all night. In the morning the neighbors heard a heavy blow, and going in found Mrs. Kilcorse lying on the floor, blood trickling from her head. It was proposed to send for a doctor, but the prisoner said, "No, d n her, let her die." The jury convicted Kilcorse of murder in the second de gree, and he was sentenced to twelve years' imprison ment in the penitentiary. On June 7, 1883, Dennis Green, a colored man of Chester, was tried for the murder of James Clark. The defendant struck the deceased on the head with a blackjack, on the night of the 23d of February. Clark, after receiving the blow, went home, and was found dead in his bed the following morning. The jury convicted Green of murder in the second degree, but recommended him to the mercy of the court. He was sentenced to ten years' solitary confinement in the penitentiary. William H. Collins, on Sept. 26, 1883, was arraigned for the murder of his wife, near Lee's Dam, at Leip- erville. The prosecution sought to show that on June 5th the accused, an intemperate man, had beaten his wife, also of intemperate habits, and had stamped on her with his feet, inflicting such injuries that she died the same night. Collins was convicted of murder in the second degree, and sentenced to twelve years' im prisonment in the penitentiary. CHAPTER XIX. MANNERS AND CUSTOMS— HOW INHABITANTS OF DELAWARE COUNTY LIVED IN FORMER YEARS. Houses. — The progress of a nation is traced not in the life of an individual, who, from some personal or fortunate circumstance, was elevated for the time being above his fellows, but is found in the narrative of the daily lives of the people, whereby we learn how they were sheltered, fed, and clothed, and the MANNERS AND CUSTOMS. 179 manners and customs which marked them as a whole. Hence, believing as I do that civilization means nothing more than advanced cultivation, which brings as its results comforts and luxuries before un known, as well as the general diffusion of knowledge in the arts and sciences, constituted the true annals of a people, I purpose, as briefly as I can, to present a sketch of how the inhabitants of Delaware County lived from the early settlement until within recent years. We have little record of the Swedish settlers along the Delaware previous to the coming of Penn in 1682, but from these meagre accounts we learn that the houses of the early Swedish settlers were built of logs, and the doors were so low that a person of ordi nary stature was compelled to stoop in entering or leaving the buildings, while the apartments within had low ceilings, hardly over six feet in the clear, and the roughly-hewed rafters supporting the roof were devoid of laths and plaster. The windows were small, -mere frames set in the logs, and although the families who indulged in more costly luxuries than their neighbors had the openings glazed with isin glass, in general only a rough board slide shut out the cold on extreme winter days, and was usually closed during the night. The chimneys, with huge fireplaces, were occasionally built of gray sandstone, but often the stacks were erected of turf on the out side of the houses. In many of the early dwellings small rooms just large enough to spread a bed were partitioned off from the main lower apartments, and the floors were laid in stone, or, oftener, simply clay, which by constant use became very hard. With the English settlers came many of the im provements which the progressive age between 1640 and 1680 had introduced into general use, but so rapid was the influx of immigrants, mostly Friends, fleeing from the religious oppression they had been subjected to in the mother-country, that habitations could not be erected quickly enough to supply the demand, even where the simple form of building suggested by Penn1 was constructed, and many fam- 1 " To build there an House of thirty foot long and eighteen foot broad, with a partition neer the middle, and an other to divide one end ¦of the House into two small Rooms, there must be eight Tree of about sixteen Inches square, and cut off to Poets of about fifteen foot long, which the House must stand upon, and four pieces, two of thirty foot long and two of eighteen foot long, for Plates, which must lie upon the top of these Posts, the whole length and breadth of the House for the Gists to rest upon. There muBt be ten Gists of twenty foot long to bear the Lofts and two false Plates of thirty foot long, to lie upon the ends of the GiBts for the Rafters to be fixed upon, twelve pair of RafterB of about twenty foot, to bear the Roof of the House, with several other small pieces, as Wind-beams, Braces, Studs, etc., which are made out of the Waste Timber. For covering the House, Ends aud Sides, and for the Loft, we use Clabboard which is Rived feather-edged of five foot and a half long, that well Drawn, lyes close and smooth. The Lodging Room may he lined with the same and filld up between, which is very Warm. These houses usually endure ten years without Repair. £ s d. For the carpenter's work for such a House, I and my servants assisting him, together with bis Diet 7 00 For a Barn of the same Building and Dimensions 5 00 For Nails and other things to finish Both 3 10 ilies sought shelter in great trees, while others of the new-comers were compelled, in many instances, to dig caves in the ground, near the river-bank and those of the creeks, wherein they took up their abode until they could construct permanent habitations. These caves were mere excavations or cellars in the bank, and were about three feet in depth, while over these openings brush was placed so as to form an arched roof about six feet in the clear, which was covered with sods. In such a cave as this Emanuel Grubb was born, near Upland, iu 1682. The suffer ings of these settlers were great, for it should be re membered that most of them were "not people of low circumstances, but substantial livers," and in the work of constructing these rude habitations women who had been used to all the refinements and com forts of English life at that day were compelled to take part, and aided their husbands and fathers therein, for hired labor was scarce and could hardly be had at any price. The log cabins of the early settlers were generally built on low ground for a twofold purpose, to be near a spring of water and for protection from the bleak and piercing winds of winter. In the construction of these habitations the logs were notched together at the corners, which after being raised were hewn down both inside and outside, while the spaces be tween the logs were filled in or " chinked" with stones or wood, and then plastered over with mortar or clay. The roofs were covered with oak shingles. Locks in ordinary use were unknown; the doors were opened by strings, which on being pulled from the outside raised heavy wooden latches within, to which they were made fast, and intrusion was prevented when the inmates pulled the latch-strings in at the outer doors. From this common practice originated the ancient saying descriptive of generous hospitality, "The latch-string is always out." The chimneys of the English settlers, as well as those of the Swedish houses, were of immense size, frequently capable of receiving a cord-wood stick, in those days when wood was abundant and the cold intense. Frequently, too, benches would be placed at each side of the chimney so that persons could seat themselves near to and en joy the blaze, particularly when the heat therefrom to a large percentage was drawn up the stack and dis charged into the atmosphere outside. As heretofore stated, a number of the English set tlers were in good circumstances, and before many years brick and stone dwellings were erected. In the towns this was noticeably the case, and as bricks were made at Chester2 as early as 1684, and previous to " The lower floor is the Ground, the upper Clabboard. This may seem a mean way of Building, but 'tis sufficient and safest for ordinary be ginners." (Direction to such persons as are inclined to America, 1682, Penn. Mag. of Hist., vol. iv. p. 334.) 2 Vice-Director Alrichs, under date of Sept. 1, 1657, wrote to Stuyve sant from New Castle, and among other things states, " Since Sr Corne lius Hogeboom, a brick-maker, has arrived here, and hiB son and broth er's son are living at Fort Orange (Albany) or on the road to Mrs. 180 HISTORY OF DELAWARE COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA. that date at Burlington and Philadelphia, the wealth ier classes employed that material for building pur poses. The houses then erected were generally large and roomy, giving the inmates almost all the comforts, so far as the buildings were concerned, then known to the mother-country. The old Porter house in Chester, built by David Lloyd thirty-nine years after Penn first landed in Pennsylvania, was an imposing structure even to the hour of the explosion which de stroyed it, and affords to the present generation the opportunity to learn with what stability the buildings were constructed in the early time. Early Schools. — The settlers were not unmindful of intellectual training, and in the act of March 10, 1683, which set forth that "to the end that the Poor, as well as the Rich, may be instructed in good and commendable learning, which is to be preferred above wealth," is given the first outline of the public-school system which promises to be in the future, as it has been in the past, the anchor of safety to the nation in times of public peril. It is difficult to determine when the first school was established in our county, but certain it is that at the middle of the last century there were quite a number scattered throughout the territory now included within our boundaries. These structures were generally of logs, and the urchins sat on frames fashioned in every case from the side slabs from the saw-mills, while books were scarce. Townsend Ward1 describes the manner of teaching practiced towards the end of the last century by no less a person than Alexander Wilson. " His scholars were instructed in the mode of those days, which has become so obsolete now that the very first steps in it are a puzzle to the adult. The alphabet in the form of a cross was called the Christ Cross Row. Each vowel had to be sounded 'by itself,' when it was reached, and the word 'by itself repeated. The rapidity of pronunciation, however, soon turned 'by itself into 'bisself,' so the anxious urchin rushed through his alphabet in this way, ' A, bisself a, B, C, D, E bisselfe, F, G, H, I bisselfi, etc. He ended with a z as now, but called it izard, and the flourish at the end, Ampeisand, he called Ann pussy Ann." In a letter2 dated Chester township, Tenth month," 1725, from Richard Park to his sister, Mary Valen tine, then in Ireland, the writer states that " Uncle Nicholas Kooper lives very well, he rents a Planta tion & teaches School and his man doe his Planta tion work," which is the first mention of a peda gogue by name since Evans Petterson, in 1672. The schoolmaster of that day was a local despot; the chil- Hutter's, therefore he goes there to visit the same and to speak (with them), also to see if he can persuade them to come with him." Alrichs urges Stuyvesant to use his influence to have Hogeboom locate on the Delaware. (Penna. Archives, 2d series, vol. vii. p. 516.) May 14, 1669, Alrichs states that Cornelis Herperts de Jager had " established in the country near hear a brick-kiln and employed 4 persons at it." (Ib , p. 561.) 1 " A Walk to Darby," Penna. Mag. of History, vol. iii. p. 258. 2 Penna. Mug, of History, vol. v. p. 351. dren were under his absolute sway from the time they left their homes until they returned thereto again in the afternoon. His sceptre was the birch, and often would he wield his emblem of power to the discom fiture of the unhappy lad who had aroused his wrath. Household Duties of the Women.— At home the matron and her growing daughter had their daily rou tine of labor, which, beginning oftentimes long before daybreak, extended into the night until the old saw, " A man's work is from sun to sun, But a woman's work is never done," was often proved a truth. Her household duties were severe and varied, demanding some knowledge of medicine sufficient to open a vein in a case of emer gency, or the preparation of certain infallible reme dies to cure intermitting, remitting, and bilious fevers and children's disorders, composed of the most nau seating herbs, simmered to a sickening decoction, which was doled out to the unfortunate patients in generous potation. With the exception of her husband's Sun day coat, which was the one, carefully preserved, that he had worn at his wedding, the mother had to make all the garments worn by the father and boys from the flax and wool ; all the bedding and household linen had to be made at home, as well as the beds, which required that a goodly flock of geese be kept to supply the feathers, which had to be steamed and cured for that purpose ; the poultry came under the supervision of the women, as did also the care of the young calves ; cheese and butter had to be made for the market; frequently, too, the gardening for the family table was left to the care of the females of the household, and the gathering and drying of, herbs always was a part of their duty. In the butchering season pork and salt meat must be cured sufficiently for the whole year, sausage and lard made for the winter. These were extra matters just thrown in to fill out the odds and ends of the matron's time, for the duties mentioned did not include the every-day work of cooking, milking, carrying water, scrubbing, darning, and for the first twenty odd years of her married life to still the crying babe or nurse it, and often then, as she hushed the sobbing child asleep, her busy fingers plied the knitting-needles, so that not a moment of her time should be idled away, and the weekly washing and ironing, nor yet the day set apart for dipping candles, which entered into the domestic economy with the regularity of the annual county taxes. It was an interesting and intellectual occupation on candle day, when several huge kettles filled with melted tallow were suspended from the crane over the blazing logs, while at the opposite side of the kitchen two or more long poles, about two feet apart, stretched their full length from one chair-seat to another, the abutments on which the ends of the rods rested. Across these poles were pendent strands of tow at designated distances, for at the time of which I now write candle-wick had not been invented. MANNERS AND CUSTOMS. 181 Near these poles were great kettles containing melted tallow, which floated on the top of hot water, and into the kettles the women would dip the strands of tow and hang them, each in its place, on the stick to dry. Before the proper amount of tallow was depos ited by this slow process on the wick — for the thicker the candle the more brilliant the light — the weary dipper would walk many a mile before her work was finished. After the candles were made they had to be carried on the poles to a dry, sunny spot in the garret, where they could harden and become thoroughly dry. The good wife, however, had to see that the best room was sprinkled with clean white sand, and it was a mat ter of pride to draw various figures thereupon with the broom. The high-backed walnut, and (after the intro duction of the wood as appropriate for furniture during Queen Anne's reign) mahogany chair and tables were waxed and polished till they reflected like a mirror. In every house there were the warming-pans of brass, which must be kept scoured and hungin easy reach, so that they could be used to take the chill off the sheets in bedrooms that were as cold " as Greenland's icy mountains." And when flax was prepared for spin ning the matron sat early and late ; particularly dur ing the long winter evenings the humming noise of the big wheel was constantly heard. To be sure, the lads and lasses of that day had their merry-making, although their sports to us seem some what like hard work. Flax-pulling, when the boys and girls pulled along together and bound it into small sheaves, was regarded as fun, while the " husk ing" parties at night were looked forward to with great expectations and much preparations ; quilting and carpet-ball sociables — the latter after the Revo lution, when people discovered that from rags a strong, serviceable covering for floors could be made — were much in vogue, and were concluded usually with dancing and boisterous games. Evening Amusements.— Usually at night, when the winter evening meal was ended and the room had been put to rights, the family would assemble round the open-mouthed fireplace in the kitchen, where on the hearth the massive andirons sustained a crackling mass of hickory-wood, lapped by the flaming tongues as the blaze " went roaring up the chimney wide." Along the heavy, unplastered joists of the floor above, darkened with age and smoke, from iron hooks were suspended a goodly number of portly hams, dried beef, long ropes of onions, and dried apples. On the deal table, without a cover, a tallow candle shed a dim, uncertain light around the apartment, and often the black and crisped wick required to be snuffed, while not unfrequently a thief would get in the can dle, and the tallow on one side would run to the base of the stick in a rivulet of melted grease. In one of the angles of the room a large corner cupboard af forded through its glass doors glimpses of an array of blue china which at this day would have been the idol of the collection craze, and an eight-day clock in a tall mahogany case ticked in the chilly hall, while the moon moving along the opening in the dial, represented usually by a cherub's face, plump and florid-cheeked, told the farmer when and when not to plant his crops. Around the cheery fire the family, seated on hard, uncushioned chairs, gathered, the fe males spinning, or perchance Miss-in-her-teens, who had paid a visit to her relatives in the city, would be busily employed working in crewel geometrical fig ures of a dog, sheep, or other fabulous animal or plant, the like of which never existed " in the heav ens above, the earth below, or the waters under the earth." The hunting- or watch-dog, curled close to the fire, dozed as his owner smoked, talked of the weather, the crops, the state of the market, his or others' stock, or laid out the next day's work. Perchance, when a neighbor dropped in, the con versation would relate to the social happenings of the vicinity, or at intervals of that great world, the city, but it usually drifted into recollections of the old people, narrations of hunting adventures, and marvelous tales of witches, goblins, and haunted places. The old people would relate traditionary stories of Margaret Mattson, the witch of Ridley Creek, and her divers ill-doings; they would tell how it was recorded by Hesselius, the Swedish priest, that in the early time of the settlement rain fell on a par ticular black oak for fifteen days, while not a drop of moisture touched the other trees in the neighborhood ; and how a captain of a certain ship, noted for his pro fanity and crimes, while sailing up the Delaware, was seized bodily by the devil, who hurled him into the river, where he was drowned, in full sight of many lookers-on.1 But, strange as it may seem, no stories of men suddenly and mysteriously changed into wolves, the were-wolf of Swedish folk-lore, seem ever to have taken root in this soil. There would be, however, narration of the terrible and supernat ural. It would be told how Blackbeard, the pirate, used to anchor his vessel off Marcus Hook, where, at the house of a Swedish woman whose name, Mar garet, he transformed into Marcus, because of the locality of her dwelling, he and his crew held mad revels there, and the expression "Discord Lane" be came so connected with the town's story that it has ever since been preserved as the title of one of its streets. So, too, would they describe the Bloody Tree, near Chester, on the King's Highway, whose leaves were spotted with gore, and from whose branches, if a twig was cut or broken off, oozed a sap-like blood,2— the indelible mark of a brutal, un- i Acrelius, " History of New Sweden," pp. 279-80. 2 ThiB story is really of Maryland origin, and was transplanted here, as such narratives are usually transitory in character. The legend of the " Bloody Holly-Bush" is as follows : " There is also a legend current among the old citizens of Elk Neck, which may properly be called the legend of the 'Bloody Holly-Bush,' which originated from a murder committed on the Ferry farm while it was occupied by Hans Rudolph, the proprietor of the ferry. Rudolph had a negro slave, who for some reason was confined in jail at the point, and who made his escape and 182 HISTORY OF DELAWARE COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA. atoned murder that nature would not permit to be effaced. Sometimes a swaggering braggart would declare that as he rode along the White Horse level, on the Queen's Highway, through Ridley, he had en countered the ghost of Luke Nethermarke, who, about the middle of the last century, in galloping his horse at night amid the storm and the darkness as he hastened homeward, rode into a tree which had been blown down by the gale and was killed ; while others would tell the story of the phantom sentinel, who, when an English vessel of war was lying off Tinicum during the British occupation of Philadelphia, was stationed to walk post over one of the boats sent ashore with a foraging party, was shot and killed by the Whigs in the neighborhood, and whose spectre annually re appears on the anniversary of the night on which he was slain. Sometimes the tradition was of Moggey,1 who refused to rest quietly in her grave ; of the phan tom white steed and rider, who dashed semi-occa- sionally on dark and stormy nights through the streets of Chester; of the murdered peddler at Munday's Run, who showed the ragged cut in his brawny throat; or the slain woman who made the archway of the old granary at Chester a spot to be avoided after dusk; while the mere school-lads in the vicinity of Chester would tell of the evil spirit, a caco-demou,2 who inhabited the cellar of the old school house at Welsh and Fifth Streets. Sometimes the stories would relate to money buried along the shores of the Delaware and its tributary streams by pirates, who had slain a comrade or a captive that the murdered man should guard the blood-stained treasure ever from all save the hands of those who had sold themselves to perdition for the accursed gold. I can remember as a lad how some of the old people told me as a truth the adventures of three men from the neighborhood of Chester, who strove to obtain a hidden treasure buried on the river-shore on Laws' or Jeffery's farm (I do not remember the exact location) ; how they dug in silence until the top of a large iron box thickly covered with bosses was uncovered ; how one of the men in the exuberance of his joy spoke, and the box sank out of sight, amid heavy thunder, which growled and muttered overhead, and strange swam across tbe river, and procured a gun and bid himself beside a log about a mile from the old ferry-house. His mastor, while hunting for him, approached his place of concealment and shot him, his blood be spattering the green leaves of a holly-bush near where he stood. The leaves of a holly-bush still growing there are flecked with crimson Bpots, as is alleged, from some supernatural cause. There is no doubt of the red spots being on the leaves of the holly-bush, but they are caused by Bome peculiarity of the soil in which it grows." — Johnson's History of Cecil County, Md., p. 200. 1 "The Bite of Knowlton, up to the year 1800, was a perfect wilder ness. Near the head gates of the mill there was formerly the mark of a grave the occupant of whicli tradition named Moggey, and from that circumstance the crossing of the creek was named Moggey's Ford. As Moggey had the reputation of making her appearance occasionally, it required no little courage in the traveler in early times to cross the ford at night." — Dr. Smith's History of Delaware County, p. 399. 2 Sketches of Public Schools of Chester, by W. B. Broomall, Delaware County Republican. lights which flashed and danced through the darkness as the disappointed men hastened away. This was only one of the number of narratives of treasure-dig gers in various locations, while along Chester and Ship Creek, Darby and Marcus Hook Creeks, many places were designated where treasures had been buried. The belief in witchcraft had not died out absolutely thirty years ago, for a case occurred in this county wherein charms were used to thwart the evil eye of an old woman, whom it was believed had cast a spell over the cattle of a person of the same township ; and the myth of the divining rod was accepted as true by many persons. Samuel Breck, as late as 1820, states that Alexander Wilson, a Quaker preacher, was noted as possessing " the gift of finding water with a divin ing rod."8 Snake stories then as now were much relished by the rustic populace, and awakened general interest. William Moraley" relates that "In a Wood near a Place called Ophoginomy (Appoquinimink, New Cas tle Co., Del.), I espied a Snake lying in a Pathway; endeavoring to shun it by going out of the Road, I accidentally trod upon another, which immediately twined itself about my Right Leg and squeezed it so hard that I was afraid it would have broken. After I had stood sometime, expecting to be bit, the snake dropped upon the Ground and I came off unhurt. I viewed it and found I had tread upon the Head, which prevented its Biting. I look'd upon this as a Mercy, and return'd Thanks to the Author of Good for my Deliverance. It was a Horn Snake, Six Foot Long." The latter statement, of course, brings Moraley's adventure within the line of snake stories, for most persons of the present day would believe he saw a unicorn, if he said so, as readily as they do that he saw a horn (?) snake. But Capt. Heinrichs, of the Yager Corps, in 1778,5 writing from Philadelphia to friends in Germany, records a snake story that fills the measure to overflowing. He says, "There is nothing more terrible than the big rattlesnake, which is from twelve to sixteen feet long, and which, as it is believed here, kills at its glance. A countryman in my quar ters lost a relative of his in this way some years ago. He had gone hunting, and seeing a bear standing still, aimed at and shot it; scarcely had he reached the bear when he too was obliged to stand motionless, remaining thus awhile, fell and died; all this was caused by a rattlesnake, which was perched in a high tree." Marriages. — Governor Printz recognizes the Bib lical injunction in his report for 1647 6 to the West India Company, wherein he set forth the wants in the infant colony of certain skilled labor, adding, " All these are of great necessity here, and, above all, a 3 Breck's " Recollections," p. 3U3. 4 "The Voyages and Adventures of William Moraley," written by himself. Newcastle (England), 1743. ' Penna. Mag. of Hist., vol. i. p. 43. 8 lb., vol. vii. p. 276. MANNERS AND CUSTOMS. 183 good number of unmarried women for our unmarried freemen and others;" but whether this request was complied with by the home authorities does not appear, so far as I have ascertained. After the territory had passed into the ownership of the English crown, and subsequently under Penn's, we learn that spinsters were one of the rarities of the province, for quaint old Gabriel Thomas informs us that " old maids were not to be met with, for all commonly marry before they are twenty years of age." The state of marriages soon became the subject of legal enactment, which, under the Duke of York laws, was not to be entered into unless the bans had been asked in the church three several days, or a special license had been procured, and the marriage must be registered. If there was no church or meeting-house in the locality where the parties lived, notice must be given by posting the names on the door of the con stable's house, and on those of two of the overseers of the poor. The legal age for females was as now, — twenty-one years, — excepting in cases when the par ents were dead, when it was eighteen years. Among the laws agreed upon in England by Penn before he came to the province were the following regulating marriages : " That all marriages (not forbidden by the law of God, as to the nearness of blood and affinity by mar riage) shall be encouraged ; but the parents or guar dians shall be first consulted, and the marriage shall be published before it be solemnized, and it shall be solemnized by taking one another as husband and wife before credible witnesses, and a certificate of the whole, under the hands of parties and witnesses, shall be brought to the proper Register of the county, and shall be registered in his office." To prevent clandestine marriages, the person per forming the ceremony in violation of law, by the act of March 10, 1683, was fined twenty pounds, while the parties married were fined ten pounds. Under the administration of Governor Fletcher the notice of an intended marriage must be posted on the meet ing- or court-house door one full month before the ceremony was performed, and when solemnized it must be in the presence of at least twelve persons. By the act of 1693 a justice of the peace was required to be present at every marriage, and the certificate must be signed by twelve persons who were present on the occasion. This requirement was, however, not applicable to parties who were married according to the form of the Church of England. The act of 1700 imposed a fine of five pounds on all persons pres ent at a clandestine marriage, and they were also j liable to pay to the party aggrieved all damages that they may have sustained by reason of such marriage. .Under this law a servant who married without the consent of his or her master being first had thereto was compelled to serve one year after the expiration of his or her indentured term, and if a free man mar ried a bonded servant woman, he was required to pay whatever damages the master could prove he had suf fered by the act, and where a free woman married a bonded servant man, she was subject to make pay ment to her husband's master for the damage her marriage had occasioned the latter, the sum to be assessed by the justices. Robert Wade, a good man and true, who lived up to the law, and so far as was in his power insisted that others should do so, at the court held first and second days of first week, Tenth month, 1684, presented Joseph Cookson " for taking a wife contrary to the good and wholesome Laws of this Province," and the court ordered that Cookson should find security for ten pounds. At the court held 3d day of Tenth month, 1685, a case was tried that showed that practical jokes were played in early times which, as now, resulted to the disadvantage of some person. The circumstances in the instance mentioned were briefly these: Matthew Risley was at the public-house of Henry Hollings- worth, on Edgmont Avenue, Second Street, Chester, when a company " came from Maryland to the inn. Some of the latter knew Risley, and the conversation turned on marriage, when one of the Marylanders asked Risley whether he could marry a couple now?" to which interrogation he replied, " Yes, for twenty pounds;" but afterwards said that he would do it for two pieces of eight. The former then stated " she was an heiress." Risley, however, declared that for a pot of beer he would clear them even if she was an heiress. Thereupon the Marylanders called for two pots of beer and gave them to Risley, who told the woman she must get up very early in the morning and mount the horse first, and then take the man she desired for her husband up behind her on the horse. If she did this he promises "to clear them all." The arrangement, however, seemed not to meet their ap proval, but they earnestly insisted on being married that night. Whereupon Risley " went and got a Bible, and so proceeded as far as they thought they could well let him, and then one of the company untied a morning gown, as the man had on, and so he dis covered him to be a man and not a woman that he was marrying." This circumstance coming to the ears of the grand jury, that body presented Risley, who, at the next court, on being arraigned, acknowl edged the facts as herein stated, whereupon the court sentenced him to receive thirteen lashes, pay the costs and be for the term discharged. The clerk records (the only instance I find where such an entry is made), " which said number of lashes were laid on his bare back." Under what law this corporal punishment was inflicted I have failed to learn. At the December court in the previous year the grand jury presented " Edward Beyer and Jeane Col- lett for being unlawfully married about the 13 of the 7th month last 1697." The defendant, Edward Beyer, " came into Court and proffered a petition and de clared it was thro' ignorance, and the Court, consider- 184 HISTORY OF DELAWARE COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA. ing of the same, moved that he pay the charges of the Court and to make his address to the Governor." The court records afford several instances of the violation by and punishment of indentured servants under the act of 1700 for marrying without the con sent of the masters having been had thereto; but I will refer only to one interesting case, which was heard Feb. 26, 1633-34. Job Harvey, by petition, in formed the court that Joseph Fisher, his servant, had married Mary Jones, a free woman, without his con sent, and asked that the offenders may be dealt with according to law. " Therefore it is considered by the Court whereby adjudged that the said Joseph Fisher for his said Offence Serve his sd Master or his Assigns one year after the Expiration of his former Servitude and that the sd Mary Jones (or by what other name she may be now called) pay the sd Job Harvey for her said offence the sum of Six pounds or serve the said Job Harvey or assigned one year in Lieu thereof." Dr. Smith states1 that at a meeting of Friends at Haverford, in 1699, it was ordered, in respect to courtship in the future, " that all young men among Friends make known their intentions to their parents or guardians before they acquaint the young woman's relations, and to make it known to the woman's parents or guardians, before they speak to them, and if they do otherwise, that they shall condemn the same before they proceed any further." This restric tion, at this time, was general in the society. The records of Friends' meeting in those early days is largely composed of matters appertaining to mar riages among the members, and in faded ink is noted these matters which, to the then living, was the most momentous step in life. In the minutes of Chester Meeting, under date of Sixth month 27, 1705, is re corded the wise act of a young woman, who learned before, not after the ceremony was performed, that there was wanting on her part that true affection without which marriage life is utterly miserable. In the case alluded to, Thomas Martin and Jane Hent had passed meeting, but for some reason the ceremony had not followed this approval, and the woman's meeting, where matters of that kind would more likely be talked about, briefly informs us "the above sd marriage not being accomplished, two wo men Friends, viz. : Alice Simcock and Rebecca Fau- cett spoak to Jane Hent to know the Reason thereof and her answer was that shee could not Love him well enough to bee her Husband. She also said that shee was very sorry that shee had proceeded so far with him." In the early part of the last century the wedding- day was held as a festival, and William Moraley in forms us that, about 1735, among the Pennsylvania colonists, "Their marriages are very chargeable, many times Wife's Fortunes being expended at the Celebration of the Nuptials." At that time the bride 1 History of Delaware County, p. 198. going to church, or after the ceremony to her future home, wore a long black hood over her head instead of a bonnet. Two yards of rich paduasoy, Watson tells us, was required to make this hood, and it was the custom to loan this article of apparel, so that one hood covered the heads of many brides before it was discarded as too shabby for further use. Towards the middle of the last century marriages were usually cel ebrated about noon, and generally at the house of the bride's parents. The utmost good feeling prevailed, and the cheer made up in its abundance whatever it might lack, according to our modern notions, in va riety or display of the confectioner's skill. About the beginning of this century it may be questioned whether any person then residing within this county of Delaware had ever tasted ice cream, but the wed ding dinner was something to gladden the eyes of a hungry man, while punch was dealt out in profusion. In addition to the feast at home, it was the custom to send out cakes, meats, and punch to everybody in the neighborhood, rich or poor alike, whether visitor or not of the family. In the evening usually the bride and groom were escorted to their home by a long pro cession of old-fashioned chairs or gigs containing their friends or relatives, and, if the family permitted such vanities as dancing, after the supper had been cleared away an old negro, who played by ear on a sharp, rasp'ing violin, would strike up the music of some contra (country) dance or jig, keeping time to the air with his feet, the beat of which on the bare floor could be heard above the squeaking sounds of his fiddle. When the company formed in two long rows and the smiling musician played " Sir Roger de Coverley," or, as we of this generation term it, the "Virginia Reel," each couple at the head of the line knew it was their turn to begin by a signal from the dusky Orpheus, which consisted of a profound bow, accompanying the motion by an emphatic stamp on the floor. The gentlemen, in their pumps, would then exhibit some extraordinary figures, interspersing the merriment with the double-shuffle or cutting the pigeon-wing, while the smiling girls would bounce about on the tips of their toes very much as they do in this year of grace, 1884. Sometimes, when a few of the more ambitious young people, who had visited the city, desired to astonish the natives, they would go through the mazy movement of the minuet to the astonishment of the rustics. Many games of forfeit filled in the hours, while the elders would have a rubber at whist with something depending on the result to add zest to play, or try their fortune at high- low-Jack and the game. About nine o'clock, or ten at the latest, the bride would be spirited away by her maids, and shortly after the groomsmen would con duct the newly-made husband to his wife. At a later hour the company would ascend to the bridal cham ber, taking with them refreshments to the married couple, generally in the form of liquor. Then one of the bride's stockings would be thrown across the bed MANNERS AND CUSTOMS. 185 among the guests, aud the person that it struck, it was believed, would be the next one of the company to be married. After good wishes for the future welfare of the wedded pair, and a kiss to the bride by every man present, the assembly would depart to their respective homes. Burials. — Death is surer even than taxes, hence it is to be expected that early in our county annals we should learn of provisions being made to inter the dead. As far back as 1746, Campanius records that at the Swedish graveyard at Tinicum "the first corpse that was buried was Andrew Hansan's daughter, Cath erine, and she was buried on the 28th of October, which was Simon's and Jude's day." In the Duke of York's laws it is stated that the pri vate burial of servants and others had occasioned much scandal, that by such a custom it could not be ascertained if death had resulted from natural causes or violence, "for remedy whereof, and for the greater decency of burials," it was provided that a public burial-place should be set apart and fenced in each parish, and before any corpse should be buried three or four of the neighbors should be called in, one of whom must be an overseer of the poor, whose duty it was to view the body, and if there were not suspicious circumstances, " yet according to the decent custom of Christencfom they may accompany it to the grave." The burial of a free person or an indentured slave in any localities other than the public graveyard was in terdicted by law, unless in their lifetime the deceased had signified their desire of being interred elsewhere. Funerals in the early days were as extravagantly costly, the circumstances of the people considered, as at the present day ; not in the undertaker's bill or car riages used, for the corpse was borne to the place of interment, we are told by William Worrall, during the greater part of the last century on men's shoul ders, the coffin being swung on poles, so that the funeral procession, generally walking, might wind along the pathways with more ease, for they often fol lowed the footpaths over the fields to the place of sepulture, but in the feasts given to those who at tended the ceremonies. The poles spoken of by Mr. Worrall must have been the primitive bier, which are alluded to in the records of Chester meeting, under date of Seventh month 30, 1706, in which " it is agreed at this meeting that a decent bear bee Keept att every Grave Yard, and that every preparative (meeting) within the limits of this meeting do get one made speedily." As soon as a death occurred in a family the neigh bors came in and made arrangements for theYuneral, scouring the brass-work until it shone like new coin, for the old furniture was decorated with many brass ornaments, scrubbing the uncarpeted floors, dusting, baking, and cooking, until the house of mourning was fairly put to rights and the repast prepared for the funeral day. Warners were started out on horseback to -ask persons to be present at the burial services, who on riding to the door of the dwelling would an nounce in monotonous tones, " Thyself and family are respectfully invited to attend the funeral of Thomas Smith, Fourth day next at two o'clock," while others would make frequent visits to the cross-road store to lay in groceries and other necessary articles needed for the table. Others of the neighbors would take their place as watchers over the body, which, stretched on a cooling board with a sheet over it, was never left alone. At night lighted candles were placed in the room, and refreshments provided for those who were sitting up with the corpse. The pictures and looking- glasses in the room where the body lay were covered with white muslin, so that the dead figure would not be reflected therein. After the body was interred, in the case of the death of a man of means, all the company would re turn to the house and the will would be read. The disposition of his estate by the deceased would afford a topic of conversation in the neighborhood for a week at least. The following is a bill for funeral services of one John Middleton, of Delaware County, Pa., in 1719. The original copy is in the possession of Taylor Thompson, undertaker in New Garden township, Chester Co. It is as follows, verbatim : " An account of John Middletou's funerell charge is Cr. 10 1719 to 6% gallons of wine at 6s-6d per gal £02 02s. 3d. to 3 galons of rum at 4s 6d per galon 00 13 6 to quar. of a hundred Buger an spice 00 15 0 toflowar 00 12 0 to a barroll aider 00 12 0 to butter and dies 00 16 0 to a holarid sheet 0100 6 to the cofing and diging the grafe Oil 19 6 7 10 9 " 5 mo 1 1719 paid to the doct.r gandr-wit for £00 16 6." The custom then was, and it was continued until the beginning of this century, when a young unmar ried woman died, the body was borne to the grave yard by young girls, doubtless introduced by the early Irish settlers, and a like custom prevailed at the funeral of a child. Miss Sarah Eve,1 in her journal, under date of July 12, 1773, records : " In the even ing, B. Rush, P. Dunn, K. Vaughan, and myself car ried Mr. Ash's child to be buried ; foolish custom for Girls to prance it through the streets without hats or bonnets." The custom of young girls acting as pall bearers at the funeral of their female companions and young children seems to have continued in Philadel phia during the second decade of this century, for in the diary of Miss Hannah M. Wharton, under date of Dec. 19, 1813, it is recorded : " We have had a mel ancholy occurrence in the circle of our acquaintance since I last wrote, in the death of the accomplished and amiable Fanny Durdin. Six young ladies of her intimate acquaintance, of which I was one, were asked to be the pall-bearers. We were all dressed in white, with long white veils." Mrs. Catharine Ulrich in forms me that she can remember, about 1825, when 1 Penna. Mag. of Hist., vol. v. p. 194. 186 HISTORY OF DELAWARE COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA. the grandchild of the tenant, then occupying the old Brobson house, at the northeast corner of Third and Penn Streets, Chester, died, that four young girls, dressed in white, bore the corpse on a bier to the graveyard. Food and Dress. — The Swedes on the Delaware River, we are told, in a letter addressed by one of themselves, in the year 1693, to John Thelin, of Got- tenberg,1 " were almost all husbandmen, and our meat and drink is after the old Swedish custom. The country is very rich and fruitful, and we send out yearly to our neighbors on this continent and the neighboring islands bread, grain, flour, and oil. We have here, thank God, all kinds of venison, birds, and fishes. Our wives and daughters spin wool and flax, and many of them weave." The Swedish clergy man, Rev. Eric Biork, a few years afterwards, states that there were " no poor in tbe country, but all pro vide for themselves, without any cases of want." The first English settlers give us an interesting ac count of the sturdy race of the North which had pre ceded them in subduing the wilderness of the Western World. Thomas Parker, under date of Feb. 10, 1683,2 writes, — " There are Swedes and Finns who have lived here forty years, and lived an easy life through the abun dance of commodities, but their clothes were very mean before the coming of the English, from whom they bought good ones, and they begin to show them selves a little proud. They are an industrious people. They employ in their buildings little or no iron. They will build for you a house without any other implement than an axe. With the same implement they will cut down a tree and have it in pieces in less time than two other men would spend in sawing it, and with this implement and some wooden wedges they split it and make boards of it or anything else they please with much skill. The most of them speak English, Swedish, Finnish, or Dutch. They plant a little tobacco and a little Indian corn. The women are good housekeepers. The most of the linen they wear they spin the flax and make themselves." In the early part of the last century among the English settlers, under ordinary circumstances, bread and milk and pie formed the breakfast meal, or often only pop-robbin, a combination of eggs and flour made to a batter and boiled in milk, appeased their wants. For dinner a bountiful dish of pork or bacon with a wheat-flour pudding or dumplings, with butter or molasses, was the bill of fare, while mush or hominy, with milk and butter and honey, sufficed for the even ing repast. On important occasions, when venison and other wild game was in season, chocolate, which was sweetened with maple-sugar, formed the basis of the entertainment. William Worrall, of Ridley, stated that he never saw tea or coffee until about 1750, when 1 Watson's Annals, vol. ii. p. 233. 2 Penna. Mag. of Hist., vol. vi. p. 324. his father brought some tea from Philadelphia, and his aunt, who then lived with them, and had charge of the house, did not know how to use it until she had received the proper information from one of her neighbors who had been instructed in the art of tea- drawing in the city. The prudent conduct of Wor- rall's aunt was not imitated by one of her friends, residing in the vicinity, who, when she first had tea introduced into her house, boiled the leaves and served them with butter. It was at this time such a rarity that even in the houses of the wealthy the hostess would measure with scales the amount of leaf neces sary to draw tea for the company, or as in modern days we put it, " count the noses" of her guests. Later on in the rural districts, before and after the Revolution, the daily fare consisted of salt pork or beef, — fresh meat was an occasional dainty, — rye bread, potatoes, cabbage, hominy, and turnips, while in summer-time beans and peas made their appearance on the table. The latter were eaten with the knife, no one having the patience to chase peas over a dinner plate with the wide-spreading, two-tined forks, with massive buck handles, which were then in general use. During the latter part of the last century silver plate was in every household, and each article had its history, as it was handed down from parents to child as heirlooms, and was often made the subject of dis position by will. But for ordinary use pewter plat ters, porringers, and tankards were employed, and were kept so bright that they shone like a mirror, while pewter pots filled the place of our modern glass tumblers and goblets. In many instances it was cus tomary for the family, including the domestics and hired men, to gather around the same board, the slaves at the bottom of the table. If perchance some acquaintance came to tea, which was a popular cus tom among the women of the wealthier class in town and country just previous to the Revolution, the party always dispersed so that the company might get home before it was time for candle-lighting, and to put their children to bed. In 1745, Dr. Franklin invented the open stove, which he called the Alter Idem, but which is still known by his name, and it won its way almost imme diately to popular favor. At one time all the old houses in this section of the country, whose owners were in easy circumstances, had in the parlor a Franklin stove. In the ancient stone dwelling stand ing on the left-hand side of the Queen's Highway, about five hundred feet above where the mill, race, and quarry railway crosses the road at Leiperville, is still to be seen one of these stoves. On the night of the battle of Brandywine, after writing a letter from Chester to Congress, apprising that body of the defeat of the American army, Wash ington joined his troops, that had gathered "back of Chester," between Leiperville and Darby. Tradition states that the general sat for some time in the old house, before the stove, silently watching the fire that MANNERS AND CUSTOMS. 187 burned brightly on the iron hearth, for the night was chilly and the autumnal equinox was then threaten ing which broke so violently five days thereafter as to compel a suspension of hostilities in the pitched battle which Washington tendered to Gen. Howe near Goshen meeting-house. Perhaps that night in Rid ley, in the firelight, the whole plan of the proposed but interrupted battle was digested and arranged in the mind of the commander-in-chief, whose mental balance no disaster could disturb. Less than seventy years ago the usual cooking uten sils in a well-regulated kitchen consisted of a large iron stewing-pot, a tea-kettle, Dutch oven, a frying- pan, skillet, a gridiron, and earthen dishes for baking bread and pies, while on the window-sill or on the floor was the mark which told by the sunlight the hour of noon. The usual dress of the Swedish people on the Del aware in early days was strongly but rudely fash ioned of skins of animals, and their heads were cov ered with caps of the same material, the hair clinging to the hide. Their shoes, very similar in form to the Indian moccasins, were made from the skins of ani mals slain in the chase. The women were all com pelled to employ the same material in making their jackets and petticoats, and the beds were covered with deer-, wolf-, and bear-skins. Many of the heads of families had the apparel they had worn at home in Europe safely packed away, which, on occasions of public festivals, were ceremoniously brought forth and donned by the owner, to the admiration of the young folks born in the colony. The dress of the great body of the people previous to the Revolution, — those, I mean, who had their daily labor to do, — was very simple, many of the descendants of the first settlers clinging tenaciously to the buck skin of the early days of the province, out of which material their breeches and jackets were made. In 1725, from the letter written from Chester township, by Robert Park to Mary Valentine, already men tioned, we find the writer stating that " In Summer they wear nothing but a skirt and linnen drawers. Trowses, which are breeches and stockings, all in one made of Linnen; they are fine Cool wear in Sum mer." Underclothing such as we now require was at that time seldom worn. Oznaburg, a cheap, heavy shirting, made of hemp-tow, was the material of which boys' shirts, and often those worn by men, were made, and a coarse tow-cloth was used for trousers. Shoes, which were seldom worn in sum mer-time, were generally, in the country, made of neat leather, fastened by large brass buckles on each instep, unless that was more costly than the wearer could afford, when shoe-strings answered instead. The men and boys from the rural districts were easily recognized on the streets in Philadelphia, because, in winter and on unusual occasions, they wore leather breeches and apron. Almost all me chanics before the Revolution — carpenters, masons, coopers, painters, and similar tradesmen — wore, when at work, great leather aprons, which covered the most of their breast and reached down below their knees, such as blacksmiths now use at the forge, and their ordinary apparel was yellow buckskin breeches, check shirts, and red flannel jackets. All of them wore real beaver hats, an article that then formed a part of their freedom outfit. Hired women dressed in linsey-wool sey or worsted petticoats, and wore coarse leather shoes, of which they were particularly careful. It is often re lated of those "good old days," when people deemed it a mark of effeminacy to ride to church, that it was not uncommon to see both men and women trudging along the highway barefooted, their shoes and stock ings in their hands, and when they came near to their place of destination they would seat themselves by the road, put on their shoes and stockings, and adjust their apparel into proper trim to enter the church, meeting, or dwelling-house. As previously stated, about the middle of the last century wealth began to manifest itself among the inhabitants of the cities, towns, and in the country immediately under the influence of the centres of trade. The education of the people, of course, largely reflected the aristocratic tone of the mother- country, hence special privileges and offices of honor and profit came to be monopolized by a few families, who soon learned to regard themselves as better than the general public. This class dressed in a style which peculiarly marked them as of the higher order of society. Wigs, which were in use in Penn's time, continued to be worn until the disaster at Braddock's field, when the British and colonial officers, in fleeing from that fatal place, cast aside in their flight their wigs as incumbrances, and afterwards appearing in public with their natural hair, the fashion soon changed to the queue. In the days of big wigs it was no infrequent incident at the dinner-table for the large buttons on the sleeve of tbe servant's livery to catch in the mass of horse-hair, leaving the bare pate of the guest exposed, while the wig dangled from the servant's arm. The dress of gentlemen at that period was of varied colors. It was no uncommon sight to see a scion of the aristocratic families attend in a black velvet coat, green waistcoat embroidered with silver figures, yellow velvet breeches fastened at the knee with diamond buckles, and the legs incased in blue stockings. The calf-skin shoes were clasped with large silver buckles, studded with imitation or, in some cases, real diamonds. Fine lace neckerchief and wristbands, with a cocked hat, completed the costume, saving when a dress sword hung at the left side, the scabbard protruding between the stiffened skirts of the coat. After and during the Revolution white coats, embroidered with gold, were fashionable, but the prevailing color among all classes was indigo blue, and, as the dyer's art was indifferently under stood, it is said that in a hasty shower the color would often wash out or be transferred to the skin of 188 HISTORY OF DELAWARE COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA. the wearer, and, in addition, when the rain caused the powder in the hair to trickle down the back in a pasty mass, the plight of the individual must have been extremely disagreeable. Those persons whose duty required them to be abroad in all kinds of weather used oil-cloth cloaks, and a like covering protected their hats from the wet. The dress of society women in the olden times was as much the subject of fashion's capricious whims as it is to-day. I here propose briefly to mention a few articles of apparel worn during the last century, and notice some of the demands the mode made upon its votaries. When elaborate hair-dressing (requiring several hours to be consumed in curling, crisping, and arranging one's head) was in vogue it was no unusual circumstance for a lady to have her hair dressed forty- eight hours before a ball, and to sit dozing in a chair during the intervening nights, for it would have utterly destroyed her toilet had she lain down. Hoops were enormous during the greater part of the last century, until shortly before the Revolution ; not the light elastic skirt worn recently, but heavy clumsy affairs which had to be tilted to one side in passing through a narrow doorway. When they began to subside, calli- manco padded with wool, made into petticoats, took their places, while over the latter were worn finely- quilted Marseilles, silk, or satin petticoats, the gown open and without a front, so that it might be dis played. Caps were generally used, and the style which is now known as "The Martha Washington" was at that day called " The Queen's Night- cap." Stays were worn by the wealthy, as a rule ; costly affairs they were, finished in quilted silk or satin . Worsted dresses, with aplain white apron reaching almost to the ground, were used for ordinary every-day life, and matrons and maids had long, large pockets strapped around their waist beneath their gowns (Lydia Locket, we remem ber, lost her pocket) , and a round pin-cushion, inclosed in a silver rim, and a pair of scissors were pendent from the girdles with silver chains. Large cloaks of red cloth were very fashionable, and for many years no bonnets for ladies were made of any other material than black silk or satin. During the early part of this century beaver bonnets were much worn, and when that addition was made to a lady's toilet, like a camel's-hair shawl of to-day, she was expected never again as long as she lived to need another best hat for winter. All women in moderate circumstances wore pattens in 1772, and as they stamped over the streets the racket of these unwieldy affairs could be noticed a long way off, and going late to church the delectable clatter they made drew eyes on the tardy comers and aroused the sleeping Christians. Women in middle life in the last century wore worsted dresses and check aprons to church, and very few females, unless the wife or daughter of a lawyer, doctor, or clergyman, or merchants in large business, thought of wearing silks, satin, or velvet. The servants wore short gowns and petticoats of coarse domestic goods, and their dress indicated at once their station in life. They stood in awe of their employer, and called him usually master and his wife mistress. Use of Liquors. — The custom of drinking, so far as we have information, was generally indulged in by all classes throughout Christendom (Mohammed forbade the use of intoxicating liquors among his followers as a religious obligation) until within a comparatively recent period, for, as is well known, in the first quar ter of this century it was a reproach to a man among the upper class if he could not drink his three bottles of sherry after dinner without falling beneath the table, while " the four-bottle man" was looked up to as a social hero. Hence it is not surprising that we find in our earliest annals that among the Swedes who settled on the Delaware both men and women were addicted to an over-indulgence in intoxicating beverages. We are told by Peterson DeVries that Governor Printz " weighed upwards of four hundred pounds, and drank three drinks at every meal," and the same writer describes the Swedes "as not very sober, as they bought from the captain of the vessel a good quantity of wine and sweetmeats, and that neither here nor in Virginia was intoxication punished by whipping." Of Dominie Laurence Lock, the Swedish chaplain, we learn his "great infirmity seems to have been an overfondness for intoxicating drinks," but he certainly must have gotten over this weakness, for Campanius records " that he died in the Lord in 1688." After the coming of Penn, from the court records it appears that drunkenness was of frequent occur rence. At the court held 3d day of 1st week, Tenth month, 1686, " Haunce Urian was fined five Shillings for being drunk upon Tinicum Island," while at the court held at Chester, 3d day of 1st week, Seventh month, 1687, many cases of drunkenness were tried. I give extracts from the records of that session as a few instances of the manner in which infractions of the law against intemperance were punished in these early days: " Robert Stephens was presented by ye Grand Inquest for being Drunk at Chester Bince ye last Court for which he was fined by Te Court 5s. James Sandelains was fined 5s. for suffering Robert Stephens to be Drunk in his House." "John Chard waB Presented by Ye Grand Inquest for being Drunke about ye beginning of July lost, for which he was fined by Ye Court 5s." " John Edge being convicted before John Blunstone and George Maris for being Drunke was fined by Ye Court 5s." " Neales Quist paid 6s. for being Drunk at Chester." The two following cases, which I cite at large from the old court records (tried at the session just men tioned), will present a general idea of the importance given to the breaches of the law against intemper ance: " Thomas Bowles being summoned to appear att this Court to answer ye Complaint of our Sovereign Lord ye King and Chiefe Proprietary for suffering the King's Leidge People to be drunk att his house was upon the same Indicted. The Grand Inquest find the Bill, Whereupon he is Called to ye Barr and Pleads not Guilty and refers himself to God and ye Country. MANNERS AND CUSTOMS. 189 "John Taylor being attested declareth that Thomas BowleB told him that he lett Lasie Coleman have soe much rum till he was soe drunk that he was foret to he carried to his canow. Albertus Henrickson being attested declareth that he did see Harmon Johnson soe drunk att ThomaB Bowles' that . . . Thomas UBher being attested declareth that Samuel Weight did call for tife1 att Thomas Bowles' house and he heard Thomas Bowles Bay why might he not have it since he doe pay for it. Andrew Friend being attested declareth that Thomas Bowles sold him and William Cob two bowles of Punch and att another time he sold ye Trumpeter's soune (son) a Cann of Tife. "The jury's verdickt know this that we doe finde Thomas Bowles Guilty according to ye Indicktment. Hereupon Judgment is granted that he pay 10s. and costs of suit." At the same court Thomas Bowles was also " Pre sented by ye Grand Inquest for selling rum by small measures without lysence. Remitted upon condition that he doe soe no more and that he pay his fees." The second case is as follows : "Richd. Crosby being sumoned to appear at this Court to answer tlie Complaint of our Sovereign Lord the King and the Chiefe Proprie tary for being Drunke and committing other misdemeanors, was for ye same Indicted. The Grand Inquest find the bill. The testimony of Anne Sanderlaine declareth that upon ye 29th day of ye 4th month last, Richard Crosby was in Drink att Chester and very unruly. Philip Denning declareth that ye same day Richard Crosby was very much dis ordered by drinke and that he was very abusive. William Goford de clareth that Richard Crosby being much in Drink Challenged ye Sweads or English or any other man att Cudgells, Wrasling or any other such violent exercise and further more did strike him upon ye head and did trip up his heels twice and yt he heard him say ye Sweads were rogues and did take part with ye Indians. John Clue declareth ye same. Johannes ffriend declareth that he heard Richard Crosby call ye Sweads Rogues and that they did take part with ye Indians against ye English. " Before ye Petty Jury went out upon ye cause, lie submitting him- selfe unto ye Court, was fined 5s. and ordered to pay Court charges, and soe to be acquitted." Crosby was not simply an arrant braggart in his liquor, for the court records show that he kept the settlers in fear by his prowess, and was not choice of his words in expressing his opinion of the justices be fore whom he was frequently required to appear. But Crosby was not the only person who was belligerent in his cups in that early day, for at the court held at Chester on 3d day of 2d week, Seventh month, 1688, " Thomas Robins and Thomas Woodmans being con- vickted before John Bristow for Drunkeness, breach of Peace, breaking ye great Cabin doore and ye head of Samuel Harrison, mate on board of ye ship Tryall, was for ye same called to ye Barr. But upon their submission to ye Court was ordered to pay 5-s. with all Court charges." Dr. John Watson strives to account for the im moderate use of liquor among the early settlers by argu ing that rum and tobacco were regarded as preven tives of dumb agues, fever and ague, and similar disorders, and that the people, imagining the air and water of "this hot climate" to be unwholesome, em ployed the luxuries named as antidotes. From the . immediate ill effects of drinking cold water when overheated with labor in the summer-time, and the fevers and agues which attacked them in the fall of the year, the populace became confirmed in the opin- 1 " Tiff, or Hipp, is made of small beer, rum, and sugar, with a slice of bread toasted and buttered."— Acrelius' History of New Sweden, p. 162. ion that liquor, at least, was essential for their well being, and as they had no conveniences to make beer that would keep in hot weather, they adopted the practice of the laboring people in the West Indies and drank rum. Hence he ascribes the general and continued use of intoxicating liquors to this opin ion, which having "once so far gained ground as to influence general habits and customs on an erroneous principle, it requires much labor and a long time to wear them (the customs) out." 2 The true reason was that each of the settlers brought with him the man ners and customs of his native land, and, as stated before, all Christian people at that period used liquor to excess. To the Society of Friends the first protest against the immoderate use of liquor can be traced, and to them is justly due the credit of curtailing much that was certainly injurious in the custom during the last century. At taverns in the colonial days it was not the rule as now to hand the bottle to the guest to help himself according to his capacity, but the landlord filled small . glasses, known as "jiggers," and if the party was not satisfied therewith, he was compelled to pay for his second drink. At that time, 1730, we are told by William Moraley that " Cyder is the most plentiful here of all Liquors, besides which they have Mead, Methlegin, Perry, and Peach Drink. The Beer not good. Madeira Wine is the only Wine used. Rum is sold for Three pence the Half Pint, or Ten pence a Quart. Half a Pint of Rum being mixed with three Half Pints of Water or Small Beer, makes Bombo, but mixed with Cyder, makes Sampson, an Intoxica ting Liquor." In the early part of the last century nothing, it seems, could be doue without liquor. At the birth of an infant the women of the neighborhood collected at the house, and wine or cordial waters was distrib uted to the guests, while rum, either buttered or made into hot tiff, was given to the mother, as it was then deemed to be essentially necessary for her speedy re covery. At the raising of houses and barns liquor was an important element, and the cedar branch on the top of the building announced that good cheer would supplement the work. No crop, it was thought, could be garnered without a liberal use of stimulants, and in 1700 at funerals it was then the custom for a ser vant (usually a negro) to carry around among those assembled sugar cakes, hot liquor, and wine, of which all present, both young and old, partook. It was given to every person, those as well standing in the street or sitting at the door. It was then not an un usual thing for a person fond of his glass to take a position so that he might be served among the first, and then to take another station so that he would re ceive, like Benjamin, a double portion. The abuse of 2 Watson's Annals, vol. ii. p. 521. 190 HISTORY OF DELAWARE COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA. this hospitality became so marked that Chester's Monthly Meeting (Twelfth month 22, 1724^-25) took definite action thereon, as follows : " At our Quarterly Meeting it was desired ye friends take care at Burralls not to make great provision as to provide strong Liquors & hand it about; but lett Every one take yt is free to take it as they have oca- tion and not more than will doe them Good." Notwithstanding this testimony against the absurd custom, it continued to be practiced almost to the be ginning of this century, and often families, to furnish " the funeral baked meats," cramped themselves to such an extent that in many households where death had intruded the most rigid economy was entailed on the survivors for months to discharge the costly hos pitality of the funeral day. Foryears at public sales it was the practice to hand bottles of liquor and hot rum round among the crowd, until it had grown such an evil that in 1750 the Gen eral Assembly took notice of it, and gave the reason for the then enactment, that "inasmuch as a perni cious custom has prevailed in many places of giving rum and other strong liquors to excite such as bid at vendues to advance the price, which, besides the injus tice of the artifice, leads to great intemperance and disorder." Hence it was declared a penal offense for any person in the future to give or sell liquor on such occasions, subjecting the party convicted thereof to a fine of four pounds for the first, and five pounds for every subsequent, violation of the law. Justice, too, it seems, must needs invoke the use of liquor to rightly adjust the scales. At the Court of Oyer and Terminer, held at Chester, November, 1752, James Rice, alias Dillon, and Thomas Kelly were tried and convicted for the murder of Eleanor Davis and John Thomas. The following bill paid the com missioners for " the Justices' Expenses at the Court of Oyer and Terminer, November, 1752," gives an idea of the entertainment required by the judges of the Supreme Provincial Court while making their circuit : £. s. d. "Punch 0 16 Sling 0 0 6 Three dinners 0 4 6 8 half-peck of Oats 0 4 0 Bowel of puuch 0 16 Bowel of punch 0 16 Oats 0 0 6 Bowel of punch 0 16 Bowel of punch 0 16 Wine 0 2 6 Suppers 0 6 0 Punch 0 16 Liquor 0 0 6 8 half peck Oats 0 4 0 Bitters 0 0 3 Cordiall 0 13 Punch 0 0 3 Punch 0 0 3 Wine & bitters 0 1 C 8 breakfasts 0 8 0 Quart wine & bitters 0 3 0 Punch 0 3 0 7 dinners 0 10 6 Punch 0 3 0 8 half-peck i»f Oats 0 4 0 6 suppers 0 6 0 Cordiall 0 10 To wine 0 10 Two nights' pay for 8 horses 0 16 0 5 2 0 No public business, it seems, could be properly done without the use of liquor. It was customary to allow jurors in capital cases the use of liquor when deliberating on their verdict. In the commissioners' office, at West Chester, the following bill, dated 1745, is on file paid by the county : " For commissioners, assessors, justices, and grand jury : £ ». d. Wine 0 2 8 Punch 0 3 0 Mare Wine 0 5 4 Punch 0 3 0 Nimlio 0 2 8 One bole broke 0 2 0 Total 0 18 8" The Origin and Brief Notice of the Temperance Movement in Delaware County. — As stated before, Friends, as early as February, 1725, gave testimony at Chester Meeting against the inordinate use of liquor at funerals, and from time to time thereafter they moved in the endeavor to check the widespread habit of drinking to excess, until by degrees their in fluence extended beyond their own society, and grad ually a general sentiment was aroused, until much of the evil was done away by the force of public opinion. There was at that time no effort looking to a prohibi tion of the manufacture or sale of liquors, and it is doubtful whether the latter movement extends back ward in our national history half a century. In this county, so far as I have knowledge, the first society organized for temperance work was known as " The Darby Association for Discouraging the Unnecessary Use of Spirituous Liquors;" and from the address issued by that body on the 17th of Sixth month, 1819, I find they protested against the fashionable custom of treating, and called upon farmers to discard liquor from the harvest-fields and meadows, which, if done, they say in a few years workingmen would cease to expect it as a privilege or claim it as a right. The association advised the formation of similar associa tions throughout the land. A Delaware County temperance society was organ ized in 1835, and strongly urged the formation of aux iliary societies in each township. So rapidly did the movement develop, that on Monday, Oct. 5, 1835, a temperance harvest home was held at Zion meeting house, Darby, while at the county meeting of the or ganization, in the Methodist Church, Chester, March 22, 1837, there were delegates from Waterville, Leiper ville, Marple, Lima, Chester, Wesleyan, Haverford, Haddington, and the Union Society of Shoemaker- ville present. Lodges in Lower Chichester, Darby, and other townships were also established. The movement had so spread in 1842 that many merchants throughout the county announced that they kept " temperance grocery-stores ;" and in August, 1844, John Hawkins, in Upper Darby, on the West Chester road, opened a temperance hotel,— the How ard House, on which occasion the temperance people of the county assembled in large numbers, and appro priate services were held, while in the same year the MANNERS AND CUSTOMS. 191 Washington Hotel, in Chester, ceased to be a license house. When it was opened as a temperance tavern flags were suspended across Market Street, a great concourse of people gathered, a brass band furnished ? music, and speeches were made by prominent tee totalers. The question of license soon became a political issue, and so concentrated was the pressure brought upon the Legislature that that body passed a bill, which was approved by Governor Porter April 7, 1846, authorizing a vote by the people of the State, by which the electors of cities, boroughs, and town ships could determine whether liquor should legally be sold therein. On March 19, 1847, the following vote was cast for aud against license in the localities named : For. Against. Aston 89 100 Bethel 31 22 Birmingham 20 54 Chester borough 88 103 Chester township 40 90 Concord 60 15 Upper Chichester 18 27 Lower Chichester 56 60 Darby 70 62 Upper Darby 3 119 Edgmont 51 46 Haverford 36 85 Marple 45 82 Middletown 113 77 Newtown 40 65 Upper Providence 50 59 Northern Providence 41 88 Radnor 86 107 Ridley 79 79 Springfield 31 77 Thornbury 40 21 Tinicum 7 11 1094 1471 As will be seen in Bethel, where there had never been license granted, so far as I have ascertained, and where the only application ever made to the court of Delaware County, in 1802, was rejected, the majority was for license, and in Ridley the vote was a tie. In the western part of the State a case was made and carried to the Supreme Court to test the law, and at the September term, 1847, Judge Bell delivered an opinion holding the act unconstitutional, inasmuch as it delegated to the people part of the functions of the Legislature, which the fundamental law had re posed solely in the latter body. This decision abso lutely paralyzed the " Sons of Temperance," their or ganizations disbanded, and for some years only a desultory contest against license was continued by a few individuals, noticeable in Upper Darby, until finally even their protest ceased. After the war of the Rebellion terminated an or ganization known as Good Templars was formed in Delaware County, and grew rapidly, until in August, 1869, a mass-meeting was held at Media. The court room was crpwded by members from the various lodges in the county. So formidable had the roll be come in numbers that they demanded and procured the passage by the Legislature of the special act for Delaware County of March 9, 1872, better known as the " Holiday Law," which was followed by a move ment throughout the State, on the part of the tem perance associations, resulting in the act of March 27, 1872, providing that every three years thereafter, at the cities, boroughs, and township elections, the electors therein should vote whether liquor should or should not be sold in such cities and counties, which act is better known as the "Local Option Law." The following is the vote in this county in the spring of 1873, when the question was submitted to the peo ple: For. Against. Aston no 77 Bethel 23 36 Birmingham 31 49 Chester township 38 110 South Chester 80 112 Concord 66 96 Upper Chichester 15 35 Lower Chichester 52 99 Darby borough 86 69 Darby townBhip 45 29 Upper Darby 82 109 Edgmont 45 39 Haverford 85 78 Media 70 154 Marple 43 89 Middletown 158 104 Newtown 63 39 Upper Providence 71 59 Lower Providence 23 78 Radnor 92 93 Ridley 51 82 Springfield 49 81 Thornbury 49 40 Tiuicura 15 6 Upland : 3u 117 1462 1880 Majority against license, 418, exclusive of Chester City. Chester City. North Ward 253 242 Middle Ward 302 125 South Ward 261 246 Majority for license 203 Subsequently the Legislature by the act approved by Governor Hartranft, April 12, 1875, repealed the Local Option Law of 1872, and the special law for Delaware County, of March 9, 1872, was repealed by the act of April 18, 1878. In concluding this chapter I have written to little purpose if I have failed to show that the present age is much better than " the good old times of Adam and of Eve." It is only by throwing in bold contrast the past with the present that we mark the great progress of mankind. I unhesitatingly state my belief that in morals, in education, in general health, the people of to-day are as much improved over those who lived and acted during our Revolutionary struggles as the latter were superior in that respect to the early settlers. If we could place the old manners of life side by side with those of the present generation, we would be easily convinced that the comforts which now surround the families of moderate means far exceed that main tained among the comparatively wealthy classes of our land a century ago. When we remember that in Penn's time not a floor in the province was covered with a carpet, that tooth-brushes were unknown, and, in fact, that it was regarded as a mark of effeminacy for many years after his day to clean the teeth at all, that personal cleanliness was not considered essential either to comfort or health, that less than a hundred and fifty years ago, among the aristocratic ladies, their 192 HISTORY OF DELAWARE COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA. enormous head-dresses when once fixed were not dis turbed or altered for a month, until they became as intolerable to the wearer as they had long been offensive to all who drew near; when women wore scratch-backs suspended at their girdles (a pretty picture it must have been to watch these big head dresses bobbing about as the wearer twisted and pulled one of the scratch-backs up and down, to allay the intolerable itching on that part of the body) ; when pewter plates were used in place of china or delft, a miserable tallow candle, or at best a wax taper, at night alone shed a flickering uncertain light; when only the wealthy could buy books, and when the young high-born lady pored over the pages of " Tom Jones," " Joseph Andrews," or " Roderick Random," unre strained, and the farmer, if he could read, was re stricted to the almanacs, which, stitched together as the years passed by, hung suspended on a nail near the chimney -place; when the pious church-goers sat bolt upright in an uncushioned pew, and for two or three hours in midwinter remained shivering in the church without a fire, while the tedious clergyman hurled weighty sermons on doctrinal points, which he himself did not comprehend, at his unfortunate audi ence ; when on cold mornings the fire was out, the dis mal housewife gouged great pieces of flesh out of her fingers in trying to procure a spark from the flint and tinder, while men among us now of middle age can recall when they as boys sat in an out-house breaking great lumps of coal with a hammer to make it fit the stove, until they cursed the day that gave them birth. Notwithstanding our comforts, those who follow us in a hundred years will be thankful that they have not to endure the hardships of the present age, and that they enjoy many things conducive to man's hap piness which are now unknown. CHAPTER XX. TRAVELING AND TRANSPORTATION, WITH AN AC COUNT OF THE RAILROADS IN THE COUNTY. In these days of rapid transit, when inside of eighty days a man can "put a girdle round about the earth," it is a difficult matter to comprehend the slow journeys of the olden time, or that hardly three hun dred years ago travelers had no choice but to ride on horseback or walk. Nor was that all they had to contend with, at least in this colony, for as early as Sept. 22, 1676,1 it was a law, " That if hereafter any Stranger or person unknown shall come to or Travill through any Towne or place within this Government without a Passport or Certificate from whence hee came and wither hee is bound, shall bee lyable to bee Seized upon by any Officer of the Towne or Place 1 Duke of York's Laws, p. 72. unto which hee comes, or through which he shall travill, there too bee Licenced untill hee can Cleare himselfe to bee a free Man, and shall defray the Charges of his Detention there, by his worke of Labour (if not otherwise able to give Satesfaction) in the best way and Manner hee shall bee found capable." Indeed, previous to the year 1700, strangers were by law forbidden to travel from place to place, and so strict was the regulation that ferrymen were com pelled to enter into bond not to carry any person un known to them, unless he could produce a traveling pass signed by a magistrate; and innkeepers were required to notify the officers of the law when strangers sought lodgings at their houses, so that the authorities might inquire into the antecedents of their guests. Under William Penn it became almost as difficult to get away from the colony as to travel in it. For the fifty-fifth law provided " that Every person in tending to depart or leave the Province & Territories thereof, Shall publish his or her intention in writing, affixed to the door of the County Court, where hee or shee inhabits thirty days before his or her Depart ure, and Shall have a pass under the County Seal." All captains of vessels were forbidden to carry a person away unless he or she was provided with such a pass, and the violation of that injunction rendered the captain responsible for all damages any one might suffer by reason of the passenger having absconded. Similar laws were enacted in 1700 and 1705. The first mention of a pass being granted occurs at the court held in Chester, 6th of Eighth month, 1685, where it is recorded that " Robert Cloud had a pass granted him to depart the Province, dated ye 26th day of ye 9th month, 1685, his brother William Cloud, of Concord, being his security to Safe ye Country Harmless." All men then traveled by land on horseback. Ladies at that time rode on pillions (a pad or cushion attached to the hinder part of the saddle and fixed on the horse), behind some relative or servant-man, unless, like Queen Christina, of Sweden, they pre ferred to ride astride the animal, as men did. In the latter part of the year 1678 it is recorded in the jour nal of Peter Sluyter and Jasper Danekers, the Laba- dist missionaries, that Ephraim Herman, who accom panied the travelers from New York to New Castle, had his wife with him, and she rode all the way, excepting that part which was made in boats, on a pillion behind her husband. In the first quarter of the last century it is told of John Salkeld, the noted public Friend (who, about 1708, built the house which now stands partly in the ..roadway on Norris Street, above Third, South Ward, Chester), that on one occa sion, during a religious visit to New Jersey, he was accompanied by his daughter, Agnes, riding on a pil lion behind her father ; that after meeting he rode TRAVELING AND TRANSPORTATION. 193 away, leaving his daughter at the house of worship, and that he did not notice that she was not with him until he had gone several miles. The late William Worrall, of Ridley, who was born in Marple in 1730, used to relate that in his youthful days, at marriages, the bride rode to meeting behind her father or next best friend, seated on a pillion ; that after the cere mony was over and the wedded couple were ready to return, the pillion was then placed behind the saddle of the husband, and his wife would in that manner be conveyed to her new home. At that time, and until a very recent period, all houses, in the country at least, had high horse-blocks for women to use in mounting behind the men who rode the animals. These blocks were usually three stone steps, and were also located near by all the old churches and meet ing-houses. In more modern days they were used to mount into side-saddles. In the early times all merchandise and freight was transported on pack-horses. Grain was thus carried to market in large sacks, holding between two and three bushels, which were placed on pack-saddles, and a lad mounted on one animal would lead three or four in a line behind the one he rode. Mr. Worrall also stated that in his youth " there were no carts, much less carriages. They hauled their grain on sleds to the stacks. He assisted his father to carry on horse back one hundred bushels of wheat to Charles Hum phrey's mill, in Haverford township, which he sold for two shillings a bushel." In this statement he was partly correct. We know that by means of pack- horses the most unwieldy articles were then trans ported, — bars of iron, barrels of whiskey, and other necessaries. Mr. Worrall was not, however, accurate in declaring that there were no carriages in the province in his early manhood, for in 1725 there were eight gentlemen of means, including the Governor, each of whom was reported to own a four-wheeled carriage drawn by two horses, and at that time one of the number was kept in the present county of Delaware by Chief Justice David Lloyd, who lived in the old Porter house, as it was known to the present generation, at the foot of Welsh Street. That they were clumsy vehicles can not be doubted, for even the chair or old-fashioned sulky, that many of the older people can yet recall, was nothing but a common arm-chair on leather braces, suspended over a pair of wheels. The latter conveyance was exceedingly light in weight, which was only proper at that time, when between the high waymen, who perchance would bid you " stand and deliver" at any moment, and the miry road, almost hub-deep in winter, which might stall you for half a day, no prudent man was justified in traveling a hun dred miles without first making his will and so far as he could winding up his affairs, for he had no assur ance that he would ever return alive, hence the lighter the vehicle he rode in tbe greater would be his chance of getting safely home again. 13 The roads in early times were simply narrow passes for horsemen, and the bridges, as shown by the court records, were built for the passage over the streams of persons traveling in that manner. On Nov. 24, 1708, the justices ordered James Hendrickson to repair the bridge over Chester Creek, and also the same day the court " further agreed that the said James Hendrick son shall build a bridge over Marcus Hook creek in the Queen's Road, where the old bridge now is, and erect it 10 foot broad and so long as is sufficient and necessary for the same to extend, and to build it all of white oak timber completely finished." The roads, too, previous to 1700, were impassable for horsemen, aud travel by water was even intercepted in these times. At a court held in Chester, Seventh month 14, 1692, a case was called, and neither party to the suit appearing, the records show this entry, " The Court considering that the weather was so bad that it was impossible for anyone to get down the River they thought fitt to continue the action until the next Court." The people residing near the navigable streams, certainly before the beginning of the eighteenth cen tury, traveled from place to place by water. It was not until about 1720 that any carriages, save that of Penn's family, were used in the province, and they were then so rare that in passing along the road they excited as much attention from the rustics as a circus does at this time. About the middle of the century they had come into fashion among the grandees of our colonial days. We are informed that Col. Har rison, of Virginia, in 1755, passed through Chester in his chaise 1 on his way southward, having Mrs. Bel- chior, of Maryland, under his protection. We know that Gen. Washington rode through the country with a coach and four, with two postilions and an out rider in showy livery. Frequently he passed through Chester in this style, or rather his family would be in the carriage, while he, mounted on a handsome horse, which he rode remarkably well, would follow, the wonder and admiration of the dwellers in the ancient borough, who would gather along the streets to see him pass. He generally stopped at the Washington House, and when his imposing equipage would halt before the door of the old tavern, the entire business of the town would cease, and the people would loiter around until the great man and his coach had rum bled away in the distance. In 1732 a line of stages ran from Burlington to Amboy, across New Jersey, connecting at each end of the route with sail-boats. These fast stage-coaches, for such they were called, showed at that period re markable progress in means of passenger transporta tion. A journey then was no unimportant event, when by the clumsy stage a man could travel about forty miles a day ; that is, if the roads were in good condition ; while even to do this, if the highway was 1 " Maryland Gossip in 1755," Penna. Mag. of Hist., vol. iii. p. 146 194 HISTORY OF DELAWARE COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA. heavy, he must rise at three or four o'clock in the morning and prolong the ride far into the night. In the winter, if the road was much traveled, it soon be came a quagmire, into which the horses would fre quently sink to their knees in the adhesive mud. Then all hands would have to get out and help pry the great lumbering vehicle, which was hub-deep, out of the trouble. As recent as Jan. 10, 1834, the Queen's Highway between Chester and Darby was so bad that the mail-coach from Washington stuck fast in the mud below Darby, and had to be drawn to that village by oxen ; while on Jan. 9, 1836, a heavy lum ber box on runners, used as an omnibus between Darby and Philadelphia, stuck fast in a snow-drift near the former place, and it was two days before it could be moved. I have not definitely ascertained when the first stage-line was established between Philadelphia and Baltimore, but Martin ] gives the abstract of a long advertisement which appears in the Independent Gaz etteer, or the Chronicle of Freedom, published in Phila delphia, Jan. 2, 1788. Greeshorn, Johnson & Co., of "the Philadelphia, Baltimore and Eastern Shore Line of Post Coach Carriages," state that carriages will set out on Fourth Street, nearly opposite the old Indian Queen Tavern, during the winter on Mondays and Thursdays of every week, at ten o'clock in the forenoon, and arrive in Baltimore on Wednesdays and Saturdays in good season for dining. The pas sengers on their way from Philadelphia will dine at the " Queen of France Inn," kept by Mr. John Jar- vis, twenty-two miles from the city. In the issue of the same paper, July 12, 1788, the notice is some what changed, and the rates of fare are given thus : Miles. £ s. d. " From Phila. to Chester 15 0 5 0 " Chester to Qu. of France 7 0 2 6 " Q. of F. to Wilmington 6 0 2 6 " Wil. to Christiana Br 10 0 3 4 " Christiana Br. to Elk 12 0 4 2 " Elk to Susquehanna 16 0 7 6 " Phila. to Susque. Br 66 15 6 " Susque. to Baltimore 37 Gratis " The passengers sleep the first night at Christiana bridge." In the same journal, issue of Feb. 11, 1788, the following note is given : " The proprietors of the Old Line of Stages, having united with the lines from New York to Philadelphia, and thence to Baltimore, will begin to run on Monday, the 18th inst. The stages will leave the New York and Baltimore Stage Office on 4th Street, two doors from the Indian Queen, Kept by Mr. James Thompson, at 6 o'clock on the mornings of Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fri days, and will return again on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays each week during the Winter Season." At the time mentioned there must have been rival lines running to Baltimore, that of Greeshorn, John son & Co., and G. P. Vanhorne, Kerlin & Co. The following advertisement appears in the Pennsylvania Packet, March 11, 1790: 1 History of Chester, p. 194. "PUBLIC STAGES. "The well-established Mail Stages between the City of Philadelphia and Baltimore continue their regular Tours respectively from each place by the way of the Susquehannah, on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fri days. Returning on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays. To facili tate the dispatch and arrival of the Public Mails is an obligation indis pensable, and every exertion to accommodate engages the duty and interests of the proprietors. The passengers are therefore requested to be early in their preparations for the Stages starting, as the most assid uous efforts are requisite and will be practiced, to render general and complete satisfaction. •. "G. P. Vanhokne, Kerlin & Co. " N.B.' — Regulations to be seen in the Stage office at the George Inn." William Kerlin and Matthias Kerlin, Jr., were both interested in stage coach companies, by which occu pation they became wealthy ; Matthias Kerlin retiring from business about 1792 with an ample fortune, re turned to Delaware County, his native place, to reside. The American Annual Register for 1796, published Jan. 19, 1797, presents the unattractive picture of the post-road through the county at that period, and the unpleasant experiences that then awaited the trav eler. It says, " The roads from Philadelphia to Bal timore exhibit for the greater part of the way an aspect of savage desolation. Chasms to the depths of six, eight, or ten feet occur at numerous intervals. A stage-coach which left Philadelphia on the 5th of February, 1796, took five days to go to Baltimore. The weather for the first four days was good. The roads are in a fearful condition. Coaches are over turned, passengers killed, and horses destroyed by the overwork put upon them. In winter, sometimes, no stage sets out for two weeks." Isaac Wild, Jr., of Dublin, in 1796 visited this country, and describing his journey by stage from Philadelphia to Baltimore, he records, " The driver had frequently to call to the passengers in the stage to lean out of the carriage, first on one side, then at the other, to prevent it from oversetting in the deep ruts with which the road abounded. ' Now, gentlemen, to the right,' upon which all the passengers in the stage stretched their bodies half out of the carriage to balance it on that side ; ' Now, gentlemen, to the left,' and so on. These performances took place about every half-mile. If the road was contiguous to a wood, they just cut down a few trees to open a new passage, an operation which they called making a road." During the first thirty odd years of the present cen tury there were several lines of stages running be tween the points named, — Reeside, Stockton & Stokes, Murdock & Nasp, and Janviers' rival lines of coaches. They changed their horses and stopped for meals at designated places, and made certain inns their head quarters. The large stable-yard's around the old Washington Hotel (Reeside's line stopped at that house), the Columbia House, and the City Hotel (then known as the Eagle and afterwards as the Na tional), in Chester, were necessary for the change of horses and coach stopping-places. It was a busy scene in those times when the lumbering stage, with TRAVELING AND TRANSPORTATION. 195 its coachman, in the winter-time, wrapped in a great coat of many capes, expertly throwing a whip with a long lash that sounded in the frosty air like the crack of a pistol, the horses at a full gallop, came into sight, the coach-body surging on its heavy leather springs, rumbling over the hard-frozen, lumpy road, and at last turning into the spacious inn-yard. The ear- splitting blast from the guard's horn, which was always blown in coming into the town, brought every one to the windows of the houses, for it was some thing to be regretted, for twenty-four hours at least, in those days if the stage chanced to go by unob served. Often, too, the guard, out of very wantonness, would "toot his horn" just to see the horses in the field, who came trotting to the roadside fences to look at the passing wonder, scamper at the noise, and sometimes to alarm the farmers jogging along in the road before the stage. About the beginning of this century, at the run which crosses the King's High way just below Thurlow Station, the guard once blew a blast to quicken up a lady's horse that was ambling along in a sleepy manner, and did it so effectually that the rider was thrown to the earth and into the run, receiving such injuries that she died within a few minutes. After the commissioners appointed by Governor Snyder had laid out the street or State road, in 1815, which, was afterwards known as the Baltimore, Phila delphia and New London turnpike, lines of stages were placed on that highway, and John Way, the then landlord of the Concordville Hotel, stated, in his petition in 1830, that his house was located " on the road leading from Philadelphia to New London cross-road, at which the stage teams are now daily changed on their tours between Philadelphia and Baltimore." Albert Gallatin, in 1807, then Secretary of the Treasury, in a report to the Senate of the United States, states that " the Lancaster road, the first ex tensive turnpike that was completed in the United States, is the first link of the great western communi cation from Philadelphia." The road passes through the extreme northeastern verge of Haverford and diagonally through Radnor, and at an early date lines of stage-coaches ran along this noted highway. Shortly after the Revolution Chester seems to have been a place of considerable attraction as a Sunday resort, and that the public, desirous of visiting the ancient borough, might not lack transportation a Sunday line of stages was run to supply that demand, as we learn from the following advertisement in the Philadelphia Gazetteer for July 3, 1789 : " The Subscriber intendB to run a Carriage from this city to Chester every Sunday and means to carry passengers at a lower rate than the regular stage; and in order that they may arrive in Chester in time for the Sermon, the Coach will leave the Inman Queen, on Fourth Street at half-past 5 o'clock in the morning At Chester a fresh set of able- bodied Horses will be provided to return, so that the company may start thence in time for an agreeable refreshment at Messrs. Grays, and arrive in Philadelphia as early as they wish. " Matthias Kerlin, Jr." The general local travel from the neighborhood of Chester to Philadelphia was sadly cared for in the beginning of this ceutury. Persons living on the King's Highway, below Chester, and the Queen's Highway, above that town, would have their trunks brought to the front gates of their houses and wait for the Baltimore or Wilmington stage to come, and, if there chanced to be a vacant place, they were taken in and carried to their destination, but frequently the coachman shook his head and drove by without stop ping. To meet this want, about 1830, Chester rose to the dignity of having a line of stages to Philadelphia. I copy the following advertisement from the Weekly Visitor of Dec. 9, 1831 : "PHILADELPHIA AND CHESTER COACHES. " John Pucians respectfully informs the inhabitants of Chester and vi cinity that he has commenced running a line of stages between Philadel phia and Chester, leaving Philadelphia every morning at 8 o'clock, start ing from the Sign of the Camel on North Second street and stopping for passengers at the Sign of the Cross Keys, corner Second and Lombard streets, and leaving Chester every afternoon at three o'clock, starting from the hotel of Samuel R. Lamplugh." Lamplugh at that time kept the Columbia House, but the steamboats were then furnishing compara tively excellent transportation, and the enterprise languished, and finally the coaches were discontinued. In alluding to the difficulties that beset the traveler by the public roads, mention was made of highway men. Perhaps it would have been better had the term foot-pads been used, for in no instance that I have found did the thief present himself handsomely appareled, mounted on & dashing steed, with a black silk mask covering the upper part of his face ; but, in truth, he had usually a hang-dog appearance, with out any of the mythological accessories that are al ways present in the highwaymen of the novelists. 'in the fall of 1798 Richard Flower, of Chester Mills, was stopped on the Queen's Highway near the run that crosses the road below Thurlow Station by a man who demanded his money. Mr. Flower appar ently was complying with the unwelcome request when, seeing his opportunity, he struck the thief a blow on the head with his heavy riding-whip, which felled him to the ground, and then urging his horse into a run he made his way safely home. In the Post Boy for May 25, 1824, is the following account of a highway robbery committed in this county on the night of the 21st of May of that year : "Robbery.— On Friday evening last Mr. Samuel Black, of this county, being in his market-cart, on his way home from Philadelphia, was attacked on the West Chester road by five robbers, armed with clubs, an axe, etc., who led the horse and cart into the woods, bound Mr. Black in the cart, and after beating him, took what money they could find iu his pockets, and left him in a mangled and insensible con dition. On their first appearance Mr. Black succeeded in concealing his watch and pocket-book (which contained the principal part of his money and some papers) where they were not discovered. One of the robbers, who was very much intoxicated, threatened to take the life of Mr. Black, and there is no doubt he would have put his threat in exe cution bad he succeeded in getting into the cart, which he attempted to do. After they had left him some time, Mr. Black recovered sufficiently to unbind himself, and succeeded in getting to the nearest house. It would he well for persons who travel in the night to be prepared for the reception of such villains." 196 HISTORY OF DELAWARE COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA. The last case I shall mention occurred about ten o'clock on the night of Feb. 8, 1838, when Warren Gibbon, returning from market, was stopped on the highway, a short distance west of Darby, by three men, who caught his horse by the head. Two of the men then held Gibbon, while the third presented a pistol at his breast with one hand and robbed him with the other. They took from him seventy-five dollars, his watch, and some of his clothing. There was, of course, during all the time of which I write, the natural highway, the Delaware, and the early emigrant made constant use of it in going from settlement to settlement. Among the first mention respecting transportation the canoe is prominent, and we know that after Governor Markham's coming there appears to have been constant communication by water between the settlements from BurliDgton to the Capes of the Delaware. Gabriel Thomas, in his " History of Pennsylvania," published in 1698, states that " Chester, the German town, New Castle, and Lewistown" are the four great market towns, and "between these towns the watermen constantly ply their wherries." In October, 1698, Joseph Holt and Isaac Warner were drowned in the river, near Tini cum, by the upsetting of the ferry-boat going from New Castle to Philadelphia, and on the 23d of the preceding month John Barnskill was a passenger from Chester to Philadelphia in a ferry-boat, when it was overturned by a sudden gust of wind and he was drowned. Shallops constantly plied between the vil lages of Marcus Hook and Chester to Philadelphia in the last century, and during the months of June, July, August, and September, 1790, John Fitch ran a steamboat, the " Perseverance," as a passenger- and freight-boat on the Delaware, between Philadelphia, Trenton, Burlington, Chester, Wilmington, and Gray's Ferry, advertising her trips regularly in the newspapers of that day. During that summer. his steamboat ran over three thousand miles in these trips. This was seventeen years before Robert Fulton made his noted journey in the "Clermont," in Sep tember, 1807, from New York to Albany. Fitch was a watchmaker, and during the Revolution repaired old muskets. One day, it is stated, he was walking along the stage-road near Newtown, N. J., suffering with rheumatism in his feet, and was so much an noyed by passing wagons that he declared, "I will make steam carry me." He did so, but the ma chinery of the " Perseverance" was so defectively constructed that it was constantly breaking down, and ultimately ruined its inventor. In the last decade of the last century and in the early part of this the "Chester Planter," a shallop, built by Richard Flower to carry flour from the Ches ter Mills (the present site of Upland) to Philadelphia, would frequently take passengers to and from the places named, but in time the vessel became so old and decayed that it was run on the bank at Mount Mellick, on the opposite side of the creek from Up land, where its frame remained many years, until it entirely rotted down. Previous to 1819, Capt. John D. Hart ran the sloop " John Wall" as a passenger- and freight-boat between Chester and Philadelphia, leaving the former place on Mondays and Thursdays, and returning every Wednesday and Saturday. The "Wall" continued on the line until and including the year 1828. In 1824, John Ashmead Eyre owned the sloop " Mary and Louisa," commanded by Capt. James Eyre, which he ran as an opposition packet from Chester, and in 1830 the sloop "Hunter," Capt. Harrison, made regular trips. In 1827, Peter Deshong ran the sloop "Mary and Louisa" as a regular packet between Chester and Philadelphia, leaving the former place every Tuesday and Friday, and returning Thursdays and Saturdays. Joshua P. and William Eyre built the sloop " Jonas Preston," which for many years, commanded by Capt. H. J. Gibson, was the noted packet between Chester and Philadelphia. She sub sequently became the property of John Larkin, Jr., and William Booth, who were engaged in freighting between the points mentioned for several years, run ning a daily line of packets. In 1849 the firm had the sloops " John G. Johnson," Capt. Green, and the " John M. Broomall," Capt. Huston, oh the line, and in 1851 the " Jonas Preston" was added, so that one vessel would leave and another arrive at Chester the same day. The " Jonas Preston" ultimately became the property of J. & J. Baker, and on April 6, 1868, when off the light-house near Fort Mifflin, heavily laden with coke, she was struck by the swell from the " Eliza Hancock," which caused her to capsize and sink. In 1850, Pancoast Levis ran the packet " Mary J." between the points named, and the same year William T. Crook established a line of packet schooners, making weekly trips between Chester and New York, employing therein the schooners " Wil liam," Capt. Collins, and the " Rebecca," Capt. Russell. In 1865 the steam freight-boat " Chester" was built by P. Baker & Co., and ran between Philadelphia and Chester, and in the following year the propeller " Lamokin" was placed on the same route by J. & C. D. Pennell, as an opposition boat. In 1871 the lines were consolidated, and in 1872 the Delaware River Transportation Company (a new organization) was formed. The latter company built the " City of Chester," and subsequently became the owners of the Union lines. They have now on the route the freight steamboats " Eddystone," "Mars," and the "Mary Morgan," a large and commodious passenger steamer. The officers of the company are : President, J. Frank Black ; Treasurer, J. Howard Roop ; Secretary, Capt. Frank S. Baker. In April, 1870, the Electric Line between Wilming ton and New York, via the Delaware and Raritan Canals, in connection with their lines, established direct tri-weekly communication from Chester to New TRAVELING AND TRANSPORTATION. 197 York, placing additional steamers on the route for the purpose. The facility thus afforded to dispatch and receive goods without transshipment was recog nized by the manufacturers and business men in the southwesterly part of the county, and the enterprise proved a success from the beginning. In the fall of 1883 a new organization, the Chester Steamboat Company, was formed, and the steamboat " Artisan" placed on the route, running as a freight- boat between Chester and Philadelphia. In 1882 the steam barge "Sarah," of which Capt. Deakyne was manager, began running daily between Chester and Philadelphia, but after a few months' service withdrew. In the spring of 1883, R. W. Ramsden, who was proprietor of the Pioneer Stage Line from Chester to Upland, started a freight line from Chester to Phila delphia, running the steam barge " M. Massey." He continued in this enterprise until the fall of that year, when his boat was burned at the foot of Edgmont Avenue. Railroads. — That part of the Pennsylvania Rail road which passes through a small part of Haverford, and diagonally through Radnor township, was origi nally the Columbia Railroad, built by the State. That part of it nearest to Philadelphia was not completed and opened to trade and travel until 1834. The cars at first were propelled by horse-power, the distance between Columbia and Philadelphia, eighty-two miles, requiring nine hours for the trip, the horses being changed every twelve miles. The cars were built after the form of the old stage-coaches, only larger, the entrance door at the side, and the driver seated on an elevated box in front. The first locomotive put on the road was the "Black Hawk," which had been built in England. As the eastern end of the railroad for steam purposes was not completed, the engine was drawn to Lancas ter over the turnpike road. When the wonderful curiosity was to perform the trial-trip between Lan caster and Columbia, Governor Wolf and most of the State officials were present to witness the novel sight. The " Black Hawk," however, disappointed the audi ence, who had been informed by an Irishman em ployed by the road to keep the track clear of the crowd. " Get out of the track !" he shouted; "when she starts, she'll go like a bird, and ye'll all be kilt !" But when the moment came, and the engineer applied the lever, the locomotive would not move, and did not until by pushing the train was started. The eastern end of the road having been completed, on Wednesday, Feb. 28, 1834, the first train of cars from Lancaster to Philadelphia passed over the road, drawn by " Black Hawk," the distance between Lan caster and the head of the Inclined Plane having been traversed in eight and a half hours. Levi G. James, of Chester, who then resided in Radnor, can recall the excitement along the railroad on that day, the people flocking for miles around to witness the novel spectacle, and how the crowd cheered when the laboring engine, groaning, passed along with the train. The experiment had been successful, and so superior to horses did the locomotive demonstrate itself, that in 1837 there were forty engines in use on the road, and the horses, as a power, ceased to be used. The extension from the Pennsylvania Railroad to West Chester, which was opened Dec. 25, 1833, aroused a rivalry in Old Chester, and a number of citizens of Delaware County procured the passage of the law of April 11, 1835, incorporating the Delaware County Branch Railroad Company, authorizing the construction of a railway from Chester, along the creek of the same name, to intersect at West Chester with the extension road there. The movement first received shape in November, 1833, when a meeting was held at the Black Horse Hotel to ascertain the probable cost of the proposed road; and as there were then nine cotton-mills, eight grist-mills, two paper-mills, three iron-works, and eleven saw-mills along the proposed route, it was believed the freight from these industries would pay a handsome profit on the costs. The capital invested in manufacturing was then a million of dollars, while the estimated cost of the road — eighteen miles — was twenty thousand dol lars per mile, or three hundred and sixty thousand dollars for the road laid. After the passage of the act, on June 18, 1835, sub scription-books were opened at the Coffee-House, kept by John Bessonett, Jr., No. 86 South Second Street, Philadelphia, and no person was permitted to sub scribe for more than ten shares on any one day. The books were to remain open for three days. A survey was made and stakes driven, but beyond that the project languished. It was revived in the spring of 1848, and a survey was again made. The stakes driven at that time by the engineers were much the same course as those of twelve years previous, and those which followed twenty years afterwards, when the Chester Creek Railroad was built. The flicker of hope of 1848 was only a forerunner of the time when such a work must, in the necessity of public accommodation, be con structed. The latter was built under the provisions of the acts of Assembly of April 16, 1866, and April 17, 1867, and by the aid and assistance given to the enterprise by Samuel M. Felton, the public believed it must be pushed forward to completion. And it was. The first time the whistle of a locomotive was heard on that road was Nov. 4, 1868, when the engine at tached to the construction train passed some distance along the line, and the horses and cattle in the neigh borhood, unused to such screeching, scampered from the roadside in alarm. In the spring of 1869 the road was completed and opened to public travel. On April 2, 1831, the Legislature of Pennsylvania in corporated the Philadelphia and Delaware County Railroad Company. The charter lay dormant until 198 HISTORY OF DELAWARE COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA. 1835, when an organization was effected, and a board of directors elected. On Jan. 18, 1832, the Legislature of Delaware chartered the Wilmington and Susque hanna Railroad Company, with power to build a railroad from the Pennsylvania State line through Wilmington to the Maryland State line, towards the Susquehanna River ; and on March 5, 1832, the Leg islature of Maryland incorporated the Baltimore and Port Deposit Railway Company, with power to construct a road from the points named, and nine days subsequent the same authority incorporated the Delaware and Maryland Railroad to build a road from a point to be selected by the company at the Maryland and Delaware State line to Port Deposit, or any other terminus on the Susquehanna River. All of these companies had organized previous to 1836, when in January of that year the Philadelphia and Delaware County Railroad applied to the Legislature for power to increase its capital, which was granted, and at the same time the title of the company was changed to the Philadelphia, Wilmington and Balti more Railroad. Negotiations were entered into by the latter company with the Delaware and Maryland Railroad, which finally resulted in the latter granting the former the right of way from the Delaware State line to Wilmington. And on Dec. 20, 1837, the road was completed from Wilmington to Chester, so that an engine and train of cars came from the former to the latter place, but did not cross the bridge over Chester Creek, the rails not having been laid over that stream. On January 15th the road was opened for public travel from Philadelphia to Wilmington. The railway from Wilmington to Perryville had also been opened on the 4th of July, 1837, and the road from Baltimore to Havre de Grace on the 6th of July on the same year. At this time, although there was but one road, it was owned by three corpo rations, but on Feb. 5, 1838, they consolidated with a capital of two million two hundred and fifty thousand dollars, Matthew Newkirk being elected the first president. " Although the road was now in condition for use, it was, as compared with modern roads, very incom plete. The track was constructed of iron bars nailed upon wooden string-pieces, called mud-sills, which rested on the ground, and consequently were continu ally getting out of position. It was not until after the lapse of some years that this defect was remedied by the introduction of wooden ties."1 It is doubtful whether the foregoing statement ap plies to the road so far as the Pennsylvania Division was concerned. Martin tells us that "the track of the railroad was originally laid with flat bars, called strap-rail, weighing about fifteen pounds per yard, fastened upon a continuous stringer with cross-ties and mud-sills, and with a gauge of four feet eight and a half inches." 1 Johnson's "History of Cecil County, Maryland," p. 430. The road was surveyed, so far as its construction through Delaware County is concerned, by William Strickland and Samuel H. Kneass, and in their report to the president and directors of the Philadelphia and Delaware County Railroad in 1835, they state that the whole length of the line of survey from Broad and Prime Streets, Philadelphia, to the Delaware State line was sixteen and three-fourths miles, and they, not without apparent glee, felt "justified in es1- timating the amount of passengers from data which their investigation afforded" at about one hundred and fifty persons per day. They also express the be lief that if the proposed route to Baltimore be adopted (as was done), the distance being thereby reduced to ninety-three miles, the time of passage "may be readily performed in five hours."2 The contract for grading the roadway through Delaware County was awarded to John Cochran, William Eves, and John J. Thurlow, the latter having purchased Spencer Mcllvain's interest in the orig inal contract. The road was laid the greater part of the distance on the low, level meadow-land between Gray's Ferry and Chester, the earth for grading being supplied from the excavation of the ditches on each side of the track. While the men were working on the road, six laborers, in May, 1837, attempted to cross from one side of Darby Creek to the other in an old boat which lay on the shore, but it leaked so that when in the middle of the stream it sunk, and two of the men were drowmed. The annoyance to the railroad of being compelled to maintain a draw-bridge at Darby Creek was exces sive, and after a year or so trial, the company peti tioned the Legislature, in 1839, for right to build a permanent bridge across that stream. The proposi tion met with general opposition from the people of this county, and John K. Zeilin, then representative, obtained a report adverse to the bill. The railroad made no further effort looking to the removal of the draw-bridge at that point. It is said that the plan of connecting a rope to the bell of an engine drawing a train of cars, so that the conductor might communicate with the engineer, was an idea of John Wolf, a noted conductor in the early days of the Philadelphia, Wilmington and Bal timore Railroad history. It seems that he had a cord running through the cars and made fast to a log of wood in the cab of the locomotive, which gave notice to the engineer when to stop or go ahead. On one occasion the former and Wolf had a disagreement, and at that time in railroad management the train was supposed to be in charge of the engineer while in motion, the conductor being but a secondary figure. Wolf had pulled the rope once or twice to indicate that he wanted the train to stop at the Blue Bell, but the engineer paid no attention, and rushed past the station without even slacking speed. The conductor 2 Hazard's Register, vol. xvi. p. 245. TRAVELING AND TRANSPORTATION. 199 in anger clambered over the tender, and demanded why his signal to stop had not been obeyed. " I'm in charge of this train, and will stop when I think best at any point not a regular station," replied the engi neer. This put Wolf to his mettle, and it resulted finally in the train being stopped, and, in the pres ence of the passengers, the conductor and engineer fought until the latter was completely conquered. Never after that time was Wolf's signal disregarded, and the connecting cord was found to work so advan tageously that it was adopted on all the railroads in the United States. After the completion of the road, the consolidated companies, now the Philadelphia, Wilmington and Baltimore Railroad Company, found that while their capital was two and a quarter millions, the cost of the road and equipping it had amounted to nearly four and a half millions of dollars. The original sub scribers to the stock, which promised such a golden harvest, soon found that the day when a dividend would be paid was uncertain, while creditors were clamorous for payment, and to liquidate these press ing claims two mortgages, amounting to three mil lions, had to be given. The sturdy farmers who had placed a few hundred dollars in the stock of the com pany began to grow uneasy of waiting for dividends which never came, and by degrees their holdings passed into the market, where they were purchased as investments by wealthy capitalists of the Eastern cities. In 1851, Samuel M. Felton was elected presi dent of the road, and during his administration the track, rolling stock, and landed estate of the company, which had deteriorated in the endeavor to relieve the road of^ts heavy debt, was relaid, increased, and im proved, i The Philadelphia, Wilmington and Baltimore Railroaa"=was put into a position to meet the great demand which came upon it ten years later in for warding troops to the national capital. So admirable was Mr. Felton's management that the stock paid heavy dividends, and as a consequence it was rarely seen in the market, and if so, it was quickly purchased at a premium. In 1865, Mr. Felton resigned the presidency of the road, and as a testimonial of the great service he had rendered to the company a pres ent of one hundred thousand dollars was made to him on his retiring from the position he had so admirably filled." Isaac"Hinkley was elected to fill the place made vacant by Mr. Felton's retiracy, and during the latter's presidency the improved line of railway was laid from Gray's Ferry through Darby, Sharon Hill, Prospect Park, Norwood, Ridley Park, Crum Lynne, and other stations which have been located on the line of the new road, now dotted along almost its entire length by handsome villas and country resi dences. Ground was broken on Nov. 11, 1870, and the first train passed over the Darby improvement, as it was popularly known, early in 1873. In the late spring of 1881 the Philadelphia, Wilmington and Baltimore Railroad passed into the hands of the Pennsylvania Central Railroad, H. F. Kenney, the superintendent of the former road, having been re tained in charge of the Delaware and Southern Divis ion of the Pennsylvania Railroad, which includes the old Philadelphia, Wilmington and Baltimore, the Chester Creek, the Baltimore Central, and the Phila delphia and West Chester Railroads, besides other roads in the State of Delaware. The West Chester and Philadelphia Railroad was incorporated April 11, 1848, and on Jan. 17, 1852, the contract for building the road, except laying the rails, entered into with Gonder, Clark & Co., who were to receive three hundred thousand dollars in cash and two hundred thousand dollars in stock of the road for the work. On Monday, July 16, 1855, the middle span of the railroad bridge, then being constructed over Ridley Creek, gave way, precipitating five men to the earth, one hundred and nine feet below, and three were instantly killed. In the autumn of that year the road had been completed, and trains were running to Media; at the close of 1856 the road had extended from Rockdale to Lenni, and by Jan. 1, 1857, to Grubb's bridge, the present Wawa. The road was an expensive one to build, due to the deep valleys and many streams it crossed, so that at one time its stock had fallen to almost nominal value. In the latter half of the year 1858 the road was pushed onward with remarkable rapidity, the rails being laid from Wawa to West Chester, so that the first train of cars from Philadelphia by the direct road reached West Chester on Tuesday, Nov. 11, 1858, and on the follow ing Thursday a celebration was held in the borough in honor of the event. In May, 1880, the Philadel phia, Wilmington and Baltimore Railroad Company purchased the West Chester and Philadelphia Rail road, and on the subsequent transfer of the former road to the Pennsylvania Central, the West Chester road was included. The Philadelphia and Baltimore Central Railroad was incorporated March 17, 1853, and by act of April 6, 1854, was authorized to form a union with a cor poration chartered by the State of Maryland. On Jan. 3, 1855, ground was broken for the road ou the farm of Darwin Painter, in Birmingham, Delaware Co., Dr. Frank Taylor, the president of the road, turning the first sod between Chad's Ford and Grubb's bridge. On Monday, June 1, 1857, the laying of the track from Grubb's bridge was begun, but it was not completed to Chad's Ford for public travel UDtil some time in the year 1858, when trains ran as far as that point. The road, which became the property of the Philadelphia, Wilmington and Baltimore Railroad Company, passed with the transfer made by the latter corporation to the Pennsylvania Central Railroad, already mentioned. The Chester and Delaware River Railroad Com pany was incorporated in 1872 by letters patent under the free railroad law of Pennsylvania. Its terminal 200 HISTORY OF DELAWARE COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA. points were from Thurlow to Ridley Creek, a distance of about four miles. The incorporators were John M. Broomall, William Ward, William A. Todd, Sam uel Archibald, Ainos Gartside, James A. Williamson, James Kirkman, William H. Green, and Samuel H. Stephenson. Previous to the date of incorporation, Messrs. Broomall and Ward had constructed a spur track from a point below Thurlow Station of the Philadelphia, Wilmington and Baltimore Railroad to the bridge works in South Chester, for the accom modation of those works. The Philadelphia, Wil mington and Baltimore Railroad Company furnished the rails and cross-ties at an annual rental. The de mand of other manufacturing establishments along the river soon became urgent for similar accommoda tions, and the owners of those industries joining with the original projectors, and the authorities of South Chester borough acting in unison with reference to granting privileges on Front Street, the railroad was extended up to the city limits. When the boundary was reached the same demand arose from establish ments in Chester, and the city authorities, following the example of the Borough Council, gave a hearty support to the enterprise, and the result was the ex tension of the road to Penn Street. At this period, (1872) the Philadelphia and Reading Railroad Com pany became the lessee of the old bed of the Phila delphia, Wilmington and Baltimore Railroad from Gray's Ferry to Ridley Creek. The Reading com pany being owners of a large tract of land on the river near Marcus Hook, assumed control of the rail road on Front Street, finished its extension across Chester Creek, and connected it with its branch pur chased from the Philadelphia, Wilmington and Bal timore Railroad Company. The Chester and Dela ware River Railroad Company still preserves its separate corporate existence, the present officers being those of the Reading company, excepting William Ward, who is one of the directors. The completion and operation of this railroad has been followed by the most marked results. Many manufacturing es tablishments of the largest capacity have been erected on the line, owing to facilities afforded for transporta tion of heavy freights. CHAPTER XXI. REDEMPTIONERS AND SLAVERY IN DELAWARE COUNTY. When the system of redemptive servitude first ap peared in our history I fail to ascertain, but certain it is that it related in the first instance to English emi grants solely, and did not show itself until after the territory had been subjugated by the arms of Great Britain. I am aware that Professor Keen states that the only person, so far as known, who came to New Sweden on the " Griffin," on the first expedition in 1637, and remained in the colony, was Anthony, a bought slave, who served Governor Printz at Tini cum in 1644, making hay for the cattle, and accom panying the Governor on his pleasure yacht, and was still living there on March 1, 1648. But he was a slave (the first on our shore), and was not a redemp- tioner, who, to reimburse the owners and master of a ship for his passage and provender on the voyage, agreed that his services might be sold for a stipulated period. In the Duke of York's Laws occurs the first notice of the system, which, while it had many harsh and objectionable features, gave to the colonies great numbers of energetic and thrifty settlers, who, by reason of their poverty, never could have come to the New World had it not been for the redemptive system. The law mentioned provided that " no Christian shall be kept in Bondslavery, villenage, or Captivity, Except Such who shall be Judged there unto by Authority or such as willingly have sould or shall sell themselves." ' The first record of the transfer of a redemption or indentured servant previous to the grant to Penn was at a court held at Upland, June 13, 1677, and is set forth in the quaint phraseology of that period : " Mr. John Test brought In Court a certaine man-servant named Wil liam Still, being a taylor by traede, whome hee tlie sd Test did acknowl edge to have sold unto Capt'n Edmond Cautwell for the space and tearme of foure years, beginning from the first of Aprill Lust past; The sd Wil liam Still declared in Court to bee willing to serve the said Capt'n Cant- well the aboved tearms of foure yeares."- After Penn came to the province, in 1682, the sub ject of indentured servants received the immediate attention of the Governor, and among the laws en acted by the first and succeeding General Assemblies were those requiring a registration of persons so held to servitude; forbidding the assignment of servants to persons residing without the province ; exempting them from being levied on in executions against their masters ; forbidding the harboring of a servant for a longer period than twenty-four hours without giving notice to a justice of the peace of the whereabouts of such servant; interdicting bartering with a servant for goods belonging to his master, and limiting the period of servitude for all unindentured servants of seventeen years of age at five years, and those under that age until they should attain the age of twenty- one years. Masters were also required to bring such servants before the court within three months after their arrival in the province, that the term of service might be determined by the justices. The early records contain many cases growing out of this spe cies of servitude, which for a century and a half maintained in this State, and gave to it many of its most respected families. At the court held the 3d day of 1st week, Seventh month, 1686, Thomas Usher, the then sheriff, com plained that William Collett was holding Thomas 1 Book of Laws, p. 12. " Record of Upland Court, p. 51. REDEMPTIONERS AND SLAVERY IN DELAWARE COUNTY. 201 Cooper " in his service by an unlawful contract, upon which it was Ordered that William Collett doe forthwith Sett the said Thomas Cooper att Liberty, and allow him the Customs & Law of the Country in that case Provided for Servants." This is the first case I have found in which the custom of the country is alluded to, although it is frequently mentioned thereafter. The act of March 10, 1683, provided that at the expiration of the term of servitude a bonded servant was entitled to receive " One new Sute of Apparell, ten bushels of Wheat or fourteen bushels of Indian corn, one Ax two howes, one broad and another narrow, and a Discharge from their Services." By the act of 1693 the custom was declared to be " two suits of apparell," together with the other articles named in the law of 1683, and by the act of 1700 the servant was to have " two com- pleat suits of apparel, whereof one shall be new, and shall also be furnished with one new axe, one grub bing hoe, and one weeding hoe, at the charge of their master or mistress." This continued to be the law until the act of March 9, 1771, repealed so much of the act of 1700 as related to the furnishing of a new axe, a grubbing- and a weeding hoe. The great body of mechanics in the early colonial days originally came to the province as redemptioners, and the cases are frequent showing that this was the rule. The first instance, save that of William Still, heretofore mentioned, and the only one I shall cite, as to this statement, occurred at the court held 1st 3d day of First month, 1689-90, when " James Hayes Petitioned this Court to have his Toles [tools] from Jemmy Collett wcl1 according was Ordered that the said Toles was to be delivered Imediately into the hands of James Sandelands for the use of the said Hayes. The said Hayes paying to Jeremy Collett what he Justly Owes him. The said James Hayes Promised Here in open Court to searve James Sande lands his Heirs, Exs., Adms. or Assigns the Residue of the Tyme of his Indenture Excepting Two Months and fifteen days wob James Sandelands gave him." The freeman who was unfortunate to contract debts in those days, when the body could be taken in exe cution in a civil suit, to save himself constant trouble, frequently sold himself to liquidate the claims against him. The case of George Chandler at the court held first 3d day. of 1st week, First month, 1689/90, shows how debts were discharged by personal service. Thomas Rawlins complained that Chandler was in debted to him in 34s. 8Jrf., and the creditor was clamorous for payment. The court thereupon liqui dated all Chandler's obligations in this wise : "Ordered that the said George Chandler by his Consent doo sell himself a servant for Two years and five Months wth Edward Beazer, the said Edward Beazer paying to the said Rawlins the said sum of 34s. 8Jd. and the Remainder wob would make up the Sume of Ten pounds w'" was £8 5s. S%d. to be paid to his ffather in Law, William Hawkes." In the court held Feb. 6, 1739/40, James Reynolds informed the justices, " by his petition that being in debted to sev11 psons, as by a list pducd appears To the sum of Eight pounds, thirteen shill. and five pence with Costs and having no other way to satesfy these Debts prays to be Admitted to pay by Servitude which is allowed, And ordered to Serve his Creditors Two Years in full satisfaction for ye said Debts and Costs." Indeed, in satisfaction of court charges, sale of the defendant's services has been ordered. The court records often show that when a question of more than ordinary importance was to be pre sented to the justices, the latter would call into their counsel those persons whose position seemingly gave them peculiar opportunities for information on the matter under consideration. Hence we find at an Orphans' Court held at Chester, Nov. 29, 1705, Peter Evans, register-general of the province, was present, occupying a place on the bench, when Richard Adams presented a petition " Concerning the estate of Thomas Clayton, dec'd," as followeth, in these words : " Chester. — To the Worshipful Commissioners & Register General now Bitting in the Orphan's Court held for the County of Chester, the humble petitiou of Richard Adams, of Edgmont, of this County, Car penter, shewest, — " ' That whereas Thomas Clayton, a bond servant unto your petitioner, about 6 years ago, on his voyage from England unto this province, died at sea, leaving behind him Elinor, a child of about the age of seven years, and a boy of about 5 years of age, named Richard, for which children's passage your petitioner paid in England, & hath ever since maintained them with meat, drink, and apparill. " ' May it, therefore, please your Worship to consider the premises, and to make such order thereupon as to your Worship may seem most con venient, and your petitioner shall ever pray, etc. 'Richaro Adams. " ' Nov. 2, 1705.' 11 Upon reading of which petition the Court orders the said Richard Adams to bring an inventory of the estate of the said Thomas Clayton, which he was sworn to do and return to next Orphans' Court, and the Court appointed Thomas Barnsley and William Pickle to appraise the said goods, and make return to the said court. " The Court having considered Richard Adam's charge against the two orphans, Richard & Elinor Clayton, does allow 26 pounds to Richard Adams, Pennsylvania money, for their passage & diet in England, and diet ou board ship, diet in Maryland, and bringing them up in Penn sylvania. " Ordered that Elinor Clayton, an orphan, of the age of 14 years shall serve Daniel Hoopes for the term of 7 years from this day, on con dition that the said Dauiel teach her to read, knit, and BOwe, and pay 12 pounds according to the order of this Court. Richard Clayton, an Orphan, being brought to this Court, is ordered by said Court to serve Edward Danger, of Chester, Cooper, for a term of 9 years from this day, on consideration that the said Edward teach, or cause to be taught, the said Richard the trade of a cooper, and find and allow sufficient meat, drink, lodging, and apparill during the said term, and also to teach him to read & write, & pay 14 pounds 5 shillings to the order of this Court." » As the provinces increased in population and wealth the trading in redemptioners became a business. A 1 Of this Richard Clayton nothing now seems to be known. The Claytons of Delaware County are descended from William Clayton, a passenger with his family on the ship " Kent," who purchased an es tate at Marcus Hook, the deed to which was acknowledged at the Court held March 13, 1678/9. Gilbert Cope states that he died in 1689, while Thompson Westcott says bis death occurred in 1682. If Westcott is right, there were five William Claytons in unbroken succession. If Cope is correct there were four William Claytons, the eldest son in each generation, including the first settler of the name, in the list. 202 HISTORY OF DELAWARE COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA. few men speculated in these emigrants as they would cattle. They would purchase the redemptioners from the master of the vessel, or the merchants to whom they were consigned, at wholesale, and then drive them through the country to be sold at retail at an enormous profit. The men engaged in this trade were known as soul-drivers. But finally the business be came precarious, so many of the redemptioners escap ing from their owners while traveling through the country to find a market, that about the year 1785 the trade was absolutely discontinued. One of these dealers, named McCullough, became noted in the trade in Chester County, and prospered so that he would go to Europe and gather a drove of redemp tioners, which he would sell at a greater profit than he could 'make by buying of the intermediate dealer. The late Joseph J. Lewis has recorded an amusing incident of the trade, in which McCullough, instead of selling, was sold by one of his herd, as follows : "The fellow, by a little management, contrived to be the last of the flock that remained unsold, and traveled about with his master without companions. One night they lodged at a tavern, and in the morning the young fellow, who was an Irishman, rose early aud sold his master to the landlord, pocketed the money, and marched off. Previously, bow- ever, to his going be used the precaution to tell the purchaser that his servant, although tolerably clever in other respects, was rather saucy and a little given to lying — that he had even presumption enough at times to endeavor to pass for master, and that he might possibly repre sent himself as such to him. By tbe time mine host was undeceived the son of Erin had gained such a start as rendered pursuit hopeless."* The last reference to the sale of redemptioners in Delaware County is related in a sketch of Abraham Peters, of Lancaster County, written by the late Col. John W. Forney, which was published in Progress in 1879. The colonel stated that in 1811 Peters was hauling grain from Lancaster County to the mills on the Brandywine, and was requested by his sister to buy a small German girl from a vessel for her. " The vessels stopped at Chester. So, after he had disposed of his grain, he mounted one of his horses and rode to Chester. He went on board an emigrant vessel, and as he spoke German, he was soon sur rounded by a crowd, each one requesting to be bought, as they preferred to get into families where German was spoken. He called the captain and made known his errand. The captain told him he had two small orphan girls on board, their mother having died on the voyage. He asked forty dollars for the two, but as Mr. Peters only wanted one, and could take but one on horseback with him, the captain said he would charge him twenty-five dollars for one, and if he sent him a purchaser for the other, he would give her for fifteen dollars. . . . Before parting the girls were going to divide their dead mother's effects, but Mr. Peters would not allow this, as he assured them that Katy, the girl he was taking with him, would find plenty, and therefore insisted on the other keep ing all except the clothes that Katy was wearing. ' " Sketches of the History of Chester County," published in the Village Record, West Chester, 1824. Again assuring the captain that he would try and find another purchaser, he started for Wilmington, and was soon on his way home. Katy was a bright and lovely girl, and soon forgot her sorrow as she stood at the froDt of the wagon looking at and admiring the horses. He had proceeded but a short distance from Wilmington when he met a fine old Quaker gentle man and his wife driving to town. The lady saw the little girl, and admiring her, stopped and wanted to buy her. But Mr. Peters told her that he had bought the girl for his sister, and therefore could not sell her, but told her of the little sister that was left behind on the vessel, and requested them to go to Chester and buy her. He gave a few lines to the captain, and reminded him of the fifteen dollars he had agreed to take. "The Quaker promised to go and buy the sister. They gave each other their addresses, and promised to write and keep the girls in communication with each other. Katy was installed in her new home, and under the kind, motherly treatment of Mrs. Bausman grew up to be a fine woman. Her sister also found a good home with the Quaker family. Correspondence was kept up between the families, and yearly visits were made alternately with the girls, and very friendly relations sprung up between the families, which were kept up long after the girls were free. When Katy had served out her time and ar rived at a proper age, she was married to a worthy German baker in Philadelphia. She esteemed it a great pleasure to visit her former mistress, to whom she was ever thankful for the good, religious training she received from her." Slaves. — When slavery of the negro and Indian races first showed itself in the annals of Pennsylvania is difficult of ascertainment, for it is well known that previous to the grant of the province to William Penn the Swedes and Dutch settlers had the pernicious system of servile labor implanted in the territory. In 1677, James Sandelands was the only person on the Delaware River from Upland northward who owned a slave. The wrong, however, did not go long un challenged after the English power had acquired ownership of the soil, for as early as 1688 the Friend settlers at Germantown issued their now famous pro test against the holding of their fellow-men in bond age. Although the movement was purely addressed to the conscience of the public, and did not prevent the importation of negroes to the colony, it was the corner-stone on which the principles of emancipation of slaves in every Christianized nation of the earth were subsequently erected. In 1696 the Yearly Meet ing of Quakers put themselves broadly on record as follows : " Friends are advised not to encourage the bringing in any more negroes." From these small beginnings the sentiment adverse to slavery extended, and when Penn made his second visit to this province in 1700, he was instrumental in incorporating in the discipline of the society provisions regulating the REDEMPTIONERS AND SLAVERY IN DELAWARE COUNTY. 203 treatment of slaves among those members of that re ligious order who, at that time, did not regard the holding of bondsmen as a moral wrong. Not only i did the proprietary take that step, but he proposed to the Assembly two bills, one regulating marriage among negroes and the other establishing trials of slaves be fore magistrates, instead of leaving them as thereto fore entirely under the control of their masters. The latter bill only became the subject of legislative en actment. The Quarterly Meeting held at Chester for the county of Chester, Sixth month 1, 1700, prohibited the members of the meeting from purchasing Indians as slaves, and in 1711 the same meeting declared that it was " dissatisfied with Friends buying and encour aging the bringing in of negroes." Four years after Chester Monthly Meeting again brought this matter prominently before the society, and determined to press it at the Yearly Meeting. That this was done is evidenced by a letter of Isaac Norris in 1715, quoted by Watson, wherein the writer says, " Our business would have been very well were it not for the warm pushing by some Friends of Chester, chiefly in the business of negroes. The aim was to obtain a minute that none should buy them for the future." The agitation of the subject had so attracted public attention to the evil of slavery that the Assembly as early as 1705 levied an impost duty on slaves brought within the province, and in 1710 again enacted a sim ilar law. In 1711 an act was passed absolutely for bidding the importation of slaves, but the English ship-owners, at that time largely interested in the traffic in negroes, influenced the crown to declare the colo nial law nugatory. The Assembly in the following year imposed a duty of twenty pounds a head on every slave brought into Pennsylvania, and again Queen Anne crushed the provincial statute at the in stance of those who were growing wealthy in the trade. The opponents of the system of slavery were not dismayed into silence by the royal mandate, but in 1716, 1728, and 1730 Chester Quarterly Meeting, with no uncertain sound, pressed the matter on the atten tion of the Society of Friends, and in 1761, Dr. Smith tells us a member of Chester meeting was dealt with by that body for having bought and sold a negro, but having made a proper acknowledgment he was not disowned. That slaves were generally owned and kept by per sons of wealth and by farmers in Chester County at an early date is fully established by an examination of the records, which show in settling estates frequent mention of negro slaves. The first case in this county where slaves were manumitted that I have found is in the will of Lydia Wade, widow of Robert Wade, dated the 30th "day of Fourth month, 1701. Lydia Wade, in all probability, died in July, and her will, probated Aug. 8, 1801, before Register-General Moore, at Philadelphia, has the following clauses respecting her slaves : "161y. My will is that my negroes John and Jane his wife shall be sett free one month after my decease. "17iy. My will is that my negro child called Jane shall be sett free after it have lived with my negro John twelve years and after that with my kinsman John Wade five years." As the spirit of liberty spread abroad among the people during the colonial difficulties with Europe, the impression that it was unjust to keep mankind in bondage became so general that it caused many per sons in the colony, whose principles were more dear to them than money, to manumit their slaves. In the year 1776 a number of slaves were so made free. William Peters, of Aston, in that year manumitted four bond-servants, — a man, woman, and two children. The document relating to the two last I copy in full : " To all people to whom these presents shall come : I, William Peters, of Ashtown, in the County of Chester and Province of Pennsylvania, having a certain malattoe boy named Jack, aged about foure years under my care and in my service and also a Mulatto Gerl named Grace aged about two years Likewise under my care. Now Know Te, that for aud in Consideration that all mankind have an Equal, Natural and Just Right to Liberty I do by these Presents promise and Declair that the said Jack and Grace, he when he shall arive at the age of twenty- one that is to say on tbe first day of the Eighth month in the year of our Lord one thousand Seven Hundred and Ninety-three and She when she shall arrive at the age of Eighteen, that ia to say on the first Day of the Eighth month in the year one thousand Seven Hundred and Ninety-two, they shall be and is hereby Declared, Discharged, Manu mitted and at full Liberty and for myself, my Heirs, Executors, Admin istrators and Assigns and all other persons Claiming under me or any of them do quit all Claim after that time to the said Jack and Grace which by tbe Laws ot Customs of this province or any other Govern ment might have subjected them to Slavery or Deprived them of the full Enjoyment of Liberty. In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal the Seventh Day of the Eighth month in the year of our Lord one thousand Seven Hundred and Seventy-Six. " Wm. Peters, [l. s.] " Signed and sealed in the presence of "j " Benjamin Hough, > "Samuel Trimble." J In 1777 the public sentiment among Friends against slavery had become so general that the ownership of a bondsman for life was regarded as a sufficient cause in itself for the meeting to disown members thus of fending. As stated before, the conviction of the wrong and evil of slavery made permanent lodgment in the opinion of the people, when the struggle between the colonists and England began, increasing as the spirit of liberty increased until, March 1, 1780, the Assem bly enacted a law providing for the gradual abolition of the entire system of servile labor in the common wealth. Its provisions required a registration of all slaves to be made prior to the 1st day of November following in the office of the clerk of the Court of Quarter Sessions in the several counties, and declared that all persons born after that date in Pennsylvania should be free, excepting the children of registered slaves, who should be servants to their parents' mas ters until they had attained twenty-eight years, after which age they also became freemen. Under this law a registry of the slaves of Chester County, giving the name, age, sex, and time of service of each person held as a slave, as also the name of the owners and the township where they resided, was carefully made. The record shows the following slaves, the number 204 HISTORY OF DELAWARE COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA. owned by each master, as well as the residences of the latter in the territory now comprising Delaware County : Robert Magorgan, of Haverford township, fanner, registers a mulatto child then aged 6 months, a servant until he shall attain the age of 31 years. Hugh Goveen, of Haverford, farmer, registered a negro woman, Phil- lie, aged 21 ; a negro boy, Peter, aged 7 years, slave for life ; and a mu latto girl, Poll, aged 16, a servant until she is 31 years. Samuel Johnson, of Haverford, farmer, registered a negro woman, Dinah, 45 ; a negro girl, Sail, 14 ; a mulatto boy, Jem, 8 ; a mulatto boy, Joe, 5% years ; and a mulatto boy, Peter, 2 years old, all slaves for life. Hester Horiright, of Haverford, gentlewoman, records a negro boy named Joe, aged 15, a slave for life. Richard Willing, of Haverford, farmer, records a negro man, Dick, 40; a negro man, Ishmael, 28; a negro man, 21 ; and a negro woman, Molly, aged 42, all slaves for life. John Lindsay, Haverford, farmer, records a negro girl 7 years old, a slave for life. Edward Hughes, of Haverford, carpenter, records a negro boy, Will, aged 1 year and 8 months, a slave for life. Charles Humphreys, of Haverford, miller; hiB sister, Elizabeth Hum phreys, and the estate of Rebecca Humphreys, deceased, record a negro woman, Nancy, 70 ; a negro man, Cezar, 36 ; a negro man, Tone, 34 ; a negro woman, Nancy, 44; a mulatto woman, Judy, 25; a mulatto girl, Alice, 10; a mulatto boy, Tommey, 8; and a mulatto female child, Fanny, 13 months, all slaves for life. Jacob Richards, of Aston, yeoman, records a negro man, Dick, 64 ; a negro man, Jym, 30 ; a uegro girl, Flora, 12 ; a mulatto boy, Peet, 5 ; a negro girl, Rose, 3 ; a female child, Sylvia, 16 months, all slaves for life, and a negro servant woman then 22, until she attains the age of 25 years. The heirs of Philip EvanB, of Aston, deceased, register a negro woman, Dinah, 27 ; a negro boy, Adam, 6 ; a negro girl, Abby, 4; and a negro girl, Sylvia, aged 2 years, all slaves for life. William Twaddle, of Aston, forgemnster, registered a negro man, Sam, 35 ; a mulatto boy, Tom, 6 ; a uegro wench, Seal, 19, all slaves for life. Isaac Maris, of Marple, yeoman, registered a negro wench, Bet, aged 17, a slave for life. Dr. Bernard "Vanleer, of Marple, registered a uegro boy, George, aged 15, a slave for life. Archibald Dick, of Lower Chichester, registered a negro man, CufF, 40; a negro woman, Nance, 20; a negro boy, Statia, 14 ; a negro girl, Flora, 7 ; and a mulatto boy, Benn, aged 2 years, oil slaves for life. Joseph Walker, of Lower Chichester, yeoman, registered a negro boy, Jack, aged 10, a slave for life. Samuel Price, of Lower Chichester, farmer, registered a negro man, James, 26 ; a negro man, Oliver, 24, slaves for life ; and a mulatto boy, Joe, aged 4 years, a servant till he attains the age of 31 years. George Craig, of Marcus Hook, clerk, registered a negro woman, Phebe, 32 ; a negro boy, Phil, 7 ; a mulatto boy, Jack, 3 years and a half; and a mulatto girl, Amy, aged 1 year and 9 months. At a later time, for the date is not given, George Craig records a negro man, Thomas, aged 60 years. All of these slaves for life. Richard Baker, of Middletown, yeoman, records a negro girl, Kassee, 13 years, a slave for life, and a mulatto servant-boy, Phineas, 17 years old, until he attains the age of thirty-one years. Mary Ann Doyle, of Middletown, seamstress, records a negro girl, Ruth, aged 10 years, a slave for life. William Doyle, of Middletown, records a negro girl, aged 5 years, «, Blave for life. Joseph Gibbons, of Springfield, inn-holder, records a negro girl, Phebe, aged 8 yeara, a slave for life. Thomes Levis, EBq., of Springfield, records a negro boy named Scipio, aged 16 years, a slave for life. James Crozer, of Springfield, farmer, records a mulatto servant-man, Anthony Walsh, aged 22, until he attains 31 years; and a negro woman- Bervant, Amelia, aged 19, until she attains the age of 21 years. Lewis DaviB, of Springfield, yeoman, records a mulatto servant, Re becca, aged 21, until she attains the age of 31. Caleb Davis, Esq., of Springfield, records a negro boy, Frank, aged 15, a slave for life. Samuel Levis, of SpriDgfield, paper-maker, records a negro boy, James Knox, 18, and a negro girl, Flora Knox, aged 10 years. Both slaves for life. John Levis, Sr., of Springfield, yeoman, records a negro boy, Essex, aged 12 ; a negro boy, Frank, 10; a negro boy, Harry, 6; and a negro boy, Milford, aged 4, all slaves for life. George Lownes, of Springfield, cutler, records a negro man, Tom, aged 26, and a. negro woman, Hannah, aged 19, servants until they attain tbe age of 31. John Ogden, of Springfield, yeoman, a mulatto girl, Poll, aged 15, a Blave for life. Nicholas Diehl, of Tinicum, grazier, records a negro man, Lonnon, aged 26; a negro man, Cojo, 24; a negro girl, Dinah, 7 ; and a negro boy, Cffisar, aged 5, all Blaves for life. Benjamin Rue, of Tinicum Island, grazier, records a negro girl, Jude, aged 13, a slave for life. John Taylor, of Tinicum Island, grazier, records a negro girl, Jude, aged 6, a slave for life. William Smith, of Tinicum, yeoman, records a negro girl, Nance, aged 5 years, a slave for life, and a negro Bervant girl, Eamy, 12 years old, till she attains the age of 31 years. John Miller, of Tinicum, yeoman, records a negro boy, JesBe, aged 13, a slave for life. John Odenheimer, of the borough of Chester, farmer, records a negro man, Anthony Welsh, aged 45, a slave for life. Mary Withey, of the borough of Chester, gentlewomao, recordB a negro woman, Phillis, 58, and a negro woman, Sophia, aged 32 years. Both slaves for life. Capt. Edward Vernon, of the borough of Chester, inn-holder, records a mulatto woman, Kate, 20 ; a mulatto boy, 16 ; a negro man, Jym, 65 ; a negro woman, Jinn, 21 ; and a negro child, Dann, aged 9 months, all slaveB for life. He also records a mulatto 6ervant-boy, aged 12 years, until he attains the age of 24 yeare. Rachael Weaver, of the borough of Chester, inn-holder, administratrix of the estate of Valentine Weaver, deceased, records a negro man, Joe, 60; a negro woman, Dinah, 60; a negro boy, Jack, 15; a negro boy, Peter, 13 years ; and a negro girl, Violet, aged 11. All slaves for life. Elisha Price, Esq., of tbe borough of Chester, records a negro man, Peter, aged 24 years, a slave for life. Samuel Shaw, of the borough of Chester, miller, records a negro man, Peter, 36, and a negro man, Buff, age 23. Both slaves for life. Boaz Matthews, of Upper Darby, blacksmith, records a negro man named CseBar, aged 37, a slave for life. Sarah Harman, of Upper Darby, seamstress, records a negro woman, Clarissa, aged 19, a slave for life. Samuel Smith, of Darby township, yeoman, records a negro man, Milford, 58, and a negro man, Tom, 23. Both slaves for life. John Crosby, Jr., of Ridley, yeoman, records a negro girl, Fann, aged 10 years, a slave for life. Sketchley Morton, of Ridley, grazier, records a negro boy, Jeffrey, aged 14, a slave for life. John Morton, of Ridley, farmer, records a negro man , George, 62 ; a negro woman, Dinah, 47 ; a negro girl, Hannah, 7 ; and a female negro child, 1 year old, all slaves for life. Thomas Smith, of Ridley, farmer, records a negro man, Jim, 20; a negro boy, Cato, 10; a negro girl, Phebe, 14; and a negro girl, Hannah, aged 9, all slaves for life. John Quandril, of Ridley, weaver, records a negro man, Jack, aged 60, a slave for life. John Crozer, executor of the estate of John Knowles, late of the town ship of Ridley, deceased, records a negro man, Scipio, 24; a, negro woman, Pathena, 41 ; a negro girl, Fanny, aged about 14 ; a negro girl, Tabitha, 11 ; and a negro girl, Jane, aged 8, all slaveB for life. Isaac Hendrickson, of Ridley, farmer, records a negro man, Tone, 40; a negro woman, Nance, 36; a negro boy, Frank, 12; a negro girl, Bett, 10 ; a negro boy, Tone, 7 ; a negro boy, Joe, 5 ; a negro girl, Pol, 3 ; and a negro girl, Dine, aged 6 months, all slaves for life. Morton Morton, of Ridley, yeoman, records a negro man, Csesar, 28 ; a negro woman, Liz, 30; a negro boy, Annias, 8 years and 7 months ; and a negro boy, Samuel, aged 8 years aud 7 months ; a mulatto boy, John, aged 6 years and 4 months; and a mulatto boy, Jacob, aged 6 years and 4 months (Mr. Morton may possibly have had a pair of twins in his household); a mulatto girl, Sarah, 3 yearB and 3 months ; and a mulatto boy, Peter, 1 year and 10 months, all slaves for life. Lewis Trimble, of Ridley, yeoman, records a mulatto woman, Peg, 23 ; and a negro girl, Liz, 13, all slaves for life. John Worrall, of Ridley, yeoman, records a mulatto servant boy, Philip Brown, aged 3.years and 9 months, until he shall attain the age of 31 years. Harvey Lewis, of Ridley, yeoman, records a negro servant-man, James, REDEMPTIONERS AND SLAVERY IN DELAWARE COUNTY. 205 21, and a negro servant-woman, Hannah, 16, until they shall have attained the age of 31 years. Thomas Cheyney, Esq., of Thornbury, records a negro girl, Lizey, 9, and a negro boy, Isaac, aged 6 years, slaves for life. „ Joshua Way, of Thornbury, yeoman, reports a negro woman, Phillis, ^21 years, a slave for life. Mark Wilcox, of Concord, paper-maker, recordB a negro man, Prince, 55; a negro man, Csesar, 25 ; a negro woman, Pegg, 30 ; a negro boy, Luke, 8 ; a negro boy, Tim, 8; and a negro girl, Suck, aged 3, all slaves for life. Mark "Wilcox, of Concord, executor of the estate of Thomas Wil cox, late of the same township, deceased, records a negro girl, Luce, aged 14 years, a slave for life. John Jerman, of Newtown, yeoman, records a negro woman, Venus, aged 32, a slave for life. Jonathan Hunter, of Edgmont, yeoman, records a negro woman, Phillis, 30; a negro lad, Paddy, 10 ; a negro boy, Samson ; a negro girl, Prude, 6; and a negro girl, Phillis, aged 3 years, all slaveB for life. In addition to the foregoing list the following per sons made returns of slaves, but the residences of the owners are not given, hence I cannot designate how many, if any, were residents in the territory now com prising Delaware County : Thomas May, four slaves; John Cuthbert, one; James Boyd, two; John Vanlasey, four; James Mc- Cainent, two ; George Boyd, one ; Capt. Thomas Wiley, one; Catherine Kelso, one; Robert Carry, one; Thomas Scott, one ; William Steel, two. Under the provisions of the foregoing act, after the creation of Delaware County, the following births of negro children of slaves belonging to the persons whose names are given are recorded : Jan. 28, 1794, Adam Deihl, of Tinicum, grazier, negro female child, Nancy Norris, born Sept. 24, 1794. April 29, 1794, William Burns, of Marcus Hook, inn-keeper, two negro children,— first, female named Flora, born 14th day of February, 1794 ; second, male named Cuff, born 16th day of March, 1794. Jan. 6, 1795, Israel Elliott, Esq., of Tinicum, grazier, female negro child named Phebe, daughter of Dinah McCormick, born 10th day of September, 1794. Nov. 12, 1796, Israel Elliott, Esq., of Tinicum, grazier, female negro child named Elizabeth, daughter of Dinah McCormick. In 1799, Elizabeth Evans, of Aston, was assessed for one woman Blave valued at two hundred and fifty dollars. The act of Assembly, March 29, 1798, provided for the registration of all children born of slaves within six months after their birth, declaring that only chil dren thus registered could legally be held as slaves until the age of twenty-eight years. Under its pro visions the following births are recorded : Feb. 27, 1799, Mark Wilcox, Esq., of Concord, negro .male child named Charles Gibson, son of Susanna Gibson, horn 2d day of September, 1798. July 2, 1806, William Anderson, of Chester, male mulatto bastard child named Francis, born 17th day of February last. Sept. 22, 1809, Mary Calhoun, female negro child named Margaret Beddon, bom 5th day of April last. The foregoing is the last record of the birth of a slave-child in Delaware County. Among the records of the county will be found a paper executed by the heirs of Isaac Levis, of Mid dletown, under date of Aug. 4, 1801, setting forth that the decedents owned " a negro boy named John, now about twenty-three years of age, and it being appre hended that the heirs may have some claim on the said negro," they release all rights they may have to his person or services. In the same year, August 1st, Israel Elliott, Esq., of Tinicum, being the owner of " negro Primus Neid," a slave for life, — then in his twenty-eighth year, — " in consideration of his Integrity, honesty and upright ness. . . during his servitude" manumitted "Primus," requiring all " the Lieged people of the United States of America" to recognize his late slave as a free man. The return of deaf and dumb and slaves in each township in the State in 1829 shows one slave in Delaware County, held in Chester.1 The census of 1790 showed fifty slaves in Delaware County ; that of 1800, seven, while in 1810 not one was returned. In 1820 there was one, and in 1830 the number had swollen to two. The last notice of the effete system of slavery, so far as the official records of the county are concerned, will be found on file in the office of the prothonotary, at Media, whereby Elizabeth H. Price, of Cecil County, Md., under date of Nov. 15, 1830, in consid eration of one hundred and ten dollars, " released from slavery, manumitted and set free, Rasin Garnett, being under forty-five years of age, of a healthy con stitution, sound in mind and body, and capable by labor to procure to him sufficient food and raiment, with other requisite necessaries of life." The old colonial law which authorized the appre hension and imprisonment of negro or white persons suspected of being runaway slaves or servants was continued in practice until the beginning of this century. The record of the Court of Quarter Sessions shows that on Jan. 27, 1795, "Negro Jacob committed on suspicion of being a runaway, there appearing no claimant, he was, on motion, discharged from his confinement,'' while on " Jan. 27, 1801, Lewis Thoston, a prisoner charged with being a runaway servant," was discharged by proclamation. I have not learned who was the last slave owned in the county of Delaware, but I know that in 1828 " Aunt Sallie" died at Lamokin Hall, in the borough of Chester. She had been the slave of John Flower, formerly of Marcus Hook and Chester, who moved to Philadelphia during the Revolutionary war, where he became a prominent and wealthy merchant. He had manumitted Sallie many years before his death (which occurred in 1824), but she refused to leave her owner's house, where she tyrannized over the ser vants and regulated his diet, telling him what he could and could not have for dinner. Her supreme contempt was bestowed on " the poor niggers of no family." By the will of her master the interest of several thousand dollars was to be used for her sup port for the remainder of her life. She declared that she was the daughter of a negro king, and had been purchased by the captain of a slaver from the tribe 1 Hazard's Begister, vol. iv. p. 376. 20(1 HISTORY OP DELAWARE COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA. that had captured her in war. After her master's death she refused to live with any of her race, but came to Chester, to the house of Richard Flower, the brother of her late owner, where she insisted on re maining, because, as she declared, she " was one of de family." John Hill Martin says, "John Crosby (the judge) owned the last two negro slaves in Delaware County, ' Old Aunt Rose' and her husband, ' Sampson.' After they were freed by law, this ancient couple lived in an old log cabin on the left-hand side of the road running from the old Queen's road, northwest from near Jacob Hewes' residence, below Leiperville, then called Rid ley, to ' Crosby's mill.' They died at an extreme old age." J After the war of 1812, when the system of servile labor, which previous to that struggle had grown into almost general disfavor in the Southern States, was found to be a source of enormous wealth in raising cotton, the acreage devoted to the cultivation of that staple increased rapidly, so that slaves more than doubled in price, while the demand exceeded largely the supply. To meet this want arose a class of des perate, lawless men who made the kidnapping of free negroes in the Northern States and spiriting them away to the sunny South a regular trade, having des ignated stations, hiding-places, and accomplices in the nefarious business. Although Delaware County was on the border, very few attempts, so far as I have learned, were made to kidnap negroes within our ter ritory. The first case I find occurred on Sunday, Jan. 7, 1835. John Paschall, a farmer, residing on the highway leading from the West Chester road to Darby, in the evening of that day was foddering his cattle in the barn, assisted by a black boy about twelve years old. When Paschall returned to the house he missed the lad, and diligent search was im mediately made for the boy, which was continued during the greater part of the night without success. Shortly before noon the day following the boy re turned, and related that two men, one of them a negro, had seized and tied him in the barn, after which they put him in a wagon and carried him to a house in Chester, where his captors and the people in the house drank until they became grossly intoxicated. While they were in that condition the lad managed to get a knife from his pocket, and with his teeth opened it. Then cutting the cords which bound his hands and feet, he escaped from the window, fled to the woods, where he remained all night, and made his way to his master's house the next day. On Sunday, Aug. 12, 1844, the quiet of Chester was broken by a hue and cry in pursuit of four colored men who had, it was said, murdered George Sharp, of Wilmington, Del., at the "Practical Farmer," about seven miles distant. A number of horsemen and foot men joined in the chase. Within a mile of Darby History of Chester, p. 213. three of the fugitives were overtaken, and brought to the jail at Chester. The truth appeared the next day. No murder was committed, but in attempting to arrest one of the colored men as a fugitive slave a struggle took place, and the man broke from the grasp of Sharp, who fell to earth. The latter had died of heart-dis ease. The three men were, however, held in custody ; but on Wednesday, the 28th, when the owner of the slave came to claim him, it was found that they all had escaped. The incarcerated men had taken the pump-handle and spear, and had tied them together, and with their blankets had made a rope, with which they scaled the prison-yard walls, and decamped. They were never recaptured. In August, 1852, a colored camp-meeting was held at Cartertown, where it was noticed that a negro from Delaware, in company with two worthless white men, had been acting in such a way as to excite suspicion that his intention was to kidnap some of the colored persons present. A committee was appointed to watch his movements, and, being convinced that his purpose was as mentioned, he was taken into the woods, where he was strapped to a tree and "beaten with many stripes." When released he fled hastily away, never to show himself again in the neighborhood. On the evening of the 25th of January, 1853, Rich ard Neal, a colored man in shackles, was brought in a carriage to Chester, and the intelligence that he was so detained spread, creating unusual excitement in the ancient borough. It soon became known that the man was charged by one Capt. Mayo, of Anne Arundle County, Md., with having excited his wife and children, slaves of Capt. Mayo, to run away. Neal was a freeman, but had been arrested on a requi sition from the Governor of Maryland, and Capt. Mayo proposed to take the prisoner to that State in the midnight train. While awaiting the cars here a habeas corpus was served on the officers, which the Marylanders at first were disposed to resist, drawing their pistols and swearing they would not recognize the writ. Townsend Sharpless, conspicuous by his height and a light-colored overcoat he wore, coolly held the writ, and defied the angry men to disobey the order of the court. Neal was finally placed in the lock-up, where he remained all night. The following morning several hundred persons, residents of Ches ter and the neighborhood, assembled at the depot, determined that the law should be carried out. When the south-bound train stopped, an officer got off and read a warrant commanding the appearance of Col. Mayo and his party in Philadelphia to answer the writ. The whistle sounded, and the train at length started on its way to Baltimore, amid the shouts of the populace. The officers then removed the shackles from the prisoner, and he was taken to Philadelphia. It was subsequently learned that Neal had formerly been a slave, had been manumitted, and had married a slave of Col. Mayo. He afterwards came to Philadelphia, where he was employed by AGRICULTURE, WITH A BRIEF MENTION OF OUR DOMESTIC ANIMALS. 207 Townsend Sharpless as a coachman. During the in terval he strove to raise money to purchase the free dom of his family, but his wife, before he had suc ceeded in gathering the sum required, ran away, got to Baltimore, where she was captured and sold to a planter — " Way down South, in the land of cotton." The story of the unfortunate negro became known, several parties were warmly interested in his behalf, and three thousand dollars was raised, his family pur chased, and brought to Philadelphia, where they were living when he was arrested. As soon as the true facts were made known to Governor Bigler, he re called his approval of the requisition. CHAPTER XXII. AGRICULTURE, WITH A BRIEF MENTION OF OUR DOMESTIC ANIMALS. Gabeiel Thomas, the first historian of our State, in his quaint volume published in 1698, in describing the productions, says, " Their sorts of grain are wheat, rye, peas, barley, buckwheat, rice, Indian corn, and beans, with great quantities of hemp and flax, as also several sorts of eating roots, such as turnips, potatoes,1 carrots, parsnips, etc., all of which are produced yearly in greater quanties than in England, those roots being much larger and altogether as sweet, if not more de licious. Cucumbers, coshaws, artichokes, with many others ; most sorts of saladings, besides what grows naturally wild in the country, and that in great plenty ; also as mustard, rue, sage, mint, tansy, worm-wood, penny-royal, and most of the herbs and roots found in the gardens of England." The corn (wheat) harvest, the same author tells us, was ended before the middle of July, and in most years the yield was twenty and thirty bushels of wheat for every one sown. While another writer, in 1684, re cords that "the corn of this province, which the In dians use, increases four hundred for one. It is good for the health, put in milk or to make bread." Gabriel Thomas states that there were several farmers, who at that time (prior to 1698) sowed yearly between seventy and eighty acres of wheat each, besides barley, oats, 1 Watson. records that potatoes "were very slow of reception among ub. It was first introduced from Ireland in 1719 by a colony of Presby terians settled at Londonderry, in New Hampshire." (Annals of Phila delphia, vol. ii. p. 420.) The quotation from Thomas' " History of Penn sylvania," published in London, twenty-one years before the date, according to Watson, when potatoes were first introduced into the Eng lish American colonies, showB that the latter assertion is not correct. The latter statement of Watson (Bame volume, page 486-87), that potatoes during his mother's childhood were little esteemed as food, may be literally true, as also the record he made of the remark of Col. A. J. Morris, that in the earlydays that vegetable was called Spanish potatoes, "and were very sharp and pungent to the throat and smell." He (Col. Morris) said Tench Francis first imported our improved stock, which by frequent cultivation he much improved. rye, peas, beans, and other crops, and that it was com mon to have two harvests in the year, — " the first of English wheat and the second of buck or French wheat." The labor of the men on the farm in early times was much more arduous than at the beginning of this century, and absolutely appalling when contrasted with that of the present day. Thomas Cheyney, of Thornbury, in July, 1796,2 in describing the laborious manner of life at that time states that " every one that is able to do anything are as busy as nailers. I know many men that are worth thou sands of pounds that will mow, make hay, reap, and draw hay and grain into their barnes as steady as hirelings, and those that are able, if they do not work, are looked upon with kind of contempt. Here in the country they are slighted and are not company for anybody." The plow which was in use during the colonial period resembled in almost every respect those repre sented in the sculpture on the ruined temples of ancient Egypt, and like those, in most cases, were drawn by oxen. The entire implement was of wood, the mould-board a heavy block of the same material, which was sometimes covered with pieces of iron or the skin of a gar-fish to assist it in shedding the earth. As a whole it was clumsy and defective, hence it is not to be wondered that many of the farms in Delaware County, about the middle of the last cen tury, after the same crop from the same land had been raised for years without rotation, and without manure, were deemed so poor and exhausted that their owners sold them to any one who would buy, almost at any price, so that they might emigrate to Lancaster County and " the back woods," where the unbroken mould was so rich that " if tickled with a hoe it yielded an abundant harvest." One of the plows in common use towards the end of the last century is now owned in West Chester, Pa. The wooden mould-board, nearly three feet in length, shod with iron, is very heavy, but shallow ; the beam is so low that in use it frequently became choked with grass, stubble, or manure, hence a boy had often to walk by its side all day long and clear it of the rub bish thus gathered.3 The English historians claim, and perhaps justly, that James Small, of Berwick shire, Scotland, in 1785, was the first to introduce the plow with a cast-iron mould-board and a wrought- iron share. That he so introduced these improve ments may be true, but Townsend Ward and John F. Watson both state that previous to the date given " William Ashmead, of Germantown, made for him self a plow with a wrought-iron mould instead of the customary board. This great improvement was much admired by Gen. Lafayette, who purchased four of these plows for his estate, — La Grange. The improve- 2 Futhey aud Cope's " History of Chester County," p. 337. a lb., p. 339. 208 HISTORY OF DELAWARE COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA. ment was soon adopted by another person, who made the mould-board of cast iron." ! It was fortunate for Ashmead that he did not attempt to introduce his plow into general use, for many years afterwards Charles Newbold, of New Jersey, in the effort to have the agriculturists adopt a cast-iron plow he claimed to have invented, expended thirty thousand dollars in the attempt, and was at length compelled to abandon it, because the farmers were of the opinion that the cast iron poisoned the ground. The harrow was early introduced, since Gabriel Thomas, in 1698, refers to that implement. " Their ground," he states, " is harrowed with wooden tyned harrows, twice over in a place is sufficient." And in colonial days, as was practiced until about the begin ning of this century, the harvests were reaped by the sickle, all hands — men, women, and children — la boring in the fields from sunrise to sunset, with a short interval at noon for rest. The wages then, as contrasted with those at ^present paid for such work, were very low, but a pint flask of whiskey was always given each hand in the morning. It was severe toil, the position in reaping requiring the bending over of the body, the right arm swinging the sickle, and the left gathering the bunches of grain, which were thrown into heaps and bound into sheaves. The custom previous to the Revolutionary war was for the reaper to take two corn rows, cutting through al ways in one direction, and then, with his sickle on his shoulder, binding the sheaves as he came back. Twenty-five or thirty dozen was an ordinary day's work, but sometimes a rapid hand would reach forty dozen. It is not surprising that redemption servants, many of whom had been reared in the cities of the old world, frequently ran away from their masters before the period of their indenture had expired, to avoid the incessant labor which farming then entailed upon them. Scythes were, of course, in use in our earliest annals, but it was not until the beginning of the present century that the cradle, with its many fingers, began to take the place of the sickle and the reaping- hook, and although there were men who predicted that it would never be brought into general use, as was the case in more recent times with the reaping- machine, it soon won its way to popular favor. Every man of middle age can recall, when the harvest was ready for reaping, how all the able-bodied men on the farm, together with several additional hands hired for the occasion, would take their stations, the man at the extreme right starting ahead of the one to his left, and the latter following in order until, with a swinging motion, all at the same time would cut a swath from five to six feet in width from one side of the field to the other, while frequent pauses would be made to sharpen the scythe, the stone for the purpose 1 " Germantown Koad and its Associations," Penna. Mag. of Hist., vol. vi. p. 139 ; Watson's Annals of Philadelphia, vol. ii. p. 66. I being carried in a leather girdle around the waist of the reaper. The sound made by the stone on the steel blade would be heard at considerable distance. In early times, when the bundles were ready to be taken to the barn or stack they were loaded on sleds, and in that manner transported thither. Bishop2 informs us that in 1750 only the best farmers had carts on their farms, while the most of them used sleds both in summer and winter, a statement cor roborated by William Worrall, of Ridley, who, speak ing of the older manners about the middle of the last century, says " there were no carts, much less pleasure carriages. They hauled their grain on sleds to the stacks, where a temporary threshing floor was erected." On these floors the grain was thrashed out by horses, which were driven in a circle, and after the heads were deemed to have been well cleared of the seed the straw was thrown to one side with forks and the grain swept up, ready for another lot of bundles to be unbound and submitted to a like process. In the barns, however, the thrashing was usually done with the flail, and on a still day the sound of the heavy thump of the oaken breaker on the floor, which acted like a drum, could be heard a long way off. In 1770, John Clayton, doubtless of this county, who had in vented a machine for thrashing wheat, received from the colonial government the exclusive privilege of making and selling this machine within this province.3 This was sixteen years before the thrasher invented for the same purpose by Andrew Meikler, of Scotland, and the one still used in England, was patented. We have no description of Clayton's invention nor of the manner in which it was received by the farmers, who at that time were loath to take hold of new ideas, believing that agriculture was so thoroughly under stood that nothing, let it promise never so much in saving of time or labor, was worth investigation. I have been unable to ascertain when the fan was first used to winnow cereals, but in the early days, in all probability, the grain was held in the hand, which was shaken as the contents were permitted to fall through the fingers, so that the breeze might blow the chaff away from the heavy seeds, which fell directly to the ground, in the same manner that many of the aborigines now employ to separate the grain from the chaff. It is known that previous to the Revolution fans were in use in Chester County, al though the work was not performed as thoroughly as is now done by the modern machines. In the old colonial days the woodland was brought into condition for tillage by girdling the trees, and two men could thus destroy the forest on twenty or thirty acres in one year. There was little underbrush, owing to the custom among the Indians, annually in the fall, of setting fire to the grass and leaves in the woods, so that " a cart or wain," we are told by Gabriel Thomas, 8 Bishop's " History of American Manufactures.' 8 Colonial Records, vol. ix. p. 698. AGRICULTURE, WITH A BRIEF MENTION OF OUR DOMESTIC ANIMALS. 209 " may go through the middle of the woods between the trees without getting any damage." The rich soil, exposed to the sun through the leafless branches of the dead trees, was prolific, and, as we learn from a writer in 1684, if an emigrant arrived in Pennsyl vania in September, two men could easily prepare that fall land for corn sufficient to return " in the fol lowing harvest twenty quarters, which are a hundred and sixty bushels English measure, and this should not cause astonishment when it is considered that a bushel of wheat sown produces forty bushels at har vest." Wheat, until after the Revolution, was seeded between the rows of corn at its last plowing in August, and the seed was chopped in around the hills with a hoe. During the war of independence the Hessian fly, which is said to have been brought to this country in the provender transported hither for the use of the mercenary soldiers, multiplied so rapidly that they destroyed the early sown wheat, and this circumstance changed the season of planting. Rye was grown largely, for it not only made a favorite whiskey and sold readily, but it supplied almost all the coffee used in the rural districts, and until manufactured goods did away with home spinning every farmer had a patch of flax sown on his place. Many old persons can remember how pretty the sight was when the blue blossom was on the flax and " the bloom was on the rye." The apple- and peach-orchards in early days were always planted near the house, from the fruit of which the family distilled cider, apple-jack, and peach brandy, as well as kept barrels of the former fruit, while large quantities of apples and peaches were always dried for winter use. When Governor Printz first came to this country, it is reported that the grass even in the woods grew to the height of two feet, but as that statement was made by an aged Swede, whose father came over with the Swedish Governor, to Professor Kalm, in 1748, it may be accepted with some grains of allowance. It has also been claimed that Col. Thomas Leiper, one of the most public-spirited men the State- has ever had, introduced clover to the colony, a statement that will not bear investigation, for in 1709, Jonathan Dick inson, in a letter, speaks of buying red clover-seed, re marking that "the white clover already tinges the woods as a natural production." 1 The old system of husbanding, in vogue until threatened starvation com pelled the farmers to change the ruinous plan, is set forth in a letter from Squire Thomas Cheyney, of Thornbury, written in 1796 to relatives in England.'2 He says, — "Our land is mostly good, but we have dropt our old method of farming. We used to break up our fields in May, cross or stir them in August, and sow them with wheat and rye in September. This was done once in three or four years in rotation : in the 1 Watson's Annals, vol. ii. p. 485. 8 Futhey and Cope's " History of Chester County," p. 339. 14 intermediate spaces between them were pastured. The land would produce from twelve to twenty bushels per acre. This way was followed until the land run out, as we call it. We planted corn, sowed barley, oats, and flax, likewise buckwheat, in small portions of land allotted for that purpose, which took the greatest part of our dung to manure it ; our meadows got some, and we had very little left for our Winter grain. We followed this old way until we could scarcely raise our bread and seed." Dr. Smith records that as early as 1734 silk was made in the colony, the insects being fed on the na tive mulberry leaves. In 1770 an effort was made to arouse general interest in the culture, and to that end premiums were given to the person sending the greatest weight of cocoons to " a public filature es tablished in Philadelphia." In 1771 Chester County sent three hundred and thirty-five pounds, the fol lowing being the names of the contributors : Pounds, Ounces. Grace Beale 4 11 Mary Parker (Chester) 10 0 Mary Pearson (Darby) 51 11 Abigail Davis (Chester) 3 3 Sarah Foidham (Dai-by) 6 0 Ann Cochran (Darby) 25 12 Bachel Hayes (Darby) 13 12 James Millhouse 52 0 Ann Davis 2 15 Elizabeth Bonsall 7 0 Mary Davis 2 4 Sarah Dicks 47 10 Catharine Evans 14 44 Mary Jones -. 19 12 Jane Davis (Chester) 28 12 Jacob Worrall 2 0 Margaret Riley 11 10 John Hoopes (Chester) 23 10 Henry Thomas (Chester) 8 6 335 0 Mary Newlin, of Concord, died in 1790, in her one hundred and second year. She was born in Thorn bury in 1688, and it is stated that she " remembered when her father and others deaded the timber and burned the leaves, and hoed in their wheat by hand, their being few horses and scarce a plow in the settle ment." 3 Goats we know were early sent to the Delaware River settlement, aud we have reason to believe that other domestic animals were transported to New Sweden with the colonists. Horses are spoken of long before the coming of Penn. In 1679 the journal of Sluyter and Danckers mentions them as used for riding, and many other references to these animals occur in our early annals. Penn, when he came in 1682, brought with him "three blooded mares, a fine white horse, not full blooded, and other inferior animals, not for breeding, but for labor," while in 1699, when he returned the second time, intending to remain in the province, he brought with him Tamerlane, a colt by Godolphi Barb, to whom the best horses in England trace their pedigree. But previous to Penn's last coming we have the statement of Gabriel Thomas, that the " horses in Pennsylvania 210 HISTORY OF DELAWARE COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA. are very hardy, insomuch that being very hot with riding or otherwise, they are turned out into the woods at the same instant and yet receive no harm." Robert Rodney, in a letter written in 1690,1 in speak ing of the trade of the colony and the articles shipped to the West Indies, mentions horses, " of which we have very good," and also states that " a good breed ing mare" is sold for five pounds, in the currency of the province. In 1683 the Assembly had forbidden the exportation o'f horses or mares without permis sion, under a fine of ten pounds. Under the Duke's law (1676) the owner of horses which were running at large, as was then the custom, was compelled to have a private brand or mark, and the town(ship) was required to have its brand to be burned on the horses owned by persons living within its boundary, while an officer was designated to register the age, color, and natural and artificial marks of the animal. A person buying or selling an unmarked horse was subject to a fine of ten pounds. In 1683 horses in the woods had so multiplied that an act was passed providing that no stallion under thirteen and a half hands should run at large, under a penalty of five pounds, and by act of May 10, 1699, the height was made thirteen hands, and a horse under that size could be taken up and impounded by any freeholder or ranger. While by the act of May 9, 1724, no stallion, unless thirteen hands high from the ground to the withers, reckoning four inches standard measure to one hand, and of a comely proportion, " was permitted to run at large in the woods." Dur ing all our colonial history an officer, termed ranger, was appointed by the court to enforce the laws re specting domestic animals, and to impound those found roaming at large unmarked. The office con tinued until the beginning of this century, for at the January Court of Quarter Sessions, 1804, Joseph Neide, of the borough and township of Chester, was appointed ranger for the county of Delaware. In a letter written by Robert Park, from Chester town ship, Tenth month, 1725, to Mary Valentine, in Ire land, he desired that a saddle and bridle may be brought to him by his sister, who was about emigrat ing, and states, " Lett the tree be well Plated & In different Narrow, for the horses here are Large as in Ireland, but the best racers and finest pacers in the World." Horses were not shod until about the middle of the last century. Rev. Israel Acrelius, in 1758, mentioned the fleet horses owned by the descendants of the Swedish set tlers on the Delaware. The horses were then broken to pace, that being the favorite gait. It was a pacer which bore Squire Cheyney to Gen. Washington on the morning of Sept. 11, 1777, with the intelligence that the bulk of the British army had crossed the Brandywine at the upper ford, and it was a pacer which Jefferson made fast to the railing of the capitol 1 Penna. Mag. of Hist, vol. vi. p. 312. at Washington while he went in and took the oath as President of the United States. In June, 1879, the residents of Chester and vicinity had an opportunity of seeing the pair of dappled-gray Arabian stallions which were presented to Gen. Grant by the Sultan of Turkey. By the personal request of Gen. Beale the animals were sent to this city, and the horses, whose pedigree could be traced more than a thousand years, were viewed while here by a large number of people. In early days, and in fact until the first decade of this century, cattle, as before stated, ran wild in the woods. Capt. Heinricks, of the British army, in 1778, stated that "perhaps the reason why the domestic animals are not half so good as ours is because they are left out winter and summer in the open air." Gabriel Thomas informs us in the infancy of the prov ince some farmers had "forty, some sixty, and from that number to one or three hundred head of cattle ; their oxen usually weigh two hundred pounds a quarter. They are commonly fatter of flesh and yield more tallow (by feeding only on grass) than the cattle in England." William Worrall stated that before the Revolution the natural meadows and woods were the only pasture for the cattle of Delaware County, " and the butchers from Philadelphia could come out and buy one, two, or three head of cattle from such of the graziers as could spare them, for the supply of the market." To distinguish the cattle of one owner from those belong ing to others, the early laws required every person to brand his cattle with his individual mark. Under the Duke of York all horned cattle were to be branded on their horns. After Penn acquired possession of the province the act of 1683 compelled owners to brand their cattle when six months old. In 1685 the time was extended to one year, and in 1690 the age of the stock when it must be branded, or deemed strays, was extended to eighteen months. These brands and marks were regularly entered on record on the docket of the Quarter Sessions. At a court held at Chester, Fifth month 1, 1684, we find " George Maris's cattle mark. A slit on the tip of the near ear, his brand mark G. M." On Sixth month 5, 1684, the record sets forth, "The ear mark of John Blunstone, of Darby, a crop in the near ear and a hole in the farr ear, his brand mark I. B." On 3d day of 1st week, Fourth month, 1686, "John Hannum's ear mark, a crop under slit of both ears, his brand I. H. on the near buttock." While at court 3d day of 1st week, Seventh month, 1686, the record is made of "John Harding's ear mark, a crop on the inside of ye far ear, his brand mark I. H. on the farr buttock." That the cattle did not increase as rapidly as was desired at an early period we inferentially learn from the act of First month, 1683, which interdicted the killing of a cow, calf, or ewe lamb for three years under a fine of five pounds, one-half of which was to go to the informer. In 1876 the Delaware County American published the recollections of William Sheldon, of Upper Provi- WILD ANIMALS, FISH, ETC., OF DELAWARE COUNTY. 211 dence, respecting the price at which cows sold for forty years preceding that date. From it we learn that previous to and including 1835 good cows could be bought from $18 to $24, in 1836 for $20, in 1837 and 1838 for $23. In 1839 and 1840 the price advanced to $39, while the following year (1841) they fell to $19, and continued at those figures for 1841 and 1842. In 1845 the price was $23, in 1846, $25, and fluctuated between $22 and $25 during the next two years. In 1849-53 the average price was $26. In 1854 the price advanced two dollars, and in 1855 and 1856 it had advanced to $30. In 1857, $34, but in 1858 and 1859 it fell to $28. In 1861-62 the price was $35, and during the next three years $65 was the average, and since then the market has been high. Sheep were early introduced, and we learn from Gabriel Thomas, that previous to 1698 of these useful animals there were " considerable numbers, which are generally free from these infectious diseases which are incident to these creatures in England, as the rot, scab, or maggots. They commonly bring forth two lambs at once, some twice in one year, and the wool is very fine and thick and is also very white." Capt. Heinricks in 1778 records that " there are plenty of sheep, but as the farmer drives them into the woods he loses the wool ; however, he sells the skin for 8s. York money." In the early times hogs were a very important part of the stock of the planters, for in most cases salted swine-flesh comprised the daily animal food consumed during the winter months. Hence it is not surprising that attention was early had to laws protecting the owner in his property, particularly when the hogs were turned out in the woods to shift for themselves. They must have found abundant food, for we learn that hogs about a year old when killed weighed about two hundred pounds and the flesh was remarkably sweet, which, it was believed, was the result of the animals feeding on fruit which then abounded in a wild state. Capt. Heinricks, a German officer, who saw almost nothing to praise in Pennsylvania, at least had a good word to say for the swine. " Hogs," he writes, " are quite as good here as the best in Holstein, for there is a good mast for them in the woods, and they feed there the whole year." Under the Duke of York's laws, hogs were required to be branded, and the " theft of swine or other cattle" was punished for the first offense with a fine and the cropping of one ear. Under Penn, by the act of March 10, 1683, the party convicted of this offense was compelled to pay threefold the value of the hog stolen ; for a second offense a like punish ment and six months' imprisonment, and for the third conviction a fine of twenty-nine lashes and banish ment, never to return to the colony, under such penalty as the County Court saw proper to impose in its dis cretion. At the December court, 1687, the grand jury presented Ann Neales, widow, of Ridley, for keeping a dog which worried and killed her neighbors' hogs, and also harboring an Indian boy named Ohato, who was detected in urging the dog to kill the hogs. The widow declared that the dog belonged to Peter Cox, but when the case was called she submitted to the court and " Putts herself upon ye mercy of ye King and Governor," whereupon she was fined ten shillings and costs. The Indian boy was held in twenty pounds to be of good behavior, and Andrew Friend became his surety. When the meadow-land in Chester borough began to be improved, swine running at large was found to be very objectionable, especially to those who were " Improving the Marshes and Ditches and Drains," and to remedy the evil the Assembly in 1699 forbade unringed and unyoked hogs and goats from being at large in that town, and all such animals so taken up were forfeited to the county of Chester, while all dam age done by hogs or goats owned by parties living out side the boundaries prescribed were to be made good to the party injured by the owner of the animal. The act designated the limits of Chester, — to be southward by the Delaware River, westward by Chester Creek, northward by the King's road, and eastward by Rid ley Creek. The act of 1705 declared that no swine without rings or yokes should be permitted to run' at large within fourteen miles of the navigable parts of the Delaware River, and that in the towns of Phila delphia, Chester, or Bristol they should not be allowed to run at large " whether yoked or ringed or not." The fine imposed was to be equally divided between the government and the informer. The ordinary domestic fowls seem to have been abundant in the province in the early time. Gabriel Thomas tells us that " chickens, hens, geese, ducks, turkeys, &c, are large and very plentiful all over the country," and eighty years after this statement was made Capt. Heinricks records, " There are plenty of Guinea fowls, but not so many as in the Jerseys and Long Island. Turkeys belong to the wild animals, and are in the woods in flocks like partridges. Ducks and geese are common and as good as ours, but no better." CHAPTER XXIII. WILD ANIMALS, FISH, ETC., OF DELAWARE COUNTY. When the first European settlers located in Dela ware County the territory abounded with wild game, and for more than a hundred years thereafter large animals in a state of nature were common. Gabriel Thomas informs us in his " History of Pennsylvania," that when he lived in the province, previous to 1698, " there are in the woods abundance of red deer — vulgarly called stags— for I have bought of the In dians a whole buck — both skin and carcass — for two gills of gunpowder. Excellent food — most delicious, 212 HISTORY OF DELAWARE COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA. far exceeding that in Europe, in the opinion of most that are nice and curious people," while Mahlon Stacey, writing to a friend in England, says, " We have brought home to our houses by the Indians seven or eight fat bucks in a day, and sometimes put by as many, having no occasion for them." x Deer seem* to have been abundant until after the middle of the last century in the more remote town ships, for in 1824, William Mode, then living on the west branch of the Brandywine, East Fallowfield township, Chester County, in his eighty-second year, related that as a boy he remembered when deer were so plentiful that their tracks in the wheat-fields in time of snow were as if a flock of sheep had been driven over them, and on one occasion his father returned home, having the carcasses of two, which he had shot, on his sled. Samuel Jefferis, who died at West Ches ter, Feb. 28, 1823, aged eighty-seven, stated that deer were common in his neighborhood in his early man hood, while Watson records that in 1730 a woman in Chester County (then including Delaware County) " going to mill spied a deer fast asleep near the road. She hit it on the head with a stone and killed it." Black bears were frequently slain in the early days, and they generally met their fate because of their par tiality for swine-flesh. The animal in search of this dainty morsel would approach near the settlement, and when he had selected a hog to his taste, he would spring suddenly upon his victim, grasp it in his fore-legs, and, erecting himself on his hind ones, would walk away with the porker squeaking at his un happy situation. The cry of the hog usually brought the owner to the rescue of his property ; but if he failed in overtaking the bear, he would in all proba bility capture the animal before many hours, for after eating sufficient to satisfy his appetite, he would re turn to devour the remainder of the carcass at his leisure. The settlers knowing this weakness, would set a heavy smooth-jawed steel trap, attached to which was a long drag-chain ending with iron claws. The bear once caught in the trap, would drag the chain along the ground, and the claws catching upon the bushes would compel him to such exertion in freeing himself that he would become exhausted, and when overtaken, as his track would be readily followed, he fell a comparatively easy prey to the huntsman. In 1721 a bear was killed near Darby, and yet ten or fifteen years later, when Nathaniel Newlin, of Con cord, married Esther Midkiff, of Darby, her parents objected to the marriage, not because they had any disinclination to the suitor, but for the fact that he lived in the backwoods of Concord, and there were bears there; while of Mary Palmer, wife of John Pal mer, of Concord, one of the first settlers of that town ship, it is recorded that she drove a bear away from a chestnut-tree with a fire-poker or poking-stick.* 1 Proud's " History of Pennsylvania," vol. i. p. 152. 2 Genealogical Record of Palmer and Trimble Families, by Lewis Pal mer, p. 27. But bears sometimes came closer to the settlement than " the backwoods of Concord." In the winter of 1740^41, so memorable for its extreme cold weather, it is related by Mrs. Deborah Logan that one night an old man, servant of Joseph Parker (then owning and living in the old Logan house, still standing on the north side of Second Street, above Edgmont Avenue, Chester), rose from his bed, and, as he was a constant smoker, he descended to the kitchen to light his pipe. The watch-dog was growling fiercely, and he went to the window to ascertain the cause. The moon was up, but partly obscured by clouds, and by that light the old man saw an animal which he took for " a big black calf" in the yard. He thereupon drove the creature out of the inclosure, when it turned, looked at him, and he then saw it was a black bear. The beast, it is supposed, had been in some way aroused from its winter torpor and had sought shelter from the cold, which may account for its apparent docility. The next morning it was killed in the woods about a half-mile distant from the house. William Worrall stated that when a lad in Marple a large bear made an inroad into the neigh borhood and escaped with impunity, although great exertions were made to secure it. The early settlers were much annoyed by the wolves, who preyed on their flocks and herds. In the Duke of York's laws, promulgated on the Delaware, Sept. 22, 1676, it was provided that if any person, " Chris tian or Indian," brought the head of a wolf to the constable he was to be paid, "out of the publicque charge, to the value of an Indian coat," and the con stable was required to nail the head over the door of his house, previous to which he must cut off both the ears, " in token that the head is bought and paid for." In 1672 the amount paid for wolves' heads was found to be burdensome, and it was ordered that the sum of twenty-five shillings per head should be reduced to twenty shillings, and the several towns were obliged to maintain wolf-pits. This was the law respecting the killing of wolves in force in the province from the date of the promulgation of the Duke's " Book of Laws," until the coming of Penn in the latter part of the year 1682. The eighty-sixth law, enacted by the first Assembly at Chester, provided that if any person, excepting an Indian, should slay a he wolf he should receive ten shillings, and for a she wolf fifteen shil lings, out of the public fund. The wolf's head must be brought to a justice, who should cause the ears and tongue to be cut out. If an Indian killed a wolf he was paid five shillings " and the skin for his pains," which latter clause was stricken out of the law May 10, 1690, by the Assembly which met at New Castle, and Indians were placed on a like footing with the whites, receiving the same reward. The law was more easily enacted than the money could be raised to pay the wolf-head bounty. The court previous to 1700 seemed constantly compelled to take action looking to the collection of taxes WILD ANIMALS, FISH, ETC., OF DELAWARE COUNTY. 213 sufficient to discharge these pressing demands. At the court held at Chester, the 3d day of 1st week, Tenth month, 1687, it was " Ordered that Warrants , be Directed to ye respective Constables of each Town ship in this county for raising of a levy to be used towards ye destroying Wolves and other Hurtful Ver min, as follows, viz. : For all lands taken up and in habited one shilling for every hundred acres ; for all Lands taken up by non-residents and so remaining un occupied eighteen pence for every hundred acres ; All freemen from sixteen years of age to sixty, one shil ling; All servants, soe qualified, six pence." This order did not secure the sum necessary to keep the county and the wolf-hunters square in their accounts, so that on the 6th day of 1st week, Tenth month, 1688, "The Grand Inquest doe alsoe allow of ye Tax for ye wolves' heads and that Power be forthwith Issued forth to Compel those to pay that are behind in their arrears, And that receipts and disbursements thereof be made to ye grand Inquest at ye next County Court." But this action of the grand jury did not result as desired, so that Oct. 2, 1695, the grand inquest reported that the county was in debt, not only on account of the prison, which was not completed, but that " there were several wolves' heads to pay for," and they therefore levied a tax of one pence per pound on personal and real estate and three pence poll-tax. The jury also gave the rule by which the valuation should be made thus : " All cleared land under tillage to be assessed at 20 shillings per acre ; rough lands near river £10 per hundred acres ; land in woods" (that is, uncultivated land on which no set tlement had been made), "£5 per hundred acres; horses and mares at £3 ; cows and oxen at 50 shil lings ; sheep 6s. ; negro male slaves from sixteen to sixty years of age at £25, and females at £20. Ches ter Mills (at Upland) £100 ; Joseph Cochran's mill (where Dutton's now is), £50; Darby Mill, £100; Haverford Mills (on Cobb's Creek), £20; Concord Mills (now Leedom's), £50," and all tavern-keepers were assessed at twenty pounds. This is the last mention I find of wolves as forming the subject of a grand jury's action in our county annals, but many bills are on file in the commissioner's office, in West Chester, for the wolf bounty. In 1705 the constantly-increasing flocks of sheep caused the wolves to venture nearer the settlement to prey on those domestic animals ; hence, in 1705, the law was changed, so that if any person would under take as an occupation to kill wolves, devoting three days at least in each week to that, pursuit, and enter ing into recognizance at the County Courts to that effect, such person was entitled to receive twenty-five shillings for every head he brought in. This was not extravagant when we remember that at Germantown as late as 1724 wolves were reported as often heard howling at nights, while in 1707 they approached so closely to the settled parts of Philadelphia as to render the raising of sheep a precarious business. By the act of March 20, 1724/5, the Assembly pro vides the following rewards for killing wolves and red foxes: For every grown dog or bitch wolf, 15s.; for every wolf puppy or whelp, 7s. 6d. ; for every old red fox, 2s., and for every young red fox or whelp, Is. I do not know whether the reward for killing foxes was ever repealed, for the accounts in the commis sioner's office at Media show that on Second month 12, 1791, James Jones was paid 13s. 6d. for fox scalps. These animals were v^ry numerous in the last century, for William Mode, heretofore mentioned, stated that in his early days foxes carried off their poultry, and " on one occasion a man threshing espied one in the evening coming towards the barn, lay in ambush with a club, with which he knocked it over and killed it."1 The smaller animals, such as squir rels, raccoons, and "that strange animal the 'pos sum,'" as Gabriel Thomas calls them, "she having a false belly to swallow her young ones, by which means she preserves them from danger when anything comes to disturb them," were numerous. In the year 1749, we are told by Kalm, six hundred and forty thousand black and gray squirrels were shot, the bounty paid in the several counties that year amount ing to eight thousand pounds at three pence a head. The drain was so great on the county treasuries that the premium was reduced one-half. Great numbers of pheasants and partridges were found in all sections of the county, while wild turkeys in winter were often seen in flocks in the corn and buckwheat-fields feed ing, and Mr. Worrall could well remember when there were great quantities of wild turkeys. The latter re lated that he once saw a flight of pigeons which lasted two days. " They flew in such immense flocks as to obscure for a considerable time the rays of the sun. Thomas Coburn, Caleb Harrison, and Peter Heston went out at night in Martin's Bottom, and they told him (Worrall) that when they were in the woods where the pigeons roosted the noise was so great that they could not hear each other speak. On viewing the place the next morning, they found large limbs of the trees broken off from the immense weight and pressure of the lodgers." About the time of Penn's coming the wild pigeons flew in such masses " that the air was sometimes darkened," and, flying low, great numbers were knocked down with sticks by those per sons who had no firearms. The birds not imme diately used were salted down for future consumption. The act of 1700, offering a reward for killing black birds and crows, states in its preamble that " by the innumerable quantities of blackbirds and crows that continually haunt in this province and territories, to the great prejudice, hurt, and annoyance of the in habitants thereof, being very destructive to all sorts of corn and grain that is raised therein, so that people's labor is much destroyed thereby," a reward of three i Statement of William Mode iu 1824, Village Record, West Chester, 214 HISTORY OF DELAWARE COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA. pence per dozen for blackbirds and three pence for every crow killed was offered out of the public fund, the party killing the birds being required to produce their heads before the proper officer in each county, and by the act of March 20, 1724/5, the person claim ing the reward for killing crows was required to brirjg not less than six at one time to the nearest justice, who should "see their bill cut off," after which the magistrate was authorized to give an order for the re ward on the county treasurer. In 1748, Peter Kalm, the Swedish naturalist, records that the old residents stated that the number of birds was then diminishing; that in the days of the early settlers the water was covered by all kinds of water fowl, and that about 1688 it was no unusual thing for a single person to kill seventy or eighty ducks of a morning, while an old Swede, then ninety years old. told Kalm that he had killed thirty-three ducks at one shot. Capt. Heinricks, of the Hessian troops, how ever, who could see nothing agreeable in our country, says that " like the products of the earth, animals too are only half developed. A hare, a partridge, a pea cock, etc., is only half grown. Wild game tastes like ordinary meat." In early times swans were said to abound on the Delaware, but it is a circumstance to which William Whitehead, in his interesting sketch of Chester, di rected general attention, that at that time " we do not hear of the more modern rail- and reed-birds, which now afford profit and pleasure to the sportsman in the fall season." It has always been a question among ornithologists as to the locality where the rail-bird breeds, but in 1876 James Pierce picked up an un fledged rail-bird on Chester Island whose feathers were not sufficiently grown to enable it to fly, which inci dent furnished strong evidence that the birds breed on the marshes and meadows along the Delaware, a proposition which had been stoutly maintained by some well-informed persons and as earnestly denied by others. It is worthy of record that a gentleman in Ches ter in 1851 caught a white blue-bird, an albino, its plumage being of snowy whiteness. Of our fishes, William Penn, in his " Further Ac count of the Province of Pennsylvania," published iu 1685, refers to the fact that " mighty whales roll upon the coast near the mouth of the Bay of Delaware." A century and a quarter after he wrote this, in 1809, a clever-sized whale was caught in the Delaware, near Chester. Watson informs us that it " became a sub ject of good speculation," and was exhibited at Phila delphia and elsewhere. " Thomas Pryor, who pur chased it, made money by it, and in reference to his gains was called ' Whale Pryor.' The jaws were so distended as to receive therein an arm-chair, in which the visitors sat." In April, 1833, near Chester, three seals were seen, and one of them was caught in a shad- seine, and kept on exhibition. Previous to this, on Jan. 21, 1824, a seal was shot in the Delaware, near Repaupo, by Jonas Steelman, a resident of New Jer sey, and occasionally sharks of the man-eating species have been seen or caught in the river above Chester. On Aug. 4, 1851, William Haines, Henry Post, and George Ennis caught a shark in a seine while fishing for catfish near the Lazaretto. It measured nine feet in length and five feet across the fins. In August, 1876, Captain Smith, while fishing for herring, saw a shark in the river just above Chester. William Penn, in the pamphlet mentioned, states that "sturgeons play continually in our rivers in summer," and it is said- could be counted by dozens at a time, leaping into the air and endangering the boats, while of shad, which he tells us are called "alloes" in France, by the Jews "allice," and by " our ignorant shad," 1 "are excellent fish, and of the bigness of our largest carp. They are so plentiful that Capt. Smyth's overseer at the Skulkil drew 600 and odd at one draught; 300 is no wonder, 100 familiarly. They are excellent Pickeled or srnok'd as well as boyld fresh. They are caught by nets only." He also informs us that six shad or rock were sold for twelve pence, and salt fish at three farthings a pound. The rock-fish Penn stated were somewhat larger and rounder than the shad, while he mentioned a whiter fish, little inferior in relish to the English mullet, which were plentiful, aud the herring, he tells us, " swarm in such shoals that it is hardly creditable. In little creeks they almost shovel them up in their tubs." There is among the lesser fry " the catfish or flathead, lamprey eale, trout, perch, black and white smelt, sunfish, etc." The eels in former time must have been monstrously large, for, as late as 1830, one measuring nearly six feet in length and of proportionate girth was reported as having been caught off the mouth of Chester Creek, which was a giant as compared with that captured by Capt. Peter Boon, in June, 1869, which was over three feet in length and weighed ten pounds. Locusts were known in early days, and in 1749, Kalm alludes to them as returning every seventeen years, showing that even then the peculiar interval of time between their coining in great numbers had been noted. The first mentioned, however, of locusts, so far as I have seen, is recorded in Clay's "Swedish Annals," as follows : "Iu May, 1715, a multitude of locusts came out of the ground every where, even on the solid roads. They were wholly covered with a BheN, and it seemed very wonderful that they could with this penetrate the hard earth. Having come out of the earth, they crept out of the Bhells, flew away, sat down on the trees, and made a peculiar noise until even ing. Being spread over the country in such numbers,Jhe noise they made was bo loud that the cow-bells could scarcely be heard in the woods. They pierced the bark on the branches of the trees, and depos ited their eggs in the openings. Many apprehended that the trees 1 It is stated that the timid nature of these fish gave it the name of shad. The early settlers noticed that the overhanging of trees on the river or streams frequented by this fish, casting a shade upon the water, frightened them, and hence from this peculiarity they were called Bhadow-fish, or the fish that is frightened at a Bhadow, and in time the first part of the word alone came to be used as the name of the fish. DELAWARE COUNTY CLIMATE. 215 would wither in consequence of this, but no Bymptoms of it was ob served next year. Hogs and poultry fed on them. Even the Indians did eat them, especially wheu they first came, boiling them » little. This made it probable that they were of the same kind with those eaten hy John the Baptist. They did not continue long, but died in the month of June." In the early days flies were more abundant than in our times, and during the occupation of Philadelphia the flies were very annoying to the residents of that city. "You cannot conceive," wrote Capt. John Heinricks, in 1778, " of the superabundant swarms of flies." 1 If flies attracted attention, certain it is that the early settlers, as well as all subsequent Eu ropean visitors, were much surprised and interested in our phosphorescent beetles, or, as more commonly called, fire-flies. Thomas Moore has used these in sects with effect in one of his most admired ballads. The origin of our common bees has long been a mooted question, because the Indians always declared that they were unknown in this country until the advent of Europeans, and termed them " the white man's fly." " Bees," writes Gabriel Thomas, in 1698, " thrive and multiply exceedingly in these parts. The Swedes often get great stores of them in the woods, where they are free for anybody. Honey (and choice, too) is sold in the Capital City for five pence per pound. Wax is also plentiful, cheap, and considerable com merce." That nocturnal pest, the mosquito, was general in the early time, and, within the recollec tion of the writer, in the vicinity of Chester they were more numerous thirty years ago than at the present day. They were certainly abundant in the early days of Swedish sway on the Delaware, for we learn that shortly after Governor Printz built Fort Elsinborg, near the mouth of Salem Creek, Cam panius records " At last within a few years it was de molished by the Swedes themselves, who could not live there on account of the great numbers of mos- chetoes. After they left it they used to call it Myg- genborg, — that is to say, Moscheto Fort." CHAPTER XXIV. DELAWARE COUNTY CLIMATE, TOGETHER WITH NOTICES OF REMARKABLE WEATHER. In 1633 it is recorded that De Vries was frozen up in Wyngaert's Kill from January 17th to February 3d, and that he did not return to Swansdale until the 20th of February. The Dutch colonists " did not imagine that we had been frozen up in the river, as no pilot or astrologer could conceive that in the latitude from the thirty-eighth and a half to the thirty-ninth such rapid running rivers could freeze." Governor Printz states in the early days of the colony, that the " winter 1 Penna. Mag. of Hist., vol. i. p. 41. is sometimes as sharp that I have never felt it more severe in the Northern parts of Sweden." 2 The winter of 1657 Is the first record of in tensely cold weather we find in the annals of this colony, for the Delaware River was frozen in one night so that a deer could run over it, which, the In dians stated, had not occurred within the'memory of their oldest living person, nor was there any tradition of it ever happening before that time. On Jan. 14, 1660, William Beekman wrote, " We are bravely blockaded by frost, but we are not affraid of it, as we are, on the contrary, well provisioned." And on the 25th of the same month he records, " Two days ago the ice broke up, so that we shall shortly have free water." 3 The winter of 1681 was also remarkable for its severity, for on the 11th of December the river was closed in one night so that all navigation was inter rupted, while the succeeding winter, that of 1682, was very mild, scarcely any ice forming, to be followed the next year with intense cold. In that year William Penn, in a letter to Lord North, says, " The weather often changeth without notice, and is constant almost in its inconstancy !" while a writer in 1684 says,4 " The air is generally clear and agreeable. The summer is longer and warmer, and the winter shorter and some times colder than in England." The latter statement was certainly true of the winter of 1697-98, when the river was frozen so solidly that wagon-loads of hay were repeatedly dragged across the Delaware at Chris tiana. The summer of 1699 was extremely warm, and the winter of 1704 was so cold that snow fell over a yard in depth, the deepest on record, and birds, deer, and other animals perished, unable to find sustenance. The winter of 1700 was very mild, while in February, 1714, flowers were seen in the woods near Philadel phia. The summer of 1724 was known as " the hot summer," which certainly must have been true of 1730, when eight persons dropped dead in the streets of Philadelphia in one day ; while the winter of that year was bitterly cold, and the summer of 1734 was so warm that many men in the harvest-fields died, and great numbers of birds were found dead, owing to the heat. In the winter of 1739-40, when the cold was so intense in Europe, snow fell to a depth of three feet ; the tops of the fences were covered, and sleds passed over them in every direction on the hard crust. The Delaware was frozen over until the 15th of March. The suffering among the exposed settlers in Lancas ter County, then on the borders of civilization, was extreme, the Pennsylvania Gazette recording that they were compelled to subsist on the deer which had died, and it was no unusual event to find ten or twelve of those creatures lying within a comparatively short distance of a spring, while great numbers of squirrels 2 Report for 1647, Penna. Mag. of Hist., vol. vii. p. 272. a Penna. Archives, 2d series, vol. vii. pp. 619, 628. * Penna. Mag. of Hist., vol. vi. p. 312. 216 HISTORY OF DELAWARE COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA. and birds were frozen to death. The horses, cows, and other domestic animals exposed in the woods without shelter perished. In many instances the stags and does fed at the hay-ricks with the cattle and became domesticated. On the 17th of March, 1760, the Gazette informs us, occurred " the greatest fall of snow ever known since the settlement." The roads in every direction were closed. The majority of the members of the Assembly were unable to get to Philadelphia, the snow, it is recorded, being in some places seven feet deep. Dec. 31, 1764, the river was frozen over in a night, and in 1770 the river closed on December 18th, and remained so until Jan. 18, 1771. Capt. John Heinricks, of the Hessian Yager Corps, in his letter from Philadelphia in the early part of the year 1778, states, in reference to our climate and seasons, "The cold in winter and the heat in summer is quite moderate, but the thunder-storms in summer and the damp reeking air in spring and autumn are unendurable. In summer mists fall and wet every thing, and then in the afternoon there is a thunder storm. And in winter, when the trees are frosted in the morning it rains in the afternoon. Such phe nomena are common here." 1 This officer of one of the crack regiments of the mercenary troops, in his comfortable quarters on the Schuylkill, might thus complacently write of the moderate cold of that winter, but the ill clad and ill fed .Continental troops at Valley Forge, as they clus tered about the camp-fires, record a different impres sion of the weather, although Capt. John Montressor, of the British army, states in his diary, under date of March 14, 1778, " Weather very warm for the season; Layloche and Gooseberry leaves starting," while on the 17th of the same month he mentions, " Fine weather; frogs croaking in swamps, indicating spring." 2 The summer of 1778 was intensely warm, while the winter of 1779-80 was bitterly cold, the Delaware re maining for three months closed. At Philadelphia an ox was roasted on the river, and the ground was frozen to the depth of five feet. The strength of the ice can be imagined when we remember that that winter the British army crossed from New York to Paulus Hook, drawing their can non and wagons as on the solid earth. The winter of 1784 was very cold, and on Feb. 6, 1788, tbe ther mometer registered three degrees below zero. The midsummer of 1789 was very warm, but in August the weather was so cool that fires had to be lighted in houses for the comfort of the inmates. Jan. 2, 1790, the air and water were so warm that boys bathed in the river, while in the following winter the thermometer was five degrees below zero. The winter of 1801-2 was milder than any which had preceded it since 1700, which it very much resem bled, and Watson records that shad were in market on 1 Penna. Mag. of Hist.,\o\. i. p. 41. 2 lb., vol. vi. p. 197. the 17th of February, 1802, while the early winter of 1805 was so mild that farmers plowed their land until within a few days of Christmas, but the new year ushered in intensely cold weather, while February of 1807 was extremely cold, extending even to the South ern Gulf States. On the 19th of February, 1810, the mercury at eight o'clock in the morning registered seven degrees below zero. The year 1816 is known as "the year without a summer," and it was equally remarkable in that respect in Europe as on this con tinent. Frost and snow were common in every month of the year. June was the coldest ever known in this latitude. Snow fell in Vermont to the depth of ten inches ; in Maine, seven ; in Massachusetts and Cen tral New York, three inches. Fruit and vegetation was scarce and did not fully mature. On the 20th of July, 1824, a noticeable storm of rain and hail is recorded as having occurred at Chester. Jan. 19, 1827, the Delaware was frozen over at Chester, and up to that date that winter no snow had fallen, nor did it snow until some time after the river had closed. The winter of 1824 was so mild that on the 9th of February a shad was caught at Bombay Hook. On Friday evening, Jan. 12, 1831, one of the most severe snow-falls on record in this vicinity occurred. The storm continued all of the next day. The result was that the mail and stages were much impeded for three days on the roads from Philadelphia to Wil mington, but the cross-roads leading westward from the river were blocked with snow nearly to the tops of the fences, and in that condition was almost every road in the county. On Monday, Jan. 15, 1831, court began in Chester, and the juries and witnesses found their way across the fields, a few on horseback, but mostly on foot. The president judge did not arrive, and on Wednesday the associate judges, who trans acted some business, adjourned the court." During the winter of 1833-34 the river was closed, and Theo- doric and Hamilton Porter drove a pair of horses in a sleigh from Chester to the navy-yard, Philadelphia, on the ice, and returned in the same manner. On May 7, 1846, the snow fell for two days, blocking up the roads so that access to Chester by the highways was interrupted for several days. Trains on the Phil adelphia, Wilmington and Baltimore Railroad could not run for two days because of the great drifts, and during that time no mail passed north or south over that road. The year 1838, Dr. Smith records, " was remarkable on account of a great drought that prevailed through out a large extent of country, embracing Delaware County. From about the 1st of July till nearly the 1st of October, no rain fell except a few very slight showers. The earth became parched and vegetation dried up. All the later crops failed, and, what added greatly to the injurious effects of the drought, myriads of grasshoppers made their appearance and vora- 3 Hazard's Register, vol. vii. p. 248. THE COURT, BENCH, AND BAR OF DELAWARE COUNTY. 217 ciously devoured nearly every green blade of grass that had survived to the period of their advent. Even the blades and ears of Indian corn were greatly jnjured in many places. Cattle suffered much for ^ant of pasture, and many persons were obliged to feed them on hay during the months of August and September, or upon corn cut from the field." ' The winter of 1855 was remarkable. Up to March 16th the weather was comparatively mild, but on that date the cold was so intense that the Delaware was closed, and many persons living in this neighborhood crossed over the river on foot and in sleighs. On tlie night of March 6, 1858, the Delaware was frozen solidly in one night, the preceding winter months having been so mild that no ice had formed until the middle of February. The steamer " Keystone State," from Savannah, on the evening of March 5th, had to lay to at the pier at Chester, where she was compelled to discharge her cargo and transport it the remainder of the distance by rail. On Sunday, Jan. 7, 1866, a cold wave visited Ches ter, increasing until by Monday morning the ther mometer was ten degrees below zero, and nothing to compare to it had beeu known for thirty odd years. Even now it is recalled as the " cold Monday." On the 20th and 21st of March, 1868, the most vio lent snow-storm known in the neighborhood for a quarter of a century occurred. The trains on the railroad were delayed several hours, no mail reaching Chester on Saturday, March 21st, until after mid-day, while the roads throughout the county were impass able by reason of the drifts. The winter of 1872-73 was cold, while that of 1873- 74 was mild. But the following year, 1874-75, was intensely cold. On February 10th the river was sol idly frozen, and many persons walked from Chester piers to the bar on the ice, and the day previous the thermometer stood at two degrees below zero. The winter of 1876-77 was mild, while that of 1880 was cold, and, taking the mean temperature, it is said to have been the coldest winter since 1856. The streams leading iuto the Delaware were frozen six inches in thickness, and the depth of snow estimated at one foot to sixteen inches on a level. CHAPTER XXV. THE COURT, BENCH, AND BAR OF DELAWARE COUNTY. Beyond the possibility of refutation, it can be asserted that at Tinicum, in the present county of Delaware, justice was first dispensed within the limits of the State of Pennsylvania, and in all probabilities this remark will hold good as to the entire Delaware 1 History of Delaware County, p. 359. River territory. Crude and capricious doubtless was the code of laws administered by Governor Printz, who was required, in obedience to the instructions given him, to "decide all controversies according to the laws, customs, and usages of Sweden," and in these matters he was expected to "adopt and follow all the laudable manners, customs, and usages of the Kingdom of Sweden."3 This was certainly a task more difficult to perform than to require, for the codi fication of all the Swedish statutes, manners, and cus toms had then but recently been made,2 hence it is no wonder that his Excellency the Governor of New Sweden, who, in 1647, reported "the whole number of men, women, boys and girls and children now living here is 138 souls," 4 occasionally, even in the sparsely-settled colony, found himself face to face with nice points of law which his military education furnished him no precedents to meet, and particularly was his position embarrassing because he was ex pected to maintain a sharp outlook for the interest of the company, which would necessarily compel him to act in the dual capacity of plaintiff and judge in the same case. Under the circumstances we can understand why he says, " Again, I have several times solicited a learned and able man ... to administer justice and attend to the law business, sometimes very intricate cases occurring, in which it is difficult, and never ought to be that one and the same person appear in the court as plaintiff as well as judge."6 The Governor was clothed with civil and criminal jurisdiction ; he was especially directed to enforce obedience and order, and could punish great offenders not only with imprisonment but even with death, " according to the crime;" in the latter cases, however, execution could only be done " according to the ordi nances and legal forms, and after having sufficiently considered and examined the affair with the most noted persons, such as the most prudent assessors of justice that he can find and consult in this country."6 Beyond the foregoing brief mention of the admin istration of justice on the Delaware under Swedish rule, I have been unable to find any further reference thereto. Truly is it, as a recent accomplished writer remarks, " A mere trace, fitful at best, and rendered more faint by the shadows of time."7 The Dutch records, unfortunately, are hardly more explicit than the Swedish on the subject of legal tribunals among the early settlers on the Delaware before the conquest of the territory by the English. Jean Paul Jacquet, who was appointed vice-director Nov. 29, 1655, was instructed to " administer law and justice to citizens as well as soldiers," while Andrew Hudde, the sec- 2 Penna. Archives, 2d series, vol. v. p. 773. • Eecord of Upland Court, p. 30. 