¦YALE-VM^iaSffinr- • iLUBiR^israr ¦ Acquired by Exchange UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA PUBLICATIONS IN HISTORY HERBERT E. BOLTON EDITOR VOLUME XII Medal of the San Francisco Committee of Vigilance of 1856. ' ' Organ ized 9th June 1851. Reorganized 14th May, 1856." From the, collection of Mr. Charles B. Tin-rill. HISTORY OF THE SAN FRANCISCO COMMITTEE OF VIGILANCE OF 1851 A STUDY OF SOCIAL CONTROL ON THE CALIFORNIA FRONTIER IN THE DAYS OF THE GOLD RUSH BY MARY FLOYD WILLIAMS, Ph.D. t UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA PRESS BERKELEY, CALIFORNIA 1921 TO THE MEMORY OF MY FATHER EDWARDS C. WILLIAMS A LIEUTENANT IN STEVENSON'S REGIMENT AND A LOYAL CITIZEN OF CALIFORNIA FROM 1847 TO 1913 CONTENTS pages Acknowledgments ix-x Abbreviations Used in Footnotes xii Introduction 1-19 PART I The California Frontier, 1846-1851 CHAPTER I The Spanish Inheritance and the American Conquest 23-39 CHAPTER II Colonel Richard B. Mason, Military Governor 40-52 CHAPTER III El Dorado 53-65 CHAPTER IV Vox Populi in the Mines of California 66-87 CHAPTER V The Struggle for Organization S8-115 CHAPTER VI The Fabrication of the Commonwealth 116-135 CHAPTER VII The Failure to Establish Social Control 136-159 PART II The San Francisco Committee of Vigilance of 1851 CHAPTER VIII The Prelude to the Committee of Vigilance 162-1S5 CHAPTER IX The Organization of the Committee of Vigilance.. 186-207 CHAPTER X The Committee at Work : 20S-226 CHAPTER XI PAGES The Records for June 227-251 CHAPTER XII James Stuart, Outlaw - 252-274 CHAPTER XIII On the Trail of Stuart's Companions 275-304 CHAPTER XIV Adventures in Crime 305-322 CHAPTER XV Politics and Reorsanization 323-337 CHAPTER XVI The Closing Months 338-355 CHAPTER XVII A Summary of Methods 356-387 CHAPTER XVIII '51 to '77 388-408 CHAPTER XIX Lynch Law as a National Problem 409-427 CHAPTER XX In Retrospect 428-440 Biographical Notes , 441-452 Documentary Appendix ,,., 453-473 Bibliography 474-518 Index 519-543 LIST OF ILLUSTRATIONS Medal of Committee of Vigilance of 1856 ..Frontispiece to face page Portrait of William T. Coleman 190 Portrait of Samuel Brannan 212 Facsimile of Proclamation by Governor John McDougal Relative to the Committee of Vigilance of 1851 298 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS It is pleasant to work in libraries, and in acknowledging a debt of gratitude that I owe to many friends, I would mention, first, the librarians who have made this work of research pos sible, Professor Herbert I. Priestley and Mr. Joseph J. Hill, of the Bancroft Library, Miss Eudora Garoutte, of the California State Library, and Dr. George "Watson Cole, of the Henry E. Huntington Library, at San Gabriel, California. I would record, with sincere appreciation, the kindness of President David P. Barrows, of the University of California, and that of Professors William Carey Jones, Walter M. Hart. Thomas H. Reed, Harold L. Bruce, and Charles E. Chapman — busy men who have taken the time to read this volume in advance of publication, and have given me the benefit of their criticisms. Professor Edward Channing, of Harvard University, was also kind enough to read the manuscript in an early form, and to offer me advice that proved exceedingly valuable. Dr. Owen (' Coy, secretary of the California Historical Survey Commission, has directed me to important state records, and Mr. R. S. Kuykendall has placed at my disposal his notes on the history of California newspapers. Mr. Robert E. Cowan, an authority on Californiana, has examined the proof of the bibliography, and suggested some interesting additions to the entries relating to the Committees of Vigilance. Especial thanks arc due to Professor Frederick J. Teggart, who directed my graduate work in its early stages, and to Professor Eugene McCormac, who has given me counsel and encouragement on many occasions when they were sorely needed. I am much indebted to Professor Herbert E. Bolton for assistance in investigating the frontier problems that developed in California. In addition to this service. Professor Bolton has devoted careful attention to the many details of form and print ing that have come to his attention as editor of the University series of Publications in History. I must name another — Professor Henry Morse Stephens — whose suggestion first led me to undertake this study, and whose unfailing interest in its progress furnished the strongest incen tive that carried it forward to completion. Professor Stephens died in April, 1919, and it is a cause of infinite regret to me that the book was then only in manuscript, and that my tribute to the inspiration of a remarkable teacher comes too late to fall beneath his eyes. Mart Floyd Williams. ABBREVIATIONS USED IN FOOTNOTES The footnotes of this volume cite Congressional Documents in a somewhat unusual manner. No mention is made of the title of the session of Congress, nor of the legislative body (Senate or House) that may be considered as author. The various papers are cited solely by the "Serial Number" and the "Document Number" under which they appear in the bound series of documents and the official check list. This method affords a concise but definite guide to the original authority, while the expanded entry in the Classified List of Material gives full details of publication. Owing to the dearth of official documents relating to the early history of California, the local newspapers are of unusual importance, and references to them give not only the date, but also the exact position of the statement quoted, page and column being indicated by figures separated by an oblique line. Thus, Alta, 1851, April 1 %, refers to page two, column three, of the issue named. The other abbreviations employed are quite obvious, and bibliographical information omitted from the footnotes will be found in the Classified List of Material. INTRODUCTION When James Bryce wrote The American Commonwealth he remarked with surprise that little attention had then been paid to the individual histories of the separate states.1 Since that time the neglected subject has received a great deal of careful investigation: there has been much study and writing of local history, and sources of every kind have been carefully collected and published. For the American period of California, however, little real progress has been made during the last thirty years, for, with the exception of a few students of special subjects, later writers have been content to reassemble material already in print, and to give it fresh vitality by fluency of style or touches of pictur esque color. Bancroft's works, in particular, have been quoted most freely, and it cannot be denied that his analysis of the sources of California history was extraordinarily minute, and that the references in his voluminous footnotes are invaluable guides for nearly every line of research. But the synthesis of his text is less reliable, and it is dangerous to accept it as an adequate presentation of any specific period or event. Fortunately nearly all of Bancroft's sources are still accessible to the student, for his large collection of books and manuscripts has remained intact, and in 1905 it became the property of the University of California. The purchase of this important library was due, in great measure, to the efforts of the late Henry Morse Stephens, who was then the head of the Department of History in the University. Professor Stephens had an especial enthusiasm for the publication of documentary sources of his tory, and he was ambitious that many of the unique treasures 1 James Brvce, American Commonwealth, ed. of 1914, I, 412 (ed. 1, 1888). 2 Vigilance Committee of 1851 of the Bancroft Library should be edited and printed as fast as funds could be procured for the purpose. The Academy of Pacific Coast History, with its interesting series of publications, has been a practical expression of his efforts in this direction. One of the items in the Bancroft Library which strongly appealed to Professor Stephens' sense of historical values was the file of the archives of the San Francisco Committee of Vigilance of 1851. The stories of that remarkable association, and of its successor of 1856, have been told more than once. Probably every reader of these pages already knows that the men who organized them were respectable and influential members of the body politic; that for brief periods they assumed unlawful control over criminal matters in their city; that they arrested and confined prisoners at their own discretion, hanged whom they would, and banished from the state citizens and aliens whose presence they deemed a menace to public order, while the community not only tolerated their usurpation of power, but supported them in the infliction of the most condign punishments. But it is not so generally known that these societies which defied the law regu lated their conduct by the ordinary practices of parliamentary procedure, and kept careful records of their daily actions. When Bancroft was preparing his Popular Tribunals he had access to the papers of both Committees, and those of 1851 were finally given to him outright by the former secretary, Mr. Isaac Bluxome, Jr.2 They include the roll of the signers of the constitution, lists of names proposed for membership, minutes, reports, and financial accounts and vouchers. Professor Stephens was convinced that these archives had great value as a contribu tion to local history, and as a documentary record of unusual human interest, and as soon as the Bancroft Library was trans ferred to the University he planned for the publication in full 2H. H. Bancroft, Literary Industries. 1890, pp. 658-660. Introduction 3 of the Papers of the Committee of Vigilance. In 1910 the List of Members, edited by Mr. Porter Garnett, appeared as a con tribution to the first volume of the publications of the Academy of Pacific Coast History. Mr. Garnett also edited Part II of the Papers, the List of Names Approved by the Committee on Qualification, and the pamphlet was included in the second volume published by the Academy. But the labor involved in arranging and annotating the mass of minutes and miscellaneous papers promised to be very great, and it was not definitely commenced until Professor Stephens asked me to undertake it as graduate work in the Department of History-. As the plans for publication were first outlined, it was intended that the documents should be given a preface that would furnish a neces sary background of local conditions, and that both preface and documents should be printed together in two consecutive volumes of the Academy series. The task of editing the documents advanced very slowly, and various puzzling questions arose as to the method of arranging them for the press, and of reproducing their characteristic style and atmosphere. The larger portion consists of loose pages of manuscript, and it was decided to group them in accordance with the chronological system adopted by Secretary Bluxome in filing the records committed to his care.3 This necessitated the wide separation of many pages that were closely connected in subject ; consequently the documents, as printed, do not form a coherent history of the events they describe, although they provide a reliable source from which most of that history can be compiled. It was an important and fascinating part of the editorial work to unravel the separate threads of this tangled skein, to trace the development of official policies, to gather together a See San Francisco Committee of Vigilance, Papers, III, 1919, pp. viii-ix. (Hereafter cited as Papers.) 4 Vigilance Committee of 1851 scattered but related references, and to explain obscure allusions by research in old newspapers and in the reminiscences of pioneers. This process finally resulted in a very definite recon struction of the history of the Committee of Vigilance of 1851, based upon hundreds of original records, and verified by the testimony of actors and spectators. And this account differed materially from other narratives of the work of the Committee ; for the secondary historians had over-emphasized a few melo dramatic and crucial incidents, and had practically ignored the most distinguishing characteristics of the organization — the sincere conviction on the part of its members that they were justified in usurping temporary jurisdiction over the criminal problems of the city, and their conscientious and laborious efforts to exercise this self-assumed office with justice as well as with courage. The Vigilantes were never oblivious of the fact that their actions were open to the most serious objections, and the care taken to preserve their papers was largely due to their desire that future criticism should be based on exact knowledge of the course they had pursued.4 As progress was made in arranging the archives, it became more and more apparent that a detailed story of the Committee should also be published for the use of those who had neither the inclination nor the time to decipher the confused pages of the volume of documents. It was therefore decided that the archives should be bound by themselves for the special convenience of the research worker, and that, in place of the contemplated preface, the editor should embody the results of her study of the entire subject in a separate volume. A most perplexing problem developed in seeking an appro priate point of departure for the narrative as a whole. It was comparatively simple to name and describe the members of the Committee, since many of them were distinguished by years of * See Papers, 639, 683-684. Introduction u civic and commercial usefulness. It was equally simple to recount their actions during 1851 and 1852, for the records spoke for themselves. But when all that was done, there arose an inevi table and insistent question : ' ' Why did such men do such things ? ' ' The answer could not be elicited solely from the archives of the Committee, nor did the general histories of California afford an adequate and satisfactory explanation. As Professor Stephens has said in a brief introduction to the documents of the Committee, the significance of any his torical event is a matter of interpretation, every generation regards the past from a different angle, and the emphasis in interpretation shifts with the shifting standpoints of historical criticism.5 Seventy years have passed since the organization of the Committee of Vigilance of 1851, and already one can recognize a succession of interpretations of that particular society and of its allied institutions, the miners' courts of California and the other popular tribunals of the entire western area. The contemporary observer usually formed his judgment on the basis of efficiency. To him the protection of life and property was a matter of vital importance. When he found that crim inals were terrified into unwilling docility by lynch law and vigi lance committees, he commended such social expedients, although he might lament their incidental cruelty and deprecate their defiance of the principles of representative government. The writers of the next generation, comfortably remote from the dangers that confronted the pioneer, showed a marked inclination to discuss the history of the earlier decades in uncom promising terms of right and wrong. Three important studies of the social life of California during the crisis of the gold fever appeared with singular sequence in three successive years: Charles Howard Shinn's Mining Cmnps in 18S5. Josiah Royce's California in 1886, and Bancroft's Popular Tribunals in 1SS7. o Papers, iii. 6 Vigilance Committee of 1851 In preparing his interesting monograph on the mining camps, Shinn took pains to familiarize himself with books already in print, and with the local records and the newspapers of the period. He also had much conversation and correspondence with surviving Argonauts, who were then, however, removed more than a quarter of a century from the period they were asked to describe. The material thus collected is picturesque, vivid, and of great value, although deficient in exactness of reference. It has been freely quoted by all later writers, but it is evident that the author's wide acquaintance with the makers of California history and his sincere admiration of their sterling qualities led him to adopt their point of view as his own, for his book reflects only the most favorable and optimistic of contemporary impressions.6 Professor Royce, on the other hand, while he used some of the same documentary material as did Shinn, based much of his criticism of early social conditions on the diary and recollections of his mother, and on the letters of ' ' Dame Shirley, ' ' a homesick New Englander, who spent some unhappy months in a California mining town. Both these women had keen powers of observa tion and scrupulous convictions as to righteousness and evil. Their influence no doubt accentuated the philosopher's tendency to judge the California pioneer by absolute standards of ideal citizenship, to attribute his failures to a sinful neglect of all personal and communal responsibilities, and to describe the resultant confusion as a time of retribution when the "restless and suffering social order" purged itself through struggle and penance.7 When H. H. Bancroft undertook to cover a part of the same field in his Popular Tribunals he obtained direct access to the archives of the Committees of Vigilance of 1851 and 1856. These 8 See Josiah Royce, California, 1886, pp. 279, 314-316. 7 Ibid., 344-356, 402, 406. "Shirley" was a pseudonym for Mrs. Louise A. K. Clappe. Introduction 7 afforded a new and reliable source of information on two im portant incidents that were typical of the spirit of the people of the state in the first decade of the commonwealth. The his torian also supplemented these official records by obtaining inter views with some of the more prominent members, and securing from them dictated statements of their personal recollections. But Mr. Bancroft was always an out and out champion of the Vigilantes, and he was so eager to show their lofty ideals and heroic .. personalities that although his reconstruction of the his tory of the Committee of 1851 was drawn from original docu ments and personal reminiscences it neglected all the prosaic groundwork of painstaking detail, and often sacrificed exactness to melodrama. Different as are these three interpretations in their conclu sions, they have in common a distinctly moral point of view, and the writers commend or condemn, firm in the conviction of the inherent righteousness or wickedness of their segregated groups of good citizens and bad. The historical student of today is less inclined to pose as a dispenser of halos and of gridirons. He plucks the angels and he dehorns the devils whom he costumes for his historical pageant ; and seeing in them men and women little better and little worse than those he knows in the intimacy of daily life, he seeks to explain their deeds by an understanding of the social conditions that impelled them to action. The "Days of '49" has become a name to conjure with; in the popular imagination the real significance of the period has largely been obscured by the dominating figure of the bearded miner, with his pickaxe, his pistol, his strange oaths, and his sanguinary device of a rogue pendent. Although that miner was a product of the stout and virile life of the whole American frontier, the historians of 1885 had not awakened to the im portant influence of the frontier as a constant force in the devel opment of our nation during the entire period when the tide of 8 Vigilance Committee of 1851 pioneer life was sweeping forward from the fall line of the Atlantic streams towards the placers of the Bio de los Americanos. They wrote of the Californian as of an American in unique cir cumstances, who faced his own peculiar problems with certain racial predispositions. But in 1921 the historian no longer depicts the Californian as a foundling of the gold mines, with the shadow of the Sierra Nevadas cast like a bar sinister across the escutcheon of his American paternity. The Argonaut is recognized as the legitimate offspring of an honorable race of pioneers, who were everywhere audacious and conservative, sus picious and optimistic, ready to grapple immensity with their naked hands, competent to build in the wilderness states based on the traditions of their Puritan forefathers, jealous of every measure put forth to restrain their arrogant individualism, and sublimely confident that the common sense of the majority would save any community, small or large, from the one unpardonable sin of self-destruction. The frontier has ever been the laboratory of American democracy, where fearless men lay hold of the elemental forces that construct and destroy human society. After them have come the theorists, lamenting the catastrophes, explaining the triumphs, and formulating from the litter of the workshop gen eralizations and warnings for artisans of a more cautious regime. The frontiersman in California dealt with conditions and special problems unlike those developed in the Trans- Alleghany valleys and the Mississippi watershed, but his equipment to meet the new environment corresponded very closely with that of American frontiersmen of every generation. As a necessary introduction, therefore, to the study of the California pioneer, we must restate here certain essential characteristics and tendencies of the Amer ican national spirit. Introduction 9 The long succession of social experiments which had accom panied the extension of the frontier diverged widely in individual features ; but they were all founded on a common acceptance of the theory that the state was created by a voluntary compact between contracting parties who possessed various inherent rights. The theory included the conception of a period when society was still unorganized, and when men lived in simple enjoyment of all their natural rights, subject only to certain laws of God and of Nature. It was conceded that under par ticular circumstances, such as the violation of the contract by one of the subscribers, or the migration of a special group beyond the area in which an existing compact was binding, the organized people might resolve themselves into their original elements, and in their primary capacity resume the exercise of their natural rights, or form a new compact suited to changed conditions" This theory was preached by theologians and expounded by statesmen until it became an integral part of the national thought ; it was the essence of the doctrine of the consent of the governed, it was the underlying force that impelled the Pilgrims of tin' Mayflower to pledge to each other mutual support and loyalty when they were obliged to establish their colony outside of the territory in which their patent rights were valid. From that day forward covenants of various kinds became the resource of the American settlers whenever they found themselves without the formal bonds and safeguards of constitutional government or in a situation where normal institutions failed to fulfill their legiti mate functions. Many a New England town inaugurated its 8 The following references are useful in tracing the effect of the theory of the social contract on the establishment of institutions in American com munities : A. C. McLaughlin, ' ' Social Compact and Constitutional Con struction," American Historical Review, V (1900), 467-490; A. B. Hart, "Growth of American Theories of Popular Government, ' ' American Political Science Review. I (1907), 531-560; Charles Borgeaud, Rise of Modern Dcmocra-cu in Old and Xcw England, 1894. pp. 77-90, 105-168; H. L. Osgood, "Political Ideas of the Puritans," Political Science Quarterly. VI (1891), 1-28; C. E. Merriam, History of American Political Thfories. 