1 Penna. Mag. of Hist., vol. vii. p. 273. 6 lb., p. 278. "Instructions to Governor Printz, Penna. Archives, 2d series, vol. v. p. 773. 7 Duke's Book of LawB, Historical Notes of Benjamin M. Nead, p. 427. 218 HISTORY OF DELAWARE COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA. retary, was " to book all matters . . . complaints, defaults, arrests, with the reasons thereof, also all judgments, sentences, and decisions," while the vice- director was enjoined to " strictly observe and have observed the placards and ordinances made and pub lished heretofore against the sale of brandy or strong drinks to the savages, regarding the robbing of gar dens or plantations, the running about the country, drinking on the Sabbath, and profanation of the same." The court where breaches of these ordinances were to be tried was a meeting of Council, which was to be called only by the order of the vice-director, and all matters pending before that body were to be decided by " a majority of votes," and in case of a tie the vice-director was " to have a double vote." In cases of military or concerning the company's prop erty, the vice-director, beside the members of Coun cil, was instructed to add two sergeants, who were to sit as part of the court; but where the matter was purely a civil one, " between freemen and servants of the company, two suitable freemen were to be substi tuted instead of the sergeants."1 This tribunal seems to have exercised legislative as well as judicial powers, for it is recorded that on Feb. 13, 1656, all persons at New Castle were required to inclose their lots before the 15th of March following, and, failing to do so, were punishable by a fine of six guilders. The owners of goats were also instructed to provide keepers for these animals. On May 22d Council directed that the swine at that place should be yoked within twenty-four hours, under the penalty of having the creatures killed by the soldiers.2 At the February court, before mentioned, Thomas Broen, who was charged with having beaten a servant so that he was rendered unable to labor, was ordered to pro vide for the latter until he was restored to health. The defendant, for having spoken disrespectfully of Vice- Director Jacquet, possibly because of the sen tence, was placed under arrest. In July a Swede and Finn, charged with violating the law respecting the sale- of liquor to Indians, in extenuation of their act pleaded ignorance of the law, which seems to have been regarded as a valid excuse, for they were dis charged. Early in 1657, Jacob Alrichs was appointed vice- director of the city's colony on the Delaware (part of the Delaware territory, for Christiana River to Bom bay Hook had been transferred to the city of Amster dam by the Dutch West India Company for moneys advanced), and in the latter part of April he arrived at New Castle. That there then was a court held on the river is established from the prayer of the Swedish inhabitants that a court-messenger and provost might be appointed for them. Sheriff Van Dyck proposed " one Jurgen, the Fin on the Crooked Kil," for the office, which suggestion received, June 12, 1657, the 1 Penna. Archives, 2d series, vol. vii. pp. 490-491. 2 Acrelius, " New Sweden," p. 92. approval of Governor Stuyvesant. From this, how ever, the infetence naturally is that the court was held at New Castle or Christiana, and was lacking in every essential the received ideas of a judicial tri bunal, inasmuch that Alrichs, on March 30, 1658, in a letter to Stuyvesant, says, " I found the government here to consist and be attended to by the Vice-Director or Commander, sitting over military delinquents with military persons, and over citizens with citizens, as ordered by your Honor, to whom I, upon my arrival, represented and showed the charges which were to be taken in consideration afterwards." 3 From the fore going remark, Mr. Nead maintains that a regular set of laws or ordinances had been promulgated for the general government of the Delaware River set tlement shortly after the conquest by the Dutch, and that Alrichs' instructions clearly contemplated the continuance and enforcement of these ordinances,* a conclusion which is doubtless correct. Certain it is that an attorney practiced before the court, for March 30, 1658, Alrichs writes, " I have also to pay the at torney, Schelluyn, for salary earned by him in the suit against Dirck Cornelissen Heunich, skipper of the ship ' Prins Maurits,' but it seems that the ex penses ought to be paid out of the deposited sum, the proceeds of the sale of the goods, unless your Honor understood that we should not consider this." 5 This is the first recorded appearance of an attorney in our annals. On Oct. 10, 1658, Alrichs informed the au thorities at Amsterdam that he had " received the police and law books which were sent out, consisting of 2 parts and a duplicate of each, and we shall make use of them ; but (not) the by-laws of the city, at the end of which the customs of Antwerp are annexed and printed," whereof mention is frequently made in the dispatch.6 On May 8, 1658, the Swedish magistrates at Tinicum presented a petition to Governor Stuyvesant, who was then visiting the settlements on the Delaware, re questing that they might be properly instructed re specting the discharge of their duties, and that a court messenger or officer should be appointed to serve summons, make arrests, and enforce the sen tences of the courts.7 The meagre information we have seems to indicate that the Holland conquerors deemed it wise policy to continue the old Swedish magistrates in office, the latter nationality being largely that of the majority of the inhabitants ; obe dience would be more easily rendered to their former rulers than to new men, with whose language and person the people were generally unacquainted. The sitting of the court was at Fort Altena, for the com pany's colony, which included all this locality, and they were held " three or four times during the year 3 Penna. Archives, 2d serieB, vol. vii. p. 526. 4 Duke's Book of Laws, p. 435. 6 Penna. Archives, 2d series, vol. vii. p. 528. 6 lb., vol. v. p. 304. ' lb., vol. vii. p. 531. THE COURT, BENCH, AND BAR OF DELAWARE COUNTY. 219 according to demand or circumstances." The letter wherein the foregoing facts appear was written by William Beekman, vice-director, to Stuyvesant, April ^8, 1660,1 and is particularly interesting to the annal ist, for it furnishes a more comprehensive insight as to the manner in which judicial affairs were con ducted, together with the scope of inquiry and the jurisdiction of the courts under the Dutch ascending on the Delaware, than any other paper of that time. From it we learn that Peter Rambo, a Swede, and one of the commissioners, had already grown weary of public cares and desired to resign the office ; that at the court held the 19th of August in the preceding year twelve or fifteen of the " Swedish or Finnish. Na tion," who had been summoned to appear by Jager, the court messenger, failed to attend the session, and that thereupon Beekman made a rule that hereafter for any similar default " committed wantonly and in tentionally, without the hindrance of sickness or God's weather and wind," the party so offending should be fined ten guilders, the reason for the rule being " that no one should be delayed in his claim" because of the voluntary absence of those persons who should be in attendance. It was difficult, however, to compel the rude settlers to recognize the law's power to correct wrong or the province of the court to med dle in personal affairs. In the same letter Beekman relates that Mr. Learsen, the Swedish priest at Up land, having been violently assaulted and " fearfully beaten" by Peter Mayer, complained to him, and that he had ordered both parties to the quarrel to be sum moned, but before the day fixed for the hearing " the affair was settled between them, thus asserting that the judge had nothing to say about it." Peter Mayer, who it seemed was inclined to indulge in assaults and batteries, paid his fine for non-attendance. The judges, then as now, did not always agree in their conclusion as to the law or the jurisdiction of the court. Beekman complained that Oele Stille, one of the Swedish magistrates, had "made strong opposition to him" at the last court-day, because the former had suspected Stille of permitting the Swedish priest to perform a marriage in his presence without proclama tion having been first made in church, and against the will of the parents of the contracting parties. Beekman, as president judge, imposed on the clergy man a fine of fifty guilders, to which decision Stille dissented, stating that the court had no jurisdiction to correct such affairs ; that it was a matter for the Consistory of Sweden alone to inquire into. The priest seemed to be governed by the dissenting opin ion, for wnen summoned to appear he informed the officer that he had nothing to do with the court of Christiana, and did not attend. Proceedings in di vorce, it would appear, were not within the province of the tribunal, for the letter states that there was then " among the Fins at Opland" a married couple 1 Penna. Archives, 2d series, vol. vii. p. 635. " who live very wretchedly together, and the wife is often fearfully beaten, and daily driven out of the house like a dog," which condition of matrimonial infelicity had continued for several years. The trouble was so generally known that at length a Swedish priest at Upland, the neighbors, the sheriff, and the commissioners, at the request of the man and wife, applied to Vice-Director Beekman, desiring that they might be divorced, and the few animals and personal property they owned be divided between them. The whole matter was referred to Stuyvesant, but whether the divorce was ever granted does not appear in any record now published. Dr. Smith was of the opinion that the parties to this unhappy marriage resided near Marcus Hook, the territory in that neighborhood then being known as Finland. The matters thus set forth from Beekman's letters peculiarly relate to our history, and are exceedingly interesting, since all the persons mentioned resided within the limits of the present county of Delaware, and because it is conclusive of the fact that at that time no court existed within the territory belonging to the present State of Pennsylvania. Notwithstanding the differences in opinion between Vice-Director Beekman and Stille, the latter still continued as one of the magistrates, for on the trial of Evert Hendrickson for a dastardly assault on Joran Kyn, at Upland, on the 6th and 16th of April, 1663, the court at Fort Altena, where the case was heard, consisted of Vice-Director Beekman, Oele Stille, Mats Hanson, and Peter Cock, commissioners. The plaintiff in this proceeding had been worried by the defendant's hog running on his land, and he had pointed his gun at the animal, when the defend ant assaulted him with a stick, endeavoring to break his head. The plaintiff in warding off the blows re ceived a stroke on the elbow which disabled his arm for a month. Hendrickson not satisfied with this, went home and brought his gun, saying at the same time to Kyn, " I would like right well to shoot you down now, you scoundrel." The evidence established that the preceding autumn the defendant had threat ened the life of the plaintiff, at which time he put a knife to the plaintiff's throat, stating he had a mind to cut his head off. The first assault had been over looked by Kyn, on condition that he would give him no further trouble. The witnesses united in the opinion that Hendrickson was a desperado " who troubled the place at Upland's Kil." 2 The defend ant was banished for his ill doings, and removed to the neighborhood of New Castle. In the early fall of the following year Sir Robert Carr, in command of the English forces, subjugated the Dutch provinces on the Delaware, but in the articles of capitulation, dated Oct. 1, 1664, it was stipulated that " the Scout, the Burgomaster, Sheriffe, 2 Documents Relating to the Colonial History of New York, vol. xii. pp. 424-26. 220 HISTORY OF DELAWARE COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA. and other inferior magistrates shall use and exercise their customary Power in Admins'on of Justice with in their precincts, for six months or until his Ma'ties pleasure is further known." 1 Under the terms of this agreement the Dutch magis trates continued in office until April 21, 1668, when Governor Lovelace commissioned Sir Robert Carre, scout, and Hans Block, Israel Helme, Peter Rambo, Peter Cock, Peter Alricks, or any two of them, as councilors, " to advise, hear, and determine by the major vote what is just, equitable, and necessary in the case or cases in question." 2 Steadily but slowly Governor Lovelace from that time began bringing the judicial system of England into use, retiring that of the Dutch, which had prevailed, as speedily as circum stances permitted, but so gradually that the radical change would be made, and at the same time do no violence to the colony by unsettling at one swoop the whole body of ordinances, manners, and customs with which the people had grown familiar by long usage. The attempted rebellion of the Long Finn, in the summer of 1669, afforded the Governor an opportu nity to make some sweeping innovations in the crimi nal procedure, and that case will ever be memorable in our annals, inasmuch that for the first time we have undoubted record of a trial on the Delaware, wherein the defendant was formally indicted and a jury of twelve men impaneled, who were subject to challenge on the part of the prisoner, and charged, after the testimony was concluded, by the commis sioners to find " the matter of fact according to the evidence." 3 Governor Lovelace, knowing well the power which appearances lend in controlling the ignorant classes, early in our history, under English rule, hedged the bench about with all the pomp and circumstance necessary to impress the citizens of that day with the importance and dignity of the judicial office. In 1671, Governor Lovelace instructed Capt. Carr, on the Delaware, to set up the king's arms in the court house, and to have the same insignia of majesty borne on the staffs carried by the officers in attendance.4 At that date in all probability there were inferior courts held on the Delaware at several designated places by the justices to determine controversies in trifling cases and petty infractions of criminal law, although the records do not absolutely establish the fact other than that on May 17, 1672, a town court was directed to be held at New Castle, to be presided over by the bailiff and six assistants, with j urisdiction to try all cases of debt or damage to the value of ten pounds, from whose decision there was no appeal ; it inferentially appears that about that date a court was already established at Upland. On Aug. 8, 1672, on petition of Jan Cornelis, Mattys Mattyson, and Mar- 1 Penna. Archives, 2d series, vol. v. p. 545. 2 lb., vol. vii. p. 722. 8 lb., p. 728. 4 lb., p. 767. tin Martinson, of Calcoone Hooke, in the present township of Darby, which set forth that Iszael Holmes had obtained a patent to land " upon the island" (sub sequently known as Smith's Island) "over against Calcoone Hooke," without ever having had posses sion or pretence thereunto before," Governor Love lace, on the date given, made an order " to Authorize & Empower the Court at Upland with the Assistance of one or two of the High Court to examine unto the matter and make report of the Truth thereof," that he might make " some Order thereupon according to Equity and Good Conscience."5 Certain it is that when, on July 30, 1673, the English standard was supplanted by that of their High Mightinesses the Lord States-General, and the flag of the Netherlands again floated over this territory, the Dutch Council at New York, Sept. 12, 1673, established "one court of Justice for the inhabitents of Upland, to which provisionally shall resort the inhabitents both on the east and west banks of Kristina Kill and upwards unto the head of the river." At the same time Council instructed the inhabitants of the Delaware River territory, "for the maintenance of good order, police, and so forth," to nominate eight persons in each of the judicial districts as magistrates, and from the names thus submitted Council would select aud appoint those officers.6 These courts were of very limited jurisdiction, for on the 26th of the same month Council issued instructions for the government of the Delaware River settlement, in which it was distinctly announced that all criminal offenders should be referred to the Governor-General and Council; the sheriff in those cases was directed to arrest, detain, and forward the prisoner, "under proper safeguard, to the Chief Magistrate, together with good and correct information for or against the offenders. . . . Smaller offences, such as quarrels, abusive words, threats, fisticuffs, and such like, are left to the jurisdiction of the magistrates of each par ticular village." In civil cases where the amount in dispute was sixty florins (Beaver)7 or under, the de cisions of the magistrates were final ; and where' the sum was over sixty, and amounting to two hundred and forty florins, the party aggrieved could appeal to the sheriff and councilors, — one person to fill the latter office being annually appointed from each judicial dis trict, — whose decisions should be final. The courts also possessed restricted legislative powers, such as en acting laws providing for the laying out of highways, erecting churches, school-houses, or similar public works, observances of the Sabbath, and the manner of " setting off lands and gardens," and other rdatters ap pertaining to agriculture. They could also make or dinances against fighting, wrestling, and " such petty offenses," provided such regulations were as far as pos sible conformable to the laws of the " Fatherland and 6 lb., vol. v. p. 621 ; Hazard's Annals, p. 398. 6 Penna. Archives, 2d Series, vol. v. p. 631. 7 Then the standard of value. THE COURT, BENCH, AND BAR OF DELAWARE COUNTY. 221 the statutes of that (this) Province," but all such en actments " of any importance" were required to be pre sented to the Governor for his approval before being ¦promulgated. In the same document will be found instructions as to the manner of electing persons to fill the higher offices, a system which was adopted by the English authorities when the territory again passed into their possession, and maintained in a, measure for many years after the State of Pennsylva nia had in turn cast off the British yoke. It was that " towards the time of election the Sheriff and Schepens (magistrates) shall nominate as Schepens a double number of the best qualified, the honestest, most intelligent and wealthiest inhabitants ... to be presented to the Governor, who shall make his selection therefrom." His Excellency, however, re served the right to reappoint any of the old justices he might desire to continue in office.1 There was no stated time for holding these courts, but they were called in session as occasion required. The Dutch authority, however, by the terms of the treaty between Great Britain and Holland, ceased on Feb. 9, 1674; but as Major Edmund Andross, the representative of the Duke of York, to whom the king had reconfirmed the province after it became an Eng lish dependency, did not take formal possession until the 31st of October following, it is to be presumed that judicial matters up to that date were conducted according to the Dutch form of procedure. Two days thereafter the Governor ordered that the old magis trates on the Delaware, excepting Peter Alricks, who were in office when the Dutch captured the province in July, 1673, should be "established for the space of six months or further orders."2 On November 4th Capt. Edward Cantwell, who had been the former sheriff under the English rule, was reappointed to the same office. The magistrates thus reappointed were Peter Cock, Peter Rambo, Israel Helme, Lars Adrecksen, Woolle Swain ; and William Tom was ap pointed clerk. The jurisdiction of the courts on the Delaware River seems not to have been extended so as to give them cognizance of high grades of criminal offenses. Hence we find that on Feb. 21, 1675, Governor Andross issued a commission for holding a Court of Oyer and Terminer at New Castle, for the trial of several pris oners charged with rape, which commission was ad dressed to five justices of New Castle Court, and Jus tices Cock, Rambo, Holme, Andriesen, and Swain, of Upland Court, requiring any seven or more of them, as soon as conveniently may be, " to sitt one or more Times during the space of one whole week, if Occa sions require, for the hearing, trying, giving Jugde- ment, & causing the same to be put in Execution, ac cording to Law." 3 Early in the same year it was generally reported 1 Penna. Archives, 2d series, vol. v. pp. 637, 638. 2 lb., p. 649. s lb., p. 667. that James Sandelands, of Upland, in ejecting a drunken Indian from his house, had so roughly treated the latter that he had died from the injuries received. On April 23d of that year Governor Androsse wrote to Capt. Cantwell, that " as to James Sandyland (if you are not sure of him being criminally guilty) you ought to have had a court, that he might have a Legall Tryall and so either be justly detained, punished, or releast." 4 In pursuance of these instructions, a special court was held at New Castle on May 13, 1675, Governor Sir Edmund Andross presiding in person, assisted by three commissioners, one from New Castle, from Upland, and Whore Kill. "The bench," old documents tell us, was "called over and placed on the Governor's left hand. Governor Philip Carteret of New Jersey, on the right with Mr. Samuel Edsall, Mr. Thomas Wandall, Mr. Joseph Smith, Mr. John Jackson, Mr. William Osburne." The jury, as pro vided by the Duke of York's laws, which, however, had not been extended to the Delaware River settle ments, consisted of seven freemen. The court being in session, James Sandelands was " brought to answer a presentment by the Sheriff for suspicion of being the cause of the death of an Indyan." The presentment was read, and the defendant " pleads to it not guilty." Sandelands thereupon related " the whole story of the Indyan being at his house and him putting him out of doors." The aboriginal witnesses did not relate a consistent story ; one stated the deceased^ had died in five days after his fall, while others made the interval of life after being ejected from the tavern six and eight weeks. It should, however, be remembered that while the Indians were giving their testimony, Sandelands, by leave of the court, went to them "and had a talk with them." The jury, after being charged, withdrew to deliberate, and finally rendered a verdict : "They find the prisoner not to be Guilty, Hee is ordered to be cleared by Proclamacon." On Sept. 22, 1676, Governor Andross promulgated an ordinance introducing the Duke of York's laws, and establishing courts of justice on the Delaware in conformity therewith. One of the tribunals was lo cated at Upland, and was to consist of justices of the peace, three of whom would constitute a quorum, the oldest justice presiding, having the powers of a Court of Sessions, with jurisdiction over all matters under twenty pounds in civil causes and in criminal cases, excepting those where the punishment extended to life imprisonment or banishment, when appeals were to be allowed to the Court of Assizes. In pro ceedings in equity and suits where the claims were less than five pounds, judgment could be given by the court without a jury, unless the latter was claimed by the parties litigant. The sessions were to be held quarterly, beginning on the second Tuesday of the mouth, and rules governing practice, unless repug nant to the laws of the government, could be made * IU., vol. vii. p. 737. 222 HISTORY OF DELAWARE COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA. by the court, and were to continue for one year. A record of all proceedings was to be kept in the Eng lish language, to which every person should have free access "at due or seasonable times," and for that purpose a clerk was to be appointed by the Governor, on the recommendation of the court.1 In pursuance of this ordinance, on Nov. 14, 1676, the first court under the new code of laws convened at Upland, when Capt. John Colier and Capt. Edmund Cantwell, specially authorized by Governor Andross, administered the oath of office to the newly-com missioned justices, — Peter Cock, Peter Rambo, Israel Helme, Lace Andriesen, Woole Sweinsen, and Otto Ernest Cook.2 Ephraim Herman3 was appointed clerk. The first order made by the court was " that Mr. Wil liam Tom, the former clarke, should deliver unto the present dark, Eph. Herman, the Records and other publicq bookes and wrytings belonging to the court," * while the first case called was that of Thomas Spry against the estate of Hendrick Johnson, deceased, and the plaintiff not appearing in person or by attorney, the court ordered a non-suit, with costs.5 Executions were also ordered against all the persons who had re fused to pay William Tom, the former clerk, the costs of court, and the clerk was likewise directed to write to the Governor respecting compensation claimed by Justice Helme for services rendered as interpreter with the Indians. Jan Jansen and Morten Mortensen were appointed guardians for the heirs of Hendrick John son, deceased, it being represented to the court that the estate of the minors was being wasted. This is the first instance of record in this State of such ap pointment, and while the guardians were instructed to prepare an inventory of the estate, they do not seem to have been required to give bond for the faithful performance of the trust. Ephraim Herman appears to have kept a full record 1 Penna. Archives, 2d series, vol. vii. pp. 783, 784. 2 From this date to the second Tuesday of September, 1681, the original records of the Upland court are in possession of tbe Historical Society of Pennsylvania. In 1860 these valuable documents were published by the society, with copious notes and an introduction by Edward Arm strong. The original records were found by Deborah Logan in an old book-case, which had formerly belonged to her grandfather, Joseph Par ker, deputy register for Chester County, which had stood for years in the Logan houBe, in Chester. The existence of the document was un known almost for a century, until accidentally discovered in a secret drawer in this old book-case. 3 Ephraim Herman resided in New Castle, and held the appointment for the same office in tbe court at that place. 4 This order was obeyed, for* on Aug. 14, 1677, Governor Andross wrote tojustices in New Castle: "I have also by Mr. Ephraim Herman returned you the old Records, the Confusedness or ill Order of which I can no other wayes remedy, butt thatt Mr. Tom, the then Clerke,do forthwith putt ye same in Order, and write or cause them to bee fairly coppyed in a fitt booke, and attested by him and answer for any defects." (Penna. Archives, 2d series, vol. vii. p. 789.) This appears never to liave been done, for, under date of Feb. 25, 1677-78, it is related that Tom, who had been thrown in prison for debt, had died therein. (Documents re lating to the Colonial History of New York, vol. xii.) 6 For the next five years, until nearly the end of the year 1681, the references being to "The Eecords of Upland Court," it is unneces sary to furnish the citation of the authority relied on for statements made in the text. of all matters coming before the tribunal, for he not only gives a brief statement of the evidence in many of the cases, but he spread in full on the minutes the commissions of the justices and his own, as well as the correspondence he was instructed by the court to have with the Governor. He particularly invites the latter's attention to " how the Charges of this Court when they sitt may bee found, Conciedering that wee all Live att a Great distance from our Court place and the Amercem48 (by Reason of the small number of actions) amounting to Little." The court, when it adjourned until the second Tues day in March next, was emphatic, for it adds, " and no sooner by Reason of the Ceason, and so it is to Continue and be kept quarterly;" an order which, so far as it related to the Quarter Sessions, continued in practice for about a quarter of a century. The next court convened on the 13th of March, 1676/7, when the tendency to the continuance of a cause, when called, exhibited itself as decidedly as it does now, after the lapse of two centuries. In one case where Morton Mortensen, of Ridley, sued Mouns Staecke for the value of an ox, which the defendant and his servant had killed, the plaintiff's witnesses " being supened," but failed to appear, the case was continued, the court stating that if the witnesses did not appear at the next term "they to be fined." At this session we find the first mention in our annals of a deed being acknowledged in open court, a practice which still prevails respecting sheriffs' deeds. The next Quarter Sessions was held June 13, 1677, and the proceeding shows us that at that time redemp tive servitude was a recognized system, for at this court John Test, in the presence of the bench, made acknowledgment that he had sold William Sill, a tailor by trade, to Capt. Edmond Cantwell, for nearly four years, the unexpired term of his servitude. Many suits were pressed to judgment at this session against John Ashman, who, appearing to have pur chased a number of articles on credit, and then left the province and his creditors, the latter, then as now, scrambled for the insolvent's estates, and no less than five judgments were entered and two attach ments allowed that day. The court appointed Lace Cock and Mathias Holsteyn to appraise the goods and chattels of John Ashman, and they were sworn to the performance of the trust. It also appeared that there was a dispute respecting "the fly (meadow) of those of Carkoen's Hock"6 and Lace Dalbo; "the court taking into consideration the fact that before the next court " itt will bee too Late to mow the Hay, doe order that hans Peterse and the Reste of Carkoens hoeck doe mow the hay of the sd fly for the present and untill their case bee heard." An interesting fact in this term was that the first rules of court respect- 6 Mr. Armstrong states that this was tho point formed by the junction of Cobb's Creek with Darby Creek, and had for its western boundary Darby, and for its northern Cobb's Creek. (Eecords of Upland Court, p. 58, note.) THE COURT, BENCH, AND BAR OF DELAWARE COUNTY. 223 ing pleadings and attorneys we have record of were announced. "That all declarations must be Entered at Least the day before the cort at which the clarke ^s to attend att Upplands," and " That no persons bee Admitted to plead for any other person as an attorney In Cort without hee first have his admittance of the Cort or have a warrynt of Attorney for his so doing from his Clyant." It was hardly necessary for the court to have made any rule in relation to attorneys, for on the 19th of May the Governor and Council adopted an ordinance "that pleading attorneys bee no Longer allowed to practize in ye government, but for ye depending cases." At the November session we find record that this ordinance was for the second term " openly Read in full Cort." The most important case tried at this session was an action for assault and battery committed on Justice Helme by Oele Oelsen. The justice in his evidence stated that the defendant " first with Evil words abused" and afterwards beat him " and his shirt all tome In peeces by the sd deft.," and as he, the plain tiff, was one of the members of the court, he desired that " hee may bee so maintained." The defendant testified that he was first struck by the plaintiff, but Sheriff Cantwell " desires that the court will take the Case in Consiederacon and not suffer that a Justice of the Peace shall be so abused." After other wit nesses had been examined by the court " and heard the debates of both parties," the defendant was fined two hundred and ten guilders, sixty to the poor or church, the remainder to the sheriff, and " doe further order yt the sd Oele Oelsen doe humbly aske forgive ness of Justice Israeli helm and the Cort for his sd offence." The defendant having publicly asked pardon for his act, " The Cort and High Sherife Conciedering that the Sd oele was a poore man with great Charge of Childeren ; uppon his humble sub mission did Remit and foregive him the one hundred and fifty Gilders fyne." At the subsequent court, Sept. 11, 1677, the diffi culty respecting the meadow-land at Calcon's Hook was heard, and it was ordered that the plaintiffs should select "indifferent men," who should view the land and ascertain whether they had not their quantity, after which, if the parties could not agree, the case was referred to the Governor for adjudication. Many applications were presented at the court by parties desiring to have certain lands surveyed and set apart to them, while the clerk was allowed two hundred guilders for his " last year's service, trouble and expenses," to be paid out of the tax to be laid. In the olden times, as now, litigation arising from absurd disputes was occasionally brought before the court, hence at the November session of 1677, Neeles Laersen, the innkeeper, brought an action against John Test, in which he complained that the defend ant had "been troublesome to his son about a knyf" (knife), and he " desires to know the Reason of the same. The Court haveing heard the debates of both parties ; and finding the businesse and difference of noe vallue, did order the partees to be friends and forgive one the other, to which the parties agreed Neeles Laersen Ingaging to pay the Clercq and sher- refs fees." On April 3, 1678, the first meeting of the justices of Upland in private session, as such assemblages afterwards were called, is noted as being held at the house of Justice Peter Cook, " in ye Schuylkill," where the public accounts were audited and approved. At the court held on the second Tuesday of June, 1678, for the first time is mentioned proceedings for the foreclosure of a mortgage. In that case Christo pher Barnes had mortgaged his plantation and crops of corn and tobacco for fourteen hundred and ninety- four guilders and six styvers. The court appointed James Sanderlands, Albert Hendricks, and Oele Frans- sen to appraise the farm and crops of wheat and tobacco, and the mortgageor, then in court, " Ingaged to make a good Tytle of ye Land & plantation to ye Pit. if not fully paid otherwise." So also at the same session is presented the first application of an inden tured servant to be discharged (freed) at the expira tion of the term of servitude, where the master ille gally held him beyond the period specified in the agreement. The court ordered Oele Swensen, at the next court, to produce the indenture of Benjamin Goodman, his servant, or bring "witnesses that can Testify about ye business." This Swensen failing to do at the November term, Goodman was discharged. At the same term an application was made to the court by Jan Conelisson, of Amesland, for the protec tion and maintenance of his son, Erik, who was "bereft of his natural Sences, and is turned quyt madd," the father pleading that his poverty prevented him supporting his son. The unfortunate maniac must have been dangerous to be at large, for the court ordered " that three or 4 persons be hired to build a little Blockhouse at Amesland for to put in the sd madman, and att the next Court, order will bee taken yt a small Levy bee Laid for to pay for the building of ye house." Dr. Smith believed that this "little blockhouse," built under this order, may properly be regarded as the first lunatic asylum in Pennsylvania.1 To provide for the maintenance of the tribunal, at this term was ordered a " Levy or small Tacx of fyve gilders pr head on every Tydable person for defraying of the Courts setting Charges, as heretofore, the Levy to bee paid by Every prson- upon (at) Trimeconck (Tinicum) Island between this & the 6th of October next Ensuing." There seems to have been corporal punishment in a case at this court, of which no record appears other than that James Sandelands was ordered to be paid one hundred and one guilder "for payment of the 1 Provision was made under the Duke of York's laws (pages 58-64) for the manner in which the charge for the support of " distracted per sons" was to be levied. 224 HISTORY OF DELAWARE COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA. Indians that whip, &c," which sum Sandelands seems to have advanced out of his private purse ; and at the same session, in a cross-action between William Orian and Jan Jansen, each alleging that the other threat ened his life, the court ordered both parties to be bound " to their good behavior & order Each to pay halfe Costs." The most important order made at this court was that which required that " Every person should within the spaces of twoo months, as far as his Land Reaches make good and passable ways, from neighbour to neighbour, with bridges when itt needs, To the End that neighbours on occasion may come together. Those neglecting to forfeit 25 gilders." This is the first record of any action respecting highways made by a court acting in the territory now Pennsylvania, although nearly four years previous to this date, at a special court held at New Castle, on the 13th and 14th of May, 1666, Governor Andross presiding, it was "ordered that Highways shall be cleared from place to place within the precincts of this government." 1 At the court held on the 12th of March, 1678-79, James Sandelands, as attorney of Marmaduke Ran dall, presented a claim against the estate of Walter Wharton, deceased, for eighty guilders, which was for rent due for a house in Upland, and prayed that he might be ordered payment out of the estate, with costs, as also a personal claim of Sandelands against the estate for four hundred and twenty-eight guilders. In both cases judgment was awarded. Wharton was the surveyor for the Delaware River settlement. From a letter from Justice Moll, of New Castle Court, to Secretary Nicolls, of New York, under date of Jan. 20, 1680, we learn that Ralph Hudgjson had buried Wharton, and had charged about twelve hundred (guilders) for the funeral expenses, and that the court had promised to grant an order on Capt. Cantwell at the next session for that sum. The amount was so exorbitant that Justice Moll hesitated, for he says, " Others have been buried as handsome for one-third of ye money. . . . The Chancellor of Maryland, I know, allows all administrators alyke for funeral charges. If they will be astravigand they must doo itt upon their owne meanes not upon ye creditor's account." 2 Edmund Draufton brought suit against Dunck Williams, demanding two hundred guilders as com pensation for services rendered in "teaching the deft. Children to Read one Year." Richard Ducket, a witness for the plaintiff, testified " that hee was pres ent at ye makeing of ye bargaine, & did hear that ye agreem't wa'that Edmund draufton should Teach Dunkes Children to Read in ye bybell, & if hee 1 Dr. Smith's " History of Delaware County," pp. 101, 102. That au thor, who bad inspected this record, states that the manner of making the roads was left to the respective inferior courts. That order, of course, was binding in this jurisdiction. 2 Documents relating to the Colonial History of New York, vol. xii. p. 643. could doe itt in a yeare or a halfe yeare or a quart then hee was to have 200 gilders." The court awarded " Judgment in favor of the plaintiff for the amount claims and costs of suit." This is the first record in our annals of children being in anywise educated, other than the clause in the Duke's Book of Laws admonishing the people to care for the instruction of children and servants in matters of religion and the laws of the country, while at the same time parents and masters were strictly enjoined " to bring up their Children and Apprintices in some honest Lawfull Calling, Labor or Employment," — one of the few regulations of the olden times which the present age might readopt with advantage to the State. At the November court was heard a matter which it seems strange to our modern ideas could have oc cupied the attention of the most potent, grave, and reverend judges whose duty it was to hold aloft the balance of justice in our early colonial days. The church-wardens of Tinicum and Wicaco Churches brought to the notice of the bench "that the fences about ye Church Yards and other Church buildings are much out of Repair, and that some of the People members of ye sd churches are neglective to make the same up." The court, after due consideration, determined " to order authorize & Impower the Respective church wardens of ye sd Twoo Churches ... do order & summons the Repective members of ye sd churches from tyme to tyme and att all tymes when it shall be found necessary, to build make good and Keepe in Repair the sd Churchyard fences as also, the Church and all other the appurtenances thereof and if any of the sd members upon warning doe prove neglective In the doing of their Proportion to the same, They and Each of them to forfeit fifty gilders for Each such neglect to be Levyed out of their goods and Chatties Lands and Tennements." This intermeddling of the court in purely church matters was in accordance with the spirit of the Duke of York's laws, wherein much attention was devoted to ecclesiastical topics. The church-wardens were, under its provisions, required twice in each year, on the second day of the June and December sessions, in open court, to deliver a written " true presentment" of all misdemeanors, such as swearing, profane Sab bath-breaking, drunkenness, fornication, and adul tery, "and all such abominable sinnes," which to their knowledge had been committed and the guilty parties remain unpunished. Their powers were so extended that they could compel the attendance of any person whom they believed had knowledge of such misdemeanors to testify respecting such charges, and if the latter failed to attend they were liable to be fined by the court. At the same court Francis Steevens sued Claes Jan sen on balance of an account for goods sold and de livered. The defendant pleaded in defense that " hee proffered & paid ye Plf. in pompkiens according to agreement." The plaintiff in rebuttal called Thomas THE COURT, BENCH, AND BAR OF DELAWARE COUNTY. 225 courtal expenses of the tribunal by the following modes : " Itt was this day by the Cort taken Into Consideracon & ordered that for ye defraying of ye charges of this Cort's sitting Each person shall pay Yearly one scipple of wheat or 5 gilders according to former order & Practice, and also That all the arrier of ye former Jears bee delivered & brought into Justice Otto Earnest (Cock) att Tinoragceng Island, such as prove neglective to be fetched by ye Constable by way of restraynt." Even this order did not altogether satisfy the court, "being in wajit of monneyes for ye defraying of ye publicq Charges of their sitting ;" but just before the adjournment the justices ordered the clerk to pre pare a list of those persons who were in arrears, and particularly a fine of two hundred guilders, which list was directed should be delivered to " ye high sheriffs, whoe is hereby ordered to collect ye same . . . and to be accompatible a.tt ye next Court, with further power that In case any should refuse ye payment of ye sd Just Cort fees that in such a Case hee should use ye uttmost extreamily by ye Lawe allowed." On the 8th of June, 1680, the commissions of the new justices appointed by Governor Androsse " was Read publicqly att Upland." The newly-commis sioned magistrates, however, did not fully compre hend the responsibilities connected with the office, for the court at the June term, 1680, finding that Upland Creek, where the court hitherto had held its sessions, was at the lower end of the county, for the benefit of the majority of the people " thought fitt for ye future to sitt & meet att ye towne of Kingsesse on ye Schuyl kill ;" 1 and at the June sessions of 1681, Justices Henry Browne and George Brown failing to be present, they " were boath fyned for not attending ye Court to sup ply their places Each ten pounds according to ye Law books." These fines, however, were in all probability never collected, for, before the next court assembled, the territory had been transferred by the king's charter to William Penn, and under the new power a thorough reorganization of the provincial authority was made. It is necessary, however, to retrace our narrative in order of time, so as to notice a few important cases which were tried before that event took place. At the October sessions, 1680, Claves Craw sued Hans Peters for slander. The defendant had called the plaintiff a thief, and on the trial, the defendant not being able to prove the truth of his assertion, the court ordered that "ye deft openly declared him selfe a Lyar, & that he shall further declare ye Pit to bee an honest man & pay 20 gilders to ye Pit for his Losse of tyme, together with Costs of suite." At the same court a case was continued on the application of the l The site of the town of Kingsesse Dr. Smith has fully established was located below the old Philadelphia, Wilmington and Baltimore Rail road (now Reading Railroad extension to Chester), and east of the Island road, in late township of KingsesBing, county of Philadelphia. (Smith's "History of Delaware County," p. 123, note.) Armstrong, in a note to "Record of Upland Court" (p. 171), bad located it in the immediate vicinity of the Swedish mill erected by Governor Tiiiitz near the Blue Bell Tavern on the Darby road. Stroud, who testified that " hee being sent by frank Stevens to fetch ye pompkiens did demand them, but Claes Jansen did refuse to bring them down to ye ^ater syde." After a summing up of the evidence on both sides the court ordered " that ye deft., Claes Jan sen, pay unto ye pit. Twenty gilders in wheat and Twenty-six in pumpkiens, after ye rate of sixteen gilders pr. hundred. Together with costs of suite." Sometimes then, as now, the patience of the court gave way; but in one case the majority of the bench managed to thrust the tedious matter upon one of their fellow-justices. Hans Petersen had sued Henry Col- man for an account of forty-three guilders, and when the case was called the defendant was absent. There upon the court said " the matter in dispute being so Inconsiderable that itt is not worth ye Longer Con tinuance. The Court therefore Impowered Justice Otto Earnest Cook to hear & Examine the act. & Case and to make a Final End & determination thereof as he shal find Just and Equitable." Courts cannot be maintained without expense to the public, particularly to suitors, a view of political econ omy which soon dawned on the understanding of the justices. Early in the record, Nov. 13, 1677, the court made an order that " the Levy or Pole money for de fraying the publicq charges" amounted to twenty-six guilders for every taxable person, and that payments would be received in the following species : wheat at five, rye and barley at four, and Indian corn at three guilders per. bushel ; tobacco at eight stivers per pound ; pork at eight, and bacon at sixteen slivers per pound. Skins were to be received at current prices, as was also wampum. Sheriff Cantwell was instructed to eollect the tax, and if necessary to levy on the delin quent's goods, which he was to have appraised by two of the neighbors of the party whose articles were seized. For collecting the tax, the sheriff was to re ceive at the rate of five shillings to the pound. The litigants soon began to learn that lawsuits were luxuries which must be paid for, for at the March term, 1679-80, the bench took action on the matter of unpaid costs, and entered the following order on the quaint old record : "Whereas the Law allowes to ye cort for Every Judgment Given by the cort 2s. ad., and Ihe same being hitherto not Collected or paid, and the cort being in great want of some meanes to pay and defray their necessary Charges of meat & drinke, etc. It is therefore this day Re solved and the nndersherrifle William Warner, is hereby Impoured to Collect & Receive from ye following persons for Each action, that is to say Judgment accord : to ye annexed List the sume of 2s. 6d., and that heo bee accountable & give a Just and Exact account of his Receipt to ye Court att next Court day." Then followed a list of forty suits, criminal and civil, Wherein the costs were still unpaid. Possibly the jus tices soon learned, as lawyers do, that of all hard col lections the hardest is to gather in the cost of a law suit where the party to pay " Expects a reversion and gets a reverse." Hence it occasioned no surprise to find at the next term, on June 8th, the judges striving to meet the 15 226 HISTORY OF DELAWARE COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA. plaintiff, who alleged that four of the material wit nesses had been subpoenaed but did not attend. This session was prolific of suits for defamation. Justice Otto Earnest Cock brought an action against Moens Peterson Staecket for having called his honor a hog- thief, and the justice indignantly demanded that the defendant, " if he or any other can, will prove ye same or otherwise that hee may bee punisht according to Lawe." The defendant protested that he had no rec ollection of ever having made such an assertion, and if he had, " that itt must have been in his drink." The court, however, after the witnesses were examined, that the high character of a judge should not be lightly assailed, ordered the defendant to pay one thousand guilders, and to acknowledge that he had "wrongfully, falsly & malisiously slandered & blamed" the plaintiff. The defendant, in order to escape the dire wrath of the bench, " did willingly in open court declare as above & humbly desires forgiveness & prayes that ye fyne may bee remitted. Upon ye In tercession of Justice Otto Earnest the cort did remit ye fyne abovesd." During the whole period covered by the record of Upland Court, there are but two cases in which juries were impaneled to try questions of fact, and that this was so was doubtless owing to the provision in the Duke's laws that where a plaintiff desired the issue tried by a jury he was required to give bonds, when he entered suit, that he would pay " One Day's Cost of a jury."1 The first case wherein a trial by jury is set out on the record was Nov. 12, 1678, and was had in an action brought by William Orian against Joh. D'Haes on a disputed account. The plaintiff had craved a jury, and twelve men were impaneled, who returned a verdict for the plaintiff for an amount somewhat less than his demand. " The court thought fitt to suspend the verdict of the Jury and the deter- minacon of this case till next court day, att wch tyme both pit and deft are to bring their bookes In court." That is the reason given in the record for setting aside the verdict, but it is very likely that this was an easy way the bench took of getting out of acknowledging that they had made a mistake. Per haps a suggestion was received at side bar that the law explicitly directed that " no jury shall exceed the number of seven, nor be under six, unless in special causes upon Life and death the justices shall thinke fitt to appoint twelve."2 Two years thereafter, on Oct. 13, 1680, the next jury trial took place. The jury in this case, as in the former one, consisted of twelve men, and their finding was sustained, for we are informed " the court doe allow of ye jury's verdict & passe judgment accord ingly." Doubtless the finding was just, yet as the jury numbered twelve, and it being a civil suit, it was a body clearly unknown to the law, and on ap peal, if pressed, the verdict must have been set aside. 1 Duke of York's Book of Laws, p. 67. 2 lb., p. 33. But in those early times, the magistrates being un learned in legal matters, firmly believed and acted on the doctrine announced in latter years in Phila delphia by a well-known lay judge, that " natural equity abhors sharp points of law." As we progress in our narrative an instance will be cited in our judicial history sustaining this declaration. It is, however, not uninteresting to note that at the last session of court, before the province passed into the ownership of Penn, a technical point was raised by Jonas Neatson, who had been apprehended on the suit of Andries Peters, Esq. The defendant appeared, alleging that he was not timely " arrested." This was a knotty point the judges desired to think over, for the record informs us that " the Case is referred til next court." The term fixed upon at the adjourn ment for holding the next session was Sept. 13, 1681, but although a court did convene on that date, it was with new justices and at the ancient town of Upland, where Deputy Governor William Markham had lo cated the capital of the province of Pennsylvania. The new justices were William Clayton, William Warner, Robert Wade, Otto Earnest Cock, Lassey Cock. All of the foregoing were also members of the Governor's Council, while William Byles, Robert Lucas, Swan Swanson, and Andrew Bankson were not in such intimate relationship with his Excellency. All the bench were new to that office, save two Swe'des, who were formerly justices, but the English element now outnumbered the former nationality. The first act of moment at this session was the proclamation by Markham that the duke's laws were abrogated, and all legal proceedings thereafter were ordered to be.conducted " according to the good laws of Eng land." A most admirable change if there had been any one in commission on the bench having any ex tensive knowledge of these laws, but as there was not, criminal actions were entertained by the court and tried by petit juries without the intervention of a grand inquest.3 Every controversy of fact was now submitted to the conclusion of a petit jury's verdict, but the old manner of computing values by the Dutch guilders could not be so quickly set aside, for the last verdict at that session was for sixty-two guilders. If the court records are of any value in showing how quickly 3 Dr. Smith says (" History of Delaware County," p. 136), " Tbe first Grand Jury that ever sat in Pennsylvania, of which there is record, was summoned to attend at this Court" (that of Sept. 12, 1682, a year subsequent to the time mentioned in the text). " Their names, as given in the minutes of the Court, are William Clayton, Thomas Brassey, John Symcock, Tho. Sary, Robert Wade, Laurence Cock, John Hart, Natb'll Allen, William Woodmanson, Thos. Coebourne, John Otter, and Joshua Hastings, being one-half the usual number. TheBe jurors were summoned in the case of Lassey alias Laurence Dalboe, and are called bis 'Grand Jury.'" It was merely a petit jury, as we now understand the term, the word " grand" doubtless being used by the clerk without comprehending the import of that term, for the record shows that the jury passed upon the fact of the person's guilt, and did not present him for another jury to finally acquit or convict him of the charge. How ever, tbe first grand jury did sit in Chester at tho June term, 1683. THE COURT, BENCH, AND BAR OP DELAWARE COUNTY. 227 the new system of computation was adopted, it dem onstrates that the people of that day more speedily accepted the new order of things than did our Revo lutionary sires in discarding the pounds, shillings, and pence to substitute in their stead the American standard of money. On Nov. 30, 1681, the next session of the court began. It was presided over by Markham, and at that term we learn in the olden days, as at the pres ent, the calendar sometimes melted away, for only four cases were tried, one was withdrawn, and one continued. At the next court, March 14, 1682, Mark ham also presided, and before the bar Henry Rey nolds was arraigned for " selling strong drinks by small measure in his house contrary to the Governor's and Council's order." The defendant pled guilty to the charge, but on his submission to this court was discharged. The indiscriminate sale of liquors early demanded the attention of the authorities ; the Dutch records frequently mention the desire of the govern ment to prevent abuses in that respect, while, under the Duke of York, the sale was hedged about with many restrictions. Not only were these provisions spread on the statute-book, but Governor Androsse, under date of Aug. 14, 1677, in his letter to the mag istrates respecting the administration of justice, di rected the special attention of the courts to these enactments. "Pray take care and fitting Orders for Ordinaryes," he says, " that they bee fitt persons duly Lycenced, and well provided according to Lawe, and that none else be admitted to retaile." J The clear, good sense which was conspicuously ex hibited by William Penn on many occasions was per haps never better illustrated than when in coming. to his province in 1682, he determined to continue the courts already established therein, with whose manner of administering justice the people had grown famil iar. Certain it is that he advocated radical changes in the civil and criminal code, removing much of the severity of the latter, while he enlarged the respon sibilities of individuals to the community ; but these innovations were made by legislative bodies, drawn from the people, and the means he employed to effect the end in view was conducive to the public weal, the discussion of measures of government resulting in enlarging the intelligence of the masses. The law enacted Dec. 7, 1682, requiring all persons who were not by birth subjects of Great Britain within three months thereafter to make declarations of their inten tions to become " freemen," resulted in retiring, for the time being, all the Swedish justices. Hence, at the February session, 1682-83, John Simcock, a newly- appointed justice, acted as president of the tribunal, which then consisted only of five magistrates. But Otto Earnest Cock must have declared his intentions soon afterwards, for at the June term, 1683, when Penn personally presided, the familiar figure of Jus tice Cock once more appeared on the bench. 1 Penna. Archives, 2d series, vol, vii. p. 790. To this court, held June 27, 1683, the first grand jury of record in Pennsylvania was summoned.2 That grand inquest consisted of seventeen persons, — James Kennedy, James Sandelands, George Foreman, Neal Lawson, John Corncleus, Richard Buffington, Thomas Minshall, John Harding, Mans. Stankitt, Oele Raw- son, George Wood, Albert Hendrickson, Herman Johnson, Nathaniel Evans, Robert Robinson, Wil liam Woodmanson, Richard Few. The jury, as the old docket emphatically records the lesser body, was composed of twelve persons, and it seems at that time the traverse jury was sworn at the beginning of the court, to "justly try & deliver in your verdict in all cases depending that shall be brought before you during this session of court." 3 One of these cases was brought by John Day against Henry Reynolds for £4 9s. 2d., the balance of an ac count which the defendant was to discharge by de livery of a cow and calf at a designated time. This the latter failed to do, hence the litigation. The jury rendered the following curious verdict: "The jury find for ye Plaint'd give him a cow & calf, ye same to be deliv'd with in 7 dayes, or £4, 19s, 2d, at ye choyce of ye Plaint, or ye value thereof in Porke, Beefe or come in ye 8 mo next, & 40s down, and costs of Suite." The first clause of the duke's laws imposed a fine of ten pounds on justices and high constables for each and every day's absence from the sessions of the court. Twenty years thereafter, on May 20, 1685, the General Assembly enacted a law making a justice who should not attend court finable in any sum not exceeding thirty shillings. The custom of acknowl edging deeds openly in court, so that a record might be spread on the minutes, which had prevailed under the duke, continued in practice, as did the registra tion of the brand-marks of the owners of cattle run ning at large in the woods. The court exercised the power of laying out roads, excepting the King's Highway, which was the duty of Council, of protecting indentured servants from their masters' exactions or abuse, settling disputes as to term of servitude, and compelling the bondsmen to perform their duties by corporal punishment, or when they attempted to escape, adding on their detection, 2 Proud states (" History of Pennsylvania," vol. i. p. 240) that " the first Grand Jury in Pennsylvania was summoned on the 2d of Third month of the year (1683) upon some persons accused of using counterfeit silver money. . . . They convicted a person whose name was Pickering and two others, hie accomplices." On the 25th of Eighth month, 1683 (Oc tober), Council ordered, "That an Indictment be Drawne against Chs. Pickering & Samll Buckley, grounded upon evidence taken before that board." In the afternoon, "A Grand Inquest were Impaneled and At tested whose names are as followB:" (Here is given the names of twenty-four men, and Council adjourned until the next morning, Octo ber 26tb, when the following record was made: " The Grand Jury being called Over went forth to find the Bill against Charles Pickering and returned and found ye Bill as being a Heynous and GreviouB Crime. A Petty Jury were Impannelled and Attested," which consisted of twelve men. (See Colonial Records, vol. i. pp. 86 to 88.) s Forms of attestation for juries adopted by Penn. Records at New Castle, quoted iu Futhey and Cope's " History of Chester County," p. 25. 228 HISTORY OF DELAWARE COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA. as the law directed, additional time to serve, where the latter by their misdeeds occasioned a loss to their owners. Some of the peculiar duties then devolving on the court were contracting for county building, bridges, levying the taxes and similar matters now discharged by the county commissioners, as also audit ing the public accounts, — a work now incumbent on the county auditors, — and many other matters became the subject of the court's consideration. It had juris diction of all breaches of the peace, misdemeanors and other offenses, excepting in cases of heinous or enormous crimes. In this the scope of inquiry had been enlarged after Penn's coming, but burglary and arson, which were punishable with death on a third conviction, under the duke's law, now made the party liable to imprisonment, and in the latter crime, whip ping. The jurisdiction of the county courts was re stricted so far as the high grade of crimes were con cerned, until the Constitution of 1790 gave the judges of the Court of Common Pleas in each county the right to act as justice of oyer and terminer and gen eral jail delivery for the trial of capital and other of fenses. A peculiar adjunct of the county courts provided by the act of March 10, 1683, were the peacemakers, three persons in every precinct chosen yearly,1 to whom the parties litigant could refer their difficulties by agreement in writing, and the decision of these peacemakers was as conclusive as that of the court, and the judgment so rendered was registered as " other judgments are.2 One of the awards made by the peacemakers at Chester, at the court held 3d day 1st week Eighth month, 1687, in a suit for assault and battery brought by Samuel Baker against Samuel Rowland, is worthy of notice. It was that " Samuel Rowland shall pay the lawful charges of this court and give the said Samuel Baker a Hatt, and so Dis charge each other of all manner of Differences from the Begining of the world to this Present day." Al though the Assembly on May 11, 1692, declared that the law relative to peacemakers was inoperative, the remnants of that system linger still in our practice, in arbitration, the modern form of the ancient peace makers. The provisions for summoning jurors, under the Duke of York's laws, instructed the constables "to warn so many of the overseers to attend as juryman" as the pending causes might seem to require, and in the event of the panel being exhausted, the jury could be supplied " with so many able and discreet men as shall attend the court, ... or shall happen to be inhabitants of the Towne where the court shall 1 Lawrence Lewis, Jr., in his learned sketch of "Courts of Pennsyl vania in the Seventeenth Century" (Penna. Mag. of Hist., vol. v. p. 153), says, " These peacemakers were not elected by the people, but appointed annually by the county courts," citing as his authority the address of Hon. James T. Mitchell on adjournment of District Court of Philadel phia, 1875, pp. 4 and 6. 2 Duke of York's Book of Laws, p. 128. be held."3 In cases where the law was obscure, "as the jury cannot be satisfied therein," they could re turn an alternative verdict, viz., " If the law he so on such a point we find for the plaintiff, but if the law be otherwise we find for the defendant," in which case the court must determine, as a matter of law, in whose behalf the verdict was to be recorded. A ma jority of the jury could find a verdict. By the law of March 10, 1683, under Penn's government, it was pro vided that a grand inquest should attend in every county court, and bring in their presentments4 twice a year, when, on that presentment, an indictment was regularly framed and the prisoner admitted to bail to the next court, so as to give him an opportunity to make a proper defense. The traverse jury was drawn in the following manner: "The names of the freemen shall be writ in small pieces of paper and put into a hat and shaken, forty-eight of whom shall be drawn by a child, and those so drawn shall stand for the Sheriff's return. And the first twelve, not reasonably excepted against shall stand and serve for the tryal." 5 A remarkable jury was summoned at Chester on the 27th of Sixth month, 1689, which for nearly two hun dred years was the only instance on record in the United States until 1878, when a similar jury was impaneled at Cheyenne, Wyoming Territory. At the date first given, a servant girl pleaded guilty to the charge of fornication, and being sentenced to he whipped, she alleged that she was enceinte and could not undergo corporal punishment. The man had also pled guilty to the charge. The record states, " Upon which they were both called to the bar, where they made their appearance, and upon her further confes sion and submission a jury of women, whose names are underwritten, ordered to inspect the said Mary Taberfield's condition." The jury consisted of Lydia Wade, Sarah Usher, Hester Rawlence, Mary Carter, Jane Hawkes, Mary Hoskins, Elizabeth Musgrove, Mary Bayless, Elizabeth Hastings, Mary Little, Jane Moulder, and Ann Sanderlands. " They make return that they cannot find that she is ' enceinte,' neither be they sure she is not." At the court held 3d day 1st week Eighth month, 1689, the female defendant was called to the bar and further examined, when she de clared that, notwithstanding her testimony "she doe now freely declare to ye contrary and submitts to ye mercy of ye King and Governor." Whereupon she was sentenced to "receive 10 strips upon her bear backe well laid on at ye Common Whipping Post att Chester." John Eldridge was discharged on paying a fine of three pounds and all the court charges. This, however, is not the first record of corporal punishment being inflicted, for at the June court, four years previous thereto, Abraham Effingall was convicted of " abusing and menacing the majestracy of this county," and was sentenced to receive "twenty- one lashes att the Publicke Whipping-Post on his bear 3 lb., p. 33. * lb., p. 129. 6 lb., p. 129. THE COURT, BENCH, AND BAR OF DELAWARE COUNTY. 229 Backe, well laid on and 14 dayes Imprisonment at hard labour in ye House of Correction." By the provisions of the act of March 10, 1683, the ^stices of each county court were directed to sit twice in every year " to inspect and take care of the estates, usage and employment of orphans, which shall be called the Orphans' Court," which was to be held the first 3d day of the week in the First and Eighth months annually, the reason of the law being stated " that care may be taken of those that are not able to take care of themselves."1 The records of the county of Ches ter show that the first court, under the title " Orphans' Court," was held on the " 3d day in ye 1st week of ye 8th month, 1687." Under the act of May 10, 1688, the jurisdiction of the court was extended to the con trol of decedents' estate, with power to order sales of real property for the payment of debt, or the mainte nance or education of children, the support of the widow, or the disposition of a part of the land, to raise funds to improve the remainder. These powers, however, were exercisable only " with the approbation of the Governor or Council."2 Although this law dis tinctly stated it was to be in force for one year and "no longer," the Orphans' Court had come to stay, and although it subsequently was the object of many statutes defining its powers and proceedings, it be came so entirely a part of the machinery of govern ment that it could not be done away with. Previous to the act of May 10, 1684, there was no high Appellants' Court in the province other than the Governor and Council, but at the time designated a Provincial Court consisting of five judges was created, which was to sit twice a year in Philadelphia, and two members of the court at least, every fall and spring annually, were directed to " goe their circuits into everie respective county in the Province," to hold a court of appeals, as well as to try all criminal causes of a high grade, questions of title to land and other cases3 of which the county courts had no jurisdiction. The following year the inconvenience of this court only having cognizance of cases involving the title of real estate, was the subject of much complaint, and the Assembly abolished that part of its jurisdiction, while at the same time it defined more explicitly its appellant's powers and the criminal cases, which were to be in the first instance the subject-matter of its inquiry. The number of judges was to be reduced to three, but subsequently they were restored to five. Under the colonial government and under that of the commonwealth until a change was made by the Constitution of 1790, all criminal cases punishable with death were tried before the judges of the Pro vincial or Supreme Court, and for that reason a search among the old county court records to find mention of criminal cases of a high grade is always attended with little or no success. That much of the records of the 1 Duke of York's Book of Laws, p. 131. 2 lb., p. 180. > ib., p. 168. Provincial Court must be lost beyond hope of re covery is evident from the reply of David Lloyd to Governor Blackwell, for on the 25th of Twelfth month, 1688-89, when ordered to produce the records of the courts, he stated that " they were not recorded other wise than on a quire of paper."4 A little over a year after Penn first came to his province — no Provincial Court had been then estab lished — he was called upon to preside in a case of more than ordinary interest, it being nothing less than the trial of an alleged witch. This proceeding was had eight years before tlie stupid excitement at Salem, Mass., ran its course. At that period, in all the British American colonies the statute of England passed in 1603 was in force, which punished the impossible crime of witchcraft in some of the provinces with death. Indeed, in the commission and instructions to the jus tices of Chester County from Governor Keith, dated Nov. 24, 1719, they were directed to inquire of all " Witchcrafts, Inchantments, sorceries, Magic Arts, &c." 5 and this absurd law continued in force in Penn sylvania until the act of Sept. 23, 1794, by which it was repealed.6 The case mentioned was that of Margaret Mattsonand Yetho Hendrickson, — the former the wife of Neels Mattson, a Swedish settler who owned and resided on a plantation on the river on the west side of Crum Creek, in Ridley township, while the latter was the spouse of Jacob Hendrickson, who, it is be lieved, also resided in that neighborhood. On Feb. 7, 1683/4, they were brought before Penn and the Council at Philadelphia, and "examined and about to be proved witches," when it was ordered that Mattson and Hendrickson should enter bonds in fifty pounds each for the appearance of their wives to an swer the charge on the 27th of the same month. At the time designated the trial was had, Attorney- General John White being present. Penn charged the grand jury, and that body found a true bill against Margaret Mattson. The defendant being unable to speak English, Lasse Cock was qualified as interpre ter. The traverse jury was impaneled, on which appeared Robert Wade, John Gibbons, Jeremiah Collet, Walter Martin, and others, from this county. The first witness produced was Henry Drystreet, who testified that for twenty years he had heard that the prisoner was a witch, and had cast spells on several cows. James Sandelands' mother had told him that Mrs. Mattson had bewitched one of her cows, but that Mrs. Sandelands had afterwards said that she had been mistaken, it was not her cow, but that of another persons which would die. Charles Ashcom testified that the defendant's daughter-in-law, her son An thony's wife, had told him that she had sold her cows because her mother-in-law had bewitched them, and that afterwards, having taken the spell off of Hendrick- 4 Colonial Records, vol. i. p. 245. 5 Duke of York's Book of Laws, p. 383. 6 Dallas' " Laws of Pennsylvania," vol. iii. p. 119, sect. 4. 230 HISTORY OF DELAWARE COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA. son's cattle, she had put it on their oxen. He also stated that the defendant's daughter-in-law one night had called him up hastily, and when he came to her she told him that she had seen a great light and that the old woman, with a knife in her hand, stood at the foot of her bed crying out, desiring " John Symcock to take away his calves, or else she would send them to hell." Annakey Coolin stated that her husband took the heart of a calf which had died, as they thought, by witchcraft, and boiled it, whereupon the prisoner came into their house and inquired what they were doing? They answered they were boiling the flesh, when she replied that it would have been better had they " boiled the bones," with several other un seemly expressions. Margaret Mattson, in her defense, asserted that she did not care anything for the evi dence given by Drystreet, but had "Sandelands mother come, she would have answered her ;" as for Charles Ashcom's testimony on " her soul" she de nied it, and demanded where was her daughter? " Let her come and say so." As to Annakey Coolin's attestation concerning the geese, she denied it. The notes of evidence do not show what this assertion was. She declared she was at the time never out of her canoe, and as respected the calf's heart, she denied ever having said anything concerning it. The prisoner at its conclusion again denied everything, declaring that the witnesses had all spoken "by hearsay." Penn thereupon charged the jury, who retired, and brought in a verdict of "guilty of having the common fame of a witch, but not guilty in manner and form as she stands in dicted." Neal Mattson and Anthony Neelson gave bonds in fifty pounds each for her good behavior for six months, as did also Jacob Hendrickson for Yethro Henderson, and the prisoners were discharged.1 The foregoing, however, is not the only instance of the hidden art in our annals. In 1695, John Roman and his two sons, residing in Chichester, were re ported to be students of astrology and other forbidden mysteries. The public tongue had so discussed the matter that on the 9th of Tenth month, 1695, Con cord Monthly Meeting gravely announced that " the study of these sciences bring a vaile over the under standing and a death upon the life." John Kings- man and William Hughes were ordered to speak to the parties, and have them attend at next monthly meeting. The offenders were seen, and stated that if it could be shown wherein it was wrong, they would desist from further investigation in those arts. For several months the matter was before Concord Meet ing, without resulting in suppressing the dreaded evil, and early in 1695, Chester Quarterly Meeting had the case of the Romans before that body for having practiced Rhabdomancy, or consulting with a staff, and such like things. In other words, the Romans had faith in the efficacy of the divining-rod, 1 Colonial Records, vol. i. pp. 94-96 ; Hazard's Register, vol. i. p. 108. a belief which has not entirely died away. The grand jury, however, learning of the matter, presented Robert Roman for the dire offense, and, in order to eradicate the wickedness, they presented the following books : " Hidons Temple of Wisdom, which teaches Geo- mancy, and Scot's discovery of Witchcraft, and Corne lias Agrippas teach Necromancy." Whereupon the jus tices ordered " as many of these book as can be found," should be brought to the court. We have no infor mation whether the books were brought, but Robert Rowan was, when, on submission to the court, he was fined five pounds and costs, promising that he would never more practice the art, but behave himself well for the future. He was discharged. Since which time our records show no further allusion to witch craft. In the case of David Lloyd vs. James Sandelands, called at the court held 3d day of Fourth month, 1690, John White appeared as attorney for plaintiff, and doubtless at the suggestion of Lloyd, who was a well- read and shrewd lawyer, the former interposed a tech nical challenge to the array of the jury, or as the quaint record states it, " alleged that ye jury was not Lawfully summoned soe would not com to tryall." The defendant, who appeared in person, therefore craved a nonsuit on the refusal of the plaintiff to pro ceed with the case. The justices, as previously stated, abhorring sharp points of law, summarily disposed of the legal difficulty, for it " being referred to ye court ye court granted the same." This decision may have been just; but surely there was no occasion for the justice at the court held on the 10th day of Tenth month, 1700, when complaint had been lodged before that tribunal, stating that liquor was sold by a par ticular individual without having received the ap proval of the session, to have tantalizingly told George Oldfield, when called before the bar to produce his license, " but he having none, the court ordered him to get one if he can forthwith." The reasons assigned by William and Mary, when, on Oct. 20, 1693, they superseded Penn's authority by appointing Col. Benjamin Fletcher Governor of Penn sylvania, were doubtless not the true motives prompt ing the act, but certain it is, that in the end their Majesties' bad faith resulted beneficially for the peo ple. The difficulties which had occurred between the legislative body and the executives of Penn's select ing, showed that the popular mind was determined to adhere to constitutional rights and forms under the charter, but the natural feeling of respect for the pro prietary personally softened the bitterness of the struggle. When, however, a stranger, a usurper in a measure, and an overbearing man with whom the people were not in sympathy, was placed in authority, nothing but the naked possession of power remained to hold the public in obedience. But when that man undisguisedly informed the General Assembly that the laws and model of the government were dis allowed and at an end, and threatened the province THE COURT, BENCH, AND BAR OF DELAWARE COUNTY. 231 with annexation to New York or Maryland, it awak ened the open resistance of David Lloyd, the master mind in the colony, whose courage was of that un flinching kind which never hesitates in the defense of honest opinion, and whose address in debate and knowledge of law peculiarly fitted him to lead at that juncture the party advocating the rights of the people. To this day the citizens of Pennsylvania and the Union are reaping the benefits resulting from the sturdy battle made by that brave Quaker lawyer for popular liberty nearly two centuries ago, for be it un derstood, David Lloyd dared even to stand between Penn and the accomplishment of the purposes of the latter when he believed that the object could only be obtained by interfering with the general welfare of the province. David Lloyd was the first lawyer we have knowledge of residing within the county. His first appearance in the Assembly was as a Represen tative from Chester County in 1693. The following year he was Speaker of that body, and in that capacity bore the full blunt of Governor Fletcher's wrath. He was the father of the bar of Pennsylvania, and to him, above all others, is due the credit of assimila ting the crude legislation of that early period into a system of jurisprudence, while the acts which moulded our tribunals of justice into form, and invested them with clearly-defined powers and jurisdiction, were in the majority of instances either drafted in whole or revised by that eminent lawyer, whose learning and integrity lent lustre to the Supreme Court, wherein for fourteen years he presided as the chief justice of the province. David Lloyd should ever be held in grateful remembrance by the people of the State, for whose lasting welfare he did so much. By the act of Oct. 27, 1701, county courts were re quired to be held at the town of Chester on the third day of the last week in February, May, August, and November. Three justices constituted a quorum, and they were empowered to deliver the gaols, award pro cess, and hold all manner of pleas of the crown, ex empting felonies punishable with death. The civil jurisdiction covered all classes of actions, and the practice was to conform as nearly as possible to that of the Common Pleas of England, while in declara tion and pleas brevity, plainness, and verity were re quired, and " all fictions and color in pleadings" to be avoided. They had equity powers, and all matters of maritime disputes not cognizable in the Court of Admiralty were to be heard and determined at the county courts. Appeals were allowed from the final judgment of these tribunals, the party appellant en tering security as at present. The judges of the Supreme Provincial Court were to go on circuit twice in each year, the act requiring such court to be held in Chester on the 2d day of Eighth month and on the 18th day of Second month, for the trial of all felonies and to hear appeals in civil cases. By the act of Feb. 10, 1710, the Supreme justices were not required to go semi-annual circuits in the counties outside of Philadelphia unless cases were pending there for trial, and commissions of oyer and terminer were issued by the Governor. The act of 1710 was in 1713 repealed by Queen Anne, and on the 20th of July, 1714, Lieutenant-Governor Gookins, following the precedent of Governor Evans, pub lished an ordinance of like tenor establishing the sev eral courts in the province. One of the three Supreme justices could hold circuit court under the act of May 22, 1722, but by the act of May 20, 1767, although the Supreme bench was increased to four members, it would seem that all the judges were required to ride circuit twice a year if occasion demanded, and the expenses of the judges and clerk of the Supreme Court, with their servants, in the event of there being court held in any of the counties, were to be paid by that county during the session therein. The judges and their attendants were to be conveyed over any ferry in the province " without paying any ferriage, fee, or reward for the same." The Courts of Common Pleas in the several counties continued to exercise in main the jurisdiction con ferred on the county courts by the act of Oct. 27, 1701. During our colonial history all the courts were fre quently subject-matter of legislative enactments. When Governor Evans and the Assembly could not agree on a law relative to the courts, for the act of Oct. 27, 1701, had been repealed by the order of Queen Anne's Council, Feb. 7, 1705, and his Excellency had on two several occasions ordered all the courts in the province to adjourn because of her majesty's action, on the Eleventh month 2, 1707, the Governor published an ordinance establishing courts of justice. This au thority he claimed he could exercise under the charter to Penn when the welfare of the province required it. The particulars of the protracted struggle between the Assembly and Governor Evans belong to the history of the State as a whole, hence do not come within the scope of this work. In this ordinance, however, the Governor provided for special sessions of the County Court of Common Pleas every six weeks, which should be held by two justices for the return of process. It also provided that a special Court of Common Pleas could be held in cases where the de fendants were about to remove out of the province, such defendant or defendants making request for such court to sit. In these extraordinary courts the costs were double those at ordinary sessions. The Courts of Quarter Sessions, as distinctive from the County Court, first appear in Governor Evans' ordinance in 1707, and were directed to be held in Chester on the last Tuesdays of February, May, August, and Novem ber, the Common Pleas beginning on Wednesday fol lowing. By act of Feb. 28, 1710, the Court of Quarter Sessions could not be held in Chester "above the space of two day," which provision was incorporated into the act of 1715 and May, 1722. On Aug. 26, 1727, the term of the sessions was extended to three days. By the act of May 28, 1715, the justices of the Court 232 HISTORY OF DELAWARE COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA. of Quarter Sessions were directed "to set such reason able price on all Liquors Retailed in publick houses and provender for horses in publick stables, from time to time, as they shall see fit, under the like penalties as in such cases are enacted by the laws and statutes of Great Britain.5' The records show that this act, and a subsequent one providing for regulating the sale of these articles, was not a dead letter on the statute- book. By the act of 1710, already mentioned, the judges of the county courts were authorized, in case of dis puted accounts between copartners and joint tenants, to appoint an auditor or auditors, who "for their pains in awarding such accounts to be paid by the party on whose side the balance appears." This pro vision was taken from the English statute passed two years before the colonial act was approved, and is the first appearance in our jurisprudence of the appoint ment of auditors by the court. In the act of Feb. 28, 1710, we find the title prothonotary used for the first time in reference to the county courts, and on May 28, 1715, those officers were directed, after issue joined to prepare a trial list, " which sd Lists shall be pub- lickly set up in the court house during the sitting of the court/' By the act of Sept. 29, 1759, the justices of the Court of Quarter Session were interdicted from being commissioned justices of the Common Pleas. The salary of the justices of the County Courts in colonial days was twenty shillings each for every day so em ployed. Notwithstanding the meagre pay, the justices held their office in high esteem, and were quick to resent anything which appeared to be contempt of the person or process of the court. The early records furnish many instances in support of this assertion. On 26th of Sixth month, 1702, "John Worrelow, being one of the petty jury for contempt of court by departing from his fellow-jurors and going into an other province before they gave in their verdict is fined fifty shillings," and on the "1st day of the 7th mo., 1702," Edward Prichett " for his contempt of court in spitting in the face of Walter Faucettin open court is fined twenty shillings." JUSTICES PREVIOUS TO THE ERECTION OP DELAWARE COUNTY. 1657.— Magistrates for the South River: Oloff Stille, Mathys Hanson, Peter Rambo, Peter Cock. November, 1674. — Justices for Upland : Peter Cock, Peter Rambo, Israel Helm, Luce Andries, Oelle Swenson. Oct. 3, 1676. — Peter Cock, Peter Rambo, Israel Helm, Lace Andries, Oelle SweDSon, Otto Ernest Cock. May 28, 1680. — Commissioned by Sir Edmund Andros: Otto Ernest Cock, Israel Helm, Lasse Cock, Henry James, George Browne. 1681. — Commissioned by Governor Markham: William Clayton, William Warner, Robert Wade, William Byler, Robert Lucus, Hendriae Bankson, Thomas Fairmau, James Sandelands, Swen Swenson, An dries Bankson, Otto Ernest Cock, Lassey Cock. 1682. — Commissioned by Penn : John Simcock, Thomas Brassey, William Clayton, Robert Wade, John Bezer, Otto Ernest Cock, Ralph Withers, 1682.— Christopher Taylor, William Wood, Robert Wade, John Bluns- ton, Nicholas Newlin, George Maris, James Saunderlaine, John Harding, Thomas Usher. April 6, 1685.— John Simcock, William Wood, Nicholas Newlin, Robert Wade, George Maris, Thomas Usher, Robert Piles, John Blunston. 1686. — Bartholomew Coppock, Samuel Levis, Francis Harrison. 1687.— John Bristow, Edward Bezer. March 19, 1689. — John Simcock, John Bristow, Bartholomew Coppock, Jr., John Blunston, George Maris, Francis Harrison, and Nicholas Newlin . May 4, 1689.— William Howell. Jan. 2, 1689-90. — John Bristow, John Bevan, John Blunston, Nicholas Newlin, Francis Harrison, Samuel Levis, James Sandelands, William Howell, Joshua Fearne. Seventh, 6, 16^0.— John Simcock. Tenth, 8. 1691. — William Jenkins, present at court. May 13, 1693.— George Foreman, Jeremiah Collet, Thomas Smith, Thomas Withers. Sept. 11, 1694. — At Court : Jasper Yeates. 1698.— Caleb Pusey, Philip Roman. 1700.— Ralph Fishbourue. Sept. 25, 1703. — Commissioned : John Gwest, Jasper Yeates, Caleb Pusey, Philip Roman, Jonathan Hayes, Ralph Fishbourne, Jeremiah Col lett, Walter Martin, Nathaniel Newlin. 1704. — Commissioned by Governor Evans be/ore May 30th: Jasper Yeates, Caleb Pusey, Jeremiah Collett, Philip Roman, Jonathan Hayes. 1709.— Thomas Powell, Nicholas Pyle, Henry Pierce. Nov. 24, 1711.— Jasper Yeates, Robert Pyle, Caleb Pusey, Nicholas Pile, Jonathan Hayes, William Hayes, William Davis, Henry Nayle, Richard Webb. May 13, 1713. — Caleb Pusey, Nicholas Pile, William Davis, nenry Nayle, Richard Webb, Nicholas Fairlamb, John Blunston. Jr, Thomas Edwards. ' May 30 and June 11, 1715.— Caleb Pusey, Nicholas Pyle, Richard Webb, Henry Pierce, Henry Nayle, Nicholas Fairlamb, John Blunston, Jr., Richard Hayes. Aug. 26, 1717. — Jasper Yeates, Caleb Pusey, Richard Webb, Henry Nayle, Richard Hayes, Henry Pierce, John Wright, John Wood, David Harry, John Worrall, Joseph Coeburn, Henry Hayes, Joseph Pen- nock. July 4, 1718.— John Wright (to be next to Jasper Yeates, Nicholas New lin, Andrew Job, Elisha Gatchell, John Cartledge, Francis Wor- ley. Aug. 19, 1718. — Same commission, with Andrew Hamilton. Nov. 24, 1718. — Jasper Yeates, John Wright, Caleb Pusey, Richard Webb, Henry Nayle, Richard Hayes, Henry Pierce, Nathaniel Newlin, John Wood, Joseph Coebourne, Henry Hayes, James Gibbons, Aildrew Job, Elisha Gatchell, John Cartledge, Francis Worley. Nov. 24, 1719.— Isaac Taylor. May 22, 1722.— John Wright, Caleb Pusey, Henry Nayle, Richard Hayes, Henry Pierce, Nathaniel Newlin, John Wood, Joseph Coebourn, Henry Hayes, James Gibbons, Andrew Job, Elisha Gatchell, Francis Worley, Isaac Taylor, James Mitchell. November 22d. — Same justices (except Andrew Job), and James Smith, Thomas Reid. Feb. 18, 1723.— John Wright, Caleb Pusey, Henry Nayle, Richard Hayes, Henry Pierce, Nathaniel Newlin, John Wood, Henry Hayes, James Gibbons, Elisha Gatchell, Francis Worley, Isaac Taylor, James Mitchell, John Crosby, Thomas Reid, Abraham Emmit, Jr., James Roddy. 1724. — John Wood, Samuel Nutt, John Crosby, Abraham Emmit, Jr., Thomas Reid, George Aston, Tobias Hendricks, Andrew Cornish, Mercer Brown, Evan Lewis, William Pyle. May 12, 1725. — John Wright, Henry Nayle, Henry Pierce, Nathaniel Newlin, John Wood, Henry Hayes, Isaac Taylor, Samuel Nutt, John Crosby, Thomas Reid, George Aston, James Roddy, Tobias Hen dricks, George Stewart, Andrew Cornish, Mercer Brown. Aug. 25, 1726.— John Wright, Richard Hayes, Henry Pierce, Nathaniel Newlin, John Wood, Henry Hayes, Isaac Taylor, Elisha Gatchell, Samuel Nutt, John Crosby, Abraham Emmitt, Jr., Thomas Reid, George Aston, Tobias Hondrrcks, Andrew Cornish, Mercer Brown, Evan Lewis, William Pyle. Oct. 10, 1727. — James James. Aug. 25, 1729.— Richard Hayes, John Wood, Henry Hayes, Elisha Gat chell, Samuel Nutt, John Crosby, Abm. Emmet, Jr., George Aston, Mercer Brown, Evan Lewis, William Pyle, James James, John Parry, James Gibbons. Feb 19, 1729-30— Richard Hayes, Henry Pierce, Henry Hayes, Elisha Galchell, John Crosby, Abraham Emmit, Jr., Mercer Brown, James James, John Perry, James Gibbons, Joseph Pennock, Samuel Hoi- THE COURT, BENCH, AND BAR OF DELAWARE COUNTY. 233 lingsworth, Joseph Brinton, Nicholas Pyle, and the chief burgess of the borough of Bristol (Chestor). Dec. 1, 1733. — All acting justices recommissioned, and Caleb Cowpland. May 25, 1734. — Joseph Haines. Dec. 2, 1737.— John Evans. Nov. 22, 1738. — Caleb Cowpland, Joseph Haines, John Evans, Richard Hayes, Henry Pierce, Henry Hayes, Elisha Gatchell, John Crosby, Caleb Cowpland, Abraham Emmit, James James, John Parry, Joseph Pen nock, Samuel Hollings worth, Joseph Brinton, Joseph Haines, William Pirn, Joseph Bonsall; the chief burgess of the town for the time being, Joseph Parker. April 4, 1741.— Henry Pierce, Henry Hayes, Elisha Gatchell, John Crosby, Caleb Cowpland, William Moore, Abraham Emmit, Joseph Pennock, Joseph Brinton, William Pim, Joseph Bonsall, Joseph Parker, William Webb, John Mather, Ralph Pyle, John Taylor, Job Ruston, Charles Grant, the chief burgess of Chester for the time being. Dec. 17, 1745.— John Crosby, Elisha Gatchell, Caleb Cowpland, William Moore, Abraham Emmit, Joseph Pennock, Joseph Brinton, William Pim, Joseph Bonsall, William Webb, John Mather, Job Ruston, Charles Grant, Samuel Flower, Thomas Cummings, John Parry, Andrew McDowell ; the chief burgess of Chester for the time being, Joseph Parker. May 19, 1749. — Caleb Cowpland, Elisha Gatchell, William Moore, Joseph Pennock, Joseph Brinton, William Pim, Joseph Bonsall, John Mather, Charles Grant, Samuel Flower, Thomas Cummings, Thomas Worth, Aaron Ashbridge, John Churchman, John Miller, Richard Richison, Isaac Davis, John Scott, William Read, the chief burgess of Chester for the time being. Aug. 21, 1751.— JoBhua Pusey and Samuel Lightfoot. May 25, 1752.— William Moore, Elisha Gatchell, Joseph Bon Ball, John Mather, Charles Grant, Samuel Flower, Thomas Cummings, Thomas Worth, Aaron Ashbridge, John Churchman, John Miller, Isaac Davis, John Scott, Joshua Pusey, Samuel Lightfoot, Edward Brin ton, Mordecai Moore, Mordecai James, the chief burgess of Chester for the time being. Feb. 22, 1757.— William Moore, John Mather, Samuel Flower, Thomas Worth, Aaron Ashbridge, John Miller, Isaac Davis, John Scott, Samuel Lightfoot, Edward Brinton, Mordecai Moore, the chief bur gess of Chester, Alexander JohnBton, Johu Morton, John Culbert son, William Clingan, John Paschall, William Parker, Timothy Kirk. Feb. 23, 1761.— Thomas Worth, Samuel Flower, John Miller, Isaac Davis, Edward Brinton, the chief burgess of Chester, Alexander Johnston, John Morton, John Culbertson, William Clingan, William Parker, Timothy Kirk, John Hannum, John Price, Roger Hunt, John Fairlamb, George Currie, Henry Hale Graham. The Governor issued a supersedeas to Samuel Lightfoot, Edward Brinton, Thomas Worth, and John Morton, forbidding them to act as judges of the Common Pleas, the law under which they had been appointed having been abrogated by the king. Nov. 19, 1764.— Members of Council: William Moore, Thomas Worth, Samuel Flower, John Miller, Isaac Davis, Edward Brinton, Alex ander Johnston, John Culbertson, William Clingan, William Parker, John Hannum, John Price, Henry Hale Graham, Richard Riley, Charles Cruikshanks, Richard Baker, James Gibbons, James Moore, William Swaffer, Evan Evans, Thomas Hockley, Joseph Pyle, Thomas Temple, Warwick Miller. At court, May, 1771, and after. — Joshua Cowpland. At court, May 28, 1776. — Nicholas Fairlamb. (No court was held in Chester County from this date uutil Aug. 26, 1777.) April 4, 1777.— Isaac Davis, Evan Evans, James Moore, Benjamin Bar tholomew, John Mackey, William Gibbous, Joshua Evans, Isaac Pearson, Daniel Griffith, Patterson Bell, John Hannum, Robert Smith, Philip Scott, Thomas Taylor, Thomas Cheyney. July 25, 1777.— Thomas Levis, Thomas Boyd, Robert Ralston, John Hart, and Richard Reiley, who had been elected, were commis- sioned. Aug. 22, 1777.— Caleb Davis, Esq., qualified as one of the justices of the Court of Common Pleas, he being the prothonotary of Chester County at that date. July 30, 1778.— William Evans appointed one of the justices of the peace for the county of Chester. The following is a list of the justices of Chester County from the Revolution to May 28, 1779, as gath ered from a letter of Caleb Davis to Council •} Isaac Davis, Evan Evans. James Moore, Benjamin Bartholomew, Daniel Griffith, Patterson Bell, John Hannum, Robert Smith, Philip Scott, Thomas Taylor, Thomas Cheyney, Thomas Levis, Thomas Boyd, William Evans, William Clingan. From tlie same letter we learn that at that date there were no justices in the First District, — Chester, Upper and Lower Chichester, Aston, Bethel, and Middletown ; and in the Second District, — Darby, Radnor, and Haverford ; or in the Third, — Newtown, East Town, Willistown, and Goshen. Hence almost the whole territory now comprising Delaware County was unrepresented in the bench of justices. June 4, 1779, Alexander Johnston; Sept. 15, 1779, David Mackey, vice Johnson, declined; March 21, 1780, John Pearson; Nov. 18, 1780, . William Clingan appointed presiding justice of the court; Dec. 7, 1781, William Haslet; March 9, 1782, David Mackey ; June 26, 1782, James Beaton, Common Pleas and Orphans* Court; July 31, 1783, John Bartholomew ; June 5, 1784, George Pierce, Daniel Griffith, Common Pleas ; Sept. 24, 1784, Thomas Levis, Common Pleas ; Oct. 1 , 1784, John Ralston ; Oct. 9, 1784, Thomas Cheyney ; Oct. 13, 1784, Cheyney commissioned justice of Common Pleas; Jan. 21, 1785, Philip Scott, Common Pleas; June 16, 1786, Persifor Frazer, Com mon Pieas; June 22, 1786, William Clingan, president Court of Common Pleas, Quarter Sessions, and Orphans' Court ; Oct. 9, 1786, Adam Grubb, Richard Hill Morris, Common Pleas; Dec. 22, 1787, John PearBon, CommonPleas; Sept. 16,1788, Charles Dilworth, John Hannum, Common Pleas; Feb. 16, 1789, William Haslet, Commou Pleas; April 11, 1789, John Worth, Common Pleas; June 5, 1789, David Mackey, Common Pleas ; June 16, 1789, Walter Finney. The last court held at the borough of Chester before the division of Chester County was on Aug. 29, 1786, and continued by adjournment from day to day to August 31st, when the session ended. The first court held after the erection of Delaware County was on the 9th of November, 1789, when it was discovered that the commission of Henry Hale Graham, as president judge of the Court of Common Pleas, was irregular, inasmuch that he was not a jus tice of the peace at the time of his appointment. However, the justices held the court, Justice John Pearson presiding. There being no bar, William Tilghman, who, seventeen years thereafter, was ap pointed by Governor McKean chief justice of Penn sylvania, addressed the court and finally moved his own admission. After Mr. Tilghman had been sworn, he moved the admission of William L. Blair and other lawyers. That day eight gentlemen were qual ified as members of the bar of Delaware County. Henry Hale Graham, the first president judge, was born in London, July 1, 1731. His father, William Graham, emigrated to the colony of Pennsylvania in 1733, first settling in Philadelphia, subsequently at Darby, and, finally, at Chester. His son entered the office of Joseph Parker, then deputy register of Penn sylvania for the county of Chester, and on the former's death, in 1766, was appointed to the vacant position, which included that of prothonotary, register, and re- 1 Penna. Archives, vol. vii. p. 444. 234 HISTORY OF DELAWARE COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA. corder. He bad been commissioned one of the jus tices of tbe county in 1761, and again in 1775. When the Revolutionary struggle was at hand Graham's feelings leaned toward the support of the mother- country, his wife teaching him to yield obedience to constituted authorities. Hence, in March, 1777, Thomas Taylor was appointed to succeed him, and seems to have entered into the discharge of the duties of the office, for Taylor's name appears on some 'of the documents on file in the Orphans' Court at West Chester. For some reason now unknown, on April of the same year Benjamin Jacobs was ap pointed, but refused to serve, when Caleb Davis was appointed in his place. The latter accepted, but it appears from the proceedings of the Supreme Execu tive Council, under date of July 28, 1777, "that Henry Hale Graham, Esq., late Prothonotary, had, under divers pretences, neglected to deliver up to him, the said Davis, the Books, Records, Papers & Seals belonging to the said office,'' whereupon Coun cil issued a warrant directing Davis "to enter in" the day time, with proper assistants, the dwelling House & Out Houses of the said Henry Hale Graham, Esq., & search for and take possession of & secure in some safe place the Books, Records, Papers & Seals belong ing to the said Office." x After the Revolution, November, 1783, Henry- Hale Graham was a practicing attorney in the courts of Chester County. On Nov. 7, 1789, he was appointed by Governor Mifflin president judge of the courts of Delaware County ; but it appearing that, not being a justice of the peace at the time, he could not act as president of the Quarter Sessions and Orphans' Court, on Nov. 9, 1789, Governor Mifflin requested the re turn of the former commission, and the same day Graham was commissioned a justice of the peace.2 On the next day, November 10th, he was appointed president judge of the court. At the fall election in that year Henry Hale Graham was chosen one of the delegates to the Constitutional Convention of 1789-90, and while attending the meeting of that body in Phil adelphia he died, Jan. 23, 1790. John Pearson, the first named in the commission to the associate justice, became the president judge of the courts, ad interim. Under the judicial districting, on the adoption of the Constitution of 1790, the First Judicial District comprised the counties of Philadelphia, Bucks, Mont gomery, and Delaware, and in pursuance of that divis ion James Biddle, who was commissioned by Governor Mifflin, Sept. 13, 1791, president judge of the Com mon Pleas of Philadelphia, became president judge of the First Judicial District, and continued in the discharge of that office until June 19, 1797, when John D. Coxe was commissioned president judge. I have little or no information respecting either of these judges, but on July 31, 1805, Governor McKean 1 Colonial Records, vol. xi. p. 254. 2 Penna. Archives, 1st aeries, vol. xi. p. G38. appointed William Tilghman president justice. The latter, a conspicuous figure in a line of distinguished jurists, was a native of Talbot County, Md., and early in 1772, when sixteen years of age, began reading law under the direction of Benjamin Chew, of Phil adelphia. In 1783, after eleven years' study of law, Tilghman was admitted to the bar of his native State. Before 1789 he removed to Philadelphia, where he rose rapidly to the front rank of the profession. In 1801 he was appointed chief judge of the Circuit Court of the United States. The organization of this court was stoutly opposed, and from the fact that the appointments were made on March 3, 1801, and that night sent to the Senate and confirmed before Presi dent Adams vacated to make room for Thomas Jef ferson, the judges were facetiously termed " the mid night judges." The act creating this court was re pealed at the next session of Congress, April 29, 1802, and Tilghman resumed the practice of the profession. However, as previously stated, he was appointed president judge of the Court of Common Pleas of the First District in 1805, a position he held less than seven months, for the death of Chief Justice Shippen making a vacancy, on Feb. 25, 1806, Tilghman was appointed chief justice of Pennsylvania. He died in 1827. On Feb. 24, 1806, the State was redistricted, the counties of Chester, Delaware, Montgomery, and Bucks becoming the Seventh District, and in April, 1806, Governor McKean appointed Bird Wilson pres ident judge. The new judge was then in his thirtieth year, having been born early in 1777. He was the son of Hon. James Wilson, a signer of the Declara tion of Independence, who, it will be remembered, successfully defended some Tories charged with trea son in Philadelphia, which so enraged the populace of that city, that a riot resulted on the 4th of Octo ber, 1779.3 Bird Wilson, at fifteen years of age, graduated from the University of Pennsylvania, whereupon he began reading law with Joseph Thomas, of Philadelphia, and after being admitted was employed in the office of the commissioner of bankruptcy. For eleven years he presided over the courts of this county, sitting for the last time at the October sessions, 1817, when he resigned to become a clergyman of the Episcopal Church. In 1821 he was appointed a professor in the Theological Semi nary of that denomination in New York, retaining the chair for almost three decades. Out of respect to his distinguished worth, he was appointed, June 25, 1850, emeritus professor in his department. Judge Wilson edited an edition of Bacon's " Abridgment of the Law," in seven volumes, afterwards enlarged by Bouvier to ten. Bird Wilson died April 14, 1859, 8 In Frederick D. Stone's " Philadelphia Society One Hundred Tears Ago," Penna Mag. of Hist., vol. iii. pp. 389-392, will be found a graphic account of this riot. Col. Thomas Leiper, of Ridley, was among the number of prominent men who voluntarily entered Wilson's house and defended it and him from the fury of the mob. THE COURT, BENCH, AND BAR OF DELAWARE COUNTY. 235 at New York. He reached the advanced age of eighty-two. Governor Findlay, on Jan. 28, 1818, appointed John Ross, of Easton, to the vacant judgeship of the Seventh District. At the time of his appointment Mr. Ross was a member of Congress from the district comprising Northampton, Bucks, Lehigh, Wayne, and Pike Counties, having served in that body in the Eleventh, Fourteenth, and Fifteenth Congresses, re signing during the latter term to accept the appoint ment of judge. He presided in our courts for the first time on April 13, 1818, at which term Craig was tried and convicted of murder. By the act of March 12, 1821, the Fifteenth Judicial District was erected, com prising the counties of Delaware and Chester, and Ross remained judge of the Seventh District, — Bucks and Montgomery. Hon. John Ross, in April, 1830, was appointed an associate judge of the Supreme Court, to the seat made vacant by the death of Judge Todd. On May 22, 1821, Governor Heister appointed Isaac Darlington, of the borough of West Chester, president judge of the Fifteenth District, and the lat ter sat as such for the first time at the old court-house in Chester, Oct. 23, 1821. Isaac Darlington was in his fortieth year when ap pointed to the bench, his birth having occurred Dec. 13, 1781. He was by trade a blacksmith, having worked at the forge with his father, but disliking that occupation, he taught school a short time, and finally, when in his eighteenth year, entered the office of Joseph Hemphill, at West Chester. At the Novem ber term, 1801, he was admitted to the bar, although lacking two or three weeks being of age, his exam iners remarking that a few days more or less was of little consequence when the student had passed an examination so creditable to him. He rose rapidly at the bar, and having served a term in the Legislature in 1807-8, declined further election, believing that it was a hindrance in his profession. During the latter part of the war of 1812 he served with the militia of Pennsylvania, encamped at Marcus Hook for tbe de fense of Philadelphia. In 1816 he was elected a mem ber of the Fifteenth Congress, again declining renomi- nation. At the time of his appointment as judge he was deputy attorney-general of Chester County. By the Constitution of 1838, his term of office would have expired on Feb. 27, 1839, and to avoid the operation of that clause the bar suggested that the judge should resign before the provisions of the Constitution went into effect, it being the unanimous desire of the pro fession that he should continue on the bench. In ac cordance with this request he tendered his resignation, it was accepted, and shortly thereafter he was reap pointed judge of the district by Governor Ritner. On Jan. 15, 1839, Governor Porter was inaugurated, and, he knowing that the object was to give Judge Dar lington a further term of ten years, instructed Attor ney-General Douglass to sue out a quo warranto. On Monday, April 29, 1839, the matter was to have been heard by the Supreme Court, but the Saturday pre vious Judge Isaac Darlington died at his home in West Chester of gout, to which he had been subject for years. When his death was announced in the Supreme Court, Chief Justice Gibson dismissed the proceedings, at the same time paying a high tribute to the character and learning of the dead justice. The judges of the Supreme Court in their circuits occasionally held sessions in the old court-room at Chester. On Thursday, Aug. 1, 1828, Chief Justice Gibson presided at the trial of a feigned issue upon an appeal from the Orphans' Court, in a suit by the executor of the estate of John Crosby, the late judge, against John F. Hill. The case occupied three days, and was ably tried, Benjamin Tilghman and Samuel Edwards representing the plaintiff, and Joseph R. Ingersoll and Archibald T. Dick the defendant. The jury retired on Saturday evening, and returned a ver dict for the plaintiff on Monday morning. The Weekly Visitor, published at Chester, for Aug. 8, 1828, stated : " To show the unwearied industry and perseverance of Judge Gibson in his official duties, it is worthy of remark that, on Monday morning at six o'clock, he left Philadelphia for this place, where he arrived at about eight, received the verdict of the jury, and at nine was on board the boat returning to the city." On May 16, 1839, Governor Porter appointed Thomas S. Bell to the judgeship made vacant by Darlington's death. He was a Philadelphian by birth, and, like his predecessor, was admitted to the bar six months before he attained his majority. In May, 1821, he located at West Chester, and in two years thereafter was deputy attorney-general of Ches ter County, continuing in that office for six years. He was a member of the Constitutional Convention of 1837, and was returned as elected to the State Senate in 1838, and took a prominent part in the difficulties characterizing the beginning of the legislative pro ceedings in January following, known as the " Buck shot War." His seat in that body was contested by and awarded to his competitor. Judge Bell was in his fortieth year when he was appointed to the bench, which he certainly adorned by his learning and his courteous bearing to the bar and public alike, al though, on one occasion, in Delaware County, he aroused considerable feeling in sentencing a child ten years of age to a protracted term of imprisonment for stealing a small sum of money. On Dec. 18, 1846, Governor Shunk appointed him one of the puisne judges of the Supreme Court, a po sition he filled until Dec. 1, 1851, when the office be came elective. Judge Bell died June 6, 1861, in his sixty-first year, a cancer with which he had long been troubled finally terminating his life. The vacancy occasioned in this district by the re moval of Judge Bell to the Supreme bench was at tempted to be filled by Governor Shunk, who, in December, 1846, appointed John M. Forster, of Har- 236 HISTORY OF DELAWARE COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA. risburg, to the office. His bearing on the bench was excessively polite, but he did not create a favorable impression ; and, although his appointment, when first presented in the Senate, had been confirmed, the ob jection from the district was so unanimous that it was reconsidered and finally rejected. Governor Shunk thereupon appointed James Nil), of Chambersburg, early in February, 1847, to the vacant seat on the bench. Judge Nill had a fair knowledge of law, but the feeling that the appointment was not one which should have been made was strong enough to secure Judge Nill's rejection by a tie vote in the Senate when the name was presented to that body for confirma tion. The courts of Delaware County being without a president at the March term, 1848, the session was held by Associate Judges Engle and Leiper, the former charging the grand jury. Although the crim inal side of the court had been conducted as well as usual, the civil cases (many of them involving ques tions of nice distinctions of law) were continued, and the bar of Delaware as well as Chester County was anxious that the vacant place on the bench should be filled. To that end the lawyers in the district united in the request to Governor Shunk that he would appoint his son-in-law, Henry Chapman, of Doyles- town, president judge. The Governor assented to the petition, but he was named too late to take part at the March term in Delaware County, as just stated. Per haps a more acceptable selection could not have been made, for in all respects Judge Chapman filled the measure demanded by the bar and people. It was during his incumbency that the county-seat -was removed to Media, the last court being held in the old building at Chester May 26, 1851, and when it adjourned, on Friday, the 30th, the ancient structure was dismantled of its furniture. Under the provisions of the amendments to the Constitution changing the judicial office from an ap pointive to an elective one, the term of Judge Chap man, as also those of the associate judges (Leiper and Engle), expired by limitation at the close of the year 1851. So acceptably had the former presided in the district that both parties signalized their willingness to continue him on the bench.if he would allow his name to be presented to the people, but as the Con stitution positively required the judges should be resi dents of the district during the period in which they served, which he could not do without serious incon venience, he was compelled to decline the nomination. On Monday, Nov. 24, 1851, for the last time Judges Chapman, Leiper, and Engle held court, the session continuing until Wednesday, the 26th of that month. All business having been disposed of, the court was about to adjourn, when Hon. Edward Darlington rose and with a brief and appropriate address presented the following resolutions : " At a meeting of the bar of Delaware County, held at the Charter House, in the borough of Media, Monday, Nov. 24, 1851, on motion, Ed ward Darlington, Esq., was appointed chairman, and Joseph R. Morris, secretary. "The object of the meeting waa stated liy the chair, whereupon John M. Broomall, Esq., offered the following resolutions, which being sec onded by Robert McCay, Jr., Esq., were unanimously adopted : "Resolved, That we look with profound regret upon the approaching period which will terminate the judicial career of the Hon. Henry Chapman as president judge of tlie court of this county. " Resolved, That his well-tried legal abilities and his strict integrity and impartiality have entitled him to the respect and confidence, as well of ourselves as of the people of the county, who have not willingly parted with his services. t "Resolved, That the judges of the court carry with them iu their vol untary retirement from the bench our best wisheB for their future hap piness and prosperity, and we tender to them our sincere thanks for the uniform kindness and courtesy which has always characterized their intercourse with the bar. " On motion of Charles D. Manly, Esq., the chair was instructed to present a copy of tlie foregoing resolutions to the bench in open court." The judges were entirely unprepared for this testi monial of good feeling from the bar, but Judge Chap man rose, thanked the bar and the people of the county for the forbearance they had ever shown toward his failings, and the uniform kindness and respect which had been extended him while on the bench. Remarks of a similar tenor then followed from Judges Leiper and Engle. The proceeding was not an empty form or ceremony, but was prompted on the part of the bar and responded to by the bench by the mutual esteem entertained by the one for the other. Judge Chapman having declined nomination, at the election held in October, 1851, Townsend Haines, of West Chester, was chosen president judge of the courts. Judge Haines, when elevated to the bench, was sixty years of age, his birth occurring Jan. 7, 1792. His early life was passed on his father's farm, but during the intervals of labor he applied himself diligently in acquiring information which was useful to him in after-years. In 1815, in his twenty-third year, — previous to which time he had taught school,— ' he entered the office of Isaac Darlington (afterwards judge), and was called to the bar in 1818. His prac tice the first year was very meagre ; indeed, it never was extensive, although he was very able in criminal cases, but in heavy civil litigation he was rarely en gaged. His brilliant powers of advocacy were recog nized, and when a jury was the tribunal to decide a controversy, Mr. Haines was often employed to make the address to that body; but when questions involv ing great principles of law were being discussed he never appeared to advantage. He was an adroit cross-examiner, but he relied on his natural talent in debate, and was averse to the laborious study which always characterizes a great lawyer. Mr. Haines drifted naturally into politics. In 1826-27 he was a member of the Legislature, and the following year was nominated for Congress, but was unexpectedly defeated,* the popularity of Andrew Jackson carrying the Democratic ticket in a strong Federal district onward to victory. On the resignation and death of Governor Shunk, William F. Johnson, the Whig Speaker of the Senate, by virtue of that office, as- THE COURT, BENCH, AND BAR OF DELAWARE COUNTY. 237 sumed the gubernatorial office under the Constitu tion, and in July, 1848, he appointed Mr. Haines Secretary of the Commonwealth, which position he retained under Johnson, who was re-elected in the fall of the year 1848. After serving the full term as secretary, in February, 1850, Mr. Haines was ap pointed treasurer of the United States by President Taylor. While discharging the duties of that office he was nominated to the judgeship of the Fifteenth Judicial District, to which position he was elected, defeating Judge Thomas S. Bell, whose term on the Supreme bench under the Constitution ended in De cember of that year. Haines thereupon resigned the treasurership of the United States and returned to West Chester. He was commissioned by Governor Johnson Nov. 6, 1881. On the bench he was respected as a lawyer, and his social qualities ever rendered him a favorite with the bar and public. He was a noted conversationalist, and it is said no man could relate an anecdote better than he. While holding court at Media the judge, on one occasion, desired to consult the Digest, and asked Reuben Litzenberg, then a newly-appointed tipstaff, to bring " Purdon" to him. The name was new to Litzenberg, but off he started to hunt the man, whom he supposed he was directed to straight way carry before the court. He searched through the building without success, and at length returning, he went to the judge at side bar, and stated in a low voice, "Judge, I guess the man's gone; I can't find him anywhere." " Man ! man 1" wrathfully exclaimed the judge, " you're a stupid ass. I don't want any man. I sent you for a book." It is also told of the judge that on one occasion, as he was entering the court-house, a hardened offender, who at almost every Quarter Session was present, charged with selling liquor without license, and who had recently under gone a sentence for that misdemeanor, accosted him. " Well, judge," he said, " I'm out now." " Yes, yes, I see," was the reply, "but it's no fault of mine. I gave you all I had in my pocket that I could give you." Judge Haines presided for the last term at Novem ber court, 1861, and on the 28th of that month the bar of Delaware County presented resolutions of es teem to him on retiring from the bench. At the expiration of his term of office Judge Haines declined to be a candidate for re-election, but returned to practice in West Chester, continuing therein until his death, in October, 1865, in his seventy-fourth year. He possessed rare talent for versification, his ballad of " Bob Fletcher" being a rustic picture which still deservedly maintains its popularity. At the October election, in 1861, Hon. William But ler was chosen to succeed to the judicial office vacated by Judge Haines. Mr. Butler had at the time of his election been sixteen years in practice at the Chester County bar, having been admitted in 1843. In the fall of 1856 he was elected district attorney of Chester County, continuing in that office until the fall of 1859. Judge Butler was commissioned by Governor Curtin Nov. 20, 1861, entering upon the duties of the office in the following December, presiding for the first time in Delaware County at the February court, 1862. He soon rose to high rank among the judges of the State. His mind was analytical, and with such rapidity in the trial of a case he grasped and understood the point at issue, that the lawyers engaged often stood amazed in findiug how soon the case, under his judi cial sifting, was divested of all redundant circum stances or immaterial pleading. As a nisi prius judge he had few equals and never a superior. He presided at the trial of Udderzook for the murder of Gross at the Oyer and Terminer of Chester County, October, 1873. The case was one which attracted much atten tion throughout the country, and the charge of Judge Butler was a model for its clearness and comprehen siveness. On Feb. 12, 1879, he was appointed to the United States district judgeship made vacant by the death of Judge Cadwalader, an office which he still fills. The vacancy on the bench occasioned by the erec tion of the Thirty-second Judicial District was filled in April, 1874, by Governor Hartranft, who appointed Hon. John M. Broomall president judge. The latter was born in Upper Chichester township, and his family had taken a prominent part in the history of Delaware County for nearly two centuries. In early life, while still a student at Friends' Academy, at Wilmington, he taught in that institution with much success. In 1837 he began reading law under Judge Bouvier, of Phila delphia, and on Aug. 24, 1840, was admitted to the bar of Delaware County. At first he was inclined to de vote himself to agricultural pursuits on the homestead farm in Chichester, but by degrees, and apparently without effort on his part, it began to be noised about that he was a bright, smart fellow, and knew as much law as any of the attorneys. So, imperceptibly, he drifted into practice, and soon found pleasure in the clash of argument and excitement of a sharply-con tested trial. Politics and law usually go hand-in- hand; hence in 1851 and 1852, very naturally, Mr. Broomall was a representative of Delaware County in the Legislature, and in 1854 a member of the State Revenue Board. He was a member of the Thirty- eighth, Thirty-ninth, and Fortieth Congresses, being first elected thereto in 1862. In the fall of 1862, when Washington City was threatened, as also the invasion of Pennsylvania, by Lee's army, John M. Broomall commanded Company C, Sixteenth Regiment Pennsylvania militia. In the summer of 1863, previous to the battle of Gettysburg, Mr. Broomall was mustered in as captain of Company C, Twenty-ninth Regiment,. emergency men, being in service from June 19th to August 1st of that year. Twice Mr. Broomall has been a member of the Electoral College of Pennsylvania, first, in 1860, at Abraham Lincoln's first election, and in 1872, when 238 HISTORY OF DELAWARE COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA. Gen. Grant was chosen President for the second term. In 1873 he was a delegate to the Constitutional Con vention, and on the floor of that assemblage his remarks were always listened to with attention and consideration, and he was recognized as among the leaders in thought in that body. When that Constitu tion was adopted, under its provisions the county of Delaware became the Thirty-second Judicial District, and as before stated, in April, 1874, Mr. Broomall was appointed the first president judge, and was qualified on May 2d. At the Republican County Convention of the same year Judge Broomall was nominated for the office for the term of ten years, but at the ensuing election he was not successful. Judge Broomall has been a busy man throughout his whole career. Far-sighted, and possessed of com prehensive views and remarkable executive abilities, shortly after being called to the bar he became im pressed with the belief that Chester was peculiarly advantageously located for a manufacturing centre, and with that purpose in view he and several others labored to give the ancient hamlet a direction to that end, and how well that object was obtained the thriv ing city of Chester and its growing suburban districts fully attests. As an orator Judge Broomall will be recalled by his " Remarks on the Life and Character of Thaddeus Stevens," delivered in the House of Rep resentatives, at Washington, Dec. 17, 1868, and his oration at the Bi-Centenary of the Landing of Wil liam Penn at Chester, Oct. 23, 1882. Judge Broomall, notwithstanding his active, useful life, had kept abreast with modern thought in science and literature. As a writer he is vigorous and comprehensive, remem bering Lord Coke's reference to " apt words." In 1876, on the appointment of the Delaware County Institute of Science, he wrote the " History of Dela ware County for the Past Century," an admirable resume of the happenings in this locality during the first hundred years of the nation's life, and in 1872 wrote a highly creditable " History of Chester" for Moran's " Delaware River and West Jersey Railroad Commercial Directory." Judge Broomall was succeeded on the bench by the present incumbent, Judge Clayton, who, on Jan. 4, 1875, assumed the duties of the office. Thomas J. Clayton was also to the manor born, his ancestry having settled at Marcus Hook previous to the royal charter to Penn. The future judge was born in Bethel township, Jan. 20, 1826, and in early life proposed studying medicine, but changing his intentions he read law in Wilming ton, and was admitted to the bar of Delaware County, Nov. 24, 1851, this being the second time court was held at Media, and the last time Judge Chapman presided in the district. Mr. Clayton removed to Philadelphia in 1852, where he entered the ranks of the profession and rapidly acquired a large and re munerative practice, injury cases his forensic powers soon bringing him into prominence. In 1856, Gov ernor Pollock appointed him on his staff with the rank of colonel, the only office he ever held of a political character outside the line of his profession. In 1868 he made a tour of Europe, and while abroad contributed a series of letters to the Delaware County Republican descriptive of his travels, which were sub sequently published in book form. In 1873 he again passed the summer vacation in the Old World, and, as on his former visit, he furnished from time to time an account of his journeying to the county press. In the fall of 1874 he was nominated by the Independent Republicans for the office of president judge of this district, the Democrats making no nomination, and at the election on October 3d of the same year he was chosen to that office, the duties of which he is still discharging. Judge Clayton is social in his dispo sition, an agreeable conversationalist, and speaks French with fluency. As a lawyer he stands well with the profession throughout the State, many of his opinions, as published in the Delaware County Re porter, being frequently cited in other districts with approval. In January, 1880, the bar of Chester County tendered a complimentary banquet to Judge Clayton at West Chester, he having been called to preside in the courts there in cases with which Judge Futhey had been connected as counsel previous to the latter's being raised to the bench. The printed bill of fare on that occasion was a rare specimen of legal wit, which the bar of Chester County may well recall as creditable to those who prepared it. The act of Sept. 26, 1789, creating the county of Delaware provided that " the justices of the Courts of Quarter Session and Common Pleas now commis sioned within the limits of the county of Delaware and those that may hereafter be commissioned or any three of them, shall and may hold courts," and the act conferred on those justices all the powers, rights, jurisdiction, and authorities of justices of the county courts of other counties.1 Some doubts having been suggested as to the validity of this clause in the act, the Supreme Executive Council on Oct. 9, 1789, de termined to be advised on the constitutionality of that section, hence it was "Resolved, That the opinion of the attorney-general be taken upon the following question, viz., ' Whether justices of the peace and pleas who have been commissioned for a certain county, and a part of that county erected into a separate county, can continue to exercise the powers of the peace and pleas in that part erected into a new county and separated from the old one ?' " The same day Attorney-General Bradford wrote his opinion, which was submitted to Council the follow ing morning. He states, — " I have considered the clause, in the act of Assembly for erecting Del aware County. ... As the Constitution vests the appointment of all judges in the Supreme Executive Council, and a new court is here erected, I am of the opinion that no act of the Legislature can appoint the judges of that court, or give any persons authority to act as such with out being commissioned for that purpose by the President and Council; 1 2 Smith's " Laws of Pennsylvania," p. 499 ; Bliss' " Delaware County Digest," pp. 2 and 39. THE COURT, BENCH, AND BAR OF DELAWARE COUNTY. 239 that part of the act, therefore, must he merely void. As to justices of the peace, they having been already elected by the people aud residing in their proper districts, I am of opinion that such authority may be con tinued by an act of the Legislature, and that such an act would not in fringe upon the Constitution." x The Supreme Executive Council, acting on this opinion, appointed the judges of the courts two days thereafter, excepting in the case of William Richard son Atlee, whose commission being subsequently to the act of Sept. 26, 1786, was valid. Following is a list of all the associate justices and judges of the courts of Delaware County from its erection until the Constitution of 1874 abolished the office : Commissioned. William Richardson Atlee Sept. 28,1789 Richard Hill Morris Oct. 12, 1789 Thomas Levis Oct. 12, 1789 John Pearson Oct. 12, 1789 George Pearce Oct. 12, 1789 Elisha Price March 10, 1790 Joel Willis July 15, 1790 Under Constitution of 1790: John Sellers Sept. 17, 1791 Richard Riley Sept. 17, 1791 Mark Willcox Sept. 17, 1791 Hugh Lloyd April 24, 1792 Benjamin Brannon June 5. 1794 John Crosby April 26, 1799 John Pierce Jan. 5, 1823 William Anderson Jan. 5, 1826 Joseph Engle8 Jan. 5, 1827 Henry Myer Dec. 27, 1833 George Smith Dec. 28,1836 Under Constitution of 1838 : Joseph Engle Jan. 26, 1842 Joseph Engle March 11, 1847 George G. Leiper Feb. 25, 1843 George G. Leiper Feb. 16, 1848 James Andrews Nov. 10, 1851 Sketchley Morton. Nov. 10,1851 Frederick J. Hinkson Nov. 12, 1856 James Andrews : ..Nov. 12,1856 Charles R. Williamson Jan. 10,1860 George Smith Nov. 23, 1861 James Andrews Nov. 23, 1861 Thomas Reese Nov. 8, 1866 Barcine Smith Nov. 8, 1866 Thomas Reese Nov. 17, 1871 Bartine Smith Nov. 17, 1871 William Richardson Atlee was commissioned one of the justices of the Court of Common Pleas of Del aware County Sept. 28, 1789, two days after the act erecting the county of Delaware became a law. The bounty of the Supreme Executive Council did not stop at this, but they showered on Atlee that day the offices of prothonotary, clerk of the Quarter Sessions and Orphans' Court. Under the resolution of Council, June 11, 1777, prothonotaries sat as judges of the Court of Common Pleas. In November, 1790, he was married to Margaret, only daughter of Gen. Wayne, settled at Chester,3 and on May 9, 1791, pur chased a greater part of the triangular lot between Market Street and Edgmont Avenue, and from Fifth Street to the railroad. There he lived in a stone dwelling, which was torn down to make place for the house of the late Mrs. Gray. On Sept. 4, 1791, he was reappointed by Governor Mifflin to the offices of 1 Colonial Records, vol. xvi. pp. 186-88. 8 Judge Engle was appointed in 1827, but the date of the commission I have not learned. Either it is not of record or I have overlooked it in my researches. 8 Martin's " History of CheBter," p. 252. prothonotary, etc., and again on March 16, 1792. At the next court following, April term, 1792, the grand jury made this presentment: " To the Honorable Court of Quarter Sessions now sitting : — The Grand Inquest for the Court of Delaware, Present William Richardson Atlee, Prothonotary and Register for the Probate of Wills, &c, for said county for extortion in the following instances, viz.: " For charging of his feeB on the several writs of Partition hereinafter mentioned, three pounds, viz. : First, For issuing a writ for the division of the estate of Jacob Richards. Second, For issuing a writ for the di vision of the estate of Margaret Smith and the heirs of Rebecca Garrett. Third, For issuing a writ for the division of the estate of John McIIvain. Fourth, For issuing a writ for the division of the estate of David Gibson. Fifth, For issuing a writ for the division of the estate of William and Reese Peters. "For charging John Travis his fees on an action brought against him and ended the first court, thirteen shillings and sixpence. For charg ing Peter Defield, on an action brought against Charles Lindsay ended before the court, fourteen shillings and sixpence. For charging Jo seph Lewis fourteen shillings and sixpence, ended in like manner. " As Register for charging and receiving from the executors of the estate of John Hunt two pounds, eleven shillings and sixpence for pro bate and granting Letters of Administration. "Also for charging and receiving from tbe executors of the estate of Joseph Davis, two pounds, eleven shillings and sixpence for Probate aud Granting Letters of Administration and also for charging and receiving a fee of one pound, two shillings and sixpence for answering the simple question whether a bond was real or personal estate, which we are of the opinion is illegal, he not been an attorney or counsellor of record in this county. " Also for charging and receiving of Alice Spear, a poor woman, one pound, five shillings and sixpence for two guardianship orders, altbo1 she has paid Miles McCarty three shillings for drawing petitions to pre sent to the Court to obtain the same. " By order of the Grand Jury, " David Bevan, Foreman." At the July session the grand jury found true bills of indictment against Atlee on all the charges ; the cases were called on trial at the October term, and on all the prosecutions the defendant was acquitted. At lee understood the fee bill, and notwithstanding the assaults thus made upon him, held his office with a tenacious grasp, until, desiring to enter the list of at torneys, he yielded the place to Davis Bevan April 6, 1796, and on the 26th of July following was admitted to practice in the courts of Delaware County, after which date he passed out of our annals so far as I have information. On Oct. 12, 1789, Richard Hill Morris was com missioned by President Mifflin justice of the Court of Common Pleas. He was appointed a justice of the Court of Quarter Sessions of Chester County in 1786, but beyond that fact I have no knowledge of Judge Morris. The same day George Pearce, of Aston, was commissioned Justice of the Common Pleas. He was a justice of Chester County in 1784, and during the Revolutionary war was lieutenant-colonel of the Third Battalion of militia. Other than these facts, I know nothing of Judge Pearce's career. John Pearson was also commissioned the same day. He was a resident of Darby and a Revolutionary soldier. He was first lieutenant in the Eleventh Pennsylvania Line, and was promoted captain Sept. 7, 1777. The regiment suffered so severely at Brandywine that on July 1, 1778, it was consolidated with the Tenth Regiment, in which organization Capt. Pearson was still retained 240 HISTORY OF DELAWARE COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA. in command of a company. On Jan. 17, 1781, he was transferred to the Second Pennsylvania, and on Jan. 1, 1783, held a commission on the 3d, but appears to have resigned about that time. In October, 1778, he was on recruiting service in Philadelphia, and on the 6th of that month addressed a letter to the Supreme Executive Council, complaining that Timothy Mat- lack, secretary of that body, had spoken discourag- ingly to him respecting the money required to pay re cruits, and he had then on his personal credit bor rowed one hundred pounds to pay " five fine fellow's,'' and could not " get a farthing of it." At the January sessions, 1793, while he was on the bench, an indict ment was sent before the grand jury, in which he was charged with having written a libelous article against Nathaniel Newlin, which appeared in Bradford's Pennsylvania Journal in October, 1792, but the bill was ignored. In the fall of 1793, Judge Pearson was active in soliciting funds in Delaware County, to be applied to the relief of the sufferers in Philadelphia during the yellow fever scourge in that city, after which date I have no further information respecting him. On Oct. 12, 1789, Thomas Levis was appointed one of the justices of the Court of Common Pleas of Dela ware County. My impression is that he resided in Springfield. The first record I find of Judge Levis is in 1770, when he appears as one of the assessors of Chester County, — a board of six persons performed the duty at that time in the entire county, — and continued in the office until 1773, when he became one of the county commissioners. At the election held in Ches ter County, July 8, 1776, to choose delegates to the Constitutional Convention of 1776, he was one of the judges at Chester borough. During the war he was a captain of a militia company, and Oct. 1, 1777, was directed, with six other militia officers, to seize arms, blankets, shoes and stockings, etc., in that district for the use of the Continental army, the levy to be made on persons believed to entertain feelings not in accord with American independence. On May 6, 1778, he was appointed oneof the commissioners of confiscated estates, and in a letter dated July 18th of that year, he complained that the printer had made a mistake by misplacing a letter so that a Whig was transposed by the proclamation into a Tory, and he was not pleased with the change. He was one of the sub-lieutenants of Chester County, and Sept. 24, 1784, was commis sioned one of the justices of the Common Pleas for Ridley, Springfield, MaTple, Upper and Nether Provi dence, a position which was not new to him, for he was appointed to the like office in July 25, 1777. He was county treasurer in 1778, and probably in 1782- 84. No record appears at West Chester for those years, which is the only break for a number of years, and we learn from the minutes of the Supreme Execu tive Council that on Feb. 21, 1788, a certificate was filed from Edward Burd, " that Thomas Levis, Es quire, hath entered sufficient security to prosecute with effect an appeal from the settlement of his ac counts as late Treasurer of the county of Chester by the Comptroller General was read, and the said ap peal allowed." He was appointed a justice of the Court of Common Pleas in 1789. In 1799 he was lieutenant-colonel of the Sixty-fifth Regiment Penn sylvania militia, after which date I lose all record of Col. Levis. Elisha Price was commissioned justice of the Court of Common Pleas and Quarter Sessions, March 16, 1790, but as I have given the main particulars of his life in a note to the ballad " Lament over Chester's Mother," it is unnecessary to reproduce it here; and of Joel Willis, who was commissioned justice of the Common Pleas July 15, 1790, I know nothing other than that fact. On Sept. 17, 1791, Governor Mifflin appointed John Sellers one of the associate judges of the courts of Delaware County. A sketch of Judge Sellers will be found in the history of the township of Darby. Sept. 17, 1791, Governor Mifflin appointed Richard Riley an associate judge of Delaware County, in which office he continued to serve until 1808, sitting for the last time at the October court of that year. He was of English parentage, and was born at Marcus Hook, Dec. 14, 1735. At twenty-nine years of age, in 1764, he was one of the county assessors, and the same year he was appointed one of the justices of the county, whose commission then required that they should hold court. In 1770 he was one of the justices com missioned to hold a special court in Chester County for the trial of negroes ; and on the 3d day ofMarch, in that year, he, with William Parker, held such a court in Chester, at which was tried " Negro Martin," the slave of Thomas Smith, of Tinicum, on a charge of rape. Riley was an earnest Whig during the Rev olution, and was one of the thirteen members of the Committee of Correspondence of Chester County ap pointed at the meeting held at Chester, July 13, 1774, and was one of the eight delegates to the Provincial Conference at Philadelphia, July 15th, of that year, which took decided action advocating resistance to the encroachments of Great Britain on the rights of the colony, and requesting the Assembly to appoint delegates to the Continental Congress, which met in Philadelphia, September 3d following. He was one of the delegates to the second Provincial Convention, which met in Philadelphia, Jan. 23, 1775, when he advocated instructing the delegates from Pennsyl vania, appointed by that convention to Congress, which assembled May 10, 1775, to vote for inde pendence. On June 30th of that year he was ap pointed by the Assembly one of the Committee of Safety, representing Chester County ; and ou Jan. 17, 1776, was, with . Cols. Wayne and Johnson and Mr. Bartholomew, appointed an inspector of arms provided by the Committee of Safety for Chester County. That he was earnest in his efforts to render an attack on Philadelphia almost impossible, by ex- THE COURT, BENCH, AND BAR OF DELAWARE COUNTY. 241 tending the fortifications below Marcus Hook, is shown in his letter of Feb. 15, 1776, to the committee. In 1777, Riley was again commissioned a justice of the county. After the erection of Delaware County, he was elected a member of the Legislature for the year 1790-91, and, as before mentioned, in 1792 was com missioned associate judge. It is related that he was a nervous man and easily irritated. One cold night, in the early part of this century, an Irishman, know ing this peculiarity, knocked at the door of his resi dence in Marcus Hook, after the judge was in bed. His. honor, putting his head out of the window, in quired who it was, and what was wanted. The stranger replied that he had an important matter, re specting which he wanted his opinion. The judge hastily dressed and came down. " What is it, my man, you want to see me about?" " I was awanting to know, your honor, which side of the river this is." " This side, you infernal fool !" roared the judge, as he slammed the door to with a bang. Judge Riley died Aug. 27, 1820, in his eighty-fifth year. On Sept. 17, 1791, Governor Mifflin commissioned Mark Wilcox one of the associate judges of Delaware County, an office he retained until about 1822. Mark Wilcox was the son of Thomas Wilcox, who settled in Concord in 1727, on the west branch of Chester Creek, where, about that date he built the second paper-mill in the United States, now known as Ivy Mills. The settler died in 1779, leaving the business to his son, Mark, who was born on the estate in 1743. During the Revolutionary war much of the paper used in printing the Continental money, as well as the official blanks required by Congress and the State authorities, was made at the old mill on Chester Creek. He was judge of the election held to select delegates to the Constitutional Convention of 1776. In 1777 the Executive Council impressed forty-eight reams of writing-paper at his mills for the use of that body, and it was not paid for until March 19, 1783, when an order for sixty-eight pounds in specie was given to Mark Wilcox in settlement of the claim. In 1777 he was one of the county assessors, and in 1780, under the Jaw requiring registration of slaves, he reported six slaves for life as his property. On April 3, 1788, the Supreme Executive Council appointed five commis sioners, under the act of March 28th, of that year, to open certain roads in the counties of Northampton and Luzerne, in which commission Mark Wilcox was included. The work confided to the committee was performed satisfactorily, for on April 2£th, of the same year, Council decided that one thousand pounds , should be paid to the committee for their trouble. In 1788, Mark Wilcox was a member of the General As sembly from Chester County, in 1799 he was lieuten ant-colonel of the One Hundred and Tenth Regiment, and, after the erection of Delaware, was for nearly thirty years one of the associate judges. He died in 1827, aged eighty-four years. Governor Mifflin, April 24,- 1792, commissioned 16 Hugh Lloyd, of Darby, oneof the associate judges of the courts of Delaware County, and he continued on the bench a third of a century, the longest term in our judicial history. He was born in 1742, and when the difficulties preceding the Revolutionary war were dividing the populace, he took active sides with the colonists. He was one of the committee of thirteen appointed at the county convention, held at Chester, July 13, 1774, as delegates to the convention of similar committees from the other counties in the province, which assembled in Philadelphia July 15th, of that year, and from whose action the Continental Congress, which met in the same city on the 5th of September following, had its origin. He was one of the com mittee appointed at the county convention, Dec. 20, 1774, to carry into execution the association of the late Continental Congress, and he was also one of the ten delegates from Chester County to the Provincial Con vention which met in Philadelphia, Jan. 23, 1775. Just previous to the Declaration of Independence he was one of the thirteen delegates from the county to the Convention in Philadelphia on June 18, 1776, which declared that all authority of Great Britain should be suppressed in the province, and called a convention to meet on the 15th of July following to frame a con stitutional government. Strange as it now seems, he was one of the judges of election in the borough of Chester on July 8th, when delegates to that conven tion — he being a candidate — were voted for. Early in the war he was appointed colonel of the Third Bat talion of Chester County militia, and his command was frequently called into service during the latter part of 1777 and the first six months of the year fol lowing. After peace was declared Col. Lloyd pursued the even tenor of his way, but when Delaware County was erected, in 1789, he was one of the representatives in the General Assembly, and was re-elected to the same office in 1791. In 1792 he was appointed one of the associate judges of the county of Delaware in the place of Joel Willis, serving faithfully on the bench until finding the weight of years pressing upon him he tendered his resignation to Governor Shulze as follows : " I, the. within named Associate Judge of Delaware County, aged 83 years 10 months and 9 days, by attending every court for 33 years — one Orphans' Court only excepted — having performed the duties of the within commission to the best of my judgment and ability, do by these presents resign and surrender up my said commission to his Excellency* the Governor, with the hope that a successor may be appointed to the satisfaction of the majority of said county. In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand this 31st day of December, a.d. 1825. With sentiment of regard, &c, " Hugh Lloyd." Tradition relates that Judge Lloyd, who, on one occasion, being asked if the duties devolving on an associate judge were not onerous, replied, "Yes, very. I sat five years on the same bench in the old court-house at Chester without opening my mouth. One day, however, towards night, after listening to the-deta-ils of a long and tedious trial, the president leaning over-tpyvards me and putting.his arms across 242 HISTORY OF DELAWARE COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA. my shoulders, asked me a question : 'Judge,' said he, ' don't you think this bench is infernally hard ?' To this important question I replied, 'I thought it were.' And that's the only opinion I ever gave during my long judicial career."1 At the advanced age of ninety-three, Judge Lloyd died of paralysis. " The old machine had broken down and can't be repaired," he remarked to those who, hearing him fall to the floor, ran to his assist ance. Two days thereafter he died. Benjamin Brannon was appointed by Governor Mifflin, June 5, 1794, one of the judges of the courts of Delaware County. I have gathered very little in formation respecting Judge Brannon. He resided in Upper Darby, was an earnest Whig, and during the year 1776 was appointed to instruct the people of Chester County in the mode of making saltpetre for the State powder-mills. In 1777 he was one of the sub-lieutenants of the county, and on June 11th of that year applied for cannon to arm several artillery companies formed in his jurisdiction, and on July 29th five hundred pounds was given him to pay bounty to substitutes. He was county commissioner in 1779, and in 1782 he was a representative in the Assembly from Chester County. Other than the facts stated I have no record of Judge Brannon. John Crosby, of Ridley, was appointed by Governor Mifflin, April 26, 1799, one of the associate judges of Delaware County. He, like his fellow-associate, Hugh Lloyd, was a descendant of the early English settlers who emigrated to Pennsylvania when Penn acquired title to the province. He was born at the family homestead, on Ridley Creek, March 11, 1747/8. In 1776, in his twenty-ninth year, he entered the service as first lieutenant in a company of the First Battalion of Pennsylvania militia, attached to the Flying Camp, which had been recruited by his brother-in-law, Capt. Culin. It is related that on the day the organization was mustered in at the White Horse Tavern, one of the privates, enraged at some thing said by Capt. Culin, shot that officer, inflicting a wound of which he died. Crosby thereupon suc ceeded to the command, and as such marched the company to the encampment at Perth Amboy. After the capture of Philadelphia by the British, in the fall of 1777, Crosby (a militia officer and not in the Penn sylvania troops enlisted for the war) was with Gov ernor Porter, intercepting the foraging parties of the enemy. One night in the winter of 1777-78 he was at his home in Ridley when a boat's crew from a British man-of-war, lying off Chester, ascended the creek and took him prisoner. Crosby was in the act of washing his face at the pump, near the house, when he was captured. He was taken to New York and confined on the British ship " Falmouth." During his im prisonment, which lasted six months, his hair turned i Martin's " History of Chester," p. 19S. white, consequent on the harsh, treatment received and insufficient food then furnished to the American prisoners of war. He was finally released on parole, his wife going to New York, at great personal risk, to intercede with the English authorities in his be half. John Crosby, as stated, was commissioned, in 1799, associate judge of Delaware County, and con tinued on the bench until 1826. He died about the date given as the conclusion of his judicial career. On Jan. 5, 1823, John Peirce was appointed asso ciate judge of the Court of Common Pleas. He died in Nether Providence in December, 1833, aged sev enty-nine years, but beyond his appointment and death I have no further information respecting Judge Pierce. Henry Myers was appointed to the place on the bench made vacant by his death. William Anderson was born in Virginia2 in 1762, and although only fifteen years of age, joined the Continental army, serving therein five years, and was present at the siege of Yorktown and the surrender of Lord Cornwallis. After the war he settled in Ches ter, and became the landlord of the Columbia House, which hostelry he purchased in 1796. In 1803 he erected the Anderson mansion, at Fifth and Welsh Streets, Chester. He was a member of the Eleventh and Twelfth Congresses of the United States, and served for a third term in the Fifteenth. In 1824 he was chairman of the committee of Delaware County' on the reception of Lafayette. When the commit tees from Delaware, Chester, and Montgomery Coun ties, together with a committee from the immediate vicinity of Valley Forge, met the marquis at the State-House, in Philadelphia, September 29th of that year, Maj. Anderson, being a Revolutionary soldier, was selected to make the address, on behalf of all the committees, to the " Nation's Guest," and when the latter came to the borough of Chester he accepted the major's hospitality. On Jan. 5, 1826, Governor Shulze appointed Maj. Anderson one of the judges of the county courts, which position he resigned to accept an office in the custom-house in Philadelphia. His daughter, Evelina, became the wife of Commodore David Porter. Maj. Anderson died Dec. 16, 1829, aged sixty-seven years. Joseph Engle, of Nether Providence, was born Jan. 10, 1770. He was thirty-six years of age before he attained any office of prominence in the county, being elected in 1806 one of the commissioners, and on May 24, 1809, was commissioned prothonotary, recorder, register, and clerk of the courts, to which office he was recommissioned on Jan. 14,,1812, and again on Dec. 20, 1814. In 1824 he was one of the committee . 2 Lanman's " Dictionary of CongresB" asserts that Maj, Anderson was born in Chester County, a statement which conflicts with family tradi tions, and, besides, his name does not appear among the Revolutionary officers from Pennsylvania. 8 The committee from Delaware County consisted of the following gentlemen : William Anderson, Dr. Samuel Anderson, Joseph Engle, George G. Leiper, Samuel Edwards, Esq., Archibald T. Dick, Esq., Wil Uam Martin, and Henry Myers. THE COURT, BENCH, AND BAR OF DELAWARE COUNTY. 243 of five appointed by Delaware County to receive La fayette, and in the fall of that year he was again elected one of the commissioners. In 1826-27 he was a member of the Legislature, and in the latter year was appointed by Governor Shulze to the associate judgeship made vacant by the resignation of Maj. An derson. His long association with the courts as clerk gave him considerable knowledge of the manner in which legal matters were therein conducted, and fre quently during Judge Darlington's term as president judge — the latter was subject to severe attacks of gout — Associate Judge Engle was compelled to preside, charging th.e grand jury and trying the cases. Jan. 26, 1842, he was recommissioned, although on that occasion his nomination had been sent to the Senate over a year before the date given, and was not con firmed, owing to the fact that at the December court, 1840, Judge Engle had been presented by the grand inquest for an alleged disturbance at the preceding Presidential election at Chester, the complaint being made by William Eves, Sr., Isaac Lloyd, and James McClarum. The proceedings failed in court at the February sessions, but the quarrel was carried to Harrisburg, and prevented for a time the confirma tion by the Senate of the appointment of Judge Engle. In 1851, his term having expired, and being advanced in years, he retired from public life. Judge Engle died Oct. 18, 1857, aged eighty-seven years and nine months. Henry Myers was prothonotary, recorder, register of wills, and clerk of the courts of Delaware County for three terms, being commissioned Jan. 17, 1824, Dec. 21, 1826, and Jan. 18, 1830. In 1824 he was one of the committee from Delaware County appointed to receive Gen. Lafayette. On Dec. 27, 1833, he was commissioned one of the associate judges, and while discharging the duties of that office was elected, in 1836, senator from this district, then comprising Dela ware, Chester, and Lancaster Counties, serving in that capacity for four years. At the expiration of the term he retired from public life. On Feb. 23, 1855, Judge Myers died. He left his home, in Upper Darby, on the morning of that day, and when night came, not having returned, his family immediately instituted a search for him, but without success until the following day, when his body was discovered near Cobb's Creek. The intense cold had benumbed him so that he sank to the earth and perished. Dr. George Smith was appointed by Governor Ritner, Dec. 8, 1836, one of the associate judges, and subsequently elected by the people to the same position in 1861. I present a sketch of the useful life-work of this eminent native of Delaware County in the article on physicians, and it is unnecessary to repeat it here. On Feb. 25, 1843, George Gray Leiper was ap pointed by Governor Porter an associate judge of the courts of Delaware County. He was a son of Col. Thomas Leiper, of Ridley, and was born in Philadel phia, Feb. 3, 1786. He graduated from the Univer sity of Pennsylvania in 1803, when in his seventeenth year, and after his marriage made his home perma nent on the Leiper estates, in Ridley township. Here in 1811 he established the first Sunday-school in the annals of the county. During the war of 1812 he was first lieutenant in Capt. James Serrill's company, the Delaware County Fencibles, which organization was mustered into service Sept. 21, 1814, and December 6th, of the same year, was discharged. In 1818 he built, at his own cost, the Ridley (Leiper) Presby terian Church. In 1822-23 he was a Representative in the Legislature, and while there he so strongly and successfully urged State appropriation for the mainte nance of the. Deaf and Dumb Asylum, in Philadel phia, that in recognition of his services he was chosen a director of that institution, and continued until his death. In the fall of 1824 he was one of the commit tee from Delaware County appointed to receive Gen. Lafayette. In 1828 he was elected a member of the Twenty-first Congress, and although strongly pressed to be a candidate for re-election, refused, even when President Jackson, a warm personal friend of Mr. Leiper, personally requested him to allow his name to go before the people for a second term. In 1843, as above stated, Governor Porter appointed Mr. Leiper one of the associate judges, to which position he was reappointed by Governor Shunk, Feb. 16, 1848, and continued on the bench until the office was made elective. Judge Leiper retired from active public life, devoting his attention to the care of his large es tate. He died at Lapidea, his residence on Crum Creek, Nov. 18, 1868, in his eighty-third year. At the October election of 1851, James Andrew, of Darby, was chosen to the office of associate judge, and was commissioned Nov. 10, 1851. He and Sketchley Morton were the first associate judges elected by the votes of the people. James Andrew held no other county office than that of judge, but so acceptably did he discharge the duties of the position that he was re elected in 1856, his commission being dated Novem ber 12th of that year, and in 1861 he was again called to a seat on the bench. At the expiration of his term, having attained threescore and ten, he re tired from public service. Sketchley Morton was born in Springfield, Oct. 12, 1810, his father's (John S. Morton) farm constituting much of the present village of Morton, on the West Chester and Philadelphia Railroad. From his early manhood he devoted himself mainly to merchandising and other business enterprises in which he was en gaged, declining to take any very active part in po litical movements. He was, however, elected a mem ber of the Legislature, serving during the session of 1847-48, at a time when the question of removing the seat of justice had divided the people of the county into removalists and anti-removalists, and although he was adverse to the change, his action in the House in pressing a bill to carry out that pur- 244 HISTORY OF DELAWARE COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA. pose, after the question had been submitted to a popular vote, was highly commendatory. In the fall of 1851 he was elected one of the associate judges of the courts, his commission dating Nov. 10, 1851, aud he served one term on the bench. In 1852 he was chosen president of the Delaware County Mutual In surance Company, and was continued in that position until October, 1878, when he resigned. Sketchley Morton died Feb. 9, 1878, aged sixty-seven years. Frederick J. Hinkson, Sr., was elected one of the associate judges of Delaware County courts in 1856. An account of Judge Hinkson will be found else where in this volume. Only two of all the persons who have been asso ciate judges of the county of Delaware are living. The oldest, in point of commission, is Charles R. Williamson, he having been commissioned by Gov ernor Packer, Jan. 10, 1860, to fill the position on the bench made vacant by Judge Hinkson's resignation. The other is Judge Thomas Reese. In the succeed ing October, Dr. George Smith was elected to the office. Mr. Williamson had also been county treas urer. He resides in the borough of Media. Bartine Smith was chosen one of the associate judges of the courts of Delaware County at the Oc tober election in 1866, his commission bearing date November 8th of that year. He was born in 1803, and was for many years a merchant in Haverford. On April 14, 1840, he was appointed a justice of the peace, was reappointed April 15, 1845, and elected to the same position in the spring of 1862. In 1861 he was clerk to the county commissioners, continuing as such until he was elected to the bench. In 1871 he was re-elected to the judicial office, and continued therein until the expiration of his term, when the provisions of the Constitution abolishing the office became operative. Judge Smith died Dec. 12, 1877, aged seventy-four years. Judge Thomas Reece was born in Middletown township, Delaware County. He was elected asso ciate judge in 1866, and served a continuous period of ten years. A further sketch of Judge Reece will be found in the history of Media. On Nov. 23, 1876, just previous to the termination of the official career of Associate Judges Smith and Reece by the limitation of the Constitution of 1874, a banquet was given at Media to the retiring judges by the members of the bar and county officers. Highly complimentary resolutions were adopted, handsomely engrossed, and presented to Judges Smith and Reece, and speeches appropriate to the occasion were made. On Dec. 1, 1876, the associate judges retired from the bench and the time-honored office ceased to be, and henceforth became simply a part of the annals of the county. As a rule it may be accepted that from the estab lishment of the colonial government until 1790, crim inal cases, excepting those of trivial character, were .prosecuted on the part . of the government by the , attorney-general in person. This statement, how^ ever, is not without exception, for at the court held at Chester on the 3d day of 1st week Tenth month, 1684, on the trial of Edward Hulbert Taylor, who was indicted for larceny, the records state that Charles Pickering "pleads as attorney to ye King," which is the first case in which it is directly asserted that counsel appeared on behalf of the government, although it is evident that Attorney-General John White was present in that capacity at the trial of Magaret Mattson, at Philadelphia, before Penn and the Council, 27th of the Twelfth month, 1683. In Taylor's case, as in that of Mattson, the appearance of an attor ney for the prosecution was of slight effect, for the prisoner was acquitted by the jury. At the Court of Quarter Sessions at Chester, May 25, 1708, Thomas Clark, who was commissioned attorney-general on the 8th of that month, " appeared in open court and was qualified attorney-general for the county of Ches ter, according to law." The county records on the subject furnish us with but meagre information, and that not of much general interest. By the act of Feb. 28, 1710, the justices of the county courts, and the mayor and recorder of Philadelphia, respectively were empowered to admit attorneys to plead in these courts, and on misbehavior could suspend or prohibit attorneys from practicing before their tribunal. The act of May 31, 1748, provided that " in trials of all capital crimes, learned counsel shall be assigned the prisoner." On May 22, 1722, the Assembly passed a law providing for the admission of attorneys in any of the county courts, "which said attornies so ad mitted may practice in all the courts of this province without any further or other license or admittance." A note in 1st Dallas' "Laws of Pennsylvania," on this section of the act of 1722,1 conveys the impression there were no other statutory enactments respecting attorneys until that of Sept. 25, 1786, but such im pression is erroneous ; the act of Aug. 26, 1727, pro vided "that there may be a competent number of persons, of an honest disposition and learned in the law, admitted by the justices of the said respective courts to practice as attornies there, who shall behave themselves justly and faithfully in their practice." That this act was generally observed is evident from the fact that the oath administered to attorneys at the present day is almost identical with that set forth in the enactment. It was : " And before they are so ad-: mitted shall take the following qualification,, viz., 'Thou shalt behave thyself in the office of Attorney within the Court according to the best of thy learn^ ing and ability, and with all good Fidelity as well to the Court as to the Client; thou shalt use no False hood, nor Delay any Persons Caused for Lucre or Malice."2 The admission in any of the county courts was as before an admission to all in this province, and attorneys in all civil cases were compelled to file 1 1st Dallas, p. 185. 2 Duke of York's Book of Laws, p. 403. THE COU'RT, BENCH, AND BAR OF DELAWARE COUNTY. 245 their warrant of attorney, or failing to do so no statu tory fee could be taxed in the bill of costs to tbe party so in default. The act of Sept. 25, 1786, gave to the courts in the several counties power to make rules governing their own practice, after which date the admission of attorneys appear constantly on the min utes of our courts, although previous to that time on the record a number of lawyers were required to be regularly qualified before they were permitted to practice. The following is a complete list of deputy attorneys- general and district attorneys from tbe erection of the county to the present time : February session, 1790. — William Bradford, Jr., attorney-general in person. July session, 1790. — Thomas Ross, under William Bradford, Jr. Augnst'session,1790. — Joseph Thomas, under William Bradford, Jr. October session, 1791— Joseph Thomas, under .Jared Ingersoll. October session, 1795. — William Sergeant, under Jared Ingersoll. January session, 1796. — Thomas Ross; under Jared Ingersoll. October session, 1797. — William Sergeant, under Jared Ingersoll. January session, 1799. — Thomas Ross, under Jared Ingersoll. April session, 1809. — Richard Bache, Jr., under Walter Franklin. January session, 1811 — John. Edwards, under Joseph Reed. January session, 18l2;< — Edward Ingersoll, under Jared Ingersoll. January sesBion, 1813.— Benjamin Tilghman, under Jared Ingersoll. April session, 1813. — Edward Ingersoll,.under Jared Ingersoll. January session, 1814. — John Edwards, under Jared Ingersoll. April session, 1814 —Edward Ingersoll, under Jared Ingersoll.' January session,. 1815. — Robert H. Smith, under. Jared Ingersoll. April sessinn, 1815. — William H. Dillingham, under Jared Ingersoll. January session, 1817. — Henry G. Freeman, under Amos Ellmaker. October session, 1818. — Samuel Rush, under Thomas Sergeant.. January session, 1821. — Archibald T. Dick, under Thomas Elder. April session, 1824.— Edward Darlington, under Frederick Smith. April session, 1830. — John,.Zeilin,,undeF Samuel Douglass. August session, 1833. — .Robert E. Hannum, under Ellis Lewis. March session, 1836.— John P. Griffith, under William B. Reed. February session, 1839.— P. Frazer Smith, under Ovid F. Johnston. February session, 1845. — Robert Frazer, under John K. Kane. November session, 1845.: — Joseph J. Lewis, under John K. Kane. November session, 1848. — John M. Broomall,1 under James Cooper. February session, 1850. — Charles D. Manley, by appointment of court. May session, 1850. — Thomas H. Speakman, under Cornelius Darragh. By act of Assembly May 1, 1850, the office of deputy attorney -general in. the several counties was abolished, and district attorneys were directed to be elected, of persons learned in the law, at the ensuing election in October, to serve for a period of three years. At the October election in 1850, Thomas H. Speak man was chosen by the popular vote, and at the No vember court he presented his certificate asking to be qualified. A petition was also presented to the court, signed by a number of citizens (sworn to by Charles D. Manley and Joseph Weaver, Jr.), stating that Speakman was not a resident of Delaware County, and not eligible for that reason to the office. It also set forth that Robert McCay, Jr., was elected, inas much as the votes cast for Speakman were illegal. The matter was continued under advisement, and at the May court, 1851, it was decided that " in con sequence of the inability of Thomas H. Speakman, Esq., to serve the office of District Attorney, Robert 1 John M. Broomall resigned. McCay, Jr., Esq., be appointed to discharge the duties of the office for the remainder of the year." 1851.— Robert McCay. ¦ Nov. 24, 1861.— Edward Darlington. 1864— Jesse BiBhop.2 1857.— Edward A. Price. I860.— John Hibbard. 1863.— Francis M. Brooke.3 1866.— Charles D. M. Broomhall. 1869.— George E. Darlington. 1872.— David M. Johnson. 1876. — Vincent Gilpin Robinson. 1879. — Vincent Gilpin Robinson. 1882.— Jesse M. Baker. The early records are confused respecting attorneys, for in many cases where that word is used it refers to attorneys-in-fact and not attorneys-at-law, while in many of the cases persons not learned in the law appeared on behalf of the parties litigant. As early as 1683, John White and Abraham Mann, known to be attorneys- at-law, appeared on the court records. At the court held first Third day of first week, Seventh month, 1690, in the case of Thomas Holmes vs. Charles Aston, Charles Pickering and Patrick Robinson ap peared as attorneys for plaintiff, and John White and Caleb Pusey for the defendant. The jury finding in favor. of the defendant, the attorneys for the plaintiff " craved an appeal to ye next Provineiall Court in law," and his attorneys, Charles Pickering and Robert Longshore, became surety in one hundred pounds that the plaintiff would prosecute " ye appeal now Granted to ye next provineiall Court in Law against a judg ment now obtained & to pay all costs and damage if ye appellant be again cast." All the persons herein mentioned as attorneys were laymen, excepting John White. In 1698, John Moore and David Lloyd were prac ticing attorneys. That there were but four lawyers in the province as late as 1709 we learn from two petitions presented to the Provincial Council. The first was that of James Heaton, read April 2, 1708, in which he set forth that he had been sued in an action of trover and conver sion, in Bucks County, by Joseph Growden, and that he had obtained a writ of error to the Supreme Pro vincial Court, that in the mean while the plaintiff had arrested him on the same cause of action by process of the court in Philadelphia ; that the cases were likely to be heard nearly at the same time, and that the plaintiff was a judge of the Provincial Court, "and further, that he has retained all the lawyers in the county (that have leave to plead) against him." The petitioner then asked that an impartial judge should be appointed to hear the case, assign him counsel, or " set the day for trial," so that, " if he be at 8 Jesse Bishop resigned, and on Nov. 24, 1856, Edward A. Price was appointed by the court in his place. Mr. Price was the youngest man ever holding the office, having been admitted the preceding March of that year. s Francis M. Brooke resigned, and the court appointed C. D. M. Broom- hall to fill the unexpired term, and the latter was elected at the ensuing election. 246 HISTORY OF DELAWARE COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA. the charge of procuring some from New York he may not be disappointed." Growden was present, and verbally replied that the actions were not for the like cause, and that he had only employed one attorney, John Moore, but that he was not able to attend, and therefore had a brother lawyer to appear for him, "by which means, without any design of his (Growden's), two became Concerned in it." Counsel decided that the petitioner " himself be left to procure, his own Counsel," and directed Jasper Yeates, the second judge of the province, "without fail to attend the Provincial Court at Bucks to prevent any Disappoint ment." : On March 1, 1708/9, Francis Daniel Pas- torius presented his petition to Council in respect to a suit in ejectment, brought by one Sprogel, against the Frankford Company, in the courts of Philadel phia, in which he stated that the plaintiff had "fee'd or retained the four known Lawyers of the Province," to prevent the defendant from obtaining any advice in law, " wcb sufficiently argues his cause to be none of the best."2 The following persons, known to be attorneys learned in the law, appear on the record in the courts of Chester County at the dates given : 1726. — Ralph Assheton, John Kinsey, Peter Evans, Francis Sherrard, Joseph Growden, Jr. 1730. — Alexander Keith (admitted February 23d). 1734.— William Rawle. 1735. — John Ross (admitted August 27th), James Hamilton, John Rob inson, Thomas Hopkinson. 1736. — Alexander Piercey (admitted December 1st), James Keating, Andrew Hamilton. 1738.— William Assheton (admitted November 28th). 1739.— William Peters. 1740.— John Webb. 1741. — Trench FranciB, Edmund Acworth (February 23d), Neil Harris. 1742. — Robert Hartshorne, Richard Peters, John Mather, James Read (admitted September 1st). 1743.— John Moland, Townsend White. 1744.— David Edwards. 1745. — Benjamin Price. 1747. — John Lawrence. 1748.— Edward Shippen, Jr. 1749. — Joseph Galloway, John Evans. The foregoing list is doubtless far from being per fect, but it is all that was found by Judge Futhey and Gilbert Cope, and in my researches I have not discov ered any names omitted by them. In the early days of the province it was the custom for students-at-law to make application for admission by petition, and the following one, on file at West Chester, presented by John Ross, was generally the form used : " To ihe Worshipful, the Justices of (he County Court of Common Pleas at Chester : "The humble Petition of John Ross. Gent, showeth: — " That Tour Petitr. has 6erved as an apprentice to an attorney at law in the province of Pennsylvania for the space of five years last past. Therefore Your petitr. prays to be admitted as an attorne}' of this Court. "John Ross. " Chester, Aug. 27th, 1735." The following is a list of attorneys admitted pre vious to July 4, 1776 : 1 Colonial Records, vol. ii. p. 407. 8 lb., p. 430. Admitted. David Finney February, 1752. Thomas Otway May, 1753. John Price August, 1753. William Morris, Jr August, 1753. Benjamin Chew November, 1754. Samuel Johnson February, 1755. Thomas McKean May, 1755. David Henderson August, 1755. William Whitebred November, 1755. George Ross November, 1756. Johu Armond November. 1756. John Morris August, 176(1. Nicholas Wain February, 1763. James Tilghman August, 1763. Hugh Hughs February, 1764. Johu Cnrrie„ May, 1764. Elisha Price May, 1764. Lindsay Coates November, 1764. Andrew Allen February, 1765. Alexander Porter May, 1765. Nichulas Vandyke May, 1765. Alexander Wilcocks May, 1765, Joshua Yeates August, 1765. Stephen Porter. August, 1765. Richard Peters, Jr August, 1765. James Biddle August, 1765. James Allen August, 1765. Henry Elwes AugtiBt, 1765. James Loyre November, 1765. Isaac Hunt August, 1766. David Thomson August, 1766. James Vandyke August, 1766. William Hicks November, 1767. James Wilson November, 1767. Jacob Rush Fubruary, 1769. Miers Fisher August, 1769. Daniel Clymer August, 1769. John Rulev August, 1769. Stephen Watts November, 1769. Abel Evans May, 1770. James Lukens August, 1770. Thomas Good August, 1770. Joseph Read August, 1771. George Noarth August, 1771. Jacob Bankson August, 1771. Francis Johnson August, 1771. Asheton Humphreys August, 1771. Richard Tilghman February. 1772. John Lawrence August, 1772. Peter Zachary Lloyd August, 1772. Christian Hook February, 1773. William L.Blair May, 1773. Phineas Bond May, 1773. John Stedman August, 1773. John McPherson Augu6t, 1773. William Lewis November, 1773. Edward Tilghman May, 1774. Gunning Bedford November, 1774. Andrew Robson February, 1775. John Vannost May, 1775. William Prince Gibbs February, 1776. Collinson Read May, 1776. Admitted after July 4, 1776 : John Morris August, 1777. Andrew Robeson August, 1777. William Lewis August, 1777. William L. Blair August, 1777. John Kaley August, 1777. George Ross August, 1778. Jonathan D. Sergeant August, 1778. Jacob Rush ." August, 1778. Elisha Price August, 1778. Alexander Wilcocks August, 1778. Gunning Bedford August, 1778. John Panrost August, 1778. Edward Burd February, 1779. Francis Johnston February, 1779. Henry Osborne May, 1779. George Campbell August, 1779. Jacob Bankson August, 1779. Jared Ingersoll November, 1779. William Bradford, Jr November, 1779. Moses Levy November, 1780. Nicholas Vandyke February, 1791. John Coxe February. 1791. William Moore Smith August, 1781. John Lawrence August, 1781. Nathaniel Potts November, 1781. Joseph Reed February, 1782. John F. Mifflin May, 1782. Daniel Clymer August, 1782. John Vining August. 1782. John Wilkes Kitter May, 1783. Henry Hale Graham .November, 1783. William Rawle November, 1783. Samuel Sitgrave Feb. 24, 1784. William Ewing '. November, 1784. Peter Zachary Lloyd May, 1785. Jacob R. Howell May, 1785. THE COURT, BENCH, AND BAR OF DELAWARE COUNTY. 247 Admitted. ThomaB Ross May, 1785. Joseph B. McKean August, 1785. John Todd November, 1785. Robert Hodson May, 1786. Charles Smith May, 1786. John Young May, 1786. Benjamin Chew, Jr August, 1786. B. R. Morgan, Jr August, 1786. Richard Wharton August, 1786. Thomas Memminger August, 1786. James Hanna Aug. 13, 1786. David Smith February, 1787. James Wade February, 1787. John Joseph Henry February, 1787. William Richardson Atlee February, 1787. William Montgomery August, 1787. Sampson Levy August, 1787. James Hopkins August, 1787. Samuel Roberts August, 1787. Samuel Bayard November, 1787. Matthias Baldwin November, 1787. James A. Bayard November, 1787. Thomas Armstrong February, 1788. Peter S. Duponceau May, 1788. Jasper Yeates August, 1788. Peter Hoofnagle August, 1788. Joseph Hubley August, 1788. William Graham November, 1788. John Hallowell February, 1789. Joseph Thomas May, 1789. Robert Porter May, 1789. Charles Healty May, 1789. Anthony Morris May, 1789. John Craig Wells August, 1789. John Cadwallader August, 1789. John Moore August, 1789. As heretofore stated, when the county of Delaware was erected, as a matter of course, there was no attor ney of record. The difficulty was met by William Tilghman, who addressed the court, and finally in his own behalf moved his admission to the bar of Dela ware County, which motion received the approval of the bench. The record, therefore, shows : Admitted. William Tilghman Nov. 9, 1789. William L. Blair (on Tilghman's motion) " 1789. Joseph Thomas " 1789. Thomas Ross " 1789. William Graham " 1789. William Graham, the only son of Judge Graham, was born in Chester in 1767, and, studying law, was admitted to the bar at the date given. During the Whiskey Insurrection in Western Pennsylvania, in 1794, at which time he was chief burgess of Chester, he commanded a troop of cavalry from Delaware County, and while in that command the exposure brought on a disease of the throat, which affected his voice at times so that he could not speak above a whisper. This vocal difficulty became permanent a few years afterwards, owing to the fact that in com pany with several gentlemen, he went gunning to Chester Island, and became separated from his com panions. When darkness came he could not be found, and his friends returned to Chester, determining at early dawn to resume their search for him. All that night he remained on the bar, and as he was short in stature, the tide rose until his head and shoulders were alone out of the water. When rescued next morning his voice was entirely gone, and he never again recovered it so as to be able to speak in public, and even in conversation he was often almost in audible. He, died Dec. 19, 1821. Admitted. Benjamin Morgan .Nov. 9, 1789. Anthony Morris —1789. John Todd —1789. Alexander Wilcox Feb. 9, 1790. William Bradford, Jr Feb. 9, 1790. Jacob Bankson Feb. 9, 1790. Elisha Price , Feb. 9, 1790. Robert Porter Feb. 9,1790. Thomas B. Dick Feb. 9,1790. Thomas B. Dick was born near Marcus Hook, March 12, 1766, read law with Thomas Ross, Esq., and admitted to the bar of Delaware County at the date mentioned. In 1794 he removed to Eastern Pennsyl vania, but returned to Chester in 1798, where he ac quired a large practice, owing to his reputation as an able advocate. He was commissioned prothonotary, recorder, register, and clerk of the courts of Delaware County, Feb. 22, 1806, retaining that office until Jan. 2, 1809. On April 21, 1811, he was gunning in a row-boat on the Delaware, and a severe snow-storm coming on, he was drowned. How the accident oc curred is not known, he being alone at the time. His body was not recovered until eight days thereafter. Admitted. Moses Levy Feb. 9, 1790. William Rawle Feb. 9, 1790. Benjamin Morgan Feb. 9, 1790. Anthony Morris Feb. 9, 1790. Sampson Levy May 11, 1790. Matthias Baldwin May 11, 1790. Jonathan D. Sergeant Nov. 9,1790. George Campbell Nov. 9, 1790. John Thompson Nov. 9, 1790. Nicholas Diehl May 10, 1791. Robert H. Dunkin May 10, 1791. John C. Willis May 10, 1791. Isaac Telfall Aug. 10,1791. Seth Chapman Nov. 7, 1791. Thomas Armstrong Dec. 2,1791. Robert Frazer July 30, 1792. Robert Frazer was, we are told by Dr. Smith, a resident of the upper part of the county, and he it was who drew the petition to the Legislature in 1820 for the removal of the county-seat from Chester to a more central location. Martin relates the following anecdote of Mr. Frazer : " A client, a well-known close-fisted old miller, called on him one day for some advice in reference to a difficulty about his mill- dam and water-power privileges. He found Mr. Frazer in his office, legs in comfortable position higher than his head, taking his ease and smoking. The miller, taking a seat, proceeded to relate his grievance at length, and then asked what he should do. Frazer, still leaning back and puffing his cigar, paid no attention to the question. At last the im patient client burst out with ' D n it, Mr. Frazer ! Did you hear what I said ?' With a humorous twinkle of his eye, Frazer replied: 'Oh, yes; but do you expect a mill to run without water?' " ' r Admitted. John Ross July 31, 1792. Thomas W. Tallman Jan. 29,1793. John D. Cox April 30, 1793. Joseph Hemphill October, 1793. John Horn8 Jan. 29, 1795. Caleb Pierce8 Jan. 2», ™J>- William Sergeant April 27, 1795. James Hunter October 1795. David Moore Jan. 23, 1796. William Martin April, 179b. i History of Chester, p. 475. 8 Admission moved by Samuel Price, Esq., whose admission I do not find on record. 248 HISTORY OF DELAWARE COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA. A sketch of Dr. Martin appears in the chapter on physicians of Delaware County, for iu that calling — he was a member of both professions — he was most prominent. Admitted. William Richardson Atlee July 26, 1796. Michael Kepple July 26, 1796. Alex. Jamea Dallas Nov. 1, 1796. Bird Wilson April 7, 1797. William Ewing Oct. 30, 1797. Wash. Lee Hannum April, 1798. Joseph Reed May 2, 1798. Jonathan T. Haight Jan. 28, 1799. Charles Chauncey Jan. 28,1799. John Sergeant Julv 30, 1799. John Taylor April, 1800. William Hemphill July, 1800. Nicholas G. Williamson January, 1801. Jona. W Condeyi April, 1801. Rich. Peters, Jri April, 1801. Richard Rushi April, 1801. John Ewing, Jr July 29, 1801. William Robinson, Jr Jan. 25, 1802. Isaac Darlington Jan. 25, 1802. Thomas Bradford .July 29, 18U3. JameB Day Barnard April 30, 1804. Peter Arrell Brown May 3, 1804. Charles Fisher Frazer Oct. 30, 1804. Charles Kisselman !...0ct. 30, 1804. Richard Bache, Jr May 3, 1805. Samuel Edwards April 30, 1806. Samuel Edwards was born in Chester township March 12, 1785. He was a descendant of William Edwards, who, coming from Wales early in 1682, settled in Middletown. He read law with William Graham, and was admitted to the bar April 30, 1806. He was at that time a Federalist, and as such, with his party, was opposed to the second war with Great Britain. Hence we find him acting as chairman of the meeting of the young men of that political faith held in the court-house at Chester Aug. 22, 1812. But the war actually begun, he threw aside all fealty to party, and when Admiral Cockburn was threaten ing the borders of Pennsylvania and had applied the torch to all the property he could not steal at. the head of the Chesapeake, Samuel Edwards was one of the first to advocate arming the militia and marching against the invaders. In April, 1813, he and Thomas D. Anderson made application to the State for mus kets to arm the Chester company of infantry, giving their personal bonds to the commonwealth for the arms, and that body marched to Elkton to resist the British forces at that place. In the fall of the year 1814 he was in active service as .a private in the Mifflin Guards, commanded by Capt. Samuel Ander son. This organization was a company of the First Regiment, Pennsylvania Volunteers, under Col. Clem ent C. Biddle. Mr. Edwards acted as secretary of the company, and the orderly book, the greater part in his writing, is like copper-plate in beauty of chi- rography. While in the military service he was elected a member of the Legislature, and during the session of 1814-15 he represented Delaware County in that body, and was re-elected to the session of 1815-16. In 1819, Mr. Edwards, then a Democrat, was elected to the Sixteenth, and again in 1825 to the Nineteenth Congress, serving therein as a col league of James Buchanan, towards whom he was 1 Admission moved by Thomas B. Adams, Esq., whoBe admission I do not find on record. during the remainder of his life a warm personal friend. Although Mr. Edwards served no other term in Congress, yet during Jackson's and Van Buren's administration, it was charged throughout the coun try that five persons — Samuel Edwards, George G. and Samuel M. Leiper, Levi Reynolds, and James Buchanan — were the powers behind the throne. In 1824, Mr. Edwards was one of the committee ap pointed by Delaware County to receive Gen. Lafay ette. In 1832 he was chief burgess of Chester, and from 1838 to 1842 was inspector of customs at that port. For many years he was a leader of the bar, and he and Benjamin Tilghman were counsel for John H. Craig, convicted of the murder of Squire Hunter, in 1818. Never was a case better tried on the part of the defense than this was. For many years he was a director of the Delaware County Bank and Delaware Mutual Insurance Company. He was also counsel for the Philadelphia, Wilmington and Baltimore Railroad. Mr. Edwards died at Chester Nov. 25, 1850, aged sixty-five years. A meeting of the bar was held on the 26th, at which Judge Chapman presided, and J. R. Morris acted as secretary. Associate Judge Leiper announced the death of Mr. Edwards, and an address Was made by Judge Thomas S., Bell, then on the Supreme bench, who came to Chester that he might take part in the memorial services of his de ceased friend. Speeches were also made by Hon. Edward Darlington and Hon. Joseph J. Lewis. Admitted. Joseph Barnes Oct. 23, 1806. Benjamin Shober , Jan. 21,1807. John Edwards, Jr. Oct. 19, 1807. He was the great-grandson of William Edwards, the Welsh settler at Middletown, aud was born July 15, 1786, at the Black Horse Tavern, in that township, his father, Nathan Edwards, being then the landlord and owner of the inn. John Edwards studied law, and was admitted to the bar of Delaware County at the date stated. In 1811 he was deputy attorney- general for Delaware County, and in 1824 was one of the counsel for the defense in the trial of Wellington for murder of Bonsall. After that date he seems to have devoted his attention to the iron business at the rolling-mills, near Glen Mills, which he owned, and to politics, a pursuit in which he was unusually suc cessful. In the fall of 1838 he was elected a member of Congress from the Fourth District, then compris ing the counties of Delaware, Chester, and Lancaster, serving in the Twenty-fifth and Twenty-sixth Con gresses, for he was re-elected a second term. He died in October, 1845, aged fifty-nine years, and was buried at Middletown meeting-house. Admitted. Bayse Newcomb, Jr Oct. 19, 1807. William H. Todd April 17, 1809. Thomas R.Ross April 17, 1809. Ziba Pyle July 17, 1809. Samuel H. Jacobs Jan. 21,1*11. Jonathan Dunker July 24, 1811. Edward Ingersoll Jan. 2 ', 1812. Randall Hutchinson Jan. 20, 1812. Thomas D. Anderson Jan. 23, 1812. THE COURT, BENCH, AND BAR OF DELAWARE COUNTY. 249 . Thomas Dixon Anderson, the only son of Maj. William Anderson, was born in Virginia, in 1790, just previous to the removal of his father to Chester. He was admitted to the bar at the above date. When the British fleet under Admiral Cockburn had taken Frenchtown, in April, 1813, and destroyed it, the alarm was extreme in Southern Pennsylvania and Delaware. Mr. Anderson and Samuel Edwards, Esq., made immediate application to the State authorities for arms to equip an infantry company at Chester, and sixty muskets and equipments were forwarded to that place in compliance with this demand. In the official rolls of the militia called into service in the fall of the year 1814, I do not find Thomas D. Anderson's name. Perhaps he had removed to Ten nessee, of which State he was attorney-general. He was subsequently appointed United States consul at Tunis and Tripoli, where he continued a number of years. As he advanced in life his eyesight became so much impaired that he retired from public life and returned to Chester, residing, in the old Anderson house at Fifth ahd Welsh Streets,' where he died. Admitted. Clymer Robb April 13, 1812. Charles Harland April 13,1812. James Madison Porter..... July 26, 1813. Michael W. Ash July 26, 1813. Charles J. Cox..... July 26, 1813. Charles Catlin Jan. 17, 1814. William Bowen April 12, 1814. William A. Dillingham April 12, 1814. Thomas F. Peasants April 12, 1814. James Henderson...^.. July 28, 1814. Jonathan Hampden..... : July 28,1814. John Kerlin July 28,1814. John Kerlin was prominent in politics and business in the county. He was the fourth president of the Bank of Delaware County. In 1824 he served four years in the State Senate from the Sixth District, then including Chester County, and in 1828 was re-elected to the same office for a like period. He died in Phil adelphia, May 21, 1847, aged fifty-four years. Admitted. Robert H. Smith Jan. 16, 1815. Benjamin Cbew April 10, 1815. Isaac D.Barnard Jan. 16,1816. Isaac D. Barnard was born in Aston township, March 22, 1791. When thirteen years old he was placed as a clerk in the prothonotary's office at Ches ter, then held by Thomas B. Dick, and subsequently for two years was in the prothonotary's office at Phil adelphia. In 1811 he began reading law with William Graham, and was admitted to the Delaware County bar at the date given, and on May 17th of the same year was admitted to the bar of Chester County. During the war with England he was commissioned captain of the Fourteenth United States Infantry, and took part in the battle at Fort George, where his signal bravery and ability earned for him promotion to the rank of major. He served faithfully in the campaign of the Northeastern border, and at the battle of Plattsburg, owing to the death and disability of his superior officers, the command of the corps de volved on him. He also so distinguished himself at the battle of Lyon's Creek that he was honorably mentioned in the official reports of the generals com manding. At the close of the war the governmenl desired Barnard to remain in the army permanently but he declined, and located in West Chester, when he soon attained a large practice, and a year after his admission was appointed deputy attorney-general foi Chester County. In 1820 he was elected from th( district comprising Chester and Delaware Counties State senator, and in 1824 he was tendered the presi dent judgeship of Lancaster and Dauphin Counties which he declined. In 1826 he was appointed bj Governor Shulze, Secretary of the Commonwealth and the same year was elected by the Legislature sen- ator of the United States, a position he acceptablj filled until 1831, when he resigned on account of fail ing health. He died Feb. 18, 1834. Admitted. Archibald T. Dick Jan. 16, 1816. He was born Dec. 21, 1794, in all probability a1 Eaton, at which place his father, Thomas B. Dick then resided. He studied law at Chester, and was called to the bar at the date stated. During the fall of 1814 he was one of the emergency men at Fort Di" Pont. He had considerable practice for those days was an active politician, and in 1834 was the Demo cratic candidate for Congress. He died Aug. 13 1837. Admitted. Samuel I. Withy April 8, 1816. Matthias Richards Sayres July 22, 1816. Henry C. Byrne Aug. 26, 1816. Edward D. Cox Oct. 22, 1816. Thomas Kittera Jan. 20, 1817. Henry G. Freeman Jan. 20, 1817. Matthew Morris April 14, 1817. John Kentzing Kane April 14, 1817. JameB C. Biddle April 14, 1817. Samuel Rush Oct. 19, 1818. Charles Sidney Cox Oct. 19, 1818. John J. Richards Jan. 19, 1819. Joseph P. Norl.urry July 16,1819. Nathan R. Potts July 16, 1819. David Paul Brown July 16, 1819. William Miluor, Jr July 16, 1819. John Duer Aug. 18, 1819. Arthur Middleton Aug. 18, 1819. Richard C. Wood Aug. 18, 1819. Robert R. Beale Oct. 17,1820. William Williamson Jan. 17, 1821. Edward Darlington April 9, 1821. William Martin July 27,1821. Townsend Haines Jan. 21, 1822. Aquilla A. Brown Jan. 21, 1822. John P. Owens April 8, 1822. John M. Reed June 19,1822. William S. Haines July 22, 1822. Thomas S. Bell April 14, 1823. Thomas F. Gordon April 14, 1823. Bond Valentine April 14, .1823. Edward Richards July 23, 1823. Thomas A. Budd July 28, 1823. Abraham Marshall, Jr July 28, 1823. Thomas Dunlap Oct. 23, 1823. Francis E. Brewster Oct. 28,1823. Nathaniel Vernon April 13, 1824. William Kimber April 11, 1825. John P. Griffiths April 13, 1825. Mordecai Taylor July 27,1825. Daniel Buckwalter Jan. 26, 1826. John S. Newbold Jan. 26, 1826. WiUiam Darlington July 24, 1826. Samuel Chew July 24, 1826. Henry H. Van Amringe July 24, 1826. William T. Smith July 24, 1826. Lewis G. Pierce - Oct. 16, 18-^6. John Cadwalader Jan. 16, 1827. Joseph J. Lewis April 9, 1827. Joseph S. Cohen April 9, 1827. John K. Zeilin Aug. 10, 1827. 250 HISTORY OF DELAWARE COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA. John K. Zeilin was born in Philadelphia in 1803. On attaining his majority he came to Chester and was appointed Oct. 25, 1824, deputy prothonotary and clerk of the courts under Henry Myers. While so employed he read law with Hon. Edward Darlington, and was admitted to practice at the time stated. A pleasing, ready speaker, he was prominent in politi cal and military movements of the day. In 1830, Attorney-General Douglass appointed him deputy attorney-general for Delaware County, and he prose cuted for the State until Dec. 20, 1832, when he was commissioned by Governor Wolf prothonotary, etc., for the county, retaining the office until Aug. 20, 1834, when John Hinkson superseded him. Under John Richards he was appointed deputy register of wills. In 1837-38 he was a member of the Legislature, and was re-elected to the session of 1839. In 1842, Judge Randall, of the United States District Court, ap pointed Mr. Zeilin commissioner of bankruptcy in Delaware County. At the Whig Convention, Sept. 18, 1846, he received the nomination to Congress, it being understood that the term was to be conceded to Delaware County. The convention in Montgomery County had named John Freedley, and the confreres from the two counties had twice met without adjust ing the ticket, each county demanding the represen tative. In the mean while the Democrats had nomi nated Samuel M. Leiper, whose popularity was such that it was generally believed he would defeat Zeilin at the polls. This impression was so strong that at length Zeilin was induced to withdraw, yielding the nomination to Freedley, who was elected. Col. Zeilin was active in all military affairs in the county during his residence therein. On May 15, 1833, he was elected captain of the Pennsylvania Artillery, and colonel of the Forty-seventh Regiment on Aug. 3, 1835, a position he held until 1849. During the riots in Philadelphia in 1844 he had charge of the Dela ware County militia companies on duty in that city, and at the outbreak of the Mexican war tendered the Delaware County military companies to the President, but the quota of Pennsylvania was full, hence the offer was not accepted. In 1852 he removed to Phila delphia, where he died Aug. 6, 1876, in his seventy- third year. Admitted. Owen Stoever Oct. 15, 1816. Davis H. Hoopes Oct. 16, 1816. Frederick A. Reybold Jan. 22,1828. John Wayne Ashraead April 14,1828. John H. Bradley Oct. 20, 1828. William C. Brown Oct. 20, 1828. David J. DeBmond Jan. 22, 1859. James A. Dunath April 15, 1829. Levi Hollingsworth April 15, 1829. Robert E. Hannum July 27, 1829. P. Frazer Smith Nov. 23,1829. John C. Daniel Jan. 18,1830. Peter Hill Engle April 13,1830. Peter Hill Engle was a son of Judge Joseph Engle. In 1836 he removed to Wisconsin Territory, where he filled several offices of distinction, being at one time Secretary of State. He afterwards returned to his native county, and resumed practice. He died Feb. 17, 1844. Admitted. Andrew T. Smith April 14, 1830. John C. Nippes March 2, 1831. George L. Ashmead April 11, 1831. CharleBC Rawn : April 11,1831. John Rutter Nov. 28,1831. Thomas W. Morris Nov. 30, 1831. Robert B. Dodson Nov. 30, 1831. Thomas R. Newbold Aug. 27, 1832. John Swift April 22,1833. David H. Mnlvany Feb. 25, 1834. Joseph Hemphill, Jr May 30, 1834. Horatio Hubbell Aug. 23, 1835. Samuel F. Reed Nov. 24, 1S35. Daniel McLaughlin Aug. 22,1836. Joseph Williams Aug. 27, 1836. Horatio G. Worrall Feb. 27, 1837. William M. Tilghman Feb. 28, 1837. James Hanna May 22, 1837. William H. Keating Aug. 28, 1837. William M. Meredith Aug. 28, 1837. Henry J. Williams Aug. 28, 1837. John Freedley Aug. 30,1837. Thomas M. Jolly Aug. 30, 1837. Johu B. Sterigere June 4, 1838. William E. Whitman June 7, 1838. John D. Pierce Nov. 27, 1838. Saunder Lewis Nov. 27, 1838. Frederick E. Hayes May 25, 1840, Elihu D. Farr May 26, 1840. John M. Broomall Aug. 24, 1840. Uriah V. Pennypacker Aug. 26, 1840. Christopher Fallon Nov. 24,1840. B. Franklin Pyle Aug. 23, 1841. Charles B. Heacock Aug. 24, 1841. Isaac S. Serrill Aug. 26, 1841. Addison May Aug. 26, 1841. Garrick Mallory Nov. 25,1841. Paul Beck Carter May 23.1842. William D. Kelley May 23, 1842. James Mason Aug. 23, 1842. Lewis Allain Soott Nov. 30, 1842. Mortimer R. Talbot Nov. 30, 1842. William P. Foulke May 22, 1843. John M. Siromes May 22,1843. Benjamin C. Tilghman May 21, 1843. Henry Chester May 27, 1843. William R. Dickerson Aug. 28, 1843. Matthew A. Sanley Nov. 27, 1843. John Smith Futhey Nov. 27, 1843. Edward Hopper Nov. 30, 1843. Samuel Hood March 1, 1844. Thomas H. Speakman Aug. 26, 1844. Jesse M. Griffith Nov. 5,1845. Ashbel Green Feb. 24, 1845. Constant Guillou Feb. 24, 1845. Robert Frazer Feb. 24,1845. William Wheeler Hubbell May 6, 1845. R. Rundel Smith Aug. 25, 1845. James B. Everhart Aug. 25, 1845. Joseph P. Wilson Nov. 24, 1845. Samuel B. Thomas Feb. 26, 1846. Samuel Baldwin Thomas was born in Chester County, and was admitted to that-'. 1879- Garrett Pendleton July ". 1879- W. Ross Brown J")y 7, 1S|9. Edward H. Weil Sept. 22,1879. Abraham Wanger Nov. 3, 1879. N H. Strong Dec. 3,1879. Joseph M. Pile Dec. J, 1879. H. F. Fairlamb J«ne ]6. ,88l> James S. Cummins Sept Jesse M. Baker Sept. William A. Porter Sept. Henry J. McCarthy Sept. Ellwood Wilson, Jr Sept. Edward W. Magill Sept. Johu B. Booth li60- Samuel S Cornog Dec. Benjamin N. Lehman ^ Dec. David W Sellers Dec John B. Robinson Uarc?,I'}»o William Herbert »'* } J881 R. Gordon Bromley March^', Garrett E. Smedley Sept. George Caldwell Johnson Dec. Edward S. Campbell Dec. Henry L. Broomall JeD- Harwell A. Cloud Feb- Isaac Chiem -J,eb 20, 1880. 22, 1880. 26, 1880. 2, 1880. 27, 1880. 27, 1SS0. 6, 1880. 6, 1880. 6, 1880. 21, 1880. 22, 1881. 5. 1881. 2(1, 1881. 6, 1882. 6, 1882. 16, 1882. Joseph L Caven March 4,1882. Alfred Frank Curtis JTBn0 =' J88^ John W. Shortlidge Nov. 6, 1882. Wilmer W. Lamborn Dec. 19. 18SZ. Joseph T. Bunting April 2, 1883. William B. Thomas SeP'- 24, 1883. Isaac Johnson Dec. 17, 1883. William A. Manderson Marcl. 1J,1S84. Edmund Randall April 7, 1884. Damon Y. Kilgore.: April 7, 1884. Mrs. Carrie, Burnharn Kilgore JunB Samuel Lyons June and Hon. John M. Broomall was elected the first president and Charles D. Manley secretary. The association was incorporated by the court May 30, 1872. 2, 1884. 9, 1884. Criers.— As far as I have ascertained the follow ing persons have been appointed criers of the court: Aug. 28, 1843, William Thompson; May 24, 1852, William Beeby ; Nov. 22, 1858, Samuel Otty. On Dec. 4, 1871, the Law Library Association of the members of the Delaware County bar was formed, CHAPTER XXVL PHYSICIANS AND MEDICAL SOCIETIES. It is very likely that the Swedish home authorities in preparing for the colonization of the Delaware, fully aware of the necessity which might arise for the services of a physician, took the precaution to include among the earliest settlers some person skilled in the art of medicine as then practiced, and capable of per forming ordinary surgical operations. Of this, how ever, no positive evidence has thus far been discov ered. Governor Printz, in his expedition, which reached its destination Feb. 16, 1643, was accom panied by a surgeon (then called a barber), but his tory has failed, as far as known, to record the name of the first disciple of Esculapius who thus located on our shores. The report of Governor Printz for 1647 t informs us that " the reason so many people died in the year 1643 was that in the commencement of the settlements they had hard work and but little to eat." Previous to this, in 1641-42, sickness prevailed on the Delaware to such an extent that it scattered the Eng lish colony at Salem, and it is alleged that the Swedes. also suffered severely from it. In 1647 the influenza visited the colony as a scourge, and it is recorded that "such as bled or used cooling drinks died, such as used cordials or more strengthening things recov ered for the most part." The summer and fall of 1658 the Delaware River settlements were visited by severe illness. We are told by Alrichs,2 in a letter dated June 26th of that year, that " sickness and hot fevers (are) prevailing here have kept us back badly and made many pining." On August 9th he writes, " A. general fever-like disease has raged here again for some time and it is prevailing much among the inhabitants. The Lord pleased to take us into his merciful protec tion and relieve many weak people from it." Octo ber 7th, he states, " A burning and violent fever rages badly . . . but few old ones have died, but rather many young children who could not endure it." Alrich also wrote respecting this epidemic, " our situation, which is certainly very disheartening by an ardent prevailing fever and other diseases, by which the large majority of the inhabitants are oppressed and broken down ; besides that our barber (surgeon) died, aud another, well acquainted with his profession, is sick." 3 1 Penna. Mag. of Hist., vol. vii. p. 262. 2 Penna. Archives, 2d series, vol. vii. p. 539. 3 Note to "Contribution to Medical History," by Dr. Casper Morris^ ' Pennsylvania Historical Spciety Memoir," .vol.i. 254 HISTORY OF DELAWARE COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA. We know that Dr. Timon Stiddem accompanied the expedition which brought Governor Rising to our shore, landing at Fort Casimir, May 21, 1654,1 and that he took the oath of allegiance to Peter Stuyve sant in September, 1655, after the Dutch conquest of the colony. Certain it is that Dr. Stiddem resided for some time at Upland, for on the trial of Evert Hendrixson '' for an outrageous assault on Joran Kyn, he was one of the most important witnesses for the prosecution, stating in his testimony that the Finn, at different times, and without cause, came before his (the doctor's) door, where he made a great noise and trouble with his axe; that on one occasion, when he was going in his canoe to bleed Jacob Swenson, Evert stoned him on leaving Upland Kill (Chester Creek), so that he was in fear of having his boat sunk or being himself wounded ; that he finally got out of the creek, but he was drenched by the splashing of the stones in the water, and finally " he was compelled to leave Upland's kil" because of this ruffian. On Dec. 18, 1663, he was appointed by Dr. Jacop, who, it appears, held the appointment of the Dutch Company on the Delaware, as his successor; but D'Hinolossa objected to Dr. Stiddem, whom he re garded as Beekman's friend,3 as previous to that date he had been appointed surgeon for the colony under Beekman's jurisdiction. The doctor settled at Wil mington, and Governor Lovelace, May 23, 1671, pat ented to him a tract of land on which a great part of that city was subsequently built. He died previous to April 24, 1686, for his will was admitted to probate on that date. Professor Keen* states that one of the descendants of the doctor now has the metal case, with his name and title engraved upon it, in which he car ried his surgical instruments when visiting patients in the Swedish colony. The next physician in point of time is mentioned by name in a letter from Alricks, May 25, 1657,5 in which he states that Mr. Jan Oosting, the surgeon, has given a memorandum of necessary medicines, and •the following year, Oct. 10, 1658, he writes,6 " William Van Rosenberg, who came over as surgeon, put forth 1 It may be questioned whether the date given as of Dr. Stiddem's arrival is not erroneous. In the deposition of John Thickpenny (New Haven Colonial Record, vol. i. p. 106) it is stated that while George Lamherton and the English settlers, who had been expelled from New Jersey by Governor Printz in 1643, were at Tinicum, Printz's wife and Timothy, the barber (surgeon), strove to get John Woollen drunk by furnishing him a quantity of wine and strong beer, with tho intention, while be was intoxicated, of making him say that George Lamberton " had hired the Indians to cut off the Swedes." If the doctor who came with Printz was " Timothy" Stiddem, then he was in New Sweden ten years before the date given in the text, which is the time mentioned by Professor Keen as the probable date of the doctor's arrival on the Dela ware. (" Descendants of Joran Kyn," Penna, Mag. of Hist., vol. iii. p. 337.) 2 " Documents relating to the History of the Dutch and Swedish Settle ments on Delaware River," vol. xii. p. 424. 8 Penna. Archives, 2d serieB, vol. vii. p. 697. 4 " Descendants of Joran Kyn," by Professor G. B. Keen, Penna. Mag, of Hist., vol. iii. p. 339 (note). 5 "Documentary History of New York," Penna. Archives, 2d series, vol. v. p. 288. 6 Penna. Archives, 2d series, vol. v. p. 305. sundry claims against the people whom he attended on the passage in as much as his wages did not run at the time on the voyage, and he used his own pro visions. There were on board the ship considerable sickness, accidents, and hardships, in consequence of a tedious voyage. One hundred souls required at least a hogshead or two of French wine and one of brandy, and a tub of prunes had also to be furnished for refreshments and comfort to the sick of scurvy and suffering from other troubles through the protracted voyage; for from want thereof the people became so low that death followed, which is a pretty serious matter. Here, on shore, I see clearly that the poor, weak, sick and indigent sometimes have need neces sarily of this and that to support them one cannot easily or well refuse, though it be sometimes but a spoonful ; frequently repeated it amounts to more than is supposed." Dr. Van Rosenberg, it is believed, was to supersede Dr. Oosting, for Alrichs states that "the barber (surgeon) also speaks of a house which Master Jan occupied being too small for him ; he hath a wife, servant and child or children also." Westcott7 states that the doctor who died in the year 1658, as before mentioned, was Dr. Oosting, and the one who was sick was Dr. Van Rosenberg ; certain it is the latter was living in 1662. Quite early in our annals statutory provision was made respecting the professions, for in the Duke of York's Book of Laws it was declared, so far as this colony was concerned, in 1676, — " That no Person or Persons whatsoever Employed about the Bed of Men, women or Children, at any time for preservation of Life or health as Chirnrgions, Medicines, Physicians or others, presumo to Exercise or put forth any Arte Contrary to the known approved Rules of Art in such mistery or Occupation, or Exercise any force, violence or Cruelty upon, or to the Bodice of any whether Young or old ; without the advice aud Counsell of the such as are skillfull in the same Art (if such may be had) or at least of some of the wisest and gravest then present and Con sent of the patient or patients, if they be Mentis Compotes; much less Contrary to such Advice and Consent upon such severe punishment as the nature Of the fault may deserve, which Law nevertheless, iB not intended to discourage any from all Lawful use of their skill but rather to encourage and direct them in the right use thereof, and to inhabit and restrain the presumptious arogancy of such as through Confidence of their own skill, or any sinister Respect dare bouldly attempt to Exer cise any violence upon or toward the body of young or old, one or other, to the prejudice or hazard of the Life or Limb of man, woman or child." s In 1678/9 Dr. Thomas Spry was a witness in a case tried at Upland on March 12th of that year. In the Journal of Sluyters and Dankers,9 who visited Tinicum in 1679, it is stated that they met at that island Otto Earuest Cock, a Swede, whom they speak of as "late medicus," indicating that he had been, but was not then, a practicing physician. Before that date, however, we find that at the court held at Upland, Aug. 24, 1672, a petition was pre sented from certain residents of Amasland, which clearly indicates that the midwife who gave to that ' History of Philadelphia, chap. Iii. (Sunday Dispatch). 8 Duke of York's Book of Laws, p. 20. 9 Journal of Voyage to New York in 1679-80 ; Memoirs of the Long Island Historical Society, vol. i. p. 177. PHYSICIANS AND MEDICAL SOCIETIES. 255 place the name it still has was located in Ridley pre vious to that year.1 Hence from the number of phy sicians, or " practioners of physick," already shown to be present in the colony previous to the year 1698, the remark of Gabriel Thomas was hardly true even at that time, that " of lawyers and physicians I shall say nothing, because this country is very peaceable and healthy. Long may it so continue, and never have occasion for the tongue of one nor the pen of the other, both equally destructive to men's estate and lives, besides, forsooth, they hang-men like have a license to murder and make mischief." Dr. John Goodsonn was a physician in Chester in 1681.2 He was termed " Chirurgeon to the Society of Free Traders," came from London, and settled in Upland for a short time previous to the first visit of William Penn. He subsequently removed to Phila delphia. Dr. Smith states he " was probably the first practicing physician in Pennsylvania." 3 In this re mark, however, the author quoted is incorrect. In 1694, Dr. Goodsonn was appointed Deputy Governor under William Markham, his commission being signed by William Penn. He resided in Philadel phia in 1690, for his letter to William Penn is dated from that city, 20th of Sixth month of that year.* Prior to 1700, Joseph Richards is mentioned as a physician at Chester, where he owned real estate.5 The records of the physicians who practiced in this county during the last century can only be gathered from old letters or accounts filed in estate in the Orphans' Court, where sometimes the physician's name is given among the claims paid. Isaac Taylor, who had been formerly sheriff of Bucks County in 1693, and was a noted surveyor in primitive days, "at the time of his death was a resi dent of Tinicum Island, practising the art of surgery." The statement of Professor Keen, just quoted, is di rectly opposed by that of Gilbert Cope,6 who tells us Dr. Taylor died in Thornbury in 1728. Dr. Isaac Taylor's son John we know was a surveyor and phy sician, as his father had been, but in 1740 he embarked in the iron business, erected the noted Sarum Forge, at the present Glen Mills, on Chester Creek. We learn from a petition on file in West Chester that in November, 1736, Alexander Gandonett was located in Chester, and he describes himself as a "Practioner in Physyck." He asked the court to grant him a license for the sale of liquor. He states : "Your Petitioner, by way of his Practice, is Obliged to Distill several sorts of Cordiall writers and it being often Requested by several of the 1 " Amasland was first called Amma's land. A midwife formerly lived at the place where Archer's farm now is, hence that place, and subse quently the whole tract around it, received the name of Amman's Land, now Amas Land." — Acrelius' History of New Sweden, p. 204 ; Record of Upland Court, p. 65. 2 Colonial Records, vol. i. p. 429. 8 Smith's " History of Delaware County," p. 465. * Penna. Mag. of Hist., vol. iv. p. 192. ' Martin's " History of Chester," p. 495. 6 History of Chester County, p. 738. inhabitants of this County to sell the same by Bmall measure your Peti tioner Conceiving that the same be of absolute necessity by way of his Practice yet that it may be Considered to be within the Act of Assem bly for selling liquor by small prays your honours for the premises." His application was recommended by Joseph Par ker (the clerk of the court), John Salkeld, Thomas Cummings, Joseph Hoskins, John Wharton, and thirteen others, most of whom resided in Chester, or close in the vicinity of the borough, and were all prominent citizens. The court, however, did not im mediately take action on the petition, for it is in dorsed, "Referred to further Consideration." After this we learn nothing further of the fate of his " Cor diall waters." The doctor we know was in practice in Chester in January, 1747, for at that time he asked payment from the province for medicine and attend ance on the sick soldiers of Capt. Shannon's company quartered there. John Paschall, who is said to have been born in Darby, about 1706, was never regularly educated for the profession, but he acquired considerable medical and chemical knowledge, which made him conspic uous in his day. He practiced medicine in the county, residing at Darby, and prepared a nostrum called "The Golden Elixer," which was widely advertised as "Paschall's Golden Drops." He died at Darby in 1779, aged about seventy-three years. Dr. Jonathan Morris was born in Marple, May 17, 1729. He studied under Dr. Bard, of Philadelphia, and after he had graduated located in Marple, where he practiced until near the close of his life, which was extended until within one month of his ninetieth year. In St. Paul's churchyard, in the city of Chester, is a slab of marble lying lengthwise, which bears this inscription : " Here lies PAUL JACKSON, A.M. He was the first who received a Degree In the College of Philadelphia. A mau of virtue, worth and knowledge. Died 1767, aged 36 yeaes." Paul Jackson, whose remains repose in the vault covered by this slab, was not only prominent as a physician, soldier, linguist, and chief burgess of Ches ter at a time when that office was one of great honor, but in his short life had become distinguished as one of the most accomplished scholars in the colony. He was of Scotch-Irish parentage, and became Professor of Languages in the College of Philadelphia (now the University of Pennsylvania). " His Latin composi tions, which were published, secured, for him a repu tation for correct taste and accurate scholarship." 7 His studious application impaired his health, and when Gen. Forbes led the expedition against Fort Du Quesne he was appointed, May 11, 1758, captain of the Third Battalion of the Pennsylvania Regiment (Gov ernor William Denny, colonel).8 His active life as a 7 Penna. Mag. of Hist., vol. ii. p. 59 (note). 8 Penna. ArchiveB, 2d series, vol. ii. p. 564. 256 HISTORY OP DELAWARE COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA. soldier restoring him to health, he concluded to study medicine. After he received his degree he came to Chester, where he married Jane, daughter of John Mather, and practiced his profession with marked success. He was, as stated before, chief burgess of Chester. His widow, in three years after his death, married Dr. David Jackson, a brother of her first husband. The latter, during the Revolutionary war, was surgeon-general of the Pennsylvania troops, ap pointed Sept. 30, 1780. He graduated at the first medical commencement of the University of Penn sylvania, June 21, 1768, and was recorded as of Chester County.1 The late Dr. Charles J. Morton2 wrote, at the request of the Delaware County Medical Society, an inter esting biographical notice of the centenarian physi cian, Bernhard Van Leer, which Dr. Smith has most admirably abridged for insertion in his " History of Delaware County." In the following account of the venerable physician I have largely used the exact words of Dr. Smith's sketch : Bernhard Van Leer, the son of John George Van Leer, was born near Isenberg, in the electorate of Hesse, in 1686, and emigrated to the province of Pennsylvania when eleven years of age. The family located in Marple, and Bernhard, or Bernhardus, as he was then called, remained a few years with his father, and then returned to Germany for the purpose of studying medicine in his native land. It is said that he was accompanied by a neighboring youth, John Worrell, who had the same object in view. Young Van Leer remained in Europe seven years, and not only studied medicine but also the classics and French. Sometime after his return to this coun try, and shortly after he commenced the -practice of his profession, he was married to Mary Branson, the daughter of a wealthy merchant of Philadelphia, who died many years before her husband, after having given birth to five children, two of whom, Branson and Benjamin, became physicians. Dr. Bernhard Van Leer married again, and by the latter marriage there were nine children, one of whom was Dr. Ber nard Van Leer, of Marple. The elder Dr. Van Leer was a man of great physical vigor. In his one hun dredth year he rode on horseback from Marple to his Chester County farm, a distance of thirty miles, in one day. In his one hundred and second year he was cruelly maltreated by burglars who entered his house because he refused to disclose his hidden treasure. He did not fully recover from his injuries then re ceived. He died on the 26th of January, 1790, aged one hundred and four years. His practice was chiefly conducted in his office. It is said that in the diagnosis of disease he relied very much upon the appearance of some of the secretions that were brought to him for inspection. His reme- 1 History of University of Pennsylvania; Memoirs of Penna. Hist. Soe, vol. iii. p. 197. , 2 The Medical Reporter, No. vii., April, 1856. dies for the most part were from the vegetable king dom, and generally of the mildest form. This system was certainly not adhered to by his son, Branson, who seems to have located in the bor ough of Chester, where he acted as the county physi cian, for the following bill shows that at least one of his patients had her full share of medication : Chester County to De. Beanson Van Leee, Dr. 1769. £ s. d. Jan. 25. Bleeding Ann Gregory 0 2 6 " 25. A vomit 0 0 6 " 26. Pleuritec drop 0 4 2 " 26. Six pectoral powders 0 3 0 " 26. A cordial julep 0 4 6 " 27. A cordial julep 0 4 6 " 27. Six pectoral powders 0 3 0 " 27. A pectoral linctus 0 3 0 " 27. Pleuritic drops 0 4 2 " 28. Six pectoral powders 0 3 0 " 28. Two blistering plasters 0 5 0 " 28. Plaister 0 16 " 29. Six pleuritic drops 0 3 0 " 29. A purging Bolus 0 1 6 " 29. A cordial julep 0 4 6 " 30. Purging ingredients 0 2 0 " 30. PlaiBter 0 16 " 30. Six pectoral powders 0 3 0 " 31. A cordial julep 0 4 6 Feb. 1. Six pectoral powders 0 3 0 " 1. Pleuritec drops 0 4 0 " 1. A pectoral linctus 0 3 0 " 1. A cordial julep 0 3 0 " 2. Six pictoral powders 0 3 0 '" 2. A cordial julep 0 4 6 " 4. A febrifuge julep 0 4 6 " 4. A pectoral linctus 0 3 0 " 4. Plaister 0 16 " 4. Purging bolus 0 16 " 4. A pectoral linctus 0 3 0 " 8. A pectoral linctus 0 3 0 " 8. A cordial julep 0 4 6 " 10. A pectoral linctus 0 3 0 £5 8 6 Of Dr. Richard Van Leer I have learned nothing other than that he was a physician, while of Dr. Ber nard Van Leer, he practiced in this county, living on the old homestead in Marple, where he died in Feb ruary, 1814. Dr. Benjamin Van Leer settled in New Castle County, Del., for in 1762, in the advertisement of the lottery for St. Paul's Church, Chester, it is stated that tickets can be had of him and several other gentlemen in that locality.3 John Worrall, the lad who accompanied Bernhard Van Leer to Europe, is said to have been a son of Peter Worrall, of Marple, and that he graduated in Germany as a physician, returned to Delaware County, and settled in Upper Providence. In 1724 he married Hannah Taylor, and died while still a young man. His son, Dr. Thomas Worrall, was born in Upper Providence in 1732, and married Lydia Vernon, an aunt of Maj. Frederick and Capt. Job Vernon, who rendered good service to the American arms in the Revolution, and a sister of Gideon Vernon, who was conspicuous during that strugglefor his loyalty to the English crown, and whose estates were confiscated by the authorities of Pennsylvania because of his warm espousal of the. British cause. Dr. Thomas Worrall in his practice made use largely of our native herbs, as did many of the physicians in 3 Pennsylvania Journal, Jan. 14, 1762. PHYSICIANS AND MEDICAL SOCIETIES. 257 those days. He died in 1818, aged eighty-six years. Hon. William Worrall, of Ridley, has one of the medical works he frequently consulted in his prac tice, and in his handwriting on the fly-leaf, in faded ink, can easily be read : " Thomas Worrall's doctor book, God give him grace to in it look." Some of the remedies in vogue in the time of the Revolution would not be accepted by the profession, and hardly meet the approval of the general public of this day. I copy from the manuscript receipt- book of Capt. Davis Bevan,1 used during July and the early part of August, 1779, when enlisting at Chester a crew for the privateer brigantine "Holker," of which vessel Bevan was captain of marines, the following remedy : " A eeceipt foe a Soee Mouth. — To a gill of vinegar add a spoonful of honey and ten or twelve sage leaves; set these on a few coals in a clean earthen cup and let it boil a little ; then burn the inner soal of an old shoe that has been lately worn, which when burnt to a coal, rub to a fine powder ; take out the Bage leaves and add a thimble full of the powder, with half as much allum powdered. Stop it close in a bottle and wash your mouth twice a day, after breakfast and after supper. It seldom fails to cure in a few days, and will fasten teeth loosened by the scurvey." Dr. John Cochran, of Chester County, director- general of the military hospitals during the Revolu tion, does not seem to have practiced in the territory now comprising Delaware County, and the same re mark is true of Dr. Samuel Kennedy, who was sur geon of the Fourth Battalion of the Pennsylvania troops and senior surgeon in the military hospital. Dr. William Currie,2 a native of Chester County, in his youth intended to study theology, but he aban doned that purpose, read medicine, and graduated at the college at Philadelphia. On the breaking out of the Revolutionary war, his father, the rector of St. David's Church, Radnor, and a loyalist, opposed his desire to enter the Continental service, but he per sisted, and served as a surgeon in 1776, attached to the hospital on Long Island and subsequently at Amboy. On the conclusion of the struggle, Dr. Currie, then in his twenty-ninth year, located in the borough of Chester, where he practiced medicine, and married a daughter of John Morton, the signer of the Declara tion of Independence. Previous to 1792 he removed to Philadelphia, and published his "Historical Ac count of the Climate and Diseases of the United States." In 1811 he issued " Views of the Diseases most prevalent in the United States, with an account of the most improved methods of treating them," and in 1815 his last work, " General View of the Princi pal Theories or Doctrines which have prevailed at different periods to the present time." He died in Philadelphia in 1829. Dr. John Morton, the third son of John Morton, the signer of the Declaration, was a surgeon in the 1 The book is now in possession of the Delaware County Institute of Science, to whom it was presented by Dr. Allen, of Chester. ' Biographical notice of Dr. William Currie, Hazard's Register, vol. vi. p. 204. 17 Continental service, was taken prisoner, and while so detained he died on the British prison-ship " Fal mouth," in New York harbor. "The late John S. Morton, of Springfield, had for some time a letter in his possession, written by Dr. Morton' to his father while he was a prisoner, in which he said they were almost starved, and could eat brick-bats if they could get them."3 During and after the Revolution, Dr. John Smith was a practicing physician located in Lower Chiches ter. In 1783 he married Dorothea, sister of Henry Hale Graham. She died in 1798 of yellow fever, and it is said her husband had died several years before this time. Dr. Peter Yarnall, who, between the years 1780 and 1791, resided in Concord, practicing his profession, in which he was highly successful, had a very eventful career. He was by birthright a Friend, but in 1772, when eighteen years of age, he quarreled with his master, for at that day all young men had to serve an apprenticeship, ran away, and enlisted. The influence of his family succeeded in getting him released from the service. Immediately on attaining his majority he began reading medicine, but when the colonies appealed to arms he enlisted in the American army, acting as surgeon's mate in the field and in several hospitals. His health, however, failing, in 1778 he asked for and received his discharge. Thereupon he applied himself diligently to the study of his profes sion, and in 1779 he graduated from the College of Medicine of Philadelphia, and returned to the service as surgeon's mate, sailing on the privateer "Dela ware," but again he resigned, and practiced in the Pennsylvania Hospital. In 1780 he reunited with the Quakers, became a public Friend, located in Concord, and married, in 1732, Hannah Sharpless, of Middle- town. In 1791 he removed to Montgomery County, where, his wife having died, he for the second time married. He died in 1798, the year the yellow fever was so fatal to the profession. Dr. Elisha Cullen Dick, who was called upon, to gether with Dr. Brown as consulting physician, by Dr. Craik, the medical attendant of Washington dur ing the fatal illness of the latter in December, 1799, was a native of Delaware County, having been born near Marcus Hook Cross-road in 1762. He seems never to have practiced here, but married, October, 1783, Hannah Harman, of Darby. He settled at Alexandria, Va., where he soon gathered a large practice. It is said that Dr. Dick, when all hopes of the recovery of Washington " with less extreme reme dies had been abandoned, proposed an operation which he ever afterwards thought might have proved effective in saving the general's life, but it did not meet with the approval of the family physician." 4 8 Martin's " History of Chester," p. 145. * The fullest sketch of Dr. Dick yet published will lie found in Thomas Maxwell PottB' " Centenary Memorial of Jeremiah Carter," p. 75. 258 HISTORY OP DELAWARE COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA. At the beginning of the year 1799 the following phy sicians were practicing in Delaware County, residing in the townships mentioned : William Pennell, Aston ; Nicholas Newlin, Caleb S. Sayres, Lower Chichester; Joseph Shallcross, Wil liam Gardiner, Darby ; Jonathan Morris, Bernard Van Leer, Marple ; John Knight, Middletown ; Jonas Preston, Newtown ; John Cheyney, Thornbury. The same year Jane Davis kept " an apothecary- shop" in Chester, the first person who ever kept a store of that kind in the county, although it seems that about that time Dr. Sayres had a shop attached to his dwelling at Marcus Hook. Dr. William Martin, the grandfather of John Hill Martin, the author of the " History of Chester and its Vicinity," was born in Philadelphia in 1765, and was a man of much prominence in the annals of Delaware County. He was a physician as well as a lawyer, a justice of the peace, and chief burgess of Chester, and, in April, 1789, when Washington passed through Chester on his way to Philadelphia, Dr. Martin made the address of congratulation to the President on be half of the town. In the year 1798 the yellow fever visited Chester as a fearful scourge. Dr. Martin was much alarmed, and seemed to have a presentiment that he would die of the pestilence. It is said that he frequently rode to the windows of the houses where persons were sick with the fever, would learn the con dition of the patient, and prescribe and furnish the medicine without entering the dwelling. In Septem ber of that year, however, a British vessel was lying off Chester with all hands ill with the fever. Dr.' Martin was sent for ; he attended, and, as he had feared, he contracted the disease from which he died, Sept. 28, 1798. It is recorded of him that he would never attend the funerals of any of his patients, and being pressed for a reason why he declined to be present replied, " No, sir ; it looks too much like a carpenter taking his own work home." Dr. Caleb Smith Sayers, who settled at Marcus Hook about 1789, was a descendant of Richard Sears, — the New England branch of the family still adhere to that manner of spelling the name, — who located at Plymouth, Mass., in 1630. Dr. Sayers was born in Elizabeth, N. J., his immediate ancestor being among the first settlers of that place. His residence at Mar cus Hook still stands on Church Street, fronting the Delaware, a porch running along the entire front of the building. During the yellow fever in 1798, so constant and laborious was his practice consequent on the epidemic, that his physical strength failed under the excessive strain, and he died in 1799 at the early age of thirty-one years. He was at that time surgeon of the Eighth Battalion of Militia of the county of Delaware, commanded by Lieut.