1903, chaps. 2, 4; F. A. Cleveland, Organized Democracy. 1913. pp. 34^45; C. S. Lobingier, The People's Law. 1909, chaps. 5-7. 10 Vigilance Committee of 1851 civic life with a compact modeled on the Mayflower document;9 the Scotch-Irish of the Alleghanies also understood how to asso ciate themselves for mutual protection;10 and as the frontier pushed westward there was constant illustration of the tendency to crystallize the public opinion of the scattered communities into a practical medium of government under the form of compacts, especially as to the preservation of order and the occupation of land. Such agreements were written and signed in pre-Revolution- ary times by the people of North and South Carolina, who formed societies of "Regulators" to punish crime and to check the extortion practiced by dishonest officials. In South Carolina, where the associations appeared as early as 1764, they were suppressed with difficulty. In North Carolina the Regulation was active from 1768 to 1771, and persisted until the tragic battle of the Alamance dispersed the insurgents, and subsequent trials resulted in the execution of some of the leaders.11 In 1772 the settlers at Watauga, beyond the pale of colonial organiza tion, signed the first written constitution adopted by men of American birth, a compact which made the will of the majority practically supreme, and which remained in force for the six 9 See Lois K. Mathews, ' ' The Mayflower Compact and Its Descendants, ' ' Mississippi Valley Historical Association, Proceedings, VI (1912-1913), 79-106 ; P. J. Turner, ' ' Western State-Making in the Revolutionary Era, ' ' American Historical Review, I (1895-1896), especially pp. 70-87; Allen Johnson, ' ' Genesis of Popular Sovereignty, ' ' Iowa Journal of History and Politics, III (1905), 3-19. io See Theodore Roosevelt, Winning of the West, 1889-1896, I, 101-133. 11 See North Carolina, Colonial Records, 1886-1890, Introductions to VII, VIII. The agreements of the Regulators, accessible through the Index of this series, are very suggestive of the records of the Committee of Vigilance. The Regulation movement may be further studied in J. E. Cutler, Lynch- Law, 1905, chaps. 2-3; David Ramsay, History of South-Carolina, 1809, I, 211-215; J. H. Wheeler, Historical Sketches of North Carolina, 1851, I, 48-60; II, 10-20, 301-331; J. S. Bassett, "Regulators of North Carolina," American Historical Association, Annual, Report, 1894, pp. 141-212 ; M. DeL. Haywood, Governor William Tryon, 1903, pp. 77-194; a A'C. Ashe, History of North Carolina, 1908, I, 336-376; Archibald Henderson, "Origin of the Regulation in North Carolina," American Historical Review, XXI (1916), 320-332. ' Introduction 11 years that elapsed before the neighborhood was incorporated as Washington County in the state of North Carolina.12 Immediately after the Revolution many western settlements took the initial steps in local organization without waiting for action of the Continental Congress. In one case, indeed, the state of Franklin sustained itself in isolated democracy for sev eral years.13 The land clubs and claim associations of the Old Northwest applied the same principle of voluntary alliance to the mutual protection of homesteaders' rights, and were based on written agreements that furnish some of the most character istic documents of American local history.14 "All through these compacts," wrote Professor F. J. Turner, "runs the doctrine that the people in an unoccupied land have the right to determine their own political institutions," and he cited a declaration made by a committee reporting to the legislature of Wisconsin as late as 1843, in which it was stated that all "political communities have the right of governing themselves in their own way within their lawful boundaries."15 12 See J. G. M. Ramsey, Annals of Tennessee, 1853, pp. 106-140; Roose velt, Winning of the West, I, chap. 7. 13 See Ramsey, Annals of Tennessee, 283-444; G. II. Alden, New Gov ernments West of the Alleghanies before 1780, 1897; and his "State of Franklin," American Historical Review, VIII (1903), 271-289; "Petition for a Western State," Mississippi Valley Historical Review, I (1914), 265-269; Roosevelt, Winning of Die West, II, 324-369; III, 153-202; A. W. Putnam, History of Middle Tennessee, 1859, pp. 89-103; Archibald Henderson, Ricliard Henderson: the Authorship of the Cumberland fom/xn*/ and the Founding of Nashville, 1916; C. S. Lobingier, The People's Law, chap. 8. Citizen committees did useful work in Mississippi in 1797 and 1798, see F. L. Riley, "Transition from Spanish to American Rule in Mis sissippi," Mississippi Historical Society, Publication, III (1900), 275-311. 14 See B. F. Shambaugh, "Frontier Land Clubs or Claim Associations," American Historical Association, Annual Report, 1900, I, 67-84; and his Constitution and Records of tlie Claim Association of Johnson County, Iowa, 1894; Jesse Macy, Institutional Beginnings in a Western State [Iowa], 1884; Brigham Johnson, "Frontier Life in Iowa in the Forties," Maga zine of History, XVIII (1914), 23-28; G. E. Howard, Introduction- to the Local Constitutional History of Vie United States, 1889, I, 411—112. 15 Turner, "Western State-Making," American Historical Review. I (1895-1896), 265-266. The characteristics of the frontier as a form of society rather than as a geograpliic area are further discussed by Professor 12 Vigilance Committee of 1851 The American precedent of voluntary association was fol lowed by the revolutionists in Texas when they sought indepen dence from Mexico. In 1835 they formed local "committees of safety," primarily to provide protection against Indians, and these became the nucleus for the general representative Council of Safety which for a time constituted the central government.16 The provisional government of the people of Oregon, one of the most successful experiments in frontier organization, was another striking example of social agreement. It is said that the very term "compact" was preferred to "constitution" by some of the leaders of the movement,17 and provision was made for the voluntary withdrawal of anyone who might desire to revert to the unsocial state of nature by discontinuing his financial con tributions to the common cause. Successive experiments and expanding national life have modified the theory of the social compact. Our people have learned that even in a democracy changes in adopted contracts must be made in orderly ways, and that, if we are to have a government of law rather than of caprice, there must be some "machinery short of revolution"18 to determine whether the compact has been observed. But it has been necessary to recog nize here the powerful influence exerted upon American thought Turner in various articles collected in his The Frontier in American History, 1920. See also his List of References on the History of the West, ed. of 1913; Justin Winsor, Westward Movement, 1763-1798, 1897; R. T. Hill, The Public Domain and Democracy, 1910; the opening chapters of W. E. Weyl, The New Democracy, 1912. is H. K. Yoakum, History of Texas, 1856, I, 337, 355-379, passim; H. H. Bancroft, History of the North Mexican States and Texas, II (1889), 155 et seq.; H. S. Foote, Texas and the Texans, 1841, II, 83-86, 128 et seq.; "Journal of the Permanent Council (October 11-27, 1835)," Texas State Historical Association, Quarterly, VII (1904), 250-278. " See J. R. Robertson, ' ' Genesis of Popular Government in Oregon, ' ' Oregon Historical Society, Quarterly, I (1900), 1-59; W. H. Gray, His- \ 1870, p. 336 et seq.; H. H. Bancroft, History of Oregon, 1886-1888, I, chaps. 12, 16, 18; H. S. Lyman, History of Oregon, 1903, III, 274 ¦. et seq.; W. C. Woodward, Rise and Early History of Political Parties in Oregon, 1913, pp. 13-34; Oregon Archives, 1853. 18 A. B. Hart, National Ideals Historically Traced, 1907, p. 100. Introduction 13 by this theory of the state, because it found enduring expression in many of the institutions of the frontier, and asserted itself very definitely in California during all the period under our especial consideration. Closely linked with the conception of a state based on a voluntary compact was the distrust of a centralized form of government which profoundly influenced the men who inaugu rated the social life of our nation. The utmost liberty of action in domestic affairs was demanded by all the local groups and they subordinated their individual rights with reluctance to any superior authority. One result of this attitude was the develop ment of a loose system of state government in which there was a marked sacrifice of efficiency in conducting matters that pertained to the common welfare. But self-government, not efficiency, was the passion of the first American colonists, and that passion they transmitted to the sons and grandsons who continued their work. Fathers and sons, alike, dared to be inefficient and to make mistakes, if in that way they could learn for themselves how the self -governed might perform those social tasks which had previously been centralized under kings and ministers of state. One of the most difficult problems that arose under the decentralized system of American local government was the suppression of disorder in the outer line of settlements that constantly advanced beyond the convenient operation of the law, and from a very early period the frontiersmen exercised a self-assumed criminal jurisdiction which was commonly sustained by the mutual consent of the neighborhood immediately con cerned. Professor Turner said :19 It was the multiplicity of revolutionary associations, and the ease with which they might run into the form taken by the Vigilance Committees of the far West, that led even so ardent a follower of revolutionary principles 10 Turner, "Western State-Making," American Historical Review. I (1895-1896), 265-266. 14 Vigilance Committee of 1851 as Patrick Henry to declare in 1786 regarding the defenseless condition of the western frontier, "that protection which is the best and general object of social compact is withdrawn, and the people, thus consigned to destruc tion, will naturally form associations, disgraceful as they are destructive of government. ' ' Even before Patrick Henry uttered his warning, the possi bility of which he spoke had already become a reality. The Regulators of Colonial days had bound themselves to make com mon cause against horse thieves and other criminals, and they had subsequently arrested such undesirable neighbors, tried them in a summary fashion, and chastised the guilty by stripes deemed appropriate to their misdeeds. The general excitement and dis order incident to the Revolution stimulated the tendency towards the punishment of criminals or unpopular persons by groups which assumed a quasi-representative function. The famous Bos ton Tea Party was a manifestation of such an impulse, and the numerous committees of safety throughout the colonies consti tuted an efficient force for the pursuit and punishment of sus pected Tories.20 An interesting summary of these Colonial and Revolutionary movements is given in the opening chapters of J. E. Cutler's Lynch-Law. In the opinion of that author, the much disputed origin of the term "lynch law" may be traced to a self-appointed court of Revolutionary days in Virginia, where Charles Lynch, William Preston, Robert Adams, Jr., and James Callaway disciplined the rogues and the Tories of Bed ford County.21 After the war was ended, damages were sought 2(> See E. D. Collins, ' ' Committees of Correspondence of the American Revolution," American Historical Association, Report, 1901, I, 245-271; Agnes Hunt, Provincial Committees of Safety of the American Revolution, 1904; J. M. Leake, The Virginia Committee System and the American Revo lution, 1917. Handbills printed in Philadelphia and New York, 1773 and 1774, suggest notices issued by the San Francisco Committee of Vigilance of 1851 (see E. M. Avery, History of the United States, 1904-1910, V, 168-169). 21 Cutler, Lynch-Law, 13-40. See also H. H. Bancroft, Popular Trib unals, 1887, I, 6-7; The Green Bag, IV (1892), 561-562. Before the Revolution Lynch had acted as a justice of the peace (Lunch-Law, 25 note) and Preston and Callaway had also represented the colonial government as lieutenants of the county (Green Bag, V [1893], 116). Introduction 15 for some of the penalties inflicted, but the General Assembly of Virginia decided that the proceedings, while not strictly war ranted by law, were justified by the imminence of the danger. A like necessity constantly existed all along the line of the westward advance where there was always a definite element of dangerous criminals. The same impulse towards organization that moved the pioneers to combine in land claim associations led them to seek protection from lawle.ssness by concerted effort to secure the punishment of crime. It became a general custom to improvise a kind of pseudo court wherever and whenever a flagrant offender incurred public censure.22 There was also a marked tendency to increase the severity of punishment; while discipline prior to 1830 was seldom more severe than whipping, the frequent executions of a later date made the term "to lynch" almost synonymous with ' ' to hang. ' '23 A popular trial destined to attract wide attention was that of a murderer named Patrick 0 'Conner, convicted in May, ls:;4. by the people of Dubuque's Mines, in unorganized country north of Missouri. The courts of Illinois had no jurisdiction in the region, and during the month that elapsed before the sentence was executed the governor of Missouri refused to interfere, while an appeal to President Jackson elicited the reply that even he had no authority in the case, as the laws of the United States had not been extended over that part of the Louisiana Purchase. 0 'Conner was finally hanged with the solemnity befitting a legal execution. In commenting on the case the Niles Begister said :24 22 The Green Mountain boys of Vermont protected their land titles by lynch law (the use of the birch) in the days of early settlement (Turner, "The Old West," in his Frontier in American History, 78). See also Roosevelt, Winning of the West, I, 132 note 1, 187 note 1; J. L. McConnel, Western Characteristics, 1853, pp. 171-245 passim. 23 Cutler, Lynch-Law, 116 et seq. 24 See also Eliphalet Price, "Trial and Execution of Patrick O 'Conner, " Annals of Iowa, ser. I, III (1865), 5(i(i-574; Jesse Macy, Institutional Beginnings in a Western State, 7-S; Cutler, Lynch-Law, 811-S8: Xiles Register, XLVI (1834), 352; Des Moines Register and Leader, 1910, Sept. 25. 16 Vigilance Committee of 1851 As law, in every country, emanates from the people, and is, in fact, whether written or not, nothing more nor less than certain rules of action by which a people agree to be governed, the unanimous agreement among that people to put a, man to death for the crime of murder, rendered the act legal to all intents and purposes. . . . They have taught the world that the people are the basis of law, even where no written law can be applied. Turner has said that the Westerner, impatient of restraint, placed himself under influences destructive to many of the gains of civilization, but that he knew how to preserve order even in the absence of legal authority. "If there were cattle thieves, lynch law was sudden and effective : the regulators of the Caro- linas were the predecessors of the claims associations of Iowa and the vigilance committees of California If the thing was one proper to be done, then the most immediate, rough and ready, effective way was the best way."25 Bancroft called these extra-legal courts ' ' popular tribunals. ' ' The term describes them well and at the same time it relates the popular trials of the American frontier to the protective measures adopted by European communities in periods or crises when central governments were not strong enough to preserve order. Popular committees and associations for the suppression of crime have been of importance in the social development of many nations. Trial by popular assembly was a recognized practice in the Athenian, democracy, as well as in the Teutonic tribes before the development. of the jury system.26 The Vem- gericht of Germany and the Santa Hernumdad of Spain and the Spanish colonies were not only supported by the people at large but were tolerated and sometimes fostered by the authori ties when justice could not be administered by due process of law. The medieval towns of France had their defensive 25 Turner, ' ' The Problem of the West, " m his Frontier in American History, 209-212, passim. 26 See Victor Duruy, History of Greece, tr. by M. M. Ripley, 1890, I, 538 et seq.; Sir H. S. Maine, Early Law and Custom, 1886, chap. 6. Introduction 17 confreries. The local history of England and the Scottish border recounts many acts of extra-legal retribution.27 The inter-relation of these various tribunals and of the many secret societies which are allied to them is a subject far more inclusive than the study of any particular local committee, and generalizations can have little value unless they are based on exact knowledge of the many associations involved.28 No attempt has been made in this volume to cover so wide a field, or to question how far the popular tribunals of this century were indigenous and spontaneous, and how far they were influenced by European tradition and inheritance.20 The social emergencies of the American frontier wen' very different from the social emergencies of medieval Europe, whatever may have been the kinship between the sturdy pioneers of the West and the resolute brotherhoods of earlier centuries. For more than two centuries, and under many varying circumstances, the American pioneers experimented in empire building from the Atlantic Ocean to the shores of the Pacific. 27 See L. J. Paotow, Guide to the Study of Midu-val History, 1917, "Vomgerichte," p. 292, "Hermandadas, " p. 321; Lavisse and Rambaud, Histoire generale, II (1893), 466; Lynn Thorndike, History of Medieval Europe [1917], 534 et sei).; R. B. Merriman, Rise of the Spanish Empire. I (1918), 191-194; II, 99 el seq.; C. E. Chapman, History of Spain, 1918, pp. 155-156. 28 Allied associations are discussed in Cutler, Lynch-Law, 5-12; Ban croft, Popular Tribunals, I, chaps. 1, 3. an In California there was a definite point of contact between Anglo- Saxon and Spanish precedents as the Santa Hcrmandad had been highly developed in certain parts of Mexico (see Bancroft, History of Mexico. 1883-1888, III, 272-276). J. W. Dwindle said that twenty years before the American occupation of California parties of reputable colonists were obliged to pursue outlaw soldiers and kill them like wild beasts. "The Vigilance Committees in California are therefore a tradition of the Mexico- Californian regime" (Colonial History of the City of San Francisi'o. ed. 3, 1866, p. 87). In 1836 there was a deliberate execution by a popular tribunal, when the people of Los Angeles tried and executed a man and woman guilty of an atrocious murder. As no constitutional courts had inflicted punishments for homicide this act was approved by the community and condoned by the authorities (Popular Tribunals, I, 62-66; J. S. Hittell, Historu of San Francisco, 1878, pp. 79-81; Vigilantes de Los Angeles. 1836. MS in the Bancroft Library; Vigilance Committee [of Los Angeles. 1836], MS in the Bancroft Library; Alta California. 1865. March 30 i{). 18 Vigilance Committee of 1851 In California they encountered conditions and emergencies that were radically different from those that had appeared elsewhere, and that taxed to the utmost all their capacity for self-control. None the less the development of California was an integral part of pioneer history, and the successes and the failures that attended the settlement and upbuilding of the state have a per manent value far transcending their sectional interest. One of the most notable episodes in the history of California was the organization of the Committee of Vigilance of San Fran cisco, an organization which is invested with abiding significance when it is regarded as a demonstration of national life and thought, rather than as a singular episode in an isolated com munity. But to make clear this significance it is not enough to relate the Committee vaguely to general tendencies in Ameri can society. It is imperative to perceive, as well, the special problems of California, and the exigencies which distinguished the entire interval that had elapsed since the date of the American occupation.. To be explicit, we cannot understand the Committee of Vigilance of 1851 until we understand the failure of the courts to punish crime, and the consequent survival of the resort to popular tribunals. Nor can we discern the initial need of such popular tribunals and their recognized place in the life of 1848 and 1849 until we realize the extraordinary problems that developed when a hundred thousand gold seekers swarmed into a mining region that was destitute of any form of civil gov ernment. For an explanation of this strange lack of the ordinary bulwarks of American society, we must look still deeper into the unusual status of California while it was held as a military possession of the United States during the war with Mexico, and at the changes that followed the conclusion of hostilities. Finally, in order to comprehend all the obvious and the subtle influences that called the committee into being, we must be able to appre ciate how these years of uncontrolled, tumultuous, and intensely Introduction 19 practical life, developed in the men of California an enormous self-reliance, and so accustomed them to improvise political and judicial organization that they tended to idealize the sovereign attributes of the "people assembled in their primary capacity" at the expense of legitimate, representative government. Here is a group of problems which must be formulated, first of all, in the exact and simple terms of local history. Some of them receive adequate consideration in the standard works on California, but others of vital importance have been strangely neglected, or have been overlaid and confused with a mass of distracting detail. As a result, the studies already in print do not give a broad and well balanced picture of community life in California during the gold rush. It has, therefore, proved impossible to introduce the history of the Committee of Vigilance by any brief summary of familiar material, and it has been necessary to devote several chapters to a consideration of certain phases of California history that directed public action and molded private thought during the period prior to 1851. PART I THE CALIFORNIA FRONTIER 1848 TO 1851 CHAPTER I THE SPANISH INHERITANCE AND THE AMERICAN CONQUEST The Committee of Vigilance of San Francisco was organized on the ninth of June, 1851. California had been a recognized commonwealth of the Federal Union exactly nine months; for nearly five years she had been under the flag of the United States ; and for three-quarters of a century before the American occu pation she had been a part of the great colonial system which Spain had planted upon the Western Hemisphere. There had been only a brief clash of arms when the country passed from the control of one government to that of the other. California was nevertheless a field of conflict between two ideals of social order — the ideal of the Spanish-American colonists based on the civil law of Rome, and the ideal of their American successors based on the common law of England. Further, these distinct ideals, formulated by centuries of national life in the Old World, had been constantly modified by the problems of life in the New, as men of different races pushed their frontiers northward from Mexico, and westward from the Atlantic sea board, to meet on the plains of the Southwest, and on the shores of the Pacific Ocean. Until the close of Spanish rule in 1822, the military and \ ecclesiastical authorities had dominated California. Thenceforth the ecclesiastical influence declined, sinking to almost nothing after the secularization decree of 1833. At the same time the civil organization increased in importance until it vied with the military, and the Mexican system cannot be ignored in any study of the early American period, since it was perpetuated 24 Vigilance Committee of 1851 as the vehicle of local administration from the date of the occu pation until the full establishment of state government in 1850. It has been summarized as follows by one of the American military-civil governors ¦} It consists, first, of a governor, appointed by the supreme government: in default of such appointment, the office is temporarily vested in the com manding military officer of the department Second, a secretary Third, a territorial or departmental legislature, with limited powers to pass laws of a local character. Fourth, a superior court (tribunal superior) of the Territory, consisting of four judges and a fiscal. Fifth, a prefect and sub- prefects for each district, who are charged with the preservation of public order and the execution of the laws: their duties correspond, in a great measure, with those of district marshals and sheriffs. Sixth, a judge of first instance for each district: this office is, by a custom not inconsistent with the laws, vested in the first alcalde of the district. Seventh, alcaldes, who have concurrent jurisdiction among themselves in the same district, but are subordinate to the higher judicial tribunals. Eighth, local justices of the peace. Ninth, ayuntamientos, or town councils. The powers and func tions of all these officers are fully defined in the laws of this country, and are almost identical with those of the corresponding officers in the Atlantic and western States. California, one would conclude, was provided with an adequate and nicely balanced government; and so she was, by statute. But it is necessary to accept such an obvious con clusion with extreme caution, as the Mexican officials had a genius for writing out organizations on paper, and for nullifying their statutes in actual practice. For this reason the "laws" and the "usages" of a given community often exhibit notable discrepancies, and accounts of conditions based on a study of national regulations may differ greatly from other accounts based on the personal experiences of residents and visitors. In California the variations between law and custom offer an interesting field for careful comparison of documentary sources and of contemporary observations. Pending such a i Cong. Docs., Ser. No. 573, Doc. 17, p. 778. The Spanish Inheritance and the American Conquest 25 thorough investigation one must speak with reservation of the exact condition at any particular time. The unit of civic life in the Spanish colonial system was the town or pueblo, and this was the form of organization established in California after the secularization of the missions.2 Municipal control was vested in the ayuntamientos or town councils. The executive officers were the alcaldes, sometimes two in number, who exercised judicial and even legislative powers of great scope. The first alcalde of each district also acted as judge of first instance in considering cases of major importance. The statutes provided for higher tribunals to entertain appeals from these lower courts, but while superior judges may have been appointed in California, they seem never to have performed any important functions.8 In consequence the local officers exercised a greater authority than was actually bestowed upon them by legislative enactment. In the course of a general movement towards centralization under President Santa Anna, the Mexican Congress, in 1837, enacted laws which deprived small towns of their elected ayunta mientos, and substituted for the alcaldes justices of the peace, appointed by the prefect of the district, and subordinate to the sub-prefect.4 These justices exercised certain of the "faculties and obligations" of the alcaldes and ayuntamientos, and their authority varied according to the size of the town. As none of the settlements in California had a population that entitled it 2 See T. H. Hittell, History of California, 1885-1897, II, 181-214; H. H. Bancroft, History of California, 1884-1890, III, 301-362; F. W. Blackmar, Spanish Institutions of the Southwest, 1891, pp. 153-191. General reference on Mexican organization may also be made to I. B. Richman, California under Spain and Mexico, 1911. It is unnecessary to consider here the exact number of legally constituted pueblos, although the question was very im portant in the settlement of land titles after the American occupation. s Bancroft, California. IV, 531; Frederic Hall, History of San Josi. 1871, p. 169; W. H. Davis, Stity Tears in California, 1889, p. 105. * See the Digest of the laws of 1837, by H. W. Halleck, in J. Ross Browne, Report of the Debates in the Convention of California on the Formation of a State Constitution, 1850, Appendix, pp. xxxi-xxxiv. 26 Vigilance Committee of 1851 to an elective council, Governor Alvarado, in November, 1839, issued an order dissolving the ayuntamientos and displacing the alcaldes, with the probable exception of the officials of the capital town of Monterey.5 Radical changes in the Mexican system were again made in 1843 when Santa Ana was at the height of his power.6 In California the offices of prefects and sub-prefects were abol ished, and in January, 1844, Governor Micheltorena reinstated ayuntamientos and alcaldes in several of the larger towns.7 Bancroft said that this change left little trace in the archives of the period, for in the summer of 1845, after the overthrow of both Micheltorena and Santa Anna, the legislative assembly of California reorganized the administration on the old basis of the laws of 1837. 8 Alta California was divided into the districts of Los Angeles and Monterey, and these were again subdivided into partidos. The partido of Monterey was given a prefect, the others had sub-prefects. The town of Monterey, which had been the former capital, was also allowed an ayuntamiento and alcaldes, and so was Los Angeles, to which the seat of government had been removed early in 1845.9 Elsewhere the justices of the peace were reestablished, as prescribed in the laws of 1837, although there was a general tendency to persist in the use of the term alcalde, instead of juez de paz. Contemporary travelers com monly followed that custom, and old residents found it difficult 5 Bancroft, California, III, 586. Alvarado said in 1840 : ' ' There is no Ayuntamiento whatever in the Department, for there being no competent number of inhabitants in any of the towns as provided by the Constitution, those then existing had to be dissolved; and only in the Capital there ought to be one of such bodies" (Dwinelle, Colonial History of the City of San Francisco, Addenda L., p. 70). The varying local regulations are illustrated in Bernard Moses, Establishment of Municipal Government in San Francisco, 1889, pp. 12-26. s Bancroft, History of Mexico, V, 226-287. ' Bancroft, California, IV, 358-359. s Ibid., 533. vibid., 519. The Spanish Inheritance and the American Conquest 27 to distinguish between the two classes of magistrates when called to testify in the American courts.10 Thus it happened that Spain's judicial legacy to California is for the popular mind embodied in the symbolic figure of the alcalde — the presiding officer of the town council, the dignified, paternal autocrat ; so prominent in local affairs, and so impressed upon history and fiction, that the term "alcalde system" has frequently been applied to the whole elaborate and centralized organization in which the alcalde's legitimate position was act ually that of a minor unit.11 During the last decade of Mexican rule a changing order affected many of the characteristic features of the earlier epoch. The neglected presidios and the rifled missions still formed a chain of little settlements from San Diego to Sonoma, but many of the more important residents lived in patriarchal fashion on great ranchos which had been granted from time to time to private individuals. Despite hampering restrictions, hundreds of foreigners had made themselves at home in California, and some had even acquired positions of distinction through marriage with influential families. Life was pastoral and indolent, little disturbed by commercial aspirations, but enlivened by constant political intrigue. The keener minds, both native and foreign. 10 See testimony in the case of the United States vs. .lost Y. Limantour. Transcript, 1857-1858, I, Case No. 424, pp. 140, 14:,, 153, 155. 163: IV. Exhibit O, pp. 9, 13-17. The changes in system are outlined, II. 7.">:i-7."4. Many extracts from this evidence are reprinted in Dwinelle, San Francisco, and a list of Mexican officials of San Francisco is given in Addenda LXXVII, p. 111. See also B. S. Brooks, "Alcalde Grants in the City of San Francisco," The Pioneer, I, II (1854). n See R. A. Wilson, "The Alcalde System of California," First Califor nia Reports, 559 et seq. (in ed. 1, 1852. and annotated ed., 1906) ; 0. H. Shinn, Mining Camps, 1885, especially chap. 8; Willoughby Rodman, His tory of the Bench, and Bar of Southern California, 1909, pp. 28-36; J. R. Robertson, From. Alcalde to Mayor, 1908, a MS doctoral dissertation in the University of California Library. Some court decisions ruled that the status of the alcaldes as defined in the laws of 1843 held over to the Ameri can regime, see "Mena vs. Le Roy," First California Reports. 220; "Cohas vs. Raisin," Third California Reports. 449; "Hart vs. Burnett,-" Fifteenth California Reports, 530. 28 Vigilance Committee of 1851 were aware of impending change, for statesmen more energetic than those of Mexico were bestirring themselves to gain control of the Pacific Coast; and while the Calif ornians were absorbed in their local problems and discords the toils of international ambition and diplomacy were drawing closer about them. The various episodes that immediately preceded the change in government are some of the best known incidents in local history. A few words will recall the services of Thomas 0. Larkin as United States consul at Monterey; the exploring expeditions of Captain John C. Fremont, of the United States Topographical Engineers; the protests made by the Mexican authorities when his large party lingered in California during the spring of 1846; the arrival, in May, of Lieutenant A. H. Gillespie, with secret orders from Washington for Larkin and Fremont; and the belligerent attitude immediately assumed by the latter. In June the American settlers at Sonoma, abetted by Fremont, attempted the establishment of an independent gov ernment, and while their Bear Flag was still flying, Commodore John D. Sloat appeared upon the Coast, announced the out break of hostilities between the United States and Mexico, and, on the seventh of July raised the Stars and Stripes above the little port of Monterey.12 The months that followed were filled with interesting events, and while most of them may pass unnoticed in these pages, a few require mention because they produced conditions that permanently affected the institutions of California. The expan sion of the United States by the military occupation of Mexican territory created problems for which the officers in command could not be prepared by specific instructions issued long prior to the event. The development of a policy in regard to the i2 General reference on this period may be made to the histories of Ban croft, Hittell, and Royce; G. L. Rives, The United States and Mexico, 1881- 1848, 1913, II; J. H. Smith, The War with Mexico, 1919, especially chaps. 14, 16, 17, with their notes. The Spanish Inheritance and the American Conquest 29 administration of the acquired country was a series of experi ments, in which the burden of responsibility was laid upon the local executives. The orders under which Sloat took possession of Monterey were dated June 24, August 5, and October 17, 1845, and they vaguely directed him to preserve friendly rela tions with the people of California in case the declaration of war gave him an opportunity to seize the ports of the Pacific Coast. Letters which were dispatched after the outbreak of hostilities ordered him to encourage the people to "neutrality, self-government and friendship." They anticipated that it might be necessary for him to establish some form of civil government, but details of administration were left to his dis cretion.13 It is a recognized principle of international law that during the military occupation of conquered territory the native munici pal laws shall continue in force except as the new commander may make specific changes.14 In accordance with the spirit of this regulation Commodore Sloat issued a proclamation on the day he occupied Monterey in which he promised that peaceable inhabitants should enjoy their native rights and privileges, as well as greater liberties assured to those who lived under the flag of the United States.16 At the same time he asked the judges, alcaldes, and other civil officers to retain their positions is For orders of this period see Cong. Docs.. Ser. Xo. 499, Doc. 19. pp. 75, 79-84; Cong. Globe, 29 Cong., 2 Sess., Appendix, pp. 44-i7; J. V. Fre mont, Memoirs, 1887, I, 537; Richman, California under Spain and Mexico, pp. 528-529. i* For discussion of the status of California at this time see R. D. Hunt, "Legal Status of California, 1846—49," American Academy of Political and Social Science, Annals, XII (1898), 387H108; C. E. Magoon, Reports on the Law of Civil Government in Territory Subject to Military Occupation by the Military Forces of the United States. 1902, Index under "Califor nia"; D. Y. Thomas, History of Military Government in Newly Acquired Territory of the United States, 1904, pp. 159-275; W. E. Birkhimer, Mili tary Government and Martial Laic, ed. 3, 1914, pp. 53-137. io Cong. Docs., Ser. No. 493, Doc. 1, pp. 644-645. Reprinted in Soule, Gihon and Nisbet, Annals of San Francisco. 1S55. pp. 9S-100. 30 Vigilance Committee of 1851 ( until the government should be more definitely organized, but only a few of the native incumbents consented to continue in office. Monterey, the first port occupied, was entitled to an ayunta miento and alcaldes,16 and elsewhere common parlance clung to the term "alcalde." Therefore it is not surprising that the Americans, who were unfamiliar with the Mexican laws, imme* diately assumed that alcaldes were the constitutional magistrates in all the settlements that had so suddenly been transferred from the authority of one nation to that of another. Alcaldes, therefore, were appointed to fill the more important vacancies,17 and the safety of the little army of occupation required that in many places Americans should replace Californians of doubtful adherence to the new regime. Perhaps the most conspicuous of these magistrates was the Reverend Walter Colton, alcalde of Monterey, for his interesting diary is one of the most familiar sources of information on the events of the period.18 Commodore Sloat left California three weeks after his momentous action of July 7. He was succeeded in command by Commodore Robert F. Stockton, who acted as executive for about six months — ^a brief administration which was disturbed by various uprisings of native malcontents. In the suppression of these outbreaks the Commodore was greatly assisted by Fremont and Gillespie, and the California Battalion of Mounted Riflemen, which they had organized from members of Fremont 's i« An election for the ayuntamiento had been held in Monterey, Dee. 10, 1845 (Bancroft, California, IV, 655 note). it Bancroft, California, V, 637 note, 648 note. Commodore Sloat, how ever, appointed a justice of the peace at San Jose, and recommended the appointment of two more to try minor eases in San Francisco (Cong. Docs., Ser. No. 493, Doc. 1, pp. 641, 667). Henry D. Fitch was spoken of as justice of the peace in San Diego, April 16, 1847 (Archives of California. "Unbound Docs., 1846-1850," p. 118), and Robert Cliff as justice in the same place on Oct. 5, 1847 (ibid., 121). is Walter Colton, Three Tears in California, 1850. Colton had been chaplain of the frigate Congress. The Spanish Inheritance and the American Conquest 31 exploring expedition and from adherents of the Bear Flag forces.19 Stockton undoubtedly considered himself authorized to install an adequate form of civil government. He called for popular elections to fill the positions vacated by the old magistrates, and directed that the new officers should administer the law accord ing to former usages until the departments of state could be rearranged.20 He publicly announced the probability of speedy territorial organization, and on his own initiative drew up a brief constitution which formally declared California to be a territory of the United States, provided for a governor, a secre tary, and a legislative council, and continued the existing municipal institutions. This was forwarded to Washington, accompanied by the statement that he expected soon to resume his duty at sea, and would appoint Fremont governor, and Gillespie secretary.21 Long before this communication reached the East, other plans had been matured for California. Soon after the outbreak of the war Brigadier (ieneral Stephen W. Kearny had been sent westward upon a dual mission. He was ordered first to occupy New Mexico and to establish civil government there, and then to proceed overland to cooperate with the naval forces on the Pacific Coast, to assume command of all troops mobilized there, and to establish civil government as soon as possible. It was admitted that in both localities the work of administration might be difficult and unpleasant, and he was instructed to rely on his own judgment when necessary.22 i'1 See Bancroft, California, V, chaps. 