-Col. Edward Vernon. His son, Edward S. Sayers, who was consul for Brazil and vice-consul for Portugal, died in Philadelphia in March, 1877, aged seventy-seven years. Dr. Jonas Preston was born in Chester, Jan. 25, 1764. He read medicine with Dr. Bond, of Phila delphia, attended lectures at the Pennsylvania Hos pital, and after the usual course of medical instruction attainable at that time in the United States he went to Europe, graduating at the University of Edinburgh in 1785, and subsequently attended lectures at Paris. On his return to this country he located at Wilming ton, Del., for a short time, thence removed to Georgia, but returning to Delaware County, he entered ener getically into the duties of his profession, and soon acquired an extensive practice in Chester and Dela ware Counties, confining himself almost entirely to obstetric cases, in which special department he soon established a reputation extending beyond the limits of the territory mentioned. During the Whiskey In surrection in 1794 he volunteered as surgeon in the army. This caused him to be expelled from meeting, but he frequently said Friends might disown him, but he would not disown them. He represented Del aware County for eight terms in the Legislature, from 1794 to 1802, and in 1808 he was elected State sen ator, and was distinguished for his liberal views and sagacious foresight. About 1817 he removed from Marple to Philadelphia, but previously had been elected president of the Bank of Delaware County, succeeding John Newbold. While here he was an ardent advocate of all measures having for their object agricultural improvements. After his removal to Philadelphia he enjoyed a large and remunerative practice, and notwithstanding his busy life he had time to take an active part in many benevolent ob jects. He was a constant visitor at the Pennsyl vania Hospital, and also Friends' Asylum at Frank- ford. He was a director of the Pennsylvania Bank, Schuylkill Navigation Company, and other corpora tions. During his long professional career he had so frequently seen distress among the honest poor classes that when he died, April 4, 1836, he left by will four hundred thousand dollars " towards found ing an institution for the relief of indigent married women of good character, distinct and unconnected with any hospital, where they may be received and provided with proper obstetric aid for their delivery, with suitable attendance and comforts during their period of weakness and susceptibility which ensues." Under this provision in his will was established the Preston Retreat, in Philadelphia, one of the noblest institutions of enlarged charity within the common wealth of Pennsylvania. Dr. Preston was buried in Friends' graveyard, on Edgmont Avenue, in Chester, but his remains have been removed therefrom in recent years. Dr. William Gardiner. I have thus far learned nothing beyond the facts set out in the list mentioned. I presume he was the son of Dr. Joseph Gardiner, who, in 1779, was a member of the Supreme Execu tive Council from Chester County. We do know that Dr. William Gardiner had a son, Dr. Richard Gardi- PHYSICIANS AND MEDICAL SOCIETIES. 259 ner, who was born in Darby in 1793, who was a grad uate of the University of Pennsylvania, and practiced in Darby, afterwards in Newtown, until 1835, when he removed to Philadelphia. In the latter place he studied homoeopathy, and graduated, in 1848, from the Homoeopathic College. He subsequently acquired a large and lucrative practice in Philadelphia. Dr. Gardiner died in 1877, in his eighty-fifth year. Dr. Isaac Davis, son of Gen. John' Davis, was born in Chester County, July 27, 1787, and in 1806 became a student of medicine under Dr. Joseph Shalcross, of Darby, graduated in 1810, when he began practice in Edgmont, but on the breaking out of the war of 1812 was appointed surgeon of the Sixth United States In fantry. He died at Fort Jackson, Miss., July 21, 1814. Dr. Jacob Tobin seems to have practiced in Chester about the beginning of this century, as did Dr. Rich ard Tidmarsh. Dr. Brown had a number of pa tients in the same locality, but I have been unable to learn his first name or the place of his residence. I do not know anything more of Drs. Tobin and Tid marsh than their names. Dr. George W. Bartram was a practicing physician, residing in Chester, where he kept a drug-store in the house which formerly stood on the site of Brown's Hotel. He was a justice of the peace, chief burgess of the borough for a number of years, and customs officer at the Lazaretto. Previous to 1818, Dr. Edward Woodward was in practice in this county, and resided in Middletown. In 1808 Dr. Nathan Hayes was a practicing physician in Edg mont. Dr. Job H. Terrill came to Chester early in this century, and in October, 1809, purchased the house on Market Street where Maurice Beaver lately had his tin-store, the grounds extending to Fourth Street. The doctor was a man of fine conversational powers, possessing a ready vocabulary, and was rapid in his utterances. He was a noted lover of horses, and always kept one of the best, if not the best, in Ches ter. He would have his negro man, Ike, train his horses on Welsh Street, and would stand and watch them speeding along from Edgmont road to the Porter house and back. He always rode in a sulky, and in getting in one day his horse started, threw him against the vehicle, and injured his thigh so severely that it brought on a disease which ultimately proved fatal. He died Jan. 20, 1844, aged fifty-nine years. Dr. Samuel Anderson was not a native of this county, but his career therein was one of much honor and public usefulness. In early life he entered the United States navy as assistant surgeon, but after holding the commission a few years he resigned the service and located in Chester, when he began the practice of his profession, securing in a short time a prominent position. During the war of 1812 he raised a company of volunteers, — the Mifflin Guards, — became its captain, and served with his command in the fall of 1814 at Camp Du Pont for three months. In 1815-18 he represented Delaware County in the Legislature, and was elected sheriff in 1819. In 1823 he was again appointed assistant surgeon in the United States navy, and assigned to the West India station, then commanded by Commodore Porter, but he was compelled to resign therefrom on account of his health. Returning to Delaware County, he was elected, 1823, 1824, and 1825, to the Legislature, and the following year represented the district composing Delaware, Chester, and Lancaster Counties in Con gress. In 1829-33 he was a member of the Legisla ture, and the last year the Speaker of the House. In 1834^35 he was again the representative from this county, and made the report of the joint committee of the two houses relative to the alleged abuses in the Eastern Penitentiary, at that time one of the most important questions before the people of the State. Dr. Anderson then resided in Providence, on the farm now owned by Samuel Lewis. He subsequently re moved to Rockdale, where he practiced his profession until 1841, when he was appointed inspector of cus toms at the Lazaretto. In 1846 he was elected justice of the peace in Chester, an office he held at the time of his death, Jan. 17, 1850, in his seventy-seventh year. Dr. Anderson was a tall, slender, conspicuous personage, of fine mind, an agreeable speaker, and a ready, fluent debater. For many years he was presi dent of the Delaware County Bible Society. He mar ried Sarah Moore (she was then a widow), daughter of Jacob Richards, and her sister, Susan, was the wife of Dr. Caleb S. Sayers, of Marcus Hook. Mrs. An derson survived the doctor nearly twenty-one years, dying Nov. 4, 1870, in the ninety-fifth year of her age. Among the physicians who practiced in Delaware County from 1800 to 1850 (at which latter date the Delaware County Medical Society was organized, and a list of the doctors then practicing was made and has ever since been regularly kept) I find notice of the following : Ellis C. Harlan was in practice and resided at Sneath's Corner, Chester township, early in this cen tury. He, with Dr. William Gray and several other physicians, on Friday night, Dec. 17, 1824, made an autopsy of Wellington's body (he had been hung about noon of that day) in the old pole well-house, as it was then known, which, modernized, still stands on the north side of Third Street, below Franklin Street, Chester. Dr. Jesse Young succeeded Dr. Harlan about 1825, and continued at Sneath's Corner until his death, Aug. 29, 1852. Dr. Young, however, a short time previous to his decease, had associated with him Dr. James Serrell Hill, at any rate, the office of the latter being at Dr. Young's residence. Dr. David Rose succeeded Dr. Young at Sneath's Corner, and still resides there practicing his profession. Dr. Benjamin Rush Erwin practiced in Upper Providence until the fall of 1829, when he removed to Philadelphia, and Dr. Joseph Leedom succeeded 260 HISTORY OF DELAWARE COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA. him, to be in turn succeeded, in 1843, by Dr. James Boyd, of Montgomery County, whose residence and office was at the Rose Tree Tavern. Dr. James Wil son was in practice in Nether Providence many years before 1840, while in 1838, Dr. William L. Cowan, a Thomsonian physician, had his office near Friends' meeting-house, in that township. Dr. Gideon Humphreys was a practicing physician in Aston in 1820. Of the latter it is related that, on one occasion when he desired to prepare a skeleton from the corpse of a colored man drowned in Chester Creek, he borrowed a very large iron kettle from a neighbor. In the night, while he was at work in the spring-house, a huge fire under the pot, some one passing near saw the light, went to the spring-house, and reported next day that the " Doctor had boiled a darkey's head in the pot." This coming to the ears of the owner of the article, she, when it was sent home, returned it, saying, "Tell the doctor to keep that pot to boil another nigger in. I won't have the nasty thing in my house." Dr. George R. Morton was located at Village Green in 1827. He seems to have removed from Marlborough, Montgomery Co., for on July 10, 1826, he contributed to the American Medical Review an interesting account of a horned woman residing in that locality.1 Dr. Bying- ton was in practice in Aston about 1833. Dr. Sam uel A. Barton was there previous to 1840, and Dr. Richard Gregg, then residing at Wrangletown, had a number of patients in that locality. He subsequently removed to Lima, where he died in July, 1872. Dr. Joseph Wilson was a practicing physician in Spring field in 1812, and was captain of the Delaware County troop of horse and prominent in the political move ments of the day. In 1837, Dr". James Jenkins was located in Radnor, as was also Dr. Joseph Blackfan, and the same year Dr. J. F. Huddleson was in Thorn bury. In 1833, Dr. M. C. Shallcross resided in Darby, and was in full practice; about 1840 he removed to Philadelphia, locating near Haddington, where he associated himself with Dr. J. P. Stakes, and for some time continued from that place to practice in Dela ware County. Dr. Shallcross died in Philadelphia, Nov. 30, 1871, aged eighty-one years. About 1823, Dr. Joshua W. Ash began practice in Upper Darby, where he continued until his death, in March, 1874, in the seventy-seventh year of his age. He was a member of Friends' meeting, warmly interested in the Delaware County Institute of Science, and prom inently connected with the Training-School for Feeble- Minded Children. The first map of Delaware County, drawn from actual surveys, was published in 1848 by the doctor. In 1833, Dr. Caleb Ash was in Darby, his office located opposite Friends' meeting-house. Prior to 1848, Dr. George Thomas was in full practice at the same place, but in 1845 he seemed to have lo cated in Newtown or Edgmont, and about 1833, Dr. 1 Hazard's Register, vol. ii. p. 11. William Gray Knowles was in Darby ; he subse quently removed to Baltimore, and is now a resident of Upland. In 1852, Dr. P. J. Hoopes was a physi cian in that village, and in the same year Dr. James Aitkins was in practice in Edgmont, as in 1842 was Dr. H. Bent, a botanic Thomsonian physician. In 1840, Dr. Phineas Price was located in Bethel, and was conspicuous in a noted controversy he had with Levis Pyle. At August court, 1849, Dr. Price was indicted and convicted of an assault on Pyle. The parties had met in the Methodist Church to adjust some church business, a dispute arose between them respecting characters, when Dr. Price forcibly ejected Pyle; hence the prosecution. In 1844, Dr. Price had been tried by the church, if my informant is correct in his statement, because of some religious opinions which were regarded as unsound. Andrew Hance and the doctor subsequently got into a newspaper contro versy, and finally each of them published pamphlets. For some statement made in that issued by Dr. Price he was sued for libel ; whether criminal or civil pro ceedings were instituted I do not know. In 1844, Dr. J. H. Marsh practiced in Concord, as did Dr. George Martin in 1852. Dr. William Gray, a member of the well-known family of Gray, of Gray's Ferry, was for many years one of the most noted men of the county. He was born in 1795, and in early life he had gone to his uncle, Thomas Steel, a miller in Darby, to learn that business, but finding the occupation uncongenial, he abandoned it, and studied medicine under his rela tion, Dr. Warfield, of Maryland. After he graduated he settled in Chester, where for many years he had a large and lucrative practice. He died May 12, 1864. Dr. John M. Allen, in 1844, practiced in Chester, his office then being in Charles W. Raborg's drug store, where Charles A. Story, Sr., now has his cigar- store. In the spring of 1845, Dr. Allen leased Dr. Terrill's house and altered the front part of the building into a drug-store, where he soon secured a large and profitable business. In 1851, Dr. Allen purchased the property where Mortimer H. Bickley's large building now stands, and continued there until the breaking out of the war, in 1861, when he was appointed surgeon of the Fifty-fourth Pennsylvania Volunteers, and subsequently medical director of the Department of West Virginia, and surgeon-in-chief of staff, in which position he served until late in the year of 1864, when his health broke down, and he was honorably discharged from the service after having been in the hospital several months. He is now alderman of the Middle Ward, an office he fills most creditably. During the forties, and until about 1855, Dr. James Porter practiced in Chester, residing at that time in the old Porter house. Dr. R. K. Smith, a physician at Chichester Cross-roads, in 1841 sold his practice to Dr. Manley Emanuel, who succeeded him there, although Dr. Smith still continued to practice in PHYSICIANS AND MEDICAL SOCIETIES. 261 Delaware County. Dr. Emanuel, subsequently to 1870, removed to Philadelphia, where he died July 18, 1880, aged eighty-three years. His son, Dr. Lewis M. Emanuel, who was born in London, and was a lad of seven years when his father settled in Upper Chi chester, after he graduated began practicing at Lin wood, but during the war of the Rebellion he became an assistant surgeon in the field. The exposure con sequent thereon induced consumption, which termi nated in his death in 1868. Dr. Jesse Kersey Bonsall was by birth a Delaware countian, studied medicine and graduated at the University of Pennsylvania, and for a time located in Schuylkill County, but an opportunity offering, he went to Manila, the capital of the Philippine Islands, where he practiced successfully for several years. In 1842 he returned to Delaware County, having ac cumulated while abroad what at that time was re garded as an ample fortune. Here he pursued his professional calling, residing in Chester until his death, Nov. 7, 1858, aged sixty-one years. Professor Charles D. Meigs, M.D., who, however, never practiced in our county, was for many years at the head of the Jefferson Medical College, in Phila delphia ; at one time connected with the Obstetrical Department of the University of Pennsylvania, and whose work on the diseases of women gave him a world-wide reputation in the profession, died suddenly, at his residence in Aston, June 23, 1869. He was in his seventy-eighth year at the time of his death. On the morning of Nov. 21, 1872, Dr. Tracey E. Waller, a practicing physician at Marcus Hook, where he had been located for several years, was found dead in his bed. He had retired the night before apparently in good health. Dr. Chittick Verner — said to be a de scendant of Lord John Lammey, a Huguenot, who, with his brother James, fled from France to escape persecution and became a British subject — died in Chester, April 4, 1877. Dr. Verner was educated for the ministry, but abandoned it when the court at Castle Derg, Ireland, appointed him syndic for the town of Ardistraw, a position he held for several years. In 1847 he emigrated to America, and became surgeon-steward at the Naval Asylum, Philadelphia. While there he studied medicine, graduating at Jef ferson College, and during the Rebellion he was in service in the field as a surgeon. At the close of the war he practiced medicine in Philadelphia, but the death of his brother, to whom he was devotedly at tached, so preyed on him as to unsettle his mind. From that time to his death he was insane. He never practiced in this county. On Feb. 10, 1880, Dr. Joshua Owens died of pa ralysis in Chester, aged sixty-five years. Dr. Owens was a native of Elizabethport, N. J., and a graduate of Jefferson College, Philadelphia. He first located at Elkton, Md., but a few years subsequently removed to Chester. During the war of the Rebellion he was senior surgeon of Pennsylvania, and was the first vol unteer physician to reach Washington after the attack on Fort Sumter. He was one of the first medical directors of divisions, and was assigned to duty with the Army of the Potomac. In 1863 he was commis sioned surgeon -general of New Mexico, a position he resigned in 1865. Dr. Owens and his two sons made a tour of Europe on foot, and the graphic descriptions of his travel and noted places he saw, which appeared in the Delaware County Republican, were highly in teresting. The doctor was a strong and vigorous writer. Dr. Mordecai Laurence, a venerable physician, died in Haverford, Feb. 21, 1880, in the seventy-seventh year of his age. Dr. George Smith was born in Haverford, Feb. 4, 1804. He graduated at the University of Pennsyl vania, April 7, 1820, and practiced in Darby and its vicinity for five years, when, coming into possession of a large estate, he retired from the active duties of the profession, superintending his farm, and devoting his leisure moments to literary and scientific studies. From 1832 to 1836 he was State senator, the district then comprising Delaware and Chester Counties, and while a member of that body, as chairman of the Senate Committee on Education, he drafted the bill in reference to public schools, which, warmly sup ported by Thaddeus Stevens and George Wolf, passed substantially as reported by Dr. Smith, and thus the first practical enactment respecting free pub lic education in the State was secured. On Dec. 8, 1836, Governor Ritner appointed Dr. Smith an asso ciate judge of Delaware County, and in 1840 he was elected to the same position for a second term. So earnest was Dr. Smith in his advocacy of popular education that, at considerable personal inconveni ence, he consented to act as superintendent of the common schools in the county for several years, as well as president of the school board for Upper Darby district. In September, 1833, he, with four other public-spirited men, founded the Delaware County Institute of Science, and was president of the organ ization for nearly half a century. In 1844, Dr. Smith, John P. Crozer, and Minshall Painter were appointed by the Delaware County Institute a committee to pre pare an account of the extraordinary rain-storm and flood of August 5th of that year in this county, and the greater part of the preparation of that work, an octavo pamphlet of fifty-two pages, printed in solid small pica type, was done by Dr. Smith. In 1862 he published his " History of Delaware County," a volume which will stand as an enduring monument to the learning, accuracy, and thoroughness of its author, and, so long as American history continues to be a theme of investigation and study, will be quoted and referred to as authority. On the morning of Feb. 24, 1884, full of years and honor, Dr. George Smith passed into eternity, leaving the world the better in that he had lived. Dr. Isaac Taylor Coates, a native of Chester County, 262 HISTORY OF DELAWARE COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA. was born March 17, 1834. Determining to study medi cine, his means being limited, he taught school in Del aware County to obtain the required sum necessary not only for his own support, but to complete his pro fessional education. In 1858 he graduated from the University of Pennsylvania, and within a short time sailed for England as surgeon of the packet-ship " Great Western." He shared, in common with his cousin, Bayard Taylor, a desire to visit foreign lands, and for several voyages he remained attached to the ship, and, while in port at Liverpool, he made short journeys to various points in Europe. He subse quently settled in Louisiana, but on the breaking out of the Rebellion came north, tendered his services to the government, and was appointed surgeon on the steamship " Bienville," on the South Atlantic Block ading Squadron. In 1864 he was transferred to the frigate " St. Lawrence," and later to the gunboat " Peosta." In 1867 he was surgeon of the Seventh United States Cavalry, under Custer, and made the arduous tour of the Southwest, returning home via Arizona and California. In 1872 he visited Peru, and was appointed medical director of the Chimbote and Huazaz Railroad, that wonderful tramway through the clouds, then being made over the moun tains by Henry Meigs. While at' Arequipa, in 1873, Dr. Coates made the first ascent of the Mistic volcano, eighteen thousand five hundred and thirty- eight. feet high, and in doing so he was compelled to abandon his guide, who was completely exhausted in the attempt. In 1876 he returned to the United States by crossing the Andes to the navigable head-waters of the Amazon, and descending that river to Para, whence he sailed for home. In 1878, after practicing in Chester during the interval, Dr. Coates returned to Brazil as surgeon of the Collins expedition, which was designed to construct a railroad around the rapids of the Madeira River. The sad fate of that expedition is fresh in the rec ollections of our people, for among those who went were many persons from Delaware County, some of whom fell victims of the cruel hardships they were compelled to undergo in a strange land, while others never again regained their shattered health, — Dr. Coates was among the latter. Hence he spent several years in traveling in Colorado, California, and New Mexico, and while returning to Delaware County to place his son, who accompanied him, at Swarthmore College, he was taken ill, and died at Socorro, N. M., June 23, 1883. Dr. Coates was an accomplished writer and eloquent speaker. In 1876 he delivered the Centennial oration in Chester; on Oct. 22, 1882, he was the orator at the Penn Bi-Centennial at Los Angeles, Cal. In 1877 he delivered an admirable lecture at Chester, entitled "Land of the Incas," and on the " Archaeology of Peru" before the Academy of Natural Sciences in Philadelphia. Dr. Coates was a member of the American Geographical Society, the Pennsylvania Historical Society, the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, and other scientific and learned bodies. Dr. Alfred M. Owens, son of Dr. Joshua Owens, a surgeon in the United States navy, a native of Dela ware County, died at Pensacola (Florida) Navy- Yard, Aug. 22, 1883, of yellow fever, then an epidemic at that station. His wife, who was with her husband, died on the 27th of the same month with the like disease. Dr. Jonathan Larkin Forwood was born in West Chester, Chester Co., Pa., Oct. 17, 1834. His father, Robert Forwood, a native of Delaware, was a farmer, and was the descendant of a prominent English fam ily, the first of the name in this county having settled in that State about 1700, from whom the Forwoods of Pennsylvania, Virginia, and Alabama trace de scent. His mother, Rachel Forwood, was a daughter of William and Sarah Larkin, a descendant of John Larkin, who settled in Maryland, becoming the pur chaser of a large tract of land in Cecil County, Md., in 1682, before the coming of Penn, and from whom all the Larkins of Delaware County are descended. Young Forwood was without means ; hence his early educa tion was necessarily restricted to that which could be obtained in the public schools, and in the State of Delaware, where his parents had removed a few years after his birth, common schools were the exception, not the rule, and he was unable to obtain tuition there excepting during three months in the winter, and that for only three years prior to attaining his fifteenth year. Having determined to secure an edu cation, his devotion to books, his studious and strictly moral habits, his self-reliance and determination, all combined to aid him in that endeavor. Working during the day at whatever he could get to do to earn a livelihood, and pursuing his studies in the evening and far into the night at a cost of youthful pleasures, at the early age of eighteen he had qualified himself to pass an examination as a teacher. In his nineteenth year a newspaper by the merest chance fell in his way. In it he saw an adver tisement for teachers in a school in Montgomery County of this State. Without informing any one of his intention, he left home, went to Eagleville, was examined, and accepted by the directors. This was announced to young Forwood after dark on a Sep tember day in 1851. He must return home until the beginning of the session, but how to do this with but twenty-five cents in his pocket was a serious question. Knowing that to confess poverty is to be placed at a disadvantage, he kept the secret to himself, and bravely walked from Eagleville to Philadelphia, a distance of twenty-three miles, during which journey he had nothing to eat, and was compelled to take his boots off and walk in his bare feet, for the rubbing of the leather had covered his feet with blisters. He arrived at daybreak on Sunday in Philadelphia, where he took the stage for Darby, paying his last penny for that short ride. From Darby he walked to &c^ PHYSICIANS AND MEDICAL SOCIETIES. 263 Chichester, in this county, where his parents then lived. He found his mother filled with anxiety his mysterious absence occasioned, and received a repri mand for his conduct. He told his mother that on the following day he would leave home forever ; that the world was his theatre, and he was going to act his part creditably. She did not, however, realize this until she saw the young man gathering together his cloth ing, when she presented him with enough money to carry him to Eagleville, where he began his inde pendent career, and continued to teach until the fol lowing spring at a salary of twenty-five dollars a month. At this time young Forwood took the money which he had been enabled to save out of his salary and entered himself as a student at Freeland College until the spring of 1852, when he gave all the money he had saved and taught a class in geometry as part payment for his tuition. He left there at the end of that session, in 1854, and applied for a school in Springfield, Delaware Co., and was accepted. Dr. Charles J. Morton was then one of the directors. The doctor one day asked young Forwood what was his object in life, and whether he proposed teaching school for a small pittance for the remainder of his days? He replied that he intended to enter one of the professions. Dr. Morton offered the young man the free use of his medical library and any instruc tions he might require. Forwood accepted this kind offer, and here was the great turning-point of his life. The following spring, at the close of the session of 1855, the schoolmaster was made the recipient of a silver cup, with an appropriate inscription, which he still has in his possession. In the fall of the same year Forwood was entered in the University of Penn sylvania, having saved sufficient money to defray the tuition of one term. It was suggested to the young man that there were other and cheaper medical col leges, but knowing that his profession would be his only capital in life, he determined to procure the best medical education. His money failing him, about the close of 1855 he was compelled to teach school again, and procured a situation once more at Middletown. In the summer of 1856, finding that he had not been able to gather enough money to go on with his medical studies, he submitted to an examination, and received a scholarship in the University. In the spring of 1857 he graduated with honors in all the seven branches of medicine. He was compelled, however, to borrow forty dollars from his uncle, Jon athan C. Larkin, for whom he had been named, to pay for his diploma. Dr. Forwood came at once to Ches ter, where he settled, having completed one of the epochs in his life's history. Here, in his practice, he paid particular attention to surgery, a branch which had not been followed by any physician in Chester for a long time. In 1858, Dr. Forwood performed the first amputation of a leg that had been done in this city for fifty years. His operations in surgery have covered almost all important cases since then. He has operated four times successfully lithotomy, a work seldom attempted, except in medical colleges and by professors of surgery. In 1864, when the municipal hospital of Philadel phia was burned, the board of health located it at the Lazaretto, and Dr. Forwood was requested to take charge of it, and did so for four years, until the new buildings were completed. After the battle of Get tysburg, when the wounded Confederate soldiers were sent here, the doctor was called upon to take a de partment in the hospital, and while there performed several splendid operations, among others that of am putation at the shoulder joint. On leaving this public institution the doctor received the highest testimonials from the officers in charge. In 1867 he started the Delaware County Democrat, and although the county committee of the party had declared that no Demo cratic paper could be supported, he by his untiring energy made it not only a financial success, but one of the most unflinching Democratic organs of the State. Its editorials were outspoken and fearless. In the same year he was elected to Council from the Middle Ward, and took a leading part in that body. He was, upon taking his seat, made a member of the Street Committee, and for more than three years the chairman. In the spring of 1872 he was elected mayor of Chester in the most exciting political contest the municipality had known to that time. His election was contested; Gen. William McCandless and William H. Dickinson appearing as counsel for Forwood, and William Ward and J. M. Johnson for the contestant. Three terms he was elected mayor in succession, and in 1884, after an intermission of three years, was again elected to the office, although the Republican majority is usually nearly five hundred. He has been fre quently a delegate to the Democratic County and State Conventions, and member of the State Execu tive Committee. In 1874 he was the Democratic candidate for Congress, and in 1876 an elector on the Presidential ticket during the noted candidacy of Tilden and Hendricks. In 1880 he was a delegate to the National Democratic Convention which nomi nated Gen. Hancock for President, and in 1884, when Governor Cleveland was named for the same office. As a public speaker Dr. Forwood ranks high, and as a political manager few men excel him. Successful as has been his political career, his chosen profession is the field of his ambitious de sires, and to-day, although he has secured a large and remunerative practice, he is devoted to the study of medicine and surgery, paying particular attention, at the present, to gynaecology, in which special branch he is attaining an extended reputation in nowise confined to this locality, but patients from many of the great cities visit him for medical treatment. Sev eral operations performed by him were so noticeable that full account thereof was published in medical works for the information of the public. 264 HISTORY OF DELAWARE COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA. Half a century ago the Thomsonian practice of medicine had many warm advocates throughout the country, and Delaware County had several doctors adhering to the rules of treatment under the theory. In 1838 so numerous had the adherents to the system grown that a society known as the Thomsonian Friendly Botanic Society of Delaware County was organized, and on June 2d of that year held a meet ing at Providence Friends' meeting-house. This first assemblage was also the last, or, if it was not, I am unable to find anything further respecting it. The Delaware County Medical Society owes its origin to the chance conversation of two physicians, Dr. Ellwood Harvey, then of Birmingham, and Dr. George Martin, of Concord, which resulted in the conclusion that they would make an attempt to organ ize a county society, which should be connected with that of the State. The first meeting of physicians to that end was held in Chester, Thursday, May 2, 1850, at the law-office of Hon. John M. Broomall, when, on motion of Dr. Harvey, a temporary organ ization was effected by calling Dr. Joshua Owen to the chair and the appointment of Dr. Martin secre tary. The following resolutions were then offered by Dr. Martin : " Wheeeas, Experience has fully shown that the progress of any Art or Science is promoted by the frequent reunion aud full interchange of the personal observation of those whose profession is connected with it ; and, " Wheeeas, The organization of County Medical Societies throughout the State is calculated to produce such results; and, " Whereas, It is of the highest importance to introduce through out every county of our State an elevated Code of Ethics for the govern ment of our profession by which the members of it will be held under recognized censorial head, which may tend to increase its respectability on the one hand and unite it against the encroachments of Charlatan ism on the other ; Therefore, we the physicians of Delaware county here assembled do hereby " Resolve, That it is expedient to form ourselves into a medical associ ation, which shall bear the name of the ' Delaware County Medical Society.' "Resolved, That the Society shall be considered as a branch of the Medical Society of the State of Pennsylvania." A committee of three was appointed to draft a con stitution, and the physicians of the county were in vited to meet in Penn Buildings, Chester, on May 30, 1850, to effect a permanent organization of the soci ety. At tbe time designated the constitution of the association was adopted. By its provisions any per son of respectable standing in the profession, of good moral character, who was a graduate of any medical school recognized by the Pennsylvania State Society, or who had been for fifteen years in practice in the county as a regular physician, was eligible to mem bership, provided such physician did not prescribe any remedy the compounds of which he was unac quainted with, or who was interested in any way in patent medicines or in collusion with any apothecary to procure patronage or profit, or who claimed supe rior qualifications in the treatment of any disease. The members were interdicted from rendering any medical service gratuitously to any clergyman or physician whose name was attached to any certificate in favor of patent medicines, or who permitted refer ence in favor of such nostrums to be made to him. Dr. Jesse Young was chosen the first president ; Dr. Joshua Owens, vice-president ; Dr. Robert Smith, secretary; and Dr. Ellwood Harvey, treasurer. A committee was also appointed to ascertain and report the names of all practitioners of medicine in the county, whether regular or irregular. For several years the society met promptly at designated times at the houses of the members, and much interesting information was imparted, highly beneficial to the profession. Among the most important work under the auspices of the society was the geological survey of the county, which was made in 1851 by Drs. Har vey and Martin, associated by Dr. Samuel Trimble, of Concord township, an expert micrologist. The chart and the report made by these gentlemen was published in the transactions of the State Society, and it is the basis of all subsequent geographical publications in reference to our county. In the fall of 1852 the Del aware County Medical Society, in connection with that of Chester County, effected an arrangement for the publication of a quarterly journal, The Medical Reporter, the first number of which was issued July, 1853. This periodical was conducted by five editors, — Drs. J. F. Huddleson and George Martin, of Dela ware County, and Drs. W. Worthington, Isaac Thomas, and Jacob Price, of Chester County. It contained the proceedings of the doctors in the coun ties, with papers read, addresses delivered before, and reports of cases made to either of the two organiza tions, together with editorial and other items of in terest. It was published for three years, when it was discontinued. The society, so far as our county was concerned, about 1856, " languished and languishing did live," until at the meeting on Feb. 24, 1857, Dr. Maris presented the following resolution, which was adopted : " Resolved, That all books and other property belonging to the society be placed in the hands of Dr. R. H. Smith, to become the property of any medical society organized in Delaware County, provided such soci ety is a branch of the Pennsylvania State Medical Society, and formed within one year; otherwise to be delivered into the hands of the treas urer of the State Medical Society." This testamentary disposition of the effects of the society having been duly made, a resolution which had been laid over from a former meeting, which set forth " that it is expedient that the Delaware County Medical Society be, and it is hereby dissolved," was adopted by a unanimous vote. On March 16, 1857, a meeting of the physicians of Delaware County was called at the Washington House, Chester, to reorganize the Medical Society, and on the 30th of the same month an adjourned meeting was held at the Charter House, Media, when an organization was effected by the election of Dr. Hillborn Darlington, president; Dr. Manly Emanuel, vice-president; Dr. George B. Hotchkin, secretary; and Dr. Charles H. Budd, treasurer. Further action PHYSICIANS AND MEDICAL SOCIETIES. 265 was deferred until the next meeting, which was held at Media, May 26, 1857, but the attendance was so small that it was deemed proper to defer all matters to the next meeting appointed to be held at the Washington House, Chester, Aug. 25, 1857. At the latter date hardly any persons attended and the pro ject was abandoned for the time being. On April 19, 1861, by invitation of Dr. Joseph Parrish, superintendent of the Pennsylvania Training School for Feeble-Minded Children, near Media, a number of physicians from- various parts of Delaware County met to witness an exhibition of the pupils of that institution. It was stated that invitations had been sent to every physician in the county whose name was known to Dr. Parrish, but in consequence of a heavy storm then prevailing, and the national excitement consequent on the bombardment of Fort Sumter, many failed to attend. The meeting was so profitable and agreeable that the physicians pres ent resolved that the Delaware County Medical Soci ety should be revived. A temporary organization was made by calling Dr. Parrish to the chair and ap pointing Dr. J. L. Forwood secretary, and on May 10, 1861, the society was permanently re-established by the election of Dr. Manly Emanuel, president; Dr. Joseph Parrish, vice-president; Dr. George B. Hotchkin, secretary ; and Dr. Joseph Rowland, treas urer. The rebellion then upon the country demanded the services of so many physicians — and Delaware County furnished its full quota — that those doctors who remained were so busy that they rarely attended the meetings of the society, which were held occasion ally, but no record of the proceedings was kept. At the conclusion of the war, on May 16, 1865, an ad journed annual meeting was held at the office of Dr. J. L. Forwood, in Chester, and on his motion it was resolved that "In consequence of the long interrup tion to the meetings occasioned by the general unset- tlement of the country, etc., that the constitution of this society be formally readopted ; the signatures of those present be affixed as active members, and that gentlemen hereafter received be regularly balloted for as required by our Constitution." An election was then held, which resulted in the election of Dr. Manley Emanuel, president ; Dr. J. L. Forwood, vice- president; Dr. Isaac N. Neilson, secretary; and Dr. Charles J. Morton, treasurer. This was merely a spas modic movement, for nothing further seems to have been done until March 16, 1869, when a meeting was held at Dr. Parrish's sanitarium, at Media, which was addressed by Dr. Emanuel, who appealed to the medi cal men of the county to awaken from their lethargy and co-operate for the common good through the valuable means presented by au energetic and well- organized medical society. The following officers were then elected : Dr. Manley Emanuel, president ; Dr. J. L. Forwood, vice-president; Dr. Isaac N. Kerlin, secretary ; and Dr. Theodore S. Christ, treas urer. The meetings of the society from that time to the present have been well attended, and the inter change of opinions and discussions on topics relating to the science and practice of medicine at these gath erings has resulted in much benefit to the profession. On May 21, 1879, the State Medical Society met in Holly Tree Hall, Chester, on which occasion over two hundred and fifty persons assembled. The session continued Wednesday afternoon and evening and during Thursday. The following Friday the society visited the Training School for Feeble-Minded Chil dren at Media, where the ceremonial installation of officers of the State Society for the succeeding years was performed. The officers of the Delaware County Medical So ciety in 1883 were Dr. William B. Ulrich, president ; Dr. R. H. N. Milner, vice-president; Dr. Linnseus Fussell, secretary; and Dr. John B. Weston, treas urer. The following-named physicians of the county have been and are members of the society : George Martin Concordville. Manley Emanuel Linwood. Ellwood Harvey Chester. Charles S. Heysham Newtown Square. Robert K. Smith Darby. Joshua Owen ' CheBter. Charles J.Morton " Caleb Ash Darby. Joseph Wilson. Samuel A. Barton Village Green. Thomas Turner. Reuben H. Smith Media. J. C. Hutton Chelsea. Joseph Rowland Media. A. W. Mathew Aston. George Smith Upper Darby. J. Howard Taylor Concordville. Jesse W. Griffith Ridleyville. J. P. Mcllvain Media. J. T. Huddleson Thornbury. J. Morris Moore Newtown. Hillboru Darlington Concordville. James S. Hill Chester township. J. Siter Parke Radnor. Edward Young Chester. John A.Thomson " George B. Hotchkin Media. James W. Hoey Lenni. John M. Allen Chester. Jonathan L Forwood " Joseph Parrish Media. Isaac N. Kerlin " James J. McGee United States Navy.1 William H. Forwood Chester. Charles D. Meigs Thornbury. Henry Pleasants Radnor. Charles W. Pennock Howellville. Henrv M. Kirk Upper Darby. William T. W. Dickeson Media. Isaac T. Coates Chester. T. L. Leavitt. F. Ridgely Graham Chester. TheodoreS. Christ " J. Pyle Worrall Media. Lewis M. Emanuel Linwood. C. C. V. Crawford Village Green. Orrin Cooley. Francis B. Heenan Chester. Samuel P. Bartleson Clifton Heights. William B. Ulrich Chester. James E. Garretaon Darby. M. Fisher Longstreth " William C. Bacon Upper Darby. John T. M. Forwood Chester. David Rose Sneath's Corner. Edward Maris Howellville. Charles H. Bubb Darby. Henry M. Lyons Media. John G. Thomas Newtown Square. Jacob Boon Darby. Samuel Trimble Lima. D. Francis Condie. 1 Dr. McGee was in charge of Military Hospital, Chester, during the illness of Dr.Leconte, 1862. 266 HISTORY OP DELAWARE COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA. Henry M. Corse. Edwin FnsBell Media. Linnaeus Fussell " Edward T. Gammage Chester. John W. EckMdt Haverford. Dillwyn Greene Marcus Hook. Francis F. Rowland Media. Rebecca L. Fussell " Daniel W. Jefferis Chester. John B. Mitchell " Joshua Ash Clifton Heights. D. G. Brinton Media. George R.Vernon Clifton Heights. Joseph H. Horner Thornton. Robert A. Given Clifton Heights. Conrad J. Partridge Ridley Park. David K. Shoemaker Chester. Eugene K.Mott " John Weslev Johnson " William S. Ririgely " Philip C. O'Reiley " Mrs. Frances W. Baker Media. T. P. Ball Chester. John B. Weston South Chester Borough. A. Edgar Osborne Media. Pennypacker Media. Robert H. Milner Chester. F. Marion Murray Lenni. Horace H. Darlington Concordville. Henry B. Knowles Clifton Heights. William B. Fish Media. Henry C. Bartleson Fernwood. Thomas C. Stellwagon Media. J. Willoughby Phillips Clifton Heights. William Bird Chester. Fletcher C. Lawyer Howellville. Clarence W. DeLannoy Chester. Joseph Crawfoid Egbert Radnor. Lawrence M. Bullock Upland. Charles Carter Wallingford. William S. Little Media. Henry Seidell South Chester Borough. Mrs. Hannah J. Price " " " Henry C. Harris Landsdown. George M. Fisher South Chester Borough. Dr. John T. M. Cardesa and his son, Dr. John D. M. Cardesa, well-known physicians, residing at Clay- mont, Del., have a large practice in Delaware County. Dr. Anna M. Broomall, daughter of Hon. John M. Broomall, of this county, is a graduate of the Woman's Medical College, Philadelphia, located in that city, and has a large and growing practice. All of these last-named doctors are adherents of the allopathic school. Dr. Cyrus S. Poley kept a drug-store in Chester in 1870, and removed therefrom after 1876, for in that year Governor Hartranft appointed him surgeon of the Eleventh Regiment Pennsylvania Militia, com prising the troops in this military district. A Brief History of Homoeopathy in Delaware County.1 — Delaware County has the honor of being the birthplace of those veteran homoeopathic practi tioners, Drs. Walter Williamson, Richard Gardiner, and Gideon Humphreys, all espousing the cause at nearly the same time, and last, but not least, of being the residence of Dr. A. E. Small, at the time of his conversion to homoeopathy. Dr. Walter Williamson introduced homoeopathy into the county in the year 1836. He graduated at the University of Pennsylvania in 1833, and imme diately settled in Marple. He moved to Newtown in 1835, and in the spring of 1836 his attention was directed to the new system of medical practice. At the earliest opportunity he obtained all the books and 1 From MS. prepared by Walter Williamson, M.D., in possession of his family. (See " Transactions of the World's Homoeopathic Convention," Philadelphia, 1876.) pamphlets then published in the English language which had any bearing upon the subject, commenced the study of its doctrines, and began to practice it in the vicinity, where not even the name itself had ever been heard, except by one family, John Thomas, of Upper Providence. He rapidly gained a large prac tice, but in 1839 he moved to Philadelphia, owing to seriously-impaired health. He was one of the found ers of the Homoeopathic College of Pennsylvania, the first institution in the country to teach this system of practice, and from 1848 until his death in 1879 he filled one of the professorships in the college. Dr. Williamson was born in Delaware County, July 4, 1811. The second practitioner to unfurl the standard of homoeopathy in Delaware County was Dr. M. B. Roche. He settled near Darby in 1839, and contin ued the practice there for three years. In 1842 he was succeeded by Dr. Alvan E. Small, a native of the State of Maine, and a graduate of the Medical De partment of Pennsylvania College. He practiced in Upper Darby as an allopathic physician in 1840, and became a homoeopathic in 1842. Dr. Small con tinued to practice in the county until he moved to Philadelphia, in 1845. Dr. James E. Gross, a native of New England, graduated at the Homoeopathic Medical College of Pennsylvania in 1850, and soon afterwards settled in Darby to practice, but remained there only a few months, and then moved to Lowell, Mass. Dr. Stacy Jones, student of H. N. Gurnsey, M.D., graduated at the Homoeopathic Medical College of Pennsylvania in March, 1853, and settled in Upper Darby. He remained in his first location for three years, and then moved into the borough of Darby, where he continues to practice. Dr. Charles V. Dare, a native of New Jersey, grad uated at the Homoeopathic Medical College of Penn sylvania in March, 1854, and very soon afterwards settled in the borough of Chester. Dr. Dare was the first homoeopathic physician in Chester. He contin ued to practice there until he sold his practice to Dr. Coates Preston, in March, 1858. Dr. Coates Preston, a native of Pennsylvania, grad uated at the Homoeopathic Medical College of Penn sylvania in March, 1853, and first settled at Scull- town, N. J. In the spring of 1824 he moved to Woodstown, N. J., where he continued to practice until he moved to Chester, succeeding Dr. Dare. In the course of a few years he built up quite a large practice in Chester and the surrounding neighbor hood. On account of a serious illness in the winter of 1865, and the consequent feebleness of health which continued through the following spring months, Dr. Preston was induced to take into partnership Dr. H. W. Farrington, but after a few months' trial of the new relationship the connection was dissolved. Dr. Preston continued his practice, and Dr. Farring ton took an office at another place in Chester, but CIVIL LISTS. 267 after a few months moved to Beverly, N. J., and since to California. Dr. Preston outlived much of the prejudice and opposition against the new practice which existed among the people in his locality when he first settled in Chester, and firmly established homoeopathy in the respect and confidence of the community on a broad and firm foundation. He re moved to Wilmington, Del., in the spring of 1881, and died there on the 9th of August in the same year. Dr. Davis R. Pratt, a native of Newtown, gradu ated at the Homoeopathic Medical College of Penn sylvania in March, 1816, and practiced in his native place. In 1863 he moved to Philadelphia, and sub sequently to Trenton, N. J., where he remained until compelled by ill health to relinquish the duties of the profession. He died of bronchitis on Jan. 28, 1868. About 1863, Dr. E. D. Miles practiced medicine in Media. Dr. John F. Rose, after serving in the army, at the close of the war of the Rebellion settled in Media, July 1, 1865. Immediately after the death of Dr. Henry Duffield, of Chester County, Dr. Rose moved to that borough in February, 1866. Dr. Robert P. Mercer graduated at the Homoeo pathic Medical College of Pennsylvania in March, 1861, and in the following month located at Mar- shalton, Chester Co., Pa. In January, 1863, he was appointed to the entire charge of the medical depart ment of the Chester County almshouse. After dis charging the duties of that office on strictly homoeo pathic principles for two years, he resigned in 1865, and removed to Wilmington, Del. In November of the same year (1865), at the solici tation of Dr. Preston, Dr. Mercer moved to Chester, where he is still in successful practice. Dr. Henry Minton Lewis graduated at the Hahne mann Medical College of Philadelphia in March, 1869, and settled in Chester soon after, where he re mained for three or four years, when he moved to Brooklyn, N. Y. Dr. Trimble Pratt graduated at the Hahnemann Medical College of Philadelphia in March, 1870, and settled in Media the following June. In addition to the above, there are in Chester in successful practice at the present time Drs. Charles W. Perkins, Samuel Starr, William T. Urie, Frederick Preston, and Franklin Powell ; and at Upland, Dr. Isaac Crowthers. The Homoeopathic Medical Society of Chester and Delaware Counties was organized in October, 1858, by the meeting together of Drs. Duffield, of New London; Hawley, of Phcenixville ; Hindman, of Cochranville ; Johnson, of Kennett Square; Wood and Jones, of West Chester. It has been in a pros perous condition ever since, having four meetings annually, which are held in January, April, July, and October. Dr. Duffield was its first president. Its present membership is thirty-four. In addition the following physicians, who have not connected themselves with either the Allopathic or Homoeopathic Medical Societies, are in practice in this county : Charles A. Kish, William F. Campbell, George W. Roney, Samuel C. Burland, Chester; Wil liam Calver, Booth's Corner ; Henderson Hayward, Birmingham ; Benjamin S. Anderson, Marple ; Wil liam P. Painter, Darby ; Franklin Soper, Ridley Park ; William S. S. Gray, Village Green ; Lawrence M. Bullock, Upland ; Andrew Lindsay, Radnor ; John G. Thomas, Newtown; Henry L. Smedley, Media; James Edwards, Springfield. Eliza C. Tay lor practices in Marcus Hook, Chester, and Thorn bury. CHAPTER XXVII. CIVIL LISTS. PROTHONOTARY, CLERKS OF COURT, RECORDER OF DEEDS, AND REGISTER OF WILLS. Thomas Revell, Sept. 13, 1681, to Aug. 22, 1683 ; Robert Eyre, Oct. 17, 1683, to December, 1689 ; Joshua Fearne, September, 1690, to April 18,1693; John Childe, June 13, 1693, to March, 1690-1700; Henry Hollingsworth, June 11, 1700, to Feb. 22,1708-9; John Simcock, May 24, 1709, to 1716 ; Joseph Parker, 1724 to 1766 ; Henry Hale Graham, 1766 to 1777 ; Benjamin Jacob, March 22, 1 777, to April 4, 1777 ; Caleb Davis, July 1, 1777. REGISTER OF WILLS. John Simcock, 1714 to May, 1716 ; Joseph Parker, Aug. 14, 1716, to Jan. 12, 1759; Henry Hale Graham, March 6, 1757, to Feb. 13, 1777; Thomas Taylor, March 25, 1777 ; John Breaton, April 6, 1782; Per- Bifor Frazer, April 8, 1786. RECORDER OF DEEDS. John Bristow, in office March 10, 1688; Joshua Fearne, March 25, 1691; Robert Eyre, March 26, 1693; John Childe, Jan. 3, 1695; Henry Hollingsworth, Dec. 10, 1700; Peter Evans, April 17, 1706; John Simcock, Jan. 28, 1707 ; after which date three offices, prothonotary, recorder, and register, were held by one person. Delaware County was erected in 1789, since which time the following persons have filled the office of prothonotary, recorder of deeds, register of wills, and clerks of court : William Richardson Atlee, Sept. 28, 1789 ; Davis Bevan, April 6, 1796 ; James Barnard, May 11, 1800 ; Thomas Brinton Dick, Feb. 22, 1806 ; Joseph Engle, May 24, 1809; Benjamin Pearson, March 11, 1818; Thomas Robinson, March 8, 1821; Henry Myers, Jan. 17, 1824; John K. Zeilen, Dec. 20, 1832 ; John Hinkson, Aug. 28, 1834; John Richards, Jan. 9, 1836; Samuel Weaver, Jr., Dec. 7, 1838; James Houston, Nov. 12, 1841; Joseph Taylor, Nov. 22,1844; James Sill, Jr., Nov. 11, 1847 ; Nicholas F. Walter, Nov. 25, 1853 ; Nicholas F. Walter, Nov. 21, 1853 ; Thomas Forsythe, Nov. 25, 1859 ; Benjamin F. Baker (unexpired term of Forsythe), Nov. 12, 1862 ; George Esrey, Nov. 26, 1862 ; Orson Flagg Bullard, Nov. 23, 1865 ; Isaac Johnson, Dec. 29, 1874. Mr. Johnson filled the office of prothonotary until January, 1884, when Morris P. Hannum, the present incumbent, was qualified. By act of Assembly, Feb. 19, 1860, the office of pro thonotary and that of recorder of deeds was directed to be filled by different persons. RECORDER OF DEEDS. Frederick Fairlamb, Nov. 26, 1862; Frederick R. Cutler, Nov. 21, 1871; Canby S. Smith (unexpired term of Cutler), May 24, 1873 ; Charles P. Walter, Jan. 18, 1875 ; Edward Blaine, Dec. 20, 1880. 268 HISTORY OF DELAWARE COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA. Edward Blaine is the present incumbent, having been re-elected November, 1883. By act of March 20, 1873, the office of register of wills and clerk of Orphans' Court was made a sepa rate office. Thomas Lees, the first register under this act, commissioned Dec. 13, 1874, is the present incum bent, he having been elected four terms in succession, the last time in November, 1883. Coroner. — The first reference we find to the office of coroner is at a court held 6th day of Fifth month, 1684, when the sheriff and clerk of court complained that court fees had not been paid them ; execution was issued to collect the amount claimed, and on the 8th day of Seventh month, 1684, " James Kenela, Coroner," made the return to the writs. To show the manner of making the return of inquest in the early days, and " Ay, marry, is't crowner's-quest law," I append two of these returns : " The 5th of 5th mo 1699, We whose names are here subscribed being summoned & attested by the Coroner to View the Corpse of Ann Cruett do find by the best evidence that can find by two witness & several others big in place that nothing did procure her death but the heat of the weather and it been pleaBe God to visit her sudden death. As witness our names : Jno. Humphrey. Benj. Humphrey. Jno. Roberts. Rowland Powell. Philip Prisse. Evan William. Ellis Ellis. Tho« Pennell. Humphrey Ellis. Tho8 Reice. Daniel Humphrey. Dan1 Laurence." "Edgemond the 6 of the 5 mont 1699. We whose names are under written summoned and attested by the coroner to view the body of Sarah Baker having made Btrict enquiry & also have what evidence could be found attested to what they know & we find no other but that it pleased Almighty God to visit her with death by the force of thunder and to this we all unanimously agreed. Subscribe with our names the day and year above writteu : Tho» Worrellow. Ephraim Jackson. Rob* Pennell. David Ogden. Jno. Worrall. Thomas Bowater. Joseph Baker. William Gregory. W» Corburne. CharleB Whitaker. Peter Treggo. Jno. Turner. " Approved by me. Jacob Simcocke, Coroner." The following list embraces the persons who have been commissioned coroners of Chester County until the erection of the county of Delaware, in 1789, and from that date those who have held the office in the latter county : James Kennedy, in office 1684 ; Jacob Simcock, 1696; Henry Hollings worth, 1707; Henry Worley, 1710; Jonas Sandelands, Oct. 3, 1717- 20; Robert Barber, Oct. 4, 1721; John Mendenhall, Oct. 4, 1726-27; Robert Parke, Oct. 3, 1728 ; Abraham Darlington, Oct. 4, 1729 ; John Wharton, Oct. 3, 1730-31; Anthony Shaw, Oct. 3, 1732-33; John Wharton, Oct. 4, 1734-36; Stephen Hoskins, Oct. 4, 1737; Aubrey Bevan, Oct. 4, 1738-42 ; Thomas Morgan, Oct. 4, 1743-45 ; Isaac Lea, Oct. 4, 1746-50 ; Joshua Thomson, Oct. 3, 1751 ; John Kerlin, Oct. 4, 1752; Joshua Thomson, Oct. 3, 1753-60; Philip Ford (vice Thom son, deceased), May 22, 1761-62 ; Davis Bevan, Oct. 4, 1763-64 ; Abel Janney, Oct 4, 1765; John Trapnall (vice Janney, resigned), May 27, 1766 ; Joseph Gibbons, Jr., Oct. 4, 1768-70 ; Johu Crosby, Jr., Oct. 5, 1771-72 ; John Bryan, Oct. 4, 1773-75 ; Harvey Lewis, Oct. 2,1775; David Denny, Nov. 24, 1778 ; Allen Cunningham, Oct. 19, 1780 ; Ben jamin Rue, Oct. 12, 1782; John Harper, Oct. 20, 1783; Isaac Thomas, Oct. 4, 1786 ; John Harper, Oct. 3, 1786 ; John Underwood, Oct. 16, 1787. After Erection of County of Delaware. Jonathan Vernon, Oct. 16, 1789 ; Caleb Bennett, Oct. 21, 1791 ; William Price, Jan. 25, 1793; John Odenheimer, Jr., Oct. 17, 1795; James Birchall, Oct. 12, 1798, Oct. 21, 1801, Oct. 16, 1804, Oct. 23, 1807, Oct. 26, 1810, Nov. 8, 1816, Dec. 6, 1819, Dec. 4, 1822; Abraham Kerlin, Nov. 13,1829; Daniel Thomson, Nov. 2, 1830; Joel Lane, Oct. 25, 1833, Dec. 22, 1836; John Lloyd, Dec. 4, 1839; Moses Reed, April 14, 1840; John Lloyd, Dec. 3, 1842 ; Stephen Home, Dec. 1, 1845; Seth C. Thomas, Dec. 23, 1848, Dec. 1, 1851; Reuben H. Smith, Nov. 6, 1854 ; Isaac Johnson,' Nov. 28, 1857 ; William A. Minshall,2 April 24, 1858 ; Samuel Long, Sr., Dec. 7, 1858 ; Washington B. Levis, Nov. 27, 1861, Jan. 9, 1865 ; George H. Rigby ,s Nov. 23, 1865 ; Dec. 8,1868; William Anderson Minshall, Dec. 29, 1871, Jan. 19, 1875; Horace W. Fairlamb, Dec. 18, 1877 ; Abram J. Quimby, Deo. 20, 1880 ; Horace W. Fairlamb, Dec. 27, 1883. Sheriffs. — Under the Dutch authority on the Dela ware an officer, entitled a schout, performed duties such as are now required from the sheriffs, but the jurisdiction was more varied, and had legislative as well as executive powers reposed in that officer. Un der the Duke of York, on May 17, 1672, Governor Lovelace and Council decided that "the office of Schout to be converted into a Sheriff for the Corpora tion and River, and that he be annually Chosen." The electors in that early day named two persons for the office, and from those two the Governor made his selection, a system which was adopted by Penn in the "Charter of Privileges," granted in 1701, and pre vailed under the State Constitutions of 1776 and 1790. Until the Constitution of 1838 gave the people the right, by their votes, to elect one person to the office, the absurd provisions of the Constitution of 1776 pre vailed, which was to elect two persons from whom the Governor made his selection, and to whom he issued the commission. The following list of persons who have filled the office of sheriff is believed to be as accurate as it is now possible to make it : Capt. Edmund Cantwell, 1676-81; John Test, September, 1681-82; Thomas Usher, November, 1682-83; Thomas Withers, December, 1683-84; Jeremy Collett, January, 1684-85; Thomas Usher, June, 1686, to April, 1687;, Joshua Fearne, June, 1687, to June, 1689; George Foreman, August, 1689, to March, 1691-92; Caleb Pusey, June, 1692, to April, 1693 ; Joseph Wood, April 28, 1693-97 ; Andrew Job, December, 1697-1701 ; John Hoskins, June, 1701-8 ; John Sim cock, 1708; John HoskinB, 1709; Henry Worley, 1715; Nicholas Fairlamb, Oct. 3, 1717-19; John Crosby, Oct. 4, 1720; John Taylor, Oct. 4, 1721-28; John Owen, Oct. 4, 1729-31; John Parry, Oct. 3, 1732-34; John Owen, Oct. 3, 1735-37 ; John Parry, Oct. 4, 1738-39 ; Benjamin Davis, Oct. 3, 1740-42 ; John Owen, Oct. 4, 1743-45 ; Ben jamin Davis, Oct. 4, 1746-48; John Owen, Oct. 8, 1749-51; Isaac Pearson, Oct. 4, 1752-54 ; John Fairlamb, Oct. 4, 1755-58 ; Benjamin Davis, Oct. 4, 1759-61 ; John Fairlamb, Oct. 4, 1762-63 ; Philip Ford, Oct. 4, 1764-66 ; John Morton (vice Ford, deceased), Oct. 28, 1766-68 ; JesBO Maris, Oct. 5, 1769-71 ; Henry Hayes, Oct. 5, 1772-73 ; Na thaniel Vernon, Oct. 5, 1774-76; Robert Smith, March 29, 1777; Charles Dilworth, Oct. 17, 1778 ; Robert Smith, Nov. 21, 1778 ; David Mackey, Oct. 16, 1779; John Gardner, Oct. 19,1780; William Gib bons, Birmingham, Oct. 20, 1783; Ezekiel Leonard, West Bradford, Oct. 13, 1786. Since Erection of Delaware County. Nicholas Fairlamb, Oct. 16, 1789; same, Oct. 21, 1790 ; James Barnard, Oct. 18, 1792; Abraham Dicks, Nov. 12, 1795, date of commission for 1 Died in office. 2 For Johnson's unexpired term; George Roseve.lt, who had been elected, refusing to serve. a For unexpired term of W. B. Levis. CIVIL LISTS. 269 second term ; John Odenheimer, Oct. 12, 1798 ; MatthiaB Kerlin, Jr., Oct. 21,1801; John Odenheimer, Oct. 10, 1804; Richard P. Floyd, Oct. 23, 1807 ; Isaac Cochran, Oct. 25, 1810 ; Daniel Thomson, Oct. 19, 1813; Robert Fairlamb, Oct. 16, 1816; Samuel AnderBon, Oct. 23, 1819; Joseph Weaver, Jr., Oct. 21, 1822; Johu Hinkson, Oct. 17, 1825; Jehu Broomhall, Oct. 22, 1828; William Baldwin,! Oct. 28, 1831; Charles Baldwin, March 5, 1831; Samuel A. Price, Oct. 22, 1834 ; Evans S. Way, Oct. 25, 1837 ; John Larkin, Jr., Oct. 27, 1840; Samuel Hibberd, Oct. 27, 1843; Robert R. Dutton, Nov. 18, 1846; Jonathan Esrey,2 Oct. 22, 1849 ; Henry T. Esrey, May 20, 1851 ; Aaron James, Nov. 17, 1851 ; John M. Hall, Nov. 2, 1854 ; Jonathan Ver non, Nov. 10, 1857; Morris L. Yarnall, Nov. 15, 1860; Abraham Vanzant, Nov. 16, 1863 ; Caleb Hoopes, April 11 , 1866 ; Evan C. Bar- tleson, Nov. 23, 1869 : Charles W. Matthew, Dec. 29, 1875; John J. Rowland, Dec. 21, 1878; William Armstrong, Dec. 22, 1881. County Commissioners. — The office of county com missioner, we are told by Judge Futhey, was created not long prior to 1820, the duties discharged by them being first performed by the justices and grand jury conjointly, and afterwards by the grand jury and as sessors. The first commissioners of the; county were elected to serve one year, and the board at that time comprising four members, is inferred from a peti tion presented from Chester County to the Assembly at the session of 1721-22, asking "that three commis sioners may be elected yearly." Petitions of like tenor being presented from other counties, on May 12, 1722, the act to that effect was passed, excepting that it provided that one commissioner should be elected annually, thus extending the period of service of the commissioners to three years. The following is a list of commissioners since 1721, and the date of their appointment or election : 1721, David Lloyd, Nathaniel Newlin, Henry Miller (in office); 1722, Robert Pyle; 1723, Nathaniel Newlin ; 1724, Samuel Hollingsworth ; 1725, Robert Pyle; 1726, Isaac Taylor; 1727, William Webb; 1728, Henry Miller, Evans Lewis, elected by commissioners and assessors in August, vice Isaac Taylor, deceased ; 1729, Samuel Nutt ; 1730, Evan Lewis ; 1731, Jacob Howell ; 1732, Samuel Lewis ; 1733, George Aston ; 1734, John Davis ; 1735, Richard Jones ; 1736, Samuel Light foot; 1737, John Parry, Jr.; 1738, William Jeffries; 1739, John Davis ; 1740, John Parry, Jr. ; 1741, John Yarnall ; 1742, John Davis ; 1743, Jacob Howell; 1744, Joseph Mendenhall; 1745, John Davis; 1746, Thomas Pennell; 1747, JoBhna Thompson; 1748, Isaac Davis; 1749, Thomas Pennell ; 1750, Edward Brinton, Samuel Bunting, vice Thomas Pennell, deceased; 1751, William Lewis; 1752, John Fair lamb; 1753, Robert Miller; 1754, Thomas Pearson ; 1755, Joseph Ashbridge; 1756, Joseph Davis; 1757, Joseph James; 1758, John Hannum; 1759, Jonas Preston; 1760, Joseph Pennock; 1761, John Griffith; 1762, Lewis Davis ; 1763, John Price; 1764, Benjamin Bar tholomew; 1765, Richard Baker; 1766, John Davis; 1767, Robert Pennell; 1768, John Webster ; 1769, John Evans; 1770, Jesse Bon sall ; 1771, Robert Mendenhall ; 1772, John Fleming ; 1773, Thomas Levis ; 1774, Thomas Taylor ; 1775, William Evans ; 1776, Sketchley Morton; 1777, David Cloyd; 1778, Andrew Boyd; 1779, Benjamin Brannan; 1780, John Bartholomew; 1781, Joseph Strawbridge; 1782; Caleb James ; 1783, John Davis ; 1784, Joseph McClellan ; 1785, Caleb James; 1786, Caleb North; 1787, John Worth; 1788, Joseph Gibbons. After the erection of Delaware County, in 1789, at the general election in that year the following com missioners were elected and served : 1 Sheriff Baldwin died Feb. 14, 1834. His son waB appointed to fill vacancy. 2 Sheriff Esrey dying in office, his son was appointed to fill the va cancy. 1790, Edward Hunter, Gideon Gilpin, James Barnard; in 1791, John Jones was elected in place of Hunter, and Gilpin, Barnard, and Jones served for that and the year 1792, when all record is lost until 1797, when David Platt and Richard Lloyd were commissioners ; in 1798, Isaac G. Gilpin was elected; 1799, Thomas Bishop; 1800, Thomas Vernon ; 1801, Jonas Eyre;3 1802, John Hunter, Josiah Lewis ; 1803, John Odenheimer died, and Pierce Corsly was ap pointed to fill vacancy; 1804, Pierce Corsly; 1805, Joseph Gibbons, and Josiah Lewis having died or resigned, Nehemiah Baker was ap pointed to fill vacancy, and was also elected that year; 1807, Joseph Engle; 1808, William Mendenhall; 1809, George B. Lownes; 1810, Thomas Bishop; 1811, Preston Eyre: 1812, Thomas Hemphill ; 1813, Maris Worrell ; 1814, John Brooke; 1815, Robert Fairlamb; 1816, John Willcox, William Levis, Jr. ;¦» 1817, Joseph Davis ; 1818, Wil liam Hill ; 1819, John Lindsay, Jr. ; 1820, Joseph Henderson ; 1821, George Green; 1822, Joseph Engle; 1823, Edward Hunter; 1824, William Johnson; 1826, JameB Sill; 1826, Samnel H.Eves; 1827, James Maddoek ; 1828, Joseph Bishop ; 1829, Oliver Levis ; 1830, Evan Evans ; 1831, David Siter ; 1832, David Trainer, John Aitkins; 1835, JameB Serrill ; 1836, James S. Peters ; 1837, Isaac Fawkes ; 1838, Spencer Mcllvain ; 1839, Edward Lewis, Jr : 1840, Davis Beau mont; 1841, Thomas Williamson; 1842, Thomas Steele, Jr. ; 1843, Isaac Yarnall ; 1844, George Harvey ; 1845, David Worrell ; 1846, Samuel Palmer; 1847, Edmund Pennell;6 1848, Mark Bartleson ; 1849, Caleb J. Hoopes; 1850, John D. Gilpin ; 1851, Annseley New lin ; 1862, James Barton; 1853, William H. Grubb; 1854, Robert Plumstead ; 1855, Thomas Pratt; 1856, Percipher Baker; 1857, Sam uel Leedom; 1858, James Clowd ; 1859, Elwood Tyson ; 1860, Van- lear Eachus; 1861, Thomas Reece ; 1862, Nathaniel Pratt; 1863, Jo seph Lewis; 1864, Daniel James; 1865, George Drayton; 1866. William D. H. Serrill; 1867, Charles Johnson; 1868, T. Baker Jones ; 1869, Jacob M. Campbell ; 1870, William Russell ; 1871, John B. Heyburn; 1872, John B. Holland ; 1873, James McDade; 1874, Elias Baker. The same commissioners remained in office until the first Monday of January, 1876. Before the expiration of the period of service of the old board of commissioners, before the provisions of the Constitution of 1874 went into effect respecting that office, James McDade, one of the commissioners, absconded. When the county statement was pub lished, the people stood aghast at the exhibit made, and on March 17, 1876 — " The grand jury reported that the commissioners for the year 1875 have exceeded their authority in borrowing money on promissory notes, which sums amounted to $206,227.57, and the discounts to $3043.90, while tax-collectors were permitted to remain in arrears on collections, with discounts allowed to them to the amount of $40,!<52.18. "In the opinion of the grand jury this is highly improper, and should be fully investigated, and measures taken to collect said tax. That by the said report (that of the county treasurer) it appears that the ex penditures for repairing bridges and for new bridges has cost the county for the same year the sum of $58,375.66. That in the financial condi tion of the county the grand jury deems this an extravagant expendi- s On his resigning, on April 29, 18C2, the county minutes show: " Upon the resignation of Jonas Eyre, one of the commissioners of the county of Delaware, the following person was appointed by the court and commissioners, viz., John Odenheimer, Esq., to serve in place of Baid Jonas Eyre." 4 On Oct. 21, 1816, " the court and John Willcox and William Levis, Jr., remaining commissioners, being assembled together, do appoint Richard Flower county commissioner until the next general election, in place of Robert Fairlamb, who has been elected and commisBioned sheriff of the said county,and has declined serving in the office of com missioner." 6 " Feb. 25, 1847, the petition of Samuel Palmer and Edmund Pennell waB presented, Bhowing that a vacancy had occurred in the board of Commissioners of Delaware County by the death of David Worrell. Whereupon the court, together with the two remaining commissioners of said county, have appointed Thomas Steele, Jr., of the township of Marple, in said county, a commissioner to fill said vacancy until the next general election." 270 HISTORY OP DELAWARE COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA. ture that the commissioners were not warranted in making, and that they have reason to believe that irregularities have occurred in award ing contracts for the same, which should be investigated. That by the same report, printing and stationery for the same year has coBt the county $3095.58 ; this is in addition to the amount paid by the commis sioners, but not allowed by the auditors. This appears to the grand jury to be an extravagant expenditure for that purpose. By the same report there has been paid D. Corson for the storage of the turn-table from the Front Street bridge, $115. With such continued expenditures, this turn-table will prove a serious burden, and the grand jury recom mend its early disposal. " The grand jury also report that bonds of the company which have been paid or exchanged have not been properly cancelled, merely an erasure of the commissioners' names, and that some of these partially- cancelled bonds have in some manner disappeared from the commis sioners' office, and have been wrongfully used, and that the coupons on those bonds have been presented and paid out of the county treasury since the cancellation of the bonds. The grand jury consider that these matters should be more fully and thoroughly investigated, and urge upon this department of the public trust a more careful and economical administration. The treasurer further reports that for 1875 there has been paid out of the treasury for road damageB the sum of $4608, and the grand jury deem it proper to say that it is questionable whether such expenditure is warranted in the condition of the county finances, as perhaps many of the roads laid out must benefit, with the number already improved, but few of the citizens." This action of the grand jury directed public at tention directly to the gross mismanagement of public affairs, but as it subsequently proved the greater part of the objectionable transactions were done by the absconding commissioner, without the knowledge of his fellow-member of the board, the authorities were powerless to punish the offender. Under the Constitution of 1874 the following com missioners were elected for the period of .three years, the term of service beginning in the year set opposite to their names : 1876, Owen W. Yarnall, Abram C. Lukens, Edward H. Engle ; 1879, Owen W. Yarnall, Abram C. Lukens, Jesse Brooke. In that year Jesse Brooke, the regular Democratic candidate, was elected over Edward H. Engle, Inde pendent Democrat, by two votes, and proceedings were instituted to test the validity of Brooke's elec tion by the friends of Engle. The matter was re ferred to an examiner, but pending the hearing the contest was abandoned. 1882, Owen W. Yarnall, Benjamin F. Pretty, Jesse Brooke. County Treasurer. — In the early time the office of county treasurer appears to have been a gift at the disposal of the commissioners and assessors, and it must have been remunerative other than the salary or commissions attached to the office, for John Taylor, in 1741, offers to perform the duties of the office " without bringing any charge against the county," and the same year two other patriots, Joseph Brinton and Joshua Thomas, also offered to serve the public gratis. Brinton, who was the incumbent, succeeded in retaining the position. In 1790, when the board of assessors ceased to be, the commissioners adopted the plan of appointing the outgoing commissioner county treasurer, or, as it was then called, the com missioner's treasurer, and continued generally to ob serve that rule until 1838, when under the Constitu tion of 1837, the office was made elective. The following is the list of county treasurers of the old county of Chester : 1695, Jeremiah Collett; 1697-1702, Walter Martin ; 1704, Caleb Pusey; 1706-9, Walter Martin; 1720-23, Henry Pierce; 1724-26, Philip Taylor ; 1740-46, Joseph Brinton ; 1756-60, Robert Miller ; 1761-64, Humphrey Marshall ; 1765, JesBe Maris, Jr. ; 1766-69, Lewis Davis ; 1770-76, James Gibbons; 1770-72, Richard Thomas; 1775, Philip Taylor ; 1775-77, John Brinton ; 1778, Thomas Levis ; 1779, William Evans ; 1780, Persifor Frazer (March 22d) ; 1781, David Cloyd ; 1785, Andrew Boyd and David Cloyd ; 1786-87, William Evans ; 1788, An drew Boyd. TREASURERS OF THE COUNTY OF DELAWARE. 1790, Edward Richards ; 1799, Seth Thomas ; 1806, Joshua LewiB ; 1809, John Thompson ; 1812, Robert Fairlamb ; 1815, John Thompson ; 1822, Robert Fairlamb ; 1825, John Russell ; 1827, Homer Eachus ; 1830, William Eyre; 1833, Oborn Levis; 1835, Samuel T. Walker; 1838, William Eyre ; 1839, Davis Beaumont ; 1840, William Eyre ; 1840, William Eyre, Jr. (unexpired term of William Eyre) ; 1841, John Miller; 1844, Richard F. Worrell; 1846, Benjamin F. John son; 1848, Marshall Eachus ; 1850, Edmund Taylor; 1852, Samuel Dutton ; 1854, Joseph H. Hinkson ; 1856, Jackson LyonB ; 1858, Charles R. Williamson ; 1860, Charles Johnson ; 1862, David R. Ralston; 1864, William Hinkson; 1866, William H. Eves; 1868, William F. Mathews ; 1870, John J. Hoopes ; 1872, John D. How ard ; 1874, Alvin Baldwin ; 1876, Henry B. Taylor; 1879, William P. Yarnall ; 1882, Stephen Clowd, Jr. Directors of the Poor. — The early settlers were not unmindful of their duty in providing for the sick, in firm, and destitute, who could not care for themselves. At a court held on the sixth day of Eleventh month, 1684, it was " Ordered that ye Inhabitance of Concord, Bethel and Chichester meet on the 3rd day of the next weeke att Henry Renolds to conferre together how to Provide a maintainance for Miriam Thomson and her child." The court, on March 25th of each year, appointed for the several townships two persons, who were to act as overseers of the poor in the township where they resided, and such persons were usually selected from the wealthiest men in the locality. The court records are filled with cases respecting the settlement of paupers, hence to avoid much of that contention the act of May 31, 1718, was passed, to define the law governing residence of those persons needing relief from the public. This act required that all persons who should be receiving public assistance, including the wives and children of such pauper, if residing with him, " Shall upon the Shoulder of the right Sleeve of the upper Garment of every such Person in an open and visible manner, wear such a Badge or Mark as is hereinafter mentioned and expressed, That is to say, a large Roman (P) together with the first Letter of the Name of the County, City or Place whereof such Person is an Inhabitant, cut either in red or blue Cloth, as the Overseers of the Poor it shall be directed or appointed." The failure of " any such poor person" to comply with this provision rendered him or her liable to' be taken before a justice of the peace, when, in the dis cretion of the magistrate, the public allowance could "be abridged, suspended, or withdrawn," or the of fender committed to the House of Correction, " there to be whipped and kept at hard Labour for any Num- CIVIL LISTS. 271 ber of Days not exceeding Twenty-one, as to the said Justices should seem meet." On Feb. 13, 1804, the act of Assembly was approved providing for the election in Delaware County, at the following general election, of three reputable citizens to be directors of the poor, who were instructed to meet, and by lot to divide themselves into three classes, " the place of the first to be vacated at the expiration of the first year, of the second at the ex piration of the second year, and of the third at the expiration of the third year ; so that those who may be chosen, after the first election, may serve for three years ; and one-third be chosen annually," l which manner of electing the directors and the period of service remained in use until changed by the second section of Article xiv. of the Constitution of 1874. In the report of the committee of the Legislature on the operation of the poor law, made Jan. 29, 1825, the statement from Delaware County was, " The es tablishment of a house of employment in this county has increased the number, or from some other cause, there is more than when maintained in the different townships ; but we have no hesitation in saying that the effect has been such as to make their situation more comfortable, the morals and health better pre served." In 1855 the directors of the poor, having been authorized by the act of May 8, 1854, to sell the old county-house and farm at Media, sold the estate in the fall of that year for a sum over fifty thousand dollars, and purchased the farm of Abraham Pennell, one of the directors, containing about one hundred and one acres, for sixteen thousand dollars, and con tracted with John Eves & Co., of Nether Providence, to erect the building for twenty thousand three hun dred dollars. The proceedings of the board aroused considerable feeling in the county, and a public meet ing was held on the 29th of December, 1855, "to investigate the action of the Directors of the Poor in changing the location of the public property ;" and an adjourned meeting was held on Jan. 18, 1856, when a bitter debate was had, after which the whole matter drifted by, and in a short time had ceased to attract any further public attention. The following is the list of directors of the poor, giving the year when each director became a member of the board : 1805, William Anderson, Jonathan Heacock, John Smith (resigned and John Thomson appointed) ; 1806, Thomas Pennell, Philip Moore ; 1807, John Mcllvain; 1808, Benjamin W. Oakford; 1809, David Pratt; 1810, George W. Oakford (died in office, John Mcllvain ap pointed), William Peters, Jr., John Worrall; 1811, Thomas Garrett; 1812, George Miller; 1813, Francis Wesley; 1814, John Powell; 1816, George B. Lownes; 1816, Joseph Hoskins; 1817, William Trimble ; 1818, William Mendenhall (in place of William Trimble), Enos Sharpless ; 1819, Samuel Garrett ; 1820, Jesse Darlington ; 1821, Joseph James; 1822, James Craig; 1823, Enos Williamson; 1824, Micajah Speakman ; 18 .5, Isaac Yarnall (in place of Speakman, re signed), John Larkin ; 1826, Oborn Levis ; 1827, Joseph Henderson ; 1828, Thomas Dutton; 1829, Isaiah Fawk; 1830, John Kerns; 1831, 1 Bliss' " Delaware County Digest," p. 48. John Hinkson ; 1832, David Lyons; 1833, Robert N. Gamble; 1834, James Ogden ; 1835, Edward Lewis ; 1836, Samuel Hale; 1837, Jesse Walter; 1838, George Martin; 1839, Capt. James Serrill; 1840, James Barton; 1841, Moses D. Palmer; 1842, George Lewis; 1843, Caleb J. HoopeB; 1844, Moses D. Palmer (he resigned and George F. Gil- pins appointed) ; 1845, James J. Lewis ; 1846, Marshall Painter ; 1847, John Clayton; 1848, Joel Evans; 1849, John Miller; 1850, Thomas Williamson ; 1851, J. Edward Garrett; 1852, Abraham Pen nell; 1853, William Trainer; 1854, Joseph B. Leedom; 1855, Jacob Byers; 1856, Samuel A. Barton; 1857, Francis Leedom; 1858, Sam uel Johnson; 1869, E. B. Loveland ; 1860, William H. Grubb; 1861, Judge Tyson ; 1862, Samuel B. Leedom ; 1863, Peter W. Green ; 1864, Joseph Powell; 1865, Baldwin Howard; 1866, Fredrick J. Hinkson ; 1867-68, Powell, Howard, and Hinkson ; 1869-71, Powell, Howard, and William Trainer; 1872, James Shelley Tyson, Joel Sharp less; 1873, Edgar T. Miller; 1874, Jesse Hibberd; 1876, Chalkley Harvey; 1876-77-79-80, Chalkley Harvey, Jesse Hibberd, John H. Kerlin; 1880-81, Chalkley Harvey, John H. Kerlin, Milton Ed wards; 1882, Chalkley Harvey, Milton Edwards, Henry L. Donald son; 1883, Henry L. Donaldson, John B. McCay, Jr. , Joseph Lee dom. County Auditors.— During all the period while Delaware County was a part of Chester County the accounts of the public officers were audited by the court, which was found to be injurious, inasmuch as they were often given hurried examination, the jus tices growing weary of the dry column of figures sub mitted to their inspection and approval. The evil became so noticeable that the Legislature sought to rectify it, hence we find that on "August 11, 1791 The Court appoints John Talbot, Mark Wilcox and William Pennock, as auditors to settle Ac, the accounts of the Treas urer and Commissioners of the County, in conformity to the act of Assem bly of March 30, 1791. Read three times in Court." Subsequent appointments by the court were as fol lows:1792, John Pearson, Abraham Pennell, and Richard Flower ; 1793, Ben jamin Brannon, Thomas Newlin, Abraham SbarplesB ; 1795, Samuel Price, Esq., John Horn, and Caleb Pierce; 1796, John Crosby, Esq., Elisha Price, Esq., and William Martin ; 1797, John Crosby, Esq., Wil liam Martin, Esq., Thomas Newlin, Esq. ; Nov. 26, 1798, " The Court nominate John Crosby Esq. and Thomas Newlin, Esq. be continued and adds Richard Flower in the room of William Martin, the other Auditor, deceased;" 1799, Edward Hunter, Esq., William Trimble, and Nicholas Newlin ; 1800, Abraham Pennell, Joseph Shallcross, John Talbot; 1801-2, Nathaniel Newlin, Esq., Joseph Pennell, Jacob Gib bons; 1803, Benjamin W. Oakford, Moses Palmer, Pierce Crosby; 1804, William Anderson, Thomas Smith, Frederick Fairlamb; 1805, Abraham Sharpless, Richard P. Lloyd, John Thomson ; 1806, Moses Palmer, Benjamin W. Oakford, Dr. Jonas Preston ; 1807, Dr. Jonas Preston, Moses Palmer, Pierce Crosby ; 1808, William Pennock, Moses Palmer, Pierce Crosby ; 1809, MoseB Palmer, Edward Hunter, Mas- kill Ewing; 1819, Moses Palmer. In 1821 the office became elective. 1823, William Bishop, Enoch Abraham, Samuel Hewes; 1824, Cyrus Mendenhall ; 1825, Joseph Gibbons ; 1826, Enos Sharpless ; 1827, Henry Moore ; 1828, Abner Lewis ; 1829, Daniel Abraham ; 1830, Benjamin Serrill; 1831, John D. White; 1832, James McMullin; 1833, Alexauder McKeever ; 1834, Joseph Gibson, William S. Flower (in room of James McMullin) ; 1835, William Eyre; 1836, H. Jones Brooks; 1837, Caleb J. Hoopes; 1838, Casper W. Sharpless; 1839, George Smedley; 1840, Joel Evans ; 1841, William J. Wilcox ; 1842, Minshall Painter ; 1843, Jesse Brooke, Jr. ; 1844, Robert E. Hannum ; 1845, Jonathan Miller ; 1846, John Sellers, Jr. ; 1847, Frederick Fair lamb ; 1848, Jacob Parry ; 1849, Randle Bishop ; 1850, William Eyre ; 1851, Lewis Miller; 1852, Randle Bishop, William Eyre, Lewis Miller; 1853, William Ogden ; 1854, Abraham P. Morgan ; 1855, Walter Y. Hoopes; 1856, J. Lewis Garrett; 1857, William D. Pennell ; 1858, ; 1859-60, Robert E. Hannum, John D. White, Jacob Smedley; 1861, James H. Ogden; 1862, J. H. Omensetter; 1863, 272 HISTORY OP DELAWARE COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA. James Clowd ; 1864, Walter Y. Hoopes ; 1 865, Samuel Dutton ; 1866, Joseph Walter ; 1867, same auditor; 1868, I. Hunter Moore; 1869, Curtie Cheyney; 1870, George Broomall ; 1871, Eber Lewis, Jr. ; 1872, Daniel James; 1873, Charles P. Walter; 1874, PearBon Pike; 1875, Charles H. Cheyney; 1876 (under Constitution of 1874), William J. Smith, Jared Darlington, Jacob Boon; 187b, Jared Darlington, Thomas Coulter, Joseph Pratt; 1882. Jared Darlington, William S. Sykes, J. Lewis Garrett. Members of Congress. — In 1789 the members of Congress from Pennsylvania were elected on a general ticket, which ran throughout the commonwealth. The Apportionment Act of 1791 first gave Congres sional districts, and by it Philadelphia and Delaware County became the First District, and was entitled to one member. In that year Thomas Fitzsimmons, of Philadelphia, was elected, and served until 1793. In the mean time, dissatisfaction had been created be cause of the manner in which the State had been dis tricted, and the law was repealed, and again, in 1793, the members from our State were elected on a general ticket. In 1795 an Apportionment Act was passed which met general approval, and John Richards, of Philadelphia, represented our people, and in 1797 and 1801, Richard Thomas, of the same place, was the member of the House of Representatives from this district. In 1801, Joseph Hemphill, from Dela ware County, was Congressman. By the Apportionment Act of 1802 the city and county of Philadelphia and the county of Delaware became the First Congressional District, and was en titled to three representatives, of which number Del aware County furnished : Jacob Richards, 1803-9 ; William Anderson, 1809-15. The Apportionment Act of 1812 constituted the same territory as the First District, with four repre sentatives. As will be noticed, Maj. Anderson was continued for one term under this act: Thomas Smith, 1815-17; William Anderson, 1817-19; Sam uel Edwards, 1819-27. By the Apportionment Act of 1822, Chester, Dela ware, and Lancaster Counties were made the Fourth Congressional District, entitled to three members, and twice under its provision Mr. Edwards was our representative : Dr. Samuel Anderson, 1827-29 ; George Grey Leiper, 1829-31. In 1830, during the Anti-Masonic excitement, seven candidates were named by the opposing factions and presented to the people. Three Delaware County gentlemen were nominated, — Archibald J. Dick, Ed ward Darlington, and John Edwards, — and all of them defeated. The district during the years 1831 to 1833 was represented by Joshua Evans and David Potts, Jr., of Chester, and William Heister, of Lan caster County. By the Apportionment Act of 1832 the same territory comprised the Fourth Congres sional District, and was entitled to the same number of members: Edward Darlington, 1833-39; John Edwards, 1839-43. By the act of 1843, Delaware and Montgomery Counties comprised the Fifth Congressional District, and was entitled to one member : Francis James, of Montgomery, 1843^5 ; Jacob S. Yost, 1845-47 ; John Friedley, 1848-51. In 1848 Montgomery County conceded the repre sentative to Delaware County, and John K. Zeilin was nominated by the convention in the latter county. The Democrats had nominated Samuel M. Leiper, whose election over Zeilin was not doubted; hence a convention of the Whigs was called at the Black Horse, and Zeilin was requested and unwillingly compelled to resign the nomination in favor of Fried- ley : John McNair, Montgomery, 1851-53. The Apportionment Act of 1852 made Delaware and Chester Counties the Sixth Congressional Dis trict, with one member: William Everhart, Chester County, 1853-55; John Hickman, Chester County, 1855-63. The apportionment of 1862 made the same territory the Seventh District: J. M. Broomall, Delaware County, 1863-69; W. Townsend, Chester County, 1869-77. The act of 1873 made the same counties the Sixth District: William Ward, Delaware County, 1877-84; J. B. Everhart, Chester County, 1883. The dates given herein are the times of service, and not the dates of election. MEMBERS OF THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY FROM CHESTER COUNTY. 1682. — John Simcock, Thomas Brasey, Ralph Withers, Thomas Usher. 1683. — John Hoskins, Robert Wade, George Wood, John Blunsten, DenniB Rockford, Thomas Bracy, John Bezar, John Harding, Jo seph Phipps. 1684. — Joshua Hastings, Robert Wade, John Blunsten, George Maris, Thomas Usher, Henry Maddoek. 1685. — John Blunsten, George Maris, John Harding, Thomas Usher, Francis Stanfield, Joshua Fearne. 1686. — Robert Wade, John Blunsten, George Maris, Bartholomew Cop pock, Caleb Pusey, Samuel Levis. 1687. — John Blunsten, George Maris, Bartholomew Coppock, Caleb Pusey, Edward Bezar, Randal Vernon. 1688. — John Blunsten, James Sandelands, George Maris, Robert Pile, Edward Carter, Thomas Cobourn. 1689. — James Sandelands, Samuel Levis, John Bartram, Robert Pile, Jonathan Hayes. 1690. — John BriBton, William Jenkins, Robert Pile, Joshua Fearne, George Maris, Caleb PuBey. 1691. — Record wanting. 1692. — Philip Roman, George Maris, Bartholomew Coppock, Robert Pile, Caleb Pusey, Thomas WitherB. 1693. — John Simcock, George Maris, David Lloyd. 1694. — David Lloyd (Speaker), Caleb Pusey, Samuel Levis. 1695. — John Blunsten, Bartholomew Coppock, William Jenkins, Robert Pile, Walter Fawcet, Philip Roman. 1696. — John Simcock (Speaker). John Blunsten, Caleb Pusey. 1697. — John Blunsten (Speaker), Bartholomew Coppock; Thomas Worth, Jonathan Hayes. 1698. — Caleb Pusey, Samuel Levis, Nathaniel Newlin, Robert Carter. 1699.— John Blunsten (Speaker), Robert Pile, John Worrilow, Robert Carter. 1700.— John Blunsten (Speaker), Robert Pile, Richard Ormes, John Hood, Samuel Levis, Henry Levis. 1701.— Joseph Baker, Samuel Levis, Nathaniel Newlin, Nicholas Pile. 1702.— John Blunsten, Robert Pile, Nathaniel Newlin, Andrew Job. 1703.— Nicholas Pile, John Bennet, Andrew Job, David Lewis, Nathaniel Newlin, Joseph Baker, Robert Carter, Joseph Wood. 1704.— Nicholas Pile, John Bennet, Nicholas Fairlamb, Joseph CobourD, John Hood, Richard Hayes, Joseph Wood, Isaac Taylor. CIVIL LISTS. 273 1705.— Nicholas Pile, John Bennet, John Hood, Joseph Wood, Taaac Taylor. 1706. — Samuel Levis, Richard Hayes, Francis Chadds, Joseph Baker, Evan Lewis, John Hood, George Pearce, William Garrett. 1707.— Francis Chadds, William Smith, Samuel Levis, Richard Hayes, John Hood, William Garrett, John Bethel. 1708.— Daniel Williamson, Samuel Levis, Richard Hayes, John Hood, Thomas Pearson, William Bartram, Daniel Hoops. 1709.— Samuel Levis, John Maris, John Hood, Henry Lewis, Daniel Williamson, Daniel Hoops, Richard Hayes, William Smith. 1710. — Nicholas Pile, Joseph Baker, William Lewis, John Wood, Na thaniel Newlin, Ephraim Jackson, Caleb Pusey, Isaac Taylor. 1711.— Francis Yarnall, John Bezer, Caleb Pusey, Nicholas Pile, Na thaniel Newlin, Joseph Baker, Nicholas Fairlamb, David Llewellyn. 1712.— Caleb Pusey, David Lloyd, William Davis, Nicholas Fairlamb, Joseph Wood, George Harlan, Isaac Taylor, John MariB, 1713.— David Lloyd, William Davis, Joseph Baker, Nathaniel Newlin, Nicholas Fairlamb, Richard Hayes, William Brinton, John Blun ston. 1714.— David Lloyd, Nathaniel Newlin, Nicholas Pile, Evan Lewis, John Miller, Benjamin Mendenhall, Samuel Garrett, Richard Maris. 1715.— David Lloyd, Henry Hayes, Samuel Garrett, Henry Lewis, Wil liam Pile, Edward Beazer, Philip Taylor, David Lewis. 1716. — David Lloyd, John Blunston, Henry Hayes, Joseph Pennock, David Harry, John Maris, John Worrell, Henry Oburn. 1717.— David Lloyd, Nathaniel Newlin, Richard Hayes, Samuel Garrett, James Gibbons, John Wood, George Maris, Henry Miller. 1718.— David Lloyd, Richard HayeB, Nathaniel Newlin, John Wright, JameB Gibbons, Henry Lewis, Henry Oburn. 1719.— Isaac Taylor, Joseph Pennock, Moses Key, John Bezer, Nathaniel Newlin, John Maris, James Gibbons, Evan Lewis. 1720.— Joseph Pennock, Samuel Levis, Israel Taylor, John Maris, Ralph Pile, Daniel Williamson, David Lewis. 1721.— Samuel Levis, Jr., William Pile, Daniel Williamson, Isaac Taylor, David Lewis, Henry Oburn, Nathaniel Newlin, Israel Taylor. 1722.— Samuel Levis, Jr., Joseph Pennock, David Levis, William Pile, Daniel Williamson, Israel Taylor, Nathaniel Newlin, Isaac Taylor. 1723.— Moses Key, Joseph Pennock, William Webb, Thomas Chandler, David Lloyd (Speaker), John Crosby, Samuel Lewis, Jr., Samuel Nutt. 1724.— Moses Key, Joseph Pennock, William Pile, Thomas Chandler, Elisha Gatchell, John Parry, John Crosby. 1726.— Thomas Chandler, David Lloyd (Speaker), William Webb, John Wright, Samuel Hollingsworth, William Pusey, George Aschetou, William Paschall. 1726.— David Lloyd (Speaker), Samuel Nutt, Samuel HollingBworth, John Wright, Richard Hayes, Joseph Pennock, Thomas Chandler, William Pusey. 1727.— John Parry, Samuel Hollingsworth, David Lloyd, Thomas Chan dler, John Carter, Daniel Williamson, Simon Meredith, William Webb. 1728.— Thomas Chandler, David Lloyd, Samuel Hollingsworth, John Parry, William Webb, Philip Taylor, John Carter, Henry Hayes. 1729.— Caleb Cowpland, Richard Hayes, Joseph Brinton, Thomas Chan dler, Samuel Gilpin, James James, Joseph Pennock. 1730.— Henry Pierce, John Taylor, Samuel Levis, John Parry, Thomas Chandler, Samuel Gilpin, William Webb, Henry Hayes. 1731.— Joseph Harvey, John Parry, Samuel Levis, Caleb Cowpland, John Taylor, Joseph Brinton, Henry Pierce, Evan Lewis. 1732.— Coleb Cowpland, Joseph Harvey, Joseph Brinton, ThomaB Thomas, William Webb, Joseph Pennock, John Davis, William Hewes. 1733.— Caleb Cowpland, Joseph Harvey, Joseph Pennock, Joseph Brin ton, John Davis, Thomas Thomas, John Owen, William Moore. 1734.— Joseph Harvey, Joseph Brinton, Caleb Cowpland, John Evans, William Webb, William Moore, John Owen, Joseph Pennock. 1735.— Joseph Harvey, William Moore, Joseph Pennock, Caleb Cowp land, John Evans, John Parry, Joseph Brinton, Thomas Cum mings. 1736.— Joseph Harvey, Thomas Cummings, John Evans, Caleb Cowp land, William Webb, William Moore, Thomas Chandler, John Parry. 1737.— Thomas Chandler, John Harvey, John Evans, Thomas Cum mings, William Moore, James Gibbons, William Hughs, Richard Hayes. 1738.— William Moore, James Gibbons, Thomas Chandler, Joseph Har vey, John Owen, Thomas Tatnall, William Hughs, Jeremiah Starr. 18 1739.— James Gibbons, Thomas Chandler, Joseph Harvey, William Hughs, Jeremiah Starr, William Moore, Samuel Levis, John Owen, 1740. — Thomas Chandler, Joseph Harvey, James Gibbons, William HugtiB, Samuel Levis, John Owen, Jeremiah Starr, Thomas Tatnall. 1741.— Same as 1740. 1742.— Same as 1740. 1743.— Jeremiah Starr, James Gibbons, Thomas Chandler, Joseph Har vey, Joseph Pennock, Samuel Levis, George Ashbridge, Jr., FranciB Yarnall. 1744. — George Ashbridge, Francis Yarnall, Joseph Pennock, Samuel Levis, James Gibbons, Joseph Harvey, Thomas Cummings, Thomas Chandler. 1745.' — Joseph Pennock, Thomas Cummings, George Ashbridge, Francis Yarnall, Robert Lewis, Joseph Harvey, Samuel Levis, Thomas Chandler. 1746. — Francis Yarnall, George Ashbridge, Robert Lewis, Thomas Worth, Samuel Levis, Peter Dicks, Thomas Chandler. John Owen. 1747. — Samuel Levis, Francis Yarnall, George Ashbridge, Thomas Worth, Peter Dicks, John Owen, John Davis, Thomas Chandler. 1748. — Thomas Worth, George Ashbridge, Francis Yarnall, John Davis, John Owen, Joseph JameB, Thomas Chandler, Joseph Gibbons. 1749. — Joseph Gibbons, George Ashbridge, Henry Hockley, Thomas Chandler, Nathaniel Grubb, Nathaniel Pennock, Roger Hunt, Thomas Cummings. 1750. — Same members as 1749. 1751.— Joseph GibbonB, Thomas Cummings, George Ashbridge, Nathan iel Grubb, Peter Dicks, Nathaniel Pennock, Henry Hockley, Thomas Chandler. 1752. — Joseph Gibbons, Thomas Cummings, Nathaniel Grubb, William Peters, Jacob Howell. 1753. — Thomas Cummings, Nathaniel Pennock, George Ashbridge, Jo seph Gibbens, Nathaniel Grubb, Peter Dicks, William Peters, Joseph Jones. 1754. — Members of 1753 re-elected. 1755. — Same members re-elected. 1756.— Joseph Gibbons, Peter Dicks, John Moiten, Roger Hunt, George Ashbridge, Hugh Trimble, Nathaniel Pennock, Nathaniel Grubb. 1757, — Joseph Gibbons, George Ashbridge, John Morton, Roger Hunt, Isaac Wayne, Nathaniel Grubb, Hugh Trimble, Joshua Ash. 1758. — The members of 1757 re-elected. 1759 — John Morton, George Ashbridge, Joshua Ash, Joseph Gibbons, Hugh Trimble, Roger Hunt, Peter Dicks. Isaac Wayne. 1760. — George Ashbridge, John Morton, Roger Hunt, Joshua Ash, Jo seph Gibbons, Nathaniel Pennock, Isaac Wayne, William Boyd. 1761. — George Ashbridge, Joseph Gibbons, Nathaniel Pennock, Joshua Ash, Isaac Pearson, John Morton, Isaac Wayne, Roger Hunt. 1762. — George Ashbridge, Nathaniel Pennock, Joshua Ash, Isaac Pear son, John Morton, Isaac Wayne, Joseph Gibbons, John Jacobs. 1763. — George Ashbridge, Joshua Ash, Isaac Pearson, John Morton, Isaac Wayne, Joseph Gibbons, John Jacobs. 1764. — George Ashbridge, John Morton, Nathaniel Pennock, Joshua Ash, Isaac Pearson, Charles Humphreys, John Jacobs, John Fair lamb. 1765. — Same members re-elected. 1766. — John Morton, George Ashbridge, Nathaniel Pennock, John Jacobs, Charles Humphreys, Isaac Pearson, Joshua Ash, John Min shall. 1767. — Isaac Pearson, Charles Humphreys, John Sellers, George Ash bridge, John Minshall, Jonas Preston, John Jacobs, John Sellers, Nathaniel Pennock. 1768. — John Jacobs, Nathaniel Pennock, George Ashbridge, Charles Humphreys, John Sellers, John Minshall, Isaac Pearson, John Crosby. 1769. — George Ashbridge, Charles Humphreys, Isaac Pearson, John Sel lers, John Jacobs, John Minshall, John Crosby, John Morton. 1770. — Same members re-elected. 1771. — Same members re-elected. 1772.— Charles Humphreys, Isaac Pearson, John Morton, John Jacobs, John Minshall, James Hockley, George Ashbridge, Benjamin Bar tholomew. 1773, — Isaac Pearson, Benjamin Bartholomew, John Jacobs, Charles Humphreys, John Morton, James Gibbons, John Minshall, Joseph Pennock. 1774. — Benjamin Bartholomew, John Jacobs, Charles Humphreys, John Morton, James Gibbons, Joseph Pennock, Isaac Pearson, Anthony Wayne. 274 HISTOKY OF DELAWAKE COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA. 1775. — Same members, except Joseph Pyle was elected in the place of Anthony Wayne. 1776.— John Jacobs, Caleb Davis, Joseph Gardiner, John Fulton, Samuel Cunningham, John Sellers. 1777. — Joseph Gardiner, John Fnlton, Samuel Cunningham, John Cul bertson, Stephen Cochran, Lewis Gronow. 1778. — John Fulton, Joseph Gardiner, Patrick Anderson, John Culbert son, Stephen Cochran, John Fleming. 1779. — David Thomas, Henry Hayes, John Fulton, James Boyd, Fatriek Anderson, Joseph Parke, William Harris, Sketchley Morton. 1780. — David Thomas, Henry HayeB, William Harris, Joseph Parke, James Boyd, Patrick Anderson, John Culbertson, Evan Evans. 1781. — Persifor Frazer, John Culbertson, Thomas Maffat, Evan Evans, John Hannum, James Moore, Patrick Anderson, John Lindsay. 1782. — Persifor Frazer, Thomas Strawbridge, David Thomas, Benja min Brannan, John Lindsay, Thomas Maffat, James Boyd, Evan Evans. 1783. — David Thomas, Evan Evans, John Hannum, Joseph Parke, Rich ard Willing, Thomas Potts, Thomas Bull, Edward Jones. 1784. — Richard Willing, Anthony Wayne, Edward Jones, Robert Ral ston, James Moore, Joseph Strawbridge, Persifor Frazer, Thomas Potts, Charles Humphreys. 1785. — Anthony Wayne, Robert Ralston, James Moore, Thomas Bull, John Hannum, Robert Smith, Samuel Evans, Jonathan Morris. 1786. — James Moore, Richard Willing, Robert Ralston, Samuel Evans, Richard Thomas, Townsend Wheelen. 1787. — Same members re-elected. 1788. — Richard Thomas, James Moore, Mark Willcox, John McDowell, Caleb James, Richard Downing, Jr. MEMBERS OF THE SENATE OF PENNSYLVANIA FROM DELA WARE COUNTY. In a District with Philadelphia (for four years). 1790.— John Sellers. 1794-99— Nathaniel Newlin. 1800.— John Pearson. 1804.— William Pennell. In a District with Chester County (for four years). 1808. — Jonas Preston. 1812.— John Newbold. 1816.— Maskell Ewing. 1824-28.— John Kerlin. 1832.— Dr. George Smith. In a District with Chester and Montgomery Counties. 1836. — Henry Myers (for four years). 1839. — John T. Huddleson (for three years). In a District with Chester County (for three years). 1848.— H. Jonas Brooke. 1854. — James J. Lewis. I860.— Jacob S. Serrill. From Chester and Delaware Counties. 1865. — Dr. Wilmer Worthington (from CheBter County). 1869.— H. Jonas Brooke. 1873.— William B. Waddell (from Chester County). 1874-84.— Thomas V. Cooper. MEMBERS OF THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES FROM DELAWARE COUNTY. 1790-91.— Hugh Lloyd, Richard Riley. 1791-92.— Nathaniel Newlin, Hugh Lloyd. 1792-93. — Joseph Gibbons, William West. 1793-94.— Nathaniel Newlin, William West. 1794-97.— Jonas Preston, William West. 1797-1801. — Jonas Preston, Moses Palmer. 1801-2.— Benjamin H. Smith, Jonas Preston. 1802-3.— Benjamin H. Smith, Isaac G. Gilpin. 1803-4.— William Pennell, Benjamin H. Smith. 1804-8.— William Pennell, William Trimble. 1808-9.— Thomas Smith, William Trimble. 1809-12.— Thomas Smith, William Pennock. 1812-14. — William Cheyney, John Thompson. 1814-15. — Samuel Edwards, William Cheyney. 1816-16. — Samuel Anderson, Samuel Edwards. 1816-18. — Samuel Anderson, William Cheyney. 1818-19.— William Cheyney, John Kerlin. 1819-20.— John Kerlin, Thomas Robinson. 1820-21. — George G. Leiper, Abner Lewis. 1821-22.— John Lewis, William Cheyney. 1822-23.— Samuel Anderson. 1823-25.— Abner Lewis. 1825-26.— Samuel Anderson. 1826-27.— JoBeph Engle. 1827-28.— William Martin. 1828-29.— Edward Siter. 1829-30.— Samuel Anderson. 1830-31.— John Lindsay. 1831-35. — Samuel Anderson. 1835-36.— William Mendenhall. 1836-37.— John Hinkson. 1837-39.— John K. Zeilin. 1840-42.— Joshua P. Eyre. 1842-14.— H. Jonas Brooke. 1844-46.— John Larkin, Jr. 1S46-48.— Sketchley Morton. 1848-50. — James J. Lewis. 1850-52.^John M. Broomall. 1852-54. — Jonathan P. Abraham. 1854.— Thomas H. Maddoek. 1855.— Charles D. Manley. 1856. — Hiram Cleaver. 1857.— Thomas D. Powell. 1858-59.— William D. Pennell. I860.— Chalkley Harvey. 1861-62.— William Gamble. 1863.— Chalkley Harvey. 1864.— Edward A. Price. 1865-66.— Elwood Tyson. 1867.— John H. Barton. 1868-69. — Augustus B. Leedom. 1870.— Thomas V. Cooper. 1871.— Tryon Lewis. 1872.— Thomas V. Cooper. 1873— Orson Flagg Bullard. 1874-76.— William Cooper Talley. 1875-76.— William Worrall. 1877-78.— O. F. Bullard. 1877-80.— Y. S. Walter. 1879-81.— Nathan Garrett (elected to fill Bullard's unexpired term).1 1881-84.— Robert Chadwick. 1882-84.— William G. Powell. CHAPTER XXVIII. THE TOWNSHIP OP TINICUM. The island of Tinicum, now comprising the town ship of the same name, is located in the Delaware River, about two miles from the eastern limit of the city of Chester. At the southwestern end of the island is the mouth of Darby Creek, and, proceeding towards the source of that stream eastwardly two miles and a half, a sinuous estuary, termed Bow Creek, unites with Darby Creek, when from the place of this union the latter changes its course in a northwardly direction, while Bow Creek flowing eastwardly enters the Dela ware about three and a half miles from the mouth of Darby Creek ; thus forming the island of Big Tinicum, as it is frequently called to distinguish it from the 1 Nathan Garrett died in ofBce, and Isaac P. Garrett elected to fill un expired term. THE TOWNSHIP OF TINICUM. 275 low, narrow, marshy strip of land lying nearly in the middle of the river, extending almost the entire length of Tinicum Island proper, which is known as Little Tinicum Island. At its broadest part Tinicum is about a mile and a half in width, and its circum ference is in the neighborhood of nine miles. It contains two thousand seven hundred and fifty acres, two thousand of which are marsh or meadow land, the average level of the ground being four feet below high water-mark. Originally Big Tinicum Island consisted of but five hundred acres, the remainder of the land having been reclaimed from the water by the con struction of banks or dikes. From a description of Tinicum in 1679-80 we learn that then it was about two miles long, or a " little more than a mile and a half wide. . . . The southwest point, which only has been and is still cultivated, is barren, scraggy, and sandy, growing plenty of wild onions, a weed not easily eradicated. On this point three or four houses are standing, built by the Swedes, a little Luth eran Church made of logs, and the remains of the large block-house, which served them in place of a fortress, and the ruins of some log huts. This is the whole of the manor. The best and pleasantest quality it has is the prospect, which is very agreeable." 1 The Indian name of this island was Tanakon, Tutacaenung, and Teniko, which, after the Swedes settled there, was changed to Nya Gotheberg,2 and subsequently termed by the Dutch the Island of Kattenberg,3 while the English changed the Indian name Tennakong, as it is more usually written, to Tinicum. The first settlement of Europeans in Pennsylvania of which authentic records exist was made on the island of Tinicum by the Swedish Governor, John Printz, subsequent to Feb. 15, 1643, in exercising the discretion reposed in him by the home government as to the site of his residence. " The convenient situa tion of the place," we are told by Acrelius, " suggested its selection."4 Professor Keen declares that "the encroachments of the neighboring Dutch, and the recent repairs of their little Fort Nassau, determined the new Governor to remove to the more commanding post of Tutaeaenugh, or Tinicum."5 Certain it is, that shortly after Printz reached the province he changed the location of the capital, removing to Tin icum, where he erected a " new fort provided with considerable armament," which he named Nya Gothe- borg, and also caused to be built a mansion for his own residence, surrounded by "a fine orchard, a pleasant house, and other conveniences," to which he gave the name of Printzhof.6 At the same place also "the principal inhabitants had their dwellings and plantations," but at the conclusion of the year 1645 the settlement in that vicinity was small, and the dwellings few, for Hudde reports that " there are some plantations which are continued nearly a mile, but few houses only at considerable distance one from the other, the farthest is not far from Tinnekonk, which is an island, and is toward the river side secured by creeks and underwood.'" The fort was simply a block-house, for Andrias Hudde describing it states " that it is a pretty strong fort, constructed by laying very heavy hemlock (greenen) logs the one on the other."8 In less than two years after it was erected it was totally destroyed by fire. On Nov. 25, 1645, Swan Wass, a gunner, between ten and eleven o'clock, set the fort on fire, and in a short time all was burned, nothing being saved except the dairy.9 Vincent says " that the conflagration was occasioned by the neglect of Swen Wass, who had fallen asleep, and a candle which he had left burning set fire to the structure."10 Printz, however, treated the act as a criminal one. Hence in his report he spoke of Swen Wass as "the above-mentioned incendiary," and informed the home government that he had caused the man to be tried, that he had been convicted and sentenced, and he had sent him to Sweden, in irons, that the sentence might be executed." The destruction of the fort was a severe ordeal for the colonists, for winter had set in bitterly cold, the river and creeks were frozen, and, as New Gottenberg was on an island, no one could get to it ; and as Printz reports, " the sharpness of winter lasted until the middle of March; so that, if some rye and corn had not been unthreshed, I myself, and the people with me on the island, would have starved to death. But God maintained us with that small quantity of provisions until the new harvest." Here also Printz had " a commodious church built," a small log structure, which the Governor reported he had adorned and decorated "according to our Swedish fashion, so far as our limited resources and means would allow," which sanctuary was appropriately consecrated " for divine services" by Rev. John Cam panius, on the 4th of September, 1646. A burial- place was also laid out, and Campanius records that " the first corpse that was buried there was that of Catherine, the daughter of Andrew Hanson. She was buried on the 28th of October, in the said year, being the feast of St. Simon and St. Jude." u As with all European colonists, the impression pre vailed among the Swedes that precious metals would be found in the New World. Hence, in his report for 1647, Governor Printz says, "Mines of silver and gold may possibly be discovered, but nobody here 1 Journal of a Voyage to Now York in 1679-80; Memoirs of the Long Island Historical Society, vol. i. p. 177. a Acrelius, " History of New Sweden," p. 69. 8 Penna. Archives, 2d series, vol. vii. p. 496. 4 History of New Sweden, p. 42. 6 Penna. Mag. of Hist., vol. il. p. 327. • Campanius, p. 79. 1 Penna. Archives, 2d series, vol. v. p. 104. »Ib. 9 Report of Governor Printz for 1647, Mag. of Hist., vol. vii. p. 273. 1° History of Delaware, p. 196; Hazard's Annals, p. 84; Massachu setts Historical Collections, vol. vi. (N. S.) p. 434 ; Winthrop, vol. ii. p. 254. 11 Campanius' " New Sweden," pp. 79, 80. 276 HISTORY OF DELAWARE COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA. has any knowledge about such things."1 The report was however current that gold existed in large quan tities on the eastern shores of the Delaware in the neighborhood of Trenton. Peter Lindstrom, the Swe dish engineer, records that an Indian coming to Tini cum, seeing a gold ring on the hand of Governor Printz's wife, " inquired of her why she wore such a trifle upon her finger ?" The Governor hearing this asked tbe American whether he could procure such stuff" for him? If he could, he would give him a great deal that was good in return. Whereupon the American answered, " I know where there is a moun tain full of this !" On this the Governor took an armful of red and blue cloth, also lead, powder, look ing-glasses, needles, etc., and showing them to him, said, " See here what I will give you if you will bring me a piece of that in proof of what you have said ; but I will send two of my people along with you." To this he would not agree. He said, " I will first go and bring you the proof; if that satisfies you, then there is time enough for you to send some one with me." Promising the proof, he thereupon received some pay. A few days thereafter he returned with a piece as large as two fists, which the aforesaid Gover nor tested, and found that it abounded in good gold, and obtained a considerable quantity from it, from which he afterwards had gold rings and bracelets made. He therefore promised the American a much greater reward if he would show our people, whom he would send with him, where that mountain was situ ated, which he also promised to do ; but said that he had not leisure for it at that time, but would come back again after some days, and then he again received some presents. After the American came to his coun trymen and began to boast before them, they com pelled him to tell for what he had received his gifts ; and when they came to know it they put him to death so that that place might not become known to us, supposing that it might bring some mischief upon them."2 Acrelius believed that this statement was absolutely fictitious, and the representation was made " to bring to the light unknown regions for the pur pose of enticing people over the great sea, and to se cure settlers." 3 Arnold De Lagrange, as late as 1680, reported that there was an iron-mine on Tinicum, but a visitor there at that date says " that as to there being a mine of iron ore upon it I have not seen any upon that island or elsewhere and if it were so, it is of no great im portance for such mines are so common in this coun try that little account is made of them." * At Tinicum the first vessel constructed by Euro- 1 Penna. Mag. of Hist., vol. vii. p. 272. 2 Acrelius, " History of New Sweden," p. 66 (note) ; Gordon's " His tory of Pennsylvania," pp. 596-97 (note D) ; Lindstrom's " Manuscript Journal," in possession of American Philosophical Society, Philadel phia. 3 Acrelius, p. 66. 4 Memoirs of Long Island Historical Society, vol. i. p. 177. peans within the present State of Pennsylvania was built, and in his report for 1647, Governor Printz says, " I have caused the barge to be fully constructed, so that the hull is ready and floating on the water ; but the completion of the work must be postponed until the arrival of a more skilled carpenter, the young men here declaring they do not know enough to finish it." & That this vessel was completed we learn from an order issued by Stuyvesant after the capture of New Sweden by the Dutch, dated March 26, 1657, in which he states, respecting the pleasure-boat of the late Gov ernor Printz, which "he is informed" is decaying and nearly rotten where she then laid, that if Peter Meyer would satisfy the attorneys of the late Gov ernor Printz, and discharge Stuyvesant from respon sibility under the terms of the Swedish capitulation, he (Meyer) might be permitted to make use of the boat for transporting letters.6 In the little log sanctuary at Tinicum, until May, 1648, officiated Rev. John Campanius, who earnestly strove to instruct the Indians in the tenets of his church. To aid him in the endeavor to Christianize the savages he applied himself to the study of their language, and mastered it sufficiently to translate the Lutheran Catechism into the dialect of the Lenni Lenape family of the great Algonquin tribe. He was the first person to translate a book into the Indian tongue, and although his work was not published until 1696, when it was printed by the royal command at Stockholm, still he antedated a few years Eliot's labors to impart instruction to the Indians by trans lating the Bible into the Mohegan dialect, although the latter's work was put to press thirty years before that of Campanius. The reverend pastor was re lieved at the date mentioned by Rev. Lears Carlsson Lock, who appears to have had, after 1656, the exclu sive care for twenty-two years of religious affairs in the colony. The Swedes in those early days, we are told by the late Joseph J. Lewis, in his " History of Chester County," ' used to attend church at Tinicum, "to which they came in canoes from New Castle and other places along the Delaware, both above and below the island." On the return of Governor Printz to Sweden, his daughter, Armegat, yet remained at and occupied Printzhof at Tinicum, and after the conquest by the Dutch of New Sweden, notwithstanding the recom mendation of Stuyvesant to the directors, in 1656, to occupy the fort at that place and garrison it, it seems not to have been done, for in 1680 it was a ruin, and at that date is mentioned as " the remains of the large block house." 8 Armegat Printz, for she seems to have clung to her maiden name, was very haughty in her bearing and oppressive toward the poor in her pride of station. Inasmuch as the estate on which the little 5 Hazard'B Annals, p. 231. 6 Penna. Mag. of History, vol. vii. p. 276. ' Published in 1824 in the Village Record, at West Chester. 8 Memoirs of Long Island Historical Society, vol. i. p. 178. THE TOWNSHIP OF TINICUM. 277 church was built belonged to her father, whose attor ney she was, she claimed that structure as part of her possessions. But the edifice was, nevertheless, used for religious services, and although she sold the church to La Grange, with the island, the Swedes still wor shiped therein. On May 24, 1673, to show her con tempt for the Swedes, she sold the bell after she was put into possession of the estate in the execution in the ejectment suit, to which reference will be made. The receipt given by her on that occasion is interest ing, since it relates to the first church-bell we have record of in our country's history, although long years before that date mention is made of a bell used by the courts at New Castle to summon the people together. The following is the receipt given by her : * (Copy) " Latjs Deo, May 24, 1673. "I, the undersigned, Armegat Printz, acknowledges to have trans ferred to the congregation of the adherents of the Augsburg Confession in this place, the bell that has been on Tennakong, that they may do therewith what pleases them, and promise to keep them free from all claims that are made. Before the undersigned witnesses given as above. " Armegat Printz. "His mark, P. K. " Peter Kock. " HiB mark, X "Jonas Nelsbon." The Swedish congregation at Tinicum, Acrelius tells us, purchased the bell back again before Arme gat left the Delaware finally for Europe, paying there for two days' labor in harvest-time. The date of her departure is unknown, but she was at Upland, Ches ter, on March 3, 1676,2 nearly three years after the bell was sold. We also know that at a court held at New Castle by Governor Andross, May 13 and 14, 1675, it was ordered " That church at Tinicon Island Do serve for Upland & pts adjacent."8 In this little log church, for many years, Pastor Lock preached to the Swedish settlers, and when the English conquered the territory, bringing with them their contempt for the clergy,4 it was evident the change of rulers was not to his benefit. To be sure, as measured by the standard of this day, the reverend gentleman seems to have worn the cloth with little credit to his profes sion, but the times were rude, the sports were rude, and if, as stated, his " great infirmity seems to have been an over fondness for intoxicating drinks," it was the general weakness of that age. Finally, as years crept apace, the old dominie grew infirm, became so lame that he could not help himself, and was com pelled to suspend active labor in the ministry. Rev. Jacob Fabritius, of the Wiccaco Church, could be of little use to Tinicum congregation, for while the latter's flock grew, Lock's did not; and as Pastor Fa- 1 Acrelius, " History of New Sweden," p. 86. 2 Penna. Mag. of History, vol. ii. p. 467. 8N. Y. Colonial Documents, vol. xii. p. 526; Hazard's Annals, p. 417. 4 Macaulay's " History of England" (Am. Book Exchange ed.), vol. i. pp. 210, 212. britius was blind, and had to be led when he walked about, the little church on Tinicum languished until, about the beginning of the eighteenth century, it ceased to be used for religious services. In time it fell into ruins, and long before the beginning of the present century had entirely disappeared. The graveyard mentioned by Campanius has been eaten away by the washing of the tide. It is related by Aubrey H. Smith, late United States district at torney, of Philadelphia, that his father and the latter's sister, when children, while walking along the river- shore at Tinicum, at the site of the burial-ground, saw coffins projecting from the banks where the earth had been worn away by the water. Printzhof, that noted mansion of the Swedish Governor, stood until the summer of 1822 on the high ground of the island, and " the interior bore evident marks of great antiquity in its structure," but at the date stated the greater part of the ancient building was destroyed by fire.5 Dr. Smith records that " the dilapidated remains of what was said to be the chimney of this mansion were standing within the recollection of the author, and up to this time one of the small foreign-made bricks, of a pale yel low color, of which it was partly constructed, may be occasionally picked up in this vicinity. Its site was a short distance above the present Tinicum Hotel, and on the opposite side of the road." The administration of the affairs of the province under Printz must have been exceedingly gratifying to the crown of Sweden, for in less than nine months after Governor Printz landed on the Delaware, Queen Christina, ou Nov. 6, 1642, made a grant, " On account of the long and excellent services which the lieuten ant-colonel and Governor of New Sweden, our very dear and beloved John Printz, has rendered to us and to the Crown of Sweden, and also on account of those which he is daily rendering to us in the government of the country and which he is engaged to render us as long as he shall live ... the place called Teneko or New Gottenberg, in New Sweden, to enjoy it, him and his lawful heirs, as a perpetual possession."7 Gov ernor Printz, when he came to the colony, was accom panied by his wife and daughter, Armgart ; the latter was subsequently married to Lieutenant John Pappe goya, who, on Printz's return to Sweden, near the close of the year 1653, was left in charge of the gov ernment of the colony, and after the coming of John Rysinge, who superseded him in authority, the latter remained, for in Rysinge's letter to the ministers of Sweden, July 11, 1654, he recommended Pappegoya as a proper person to be appointed schute or sheriff on the Delaware.8 At that time the presumption is Governor Rysinge resided at Tinicum, for on June 5 "Topographical and Medical Sketch of Tinicum Island," by George F. Lehman, M.D., published in Journal of Medical and Physical Science, Philadelphia, 1833. « History of Delaware County, p. 31. 1 Penna. Archives, 2d series, vol. v. p. 776. 8 Hazard's Annals, p. 155. 278 HISTORY OF DELAWARE COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA. 17th of that year a council was held by him with the Indian sachems, at Printz Hall, on which occasion some of the Indians complained that the Swedes had brought much evil upon them, for many of the savages had died since the former came to this country. Naa- man, one of the chiefs, made a speech, in which he de clared the Swedes were a very good people. " Look," said he, pointing to the presents, " see what they have brought us, for which they desire our friendship." So saying, he stroked himself three times down the arm, which among the Indians is a token of friendship. Afterwards he thanked the Swedes on behalf of his people for the presents they had received, and said that friendship should be observed more strictly be tween them than it had been before ; that the Swedes and Indians had been in Governor Printz's time as one body and one heart (striking his breast as he spoke) and thenceforward they should be as one head, in token of which he took hold of his head with both his hands, and made a motion as if he was tying a strong knot, and then he made this comparison, that as the calabash was round without any crack, so they would be a compact body without any fissure, and that if any one should attempt to do any harm to the Indians, the Swedes should immediately inform them of it; and, on the other hand, the Indians would give immediate notice to the Christians of any plot against them, even if it were in the middle of the night." Sev eral savages, after they had been presented with brandy and wine, followed with similar remarks, and advised the Swedes to settle at Passyunk, where the Indians were numerous, and where, if any of the latter at tempted to do the Swedes mischief, they could be punished. Finally, they desired to confirm the title to the land which the Swedes had already purchased from them. This being done, " there were set upon the floor in the great hall, two large kettles and many other vessels filled with sappaun, which is a kind of hasty pudding, made of maize and Indian corn. The sachems sat by themselves ; the other Indians all fed heartily and were satisfied. . . . The treaty of friend ship which was then made between the Swedes and the Indians has ever since been faithfully observed on both sides." 1 Lieut. John Pappegoya is generally believed to have returned to Sweden shortly after the arrival of Rysinge, an impression evidently founded on the statement of Acrelius, that "the Vice-Govern or, John Pappegoya, had determined to take his de parture from the country, and the government was therefore handed over to the said commissary, John Risinge." 2 The latter reached New Sweden, May 23, 1654, and yet on March 30, 1656, John Pappegoya was still in New Sweden, for on the date given he an nounced to Governor Stuyvesant the arrival there of a Swedish ship, the " Mercury," and that the Dutch authorities on the Delaware had refused permission 1 Campanius, pp. 76-78. 2 History of New Sweden, p. 63. to the crew and passengers to land.8 This is the last mentioned of John Pappegoya, and inasmuch as it proves that he did not return directly to Sweden after the arrival of Rysinge, as is stated by Acrelius, it is very likely that he never did return to Europe, but died in the province. After New Sweden had been conquered by the arms of Stuyvesant, in September, 1655, Governor Rysinge states that the Dutch forces "at New Gottenberg robbed Mr. Pappegoya's wife of all she had, with many others, who had collected their property to gether there." * About twelve months after the con quest of the province, " Armgard Papigaay," as the Dutch record the name (the document, however, is signed "Armgard Prints"), petitioned that letters patent should be issued to her for her father's land at Printzdorp (Chester) and at "Tinnakunk" (Tini cum Island). Stuyvesant and his Council, in re sponse, accorded her permission, pursuant to the terms of capitulation, " to take possession and culti vate the lands of her Lord and Father at Printzdorp." 5 Nothing was said as to Tinicum, but Armgart Pappe goya continued to occupy the lands there, and we learn, from a letter from Vice-Director William Beek man, dated May 12, 1660, that "Miss Printz requests that she may deliver here, for her taxes, a fat ox, fat pigs, and bread corn." Doubtless when Governor Stuyvesant was at Tinicum, on May 8, 1658, where he had a conference with the Swedish magistrates, he lodged at Printz Hall, for we know that at that time the block-house there was no longer occupied by the armed forces of the government. In the summer of 1657 the Dutch authorities sought to prevail upon the Swedish inhabitants on the river to gather themselves together in villages, and in 1660 the matter was pressed earnestly by the vice-director, under instructions from Stuyvesant, but we learn from Beekman's official cor respondence that the resolute daughter of the former Swedish Governor resisted the order, stating that she could not remove " on account of her heavy buildings, also because the church stands there," and stating, as an additional reason, that although she had offered her lands " rent free, but nobody as yet shows inclina tion to live with her."6 If, as it appears, no one was inclined to live with her, there was one person at least who desired to be come the owner of her possession at Tinicum Island. Joost De La Grange, on May 29, 1662, purchased from her as the agent of her father, John Printz, then in Sweden, the estate, "together with the house- ing and stock thereupon, for the sum of six thousand guilders, Holland money," one-half to be paid in cash, two thousand when she reached Holland, and the remaining thousand in one year thereafter. De La Grange immediately entered into possession 8 Hazard's Annals, p. 212. 4 Penna. Archives, 2d series, vol. v. p. 227. B lb., vol. vii. p. 494. « lb., p. 628. THE TOWNSHIP OF TINICUM. 279 of the estate, and Mrs. Pappegoya sailed for Europe, arriving at Holland on the 31st of July of that year.1 The bill of exchange being presented and payment refused, it was protested, and the energetic woman must have taken passage for the colony in the first vessel sailing thence for the New World, since, in No vember following, she had obtained judgment against La Grange, from which final decree the defendant entered an appeal. On November 21st Beekman wrote that he had gone " to Tinneconk at request of Huygens and used every exertion to settle differ ences respecting the protested bill of exchange, but did not succeed." 2 Governor John Printz had died in 1663, and a fresh difficulty was thrown in the way of Armgart Pappegoya's collecting the money, for her three sisters in Sweden objected to the payment of the three thousand guilders still due from the pur chaser until a new power of attorney had been exe cuted by them. Armgart, in the mean while, erected a house at Printzdorp (the estate at Upland after wards sold to Robert Wade), " who had her dwelling here when she left Tinekonk,"' and it seems that she was in very indigent circumstances, for on Aug. 13, 1672, in her petition to Governor Lovelace, she stated she lived alone and had only one servant-man, who she asked might be excused from " Traynings in the Company in wch he is Inlisted, & also give her Ly- cence to Distill in her own Distilling Kettle some small Quantitys of Liquors for her own use & her servts & laborers as before mencon'd." i To add to her discomfiture in prosecuting her suit, Joost De La Grange, several years before, went to Holland to col lect the money due him there, so that he might dis charge the remainder of the purchase-money, but on the voyage he became ill and died,5 leaving a widow, Margaret, and a minor son surviving him. The widow remained in possession of the premises for several years. In the mean while the English had conquered the territory, and accompanying their forces to the Delaware was Andrew Carr, who subsequently mar ried the widow La Grange. Apparently to forestall any action Mrs. Pappegoya might take to secure pos session, on Oct. 1, 1669, Governor Lovelace was in duced to issue a patent to " Andrew Carr & Margaret his wife, formerly the wife of Joost De La Grange, deceased, to confirm to them a certain Island in Del aware river called by the name of Matiniconck, con taining by estimation three hundred acres more or less, the said Island lying about 6 Dutch miles up the river from the town of Newcastle, bounded on the North west with the Mill Kill, on the South by the river & on tbe North, East or North & East with Bow Kill." 6 1 Penna. Archives, 2d series, vol. vii. p. 799. 2 Hazard's Annals, p. 342. 3 Memoirs of Long Island Historical Society, vol. i. p. 183. 4 Hazard'B Annals, p. 399 ; Penna. Archives, 2d series, vol. vii. p. .23. i Memoirs of Long Island Historical Society, vol. i. p. 179. 6 Smith's " History of Delaware County," Appendix C, p. 620. After this patent was granted Andrew Carr and his wife resided at Tinicum for some time without any proceeding being instituted against them, when Mar garet Carr, having fallen heir to an estate in Holland, Andrew, his wife, and her young son by the former marriage went to Europe to look after the inherit ance, leaving Capt. John Carr, as their attorney, in charge of the Tinicum property. Within a short time after the departure of Andrew Carr's family Armgart Pappegoya brought suit for the recovery of the island, summoned Capt. John Carr before a spe cial court held at New Castle by Governor Lovelace, and there, by consent, it was removed to the General Court of Assizes, held at New York, in October, 1671. The case began on Wednesday afternoon, the 12th, and continued until Friday afternoon, the 14th, when, on the verdict of the jury, judgment was entered for the plaintiff, with costs and charges.7 On Jan. 27, 1672, the Governor and Council, after having con sulted with the bench as to the amount "of interest and forbearance of the principal Debt" (three thou sand guilders), allowed fifty-five pounds for such in terest, leaving the other charges to be determined by law, and appointed Peter Alricks, Capt. Edmund Cantwell, William Tom, and Capt. Walter Wharton to appraise and value the island of Tinicum, and the goods, chattels, or estates of the defendants. On Feb. 20, 1672, an execution was issued to Sheriff Cantwell, directing him " to put the said Jeuffro Prince into possession of the said Island and the Stock thereupon wch if it shall not prove sufficient to satisfy the said Debt you are to Secure and Levy the rest in the hands of whom you can find any of the Estate of the said Andrew Carr & Priscilla his wife whether in the hands of Capt. John Carr their attor ney or any other, and if any part of the said Estate hath been disposed of since the beginning of this Process the parties who have done the same are to make it good out of their own estate." 8 The execution seems to have been carried only partially into effect. The following year the Dutch again acquired possession of the province, and during the latter's rule over the colony the proceedings were held in abeyance. However, after the English au thority was again restored, Governor Andross, on Jan. 12, 1675, issued a warrant to Sheriff Cantwell, setting forth that inasmuch as the former execution had not been " fully effected Att the request of the said Jeuffre Armigart Prince als Pappeay, That the former Execution may be renewed," he was directed to proceed according to the judgment.9 The second execution was fully enforced, and the same year, on March 22d, Jeffro Armgart Printz, alias Pappegoya, sold the island to Otto Earnest Cock "for fifteen hundred guilders in zeewaut, as it (the estate) was 7 Hazard's Annals, pp. 400-1. 6 Penna. Archives, 2d series, vol. vi. pp. 626-28. 2 lb., p. 666. 280 HISTORY OF DELAWARE COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA. very much decayed and worn out,"1 the deed "re serving ye churchyard as it now stands fenced in with ye said church, with free liberty to the inhabit ants in general to repair thither to their devotions or burials." 2 Armgart also gave a power of attorney to the purchaser to receive possession of the estate from the sheriff. In 1678, Arnold De La Grange, the son and heir, who had gone abroad, being now of age, came to the province, and went to Tinicum Island, claiming its possession. Otto Earnest Cock replied that he knew nothing of the matter; and if he, De La Grange, had any lawful claim, he ought to apply to the court, not to him, for his title was founded on its judgment; but if he wished to purchase it, he could have it for three hundred pounds sterling, or at an agreed-upon price. The young man thereupon became angry, and threatened to appeal to London. " That you can do," said Cock, " if you have money enough. All this affects me not since I have bought and paid for it and have been put in possession of it by the Court." 3 In the same year, 1678, Arnold De La Grange, in a lengthy petition to Governor Andross, set out the story of the sale to his father ; the suit which was insti tuted against John Carr during his stepfather's ab sence beyond the seas, pleading the misnomer of Per- cilla for Margaret in the title of the suit, and that the judgment was defective because it was rendered against a man beyond seas, against a femme covert, and affected the vested right of a minor who was not represented in the suit in any wise. Concluding, he asked that the Governor and Council " will please to direct some way for his relief," either by a hearing in equity or an order requiring Cock to refund the sum paid by his father.* Nothing seems to have been done with this petition; but De La Grange, just be fore the territory passed into the possession of Penn, began an action against Otto Earnest Cock at the Upland Court on June 14, 1681; but the quaint record states " This action referred till next Court that there's noe Court without Justice otto whoe is a party." 5 The following is verbatim the record of the case, copied from the docket of the " Court held at Chester 22d 6 mo 1683. " Arnoldus Delagrange, Plaintiff, Otto Ernest Cock, Defendant. The plaintiff sues and declares as heir to Tynnacu Island and premises : It is acknowledged by Jno "White (ye defendt. attorney) that ye plaint's father was legally possessed of Tinicum Island & premises in ye decla ration mentioned by virtue of hie purchase from Armgard Prince, but sayth (in regard pte [part] of the purchase money was only paid) that ye said Lady Armgard Prince had Try all & execution thereupon & was put into possession of ye same premises and sold ye same premises to ye defendt. "The plaiDt (by Abraham Man his attorney) setts forth that hee ye 1 Memoirs of Long Island Historical Society, vol. i. p. 189. 2 Book of Patents, Harrisburg, cited in Smith's "Atlas of Delaware County," p. 11. 8 Memoirs of Long Island Historical Society, vol. i. p. 179. * Penna. Archives, 2d series, vol. vii. pp. 799-81. 6 Records of Upland Court, p. 189. sayd Plaint (who was Heire to ye sd Island) at ye tyme of se sayd Tryall & Execucon was then und age & in Holland, & therefore could make noe defence, & further yt the said Heire (tlie Plaint was not menconed in ye said Tryall ; tbe Accon being comenced against one Andrew Carre & Prissilla his wife, mistaken in ye execucon for ye mother of ye Plaint, whose mother's name was Margaretta. "The Testimony of Nicholas More, Secretary in writing and his hand produced on behalf of ye plaint : " Shackamackson, ye 20th of ye 5th month ) al July, 1683. / " I do solemnly declare that about ye moneth of May last past of this present yeare, Mr. Otto Ornst Cock of Tynnacu Island came to mee at Shackamackson (having before spoken to me of a Tryall yt was to bee at Upland, Between Mr. Lagrange & himselfe, about ye Island of Tyn nacu, and told mee among many other things that hee wiBhed hee bad never sold mee ye said Island, and said hee. Hee wished he had lost 50£ rather than to have put his hand to eyther my Conveyance or Mr. Lagrange Agreemt, saying that hee was undone. ' Why ?' said I. ( Be cause,' said hee, ' I have wronged Lagrange children from their Bights.' 'Well,' said I, ' Mr. Otto, if you beleeve in yor concience that ye Island is his let him have it. I will not take any advantage of it, either against him or you.' ' Yes,' said hee, ' it is his, and if you will doe soe & part with it, I shall give you thanks and repay you your charges.' 'Well,' said I, 'you shall have it, and I will endeavr to make Mr. La grange & you ffriends without any wrong.' This was in ye presence of Major Fenwick, Thomas Fairman & Michael Neelson, all which I attest under my hand. "N. More, Secretary. " Israeli Helme's Deposition: "Israeli Helme being required to declare what hee knoweB, concern ing ye Bargaine between ye sayd Armgard Prince, & ye Plaints ffather for Tynnacu Island & premisses, deposeth That Lagranges ffather was to give ye sayd Armgard for ye same Six Thousand Dutch Guilders, and yt hee knows there w.is three Hundred Dutch Guilders thereof pd, but knows of ye paymt of noe more ; And further sayth that ye Three Thousand Guilders (which is Three Hundred pounds) was to bee paid in this Countrey by agreemt between Jacob Swanson & ye ffather of ye Plaint & further sayth that when tbe PlaintB ffather dyed, bee ye said Plaint was a little child ; and further sayth not. "ffop Johnson's deposition : " ffop Johnson being required to declare where hee knowes in ye premisses, Deposeth. That hee ye said ffop & ye above mentioned Israeli was desired by Mrs. Armgard Prince ats Popinjay, to demand ye remainder of ye sayd Six Thusand Guildes which was Three Hundred pounds of Mrs. Delagrange (ye Plaints mother) And yt shee ye said Mrs. Delagrange (upon ye same demand) sayd shee could not pay it, and further sayth not. " To which ye sayd Plaint replyes (by his aforeBd attorney) That if the Deft can make it appeare ye sayd money is unpayd, and can shew their Bight to receive it, hee is ready to discharge what can be made appeare to remayne due of ye sd Purchace, But denyes yt ye Deft hath any legall right to demand ye same. "The Juryes Verdict. The Jury finde for ye Plaint and alsoe give him his costs of suite and fforty Shillings damage, the Plaint paying to ye Deft Thirty & Seaven pounds & Tenne Shillings, according to an agreemt betweene ye Plaint and Deft produced & Bead in this Cort & alBoe delivering ye Block house & pticulers in ye Bame agreemt men tioned. " Judgmt is thereupon Awarded." Executiou was issued on this judgment, for at the October court, 1683, "The Sheriff made returne of two executions, one against Henry Reynolds ... the other against Otto Earnest Cocke att ye suite of Ar noldus Delegrange for ye Island of Tinicum." The plaintiff having acquired possession of the estate, in less than a year sold the island, for at the September court, 1684, "Christopher Taylor, President (Judge) in Open Court deliver over a Penall Bond of Per formance for four hundred pounds unto Arnoldus Delegrange & bearing Date ye 2d day of September, 1684, being for the payment of two hundred pounds att or upon ye 1st day of November, 1685." Christo- THE TOWNSHIP OF TINICUM. 281 pher Taylor also in open court "delivered up Ar noldus Delegrange receipt to Robert Turner for one hundred pounds old England money as alsoe the said Christopher Taylor did promise to Save the said Ar noldus Delegrange harmlesse from all Damages that may Accrue thereby." The same day "Arnoldus Delegrange Past over a deed in open court unto Christopher Taylor for ye Island Commonly known by the name of Mattinnaconcke, bearing Date the 2d of the 12th moneth 1684." This Christopher Taylor had been a teacher of a classical school in England, in which country he was imprisoned for his religious opinions, — adherence to the society of Friends. In 1682 he emigrated to Pennsylvania, first settling in Bucks County, which he represented in the Assembly held at Chester, Dec. 4, 1682, acting in that body as chairman of the Com mittee on Election and Privileges, and was also one of the " Committee of Foresight" for preparation of provincial bills. In July, 1684, he was one of the justices of Chester County, and doubtless had then settled at Tinicum, which, after he had acquired title, he termed " College Island," because, as it is believed, he there had a school in the higher branches of edu cation. The fact that he surrendered to De La Grange a receipt given by the latter to Robert Turner, leads to the impression that the latter had entered into an agreement with De La Grange for the purchase of Tinicum, and that Turner had made the contract for Taylor, or had transferred to him his interest in the agreement of sale. Turner appears to have been an intimate friend of Christopher Taylor, for the latter, dying in 1686, made him his executor of his will. It appears that Taylor in his lifetime had sold the island to Kalph Fretwell, and after his death Turner brought suit as executor against Fretwell for £590 17s. 9d. At the sheriff's sale the property, was purchased by Turner. Isaac Taylor, who was not satisfied with the disposition the testator had made of his property, "putt in Cavett against ye Probate of his father's will," but subsequently withdrew it.1 As executor, on the 9th of First month, 1697-98, Turner by deed conveyed to Israel and Joseph Taylor, the sons of the decedent, and to John and Marie Busly — the latter a daughter of the testator — the island of Tini cum. A.t the same court, Joseph Taylor, John and Marie Busly, conveyed their two-thirds interests in the island to their brother, Israel, who was formerly sheriff of Bucks County, and, as it appears, to pay them for their part of the estate, he was compelled to borrow the money on mortgage from Turner. As one of the most noted civil cases in the judicial annals of our State, that of Paul B. Carter vs. The Tinicum Fishing Company, which was continued in litigation for over thirty years, grew out of the title thus acquired by Israel Taylor to the island, it is proper in this connection to hastily present the his- 1 Colonial Records, vol. i. p. 195. torical side of that noted case. Israel Taylor, who was a physician and practiced his profession at Tini cum, died subsequent to 1709, for, in the address of the Geueral Assembly to Governor Goodkin, in al luding to the injurious effect of the issuing of special marriage licenses by the Governor, the document gives as an instance the case of " Israel Taylor, whose Daughter had liked to have been stolen by Coulour of a Lycense lately granted to one James Barber, of Chester County."2 Israel Taylor died leaving, so far as I have information, four sons and six daughters, as follows : Christopher, Thomas, Benjamin, and Samuel Taylor, Mary (who married Jonas Sandelands), Dianah Cartman, Hannah Lloyd, Eleanor Molloy, Sarah Bailey, and the wife of Enoch Elliott. Chris topher, the grandson of the first Christopher Taylor, was married, but his wife dying before him, appar ently without leaving children, he made a will Dec. 8, 1748, and died shortly after, for the testament was admitted to probate on the 24th day of the same month. The will contained a clause as follows : " I give and devise unto the said David Sanderlin my fishing place to him and his heirB forever and likewise it is my will that he shall have the help and use of my negroes Milford and Harry, one month in each year in fishing time, till they respectively attain to thirty years of age. I give and bequeath to David Sanderlin aforesaid my negro boy Tinne- cum till he attain to thirty years of age and then to be set free." David Sandelands died intestate within four months after the death of his uncle, Christopher Taylor, and letters of administration on his estate were granted to his sisters, Rebecca Smith and Mary Claxton, with their husbands. Mrs. Claxton died in 1750, but in October, 1752, the jury appointed to partition the lands and tenements of David Sandelands awarded the fishery to the heirs and legal representatives of Mary Claxton, " dividing the said fishery into five equal parts." The court, in 1754, approved the peti tion made by the jury. Between the years 1796 and 1805, Joseph Carter purchased by three deeds the five shares of this fish ery allotted to the heirs of Mary Claxton, and in the last deed, that of 1805, the fishery was described as "Beginning at the mouth of Darby creek and ex tending up the river Delaware as far as necessity may require for the benefit of fishing or that ever was made use of." Joseph Carter died Feb. 2, 1830, and by his will, dated July 16, 1828, he devised his fishing-place at the Lazaretto to his two sons, Joseph and Cloud, as tenants in common.3 In 1832, William Carter pur chased Cloud Carter's interest in the fishery. The fol lowing year Joseph Carter died without children, and letters of administration were granted to his brother, William Carter, who, already owner of one-half of the fishery by purchase, began proceedings in partition, and in those proceedings the sheriff, Jan. 12, 1834, advertised the estate to be partitioned as " the right and privilege of fishing in the river Delaware from s lb., vol. ii. p. 455. 3 Thomas Maxwell Pott's " History of the Carter Family," p. ( 282 HISTORY OF DELAWARE COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA. the point where the road called River road joins said river to the mouth of Darby Creek in township of Tinicum and right and privilege of hauling and dry ing seines and nets upon shore of said river from line of garden formerly of Capt. Roe to mouth of Darby Creek with privilege of occupying with nets, seines, boats, and cabin, and space of ground as is necessary in fishery." For some cause the proceedings seem not to have been pressed to sale, perhaps by reason of the pend ency of the suit of Mary Hart against Jacob Hill,1 in which the question was raised as to what had passed to David Sandelands under Christopher Tay lor's will, whether it was a fee simple to the river- bank or merely an easement. The Supreme Court in 1835 held it was the latter. The matter thereupon rested, so far as title to the fishery was concerned, until proceedings in partition were pressed, and on Aug. 24, 1847, Sheriff Robert R. Dutton sold eight- fourteenths of tbe fishery to Paul B. Carter, and by several deeds thereafter the latter acquired title until, Sept. 19, 1852, he was the owner, in fee, of twelve- fourteenths of the fishery. In 1865, Paul B. Carter began proceedings in partition, the jury appointed returning a report to the February term, 1866, that the fishery could not be devised, and valued it at seven thousand five hundred dollars. Sheriff Van zant, on March 26, 1866, conveyed the whole title to Paul B. Carter, he having become the purchaser of the easement in partition. From that date until within a few years past the case was in constant liti gation.2 The question in dispute grew out of an al leged erection of a stone sea-wall and pier by the Tinicum Fishing Company, which resulted in render ing the old Taylor fishery valueless. The company had purchased, in 1856, at sheriff's sale, a tract of about twenty acres, and subsequently they erected a large and commodious house, which was furnished especially for the use of a social club, but the long and tedious lawsuits finally caused the members to lose all interest in the association, the real and per sonal estates in November, 1879, passing under the sheriff's hammer, and the Tinicum Fishing Company became thereafter merely a topic for the annalist. At a court held 3d day 1st week Tenth month, 1687, the grand jury " Presented Thomas Boules of ye Island of Tenecum for killing and converting to his own use divers Hogs and Piggs of Thomas Smith with others belonging to ye King's Leidge People." This is the first reference I find to Thomas Smith, who was then settled in Darby, but subsequently his descendants became large owners of real estate on the island ; that portion of Tinicum which connected the pres ent with the story of the past being still owned by Aubrey H. Smith, his direct descendant. In the will 1 Wheaton's (Pa. Sup. Ct.) Reports, vol. i. p. 124. 2 See case reported in 11 Smitli (Pa. State) Reports, p. 34 ; 27th Smith, p. 310, and 9 Norris (Pa. State) Reports, p. 86. of Christopher Taylor, dated Dec. 8, 1748, he men tions William Smith, leaving him " one shilling ster ling." This William Smith I presume was the father of the late Thomas Smith, member of Congress from Delaware County. At any rate, the old Taylor man sion-house on the island subsequently became the property of Thomas Smith. It was built of stone, and it is said that while it was building the family resided in an old log hut made of white cedar logs, "cut no doubt in the marshes hard by, though not a tree of that species is now known to grow in Penn sylvania. It was thoroughly repaired some years ago by Aubrey H. Smith, Esq., and bids fair to stand for another century or more."3 It is stated that about the beginning of this century Tinicum Island " was so unhealthy that farmers were compelled to get their work done before September, as by that period the ague and remittent fever left no body able to work, but by banking and draining the water off the meadows the health of the place gradually improved, and from 1821 it has been con sidered very salubrious."4 Ferris records that in Printz's time and later, vessels drawing four or five feet of water could sail from Fort Gottenberg across the meadows to the mouth of the Schuylkill.5 About the middle of the last century companies were incor porated by the provincial government and empowered to bank the meadows, while independently of these companies private parties had reclaimed much of the submerged land. Previous to the Revolution, Little Tinicum Island, heretofore mentioned, was partly reclaimed, twelve acres being banked in and inhabited. When the English fleet ascended the river in 1777, the British naval officers were apprehensive that this tract of land might be utilized by the Continental authorities as a site for defensive works to interrupt their retreat, and to prevent such a use being made of it they cut the banks in many places and overflowed them, since which time the banks have never been restored. In heavy tides it is nearly overflowed, but usually pre sents a large uncovered surface.6 Dr. Smith states one of the earthworks on the Delaware River " was near the mouth of Darby Creek, doubtless on the island of Tinicum."7 Perhaps it was Little Tinicum Island, which may have caused the English to flood that place. In the early part of this century the island of Tini cum proper was nearly submerged, consequent on the freshets occasioned by sudden thaws of ice and snow in the spring, or breaks in the banks. In 1819 the banks broke, and the water rushed in overflowing the island road for four miles, and on Feb. 22, 1822, the lowlands were almost inundated, boats sailing within • Martin's " History of Chester," p. 164. * Topographical Sketch of Tinicum Island, already quoted. 6 Ferris' " Original Settlements on the Delaware," p. 70. « lb., p. 71. ' History of Delaware County, p. 299. THE TOWNSHIP OF TINICUM. 283 four hundred yards of the Lazaretto to Penrose's Ferry, over the meadows and fences a distance of four miles.1 On Sept. 1, 1850, a heavy rain fell which covered with water the meadows of Tinicum to the depth of six feet, and inundated the railroad from a short distance below Gray's Ferry nearly to the Laza retto, in some places undermining the cross-ties and in others sweeping them entirely away, so that travel by rail was suspended for more than a week. Previous to the Revolution, Joseph Galloway, a noted lawyer of Philadelphia, who, when the struggle finally came cast his fortune on the side of the English crown, owned a tract of two hundred and twelve acres of the easterly end of the island, all of it being re claimed land. The commonwealth of Pennsylvania instituted proceedings against him, and his estates were forfeited. His land on Tinicum was sold by the com missioner of forfeited estates in Chester County, in September, 1779, and on Feb. 19, 1780, the State made a deed for one hundred and eighty-seven and a half acres to James Budden, John Dunlap, Jacob Morgan, John Mease, Thomas Leiper, Joseph Carson, and John Chaloner, but it seemed that Abraham Kentruzer was in possession of the premises as Galloway's tenant and refused to yield the premises to the purchasers, and on April 28, 1780, the Supreme Council instructed the sheriff to put the latter in possession of the estate. At a later date, May 17, 1780, William Kerlin pur chased the remaining part of the tract, containing something over twenty acres.2 The following is the list of the justices of the peace for Tinicum township : Benjamin Brannon Aug. 19, 1791. Israel Elliott Oct. 28, 1791. Benjamin W. Oakford Feb. 14, 1794. Caleb S. Sayers Aug. 6, 1799. Benjamin Hays Smith April 3, 1804. Samuel Davis Feb. 20, 1810. Thomas Smith July 3, 1821. Joseph G. Malcolm July 30, 1831. Thomas Maddoek Jan. 8, 1834. Charles Sellers June 20, 1836. William Hunter April 10, 1849. Quarantine Station. — In the last decade of the eighteenth century the city of Philadelphia was scourged with yellow fever, and so great was the alarm at the proximity of the Lazaretto, then lo cated just back of Fort Mifflin, on Providence Is land, that it was determined to change the site of that station, hence on Aug. 7, 1799, the Board of Health of Philadelphia purchased from Morris Smith and Reuben Smith ten acres of land on the island of Tinicum, and immediately began the erec tion of the buildings there which were completed in 1800, and quarantine was established there for the first time in 1801. The old two-story building, the steward's quarters, was modeled after the Pennsylva nia Hospital, at Eighth andPine Streets, Philadelphia, and although it is now not occupied as a hospital, 1 Smith's "History of Delaware County," p. 299. * Colonial Records, vol. vii. pp. 256, 331, 352 ; Penna. Archives, 1st series, vol. viii. p. 208. in early times the wings were used for that purpose. The building is flanked on the right by the physician's residence and on the left by that of the quarantine master. The present hospital building stands about one hundred yards to the rear of tbe steward's quar ters. There is also an ancient brick building known as the old custom-house, three stories high, which we learn from a letter written on Jan. 5, 1847, by Joseph Weaver, Jr., United States custom officer, had not been occupied for many years previous to that time for any purpose, and then suffering much from neglect. Hon. R. J. Walker, Secretary of the Treasury, author ized" Mr. Weaver to rent it to a person who would take good care of it, the United States reserving the right to store goods therein, if necessary. The build ing was leased to John Pedrick, a ship-carpenter, at a rental of thirty dollars per annum. Shortly after the quarantine station was located at Tinicum, at the October session, 1804, the Board of Health endeavored to have John Ferguson, master of the schooner " Monongahela Farmer," which had come from New Orleans bound to Philadelphia, indicted for a breach of quarantine, the charge being that after the vessel had come to an anchor and was undergoing quarantine, he permitted thirty-two passengers " to go ashore" from his vessel before they had submitted to the required examination. The grand jury, however, ignored the bill. In June, 1824, a man was landed from an oyster boat at Chester, dangerously ill with smallpox. A meeting of the borough Council was immediately held, but they having no power to act, several of the citizens sent the man in a market wagon to the Lazaretto, and while waiting at that place to be admitted, he asked for a drink of water, which being given him he drank, and immediately fell back in the conveyance dead. The Philadelphia Gazette of that day attacked the borough authorities and citizens for this act, and for a time a sturdy war of words was carried on in the Post Boy at Chester, and the Philadelphia journals. No serious objection was made to the location of the quarantine until recent years. In the latter part of June, 1870, the brig " Home," from Jamaica, came to off the Lazaretto. When visiting her the health officers learned that the captain of the vessel had died and was buried at sea four days after the brig hud sailed from Black River, Jamaica. She was loaded with logwood, and although at the time there ap peared to be no sickness on the vessel, she was in such a filthy condition that she was ordered to be taken to the United States government wharf, adjoin ing the quarantine grounds. After twenty days, during which she was fumigated, the brig was pro nounced clean, and permission given to proceed to her destination. In the interim canal-boats were sent from Philadelphia to remove the logwood, and on one of these boats a woman and boy sickened and died. On Friday, July 15th, a large quantity of filthy rags on the " Home" were taken ashore and 284 HISTORY OF DELAWARE COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA. burned, the wind blowing strongly from the south. The next day, Saturday, Mrs. Ann Enos and Ann Sharp, at the hotel then kept by Jacob Pepper, were taken sick, and on the following Friday they both died. On Tuesday, July 26th, Mrs. Eva Kugler, wife of the steward of the quarantine, was taken ill, and died on Saturday. Dr. Cardeza, who was in attend ance of Mr. Pepper's family, declared the fever was " a stranger" in this locality, and suggested that un usual care should be taken to prevent contagion. The inference was plain, and when Dr. William B. Ulrich unhesitatingly pronounced it yellow fever the public in the neighborhood, in Chester, and even in Philadelphia, became greatly alarmed lest it might spread. Dr. William S. Thompson, the Lazaretto physician, and Mrs. Gartsell, a nurse who had been attached to the station for fifteen years, were attacked with the disorder. Dr. John F. M. Forwood, of Chester, who twice before had the fever in the South ern States, was summoned to act at the Lazaretto, being appointed temporary physician there. Dr. Thompson and Mrs. Gartsell died on the 11th of August, and on the 13th, Robert Gartside, the quar antine master, fell a victim to the disease. Notwith standing the fact that Dr. Forwood had had the dis ease before, he was stricken with the fever, and Dr. Ulrich was called to attend on all the cases there. By the 18th of August the fever had subsided, no new cases having appeared for several days, and all who were then sick of the disorder recovered. About twenty cases of yellow fever occurred. Of these Jacob Pepper, Ann Eliza Enos, Ann Sharp, Dr. Thompson, Robert Gartside, Eva Kugler, Mrs. Gart sell, William H. Dillmore, and the woman and her son on the canal-boat died. The alarm had subsided, but at the following session of the Legislature a bill was introduced, which was favorably reported, providing for the sale of the quar antine station on Big Tinicum Island, the purchase of Little Tinicum Island, and the erection of buildings there for the Lazaretto. The project was sustained by a petition of a thousand residents of Delaware County, but the bill finally died on the calendar. At the session of 1872 the scheme for removal of the Lazaretto was again presented, the site to which it should be changed being left undetermined in the bill. The Board of Health in Philadelphia at that time memorialized the Senate in opposition to the proposed act, alleging, among other reasons, that the United States in 1871 had rebuilt the long wharf (two hundred and eighty feet), and had completely repaired the large stone government warehouse used for storage of cargoes from infected vessels detained at quarantine. They also declared that Tinicum had but one hundred and twenty-five inhabitants all told, and had remained almost stationary in population for seventy years, while during that time only three dwellings had been erected in the township. The memorial concluded by asserting that the present site was highly eligible and unobjectionable as regards the surrounding neighborhood. The removalists were again defeated. The following is a list of the physicians and quar antine masters at the Lazaretto since the station was established in 1801 : LAZARETTO PHYSICIANS. Name. Commissioned. Dr. Michael Leib Sept. 19, 1800. " Nathan Dorsey 1806. " George Buchanan July 4,1806. " Edward Lowber 1808. " Isaac Heister 1809. " Thomas D. Mitchell May 27,1813. " Joel B. Sutherland May 1,1816. " George F. Lehman March 4,1817. " Joshua W. Ash March 29,1836. " Wilmer Worthington Feb. 9,1839. " Jesse W. Griffiths April 5,1842. " Joshua T. Junes March 5, 1845. " James S.Rich Dec. 14,1848. " T.J. P. Stokes 1852. " Henry Pleasants Feb. 16,1855. " J. Howard Taylor May 31,1856. " L. S. Filbert March 13,1858. " D. K. Shoemaker Jan. 30,1861. " Thnmas Stewardson May 21,1864. " George A. Fairlamb May 3,1865. " WilliamS. Thompson Jan. 21,1867. " J. Howard Taylor Aug. 11,1870. " D. K. Shoemaker Nov. 4,1873. " W.T.Robinson 1878. " Samuel Walker 1884. QUARANTINE MASTERS. Thomas Egger , 1799. Capt. William Lake April — , 1809. Christopher O'Conner May 1, 1816. Capt. Thomas Moore May 19,1818. Henry Kenyon Aug. 16, 1819. Joseph M. G. Lescure March 31, 1831. Stephen Home " 19,1836. Benjamin Martin Feb. 9, 1839. Alexander McKeever April 6,1842. Capt. John H. Cheyney March 13, 1848. Jared Ketcham, of Chester County, was appointed, but after a few months' service resigned. William V. McKeanl Feb. 12,1852. Matthew Van Dusen, Jr , 1853. Jacob Pepper Feb. 16, 1855. Lewis R. Denan March 9, 1858. Robert Gartside Jan. 20,1861. Nathan Shaw April 15, 1864.' Thomas O. Stevenson " 20,1867. Robert GartBide Feb. 28,1870. Dr. John H.Gihon Aug. 11, 1870. " A. W. Matthews , 1873. " C.C. V.Crawford ,1879. Horace R. Manley ¦ — , 1883. On July 8, 1872, Governor Geary visited the Laza retto, the only time, so far as I have knowledge, that the quarantine station was ever visited by the execu tive officer of the State. The old fox-hunters of a past generation used to relate a notable chase on Tinicum, which occurred as long ago as Saturday, Feb. 1, 1824. On that morn ing, about eleven o'clock, Johu Irwin and James Burns (Chester), George Litzenberg, Philip Rudolph, and others (of Providence), started a fox on the island, and after a warm run the dogs were within fifty yards of him, when he sprang on the roof of an oven, then to a shed adjoining the house of Mr. Home, jumped in at the second-story window, and neither huntsmen nor hounds had noticed it. A boy looking on told where the fox had gone, and one of the hunt ers, ascending the shed, entered the room and pushed down the sash. Just as he did this a girl of the fam- 1 Mr. McKean resigned in May, 1853. THE TOWNSHIP OF TINICUM. 285 ily came in the room and shut the door. The fox, finding exit from the apartment by the door closed, ran to the chimney, which he ascended. From its top he sprang to the roof of the house and thence to the ground. He was not captured until near sun down, when he holed at the root of a hollow tree, which he ascended to the forks, whence he was dis lodged by a stick being thrust at him, and descending to the roots, he was taken in the usual way and bagged. Tinicum has been a choice locality for startling sensations from the earliest date. As far back as the 8th of Third month, 1698, Joseph Holt and Isaac Warner were drowned by the ferry-boat from New Castle to Philadelphia being overset in a gust of wind. The evidence showed that Robert White, who was at Isaac Taylor's house, went to the river to bathe and saw a corpse, whereupon he called Isaac Blawn, and the latter said, " Let us go forward and we shall find more;" and he went, and they did see another, and they called Isaac Taylor and all his household and went down together. When the bodies were recov ered Taylor told Isaac Blawn to search them. On Holt they found a piece of eight and some small money, a silver seal, some keys, and four gold rings on his finger. On Warner they found a carpenter's rule, fourteen pieces of eight and a half, and some other money. Warner had gone aboard the boat at New Castle, much intoxicated, carrying a speckled bag of money. The whole tenor of the evidence taken would seem to indicate that a rumor had gone abroad that the dead men had a considerable sum of money with them, and that those who had found the bodies at Tinicum had appropriated part of it to their own use. Taylor, it appears, had the matter fully in vestigated and the testimony of a number of witnesses taken at large. The case is an interesting one, inas much as it goes into the details of the clothing and other matters of value to the students of history in arriving at a just conception of the customs and habits of the early settlers. Almost a hundred and fifty years after this event, on Sunday, Jan. 1, 1843, the good people of Tinicum were astonished to find the dead body of a man hang ing from the limb of an apple-tree on the estate of Richard Welling. On examining the clothing of the deceased a carpenter's rule and a memorandum-book, containing the name of Daniel Barber, was found. No further particulars were ever learned respecting the dead man. On Sunday, May 12, 1861, the body of a young girl, about fourteen years of age, was found in a ditch on the farm of Jacob Allberger, and, from the appearance of the body, and the fact that tufts of grass had been pulled up by the roots, it was believed that murder had been done in the hope of concealing an infamous outrage. The night previous to the sup posed murder a colored man, who lived in the neigh borhood, stated that he had heard voices as if some persons were talking, but his dogs were barking at the time so that he could not distinguish what was said. The body was brought to Chester. The next morning the Philadelphia papers contained an adver tisement asking information respecting Elizabeth Cox, of Germantown, and the personal description answered to that of the body found at Tinicum. The parents of the missing girl came to Chester, and recog nized the corpse as that of their daughter, who was of unsound mind. The case aroused such public in dignation that on May 24th the county commissioners offered a reward of two hundred dollars for the arrest and' conviction of the person or persons who had com mitted the murder. Mayor Henry, of Philadelphia, also appointed two detective officers to investigate the facts, and on May 31st they reported that the evidence seemed to establish that the girl, in partial derange ment, had wandered from home, was overtaken by night, and had fallen into the ditch ; that the banks of the ditch showed that she had struggled to get out, but, as one foot and leg almost to the knee had be come fastened in the adhesive mud, she could not ex tricate herself, but, finally exhausted, had fallen into the water and drowned. The result of the post-mor tem examination strongly corroborated this theory. At all events the case ceased at that point, and if murder had been committed, those who did the deed escaped " unwhipped of justice." On Friday, March 30, 1877, the body of a man, which subsequently proved to be that of Oliver Sax ton, of Philadelphia, was found on the meadow, near the tenant-house on the estate of Aubrey H. Smith, then occupied by James Reid. The circumstances of his death were soon learned. It appeared the de ceased, a few days before, had gone to Little Tinicum Island duck-shooting, and when returning in the evening, owing to a heavy storm of rain and snow, was unable to reach his place of destination, and was taken on the yacht of Joseph Woods. The yacht, owing to the storm, was driven ashore on Tinicum, and in the endeavor to get her off the men on her lost their boots in the mud, and finally were com pelled to abandon her and seek the fast land in their bare feet. It was night, and the men separated to find shelter. Saxton went to the cabin of Henry Roan, near the bank, but was denied admittance. Woods, who reached the same cabin shortly after Saxton had been there and gone away, was also de nied shelter, but on the payment of several dollars was permitted to pass the night there. Saxton at tempted to reach Reid's house, but, being overcome with the cold, he fell to the ground and died. When found the skin was worn from his feet, and his legs were torn by the briers through which he had forced his way. For almost a century Tinicum was a part of Ridley township, but at the May court, 1780, a petition, signed by twenty-three " inhabitants, owners, and occupiers of land in the Island of Tinicum," was pre- 286 HISTORY OF DELAWARE COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA. sented, which set forth " that the inhabitants of the Island aforesaid, as a part of the township of Ridley, have heretofore paid a great part of the tax for the support of the roads in said township, and also main tained and supported the roads on the Island at their own cost and charge, without the least assistance from the other part of the township. And whereas the dams on said Island, made for the purpose of preventing the tides from overflowing the meadows belonging to your petitioners, were in the year 1777 cut and destroyed, with a view of retarding the progress of the enemy, at that time invading this State, whereby the roads on said Island were greatly damaged, to the very great prejudice of your petitioners, and as it is not in our power to derive any assistance from the inhab itants of the other part of the township, we conceive it to be a hardship to be obliged to support their road." The petition concluded with a prayer that the court will, for these reasons, proceed "to divide the Island of Tinicum from the township of Ridley and to make a distinct township of it," with the like powers exer cised by the other townships in the county. On Aug. 31, 1780, the court allowed the prayer of the petitioners, and from thenceforth the township of Tinicum became a separate district, having all the rights and obligations of other townships. Indeed more, for while the general act of March 20, 1810,1 provided that "no person should be compelled to serve as constable more than once in every fifteen years," in the same law the township of Tinicum was exempt from the operation of the law, because there was not a sufficient number of persons residing on the island eligible to hold that office, unless within fifteen years a person could be compelled to act in that ca pacity for more than one year. Several references in our early Swedish annals lead to the conclusion that a school was established on the island of Tinicum in the primitive days of European settlement there, and that the clergyman of the parish acted in a dual capacity, that of the pedagogue being connected with his ministerial duties. As before mentioned, it is generally maintained by historians that Christopher Taylor had there a school in the higher branches of education previous to 1685. The foregoing statement, however, is inferentially arrived at from collateral evidence purely, and is in no wise the subject of direct proof. Indeed, we have no posi tive knowledge of a school being kept on Tinicum previous to 1843, about which date Elizabeth Griffiths, a daughter of the then physician in charge at the Lazaretto, had a school in the Dutch house, — the first building on the grounds of the Board of Health, on the left-hand side of the road as you approach the river from Morris' Ferry. The title Dutch house was given to the building because of its being used to quarantine the crew and passengers of a Dutch vessel 1 Bliss' " Delaware County Digest," p. 17. in the early days of the Lazaretto. Miss Griffiths was followed by a male teacher, one Culin, but he re mained there only for a brief season, when the school was abandoned. About 1847 another school was estab lished in a small frame house, on the site of the primi tive Swedish Church, the land now owned by George McLaughlin, but the teacher, whose name was Wilson, became dissatisfied, and he relinquished its care. It also was abandoned, and in time the building itself was removed. In 1854 the first public school on the island, a small brick structure, was erected, the neigh bors gratuitously laboring in its building, so that it cost not more than two hundred dollars in actual money expended. For many years it served its pur pose, but in time it became dilapidated, the walls spreading, the plaster fallen from the laths in place, and the floors decayed. It was thoroughly inspected, pronounced hopeless of repair, and the directors de cided to remove it, and in its place to put up another — the present school-house — on the site, which was done in 1868, at a cost of about four thousand dollars. The schools maintained there are now in good condi tion, with the average attendance of pupils. The following persons have been directors of the schools of Tinicum District. On Nov. 28, 1834, the court, under provision of act of 1834, appointed George W. Bartram and Jabez Bunting inspectors of schools for the township : 1840, Dr. Samuel Anderson, Edward B. Smith; 1842, Thomas Jarman, Minshall Eachus, Jacob Roan : 1843, John Elkins, D. J. W. Griffith ; 1844, William Hunter, Thomas M. Smith ; 1845, James Howell, Wil liam Johnson; 1846, William Johnson; 1847, Stephen Smith, J. Weaver; 1848, John Goff, John Pedrick; 1849, John Goff, William Ward, William Johnson, Stephen Smith, William Hunter ; 1850, JohnG Dyer, Alexander H.Smith; 1851, William Ward, Humphrey Drooke ; 1852, B. E. Carpenter, George Home ; 1853, no report; 1864, William Ward, Amos Johnson ; 1855, John Hart, William Hunter; 1856, William Ward; 1857, Amos Johnson, John Holland, Alexander McKeever; 1858, John Hart, Alexander McKeever; 1859, William Ward, Alexander McKeever ; 1860, Amos Johnson, Alexander T. Carr; 1861, John Hart, William West ; 1862, William Ward ; 1863, Joseph P. Home, D. A. Middleton; 1864, John Hart; 1865, Charles D. Johnson, John Stewart ; 1866, William Glenn, B. F. Miller; 1867, Ed ward B. Ward, Charles D. JohnBon ; 1868, no report : 1869, Thomas E. Howard, Thomas 0. Stevens ; 1870, Edmund B. Ward, Benjamin F. Miller; 1871, J. W. Ward, F. J. Carey; 1872, William Wood, Daniel Dills; 1873, Edward B Ward, W. H. Wood; 1874, B. F. Miller, James Reed ; 1875, William Hiller, Charles H. Home ; 1876, Amos Johnson, Charles D. Johnson ; 1877, Richard Wood, Lewis Kugler; 1878, Theodore Lukens, Adam Miller; 1879, Theodore Lukens, J. Miller; 1880, B. Dillmore, Joseph B.Miller; 1881, Charles Home, Richard P. Ward, William Miller; 1882, B. F. Miller, Charles H. Home; 1883, George G. Miller, Peter Goff; 1884, William Boyd, William McCall. The Islands.— During all our colonial administra tion the government never claimed authority over the river, the crown holding that it had exclusive juris diction therein. So fully was this acquiesced in that as late as January, 1775, the Supreme Council de clared that the river Delaware, not being included within the body of any county of the province, the jurisdiction of the courts of Chester County did not extend into the river, and respecting it no legal process was valid issued from such courts. This as- THE TOWNSHIP OF TINICUM. 287 sertion covered all the islands on the Delaware ex cepting Big Tinicum Island. Hence, after the termi nation of the Revolutionary war, it became necessary for the States of Pennsylvania and New Jersey to de termine to which of these States the islands should be assigned. In that adjustment Hog Island, Martin's Bar, Printz's Island, Maiden Island, and Little Tini cum Island were allotted to Pennsylvania, while Mo- nas' Island, Chester Island, Chester Island Bar, Ton kin's Island, and Marcus Hook Bar became part of New Jersey. I have, of course, considered the parti tion of the islands so far only as relates to those lying in front of the present county of Delaware. The Legislature of Pennsylvania, by act of Sept. 25, 1786, annexed the islands named as allotted to this com monwealth to Chester County, particularly specifying that " the whole of Hog Island, which lies opposite to the said boundary of Philadelphia and Chester, and of the marshes surrounding the said island, is hereby annexed to and shall be deemed to be part of the said county of Chester and of the nearest town ship of the said county."1 Under the provisions of this act Hog Island became part of Tinicum township, as, in fact, did all the islands facing Delaware County, the title to which Pennsylvania had acquired by the terms of its treaty with New Jersey. Very early in our history we find mention of Hog Island, for at the last court held under the authority of the Duke of York, June 14, 1681, it appears that " Justice Otto Earnest Cock ac quaints the Court that hee has bought and paid of ye Indian proprietors a certain swampy or marshy Island, called by ye Indians Quistconck, Lying att the upper End of Tinnachkonck Island in ye river opposite Andrews Boones Creeke, and desires ye Corts appro bation. The Cort, haveing well informed themselves about ye premisses, doe allow thereof." 2 Armstrong tells us that this swampy island, now known as Hog Island, on Lindstrom's manuscript map appears under the high-sounding title of " Keyser Eyland, He des Empereurs." 8 This island has played no insignificant part in the story of our county. Previous to the Revolution it had become the property of Joseph Galloway, to whom allusion has already been made. On July 29, 1775, when the Council of Safety was laying the ob structions in the Delaware River, it was decided to sink the frames opposite the upper end of Hog Island in preference to Billingsport,* and on June 19, 1776, when an attack by the British fleet on Philadelphia seemed imminent, Abraham Kinsey, the tenant under Galloway on Hog Island, was notified that the committee deemed it necessary to overflow the island with water on the near approach of the enemy, and all injuries he would sustain by that act should be 1 Bliss' " Delaware County Digest," pp. a Record of Upland Court, p. 190. s lb., p. 191. * Colonial Records, vol. x. p. 294. made good to him by the public.6 There is no evi dence, however, to show that the land was then in tentionally submerged. In 1780 the real estate of Joseph Galloway had been confiscated to the State, and on December 15th of that year, complaint having been made to the Supreme Council that Benjamin Rue, Francis Proctor, Joseph Ogden, William Eck- hart, and Mark McCall " had taken forcible posses sion of Hog Island," the parties were brought before Council and compelled to enter bonds for their ap- pearnce at the next Court of General Sessions for the county of Chester, to answer the trespass.6 The de fendants, appearing to have taken possession under color of title adverse to that acquired by the State under the confiscation laws, maintained their position during a bitter and constant litigation extending over nearly ten years, and were several times after the in stance mentioned arrested and held in recognizance to answer at court, but the threatened criminal pro ceedings were never pressed. In December, 1780, the island was sold as confiscated estate to James Mease, Hugh Shiel], and Samuel Caldwell, of Phila delphia, and on the 4th of January following Council instructed the sheriff of Chester County to put the purchasers in possession, " they paying the incidental expenses ;" and in the mean while, Abraham Kint- zing was required to retain possession of the island in behalf of the State, and the sheriffs of Philadel phia and Chester Counties were directed, if necessary, to " assist him in holding possession against all in truders." At the same time the attorney-general was instructed "to support the claim of the State against sundry persons who have lately attempted to take possession under some pretended rights, and take proper steps to cause the persons who are witnesses to the late forcible entry to attend at the next Chester court, in order to lay the complaint therein before the grand jury."7 On Feb. 16, 1781, Council ordered the island to be surveyed, and the following day a committee, consist ing of Dr. Gardner, Gen. Potter, and William Van Campen, was appointed to confer with a similar com mittee, which the Assembly was requested to name, " touching a valuable island in the Delaware called Hog Island, seized by the agents for confiscated es tates in the county of Philadelphia, on the property of Joseph Galloway, an attainted traytor, and which Col. Proctor and others are attempting to take into their possession."8 The committees seem to have conferred, and it was decided to retain Jonathan D. Sergeant to appear in behalf of the commonwealth, a retaining fee of fifteen pounds to appear " in a cause depending respecting Hog Island."9 The controversy continued, and on July 14, 1781, another sale of land on the island was made by the agents of the State in Chester County, in which some special order of the 5 lb., p. 607. 8 lb., p. 631. 6 lb., vol. xii. p. 570. » lb., p. 592. » lb., p. 634. 288 HISTORY OF DELAWARE COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA. Council was violated ; hence the agents were directed to receive no part of the purchase money, but were commanded to attend the meeting of Council to " ac count for their proceedings." l The State, on May 9, 1782, acknowledged a deed to Samuel Caldwell (the other purchaser seems to have abandoned all claim to the estate) for one hundred and five acres of banked meadow at Hog Island, the consideration being one hundred and seventy-five thousand pounds Continen tal money and a yearly rent of seven bushels and a half of "good merchantable wheat, payable to the Trustees of the University of Pennsylvania." 2 How ever, Council seemed unable to put the purchaser in possession of the estate, notwithstanding repeated orders to the sheriff of Philadelphia to assist Cald well with whatever force was necessary to effect that end. The litigation was continued, for on June 3, 1782, Jared Ingersoll received nine pounds in specie, and on the 7th of the same month Mr. Sergeant re ceived a like sum as fees in the case. During the summer of 1783 the remaining part of the island not already purchased by Caldwell was sold to several officers of the Pennsylvania line, the agents of the State receiving the certificates of money due to those soldiers in payment, but on August 30th of that year Council ordered the certificates to be returned to the officers, and that the island should remain the prop erty of the State until otherwise disposed of.3 Cald well, however, seemed not disposed to reconvey his land to the State, whereupon, on Jan. 8, 1784, the at torney-general was instructed to institute suit against him for the recovery of the estate. Late in the year 1786 the commonwealth was still in litigation, for it retained William Bradford, Jr., Jonathan Dickinson Sergeant, and Edward Tilghman in the suit brought against it by Thomas Proctor, "respecting the right to Hog Island."4 The case seems to have continued until May 5, 1789, when it was tried, for on the 2d of that month, Mr. Kennedy, the secretary of the land- office, was directed to deliver certain papers in his possession to Caldwell, they being "necessary on the tryall of Hogg Island."5 The commonwealth was finally beaten in the suit, the title of Thomas Proctor and his associate owners being recognized as valid. In the Pennsylvania Packet for March 6, 1790, appears the following advertisement: " Hoc Island. — To let on a lease for years, situate on the River Dela ware, ten mileB from the city of Philadelphia and seven miles by land, containing 2U0 acres uf the richeBt maddow and may be immediately entered upon. For terms apply to the subscribers. "Thomas Pnocron. " Josepu Oqden. " William Echaht. " Philadelphia, May 3d." The island subsequently became the property of Samuel Murdock, Isaac Reeves, and John Black, who, in 1840, petitioned the court of Delaware County to 1 Colonial Records, vol. xiii. p. 11. 2 jb, p. 279. a lb., p. 280. 4 lb., vol. xv. p. 117. s lb., p. 472. connect the island to the main land by a bridge, and were authorized themselves to erect " a free bridge on posts or abutments, provided that an aperture of not less than 25 feet wide and of height not less than 8 feet above high-water mark, should be left, which aperture should at all times be kept free from obstruc tion, so as to admit of passage of shallops." The bridge was erected, but the connection with the main land was made in Philadelphia County, and the peti tion to the court of Delaware County was simply, it would appear, to prevent any trouble with the county authorities for interrupting the public (water) high way. The island, owned by Edgar N. and John Black, is now a marvel of fertility, and so complete is the manner of banking and diking that breaks in the embankments are now as uncommon as they were common years ago. The last serious break occurred during the storm of Nov. 1, 1861, when the island was submerged, and the loss of property was great, three hundred head of sheep drowned being only one item in the list of damages. On Jan. 20, 1882, in an unused barn on the island, the body of a man was found. He had hung himself, and as the remains were not discovered for several weeks after the act, the rats had mutilated the arms and legs. The re mains were identified as those of Charles J. Deacon, an insurance agent, of Philadelphia. Martin's Bar, which formerly lay between Hog Island and Big Tinicum Island, and by the banking and diking of the river front has within recent years almost disappeared as a separate piece of earth, re mained in the ownership of the State until within a comparatively recent period, although, in December, 1789, John Lockart petitioned " for the right of pre emption of a small island in the river Delaware, be tween Tinicum and Hogg Island containing about ten or fifteen acres ;" but on the second reading of his petition, December 12th, Council decided "the re quest of the said John Lockart cannot be complied with." 6 The bar had considerably increased in thirty years, for in the patent granted to Thomas K. Wal lace by the State, March 28, 1821, Martin's Bar was found to contain sixty-seven acres and forty perches.' On Jan. 3, 1881, the court of Delaware County con firmed the port warden's line, above Little Tinicum Island. Towards the eastern end of Little Tinicum Island lie the two small islands known as Printz and Maiden Islands. The former was patented to Thomas H. and Aubrey H. Smith, Feb. 13, 1841, and contained fourteen acres and eighty-one perches. It is now owned by Aubrey H. Smith. Maiden Island— said to have derived its name from a young girl who was overset in a boat managing to get to this place, where for two days she remained before rescued— is owned by a company of Philadelphians, who propose to erect coal-oil works there and on Little Tinicum Island. 0 lb., vol. xvi. p. 230. » Smith's " Atlas of Early Land Grants in Delaware County," map 16. THE TOWNSHIP OF TINICUM. 289 Licensed Houses. — In Tinicum, although it is the oldest settlement in our county, and probably in the State, license to keep a house of public entertainment does not appear until after the yellow fever epidemic of 1798, when the authorities of Philadelphia had de termined to locate the Lazaretto, or quarantine, there on. On July 27, 1799, Thomas Smith filed his peti tion, setting forth " that a Public Lazaretto is about to be established upon the Island of Tinicum, that will cause considerable intercourse between the city of Philadelphia, and the said Lazaretto, that a house of entertainment will be necessary at or near the same. That your petitioner is about to erect suit able buildings to accommodate the public on the road near to said Lazaretto, which he will have ready on or before the 1st day of October next," and requested license for the same. The signers of his petition cer tify that they are well acquainted with the situation, as also with Charles Lloyd, the person to occupy the house, and recommend him as a person suitable " to run a hotel." Shortly afterwards the health authorities took action in Smith's behalf, as will be seen by the following communication sent to the court and filed with the petition : " Health Office, 7th Mo. 22, 1799. " To the Judges of the Court of Quarter Sessions for tlie County of Dela ware : " The Board of Health considering the propriety of establishing a well- regulated inn in the vicinity of the intended Lazaretto, now building on Tinicnm Island, are of the judgment the place fixed on by Thomas Smith as the most suitable, in their view, and do recommend the said Thomas Smith to the court to obtain a license for his house near the said Laza retto. " By order of the Board of Health. "Edward Garriques, President. " Paxiiall Hollingsworth, Secretary. " James Hall, Resident Physician of Port. " Thomas EgGOR, Quarantine Master. " Heart Norberrt, Steward of the Lazaretto." The court granted license to Charles Lloyd for the year 1800. At the same time that Thomas Smith's petition was presented, Benjamin Rue desired to be permitted to keep a public-house in the dwelling he then occupied. He sets forth that " as the Board of Health of the City of Philadelphia are about to erect buildings there for the reception of imported goods, to prevent, if pos sible, a return of the dreadful calamity which has so frequently desolated Philadelphia, the concourse of people necessarily attending on a business of such importance, your petitioner conceives will make an Inn indispensably necessary." The court seemed to think very much in the same way, for instead of one inn they permitted two to be established, and Rue's application was favorably con sidered for the year 1800. His expectation of "the concourse of people" who would visit Tinicum seems not to have been realized, for after license was awarded him, in 1802, his name disappears from the records, so far as licenses in this neighborhood are concerned. 19 Charles Lloyd seems to have moved to, Benjamin Rue's house, where he had licenses until 1807, when Elizabeth Harrison was granted license for the house formerly kept by Lloyd, and continued there until 1811, when Esther Taylor became the landlady for that year. Who kept it during 1812 can only be gathered from the petition of John Hart, in 1813, in which he desires license for the house " lately Mary Taylor's." This John Hart was the great-grandson of Edward Hart, who (with Tobias Preak, both being officers in the town of Flushing, on Long Island) for refusal to carry out Governor Stuyvesant's cruel orders against Quakers, was thrown into prison. John Hart, like Rue, it seems, was disappointed in the amount of business for a public-house at Tinicum, for the next year he made no application for license, and in John Ward's petition, in 1815, he alludes to the place as " house lately occupied by John Shreen," who owned the property. In 1817, however, he appears once more as " Mine Host" of the Tinicum Tavern, and continued thereat until 1829, when his widow, Mary Hart, followed him, the hotel having been left by John Shreen to his daughter, Mary Hart, until 1834, at which time the license was granted to John L. Fry- berg. In 1838, George Bastian, Jr., was the proprietor, to be followed the next year by William Nugent. Sam uel L. Ferman succeeded Nugent in 1843, to give place, in 1844, to R. M. Rutter, and he in turn, in 1845, to John Hall. In 1848, John Goff procured the license, and remained there until 1850, when, having rented the Steamboat Hotel2 in Chester (which he pur chased the following year), the Lazaretto Hotel was again kept by R. M. Rutter, who, in 1853, was suc ceeded by Henry Pepper. John Hart, the younger, in 1855 followed Pepper, and continued to receive the court's approval until 1863, when his petition was re jected because.it was filed too late. However, he was on time the following year, as well as in 1855, after which Amos Johnson, Jr., had license granted him, which the same year he transferred to Henry Goff, who remained there until 1869, when Jacob Pepper made application for hotel license, which was denied him. but he was authorized to keep an eating-house. In 1870, Pepper again made application, his petition being warmly indorsed by John Hickman and Sketchley Morton in personal letters to the judges. Judge Morton in his letter states that in consequence of the old hotel (Rue's building) being abandoned as a public-house for two years, Tinicum was without a tavern, and it was necessary to have a public-house there. He recommended Pepper warmly, and stated that he (Pepper) " had just erected a large house con taining twenty-two apartments, sixteen of which were sleeping-rooms." Pepper at last succeeded in procuring a restaurant license, but in the fall of that year the yellow fever as an epidemic prevailed at the Lazaretto, he was stricken with the disease and died. His widow, Annie E. Pepper, kept the house the foi- 290 HISTORY OF DELAWARE COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA. lowing year, and John T. Huddell in 1872. In 1873 and 1874 license was prohibited outside of Chester, but on the repeal of the local option law, David Wells was licensed in 1875 and 1876. In 1876, William Miller made application for a hotel license at the Riverview Hotel, the new house Pepper built, which was granted him, and annually thereafter until the present time at the same house. In 1877, David Wells obtained license for that year at the old Tinicum Hotel, and in 1878 he was succeeded by C. H. Newhall, and he in turn, in 1879, by Daniel Birmingham. William H. Reed kept the old tavern in 1880-81, to give place to James E. Ford in 1882. Ford kept the house one year, and in 1883, Peter Goff, the present landlord of the old Tinicum Tavern, succeeded to the business. CHAPTER XXIX. ASTON TOWNSHIP. De. Smith states that " this township probably de rived its name from Aston, a village of Berkshire, England. ... In 1686, Edward Carter, then a resi dent in what is now Aston, was appointed constable for Northley." x The opinions of all our local histo rians agree in that the name of Northley was applied to Aston previous to 1687 to designate that locality from other municipal districts in the county. Edward Carter doubtless gave the name to the township, as was customary in those early days, in remembrance of his old home beyond the sea, for he came from Aston, in the parish of Bampton, Oxfordshire, Eng land, emigrating to the province in 1682.2 He first located in Chichester, but subsequently removed to his tract of two hundred and fifty acres in Aston, and was appointed the first constable of that town ship, which assumed its present name the follow ing year (1688), when John Neal (Nields) was ap pointed to the like office for the township of Aston, which is the first mention of that name in our record, and is properly accepted as the date at which the mu nicipal district was established. Carter was a promi nent man in the early days of the province, having served as member of the Assembly in 1688, as trustee of Chester Meeting the year previous, and Chichester and Concord Monthly Meeting was regularly held at his house until 1703, about which time he is believed to have died.' Carter was not the first settler in As ton, for on Oct. 8, 1682, Charles Ashcom, the sur veyor, returned five hundred acres of land laid out for John Dutton, on the west of Upland Creek, be ginning at "Nathaniel Evans' corner tree," and so 1 History of Delaware County, p. 400. 2 Thomas Maxwell Potts' " History of Carter Family," p. 9. s lb., p. 11. "unto the woods;" and tradition says that John Dutton settled on the land and built a house in the meadow, near the creek, but, being disturbed by floods, he removed a few rods farther back, and erected his dwelling on a large rock near a small rivulet. A portion of this rock may still be seen near the road from Rockdale to Village Green, the remainder having been removed for building purposes some years ago." * It is also stated that the family of John Dutton followed an Indian path when they moved from Chester to the back settlement.5 Even before Dutton William Woodmansey took up a hundred acres at the southeastern end of the town ship, on Chester Creek — the present Bridgewater — in 3680, naming his home in the forest "Harold," and there the society of Friends frequently held their meetings. He was one of Governor Markham's Council, having been several years in the colony be fore the charter to Penn, coming a passenger in the ship " Kent" in 1677. Joseph Richards, who never lived in the township, in August, 1682, had surveyed to him three hundred acres in the southern part of the township, including the site of Village Green. After his death it was divided among his children, and on a portion of this tract of land, after it passed into the possession of the Barnard family, Gen. Isaac D. Barnard, the only Delaware countian who has been United States senator from Pennsylvania, was born in 1791. An intervening strip of land, between Richard's tract and Chichester and Chester town ships' lines, containing one hundred and twenty-five acres, was surveyed to Anthony Weaver in Feb ruary, 1681, and to this estate he gave the name Northley, by which Aston was first known. Dr. Smith relates that Anthony, being convinced that he wanted a wife, and as the women were generally Quakeresses, he whispered his convictions to Ann Richards, of Chichester, which resulted in the couple coming to meeting where the matter was discussed, and, although Anthony honestly " owned himself to be none of us," the marriage was permitted to pro ceed.6 As usual in such cases, the wife's religious pre dilections soon became those of her husband. Among the early settlers of Aston was Thomas Mercer, who took up a hundred acres of land on Ches ter Creek, near Dutton's mills, and Nathaniel Evans, in October, 1682, had surveyed to him a tract of three hundred acres, oddly shaped so as to have the largest part extend along the creek from Elwood Tyson's land to within a short distance of the Presbyterian Ford, and yet stretching west across the entire town ship. Above the Dutton tract, John Neild, in 1682, had surveyed to him two hundred and fifty acres, which included the site of the present village of Rockdale, and following the creek to West Branch continued along the latter stream until at Llewellyn 4 Cope's " Genealogy of the Dutton Family," p. 32. 0 History of Delaware County, p. 510. 6 lb., p. 37. ASTON TOWNSHIP. 291 it intersected with an easterly line drawn at right angles, thence to Chester Creek. The Crozer estate is almost entirely included in this patent. In 1695, John Neild was married to the widow of John Dut ton, the settler, and the latter, having married a man not in membership with Friends, found that her action occasioned considerable concern to the good people of that sect. The upper end of the present township of Aston, a tract of one thousand acres, was surveyed to Thomas Brassey in 1684, which subsequently was divided pre vious to 1710 into smaller farms. A tract of one hundred and nineteen acres bordering on Concord' township was surveyed to Thomas Martin, and at this day part of that land is still in the ownership of his descendant, — Thomas Martin. John Pennell also ac quired over two hundred acres of the Brassey land, but the farm above the State road, where Mark Pen nell now lives, was not a part of the original farm.' purchased by John Pennell in 1700. Among the original owners of land in Aston, above where the West Branch crosses the township, among the earliest purchasers was Gilbert Woolman, two hundred and fifty acres which property extended northwest from Llewellyn, including J. B. Rhodes, C. W. Mathues, Thomas Swaine, and the Lewis estate to the east of Logtown road ; while William McCracken's and Caleb Heyburn's farms are located on the two hundred and fifty acres, which were surveyed to Mary Moore, May 10, 1684. J. W. Thatcher's estate on Chester Creek above Pennellton Station is part of the twenty-one acres surveyed to Caleb Pusey in 1707-8. The taxables in Aston in 1715 were as follows : Eobert Carter, John Pennell, Moses Key, John Dut ton, Thomas Dutton, Thomas Woodward, John Neild, James Widdows, William Rattew, Samuel Jones, Thomas Barnard, Abraham Darlington, John Hur- ford, Jonathan Monroe, Thomas Gale. Freemen,— Thomas Dunbabin, Isaac Williams, Jo seph Darlington, Edward Richards, Samuel Stroud. At a court held the third day of the first week Tenth month, 1688, the grand jury laid out the high way from Chichester to Aston, as follows : " Ffrom Delaware by James Browns along ye old Road Betwixt Jeremy Colletts and James Hulbert soe along ye same Road to a marked White Oake, thence along on ye West sid of a marked Poplar tree near ye Meeting House, from thence by a lyne of marked trees to y6 West Corner of Joseph Richard son's fence, from thence by a lyne of marked trees to a marked Black Oake standing by Astone Road." On the same day the grand jury laid out the road from Aston to Edgmont : " Beginning att a Spanish Oake about Edward Car ter's and soe along ye Cutt Road and down ye Vallie which Joseph Richardson had fenced in, from thence through John Beales Pasture along by William Wood- mansees along ye old Road over Chester Creek's soe along y» Old Road." Previous to this date the road from Aston to Ches ter had been granted by the grand jury, "The In- habitance of y° Township of Aston Petioned for one Road way to yB Town of Chester, and another to y" town of Chichester." It is, however, unnecessary to further quote the exact line as presented in the report of that body to courts, the foregoing being deemed sufficient to indicate the manner in which such returns were made. The following is a list of the justices of the peace for Aston township : Thomas Newlin Aug. 19, 1791. Matthias Kerlin July 4, 1808. Thomas Pierce Feb. 8, 1814. James Bratton Feb. 3, 1820. Joseph Fox Dec. 4, 1823. John Mattson Dec. 13,1823. Joseph Bowen Nov. 10, 1824. Joseph Trimble April 21, 1827. Robert Frame Jan. 15, 1829. Robert Hall Feb. 8, 1831. William Mendenhall Dec. 6, 1836. Robert Hall April 14, 1840. James McMullin April 12, 1842. John Taylor April 13, 1847. Isaac C Denick...Aprill5,1851,May26,1856, April 9, 1861. John Blackburn April 11, 1867. John T. Aikley March 23, 1877. Charles W. Haycock April 9,1881. John T. Aikley April 10, 1882. The second day following the battle of Brandywine, Lord Cornwallis, " with the 2d Battalion Light Infan try and 2d of Grenadiers, marched at half past six in the morning, to join the body under Major General Grant and to move on towards Chester. . . . At 5 o'clock this afternoon the troops with Lord Cornwallis reached Ashtown, within 4 miles of Chester." L Here Gen. Cornwallis established his headquarters, the en campment extending from Mount Hope to the lower part of Village Green, where in an old brick house, still standing, that officer made his temporary residence. From here he dispatched parties in every direction to secure supplies for the British army, seizing for that purpose the flour in all the mills within reach of his troops. The soldiers who were sent out on these expeditions frequently despoiled the inhabitants of everything they could carry away, although the orders from Howe and Cornwallis expressly forbade such unlicensed plundering. On the night of Sunday, Sept. 14, 1777, three British soldiers— Dr. Smith says they were Hessians — crossed Chester Creek, above Dutton's mill, to the dwelling of Jonathan Martin, now the property of George Dutton, and plundered the family of many things, among them some articles belonging to Mary Martin, a daughter, then eighteen, who indignantly reproved them for their unmanly conduct. One of the soldiers, in anger at her rep rimand, slightly wounded Miss Martin with a bay onet. The men, still on plunder bent, proceeded about three-quarters of a mile in a southeasterly direction to the house of Mr. Coxe, in Chester town ship, near Sneath's Corner, now the property of Rob ert McCall, where they stole a number of articles, among which was a silver watch. Mr. Coxe had a 1 Journal of Capt. John Montressor, Penna. Mag. of History, vol. vi. p. 3 292 HISTORY OF DELAWARE COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA. daughter about the same age as Miss Martin. The next morning the two girls went to the headquarters of Lord Cornwallis, where complaint was made per sonally to that officer or Gen. Howe, who, with an escort of dragoons, had that day visited Cornwallis' extreme outpost, three-quarters of a mile west of Chester, in the neighborhood of the present Carter- town. Dr. Smith, who heard the incident related by Thomas Dutton and Joseph Mencil, stated that Gen. Howe " promised that if they could point out the men, they should be punished. The troops were at once formed into line, when the girls passed along and pointed out the robbers, after which they retired to some distance. The officers then put the troops through various evolutions, leaving the men in dif ferent positions. The same men were again pointed out by the girls as the guilty parties. The operation was again repeated with a like result. The men were then searched, when some of the stolen property was found upon them. They were tried by a court-mar tial and all convicted. Two of them were sentenced to be hung, and the third to perform the office of executioner. Upon whom the extreme penalty should be inflicted, the question was decided by casting lots. The two men were hung on the limb of an apple-tree on the property owned by George L. Nield, in Aston, and what is remarkable, they were allowed to remain hanging after the army moved away."1 The two men, we learn from Capt. Montressor's journal, were executed on the 15th of September, and that one was a grenadier and the other a light infantryman.2 That night at eight o'clock Cornwallis moved his whole command toward the Lancaster road, and at eleven o'clock the next day Gen. Howe made a junction with the troop of the former, the commander-in-chief having marched with the bulk of the army from near Dilworthtown by the Turk's Head (West Chester), Goshen meeting-house, and the hotel, the sign of the Boot. Damages sustained by the inhabitants of Aston township from the British army in September, 1777 : Taken from John McClaskey by the British under Corn- £ s, d. wallie, September 13th and 14th 95 7 6 Taken from John Noblit by the British under Cornwallis, September 16th 4 0 0 Taken from James Pennell by the British under Corn wallis, September 16th 186 7 9 Taken froni George Pierce, Esq., September 13th, 14th, and 15th 771 15 0 Taken from George Witherow 165 0 0 " Robert Rankin, September 13th aud 14th 22 12 6 £1245 2«. 9d. Thomas Dutton, the centenarian, used to relate that on the evening of the 13th of September, when the British troops, under Cornwallis, encamped at Village Green, extending in a crescent form west- wardly to Mount Hope, he was afraid the soldiers would kill his mother's cows, which were then pas turing in close proximity to the troops, so, lad as he 1 Smith's " History of Delaware County," p. 314. 2 Penna. Mag. of Hist., vol. vi. p. 38. was, not ten years of age, he marched boldly to the camp and drove the cattle home. An officer noticed the boy's action, and doubtless thinking that where those cows belonged good cheer could be had, ordered four soldiers to follow while he walked with young Dutton to his home. The latter, child-like, answered every question put to him by the officer, and when the house was reached the soldiers waited without to guard against the capture of their commander, who had entered the dwelling. The widow Dutton was much alarmed, but the officer assured her that the soldiers did not come to rob the people, but advised her as long as the troops lay in the neighborhood to bolt and bar every door and window, for the camp- followers, under a pretence of lighting a pipe, a drink of water, or other trifling matter, would strive to get access to the house and plunder it. T^he brave fellow who had lost one of his hands in Flanders paid for his meals, and the timely warning in all probability saved the widow from loss.3 This lad, born in Aston, Feb. 2, 1769, died Sept. 12, 1869, in the same town ship, his span of life having been extended to one hundred years, seven months, and eleven days. When twenty-one years of age, he having learned the tanning business, obtained permission from his grandfather to build a tan-yard on the former's estate in Aston, and Thomas Dutton erected a dwelling partly of stone and partly of logs, and a tan-house, into the wall of which is built a stone bearing the initials T. D., and the date 1790. The young man, who had married, appears to have devoted himself to his trade, and not only did he establish a reputation in business, but his industrious habits so favorably impressed his grandfather that Richard Dutton con veyed " in consideration of the natural love and af fection he bore" his grandson, the two acres on which the dwelling and tan-yard were located. Subse quently by his grandfather's will he received a large tract of land surrounding these two acres. Here he continued until 1808, when he removed to New York State, but in 1817 resumed his trade as tanner at the old location, using a steam-engine at the work pur chased of William Parrish, a manufacturer of Phila delphia, the first, it is said, ever set up in Delaware County. The good people of that day shook their head doubtingly at the ultimate success of his " new fangled notions." Here he continued until 1848, at which time, being nearly eighty years of age, he ceased to take an active part in business. He could distinctly remember hearing the cannon which were fired in Philadelphia in commemoration of the adop tion of the Declaration of Independence, and was of sufficient age to vote for Washington at his second election, and excepting the first term of Monroe, had voted at every Presidential election, casting his ballot for the last time for Gen. Grant, in November, 1868.' 3 Genealogy of the Dutton Family, by Gilbert Cope, p. 51. Hill to a lyne tree marked with 5 notches thence downe to y° Rivers Side the line between James Browne and William Clayton Junior. Whereunto wee the Present grand Jury of y8 County of Chester have sett our Hands. "Joseph RicHAnns, foreman, " Tho ; Worth " Joseph Bushell " Jn° Gibbons " Michaell Blunstone " Tho. Coleborne " Randall Vernon "Joseph Baker "John Bartrome " Edward Beasar " W» Braintou " Walter Marten "Saull Levis." The action of the grand jury seemed to have met the approval of the public, for at the court on the " 3d day of 1st week of ye 7 mo. 1686 The Inhabitance of Bethell and Concord Presented a Paper to the Court Signifying their good liking of the Road lately laid out by the Grand Jury to Chichester." From this report, following the road from the Con cord line to that of Upper Chichester, we can form an idea of the location of the early settlers' houses in the western end of the township at that date. We learn that John Gibbons' dwelling was on the right side of the road, and that Robert Southey had died, but his late dwelling stood on the left-hand side of the high way, near a little feeder of Green's Creek ; that Robert Pyle had his house on the right side of the road, and above the present highway leading from Booth's Corner to Chelsea. (At the dwelling of Robert Pyle and Edward Bezer, the monthly assemblings of Chi chester Friends' Meeting were frequently held.) Joseph Bushel at that time owned a tract of one hun dred and forty acres south of Robert Pyle's planta tion, and his dwelling stood on the right side of the road. At this time Thomas Garrett had taken up on rent two hundred acres of land, now part of the farms of Charles M. Cheyney and William Goodey, and had built a house thereon to the right of the road as a person moved in a southerly course. Thus it seems at that date there were five settlements made along the road thus laid out, which crossed the town ship in a northwesterly direction. Notwithstanding the unusual demonstration of pleasure by which the people of Bethel and Concord expressed their satisfaction with the road, they cer tainly did not improve their opportunities, for at the court held 3d day, 1st week, First month, 1688, it ap pears that " Wee of y" Grand Inquest doe psent ye Townships of Bethell and Chichester for neglecting y" clearing of a Road in ye respective Libertyes be tween Concord and Chester," and further, that " Wee alsoe psent ye Road lying between y" Townships of Bethell and Chichester for not being Cleared and made passable." This presentment was due to the fact that a change had been made in the course of the road, for on the 3d day of 1st week, Tenth month, 1688, the grand jury altered the line of the highway decided on in 1686, as follows : " Beginning at Concord street end and so along y8 Road formerly laid out to a marked White Oake below Walter Martens by a lyne of marked trees on ye South West Side of ye Old Road to a marked great White oake from thence along ye road formerly laid out to Delaware by or near James Brown's House." Although the change in the highway to Marcus Hook was made in the township of Upper Chiches ter, doubtless to please Walter Martin, it aroused such public opposition in the townships bordering on the circular line between New Castle and Chester County that, at the June court, 1689, "The Inhabit- ances of Concord, Bethell and Chichester Petitioned BETHEL TOWNSHIP. 307 against ye Highway lately laid out from Concord and Bethell to ye River for that between Walter Martens and Jeremy Colletts the way is not soe good and Passable as the former Road. Ordered that the for mer way be there Continued." John Gibbons, who settled on the tract of one hun dred and fifty acres in Bethel, lying south of the boundary line of Concord township, in 1683, was the founder of one of the largest and most respectable fami lies of the old county of Chester. He was a man of superior education to that of most of his neighbors, and as his wife had had similar advantages in England, the couple were regarded as leaders of thought in this section of Chester County. He was one of the jury on the trial of Margaret Mattson for witchcraft, al ready mentioned, and the family tradition asserts that he it was who framed the compromise verdict which prevented a disagreement of the jury, and secured her from the ordeal of a second trial. Notwithstand ing the high repute in which John and Margery Gib bons were held by the early settlers, the adherence which they gave to George Keith's religious teaching caused them to be disowned by Friends. In 1700 the Bethel homestead was conveyed to John Gibbons by his parents. The latter was equally as outspoken in his views as his parents, and as his mother was in no wise chary in giving expression to her convictions, her son was often compelled to advocate and defend her opinions. In 1702 he was disowned for accepting his mother's views, as well as at the close of meeting standing up and declaring that John Lea was no gos pel minister. Among his other transgressions which induced the society to disown him was because he "declined to take off his hat in time of prayer." The stubborn offender died in 1706, his mother subsequent to that year ; and John Gibbons, the elder, lived on the Bethel plantation until his death, about 1721. At the house of Robert Pyle, hereinbefore men tioned, the Friends of Concord, Bethel, Chichester, and Birmingham frequently held their Monthly Meet ing, and it was there, on the 12th of the First month (March), 1688, that the first movement in the county by the society of Friends designed to prevent the sale of liquors to the Indians was made. Chester Meeting does not appear to have acted as promptly, for it was not until " y° 2d of ye 5 month (July), 1688," at the meeting held at the house of Walter Faucits, that a similar entry is found on its minutes. The record of the proceedings of this meeting at Pyle's dwelling, so far as it relates to the sale of strong drink to the Indians, is interesting, and as the testimony was signed by those Friends who were present, the names of many of the first settlers in the southwest ern section of Delaware County were attached thereto. It read : "From our Yearly Meeting held at Philadelphia the 7th of the 7th month, 1687, it being recommended to us by the Quarterly Meeting of Philadelphia, the great evil and bad effect that hath appeared by selling Indians Rum and other strong Liquors, and a paper being by them pre sented, which was read amongst us, relating thereto, which upon due consideration was approved of, and in concurrence therewith we give forth this Following Testimony, being deeply sensible and heartly grieved with a business of this nature, which is too frequently up and down amongst us, Especially in that as some go under the profession of Truth, whom it was expected should have been better examples, whom we fear are not wholly clear of it, and therefore we give forth this as our Testimony. As our sense that the practice of selling Rum and other strong Liquors to the Indians directly or indirectly, or exchanging rum or other strong liquors for any goods or merchandise with them, considering the abuse they make of it, is a thing contrary to the Lord and a great grief and burthen to his people, and a great reflection and dishonor to the truth, bo far as any professing It are concerned; and for the more effective preventing of this evil practice we advise as aforesaid that our testimony may be entered in every monthly meeting book, and every Friend belonging to their monthly meeting to subscribe the same. " Signed in the behalf of the meeting "Anthony Mortars" " Wee the members of this monthly meeting having united w*h the above Testimony do subscribe our names to it as followeth : " William Clayton, Sr. Thomas King " Nicholas Newlin George Pierce " John Kingsman William Brinton " Edward Bezer John Harding " Hugh Durburrow Robert Pyle " JameB Brown Jacob Chandler "Nathaniel Lamplugh William Cloud, Sr., " Joseph Bushall Philip Roman." "John Bennett The list of taxables of Bethel township for 1693 shows that the following persons had settled there or, in the case of two persons on the list, owned real estate on which they did not reside : £ 8. d. John Gibbons 0 8 4 Ralph Pile 0 8 4 JohnBushell 0 6 0 Nicholas Pile 0 4 2 Edward Beazer 0 8 4 Robert Eyre 0 4 2 Thomas Garrett 0 2 6 Edward Beazer for John Howard 0 6 0 Robert Eyre for Thomas Copper 0 6 0 2 13 10 In the next quarter of a century the number of settlers had doubled, for the taxables of Bethel in 1715 are thus given : Robert Pyle, John Grist, Rob ert Booth, Edward Beazer, John Cannady, Benjamin Moulder, Joseph Pyle, John Hickman, Edward Dut ton, Edward Pennock, William Griffith, John Hop- ton, John Gibbons, Thomas Durnell. In 1759, when Gen. John Forbes made demand on Chester and the other counties in the province for teams to be used in transporting the baggage of the army about to march under his command to the site of Fort Du Quesne, Edward Whitaker paid "a bounty" of ten pounds "in behalf of the township" of Bethel, John Cooper was credited with a wagon entered in the service, and John Wilson with the cartage of oats and flour from Carlisle to Loudon.1 A short distance below the Concord line, on part of the old Gibbons tract, is the estate of Albin Baldwin, deceased (at one time county treasurer). The old house still standing on this property, on the right side of the Bethel and Chichester road, is one of the ear liest brick buildings in that section of the county. As is usual, tradition tells us the bricks were imported i Futhey and Cope's " History of Chester County," p. 308 HISTORY OF DELAWARE COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA. from Europe, which it is proper to state is one of those deeply-seated and widely-diffused popular errors the historian encounters in all old settlements in the Middle and Eastern States. The fact is that the clay was dug and the bricks burned near where the house stands, a general custom in the last century. The original structure was a story and a half in height, the bricks being laid in headers and stretchers, in the style known as "Flemish bond," the black-glazed ends of the headers alternating with the red stretchers laid lengthwise for the purpose of ornamentation, as was frequent in early days. The old building has been raised in height and added to in recent years. During the few days the British were encamped in Birmingham and Aston, after the battle of Brandy wine, the good people of Bethel were annoyed and plundered by the foraging parties of the enemy. The latter appropriated the personal property which the Continentals had forgotten to impress, for many of the Revolutionary soldiers swore and stole equally to any troopers under the sun. After both armies had marched away it was a lucky household that could boast of a pair of blankets, while poultry and pork, silverware and silver money, whiskey (essential as bread in those days) and watches had almost wholly disappeared. That section of country was swept com paratively clear of horses and neat cattle, while in a number of cases the residents were left entirely desti tute of food. This loss occasioned by the presence of armed forces was large in Bethel, but the value of the articles taken by the British plundering parties can not now be ascertained, for no returns were made, so far as has been learned, in that township, in conformity with the act of Assembly providing for the filing of sworn statements of the damages sustained by the people in those sections of the State through which the invading army made its way. In June, 1872, a reunion of the descendants of John Larkin, Sr., and Martha, his wife, took place at the old homestead in Bethel. There were eighty per sons present, among whom were three brothers and four sisters, the eldest being seventy-seven and the youngest sixty-three years old. John Larkin, the first of the family in Delaware County, was born in Lower Chichester early in the eighteenth century, and after his marriage with Esther Shelley, of Chi chester, in 1731, he removed to Bethel. In 1799 his two sons, Isaac and , were living in the township, the first owning a farm of two hundred and seven acres, and the latter one hundred and twenty-one acres. Ex -Mayor Larkin, of Chester, as well as all the Larkins in Delaware County, are descended from John, who settled in Bethel about 1750. I have failed to learn when the first of the family came to the American colonies, but it was certainly before the coming of Penn. That this is so the records of Cecil County establish. In a deed made by Ephraim Au gustus Hermen to Thomas Larkin of eight hundred and eighty-three acres of land in 1715, the indenture recites that previous to Aug. 14, 1682, John Larkin, father of Thomas, had patented that number of acres, which tract was afterwards, including many more acres, patented to Augustine Hermen. In the deed made in 1715 it is stated, " and that the said Thomas Larkin had made his right to the said land appear to be prior to the right of the Hermens, for these reasons, and for divers other good and valuable considerations, Hermen, who was then lord of Bohemia Manor, and his wife, conveyed their interest in the land to Larkin."1 Bethel has two villages and one Corner. Chelsea, which is in the north part of the township, was for merly known as Corner Ketch (Catch). In 1833, Reece Pyle sold the land at the Corner to Robert McCall, who, in that year, built the stone dwelling he now oc cupies, and in the following year built the frame store. Previous to the purchase by McCall, in the last century, Caleb Perkins had a store and shoe maker's shop at the Corner ; and about 1820 a small store was located, then kept by Norris Hannum, but he had discontinued business before 1833. At the latter date Mrs. Sturgis was conducting a little shop in a building occupying the lot now owned by Sam uel Jester. Robert McCall continued in business there for many years, and was succeeded by John Hoffman, who in time gave place to Daniel Dutton, he to George Adams, he to James C. Armstrong, and the latter to Samuel H. Pierce, who is now conduct ing it, as well as discharging the office of postmaster of the village. About 1858 Chelsea was accorded the dignity of a postal station, and John Hoffman ap pointed its first postmaster. Booth's Corner is located in the western part of the township, almost midway between Concord and Up per Chichester townships. In 1831, William Mous- ley had a log blacksmith-shop on the corner where the store of Isaac Booth is now located. In that year Wesley Clark purchased the opposite corner, and erected a wheelwright- and blacksmith-shop. In 1835, Isaac Booth purchased the ground whereon Mousley's shop stood, erected the store building, and from that time the corner took its present name. Zebley's Corner is at the extreme southern part of the township, bordering on the Delaware State line, and boasts a store and a few dwelling-houses. The following is a list of justices of the peace for Bethel township : Samuel Price Aug. 30, 1791 JoBeph Marshall May 20,1800 Matthias Kerlin July 4.1808 ThomasPierce Feb. 5| 1814 James Bratton " 3,1820 Joseph Fox Dec. 4, 1823 John Mattson " 13, 1823 Joseph Bowen Nov. 10, 1824 Joseph Trimble April 21,1827 Robert Frame Jan. 15, 1829 Robert Hall Feb. 8,1831 Wm. Mendenhall. ...Dec. 6,1836 Jonas P. Eyre April 14, 1840 Samuel Register June 4, 1858 AlbinBaldwin April 22, 1868 Siloam Methodist Church is a branch of the Bethel Church of Delaware, the former having been organized in 1852, at which time about fifty persons ' Johnston's " History of Cecil County, Md.," p. 103. BETHEL TOWNSHIP. 309 formed the membership of Siloam. A lot of ground, comprising an acre and a half, was given to the con gregation by Samuel Hanby and Samuel Hance, each ?contributing three-quarters of an acre. The hand some stone sanctuary, forty-two by sixty feet, was hastened forward, and in the latter part of 1852 the building had so far progressed that the basement- story was dedicated, and services regularly held therein. On Sept. 24, 1854, the church, then com pleted, was dedicated, Revs. Mr. Hurey and Andrew Manship, of Philadelphia, conducting the services on that occasion. The building was erected at a cost of four thousand five hundred dollars, of which sum one-half had been contributed from time to time while it was in process of construction, and the re mainder was collected on the dedication day. The church was embraced in the Mount Lebanon Circuit, and was under the pastoral charge of Rev. William H. Burrell. He has been followed by the following pastors: James Hand, Thomas Newman, Francis B. Harvey, Isaac Merrill, — Smith, John France, John Dyson, Joseph S. Lane, William W. McMichael, Edward F. Kenney, George W. Lybrand, William T. Magee, and Maris Graves, the present incumbent. During Mr. Kenney's pastorate serious charges of gross immoral conduct were made against him, and the long investigation and subsequent trial before the ecclesiastical court aroused great interest in the im mediate neighborhood and surrounding districts. His acquittal on all the charges by the Annual Con ference, in .1876, was particularly gratifying to Siloam Church, and when the announcement was made of the result of the trial, the congregation expressed their sympathy in applause, an unusual occurrence in a religious meeting. The present membership of the Siloam is one hundred and fifty, and the Sunday- school connected with the church has one hundred pupils. James C. Hinkson is the present super intendent. The church was incorporated by the court of Delaware County, Nov. 23, 1868. In 1871 a mission of Siloam Church was estab lished at Chelsea, in a chapel which had been built by Dr. Phineas Price, on the Chester and Concord road, east of the village, many years before. The building was purchased by the congregation of Siloam Church, and was formally dedicated July 22, 1871, Rev. Mr. Lane conducting the services on that occa sion. Schools. — About the beginning of this century Caesar Paschal, a colored servant of Mark Wilcox, owned a tract of ground in the angle formed by the intersection of the Chester and Concord road with the Chichester and Concord road at Corner Catch (Chel sea). He sold an acre of land to a committee for the purpose of erecting thereon a school building. A log house was located in the middle of this lot, so as to afford ample play-ground for the children. How long this building was occupied for school purposes is unknown, but it certainly was not used as such for any considerable length of time, but was sold to Robert R. Hall, who moved the log structure to the roadside and converted it into a dwelling. The premises are now owned by Samuel Regester. Previous to 1780 a subscription stone school-house was built on the corner of Kirk road, where Thomas Booth's shops now are. John Foulk, Powell Clayton, and another resident of the township whose name is forgotten, were the trustees. At one time Nathaniel Cloud was the teacher, and the mother of Wesley Poole was a pupil under his instruction. The floor of the building was laid in bricks, and was cold and cheerless in the winter days, the roaring wood-fire being insufficient to warm it thoroughly. Powell Clayton, who was the surviving trustee, sold the lot to Isaac Booth, who. tore the building down in 1825, but for several years before that date schools had ceased to be held there. In 1824 a school was opened in a stone building erected on a lot purchased from John Larkin, on the Bethel road, east of Booth's Corner, afterwards known as number one public school. It was likewise a subscription school, Na thaniel Larkin, Thomas Booth, and John Larkin being the trustees. Charles Willis was the first teacher there, — and subsequently by George Walters and Adam Mendenhall. In this school-house one United States senator and Governor of Arkansas (Gen- Powell Clayton) and two judges (William Clayton, of the Ninth District Court of Arkansas, and Thomas J. Clayton, president judge of Delaware County) were educated, as were many of the present residents of Bethel. The old building remained until 1868, when it was torn down and the present structure, twenty-eight by thirty-five feet, was erected at a cost of sixteen hundred and sixty-one dollars. Osborn Booth was the builder. On Sept. 9, 1839, a lot containing fifty-five perches was purchased from Foulk Cloud, at Booth's Corner, for $27.50. (The latter, it will be recalled, while trimming peach-trees at his residence, at Booth's Corner, on the afternoon of Dec. 15, 1870, was stricken with paralysis, and died in a few hours.) On this lot a one-story octagon house was erected and used as a public school for several years, when it was burned. The directors rebuilt it, using the old wall, and it con tinued in use until 1870, when it was torn down, the present structure, known as school number two, being erected on its site at a cost of seventeen hundred and eighty-nine dollars. Nelson G. Green was the con tractor. On May 22, 1860, a lot containing eighty-four square perches was purchased from Curtis Barlow, on the Bethel road, a short distance west of Chelsea, and the present school-house, known as number three, erected. Under the act of 1834 the court appointed in that year Robert McCall and John Larkin inspectors. Following is a list of the school directors of Bethel since 1840: 310 HISTORY OF DELAWARE COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA. 1840, Nathaniel Pratt, Nathaniel Cloud; 1842, Foulk Cloud, Nelson Clayton; 1843, Moses Pyle, Thomas Zebley; 1844, Samuel Register, Nelson Clayton ; 1845, John Clayton, Jonas Eyre ; 1846, Moses Pyle, Albin Baldwin; 1847, Nelson Clayton, Nathaniel Williams; 1848, Wesley Poole, John Clayton; 1849, Albin Baldwin, Thomas Booth ; 1850, Foulk Cloud, Wesley Poole; 1851, Wesley Clark, Benjamin Larkin ; 1852, Samuel F. Larkin, Albin Baldwin ; 1853, Thomas Booth, Sharpless Green ; 1854, Benjamin Larkin, Thomas S. Philips ; 1855, Albin Baldwin, Owen Zebley ; 1866, Robert W. Barton, John H. Cheyney; 1857, Nathan L. Eyre, Reese Baldwin; 1858, no re port; 1859, Samuel Goodley, Robert Logan; 1860, J. W. Hance, Robert H. Barlow ; 1861, Albin Baldwin, Sharpless Green ; 1862, Robert Logan, Wesley Poole ; 1863, Robert H. Barlow, Benjamin Worrilow; 1864, Clarkson Way, J. J. Shields; 1865, Charles M. Cheyney, Samuel Dalton ; 1866, James S. Peters, Robert H. Barlow; 1867, Albin Baldwin, Benjamin Worrilow ; 1868, William S. Goodley, Joseph Larkin; 1869, Charles W. Poole, Reece Baldwin; 1870, Cbarles M. Cheyney, Sharpless Green; 1871, William S. Goodley, Joseph Larkin ; 1872,0. W. Poole, R. Baldwin; 1873, Nathan Cloud, Wesley Poole; 1874, William S. Goodley, Joseph Larkin; 1875, Thomas Talley, James Booth; 1876, Thomas Booth, George Ebright; 1877, Cbarles M. Cheyney, Charles Young; 1878, C W. Poole, A. Pierce; 1879, Thomas Hinkson, Charles Young; 1880, ;0harles M. Cheyney, Charles Young; 1881, C.W.Poole, Alban Pierce; 1882, Thomas Hinkson, Clark W. Baldwin ; 1883, Charles M. Cheyney, William Mathews; 1884, C. W. Poole, Alban Pierce. Nearly a mile west of Chelsea, on the Bethel road, is the "Lancaster" farm, where are now the noted garnet-mines. About 1873, Charles Williams, who then owned tbe estate, directed considerable attention to the garnet sand found on the farm, but his object was more to have the larger pebbles set in gold as personal ornaments than for any use in industrial pursuits. John H. Smedley, of Middletown, a noted geologist and mineralogist, believing that the large deposits of garnets in Bethel could be utilized in all trades in which emery was used for grinding, shaping, and burnishing of metal goods, early in the following year urged upon several firms in Philadelphia the de velopment of the mines to that end, but without suc cess. Five years after this discouraging attempt to utilize the deposits of garnets in Bethel, an agent of a New York firm, largely engaged in the manufac ture of sand-paper and emery, visited Mr. Smedley to consult with him respecting the corundum of Dela ware County and its use in their business. Smedley in formed him that he believed the garnet sand would be of much greater value to them than corundum. The result was a visit to the "Lancaster" farm, and its ultimate purchase by Herman, Behr & Co., of New York, of the forty-seven-acre tract, at a cost of one hundred dollars an acre. In the fall of the year 1879 the work of digging was begun, and has been prose cuted with success. The value of the garnet-sand varies from thirty to one hundred dollars a ton. The first quality is used in making emery-wheels, the second in sand-paper, and the third is sold to stone cutters for polishing marble. Bethel Lodge, No. 191, Knights of Pythias, is lo cated at Booth's Corner. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. ROBERT McCALL. Mr. McCall is of Scotch lineage, and the grandson of Thomas McCall, who resided in Concord township. The children of the latter were seven in number, of whom George, the youngest, married Margaret Mc Kay, daughter of Robert McKay, and had children, — William, Joseph, Rebecca, Robert, Mary, Thomas, and Margaret. Robert, the third son, was bom on the 14th of July, 1802, in Concord township, and during the period of his early life resided in the county of his birth. He improved the slight advan tages of education offered, and on attaining his ma jority developed the exceptional business capacity which has since made his career a successful one. Opening a general store at Thornton, Delaware Co., he remained six years in that locality, and then re moved to another location in Thornbury, where he also became the proprietor of a similar store, and founded an extensive trade. In 1834 he came to Chelsea, Bethel township, erected a store, and con ducted a thriving business until 1862, when he retired from mercantile ventures, and purchased a farm to which for a brief period he devoted his energies. He, however, continues to occupy the residence in Chel sea he erected fifty years ago, having relinquished the cares of business. Mr. McCall during his extended life has maintained a reputation for integrity and scrupulous honesty, while his judgment and keen per ceptions have aided greatly in the success which has attended his mercantile pursuits. He married, March 13, 1834, Mrs. Anna M., widow of Dr. Jesse Hamer, of Thornbury, and daughter of Dr. John H. Cheyney, of Delaware County. She died in April, 1875, and he was again married to Mrs. Lydia P., widow of Thomas P. Powel, of Concord. Mr. McCall was for merly a Democrat in his political predilections, but later espoused the principles of the Republican party. He has not been the recipient of any distinguished political honors from the fact of his indifference to such marks of deference. He is a member and rec tor's warden of St. John's Protestant Episcopal Church of Concord. CHARLES M. CHEYNEY. Charles M. Cheyney, the grandfather of the subject of this sketch, was born in Delaware County in 1781, and married Prudence Dutton, the birth of whose only child (a son), David R., occurred June 1, 1809. He early engaged in teaching and subsequently en tered the counting-house of a Philadelphia firm, for whom he was book-keeper. He was not active as a politician, and the incumbent of no official positions other than those connected with the township. He was married to Elleneanor B. Kenney, whose birth occurred in the State of Delaware in 1804, aud had ffie^f 777^a-&L, Yixifr ^c BIRMINGHAM TOWNSHIP. 311 children, — Anna, Robert (who died in youth), John H. (who entered the service during the late war, and after an active military career of two years and nine months was fatally wounded at the battle of Mine Run), and Charles M. The last named was born in Thornbury township, Delaware Co., Oct. 26, 1835, and received his education at the public schools of the vicinity, with the additional advantage of a brief period at a private school in Media. He then engaged in the labor incident to farm-life, and was thus em ployed at the time of his enlistment in Company F, Twentieth Pennsylvania Cavalry, under Col. John E. Wynekoop, for a period of seven months' service before the close of the late war. Mr. Cheyney was married in 1861 to Sallie J. Hall (born in 1838), whose great- grandparents came from their native land with Wil liam Penn, and purchased land of him in Concord township, Delaware Co., where they settled. George Hall, her grandfather, married Jane James, whose son, Mifflin Hall, father of Mrs. Cheyney, was born in 1808, and married Lydia McCullough in 1835. Mr. and Mrs. Cheyney have had nine children, — John H., Arthur B., David M., Lucius L., William T., Charles R., James S., Harrie B., and Albert B. Mr. Cheyney is a Republican in his political views and has filled various township offices, having served for eighteen years as a member of the school board. In religion he is a supporter, though not a member, of the Methodist Episcopal Church. He has since his mar riage been engaged in farming in Delaware County. THOMAS BOOTH, Sr. Two brothers of the Booth family emigrated from England, if tradition be correct, about two centuries ago, one of them, whose name was Robert, having married, and had among his children a son, Robert, who settled in Bethel township. His son, Thomas, the grandfather of the subject of this biography, mar ried Phoebe Cloud, and had children,— James, Joseph, Robert, Nathaniel, Jemima, John, and Isaac. Tbe last-named son is the only survivor of this number. James Booth was born in 1790, on the homestead in Bethel, which he occupied, and the land of which he cultivated until his marriage. He then removed to land purchased by his father, and now owned by the subject of this sketch. He married Lydia Forwood, and had children, — Thomas, Mary, Ann, Phoebe, and one who died in infancy. Thomas Booth was born in 1817, in Bethel township, and spent his childhood upon the farm of his father. Having lost that parent when seven years of age, he became an inmate of the home of his uncle, John Booth. After receiving limited advantages of education he entered upon a career of labor, and at twenty-one became owner of the home stead, having inherited his share and purchased the remaining interest. He married, in 1844, Susanna Marshall, daughter of John Marshall, who was of English descent, and has children,— Sarah Ann (Mrs. John M. Hinkson, of Concord), Thomas, Samuel (de ceased), and Lydia Emma (deceased). Thomas married Leah Talley, of Delaware, and has children, — Laura and Thomas. About 1854, Mr. Booth became a merchant at Booth's Corner, and continued thus employed for some years, after which he returned to the farm, and again resumed the duties of a farmer. He is in politics a stanch Republican, and has held various township offices, as also the ap pointment for many years of postmaster at Booth's Corner. Having now abandoned active labor, he still resides in the township, and by his advice and experience aids his son, who cultivates the farm. CHAPTER XXXI. BIRMINGHAM TOWNSHIP. At the extreme southwestern end of Delaware County is Birmingham township, which in early days was pronounced as though written Brummagen. The Brandywine Creek constitutes the entire western boun dary of the township. This stream was called by the Swedes Fiskekill, and the present name, by tradition, is asserted to have been given to the creek from the fact that after the conquest of New Sweden by the Dutch, in the fall of the year 1655, a Dutch vessel, ladened with brandy, termed by the Dutch "brand- wein," wintered in the stream, and, being cut through by the ice in the following spring, sank. The wreck of this vessel is said to have remained until the mid dle of the last century on the northern side of the stream, several hundred yards above the juncture of the Brandywine with the Christiana River.1 The name of the township, Birmingham, it is generally sup posed was given to the territory by William Brinton, the first white settler known to have located in that neighborhood, in remembrance of the town of the like name in England, near which he resided previ ous to his emigration (in 1684) to the New World. At that time he was a man beyond the noonday of life, and accompanied by his wife, Ann, his junior by five years, a son (William) and two daughters (Elizabeth and Esther), he pushed out beyond the extreme limit of civilization, where he erected a log cabin, as was then the custom, near a spring, among a heavy growth of hardwood trees, preferring to undergo the priva tions which must necessarily attend his residence there than to submit to the persecutions which, for conscience' sake, he had been forced to endure in his native land. He had purchased from Joseph Alli- bone and William Morgan four hundred acres, and his patent was so located that a century later, when the county of Delaware was erected out of Chester, 1 Ferris' " Original Settlements on the Delaware," p. 196. Vincent's " History of Delaware," vol. i. p. 262. 312 HISTORY OF DELAWARE COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA. the line of demarkation cut his original tract into almost equal parts, giving a like portion to both of the counties. The first winter the emigrants passed in the "backwoods," that of 1685-86, was unusually rigorous, bringing in its train severe privations. To such extremity was the household reduced, owing to their remote situation, that the family tradition re cords they would all have perished by starvation had not the Indians supplied.them with game and grain. His settlement, or the tract patented to him, had on it at the time an Indian town. The savages never disturbed him, but, on the other hand, always seemed glad to be of service or minister, so far as they could, to his or his family's necessities. Slowly the land in that locality was settled, but the residents for several miles, who were mostly of the society of Friends, would occasionally hold religious meetings at his dwelling, which was familiarly termed " the cabin." When George Keith sowed dissension in the society, William Brinton leaned to the precepts of the former, but he ultimately became reconciled, and died in 1700, at threescore years and ten, in full membership with Friends. His wife had died the preceding year, and both were buried on the home stead farm ; the place of their interment being on the right-hand side of the road leading from Dilworth town to Painter's Cross-road. William Brinton had acquired considerable real estate subsequent to the patent mentioned, and at his death was considered as possessed of large means. William Brinton, the younger, who was a stripling of seventeen when his father settled in Birmingham, at the age of twenty-three married Jane, a daughter of Richard Thatcher, of Thornbury. After his father's death, he built, in 1704, a stone house a short distance south of Dilworthtown, which, still standing, remained for over a hundred and seventy-five years almost as it was when he erected it. It is only in the last few years that it has undergone any alteration. He was an enterprising man, being one of the projectors and owners of a company grist-mill in Concord, the first located in that section, and was largely instrumental in the erection of Concord Friends' meeting-house, to which he contributed liberally. His wife, when fifty- four years of age, in 1724, accompanied Elizabeth Webb, a ministering Friend, in a religious visit to New England, the entire journey being made on horseback. From a letter written by her from Long Island, it appears that she was particularly pleased with a horse she saw there " with a white star in his face." In 1695 he was constable of Birmingham, and in 1713 was a member of the Legislature from Ches ter County. He died in 1751, aged eighty-four years. The offspring of this couple— from whom all the Brintons derive descent — was numerous. Edward Brinton, their third son, died in 1799, aged ninety- four years. From the birth of his grandfather, Wil liam Brinton, Sr., the immigrant, in 1630, to the date of his own death, is an interval of one hundred and sixty-nine years, — a remarkable period of time to be covered by three generations in one family. William Brinton's, Sr., daughter, Ann, about or shortly after her father left England for the province, had intermarried with John Bennett, a blacksmith, who, with his wife, immigrated the next year and set tled on lands of his father-in-law. In 1686, John Bennett was appointed constable for Birmingham, which is the first official record of that municipal dis trict in our county's annals. The next settler in Birmingham, after Brinton and his son-in-law, Bennett, were Peter and Sarah Dix, which name in the lapse of years was changed to Dicks. The land patented to him was the first tract taken up extending to Brandywine Creek, and thereon he built his cabin in the thick forest, with no neigh bor nearer than about two miles away. This tract was not located within the limits of the present county of Delaware, but the dividing line runs along the southern and part of the eastern boundary of his estate. His son, Peter Dicks, however, played a prom inent part in our colonial history in his efforts to foster manufacturing, and will be referred to else where. Joseph Gilpin and Hannah, his wife, are believed to have settled in Birmingham in 1695, certainly not later than that date. They were people of position in England, being descended from Richard de Guyl- pin, to whom in 1206 the baron of Kendal gave the manor of Kentmere, as a reward for having slain a ferocious wild boar that infested the forest of West moreland and Cumberland. Under the will of Wil liam Lamboll, of the city of Reading, England, Joseph Gilpin received a part of the large tract of land which had been surveyed and located in Birmingham in 1683, to Lamboll. Gilpin, as did all the Quaker settlers of the day, knew the power of religious oppression, and gladly came to the province to take possession of his inheritance. When he settled on the estate he dug a cave at the side of a large rock, on the present farm of Albin Harvey, wherein he resided for a number of years, and where thirteen of his family of fifteen chil dren were born.1 It was on this property that two val uable varieties of apple originated, — the Gilpin, also called carthouse and winter red-streak, and the house- apple, also called gray house-apple. They were two of several hundred of new varieties produced from seeds brought from England by the first settlers. Only these two were worthy of perpetuation by graft ing. The farm in Birmingham, where the first Gilpin settled, remained in the ownership of their descend ants until recent years. Joseph Gilpin, some years after he made his settlement, built a frame house, and removed from his cave to that dwelling. In 1745, ad joining the frame, a brick house was erected. On the evening of Thursday, Sept. 11, 1777, the house then ' Johnson's "History of Cecil County, Md.," p. 511. BIRMINGHAM TOWNSHIP. 313 owned by George Gilpin was occupied by Gen. Howe as his headquarters, and there the commander-in- chief remained until the following Tuesday, when the ^British army moved to the Boot Tavern, in Goshen township. The farm, with the old dwelling standing thereon, is now owned by Elias Baker, and the latter every now and then in plowing turns up British pieces of coin, dropped by the invaders of a century ago. Francis Chadsey, or Chads, as the name .afterwards came to be written, — now frequently and improperly spelled Chadd, — emigrated from Wiltshire, England, early in 1689, with his wife, and resided at or near Chichester until about 1696, when his name appears on the list of taxables for Birmingham. It is pre sumed that he located on the five hundred acres sur veyed to Henry Bernard, or Barnet, early in March, 1684, and conveyed to Daniel Smith, March 28, 29, , 1686, which tract included all the present village of Chad's Ford. Francis Chads did not, however, ac quire title to the estate until Nov. 24, 1702, and on May 4th of the following year he purchased one hun dred and eleven acres adjoining his estate to the southeast, from Edmund Butcher. Chads served as a member of the Assembly from Chester County for the years 1706 and 1707, and about that time, it is believed by Gilbert Cope, he erected his corn-mill, the first in Pennsylvania, on the Brandywine, for dying in 1713 he devised to one of his sons " a half share in my corn- mill." This mill, which is supposed to have been a log building, was permitted to go to decay, until in time its very site was forgotten ; indeed, that it had ever existed passed out of the memory of man, until in 1860, in making the excavations for the foundations of the brick mill erected by Caleb Brinton, a short distance west of the station of the Baltimore Central Railroad, at Chad's Ford, a log with an old wrought- . iron spike was found, with other evidences establish ing the location of Chads' mill. That this was the first mill on the Brandywine, as is frequently asserted, cannot be successfully maintained, for as early as May 17, 1689, a petition of "ye Inhabitants of Brandy wine River or Creek against ye dam made upon ye creek, wch hinders ye fish passing up to ye great dam age of ye inhabitants," 1 shows conclusively that a mill of some kind had then been erected. We know that twenty years before Chads' mill was built, on April 2, 1667, " Cornelius Empson's petition Concern ing a Bridg Road and Water mill on Brandywine Creek was Read."2 This mill, however, was in Delaware. John Chads, who received the larger part of his father's estate, after his marriage to Elizabeth Rich ardson, in 1729, is believed to have built the old stone house close to the spring, still standing,- the most northern one in the village of Chad's Ford, which was opposite the then ford of the Brandywine. In 1829, when the bridge was erected, the petition for its con- 1 Colonial Records, vol. i. p. 292. s lb., p. 199. struction being presented to court July 17, 1828, the road crossing the stream was carried to the south, its present course. The tradition in the neighborhood is that the log cabin of Francis Chads had stood near by where the present stone building now stands. As the tide of emigration moved westward public travel necessarily increased, aud as the Brandywine in rainy weather and in spring-time was so swollen that it was almost impossible to cross it, John Chads was solicited to es tablish a ferry at that place, and to aid him in that public work the county loaned him thirty pounds to meet the expense he was put to in building a "flatt or schowe." He seems to have been ready to enter into the duties required in 1737, for on August 30th of that year the following records appear in the pro ceedings of the Court of Quarter Sessions : "John Chads having petitioned the court setting forth that by the concurrence of the Justices and by order of the Commissioners and Assessors, a ferry being erected over Brandywine creek on the road leading from Philadelphia to Nottingham, and no rates for the same es tablished, prays that such rates be set for the aame, as to the court may seem reasonable: Whereupon the court taking the same into considera tion, have adjudged the rates hereafter mentioned may be demanded and taken by the said John Chads, or his assigns or successors in the Baid ferry : Every horse and rider, four pence. Every single person on foot, three pence; if more, two pence each. Every ox, cow, or heifer, four pence each. " For -! Every sheep, one pence. Every hog, three half-pence. Every coach, wagon, or cart, one shilling and six pence. Every empty wagon or cart, nine pence. Every steed, four pence. " To the aforesaid rateB the justices have subscribed their names: "Richard Hates, "John Crosby, " Henky Hayes, " Samuel Hollingsworth, "John Parry, "Abraham Emmitt, "Caleb Cowpland, "Elisha Gatchell, "Joseph Brinton." The story of the ford is so intimately connected with the tavern at that point that all further reference to it will be found in the narrative of the license houses of Birmingham, excepting the fact that in 1760, the year of John Chads' death, it appears that the old flat was worn out, and for " rebuilding the Flatt" he charged the county £44 3s. 6d., one of the items in the bill rendered being " To five weeks diet to boat- builder at six shillings per week £1 10s." The post planted on the west side of the Brandywine to fasten the ferry rope to, was still standing in 1827, but the rope, windlass, and boat had disappeared. About the date given Hetty Brown, a colored woman, who kept a small store at the ford, where she sold cakes and beer, for a smalf sum would ferry passengers across the creek in a boat, which she shoved with a pole. John Chads' widow was living at the ford on the day of the battle of Brandywine, in the stone house already men tioned. Dr. Darlington related that Amos House, a 314 HISTORY OF DELAWARE COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA. nephew of Elizabeth Chads, who was then a widower, had come to reside with his aunt, and superintend the farm. On the morning of the battle, Washington and a few officers rode to the field just above Chads' house, and were busy with their field-glasses, when Amos House and several others, out of sheer curiosity, approached the group of officers. The British artil lery from the opposite bank fired several cannon-balls into the field near by, whereupon Gen. Washington remarked to the unbidden company, " Gentlemen, you perceive that we are attracting the notice of the enemy ; I think you had better retire." A hint which was promptly taken.1 Amos House, a descendant of this Amos House, still a resident of Chad's Ford, at the American Centennial, in 1876, had the control of the dairy established by the Dairymen's Association on those grounds, which will be recalled by all who visited the Exhibition. In 1707, Samuel Painter, a son of Painter or Pari- our (for the name is sometimes spelled in that way), became a resident of Birmingham, having purchased something over five hundred acres of contiguous land from several parties in the neighborhood of the present Painter's Cross-roads. He was a tailor by trade, and appears to have thriven in his occupation, for at the time of his death he was the owner of more than a thousand acres in Birmingham, lying nearly equally divided between the present Delaware and Chester Counties. This large estate was not contig uous, that in Chester County being widely separated from his possessions in Delaware County. In 1688, as heretofore mentioned, it was reported that the Indians on a certain day had determined to massacre the whites, and, as rumor asserted that five hundred warriors of the savages had assembled at an Indian town on the Brandywine, " and that they hav ing a lame King, had carried him away with all their women and children," this alarming intelligence was hastily borne to Philadelphia, reaching there while the Provincial Council was in session. A member of that body, a Friend, voluntarily proposed to go to the place with five other persons, unarmed, and the offer being accepted, they rode to the Indian town on the Brandywine, where, instead of meeting savages in war-paint, they found the old chief "quietly lying with his lame foot along on the ground, and his head at ease on a kind of pillow, the women at work in the field, and the children playing together."2 The delegation was assured that the rumor was false, and the woman who had raised the report ought to be burned to death. The site of the Indian town was in the neck of land above the present Smith's bridge, on which afterwards the iron-works of Twaddle were erected, known in more recent times as the old paper- mill. On June 24, 1729, the Indian chief Checochinican ' Futhey and Cope's " History of Chester County," p. 2 Proud's " History of Pennsylvania," vol. i. p. 337. addressed a letter to the Governor and Council, al leging that when they sold their interest in the lands watered by the Brandywine to Penn, he had granted them " a wrighting for the creek of Brandywine up to the Head thereof, which said wrighting, by some Accident, was Lost with all land a mile wide of ye Creek on each side, which afterwards we Disposed of so far up as to a Certain known rock in ye said creek.'" As this disputed title does not touch any portion of the land in Delaware County, but relates to that located in Newlin township, in the present county of Chester, extended consideration of the topic does not come within the scope of this work. The Indians, however, so long as any of them remained, insisted that a strip of land a mile wide on both sides of the stream had been reserved to them in their sale to Penn. Andrew and Hannah, the last Indians in the neighborhood of Birmingham, who lived in a hut or wigwam on the high ground on the east side of the creek, above where the Baltimore Central Railroad bridge crosses the stream, always made claim to this land. I am informed by Amos C. Brinton, of Wil mington, a native of Birmingham, and a gentleman well informed as to the olden times of that locality, that the old Indians did not attempt to till the ground, but went from house to house demanding their meals, and if it chanced that the meal was over, they would scold violently because it had not been delayed for them. Hannah made baskets and gathered herbs to the last. She died about 1800, having survived her husband several years. Andrew was buried on the original tract patented to William Brinton, Sr., his grave being located on Dix Run, about half a mile south of Dilworthtown. Indian Hannah, the last of her tribe, died in the Chester County almshouse. She expressed a wish to be buried in a certain Indian burying-ground which she designated, but was buried with o.ther paupers on the almshouse grounds. It has been published that the British forces at Chad's Ford, on Sept. 11, 1777, crossed below the ford. This, however, is incorrect. The enemy waded across the stream above the ford. The road taken by the American Reserves to Birmingham meeting-house was up the ravine from William Harvey's house, past the barn, over the hill to and across Dix's Run, up the next hill to and across the road from Dilworth town to the Brandywine, at a point between the James Brinton and Darlington residences ; thence nearly northeast across the Bennett land to the Sandy Hollow road which led to Birmingham meeting-house, the scene of that part of the battle of Brandywine. One wing of Greene's command was shown the way by George Hannum, whoi piloted them across the Gilpin lands from the Philadelphia and Chad's Ford road to the south of Dilworthtown. The old Benjamin Ring Tavern, where Washington had his headquarters, was on the north side of the 3 Penna. Archives, vol. i., 1st serieB, p. 239. BIRMINGHAM TOWNSHIP. 315 great road which leads to the ford, about a mile east of the Brandywine. It was of stone, two stories in height, with a hipped roof, and became the property > of Eli Harvey in 1807, after the death of Benjamin Ring. Eli Harvey was the great-grandson of William Harvey, the immigrant, who, at the age of thirty-four, in 1712, came to Pennsylvania, and settled on a tract of three hundred acres in " the woods of Kennett," on the west side of the Brandywine and above the ford. William, the immigrant, was succeeded on the home farm by his son, William, he by his son, Amos, he by his sons, Marshall and Eli, Jr. Eli Harvey, of Chad's Ford, was the father of Hannah (who married Eobert Peirce), Joseph P., Amos, Chalkley, Edith (who married Isaac Watkin), Evelina (married Thomas Brinton Darlington), Ellwood, Lewis P., Philena (married Mordecai Lewis), and Mary (who married Watson P. Magill). William Harvey, the grandson of the immigrant, resided on the east bank of the Brandywine, this land extending from below the Delaware line above and beyond Chad's Ford. Below the Delaware line the crossing of the stream is still known as Harvey's Ford, and the day of the battle his house at Chad's Ford was in the line of the American cannon, and was damaged by a shot from Proctor's gun. The ball, which buried itself in the ground after passing through William Harvey's house, is still in the possession of his relatives, as is also an oak chair which was brought to the colony by the immigrant. William Harvey, another grandson of the immi grant, lived on the ground occupied in part by the American army at the Chad's Ford battle, and being a Friend, commonly called a Quaker, and a non-com batant, took no part on either side, but remained about his work as if nothing unusual was going on. When the British passed by his house in pursuit of the retreating Americans, they made him a prisoner, and marched him near the front of the army. As they went up the hill east of his house, on the brow of which was a fence covered with bushes, he saw the Americans pointing their guns towards him and the British through the bushes, and was almost stunned by the fearful flash and roar of their simultaneous discharge. He was astonished to find himself alive, and still more on observing that not a man was killed or wounded. The Americans had fired over their heads. The British, or, more correctly, their Hessian allies, then rushed up to the fence and fired at the re treating Americans with deadly effect. When the British reached Dilworthtown, William Harvey, with a few other prisoners, were confined in the cellar under the tavern, from which they made their es cape by wrenching out the window-frame. On his way home through a woods, he saw a pair of laced boots protruding from a hollow log, and upon closer investigation discovered his colored girl hidden there. He remained a Quaker, but on account of the active interest he manifested in the cause of the revolting colonies, after the battle of Brandywine, he was called by the title of major to the end of his life. The inhabitants of Birmingham suffered greatly from the British foraging parties. The following is a list of damages sustained : From William Dilworth by the British army, under Sir William Howe (and damages), while encamped at Dil worthtown after the battle of Brandywine, September lltb to 16th 48 2 0 From Charles Dilworth " property taken, damages, waBte, spoil, and destruction doue and committed hy the army of the Kingof Great Britain and their adherents under the immediate command of Sir William Howe," * Sep tember 11th to 16th 820 15 3 From Joseph Dilworth, ditto 522 12 2)4 From Charles Porter, "a very poor man," ditto 8 7 6 From William Chapman, ditto 16 3 3 From John Martin, September 12th to 16th 242 4 6 From William Harvey, Jr., " taken and destroyed the 11th day of September (and thereabout) by the army of his Britanic Majesty, commanded by Sir William Howe, K. B., Supporter of Tyranny, Falsifier of his word, and plunderer of private property" 562 16 6 From John Bennett, September 11th to 16th 401 1 4 From George Brinton, ditto 544 11 8 From Rachel Hannings, ditto 47 12 6 From Caleb Brinton,2 ditto 592 18 8 From Israel Gilpin, ditto 607 12 6 From Thomas Hannum, September 11th 42 2 0 From John Henderson, September 11th to 16th 536 6 11 From Johu Chamberlain, September 13th to 16th 57 0 3 From Gideon Gilpin, September 11th 502 6 0 From Jesse Graves, September 11th to 16th 212 14 8 From Thomas DaviB, ditto 24 5 7 From James Dilworth, ditto 13 0 0 From Charles McCrea, September 11th to 17th 41 13 4 5844 6 1V2 The lands of Lewis P. Harvey, " the National Kaolin Company," was formerly part of the manor of Rockland. — the manor located in the county of New Castle, but crossing the Brandywine into Birming ham, — and part of the land of the kaolin-works was included in the warrant for two hundred and fifty acres given to Robert Chalfant in 1701, he having settled there two years before that date. From him it is believed the Chalfant family have descended. Churches— Presbyterian.— In the bend of the road leading down to Corner Ford, on the property of William H. Seal, the Lower Brandywine Pres byterian Church formerly stood, and some of the old gravestones in the little burial-ground can still be seen there. The Presbyterians early in the last century had churches in this vicinity, — in log build ings, — one located at Marlborough, known as the Upper Brandywine, and the one on the Seal farm, called the Lower Brandywine Church. It was es tablished here in 1720, and for a long period of years services would occasionally be held in this unpretentious structure, but finally, after the Rev olution, it was abandoned, the congregation assem bling for worship at the "old log meeting" at Cen- treville, Del. Rev. Mr. Reed was the pastor in charge of this little wayside sanctuary during 'the war of independence, and tradition states that it was this clergyman who, in the darkness of the morning of Sept. 9, 1777, guided Washington when the Amer ican army moved from Stanton, Del., to Chad's Ford, 1 Among the items charged is " the time of a Servant Lad, Patrick Kelly, about 14 months to stay, went off with the army, £10." 2 Including "two books, — 'Barclay's Apology,' and 'Young Man's Best Companion.' " 316 HISTORY OF DELAWARE COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA. crossing the Brandywine at Harvey's Ford, below Smith's bridge. For nearly a century the Presbyte rians of Birmingham were without a church building, but on Monday, June 3, 1878, a church of that de nomination was dedicated at Dilworthtown. The building is of serpentine stone, and is lighted with stained glass memorial windows. The church was the direct outgrowth of the labor of Miss Cassy Brin ton, a daughter of Hill Brinton, of Thornbury, who, about 1860, started a Sunday-school at Dilworthtown. For years that hamlet had been termed " the Devil's Half-Acre," and many of the old people declared that it was known the country round as furnish ing more drunken men, more fights and disturb ances, than any locality of the like size in twenty miles. That unpleasant reputation has long since passed away from Dilworthtown, and now better manners, if not better whiskey, will be found in the village. Baptist. — The Baptist Church in Birmingham, the third of that denomination in Pennsylvania, was in stituted May 14, 1715, the membership comprising fifteen persons, but nearly a quarter of a century pre vious to that date religious services by Baptists are said to have been held on the same ground where the church was afterwards erected. At first the meetings for worship were held at private houses, but in a few years the congregation determined to build a church, which was done in 1718, a log structure being erected on a lot of land which had belonged to Edward Butcher, doubtless given by him for that purpose. The first permanent pastor was William Butcher, a native of Birmingham, in 1719. He was twenty years of age when intrusted with the charge of the church. In 1721 he received a call to New Jersey, and died in that province in his twenty-sixth year. The strug gling congregation continued to worship in the primi tive building until 1770, when it was demolished, and a stone structure erected on its site. For forty years it had been without a regular pastor, until 1761, when Rev. Abel Griffith was installed. Here he remained until 1767, when he resigned, but in 1775 he returned to the charge of the church, continuing there until 1790. In 1791, Rev. Joshua Vaughan was installed. He was by birth a Chester countian, by trade a black smith, and during the Revolution, when David Mackey was sheriff, he was the jailer at the prison in Chester. While in that employment he was baptized by the Rev. Philip Hughes, a Baptist clergyman, who fre quently preached at the county-seat. It is related that, when the minister and he were walking to the stream to be baptized, some one in jest asked who they were. " We are Philip and his jailer," retorted Vaughan. He continued in the pastorate until the summer of 1808, when he died. His remains lie in the burial-ground alongside the church. The fourth pastor was Rev. Charles Moore. He was an Episcopalian, residing in Concord, and as the church of that denomination in that township was without a rector he frequently conducted the services there as a lay preacher. In 1802 he became a Bap tist, being immersed in the Brandywine at Chad's Ford. In 1812 he was licensed to preach, and in the fall of the year 1813 he was ordained pastor of the church, and continued in charge of the congregation until 1848. It is remembered that Rev. Mr. Moore, as he grew older and saw the wonderful growth of the United States (he died in 1847), he would fre quently relate how, as a child of six years, he was taken to the State-House yard, Philadelphia, when the old liberty bell with its brazen tongue proclaimed the birth of the new nation. Rev. Joseph Walker, who succeeded Mr. Moore, was a native of Delaware County, having been born in Lower Chichester in 1787. In 1822 he was licensed to preach, and in 1824 became the pastor of the church at Marcus Hook, continuing there twenty- four years, during which period he frequently preached at Birmingham. In 1848 he became the pastor of the latter church, and continued there until 1863, when he resigned, his seventy-six years having brought with them the infirmities of age. On Feb. 10, 1870, the present and third church, on the same site, was dedicated, and not quite three weeks there after the aged pastor, Mr. Walker, having completed, excepting two weeks, his eighty-third year of life, died in Alleghany City. The sixth pastor was Rev. Jesse B. Williams, who was ordained in 1866, and remained in charge of the Brandywine Church' until 1869, when he was suc ceeded by the seventh pastor, Rev. Isaac M. Halde man. The latter was a native of Concordville, Dela ware Co., and was twenty-six years old in 1871, when installed pastor of the Brandywine Church. Just previous to his taking charge of the congregation the old stone building was torn down and the present edifice erected. It was dedicated Thursday, Feb. 10, 1870, and on that occasion, it appearing that two thousand dollars was still due for work and materials, Samuel A. Crozer offered to discharge five hundred dol lars of it, if the remaining fifteen hundred dollars could be collected. This was done and the church freed from debt. Mr. Haldeman's pastorate was eminently successful, and the church thrived under his care as it had never done before. In April, 1875, he resigned to accept a charge in Wilmington, Del., and was fol lowed by Rev. John Reader, who continued there from May, 1877, until the following April, when he resigned. In May, 1878, Rev. Alexander MacAuthor, a graduate of Crozer Theological Seminary in that year, was ordained, but resigning in the following February, the present and tenth pastor, Rev. J. Wes ley Sullivan, also a graduate of Crozer Theological Seminary, was installed in June, 1880, and is now in the fourth year of a successful pastorate. Before dismissing the account of the Brandywine Baptist Church, it is proper to recall Robert Frame, who, dying Feb. 20, 1871, in the seventy-eight years of BIRMINGHAM TOWNSHIP. 317 life which had been allotted to him, could remember the three sanctuaries, the old log, the first stone, and subsequently the present, third and imposing, struc ture, and, perhaps, to no man is the Brandywine Baptist Church more indebted than to Robert Frame, who through life labored to advance its' interest and well-being. The adherents to the forms and rituals of the Church of England, until within a year, had no house of worship in Birmingham ; but it must not be supposed that there were no earnest Episcopalians in that township. Ralph Pyle was an ardent church man, and by his will, dated Jan. 1, 1739, provision was made for three sermons to be preached on three certain days in each year at Concord parish, by a minister of the Church of England. St. Luke's Protestant Episcopal Church.— Ser vices according to the ritual of the Episcopal Church were had at Chad's Ford from time to time, the first consecutive services having been held by Rev. J. Coupland, rector of St. John's Church, Concord, which were continued during the rectorship of Rev. H. B. Dean. The congregation assembled in the school-house and at private houses. St. John's par ish being without a rector, until the election of the present incumbent, Rev. J. J. Sleeper, services were necessarily discontinued, but on the latter being in stalled rector, a determined movement was made to locate a permanent church organization at Chad's Ford. J. M. Baker entered earnestly into the move ment, and the result was that funds were collected justifying the erection of a church edifice. A lot was secured from John Arment, and on June 11, 1883, the corner-stone was laid by Rev. W. H. Graff, of Phila delphia, assisted by Rev. John Bolton, of West Chester, and Rev. J. J. Sleeper, rector of St. John's parish. On May 1, 1884, St. Luke's Church was opened for divine service, the rector of St. John's parish officiating, assisted , by Rev. Messrs. Henry Brum, William H. Graff, William M. Jefferis, John Bolton, Richardson Graham, H. Greenfield Schow, and George C. Moore. At the conclusion of the ser vices, as a testimonial to Rev. J. J. Sleeper for his untiring efforts to establish the church at Chad's Ford, a costly gold watch was presented to him. On May 12, 1884, the church was organized by Rev. Jo seph J. Sleeper, rector of St. John's parish, the first vestrymen being Frank Graff, Frank Tempest, Dr. H. Hayward, L. S. Williamson, W. William Ring, J. T. Brittingham, and George K. Barney. Mr. William son was elected accounting warden. After the board of vestrymen organized, Rev. Joseph J. Sleeper was elected rector, and J. M. Baker treasurer of the build ing fund. Frank Graff was appointed rector's warden by Mr. Sleeper. The church is an ornate frame struc ture, located a short distance northwest from the rail road station at Chad's Ford. Friends' Meeting-House.— In the old township of Birmingham, before its dismemberment at the time Delaware County was erected, stood the ancient his toric Birmingham Friends' meeting-house. The old battle-scarred building, in the division of the town ship, fell to the lot of Chester County. However, as Friends in Lower Birmingham for over a hundred and fifty years have assembled in the structure to commune together in religious exercises, I will briefly touch on its history. The first house, which was of cedar logs, was erected in 1722, on grounds given by Elizabeth Webb for that purpose, and the burial-lot was inclosed with a post-and-rail fence. About 1763 the oldest part of the present stone meeting-house was built, and the old log house used as a sta.ble. Subse quently an addition was made to the stone building on the east end. Tradition states that the stone walls surrounding the burial-ground, in the battle of Bran dywine, were used by the American riflemen, and the dark spots on the oaken floor are said to have been made by the blood of wounded soldiers, the building having been used as a hospital for nearly a week, or until the British army marched to the Boot Tavern. In the old "God's Acre" surrounding the building for many years, in digging fresh graves, relics of the slain in that battle were disinterred. As late as 1828 a writer,1 in describing a visit to the old meeting-house and battle-field, says, — " Tou may he Bhown a gold coin of the olden time which some Hes sian private had concealed, with several of its fellows, in the cue of his hair, and which may have recently been disinterred with his mouldering remains, or you may visit the Birmingham graveyard, and as you see the sexton turning up, some two feet below tbe surface, the bones of a British soldier, with fragments of his red coat still retaining its color, his stock-buckle, pocket-glass, flints, and buttons (stamped with the number of his regiment), contrast the peaceful scenes which now Bur- round you and the peaceful tenets of the religiouB society worshiping in the humble tabernacle near with that terrible day when mighty armies here met in conflict, this spot echoed back the tempest of war, shook with the thunder of artillery, and was literally drenched with the blood of the slain." Tradition asserts that a young man named Percy, supposed to be a relative of the Duke of Northumber land, was killed near the meeting-house. "When he had arrived with the regiment he accompanied, in sight of the Americans ranged in order of battle upon the heights near Birmingham meeting-house, he sur veyed the field around him for a moment, and then turning to his servant, handed him his purse and his gold watch to take charge of, remarking, 'This place I saw in a dream before I left England, and I know I shall fall here.' The coincident was striking and re markable ; the event verified the prediction. His name is not mentioned in the British official account of the battle, because he held no commission in the army. He was merely a volunteer." Gideon D. Scull, writing from Rugby, England, Feb. 5, 1880, says, respecting this alleged incident of the battle, — "To the Editor of the Delaware County Republican: "The recent revival in some of your papers of the old popular belief that Earl Percy, or some near relative of that name, was killed at the Battle of Brandywine, has no foundation whatever in fact. Lossing also asserts that he never was present even in that eugagement. 1 Hazard's " Register of Pennsylvania," vol. i. p. 365. 318 HISTORY OF DELAWARE COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA. " Earl Percy succeeded his father in 1786, but was summoned to Par liament in 1777, as Baron Percy. He married, in 1764, Lady Anne Stu art, 3d daughter of the Earl of Bute, by whom he had no issue, and from whom he was divorced by act of Parliament in 1779. " In the register of Westminster Abbey the following entry duly at tests his burial there : "'1817. July 19. The most noble Hugh Percy, Duke and Earl of Northumberland, Earl and Baron Percy, Barou Lucy, &c, &c, (died) at Northumberland House, Strand, July 10th, aged 75. (Buried) in the Northumberland vault in St. Nicholas Chapel.' "Earl Percy's father was Hugh Smithson, 2d son of Sir Hugh, who was 3d Baronet of Stanwick, county of York. Hugh Smithson suc ceeded to his father's title and estates in 1749-50, and married Lady Eliza beth Seymour, whose father was Charles Seymour, 7th Duke of Somerset (known as the proud Duke of Somerset), and who was, in 1749, created Earl of Northumberland, he having married Lady Elizabeth Percy, only daughter of Joseline, 11th Earl of Percj', who died in 1670, at the age of twenty-six, without male issue. Sir Hugh Smithson assumed the name of Percy, and was created, in 1766, Earl Percy and Duke of Northumber land. He was succeeded by his 2d son in 1786, who died in 1817, and waB buried, as before mentioned, in Westminster Abbey. " A glance at the Percy pedigree in Burke's ' Peerage' is sufficient to convince any one that Earl Percy (of 1777) could not possibly have had any male relatives of his name who could have been present at the battle of Brandywine in 1777. There were, however, several children of the Duke's (Earl Percy's father) -who were recognized as his illegitimate offspring by different mothere, two of whom were buried in Westminster Abbey, in the South Cross. They were named Philadelphia and Dorothy Percy. The former died in 1791 and the latter in 1794. " They had a half brother James Macie, who some years after as sumed his father's name of Smithson, and who died in Genoa, Italy, in 1826, and is the same person who left his fortune, which was large, to found the Smithsonian Institution at Washington, D. C. He commences his will thus, 'I, James Smithson, son of Hugh, first Duke of Northum berland, and Elizabeth , heiress of the Hungerfords of Audley, and niece of CbarleB, the Proud Duke of Somerset.' So that this JameB Smithson was well born both on his father's and on his mother's side. " The Proud Duke of Somerset received this sobriquet on account of his intolerable pride. After his wife's death he again married, and it is recorded that on one occasion his new spouse, who was also of high birth, placed her hand upon his shoulder. Thereupon he drew himself up in a haughty manner and said, ' Madam ! my first wife was a Percy, and Bhe never dared to take that liberty.' He was also fond of remarking that he really pitied Adam, 'for he had no ancestors.' "After reading Judge Futhey's communication, one feels inclined to think that there must have been some foundation for the various state ments and traditions current in the neighborhood of the battle-field, coming down, as they have done, from the life of such respected and truth-telling old Friends as he citeB, and it is not at all improbable than an illegitimate son of the Duke of Northumberland was wounded and died and was buried on the battle-ground. But supposing there was such a one, his name need not necessarily be looked for amongst the British list of dead, under the name either of Percy or Smithson for many of different names claimed paternity of Earl Percy's father." Mills. — The story of the Brandywine in reference to the industrial establishments located along that creek, as well as those on its tributary streams in Del aware County, is interesting. In attempting to relate it, I propose to begin at the Delaware State line, and follow the creek up to where the line dividing Chester and Delaware Counties intersects with that stream. Beaver Creek empties into the Brandywine just south of the circular line, and there, partly located in Del aware County and partly in the State of Delaware, is the grist-mill of Marshall Brinton. "The Beaver Valley Mills" at one time were owned by Thomas Gibson, a practical millwright, who, in 1808, sold them to John Farra, who repaired or rebuilt the mills. At the latter's death the estate was sold to Lewis Smith and he subsequently conveyed the mills to Marshall Brinton, who enlarged the building by addition of an upper story and put in improved machinery. The mills are now owned by Joseph Brinton. Following Beaver Creek, near the highway leading to Smith's bridge, was a woolen-factory, built in 1817 by John Farra, who leased it to La Forrest brothers, but in 1824 it was burned, and remained as the flames had left it until 1830, when it was rebuilt on part of the old walls as a paper-mill. As such it was occupied by William and John Gilmore for a year, when Farra took possession, and manufactured paper therein until his death, in June, 1832. He was succeeded by his son, Daniel. On May 15, 1851, the paper-mill in its turn was destroyed by fire. The property then passed into the ownership of Frank Tempest, who rebuilt the mill and added to the machinery an engine, so that either water or steam-power could be used. Still following the east branch of Beaver Creek, on the same highway, near Tempest's mill, in 1809, Peter Hatton built a fulling-mill, and in 1817 he erected a woolen-factory, wherein were manufactured flannels, satinets, cloth, etc. The fulling-mill has gone to de cay, but the factory is still standing, now idle for the purpose it was built, the water which formerly fur nished it power being now used to assist in driving the machinery in Tempest's paper-mill, both mills now being owned by the Tempest family: In 1826 the two mills were supplied with water by the same race. The machinery consists of one pair of stocker and two carding engines. The business was carried on by his sons, Samuel and Gideon Hatton. In 1843 the Hat ton mill was owned by Philip Hizer, and the dam there was washed away in the flood of that year. In the bend of Beaver Creek, just beyond the circular line, in the State of Delaware, was the woolen-factory built in 1825 by Charles Dupont, and operated by Lewis Sacriste, but the structure was washed entirely away in the flood of Aug. 5, 1843. Farther along its east branch, in close proximity to the line of Concord township, is located the old Green saw-mill. It was built shortly after the beginning of this century, and subsequently became the property of Reece Perkins, who owned it in 1843 at the time of the flood ; after wards it was owned by Daniel Farra, Jr., then by Samuel Talley, and now by William Hinkson. On the west branch of Beaver Creek, according to the map of Dr. Joshua Ash, in 1848, there was an axe- mill, — edge-tool works, — owned by William Morrison. I have no information respecting this establishment. Returning to the Brandywine, just below the Dela ware State line is Smith's bridge, which was built on piers in 1816, and in 1822 was swept away in a freshet. It was rebuilt, to be again carried off by the water in 1839. At the side of where the single-arched bridge now stands is a ford, which is occasionally used to this day. Following the creek above Smith's bridge, in the bend of the stream, is Willis' or Corner Ford. On the day of the battle of Brandywine, Gen. Arm strong's lines extended to that point for the purpose of preventing the English troops from crossing there. BIRMINGHAM TOWNSHIP. 319 As we proceeded in the abrupt bend of the creek to the south, near where Twaddell's old paper-mill stands, at the beginning of this century was a saw-mill, which ' has long ago disappeared. Previous to 1777, William Twaddell became the owner of the estate, comprising all the neck of land, and here he erected iron-works in connection with the saw-mill. In 1780 he was in Aston, and in that year called himself a "forge- master," and registered three slaves as his property. At that time he doubtless was working the old forge at Rockdale. It is by tradition asserted that when the American army lay encamped at Chad's Ford, Twaddell bargained with a number of deserting militiamen to dig a race for him, extending from above Pyle's Ford to his saw-mill, situated nearly three-quarters of a mile below. When the race was about finished, Twaddell, in apparent alarm, came running to where the men were working, shouting out, " The British ! the British!" whereupon the de serters hastily decamped without waiting to be paid for the job. The iron-works were erected subsequent to 1780. The distance which Twaddell had to cart the ore before and the iron after smelting induced him to change the works into powder-mills in 1807, which were known as the " Cannon Powder-Mills," and as such they continued until 1831, at which time he had two powder-mills and four drying-houses, when they were again changed into paper-mills. It is alleged that on several occasions there were explosions at the mills while powder was made there, but in no instance was any person injured. Just above Twaddell's dam, which crossed the Brandywine obliquely, Thomas Gibson had a saw-mill on the west side of the creek, the dam of the latter being at right angles to the stream. Even now, when the water is low and clear, the race can be traced down to where Gibson's saw-mill stood. Long years ago the mill was struck by lightning, the building destroyed, and the sawyer killed. Half a mile above Pyle's Ford is the Twin or Barney bridge, at John B. Barney's farm, from which circumstance the bridge is frequently called by his name. The term Twin was applied to it because while one span crosses the creek the other spans the meadow at Barney's, which was done by the commissioners on the score of economy, believing the bridge over the land would cost less than to fill the eastern approach with earth. An interesting event happened in April, 1880, at John B. Barney's residence, when his son, accompanied by his bride from New York, visited the old homestead. It was the ninetieth anniversary of the birth of Mrs. Barney, and on that occasion a bottle of wine that had been recovered from the wreck of the British sloop-of- war "Mercury," ' which was sunk in the North River, seven miles above New York, in 1777, was opened. When taken from the wreck the bottle was full of 1 Is not there some error in the name? Was not the' vessel the 'Hussar," and did she not sink iu the East, not the North, River? wine and almost imbedded in oysters. In 1822 it was opened when John B. Barney was named, and had been sealed anew to be again opened nearly sixty years thereafter. The bridge of the Baltimore Central Railroad, be low Chad's Ford, was built in 1859. In forming the embankment for this bridge, in September, 1859, the skeleton of a soldier was found, together with the brass belt-buckle and leather buttons of his uniform, the latter indicating that it was the remains of an English soldier. A bullet — the one which had de prived him of life — was found among his rib bones. At the east of the bridge stood Chads' mill, heretofore mentioned, the remains of which were discovered in 1860, when Caleb Brinton, Jr., built the present mer chant-mill at that point. Previous to that time Brin ton had built a large frame building for a merchant-, flour-, and saw-mill on Dix's Run, above tbe Dela ware County line. There he conducted business for some time, but the water-power being insufficient, he moved the machinery to the larger building he erected on the site of Chads' old mill. Following the creek a short distance below the county bridge at Chad's Ford is the mouth of Harvey's Run. The first mills on this stream were those erected by Benjamin Ring some years previous to the Revolution, and comprised grist-, fulling-, and saw-mills. The mills subsequently became the property of Eli Harvey, and in time that of his son, Joseph P. Harvey, and are now part of the estate owned by Joseph Turner. The old mills have disappeared — were torn down by Turner to erect in their place a large grist- and merchant-mill. Still fol lowing the east branch of Harvey's Run, about a mile east of Chad's Ford, was a saw-mill, said to have been erected by one of the Butcher family about the beginning of this century. In March, 1819, it is re corded that Benjamin Hampton, the sawyer at this mill, while running through a large poplar log, heard the saw strike against an unusually hard substance, which he found to be a forty-four-pound cannon-ball, completely imbedded in the wood so as to leave no external mark. It was a relic of the battle, the tree having been cut just back of the grove, on the west side of the creek, where the British artillery was stationed. The old solid shot, however, absolutely destroyed the teeth of the saw. This mill disappeared sixty years ago, but the property was purchased in 1842 by Job Pyle, who set up a saw-mill there to cut the tim ber felled on the farm. Pyle sold the estate to Thomas Brinton, who repaired the mill, and also put in buhrs to grind feed. Retracing our steps to the west branch of Har vey's Run, immediately opposite and some distance up the road, where Chalkley Harvey's house stood, was in the olden times a corn-mill, while some dis tance farther up the road was an oil-mill for grind ing linseed. The place where the mill stood can still be traced by the indentations in the bank on the north side of the road. 320 HISTORY OF DELAWARE COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA. JUSTICES OF THE PEACE FOR BIRMINGHAM. Thomas Newlin Aug. 19, 1791 Joseph Brinton 1. May 20, 1800 Matthias Kerlin July 4, 1808 Thomas Pierce Feb. 6,1814 Joseph Brinton, reappointed Feb. 3, 1820 Joseph Fox Dec. 4, 1823 1 Brinton seems to have conducted himself in his office in such a man ner that complaint was made to the Senate and House of Representa tives. In the journal of the latter body for Jan. 11, 1816, from the report of the committee it appears that Brinton had been charged with demand ing and receiving illegal fees, altering his docket hy interlining without the knowledge of one of the parties to the suit, to the injury of the lat ter; refusing to furnish transcript of his docket when demanded and legal fee tendered for such transcript, fining persons for the violation of laws unknown to the people of the commonwealth, demanding and receiving the coat from a man's back to satisfy costs, and on one occasion it seems he commanded a person brought before him on a writ to go down on his knees and ask his (the justice's) pardon, which the man did. The House and Senate, on Jan. 16, 1816, adopted the following address : " To Simon Snyder, Governor of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. "The Senate and House of Representatives of the said Common wealth represent: "That it has been proved to our satisfaction that Joseph Brinton, a Justice of the Peace, residing in the County of Delaware, ought not to be continued as such. Therefore we request that Joseph Brinton be removed from said office." The address having been forwarded to the Governor, the latter, on March 19, 1816, sent the following message to both Houses of the Legis lature: "A supersedeas under the great seal of the State has issued, predi cated upon, and carrying into effect the address of the Legislature for the removal of Joseph Brinton, Esq., late Justice of the Peace in and for the County of Delaware. " Simon Snyder." The following is the supersedeas and the sheriff's return, as appears of record in tlie recorder's office, at Media : " Pennsylvania, ss. "1 " In the name & by the Authority of the Com- „ , monwealth of Penn., Simon Snyder, Governor of Simon Snyder. y , . , _, , , m _ _ the said Commonwealth, To Joseph Brinton, of Seal. J the County of Delaware, sends greeting. " Whereas by a commission under the hand of my predecessor, the late Governor McKean, and the great seal of the state, dated at Lancaster the 20th day of May, in the year One thousand Eight hundred, you, the said Joseph Brinton, were appointed a justice of the peace in and for the district numbered two, composed of tbe township of Concord, Aston, Birmingham, Upper Chichester, Thornbury, & Bethel, in the County of Del. And, whereas, by an address to me from both houses of the Leg islature for the reasons therein contained, it is recommended and requested that you may be removed from the said office. " Now know you that in compliance with the recommendation & re quest contained in the afsaid address from the General Assembly, and by virtue of tbe authority of same in such case given in and by the Con stitution of this Commonwealth, I do hereby revoke and annul the afsaid Commission of Justice of the peace, & all and every the powers rights & duties incident thereto. Given uuder my hand And the Great seal of tbe State at Harrisburg, the thirtieth day of January, in tbe year of our Lord One thousand eight hundred and sixteen and of the Commonwealth the fortieth. " By the Governor. " N. B. Boileau, Secy. " Del. Co. "Penn. SS. Before me, Juo. Caldwell, Esq., one of the Justices of the Peace in & for Del. Co., afsd, personally appeared Daniel Thomson, Esq., High Sheriff of said County, & on his solemn affirmation by me duly administered did declare & say that on the 6th inst. he delivered to the wife of Joseph Brinton, at the said Joseph's dwelling-house in said County, a supersedeas, signed by. his Excellency, Simon Snyder Esquire, Governor of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania & issued under the great seal of the state, at Harrisburg, the thirtieth day of January, 1816, removing the said Joseph Brinton from the office of Jus tice of the Peace for the second district iu the Coty of Del., afsd. And that on the same day and immediately after he, this affirmant left the said dwelling he met the sd Joseph Brinton and informed him of his having left the said Supersedeas at his house. " Aff. & Sub. Feb. 8, 181(5, " Dan'l Thomson, " before me. Jno. Caldwell." John Mattson Dec. 13, 1823 Jospeh Bowen Nov. 10, 1824 Joseph Trimble April 21, 1827 Robert Frame Jan. 15,1829 Robert Hall Feb. 8, 1831 William Mendenhall Dec. 6,1836 Robert Frame April 14, 1840 John D. Gilpin April 14, 1840 Robert Frame April 16, 1845 Robert Frame April 9, 1850 Robert Frame April 10, 1855 Robert Frame April 10,1860 Robert Frame April 2S, 1865 Darwin Painter April 28, 1865 Joseph C.Turner April 10, 1869 Franklin Worrelow April 15, 1873 Miles Frame March 15, 1876 P. Miles Frame April 9, 1881 Schools. — The first school-house in Birmingham township, in this county, was located on a lot con veyed by John Burgess, April 30, 1806, to Jesse Green, Peter Hatton, James Smith, John Chandler, and John Hecklen, in trust, for " the use of a school, but for no other purpose whatever." In the deed Bur gess reserved the timber growing on this lot. A stone school-house was built there by the contributions of the neighboring residents. It was located in the southeastern part of the township, and for many years was known as Mount Racket, the name being derived from the noise made by the children in play. Brinton Dick was the teacher here at one time. In 1825, Eli Harvey gave the use of an old hipped-roof house, which had been built before the Revolution by Chads, it is said, for school purposes, and, in addition to the house, furnished the firewood gratis. This building was used as a school until the public school system was adopted. About 1826, Joseph Russell lived at the Baptist Church, and taught school in a shed adjoining his dwelling. He also taught in the hipped-roof house already mentioned and in Chads' spring-house, then owned by Haddock, at the village, which was used before and after the school law went into effect. Milcena Gilpin taught a subscription school in the dwelling-house that stands near the old Butcher Mill, the property being then owned by her father, Isaac G. Gilpin. This was about the years 1828 to 1830. Near Dilworthtown, on Thomas Wil liamson's property, was a frame school-house, the lot being an acre of ground, which Williamson sold for one dollar. This school was discontinued in 1841, when the directors purchased a tract containing sixty- one square perches from John D. Gilpin, and the old school building and lot thereon reverted to Gideon Williamson. The school law having been accepted, the following named school-houses were built by the school directors. In addition to these places where "the young ideas were taught to shoot," there was an octagon building erected near Squire Robert Frame, known as the Frame School-House ; another, near the prop erty of Robert Bullock, and therefore known as the Bullock School. After the public-school system was adopted these old buildings ceased to be used or be came the property of the township. On May 23, 1837, forty-four square perches of land was purchased from John Heyburn, on the highway leading from BIRMINGHAM TOWNSHIP. 321 the Wilmington road to Smith's bridge. On Nov. 16, 1838, Robert Bullock sold to the directors eighty-one square perches, almost in the centre of the township. «On Jan. 18, 1841, John D. Gilpin conveyed to the officials the school southwest of Dilworthtown. Isaac Smith, of New Castle County, Del., conveyed to the township, Oct. 11, 1849, fifty-six square perches of land, near Smith's bridge, at Beaver Mills, on which was subsequently erected a school-house. The latter building rendered the old Burgess School unneces sary, and on Oct. 31, 1861, Chalkley Harvey, who was instructed by the court to sell that property, conveyed it to Samuel Painter for ninety-seven dol lars, which sale was duly confirmed. The schools of Birmingham at this time are well regulated, and at tended by a large number of scholars. The following is a list of the school directors of Birmingham township : 1840, Ziba Dilworth, David Martin ; 1842, John D. Gilpin, Ziba Darling ton; 1843, Emma Garrett, Milton Stamp; 1844, Augustus Cornog, George Hannum; 1845, William Shields, Nathaniel Speakman; 1846, John D. Gilpin, John Heyburn ; 1847, George Hannum, John F. Engle ; 1848, Malachi Barton, Aaron James ; 1849, Lewis Smith, Thomas Brinton; 1850, Nathaniel Speakman, William H. Wilson; 1851, Daniel Farra, Ziba Dilworth ; 1862, Clarkson Way, Hiram Kipe; 1853, Gideon Williamson, Elwood Michener; 1854, William H. Willson, William W. Twaddell ; 1855, Jacob G. Kitts, Hiram Kipe, Clarkson Way; 1856, Samuel Gamble, Gideon Williamson; 1857, Clarkson Way, Paul Jeffries ; 1858, John Esrey, Emmor Garrett; 1859, John D. Gilpin, Gideon Williamson ; 1860, John B. Heyburn, Lewis H. Bullock ; 1861, William W. Twaddell, David W. Eyre ; 1862, Johu B. Barney, William Russell; 1863, Robert Frame, Lewie Smith ; 1864, Albin Baldwin, Sharpless Green ; 1865, Samuel Speak man, Edmund R. Gilpen; 1866, J. B. Heyburn, Lewis Smith ; 1867, Franklin Whirlow, Charles B. Sprogall ; 1868, Gideon Williamson, Lewis H. Bullock ; 1869, Fred. Brinton, P. M. Frame; 1870, Emmor C. Jeffries, John Esrey; 1871, Crosby Fairlamb, Jacob G. Kitts; 1872, Amos W. House, Robert G. Smith ; 1873, T. Speakman, J.C.Turner; 1874, Cresley Fairlamb, Alban Harvey ; 1875, Lewie H. Bullock, Caleb R. Watkins; 1876, J. C. Turner, Townsend Speakman; 1877, B. C. Fairlamb, Alban Harvey ; 1878, J. E. Heyburn, John Arment ; 1879, G. Rawliugs, G. E. Heyburn ; 1880, Alban Harvey, R. C. Fair lamb; 1881, P. Miles Frame, John Arment; 1882, George E. Hey burn, Lewis Bullock ; 1883, Alban Harvey, R. C. Fairlamb ; 1884, Dr. H. Hayward, P. Miles Frame. Gen. Lafayette's Visit in 1825.— The circum stances respecting the visit of Gen. Lafayette and his son, George Washington Lafayette, to the battle-field at Brandywine on Tuesday, July 26, 1825, and his reception there by the committees of Delaware and Chester Counties, are thus admirably related in a recent volume : 1 "Early in the morning the general was waited upon at Messrs. Dupont, with whom he had lodged, by John W. Cuningham, Esq., one of the committee of arrangements, attended by Samson Babb and Wil liam Williamson, two of the marshals of the day, by whom he was conducted to Chad's Ford. The gen eral was accompanied by his son, M. La Vasseur, his secretary, M. Baudouis, a distinguished lawyer from Paris, the Messrs. Dupont, Messrs. Louis McLane and N. G. Williamson, committee from Wilmington, and Messrs. Joseph S. Lewis, Tilghman, and Biddle, com- 1 Futhey and Cope's " History of Chester County," pp. 130, 131. 21 mittee of Councils from Philadelphia. They reached Chad's Ford about ten o'clock a.m., where the veteran was received by the committees of Chester and Dela ware Counties, headed by their respective chairmen, Col. Joseph McClellan and Capt. William Anderson. At this place, also, Maj. -Gen. Isaac D. Barnard and his aids, Col. Leiper and Daniel Buckwalter, Esq., attended by Brig.-Gens. Evans and Stanley, and their aids, in full uniform, also the Chester County troop of cavalry, commanded by Lieut. Jones, and the Dela ware County troop of cavalry, commanded by Capt. Vanleer, the whole under the command of Maj. Wilson, were in waiting to escort the general over the battle-ground. Jesse Sharp, Esq., chief marshal, with his aids, Thomas H. B. Jacobs and Jesse Conard, Esq., and assistant marshals Samson Babb, William Williamson, Joshua Hunt, Thomas H. Brinton, Joshua McMinn, Isaac Trimble, David Potts, Jr., Richard Walker, Jonathan Jones, Joseph P. McClellan, also attended to regulate the movements of the great con - course of citizens, in carriages, on horseback, and on foot, who had gathered at this point, eager to see and welcome the nation's guest. " The general received the greetings of the people, and viewed the interesting heights around Chad's Ford, and the field where the armies encamped the night before the battle, and pointed out the positions of Gen. Wayne and Maxwell's brigades. He in quired if any one could point out where the bridge of rails was across the Brandywine, but no one was able to give the information. He then resumed his seat in his barouche, with his companion-in-arms, Col. McClellan, by his side, and the procession, which had been formed, advanced towards Painter's Cross roads. About a mile from the ford the general stopped and alighted from his carriage to see Gideon Gilpin, a very aged man, confined to bed, at whose house he had made his headquarters before the battle. The sick man was gratified at the sight of the vet eran, who pressed his hand cordially and wished him every blessing. The procession then proceeded by way of Painter's Cross-roads to Dilworthtown. After a brief halt it turned to the left, and proceeded to the main battle-ground. When they came in sight of the Birmingham meeting-house, Lafayette arose in his carriage and addressed himself in French to his son and companions, spoke animatedly for some time, pointing out to them the different positions of the armies. All the surroundings were familiar to him. He pointed out the spot, in a field of Jacob Bennett, a short distance east and south of where the road from the meeting-house comes in at right angles with the east-and-west road, as the place where he was wounded. He then proceeded to the meeting-house, where another concourse had assembled to greet him. After viewing the ground here he alighted, with his companions and friends, at the mansion of Samuel Jones, a short distance north of the meeting-house, to which he had been previously invited, and partook 322 HISTORY OF DELAWARE COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA. of refreshments provided for the occasion. A large collection of balls and other relics of the memorable conflict, which had been found at different periods on the battle-ground, were exhibited, and excited much interest." The Murder of Martin Hollis by Thomas Crop per. — The peaceful, law-abiding people of Birming ham, early in the year 1841, were shocked by the report that a murder had been committed in the neighborhood of Dilworthtown, and the mere fact that the parties to the tragedy were in humble sta tion did not lessen the public horror at the act, for both the slayer and the slain were known to many of the residents of the township. The particulars of the murder and the vindication of the law, as I have learned them, are as follows : Thomas Cropper, then in the employment of John Leonard, a miller in Pennsbury township, Chester Co., was a tall, active colored man of prepossessing appearance, who had received sufficient education to enable him to read and write with ease. In Bir mingham township, on the property of Ziba Darling ton near Dilworthtown, lived Martin Hollis, a colored man, and his wife Elizabeth, the latter a half-sister to Cropper, to whom she was much attached. Hollis and his wife did not dwell happily together, and they separated, a rumor prevailing that the affection exist ing between Elizabeth and her half-brother exceeded the bounds of propriety. The husband's mind seemed to have been firmly settled in that opinion ; hence he was bitter in his denunciations of Cropper. On Sat urday, Feb. 28, 1841, about midday, the two men met, when Cropper asked Hollis how Elizabeth was. The latter angrily exclaimed, " How dare you ask me anything about Elizabeth ? I'll let you know better.'' Cropper replied, " I think I have a right to ask for her." Still angry, Hollis passionately retorted, "I'll show you something pretty quick," dismounting from his horse as he spoke, and catching up a large stone from the highway in each hand, continued, " I'll split your brains out." Cropper had also armed himself with a heavy stone, which he held in his right hand, while Perry Hall, the father of Elizabeth Hollis and the putative father of Cropper, and John Leonard, who were present, attempted to prevent Hollis from getting within striking distance of Cropper. At length Hollis, becoming calmer, remounted his horse and rode away. In less than an hour after this chance meeting Crop per went to the house of Perry Hall, where his sister lived, and spoke of the conduct of Hollis at the mill, quietly remarking, " He was trying to show himself." Dressing in his best suit, Cropper, taking his gun, left the house, stating he was going to a tailor's to be measured for a coat. About a half-hour thereafter he and Martin Hollis were together at the house of William Wright, a col ored man, where Elizabeth Hollis was then livino- keeping house in rooms in the second story. The hus band called his wife to come down, and then asked her what articles she had there owned by Thomas Crop per. She said nothing but an umbrella which laid on the table, and the husband told her to get it, which she did, and together the husband and wife went out at the door, shutting it behind them, to where Crop per stood, his gun in his hand. " Thomas, take this umbrella," said Hollis, " go away, and never speak to her again, not even if you meet her on the road." Cropper replied, " Not after this time." The husband thereupon said something further, when the gun was discharged, and Hollis fell backwards against the house, dead, the ball having entered the back of his neck and passed out at his waist. Mary Wright, who was in the house at the time, ran to the door just as Elizabeth Hollis opened it and hurriedly ran in. Mrs. Wright slammed the door to and locked it. Cropper, rattling the latch and knocking several times against the door, finally called out, "Elizabeth, come down here, for you are the occasion of this, and I'll give you the next load !" The murderer moved a few steps from the house, stopped, and gazed intently, as if desirous of executing his threat. Then he walked from the scene of the tragedy in the direction of Wilmington. At a late hour that night Cropper returned to the house of Perry Hall, carrying with him the gun he had taken from there at noonday. He was scraping his feet at the door when Mrs. Hall opened it, and he said, pleasantly, "Well, mother." The latter, however, forbade him to enter the house, stating that he was a murderer, and the constable, accompanied by a number of men, had been there seeking him. Cropper thereupon asked if Hollis was dead. Receiving an answer in the affirm ative, he expressed regrets for the act, and hastily walked away. The authorities made every effort to discover the whereabouts of the culprit, who it was believed would endeavor to get to New York. On Friday, March 5th, the step-father of Cropper, who was em ployed at the farm of Carver Worthington, near West Chester, was observed to help himself largely to provisions at meals, and after supper he was noticed taking some of the remaining food to the barn. This, with the fact that the old man had appeared to be unusually depressed, aroused suspicion that Cropper was lurking near by. Information was sent to West Chester, and Constable McCartney was instructed to search the barn, where it was believed the murderer was concealed. The officer and several other persons searched the building, and in the mow they gently thrust pitchforks into places where the fugitive might be hidden, and into the surface of the hay. At length one of the party found that his fork came in contact with an unyielding body, and thrusting against it, a voice said, " Don't stick me." The hay being thrown aside, Cropper was discovered. When ar rested he denied that he was Cropper, stating that his name was John Carter ; that he had only that evening come from New York, and was a total BIRMINGHAM TOWNSHIP. 323 stranger in this section of the country. Despite his protests he was taken before Squire Flemming, who committed him to await the action of the authorities mof Delaware County. It chanced that Mr. Irwin, the then superintendent of the Chester County jail, and who had formerly been sheriff, had frequently seen, and recognized the prisoner as Thomas Cropper. At a subsequent hearing the accused acknowledged that he was Cropper, but declared that he had shot Hollis purely in self-defense. His identity having been established, Thursday, March 29, 1841, Hon. John Larkin, then sheriff of Delaware County, brought Cropper to the jail at Chester, as well as Elizabeth Hollis, the latter being detained as a witness. On Friday, May 28, 1841, the case was called for trial, Judge Thomas S. Bell presiding, the common wealth being represented by Deputy Attorney-Gen eral P. Frazer Smith, and the prisoner by Hon. Edward Darlington and Townsend Haines, Esq. Tbe evi dence was not voluminous ; the jury retired at seven o'clock in the evening, and at half-past ten returned a verdict of guilty of murder in the first degree. On Monday, June 1st, the sentence of the law was pro nounced, the court-room being crowded, even {he windows blocked up with men who could not gain ad mission to the room. After his sentence the prisoner seemed almost un conscious of his unhappy situation, but, with appar ent indifference to the manner of his death, made full preparations for his funeral, ordering his coffin and winding-sheet, and requested that as soon as they were made they should be deposited in his cell until required for use. His request was complied with, but when they were brought to the jail he shuddered at the sight, and desired that they might be taken away. As the day fixed for his execution drew near, he made several attempts to escape, and in doing so filed some of the bars in the chimney in his cell apart. His hair was crisp and abundant, and he had concealed a watch-spring file therein so adroitly that for a long time the authorities could not discover the tool with which he accomplished his work. The jail at Chester, old and decayed, was so insecure that to insure his detention it became absolutely necessary to place him in heavy irons, which were chained to the floor. The Governor had ordered the sentence to be exe cuted on Friday, Aug. 6, 1841, and as Cropper was much concerned as to the final disposition of his body after death, being extremely fearful that it would be given to the physicians for dissection, he requested that he should be hung not later than eleven o'clock, in order to allow time to carry the remains to the African burial-ground, at Kennett Square. About ten o'clock on the day designated his mana cles were removed and Cropper attired in a white robe ; the procession was formed, and moved to the place of execution in the jail-yard. The condemned man ascended the scaffold with a firm step, and lis tened attentively while the death warrant was read. He was attended by two colored ministers, who prayed and sang with him. At the conclusion of the reli gious exercises, Cropper desired a few minutes longer for prayer, followed by a short speech to those present. His feet were then bound with heavy cords, and when the trap was sprung the cords binding his feet be came loosened, and a moment after his arms also broke from their fastenings, and he threw up his hands and grasped at the rope above his head. Jere miah Stevenson, one of Sheriff Larkin's deputies on that occasion, pinioned Cropper's arms again, — a mer ciful act, for the half-hanged man clutched wildly with his hands at the rope by which he was sus pended, and his suffering was rendered more intense because of that effort. After the body had hung half an hour it was cut down, the physicians having pronounced life extinct, and the corpse was placed in the coffin he had ordered. Being a Mason, he requested that the insignia of the order should be placed thereon, which was done. The executed man ordered that the expenses of his funeral should be paid out of the means he had accumulated, and the remainder of his estate he bequeathed to Elizabeth Hollis. Hotels in Birmingham. — Respecting the houses . of entertainment in Birmingham, under license from the courts of Chester County, it is very difficult to designate those which at the present would be in their locations confined to that part of the township now included within the county of Delaware. The first record of license there is to John Wyth, Birmingham (generally), was allowed June 20, 1715, and is confined to a brief note of the fact that it was so granted. The first petition of record was presented to the court Aug. 28, 1722, by John Bentley, wherein he represents that " Having Taken a house In the Town ship of Birmingham And Intending, with your Hon ours permission to sett up an Ordinary for the Vend ing of Beer and Syder for the Succor and Support of Travailers, his house being By the Great Road Lead ing to Nottingham and Maryland, And he being like wise very much Induced thereunto by severall of the neighbors Importunity," etc. He was recommended to the favorable consideration of the justices by Wil liam Brinton, Joseph Brinton, Samuel Painter, Joseph Gilpin, John Chalfant, James Houstowne, Providence Scot, Pattrick Scott, John Bickingham, and Daniel Moore. What was done with his petition that year does not appear, but in 1723 he had license allowed him, as also in the year following. I conclude that it was approved, especially since in his application, dated Aug. 31, 1725, he declares that he has "kept a pub lick House in the township of Birmingham for some years past." He seems to have lost his privilege, however, for Nov. 30, 1731, he states in his petition "that for some years past he had license to keep a house of entertainment in Birmingham, but through some misrepresentations had been obstructed in a con- 324 HISTORY OF DELAWARE COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA. tinuance." His application was in that year in dorsed by Thomas Chandler and thirty-eight other persons, and was approved. Aug. 26, 1727, James Townsends, a resident of Birm ingham, narrates in his petition his reasons for de siring the court's kindly consideration in the following words : " Whereas your petitioner Lyeth under very great hard ships Liveing on ye great Road Side and very much oppressed by Travailers wich is too much for me to Bear, therefore your peticioner prays you will Grant me a License to keep a house of Enter tainment, and your peticioner will in Bounden duty ever pray." His application seems to have melted the stern hearts of the justices, for the license was al lowed, and seems to have been continued until 1731, for on the clerk's list of that year his name appeared among those whose petitions had been approved. August court, 1732, Thomas Bullock's petition shows that " having obtained license at last November to sell beer & Sider now wishes to have full licence," which was awarded him. His name appears on the clerk's list of approved licenses for the year 1734, after which it is not found. At the court held Feb. 26 (last Tuesday in Feb ruary), 1733/4, Joseph Webb, living on the road from Concord to " Forks of Brandywine," applied for license, which was refused to him, while on Aug. 27, 1734, Robert Hannum states in his petition that he " hath taken to ffarm ye Plantation and apperti- nances in the township of Birmingham where Mary Stevens lately dwelt known by the name of the hoop and Tun Tavern." His application is recommended by Joseph Gilpin, Samuel Painter, William and Ed ward Brinton, Calvin Cooper, John Chads, and nine teen others. He was successful, and license was granted him, continuing from year to year until 1738, after which date his name is not on the clerk's list of licenses approved. John Chads, Sept. 1, 1736, calls the attention of the court to the fact that he "has undertaken to keep a ferry and wishes to keep a public Inn on road from Phila. to Nottingham, in Birmingham." To which petition the court accedes and granted license to Chads. From year to year he is regularly recom mended to the Governor for license. But something must have gone astray in his manner of conducting the business of innkeeping, as will be seen by his pe tition, Aug. 31, 1742, which sets forth that " by the Favour of the Honorable Court had for this Consid erable time past A Recommendation granted him an nually in order to obtain Lycense to keep a publick House or House of Entertainment in Birmingham, aforesaid : And your Petitioner not being Conscious he hath Forfeited his right to the said Favour by any abuse thereof." This petition is indorsed " not allowed." Under like date " a representation" from William Webster, John Baily, Joseph Pennock, John Strode, and thirty other signers, was presented which states that "having heard yt John Chads, Jr., to bee Soprest or put down from Publick house keeping . . . that Itt Is a house that Lies most Convenient to the ford or ferry Boat on Brandywine and Ceeps the best Entertainment for man and horse on the upper Road from Maryland to Philadelphia and Likewise Keeps a very orderly house, not allowing of Either drunk- eness or Swaring." This representation is indorsed " not Regarded." Chads was determined that his license should be re newed, for very shortly after the refusal of the court to continue his as a house of public entertainment, he presented a petition, signed by himself and a con siderable number of inhabitants of Chester County to the Commissioners and assessors, setting forth that " pursuant to an agreement made with their predeces sors in the year 1737, he built a boat and suitable ap purtenances for the conveying of people and carriages over Brandywine Creek, with the money that he bor rowed of the County for that purpose, the sum of which was 30 pounds, and it being evident as ye petitioner conceives, that the profits of the said ferry, will not without some consideration compensate for the charge thereof, and that the Honorable Justices, hath at last August Court, thought proper to deprive him the sd John Chads from keeping a house of entertainment, near the sd ferry, which he had done heretofore. They therefore request that the said John Chads may be acquitted & discharged from the payment of the sum of money above mentioned, and also from the care and management of sd boat and appurtenances, and some other person appointed to act therein in his stead." This shrewd movement on the enemy by the flank was not the only effort of Chads, but he charged the bench in column when, under date of Nov. 30, 1742, a petition " of sundry inhabitants of Kennett and places adjacent" in favor of John Chads, as one of " sundry inhabitants and freeholders of the- said County on the west side of brandyWine," and still another from " sundry Inhabitants of Concord and other adjacent Places," and even yet another from "inhabitants of Nottingham and places adjacent" is presented. These petitions, which are signed in the aggregate by one hundred and seventy-one persons, are couched in the same language, and state to the court that " being sensible that we may be Liable to great Disappointments as well on account of Enter tainment, as also ye attendance of ye boat over ye said Creek wch has been greatly servicable to our In habitants & more especially to Strangers unacquainted with ye sd. Creek," they ask for these reasons that license may be granted to Chads. The same day the personal petition of John Chads . was presented, in which he says " that whereas many of the Inhabitants of the Townships on the West side of Brandywine and others of my neibourhood have aqwainted me with their Intention To Petion the Court for their Recommendation to the Governor for BIRMINGHAM TOWNSHIP. 325 his Lycense to keep a publick house as heretofore have don, and Desired me to signifie to the Court my Inclination to Gratifie them in there desire and to 'shew myself willing to serve my frends in Genrall, as well as soport of myself, if the Court thought fitt to Grant it mee, and these are to Request of theis hon ourable Court to Grant my frenns the prayer of their petion and also to Take into their Prudent Considera tion what measures to Take abought the Boate to Bender it as servicable to Travelors as heretofore have been." The number of petitions and the sly reference of Chads, that there might be some difficulty at the ford if his license was not granted, was too much for the justices, and the above-mentioned application of Chads bears this indorsement : " Allowed according to ye Prayer of ye Petition." In 1743 the license was re newed and so continued to him UDtil 1746, when he was succeeded in business by James House, who rented the premises to whom the license was extended, — he giving security to perform all things relating to the ferry over " Brandewine" according to agreement with the commissioners and assessors. It was continued to House until 1752, when he in turn gave place to Amos Harvey, who became the landlord of the inn. To the latter license was annually allowed until the year 1756, when his name disappeared from the rec ords. Henry Hays was granted license in 1757, but whether it was for this tavern I cannot as yet deter mine; but in 1767, William Kerlin received license for the " Chad's ford" Tavern, and annually thereafter was on the list until 1772, when Joseph Davis peti tioned and stated in his application that it was for the premises " formerly John Chads' where a tavern has been for thirty years." Davis was the landlord of the hostelry at the time of the battle of Brandywine, although the county records for that year are missing respecting licenses, for in 1778 Gideon Gilpin is granted license for the tavern, and the petition sets forth that he succeeds Joseph Davis in business. To Gilpin license is annually allowed by the court of Chester County until the date of the creation of Del aware County, his last application being presented in the year 1789. At that time Gilpin was the land lord of the house now known as Gen. Lafayette's headquarters, in which no license has been had for nearly a century. I lose all trace of the old tavern at the ford until 1806, when Benjamin Davis, in his petition, states that " Brandywine Creek is in the township, and from the present way of crossing said creek, when the waters are high, travellers are often detained, which for that, as well as many other causes, renders a house of public entertainment necessary at that locality," — a course of reasoning that resulted in a decision such as he desired from the court. I know that in 1800 Benjamin Ring had license for an inn in Birmingham, — the old Washington headquarters ; that he was refused license in 1802, when a remon strance from the " inhabitants in and near Concord" against his house was presented to court. In the fol lowing year, 1803, Joshua Ring obtained leave to keep a public-house after a previous petition in the same year had been rejected, and in 1805, in his ap plication, Ring gives the name of the tavern as the " United States Arms, on the road from Chester to Lancaster." In addition, in 1807, Thomas Monks petitioned for license for a house in Birmingham, which had been formerly kept by Benjamin Ring & Son. His application was met with a remonstrance from Isaac G. Gilpin, who stated that he was a resi dent of the township, that he knew Monks and the bouse he kept, that " the entertainment for travellers and others at said house is not good, and by no means such as the public ought to expect on so public a road." Petition was rejected, although the preceding year the court had recommended Thomas Monks to the Governor as a proper person to have license, and thereafter the " United States Arms" disappeared as an inn in Birmingham. The house and farm became the property of Eli Harvey, as before mentioned. John Way, in 1807, prayed that license might be granted him at the old Chad's Ford Inn (this tavern was the hipped-roof house at Eli Harvey's), and as an additional reason for the location of a public- house at that point, urged that " Brandywine creek by the present way of crossing is often impassable from the frequent great freshets therein." The court gave approval to his petition, and Way remained there until 1810, during which time he built the present tavern house, when Thomas Burnett suc ceeded to the business until 1817, when he gave place to Jacob Smith, Jr. The latter remained at the tavern only one year, for in 1818 Thomas H. Bullock had license for the house, which he states is com monly known as the " Rising Sun." In 1823, John Norrettwas landlord for one year, but in 1824 Thomas H. Bullock returned to his former station, and in 1828 the latter was succeeded by Nathan S. Burnett. In 1830, Ezra Lamborn, who called the house the " Chad's Ford Inn," was landlord, and continued such until 1834, when Jones Eavenson rented the premises, still retaining the old name. The following year Eavenson associated Joseph D. Valentine in the business, and the firm received the license in 1835 for the " sign of the Bridge." In 1836, John Entre- ken was authorized to keep the public-house at Chad's Ford, and in 1838 Milton Stamp was landlord of the "Bridge Inn, near the Eastern end of Bridge." Stamp, however, did not secure the grace of the court without a struggle, for a remonstrance signed by George Brinton, Jr., William Painter, Samuel Painter, Harlan -Webb, Eli Harvey, Chalkley Harvey, Joseph P. Harvey, and Robert Frame was presented, alleging that the inn was unnecessary, as the locality was well supplied with public-houses at reasonable distances from each other, and stating that they believed " the mode and manner of keeping said public-house has 326 HISTORY OF DELAWARE COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA. not been in accordance with moral and religious pro priety, and that it was injurious to the best interests of the neighborhood, hence we (the remonstrants) respectfully ask the court to remove the evil." Ed ward Brinton also presented his individual remon strance, in which he stated that he had for thirty-five years been engaged in "public business," the last fifteen within about a mile and a half of Chad's Ford Tavern; that he had "experienced great incon venience and loss in business by the encouragement held out to his apprentices and hired men to meet there on various occasions to their great moral injury while in the company of the dissipated and profane, which common report says, and I believe truly, do too often assemble there, that there were more taverns than public convenience requires, which was par ticularly the case with the Chad's Ford Tavern, that must look principally to neighboring custom for sup port." This remonstrance concludes : " It has been observed by some writer that no person nor associa tions are at liberty to indulge in any acts or practices in the face of the community which by their necessary operations are calculated to corrupt and debauch the youthful or the unwary, to incite to licentiousness or crime." The court, however, deemed the house a public necessity and granted the license to Milton Stamp, continuing so Jo do annually until 1843, when in the fall of that year John M. Dusham had the license transferred to him. The latter, in 1845, gave place to Edward B. Hoskins, who in his petition states that the tavern was known as the " Chad's Ford Inn." In 1847 it received license, as did most of the public- houses in Delaware County, as a temperance inn, but the next year, when the local-option law of that day was declared unconstitutional by the Supreme Court, the Chad's Ford Tavern received full license, and it was extended to Hoskins until 1854, when John Evans had the control of the ancient hostelry. The following year the court refused their consent, and so annually kept the house under the ban of their dis pleasure for three years, although there were not wanting applicants for the position of "mine host." In 1858, Philip Mullin presented his petition to court, which was supplemented by a petition from James Twaddell, of Philadelphia, who represented to the judges that he had resided in the latter city for fifty years, and was a reputable citizen ; that he was owner of the Chad's Ford Tavern, which had been kept as a public- house for the last fifty years or more ; that he had held the property for three years, and his tenants had been refused license, although well recommended. The reason for this denial Mr. Twaddell could not understand, nor could the neighbors in Birmingham, he stated, since the house was in much better order than when he purchased it, as he had expended over a thousand dollars, and proposed to make further im provements if circumstances should warrant it. The applicant who had rented the property was well rec ommended, and would no doubt keep a reputable public-house if the court would only give him an op portunity to do so. But the bench turned a deaf ear to his pleadings. The following year Isaac C. Lindsay leased the hotel, and the owner smiled once more when the judge announced that the new applicant had received the judicial approval. Annually there after the house remained as a tavern, — in 1862, under the control of Benjamin French and Horatio J. Shep- pard, and the following year under French alone. In 1864, Charles Mendenhall had license, as well as in 1865. In 1866 the house remained without a tenant, and in 1867, Charles Twaddell was granted privilege to keep a public inn there. William Seal, Jr., in 1869 was the landlord, and remained so until 1871, when he gave place to Charles Davis, who in turn was followed by Jackson McFarland in 1876. In 1880, John D. Makiever had become the landlord, and continues as such to the present time. Kaolin Pits. — Over fifty years ago Amos C. Brinton says white clay lay on top of the ground in James Russel's meadow, and small quantities were used by the fullers in fulling-mills. It is also stated that pot ters from up the Great Valley came down occasionally and carried some of it to their works, and that one man used the white clay for adulterating white lead and soap. It was not, however, until 1863 that any particular effort was made to bring the white clay in this section into use. At that time the property that in 1848 belonged to Thomas H. Bullock was in pos session of Caleb Hayburn, who had purchased it of William McKay, a son-in-law of Bullock. Brinton J. Hayburn, a butcher, came one day with his butch er's cart from Caleb Hayburn's place to Concordville. Some of the clay was on the wheels of his cart. When Mrs. George Rush was buying some beef, the white clay attracted her attention, and Brinton told her that it would take grease out of cloth. She took some of it and tried it on a carpet, and accomplished the result. He also told her it was potters' clay. George Rush became interested, and went over to the farm, procured some of the clay, and wrote to E. B. Shee, a paper manufacturer of Philadelphia, and also inter ested in mining in South Carolina. Mr. Shee in the course of a short time came to Concordville, and vis ited the farm with Mr. Rush. More samples were obtained, which Shee took to Philadelphia, where it was shown to Bartles Shee and Christian Spengler, on Minor Street. Mr. Spengler also came to the place and examined it. In 1864, Edward Shee purchased sixty acres of land of Caleb Hayburn for ten thousand dollars, in the interest of Edward B. Shee, Bartles Shee, George Rush, Christian Spengler, and Henry Shillingford. Pits were sunk on the farm, and samples of the clay were sent to different parties. Negotiations had been in progress with several persons in New York, who formed the " Union Woolen Company of New York," with Edward Peckham, president. To this THE CITY OF CHESTER. 327 company the land was sold for thirty thousand dol lars, and the deed from Hayburn made to the com pany. Work was at once begun, under the charge of 'George Rush, and clay shipped to potteries in Tren ton, N. J., and other places. In 1865 the property was sold to William Wharton, of Philadelphia, who worked the pits about a year, and sold to Lewis P. Harvey, of Chad's Ford. The National Woolen Company was then organized, of which Lewis P. Har vey was principal owner and manager. Hansom H; Johns was one of the partners, and together they conducted the works many years, furnishing to pot teries in Trenton, Pittsburgh,- Cincinnati, Liverpool, and elsewhere, clay at the rate of one hundred tons per month. Later, Mr. Johns retired from the com pany; Tilghman Johnson became a partner, and this firm are now operating the works. Brandywine Summit Kaolin Works.— In 1880, John Griffin, of Phcenixville, bought of Isaac Bul lock sixty-three acres, and in that year work was be gun. Buildings were erected in 1881. Clay is sup plied to whiteware-makers in Liverpool, Ohio, and Trenton. William S. Manley has been in charge of the works from the first. In 1882, Hamilton Graham began work on prop erty adjoining the above. It was abandoned in 1853, and in September of that year was purchased by the Brandywine Kaolin Works. CHAPTER XXXII. THE CITY OF CHESTER. In 1644 the present site of Chester, east of the creek of that name, was a tobacco plantation, occu pied by farm servants in the employment of the Swedish company. About that time many of the colonists began to seek grants of the broad acres on the main land, and the ground between Ridley and Chester Creeks was selected by Joran Keen, and to him the Swedish government granted a patent for a tract of land one and a half miles inland, following the right bank of Chester Creek above its mouth, and reaching along the Delaware eastward as far as Ridley Creek. The plot at its northwestern limit, at the present Crozer Theological Seminary, was a half- mile in breadth, and a diagonal line ran thence east wardly to Ridley Creek. Joran Keen, or Kyn (as his name was written by the Swedes, and also from his peculiar complexion known as " snohuitt" or snow white"), was one of the earliest European residents upon the Delaware River within the boun daries of the present State of Pennsylvania, and for more than a quarter of a century was the chief pro prietor of lands at Upland, afterwards Chester. He was born in Sweden about 1620, and came to America, in company with Governor Printz, in the ship " Fama," and resided at Tinicum. He was a soldier, whose duty was to attend daily upon the Governor, and travel with that dignitary wherever he might go, as one of his Excellency's body-guard. As before stated, Keen received the grant of a royal tract of ground, and it is believed that when Printz left the colony to return to Sweden, Keen resigned his military position and gave his undivided attention to agriculture.1 The land on the west bank of Chester Creek, ex tending along the river as far as Marcus Hook, Queen Christina, of Sweden, granted to Capt. John Am- mundson Besk, " his wife and heirs," by patent dated Aug. 20, 1653, in consideration of faithful services he had rendered to the State. Besk, who is believed to have been a man of large means, never entered into possession of this vast tract of ground, and it seems to have been held and claimed by Armgart Pappegoya, the daughter of the first Swedish Governor, Printz. In a letter from the Dutch vice-director, Beekman, under date of Sept. 14, 1662, he writes, " I inquired into the situation of a certain lot of land on the Southwest side of Upland Kill, and was informed by the Swedish Commissaries and other ancient inhabi tants of said nation, that the aforesaid is called Printz's village, which has always been in possession during 16 years of the Swedish Governor, John Printz, and his daughter who owns it." Chester, in 1645, was a place of such insignificance that Andreas Hudde, an agent of the Dutch, who had been sent by Governor Kieft to learn the num ber, condition, armament, and military force of the Swedes, made no mention of it in his report. It is even doubtful whether at that time Joran Keen had erected a house on his land, inasmuch as in the "Rulla," dated by Printz at "Kihrstina" (Christi ana), June 20, 1644, the statement appears that Up land was a tobacco plantation, as already mentioned. Between the years 1646 and 1648 a considerable set tlement, must have been made at this point, for in Hudde's interview with the Passyunk Indians, in that year, they spoke of Upland, among other places, in the possession of the Swedes, and charge the latter with having stolen the land from them, while in Cam panius' account of New Sweden, " Mecoponacka," or Upland, is mentioned in the year 1648 (the date of the elder Campanius' return to Sweden) "as an un fortified place, but some houses were built there. It was situated between Fort Christina (near Wilming ton) and New Gottenburg (Tinicum), but nearer the latter. There was a fort built there some time after its settlement. It is good even land along the river shore." 2 The Indian name of the site of the present city of Chester was Mecoponacka ; the Swedish, Upland ; the Dutch, Oplandt ; and the English, Chester and Up land indifferently until the former entirely absorbed 1 Penna. Mag. of Hist., vol. ii. p. 325. 2 Campanius, p. 79. 328 HISTORY OF DELAWARE COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA. the latter in designating the borough about the mid dle of the last century. The proper Indian name of Chester Creek was Meechoppenackhan, according to Heckewelder, in his " Indian Names," which signifies " the large potato stream," or " the stream along which large potatoes grow." This was corrupted into Macopanachan, Macopanackhan, and finally into Mecopahacka. The Indian tribe which owned the land whereon Chester stands, according to John Hill Martin, was the Okehockings, and were subse quently removed by the order of William Penn, in 1702, to " the tract in Chester county, formerly laid out to Griffy Jones, but now vacant." The story of Penn coming to Upland, the change of the name of the hamlet and the county to Chester, the meeting of tbe first Assembly, the courts held therein have already been narrated in the general his tory, and it is unnecessary to recapitulate those inci dents here. During the winter of 1682-83, Penn resided in the Boar Head Inn, an ancient building which stood until March 21, 1850, when it was de stroyed by fire. The noted hostelry stood on the line of the present street, on the footway approaching it having ascent to the building. It was one story and a half high, with peaked roof, the gable end standing toward Third Street, and from it, just below the eaves, projected the crane from which the old sign of a boar's head was suspended. The house was constructed of heavy frame timber, filled in with brick, and outside as well as inside the laths, which were interlaced in a kind of basket pattern, were covered with plaster made of oyster-shell lime and mud, while, in place of hair, swamp-grass was employed to hold the composition together. The doors were peculiar in the manner in which they were hung; a peg or projection from the door above and below fitted into holes made in the frames, and on these they swung instead of hinges. The windows, with the exception of the one in the kitchen, were small ; the glasses, four by three in size, were set in lead. The roof was of split-shingles, the kitchen floor was laid in flagging, some of which were as large as six by eight feet, and under these was a body of eighteen inches of sand on which they rested. In the kitchen, on the side opening to the west, was a large double door, through which a cart-load of wood could be drawn if desired. The chimney was an enor mous affair, nearly sixteen feet in width, and the wide-mouthed old fireplace was spacious enough to hold entire cord-wood sticks on great iron dogs, while on either side in the fireplace were benches, where, on excessively cold days, the chilled inmates of the house could rest themselves while enjoying the blazing fire on the hearth. The cellar was of dressed stone, the joints true, every stone set square, and as carefully laid as the masonry of the City Hall. Penn, shortly after his arrival at Chester, sent for James Sandelands, the elder, to confer with him, for it was "talkt among the people" of that day "that it was Intent to have built a City (at Upland), but that he and Sanderlin could not agree." The conclusion of this interview was that Penn had to look elsewhere for a site for the future metropolis of Pennsylvania, if it be true that Penn at that time proposed building a "grent town" there. The refusal of the chief owner of land, at Chester, to accede to Penn's desires was disastrous in its results, and was discovered when too late to avoid its consequences, although an attempt was made to correct it, in a measure, on Nov. 19, 1700, when the petition of James Sandelands, the younger, was presented to Governor William Penn, on his second visit to the colonies, and his Council, in session at New Castle, setting forth that the royal patent to the proprietary gave him " absolute power to . . . erect and incorporate Towns, Hundreds and Counties and to incorporate Towns in Boroughs, & Boroughs into Cities & to make & constitute Fairs & Markets herein, with all other convenient privileges & Immu nities according to the merits of the Inhabitants & fitness of ye places. . . . And whereas ye Petitioner is possessed of a certain spot of land lying in sd Countie of Chester, verie fitt & naturally commodious for a Town & to that end lately caused ye sd spot of Land to be divided & Laid out into Lotts, Streets & Market place, a Draft & Model whereof (the gene- rallie desired & Leiked of by ye sd Inhabitants of sd Countie) is notwithstanding herewith presented & submitted to your honors for your approbation and consent." The same day it was ordered, after the heirs of James Sandelands, the elder, had appeared before Council, that " the Proprietary & Governor & Council having approved of the within Petition & of the design thereof & Looking upon the place within proposed to be fitt for a Town did not onlie approve of ye within & annexed model, but also did erect & do hereby erect the said spot of Land so modelled & Laid outt Into a Town provided the same do not en croach upon other men's Land without their express consent under their Hands and Seals, and saving to the Proprietor & Governor & everie one their right."1 The first street laid out by authority was ordered by the grand jury, Eighth month 2,1686, which body reports that they " doe lay out a street and a landing upon the creek to the corner lot far as over against the north west corner of the Court House fifty foote in breadth and from thence up the said Chester town for a street 30 foote in breadthe." This highway was at first called Chester Street, then Front Street, that runs along the creek, and now Edgmont Street or Avenue. In 1689 the grand jury continued the street from the present Second Street to low-water mark on the Delaware River, and from the northwestern corner of the then court-house, to low-water mark on the creek. This latter short street seems to have been closed at a later date, perhaps before the year 1690, for David Lloyd had the Governor and Council about that time to lay out a street thirty-eight feet wide on 1 Martin's " History of Chester," p. 89. THE CITY OF CHESTER. 329 the line of the present Second Street, from Chester Creek to the plantation he had purchased from Neeles Laerson's heirs in 1689. The plot of the town ap- Vproved by Penn, Nov. 19, 1700, as shown by many ancient deeds, is almost exactly the plan of the old parts of this city as now laid out on the official map. In November, 1699, William Penn came a second time to his colony, and during that visit to the province be chartered the borough of Chester. The document is of interest, and we therefore give it en tire, since many have no knowledge whatever of this old charter : "Preamble : William Penn, true and absolute Proprietary and Gover- nor-in-Chief of the Province of Pennsylvania and Territories thereunto belonging: To all to whom these shall come, Sends Greeting. Whereas in my first Regulation and Division of the Counties of this Province I thought fit to order. That the Townsted or Village then having the Name of Upland should be called Chester, which I thereupon constituted the Shire-town of the County of Chester and ordered and appointed all my courts of judicature, for the Affairs of that county to be there held and kept and the County goal or Prison to be and remain there for ever. AND whereas about the same Time, or soon after, for the Encourage ment of the said Town, I was pleased to grant unto my ancient Friend John Simcock in Behalf of himself and others the Inhabitants of the said Place the Privilege of a Market to be there weekly held and kept, After which the said Inhabitants of the said Place, the Privilege of a Market to be thus weekly held and kept. After which the said Inhabi tants, upon their special Instance, did also obtain from my late Lieu tenant Governor and Council a Grant for two Fairs to be held in the said Town yearly. All which the inhabitants of the Baid Town, and of the adjacent Parts of the said County of Chester, having humbly be sought me to confirm unto them, together with such additional Privi leges an Francises as I might think fit or requisite for the better En couragement of the Settlers, and Regulation of Trade therein. "Now Know Te, That I, favouring the just and reasonable Request of said Inhabitants, have of my own free Will erected, and do, by these Presents for me, my Heirs, and successors, erect the said Town into a Borough, which Town and Borough shall extend from the River Dela ware two miles backwards into tbe Woods, and shall be bounded East ward with the west side of Ridley Creek, and westward with the East Bide of Chester Creek to the said extent of two miles backwards from the River and shall ever hereafter be called Chester. And I further will that the StreetB, Landings and Market-place in the said Town shall for ever hereafter be, continue and remain, as they are already and have lately been laid out and modelled and approved of by me and my coun cil, then setting at New Castle. And I do hereby name and constitute Jasper Yeates, Ralph Fishbourn, Paul Saunders and Robert Barber, to be present Burgesses and James Lounes, High-Constables of the said Borough, who shall so continue until the tenth Day of the first Month next. On that Day, as also as the same day in the same month yearly afterwards for ever, it Bhall and may be lawful to and for the Freeholders and Housekeepers of the said Town and Borough publickly to meet in some convenient Place within the said Town, to be by them appointed for that Purpose, and then and there nominate, elect and chose by the Ballot of the inhabitants of the said Town, fit and able men to be Bur gesses and High constables, with such other Officers as by the Burgesses and Freemen shall be judged needful for assisting and serving the Bur gesses in managing the affairs of the said Borough, and Keeping of the Peace therein from time to time, And the Burgess first chosen in the said Election shall be called the Chief Burgess of the said Town. "And I will and ordain. That all the said Burgesses for the Time being shall be, and are hereby impowered and authorized to be Conser vators of the Peace within the said Borough ; and shall have Power by themselves and upon their own view, without any Law proceedings, to remove all Nuisances and Incroachments out of the said Streets as they shall see Occasion: With Power also to arrest, imprison, and punish Rioters and Breakers of the Peace, and to bind them and all other of fenders and Persons of evil Fame to the Peace or good Behaviour, as fully and effectually as *ny of the Justices of the Peace in the Baid County can do, and return or bring the Recognizances by them to be taken to the Court of Qwarter-SesBions for the said County. And that the said Chief Burgess from time to time shall, by Virtue of these Pres ents, without any further or other commission, be one of the Justices of the Peace, and one of the Justices of the County-Court and Qwarter Sessions, Oyer and Terminer and Goal-delivery, in and for the said County of Chester. And shall have full Power and Authority with the rest of the said County Justices, or a Qworum of them or by himself, where the laws of this Province, &c, direct one Justice to award Pro cess and hold Pleas cognizable, by and before the Justices of the said County of Chester from time to time, " And I do hereby grant and appoint. That the Sheriff and Clerk of the Courts of the said County of CheBter for the Time being, if not Res idents in the Baid Borough shall appoint and constitute sufficient Dep uties, who shall from time to time reside or constantly attend in the said Town of Chester, to perform the Duties of their respective offices. But before any of the said Burgesses, Constables, or other Officer, shall take upon them the execution of their respective Offices they Bhall sub scribe the Declaration and Profession of their Christian Belief, accord ing to the late Act of Parliament, made in the first Tear of the Reign of King William, and the late Queen Mary, intitled'An act for ex empting their Majesties' Protestant Subjects, dissenting from the Church of England, from the Penalties of Certain Laws.' And they that are to be newly elected for Burgesses, Constables and other Officers from time to time shall be attested for the due Execution of their respective Offices and shall subscribe the said Declarations and Profession of Belief before the old Burgesses, or such of them as go off and are nnt again chosen in the New Elections: But in case the old BurgeBses are all chosen by the new Elections, then they shall have Power, and are hereby impow ered and qualified to act upon their former Attests and Qualifications. And I do further grant and ordain, that tbe High-Constables of the said Borough for the Time being shall be Clerk of the Market, who shall and may have Assize of Bread, Wine, Beer, Wood and other Things; and to do, execute and perform, all Things belonging to the Office of Clerk of the Market within the said Town and Borough of Chester. " And I do for me, my Heirs and Assigns, grant unto the said Bur- gesseB and their Successors, That if any of the Inhabitants of the said Town and Borough shall be hereafter elected to the Office of Burgess or Constable as aforesaid, and, having notice of his or their Election, shall refuse to undertake and execute their Office to which he is chosen, it shall be lawful for the Burgess or Burgesses then acting to impose mod erate Fines upon the Refusers, so as the Burgess's Fine exceed not Ten Pound, and the Constable's Five Pounds; to be levied by Distress and Sale, by Warrant under the Hand & Seal of one or more of the Bur gesses, or by other lawful Ways, to the Use of the said Town being to summon and assemble Town-meetings, from time to time, as often as they shall find Occasion : At which Meetings they may make such Or dinances and Rules (not repugnant to or inconsistent with the Laws of this Province) as to the greater Part of the Town-meeting shall seem necessary and convenient for the good Government of the said Town. And the same Rules and Ordinances to put in Execution, and the same to revoke, alter and make anew, as Occasion shall require. And also impose Buch Mulcts and Amerciaments upon Breakers of the said Ordi nances as to the Makers thereof shall be thought reasonable; to be levied as is directed in Case of Fines, to the Use of the Town, without rendering any Account tbereol to me, my Heirs or Assigns: With Power also to the said Meetings to mitigate or release the said Fines and Mulcts, upon the submission of the PartieB. "And I do further grant to the said Burgesses and Inhabitants of the aforesaid Town and Borough of Chester, That they and their successors shall and may, for ever hereafter, hold and keep within the said Town in every Week of the Year one market on the fifth Day of the Week called Thursday : And also two Fairs there in every Year, the first of them to begin the fifth Day of the third Month, called May, and to con tinue that Day and two Days after; and the other of the said Fairs to begin the fifth Day of October and to continue till the seventh Day of the same Mouth in such Place and Places in the Baid Town as the Bur gesses from time to time shall order and appoint. " And I do further grant, That neither I, nor my Heirs or Assigns, Bhall or will seize any of the Liberties or Franchizes hereby granted, nor take any Advantage against the said Borough for the non-using or waving the present Execution of any of the Powers or Privileges hereby granted. "In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my Hand and caused my Great Seal to be affixed. Dated the One-and-thirtieth Day of October, in the Year of our Lord One Thousand Seven Hundred and One, 1701. " Willtam Penn." " Recorded Pat. Book Vol. 2, p. 138." i l Hazard's Register, vol. iii. p. 264. 330 HISTORY OF DELAWARE COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA. The borough grew slowly, for Oldmixon refers to it in 1708 as containing " one hundred houses." Bamp- fylde Moore Carew, in 1739, stated that it " contains about a hundred houses, and a very good road for shipping." In 1758, Acrelius said, "it had 120 houses, which gives endorsement to the assertion of Lewis Evans, in a letter written in 1753,1 that " Ches ter, Bristol, and Newtown have been long at a stand." Peter Kalm, the Swedish naturalist, in the fall of 1748, journeying from Wilmington to Philadelphia, mentions in his journal " Chester, a little market town which lies on the Delaware. The houses stand dispersed. Most of them are built of stone and two or three stories high ; some are, however, made of wood." The Delaware County Republican of July 1, 1836, states, Chester " has about 140 dwellings." In 1713 the inhabitants of Chester County peti tioned Governor Goodkin and Council " that ye Bor ough of the Town of Chester, in this Province, may be made a free Port." The petition was referred to William Penn, who took no action in the matter. Over a century thereafter, in March, 1838, the inhab itants of the borough of Chester petitioned the Coun cils of Philadelphia to have Chester made a port of entry, promising, if that was done, to build a railway from the piers to intersect with the Philadelphia, Wilmington and Baltimore Eailroad. The project was so flattering to the hopes of the people of the place that, on March 7, 1840, an act of Assembly was obtained empowering the authorities to lay such track in the streets, but nothing ever came of the scheme. In 1739 the noted clergyman, George Whitefield, preached in Chester, and so great was his fame and the excitement throughout the colony, occasioned by his eloquence, that about seven thousand persons gathered here to listen to his sermon. It is said that a cavalcade of one hundred and fifty horsemen ac companied the noted divine hither. It was during this year that Bampfylde Moore Carew, heretofore men tioned, passed through Chester, and he relates how the people for many miles around flocked to the places where Whitefield was to preach. Carew came here on Sunday, "stayed all night, and the next morning he inquired of one Mrs. Turner,- a Quakeress, who for merly lived at Embercomb, by Minehead, in Somer setshire. From her he got a bill (money) and a recommendation to some Quakers at Darby, about five miles further." This Mrs. Turner lived at the northeast corner of Third Street and Concord Avenue, the property of the late Mrs. Shaw. The story of Chester in its stationary condition is so interwoven with that of the county that it cannot be separated the one from the other. And it is un necessary to refer to it here, since it is told in the general history heretofore given. On several occa sions enterprising men have endeavored to give busi ness impetus to the old borough. Jasper Yeates, in 1 Martin's " History of Chester," p. 62. 1698, erected extensive granaries on the creek, and established a large bakery. It was located at Second and Edgmont Streets. The eastern abutment of the bridge there is built partly on the site of the old gran ary. The second story of the building was used for the storage of grain, while the lower was the biscuit- bakery. The enterprise failed to satisfy, for in a letter from James Logan to Penn 5th First month, 1708/9, it is set forth : " The Country people of this Province having of late generally fallen upon the practice of bolting their own wheat and selling or shipping the flour, Jasper Yeates, a man of a working brain for his own interest, found his trade at Chester to fall under a very discouraging decay. Upon this he has frequently discoursed of removing to New Castle, where he is possessed of a large tract of land close to the town." The old granary was substantially built of stone and brick, the walls being nearly three feet wide. The lime and mortar had so cemented the materials together that when it was demolished in April, 1853, by Mr. Pusey, of Chester County, to erect on its site a large flouring-mill, it almost defied the efforts of the workmen to pull it down. During the Revolution Joseph Ashbridge baked much of the "hard tack" for the American army, and in 1812 it was used for a like purpose for the United States. The archway of the building, which led from Edgmont Street to the creek, was a place of dread to the children in the olden times, for it was stated a woman had been murdered there and her uneasy spirit lingered about the place of her untimely " taking off." Between 1761 and 1770, Francis Richardson, to whom Grace Lloyd devised the greater part of her large estate, built extensive warehouses and two piers, known as Richardson's Upper and Lower Wharf (in 1816 conveyed to the State, and in 1823 conveyed by the commonwealth to the United States), believing that Chester could be made a rival of Phila delphia as a shipping-point for grain and produce, but the difficulties with the mother-country totally ruined him. In 1732, Joseph Howell was a tanner in Chester, and continued in that occupation at the old tan-yard (now Frederick J. Hinkson's) on Edgmont Street, near Third, until 1764, when Isaac Eyre pur chased the property and carried on the business. In 1799, John Birchall had the tannery there, and Wil liam Brobson followed him until 1863. The latter dying, the business was continued by Hon. Fred erick J. Hinkson and J. S. Bell ; later by I. J. & C. Hinkson, sons of Judge Hinkson, and more recently by the Chester Morocco Company. In 1782, Jonathan Pennell, a blacksmith, had a shop on Edgmont Avenue, near Front, and William Spear in the same trade, in 1799, where Ladomus' block now stands. John Baggs was employed in one of these shops or with Jonathan Morris, who had a shop at that time on the southwest corner of Fifth and Welsh Streets. William Hawken was then the THE CITY OF CHESTER. 331 village wheelwright. About 1800, William Ford was a shipwright at Chester. I do not know how long he had been in business as such, but we do know that on ^July 1, 1778, Col. Jehu Eyre was placed in charge of the department for building boats for the State, having four separate sets of ship-carpenters at work at differ ent locations, with one at Chester, under charge of Capt. William Bowers.1 Samuel Lytle sawed ship- plank for their vessels. It is stated a gunboat was built in the woods upon the creek since known as " Ship Creek," so that it might be hidden from the view of any English man-of-war ascending the river ; and after it was launched it was discovered that it was a foot or so wider than the passageway between the abutments at Third Street bridge, and could not make its way to the Delaware. The stream still re tains the name, but the circumstance from which it derived that title has generally been forgotten. The first description of Chester after the Revolution which I have found describes the town thus :z "Chester, borough of, a post-town of Pennsylvania, and capital of Chester County [Delaware County]. It is situated on the northweBt side of Delaware River, between Ridgely [Ridley] and Chester Creek, fifteen miles southwest of Philadelphia. It contains about sixty dwel lings, built on a regular plan, a court-house, and jail. Courts of Com mon Pleas aud General Quarter Sessions of the peace are held here the third Monday in February, May, August, and November. ThiB town is remarkable for being the place where the first Colonial Assembly was convened, which was on the 4th of December, 1682. As it affords an agreeable morning's ride, and having genteel accommodations, it is the resort of much company from Philadelphia in the summer season. It was incorporated by an act of Assembly December [March], 1795, and is governed by two burgesses, one high constable, one town clerk, and three assistants. The powers of the corporation are much limited ; they are wholly confined to the preservation of peace and order among the in habitants of the borough." Almost all the inhabitants of the venerable borough believed that the removal of the county-seat to Media would be a fatal blow to the prosperity of the town ; that it would rapidly sink in population and as a busi ness point. Few persons comprehended that the hour for its advancement had come. The purchase by John P. Crozer of the old Chester mill-site to the northwest of the borough, the erection at that place of a cotton- mill, and the location of James Campbell at Leiper ville, to the northeast, where he built up a large busi ness in manufacturing cotton goods, had directed the attention of a few thoughtful men to the possibilities and advantages of Chester as a manufacturing centre. To properly appreciate the condition of Chester at that time, it is necessary to present a brief picture of the borough, which, after the Revolution, was incor porated with all the rights and privileges of a shire- town by act of Assembly of March 5, 1795. It had, however, remained almost stationary in respect to pop ulation and business enterprises. In 1840 the popu lation of the borough was seven hundred and forty persons of all ages and sexes. The town occupied, in a scattered manner, the space extending from the 1 Penna. Mag. of Hist., vol. iii. p. 423. 2 Joseph Scott's " U. S. Gazetteer" (Philadelphia, 1795, first " Gazetteer" of the United States published), title " Borough of Chester." Philadelphia, Wilmington and Baltimore Railroad to the river, and from Welsh Street to Chester Creek. But a small part was built upon, and in the area given, most of the houses, many of them dilapidated, had been erected in the preceding century, and the place showed all the features of a finished town. The change which has since that time so developed the little fishing village, for Chester was scarcely more than that, first began to show itself about 1842. A few properties then changed owners at fair prices. The great difficulty in the way of Chester was that it was surrounded by large farms held by persons in easy circumstances, who would not sell a foot of ground at any price, and who looked upon those who proposed to build a city here as visionary men, who would run themselves in debt and ultimately fail. Time, how ever, brought these farms into the market. Death and debt have no respect for conservatism, and by degrees these agencies worked in behalf of the change that was dawning. The first of these tracts of land which came into the hands of the progressive spirits who were guiding the new order of things was that of William Kerlin, a fifty-acre plot, the Essex House tract, lying between the post-road and the river, on the west bank of Chester Creek. John M. Broomall, then residing in Upper Chi chester, supposed that he had bought the farm in 1846, at one hundred and fifty dollars an acre, but the agent, Charles D. Manley, though authorized to sell at that price, was, to his great mortification, unable to get his principal to execute the deed and the sale fell through. In the early part of 1849, Mr. Broomall, who had in the mean while removed to Chester, pur chased the farm again of Mr. Kerlin himself after considerable negotiation, at two hundred dollars an acre. A time was fixed for executing the contract of sale, but before the day came, Mr. Kerlin again changed his mind. In December following, John Ed ward Clyde, who was quite anxious that a sale should be effected, meeting Mr. Kerlin on the street, agreed to purchase the farm, and insisted that the former should go at once to the office of Mr. Broomall. The latter declined to enter into a negotiation except upon the condition that the deed should be forthwith ex ecuted and the sale consummated, if a price could be agreed upon. The condition was accepted ; Hon. Edward Darlington was sent for as counsel for Mr. Kerlin, and in half an hour the deed was executed, the price paid being two hundred and fifty dollars an acre. During the negotiations, in the early part of 1849, Mr. Broomall had offered to John P. Crozer and John Larkin, Jr., each an equal interest with himself in the farm he then believed he had purchased from Mr. Kerlin. The attention of both of these gentle men had been attracted to Chester as the site of a future city if it could only get room to grow, and they had been looking at the Kerlin farm as a pos sible outlet. Before the actual purchase took place, Mr. Larkin bought a large part of the farm of John 332 HISTORY OF DELAWARE COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA. Cochran to the north of the town, now forming a considerable portion of the North Ward. He de clined to accept Mr. Broomall's proposal, and the Kerlin farm was bought by Mr. Crozer and Mr. Broomall in equal shares. On Jan. 5, 1850, John Larkin, Jr., purchased eighty- three acres of land, which had formerly been a race course, from John Cochran. This tract had been in cluded in the estate of David Lloyd, and the greater part of it was embraced in the purchase, May 1, 1741, made by Joseph Hoskins from Grace Lloyd, and which he devised to his nephew, John Hoskins, of Burling ton, N. J. The latter, sold the property to his son, Raper Hoskins, March 22, 1791, and he dying seized of the property, his widow, Eleanor, administered to the estate, and sold it, April 27, 1799, to Thomas Lay- cock. The latter dying, and his heirs making default in payment, the property was sold by John Oden heimer, sheriff, Oct. 26, 1806, to Anthony Morris, who in turn sold it to Maj. William Anderson, and the latter conveyed it to John Cochran, May 26, 1823, who dying intestate, the estate was conveyed by the heirs to John Cochran, the younger, who sold it to John Larkin, Jr., at the time already stated. The entire tract was in one inclosure ; the only improvement, so far as buildings were concerned, was the small stone house, still standing, with its gable end to Edgmont Avenue, below Twelfth Street, and a frame stable. The land, after it ceased to be a race-course, had been used as a grazing lot for cattle. Both tracts were laid out in streets and squares, and almost immediately signs of improvement began to manifest themselves in the present North and South Wards. Many of the old residents looked on in amaze ment, and often the quiet remark went round, " These men will lose every dollar they have in this business." The enterprising men, however, paid little attention to these prognostications of misfortune. Dwelling- houses were erected, streets laid out and graded, and capital was invited to locate in this vicinity. Early in the year 1850, James Campbell, of Ridley, pur chased the lot and bowling-alley formerly belonging to the Delaware County Hotel, which lot was located on the north side of Fourth Street, where part of the market-house now stands. This building he altered to receive looms, and in March, 1850, within three months of the purchase of the Kerlin and Cochran farms, for the first time the noise of the shuttle was heard in the borough. When the public buildings were sold, Mr. Campbell bought the prison and work house, and at much expense he changed the ancient structure into a cotton-mill, thus making the first per manent establishment in which textile fabrics were woven within the bounds of the present city of Ches ter. In 1856, John P. Crozer conveyed his interest in the joint property to Mr. Broomall, for the cost and legal interest thereon, reserving only the half-square of ground on Penn and Second Streets, where the Bap tist Church now stands. This was Mr. Crozer's own proposition, and on being reminded that more than enough land had been sold to pay the entire costs, leaving four-fifths of it as clear profit, he replied that he had gone into the enterprise not to make money, but to aid in the development of Chester, and he was quite content that the profits should go to Mr. Broomall, who had done the chief part of the work ; that his assistance was no longer necessary, but that he would let his capital remain, to be repaid by Mr. Broomall, with interest, at his own time and conveni ence. Of course this offer was gratefully accepted. In the present North Ward, Mr. Larkin, in spite of great opposition, carried out his designs fully. It is related that although he laid out the streets in that part of the town, and dedicated them to the public, the borough authorities refused to keep the highways in repair, and at his own expense he maintained a force of men at work upon them. On one occasion, when a member of the Town Council complained that the streets in the old part of the borough were neglected, contrasting them with those of Larkin- town, which were neat and well kept, and declaring that the public moneys should not all be expended in one locality, another member informed the speaker that Chester had never contributed a dollar for that purpose, and that Mr. Larkin had personally paid for all the highways made, as well as maintaining them in repair. Not only did he do this, but he constantly built houses, stores, foundries, shops, and mills, in conformity with a rule he had adopted at the begin ning of his enterprise that every dollar he received from the sale of lands or buildings should be ex pended in further improvements, and hence, for any person desiring to start in business, he would erect the required structure, and lease it to him or them, with the privilege of purchasing the property at its cost price within ten years. Mr. Larkin has built over five hundred houses and places of business, sev eral being large cotton-mills. In 1881 he sold the last vacant building-lot remaining out of the original eighty-three acres he had bought as an unimproved tract, thirty-one years before. More than thirty years Mr. Larkin spent industriously and earnestly in making the North Ward what it is, and only during the last ten years did he receive much assistance, from the labor of others to the same end, in dotting it all over with dwellings and industrial establish ments. To return to the river front : Mr. Broomall, in con junction with William Ward, in 1862, purchased the farms of Edward Pennell and James Laws, which were brought into the market, and were soon dotted over with houses aud manufacturing establishments. On March 5, 1795, the borough of •Chester,1 which 1 In " Gordon's Gazetteer," published in 1832, is presented the follow ing description of the old borough a half-century ago : " Chester, Post-town, Borough and seat of justice of Delaware County, 121 miles N. of Washington City, and 96 miles S.E. of Harrisburg, on THE CITY OF CHESTER. 333 had been governed under the charter granted by Penn in 1701, was incorporated by an act of Assem bly, and from time to time thereafter powers and privileges were procured from the State authorities. On April 6, 1850, a new charter was granted by the General Assembly. In 1866 the ancient borough had so grown in population and industries that the act of Feb. 14, 1866, was obtained, by which Chester was incorporated as a city, since which date, until the Constitution of 1874 interdicted special legislation, several supplemental and amendatory acts were had explanatory of the statute of 1866.1 The story of the progress of the city, its industries, historical build ings, institutions of learning, and other topics which demand consideration in a work such as this will be presented under appropriate headings. Tbe following is a list of chief burgesses and the civil officers of the city of Chester : 1703. Jasper Yeates. 1730. Nicholas Pyle. 1731. Thomas Cummings. 1733. Caleb Cowpland. 1738. Joseph Parker. 1741. Charles Grantham. 1745. Joseph Parker. 1749. William Read. 1751. Mordecai JameB. 1752. Samuel Howell. 1753. Thomas Morgan. 1757. Joseph Hoskins. 1759. Jonathan Cowpland. 1762. Edward Brinton. 1763. Dr. Paul Jackson. 1779. David Cowpland. 1789. Dr. William Martin. 1794. William Graham. 1798. Isaac Eyre. 1832. Samuel Edwards. 1833. William Martin. 1835. George W. Bartram. 1847. Robert R. Dutton. 1848. William Brobson. 1849. Charles D. Manley. 1851. George W. Bartram. 1852. Alexander McKeever. 1853. Henry L. Powell. 1854. Job Rulon. 1855. Samuel Starr. 1856-57. John Edward Clyde. 1858. Stephen Cloud, Jr. 1859. Robert GartBide. 1860. George Baker. 1861. N. Walter Fairlamb. 1862. George Baker. 1863. Jeremiah W. Flickwir. 1864-65. George Baker. CITY RECORDERS. William H. Dickinson, March 21, 1878. David Garrett, March 10, 1881 ; died in office Aug. 16, 1881. I. Hewton Shanafeldt, March 10, 1882, re-elected and commissioned April 5, 1883. CITY SOLICITORS. 1866. William Ward, who was elected annually thereafter until October, 1872, when he resigned, and sume month Orlando Harvey was elected annually thereafter until 1881, when the term was increased to three years, and in April, 1884, he was re-elected for three years. PRESIDENTS OP CITY COUNCIL. 1866. William Ward. 1869. William A. Todd. 1873. Y. S. Walter. 1875. Amos Gartside. 1877. Dr. Theodore S. Christ. MAYORS OF THE CITY OF CHESTER. 1866. John Larkin, Jr.2 1872. Dr. Jonathan Larkin For wood.8 1881. James Barton, Jr. 1884. Dr. J. L. Forwood. the river Delaware, 15 miles S.W. of Philadelphia. This is the most ancient town of Pennsylvania. There were several dwellings and a Qua ker meeting here before the grant to William Penn of 1681. It was then known as ' Upland,' but the name of Chester was substituted by the Proprietary, at and before the granting of the Borough charter, on the 31st of Oct., 1701. The first adventurers, under Penn, landed here on the 11th of Dec, 1681, and were compelled to remain the winter, tho river having been frozen over the night of their arrival. On the 4th of Dec, 1682, the first Provincial Assembly was holden here, memorable for having enacted, in a session of three days, seventy lawB, comprising an efficient code for the government of a political society. There are still standing in this ancient town some old houses, among which is the church. Perhaps few places in the country have improved leBS. There is a water-power near it, but it is not great, and the business of the sur rounding country lieB in Philadelphia. It may contain at present about 134 dwellings, chiefly of stone and brick. A substantial and neat Court- HouBe of stone, surmounted by a cupola and bell, brick offices, and a stone prison, 5 taverns, 4 stores, an Athenaeum, the Delaware County Bank, a Church, and Quaker meeting-house. A manufactory of straw papor has lately been established near the town. For the accommoda tion of the trade of the Delaware there are some piers sunk in the river opposite the town, which have been lately repaired by the U. S. Popu lation in 1830, only 848. There are here six practicing AttorneyB and two Physicians." 1 Bliss' " Digest of Delaware County," title, " Municipal Corporations —Chester," p. 375. ! Re-elected in 1869. ' Re-elected in 1875 and also in 1878. 1878. Robert Anderson. 1879. John A. Wallace. 1880. Robert Anderson. 1881. Aenry B. Black (present in cumbent). CLERKS OF COUNCIL. 1866. Henry L. Donaldson. 1868. Dr. John M. Allen. 1873. Charles H. Allen. 1875. Mordecai Lewis (the present clerk). MEMBERS OF THE CITY COUNCIL. 1866.— North Ward, James Stephens, Charles F. Kenworthy, John Hink son, N. Walter Fairlamb, Charles A. "Weidner; Middle Ward, Sam uel A. Dyer, Ellis Smedley, George Flood, Crosby P. Morton, Stephen Cloud, Jr.; South Ward, William Ward, William B. Reaney, Wil liam A. Todd, James Scott, Amos Gartside. 1867. — North Ward, J. Wesley Ottey ; Middle Ward, Dr. J. L. Forwood, William C. Gray ; South Ward, William G. Price. 1868.— North Ward, I. Engle Hinkson, John 0. Deshong, Jr. ; Middle Ward, Y. S. Walter ; * South Ward, George Derbyshire. 1869. — North Ward, Percipher Baker, Edmund Esrey; Middle Ward, William Appleby, David S. Bunting, David W. Morrison; South Ward, William Ward, William A. Todd, Amos Gartside. 1870.— North Ward, James Ledward ; South Ward, William G. Price.' 1871.— North Ward, N. Walter Fairlamb; Middle Ward, Dr. J. L. For wood, J. Frank Black ; South Ward, Joseph R. T. Coates, James A. Williamson. 1872. — North Ward, Jonathan Kershew, James Ledward, John O. De shong, Jr.; Middle Ward, Henry Hinkson, George Goeltz, William Appleby ; South Ward, George Robinson, George Derbyshire.6 1873.— North Ward, James Ledward ; Middle Ward, Jonathan Pennell, Y. S Walter; South Ward, James Barton, Jr., Thomas I. Leiper, George Weigand. 1874. — North Ward, J. Humphrey Fairlamb, William Armstrong; Middle Ward, William Hinkson ; South Ward, Frederick J. Hinkson, Jr. 1875.— North Ward, Daniel Robinson, John O. Deshong, Jr. ; Middle Ward, George Goeltz, Dr. Theodore S. Christ; South Ward, Amos Gartside, George Weigand. 1876.— North Ward, Samuel Danfield ; Middle Ward, John B. Hinkson, Henry Hinkson ; South Ward, Robert Anderson, Daniel Brown.? 1877. — North Ward, Samuel Greenwood, Thomas Clough ; Middle Ward, Frank S. Baker ; South Ward, John A. Wallace, Robert Chadwick. 1878.— North Ward, John Young, Samuel R. Palmer; Middle Ward, Henry B. Black, Paul Klotz ; South Ward, William F. Cutter.s i Mr. Walter was elected by Council to fill the place made vacant by the death of George Flood. 5 David W. Morrison resigned, and July 18, 1870, Ellis Smedley elected by Council to take his place ; I. Engle Hinkson died October, 1870, and Council elected John Hinkson in his stead. 6 James A. Williamson resigned, and George Robinson elected in his stead. William G. Price resigned, and Gideon Speakman elected by Council. Jonathan Kershaw resigned, and James Stephens elected by Council. George Derbyshire died June, 1872, and Thomas I. Leiper elected by Council. William A. Todd resigned, and William B. Broomall elected by Council to fill vacancy. t On May 1, 1876, Frederick J. HinkBon, Jr., resigned, and Thomas I. Leiper was elected by Council to fill the unexpired term until the en suing charter election. 8 Daniel Brown resigned Dec. 2, 1878, and Dr. Robert P. Mercer was elected by Council in his stead. February, 1879, Samuel R. Palmer died, and February, 1879, George M. Booth elected by Council in his stead. 334 HISTORY OF DELAWARE COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA. 1879.— North Ward, Frank S. Baker ; Middle Ward, George McCall ; South Ward, William FennelU 1880.— North Ward, Abraham Blakeley, Samuel Oglesby ; Middle Ward, Isaiah H. Mirkil ; South Ward, John A. Wallace.2 1881.— North Ward, Thomas Clough, Richard Miller; Middle Ward, Henry B. Black ; South Ward, Henry Palmer, David M. Johnson, George G. Jones.3 1882.— North Ward, Frank S. Baker ; Middle Ward, Perry M. Washa- baugh, William J. Oglesby; South Ward, William B. Broomall, Jo seph McAlden.4 1883.— North Ward, Samuel Black, John B. Hannum; Middle Ward, Robert Smith, Jr., J. Frank Black ; South Ward, Thomas J. Hous ton.5 1884.— North Ward, Richard Miller, Samuel Oglesby; Middle Ward, J. Frank Black, Henry B. Black; South Ward, Dr. Robert P. Mercer.' CITY SURVEYORS. Joseph Tuylor, Alfred Owens, William H. Flaville, Kdward Roberts. LIST OF JUSTICES, INCLUDING THE TOWNSHIP AND BOR OUGH OF CHESTER. John Crosby, Joel Willis, April 30, 1791 ; Davis Bevan, Aug. 19, 1794; Miles Macariy, April 13, 1796; Elisha Price, April 15,1796; Wil liam Martin, Aug. 9, 1797 ; Isaac Eyre, Oct. 12, 1798 ; Nicholas Fair lamb, Dec. 6, 1798 ; Aaron Morton, May 3, 1799 ; Joseph Marshall, Thomas Hinkson, May 20, 1800; John Pearson, June 21,1802 ; James Wuthey, July 4, 1806; Jacob Edwards, Jan. 1, 1807; John Caldwell, Nov. 15, 1814 ; Joseph Walker, Feb. 3, 1820 ; Samuel Smith, March 12,1822; David Marshall, Dec. 3, 1824; George W. Bartram, June 3,1824; Benjamin F. Johnson, Oct. 25, 1825; Abraham Kerlin, June 7, 1830; Samuel T. Walker, Nov. 11, 1831; John Afllick, June 6, 1834; Samuel Shaw, Nov. 18, 1835; William Martin, June 10, 1836; William Eyre, Dec. 21, 1S38 ; George W. Bartram, Sept. 23, 1839. JUSTICES OF THE BOROUGH AND CITY OF CHESTER. George W. Bartram, Abraham Kerlin, April 14, 1840 ; Samuel Anderson, April 14, 1846 ; John Larkin, Jr., Frederick Fairlamb, April 9, 1850; Henry J. Powell, April 13, 1852 ; Frederick Fairlamb, April 10, 1855. South Ward.— Samuel Ulrich, June 4, 1866, June 25, 1861, May 8, 1866, and May 8, 1871 ; Joseph Entwisle, May 1, 1872 ; Benjamin F. Welser, March 15, 1876; Samuel L. Armour, March 15, 1880, April 9, 1881. Middle Ward.— Robert Gartside, April 10, 1860; John H. Baker, April 15, 1861 ; Jeremiah W. Fleckner, April 28, 1865, and April 30, 1866; Henry M. Hinkson, April 25, 1867; I. Edward Clyde, May 1, 1872; John M. Allan, March 28, 1878, and May 7, 1883. North Ward— Joseph Holt, April 10, 1860, May 17, 1865, May 8, 1871, May 8, 1876; Daniel B. Thomson, Aug. 26, 1881, and May 8, 1882. Places of Worship— Friends' Meeting-House.— The first recorded meeting of the society of Friends in the province of Pennsylvania was that mentioned as being held at the house of Robert Wade, at Up land, in 1675, when William Edmundson, an eminent minister, then on a religious visit to the American colonies, was present. Previous to tbe coming of Penn, at a monthly meeting held 11th of Seventh month (September), 1681, it was agreed " Yt a meet ing shall be held for ye service and worship of God every First Day at ya Court House at Upland." On the 6th of the First month, 1687, Joran Kyn sold a i John Young died February, 1880, and Samuel Greenwood elected by Council in his stead. 2 Robert Chadwick resigned Nov. 15, 1880, and William G. Price elected by Council in his place. March 7, 1881, Robert Anderson re signed, and Henry Palmer elected by Council in his stead. s John A. Wallace resigned Jan. 3, 1882, William B. Broomall elected by Council in his stead. * Oct. 16, 1882, Perry M. Washabaugh resigned, and B. F. Bakerelected by Council in his stead. 5 Henry Palmer resigned May 16, 1883, Dr. Robert P. Mercer was elected by Council in his stead. • William B. Broomall resigned, and James Fryer was elected by Council in hiB place. lot of land, sixty feet in front and width, between parallel lines to the creek, adjoining his garden, on the west side of the present Edgmont Street, above Second, to John Simcock, Thomas Brasey, John Bris tow, Caleb Pusey, Randal Vernon, Thomas Vernon, Joshua Hastings, Mordecai Maddoek, Thomas Martin, Richard Few, Walter Fawset, and Edward Carter, "to the use and behoof of the said Chester — the people of God Called Quakers and their successors forever." Although the laud was purchased it was several years before the building was erected, the evidence apparent establishing that six years elapsed before the meeting house was finished. The first direct notice of such a movement was at the meeting at Walter Faucet's " ye 6th of ye 4th month, 1687," when it was " Agreed that Bartholomew Copock and James Kinerly Randall Vernon and Caleb Pusey do agree and Contract w* such workman or men as they shall se meet to build a meeting house att Ches ter 24 foot Sqwar and 10 ft. high in the Walls & that the above sa persons do Come themselves and the workman or men if they do agree & Give accompt thereof to the next Mo: meeting." The project lan guished, so far as the records show, until the " 13th of ye 8th mo. 1690," when Chester meeting appointed a committee " to take the subscriptions of Middletown, Edgmont, Springfield, Upper & Nether providence and Marple of what these friends are free to Give to wards the building a meeting house in Chester. Viz' for Upper providence Randall Malin, for Middletown John Worrall, David Ogden, for Edgmont, Thomas Worrelle, James Swaffer, for Springfield, George Mor ris, Junr, & Mordica Maddoek, for Marple Thomas Person and Josiah Taylor." The committee appear to have worked diligently, for on the minutes of Chester meeting, but without date, appears the following : "SUBSCRIPTIONS BUILDING OF A MEETING HOUSE IN THE TOWNE CHESTER. £ s. d. " Thomas Powell 2 0 0 Thomas BrasBey 3 10 0 Randall Vernon 3 00 00 Thomas Vernon ,', 1 00 00 John Sharpless \ \q 00 Walter ffaucet 1 10 00 John Hoghkins (Hoskins) 1 10 00 Caleb Pusey 1 00 00 Robert Barber 1 00 00 Joshua Hastings [*.. 1 00 00 John Baldwin q 05 00 John Broomall 0 05 00 John Bristow " ', 5 00 00 John Simcocke 5 00 00 William Woodmansee .' 0 07 00 Jacob Simcock 0 10 00 JameB Sharpless ]] 0 6 00 Andrew Job 01 00 00 James Whittacree 00 05 00 Mord. Maddoek * 03 00 00 John Simcock, juner 00 10 00 Robert Taylor 00 06 00 Edward Walter 10 06 00 Edward Carter 2 00 00 John Beall ..........."....... 00 06 00 Charles Brookes 00 06 00 William Browne .' 00 10 00 Thomas Vernon, young? ol 00 00 Francis Worly 00 10 00 Willm Caborne """'.!""!"] 01 00 00 Joseph Caborne. ,'.,„". *,... oi 00 00 John Edge oi W) 00 John Crosby ol 00 00 THE CITY OF CHESTER. 335 £ s. d. John Parker 00 10 00 John Martin 01 00 00 Tho Martin 01 00 00 Nat. Evans 01 00 00 John Churchman 00 00 00 Henry Churchman '. 00 10 00 Thomas Calbourne 3 00 00 John Worall 01 00 00 Randall Maillen 00 10 00 robert Vernon 01 00 00 tho Minshall 1 00 00 peter tailler 00 06 00 Joseph Vernon & Jacob Vernon 01 00 00 John boskins Jonut 10 10 00 James Swaford 00 04 00 William Swaford 00 06 00 henry Worley 00 10 00 John Powell 01 00 00 thomas Joans 00 06 00 Laraunce rooth 00 10 00 11 12 00 George Churchman 11 00 00" It does not, as stated, appear when this subscription was collected, but we know that nothing was done towards erecting the meeting until the 6th of " y° 2* mo., 1691," when, at the house of Walter Faucit, we find that "Its agreed by this meeting that John Bris tow & Caleb Pusey do forthwith agree wth and Inploy workmen in the Building the meeting house ats Chester (w"1 stone) on the place that was formerly bought for that purpose the situateing of wch as also the manner of Building the sayme is Left to their Discretion and that this meeting do Defray the Charges of the saime so that it exceed not above one Hundred pounds and that there bee one Convenient Chimney att Least and that the sa John Bristow and Caleb Pusey do Give account of what they have done at y° next month meeting." On the 12th of Eighth month, 1691, the meeting appointed Walter Faucit and Randall Vernon to " Goe to those y* subscribed to the Building the meeting house that they forthwith bring their pay unto Calebs Mill and make report at y* next month meeting." Some of the subscribers seem to have regretted their liberality, for on 11th of Second month, 1692, it was ordered that "Randall Vernon and Randall Malin Goe to Thomas Powell and Return him the two pounds tenn shillings that hee saith hee lent toward building the meeting house and paying for the Ground it Stands on att Chester and make Returne of their proceeding to the next mo. meeting." There was doubtless some dispute respecting the payment of these moneys to Powell, for on the 1st of the Eleventh month, 1693, " a memo randum" was entered of record in which Randall Malin, Robert Vernon, and Peter Taylor certify that they were at Powell's house and the money had been paid to him in their presence. On the 5th of First month, 1693/4, John Simcock, Randall Vernon, Wal ter Faucit, Robert Baker, and Robert Carter were directed to meet John Bristow and Caleb Pusey " in order to make up the accompts wth them concerning the meeting house att Chester and also to Receve the Deed of the Land the sd house stands upon." At a meeting held at Robert Vernon's, 2d of Second month, 1694, John Bristow brought the deed and the account of disbursement in erecting the building. The deed was given to John Simcock for safe keeping, and Walter Faucit, Caleb Pusey, and Robert Barber were directed to " Inspect into and Cast up the sa accompts wth him" (Bristow). The impression which so long held undisputed sway that the first Assembly in the province sat in this old meeting-house has ceased to be a disputed topic among historians, but the question which part of the ancient building was first erected was long in dispute. The records of Chester Meeting, which are explicit, leave even that no longer a debatable point. The building being of stone, that part of it which faced on Edg mont Street was the original structure, and the brick addition towards the creek was placed there after Friends had worship in there for several years. As late as 1848, when the building was inspected by a critical observer, these facts were established by the house itself. Whitehead tells us, " The brick part bore evidence of having been subsequently added as a kitchen, having an oven built within and forming part of the original wall. The timbers, too, were in a better state of preservation." Indeed, it may be asserted without fear of contradiction that the latter part was not erected until after 1701, for Lydia Wade bequeathed thirty pounds — a large sum in those days — to Chester Meeting, twenty of which were " towards the Inlarging and finishing the meeting-house of Friends in the towne of Chester," the remaining ten pounds were to be expended by the women's meeting; to be "disposed of as they shall think fitt for the servis of Truth." This sum was received from the executor of Lydia Wade's will, for on the 24th of Ninth month, 1701, Caleb Pusey paid that amount to the meeting, which payment is acknowledged by the records. When the meeting-house was first built, it seems some of the neighbors had encroached on the lot, for on Eighth month 4, 1797, " John Simcock's on be half of the meeting required Henry Hollingsworth to remove his shop from off the land belonging to the Meeting House, who promised so to do." In the old structure Penn frequently spoke, and many pleasant memories clustered about this first meeting of Friends, and therein services were held for forty-three years, until, in 1736, the society found it necessary to erect a larger building to accommodate its increasing membership, and the house on Edg mont Street was sold to Edward Russell, who added a garret-story to the front building, and possibly erected the back part. In recent years the house was used by Samuel Long as a cooper-shop, and was sold in 1844 to Joshua and William P. Eyre, when partition was made of Long's estate. On April 18, 1736, Caleb Coupland conveyed the southern part of the lot on Market Street, south of Third Street, on which the meeting-house now stands, to Jacob Howell, Thomas Cummings, John Owen, Samuel Lightfoot, John Salkeld, Jr., and John Sharp less, and the latter the same day executed a declara- 336 HISTORY OF DELAWARE COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA. tion in trust setting forth that they held the land as trustees and for the use of the members of Chester Meeting. As the society waxed stronger they re quired more land, the meeting-house having been lo cated toward the northern line of the lot, hence, April 29, 1762, they purchased from Jesse Maris, who had acquired the property by descent from his father, George Maris, subject to a yearly rent of six pounds to the heirs of James Sandelands. The trustees, Jonas Preston, John Fairlamb, Caleb Hanison, and James Barton, to whom it was conveyed by Jesse Maris, May 1, 1762, executed a declaration of trust to Ches ter Meeting. The discussion which had prevailed in the society of Friends during the early part of this century re specting certain doctrinal points, culminated in an open rupture in 1827, when a division of Friends took place, those members who sustained Elias Hicks in his opinions retaining their connection with Ches ter Meeting being in the majority, the structure on Market Street became the house of worship of the Hicksite branch of the society. In 1883 the building was thoroughly repaired and modernized internally. The Friends' graveyard on the west side of Edg mont Avenue, I had thought, was the first burial- place of the society in Chester, but recent examina tion has caused me to change that opinion. The first reference to a Friends' graveyard at that town was at a meeting on 1st of Fourth month, 1682, when it was agreed that " Thomas Cobourn, Randal Vernon, & William Clayton do view or see that pece of Ground w011 is ordered for a Buriall place also to see about the fencing of itt w"1 a Lasting fence and if there bee stones neare and convenient." The site selected seems not to have met the approval of the whole meeting. Indeed the location of the lot was not then definitely fixed upon, for on the 5th of Twelfth month, 1682/3, John Hastings, Robert Wade, Richard Few, and Thomas Cobourn were instructed to " view the Buriall place to Consider what Quantity may be meet also what Way or how it may be Best fenced about." A report from this committee appears never to have been made. Therefore on the 11th of Fourth month, 1683, the same persons, excepting that Thomas Brasey was substituted for Richard Few, were directed to " View and Look out a piece of Land for a Buriall place and bring in their Accompt thereof to the next monthly meeting." A burial-place was accepted, for on the 5th of Ninth month, 1683, John Hastings and Thomas Vernon were directed to " fence the burial grounds as soon as may bee." Where this graveyard was is not absolutely known, but I believe that it was on the east side of Edgmont Avenue, south of Sev enth Street, the present steam grist-mill of L. L. Luken & Co. being located partly thereon. In April, 1880, when excavations were made for the foundations of the mill, a number of human bones were unearthed, which had been deposited in a row. At that time no person seemed to be aware that Friends had ever but two graveyards, one at the present location, and the other on Edgmont Avenue above Twelfth Street, a burial-place for the negroes, owned by members of Chester Meeting; but the evi dence is now conclusive that there was a graveyard previous to the one now walled in with heavy ma sonry adjoining the Beal house-lot on the north. On the 31st of the Sixth month, 1702, at a meeting held at Chichester, it appears that " Chester meeting pro- poseth theer intentions of purchasing a burying place in the town, which this meeting approves of, provided they preserve and keep in Good order the Old Bury ing Place." The graveyard purchased about this date was not inclosed with a stone wall as we now see it many years previous to the Revolution. Grace Lloyd, by her will, 6th of Fourth month, 1760, directed her executors to " pay £10 towards walling in the front part of the graveyard belonging to the people called Quakers in Chester with brick or stone." And nearly ten years later, 31st of Twelfth month, 1769, Joseph Hoskins, by will, bequeathed £10 " for the use of enclosing or fencing the burying ground belonging to the Friends of Chester meetings in such manner as their Preparative Meeting of Chester shall direct and appoint." The extracts from these wills clearly prove that as late as the first of the year 1770 no wall had been erected around the grounds wherein the bodies of many of the noted personages of the ancient borough lie. David Lloyd and Grace, his wife, Caleb and David Coupland, Henry Hale Gra ham, Davis Bevan, John Salkeld, John Mather, and others of the early settlers and leading men of the last century in the province are interred in that God's acre, now in the heart of a busy city, while the re mains of a number of persons who fled to this prov ince to escape persecution in Europe lie there forgot ten because the prohibition by the society of stones to mark the graves of those who slumber within the burial-grounds belonging to their meetings. The graveyard for negroes above mentioned was on Edgmont road, above Twelfth, and was used for the interment of slaves by the sufferance of the then owner of the land. The latter, Grace Lloyd, in her will, dated 6th pf Fourth month, 1760, made the following bequest : " And it is my mind and will, and I do hereby order and direct that the piece of burying ground, being forty feet, fronting Edgmont Road, in said borough, thence seventy feet back and forty feet in breadth, shall at all times hereafter, forever, be used for and as a burying place for negroes, that is to say, for such as shall have belonged to my late husband or myself, and Buch as do or hereafter may belong to Friends of Chester Meeting, and such as in their life-time desire to be buried there, but not for any that are executed, or lay violent hands upon themselves, and that none be buried there without the consent of the Overseers of Friends' Meeting at Chester." The lot thus set apart was surrounded by a tall, thick-set hedge, but after the execution of several persons at the intersection of Edgmont and Provi dence roads (the colonial law then requiring the burial, of the body of the culprit near the gallows) THE CITY OF CHESTER. 337 rendered the locality a place of dread, and the super stitious negroes soon began to regard it as a spot to be avoided when living and shunned as a place of inter nment. In time even that the lot had been ever used as a graveyard was forgotten until the clause in Lydia Wade's will directed attention to it. In 1868, John and James C. Shedwick erected the row of houses on the east side of Edgmont A\»enue, above Twelfth, and while the excavations for the cellars were being made a number of human bones were exposed. At that time they were thought to be the remains of Indians, the fact that it was the site of an old grave yard being unknown to tbe public. St. Paul's Church and Burial-Ground. — A tract of ground was donated to the Swedish Church by Armgard Pappegoya for glebe or church land in Upland early in the history of the settlement. The plot of land on the south side of Third Street, east of Market Square, where the old burial-ground now is, and where the first St. Paul's Church building was erected, was, previous to that structure being placed there, a burying-place for the dead of the Swedish colonists at Upland. This fact is established by the report of Mr. Ross to the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts in 1714, wherein he dis tinctly makes this declaration. He also states, they (the Swedes) " had likewise a Church endowed with a valuable Glebe not far from the place of burial, but of this building there remains no sign at this day." John Hill Martin thinks this reference is to the block-house, or House of Defense, which was torn down by order of the court in 1703, an opinion which is doubtless correct. Acrelius tells us that the Swedes held religious services usually in the forts and houses of defense. The fact is satisfactorily established that the Swedes were obliged to have sentinels regularly posted during public worship to apprise the congre gation within of any attempted attack by the Indians, of which the early settlers seemed to be constantly apprehensive. Every student of our early annals is aware that after the cargo of the " Black Cat," which had been ladened with articles of merchandise for the Indians, became exhausted, and the Swedish settlers' capacity for making presents had ceased, the savages seriously considered in council whether the Europeans should be exterminated or permitted to remain. An old Indian succeeded in preventing a breach between the two races by assuring the young braves that cour ageous and vigilant men, armed with swords and muskets, would be difficult to subdue. The clergy men were particularly obnoxious to the savages, be cause the latter believed that during divine services the minister — he alone speaking and all the rest remaining silent — was exhorting the congregation against the Indians. Acrelius also tells us that a block-house answered the purpose very well (as a church) : "The Indians were not always to be depended upon that they would not make an incursion, fall upon the 22 Christians, and capture their whole flock. It was, therefore, necessary for them to have the religious houses as a place of defense for the body as well as the soul. The churches were so built that after a suitable elevation, like any other house, a projection was made some courses higher, out of which they could shoot ; so that if the heathen fell upon them, which could not be done without their coming up to the house, the Swedes could shoot down upon them continually, and the heathen, who used only bows and arrows, could do them but little injury." l In 1700, Rev. Mr, Evans was sent to Pennsylvania by the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts, and located in Philadelphia. He is frequently mentioned in the history of the society as going to Chester, Chichester, Concord, and Radnor, each about twenty miles distant from Philadelphia, and while constant allusion is made to a church edi fice existing in that city, no intimation is given of any such building in either of the other places desig nated. I am aware that in taking down the old St. Paul's Church building, in July, 1850, after it had stood one hundred and forty-eight years, two. bricks, burned exceedingly hard and considerably larger in size than those in use at the present day, closely cemented together, and with the figures 1642 cut upon them, were found. These numerals must have been made upon them many years subsequent to that date, for in 1644 there was not a house standing in the present limits of Chester. Independently of that fact, we have documentary record of the exact date of the building, so circumstantially set forth that there is no room remaining for doubt. In an account of the building of St. Paul's Church, Chester, furnished to the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts, Mr. Ross, the then missionary of the society, in his report, June 25, 1714, says, — " In the Swedish Dormitory — the old Swedish burial ground — James Sandelands, of Chester, (or as it was first called, Upland,) Merchant, a man of good reputation in the country, was on account of affinity in terred to keep up the memory of this founder of a growing family ; twas agreed amongst his relations that his grave, as also that of his kindred and family, who were or might be buried there should be distinguished & set apart from the rest of the burying ground by an enclosure or wall of stone. This design was no sooner formed & noised abroad, but it was happily suggested by a projecting fellow in Town, that, if it seemed good to Mr. Sandelands' relations, the intended stone wall about the place of the interment might be with somewhat more changes carried up and formed into a small chapel or church. This new motion was well liked by ye sd relations and encouraged by everybody in the neigh borhood that wished well to the church of England, but they who put life into this proposal & prosperously brought it to pass were Joseph Yeates, merchant in Chester, and James Sandelands, son to the above named Mr. Sandelands, the latter of which two gentlemen, besides other gifts, gave some land to enlarge the church yard, but the former, to wit: Mr. Yeates, a zealous asserter of our constitution in church and State, must be allowed to have been the main promoter of the founding of St. Paul's upon Delaware." The report further alludes to other persons " parish- ers, who were chief helpers to carry on the work," — 1 History of New Sweden, p. 176. 338 HISTORY OF DELAWARE COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA. Jeremy Collett, John Hannum, Henry Pierce, Ralph Pyle, and Thomas Barnsly, but especially does he commend Thomas Powell for the gift of a valuable piece of land "for a minister's house, garden, and other conveniences." He also applauds Hon. Col. Francis Nicholson, of whom he says, " We may safely say no man parted more freely with his money to pro mote the interest of the church in these parts, nor contributed so universally towards ye erection of Christian synagogues in different and distant planta tions in America." The small but compact fabric of brick thus erected, and said to be one of the neatest on this continent, was forty-nine feet in length by twenty-six feet in breadth, and was well and substantially finished in side. The main entrance, which was wide and spa cious, closed by double doors, was at the north side of the church, and the access to the building was from Market Street, through the yard. The old church must have had a sun dial, perhaps over its main door, such as is still to be seen at the court-house of Somerset County, Md., for, in 1704, the wardens claim credit for "cash pd ye ferymen for Bringing Down ye Dyal, Is. 8d. ¦ ac of nayles for setting up ye Dyall, Is. 2d. ; money spent and pd ye men for setting It up, 4s." The inside of the church was divided into four parts by two aisles, one extending from the double doors, and the other from the pulpit to the extreme western part of the church. The roof was oak, and the rafters white-oak, hewed with a broad axe. The chancel was spacious and paved with brick, as were also the aisles. In the west end of the church, and directly opposite the pulpit, built into the wall, was the well-known slab of gray sandstone, six feet in length by three in breadth, now in the Sunday-school room of the new church edifice, erected to the mem ory of James Sandelands, the elder. Along the borders of the old slab, in large capital letters, are the words : " Here lies interred the bodie of James Sandelands, Merchant in Upland, in Pensilvania, who departed this mortal life Aprile te 12, 1692, aged 56 years, and his wife, Ann Sandelands." Its face is divided into two parts, the upper bearing in cipher the initials "J. S." and "A. S.," the arms of the Sandelands family— argent, a band azure. On the border, dividing the upper from the lower part, are the words, " Vive Memor Lethi FFugit Hora." The lower half contains many emblems of mortality, the tolling bell, the passing bell, the skull and cross-bones, the hour-glass, an upright coffin bearing on its side the words, " Memento Mori," " Time Deum," and in either corner, crossed, a sceptre and mattock, and a mattock and spade. Queen Anne, whom Horace Walpole dubbed " the wet-nurse of the church," presented to the parish a handsome pulpit, a communion-table " well rail'd in and set out with a rich cloth, and a neat chalice;" the two former articles were located at the east end of the edifice. This chalice and salver, the queen's gift, as well as a similar chalice, presented to the congre gation by Sir Jefferey Jeffries, are still in possession of the church wardens, and employed in the sacrament of the Lord's Supper to the present time ; but the pulpit and communion-table have long since been removed. The chalices and their salvers are of hammered and very pure silver. The one presented by the queen has engraved upon it the words "Annse Reginse." The gift from Sir Jefferey Jeffries was made in March, 1715, and consisted of a small bell, "a rich cloth, and a neat chalice." In time the bell was replaced by a larger one. At a meeting of the vestry, March 30, 1741, twenty- three members of the congregation subscribed funds to " & for in consideration of purchasing a bell for said church," and at a meeting of the same body, April 15, 1745, a bell-tower or turret, to hang the bell, was ordered " to be built of stone in the founda tion from out to out, Twelve by Fourteen foot." The belfry, built according to these directions, was to the west of and entirely detached from the church. The bell, which was made in England, and had cast on it the words " Roger Rice, Chester, 1743," was paid for in advance, in 1742, by a bill of exchange for thirty pounds, and, as the sum obtained by subscription amounted to only half that amount, John Mather donated the remaining fifteen pounds. The stone-work, twenty-five feet in height, was sur mounted by a frame structure in which the bell hung. The tower, including the wooden addition, was over fifty feet. The belfry was entered by a door on the south side. The frame superstructure was square until it reached the plate on which the rafters rested, and the roof faced four ways, receding to a point, which was ornamented with a weather-vane. In each side of the frame-work was a slatted window, so that the sound of the bell would not be obstructed any more than necessary. Within the interior was a rough lad der, which the sexton had to climb when he tolled the bell, although for church services it was rung by a long rope, which descended to within a few feet of the ground floor. The foundation of the ancient structure was laid July, 1702, and on Sunday, Jan. 24, 1703 (new style), St. Paul's day, the edifice was opened to public wor ship, Rev. John Talbot preaching the first sermon in the church. The general impression is that Eev. George Keith was the first clergyman to hold divine services in St. Paul's, but in that gentleman's "Jour nal and Travels," published in London, 1706, occurs this passage : " Sunday, Jan. 24, 1702," (1703 N. S.) " I preached at Philadelphia, on Matthew v. 17, both in the forenoon and afternoon, Mr. Evans, the minis ter, having that day been at Chester, in Pennsylvania, to accompany Mr. Talbot, who was to preach the first ot AND HIS WIFE ANN SANDELANDS" ffi ^^fM^JsM OHM 'VINVAlISNadNf ONVLm Nf MURAL TABLET, In St. Paul's Church, Chester, Penn* THE CITY OF CHESTER. 339 sermon in the church after it was built." Mr. Keith did preach here on February 7th and August 3d of that year, and records : " We were kindly entertained at the house of Jasper Yeats there," and on " Sunday, April 9, 1704, I preached at Chester, on John iv. 24, being my last sermon there." In 1704, Rev. Henry Nichols was appointed missionary to St. Paul's parish, by the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts, and reported that the people were well inclined to the Church of England, although they had previous to that time no " fixed minister till now," and that the congregation had made a subscription of sixty pounds a year towards the support of their rector. In 1718, Rev. John Humphrey, who was in charge of the parish, reported to the society that he could not get a house in Chester to live in, and therefore had to buy a plantation of a thousand acres, about three miles distant. He was not altogether acceptable to parishioners, and, on April 5, 1717, they petitioned the society to appoint another person, which was done, and Samuel Hesselius was substituted in his stead. Thirty-four years after Mr. Humphreys had com plained of the absence of a parsonage, in 1752, the Eev. Thomas Thompson writes to the society : " I found no church wardens or vestry, no house for the minister to live in, nay, not a fit house to hire." Mr. Thompson, it seems, formed no better opinion of the people than the people did of the rector, for in " Rev. Dr. Perry's papers relating to the history of the church in Pennsylvania, 1780 to 1778," Rev. Thomas Thompson is referred to as a man of bad character. The congregation, however, failed to provide for the missionaries as the rules of the society required, and in 1762 a notice was given them, that if they did not procure better accommodations for their clergy man, and " maintain a glebe, a dwelling-house, and their church and burying-grounds in decent order and repair," the society would withdraw its mission from them. To accomplish these ends the congrega tion issued a scheme in January of that year to raise £562 10s. by a lottery. The advertisement, after setting forth these facts, states : " They," the congre gation, " find themselves under the disagreeable neces sity to apply to the publick by way of a Lottery, not doubting that it will meet with all suitable encour agement from the well-disposed of every denomina tion, as it is intended for the Glory of God, and con sequently for the good of the Province." There were 1733 prizes and 3267 blanks, making 5000 tickets in all. The drawing was to take place either in Chester or Philadelphia, on March 1, 1762, and continue until all the tickets were drawn. The managers add this addenda to their advertisement : " N.B.— As the above sum will fall vastly short of completing every thing as could be wished, it is hoped that if any are scrupulous as to the method of raising money, yet wish well to the Design, and are will ing to promote the same, if such Persons will deliver their Liberality into the hands of Mr. Charles Thomson, Merchant in Philadelphia, or to any of the Managers aforesaid, it will be gratefully acknowledged and carefully applied accordingly." There is little of interest connected with the church for more than twenty years following the lottery. In 1835, the old church proving too small for the accommodation of the congregation, extensive repairs were made to the ancient edifice. The old pews were increased in number, each of the large square ones were made into two small ones, the high backs low ered, the double doors walled up, a gallery built across the western end, and- under it the main entrance to the church was made. The old pulpit with the sounding-board was not removed, and the great oriel window to the east, in the rear of the clergyman's desk, was not disturbed. These changes made it necessary to remove the old Sandelands tablet. It was placed in the wall on the outside of the building; and during the spring, when the stonework was being whitewashed, it was repeatedly treated to a coat of that abominable compound by the sexton's wife, who did all chores of that character about the church. The ancient bell-tower was torn down, and a small belfry built in the roof at the western end of the building. The bell, which with such difficulty had been procured from England more than a cen tury before, had become damaged by long service, and it was determined to have it recast. George W. Piper and J. Gifford Johnson took the bell in a wagon to Philadelphia, to Wiltbank's foundry, for that pur pose. Before this bell was recast the foundry was destroyed by fire, and the heat was so great that tons of metal were fused into a mass. Wiltbank, how ever, furnished a bell ; but it is more than probable that not an ounce of the material in the old one cast by Roger Rice entered into the composition of the one which hangs in the belfry of the present church. No doubt but that the good people of that day be lieved they were doing a wise act in disturbing the antiquated appearance of the ancient structure and decking it out in modern toggery, just as their suc cessors fifteen years afterwards were actuated by the same idea when they razed the entire building to the ground, and that, too, without getting enough stones from the ruins to lay a third of the basement of the new edifice. Matters drifted on with the parish until 1850, when the change in the current set in, and Chester, after slumbering a century and a half, started into activity. St. Paul's Church awakened with the rest, and began to make provisions for the new order of things. But the error of that day, and it was a serious one, consisted in destroying absolutely the old sanctuary. The new church structure, which was erected on the north side of Third Street, was built after a plan prepared by T. U. Walter, architect, of Philadelphia, and the cost, it was believed, would not exceed five thousand dollars, although it ultimately cost nearly double that sum. The corner-stone was laid July 25, 1859. Rt. Rev. Alfred Lee, D.D., Bishop of Dela ware, and Rev. Charles W. Quick delivered addresses. The building, forty-four by forty- six, was of pointed 340 HISTORY OP DELAWARE COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA. stone, in the Gothic style, the spire one hundred and twenty-four feet from the ground. The main door was approached by a flight of stone steps, one of which was the slab which had formerly covered the remains of Robert French, one of the descendants of Joran Kyn, the founder of Chester, and to-day is one of the flagging in the sidewalk to the Sunday-school, on the east side of the church. The. church was opened Sunday, May 4, 1851, Rev. Mr. Balch officiating. But it appears not to have been consecrated by Bishop Potter until Tuesday, Dec. 23, 1851. Bishop Lee preached the consecration sermon. Drs. Suddards and Balch, and Revs. Messrs. Bean, Ridgely, Huntington, Micheson, Hawes, and Hand were present and officiated on that occasion. The constant growth of our busy city, and the in crease in the number of the worshipers, soon began to tax the seating capacity of the new structure, and for several years after the close of the war it became evident that additional room must be provided to meet this want. In 1872 the demand was so impera tive that the congregation determined that the church building must be remodeled, and steps were taken promptly to carry out that end. On Sunday, June 14, 1872, services were held in the sanctuary for the last time previous to the changes being made, and for ten months the edifice was closed during the al terations. The south end of the church was demol ished, and a new addition, considerably increasing the seating capacity, a handsome Gothic front of Ridley granite, sepentine, and Cleveland stone com bined, which approaches closely to the sidewalk, and a towering steeple and belfry erected. On Sunday, April 13, 1873, the congregation renewed religious services in St. Paul's, and Rev. Henry Brown, the rector, preached a historical sermon. During a heavy thunder-storm, on Sunday, June 3, 1877, the lightning struck the rod on the steeple, and in its descent the electric fluid unloosened the water- pipe where it was attached to the wall, below the eaves, and making a round hole through the mortar of the solid masonry, it entered the church, ran along the gas-pipe, tore a hole in the plaster, and again forced its way between the joints of the stone wall, to the outside of the building, and thence to the .ground. In 1883 the church was thoroughly repaired, hand somely frescoed and decorated. On Sunday after noon, March 9, 1884, it caught fire from a defective flue. The damage on that occasion exceeded two thousand dollars. John Hill Martin, in his " History of Chester," gives the following list of ministers of St. Paul's from 1702 to the present time : Revs. Evan Evans, 1702- 4; Henry Nichols, 1704-8; George Ross, 1708-14; John Humphreys, 1714-26; Samuel Hesselius, 1726- 28; Richard Backhouse, 1728-49; Thomas Thomp son, 1751 ; Israel Acrelius, 1756 ; George Craig, 1758- 81 ; James Conner, 1788-91 ; Joseph Turner, 1791- 93; Levi Heath, 1796-98; Joshua Reece, 1803-5; William Pryce, 1815-18 ; Jacob Morgan Douglass, 1818-22 ; Richard Umstead Morgan, 1822-31 ; John Baker Clemson, D.D., 1831-35; Richard D. Hall, 1735-37; Mortimer Richmond Talbot, 1837-41; Greenberry W. Ridgely, 1842-43; Anson B. Hard (associate rector), 1844-48 ; Charles W. Quick, 1849- 50 ; Lewis P. W. Balch, D.D., 1850-53 (resigned, and removed to Virginia) ; Nicholas Sayre Harris, 1852- 55 (Mr. Harris was a graduate of West Point) ; Daniel Kendig, 1855-59; M. Richard Talbot, 1859-61; J. Pinckney Hammond, 1861-63 ; Henry Brown, 1863. In the wall of the Bible-class room, in the base ment of the church, is the Sandelands tablet. The stone is disintegrating, and in a few years will crum ble away. James Sandelands, the elder, was a Scotchman, and there is some reason to believe that his father was Capt. Jacob Everson Sandelyn (the name per haps incorrectly spelled by the early annalists), who, as master of the ship "Scotch Dutchman," visited the Swedish settlements on the Delaware in the year 1646, and sold to the Governor " duffel-cloth and other goods" to the value of two thousand five hun dred guilders. His mother, we know, lived here in February, 1683, for she is mentioned in the trial of Margaret Mattson, of Ridley, for witchcraft. The first allusion to James Sandelands is in the patent of Aug. 6, 1665, " for two lots of land in Upland at Delaware, upon the North side of the creek or kill." On June 13, 1670, patents were granted to him for two other lots similarly situated, adjoining the property of his father-in-law, Joran Keen. In a deed in 1680 he is designated as " merchant," but there is no evidence to show what particular goods he dealt in, excepting a record that having purchased tobacco in Maryland, which was not delivered accord ing to agreement, " a Certayne great Boate or Siallop," belonging to the delinquent consignor, was attached and "publicqly sould." The records of the early courts show that he frequently appeared as attorney for the suitors before that tribunal. In 1677 he is mentioned as the only person on the Delaware River, from Upland northwardly, who owned a slave, and is recorded as one of the "responsible housekeepers" at this place. He was appointed by Col. William Mark ham one of the Deputy Governor's Council in 1681, and was constituted one of the justices of the newly- organized Upland court. From 1688 to 1690 he was a member of the General Assembly of the province of Pennsylvania. James Sandelands died April 12, 1692, aged fifty-six years. I have given a brief notice of this early colonist because St. Paul's was a memo rial church, erected to keep him in the recollection of the inhabitants of Chester, wherein he had passed a busy and enterprising life. His wife, Ann, after a brief widowhood, married Peter Baynton, who subsequently abandoned her and returned to England, leaving her in such destitute THE CITY OP CHESTER. 341 circumstances that the Provincial Council, May 19, 1698, ordered the residue of his property in Chester should be appropriated to her support. He returned subsequently, and apparently was repentant for his misdeeds. Ann died, and Oct. 5, 1704, was buried by the side of her first husband, James Sandelands. As her name appears on the old tablet in St. Paul's Church, it proves that the stone was not set up by the descendants of Sandelands until after that date. In a closet in the Sunday-school, some time ago, was deposited, for safe keeping, the noted tombstone which for many years attracted the attention of all strangers visiting the old churchyard, because of its antiquity, the manner in which the sculptor had per formed his work, and the singularity of the inscrip tion. The stone was cracked and in bad condition. The inscription reads, — "FOR THE MEMORY OF FRANCIS BROOKS, who died August the 19, 1704 Aged 50 years. In Barbarian bondage And cruel tyranny For ten years together I served in Slavery After this Mercy brought me To my country fair And last I drowned was In River Delaware." Martin states that Francis Brooks was a negro. The inscription would seem to indicate that Brooks was a native of the American colonies, and as his age at death precludes the idea of his birth in Upland, the chances are that he was a New Englander or Vir ginian. The most noted monument in St. Paul's ground, at least within recent years, — for, strange as it may ap pear, neither Trego, in his " Geography and Histori cal Accounts of Pennsylvania," nor Burrowes, in his " State Book of Pennsylvania," both published within the last forty years, make any mention of John Mor ton, — is that of the signer of the Declaration of Inde pendence, whose remains lie beneath a plain Egyp tian obelisk of marble, eleven feet in height, its four sides forming precisely the four cardinal points of the compass. The inscription on the west side of the monolith is as follows : " Dedicated to the memory of John Morton, A memher of the First American Congress from the State of Penn sylvania, Assembled in New York in 1765, and of the next Congress, assembled in Philadelphia in 1774. Born A.D., 1724— Died April 1777," On the east side of the shaft is as follows : "In voting by States upon the question of the Independence of the American Colonies, there was a tie until the vote of Pennsylvania was given, two members of which voted in the affirmative, and two in the negative. The tie continued until the vote of the last member, John Morton, decided the promulgation of the Glorious Diploma of American Freedom." On the south side of the stone is cut the statement: " la 1775, while speaker of tbe Assembly of Pennsylvania, John Mor ton was elected a Member of CongresB, aud In the ever memorable ses sion of 1776, he attended that august body for the last time, establishing his name in the grateful remembrance of the American People by signing the Declaration of Independence." On the north side of the shaft is inscribed the fol lowing sentence: "John Morton being censured by hiB friends for his boldness in giving his casting vote for the Declaration of Independence, his prophetic spirit dictated from hiB death bed the following message to them : " TeU them they shall live to see the hour when they shall acknowledge it to hare been the most glorious service I ever rendered to my country." This monument to John Morton was erected Oct. 9, 1845, sixty-eight years after his death. A regard for the truth of history compels me to state that there is not a particle of evidence to establish the assertion engraved on the stone that John Morton gave the casting vote for the adoption of the Declaration of Independence. Indeed, the little information we have bearing on that point absolutely negatives the inscription on the monument in St. Paul's graveyard. St. Luke's Protestant Episcopal Church.— The church organization was effected on Nov. 28, 1868, when the court of Delaware County incorporated the rector, church wardens, and vestrymen of St. Paul's Protestant Episcopal Church. The corner-stone of the neat little Gothic stone sanctuary at the southeast corner of Third and Broomall Streets, South Ward, was laid on Monday morning, Feb. 1, 1869, Right Rev. William Bacon Stevens, Bishop of Pennsylvania, officiating, assisted by Revs. Messrs. Brown, of Chester, Reed, of Linwood, Clemson and Potcken, of Delaware, Morrell, of New York, Stone, of Montgomery County, and Long, of Scranton. In order that Bishop Stevens should be in Philadelphia as early as possible on im portant business, Superintendent Kenney ordered the New York express train to stop at Lamokin and re ceive the distinguished divine. St. Luke's was then included in St. Paul's parish, and Rev. Henry Brown, the rector, had charge of the chapel, for such in the beginning it was designed to be during its erection. The funds of the building committee having become exhausted before the church was completed, the con gregation for a time worshiped in the edifice, which was then without pews, settees being used in their places, and the unplastered walls presenting a rough and uninviting appearance. After Sunday, May 8, 1870, services were held there in the morning and evening, Thomas R. List, a student at the Divinity School of Philadelphia, being employed as lay reader, which duties he discharged until June 19, 1873, when he became rector of the parish. The church, now firmly established, was due largely to the efforts of John Burrows McKeever, William Ward, Samuel Archbold, Samuel Eccles, Jr., William H. Green, William A. Todd, Maj. Joseph R. T. Coates, and their wives and other ladies of St. Paul's Church, South Ward, and South Chester. Edward A. Price and wife presented the parish with a handsome communion 342 HISTORY OF DELAWARE COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA. service — silver tankard, paten, chalices, and plates for alms, while F. Stanhope Hill and Mrs. Hannah Depue gave the pulpit Bible. On May 19, 1874, St. Luke's Church was admitted into the Diocesan Convention, Samuel Archbold and William Ward being the first lay deputies. In 1874, John Burrows McKeever, who was an ardent friend of the new parish, died, and through the efforts of Rev. Mr. List a memorial font was placed in the church in whose behalf he labored so zealously. In September, 1875, Rev. Mr. List, having received a call to a church in Philadelphia, resigned the rectorship. In October of the same year, Rev. George Clifford Moore, the present rector, was called, and almost immediately after his installa tion he began the advocacy of the abolition of pew- rents, substituting therefor voluntary contributions. In 1876, Charles Kenworthy bequeathed three hun dred and fifty dollars to the parish, which sum was applied towards liquidating the mortgage, and the following year, Elizabeth Kerlin, by will, gave one hundred and fifty dollars, which was used in like manner until, in 1880, the entire debt was extin guished. The parish, at present, is in a flourishing condition. St. Michael the Archangel.— The imposing Cath olic Church of St. Michael's is the second sanctuary erected on the site, the first having been razed, in 1874, to make room for the present edifice. The church organization extends backward in the history of our city over forty years. In 1842 a number of Catholics employed in this neighborhood — the nearest church being located nine miles distant — determined to estab lish one of that denomination in the borough. Ap plication was made to Rt. Rev. Francis Patrick Kendrick, Bishop of Philadelphia, for permission to organize a congregation and erect a church in Chester. In response to the request the bishop assigned Rev. Philip Sheridan to the parish, and earnestly did he labor to accomplish the end in view. July 12, 1842, a lot was purchased on Edgmont road, and Thursday, September 29th, of the same year the corner-stone was laid by Bishop Kendrick. June 25th of the year following the church was dedicated to Almighty God under the patronage of St. Michael the Archangel, the Rt. Rev. Dr. Moriarty preaching the dedicatory sermon. Rev. Messrs. Sourin and Sheridan, accom panied by a large number of ladies and gentlemen, came from Philadelphia on the steamer "Bolivar," Capt. Whilldin. The first church building was of stone, in Gothic architecture, seventy-five by forty- two feet, the tower in front rising one hundred and five feet above the level of the street. For many years St. Michael's Church was the most noticeable build ing in Chester, and so conspicuous was it that the gilded cross, surmounting the lofty spire, could be seen glittering many miles away as the town was ap proached in any direction. On Sunday, Aug. 9, 1846, a violent storm of rain and wind occurred, which loosened some of the masonry, and a stone hurled by the fury of the blast, falling on the roof, crushed through it into the aisle below, breaking the pews and the floor of the main apartment. For nearly seven years no regular pastor was assigned to the parish. Occasional visits were made by Fathers Sheridan, Lane, Sourin, Walsh, Amat, and Dr. O'Hara until July 12, 1850, when Rev. Arthur P. Haviland, who had been ordained a priest in Philadelphia, June 29th of the same year, was appointed to the charge of St. Michael's parish. So faithfully did he labor that in a short time the building became too small to accom modate the worshipers, and for many years the parish struggled under that difficulty. In 1854 the parsonage adjoining the sanctuary was built, and the same year Father Haviland was assigned an assistant, Rev. Patrick McEnroe. On Sept. 20, 1858, a bell, the present one, weighing one thousand pounds, was raised to its designated place in the tower, and for almost a quarter of a century its well-known tones have daily been heard in the thriving city of Chester. On the occasion of raising the bell to its allotted place a large concourse of people was present, the services being conducted by Archbishop Wood. In 1867, Father Haviland went to Europe, and during his absence the parish was in charge of his assistant, Rev. Edward McKee, Father McEnroe having been removed to Mauch Chunk. On the return of Father Haviland, Father McKee was assigned to Catasauqua, and Rev. Father Shankey became his assistant for a brief period, to be followed in succession by Revs. Fathers William F. Cook, Thomas McGlynn, Hugh McGlynn, James Timmins, and Patrick J. Mackin. Early in 1873, notwithstanding the parish had been divided, and the Church of the Immaculate Heart erected in the South Ward, it became evident that the old edifice was insufficient to accommodate the congregation, and it was resolved to erect a new sanctuary. Before the plans to this end could be fully matured the financial disturbances in tbe fall of that year so paralyzed business that it was deemed inexpedient to begin the demolition of the old and the erection of the new edifice until the industrial dejection had in a measure abated. In the summer of the following year permission was granted by the Rt. Rev. Bishop Wood to demolish the old struc ture and rear in its stead a larger and more attractive building. To that end, on July 29, 1874, the pews were taken out of the church, and the parochial school-house, which had been erected in 1866, was prepared for use as a temporary chapel. August 11th following the excavations for the foundation of the new edifice were made, and on the 31st of the same month the old building was leveled to the earth. Tbe corner-stone of the new church was laid Sunday, Nov. 1, 1874, by the Rt. Rev. Bishop Wood. The new structure is one hundred and seventy-eight feet in length, and the facade forty-two feet. Its height from the pavement to the eaves is sixty-eight feet, while from the centre of the facade rises a tower of THE CITY OF CHESTER. 343 ninety-two feet in height. The cost of the sanctuary approximated one hundred thousand dollars. The structure is built of Leiperville granite, with polished granite trimmings and columns from Maine. Externally and internally the edifice is artistically and handsomely finished. The ceiling of the central aisle rises to the altitude of fifty-five feet above the floor, supported by graceful columns, while the altar (thirty-eight feet in height, with side altars for the Virgin and St. Joseph) and furniture are elaborate and beautiful, making as a whole the most imposing building in the county. Two large frescos, one a copy of Murillo's Conception, the other a St. Joseph, the latter an original by Baraldi, are admirable speci mens of art. Sunday, Nov. 5, 1882, the church was dedicated with appropriate ceremonies by Rt. Rev. Bishop Shanahan, of Harrisburg. On Sunday, Oct. 3, 1880, the ceremony of blessing the cross which sur mounts the centre tower of the church was performed by Archbishop Wood, over two thousand persons being present on the occasion. Church of the Immaculate Heart of Mary. — In the spring of 1873, the parish of St. Michael's having become densely populated, and the congrega tion attending the old sanctuary having grown so large, it was deemed expedient to institute a new Catholic Church in South Ward, and a committee waited on Rt. Rev. Bishop Wood to that end. After several interviews with the committee the bishop consented to the division, and July, 1873, he appointed Rev. John B. Kelley pastor in charge of the parish, which was named the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Two days after his appointment Father Kelley was drowned while bathing at Atlantic City, and Eev. Thomas J. McGlynn was assigned to the pastorate. The parishioners immediately erected a frame chapel on Second Street near Broomall, and the congregation was organized therein. Prompt steps were taken towards the building of a permanent church edifice, and the following fall, Sept. 23, 1874, the corner-stone of the brick Gothic church of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, at the northwest corner of Second and Norris Streets, was laid by the Rt. Rev. Bishop Wood. On Wednesday, Feb. 23, 1876, the frame chapel was totally destroyed by fire, and so rapidly did the flames spread that only a few benches were saved, the organ, church furniture, and vest ments of Father McGlynn being consumed, involving a loss of four thousand dollars. The work on the new church edifice was pressed earnestly forward, and it was dedicated on Rosary Sunday, Oct. 1, 1876. The ceremonies were con ducted by the Most Rev. James F. Wood, D.D., Arch bishop of Philadelphia, assisted by Rev. A. J. Mc- Conomy, chancellor of the archdiocese, and attended by Revs. E. F. Pendercese, Francis P. O'Neill, A. J. Gallagher, T. J. Barry, James Timmins, and Thomas J. McGlynn. The church is of brick. It is lighted by fourteen stained-glass windows on either side, and the rear of the sanctuary is adorned by a large painting of the Transfiguration. The altar is chaste and ecclesiastical in aspect. In 1883 the parish began the erection of a three- story brick parochial school-house, conforming in its exterior architecture with that of the church edifice, which was completed in 1883. Rev. Father McGlynn has been in charge of the parish ever since it was organized, and under his im mediate supervision all the permanent improvements have been made. First Eaptist Church. — The Kerlin farm was pur chased in 1850 by John M. Broomall and the late John P. Crozer in equal shares, and after a large part of the real estate had been sold so as to repay the original outlay, Mr. Crozer, in 1856, conveyed his in terest in all the land remaining to Mr. Broomall, re serving, however, the absolute title in the half-square of ground on Penn and Second Streets. Mr. Crozer stated at the time of the conveyance that he designed that locality as a site for a Baptist Church. This in tention was doubtless due to the fact that previous to the autumn of 1854 occasional religious exercises by Baptist clergymen had been held in Chester, but it was not until the fall of the year mentioned that any regularly stated services were had, when Rev. William Wilder, of the Upland Baptist Church, established worship in the court-house, and it was continued un der Mr. Wilder's supervision for four years. In the spring of 1858, Mr. Crozer donated the ground at the northwest corner of Second and Penn Streets, seventy feet on the first and one hundred and twenty-seven on the latter, for a church. During the summer of the same year Benjamin Gartside, at his' personal cost, built a chapel twenty-three by forty feet, which building, now standing in the rear of the church, was completed during the month of August, and worship was held there every Sunday afternoon. Rev. Miller Jones, then stationed at Marcus Hook, and Rev. William Wilder conducted the services. In the spring of 1863 an effort was made to erect a building and to have the congregation recognized as a church, but the public excitement consequent on the battle of Gettysburg postponed definite action until Sept. 24, 1863, when the chapel, built by Mr. Gartside, was dedicated as the First Baptist Church of Chester, and Rev. Levi G. Beck was, May 24, 1864, ordained its first pastor. The same year a sufficient sum was pledged to the building fund to justify the building of a' sanctuary. The corner-stone was laid July 2, 1864, and in the fall the edifice was so far advanced that the lecture- room could be used for religious services. The work on the church was continued, and in the fall of the following year all had been completed ; but as it had been decided that the main apartment should not be used until the debt of the building committee, amount ing in all to sixteen thousand dollars, had been dis- 344 HISTORY OF DELAWARE COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA. charged, it required several weeks to gather the fund. This was done, and Dec. 28, 1865, the church was dedicated, Rev. J. Wheaton Smith, D.D., officiating on that occasion. After two years' pastorate, Rev. Mr. Beck was elected secretary of the Baptist General Association of Pennsylvania, which office he ac cepted, and resigned his charge of tbe church in April, 1866. On Feb. 22, 1866, the First Baptist Church of Chester was incorporated by the court of Delaware County. For several months after Mr. Beck's resignation went into effect the congregation was without a regular minister, until November, 1866, when Rev. Andrew Fuller Shanafelt was called, and assumed the duties of the pastorate in December of the same year. During his ministry James Irving presented the lot on Second Street, immediately ad joining the church, for a parsonage, and Benjamin Gartside erected the present building at his personal cost. In 1874, Mr. Shanafelt's health was so much impaired that he was granted a vacation to travel in Europe and the Holy Land. He returned in the fall apparently much improved, but his application to duty brought on a return of his physical weakness, causing his death March, 1875. The following July Rev. Z. T. Dowen became the pastor, and for two years remained in charge, when he resigned August, 1877, and returned to England. In November of the same year Rev. A. G. Thomas, the present pastor, was called, and began his ministerial work in the fol lowing December. Madison Street Methodist Episcopal Church.— The name "Chester" appears in the minutes-of the Philadelphia Conference in the list of appointments of preachers as early as the year 1774, when Daniel Ruff and J. Yearby were assigned to that circuit. Subsequent to that date the following appointments were made by Conference to that circuit: 1775, Richard Webster; 1776, preacher's name omitted; 1777, Robert Lindsay; 1779, James Crom well; 1780, name omitted; 1783, R. Ellis, J. Hagerty, Thomas Haskins; 1788, R. Cann, J. Milburn ; 1789, William Dougherty, James Campbell; 1790, Sylves ter Dougherty, J. Cooper; 1791, J. McClaskey, J. Robinson, S. Miller; 1792, James Lovell, J. Wheel wright; 1793, Robert Cloud, William Hunter; 1794, William Early, James Smith ; 1795, J. Jarrell, T. F. Sargeant, J. Robinson ; 1796, Thomas Bell, Samuel Welsh; 1797, William Colbert; 1798, William P. Chandler, Daniel Higby ; 1799, W. Colbert, J. Her ron, E. Larkin, R. Bonhan ; 1800, R. Sneath, S. Ten- ison, T. Jones; 1801, William Hunter, S. Timmons, R. McCoy; 1802, William Hunter, John Bechtel ; 1803, Anning Owen, William Brandon ; 1804, Wil liam Hunter, J. Osborn, J. Stephens ; 1805, William Hunter, D. James, J. Moore; 1806, John Walker, William Early; 1807, Daniel Ireland, Peter Beaver; 1809, appointment not recorded ; 1810, Richard Sneath, John Fox; 1811, Richard Sneath, James Laws ; 1812, Thomas Dunn, William S. Fisher ; 1813, W. S. Fisher, J. Fernon, Joseph Samson ; 1814, George Sheets, Thomas Miller, S. P. Levis; 1815, Asa Smith, Joseph Samson ; 1816, William Torbert, Charles Reed ; 1817, William Hunter, William Tor bert. Notwithstanding these appointments, it is very doubtful whether, at those times, there were any Methodists in the ancient borough of Chester, the name being given to a circuit extending in territory from the river Delaware nearly to the Susquehanna, and from Philadelphia County to the Maryland line. The first absolute knowledge we have of a meeting of that denomination is in 1818, when John Kelley and his wife, Esther, moved to this place. Mr. Kel ley had been a local preacher in St. George's Church, Philadelphia, and shortly after locating in Chester held services in his own house, where he organized a class. The circuit preacher soon afterwards estab lished a regular appointment for preaching, and on Sundays religious services were held in the court house for many years. In that structure the noted Bishop Asbury, it is said, preached on several occa sions. The denomination grew gradually, and sev eral attempts were made to raise funds sufficient to build a house to meet in, but all efforts failed to that end, until in 1830, sufficient means had been obtained to justify the congregation in erecting, not without considerable difficulty, a stone church on Second Street, at the corner of Bevan's Court, which building was greatly due to the energy and efforts of the late David Abbott, and was named in honor of the bishop, " Asbury Chapel." The society was still largely dependent on the circuit minister, although more fre quently the services were conducted entirely by the local preachers. The congregation attending the church had grown so large in 1845 that Chester was made a station, and Rev. Isaac R. Merrill was ap pointed pastor in that year. Although the following clergymen appear by the records of Conference to have been appointed to Ches ter Circuit, many names therein were at no time, so far as can be ascertained, stationed in Chester, yet the list is worthy of preservation, and is therefore inserted in this work: 1818, John Goforth, Samuel Budd; 1819, John Robertson, Phineas Price; 1820, Wil liam Leonard, Thomas Davis; 1821, David Bartine, Thomas Davis; 1822, David Bartine, John Tally; 1823, Thomas Miller, William Allen; 1824, Henry Boehm, John Woolson ; 1825, Henry Boehm, Levin Prettyman ; 1826, Jacob Gruber, S. Grace, J. Tally ; 1827, Jacob Gruber ; 1828, T. Miller, E. Reed ; 1831, William Ryder, N. Chew, J. Tally; 1832, William Ryder, J. B. Ayres, J. Tally ; 1833, J. B. Ayres, J. Edwards, R. E. Morrison, J. Tally; 1834, William Ryder, R. Anderson ; 1835, William Ryder, R. An son, J. Tally; 1836, R. E. Kemp, J. Tally; 1838, William Torbert, G. Orem, J. Tally; 1839, J. Ed wards, G. Orem, J. Talley ; 1840, I. T. Cooper, J. Ed wards, J. Tally ; 1842, D. Daily, Thomas Sumption, THE CITY OF CHESTER. 345 J. Tally ; 1843, D. Daily, H. G. King, J. Tally ; 1844, H. G. King, J. B. Ayres, J. Tally ; 1845, J. B. Ayres, J. W. Arthur ; 1846, J. Humphries, J. Henries, I. R. Merrill ; 1847, S. Townsend, J. Henry, L. Storks, J. Tally ; 1848, S. Townsend, W. K. Goentner, J. Shields, J. Tally. During Mr. Merrill's pastorate, at May term of court, 1846, the church was incorporated, and thereupon the congregation immediately began the erection of the second stone meeting-house on Fifth Street below Market Street, the corner-stone being laid Aug. 11, 1846. Rev. Dr. Hodgson, of Philadelphia, and Rev. Dr. Kennedy, of Wilmington, were present and as sisted the pastor, Rev. Isaac R. Merrill, in the ser vices on that occasion. In 1850, the church edifice being insufficient, an addition of twenty feet was made to the building, a gallery erected, and the out side of the structure rough-casted. In 1847, Mr. Merrill was succeeded by Rev. Levi Storks,*1 who, in 1848, was followed by Rev. John Shields. In 1849, Rev. Newton Heston* was ap pointed, and continued until 1851. In 1850, the year when Chester began to develop rapidly, the church had three hundred and two members. Rev. Samuel G. Hare* was appointed in 1851, and was fol lowed the succeeding year by Rev. John B. Maddux,* who continued pastor until 1854, when Rev. William Mullin was appointed in his stead, and in 1856 was followed by Rev. John W. Arthur.* Rev. Allen Johns* was appointed pastor in 1858, and the follow ing year was succeeded by Rev. John Ruth.* Dur ing the latter's pastorate, in 1860, the membership had grown to three hundred and twenty-two. Rev. William Urie* was assigned to the charge of the church in 1861, and was succeeded in 1863 by Rev. James E. Meredith,* who, after he ceased to be its pastor, became a clergyman of the Episcopal Church, and at the time of his death was in Texas as rector of a parish of that denomination. Mr. Meredith was followed, in 1866, by Rev. Henry E. Gilroy, and in 1869, Rev. James Cunningham was appointed to suc ceed him. The old meeting-house on Fifth Street was now unable to accommodate the number of wor shipers, and it was determined to erect a new edifice. To that end a lot on the northeast corner of Seventh and Madison Streets was purchased, and the corner stone of the new church building laid Wednesday, July 17, 1872, Rev. Henry Brown, rector of St. Paul's, and Rev. A. W. Sproull, pastor of the First Presbyte rian Church, assisting Rev. James Cunningham in the ceremonial and religious services on that occa sion. The new church, which is built of green ser pentine stone, with granite trimmings and corner blocks, and finished very tastefully and at much ex pense, was dedicated May 3, 1874. The old church building on Fifth Street, in 1873, was sold to Tus- carora Tribe of Red Men, No. 29, who changed it into 1 Those marked with an asterisk (*) are deceased. a hall for public amusements. The enterprise, how ever, failed of success, and the property was sold to Robert H. Crozer, who, in March, 1879, in considera tion of six thousand dollars, conveyed it to the Ger man Lutheran congregation of St. Paul's Church, and is at the present time devoted to the purposes for which it was originally built, — a house of worship. During the greater part of the time the building of the edifice was being carried on Rev. John B. Mad dux* was the minister, having succeeded Mr. Cun ningham in the fall of 1872. In 1875, Rev. Joseph Welsh was appointed pastor, and was succeeded in 1878 by Rev. William C. Robinson. In 1881, Rev. Dr. William J. Paxson was appointed, and was suc ceeded in 1884 by the present pastor, Rev. Theodore Stevens. The church is in a most flourishing con dition, its membership in 1880 being six hundred and twenty-six, and it has largely increased in that respect since that time. Trinity Methodist Episcopal Church.— In 1865 the membership and congregation of the Fifth Street Methodist Church had so increased that it was deemed proper by the Quarterly Conference to effect a church organization in South Ward, and to that end thirty members held regular religious worship in the Crozer Academy, on Second Street, west of Franklin. On June 26, 1865, Trinity Methodist Episcopal Church of Chester was incorporated by the court of Delaware County, and on August 25th of the same year an amended charter was granted by the same authority. In the summer of the same year the con gregation began tbe building at the corner of Third and Parker Streets, known as Trinity Church, Rev. Mr. Twiggs, now of Wilmington Conference, being then pastor in charge. The edifice had been roofed in, when, in October, 1865, a terrific northeast storm utterly demolished the building, heaping it into the cellar a mass of ruins. There the debris remained until 1866, when the congregation, under the direction of Rev. William McCombs as pastor, erected a frame chapel on the ground to the west, now used by D. H. Burns as a marble-yard, and the same year built what is now the Sunday-school. The main structure during the same year was recommenced and pushed forward until it was roofed in. The debt of the congregation amounted to twenty thousand dollars. In the fall of the year the chapel was completed and dedicated, on which occasion a sum of five thousand dollars was raised, and to that amount the debt was extinguished. In the spring of 1867, Rev. Isaac Mast was appointed, and continued in charge for two years, during which period five thousand dollars additional of the debt was paid off, the floors of the main church laid, and the membership largely increased. In 1869, Rev. George W. F. Graff became the pastor, and continued in that relationship three years. During his ministry the church proper was completed, and dedicated by Bishop Simpson. It had cost six thousand dollars additional, but of that sum five thousand dollars was 346 HISTORY OF DELAWARE COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA. subscribed on dedication day. The congregation during that period built what is now known as the South Chester Methodist Episcopal Church, then styled the mission chapel. Independent of the sums mentioned, the congregation raised ten thousand dol lars and applied it towards liquidating the indebted ness of the church. In the spring of 1872, Rev. Samuel Pancoast was assigned to the pastorate, and during his term of three years the entire debt was discharged. In 1875, Rev. Samuel W. Kurts was ap pointed, and was followed, in 1878, by Rev. John F. Crouch, during whose pastorate many important im provements were made to the church. In 1880, Rev. Noble Frame was assigned to the church, aDd in the spring of 1882, Rev. Thomas Kelley, the present pastor, was appointed. Union African Methodist Episcopal Church.— Early in the century Robert Morris, who was then a slave in the lower part of the State of Delaware and a favorite with his master, was told by the latter that a judgment had been obtained against him, and the sheriff was about to make a levy on his property. He was anxious that Morris should not be seized to satisfy the debt, and told him to make his way to Chester, and, if possible, to get some one there to buy him. The slave acted as his master suggested, made his way safely to Delaware County, and finally suc ceeded in inducing Charles Lloyd, the then landlord of the " Blue Bell" Tavern on Cobb's Creek, in King- sessing, to purchase him from his master for three hundred dollars, — a stipulation in the bill of sale that the slave should be free when he attained the age of thirty years. Morris faithfully served his new master, who ever regarded the money he had paid as simply a loan which the colored man could discharge by his labor. After Morris was free he came to Chester, and, being ardently religious, he organized a church of his race in that borough. At first only four persons could be induced to attend the meetings, which were held in a house then occupied by a colored man named Williams, on Third Street, west of Concord Avenue ; by degrees the movement spread until, about 1831, sufficient means had been collected to purchase a lot on West Street, south of Third Street, from Matthew J. Bevan, on which a frame church was erected, which is still standing (now altered into a dwelling). In 1832, Rev. Samuel Smith was appointed local preacher, and continued in charge of the church until 1837 ; but his pastorate was financially unsuccessful, the expenses of the organization finally resulting in creating a burdensome debt, and Robert Morris again came to Chester to the assistance of the congregation. Rev. Benjamin Jefferson was assigned to the pastorate of the church, in which capacity he continued until 1874, nearly forty years' continuous service. The latter strove energetically to liquidate the encum brance, aud succeeded in clearing the church of debt. In 1860 the frame building had been removed and a stone structure erected, the fund being collected and applied to the building so as not to again plunge the congregation into financial troubles. In 1875, Rev. Lorenzo D. Blackston became the pastor, and the following year he was succeeded by Rev. Henry Modo. Again, in 1877, Rev. Benjamin Jefferson was assigned to the charge of the church. It was during his second pastorate, which continued until 1880, that the sanctuary was rebuilt as it is at the present time. In 1880, Rev. Lewis J. Jones was in charge of the church ; in 1881, Rev. Francis H. Nor ton ; and in 1883, Rev. Lewis J. Jones. Union Church has established a mission church in Media, which is now a flourishing body, while the membership of the parent church has largely in creased. Asbury African Methodist Episcopal Church. — This religious body was organized by Rev. Stephen Smith, of Philadelphia, Oct. 26, 1845. The same year the congregation purchased the church property on Second Street, east of Market, for seven hundred dol lars, at which location they have continued to worship for nearly forty years. At first, as with all Methodist churches in this city, the body was supplied at times by circuit preachers, but generally the services were conducted by local clergymen. In 1849, Rev. Henry Davis was appointed the first regular pastor, and was succeeded, in 1850, by Rev. H. G. Young, who, in turn, was followed, in 1853, by Rev. J. G. Bulah. In May, 1854, Rev. James Holland was assigned to the church, and was succeeded, in 1856, by Rev. Adam Driver, who was followed, in 1858, by Rev. J. G. Bulah. In 1860, Rev. J. G. Garrish was appointed, and in 1861, Rev. G. W. Johnson became pastor. The next year Rev. W. D. N. Schureman was assigned to the church, and in 1863, Rev. Jeremiah Young was appointed pastor, and during his ministry the church was re built. On Nov. 25, 1867, the Asbury African Meth odist Episcopal Church was incorporated by the court of Delaware County. He was followed, in 1869, by Rev. G. Boyer, and in 1871, Rev. G. T. Waters be came pastor. He was followed, in 1874, by Rev. L. C. Chambers, and in 1877, Rev. T. Gould succeeded him. In 1879, Rev. J. S. Thompson was assigned to the church, and in 1881 the present pastor, Rev. C. C. Felts, was appointed, and during his ministry the con gregation purchased a parsonage on Madison Street, above Sixth. The church has also sent out its mis sion body in the William Murphy Church, on Eagle Street, below Second, in South Chester. In 1883, Rev. M. F. Slubey was pastor, and in 1884, Rev. Leonard Patterson was assigned to the charge of the church. First Presbyterian Church.— The Presbyterian residents of Chester, previous to 1850, often attended divine services at Leiper's Church, in Ridley, but more frequently the Episcopal or Methodist Churches, both of which denominations had " a local habitation and a name" in the ancient borough. In the fall of the year stated the late Rev. James W. Dale, every Sunday afternoon, conducted religious exercises in the court- THE CITY OF CHESTER. 347 house according to the Presbyterian formula, and continued to preach therein for more than a year. In 1851, I. E. Cochran, Sr., gave the lot, part of the land taken by him in partition of his father's (John Coch ran, the elder) estate, at the southeast corner of Fourth and Welsh Streets, on which they built a Pres byterian Church, and he, together with the late Joseph H. Hinkson, contributed largely of their means to wards the erection of the present edifice. On Sun day, July 18, 1851, the dedicatory service was preached by Rev. Joseph H. Jones, of Philadelphia. Nearly a thousand dollars were collected during the day in aid of the church. The congregation was organized with seventeen communicants. Mrs. Henrietta Mifflin Clyde, who died Sept. 28, 1874, aged eighty-two years, was the last survivor of that number. Robert Bene dict was ordained as the first ruling elder. In the sanc tuary, since it was renovated, enlarged, and adorned about eight years ago, the handsome stained-glass me morial windows then placed in the church in most cases bear the names of persons who were among its original founders. After it was organized, for two years Rev. James O. Stedman supplied the pulpit every Sunday, conducting services for the first time on Oct. 31, 1852. He was followed, in 1854, by Rev. George Van Wyck until 1856, when Rev. Alexander W. Sproull was called, and installed as the first regular pastor there. On Dec. 11, 1873, the present pastor, Rev. Philip H. Mowry, was called, and installed De cember 11th of that year. Chester City Presbyterian Church.— The influx of population west of the Third Street bridge was particularly noticeable after the establishment of Reaney's ship-yard just previous to the breaking out of the rebellion, and efforts were made by several gen tlemen to organize a Sunday-school for religious in struction of the many children in that neighborhood. To that end a school was begun Dec. 14, 1862, in the Academy building, now the Second Street Grammar- School, with John L. Entwisle, superintendent; Joseph Hinkson, assistant; and Abram R.Perkins, treasurer. The school thus founded grew speedily, and those instrumental in its beginning soon deter mined to establish the Chester City Presbyterian Church, to be located in the South Ward. The great difficulty was in obtaining a suitable building, which impediment was overcome by the gift of a lot at the southeast corner of Third and Ulrich Streets, by Reaney,Son & Arch bold, upon which Thomas Reaney, who was warmly interested in the undertaking, built the present edifice at his personal cost. The church was begun in the summer of 1865, and completed the following year. The furnishing and upholstering of thesanctuary was principally done at the joint expense of Mr. Perkins and Mr. Reaney. While the congre gation was worshiping in the lecture-room, the church proper being unfinished, an application was made to the Presbytery of Philadelphia for organization, and on Feb. 15, 1866, the congregation elected John X Miller and Peter G. Rambo elders, who were there upon ordained in those offices by a committee ap pointed by Presbytery. Feb. 25, 1866, the congrega tion called Rev. Martin P. Jones as pastor, at a salary of one thousand dollars, and the committee was em powered, at their discretion, to advance the sum to twelve hundred dollars a year. He accepted the call, and was ordained April 12, 1866. He remained in charge of the church until Jan. 1, 1869, he having tendered his resignation several months before. The church was without a minister from that date until June 22d of the same year, when Rev. Augustus T. Dobson, who had been called the 25th of the previous March, at a salary of fifteen hundred dollars, was in stalled. The subsequent failure of the firm of Reaney, Son & Archbold crippled the church greatly, but the earnest efforts of the congregation, in conjunction with the pastor, relieved it from its embarrassment. John Henry Askin contributed five hundred dollars, and Abraham R. Perkins one hundred and fifty dol lars. The congregation notified the pastor that, under the circumstances, his salary must be reduced to one thousand dollars a year, and at that sum it continued until he resigned, in October, 1881. Rev. Thomas J. Aikin, the present pastor, was called Dec. 6, 1881, and installed April 12, 1882. Third Presbyterian Church.— This memorial church — it was built to commemorate the reunion of the Old and New School Churches — is located at the southwest corner of Twelfth and Upland Streets. The lot was purchased in 1871, and the building, which is of brick, with pilasters, Gothic windows, and high, pitched roof, was erected as a mission Sunday-school by the First Presbyterian Church, but when the di vision in that congregation took place, those who withdrew accepted the Sunday-school building in un finished condition, determining to constitute therein a Third Presbyterian Church, which was fully con summated Oct. 16, 1872, with forty-two persons en rolled as members. The congregation, after it was organized, worshiped in the chapel until July of the following year, when the western end of the building was removed, twenty-five feet added to its leDgth, and a recess pulpit constructed. The lot and building cost nearly fifteen thousand dollars. The church was reopened and dedicated Oct. 5, 1873. After the or ganization of the church, Rev. Dr. Edwin W. Bower, of Lincoln University, officiated as temporary min ister until Feb. 13, 1873, when Rev. Charles F. Thomas was unanimously elected to the pastorate. He was installed April 16, 1873, at a salary of sixteen hundred dollars, which was subsequently increased to eighteen hundred dollars, but his health failing, he resigned Feb. 20, 1878. Rev. Dr. Bower was called April 3, 1878, but he declined, and the congregation, May 31st of the same year, called Rev. Thomas Mc- Cauley, the present pastor, at the same salary received by Mr. Thomas. Mr. McCauley accepted Oct. 1, 1878, and was installed the 10th of the same month. 348 HISTORY OF DELAWARE COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA. St. Paul's'German Lutheran Church.— In August, 1878, a church organization was effected with twelve members, unde"r the charge of Rev. J. T. Boyer, and on Feb. 3, 1879, the society was chartered. In May, 1879, the meeting-house formerly used by the Meth odists, on Fifth Street, was purchased for six thousand dollars from George H. Crozer. On Sunday, May 18, 1879, the church was consecrated, Revs. Dr. C. Shaef- fer, president of the Lutheran Ministerium of Penn sylvania, A. T. Geissenheiner, of Philadelphia, and J. Lewberger, of New Jersey, conducting the services. The building internally was remodeled, and on July 10, 1879, was dedicated by the pastor, Rev. J. T. Boyer. The latter remained in charge of the church until the last of September, 1880, when he was succeeded, Oc tober 3d of the same year, by Rev. E. H. Gerhart, who served as the pastor until September, 1882, when he resigned, since which time the pulpit was supplied by students from the Lutheran Seminary in Philadel phia, until June, 1884, when the Rev. E. H. Pohle, pastor of a church in Philadelphia, assumed charge of St. Paul's at Chester. . The church has a member ship of twelve, and a Sunday-school connected with it of forty pupils. The services are wholly conducted in the German language. Public Schools.