12-15. 2° Cong. Docs., Ser. No. 493. Doe. 1, pp. 669-670. Stockton called for the local election at San Jose in a letter dated August 24. 1846, that is still preserved in the office of the clerk of that city. 21 Reports of Sept. 18 and 19, 1846, Cong. Docs., Ser. No. 521. Doc. 70. pp. 38-40, 45-46. For Stockton's plan of organization see Cong. Docs.. Ser. No. 493, Doc. 1, pp. 669, 671-672, 675; Bancroft, California. V. 2S4- 285. 22Cd«<7. Docs., Ser. Xo. 573, Doc. 17. pp. 236-240; Bancroft, California, V, 334-336. 32 Vigilance Committee of 1851 To reinforce the troops that marched overland, the First Regiment of New York Volunteers was dispatched via Cape Horn, under the command of Colonel Jonathan D. Stevenson. It was composed of young men who enlisted for the duration of the war, with the understanding that they should be mus tered out in California. The fact that many remained there as permanent settlers made the expedition famous in local annals under the familiar title of Stevenson's Regiment.23 Another body of volunteers was raised in Missouri, where Kearny recruited a battalion from a party of Mormons. These men were already on their way to California, where they expected to join a number of their fellow believers who had sailed from New York with the intention of procuring grants of land from the Mexican authorities. The seafarers arrived in San Fran cisco only to find that the American flag had preceded them. Although the personal force of their leader, Samuel Brannan, held them together for a while, they soon separated, and the ma jority gravitated naturally towards Salt Lake.24 Brannan stayed in San Francisco, became a conspicuous figure in local history, and was the first president of the Committee of Vigilance of 1851. General Kearny experienced little difficulty in fulfilling the first portion of his instructions, for the occupation of New Mexico was quickly accomplished. The conqueror immediately announced the annexation of the territory to the United States, promulgated an elaborate organic law, and appointed a full staff of civil executives.25 When the report of the proclamation 23 See infra, p. 39. 24 See Daniel Tyler, Concise History of the Mormon Battalion in the Mexican War, 1881; Bancroft, California, V, pp. 469-498, 544-554; Sacra mento Union, 1866, Sept. 11 %_4; James O'Meara, "A Chapter of California History," Overland Monthly, ser. 2, XIV (1889), 625-630; B. H. Roberts, The Mormon Battalion, 1919. 25 Cong. Docs., Ser. No. 499, Doc. 19, pp. 20, 26-73. See also R. E. Twitehell, History of the Military Occupation of New Mexico, 1909, pp. 84-94, 147-199; J. T. Hughes, Doniphan's Expedition, reprint by W. E. Connelley, 1907, pp. 201-202, 238-242; Thomas, Military Government, 101; 149 ; Birkhimer, Military Government and Martial Law, 62-63, 137. The Spanish Inheritance and the American Conquest 33 of annexation was received in Washington, Kearny was promptly informed that he should not repeat such a declaration in Califor nia, since incorporation of the acquired territory would depend upon governmental action.26 It may be inferred that President Polk was ready to allow much freedom to the commandants of New Mexico and of Cali fornia, for in his Message of December 8, 1846, he stated with approval that the former civil government had been superseded in the conquered provinces, and that in some of them the military and naval commanders had established temporary governments, which conformed as far as practicable to the free institutions of the United States.27 But Congress proved jealously alert to any infringement of the legislative prerogative, and requested full information as to the affairs of the occupied territory.28 The President responded by transmitting the relevant documents, including the text of the laws for New Mexico, which had come to his attention after the delivery of his previous Message. lie also stated that while he should approve of necessary regulations for the safety of the army of occupation, he should not approve such portions of the code as purported to establish a permanent territorial government, or confer political rights which could be enjoyed only by citizens.20 To Kearny himself a communication was sent under date of January 11, 1847, designed to guide him and his successor in the administration of California. After reference had been made to the obvious faults of the code for New Mexico, he was informed that the law of nations allowed a conquering power to establish a civil government for the purpose of preserving order, 20 Orders of Nov. 3, 1846, Cong. Docs., Ser. No. 499. Doc. 19, p. 15. 27 Cong. Docs., Ser. No. 493, Doc. 1, pp. 22-23. See also commendation of the Secretary of the Navy, ibid., 379. 28 Cong. Globe, 29 Cong., 2 Sess., p. 12 et seq. ; Appendix, p. 43 ft seq. 20 Message, Dec. 22, 1846, J. D. Richardson, compiler, Messagts and Papers of the Presidents, 1899, IV, 506-507. 34 Vigilance Committee of 1851 and that he was expected to exercise such an authority in a firm and judicious manner. But it was distinctly stated that the Federal Constitution had not been extended over the con quered people, and that the temporary regulations of the military regime could not be continued beyond the duration of a state of war without the authority of a treaty or a definite act of Congress.30 When this letter was written General Kearny was already in California, and was confronted with difficulties which the Department of War had never foreseen. Learning of the rapidity and ease with which the ports had been occupied, he took scarcely more than a hundred men upon the long and difficult march from Santa Fe.31 Early in December the exhausted and hungry company reached the vicinity of San Diego, to find the Californians in arms against the Americans, and to engage the insurgents in a disastrous encounter at San Pasqual.32 Reinforcements sent by Stockton relieved a desperate situation, and the overland expedition arrived in time to participate in the final days of the insurrection. Its general, however, waited to assume command of the combined forces until more of his own troops should appear. After peace with the belligerents was obtained by the Treaty of Cahuenga, negotiated by Fremont on January 13, 1847, Kearny felt that the time had arrived to take his place as military and civil executive. But Stockton was unwilling to relinquish his position and was determined to carry out his plan of install ing Fremont as governor. He pursued this course in spite of protests ; issued the civil commissions he thought necessary ; appointed a legislative council to meet in March, invested the 30 Cong. Docs., Ser. No. 573, Doc. 17, pp. 244-247. 3i Bancroft, California, V, 336-339. 32 Bancroft, California, V, 339-356; V. M. Porter, "General Stephen W. Kearny and the Conquest of California," Historical Society of Southern California, Annual Publications, VIII (1911), 95-127. The Spanish Inheritance and the American Conquest 35 new government with control on January 19, and departed for San Diego.33 Kearny did not endeavor to enforce his authority by arms, but proceeded quietly to the north. There he found a company of artillery, lately arrived from the East, and also Colonel Richard B. Mason, who had been sent to the Coast to relieve him.34 Commodore W. B. Shubrick, Stockton's successor, was at Monterey, and was quick to discountenance the claims made by Stockton and Fremont. Between the commanders of the land and naval forces was now established that cordial cooperation desired by the national authorities. On March 1, 1847, they made public a joint circular which announced Kearny's appoint ment as governor and fixed the capital at Monterey. At the same time Kearny issued a proclamation of a conciliatory character. ¦'" but in accordance with the instructions of November 3. received by the hands of Mason,30 he forbore to declare formal annexation, as he had done in New Mexico. During the controversy with Stockton he had ordered the latter to cease all further proceed ings relating to the formation of a civil government,37 and he now ignored Stockton's entire scheme. He confined himself to holding out the hope of speedy territorial organization by action of the United States government, and to announcing that until changes could be accomplished by competent authority the exist ing laws would be continued in so far as they harmonized with the Federal Constitution. The principle thus stated was accepted sa See Bancroft, California, V, 411-468; Proceedings of the General Court Martial in the Case of Lieutenant-Colonel Fremont, 1847 (Cong. Does.. Ser. No. 507, Doc. 33); John Bigelow, Memoir of Fremont. 1S56, p. 222 et seq.; F. S. Dellenbaugh, Fremont and '49, 1914, pp. 355-380. a* Bancroft, California, V, 436, 518. s* Circular and proclamation in Cong. Docs., Ser. No. 573, Doc. 17, pp. 288-289. The latter was made public March 4 (ibid., 2S4). so See supra, p. 33. Dates of the reception of Kearny 's orders are given in Court Martial of Fremont, 48-55. The orders were reaffirmed June 11, 1847 (Cong. Docs., Ser. No. 521, Doc. 70, p. 29). 37 Cong. Docs.. Ser. No. 557, Doc, 18, pp. 267, 268. 36 Vigilance Committee of 1851 as conforming with the orders of January 11, which shortly arrived.38 It became from that time the basis of administration in California, but the anticipated civil organization proved illusive, and no competent authority effected changes in the organic law of the country until the people themselves adopted the state constitution of 1849. While Kearny was thus employed in the north, Fremont was still acting as governor in Los Angeles, but after many stormy days he was obliged to yield to the general's superior authority, and to return to Washington, where he was tried and convicted of insubordination. The court martial recommended his dis missal from the army, and although the President remitted the sentence, Fremont resigned and continued his career in the WeS|; as a private citizen. The discord created by the disputes between the American officers reacted most unfortunately on conditions in California. Not only was the work of organization seriously delayed, but the conflict of authority produced a question as to the validity of the obligations assumed by Stockton and Fremont in raising forces and requisitioning supplies. They had promised to pay the California Battalion more than the rates allowed by Con gress, and the members of that company refused to be mustered into the volunteer service. Their status therefore remained irregular, and their claims, as also those of civilians who had furnished food and horses, were a matter for tedious and unsatis factory Congressional action.39 A most natural resentment was thus created against the authorities and serious antagonism engendered among the defrauded Californians, while many Americans felt that Stockton and Fremont had tried to give them a satisfactory government, but that the succeeding military commandants were indifferent to their needs. ss See supra, p. 34. The orders were received April 23 (Cong. Docs., Ser. No. 573, Doe. 17, p. 286). 39 Cong. Docs., Ser. No. 573, Doe. 17, pp. 287, 315; Bancroft, California, V, 462-468. The Spanish Inheritance and the American Conquest 3< Frequent complaints of this sort were registered in the first newspaper that appeared in San Francisco, the California Star, published by Samuel Brannan. The initial issue,40 dated Janu* ary 9, 1847, expressed the hope that an immediate acceptance ' of Stockton 's scheme for a temporary government might end the confusion that existed as to the laws in force in California. On February 6 the Star gave the names of the governor, the secre tary, and the members of the legislative council, as appointed by Stockton. On the thirteenth it printed a long editorial, rejoicing over the anticipated meeting of the council, and urging it to call a convention which should draw up a territorial consti tution and so put a stop to the irregularities of the alcaldes, who were "all over the country, assuming the power of legisla tures, issuing and promulgating their bandos and laws and orders and oppressing the people." Subsequent issues told of the selection of delegates to the proposed legislative council from San Francisco,41 Sonoma,42 and Santa Clara.43 When reports of these proceedings were sent to Kearny, he replied that no such council would then be convened.44 This fact was published in the Star, with the announcement that a call for a legislative assembly might be made within a short time.45 In the issue of March 13, 1847, there was an article setting forth the imperative need of land laws. On March 27 the editor wrote: "We have not been able to discover any traces of written law particularly 40 The Monterey Californian, started August 15, 1846, by Walter Colton and Doctor Robert Semple, was friendly to the military authorities. The California Star was started as an organ of protest against their arbitrary methods. See E. 0. Kemble, "History of California Newspapers," Sacra mento Union, 1858, Dec. 25 %. An "Extra in Advance of the California Star" had been printed about the first of November, 1846 (Hittell, San Francisco, 109). « California Star, 1847, March 6 ^. *2 California Star, 1847, March 6 %, -'H- 43 California Star, 1847, March 6 'i^. 4* Letters, March 3, 4, 1847, Cong. Docs., Ser. No. 573. Doc. 17, p. 290. Kearny's official correspondence is given, ibid, 283-313. 45 California Star, 1847, March 20 %. 38 Vigilance Committee of 1851 applicable to this territory except the Bandos of the Alcaldes, ' ' and remarked that, in the absence of formal statutes, "some contend that there are really no laws in force here, but the divine law, and the law of nature." There was other evidence of hostility to the administration. Edwin Bryant, the alcalde of San Francisco, resigned in May, and two parties were then formed, which respectively petitioned the governor for the appointment of George Hyde and John Townsend.46 Hyde was given the position, and a meeting for protest was summoned by the following handbill:47 The People's Voice Stifled by Intrigue People of San Francisco, rally for your rights!!! A majority of your number have petitioned the Govt of this Territory to appoint John Town- send Esq. to succeed Edwin Bryant Esq., as Alcalde of this district. Intrigue has defeated this voice of the people — George Hyde is appointed!!! Will you submit to this? The unrevoked Proclamation of Govt Stockton gives you the privilege of electing Alcaldes for yourselves. — The laws of Cali fornia guarantee the same Right. Assemble at Brown 's Hotel at seven o 'clock this evening, and assert your Rights. Many of the People. San Franco, May 30th, 1847. Major James A. Hardie, who attended the meeting in his official capacity, as commander of the northern military district, put a stop to proceedings by announcing that any attempt to elect an alcalde in the place of the governor's appointee would be repressed by military authority.48 This incident is scarcely noted, even by Bancroft, but it derives significance from the appeal to Stockton's "unrevoked proclamation," and from the comment upon it made by William A. Leidesdorff, who wrote 415 Archives, ' ' Unbound Docs., ' ' 114-115. 47 Archives, "Unbound Docs.," 110. « Hardie to Mason, May 30, 1847, Archives, "Unbound Docs," 109- 110. Reply, Cong. Docs., Ser. No. 573, Doc. 17, p. 325. The Spanish Inheritance and the American Conquest 39 that the party opposed to Hyde was an "open advocate of Cali fornia being an independent government and not a territory of the United States."49 Fortunately at this time Kearny's position had been greatly strengthened by the arrival of Stevenson's Regiment, which landed early in March. This put at his command a force sufficient to quell any dangerous tendency towards insubordina tion. The volunteers were assigned to garrison duty, chiefly in the recently disaffected southern area, where they rendered excel lent service. The roster of the regiment contains the names of many men who became leading citizens of the state, and of others who achieved unenviable notoriety as New York rowdies, quickly acclimated to the welcome license of conditions in California, and potent for evil in city and mining camp.60 40 Leidesdorff to Mason, May 30, 1847, Archives, "Unbound Docs.," 68. oo See F. D. Clark, The First Regiment of New York- Voluntiers, 1882; Bancroft, California, V, chap. 19; Z. 8. Eldredge, Beginnings of San Fran cisco, 1912, II, 552-556. It was sometimes called the Seventh Regiment. CHAPTER II COLONEL RICHARD B. MASON, MILITARY GOVERNOR Kearny acted as governor for three months only. On May 31, 1847, he was succeeded by Colonel Richard B. Mason, who filled the position for nearly two years. California was fully pacified when Mason assumed his office, but past conflicts had left a heritage of bitterness between the Americans and the Californians, and the discord in the ranks of the victors had prevented any constructive work for the improvement of local conditions. The little towns, both north and south, were still under the rule of their alcaldes, some of whom had been elected according to Stockton's instructions, while some had been appointed by Kearny. One can realize from the hasty sketch of early affairs given in the foregoing chapter that the American alcaldes inherited not only the traditional institutions of the Spanish system but also the confusion resulting from the years of turmoil in Mexico and California, during which acts had been passed and repealed and renewed until their real meaning was lost in a maze of contradictions. The laws in force at the time of the seizure were held to be those of 1837, but they were practically inaccessible in printed form. One pioneer explained that under the Mexican system laws were transmitted in writing to the alcaldes, and promul gated to the people by word of mouth.1 Such a method would account for the almost total lack of written statutes. Edwin Bryant, alcalde of San Francisco in February, 1847, could find i R. F. Peckham, San Jose Pioneer, 1877, July 7 (Serapbook in the Ban croft Library, Eventful Life, p. 19). Colonel Richard B. Mason, Military Governor 41 no law books except a digest of the Laws of the Indies, published in Spain a century earlier, and a small pamphlet that defined the powers of judicial officers of the Mexican republic.2 It was a common impression that the former magistrates had administered the laws "in accordance with the principles of natural right and justice,"3 and in one of his earliest despatches Colonel Mason wrote to the alcalde of Sonoma :4 Having been only two days in office as governor, I am not at this time prepared to say what are the extent of your powers and jurisdiction as alcalde; you must, for the time being, be governed by the customs and laws of the country as far as you can ascertain them, and by your own good sense and sound discretion. Such, indeed, had been the only guides for the conduct of the American alcaldes during the whole of their official existence, and some, of them had developed very liberal conceptions of their responsibilities. The best known interpretation of the alcalde's office may be found in the diary of Alcalde Colton, of Monterey. Its pages give a vivid impression of the authority assumed by that paternal magistrate. He wrote on different occasions :" My jurisdiction extends over an immense extent of territory, and over a most heterogeneous population. . . . All have come here with the expecta tion of finding but little work and less law. Through this discordant mass I am to maintain order, punish crime, and redress injuries. * » * It devolves upon me duties similar to those of mayor of one of our cities, without any of those judicial aids which he enjoys. It involves every breach of the peace, every case of crime, every business obligation, and every dis puted land-title within a space of three hundred miles. From every other 2 See Browne, Debates, Appendix, p. xxv; Edwin Bryant, What I Saw in California, 1848, p. 436; T. B. King, California, 1850, p. 3. By July, 1848, Colton was familiar with more satisfactory Mexican codes (Three Years, 249). 3 Edwin Bryant, What I Saw in California, 436; Charles Wilkes, Narra tive of the United States Exploring Expedition, 1844, V, 222. 4 Letter, June 2, 1847, Cong. Docs., Ser. No. 573, Doc. 17, p. 317. A letter dated May 27 had asked a definition of the alcalde's duties (Archives. "Unbound Docs.," 110-111). o Colton, Three Years. 19, 55. 42 Vigilance Committee of 1851 alcalde 's court in this jurisdiction there is an appeal to this, and none from this to any higher tribunal. Such an absolute disposal of questions affecting property and personal liberty, never ought to be confided to one man. There is not a judge on any bench in England or the United States, whose power is so absolute as that of the alcalde of Monterey. Bancroft declared that these oft quoted paragraphs in reality described the duties of a Mexican prefect, but those officers were not installed during the first years of the American occupation. In the absence of higher authorities, the first alcalde of each district was recognized as ex-officio judge of first instance, with jurisdiction in criminal cases, and other alcaldes of the district were subordinate to him.6 Colton, however, made no distinction between the functions of the first alcalde of a district, and those of an ordinary municipal magistrate, and since he is often cited as an authority on the position of California alcaldes this char acterization has tended to exaggerate the popular conception of their constitutional status. As a matter of fact, Mr. Colton was never very exactly informed as to the Mexican precedents. In such an important matter as land laws he stated that the former authorities had been governed solely by "The simple plan, That they shall take who have the power, And they shall keep who can."7 It is not surprising that his own disposition of public land was irregular, and his records carelessly preserved ! Colonel Mason proved himself well fitted to cope with the difficult situation in which he was placed. His choice of « See Bancroft, California, VI, 258 note 8 ; Cong. Docs., Ser. No. 573, Doc. 17, pp. 675, 762. Colton 's exaggerated conception of an alcalde's position is noted in O. K. McMurray, "Beginnings of Community Property System m California," California Law Review, III (1915), 360-361. I Cong. Docs., Ser. No. 573, Doc. 17, p. 170. Colton 's methods were criticized (ibid., 761). In spite of this, his work as a whole was so valu able that he was not recalled to naval duty (Shubrick to Mason, Sept 15, 1847, Archives, "Unbound Docs.," 127). ' Colonel Richard B. Mason, Military Governor 43 assistants was particularly fortunate. Lieutenant William T. Sherman, the assistant adjutant general, was an efficient aid in military affairs, and Lieutenant Henry W. Halleck, the secretary of state, had an excellent understanding of civil and international law.8 The work of administration was greatly hampered by the lack of legal treatises, both Mexican and American. Mason and Halleck had a few American works, but as late as April, 1849, the senior military officer on the Coast was unable to procure in California a copy of the laws of the United States.9 The little staff at headquarters made sincere efforts to become familiar with the Mexican statutes, and it was Mason's purpose to prepare an English digest as a guide for the officials in California. This was completed in the course of a year, but before it could be printed, the conclusion of the war led the governor to believe that its publication would be unnecessary. The best source of information on the events of the period is the collection of official letters accompanying President Tay lor's Message on California and- New Mexico, January 21, 1S30.10 This is supplemented by a manuscript volume in the Bancroft Library which contains copies or summaries of many letters from citizens and alcaldes, received by the governors from 1S46 to 1850.11 This correspondence shows that Colonel Mason was a strict disciplinarian in his interpretation of the subordination of municipal executives to military authority. Instead of allow ing the freedom of election sanctioned by Stockton, he insisted »A useful study of this period has been made by Flora A. Wright, in a master's thesis, Richard Barnes Mason, 1919, MS in the University of California Library. See also S. H. Willey. "Recollections of General Hal leck," Overland 'Monthly, IX (1872), 9-17; W. T. Sherman, Memoirs, 1875, I. o See Cong. Docs., Ser. No. 573, Doe. 17, pp. 263-264, 453. 722. It was impossible to procure some needed legal books except from visiting ships of war (H. W. Halleck, International Law. 1861, Preface.) io Cong. Docs., Ser. No. 573, Doc. 17. A slightly different arrangement is given in Ser. No. 557. Doc. 18. n Cited here as Archives, "Unbound Docs." 44 Vigilance Committee of 1851 that it was the governor's prerogative to appoint the alcaldes, or to issue special permission for their election. He also kept a sharp watch over their actions, and demanded reports on mat ters of importance. They often appealed to him for advice and direction, and in so far as he was able he responded with prece dents drawn from Mexican usage, and gave instructions to cover individual cases. Other appeals were made by contestants dissatisfied with the decisions of alcaldes. These were some times entertained, although more often they were dismissed on the ground that there was no higher tribunal to which an appeal might be carried. But when it was necessary, Colonel Mason exercised the governor's power of overruling the alcaldes, reversed decisions as he thought fit, and removed at least one alcalde from office.12 The civil authority of the alcaldes did not give them juris diction over offenses committed by or upon soldiers; crimes of that sort were subject to punishment by a court martial or by a military commission. But difficulties attended even the admin istration of martial law. Lieutenant Sherman was obliged to inform the judge advocate of a military commission in Los Angeles that he could not send proceedings of other commissions to serve as precedents in a trial for burglary; that the best he could do was to forward extracts from the statutes of Missouri, and a digest of the laws of Texas — the only law books to which he had access which treated the crime. He also instructed his correspondent that the commission must revise the sentence that had already been pronounced — a term of imprisonment in a state prison — since there was not such a penitentiary within thousands of miles.13 i2 Letters respecting appointments are found in Cong. Docs., Ser. No. 573, Doc. 17, pp. 433, 443, 451, 473, 511, 564; appeals, 391, 412; sentences, 410, 445, 475-476, 487, 488; removal of Alcalde Nash, of Sonoma, 295, 318, 320, 344, 375, also Archives, "Unbound Does." 112, 118-119, 145. See also Bancroft, California, V, 606-611. is See Cong. Docs., Ser. No. 573, Doc. 17, pp. 351-354, 402-403. Colonel Richard B. Mason, Military Governor 45 The total lack of prison facilities gave rise to most perplexing problems. Under the Mexican system the punishment of white culprits had usually taken the form of a fine, while Indians had been whipped. In consequence the jails were not constructed for other than temporary confinement, and when a guard was necessary it was furnished by the citizens.14 The inventory of prison equipment in Yerba Buena, January, 1846, consisted of 1 serviceable padlock. 2 chairs. 1 pair of shackles which are missing and should be searched for in passing.^ It is said that a hungry prisoner of that town called on one of the first American alcaldes with the door of the calaboose on his back, and demanded his breakfast.10 In spite of Mason's efforts to adhere to local usage, radical changes were gradually introduced. The most striking innova tion was the adoption of the jury system. Under the Mexican practice, certain classes of disputes might be adjusted by "trials of conciliation," conducted before three arbitrators, who ren dered a decision by vote of the majority. While these hombrcs buenos exercised some of the functions of the American jury man, the impartial jury of common law, rendering a unanimous and binding verdict, was not known in California.17 Neverthe less Alcalde Colton had not been in office six weeks before he n Stevenson to Mason, from Los Angeles, July 11, 1848, J rehire*, "Un bound Docs.," 164. Mason planned to erect some secure prisons (Cong. Docs., Ser. No. 573, Doc. 17, p. 558), but apparently the plan was not carried out (ibid., 790). is Case of U. S. vs. Limantow, Transcript, IV, Exhibit O, p. 35. io J. H. Brown, Reminiscences and Incidents of "The Early Days" of San Francisco [1886], p. [30]. See also Eldredge, San Francisco, II, 545. it "There was nothing like trial by jury known to the Mexican system; and there was no law authorizing anything of the kind" (Hittell, Califor nia, II, 663). Bryant spoke of the function of these courts as being similar to that of the American jury (Wliat I Saw in California, 436). 46 Vigilance Committee of 1851 introduced it into his court, where, in spite of the novelty of the. method and an overwhelming confusion of tongues, the verdict was cheerfully accepted by the plaintiff, the defendant, and the assembled inhabitants of Monterey. The alcalde closed his account of the trial with the words: "If there is anything on earth besides religion for which I would die, it is the right of trial by jury."18 Our historians have treated as a matter of course this fitting of the Anglo-Saxon jury into the court of the California alcalde. Yet it was a step of profound revolutionary significance in that it waited not at all for treaties or statutes or even for a popular demand, but in order to meet the emergencies of a moment it altered the institutions of centuries by the sole initiative of a petty alcalde. The history of the state provides no example more typical of the serenity and self-confidence with which Amer icans confronted the exigencies of their daily life. The example set in Monterey was soon followed in San Francisco,19 and it presently received official sanction when Colonel Mason gave orders that juries of six or more should decide all civil cases involving amounts exceeding one hundred dollars, and all criminal cases of a grave character. It was expressly stipulated, however, that the records of criminal con victions should be reviewed by the governor before the infliction of any punishment.20 The method was not entirely successful, is Colton, Three Tears, 47-48. io Bryant said that the second jury trial was held in San Francisco before "judge" [alcalde] Bartlett (What I Saw in California, 328). Samuel Brannan was then tried for mismanaging the Mormon funds. The Annals, p. 186, called this the first jury trial in California, and so did Franklin Tuthill (History of California, 1866, 214-215), but the priority of the jury trial at Monterey is more often acknowledged. By January, 1817, Americans expected juries to be called, and the California Star, Jan. 9 %, noted with indignation a ease in which that privilege had been denied. 20 Cong. Docs., Ser. No. 573, Doc. 17, pp. 384, 413-414, 419-422, 439- 440, 452, 487, 494, 763. Colonel Richard B. Mason, Military Governor 47 as native Califomians were reluctant to sentence their fellow countrymen,21 and the alcaldes did not always await official sanction of their sentences. William Blackburn, of Santa Cruz, for instance, executed a murderer convicted by a jury, and after wards reported the case for Mason's approval, explaining his haste on the ground that it was difficult, with volunteer guards. to confine the prisoner securely.22 Other modifications of Mexican usage soon appeared. The alcaldes often obeyed the direction to administer justice with "good sense and sound discretion" by turning to American statutes in the absence of books of Mexican law, and they were quite content if any stray volume could give a hint of precedent in the cases that came before them.23 In the southern region where society was more firmly established there was closer adher ence to Mexican traditions, but in the new towns of the North, where the Americans soon predominated, there was a greater tendency to ignore old customs.24 21 Archives, "Unbound Docs.," 122. See also the experience in Louis iana, infra, p. 420. 22 Archives, "Unbound Docs.," 108; California Star. 1M7. Sept. 11 %; W. F. Swasey, Early Days and Men of California. 1H91, p. INI; History of Fresno County, 1882, pp. 50-51. It was also reported that while under the influence of liquor Blackburn ordered a horse thief executed, ami when sober wished to go on with tho trial. The sheriff, who had concealed his prisoner, pretended for a time that the penalty had been inflicted. ' ' Never mind," responded Blackburn, "proceed with the trial. All orders and judgments of this court must be justified by due and legal proceedings had. The culprit was then brought into court, tried and executed (Sacramento Union, 1871, Dec. 2 •%). 23 The California Star, 1847, Jan. 23 %, reported that the alcalde at Sonoma had adopted the whole volume of the statutes of Missouri, and the issue of J illy 3 %, printed a notice of the court, couched in the formal terms of American jurisprudence. See also Cong. Does., Ser. Xo. 573, Doc. 17, p. 762. -iln his thesis From Alcalde to Mayor, p. 198. Robertson studied the official personnel of the different districts, 1846 to 1850. He concluded that in San Francisco and Sonoma only Americans held office, in Santa Barbara only Califomians; in Los Angeles all were natives at first, but they irrad- ually gave way to Americans, while in other towns offices were divided between the two nationalities. r 48 Vigilance Committee of 1851 While the theory of beneficent military government under the ancient statutes was both useful and ornamental in official proclamations, the control of California by the native regulations became increasingly difficult with every month. The correspon dence of the authorities shows that they discountenanced such an exaggerated ideal of the alcaldes' authority as was expressed by Colton, but we are forced to conclude that in spite of this many of the local magistrates greatly exceeded the limits con templated by the laws of Mexico or the orders of the American officers.25 The newcomers from the United States found this arbitrary authority intolerably galling. The California Star kept up a constant fusillade of complaints and demands for civil organization. The editor gradually acquired some knowledge of the Mexiean institutions presumably in force, but he continued to deplore that their imperfect establishment virtually left the alcaldes in supreme control, and he expressed the earnest hope that Colonel Mason would quickly promulgate some form of civil government. Week by week the hope of assistance from headquarters grew less, and on July 28 the alcalde of San Francisco, George Hyde, took the first step toward improvement by selecting six gentle men to act as a council until the governor should think fit to sanction an election. Colonel Mason had already realized the need for such a body, and had drawn up a plan for the town government of San Francisco, but its transmission had been delayed, and it was not forwarded to Alcalde Hyde until the 25 0. E. Pickett wrote to Kearny, March 23, 1847, that the alcaldes throughout California were "but a mockery to law and. justice, assuming and exercising prerogatives and powers far beyond any clothed [sic] them by the Mexican or United States' laws" (Archives, "Unbound Does.," 149). J. S. Ruckel, on Dee. 28, 1847, described a deplorable state in San Jose (ibid., 132). On July 11, 1848, Colonel Stevenson reported that the alcalde of Santa Barbara assumed more authority than belonged to the President of the United States (ibid., 24). See also Bancroft, California, VI, 268 note 31; California Star, 1847, June 19 %. Colonel Richard B. Mason, Military Governor 49 latter had announced the appointment of his council.20 The initiative, therefore, came from the citizens, not from the central authority, a characteristic California precedent, but in this case the governor did not consider the movement insubordinate, and gave permission for an election, which was held on September 13. A few simple regulations were quickly formulated, a constable was appointed, and the members of the council were also author ized to act as conservators of the peace.27 Unfortunately, the creation of the council did not greatly better affairs in San Francisco. Hyde was under constant charges of incompetency and irregularity of conduct, and, although Mason did not think his removal necessary, he finally resigned after a year of wrangling and disorder.2" Town coun cils were elected in some other places, but little information as to their services can be found in the correspondence of the governor.29 More serious even than the despotism of the alcaldes was the confusion and uncertainty that complicated every question rela tive to the ownership of real estate. The former laws had per mitted the governors and pueblo authorities to make grants of land to private parties, and nearly all the desirable coast country MCona: Docs., Sor. No. 573, Doc. 17, pp. 378-379; Annals, 195-197; Bancroft,' California, V, 648-650; Moses, Establishment of Municipal Gov ernment, 30-36. Couucilmen W. D. M. Howard, E. P. Jones, and R. A. Parker became members of the Committee of Vigilance of 1851. -'Laws of the Town of San Francisco. 1847, pp. 4, S. Two constables were appointed at first, then one who was to give his entire time at a salary of fifty dollars a month. 2« Official correspondence in Cong. Docs., Ser. No. 573, Doc. 17. pp. 361- 362, 494, 499-500; Archives, "Unbound Docs.," 7, 27-42. 106-107. Hyde defended himself in his Statement of Historical Facts. 1S7S. MS in the Bancroft Library. See also Bancroft, California, V, 649-652; and his Chronicles of the Builders of the Commonwealth. 1891-1892. II, 286-294. 2'J See notes to Bancroft, California. V, chaps. 23. 24; Cong. Docs.. Ser. No. 573, Doc. 17, pp. 417, 431, 446, 498. Allusions to councils occur in Archives. "Unbound Docs.," 117, 121, 122, 339-340. A few papers of the "Junta or Council" of San Jose, dated May 24 to Nov. 5, 1847, are preserved in the office of the city clerk. 50 Vigilance Committee of 1851 south of Sonoma was claimed by virtue of such grants, sometimes by three or four alleged owners. Under the obligations of inter national law the new regime was bound to recognize titles which were valid under the old ; but until documentary records could be , investigated, and boundaries corrected by accurate survey, it was impossible to ascertain what land was legally in private hands, and what might be considered public property. In the meantime private conveyances could carry only doubtful rights, and the public tracts were closed to settlers, as the Federal Government had issued no regulations concerning them, and Colonel Mason refused to make grants that might ultimately be declared invalid.30 At the same time the Americans who had participated in the bitter, if insignificant, struggle of the "Conquest" felt themselves to be victors on conquered soil,31 and the immigrants who had arrived later supposed that the country was open for homesteads as had been other parts of the frontier. Many sturdy pioneers reached California at great risk and hardship, only to find that it was impossible to preempt land from the public domain, or even to purchase it under any satisfactory guaranty.32 This situation transformed them into an army of squatters, hostile alike to Mexican landholders and to Federal authorities, and inclined, in a later decade, to defend their squatter's holdings with the rifle, as well as with endless litigation. In order to clear the way for intelligent action in the matter of titles, Colonel Mason directed Halleck to collect and examine the archives, which were scattered up and down the state. The latter could not make a report on the subject until March, 1849, and he then expressed the opinion that many of the old deeds 30 Cong. Docs., Ser. No. 573, Doc. 17, p. 321. si See Colton, Three Tears, p. 228. 32 The California Star, 1847, Feb. 27 %, noted the desperate plight of American immigrants who had exhausted their resources, and coufd not secure the anticipated homes. Colonel Richard B. Mason, Military Governor 51 were invalid, either from fraud or from technical imperfec tions.33 Meanwhile Colonel Mason acted with extreme caution. He construed the Mexican regulations as permitting the sale of town lots by the alcaldes for municipal expenses, but he held that the governor had no authority either to rent or to sell the public land.34 In the case of disputed titles he advised rival claimants to arbitrate their differences until such time as proper courts could be established.35 In the interim he prepared for future adjustments by appointing surveyors to begin the work of defining boundaries. There were many other perplexities that confronted the gov ernor of California in 1847 : questions of revenue, of military equipment, of the control of Indians, of the restraint of lawless ness on the part of insurgent natives and restless immigrants. Yet it seems safe to say that during the period of the war social order was fairly well preserved. The governor com manded the respect and obedience of the people, and kept a close watch over local affairs; there was constant communication between headquarters and the scattered posts and settlements. and military aid was ready to sustain the alcaldes in the dis charge of their duties;30 there were supervision, and account ability, and discipline, and there was a fundamental element of definite law behind the "good sense and sound descrction" that guided the untrained officials in their judicial capacity. There was, to be sure, constant complaint in the newspaper, with unceas ing demand for a more adequate system of government, but as Cong. Docs., Ser. No. 573, Doc. 17, pp. 118-133. See also W. C. Jones, Report on ihe Subject of Land Titles in California (Cong. Does., Ser. No. 589, Doe. 18) ; Dwindle, Colonial History of San Francisco; Bancroft, Cali fornia. VI, 529-581; Hittell, California. II. 739-755; Rodman, History of the Bench and Bar of Southern California, 52-S5; William Kelly. Excursion to California, 1851, I, 199-213. 