— The information which has de scended to the present time respecting the primitive schools in colonial days is more inferential than posi tive. From the constant reference to the schooling of children in the early records, the conclusion is reached that considerable attention was given to the education of the young among the English settlers after Penn had obtained possession of the colony. The instruction of youths in reading and writing was part of the duties enjoined on the clergymen in charge of the Church of England parishes maintained under the auspices of the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts, and I seriously ques tion whether, until the school-house of 1770 was built, any other teachers were employed in Chester to instruct children. I am aware it is asserted that in 1741 a petition was presented to the Bishop of Lon don, emanating from St. Paul's Episcopal Church of Chester, complaining of Friends who, as is stated, when asked to contribute to the support of the parish schoolmaster, " did what none but Quakers dare do in a country under the government of a Protestant king ; that is, they engaged a rigid, virulent Papist to set up school in the Town of Chester." Of this school under the auspices of St. Paul's Church Charles Fortescue is said to have been the master.1 1 " History of Colonial American Catholic Church," p. 220. No reference can be found in the records of St. Paul's Church respecting this statement; but it should be added that those records were abom inably kept at that date; nor yet can anything be found on the minutes of Chester Friends' Meeting, which, on the other hand, are exhaustive records, the most trivial matters being noted. In fact, Friends' records negative, by the absence of any reference to the mat ter, the idea that at any time a school was maintained by the society in Chester. On Aug. 6, 1731, Aubry Bevan, John Salkeld, Jacob Howell, Thomas Cummings, and Thomas Morgan made a declaration of trust respecting a lot at the southeast corner of Fourth and Edgmont Streets, which had been conveyed to them " with the intent that a school-house should be erected and built upon the said lott . . . with all convenient speed, at the public charge of the people called Quakers, who shall cause a fair well-built school-house to be erected upon the said lott . . . which shall be for the use and ser vice of the people called Quakers in Chester, and others in the said township forever. . . . The nom ination of a schoolmaster, from time to time, and at all times hereafter, is to be in the Members of the Preparative Meeting at Chester, and that no other person presume to teach in said school-house without such nomination and appointment." We know be yond question that no school building was ever erected on that lot, and that no person other than the Episcopal clergyman taught in Chester, seems inci dentally established from the fact that John Baldwin, who did not die until after Nov. 11, 1731, by his will directs that his two grandsons, John and Joshua Baldwin, " shall be kept to school till they be fitt to go to trades, and then to be put to good trades." In the account filed by Peter Dick, one of the executors, he is allowed credit for the schooling of Joshua for " 2 quarters," and that " Richard Backhouse was paid 19 shillings" for his tuition. Backhouse was the clergyman in charge of St. Paul's Church, and con tinued as the rector until his death, in November, 1749. Indeed, we know that the first movement among Friends looking to the establishment of schools was at the Yearly Meeting in 1746, when that body advised the several Monthly Meetings " to encourage and to assist one another in the settlement and support of schools." It may be assumed, at least so far as we have evi dence, that no school other than that connected with St. Paul's parish was maintained in the borough of Chester previous to 1770. Joseph Hoskins, in his will bearing date the 31st day of the Twelfth month, 1769, made this important public devise : " Item. I give and devise unto my friends Henry Hale Graham and William Swaffer, a certain lot of ground situate in the Borough of Ches ter, beginning at the intersection of Welsh or Back street and the King's road, and to extend along the said King's road one hundred feet, and from thence parallel with the said Welsh or Back street one hundred feet, and from thence parallel with the said King's road one hundred feet to the said Welsh or Back Street, aud thence by the same street one hundred feet to the place of beginning. To hold to them the said Henry Hale Graham and William Swaffer and their heirs forever upon special trust and confidence nevertheless and to and for the uses, in tents and purposes hereinafter mentioned, expressed and declared, and none other ; that is to say, for the use, benefit and behoof of all and every the inhabitants of the Baid Borough and township of Chester for the building and erecting a school house or school houses or other edi- flceB for the teaching and instructing and educating of youths therein, and my will is that the Trustees aforesaid enter into and be in quiet and peaceable possession of the said lot of ground immediately after some part of the materials are got ready for erecting a school house thereon." THE CITY OF CHESTER. 349 Joseph Hoskins did not die until 1773, and his will was not probated until the 21st of July of that year, but so unbounded was the confidence of his neighbors pin his integrity, that in 1770 they built a school-house on the lot thus by will subsequent vested in the trustees, although their then title was simply the statement of Hoskins, that he had made such testamentary dispo sition of his real estate. We have every assurance to believe that he gave liberally of his income towards the building itself. Not only did he give this land, but in his will he also directed thirty pounds (a large sum in those days) to be paid by his executors to John Eyre and James Barton, to be applied " for the schooling and educating of such poor children belong ing to the inhabitants of the Borough and township of Chester as the said Preparative Meeting for the time being shall think fit to order and direct." This school-house was built of brick laid in headers and stretchers, the ends of the headers being burnt black, a mark of architectural beauty in that day. It was two stories in height, and the bricks were said to have been imported from England, — which, of course, is the merest fancy, — and in the south gable the large numerals 1770 were inserted in the wall, being formed by the black ends of the headers. Small as the building was, it was more than sufficient for the use to which it was dedicated. As the struc ture was erected near the east end of the lot, Hoskins permitted more land to be taken than he actually gave by his will, so that ample space for a playground could be had. This was the starting-point of our present system of free public instruction, and it was a most praiseworthy act in the board of school directors of the city of Chester that, in the year 1882, when putting up a new building at Fifth and Welsh Streets for the use of the superintendent, with school-rooms on the second floor, they recognized the noble act of Joseph Hoskins, who, almost forgotten, had slumbered for more than a century in Friends' graveyard, by designating the new structure " Joseph Hoskins' School." Among the rules prescribed by the trustees on Jan. 9, 1796, the following appears : " Sth. It shall be the duty of the Trustees to see y' no book contain ing the tenets or doctrines of any sect in religion be taught in the school, or any that may convey improper political principles to the chil dren of Republicans, since no others ought to be admitted but such as teach the pure principles of religion, as contained in the Holy Writings of the Prophets and Evangelists — of morality and love of virtue ; such. as teach us the love of liberty and our country — obedience to her laws —detestation of tyranny and oppression, and hatred of anarchy and li- fentiousness." In the lapse of years the names of the first peda gogues who swayed the birch — the emblem of au thority—have been forgotten ; but from 1806 to 1818, Samuel Lytle, an Irishman, was the teacher there, and among the pupils that came under his care was the future Admiral Farragut, then living in the family of Commodore Porter. Here the great seaman received the rudiments of his education. From 1824 to 1830, William Neal was in charge of the school, at which time it was known as the Chester Academy. The first private school (for that at Fifth and Welsh Streets was classified under the head Charity School, after the passage of the law of 1802) of which we have knowledge was established on Third Street, west of the bridge, about 1822, by Mrs. Irvin, and was restricted to primary pupils. The following years Miss Eliza Finch kept a school in the old Logan house on Second Street near Edgmont. Among her pupils was the present Admiral David D. Porter, and his brothers, William, Theodore, and Hamilton, and under her tuition they received their elementary edu cation. She continued here until 1830, when she abandoned its cares and opened a store in its stead. About the time Miss Finch retired Caleb Pierce as sumed the duties of instructing the youths of Chester . whose parents would not permit them to attend the old school at Fifth and Welsh Streets, establishing his select school in a summer-house, which had been built by Major Anderson nearly forty years before that date, in the rear of the Columbia House. In 1834, James Campbell, a graduate of Union College, New York, taught the Chester Academy, succeeding Mr. Neal, and the same year a Mr. Jones was principal of " the Chester High School," which was established in " a commodious building," the site of which I can not locate. In 1840 the public-school system having been generally accepted, Caleb Pierce discontinued his select school and accepted the position of teacher at the old school-house on Welsh Street, but in 1843, when the building was enlarged by an addition at the north end almost as large as the original structure, James Riddle was chosen principal, and four lady assistants appointed. In the same year Mrs. Frances Biddle established a day-school for young ladies in the Sunday-school room — a frame building — attached to St. Paul's Church. In 1845, James Dawson had a select school in one of the rooms of the school build ing, the public demand not requiring the use of all the apartments there. In 1850, when Chester began to enlarge its population, the school-room was so taxed that in 1853 the directors purchased a lot on Franklin Street, South Ward, and erected the build ing known as the Franklin Street school, and the growth of North Ward compelled the erection of the Eleventh Street school in 1858. Notwithstanding the increase of school-houses, the population so out ran the accommodation afforded that in 1864 schools were established in the Crozer Academy, on Second Street, and in 1867 primary schools were opened in the Baptist Chapel, on Penn Street, and in the base ment of the African Methodist Church, on Second Street, the latter for the accommodation of colored children. At that date a colored school for advanced pupils was also maintained by the directors in a frame house on Welsh Street. The demand still keeping in advance of the buildings, in 1867 the present high school was erected, although it was not completed 350 HISTORY OF DELAWARE COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA. ready for occupancy until the following summer. In 1870 it was necessary to afford better facilities in North Ward, and in that year the Morton Avenue building was erected, and in 1871 the Patterson Street school- house was built and set apart as a col ored school. In 1874 the Eleventh Street school was enlarged and remodeled. In 1875 the old school building on Welsh Street was taken down and a large brick school-house built; and in 1878 the Howell Street school-house was erected. In 1882 the Joseph Hoskins school building was built, and in 1883 the lot at Eleventh and Madison, formerly occupied by the Larkintown Sunday-school, was purchased by the directors, and will be built upon in 1885. The corps of teachers are excellent, the examina tion of applicants for position as instructors is very thorough, and a general average of education imparted to the pupil will compare favorably with that of any city in the country. The graduates of the Chester High School are as carefully taught as in most acad emies in the land, the universities excepted, and the system of opening the higher branches of education to both the sexes has resulted most advantageously. The present faculty of the high school is, Principal, Emma J. Halm ; Assistants, Jennie McLaren and Frederica E. Gladwin. The superintendents of the public schools of Chester, since that office was estab lished by the Legislature when the city was separated from the county of Delaware, and authorized to main tain and govern the schools in the municipal district without reference to those in the county, have been as follows: 1868, A. A. Meader; 1875, A. Robinett; 1878, Charles F. Foster, the present incumbent. The following list presents the names of the direc tors of the public schools for the borough and present city of Chester, so far as the same remain of record. Under the act of 1834, the court in that year appointed as school inspectors Archibald T. Dick and Jesse J. Maris : 1840, John H. Denning, Samuel Weaver; 1841, Samuel Little, Edward Darlington, John H. Denning, Samuel Weaver, Humphrey Johnson, and Jacob G. Kitts composed the full board of school directors ; 1842, John Hinkson, Alexander McKeever ; 1843, Jeremiah W. Flickner ; 1844, Joseph H. Hinkson, Isaac S. Williams ; 1845, Joseph Taylor, Frederick J. Hinkson; 1846, Edward Darlington, Spencer Mcllvain; 1847, William Weaver, Abram Cobourn ; 1848, Peter W. Green, Isaac S. Williams; 1849, John Larkin, Jr., Charles D. Manley; 1850, Samuel Crozer, Jesse Young; 1851, Rev. Anson B. Hard, William Trout, George W. Bartram, John McClimate, Alexander McKeever, Robert R. Dutton ; 1852, Robert E. Hannum, George W. Moore • 1853, James Campbell, Davis B. Stacey, Isaac Engle Cochran ; 1854 Alexander M. Wright, Lewis Thatcher ; 1855, E. S. Hewes, Frederick S. Hinkson ; 1856, James J. Porter, William L. Grubb ; 1857, Alex ander M. Wright, Samuel Shaw ; 1858, Dr. Charles J. Morton, Wil liam Hinkson ; 1859, Frederick J. Hinkson, Stephen Clowd ; 1860 (North Ward), , (Middle Ward), , (South Ward), Benjamin Gartside ; 1861 (North), William McDevitt, (Middle), William Hink- Bon, (South), ; 1862 (North), John M. Larkin, (Middle), Edward R. Minshall, (South), ; 1863 (North), Alexander M. Wright, (Middle), , (South), Benjamin Gartside; 1864 (North), John 0. Deshong, Jr., (Middle), Dr. Ellwood Harvey, (South), Charles W. Deans; 1865 (North), .(Middle), Caleb Emlin, (South), Abram R. Perkins ; 1866 (North), Henry L. Donaldson, (Middle), (South), Samuel Eccles, Jr. ; 1867 (North), , (Middle), Stephen C. Hall, (South) Alfred Taylor, resigned, and William B. Burmace elected to vacant seat; 1868 (North), , (Middle), Thomas Apple by, (South), John H. Barton ; 1869 (North), Joseph Kenworthy, Simeon Cotton, (Middle), , , (South), John C. Price, ; 1870 (North), Henry L. Donaldson, (Middle), Samuel H. Leeds, (South), Dr. Ellwood Harvey ; 1871 (North), Simeon Cotton, (Middle), Henry B. Taylor, (South), John Fountain; 1872 (North), Dr. F. Ridgley Graham, (Middle), Samuel H. Leeds, (South), Jonathan Grant; 1873 (North), Dr. William B. Dlrich, (Middle), .(South), ; 1874 (North), William J. Harvey, (Middle), Mrs. S. M. Springer, (South), John Fountain; 1875 (North), William H. Dickinson, (Middle), Stephen C. Hall, (South), Jonathan Grant ; 1876 (North), Dr. F. Redgley Graham, (Middle), Charles Roberts, (South), John C. Price; 1877 (North) H. L. Donaldson, (Middle), William Hinkson, (South), J. Harry Thompson; 1878 (North), Jonathan Johnson, (Middle), Samuel H. Leeds, (South), Jonathan Grant ; 1879 (North), Daniel Robinson, (Middle), William Hinkson, (South), John C. Price; 1880 (North), H. L. Donaldson, (Middle), Levi G. James, (South), J. H. Thompson ; 1881 (North), Jonathan R. Johnson, (Middle), Stephen Clowd, Jr., (South), Jonathan Grant; 1882 (North), Daniel Robin son, (Middle), Samuel H. Leeds, (South), John C. Price ; 1883 (North), H. L. Donaldson, (Middle), Dr. Samuel Starr, (South), Josiah C. Ross ; 1884 (North), Jonathan R. Johnson, (Middle), Samuel Clowd, Jr., (South), Jonathan Grant. The Pennsylvania Military Academy.— By act of Assembly, April 8, 1862, the Pennsylvania Mili tary Academy was incorporated as a university under the title Chester County Military Academy. This title the Court of Common Pleas of Chester County, on application for the board of trustees, changed im mediately to its present name. It was then organ ized and located at West Chester, with Col. Theodore Wyatt as its president, where it soon became noted as an institution of learning. Founded during the Re bellion, it made a special feature of military instruc tion, and to the forces of the United States in the civil war it contributed many officers from its roll of students. When Lee's army invaded the State the battery of the academy, manned by cadets of the in stitution and citizens of West Chester, was in service for two months, and was commanded by the authori ties. After the close of the war the Crozer Normal School building, at Chester, Delaware Co., which had been used by the government as a hospital, was va cated by the United States, and, as it furnished ac commodations superior to those the school then had, these premises were leased, and the institution was moved here in December, 1865. The Pennsylvania Military Academy at its new location grew rapidly in public favor, and so large did the number of students become that it was decided to secure its present site and erect and equip buildings adapted to its wants. In 1867 the institution conferred its first degrees on its graduates, and in September, 1868, the building having been completed in the mean while, the acad emy occupied its new quarters, to the northeast of the the city, — a landmark presenting a prominent appear ance when viewed from the north or east in approach ing Chester, and especially from the Delaware River. In its new building the academy, in September, 1868, accommodated one hundred and fifty cadets and officers. On the afternoon of Feb. 16, 1882, the main edifice was entirely destroyed by fire, the origin of which i3 THE CITY OF CHESTER. 351 unknown, although the flames were first discovered in the laboratory, then located in the upper story. After the destruction of the academy, in twenty ^pdays subsequently the term was resumed temporarily at Ridley Park. As soon as the losses were adjusted by the insurance companies, the erection of a new building upon an improved and enlarged plan was commenced. The main structure is two hundred and seventeen feet long, fifty feet in depth, four stories in height, surmounted with a dome, which towers many feet above all, presenting a view therefrom unequaled in the county. The building, which was completed, ready for occupancy, Sept. 13, 1882, is divided by fire walls, and is believed to be as nearly fireproof as it is possible to render it, while in a sanitary point, as well as in respect to the accommodation to secure the com fort and convenience of its inmates, the new academy structure is most admirably planned. A laboratory, at some distance from the main edifice, is an ornate and well-arranged building, sufficiently removed to render it improbable that any fire which might occur therein could seriously endanger the Military Acad emy proper. The drill-hall and gymnasium, one hun dred and thirty and sixty feet respectively, are ad mirably adapted to the uses for which they were de signed. The present academic staff is composed as follows : Col. Theodore Hyatt, president and professor of Greek ; Capt. Charles E. Hyatt, vice-president, pro fessor of Rhetoric and Elocution; Capt. R. Kelso Carter, professor of Mathematics and Civil Engineer ing; Lieut. William W. Galbraith, United States army, professor of Military Science and Mathematics ; Lieut. Emile L. Feffer, professor of French, German, Spanish, Latin, and Greek; Capt. Benjamin F. Mor ley, professor of Chemistry, Physics, and Tactics ; Dr. Joseph S. Burns, professor of Latin, Greek, and Eng lish Literature; Dr. John R. Sweney, professor of Music; Charles S. Fahnestock, professor of Penman ship, Drawing, and English Branches; William B. Ulrich, M.D., lecturer on Hygiene; Frederick E. Powell, adjunct professor of Mathematics and English Branches; Edgar P. Hershey, adjunct professor of Rhetoric; Silas P. Comfort, instructor in Mathematics and Technical Drawing. Chester Academy. — This institution of learning, located at the southwest corner of Broad and Potter Streets, was founded, in 1862, by Charles W. Deans, who had just previous to that date been superintend ent of the public schools of Delaware County. It was then known as the Chester Academy and Normal School. In 1865, Professor George Gilbert, then of Philadelphia, purchased Mr. Deans' interest in the academy, including the school furniture, and at once reorganized the institution, enlarged the accommoda tions, thoroughly revised and advanced the course of study, and employed additional teachers. The repu tation of the academy steadily advanced, and in 1871, six years after he became principal of the institution, Professor Gilbert purchased both the school building and the residence to the east. The school-rooms have all been recently enlarged to nearly double their original capacity and thoroughly refitted. The aim of the school is to afford facilities for students preparing for college, for teaching, or for general business, and to direct them in the course of study necessary to successfully qualify them for the occu pations in life which they may select. The present faculty of the academy comprises George Gilbert, principal, instructor in Latin, Greek, and the Higher Mathematics; M. Louisa Clancy, Music, French, and Literature; Mrs. T. M. Gilbert, Writing, Drawing, and History ; H. Jennie Cornell, Primary Depart ment; Addie H. Pyle, Hannah R. Lenderman, and Jennie McCoy, English Branches. The pupilage is about one hundred and twenty. Piers at Chester. — The present public wharves at Chester, one a short distance east of the foot of Market Street, and the other at the foot of Edgmont Avenue, are comparatively of recent construction. Between the years 1760 and 1770, Francis Richard son, to whom the land on which these piers abut had been devised by his aunt, Grace Lloyd, erected a pier at end of Edgmont Avenue, and another to the eastward of the present Market Street pier, the latter remained until after 1826, but they were of crude construction, lacking the stability of those now in use. During the war of 1812 it became apparent that some protection was absolutely demanded at this point for vessels navigating the river in winter, for when the Delaware at the Horseshoe was frozen, it prevented all communication by water with Philadel phia. The commerce of the latter city at that time greatly exceeded that of any port in the United States, and so frequent was the loss of vessels by drifting ice that on March 11, 1816, an appropriation of $10,935.32 was made by the General Assembly, " to be employed for the erection of piers for the river Delaware at the Borough of Chester." David Porter, Joseph Engle, and William Graham being appointed commissioners, who should " cause to be erected, placed, and sunk in the said river Delaware at the Borough of Chester, two or more good and sufficient piers, for the security of vessels navigating the said river, and shall also cause to be built and constructed good and sufficient wharves, to be so connected with the said piers as to afford a safe and easy landing for vessels coming to at the same ; and for this purpose they shall have power to employ suitable workmen, and obtain cessions to the Commonwealth of ground within the said Bor ough of Chester, necessary for the erection and con struction of such wharves and piers, Provided, That the said cessions be obtained without any consider ation from the Commonwealth." The act also pro vided that while the commissioners were to give bonds for the faithful performance of their duties, they were not to receive any compensation for their labor. The work was also required to be begun 352 HISTORY OF DELAWARE COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA. within one year, and completed within five years from the date of the passage of the act. By the act of March 24, 1817, an additional sum of eight thousand dollars was appropriated, one-half of which amount was to be paid to the commissioners when work was resumed on the wharves at Chester, and the remainder on the 1st of June, 1818, "or so soon thereafter as the said work shall be completed," and by the same act William Anderson was substi tuted for Commodore David Porter. The work was to be proceeded with within one year, and completed within three years after the passage of the act. Previous to the date of the law the owners of the land on which the piers abutted ceded their interest in the wharves to the State. The deed conveying the upper pier is. as follows : "THIS Indenture, made the 20th day of June, 1816, between Davis Bevan, of tbe Borough of Chester, iu the county of Delaware, and the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, gentlemen, of the one part, and the said Commonwealth of Pennsylvania of the other part Whereas, by an Act making an appropriation for the erection of piers in the river Delaware, at the Borough of Chester, in Delaware County, David Porter, Joseph Engle and William Graham, Esq., are authorized to obtain cessions to the Commonwealth of ground within the said Borough of Chester, necessary for the erection and construction of the wharves and piers provided the said cessions be obtained without any consideration from this common wealth, und whereas the wharf lying on the North east side of High Street, in the said Borough of Chester, commonly called ' Richardson's wharf,' has by good and sufficient assurances in the law became vested in fee Bimple in the said Davis Bevan, who is desirous to aid the public interest by ceding his title thereto to the Commonwealth, for the pur pose aforesaid: Now this indenture witnesseth, that the said Davis Bevan in consideration of the premises and also in consideration of the local advantages which will arise from the contemplated work, hath granted, bargained, sold, ceded, surrendered and confirmed, and by these presents doth grant, bargain, sell, cede, surrender and confirm unto the said Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, all that the above men tioned wharf, situated, lying and being in the said Borough of CheBter, on the North east side of High Street and extending from low water mark on the river Delaware to the fast land, being in breadth from low water mark to a button wood tree Standing on the North east side of Baid wharf about twenty -one feet, and thence to the fast land opposite the north end of a stone 6table of the breadth of twenty feet, measur ing from the South-west side of said wharf, as the foundations now exist. Together with all and singular the logs and boltB, stone and other material belonging to and connected with said wharf, to have and to hold the same for the purposes aforesaid with the appurtenances to thp said Commonwealth of Pennsylvania forever; provided always nevertheless, that unless the said Commonwealth Bhall proceed to carry on the contemplated work within the period mentioned in the aforesaid recited law, then this Indenture and the estate hereby granted and ceded shall cease and become void. And the said DaviB Bevan doth reserve to himself and to his heirs the right liberty and privilege to pass to, upon and from the said wharf, with free ingress egress and regresB, to and for him and his heirs and his and their servants and workmen, with horses, carts and carriages at all times and seasons for the loading and hauling of goods and merchandise or other property, and for shipping aud sending away the same." The lower pier, at the foot of Edgmont Avenue, was sold by the sheriff of Chester County after Rich ardson's failure to William O'Neal, and he, on Nov. 4, 1797, conveyed it with other real estate to Eph raim Pearson. The latter ceded that wharf to the State of Pennsylvania by the following instrument, dated May 6, 1816 : " To allpeople lo whom these Presents shall Come. I Ephraim Pearson of Chester, Delaware County, send greeting and whereas by an Act making an appropriation for the erection of piers in the river Dela ware, at the Borough of Chester in Delaware County, David Porter, Jo seph Engle and William Graham, Esq., are authorized to obtain cessions to the Commonwealth of ground within the said Borough of Chester, necessary for the erection and construction of the Wharves and piers provided the said cessions be obtained without any consideration from this Commonwealth. Now know ye that I, the Baid Ephraim Pearson, do hereby grant, transfer and cede to the Commonwealth of Pennsyl vania all that piece of ground known by the name of 'Richardson's Lower Wharf,' lying on the river Delaware, between the mouth of Chester creek and Front Street continued and extended from high water mark to low water mark, being in the Borough of Chester, afore said. To have and to hold the same, to the said Commonwelth forever, for the purpose of erecting and constructing wharves and piers, and for no other purpose; provided that if the said Commissioners shall not make use thereof for the purpose aforesaid, within the time limited by the above recited Act for finishing their work, then the cession to be void." The State of Pennsylvania completed the piers at Chester, but constant repairs had to be made to them, until the commonwealth sorely repented accepting the wharves, which, even after the State had recon structed them, were indifferent structures. Chester being the residence of Commodore Porter, and many of the noted men of the navy being often there, the town acquired reputation in that branch of the public service, hence government vessels frequently win tered in the space between the piers, riding at anchor where now is solid ground. The State, desirous of being relieved from the charge of this white elephant, intimated that if the government of the United States would stipulate to keep the piers at Chester in good condition and repair, the commonwealth would cede to the former their title to the piers. The influence of navy officers was used. The United States ac cepted the proposition, and on April 11, 1825, the commonwealth of Pennsylvania formally ceded the piers at Chester to the national government. . The Logan House (Second Street, near Edgmont Avenue).— This dwelling was built by Jasper Yeates in the year 1700, on ground purchased from David Lloyd, Dec. 11, 1699, and formerly a stone on which was cut the initials " J. & C. Y.," with the date 1700 underneath, similar in appearance to the date-stone of the old Porter house, was set in one of the gables. These initials stood for the names Jasper and Catha rine Yeates. It was two stories in height, with a tent like roof forming an attic within, with steep sides. Over the first-story windows was a pent-roof, similar to that remaining on the old City Hall, and a porch at the front door, with seats at each side of the door, at right angles to the building. A wide door-way gave access to the spacious hall, many small dia mond-shaped panes of glass set in lead, in the large window-sashes, gave light to the several apartments, and casements at the head of the stair landing fur nished the same to the wainscoted hall-way. All the rooms were wainscoted also, and the panels were painted or stained in imitation of mahogany, Large closets were on each side of the wide chimney-places, lighted by windows in the outer walls. Under the high wooden mantel-pieces in the parlor and the room opposite, across the hall, the fireplaces were THE CITY OF CHESTER. 353 lined with illuminated tiles, delineating incidents of Scriptural history. Large buttresses were built against the gables for strength, and smaller ones to guard the Jmck walls on each side of the main building. These buttresses were subsequently removed. Jasper Yeates, of Philadelphia, a native of York shire, England, married Catharine, daughter of James Sandelands, the elder, and in 1697 purchased mills and a tract of ground at the mouth of Naaman's Creek. The next year he built a goodly-sized struc ture between Chester Creek and Edgmont Avenue for a granary or store-house for grain on the second floor, and established a bakery in the lower room. It should be recollected that two hundred years ago Chester Creek, at that point, was considerably to the west ward of the present stream. He was a prominent man of his day. He was appointed by Penn, when the proprietary created the borough of Chester, Oct. 13, 1701, one of its four burgesses. In 1703 he was chosen chief burgess of the borough, and is believed to have been the first person holding that office. He was one of the justices of Chester County, afterwards one of the justices of the Supreme Court of the prov ince; a member of the Provincial Council, and a member of the General Assembly. He and his brother- in-law, James Sandelands, the younger, were the prin cipal promoters of the building of St. Paul's Church. He died previously to May 2, 1720, for his will was probated at New Castle, Del., at the date last given. He left six children surviving him, — four sons and two daughters. John Yeates, the third son of Jasper and Catharine Yeates, was born at Chester, March 1, 1705. He in herited from his father the " dwelling house" at Ches ter, with the " boulting" wharf, gardens and lots near the same town, " bought of Jonas Sandelands and Edward Henneston." He was a shipping merchant, and resided for a time in the island of Barbadoes, and afterwards in Philadelphia, where he acquired considerable real estate. Later in life he sustained large pecuniary losses in business ventures, and through the influence of friends, in 1764, was ap pointed comptroller of customs at Pocomoke, Md. He died there the following year. Under date of Sept. 4, 1733, John Yeates and Elizabeth (Sidbot- ham), his wife, conveyed the mansion-house and lot, of which I am speaking, to Joseph Parker, as well as other lands in Chester. Joseph Parker was a nephew of the noted and ec centric Quaker preacher, John Salkeld. He was a native of Cumberland, England, and in 1714, at the age of twenty-five, came to the province and settled at Chester to be near his uncle. He entered the office of David Lloyd, and after Lloyd's death he succeeded him as register and recorder of Chester County. In 1724 he was prothonotary of the courts, and in 1738 he was commissioned a justice of the peace, a posi tion of much dignity in colonial days. In 1730 he married Mary, daughter of James Ladd, of Gloucester 23 County, N. J. His wife died the following year, leav ing one child, a daughter, Mary. Joseph Parker died May 21, 1766. Mary Parker, born April 21, 1731, at Chester, to whom the Logan house descended, was married to Charles Norris, of Philadelphia, in the old Quaker meeting-house, Sixth month 21, 1759. Her husband died Jan. 15, 1766, and she returned to Chester and resided in the parental mansion until her death, Dec. 4, 1799. She was the mother of three sons and one daughter, Deborah, to whom by will she devised the Logan house. Deborah Norris was born in Philadelphia, Oct. 19, 1761, and was a small child when her widowed mother returned to Chester. She was married to Dr. George Logan, a grandson of James Logan, Sept. 6, 1781, and removed to the Logan family seat, Stenton, where she resided until her death, Feb. 2, 1839. Deb orah Logan was a woman of much literary ability, and a historian of great attainments. Indeed, her remarkable store of antiquarian information justly entitled her to the appellation of " The Female His torian of the Colonial Times." She had mingled freely with the leading spirits of the Revolutionary period, and her cousin, Charles Thomson, the first and long confidential secretary of the Continental Congress, was through life an intimate visitor at her house, and from him she learned much of the inner history of those times. In 1814, Mrs. Logan believ ing the correspondence of William Penn and James Logan contained much valuable information respect ing the early history of the commonwealth, she began the task of collating, deciphering, and copying the manuscripts in her possession, many of the documents being much decayed and difficult to read ; but she in dustriously worked, rising in the winter-time before sunrise and at daylight in the summer, for a period of several years. Her manuscripts made eleven large quarto volumes, and formed two clever-sized octavo volumes when published by the Historical Society of Pennsylvania. John F. Watson, the annalist, ob tained many of the interesting items in his popular work from Mrs. Logan. The old dwelling is now owned by Mrs. Rebecca Ross. The Old Hoskins (Graham) House (Edgmont Ave nue below Third Street). — John Simcock, of Ridley, received a patent from the Duke of York for sixteen yards, fronting upon Chester Creek and running back into the land of Neeles Laerson, bounded on the north by lands of Joran Keen, and on the south by land of Neeles Laerson. On the 5th day of Sixth month, 1684, Simcock sold to John Hoskins (then spelled Hodgkins) the tract of land, and the latter, in the year 1688, built the house now standing at the south east corner of Edgmont Avenue and Graham Street. The house thus erected was used by him as an inn, and was a substantial structure, as is evidenced even in its present declination by an inspection of the build ing. It is two stories in height, with attics ; the steps 354 HISTORY OF DELAWARE COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA. and porch, which were located before the street-line was definitely fixed, extend a goodly distance into the sidewalk. A hall-way runs through the centre of the building ; a wide, easily-ascended staircase rises from the rear of the entry at the south side to the apart ments above. The balustrade is fashioned of hard wood and is very massive, while the steps of ash in many places show marks of worms, who have eaten deep grooves in the solid planking. The windows in the lower rooms are deeply recessed within the apart ments, and old-time seats constructed therein. The heavy beams supporting the upper floors stand prom inently out from the ceiling. In the rooms on the first and second floors on the north side of the house the high, old-fashioned wooden mantels over the large HOSKINS (GRAHAM) HOUSE, BUILT IN 1688 fireplaces are flanked by enormous closets, which are lighted by small windows in the outer walls ; those in the southern end have been walled up. The floors are laid in hard wood, and the flooring-boards are wide, — almost the entire width of the trees from which they were cut. The ceilings are lofty for the time when the building was erected, and the house is di vided into numerous sleeping apartments intended to accommodate many guests. The steep roof exter nally would indicate that the attics were so low that they would be uncomfortable to the inmates, whereas the contrary is the fact. The kitchen, which is built in an L on the northeastern end of the house, is large; the fireplace comprising almost the entire eastern end, — now inclosed as a closet, — is of that ample size usual among our ancestors, that the benumbed way farers could seat themselves at either side of the chim ney, on benches provided for that purpose, and enjoy the warmth of the roaring fire of huge logs, formerly the only way employed to heat that part of the build ing. In the days of its ancient grandeur there was a portico or veranda in the rear of the main building extending ten or twelve feet outward, which was in closed with lattice-work, where, in the summer-time, the hospitable table was spread. An old oven, long since torn down, was attached to the house on the north side of the kitchen, and a well of good water, now abandoned, was located in the rear and at some distance from the portico. John Hoskins and Mary, his wife, were natives of Cheshire, England, and came to this country in the year 1682. In August, 1684, he purchased from John Sim cock the property whereon he afterwards built the house; and he had purchased Ninth month 21, 1681, from Penn, before leaving England, two hundred and fifty acres of land, which was laid out to him in Middletown township, between the lands of Richard Crosby and David Ogden, Fourth month 27, 1684. He was a member of the General Assembly which sat March 12, 1683. His will, dated Eleventh month 2, 1694/5, and probated Aug. 15, 1698, in Philadelphia, is signed John Hodgskins, but the renuncia tion of the executors named therein, dated 12th of Sixth month, 1698, speaks of him as John Hoskins. He left two children, John and Hannah, and his widow, who although aged, married in 1700, George Woodier, of Chester. His daughter, Hannah, married, in 1698, Charles Whitaker. His estate was a large one for those times, the appraisement amounting to £450 12s. 2d., and the different articles set forth therein, as contained in the various rooms of the house wherein he died, answer to the number in the present Graham house. His son, John Hoskins, married in 1698, Ruth At kinson, and in 1700, when only twenty-three years of age, was elected sheriff of the county, an office the duties of which he discharged so successfully that for fifteen years in succession, excepting during the year 1708, he was continued in that office. To him the old homestead descended, and here he lived until his death, Oct. 26, 1716. He was the father of four sons and one daughter, Mary, who married John Mather. One of the sons, I suppose, died before their mother, THE CITY OF CHESTER. 355 for in the will of Ruth Hoskins, dated July 3, 1739, she mentions only her sons Stephen and Joseph Hos kins, — although John was still living, — and devised ?to her son-in-law, Mather, a house and lot. Stephen Hoskins was born in Chester, Twelfth month 18, 1701/2, and Joseph was born in the same place, Fourth month 30, 1705. Stephen Hoskins married, in 1727, Sarah Warner, of Maryland, and moved into that province, but re turned to Chester, 1730, and was elected coroner of Chester County. About 1743 he removed to Phila delphia, and it was to his son, John, of Burlington, that Joseph Hoskins, of the Porter house, devised the real estate of which he died seized. This Joseph Hoskins, to whom more particular reference will be made in account of the Porter house, purchased the homestead from his brother, John, to whom it was awarded in partition of John Hoskins', the elder, estate, and on June 4, 1762, Joseph sold the house and lot to Henry Hale Graham. A brief notice of Judge Graham has been given herein, as also an account of William Graham, his son, to whom the property descended. The house and lot was sold by the heirs of William Graham to John G. Dyer in 1857, by whose estate it is now owned. The Old Porter (Lloyd) House— It is doubtful whether any building in the United States, whose history extends over more than a century and a half, has had connected in tbe title to the property so many distinguished owners as will be found in that of the old Porter house in this city, whose record was closed in that appalling tragedy, in 1882, which enshrouded our city in mourning for a season. By patent dated April 9, 1669, Francis Lovelace, Governor-General under the Duke of York, granted unto Neeles Laerson, alias Friend, a large tract of ground comprising one hundred and fifty acres, but which by subsequent survey proved to include in the boundary lines one hundred and eighty-three acres. The patent reserved a yearly rent of one and a half bushels of winter wheat, payable to the king. Laer son entered into possession of the land thus allotted him, built upon and improved the premises. By will, dated Dec. 17, 1686 (he died the following year), Laerson gave authority to his wife to sell the real estate in her discretion. In exercise of this power, Ann Friend (the family had by this time assumed the Eng lish alias as their family name, and had abandoned the Swedish patronymic absolutely), the widow, An drew Friend, son and heir of Laerson and Johannes Friend, the second son, by deed dated May 27, 1689, conveyed the estate to David Lloyd. Lloyd, how ever, after he built the house whose history I am writing, seemed to have had some doubts of the suffi ciency of the title, and therefore, thirty-four years subsequently, July 13, 1723, he had Ann Friend (then one hundred and five years old), and Gabriel Friend and Laurence Friend, the younger sons of Neeles Laerson and Ann, his wife, execute a deed conveying the premises he had purchased in 1686. Parts of the estate thus acquired were sold by Lloyd to Joseph Richardson, and to Rodger Jackson, but he subse quently repurchased the land thus conveyed, and in addition acquired from Jonas Sandelands a consider able tract, until the estate had increased to about five hundred acres. David Lloyd, a sketch of whose eventful, useful life is given in the chapter on the bench and bar, was twice married. His second wife was Grace Growden, whom he married after the year 1703, for several deeds of that year are executed by him alone, indicating that at that time he was a wid ower. By his first marriage he was childless ; by his second, he was the father of one son, who, at an early age, was killed by an accident. He died " 6th day of ye 2d month" (May), 1731, aged seventy-eight years, for such is the inscription on his tombstone in Friends' graveyard here. If it be a fact that he was seventy-eight years old when he died, David Lloyd could not have been born in 1656, and yet all the au thorities agree in giving the latter date as that of his birth. By his will, dated March 24, 1724, after a few bequests, the remainder of his estate is devised to his wife, Grace, who was twenty-seven years younger than her husband. The old mansion was built in 1721, and the slab on which was engraved the letters " L. L. D. & G., 1721," which was formerly in the western gable of the dwell ing. The house was of stone, massively built, and was one of the best specimens of colonial grandeur which had descended to our time. It received many additions to it after it passed into the possession of Commodore Porter, such as the building of the cupola on the roof, the walling up of the open corner chim ney-place and substituting therefor the grates and marble mantels which were seen there when the ruins were visited by thousands of people after the explosion. Lloyd lived sumptuously in the old mansion, then, as before stated, one of the most imposing dwellings in the New World, entertaining largely and keeping a retinue of servants. He was one of the eight gentle men of means in the province, including the Gov ernor, who, in the year 1725, are recorded as owning four-wheeled carriages drawn by two horses. Grace Lloyd, in her widowhood, was attended faith fully by her friend, Jane Fenn, a noted minister of Friends, until the latter married, and in turn became the mistress of the old dwelling. Jane Fenn was born in 1693, in London, and when very young was strongly impressed with the belief that it was her duty to go to Pennsylvania, and after several years had elapsed, in which she struggled against the impression, she sailed in 1712, in company with a Welshman, Robert Davis, who with his family were emigrating to Penn sylvania. Davis had paid her passage, and she had obligated herself to return the outlay out of the first money she could earn ; but when he insisted that she should bind herself as a servant for four years to re- 356 HISTORY OF DELAWARE COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA. pay him the money, she resisted, as she had not come as a redemptioner. Davis had her arrested for debt. She was thrown into prison, but was relieved there from by some Friends, who paid the claim and em ployed her in their families as a teacher of their children. At this time she was not a Quaker, but the kindness of these people attracted her towards them, and finally she united with the society and be came ultimately one of its most efficient ministers. It is recorded that at a meeting at Haverford, David and Grace Lloyd came in, and immediately Jane Fenn, who was present, was impressed with the con viction that " these were the people with whom she must go and settle," while David and Grace Lloyd were in their turn impressed with Jane, "and it was fixed in their minds to take her for the Lord's ser vice." She lived with them until 1727, when she visited THE PORTER (LLOYD) HOUSE, BUILT IN 1721, DESTROYED BY EXPLOSION FEB. 17, 1882. [From photograph owned by W. W. Amos.] England and Ireland on a religious mission, and re turned to Chester in 1730, a short time previous to David Lloyd's death. She remained with his widow until her (Jane Fenn's) marriage to Joseph Hoskins, Eighth month 26, 1738, at Chester Meeting. On May 1, 1741, Grace Lloyd conveyed the man sion and most of the real estate she acquired under her husband's will to Joseph Hoskins, reserving two acres of ground, and " also the room in the southwest corner of the mansion-house, called the dining-room, the room on the northeast corner of said house, called the parlor, with a closet and milk-house adjoining, the chamber over the said dining-room, the chamber over the said parlor, one-half part of the garret, the front part of the cellar, the old kitchen and chamber over it, the chaise-house, the use of the pump, cider- mill and cider-press to make her own cider, and part of the garden, with free liberty of ingress, egress and regress into and out of all and every the premises for the term of her natural life without impeachment of waste." Grace Lloyd died in 1760. Joseph Hoskins was one of the most useful citizens Chester has ever numbered among its residents. He was an enterprising, public-spirited man, doing good and asking no mere gratification of his personal vanity by coupling his gift with conditions that the donor's name should be made conspicuous and held in remem brance because of these works by which others should be benefited. He gave because his heart prompted the act in the love he bore his fellows. Joseph Hos kins was born in Chester, June 30, 1705, and seems to have been an active man of business. When twenty- six years of age he made a voyage to the island of Barbadoes, but returned after a short absence, and in 1739, after his marriage, he went to Boston on business. In the early days of our country a jour ney such as this was a remark able event in a man's life, and at this time more persons can be found in Chester, in propor tion to its population, who have visited Japan than, at the period I am alluding to, who had made a voyage to Boston. He was made chief burgess of Chester and oneof his majesty's justices of the peace in 1758. By his will, dated Twelfth month, 1769, he devised certain lands in the borough of Chester for school purposes, more fully mentioned under that heading, and also gave ten pounds towards inclos ing Friends' graveyard, on Edg mont Avenue, with a brick or stone wall. Being childless, the residue of his estate, after a few bequests to relatives and friends, he devised to his nephew, John Hoskins, of Burlington, N. J. This John Hoskins, in 1750, had married Mary, a daughter of Joshua and Sarah Raper, of Burlington, and their son, Raper Hoskins, who came to Chester in charge of his father's property there, on May 2, 1781, married Eleanor, daughter of Henry Hale Graham, while Joseph Hoskins, Raper Hoskins' brother, mar ried, June 12, 1793, Mary, a younger daughter of Henry Hale Graham. John Hoskins, to whom the estate descended under Joseph Hoskins' will, after holding the title to the premises for eighteen years, on March 22, 1791, made a deed conveying a large tract of land, comprising that whereon the old man sion-house stood, to Raper Hoskins. The latter hav ing died in the fall of the year 1798, a victim of the yellow-fever scourge in Chester, his widow, Eleanor Hoskins, was granted letters on his estate, and in dis- THE CITY OF CHESTER. 357 charge of her duties sold the property, April 28, 1799, to Thomas Laycock. The estate subsequently was purchased by Maj. William Anderson. Evelina An derson, the daughter of the major, having intermar ried with David Porter, in that year the newly-wedded couple made their home at the old mansion, excepting during the times when Porter was located at naval stations in charge of the government yards. Feb. 24, 1816, William Anderson and Elizabeth, his wife, "in consideration of the natural love and affection which they have and bear for their son-in-law, the said David Porter, as well for and in consideration of one dollar," conveyed to David Porter, in fee, the house, improve ments, and a trifle over three acres and a half of land. David Porter was born in Boston, Feb. 1, 1780, and was appointed midshipman April 3, 1793. He was a lieutenant on board the " Constellation" when that frigate captured the French vessel of war, "L'lnsur- gent," in February, 1799, and was promoted for his bravery on that occasion. In 1800 he was wounded in an engagement with pirates off Santo Domingo, and was promoted to the command of the " Enterprise." While commanding that vessel he captured a Trip- olitan corsair. He had charge of the expedition which destroyed several feluccas, ladened with wheat, under the batteries at Tripoli, in which engagement he was again wounded. In 1803 he was captured in the frigate "Philadelphia," when that vessel grounded in the harbor of Tripoli, was taken prisoner, and for eigh teen months was held as a slave. In 1806 he com manded the " Enterprise," and fought and severely handled twelve Spanish, gunboats near Gibraltar. In 1812 he was commissioned captain, and placed in command of the " Essex," which vessel he rendered famous in our country's annals, although he finally lost the ship in one of the most noted naval combats of history with two British vessels of war off Val paraiso. In 1815 to 1816 he was one of the naval commissioners, and in the latter year made a success ful cruise against the pirates that then infested the Gulf of Mexico. In consequence of some infraction of naval law he was suspended for six months ; in 1826 he resigned his commission and entered the Mexican navy as its commander-in-chief, an office which he soon resigned. In 1829 he was appointed United States consul at Algiers, and when that coun try was conquered by the French he was made United States charge d'affairs at Constantinople, and while discharging the duties of that office he negotiated several important treaties with that government. He died at Pera, near Constantinople, March 3, 1843, and his remains were brought to this country and interred in Woodland Cemetery, Philadelphia. Mrs. Evelina Porter survived her husband twenty-eight years, dying Oct. 1, 1871, in her eightieth year. David Porter left five sons and two daughters. The eldest daughter, Evelina, married Capt. Harris Heap, and the youngest, Imogene, married Mr. Harris. William David Porter, the eldest son, born in New Orleans in 1810, entered the navy in his eighteenth year. During the early part of the Rebellion his loyalty was unjustly suspected when he was in com mand of the sloop-of-war " St. Mary," on the Pacific station. He was, however, assigned to duty on the Mississippi River, where he fitted out the gunboat fleet, and was placed in command of the " Essex," which took part in the attack on Forts Henry and Donelson, in which latter engagement a ball from the fort plunged through the boiler of his vessel, and the escaping steam so severely scalded Porter that he ultimately died from its effects, May 1, 1864. Not withstanding his feeble health, he ran the batteries between Cairo and New Orleans, took part in the attack on Vicksburg, destroyed the rebel ram "Ar kansas" near Baton Rouge, and assisted in the attack on Port Hudson. He had by this time become so ill that he was ordered to New York to recruit his shat tered health, and died there at the date stated. David D. Porter, the present admiral, is said to have been born in Philadelphia in 1813, although in his letter to the Hanley Hose Company respecting the date-stone of the Porter house he speaks of Chester as his native place. When a mere lad at school in this city, one Saturday afternoon he and the late George W. Piper provided themselves with several pounds of powder, and made what the boys call a squib. The match seeming to have gone out, David Porter and his companion got down on their knees and blew the flame. The squib exploded, and Porter and Piper were blown over the fence, near the old mansion. The hair on their heads was burned off, as well as their eyebrows, and the skin of their faces and hands was blistered badly. This was the future admiral's "baptism of fire." He entered the navy as midshipman in 1829, and from 1836 to 1840 was attached to the coast survey. He took part in the Mexican war, and in 1861 joined the Gulf Squad ron, in command of the " Powhatan." He was in command of the mortar-boats in the attack on the forts below New Orleans, in 1862, and did important duties on the Mississippi and Red Rivers in 1863-64. He was conspicuous in the siege of Vicksburg, for which he was made rear-admiral. In 1864 he was in command of the North Atlantic Blockading Squad ron, and rendered efficient services in the capture of Fort Fisher, in January, 1865. In 1866 he was made vice-admiral, and in 1876 admiral of the United States. He is the present owner of the old Porter property in this city. Theodoric Porter, the third son, entered the regular army in 1838 as lieutenant in the Seventh United States Infantry, and was killed in a skirmish with the Mexicans, April 18, 1846, during Gen. Taylor's ad vance previous to the battle of Palo Alto. It is stated by army officers that he stayed out of camp the night before the battle, and his body was found the next morning with several dead Mexicans lying around his corpse. 358 HISTORY OP DELAWARE COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA. Fifty-two years ago, when David D. Porter and his younger brother, Theodoric, were living at the old mansion, the winter was very severe and the river Dela ware was frozen over. The two venturesome men an nounced their determination to sleigh to Philadelphia. Many of the residents of Chester tried to dissuade them from the attempt, but at nine o'clock in the morning they started from the foot of Welsh Street, David driving. The mouths of the creeks were piled with ice several feet in height, and they were com pelled to take the inside channel. A goodly part of their journey was performed on enormous cakes of ice which were entirely loose from the shore. At noon they reached the navy-yard, and, returning, left that place at three o'clock. The cold had become so intense that the two men were compelled to stop and build a fire on the ice to warm themselves. Resum ing their journey, they reached Chester at nine o'clock at night. They had traveled thirty miles on the frozen surface of the river, a feat never attempted before, or, if it had been, no record thereof has been made. Henry Ogden Porter (or " Budd," as he was famil iarly called), the fourth son, named for his uncle, Capt. Henry Ogden, was in the navy, and afterwards in the revenue service. During the Rebellion he was an acting lieutenant in the navy, and fought his ves sel — the gunboat "Hatteras" — off Mobile, in an en gagement with the "Alabama," until she sunk, her flag still flying proudly as she disappeared beneath the water. He died, about seventeen years ago, near Washington. Hamilton Porter, the next brother, was a lieutenant in the navy (on the "Flirt"), and while in the ser vice died of yellow fever, Aug. 10, 1844. The old house, after Commodore Porter's family ceased to use it as a residence, was leased to a number of tenants, until at last the location of the gas-works in that neighborhood rendered it no longer a desira ble dwelling, and it was leased, in 1862, to Professor Jackson, of Philadelphia, for a pyrotechnic manufac tory. On Friday morning, Feb. 17, 1882, shortly after seven o'clock, fire was discovered in the kitchen of the old structure, and the alarm was responded to promptly by the fire department, although the entire force had been out late the preceding night battling with the flames which had laid the Pennsylvania Military Academy in ruins. The crowd which had gathered about the Porter house kept back because of the report which had been spread among them that gunpowder was stored in the establishment, but when they saw the chief of the fire department and the members of the various fire companies approach ing near to the structure, they drew closer to the scene. Flames at this time were observed coming out of the windows on the west side, and in half an hour after the firemen had arrived and had gone into service a slight explosion occurred, which occasioned no injury. The men who had fled in alarm when this explosion took place, being assured that all dan ger was past, returned to the work of saving the building from absolute destruction. Hardly had the firemen again mounted the ladders and resumed their labors, when a second explosion took place, which leveled the walls of the old kitchen to the ground and tore huge gaps in the northern and southern walls of the main building. The air was filled with stones, which were hurled to great distances, killing in all eighteen persons and wounding fifty-seven, many of the latter still bearing upon their persons the disfiguring marks of their narrow escape from death. The houses in the neighborhood were in many instances damaged, and window-glasses were shattered at considerable distances from the scene of the explosion. Never before in our city's history was there such wide-spread horror and dismay as on that fatal morning. Business was entirely suspended, and each person sought to learn if any of their family, friends, or ac quaintances were among those who had been killed or injured. Every effort was immediately made to alleviate the sufferings of the wounded, and for the relief of those families wherein death from explosion had occurred. To that end a fund amounting to about ten thousand dollars was subscribed within a few weeks and distributed by a committee appointed for that purpose. The occurrence of this frightful calamity is too recent to require more than this brief mention now, but it will pass into our history as one of the most appalling events which has ever happened in Chester, and for many years to come will be nar rated by those who witnessed it to succeeding gener ations in all the vivid details that memory always lends to such an incident. The Huertine House. — The brick building on the south side of Third Street, more than midway in the block toward Edgmont Avenue, which is now occu pied by Browning & Co. as a clothing-house, was built by William Huertine subsequent to 1712 ; for August 12th of that year John Musgrove and Mary, his wife, sold to William Huertine the ground on which the house was afterwards erected, subject to a yearly quit-rent of two shillings to the heirs of James Sande lands, the younger, and the same day Jonas Sande lands and Mary, his wife, confirmed the grant, re serving to the heirs of the grantor a yearly quit-rent of two silver shillings. William Huertine, who was a silversmith, erected the house, but subsequently removed to New York, where he died. His widow, Elizabeth, and his children and heirs, March 2, 1724, conveyed the house and grounds — a larger tract of land — to Ruth Hoskins, who in her will, dated July 3, 1739, devised the house and lots to her son-in-law, John Mather, he paying fifty pounds to John, Ruth, and Mary Hoskins, the grandchildren of the testators, and children of her son, Stephen Hoskins. It was generally believed by our local historian that John Mather was the landlord of the present City THE CITY OF CHESTER. 359 Hotel, which after the Revolution was known as the " Ship George Washington." A full investigation of the records establishes the fact that Mather never was ^a publican, but a practicing attorney of the courts of Chester County. He resided in this house, and by his will, June 28, 1768, devised it to his grandson, John Mather Jackson, who, on March 26, 1783, sold the premises to Edward Vernon. The latter had rented the dwelling in 1780, and had obtained license for the house, which he purchased at the date men tioned. In 1784, Vernon sold the property to Fred erick Engle, who devised it to his daughter, Sarah, wife of Thomas Killie, and in 1804 the latter sold it to Preston Eyre. In the fall of the year 1814 the Bank of Delaware County was established in this dwelling, — the home of the cashier, Preston Eyre. In 1844 the latter conveyed the premises to his son-in- law, Hon. Edward Darlington, who resided there until 1858, when he in turn sold it to Mrs. Jane Flavill. On March 25, 1863, Thomas Moore pur chased the house and lot, and carried on therein a hardware-store with success. Mr. Moore retired from active business several years ago, since which time he has devoted himself to scientific studies, and to him more than all others the city is indebted for the estab lishment of the Chester Institute of Science and Me chanic Arts. The Old Lloyd House (Second and Edgmont Av enue). — David Lloyd obtained title for the green, or the church land lying between the creek and Welsh Street, and south of Neeles Laerson's tract of ground to the river Delaware, Dec. 28, 1693, by deed from the church wardens to the Swedish congregation "at Wiccocce," which act on his part is criticised severely by Rev. Mr. Ross in his letter, June 21, 1714, to the Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts. " Ye Glebe lands," he said, alluding to this tract, " was irreligiously sold by some Swedes under ye name of church-wardens, to a powerful Quaker, who now plows and sows it, and disposes of it at his pleasure, but 'tis hoped his precarious title will be one day inquired into, and the Church restored to her rights again." This tract, which had been given to the Swedes' church by Armgard Pappegoya, could not be wrenched out of the strong grasp of David Lloyd, and notwithstanding the determined opposi tion of Jasper Yeates, he succeeded in having the land confirmed to him by the proprietary government. That the house at the southeast corner of Edgmont Avenue and Second Street was built by David Lloyd seems absolutely certain, since in his deed to William Pickles, May 4, 1703, it is specifically set out in the indenture that the house was at that time erected. Its appearance supports the statement, for its archi tecture markR it as contemporaneous with the Logan and Hoskins houses. The executors of the estate of William Pickles sold the premises to John Baldwin, and the estate passing to Baldwin's grandchildren, John Baldwin and John Pierce, they sold the house to Jonas Preston. The latter built a wharf on the creek, part of the stone placed there for that purpose being removed when the present Second Street bridge was erected. Adjoining the wharf by the creek-side he erected a stone store-house, which stood until after the middle of this century, when it had degenerated into a place to keep swine. After the death of Jonas Preston the premises were purchased by John Wall, a merchant of Philadelphia, who had married Han nah Grubb, widow of Richard Flower, of Chichester. The purchaser never lived in the house, but after May 16, 1777, John Flower (Wall's step-son), on his marriage to Elizabeth Beethom, at the Chester Meet ing, resided in the old building. It is traditionally stated that Elizabeth Flower was so alarmed when the battle of Brandywine was fought — the noise of the distant cannonading could be heard in Chester — that she was taken ill, and so serious were the effects of her fright that she lingered a long time on the eve of dissolution, and died in October of the following year. In 1782, John Wall sold the property to Wil liam Siddons, who kept a tavern there in 1778-79. A short time prior to the Revolutionary war Sid dons was charged with the murder of a peddler of jewelry, who was found with his throat cut near Munday's Run, and the body robbed of all the money the dead man was supposed to have about him at the time of the homicide. When the crime was perpetrated, and Siddons was under suspicion, a rhymster of rude verse of that day composed a ballad, beginning, — " At Munday's Run, near Chester town, Old Siddons knocked the peddler down, And robbed him of his golden store, And left him weltering in hiB gore." Siddons was arrested, indicted, and tried, but on the hearing of the case he was enabled to prove a complete and uncontradicted alibi, while the prose cution was predicated purely on circumstantial evi dence, which failed to connect the accused in any direct way with the commission of the crime. The fact that he was charged by some of his neighbors with a felony of such hideous character embittered his entire after-life. William Siddons died June 22, 1820. The dwelling subsequently was purchased by Lewis Ladomus, and in 1869 was occupied by John Hanley, a well-known citizen of Chester, from whom the Hanley Fire Company derived its name. "Jack" Hanley, in the latter ten years of his life, was totally blind. He died in 1874. The old Lloyd house is now owned by Jonathan Pennell. The Barber House— David Lloyd, under date of June 14, 1699, conveyed a lot on the northeast corner of Second Street and Edgmont Avenue to Robert Barber, and he it was who erected the dwelling ad joining the present Edgmont House to the east. The house was an imposing one in its day. The pent-roof over the second:story window still remains, although 360 HISTORY OF DELAWARE COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA. the porch, which formerly projected out some dis tance on the sidewalk, has been removed. It has two doors: the eastern one leading into the parlor, and the western door into the hall-way, a room of the same size as the one on the opposite side, and in this apart ment the staircase ascended to the rooms above. Back of this was the sitting-room, while in the rear of the parlor was a dining-room. The fireplaces and hearths in the hall-room and the parlor were laid in blue tiles, presenting scenes from scriptural history, and in the chambers above, on each side of the fire places, were large closets, similar to those in most dwellings built at that period. John C. Beatty, of this city, states that in this house, in the northwest room on the first floor, the wound of Gen. Lafayette, after the battle of Brandy wine, was dressed by Mrs. Mary (Gorman) Lyons.1 In support of this statement he narrates the following incident, which he recalls as having occurred when Lafayette was in Chester in 1824. Mr. Beatty's grand father, John Caldwell, who did good service for the Continental cause, took him (Beatty) to see the " national guest," and when his grandfather had shaken hands with Lafayette he said, " You don't remember me, general ?" " Yes, I do," replied the Frenchman; "you're John Caldwell; I remember you very well ; you stood by me when my wounded foot was dressed." That day Caldwell walked with his grandson to this house, and the former showed him (Beatty) where the table stood in the room on which Lafayette laid while his injuries were cared for. During the Revolution, Elisha Price owned and lived in this house. The house is now owned by Isaiah H. Mirkil. The Delaware County Republican for Jan. 10, 1845, says that the citizens of Delaware County "tended upon and dressed the wounds of the beloved Lafay ette, when he lay wounded in the Friends' Quaker meeting-house at Chester." John Hill Martin states,2 " Gen. Lafayette rode on horseback to Chester from the battle-field at Brandywine, where he was wounded, but remained there only one night, in the old ' La- domus House,' at the southeast corner of Third Street and Edgmont, now occupied by Bawer's clothing- 1 A letter written by Joseph Weaver, Jr., in 1843, alludes to the house where Lafayette's wound was dressed. The letter is as follows : " Chester, Delaware Count*, April 3, 1843. "Hon. Calvin Blythe. " Dear Sir : — I take the freedom of recommending to your attention Mr. Crossman LyonB, of this place, as a suitable person for the situation of Collector of Customs at Marcus Hook. From a long acquaintance with Mr. LyonB I feel warranted in representing him as a man that will well and efficiently execute hiB duties. " It may not be improper to add that Mr. Lyons is a son of a Revolu tionary character who served his country during the whole of that War, in sustaining our Independence, and his mother was the lady who waited upon and dressed the wounds of Lafayette, at Mrs. Withey's Tavern (now the Columbia House) in Chester, after the battle of Bran dywine. "I am very respectfully yours truly, "Joseph Weaver, Jr." 2 History of Chester, p. 254. store." At present a public-house — the Lafayette Hotel — -is kept there. The Morgan (Terrill) House (Market below Fourth Street). — The old building standing oh the east side of Market Street, the second structure south of Fourth Street, was built by Evan Morgan. The land was part of the twenty acres patented May 31, 1686, to James Sandelands, the elder, and was con veyed by John Crosby and wife, Jan. 20, 1723, to Thomas Griffing, subject to a yearly quit-rent of one shilling. This John Crosby was a son of Richard, the first of that name who came to Pennsylvania after Penn acquired title to the province. Griffing sold the house and lot to Evan Morgan in 1725, and his son, John Morgan, in 1783, conveyed the premises to Jemima Dasey, widow of the Baptist clergyman at Marcus Hook, and her sister, Mary Linard. Mrs. Dasey and her maiden sister carried on a dry-goods and trimming-store there until October, 1809, when the house and lot was sold to Dr. Job H. Terrill. Some of the old people of Chester can recall Mary Linard as an elderly woman, lame, and hobbling along, leaning on a cane when walking. The prop erty is now owned by Mrs. Emeline Deshong, to whom it descended from her father, Dr. Terrill. The Caldwell Mansion.— The handsome dwelling on the west side of Edgmont Avenue, north of Twelfth Street, since it was modernized by Col. Samuel A. Dyer during his ownership of the property, is never theless an ancient building. The ground upon which it stands is part of a tract of one hundred and twenty acres which was patented April 2, 1688, to Eusta An derson. June 21st of the same year Anderson con veyed it to Charles Pickering, who, on Oct. 13, 1688, conveyed the property to David Lloyd, and he in turn sold twenty acres of it, subject to a yearly rent of one silver shilling, to John Hoskins, the elder, who, dying seized of the estate, it passed by descent to his son, John Hoskins, the younger. The latter dying intestate, his widow, Ruth, and his son, Ste phen Hoskins, and his daughter, Mary Hoskins, and her husband, John Mather, in 1733, released their in terest in the premises to Joseph Hoskins, another son of John Hoskins, the younger, and he in turn, April 9, 1741, conveyed the land to Stephen Cole. This latter deed, in 1744, and under a power of sale in his will, his executors, April 17-18, 1746, conveyed the premises to John Caldwell, who, shortly after he ac quired possession of the estate, built the mansion- house still standing. He was a native of Dublin, and is said to have been the son of an Irish nobleman. He came to this country early in the last century, and seems to have acquired considerable property. He died subsequent to June 5, 1772, and in his will, which bears that date, he devised his real estate to his two sons, — two shares to the eldest, and the other share to the youngest. After the death of their father John purchased the one-third interest of his brother, George, in the homestead. John, known to the last THE CITY OP CHESTER. 361 generation as Squire Caldwell, was a carpenter and builder by trade, and was born and died in the old dwelling. He is said to have been a private in the ?Continental army during the Revolutionary war, and the musket he carried — one captured from the Hes sians at Trenton — is now owned by James Black. He is also said to have been a lieutenant in the American service, and fought against the Indians on the fron tier, who were waging war on the colonists in the in terest of the crown. When the royal forces were in possession of Philadelphia, and the English squadron lay off Chester, the squire was much troubled with foraging parties from the fleet. John Caldwell stood it for a time, but every fresh visit from the enemy aroused his indignation until he could remain quiet no longer, and in a small boat he rowed out to the flag-Bhip, demanding an interview with the admiral, Earl Richard Howe. He was kindly received, and in the conference he informed the English com mander that his men had taken from him all his pork, provisions, milk, and butter, until his family had been left in want of the necessaries of life. The ad miral listened attentively, said that he would prevent any more depredations on the squire's property, and asked the latter to make out a bill for articles already taken, which was done, and the paymaster was or dered to discharge his claim immediately. John Caldwell returned to his home, the unaccustomed clinking of broad gold pieces in his pocket making his heart lighter and mitigating his angry feelings until he almost wished the foraging parties would visit his farm once more, that a like cure for his in juries could be again prescribed by the British officer. Squire Caldwell acquired considerable estate. He purchased and added to the homestead plot the tri angular lot at the intersection of Edgmont and Prov idence Avenues, which was known in early times as "Hangman's Lot," because public executions had there formerly taken place. The culprits were sus pended from a wild cherry-tree, on one of the lower branches, which extended some distance almost at right angles to the trunk, and it is traditionally re lated in the Caldwell family that on one occasion from the windows of the mansion across the street the inmates of the old dwelling saw pendent from that fatal branch a man who was executed for stealing a lady's work-box, which stood temporarily on the sill of an open window, so that he could filch it without difficulty. John Caldwell died Nov. 24, 1834, intes tate, and on Feb. 23, 1835, Thomas Caldwell, his eldest son, elected to take the homestead at the val uation placed on it in proceedings in partition. The latter was owner of the old house only for a brief season, for he died Aug. 20, 1835, and the estate was held in common by his heirs until May 22, 1864, when it was purchased by Henry B. Edwards. In the spring of 1870, Col. Samuel A. Dyer became the owner of the property, and the ancient dwelling was modernized. In November, 1872, Col. Dyer sold the property to A. L. Bonaffon. It is now owned by God frey Keebler, of Philadelphia, and occupied by Rev. Thomas McCauley, pastor of the Third Presbyterian Church. The Ashbridge House.— The ancient dwelling standing on the east side of Edgmont Avenue, be tween Second and Graham Streets, is partly built on the site of the House of Defense. The ground on which it stands was part of the estate of Jasper Yeates, who devised it to certain of his heirs, for July 13, 1728, George McCall and Ann, his wife (Jasper's eldest daughter), and John Yeates, by re lease, granted this house and other lots to George Ashbridge. The latter was a Friend, who as early as 1688 emigrated, as a young man, to Pennsylvania and settled near Chester. Who it was built the house I fail to learn, but in all probability George McCall or John Yeates did, for the title to the ground was in these parties fully eight years after the death of Jas per Yeates, before they parted with the premises. Ashbridge, by his will, March 1, 1747/8, devised the estate to his second son, George, who seems to have been an adroit politician, for, elected to the General Assembly in 1743, he managed to maintain the confi dence of Friends (he being one of the society) until 1773. How for thirty consecutive years he contrived to avoid committing himself on many of the votes taken during the long French war, which appro priated men and money to carry on that struggle, is incomprehensible, but in the latter year the society "report they have taken an oppty with one of the representatives in Assembly and that he do not appre hend culpable." That he was active in the Assembly, and must have been a man of more than the general average out of which representatives are made, is evidenced by the perusal of the journal of Samuel Foulke.1 On the death of the second George Ash bridge the premises passed to his eldest son, George Ashbridge, the third of that name in the chain of title, who sold it, May 5, 1797, to Dorothy Smith and Zedekiah Wyatt Graham, sister and brother of Henry Hale Graham, as joint tenants. Dorothy, who had married John Smith, of Lower Chichester, Twelfth month 4, 1783, was a widow at this time. Zedekiah Graham was a wealthy bachelor, and the brother and sister lived together in this house. Of the brother, Deborah Logan writes : " He was a man of such in tegrity and worth that I have heard him characterized as an Israelite, indeed, in whom there was no guile." The affection between them was so marked that in his will he gave to her the income of his whole estate during life, while she devised to her brother one- third of her property absolutely. Zedekiah Graham died of yellow fever in 1798, and his sister, who nursed him in his illness, was attacked by the scourge, and sent for her nephew, William Graham, who had abandoned his home and fled to the country 1 Penna. Mag. of Hist., vol. v. pp. 64, 65, 68, 71. 362 HISTORY OF DELAWARE COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA. to escape the pestilence. It is related that the latter sat on his horse in the street while the nurse from the second-story window informed him as to the dis position his aunt wished to make of her estate ; thus the will was written, attached to a string, and drawn up to the chamber of the dying woman, who refused to permit any of her kin to visit her, and thereby en counter the risk of infection. By her will, Nov. 17, 1798 (the whole title to the house having vested in her by survivorship), she devised it to her nephew and four nieces in equal parts. Three of the nieces and the nephew conveyed their interests to Catharine G., the fourth niece, and wife of Capt. Thomas Rob inson, in October, 1812. Thomas Robinson was a captain in the merchant service, but during the Tripolitan war a lieutenant under Commodore Preble when that officer, in com mand of the American squadron, bombarded Tripoli, June 21, 1804. Robinson was in charge of one of the bombards — vessels carrying mortars — on that oc casion ; the shrouds of his vessel were shot away, and her hull so shattered that it was with the utmost diffi culty she could be kept above water. During the war of 1812 he was a volunteer lieutenant in the navy, and was on board the frigate " President" when the latter vessel was captured. As will be remembered, Commodore Decatur, in command of the " Presi dent," went to sea from New York, Jan. 14, 1815, and at daylight the following morning the American offi cer discovered that the English squadron, comprising the seventy-gun ship " Majestic," the fifty-gun frig ates " Endymion." " Pomona," and " Tenedos," were in chase of the vessel. By noon Decatur found that he was outsailing all of the enemy's ships except the "Endymion," which vessel had steadily gained on him, until, at five o'clock in the evening, that frigate had obtained a position on his starboard quarter, and opened a destructive fire on the sails and rigging of his vessel. Decatur was compelled to bear up and engage the enemy, in the hope of disabling her be fore the remaining vessels could arrive to her assist ance. A warm action of two hours and a half fol lowed, which resulted in the British frigate dropping astern, her guns silenced, and her masts gone by the board. During the latter part of the battle with the " Endymion" Robinson had charge of the trumpet. It is stated that the first, fourth, and fifth lieutenants on the " President" were killed or wounded, and De catur called for Lieut. Gallagher to take the trumpet, but Robinson, " hearing the hail, came up from the gun-deck," whereupon Decatur said, " Take the trum pet, sir ;" and Robinson took command of the deck. The American frigate made sail and attempted to escape, but the English squadron had come within gunshot of the "President" while that vessel was engaged in the encounter with the " Endymion," and being crippled by the heavy fire she had sustained, Decatur was compelled to strike his flag to the British frigates " Tenedos" and " Pomona." Capt. Robinson, after his discharge as a prisoner of war (for the naval action was fought after the treaty of peace had been signed), returned to the merchant service, but the news of the loss of the American packet-ship " Albion" on the coast of Ireland, April 21, 1822, as well as the explosion of the steamboat " Etna," in New York harbor, May 15, 1824, under his command, and the frightful loss of life on those occasions, so impressed Robinson with the responsi bility appertaining to the office of captain of a vessel that he refused ever again to take command of a ship. Catharine G. Robinson, his wife, died Jan. 24, 1836, and by her will, Feb. 27, 1834, devised the house to her daughter, Sarah P. Coombe. The latter lived in the old house for many years, and vacating it, she rented the Coombe property. At her death, March 5, 1865, the estate became vested in her heirs, who still retain the ancient dwelling. Lamokin Hall.— The original Salkeld house, built about 1708 by John Salkeld, Sr., as it now stands in the way of Norris Street, between Third Street and the Philadelphia, Wilmington and Baltimore Rail road, must shortly be removed to make room for im provements on that thoroughfare. During the last half-century it was used as the tenant-house on the Kenilworth estate after John W. Ashmead built the large mansion in 1838 (since torn down), and also by Dr. William Young, who purchased the estate in 1849. The Perkins house, or, as it was known to a past generation, " Lamokin Hall," was erected many years afterwards by John Salkeld, a son of the noted original emigrant of that name. John Bristow, to whom a large tract of land was granted by patent from the proprietary, died seized of the estate, and his son, John, an edge-tool maker, Feb. 25, 1702/3, conveyed to Henry Wooley a goodly number of these acres. The latter in turn, Jan. 27, 1706/7, conveyed the premises to John Salkeld, a man of means and education, whose ready wit and quickness in repartee made him noted in his generation, and many of his telling rejoinders are re counted even to this day. Salkeld visited this coun try in 1700, before he settled permanently here, and on the 9th of Seventh month, 1705, he and his wife, Agnes (Powley), sailed for Philadelphia. In the fol lowing year he purchased the property mentioned and came to this vicinity to reside. He was an effec tive preacher, and made many religious visits to neighboring meetings in Pennsylvania, New Jersey, and Delaware, and several times to New England, Long Island, and on one occasion to Great Britain and the West Indies. He, as I have already stated, was a natural humorist, and a few of the stories which have descended to our own time will repay narrating. One day Salkeld was wearing a new hat that had a button and loop, then quite fashionable, and he was remonstrated with by a Friend for adhering to the usages and customs of the world. John tore off the THE CITY OF CHESTER. 363 offending part of his apparel, remarking, " If my friend's religion consists of a button and a loop I would not give a button and a loop for it." On.an- other occasion, when at a meeting of Friends, the speaker who was addressing the audience being so tedious that many in the assembly were almost asleep, Salkeld sprang to his feet, exclaiming, " Fire ! fire !" Every one was awake immediately, and many put the query, "Where?" "In hell!" responded John, "to burn up the drowsy and unconverted." After he re turned from a religious journey to New Jersey, he said, " I have breakfasted with the Ladds, dined with the Lords, and slept with the Hoggs," the names of the families that entertained him. One time as he walked from his corn-field, a Friend by the name of Cloud passing by, said, "John, thee will have a good crop of corn." Salkeld afterwards relating the cir cumstance, stated that he heard a voice coming out of a Cloud, saying, "John, thee will have a good crop of corn." He rode at one time a horse with a blaze in its face, and a neighbor who thought to be merry with him, said, " John, thy horse looks pale in the face." "Yes, he does," he replied; "and if thee had looked as long through a halter as he has, thee would look pale in the face too." He was personally about medium size, but his wife, Agnes, was very tall and muscular, hence her de scendants, who are all noticeably tall, inherit this characteristic from her. John Salkeld died Sept. 20, 1739, and by will devised the farm of one hundred acres, on which the house stood, to his son, David Salkeld, and left the plot of ground whereon Lamokin Hall was subsequently built to his wife, Agnes, and she, by will Seventh month 11, 1748, devised the es tate to John Salkeld, the younger. The latter, in 1731, had married Elizabeth Worrall, who became the mother of thirteen children. John Salkeld, the younger, by will Dec. 13, 1776, devised his real estate to his eight children (the others had died in child hood) in equal parts, his whole estate, however, being charged with his wife's support. In the distribution of the property the land under consideration was al lotted to his son, Peter, who built the western end of Lamokin Hall. Dec. 7, 1789, he sold the property to Jacob Peterson. The latter conveyed it to James Withey, who made the addition to the eastern end of the old house about 1796. James Withey having become insolvent the pro perty was sold by Sheriff Fairlamb, April 12, 1819, to Charles Justice and William Graham. The pur chasers interchanged deeds, dated Feb. 27, 1821, by which Charles Justice acquired absolute title to the land south of the Post road, and William Graham that north of the same highway. The latter having trust-money belonging to his sisters in his hands at the time of his death, Lamokin Hall was in the dis tribution of his estate transferred to his sister, Henri etta, who had married Richard Flower. John W. Ashmead, who had built the house on the farm adjoining, after the death of his father-in-law, Mr. Flower, purchased the estate June 3, 1844, from the Hon. Edward Darlington, trustee to sell the pro perty, for the purpose solely of adding a trifle over an acre to the lawn of his dwelling, so that his house should be located in the centre of the lawn. After thoroughly repairing Lamokin Hall he sold it Sept. 5, 1846, to Abram R. Perkins for six thousand dol lars. The latter had been a successful merchant in Philadelphia, but his purchase of the property at that price, thirty-six years ago, was, perhaps, in the shaping of events, one of the most fortunate transac tions in his business career, for the premises in that period have so increased in value that it alone has made his estate worth thirty times what it originally cost him. Charles Justice, on his portion of the old Withey estate, which extended from about the present Ulrich Street on the east to Lamokin Run on the west, and from the Post road to the river, built (in 1828) the large brick dwelling, still standing, on Second Street east of Pennell Street, the brick used being made on the farm, and burned in a damp kiln. The property was subsequently purchased by Edmund Pennell, and the dwelling is still called the Pennell house. The Thomas Barton House.— John Wade, of Essex House, on July 27-28, 1736, conveyed to Thomas Barton a tract of land, which, from the pecu liar bend in Chester Creek, its eastern boundary was known as the " Horseshoe." The plot contained a trifle over seventy-one acres, and was sold subject to the payment of ten shillings annually forever towards the support of a free school in Philadelphia. In Sep tember of the same year John Wade conveyed twenty- one and a half acres to Thomas Barton, in addition to those already purchased, subject to two shillings yearly forever, for the like purpose, which charge on the land had been created by the will of Robert Wade. Subsequently the trustees of the school in Philadelphia accepted a ground-rent on Arch Street in that city, and discharged the Wade estate from the payment of the annual rent mentioned. Thomas Barton, who was an Irishman, is said to have been a sea captain, and, retiring from that avoca tion, he settled in Chester, where he married, and be came the ancestor of the Barton family of Delaware County. He had, however, between the date of the purchase of this land and the conveyance of the estate to Jonas Preston, been engaged in coach- making, for in the deed to the latter, Feb. 19, 1759, the grantors are described as " Thomas Barton, coach- maker, and Susanna, his wife," and in referring to the Wade deeds, it is stated " the said Thomas Barton has since [1736] erected a brick messuage or tenement thereon." This house is still standing in the rear of Joshua P. Eyre's mansion on Seventh Street. The Sandelands House.— The ancient dwelling standing on the west side of Edgmont Avenue, in terposing itself directly in the way of the extension 364 HISTORY OF DELAWARE COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA. of Fourth Street to Chester Creek, was built by Jonas Sandelands, the second son of James Sandelands, the elder, previous to Aug. 21, 1732, for at that date Arthur Shields and Mary, his wife, as the adminis trators of Sandelands' estate (his widow, Mary, having married Shields) conveyed the premises as a mes suage and lot to Jacob Howell, a tanner by occupa tion, who, on May 1, 1733, conveyed the messuage and a portion of the land to John Wharton, a saddler, of Chester, who subsequently removed to Philadelphia, having first sold, July 20, 1749, the premises to Wil liam Pennell. The latter, by will, Twelfth month 20, 1756, devised the property to his three sons, — James, Robert, and William. Robert and William Pennell, Dec. 20, 1762, transferred their interests to their brother, James. The latter, by will, Dec. 22, 1763, devised it to his son, Thomas, who died unmarried and without issue, and his title vested in his four brothers, — William, James, Nathan, and Jonathan. The three first named, April 9, 1782, conveyed their interests to Jonathan Pennell, the grandfather of the present owner. Jonathan Pennell was a blacksmith, and at the time he purchased his brothers' interest did not reside in the house, which had been used as a hospital and bar racks by the American troops during the Revolution ary war, and was then in a dilapidated condition. It is related that when he first proposed to locate here and purchase from the other heirs the entire interest in the property, he called on Henry Hale Graham, and desired his opinion as to his prospects of success in his avocation at Chester. The latter, in response, stated that he could not answer with any degree of certainty ; he simply knew that all black smiths in the town, theretofore, had grown so desper ately poor by crooking their little fingers that in a short time they could not keep iron cold. In other words, that intemperance had so reduced them that they could keep no stock in their shops, but were compelled to part with it to satisfy the cravings of their appetites. However, Pennell must have im pressed Graham favorably, for he loaned him two hundred and fifty pounds, and stipulated that he would receive the principal at any time in sums of ten pounds. So industriously and energetically did Pennell labor that he succeeded far beyond his ex pectations. He soon began making payments as des ignated, and so often did he present himself with the stipulated amount of ten pounds in liquidation of the gross sum that one day, when he came on that errand, Graham, after he receipted for the money, said, " Good gracious, man, where do you get all this money?" " I hammer it out of cold iron," was the reply of Pen nell, who had not forgotten his first interview with the judge. He ultimately acquired considerable means, and became the owner of much real estate. Jonathan Pennell devised the house and lot to his son, Edmund, and the latter, Feb. 3, 1877, conveyed it to his son, Jonathan Pennell, who resides therein. Licensed Houses in Chester.— The Boar's Head Inn, heretofore mentioned as the noted public-house where Penn spent the winter of 1682-83, was early in the eighteenth century kept by Jonathan Ogden, until 1727, when James Trego made application for the license, and David Lloyd, chief justice of the province, recommended him in a letter to the jus tice by a remonstrance against another applicant. " It is my opinion," he says, " that one will be suf ficient on that side of the Creek to answer the true end of Inn-keeping, And If we had less on this side [the east] the Creek It would • be much bet ter." On Aug. 30, 1732, William Robinson had the license, but at the August court, 1734, it was denied to him because he then " Stands Indicted at New Castle for an Assault." On the 28th of the same month he boldly states that "being informed the jus tices would not allow him a recommendation as usual . . . understand he is accused of some misdemeanor, but wishes to be heard face to face by his accuser," but without success. William Weaver, on May 27, 1735, informed the court that he " hath Taken to ffarm the house, with the appurtenances, Commonly Called and known by the name of the Spread Eagle Tavern, where William Robinson lately Dwelt, in the Township of Chester," which indicates that the old house had changed its name. In 1738, Abraham Taylor was the landlord, and in 1741-42 the petition of William Hays states that for some years past he had license at the " Spread Eagle," after which date the old inn passes out of the public records. The Black Bear Inn.— The hipped-roof house at the northeast corner of Third and Penn Streets was erected early in the last century, for in the will of John Salkeld, Sr., Feb. 17, 1733/4, five years before his death, he devised the premises to his son, Thomas, and designated it as "the house and lot wherein my son-in-law, Anthony Shaw, now dwells." How long Shaw lived there after the date mentioned I have not learned, but John Salkeld, Jr., on Aug. 30, 1737, on "Westerly side of Chester Creek, on great road to New Castle," presented his petition to court stating that he wished to keep " a publick house," and being a maltster by trade, desired license to sell " Beer and Syder." In 1746 it was kept as a public-house by John Salkeld, the younger, for in that year he, among other innkeepers, presented a petition to the Legis lature, asking compensation for the " diet of Capt. Shannon's company of soldiers," quartered here during the early part of the French war. At this time he was a tenant of his brother, Thomas, for the latter in his will, June 21, 1749, after making specific devises of other lands, gave the residue of his estate to his brother, John Salkeld. The latter by his will, Dec. 14, 1775, gave an eighth part of his estate, which was large, to his daughter Sarah. He died early in 1776, for his will was probated January 29th of the same year. In the distribution of her father's estate, the Black Bear Inn became her portion. Sarah T* OUTLINE MAP OF WSL - PENNSYLVANIA J^iitjinied -Expressly for this Work. THE CITY OF CHESTER. 365 Salkeld had married George Gill, an Englishman, several years before her father's death, for in the latter's will he leaves ten pounds to his grandson, John Gill, and in all probability she was then land lady. George Gill was an outspoken Tory in the Revolutionary struggle, and so ardent was he in the defense of the English army and' ministry that after the battle of Brandywine, at the time the residents of Chester were smarting under the outrages perpetrated on them by the royal troops, he was compelled to leave this neighborhood when the enemy abandoned Philadelphia, and was proclaimed a traitor to the colonies. When the British forces evacuated New York, at the close of the war, Gill followed them to Halifax. Subsequently he returned to Chester, was arrested, and thrown into prison, but was discharged therefrom by the act of Assembly, which, under cer tain conditions, allowed free pardon to proclaimed traitors to the united colonies. The public-house was kept from 1785 to 1789 by William Hazelwood, and known as "The Ship in Distress." The dwelling subsequently became the property of Hon. Frederick J. Hinkson, and is now owned by his sons, — Henry and Frederick J. Hinkson, Jr. The Blue Ball Inn. — The old dwelling at the northeast corner of Second and Market Streets was erected by Francis Richardson between the years 1765 and 1770. The land whereon it stands was devised to him in 1760 by Grace Lloyd. At the time he began the erection of this house Richardson believed he was on the high road to great business prosperity, but before he had finished it he became financially embarrassed, owing to mistaken efforts to advance Chester to the front rank as a commercial rival of Philadelphia. There were holes still in the brick walls until 1883, when the dwelling was re paired and modernized, where, when the house was building, the timbers were inserted on which rested the boards of the scaffolding. It is said by Martin that in the days before the Mechanics' Lien law, when masons were not paid for their work, these holes were always left in the wall to indicate to their fellow-craftsmen that default had been made in that respect, and no mason would fill them in until the builders' claims had been discharged. When the house was first built it was a noted inn, and from its peculiar sign — a blue ball suspended from the end of a pole or staff, which projected from a hole in the wall, in the gable-end on Market Street — it was known as "The Blue Ball Inn." Its then landlord was Samuel Fairlamb, who had married Hannah, the daughter of Francis Richardson. It was one of the dwellings struck by the balls from the English vessel of war which opened fire on the town in 1777, as narrated elsewhere, and the shot is said to have passed directly through one of the rooms in the second story. The City Hotel.— On the 10th of December, 1700, James Sandelands, the younger, conveyed the land on the northwest corner of Third Street and Edgmont Avenue, on which this building was afterwards erected, to David Roberts, and on May 26, 1714, Jonas Sande lands, the brother of James, and Mary, his wife, con firmed the tract of ground to Roberts, reserving, how ever, a yearly ground-rent of three shillings to his heirs. I believe the building was erected by David Roberts shortly after his purchase from James Sande lands. He received license there in 1717. In 1728, David Roberts sold the property to Ruth Hoskins, widow of Sheriff John Hoskins. On March 5-6, 1738, Ruth Hoskins conveyed the property to her son-in- law, John Mather. He was a prominent citizen, an attorney with a large practice, and a justice of the peace, an important dignitary in those days. John Mather leased the premises to James Mather, perhaps his brother, since John Mather named his only son, James, probably for the person mentioned. That James Mather kept the tavern here in 1746 we know, for he was one of the number of innkeepers who pe titioned the Legislature for payment of certain claims, more fully referred to in the account of the Black Bear Inn, and in the journal of William Black, who was the notary of the commissioners appointed by Governor Gooch, of Virginia, to unite with those from the colonies of Pennsylvania and Maryland to treat with the Iroquois or Six Nations of Indians in refer ence to the land west of the Alleghany Mountains. In describing the journey of the commissioners from Virginia and Maryland to Philadelphia, under date of Saturday, May 25, 1744, he records, — "Nine miles from Wilmington, and at the line dividing New Castle and Chester counties, were waiting the High Sheriff, Coroner and under Sheriff of CheBter county, who conducted us to Chester Town, six miles further, where we arrived a few minutes before nine at night, and put up at Mr. JameB Mathew, (Mather) the moBt considerable house in the town ; most of the company being very much fatigued with the day's ride being very warm, they inclin'd for beds soon after they alighted, and tho' for my part I was not very much tir'd, yet I agreed to hug the pillow with the rest." The next entry in his journal, doubtless after re freshing slumber, is headed " Chester in Pennsylvania, Sunday, the 26," and he records his doings in, and impression of, Chester, of that day, thus : " This morning, by the time the sun return'd to Enlighten My Bed Chamber, I got up with a Design to take a view of the town. It is not so large as Wilmington ; neither are the Buildings so large in General, the Town stands on a Mouth of a Creek of the Bame name, running out the Delaware and has a very large wooden Bridge over it, in the middle of the Town, the Delaware is reckon'd three miles over at this place, and is a very good Road for Shipping; the Court House and Prison is two tolerable large Buildings of Stone, there are in the Town a Church dedicated to St. Paul, the Congregation are after the manner of the Church of England ; A Quaker Meeting and a Sweed's ' (?)' Church ; about 10 of the Clock, forenoon, Comm'rs and us of their Leeve went to St. Paul's ; where we heard a Sermon Preach'd by the Reverend Mr. Backhouse, on the 16th Chapt. of St. Luke, 30 & 31st Verses, from this some of us paid a Visit to the Friends' who were then in Meeting, but as it happened to be a Silent One, after we had sat about 15 min., they Shook hands and we parted, from this Return'd to our Inn, where we had a very good Dinner, and about 4 iu the Evening Set out for Phila delphia, Accompanied by the Shffs, Coroner, and several Gentlemen of the Town, past thro' Darby a Town 7 miles from Chester, Standing on a creek of the same name and at a Stone Bridge about half a mile fur- 366 HISTORY OF DELAWARE COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA. ther, was met by the Sheriff, Coroner, and Sub-Sheriff of Philadelphia County. Here the Company from Chester took their leave of TJs and return'd."1 James Mather subsequently purchased the lot on which National Hall was erected, and there in an old stone house for many years kept a public-house. It is so described in the deed from Mary Morris to Jonas Eyre. Mary Hoskins, who had married John Mather, was a most admirable wife and mother. Her careful training of her daughters is evidenced by the fact that both of them became the wives of distinguished men, and are alluded to by writers of acknowledged position on several occasions for their personal ex cellence and womanly worth. Ruth Mather, to whom the property was devised by her grandmother, mar ried Charles Thomson, one of the most noted men in our national annals. He was a native of Ireland, and during all the difficulties with the mother-country was an ardent Whig. He was the first secretary of the Continental Congress of 1774, and continued in that office during the long struggle of the Revolution. In recognition of the faithful discharge of his duties, he was chosen to bear to Washington the intelligence of the latter's nomination to the Presidency of the United States. Of him John Adams, in his diary, writes, " Charles Thomson is the Sam Adams of Philadelphia, the life of the cause of liberty." He retired from public office, and during his latter days translated the Septuagint, which was published in four volumes in 1808. He died in Lower Merion, Montgomery Co., in 1824, in his ninety-fifth year. Ruth Thomson died without children surviving her. John Mather, by his will, dated May 26, 1768, devised the premises to his daughter, Ruth, and his son-in- law, Charles Thomson ; and in the event of the death of Ruth without children, then to his granddaughter, Mary Jackson. Jane Jackson and Ruth Thomson were named as executors. Jane alone took out letters testamentary. Charles Thomson, after the death of Ruth, his wife, without children, March 5, 1785, re leased to Mary Jackson all his right and title in the premises. A description of the old tavern is furnished in the following advertisement, which was published in the Pennsylvania Gazette in the early part of that year: " npO BE SOLD— A COMMODIOUS TAVERN IN THE BOROUGH of Chester, now in the tenure of Mr. Peter Salkend ;— the house is three stories high, has four rooms on each floor, — large kitchen ad joining, and a well of excellent water at the kitchen door ; the stabling is good, can contain upwards of forty horses, and has room above for six tons of hay ; there are a large yard and garden belonging to the house, also five acres of highly improved pastures. This house has been a well accustomed Inn for upwards of forty years past. For terms apply to the subscriber in Philadelphia. " January 19, 1785. " N. B— Depreciation certificates of the officers and soldiers of the Pennsylvania line, as also final settlements of the said line, at their cur rent value, will be taken in part payment for the above premises." "David Jackson. 1 Penna. Mag. of Hist., vol. i. p. 240. I have stated in " Historical Sketch of Chester" that James Mather was landlord of the Lafayette House. This, I find, from examination of authorities of which I had then no knowledge, iB an error. On March 5, 1785, Mary Jackson conveyed the hotel to Maj. John Harper, who gave it the name of " The Ship George Washington." Harper was the landlord of this tavern when the removal of the county- seat to West Chester was the important topic of con sideration in Chester County, and the part he took in that struggle has already been mentioned in this work. Harper having removed to West Chester, he made de fault in the payment of the interest on the mortgage. Suit was brought by the executor of Mary Jackson, deceased, and on Aug. 1, 1788, Ezekiel Leonard, sheriff, deeded the tavern and lot to her executor, Dr. David Jackson, of Philadelphia ; and the latter con veyed it, Jan. 14, 1793, to Matthias Kerlin, Jr., of Trenton, N. J., who was the brother of William Ker lin, the owner and host of Washington House, and subsequently returned to Delaware County to reside. On March 30th of the same year, Kerlin sold the tavern to William Pierce, of Lower Chichester, who devised the estate to his widow, Mary. She married David Coates, of Philadelphia, and the latter and his wife conveyed the property, Feb. 27, 1802, to Abra ham Lee, of Saint George's Hundred, Del., and he, in turn, March 22, 1803, sold the property to Edward Engle, who kept the hotel' until he died (about 1810), and his widow, Mary Engle, continued the business until 1833, when she retired and leased the premises to John J. Thurlow. The ancient hostelry under Mrs. Engle's supervision was the fashionable and popular hotel of the borough. In 1824, when Gen. Lafayette was the guest of Chester, the First City Troop of Philadelphia was quartered at her house, then known as the Eagle Tavern ; for in a description of a journey from old Ireland to Chester, written in verse by Philip Sexton, then living at Squire Eyre's, on Edgmont Avenue, during the early part of this century, he referred to this hotel thus : " If you stand on the bridge And look to the east, You'll there see an eagle, As big as a beast. " Call at this tavern Without any dread ; You'll there get chicken, Good mutton, and bread." Mrs. Engle was the mother of the late Rear Admiral Frederick Engle, who died in 1866, and of Capt. Isaac E. Engle, of the merchant service, who died in 1844. Her daughter, Mary, married the late Hon. Samuel Edwards, a member of the bar and representative in Congress from this district from 1819-21, and again from 1825-27, who died, leaving surviving him his son, Henry B. Edwards, Esq., a member of the bar, a leading citizen of Chester, and a daughter, Mary Engle Edwards, who intermarried with Edward Fitzgerald Beale, at that time lieutenant in the navy, and noted for his celebrated ride across Mexico with dispatches from Commodore Stockton during our war with that country, subsequently prominent as superintendent of THE CITY OF CHESTER. 367 Indian affairs and in exploring expeditions, construct ing public highways, and in surveys for projected rail roads. In 1860 he was appointed surveyor-general of California, and under Gen. Grant's second adminis tration was United States Minister to Austria. Gen. Beale is one of the largest land-owners in the world, his estate in California comprising two hundred thou sand acres of land. Mary Engle's daughter, Abby, married John Kerlin, Esq., a member of the Delaware County bar, and for many years president of the Bank of Delaware County. Her son, Frederick E. Kerlin, died in California more than twenty years ago, and the other son, Capt. Charles Kerlin, a well-known merchant captain, now retired from service, lives in New Jersey. The latter in May, 1853, brought to Chester the first Chinese ever known to have been in that town. His strange dress, and "tail" three feet in length, drew a large crowd of boys together, who followed him whenever he ap peared in the streets. Mrs. Engle was succeeded in business by John J. Thurlow, about 1828. I quote from John Hill Mar tin the following graphic description of the old hotel in its palmiest days as a stopping-place for one of the lines of stages which then passed through Chester for Baltimore, Washington, and the South. He says, — "How well I remember ' Thurlow's,' in the days of its busy greatness 1 well I remember how, when I was a boy, I lingered near its hospitable doors to Bee the handsome horses of the Reeside, Stockton & Stokes, Murdeck & Sharp, and Janvier's rival lines of stage coaches changed ; the Bmoking steeds detached by active hostlerB, and the new relay of well-groomed horses substituted, and saw the ' Stage driver,' an impor tant man in those days, with his great coat of many capes and long whip ; the well dressed travelers sauntering about talking and smoking after their meal, waiting for the stage. Oft I have peeped into the small, clean bar-room, in the centre of which stood a large coal stove (in winter) in a large sand box, that served as a huge Bpittoon. In one corner of the room stood a semi-circular bar, with its red railings reaching to the ceiling, into whose diminutive precincts the jolly landlady could scarcely get her buxom person, while her husband with his velveteen shooting coat, with its large buttons and its many pockets, excited my intense admiration. At hiB heels there were always two or three handsome setter dogs, of the finest breed and well trained. Sometimes I got a glimpse of the Bouth-west room. ThiB was the parlor; back of it was a room where travelers wrote their letters ; aud back of the bar was a cozy little room, mine hostess' sanctum, into which only special friends were admitted. All these are now one large American bar-room. "In reading accounts of the old English inns of coaching days, my mind involuntarily reverts to ' Thurlow's,' for there on the walls were hanging the quaint old coaching and hunting prints imported from England, and around the house was ' Boots,' and the ' Hostler,' and ' the pretty waiting-maid with rosy cheeks,' all from old England. The horses are all bitched, the passengers are ' all aboard,' the driver has taken his seat (the guard is blowing his horn, having taken one inside), is gathering up his many reins ; now he feels for his whip, flourishes it over his four-in-hand, making a graceful curve with its lash, taking care not to touch his horses ; but does it wich a report like a rifle-shot, the hostlers jump aBide, and with a bound and a rush, the coach is off for Washington or Philadelphia, carrying perchance within it Clay, Webster, or Calhoun. And of a winter's evening when I have stolen out from home, I have passed the ' Tavern,' and Been seated around its cheerful fire the magnates of the town, telling stories of other days (as I now could tell their names). And sometimes peeping through the green blinds, I have seen a quiet game of whist going on ; perchance it was 'all fours,' or elBe a game of checkers or domiuoeB."1 » History of Chester, p. 262. Mr. Thurlow retired from business about 1840, and was succeeded by Maurice W. Deshong, who kept the house for a few years, and was followed by Maj. Samuel A. Price, who continued the business until 1853, when the late George Wilson became the host. After a few years Mr. Wilson retired, and was in turn succeeded by Lewis A. Sweetwood. The death of Mrs. Mary Engle, in 1870, at the advanced age of ninety-four years, compelled a sale of the hotel and other property, by order of Orphans' Court, to settle her estate, and in that year William Ward, as trustee to make the sale, conveyed the hotel property to Jonathan Pennell, who, in turn, the same year, sold the premises to Paul Klotz, the present owner. The latter has made important additions and im provements to the eastern end of the ancient build ing. The Washington House. — This ancient hostelry was erected on a part of the twenty acres which by patent dated May 31, 1686, the commissioner for William Penn conveyed to James Sandelands. In 1720, Sandelands sold the land to John Wright, he in turn conveyed it to William Pennell, he to James Trego, who died the owner of the ground. In 1746, Aubrey Bevan purchased the lot, which had been used to pasture cattle, from the widow and son of Trego. In the following year Aubrey Bevan erected the present hotel building and gave it the title " Penn sylvania Arms," as will be seen by an inspection of his will. He was an active and leading citizen of Chester, and the structure, considering the time when it was built, evidences fully the progressive spirit which controlled his efforts. Aubrey Bevan died in 1761, and by will devised this property to his daughter, Mary ; she, together with her husband, William Forbes, by deed dated April 1, 1772, conveyed the estate to William Kerlin, a wealthy man, as wealth was then regarded, and a fervent Whig during the Revolutionary struggle. After the evacuation of Philadelphia by the Brit ish army, Kerlin named his hostelry " The Washing ton House," a name it has been continuously known by to this day. Gen. Washington often, in passing through Chester on his way to and from Mount Ver non to the seat of government in New York and Philadelphia, stopped at this hotel, and on those oc casions a certain room, the best in the house, was assigned to his use. The ancient mahogany chairs which stood in the room occupied by the first Presi dent during these visits are still preserved among the descendants of William Kerlin. He took an active part in the discussion from 1780 to 1786 respecting the proposed removal of the county-seat to West Chester, and after the county-seat had been finally removed from Chester he labored energetically to bring about the formation of the present county of Delaware. Kerlin did not remain mine host of the Washington House until his death, for by his will, proved April 29, 1805, he alluded, in his devise to his 368 HISTORY OF DELAWARE COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA. daughter, Sarah Piper, to " the tavern house" being at that time " in the tenure of Isaac Tucker." Maj. Joseph Piper, who held a position in the Philadelphia custom-house, under Gen. Steele, the then collector, after the death of his father-in-law resigned his office, removed to Chester, and kept the Washington House, owned by his wife, until his death, in 1827. It is related that Maj. Piper, being in Ches ter, saw Sarah Odenheimer, — formerly Sarah Kerlin, — a well-formed, blooming widow, on horseback, and was so impressed with her appearance that he wooed, won, and wedded her for his wife. After his death his widow continued the business at the hotel for several years, but ultimately becoming weary of it, she leased the premises to Evan S. Way, who had formerly kept a tavern in Nether Providence. He was a conspicu ous man in the military affairs of the county a half- century ago, an officer in the Delaware County troop, and kept the hotel until he was elected sheriff, in 1837. The house was then rented to Maj. Samuel A. Price. He was a genial gentleman, who is yet re membered by many of our old residents, an earnest politician, and in 1834 was elected sheriff of the county. In early life he was noted for his manly beauty. An interesting item respecting the old hos telry during Maj. Price's occupancy was related in The Delaware County Advocate several years ago. The article stated that Gen. Harrison, in 1840, after he had received the Whig nomination for the Presidency, was returning from Washington, accompanied by a number of gentlemen from New York, stopped for dinner at the Washington House, and while there re ceived the congratulations of the citizens of Chester. After dinner had been served the cloth was drawn, wine, as usual on such occasions, was placed on the table, and several toasts were drunk. It was observed that Harrison drank water, and being thereupon pressed to take wine, he rose and said, " Gentlemen, I have refused twice to partake of the wine cup ; that should have been sufficient; though you press the cup to my lips, not a drop shall pass their portals. I made a resolve when I started in life that I would avoid strong drink, and I have never broken it. I am one of a class of seventeen young men who gradu ated, and the other sixteen fill drunkards' graves, all through the habit of social wine-drinking. I owe all my health, happiness, and prosperity to that resolu tion. Will you urge me now ?" The circumstance and remarks made by Harrison were related by one of the gentlemen present nearly forty years afterwards, hence the language used on that occasion may not be accurately reported, although the substance is doubtless correctly rendered. Sarah Piper, by her will, proved Sept. 13, 1841, directed that " the tavern-house and thereto belong ing, be sold within one year after my decease." In compliance with that request, although there was a longer interval than one year, her executors sold April 2, 1844, the premises to Henry L. Powell, who in turn, October 11th of the same year, conveyed it to Edward E. Flavill. Mr. Flavill conducted the hotel as a temperance house, and Samuel West, an earnest temperance advocate, employed Edward Hicks, a Quaker artist, to paint a swinging sign, — one. side presenting a delineation of Penn's landing at Chester, and the other Penn's treaty (?) with the In dians, — which he presented to the landlord. This old sign, still in good preservation, is owned by the present proprietor of the Washington House, Henry Abbott. The business proving unremunerative, Fla vill sold the property, Jan. 1, 1849, to Thomas Clyde. Mr. Clyde had formerly kept an extensive country store at the northeast corner of Market Square, the building now owned and occupied by John C. Wil liams, and the eating-house of Mr. Dixon, adjoining, having been erected by him for his dwelling and store. He was also largely interested in quarries on Ridley Creek. Mr. Clyde continued the hotel as a temperance house with indifferent success for over nine years, when he conveyed the property, April 12, 1856, to John G. Dyer. Mr. Dyer had formerly been a clerk in the store of the late Joshua P. Eyre, and subsequently had carried on the dry-goods and grocery business in Philadelphia, Chester, and Rockdale, was customs-officer at the Lazaretto, and was connected with the late James Campbell in the manufacture of cotton goods at Leiperville. He was a man of fine conversational powers, possessing a ready, copious vocabulary and pleasing address, which particularly fitted him for the business of keeping a hotel. He died Oct. 26, 1881. In 1868, John G. Dyer conveyed the estate to Samuel A. Dyer, and he, June 1, 1871, sold it to Henry Abbott, who still owns the property, and is the popular host of the Washington House at this time. In 1883, Henry Abbott, Jr., at an outlay of many thousand dollars modernized the old struc ture internally, and made extensive additions in the rear of the building, preserving, however, its time- honored appearance on Market Street. The Columbia House.— The land on which this ancient building stands was included in the patent dated May 31, 1686, whereby the commissioners of William Penn conveyed to James Sandelands, the elder, in fee, twenty acres of ground in Chester. The land descended to Jonas Sandelands in the distribu tion of his father's estate. Jonas Sandelands died subsequent to 1721, for at that time he held the office of coroner of Chester County, and his widow, Mary, married before 1731, Arthur Shields. Aug. 31, 1732, Arthur Shields and Mary, his wife, the administra tors of Jonas Sandelands' estate, conveyed a tract of land containing over two acres to William Trehorn, subject to a yearly ground-rent of five shillings, to be paid to the heirs of Jonas Sandelands. Trehorn and Catharine, his wife, sold the land Nov. 14, 1733, to Richard Barry, who built the present building pre vious to Dec. 7, 1736, and lived therein, for at the last-mentioned date he mortgaged the premises, and THE CITY OF CHESTER. 369 it is stated in that instrument that he had " erected a new brick messuage upon the lot." " Barry made Considerable preparation to follow the Employment of a Distiller of Liquors." In February, 1738-39, he asked the court for a license at this house, but he failed to obtain the assent of the justices. In 1746, John Hanly, who had purchased the estate, procured the judges' favor, and continued annually to receive it until 1770, when he died, although after the year 1764 he had removed to the house he owned at the northwest corner of Market and Fifth Streets, which then stood on part of the ground where Dr. Grey's residence was in recent years. The Columbia House (in 1764) was rented by John Withy, a retired Eng lish army officer, and he having died in 1765, the fol lowing year his widow, Mary, procured the license. Mrs. Withy was a pensioner of the British government for sixty pounds per annum. On July 18, 1771, she purchased the property, and during the time she was hostess the inn was reported to be the best-kept tavern in America, and as such is frequently referred to in publications of that day. This reputation brought to her house numbers of prominent person ages when journeying between the seat of government and points south of Chester. Mrs. Withy subsequent to the Revolution retired from the business and re moved to Lamokin farm. Her son, Samuel, main tained the most aristocratic notions, and became very unpopular with the mechanics and workmen by de claring that people in their condition should be re stricted from dressing in the same fabrics as used by their more pecuniarily fortunate neighbors, so that the wealthy and the laboring citizens could be desig nated by their apparel. In this hotel tradition asserts the wounds of La fayette were dressed by Mary (Gorman) Lyons, but that incident is claimed as having happened at three other houses in the town of Chester. On Sept. 1, 1796, Mary Withy sold the premises to Maj. Wil liam Anderson, who at the date of his purchase had been landlord of the hotel for two years, for it is stated that he had built a frame summer house and an ice house while the property was in his possession as tenant. Maj. Anderson was a member of Congress and associate judge of the courts of Delaware County. A brief sketch of his life is given in the chapter re lating to the bench and bar, hence there is no reason to repeat it now. In 1803 he built the Anderson mansion, still standing at the northwest corner of Welsh and Fifth Streets, and after that time until he relinquished the hotel, his family resided in that dwelling. On March 2, 1814, Maj. Anderson sold the hotel to Nimrod Maxwell, of Huntingdon, who car ried on the business there for several years, when he leased the house to John J. Thurlow, who remained until 1828, when he removed to the National Hotel, at Edgmont Avenue and Third Street, and James Paist, Jr., kept the Columbia House. Maxwell having died insolvent, suit was brought against his executors, 24 and April 12, 1830, Jehu Broomhall, sheriff, sold the estate to the Delaware County Bank, which corpora tion held the title for several years, during which time Samuel Lamplugh was landlord. March 13, 1833, the bank conveyed the property to Thomas Ewing and Eliza, his wife. During the latter own ership, the hotel was kept by John Richards, the late prothonotary, and he was succeeded by Frank Lloyd, who, still living near Darby, loves to recount the pranks and sports of the olden time, when woe awaited a stranger at the hands of the madcap roysterers of the ancient borough. Thomas Ewing and wife con veyed the estate, Jan. 17, 1839, to Capt. Elisha S. Howes. He was a veritable "salt," who had earned his title as master of merchant ships, and he kept it for several years, until he relinquished it to embark in the grocery business, and March 27, 1848, sold it to James Campbell, who, after making extensive re pairs to the building, conveyed it, March 13, 1854, to John Harrison Hill, who had kept the tavern at Leiperville. The property being sold by the sheriff, was purchased May 27, 1856, by Mark B. Hannum, who conveyed it, April 1, 1857, to Mrs. Elizabeth Appleby, who now owns it. Under the able manage ment of the present landlord, Thomas Appleby, the old hostelry has become almost as noted as it was a century ago. The Blue Anchor Tavern and the Stacey House. — The story of the old building at the southwest cor ner of Market and Fount Streets begins on Aug. 29, 1732, when James Trego presented his petition, stating "that your Petitioner (has) Built a new House on the Green, near the Court-House, for that purpose," and desires a license " at ye said house as usually he had in the said Town heretofore," which was allowed him. On May 29, 1733, John West, the father of Benjamin West, " Humbly showeth that your Petitioner has taken to ffarm the house, with the Appurtenances, where James Trego Lately Dwelt on the Green, near the Court-House," and was ac corded the desired license. David Coupland, on Feb. 23, 1741/2, had leased the house where John Hanly dwelt in Chester, — "the Blue Anchor," — received license, and Hanly removed to the Columbia House. Coupland kept the house in 1746, for in that year he, with other innkeepers of Chester, petitioned the Leg islature for payment of the " diet furnished to Captain Shannon's company," which troop was part of the forces enlisted during the old French war. David Coupland was born in Yorkshire, England, and came to the colony with his parents in 1723, his brother Caleb having preceded him nearly nine years. In 1730 he married Isabella Bell, and from that time seems to have taken an active part in the movements of the day. Although by birthright a Friend, we find that in 1758, when Brig.-Gen. John Forbes commanded the expedition which resulted in the capture of Fort Du Quesne (now Pittsburgh), David Coupland enlisted as a private in the company 370 HISTORY OF DELAWARE COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA. of Capt. John Singleton, and during that campaign, he, with Benjamin Davis and John Hanby (Hanly), agreed to pay Hugh Wilson, of Lancaster County, five pounds as a bounty, for entering one wagon in the expedition, to be credited to the borough of Chester. When the misunderstanding between the colonies and England began David Coupland immediately took sides with the former, and was earnest in his efforts to sustain the cause of the Whigs. At the as sembling of the people of Chester County in the old court-house in this city, Dec. 20, 1774, for the purpose of choosing a committee " to carry into execution the Association of the late Continental Congress," David Coupland was one of the committee chosen, and when the body adjourned it was agreed that it should meet on Jan. 9, 1775, at the house of David Coupland, and from time to time it held its sessions at his tavern. He was taken prisoner in 1778, in the night-time, by a boat's crew from a British man-of-war lying in the river off Chester, as heretofore related, and, as he was an aged man, he died in consequence of the harsh treatment to which he had been subjected. Who im mediately succeeded Coupland I have not learned, but in 1790 Enoch Green was the landlord ; in 1796, Re becca Serrell. In 1801, Jesse Maddux received the license. It is related that he had a number of ducks of rare species, which, with pardonable pride, he would frequently show his guests. On one occasion a prisoner in the jail opposite threaded a strong cord through a number of grains of corn, and dropped the bait into the street, the other end being fastened to one of the iron bars in his cell-window. A plump drake, seeing the tempting morsel, bolted it, and the man began to draw in his catch. The squeaking of the duck apprised mine hostess that something out of the usual way had happened, and she hastened to the door. When she beheld the extraordinary rise in poultry, she exclaimed, " You rascal, you ! that duck's mine!" "That," replied the prisoner, coolly, "de pends on whether this string breaks or not." In 1806 the license was granted to Rose Maddux, and the following year to Jesse Agnew, who appears to have named the tavern the " Hope Anchor." In 1817, Susan Dutton was the landlady of the Fountain Inn, and in 1818, Elizabeth Pennell had license for the " Hope Anchor." The following year John Ir win leased the tavern. In 1824, having purchased the inn building, he changed the name to the " Swan," and removed the old sign, and replaced it with one representing a white swan swimming in blue water, which creaked on gusty days as it swung in the frame at the top of a heavy pole planted near the curbstone at the intersection of the streets. Old Chester Lodge, No. 69, Ancient Free and Accepted Masons, met in the third story of the building until it surrendered its charter, in 1836, and after that date the lodge-room was used by the Odd-Fellows. In 1854, Irwin died, and his widow continued the busi ness until 1844, when Maurice W. Deshong leased it and changed the name to the Delaware County House. In 1852, John Cochran purchased the property, and converted the ancient inn into two stores and dwell ings. The corner store is now owned by the heirs of Edward R. Minshall, and in 1879 was licensed as a hotel, at present kept by Edward Kelly. The ad joining store and dwelling is now the property of Joseph Ladomus, in which he carries on the jewelry business. The Stacey House, immediately adjoining the hotel to the south, which was never used as an inn, was de vised by David Coupland to his daughter, Sarah, who, in 1783, married Benjamin Bartholomew. The latter was a member of the Assembly from Chester County, and when that body, June 30, 1775, ap pointed a Committee of Safety, consisting of twenty- five members, Bartholomew was one named from this district. He was very active and efficient in discharg ing the duties of the position. He died in 1784, and his wife, who survived her husband many years, re sided in the house until near her death, and by will devised the premises to her niece, Tacey Ann (Bevan), who had married George Stacey. The house is now owned by the heirs of Sarah Van Dyke Stacey, wife of David B. Stacey, a well-known, highly-respected, and accomplished gentleman, whose memory is still cherished by those who were so fortunate as to have numbered him among their acquaintances. The Steamboat Hotel. — Grace Lloyd, by her will, dated the 6th day of Fourth month, 1760, devised unto her cousin, Francis Richardson, of Philadelphia, after certain specific devises of lands and bequests of personal property to other parties named therein, " all the rest, residue, and remainder of my lands, planta tions, lots of ground, rents, tenements, hereditaments, and real estate whatsoever and wheresoever." This Francis Richardson entered into possession of the real estate thus devised to him, and began very extensive improvements. He erected between the years 1761 and 1770, the substantial building at the northeast corner of Market and Front Streets, now the Steam boat Hotel, as a dwelling for his family, built exten sive warehouses and a wharf at the site of the present upper government pier, which wharf stood until the year 1816, and was known as " Richardson's wharf," and prepared for a large business as a shipper of grain. While he was making these improvements he was re monstrated with by many of his friends for his outlay of money in the undertaking, and he was much in censed at their short-sightedness. Unfortunately for his enterprise, the brewing troubles with the mother- country worked disastrously for his speculations, and resulted in entirely ruining him. His daughter, Deb orah, was married at Chester, June 10, 1773, to Jo seph Mifflin, and the same year Deborah, Hannah, and John, together with their father, became members of Chester Friends' Meeting. Hannah married Sam uel Fairlamb, Grace married Isaac Potts, and Frances THE CITY OF CHESTER. 371 married Clement Biddle. The four daughters of Francis Richardson were much admired for their beauty, and the exquisite transparency of their complexion was so remarkable that the gallants of those days reported that, when they drank a glass of wine, " it might be seen trickling down their fair throats/' An elder son, who was born in Philadel phia, and named after his father, Francis, we are told by the annalist, Watson, " was a person of great per sonal beauty/' a statement Mrs. Deborah Logan fully corroborates. About 1770 this son went to Loudon, having formed a passionate longing for military life from associating with the British officers in Philadel phia, and secured a commission in the King's Life Guard, of which crack regiment he subsequently be came colonel.1 His brother John, who was a Friend when the Revolutionary war broke out, was quite active in military movements, and for that cause was disowned by Chester Meeting in 1775. Francis Rich ardson died subsequently to the year 1779, for in April of that year he was the lessee of a frame store-house on the east side of Market, south of Fourth Street, which afterwards became the property of Dr. Job Terrill, and now of Mrs. John O. Deshong. He died insolvent, and his real estate, dwelling, and ware houses were sold after his death by Ezekiel Leonard, 1 It is related that Sir William Draper made a tour of the American colonies a Bhort time after his newspaper encounter with "JuniuB." " During his stay in Philadelphia no one was so assiduous in his atten tions to him as Mr. Richardson, better known at that time by the name of Frank Richardson, then from Europe, on a visit to his friends. This gentleman was one^of the most singular and successful of American adventurers. Tbe son of one of our plainest Quakers, he gave early in dications of that cast of character which raised him to hie present sta tion, that of a colonel in the British guards. At a time when such at tainments formed no part of education in Pennsylvania, he sedulously employed himself in acquiring Bkill in the use of the small sword and the pistol, as if to shine as a dueliBt had been the first object of his ambi tion. Either from a contempt for the dull pursuits of the *home keep ing youth' of this day, or from the singularity of his propensities re pelling association, he was solitary and rarely with companions. Fair and delicate to effeminancy,he paid great attention to his person, which he had the courage to invest in scarlet, in defiance of the society to which he belonged, in whose mind's eye, perhaps, as to that of the blind man of Luke, this color from their marked aversion to it, resembles the si ni m d of a trumpet ; and no less in defiance of the plain manners of the city, io which, except on the back of a soldier, a red coat was a pbenom- euon, and always indicated a Creole, or Carolinian, or a dancing mas ter. With these qualifications, and these alone, perhaps, Mr. Richard son at an early age shipped himself for England, where soon having the good fortune to establish a reputation for the theatre, he was received into the best company, and thence laid the foundation of his preferment. Such, at least, was the generally received account of bis rise. But whether accurate or not, his intimate footing with Sir William is an evidence of the style of his company whilst abroad, as well as the pro priety of his conclusion that his native land was not his sphere. As the story went, on Mr. Richardson's first going to England, he happened to be in the same lodgings with Foote, the comedian, with whom he became intimate. One day upon his coming out of his chamber, ' Richardson,' Baid Foote to him, 'a person has just been asking for you, who ex pressed a strong desire to see you, and pretended to be an old Philadel phia acquaintance. But I knew better, for he was a d d ill-looking fellow, and I have no doubt the rascal was a bailiff; so I told him you were not at home.' But here either Foote's sagacity had been at fault, or he had been playing off a stroke of his humor, the visitor having really been no other than Mr. , a respectable merchant of Philadel phia, though not a figure the mqst debonair to be sure." — " Reminis cences," Hazard's Register, vol. vi. p. 167. high sheriff, July 2, 1787, to Robert Eaglesfield Grif fith, a lawyer of Philadelphia, who, on May 4, 1789, conveyed the estate to Davis Bevan. This Davis Bevan was of Welsh descent, and was one of the most conspicuous characters in our city's annals. He was married to Agnes Coupland, daugh ter of David Coupland, and was thirty-seven years of age when the battles of Lexington and Concord were fought. He is stated to have been an officer in the Continental army, and Martin2 relates the following incident in his career as a soldier : " He waB with Washington at the battle of Brandywine, in 1777, and after the defeat of the American forces he carried dispatches from Gen eral Washington to the President of the Continental Congress, then sitting in Philadelphia, announcing the result of the engagement. A gentleman by the name of Sharp accompanied Capt. Bevan. Proceed ing some distance from the army they observed they were pursued by a party of British light horse. Mr. Sharp was not so well mounted as Captain Bevan, who had a thoroughbred mare of great action and en durance. Finding that the light horse were gaining on them constantly, and that Mr. Sharp would persist in urging his nag up the hills in spite of his advice to the contrary, Capt. Bevan said, 'Sharp, if we keep to gether our capture is certain, therefore I think you had better take the next cross-road that we come to, and I will continue on. They will follow me, but I am confident they cannot capture me.' This proposal was agreed to, and as soon as Mr. Sharp had turned off, Capt. Bevan gave the rein to his mare, and his pursuers soon finding themselves dis tanced gave up the chase. When Capt. Bevan reached the Schuylkill during the night, he found, owing to aheavy freshet, the ferry-boat was either unable to run, or had been carried down the river. A boatman, however, rowed him over while his mare swam by the side of the boat. He landed safely on the Philadelphia shore, and replacing his saddle, he hastened to deliver his dispatches. This officer had various adven tures, and often ran great risks while the American army was at Valley Forge. On one occasion he went to visit his wife at the house of a Mr. Vernon, where she had come from Philadelphia, for the purpose of see ing him. Mr. Vernon's houBe was but a short distnnce from the British lines, and it was therefore necessary that considerable caution should be exercised to prevent capture by the numerous parties of British foragers scouring the country. Mr. Vernon's sons were posted around the house at convenient points for observation to give warning of the approach of enemies, and Capt. Bevan went to bed. About the middle of the night one of the boys came to his room, and informed him that a mounted party were approaching the house and he had better prepare to take his departure. Being rather an obstinate man he did not seem to believe the report, but presently another picket came in and told him that he would certainly be captured if he remained any longer. He sprang out of bed, hurried on bis regimentals, and reached the back door just as the British party knocked at the front. He got to the stable, where he found his mare already saddled, and leading her out, and mounting, he leaped tbe farm-yard inclosure, and, being perfectly familiar with the country, he had no difficulty in evading his enemies." During the Revolutionary war the house, whose southern gable-end, as we know, stood near the river, which at that time was a bold, gravelly shore, was a conspicuous mark ; and when the British frigate "Augusta," in 1777, sailed up the Delaware to be sunk afterwards in the attack on Fort Mifflin, her commander, in sheer wantonness, opened fire on the defenseless town. One of the shot shattered the wall in the gable-end towards the river, and the owner re paired the breach by placing a circular window in the opening thus made. Ic still remains there. The house for many years was unproductive ; vari ous tenants occupied it, but because of the tradition that shortly after the Revolution a negro named * History of Chester, pp. 42, 43. 372 HISTORY OF DELAWARE COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA. Laban had been killed in the dwelling, being struck on the head with an axe, whose blood was said to have made an indelible stain behind the door where he fell, and whose spirit wandered around the place of his untimely death, they were of a class that could not afford to pay remunerative rent for the premises. After the death of David Bevan, his son, Matthew Lawler Bevan, sold the property to John Ford, who petitioned, in 1827, for license for "the Steamboat Hotel" stating that having lately purchased that cer tain large brick messuage, situated on Market Street, at the upper pier, he is " desirous to keep the same as a public house of entertainment for the accommodation of watermen passing up and down the river Delaware, and also of travelers." This petition was accompa nied by a recommendation from the masters, pilots, etc., of vessels of the port of Philadelphia, in which they " certify that if license was granted to keep a public house, situate at the Upper Pier in Chester, it would be a great convenience and accommodation to watermen passing up and down the river Delaware, more especially in the winter season, during the time of ice, etc." The business seems not to have been successful, for in June, 1831, Jehu Broomhall sold the property to Samuel Smith, who leased it to Henry T. Reese, who was succeeded the next year by Welcome D. Niles, for at the August court, 1833, the court directed that a rule should be entered against Niles, to appear on the first day of the November Court of Quarter Sessions to show cause " why the license hereinbefore granted to him should not be forfeited, on account of his suffering disorderly riots and im proper conduct" in the house. In 1835, Nelson Wade was the landlord. He was followed by Crossman Lyons, a well-known citizen of Chester, the son of a Revolutionary soldier, who, when a young man, had joined Washington's army in its retreat through New Jersey, had followed the fortunes of the Continental troops through the war until its close, when he settled in Chester, and married Mary Gorman, a woman of extraordinary nerve, whose busy hands dressed many of those wounded at the battle of Brandywine, who were brought to this city for attention. She it was who waited on and dressed the wounds of Marquis de Lafayette, on the evening of that disastrous day. Crossman Lyons, Oct. 12, 1844, purchased the prop erty, and a few years subsequent he leased it to How ard Roberts, who, after keeping the hotel for about three years, declined to continue the business longer, and Mr. Lyons resumed the post of " mine host" until Nov. 12, 1851, when John Goff, who had been the landlord the year previous, purchased the prop erty. After his death, in 1857, his widow continued the hotel, and she having died in 1883, the old hostelry is presided over by her son, John Goff. The Lafayette House. — The house at the south west corner of Third Street and Edgmont Avenue is one of the oldest buildings in our city, and in a deed from James Sandelands, the younger, Sept. 10, 1700, to Stephen Jackson, the property is described as a house and lot, thus showing that the structure ante dates that instrument. Stephen Jackson, on June 17th of the following year, transferred the property to John Worrilow, and he in turn conveyed it, Aug. 29, 1704, to Philip Yarnall. The latter, after retain ing title to the estate for twenty-nine years, sold the dwelling and lot to John Mather, Sept. 26, 1733, who in his will, May 28, 1768, devised it to his daughter, Jane. She first married Dr. Paul Jackson, who dying in 1767, the following year she married Dr. David Jackson. The latter and his wife, Feb. 27, 1775, conveyed the property to James Sparks, a mer chant of Philadelphia. The probabilities are that Dr. David Jackson had lived in this dwelling, for in 1769 he was a resident of Chester. In 1784, William Kerlin owned and resided there until his death, in 1804, when the property descended to his son, John, subject to his mother's life estate. John dying in 1817, his executors sold the house to James Chadwick, who devised it to his son, John. The latter, while owning the property, purchased two frame buildings at Marcus Hook, and placing them on scows, had them floated up to Chester, where he erected them on the eastern end of his property on Third Street. Both of these houses are now owned by the estate of Henry Abbott, Sr., deceased. This was considered a marvelous feat in those days. The dwelling, in 1830, became the property of Charles Alexander Ledomus, whose heirs still own it. In 1875 it was leased to Caleb P. Clayton, who obtained license for the old house and gave it the name Lafayette House, tradition having credited the dressing of the wounds of the French general in that building. Schanlan' s Tavern. — In the historical introduc tion to William Whitehead's " Directory of the Bor ough of Chester," for the years 1859-60, it is stated, " In the second house from the corner of Work Street [now Fourth] on the east side of Market, was a hotel kept by John Scantling, an Irishman, and the resort of all the sons of the Emerald Isle." That the house in which John Brooke now carries on the man ufacture of harness was at one time an inn, the records of the old county of Chester before the erec tion of Delaware County fully establish. At that time only the dwelling, afterwards the residence of Dr. Terrill, was on the same square to the north of John Brooke's store. It was in the store-building Schanlan — for that was his name, not Scantling — kept public-house. It was erected by Thomas Morgan previous to 1756, for the building was there when it was sold in that year to William Eyre, of Bethel. The latter rented the premises to Davis Bevan, who kept tavern there from 1765 to 1771, when he was succeeded by John Schanlan. At first the court turned away from Schanlan, but he obtained the judi cial favor and continued to receive it until 1783, when Dennis McCartney had the license there. The foi- THE CITY OF CHESTER. 373 lowing year (1784) Davis Bevan purchased it, and therein engaged in a general store, as mentioned else where. The business was continued in this house by Isabella Bevan after the death of her father. It was subsequently occupied as a hat store and factory by Maj. Samuel A. Price, and while it was owned by Henry L. Powell, he had a boot and shoe store there. In 1846, Joseph Entwisle owned the property; and thereon he had the first bakery established in Chester for custom business, the old granary of Jasper Yeates being restricted to the manufacture of " hard tack" for ships' stores. When Entwisle built a bleaching- mill in South Ward, in 1851, he sold the house and lot to John Brooke, who has continued in one occu pation and in one locality for a greater number of years than any person at present in Chester, and has gathered during that period a large business and a competency. The Goeltz House (Edgmont Avenue above Third Street). — The frame structure on the east side of Edgmont Avenue, south of Fourth Street, is not an ancient building. In all probability it was built about seventy years ago. It was formerly a stable, attached to the house which was subsequently erected on the lands donated previous to 1704, by Thomas Powell, to the parish of St. Paul, for the gift is mentioned in Rev. Mr. Nichol's letter to the London Society for Propagating the Gospel in Foreign Parts, and in 1718, Rev. John Humphreys, under date of October 24th, alludes to it as containing the foundation of a par sonage (the front on Third Street) which the con gregation started to build, " but were not able to ac complish in & it remains as it has been these 3 years, just about 4 feet above the ground as a reproach to them and an infamous mark of their Poverty." The parish did erect a building on the premises many years afterwards, certainly subsequently to 1762, which they leased previous to 1830, to William Kel ley, as well as the stable on Edgmont Avenue. Kel ley resided in the house on Third Street, wherein he kept a restaurant, and in the stable he had a bottling establishment, the first business of that kind ever in Chester. The church wardens, -however, were in structed to sell the premises on ground-rent, and in compliance with that order George B. Lownes and Pierce Crosby, May 5, 1831, conveyed the premises to William McCafferty, subject to a ground-rent of ninety-seven dollars yearly. The latter, in 1839, sold the lot on Edgmont Avenue, on which was the stable, to Ehrenreich Goeltz. Goeltz changed the stable into a house, and on the rear of the lot erected a soap factory and chandlery, which business he carried on until his death. In the distribution of the latter's estate, the house and factory became the property of his son, George Goeltz, the present owner. A peculiar circumstance connected with this build ing is that, several years ago when the alterations were being made in the cellar, in excavating, at the depth of three feet below the then bottom, a perfect rubble pavement, similar to those in the roadway of many of our streets, was found, respecting which no person had the slightest information as to the reason why it was there, when it was laid, or by whom. The Old Johnson Tavern (on the west side of Edgmont Avenue). — Adjoining the lumber and coal- yard of Jonathan Pennell, to the north, is an ancient building which is believed to have been built by Jacob Howell, subsequent to 1732, when he acquired title to a tract of land, on part of which the dwelling was erected previous to Dec. 10, 1748, at which date Isaac Howell, a son of Jacob, conveyed the lot and " messuage" to William Pennell. In 1784, Samuel Johnson purchased the property and kept it as a public-house, but becoming involved, it was sold by Sheriff Ezekiel Leonard, July 5, 1787, to Robert Pennell. A brother of the then owner, James Pen nell, kept it as an inn ; and as an attraction for the public had a tame tiger, which he had taught to per form a number of tricks. Pennell, when he removed to the Black Horse Hotel, in Middletown, took the animal thither, and one day, when angry, it attacked and killed its master. The building, after it ceased to be a public-house, had several owners, and is now part of the estate of Frederick J. Hinkson, Sr., de ceased. The Brown Hotel.— In 1875, Benjamin Morris, who had been landlord of a popular public-house — now Genther's Hotel— on Market Street above Third, purchased the old Cole House on Third Street below Market Square, where, about the beginning of this century, Jane Davis had an apothecary-shop, the first in Chester, and in more recent years the residence of Dr. J. L. Forwood. Morris removed the old struc ture, and erected in its stead the present spacious hotel building. The property having been purchased by George W. Weaver, deceased, whose estate still owns it, Morris leased the Beale House, the old Sam uel Edward mansion, at Sixth and Market Streets, and removed thither. After several tenants had oc cupied the Morris House, Maj. Daniel Brown leased it, and is the present landlord of the hotel, now known by his name. Banks and Bankers.— The Delaware County Na tional Bank was chartered under the act of March 21, 1814, then popularly known as the "Omnibus Bank Act," which was passed by the Legislature over the veto of Governor Simon Snyder, and with the ex ception of but one other similar institution incor porated by the same law, has been the most success ful bank created by that act, for although a number of corporations started under its provisions, the great majority of them failed within a few years. On Aug. 27, 1614, the meeting of the first board of directors was held, that body consisting of Jonas Eyre, Pierce Crosby, Joseph Engle, Preston Eyre, George G. Leiper, Peter Deshong, Samuel Anderson, Enos Sharpless, Charles Rogers, John G. Hoskins, and Jonas Preston. Thomas Robinson and John New- 374 HISTORY OF DELAWARE COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA. bold, who were members, did not attend. At this meeting John Newbold was elected president pro tem pore, and a committee, consisting of Engle, Hoskins, and Sharpless was appointed to ascertain what would be necessary, and the probable cost " of making Jonas Sharpless' house fit for the use of the bank and for the family of the cashier," and Hoskins and Eyre were appointed on behalf of the bank to enter into a contract for the purchase of Sharpless' house at a price not exceeding three thousand dollars. This house was located on one of the corners of Market Square. On Sept. 5, 1814, Preston Eyre, who at the time owned the house and kept a general country store in the building now the property of Thomas Moore, on Third Street, at present occupied by Brown ing & Co. as a clothing store, was elected cashier pro tempore. The committee appointed to purchase Sharp less' house on October 3d reported that a defect had been discovered in the title of that property, and they were instructed to ascertain whether such blur could be removed, but on the 31st of the same month they reported that " the defect in title cannot be rem edied." Hence, on November 7th, it was ascertained that a dwelling and lot near the market-house, be longing to Elizabeth Pedrick, could be bought for eighteen hundred dollars, and a committee was ap pointed to contract for the purchase of the property and to have the title examined. This house occupied the site of the present bank building. It was a frame structure, which stood on an eminence, steps leading up to the porch, and where the Chester National Bank stands a large gate opened to the lot, through which cattle were driven to pas ture in the field surrounding the house. At that time the dwelling was occupied by two aged spinsters, named Springer, who kept a cake- and candy-shop there. In the mean while Preston Eyre, who had been elected, on November 28th, permanent cashier, at a salary of six hundred dollars per annum, agreed to allow the use of the front room of his house on Third Street to the bank, he being paid one hundred and fifty dollars a year as rent for that apartment and a small frame building adjoining it. The contract, however, stipulated that Eyre should find the fuel and candles for the bank without further compensation and "with liberty given to the directors to leave the contract when they see proper." Joseph Engle and Peter Deshong were at the same meeting instructed to make such alterations to the house of the cashier "as will accommodate this bank for a temporary purpose." On Nov. 28, 1814, the first regular board of direc tors was elected, consisting of John Newbold, Jonas Eyre, Samuel Anderson, Peter Deshong, John G. Hoskins, Thomas Robinson, George G. Leiper, Jonas Preston, Charles Rogers, Joseph Engle, Pierce Crosby, John Cowgill, and Nimrod Maxwell. The same day John Newbold was chosen president of the bank. On the 26th of December the agreement to purchase the lot of Elizabeth Pedrick was entered into, and the bank not having perfected its plans for a building, determined, as a precautionary measure, to rent the property for the time being, and it was rented by Capt. Robinson. On March 10, 1815, the committee to prepare plans submitted their report, in which they stated that the banking-house, which would be of brick, ought to be located in that part of the lot which fronted on Market Street and the public square. The suggestions were accepted, and Pierce Crosby, Joseph Engle, Jonas Eyre, John G. Hoskins, and George G. Leiper appointed the building committee. On March 16, 1815, they were instructed, if they could get pos session of the property rented to Robinson, — who in the mean while had resigned from the board, — to take the house down and use the materials in it to the best advantage. At this time the position of president was purely one of honor, no salary being attached to the office, but the board of directors at the conclusion of the year would appropriate such sum as they thought the services were worth, and liberality was certainly not strikingly displayed in the amount tendered. On May 1, 1815, at the close of the first six months, a dividend of five per cent, was declared, and on No vember 6th of the same year a similar amount was payable to the stockholders, — that being the showing of the first year of business. During that year John Cowgill and John Newbold resigned as directors, and Jonathan Pennell and John Mcllvain took their places in the board. In the mean while the bank building had progressed so that on Nov. 20, 1815, business was for the first time conducted in that struc ture, and on the 27th of the same month the dwelling was ready for occupancy by the cashier. On that day the latter's salary was increased to nine hundred dollars ; he was also instructed to occupy the dwelling part of the bank rent free, and was, in addition, al lowed forty dollars per annum " for supplying hickory wood for the bank." The building, torn down in 1882, appears to have cost, inclusive of the land, $10,354.34. Early in that year William Graham had been elected solicitor of the bank at an annual salary of fifty dollars. The business of the institution had so increased that on Feb. 19, 1816, Peter Hill was appointed book keeper, " it having become necessary for an officer to be appointed to keep the books of the bank and in other respects to assist the cashier in performing the ordinary duties of banking," at an annual salary of seven hundred dollars. It seems that in the early part of this century the banks were obliged to keep open on holidays, for on Monday, Dec. 25, 1820, it was recorded, "Being Christmas, no business was done in the bank," and during the terrible depression of 1821 the general uncertainty of business is shown by the following statement, under date of September 21st: "No notes discounted this day nor money loaned." On Feb. 17, 1823, the first watchman, John Kelley, was employed at the rate of ¦one hundred dol- THE CITY OF CHESTER. 375 lars per annum, " to commence on 1st day of March next." So successful had the institution proved that other parties at the session of 1832-33 made an effort to ob tain a charter for another bank, and the act incorpo rating "The Farmers' and Manufacturers' Bank of Delaware County" passed both Houses, but was ve toed by Governor George Wolf. In the fall of 1834 it was ascertained that a large amount of redeemed notes of the bank had gotten into circulation, and would have to be again paid. It is traditionally as serted that quite a number of these notes had been thrown into the open fireplace, and the draught was so strong that many of them, borne upward in the chimney, were scattered in the street, were gathered by parties unknown, who circulated them in Phila delphia, and they were again presented to the bank for payment. Be that as it may, the dividend was passed several times between 1834 and 1837, and the earnings of the bank were appropriated to make up the deficiency found to exist in the capital of the in stitution. The bank soon recuperated, and for years conducted a steadily-increasing and profitable business, ranking in credit second to no other in the State of a like character. When the civil war came, and all was ex citement, even the staid directors seem to have im bibed something of the war spirit, for on April 22, 1861, the president was instructed to subscribe two hundred dollars towards the purchase of " two hun dred muskets to be kept by the town to be used for the defense of the people and property of the place." On May 5, 1864, the bank made a donation of five hun dred dollars to the Great Central Fair, held in Phila delphia for the United States Sanitary Commission. During the invasion of the State by the rebel army under Gen. Lee, in June, 1863, on the 29th of that month, the directors instructed the president and cashier to make arrangements for the safe depository of the money and other valuables of the bank, if in their discretion such removal was deemed necessary. On Wednesday, July 1st of that year, Caleb Emlen and Jonathan R. Johnson were dispatched in a wagon to Philadelphia with the money and valua bles, starting from Chester at a very early hour in the morning. The sum intrusted to these messengers — clerks in the bank — was several hundred thousand dollars, and although they were well armed, their re sponsibility was so great — fearing lest they might be attacked by parties who had learned of the proposed transfer — that when they placed the specie and other valuables in the custody of the Bank of North Amer ica, Philadelphia, to be forwarded to New York with that of the latter bank, should occasion demand it, they breathed freely once more under the sense of relief it brought them. On March 14, 1864, the old Delaware County Bank ceased as an active State institution, but it had merely changed front, and was chartered by the United States as the Delaware County National Bank. During the transition state the board of directors seem to have acted in settling the affairs of the old institution until Nov. 11, 1864, when the following board was elected (the last under the old State charter) : Edmund Pen nell, Joshua P. Eyre, William W. Maddoek, William Hannum, Edwin Hannum, Jacob Smedley, Joseph Engle, Frederick Fairlamb, William Booth, David Trainer, James Irving, Samuel Starr, and John H. Baker. On March 6, 1865, after the amount of money necessary was deposited in the United States Treasury to secure the charter, the surplus funds of the old bank were divided among the stockholders, paying a dividend of seven dollars per share, and on Dec. 28, 1868, a further dividend of two dollars and fifty cents was declared, which finally settled all the outstanding business of the old bank. The institution under the national charter throve and prospered, the remarkable financial abilities of the late John O. Deshong being conspicuous in the conduct of its affairs. It was everywhere known as a strong and well-managed institution, usually carrying large sums of money in its vaults. Hence it is not to be wondered that efforts were made to rob it. On the night of Jan. 12, 1872, such an attempt was made, the burglars striving to effect an entrance by boring six holes with an auger through a back window-shutter, which, however, failed to penetrate the iron lining. The watchman heard the noise and gave the alarm, but the robbers fled before pursuit could be made. In 1882 the old structure, built in 1815, was de molished, the business being removed into an adjoin ing building on Third Street, and the present fine banking-house erected in its stead. In all its ap pointments it is a model building, and reflects credit on the institution and on the architect, P. Welsh, and besides is an ornament to our city. It seems hardly credible that a structure such as it is could have been erected for fifty thousand dollars, and yet the building proper cost thirty-five thousand dollars, while the vault and fixtures aggregated fifteen thou sand dollars additional. This was certainly a neces sary and judicious expenditure. The new building was opened for business Jan. 29, 1884. Following is a list of the presidents of the Dela ware County Bank : John Newbold, Nov. 28, 1814, to March 23, 1815 ; Dr. Jonas Preston, March 30, 1815, to Nov. 20, 1815 ; Pierce Crosby, Nov. 27, 1816, to Nov. 15, 1834 ; John Kerlin, Nov. 15, 1834, to No vember, 1841 ; Jesse J. Maris, Nov. 22, 1841, to De cember, 1860; Frederick J. Hinkson, Dec. 12, 1860, to Feb. 8, 1864; Edmund Pennell, Feb. 15, 1864, to Dec. 25, 1868. Presidents of the Delaware County National Bank : Samuel A. Crozer, March 14, 1864, to Jan. 16, 1865 ; Edmund Pennell, Jan. 16, 1865, to Jan. 19, 1874; Da vid Trainer, Jan. 26, 1874, to Jan. 25, 1875 ; Robert H. Crozer, Jan. 25, 1875, to March 5, 1877 ; Ellwood Tyson, March 12, 1877, present incumbent. 376 HISTORY OP DELAWARE COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA. Cashiers of the Delaware County Bank : Preston Eyre,1 Nov. 28, 1814, to Dec. 11, 1834; Charles S. Folwell, December, 1832, to March 3, 1836 ;2 Freder ick J. Hinkson, March 10, 1836, to July 25, 1853 ; James G. McCollin, Aug. 10, 1853, to Aug. 13, 1860 ; William Taylor, Sept. 6, 1860, to March 17, 1864 ; Caleb Emlen, March 24, 1864, to Nov. 11, 1864. Cashiers of the Delaware County National Bank : Caleb Emlen, May 14, 1864, to February, 1874 ; J. Howard Roop, Feb. 19, 1874, present incumbent. Present board of directors : Ellwood Tyson, Joshua P. Eyre, David Trainer, Robert McCall, D. Reese Esrey, William S. Blakeley, Thomas Appleby, Thomas Scattergo'od, John 0. Deshong, Jr. Every successful business enterprise is largely the result of the individual efforts of those men who have controlled, directed, and shaped its course. Naturally it is the exponent of the tact and forethought of those persons on whom the responsibility of its manage ment has been cast. John O. Deshong, Frederick J. Hinkson, and Edmund Pennell were conspicuous in their connection with the Delaware County Na tional Bank. Hence it is eminently proper that their biographical sketches should accompany this history of the bank they did so much to place in the high position it now holds in business circles. John Odenheimer Deshong was born in Delaware County, Pa., Sept. 6, 1807, his parents being Peter Deshong and Mary Odenheimer Deshong. He was the eldest of three children, the others being Maurice W. and S. Louisa. His education was received in private schools in Chester, Pa., and immediately upon attaining manhood he engaged in general merchan dising at the corner of Fourth and Market Streets, Chester, in which he was quite successful. In 1843 he engaged in the lumber business in Chester, and being prosperous was able to retire from active busi ness in 1849. He soon after turned his attention to financial affairs, using his capital as a dealer in com mercial paper, in which he became a large and suc cessful operator, and continued it until his death. He avoided all financial speculations of uncertain success, and his pecuniary losses were surprisingly small in comparison with the large amount of capital used in his business. From 1845 until his decease he was almost con tinuously a director of the Bank of Delaware County, of which institution his father was one of the original directors. He was also for many years a director of the Chester Gas Company, and on his decease the board of directors passed unanimously, and recorded among the minutes, a series of resolutions, a part of which is here quoted as an expression of the opinion and feelings of those who knew him intimately : "That his intercourse with his colleagues was marked 1 PreBton Eyre died in Dubuque, Iowa, April 18, 1859, aged eighty- seven yeare. 2 Resigned to accept a position in the Bank of the United States, and died in Germantown, Sec. 28, 1875, aged eighty years. by uniform kindness and courtesy, and his counsels were always for justice and fair dealing as well to the community as to the stockholders." The direc tors of the Delaware County National Bank, into which the Bank of Delaware County had been merged, also recorded resolutions expressive of the great loss that had been sustained : " In the decease of one whose well-known business qualifications, sterling integrity, and excellent judgment entitled him to the respect and grateful remembrance of stockholders and directors." Mr. Deshong was a Republican in politics, but would never for a moment seriously consider any proposition to become a candidate for any office, though he wielded a large influence on local public affairs by unobtrusive advice and timely suggestions. His counsel to friends with reference to their own affairs was always valuable, and frequently given to those in whom he felt an interest. He was decided, prompt, and self-reliant, with strong and lasting affec tion for those he loved. A reader of standard works, with a retentive memory, his mind was well stored with useful knowledge, but conspicuous above all other intellectual traits was his clear insight into the motives and capacities of others. His foresight in business matters was marvelous, his grasp of compre hension embracing not only his own, but the affairs of others to an extent that was often astonishing. In social intercourse Mr. Deshong was genial and sprightly, fond of pleasantries and friendly jokes, always meeting his friends with a cheerful smile and a pleasant word. On Dec. 6, 1826, he was married to Emmeline L., daughter of Dr. J. H. Terrill, of Chester, by which union were seven children, of whom Alfred O., John O., Jr., Louise (wife of J. E. Woodbridge), and Clar ence survive. Mr. Deshong died on May 28, 1881, in his seventy-fourth year. The Hinkson family came from the county of Cavan, in the North of Ireland. The oldest members of the family there say that three brothers emigrated in the seventeenth century from Hanover, in the North of Germany, to Ireland. In the burial-ground of the family, in Belturbet churchyard, many of the Hinksons are buried. The Hinksons of this country are descended from John Hinkson and Jane, his wife, who, with one son, came to this country from Ireland, and settled in Upper Providence township, Delaware Co. They had eight children, four sons and four daughters, viz. : John (who married Abigail Engle), George (who married Catharine Fairlamb), Thomas (who married Mary Worrilow), James (who married Elizabeth Crossley), Jane (who married Thomas D. Weaver), Mary (who was unmarried), Sarah (who married William Haw kins), and Nancy (who married Joseph Dickerson). The descendants live in Pennsylvania, Ohio, Illinois, and Maryland. The parents of Frederick James Hinkson were John Hinkson, Jr., of Lower Provi- THE CITY OF CHESTER. 377 dence township, and Abigail, a daughter of Frederick Engle, formerly of the borough of Chester. They were married in 1784. Their children (besides F. J. Hinkson) who reached maturity were : Jane (who married Ambrose Smedley, a farmer of Middletown township ; she died in 1873, in her eighty-ninth year), Ann (who married David Baker, of Middletown town ship, — he was a carpenter and builder), John (whose business was that of a farmer. His first wife was Jemima, a daughter of Joseph Worrall, of Upper Providence; his second, who is now living in Chester, is Orpha, a daughter of Joseph Naide, of Chester township. John held the position of steward of the House of Employment of this county, was sheriff, a member of the State Legislature, and a recorder of deeds and register of wills), Mary (who married Abra ham Hamor, formerly of Middletown, and afterwards of Hamorton, in Chester County), Joseph (who was a carpenter and builder. He married Ann, a daugh ter of Samuel Black, of Marple), Orpha (who married Jacob Evans, of Upper Providence, afterwards of Chester township), and Edward Engle Hinkson (who married Sarah, a daughter of Samuel Slanter, of Ches ter township. He was a carpenter and builder. He was the first building inspector of the city of Ches ter; held the office for several years, and until his death). All of the children of John Hinkson, Jr., are deceased. Frederick J. Hinkson was born Nov. 8, 1803, in the township of Upper Providence. When he was quite young his parents moved into Middletown township. Soon after his father's decease (which happened when he was fifteen years old) he entered the store of Abra ham Hamor, of that township. Mr. Hamor, in con nection with his store, carried on tailoring. Mr. Hinkson having learned his trade, that of a tailor, went to school. He subsequently taught school at Upper Providence meeting-house, at Village Green, then at Columbia, in Lancaster Co., and again at Vil lage Green. While teaching at the last-named place he was elected a clerk in the Bank of Delaware County, at Chester, in which institution, in the ca pacity of clerk, cashier, and president, he remained for over thirty years. He entered the bank in 1828, and resigned in 1864, for the benefit of his health. For many years the Bank of Delaware County (now "The Delaware County National Bank") was the only one in the county. Mr. Hinkson drove occasionally from Chester to the Black Horse Tavern (a noted cattle market), in Middletown township, and sat there to cash checks, and to do other banking business with the drovers. Although he at times took with him and brought back large sums of money, he was never molested. Before leaving the bank he engaged in the tanning business at the old yard, on Edgmont Avenue, in Chester, which his father-in-law, William Brobson, had carried on for many years. During a part of the time he had as a partner James S. Bell. He (Mr. Hinkson) sold out, in 1865, to his sons, Charles and F. J. Hinkson, Jr., who continued the same business until the decease of Charles, in 1872, when the tan ning business was discontinued. Since then F. J. Hinkson, Jr., has kept a store at the old stand for the sale of leather and findings. The old tannery, after more than a century of continued usefulness in tan ning and finishing leather, such as slaughter, belt, loom, harness, bridle, skirting, welt, wax-upper, and calf-skins, which helped to drive the machinery of industrial establishments, to harness the horses and to shoe the people, is a thing of the past. Mr. Hinkson was for twenty years treasurer of the borough of Chester. He was also the treasurer of the first building association started in Chester. It was called the Chester Building Association. John M. Broomall was the first president. F. J. Hinkson filled the same position subsequently. It was organized in January, 1850. There have been many associations since, which have rendered great help in building up Chester. In 1856, Mr. Hinkson was elected one of the as sociate judges of the county. He resigned before his time expired. He was also elected a director of the poor and a jury commissioner, and was a treasurer of the Farmers' Market Company of Chester. He served often as an executor and guardian, and performed his duty with conscientious fidelity. The firing on Fort Sumter, April 12, 1861, aroused the loyal North to intense excitement. The people of Delaware County felt the patriotic impulse, and im mediately took action to stand by the government. The Delaware County Republican, in its issue of April 26, 1861, said, "Capt. Edward's company, the Union Blues, received marching orders on Saturday morning last, at nine o'clock. At six o'clock the volunteers were mustered in front of the Washington House, where they were addressed from the piazza by Judge Hinkson, who informed them that the citizens of the borough had pledged themselves that the wives and children of the soldiers should be properly cared for in their absence. The speaker paid a high compli ment to the men who were about to enter the service of their country. The Rev. Mr. Talbot, of St. Paul's Episcopal, and the Rev. Mr. Sproull, of the First Pres byterian Church, also made patriotic speeches. The company left that night for Harrisburg. Measures were soon taken to form relief committees, to raise money to maintain the families of those who might be in the service of their country. A county meeting was held at Media, April 23, 1861 (of which Hon. H. Jones Brooke was chairman), which divided the county into seven districts, each district to have a committee of three, with power to increase to twelve. Each district was to have a treasurer, and collecting and distribut ing committees. The district treasurer was to return the funds collected to the county treasurer appointed by the meeting. The money was to be distributed pro rata among the districts, the amount given to each family to be regulated by the income made by the 378 HISTORY OP DELAWARE COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA. soldier while at home. The first district consisted of the borough of Chester and of the townships of Ches ter, Ridley, and Tinicum. The members of the com mittee were F. J. Hinkson, Samuel A. Crozer, and Thomas A. Gesner. The county committees appointed by the county meeting of April 23, 1861, met at Media, April 29th. F. J. Hinkson was chosen president ; Jackson Lyons, of Haverford, vice-president; Henry Green, of Edg mont, corresponding secretary ; Dr. G. B. Hotchkin, of Media, recording secretary. Auditors, Thomas Pratt, of Middletown; James Cloud, of Concord; and Washington James, of Nether Providence; Hon. Charles R. Williamson, of Media, was appointed treasurer for the county. These committees, and others that were formed, did a noble and patriotic work, second only in value to that of the brave men from Delaware County who on land and water up held the cause of the imperiled Union. In September, 1862, the Governor made a call for fifty thousand men to defend the State. On Tuesday, September 16th, Capt. Thatcher had a full company. On the 17th Capt. Kershaw's company was organized. The Town Council made an appropriation of fifteen hundred dollars, which was judiciously expended by John Larkin, Jr., Benjamin Gartside, and F. J. Hink son. In 1874, F. J. Hinkson was a candidate for the State Legislature by a popular call, and so great was the vote cast for him that, although there were three tickets in the field (he being named as an Independ ent), he was only defeated by a trifling plurality. He was not a member of any religious denomination. He believed in the principles of the society of Friends, and attended meeting. The only time when he devi ated from the peaceable teachings of that society was during the late war, when he actively and outspokenly stood by the government. In 1837 he married Hannah H., the only daughter of William and Rebecca Brobson. She was born June 9, 1814, and died Jan. 9, 1844. F. J. Hinkson died Sept. 10, 1879. They are buried in the Friends' burying-ground in Chester. Their children were William B., born Nov. 22, 1838; he died in 1871, unmarried ; Henry, born April 14, 1840 ; he married Lucy, a daughter of David F. Craig, of Wilmington, Del.; Charles, born Nov. 21, 1841; he married Ara bella, a daughter of R. R. Dutton, of Chester ; he died in 1872, and is buried in the Chester Rural Cemetery ; aud F. J. Hinkson, Jr., born Oct. 4, 1843. Henry was for years a member of the late firm of Hinkson & Smedley, who were engaged in the dry- goods and grocery business in Chester. Henry and F. J. Hinkson, Jr., are both ex-members of the Council of Chester. On the 4th of July, 1876, F. J. Hinkson, Jr., de livered the Centennial address at the celebration at Upland. Samuel A. Crozer read the Declaration of Independence. The ancestors of Edmund Pennell were members of the Penn colony, and settled in Rockdale, Aston township, where they were owners of one thousand acres of valuable land. His grandfather was prob ably William, whose children were William, James, Nathan, Thomas, Jonathan, and several daughters. The last-named son was born in Edgmont township, and in early life apprenticed to his brother-in-law as a blacksmith. He, in 1786, removed to Chester, and there followed his trade for many years. He married Sarah Hibberd, of Upper Darby township, whose children were two sons, — James and Henry Hale. By a second marriage to Ann Delaney, of Chester, were born children, — Edmund, and Jonathan who died in 1798, Sarah Ann, Edmund (2d), Sydney, Jon athan (2d), Nathan, and several who died in early life. Edmund, the subject of this biography, was born April 22, 1802, in Chester, which has been his lifetime residence. After receiving such advantages of education as the schools of the day afforded he entered the shop of his father as an assistant, though not with a view to perfecting himself in the trade. Much of his attention was also given to the cultiva tion of a farm in the suburbs of the borough. During the year 1835 he purchased a tract of land now em braced within the limits of the South Ward of Ches ter, and was for many years actively engaged as a farmer. On selling this land, in 1863, he made the city his permanent residence. Mr. Pennell was, in December, 1830, married to Miss Elizabeth J., daugh ter of John and Elizabeth Price. Their children are Jonathan, Anna Elizabeth (Mrs. Charles C. Larkin), Charles D., Martha S. (Mrs. Joshua P. Eyre), Wil liam, Mary C, and Edmund and Sally deceased. Mr. Pennell has been a leading spirit in the business development of Chester, as also in its growth and improvement. His father, who was an early director of the Delaware County Bank, was, at his death, suc ceeded by his son, Edmund, who, on the adoption of the national system, became its first president, and filled the office of director for more than thirty years. He was early in his political career a Whig, and sub sequently a Republican, having been, in 1846, elected county commissioner. During his official term of three years the county-seat was removed to Media, which was surveyed and plotted under his auspices. He has also served as a member of the borough council. Both Mr. and Mrs. Pennell are Orthodox Friends in their religious faith. In the winter of 1880 this venerable couple celebrated their golden wedding, which was the occasion of congratulations from a numerous assemblage of children, grandchil dren, and friends. The First National Bank.— After the national banking law went into effect, and as one of the sec tions of the act required that all funds received by revenue officers and other collecting agents of the United States should be deposited in the First Na tional Bank in the towns, cities, and districts wherein a T ,w* THE CITY OF CHESTER. 379 such officers were authorized to act, it became an im portant matter to secure tha first charter for a na tional bank in Chester, where, by reason of its manu facturing interests, the United States revenue tax amounted to many thousands of dollars. Hence, on Feb. 25, 1863, Samuel M. Felton, Thomas Reaney, Samuel Archbold, Benjamin Gartside, Amos Gart side, Abraham R. Perkins, L. T. Rutter, Samuel Ec- cles, Jr., Jacob Sinex, John Gartside, and William Ward signed articles of association for a national bank, to be located in Chester, and William Ward was dispatched to Washington to secure the charter. The bank was not regularly organized until May 15, 1864, when Abraham R. Perkins was elected presi dent, William Taylor cashier, and a board of directors chosen, consisting of Abraham R. Perkins, Samuel M. Felton, Thomas Reaney, Benjamin Gartside, Sam uel Archbold, Samuel Eccles, Jr., and William Ward. The seal of the bank had been agreed upon at a pre vious informal meeting, when it was decided it should represent a steam-engine and power-loom, the distinc tive industries of the city. On March 24, 1864, the bank purchased a house and lot at the southwest corner of Second and Penn Streets for thirty-four hundred dollars, and there, at the date already given, the First National Bank opened its doors to receive deposits and to conduct a general banking business. The location of the building was on a side street, away from the centre of trade, hence it was deter mined to remove to another and better situation when opportunity should offer. To that end, on Oct. 10, 1870, the present banking-house, immediately south of the town hall, on Market Street, was pur chased from George Baker, the front removed, a ser pentine-stone front substituted, and internally the structure was arranged to meet the requirements of a banking institution. On Jan. 18, 1871, the First National Bank began business at its new location, and the following day, January 19th, Abraham R. Perkins, having removed from Chester, and because of failing health resigned the presidency, to which position John Larkin, Jr., was elected on the 23d of the same month. The old banking-house on Penn Street was purchased by George Baker, and later sold to Orlando Harvey, who converted it into a dwelling- house. On May 26, 1884, Frank R. Palmer was elected cashier, William Taylor having resigned that office, which he had held since the incorporation of the bank. The present board of directors is as fol lows: John Larkin, Jr., Benjamin Gartside, John Gartside, Mortimer H. Bickley, James Irving, Wil liam B. Broomall, and William Hannum. John Larkin, Jr., the president of the First Na tional Bank, is one of four men to whom Chester is indebted for much of its present prosperity, the other three being John P. Crozer, James Campbell, and John M. Broomall. John Larkin, the great-grandfather of the subject of this biographical sketch, emigrated from England, and was one of the earliest settlers in Delaware County. He had among his children a son, Joseph, whose son, John, married Martha Thomas, whose ancestors were- of Welsh descent. Their son, John, was born Oct. 3, 1804, in Concord township, Delaware Co., and after limited advantages of the, country schools, was em ployed until twenty-one years of age upon his father's farm. He engaged in mercantile pursuits for one year at Chichester, and later for three years at Marcus Hook. He in 1832 purchased a freight-vessel and established a packet-line between Marcus Hook and Philadelphia, which was continued until 1839, when he sold the vessel, wharf, and business interest. He was elected sheriff of Delaware County in 1840, and on the expiration of his term removed to a farm of one hundred and fifty-five acres in Lower Chichester, upon which he had erected new and commodious buildings. During the years 1845 and 1846, he rep resented his district in the State Legislature. Mr. Larkin, in 1848, made Chester his home, and the same year built two vessels and established a daily line of packets between that city and Philadelphia, the boats having previously run but twice a week. He in 1849 formed a copartnership with William Booth, under the firm-name of Booth & Larkin, for the purpose of running packets daily from Chester to Philadelphia in the interest of the coal and lumber business. The firm enjoyed a prosperous career until 1852, when the partnership was dissolved, and Mr. Larkin's attention was directed to real-estate opera tions consequent upon the exchange, in 1850, of his farm for eighty-three acres in the North Ward of Chester, formerly used as a race-course. This prop erty was at once laid out in streets and the lots sold for building purposes. In 1854 he entered into a contract to erect for Abram Blakeley a cotton-mill of any dimensions, which contract was completed before the specified time, and adequately illustrates the energy and business capacity of the subject of this sketch. He also erected, the same year, twenty-two dwellings, and by the large sale of lots was enabled to carry out to the fullest extent the various benefi cent enterprises he had projected. This movement, which gave a decided impetus to Chester and its man ufacturing interests, was followed by the erection of a total of one hundred and forty-six dwellings and thirteen manufacturing establishments of various kinds. Mr. Larkin, in 1881, sold the last unim proved building-lot, and thus disposed of the eighty- three acres he originally acquired. In 1870 he pur chased a tract of land at Marcus Hook, containing twenty-three acres, which was at once laid out in streets and building-lots. On this he erected sixty dwellings, two machine-shops, two foundries, and a large hosiery-mill. He has been actively identified with the municipal interests of Chester, was for eleven years a member of the Borough Council, and for six years president of that body. On its incorpo ration as a city, in 1866, he was chosen its first mayor, 380 HISTORY OF DELAWARE COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA. and held the office for six consecutive years, refusing to receive a salary for his services. He was one of -the originators of the Chester Rural Cemetery, and for years president of the association. He was also one of the founders of the Chester Mutual Insurance Company, and has been its president since the begin ning of its business operations. He has also been, since 1871, president of the First National Bank of Chester. Mr. Larkin was in 1827 married to Miss Charlotte, daughter of Capt. Erasmus Morton, to whom were born children, Charles C, Caroline (Mrs. John M. Broomall), John M. (deceased), Lewis M., Nathan, Francis, Henry, Mary (Mrs. Thomas Gil bert). Mrs. Larkin died in 1847, and he was again married to Miss Mary A., daughter of William Baggs, whose children are Clarence and Ella (Mrs. Richard Wetherill). Mrs. Larkin's death occurred in 1877. The Chester National Bank. — This institution, under the above title, was chartered as a national bank March 1, 1884, and began business as such on the 1st day of April thereafter. Samuel A. Dyer was chosen president; Samuel H. Leeds, cashier; and a board of directors elected, consisting of J. Frank Black, Robert Wetherill, Hugh Shaw, Charles B. Houston, William Appleby, George B. Lindsay, Jonathan Pennell, H. B. Black, and Samuel A. Dyer. Its career has been one of marked success, its business being largely in excess of that which its founders an ticipated. The banking-house is located on West Third Street near Market Square, a handsome granite building, which was erected in 1873 by Samuel A. Dyer and William Appleby for a private banking office, to which afterwards large additions and im provements were made. In 1875, William Appleby retired from the firm, and the business was continued by Co). Dyer until it was finally merged into the Chester National Bank. The Chester Library.— By the record of the old Library Company of Chester, it appears, " a number of the most considerable inhabitants of the borough having from time to time had in consideration the good consequences that would result from the erection of a public library in the said borough for the promo tion of useful knowledge, did at length proceed to enter into articles for the forming themselves into a company for that purpose, agreeable to which articles they met on the tenth day of May, Anno Domini, 1769, in order to pay in the sum of money proposed to be advanced by each member, and to elect and chuse proper officers for the more effectual carrying their design into execution. At which time were chose : Directors — Henry Hale Graham, Elisha Price, David Jackson, Nicholas Fairlamb, Thomas Moore; Treasurer, Thomas Sharpless; Secretary, Peter Steele." Previous to this meeting preliminary affairs had been adjusted, for on the 14th day of February, 1769, an explicit agreement, entitled " Articles of the Li brary Company of Chester," had been adopted, signed and sealed, the latter marks with a scrawl of a pen, but the first sixteen names had attached to each a veritable wax seal, stamped with the armorial bear ings of Henry Hale Graham, " That for distinction sake," the old agreement declares, " the subscribers in company, now and hereafter at all Times, are and shall be called the Library Company of Chester." The subscribers obligated themselves each to pay thirty shillings to raise a fund for the purchase of books. At no time should the number of subscribers exceed one hundred, and no one could be a share holder unless he had subscribed to the articles of as sociation. Each and every subscriber was required yearly to pay seven shillings and sixpence, a neglect to do so being punishable with a fine, and at the end of two years, if such shareholder was still in default, he should " therefrom forever after be excluded from the said partnership," and his share forfeited. The association was to continue " for and during the space of one hundred years," and the books and effects of the company should remain "the indistinguishable property of all the members." The books in the library were loaned to subscribers for designated periods, according to the size of the volume, and a note was required to be given con ditioned for the payment of twice the value of the book in case of its loss. On the 6th of September, 1769, the directors and officers of the company met "at Joseph Ogden's, in Philadelphia, to purchase books," which was done. The library was kept in Francis Ruth's house, and he was directed " to make a press of dimensions at least sufficient to contain the said books," for which he was to be paid forty shil lings. On Aug. 10, 1770, it was ordered after " the next purchase of books a set of compleat catalogues shall be printed at the expense of the Company, and each member shall be entitled to one for his own use." On Nov. 10, 1770, Henry Hale Graham, Elisha Price, and Hugh Lloyd were instructed to buy books " with what money is in bank." At that date Ruth had not furnished the " press," and he was fined for his neg lect, and informed that if it was not done in three weeks he would be fined seven shillings and sixpence. He finished it, and on May 25, 1771, complained that the price for which he had agreed to make it was too low, whereupon the directors allowed him three pounds, out of which, however, they deducted his fines, and the cost of a book, " The Husband," which he could not account for. The treasurer paid him one pound thirteen shillings and ten pence. Prior to May 15, 1775, the library was removed to the old school- house at Fifth and Welsh Streets, and a board parti tion separated the place where the books were kept from the other part of the room. During the Revo lution there appear to have been but few business meetings of the company; the last one held May 20, 1775, and the next occurring May 10, 1780. Interest had been lost in the association, and on Aug. 1, 1789, it was discussed whether the company should not THE CITY OF CHESTER. 381 disband and the books and other property be dis tributed among the members, but it was decided that no such action could be had without an act of the Legislature. The company dragged thereafter. On Aug. 22, 1835, the books had been removed to the town hall, a frame structure covering half of the market-house, which stood in Market Square, com prising one room about twenty feet square. The old frame town hall is now owned by J. Edward Clyde, having been removed to Fifth Street east of Market when the market-house was torn down, in 1857, and is now a Chinese laundry. When the building was demolished the library was temporarily placed in a room in the old court-house, remaining there until 1866, when it was removed to the office of Joseph Taylor, in National Hall. In 1840 the title of the association was changed to " The Chester Li brary Company" by act of Assembly, but the ancient "partnership" had become so enfeebled by its weight of years that it could not be recuperated, so that when in January, 1871, it was removed to a room in the second story of the Farmers' Market, on Fourth Street, it was laid away to accumulate dust on its unused volumes, and that such an association ex ists in this city has been almost forgotten. Holly Tree Hall, on the north side of Seventh Street west of Edgmont Avenue, is a brick building containing on the upper floor a large audience-room capable of seating over six hundred persons, hand somely fitted and arranged for lectures and public entertainments, while on the lower floor is a commo dious library and reading-room, and a large apart ment specially furnished for the use of Miss Laura J. Hard's Bible-class. In the front there are two rooms leased for store purposes. Holly Tree Hall is the outgrowth of an attempt of Miss Hard to provide a resort where workingmen and females might assemble in the evening for conversation and reading. To this end she labored diligently, succeeding in enlisting the public in the enterprise. Money and books were do nated, and in January, 1873, three rooms were leased over H. B. Taylor's hardware store, on Third Street near Market Square, and the " Mechanics' Reading-Room" opened to the public. The apartments soon became too small to meet the demand made upon them, and it was determined to erect a building adapted to the purposes intended. A charter was obtained from the court, stock was issued, and in May, 1877, the present building was built. There are nearly two thousand volumes on the shelves of the institution, the books being free to all who may visit the library, but can only be taken therefrom by stockholders, and the reading-room is well supplied with daily newspapers of Philadelphia, the local press, and current stand ard American periodicals. The officers of the as sociation are Hugh Shaw, president ; George B. Lindsay, secretary ; and Miss Laura Hard, treasurer. Chester Institute of Science.— A call for a meet ing of citizens to consider the advisability of forming an Institute of Science was issued on Feb. 26, 1882, by Thomas Moore, Adam C. Eckfeldt, and Dr. F. R. Graham. Mr. Moore had long been interested in the matter, and it was through his efforts that the first steps towards a formal organization were taken. On Thursday, March 2, 1882, the following gentlemen as sembled at the office of D. M. Johnson, Esq. : Thomas Moore, Adam C. Eckfeldt, Dr. F. R. Graham, George Gilbert, Felix de Lannoy, Ward R. Bliss, Henry B. Taylor, Dr. R. H. Milner, D. M. Johnson, Dr. C. W. Perkins, Henry Palmer, Dr. C. W. de Lannoy, and B. F. Morley. Adam C. Eckfeldt was called to the chair, and Dr. De Lannoy was made secretary. Great in terest was shown in the matter, and, after some gen eral discussion of the subject, a committee, consisting of Ward R. Bliss, Thomas Moore, and Dr. De Lan noy, was appointed to draft a constitution and by laws. A second meeting was held at the Armory, on Friday, March 10th. George Gilbert was called to the chair, and Capt. B. F. Morley appointed secre tary. A constitution was adopted, and under it an election was held, April 14th, and the following per manent officers were chosen : President, George Gil bert ; Vice-Presidents, Adam C. Eckfeldt, Professor F. de Lannoy ; Secretary, Thomas W. Scott ; Treasurer, Thomas Moore ; Librarian, Henry B. Taylor ; Man agers, Dr. Ellwood Harvey, Henry Greenwood, M. Louise Clancy, Dr. R. H. Milner, and Dr. C. W. de Lannoy. Thomas W. Scott, secretary, resigned November 10th, and John Miller was elected in his stead. Upon the removal of the latter from the State, Charles St. J. McKee was made secretary on Feb. 9, 1883. Owing to business engagements Mr. McKee resigned, and Frank R. Gilbert became secretary on the 9th of November. At the first stated meeting, on April 14, 1882, D. M. Johnson, Esq., Hon. Y. S. Walter, and Thomas Lees were appointed a committee to procure a charter ; and on June 5th the society was incorporated by the Court under the title of the " Chester Institute of Science and Mechanic Arts." The members named as corpo rators in the charter are as follows : George Gilbert, Ellwood Harvey, Y. S. Walter, Thomas Moore, F. de Lannoy, H. B. Taylor, Thomas Lees, D. M. Johnson, Thomas W. Scott, Charles F. Foster, Thomas B. Robinson, Benjamin D. Johnson, Reuben Yarnall, J. L. Forwood, J. T. DeSilver, Clarence Larkin, Benjamin F. Baker, M. L. Clancy, Ward R. Bliss, and H. G. Ashmead. The objects of the society are "to promote the dif fusion of general and scientific knowledge among the members and the community at large, and the estab lishment and maintenance of a Library, Historical Record, and a Museum." A library of two or three hundred volumes is already collected. The museum, of several thousand specimens, has already reached such proportions as to 382 HISTORY OF DELAWARE COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA. command much attention from visitors. The depart ments of mineralogy, antiquities, entomology, numis matics, etc., are well represented, and rapidly increas ing in interest. Early in the fall of 1882 it was deemed best to sup plement the work of the monthly meetings by a series of weekly lectures and discussions. Under this ar rangement there have been given before the institute, since its organization, over one hundred lectures and addresses by distinguished gentlemen from abroad or by its own members. Great interest has been shown in the meetings, and the constant donations and con tinued applications for membership show that the society has a strong hold upon the people. The regular meetings of the institute are held at Fourth and Market Streets on the second Friday of each month, except July and August, but through the fall, winter, and early spring meetings are held on every Friday evening. All meetings are open to the public. It is, perhaps, worthy of record that the first suc cessful course of lectures in Chester was held under the direction of the institute during 1883-84. Six teen lectures were given, all of a high order of merit, by some of the most distinguished talent in the country. The institute is only two years old, but it has a membership of over one hundred and fifty. It is in a sound financial condition, and its most active pro moters include the ablest scientific and literary people of Chester. The society is a necessity, and it will therefore live and flourish. Jefferson Library Association. — A number of persons living near the ship-yards of John Roach being desirous of having a library and reading-room in that section of the city, gathered together about the 1st of January, 1881, and organized an association with the above name. Arrangements were made to fit up the present room on Third Street below Kerlin, in the block belonging to the Fennel estate. About the 1st of March in that year, John Roach, Jr., donated to the association a number of very valuable books and several valuable pictures. Other donations followed, and as funds accumulated purchases of books, and at present the library has about five hun dred volumes. The tables are also supplied with the papers and magazines of the day. The rooms are opened every evening, and the membership is eighty-five. The present officers are John B. Saunders, presi dent; James Barroclough, secretary; James Salter, librarian ; James P. Barr, treasurer. The Post-Boy and Upland Union. — The history of the press in this city is a notable one, and perhaps no town in Pennsylvania of the same population has been tbe birthplace of as many newspaper enterprises as Chester. Its earliest publication was the Post-Boy, a weekly folio, fifteen and a half by nine and a half inches, owned and edited by Steuben Butler and Eliphalet B. Worthington, the editorial rooms and printing-office being located in the Colbourn house, on Third Street, directly opposite Brown's Hotel, which is now being removed to erect on its site a large drug store and dwelling. The first number was issued Monday, Nov. 8, 1817, and bore the motto, " Intelli gence is the life of liberty." The paper was edited, printed, and distributed through the county by post- riders ; which was done by Worthington and William W. Doyle, then a small lad, who had entered the office as an apprentice. The second issue of the paper was changed to Friday. Little attention was paid to passing events, and save only a few advertisements of local interest it might have been published in Boston or New York. During the first months a solitary local item presented itself to the readers of the Post-Boy, and, as it is the first local incident recorded in a news paper distinctively published in Delaware County, we reproduce it : " A Live Eel. — An eel was caught in Chester Creek a few days since hy Messrs. Sutton and Burk, which weighed six pounds, and was up wards of two feet and six inches in length." In the latter part of the year 1824, Butler sold his interest to Worthington, who continued to issue it until 1826, when he sold it to Joseph M. C. Lescure, who changed the name to the Upland Union, and in creased the size of the paper. Lescure had his office on Market Street, nearly opposite to the court-house, and in addition sold " blank-books, stationery, spell ing- and copy-books, slates, dictionaries, Testaments, etc.," which branch of business he seems to have discontinued after he removed his printing-office to the north side of Fifth Street below Market. Mr. Lescure continued the Upland Union with indifferent success until 1838, when he sold the paper to Joseph Williams and Charles F. Coates. Of the latter we have no information other than given. Williams we know was a lawyer of attainments, a good politi cal speaker, who could "sing a wine-song or a hymn, preach a sermon or deliver a temperance lecture, besides being a clever amateur performer on several musical instruments." 1 He was one of the assistant secretaries of the convention which amended the Constitution of Pennsylvania in 1837. The news paper was edited by Mr. Williams only for a short time, when it was sold to Alexander Nesbit. Wil liams was appointed by President Polk a judge in Iowa. During the Mexican war a volunteer company paraded in front of the hotel where the judge was lodging, and the captain told the former he had marching orders. Judge Williams offered himself as a volunteer. " The company is full," was the reply. "Perhaps you want a musician?" said the judge. "We want a fifer," responded the captain. "I'm your man!" exclaimed the judge, and he at once donned the uniform and marched away, playing " Yankee Doodle" like a regular. The quota being filled, the company was not forwarded to the front, 1 Philadelphia Spirit of the Times, 1846. THE CITY OF CHESTER. 383 After the Territory became a State, Mr. Williams was made chief justice. Alexander Nesbit in turn sold the Upland Union to Alexander McKeever, an active Democrat, who con tinued its publication until March 30, 1852, when he discontinued it. Samuel Anderson McKeever, a son of the editor of the Upland Union, born in Chester, died in March, 1880, at Pilatka, Fla. The young man had been connected with the press of the city of New York, and in 1874, in connection with James B. Mix, pub lished " The New York Tombs," an interesting, but in several instances inaccurate, story of that noted prison and the conspicuous prisoners who had been confined therein. In 1858 an attempt was made to revive the Upland Union, and it "languished, and, languishing, did live," under the editorial control of Mr. Brimner, who at the same time edited the Penn- sylvanian in Philadelphia, and William Cooper Talley, of Delaware County; but it finally suspended Feb. 19, 1861, the last-named person having removed to Nor ris town. During the Presidential contest of 1828, William Russell began the publication of the Weekly Visitor, and Strange N. Palmer was employed to edit it in the interest of the opponents of the Democratic party, to which political organization the Upland Union gave earnest support. The owner and editor of the new organ disagreed in their views, which difficulty ter minated by a sale of the establishment to thirty gen tlemen, warm advocates of John Quincy Adams, Pal mer being still retained to edit the paper. The fact being noised abroad, the Upland Union dubbed its opponent "The Son of Many Fathers," and predicted its early demise. In that prognostication it was right, for at the close of the campaign it was sold to Thomas Eastman, who continued it, and it languished until 1832, when it died. Palmer, after he severed his con nection with the Visitor, removed to Schuylkill County, where he subsequently became a judge. The Delaware County Republican. — In the sum mer of 1833 the material and press of the Weekly Vis itor were purchased by Y. S. Walter, who removed them to the village of Darby, and published the first number of the Delaware County Republican, on Aug ust 31st of that year. The Upland Union, shortly after the Republican made its appearance in the county, stated that " the first person who Walter consulted was an old Tory of the Revolution, a partisan of King George, who conducted Lord Howe into Philadelphia, and escaped hanging for treason only by burying him self for several weeks in the neighboring woods of Darby." The allusion has lost its point in lapse of years, but the whole story is doubtless false, editorial unpleasantness in those days being carried on, and statements made without regard to fairness or truth. On Oct. 25, 1841, Walter removed his printing-office to Chester, locating on the northeast corner of Market Square, thence, in March, 1845, to the brick building on Third Street, now occupied by William Lamb as a hat-store. In 1851 the paper was again removed to Penn Buildings, and in 1876 to the new and commo dious office erected by Walter at Market and Graham Streets. During the fifty years the Republican was edited by Walter it grew steadily in size until, at the time of his death, it was four times as large a sheet as when first issued at Chester. On Sept. 1, 1882, the Delaware County Republican was purchased by Ward R. Bliss, under whose able management the oldest paper in the county has been compelled to enlarge its size to accommodate the increasing advertising de mands on its columns. Young S. Walter was born in Philadelphia, Feb. 14, 1812. His father, Capt. Peter P. Walter, was of Scotch descent, and owner of a line of vessels trading to the West Indies. He died when his son was quite young, leaving him in charge of his grandfather at Bedford, Pa., where he was educated in the common district schools. He left school in 1826, and was ap prenticed to the printing business with Thomas R. Gettys, of the same place, remaining with him until 1829, when he began life on his own account as a journeyman in Philadelphia and New York, continu ing that occupation until 1833. He then removed to Darby, and on August 4th, of the same year, estab lished the Delaware County Republican, which he con tinued to publish in that place until November, 1841. In that- year he removed to Chester, where he still published the paper on Whig and Repub lican principles. One of the most noteworthy fea tures of his journal was the strong and emphatic opposition he made to slavery, being one of the earliest advocates of its entire abolition in this country, and the articles which frequently appeared on this subject had so much weight, and were so ably and forcibly written, that they materially increased the sale of his paper, which had a larger circulation than any in the county. He sent forth from his office many apprentices who obtained eminent positions in the country, among whom may be mentioned William Ward, the first lawyer in Chester; John W. Forney, Jr., of the Philadelphia Press; Henry T. Crosby, chief clerk of the War Department at Washington, D. C. ; and many others. Mr. Walter was inspector of customs at Marcus Hook from 1842 to 1844, and postmaster at Chester during President Lincoln's first term of administration. He was also at different times member of the Council of the borough and city of Chester, as also president of that body. He was prominent as an originator of the Farmers' Market of Philadelphia, and of the corresponding one at Ches ter. He was also president of the Chester Library Company, organized in 1769, and influentially con nected with many other enterprises and institutions of a local and general character. Mr. Walter was married, in 1833, to Laetitia, daughter of Jesse Warne, of Philadelphia. Throughout his long course of edi torial and journalistic life he uniformly maintained 384 HISTORY OF DELAWARE COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA. a high character for ability and integrity, and con tributed largely by his personal influence and by his pen towards the spread of that high tone of morality which ever marked his own career. The death of Mr. Walter occurred May 22, 1882, in his seventy-first year. Delaware County Democrat. —In 1835, Caleb Pierce established a weekly newspaper under the above title in advocacy of Henry A. Muhlenberg's candidacy as Governor, but it was short-lived. In October, 1856, John G. Michelon began the publica tion of a weekly, called the Upland Union and Dela ware County Democrat, and its life was also but a span. Oct. 5, 1867, the Delaware County Democrat was estab lished by D. B. Overholt, whose interest was shortly afterwards purchased by Dr. J. L. Forwood, who con tinued the publication of the paper until the fall of 1871, when he sold it to Col. William Cooper Talley. Early in 1876 John B. McCay purchased it, but shortly afterwards sold it to William Orr, who at the time was publishing the Democratic Pilot, a paper which had been started in 1872, and had died and been resur rected several times. The two papers were merged into one, and were sold by the sheriff, on an execution against Orr, to Dr. Forwood, in 1877, who, in turn, sold it to William A. Gwynne. The latter, in August, 1879, disposed of his interest to Edw. J. Frysinger, whose father, H. Frysinger, then became publisher, and issued the first paper under his editorial charge, Sept. 4, 1879. At the time Mr. Frysinger purchased the Democrat it had less than one hundred and sev enty-five bona-fide subscribers, and only a nominal advertising patronage. It was purchased for the esti mated value of the printing materials belonging to the office, the good will being considered valueless. The energy, enterprise, and talent which Mr. Frysinger devoted to his paper has made it a remunerative and valuable property, and its circulation has very largely increased. Being the only Democratic newspaper in the county, the field for extending its circulation is yet both broad and inviting. On the 11th of February, 1884, H. & Ed. J. Fry singer issued the first number of the Daily Herald, as an independent journal with " Democratic tenden cies." This newspaper venture was designed origi nally merely for the spring election, and more especi ally the mayoralty campaign ; but before the first issue appeared it had been determined to establish it permanently.The Delaware County Advocate.— John Spencer, who had a printing-office in the second story of the old City Hall building, and Richard Miller, on June 6, 1868, issued the Chester Advocate, a weekly news paper ; size, fifteen by twenty inches, four columns to the page. It was distributed gratuitously at first. The paper was so well conducted and its reading mat ter so well selected that it soon met with public favor. The proprietorship continued as above until May, 1869, when Mr. Miller withdrew, and Mr. Spencer took sole charge. The paper was enlarged from time to time, and soon a subscription of fifty cents per year was charged. The popularity of the Advocate spread beyond the limits of Chester City, and in September, 1874, Mr. Spencer changed its title to The Delaware County Advocate, and raised its subscription price to one dollar per year. It is now a nine-column folio, thirty-one by forty-four inches, has an extensive cir culation throughout the county, and is regarded as one of the most valuable newspaper properties in the neighborhood of Philadelphia. Chester Evening News. — Saturday, June 1, 1872, the first number of the Evening News was issued by F. Stanhope Hill, as editor and proprietor. It was a folio sheet, eighteen by twenty-five. The title of the paper was changed June 17th of the same year to Chester Evening News. The first month of its publi cation the venture was regarded by the inhabitants of the city in no kindly spirit, and many were the prognostications of ultimate failure, but by degrees it won its way to public favor. Mr. Hill, Oct. 1, 1872, sold his interest to William A. Todd, and the latter continued its publication until his death, Aug. 18, 1879, when it was purchased by William H. Bowen, Oliver Troth, and Charles D. Williamson. During Mr. Todd's ownership the circulation had so increased that he was compelled to twice enlarge the presses to meet the growing popular demand. The new owners assumed the conduct of the paper September 29th of the same year, and immediately after enlarged it by an addition of two inches to the columns. Mr. William son did not take an active part in editing the paper until nearly a year subsequent to its purchase, and in less than twelve months after he began work in the office as city editor he died, and his interest was par- chased by the surviving partners. Nov. 4, 1880, the News was again enlarged by an addition of another column to each page, and to meet its steadily-increasing circulation its proprietors have twice been compelled to add new presses of increased capacity and speed. In 1883, for the third time the size of the paper was enlarged. The Chester Evening News, although strongly Republican in tone, is never offensive in its presenta tion of its political preferences. Chester Daily Times.— Maj. John Hodgson, who had established the Jeffersonian in West Chester, having sold that paper to the present proprietor, came to Chester in the summer of 1876, and in September of that year issued the first number of the Chester Daily Times, the second daily afternoon paper pub lished in Chester. Mr. Hodgson continued as its editor until his failing health compelled him to dis pose of it, March 7, 1877, to J. Craig, Jr., who had been on the editorial staff since its first issue. He managed it quite successfully, displaying consider able ability and enterprise in its conduct. On Octo ber 20th, of the same year, Mr. Craig sold the Times to John Spencer, the proprietor of The Delaware County Advocate. The owner enlarged the paper from five to THE CITY OF CHESTER. 385 six columns and otherwise improved it. He continued its publication until April 15, 1882, when he sold it to the Times Publishing Company, its present owner. The latter had purchased The Delaware County Gazette, which, under the title of The Delaware County Paper, had been established, in 1876, by Col. William C. Gray, and subsequently passed into the ownership of John McFeeters, then Maj. D. R. B. Nevin, who changed its name to the Gazette, and finally of A. Donath. The Times, under its new management, has shown great energy, and to keep pace with the increase of circulation and advertising patronage has been enlarged three times, until now it is one of the largest daily papers published in the State, excepting those in Philadelphia and Pittsburgh. It is ultra Repub lican in tone and well edited. The Weekly Reporter, an octavo publication, adver tising legal notices, and reporting in full the opinions of the courts of Delaware County, was established March 31, 1881, by Ward R. Bliss, Esq. Mr. Bliss has continued The Weekly Reporter with marked ability. Recently the opinions which have appeared in the Reporter have been published in a handsome volume, entitled " Delaware County Reports." In 1882, The Chester Business Mirror, a monthly ad vertising paper, was published by Edward Frysinger, and is now well established. In August, 1842, Edward E. Flavill and Mr. Jack son published The Chariot, an advocate of the cause of temperance. The paper was printed in Philadel phia, but after a few numbers had been issued it was discontinued. Occasionally, in 1848, a small folio, The Owl, was published in Chester and circulated at night. It was very personal in its articles, and although many of its gibes and hits are pointless now, at the time of its publication it caused much excitement in the ancient town. In April, 1850, S. E. Cohen, a new agent in the borough, began the publication of the Chester Herald, issuing it monthly, subsequently changing it to a weekly sheet, and finally discontinued it at the end of twelve months. In 1857, The Evening Star, a literary paper, made its appearance under the auspices of the Washington Literary Association, being at that time edited by Ed ward A. Price and Miss Kate Taylor, but, as with many similar publications, interest in it abated, and it was abandoned. On Oct. 27, 1866, the Chester Advertiser, a weekly advertising sheet for gratuitous circulation, was is sued by John Spencer and Dr. William Taylor. April, 1867, Mr. Spencer ceased to be a partner in the enterprise, and Dr. Taylor continued its publication until the following October, when it suspended. In 1869, H. Y. Arnold and Wilmer W. James began the publication of a weekly advertising sheet, — The Independent. Arnold soon after withdrew, and James associated J. J. Shields with him in the 25 enterprise, until 1871, when the latter retired, and James continued the paper until 1874, when it was discontinued. The Delaware County Mail was established Nov. 27, 1872, by Joseph T. DeSilver & Co. Nov. 27, 1876, it was sold to the proprietors of The Delaware County Paper, and merged into the latter publication. The Public Press was issued May 3, 1876, by Thomas Higgins and Robert Simpson, but its publication was suspended during the same year. The Commercial Advertiser, a Democratic paper, was published by J. M. Stowe & Co. in February, 1878, but after a few issues the publishers abandoned the enterprise. In 1877, during a revival of the temperance move ment, Andrew J. Bowen began the publication of The Temperance World, and after several issues changed the title to The Chester World. In a few months interest in the paper ceased, and it finally was dis continued. In October, 1883, the first number of The Brother hood, a monthly journal devoted to the interests of the Brotherhood of the Union (H. F.), was issued by the Brotherhood Publication Company, Charles K. Melville, editor. The paper is printed by Melville & Hass, and is the official organ of the order in Penn sylvania, New Jersey, and Delaware. The County Bridges. — The first bridge erected over Chester Creek, where the King's road (the present Third Street) crosses that stream, was a draw bridge. In 1686 the court ordered the building of a horse-bridge over the creek, near Chester, as the King's road at that time did not pass through the borough, but to the north of the town, through the present borough of Upland, where a horse-bridge had been erected shortly after Penn's arrival, for at court held 6th day of First month, 1687, " Nathin1 Evins, Supervisor of ye King's wayes for Chester, presented Caleb Pusey & Jno Hodskins [Hoskins] for not lay ing ye planks on ye bridge over Chester creek." There is no evidence that the order of the court as respected that bridge was ever carried into effect; indeed, the contrary seems to be negatively estab lished, for at the December court, 1699, Ralph Fish- bourne presented a petition " for a convenient road from the west side of Chester creek, where the ferry is kept for to lead to the now King's road." The court thereupon appointed six viewers to lay out " the said roadway in the most convenient place they can for the convenience of the inhabitants." In 1700, the inconvenience arising from the round about way became such an annoyance to the traveling public and the inhabitants of the borough of Chester that a determined and successful effort was made to change the route of the King's highway, so that it should pass through the town and nearer the river. To avoid interrupting the free navigation of the stream it was determined that the creek be spanned by a draw-bridge. Accordingly, in that year, an act 386 HISTORY OF DELAWARE COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA. of the Colonial Assembly was procured, which author ized the erection of a bridge over the creek at Ches ter, and ordered the justices of the County Court " to lay out a road from the King's Road that leads to New Castle and Maryland to the intended place for a bridge over Chester creek." The act required that the bridge should have a draw to it, provided for the employment of a man to attend to it, and specified what his duties were, — to draw it up when necessary to let sloops and shallops pass to and from the mills situated on the creek, and also designated that a space of twenty feet should be left clear between the timbers or stonework for " the conveniency" of rafts and logs passing to said mills. As early as the 4th day of the Fourth month, 1690, a public highway had been laid out from Chester Creek to Chichester Creek, but it was along the bank in front of the Essex House, as the report filed shows : " "Wee of the Grand Jury doe Lay out A foot way of Six foot Wid att the Lest, begining att Chester Creek over against the Comon Landing place, from thence upon a Strait Line over the Swamp of Robert Wades to the Corner of Robert Wades' pales, and so a long by the said pales and fence to a popeler and White Wall not Standing by the said Robert Wades fence, and so to Remain a Longe the Syde way Accordingly, as H is already Marked and Cutt out unto Chichester." The Queen's highway, which runs from Darby to Chester bridge, at Third Street, was not laid out until 1706, and it is stated that the bend in the road from the Lincoln Mills to Fifth Street, and then continued the highway direct along Market Street to Third, was due to the influence of Jasper Yeates, the course chosen bringing the road along part of his property and that belonging to the estate of his father-in-law, James Sandelands. The people of that day declared that " God and Nature intended the road to cross directly across the creek, but the Devil and Jasper Yeates took it where it was located." The bridge was in course of construction late in the fall of 1708, for at the court held November 24th of that year, it was ordered "that 24 foot of Chester bridge at the east end and 42 foot at the west end be filled with wood and earth with all expedition." The county treasurer was directed to supply Henry Wor ley and Henry Hollingsworth with money "out of the county stock" to pay for the work. " And it is further ordered, that James Hendrickson is to perform and finish all the'carpenter work relating to taking up the planks and new railing the whole Bridge, and laying the planks where it wants as soon as the work is fit for it, for which he is to have five shillings per day, and his man, Rich4 Weaver, four shillings per day, finding themselves." The bridge thus made must have been indifferently constructed, for on Jan. 7, 1709, the following agree ment was made and spread at large on the record of the court : " It is agreed on by the justices and Jasper Yeates aforesaid, in man ner following, viz. : That the bridge over Chester Creek, iu the Town of Chester, be'sufficiently and completely repaired in manner following, to wit: that the planks at tbe westerly end of said bridge be taken up 24 feet in length and the place be filled with earth, and those of the planks that are sound and fit to be used to be to repair some other parts of the said bridge, and what new planks maybe wanting for repairing said bridge be procured two inches and a half thick, and good oak posts and rails and braces affixed on each side of said bridge, only making use of so many of the old rails that are good, which used to he placed at one end of the said bridge, and that it he so repaired as aforesaid, or what more the men hereafter appointed overseers of the said work may think necessary to be done, be wholly completed and finished before the 15th day of April next. " And the justices and Grand Jury aforesaid have and hereby do order and appoint Robt. Hodgson and Jos. Coburn to be overseers of the said work, and for to agree with some workmen to do the same within the time limited for which said work, when finished, do also for the said Robt. Hodgson and Jos. Cobourn's trouble iu the premises, they are to be paid out of the county stock, and that the dangerous places in the said bridge, by reason of the holes and rotten planks, Ac, be forthwith repaired for the present security." At the court held Oct. 3, 1710, the following further reference to this bridge appears of record : " Jasper Yeates, to prevent further debate with the county, allows the county two ditches on each side the causeway, on the Westerly side of Chester Creek to enlarge the Road in breadth, making it 40, with which the Justices, Grand Jury, and Assessors, are satisfied and that is to de termine all further dispute. " It is further agreed on by the Justice, Grand Jury, and Assessors that Jos. Coburn do forthwith, as speedily as may be, repair the bridge and causeway at Chester creek, and remove the causeway on the East side of tbe creek straight with the street called James Street (now Third) and fraime it and make it wharf-like at the end of the bridge near low water-mark, and twenty feet wide and thirty feet along the street, and make the causeway from the said wharf as far further as will make it good and easy passing and repassing for carts, etc., and he is to make the wharf and causeway of wood and fill in with good sound wood, and lay it over the top with gravel and earth, and that he keep au account of how many cords of wood he makes use of, all other charges which he may be at about the said work, and bring in his ac- count when he has done bis work in order to be left to the judgmt of two men mutually choseu between the said Jos. Cobnrn, and the Justices, and so much money as the said two men so as aforesaid chosen shall allow him for the work that be his price, and also that he repair the ctiuseway on the Westerly side the said Creek, and bring in his account to be allowed as aforesaid." In the preamble to the act of Assembly, approved Aug. 14, 1725, which was intended to prevent the ob struction of the navigation of Chester Creek, it is set forth that the draw-bridge which had been erected " is now gone to decay, and requires it to be rebuilt or repaired," and the act " direct the County Commis sioners to repair the bridge within a period of twelve months." In a letter from Maj. John Clark, written at Mr. Davis' house iu Darby, Nov. 17, 1777/ to Gen. Wash ington, the writer says, " The bridge at Chester, on the west side the creek, has caved in, it may be made passable for a few foot ; individuals now cross it." In the act of Sept. 3, 1778, it is stated that the drawbridge, which had been built in 17002 and re paired in 1725, " is decayed and ruined, and that public necessity, as well as the convenience of travel lers on the highroad, requires that a good, safe bridge over Chester Creek should always be maintained and i Bulletin Hist. Soe. of Penna.. vol. v. (March, 1847) p. 11. 2 Clearly an error in date, the petition for the highway through Chester being first presented to the Provincial Council March 19 ,170o,6| and the survey was not made until 1706. Besides, the extracts from the court records Bhow that no bridge was built at Cheater previous to tbe fall of 1708, and that the bridge was not then finished. THE CITY OF CHESTER. 