3* Cong. Docs., Ser. No. 573, Doc. 17, pp. 321, 440. ss Cong. Docs., Ser. No. 573, Doc. 17, pp. 3S0. 3S9. 435. 440. »« Cong. Docs., Ser. No. 573, Doe. 17. pp. 340, 349-350. 52 Vigilance Committee of 1851 there was no actual defiance or insurrection, and the Americans awaited improvement with what patience they might command. In retrospect we can see that the governor was helpless to effect any permanent reforms, but the insurmountable difficulties of the situation were not fully appreciated by the men who natur ally resented a policy that neglected their pressing need for civil organization.37 37 The California Star became constantly more emphatic in its con demnation of existing conditions. On Dec. 25, 1847, it presented a most gloomy picture of criminal conditions, and on Jan. 22, 1848, it printed a violent protest against a state of affairs that allowed the alcaldes to ' ' exer cise authority far greater than any officer in our Republic — the President not excepted. ' ' Again, on Jan. 29 : " They [the governors] had no power to allow the people to form a government . . . but yet they have the right to appoint and continue Alcaldes in office, for an indefinite period, of notoriously inefficient, unprincipled and dishonest characters, and to permit their assuming unprecedented, unwarrantable and anti-republican powers." CHAPTER III EL DORADO It must be remembered in making a study of this situation that the statesmen who had advocated the acquisition of Califor nia by the United States desired the territory because of its strategic advantage in the development of commercial relations with countries bordering on the Pacific Ocean. Farsighted men anticipated a day when the natural advance of population would build American cities beside the harbors of the Coast to com mand the great trade routes, and to stand guard over the western portals of the nation. But in their vision that day was suf ficiently remote to allow a gradual development of the Federal policies, and a deliberate adjustment of the local problems that might arise from the conflict between Spanish and American institutions. Since the earliest pioneers had turned their faces toward the western wilderness, the American frontiersman had exhibited an amazing capacity for taking care of himself. Hardly had the explorer and the trapper threaded the most distant forests and traced their hidden waters before a creaking van lumbered behind them, bearing the household gear of some intrepid settler who was ready to transplant into virgin soil the life of an older group from which he had detached himself. His wife sat beside the driver, with a baby in her arms, while older boys and girls trudged along the uncleared track. When the animals were finally unyoked the first task undertaken was the building of a rough log house that was to become a unit in the social organ ization of a new community. And slowly or rapidly the new communitv formed itself, always out of the elements of the older 54 Vigilance Committee of 1851 commonwealths, reproducing with more or less modification the institutions of the parent society, until an increased population gave evidence of an accomplished novitiate, and warranted full admission into the sisterhood of states. There had been every reason to expect that the familiar sequences of the western fron tier would be repeated with slight variation on the Pacific Coast, and in spite of the hardships of the overland journey the usual type of settlers, men, women, and children, quickly appeared beyond the Sierra Nevada Mountains. A treaty of peace with Mexico was signed at Guadalupe Hidalgo, February 2, 1848. On that day no human wisdom could foresee that in California all precedents of westward emigration would be shattered by an overwhelming local emer gency, and the coincident development of a tremendous national crisis. Gold had been discovered in January; by midsummer the state was in a frenzy of excitement, and at the close of 1849 the population was increased by approximately eighty thousand new arrivals.1 There was instant need for the establishment of a strong government, and yet Congress could take no action on the subject without precipitating a dangerous quarrel between the advocates and the opponents of the extension of slaveholding territory. As a result the history of California was for a time inextricably bound up with the struggle over an institution that was already forbidden on Mexican soil,2 was repugnant to a majority of the American settlers, and was unsuited to every industry likely to develop on the Pacific Coast. i There are no accurate statistics of the influx. The Memorial presented to Congress at the time of the application for admission, estimated the white population, Jan. 1, 1849, at 26,000 — Native Califomians, 13,000 ; Americans, 8000; other nationalities, 5000: Jan. 1, 1850, total 107,000 — Califomians, 13,000; Americans, 76,000; other nationalities, 18,000 (Browne, Debates, -/Appendix, pp. xxii-xxiii). Some allowance should be made for exaggera tion (see Bancroft, California, VI, 158-159; Hittell, California, II, 700; J. S. Hittell, San Francisco, 139-140). 2 Slavery was abolished in Mexico by a decree of Sept. 15, 1829 (Hittell, California, II, 115-116). El Dorado bo The situation in Washington may be summarized very briefly. On August 8, 1846, a month and a day after the occupation of Monterey, a bill was introduced into the House of Representa tives asking for an appropriation to negotiate the adjustment of boundaries with Mexico. To that bill an amendment was offered by David Wilmot, of Pennsylvania, providing: "That as an express and fundamental condition to the acquisition of any territory from the Republic of Mexico by the United States . . . neither slavery nor involuntary servitude shall ever exist in any part of said territory, except for crime, whereof the party shall first be duly convicted."3 The resolution was not an expression of extreme abolition sentiment, but rather of the determination of a large number of Northern men to prevent the further exten sion of slaveholding territory. They controlled a majority in the House, and the bill passed, as amended, but defeat was pre dicted in the Senate, where the measure was still under discussion when the session adjourned. The essentials of the Wilmot pro viso subsequently reappeared in various forms and always met with ultimate failure; but the discussions crystallized the sec tional discord of North and South into two opposing groups, equally determined in purpose, and so equally divided in power that neither could dominate the situation. The hostile attitude assumed by some members of Congress when they criticized the steps towards civil organization taken by Stockton and Kearny was a direct outcome of this discord, for neither party was willing to tolerate a delegation of Con gressional power that might result in establishing a precedent for the future. So long as the war continued it was possible to insist upon the temporary and military nature of the rule extended over the conquered territory, and Congress refrained from action. The President suggested formal organization as *Cong. Globe, 29 Cong., 1 Sess., p. 1217. It is unnecessary to discuss here' the history of the discord over slavery. Its existence, not its origin, was the fact that affected conditions in California. 56 Vigilance Committee of 1851 soon as he Avas convinced that the acquisition of California and New Mexico would be made permanent.4 When he announced the ratification of the treaty of peace he again urged that the people of the annexed areas should be given civil institutions,5 but Congress adjourned on August 14, 1848, without adopting any constructive measures for California and New Mexico. It is probable that in the spring of 1848 Colonel Mason had determined to initiate some new methods in the civil organization of California. In May he sent to the printer the manuscript of a digest of the Mexican laws, and in anticipating its early pub lication he announced that it would provide for the organization of a higher court, and also for the appropriation of funds for constructing jails. The press, however, was deserted before the laws were printed, and after the termination of the period of the war Mason felt that the changed status of California rendered his compilation out of date.6 The ratification of the treaty with Mexico was proclaimed in California by Governor Mason on August 7, 1848. 7 He then acknowledged with regret that California had not been placed upon a territorial basis before his dispatches left Washington, although he hoped that Congress had subsequently passed the requisite acts, and that the representatives of civil government would presently appear. Meanwhile he was greatly embarrassed by the absence of any orders covering the emergency except a brief note, dated nearly five months earlier, which had directed * Richardson, Messages, IV, 542. s Richardson, Messages, TV, 589-590. e See Cong. Docs., Ser. No. 573, Doc. 17, pp. 489, 555, 558, 559, 586, 677; Browne, Debates, Appendix, p. xv. The Alta California, 1849, June 14 %, said that a book of "laws for the better government of California" had come from the press a few days before the news of peace was received, and that in consequence of the changed status of California Governor Mason never published nor attempted to enforce those laws. Bancroft spoke of the code as if it had been promulgated (Calif crrnia, VI, 263), but Hunt cor rected the statement ("Legal Status of California," as cited, 396). ¦> Cong. Docs., Ser. No. 573, Doe. 17, pp. 590-591. See also the comment of G. W. Crawford, secretary of war, ibid., 233. El Dorado 57 him to take proper measures for the permanent occupation of Upper California as soon as he should receive official news of the ratification of the treaty of peace.8 Thus thrown upon his own judgment, he shaped his conduct by the broad principles of international law. Decisions in other cases had established the point that until changes could be made by competent authority, a ceded territory should retain its prior local laws, or should revert to them if they had been modified by the tempo rary authority of a military commander.9 It was therefore announced that the existing laws would remain in force although greater freedom would be allowed in the matter of local elections. It seems incomprehensible that definite instructions were not sent to Colonel Mason as soon as peace was declared, but no such official message was written until as late as October, 1S4S. when the Secretary of State and the Secretary of War, under circumstances that will be narrated hereafter, sent out letters which embodied the theory of the administration as to the status of the country. Secretary Buchanan then wrote :10 By the conclusion of the treaty of peace, the military government which was established over them [the people of California] under the laws of war . . . has ceased to derive its authority from this source of power.... The termination of the war left an existing government, a government de facto, in full operation; and this will continue, with the presumed consent" of the people, until Congress shall provide for them a territorial govern- , ment. The great law of necessity justifies this conclusion. The consent of the people is irresistibly inferred from the fact that no civilized com munity could possibly desire to abrogate an existing government when the alternative presented would be to place themselves in a state of anarchy, beyond the protection of all law, and reduce them to the unhappy necessity of submitting to the dominion of the strongest. s Orders of March 15, 1848, Cong. Docs., Ser. No. 573, Doc 17, p. 255. » See Browne, Debates, remarks of C. T. Bolts, pp. 274-2*4, and Halleck s statement of the situation. Appendix, p. xxiv; Julius Klein. The Making of the Treaty of Guadaloupe Hidalgo. 1905, pp. 36-46; Hunt, "Legal Status," as cited, 398-408; Birkhimer, Military Government and Martial Law, 361-369; Hittell. California. II, 701. i° Cong. Does., Ser. No. 573, Doe. 17, pp. 7-S. Repeated almost exactly bv Secretary Marcv to Colonel Mason (ibid., 25S-2591. See also infra, p". 90. 58 Vigilance Committee of 1851 It was further stated, by Secretary Marcy, that it was the duty of the commander of the military force to recognize the govern ment de facto, and to lend the aid of the military power to protect the persons and the property of the inhabitants of the territory. They, on their part, were urged to live peaceably and quietly under the existing government, but long before these admonitions were received in California all thoughts of peace and quietness had been driven from men's minds. The failure to establish a permanent form of civil government immediately upon the final acquisition of the new territory was a greater trial to Colonel Mason than to the most querulous citizen under his charge. He realized more plainly than anyone else that the treaty of peace greatly weakened his authority es governor, required the discharge of the volunteer troops enlisted only for the duration of war, and left him in a position where he was responsible for maintaining order, but was deprived of the means of enforcing a single regulation. The mining region was quite without any equipment for civil or military control. It lay along the western slope of the Sierra Nevada Mountains, and was separated from the original line of the missions by the hills of the Coast Range and the sun-scorched plain of the central valley. Some grants of land had been made by the former government to adventurous colonists from abroad, notably to Captain John A. Sutter, who had been a commissioned officer, sometimes called an alcalde, under the old regime,11 and whose fort at New Helvetia had been an outpost of patriarchal civilization. In February, 1848, John Sinclair was appointed alcalde "for and in the district of country on the Sacramento river, near New Helvetia."12 In March a large district, in the n Bancroft, California, IV, 137, 226; History of Sacramento County, 1880, p. 58. On Dec 20, 1847, Sutter estimated the white population cast of tho San Joaquin and Sacramento rivers as 218 mon and 71 women ; Indians, 22,362 (Archives, "Unbound Docs.," 306). 12 Cong. Docs., Ser. No. 573, Doc. 17, pp. 486-487. Sinclair was men tioned as alcalde as early as Feb. 15, 1848, in Archives, "Unbound Docs.," 8, 15, 405. El Dorado 59 Contra Costa and San Joaquin regions was cut off from the jurisdiction of San Jose,13 and Elam Brown was appointed its alcalde. These two appointments appear to represent the civil staff of the entire mining area. The earliest news of the gold discovers- was received doubt fully, but about the twelfth of May Sam Brannan roused San Francisco to hysterical excitement as he passed through the streets waving aloft a bottle filled with dust, swinging his hat, and shouting : ' ' Gold ! Gold ! Gold from the American River ! ' ' The town was quickly deserted. In June the California Star suspended publication, the school closed, workmen abandoned their employment, officials left their posts. Soldiers and sailors joined the general stampede. In Monterey the officers were with out servants, and even Colonel Mason was forced to take his turn at cooking.14 The governor quickly realized that there would be need of new methods of enforcing order. On May 2:5, 1S4?\ he asked Major J. R. Snyder, who was about to visit the mines, to draw up an outline of desirable regulations, but nothing resulted from the effort.15 In June and July Colonel Mason himself made a tour of the mining district, and reported his observations to Washington.16 Finding that crime of any kind was very infre quent, and conscious of his inability to enforce a questionable authority, he did not try to establish there any general control. But he threatened to concentrate his forces in the field and to exclude unlicensed miners unless soldiers ceased to desert from is Shinn, Mining Camps, 96; Archives, "Unbound Docs.," S. 42. "See Bancroft, California, VI, 52-81; Fayette Robinson, California and Its Gold Regions, 1849, Appendix, p. 135. The disastrous consequences of the desertions of soldiers and civil authorities are noted in Cong. Docs.. Ser. No. 573, Doc 17, pp. 603, 612, 613, 648. 650, 667, 677. Sutter's entire retinue deserted him, and his property was left at the mercy of dishonest miners (J. A. Sutter, Personal Reminiscences, 1S76, pp. 195-196, MS in the Bancroft Library). 15 Cong. Docs., Ser. No. 573, Doc 17, pp. 555-556. i« Cong. Docs., Ser. No. 573, Doc. 17, pp. 528-536. 60 Vigilance Committee of 1851 the army, and unless civilians made provision for their families before seeking the placers.17 On August 7, 1848, the same day on which he proclaimed the ratification of the treaty with Mexico, Mason directed John Sinclair, the "First Alcalde, Sacramento district," to call for an election of four subordinate alcaldes to serve at the four most prominent places in his district, which included the whole country west and northwest of the district of Sonoma.18 I have found no documentary record that the election was held, nor that Sinclair exercised any jurisdiction over the more remote stretches of his district, although later in the year Mason ex pected him to take charge of a murderer whose arrest was in prospect.19 That the governor attempted to inaugurate some more effective system of judicial control may be inferred from a letter dated at the "Upper Mines," September 3, 1848.20 in which L. W. Hastings accepted the "judgeship for the northern district" in order to establish law and government there, and to cheek the frequent robberies and murders. Later corre spondence indicated that Mason abandoned such efforts in the expectation that news of territorial organization by Congress would be received before local improvements could be put in operation.21 But in spite of this anticipation the governor was exceedingly anxious over the situation in California. On August 19 he wrote to the adjutant general:22 For the past two years no civil government has existed here, save that controlled by the senior military or naval officer; and no civil officers exist in the country, save the alcaldes appointed or confirmed by myself. To " Cong. Docs., Ser. No. 573, Doc. 17, p. 580. is Cong. Docs., Ser. No. 573, Doc. 17, p. 593. is Letter of Oct 24, 1848, Cong. Docs., Ser. No. 573, Doc. 17, p. 677. 20 Archives, "Unbound Docs.," 157. 21 Cong. Docs., Ser. No. 573, Doc. 17, p. 677. 22 Cong. Docs,, Ser. No. 573, Doc. 17, pp. 597-598. This was in reply to orders of March 15, see supra, p. 57 note 8. El Dorado 61 throw off upon them or the people at large the civil management and con trol of the country, would most probably lead to endless confusions, if not to absolute anarchy; and yet what right or authority have I to exercise civil control in time of peace in a Territory of the United States? or, if sedition and rebellion should arise, where is my force to meet it? Two companies of regulars, every day diminishing by desertions, that cannot be prevented,23 will soon be the only military force in California Yet, unsustained by military force, or by any positive instructions, I feel com pelled to exercise control over the alcaldes appointed, and to maintain order, if possible, in the country, until a civil governor arrive, armed with instructions and laws to guide his footsteps In the meantime, however, should the people refuse to obey the existing authorities . . . my force is inadequate to compel obedience. This was the situation in midsummer, 1848, when the uni versal rush to the mining regions swept the men of the state away from their ordinary interests to seek their fortunes beneath the soil of the Sierra Nevada foothills. First in the gold fields were the natives of the United States who were already in California, for the strenuous labor of the mines did not greatly attract the indolent Califomians.24 Soon after came many who had settled in the neighboring territory of Oregon.25 Thus the nucleus of the mining population was composed of pioneers of the usual American type, and it was the universal verdict that even in the excitement and license of the mines they were not only hard working and self-reliant, but honest and generous in their attitude toward each other. News of the richness of the placers spread quickly among the ports of the Pacific, and the next gold seekers came from Mexico, South America, and the Sandwich Islands. They were quickly followed by parties from Australia, among whom were 23 "There will be fifty able-bodied soldiers fit for duty in California" (Report, Aug. 25, 1848, Cong. Docs., Ser. No. 573, Doc. 17, p. 603). 2* Hittell, California. Ill, 161-162. 25 "I think that at least two-thirds of the male population of Oregon, capable of bearing arms, started for California in the summer and fall of 1848" (Peter H. Burnett, Recollections and Opinions of an Old Pioneer. 1880, p. 254). 62 Vigilance Committee of 1851 numbers of discharged convicts and ticket-of-leave men. Such foreigners, unaccustomed to self-government and in some cases outlaws by instinct and experience, were undesirable additions to the ranks of the miners, and were much disliked as alien intruders who had no rights in the mineral wealth of the public lands.26 The eastern states received information of the mines so late in the autumn of 1848 that the season was unfavorable for undertaking the overland journey, but twenty thousand men assembled on the banks of the Missouri River, eager to start for the West as soon as the winter was over, and a fleet of vessels prepared to carry passengers to California by way of the Isthmus of Panama, and around Cape Horn.27 The real rush therefore reached the state early in 1849, when thousands of men poured over the Sierra Nevada Mountains, and other thousands sailed through the Golden Gate into the harbor of San Francisco. The typical pioneer was no longer in the ascendant. Men came from every section of the land, and from every walk of life. Puritans and drunkards, clergymen and convicts, honest and dishonest, rich and poor— they strode side by side across the plains, crowded the decks of steamers, and worked shoulder to shoulder in the diggings. A little later came all the world, and the people of Europe and Asia and Africa brought to Cali fornia every social inheritance entailed upon humanity since the dawn of history.28 26 The subject of foreign miners is discussed infra, pp. 121-126 J S Hittell spoke of the predominance of aliens during 1848 (San Francisco, irefl)t'lvpL1S^!f+tCerta,m'ilh0Wever' that ™ 1849 the American arrivals greatly exceeded those of other nationalities. 27 See Bancroft, California, VI, 110-163. fl»™ S?/°T" h ™49' th°Alta "ported in the harbor vessels flying the flags of England, France, Spain, Portugal, Italy, Hamburg, Bremen Bel gium, New Granada, Holland, Sweden, Oldenburg, Chilif' Peru Russi?a Iment iT^^?' ^7' ^^^ and T^ti (Steamer Ed sup plement %). The world-wide mterest in California mines is attested bv utgfagt °f ^ °n ^ ^^ PubHshed in vLLsEuropean El Dorado 63 They found a land of magnificent distances, sparsely settled toward the south, and virgin wilderness from the mining region to the northern boundary. The genius of the country was an apparition of the Mexican law, invoked by a military-civil governor whose authority was unsupported by even a show of physical force, and rested precariously on the presumed consent of the governed. It is necessary for us to picture as vividly as possible the tremendous excitement of these first months of the gold rush, then to revert to Colonel Mason's report-'' of August 19, and remind ourselves that he had neither the author ity nor the equipment to impose any regulations upon these men, who were already miles removed from the jurisdiction of the alcaldes he had installed in office. Again we must visualize the thousands of gold seekers, constantly keyed to the highest pitch of excitement, gathered in mountain camps far from the nearest office of government, generally unacquainted with the eiistoms prevailing in the older settlements, and perfectly aware that there was no executive strong enough to enforce order, no police empowered to make arrest, and no jails where the lawless could be confined. The miners had, however, at least two pressing social neces sities: every man wished to be assured that he could dig where he chose without displacement by an interloper, and that his life and his gold should be reasonably safe from the assaults of violence. Here were primitive elements of society- a man's relation to the soil, and his relation to his neighbor, in the restricted sense of the other man who might jump his claim, rob his tent, or shoot him in the back. But the people called upon to adjust these primitive relations were not primitive people. They were the heirs of all the ages : their social reactions to their environment were not the reactions of inexperienced, unsophisticated men, groping through experi- 20 See sup fa, p. 60. 64 Vigilance Committee of 1851 ment and failure after methods that should meet their particular needs. Americans were the dominant spirits in '48; they formed a great majority of the miners of '49, and the American tradition and experience hovered as a mighty influence over the inchoate groups that hurled themselves swiftly together, and as swiftly disintegrated, while anticipation and disappointment drove the eager miners restlessly from gulch to gulch. They carried with them no itinerant shrine of civic life, but rather the tools with which that shrine might be erected wherever their wandering feet should linger. For wherever three or four Americans gathered themselves together, they understood how to accomplish rapid but effective social organization by agreeing to ascertain and accept the wishes of the majority. The popular imagination has been delighted by many pictures of the California miner of 1848 and 1849, with his uncouth virtues and his picturesque vices, his courage, his rough kindness, his swift and unsparing justice, and his simple standards of manliness and integrity. But the crucial moment of his adven turous life has been passed over with a light touch, possibly because he met it lightly and without melodrama. It was the moment when the secret strike of a prospector became public property. He had traveled far, perhaps quite alone, perhaps as a member of some little company ; he had carried on his own back tools and food and rifle across country still impassable for a pack animal ; he had spent days in barren, heart-breaking toil, and nights at the mercy of murderous Indians, and at last he had "struck it rich!" But before his dream of fortune might be realized there came others who had spied on his movements, followed his trail, and overtaken him in time to divide the fruits of his suffering, his patience, and his skill.30 This was the danger so Such an incident was described by E. G. Buffum, who found a rich ravine and hoped to make a fortune from the location. Within twenty-four *?oro™ WaS traced» and the g^di was over-run with other miners. About I ' 1 *,n™ /t en in a few days' of which the discoverer realized only about $1000 (Six Months in the Gold Mines, 1850, p 91) El Dorado 65 point in California life — excited men, in a remote mountain gorge, with gold uncovered at their feet and loaded weapons in their hands. And this was the salvation of that life : they put their guns aside, sat down and talked things over, estimated the richness of the placer, and apportioned it fairly between them. In that action was displayed the fundamental characteristic of California existence in 1848 and 1849: swift agreement by the will of the majority on matters of common interest, and cheerful loyalty to such decisions until they might be changed by another popular verdict. And by this token the Argonaut of '49 claims his honorable descent as a social being through two centuries of American pioneers, across three thousand miles of American frontier, from the Pilgrims of the Mayflower, the settlers of the Cumberland, and the explorers of the Old Northwest. Too little effort has been made to set him in his place as an American, in a large majority of cases born and bred cast of the Mississippi, equipped with the traditions of his people, but thrust into cir cumstances unprecedented even amid the infinite variations developed during the conquest of the continent. CHAPTER IV VOX POPULI IN THE MINES OF CALIFORNIA The Argonaut of California unquestionably belonged to the great brotherhood of American frontiersmen, but it is equally true that his surroundings created problems which were entirely his own. A few of the fundamental differences that distinguished the American settlement of California from that of other parts of the frontier require particular emphasis here. While the majority of the miners came from the United States, the mixture of men from every class and section of the nation and from all the nations of the earth destroyed that unity of descent and of social experience that had elsewhere blended pioneer communities into homogeneous groups. Moreover, in place of the gradual development of complex conditions accom panied by progressive adjustment of social mechanism, many of the problems of life became suddenly acute as throngs of new arrivals crowded into the congested towns and swarmed over the restricted area of the mining regions. The advance into California, unlike the advance of the men of the western waters, was not the migration of a people, pushed westward by hereditary tendencies. It was more like the onrush of viking hordes lured by spoil to a foreign shore. The adven turers were nearly all men,1 nearly all young; they came with no thought of remaining beyond the time necessary to snatch a fortune from the placers; they had no purpose of reproducing accustomed institutions in a land of transient sojourn ; and they i From April 12 to Dec. 31, 1849, the arrivals by sea were 28,269 men and 800 women (Browne, Debates, Appendix, p. xxii). See also J D. Borthwick, Three Tears in California, 1857, pp. 381-383; Burnett, Recol lections, 301; Alexandre Holinski, La Calif omie, ed. 2, 1853, pp. 125-126. Vox Populi in the Mines of California 67 were utterly divorced from those ties of home and family which have ever been the center of community life. Another radical difference arose from the circumstance that the earliest California miners formed no fixed attachment to the soil, and that they were interested in a given locality only so long as it yielded freely of surface gold. The greater part of the mining region was on the public domain of the United States. No statutes provided for its temporary or permanent occupa tion, as, before the discovery of gold was made public, Mason had abolished the laws relative to the denouncement of mines, he had never substituted regulations of his own, nor had Congress placed California under the laws that in other regions opened public land to private ownership.2 The miners, then, were simply trespassers on land belonging to the United States, but they serenely accepted their anomalous position as a sort of modus vivendi, applied to it the old idea of social control based on a more or less extemporaneous expression of the will of the majority, and by this appeal to mutual agreement rather than to the strong arm established their relation to the soil on an equitable basis. In commending the usual fairness of their regu lations, however, one must not ignore their disregard of the prior rights of a few men who held private titles to property in the mining regions. Sutter, for instance, was despoiled of his live stock and equipment, and James W. Marshall, who dis covered gold, had his own prospects ruined by miners who paid no attention to his claims as a legitimate land owner.3 2 See Cong. Docs., Ser. No. 573, Doc. 17, pp. 476, 532. Mason 's succes sor, General Riley, continued the policy of non-interference (ibid.. 789). s See E. E. Dunbai, The Romance of the Age. 1S67, p. 129; J. B. Landis, "Life and Work of General John A. Sutter," Lancaster County [Penn sylvania] Historical Society, Papers XVII (1913), 2SS; G. F. Parsons, Life and Adventures of James W. Marshall. 1870; Hittell, California. Ill, 52-o4. But compare a statement of H. I. Simpson, who said that a fine deposit on Sutter's property was not disturbed during the summer of 1848 (Emigrant's Guide, 1848, p. 6). 68 Vigilance Committee of 1851 The growth of every camp was merely an expansion, in vary ing terms, of the relation of the man first on the ground to the newcomer who was determined to work beside him. At first, while the placers were unexplored and miners were compara tively few, there was little need for organization. As early as June, 1848, however, one observer wrote : " It is curious how soon a set of rude regulations sprung into existence, which everybody seemed to abide by."4 In many cases the initial steps towards association were taken before the miners reached the field. Parties of discharged volunteer soldiers who hastened to the mines as soon as they were mustered out in the early fall of 1848, often adopted rules to enforce necessary concert of action. Larger companies from the East were usually bound together not only by commercial agreements, but also by pledges to follow certain lines of conduct and to accept the will of the majority as it might be expressed in future contingencies.5 Such companies tended to speedy dissolution, owing to conditions unforeseen at the moment of their formation.6 Never theless, they supplied elements of unity which asserted themselves in place after place, while the camp communities were so quickly assembled and so hastily dissolved that organization appeared only under the pressure of actual necessity. But whenever that necessity arose there was instant appeal to the American ex pedient of popular decision, and no question was too important or too trivial for an ultimatum by the vox populi. The little * J. T. Brooks, Four Months among the Gold-Finders, ed. 2, 1849, p. 77. 6 See Bancroft, California, VI, 144 et seq.; Hittell, California, III, 232- 250. Such an association is described in the Diary of Nelson Kingsley, 1914. Specimen rules may be found in W. R. Ryan, Personal Adventures in ... Calif ornia, 1850, I, 211-214; A. J. McCall, Great California Trail, 1882, p. 17. « D. B. Woods, in Sixteen Months at the Gold Diggings, 1851, pp. 171-176, gave the following statistics of fourteen companies for 1849 and 1850: Number of members, 344; total days of labor, 35,876; value of gold extracted, $113,633; average for each day's labor, $3.16. Vox Populi in the Mines of California 69 companies voted where the camp should be pitched ; who should be cook; who wash the dishes. In one instance it was decided by ballot how a particularly luxurious packing box should be enjoyed as a couch, in strictly fair rotation.7 If three prospectors discovered a promising placer they voted to assign a specified area to each one; if three hundred more invaded the gulch, claims were readjusted by another vote.8 If a dispute arose between individuals, their companions dropped their picks, listened to the controvery, rendered a decision, and saw to it that the verdict was enforced. In matters of greater moment the halloo was sounded from ridge to ridge, and a general gather ing from a larger district was summoned for careful discussion and deliberation. In the earlier months and in the smaller camps only the simplest regulations were required, and they were adopted by a verbal agreement, or sometimes even by silent assent to the obvious will of the entire group. As the number of miners increased, and the camps assumed more permanent character, the rules became more elaborate. Shinn said that laws wen- formulated as early as the summer of 1S4S. In the Annals of San Francisco it is stated that the first code was framed by Colonel J. D. Stevenson, and was adopted in the fall of that year by miners in the district above Mokelumne Hill.9 One of the best known of the early miners, who had been in the field from the first months of the gold excitement, wrote that he never heard of a specified miner 's claim until the spring of 1849, when at Wood's Creek, in the southern mines, he saw the ground "¦ Buffum, Six Months, 26-27. 8 One pioneer said that when the mines were opened around Nevada City a determined prospector claimed all the diggings as far as his rifle carried. The miners soon saw that more practical agreements were necessary (C. D. Ferguson, Experiences of a Forty-niner. 1888, p. 157). »C. II. Shinn, Land Laws of Mining Districts. 1884, p. 236; Annals, 788. 70 Vigilance Committee of 1851 measured off with tapes, under the direction of alcaldes, so as to prevent disputes.10 It is reported in the history of Colusa County that formal laws were adopted by a meeting at Rose Bar in April, 1849, and that "so far as then known" they were the earliest of their kind.11 It is evident, however, that by the spring of 1849 the custom had become so widespread that one writer humorously referred to the "lex diggerorum" which placed the strong and the weak upon a footing of equality, defined the claims that might be set apart, protected the tools left on the ground as an evidence of proprietorship, and per mitted the adventurers to hold their rights as securely as if they were guaranteed by a charter from the government.12 Shinn stated that the smaller camps carried on most of their proceedings without written records.13 As the regulations still accessible are not dated earlier than 1850, it is probable that meetings were called to adopt new codes, or amend old ones, when the organization of the state afforded an opportunity for permanent entry on the books of the county recorder. The miners ' laws usually dealt with the size of the individual claim, the signs by which ownership should be indicated, the amount of work necessary to establish and retain possession, the i° J. H. Carson, Early Recollections of the Mines, ed. 2, 1852, p. 10. The two watersheds of the Sacramento and San Joaquin rivers were generally distinguished as the ' ' northern ' ' and ' ' southern ' ' mines. n Colusa County, 1880, p. 80. 12 Notes on California and the Placers [by James Delavan], 1850, pp. 64, 66. "A tool left in the hole in which a miner is working, is a sign that it is not abandoned yet, and that nobody has a right to intrude there, and this regulation, which is adopted by the silent consent of all, is generally complied with (F. P. Wierzbieki, California as It Is, and as It May Be, 1849, p. 45 ) . A few years later H. R. Helper said : ' ' Every Bar is governed by such laws as the majority of the miners see fit to enact, not by written or published documents, but by verbal understanding. . . . Almost every Bar is governed by a different code of laws. . . . The discoverer of new diggings is awarded a double or triple share, or only an equal part, as a majority of those on the ground shall determine" (Land of Gold, 1855, p. 151). See also Kelly, Excursion to California, II, 24. 13 Shinn, Mining Camps, 168. Vox Populi in the Mines of California il title to water rights, and the adjustment of disputes. Speaking of them, in the broadest sense, H. W. Halleck said :14 The miners of California have generally adopted . . . the main principles of the mining laws of Spain and Mexico, by which the right of property in mines is made to depend upon discovery and development ; that is, dis covery is made the source of title, and development, or working, the con dition of the continuance of that title. The strength of these regulations lay in the universal acceptance of the theory that the local group had a right to establish its own rules, and in the democratic practice that gave an equal voice in the open conference to every citizen of the United States. whether he spoke in the quaint phrases of the illiterate frontiers man, or in the polished tongue of a college graduate. < >ne may confidently say of the miners of California, as Albert Bushnell Hart has said of the New England colonists, that they practiced "that acceptance of the will of the majority which is the supreme test of popular self government. "ir' One may also apply to them the words of James Bryce : "In nothing does the executive talent of the people better shine than in the promptitude wherewith the idea of an organization for a common object is taken up, [and] "See Gregory Yale, Legal Titles to Mining Claims and Water Rights. in California, 1867, p. 71. On the subject of miners' laws, see also Shinn, Mininq Camps, and his Land Laws of Mining Districts: Bancroft, Califor nia, III, chaps. 15-17; Hittell, California, III, 251-271; C. H. Lindley, Treatise on the American Law Relating to Mines and Mineral Lands within the Public Land, ed. 3, 1914, especially on California, I. sees. 40-49. pp. 71-88; J. W. Thompson, United States Mining Statutes. 1915, I. 635-643; Rodman, Histoni of the Bench and Bar of Southern California. 85-92; C. L. Brace, The New li'cst, 1869, pp. 128-129. Collections of miners' codes are given in J. Ross Browne, Reports upon the Mineral Resources of tin United States West of the Rocky Mountains [for 1866], 1867. especially pp. 226- 242; J. F. Davis, Historical Skitch of the Mining Law in California. 1902: Heckendorn & Wilson, Miners ¦.r Business Men's Directory 1856 of Tuolumne. A special report prepared by Clarence King for the Tenth Census of the United States (Cong. Docs., Ser. No. 2144, Doc. 42. Pt. 14), collected all tho local mining laws and regulations of the nation that could then be obtained. isA. B. Hart, National Ideals Historically Traced, 93. 