387 kept in repair ; that the draw or engine to raise and lower the same is of no public utility and is attended with extraordinary expense and inconvenience to the public." In view of these facts the act declares " that the commissioners and assessors, with the concurrence of the magistrates of the county of Chester, shall, as soon as may be, cause a new bridge to be built at the place where the old bridge formerly stood, leaving at least twenty feet clear between the timber or stone work, and not less than eighteen feet in breadth, and eight feet headway at high water, for the easy passage for rafts, floats, shallops, and other crafts, and the said bridge be made fast and close continued from one side of the creek to the other, without any draw or open ing for a mast." The bridge erected in obedience to this act was a wooden structure, which was supported by heavy wrought-iron chains passing over iron columns lo cated on either abutment. Each link of the chain, Martin says, was about two feet in length, and at either side of the bridge was a large plank cut to re semble an arch. Over each arch was a sign, the body color white, and bearing the following notification in black letters : " Walk your horses and drive not more than fifteen head of cattle over this bridge, under a penalty of no less than $30." 1 This structure was carried off its abutments by the water during the noted flood of Aug. 5, 1843, and swept by the torrent against Eyre's wharf, where it remained, held fast by one of the chains which did not part, on the eastward side of the creek. Isaiah H. Mirkil and Jerry Stevenson for more than two months ferried horses, cattle, wagons, carriages, and pedestrians across the creek in a scow. The county commissioners raised the old superstructure to its former position, in the fall of 1843, at a cost of two thousand one hundred and fifty dollars. One of the links or staples to which the chain was attached is still to be seen standing in the roadway, at the north east side of the present bridge, in front of the store now occupied by F. C. Torpey, in Ladomus' block. In 1850 Chester began rapid strides in material im provements. The old bridge being deemed insufficient to meet the public demand, early in 1853 John Ed ward Clyde prepared a petition for a new structure, and Isaiah H. Mirkil circulated the paper for signa tures. The petition was met with a remonstrance by several citizens of the town, who desired that the structure should be a draw-bridge, if a new one was built, and so energetically was the matter pushed on each side that the good people of Chester were soon divided into new bridge and anti-new bridge advo cates. It was a contest which in that day agitated the newly-awakened borough from centre to circum ference. The struggle eventuated in the erection of the present iron structure in 1853. On the southeast end of the bridge, on the main stanchion (cast in 1 History of CheBter, p. 58. the iron), is a shield, which informs the reader that the superstructure was built by F. Quickley, of Wil mington, Del., in the year above stated, and that the county commissioners during whose term in office the work was completed were A. Newlin, J. Barton, and W. H. Grubb. The bridge originally was without sidewalks, which were added, in 1868, to accommo date the public, who up to that time had been com pelled to walk in the present roadway of the bridge in passing from one ward to another. In 1872 the county commissioners made some repairs to the bridge, — relaid the planking, which was worn and decayed in many places, — but so enormous is the demand now made on this bridge by the public that no repairs can for any length of time keep it in good condition. The Seventh Street bridge, over Chester Creek, was built in 1870, being opened for public travel Decem ber 27th of that year. The superstructure is of iron, but the traveling public have ever regarded this bridge with doubts as to its stability, hence it is seldom used by vehicles carrying heavy freight. The Ninth Street bridge, over Ridley Creek, is a substantial structure, which was erected in 1880-81, being opened to public use on June 27, 1881. At the December court, 1880, a lengthy petition, signed by almost all the manufacturers and owners of industrial works in the South and Middle Wards, was presented to court asking for the appointment of a jury of view for a bridge at Second Street, which was done, and almost a year subsequently to that date (Dec. 12, 1881) the Court of Quarter Sessions con firmed the action of the jury of view, which pre viously had been approved of by two grand juries. The bridge which was built across Second Street during the year 1883 is the most substantial structure erected by the public in the county of Delaware. The untiring perseverance of Isaiah H. Mirkil, after many years, culminated in securing a patient hearing, and resulted in the erection of the Second Street bridge. In recognition of his public service, on the eastern abutment, on the southerly side of the bridge, William B. Broomall had the words, "Isaiah H. Mirkil, Pontifex Maximus," in large letters, cut deep in the solid granite coping. Ship-Building.— During the colonial days a num ber of small coasting vessels were built at Chester, and after the English army evacuated Philadelphia, in 1778, a regular station for building gunboats for the commonwealth of Pennsylvania was established at that place. Samuel Ly ttle, whose descendants are still residents of the neighborhood, was employed by the State authorities in sawing planks for vessels, and re ceived his pay in Continental money, which depre ciated greatly before he could dispose of it. In 1844, Archibald McArthur was a shipwright in Chester, and built in that year the schooner " Richard Powell," which,— framed of Delaware County oak, —when inspected thirty years afterwards, was found to be as solid and sound as when launched. In 388 HISTORY OF DELAWARE COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA. May, 1849, Jacob Sinex, who had been a shipwright in Marcus Hook, removed to Chester, and in connec tion with Mr. Hargis, established a boat-yard in the ancient borough. On Dec. 8, 1852, this firm launched the schooner "Mary Pickup," of two hundred and sixty tons, the largest vessel ever built up to that date at Chester. In 1856, William B. Fortner had located as a ship-builder at Chester. The first steamboat shaft ever forged in the borough was made for the steam boat " Young America," in June, 1859, at the foundry of Chester A. Weidner & Co. Roach's Ship- Yard. — In 1859, Thomas Reaney, who had been a member of the firm of Reaney & Neafie, in Philadelphia, removed to Chester, he having pur chased the lot of ground on the Delaware River, where the Pennsylvania Oil-Works had been located in 1855, and had been destroyed by fire several years subsequent to that date. There he established an ex tensive ship-yard in connection with William B. Reaney and Samuel Archbold, the firm being Reaney, Son & Archbold, the industry itself being known as the Pennsylvania Iron-Works. Here a large busi ness was done, which required the erection of costly buildings, wharfing, and filling in of the river-front, together with an outlay of many thousands of dollars in the purchase of machinery. At these works during the civil war the United States war vessels, the double-enders " Wateree," " Suwanee," and " Sha- mokin" were built, hull and engines complete, ready to go to sea, as were also the monitors " Sagamon" and "Lehigh," and the light-draught monitor " Tunxis;" two powerful tug-boats for the United States, the "Pinta" and "Nina," were constructed at these works. Among the list of other vessels built by Reaney, Son & Archbold, was the fleet river-steamer "Samuel M. Felton." In 1871 the firm made an as signment, and the yard and machinery was purchased by John Roach, who established " The Delaware River Iron Ship-Building and Engine Company" thereat, which since that time has become so familiar to the people of the United States. In the year 1873 -74, at these works, were built for the Pacific Mail Steamship Company the " City of Peking" and the " City of Tokio," each being four hundred and twenty- three feet in length, with a capacity of five thousand and seventy-nine tons, — the largest vessels built in this country. The " City of Para" was launched April 6, 1878, in the presence of the President of the United States, and hundreds of distinguished guests from all parts of the country and thousands of spectators. The following-named vessels have been built since for the same company: "City of San Francisco," "City of New York," and "City of Syd ney," each three thousand and twenty tons ; " San Jose," " San Juan," and " San Bias," each two thou sand and eighty tons ; the " City of Panama" and the " City of Guatemala," each fourteen hundred and ninety tons. In the year 1873 the iron-clad sloops-of-war "Alert" and " Alliance" were built for the United States gov ernment. The name of the latter was later changed to " Huron." It was wrecked and lost off the coast of Virginia. In 1875 the United States monitor " Miantono- mah," iron-clad, double-turret, was built, and is now at Hampton Roads. There are at present in process of construction for the government the "Boston," "At lanta," and " Chicago" (still on the stocks), the "Puritan," a monitor, double-turret, with a capacity of two thousand eight hundred and ninety-eight tons, and the dispatch-boat " Dolphin," the last two lying at the docks. The following United States monitors have been refitted at the yards : " Wyandotte," " Nahant," " Jason," " Passaic," "Nausett," " Niobe," " Cohoes," " Modoc," and " Napa." In 1875 the " Graciosa" was built as a dispatch boat for the Spanish government. On Tuesday morning, May 22, 1877, the steamship " Saratoga," which was on the ways, after it had been blocked up to be launched on the high tide, was ob served to be pulling, and the order was passed down along the side of the ways to " stand clear." A num ber of men under the vessel ran from beneath it, and after a few moments, no others appearing, the order was given to cut the shoes which held the vessel, for it was straining hard to tear itself loose. As the ship started swiftly to the river, those who witnessed it greeted her movements with cheers, which in a mo ment after were hushed, when a cry of terror went up from those nearest the ways that a number of the workmen, who had not gotten from under the " Sara toga" when the shoes were cut, had been caught in the packing, which had been carried down with the vessel (a mass of timbers and block at the point where the ways are nearest the ground on the margin of the river), and had been killed or were so injured that death must ensue. The news spread with mar velous rapidity. The workmen in the yard were from all sections in the city and South Chester, and the anxiety to learn whether among the killed and wounded were relatives and friends caused a general suspension of business. The streets leading to the ship-yard were soon thronged with people hastening thither, and a crowd of men, women, and children besieged the outer gates clamorous for admission. The physicians — for every medical man in the city had been summoned to the works — had directed that to avoid confusion and excitement the public should not be admitted to the office where the dead and dying had been carried. All that medical skill could do was done, but with the exception of three men who were slightly injured, all those who were under the " Saratoga" at the time the vessel was launched were killed or died in a few hours thereafter. The follow ing is a list of the dead : Edward Burke, Charles Wright, Sr., Edward Fawley, John J. Crewe, John Neilson, George Woof, and Bernard Cannon. THE CITY OF CHESTER. 389 In the year 1877 there was built at the yards for the United States government a sectional dry-dock in four sections, having a total length of one hundred and sixty-eight feet and one hundred and eighteen feet in width. After completion it was shipped to Pensacola, Fla., where it was placed. Vessels have been built for the Oregon Steamship Company of San Francisco, Old Dominion Steam ship Company of New York, Ocean Steamship Com pany of Savannah, Brazilian Mail Steamship Com pany, Cromwell Line of New York, C. H. Mallory & Co. of New York, J. E. Ward & Co. of New York. Since 1871 ninety vessels have been built at these yards. There is used annually at these works about sixteen million pounds of iron, and about fifteen hundred men are employed. The yards embrace about thirty- two acres, with a frontage on the river of twelve hun dred feet. The buildings include a brick three-story structure forty-three by forty-four feet, occupied as offices and draughting-rooms ; foundry, one hundred and eleven by one hundred feet, blacksmith-shops, boiler-shops, machine-shops, and many other build ings. Fifty comfortable dwellings are adjacent to the yards for the use of employes. John Roach, Sr., proprietor of the celebrated iron ship-yard at Chester, and of the Morgan Iron- Works in New York City, is one of the most remarkable self-made men of the country. Few life-stories can equal his in incident and interest. None can furnish more striking illustration of what may be accom plished by purpose, perseverance, and pluck, backed by a will which no difficulties could daunt, and by a heroism of moral character which no test or trouble could overcome. Mr. Roach was born in County Cork, Ireland, Dec. • 25, 1816. In his veins flows that Irish blood which has produced so many eminent names in Parlia mentary and military history, of the purest and stur diest to be found in Great Britain's isles. His family were highly respectable and well-to-do trades-people. Until he was thirteen he had such schooling as his native neighborhood afforded, this, however, consist ing rather more in the application of birch than of useful instruction on the teacher's part, and in devo tion to sport rather than to study on the part of the scholars. The school-days, such as they were, were cut short by money embarrassments at home, Mr. Roach's father having become involved by indorse ments to such extent as to cause his financial ruin, and finally his death from grief. Inspired with the indomitable resolution which has been the marked characteristic of his career, the boy determined to seek his fortunes in America. The previous emigration of an uncle was one inducement to this step, and, in the expectation of finding this uncle in New York, at the age of sixteen he crossed the ocean, and landed a stranger, alone and almost penniless, in the metropolis. There he learned, to his dismay, that his uncle was in Texas. Left thus to face the fact that he had no one to whom he could turn for help, and that his small supply of money must soon be gone, he resolved to work at anything he could find to do to earn his passage back to Ireland. Bethinking himself of a man who had once worked for his father, and who was now settled in New Jer sey, he made inquiries, and at length found him in Monmouth (now Ocean) County, N. J. Here he re ceived a welcome, but aid was beyond the poor man's ability. Near by was a brick-yard, however, and he got work as a hand with the wheelbarrow. That was the beginning of a self-earned fortune. But the toil was very severe for one so young, and he was treated more like a slave and brute than a human being. A month at this brought him seven dollars. Then he went to the place where Mr. James P. Allaire, of New York, was building the Howell Iron-Works, and applied for work. As he could get nothing bet ter, he hired out as attendant on the masons. He worked till he had saved fifty dollars. When it is recalled how low the wages were for such labor, it will be seen with what perseverance these hard- earned dollars were made and laid aside. Always before him was the purpose to rise to something higher. In this spirit he boldly went to the foreman of the department where iron hollow-ware was made, and offered his fifty dollars as meeting the requirement for apprenticeship to the trade. The foreman laughed at his pretensions, and refused to receive him. Not to be put down thus, he applied to Mr. Allaire him self, and by his intelligent remarks, bright face, and worthy ambition so impressed the proprietor that he gave orders to have the young man admitted to the foundry. Here he had many obstacles to contend with, but made steady progress notwithstanding. His associates were ignorant, rough men, with no idea of bettering their condition. A barrel ot whiskey was kept for general use, contributions for this purpose being exacted from each person. Young Roach contributed, but refused to partake of the liquor. At the end of the first year he had five hun dred dollars due him, and at the end of the second one thousand dollars more. The conditions on which the fifty dollars were paid to learn this trade were that a certain class of articles moulded and cast from the melted iron should be paid for by the piece. The more and faster the person worked the more he made, and while many with the same chance as himself made nothing, by his skill and his indefatigable industry, working over-hours, and wasting none of his energies, he succeeded in saving this handsome sum. It was from the start his firm conviction that no man could rise in the world who could not lay by something in whatever position he might be. By this time he had married. Planning for the welfare of his family, he concluded to go into the new West and buy land with a view to settlement on a farm. Drawing five hundred dollars of his money, 390 HISTORY OF DELAWARE COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA. and traveling west by canal and stage and other slow methods of those days, he at length reached what is now the site of Peoria, 111., and bought three hundred acres of land in the neighborhood, paying his five hundred dollars as security. It seemed settled that John Roach was to become an Illinois farmer. But there was a different course of life mapped out for him, with more telling work for his country. By one of those providences which some wrongly consider to be chance, just at this time Mr. Allaire failed. That ended the Illinois farming. Mr. Roach, not being able to get his thousand dollars, could not make the further payments, forfeited what he had already paid, and found himself far from home, without money enough to get back, and in a land where a day's wages was not money, but as much . corn as a man could carry on his back. That would not pay fare, since there was no market where it could be turned into cash. But there was no such idea as " give up" in his head. Within twenty-four hours after learning of his loss, he was working his way homeward on the canals ; and in some four months after his departure from New York, with high hopes of success in the great West, he was back again, richer in experience, but poorer in pocket, with nothing to do but begin over. He had, however, the capital of a thoroughly-mastered trade, a powerful constitution, and an indomitable will. Mr. Allaire, who had resumed business, was glad to regain so skillful a workman. Mr. Roach, however, was not satisfied with his old trade, and learned that of making castings for machinery. Here again a foreman opposed him, but Mr. Allaire knew his valu able qualities, and insisted that he should be taken into the foundry. He rose rapidly, and subsequently was offered the place of the very foreman who had opposed him, but refused to take it from him. He worked himself ill by his over-hours and his intense application, and for a long time it was thought he would die of consumption; but the strong constitution stood him in good stead, and he recovered. When he got two hundred dollars ahead again, — and it was slower work saving now with a family to support, — he determined that he must be something more than a workman in a foundry if his children were to be properly cared for and educated. He finally hit upon the scheme of starting out for him self by buying a small foundry in Goerck Street, New York City,— the Etna Iron- Works, — then in the hands of a receiver, and for sale. The property consisted of only two lots of ground, forty by one hundred feet; but before he left for yet larger works it was enlarged, so as to cover fifty city lots. Nothing ever grew smaller under his hands. Finding three other me chanics, each having two hundred dollars, who were willing to join in the enterprise, the property was bought for four thousand seven hundred dollars, with a small cash payment, which left an equally small cash capital with which to begin business. The firm became Roach & Johnson, and the subsequently famous Etna Iron- Works sought public patronage, — that is, Mr. Roach sought it. The responsibility of the purchase was taken by him, and his partners left the management of everything to him. Where he was bound to succeed, they were doubtful ; where he was resolute, they were holding back; where he was enterprising, they were timid. Those days showed the man. He scoured the city for work. He was un known, without cash capital, credit, or influential friends ; but his pluck shone in his face and inspired confidence. The first work he got, after long search, was to make some grate-bars for a Brooklyn distillery. When this was done there was not a dollar left of the cash capital, and he himself took the bars to the dis tillery, and asked for immediate payment, frankly stating that money with him was scarce, and he would willingly make a reduction for cash. His struggles for success in this foundry were such as few men go through. The partners early became discouraged, and he promptly bought their interest, giving them his note for three hundred dollars and a mortgage as collateral, and keeping them in his employ. Not one of them rose afterwards to a proprietor's place. He made frank statements to the iron merchants of his condition and prospects. His work was always satis factory, both in price and character ; his contracts were always kept to the letter ; and his known probity of character gradually obtained for him a limited credit. Often during this period he had to obtain credit in order to support his family, because it took all the money he had to pay his workmen on Satur day night. During all his more than forty years of proprietorship and employment of thousands of work men, never once did his men fail to receive their weekly wages when they were due. Mr. Roach's first decided rise was when he was fortunate enough to get a contract for an iron build- • ing, and made eight thousand dollars in six months. This work was so satisfactory that his business and credit were increased largely. He took contracts which were beyond the capacity of his works, but tore down the old buildings, and in forty days had new and adequate works in operation, and carried out the contracts. That was characteristic of the man. Any work he could get to do he was sure he could provide the necessary capacity to do. Business was now fairly prosperous with him when, in 1846, by the explosion of the boiler, his works were mostly destroyed by fire, and what was far more grievous, with accompanying loss of life. No in surance was recovered, and again he found himself nearly ruined. But he had an enlarged experience, an established business, and a sound though not large credit, being so much the richer by his hard toiling years. To go on with his contracts without loss of time he laid pipes and carried steam from a boiler in a factory over two hundred feet away to his own engine, which in the general wreck had singularly escaped destruction. By so doing, in forty-eight hours THE CITY OP CHESTER. 391 work was resumed. By extraordinary exertions he overcame the most distressing discouragements and re-established the foundry. There came out once more the indomitable spirit of the man. Business men generally recognized the fact that nothing could crush John Roach, and from that time his credit was good anywhere, and his word was as good as his bond. Pluck and patience and persistency will powerfully tell. All men honor the man who makes himself the master of misfortunes. With the profits of the business in eight years Mr. Roach built an establishment having facilities to con struct larger marine-engines than any yet built in this country. He was bound that nothing in his line should be done anywhere in the world that he could not do. He sent an agent to Europe to examine the greatest establishments there, and thus was able to avail himself of all the advantages in selection and arrangement of machinery. Some of the tools intro duced were the largest in the country. Where other works were unimproved he was constantly making advance in facilities. He stimulated the inventive genius of his workmen, and was quick to adopt a good thing when he found it. Having gone through every branch of his business, and understanding every detail, his eye was swift to see and his judgment was rarely at fault. Nothing escaped his personal attention. His capacity for work was wonderful. His pay-lists en rolled from nine hundred to fifteen hundred men. Two immense engines were built by him in these works for the iron-clad " Dunderberg," and the engines for the double-end gunboat "Winooski," the steam frigate "Neshaming," the great sound steamers "Bristol" and " Providence," and other large vessels. No work was too great or too difficult for him to do, and do at its best, and no unsatisfactory work went out of his establishment. His superior facilities enabled him to do work in shortest time and at lowest price. In 1858 he took into partnership one of his sons, and the firm became, as at present, John Roach & Son. But Mr. Roach's ambition was not yet satisfied. The Etna Works, large and complete as they were, lay distant from the river-front and lacked other advan tages. In 1867 he bought the Morgan Iron- Works, an immense establishment at the foot of Ninth Street, on the East River. These works were built in 1838 by T. F. Secor & Co., and in 1850 were bought by George W. Quintard, who conducted them until 1867. The engines for a large number of first-class merchant and war vessels were constructed in them. They con sist of various buildings, — foundries and shops, — occupying six city blocks, giving a water-front of three hundred feet. Great alterations were made and the establishment was brought to the highest point of capacity and perfection. For the construction of marine-engines of the old style there was no superior plant in the world. But when the works were brought to this condition another discouraging train of circumstances came on which threatened to make establishment and expe rience useless and the property of little value, except as real estate. During the civil war our shipping was driven from the sea, and England embraced the opportunity to get possession of the carrying trade formerly ours. For years a revolution had been going on in ship-building, in the change not only from wood to iron, from sail to steam, but from the wooden side-wheeler to the iron propeller, and from the ordinary to the compound engine. No compound engine had at that time been built in this country. Our iron interest had not been developed. And at this time, when England was in possession of the carrying trade, and when every thing that entered into the construction of a ship was taxed, the free-ship cry was raised in Congress. This utterly discouraged capital invested in the iron busi ness, and nearly all the great iron-works in New York, Philadelphia, and Boston were closed up. Mr. Roach held on. He looked over the whole subject, — saw the need of this great country for ships and its danger without the power to build them, — and had faith to believe that the people would demand a re vival of the American carrying trade. He proved his faith by investing all he had in the ship-yard and engine-works at Chester, an establishment which covers some twenty-five acres and thirty branches of skilled labor, and has in many respects no equal in the world, and where a finished ship, from the ore up, can be produced. Over three thousand men are in his employ, and nowhere are to be found superior facilities or superior ships. Nearly one hundred splendid iron steamships have been launched by him, and no unsatisfactory work has he ever done. It is a remarkable fact that in his business career of over forty years Mr. Roach has never been sued, nor has he ever brought suit against any man with whom he has had dealings. His ability to manage men is as marked as his executive powers. Strikes have been markedly absent from his work-shops, and his men have ever been treated with kindness and considera tion. He is a model employer. By his persistency in advocating an American policy of protection not only for American ships, but for all American industries, Mr. Roach has done more than any other one man to stem the tide of foreign influ ence in favor of free trade, which means the pau perization of American labor in favor of foreign labor. By his powerful arguments before Congressional com mittees, arguments which proved unanswerable, he has, year after year, fought and defeated the bills for free ships and free trade introduced into Congress; his opponents have conceded that they owe defeat to him alone. This will secure him high honor at the hands of the American people when our history shall be written, and when, free from prejudice, men shall be able to see how much the country and its indus tries owe to the firm stand taken and maintained with consummate ability by Mr. Roach. 392 HISTORY OF DELAWARE COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA. He is a man of genial disposition, a fluent and per suasive speaker, overflowing with broad and sound ideas on all subjects. He has aided many a young man and influenced him to" make something of him self. The rules which he has followed and which he would recommend to all are these : 1. Keep your promises and appointments. 2. Never let a customer go away dissatisfied, if you can possibly help it. 3. Never lend a friend your note, rather loan him the money, if you can spare it. Never indorse another man's note as an accommodation. 4. Do no business with a man who is troublesome, and whom you know you cannot satisfy. 5. Pay your bills and workmen promptly when pay is due. 6. Be honest and honorable in all things, and kind to all men. The rules are characteristic of a man whose life cannot be studied by young men without advantage, and who is worthy of the honors that have been con ferred upon him by those who know his worth. Sauville Spar-Yard. — In 1865 John Sauville es tablished a spar-yard at the foot of Parker Street. The masts and spars used at Roach's ship-yard are here hewn from the large timbers which are brought from Clearfield City, in this State, and the spruce logs are brought from Maine. The Frick's Boat-Yard.— In 1860, William Frick and William Wilson, formerly of the firm of Frick, Slifer & Co., of Louisburg, Pa., came to Chester and purchased a large tract of land on the river, adjoining the yard of Reaney, Son & Archbold. Here they erected piers, which extended nearly seven hundred feet from the fast land into the water, and expended thousands of dollars in filling in the low and marshy ground so that it might be utilized for the purposes of a boat-yard. The firm made a specialty of building canal-boats, and had established a large business, giv ing employment to nearly a hundred hands, when the civil war unsettled value and so advanced the costs of materials that it was very precarious to enter into heavy contracts to be carried out in the future. Frick & Co. had undertaken to build a large number of canal-boats at a designated price, which at the period the contract was entered into, and the cost of mate rial at that time, promised to yield a large profit to the builder, but the inflation came, lumber and iron advanced threefold in value. The parties for whom the boats were to be built demanded that the firm should carry out its contract, although to do so would entail the loss of many thousands of dollars. Find ing that the strict letter of the agreement would be required, Frick & Co. strove to carry out their obli gation in good faith, but the losses entailed embar rassed them, and culminated ultimately in financial failure. The boats were delivered, but the builders were ruined, and that in a contract which when made promised a large margin of profit. Besides the yards already mentioned, Charles A. Weidner, at the Chester Iron- Works, on Second Street, between Edgmont and Market Streets, built several river steamboats and other vessels. In 1873 the United States revenue marine steamer " Manhattan" was built at this establishment, and at the time was pronounced by the government inspectors the best vessel ever constructed for that service in the country. In 1876 Nathan Pennell and George Robinson had a ship-yard in South Ward, near Essex Street, and that year the tug " Mary Ann" was built at this yard. The depression of 1877 caused the proprietors to abandon and retire from the business, which was at that time very unpromising. Court-Houses and Prisons. — At the session of Upland Court, Nov. 14, 1676, an order was made pro viding that Neeles Laerson be paid " for his charges for keeping the Court last year." Neeles Laerson was a tavern-keeper, and his inn is believed to have been on Edgmont Avenue, north of the present Second Street. He was the owner of one hundred and eighty-one acres of land in Chester, covering a large part of the present thickly built-up portion of the city to which I am. now referring. Neeles Laerson was a quarrelsome neighbor, as will be seen by an ex amination of the records. In 1678, James Sande lands, on behalf of the inhabitants of Upland, called the attention of the court to the fact that Laerson had built a fence closing the old and usual way to the meadow, which obstruction the court ordered the latter to remove. On the same day the church war dens complained that in taking possession of two lots in Chester, which he had bought from Dominie Lasse Carolus, he had included some of the church or glebe lands. The court ordered that he should be allowed that which he had bought, but if it was found that he had taken more than was by right his, it should be annexed to the church lots. The first court of which we have information was, as shown, held at Learson's inn, but the justice or dered, Nov. 13, 1677, that Capt. Hans Jargin, who had been occupying the building as a barracks for his company, should " fit up" the House of Defense, or block house, and furnish it " fitt for the Court to sitt in against ye next Court." Although there is no pos itive record showing that the House of Defense was used by the court for its sessions, it is now generally conceded that the evidence fully establishes the fact that it was so occupied. This building, which was constructed of logs, stood on the east side of Edgmont Avenue, about eighty-four feet from the present Sec ond Street, was rectangular in shape, and was four teen by fifteen feet in dimensions. It was erected at an angle to Second Street, and extended into the roadway of Edgmont Avenue. Neeles Laerson, March 13, 1678, was ordered by the court " to make or leave a lane or street from Upland creek to ye House of Defence or County House" between that time and the next court, and in default to be fined at THE CITY OP CHESTER. 393 the discretion of the judges. As the early settlers traveled almost wholly by water, it was very essential that there should be free access from the creek to the public buildings, and this means of communication the pugnacious Laerson seems to have interrupted until the strong arm of the law dealt summarily with him. It appears that the court-house was then a place where articles were exposed by the public for sale. The court, on 3d day of First month, 1684, deter mined that a revenue might be derived from this source ; hence the old record shows this strange entry : " Ordered that all people that shall make use of the Court House for sellerage of any goods shall for every Tonne pay after ye rate of three Shillings fourpence a Tonne for any time not exceeding a week, And for what time it shall continue afterwards half so much." How long the House of Defense was used as the public buildings of the county is not known, but in 1703, after two other buildings in succession had been occupied by the court, the grand jury presented the old block-house " as being a nuisance, and dangerous of taking fire, and so would endanger the town." " The Court," — so runs the old entry on the docket, — " in deliberate consideration, ordered the said house to be pulled down, and that Jasper Yeates, Chief Burgess of the Borough of Chester, shall see the order performed." Previous to 1683 — there seems to have been no place for the detention of prisoners in Ches ter for two years before that date — " John Ward for sundry Felons, committed to the custody of the Sher iff, and made his escape with irons upon him." The third court-house, or the third building wherein court was held, was built in 1684-85. Dr. Smith says, " A jail was erected at the same time, but there is reason to believe that it was built near the creek, and that there was a street laid out between the two buildings." Henry Hollingsworth, who was a Friend, " for cutting the eaves of the new prison," was dealt with by meeting the same year. This court-house Dr. Smith located on the east side of Edgmont Street, which John Hill Martin thinks is an error, and that it was on the west side of that highway, an opinion which meets the approval of the present writers. The student of our ancient annals will find more confusion in the authorities respecting the sites of the several court-houses than in any other details of the early days of the colony. This last building, after it was no longer used for. county purposes, was ordered by the court, at the March session, l701, " to be set on sale the 6th day of the Third month next, papers to be set up to give notice that it is to be sold at Vandew." Whether the sale was had according to this order does not appear, but the property must have passed to Ralph Fishbourn, of Chester, gentleman, for in the latter part of the year 1705 the Legislature passed an act "to assure, grant, and convey unto Ralph Fish- bourn one messuage, cottage-house, or tenement, and lot of ground thereunto belonging, situated in Ches ter, in the county of Chester, formerly known by the name of the ' Old Court-House.' " The fourth court-house, so far as its foundation is concerned, is still standing on the west side of Edg mont Avenue nearly opposite the House of Defense, its precise location being two hundred and fifty-six. feet six inches from the southwest corner of Edgmont Avenue and Third Street. It was built by John Hoskins in 1695, and he conveyed the lot to the county the same year. The old building, now owned by Jonathan Pennell, has a part of the wall of this court-house standing in the northern gable of the present structure, between the two end windows, and extending up nearly to the second story. The old part of the wall, and that which was added after it ceased to be the county building, is still easily dis cernible. The jail was in the cellar, and the iron rods which formerly barred the prisoners' escape from confinement, while admitting fresh air to the cells, still remain in the weather-stained frames in the foundation walls. The court-rooms and jury-rooms were in the first and second stories. At the same court, March, 1701, at which the sale of the old court-house erected in 1684 was ordered, the prison being found inadequate to retain the cul prits, Jasper Yeates, Ralph Fishbourn, Joseph Co bourn, and Andrew Jobe were appointed supervisors to build a new prison on the grounds of James Sande lands, the younger, and were instructed that the erec tion should be twenty-five feet in length by eighteen feet in width in the clear. This structure, so far as the prison was concerned, was built, for the old draft of Chester, now owned by William B. Broomall, Esq., locates this building as south of the court-house built by Hoskins in 1695, and Sandelands, by his attorney, David Lloyd, in open court, delivered a deed for the land to the commissioners of the county. We have serious doubt whether the court-house alluded to in the report of the grand jury of the 24th of February, 1701, was ever built. The grand inquest on that occasion called the attention of the court to " the necessity of a Court Hous and prison hous," but stated also that " there is little money in the bank, and that many have not paid their moiety i rate of the last assessment, desire that such may be forced." They also recommended the speedy gather ing of the county tax remaining unpaid, and re quested the justices to issue warrants therefor, and end their report with the declaration that in their opinion " Law and Justice cannot have its perfect courc without such housis for their distribution as aforesaid." We know that at the December court, 1701, the justices ordered repairs to be made "to the court and prison hous," and appointed Walter Martin, John Hoskins, and Henry Worley to be supervisors and oversee the work, with power to provide ma terials, employ workmen, and to finish the repairs as speedily as possible. The supervisors were also in- 394 HISTORY OF DELAWARE COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA. structed to provide a pair of stocks and a whipping post. Whether the expense of the building of the new court-house, as desired by the grand jury, in 1701-2, was greater than the county could undertake, cannot now be determined, but there is no document ary evidence to show that such a structure was ever erected, and we indorse the opinion of Dr. Smith and John Hill Martin that the next court-house in chron ological order was the old building on Market Street, known to us of the present day as the City Hall. COURT-HOUSE AND JAIL. The fifth court-house, including the tavern of Neeles Laerson in the number, was the massive stone structure still standing on the west side of Market Street, which was built in 1724, the date-stone being in the south wall, but covered with the dull brownish preparation which still defaces the ancient edifice, and hides the numerals from sight. The building has the pent-roof projections over the first-story win dows, as was the style of architecture of that day, and as originally constructed was surmounted with a small belfry rising from the centre of the roof, in which formerly hung a bell, with the words " Chester, 1729" cast in the metal. The bay or semi-circular projection at the north side, in the rear of the judges' bench, was added at a later date. The jury-rooms were in the second story of the building. Dr. Smith tells us that tradition has handed down an incident "as having happened during the building of the court-house, or some other public building in Ches ter," which he relates as follows : " During the progress of the work a young lady was observed to pass and repass the building daily, dressed in very gay attire. After the promenade had been continued for some time, one of the workmen, less mannerly than his associates, upon the appear ance of the lady, called out, — " ' In Bilk aud scarlet walks many a harlot.' " The young lady, feeling indignant at the insult, promptly replied, — " ' By line and rule works many a fool.' " Unfortunately for the tradition connecting this in cident with Chester, the same story is told respecting the erection of an edifice in York, England, which buildiug antedates the discovery of America by the Genoese mariner, and the anecdote is related of sev eral localities in Great Britain years before we have knowledge that any European had settled at Upland. When the new court-house was finished an act of Assembly was procured "to enable the trustee to sell the old Court House and prison belonging to the borough and county of Chester," and in 1725 the building mentioned, the one built in 1695, and part of the wall of which stands in the house now owned by Jonathan Pennell, on Edgmont Avenue, was sold to William Preston, of Philadelphia, mariner, for twenty-seven pounds. The presumption is that the old jail, which stood at the north west corner of Fourth and Market Streets, was built previous to the date of the erection of the court house on the same street. The act of Feb. 22, 1718, required "that within the space of three years after the 25th day of March, 1718, a house of correction, or work-house, shall be built ... in Chester, at the charge of the county of Chester." The old work house stood directly in the rear of the prison, and the fact that it was located on the thoroughfare leading from Market Street to Edgmont gave the name of Work Street to the highway for more than a century. The prothonotary's office, which still stands back from the present building-line of Market Street, and now owned by James Hampson, was not erected in that year, for at " the private session" of the court, held at the house of John Hannum, in Concord, Dec. 15, 1724, Joseph Parker petitioned the court, "setting forth ye great danger ye records of ye county lay in, as well as by casualties of fire, as other accidents;" the court "allows ye. petition to be reasonable, and orders ye clerk to present ye same before ye commis sioners and assessors of ye same county, in order that they may fit a room in ye new Court House for keep ing ye said records in ; and when prepared order ye old clerk to transmit all ye said records to ye place so appropriated accordingly, and not to be removed without ye Court's direction." Twelve years after this order Joseph Paken, in his petition dated Jan. 24, 1737, gives a woeful description of the then con dition of the court-house. He says, — THE CITY OP CHESTER. 395 " Which Baid Court house was at the Public Expense Furnished with Tables, Chairs, fire shovels, Tongs, D"ggs, fendern, as many as Reason ably adjudged NeceBsary. . . . But whoever the Person charge the same was Committed to It is Apparent to Every Person that will make use of his lyes that the Doors are most Commonly Left Open for Horses and Cattle to go in aud out at Pleasure, the Furniture broke and Exceed ingly Deminished, and the place made a Common Stage whereby Rude people break the windows, Treads down Ceiling and Commits many Disorders, which, if not timely Prevented must end in the Ruin thereof, As the great Danger which proceed by the person Intrusted by yon with the Care thereof In making the same a Dwelling house and Keeping Fires therein for Borne months Together." The court-house appears to have been much out of order, for on March 1, 1737/8, the commissioners and assessors agreed with John Owens to repair it as fol lows: " The Lower floor and the Bar and to provide Convenient Seats for the Petty Jury to sitt on when in Court and to repair the windows and shutters below stairs and above the Chimney case in the Grand Jury room and to repair the Three Tables belonging to the several rooms above stairs, and the Benches and to fix a Turn'd Column or Pillar to support the Ceiling where the Boll rope comes thro' and to cause the Ceiling to be Repaired, and to Provide as many Boards as may lay a ffloor over the sd Ceiling and to make & put up Bhutters for the Belfry (or place where the Bell hangs) and Likewise to make a window in the Gable End iu the Garret or Upper Boom and glaze the same, and to En deavor to procure (with the help of Joseph Parker) the chairs that is wanted belonging to the Court House as also the Tongs and fire Shovels." These repairs were made, for some of the improve ments designated, particularly the setting up of a turned column to support the upper floor, was in the apartment and removed after the building had passed into the ownership of the city of Chester, when the upper apartments were altered into the present Coun cil chamber. As stated, the date of the erection of the prothono tary's office is well known, and I doubt whether the building antedates the Revolution, for, on July 28, 1777, the records of the county were in the possession of the late prothonotary, and at his residence, for on that date the Executive Council authorized Caleb Davis, — Benjamin Jacobs not having qualified, — who was appointed in Jacobs' stead, to " enter the dwell ing and out-houses of H. H. Graham, take possession of the books and papers of the county, and remove them to a place of safety." Joseph Parker had kept the records in an office alongside his dwelling-house, — the old Logan house on Second Street, — and Henry Hale Graham had after that deposited the records in his office, the one-story building on Edgmont Avenue, north of Graham Street, now belonging to the estate of Henry Abbott, deceased. It seems that in the growth of the business before the County Court, the rooms in the second story of the court-house were necessary for the use of the grand and petit juries, and hence the order of the court of Dec. 15, 1774, had to be disregarded. The prothonotary's office, I am of opinion, must necessarily have been erected subsequent to the battle of Brandywine, for it was the dread of the threatened British attack on Phila delphia which occasioned the alarm of Council as to the safety of the county records, and called forth the order to Caleb Davis. The old county prison aud work-house, as before stated, were built previous to or about the same time as the court-house. The jail was two stories high, built of square cut stone, and extended westwardly along Fourth Street. In the front part of the build ing was the sheriff's house. This was a structure two stories and an attic in height, presenting in the front to the street the general style of the court-house. Back of the prison, and extending along Fourth Street, was the work-house, also of stone. In 1741 the court house and jail were repaired and painted, and a well dug in the court-house yard. The old pump, with a heavy iron handle, stood within the memory of many of our older residents a nuisance, in winter, because of the drippings therefrom forming ice and rendering its locality a dangerous one to pedestrians. Many years ago the trunk was taken out and the well filled in. Part of the old brickwork of the well is under the front foundation of the store No. 404 Market Street. During the year just mentioned the commissioners paid Nathan Worley £10 for planks used in flooring the two dungeons on the east side of the prison, and Thomas Morgan was paid £5 lis. 6d. for one hundred and fifty pounds of spikes used in laying the dungeon floors. In front of the gaol and extending to the court-house doors was a double row of Lombardy poplars which afforded a pleasant shady walk in the summer, and frequently during periods of political excitement here the orator of the day held forth and saved the nation by his noisy mouthings. The old trees at length grew so unsightly, many of their branches having died, that over half a century ago the poplars were cut down and a double row of lindens were planted to replace the ancient trees under whose towering branches our Revolutionary sires discussed the Boston Port Bill and other measures preceding the actual outbreak of hostilities between the colonies and the mother-country, and within the venerable structure proceedings were had to raise the quota of the Continental troops required from Chester County, as in after-years similar meetings were held to provide soldiers during the rebellion. On the removal of the county-seat to West Chester, the old court-house and public buildings in Chester were sold, on the 18th of March, 1788, to William Kerlin, for £415. After the passage of the act of Sept. 26, 1789, creating the county of Delaware, Ker lin sold the property Nov. 3, 1789, to the county for £693 3s. 8d. As long as Chester remained the seat of justice of Delaware County courts continued to be held in the old building, and at times it must have been exceeding unpleasant to those who were com pelled to attend, particularly in rainy weather, when, as is stated by a county newspaper in 1843, the mud on the floor was nearly an inch in depth. It was cer tainly not in this condition on Tuesday, Oct. 5, 1824, when Gen. Lafayette was the guest of Chester. He was accompanied by Governor Shulze and staff, Gen. Cadwalader and staff, and many of the dignitaries of 396 HISTORY OF DELAWARE COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA. Philadelphia. The steamboat did not reach the land ing until eleven o'clock at night, but a line of boys, each bearing a lighted candle, was formed, extending, it is said, from the wharf to the Washington House. Most of the houses in the town were brilliantly lighted, and the windows decorated with transparen cies and designs. At one o'clock in the morning the general and friends were " regaled with a sumptuous entertainment" at the court-house, which had been prepared by the ladies of Chester. Lafayette re mained in the ancient borough during Wednesday, when he reviewed the volunteers of Delaware and Chester Counties, and on Thursday, at seven o'clock in the morning, he started in a coach and four for Wilmington, accompanied by a suitable escort. The old jail, during the last ten years it was used as a place for the detention of prisoners, was " a miser able old rattle-trap, nearly all the bars of the win dows rusted off and the ceilings and windows any thing but secure." This is the description given of the jail building in 1841 by the editor of the Delaware County Republican. In truth it could only retain those inmates who were too indolent to make an effort to escape. In 1824, when Joseph Weaver was sheriff, a convict named Tom Low succeeded in making his escape from confinement. He had been in the jail-yard, as was usual, at a certain time of the day, and, being for gotten, he managed to get possession of a spade, with which he burrowed under the yard-wall, coming out about fifteen feet from the court-house. He was never recaptured. In the latter part of May, 1844, Henry Johnson escaped from the jail by scaling the wall. His sentence would have expired the next day, but, learning that a commitment had been lodged against him in Philadelphia, and that he would be taken there for trial for another offense as soon as discharged, he de clined to serve out the full term of his imprisonment. Indeed, the old jail had no terrors for the professional cracksman, for on the night of Jan. 20, 1844, the dwelling in the front, then occupied by Sheriff Hib berd, was entered by burglars, who decamped with the wearing apparel of the family and other articles of value. On Sept. 6, 1847, two prisoners attempted to escape by making ropes of their blankets, but a passer-by, noticing the head of one of the men just above the wall, gave the alarm, and they were pre vented from making a general jail delivery. George Harris, a colored man, by the same means escaped on July 9, 1847, and was not recaptured, while another of his race (Brown), who had four times before left the jail without the consent of the county authorities, on July 4, 1848, took the privileges of the day and re gained his freedom, shaking off the dust of the old prison for the fifth time. After the county buildings at Media were being constructed Arthur Goodwin, a prisoner in the jail at Chester, on Sunday, Dec. 1, 1850, dug through the walls. But as the convict returned to his own house the sheriff had little diffi culty in recapturing him. This is the last prisoner who defied the bolts and bars of the old jail, for on Dec. 9, 1850, the property in the borough was offered at public sale by the county commissioners. The court house and two lots were sold to the borough authori ties for two thousand six hundred and one dollars, the prothonotary's office and lot, adjoining it on the north, to James Hampson for fifteen hundred and twenty-five dollars, and the jail and lots adjoining to James Campbell for three thousand five hundred and twenty dollars. A large frame building which stood in the rear of the jail and work-house was bought by Campbell pre vious to his purchase of the old prison, and here he began alterations for the reception of looms. In the Delaware County Republican of Feb. 1, 1850, the fol lowing reference is made to the change then being made, — the dawning of Chester's prosperity : "Improvements in Chester. — Appearances indicate that in the spring our borough will take a start in the march of improvement. Our friend, James Camp bell, of Leiperville, has made arrangements for man ufacturing of cotton goods in the building back of the jail. He will start with fifty power looms, driven by a ten horse-power steam engine, and will soon increase the number to one hundred. In this mill will be the first looms ever set in motion on the spot first occu pied as the capital of Pennsylvania, and Mr. Camp bell will be the Columbus in manufacturing in Chester." In the issue of the same journal for April 5, 1850, appeared the following local : "Pioneer Factory. — The new manufacturing establishment pro jected in the borougli by Mr. James Campbell, of Ridley, was put in par tial operation last week, and the purring of the steam-engine and the music of the shuttle are daily heard in our midst, causing us increased wonder why a town possessing bo many and rare advantages as our own was not years ago converted into a great manufacturing mart. Mr. Campbell is about to extend his buildings, and in a short time will have one hun dred looms in active operation. The machinery used iB handsomely finished and of a superior kind. We have examined a specimen of the goods made by it, and predict that they will find a ready sale in what ever market they may be offered." As before stated, the factory mentioned in the Re publican was the old bowling-alley, which stood on the north side of Fourth Street, where part of the market-house is now located. The Republican failed to record an incident which happened when the first loom was started in the Pioneer Mills by the late James Ledward, then in Campbell's employ. A number of citizens of Chester were present when the machinery first began to move, and as they saw it in motion, all present broke into a cheer, and afterwards they one and all sang " Hail Columbia." Many who were then employed in the first manufacture of textile goods in Chester will recall this incident to memory. After Mr. Campbell purchased the jail and work house, he tore down the northern wall of the old structure and built out in that direction, so that his mills, retaining the name " Pioneer Mills," extended over to and included the prison-yard walls. In the THE CITY OF CHESTER. 397 new addition he kept the Jacquard looms, and thereon were woven quilts and fabrics of a like character. The great difficulty he had to contend with was the scarcity of water, and to meet this want he expended thousands of dollars in sinking wells in the yard. The new enterprise, which had required a large out lay of means, was getting well established when the panic of 1857 came upon the country, spreading ruin in all directions, and crushing down industrial establish ments by the thousands Mr. Campbell at that time became financially embarrassed, and in 1858 the " Pio neer Mills" passed into the ownership of the late Gen. Robert E. Patter son. After Campbell had erected the Pioneer Mills, the heirs of William Kerlin brought an action in ejectment against him, alleg ing that the land and buildings which Kerlin had con veyed to the county of Delaware in 1789 was conditioned on the use of the prem ises as a court-house and jail, and that inasmuch as the buildings had ceased to be used for the purposes in tended, the title re verted to the heirs- at-law of Kerlin. The court below de cided that the deed from Kerlin to the county was absolute and for a valuable consideration, with power of aliena tion in the county ; and an appeal being taken to the Supreme Court, thisopinion was sustained. James Campbell, to whom Chester owes so much for its present manufacturing prominence, was born in Stockport, England, on Aug. 12, 1805, where at an early age he entered a mill, learning thoroughly the trade of cotton-weaving. Energetic and self-reliant, he came to this country in his early manhood, deter mining to make his way in this world. He sought employment at the factory of Mr. Philips, at Rock dale, and subsequently became the manager of the mills at Pennsgrove, then owned by James Houghton, now by Samuel Riddle, continuing there until 1837, when his employer removed to Groveville, N. J., to which place James Campbell declined to go, although he was urged to do so by Houghton, who was loath to part with him. At that time John Garsed, whose eldest daughter (Angelina) Campbell had married, had a machine-shop at Pennsgrove, and he offered to his son-in-law six cotton-looms, which he had made for parties who had failed in business and could not take the machines. Campbell accepted the offer, and placed the looms in a vacant building at Pennsgrove, and began his ca reer as a manufac turer. Industrious and progressive, he soon established a reputation in busi ness, and in the following year Hon. George G. Leiper proposed to erect an additional story to the bark-mill, at Leiperville, so as to afford sufficient room for the ma chinery required in a cotton-factory, if Campbell would agree to lease the property after the change was made. The offer was ac cepted, and in that locality Campbell was very successful, accumulating con siderable capital, which he subse quently lost in his effort to develop the borough of Chester into a manufactur ing town. His ob ject was attained, hundreds have prof ited by his endeav ors, but in the panic ot 1857, when many of the commission-houses with whom he dealt suspended, it embarrassed him, and finally caused his failure. So great had been his struggles to prevent this result that his health broke under the strain, and after several years of almost unintermitting illness, during which his indomitable energy never forsook him, he died, May 14, 1862. The mill, after Campbell's failure, was occupied by James Stevens until about 1863, when Messrs. Rob erts, Wilson & Willey carried on the manufacturing business therein. In 1865, Gen. Patterson sold the 398 HISTORY OF DELAWARE COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA. Market Street front to James Chadwick, who, in 1866, tore down the old building and erected Lincoln Hall. While taking down the tall flag-pole which stood on the sidewalk at Fourth and Market Streets, where it had been erected during the excitement occasioned by the news of the bombardment of Fort Sumter, the halyards were drawn through the block, and Charles Martine clambered up to make a rope fast so that the pole, lower and topmast, might be pulled over into the street. After he had reached some distance the pole, which had rotted where it entered the ground, broke off level with the sidewalk and fell, fatally crushing Martine beneath it. The rear part of the old prison passed into the ownership of John Cochran, and on part of the lot the market-house now stands. Chadwick sold the property to Messrs. Gartside & Sons, and they in turn conveyed it to Chester Lodge, No. 236, F. A. M., who now own it. When the present mayor's office was being built, in 1866, in digging the cellar, the southeast end wall of the old prothonotary's office fell, and a three-months' old infant of Michael Biggans, the then occupant of the dwelling, who was asleep in a bed against the wall in the second story, was thrown into the cellar among the debris, a distance of twenty feet, without sustaining any harm, while a child a few years older, sleeping in the same room, was buried in the broken bricks and plaster without receiving any serious inju ries. After the borough authoritiesacquired title to the old court-house they made many changes, provided a commodious hall in the second story for the use of the Council, which is to-day used by their successors, the Council of the city of Chester; they also removed the old belfry and built a steeple, in which was placed a four-dialed clock and a new bell. The old one, which had called together judges, lawyers, jurors, and suitors for nearly a century and a quarter, was removed to the ancient school-house at Fifth and Welsh Streets. Broad Street Mills.— The buildings at Broad and Crosby Streets, owned by James Stevens, and used for the manufacture of bed-ticking, warps, and cops, were originally built for a sash-factory and machine- shop, the first on Broad Street, the second on Crosby Street. In 1856 they were used by James Campbell for the manufacture of cotton goods, and at his death, in 1862, passed into the hands of Gen. Patterson, under the charge of James Stevens. They were pur chased by Mr. Stevens in March, 1882. Since Mr. Campbell's time the buildings have been much en larged and improved, and the old machinery replaced with new. The main mill on Broad Street is two hundred and six by twenty-eight feet, three stories high, and on Crosby Street two hundred and twenty- two by thirty-six feet. The latter is two stories high, with the exception of sixty feet, which is one story. In this part is the dye- and finishing-house, sixty by sixty feet, provided with a small engine, and a pump for forcing water over the building in case of fire. The machinery consists of eighty-five looms, nine thousand and forty-eight spindles, and sixteen cards, driven by two engines, with two sets of boilers. The Keokuk Mills were established in 1852, by Benjamin Gartside. Land was purchased at the foot of Fulton Street, and the original structure, ninety by thirty-eight feet, four stories, was built. On the 11th of August, 1852, a bricklayer employed in build ing the chimney of the engine-house of the factory fell from the scaffold to the ground, a distance of sixty feet; he was severely but not seriously injured. In 1858-59 land adjoining to the north was bought, and additional buildings erected. On the 1st of January, 1857, James and Amos Gartside, sons of Benjamin, were admitted as partners, the firm-name becoming B. Gartside & Sons, and has continued as such to this time. The works occupy over two acres of ground, comprising the square between Front Street and the Delaware River and Parker and Fulton Streets. The mill is supplied with four sets of cards, eighty looms, and the necessary machinery for the manufacture of woolen jeans. The power is supplied by a seventy horse-power engine. Three thousand pounds of raw material are used per week, and fourteen thousand yards of goods are manufactured per month. Seventy hands are employed. Benjamin Gartside was born in Rochdale, Lan cashire, England, May 26, 1794. After a limited education in his native country he learned the trade of hand-loom weaving, and continued it until his emigration to the United States in 1831. Coming at once to Philadelphia, he found employment at the Blockley Mills, and remained until 1833, when Man- ayunk became his home and Joseph Ripka his em ployer. In 1838 he engaged in business on his own account, first using but one hand-loom, but as busi ness increased, introducing four power-looms. In 1840 he rented a mill on the Wissahickon Creek, fitted it with appropriate machinery and power-looms, and conducted the business until 1843, when he re moved to Cardington, Delaware Co., and there leased a mill for nine years. Here he introduced a new and complete set of machinery, making it in every way suitable to the business he proposed conducting. He was very successful during his residence at the latter place, which he left on removing to Chester to con tinue the business in a factory which he built in 1852. This was at the time one of the most complete estab lishments in the country, and was subsequently in creased in dimensions by the purchase of additional lands and the erection of other buildings. A full de scription of the business and its various ramifications having been given elsewhere, renders repetition here unnecessary. Mr. Gartside, by a technical knowledge of the business, together with great industry and strict integrity, has enjoyed a career of remarkable pros perity. On the 1st of January, 1857, he admitted his sons, Amos and James, into partnership, the firm becoming Benjamin Gartside &Sons. Since his resi- Xj ^ I /Z^^sd^ a^^t^^. aAA^^t^ THE CITY OF CHESTER. 399 dence in Chester, Mr. Gartside has been actively iden tified with its growth and prosperity. He was in pol itics early an Old-Line Whig, and later became a ¦Republican. He was for many years a councilman of the borough, and filled various other positions of trust. He was the originator of the First National Bank of Chester, and has also been director of the Chester Mutual Insurance Company. He was also prominent in the projection of the Chester Rural Cemetery, and has, by his public spirit and liberality, ever been a promoter of all measures tending to the development of the city of his adoption. In religion he is a Baptist, and one of the oldest deacons in period of service in the church of which he is a member. Mr. Gartside was married in 1815 to Miss Elizabeth Kershaw, of Rochdale, England. Their children are Enoch, Robert, Mary (Mrs. John Ker shaw), John, James, Ann (Mrs. Jonathan Grant), Amos, and Joseph. Amos Gartside, son of Benjamin and Elizabeth Kershaw Gartside, was born in Rochdale, Lancashire, England, Oct. 23, 1829, and with his parents became a resident of the United States in 1831. His pri mary education was chiefly obtained at the common schools, though supplemented by a course at the. Ger mantown Academy. Having finished his studies, at the age of eighteen he entered his father's factory for the purpose of becoming proficient in the art of woolen-weaving. Here he became thoroughly ac quainted with the business in all its details. When his father left Cardington, Delaware Co., and estab lished mills at Chester, his son accompanied him and remained in his employment until 1857, at which time he was, together with his brother, James, admit ted to a partnership. He was the same year married to Miss Emma, daughter of James Pierce, of Chester, whose children are Elizabeth (Mrs. H. G. Pennell), Mary Ann, and Amy Alberta, who survive; and John, Georgie, and Katie, deceased. Mr. Gartside has manifested an active interest in public affairs, and done much to advance the growth of the city of Chester. He was for sixteen years a member of the City Council, and president of that body. He was formerly a Whig in politics, and more recently be came a Republican. He has been active in advo cating the principles of his party, and represented the Sixth Pennsylvania District as a delegate to the National Convention, held in Chicago in 1880. He has been for eight years a member of the Board of Port Wardens. Mr. Gartside has also been largely identified with business enterprises as director of the Steel Casting Company, of the Eureka Steel Casting Company, and of the Chester Mutual Insurance Com pany. He is the originator of many public works in the city of Chester, and has filled the office of presi dent of the Chester Water- Works since its organiza tion. He was also a director of the Chester Improve ment Company, and of the McCaffry Direct Street Carting Company. He is furthermore a director of the Delaware River Railroad, and was largely instru mental in securing the terminus of the Chester Rail road at Chester. His business qualities are charac terized by a remarkable degree of judgment and general ability, which gives him an influential posi tion in the commercial world. James Gartside, son of Benjamin and Elizabeth K. Gartside, was born in Rochdale, England, on the 20th of October, 1823, and emigrated with his father to America in 1831. He enjoyed but limited advan tages of education, and at the early age of eight years entered the mill of his uncle, James Kershaw, where he acquired the trade of a spinner upon throstles. He subsequently removed to Manayunk, and found em ployment with Joseph Ripley. His father having started a milling interest at Blockley, his son continued with him at that point, as also at Roxbury and else where. The mills established by Benjamin Gartside at Chester, in 1852, were successful ; his son having been admitted to the firm in 1857, which partnership is still retained by him. He was on the 17th of August, 1851, married to Elizabeth, daughter of Joseph T. and Su sannah Smith, of Blockley (now the Twenty-fourth Ward of Philadelphia). Mr. Gartside joined the emergency recruits during the late war, in defense of Gettysburg, and on the expiration of his period of service resumed his business. In politics he is a Republican, but not active as a politician. In religion he is a supporter of the Baptist Church. Arasapha Mills. — Abraham Blakeley, the senior partner of the firm of A. Blakeley & Sons, began manufacturing cotton goods at Knowlton, Jan. 1, 1847, with Phineas Lownes. In the fall of 1853, Blakeley disposed of his interest to J. William Lewis, and removed to Chester, where, in September, 1854, he commenced the manufacture of tickings, denims, and stripes in the three-story brick building, one hun dred by forty-five feet, erected by John Larkin in that year, at Eleventh and Walnut Streets. On the 1st of January, 1860, his son, Benjamin W. Blakeley, be came associated in the business, under the firm-name of A. Blakeley & Son. In 1873 the firm erected a three-story building, one hundred and two by fifty- five feet, a finishing-room, forty by thirty feet, offices, and other buildings. On the 1st of January, 1874, the present firm was constituted by the admission of William S. Blakeley, another son of Abraham Blake ley. The mills, in 1873, were refitted with' new and improved machinery. Additions were made to the buildings in 1874 and in 1877. The main building is at present two hundred and seventy-six by fifty feet ; dye-house, one hundred by forty feet, with storage- sheds for six hundred bales of cotton. The mills contain 276 looms, 35 setts of cards, and 8500 spindles. The power is supplied by a Corliss engine, with three sets of boilers ; 33 bales of cotton are used, and 80,000 yards are manufactured per week ; 200 persons are employed. Abraham Blakeley, who is of English descent, and 400 HISTORY OF DELAWARE COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA. the son of Abraham and Nanny Turner Blakeley, was born July 5, 1806, in Dewsbury, Yorkshire, England, where he remained until twenty years of age. After very limited advantages of education he became an employ^ of a cotton-factory at Staley Bridge, Lanca shire, and remained thus occupied until 1828, when, having determined to emigrate to the United States, he sailed in April of the same year, and on the 29th of the following month landed in Philadelphia. During the succeeding eighteen months he was en gaged as a weaver of woolen goods by Messrs. Bullock & Davis, of Germantown. In the fall of 1829 he re moved to Pottsville, and made it his residence until 1833, when he entered the factory of John P. Crozer, of Delaware County, as foreman of the weaving de partment. At the close of the year 1846 he formed a copartnership with Phineas Lownes, as Lownes & Blakeley, and the firm embarked in manufacturing at Knowlton in 1847. Disposing of his interest in the autumn of 1853 he removed to Chester, and em barked in his present extensive enterprise, the manu facture of cotton goods. Having purchased the interest of a special partner in 1857, he operated the factory alone until the ad mission of his son, Benjamin W., who now assumes as partner its active management, Mr. Blakeley still re maining the financial head of the firm. He was mar ried in 1836 to Miss Betsey Walker, a lady of Irish extraction, to whom was born one son, Benjamin W. Mrs. Blakeley died in January, 1837, and he was again married Aug. 2, 1838, to Miss Maria A., daughter of James P. and Sarah Miles. Their children are Sarah (deceased), Eliza (Mrs. Henry E. Gilroy), Sophia (Mrs. John N. Wilson), Sarah E., Mary E. (Mrs. John P. Graham), Anna M. (deceased, Mrs. William Lister), William S., Alice M. (deceased), and Henry G. Mr. Blakeley has since his residence in Chester been among its most enterprising and public-spirited citi zens, and has contributed largely to the building up of its trade and its importance as a manufacturing centre. He was formerly an Old-Line Whig, and later became a Republican. He is not active as a politician, but has served as member of both branches of the Borough and City Councils. He is a member of the Madison Street Methodist Episcopal Church, in which he is both trustee and steward, and has been one of its most active workers. Phoenix Cotton- and Woolen-Mills.— These mills were built by Spencer Mcllvaine at the corner of Ninth and Mcllvaine Streets, and operated by John Green as the Continental Mills. In May, 1871, they were sold to J. Blazedell, Jr., of Chicopee, Mass. The same year they came into possession of John Maxon, by whom they were operated till 1882, when they were sold to Ashforth & Downey, of Philadelphia, who now own and operate them under the management of John Maxon. The mills contain one hundred looms, twenty-one hundred and sixty spindles, and four sets of cards. The mills were partially destroyed by fire in January, 1878, and again in November, 1879. Mohawk Mills. — The building now occupied by this mill was originally built by John M. Broomall for T. Bickum Price as a machine-shop, and for a short time that business was conducted there by Price & Mulford. In 1856, Samuel Eccles, Jr., purchased the building and changed it into a cotton-mill. In 1868 he removed to Baltimore, and the mill passed through several hands till May 13, 1871, when the property was purchased by Robert Hall, who, on the 1st of January, 1872, admitted his son as a partner in the business. The original building was twenty-five by fifty feet, and two and a half stories in height, and later a building fifty by thirty-seven feet, and two stories high, was erected. Mr. Hall, in 1872, in creased the capacity of the works by the erection of a two-story building twenty-five by thirty-seven feet, two stories in height. The mill contains two sets of cards forty-eight inches, two self-acting mules, three hundred and thirty spindles each, and forty-four looms. Forty-four hands are employed, to whom three hundred and twenty-five dollars per week are paid. Twenty-seven hundred pounds of raw cotton and wool are used, and ten thousand two hundred yards of goods are manufactured weekly. Irving and Leiper Manufacturing Company.— James Irving erected, in the year 1853, a mill one hundred and twenty by forty-six feet, three stories in height, between Front Street and the Delaware River, at the corner of Franklin Street. It was not put into operation till 1859, when a partnership was formed between James and David Irving and Thomas I. Leiper under the firm-name of Irving & Leiper. The death of David Irving occurred in 1862, and the busi ness was continued by James Irving and Thomas I. Leiper until 1878, when the Irving & Leiper Man ufacturing Company was incorporated, with James Irving, president ; Thomas I. Leiper, treasurer ; and Charles H. Worthington, secretary. The main build ing at present is two hundred and thirty by fifty feet, three stories in height. Engine-room forty feet square, picker-room forty by sixty feet, warehouse thirty by seventy feet. There are seventy-six sets of cards and twelve thousand spindles, driven by a four hundred horse-power engine. Three thousand bales of cotton are used in a year, from which are produced weekly twenty-two thousand pounds of yarn. A force of one hundred and seven hands is employed. Victoria Mill.— This mill was established by John Gartside, who in 1860 erected a building four stories in height, sixty-five by thirty-three feet, and in 1873 erected an addition fifty by thirty-three feet. At present there are two buildings, one, one hundred and twenty by forty, the other one hundred and twenty by thirty. There are four sets of cards, twenty-four broad looms, two thousand one hundred spindles, and all the machinery requisite to manufacture the best qualities of woolen cassimere and cloakings. Three thousand U^7t7 A/^^/Z^^yi tTMis 9a/L^doc/ey. lx THE CITY OP CHESTER. 401 four hundred pounds of wool is used per week, from which is manufactured eighteen hundred yards of double-width goods. Fifty-four hands are employed. John Gartside, son of Benjamin and Elizabeth Kershaw Gartside, was born on the 25th of October, 1821, in Rochdale, Lancashire, England. After a brief period at school he became an apprentice to the " piecing" business, and in 1831 removed to the United States with his parents. Finding employ ment at once in the Blockley Mills, Philadelphia, he remained until 1835, and then accompanied his father to Manayunk, and when the latter embarked in manu facturing, in 1838, became an employe of his mills. He continued thus employed until 1850, when on his removal to Chester he formed a copartnership with Samuel Cliff, under the firm-name of Cliff & Gartside, and conducted a dyeing business until 1852. His father having erected the Keokuk Mills, he then rented a room in the building for the prosecution of his legitimate trade. During the rebellion he served as one of the emergency recruits during the Gettys burg campaign, resuming business on his return. He is now the exclusive proprietor of an extensive woolen mill in the city of Chester. He has been for many years a director of the First National Bank of Chester, and identified with the active business interests of the city. Mr. Gartside was married in 1846 to Miss Margaret, daughter of Joseph Smith, of Blockley. Their children are Enoch (deceased), Benjamin, Eliza (deceased), Laura, and Joseph. Chester Dock Mills.— The business of this firm was established, in 1853, by Phineas Lownes and J. William Lewis at Knowlton, Middletown township, where they remained until 1864, when the three-story stone building two hundred and fifty-one feet by fifty- three feet, and other necessary buildings, were erected at Third and Garfield Streets, Chester, and the busi ness was removed to the new location. The members of the firm at present are J. William Lewis and Albert A. Roop. Employment is given to two hun dred and fifty persons, to whom six thousand eight hundred and fifty dollars is paid monthly. Nine hun dred and fifty thousand pounds of cotton is used yearly in the manufacture of plaids, Osnaburgs, ging hams, checks, and stripes. Ninety thousand yards of cloth and fifteen thousand pounds of yarn are pro duced weekly. Thomas Clough, Sr., is superintend ent. Patterson MUls.— The main building, three hun dred and thirty-five feet long, eighty feet wide, and two and three stories in height, was erected by Gen. Robert Patterson in 1866, fitted with machinery and put into operation in August, 1867. It is situated on a four-acre tract of land, between Fifth Street and Baltimore Railroad, and between Penn Street and Chester Creek. The machinery consists of three hundred looms, sixty-five sets of cards, and about fourteen thousand spindles, which are operated by a Corliss engine with eight boilers. Twenty thousand 26 pounds of cotton are used, from which is manufac tured sixty-seven thousand yards of cotton goods per week. Two hundred and ten hands are employed, whose wages are five thousand dollars monthly. The mills are now owned by the estate of Gen. Robert Pat terson, and are in charge of James D. Davis. Sunnyside Mills. — The buildings at the corner of Morton Avenue and Ledward Street, fifty by one hundred feet, and two stories in height, were erected, in 1865, by Henry Mcllvaine and John Hinkson, who leased the property to Lenny & Burk for a fac tory. They were not put in operation, but on the 26th of July, 1866, James Ledward, who had been foreman in the mills of John P. Crozer & Son from 1847 to 1851, purchased the property and fitted the mills with improved machinery, and commenced the manufacture of cottonades, cassimeres, doeskins, etc., with a force of fifty hands. Additions were made to the buildings from time to time. July 1, 1871, John I. Ledward, a son of the proprietor, was admitted to partnership. On the 4th of January, 1873, the ware house was destroyed by fire, and in the March follow ing the picker-house, warping- and weaving-rooms were also destroyed. The buildings were rebuilt and enlarged, and on the 1st of January, 1874, they were running with one hundred and four hands, seventy- two looms, four sets of cards, two self-acting mules of six hundred spindles each, and other necessary machinery. They were operated by John Ledward until 1882, when they were totally destroyed by fire, and again rebuilt. On the 1st of January, 1884, the buildings were rented to the Joseph Turner & Son Manufac turing Company, of Kent, Portage Co., Ohio, who put in the necessary machinery for manufacturing worsteds, and operated them for five months, when they removed the business to Ohio, since which time the buildings have remained vacant. Algodon Mills.— On the 1st of January, 1866, James Barton, Jr., and Simeon Cotton associated together for the purpose of manufacturing tickings, stripes, and denims. They purchased of Henry Mc llvaine and John Hinkson, who were builders, a mill, one hundred by fifty feet, three stories high, with a two-story addition sixty-six by thirty feet, and fitted the mill with ninety looms and five thousand spindles. The power was supplied by an eighty horse-power Corliss engine. Simeon Cotton sold his interest to James Barton, Jr., in the spring of 1876. Barton continued the business for several years, and dis continued it in 1881, since which time the mills have been closed. Yeadon Mills.— The buildings were erected in 1867 by McCrea & Co., of Philadelphia, for the man ufacture of denims and tickings, and were known as the Fulton Mills. They were operated by John Brewster. Early in May, 1870, the mills were en tirely destroyed by fire. The grounds were pur chased the mills rebuilt by William Bullock, and the 402 HISTORY OF DELAWARE COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA. name changed to Yeadon Mills. In 1866, Denis, An derson & Co. established a business in Conshohocken for the manufacture of fancy cassimeres, and in 1870, G. P. Denis removed to Chester, purchased these mills, and operated them. In 1880 additions were made to the buildings and machinery. At present the main building — stone and brick — is one hundred and thirty feet in width by two hundred feet in length. The mills contain thirty-eight broad Knowles & Crompton looms, two thousand two hundred and eighty spindles, four sets Engle sixty-inch cards, and other machinery, which is driven by a one hundred and twenty horse-power Corliss engine. About one hundred and twenty hands are employed, twenty-six thousand pounds of raw material are used weekly in the manufacture of three thousand two hundred and fifty yards of fancy cassimeres. Lilley & Son's Manufacturing Company. — On the 1st of August, 1873, John Lilley & Son estab lished the business of manufacturing cotton and woolen cloth and cotton yarn. A mill was erected on Front Street, one hundred by fifty-four feet, and in the rear a building one hundred and twenty-two by forty feet; these buildings were connected by one eighty by thirty-six feet. The machinery consists of one hundred and eleven looms, three thousand two hundred and fifty-two spindles, twenty-five cards; one hundred persons are employed, twelve thousand pounds of raw material are used weekly, from which is produced twenty-five thousand yards of cloth. On the 3d of January, 1880, the company was incorpor ated under the name of Lilley Manufacturing Com pany. John Lilley, Jr., is superintendent. Chester City Mills.— These mills were estab lished in 1877 by Branagan & Lamb, who erected a building forty by forty feet, with the necessary struc tures adjacent, at the corner of Front and Parker Streets, for the purpose of manufacturing woolen yarns and woolen and cotton jeans. The mills were supplied with ninety looms, seventeen hundred spin dles, five sets of cards, which are driven by a sixty horse-power engine. Four thousand pounds of raw material are used per week, from which is produced seventeen thousand yards of goods. Seventy hands are employed, forty of whom are women. S. A. Crozer & Son's Chester Mills.— In 1837, Jacob G. Kitts established the first foundry in Dela ware County, on the lot where Crozer's new cotton- mill partly stands, on Edgmont Avenue, above the present post-office. In his advertisement in the Del aware County Republican, Sept. 29, 1837, he states,— " The subscriber, having established an iron-foundry at Chester, is now ready and prepared to receive orders for iron castings of all kinds and descriptions, such as mill-gearing and machinery for flour- and paper- mills, horse-power for thrashing-machines, wheels for railroad cars, axles, etc. All of which will be made and fitted up to order." In 1837, Kitts & Kerlin carried on the business, and erected the first stationary-engine and steam-boiler ever started in Chester, " and its advent produced," wrote John M. Broomall, " more sensation among the simple villagers than did the fall of the French mon archy." In 1840 the firm made the second engine and boiler used in Chester, for the tannery of William Brobson. In 1841 "brass- and bell-foundry" was added to the title of the works. In 1844, Kitts, who had resumed entire control of the " Chester Iron- Foundry and Machine-Shops," failed, and was suc ceeded the same year by Charles Cornog, Cadwallader Evans, and Ferdinand Cornog, which firm carried on an extensive business in 1845, building a twenty-five horse-power engine for David Trainer, and casting a pinion-wheel, weighing two thousand four hundred pounds, for William T. Crook's factory. In 1851 they built a boiler for Samuel Riddle's mill, forty feet in length, thirty-six inches diameter, and weighing eight thousand pounds. In those early days of Ches ter manufacturing establishments, this was regarded as remarkable work. In the year 1880, S. A. Crozer & Son erected near Chester Creek, north of the post- office, on Edgmont Avenue, a brick building, two stories in height, one hundred and forty by sixty feet, with picker-room twenty-four by sixty feet. Six thousand three hundred and thirty-six spindles and forty-eight sets of cards were placed in the mill. The power is supplied from a Corliss engine with three boilers. Work was commenced in June, 1881. Fif teen men, forty-five women and girls, and twenty boys are employed, whose monthly wages are nineteen hun dred dollars. Fifty thousand pounds of cotton per month is used, from which is produced weekly twelve thousand pounds of warp-yarn. The mills are under the charge of William D. Howard. Lincoln Manufacturing Company.— In 1881 a stock company was organized in Chester, with a capital of one hundred thousand dollars, for the pur pose of manufacturing cotton yarns. Land was pur chased on Morton Avenue, and a brick structure, seventy feet in width by one hundred and ninety feet in length, two stories high, was erected, and fitted with modern machinery. An engine- and boiler-house, fifty by sixty feet, was built, supplied with a two hundred horse-power engine. The ma chinery consists of six thousand eight hundred and forty spindles and thirty-four Foss-Pevey cards. Thirty-three bales of cotton are used weekly, from which twelve thousand pounds of yarn are produced. About sixty-five hands are employed. The directors are S. Emlen Meigs, of Philadelphia, president ; Chalmers Dale, of New York, A. Blakeley, Richard Wetherill, and W. S. Blakeley, of Chester, treasurer. The Stotesbury Mill.— The building on the corner of Fourteenth Street and Edgmont Avenue was erected in 1874 by J. Lewis Crozer, and in that year the manufacture of cotton yarn was then established by James M. Stotesbury. The building is of stone, THE CITY OF CHESTER. 403 one hundred and sixty-five by sixty-two feet, and one story in height. The machinery consists of twelve sets of cards, and three thousand five hundred and twenty spindles. Twenty-eight thousand pounds of yarn was spun monthly, using thirty-two thousand pounds of raw cotton. The works were operated by Mr. Stotesbury till 1883, when they were closed, and have not since been operated. Bower's Mill. — In 1873, James Bower & Son began business in Waterville, in the old Sharpless cotton-mill, as a manufacturer of shoddy. At the corner of Sixth and Madison Streets a building had been erected about 1860 by Hinkson & Mcllvaine, as a planing-mill, sash- and blind-factory. It later passed to Fairlamb Brothers, who continued the business till 1877, when Bower & Son came into possession, and re moved their machinery from Waterville to this place. Improvements had been made from time to time, and in the spring of 1884 a new building of brick and stone was erected on the lot which they now occupy. The material used is assorted waste, which is manu factured into wool. Morton & Black's Saw-Mill and Sash-Factory. — The business was established in 1865, at the foot of Morton Avenue, by Crosby P. Morton and J. Frank Black. In the next year Henry B. Black became a member of the firm, and continued till 1879, when he retired. The main building is one hundred and fifty feet long, forty feet wide, and two stories high, with a fire-proof engine-house thirty by sixty feet, and offices adjacent. Three hundred thousand feet of lumber per month are used in the construction of doors, sash, blinds, and all kinds of wood-work neces sary for the construction of buildings. Fifty men are employed, whose wages are fifteen hundred dollars per month. The works are under the charge of Wil liam Hinkson, Jr. A lumber yard is connected with the factory, and all the lumber used at the mill is from the yard. Cocoa Mat and Matting- Works.— This building, occupied by the works, was erected in 1851, by Joseph Entwistle and Henry L. Powell, who commenced therein the bleaching and finishing of cotton goods. Later, Mr. Powell sold his interest to Entwistle, who continued till 1860, when John Hall became associ ated with him, and in 1865, John Longbottom became a partner. At this time the firm commenced the manufacture of shoddy. About 1868, Mr. Entwistle retired from the firm, which continued in business for a short time, when the mill was burned. The building was rebuilt. In 1871, Charles Roberts leased it, and therein began the spinning of cotton yarn, and continued there till 1875, when John Thompson & Son purchased the business. The latter continued to operate the mill until 1882, when the building was leased by Edward S. Worrell, for the manufacture of cocoa mat and mattings. Prior to 1878, J. Frank Black established the business in a building which stood on the corner of Second Street and Edgmont Avenue. Mr. Worrel soon afterwards became asso ciated with Mr. Black, who later sold his interest to Mr. Worrel. The latter continued the business until May, 1882, when part of the ground on which the building stood was required in the construction of the Second Street bridge. The present building owned by the water-works was rented, and in September, 1882, the building was ready for occupancy, having been thoroughly fitted with improved machinery. There are sixteen hand-looms and two power -looms, which are operated by thirty-five employes. Two thousand five hundred dozen of mats and one thou sand rolls of matting are made per annum. Chester Edge-Tool Works.— John C. Beatty, son of William Beatty, who established the business over seventy-five years ago, removed his works from Springfield to the city of Chester in the year 1871. He erected a frame building, two stories in height, and two hundred and seventy feet in length. These works were operated by Beatty until April, 1875, when they were purchased by H. B. Black, his son-in-law, who made additions to the works. Early in April, 1880, the main building was destroyed by fire, and rebuilt the same year. The works comprise tool- mills, grinding- and polishing-mills, forge-shops, and other buildings necessary to carry on the business successfully. The goods marked " Beatty" are known in every market for the excellency of the material used and the superior quality of the articles made. Samuel Black, the grandfather of Henry B. Black, was of Scotch-Irish ancestry, and an early resident of Marple township, in Delaware County. He was united in marriage to Miss Catherine Van Leer, and had children, — Joseph, Samuel, William V., Ann, Catherine V., and John. William V. was born in Marple township, Aug. 22, 1796, and died Nov. 24, 1883, in his eighty-eighth year, having been during his active life both a farmer and a merchant. He married Miss Maria, daughter of Isaac Cochran, of Delaware County, and had children,— Catherine (Mrs. J. C. Lindsey), Isaac C, Samuel G., Elizabeth Jane, William, Hannah Maria, Susannah, Henry B., and J. Frank, four of whom survive. Henry B. was born May 9, 1837, in Upper Darby township, Delawari Co., from whence, on attaining his eighth year, he removed with his parents to Haverford township. His education was principally derived from public schools, with the advantage of one year's instruction under more favorable circumstances. On completing his studies, he became interested as a clerk with' his father in Media, and managed the business until 1859, when he was admitted to a partnership in a general country store. Here he remained until 1867 (mean while becoming a partner with his brother in the same business), when in the spring of the latter year he sought a more extended field in Chester, and be came a member of the firm of Morton, Black & Bro., who were engaged in lumber and coal traffic, steam saw- and planing-mills, sash and blind manufacturing, 404 HISTORY OP DELAWARE COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA. and controlled the Chester dock. He retained his connection with this firm until 1879, having in 1875 purchased the Chester Edge-Tool Works of John C. Beatty, to which since the latter year he has devoted his exclusive attention. Mr. Black was married on the 24th of October, 1860, to Miss Lydia Ann, daugh ter of John C. Beatty, of Media, and has children, — John B., William V. (deceased), Lillian M. (de ceased), Ada J., Bessie S., and Maria C. Mr. Black is in politics an active Republican, has been for three successive terms a member of the City Council, and its president during a large portion of the time. He is identified with the Chester National Bank as one of its directors. He is in religion a Presbyterian, an elder of the Third Presbyterian Church of Chester, and has been for some years superintendent of its Sabbath-school. He is also active in the cause of temperance, as also in all Christian and philanthropic enterprises. The Riverside Dye- Wood Mills.— In 1835 a business was established at Waterville, by Smith & Hartshorne, that later developed into the present Riverside Dye- Wood Mills. Later the works came into possession of John M. Sharpless, by whom they were conducted till his death, in 1875. In 1878 the firm of John M. Sharpless & Co. purchased the old site of Frick, Wilson & Co.'s boat-yard, west of Roach's yard, embracing twelve acres, having a front age of two hundred and twelve feet on the Delaware River. On the 1st of April, 1879, the foundations of buildings were laid, and buildings erected during that year. The dimensions of the main building are one hundred and thirteen feet front by sixty feet deep, the redwood-mill forty-seven by fifty-four feet, and the extract buildings fifty-two by fifty feet, in front of which is about one hundred and eighty feet of wharfage, where there is a depth of fifteen feet of water at low tide. The main and extract buildings are four stories in height, and the adjoining mill two and a half stories. About sixty hands are employed. The firm-name, John M. Sharpless & Co., is retained. The present members are Thomas Scattergood, Rich ard Chambers, and John W. Pepper. Combination Steel and Iron Company. — The main building, two hundred and eighty by eighty feet, with wing eighty by seventy feet, was erected in 1880, and operations commenced March 1, 1881. John Roach is president ; George E. Weed, secretary and treasurer; and C. A. Weed, general manager. The works contain eight heating-furnaces, a rail-mill with a capacity of producing thirty thousand tons of iron per annum, a twelve-inch bar-mill with capacity of producing six thousand tons per annum, and a twenty-inch mill for angle-iron of ten thousand tons' capacity per annum. One hundred and seventy-five men are employed. Eureka Cast-Steel Company. — The works of this company are located on the corner of Broomall and Sixth Streets, South Ward, and were erected in 1877, and commenced operations in September of that year. The area of the works is embraced in the limits of two hundred and two feet on Broomall Street, and two hundred and eighty-five feet on the line of the rail road. The building is of L shape, has a frontage on Broomall Street of one hundred and thirty-two feet, and to the same extent is parallel with the Philadel phia, Wilmington and Baltimore Railroad, and in the narrowest part fifty feet wide. As it is divided, we may specify the main building as one-storied, forty- one feet over all in height; the machine-shop, eighty feet long and twenty-five feet wide, comprising the pattern-shop and pattern-safe. In the main building there are five furnaces, — four for annealing purposes and one for heating. These are, on an average, eleven by eleven feet in dimensions. The cupola, where the metal is heated, is forty-three feet in height, five feet in diameter, with a melting capacity of sixteen tons of iron. The planing-machine, used in the finishing of the casts, is the best adapted to the purpose yet in vented. The vertical engine that supplies the power needed was built by Jacob Naylor, of Philadelphia, is of twenty-five horse-power, and is perfect and noiseless in its operations. It supplies the blast- works, the planing-machine, drill-press, rumblers, emery-wheels, grindstones, elevator, etc. The smoke stack, connected with the annealing and heating fur naces, is eighty-five feet in height, five feet in diame ter, and on the north side of the building. Steel castings are manufactured solely. One hundred and twenty tons of raw material are used per month, and one hundred persons are employed. The officers of the company are John A. Emrick, president ; W. H. Dic'kson, secretary and treasurer; Frederick Baldt, superintendent. Robert Wetherill & Co.— This firm originated in a copartnership of Robert and Richard Wetherill, Jan. 1, 1872. The property bounded by Sixth, Up land, and Seventh Streets, two hundred and seventy by one hundred feet, was purchased and large build ings were erected. The machine-shop is two stories in height and forty by eighty feet, with foundry at tached one hundred by fifty feet, a boiler-shop one hundred by forty feet, with pattern loft one hundred by fifty feet. They have at present seven large build ings, covering a square of ground. One hundred and fifty tons of pig-iron, seventy-five tons of plate, and twenty tons of wrought iron are monthly used in the manufacture of Corliss engines, boilers, shafting, and gearing. Two hundred and fifty men are employed, and monthly receive ten thousand dollars in wages. The works comprise machine-shops, smith-shop, foundry, boiler-shop, casting-house, pattern-shop, pattern store-house, store-rooms, and offices. Chester Steel Casting Company. — This company was organized in 1870, and in 1871 erected at Sixth and Norris Streets a foundry two hundred feet in length by fifty feet in width, and other buildings cov ering an area of two hundred and fifty square feet. ¦SB csae m | I m m u® rl © gb [vj • H IP SS 59 =3mm '"©© V Till DM 11 MAD fla JLM1®@1 "©MOWI® aiMW '©MDJL^IWH© 'l^lTlD©ffl 'gMl«Dlfu® IMD@liSfla iiOW§>@ THE CITY OP CHESTER. 405 The machinery consists of two engines with three boilers, a heating-furnace, and seven annealing fur naces. The works were at first under the charge of Samuel Archbold, president of the company, assisted by Mr. McHaffy, a native of Glasgow, who was the patentee of a process of making steel, which tliis company are using. At present one hundred hands are employed under the charge of John J. Deemer. The Phoenix Iron Works were established by James Massey, in 1867, at the corner of Seventh and Potter Streets. The main building is one hundred by fifty feet, two stories high, the foundry one hundred and ten by thirty feet. The goods manufactured are finishing machinery, fulling-mills, washing machines, tentering machines, stock-dryers, dyeing and sizing machines, broad looms, and gigs. The works are now owned by Thomas S. Hall. The Chester Sugar-House.— In 1867, James Baker & Co. purchased five acres of land at the foot of Market Street, owned by Thomas I. Leiper, on which there were no buildings. Much of the land was a marsh, overgrown with reeds, which it was necessary to fill up a distance of twelve feet before it could be made practically useful. Prior to the erection of the large building, piles had to be driven to secure a solid foundation for the structure. This was followed by the building of an extensive pier, and the dredging of the river to allow vessels of heavy draft to approach the wharf to un load their cargoes. After the erection of the first building additions were made thereto ; all kinds of the best and most approved machinery were pur chased, and the refinery was in every respect well equipped, the outlay, exclusive of the cost of the real estate, being over four hundred thousand dollars. In the summer of 1872 the firm suspended, and the re finery passed into other hands. John H. Barton and Stephen C. Hall leased the works, and for a time manufactured low-grade sugars, but ultimately aban doned the enterprise. The real estate is now owned by Mr. Folsom, of Philadelphia, and has been idle for several years. Color-Works. — The Delaware County Iron-Works were established in 1850 by William Trout & Co. Land was purchased on Second Street below Market, by John M. Sharpless, and large buildings were erected in which the firm mentioned carried on a foundry and machine-shop for a time, when the property passed to other hands. On the 1st of Feb ruary, 1881, it came into possession of H. C. Eyre & Co., who conducted the same business till the spring of 1884, when the works were leased to parties in Philadelphia, who are now refitting the buildings for the preparation and manufacture of pigment colors, printing varnishes, and refined oils. The Chester Chemical Works were established about 1860 by Mr. Mclntyre, and are now owned by George S. Coyne. Large buildings were erected at the foot of Market Street for the manufacture of mu riatic, nitric, and pyroligneous acids, ammonia, oxy- muriate of antimony, muriate and oxymuriate of tin, and muriate of iron. The stills for muriatic acid have a capacity of five thousand pounds per week, for nitric acid of one thousand pounds per week, for am monia of two hundred pounds per day. Seven hun dred barrels of Glauber salts are made annually from the residue left in the muriatic acid stills. Robert Lidstone is superintendent. Taylor's Carriage-Works.— The business was es tablished by Enos Taylor, grandfather of the present partners, early in this century. At that time chaises, gigs, riding-chairs, and sulkies were the principal manufacture. About 1830, Enos Taylor built a sulky for a naval officer, who took it to South America as a present to a person there to whom he was under obli gations. The vehicle was so highly esteemed among the wealthy residents of Valparaiso that Taylor re ceived orders for a number of similar carriages, which were shipped thither. Joseph Taylor, his son, suc ceeded him in 1832, continuing the business many years, and was succeeded by his sons, William and Edward C. Taylor, who still conduct it. It was first located at Fifth and Welsh Streets, later at Sixth and Pine Streets, and in 1874 removed to the corner of Twelfth and Edgmont Avenue, where they still are located. Stark's Carriage- Works.— In 1871, 1. P. Branin, who established carriage-works in Philadelphia in 1854, removed his business to Chester, at shops on the corner of Fifth and Welsh Streets, and in May, 1876, removed to Sixth and Pine Streets, where buildings, eighty by eighty-four feet, with an addition of forty by eighty feet, were built. Mr. Branin remained in business at this place till April, 1883, when he re turned to Philadelphia. In May, 1879, Davis & Stark established a carriage- factory at the corner of Fifth and Welsh. On the 1st of October in that year, Mr. Davis withdrew from the firm, and Mr. Stark continued the business at the same place until April 1, 1883, when he removed to the shops of I. P. Branin, corner of Sixth and Pine Streets, where he now is. Ocheltree's Carriage-Works.— The works of Mr. Ocheltree were established on Edgmont Avenue below its present site in 1877. The increase of business de manded greater facilities, and land was purchased in 1879, and the present building, one hundred and twenty by forty feet, two stories in height, erected on Edgmont Avenue above the post-office, and supplied with the best machinery for the manufacture of fine carriages. Lukens' Grist-Mill— L. L. Lukens & Co. began business on Sixth Street in 1877, and in June, 1879, removed to Seventh Street, below Edgmont Avenue. The mill is operated by a thirty horse-power engine. An elevator for unloading grain is in use. The mill has a capacity of thirty thousand bushels per an num. 406 HISTORY OP DELAWARE COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA. Stroud & Co.'s Planing-Mill— In 1871, John H. Stroud and Robert Booth established the sash-factory on the south side of Front Street and Concord Ave nue. The machinery consists of one engine and boiler. Fourteen men and two boys are employed at a monthly pay of six hundred dollars. Two hundred thousand feet of lumber is used per year. In 1876 the mill was destroyed by fire, and the firm then moved to their present location, corner Front and Concord Ave nue. The main building is of brick, forty-five by forty feet, three stories, with a two-story engine-room, twenty-five by twenty feet, and a commodious office. The mill contains all the latest improved machinery. Penn Street Planing-Mill— In 1875, Henry M. Hinkson erected on Fourth and Penn Streets a two- story brick building, one hundred by forty feet, as a planing-mill and sash- and blind-factory, and rented it to Miller Cox, who began business Sept. 1, 1876, continuing it until May, 1881, when Mr. Hinkson established the present business at this mill. Eleven hands are employed, and one hundred thousand feet of lumber is used annually in the manufacture of sash, blinds, doors, and other building material. Miller Cox's Sash-Mill.— The business was estab lished by Miller Cox, Sept. 1, 1876, at the Penn Street Planing-Mill, and in April, 1881, he removed to the new mill at Seventh and Penn Streets. Fifteen men are employed, and one hundred and fifty thousand feet of lumber is used annually in the construction of sash, doors, blinds, and other building material. Hamilton's Box Factory. — A brick building, thirty by sixty, at the corner of Front and Franklin Streets was fitted with machinery for the manufacture of boxes, and supplied with power from the Lilley Manufacturing Company adjoining. About fifty thousand feet of lumber is used per month. The fac tory is occupied by John Hamilton. Price's Brick-Yard— In 1854, John C. and Wil liam G, Price established a brick-yard on the site of the Yeadon Mills at the corner of Tenth and Upland Streets. About 1864, seven acres of land at Fifth and Parker Streets were purchased of William and Joshua P. Eyre. In 1879, while the firm were having clay dug on the lot at the northeast corner of Concord Ave nue and Sixth Street, they uncovered the bottom of an old kiln, respecting which the oldest resident could give no information. The idea which prevails among many of our people that bricks in old dwellings in this city were of English make is entirely erroneous, for not two years after Penn's first coming, in a lease made by Robert Wade, of the Essex House, to Robert Goforth, dated March 12, 1684, part of the property leased is described as abutting on an old brick kiln, near Chester Creek. A careful examination of the locality shows that the old kiln unearthed was the one mentioned in the lease, and without doubt the Hoskin-Graham house, Logan house, and others here, were built of brick from this yard. At the Price yard, at the present time, are manufactured thirty thousand machine-made bricks per day. Three kilns are in use, and twenty men are employed. The Delaware County Insurance Company.— In the winter of 1834-35, four gentlemen were accus tomed to meet in a small frame store kept by Jona than P. Newlin, on the west side of Ridley Creek, north of the Queen's highway, on the lands owned by Spencer Mcllvain. William Martin, Spencer Mc llvain, John L. Crosby, and Jonathan P. Newlin were the four men who discussed at this meeting the need of a local insurance company, and finally they by the act of April 10, 1858, with others, were named commissioners to receive subscriptions for a company, which by the charter thus granted was termed " The Delaware County Insurance Company." Subscrip tion-books were opened at the public-house of Isaac Hall in Nether Providence, and so eager were the substantial citizens of the county to invest in the en terprise that on the day the subscriptions were re ceived the crowd was so large that many persons "absolutely fought their way into the commissioner's rooms in their anxiety to obtain the stock."1 On July 27, 1835, the first board of directors, con sisting of John P. Crozer, Joshua P. Eyre, John L. Crosby, Archibald T. Dick, Samuel M. Leiper, Charles Kelly, David Trainer, George Serrill, and John Ban croft, met and elected George Serrill president and William Martin secretary. In the fall of this year the company began business, its office being in the double house at the northeast corner of Market Square, Chester, where it continued until 1837, when it was removed to the present " Stacey Mansion," on Market Street, south of Fourth. Here it continued until 1843, when it was determined to enlarge the business of the company and to remove its office to Philadelphia. To that end the act of Assembly, March 17, 1843, was procured, changing the title of the corporation to " The Delaware Mutual Safety Insurance Company," under which name, in Philadelphia, it became one of the most successful insurance institutions in the United States. The list of the presiding officers of the com pany indicates that residents of the county of Dela ware have always held a prominent place in its man agement. George Serrill, the first president, was elected July 27, 1835 ; William Eyre, Jr., Sept. 5, 1842; William Martin, Jan. 3, 1844; Thomas C. Hand, Oct. 30, 1862. The latter is the only one in the list who was not from Delaware County. In the present board of directors, Hon. Edward Darlington, who was elected Sept. 5, 1842, still retains that office, and Spencer Mcllvain, the only one of the four gen tlemen who organized the movement in the country store in Ridley a half-century ago, is now living ; has been a director since Jan. 5, 1846. The grandfather of Spencer Mcllvain, who was of Scotch descent, resided in Ridley township, where he was an extensive and successful farmer. He 1 Martin's " History of Chester," p. 359. yk^^c c*nf ^yOC i>Ed H OO a Si H i< TJtel2! SiGOK)t-l< > 3 JOSEPH GEST. BEBEKAH GEST. I VII. Nicholas Geast, son : and heir of Richard, per sonal representative of the above - named Wm., buried at Handsworth, 13th March, 1720-21. Phoebe (supposed) Downing, relative of Sir George Downing of East Hatley, Co. Cambridge, Knight Templar Charles II. Mart = Humphrey Wyrley of Hands- worth, Esq., 21st Sept., 1710, at Hands- worth, ob. sp. VIII. Rl CHARD; Geast, son and heir of Nicholas of Handsworth, gent, d. 23d Sept., 1736, and there buried 26th Sept. : Jane, 2d, daughter of Wm. Dugdale of Blyth Hall, Esq., b. 21st Nov., bap. at Shustoke 20th Dec, 1688 ; m. there 19th April, 1722; d. April, 1772; buried at Handsworth. Henry, M. A^of — Mary, daugh'r of Lukyn Christ dh., Oxford, Rec tor of Seaton, Co. Rutland; d., no issue, 1749-50. of Canter bury. Phoebe m. John Lowe of Charle- mont. IX. Dugdale Geast, bap. at Hands- worth 23d Dec, 1722 ; huried there 21st Oct., 1733. Richard Geast, Esq., ; Barrister at Law, devisee in posses sion of his mater nal uncle, John Dugdale, Esq. ; took the name and arms of Dug dale, 1799; d. at Blyth Hall 12th March, 1806, in his 82d year. Penelope, daughter and co-heir of Francis Strat ford of Mervale, Co. Warwick, Esq. ; m. 24th June, 1767 ; hur ied at Shustoke 25th March, 1819, aged 86 years. Henry Geast— Ann, daugh ter of John and grand daughter of ThomasWalfordof Binton, Co. Warwick. I X. Richard Francis bap. 9th August, 1769; d. March, 1774. Dugdale Stratford = Hon. Charlotte Cdr- Dugdale, Esq., of Blyth Hall and Mervale, M.P. for Co. Warwick ; m. 1799. zon, daughter of Asshton, Vis count Curzon, by Dorothy, sis- to Richard, 1st Earl Grosvenor; m. 1799. I Penelope m. Chas. I. Packe of Prestwold, Co. Leices ter. Laura Ann m. Wi l l i A M Dilke of MaxstokeCastle, Co. Warwick. VII. Henry Gest, the son, in 1716, = Mary, daughter of James and Sarah Clemson, and took up their permanent residence on 300 acres of land in S. W. corner of Concord township, Chester Co., PaM deeded in fee-tail by Mary's father to Henry Gest. There Henry died March 14, 1739. Mary. VIII. John. William. James. Henry. Dayid. Joseph Gest, the 6th son, b. about 1722 ; : soon after his father's death settled in Sadsbury township, Lancaster Co., and there lived upon the same tract of land until his death, April 23, 1815. ; Deborah, daughter of Joseph and Elizabeth {n€e Miller) Dickinson of Salisbury town Bhip, Lancaster Co., at Friends' Meeting, SadBbury, July 31, 1765. She was born Dec. 3, 1746-47 ; d. 7th Nov., 1825. 11 I Illi IX. Elizabeth. Mary. Hannah. Ann. Daniel. Joseph Gert m. Rebekah Moore at Sadsbury Friends' Meeting, April 14, 1813. Joseph, b. 4th March, 1776 ; d. Feb. 23, 1863. Re bekah, b. Aug. 15, 1791 ; d. Feb. 24, 1869. They removed to Cincinnati in 1818, and there buried in Spring Grove Cemetery. Clarissa, Erasmus, Joseph John. All of whom are living, 1884, of whom only Joseph John Gest married, his wife being Susannah Bailey of Clinton Co , Ohio. They reside at " Wintrebourne," a suburb of Cincinnati on tbe Kentucky side. Their children living: Margaret. Henry. Deborah. Benjamin. John Gest m. Ann Barnard at London Grove Friends' Meeting, Dec. 15, 1819. John, b. May 17, 1783 ; d. Dec. 15, 1865. Ann, b. Sept. 26, 1792; d. Dec. 14, 1883. They resided in Philadelphia from 1810 to 1845. Are buried at Sadsbury. X. Mary Ann, living at Christiana. Joseph died, left a daughter Mary. John B. Gest, living in Philadelphia. Deborah m. Levi Pownell ; a widow. Elizabeth m. David T. Jones; a widow. Jacob T., deceased, unmarried. John Barnard Gest m. Elizabeth A. Purves; residence, Phila delphia. Their children, all living: Arms. — Quarterly, 1st and 4tb, Arg., cross mo- line qu — in the 1st quarter a torteau ; 2d and 3d, Arg., harry of ten arg. and az., over all alion rampant qu. Crest. — A griffin, head and wings endorsed Or. Motto. — Pestis patria pi- grities. geat. — Mervale Hall, near Atherstone, War wickshire. . William Stratford Dug- : dale, Esq., of Mervale Hall ("only son) ; J.P. and D.L , M. P. for North Warwickshire, 1832-^7 ; b. 1st April, 1800 ; d. 15th Sept., 1871. XII. William Stratford Dug- : dale of Mervale Hall, Co. Warwick; J.P. and D.L.,M.A. Barrister at Law, High SherifF, 1876 ; h. 7th May, 1828. Harriet Ella, daughter of Edward Berkley Portman, Esq., of Bryanstone, Dorset, and siBlerof Viscount Portman; m. March 1,1827. Alice Frances, youngest daughterof Sir Char les Edward Treve- lyan, Bart., K.C.B.; m. 14th Dec, 1871. XIII. William Francis Stratford, b. 20th Oct. 1872. Edgar Trevelyan Stratford, b. 22d July, 1876. XI. 1st, Joseph Henry Gest. 2d, Clifford H. Gest. 3d, Gcyon Moore Gest. 4th, Rebekah Gest. 5th, Karl Gest. XI. 1st, Alexander P. Gest. 2d, Lkydia Gest. 3d, John Marshall Gest. 4th, William Purves Gest NOTE.— William Francis Stratford Dugdale, b. 1872, thirteenth English generation, nearly corresponds with Joseph Henry Gest, b. 1862, eleventh American generation. In other words, two less generations west of the Atlantic cover correspondiug period of time to the east, and indicate, at least so far as this family is concerned, greatest longevity in the United States. en o CO ANPffWflBQ f MARY OLEMSOIT, wife of HENRY GEST; DEBORAH DICKINSON, wife of JOSEPH GEST, Sr.) nllUlIlUlUIllJ i REBEKAH MOORE, wife of JOSEPH GESTj ANN BARNARD, wife of JOHN GESTj F.nd OF ( ISAAC HAINES, husband of HANNAH, sister of JOSEPH and JOHN GEST, Capt. Starr, of the Parliament Army, after the war, settled in Ireland. Benjamin and Mary Canby re sided at Thorn, Yorkshire, England, 1668. O Jacob Clemson, Acrelius men tions ns one of the early SwedeB on the Delaware. James and Sarah Clemson, n family of means at Chiches ter, 1699, Chester Co. Mary Clemson m. 1716, Henry Gest, settled on 300 acres of land in S. W. corner Concord township, Chester Co. Mathew and Jane Dickinson of Cumberland Co., England, had son, Daniel Dickinson, who maintained 10,000 sheep, was K. B.C. Resettled his son, Daniel Dickinson, near Edenderry, Ireland, in 1696. This Daniel's son went to America. 1725. Guyon Miller and wife, Mar garet (Henderson), left Co. Armagh, Ireland, 1702. Set tled in Kennet township. James Moore and family resided in Co. Antram, Ireland. Andrew Moore and wife, Mar garet, daughter of Guyon and Margaret Miller, with son, James, came (1723) to Sadsbury, Lancaster Co. John and Mary Staer of Cort- hill, Cavan, after of Meath Co., Ireland. Jeremiah Starr and Rebecca (Jackson) m. Nov. 10,1716. Settled in London Grove, Chester Co., 1717. Joseph Dickinson m. Elizabeth Miller, Aug. 25, 1732, at Chester and New Castle Monthly Meeting. Settled in Piqua Valley, Salis bury township, Lancaster Co. Joseph left the home in Ireland, given him hy his father, came to Chester Co., 1725. James Moore (b. 1716) m. Feb. 16, 1741, Ann Starr (b. Nov. 1, 17]7), at New Garden Monthly Meeting; by whom he had children, — Andrew, Jeremiah, John, James, Rebekah, and Ann. Thomas Canby arrived at Phila delphia, July, 1684; Bottled in Bucks Co., m. Sarah Jervis, Oct. 2, 1693. Thomas Canby, b. Aug. 12, 1702. Benjamin Canby (b. June 29, 1728) m. Martha Whitson, Oct. 5, 1752. Joseph Gest (b. about 1722) m. Deborah Dickinson (h. Twelfth month 3, 1746), at Sadsbury Monthly Meeting, Seventh month 31, 1765, and resided upon the 200-acre tract previously acquired by Joseph in that township, Lancaster Co. Joseph d. April 23, 1815 ; Deborah Nov. 7, 1825. They had eleven children, of whom Mary, Ann, David d. young; Henry, Dkbobah's twin-brother, also died young; Deborah d. in Sadsbury, First month 13, 1872, aged 92 years; never married. Elizabeth m. John Moore; Hannah m. Isaac Haines; Joseph m. Rebekah Moore; Margaret m. John Williams; John m. Ann Barnard; Benjamin m. Mary Canby. James Moore (b. Aug. 8, 1761), Miller, Farmer, and Physician, m. 2d Jane Canby (b Jan 4 1772) of Bucks Co. James d. April 3, 1832, and Jane Sept. 21, 1839. Their children,— Benjamin, Rebekah •Tamer C, Ann, Sarah, Jane, Canby, Lewis, John B., Ellis P., and Henry. John Haines (son of Richard) was settled, 1683, in a cave, where now is Lamberton, New Jersey ; m. Oct. 10, 1684, Esther Boston. Isaac Haines m. Catherine David, 1714. In 1717 settled on 254 acres N. E. side West Chester, Chester Co. Isaac Haines, Jr. (b. Aug. 10, 1718) m. Mary Cox, Aug. 5, 1744. Joseph Gest (b. March 4, 1776, at Sadsbury) m. April 14, 1813, Rebekah Moore (b. July 15, 1791), at Sadsbury Monthly Meeting In which townBhip, Lancaster Co., they resided until 1817, when they removed, with their daughter, Clarissa (a child), to Cincinnati Ohio, their after-home. Joseph d. Feb. 23, 1863 ; Rebekah, Feb. 24, 1869 ; buried in Spring Grove Cemetery. Their surviving children (1884), Clarissa, Erasmus, Joseph John, reside in Cincinnati, O. Abiah Taylor of Didcot, Berk shire Co., England. Richard Barnard, b. 1611; d. Abiah Taylor m. Deborah 1698; from Sheffield, land, 1682, to Middletown, Chester Co. First wife, De borah ; second, Frances. daughter of John Gearing, at Farrington Meeting, Feb. 18, 1694. Moved from Berk shire, England, and settled on the Brandywine, 1702. He d. 1747. William Passmore of Ruscomb Parish, Berks Co., England, m. Jan. 6, 1654, Margery Ball. John Passmore m. Mary, daugh ter of Humphry Buxcey, in England, Nov. 3, 1701. Set tled in Kennet, 1714, after in West Moreland township, He d. about 1746. George Strode of Millbrook, Southampton, England ; pur chased of Penn, 1682, 500 acres, Concord township. Elizabeth, daughter of Evan Prothero of Wales, m. Nov. 4, 1694, Morgan James. She d. 1737. John Strode m. Magdalene James of Newtown, Chester (now Delaware) Co., Pennsylvania. Richard Barnard m. Dec. 7, 1715, Ann Taylor, b. 1695. He was b. Chester Co., 1684; d. 1767. Land in Hill Town. George Passmore m. Margaret Strode, Sept. 10, 1742. Both b. in West Marlborough, Chester Co.; he Feb. 23, 1719; she ai— i zn O w o «>i>Wtel oo a z, i-3 J"1 teliziGOK < Isaac Haines (b. m. Lydia Davis,- 1772. Jeremiah Barnard m. Jnne 6, 1787, at London Grove Meeting, Mary Passmore, b. Deo. 18, 1753, in West Marlborough, Chester Co., and there d. Jan. 13, 1830. Jeeemiah b. in same township, Jan. 1, 1717 ; d. Aug. 28, 1799. To their marriage certificate both signed " Bernaed." °™a" laAAo Haines m. Hannah Gest, Tenth month 27, 1790. Isaao d. Second month 11, 1840; Hannah d. Eighth month 9, 1847. John Gest m Ann Barnard, at London Grove Monthly Meeting, Dec. 15, 1819. Ann, b. West Marlborough, Chester Co., Sept. 26, 1792; d. in Christiana township Lancaster Co pec. 14, 1883. John Gest b. Sadsbury townBhip, Lancaster Co., May 17, 1783, and there d. Dec. 15, 1865. This family resided in Philadelphia from 1810 to 1845 after at Sadsbury. Their surviving children (1884),-Mary Ann, resides at Christiana, Lancaster Co., Pa. ; John Baenaed Gest, at Philadelphia; Deborah, wWow of Lev. Pownell MvingfnVj unmarried008 " ' Blizabe™' wdow of Dl™» T- J™*6. at Christiana, Pa. ; Joseph and Jacob T. both deceased. ' Joseph^ left oloaughta, XIey L ' DARBY TOWNSHIP. 505 CHAPTER XL. DARBY TOWNSHIP. In alluding to the name of the municipal district which in early times included Upper and Lower Darby as one township, Dr. Smith says, " Perhaps the opinion is universal that our ancestors, who came from the county of Derby, in England, corrupted the spelling of the name in their former place of resi dence when they, in kind remembrance, adopted it for their home in America. The corruption, if it be one, was effected in England before our ancestors migrated to America. In the ' New World of Words,' published in 1671, Darby and Darbyshire are given, but not Derby or Derbyshire; and in the certificates brought over by early Friends, it is almost uniformly spelled with a instead of e. The author of the work referred to makes the name of the English town a contraction of the word Derwentty, ' because it standetb. on the river Derwent.' This would make the proper spelling of the name Derby; but it is clear that our ancestors brought the name with them as it was generally written when they migrated to America, and so it has remained, notwithstanding some fastidious persons have made efforts from time to time to change it." 1 • Darby was settled almost immediately after the coming of Penn, and in 1683 was recognized as one of the localities where a permanent lodgment had been made, but, despite that fact, the population must have been sparse for more than a quarter of a century, for Mrs. Ann Davis, who was born at Darby — she was the daughter of John Bethel, the miller — informed Dr. William Martin, in 1790, " that she was born in the place where Darby now is, and remembered play ing with the Indian children in the neighboring wig wams." 2 In 1684 Darby Friends' Meeting had been established, the members meeting at the dwelling of John Blunston, which was located nearly in front of the present meeting-house, and near the mill-race which was ''digged" through Blunston's meadow. In the same year the first official record of Darby occurs in the list of collectors " to gather the assess ment for the building of the court-house." Thomas Worth and Joshua Fearne were appointed to those offices for Darby, and Mons Stacker and William Cobb " for Amosland & Calcoone Hook." The latter was recognized as a distinct municipal district until 1686, when Calcoone Hook was made a part of Darby township, and Amosland was annexed to Ridley. Calcon or Calkoen's Hook comprised all the ter ritory between Cobb's Creek on tbe east, and the Mokormpates Kill or Muckinipattas Creek on the west, and derives its name from the Swedish word Kalkon, •' a turkey," Walda Kalkoen, " wild turkeys," 1 History of Delaware County, p. 384. 2 Martin's "History of Chester," p. 251. having " very much abound in that vicinity." 3 Later the territory known by that name became restricted to that part lying south of the Philadelphia, Wil mington and Baltimore Railroad, while its eastern boundary was Morhorhootink, as shown in the atlas of the early grants in Delaware County. The his torical map of Pennsylvania terms the stream Tena- kong Kolen, and Acrelius says that " Nyecks Kihl" was the Indian name of Darby Creek, which it will be difficult to convince the public ought to be ac cepted as a term known to the Indian tongue, even on the authority of the usually accurate historian of New Sweden. On June 18, 1668, Governor Lovelace issued a patent to Israel Helme, Hendrick Jacobson, Ole Kock, and Jan Minsterman for that " portion of land on West side of Delaware Biver within the Mill Kill upon the Hook commonly called Calcoone Hook, reaching from the said mill kill to that which is called by the Indians Mokornippates, including all the lands between the said two Kills as also the valley or meadow ground thereunto belonging, containing by estimation as it lies along the river (creek) side about an English mile, and there being also in the said Mill Kill, a certain little Island near unto and over against the said land known by the name of ' hay Island,' as the said land was granted Aug. 4th 1663 to Ericke Nichels, Moorty Poulson, Andreas Johnson & Henry Jacobson, the three former of whom after wards parted with their rights thereto."* The ter ritory mentioned in the patent included almost all the land in the township south of the Queen's Highway, and west of a line drawn due south from the toll-gate on that road. On this tract the real estate of the Sharon Land Association, incorporated by act of Assembly March 4, 1871, is located. The Calcoon Hook road, which enters the Queen's Highway at the toll-gate, is first alluded to at the court held Oct. 3, 1691, when complaint was made to court " concerning a way to y" landing at Calcon Hooks, ye inhabitants there being at difference about it. . To end ye discourd the Co1' ordered y° Grand Inquest to lay out a road & make return of ys same at next court." At the sub sequent sessions the following report was submitted to the justices, approved, and was the route on which the road was afterwards opened to public use and travel : " Grand Jury return road in Darby township to Landing place at Cal con Hook. The sd road to begin at a corner Btoue near to an ash tree by y° creek side at ye bottome of Morton Mortonson orchard, then on a straight line four perches to another corner stone being at the lower corner of sa Morton's orchard, then continuing the 6<> straight line eleven perches and four feet to a corner stone near y= upper end of s» orchard which sd stone standith on y« outermost straight line mentioned in Mounce Pettersons deed from Andrew Swanson Boue. Then continuing a line at thirty-two feet distance, the end of ei Morton's house beiug built before y" sa road was agreed upon, standing about six foot in y» sd road, excepted from said Mounce PettersonB fence to the end. Still con tinuing y s« Line through y» woods to a tree with notches by y» road agreed on among themselves to Darby, thence along y severall corBes of 3 Eecord of Upland Court, p. 197. * Smith's " History of Delaware County," p. 520. 506 HISTORY OF DELAWARE COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA. ye sd road to yc Kings road at y° Easternmost corner of Thomas ffoxes, from thence turning Northeasterly at thirty two feet distance, from the aforesaid line back again on y° several corses, still continuing thirty two feet distance y° sd Morton's House End extend as aforesaid to the cross way near ye sd Morton's house then upon a strait line across ye sd way to a corner stone standing in y° corner of ye Mounce (Pettersons) house fence being also ye corner of ye cross roads, from thence down in a Btraight line down past and so forth to another corner stone standing by yc sd Mouncy's house fence-side making here the road thirty two foot from aforesaid stone at the lower corner of the sd Morton's orchard then along by sd Morton's corner of ye sd Morwin's farm, from which sd stone to ye first mentioned stone it is six perches and two foot broad." On the Mokormpates Kill, and just above the northern line of the Calcoon Hook patent, was a tract of two hundred and fifty acres, known in early times as " Boon's Forest," which was laid out to Andres Swason Boon April 13, 1680. From this sturdy Swedish settler a greater man descended, or at least he has secured more of the world's attention, than did his ancestor in Delaware County, — Daniel Boone, the pioneer of Kentucky. On the Boon tract the Knowles Presbyterian Church is located. To the east of Boon's land, extending to Darby Creek, was a tract of two hundred and fifty, entered to Surveyor- General Thomas Holme, Dec. 10, 1683, and July 1, 1688. John Blunston, as the agent of Holme, ac knowledged a deed in open court conveying this es tate to Joseph Wood. The property not only reached to Darby Creek, but a strip extended along the north line of Boon's land to the Muckinipattus Creek, as the stream forming the western boundary of Darby township is now called, and on that part of the estate Horntown is located. Above this tract, extending from creek to creek, was " Good Intent," a plantation of two hundred acres, which was surveyed to Edward Gibbs July 12, 1683. Immediately north of this estate was a tract of three hundred acres, taken up by Thomas Brassey, March 15-16, 1681, who never resided thereon, but sold the property to John Bar tram Aug. 30, 1685. On this plantation John Bar tram, the earliest American botanist, was born, May 23, 1699. His early attention was first directed to bo tanical studies by one of those accidents which seem to shape the destinies of all great men. When a mere lad, he was plowing on the Darby farm, and uprooted a daisy. Despite everything the modest little flower kept intruding itself on his consideration, until after several days he hired a man to plow while he rode to Philadelphia to procure a treatise on botany and a Latin grammar. He, fortunately for himself and the world, had inherited a farm from a bachelor uncle, which gave him the means to marry early, and pur chase the land on which he afterwards established the noted " Botanic Gardens." On this estate he built with his own hands a stone house, and on one of the stones in the gable was the inscription, — " John * Ann Bartram, 1831," with a star between their first names, as was then the custom, to indicate man and wife. Here he pursued his studious habits, his repu tation spreading abroad until correspondence was so licited by the leading botanists of the Old World,— Linnseus, Dr. Fothergill, and others, — while in the colonies, all scientific men in the same line of study sought his favor, advice, and opinions. Dr. Franklin was his earnest friend, and constantly urged Bartram to authorship. His fame had so extended that in 1765 George III. appointed him botanist to the king. He died Sept. 22, 1777, in the seventy-ninth year of his age. Above the Bartram farm a tract of three hundred acres, reaching to the Upper Darby line, which was taken up by William, John, and Thomas Smith, Aug. 30, 1685, to each of whom a plot of one hun dred acres was allotted. John Smith came from Harly, County of Leicester, England, and resided on the estate until 1714. It is presumed that William and Thomas were of the same family, but the exact relationship is not known. That part of the Thomas and John Smith tract lying to the east of the Spring field road and west of Darby Creek became the prop erty of John Ash. His heirs resided at the old home stead until their deaths. In the spring of 1862, within six weeks, Hannah, aged seventy-six years, James, seventy-four, Sarah, seventy-eight, and Alice Ash, aged eighty years, died. They were all unmarried, and had lived there all their lives. " Their habits were those of the world before the flood, retiring to their beds at five o'clock in the afternoon, having no furniture in their house but what had been purchased prior to the Bevolution, and some of them, it was said, and perhaps correctly, never having visited that den of iniquities, the eity of Philadelphia." On tbe east of Darby Creek, at the Upper Darby line, on Sept. 10, 1682, was surveyed to Thomas Worth two hundred and fifty acres, which he had purchased prior to leaving England. He was a man of superior education for that day, and was a member of the Provincial As sembly in 1697. He lived to an advanced age, dying in 1731. Below Worth's plantation, John Blunston, on Aug. 10, 1682, acquired three hundred and fifty acres of land, and he is said to have given the name of Darby to the settlement, in remembrance of his old home in England. The fact that the mill-race was cut through his land, and after John Bethel pur chased the Darby mills, the right to use this mill-race was conveyed by Blunston, seems to indicate that he was the first person who operated the mills there. The tract of two hundred and twenty-two acres bounded on the east by Cobb's Creek, and to the west by Church Lane, was taken up by Samuel Bradshaw Aug. 10, 1682, the date of the early surveys to Penn's adher ents, many of whom, it is said, accompanied the pro prietary in the " Welcome," and located in the neigh borhood of Darby. He emigrated from Oxton, County Nottingham, and the estate passed to Thomas Bradshaw, March 5, 1697/8, who, it is thought, was a brother of Samuel. To the south of Bradshaw's and partly of John Blunston's tracts was a plot of fifty acres, bounded on the east by Cobb's Creek, and on the west by Blunston's Bun, which was surveyed, Nov. DARBY TOWNSHIP. 507 10, 1682, to William Smith, and to the west of the Smith land, in irregular lines, were one hundred acres patented to Peter Erickson, Nov. 30, 1681, the Mat thew Baird estate is partly located on this tract. Tlie property was subsequently absorbed, May 29, 1685, into the large plantation of Joseph Wood, on which the village of Darby was originally laid out. In December, 1739, George Whitefield, the celebrated preacher, left Philadelphia for Chester accompanied by about one hundred and fifty horsemen.1 On his way he stopped at Darby. Bamfylde-Moore Carew, the noted king of the English mendicants, who was escaping from servitude in Virginia, records that while on his way from Chester to Darby, " but before he reached there, he was overtaken by hundreds of peo ple going to hear Mr. Whitefield preach. He joined them, and they all proceeded to Darby, where he found Mr. Whitefield preaching in an orcbard, but could not get near enough to hear his discourse by reason of the great concourse of people." The artful rogue, however, afterwards went to the house where the clergyman was sto'pping, and by a forged letter and a piteous story succeeded in obtaining several pounds in the paper money of Pennsylvania from Whitefield, as he had done the day before from Mrs. Turner, in Chester. Watson, the annalist, informs us that William Taylor, who came from England in 1726 and settled at Darby, was the first person to make a pair of smith's bellows in the English colonies, if not in North America. We know that in 1739 the commis sioners appointed to adjust the boundary-line between Maryland and Pennsylvania, in surveying to ascertain the proper starting-point for the due west line, passed through tbe township, for Friday, April 13, 1739, they reported, — " The Surveyors proceeded on the Line till Evening, and left off in the lands of Thomas Worth, in Darby Township,"2 which was located in the northern end of the present township, and east of Darby Creek. The marshes of Darby Creek, until after the middle of the last century, were often covered with water, until by that reason many of the farms adjacent be came almost valueless. The advantage of the bottom lands as places for pasture was appreciated by some of the early farmers, but it required a few years before a sufficient number could be educated to urge the passage of the act of March 4, 1763, which impowered the owners and possessors of the southern district of Darby marsh or meadow ground to embank and drain such lands, and to keep the outside banks and dams in good repair forever. The act authorized the raising of a fund, and by certain compulsory process to enforce payment from unwilling land-owners. The land thus reclaimed has become of great value and is very productive. 1 Watson's Annals, vol. i. p. 538. 2 Penna. Archives, vol. i. p. 605. Roads.— On the 25th of May, 1695, a petition was presented to the Provincial Council from the residents of Chester, asking for a " ferrie att the rocks," which prayer was acceded to and Benjamin Chambers, who had received a patent for lands on the western side of the Schuylkill, was authorized to keep a ferry there, which previous to 1747 had passed into the ownership of George Gray. On Sept. 3, 1701, a complaint was laid before the Provincial Council " by some of the Inhabitants of Darby Township against some parts of a road laid out by the Govr's order, from B. Cham ber's fferry, through Darby Township to Edgmont. Ordered that Nicholas Pyle, Sam'l Levis, Geo. Maires, & Randal Vernon, all of Chester County, do on ye sixth day next, that one being ye 12th instant, view the controverted parts of the said Road, beginning at the said fferry, and upon a Due Consideration of the allegations on both sides, to give their judgment whether the sa Boad is conveniently laid out for a Cart Road, as it now is, or whether it may not, with equal Conveniency for the said purpose and advan tage to the Public, as well as Justice to each particu lar in all respects, be laid out otherwise according to the complaint's desires, and make report thereof to this Board in writing, at the next session."8 If any report was ever made it does not appear in the official papers of the State, as published. At a court held Feb. 9, 1687, the following report was approved by the court, which road is still used, and now known as the Radnor and Darby road : " A Highway laid out by ye grand Jury and other neighbours betwixt Hartfort and Darby vpon y« 7"> day of the twelfe moneth, 1687. Begin ning at Widdow Panthir's, and from thence on y° head lyne betwixt ye said Widdows land and ye land of John Levis, from thence crosse y° land of William Howell, from thence crosse y° land of Arthur Bruce, from thence crosse ye land of Henry Levis, thence Entering the Township of Darby, from thence Crosse ye land of Adam Roads, thence Crosse ye land of John Kirk, thence Crosse y land of William Garrett, then crosse ye land of Michael Blunstone, then Crosse ye land of George Wood, then CrosBe ye land of Eobert Smith, then Crosse y land of Thomas Worth, then coming vpon the land of Joshua fQrne, soe downe ye Towne street of Darby .to ye Kings Eoad, and soe to y Landing; this Highway to be sixty foote aB needs requires. "William Garrett. "Thomas Bradshaw. "Bichard Parker. "Thomas ffox." " Edmond Castledge. The Queen's Highway.— The Southern Post road from Darby to Chester, Edward Armstrong states, was the earliest highway laid out by authority in Pennsylvania. While that assertion may be correct, there is no evidence, so far as the records show, to establish the fact that the road was ordered by the Governor and Council, the only power authorized to make such ways. Previous to the coming of Wil liam Penn all roads led to Chester, not to Philadel phia; and while we hear of susper visors for Darby, Eidley, and Chester townships soon after Penn's ar rival, there is no evidence to show the public require ment of a road to Philadelphia. Hence we may ac cept the latter way as simply a compliance with the s Colonial Records, vol. ii. p. 33. 508 HISTORY OF DELAWARE COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA. order made Nov. 12, 1678, that " the court this day ordered that Every prson should, wfflin the space of two months, as far as his land Reaches, make good and passable wayes, from neighbour to neighbour, w"1 bridges where itt needs, To the end that neigh bours on occasions may come together. Those ne glecting, to forfit 25 gilders." Indeed, the petition presented to Council March 19, 1705/6, corroborates the foregoing statement. The petition is as follows : " To Vie Hon'ble John Evans, Esq., Lieut-Governor of the Province of Penn sylvania and the Three Lower Counties, and io his Council : " The Humble petetion of the Inhabitants of the town and County of Chester and others, humbly showeth: That whereas, by ye Laws of this Government, ye sole power of laying out of tbe Queen's Eoad is lodged in the Governor and Council ; and whereas the Town of Chester is daily improving, and In time may become a great place, and very advan tageous to the Propriatour, but forasmuch as most of tbe People of that place concerned In the Improvement is much discouraged for want of a direct Eoad from thence to Philadelphia, wee, your Petitioners, whose names are hereunto subscribed, do beg the Governor and Councill that an ord'r may be granted to fitt and proper persons to lay out the Queen's Eoad on as direct a Line as can be from Darby, to answer the bridge on Chester Creek, and your petitioners in duty bound will ever pray. "Edward Dutton. Eichard Crosby. Jonathan Euttland. Joseph Clowd. David Powell. Edward Wilburn. John Wiley. Thomas Buffington. Isaac Taylour. Edward Elwell. Charles Booth. Jonathan Munrow. Joshua Calvert. John Morton. Eichard Prichard. David Jones. John Houldstou. James Thomas. Samuel Bishop. Joseph Baker. Jonathan Hayes. David Lewis. John Grubb. William Gregory. Henry Hollidgsworth. Ephraim Jackson. George Simpson. Edward Kennison. Peter Trego. Phillip Yarnall. James Swaffer. John Gibbeans. Edward Jennings. Eoger Jackson. Morgan Jones. Richard Addams. James Cuivere. John Childe. David Lloyd. Ealph Fishburn. Jasper Yeates. W» Pickells. James Sandelands. Wm Huston. John Hoskins. David Eoberts. John Wade. W" Swaffer. . Paul Sanders. Thomas Cartwright. Eobert Barber. John Bauldine. Sam1 Tomlinson. John Test. David Merredith. John Test, Jr. Edward Danger. John Dutton. John Hekenes. Thomas Dntton. Thomas Oldham. Alexander Badcock. Thomas Bauldwin. George Woodiar. Joseph Richards. John Bristow. Walter Martin. George Oldfield. Tho. Powell. John Sharpies. Nicholas Fairlamb. Thos. Vernon. Moses Key. Jeremiah Collett, Sr. Henry Coburn. Mordecai Howell. Nathan Baker. Israel Taylor. Geo. Chandler. Jeremiah Collett, Jr. John Worrall. Humphrey Johnston." James Hendricxson. Council in response to this petition ordered,— " That the said Road be laid accordingly and if there shall be occasion for building a bridge over any Navigable creek or water for the greater conveniency of Travelling the said Eoad ; that such bridge shall be so built that the same may in nowise hinder any boats from passing up or down such creek or water. And It is further Ordered y« Jasper Yates, Caleb Pusey, Jeremiah Collett, Eobert Barber and John Hendrickson, or any four of them, do survey aud lay out the said Roads, and that they return as soon as they can to the Board, — Under their hands and seals an exact draught setting forth the several courses thereof." 1 This road was laid out, and bitter feeling was en gendered against several of the commissioners, par ticularly Jasper Yeates, for the manner in which the road was surveyed. The people of that day declared that his influence carried the highway through Ches ter at the point it did, so that his own and his father- in-law's estate might be benefited thereby. " God and Nature," it was asserted, " intended the road to cross directly across the creek, but the Devil and Jasper ¦Yeates took it where it was located." However, it was so laid, and at the August court, 1706, the sheriff 'was directed " forthwith" to give notice " to the Su pervisors of the highways for Chester, Ridley, and Darby for clearing the new Road lately laid out by the Governor & Councill leading from Darby to Chester and further that they, the Supervisors, do without de lay, upon notice thereof, cause the same new Road to be opened and cleared fifty foot wide." Previous to that road being laid out the highway to Philadelphia was considerably to the north of the present post-road, so that creeks could be crossed above tide-water at the fords. The King's Highway of the early days, if it could be called such, crossed Ridley township almost in a straight line from Irvington to Darby. William Worrall, whose recollections were written by Judge George G. Leiper, in 1820 (Worrall was born in 1730), and published in the newspapers of that time, stated that frequently, in plowing his fields, the plow share would throw up nails or other articles dropped by the settlers in journeying across the land. He pointed out to Judge Leiper the course of the old road which Penn and his followers took when on their way by land to Philadelphia, as it passed through his farm. The road laid out in 1706 in time having fallen in bad condition, many of the residents refused to work on the highway, alleging that it was never offi cially confirmed and was not a legal road, and, more over, except for a very short distance, the traveled road was from twenty to forty perches south of the route surveyed in 1706. The dispute could only be adjusted by the Provincial Council. Hence on Aug. 17, 1747, the following petition of George Gray and others was presented to Council : " To the Honourable, the President and Council of the Province of Penn sylvania : "The humble Petition of George Gray, Keeper of the lower Ferry over Schuylkill, on the Eoad from the City of Philadelphia to Chester, and of others, living in the County of Chester, and using the said Eoad, Sheweth, "That the said Eoad, leading from the south street of the said City over the said Ferry to Cobb's Creek Bridge, near Darby, in the County of Chester, has Time out of Mind been the only old and accustomed Road to Darby, Chester, Newcastle, and the Lower Counties. 1 This petition was for the first time printed in Martin's " History of Chester," p. 69, it being copied from the manuscript in the " Logan Papers," vol. iv. marked " Eoads," in possession of the Historical Society of Pennsylvania. DARBY TOWNSHIP. 509 " That the Inhabitants of the Townships through which the same Eoad passes, not doubting its being a recorded Road, have hitherto duly re paired and amended the same, but now being apprized that it either haB not been regularly recorded, or that the Record thereof cannot be found, so that they are not obliged to repair the same or contribute thereto, the said Eoad iB at present much out of Eepair, and, growing worse, will, in the Winter, become utterly impassable or dangerous to travel with Horses, Chaises, or other Carriages, unless the same be repaired before the ensuing Winter. That your Petitioners are informed that if the Baid Eoad was surveyed and recorded according to Law, the same would and ought to be from Time to Time repaired by the Inhabitants of the Townships through which the same lyes, whereby the same, being a great and much travelled Road, would become safe and passable. " Therefore your Petitioners humbly pray the Honourable the Presi dent and Council would be pleased to grant an Order or Warrant for surveying the said Road, so that it may be surveyed and recorded and sufficiently amended and kept in Eepair, or that yon would please to give such other Order or Warrant concerning the samo as the Nature of the case may require. " And your Petitioners will ever pray, &c: " Joseph Bonsall. • Geo. Gray. Samuel Levis. George Wood. John Davis. Jonathan Paschall. Job Harvey. Thos. Pearson. Samuel Bunting. William Home."1 At the same meeting of Council a petition from the commissioners and sundry inhabitants of the county of Chester was presented, which stated that "it appears after strict search made that there are divers parts of the king's road leading from Cobb's Creek Bridge, over Chester Bridge, to the line of New Castle County, not to be found upon Record or any return thereof," and for " the Benefit of the Pub lick" respecting the erection of bridges and repairs to the highways, requested the appointment of per sons " to lay out such Parts of the said Road as are deficient." To these petitions Council replied that " as the Road mention'd is an antient Road, in use before the Grant of the Province, the Board thinks there must have been some Orders of Council made about it, &, therefore, postpone the Consideration thereof till the Council Books be well search'd by the Secretary, & it be known what Orders have been formerly given." 2 At the meeting of Council, Sept. 8, 1747, the secre tary reported that he had examined " the council Books, and had found several orders of Council for laying out the several Parts of the said Road, and likewise the Record of that part of the said Road which lies between Darby & Chester;" that he was of opinion that the whole road had been actually laid out, and that the returns were given to the late secre tary, Patrick Robinson, who had omitted to enter them in the books of Council, and that his papers, both public as well as private, came into the hands of "his Wido' upon his decease," were lost or destroyed, and the returns of the road might be among those missing papers. Council, however, ordered that the road should be resurveyed, beginning at the south boundary of the city of Philadelphia ; thence to the lower ferry (Gray's) ; thence to Darby Creek ; and "thence by the courses described in the recorded 1 Penna. Archives, 1st SerieB, vol. i. p. 767. a Colonial Records, vol. v. p. 100. Return made in the year 1706 to Chester Bridge ; & from thence by the present Courses thereof to the Limits of New Castle government."3 Caleb Cowp land, Esq., Joseph Parker, Esq., Joseph Bonsall, Esq., Samuel Levis, James Mather, John Davies, Peter Dicks, Thomas Pearson, and John Sketchley, of Chester County, or any five of them, were in structed to join the persons named for Philadelphia County, or any three of them, " in continuing to lay out as aforesaid the said Road from the Division Line which parts Philadelphia County from Chester County to the Limits of Newcastle." The surveyor- general was also directed to assist them in the survey. They were to report by the first day of October, 1747. On the day designated the surveyor-general re ported to Council that he, with the persons who had been appointed to lay out the road from Philadel phia to New Castle, had met and the road had been laid out as far as Darby, but from this point they could go no farther, unless Council would alter the order, which directed the surveyor and those associated with him in making the highway to conform to the courses of a road " said to be laid out between Darby & Chester Creeks in the Year 1706 & give the same directions as to that part of the Road which they had given as to all other parts, viz' to follow the Courses of the Road as it is now used. The Council consider ing that that part of the Road was actually laid out, returned and Recorded, tho' it does not appear ever to have been cleared or taken Notice of, did not incline to come to any determination till they shou'd receive full Information how it would affect the Inhabitants and the Possessors of Lands between Darby & Chester." " On March 2, 1748, the following petition from per sons living along the road from Darby to Chester was presented to the Provincial Council : " To tlie Honoble. the President and Counuil of the Province of Pennsylvania, i&c. : " Whereas, You was pleased by Your Order bearing date tbe 8th Day of September last to appoint us, the subscribers, with some others, to lay a Road out from Cobb's Creek to New Castle line, with directions to follow the Road as now used, where it is not already laid out, and where it is to follow tbe Courses & Distances therein mentioned in order (as we presume) to prevent as much as might be injuring the Owners of the Land adjacent to the sd Road. We, therefore, in obedience to the said Order, met at Cobb's Creek Bridge, and took the courses and Dis tances of tbe Eoad as now used, until we came to that part of the Eoad which leads from Darby to Chester, and has been laid out by courses & DiBtance, & then upon trying the courses thereof found them to run a considerable distance in divers Places from the Road now used, & that frequently through Improved as well as wood Lands, and would in our opinion be very injurious to a Great number of the Inhabitants adjacent to the Eoad & as we conceive very contrary to Your Intention. " Therefore we pray, in behalf of ourselves & others, that you wou'd be pleaBed to appoint a jury and Grant them such Powers as you may think proper to enable them to lay out a Road in the most convenient Place to accomodate the Publick & least injurious to the Inhabitants, which We apprehend is agreeable to Your Design, & we as in Duty bound shall ever Pray. " Samuel Levis. Caleb Cowpland. "Joseph Bonsall. Peter Dicks. "John Davis. ' December 3d, 1747. 3 lb., p. 107. * lb., p. 121. 510 HISTORY OF DELAWARE COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA. "And Mr. Bonsall & Mr. Davis attending without were called in, & on their Examination & Inspection of a Draught of the Road as it wou'd run was it to be made agreeable to the Return of the Year 1706, aud of another Draught of the Road as it now runs, the Board made the fol lowing Order, viz.: " Whereas, by our Order of the Eighth Day of September last, We di rected You, among others to lay out the Road leading from Darby to Chester, agreeable to the Courses described in a Recorded Return of the same made iu the Year 1706: And -whereas, on Examination of several Persons living on or near the .same Road, it appears that the same was never actually cleared according to said Return, and that was it to be now it wou'd exceedingly prejudice the land through which it shou'd pass, and on further consideration of the matter & perusal of the Draught of the Road as it now runs, it appears to us that it will be most conve nient to have it laid out agreeable thereto, And therefore we have thought proper to revoke that part of our former Order which relateB to the Return made in 1706, and Do now Order & Direct that You lay the same Road out in the manner it now runs, making no alterations that what may be absolutely necessary to make it more regular & direct in some Places, or more commodious to the Fording Places or Bridges that are now used on the said Road." 1 Division of Upper and Lower Darby. — The terri tory now constituting the townships of Upper and Lower Darby continued under one municipal govern ment until 1747, when, for the convenience of the in habitants, at a town-meeting, it was decided to sepa rate the upper part from the lower in all matters save the levies made for the support of the poor. The lines thus agreed upon are not the township lines now existing, but Upper Darby, being less densely peopled, extended farther south. The inconveniences arising from the unofficial division so frequently presented themselves as a disturbing element in local govern ment that forty years thereafter the following petition was presented to the court : " To the Justices of the Court of General Quarter Sessions to be held at Chester the 3d day of May, 1786 : "The undersigned, Inhabitants of Darby Township, Respectfully Sheweth : " That the Townships of Darby hath been hereto Considered as one Township, tho' it was many years ago divided by the Inhabitants for their own Conveniency, which temporary division we desire the Court to confirm by the following line, Beginning at Cobb's Creek on the Northwest side of a tract of land belonging to tbe heirs of Joshua Ash and in the line of said land, thence along said line and the line of land late Enoch Bonsall's & Joshua Bonsall's To Darby Creek thence down the said Creek to the northwest line of John Ash's land, thence along said line aud the line of Samuel Ash and Nathaniel Smith to the line of Eidley Township, and That the lower part may be called Darby and the other part Upper Darby. " John Sellebs. "Rioh'o. Willing, "As gar* to Tho". Phillips. " Oborn Garrktt. " Nathan Davis. " Henry Haves. " Saml. Smith. " Jsa. OAKFORn." On Aug. 30, 1786, the court granted the prayer of the petitioners. The Revolution.— The history of Darby township during the struggle of the Revolution should present many stirring incidents, but, unfortunately, little has been preserved of the happenings of that period to the present generation. Early in 1776, a part of Wayne's regiment, under the command of Capt. Lacey, was 1 Colonial Records, vol. v. p. 202. stationed in or near the village, recruiting from the yeomanry of the neighborhood, and in the summer of the same year Capts. Laurens, William Walker, and Robert Tatnall were in command of gunboats sta tioned in the creek, a part of the provincial flotilla designed to dispute the passage of the British vessels of war to Philadelphia. On Sunday, Aug. 24, 1777, Washington's army marched through the village and along the Queen's Highway, when moving southward to offer battle to Howe at Brandywine. On the very day of that unpropitious combat the Council of Safety instructed Col. Warner to take post with his com mand of militia at Darby, and if they were there on Friday, Sept. 12, 1777, they saw the defeated Ameri can army as it " poured through Darby on its way to Philadelphia." On 22d of December, Gen. Howe, with seven thousand eDemy, marched out from the latter city and encamped on the heights of Darby, his lines extending along the road from Gray's Ferry to the heights below the village, stretching westward up the Springfield road to the then dwelling of Justice Parker, and their pickets advanced to the intersection of the Springfield and Providence roads, near the then dwelling of Mr. Sharp, now the estate of the late Thomas A. Scott. At two o'clock on the afternoon of December 22d, Maj. Clark, from Newtown, wrote to Washington : " My spy was taken by their advanced guard oue mile this side of Darby, on the Springfield road, and carried to the general at Darby. They have made a great number of fires. One of their guards assured my spies they were only foraging and meant to proceed toward Chester. I now observe a consid erable smoke towards Providence meeting-house. In telligence from another says they have three hundred wagons with them. . . No wagons had passed Darby before my spy came away." 2 It was during this raid of the British army that the incident recorded by Dr. Smith occurred. Capt. Wil liam Brooke, of Haverford, was with his company of militia in the command of Gen. Potter, whose duty was to harass the enemy and capture straggling parties of Howe's troops. While taking their ease one night in a house late the property of George Swayne, which stood on the south side of the post-road, about midway between Sharon Hill and Glen Olden stations, the house was surrounded by a strong party of British soldiers. Brooke determined, if pos sible, not to be captured, and to escape by leaping from a window. In getting over the fence by the roadside he found that a partial dislocation of his knee, to which he was subject, had happened, aud quickly placing his foot through the bars of the fence he gave his leg a quick extension, which brought the joint into its proper position. He succeeded in mak ing his escape.3 While Howe was encamped at Darby another American officer had a narrow escape from bulletin of Penna. Hist. Society, vol. 1. No. 10, March, 1847, p. 28. 3 History of Delaware County, p. 325. DARBY TOWNSHIP. 511 falling into the hands of the enemy. Maj. Samuel Crozier, who had been in service for two years without a leave of absence, received permission to visit his family, who were then residing near Darby. About sunset a lad came running to the dwelling with the intelligence that a large force of British were close by, and doubtless would visit the house. It was impos sible for Crozier to flee without being observed ; he therefore crept under a haystack standing near the back-door. His wife, anxious to save the family Bible, placed it under her apron, and apparently as if about attending to some Ordinary and accustomed duties, walked to the woods, only a short distance, where she secreted it in a hollow tree. The Bible, which was a copy printed in 1653, is now owned by a great- granddaughter residing in Philadelphia. Sarah Urian in 1876 had a china plate bearing the legend "God save King George, 1716," and also three pewter platters which were brought by the family from Europe two centuries ago. But the rarest of her relics is a strangely shaped copper kettle, which two hundred and forty years ago was brought to this country in the " Stoork," one of the vessels which conveyed Governor John Printz and his Swedish colonists to this country to make the first permanent settlement, of which we have authentic record, in the province of Pennsylvania. Connected with the china plate is a scrap of Revolutionary history. While the English were in Darby on this raid, a number of British officers dined at the house of Urian, and it chanced that this dish with the face turned downward was on the table. The loyal legend attracted the at tention of one of the officers, and he read it to his companions, all of whom indulged in much merri ment at the expense of their worthy host. Gen. Potter, who was keeping an active outlook on the movements of the enemy, on the day Howe re tired to Philadelphia, wrote to President Thomas Wharton as follows : "Redner (Radnor) Dec. 28", 1777. " Sir,— On Monday last the enemy came out with a view to Furridge they encamped along the Eoad from Grays ferry to the heights below Darbey, there was a detachment sent down from our army to this place, who with Morgans Riflemen and the Militia went down to their lines and cept them CIobo in their line. On Tuesday we took 13 of there light horse and ten of there horsmen, the next day two more of there horses and there Eiders, they have been prevented from plundering the Inhabi tance as they usely do, there has been but little scrimidging, we had one Killed and two wounded, we have taken upwards of twenty prisoners, and a number of Deserters have cum in, they have carreyed off a larg Quantity of Hay from the Islands and Darbey. It is said that the High landers are gon to New York, and Lord Cornwalas is certanly go to great Bitan. I think they have provided there winter Furidge and fuale, and they will bless themselves and sit down in peace this winter in the City— this day they have Returned to the City. My Brigade is near Breacking up, they will be all discharged about the fifth of nixt month but about one hundred men, his Excellency, General Washington, de sired me to let you know that he expected that you would keep out the Bame number you had now in the field all winter. " I am your Excellencys " Most obedant Humble serv* " Jas Pottee." In a letter from Gen. Sir William Howe to Lord George Germain, dated at Philadelphia, Jan. 19, 1778, he refers to the operations in the neighborhood of Darby, thus : " There has not any thing more material happened since the depart ure of Lord Cornwallis, who I requested to be the bearer of my last dis patches, than the passing a considerable detachment of the army across the Schuylkill on the 22d of December, to take post on the heights of Darby, in order to cover the collecting and transporting by water, as well as by land, alarge quantity of forage which that country afforded. About 1000 tons were brought in, a quantity judged to be nearly sufficient for the winter consumption ; and the detachment returned on the 28th of December, without any further attempts from the enemy to retard the progress of the foragers, than from small parties skulking, as is their custom, to seize upon the straggling soldiers. One of these parties, con sisting of two officers and 30 men were decoyed by two dragoons of the 17th regiment into an ambuscade, and made prisoners."1 The spoliation inflicted upon the residents in the neighborhood of Darby was excessive, much of it having been visited on Friends. No record has been preserved of their losses, their religious principles preventing them from asking indemnity for the dam ages they had sustained. The following list of claims filed includes the territory now comprising Upper and Lower Darby : £ =. d. From Joseph Rudolph, " by the British army, while they lay in Darby, foraging, De cember" 61 11 8 " Benjamin Brannan, " by the British army, while they lay at Darby, foraging, De cember" 41 7 6 " Jesse Bonsall 197 10 6 " John Sellers, by the Hessians 20 0 o " Jonathan Evans (Cornwallis), Dec 23 17 0 " Evan Evans " " 13 0 0 " Nicholas McCurdy " " 15 1 0 " Samuel Lewis " " 28 0 0 " Samuel Leedom 24 0 0 " Andrew Boon, Jr 40 12 0 " John Gruber 53 7 0 " John Humphreys 29 17 6 " Isaac Kirk 34 14 6 " John Pollin (Cornwallis) 18 17 10 " Henry Hayes 140 15 4 " William Garrett 47 0 0 " Alexander Morrow 13 12 6 " Samuel Smith 55 15 9 " Benjamin Elliot 167 12 6 " Daniel Rice 58 8 0 " William Morrow 67 15 0 " Andrew Boon, December 25 69 0 0 " William Lewis, December 12 to 13 43 10 0 " Andrew Urian 34 1 6 " Hans Boon, " a helpless man" 77 15 5 1475 18 2 Sixty-one years after this raid a body of troops vis ited Darby, but it was the Washington Grays, Capt. Childs, of Philadelphia, who, early in July, 1838, were encamped near the village, and on the 4th of July gave a reception to the ladies and gentlemen of the neighborhood. Five years thereafter, — and doubtless the old veteran saw the Grays on the occasion just mentioned, — on Feb. 16, 1843, Capt. Henry Stoop, a Revolutionary officer, died at Darby, ninety-one years of age. He had taken part in the battle of Trenton, and in his later years delighted to recall the incidents of the war of independence, — " And show'd how fields were won." Taxables. — In the assessment-list for 1715 the fol lowing names appear : John Bethell, John Harvey, John Heycock, Edward Philpot, Benjamin Cliff, John Test, Josa. Johnson, John Sholers, Samuel Bradshaw, 1 Hazard's Register, vol. xvi. p. 399. 512 HISTORY OF DELAWARE COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA. David Thomas, John Blunston, Sr., John Blunston, Jr., John Wood, Thomas Pillford, John Worth, Enoch Bonsall, Jacob Bonsall, Roger Bailey, Anthony Morgan, George Wood, Michael BlunBton, Samuel Sellers, John Marshall, Samuel Wood, John Thomas, Joshua Hearn, Thomas Bardshaw, Samuel Garret, William Garret, Adam Roades, Thomas Lewis, Samuel Lewis, Abraham Lewis, Isaac Coller, William Barnet, James Witaker, Joseph Neid, John Davis, Samuel Levis, Thomas Broom, Josiah Hibbert, John Hood, John Hallowell, William Smith, Thomas Hood, William Smith, Jr., Widow Bartram, Richard Parker, Anthony Lee, Lewis Davis, Matthias Nateilus, Morton Mortonson, Charles Yokecom, Andrew Youran, Swan Boon, Hance Boon, Matthias Mortonson, William Northam, John Broom, Thomas Worth. Freemen. — Thomas Worth, John Parker, William Prest, John Wallis, Thomas Philips, Francis Youran, Thomas Edwards. In the foregoing list the residents of Darby and Upper Darby were assessed as of one township. In the following, which is the assessment for the year 1799, Lower Darby township, including the present borough, is alone given : Samuel Ash (innkeeper), John Ash, Matthew Ash, John Atmore (cooper), James Andrews, Abigail Ash, Joanna Bare, Margaret Boon, Joseph Boon, Moses Bonsall, Margaret Bonsall, Jonathan Bonsall, Levi Ronsall (blacksmith), Edward Bonsall, Isaac Brooks (mason), John Brooks, Josiah Bunting, Samuel Bunting, Benjamiu Bartram, William Bright, Joseph Crawford, John & Joseph Ball (Upper Darby), Eobert Calvin (Eidley), Benjamin Elliot & John Moore, Israel Elliot (justice of the peace), Enos Eld ridge (grazier), John Foreman, Jacob GibbonB (grazier), Johu Gruber, Thomas Hall (Eidley), Jonathan Heacock, William Hansell (blacksmith), Ann Humphrey, John Hunt (grazier), John Home, Edward Home (re tailer of spirits), William Home, Thomas Home, Isaac Home, John Humphrey, Rebecca Humphrey, Joseph Heacock (mason), John Hibberd (Upper Darby), Israel Helen, Matthias HolBton (carpenter), Job Helms, Matthew Jones, John Jones (pump-maker), JameB Knowles (Ridley), John Knowles (Ridley), Hugh Lloyd, Esq. (judge and grazier), Richard Lloyd (miller), Moses Lincorn, Thomas Lea- cock, Samuel Levis, Joseph Merrion, James McClees, John Marshall, Nathaniel Newlin, John Noblett (shoemaker), Mary Oliver (shop keeper), George Ormsbury (Bhoemaker), Aaron Oaklord, Isaac Oak ford (fuller), Benjamin Oakford (tanner and justice of the peace), Nathan Pearson (joiner), Lydia Pearson, Jonathan Pearson (tailor), Benjamin Paschall (Kingsessing), Joseph Pearson (Ridley), Charles Palmer (shoemaker), John Pearson (tanner), John Palmer, Aaron Palmer, Sarah Periguer, John Pharis, Uriah Rowe (shoemaker), Dan iel Rice, George Rudolph, John Rudolph, Joseph Rudolph, John Rively (shop-keeper), Frederick Rively (weaver), Thomas A. Rich- ardB, George Swayne, Samuel Shaw (weaver), Stephen Sicard (Philadelphia), Nathaniel Smith, Doyle Swayne (Philadelphia), Tbomas Simmons (carpenter), Joseph Shallcross (physician), Wil liam Wright, Jesse Sharpless (Philadelphia), Elizabeth Smith (inn keeper), Jacob Sewell, Ann Mifflin, Isaac Sullender (tailor), John Tryter, David Treanor, Robert Thomas (Upper Darby), Samuel Urian, Israel Urian, Hiram Walton (miller for Caleb Phipps), Wil liam Wood (estate of Joseph Wood), Henry Wood (joiner), Robert Wilson, William Gardner (phyBician), Jonathan Tyson (wheel- maker). Inmates.— Samuel Coates (cooper), Samuel Canby (miller), James Dorey, William Fretwell (weaver), George Fawkos, Adam Goul (shoe maker), John Haley, Kenneth McClean, Jonas Morton (shoemaker), Archibald Gardner (fuller), John Orna (calico-Btamper), James Ru dolph (mason), Jacob Rice, William Smith (carpenter), David Smith, Henry Sidings (shoemaker), Benjamin Pearson (rotailer of spirits), Hiram Williamson, Samuel Wetherington (calico-printer), James Cherry (shoemaker), Jacob Rudolph. Single Freemen. — Jeshua Ash, William Bonsall (shoemaker), John Brooke (tanner), Andrew Boou, Abraham Boon, Peter Boon, Joseph Boon John Bartram, John Bunting (tailor), Joshua Bonsall, James Cannon, Abel Fowler (blacksmith), George Gruber (wheelwright), Isaac Hea cock (mason), Benjamin Heacock, Thomas Home, John Humphrey (tailor), William Humphrey (tailor), Oliver Ingram, Wrathey In gram, Samuel Leacock, James McClees, William McCord, Isaiah Mall, Aaron Marshall, James Marshall, Charles Marshall, Samuel Oliver (carpenter), John O'Donnell, Charles Pearson (tanner), Wil liam Long, Nicholas Rice, Samuel Rowe, Thomas Sirrell, John Sid- dings (shoemaker), Thomas Webster (fuller), Philip Vigorous (shoe maker). Darby Presbyterian Church.— This church was organized as a Congregational Church, 9th ofMarch, 1840, with sixteen members. A council composed of the Rev. John Todd, of the First Congregational Church, Philadelphia, Rev. William Ramsey, of the Cedar Street Presbyterian Church, of Philadelphia, Rev. Truman Osborn, the Rev. Thomas Benneson, of Newark, Del., Rev. W. H. Bidwell, of the Third Presbytery of Philadelphia, convened at the house of George G. Knowles, in Darby township, for the purpose of taking the necessary steps to organize a church. The Rev. John Todd was chosen moderator, and the Rev. W. H. Bidwell scribe. At this meeting a form of covenant and confession of faith were ap proved by Council, and it was decided "the way was clear for organization." The following persons were associated into a Congregational Church : George G., James G., William G., Martha, Ann, Catharine W., Elizabeth and Margaret C. Knowles, Richard and Elizabeth M. Holmes, John and Miriam F. Collier, John Keigler, John Munyan, Elizabeth Swayne, and Martha Dunbar. The Rev. Charles Brown, of the Presbytery of Wil mington, was invited to preach as a stated supply. He began his labors on the 1st of June, 1840, and continued till Dec. 1, 1840. The Rev. Marcus E. Cross was then invited to supply the pulpit and ac cepted. On the 22d of February, 1841, he was regu larly called, accepted, and was ordained as the first regular pastor May 20, 1841. The Council of Ordi nation convened at the house of Deacon James G. Knowles, and was composed of the Rev. John Todd, of First Congregational Church, Philadelphia; Rev. Anson Rood, pastor of the Central Presbyterian Church, Northern Liberties, Philadelphia ; Rev. Jo seph P. Thompson, pastor of the Chapel Street Church, New Haven, Conn. ; Mr. Benjamin Naglee, elder delegate ; Deacon Isaac Thompson, delegate. On the 19th of September, 1842, it was decided to change to the Presbyterian form of government, and the organization was called the Darby Presbyterian Church. James G. Knowles and Richard Holmes were elected ruling elders. On application to the Third Presbytery of Philadelphia, Oct. 11, 1842, the church was admitted to their charge. On May 23, 1843, a charter was obtained from the Legislature. On June 11, 1845, Dr. William G. Knowles and John Van Lear were elected elders, since which time the following elders have served: 1854, Joseph Naglee; 1859, George G. Knowles; 1872, Eobert Henderson; 1883, James Logan. The first religious services were held in school- houses and private houses until 1841, when George G. Knowles donated a plot of ground on which the church now stands, and gave the stone for the building. The DARBY TOWNSHIP. 513 same year the edifice, thirty-five by forty-five, was erected, costing about two thousand five hundred dol lars. In February, 1849, the church was broken into and robbed of the pulpit Bible, hymn-book, and a number of Sunday-school books. In the spring of 1873 the church was repaired, the outer walls plas tered, a new roof took the place of the old one, and other improvements made, costing thirteen hundred dollars, of which sum William G. Knowles contrib uted five hundred dollars. The present membership of the church is about sixty-five. The Presbyterian Church, in Darby borough, is an outgrowth of the Knowles Church, twenty members having withdrawn to organize the former ecclesiastical body. The Rev. Marcus E. Cross continued pastor of the church until 1851, when he resigned, devoting him self to literary work. He had shortly after leaving college edited and published " Hunter's Sacred Biog raphy" and the "Museum of Religious Knowledge," and while pastor of the Knowles Church had begun, in 1847, the publication of the Mirror of Temperance, which he discontinued in 1856. He subsequently published " The Social and Moral Aspect of China." Rev. J. Addison Whitaker was ordained pastor Oct. 3, 1852, and continued until March 2, 1855, when he resigned, since which time the church has been de pending on supplies, excepting during the year 1875, when Rev. Andrew Lees was in charge. African Methodist Episcopal Church. —This church is located on the Horntown road, and in 1842 the society erected on the lot a frame church, which was replaced in 1854 by the present brick edi fice, which is twenty-five by forty feet. Among the ministers who have served are the Revs. J. W. Davis, Richard Barney, William Allen, and the Rev. Hen derson Bryson, the present pastor. The church has at present about forty members. Schools. — Schools were taught in what is Darby borough about the middle of the last century, but in the township no record of a school has been found until 1811. When the school law was enacted in 1834, Thomas Smith and Thomas Steel were ap pointed inspectors by the court until the directors were elected, and $270.60 were received by the town ship as its proportion of the State and county appro priations. On the 17th of September, 1811, John Lake, who owned real estate on Church Lane, in the northeast section of Darby township, sold nine square perches of land to Aaron Palmer, Caleb Davis, Benjamin Bonsell, Moses Palmer, Charles Palmer, Gavin Ham ilton, Jacob Nitzit, Mary Palmer, Moses Bonsell, Enoch Bonsell, and others, for the purpose of erect ing a school-house thereon. Several of the persons here mentioned, and others who subscribed for the purpose of building the school-house, were residents of Upper Darby township, and of the city and county of Philadelphia. The following are the names of those who subscribed and the amounts given : Aaron Palmer Caleb Davis Moses Palmer Benjamin Bonsell.. Charles Palmer Gavin Hamilton.. Jacob Nltzet 10 Abratn Lewis John Lewis Enoch Bonsell, Jr James Bonsell John Moore Abram Sinicox SW) 1(1 "0 10 8 2020 5 5 111 5 10 5 6 533 21 1 1 10 20 5 The amount subscribed aggregated two hundred and nineteen dollars. A one-story stone house was erected on the site, and is still in use, having been enlarged and improved about twelve years ago. This is known as the Palmer or Northern School. In May, 1835, Jonathan Bonsall taught a school at Horntown, his rates being as follows : " Terms, per quarter, $2.50; ink, quills, pencils, etc., twenty-five cents. 8®~ No day-scholars will be admitted, except those sent by county commissioners." Western School District. — On the 25th of Sep tember, 1837, the school directors purchased a lot of John Pierson, administrator of the estate of Samuel Shaw, Jr., on which they erected a one-story school- house, which was used until 1874, when the present two-story brick house was erected. The Southern School is located on Calcon Hook. A school-house was built here about 1850, which was used until 1871, when the present house was erected. African School is located on the Horntown road. The lot on which this house is erected originally belonged to George G. Knowles, and the first house was a frame building erected about 1850. It was replaced by the present brick one in 1875. The following is the list of school directors, as found of record at Media : 1840, Thomas Smith, Griffith Holgate; 1842, Samuel Urian, Philip Sipler ; 1843, John G. Palmer, Robert P. Ash ; 1844, Joshua A. Pear son, Davis Richards; 1845, Edmund Taylor, James Andrews; 1846, John G. Palmer, Robert P. Ash; 1847, William Russell, Jr., Ansley Newlin; 1848, Amos Morris, Charles A. Litzenburg; 1849, John G. Palmer, William Jones; 1850, William D. H. Serrill, William Rus sell; 1851, Amos Morris, Charles A. Litzenburg: 1852, Thomas M. Fisher, William Jones ; 1853, William Russell, W. D. H. Sewell; 1854, Joseph C. Bonsall, William Gardner, Jacob Rice ; 1855, James Eachus, John Otty ; 1856, Edwin Urian, Jacob Rice; 1857, Joseph C. Bonsall, George Home; 1S58, David Taylor, John Otly; 1859, Edwin Urian, George S. Patchel; 1860, Joseph C. Bonsell, George Swayne ; 1861, John Otly, Jacob Rice ; 1862, George Swayne, David Taylor ; 1863, Frank P. Boyer, Moses Bonsall ; 1864, Edward Urian, Richard R. Thatcher; 1865, M. F. Longstreth, John W. Marshall ; 1866, Moses Bonsell, Franklin J. Boyer; 1867, Edwin Urian, Moses Lincoln ; 1868, Dr. Jacob Boon, Dr. M. F. Longstreth ; 1869, Frauk- lin P. Boyer, Moses Bonsell ; 1870, Edwin Urian, Richard Thatcher; 1871, M. F. Longstreth, Benjamin F. Home; 1872, Moses Bonsall, William H. Harrison ; 1873, Jacob Lincoln, John Marshall; 1874, F. J. Boyer, M. F. Longstreth ; 1875, MoBes Bonsall, Charles W. Keithler; 1876, William H. Harrison, M. M. Shaw; 1877, M. Fisher Longstreth, Q. A. Hazlett; 1878, Jacob Lincoln, Joshua Kirk ; 1879, Joshua P. Kirk, John Marshall ; 1880, Davis Yarnall, M. Fisher Longstreth; 1881, Davis Yarnall, Charles T. Brooks; 1882, Israel Helms, Frank P. Lewis ; 1883, Joshua P. Kirk, Albert B. Earle ; 1884, CharleB T. Brooks, Charles H. Scott. Glen Olden Mills. — The mill on Muckinipattus Creek, now owned by Ephraim J. Ridgway, has an unusually interesting history. The tract of land of 514 HISTORY OF DELAWARE COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA. five hundred acres was granted, May 16, 1663, by Richard Nicolls, Governor of New York, to Israel Helme, Hendrick Joubson (Jacobson), Oele Koeck, and Jan Minsterman. This land is on what is known as Calcoon Hook. The tract seems to have been divided, for on the 10th of April, 1683, one portion of it, owned by Oele Koeck (and on which, later, the mill was built), was sold to Morton Mortonson, who in turn, Aug. 7, 1708, conveyed it to his son, Lawrence, who, later, sold to his son, Tobias Morton son. On the 10th of April, 1755, Tobias Mortonson sold twenty-four acres to Thomas Shipley, of Wil mington, who died in January, 1759. The property remained in the Shipley family many years, and in 1774, Thomas Shipley, of Darby, purchased at sher iff's sale a lot of land, containing forty-three acres, in Ridley township, across the Muckinipattus Creek from the mill property, which he continued to own as late as 1788. In 1790, Peter Ross is said to have had con trol of this mill. In 1797 the mill-seat land, as well as the forty-three acres across the creek, were sold by Sheriff Abraham Dicks, as the property of Charles Davis, the purchaser being John Jones, who, the same day, conveyed the premises to Caleb Phipps. At that date the mill was in existence, and had been built long prior to that date, tradition asserting that it was erected by Thomas Shipley, about the year 1755, he being a miller by trade. In 1799, Hiram Walton was operating the mill, and in 1800, Elisha Phipps, a bro ther of Caleb, was the lessee, and so remained until 1808, when he purchased the property. Elisha Phipps was a strange, erratic character, moved by the impulse of the hour. It is related that the mill being located at the head of tide-water, as was customary in those days, he conveyed his flour to market by a shallop, and returning would bring a cargo of grain. A small sloop, called " The Dusty Miller," was used for this purpose. On one occasion he loaded his little craft with flour and sailed for New York. Time elapsed, and as no word came from Elisha, his wife became anxious, and finally went to New York in search of her husband. There she could learn nothing respect ing him, save that he had not been to see the persons with whom he had been accustomed to trade. Finally she returned to her home disconsolate, fully convinced that her husband had been lost on the trip to New York. Time passed, and no intelligence came from the absent Phipps. It was nearly dusk one evening when the "gude wife" saw "The Dusty Miller" com ing up the Muckinipattus with the flood tide. Shortly after the craft was moored at its accustomed wharf and Phipps entered the house, and, in his accustomed man ner, tossed his old hat on the floor, as if his absence had been no unusual event in his daily life. It seems that after the "Miller" had passed out of the capes of the Delaware, Phipps, on a sudden impulse, decided to sail for the West Indies, where, selling his flour at a large profit, he shipped a quantity of rum and mo lasses for New York. At the latter port he sold the cargo, purchased grain, and sailed for the Muckinip- pattus, where he arrived in safety, as already narrated. On March 21, 1812, Phipps sold the property to Hal- liday Jackson, who owned it until Feb. 27, 1828, when he in turn conveyed it to Ephraim Inskeep. At the latter's death, in 1876, the Glen Olden Mills passed by inheritance to Ephraim J. Ridgway, the present owner. Warpington Mills.— In 1867, Richard Thatcher erected a cotton-spinning mill on Church Run. The building was ninety-two by fifty-five feet, two stories in height, containing three thousand spindles, driven by a forty horse-power Corliss engine. The mills and machinery cost sixty-five thousand dollars. On Sun day morning, March 24, 1877, an incendiary fire to tally destroyed the building and contents, involving a heavy loss to the owner. The mills have never been rebuilt. Carpet Mills. — About 1849, Gen. John Sidney Jones established a carpet-factory on the north side of the Southern post-road, about a mile west of the borough of Darby, on land which had descended to him from his ancestors, the family having owned the es tate during the Revolution. One of the peculiar rules enforced by the proprietor was the prohibition of coal- fires in any of the eight tenements on the property, but he generously supplied the operatives in the mill with wood for fuel. While operating these mills he published a periodical called The Monthly Jubilee. He and his wife, Fanny Lee Townsend Jones, edited it, the type being set in a building on the estate by Patrick McDermot. It was finally discontinued, as was the carpet-mills. The buildings were subsequently leased to John Shepherd & Co., who established a brush-factory therein. On Friday, Dec. 2, 1876, the mills, together with the mansion-house, were destroyed by fire. In September, 1840, Norman B. Barrett, a lad, residing on the Jones farm, while gunning, sat down to rest himself, laying the gun on the ground. When rising he drew the fowling-piece towards him ; the cock caught on a twig and discharged the weapon. He was so seriously wounded that death resulted in a few hours thereafter. Carpet-Factory. — In. May, 1882, Wolfenden, Brother & Chism began the erection of a two-story brick carpet-factory, forty by fifty feet, which was completed and put in operation in July of that year. The mills manufacture from one hundred and fifty to one hundred and seventy-five yards of body Brussels carpet daily, employing four looms and fourteen oper atives. The Horntown Tannery.— In 1790, John Horn, of Horntown, owned and carried on a tan-yard at Horn- town, which was discontinued prior to 1812. Crime.— On Monday, Nov. 25, 1844, the body of a female child was found in Darby Creek, near Calcoon Hook, at " Deep Hole," inclosed in a grain-sack, a napkin tied around the neck and head so as to cover the whole face. The indications were that the body DARBY BOROUGH. 515 had been in the water nearly two weeks. A post mortem examination was made, which disclosed the fact that the child was three months old, and alive when thrown into the water. Alexander Harris, alias Dobson, was tried for the murder of the infant on May 27, 1845, and acquitted by the jury.1 At the May court, 1850, George W. Horner, a young man, and Louisa Howard, a young woman with whom he lived, were tried on several indict ments charging them with a number of robberies in Upper Darby, Haverford, and other localities in the northern section of the county. The house of Ben jamin D. Garrigues was entered, and a hired man, returning at a late hour, discovered that the dwelling had been broken into. Pursuit was at once made, a wagon was overtaken, from which the driver sprang and ran. away. The stolen property was found in the vehicle. The horse the next day was placed in the custody of a detective officer, who, finding that the animal manifested a desire to go towards Darby, gave him a free rein, and he continued until he stopped at Horner's house, on the Haverford road just north of the village. The dwelling was searched, and much stolen property found therein. Horner was convicted on three indictments, and sentenced to five years in the Eastern Penitentiary on each indictment. Louisa Howard was convicted of receiving stolen goods, and was sentenced to two years in the penitentiary. In May, 1851, Governor Shunk pardoned Horner, leaving his woman accomplice to serve her term of punish ment. JUSTICES OF THE PEACE FOR DAEBY TOWNSHIP. Benjamin Brannon Aug. 19,1791 Israel Elliot Oct. 28, 1791 Benjamin W. Oakford Feb. 14, 1794 Caleb S. Sayers Aug. 6, 1799 Benjamin Hayes Smith April 3, 1804 Samuel Davis Feb. 20, 1810 Thomas Smith July 3, 1821 Joseph G. Malcolm July 30, 1831 Thomas Maddoek Jan. 8, 1834 Charles Sellers June 20, 1836 Philip Sipler Aug. 14, 1840 Thomas Smith Aug. 14,1840 Philip Sipler April 15, 1845 Anthony J. Jordan..'. June 1, 1850 William Russell, Jr April 15, 1855 William Eussell April 14, 1857 Samuel Taylor May 3, 1859 ¦ <¦» ¦ BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH. JAMES ANDREWS. James Andrews was born Dec. 1, 1795, in Darby township within the present limits of Darby borough, his father, James Andrews, having removed from Wilmington, Del., to the township of Darby when a young man, where he married Martha Bunting, daughter of Josiah Bunting, thus connecting the subject of this sketch through his mother with the oldest residents of that early-settled township. When a boy he attended the Friends' school in Darby, 1 See ante, p. 177 . where so many of his ancestors had received their education, and filled the position of teacher in this school while still in his minority. He early left to accept a position in the lumber business with the firm of Watson & Bunting, of Philadelphia, a brother of his mother being a member of the firm. In connec tion with the late James R. Greaves, he later suc ceeded to the business under the firm-name of Greaves & Andrews, and still later as J. and J. B. Andrews & Oo. Owing to failing health, about the year 1837, James Andrews purchased a farm in Darby with the intention of making it his summer home, but soon became so much interested in the occupations of a farmer as to give up his winter residence in the city and make the country his permanent home. He was a birthright member of the society of Friends, the ancestors of both his father and mother having emi grated to this country on account of their religious belief. He was always a consistent member, taking an active part in the affairs of the society, and fre quently accompanying as companion public ministers in their religious visits. A useful, public-spirited citizen, benevolent, modest, and unassuming in his in tercourse with his fellow-citizens, he was in all re spects a model man, through life being honored with many positions of trust and responsibility. In politics he had decided views, and took an active part, first as Whig and afterwards as a Republican, in the ques tions of the day. In 1851 his fellow-citizens elected him to the office of associate judge of Delaware County, which position he assumed on his fifty-sixth birthday, and held for fifteen years, declining a re election on account of his age. In 1825 he married Hannah, daughter of Charles Lloyd, whose children were two sons and five daughters, one son and four daughters surviving him. In his domestic life Mr. Andrews was extremely happy. After the decease of his wife, on the 20th of June, 1868, life seeming to have lost its chief attraction, his health failed rapidly. On the 24th of September, 1869, his children laid him to rest in the old graveyard at Darby, by the side of her whom in life he had loved so well. CHAPTER XLI. DARBY BOROUGH. Doubtless the early settlers in the neighborhood of Darby, where the mills were located, soon began to regard the locality, which subsequently became the village, as an important centre, and there doubtless soon settled the blacksmith after the custom of horse shoeing came in vogue,— which was not generally recognized until the middle of the last century,— and wagons were in use among the farmers — still later than horseshoeing — it became a place of consequence 516 HISTORY OF DELAWARE COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA. to the surrounding districts. In all the early orders of courts and reports of grand juries, in which Darby is mentioned as a particular point where a road begins or ends, the allusion is doubtless to the village, and there were located the stocks, erected in 1731, for which the then overseers of the poor, Samuel Horn and Edward Williams, in the quaint "Record for the Poor of Darby Township" claim credit, — £ s. d. By Cash payed to Benjamin Peirson, Junr for Building Stocks for the Township of Darby 0 10 0 By Cash payed lo David Thomas for Iron Work Done for the Stocks 0 2 8 Dr. Smith, who had access to the early township books 1 of Darby, gave the following extracts from the proceedings in 1694 : (t Agreed that this meeting begin at Eleven o'Clock in the forenoon, and that the constable give notice theirs* day before. "And it is also agreed that the said town's meeting be held on tbe third day of the last week in the twelfth mouth to appoint officers for the Ensuing year, at which time the officers is to give up their accounts. " Agreed that none of the inhabitants of this Town take any horses or mares either to keep in winter or summer, nor no cattle in summer except they keep them within their own fenced lands, upon the penalty of five shillings per head for every month." The freemen of the township at these gatherings also exercised legislative powers, as is evident from the following extract from the township books : " Agreed at a town meeting, 1697, that all plantations y6 lands not Joyning upon the road, that four of the Neighbours Bhall be chosen to lay out a convenient way as they shall see meet to the next convenient road, and being so done shall stand firm and not be blocked up with treeB or plantations. " Signed on behalf of the " Town by "Tho. Worth." 2 The first direct mention of Darby village, for the allusion of Gabriel Thomas to " Derby town," in 1698, does not prove that anything other than the mills were located there at the date given, is in the journal of Miss Sarah Eve, when, under date of Oct. 17, 1773 on returning from a visit to Chester, she says, "After we left Chester it began to rain pretty hard, and con tinued until we were near Darby. I could not help thinking of what Thomson said of Brentford was very applicable to that place, that is, that it was a town of mud. Foolish creatures to build a town in such a hole and have such delightful hills on each side of them, but who knows the reason."8 During the official correspondence of the Revolutionary war, Darby is constantly mentioned as designating » particular locality, a village. At the beginning of this century it is thus described : "Darby is situated about seven miles and a half from Philadelphia; on the east side of the creek of the same name that empties into the Delaware a little above Chester. It contains about fifty or sixty houses and has a Friends' meeting-house." * 1 History of Delaware County, p. 188. The townBhip books at that early period could not be found by the writer, although every effort was made to learn if they were still accessible. 3 Smith's "History of Delaware County," p. 384. 8 Penna. Mag. of Hist., vol. v. p. 201. * Travellers' Directory, Philadelphia, 1802. Thirty-four years later (in 1836) the Upland Union published a description of Delaware County, and the various boroughs and villages contained within its territory. The account says, — " Darby is next in importance to Chester. It is on the Southern great road about seven miles from Phil adelphia by a good turnpike. It contains a Friends' meeting-house, Mount Zion Methodist church, a lyceum, a library company, a printing-office, four public-houses, three stores, a cotton-factory, a post- office, and about sixty dwelling-houses, and many elegant dwellings on the Haverford road." The ancient village of Darby under the same time- honored name was incorporated into a borough, May 3, 1853, the act specifying the boundaries as follows : " Beginning at a cedar tree on the Haverford Eoad on a line between A. Worrell and George Lincoln's land ; thence along the line of said Worrell and Lincoln to Darby Creek ; thence down Baid creek to the line of Isaac L. Bartram and the heirs of John Ashland ; thence along the line of said Bartram and Ashland crossing the Springfield road and the same line continued between Isaac Bartram and John B. Bartram to a point on Baid line that is intersected by a line along a lane running from the Chester road between the lands of John Jackson and Samuel Cro- there to a corner of said John Jackson's land ; thence along the line of said Jackson's land and passing through lands of Jonathan Heacock and Paxson Price to Darby Creek ; and thence up said creek to a point op posite the line of between Elizabeth Grover and Benjamin E. Moore ; thence along said line of Moore and Grover and William Lincoln to the west side of a private lane ; thence along Baid private lane to the Phila delphia and Darby plank road ; thence along said plank road on the south side of Cobb's Creek; thence up said creek to the corner of Hall Pennell's and Lewis Passmore's land ; thence along the line of said Pen nell and Passmore to said Pennell and Benjamin Serrill's land; thence along the line of Pennell and Serrill to Thomas L. BonBall'B land ; thence on the line of said Pennell and Bonsall to the land late of Jacob Lincoln, deceased ; tbence along the line of Pennell and Lincoln to Jabez Bunt ing's land ; thence on the line of Jabez Bunting and said Pennell to Bunting's lane; thence crossing said lane on the line of Jabez Bunting and Anne Bunting to a corner continuiug on the same course to John H. Bunting's land ; thence along a southwest course along the land of Jabez Bunting and John H. Bunting to JoBiah Bunting's land; thence by the same course between Jabez and JoBiah Bunting to Joseph Bunt ing's land ; and thence a straight course to the place of beginning." The election for borough officers was held on the third Friday in May following the date of the act of incorporation. The names of the burgesses and mem bers of Council who have served from the organiza tion of the borough to the present time, are as follows: BURGESSES. 1853, William Jones; 1854, Anthony J. Jordan ; 1855-57, William Jones; 1858, Jacob S. Serrill ; 1859-63, William JoneB ; 1864-65, Jacob S. Serrill; 1866, Joseph M. Bunting; 1867-68, George L. Patohell; 1869-73, Isaac T. Jones j 1874-75, Charles Lloyd ; 1876-77, Hugh Lloyd; 1878, Jacob S. Serrill; 1878-80, Johu W. Griswold; 1881, George L. Patchell ; 1882-84, W. L. Verlenden. MEMBEES OF COUNCIL. 1863.-Pliillp Sipler, William D. II. Serrill, William Russell, Jr., John Verlenden, Samuel P. Serrill, William Liucoln, Joseph L. Sager. 1854.-John Verlenden, William Lincoln, Paxson Eice, James Andrews, George Serrill, Maris W. Lewis, Joseph M. Bunting. 1855.— Philip Sipler, Maris W. Lewis, Anthony S. Jordan, John Verlen den, Thomas L. Bonsall, Hugh Lloyd, William H. Malin. 1856,-Joseph M. Bunting, Anthony S. Jordan, Thomas L. Bond Wil liam H. Malin, Philip Sipler, Hugh Lloyd, John Verlenden. 1857,-Joseph M. Bunting, John Verlenden, Thomas L. Bartram, John M. Andrews, Thomas L. Bonsall, Hugh Lloyd, Philip Sipler. 1858,-Joseph L. Bunting, John M. Andrews, Philip Sipler, John Ver lenden, Hugh Lloyd, JoBepu Bunting. DARBY BOROUGH. 517 1859.— Joseph M. Bunting, Thomas L. Bartram, John Verlenden, Hugh Lloyd, Jacob S. Serrill, James B. Conover, George McHenry. 1860. — Joseph M. Bunting, Thomas L. Bartram, John Verlenden, Jacob S. Serrill, Isaac L Bartram, Daniel S. White. 1861.— Joseph M. Bunting, Thomas L. Bartram, Daniel S. White, John Verlenden, George Serrill, Thomas Palmer, Joseph L. Sager. 1862.— Joseph M. Bunting, Thomas L. Bartram, Daniel S. White, John Verlenden, George Serrill, Thomas Palmer, George S. Truman. 1863. — Daniel S. White, John Verlenden, George Serrill, Thomas Palmer, Isaac L. Bartram, JoBeph Bunting. 1864. — Isaac L. Bartram, J. Charles Andrews, John Verlenden, Joseph Bunting, George Serrill, iBaac T. Jones. 1865. — Daniel S. White, J. Charles Andrews, Isaac T. Jones, Thomas L. Bartram, John Verlenden, Joseph M. Bunting. 1866.— J. Charles Andrews, Daniel S. White, T. Chalkley Bartram, D. Taylor, John Lord, Washington B. Levis. 1867.— Daniel S. White, J. Charles Andrews, Hugh Lloyd, George Ser rill, Charles Bonsall, Jr., Charles Tribit. 1868.— Daniel S. White, J. Charles Andrews, Hugh Lloyd, Charles Bon sall, Jr., Hugh Lloyd, Charles W. Lloyd, W. Lane Verlenden. 1869.— Daniel S. White, Charles W. Lloyd, George Serrill, George S. Patchell, Daniel S. White. 1870.— George Serrill, Charles Bonsall, Hugh Lloyd, Charles W. Lloyd, W. L. Verlenden. 1871.— Charles W. Lloyd, Daniel S. White, George Serrill, Hugh P. Lloyd, Charles Bonsall, W. L. Verlenden, George Ash, Jr. 1872.— Hugh P. Lloyd, Charles Lloyd, D. S. White, George Serrill, Charles Bonsall, J. Charles AndrewB, W. L. Verlenden. 1873.— J. Charles Andrews, Charles Lloyd, John W. Griswold, Mordecai Sheldrake, Samuel W. Shaw, Oswald Patchell. 1874.— J. C. AndrewB, John M. Miller, Charles Bonsell, George Serrill, Harry Peale, John Knowlton. 1875.— J. C. Andrews, James A. Lloyd, Charles Bonsall, Harry Peale, W. L. Verlenden, Enos Verlenden, John GueBt. 1876.— T. Chalkley Bartram, Hugh Lloyd, John Guest, 0. C. Armstrong, Peter Clark, W. E. Taylor, Henry W. Nagle. 1877.— Daniel S. White, T. C. Bartram, Joseph Bunting, Jr., William E- Taylor, Peter Clark, A. J. Eussell, Cbarles Lloyd. 1878.— Charles Lloyd, Peter Clark, Samuel Mackey, W. S. Bunting, Thomas Brooke, John Wolfenden, Daniel S. White. 1879.— Charles Lloyd, Peter Clark, James M. Damon, Alonzo Heapes, Hugh Lloyd, Charles Tribit, Eichard Lancaster, Jr. 1880.— Charles Lloyd, Peter Clark, George Grayson, John Wolfenden, Alonzo Heapes, George W. Bunting, James E. Combs. 1881.— Joseph Bunting, Jr., Peter Clark, John M. Damon, George Gray-. son, Kobert Green, CharleB Lloyd, Edward D. Sipler. 1882.— George Grayson, George N. Griffith, Elwood H. James, Parkhurst McLaughlin, William Maris, George B. Painter, Jacob K. Ulrich. 1883.— Joseph Bunting, Jr., Peter Clark, George Drewes, Alonzo Heapes, Daniel W. Kelly, John Massey. 1884.— JoBeph Bunting, Jr., Nathan D. Bartram, George Drewes, Thomas Garvin, Alonzo Heapee, D. W. Kelly, John Massey. Darby Mills.— The history of the Griswold Mills is particularly interesting, for it connects the present with the early industries of colonial days. In the summer of 1671, Capt. Carr, the English Deputy Governor on the Delaware, in a letter to Governor Lovelace, in New York, made certain suggestions as to affairs on the South River. Under the eleventh point he wrote,— " That there being a mill or most (if not all) the appurtenances there unto belonging, up Delaware Eiver, at y Carcoon's Hooke, w* did here tofore appertain to y« Publique & now is endeavoured to be engrossed by some particular persons for their private use. It may be recommended to be taken into his Eoyall Highness, or his Deputyes hands, hy W* some Benefitt will accrew, & heing kept in good Eepaire will be of a publique and Genu Good to ye Inhabitants." J On June 14th the Governor and Council replied,— " Ab to y° ll'i" concerning y° mill, as also one paire of millstones not used but lying in y« Mud or Water. It is ordered that care he taken for y° Letting out y said Mill for ye beet advantage to some persons who will undertake y same & that y° proffltt thereof be reserved for y° pub' liqe, & for y millstones not used. They are to be laken up and pi-served till further Ord'.''2 The mill mentioned in Capt. Carr's letter was the old Swede mill at the Blue Bell, on Cobb's Creek, which, after acquisition of the territory by William Penn under his charter from the crown, gradually fell into disfavor with the public. It was, how ever, in use in 1684, for in an account of the early times, preserved among the descendants of Isaac Mar riot, of Bristol, Pa., it is stated that when Friends' Yearly Meeting was held at Burlington, N. J., in that year the family wanting some fine flour, Isaac Marriot took wheat on horseback to this mill, which was twenty-six miles from his residence, to be ground. The first record of a mill in Darby township occurs in the evidence given in a case tried at the court held March 10, 1687, when Thomas Bowles was arraigned for shooting hogs not his own running in the woods. The animals belonged to Thomas Smith. John Hen drickson testified that in the preceding fall (1686) "he was up at the mill on Darby Creek when he heard two gunnes go off," and when he went to where the firing was, he saw the defendant with his gun pre sented." John Hay, who was with him, said " Bowles was an old fool for shooting twice and missing." At that time the old Swedish mill had fallen into disuse or was unable to do the work required of it, and the demand for a mill was pressing, for at the Novem ber court, 1678, five years before William Wood set tled at Darby, tbe matter came before the justices, who declared that " Itt being taken into Consideracon that itt was verry necessary that a mill be built on the Schuylkill, and there being no fitter place than the faall Called Capt. hans moensen's faall ; The Cort are of opinion that Either Capt" hans moens ought to build a mill there (as hee sayes that hee will) or Else suffer an other to Build for the Common Good of ye parts."3 The location of this proposed mill was on "Hans Moensen's Great Mill Fall" or "Run," which was the stream which empties into the Schuylkill south of Woodland Cemetery and north of Gray's Ferry. William Wood emigrated from Nottingham, Eng land, with his wife and family, in 1683, and settled at Darby, where he acquired three hundred and twenty acres, which plot included all the land on which the original village of Darby stood, the tract reaching northward to Friends' meeting-house lot and south ward to the junction of Cobb's and Darby Creeks. On the latter stream William Wood built the mills, or if he did not his son Joseph Wood did, to whom the property descended in 1685, on the death of his father, William. In 1693, John Bethel took charge of these mills, which he subsequently purchased, for June 7, ' Proposal of Capt. Carr," Penna. Archives, 2d Series, vol. vii. p- 737. 2 lb., p. 739. 3 Eecords of Upland Court, p. 115. 518 HISTORY OF DELAWARE COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA. 1695, Joseph Wood, in open court acknowledged a deed for nine acres — the mill tract — to Bethel. The next year, Dec. 8, 1696, John Bethel sold to Samuel Carpenter, the noted merchant of Philadelphia in those early days, a half-interest in several tracts of land, one being nine acres on Darby Creek, " Upon which last-mentioned piece of land there is three water grist-mills and a fulling mill lately erected." In the same deed it is stated that on the same day of the date of the deed to Carpenter, Bethel had purchased from John Blunston " all that millcat race or Trench digged in and through the said Blunston's land and meadow, from the said Darby Creek toward the said mills." This mill-race to-day follows the course " digged" nearly two centuries ago through Blunston's land. There seems to have been some defect in the deed made to Samuel Carpenter in 1696, for on Jan. 14, 1698, John Bethel, by his friend David Lloyd, ac knowledged in open court a deed to Samuel Carpen ter, " for the moiety of Darby Mills with the Houses, Improvements, and impliments thereunto belonging," the deed being dated Oct. 13, 1697. Previous to the sale to John Bethel, on the 9th of Twelfth month, 1687, the road leading from Darby to Radnor was laid out. In the assessment made in 1695, the Darby and Chester mills were each rated at one hundred pounds, and they were the most valuable properties in the county. In Gabriel Thomas' " History of Pennsylvania," printed in 1698, he mentions " the famous Darby River, which comes down from the country by Darby town, wherein are several mills, viz., — fulling-mills, corn-mills," etc. On a draft of the Queen's road from Darby to Chester, now in possession of Hon. Jacob Serrill, of Darby, made in 1705, these mills are dis tinctly marked. John Bethel remained at these mills until his death, which occurred before 1708, for on the 26th of August, in that year, John Bethel, of Darby, miller, son and heir of John Bethel, late of Darby, also a miller, confirmed the sale of a part interest in the mills to his brother-in-law, Job Harvey, " Stuffor." This deed recites that John Bethel, Sr., was seized in his lifetime of all those water-, corn-, or grist-mills, and a fulling-mill, " commonly called or known by the name of Darby Mills," and John Bethel, Sr., in his lifetime had sold to his son-in-law, Job Harvey, one-fourth part of the messuage " whereon the said Job now dwells, and also of said fulling-mill." From this it is evident that John Bethel, the younger, was carrying on the grist-mill, and Job Harvey the fulling- mill at the time John Bethel, the elder, died. About 1725, Job Harvey purchased the fulling-mill on Ridley Creek, now the site of the Media Water- Works. In 1747 the Darby Mills were owned by Joseph Bonsall, of Darby, who, on November 3d of that year, conveyed to Richard Lloyd three full parts of five and a half acres of land, and of the " water-, corn-, or grist-mills, commonly called Darby Mills," with the bolting-house, bolting-mills, aud other ap purtenances. The fulling-mill was not mentioned in the deed. In 1764, Richard Lloyd having died, and his widow married to Lewis Davis, the property was vested in Lewis Davis, Isaac Lloyd, and Hugh Lloyd, the two last named being the sons of Richard Lloyd. From 1764 to 1802 the mills were assessed to Isaac Lloyd, who, in 1782, built a saw-mill, and from 1802 to 1814 to Richard Lloyd, at which date they were the property of Thomas Steel. While the Darby Mill was operated by Isaac Lloyd, Capt. James Ser rill was one of his apprentices, and learned the trade of a miller. The first mention of the name of Steel is in an assessment of the county in 1766, in Upper Darby township, when James Steel was assessed on a grist mill. He is later followed by Thomas Steel, who ap pears in Upper Darby until 1814. He removed to Darby township the next year, where he had the old Darby Mills. In 1826 the capacity of these was thirty to forty thousand bushels of grain, and of two to three hundred thousand feet of lumber per annum. They were owned by Thomas Steel until 1861, but while he held title he had sold them several times, but for some reason was compelled to take them from the purchasers. On one occa sion they were sold to an Englishman, who tore out the grist-mill machinery, with the intention of enlarging the buildings, which he failed to do, and Tbomas Steel was compelled to refit them at a con siderable outlay of money. In 1861 the property; including the fulling-mill, was purchased by Simeon Lord, and occupied by Joseph L. Saeger. On July 2, 1862, they were destroyed by fire. The same year Simeon Lord built Mill No. 1, which, on May 15, '1867, was partially burned. Again the owner repaired the mill, which he operated as a worsted-factory for several years, when they were sold by the sheriff to John Cattell, who enlarged the building and sold the property to William A. Griswold. It is now used by the Griswold Worsted Company (Limited) as a worsted- factory. Mill No. 1 is a three-storied stone building, three hundred by forty-five feet. In 1880, William A. Griswold erected along the creek, and a short dis tance farther down, Mill No. 2, a four-story brick building, one hundred and fifty-seven by fifty feet, for the manufacture of silk yarn. The machinery in these mills is driven by two engines of one hundred and sixty-five horse-power each. The Griswold Worsted Company (Limited) was organized in 1882, and the mills are at present operated by that com pany. Oakford Fulling-Mill— The early history of this mill is given in the sketch of the mills of the Gris wold Worsted Company. It was a part of the Darby Mills from 1695, the date of its erection, until its destruction, in 1859. It is not mentioned in the deed from Joseph Bonsall to Richard Lloyd in 1747, but in 1764 it was owned and operated by Isaac and Hugh Lloyd, sous of Richard. In 1766 it was oper- DARBY BOROUGH. 519 ated by Hugh Davis, the half-brother of Isaac and Hugh Lloyd. In 1770 it was in possession of Aaron Oakford, who continued there until 1785, when Isaac Oakford was operating it. In 1790 Isaac Oakford had in connection with his fulling- a print-mill. On August 23d of that year, George Huffstetter and Isaac Huffstetter, sons of Lydia Yoamer, were bound before Esquire Pearson, to Conrad Psaphauser, to learn calico-stamping, being indentured for six years and eleven months, while the same day Jesse Huff stetter was bound to serve Psaphauser, at the trade of calico-stamping and "to learn mixing," for a term of ten years and three months. The assessment of 1798 returned Isaac Oakford as owning the fulling-mill and stamping-works for printing calico, and John Orna was employed there as a calico-stamper, and Samuel Wetherington as a calico-printer. In 1826, Isaac Oakford was still the owner of the mill, but at that time it was operated by Aaron Oakford, who continued there many years. It subsequently passed to Thomas Steel, and in 1854 was leased to John Verlenden, who changed it to a cotton-mill, and oper ated it until it was destroyed by fire, on March 5, 1859. The water for this mill was from its erection, in 1695, taken from therace which supplied the grist mills above, and when they came into possession of Thomas Steel, the fulling-mill was limited to a supply of water that flowed through a four-inch pipe. This mill also passed to Thomas Steel, and was sold in 1861 with the grist-mill to Simeon Lord. In 1788, Benjamin Oakford was operating a tan- yard, which he continued till 1810, when John Oak ford succeeded him, and continued it until after 1848. Imperial Mills. — In the year 1846, John Verlenden and Morton Farraday established a small business of spinning carpet yarn on Whiskey Run, in Spring field township. In 1854, Verlenden removed to Darby borough, and commenced business in the old fulling- mill of Thomas Steel, formerly Isaac Oakford, which he operated until it was burned, March 5, 1859. In that year Verlenden erected on the site of the present mill a factory building sixty by forty feet, which he operated until his death, in December, 1865. The business was continued by the family, and in 1867, Smith & Verlenden leased the mills, which they operated for three years. In 1870, W. Lane Ver lenden and Enos Verlenden formed a partnership, and as Verlenden Brothers, began manufacturing in these mills. The main mill building was destroyed by fire in 1880, and the present mill, eighty by forty feet, erected on its site. The Imperial now contains sev enty-two looms, two self-acting mules, each of five hundred and eight spindles, and two sets of sixty cards, driven by a Corliss engine, sixteen by forty-two, with two sets of boilers. Fourteen thousand yards of cotton and woolen goods are manufactured weekly from three thousand six hundred pounds of raw material. Fifty-five operatives are employed. W. Arrott & Co. Mills. — These mills were erected by Judge James Andrews subsequent to 1848, and were located nearly opposite the old Thomas Steel grist-mill at the head of tide-water on Darby Creek. They were operated by Judge Andrews till his death, when they descended to his son, J. Charles Andrews, who, with Isaac Hibberd, operated them as Cedar Hill Mills until about 1873, when they were leased for a few years. In April, 1878, the property was sold by the assignees of J. Charles Andrews to Wil liam Arrott, of Philadelphia, who immediately began spinning yarn in these mills. The main building is two stories high, two hundred by fifty feet, contains five hundred spindles and eight sets of woolen cards. Ninety operatives are employed, and one thousand one hundred pounds of yarn are spun weekly. In 1875, John L. Knowlton purchased a lot of land of the Sharon Land Association along the line of the Philadelphia, Wilmington and Baltimore Bailroad. He erected a two-story brick building and commenced the manufacture of specialties in machinery. This he continued till his death, after which the building was occupied for a year or two by William P. Jenks in the manufacture of boiler coverings. In March, 1884, tbe property was purchased by Scully & Smith, Phil adelphia, who are at present fitting the factory for the manufacture of wood-turning machinery. Tannery. — In 1766, John Pearson, who subse quently became an officer in the Revolutionary army, and, after the erection of Delaware County, one of the associate judges, was operating a tan-yard at Darby, which business he appears to have continued until 1810, when he was succeeded by Charles Pear son. The tan-yard was subsequently abandoned, un less the bark-mill which James Bunting was operating in 1842 was on the site of the yard, and connected with the tannery. Schools. — The first record of a school within the limits of what is now Darby borough, is found in the minutes of Darby Monthly Meeting of date 7th day Seventh month (September), 1692, where it is stated '" that Benj. Clift is to teach school Beginge ye 12th of y° 7thm°, and to continue one whole year except 2 weeks." Arrangements were also made with him the next year '¦ to teach schoole one yeare Beginge y" 20th of ye 7thm0," for which he was to receive twelve pounds. Doubtless this school was kept in Friends' meeting-house. Prior to 1735, David Thomas, of Darby, by an instrument in writing, granted to Joseph Reed a lot of ground on which to build a school-house. The building was erected on the site designated, and subsequently Reed assigned the property to John Davis and Richard Parker. On April 2, 1735, doubt less to cure a defect in title, David Thomas conveyed the same land, which contained a quarter of an acre, to John Davis and Richard Jackson. Miss Sarah L. Miller, of Media, states that her grandfather, George Miller, who resided in Springfield, attended school in the year 1730, at a sniall one-story brick house which stood a short distance west of Darby Creek, and that he 520 HISTORY OF DELAWARE COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA. boarded near by, so that he might be constant in his attendance. This location of that early school desig nated that the pupil spoken of was taught in the old one-story brick house which stood on part of the site of the Mount Zion burial-ground, and which building was taken down after 1843. In this old school-house on June 6, 1818, a meeting of the inhabitants of Darby and adjoining townships was held, whereat it was " Resolved, That we will discourage the use of ardent spirits, as an article of drink; we will not procure, use, or give it to others as such in the time of gathering our hay and harvest, at the raising of buildings, or on other public or social occasions ; " And resolved, That we unite to suppress the unlawful sale of spirit uous liquors, and to counteract the contamenatiog effect of those nur series of vice, commonly called tippling houses, by giving information to the proper oflicers, and by such other means as are reasonably within our power." It is stated in an account of the " Guardian So ciety for Preventing Drunkenness" of Chester County,1 that it "' was certainly the first temperance organiza tion ever formed in Pennsylvania, and probably in the United States," and that shortly after a kindred and co-operative society was formed at Darby, iu which Halliday Jackson and Edward Garrigues were conspicuous members. The Guardian Society was organized in 1820. The action at this meeting in 1818, clearly shows that a temperance organization had been held in Delaware County prior to that in Chester County, and that a temperance pledge had been adopted nearly two years before the formation of the Guardian Society. In this old stone school-house, prior to the adoption of the school law of 1834, David Little taught, as did also Benjamin Oakford. This school house, after the act of 1834 was accepted by Darby township, was transferred to the school directors, who, on Dec. 6, 1843, sold the lot to Michael Lincoln, and he, on the 14th of the same month, conveyed it to the trustees of the Mount Zion Methodist Church. The latter removed the school building, and the lot became a part of the burial-place. The society of Friends continued to support the school at Darby throughout all tbe last century. Michael Blunston, who died there in 1736, bequeathed "fifty pounds in trust to school the children of Poor Friends of Darby Monthly Meeting." Mention is also made of Friends' Meeting schools in 1788, aud in 1793 the society of Friends in Delaware County had seven schools under their care, one being located iu Darby. A dwelling had also been erected in that village for the "accommodation of the master." Schools were kept by Friends regularly from that time, and since 1820 women have been members of the school com mittee. The adoption of the law providing for free public education, and the improvements made in the system by subsequent enactments, gradually super seded Frieuds' schools. However, as late as 1854, John H. Bunting, of Darby, gave the sum of teu 1 Futhey and Cope's " History of Chester County," p. 403. thousand dollars, the interest of which was to be applied to the support of schools maintained by the society. In March, 1825, an election was held throughout the county for school trustees under the law of 1804, and three were elected in each township. In the re port of this election, Darby, Lower Chichester, Hav erford, and Tinicum are not returned. After the passage of the school law, in 1834, the court appointed Thomas Smith and Thomas Steel in spectors of public schools until directors were elected. In 1835-36 the township, then including the borough, received from the State and county appropriations $270.60. On the 13th of March, 1841, the directors of the public schools of the township purchased eighty square perches of land of Hugh Lloyd in the village of Darby, and erected thereon a stone school-house, which was used until 1855, when it was abandoned upon the completion of what is known as the yellow school-house. Pearson Serrill conveyed to Robert K. Smith one acre of ground adjoining lands of Darby Monthly Meeting, and on Aug. 30, 1854, Smith transferred the lot to the school directors of Darby borough, who in the same year erected the present stone school-house, two stories in height, the corner stone being laid with much ceremony Oct. 28, 1854, Hon. Joseph B. Chandler, of Philadelphia, delivering the address on the occasion. A two-story brick addition was subsequently erected, and the building at present accommodates six schools which are kept there. The borough of Darby was incorporated in 1853, since which it has been an independent school district. The directors of Darby borough, on the 2d of April, 1855, sold the old school-house and lot on New Street to the borough for twelve hundred and fifty dollars. The building is now used as a lock-up. In the year 1878 the directors erected a one-story brick school-house, thirty-six by forty feet, at Sharon Hill, in which one school is kept. The following names are those of the school direc tors of Darby borough, as obtained from the election records of Media : 1854, Morris W. Lewis, Marmaduke Morehead, Eobert K. Smith, Paxon Price, John E. Eobb, Paxon Paxon; 1855, C. A. Litzenburg, John Verlenden; 1856, Jacob S. Serrill, William Eussell, Jr.; 1857, Wil liam Jones, D. S. White ; 1858, Daniel S. White, John Verlenden, C. S. Lloyd ; 1859, William Eussell, Jr., William 0. Witter ; 1860, John Verlenden, William Jones ; 1861, David S. White, George S. Trueman ; 1862, Charles A. Litzenberg, Jacob S. Serrill ; 1863, John Verlenden, Thomas Palmer ; 1864, Daniel S. White, Joseph Bunting ; 1865, Isaac T. Jones, Jacob S. Serrill ; 1866, John Verlenden, Thomas Palmer ; 1867, W. D. H. Serrill, D. S. White; 1868, Stacey Jones, M.D., George S. Patchell; 1869, W. D. H. Serrill, David Maule; 1870, Daniel S. White, Thomas Palmer; 1871, Stacey Jones, M.D., William D. H. Smith ; 1872, Oswald Paschall, Henry L. Paschall; 1873, Daniel S. White, Milton Mendenhall; 1874, Stacey Jones, M.D., Mrs. Emily Cochran ; 1876, David Maule, W. W. James ; 1876, Daniel S. While, Henry McAllister; 1877, Jacob Serrill, A. E. Crozer; 1878, Washington W. James, W. D. H. Serrill ; 1879, Park- hurst McLaughlin, Isaac T. Jones ; 1880, Stacy Jones, M.D., Daniel S. White; 1881, W. W. James, Theodore Knight: 1882, Daniel S. White, W. D. H. Serrill ; 1883, Jacob Elpeth, Eobert Green j 1884, James E. Coombs, Gill Hazelett. DARBY BOROUGH. 521 Sharon Hill Academy. — John Jackson, a noted public Friend of Darby, a son of Halliday Jackson, after his marriage with Rachel T. Tyson, a highly educated and accomplished woman, in 1834, deter mined to establish a female boarding-school, and about 1835, after the death of his father, located at Sharon Hill, on the family estate. The school soon acquired an extensive reputation, and was at the .time one of the most noted female educational insti tutions in the Middle States. John Jackson died in 1855, and his widow continued the school until 1858, when it was conducted by Israel J. Graham and Jane P. Graham. The property about 1870 was purchased by Rev. C. J. H. Carter, a Catholic clergyman, and a school for females was conducted there under the auspices of the Sisters of the Society of the Holy Child Jesus. In 1871 the building was enlarged by the addition of a wing, which made the total length of the main building one hundred and fourteen feet, while the interior was remodeled, so that the sleep ing-rooms of the pupils were unusually large, well ventilated, and a dressing-room was attached to each apartment. The land and building having passed into the ownership of this society, in 1877 the present Gothic chapel was erected. The build ing is eighty-nine feet in length, the wood-work of black walnut, and the principal altars of Italian mar ble. The numerous windows which furnish light to the sanctuary are stained glass, presenting represen tations of St. Ignatius Loyola, St. Charles Borromeo, and sacred emblems appropriate to the Catholic faith. In November, 1877, the chapel was dedicated by the Right Rev. Archbishop Wood with appropriate and imposing ceremonies. Darby Friends' Meeting-House. — The early Friends who, fleeing from persecution in England, settled in and about Darby, seem to have turned their attention speedily to arranging for religious services, and in the very year of Penn's coming, 1682, tradition states a meeting was held at the present vil lage, in the house of John Blunston, whose hastily- constructed residence stood near the mill-race, which was subsequently dug, and nearly opposite the present meeting-house. The minutes of Darby Meeting do not substantiate the tradition, for they begin on the 2d of Fifth month (July), 1684; but Dr. Smith states that " there is some evidence that the business of a monthly meeting had been transacted at Darby a short time prior to the date of the first regular min ute." 1 The inconvenience arising from the meeting being held in private houses, and the constant growth of the society in membership, — for emigration was re markable in those early days, — far exceeding that of more modern times, induced an effort to be made to 1 History of Delaware County, p. 148, note. " A committee was ap pointed in 1683 by Chester Monthly Meeting to invite the Friends of Darby to unite with them in their monthly meeting. This they appear to have done so far as to contribute to the fundB of that meeting on one occasion." build a meeting-house. In 1687, John Blunston, in open court, acknowledged a deed " for one acre of land, in the township of Darby, to build a meeting house thereon, to the use of the said township for ever, to exercise the true worship of God therein." A building, doubtless of logs, was erected on this tract, and it is said to have been located on the hillside, within the present graveyard. It was determined by meeting, so the ancient minutes state, to have it "lined within," to render it warmer in the severe winter seasons of the olden times. Tbe first marriage which occurred therein was in February, 1689, be tween John Marshall and Sarah Smith. This state ment, of course, refers to the first marriage in the meeting-house, for it is well known that the first mar riage recorded at Darby Meeting was in 1684, — that of Samuel Sellers and Anna Gibbons. The fair bride rode to her new home on a pillion behind her hus band.2 Dr. Smith relates that in 1699 Darby Meeting dealt with a father who had unreasonably refused his consent to the marriage of his daughter, and the young couple, after legally publishing their intention, were married by John Blunston, a justice of the peace, the donor of the lot on which the meeting-house stood. The husband and wife were also dealt with by meet ing, but the justice, who was in discharge of his offi cial office, was not called on to explain his action. After the stone meeting-house at Chester was built, Friends of Darby, who were generally wealthy, per haps desired a more comfortable place in which to assemble. Be that as it may, in 1699 it was " agreed that a meeting-house sixty foot one way and twenty foot added to the side, twenty-one foot wide in the clear, be built," and "John Bethell, John Hood, Michael Blunston, John Wood, and Thomas Worth ordered to manage the concern about said house till furder orders." The building was begun, but dragged slowly along, and to complete it repeated collections were authorized by the meeting. In 1701 it was still unfinished, and it was "ordered that a collection be every monthly meeting till further orders ;" and we are informed by Dr. Smith " that a loan was author ized to complete this meeting-house, " an expedient rarely resorted to by the Society of Friends." This meeting-house was also located in the graveyard, and in 1862 a portion of the building was still standing.3 It was certainly completed in the early summer of 1701, for at the meeting held in Fifth month of that year it was ordered " that Benjamin Cliff take care that the doors and windows be opened and shut as occasion may serve for one whole year, for which he is to have two pounds out of the collection." This house of worship stood for more than one hundred years, when it began to show the decrepitude of age, which con stant repair could not prevent, hence its " decayed and shattered condition" was such that reluctantly 2 "A Walk to Darby," by Townsend Ward, Penna. Mag. of Hist., vol. iii. p. 265. 3 Smith's " History of Delaware County," p. 198. 522 HISTORY OF DELAWARE COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA. the members were compelled to take steps for the erection of the third and present meeting-house at Darby. At the Monthly Meeting in Twelfth month, 1803, the subject was referred to a committee, which, at the next meeting, First month, 1804, reported that having " several times met, and were in good measure united in building on what is called the lower lot, and were of opinion that a house built forty-five feet by sixty will cost three thousand three hundred dollars." The new structure was ordered to be erected, most of the stone used being obtained on the side of road opposite the Imperial Mills of Verlenden Brothers, except ing a few dressed stone which were brought from Leiper's quarries, in Ridley. Towards the latter part of the year 1805,.the building being nearly completed, Josiah Bunting was directed to give notice to mem bers that the meeting would be held in the new structure on the 8th of Twelfth month, 1805. The first marriage in the new meeting-house was Hugh Mcllvain, of Philadelphia, to Hannah, daughter of John Hunt, of Darby. In 1870, the roof, which had done good service for sixty-five years, was replaced by a new one. Mount Zion Methodist Episcopal Church. — In 1807, twenty persons residing in the neighborhood of Darby, desirous of organizing a Methodist Church in that vicinity, assembled together and formed a class. Among those who were prominent in this movement were William Palmer, David Dunbar, Charles Levis, Samuel Levis, Charles Grant, Enos R. Williams, Henry Rudolph, Hannah Shaw (Mrs. Oswold Patch ell), and Phebe Hoofstechler (Mrs. George Lincoln). Some time subsequent to that date Dr. Phineas Price purchased a quarter of an acre on the Springfield road from Joseph Wood, and on the lot built a stone church forty-five feet square. Dr. Price retained title during his lifetime, and after his death his representatives, Mary, Ann M., and Henry Price, on April 17, 1819, conveyed the house and lot to Samuel Levis, Charles Levis, Samuel Lungren, David Dunbar, and Jonas Morton, trustees of the church. Dec. 14, 1843, the old school-house, which stood on the lot adjoining the church land, was bought by the congregation, the building removed, and the lot inclosed in the grave yard. In 1854 a quarter of an acre of adjoining land was purchased from Ann Eliza Moore, and the burial- place again enlarged. In 1882, it having been decided to remove the church to Darby, a lot in the borough was purchased of George S. Patchell, and a brick church, thirty-six by sixty feet, at a cost of nine thou sand four hundred dollars, was erected. The old sanc tuary by the road-side, which had served the congre gation for threescore years and ten, ceased to be used after Dec. 3, 1882, when the new edifice was dedicated. The dedicatory sermon was preached by the late Bishop Matthew Simpson. William Palmer and Enos R. Williams, members of the first class, were local ministers and frequently preached in Mount Zion. Among the clergymen who from time to time have been in charge of the church were the Revs. Thomas Miller, Ezekiel Connor, William Townsend Larney, William McCormick, James Neale, Brooks Eyres, William King, William Cooper, and Bishop Scott was at one time the presiding elder. Subsequent to these came the Revs. Abel Howard, William Dalrymple, William McMichael, A. G. Mauger, Roble Smith, Vandersloot, William McMichael, and A. G. Keymett, the present pastor. The church has at present a membership of one hundred and ninety per sons. The Presbyterian Church of Darby Borough. — While Rev. J. Addison Whitaker was pastor of the Darby, or Knowle's Presbyterian Church, in 1851 mission services were begun in Darby borough. The public school-house was used for the meeting, and in terest gradually was awakened in the movement until, in January, 1854, a fund was subscribed to build a church edifice. In April, 1854, at a meeting of Pres bytery in Mantua (Philadelphia), a committee was appointed to consider the propriety of building a church at Darby, who reported in favor of establish ing a mission chapel there. The sum subscribed being sufficient to warrant the erection of a house of wor ship, the minutes of the board of trustees set forth, — " On the 24th of January, 1854, John H. Eobb, Paschall J. Hoopes, M.D., Charles A. Litzenburg, John Verlenden, Israel Helms, and the Eev. J. Addison Whitaker met at the residence of tlie pastor in Darby, and at his request united in forming a voluntary board of trustees for the purpose of erecting a church edifice, and to hold the same in trust for the Presbyterian Church hereafter to be organized and called the Darby and Paschallville Presbyterian Church, or by any other name by which they wish to designate it as a Presbyterian Church." A design for a church building was made by John Nahman, of Philadelphia, which was accepted by the board, and on Feb. 11, 1854, a lot was purchased of Dr. Paschall J. Hoopes, five hundred and fifty dollars being paid for the ground, located at the intersection of Maine and Moore Streets. Early in the spring Charles Bonsall, who had contracted to erect the church for seven thousand eight hundred and fifty dollars, began building. The contract stipulated that the lecture-room should be completed by August 1st, and the entire building should be finished by Jan. 1, 1855. The lecture-room, however, was not ready at the time stipulated. The church was organized on Sunday, Oct. 1, 1854, with fourteen members (most of whom were members of Darby Presbyterian Church), with Dr. Stephen Parsons as ruling elder, and the Rev. J. Addison Whitaker minister in charge. The work on the auditorium was not completed until the spring of 1858. The lot adjoining the church lot was pur chased in 1862, and a parsonage erected, at a cost of five thousand five hundred and eight dollars. In 1870, repairs were made upon the church at an expense of three thousand and ninety-seven dollars and fifty-two cents. The church from its organization had been laboring under a heavy debt, which, in 1873, was en tirely removed, and on the 28th of November in that DARBY BOROUGH. 523 year a jubilee meeting was held. The church was in corporated by act of Assembly, Jan. 13, 1855. The pastors from the date of the formation have been as follows: Rev. J. A. Whitaker served the church from its organization until the spring of 1855. In April of that year the Rev. T. J. Johnson acted as supply; in June the Rev. John Patton,and the Rev. David C. Meeker commenced his labors as stated supply Sept. 23, 1855. On the 25th of January, 1856, he received a call to become permanent pastor, which he held under advisement and finally declined, preaching his farewell sermon Sept. 14, 1856. The Rev. Michael Burdett was acting pastor from Nov. 15, 1857, aud in October, 1858, received a call to the pastorate, which he accepted, and remained in charge until January, 1862, when he resigned. The pulpit was supplied occasionally from that time to July, 1862, when the Rev. Samuel W. Crittenden, of tbe Third Presbytery of New York, supplied the church, and was called on the 19th of that month. He entered at once upon his duties as pastor-elect. At a meeting of tbe Third Presbytery of Philadelphia, held October 21st in that year, he was received as a member, accepted the call, and was installed as pastor Jan. 18, 1863. He re signed in April, 1865, but remained till July of that year. A unanimous call was extended to the Rev. William H. Thorne, which was at once accepted, but was not installed until June 10, 1866. He re signed this charge Dec. 29, 1868. On the 27th of January, 1869, the Rev. Charles Brown was unani mously chosen to supply the pulpit until April of that year, which he did greatly to the good of the church. On the 6th of June, 1869, Mr. George L. Raymond, a licentiate of the Third Presbytery of New York, was invited to supply the pulpit until the fall meeting of the Third Presbytery of Philadelphia, which he accepted, and immediately entered upon his duties. On the 22d of September, 1869, he was chosen as pastor, accepted the call, and was ordained and in stalled April 28, 1870. In the spring of 1874 he was elected professor of Rhetoric in Williams College, Massachusetts, and wishing to accept it, he gave notice of his intention to resign. The congregation reluctantly granted his request, and the relationship was dissolved by Presbytery April 14, 1874. The Rev. W. T: Brown, of Colorado, supplied the pulpit on June 21, 1874, and July 12th, and on the 4th of August was unanimously elected pastor of the church. At the meeting of Presbytery held at Reading, Octo ber 16th, he accepted the call, and was installed pastor Nov. 22, 1874. He served as minister until May 22, 1884, since which time the church, now num bering two hundred and sixteen members, has been without a pastor. A Sunday-school is connected with the church, and has four hundred pupils. George Thompson is in charge. Charles O. Baird, son of Matthew Baird, commenced the erection of a chapel in the spring of 1881, as a memorial of his father and mother. It is of stone, and cost about thirty-four thou sand dollars. It was dedicated Feb. 25, 1883, the dedicatory sermon being preached by the Rev. Dr. Cattell, of Princeton. Darby Library Company. — On May 1, 1743, twenty-nine persons founded the Darby Library by signing articles of agreement and effecting an organi zation. These articles required each person in co partnership to pay, on becoming a member, twenty shillings to a person who should be appointed to re ceive the money and purchase books for a library, and also annually thereafter to pay five shillings " for and towards the Purchasing of such books and the necessary expenses of the Library as two-thirds of the Company shall direct." The agreement further sets forth : " That whereas it is found by long Experience that no Considerable number of People will at all times keep in a Regular Decent Decorum without Some Necessary forms & Rules to walk and act by And suitable Persons authorised to Put these rules in Execution, therefore we, the subscribers hereunto, Do agree that there be an Ellection held Yearly on the first Day of May (except that happens on the first Day of the week, in Such Case on the Day next fol lowing) to Elect by ticket a Secretary, treasurer, Li- brarine, and four other Persons for assistants, and also to admit Such Persons into the Company as two-thirds of the members then being Shall Approve off. And to Consider, Regulate, & Determine all such matters and things as may be laid before the Com pany by any of the members thereof." It was also provided that at all the meetings of the Library Company the members " then Present shall seat themselves in Sober, Decent, Regular manner, Such as becomes Christians and Students, then the Secretary shall call the members by their names Re spectively, as they Stand on the Records, to Deliver in their votes, which shall be writt on a small Piece of Paper Abided up, with the names of the Person writt therein whom they would have for Secretary, treasurer, Librarine, & assistants for the Ensuing Year, which ticket they shall Deliver to one of they assistants, who shall Put them into a box Provided for that Purpose, and when the Company, or as many of them as Pleases, shall Delivered in their Votes, the Secretary and assistants shall Proceed to Draw the Tickets in the following manner, that is to say, the Secretary Shall Draw the tickets out of the box and Read the names in them, and what they are for, And the Assistants Enter the names of all those Persons Voted in Distinct collums, And they who have most Votes for Secretary, treasurer, Librarine, and assist ants for the Ensuing Year, and shall have their names Entered then accordingly by the old Secretary in a book, as aforesaid, Provided for that Purpose." New members were elected by ballot, and books to be purchased were named by the members, of which titles a list was furnished to each, and any book proposed could be objected to; after debate, the question of 524 HISTORY OF DELAWARE COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA. purchase should be decided by vote, and if two-thirds were favorable, the book was entered on a list of vol umes to be purchased. The librarian was required to be at the library every other Seventh day in the afternoon, "in spring and summer quarter, from five to seven o'clock, and in the fall and winter quarter from three to five o'Clock," to deliver and receive books. If a book had been damaged beyond ordi nary wear the member who had taken it out was re quired to pay its value, and if a set, the cost of all the volumes. According to size, the books could be retained from two to four weeks ; only one volume could be had by any member, and no one could lend or hire a book from the library. The agreement provided thus for the maintenance of good order: " If any of the Library Company Should behave themselves in Such an Indecent unbecoming Disorderly manner, as to become Disagreeable Disreputable and troublesome, In all Such CaBes two thirds of the Li brary Company mette as afforesd may by there order from under the hand of the Sectry Dirot the Treasurer for the time being to Eepay such offender or offenders his or their Prime Cost of the Library Book &c. (out of the Library Stock) after Deducting a Seasonable abatement for the ware and Delay of the Sd BookB and Incident Charges of the Library Sto; then shall the offender or offenders be disowned by the Company met as aforeBd and thereby Declare to have no Share, Eight Property or Priviledge to the Library Books or anything thereunto belonging and their Procedings thereon shall be Enter'd on Eecord accordingly." The members of the Library Company who signed the articles on May 10, 1743, were Joseph Bonsall, John Davis, James Hunt, John Sketchly, George Wood, Joshua Thomson, Samuel Bunting, Nathan Gibson, Benjamin Lobb, Enoch Elliot, Thomas Pear son, William Home, Joseph Lees, Peter Elliot, Jona than Paschall, Abraham Johnson, Isaac Pearson, John Hunt, Joseph Hunt, Abraham Marshall, John Pear son, Richard Lloyd, David Gibson, Joseph Levis, Benjamin Hayes, Thomas Pennell, Henry Lewis, Charles Crosby, John Levis. Joseph Bonsall was first secretary, Nathan Gibson treasurer, John Pearson librarian, and William Home, Isaac Pearson, Thomas Pearson, and Benjamin Lobb assistants. It was also " Ordered that the Secretary, treasurer and Librarian transmit ye several sums of money subscribed by this Company to Europe as soon as conveniently may, and purchase therewith such books as is heretofore voted for, if the money be sufficient for y" use of the Library Company." A meeting was held on May 14, 1743, at the house of John Pearson, librarian, and on October 8th " the Treasurer acquainted them that he, with y° advice and consent of the Secretary and Librarian had purchased a bill of exchange of Rebicca Edgel, drawn on Larance Williams, of London, merchant, payable in thirty days after sight to Peter Collinson, of London, gentleman," and "the Secretary acquaint the Company that, in pursuance of the aforesaid bill of Exchange and y° directions of this Company, he had wrote a letter to y" sd Peter Collinson, a copy whereof he produced and read in the following words :" "Dauby, y 14th of 4«" Month, 1743. " Feiexd Petee Collinson : "There is a Bmall number of us in Darby, near Phil1"1, who have formed ourselves into a company, in order to purchase a small set of Booke for our use ; with well-grounded expectations of our number in creasing in a little time, and being advised by our frd and neighbour, John Bartram, to apply to thee to purchase the sd books, and in con fidence of thy good disposition and from y character he gives of thee to Encourage such a decision, have thought fit thereupon to send to and desire thee to do such an office of kindness for us ; but as our number is but small, so is the sum of money, amounting only to fourteen pounds, as pr bill of exchange, drawn by Eebicca Edgel, on Larance Williams, merchant, payable to thee in thirty days after sight thereof. We also send herewith a catalogue of such books as our Company approved of, requesting thee to be so good as to buy bo many of them (taking them in order as they stand on the list) as the money will extend to pay, re serving sufficient to satisfy thee for thy trouble with the cost of Insu rance here. And when the books are purchased, please to ship them of pr the first opportunity for Philad., in such a manner and with such directions as appears to thee most convenient, either for John Bartram or the subscriber hereof. Be so good also as to get the books lettered on ye back, if that can be done without much trouble or cost, or as many of them as conveniently can be. We also deBire thee to send the price of each book purchased, that being necessary for ub to know in pursu ance of our agreement. Thy answering our requests will much oblige us, who, with due respect are thy unfeigned friends. Signed in behalf of said Company. " By Joseph Bonsall, Secretary." On the 5th of Ninth month (November), 1743, the books came from Peter Collinson, and in a letter he asked that in future Manley, bookseller on Ludgate Hill, London, should be made correspondent of the company, and that he (Collinson) would over look the books sent and the prices paid. The books thus forwarded were " The Gentleman Instructed, Puffendorf's Law of Nature and Nations, the Spec tator (8 vols.), the Turkish Spy (8 vols.), Tournefort's Voyage to the Levant (2 vols.), Whitson's Theory, Addison's Travels, Barclay's Apology, Locke on Edu cation, Religion of Nature Delineated, Gordon's Ge ography, Grammar, Sherlock on Death, Whitson's Astr0 Principles, Mondrall's Travels, Dyche's Dic tionary, Tull's Husbandry, Blackmore on ye Creation, Independent Whig (3 vols.), Wood's Institute on yc Laws of England, Milton's Paradise Lost and Regained (2 vols.), Puffendorf's History of Sweden, Rawlegh's History of y6 World (2 vols.), The Life of the Duke of Marlborough (2 vols.)." At tbe meeting on May 5, 1745, Joseph Lewis gave the company " Sewell's History of the Rise, Increase, and Progress of the People called Quakers," valued at 15s. ; Nathan Gibson gave Samuel Fisher's work called " The Rustick's Alarm to yeRabbies," valued at 20s. ; Benjamin Cliff gave Plutarch's " Lives," valued at 5s. ; Benjamin Hays gave " History of y8 First Set tlement of Virginia, New York, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania by y° English," valued at 4s. 6rf. In 1746 the committee who were appointed to pur chase books reported that they could not get the books in Pennsylvania, and state " that insurance is so high, & danger of the sea is so great at this time, that they Judge it might be to the advantage of the Company not to send it [the money] until further orders." On May 1, 1747, the company remitted £19 lis. to England for additional books. It appears that Williams & Boeketiff, the booksellers in London, had not acted to the satisfaction of the company, for the meeting ordered the secretary to draw for the DARBY BOROUGH. 525 balance in the hands of the firm, and appointed other parties as purchasing agents until 1760, when David Hall, bookseller, of Philadelphia, received and filled orders for the company. During the Revolutionary war the meetings were regularly held, and May 1, 1781, the share held by John Morton, which by will he bequeathed to his son, John, was vested in the latter's eldest brother, Sketchley Morton, Dr. John S. Morton having died. During all the years which had elapsed since the foundation of the library no effort was ever made to obtain a lot and erect a library building until Jan. 5, 1795, when Richard Welling, Hugh Lloyd, Matthias Holsten, Thomas Levis, and Benjamin Brannon were appointed to ascertain and report the site of a lot and probable cost of a suitable building. On Jan. 2, 1797, the committee reported that they could not obtain a lot " at a price that would possibly do," hence the project was abandoned. In 1804 the house (Pearson's) where the library had been kept was sold and it became necessary to re move the books, and Jacob Sewell, John Hunt, Hugh Lloyd, Samuel Ash, and Charles Pearson were ap pointed to secure a place for the books, which was done, the library being removed to Pearson's house (still standing at the corner of New and High Streets). The easy manners which prevailed at the meetings in the early part of this century is shown by the following extract from the rules adopted on Jan. 12, 1818: " No member shall smoke in our meeting during the business thereof, under a penalty of twenty-five cents for every offence." On Jan. 3, 1871, the library was again removed, to a room over Philip Siplee's saddler-shop, his daughter, Mary, being engaged as librarian, her services and the apartment being obtained for seventy-five dollars per year. In 1872 an effort was made to purchase a lot and erect a library building, subscriptions being solicited to that end, and so successful was the movement that on March 25, 1872, a lot was bought from David Henry Flickper, one thousand dollars being paid for the ground. The present ornate and commodious building, admirably adapted for the purpose, was erected by Charles Bonsall, at a cqst of eight thousand eight hundred and ninety-five dollars and fifty-four cents. The building committee consisted of Isaac T. Jones, Charles Lloyd, William D. H. Serrill, Jacob Serrill, Paschall Lloyd, J. Charles Andrews, and George Serrill, and the architect D. B. Price. In front of this building a flag-pole over fifty feet in height was planted early in the centennial yeaf, and on March 29, 1876, a large American flag, the gift of citizens of the borough, was raised, the ceremonies on that occa sion being of a highly interesting character. William Ward delivered a spirited address, as did also Dr. Stacey Jones. The old library, now approaching its sesqui-centennial anniversary, is well located, and the sphere of its usefulness should be largely extended. At this time (1884) its officers areas follows: Presi dent, Isaac T. Jones ; Vice-President, Jacob S. Sew ell ; Treasurer, Daniel S. White; Secretary, W. Lane Verlenden ; Librarian, Mrs. A. E. Crozer. The Darby Fire Company.— On the 27th of Jan uary, 1775, the Darby Fire Company was organized by the adult active male residents of the village. In the articles of association it is set forth that each sub scriber, " for the better preservation of our own and neighbor's houses, goods, and effect from fire, would at his own proper charge provide two leathern buck ets, to be marked with his own name and respective company, and shall be kept ready at hand and applied to no other use than for preserving our own and neighbor's houses, goods, and effects." Any neglect of this agreement subjected the member so offending to a fine of five shillings, excepting in those cases where buckets were lost at a fire. A sufficient sum was contributed to purchase ladders, which were kept in a convenient place, and were forbidden to be used for any purpose than at a fire, or by any one not a member of the company. The ladders or buckets lost while in service were to be replaced out of the company's fund. A fine of five shillings was imposed on all members who failed to attend at a fire occur ring on the premises of one of the company, unless a reasonable excuse could be shown. The annual meeting was on third 2d day of Tenth month, at three o'clock, and if any member neglected to be present, such neglect was punishable by a fine of two shillings. Every member was required to serve as clerk for a year, beginning with the first subscriber to the articles, and "so in rotation" till all had served. That officer was required to inspect buckets, notify members of meetings, keep the minutes, collect all fines and dues. If the clerk failed to give notice of meet ing to any member, he was liable to a fine of one shilling for every member not notified, while a clerk not properly performing his duty was liable to a fine of five shillings. A treasurer was also annually elected. A member refusing to pay his fines his name should be erased from the roll, and he should be excluded from all rights and forfeit all interest in the ladders and other property of the company. The articles, which were " printed by Zachariah Poul- son, Junior, No. 106 Chestnut St., Philad., 1796," thirty years after the organization of the company, concluded : " XI. Lastly, That upon the death of any of our company the survi vors shall, in time of danger aB aforesaid, be aiding and assisting to the widow of such decedent during her widowhood as if her husband had been living, Bhe only keeping the buckets in repair, and causing them to be sent to every fire as aforesaid." The first meeting was held April 10, 1775, at which time the business meetings of the company were called semi-annually until April 10, 1780, when the provision for an annual meeting iu the Tenth month in every year was adopted. On Nov. 25, 1793, the feet of the company's ladders were shod with iron, and a move- 526 HISTORY OF DELAWARE COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA. ment was made looking to the purchase of a fire- engine, but in 1798 the subscriptions which had been paid for that object were returned to the contributors. In 1800 a hook-ladder was ordered to be purchased, and in 1802 a ladder was directed to be placed at Nathaniel Newlin's barn, another at Jonathan Bon sall's, and still another at Henry Paschall's. Mem bers were also authorized to use any of the company's ladders in putting up conductors (lightning-rods), provided the ladders were returned within three days after being taken away from the designated places where they were ordered to be kept. The following is a list of the members who served as clerk from 1775 to 1851, when the order of rotation in office seems to have been abandoned : 1775, Henry Hays ; 1776, Jesse Bonsall, Isaac Pearson ; 1777, John Pascball ; 1778, David Humphreys ; 1779, Isaac Lloyd, John Horn ; 1780, Aaron Oakford, John Hunt ; 1781, John Humphreys, William Parker; 1782, Henry Paschall, Joseph Pearson, Jacob Webber, John Eichards ; 1783, Jacob Eudolpb ; 1784, Jacob Serrill; 1785, Joseph Bonsall; 1786, Benjamin Paschall; 1787, Samuel Bunting, Joshua Bonsall, John Mit chel ; 1788, Jonathan Bonsall ; 1789, Philip Price ; 1790, no record ; 1791, Benjamin Bartram; 1792, Nathan Pearson; 1793, Hugh Lloyd; 1794, Nathaniel Newlin ; 1795, Benjamin Oakford ; 1799, Isaac Oakford ; 1798, Matthias Holstien; 1799, Eichard Lloyd; 1800, William Gardiner; 1801, Jacob Gibbons; 1802, John Hunt; 1803, Levi Bonsall; 1804, Thomas Leacock; 1805, Samuel BunUng; 1806, John Hatin ; 1807, Benjamin Pearson ; 1808, Joseph Heacock ; 1809, John Eively ; 1810, Isaac Bar tram; 1811, William Humphreys; 1812, George Serrill; 1813, Stephen Horn ; 1814, William Supplee ; 1815. Benjamin Bartram, Jr. ; 1816, Hugh Lloyd ; 1817, Halliday Jackson; 1818, George Serrill ; 1819, John Bunt ing; 1820, John H. Bunting; 1821, George Serrill; 1822, Isaac Sullen- der; 1823, William Bunting; 1824, Aaron Clement; 11-25, Johu Bar tram ; 1826, Thomas Serrill ; 1827, Thomas Smith ; 1828, Joseph Dogson ; 1829, John H. Audrews ; 1830, James Bunting; 1831, John Brooks; 1832, William P. Pusey ; 1833, Jonas Morton ; 1834, Capt. James Serrill; 1835, Abram G. Hunt ; 1836, Jonah D. Bonsall ; 1837, Hill Pennell ; 1838, Benjamin Serrill; 1839, John Smith, Jr.; 1840, Dr. Samuel Thomas; 1841, Samuel Eoe ; 1842, John Jackson; 1843, Hugh P. Lloyd (he also acted for 1844 instead of Joseph H. Bonsall, " whose term it was") ; 1845, David T. Morton ; 1846. James Andrews ; 1847, William P. Serrill, who remained clerk' until 1851, after which date the secretaries were ap pointed for the meetings and committees to notify members and inspect the buckets and property of company. There were several of the early members who ap pear never to have acted as clerks. The dates of the admission of such were as follows: 1783, Joshua Humphreys, Samuel Smith, Jesse Sharpless; 1791, Samuel Ash; 1792, Thomas Lloyd; 1794, Matthew Jones; 1795, Isaac Serrill; 1796, Samuel Oliver; 1800, James Andrews, Jonathan Tyson, John Tha- bourne; 1809, Solomon Humphreys; 1811, Edward Garrigues; 1814, Thomas Steel, M. C. Shallcross; 1815, Thomas Thompson, Andrew Cox ; 1816, Rich ard Gardner; 1818, Joseph M. Morgan ; 1822, Joshua Ward. At subsequent dates the following residents of Darby and neighborhood became members of the company : Abraham G. Hunt, Josiah D. Bonsall, Joel Bonsall, William Pennell, Samuel R. Lamplugh, John Smith, Jr., John H. Brown, Samuel Thomas, Samuel Roe, John Jackson, Hugh P. Lloyd, Joseph H. Bonsall, Daniel T. Morton, Maris W. Lewis, James Andrews, William P. Serrill, Jonathan Ha- dock, Thomas L. Bartram, Henry Garrigues, Caleb Ash, Isaac L. Bartram, Turner Risdon, Hugh Lloyd, Paschall Lloyd, John Tribit, William H. Bunting, George Serrill, William Liucoln, Stephen H. Brooks, William G. Davis, Harry Paschall, Charles Lloyd, Jr., Benjamin W. Oakford, Dell Pennell, John L. Pass- more, Richard Blundin, John B. Bartram, Joseph M. Bunting, Charles Tribit, Richard K. Smith, Edward Taylor, Evans E. Russell. At a meeting held at the house of Samuel Ash, Oct. 13, 1817, Hugh Lloyd was elected permanent presi dent, and Benjamin Pearson permanent secretary. In 1821 the company had a "ladder-house near the (Blue) Bell Inn," which house was that year removed to another location. In 1822 the ladder-house at Darby "wants a new roof," and the ladder "at Na thaniel Newlin's barn is geting twisted & crooked for want of proper hangings" (it was reported in 1825 as "so broken as to render it useless"), and Benjamin Pearson " requested the company to remove the ladder House now on his ground." At the annual meeting in 1823, Thomas Smith, James Bunting, George Ser rill, John Hunt, and John H. Bunting were ap pointed a committee "to ascertain what kind of an engine would best suit the company and what would be the cost of it and also what amount can be sub scribed." At the next annual meeting the committee reported that an engine " could not be procured for less than $250," whereupon the company decided that it was " inexpedient to adopt any further measures at this time relative to it." At the meeting of Oct. 9, 1826, it was decided "that the company shall sup to gether this evening," which is the first appearance of the modern banquet in the company's minutes, although then a half-century had elapsed since its organization. On June 20, 1833, a special meeting of the company was held at the public-house of S. R. Lamplough, when the following preamble and resolutions were adopted: " The Company by the voluntary contributions of the members, aided by the liberal subscriptions of many of those who do not belong to it, have procured an engine at a cost of two hundred and twenty-five dol lars, which is placed under the care and control of the said Fire Com pany, Therefore, " Resolved, That the grateful acknowledgments of the Company are hereby tendered to those nersons who have aided them in procuring it. " Resolved, that the offer of the use of a house for the engine made by Samuel Ash, an honorary member of the Company, be accepted, and the thanks of the company are hereby tendered to him for the same." Capt. James Serrill, James Bunting, and Joseph Dogson were appointed a committee "to procure one hundred feet of hose to be attached to the engine." At a meeting in the following October the ladder- house in Darby was removed to the lot adjoining the printing-house. Y. S. Walter had in the preceding August begun the publication of the Delaware County Republican in the village of Darby, and we learn that the clerk had " procured a number of printed blanks for notifying the members of the time of meeting." The committee appointed to purchase hose reported DARBY BOROUGH. 527 that sixty feet of leather hose had been procured, for which $40.45 had been paid, and that twenty-five feet of gum-elastic hose had been ordered, but was not finished ready for delivery. A reel-carriage for the hose had also been purchased. At the October meet ing in 1834, the committee on hose reported the gum- elastic hose could not be had, and they had purchased leather hose in its stead. At the same meeting Capt. James Serrill, Isaac Bartram, and Abram G. Hunter were appointed a committee to procure " a situation and to erect thereon a suitable House for the safe keeping of tbe Engine and Hose." At the following annual meeting this committee reported that they had not " performed the duty assigned them," and they were continued a committee " for the purpose and are directed to use more diligence than heretofore." But the following years the report was not of a more sat isfactory character. On Jan. 23, 1837, the committee reported that they bad procured " a situation and erected a house sufficient for the engine and hose and that they were removed to it, the cost of which amounted to one hundred and six dollars." At the following annual meeting, Capt. James Serrill was appointed to have the words " Darby Fire Engine" painted on the front of the engine-house. In 1840 the roof of the ladder-house was so much out of repair that a committee was appointed to have it repaired. At the meeting on Nov. 27, 1851, a committee was appointed to "ascertain whether the owners of the en gine in Paschallville will place it under the direction of the company." With what success does not appear in writing, the minutes of the meeting not being tran scribed in the record-book after that date. The com panies were, however, consolidated and took the name "Darby and Paschallville Fire Company." The company preserved its organization until 1871, when the borough authorities decided to institute a paid department, and on Nov. 6, 1871, Council elected Enos Verlenden chief engineer. On Jan. 1, 1872, a room was rented at the mills of the Verlenden Broth ers for three years, in which to house the engine, and the " old machine," after a half-century of ser vice, in good repair, is ready, at any moment, for use when required. Licensed Houses.— ¦¦Darby, one of the earliest set tlements after Penn acquired title to the province of Pennsylvania, grew more rapidly in population than any locality within the limits of the present county of Delaware, and must necessarily have been largely supplied with houses of public entertainment to ac commodate the constant stream of emigration flowing thitherward. The first notice that had been found regarding taverns there is the extract from the pro ceedings of Darby town-meeting, held in 1715, quoted by Dr. Smith, which sets forth : " That travellers having nothing to defray their charges at the public Inn, shall be allowed ten pence a night (if they are first allowed by the overseers of the poor)." Who it was that then held the license has not been learned, but it is presumed it must have been John Tests, for Aug. 28, 1717, he was granted " renewal of license to keep a public house in Darby," and in 1719, Margaret Tests, in all likelihood his widow, was also favored with like consideration by the court. Although long previous to that date Wood kept a tavern in Darby, as appears from the evidence in a trial for an assault a few years after the first arrival of Penn in the province. On Sixth month 30, 1720, Edward Smout made ap plication to be permitted "to sell all sorts of Liquors, and to keep a house of entertainment" in the dwell ing he then occupied. The petition being favorably acted on, Smout remained there until 1724, when he having removed to Chichester, Thomas Pattison seems to have succeeded to the business, and con tinued it until 1734, when his petition is indorsed "cannot be allowed." Among the old records at West Chester, as of August court, 1734, isaletterfrom Catha rine Pattison, addressed to Joseph Parker, the clerk of court, asking him to intercede for her in her application for license for the house. " My husband," she says, " has been gone from me near a week, nor have I any body to take Care of my business, nor do I expect he will Come again." Her application, however, was re jected, and Nov. 26, 1734, Richard Parker petitioned for license in Darby, alleging that "one publick house being not sufficient," a view of the case which seemed to impress the judicial mind so strongly that they adopted Parker's conclusion as the correct one. The "one publick house" mentioned in Parker's application was that kept by Thomas Pulford, who had presented his petition Aug. 30, 1721, in which he requested the court to confer upon him the right to " Sell all sorts of Liquors" in Darby, which leave was granted, and annually extended to him up to and in cluding the year 1734. However, one year after li cense was first granted to Pulford, in 1722, Abel Pear son was also allowed the like privilege, and on the bond given that year by Pulford, Abel Pearson ap pears as the surety, while on that given by Pearson, Thomas Pulford is the bondsman. Pearson had enough of tavern-keeping in one year, for in the latter part of 1738, Pattison was licensed, and the same pleasant agreement of two of a trade is noticed again, inasmuch as Pulford and Pattison became security one for the other. The Ship. — In 1735, Benjamin Davis petitioned for and was allowed to keep a public-house in Darby, which place in all probabilities was then known as it was in 1770, and for thirty odd years in the present century, as the " Ship." In the same year in which Davis found favor with the court (1735) John Lee, or Lea, petitioned for li cense at the house where Thomas Pulford lived in the village. Joseph Need and twenty other residents in the neighborhood, in anticipation of this request, on the last Tuesday in May presented a remonstrance, which 528 HISTORY OF DELAWARE COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA. set forth that John Lee, late of Philadelphia City, was a tailor by trade, and as there were two public-houses then in the town, — Davis' license had been granted early in that year, — there was no necessity for a third tavern. The judges looked favorably upon this " rep resentation," and when Lee's application came before the August court it was refused. Davis did not continue long as a publican, for Aug. 30, 1737, William Thomas petitioned for tbe court's favor, and stated in his application that he had " pur chased the dwelling-house in Darby where Benjamin Davis lately dwelt, which has been a publick house several years," and license was continued to him until Aug. 28, 1744, when William Donaldson, having leased the premises, succeeded Thomas as landlord of the inn, and remained as such until 1758, when Mar garet Donaldson succeeded him in the business, to be herself followed in turn, in 1760, by John Wilkinson. The latter continued there until 1770, when John Mitchell received the license, and in his petition that year, for the first time, occurs the noted name of the old hostelry, as before mentioned. In 1774, Mitchell was succeeded in business by John Richards, and when the latter died in 1779 his widow, Ann, took out the license. Agnes Bryce seems to have had con trol of the inn in 1782, and John Bryce the year fol lowing. In 1786, Samuel Smith was granted license for that year, and annually thereafter until 1795, when he died, and his widow, Elizabeth, continued there until 1803, at which date her daughter, Tacy, suc ceeded to the business. The year following (1804) Tacy Smith associated Sidney Smith, her sister, in the enterprise, and to them the license was annually granted until 1833. During the war of 1812 the old weather-beaten sign of the Ship, still displaying the British flag at the peak, creaked in the wind, and as patriotic spirit ran high, a number of boys in the village determined that the flag of the enemy must come down, and arming themselves with stones, they battered the ancient sign to pieces. The proprietors of the inn very quietly substituted in its place a new sign representing an American frigate in full sail bearing an American ensign. The residents of Darby fifty years ago used to say of these maiden ladies of uncertain age, " May the Lord help the man that wanders in there if he cannot give his family pedi gree from Noah down, together with his own age, whence he came, whither he was going, and whether he was married or single." In 1833, Hannah Rice succeeded the Misses Smith as landlady of the Ship, and continued so until 1835, when the Smiths again procured license until 1838, when John Smith removed from the Market Wagon (which latter place in that year ceased to be a public-house) and .be came the landlord of the Ship. The ancient hostelry was to bear that name no more, for it was licensed as the " Darby Village Inn," and continued to be known as such for many years subsequently. In 1840, Norris Hannum became the landlord, and the line of stages which John Smith, when he re linquished tavern-keeping, sold to Edward Ingram, continued to make the Village Inn their point of arrival and departure. Here Hannum continued until his death, his widow, Sarah B. Hannum, receiving license for the first time in 1847, the year when grant ing license to vend spirituous liquors by a popular vote under the provisions of the act of Assembly (afterwards declared unconstitutional) had been inter dicted in all the townships of Delaware County ex cepting Concord, Thornbury, Edgmont, Middletown, and Darby. In 1848, Mrs. Hannum received license, and in her petition set forth the name of the house as the "Farmers' and Mechanics' Hotel," a title that seemed to please her fancy and which she could use with all propriety, since the original dwelling bearing that name had ceased to be a public-house. In 1852, William Russell, Jr., had the old inn, and he dubbed it anew as the " Plank-Road House." Here he con tinued until 1856, when he was succeeded by Franklin Thornton, after which date the old inn had several landlords, and was finally torn down, and a new build ing erected, which is now kept by John Standerling us " The Philadelphia Hotel." On Aug. 31, 1736, John Hallowell strove to obtain license by showing that " he had rented a house of Joseph Hibberd, in Darby, by the King's Road, and he and his wife, being stricken in years," were per sons well fitted to receive the court bounty, but the justices refused their approval of his petition. In 1756, Barbara McCullough was granted license to keep a tavern in Darby township, and in 1758 was followed by John Wayton, while he in turn gave place to John Trapnall, in 1765, after which occurs a break of seven years, until 1773, when Henry Schrieber was a recipient of the court's favor, presumably at the same place, after which it disappears of record. Sixth month 28, 1744, John Pearson presented his petition asking that he be allowed to keep a house of entertainment in Darby, "where Thomas Bulford kept tavern," and was allowed. The following year John Rudolph, who had rented the premises, suc ceeded John Pearson as landlord, and continued there until 1747, when John Pearson again presented his petition, and stated therein that John Rudolph was about to remove from the house he had formerly kept and desired license for the same, which was granted him. The Blue Anchor Tavern.— The same year (1747) John Rudolph was allowed license, but it is very probable it was not in the same place where he had formerly kept, for both he and Pearson were con tinued annually to be licensed by the court until 1754, when Pearson's name for the last time appears of record. Where Rudolph's tavern was at that time I have failed to learn so as to state its locality beyond doubt, but in 1763, William Pinville seems to have followed him in business, to be succeeded in the year 1765 by John Rudolph, and the latter in 1770 by DARBY BOROUGH. 529 Daniel Bessonett, who states in his petition that the license is desired for the house " where John Rudolph kept on west side of Darby Creek, in town of Darby." This statement would indicate that Rudolph had been landlord of the once noted Blue Anchor Tavern, which stood on the west side of the creek near the bridge. At all events, in 1772, when Jacob Rudolph made ap plication for the court's indulgence at the old stand, he states it is " where his father was." In 1775, Mary, the widow of John Rudolph, became the landlady, and the following year she was succeeded by William Smith, and the latter, in 1783, by Isaac Thompson, when the inn, then known as the " Bee Hive," passed out of our annals as a public-house, although it is again mentioned in 1806, when Archibald Gardener asked the privilege to renew the license there, stating that he "hath rented the House formerly occupied for a long time by the Rudolphs as a public-house ; . . . that being advanced in years and having a numerous small family to support, Prays your Honors to grant him a permit to sell Beer and sider." The court after due consideration concluded to refuse the prayer of the petitioner. On Friday afternoon, March 20, 1857, the old large stone building, formerly the Blue Anchor, which was then occupied as a dwelling by ten or twelve colored families, was destroyed by fire. The Market Wagon.— In 1822, Joseph Warner, of Darby, stated to the court that he then occupied a house and lot on the main street, where Capt. James Serrill lately dwelt, which house he declared was necessary for the accommodation of travelers and " market people using the road in particular." His petition was indorsed by seventy-three signatures. A remonstrance was filed, signed by thirty persons, whose objections to the house were that immediately in the neighborhood were two public-houses which furnished all the accommodation desired ; that they also feared that if a greater number of public-bouses should be located in the village, " some of them will have to resort to a neighboring custom for support," hence they resisted the licensing of new taverns, "which are useless and may be injurious." The court, however, granted Warner's petition, and con tinued so to do until 1825, when he having died his widow, Hannah, who named the house the " Market Wagon," continued the landlady until 1833. She was popularly known as " Aunt Hannah." Like Madame Defarge, she was constantly employed in knitting, and was never seen in public without her needles, which furnished occupation to her fingers as she lis tened to or related the trifling happenings of the cir cumscribed world in which she lived. In February, 1833, she was succeeded in business by John Smith, who had formerly kept the Blockleyville inn in Phil adelphia. In March, 1837, John Smith, who had learned by this time the value of a line of daily stages to a tavern which was the point of arrival and departure, purchased Tomlinson's business and made the headquarters of the line at this inn. 34 Farmers' and Mechanics' Inn.— In 1831, John Brown, of Darby, presented his petition, in which he set forth that for several years previous to his appli cation he had kept a house of public entertainment in the village purposely for the accommodation of people going to and coming from market; that he was " provided with stabling, hay, oats, etc., a large shed for those who carry their own feed to feed their horses in, supplying his guests with beer, cyder and vitwals when they require it ; that he has two spare beds for lodging, and keeping a warm bar-room (in cold weather), where the greater part get all the lodging they require." He concludes by asking that " he be permitted to add the further accommodation to travelers of selling them spiritous liquors, wines, etc." The court granted the license desired, and " Uncle John," who rarely ever spoke, but bowed or smiled on almost every occasion, and whose nod, like that of Lord Burleigh, had a monstrous deal of mean ing in it, when he first received license, his head is said for several days to have moved with the regular nodding motion of a plaster mandarin, and his face was one continual rippling series of smiles. His house he called the " Farmers' and Mechanics' Inn." He died in 1835 ; certainly in that year his widow, Re becca Brown, was granted the license, which was continued to her until 1839, when the house ceased to be a licensed tavern. The old building still stands just below the Imperial Mills, at the foot of the steep hill which formerly was the east end of the village. The Buttonwood.— Aug. 28, 1739, George Wood, of Darby, applied for license, and in his petition stated that he had "laboured for some years under almost continued Indisposition of Body, and thereby ren dered incapable of taking the necessary care of his plantation, and having a large family to maintain," asked leave of the court to keep tavern in the house belonging to Benjamin Lobb, which application met with the favorable opinion of the justices. In 1750, Wood having died, his widow, Hannah, applied for and received the license, and for twelve years carried on the business, being succeeded in 1769 by Henry Hayes. In 1773, Sarah Pearson kept the house, and 1776 Isaac Serrill, who appears to have been the owner of the premises, received license for the ancient inn, and for the first time the name " Mariner's Compass" appears, indicating that the story of the old Button- wood is now being narrated. There being no record for 1777, I cannot state who was the landlord of the inn during the fall of that year, when the retreating American army, fresh from the defeat at Brandywine, fled through the village, but in 1778 Henry Hays be came "mine host" of the Mariner's Compass, and continued as such until 1786, when Isaac Serrill once more became its landlord. It was during his time that Gen. Washington was entertained at dinner there, and it is related that when he attempted to enter the house "he found the doorway so low or himself so tall that he was forced to stoop." It was 530 HISTORY OF DELAWARE COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA. on this occasion, so tradition says, that Washington was presented with a superb white charger as a testi monial of the high regard in which he was held by a number of his admirers residing in Darby and its vicinity. I can find no record of this presentation to Washington and doubt it, although I have seen it so stated in newspaper articles on several occasions. In 1790, after the formation of Delaware County, Samuel Ash had license at the old inn, and continued there until 1820, when, having become a very aged man, he was succeeded as landlord by Stephen Howe. The latter changed the title of the tavern to that of " The Drove," by which name it was known until 1833, when Samuel R. Lamplugh became the man ager of the inn, and again the old sign in a measure was restored so far as the name " Compass" was con cerned, the word "Mariner's" being omitted. In the year when Lamplugh obtained license L. Kittenger ran a line of stages between Darby and Philadelphia, which left the Cross-Keys on Fourth Street in the latter city daily at 9 o'clock a.m. and 5 p.m., while the schedule time of departure from Lamplugh's tavern was 7J A.M. and 5 P.M. In December of the same year, J. Tomlinson having purchased the line from Kittenger, placed on the route a large omnibus, the " William Penn," which, when it first rumbled into Darby drawn by four black horses, awakened the then quiet village to an unusual degree of excitement. In 1836 William Russell had license for the house, and the ancient and noted inn took again its time-honored title in full. In 1837, after Tomlinson sold his stage route to John Smith, Cameron & Keogh started an opposition line of omnibuses between Philadelphia and Darby, making their headquarters at Russell's house. The rivalry between the two inns and stage lines continued, and the enterprise apparently not proving remunerative to Cameron & Keogh, the latter disposed of their business to Evan S. Russell, a son of the tavern-keeper, who continued the stages as the " Express Line of Omnibuses," while to add to the attraction at his house, William Russell ran in addi tion " a safe and easy carriage and two horses from his house in Darby." In 1844 William Russell was succeeded by William Russell, Jr., and he, in turn, in 1849 .by Evan E. Russell, a brother of the preceding host. Although I do not find previous to this time the inn styled the Buttonwood from the records, I distinctly remember that about 1846 it was popularly known by that name. The old tree from which the inn was called, which stood before the door and had become so decayed on one side that the cavity was built in and supported by brick-work, is among my earliest recollections of Darby. It is related that Thomas Leiper, who used to stop his horses at the inn, always had his carriage to stand some distance off, declaring the old buttonwood would fall some day and he did not propose to be under it when it fell. In 1855 James H. Malin became landlord of the inn which he dubbed anew as the " Girard Hotel." The sign hung on a frame on Main Street, and it was not until 1866, in Malin's petition for that year, that the house was called " The Buttonwood Hotel." In 1871 Malin was succeeded by James H. Lloyd. In 1879 the old tavern was taken down and the present hotel erected on its site. The Buttonwood is now kept by Thomas H. Boyd. In 1880 the stone house which had formerly stood near the old Steel mill, and was moved bodily several hundred feet to the main street, was licensed as the Arlington House, but after a brief period the court refused to continue the privilege there. The noted Blue Bell Inn, which is located just over the county-line, on the east bank of Crum Creek, during the Revolution was kept by the Pas chall family. Townsend Ward relates that on one oc casion "Gen. Washington stopped there, and chanced to hear the girls in the kitchen (there were three of them) chatting about him, one of them saying she would like to kiss him. He opened the door and in quired which of them it was who was so willing, but none would speak, for they greatly feared the majestic man. 'Then I will kiss all of you,' he said, and descending, as Jove did, he kissed them all, but it was in that proper manner so becoming in the days of our grandfathers. Until 1855 the venerable dame, who long survived her sisters, was wont to relate the inci dent with no little pride."1 A Few Old Houses and their Owners.— About a half-mile below Darby, on the Southern post-road, the residence of the late Judge Andrews, was the farm of Nathaniel Newlin. He was a man of great prom inence in the county, and, notwithstanding his dec laration during the Revolution that " he found King George's government .good enough for him," he was elected a member of the Constitutional Convention of 1790 ; in 1791-92 was a member of the Assembly ; in 1794^99, State senator from Delaware County, and was several times offered the nomination for Con gress by the dominant party, but declined it. His residence subsequently became the property of Judge Andrews. On March 2, 1849, James Andrews and two Philadelphia police-officers made the arrest of a gang of thieves. His barn had been robbed of a number of articles, and suspicion rested on a colored family named Brown, living near Calcoon Hook. Armed with a search-warrant, Mr. Andrews and the officers searched the dwelling of Brown, and three hundred hams, three shoulders, and thirty-five chick ens were found, besides watches, fine table-linen, clothing, harness, and many other articles. The col ored man attempted to stab Andrews, but was pre vented. Eight persons were arrested, committed to jail, and subsequently tried. On Friday, June 14, 1850, in the orchard of this estate, an unknown man was found suspended by the neck, where he had hung himself several hours before being discovered. The ' " A Walk to Darby," Penna. Mag. of Hist., vol. iii. p. 264. UPPER DARBY TOWNSHIP. 531 residence has always been one of the most attractive of the houses of colonial days still remaining, on the old Queen's Highway to Chester. Just on the margin of the Kakarikonk, or Cobb's Creek, in Delaware County, and on the east of the Darby road, " is the picturesque mansion-house of the Smiths, of Tinicum, bought by them of the Lloyds in 1816. An ancient house, a part of it dating from 1725, embowered among aged trees, no destroy ing hand has as yet touched the antique double-door, now so rarely seen, and which in this place yet retains what perhaps can nowhere else be seen, — veritable " bull's-eyes." These are round pieces of glass, very thick in the middle, and inserted, two of them, in the upper part of the door to afford some little light to the hall. The northern door, the eastern door, and an inside one opening into the dining-room, each con tain two of these now almost unknown adornments. A wooden lock, yet in good and serviceable condition, is in use on one of the doors of the house.1 Societies. — Orphan's Rest Lodge, No. 132, 1. O. of 0. F., was instituted Oct. 20, 1845, the following persons being named in the charter as officers : Charles Roe, N. G. ; James McNulty, V. G. ; John E. Levis, Sec. ; David Roe, Treas. The lodge was constituted at the Buttonwood Hotel, then kept by William Russell, Jr., and meetings were held there until 1852, when the lodge was moved to the frame building on the east side of the street, now owned by Joseph Powell. In 1867 it was again removed to a room specially prearranged for its accommodation, in the third story of the brick building now owned by John Davis, where the lodge is now located. There are ninety-four members at the present time, and George Wiley is N. G. ; Joseph Hallis, V. G. ; G. W. Guest, Sec. ; and Caleb B. Bonsall, Treas. The fol lowing persons are the Past Grands of Orphan's Rest Lodge in good standing : Moses Bonsall, Caleb Bon sall, Henry Bonsall, Charles T. Brooks, Humphry Brooks, John Biddle, Edward Bolduc, James E. Coombs, John L. Davis, Emanuel Ewing, Thomas Foulds, Charles Farrell, James A. Hill, Henry Hews, Theodore Knight, Thomas S. Keithler, John M. Lamplough, John Lincoln, William P. Mancil, James H. Malin, William McConnell, Charles Sladen, Samuel Wiley, James F. Wilby, Nimrod Dibler, James H. Bonsall, William Ewing, George G. Patchel. General Taylor Encampment, No. 54, 1. O. of O. F., was named in honor of Gen. Zachary Taylor, sub sequently President of the United States, and was chartered Jan. 29, 1847, with the following officers : William Russell, Jr., C. P. ; David Cooper, S. W. ; Joseph Grover, J. W. ; Cbarles T. Roe, H. P. ; B. Clarkson Davis, Sec. ; Thornton Russell, G. ; Charles A. Litzenberg, Treas. The following incidents are worthy of preservation in a history of Delaware County : 1 " A Walk to Darby," by Townsend Ward, Penna. Mag. of Hist., vol. iii. p. 264. Capt. James Serrill, of Darby, in 1821, at that time captain of the sailing-ship "Tuscarora," made a voy age to Liverpool in seventeen days, which was then the fastest trip ever made by a sailing vessel between the United States and Europe, and for many years was not equaled. In 1839, James Bunting, of Darby, had erected a frame cocoonery, which was ninety-two by thirty-five feet, and was considered as an unusually large building to be devoted to the rearing of silk worms. On Aug. 6, 1840, Joseph Ingraham, an aged man residing at Darby, fell backwards into a well near the door of his residence, striking and dislocating his neck, occasioning instant death. On April 30, 1873, a six-year-old girl, named Jones, an adopted daughter of Mrs. Rively, of Darby, died of hydropho bia. Six weeks prior to her death she had been bitten by a dog. The child exhibited no symptoms of rabies until the day before her death, when she frothed at the mouth, was attacked by spasms at the sight of water, and showed other evidences of canine madness. In April, 1875, Mrs. Eliza Ford died in Philadel phia. She had formerly been a resident of Darby, and it is related on Thanksgiving day, in 1858, while pouring tea for guests, her arms suddenly fell to her side, her limbs became motionless, and never again regained their power. She was carried to bed, where she remained until her death. Even when removed to Philadelphia, she was taken there on the bed. Al though perfectly helpless, she accumulated flesh rap idly. Her arms and legs grew to double tbe size of those of persons in ordinary health. Her weight was five hundred pounds, and after death four strong men with difficulty lifted the body from the bed. Her coffin measured thirty six inches across, and so great was its weight after the corpse was placed in it that it was laid upon the floor and rolled on rollers to the front door, after the funeral services in the house were CHAPTER XLII. UPPER DARBY TOWNSHIP. As stated in the historical account of Darby •town ship, the official division between Upper and Lower Darby was not made until after the Revolutionary war, although, practically, such separate municipal districts were recognized by the people of Darby, in cluding all the territory now embraced in both the townships, many years prior to the war of Independ ence. Upper Darby having the Kakarikonk, Mill, or Cobb's Creek as its eastern boundary, and the Muck- ruton or Darby Creek traversing the southwestern end of the township to Tuscarora Mills at the Gar- rettford road, and thence that stream constitutes its western boundary, gave to the district in colonial times much prominence, because of the many mill- seats and water-powers located within the territory. 532 HISTORY OF DELAWARE COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA. Settled as it was by members of the society of Friends, its early history lacks much in those sterling incidents which other localities, even in Delaware County, present ; but the rural population in Upper Darby, by thrifty and careful husbandry, soon made that section of the county very productive and its inhabitants comparatively wealthy. At the southwestern limit of the township was a tract of one hundred and fifty acres, to which the name "Primos" was given on July 12, 1683, and was surveyed to John Blunston, which subsequently, June 6, 1688, became the property of Thomas Hood, who emigrated from Breason, County Derby, England. In 1692 fifty acres of this plan tation was conveyed to John Hood, doubtless the son of John Hood, Sr., who settled in Darby in 1683, immediately above the Blunston tract. On July 12, 1683, one hundred and fifty acres of land was surveyed to Joseph Potter, on which estate the present railroad station, at Oak Lane, is located. The prop erty subsequently was conveyed to John Hallowell, who emigrated from Nottinghamshire, England, in 1683, and who had settled, it is believed, on this land, which, as his means permitted, he purchased in fifty- acre lots at various dates. To Thomas Whitbie, on July 12, 1683, the estate known as " Lebion" was sur veyed. He appears never to have resided thereon, but on July 22, 1687, it was conveyed to John Roads, and on this tract Clifton Station is now located. To the northward of "Lebion" was a tract of one hun dred and fifty acres, which, on July 12, 1683, was surveyed to Edward Cartledge. This tract extended from the western line of the township to Darby Creek on the east. He emigrated from Derbyshire, England, in 1683, and before he came he had purchased lands from William Penn. He was a man far advanced in life when he came to the province, for he was eighty- four years old, in 1703, when he died. Immediately above the Cartledge land, on a tract through which at the present time runs the Delaware County turn pike from Darby Creek, at Kelly ville, westward almost to the township line, was a plantation of two hun dred acres, which Joseph Need purchased in equal parts of one hundred acres from Thomas Brassey and Samuel Levis. There Need, who was a quiet hus bandman, lived nearly half a century, dying in 1741. Above the Need tract all the remaining land lying between Darby Creek on the east and the Springfield line on the west, and extending north to the point where the township line unites with Darby Creek, on March 22, 1681, and comprising two hundred acres, was conveyed to Isaac Wheeldon, and he in turn sold it to Samuel Levis, March 13, 1695. Levis seems not to have personally settled on this tract, but part of this land is now owned by Oborn Levis, a descendant of the early settler. At the southern part of Upper Darby, east of the creek of that name, was a tract of one hundred and fifty acres, extending to Cobb's Creek, which was sur veyed to John Blunston Sept. 10, 1682. The village of Fernwood is located on the one hundred acres which was purchased by Joseph Fearn, May 28, 1712. Above this tract, at a point a trifle west of Lansdowne Sta tion, a line drawn to the New Jerusalem Church, and thence due west to the old Marker Paper-Mills, on Darby Creek, and then following the creek to the bend above the Lower Darby line, and thence due east to the post a short distance west of Lansdowne Sta tion, was a large tract containing six hundred and fifty- five acres, surveyed to George Wood Nov. 6, 1682. This tract subsequently was divided among his de scendants, and two hundred acres of the lower part were conveyed to Richard Bonsall March 1, 1697/8. On the land acquired by Bonsall, Kellyvilleis located. Richard Bonsall is the progenitor of the family of that name in Pennsylvania. To the east of the Wood tract four hundred and fifty acres were surveyed to William Smith Oct. 31, 1682. Ten years later this estate was sold to Anthony Morgan, who emigrated from Cardiff, Glamorganshire, Wales, in 1689, first settling on the west side of Cobb's Creek, above the present Blue Bell Inn, but in 1700 he removed to his plantation in Upper Darby, where he died in 1732, a very aged man. Morgan, shortly after he purchased the property, sold one hundred and fifty acres to John Marshall, lying along the creek at the upper end of the tract, Naylor's Run separating the latter planta tion almost in halves, and as the highway, known as Marshall's road, ran almost through the entire length of his land, from that fact it took the name it now bears. This John Marshall and Sarah Smith were the first persons married in the old log meeting-house of Friends, at Darby, in 1688, mentioned in the account of that building. Prior to the purchase of this land Marshall had acquired title to sixty-four acres lying north of the Smith tract, while just above Samuel Sellers had patented one hundred acres, and the fol lowing year (1691) purchased seventy-five and one- half acres of Charles Lee, who had, in 1685, received a patent for one hundred and eighty acres extending along Cobb's Creek. Sellers must have occupied this tract several years prior to his purchase, for in 1684 he wedded Ann Gibbons, at Darby Meeting, before the meeting-house was built, and the bride rode to her home in Upper Darby on a pillion behind her hus band. During the first year of their residence on this land they lived in a cave, the location of which is preserved to this day as " Cave Field," near the site of which he subsequently erected " Sellers Hall," the family homestead. The remainder of the Lee tract, one hundred acres, was conveyed to Thomas Marie, in 1686. Due west of this land, and lying along the south side of the Garrett road, extending to Darby Creek, was a tract of three hundred and three acres, surveyed to Michael Blunston, of Darby. After the latter's death it was conveyed to John Davis, as three hundred and twenty-two acres, March 25-26, 1736/7, and in May of the same year was bought by Samuel Levis. North of the Garrettford road were three UPPER DARBY TOWNSHIP. 533 hundred and three acres, surveyed, Nov. 8, 1682, to Luke Hanck, which, on March 5, 1688, was sold to William Garrett, who, emigrating from Leicestershire, England, settled on this property, and was the ances tor of the Garrett family, much of the original estate remaining in the possession of his descendants. Above the Garrett plantation was a tract of two hun dred and fifty acres, surveyed to Joshua Fearne Aug. 28, 1682. He came from Ashoner, Derbyshire, Eng land, and settled on the estate immediately, his mother and two sisters accompanying him to the province. He married in 1687, and died in 1693, but during the ten years he lived in Upper Darby he filled many of the most important offices in the county, having been sheriff, clerk, and a justice of the courts, and twice a member of Assembly. Immediately north of Joshua Fearne's estate were six hundred and fifty acres, sur veyed to William Wood and William Sharlow, while above this, and extending to the Haverford line, was a tract of five hundred acres, surveyed to John Browne Nov. 15, 1683. The western half of this plan tation was purchased by John Roads, Nov. 9, 1683, and thereon he resided, while the remainder was bought by John Roads, Jr., and for several years he lived there, prior to his removal to Montgomery County. To the east of this tract was a hundred acres, through which the Haverford and Darby I'oad passed almost north and south, also belonging to John Roads, while directly south John Kirk, on Dec. 4, 1688, acquired title to one hundred acres, part of which tract is still owned by one of his descendants, and part of it owned by Levi Lukens. To the south of this (Kirk's) land was a plot of four hundred acres surveyed to the heirs of Matthew Grattan, June 14, 1692, but the same year it passed to the ownership of John Hood, who had come from Castledownington, Leicestershire, England, in 1686, and settled in Upper Darby, on two hundred and fifty acres purchased from John Blunston, which, lying north of the Sel lers land, ran along Cobb's Creek to within a short distance of the Haverford line. John Hood was a member of the Provincial Assembly in 1704. The remaining part of John Blunston's four hundred and twenty acres, along Cobb's Creek and the Haverford line, was divided into small holdings of sixty and fifty acres, which were purchased by Adam and John Roads, Joshua Fearne, and John Hood, Jr. As already stated, the history of Upper Darby is lacking in many incidents during tbe Revolutionary war, although its territory was frequently visited by foraging parties of the enemy, who swept the country clear of cattle and provisions, and frequently robbed the inhabitants of their household articles, never omit ting an opportunity to appropriate money and plate to their coffers. Doubtless many anecdotes of that period were once freely circulated, but in time they have been entirely forgotten. The following incident is the only one which seems to be preserved : One day, while the American army was encamped at White Marsh, Montgomery Co., Samuel Levis, of Upper Darby, an aged Quaker and a sterling Whig, met a party of American soldiers who were recon noitering the English lines. The old man, who would not take an active part in the war for con science' sake, volunteered to aid them in learning the movements of the enemy. With that object he fast ened his horse to a tall hickory-tree which grew on the dividing line of Upper Darby and Springfield townships, and began ascending the tree. His hat was in the way as he clambered up. Tossing it to the ground, he mounted to the topmost branches, and with a telescope began to scan the country in the direction of the city. While thus employed a scout ing party of British dragoons appeared, and noticed Friend Levis perched in the tree, so intent on his observations that he was unaware of the approach of the enemy. He was compelled to descend, to be come a prisoner, and he was refused permission to recover his hat. He and his horse were taken to Philadelphia, where he was thrown in jail, detained several days, and finally discharged, but he never succeeded in recovering his horse or his hat. With the evacuation of Philadelphia the war-cloud lifted from Delaware County, and from that time the feet of hostile armed troops have not trodden its soil. List of taxables in the township in 1799 : Matthew Ash, Benjamin Brannon, John Brooks, Mary Bonsall, John Ball, Joseph Ball, Benjamin Bonsall, Joseph Bonsall (saw-mill), James Bonsall (miller), William Davis, John Davis, Samuel Davis (cooper), Job Evans, Abner Evans (innkeeper), Evan Evans (tailor), Jonathan Evans, Philip Francis, Nathan Garrett, Sr., Nathan Garrett, Jr., Thomas Garrett (tilt-mill), Samuel Garrett (blacksmith), Samuel Garrett, Oborn Garrett, William Garrett, Joseph Hibberd, JoBeph Hibberd, Jr., Heze kiah Hibberd, John Hibberd, Bobert Jones, Samuel Kirk, Thomas Kirk, Joseph Kirk, William Kimble, Benjamin Lobb (cooper-shop), Isaac Lobb, Levi Lukens (tanner), Catharine Lewis, Thomas Lewis, Abraham Lewis, William Levis (Philadelphia, paper- and saw-mill), Thomas Levis, Joseph Levis, Samuel Levis (paper- and grist-mill, miller), William Moore, John May, Jouathan Owen, James Pyott, Hannah Pol len, Anna Pencler, Amos Penegar, Bevan St, Thomas Pearson (store keepers), Israel Eoberts, Jacob Eeaver, George Steward, John Sellers (saw-mill), Nathan & David Sellers (cotton-factory and saw-mill), James Steel (miller, at Sellere' grist- and merchant-mill), Amos Sharpless, James Tyson, John Matthews (paper-maker, paper- and grist-mill), John Tyson (grist-mill), William Thompson, George Widdowe (wheelwright), William West (grazier), Jacob Warner, Lawrence Howard, Nathaniel Hutton (Philadelphia), Thomas Leacock, Gibbons Jones (carpenter), Mordecai Lewis, William Pollen, Nathan Pollen, Samuel Pollen, Leonard Shuster (weaver). Inmates.— Samuel Bonsall, Thomas Cumming, Owen Cumming, Joel McClellan, John Dunbar, David Dunbar (paper-maker). Isaac Earl (shoe maker), John Fitzgerald, Neil McFaggen, Edward Ferrell, John Gow, John Garrett, Justice Hendrickson (paper-maker), Eichard Hayes, Ann Hibbard, Peter Hartley, Hugh Hunt, Henry Hartley, Michael Johnson, Jonathan Jones, John Hechler, Laurence Lowry, Joshua Levis (paper- maker), Charles Levis, John Murphy, Phineas Palmer, Thomas Eudolph, Deborah Eogers, John Rudolph (paper-maker), William Eudolph (paper- maker), John Suplee (joiner), Benjamin Sharpless (paper-maker), Isaac Tyson (miller), Henry Upright, William Levis (paper-maker), Thomas Williams (paper-maker). Single Freemen.— Eobert Armstrong, Eeuben Bonsall, Joseph Bonsall, Jr., Benjamin Bonsall, Jr., William Brooks, TJliff Calls, John Dunlap, Joel Davis (wheelwright), William Suplee (wheelwright), Eobert Dun bar, William Evans, John Graham, John Guard, Isaac Justice, IBrae 1 Lobb, iBrael Lobb, Jr., Ephraim Lobb, Asher Lobb (shoemaker), Jona than Evans (carpenter), William Pollen (carpenter), John Jones (joiner), 534 HISTORY OF DELAWARE COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA. Abraham Johnson (miller), Robert Steel (miller), Nathan Jones (tailor), Jesse Lobb (cooper), Philip Super (weaver), Benjamin Lobb, Bernard Mackey, Samuel Moore, John Moore, Samuel Powell, James Pyott, Jacob Reaver, Jr., George Sellers, Jacob Tyson, Eobert Thomas, Isaac Tyson, Benjamin West. The following is a list of the justices of Upper Darby : Date of CommisBion. Benjamin Brannon Aug. 19, 1791. Israel Elliot Oct. 28,1791. Benjamin W. Oakford Feb. 14,1794. Caleb S. Sayers Aug. 6, 1799. Benjamin Hays Smith April 3,1804. Samuel Davis Feb. 20, 1810. Thomas Smith July 3, 1821. Joseph G. Malcolm July 30, 1831. Thomas Maddoek Jan. 8, 1834. Charles Sellers June 20, 1836. William McCormick, May 25, 1859, April 26, 1864, April 16, 1869. George Healh April 15, 1S72. William McCormick March 24, 1874. Hart Sterr March 24, 1876. George Heath March 27, 1879. William McCormick April 13, 1880, Aug. 7, 1880. Schools. — The first official record of land being set apart for school purposes in the township is in a deed in 1779 for twenty-four perches of ground granted to John Sellers, Benjamin Brannon, and Oliver Garrett as trustees, the consideration being ten pounds. On this lot a building was erected on the Haverford and Darby road, above the highway leading to Garrett- ford, and near the residence of Isaac Garrett. This school is distinctly marked as so located on John Hill's " Map of Philadelphia and its Environs," pub lished in 1807. In that house Isaac Garrett was at one time a teacher, and William and John Sellers attended there as pupils. In the olden times it was under the control of a board of trustees, but when the law of 1836 became operative, it was transferred to the school directors, and is still used for educational pur poses. The trustees named in the deed of 1779 and their successors had the care of the school until it was transferred to the board of school directors. Under the act of 1804 school trustees were elected in Upper Darby, in 1825 ; their powers, however, could in no wise include the control of the contribution school of 1779. On May 18, 1825, at the election then held, Oborn Levis, Thomas and John Sellers, Jr., were chosen trustees for the township, the duties of which office, so far as we have information, must have rested with ease on the shoulders of those who bore the official honors. Upon the enactment of the pub lic school law of 1834, Joseph Henderson and William Booth were appointed by the court inspectors of pub lic schools until directors should be selected. The township of Upper Darby having accepted the school law, directors were chosen at the fall election of that year. In 1835-36 the township received from the State and county appropriations amounting to the sum of $444.14, that being the proportion allotted to Upper Darby of the public money set apart for the mainte nance of public schools. On Feb. 18, 1833, Coleman Sellers granted to John Sellers, Sr., Nathan Sellers, Abraham Powell, Charles Sellers, Samuel Sellers, Jr., David Snyder, and Sam uel Sellers a lot in Upper Darby on which to erect a school-house, and in their discretion to employ suit able teachers and open a school as soon as convenient under the exclusive management of trustees. The house was built and a school maintained there. It was known as the Union School, and on its site the present stone school-house near the grist-mill of Wil liam Walker is located. After the enactment of the law of 1836 the trustees transferred it to the use of the directors of the public schools of the township. On the Springfield road west of Clifton, on the lands of Oborn Levis, is a building which was for many years a school-house, and was continued to be used as such until 1871. On March 23d of that year a lot was purchased of Dr. S. P. Bartleson, at Clifton, and the directors contracted with John Frees to erect the present two-story brick school-house, at a cost of five thousand seven hundred and eighty-five dollars. The new structure was completed in the fall of the same year, and therein five schools of different grades are maintained. Oborn Levis, on Sept. 9, 1871, pur chased the old school-house and lot for one thousand dollars, and the quiet of an uninterrupted vacation maintains in the ancient building where since time out of mind the noisy laugh and boisterous play of the rosy-cheeked urchins could be heard at recess, or the dull " murmur of the pupils' voices conning over their lessons" was audible to the passer-by. The Central school-house, above Garrettford, is lo cated on a lot of land purchased from Thomas Garrett, Oct. 14, 1837, containing seventy-two square perches, and thereon a school-house was erected near by the present building. School was maintained there until Jan. 26, 1860, when twenty-one square perches of the lot was sold to Nathan and David Platt. In June, 1873, a contract was entered into with Moses Gilmour for the erection of a school-house, at a cost of three thou sand three hundred and seventy-five dollars, on the remaining ground owned by the school board, which was completed in November following, since which time schools have been regularly conducted therein. On May 3, 1851, the directors purchased one hundred and thirty-seven square perches of land of Charles Kelly, at Kellyville, on which a school-house was built and used until 1871, when the school therein was discontinued, and the house and lot, on August 28th of that year, was sold to Dennis B. and Edward J. Kelly for thirteen hundred and thirty dollars. On June 6, 1873, the residents of Pattonville, now known as Fernwood, petitioned the school directors to establish a school at that locality. A committee of the board, to whom the petition was referred, on August 9th reported that the Methodist Church could be leased. That building was rented, and a school opened and continued therein until it became neces sary that other accommodations should be had. On May 15, 1875, Francis Kelly contracted with the di rectors to erect the present two-story brick school- house, at a cost of three thousand seven hundred and twenty dollars, on lands purchased for that purpose. UPPER DARBY TOWNSHIP. 535 In 1869 the brick building used for the parochial school of St. Charles Borromeo Church at Kellyville was erected. The school-house is forty by sixty feet, two stories in height, and is under the control of the Catholic Church there, from which it receives its name. The following are the directors of the public schools for Upper Darby, as found in the election returns on file at Media : 1840, Dr. George Smith, John Kirk ; 1842, Nathan H. Baker, William U. Black ; 1843, George Smith, John Kirk ; 1844, John Sellers, Wil liam Jones; 1845, John Sellers, Lewis Watkins; 184G, John Kirk, George Smith ; 1847, William Jones, James Shillingford ; 1848, John' Sellers, Nathan H. Baker, Joseph Hibberd ; 1849, John Kirk, George Smith ; 1850, Nathan Garrett, Edward Garrett ; 1851, John Sellers, Samuel G. Levis; 1852, George Smith, John Kirk; 1853, Nathan Garrett, Edward Garrett ; 1854, John Sellers, Samuel G. Levis ; 1855, George Smith, John Kirk; 1S56, Nathan Garrett, Jacob ShoeBter; 1857, Samuel G.Levis, John Sellers; 1858, Dr. George Smith, Thomas Kirk; 1859, Nathan Garrett, Jacob Shoester; 1860, no report; 1861, Thomas Kirk, Amos Bonsall ; 1862, Jacob Shoester, Nathan Garrett ; 1863, Samuel G. Levis, John S. Maris ; 1864, Amos BonBall, Tbomas Kirk ; 1865, Nathan Garrett, Jonathan Evans ; 1866, John Sellers, Samuel G.Levis; 1867, J. Harrison Levis, Jonathan Wolfernden; 1868, Nathan Garrett, Jonathan Evans ; 1869, John Lewis, Dr. E. A. Givin ; 1870, John Sellers, William Watkins ; 1871, William H. Eing, J. Harrison Levis; 1872, John Levis, Nathan Garrett; 1873, J. D. Rhoads, John Sellers ; 1874, Jonathan Evans, Nathan Garrett ; 1875, John Levis, William Watkins ; 1876, James D. Rhoads, Joseph Powell ; 1877, Oliver B. Moss, George Hearle ; 1878, John E. Levis, William Watkins; 1879, Joseph E.- Bowers, James D. Rhoads; 1880, George E. Burnley, Albert Johnson ; 1881, William Watkins, John Levis ; 1882, George Heath, George Lyster ; 1883, George Burn ley, William A. Johnson ; 1884, William WatkinB, H. M. Hoffner. First New Jerusalem Church of Delaware County.— Prior to 1830, James Robinson, a manufac turer, then operating the factory now known as Clif ton Mills, who had been a lay preacher of the Swe- denborgian Church in England before emigrating to Pennsylvania, began the dissemination of the tenets of that religious faith in Upper Darby, a Sunday-school being organized in the picker-room of the old factory building at the mills now operated by Thomas Kent. Occasional services were also held in the Academy building at Haddington. From this movement a church organization was effected, with the following persons as members : David Snyder, Charles Sellers, Samuel Sellers, Jesse Hayes, Edward Levis and wife, Morris W. Heston and wife, Benjamin Thomas and wife, George Trites and wife. On June 7, 1830, the corner-stone of the present church edifice, on the Marshall road, near Naylor's Run, was laid, a large number of persons being present from the neighbor hood and Philadelphia. Mr. Robinson conducted the services, explaining the fundamental principles of the New Jerusalem faith, during which a heavy shower of rain interrupted the ceremonies for a short time. After the stone was in place, Rev. Mr. Carll, of Philadelphia, addressed the assembly, and in his remarks stated that " they had laid the corner-stone of that church in the name of Jehovah, one God, and that Jesus Christ was that God," and he hoped " that the church erected thereon might never be ap propriated to the worship of a Trinity, or more than one God, as distinct and separate beings." Mr. Carll was followed by the Rev. Mr. Roach, and the ser vices were concluded with a prayer by Mr. Robinson. The church thus built was erected on the land of Frederick and Edward Levis long prior to the lot being donated, for it was not until July 31, 1833, that the owners of the real estate conveyed the half-acre of ground to Morris W. Heston and George G. Trites, trustees of the church. Rev. Manning B. Roach and Rev. Isaac C. Worrell were in charge of the church. On Sept. 2, 1861, the court incorporated the New Jerusalem Society of Edenfield, Delaware County. At the present time the church is without a pastor, and services are rarely held in the old building. Pleasant Hill Methodist Episcopal Church. — In 1834 a society of Methodists effected an organization in Upper Darby, meetings for public worship being held at the private houses of the members until early in 1837, when it was resolved to erect a meeting house. On Thursday, June 27th of that year, the corner-stone was laid at Pleasant Hill, about a quar ter of a mile from Palmer & Marker's paper-mills, which were subsequently known as Tuscarora Mills. Rev. M. Coomes conducted the services on that occa sion. The locality was selected because of its prox imity to the paper-mills, for from the employes there its membership was largely drawn. The struggling church was under the care of the Philadelphia Con ference, and, after the paper-mills had been converted into factories by George Burnley, the society grew rapidly. After the organization of the Clifton Meth odist Church, in 1871, the elder church was placed under that charge. In May, 1884, Pleasant Hill Church celebrated the semi-centennial anniversary of its founding. The church membership is now about fifteen persons. Clifton Methodist Episcopal Church.— This re ligious society was organized in 1871, and immedi ately began the erection of the present brick church, forty-five by sixty-five feet, the building fund being largely the contribution of Richard Young, of Spring field. The church was at first under the charge of the Rev. M. H. Sisty, who was untiring in his efforts to establish the organization on a firm basis. The corner-stone of the church building was laid Thurs day, Aug. 10, 1871, the pastor, Rev. M. H. Sisty, Rev. F. A. Fernley, and other clergymen taking part in the ceremony. The edifice was erected at a cost of eight thousand dollars. Rev. Mr. Sisty has been suc ceeded in the pastorate by the Revs. J. Y. Ashton, J. P. Miller, William Magee, M. Barnhill, and N. Turner, who at the present time is in charge of the church, including that at Pleasant Hill. The mem bership now consists of seventy persons, and there is also a Sunday-school with one hundred and thirty pupils, of which Isaac Lord is superintendent. The foundation for a parsonage is now (July, 1884) laid on a lot adjoining the church. 536 HISTORY OF DELAWARE COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA. St. Charles Borromeo Church. — Soon after Charles Kelly purchased the mills at Kellyville a Catholic mission was established there. In 1849 it was de termined to build a church, ground being donated for that purpose by Charles Kelly, as also for a burial-place. On Sunday, Oct. 13, 1850, the stone church, forty by eighty feet, which had been erected, was dedicated; the Very Rev. F. X. Gartland, V. G., conducted the ceremonies, and the Rev. Dr. Moriarty preached the dedicatory sermon. On Dec. 30, 1854, the church was found to be on fire, caused by a de fective flue. The flames were extinguished before much damage was done. The membership of this church has fluctuated, at some times very large, at others much less, owing to employment being brisk or slack at the mills. The pastors of the parish of St. Charles Borromeo have been the Revs. McGinnis, John Shields, I. P. Dunn, Hugh Lane, John Brana- gan, Dr. Balch, Richard O'Connor, John Kelly, John McGovern, and M. C. McEnroe, who at present is in charge of the parish. St. Stephen's Episcopal Church, Clifton,— The first services of the Protestant Episcopal Church in Upper Darby were held in the public school-house in the village, May 5, 1872, the Rev. James S. Brooke, the rector of St. George's Church, West End, offici ating. On October 27th of the same year communion was administered, fourteen persons uniting in the sacred ceremony, and on Thursday evening, Novem ber 1st, the bishop of the diocese made his first offi cial visit to Clifton Heights, on which occasion eleven persons were confirmed. In May of the following year a Sunday-school was organized in connection with the mission. From the establishment of the mission to the beginning of the year 1877 the congre gation were under the pastoral care, successively, of the Rev. Mr. Brooke, the Rev. Gideon J. Burton (warden of the Burd Orphan Asylum), the Rev. W. C. Cooley (of West End), and the Rev. Charles A. Maison (of St. James', Kingsessing), the latter hav ing the oversight for about three years. During this period the congregation was composed almost exclu sively of the people working in the mills near the village. They were poor and few in number, but they struggled on in the face of many discourage ments, giving far more than they could well afford from their slender income to maintain the services of the church, to which they were warmly attached. Among the most zealous in the work of the little mission was John Shaw, who subsequently was elected one of the original vestry. In 1876 services began to be held regularly every Sunday morning by Mr. Thomas A. Bent, a lay-reader. At his death, in October, 1876, he was succeeded by Mr. William W. Taylor. In the fall of 1878, Frederick Chase and wife became earnest advocates of the cause of the mission, and their efforts being seconded by many others in the neighborhood, its prospects began to brighten. Oborn Levis donated several lots fronting on the Baltimore turnpike, and enough subscriptions were soon secured to warrant the erection of a church, notwithstanding by the failure of the Frank lin Savings-Fund, in Philadelphia, a sum of money which had been accumulating towards a church erec tion-fund was lost. Accordingly, the corner-stone was laid Oct. 12, 1878, and on Sunday morning, March 16, 1879, the sanctuary was dedicated by Bishop Stevens, at which time the church was entirely out of debt, subscriptions having been obtained sufficient to discharge every obligation for its erection. The building, which is in the Gothic style of architec ture, is laid in pressed brick, with stone trimmings, and ornamented with colored brick, while internally it is finished iu oiled hard woods, with an open roof and exposed rafters. In the recess chancel is a hand some stained-glass window, the contribution of the Sunday-school scholars. A parish was now organized under the name of St. Stephen's Church, Clifton Heights, a charter was obtained, and a vestry elected. The first vestrymen were Frederick Chase, Dr. J. W. Phillips, Dr. R. A. Given, John Shaw, Edward Walden, Richard Bar low, and William Kane. At this time, the Rev. Charles A. Maison having resigned, the Rev. G. J. Burton was elected rector in charge, and the lay- reader was chosen assistant minister. He was or dained to the deaconate in the new church Nov. 1, 1879. On Oct. 9, 1880, the corner-stone of a Sunday- school and parish building was laid with impressive services. This beautiful structure, one of the finest in the county, was the gift of Thomas A. Scott, then presi dent of the Pennsylvania Railroad, who was much interested in the little church. A memorial brass tablet on its walls bears this inscription : " Erected in memory of Thomas A. Scott, Jr., who died Ascen sion Day, 1879. Of such is the Kingdom of God." On Easter Monday, 1881, Rev. Mr. Burton resigned, and his assistant, Rev. W. W. Taylor, was elected rector. In the fall of 1882 ground adjoining the church property (which had already been enlarged by gifts of lots from Dr. R. A. Given and Thomas A. Scott) was received and a rectory begun. It was finished and occupied the following spring. The present value of the church property, real and per sonal, is twenty thousand dollars. The actual com municants number seventy. There are in the Sun day-school eight teachers and one hundred scholars. In the parish day-school, one teacher and twenty- eight pupils, and in the night-school, three teachers and forty scholars. Connected with the church there are also sewing and altar societies. Services are held twice on Sundays, on all the holy days, and com munion is celebrated twice in the month. It will be seen by the foregoing sketch that the parish has grown rapidly, and that now, in its sixth year of organization, it is fully equipped for aggres sive work in the midst of an increasing population. UPPER DARBY TOWNSHIP. 537 The Burd Orphan Asylum.— This charitable es tablishment, although having its origin in Philadel phia, and being in a certain sense one of that city's institutions, is located in Upper Darby. Its full title is "The Burd Orphan Asylum of St. Stephen's Church," and its location is described as " Market Street, west of Sixty-third Street." The institution was founded by the munificence of Mrs. Eliza Howard Burd, deceased, formerly of Philadelphia, who was the widow of Edward Shippen Burd, and daughter of Woodrop Sims. She was a lady of culture and refinement, and upon being left a widow, and losing her two daughters, she determined to use her large fortune in philanthropy. The inception of the enter prise which culminated in the orphan asylum was a " home" established by Mrs. Burd in 1856, in the rear of her dwelling, on the southwest corner of Ninth and Chestnut Streets, Philadelphia, to which she ad mitted twelve fatherless girls. During her life she superintended tbe management of it herself. Seek ing a method for her wealth to do good when she should be no more, she was advised by her pastor, the late Rev. Henry W. Ducachet, of St. Stephen's Episcopal Church, to found a similar school upon a larger scale. At her death, in 1860, she bequeathed to the rector, church wardens, and vestrymen of St. Stephen's Church, in trust, the sum of five hundred thousand dollars to build and endow the present institution. In 1861 a lot of ground, consisting of forty-five acres, partly in the city limits and party in Delaware County, was purchased, and the erection of the pres ent buildings begun. The property was formerly known as " Sellers Hall." It had passed in the di vision of the estate of John Sellers to Margaret Sel lers Powell, wife of Joseph Powell, by whom it was sold to the trustees of the asylum. The orphans admitted by Mrs. Burd were removed to the new building, and others were received in Sep tember, 1863. The chapel was completed and con secrated Nov. 3, 1866. A writer in Progress, of Sept. 13, 1879, presumably the late John W. Forney, says, " The asylum ... is different from any other I have ever seen. It resembles more in its appearance, artistic surroundings and appointments, some old de serted English manor than a house for poor little or phans." The asylum consists of a group of detached buildings connected with corridors, with an outbuild ing containing the kitchen, laundry, bake-room, and bedrooms for the domestics, connected with the main buildings by means of a covered railway. The style is the early English Gothic. It is built of a light- gray stone, quarried on the grounds, laid in rubble, pointed with facings of dressed Leiperville stone. The buildings are two stories high, with basements twelve feet clear above the surface of the ground, and a sub-cellar containing the steam furnaces for heat ing. In the basement is a large dining-room, which will seat one hundred and fifty children, play-room, bowling-alley, bath-rooms, reception-room, and nur sery. In the main building, on the first floor, are a parlor and library, containing the antique furniture and the books (about four thousand volumes) be queathed to the asylum by Mrs. Burd, a large school room, four class-rooms, and housekeeper's room. On the second floor, approached by two broad iron stair ways, is the beautiful chapel, which will accom modate three hundred and fifty persons. It has two memorial windows to the foundress, and one to her rector, the first chaplain of the asylum, the Rev. Henry W. Ducachet, D.D. In the rear is a large dormitory, teachers' rooms, etc. All the stairs are iron, the railings outside and in are also iron, and the building is as far as practicable fire-proof. The north wing contains the warden's residence, a large sewing- room, and two dormitories. The south wing, which is not yet erected, will add a hundred feet to the length, and double the accommodations. In the hall is a portrait of Edward Shippen Burd, painted when tbe subject was a young man, by Rembrandt Peale, and elsewhere are the portraits of Mrs. Burd's daugh ters. The grounds are very attractively laid out. They contain hills and dales, running water, smoothly- sloping lawns, and shady groves, forming appropriate surroundings for the beautiful buildings. The asy lum and grounds cost about one hundred and seventy- five thousand dollars. The objects of the asylum, as set forth in the will of Mrs. Burd, are " to maintain, educate, and at a suita ble age and time (to be judged of and determined by those to whose management I have intrusted the asy lum) to place out to be instructed in proper employ ments, first, the white female orphan children of le gitimate birth, of the age of not less than four years and not more than eight, who shall have been bap tized in the Protestant Episcopal Church, in the city of Philadelphia; secondly, the same class of children, baptized in the said church, in Pennsylvania; and, thirdly, all other white female orphan children of le gitimate birth, not less than four years of age and not more than eight years, without respect to any other description or qualification whatever, except that at all times, and in every case, the orphan children of clergy men of the Protestant Episcopal Church shall have the preference. If the establishment or the means pro vided shall not be sufficient to accommodate all the several classes of children herein described, each class shall be preferred in the order in which they are herein mentioned, to the exclusion in whole or in part of the other classes. By the term 'orphan,' for the purpose of this codicil, I mean a child whose father is deceased and whose mother remains a widow, or who may have lost by death both father and mother." It is also directed and enjoined by the will that " all the children received into the asylum shall be faith fully instructed, as a part of their education, in the principles of the precious Gospel of Christ as they are 538 HISTORY OF DELAWARE COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA. held and taught by the Protestant Episcopal Church in the United States ; and that no other system of re ligion shall be taught there ; and, moreover, that all the worship held therein shall be according to the ritual of the said church, and no other." For several years the number of children was lim ited to forty, but now sixty are maintained and edu cated. They are instructed in all the elements of a good English education according to the course of study followed in the public schools of Philadelphia. They are also taught sewing, housework, and cook ing. If a girl shows a special talent for music, draw ing, or any other useful art by which she may be able to support herself in after-life, it is cultivated. All are instructed in vocal music by a professor, and the singing in the chapel on Sundays attracts large num bers of visitors. The girls are under the control of the trustees until they are eighteen, although, when deemed expedient, they are placed out in positions at an earlier age. When dismissed, each girl receives an outfit of clothing and fifty dollars in money. As has been heretofore remarked, the Rev. Henry W. Ducachet, D.D., was the first chaplain. He died in 1865. The Revs. P. C. Moore and John A. Childs were acting chaplains until 1869, when the Rev. Francis J. Clerc, D.D., was elected warden and chaplain. He remained in charge for three and one- half years, when the Rev. Gideon J. Burton was chosen by the trustees to succeed him, and entered upon his duties in June, 1872. He has been in office over twelve years. Since he took charge the number of pupils has been increased from forty to sixty, the buildings and grounds have been improved, a regu lar course of study has been adopted, and the institu tion is now successfully carrying out the designs of its generous founder. Burn Brae. — In the summer of 1859, Dr. R. A. Given erected buildings near the village of Clifton, and established a private hospital for patients afflicted with nervous and mental diseases. It was designed to accommodate forty patients, twenty of each sex. The main building was originally four stories high, including the basement ; subsequently a mansard was added, in which the amusement hall (a large and handsome room) is located. Many improvements have been made from time to time in the different halls, rendering the accommodations more perfect and attractive. On the ladies' side an entirely new build ing has been erected, rendered necessary by the en largement of the rooms in the main structure. The grounds, twenty-five acres in extent, are handsomely laid out and planted with a variety of ornamental trees, evergreen and deciduous. A farm of thirty-two acres, part heavily wooded, capable of being converted into drives and walks of great attractiveness, has been added; thus, besides securing to the inmates perfect privacy, affording them in their walks the pleasing variety of hill and valley, meadow, brook, and wood land. No efforts have been spared to render the build ing fire-proof. Fire-escapes are attached to both wings, and in addition arrangements exist on each floor to enable the occupants to pass readily from side to side without resort to the stairs. The building throughout is thoroughly heated by steam and well lighted by gas. Hot and cold water is abundantly distributed throughout the entire establishment. Licensed Houses. — The record of the licensed public-houses in Upper Darby is brief. In the early times no application for the privilege of keeping a tavern in the township has been found. The first person who was authorized to keep a house of public entertainment was Benjamin Brannon, whose inn was located on the Cherry Grove Farm, a short distance south of the New Jerusalem Church, but the house facing on the Darby and Haverford road. Col. and Judge Brannon, for he held both offices, was one of the most influential Whigs during the Revolution, was one of the sub-lieutenants of the county during that war, and after the county of Delaware was erected was appointed, in 1794, one of the associate judges. He does not appear to have been a publican after the close of that struggle. In 1796, Abner Evans received license for a public-house on the north side of the West Chester road, located about four and a half miles west of Market Street bridge, where for years the house continued to meet the court's approval until 1815. Amos Ellis, in his pe tition in 1806, states that his application is for license to the Red Lion. There had gathered in the neighborhood of the tavern a few small frame houses, and the people in the township, in derision, termed the place Cat Town. In 1815 the house seems to have been licensed for the last time. James Pyott, in 1779, received license for an inn located on the brow of a hill on the West Chester road, five miles from Market Street bridge, which ascent, because of his house being there, was then and is still known as Pyott's Hill. The tavern, in 1806, was called the Seven Stars, and Pyott had license for the house under that name, and yearly received the court's bounty until 1816, when Robert Dunny was the land lord of the Black Horse, the Stars having fallen to be replaced by a new title. In 1820, Reece Calvert had license for the Black Horse, in 1823, Mifflin Moore succeeded him, and in 1833 William Lungren be came the landlord, continuing as such until 1840, when the Black Horse was a temperance house. In 1841, Evan S. Russell had a license for the Black Horse, but after that date the application was met with sturdy opposition from the residents of the township, and the court refused to grant the prayer of the pe titioner. There were two remonstrances, as follows : The first being that of male citizens of Upper Darby, bearing eighty-four signatures, and the latter that of females, and signed by ninety-four persons : " The undersigned, citizens of Upper Darby Township and the sur rounding neighborhood, respectfully yet earnestly remonstrate against the granting of Tavern license to sell spirituous liquors to applicants UPPER DARBY TOWNSHIP. 539 within the said Township ; because they believe them uncalled for by the public convenience and demoralizing in their influence, tending to the spread of intemperance with its train of evils. The only licensed house heretofore called for by the wnnts of the township is to be con tinued as one for public entertainment conducted on temperance prin ciples, while we are surrounded on every side by licensed Taverns in numbers clearly beyond the wants of the community, as is sufficiently shown by the many demoralizing shifts to which they are driven for a living business. The undersigned, therefore, pray the Court to aid them in their efforts to stay this crying evil so far as in their power by refusing all appplications as aforesaid." When temperance principles became the dominant sentiment in Upper Darby, Mr. Sellers, the owner of the lands and building, consented that the old inn- sign should be taken down. The day when this was done a large number of people assembled, and when the old, weather-beaten black horse was lowered to the ground amid the cheers of those present, one cit izen, in the excitement of the moment, exclaimed, " I'm going to give the old animal four quarts of oats ; he must be mighty hungry standing up there so long." John Hawkins became the landlord of the Black Horse Inn, which he kept as a temperance house until the Howard House was built, a short dis tance farther west on the same highway, when he took charge of the new building. No license was granted in Upper Darby thereafter until 1875, when the local-option law was repealed, and in that year William McFadden received license at Clifton, and James Gallagher, at Kellyville, which houses have continued from that time to receive the court's approval. The Bonsall Murder. — Perhaps no judicial inves tigation was ever held in Delaware County which concentrated public interest to its detail to the same extent as did the trial of Michael Monroe, alias James Wellington, and his accessories, for the murder of William Bonsall, of Upper Darby. The killing was so deliberate on the part of the murderer, and so un provoked by the victim, that popular indignation was aroused beyond any previous incident of the like character in our history, and the sixty years which have elapsed since have failed to present its parallel. On the highway leading from the village of Darby to the West Chester road, and about two miles and a half northward of the village, in 1824, resided Mrs. Mary Warner (a widow), who kept a store in part of the house, and William Bonsall, his wife, and infant son, these four persons comprising the inmates of the dwelling. About half-past nine o'clock on Saturday evening, May 22d of that year, four suspicious-look ing men came to the house and informed Mrs. Warner that they desired to talk with "the young man," — Bonsall, — with whom they professed to be acquainted. The latter, who was slightly ill at the time and had retired, dressed himself, came down-stairs, and was greeted most cordially by the visitors. Bonsall, not withstanding he stated there must be a mistake and that he did not remember ever to have met any of the men before, hospitably invited them to be seated and at tempted to draw them into conversation. After a few ordinary remarks had been made one of the strangers, abruptly turning to Bonsall, demanded his money. The latter replied that he had only a dollar and a half in the house, which he said they might have. No an swer was made to this remark, but one of the men, cutting a clothes-line which was stretched across the kitchen, threw the cord around Bonsall's neck, draw ing it so tight that he was almost choked, and to pre vent strangulation the latter raised his hand to his throat to loosen the rope. Wellington, for it subse quently proved to be he, struck at Bonsall's raised arms with a razor, laying the flesh open to the bone from the shoulder to the elbow. The wounded man, bleeding profusely, was held in the chair by his assail ant, while the other cut-throats compelled Mrs. War ner, whose arms they had also bound with a piece of the clothes-line, to conduct them into the store, which was closed, as she supposed, until the following Monday. While the store was being rifled Wellington sat in a chair immediately in front of Bonsall, and just as Mrs. Warner was coming out of the store with the burglars, Wellington said something in an angry tone, and then with a well-worn shoe-knife stabbed Bonsall several times in the abdomen, both the murderer and his victim being seated at the time. In attempting to withdraw the knife the last time the handle came off, leaving the blade in the wound. Mrs. Bonsall, who was shortly to become a mother, hearing the noise, came down-stairs, when the two men in the house, for the other two had retreated to the front door, threatened to inflict on her atrocious cruelties unless she informed them where her husband had secreted his money. She, not knowing that her hus band had been mortally wounded, bade them take everything in the house but to spare the lives of the family. The ruffians took every article of clothing belonging to Bonsall excepting his military suit, and with the goods taken from the store they made two large packages, which they carried away when they left the house, but before leaving they brutally in sulted the dying man. Bonsall lived until the next day, Sunday morning. On Monday it was learned that at midnight on Saturday, after the deed was committed, the mur derers crossed Gray's Ferry bridge, walking in the direction of Philadelphia. The same day, May 24th, Joseph Watson, mayor of that city, at the request of many citizens of Delaware County, offered a reward of three hundred dollars for the apprehension and conviction of the criminals. Nothing was learned until Friday, June 5th, when three men whose descrip tion seemed to answer that set forth in the mayor's proclamation were noticed in the vicinity of Swedes- borough, N. J., walking in the direction of Wood bury, and when it was known that they had attempted to pass a Mexican or Peruvian dollar, a hue and cry was instituted, the men were overtaken near Timber Creek bridge and conducted to Woodbury, when they 540 HISTORY OF DELAWARE COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA. were subjected to a separate examination, Judge Hop kins sitting in the court-room for that purpose. The first man examined gave his name as William Jones, stating that he was from Westmoreland County, and that in search of work he bad gone to New Castle, Del., where, being unable to obtain employment, he had crossed the river on the morning of his arrest, and on the New Jersey shore had fallen in with the other men, whom he had never seen before, and that he was on his way to Philadelphia when apprehended. He was, he declared, never nearer Darby than the high bridge in Kingsessing ; but he was unable to tell exactly where he was on the night of the murder. On a second examination he stated that his name was Washington Labee, but could offer no reason why he had given a false name. He then said he remembered he had been on an oyster-boat with Abraham Boyce and others, and had sailed from Philadelphia on the morning of the day the murder was committed. Abraham Boyce stated that he was employed on an oyster-boat, and came from Cape May in a boat with Labee, but could not tell when he left the Cape ; he also called Labee Thomas, and stated he did not know his other name. He declared he was on board the oyster-boat the night of the murder. The au thorities found secreted on his person a number of keys, several other articles, and a small axe. On his second examination he said the scissors-chain he had picked up on the road in Jersey, and did not know where such a place as Darby was. He declared that he knew Labee, and until that day had never before seen Michael Monroe, or James Wellington, as he was called. The latter asserted on his examination that he had never met the men until the day before his arrest ; that he did not remember where he was the night of the murder, but the following Sunday he was in West Chester. He stated on his second examination that he had been working at shoemaking in Philadelphia, under the name of James Wellington; that he had no reason for changing his name; that before he came to Philadelphia he had worked in New York, but declined to have his employer there written to. He declared he had never been to Darby, never heard of such a place before. A pair of blue pantaloons, a coat of the same color, and a shirt being shown him, he said they belonged to him, and that he had pur chased them from a man he met on the West Chester road. The scissors-chain found on Boyce was recog nized as the one stolen from Mrs. Warner, the panta loons and coat found in Wellington's bundle were identified by the tailor who made them as belonging to Bonsall, and a counterfeit ten-dollar note stolen at the same time had been passed at Sculltown by one of the men. Judge Hopkins committed the accused to jail at Woodbury to await a requisition from the Governor of Pennsylvania, and, to prevent an escape therefrom, a guard of citizens was stationed around the prison. On Tuesday night, the 7th of June, the prisoners were brought to Chester by Sheriff Weaver and lodged in the county jail. On Thursday and Friday they were separately examined in the court-house, before Justices Luke Cassin and George W. Bartram. The men in their examinations told substantially the same story they had related to Judge Hopkins, ex cepting that Labee stated he had received the ten- dollar note from Wellington, who told him if he passed it he might buy a pair of shoes, giving him, Wellington, the change, and that he, Boyce, and Wellington had been in prison in Philadelphia, and that all three had been discharged from the jail be tween the 7th and 20th of May of that year. Wel lington also acknowledged that he had been convicted of a store robbery in New York, had been sentenced for life to the penitentiary, had served five years, when he was pardoned by the Governor on condition that he would depart from and never return to that State. Mrs. Warner and Mrs. Bonsall, who were present at the examination, identified the men, and testified that the scissors-chain belonged to Mrs. War ner, the Peruvian dollar was similar to that carried by the murdered man, and the clothing taken from Bonsall, which Sheriff Weaver found thrust into a stove-pipe hole in Wellington's cell at Woodbury, was identified by both the witnesses as property taken from their house. The prisoners were held to await the action of the grand jury. In the mean while, the fourth man had been appre hended at Baltimore, the cause of bis arrest being the possession of a volume of poems written by Mrs. Gardner, of Darby, the owner's name having been carefully cut from the title-page. Among the articles taken from Bonsall's trunk was a volume of these poems, and he had written his name at the top of the title-page. The man then arrested as John Thomp son was surrendered to the State of Pennsylvania on requisition, and shortly after lodged in the Delaware County jail. On Saturday, Oct. 20, 1824, the grand jury having indicted the four men for the murder of Bonsall, Dep uty Attorney-General Edward Darlington called the case of Michael Monroe, alias James Wellington, who being without counsel, Judge Darlington assigned John Edwards, Jr., Matthias Richards Sayres, and Benjamin Tilghman to manage his defense. Edwards and Sayres were residents of this county-seat, the first named being afterwards member of Congress from this district, and the latter, who was a promising member of the bar, popularly known as " Dick Sayres," died at Chester early in 1826, in the thirtieth year of his age. The case having been opened, it continued over into the following day, — Sunday, — and the court-room was crowded with spectators dur ing all that October Sabbath, who had come from the every section of the county to hear the trial. The | circumstances as heretofore related were established by the evidence, and on Tuesday — for the trial con- UPPER DARBY TOWNSHIP. 541 sumed nearly four days — the jury rendered a verdict of guilty of murder in the first degree. The prose cution of Washington Labee had preceded that of Wellington, the jury, on Saturday, October 20th, re turning a verdict of guilty of murder in the second degree. John Thompson and Abraham Boyce, who were tried on Thursday, the 25th, were both acquitted on the indictments of murder, they being the two men who had gone out at the front door when Bon sall was killed, and, as no other charge was made against them, they were discharged. The court sen tenced Labee to eight years' hard labor in the Peni tentiary at Philadelphia, and on Wednesday, October 30th, pronounced the sentence of death as to Wel lington. Governor Shulze, November 10th, promptly signed the warrant, designating the execution of the sentence to be enforced on Dec. 17, 1824. The Upland Union, published at Chester, on Decem ber 21st, contains the following account of the execu tion of Wellington : " On Friday morning, Dec. 17, 1824, Michael Monroe, alias James Wellington, was executed. At an early hour the borough of Chester was crowded with strangers. At eleven o'clock he was conducted from the jail to the place of execution, a distance of one and a half miles" (on the tract now known as the Forty Acres), " accompanied by the sheriff and all the police-officers of the county. He was attended by Rev. John Woolson, William Palmer, R. W. Morgan, and John Smith. At half-past eleven o'clock, when the procession reached the gallows, the Rev. William Palmer delivered a solemn and appro priate prayer, after which he was followed by Rev. John Woolson. The prisoner ascended the scaffold about half-past twelve o'clock, and there addressed the spectators in the following words, which were spoken with a firmness that astonished all who were present : " ' I have heard it said that no innocent man was ever executed in this county, but it will lose that honor to-day.' "After he had concluded the above sentence, he sang a hymn with the greatest ease and composure of mind. He then told the sheriff that he had no more to say. It wanted seventeen minutes of one when the drop fell, and the prisoner was no more." An autopsy of Wellington's body was made that evening by Drs. William Gray, Ellis Harlan, and other physicians in the house still standing on the north side of Third Street, below Franklin, Chester, which was at that time known as the poll-well house. When the ancient borough began its long-delayed improvement, the then owner of the house modern ized it. Washington Labee, as before stated, was sentenced to a term of imprisonment in the penitentiary. It is said that five years after Wellington's execution a convict, dying in Sing Sing prison, stated under oath that he and three other men were the real murderers of Bonsall. The sworn confession being presented to the State authorities, Labee, who had undergone more than half of his term of imprisonment, was pardoned, but his long incarceration had so undermined his health that he died shortly after his release. The Clay Murder.— On May 21, 1870, near the factory of Oborn Levis, George Clay, an Englishman, was murdered by his daughter, Sarah Ann Seaburn. The latter, a woman of thirty-five, was the widow of a soldier who had died in the war, and after her hus band's death she had become addicted to drink. On many occasions she had exhibited symptoms of in sanity, which caused her several times to be dis charged from employment. In 1869 the father and daughter were both in the Delaware County House of Employment, and in the spring of 1870, when the father was discharged, he obtained the release of his daughter, alleging that she was not insane or had re covered from whatever derangement of mind she had labored under. Sarah Seaburn was a pensioner, and with the money received from the government the father and daughter purchased liquor in Philadel phia and became intoxicated. On Saturday, May 21, 1870, the woman, then in Upper Darby, borrowed a hatchet from a resident near the factory of Oborn Levis, stating that she wanted it to split some wood for kindling. Two hours after midnight, on May 21st, the woman came to the watchman at the mill and in quired the road to Media. At five o'clock the same morning Sarah Seaburn reached the almshouse, stat ing that she had murdered her father, who had abused her, and she wanted to be hanged for the crime. The body of Clay was found about nine o'clock, in a field near the house of Oborn Levis, and beside it was the hatchet with which the deed had been done. The head of the corpse had five large wounds, one of which, cutting through the left ear and crushing the skull, must have caused instant death. The woman was in dicted and tried for the murder on Aug. 22, 1870. The prisoner seeming not to comprehend the serious nature of the charge, Judge Butler ordered the plea of not guilty to be entered, and assigned William Ward to conduct her defense. A clear case of mental derangement was established, the jury acquitted the prisoner because of insanity, and the court directed her detention in the insane department of the House of Employment. Mills on Darby Creek— In presenting the history of the manufacturing industries in Upper Darby, it is the purpose to follow the mode adopted in the ac count of Birmingham township : to trace the creeks,— Darby and Cobb's,— and moving northward, to nar rate the story of those streams, the waters of which have furnished and are furnishing power to many of the busy factories and works which have been located along their banks. Upper Darby Paper-Mills.— Just above the town ship-line dividing Upper from Lower Darby, on the west side of Darby Creek, these works are located. In 1747, Joseph Bonsall sold the Darby Mills (the 542 HISTORY OF DELAWARE COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA. site of the present Griswold Worsted Company's mills in the borough of Darby) to Richard Lloyd. Bonsall had erected a saw-mill at the site of the pres ent paper-mills, about the middle of the last century, and in 1766, his son, Joseph Bonsall, was assessed on the saw-mill at that location. Joseph Bonsall, the elder, lived until 1803, at which date a grist- as well as a saw-mill had been erected, the former operated by his son James, and the latter by his son Joseph. On April 17, 1809, under proceedings in partition, fifteen and a half acres of land, the dwelling, grist- and saw-mills were allotted to James Bonsall, who, on December 26th of the same year, conveyed a half- interest in the property to his brother Joseph, and the mills were operated by the Bonsall brothers until 1840, when James died. His interest in the mills was devised to his wife, Elizabeth, during life, and with the remainder, at her death, to Joseph Palmer, a nephew of the decedent. Mrs. Bonsall died prior to Nov. 24, 1852, for on that date Joseph Palmer pur chased the half-interest of Joseph Bonsall in the mills, thus perfecting his title to the whole real estate. On March 31, 1866, Christopher Palmer bought the mills, and by his will, dated May 25, 1868, devised it to his son, Robert Palmer. The latter, in 1872, sold the property to Edwin T. Garrett, who changed the grist-mill to a paper-mill, since which date it has been used as such, daily making an aver age of one thousand pounds of paper manufactured. Morris Truman's Paper-Mills, — In the bend of Darby Creek, south of Kellyville, are located the Mathews Paper-Mills, or in later times known as the Beehive Mills. The history of these mills is in teresting. During the Revolution, on March 31, 1777, Morris Trueman and Joseph Cruikshank purchased six acres of land from Joseph Bonsall, which plot ad joined other lands owned by Bonsall. The deed con ferred on the purchasers the right to erect such mills as they saw fit ; to build on the creek a dam abutting on Bonsall's land, as also to raise the water sufficient to attain the power necessary to carry on the proposed mills. In the next year a low two-story, stone paper- mill and two stone dwellings were erected. An old log house, which still stands on the premises, is said to have been built prior to the sale to Trueman & Cruikshank. The paper-mills were operated by this firm until May 16, 1785, when Trueman purchased Cruikshank's interest in the property, and continued to operate the mills until 1788, when he associated Evan Trueman in the business. On April 6, 1799, True- man sold the estate to John Mathews, who conducted the business until his death, and was succeeded by his two sons, one of whom, Thomas, is still living, re siding on the estate. In 1859, Thomas Mathews sold the property to J. Howard Lewis, who conveyed it the next year to his brother Samuel. The latter changed the mill into a cotton-factory. In 1868 a new building, forty-five by ninety-five feet, two stories in height, was erected on the site of the old paper- mills. In April, 1876, the new building was destroyed by fire. At that time the mill was not in use, the stock had been removed, and the machinery would also have been taken, out during the following week. The mills were rebuilt, and cotton-manufacturing re sumed therein. In March, 1884, the buildings were again destroyed by fire, and have been again rebuilt. The walls of the buildings were used, and asbestos is manufactured there at the present time by George D. Lewis. The two houses built in 1778 ' are still standing. Kellyville Mills. — The land whereon Kellyville is located, and extending up the creek, so as to in clude the Union Mills, was the tract of six hundred and fifty-five acres surveyed to George Wood, Nov. 6, 1682, as heretofore stated. Two hundred acres of that estate were conveyed to Richard Bonsall, March 6, 1697/8. A century later, in 1799, Isaac Lobb owned three hundred and eighty acres of land at that local ity, and on May 6, 1812, he sold to Asher Lobb the right to build a dam across Darby Creek, which the latter did, and shortly after built a saw-mill. Between the years 1822 and 1826 Lobb erected a stone cotton- factory, seventy-two by forty-two feet, four stories in height, which in the last-mentioned year was oper ated by Bernard McCready. At that time the ma chinery consisted of thirty carding-engines, thirty- two looms, three thousand and fifty-six spindles, and three thousand three hundred pounds of cotton-yarn was spun weekly. McCready continued at this mill until Nov. 28, 1836, when Lobb leased the factory to Dennis & Charles Kelly for a period of ten years. The following year Lobb died, and by will directed that at the expiration of the lease to Kelly the mill property should be sold. Under this clause in Asher Lobb's will, on March 5, .1845, Charles Kelly pur chased the mill property. In 1847 the main building of the Kellyville Mills was one hundred and sixty by fifty-two feet, and five stories in height. The ma chinery, consisting of eight thousand spindles, ten self-acting mules, seven hand-mules, seventeen live spindle-throstles, and one hundred power-looms, was driven by two overshot wheels fifteen feet in diameter and sixteen feet wide, assisted, when the water was low, with a fifty horse-power engine, three boilers forty feet long and thirty-six inches in diameter. Two hundred operatives were then employed. The weekly production of the mills was thirty-five thou sand yards of ticking, canton flannel, and plantation goods, while forty thousand pounds of cotton were required per month. The village at that time con tained fifty dwelling-houses, mostly of stone, and the population consisted of over five hundred persons. Dennis & Charles Kelly and their heirs operated the mills until 1877. On September 21st of that year the mills were purchased by George Campbell. The lat ter, on March 2, 1878, sold the estate to Sellers Hoff man, who now owns the property. The Hoffman Mills contain three thousand five hundred spindles, UPPER DARBY TOWNSHIP. 543 two hundred and thirty-four looms, thirty-nine cards, and sixty inch sets of woolen cards. Three thou sand six hundred pounds of cotton yarn is produced weekly, and sixty operatives are employed. Modoc Mills. — On Darby Creek, a short distance above the Kellyville Mills, in 1873, Daniel Sharkey and William Weidbey erected a stone cotton-mill, ninety by forty-two feet, two stories in height. The machinery consists of four mules and five cards. Four teen operatives are employed, and about three thou sand six hundred pounds of cotton yarn are produced weekly. Garrett Mills. — William Garrett emigrated to the province of Pennsylvania in 1683. On March 5, 1688, there was surveyed to him two hundred and three acres from a tract of three hundred and three acres, which had been located by Luke Hanck, Nov. 8, 1682. It was a long tract, which extended nearly across the township, with the south end resting on Darby Creek, opposite the present Heyville Mills, in Springfield township. William Garrett was assessed in 1766 on a leather-mill and a blade-mill, in 1774 on a fulling- mill and blade-mill. In 1782, Oborn Garrett was as sessed on a fulling-mill, and in 1788 on " a skin-mill out of repair," and also a plaster-mill. After that date the name of Garrett does not appear on the as sessment-roll of Upper Darby in connection with mills until 1798, when Thomas Garrett owned a tilt-mill at the site of the present Union Mills, owned by Thomas Kent, and there Thomas & Samuel Garrett con ducted the tilt-mill, oil-mill, and cotton-factory at that locality for many years after that date. In 1848, just below Garrettsford, on the Thornfield estate, belong ing to William Garrett, on Dr. Ash's map a tannery is located. Possibly this may have been the leather or bark-mill for which William Garrett, in 1766, was Union Mills. — Thomas Garrett, in 1805, built at this mill-site a tilt-mill, and on July 27, 1808, he pur chased of Samuel Levis the right to place the abutment of a dam across Darby Creek for any purpose, except ing for a grist- or paper-mill. After securing this privilege a new dam was built, the works at that loca tion enlarged, and, as mentioned in the account of the Garrett Mills, was conducted by Thomas & Samuel Garrett. The latter, as an individual enterprise, had operated an oil-mill at the same locality, which was continued until about 1830, and was washed away in the flood in 1843. In 1822, Thomas Garrett erected a stone cotton-factory, fifty-four by forty feet, three stories in height, which, in 1826, was rented to John Mitchell. It was known as the Union Mill, and at that time contained seven carding-engines, one draw ing-frame, one stretcher of one hundred and twenty spindles, four hundred and forty-four throstle-spindles, six hundred and sixty mule-spindles, and made weekly one thousand pounds of cotton-yarn. Twenty-four operatives were employed, and stone tenement-houses had been erected to accommodate five families. In 1830, James Robinson succeeded Mitchell, and carried on manufacturing there for several years. Charles Kelly leased it in 1839, and continued to operate it until April 1, 1845, when the property was purchased by James Wilde, the locality at that time known as Wildeville. On Nov. 16, 1846, Wilde sold the mills to his brother-in-law, Thomas Kent, who now owns and has continued to operate the Union Mills since that date. In 1850, Mr. Kent built an addition of fifty by forty feet, three stories in height, to the orig inal mill on the south end, and in 1852 to the north end he built an addition fifty by forty feet, three stories and an attic. Fifteen years afterwards, in 1867, Thomas Kent had the walls of the main building removed to the floor of the second story, and on the remaining walls rebuilt the mill four stories and an attic, thus giving a total length of two hundred feet, forty feet in width, and erected also a dye-house eighty by forty feet, a fire-proof picker-house thirty by thirty-four feet, two stories in height. The machinery in the Union Mills comprises ten sets of forty-eight inch cards, eleven self-acting mules of four hundred spindles each, one hundred narrow and sixteen broad looms, having capacity of manufacturing four thou sand yards of goods weekly. Rockbourne Mills. — This mill is located on the west side of Darby Creek, and was the property of Samuel Garrett, who failing in 1837, it was as signed to Oborn Levis and William Garrett, who conveyed it, April 1, 1838, to Edwin Garrett. This mill is located near the site of the oil-mill which was washed away in 1843. After this cotton-mill was erected Edwin Garrett rented it to Jonas Cowan, who made cotton laps until the fall of 1842, when James and John Wilde succeeded him, and remained there until the fall of 1843, when they removed to Oborn Levis' mill farther up the creek. Thomas and John Kent, on Jan. 1, 1844, rented the factory and manu factured woolen goods. April 1, 1845, Thomas Kent purchased the mill, and in 1850 built an addition to it of thirty by forty feet, four stories and an attic. In 1868 the old part of the building was almost entirely taken down and a stone structure fifty-four by one hundred and twenty-five feet, four stories and attic, was erected. This mill contains six mules with four hundred spindles each, five sets of cards, and thirty- eight broad looms. Twenty-four hundred yards of woolen goods are manufactured weekly. Two hun dred people are employed in both mills. The ma chinery is driven by a one hundred horse-power en gine and one hundred and twenty horse-power boiler. Thomas Kent, the son of Josiah and Hannah Kent, was born in Middleton, Lancashire, England, on the 27th of March, 1813. His youth was spent at the home of his parents, where limited advantages of edu cation were afforded. He had, however, during this early period acquired habits of thought and observa tion which were more serviceable in later life than the knowledge derived from books. Entering a cot- 544 HISTORY OF DELAWARE COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA. ton-mill, he became proficient in the trade of a weaver, and at sixteen was made foreman, which responsible position he filled acceptably for a period of three years, when he learned the art of silk weaving. He continued thus engaged until 1839, when, having de termined to emigrate to America, he landed in Phila delphia, and repaired at once to Clifton, Delaware Co., where he became associated with his brother-in-law in the spinning of carpet-yarns. Mr. Kent remained thus employed until 1843, when a copartnership was formed with his brother John, under the firm-name of J. & T. Kent. They continued the manufacture of carpet-yarns, renting for the purpose the mill which had formerly been operated by James Wild. A disas trous fire and freshet the same year destroyed both mill and machinery, but, nothing daunted, the same fall another mill was rented, fully equipped with ma chinery, and in active operation during the beginning of the following year. The copartnership which ex isted until 1852 ended in the purchase by Thomas Kent of the entire interest. The same year he intro duced the weaving of Kentucky jeans, and continued to supply the market with this article until 1861, when the mill was devoted to the manufacture of products for the government. In 1867 the old mill was demol ished, and the present spacious and convenient struc ture erected in its stead. The production of cloths was continued until 1877, when flannels were made a specialty, and are still the product of the looms. Mr. Kent was married, in 1852, to Miss Fannie Leonard, daughter of Simeon and Bodicea Leonard. Their children are Hannah (Mrs. Frederick Schoff), Henry L., Louisa, Francis L. (deceased), Samuel L., and Mary A. Mr. Kent was early a Whig in his political predilections, and subsequently indorsed the platform and principles of the Republican party. The engrossing cares of a very prosperous business have, however, precluded an active interest in public affairs, and debarred him from political associations, which are little to his taste. In his religious faith he is a Swedenborgian, and a member of the New Jerusalem Church in Upper Darby. Clifton Mills. — A paper-mill was in operation on the site of these mills in 1782, then owned by Samuel Levis and conducted by William Levis, to whom it was devised by his father's will Aug. 22, 1793. Wil liam Levis, in December, 1795, purchased of John Lungren a paper-mill on Ridley Creek, which in 1822 was changed to a cotton-factory. The latter property is now owned by Samuel Bancroft. The mill on Darby Creek, after the death of William Levis, was sold by Oborn and William Levis on Feb. 24, 1825, to Samuel Eckstein, together with eighteen acres of land and the use of water in the creek from the dam and race of the upper mills, now Glenwood Mills. The new owner rented the mills to William Amies & Co. The estate came into the ownership of the Penn sylvania Hospital in October, 1842, and shortly after was sold to Oborn Levis. At that time it was a two- vate paper-mill ninety by thirty-two feet, three stories in height, and was known as the Lamb Mill. Oborn Levis operated this mill until his death, when by his will it became the property of his son Oborn, who in 1867 changed it to a cotton-factory. The latter continued to operate the mills until his death, and in 1881 his administrators sold it to William Longstreth, who died soon after, and the Clifton Mills are now owned by his estate. The main mill is one hundred and eighty by fifty-two feet, and is partly two and partly three stories in height. The machinery con sists of seventeen hundred woolen-spindles, four sets of cards, one hundred and eight looms, five thousand cotton-spindles, and nine cards. One hundred and thirty-five persons are employed in these mills, and thirty bales of cotton are used weekly in manufactur ing goods. Glenwood Mills. — Samuel Levis, a maltster of Leicester, England, with William Garrett, before leaving England, purchased one thousand acres of land from William Penn. Levis, Garrett, and others emigrated to the province in 1684, landing at Chester, and shortly after settled on Darby Creek in Upper Darby, and built the house where Samuel G. Levis now lives. At the death of Samuel Levis, the real estate in the bend of Darby Creek, just south of the Garrettford road, descended to Samuel Levis, the younger. The latter is said to have erected at this location the first mill ever built by the Levis family, and as it was a scythe or tilt-mill, it certainly was not erected prior to the middle of the last century. In 1779, Levis had a grist-mill and an oil-mill at this site. The tilt-mill could not have proved successful, for several years prior to the Revolution the building had been changed to a paper-mill. Samuel Levis (2d) had several sons ; among the number were Samuel, William, and Isaac Levis. The latter removed in 1775 to Ridley Creek, where now are the Media Water- Works ; William had other mills near the Glenwood site which belonged to his father Samuel (3), died in 1793, and this mill de scended to Samuel (4), who died in 1813, and the estate passed to his sons, Samuel, William, and Oborn Levis. To William the mills which later became the Eckstein Mills descended, to Samuel the present mills came, and to Oborn the Oborn Garrett Mills. Samuel and Oborn subsequently exchanged properties, and Oborn Levis came into possession of the Glenwood Mills. They were operated by Thomas Amies & Son from 1828 to 1838, later by Israel Ames and Benjamin Gaskill to 1840. From that time Oborn aud Samuel G. Levis owned and conducted the mills to the death of Oborn, since which time they have been managed by Samuel G. Levis. In 1862 the paper-mill was torn down and a cotton- and woolen-factory built, one hun dred and ten by fifty-four feet, three stories high, with annex one hundred and five by twenty-seven feet, two stories high. The factory at present contains four thousand spindles, nine sets of cards, one hundred and sixty-two looms ; one hundred and forty opera- i 'T Ritchie PEia giaaw, ©iiL&MAmig ©©., p&. UPPER DARBY TOWNSHIP. 547 Marshall's Mill. — John Marshall owned two tracts of land above Naylor's Run, on Cobb's Creek, — one of sixty-four acres, surveyed May 3, 1689, the other (adjoining to the south) of one hundred and fifty acres, surveyed Jan. 7, 1692. Marshall died in 1749, and by his will, dated October 1st in that year, devised his land messuage, " with the saw-mill," to his execu tors, with directions to sell the estate and distribute the proceeds among his children. This mill was pur chased by Thomas Marshall, who changed it to a full ing-mill, which he was running in 1762, and was there until 1779, when James Marshall operated it until about 1800. A John Marshall, probably a son of John, was running a grist-mill in 1766. The mill was located on the Marshall road. The race which supplied the water to this mill extended higher up on Cobb's Creek, and now forms part of the race-way of the Cardington Mills. Millbourne Mills.— Samuel Sellers, the original set tler of this family, located at the site of these mills in 1682, but the two tracts of land — of seventy-five acres and one hundred acres — which he at first purchased were not surveyed to him until 1690-91. He later made other purchases of lands in the neighborhood, as did his sons and grandsons. He was a weaver, and is said to have erected the first twisting-mill in Amer ica. His son, Samuel, and grandson, John, were also weavers. The latter was born in 1728, and died in 1804. He invented the process of weaving wire cloth, and also manufactured Dutch fans. The first record of a dam at Millbourne is found in a deed from John Sellers to other parties, dated Aug. 27, 1752, in which the dam is mentioned as being on Cobb's Creek, in the township of Darby. He was much interested in utilizing the water-power of Cobb's Creek, and caused to be developed six of the sites along that stream and Naylor's Run, which were afterwards used by his descendants. John Sellers died in 1804, and devised bis estate to his sons, Nathan, David, John, and George, to tbe latter of whom he gave the greater part of the farm lands. The grist- and saw-mills he devised to his son, John, who was born in 1762 and died in 1847. These mills were evidently built before 1749, the date when the dam is mentioned. In 1766 they were owned by John Sellers, the elder, and were operated by James Steel, who continued there until 1805, when he was succeeded by his son, Thomas Steel. In 1814, Thomas Steel purchased the Darby Mills, in the vil lage of that name, and removed thither. In that year John Sellers erected the old part of the present mill, and his son, John, who had learned the trade of a miller with Thomas Steel, took charge of the new mill. In 1782, John Sellers also owned a tan- yard, which was on the Wayside farm, now owned by the estate of his son, John. On a little stream which empties into the dam supplying the water to Mill bourne Mills, in 1800, was an oil-mill, which was con tinued until subsequent to the year 1848. The old grist-mill stood above the present mill, and in 1820 was used for grinding gypsum, and had been so em ployed for many years. As late as 1830, Augustus C. Jones was operating the old mill in grinding logwood, spices, etc. Soon after that date it was discontinued. The new mill, built in 1814, was placed under the charge of John Sellers, Jr., and was fitted with all the improved machinery of that time. In 1820 there was manufactured 8572 bushels of merchant wheat, 3366 of grist wheat, 4367 of rye, 3784 of Indian corn, 1168 of buckwheat, 843 of oats, making a total of 22,100 bushels of grain. In 1825, 12,000 bushels of mer chant wheat was manufactured at these mills. Addi tions were made to the mill from time to time, and the latest improved machinery constantly added. In 1868 the large addition was built to the original stone structure, four stories in height from the bed of the creek. A turbine-wheel was used at that time to run the mills, and in 1876 auxiliary steam-power was added. John Sellers (3d) died July 20, 1878, his sons having had charge of the mills prior to his death. In 1879 the " new roller process" was adopted, and at present two hundred and fifty barrels of flour are daily produced. In June, 1884, 22,552 bushels of wheat was ground and 4764J barrels of flour was made. In the year 1883, 256,663 bushels of wheat were pur chased and 53,125£ barrels of flour were produced. The Millbourne Mills are now owned by William, John, and Nathan Sellers, grandsons of John Sellers, who erected the mill in 1814. The Sellers family is one of the oldest in Delaware County, and we append the following sketch. I. Samuel Sellers, emigrated from Belper, Derby shire, England, in 1682, and settled in Darby town ship, Chester Co., Pa. (now Upper Darby town ship, Delaware Co.). He took up a tract of one hundred acres, and carried on his trade (weaving) in connection with farming. In June, 1684, he married Anna, daughter of Henry and Helen Gibbons, who came from Parividge, Derbyshire. They were the first couple married in " Darby Meeting," which was then held in the dwellings of its members, as no meeting-house had been erected. They " passed meeting" May 2, 1684 (O. S.). Samuel died Sept. 22, 1732, and his wife, who survived him, died Nov. 19, 1742. They had six children, the third being : II. Samuel Sellers, who was born Dec. 3, 1690, and married, Aug. 12, 1712, to Sarah Smith, daughter of John and Eleanor Smith, from Harby, Leicestershire, England, died June 3, 1773. They had seven chil dren, the youngest being : III. John Sellers, who was born Sept. 19, 1728, died Feb. 2, 1804. He married, at Darby, Feb. 26, 1749 (O. S.), Ann Gibson, the daughter of Nathan Gibson and his wife, nee Ann Hunt, daughter of James Hunt. They had, among other children, Na than, David, John* and George. IV. John* Sellers, who was born Dec. 1, 1762, died May 12, 1847. He married, April 27, 1786, Mary 548 HISTORY OF DELAWARE COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA. Coleman, daughter of Joseph and Mary Coleman, of Philadelphia, and had, among other children : V. John Sellers, who was born Sept. 29, 1789, and died July 20, 1878. John Sellers, son of Samuel and Sarah Smith Sel lers, was born in Upper Darby, Sept. 19, 1728, and was taught the trade of a weaver, his father having erected in that township the first twisting-mill in Pennsylvania, which became noted for the coerlet and camlet cloths there made. Early in life he dis played much ingenuity, and invented the first wire rolling screens and sieves for cleansing grain ever made on this continent. So successful was this in vention that he abandoned the manufacture of textile fabrics and devoted his attention to wire weaving, and subsequently added thereto the making of fans for farm purposes. He had also given considerable attention to the study of civil engineering, and soon became noted in the country, no one questioning the accuracy of every line run by him. In 1767 he was elected a member of Assembly, and consecutively for five terms thereafter was one of the representatives of Chester County in that body. Previous to the Revo lutionary war he was appointed by the Governor one of the surveyors to run a line from the Middle Ferry at Philadelphia, to Lancaster for the Strasburg road, and in 1763 was one of the commissioners to lay out that highway. In 1769 the Assembly of Pennsylvania granted to the Philosophical Society one hundred pounds towards the cost of building an observatory in the State-House yard in Philadelphia, from which to ob serve the transit of Venus, which took place June 3, 1769. This phenomenon was here successfully ob served by Dr. John Ewing, David Rittenhouse, John Sellers, and others. In 1776 he was chosen a member of Assembly from Chester County, but declined to accept, he, with many other thoughtful men of that day, holding that the Constitution of 1776 had many features subversive of the liberty of the people, one of its most objectionable provisions being that reposing the legislative authority in one House. Yet by that Constitutional Conven tion he was made one of the justices of Chester County. In 1789, Governor Mifflin appointed him to make surveys of the Schuylkill River, the object being to ascertain whether it was practicable to unite by a canal tbe Susquehanna and Schuylkill Rivers. In the mean while Delaware County had been erected, and John Sellers was, in the bill, appointed one of the commissioners to adjust the dividing line, and in the election of October of that year he was chosen one of the delegates to the Constitutional Convention of 1790, wherein he took an active part. The duties of these offices demanded his attention to such an extent that, Oct. 17, 1789, he resigned his "Commission for Ex amining the Waters of the Schuylkill," and Benjamin Rittenhouse was appointed in his stead. In 1790 he was elected senator from his district, then included with the city of Philadelphia, and served a term of four years. Governor Mifflin, on Sept. 17, 1791, ap pointed him one of the judges of Delaware County. He seems to have qualified for the office, but resigned shortly afterwards, and the following year Hugh Lloyd was appointed in his stead. John Sellers was recog nized in his day as a man of considerable scientific attainments, although wholly self-taught, and was elected a member of the American Philosophical So ciety of 1768. He died Feb. 3, 1804, in the seventy- sixth year of his age. John Sellers, the son of John and Mary Coleman Sellers, was born in Philadelphia, Sept. 29, 1789, and died July 20, 1878. His mother died when he was about five years old. In consequence of this great loss he spent most of his early life in the country, at the home of his grandfather (also John Sellers). This place, now known as "Sellers' Hall," was part of the original tract of ground taken up by Samuel Sel lers, the emigrant, and the present brief of title con tains the form of original grant from William Penn. Here the family lived from generation to generation, and that part of it now known as Millbourne was the home of this John Sellers after his marriage, and is still in possession of his sons. Country life was the ideal of all delights to his boyhood, and it was here, no doubt, that his love of nature was developed which to his latest day was so strong a characteristic. Here he was sent to the common country schools, and ob tained such education as they then afforded. His habits of observation opened up to him great fields of knowledge which were always extending, and the silent influences of nature were real teachers to him. He knew all kinds of wood lore, and every bird by its note, and all the habits of insect life. With the greatest simplicity of character he had an amount of latent strength which was not always sus pected even by himself, but which made him always a reliance to his friends and neighbors. Even in early life he was often called upon to arbitrate in disputes, where his winning, persuasive manner and clear judg ment had great influence. He learned the trade of a miller under Thomas Steel, who then had an old mill on Millbourne Place. In 1814 his father built for him a new mill up to the highest-known standard. Part of it is still standing, surrounded and overtopped by handsome additions and improvements, and is now known as Millbourne Mills. Much of the wood-work on the original mill was made by John Sellers and his mechanical father. He felt it a great responsibility to run this mill, and his modesty perhaps exaggerated his deficiencies in business knowledge. He took into it untiring energy and determination, and gradually made it a success. His business principles were very simple, as his whole life was fitted to the groove of strictest justice. He had been brought up in accordance with the teachings of Friends, and to " observe moderation in all things" was a vital principle of religion to him. USQBrtfrM :> rfi •.-.*.* I" Si K'.'MSi..-.". . .: -?l '-Jll'* ilk* .¦*.: Jl ¦. ill II raw* ] - i x mmt^/mmm MM-- si fWlw >US it SBSL-L W' JasiW . ,., ,' ~ S ', .,.,»HHf UPPER DARBY TOWNSHIP. 549 In 1817, at the age of twenty-seven, he married Elizabeth Poole, the eldest daughter of William Poole, of Wilmington, Del. In this choice he was most wisely directed, and the result might well confirm the supposition that " all true marriages are made in heaven." It would be impossible to give any correct account of his life without including her in it. She was his counselor in everything, and he honored the whole sex for her sake. She had been the congenial com panion of a very intellectual father, and she brought into her husband's home a wisdom beyond her years. She made his house a centre of attraction in the neighborhood, hiding all defects with her lavish and bountiful nature. He often recounted their early ex perience together, when economy was a necessity and all conveniences lacking, and how her cheerful spirit was a tower of strength to him. He never entered into any business of importance without consulting her, and in recounting some losses it was often with the preface, " If I had minded what my wife said, this would not have happened." They had eleven children, three of whom died in infancy. The rest survive them. He made a strong protest against the use of alcohol in any form, and was the first in his neighborhood to do away with its use in the harvest fields. This was a most unpopular movement when it was thought to be the strength of the laborer and the promoter of cheer ful endeavor. He had the courage of his principles, however, and by the promise of higher wages be car ried his point, and set an example to his neighbors that was quickly followed. When anti-slavery doc trines were most abhorrent to the general public, he went into that cause with all his heart. His house was always open to its disciples, and the fugitive found there both welcome and help on his way. He took liberal papers, and always cast his vote for the liberal party. He was an old-time Whig, and boasted that he never missed his vote at any election from the time of his majority. He considered it a sacred duty to attend the polls, and thought an American citizen unworthy the name who neglected this. He was chosen a delegate to the Free-Soil Convention which met in Buffalo in 1848. He deprecated the spirit of disunion found in some of the ultra abolitionists, and often said "the best way to abolish slavery would be to introduce the public-school system in the South." He was deeply interested in the cause of education, and at one time, with others of his neighbors, built a school-house which they maintained for many years at their own expense. Here the best teachers were employed, and some of his own children received their entire education. When the free-school system was inaugurated this school-house became the prop erty of Upper Darby, but continued its original name of the Union School, which it bears to this day. He was immediately chosen treasurer and director of the Upper Darby school district, which positions he held until the last years of his life. Many other positions of trust were given him ; he was treasurer of three different road companies at one time, and was several times an administrator to large estates. In these du ties he was deeply interested and faithfully performed them. In 1859 he had the misfortune to lose his wife, and the close companionship of forty years was broken. Together they had borne "the burden and heat of the day," and now that the resting time had come hers was "in larger, other worlds than ours." He was a man of few words, and all his principles for bade repining, but his life was shorn of its brightness. Loved by everybody, he especially delighted in young people, and naturally attracted many to his house, so that it was never other than a cheerful home. He firmly believed in making it so. He was a member of Darby Monthly Meeting, and, according to the usage among Friends, all his children had birthright membership in this society. Twice a week, all his life, did he faithfully attend meeting. His creed was " to do justly, to love mercy, and to walk humbly before God," and all who knew him confess that he made it practical. He would sometimes listen to long discussions on theological points, but with great humility regret that he did not understand much about them. He said, " If we all tried to live so that we could look back on each act with satisfac tion, that would be a good enough religion." To those who knew him best it would seem impossible that regret or remorse could ever have been his por tion. His health was perfect, from which fact he derived great pleasure. At one time, when nearly eighty years of age, he walked to and from meeting, a dis tance of about eight miles, without apparent effort. His love of reading was maintained to his latest day, and his delight in nature never waned. He became the patriarch of his meeting, and died full of honors in the community on the 20th day of July, 1878, aged eighty-nine. His life was a very simple one, without incident or pretension, but from beginning to end was full of sweetness and instruction. The following extract from a county paper is em bodied, as concisely estimating his character: " He was a member of the society of Friends, wor shiping at Darby Meeting, and was one of the very few remaining of the old members of that meeting. Never ambitious for political preferment, he did not ask public applause, living in the practice of the belief that the 'post of honor is the private station.' In the anti-slavery cause he was an active worker, and his efforts on behalf of the down-trodden knew no cessation until the work of emancipation was com pleted and the legitimate fruits of the triumph as sured. His goodness of heart and Christian character endeared him to those of all creeds and professions. He was liberal in all things, ever looking beyond the present for his reward. With him, through life, what- 550 HISTORY OF DELAWARE COUNTS', PENNSYLVANIA. ever was worth doing was worth doing well. If he was not great in the eyes of the world, he was something better, for he found in his congenial calling an ample field for thegenerous disposition of his heart. Through out his long career, in every relation of life, he set for us an example worthy of study and imitation. As a husband, father, and friend he not only practiced with rigorous exactness the duties of those relations, but invested them with such gentleness of temper and grace of manner as added uncommon charm and beauty to his daily life, and strongly endeared him to all who were privileged to be related to or connected with him. It was our pleasure to know the deceased for the past forty years, and the invaluable advice and many kind suggestions received from him will ever be remembered. None among the many who were acquainted with John Sellers, and the unstinted kindness of his never-failing considerateness, will feel that we have at all exaggerated the solid worth of an honorable citizen, a firm friend, and a good man." Keystone Paper-Mill. — The tract on which this mill is located was taken up by John Blunston, Nov. 18, 1683, who sold two hundred and fifty acres, June 1, 1686, to John Hood. No record shows that a mill existed on the property until 1807, when George Sellers was in possession of a saw-mill, which was built subsequent to 1803, and was continued by him as a saw-mill until some time after 1830. It is located in the " Report of Manufactures of Delaware County in 1826" as being " on Cobb's Creek in Upper Darby, above Indian Creek, a large branch which extends into Philadelphia County, a saw-mill head and fall about 28 feet, Mill Race about one and a half mile long; owned and occupied by Geo. Sellers." This property later came to Abram Pennock, whose wife was a daughter of George Sellers, who used the power to run a paper-mill, which he built on or near the site of the saw-mill. It was occupied a part of the time by C. S. Garrett, and was destroyed by fire about 1865. In the next year (1866) C. S. Garrett & Sons erected the present Keystone Mills, for the manufacture of paper, a short distance from the old mill. The build ings were of stone, one, fifty by sixty feet, four stories high ; one, thirty-five by thirty-five feet, three stories ; and one, thirty by one hundred feet, one story high. These mills were supplied with a twenty-five-hundred- pound engine, three rag-engines, a thousand-pound washing-engine, a seven-hundred-pound engine, a Jordan engine, and a fifty-eight-inch Fourdrinier machine. The power is supplied from a two-hun- dred-and-fifty horse-power engine and four one-hun dred horse-power boilers. The product is mostly ot card-papers, of which about four tons are made daily. Fifteen men and sixteen girls are employed. In addition to the mills already given, the following industries appear of record, but their exact locations are not known to the writer. In 1766, Abraham John son was assessed on a grist- and saw-mill, which reg ularly appeared until 1774, when Martha Johnson owned a saw-mill, after which date the name does not appear on the assessment-roll connected with mills. From 1782 to 1790, Job Evans owned and operated a grist-mill. The name of John Tyson occurs in 1782 as the owner of a grist-mill, and was continued to be so assessed until 1804. Jacob Lobb owned or operated a grist-mill in 1788, and from 1774 to 1779, Thomas Pilkinton operated a grist-mill. During the year last mentioned William Davis and Benjamin Brannon had distilleries. The former lived near the northern line of the township, on lands lately owned by Dr. George Smith, the latter on the Darby and Haverford roads, south of the Marshall road, where he kept a tavern. Fernwood. — The village of this name is located near Cobb's Creek, in Upper Darby township, and on the line of the central division of the Philadelphia, Wilmington and Baltimore Railroad, formerly the West Chester and Philadelphia Railroad. The land was in the ownership of the Bonsell family for several generations until 1870, when it was purchased by a stock company which had organized in that year by the name of the Fernwood Cemetery Company. The corporators were Amos Bonsell, John Bower, Alfred R. Potter, Charles P. Bower, Frederick Hassold, Price I. Patton, Charles M. Towne, William J. Kelly, Christian Gross, and Godfrey Keebler. The one hun dred and twenty acres of land purchased of Amos Bonsell was located on Cobb's Creek, bounded on the other sides by Church Lane, the Baltimore pike, and the line of the proposed Chester County Railroad. The plot was named Fernwood Cemetery, from the fact that at the time of purchase fourteen varieties of ferns were growing in large quantities within its limits, — a fortunate name, for the land in 1682 was surveyed to Joshua Fearne, the early settler. The grounds were laid out into lots, paths, and avenues, over thirty-five thousand perches of stone being used in the avenues ; three thousand five hundred ever green and deciduous trees were planted, besides many ornamental shrubs. The first burial within the grounds was made on the 5th of May, 1872, and at the present time this city of the dead has a population of over nine thousand quiet sleepers resting there. The cemetery is largely used for the interment of persons who have resided in Philadelphia, and is about three miles from Market Street bridge. Upon the comple tion of the cemetery it was determined to establish a village near by, and to that end Price I. Patton and William J. Kelly purchased of Amos Bonsell fifty- seven acres of land adjoining the cemetery, which was laid out into streets and lots. The proprietors erected two houses on Fourth Street (facing the first) in 1872. In that year Adam Tracey purchased a lot and built thereon a dwelling-house, in which he established the first store in the village. In 1876 a stock company was formed for the purpose of building a large hotel, and in that year the Fernwood Mansion, a stone structure, was erected, at a cost of forty-two thousand dollars. It is forty by one hundred and thirty- k n y § t © w n papnia gshlils. Office and Warehouse, 12 aud 14 Decatur Street, Philadelphia, Pa. UPPER DARBY TOWNSHIP. 551 three feet, five stories high, containing for hotel pur poses seventy-seven rooms. In this building are also a Masonic lodge-room and three stores. Fernwood Lodge, No. 553, F. and A. M., which now holds its communications in the Mansion House, was instituted in December, 1875, in the city of Phil adelphia, with ten charter members, and with Oliver B. Moss, W. M. ; H. M. Hoffner, Treas. ; George W. Shirley, Sec. The lodge held its communications for two years in the school-house at Fernwood, and upon the completion of the hall in the Mansion House the lodge removed thither, the new hall being dedicated in December, 1877. The lodge at present has about one hundred members. George W. Shirley is the present Master. Fernwood Methodist Episcopal Church.— This society was organized July 14, 1872, with about twelve members, under the charge of the Rev. M. H. Sisty, who remained pastor till the spring of 1873. He has been succeeded in the pastorate by the Revs. John Shepherd, George Mack, A. S. Hood, R. A. Sadlier, Pennell Coombe, and the Rev. N. W. Clark, the present incumbent. The church has also a mission at "West End," Philadelphia. The first meeting of the society was held in the summer of 1872, in a grove near the village, and in the fall of that year they assembled in a frame building erected on the rear of the present church lot. In 1873 the present church edifice, built of brick, forty by sixty feet, was erected, at a cost of fifteen thousand dollars. There are eighty members of the church at the present time, and a Sunday-school of one hundred and twenty pupils is connected with it, of which George W. Pentridge is superintendent. Union Mills at Fernwood. — William Hall & Co., in 1867, established at Darby borough a shoddy and waste-wool mill. In 1870 they erected a building sixty by eighty feet at Fernwood, and removed tbe business thereto. The building contains twenty-four thousand square feet of floor-room, and embraces the carding- room, picker-room, dye-house, scouring-room, and dry ing-room. There are twenty-one cards and two en gines of one hundred and sixty horse-power and boiler of two hundred and four horse-power. The mill pro duces sixty thousand pounds of shoddy per week. Near the Union Mills are located the Pipe- Works of Austin, Obdyke & Co. In 1882 this firm erected a building one hundred by eighty feet, especially de signed for the business of manufacturing tin water- or rain-spouts. Twelve persons are employed and twelve boxes of tin are daily used in this establishment. The public school-house at Fernwood is of brick, two stories in height, and was completed in 1875. The railroad company have erected a handsome stone depot at the station, and the travel over the road to this place by reason of the cemetery is large ; two hundred and twenty-five thousand people visit ing the cemetery last year by rail alone, and many thousands by carriages. Abolition Society.— The first society formed in Upper Darby was an abolition society, which was organized prior to May 4, 1830, on which occasion George Sellers, Abram Powell, Dr. Caleb Ash, James Rhoads, Joseph Fussel, Joseph Rhodes, Saul Sellers, Jr., Lewis Watkin, Nathan Sellers, John Sellers, Jr., J.- Morgan Bunting, David S. Bunting, and William H. Bunting were appointed a committee to attend the annual meeting of the Pennsylvania State Anti-Sla very Society, Philadelphia, May 17, 1830. The few members of this ridiculed association continued to as semble occasionally until the emancipation proclama tion of President Lincoln did utterly away with legal ized human slavery in the United States. In this township Thomas Garrett, the noted anti-slavery advo cate, was born Aug. 21, 1789, his father, Oborn Garrett, owning and operating the scythe- and edge-tool works mentioned in the account of the mills on Darby Creek, and with him Thomas Garrett learned that trade. His pronounced anti-slavery views resulted from the fact that in 1815, he, having moved to Wilmington, returned one day to his father's home in Upper Darby, where he found the family indignant and dis tressed because a colored woman in their employment had been kidnapped and spirited away. He immedi ately made chase, and tracked the kidnapper to Ken sington, where he rescued the woman from them. From that moment until his death, in January, 1871, he was a fearless, active advocate of abolition, and during the ante-bellum days he aided between three and four thousand slaves to escape to the Northern States. In May, 1870, a great parade of the colored people of Wilmington, Del., took place, on which occasion Thomas Garrett, then eighty years of age, was taken in an open barouche through the streets of that city, and on each side a guard of honor was formed, bearing banners inscribed " Our Moses." He died the following year, and his funeral was attended by a vast assemblage of people, a number of whom had come many miles that they might pay respect to the dead man, who throughout his life had been just, fearless, and upright, and who loved his neighbor as himself. Friends' Graveyard.— On Feb. 4, 1860, the Friends' Monthly Meeting of the Western District of Phila delphia purchased of Charles Wiltbank twenty-seven and nine-tenths of an acre near Cobb's Creek and the termination of Market Street, Philadelphia, for a burial-place for members of that meeting. First Use of Gas.— In 1851, Christopher Fallon purchased a tract of one hundred and forty acres of William Black, on the south side of Garrettford road, and west of tbe Darby and Haverford roads. He erected in that year a spacious mansion-house. On Dec. 28, 1853, the dwelling was illuminated with gas, made at private works on the estate. The fact is noticeable, because it was the first time gas was used for illuminating purposes in Delaware County. Crimes. — On Sept. 20, 1849, while the services were 552 HISTORY OF DELAWARE COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA. being held at the funeral of Abram Powell, the miller, on Naylor's Run, a man was noticed to deliberately mount a valuable mare and ride away. Those who saw the act, believing that he had been sent on an errand by the family, paid no attention, and it was not mentioned until after the funeral, when inquiries were made respecting the animal. The boldness. of the thief secured his escape. A few days before the funeral two horses had been stolen from Joseph Pow ell, a son of Abram, and he had offered fifty dollars reward for their return. On the day of his father's funeral the horses were brought back, and the son paid the reward, the latter being so overwhelmed with grief and the cares of the day that he asked no questions of the men who returned the horses. In July, 1877, a black man entered the house of Mrs. Kirk, and going into her room, appropriated several dresses. Mrs. Kirk, who was blind, sitting in the room, heard him, and, as the sound of his foot-step was unfamiliar, gave the alarm. The thief sprang out of the window, but pursuit being made by the men in the harvest-field, he was arrested, lodged in jail, and subsequently tried and convicted. On Feb. 16, 1876, the United States detectives seized an illicit distillery in a house near Darby Road Station, on the West Chester Railroad. A pit was excavated outside of the stable, which was floored with boards, covered with earth and straw. In this pit was a still, worm, and other necessary appliances, while from the still- house fire a flue was laid in a trench, and ran through the foundation of the dwelling, so that the smoke might mingle with that in the chimney and disarm suspicion. A trap-door in the stable gave access to an underground passage-way, which led to the pit where the still was located. The whiskey produced there was made from molasses. The government offi cers arrested James Cullen in Philadelphia, but the other two persons connected with him escaped. In the evening of Aug. 3, 1837, Jacob Brass acci dentally discovered in the woods on the farm of George Sellers the body of a man hanging to a limb about six feet from the ground. A pair of new cotton sus penders were round his neck and fastened to the limb. The corpse, when found, was in an advanced state of decomposition, and must have been hanging there several days before it was discovered. Remarkable Instances of Longevity.— Mrs. Mary Ash, of Upper Darby, died March 24, 1862, aged ninety-seven years. She was the mother of sixteen children, and survived them all, except two, the oldest and the youngest, the latter being at date of the mother's death over sixty years of age. Mary Ash was twelve years old when the battle of Brandywine was fought, and could remember that some of the American soldiers, when the army was retreating to Philadelphia, stopped at her father's house and were fed. She had lived in the house in which she died seventy-five years, and until within three days before her death retained her faculties unimpaired. On Monday, Jan. 12, 1880, " Aunt Betsey" Moore, on the one hundred and first anniversary of her birth, re ceived a number of friends gathered to congratulate her on that occasion. She was born in Upper Darby, at Sellers' Hall, in 1779. On April 5, 1880, she died at the residence of her nephew, Samuel Moore, at Millbank, retaining her faculties remarkably until a few days prior to her death.1 Societies.— Clifton Heights Lodge, No. 960, 1. O. of 0. F., was chartered on the 9th of August, 1878, with the following persons as officers : Charles H. Edwards, N. G. ; William Logan, V. G. ; Samuel E. Haynes, Sec. ; Henry M. Brennin, Asst. Sec. ; John S. Donnel, Treas. The society has at the present time eighty- seven members, and is located at Clifton. Arasapha Tribe, No. 161, 1. O. R. M., was chartered on the 28th Sun of the Beaver Moon, G. S. D. No. 380, with twenty-two charter members. The wigwam of the tribe is at Clifton. Clifton Wreath Division, No. 68, Sons and Daugh ters of Temperance, was chartered on the 26th of Feb ruary, 1876, with forty-one charter members, and at present has a membership of sixty. The meetings of this society are held at Clifton. Improvement Lodge, No. 197, Knights of Pythias, was organized Oct. 4, 1869, with nine charter members. It was instituted at Garrettford, but in 1876 removed to Clifton, and has now a membership of sixty-seven. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH. ROBERT PLUMSTEAD. Robert Plumstead was born April 19, 1803, and has spent his long and useful life in Upper Darby, Dela ware Co. On attaining a proper age he was ap prenticed to Isaac Earle to learn the trade of shoe- making, with whom he served his time, and followed the business for about two years. He, however, de sired a more active life, and engaged with Coleman Sellers, of Cardington, as foreman on his farm, which position he held for ten years, removing from thence in the year 1841 to his present home, known as " Maple Grove Farm," where he continued the active pursuits of a farmer until 1878, when the farm was rented and he retired from its management. Mr. Plumstead was, on the 26th of February, 1829, married to Rebecca, daughter of Joshua Parsons, of Marple township. Their children are Thomas K. (married to Rebecca L. Dickenson, of Darby), who died in 1856, at the age of twenty-seven years ; Amanda R., whodied at Price's Boarding-School, in West Chester, in 1850, aged sev enteen years; Sarah A., whose death occurred in 1839, 1 In the village of Darby, on April 21, 1824, Mrs. Mary Calderwood died, aged one hundred and one years. This interesting fact having been unintentionally omitted in the account of Darby borough, it is recorded in this note as an incident worthy of preservation in a history of Dela ware Couuty. ROBERT PLUMSTEAD. EDGMONT TOWNSHIP. 553 aged two years ; and Mary E., wife of Dr. Ellwood Baker, who resides with her father at the old home stead. Mr. Plumstead was in politics a Whig, and later indorsed the platform of the Republican party. He was for many years active in the public affairs of the township, having filled the position, of county commissioner, together with other minor offices. He was educated in the faith of the society of Friends, and with his family worships at tbe Friends' meeting house in Darby. Mr. and Mrs. Plumstead celebrated their golden wedding in 1879, on which interesting occasion a numerous concourse of relatives and friends assembled to do them honor. The death of Mrs. Plumstead occurred on the 15th of August, 1883, in her seventy-ninth year. She was interred at the Friends' burial-ground in Darby. CHAPTER XLIII. EDGMONT TOWNSHIP. Edgmont was named from the ancient royal manor of Edgmond, in Shropshire, in England, from whence came Joseph Baker, one of the earliest settlers in the township. The English spelling was used in ancient deeds, but since its origin was lost sight of, the orthography has been attended with some uncertainty, sometimes being spelled Edgment, but generally Edgemont, under the erroneous supposition that its name was derived from the Edge family. The residents of Edgmont have almost entirely de voted themselves to agricultural pursuits. Although Ridley Creek passes through it, and Crum Creek forms the eastern boundary, the water-power has not been developed for manufacturing or mills to any great extent. The only hotel is at Howellville, where the Rising Sun existed in former days. The Pres ident, kept for many years by Hiram Green, on the West Chester road, when that was the great highway from the West, passed out of existence with many others on the road to Philadelphia when the iron rail supplanted the old-time Conestoga wagon. On the southern line of the township of Edgmont, in the early history of the county, was a wedge-shaped tract of one hundred and fifty acres of land, known as " Cumberland," which had been set apart to George Willard, July 24^25, 1682, and was then in cluded in Middletown. On March 1, 1687, Roger Jackson became tbe owner of the estate, and on 3d day of 1st week, Tenth month, 1688, the court " Or dered that Roger Jackson's one hundred and fifty acres of land, formerly Included in Middletown, be from Henceforth taken into ye Township of Edgmond, and be therein Included." This was not the only reference to the township line, for in 1739 a dispute was had between Thornbury and Edgmont respecting the boundaries betwen the two municipal divisions. The petition on behalf of the Thornbury claimants is not of record, but that of Edgmont set forth : " To the Honorable Justices of the Court of Quarter Sessions to be held al Chester the last tuesday in May, 1739 ; " The Humble Petition of the Inhabitants of Edgmont Sheweth that there hath of late been, aud still remains, some uneasyness About the DivisBions betweon the Townships of Edgmont & Thornbury, Al though the part now in DiBpute hath been Deemed to be in Edgmont for more than Sixteen Years past, and taxed as Such, Therefore we Humbly Cravo of this Honorable Court to appoint a Number of Judicious and Indifferent Men of the Neighboring townships to Divide the said Townships to the Least Damage of y° Inhabitants on boath Sides ; and your petitioners, as in Duty bound, shall ever pray. "John Worral. Richrf Pritcbet. "Joseph Pennell. Henry Howard. " Samuel Lewis. Thomas Yarnall. " David Redgestcr. Edward Grizel. " Thomas Williamson. John Yarnall. " James Sill. Joseph Bishop. " Joseph Pratt. Philip Yarnall. " Thomas Goodwin. Cadwalader Evans. " S" Gri£atll> Ju™- Samuel Yarnall." The court decided in favor of Edgmont, for the fore going document is indorsed " the petition for division is set aside." The "Edgmont Great Road," as was formerly termed the highway from Chester, entered the southern boundary of the township at its western part, and following a northwesterly course, almost across Edgmont, entering Thornbury a short distance south of the Chester County line. At the court held "Dec. y" 11th, 1687," the grand jury in its report stated : " Laid out a Highway from Edgmond to y Kings Highway in Chester being a Sixty foote road by virtue of an Order of Court bearing date y" 4th of October 1687, laid out by us whoBe hands are under written as followeth (viz.) " Beginning att Joseph Bakers fence of his cleared land thence through y« land of y8 said Joseph Baker thence crosse William Lewis land thence Crosse Howell James Land thence crosse Jacob Simcock's land thence crosse JameB Kenorly, thence crosse a parcell of vacant Land then crosse Roger JackBon thence crosse vacant land thence crosse John Boweter land thence Crosse David Ogdens land thence Crosse John Hodgkins land thence crosse George Smedleys land thence crosse Wm. Edwards land thence Widdow Musgrove's land thence Crosse Robert Burrowes land thence crosse John Maylens land thence Crosse John Bowettors land thence Crosse Joseph Cooksons land thence Crosse Jeremy Carters land thence Crosse Richard Barnards land thence Crosse John Worrells land thence Crosse Thomas Taylors land then Crosse Richard Crosbyes land then CroBse John Marten's land then Crosse John Hastens land. "Walter Marten . " John Beales " Edward Pritchard j At the same court " John Worrell Petitioned against y° road laid out by ye Grand Inquest from Edgmont to y° King's Highway in Chester." The justices seem to have met this objection promptly and decidedly, for it was " Ordered that y° road be made by the Petition er's fence." With respect to this road Dr. Smith says, "There is a tradition that in laying out the road from Chester to Edgmont, or more likely in a review of that road, Henry Hollingsworth, the surveyor, caused an apple- tree to be planted at the end of every mile. The sur veyor happened to be at variance with Richard Crosby, George Willard Wm. Coborne." 554 HISTORY OF DELAWARE COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA. who then resided in Middletown township. It so happened that one of the miles ended on Richard's land, but instead of planting an apple-tree, the sur veyor took an axe and bent two saplings so as to cross each other at the spot, saying at the same time, 'Richard Crosbie, thee crosses me and I will cross thee.' Henry Hollingsworth wrote to his friends in England that he had planted an orchard nine miles in length. It is said that some of the apple-trees were standing until within a very recent period." J Early in the history of the province an important meeting between the Indians and the Governor is be lieved to have been held in Edgmont township. The particulars are thus related by the historians of Ches ter County : "The. Indians manifested some uneasiness about this time, which was communicated to the Governor by William Dalbo, of Gloucester, N. J., 'who acquainted him that there is a Belt of Wampum come to Connes- tego, from Mahquahotonoi ; y* there was a Tomahock in Red in the belt, & y' the French with five nations of Indians were designed for war and to fall on some of these plantations.' This information was duly laid before the Council by the Governor on the 14th of April, 1710, and also a letter he had received from Mr. Yeates, Caleb Pusey, and Thomas Powell, dated the same day, ' purporting that to-morrow there was to be a. great concourse of Indians, those of Conestoga St those of the Jersey ; that they were of opinion that it might be a reasonable oppor tunity for the Gov' r to visit them altogether; the meeting being the greatest that has been known these twenty years, and is to be about two miles from Jno Warrams [John Worralls] at Edgmond.' "Itwasthe opinion of the board ' That the Governorwith some of the Council, and as many others as can be got should go to-morrow to meet the Bd Indians, to inquire further of them about the said Belt of Wam pum, and what else may be thought necessary.' " The Governor and others doubtless met the Indians, as here indi cated, but as no report of the interview was made to the Council, it is probable that the principal chiefs were not present. On the 29th of April, some more alarming news was communicated to the Council, which induced the Governor to visit Conestoga and have an interview with the red men. He found them ' very well inclined to the English,' but they complained of aggressions that had been committed on them by the white man. "The Governor, immediately on his return from Conestoga, sent Col. French and Henry Worley to ascertain more fully the wishes of the In dians. These gentlemen returned with eight belts of wampum, and made their report to the Council on the 16th of June. Each of these belts had a particular significance. The import of three of them will be given. " The first was from their old women, and signified 'That those im plored their friendship of the Christians and Indians of this govm1, that without danger or trouble, they might fetch wood & water.' " ' The Becond belt was from their children born, and those yet in the womb, requesting that room to sport and play without danger of slavery might be allowed them.' "'The Third Belt was sent from their young men fitt to hunt, that privilege to leave their Towns, and seek provisions for their aged, might be granted to them without fear of Death or slavery.' " The last of these belts have a significance that cannot be misunder stood. They plainly suggest the reason for the passage, in 1705, of the ' Act to prevent the importation of Indian slaves.' " 2 In the assessment for the year 1715 the taxables then in Edgmont were as follows : John Worrall, Joseph Baker, Philip Yarnall, John Worrilow, Ephir. Jackson, Joseph Pennell, John Broomall, David Register, William Hiddings, John Golding, Rebecca Powell, John Gregory, Thomas Vernon, Thomas Dawson, Joseph Baker, Simon 1 History of Delaware County, p. 400. = Futhey and Cope's " History of Chester County," p. 39. Acres, Edward Thompson, Jacob Taylor, John Clues, Nathan Evans, John Holdston, Caleb Thompson, William Willis, Robert Williamson, Evan Howell, William Adams, Richard Pritchard, Evan Lewis. Freemen, William Clues, John Hiddings, William Floud. That the above list represented the male residents of Edgmont at that time is apparent, because at the conclusion it is stated, " Non-resident Land, Bostock's Land, John Kingsman." In 1799 the following is the list of taxables in the township : George Bishop, Nehemiah Baker, Joseph Baker, Sr., Joseph Baker, Jr., Edward Baker, Richard Baker, William Baker, Joseph Bishop, Abraham Farr, John Fox, Joshua Fox, George Green, Joseph Griffith, George Hunter, Isaac Hoops, Abraham Hoops, Benjamin Holston, John Hols- ton, Joseph Holston, James Howard, Daniel Hoops, Thomas Hammer (shop-keeper), Thomas Johnson, Samuel Lewis, Abraham Lewis, Moses Meredith, John Mendenhall, John Morgan, Daniel McGowan, Richard Passmore, John Parker (weaver), Joseph Pennell, David Pratt, Lowrie Bonsall, William Russell, James Sill, Aaron Sill, Isaac Taylor, Daniel Williamson, John Worrell, Isaac Worrell, Nicholas Woolas, William Yarnall, Eli Yarnall, Caleb Yarnall, James Yarnall, Joseph Daniel, Robert Register, William Sill, Margaret Bishop, Joseph Williams, George Antricum, William Monangby (joiner), Samuel Plankington (carpenter), Nathan Pyle (blacksmith), Aaron Matson (weaver), Joseph McAfee (weaver), Samuel Fox (carpenter), Benjamin Houghton (carpenter), Nehemiah Barker (cooper), Isaac Peunell (shoemaker), Enoch Yarnall (shoemaker), Evan Pennell (weaver), John Register (turner), Thomas Register (mason), Thomas Dent (tailor), Abraham Hoops (chairmaker), John Gilmore (mason). The residents of the township, as already remarked, devoting their attention, as a rule, to agriculture, the incidents and happenings in that locality were not generally of that moment to make a deep impression on the annals of the county, and yet Edgmont, in the old war of independence, was repeatedly visited by the scouting parties of both sides, and the American camp-followers and "jayhawkers" just as frequently appropriated private property to their personal use as did the enemy. After the battle of Brandywine to the withdrawal of the British forces from Phila delphia, the residents of Edgmont suffered from the inroads of foraging parties of the Tory adherents of the crown. The account of losses sustained in this township, filed as a claim against the government but never paid, were as follows : £ .. d. From John Worrall, Sept. 15, 1777 35 0 0 " Thomas Frame 7 0 0 " Thomas Evans 7 10 0 " Jonathan Hunter 119 10-0 " William Dunwoody, Sept. 17th 88 6 0 " William McFee, by J. Fitzpatrick (alias Fitz or Fitch), and adherents of the King of Great Britain 200 0 0 " Mordecai Massey 47 0 0 £504 16 0 On Sept. 17, 1777, a party of English soldiers visited the residence of Edward Russell, on the farm known as Hunting Hill, and while in the house they broke into a secretary, where, in a secret drawer, one of the daughters had secreted a sum of money. The soldiers had not discovered the hiding-place, had turned, and were about leaving the room, when the owner of the money, in her anxiety for the treasure, EDGMONT TOWNSHIP. 555 went to the desk and opened the drawer. Her action was observed by one of the men, who compelled her to deliver to him the savings of many months. The desk, still showing the marks of the force U3ed to open its apartments, is now in possession of Burgess Green, of Media. The house now belonging to David H. Stitter, on the road from Bishop's mills to Howellsville, during the Revolution, was owned by Abel Green, and in one of the putlog-holes in the east end of the house, which had never been filled in after the scaffolding was removed, Green secreted a large amount of Continental currency, and filled the open ing in with a stone. For several months the money remained there undisturbed. A barrel of whiskey in the cellar, however, was not so secure, for a British soldier shot a musket-ball into the head, and through the opening thus made poured out round after round to his thirsty companions, without failing, however, to minister to his own appetite. On Crum Creek, where the West Chester road crosses that stream, was the tract of two hundred and forty acres laid out to Samuel Bradshaw, April 10-11, 1682. Part of this estate is known as " Castle Rock," because located on the farm is a cluster of peculiar rocks rising in picturesque confusion, bowlder upon bowlder, to the height of two hundred feet above the level of the land at its basis. This rock, pierced through and through with fissures and caverns, is a remarkable natural curiosity. It was on this farm, now the property of William Taylor, that James Fitzpatrick, the outlaw, was captured in 1778, as narrated in the chapter on crimes and punishments. The dwelling of the present owner occupies almost the very site where William McAfee's house then stood. The land on which the village of Howellville is located, about 1759 was purchased by Christian Workizer, a German, who, a colonel in the English army, came to America as an aide-de-camp to Gen. Wolfe. After the capture of Quebec, Col. Workizer resigned, and having married, purchased a farm where Howellville is now, the hotel building being the homestead of the family. During the Revolu tionary war the colonel, having held military rank in the English service, declined to take part in that struggle: It is related that during the British occu pation of Philadelphia Mrs. Workizer walked from Howellville to the former place, eluding the sentinels, and returned without being molested, her enormous pockets, strapped to a girdle worn beneath her dress, filled with medicines, salt, and articles of that de scription which were difficult to be procured. John Sheridan Workizer, to whom the Howellville farm descended, sold it about the beginning of this cen tury. Edgmont Temperance Hall was erected near the centre of the township, on the Chester road, in the year 1843, and sold to the Methodists for a church in 1859. Among the pastors who have served there are W. C. Johnson, George Alcorn, Jennings, William F. Shepherd, G. J. Burns, J. E. Grawleyi A. N. Millison, and Turrentine, the present pastor. Edgmont post-office, near the old " President," is kept at the store which was started by Lewis Ver- dreis more than fifty years ago. A post-office was established some years ago, and Pusey Pennock and William Worrell were postmasters. Edgar Prene is the present officer. John and James Aitkin at that time kept the store where the Howellville post-office was established in 1832, which was noted in its day, and drew a large patronage from distant parts of the county for many years. It subsequently passed into the hands of William W. and Ellis Smedley, who gave new life to the place by running stages to Chester, which became a popular line of travel to Philadelphia. Another line. ran through the place between the city and Westtown boarding-school, and a third along the West Chester road, from West Chester to Philadelphia. The opening of the rail road between those points, via Media, made these enterprises unprofitable, and they have long since been abandoned. John Atkins, Ellis Smedley, William T. Kirk, El wood Baldwin, Thomas Worrall, Joseph Pratt, Wil liam F. Matthews, William McCall, I. B. Taylor, and Jesse R. Baker have in succession been the post masters at Howellville. James Atkin studied medi cine and became the principal physician of that sec tion for nearly half a century, and now survives at West Chester at the advanced age of ninety years. Fifty years ago, in September, 1834, Dr. Atkin found a young snake with two heads in Edgmont, which he presented to the museum of the Delaware County Institute of Science. An accident occurred in Edgmont in May, 1851, which, from the peculiar circumstances connected with it, is still recalled in that section of the county. A large water-snake had taken up its quarters near the spring-house on John H. Taylor's farm, which so alarmed the females of the family that he determined to kill the reptile. The old fowling-gun he used for that purpose exploded, the breech blew out, striking Taylor in face, breaking his nose, putting out one of his eyes, and otherwise injuring him. Two months subsquent, when the frightful wound in the face had healed sufficiently to permit him to walk about the farm, he complained of great soreness and shooting pains in his head. An examination disclosed the breech-pan of the gun still in the wound, where it had remained since the accident. Dr. Huddleson removed the iron, which was two and a half inches in length, over half an inch in thickness, and weigh ing three ounces. The following-named persons have served as jus tices of the peace for Edgmont township since the year 1791 : 556 HISTORY OF DELAWARE COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA. Caleb Peirce Aug. 30, 171)1. John Edwards Jan. 24, 1797. Joseph Brinton May 20, 1800. Luke Cassin March 27, 1809. John Siter Sept. 1, 1813. Robert Greeu Feb. 23, 1816. Nathan Gibson Nov. 26, 1817. George Brooke July 3, 1821. Maskill Ewing June IU, 1822. Park Shee Dec. 9, 1823. David Abrahams Dec. 14, 1825. Barnard Flynn Nov. 18. 1835. Abner Lewis May 27, 1836. Thomas Sheldon Dec. 20, 1836. Thomas Catsin Nov. 1, 1838. Homer Eachus May 11,1839. Anthony Baker, April 14, 1840, April 15, 1845, April 10, 10, 1860, April 28, 1865. James M. Smith April 10, 1869, March 24, 1874. Philip B. Green March 24, 1874, March 27, 1879. George L. Green March 27, 1879. Mills and Tanneries. — In the first assessment of the county, made in 1790, there are no manufacturing interests mentioned in Edgmont. In the assessment of 1799, Thomas Johnson appears in possession of a saw-mill, and in the triennial assessment of 1802 the name of George Antricum is given as in possession of a saw-mill. It was located on Crum Creek, near the northeast part of the township, and was probably the Johnson mill, as his name is not in the assessment for 1802. In 1807 there was also at this place a saw-mill, and in 1812 two distilleries were in operation at the same locality. These mills and stills were owned and operated by Antricum until 1825, when the property was bought by Jonathan N. Hatch, who enlarged the grist-mill to forty feet by fifty feet, three stories high, and placed in it ten carding-machines, three hun dred and sixty throstle-spindles, seven hundred and eighty^ mule-spindles, and commenced the manufac ture of cotton yarn. In the next year eleven hundred and fifty pounds of cotton yarn was made per week. Eight tenant-houses and a mansion-house were on the place. This factory was operated by Mr. Hatch suc cessfully till 1838, when the mill was destroyed by fire. For several years the building remained as the flames left them, until about 1855, Joseph Shimer fitted up part of the ruins, and commenced the manu facture of cotton laps. He remained here several years, when he built a mill lower down on the other side of the creek in Newtown, which is still owned by him. In 1870 the old Hatch mill property was used by Alfred Hatch as a cotton-lap factory, and is still owned by him. In 1799, Joseph Pennell, grandson of Robert Pen nell, who settled in the township in 1691, was in pos session of a tannery a short distance northwest of Howellville, which later passed to Thomas Evans, and about 1830 became the property of Israel Howell,' a leather merchant of Philadelphia, for whom How ellville was named. The tannery went out of use many years ago. The property is now owned by Henry Mendenhall. A few years prior to 1807, George Green built a saw mill on Green's Run, which was operated by him till about 1820, later by Isaac Green ; the ruins of this mill are yet there. In 1817, Robert Green had a fulling- mill on Rocky Run, located on the present estate of Mrs. James Walker. In 1826 it was operated by William Owens & Co., and in 1829-31 was still in use, and continued to be operated until about 1864, when the mill was burned. The last few years it was occupied by James Campbell for carding and carpet- weaving. In 1870 a cotton-lap factory was at the place, owned by James Gamble. In 1807, Richard Passmore had a tan-yard below where Green's fulling-mill was afterwards built, which was in disuse in 1811. The property is now owned by Frank Bishop. About 1815 James Yarnall built a grist- and saw mill on a branch of Ridley Creek, in the northern part of the township. In 1817-19 it was assessed to his estate. The grist-mill was a stone building, the power furnished by an overshot wheel, which ran two pairs of millstones. In 1829 it was owned by Reuben Yarnall, but subsequently Anthony Baker acquired title to the mill, and his son, Enos Baker, is the present owner of the property. Schools. — One of the first school-houses in Edgmont of which there is any information was built about 1760 in the eastern part of the township, and near the line of Upper Providence. The house was of stone, the mortar used being a composition of clay and straw. Thomas Hammer was teacher there, and William Howard, the father of Baldwin Howard, was a pupil under him. Hammer also taught in Upper Provi dence, aud in 1799 was a shopkeeper in Edgmont. This old school-house was not in use in 1800. About this time a change was made in the township lines, and the school-house lot in the change was placed in Upper Providence. The house was torn down about 1860. What is now known as the Central District was also known as Big Edgmont. At this place a stone school-house was erected in the early part of 1749, and in 1809 a new stone house was built upon its site, which remained in use until the present house was erected, in 1870. Isaac Wood was the first teacher in the second school-house, and Baldwin Howard attended school there. Among later teachers were John Mc- Mullen, John Kinsie, Hezekiah Burns, Caleb Hoopes, Jehu Broomhall, Joseph Plankinton, William Vogdes, James Sill, Jr., and Samuel L. Smedley. During the term of Mr. Sill the school-house erected in 1809 was transferred to the directors of the public schools. Joseph Plankinton, in 1824, went to Philadelphia, where he has filled the position of county commis sioner, school director, treasurer, and alderman in that city, where he is now residing, aged eighty-five years. William Vogdes is also in Philadelphia, and prominent in the political movements of that city. After the house passed to the school directors in 1835 or 1836, Samuel Lewis was the first teacher, and was succeeded by Pierson Pike, Levi Baker, James M. Smith, and others. EDGMONT TOWNSHIP. 557 On the 21st of September, 1841, the school directors purchased a lot of land of Isaac Yarnall in the south west part of the township. A stone house was erected upon it, which was used for eight or ten years and then abandoned. The house is still standing, the prop erty being sold several years ago to Jacob Smedley. The stone house in the Western District known as No. 1 was built in 1867, the land on which it stands having formerly belonged to George Eppright. It is still standing, and used for school purposes. The Southern District, No. 3. On the 28th of Au gust, 1843, the directors bought a plot of ground of George Bishop and erected a stone school-house, which was used until 1875, when a lot was purchased of Jesse Green and Isaac Sharpless, about three hun dred yards from the old house, on which was erected the present stone house. EDGMONT CENTRAL SEMINARY. [Erected 1809, torn down 1870.] On the 18th of March, 1825, Homer Eachus, Wil liam Baker, and James Sill were elected by the people of the township as trustees of schools. In 1834, after the school law was passed, Dr. James Aitkin and Homer Eachus were appointed inspectors of the pub lic schools by the court of Delaware County, until directors were elected. In 1835 $293.55 was received by the township from the treasurer, it being the amount of county and State appropriations. The list of school directors here given, from 1840, are from the records of Media, and are as accurate as can be obtained from that source : 1840, Thomas B. Russell, Maurice James ; 1842, Homer Eachus, John Yarnall; 1843, John H. Taylor, Hiram Green, Jesse Green; 1844, James Sill, Abraham Baker; 1845, Baldwin Howard, Reuben Yar nall; 1846, Maurice Jones, Joshua Smith; 1847, Renben Yarnall, Emlin Stackhouse; 1848, James Aitkin, Baldwin Howard; 1849, Joshua Smith, Hiram Green ; 1850, Isaac Yarnall, William Sill ; 1851, Maurice James, JameB Aitkin ; 1852, Thomas Baker, John H. Taylor; 1853, George Ebright, Isaac Yarnall; 1854, Maurice James, Thomas J. Baker; 1865, George G. Baker, Thomas Baker, Isaac Green ; 1856, Abram H. RegeBter, Joseph Mendenhall, Joshua Smith ; 1867, Isaac Thatcher, Maurice James ; 1858, Edward Baker, Thomas J. Sharpless ; 1859, Reuben Johnson, David Regester ; 1860, Maurice James, Henry Mendenhall ; 1861, Thomas J. Sill, James M. Smith ; 1862, Reuben Joh nson, David Regester; 1863, Robert J. Sill, Robert F. Davis; 1864, JeBso Yarnall, Lewis J. Baker; 1865, James M. Smith, William Manley ; 1866, Robert F. Davis, Edward D. Baker; 1867, Jesse Yarnall ; 1868, William S. Baker, James Sill ; 1869, R. F. Davis, E. D. Baker ; 1870, Jesse Yarnall, James M. Smith ; 1871, Hatton Baldwin, Amos H. Baldwin ; 1872, William H. Miller, Thomas Mendenhall; 1873, Enos L. Baker, F. F.Green; 1874, no report; 1875, Jesse Yarnall, Robert F. Davis; 1876, Joseph B. Taylor, Ed ward D. Baker ; 1877, Passmore Howard, C. M. Taylor ; 1878, Jesse Yarnall, Robert F. Davis ; 1879, Frank Yarnall, Mrs. Emma Taylor ; 1880, Passmore Howard, Elizabeth G. Green; 1881, Edmund D. Baker, J. F. Bishop; 1882, G. Frank Yarnall, Maurice James; 1883, Pennock E. Sharpless, Abram Hunter; 1884, Frank Bishop, Abram Hunter. Public-Houses. — The story of the public houses of entertainment in Edgmont is brief. In 1762, Isaac Yarnall presented his peti tion desiring the approval of the court for his keeping a public house of entertain ment in that township, which was extended to him, and continued annually thereafter until 1765, at which period Mary Yarnall made applica tion for the privilege for that as well as the following year, 1766. In 1767, John Hoopes obtained license, and contin ued in the employment of innkeeping until 1771, when John Neal petitioned the court for the favor, stating that the house had been li censed for many years, and had formerly been kept by Isaac Yarnall. Yearly there after Neal applied for re newal of the license until 1776. In 1777, as before stated, the proceedings respecting licenses, as the rec ords of most of the business of that year before the courts, cannot be found, but in 1778 William Dun- woodey was allowed the privilege, after which all further trace in Chester County, as to license in Edg mont, ceases. It was not until 1806 that application for privilege to keep public-house appeared in the record of Dela ware County, and in that year James Jeffries states to the court that he " hath rented the house which Joseph Griffith hath erected at the intersection of the West Chester and Providence Road, in said township," and desired the judges to recommend him to the Gov ernor as a proper person to keep a tavern there. The court at the July session approved of his petition. This is the first mention of the noted President Tavern of Edgmont. In 1808, Joseph Robins suc ceeded Jeffries, and in his petition for the year 1809 558 HISTORY OF DELAWARE COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA. he asks license for the house under that title. The next year Robins gave place to Joseph Griffith, the owner of the house, but in 1811 Jesse Cheyney was - granted license for the President. In 1813 Isaac Weaver was landlord of the tavern, which he called the George Washington, but in 1815 he restored the old name, and in 1816 he was followed by Joseph B. Ramsey, who had formerly kept the Rising Sun Inn, at Howellville. The next year, however, he was superseded by Abel Green, who remained there until 1829, when he gave place to William Sill, and the latter in turn, in 1834, was followed by Hiram Green, who continued annually to receive the court favor until 1858, when Juliann Green, his widow, was granted license. In 1862, Joseph P. Tucker succeeded to the business, to be followed the next year, 1863, by George Pierce, after which time the President ceased to be kept as a public-house. In 1813, Nathan Baker petitioned for license to keep public-house on " road from Chester towards Down ingtown and West Chester, where Edgmont road in tersects with road leading from Marple through New town, by John Williamson's, toward Dilworthtown, and there is no tavern on Edgmont road from Chester, but the Black's Horse, and nearest above the General Green, near Goshen meeting-house, Chester County, and besides there is no tavern on said Cross-road. The house is nine and a half miles from Chester, and from West Chester eight and a half miles. There is much travelling at present and particularly by those going and returning by the stage, which runs steadily between Westtown and Philadelphia." His license was approved and there was established the tavern at Howellville, which was the following year, when Jo seph B. Ramsey made application at the same loca tion, known as the Rising Sun Tavern. In 1816, William Sill, who appeared to have been the owner of the property, received license. William Bowen, in 1817; John McMinn, in 1818; and Homer Eachus, who in his petition states, in 1820, that the house is known as the " Old Rising Sun." The latter remained only one year, for in 1821 David Green was land lord. Jane Hamilton, who was licensed in 1823, was followed, in 1826, by George Thatcher, and in 1828 David Green returned there again. Enos Smedley, of West Chester, several years ago stated that he re membered Howellville when the land was bought by Israel Howell, from whom the name is derived. " As the Irishman said, it was ' A honey of a place, the king of all places.' First day, or Sunday, as it is commonly called, was a fair day. Young men and boys from the whole neighborhood would collect to drink whiskey, play corner-ball, pitch quoits, jump for distances or for height, and compete in holding a fifty-six weight at arm's-length. You could hear their noise for half a mile. This place was known at that day as the Rising Sun, Delaware County. It had a blacksmith- and wheelwright-shop, store and tavern, the latter two selling whiskey. I heard the person who kept the store say that he sold one and a half hogsheads of whiskey on an average per month, the price of which was eleven cents per quart, and per gallon, in the jug, forty cents. The poor class, when they sent to the store, would give whiskey the first place on the order, and if any money was left other commodities were to be purchased, but the whiskey must be first. Howellville is now one of the most respectable villages in Delaware County."1 In 1833, John C. Irwin was mine host, and in 1834, George P. Alexander, who remained there in 1836, after which date no license was had for the house until 1856, although in 1839, in an advertisement, " William Robins, at Sign of the Lamb, Howellville," is men tioned, when William Sill received the right to keep tavern there, and yearly the privilege was continued to him until 1860, when Robert Sill, his son, followed as the host of the Howellville Inn, until 1867, when Edward B. Green assumed control of the house, which is now kept by his widow. Settlers of Edgmont. — Among* the earliest pur chasers of land from the proprietary were Joseph Baker, John Worrall, Philip Yarnall, Robert Pennell, Joseph Pennell, Ephraim Jackson, David Register, John Houlston, Samuel Bishop, and in 1722 appear the names of Jonathan Hunter, Samuel Lewis, Jo seph Pratt, Henry Howard, James Sill, Jacob Taylor, and others, whose names still survive in their descend ants in tbe limits of the township. The descendants of Joseph Baker and Mary, his wife, are very numerous throughout Delaware and Chester Counties. He represented Delaware County in the Provincial Assembly, and died in 1716. His son, John, born in Edgmont the 11th of Tenth month, 1686, inherited all his land in the township. When Dr. Ash's map was published, in 1848, Abel, Thomas, and William Baker were land-owners, as well as Ed ward, George, Abel, and Anthony, sons of Edward Baker. John Baker, a brother of Joseph, died in Philadel phia in 1685, and left four daughters, — Rebecca, Mary, Dorothy, and Sarah. In 1684, Roger Jackson, Mary, Hannah, and Sarah Baker appear as purchasers from William Penn in Edgmont. Mary married William Coebourn, Hannah to Francis Yarnall, and Sarah to Charles Whitacre. Phillip Yarnall, with his brother, Francis, came from Cloynes, in Worcestershire, England. They first settled in Springfield township, adjoining George Maris' land, about a mile from Springfield Friends' meeting-house, on the road to Clifton. This land was conveyed to Francis, Oct. 17, 1683, and for several years they were members of Darby Monthly Meeting of Friends. Francis married Hannah Baker, of Edg mont, and purchased five hundred and ten acres of land adjoining Edgmont line, in Willistown township, extending from Crum Creek westward nearly two 1 " Fifty Years Ago," Delaware County American, Nov. 6, 1878. EDGMONT TOWNSHIP. 559 miles, a large portion of which is still held by his de scendants. He was a member of the Provincial As sembly, and died in Willistown in 1731. His son, Mordecai, was a noted preacher among Friends, and removed to Philadelphia. Peter, a grandson, born Second month 17, 1754, studied medicine, entered the army, and afterwards sailed as surgeon's mate on the privateer " Delaware" during the Revolution. He subsequently renounced warfare, and became a noted . Quaker preacher. Lieut. John Jolliff Yarnall, who served with Com modore Perry in the battle of Lake Erie, was a de scendant of Francis. The Legislatures of Pennsyl vania and Virginia each voted him a sword for bravery. He was commander of the privateer " Epervier," lost at sea with all on board in 1815. Professor Mordecai Yarnall was also a descendant. He was an astronomer connected with tbe National Observatory at Washington, and died there Feb. 27, 1869, in his sixty-second year. Philip Yarnall married Dorothy Baker, Second month 20, 1694, and purchased four hundred and eighty acres in Edgmont, extending from the Middle- town line to the road running westward from the present village of Howellville, and erected his house at the place now owned by William H. Miller, an eighth of a mile west of the Temperance Hall. He died in 1734, and his wife in 1743. They had ten children, — John, born First month 5, 1695, died Seventh month 4, 1749, at Wilmington, married Abigail, daughter of John Williamson, of Newtown; Philip, born Ninth month 29, 1696, mar ried Mary Hoopes ; Job, born First month 28, 1698, married Rebecca , and died in Ridley in 1740 ; Sarah, born Eighth month 25, 1700, married Evan Ellis; Benjamin, born Eighth month 20, 1702; Thomas, born Sixth month 10, 1705, married Martha Hammans; Nathan, born Twelfth month 27, 1707, died First month 10, 1780, married three times, to Rachel Jackson, Hannah Mendenhall, and Jane Beazer ; Samuel, born Second month 10, 1710, married Sarah Vernon ; Rebecca, born Sixth month 6, 1712, married William Jones, of Plymouth; and Mary, born Eighth month 23, 1718, married Samuel Milner, of North Wales. Samuel Lightfoot's notes of the survey " due west" from Philadelphia for fixing the Maryland boundary in 1738 states that they passed twenty feet from Thomas Yarnall's house (now the home of Caleb Yarnall), twelve perches south from Philip Yarnall's house, and fifty perches south of John Yarnall's (now James Thorp's). This gives the residences of three of the sons at that date. John and Abigail Yarnall bad six children,— Mary, born 1722, died 1792, married three times,— to Thomas Pennell, John Lea, and James Preston,— and was the mother of Dr. Jonas Preston, founder of Preston Re treat, Philadelphia. Thomas, born 1724, died 1759, married Margaret, and lived in Thornbury. Ann, born 1729, died 1797, married John Thomson, and was the grandmother of John Edgar Thomson, the engi neer and president of the Pennsylvania Railroad Company. Isaac, born 1732, died 1765, married Mary Bennett ; his grandson, Isaac Yarnall, was commis sioner of Delaware County ; another grandson, Reu ben Yarnall, born Fifth month 18, 1800, is now living in Philadelphia ; on the 8th of April, 1884, he, with his wife, Rachel, daughter of Davis Garrett, cele brated the sixtieth anniversary of their wedding. Abigail Yarnall, born 1733, died 1803, married Jesse Garrett. Hannah Yarnall, born 1741, died 1818, married Thomas Garrett, of Willistown. The children of Philip and Mary were Grace, Philip, David, Abraham, Jane, Elizabeth, Esther, Dorothy, and Mary. The children of Thomas and Martha were Marga ret, William (the ancestor of Thomas Yarnall, a min ister among Friends), Job, Caleb (ancestor of Owen Yarnall, the present county commissioner), Joseph, Hannah, and Sarah. The children of Nathan and Rachel Yarnall were Ephraim, born 1733 ; Nathan, born 1736 ; Benjamin, born 1738, who moved to Cecil County, Md. ; John, born 1739 ; Edith, born 1743, married Joshua Sharp less ; Joel, born 1745 ; Samuel, born 1748 ; Eli, born 1753, died 1812, a noted Quaker preacher; Joshua, born 1755 ; Ellis, born 1757, who removed to Phila delphia in 1774, became a prominent merchant, leav ing many descendants, among them Rev. Thomas C. Yarnall, of the Episcopal Church in West Philadel phia; and Robert, born 1761. In 1696, Ephraim Jackson purchased one hundred and twenty acres of the southern portion of Philip Yarnall's land. He was born in 1658, and came from England in 1687, and in 1695 married Rachel, daugh ter of Nicholas Newlin, of Concord, and died in 1732. He was a good penman, kept the Friends' records, and wrote many deeds and marriage certificates and other records, which are still in existence. Their children were John, born 1697 ; Joseph, born 1699, married, first, Hannah Pennell, second, Susana Mil ler, and settled in Londongrove; Nathaniel, born 1701 ; Josiah, born 1702 ; Samuel, boru 1704, married Ann, daughter of Robert Johnson, and moved to Lancaster County; Ephraim, born 1706, married Mary Register ; Mary, born 1708, married Benjamin Johnson; and Rachel, born 1710, married Nathan Yarnall. Robert Pennell purchased two hundred and fifty acres in 1691, and two hundred and sixty-four acres in 1705, on the north of Philip Yarnall, extending from Howellville to the Willistown line. He came from Boulderton, in Nottinghamshire, England, having obtained a certificate from Friends at Ffulbeck the third day of the Fifth month, 1684, together with Thomas Garrett, Hugh Rodnell, Henry Pennell, and Richard Parker, with their wives and children, in tending to transfer themselves beyond the seas into 560 HISTORY OF DELAWARE COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA. East Jersey in America. Robert and his wife, Han nah, settled in Middletown as early as 1686. Their children were Hannah, born Seventh month 23, 1673, died Tenth month 31, 1731, married John Sharpless ; Joseph, born Tenth month 12, 1674, died Ninth month 30, 1756, married, Twelfth month 25, 1701, Alice, daughter of William Garrett, of Darby ; James, born Ninth month 11, 1676 ; Jane, born Fifth month 13, 1678, married Samuel Garrett; William, born Eighth month 11, 1681, died 1757, married, Eighth month 26, 1710, Mary, daughter of Thomas Mercer, of Westtown ; and Ann, married, Second month 17, 1689, to Benjamin Mendenhall. Robert Pennell died in 1728, and Hannah, his wife, Twelfth month 4, 1711, aged seventy-one years. William Pennell settled in Middletown, and Joseph in Edgmont. The children of Joseph and Alice were Hannah, born Eleventh month 4, 1702, married, Eighth month 18, 1722, to Joseph, son of Ephraim Jackson ; Robert, born Sixth month 2, 1704, died First month 9, 1726 ; Jo seph, born Sixth month 3, 1706, died 1728; Alice, born Eighth month 2, 1709, died Seventh month 13, 1748 ; Anne, born Eighth month 2, 1711, died First month 25, 1802, married Cadwallader Evans ; Jane ; and Mary, born 1717, died Tenth month 31, 1807, married Moses Meredith, of Plymouth, born Ninth month 30, 1714. He was the son of Meredith Mere dith, born Third month 6, 1675. The Pennell homestead stood a short distance north west of Howellville, at the place now owned by Henry Mendenhall. Robert Pennell willed the northern part of his farm to his grandson, Joseph, and thereon erected a house, portions of which are now standing and oc cupied by Emlen Stackhouse. One of the windows has the small leaden lights of Queen Anne's time. Joseph died, aged twenty-one, before the house was completed. The children of Mary and Moses Meredith were Sa rah, married Joseph Pennell, of Concord ; John, born Eleventh month 17, 1748, married Hannah Harrison ; Joseph, who died at an advanced age unmarried ; and Alice, who married David Harry. Joseph Meredith, born Tenth month 11, 1785, a son of John, inherited the north part of the tract, from whom it descended to Catharine, the wife of Emlen Stackhouse, and Alice, wife of Charles Stackhouse, who, with their children, are the present possessors. Joseph's wife was Sarah, daughter of Joseph Pennell, of Concord. The children of Ann and Cadwalader Evans were Pennell, born 1731 ; Hannah, born 1733, married Rowland Parry; Alice, born 1735, married D. Jona than Morris ; Robert, born 1738, married Jane Cox ; Joseph, born 1747 ; Sarah ; Mary, born 1750 ; Jane, born 1752 ; Catharine, born 1754. Thomas Evans owned the tannery at the old home stead. It afterwards passed into the hands of Israel Howell, a leather merchant of Philadelphia, who gave the name of Howellville to the old Rising Sun, and built the elegant residence, owned afterwards by Dr. Casper Wistar Pennock, who resided there until his death. Samuel Lewis, a grandson of Ralph Lewis, of Rad nor, purchased two hundred acres of David Register in 1720, adjoining Joseph Pennell's land. His son, Josiah Lewis, inherited it, and William Lewis, his son, was born there in 1751, who in after-life became the leader of the Philadelphia bar. In his seven teenth year he went to Chester with a load of hay, and while gratifying his curiosity by a visit to the court-room, was so much fascinated by the oratory there displayed that he at once resolved to study law, although his previous education was of the most lim ited character. He repaired to Philadelphia and en gaged as an office-boy, and began the study of his profession with Nicholas Wain, then a young man of excellent attainments and of fine forensic talents, but, unhappily, affected by habits of dissipation and senti ments of unbelief. It was when he was in Mr. Wain's office that a remarkable incident occurred which formed the turning-point in his life. Mr. Wain, who was a Quaker, but who had himself for many years thrown off Friend's dress, was passing one day by the Pine Street meeting-house ; the door was open, and, sauntering in, he was attracted by the voice of a preacher on the women's side. Suddenly his sight became obscure ; a series of spectres, as he afterwards firmly believed, each bearing to him a portentous message, flitted before him ; and, yielding to the awful vision, he sank upon his knees, interrupting the speaker by a prayer of terrific earnestness. This was succeeded by a trance, in which consciousness was destroyed, and from which he awoke only to renounce all worldly connections whatever. This was in 1773, just about the period of Mr. Lewis' admission to the bar, and, aided by the business which, on his master's retirement, slipped into his hands, the young lawyer soon found himself with a respectable run of clients ; Mr. Joseph Reed, afterwards president of the Coun cil, and Mr. Wilcock, afterwards, for a long time, re corder of Philadelphia, together with Mr. Galloway, then the provincial leader, being his chief competi tors. When the Declaration of Independence upset the courts, Mr. Lewis took the new test, not yielding, however, any overt patriotism. To vindicate the Quaker loyalists was no small nervous effort on the part of the man whose own patriotism had been equivocal. The effort, however, he made, and made with calmness, courage, and power ; and, in the trials of Chapman, Roberts, and Carlisle, he displayed, in full vigor, his eminent powers of reasoning and cour age of temper. Perhaps to this may be attributed his unparalleled influence with the Quaker community. For several years Mr. Lewis, as a member of the Pennsylvania Legislature, took the lead on the Fed eral side, and in 1789, in the State Convention, was foremost in upsetting the absurd Constitution which Dr. Franklin had a few years previous persuaded the State to accept. EDGMONT TOWNSHIP. 561 To Washington's administration, by which, when it began, he had beien offered the post of district attor ney, he considered himself bound by the closest ties, and he even departed from his general policy and went so far as not only to contribute to the news papers of the day, but, in 1792, even to stump the State. On these occasions the vigor and clearness of his voice was remarkable, and without apparent effort, in the open air, every word was audible at an extraor dinary distance. In 1792, on the death of the elder Judge Hopkinson, he had a new proof of the Presi dent's confidence in the commission then sent him as district judge. On the bench, however, he continued but a short time, tbe restraint being uncongenial to his taste, and the income insufficient for his extrava gant habits. Upon his return to the bar he enjoyed a lucrative practice, and became concerned as leading counsel in the trials of the Western insurgents. He purchased property adjoining Laurel Hill Cemetery, and built the Strawberry Mansion, now within the limits of Fairmount Park, and made it his residence. After the coming in of Mr. Jefferson's administra tion Mr. Lewis took no part in politics, continuing, how ever, in the unabated practice of his profession until 1819, when, on the 15th of August, after several weeks' illness, he died, retaining to the last the professional ability and professional devotion which had marked his long ca reer. The house in Edgmont where William Lewis was born, now owned by Wil liam Pennell Smedley, is still standing, the farm having been inherited by his brother, Samuel Lewis, who sold it to William Smedley, of Middle- town, in the year 1822. William Smedley, born Eighth month 9, 1765, died Fourth month 10, 1839, married, Twelfth month 5, 1793, Deborah Lightfoot. He provided a farm for each of his four sons. George and William remained in Middletown, the latter on part of the farm pur chased by their ancestor, George Smedley, of William Penn in 1684, while Samuel Lightfoot and Jacob set tled in Edgmont. Jacob Smedley, born Twelfth month 31, 1801, mar ried, Eleventh month 13, 1826, Jane Yarnall, daughter of Isaac and Mary Yarnall, of Edgmont. Their chil dren were Isaac Y., born 1827, died 1853 ; Abram P., born 1829, now a dentist in Media; Nathan, born 1831, died 1884; Hannah P., born 1836; William Alfred, born 1838, died 1852 ; and Bennett L., born 36 1839, a druggist in Philadelphia. Jacob was a sur veyor and conveyancer, and, with Enoch Lewis, made surveys of a railroad from Chester to West Chester, along Chester Creek, in 1835. He was surveyor of Media, where he now resides, and held the position of clerk of the county commissioners for twenty-one years. Samuel L. Smedley, born Fourth month 9, 1798, was prominent as a teacher and mathematician, and, be sides his inherited occupation of farming, carried on surveying and conveyancing. He taught several years at Thornbury, and subsequently at High Bank, on a portion of his farm. He married, Fifth month 4, 1826, Hannah, daughter of Joseph and Mary Pen nell, of Middletown, and died Tenth month 19, 1834. He left three sons, — Joseph P., born Fifth month 24, 1827, farmer and miller, who died Tenth month 3, 1872, in Uwchlan, Chester Co., leaving one daughter, Hannah, born 1870. He married Emma Winner, Third month 11, 1867. William P., born Ninth month 4, 1829, married, Fourth month 5, 1860, Jane Garrett. His children are Samuel L., born 1861 ; Alfred, born BIRTHPLACE OF WILLIAM LEWIS, 1751. 1866, died 1884; Elizabeth, born 1869 ; Jane H., born 1872, died 1872; and Mary Ella, born 1875. Samuel L. Smedley, youngest son of Samuel L. and Hannah, was born Twelfth month 29, 1832, and was less than two years of age at the time of his father's death. From that time his mother managed the farm, and carried it on successfully until her sons reached maturity. He early evinced an aptitude for study, and was carefully educated at a select school until his thirteenth year, when he entered the Friends' Board ing-school at Westtown. Here he made rapid pro gress and at the end of eighteen months stood at the head of the senior class. He was then sent to school in Germantown to perfect himself in the classics, but close application so injured his health that he was 562 HISTORY OF DELAWARE COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA. forced to return home, where he remained for several years upon the old homestead. During this time he was solicited to take charge of the district school at Edgmont Central Seminary, and taught there two winters. Convinced that his health required an active out door occupation, Mr. Smedley determined to adopt the profession of surveying, which was congenial to his tastes, a love for which he inherited. Accordingly, in the spring of 1853 he removed to Philadelphia and engaged with Joseph Fox, who had laid out most of the northern portion of the city of Philadel phia, and had then recently been engaged to extend the city plan on the west side of the Schuylkill. Pos sessed of mathematical talent, and being an apt draughtsman, Mr. Smedley soon mastered the minutiae of his profession, and his promotion was rapid. In 1856 he was engaged by the commissioners of Blockley to lay out the streets in that township. He also carried on conveyancing, and entered largely into the purchase and sale of real estate. About this time he published a complete atlas of the city of Philadelphia, a laborious and expensive undertaking, but one which was very successful, and the book remains to this day a standard work for conveyancers, and is highly prized by them. In 1858, Mr. Smedley was elected a member of the Board of Surveyors, and was subsequently chosen by the people of the district for three terms of five years each. In 1871 his name was presented to the Republican State Convention as a candidate for the position of Surveyor-General of the State. The novelty of naming a professional surveyor for that position met with much favor, but the policy of placing soldiers upon the ticket prevailed, and Gen. Robert B. Beath was nominated and elected, he being the last to hold the office, as, by the provisions of the new Constitution, it was merged into that of Secretary of Internal Affairs. In 1872, Mr. Smedley was elected by the City Coun cils to the responsible office of chief engineer and surveyor, the position he now holds, having been chosen for the third time in March, 1882, his present term expiring in 1887. In this position he has had charge of many extensive public works, among which have been the building of Penrose Ferry bridge, and the Fairmount and Girard Avenue bridges, and numerous smaller ones over railroads, canals, and other streams within the limits of the city. Mr. Smedley, in 1865, visited Europe on a tour of recreation and study, and returned impressed with the thought that Philadelphia, to keep pace with other great cities, should avail herself of her great natural advantages for establishing a grand park for the enjoyment of the people, and he entered with enthusiasm into the project of securing Lansdowne an estate of one hundred and fifty acres, from its English owners, as a nucleus for the park, and was largely instrumental in bringing about the purchase of that beautiful section of land as a pleasure-ground for the public. He was appointed by the park com missioners to make the original surveys of the terri tory embraced in the park, and many of the walks and drives therein were designed and laid out by him. Since 1872, as a park commissioner, by virtue of his office, he has been active in securing improvements to the territory under the control of the board. Mr. Smedley has been a member of the Historical Society of Pennsylvania since 1857, and for fourteen years was recording secretary of the association. He has taken much interest in local history and genealogy, and has collected a large number of the records of his own family, which became of special interest during the bi-centennial year. He is also a member of the Numismatic and Antiquarian Society of Phil adelphia ; honorary member of the Delaware County Institute of Science ; member of the Academy of Natural Sciences, the Franklin Institute, and of the West Philadelphia Institute; of the latter he was for many years a director and secretary. In addition he is a member of the American Public Health Associa tion, of the executive committee of the Philadelphia Social Science Association, the Engineers' Club of Philadelphia, the American Society of Civil Engi neers, and of the Union League and other political clubs. In religion he is a member of the society of Friends, as his ancestors have been from the first set tlement of the State. Mr. Smedley is unmarried, and lives in West Philadelphia, with which section of the city he has long been identified. Joseph Fox, a native of Edgmont, was born Third month 9, 1786. He taught school in Westtown, and married Hannah, daughter of Aaron James, of the latter place. In 1815 he kept store at Seven Stars, in Aston, in partnership with Isaac Massey, and in 1818 married Priscilla Griffith. In 1820 he married Edith, daughter of Abraham Hibberd. In 1822 he removed to Philadelphia, and taught school there for several years. The northwestern limit of the city at that time was in the vicinity of Tenth and Spring Garden Streets. Mr. Fox was an excellent mathematician, and in 1826 turned his attention to surveying, in partnership with Philip M. Price. He laid out the streets in a large portion of the city between Spring Garden and Germantown, and in 1843 retired to a farm in New Jersey. He was a surveyor of such large experience and high reputation for accuracy that he was solicited to take charge of the intricate work of making a good city plan out of the numerous small villages which had grown up independently in West Philadelphia, and accepted the appointment in 1852, and returned again to the city, remaining there until his death, Second month 14, 1873. He left several children. Samuel L. Fox, proprietor of J. W. Queen's optical and mathematical instrument establishment, in Philadelphia, is one of them. Everatt Griscom Passmore, farmer, of Edgmont, had a great reputation as a " gilt-edge" butter-maker forty years ago. While on his way to Goshen Meet- ;' 'i.; BBER EACHUS. HAVERFORD TOWNSHIP. 563 ing his horses became unmanageable. He was thrown violently against a rock, and a portion of his skull as large as a walnut was broken in. It was carefully removed by trepanning, and he lived seventeen years afterwards with the indentation conspicuous in his forehead. He died in 1868, aged eighty-one years, and was buried at Moorestown, N. J. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. EBER EACHUS. The paternal grandparents of Mr. Eachus were Enoch and Esther Eachus, of Goshen township, Chester Co., Pa., while on the maternal side he was the grandson of William and Susanna Rusell, of Del aware Co., Pa. His parents were Evans and Hannah Eachus, whose children were William R., Emmor David, Mary, Sarah, Susanna, Esther, Hannah, Ma tilda, and Eber, all of whom with the exceptions of Eber and Esther are deceased. Eber Eachus was born Feb. 22, 1807, in Upper Providence township, Delaware County, where he continued to reside until April 1, 1832. He received when a lad such educa tional advantages as were obtainable at the public schools of the vicinity, and subsequently made farm ing the business of his life, — first in Upper Providence and later in Edgmont township, where he removed in 1832, and became the occupant of his present farm. He was on the 29th of November, 1836, married to Priscilla P. Bishop, daughter of Thomas and Martha Bishop, of Hartsville, Bucks Co., Pa. By this mar riage are two children, — Evans, born Jan. 8, 1838, and Hannah, whose birth occurred April 18, 1840. Mr. Eachus was in politics an Old-Line Whig during the existence of that party. At the beginning of the war he joined the ranks of the Republican party, but in later life ceased to take an active interest in affairs of a political character. He was reared in the faith of the society of Friends, and affiliates with the Hicks- ite branch of that religious body. JOHN MENDENHALL. Three brothers — John, Benjamin, and George Men denhall — came from England with William Penn in 1682. George returned after a brief sojourn in Amer ica, John settled in Chester County, and Benjamin found a home in Concord township, Delaware Co. He was united in marriage to Ann Pennell, and had sons, — Robert and Benjamin. The former, who was born in 1719, married Phoebe Taylor, and became the parent of thirteen children, among whom was John, the father of the subject of this biographical sketch. He married Tabitha Newlin, whose children were Cyrus, Martha, Esther, John, and Anne. John Mendenhall was born May 27, 1793, in Edgmont township, Delaware Co., upon the farm which was for sixty years his home. After the rudiments of an English education were obtained, he assisted his father in his daily routine of labor, then became superintendent of the varied farm interests, and finally lessee of the property. He later purchased an estate in close proximity to his former home, and made it his residence. He was married in- 1821 to Hannah Sharpless, daughter of Daniel and Sarah Sharpless, of Chester township, Delaware Co., Pa. Their children are Rebecca (deceased), Henry, and Joseph. Henry is a resident of Media, and married Deborah Passmore, of Chester County, whose children are Ella, J. Howard, Walter P., aud Anna R. Joseph resides in Lawrence, Kan., where he is actively en gaged in business. In 1849, Mr. Mendenhall re moved to a farm in Edgmont township. Here he re sided during the remainder of his life, though his son, Henry, cultivated the farm for many years. Mr. Men denhall was a Whig in his political convictions, and subsequently supported the platform of the Republi can party, having held numerous minor offices in the township of his residence. He was in religion a Friend, and member of the Orthodox Friends' Meet ing of Middletown. CHAPTER XLIV. HAVERFORD TOWNSHIP.! This division of the county lies in the northeastern quarter, on the border of Montgomery County, and wholly within what was known at an early period as the Welsh tract. With the exception of Merion, in Montgomery County, it was the earliest settled of the Welsh townships. Its name was brought over with the first settlers, who came from the vicinity of Hav- erford-West,2 in Pembrokeshire, South Wales. In early days, says Dr. Smith, the name was very fre quently written with an u instead of v, and doubtless had the pronunciation that this change of letters would give it. The pronunciation was, at length, corrupted to Harford, a name by which the township was generally known within the recollection of many now living. Respecting tbe settlement of Haverford, as well as Radnor township, it appears that soon after William Penn had acquired title to the province of Pennsyl vania, he encouraged emigration to America, espe cially people of his religious belief, and sold to numer ous Welsh Friends, lands which were to be located in 1 By John S. Schenck. 2 The term Haverford is of Tery ancient date. Haverford in Wales had its castle as early as 1112 a.d., and Giraldus Cambrensis gives an account of " a preaching tour" made there by Archbishop Baldwin and himself in the year of our era 1118. He reports that they were most kindly received by the Haverfordians and their religious services grate fully acknowledged. 564 HISTORY OF DELAWARE COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA. a body as a barony on the west bank of the Schuyl kill River. Hence Dr. Edward Jones, chirurgeon, as he is styled, with other Welsh purchasers, sailed from Liverpool, England, in the ship "Lyon," John Compton, master, and arrived in the Schuylkill River on the 13th of the Sixth month (August), 1682. On the 26th of the same month Dr. Jones wrote to his friend, John ap Thomas, the following letter, which describes the voyage and arrival of the Welsh settlers : " These ffor his much esteemed friend John ap Thomas of Llaithgwn neer Bala in Merionethshire^ North Wales, to be left with Job Boulten att the Boull and tun in Lumber Street, London, and from, thence to William Sky Butcher, in Osweslrie, to be sent as above directed and via London — with speed." My endeared fr'd & brother my heart dearly saluteB thee in a meas ure of ye everlasting truth dear frnd hoping that these few lines may find thee in health or no worsteryn I left thee. Thisshall lett thee know that we have heen aboard eleven weeks before we made the land (it was not for want of art but contrary winds) and one we were in coming to Upland, ye town is to be buylded 15 or 16 miles up ye River. And in all this time we wanted neither meate, drink or water though several hogsheads of water run out. Our ordinary allowance of beer was 3 pints a day for each whole head and a quart of water; 3 biskedd a day & some times more. We laid in about half hundred biskedd, one bar ren of beere, one hogshead of water — the quantity for each whole head, & 3 barrells of beefe for the whole number — 40 — and we had one to come asboare. A great many could eat little or no beefe though it was good. Butter and cheese eats well upon ye sea. Te remainder of our cheese & butter is little or no worster; butter and cheese is at 6d per lb. here if not more. We have oatmeale to spare, but it is well, yet we have it, for here is little or no corn till they begin to sow their corn, they have plenty of it. The passengers are all living, Bave one child, yt died of a surfeit. Let no frds tell that they are either too old or too young, for the Lord is sufficient to preserve bolh to the uttermost. Here is an old mau about 80 years of age; he is rather better yn when he sett out, likewise here are young babes doing very well considering sea diet. We had one tun of water, and one of drinke to pay for at Upland, but ye master would faine be pd for 13 or 14 hogsheds yt run out by ye way, but we did not, and about 3 quarters of Tnnn of Coales we p'd for ; we laid in 8 Tun of Cuales and yields no profit here. We are short of our expectation by reason that ye town is not to be builded at Upland, neither would ye Master bring us any further, though it is navigable for ships of greater burthen than ours. Ye name of town lots is called now Wilcoco; here is a Crowd of people striving for ye country land, for ye town lot is not divided, & therefore we are forced to take up ye Country lots. We had much adoe to get a grant of it, but it cost us 4 or 5 days attendance, besides some score of miles we traveled before we brought it to pass. I hope it will please thee and the reBt yt are con cerned, for it hath most rare timber, I have not seen the like in all these parts, there is water enough beside. The end of each lot will be on a river as large or larger than the Dye at Bala, it is called Skool Kill River. I hope the Country land will within this four days [be] surveyed out. The rate for surveying 100 Acres [was] twenty shilling, but I hope better orders will be taken shortly about it. "The people generally are Swede, which are not very well acquainted. We ar* amongst the English, which sent us both vension and new milk, & the Indians brought vension to our door for six pence ye quarter. And as for ye land we look upon it [hb] a good & fat Boyl generally producing twenty, thirty, & fourty fold. There are stones to be had enough at the falls of the Skool Kill, that is where we are to Bettle, & water enough for mills, but thou must bring Millstones and ye Irons that belong to it, for Smiths are dear. Iron is about two and thirty or fourty shillings per hundri-d ; Steel about le. 6d, p. 1. Ye beBt way is to make yr pi. ken axes when you come over, for they cannot be made in England, for one man will work with ym as much as two men with ours. "Grindle stones yield good profit here; ordinary workmen have la. 6«. a day. Carpenters 3 or four shillings a day ; here are sheep, but dear, about twenty shillings a piece. I cannot understand how they can be carried from England. . . . Taylors hath 5s. & 6«. a day. ... I would have you bring salt for ye present use; here fs coarse salt, Bome times two measures of salt for one of wheat, and sometimes very dear. Six penny y river six miles, and to run westwardly so far as till y6 sa quantity of land be Compleately surveyed unto ym. Given at Pennsbury,ye13th 1st mo., 1684. "Will: Penn. "To Tho: Holmes, Surveyor-General." In pursuance of this warrant the surveyor-general, on the 4th of the Second month (April), 1684, issued an order to his deputy, David Powell, directing the latter " to survey and sett out unto the said purchasers the said quantity of land, in manner as before ex pressed, and in method of townshipps, lately ap pointed by the Governor, att five thousand acres for a townshipp and to be directed (for placing the vil lages of each Townshipp and division of the pur chasers) by Thomas Lloyd, Master of the Rolls, who is principally concerned therein, unto whose care and prudence is recommended the ordering and managing of this affair to the content and satisfaction of the said purchasors, and make me a true return of the original field-work and protracted figures, as well as the distinct quantity of each purchasor, &c''. The survey was probably made before the close of 1684. Soon after encroachments were made by others within its limits, and particularly by Charles Ashcom, a very troublesome deputy surveyor. In consequence thereof the Welsh inhabitants petitioned to the pro prietary's deputies against these intrusions, who, after they had "well weighed the mater, truly considered the case, and rightly understanding the Governor's intention in granting the warrant," issued their man date on the 25th day of the Fifth month (July), 1687, forbidding such intrusions, and making void what had been done within the prescribed limits, which are given as follows : HAVERFORD TOWNSHIP. 565 " Beginning att the school kill, thence running W. S. W. by the City liberties 2256 perches to Darby Creek, Thence following up the several courses thereof to New Towne Line, Thence up the said line N. N. W. 448 perches, Thence S. S. W. and by W. by New Towne, 998 perches, to a corner poBt by Crumb Creek, Thence down the several courses thereof 460 perches, Thonce W. and by S. by a line of trees 1920 perches, Thence N. N. W. by a line of trees perches, Thence E. and by N. by a line of trees 3040 perches, Thence E. and by S. 1120 perches, Thence S. S. E. 266 perches, Thence E. N. E. 640 perches, Thence S. S. E. 1204 perches, Thence E. N. E. 668 perches to the School kill, Thence down the several courses thereof to the place of beginning." The only draft of the " Welsh Tract" that has been found in the surveyor-general's office does not entirely agree with the above description. However, the orig inal survey included the townships of Haverford and Eadnor, in the present county of Delaware, besides Merion, Tredyffrin, Whiteland, Willistown, Easttown, Goshen, and part of Westtown, in the counties of Chester and Montgomery. Meanwhile complaints concerning the actions of Charles Ashcom and others continued to be forwarded to the proprietary, and finally were noticed in the fol lowing instructions to the commissioners of property, William Markham, Thomas Ellis, and John Goodson, dated at Worminghurst, Twelfth month 1st, 1686, and read at a meeting held 3, 13, 1687 : " 4thly. And whereas I formerly granted a Warr* for forty Thousand acres for the Welch people, to Lye Contiguous on tbe west side of Schoolkill, and that I am informed Incursions have been made upon those Lines Contrary to Equity, as also that Charles Ashcome Refuses to make Regular Returns to Thomas Holme, Surveyor Generall, or pay him his old dues, which was one-third, from the first of his serveing under him. These are to will and Require you to Look into the same, and to do Justice both to the Welch and to the Survey Generall. Charles Ashcome Promising me to pay ye said one-third part of the money for Burvey to the said Thomas Holme, and in Case the said Charles Ash come shall be disorderly or Refractory, you are hereby Impowered to Displace him, otherwise to Continue him in his Imploy." It also appears that the Welsh settlers not only contemplated having their settlements together, but expected to constitute one municipal district or " barony," in order that they might manage their affairs in their own way. They certainly had grounds for this expectation, and consequently when the division-line was run between Philadelphia and Chester Counties, through the Welsh Tract, thus sep arating the settlements of Haverford and Eadnor from those of Merion, it gave rise to much dissatisfac tion, and resulted in sending forward, through Col. William Markham, the following petition to the proprietary : " Philadelphia, the 23d, 2d mo., 1688. " To the propriety St Governo" Commissioners of State & Property. The Humble peticon of the Inhabitants of the Welch Tract Sheweth. " That, Whereas William Penn, Proprieta'r & Governo' aforesd out of his tend' Love & good will towards your pet™ St, for their Incouragem* & Conveniency here (considering many of them understood not the English Tongue St soe were incapable of giveing due services to English Judicatures) was favo'1? pleased to give his most Solemne word (before they removed from the Land of their nativity) That they, yo' Pet" should have ab* forty thousand acres of Land contiguously layd out as a Barony, and that they should not be obliged to answer nor serve in any Co" whatsoever, but should have Co'" & magistrates of their owne, wherein Justice should be ministred according to the Law of this Gov- ernrn' or to that effect ; In Consideration whereof, & for a manifestacon of yo* pet", Love, Gratitude, & Choice to the Bd Governo' St his Govern ment they came over to this Province. " And whereas the sd Propriety in pursuance of his former promise Did grant a warrant for surveying the sd Tract accordingly, and there upon further declared that yo' pet" should Injoy the sd priviledges in maner aforesd & be Exempt from attending all other Judicatures save only that they should maintaine memb" to such in Council & Assem bly. And also whereas the sd Tract extends to the sevall Countys of Philadelphia & Chester as is aleudged St by pretence thereof your pet" have been sumoned to tho County Co1*8 of both the sd Countys to yield their service upon Jurys & so are like to be taxed in both places to their great impoverish mfc. Now for as much as the priviledges St Exem- peons aforesd soe tenderly proposed by or Governor is most thankfull ac knowledged as a peculiar kindness to yor pet" nevtheless they desiro to Improve the same to no other end then to have their Cc*8 St Magis trates of & amongst themselves as they had in Wales and to be governed by the Law of Pennsilvania here, as they were by the Law of England there, and that good Rule & Order may be the better kept amongst them & amiable unity with their English & other neighbo" be preserved and Especially that their monthly and other meetings may not be separated. lt Therefore yor pet°s humbly request that what has been so as aforesd granted by parol maybe Confirmed unto them & other purchso" St In habitants of the 6d Tract St their heires by Grant Charter or Ordinances containing such Jurisdictions, powers, Liberties, St under such services, Restricons and Denominacon as in Wisdom you shall Judge Expedient, &c. " Thomas Ellis. Samuel Rees. Griffith Owen. Moris Lewelin. John Bevan. John Roberts. Hugh Roberts. David Meredith. Henry Lewis. Richard Orme. William Howell. Rees Peter. John Evans. Hugh Jones. Robert Davies. David Evan. Francis Howell. John Jarman. William Jenkins. Phylip Evan." John Humphrey. [Indorsed.] "Pray S' Bend an answer to this ffor they are very Earnest about it but John Symcock much ag* it as also Laying au other County beyond theirs. " W. M." It seems that no notice was taken of this petition by the proprietary, at least an answer has never been found. The Welsh, however, remained steadfast in the position they had assumed. They declined to recognize the division that had been made previously, and this led to proceedings in Council, 1, 25, 1689, as follows : " The Secretary produced a Petition ffrom severall Justices and In habitants of y County of Chester, directed to y Gover' and Councill. The Gover' asked by Whom Subscribed : 'twas answered by none. He replyed He should not receive it without a Subscription: it waB deliv ered to y persons who attended about it. They Subscribed it. Tha Gover' then directed it to be read : it was read : y Coppy Thereof! ffol- loweth (viz.) : "To John Blackwell, Esq'., Gover', and the Provinc" Councill of Pennsylvania. &c. " The Humble Petition of y» Justices of Chester County in the behalfe of themselves and Inhabitants of y« said County Sheweth : That whereas ye said County is but a Small tract of Land, not above 9 miles square, & but thinly seated, whereby y said County is not able to support the Charge thereoff ; Vppou our humble Request to the Proprietor & Gover' and his Serious Consideration of our weak Condition, was pleased out of Compassion to us, to grant an Enlargement of y same, in manner (fol lowing, viz.: to runn up from Delaware River, along darby mill Creek, ye several Courses thereoff, untill they took in Radnor and Herford townshipps ; Then downe to y Skoolkill ; Then vpwards along the sev erall Courses thereoff without limmitt. " Therefore, wee humbly pray you will be pleased to Confirme ye said bounds, whereby the County of Chester may be in some measure able to defray their necessary Charge, and wee shall, as in duty bound, 4c. "Signed by Jo- BlunBton, Tho : Brassie, Rand" Vernon, Caleb Pusey, Tho : Vsher. "The Gover' Demanded of y Petitioners how thry would make out their alligationB. They began to relate some passages W* had passed ffrom ye Proprietor about settling tbe bounds of y« County of Chester. 566 HISTORY OF DELAWARE COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA. " The Gover' Directed them to withdraw, and putt what they had to say and Could depose into writing ; they went forth and brought in their severall attestations following, wcfa were read, viz. : " 'I, John Blunstone, as in relation to ye Devision of Chester County ffrom Philadelphia, doe thus testifie, that a ffew days before Gover* Penn left this Province, that vpon ye bank by John Simcock's house, I moved him to Beside this matter that had been so long Discoursed, who then, before me and Others, Did Declare that y* bounds Should thus rnnn ffrom the mouth of Bow Creek to Mill Creek, w** should be ye bounds until it come to ye Land of Herford, and then to take in the Townds of Herford and Radnor ; from thence to the Skoolkill, and take in his mannour of Springtowne, by w** our Pattents Holds; then I asked him if he would be pleased to give it under his hand, to avoyde ffurther Trouble, who answered he would if any of vs would Come the next day to Philadelphia in order thereunto : one 'was sent, but what then ob structed I am not certaine, but ye Gover1 Departed about two days after: " ' Was signed John Blitnston.' " Bandall Vernon sayeth that some time since W»> Howell of Har ford Signified vnto me, and gave it vnder his owne hande, yl some time after they there settled that he asked ye Gover* to what County they should be joyned or belong vnto, & The Gover* was pleased to answer him that they must belong to Chester County : "Was signed 'R., the mark of Band11 Vernon.' MOur Proprietor and Gover*, being pleased to grant to me a Com mission to be Sheriff of the County of Chester, was pleased some time after to express himselfe to me to this purpose: Thomas, I perceive that the Skoolkill Creek Comes or runs so vpon the back of Philadelphia, that it makes ye City almost an Island, so that a Bobbery or the like may be there Committed and y« offender gitt over y« Creek, and so Escape for want of dne persute, &c.f therefore I intend that ye bounds of Philadelphia County Shall Come about 3 or ffour miles on this side of the Skoolkill, and I would not have thee to take notice or to oppose that Sheriff in ye Execution of his office, about Bangses, or the like, but I intend to enlarge this County downwards to Brandywine : *' AsBertained by me, Thomas Vsheh. "Some of the members of theProv1* Councill asserted the Substance thereof, and that ye same was agreeable with tbe mapp of the Province. " The Survey* Generlls Deputy was sent for, who showed the bounds of the County from the mapp, and being asked by ye Goverr by what order it was sett out, answered it was so ordered by ye Gover* and Pro vineiall Councill, as would appear by ye Coppy of ye minutes of their proceedin gs, w«& he produced, " The Goverr Directed that the minutes themselves might be serched, & Comparing the same Coppy with the Entry, ffound them agree in Substance. " 'Twas observed by ye Gover* and Councill that y» mapp of The Prov ince was the work of Thomas Holme, Survy* Gene11; that it was dedi cated to ye Proprietor by ye Publisher; that many Coppys had been published in England and here in this Province, by w1 ye same was made notorious to all men's observations and Knowledge, without Con- troll or Question, and that 'twas likely many Conveyances of Lands might have been parsed, Expressing the situations to lye in the Respec tive Countys ; as they were therein Expressed, and that to Disallow thereof, for y« Boundary's, might be of ill Consequence on that acco*. 'Twas asserted that ye Welsh Inhabitants had Denyed themselves to be any part of The County of Philadelphia, by refusing to bear any share of Charges, or serve in office on Jurys, and the like, as to y< County of Chester. " That the pretence thereof was they were a distinct Barony, wcil tho1 they might be, yet that severall Baronys might be in one and ye same County. " The Gover* and most of The presentmembere of Councill Declareing themselves satisfied Concerning their being a part of Chester County upon y* ground allfged and proved as aforesaid, yet ffor as much as Thomas Lloyd had deeired they might be heard before it were deter mined, SarniJ Carpenter was desired to acquaint him that if he, the said Thomas Lloyd, should think fitt bo ffarr to Concerne himselfe therein as to appear in their behalfe, or any other, to shew cause why they should not be Declared to be of the County of Chester, (ae the Proprietor had promised) they might have liberty to doT^efore tbe Gover7 and Coun cil] to-morrow, between 9 & 10 in tbe forenoon, otherwise the Evidence seemed so ffull as that they should proceed to Declare their judgment therein." The following day Thomas Lloyd and John Eckley appeared on behalf of the Welsh, and claimed that j the proprietor had given them grounds to expect ! they should be made a county palatine; but having no written evidence thereof, the Governor and Coun cil by a vote decided that the former division line should be confirmed. Samuel Carpenter and William | Yardley dissented on the ground that the Welsh peo- j pie should have had more time to make their defense. The Welsh troubles were then transferred from the Provincial Council chamber to the Chester County court. The court made an order appointing John Jerman constable for Radnor and John Lewis for " Hartfort" (Haverford), but these gentlemen did not come forward to be qualified into office. At the fol lowing court it was " ordered that warrants of Con tempt be directed to the Sheriff to apprehend the bodyes of John Lewis and John Jerman for their contempt in not entering into their respective offices of Constable (viz.), John Lewis for Hartfort and John Jerman for Radnor, when thereunto required by this Court." At the same session, which began on the " 3d day of 1st week, 3d mo., 1689/' David Lawrence, who had been returned as a grand juror from Haverford, failed to attend. He was presented by that body and fined ten shillings. The grand jury also presented " the want of the inhabitants of the townships of Radnor and Hartfort, and the inhabitants adjacent, they not being brought in to Joyn with us in the Levies and other public services of this county." At the June court of 1689 the commission of Wil liam Howell, of Haverford, as a justice was read and published, and "he did afterwards subscribe to the solemn declaration, prepared by tbe 57th Chapter of the great law of this province." At the same court William Jenkins, of Haverford, served as a juror, and at the December court John Jerman was attested constable for Radnor. This was the first official rec ognition by any of the inhabitants of these townships that they were subject to the jurisdiction of Chester County. They then seem to have given up the idea of a barony, and with as good a grace as possible sub mitted to the authority they were unable any longer to resist. By the close of the year these townships were supplied with a full set of township officials, who were the first appointed and to serve within their limits. During the year 1693 a provincial tax was levied ol one penny per pound on estates, and six shillings per head upon freemen. The list of taxables in Haver ford township at that time is interesting as showing who were then its citizens. The original list, for Chester County, is in possession of the Pennsylvania Historical Society. £ d. d. John Bevan 00 04 02 William Howell 00 03 04 Morris Le well in 00 03 04 Thomas Bees „ 00 02 06 William Lewis 00 04 OO John Richard „_. „,... 00 02 06 Humphrey Ellis 00 02 06 £"« EW" 00 02 09 Ralph Lewis 00 02 06 HAVERFORD TOWNSHIP. 567 £ s. d. William TJenkinB 00 03 09 Daniell Humphrey 00 03 04 David Lawrence 00 03 U0 Lewis David 00 02 06 John Lewis 00 03 04 Henry Lewis 00 04 02 John Lewis, Junior 00 02 06 Bichard Hayes 00 03 07 Benjamin Humphrey 00 02 08 William Howell, for Tho : Owen 00 06 00 Richard Hayes, for David LewiB 08 06 00 John Bevan, for Evan Williams 00 06 00 Although it has frequently been asserted and gen erally helieved that Penn's colonists and the Indians lived together with the utmost harmony and cordiality prevailing at all times, yet that such was not the case is shown by the following: In 1685 the Friends of Haverford and other adjacent townships complained to Council against " Y" Indians for y" Rapine and Destruction of their Hoggs." Haverford Street or road was laid out in 1683, probably by David Powell, who executed most of the surveys and resurveys in Haverford and Radnor townships. The Haverford and Darby road was laid out "by the Grand Jury and other neighbours," Twelfth month 7th, 1687. On May 8, 1696, a road was laid out from David Meredith's plantation in Radnor township to Haverford meeting-house. This road passes White Hall and west of Haverford Col lege. At the same time, May, 1696, Ellis Ellis, su pervisor, was ordered to cut and clear the roadway " which leads to the Limestone Hill from Darby thro Harford." A road from Henry Hames' (in Marple) to Haverford meeting-house was laid out in 1697. In describing the last part of the line, the foreman of the jury, Andrew Job, says, " running up the said line betwixt William Howell and David Lawrence, making the fence the middle of the road till it comes to the fence where we pulled downe, and so to the meeting house where We end." Until the year 1700 the pub lic highways were laid out by order of the grand jurors ; after that date by viewers. The men who controlled the township in early days were among the most prominent in the Welsh tract, and we may add of the county. In speaking of them Dr. George Smith has said, " It is even still more wonderful to see the large amounts that were appro priated to charitable purposes. This was particularly the case among the Welsh Friends. Every reason able want was attended to. If a newly-arrived immi grant or a 'poor friend' stood in need of a house, it was built for him ; of a plow or a cow, he was pro vided with one. The fields of the sick and the weak were not allowed to remain uncultivated, and their pecuniary wants and other necessities were liberally supplied. Nor was their care in these respects con fined to their own little communities. Wherever suffering humanity was found our Quaker ancestors were ever ready to contribute liberally to its relief." The following proves the last assertion of Dr. Smith to be correct, it being a receipt given by Edward Ship- pen, the first mayor of Philadelphia : "This may certify that Friends of y Monthly Meeting at Hartford y' David Lewellin paid into my hands for y« distressed in New England, fourteen pounds four shillings, assa about y 7th Mo. last passed, for which Bum I gave him a Eeceipt as witness my hand in Philadelphia, y 23>l of 12th Mo., 1697/8. "Edw: Shippen." The taxables residing in the township in 1722 were Richard Hayes, Samuel Lewis, Henry Lewis, John Havard, Daniel Humphrey, David Llewellyn, David Lewis, Humphrey Ellis, John Parry, Henry Law rence, Thomas Lawrence, Edward Jones, John Thomas, Samuel Rees, Rees Price, Thomas David, Walter Lloyd, Joseph Lewis, Griffith Evan, and Daniel Rees. In 1754, in accordance with an order issued by the justices of the peace, then sitting as a Court of Quar ter Sessions, etc., a list of township officials from 1682 to 1758, inclusive, was made out, which also showed the date of settlement in the township of such officers. From this list, which is still in part preserved in the township records, we learn that the following-named early residents of Haverford, to 1700, began their residence here during the years indicated : Lewis David, Henry Lewis, William Howell, 1682 ; John Lewis, David Lawrence, Morris Llewellyn, Ralph Lewis, John Richard, William Sharpus, 1683; William Lewis, 1686 ; Richard Hayes, Thomas Rees, 1687; Humphrey Ellis, Ellis Rees, 1690; Robert Wharton, 1696; John Rees, 1698; Evan Williams, Abraham Lewis, and David Lewis, 1700. In August, 1758, the tax-payers of Haverford were as follows : Henry Lawrence, Samuel Humphrey, John Wilcox, Edward Hum phrey, Lewis Davis, Charles Humphrey, Rowland Parry, William Lawrence, Jeremiah Ellis, Daniel Lawrence, Thomas Vaughan, Jane Lawrence, Anne Miller, David Llewellyn, Cloise Johnson, Obediah Wil der, Thomas Cornock, William Young, John Johnson, Samuel Johnson, William Brown, Philip Foreman, Daniel Thompson, John Lewis, John Ebelon, Tesley Guyger, Samuel Tuston, Isaac Tnston, Ludwick Knull, Griffith Owen, Frederick Bittle, William Ellis, Alexander Soley, Wil liam Thomas, David Cornock, Michael Kimball, James Dockerty, John Cook, Philip Tupper, JameB Sampson, William Townsend, John McCormick, George Schofield, Alexander McDowell, James Harper, Benjamin Hayes, Abraham Musgrove, John Vaughan, Robert Taylor, Isaac Vaughan, ThomaB Ellis, Thomas Vaughan, Thomas Simons, and John Erie. The early inhabitants of Haverford, being chiefly Friends, were opposed to wars and the fitting out of warlike expeditions among them. Yet that some of its residents participated in the expeditions under Braddock, Forbes, and Stanwix, as wagoners, etc., is proven by Roger Hunt's account-book, wherein are found the following entries : "Haverford. Robert Armor entered one wagon Sept. 25. Credited by 5 hags of Speltz, weighing C, 8, 2, 22, and 6 bbls flour, weighing C, 13, 2, 22 ; mileage from Harford to Carlile and back, 222 miles. Whole amount £27 18s. 5%d. Settled Oct. 27, 1759. "Thomas Hnbbart entered one wagon; credited by 112 days, July 11 to Oct. 31, 1760, @ 15«. 0A Cash advanced, £30. " Copy of Mr. Ourrey's Certificate and Discharge of William Jones, Wagon Driver for Mr. Thomas Hubbart's wagon for Haverford Town ship : " ' This certifies that I have thiB Day discharged W™ Jones, wagoner of George Aston's Brigade, with his wagon and Geers and two horses; 568 HISTORY OF DELAWARE COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA. one of the others died in the service, the other strayed. He has received of Mr. Lindsay one pound sixteen and nine pence, and of me two pounds. Given under my Hand at Bedford this 30th day of Oct', 1759. " ' Lt. Oureey.1 " Lieut. Ourrey was then in command of Fort Bed ford, Bedford Co., Pa. In 1760, Charles Humphrey, then township clerk, afterwards member of the Colonial Assembly and of the Continental Congress, made the following record in the township book : " On first day of March, and at night, we had a violent Northeast Snow Storm, when, Considering the season of the Year and the time it Lasted (for about 18 hours), there was the greatest fall of snow that has been known since the Settlement of the Province, being upwards of Two feet deep, and lasted upwards of 8 days on the ground. " March 16, 1760." For many years all public meetings and elections were held " in the meeting-house," meaning Friends' Haverford meeting-house. In March, 1762, how ever, the township election was held ''at the school- house."1 ' This probably was about the date of build ing the first school-house, though it has not been ascertained where it was situated. Charles Humphrey, township clerk in 1764, again says, " The following is an account of a surprising phenomenon which Happened on the 25th of July, 1764, at 40 minutes past 7 o'clock in the evening. There was a Ball of fire near the north east, about 50 degrees above the Horizon. It took its Course near northwest, its diameter at times Considerably bigger than that of the Sun. Especially at one time it opened, so as seemingly it would have separated itself; it appeared like huge, flaming, sheets of fire, inclining together like that of a new-blown Rose ; its sound, as it went (which was very swift) was Like that of a great fire urged by a strong wind. It kept near of one Heighth all the way, till it had crossed the Meridian to the north, aboute 20 degrees, where was a small Cloud, which seemed as if it attracted it. It mounted Higher, and just as it seemingly touched the Outward Edge of the Cloud it Broke into Thou sands of pieces like that of springing a mine, when the pieces and particles would all be in a flame. When, as near as Could be guessed, in aboute 30 seconds of Time came the Report which was like the firing of Large Cannon. The sound of it Lasted one full minute, it had something Exceedingly Re markable in its Centre like a bar of iron which ap peared to be very Hot out of which there Came Sparks of fire as it went." At the beginning of the Revolutionary war, 1775, the township taxables numbered seventy-one, repre senting a total population of about three hundred and fifty. After the American defeat at Brandywine and the consequent occupation of this region by the British army, the people of Haverford suffered terribly by dep redations committed by British troops. A few days subsequent to the battle of Brandywine, Gen. Wash- 1 In March, 1798, the minutes inform us, the township election was " held at the new school-house." ington with the American army marched, from Ger mantown, on the Lancaster road, to and several miles beyond the Buck Tavern, in Haverford, for the purpose of again engaging Howe's army, but a violent and protracted rain-storm forced him to suspend further operations and retire. On the 10th, 11th, and 12th days of December, 1777, Cornwallis, with a detachment of the British army, made a sally from Philadelphia into Haverford and adjoining townships, and at that in clement season of the year stripped many families of all their provisions, their stock and provender, and many articles of household furniture. The losses then sustained by the inhabitants of Haverford amounted to more than three thousand four hundred pounds sterling. " The month of February, 1779," says township clerk Charles Humphrey, " was a Remarkable fine, warm, and spring-like wether all thro, the frogs cry ing and spawning, Maple and alder blossoms in full Bloom, peach blossoms in many places, English Cherry trees very forward, some blossomed out, apple tree buds beginning to leaf, insomuch that vegetation was moved in allmost every vegetable. Corn in the ground looked well and promising, but March turned the face of everything, Rain, frost, and snow, high winds and storms, every other Day all thro." In 1780, when steps were taken for the gradual ab olition of slavery in Pennsylvania, twenty-six slaves were held in Haverford, but none in Radnor. In 1786 the taxable inhabitants of Haverford were as follows : William Brooke, William Burns, Jonathan Buckman, Thomas Cor- nogg, Abraham Cornogg, John Cornogg, Lewis Davis, Jesse Davis, John Davis, Caleb Davis, William Davis, George Dunn, Peter Dehaven, Sarah Ellis, Jesse Ellis, David Ellis, Jonathan Ellis, William Free. Griffith Davis, Andrew Frederick, Samuel Gracy, Samuel Griffith, Han. Humphrey, Edward Hughes, Mary Hayworth, George Hayworth, Bob ert Holland, Aaron Johnson, Hugh Jones, Samuel Leedom, John Lind say, David Lowden, David Lyon, Simon Litzenberg, Catharine Lu kens, Anthony Lewis, Abraham Lloyd, Francis Lee, Mary Miller, William McClure, John Moore, Nicholas Pechine, Henry Lawrence, Jo seph Powell, George Powell, Hugh Quinn, John Ross, Philip Sheaff, Richard Willing, Obadiah Wiley, Felix Wershing, Joseph Worrall, Mar tin Wise, Nathan Jones, Thomas Terry, Richard Humphrey, and John son Vaughan. Inmates. — Duncan Johnson, William Downey, Johu Hayworth, Sam uel McClure, Richard Tippons, Samuel Burrows, Joseph Webster, Jona than Haycock, Michael Timple, Zachariah Long, Daniel McElroy, Ed ward Hughes, and William Sheaff. Freemen. — William Lincoln, John Graville, John Free, John Point, John Stevens, John Holland, Jacob Vaughan, Edward Leedom, George Stump, William Lloyd, and Jonathan Worrall. The Philadelphia and Lancaster turnpike road crosses the northeast corner of the township. The company was incorporated in 1792, and the road was completed in 1794, at a cost of four hundred and sixty- five thousand dollars. It was the first turnpike road constructed in America. At the beginning of this — the nineteenth — century Haverford's taxables were mentioned as follows : William Brooke (brigade inspector), Jane Burns, Thomas Brooke (miller), Benjamin Bevan, George Bonsall (blacksmith), Joseph Bond, William Bittle (innkeeper), Amos Bradshaw (grist- and saw-mill), Isaac HAVERFORD TOWNSHIP. 569 Bittle, Abraham Cornog, Abraham Chapman, John Cornog, John Coch ran (shoemaker), Lewis Davis, Joseph Davis (tanner), Jesse Davis, Grif fith Davis, William Davis, John Davis, Samuel Davis, William Dickin son, John Dickinson, Jesse Ellis, Jonathan Ellis, Isaac Ellis (black smith), Rudolph Epwright (weaver), Jacob Spright, John "Free, Andrew Frederick (shoemaker), John Timple, John Gracy (wheelwright), Ed ward Gill, George Hayworth (carpenter), John Hughes (fulling-mill "going to decay," and saw-mill), Richard Humphrey, John Jones, Aaron Johnson, Jacob Johnson, William Johnson, Mary Jones, John Jones, Ludwig Knull, John Lindsay (justice of the peace), William Llewellyn, Anthony Lewis, David Lyons, Edward Lobb (millwright), Amos Lukens (joiner), Adam Litzenberg, Jacob Litzenberg (cooper), Simon Litzen berg (cooper), Mordecai Lewie, Samuel Leedom, Samuel Lewis (tailor), Mary Miller, Patience Morgan, Jonathan Miller (innkeeper), Joseph Powell, George Powell, Nicholas Pechin, Hugh Queen, John Ross (owner of the "Grange"), John Dickinson, Benjamin H.Smith, Philip Sheaff, Jacob Stanley, Valentine Smith, Matthias Snyder, Alexander Symington (storekeeper), Richard Tippins (shoemaker), Christian Vaughan, Joshua Vaughan, Johnson Vaughan, Garrett Van Buskirk, Keziah Wilday, George Willing, Maris Worrall (storekeeper, grist-, and saw-mill owner), and Casper Weist. Inmates.— Edward Fowler (wheelwright), John Hay, Reuben Lewis, Philip Litzenberg (cooper), Daniel Leedom (weaver), John Powell, Jesse Moore, Joseph Rogers (miller), Jonathan Vaughan, Daniel McElroy, John Van Buskirk, Samuel Wright (carpenter), and Martin Wise, Single Freemen. — David Bittle (mason), Hugh Carm (carpenter), Thomas Ellis (carpenter), William Garrett (storekeeper), William Has kins and Andrew Lindsay (blacksmiths), Jesse Maddoek (tailor), Thomas Downs, Abraham Free, Joseph Griffith, Amos Griffith, John Lindsay, Jr., William Lindsay, William Litzenberg, Edmund Leedom, William Lyons, John Little, Joseph Powell, John Stephens, Vorb Van Buskirk, Joseph Van Buskirk, Jacob Vaughan, George Weist, Garrett Van Horn, Jonathan Ellis, Isaac Ellis, Amos Lukens, and Jonathan Miller. Since that day the improvements made in Haver ford have been vast and varied. Its inhabitants have ever kept in the advance line in the onward march of the nation, and its lands, lying as they do just without the limits of a great city, are very fertile and highly prized. We now turn to other topics which are treated under separate headings, but before doing so will add the following, which, was made a matter of record by the township clerk : , "Be it remembered that the winter of 1828 was the most mild winter in the recollection of the oldest people then living, there being scarcely any snow and but very little ice, and followed by the winter of 1829, which was the coldest that had been for many yearB, there being two months of study Friezing.'1 Early Mills, etc.— Haverford Mill— As early as the year 1688 a small grist-mill, known as the " Haver ford Mill," was built on Cobb's Creek,1 near where that stream is crossed by the road leading past Haver ford meeting-house. Its original owner is unknown. By searching the records, however, a little light is thrown on the history of this, one of the first mills built in Pennsylvania. Thus, Fourth month (June) 12, 1700, Richard Hayes, attorney for William Howell, acknowledged a deed to David Lloyd, attorney for Rowland Powell, " for ninety-seven acres of land with a mill called Haverford Mill, and all other appur tenances and improvements thereunto belonging," the deed bearing date Third month 30th, 1700. This seems to indicate that William Howell, one of the first settlers of the township, was the original owner 1 The Indian name of Cobh's Creek waB Earaknng. of "Haverford Mill." Friends' meeting-house, in Haverford, was also built upon the same tract, a tract which came into the possession of Howell in May, 1682. In October, 1703, Daniel Humphrey became the owner of two hundred and forty-one acres of land, of which the east line was Cobb's Creek, and the south line the road on which Friends' meeting house stands. Humphrey's land included the mill- property above mentioned. Subsequently, Charles Humphrey * (son of Daniel, and a member of the Continental Congress at the time of signing the Declaration of Independence), together with his brothers, became the owners of the mill property, which also included fulling- and saw-mills. Thus, in 1766, Edward Humphrey was mentioned as the owner of the fulling-mill, and Charles Humphrey of the grist- and saw-mills. The latter owned the grist- and fulling-mills in 1782. He died in 1786, but this mill property continued in the hands of the Humphrey family until about 1826, when Dennis Kelly purchased it and changed the buildings into a woolen and cotton manufactory, under the name of the "Castle Hill Mills." Haverford New Mill.— On Fourth month (June) 14, 1698, Richard Hayes, Jr., before mentioned as Howell's attorney in the transfer of Haverford Mill to Powell, became the owner of one hundred and sixty acres of land, of which Darby Creek formed the western boundary. On this property, about the year 1707, Hayes, with David Morris and Samuel Lewis, erected a grist-mill, for a long time known as " Haver ford New Mill" (now as Leedom's mill), which he managed himself till his death, in 1738. This prop erty, with a saw-mill attached, belonged to Maris Worrell in 1802. Eighteen years later it was still in his possession. In 1 826 it was owned by Elisha Wor rell and occupied by Thomas Steel. In 1830 it was managed by Joseph Leedom, Elisha Worrell still being the owner. In 1875 it was owned by Maris W. Lee dom. It is now owned by the latter's widow. Abram C. Lukens, now living at Upland, speaks ol this mill property as follows : " The old mill stood a little farther up the stream. When the new mill was built, the gudgeon was lost in the creek. One of the workmen dived for it. The instrument was heavy, and as the man stayed under water a long time, seem ingly, it was feared for a moment that he, too, was gone; but finally he came up, struggling and safe, with the recovered article in his hands." The mill now in operation, and of which Lukens speaks, was built in 1832. Ellis' Fulling-Mill.— In 1694, Tenth month, 2d day, Humphrey Ellis purchased two hundred and twenty acres of land, of which Darby Creek formed the west ern boundary. On this property a very early fulling- mill was erected, and successfully operated. In 1790 2 It will be remembered that Charles Humphrey, with three other Pennsylvania members, voted against the Declaration of Independence. 570 HISTORY OF DELAWARE COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA. it was owned by Humphrey Ellis, a son of Humphrey Ellis first mentioned by a second marriage. Brown's (Garrigues') Mills. — About the year 1800, Peter Brown became the owner and operator of grist- and saw-mills, which stood on the head-waters of Cobb's Creek. On Feb. 11, 1802, he sold this prop erty to William Hill, William White,1 and Miers Fisher. It then consisted of one hundred and thirty acres of land, with grist- and saw-mill. On the 1st of July, 1807, the parties above mentioned transferred the mills and property belonging to Samuel Garri gues, " House Carpenter." The mills were run by the latter for a few years, but by reason of a scarcity of water were finally abandoned. In 1826 this mill property was mentioned, by a Delaware County com mittee, on the subject of manufactories, etc., as " an old stone grist-mill, which has been out of use for several years past." On the 26th of July, 1834, Samuel Garrigues sold two acres of this tract to the Haverford School Association, and the same are now included with the lands owned by Haverford College. There are some, doubtless, who will question the existence of the Brown Mills. Indeed, Abram C. Lukens, for a time, stoutly maintained that such mills never existed, but finally remembered having seen the ruins of an old mill there. The volume of water in these small streams was much greater eighty years ago than it is now. Lawrence's Mills. — A saw-mill, owned at various times by Henry Lawrence, and his sons Thomas, Mordecai, and William, was erected about the be ginning of this century on Darby Creek, near where that stream is crossed by the West Chester turnpike. Prior to that time, however, an old fulling-mill had occupied the same mill-seat (standing on the north side of the present turnpike), which, probably, was the one owned by Humphrey Ellis in 1790. In 1832 a stone grist-mill (the present one) was built by Wil liam Lawrence, just below the saw-mill. These mills have since been in the possession of members of the Lawrence family, and are now owned by Thomas D. Lawrence. They have been leased and operated by John E. Stanley and his father for the twenty-two years last passed. Miller's Mills. — About the year 1810, Jonathan Miller built grist- and saw-mills on Cobb's Creek, just above the mill privilege, soon after utilized for the manufacture of gunpowder. A few years later David Quinn became associated with him in the business and served as manager. In 1827, Samuel Leedom took charge. For a number of years prior to that time the latter had operated Joshua Humph rey's mill, which was situated a short distance above Miller's, on the same creek. In 1844, Mr. Leedom purchased the Miller Mills, and lived there till his 1 William White was then doctor of divinity of the Protestant Epis copal Church, and later was far famed as a distinguished bishop of the same denomination. death, which occurred some twelve years ago. Augus tus B. Leedom then became the owner, to be suc ceeded in a few years by one Lombert. The latter was in turn succeeded by the present owner, George Dickinson, who purchased the property in February, 1879, and came here to reside in April of the follow ing year. Nitre Hall Mills. — These mills, used for the man ufacture of gunpowder, began operations prior to the beginning of the war of 1812-15. They were owned and managed by Israel Wheelen and William Rogers, Jr., until about 1825. Rogers alone then conducted the business until his death, which occurred about 1840, when Dennis Kelly purchased the property and converted the principal building into a woolen- and cotton-factory. It remained in the possession of Kelly and his heirs until March, 1880, when George Callahan became its owner by purchase. John and Thomas Burns, the present managers, have been identified with these mills for seventeen years. Fif teen hands are now employed, and about seven thou sand pounds of cotton and woolen yarns are manu factured per month. Kelly's Woolen- and Cotton Mills.— About 1814, Dennis Kelly, with borrowed capital, purchased a mill-seat on Cobb's Creek from Isaac Ellis, and erected thereon a small stone woolen-factory, now known as the " Clinton Mills." His venture proved to be highly successful, and soon after, with George Wiest as a partner, the remainder of Ellis' lands were bought, and the capacity of Clinton Mills considerably en larged. Not a long time elapsed, however, before Mr. Kelly was again conducting his business alone. He furnished the United States government, per con tract, large quantities of goods for the use of the army and navy. His mills were worked to their greatest capacity, and he accumulated wealth rapidly. About 1826 he purchased Joshua Humphrey's grist mill, and changing it to a cotton- and wool en -factory, gave it the name of " Castle Hill Mills." Samuel Rhoads, as lessee, occupied this mill for a number of years. On the 20th of February, 1834, it caught fire from the picker, and was entirely consumed, the in surance of ten thousand dollars covering but a small part of the loss. After this mill was rebuilt it was leased for some ten years to John Hazlitt. George Burnley, James Howorth, Boyle, and Calleghan were also prominent lessees and operators at different times of Kelly's mills. Up to the time of his death Mr. Kelly was widely known as one of the most successful manufacturers of cloths in the State of Pennsylvania. He died in July, 1864, worth nearly one-half million dollars. Boyle's Mills.— About fifteen years ago John Boyle erected the large four-story building located just above Castle Hill Mills, which yet stands as a monu ment to his name. Intended for the manufacture of cotton and woolen goods, they are inactive, and have been so for some five or six years. HAVERFORD TOWNSHIP. 571 Other Mill Interests. — Besides the mills already mentioned, a few others, as well as tanneries, etc., were established and operated here during years long passed, of which traces are only to be found in early assessment-rolls. Hence, in the endeavor to give an impartial list of the manufacturing interests of the township from 1766 to 1830, we turn to these rolls and find that the mills and the owners of them during the years indicated were as follows : 1766. Edward Humphrey, fulling-mill ; Charles Humphrey, grist- and saw-mills. 1770. Isaac Davis, grist- and saw-mills. 1779. Elisha Worrall, grist- and saw-mills. 1782. Charles Humphrey, grist- and fulling-mills. 1788. Humphrey Ellis, part of fulling-mill; Francis Lee, saw-mill ; John Moore, grist- and saw-mills ; Philip Sheaff, tannery. 1790. Thomas Brooke, grist-mill ; Joseph Davis, tannery ; Humphrey Ellis, fulling-mill ; Francis Lee, saw-mill ; John Moore, grist- and saw-mill ; Philip Sheaff, saw-mill. 1802. Peter Brown, stone grist- and saw-mill on head-waters of Cobb's Creek; Joseph Davis, tannery; James Tyson, saw-mill and old fulling-mill ; Enoch Watkins, stone grist-mill ; Maris Worrell, grist- and saw-mill. 1807. Joseph Davis, tannery ; Mordecai Lawrence, saw-mill ; James Tyson and John Dolen, saw- and fulling-mill ; Enoch Watkins, stone grist-mill ; Sam uel Garrigues, stone grist- and saw-mill, the property formerly owned by Peter Brown. 1809. Samuel Garrigues, grist-mill; E. Leedom, saw-mill; Mordecai Lawrence, saw-mill; Joseph Mathews, grist-mill. 1811. Joseph Davis, tannery ; Jonathan Miller, grist- and saw-mill ; Thomas Steel, grist-mill ; Maris Worrell, grist- and saw-mill. 1817. Joseph Davis, tannery; Francis Gaucher, paper-mill ; Mordecai Lawrence, saw-mill ; Jonathan Miller, saw-mill ; Robert Steel and Charles Leedom, grist-mill ; Dennis Kelly and George Wiest, fulling- and carding-mills ; Israel Wheelen, powder-mills; Maris Worrell, saw- and grist-mill. 1820-22. Edward Humphrey, paper-mill ; Joshua Humphrey and Leedom, grist-mill ; Dennis Kelly, woolen-factory ; Jonathan Miller and Quinn, grist- and saw-mill ; William Rogers, eight powder-mills and refinery ; Maris Worrell, grist- and saw-mill. From a report of a committee of Delaware County citizens made in 1826, on the subject of manufactories and unimproved mill-seats, we obtain the following pertinent items regarding Haverford township : " On Cobb's Creek, in Haverford, a mill-seat, on lands of Manuel Eyre, about where the creek ceases to be the dividing line of Philadelphia and Delaware Counties. " On Cobb's Creek, in Haverford, a cotton-factory ; head and fall about 14 feet ; owned and occupied by Dennis Kelly; drives 628 spindles; manufactured last year 26,194 pounds of cotton-yarn ; employs about 12 hands. "On Cobb's Creek, in Haverford, ' Nitre Hall Pow- der-Mills ;' head and fall from 22 to 34 feet, on the various mills owned and occupied by William Rogers, Jr. ; manufactured last year about 10,000 qr. casks of gunpowder ; employs about 20 men ; a large man sion-house and tenements for 10 families. " On Cobb's Creek, in Haverford, a mill-seat ; head and fall about 12 feet, on lands of Jonathan Miller. " On Cobb's Creek, in Haverford, a grist-mill and saw-mill ; head and fall about 20 feet; owned by Jon athan Miller, and occupied by David Quinn. " On Cobb's Creek, in Haverford, a grist-mill, head and fall about 20 feet, owned by Joshua Hum phrey and others, and occupied by Samuel Leedom. " On Cobb's Creek, in Haverford, a large woolen- factory ; head and fall 16 feet; owned and occupied by Dennis Kelly; has 1 pair of stocks, 4 carding-engines of 24 inches, 2 bellies of 50 spindles each, 3 jennies of 75 spindles each, 10 power-looms ; manufactures about 2500 yards of cotton and woolen goods per week ; em ploys about 60 hands ; dwelling-houses for 10 families. " Near the head of Cobb's Creek, in Haverford, an old stone grist-mill ; head and fall 18 feet; owned by Samuel Garrigues ; has been out of use for several years past. " On Darby Creek, in Haverford township, an an cient grist-mill and saw-mill ; head and fall about 10 feet, to which two feet more may be added ; owned by Elisha Worrell, and occupied by Thomas Steele ; grinds from 12 to 15,000 bushels of grain, grist, and merchant work per annum. Also cuts about 85,000 feet of lumber per annum. " On Darby Creek, in Haverford and Marple, a mill-seat ; head and fall about 12 feet ; on lands of Mordecai Lawrence and others. " On Darby Creek, in Haverford, a saw-mill ; head and fall 10 feet and 6 inches ; owned by Mordecai Lawrence and others, occupied by John Richards; cuts about 30,000 feet of lumber per annum. " On Darby Creek, in Haverford and Marple, a mill-seat; head and fall about 10 or 11 feet, on land of the heirs of William Moore, deceased, and others. [Probably the site of John Moore's grist- and saw mill, 1790.] " On Ithon Creek, or east branch of Darby Creek, in Haverford, a mill-seat ; head and fall 7 or 8 feet; on lands of Gen. William Brooke." This probably was the site of the grist-mill assessed to Thomas Brooke in 1790. The mills, etc., of the township in 1829-30, accord ing to the assessment-rolls for those years, were as follows: Lewis Davis, tannery ; Dennis Kelly, lower factory (stone), dry-house, two frame dwellings, five stone dwellings, upper factory (stone), fulling-mill, stone grist-mill, seven stone dwellings, four frame dwellings ; Clermont Lawrence, stone grist-mill and 572 HISTORY OF DELAWARE COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA. saw-mill ; Jonathan Miller and Samuel Leedom, grist- and saw-mill ; Elisha Worrell and Joseph Lee dom, grist- and saw-mill. The grist- and saw-mills and woolen- and cotton- factories in operation in the township at the present time (1884) are as follows : Leedom's saw- and grist mills, on Darby Creek ; Lawrence's grist- and saw mills, on Darby Creek ; Dickinson's (formerly Miller's) grist- and saw-mills, on Cobb's Creek ; Callahan's (Nitre Hall Mills) cotton- and woolen-factory, on Cobb's Creek ; and Taylor Wolfenden & Co.'s (Castle Hill Mills) woolen-factory, on Cobb's Creek. The " Castle Hill Mills," under the management of Messrs. Taylor Wolfenden & Co., lessees, are running nearly to their utmost capacity. More than one hundred operatives are furnished with steady employment, and about ten thousand dollars' worth of fine cassi meres are manufactured per month. Schools. — Doubtless schools of some kind were established and maintained in an irregular manner from the date of the first settlement of the township, but for many years thereafter all records now avail able are silent respecting them. On the 28th of October, 1799, however, Joseph Davis, Abraham Lewis, George Hayworth, and John Gracey, as trus tees, purchased of Jesse Davis a lot in the southwest part of the township, near the present school build ing, " for the purpose of erecting a school-house thereon, and for no other purpose or use." In the stone structure which was soon after erected upon this lot John Hayes and David Bond were early teachers. It continued to be used for educational purposes until 1883, when the present substantial stone school-house was erected, on a lot purchased of John Leedom, and the old school property was abandoned. On the Townsend Cooper property, formerly owned by Levi Lukens, a stone school-house was built by John Lukens, Robert Clark, John Hayes, and others, about 1814. The children of William Johnson, Levi Lukens, Dennis Kelly, and George Smith attended at this school-house. It was torn down about the year 1835, having been discontinued as a school-house for several years prior to that date. About 1830 another school-house was built, ou the lands of Jonathan Miller. It is still in use, and is located near the grist-mill of George Dickinson, on Cobb's Creek. John Moore was known as a teacher there for several years. On a corner of the Darby road and a road leading from West Chester road to Clinton Mills a stone school-house was built about 1874, on a lot purchased from William Davis. Another school-house was erected, date unknown, on Mrs. Sarah O'Connor's property, east of Cobb's Creek, and near the Montgomery County line. After the passage of the school law, in 1834, the court appointed inspectors of schools in each town ship, who served till directors were elected. The in spectors appointed for Haverford were Bertine Smith and John Williams. The amount of school moneys received by the township from State and county in 1835 was $573.44. Following is a list of the school directors elected in Haverford township since and including the year 1840, as found of record in Media: 1810, John Leedom, Samuel Leedom; 1842, John Gracey, Thomas D. Lawrence ; 1843, Samuel Leedom, James A. Moore ; 1844, Adam C. Eckfeldt, Archibald Gray; 1845, George Pyatt, David Sell; 1846, Philip Sheaff, William V. Black; 1847, Bartine Smith, Thomas H. West ; 1848, James A. Moore, George Pyatt ; 1849, Thomas D. Law rence, Philip Sheaff; 1850, Bartine Smith, Thomas H. West ; 1851, Jackson Lyons, Mordecai Lawrence; 1852, James A. Moore, Davis Sill ; 1853, William Bittle, Bartine Smith ; 1854, Mordecai Lawrence, James A. Moore ; 1855, Davis Sill, Thomas D. Lawrence ; 1856, Bar tine Smith, William Bittle; 1857, Edwin Johnson, David Bond; 1858, B. Lindsay, Charles Johnson; 1859, Henry McAllister, John Leedom ; 1860, W. H. Eagle, W. W. Leedom ; 1861, no report found ; 1862, John Leedom, Haydock ; 1863, C. P. Bittle, D. B. Ralston ; 1864, Charles Johnson, A. B. Leedom; 1865, James Smith, William C. Hawkins ; 1866, C. P. Bittle, John H. Clemens; 1867, William C. Hawkins, Charles Johnson ; 1868, Joseph Leedom ; 1869, C. P. Bittle, Edwin Johnson ; 1870, William C. Hawkins, William C. Jones ; 1871, Joseph Leedom, Joseph T. McClellan; 1872, C. P. Bittle, W. M. Cal lahan ; 1873, Charles Johnson, William C. Hawkins ; 1874, Joseph Leedom, John Johnson ; 1875, C. P. Bittle, Morgan B. Davis ; 1876, Charles Johnson, Lewis K. Esrey ; 1877, James Leedom, B. N. Lee; 1878, C. Pennell Bittle, Florence Lockwood ; 1879, Charles Johnson, LewiB K. Esrey; 1880, Taylor Wolfenden, Joseph Leedom; 1881, Florence Lockwood, Charles Getz; 1882, Bobert N. Lee, Charles Johnson ; 1883, Frank Ebright, Joseph T. McClellan ; 1884, William Carter, Joseph Leedom. Haverford College. — This celebrated and prosper ous institution holds an estate of about two hundred and twenty acres in the northern part of the township of Haverford. It was founded in the year 1832 by prominent members of the society of Friends in the Middle States, the larger number being residents of Philadelphia and its vicinity. The purpose of its founders was to provide a place for the instruction of their sons in the higher learning, and for moral train ing, which should be free from the temptations preva lent at many of the larger colleges. A tract consisting at first of forty acres, but gradually enlarged until it now contains upwards of seventy, was set off by an experienced English landscape-gardener and planted with a large variety of trees, to constitute the aca demic grove in which the college buildings should stand. This park is now the most beautiful which any American college can boast, and the exquisite undulations of its surface, its stately trees, its winding walks, and its green and well-kept turf attract many admiring visitors. The " Founders' Hall," as it is now called, a large and well-constructed building, was finished in 1833, and in the autumn of that year " Haverford School" was opened. This modest title, corresponding with the unostentatious spirit of its founders, was borne for upwards of twenty years, although a full collegiate course of study was pursued from the beginning. Early in 1856, however, the institution was incorpor ated as a college, with the right of conferring aca demic degrees. Barclay Hall, built in 1876, a strikingly beautiful HAVERFORD TOWNSHIP. 573 building of Port Deposit granite, furnishes studies and bedrooms for eighty students. Others are ac commodated in Founders' Hall. There are two astronomical observatories, — one built in 1852, the other in 1884. These contain a refracting equatorial telescope of ten inches aperture, by Clark ; a refract ing equatorial telescope of eight and one-fourth inches aperture, by Fitz ; an alt-azimuth reflecting telescope of eight and one-fourth inches aperture; a fixed transit instrument of four inches aperture, with circles twenty-six inches in diameter ; a zenith instrument of one and three-fourths inches aperture, with microm eter and circles ; a chronograph, connected by elec tricity with all the instruments, which records the exact time of observations to the tenth of a second ; two sidereal clocks ; a filar micrometer ; a spectro scope made by Grubb, with a train of ten prisms ; a polarizing eye-piece for solar work ; a sextant ; and a valuable library of astronomical literature. The students have free access to the observatory, and enjoy such advantages for observatory practice as are seldom offered. The director of the observatory, Professor Sharpless, is a man of great knowledge and wide fame. A tasteful and well-proportioned building, erected in 1863-64, contains the library and Alumni Hall, the latter being used for lectures, society meetings, and the public exercises of the college. Here some fifteen thousand volumes are always ready for the use of the students, selected with great care in all departments of knowledge. A large number of the best European and American periodicals are taken in. The library is regarded as inferior in importance and usefulness to no other department of the college. A carpenters' shop was built soon after the opening of the school, as a place where the boys might find profitable exercise and amusement in the use of tools. This was fitted up in 1884 for the use of the depart ment of mechanical engineering, and contains a forge, steam-engines, and a variety of machines and tools for the use of students in that department. The chemical laboratory was built in 1853 (a room in Founders' Hall having previously been used for the purpose), and has several times been enlarged and improved. It is now very commodious, amply fur nished, and under very skillful management. Under it is a beautiful gymnasium, which is supplied with the apparatus' of Dr. Sargent, the director of the Harvard gymnasium. Exercise here is required of the students, under the direction of an experienced physician. In Founders' Hall there is a museum of natural history, and a physical laboratory. This hall con tains also the recitation-rooms and the dining-hall. Among the most distinguished officers and instruc tors of the school and college have been Daniel B. Smith, John Gummere, Joseph Thomas, Samuel J. Gummere, Henry D. Gregory, Paul Swift, Hugh D. Vail, Joseph Harlan, George Stuart, Moses C. Stevens, Clement L. Smith, Albert Leeds, Henry Hartshorne, Edward D. Cope, and John H. Dillingham. The officers in 1884 are as follows: President, Thomas Chase, a graduate of Harvard University, who re ceived in 1878 the honorary degree of Doctor of Laws from Harvard, and in 1880 that of Doctor of Literature from Haverford. He was a member of the American company of revisers of the English translation of the New Testament, and is the editor of a series of classi cal text-books which are very widely used. Dean, Isaac Sharpless, a graduate of Harvard in the scien tific school, and honored with the degree of Doctor of Science by the University of Pennsylvania in 1883. Professor Sharpless is a man of wide scientific dis tinction, and is the author of excellent text-books in geometry, astronomy, and physics. Pliny Earle Chase, LL.D., also a graduate of Harvard, is the professor of Philosophy and Logic. He holds very high rank among living thinkers and men of science, and his philosophical and scientific papers have been widely published, both in this country and in Europe. Allen C. Thomas, a graduate and master of arts of Haverford, is the accomplished and learned professor of History, Political Economy, and Rhetoric. Lyman B. Hall, a graduate of Amherst, and Ph.D. of the University of Gottingen, is professor of Chemistry and Physics, and a thorough master of these sciences. Edwin Davenport, A.B. and A.M. of Harvard, a brilliant and distinguished scholar, is professor ot Latin and Greek. Henry Carvill Lewis, graduate and Master of Arts of the University of Pennsylvania, one of the foremost men of science in America, is the professor of Geology. The other instructors are men of distinction and promise. Thomas Newlin, of the University of Michigan, professor of Zoology and Botany, and Curator of tbe museum. James Beatty, Jr., a graduate of the Stevens Institute, professor of Engineering Branches. Walter M. Ford, M.D., in structor in Physical Training. William Earl Morgan, a graduate and Master of Arts of Penn College, assistant astronomical observer; and William F. Wickersham, asssistant librarian. The following regular courses of study are pursued at the college : I. A course in classics, mathematics, general literature, modern languages, and science, for the degree of Bachelor of Arts. II. A course in general science and literature, and modern languages, for the degree of Bachelor of Science. III. A more specialized course in practical science and engineer ing, together with modern languages, for the degree of Bachelor of Science or for special degrees. The requisites for admission are substantially the same as at other first-class colleges. The college claims, in its published circulars, special advantages for its students. These are, " First, good moral and religious influences. Endeavors are made to imbue the minds and hearts of the students with the fundamental truths of the Christian religion, and to train them by the inculcation of pure morals 574 HISTORY OF DELAWARE COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA. and the restraints of a judicious discipline. No stu dent is admitted without a certificate of character from his last instructor, and none believed to be of low moral character are retained. Second, thorough scholarship. The teaching is of high quality ; the classes are small enough to allow regular performance of work and the opportunity for individual instruc tion. The absence of the constant distractions which attend life at many colleges, and the example and influence of the professors, enables a large amount of honest work to be done, so that the standard of graduation is high. Third, the healthfulness of the student life. In the large and beautiful lawns every facility is given, right at the doors, for cricket, base ball, foot-ball, tennis, archery, and other field games. The gymnasium furnishes judicious physical training, under the care of a skillful physician. The rooms are pleasant, the table and service good, and all the conditions wholesome." Haverford College, from its modest beginnings, has slowly but surely won a position among the foremost literary institutions of the country, and may justly be counted an honor to the county and the common wealth in which it stands. In October, 1883, it cele brated the fiftieth anniversary of its opening. Six hundred of the old students assembled on its beautiful grounds, and their high character and eminence gave a striking testimonial to the merits of their Alma Mater. Churches— Haverford Meeting-House. — Friends' meeting-house in Haverford township, the oldest place of worship in Delaware County, was erected in 1688 or 1689. The first marriage solemnized in it was that of Lewis David to Florence Jones, at a meeting held First month (March) 20th, 1690. The south, or what is now known as "the old end" of the structure, was built in 1700, at a cost of about one hundred and fifty- eight pounds. It was erected as an addition to the meeting-house of 1688 or 1689, which original build ing was replaced by the present " new end" in the year 1800. At the date last mentioned the part built one hundred years before was modernized somewhat in its outside appearance, by changing the pitch of the roof and in substituting wooden sash in the win dows for those of lead. The gallery was originally at the south end of the building. It is also claimed that a number of chestnut boards with which the house was at first lined are still in place. For many years the original building and its annex of 1700 was without a chimney, being warmed with a kind of stove or furnace, placed on each side of the audience- room, and supplied with fuel from the outside. Only the tops of these stoves were of iron, and the smoke escaped by flues opening on the outside of the wall, a few feet above the opening through which the fuel was introduced. Part of this arrangement is yet con spicuous in the walls of the old end of the meeting house. Soon after the completion of the building erected in 1700, Governor William Penn visited Haverford and preached in the new meeting-house. Yet from the fact that the Welsh language was the prevailing dialect then spoken in Haverford, and that the ma jority of its inhabitants at that time could speak no other, many of his hearers could not understand him. Sutcliff, an English Quaker, who visited the prov ince about the time of Penn's second visit to America, mentions another incident concerning the Governor which is pertinent to the history of Haverford meet ing-house. A little girl named Rebecca Wood was walking from Darby, where she resided, to Haverford meeting-house, when Penn, who was proceeding to the same place on horseback, overtook her and in quired where she was going. Upon being informed, " he with his usual good nature, desired her to get up behind him ; and bringing his horse to a convenient place, she mounted, and so rode away upon the bare back, and being without shoes or stockings, her bare legs and feet hung dangling by the side of the Gov ernor's horse." The burial-ground attached to Haverford meeting house was laid out in 1684. During the same year the first interment was made in these grounds, it being the body of William Sharpus, who was buried Ninth month 19th. More than one hundred years later another burial was made in the same place, which attracted many people. The circumstances are related by Dr. Smith, as follows : " In the winter of 1788 a very tragic affair happened on Darby Creek, where it forms the line between Marple and Haverford, in the death by drowning of Lydia Hollingsworth, a young lady of great worth aud beauty, who was under an engagement of marriage to David Lewis. The party, consisting of Lewis, Lydia, another young lady, and the driver, left the city in the morning in a sleigh, and drove out to Joshua Humphreys, near Haverford meeting-house, and from thence they drove to Newtown ; but before they returned the weather moderated and some rain fell, which caused Darby Creek to rise. In approaching the ford (which was on the road leading from the Presbyterian Church to Cooperstown), they were advised not to attempt to cross, but were made acquainted with the existence of a temporary bridge in the meadows above. They drove to the bridge, but the water was ruBhing over it, and the driver refused to proceed; whereupon Lewis took the lines, and, missing the bridge, plunged the whole party into the flood. All were rescued but Lydia, whose body was not found till the next morning. The feelings of Lewis can be more readily imagined than described. The young lady wns buried at Friends' graveyard, Haver ford. In some pathetic rhymes written on the occasion it is stated that 1700 persons attended her funeral." Haverford meeting-house occupies one of the most beautiful and commanding sites in the township. Regular meetings are held there each week, the Friends usually attending being from twenty to thirty in number. A Friends' meeting-house is also located near the Haverford College grounds. St. Dennis' Church.— This, the first Catholic Church edifice erected in Delaware County, stands near Haverford meeting-house, and was built during the year 1825. Dennis Kelly, the well-known woolen and cotton manufacturer, donated its site and the land for the burial-grounds, and also was the greatest con tributor to the fund for its erection. It was built for the accommodation of those of the Catholic faith who HAVERFORD TOWNSHIP. 575 were employed in Kelly's mills, on Cobb's Creek. The original structure was small, plain, and unpre tentious in its appearance. A few years ago, how ever, it was remodeled and enlarged, and now presents a very pleasing aspect both within and without. Dennis Kelly, who might be termed its founder, lies buried within its shadows, he having departed this life July 21, 1864, aged nearly eighty-five years. Bethesda Methodist Episcopal Church.— The society existing under this name was organized in Oc tober, 1831, under the pastoral charge of Rev. William Crider. The church edifice, which is located in the southwest quarter of the township, about one-half mile southwest from the Eagle Tavern, was erected in 1832. It was considerably enlarged in 1871. Among the original members of the organization were John Gracy and wife, I. P. Jonas, Charles Cunningham, Michael Lincoln and wife, John Foy, Bushrod W. Horton and wife, Lewis Wright, John Wright, Rich ard Timple, William Palmer, Isaac Anderson, Samuel Pippin, Charles Peirce, and Benjamin Yard. Other early members who joined during the succeeding five years were G. M. Kunkle, James Lewis, Jonathan Evans, Sarah Evans, Sarah Peterman, Alexander Kimble, Sarah Gracy, and Ann Barr. The preachers who have had charge of this church are mentioned as follows : William Crider, to 1833 ; David Best, 1833-34 ; R. W. Thomas, 1835 ; William Cooper, 1836-37 ; J. B. Ayres, 1838-39 ; H. King, 1840 -41 ; G. Lacy, 1842 ; Crouch, 1843 ; Mc- Namee, 1844; T. Sumption, 1845-46; R. M. Green- bank, 1 847-48 ; M. D. Kurtz, 1849-50; J. Edwards, 1851-52 ; H. Sutton, 1853-54 ; J. A. Watson, 1855-56 ; H. B. Mauger, 1857-58 ; William Dalrymple, 1859- 60; George Rakestraw, 1861-62; S. Patterson, 1863- 65; L. B. Hughes, 1866; D. McKee, 1867-68; A. L. Wilson, 1869-71 ; M. A. Day, 1872-73 ; D. L. Patter son, 1874-75 ; J. Y. Ashton, 1876-77 ; T. C. Pearson, 1878-79; A. L. Wilson, 1880-82; Edward Devine, 1883; and D. T. Smyth, present pastor, 1884. Among the junior preachers who were assigned to or assisted at this church prior to 1858 were Messrs. Perry, Hand, Ford, Jackson, Graham, Niel, Roach, McCaskey, Lybrand, Sanderson, Cummings, Cald well, Hobbs, Lane, Bailey, Clark, Wheeler, Barr, and Martin. The present members of Bethesda Church are about forty in number. Licensed Houses.— The first application for license in Haverford that appears of record is that of Griffith Evans, who, at February court, 1731, desired to be permitted to keep a house of entertainment because, as he alleged, he was "an ancient man, his wife well stricken in years & subject to lameness." This license must have been successful, for Dr. Smith in forms us that " he [Evans] kept the well-established stand known as the ' Old Trog' in that day." It was located, the same authority states, a short distance above Cooperstown. We, however, have not found his name in the clerk's list of approved licenses. On Feb. 29, 1732, Samuel Rees presented his ap plication, signed by Daniel Humphrey and twelve other persons, representing that Samuel had been " ail ing for some years, and at times unable to help him self, and since March last altogether ailing in the limbs ; sometimes forced to keep his bed for weeks ; his crops of corn failing for several years, having a large family," etc His house they represent " being on the great road from Conestoga, &c, to Philadelphia, & convenient for a public house." Despite his many ills and misfortunes the court refused to accede to his wishes and denied him license. In no wise contented with the decision of the justice, he appeared again, May 30, 1732, when he received a favorable response for the remainder of the license year. On Aug. 29th of the same year he presented his petition again, and it also was met with the favorable consideration of the bench. On the clerk's list of the successful petition ers at the August court, 1734, his name appears, and annually thereafter until Aug. 26, 1740, when Littice Rees, the widow of "Samuel, of Haverford," prays the court that the license may be continued to her, in asmuch as she had " a parcell of small children to support." The court yielded assent to her prayer, and again in 1741 extended the like favor to the widow and her fatherless children. On Aug. 30, 1734, William Bell made application to the court, and in his peti tion sets forth that "Lettis Rees's Lysance being now expired," he desires to renew it, but he does not state whether it was at the old location or not. In 1748, Patrick Miller purchased the house formerly occupied by William Bell, and procured the license until 1752, when, he having died, his widow, Anne, carried on the business until 1757. In 1759, John Gregory had the license, and so on annually until 1761, when Llewel lyn Barry obtained it, and in 1766, William Lewis became the landlord, to be followed in the next year, 1767, by Joseph Miller, who continued the business until 1772, when he died. In 1773 his widow, Mary, obtained license, and so on from year to year until 1789, from the Chester County court. After the crea tion of Delaware County she continued to receive the favorable consideration until 1796, when Jonathan Miller, probably her son, succeeded to the business. From his petition, in 1802, we learn that his tavern was known as the Buck.1 In 1836 he gave place to Edward Siter, and the latter remained there two years, after which date the old inn ceased to be a public-house. 1 The tavern termed the " sign of the Buck" stood on the old Lan caster road (not the turnpike), in the northeast corner of Haverford ; aud it was there that the interview between Sower, the German printer, and Gen. Forbes and the Governor of the province took place in 1758. Respecting this meeting, it seems that in the course of the discussions which ensued during the progress of the war above alluded to, several articles appeared in a German newspaper, published at Germantown by Christopher Sower, which were supposed to be aimed against the king and the government. In consequence, fourteen Highlanders, from a regiment lately arrived at Philadelphia, were dispatched to the printer with a written order to meet Gen. Forbes " at the tavern sign of the 576 HISTORY OF DELAWARE COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA. To show that the justices took the condition of the applicant into account in dispensing the judicial crumbs, on the clerk's list of successful petitions in the year 1734 appears, instead of the party's name, this entry : " A widdow in Haverford — Beer & Syder," and a like statement in the following year, 1735, when it disappears from the list. Thomas Ashbridge, of Goshen, Feb. 28, 1737/8, in his petition stated that that he had " taken a place in Haverford, which has been a place of publick enter tainment for a considerable time." Possibly that of the widow mentioned above. He was refused, but at May court, 1738, he again tried to obtain a favorable hearing, and succeeded so far as being allowed to sell "Beer & Cyder." Ashbridge, however, seemed not to be content with the bench's bounty, for at the Au gust court following he appeared again, asking full license, which the judges accorded him. In March (25), 1743, Matthew Beard, of Haverford, presented his petition, that he " hath lately Rented or Leased a Plantation or Tenement adjoining to the Great Road from Goshen to Philadelphia, in which Tenement there hath been for several years past a House of En tertainment." He was granted leave to sell "bear and Syder," but at the August court he received full license, and it was continued until 1746, after which his name does not appear of record. In 1748, William Rusk, a renter, asked license for a public-house, stating that a tavern had been kept there ; doubtless Beard's old place. In 1761, Philip Foreman was successful in his application, and in 1762, Adam Boyle received the court's favor. In 1764, Evan Watkins had license granted him, and in 1767, Peter Pechin was permitted to keep an inn. In his petition for 1770 the name Fox Chase appears for the first time. Pechin was succeeded, in 1771, by John Richards, and the latter, in 1774, by Aaron Coates, and he in turn, in 1778, gave place to David Quinn. David Lyons, in 1782, obtained license, and continued to secure him from the court until the new county of Delaware was created, and after that period until 1791, when Zacharias Loud had license for that and a part of the following year (1792). He was fol lowed, in 1793, by Frederick Bittle, and in 1795, Wil liam Bittle became the landlord of the inn, which he called the Eagle and Compass. In 1809 his petition speaks of the house as the Compass. In 1813, Bittle having removed to a new house he had built, Martin Wise took it, and kept it until the old building was destroyed. However, in 1813, David Lyons states in his petition that he has " lately built a commodious house Buck, on the old Lancaster road." Sower repaired to the place indicated, and being subjected to an examination by Gen. Forbes and the Governor, who waB there in person, he waB dismissed. Sower had resided in the province thirty-four years, and urged in his defense that he had been instrumental in inducing many persons to settle in the province, and therefore was in duty bound to support its welfare. The general gave him "a serious warningfor the future, not to print anything against the King or Government." Forbes was then moving forward on the expedition which resulted in his capture of Fort Du Quesne. in the aforesaid township, situated at the intersection of the road leading from the borough of Chester to Ger mantown, and from Darby to Newtown Square and through the township of Radnor, formerly known as a place of entertainment by the name of the Fox Chase." He desired license for the same. The court granted it, and continued annually to allow it until 1832, when it also ceased to be a tavern. William Bittle, whose removal from the old Fox Chase Tavern we have just related, in 1813 made ap plication for license. His petition sets forth that " Having built and removed to the commodious building on the road leading from Norristown to Chester, where the West Chester road crosses said road," he wishes the court's permission to keep a hotel there. His application was rejected, but at the January court, 1814, it was approved, and the Spread Eagle Tavern on the West Chester road was estab lished. In 1827, William Bittle w^as succeeded by Robert Dunn, and he being dead, in 1829, the license was issued to his widow, Susannah Dunn. The fol lowing year Lewis Bennett was landlord, and in 1831 William Bittle once more was " mine host" of the Eagle. In 1832 the latter gave place to J. S. Atkin son, and he in turn, in 1834, was followed by John Williams. In 1836, David Quinn had license, and in 1838, Andrew Steel, to be followed, in 1 841, by William Bittle. In 1850, James P. Afftick, having purchased the property, made application to continue an inn at that place, the Eagle not having been licensed in 1848 or 1849. It was met with a remonstrance signed by William B. Lindsay, Adam C. Eckfeldt, James Smith, Vincent D. Litzenberg, Thomas L. Cochrane, Charles H. LaMar, and forty-five other persons, setting forth that " the subscribers, citizens, and legal voters of the township of Haverford . . . report that your me morialists have learned with deep regret that applica tions will be made to your Honorable Court ... by James D. Afflick and William Y. Stackhouse for ' Tavern licenses,' or, in other words, for the privi lege of vending intoxicating drinks under the sanc tion of law in our township, and inasmuch as we be lieve it to be our bounden duty to do what we may to prevent a consummation so much to be dreaded, we would therefore ask leave most earnestly but respect fully to remonstrate against the granting of the priv- iledge asked for, because we believe the sale and use of strong drink to be fraught with the most fatal con sequences to the best interests of mankind, present and future, and because a very large majority of our citizens are and have been for years opposed to the granting of any license in the township of Haver ford. Inasmuch, therefore, as no one is expected to be benefitted in the granting of the applications re ferred to but the persons above named (and even their ultimate advantage in such a calling is extremely doubtful), whilst many might be exposed to the deepest suffering in consequence of this multiplication of the places and sources of temptation. We appeal HAVERFORD TOWNSHIP. 511 to you, therefore, in the name of suffering humanity, not to give the sanction of your official character to the extension of an evil so deeply to be deplored." Afflick, learning of this remonstrance, in order to offset its influence, had a supplemental petition from " Drivers, Marketmen, Travellers, and others, alleging that ' no stand on the great road leading from Phila delphia to West Chester is better situated or more re quired for the entertainment of the public than the above-described house,' " which was signed by forty- eight persons. The court gave Afflick license, but in order that the scales of justice should be properly ad justed, refused approval to the Black Bear Tavern this year, which made the balance even, as Stackhouse's inn had received license in 1849. In 1859, William Johnson was the landlord, to give place, in 1861, to Benjamin Kirk, who, in 1865, was followed by John M. Afflick. William Thompson, in 1867, kept the Spread Eagle; Washington Bishop from 1869 until local option did away with license, and after the re peal of that law Roland J. Pugh, in 1875, received approval of the court, a privilege which was trans ferred to Nelson Pugh the same year. In 1876, Lee dom Kirk was the landlord, and continued there un til 1879, when James A. Serveson followed him, to give place to Joseph De Negre in 1881. The latter has since died, but the house is still kept open by his widow and children. At the present time it is the only licensed house in the township. In 1827, Henry Ko'nkle received license for a house he owned eight miles from Philadelphia and fifteen from West Chester, about half a mile nearer the latter place than the Spread Eagle, which inn he called the Black Bear. The next year Joseph Hassan was the landlord, and continued as such until 1830, when Susannah Dunn, who had the year previous kept the Eagle, took the tavern, and remained there until 1832, when Riley Brown became " mine host" of the Black Bear Hotel. William Y. Stackhouse had license for 1837, continuing to receive the court's approval until 1848, when no license was granted in Haverford, and the next year was successful, while the Spread Eagle was refused. In 1850, however, the Black Bear was rejected, while the Eagle that year was in high feather because of the approving judicial nod. In 1851, Stackhouse again appears among the successful appli cants, and continued annually to secure the judge's consent until 1870, when he being dead, for that year Mary Ann Stackhouse, his widow, was licensed in his stead ; but, after the date last given, the Black Bear Hotel ceased to be a public house of entertain ment. In 1769, John Waytin, and in 1778, Abraham Hughes, petitioned for license in Haverford, but we have not learned the location of the places which they requested might be made more valuable by the ap proving shake of the judicial heads. The Humphrey Family. — Concerning this, one of the most illustrious families Pennsylvania has yet 37 produced, we condense from what has been written by others as follows: Daniel Humphrey came from Llanegrin, County of Merioneth, Wales, in 1682, and soon after settled in Haverford township. He had joined the Friends in his native country. In 1695 he married Hannah, the daughter of Dr. Thomas Wynn, of Merion. Their children were Samuel, Thomas, Hannah, Benjamin, Elizabeth, Mary, Joshua, Edward, Martha, and Charles. He visited his native country on business in 1725. Edward Humphrey, son of Daniel, was born in Haverford township in the year 1710. He learned the fulling and dyeing business in early life, and car ried on that business as long as he lived, at the place that is now known as " Castle Hill Mills." In later years, however, he did not attend to his mills person ally, for, having acquired a knowledge of medicine and surgery, probably from his grandfather, Dr. Wynn, he practiced that profession with much suc cess. His services were much sought after, but he never charged the poor for attendance. He died un married, Jan. 1, 1776, and was buried at Haverford Friends' burying-ground. Charles Humphrey, son of Daniel, and brother of Edward, was born in Haverford about the year 1713, and died in 1786. He was brought up to the milling business, and, with his brothers, carried on that occu pation extensively for many years. A man of fine talents, he was at one time very influential in the county. He served in the Provincial Assembly from 1764 to 1775, when he was chosen a member of the Continental Congress. In that body, though he had contended with all his energies against the oppressive measures of England, he thought the time had not come to sever our connection with the mother-country, and voted against the Declaration of Independence. He has been censured for this vote, but in giving it he represented the views of a large majority of his constituents at the time it was given. He retired to private life, and, though he took no part in the great struggle for liberty, his sympathies were on the side of his country. Joshua Humphrey, the son of Joshua, and grand son of the immigrant Daniel Humphrey, was born in Haverford township in 1751. After availing himself of such limited educational advantages as the town ship then afforded, he was apprenticed at a tender age to a ship-carpenter of Philadelphia. Here he made a good use of his opportunities, and, being possessed of a comprehensive and philosophical mind, he soon gained the reputation of being the best ship-builder in the country. After the adoption of the Constitu tion, and it became apparent that our government must be possessed of a navy, Mr. Humphrey was ap pointed as the first naval constructor of the United States, and several of our first ships-of-war were built under his immediate direction. Among them the famous ship " Constitution," of which he was the designer, draughtsman, and architect. It is claimed 578 HISTORY OF DELAWARE COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA. that the marked superiority of our vessels in combats with those of England of the same class, during the war of 1812-15, was mainly owing to the adoption of Mr. Humphrey's suggestions. He may justly be called the father of the American navy. The last thirty years of his life were passed on a part of his patri monial estate in Haverford, where he died in 1838. Samuel Humphrey, a son of Joshua and great- grandson of Daniel first mentioned, learned all the details of ship-building and naval architecture under the instruction of his father. When his reputation had become world-wide the Russian emperor endeav ored to secure his services, and offered him a salary of sixty thousand dollars per year, besides the use of a furnished mansion, with coach, horses, servants, etc., in attendance, but Mr. Humphrey declined the position with the remark that his .services were only at the disposal of his country. Subsequently, under John Quincy Adams' administration, he served as chief of the naval Bureau of Construction and Repairs. The Grange. — Of this, the most ancient and ru rally beautiful country-seat in Delaware County, Dr. Smith, in 1862, wrote as follows: " There ia no place in the township of Haverford, perhaps none in the county, with which so much historical interest is associated as with this aDcient fceat of grandeur and elegance. Henry Lewis, a Welsh Quaker, one of the most staid of his sect, selected this spot as his wilderness abode in 1682. He was succeeded by his son, Henry, who resided here many years About the middle of the last century we find the estate, then consisting of nearly four hundred acres, owned and occupied (at least in the summer season) by a Capt. John Wilcox (sometimes Bpelled Wil cocks), who erected upon it a mansion, . . and gave it the name of 'Clifton Hiill.' Capt. Wilcox surrounded his estate with a ditch of some depth, most of which, within the recollection of many now living, could be readily traced, and some parts of it are still visible. It is said, on the authority of tradition, that Capt. Wilcox caused this ditch to be dug in oider to give employment to his negroes, of whom he owned a considerable number. "About the year 1760, Charles Crnickshank, a Scotch gentleman of wealth, who held a captain's commission under the British government, and who had seen service in the Netherlands, came to America, and in "1 T • '¦ 1 purchased the Clift<>n Hall estate, but changed its name to the 'Grange,' or 'Grange Farm.' Soon after the year 1770 . the mausiun-huuse whs enlarged and variously modified. It is also probable that about this period the terraced walks were cut, the green-house established, and that the almost uneqnaled natural beauties of the place were fully developed by the appliances of art, under the direction of a well-cultivated taste. The laud attached to the Grange was partly in three counties, — Chester (now Delaware), Philadelphia, and Montgom ery, — which Capt. Cruickshauk increased by purchase, "In 1708, Mr. John Ross, also a Scotch gentleman, and an extensive merchant of Philadelphia, married Clemantina, the daughter of Capt. Cruicksbank, who at the close of the Revolutionary war sold the Grange to his son-in-law , Ross, and returned with his family to his native coun try. Mr. Russ added to the buildings, and also increased the quantity of land to an aggregate of six hundred acres. After the death of Mr. Ross, in 1806, the estate was Bold to his son-in-law, John F. Mifflin, who in 1810 sold the mansion to John H. Brinton, the maternal grandfather of Gen. Geo. B. McClellan. In 1816, Mr. Brinton sold the mansion, with another part of the estate which he had purchased in 1811, to Manuel Eyre, Esq., who made it his country residence till hie death, in 1845. About that time the Grange waB purchased by John ABhhurst, Esq., the son-in-law of Mr. Eyre, who still occupies it as his country-seat "At an early period, particularly during its occupancy by Mr. Ross, the Grange was fiited up in the most exquisite style of the times, and during The summer months it was not infrequently the scene of elegant and luxurious entertainments." BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. JAMES A. MOOKE. James A. Moore was born on the 31st of October, 1802, in New Garden township, Chester Co., where his father was owner of a productive farm. In 1812 he removed to Upper Merion township, Montgomery Co., and became a member of the household of his grandfather, James Abrams. He received, under many disadvantages, a common-school education, a walk of two miles being necessary to reach the near est school-house. His father having died, the family continued to reside with Mr. Abrams, and young James became a valuable assistant in the labor of the farm. In 1825 the family removed to the present residence of Mr. Moore, in Haverford, which had been previously purchased by his grandfather. Here he took upon himself the maintenance of his mother and the remaining children, and successfully managed the various interests pertaining to the farm. On the death of the mother James purchased the property of the estate, and has since that time resided upon it and continued the occupation of a farmer. Mr. Moore was married, July 14, 1834, to Eliza Ann, daughter of John and Sarah Lindsay, of Haverford township, whose children are Sarah Jane (Mrs. Jesse Brooke), Catherine (deceased), Catherine, 2d (Mrs. Jesse B. Matlack), Arabella (Mrs. John Justis), John Lind say, James (deceased, who served during the call for nine mouths' men for the late war, and was at the battles of Antietam and Chancellorsville), William B., and Ellen C. (Mrs. H. C. Childs). The death of Mrs. Moore occurred in 1880. Mr. Moore, after a life of industry, on his retirement from active labor, surren dered the farm to his son, John, who now cultivates it. James A. Moore was formerly a Democrat in his political belief, but later changed his views, and in dorsed the platform of the Republican party. He has served as school director, assessor, and collector of his township. He has frequently acted as executor in the settlement of estates, his advice and judgment being often sought in the management of important interests. He was in youth actively interested in the military organizations of Montgomery County, and was a member of the First Troop of Montgomery County. His uncle, James Moore, was also a mem ber of the same organization, and summoned for duty during the war of 1812. Mr. Moore is a Presbyterian in his religious faith, and both an elder and trustee of the Marple Presbyterian Church. JOSEPH B. LEEDOM. John Leedom was a prosperous farmer in Mont gomery County, Pa. His children were Charles, Jo seph B., Samuel, John, Elijah, Esther (Mrs. Jesse Thomas), Hannah (Mrs. Charles Jones), Buth Anna (Mrs. Jacob Carncross). Joseph B. Leedom, of this son Nov. 26, 1817. George Brooke July 3, 1821. Maskill Ewing June 10, 1822. Benjamin Lobb Dec. 4, 1823. Park Shee Dec. 9, 1823. David Abrahams Dec. 14, 1H25. Barnard Flynn Nov. 18, 1835. Abner Lewis May 27, 1836. Thomas Sheldon Dec. 20, 1836. Thomas Catsin .". Nov. 1, 18.(8. Homer Eachus May 11, 1839. Thomas Sheldon April 14, 1x40. Thomas Sheldon April 15, 1845. Crimes and Accidents. — During the night of June 20, 1850, the barn on the farm of David Paxson was broken into and the throat of a valuable horse cut, so that he was found dead in his stall the next morning. The person who committed the act was never dis covered. On Wednesday, Sept. 23, 1868, Thomas Bryson, a shoemaker, and William Stinson, in an altercation respecting some chickens, began throwing stones at each other, when one hurled by Bryson struck Stin son on the temporal bone, fracturing his skull, causing death in a few hours. At the November court follow ing Bryson was tried, convicted of manslaughter, and sentenced to a period of two years' imprisonment. On Thursday, Nov. 18, 1880, Mordecai W. Steel, while gunning for rabbits near his house, was acci dentally shot by a companion. About to get over a fence, the latter endeavored to uncock his gun, when the hammer slipped from his thumb, the fowling-piece discharged, and the load entered the head of Steel, who was standing a few feet in advance. The wounded man died two days thereafter. Licensed Houses. — In Marple township, before the old county of Chester was divided, no license to keep a public-house appears on record so far as I have dis covered, and even after Delaware County was erected, no application to that end was presented until ten years had elapsed, when, July 29, 1799, Davis Reed, of Marple, represented to this court that he was " in the possession of a commodious, suitable, and neces sary stand for a public-house, at the intersection of the road leading from Philadelphia to Lancaster by the way of West Chester, and that leading from the upper or northern part of the county to the borough of Chester." The signers who appear on his petition urged the court's approval warmly, for they " conceive that the stand or situation described in the above pe tition to be very eligible and necessary for the pur poses therein mentioned, and that on several accounts, some of the principal of which are the following, viz., First, on account of its being so nearly central in the township, that it will on that account be convenient to transact the township's business at. And, secondly, we who reside in the upper part of the county are of the opinion that it would be a very necessary and requisite stage for the accommodation of such of us who have frequently to attend at the borough of Ches- 584 HISTORY OF DELAWARE COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA. ter on public business, as there is no public-house for a considerable number of miles." They also certify that the petitioner "is a suitable person to conduct the business, and as such we take the freedom (with due submission) to recommend him to the favorable notice of your honorable court." The judges refused the application, but at the October term, 1800, the license was granted. In 1804, Reuben Lewis succeeded Davis Reed as landlord of the inn, and in 1807 Thomas Mason petitioned for license at that house, and, for the first time, in that year, the name "Sign of the Drove" appears on the record. It was in this year that Joseph Vogdes petitioned the court to be granted license for a house " on the State road leading from Philadelphia to West Chester and Strawsburgh to Lancaster;" and at the October session, 1807, he was allowed to keep a tavern at the place designated, where he continued until 1815, when John Worthington had license for that year. Joseph Vogdes, in 1816, resumed his position as " mine host" of the Buck, yielding the place, in 1819, to Thomas Temple, who continued the name Buck, but added to it the words " and Still." In 1822, John Jacob superseded Temple, to yield, in 1824, to John Jones, who dubbed the house the "Three Tuns Tavern." When John Jacob resumed control of the inn, in 1826, he restored the old title, "The Buck," cutting off all the additional words and ponderous names which had been bestowed so freely on the house in the preceding few years. In 1827, Charles Vogdes followed Jacob, and David Vandersmith took Vog des' place in 1829. In 1830, Hugh Jones Brooks was landlord of the Buck, and the next year John Williams was the host of the inn. In 1833, Samuel Hale was granted license, and continued until 1854, when, during the next three years, the application was rejected, to be approved in 1858 to George Ball, and in 1859 to be again refused. In 1860, Charles H. Hale presented his petition, which was met by three remonstrances, and the last application to the court for the privilege legally to vend liquor in Marple was refused. To return to the Drove Inn. In 1808, George Pearson followed Thomas Mason, to be substituted, in 1810, by George Levis. Martin Wise kept the house in 1812, and Mordecai Worrell the year fol lowing. Christian Himes was landlord from 1815 to 1820, and his petition at the last date states that the tavern was a stone building, and had been licensed for twenty years. Himes remained at the Drove for the two succeeding years, when, in 1823, John Frick's " laugh was ready chorus" to the oft-repeated jokes of the frequenters of the tavern. John Jacobs, who seemed to be constantly attracted to the house, in 1824 took Frick's place ; and when Frick, in turn, in 1825 followed Jacobs, the latter, in 1827, was re instated, to give place, in 1828, to Thomas B. Boyle. Mordecai Moore, in 1830, received the court's ap proval, as did also Mordecai Moore, Jr., in 1831, and annually thereafter until 1835, when John Smith put in an appearance. In 1836, Powell McAffee became the landlord of the Drove until 1842, when license was bestowed on the old inn for the last time. The year previous to the breaking out of the second war with England the following petition was pre sented to the Court of Quarter Sessions for the April term, 1811: " The petition of Isaac Burns, of the township of Marple, humbly present that the petitioner has discovered on his farm, in said township, about one mile north of the West Chester road, a mineral or chalybeate spring; that he has erected a bath-house and other improvements for the accommodation of those who wish to use the waters for the restor ation of their health and others; that for want of the necessary accom modations for entertainment many persons may be deprived of the benefits of using the said waters. Your petitioner therefore requests the favor of your recommendation to the Governor to grant him a license to keep a house of public entertainment on his farm, in said township, near the said springs, which he will endeavor to merit by keeping a good and orderly house. " We, the subscribers (twenty-two in number), do hereby recommend the above petitioner as a sober and orderly person, and request that the prayer of his petition may be granted." This petition was accompanied by the following certificate : " We, the subscribers, do certify that having heard of the great vir tues attributed to the mineral springs on the farm of Isaac Burns, in Marple township, have been induced, during the last summer, and at various times previous thereto, to drink at and bathed in the waters, and by means thereof have been greatly relieved, and in many instances entirely cured of our respective disorders. "April 8,1811. " Samuel Lewis, relieved of a rheumatic pain in the arm and inflam mation in one of his eyes. "John Hortor, relieved of the inflammation in his eyes. " George Lewis relieved of a sick Btomach." The court, however, refused to aid in the restora tion of those unfortunates afflicted with all the ills of humanity, who on the granting of license to the springs, it was believed, would hasten thither for treatment, and rejected the petition, only to have it presented the next year, and to again turn the appli cant unsatisfied away. Six years afterwards, when Judge Wilson had re signed, and Judge Ross was the president of our court, William Burns represented that " he has on his farm in Marple, about three-fourths of a mile off the West Chester road, and on a public road from the same, and leading upwards towards the Leopard Tavern, a mineral or Chalybeate spring, and that he has erected a bath-house and other improvements for the accommodation of those who wish to use the waters for the restoration of their health and others," but as the court six years before had coldly refused his father, Isaac, so the judges on this occasion turned their faces from the petition of the son, and thus for the last time on the records of the Quarter Sessions of Delaware County, is mention made of the Marple Spring of Health. The Brooke House.— On the West Chester turn pike-road, a short distance below Broomall, is the res idence of George Brooke, an aged gentleman, a de- MARPLE TOWNSHIP. 585 scendant of Capt. William Brooke, of the Revolution. The house, which was erected in 1833, has never had a coat of paint since the year it was built, and yet the woodwork is in as good preservation as any build ing of the like age in the county, notwithstanding the repeated assertions of painters that linseed-oil is absolutely necessary to prevent the decay of wood exposed to the air. Within this dwelling are many interesting relics. An old, tall eight-day clock still marks the passing hour, connected with which there is an interesting scrap of Revolutionary history. During one of the numerous raids of the British sol diers in the winter of 1777-78 this old clock, which had then been in the family more than a half- century, was taken to Philadelphia by the English troops. A chest of drawers, which was made in 1736 and was fastened by peculiar and secret springs, baffling every effort of the red-coats to get access to its hidden recesses, is among the relics in the old man sion. The eight-day clock, which was taken to Phila delphia, after the British army evacuated that city was recovered by Capt. Brooke. During the time it was in other hands the cord supporting one of the weights was broken and tied, the knot thus made causing the old time-piece to run irregularly, but a small stone added to the weight overcame that diffi culty, and for more than a hundred years it has so remained in constant use. A number of cannon-balls found at Valley Forge, and other relics of the Revo lutionary war, are preserved among the historical treasures of the Brooke house. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. SAMUEL PANCOAST. Bartholomew Coppock, Sr., from Cheshire, Eng land, with his wife Margaret and family were among the early emigrants to Delaware County. He settled in Springfield in 1685, and two years later purchased four hundred and forty-eight acres of land in Marple township of John Nixon, where he resided until his death, in 1719, aged seventy-three years. For the tract he received a deed from William Penn, with the great seal of the province affixed, and bearing the sig nature of his commissioners, — Edward Shippen, Grif fith Owen, Thomas Story, and James Logan,— the conditions of this grant being that the borough of Chester, on the first day of the first month in every year, pay to the heirs of William Penn, for each and every year, the sum of four English shillings and threepence, or value thereof in coin current, to such person or persons as shall be appointed to receive the same. This deed is still in possession of the Pancoast family in excellent preservation. On the 22d of the Sixth month he deeded the same tract to Bartholomew Coppock, Jr., his son and heir apparent. He built a brick house on this tract in 1732, which is a part of the present edifice, and the Springfield Friends' Meet ing was regularly held at this house until a meeting house was erected, in 1738, on two acres deeded by him for the purpose in 1703. Bartholomew Coppock was for many years member of the Provincial Coun cil, and frequently represented Chester County in the Assembly. He married, in 1710, Phoebe, daughter of Robert Taylor, of Springfield, and had two sons and four daughters, — Jonathan, Moses, Rebecca, Sarah, Mar garet, and Esther. Esther married Seth Pancoast, son of William and Hannah Pancoast, of Mansfield, county of Burlington, West Jersey, on the 21st day of the Third month, 1741. By will was bequeathed " to my son-in-law, Seth Pancoast, all that my plantation lying and being in Marple township, containing 188 acres, which includes the homestead." To Seth and Esther Pancoast were born Sarah, who married Thomas Levis, of Springfield, afterwards a colonel during the Revolutionary war. Phebe married Isaac Levis, of Providence. Samuel, who inherited the homestead, married Mary, daughter of John and Rebecca Davis Levis, on the 18th day of the Fourth month, 1782. He was an elder of Springfield Particular and Ches ter Monthly Meetings of Friends, and held in high esteem by the society. Seth married Abigail Ogden, of Springfield. Esther Pancoast, wife of Seth Pan- coast, Sr., died on the 26th day of the Tenth month, 1764, aged fifty years. He subsequently married Ann Wooley, and had three daughters, — Esther, Eliza, and Hannah. Esther married William Levis, of Springfield. Eliza married Henry Harrison, of Middletown, and, after his decease, John Worrall, of Providence. Hannah died unmarried. Samuel and Mary Pancoast had four sons and one daughter, as follows : John, married to Hannah Thomas, of Phila delphia, who had two sons, — Robert and Samuel; by a second marriage to Sarah Ogden, of West Ches ter, were born two daughters and one son, — Hannah, Elizabeth, and John, — of whom Rev. Samuel Pan- coast, of Philadelphia, is the only survivor. William married Margaret Bishop, of Upper Providence, and had three daughters,— Mary, Priscilla, and Rebecca. Rebecca Pancoast, Sr., an exemplary member of the society of Friends, was born the 24th day of the Eighth month, 1789, and died unmarried the 20th day of the Tenth month, 1877. Seth Pancoast, born the 24th day of the Sixth month, 1793, married Mar garetta Levis in 1821, and died on the 24th day of the Sixth month, 1880. Their children were J. Levis, Mary, Sarah T., Margaret B., Seth, William, Samuel F., and Henry, — of whom six survive. Seth, Sr., above mentioned, was an elder and an active mem ber of Providence Particular Meeting and Chester Monthly Meeting, and led an exemplary Christian life. Samuel Pancoast, who is the subject of this bio graphical sketch, ' was the grandson of Seth and Esther Pancoast, and the son of Samuel and Mary 586 HISTORY OF DELAWARE COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA. Pancoast. He was born ou the 12th day of the Seventh month, 1787, on the homestead in Marple township, where his whole life was spent. He was educated at the schools of the neighborhood, after which he began life as a farmer. On the death of his father, in 1834, he inherited the homestead, and con tinued to follow the congenial pursuits to which his early life was devoted. He married, in 1817, Tamar Bishop, daughter of Joseph and Sarah Bishop, of Upper Providence township, whose surviving chil dren are ten in number. Samuel Pancoast was in his political convictions formerly a Whig, and later be came a Republican, though never active in the field of politics. He was a member of the society of Friends, and a regular attendant of meeting at the Springfield meeting-house. He possessed a well-in formed mind, was an intelligent reader of current literature, and in private life an affable and courteous gentleman, enjoying the respect and esteem of all who knew him. The death of Samuel Pancoast oc curred on the 23d day of the Fifth month, 1873, and that of his wife on the 28th day of the Ninth month, 1877. The homestead is still in possession of the family. JOHN M. MOORE. Charles Moore, the grandfather of John M., settled upon the homestead farm in 1718. He married Mrs. Elizabeth Baker, and had children, — William, Han nah, Margaret, Rachel, and Philip. Philip Moore and his wife, Mary, were the parents of children, — John M., William, Elizabeth, Phoebe, Hannah, and Jane. John M. was born Feb. 26, 1781, on the home stead, which was the birthplace and residence of his father, in Marple township. After receiving a rudi mentary English education he devoted a brief period to teaching, and then assisted in the cultivation of the farm. When twenty-six years of age he married Elizabeth, daughter of Hugh Jones, of Marple town ship, and had children, — Philip, Charles (deceased), Mary, William, Phoebe M., John M. (deceased), Han nah (deceased), H. Jones, J. Hunter, Elizabeth J. (Mrs. Campbell McPherson), and Margaret B. Mr. Moore, on his marriage, inherited the homestead farm, which he cultivated until 1821, when the property now owned by his son, J. Hunter Moore, became his home, on which the substantial stone residence, still standing, was erected. Here he continued the active and healthful employments of a farmer until his death, March 18, 1865, in his eighty-fifth year. The home stead farm is still retained in the family, and now the residence of his son, Philip Moore. Mr. Moore was early a Whig and subsequently a prominent Repub lican in his political views. He was strong in his convictions, an active partisan and worker in the po litical field, and the incumbent of various local offices in the township. He was during the late war thor oughly loyal in his sentiments, and on many occasions expressed his abhorrence of all measures tending to a dissolution of the Union. The Moore family are of Protestant Episcopal antecedents. Charles Moore, early spoken of in this sketch, was an active member of St. David's Protestant Episcopal Church, of Radnor township (as was also his son, Philip), and a vestry man. John M. succeeded to the same office in this historic church. JOHN DUNWOODY. David Dunwoody, the grandfather of the subject of this biographical sketch, was a resident of Chester County, Pa. His son, James, married Rachel Burn, whose children were David, Jane, William, James, John, and Joseph. John was born in 1787 in Ches ter County (near Westchester), and until the age of seventeen resided with his parents. He later accom panied them on their removal to Marple township, and became actively engaged in the pursuits of a farmer. On the death of his father he came, by in heritance aud purchase, into possession of the home stead, which continued to be his residence until his removal to Springfield, in 1856. He married, in 1816, Gulielma Fell, daughter of Edward and Mary Fell, of Springfield township. Their children are Jane (Mrs. E. R. Curtis, who has one son, Penrose D.), Penrose (who died in 1849), William (who died in 1827), Mary (who died during the same year), John (whose death occurred in 1828), Anna Maria (who died in 1879), and Gulielma (Mrs. William Parker). Mrs. Dunwoody's death occurred Nov. 21, 1857. The annexed tribute is one of many expressions of esteem on the occasion of her decease : "The many virtues of this good woman require more than the brief announcement of her death. Her illness came suddenly and was very short, but the cold hands of death found her ready to answer the final summons of her God. Having been born and reared and having lived in this county up to the time of her death, she had a large circle of acquaint ances and many warm friends. To enumerate her virtues and acts of benevolence would be the best tribute to her memory, for they were many. She was remarkable for her even disposition, her ready smile and willing hand. If any of those around her were sick, her care and attention never ceased until health was restored. Up to the moment of the sickness which has terminated her existence ou earth, she was gen erally hearty, and on the morning of her death ex pressed herself even better than usual. As a mother she was ever patient and watchful ; as a wife, kind, loving and dutiful ; and as a steadfast friend, unfal tering. Her loss to those bereaved ones will be sorely felt and long remembered." Mr. Dunwoody having been formerly a supporter of Whig principles found the platform of the Repub lican party in harmony with his convictions, though he invariably refused all proffers of office tendered him. His religious belief was in harmony with that J^isfr^ e~ .^..- ^^07«~-<\ (0^^-^>^^^^^ , -ylft'J c/^^rru^ THE BOROUGH OF MEDIA. 587 of the society of Friends with whom he worshiped. His death occurred Jan. 21, 1865, in his seventy- i > eighth year. The following brief summary of a life fraught with usefulness and eminent for purity is given by a friend : " There was probably no one in the neighborhood in which he lived and where he closed his long and use ful career more justly valued and respected than the subject of this brief notice. A youth of unstained purity to be followed by an active manhood, void of reproach, was crowned by a vigorous old age, sur rounded by all the fruits of an industrious, virtuous, and eminently useful life, the final scene of which, as if in attestation of the love and respect in which he was held, being witnessed by a large concourse who assembled to pay the last tribute of respect to his memory. All that should accompany ' the sere and yellow leaf of old age, as 'honor, duty, love, obedience, and troops of friends,' were his, and de servedly so. For a long period he had been suffer ing from the infirmities of age and the gradual decay of nature. The flame long flickered in the socket, but under all he was sustained by a strength not of earth, and the darkness which was to succeed through the ' valley of the shadow' brought no terrors to a soul thus armed and fortified. To him has been revealed the great mystery which must be learned by all that breathe, — bounded human vision has become infinite, and the dull, glimmering light of human intellect has become merged and lost in the full-tide radiance of om nipotence. At full maturity, like a thoroughly ripened sheaf, he has been gathered into God's garner, and to mourn him is as futile as it is ungrateful to him ' who giveth his beloved rest.' " DAVID PETERMAN. The Peterman family are of German extraction. Christian Peterman, the father of David, was a resi dent of Delaware County. He married Ann Redyner, and had children, — David, Jacob, George, Mary (Mrs. Scrimbger), Sarah (Mrs. Reyner), and Ann (Mrs. Es rey). David was born in Marple township, Delaware Co., in 1773, and spent his life in the immediate vicinity of his birth. He received such an education as the schools of that early day afforded, and on reaching man's estate, engaged with his father in farming. At a later date he purchased the farm now occupied by his grandson, Christian Peterman. Mr. Peterman married Ann McClure, of Marple township, to whom were born children, — George, Thomas, Sarah, Samuel, Elizabeth (Mrs. Charles Wesley Page), and Christian, of whom Mrs. Page is the only survivor. Mr. Peterman's pursuits during his lifetime were those of a farmer. He enjoyed — as a man of high moral character, the strictest integrity, and much intel ligence — a commanding influence in the community, while his kindly nature endeared him alike to rich and poor. His religious preferences were in harmony with the creed of the Presbyterian Church. The death of Mr. Peterman occurred in April of the year 1842, in his sixty-ninth year. CHAPTER XLVI. THE BOROUGH OP MEDIA.1 Foe nearly a century and three-quarters after the first settlers came to the region in which Media was destined to be developed, the charming site of the now beautiful town was settled sparsely like other agricultural districts of the county, and no prophetic vision of the seat of justice that was to be, obtruded itself among the pastoral musings of the quiet, plod ding farmers, whose broad acres are now so thickly populated and the scene of so much of life's activity. Concerning the folks who came here two centuries ago (1682), and who owned the land on which Media is built, while it was a virgin wilderness we have gained some interesting facts, and some also con cerning their successors and the deed history of the land. The Title to the Soil. — The first dwellers here were the Taylors. Peter Taylor and William, his brother, of the parish of Sutton, county of Chester, England, bought of William Fenn, March 3, 1681, land to the amount of twelve hundred and fifty acres in the province of Pennsylvania, for which they paid the sum of twenty-five pounds for all, and one shilling quit-rent for each one hundred acres, or about one hundred and twenty-eight dollars altogether, which was no greater a price than ten and a quarter cents per acre. Seven hundred acres of this land was taken up on the exact location of Media, the town which was to come into existence one hundred and sixty- eight years later. Peter took four hundred and Wil liam three hundred acres, leaving a remainder of five hundred and fifty acres to be taken up in East Cain township, where they had decided to locate the other tract. The brothers came over from England early in 1682, some time before the arrival of Penn, and probably in the ship " Amity." They proceeded to locate their claims shortly after arriving. Peter Tay lor's land was nearly in the form of a parallelogram, and extended from Ridley Creek to the Providence road, while its southern boundary was nearly co incident with the present Washington Street in Media borough. The northern boundary was prob ably not far from the site of the county jail. William Taylor's share of the land was nearly in the form of a square along the line on which the Providence road was laid out, and lay north of and adjoining his 1 By Alfred Mathews. 588 HISTORY OF DELAWARE COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA. brother's larger possessions. William lived upon his new estate but little more than a year, death claiming him upon Jan. 6, 1683. His wife, Margaret, died three days before. They left a son named Joseph and two daughters. Peter Taylor was unmarried when he came to America, and shortly afterwards, Jan. 2, 1685, took as his wife, Sarah, a daughter of John Houlston, a neigh boring settler. Peter's children were Peter, William, and Samuel. Peter moved to East Cain not later than 1717, and died in 1720, probably at the house of his son, William, in that township. It is on record that Peter Taylor and wife, Sarah, on Aug. 20, 1717, deeded to Peter Dicks one hundred and seventy acres of ground, being that portion of the estate nearest Ridley Creek. He retained one hundred and fifty-one acres, the western boundary- line of which must have run due north and south a little west of the residence of A. Lewis Smith, on State Street. When he removed to Cain, his son, Peter, appears to have taken charge of that portion of the estate which was retained. He married Eliza beth Jarman, of Radnor, died in 1740, and was suc ceeded by his son Peter, the grandson of the original immigrant of the same name. Meantime a portion of the adjoining property had come into the possession of William, another son of Peter (2d), who sold a part of it, consisting of nearly one hundred and fifty acres, to John Butler in the year 1735, and retained for himself one hundred and fifty-one acres. The one hundred and fifty-one acres of Peter Taylor (3d) having been sold to Peter Dicks, was deeded to him June 8, 1748, and hence, after an interval of sixty-six years, the land of Peter Taylor, the original owner, had all passed out of the possession of his de scendants. Nothing remained in the hands of any of the Taylors except the adjoining Sandy Bank prop erty originally owned by William. Dicks built a log cabin on his property, which is still standing, although one hundred and thirty-five years old. He had absorbed the whole property, be sides owning the large tract of land west of the line of the Providence road, south of and contiguous to the eastern end of the Taylor property. He was a son of Peter Dicks, of Cheshire, England, who settled in Birmingham in 1686, and had seven children. He moved to Nether Providence in 1717, where the family had either located a claim in 1686 or subse quently bought from the Vernons. He was in easy circumstances, and made large additions to his real estate. On the south of Taylor's land he owned about half-way from the site of Providence road to Ridley Creek, while one Broughton owned from his bound ary to the creek. As the property of Thomas Min shall faced that of Peter Taylor to the eastward, we have the six original owners of land on or near the site of Media as follows : Peter Taylor, William Tay lor, John Houlston, Thomas Minshall, Peter Dicks, and Broughton. Concerning the William Taylor lands we will now give a fuller history. On Dec. 16, 1781, a century after the first conveyance of the land, Nathan Tay lor, then holding what was originally supposed to be the three-hundred- acre tract (but subsequently found to contain three hundred and twenty acres), or what remained of it, sold to Enoch Taylor one hundred and twenty acres, including that part on which in late years has stood the residence of Dr. Rowland. Na than died here about the year 1800, having been born in 1715, and on July 26, 1823, the paternal estate was sold at public sale to John Smith for thirty-nine dol lars and fifty cents per acre, and thus the last rem nant of property passed out of the ownership of the Taylor family, afterhaving remained in it one hundred and forty-two years. Enoch also died about 1800. Ezra Taylor was one of his executors. He was born June 26, 1781, and died in 1825. He was buried at Sandy Bank graveyard, the following being the inscription on his tombstone : " Ezra Taylor, a descendant of Peter Taylor, one of the first settlers of where now is the Seat of Justice of Del. Countee, born June 26, 1781, died May 25, 1825." 1 The dwelling occupied by the Taylor families passed, as had been said, into the possession of John Smith. It then became the property of A. Pascal, and by him was sold to Dr. Rowland. It is an interesting fact that Gen. Zachary Taylor, a President of the United States, and the hero of the Mexican war, was a lineal descendant of Peter Taylor, the immigrant of 1682. His ancestors of the second or third generation removed from East Cain, Ches ter Co., to Winchester, Va., where the boyhood of Gen. Taylor was spent, although he subsequently re moved to the West. Having now given some account of the pioneers and provincial owners of the soil, we shall consider the causes that led to the building of the town. Location of the County-Seat— The Infant Vil lage. — The agitation leading to the removal of the seat of justice of Delaware County from Chester to a more central locality, which had its formal and organ ized beginning at a meeting held at the Black Horse Hotel, in Middletown township, Nov. 22, 1845, hav ing been elaborately treated in a chapter2 of this work, it is unnecessary in this connection to say more upon the subject than what will suffice to remind the reader of the essentials in the controversy and serve as an introduction to topics of more narrowly local interest of which it is our province to treat in this division of the work. It will be remembered by many, and can be learned by others from the chapter to which we have referred, that after the meeting on Nov. 22, 1845, the matter of removal was submitted to the people at the election immediately ensuing; 1 Sarah, wife of Ezra Taylor, died in South Media, April 22, 1864, aged eighty-two years. 2 See chapter xvi. of the General History, entitled *' The Removal of the County-Seat to Media." THE BOROUGH OF MEDIA. 589 that the vote was in favor of the removal, and that the delegates elected assembled at the Black Horse Hotel, on the 6th of December, and a majority being in favor of a new county-seat the county poor-house property was selected as the most desirable site "for the county buildings, and the town which must of course come into existence by reason of their location. As the attendance had been comparatively small, owing to the almost impassable condition of the roads, the anti-removalists claimed that the decision had not reflected the real will of the people. There then en sued an energetic and even violent political contest upon this local issue, which was carried on in the county and in the Legislature almost unceasingly for two years, with success now for one side and again for the other. The election of Oct. 12, 1847, however, sustained the verdict of two years before by a major ity of seven hundred and fifty-two votes. Here, when the question seemed decided, however, it became com plicated, and the opposition, adopting new tactics, fought, if not more fiercely, at least more determin- ately than ever before. Because of some similarity between the removal act and an act previously passed giving the citizens of each township a right to decide by ballot whether liquor should be sold therein, and because this act had been declared unconstitutional by the Supreme Court, the opponents of the removal resolved to place the obnoxious measure before the same tribunal. Without attempting to follow the prolonged secondary struggle we simply note the fact that the will of the people, twice expressed by the ballot, was finally confirmed in the House of Repre sentatives by an act passed by unanimous vote, Jan. 19, 1848, authorizing removal. It received the ap proval of the Senate, March 30th, and the signature of Governor Shunk, April 7th, and thus became a law. In the following fall, Sept. 10, 1848, the county commissioners, Edmund Pennell, Mark Bartleson, and Caleb J. Hoopes, purchased from Mrs. Sarah Briggs a tract of forty-eight acres adjoining the poor- house farm, in Upper Providence. For this property, now worth fifty times as much, the sum of seven thousand seven hundred and sixty dollars was paid, or a little more than one hundred and sixty dollars per acre. Time proved the wisdom of the commis sioners' decision, 'for the locality was a very suitable one for the beautiful town which has been developed upon and around it. Just here we will digress from the current of our narrative to give an idea of the aspect of this spot at the time it was chosen for the site of the county town. There were then on the ground now included within the limits of Media no less than twelve build ings. These were the old Almshouse, the Briggs, the Way, and the Hill mansions, all built of stone, and located immediately upon the State road ; the old log house west of the Almshouse, the house of Peter Wor rall, which was a tavern, and six others, conspicuous among them being the Pierce and Haldeman resi dences. The mansion occupied by Mrs. Briggs was subsequently sold by the commissioners, at their sec ond sale of lots, to John Esrey, who afterwards trans ferred it to Dr. Joseph Rowland, one of Media's most successful medical practitioners. About five hundred yards distant from the house just mentioned was an other of the old residences of the place (occupied in late years by John Wilkinson). This building was erected by the grandfather of the Richard Briggs who occupied what was latterly the Rowland home for his son, Richard Briggs. About the time of the removal of the county-seat this property was sold at sheriff's sale to Elizabeth Way, and subsequently passed into the possession of a relative. The proper ties of the Briggs, father and son, were bounded on the south by the State road, on the east and north by the poor-house farm, and on the west by land of Isaac Cochran, which included the ground on which Hon. John M. Broomall built a handsome residence a number of years since. The property of William Briggs adjoined the Richard Briggs farm, on the west. This, with the house upon it, was purchased several years prior to the county-seat location by T. Chalkley Palmer, who sold, in the summer of 1847, to Andrew T. Walker. The large tract of land south of the State road was owned by John Hill, Sr. This, with the exception of a few lots on State Street, was subsequently sold to H. Jones Brooke. We now resume the narrative of events in the early history of Media. The first of note, subsequent to those which have already been related, was the fixing of the exact site for the public buildings, of which announcement was made by the commissioners on May 15, 1849. The site chosen was that upon which the court-house and jail (presently to be dwelt on at length) now stand. The work of building them was soon commenced. The first sale of building lots in Providence, — i.e., Media, — of which Joseph Fox had completed the sur vey and platting July 26th, was held by the county commissioners on Monday, Sept. 17, 1849, and was as successful and remunerative as the most sanguine of those officials could have hoped it to be. Seventy lots were sold at prices varying from $1.80 to six dol lars per square foot. The sum of seven thousand five hundred and eighty dollars was realized by the sale. This was only one hundred and eighty dollars less than had been paid for the entire Briggs tract of forty-eight acres. Among the purchasers of the seventy lots sold on that day were Dr. George Smith, who bought the first lots offered, Nos. 1 and 2, at three dollars per foot, and also one near the close of the sale. Then follow, in rotation, Gideon Miles 1, Jacob Smedley 3, William Jones 2, J. Morgan Hunter 2, Minshall Painter 8, Jo seph Hood 1, Capt. William Apple 2, Isaac Taylor 1, Isaac Haldeman 3, George Smedley 2, John Miller 3, James Edwards 2, J. T. Hawkins 1, and John C. Beatty 1. The remaining names of lot-buyers, so far 590 HISTORY OF DELAWARE COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA. as they have been recorded, are John Hard castle, William Smedley, Phelin Campbell, Abram Pennell, James Smith, Thomas Pratt, Isaac C. Malin, Charles Palmer, Henry Bowen, Thomas Inman, Isaac S. Williams, Jabez Lawson, James Pennell, and John Hill. One hundred and thirty-four lots were still in the possession of the commissioners at the time of this sale, the total number having been two hundred. Large reservations had been made for the court-house and jail and a market-house. The lots were twenty feet front by one hundred and seventy in depth. At a second sale, on Monday, October 15th, forty of them were sold, and on the same occasion the Briggs farm house and barn were purchased by Mr. Esrey for fifteen hundred dollars and four hundred and five dollars respectively. It was indicative of the enterprise and large- mindedness of the people of Media, and prophetic of the beauty of the town that was to be, that the first buildings erected were substantial and tasteful struc tures. The first building reared after the act of removal was a fine brick store located on the north east corner of State Street and South Avenue. It was built by John C. Beatty, who commenced it in the fall of 1849 and completed it early in the spring. The lower story was occupied as a dry-goods and grocery store by Ellis Smedley, who afterwards removed to Chester, and the upper story, finished as a hall, was dedicated to the cause of temperance on Feb. 16, 1850. Mr. Smedley's successor in business at this stand was Thomas D. Nelling, who subsequently gave place to Black & Sons, in turn followed by Hawley & Brother. Other buildings were in process of erection before the Beatty block was finished, and soon the locality began to look like a town. " After the first and second sales of lots," says a newspaper writer,1 "the increase in the value of the surrounding property was so marked and immediate that it became highly expedient that the ground upon which the old almshouse was located should be sold, as it could be done with great advantage, and par ticularly was this course of action deemed advisable, as the old buildings were not well adapted to the pur pose for which they were erected. The amount real ized, it was argued, would more than pay for a better farm, and more commodious buildings, on a more eligible site. The action taken in the matter resulted in the sale of the old structure, which was purchased by Mr. Primrose, a citizen of Philadelphia, and sub sequently from him by David Milne, another Phila- delphian, who converted it into lodgings for a large number of colored families. The place soon became known as the ' Continental.' " In 1851 occurred the first untoward event in the 1 From one of a series of historical sketches written by Wilmer W. James for the Delaware County Democrat, published at Chester, and ap pearing in that paper in 1875. infant village, — the first fire. On Friday, June 20th, Peter Hill's shingle-factory and a considerable quan tity of lumber were destroyed by the flames. The factory stood not far from the bridge over Ridley Creek on the Black Horse road. There was no similar disaster until after the lapse of eight years.2 As the village increased in population, and busi ness lines of transportation and communication con necting with the outer world were established, Mr. Wesley C. Brodhead early in the history of the new county-seat placed a line of stages on the road, and in August, 1851, as we learn from the following ad vertisement, which appeared in the Delaware County Republican, he increased the facilities for travel be tween the old and new county-seats : " FOR MEDIA. — Mr. Brodhead, the accommodating proprietor of the line of stages between this borough and Media, will place extra coaches on the route during the session of court. A capacious four-horse omni bus will leave the depot at half-past eight o'clock in the morning." Mr. Brodhead made his line of coaches highly acceptable to the public, and continued running them for two or three years, but they were discontinued when the West Chester and Philadelphia Railroad was put in running order. In more recent years the stage service was revived. A line of telegraph was run through Media along State Street, connecting Philadelphia with Baltimore, in August, 1852, and although no office was imme diately opened in the borough, the people had not very long to wait for electrical communication with the great cities north and south. During this year there was great interest mani fested in the building of plank-roads, not only in this neighborhood but elsewhere in the county. Various improvements were carried on, all tending to increase the beauty and solidity of the town, and enterprising men began to make investments in real estate, in anticipation of further growth. Early in the year 1853, John C. Beatty purchased from the Thomas estate eleven acres of ground, a portion of which was in the borough limits, and about August 1st he bought of the Directors of the Poor and House of Employment forty acres of land attached to the poor-house property, and lying south of the State road. For this he paid two hundred and fifty dollars per acre, a fact which clearly exhibits the increase in the value of real estate by reason of the town's growth. He at once divided a large portion of the tract into building lots for the convenience of those who wished to purchase and establish homes. The movement for church organization and building had been commenced before this time, and the house of worship of the Presbyterian denomination was after wards erected on a lot in this tract. 2 The second fire occurred on Saturday night, Dec. 17, 1858, during a terrible storm of wind and rain, and destroyed the gas-house at Brooke Hall. The building waB also used for storage purposes, and the trunks belonging to the young ladies and packed ready for shipment to their houses, being in the building, were all consumed. The loss by this fire was about fifteen hundred dollars. THE BOROUGH OF MEDIA. 591 Building was carried on extensively during 1853. Early in the year Isaac Haldeman began the erection of a large store and dwelling, the former of which was occupied by himself and sons. The third story of this building, on the northwest corner of State and Lemon Streets, has been occupied at various.times as a private school-room. Later, in 1853, a fine residence and bakery were erected on the opposite corner by David Middleton, and Nathan G. Shaw also erected a handsome dwelling near Sandy Bank, afterwards occupied by F. Fairlamb. Having thus far chronicled many instances of the enterprise which operated to build up this thriving town, we may now give the reader a general idea of its condition in 1853. By midsummer of this year there were seventy dwellings in the borough, fifty- seven of which were new ones, that is, built after the site of the town had been surveyed, within a period of but little more than three years. At the time of which we speak four more houses were in process of construction, and eight were under contract to be built in the summer and fall, making a total of eighty- two dwellings, in addition to a school-house, a black smith-shop, and a coachmaker-shop. The court house, jail, and charter-house (which for purposes of convenience we have reserved for separate considera tion) were also finished, and, with a row of offices on South Street, made the total number of buildings of all kinds ninety-four; not a bad showing, by any means, for less than four years' work. Entering more into detail, we will say that the town contained two dry-goods and grocery stores, a boot and shoe store, a trimming store, a drug store, a temperance inn, a printing-office, a post-office, and a school-house. The tradesmen then within the bor ough limits were two tailors, three blacksmiths, one wheelwright, one coachmaker, one tinsmith, one sad dler, one stone-cutter, one bricklayer, one stonemason, two painters, two cabinet-makers, three carpenters, one plasterer, and one butcher. The professional gentlemen were five lawyers, three physicians, and one dentist. It may be mentioned in this connection that the first attorney who located here was Ezra Lewis, Jr., who took up his residence during the building of the court-house, in 1850. He was soon followed by Charles D. Manley, Edward Darlington, Joseph R. Morris, and Samuel B. Thomas. In 1854 the energy of the people in no degree abated, but, on the contrary, increased, found activity and expression in new directions. The Media Loan and Building Association (an institution of which we shall give an extended account in this chapter) was or ganized during the early part of the year. The Metho - dists, Episcopalians, and Presbyterians made strong efforts to build houses of worship, and either par tially or fully succeeded, as will be presently shown. Preparations were made also for the erection of Brooke Hall and Gayley's Academy (subsequently the Sani tarium), and the construction of private edifices went on apace with improvements of a more public char acter. Thomas Pratt erected five brick houses north east of Olive Street, and in partnership with Jesse Bishop, Esq., put up the five original offices on the western side of South Avenue. Abram P. Smedley during the fall put up the handsome three-story brick building in which he afterwards lived, and various other embellishments were added to the town. In the mean time an ordinance had been passed prohibiting the erection of frame buildings within the borough limits, which had a most salutary influence both in the way of enhancing the appearance of Media and in precluding in a large degree the possibility of de structive fires, from which the place has ever been peculiarly exempt. Of the early merchants we have already had occa sion to speak, and we again advert to them. Charles R. Williamson had gone into business prior to this period. His store was in the building on the south east corner of Front and Orange Streets, latterly oc cupied as a residence by Levis Miller. Thither Mr. Williamson removed the post-office when he was ap pointed postmaster, in May, 1853. In April of this year Mr. Smedley formed a partnership with Thomas D. Nelling, under the firm-name of Smedley & Nell- ing, and the firm carried on business at the original stand, on the corner of State Street and South Avenue, until the 1st of January, 1854, when Mr. Smedley withdrew, and Philip Nelling and Thomas D. Nelling took the store, under the firm-name of Nelling & Son. The first book-store in Media was started by Mark Packard, at his residence on Orange Street, as early as 1853, but in a year or two afterwards was disposed of to H. L. Rockey, who sold it in 1856 to Joseph G. Cummins. This gentleman made the business a suc cessful one, and the store became one of the perma nent institutions of the borough. A connected account has now been given of the origin and early growth of Media, and it remains to describe the public buildings, which formed the centre around which all of the improvements we have related clustered. The Court-House and Jail.— The county commis sioners, after the act of removal, which, as we have before said, became a law April 7, 1848, proceeded with all of the celerity that was compatible with sound business discretion to provide the necessary public buildings for the new seat of justice. They fixed upon the exact site (the present one) on May 15, 1849, and offered an award of fifty dollars for an acceptable plan for the proposed structures. In re sponse to their offer a number of competitors appeared, and on June 18th they adopted the plan offered by Mr. Sloan, of Philadelphia, at an estimated cost for the court-house of fifteen thousand dollars. On Au gust 28th they awarded the contract for the erection of the court-house and the jail to Joseph Esrey, John Williamson, and Joseph Lawson, for the sum of thirty- two thousand dollars. Ground was immediately 592 HISTORY OF DELAWARE COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA. broken, and the work was carried on with commend able diligence and speed. The specifications stated that the court-house should be of brick, that above the base-course it should be roughcast and painted, that the roof should be cov ered with the best leaded tin and surmounted by a cupola and spire, the extreme height from the ground to be eighty feet. The structure was to be two stories high, with the exception of that part occupied by the jury-room, which should be three. The offices were to be one story high and fire-proof, and there were also to be two fire-proof safes on each side of the vestibule. The second floor was designed to contain the court-room and apartments for the jury, witnesses, a law library, and a sitting-room for the judge and associates. The jail building was to have a house for the sheriff in front of the prison proper, and it was to be twenty- six by thirty-eight feet, and to consist of two stories, an attic, and basement. It was directed that it should contain, besides the usual accommodations for the sheriff's family, a parlor, reception-room, and office. The kitchen was to be in the basement, and the second story and attic were to be divided into sleeping cham bers. Upon the roof was to be a tank to hold water, which should be conducted to all parts of the house by leaden pipes. On the top was to be an observatory. It was specified that the prison was to be in the rear of the sheriff's house, and attached to it by a corridor fifteen feet in width, extending also through the entire length of the prison. On each side of this corridor' were to be four cells, each, eight by twelve feet. There were to be also a bath-room, keeper's room, and infirmary in this part of the building. The second story was to be reached by steps to a gallery extending around the whole of the corridor, opening from which there were to be on each side four cells, each eight by twelve feet as below. It was provided that a space one hundred by one hundred and twenty -five feet around the prison should be inclosed by a wall, and that there should be a cov ered way from the corridor to the exercising yards, of which there were to be six, each nineteen feet wide by twenty-nine feet deep, the whole forming a semicircle, after the plan of the celebrated Pentonville prison, near London, England. The prison was to be built of stone, the roof covered with tin, and the whole structure made as strong and as nearly fire-proof as possible. The corner-stone of the court-house was laid Sept. 24, 1849, in the presence Of a considerable number of people. In the stone was placed a leaden box con taining a parchment on which was a plan of the town, a description of the public buildings, stating when they were begun and when to be completed, and giving the names of the contractors, together with the names of State and county officers then in service, a full line of the coins of the United States for the year 1849, from a half-eagle down to a cent, copies of the Dela ware County Republican, the Upland Union, and other newspapers and public documents. The receptacle was sealed and placed in the stone by Edmund Pen nell. The walls of the court-house were up, and prepara tions for raising the cupola were made, by Aug. 13, 1850. The stone- work of the prison was about com pleted by that time, and the sheriff's residence was well advanced. By the 1st of November the court house was ready for plastering, both inside and out, and thejail almost entirely completed. By the 1st of May, 1851, the court-house was pronounced finished, though it was not ready for occupancy on account of the dampness of the walls. At the last term of court held in Chester, which convened May 26th, the offi cial notice of the completion of the court-house and jail was given in these words, " The Commissioners re ported to the Court that the County Buildings, at Media, were completed and ready for occupancy, and the Court directed the following minute to be entered upon the record : " May 29, 1851 — The Court of Common Fleas, of Delaware County, are satisfied that the Buildings, to wit : — new Jail, Court House and Public Offices, in the Borough of Media, are fully completed according to the true intent and meaning of the act of the Legislature, entitled an Act concerning the removal of the Seat of Justice of Delaware County. Approved the 3d day of March, 1847." After the close of this term of court, the last to be held in the old court-house at Chester, the Delaware County Republican alluding to the change, said, " The next term will be held at Media, an order having been issued by the Court to remove the records and other property to the new County Seat, prior to August. Our ancient Borough, which had been the Seat of Justice from the time of the Swedes, will never again, we suppose, be visited by the hurry, bustle and com motion of Court week." The removal of the county records from Chester to Media was begun on Monday, June 16th, and by the evening of Wednesday, the 18th, both the records from the court-house and the prisoners from the jail had been placed in their new quarters. In the mean time the work of paving the square went on, and various details of external adornment and internal finishing and furnishing were added. The bell for the court-house, of Philadelphia manu facture and weighing seven hundred pounds, was re ceived on August 12th, but was not hung in place in proper time to announce by its sonorous strokes the convening of the first court held in Media, which opened on Monday, Aug. 25, 1851. It is recorded that on that day the crowd was so great as to fill all parts of the room, including the passage ways, and, in fact, every spot on which space enough to stand could be had. A writer of reminiscences in the Delaware County Democrat says of this first court, " The business of the term was opened by President Judge Henry Chapman, aided by his Associates, Jo seph Engle and George G. Leiper. After the charge to the Grand Jury and a neat address to the citizens THE BOROUGH OF MEDIA. 593 of the county by Judge Chapman, relative to their public spirit and liberality in the erection of the public buildings, the first case tried was the Commonwealth vs. John R. Bergen. The defendant was indicted for keeping a tippling-house, and fined thirty dollars and costs of prosecution. Eight additional criminal cases were tried, and other business disposed of, the court adjourning at noon on the following Wednesday, — a two and a half days' session. At this term of court, and on Monday, August 25th, on motion of Edward Darlington, Esq., Robert E. Hannum, Robert McCay, Jr., and Charles D. Manley, Esqs., were appointed examiners on the application of Thos. J. Clayton for admission to the bar of Delaware County. The result of this examination proving in all respects satisfac tory, he was duly admitted to practice at the next term of court, Nov. 25, 1851." The court-house served its purpose very well for a number of years, but by 1870 it was found that addi tional room was absolutely necessary, and preparations were made for meeting this need. It was not, how ever, until the summer of 1871 that definite action was taken in the matter. The commissioners then advertised for proposals for enlarging the court-house by the addition of two wings, each to be thirty-eight feet square and two stories high. About the middle of August the bids were opened, and the contract was awarded to John Hinkson, of Chester, his proposal for the work being twenty-nine thousand dollars, or nine hundred and fifty-nine dollars below that of the next lowest bidder. As a matter of curiosity, it may be stated that the bids were as follows: Taylor & Worth, of West Chester, $49,677 ; Staunton & Mc Garry, of Philadelphia, $40,000 ; S. P. Rush, of Phil adelphia, $35,471.90 ; Churchman & Morrow, of Media, $35,500 ; Kirk & Henderson, of Media, $33,021 ; Isaac Worrall, of Media, $32,670.70 ; Simon Litzenberg, of Chester, $32,430; David S. Kendell, of Philadelphia, $32,500; Isaac N. Flounders, of Media, $31,903.64; Joseph Wells, of Thornbury, $29,959 ; John Hink son, of Chester, $29,000. Chalkley Chalfant, of Media, contracted to do the painting for $1350. The work was duly performed according to the contract, and some slight improvements have been made upon the building since, rendering it a court-house of which Delaware County may well be proud. An awe-inspiring incident occurred in the court house at the March term, 1878. Thomas Townsend, of Lima, while passing along the aisle in the court room, apparently in the best of health, fell to the floor and expired instantly. The cause of his sudden de mise was apoplexy. A singular escape of prisoners occurred from the court-room on Dec. 3, 1883. John Williams and James Clark, who were on trial for burglary, as court was about to adjourn concealed themselves under a bench inside of the dock, and the sheriff absent-mind edly leaving the room and not thinking of them until he got to the jail, returned to find that they had fled 38 the building. They were soon recaptured, explained their shrewd but simple means of making their es cape, and subsequently were sent to the Eastern Pen itentiary. Concerning the history of thejail subsequent to its completion, there are a number of interasting items. It is recorded that on Tuesday, April 18, 1854, the last of several prisoners, who had for some time been confined within its walls, was discharged, and that for nearly a week the prison was without a solitary inmate,— a condition of things which seldom if ever occurs nowadays. During the first few years after its completion es capes of prisoners from the jail were frequent occur rences. John Cope, a colored man, regained liberty by scaling the wall, on Aug. 22, 1851. Seven days later, Robert Lees hung himself upon the door of his cell by means of blankets torn into strips and twisted into the form of a rope. He was discovered by fel low-prisoners, who gave the alarm. He was taken down and handcuffed to prevent his trying further suicidal experiments. He complained of being de prived of his usual exercise, a privilege which the sheriff had deprived all of the prisoners of after Cope's escape over the wall. Thus the liberty gained by one man brought about more rigorous confinement of the many. On Dec. 29, 1851, two prisoners escaped from the jail during the absence of the sheriff. One of them was recaptured, but the other, although closely pursued, could not be caught. John Doughty not only escaped confinement, but passed from it into the great unknown, dying in his cell on Feb. 13, 1852. This was the first death in the prison. On Nov. 30, 1860, David Mulley, who was impris oned on the charge of attempting to shoot a man, es caped, but was recaptured. He was a desperate case, and made a second escape on March 6, 1861. Christian Heff escaped over the wall on Feb. 18, 1861, by means of a rope made of blankets. Just be fore the prisoners were locked up he had concealed himself in the yard, and when all was quiet he man aged to fasten his rope on the wall, and, climbing it, had only to drop down on the outside. Three persons broke jail on Oct. 1, 1861. James War made his escape March 24, 1865, and William Wain, a horse-thief, regained his liberty July 19th of the same year. The frequency of escapes by prisoners and other causes led the commissioners to make improvements in 1868. One of the county papers thus speaks of the work in a July issue : " The prison at Media has re cently undergone considerable improvement, an addi tion having been built of forty-three by forty-eight feet, the height to the square being thirty-eight feet. There are now forty cells, all of which are properly ventilated and secure. The iron-work of the prison was done by Messrs. Jaggers, Coverdill & Co., of 594 •HISTORY OF DELAWARE COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA. Chester, and their name for good work is a sufficient guarantee that the job is well done." Notwithstanding these improvements, the grand jury in November, 1872, found the jail defective in many particulars, and recommended several improve ments. Following is their report : " To the Honorable Judges of the Courts of Delaware County : "Tbe grand jury, in the performance of the duty enjoined to them, have examined the prison, and inquired into the escape of prisoners therefrom, and respectfully submit the following suggestions to the court: A number of the cells in the prison are unsafe, the arches on the tops being of insufficient strength, from the lightness of the material of which they are built. There should be at least two dark cells, detached from the other parts of the prison, and out of hearing of the inmates thereof. The need of an infirmary is apparent, where prisoners who are sick can be kept separate from their fellows. The windows in the cells should be so altered as to deprive the occupants of a view of the prison- yard and streets. The pipes used for heating the building are badly out of repair, and the brick pavement in the interior is objectionable on ac count of the dampness. After a careful examination of the manner in which prisoners have escaped from the jail, the keeper of the prison is not, in our opinion, censurable in any way whatever, except so far as relates to one case, iu which his deputy went into a cell without observ ing the necessary and usual precaution. The management of the insti tution is Buch as to reflect credit on those who have it in charge ; the condition of the prison being neat and cleanly, and the prisoners appar ently satisfied with the care and attention they receive." Some of the measures advised by the grand inquest were adopted, and in 1877 extensive work was per formed. The stone wall around the prison was ex tended and raised by William Armstrong, who took the job by contract. About six thousand dollars was expended on the prison during that and the following year. In October, 1877, a laborious and determined effort was made to escape by a number of prisoners, who did not appreciate the large outlay of public money upon their quarters. This wellnigh successful at tempt is thus described by a newspaper of the day : " On Sunday evening last, as Mr. Campbell, jailor of the county prison, was making hiB last round, he reached the cell of William Waters, Jacob Kelley, Neil McLaughlin, and Thomas Overholtzer, the prisoners who were convicted of the robbing of the stores of I. E. Boston and J. E. Brown, at Rockdale, some time since. Looking into the limits assigned them, he fancied that their bed was somewhat higher than UBual, and he requested them to lift it up. On this being done a quantity of stone was found underneath, the result of an excavation made in the wall by them preparatory to their escape, one stone only being left between them and their liberty. The work had been accomplished from time to time with an iron hook, which he found in their possession. They were removed to other quarters." In 1878 a new building was erected adjoining the original structure. This was seventy feet in length, forty-seven feet in height, and three stories high, affording six work-rooms and thirty-six cells. It cost sixteen thousand one hundred and forty dollars, in cluding the heating apparatus, which alone amounted to over four thousand five hundred dollars. In spite even of the additional safeguards secured during 1877-78, a few prisoners succeeded in gaining the outer world. On March 20, 1878, Daniel Pine, who had been sentenced to six years' confinement for the robbery of the residence of Mrs. Fallon, in Upper Darby, and that of William Rhodes, in Newtown, scaled the wall with the aid of a piece of rope, which he had been ingenious enough to secure. On Dec. 27, 1879, two colored men made their es cape by breaking a hole in the ceiling of one of the upper tier of cells, and then making their way from the roof to the ground. On Feb. 7, 1879, Joseph Williams died suddenly in the prison on the very day that he was to be released, after eleven months' confinement. He was seized with cramp in the stomach, which terminated in con vulsions that quickly proved fatal. Still later, on March 17, 1880, grim death came to thejail, this time under peculiar circumstances. The victim was Richard Neeld, and, strangely enough, he lost his life through the attempt of another inmate to escape. From the evidence at the inquest it ap peared that Martin O'Harra, who occupied a cell directly over that in which Neeld was confined, had been working for some days diligently in endeavoring to escape. He cut a hole into the chimney-stack, by which he expected to reach the roof; and in order to get rid of the debris, and possibly with a view to stopping the inflow of coal-gas from below, he threw the refuse into the stack, thus stopping the means of ventilation for which the prisoners on the tier below depended. Two days before Neeld's death one of the prisoners in the cell below was affected to fainting, but subsequently recovered. At about five o'clock on the evening of March 17th, when meals were being served, the cell occupied by John Mulligan and an other inmate was visited. Both these men were in a stupefied condition, but subsequently recovered. Neeld, in an adjacent cell, was found dead. The ver dict rendered by the jury was, " Death caused by asphyxia, produced by carbonic acid gas." The House of Employment, or the county poor- house, as most readers are aware, was located here long before the town had its beginning, in fact, early in the century. The act " to provide for the erection of a house for the employment and support of the poor in the county of Delaware" was passed Feb. 13, 1804. The site was selected by a committee of seven, named in the act. The farm purchased consisted of one hundred and thirty-seven acres, and cost less than thirty-three dollars per acre. Later additions were made at one hundred dollars per acre. These prices were quite insignificant in comparison with those ob tained for the same land after Media had been built up, when forty-six acres were sold at two hundred and fifty dollars, and one hundred and twelve at $341.50. The poor-house was completed within two or three years from the time the purchase was made, but we have no knowledge of the details of the work, nor of the early history of the institution, and, indeed, it is of no importance. The house was of stone, in the old English style, and was one hundred feet long by forty in width. A fine barn and other outbuildings stood near it. The following description of the insti tution, as it appeared in 1845, is from the pen of Miss Dix, who visited it : " Several miles from Chester is a large stone build- THE BOROUGH OF MEDIA. 595 ing, clean, well kept, and well directed. The pro visions are good and sufficient, and the food well prepared. Here were eighty-five inmates the third week in October ; of these but few were children. From twelve to fifteen are insane and idiotic ; were clean and comfortable, with the exception, perhaps, of wearing chains and hobbles. None were in close con finement, though such cases often occur. A small wooden building, constructed near the main dwelling, contains six cells, cleanly whitewashed and scrubbed, furnished with a small but comfortable bed, but not COUNTY HOUSE, MEDIA. capable of being warmed at all ; accordingly, they are disused during the cold season. Each is lighted by a grated window. There are in the basement of the main building four cells, lined with sheet-iron, which are used for violent patients when necessary. There are no recoveries reported in the poor-house through remedial treatment. ' The most we expect,' said one of the family, ' is to do what we can for their comfort ; we have no means for curing them.' The entire estab lishment seemed excellently conducted, and, but for the difficulty of managing the insane and idiotic, would afford a quiet home for the aged and infirm. It is estimated that there are in Delaware County about seventy cases of insane and idiotic persons. The poor-house farm is large and productive." The directors of the poor, after a long discussion, in April, 1854, decided to sell the house of employment and property attached, and to purchase the farm of Abram Pennell, in Middletown, as the site for a new building. It was subsequently sold, and after a time torn down, and upon its site was erected the Halde man House, which became Shortlidge's Boarding- School. Of the new poor-house in Middletown, which was completed by April 1, 1857, having been begun a year before, it is scarcely our province to speak in this chapter. The principal contractor was Dutton Otley, assisted by Stephen Sager, master-carpenter. The tin-work and plumbing was done by Ralph Buckley, of Media. Incorporation of Media as a Borough— The Temperance Struggle.— The growth, real and pros pective, of the new town led its people to a general recognition of the desirability of establishing a local or borough government in less than eighteen months from the time that it was laid out. The project, which had been informally talked of during the latter part of 1849, first assumed definite shape at a meeting of the lot-owners, held Jan. 10, 1850, at the public-house of Peter Wor rall, — the Providence Inn. On this occa sion a resolution was adopted asking the Assembly to grant a charter incorporating the town as a borough, "with a section therein prohibiting the sale of ardent spirits within the new borough, and mak ing it a penal offense to sell any kind of intoxicating liquors within said limits." The fight between the friends and the opponents of temperance, or, more prop erly, prohibition, which had raged fiercely before, was now renewed with increased fury, and every individual was forced into the ranks of one or the other con tending parties. On the 16th the Dela ware County Temperance Society held a well-attended meeting at Hinkson's Cor ner, and as a result of its deliberations there appeared on the 25th a very spirited, yet well-balanced, address to the people of the county, advocating the prohibition of the sale of liquor in its seat of justice. This was signed by the twenty-four members of the central committee, among whom were J. P. Crozer, William T. Crook, Enos Sharpless, Rev. B. S. Huntington, John C. Beatty, Jonathan P. Abrams, Samuel Riddle, Jonathan Esrey, Samuel L. Leiper, Dr. George Smith, Minshall Painter, George G. Knowles, John F. Taylor, James J. Lewis, John F. Vanleer, William T. Pierce, and Rev. James W. Dale. Several more extremely able addresses were issued during the few months succeeding, and a vigorous agitation was kept up by the press and public speak ers. On Jan. 30, 1850, Mr. James J. Lewis, the repre sentative from Delaware County, read before the House a bill to incorporate the borough of Media. Only two days before this, on the 28th of January, at a meeting held at Providence Inn, it had been re solved, on account of the temperance clause, to aban don for the time being the attempt to secure a char ter, and a communication was forwarded calling for a postponement of the bill. It was destined, however, to pass, and that, too, with the prohibitory clause. When the decisive time came, on February 13th, the House of Representatives declared in its favor by a vote of 52 to 21. It passed the Senate March 7th, re- 596 HISTORY OF DELAWARE COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA. ceived the signature of the Governor on the 10th, and thus became a law. The boundaries were described in the act as follows : "Beginning at the corner of lands of Edward Lewis, Isaac Cochran, Andrew T. Walker, and John Hill, on the south side of the Philadel phia and Baltimore State road, in the townBhip of Upper Providence ; thence due south twenty-five perches through land of John Hill ; thence eastwardly to a point two hundred and fifty feet on the eastern Bide of the road leading through Providence to Chester, and fifty perches south of the State road aforesaid, in the town of Nether Provi dence; thence northwestwardly parallel with and at the distance of two hundred and fifty feet eastward of said Providence road to a point opposite the intersection of the said Providence road and a road leading from the Rock House; thence southwestwardly across said Providence road, and through land of Joseph Rowland to the most northern poiut of land held by the directors of the poor of said county ; thence southwestwardly along the northwestern boundaries of said land and lands held by the county commissioners of said county, and by Andrew T. Walker, to the place of beginning." The prohibitory clause (iii. 60) was as follows : " It shall not be lawful for any person or persons to vend or sell vinous, spirituous, or other intoxicating liqnors within the limits of said borough, except for medical purposes, or for use in the arts ; and it Bhall not be lawful for the Court of Quarter Sessions to grant any license or licenses therefor to any inn or tavern in said borough. If any person or persons shall within said borough vend or sell, or cause to be vended or sold, any vinous, spirituous, or other intoxicating liquors to any persons (except as provided for in this section), such per son or persons so vending or selling, shall be liable to indictment, and on conviction thereof shall forfeit and pay for every such offense a sum not less than twenty nor more than one hundred dollars, at the dis cretion of the court : Provided, That it may be lawful for the Court of Quarter Sessions of said county to license inns or taverns in said borough without permission to vend or sell intoxicating drinks: And provided, Such license may be granted without the publication of any previous notice, as is required for other taverns." l Isaac Haldeman, Joseph Rowland, and John Hill, who were authorized by the act to call an election for the purpose of choosing borough officers, on March 15th issued a notice to the citizens to meet on Tues day, the 19th of the same month, at the public-house of Peter Worrall, to exercise the right of franchise as the law directed. At this election Isaac E. Price and David Hardcastle acted as inspectors. The officers chosen were as follows : Town Council, Dr. George Smith, Dr. Joseph Rowland, Isaac Haldeman, Nathan Shaw, Thomas T. Williams, and John C. Beatty ; Town Clerk, Thomas Richardson; Treasurer, Charles Palmer ; Assessor, Robert Rowland.2 At the meeting of the Council March 27, 1850, the members drew lots to determine the length of time they should remain in office, with the result that Messrs. Williams and Smith should continue members for one year, Shaw and Rowland for two years, and Haldeman and Beatty for three years. Isaac Haldeman was chosen presi dent of the board. Dr. Smith tendered his resigna tion on May 1st, and Joseph Edwards was appointed to fill the vacancy thus caused. At the succeeding meeting Mr. Edwards declined to serve, and Charles R. Williamson was elected to the position thus vacated. 1 Delaware County Digest. 2 On the Friday preceding the election above referred to, March 15th, there was a township election for Upper Providence townBhip for officers to serve for it and for the new borough. At the meeting of the Council on May 8th the first borough tax was ordered to be laid. This was for the repair of roads within the borough limits. On June 5th a committee was appointed to attend to the grad ing of the streets and their improvement otherwise, and Jacob Smedley was appointed at the same time borough surveyor. At a subsequent meeting Joel Evans was paid fourteen dollars for running the southern boundary line, and it is probable that he acted as substitute for Smedley. At the meeting of July 3d, Charles D. Manley was appointed borough solicitor. Thus the organization of the local govern ment was gradually perfected and put in working order. At a meeting held Jan. 1, 1851, the assessor's re turns were examined and corrected, and on motion a tax of three mills on the dollar was laid on the valu ation of the assessment. A court of appeal was or dered to be held at the public-house of Peter Worrall on the 25th of the month, and John C. Price was ap pointed collector of taxes. The meetings of the Council, which from the begin ning had been held from house to house of those who were its members, were, in August, 1851, transferred to the Charter House, of which we shall presently give the history. It was resolved to make that the perma nent assembly-place of the municipal body, and a committee was appointed at the meeting of Novem ber 5th to make arrangements with Mr. Hawkins for the use of a room, which was subsequently secured for ten dollars per year. In 1852 the tax levy was reduced to two and one- half mills on the dollar. John C. Price, at the meet ing of June 2d, rendered his account as tax collector, from which it appeared that the whole amount of borough tax turned over was $156.66, and the dog tax $20.00, making a total of $176.66. On Jan. 5, 1853, an ordinance was brought up for the removal of the place of the borough election from the public-house of Peter Worrall to the Charter House. It was passed on February 2d, and the next election, that of March 18th, was held at the newly- designated place. Passing for the present, and reserving for separate consideration, the various measures for street improve ments, we present a roster of the leading civil officials of Media borough from 1850 to the present time (with the exception of the school directors, whose names will be found appended to the section of this chapter de voted to educational matters) : BURGESSES. 1850-51. William T. Peirce. 1852. Charles D. Manley. 1853-54. Jesse Bishop. 1855-56. John C. Price. 1857-59. D. R. Hawkins. 1860-61. John M. Hall. 1862-63. D. H. Hawkins. 1864. Peter Worrall. 1865-70. John J. Rowland. 1871-72. George W. Ormsby. 1873. N. F. Walter. 1874-77. H. C. Snowden. 1878-79. William Eves, Jr. 1880. Samuel Dutton. 1881. William Campbell. 1882. Albin P. Ottey. 1883-84. Henry Green. THE BOROUGH OF MEDIA. 597 COUNCIL. 1850. George Smith, M.D.1 1867 Samuel B. Thomas. Joseph Rowland, M.D. William Eves. Isaac Haldeman. C. D. Manley. Nathan Shaw. 1868 George E. Darlington. Thomas T. Williams. Charles D. Manley. John C. Beatty. 1869 Charles R. Williamson 1861 Ellis Smedley. H. Jones Brooke. 1852 John 0. Price. 1870 William Eves, Jr. Thomas T. Williams. John C. Beatty. 1853 Isaac Haldeman. 1871 Isaac Worrell. John C. Beatty. Samuel B. Thomas. 1854 C. R. Williamson. 1872 Charles R. Williamson 1865 Clayton Smith. Lewis Palmer. D. A. Middleton. 1873 H. Jones Brooke. 1856 Isaac Haldeman. John J. Rowland. Nathan Shaw. D. A. Vernon. 1867 Joseph Iliff. 1874 Jacob Weaver. H. J. Brooke. D. A. Vernon. C. R. Williamson. 1875 Charles R. Williamson 1868 I. R. Morris. Lewis Palmer. B. F. Baker. 1876 J. J. Rowland. 1859 Isaac Haldeman. Thomas J. Haldeman. Joseph Iliff. H. B. FusBell. 1860 C. R. Williamson. 1877 Jacob Weaver. A. K. Scholl. T. J. Haldeman. William T. Innes. 1878. Charles R. Williamson 1861 Samuel P. Rush. Lewis Palmer. H. Jones Brooke. 1879. Henry C. Howard. 1862 Isaac Haldeman. Terrence Riley. Isaac Worrell. 1880. Samuel W. Hawley. 1863 C. R. Williamson. Winfield S. Worrall. Joseph P. Campbell. 1881. Charles R. Williamson 1864 John G. Haddock. Lewis Palmer. John M. Hall. 1882. Henry C. Howard. 1865 Isaac Haldeman. Terrence Riley. Samuel P. Rush. 1883. Winfield S. Worrall. Isaac Worrell, Jr. Horace P. Green. 1866. C. R. Williamson. 1884. C. R. Williamson. H. Jones Brooke. Lewis Palmer. 1850-51. Charles Palmer. 1852-57. J. Hardcastle. 1857-64. George G. Fell. 1864. Joseph Iliff. TOWN 1850-54. Thomas Richardson. 1854-68. Charles W. Shaw. 1858-59. J. Lawrence Haldeman. 1860-61. Joseph Addison Thomson. 1862. James G. Cummins. Benjamin F. Baker. TREASURERS. 1865-78. George G. Fell. 1878-82. Levis Miller. 1882-85. Charles D. M. Broomall. CLERKS. 1863. Thomas J. Kitts. 1864. James C. Henderson. 1865-67. Samuel P. Derrick. 1868-79. A. P. Otley. 1879-84. Townsend E. Levis. 1884. William H. Tricker. JUSTICES OF THE PEACE. Date of Commission. Isaac Cochran April 13, 1852. Oliver E. Strickland April 11, 1854. Nathan Shaw April 16,1858. Isaac Sharpless April 14, 1857. Thomas H. Litzenberg April 10, 1860. James McMullin April 9, 1861. George H. Rigby April 26, 1864. Benjamin F. Baker May 1,1865. William Russell April 11, 1867. William H. Howard April 10,1869. William Russell April 15, 1872. F. Gardner Preston March 24, 1872. William H. Howard March 24, 1874. Nicholas F. Walter March 4, 1879. George H. Rigby March 27, -879. F. Gardner Preston (to fill vacancy) Aug. 20, 1881. F. Gardner Preston April 10, 1882. Name. — Both before and after the incorporation of the borough, when the name Media was bestowed upon it in lieu of Providence, there was a lively dis- 1 Smith declined; Charles R. Williamson elected to fill vacancy. cussion carried on as to the most suitable name for the county-seat. One writer argued strongly in favor of " Pennrith," explaining in his newspaper commu nication that Penn in the Welsh language meant a hill, and " rith" John, so that the two together would signify John Penn, which was the name of William Penn's father, and, at the same time, "Penn," signifying a hill, would be descriptive of the locality. Some of the citizens were in favor of " Numedia," — that is, New Media, — in contradistinc tion to ancient Oriental Media, but the majority fa vored Media, after it had been suggested by Minshall Painter. This name was vigorously combated by the friend of "Pennrith," who signed himself "John o' the Hill." He wrote as follows : " To say that it was called after the ancient country of Media would place us in a purely ridiculous position. To derive it from the Latin adjective, converting it into a noun, as the name of a place, would give it, if it were etymologi- cally defensible, an origin so feeble as to ally it very closely to contempt." The name had, however, been adopted at a meeting held at the Providence Inn, Jan. 10, 1850, and "John o' the Hill's" communica tions failed to induce a change. For a number of years several newspapers and many of the people, among them the borough clerk, spelled the name Medea, as if they supposed the town named after the Asiatic queen, but gradually the present spelling was substituted for the old, and thus the word became what it was no doubt at first intended to be, a term significant of the central location of the place to which it was applied. The Charter House. — This house, one of the nota ble institutions of Media, is at once a place of happy entertainment for " the wayfarer and the stranger," and a monument to those zealous friends of temper ance who triumphed after a hard fight and made the prohibition of the liquor traffic one of the provisions of the town charter. It is, therefore, properly treated in this connection, for it followed as a result of the borough charter, and is deserving of more than a passing notice. The story of the building of this tem perance hotel is briefly as follows : Only a few months after the incorporation of the borough, on Tuesday, Aug. 13, 1850, at a temperance harvest-home held at Media, it was resolved, at the suggestion of Rev. James W. Dale, to raise subscriptions to build a temperance hotel. This was an immense assemblage, the largest of the kind (according to the newspapers of the day) ever held in Delaware County. The people were flushed with the victory they had obtained in securing a charter which contained a prohibitory clause, and hence it was not strange that the sum of four thousand dollars should have been subscribed on the spot for the purpose of raising a tangible memorial of the battle which had been won. It was decided that the pros pective building should be called the Charter House, and that it should not cost over five thousand dollars. At a meeting held in Temperance Hall, Sept. 9, 598 HISTORY OF DELAWARE COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA. 1850, of which John P. Crozer was chairman and John C. Beatty and Ellis Smedley secretaries, the Charter House Association was organized and arti cles of government drawn up and subscribed to. The officers elected were. President, William Eves ; Vice- Presidents, John P. Crozer, John M. Sharpless, John Hill, Edward Garrett, Daniel M. Leiper, Abram L. Penrock, John Dunwoody, and William T. Cook; Secretary, William B. Lindsay; Associate Secretary, Benjamin Brooke; Treasurer, Abraham Pennell. Eighteen managers were also elected, as follows : Levis Miller, John C. Beatty, George G. Knowles, Joseph Rowland, M.D., George Bishop, Isaac Thomas, Thomas Pratt, James W. Vale, J. D. White, I. P. Abrahams, James Lewis, Nathan Shaw, John Sellers, James Barton, Robert M. Thomas, John F. Taylor, D. T. Hawkins, Enos Williamson ; the members of the building committee were John C. Beatty, George G. Fell, and William Eves. The views of the originators of the project having by this time become considerably enlarged and their enthusiasm growing rather waning, it was decided to increase the limit of cost to ten thousand dollars. Before the meeting adjourned the present site had been definitely fixed upon by D. T. Hawkins and William Apple, who were appointed a committee for that purpose. John Eves was, on November 9th, awarded the con tract for constructing the house and outbuildings for the sum of nine thousand five hundred dollars, and pledged himself to have the work completed by Aug. 1, 1851. The corner-stone was laid November 18th, by Hon. Sketchley Morton. In it were placed the articles of association, with the names of members and subscribers to the fund ; names of members of the Town Council and other officials, copies of the county newspaper and the Philadelphia Sun and Ledger, and several other printed and written documents. Work went rapidly forward from this time. On Jan. 9, 1851, the " Charter House Association" and the Delaware County Convention met at Provi dence Inn to commemorate by an anniversary dinner the adoption of the thirty-fourth section of the bor ough charter. On this occasion John F. Vanleer was chosen president ; James Lewis, James T. Dannacker, John C. Beatty, and George G. Knowles, vice-presi dents ; D. T. Hawkins and J. F. Taylor, secretaries. A number of excellent toasts were offered, among them the following : " Media— Our New County-Seal— redeemed from the traffic of intoxi cating liquors by the common wish of the citizens of the county, its immediate residents, its storekeepers, its innkeepers, its borough officers, as well as by legislative enactment,— it shines forth ' a gem of the first water.' " " The Charter House. — A noble monument, erected by a generous peo ple, to commemorate the only constitutional legislation relative to the Bale of intoxicating liquors— entire prohibition." " Providence Inn.— The God of Providence can now smile upon it." " The Temperance Reform. — Glorious In its origin and history, it rolls on to triumph through the legitimate channels of the pledged man, socially ¦ the citizen, politically ; and the Christian, ecclesiastically." The fourth installment of subscriptions due to the Charter House Association was paid to Abram Pen nell on March 24th. Up to that time but one indi vidual had repudiated his subscription. The house was pronounced finished by the 1st of May, and on June 18th it was rented to D. Reese Hawkins at six hundred dollars per year, he to fur nish the building. He moved in on Thursday, July 10th, and opened the hotel for the accommodation of the public on the following Monday. He retained possession of the premises, with the exception of two short intervals, until 1871, when Cheney Bittle, of Thornbury, became landlord. After Mr. Bittle's short term of occupation several other landlords came and went in rapid succession, and in 1876, Mr. Watrus assumed the management of the house. He was fol lowed by Charles Martel, in 1877 ; he by T. L. Hawk ins, in 1879 ; and he by the present proprietor, I. Ivison, in April, 1882. The Charter House has borne and now bears an excellent reputation, and it affords ample testimony that a hotel can be successfully maintained without the aid of liquor sales. Municipal Improvements— The Streets. — We have shown, in the account of the early proceedings of the Town Council, that action was taken by that body looking towards the improvement of the streets within the borough, but the minutes contain no evidence that any work was actually performed prior to 1851. At the meeting of July 1st in that year, the clerk was requested to notify, within ten days, the lot-holders " within the limits of the streets" to pave and curb before their respective properties, and at the same time the president was authorized to draw on the treasurer for the purpose of paying for the grading of South Avenue and State Street. At the next meeting an additional appropriation of fifty dollars was made for the grading of the streets mentioned. It was de cided that the sidewalk flagging should be fifteen feet wide on South Avenue, ten feet on State Street, and the same width in front of unimproved lots. The street commissioners at this time were Isaac Halde man and William T. Pierce. In the Republican Caleb J. Hoopes, John D. Gilpin, and Annesley Newlin, the county commissioners, advertised for sealed pro posals for the paving of Court-House Square. A num ber of bids were received, one of which (from a Phila delphia firm) being accepted, the work was pushed ahead with vigor. Thus the county authorities were fully abreast of the borough officials in the matter of beautifying the town. In April, 1852, Mr. Hardcastle was elected as one of the street commissioners, in place of Mr. Haldeman, and served in that office with Mr. Pierce. Important action concerning the improvement of the village was taken at the meeting of the Council on July 6, 1852, when it was resolved " that State, Front, Second, and Third Streets should be surveyed and laid out to Providence road on the east side, and on the west side to where the streets intersect with THE BOROUGH OF MEDIA. 599 the road leading in front of A. T. Walker's house." Jacob Smedley was appointed as surveyor to carry out this project. These improvements were not immediately carried out, owing to the objection of a property-owner to having his lands entered upon, but in a few years even more than had originally been contemplated was realized in the way of opening, grading, paving, and curbing streets. Another era of public improvement was entered upon in the sixties, when quite extensive work was performed. On Dec. 24, 1868, a committee reported to the Council that Old State Street had been paved, at a cost of $5403.63, New State Street, at a cost of $6935.21 ; and Washington Street, at a cost of $1663.98; making a total outlay for the public good of $8599.20. William H. Tabler was the contractor. Water-Works. — Almost simultaneously with the beginning of street improvements the Council exhib ited its progressive character by taking steps to secure that great desideratum, an adequate supply of pure water. On Sept. 21, 1853, a special meeting was held to take into consideration immediate action in con junction with the county commissioners for intro ducing water into the borough. A committee of three members was appointed to confer with the com missioners concerning the construction of water-works and a suitable basin. Nothing more was done during the year, except that the committee reported prog ress from time to time ; but on the 7th of April, 1854, they stated that, "having viewed the ground, they had effected arrangements with the directors of the poor for one acre of ground suitable for a basin, and a grant of the right to build water-works to con vey water to said basin." Isaac Haldeman, H. Jones Brooke, and Charles R. Williamson were then ap pointed a committee to negotiate a loan of five thou sand dollars for the purpose of carrying out the work. At a meeting on July 25th the proposal of R. D. Wood & Co., of Philadelphia, to furnish iron pipes was accepted. It was discovered by this time that the amount of the loan would not be sufficient, and it was determined, at a special meeting, August 29th, that the chief burgess should call a town-meeting to dis cuss the propriety of extending it. This plan was duly carried out, and on October 4th the president laid before the Council the written consent of fifty-four citizens, being a majority of the tax-payers, author izing an additional loan of five thousand dollars for the enterprise. On October 9th an improved ram, devised by Joseph Stroud, for forcing water into the basin was adopted, and on November 2d the president was authorized to make arrangements with Mr. Stroud for the erection of the works. At the special meeting previous to this one the president was authorized to enter into contract with Wood & Co. for iron pipe, on condition that they should take not less than two thousand dollars in borough bonds, and it was subse quently reported that the contract had been effected, Wood & Co. taking two thousand five hundred dollars in bonds. By June 15th the pipes were nearly all laid, and on July 9, 1855, the basin was completed. On Jan. 2, 1856, Samuel P. Rush was elected superintendent of the water-works. In February the Council made an ar rangement with the commissioner whereby the public buildings were to be supplied with water for ten years, on condition that the county should pay three thou sand dollars in aid of the construction of the water works, which sum was to be paid back to the county at the end of the term specified without interest. On May 10th of this year the citizens authorized the Council to make an additional loan of five thousand dollars, which was not long afterwards negotiated. Although the water-works were practically com pleted this season, many improvements were subse quently found to be necessary, and extensions of the service-pipes were made from time to time. In No vember, 1868, the pipes laid in Lemon Street from State to Eastman, at his own expense, by H. Jones Brooke, were purchased from him by a committee appointed for the purpose. In May of the following year Ralph Buckley was appointed superintendent of the works. In May, 1871, a town-meeting was called for the purpose of obtaining the sentiment of the people as to the purchase of the water-power of Ridley Creek, and the water of that stream was analyzed by an expert chemist of Philadelphia, who found it to con tain the exceedingly small proportion of impurity of 5.043 grains to the gallon. In August the president of the Council was authorized to purchase of Edward A. Price the Palmer mill property, with water-power for nineteen thousand five hundred dollars. At a later meeting in the same month a committee reported in favor of the construction of a new basin west of the old one, to be sixty feet in diameter and fourteen feet in depth, and they also recommended that the old one should be increased in depth. The purchase of the mill property and water-power heretofore alluded to being confirmed by deed bearing date Dec. 30, 1871, money was raised for necessary improvements, and in May, 1872, we find that the president of the Council was authorized to contract with the Philadelphia Hydraulic Works Company for the erection of pumps for the water-works, at a cost of two thousand nine hundred and twenty-five dol lars. The new basin was commenced in the fall of 1872, on a lot purchased from Frederick Fairlamb for nine hundred dollars, the contract for excavating being awarded to Rebill & McLogue, and for those for the brick-laying to S. Morton & Son, Thomas M. Garrett, and William Worrall, for fifteen dollars per thousand. The works were now operated by William P. Mancil, who had leased the grist-mill, and the water-power being found insufficient as the demand upon the works increased, a steam-pump was added in 1875. 600 HISTORY OF DELAWARE COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA. Gas- Works. — The Media Gas Company was incor porated April 11, 1866, with twenty-seven corporators and a capital of ten thousand dollars, which it was their privilege to increase. The president was H. Jones Brooke. In 1868 the company purchased eighty-five perches of land from this gentleman, upon which, in the spring of 1871, they erected gas-works, at a cost of twenty thousand dollars. The works were completed and gas introduced into the houses of some of thecitizens on September 10th.1 The company has been reasonably well sustained and is moderately prosperous. Its stock is now valued at twenty thou sand dollars, and is divided into eight hundred shares. Isaac Worrall was elected president of the company in 1877, and holds that office at present; V. Gilpin Robinson is treasurer, and Jesse M. Baker, secretary. The Post-Office and Postmasters.— During the first years of Media's existence her people as a rule obtained their mail-matter from the Rose Tree, but in the early part of 1852 this facility was afforded them by the Nether Providence post-office at the public- house of Peter Worrall. The list of advertised letters for the quarter ending March 31st, which numbered sixty-four names, was the first that appeared in print either with or without Mr. Worrall's name, and it is therefore probable that the office was not officially recognized until the beginning of the year. A local item in one of the newspapers of the day stated that "the post-office at Nether Providence has been re moved to Media, its name has been changed, and Ellis Smedley appointed deputy until the present postmas ter removed to a more convenient location." Mr. Worrall, however, did not remove to Media. Early in May, 1853, Charles R. Williamson was appointed postmaster in place of Mr. Smedley, who resigned, and the office was removed from Smedley's store, on the northeast corner of State Street and South Avenue, to the residence and store of Mr. Williamson, on the southeast corner of Front and Orange Streets, where more recen tly Mr. Levis Miller made his home. Since Mr. Williamson's time the succession of the custo dians of the office has been as follows : Thomas Wil liamson, William T. Inness, Joseph G. Cummins, Samuel Dutton, and Mrs. Miranda Williamson. This lady, the present postmistress, was appointed April 4, 1877, and reappointed in December, 1881. Educational Matters— The Public Schools.— The earliest mention of the Media schools of which we have any knowledge occurs in one of the county newspapers under date of May 20, 1853, and is as fol lows : " CoMMENnABLE.— The School Directors of Upper Providence have contracted to erect a suitable building to be occupied as a public school in tbe borough of Media. It is to be hoped that a house worthy of the place will be built." 1 We may remark here that the first house in Delaware County illu minated by gas was that of Christopher Fallon, of Upper Darby, in 1853. The gas was generated on his own premiBes and ignited on De cember 28th. A small brick school-house was erected during the year, which was the first in the new town. Media be came aseparate school district early in 1856. The direc tors elected were H. Jones Brooke, William F. Pierce, D. R. Hawkins, Samuel P. Rush, Thomas F. Williams, and R. H. Smith, and they held their first meeting March 29th, at the brick school-house. Committees were appointed to effect a settlement with the direc tors of Upper and Nether Providence, and also to confer with those of the latter township in regard to the school-house at Peter Worrall's. At a meeting held on April 11th, it was decided to use this house jointly, but subsequently, owing to a difficulty with the Nether Providence directors, the agreement was declared null and void. On May 1, 1856, the directors resolved to erect a frame school-house on the lot which is now owned by Samuel Fields, and John G. Haddock was awarded the contract for two hundred and sixty-seven dollars. The building was finished in June. Joseph Addison Thompson was appointed to take charge of the grammar school on May 23, 1857. On Jan. 16, 1858, the eastern school-house and lot (Nether Providence) were sold to William L. Green for three hundred and eighty-five dollars, and on April 18, 1859, the committee appointed for the purpose re ported that they had purchased a lot from James Barton for four hundred and twenty-five dollars. This was the property on which the present new building stands. The contract for building a school- house on this lot was awarded, Aug. 25, 1859, to Ste phen D. Sager, for four thousand eight hundred and forty-five dollars. He gave up the contract, however, four days later, and the work was then awarded to Had dock & Worrall, at five thousand three hundred and forty-seven dollars. They, in turn, abandoned it upon September 7th, and upon the 26th it was reawarded to them at three thousand one hundred and forty dol lars, the board having determined in the mean time to build upon a less extensive scale than had been contemplated. The house was to be seventy-five by thirty-five feet, and one story high. The corner stone was laid with significant ceremo nies on October 31st. On that occasion Rev. J. W. Dale opened the exercises with prayer, after which a song, composed for the day, was sung by the children of the grammar school. The Hon. H. Jones Brooke deposited in the stone a tin box containing a roll of the pupils of the grammar school, — Joseph Addison Thompson, teacher, dated Oct. 1, 1859 (at that time there were sixty-nine in attendance) ; the roll of the primary school, Miss Sue Pearce, teacher, seventy- one scholars ; a list of county and borough officers ; four newspapers, — the American, Chester Republican, Upland Union, and the Christian Advocate and Jour nal, New York ; the Sixth Annual Report of the Pennsylvania Training School and Pennsylvania Common Schools Report for 1858. The school directors at this time were D. R. Hawkins, Charles THE BOROUGH OF MEDIA. 601 D. Manley, R. H. Smith, Ralph Buckley, H. Jones Brooke, and William T. Inness. Addresses appro priate to the occasion were made by Joseph Addison Thompson, Rev. J. Pastorfield, and Rev. Henry S. Getz concluded the ceremonies by pronouncing the benediction. The building was completed and accepted by the directors on April 25, 1860. In the mean time the old lot and the brick building upon it had been sold to Charles R. Williamson for five hundred and fifty dollars. Mr. Smett succeeded Joseph Addison Thompson as principal of the grammar school, and was in turn succeeded by David W. Harlan in April, 1862. The building completed in 1860 was in use until 1883, when the contract for erecting a new and more commodious structure was let to Isaac N. Flounders, and the old school-house was torn down to give place for the new. This building, which is seventy by eighty feet and two stories high, will, when com pleted, cost about eighteen thousand dollars. Following is a list of the school directors from 1856 to the present: 1856, H. Jones Brooke, D. It. Hawkins, William T. Peirce, R. H. Smith, T. T. Williams, Samuel P. Rush ; 1857, H. Jones Brooke, R. H. Smith ; 1858, Charles D. Manley, R. Buckley ; 1859, W. T. Inness, D. R. Hawkins ; 1860, R. H. Smith, H. Jones Brooke, N. F. Walter; 1861, N. F. Walter, JameB R. Cummins ; 1862, William T. Quins, D. R. Hawkins, Edward A. Price ; 1863, H. J. Brooke, Edward A. Price; 1864, Samuel P. Rush, R. H. Smith; 1865, Frederick Fair lamb, 0. F. Bullard; 1866, D. R. Hawkins, N. T. Walter; 1867, Samuel P. Rush, Dr. A. W. Matthues, Benjamin Crowthers; 1868, Lewis Kirk, James W. Baker; 1869, D. R. Hawkins, O. Flagg Bul lard; 1870, S. P. Rush, Thomas J. Kitts; 1871, Samuel W. Hallo- well, Samuel Dutton ; 1872, 0. F. Bullard, C. D. M. Broomall; 1873, S. P. Rush, Thomas J. Kitts, George Broomall ; 1874, Samuel Dut ton, Melvina Fairlamb, Sallie J. Cummins; 1875, Charles D. M. Broomall, Mrs. Letitia Eves; 1876, Isaac Johnson, Thomas J. Kitts, Mrs. Clara B. Miller; 1877, Mrs. M. M. Fairlamb, Charles S. Welles ; 1878, Charles P. Walter, John T. Reynolds ; 1879, Lewis Levis, Sam uel P. Rush ; 1880, Jesse M. Baker, Mrs. Melvina Fairlamb; 1881, Mrs. F. N. Baker, John T. Reynolds; 1882, Lewis Levis, George E. Adams ; 1883, Jesse M. Baker, Milton Lewis ; 1884, John T. Reyn olds, Francis N. Baker, Samuel Dinsmore. Brooke Hall Female Seminary. — Brooke Hall was built by Hon. H. Jones Brooke, in whose honor it was named. On its completion, in the fall of 1856, it was opened as a seminary for young ladies by Miss M. L. Eastman, its present principal and owner. It has enjoyed continued prosperity, and its future is promising. A writer, upon its last commencement, June 15, 1884, says, " Few commencements of this flourishing seminary have exceeded this in the mani fold attractions of its exercises." Another person says, "The history of this institution is written in the lives of its many pupils who have completed a course of study within its classic walls." An account of the only disaster which has ever occurred at this institu tion, a fire, which destroyed the gas-house, on Dec. 17, 1859, has already been given in this chapter. Media Academy.— In the fall of 1872, Miss Anna M. Walter, who had for several years been a teacher in the grammar school, established a private school in a room over Haldeman's store. It was kept there for four or five years, and then removed to a brick build ing, erected by Charles Walter, on Front Street, near Jefferson. Three rooms in two stories of this building were used, and two assistants were employed, Miss Fanny Walter and others. The school had from fifty to seventy-five pupils. In April, 1884, the school closed under Miss Fanny Walter, as Miss Anna M. Walter had accepted a position as teacher at the Friends' school at Fifteenth and Race Streets, Phila delphia. Shortlidge's Academy. — In 1874, Swithin C. Shortlidge's school for boys, which had been for some time in existence at West Chester, was removed to Media, and opened in the building .which had been formerly known as the Haldeman House. This was enlarged and improved for its new use, and made an admirable home for the school. The school has since been carried on^without interruption, except the reg ular vacations, when (in the longer ones occurring in summer) the house is occupied as a summer hotel. The building is four stories high, with a basement, and contains fifty-five lodging-rooms, a large dining- hall, ample study-rooms, and five class-rooms. A large and well-equipped gymnasium building has been built near the main structure. The corps of instructors is composed as follows : Swithin C. Shortlidge, principal instructor (having constant charge of the school, classification, etc., and sole government at all times of the young men and boys) ; B. N. Lehman, teacher of Physics, Geography, and Engineering; Nelson H. Strong, A.B., teacher in school-room ; James J. Greenough, teacher of Algebra, Geometry, Trigonometry, etc. ; Arthur B. Linsley, teacher of English Grammar, Rhetoric, and Compo sition ; Linton Satterthwaite, A.B., teacher of Com mercial Arithmetic and Book-keeping; A. E. Osborne, teacher of Physiology and Botany and Natural His tory ; Professor S. K. Murdock, teacher of Elocution and Declamation ; Charles M. Hobbs, teacher of Arith metic ; Otto Mueller, teacher of Drawing, Gymnastics, and Military Drill (optional) ; W. F. Hughes, teacher of English Grammar, Reading, Spelling, and Litera ture; Walter E. Damon, teacher of Greek, Grecian History, and Literature; Messrs. Lingle and Mc- Knight, teachers of Short-hand and Telegraphy; A. B. Babbitt, teacher of Latin, Roman History, and Literature ; Thomas J. Wynn, teacher of Piano and Vocal Music; H. M. Carpenter, teacher of Violin, Flute, etc. ; William S. Porter, Secretary and Libra rian ; Lewis S. Hough, teacher, of English; M. E. Diefenderfer, teacher of Plain and Ornamental Pen manship. Delaware County Institute of Science.— This in stitution was intended to be organized under the name of the Delaware County Cabinet of Science, but upon meeting and consideration it was decided to organize under the above name, — Delaware County Institute of Science. The first meeting was held in Upper 602 HISTORY OF DELAWARE COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA. Providence on the 21st of September, 1833, by five persons, — George Miller, Minshall Painter, John Mil ler, George Smith, and John Cassin. An acre of land was purchased near Rose Tree, and in 1837 a two-story brick building was erected, which was formally opened in September of that year, upon which occa sion an address was delivered by Dr. Robert M. Patter son, then director of the United States Mint. The society increased in numbers and was incorporated Feb. 8, 1836. Lectures were given in the hall and a museum was established, which received many speci mens in every department of natural science. A library also was opened. In 1867 the present build ing in Media was erected and the institute was re moved to the new hall prepared for it. The library contains nearly three thousand volumes, besides many valuable and scarce pamphlets ; and the museum is now extensive, and embraces many specimens of interest in science, history, Indian r,elics, zoological specimens, minerals, coins, birds, insects, etc. The society has a membership of about two hundred. Dr. George Smith was president from the first till his death, February, 1882. He was succeeded by John M. Broomall, who is the present incumbent. The Methodist Episcopal Church.— The Meth odists were the pioneers in religious movements in Media. In 1851 the Rev. John B. Maddux, who had charge of Village Green Church, preached in Tem perance Hall in Media, and a class of five members was organized, of which John Hardcastle was leader. During the winter prayer-meetings and class-meetings were held in the house of Joseph Iliff. In August, 1851, a lot, eighty by one hundred and fifty feet, was purchased, with a view of erecting a house of worship upon it at some propitious time. A charter was ob tained the same year. The Rev. Ignatius T. Cooper succeeded to the charge of the circuit, and services were held on the church lot under an apple-tree, and during the winter in the court-house. Mark Packard subsequently fitted up a room in the upper part of his barn, which was used as a meeting-place by the church and also for a Sunday-school, which was organized about that time under Mr. Packard's superintendence. A public appeal in behalf of the project of erecting a church appeared in the columns of the Delaware County Republican, April 8, 1853, and was from the able pen of Rev. Cooper. In his communication it was stated that there were at that time but about a dozen Meth odists in Media, but he intimated that a large number of them resided in its immediate vicinity. He gave a number of forcible.reasons why such a church edifice should be erected without delay, and urged his brethren to commence at once the final efforts that were needed to consummate the work. It was stated that about twelve hundred dollars had been subscribed of the amount required, three thousand five hundred dollars, and that ground would not be broken until two thou sand dollars had been secured. The ministers named to receive the contributions were Rev. Mr. Hobbs, Rev. Henry G. King, and Rev. I. T. Cooper. The others appointed were Mark Packard, of Media ; D. R. Haw kins, Hinkson's Corner ; Abram Vanzant, Avondale ; and John Godfrey, Crook's Upper Bank. The appeal was an earnest, and subsequently proved to be an effective, one, in behalf of what Mr. Cooper termed " the Metropolitan Church of Delaware County." It may seem a little strange that one of the para graphs in the reverend gentleman's communication should have contained the declaration that "the men and women will sit separately in the congrega tion," but such was the fact. The corner-stone of the church was laid Aug. 7, 1854, Rev. Dr. H. G. King and Rev. J. S. Lane offi ciating. The basement was dedicated Aug. 26, 1858, the services being conducted by Revs. John A. Roche and Samuel Pancoast. Rev. H. G. King was at that time on the circuit, and preached to the congregation. In the spring of 1858 the main edifice was completed, and the dedicatory sermon was preached by Rev. Franklin Moore, D.D. In 1859 the church became an independent station. Following is a list of pastors of this church: 1859- 61, Rev. Jeremiah Pastorfield ; 1861-62, Rev. Samuel Gracey (Mr. Gracey having accepted a chaplaincy in the Union army in 1862, Rev. David McKee was pastor during the remainder of the term) ; 1863-66, Rev. Daniel George; 1866-68, Rev. Henry F. Hum ; 1868-70, Rev. John F. Timmanus ; 1870-71, Rev. Samuel Lucas; 1871-72, Rev. John I. Gracey ; 1872- 75, Rev. Jerome Lindermuth ; 1875-78, Rev. George T. Hurlock ; 1878-80, Rev. Joseph R. Gray ; 1881-83, Rev. S. A. Heibner; 1884, Rev. F. M. Griffith. During the pastorate of the Rev. G. T. Hurlock the church edifice was improved and a brick parsonage erected. The church has at present a membership of about two hundred, and the Sunday-school has about the same number of members. The South Media Methodist Episcopal Church was erected by Mark Packard in 1876. The pulpit is supplied by the Local Preachers' Association of Phil adelphia. The society numbers about twenty, the i Sunday-school one hundred. Presbyterian Church. — Before Media borough was laid out, the Rev. James W. Dale preached near what was to be its boundary, in the school-house on the Providence road, on the corner of the road to Beatty's mill. When the removal of the county-seat was de termined upon and Media had been founded, regular services were commenced in the village in a room over John C. Beatty's store. The first was held March 10, 1850. The Rev. Mr. Dale, who was then pastor of the Middletown Presbyterian Church, officiated. A Sun day-school was organized soon after in Mr. Beatty's house. The site of the church, about one acre of ground, was donated by John C. Beatty. The corner-stone was laid July 4, 1854. The architect, John McAr- thur, Jr., of Philadelphia, designed the building in THE BOROUGH OF MEDIA. 603 the Doric order of architecture, which proved very effective when the edifice was completed. James W. Haddock, of Media, was the chief contractor. The church was dedicated on Thursday, Oct. 11, 1855, al though not entirely finished. A number of prominent ministers were present. On the following Sunday the first regular religious services were held, and were of a very impressive character. Up to this time there had been no individual church organization, but the congregation had existed as a mission of the Middle- town Church. On Oct. 1, 1866, the Presbytery of Philadelphia met at Media, according to previous appointment, and organized a church with forty-six members, four elders, and three deacons. Rev. James W. Dale was installed as pastor, and remained until 1868, after which time he served the Middletown Church until 1871, when he was called to the Wayne Church. From 1868 to 1872 the pulpit was supplied by young men from Princeton Seminary, and upon April 17th of the latter year, Rev. E. H. Robbins, who had been called in November, 1871, was ordained and installed as pastor. He still has charge of the church, which is in a flourishing condition and has a mem bership of nearly two hundred. A parsonage was erected adjoining the church in 1880. Christ (Episcopal) Church.— During the summer of 1853 the first Episcopalian religious services in Media were held in the court-house, then recently built. The Rev. L. P. W. Balch, D.D., of the Church of the Holy Trinity, West Chester, officiated. From that time until the present church edifice was con structed services were held in the court-house and in the Methodist Church. Among the officiating clergy men were Rev. G. E. Hare and Rev. B. S. Hunting ton. On Aug. 28, 1854, a charter of incorporation was granted the society by the court of Delaware County, and about the same time the Rev. S. Hazel- hurst accepted the rectorship of the church, but re mained, however, only about eight months. On Nov. 22, 1857, the Rev. H. S. Getz (deacon) became minister of the parish, but was not ordained as a priest until Dec. 19, 1858. The corner-stone of the present church edifice was laid July 5, 1858, by the Right Rev. Alfred Lee, D.D., Bishop of Delaware. Several members of the clergy, among them the pastor, made impressive addresses. On the 21st of June, 1860, the church was conse crated by the Right Rev. Alonzo Potter, D.D., LL.D., Bishop of Pennsylvania, the Right Rev. Alfred Lee, D.D., assisting. The rectorship of Rev. Mr. Getz having terminated on April 1, 1862, an invitation was extended to Rev. S. Edwards to become pastor in January of the fol lowing year. He accepted the call, and assumed the duties of the office on Feb. 1, 1863. Mr. Edwards resigned on June 30, 1866, and on the 9th of Decem ber an invitation was extended to Rev. Samuel W. Hallowell to supply the church for three months, which was accepted. When his time as supply ex pired he was unanimously elected to the rectorship, and served the church until his death, in May, 1872. He was succeeded in the following October by the Rev. W. T. Chesley Morrell, who resigned in March, 1874, to become rector of St. Philip's Church, in Philadelphia. During his term of service Mrs. Mary A. Hoeckley built and presented to the parish the beautiful stone rectory adjoining the church, as a memorial to her late husband. In October, 1875, the Rev. Edward Lounsberry, of the diocese of Iowa, was elected to the rectorship, and continued in office until his death, Oct. 12, 1878. During his term of service the tower was added to the church, at a cost of two thousand five hundred dollars, and a pipe-organ was procured. The chancel- rail and marble font were contributed by the young ladies of Brooke Hall. After the death of Mr. Louns berry the church was supplied until April 6, 1879, when the Rev. De Witt C. Byllesby, previously rector of St. Luke's Church, Roselle, N. J., who had been elected in March preceding, entered upon his duties. He is still discharging the duties of the position. There is a Sunday-school in connection with the church, which occupies a building erected at a cost of five thousand five hundred dollars in 1868. Church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin (Roman Catholic). — A mission was established by the Roman Catholics at the house of Edward Dugan, at Upper Bank, in 1858. The Rev. Nicholas Walsh, at that time pastor of St. Thomas' Church, Aston, was in charge of this mission. A little later services were held at the house of Lawrence Forman, in Media. About 1860 the Rev. Thomas Kyle, pastor of the church at Aston, purchased a lot on Franklin Street, Media, and erected the brick building now used as a Sunday-school room. This was dedicated in September, 1862, and was used as a chapel until the completion of the present church edifice. The society remained a mission of St. Thomas' Church until October, 1868, when Rev. Henry L. Wright, who had been pastor of the latter, was appointed to take charge of the Media Church, which then became independent. The brick parsonage on the lot ad joining the church was completed in July, 1869. The lot on which the church stands was bought by Bishop Wood of Menader Wood. The handsome church built upon this lot, at a cost of seventeen thousand five hundred dollars, was dedicated in June, 1882, the ceremonies being conducted by Bishop O'Hara, of Scranton, and the sermon preached by Rev. Father McDermott. The parish numbers the members of about one hundred families among its communicants. The Baptist Church— On the 26th of June, 1871, the first regular services of the Baptist denomination were held in the borough. After the close of the ex ercises of worship, the assembly, consisting of twelve persons, was organized, with C. H. Russell as moder ator and William Russell as clerk. The question as to the expediency of establishing a Baptist Church 604 HISTORY OF DELAWARE COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA. was raised, and decided affirmatively. The present church lot was donated by Edward A. Price, and a sufficient sum of money being subscribed to warrant the undertaking, a contract was entered into with I. N. Flounders for the erection of a church. The amount of the contract was six thousand dollars. The house was duly finished, and in May, 1872, was dedi cated by Rev. E. Levy, D.D., who preached an im pressive sermon. Rev. J. W. Dale took part in the services. Up to this time meetings had been held in private dwellings, in the court-house, and elsewhere. On Sept. 12, 1872, the society, consisting of twenty- two members, was reorganized as " the First Baptist Church of Media" by a council composed of ten neighboring churches. The Rev. H. C. Applegarth, who had filled the pulpit since 1875, became the reg ular pastor in 1877. He was succeeded, in October, 1878, by Rev. T. G. Wright, who served the congre gation until April, 1881, when the present pastor, the Rev. W. R. Patton, assumed charge. This church has about seventy-five members, and its Sunday-school about one hundred and thirty. Hicksite Church — Providence Meeting-House. — The Minshall Meeting was first held in the house of John Minshall far back in the last century. The foundation of the house and the old well are still to be seen. Their location is such that State Street when extended will pass over. them. The first meeting house here was built on an acre of ground given by John Minshall for the purpose, and he subsequently gave another acre for a graveyard. The house, which was of stone, with a hip-roof, was used for many years, but was torn down about 1812 to make place for the present one. Phoebe Foulkes is a member of this meeting, and preaches here occasionally. The meet ing has about one hundred members. Friends' Meeting-House.— In 1875 the Friends of Media and its vicinity, withdrawing from the various meetings round about, bought a lot from John M. Broomall,— one-eighth of an acre on the north side of Third Street, opposite North Avenue, — and erected upon it a one and a half story stone meeting-house. Here their regular meetings are held. In an iron safe in this house are kept the records of Chester Monthly Meeting, dating from 1682 to the present. Media Bible Society.— An undenominational Bible society was organized at a meeting held in the Epis copal Church early in June, 1870, of which Rev. James W. Dale was president, and William Russell, secretary. Addresses were delivered by Rev. Mr. Terrence and others, after which a society was formed under the name of "The Media and Vicinity Bible Society." A constitution was then adopted, and the following officers elected : President, Dr. Joseph Par rish ; Vice-Presidents, Rev. J. W. Dale, Rev. S. Hal lowell, Rev. S. Lucas, William Russell; Secretary, S. B. Thomas; Treasurer, D. R. Hawkins; Managers, Miss H. Brooke, E. E. Boardman, T. J. Byles, Mrs! Mary Bishop, Miss Lizzie Haldeman, N. F. Walter, William Copperthwaite, Mrs. C. W. Rudolph, J. C. Beatty, and Mrs. Craiue. The purpose of this society is to promote the circulation of the Scriptures without note or comment. Newspapers.— The first newspaper in Media was The Union and Delaware County Democrat, a small sheet started prior to June, 1852, by Charles B. Stowe. The town was then quite small, and it is not strange that the obituary of the little sheet should have ap peared in the Republican as early as Dec. 29, 1854. It read as follows : " Dead. — The Union and Delaware County Democrat, published at Media in this county, has adjourned sine die, its editor having removed to West Chester. A good opportunity is now presented to an enterprising man with a few thousand dollars, who desires to embark in the printing and publishing business." The story of its life is sufficiently sug gested by the announcement of its death. The next newspaper venture in the new county- seat was destined to be a more successful one, and to result in the permanent establishment of what is now known as The Delaware County American. The paper was started as the Media Advertiser by Thomas V. Cooper and D. A. Vernon, and the first impression, a seven-column sheet twenty-four by thirty-six inches, came from the press on March 1, 1855. Its politics were Republican. The publication office was on State Street. The Delaware County Republican in its notice of the appearance of the new paper said, " It takes the place of the Media Union, a paper the publication of which was suspended for want of sufficient support to keep it alive." But it did not take the place of the Union in the Delaware County newspaper mortuary list. The proprietors had a large capital of tact, persever ance, industry, and economy, and they soon gave the paper a respectable standing among the local journals of the State. One enlargement after another added to its size until it assumed its present generous pro portions, and journalistic ability kept the standard of quality fully up to the measure of quantity in its con tents. The name of the paper was changed Feb. 27, 1856, from the Media Advertiser to the Media Adver tiser and Delaware County American, and on March 2, 1859, the first part of the title was dropped, leaving that which at present stands at its head, The Delaware County American, although several changes have en sued at different periods. Mr. Cooper retired from the partnership July 4, 1860, and re-entered on July 12, 1865, the firm-name then becoming Vernon & Cooper, as it now exists. The American is now a ten- column sheet, thirty- three by fifty inches iu dimensions, and is a bright, newsy chronicle of Media and Delaware County affairs, and of the world's happenings as well. It is generously patronized by the people of the town and surrounding country. Benjamin F. Niles, who for several years was the Z/:¦:¦:¦:¦:¦¦¦¦ ' ' f, \ '-- - -"¦-¦ THE BOROUGH OF MEDIA. 607 some monuments for which the grounds are notable, among others that dedicated to the memory of Wil liam Wright. Cotton-Factories. — The cotton-factory now owned by Mrs. M. Melvina Fairlamb was originally the prop erty of H. Jones Brooke, and was sold by him Feb. 4, 1863, to Isaac Worrall, Jr. He sold to Ralph Buck ley on Dec. 23, 1865. The mill, while occupied by William Alcutt, was destroyed by fire April 27, 1867. Mr. Buckley then rebuilt, erecting a two-story brick mill, which he sold Sept. 27, 1867, to Lewis Kirk. Samuel Dutton and Benjamin Crowther, in 1866, established a cotton-factory on Washington Street, which they operated for a few years. It was sold in April, 1869, at assignee's sale, and came into the pos session of J. Howard Lewis, who removed the ma chinery and tore down the building. He still owns the property. Societies— Masonic— George W. Bartram Lodge, No. 298, F. and A. M., was chartered June 2, 1856, with Charles D. Manley as W. M., John C. Beatty, S. W., and William P. Beatty as J. W. Meetings were originally held over Cummins' store, on State Street, afterwards over Buckley's, at State and Olive, and since April, 1882, the lodge-room has been in the third story of Schur's building, Second and Orange Streets. The lodge has ninety-six members. The present officers are William F. Matthues, W. M. ; Charles Moore, S. W. ; Enos L. Baker, J. W. ; and William Camp bell, Sec. Media Chapter, No. 234, R. A. M., was chartered Feb. 13, 1871, with forty members. Its present officers are William E. Williamson, H. P. ; Charles B. Spro- gell, K.; Horace P. Green, S. ; William Campbell, Sec. I. 0. 0. F.— Kossuth Lodge, No. 393, I. O. 0. F., was organized Jan. 22, 1850, with the following as the first officers: N. Walter Fairlamb, N. G. ; Peter Wor rall, V. G. ; John M. Hunter, Treas. ; Samuel Hunter, Sec. The first meetings were held over A. P. Fair- lamb's store, and later a room over Schur's store was used. The present lodge-room is in Williamson's Hall, on State Street. The lodge now has fifty-two members, and is officered as follows : Bion Herkins, N. G. ; W. H. Hardcastle, V. G. ; Samuel Bryson, Treas. ; Ott Pennell, Sec. Towanda Tribe, I. 0. of R. M— This tribe of the Independent Order of Red Men was instituted in " cold moon, G. S. D., 377," with eight charter mem bers from Tuscarora Tribe, Chester. Media as a Summer Resort.— The beauty and healthfulness of Media, the picturesqueness of its surrounding hills and valleys, the fact that the sale of liquor is prohibited in the borough, and its easy ac cessibility from Philadelphia have caused many people who prefer quiet, rest, and true recreation rather than the fashionable dissipation of the great resorts, to seek summer homes in the town or its neighborhood. There are others and many who, while they have not established homes here, have sought the benefits of a temporary sojourn, and thus it has come about that four large houses, in addition to the Charter House, are comfortably filled every season with those who prize the wholesome air and the nerve-bracing life which is here afforded. The first of these places of resort was Idlewild, established by Mr. Hawkins when he left the Charter House. It is a charming retreat in a cool grove of forest-trees directly south of Media. Then there are the Chestnut Grove House, contiguous to the little railroad station, and the Hal deman and Gayley establishments, under one man agement, which are educational institutions save in summer, when those who would rest take the place of those who have been at the toil of study in the pleasant and spacious houses. Some years ago an ambitious attempt was made in the direction of founding a suburban villa, which failed because premature, though it will doubtless in the near future be carried out. In 1872, James R. Cummins and Samuel Bancroft bought of Robert Playford a tract of fifty acres of land between Media and Idlewild, with the intention of laying it out for building sites, with streets con necting South Media and Idlewild. A map was made and the project was advertised, but the plan was aban doned, partly on account of Mr. Cummins' death. His interest in the property was purchased by Mr. Bancroft, who sold the entire tract to George W. Wharton in June, 1883. As time progresses an increased number of city people will see the advantage of making summer or permanent homes in this neighborhood, and it is probable that among other improvements one similar to that contemplated by Messrs. Cummins & Bancroft may be not only undertaken, but successfully com pleted. BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCHES. THOMAS REECE. The ancestors of Judge Reece are of Welsh ex traction, and were among the colony who came over with William Penn, in 1682. They settled in Haverford township, Delaware Co., Pa., in which county Jesse Reece, the father of Thomas, was born, Dec. 12, 1774, his life having been principally spent in Upper Providence township as a builder. He married Elizabeth, daughter of Asa Davis, of Ches ter County, who was also of Welsh parentage, and whose ancestors were members of the Penn colony. Their children are Davis, born in 1801 ; Lydia (Mrs. Samuel Hibberd), in 1804; Elizabeth (Mrs. Jesse T. Heacock), in 1805; Sidney (deceased in youth), in 1807 ; Jesse, in 1809 ; Thomas, in 1811 ; and Eli Y., in 1813. The death of Mr. Reece occurred in 1849, and that of his wife in 1858. Their son, Thomas, 608 HISTORY OF DELAWARE COUNTY, PENNSYLVANIA. was born May 4, 1811, in Middletown township, Delaware Co., where his youth, until his eleventh year, was spent. He then, with his parents, removed to Upper Providence township, where, after limited educational opportunities, he learned the trade of a mason and builder. This was pursued with vigor for several years, when, having inherited the paternal acres, he became a farmer and continued this voca tion until his removal to Media, in 1880, on retiring from active business. Judge Reece was married, in 1858, to Mrs. Beulah Palmer Cassin, of Concord, Del aware Co., to which marriage was born a daughter, Lydia D. He has been for years interested in the field of politics, and as a Republican was, in 1860, elected county commissioner, which office he filled for one term. In 1866 he was the successful candi date for associate judge of Delaware County, and re-elected in 1871, serving a continuous term of ten years. This official position obliged him to resign the directorship of the First National Bank of Media, with which he had for several years been connected. Judge Reece has long been a prominent citizen of the county, and invariably administered the offices to which he has been chosen with fidelity to the interests of his constituents. He was educated in the religious faith of the society of Friends, and is still a member of that society, as are also his wife and daughter. HUGH JONES BROOKE. Hugh Jones Brooke was born Dec. 27, 1805, and was the eldest of five children born to Nathan Brooke and Mary (Jones), his wife. His father was a well- to-do farmer, whose farm comprised the valley of the Gulf Creek, in Radnor, adjoining Montgomery County. His ancestors were the sturdy yeomanry of the early emigration from England and Wales. Those of his father were Quakers, and settled in and near Limerick (now Montgomery County), and of his mother Episcopalians, who settled in Newtown and Radnor, and were among the founders of St. David's Church, Radnor. His father dying when he was but nine years old, he was brought up under the joint care of his mother and his paternal grandfather, who were well fitted to prepare him for the active duties of life. His education was of the character obtainable at that day in the local schools. At the early age of fifteen he took charge of the farm, and thenceforward led a life of active usefulness. The prominence of his grandfather, who had been a Revolutionary officer, and was a large land-owner as well as largely engaged in industrial pursuits, brought him into early participation in the adminis tration of public affairs, and he almost continuously served his fellow-citizens in local affairs, besides terms in both branches of tbe State Legislature, always being on important committees, and often in leading positions, and his advice was frequently sought in national and State, as well as local, corporate, and personal affairs. In corporations he was largely interested, and the Delaware Mutual Safety Insurance Company, the First National Bank of Media, the Twelfth Street Market Company, and the Media Gas Company were among those of which he was either the originator or a corporator, and assisted in the administration as president or director until his death. There were many others he was or had been connected with, and to him Philadelphia is largely indebted for its present system of market-houses, he being tbe originator, and until he refused to serve further, president of the Farmers' Market Company. In 1853 he purchased the farm in and adjoining Media, lying between the State (Street) road and Ridley Creek, and removing from Radnor thither, thenceforward gave liberal attention to the develop ment of that town, building with his own means the Chestnut Grove House and Brooke Hall Female Seminary, besides many private residences and other buildings, and, with the public, the railroad through it, and the Pennsylvania Training School for Feeble- Minded Children adjacent, the latter having been lo cated through him, and largely developed by his legislative influence in securing meritorious appro priations from the State for its building and main tenance. Both as an officer and citizen it had his earnest and sympathetic advice and assistance until his death. In the suppression of the Rebellion he took an active part, and when asked by the Secretary of War to assist in developing the commissary department he went earnestly to work, and served both in field and at post with benefit alike to the government and the soldier until impaired health from overwork enforced his resignation. In politics he was a Whig, who early became a Republican because of his anti-slavery convictions, which caused him to refuse a marshalship which might involve his official enforcement 6f the fugitive slave law. In business he spoke of himself as, a farmer, but, as before mentioned, he was that and much more. In religion he made no public profes sions. He was a regular and constant attendant at the services of the Protestant Episcopal Church ; and St. David's, Radnor, and Christ Church, Media, es pecially shared of his labors and his means. Of the latter he was the originator. He was especially interested in the amusement and labors of the young, and was always ready at proper times to participate in the one or aid the other, and many were indebted to him for his good advice and material assistance for their start in life. He married, April 16, 1829, Jemima Elizabeth, daughter of Nathaniel Longmire (a lace manufacturer) and Elizabeth (Green), his wife, who, with his fam ily, had emigrated from Nottingham, England. They had children as follows : Anna Elizabeth, born Feb. -gf w