72 Vigilance Committee of 1851 in the instructive discipline that makes every one who joins in starting it fall into his place. ' '16 The most interesting study of this phase of California life may be found in the works of Charles H. Shinn, but his treat ment differentiated the pioneers of the Pacific Coast too sharply from those of the East and the Middle West. He felt that the latter ' ' melted away before the tides of civilization, without being forced by imperious necessity to the creation of any code of local laws, or to the organization of any form of permanent govern ment, ' ' and that the mining camp was the ' ' original contribution of the American pioneer to the art of self-government. ' '17 This point of view led Shinn to trace the miners' dexterity in self-government directly to the racial genius of their Teutonic forbears, to connect the miners' meeting immediately with the Germanic folk moot,18 and to forget the long process of social education that had taken place in the Old World, in the Ameri can colonies, and on the Western frontier. Professor Royce also ignored the American heritage of the California miners, and spoke of the result attained by their efforts at self -organiza tion as in its nature unstable, since it had not been won as a prize of social devotion but only attained by a sudden feat of instinctive cleverness.19 Just as Shinn 's admiration for the heroic qualities of his actors left them still unrelated to their forefathers of wilderness and inland valley, so did Royce 's censure of their faults fail to relate their sins of citizenship to similar shortcomings elsewhere, and to recognize them as the product of a democracy that made haste to possess the continent before it perfected the vehicle of popular government. ie Bryce, American Commonwealth, II, 282. 17 Shinn, Mining Camps, 4. is Shinn, Mining Camps, 2-3, 22-24, 125, 176. Reference to the New England town meeting and the settlers' associations of the West is made, however, in his Land Laws of Mining Districts, 50. i» Royce, California, 281. Vox Populi in the Mines of Californ i a The details of the miners' laws, interesting as they might be, need no long discussion here. It is only necessary to establish the fact that in circumstances where no exterior force could impose regulations, each little concourse of miners voluntarily imposed upon itself laws which determined the adjustment of claims in accordance with the will of the majority.20 It is very easy to concentrate attention upon the picturesque features of the miners' meeting: to visualize a firelit group of stalwart men, shut away from the world by a shadowy barrier of encircling forest, or to imagine the wild camp Sunday that was nevertheless a favorite day for the gatherings that deci d the laws for those roaring bravadoes of pick and pan. But neither the picturesque simplicity nor the mad disorder should obscure the significant fact that the camp-made laws were efficient. They met a temporary emergency, but they met it so well, with such stability of fundamental fairness, and such flexibility for local necessity, that for several years after the Federal control was asserted and the state organization was completed, the laws passed at those miners' meetings and at their successors of a gentler decade were accepted as the law of the land, were finally incorporated in the codes of California, and adopted in many other states.21 Again it must be borne in mind that while California was emerging from the chaos of the transition period, while a constitutional convention was at work and while successive legislatures were in session, the men of the Sierra mining camps still made their own mining laws with a 20 "No alcalde, no council, no justice of the peace, was ever forced upon a district by an outside power'' (Shinn, Mining Camps, 177). 2i The miners of other districts followed California precedents, and developed some modifications and improvements which affected national legislation. See Beulah Hershiser, ' ' Influence of Nevada on the National Mining Legislation of 1866,'' Nevada Historical Society. Reports. Ill (1911-1912), 127-167; T. M. Marshall, "Miners' Laws' of Colorado." American. Historical Review, XXV (1920), 426-439; and his Early Records of Gilpin County. 1920. 74 Vigilance Committee of 1851 direct popular sovereignty that left a profound impression on the spirit and institutions of the commonwealth.22 The miner's relation to his claim was thus adjusted with marked success, and with comparatively little disorder, but as much cannot be said of the establishment of the relations -between man and man. The newcomers in California, even those who hailed from older states, were doubtless familiar with the usual features of popular tribunals. The precedent that had been tolerated as a matter of necessity in pioneer settlements had been followed in many better organized localities when courts had failed to punish crime, or when the bitterness engendered by the slavery question had given rise to acts of offensive partisanship.23 Trials by lynch law had occurred in several overland parties during the long course of the westward journey, and it is not at all surprising that, as soon as emergencies arose in the mines, the impromptu organization of the camp meeting transformed itself without hesitation into a criminal court. 22 The miners' rights were not confirmed by Federal authority until Congress passed the general lode mining law of 1866 (U. S. Statutes at Large, XIV, 251). The chairman of the Committee on Mines and Mining, urging the passage of the bill, said : "It will be readily seen how essential it is that this great system, established by the people in their primary capacities, and evidencing by the highest possible testimony the peculiar genius of the American people for founding empire and order, shall be preserved and affirmed. Popular sovereignty is here displayed in one of its grandest aspects, and simply invites us not to destroy, but to put upon it the stamp of national power, and unquestioned authority" (Cong. Docs., Ser. No. 1240, Doe. 105, p. 2). It is significant of the spirit in which Royce reviewed this period that he said of the California miners: "They resist strenuously any legislative interference with their local self-government in these matters. They insist absolutely upon the autonomy of the miners' district, as regards the land; and for years, against all legislative schemes at home, and all congressional propositions at Washington, they actually maintained this autonomy" (California, 316). =3 Cutler, Lynch-Law, 91 et seq. Most of Cutler 's examples for this period were from the Liberator, and record outrages upon abolitionists and Negroes rather than cases of frontier justice. See also P. W. Black, "Lynch- ings in Iowa," Iowa Journal of History and Politics, X (1912), 151-254, and his "Attempted Lynchings in Iowa," Annals of Iowa, ser. 3, XI (1914), 260-285. Vox Populi in the Mines of California. 75 During the summer and early autumn of 1848 there was little need for severity of any kind as disorders were rare and some early observers reported a period of almost Arcadian honesty that lasted well into the more strenuous days of '49. 24 Bancroft recorded crimes in the region of San Francisco and San Jose, but found only two instances of outrages in .1848 that incurred the punishment of popular tribunals in the mining regions. Carson wrote that honesty was the ruling passion among the miners of '48 and recalled but one ea.se of "high misdemeanor" in that year. Of later months he said-.25 This honesty . . ..was not to be found in the crowds that daily thickened around us in '49. Hordes of pick-pockets, robbers, thieves and swindlers wore mixed with men who had come with honest intentions. . . . Murders, thefts, and heavy robberies soon became the order of the day. . . . Whipping on the bare back, cutting off ears, and hanging, soon became matters of as frequent occurrence as those of robbery, theft and murder. These statements are in substantial accord with the experi ences of a majority of the pioneers. The question of mining claims had been adjusted on a peaceful basis, but the camps now faced the more difficult problem of controlling without the cus tomary aid of law a dangerous class of criminals.2" Every fairly 2* See report of Mason, Aug. 17, 1848 (Cong. Vacs., Ser. No. 573. Doc. 17, p. 532); Bancroft, California, VI, 84; Brooks, Four Months. 67; Alonzo Delano, Life on the Plains and among the Diggings, ed. of 1S57. p. 359; T. T. Johnson, California and Oregon, or Sights in the Gold Rtgion. ed. 3, 1851, p. 146; James Neall, Jr., Statement, 4-5, MS in the Bancroft Library. 2= Carson, Early Recollections, 6, 11-12, 26. James Lynch, familiar with events in '48 and '49, thought that the first jury trial in the mines was at Murphy's Diggings in the spring of '49 (With Stevenson to California, 1896, p. 48). 20 < ' There was another branch of legislation soon called for to suppress a system of thieving that was fast spreading; but the code of the famous Judge Lynch was unanimously adopted, and under its oral provisions any person caught in 'flagrante delicto' was shot down without ceremony, or subjected to any other summary punishment the detector might prefer. . . . While disapproving of the modicum of punishment, and the manner of putting it in force, I must admit that some very stringent measures were I necessary to keep in check the'lawless and abandoned characters who flocked to the uiines" (Kelly, Excursion to California, II, 24-25). 76 Vigilance Committee of 1851 successful miner collected gold dust in larger or smaller quan tities which he was obliged to carry on his person or to leave about his tent, for there were no safes in the mines, and no bank ing or express agents ready to receive and forward treasure to the cities. As these accumulations of gold dust were a constant temptation to theft and murder, it became a vital necessity to j make robbery unprofitable, even in a country that lacked the restraining influences of courts and jails. In the summer of 1848 Brooks said that every man guarded his gold dust with his own rifle,27 and the crimes of that season were doubtless avenged by the aggrieved party when detection was possible. As popula tion increased united action became necessary. Then the miners almost universally adopted the custom of improvising courts for the immediate trial of suspected offenders, and it is important to realize that these trials were not a social retrogression towards anarchy, but an effort to protect society by elevating the pun ishment of crime above the primitive and dangerous plane of personal vengeance.28 The many anecdotes of miners' trials given by Shinn, Hittell, and Bancroft concur in describing the usual method as being the immediate trial of the suspect before an improvised court, with judge and jury, although sometimes the meeting as a whole voted on the verdict and sentence. Counsel were often assigned for prosecution and defense, evidence was always taken at its face value, and no technical evasions were allowed. The accounts that have been preserved indicate a large percentage of convic tions. No doubt acquittals made less impression on the observer, and it must be remembered that the presumption of innocence 2T Brooks, Four Months, 177, 183-184, 206. 28 E. A. Ross, in his Social Control, 1901, pp. 41-52, used the develop ment of the mining camps in California as an illustration of the progress of community action. "There are offences," he wrote, "that exasperate the group as well as offences that arouse the ire of the individual. In this common wrath and common vengeance lies the germ of a social control of the person. ' ' Vox Populi in the Mines of California 77 was less than in ordinary courts, as arrest followed swiftly upon the discovery of crime, and many culprits were caught red- handed.29 Nevertheless conviction was dangerously easy, and some innocent men must have suffered cruel injustice. When guilt was once established it was considered imperative to rid the camp of the criminal, as there was no way of confining him pending a possible reformation. Immediate execution was the , most effectual process of elimination and it was often employed. Sometimes a rough dignity solemnized such tragic occasions, but instances occurred of revolting ferocity and violence. If it was considered safe to give the guilty man another chance, he was punished, usually by whipping, and driven from camp with the warning that reappearance would mean death. Thirty-nine lashes on the bare back was a common sentence, but a hundred or even more, were not unknown. Many of the Argonauts who participated in these trials always maintained the stern necessity for such prompt and severe penalties and pointed out the incontestable fact that in a country .Jiml&oui- penitentiaries whipping and execution were the only alternatives.30 Corporal punishment was not so repugnant to the standards of 1849 as it is to those of the present day. It had been rigorously employed everywhere upon the frontier, it was still legalized in some of the older states, and in others it had been abandoned but a short time.31 The pioneer journalist, •-» For incidents of acquittal, see Albert Lyman, Journal of a Voyage to California, 1852, pp. 121-122; Woods. Sixteen Months. OS. »o General Riley attributed much of the lynching in 1849 to the lack of secure jails (Cong. Docs., Ser. No. 573, Doc. 17, p. 790). si Sherman cited the laws of Texas as a precedent for flogging a thief. and Mason recommended the penalty for very aggravated cases (Cong. Docs.. Ser. No. 573, Doc. 17, pp. 403, 44.5). The severity of frontier pun ishments was condemned bv Howard, Introduction to Local Constitutional History, 416-423, and it was defended by Judge D. D. Banta. in "The Criminal Code of the Northwest Territory," Indiana Magazine of History. IX (1913), 234-236. The following opinion was given by the Supreme Court of New Mexico: "In new countries, without jails... a pressing necessity for the adoption of the punishment of whipping for the offense 78 Vigilance Committee of 1851 Bayard Taylor, heartily approved of the miners' methods. Shinn defended them stoutly, and went so far as to say that "the miners' court was never wittingly cruel in its judgments, although it was liable to be swayed by prejudice or passion."32 Unfortunately, tales of cruelty cannot be denied. One of the most brutal scenes was the first lynching in the state, that of four Mexicans, at Dry Diggings (Placerville), which long there after bore the name of Hangtown.33 Josiah Royce spoke for a large group when he condemned all such punishments as bar barous, and in the end futile to reform the criminal.34 It is difficult to see, even in retrospect, how preventive and reformatory measures could have been adopted. Every camp faced dissolution at a moment's notice, and it could not suspend work to hew lumber, quarry stone, and erect a secure jail. Moreover, it was an isolated unit in its social existence, unable to establish systematic cooperation with any other social unit, or to assist in devising a general policy for the preservation of order. In such an environment it was not to be expected that the young men of the mining region would develop a practical of larceny exists. At some stage in the existence of almost every state and territory, they have resorted to this mode of punishment, and in no instance has its infliction been held to be unconstitutional ("Garcia vs. the Terri tory," Fi7-st New Mexico Reports, 415-419). 32 Bayard Taylor, Eldorado, 1850, I, 92; Shinn, Mining Camps. 179-180. See also William Taylor, California. Life Illustrated, ed. of 1S58, pp. 295- 296; D. A. Shaw, Eldorado, 1900, pp. 139-144. 33 The lynching was in January, 1849. The Mexicans were first tried and whipped for robbery, then tried by a crowd of half-intoxicated miners on fresh charges of robbery and attempted murder. They endeavored to defend themselves in Spanish, but no interpreter was found, and thev were immediately hanged from the branches of a tree in the center of the' camp. See Buffum, Sur Months, 83-85; Historical Souvenir of El Dorado Count)/, 1883, pp. 148, 208; John Carr, Pioneer Days. 1891, p. 65; H. D. Jerrett, California's El Dorado, 1915, pp. 48-49; L. A. Norton, Life and Adventures, 1887, p. 293. Other instances of excessive punishment mav be found in J. W. Harlan, California '46 to W, 1888, p. 140. Anecdotes of trials extending over many years, are collected in Popular Tribunals, I, 142-178; Hittell, California, 272-309. 3* See Royce, California, pp. 335-340. Vox Populi in the Mines of California 79 penology that should anticipate the advanced position of the present day, or even coincide with the most progressive standards of their own generation. It must be remembered also that the suppression of crime was their only aim, and their heavy-handed chastisement made life and property relatively safe, in spite of the presence in their midst of many men of the most desperate- recklessness. While the reader must turn to the pages of other authors for detailed pictures of the miners' trials, still a general grasp of local conditions is essential at this point, in order to understand that the widespread appeal to popular tribunals in 1^49 was not due to a defiance of authorized government on the part of the populace, but to an utter lack of any system of control in the mining regions. Indeed, Colonel Mason acknowledged with regret that he was unable to initiate any measures for the relief of the emergency. On November 24, 1848, he wrote to Wash ington :35 I cannot too strongly recommend a territorial government to be organ ized in California at the earliest moment possible, if it has not already been done. There is no security here for life or property ; and, unless a civil government is speedily organized, anarchy and confusion will arise, and murder, robbery, and all sorts of crime will be committed with impunity in the heterogeneous and mixed community that now fills California. Under such circumstances he was compelled to countenance the popular efforts to suppress crime, and when in December the 35 Cong. Does.. Ser. No. 573. Doc. 17, p. 648. When the military rule terminated in Santa Barbara it was necessary to release a convict, as there were no civil authorities and no jail {Archives, "Unbound Docs.," 10, 22. 25). Captain J. L. Folsoin, assistant quartermaster at San Francisco, wrote to Major General Jessup, Sept. IS. 1848: "I know of no section of the United States Territories which more imperatively requires strong garrisons for the preservation of order. Without them I believe the whole country will sink into anarchy and the worst possible confusion" (New York Journal of Commerce, ISIS. Dec. 27, clipping in Francis Lieber s California Scrap- Booh: p. 7, a collection of clippings in the Bancroft Library i. St* also another letter from Folsom, in Robinson, California and Its Gold Regions, Appendix, pp. 134—137. \ 80 Vigilance Committee of 1851 alcalde of San Jose hanged three convicted highwaymen with out waiting for official approval of the sentence, the Governor wrote :36 I know, in this ease, that necessity and circumstances, and the violent outrages of late so frequently committed upon society, compelled the good citizens of the pueblo to rise and promptly make a public example of those robbers, for the sake of their own safety and that of society in general. The country affording no means — jails or prisons — by which the persons of these lawless men could have been secured and society protected, it is not much to be wondered that, after the many atrocities so recently committed upon unoffending citizens, the strict bounds of legal proceedings should have been a little overstepped. About the same time seven or more members of the Reed family were murdered at San Miguel, and three of the assailants were captured and taken to Santa Barbara for trial. Mason at once instructed the alcalde of that place to proceed to immediate trial and execution, and in reporting the two occurrences to Washington said:37 You are perfectly aware that no competent civil courts exist in this country, and that strictly speaking there is no legal power to execute the sentence of death; but the necessity of protecting their lives and property against the many lawless men at large in this country, compels the good ^citizens to take the law into their own hands. I shall not disapprove of the course that has been taken in this instance, and shall only endeavor to restrain the people, so far as to insure to every man charged with a capital crime an open and fair trial by a jury of his countrymen. Hittell felt that the resort to popular tribunals received an important impulse from the attitude Colonel Mason felt obliged to assume. "Under ordinary circumstances," he said, "nothing would have been more distasteful to Mason than this species of MCong. Docs., Ser. No. 573, Doc. 17, p. 691; alcalde's report of the case, Archives, "Unbound Docs," 34, 340. See also Popular Tribunals, I, 68. 37 Cong. Docs., Ser. No. 573, Doc. 17, p. 653. See also Colton, Three Tears, 392; Harlan, California '46 to '48, pp. 134-136; H. I. Dally, Nar rative, 1878, pp. 53-63, MS in the Bancroft Library. This was doubtless the crime mentioned by Senator Douglas as an awful result of refusing California the protection of adequate law (Cong. Globe., 30 Cong., 2 Sess., Appendix, pp. 275-276). Vox Populi in the Mines of California 81 lawless justice; but, in the condition of affairs as they were, he refused to interfere or stay the course of the popular vengeance that alone held lawlessness in some sort of check."38 As the population increased the miners' meetings became more formal in their procedure. The winter of 1848 to 1849 drove most men from the mountains, but a few Americans remained at the present site of Sonora, and a large party of Mexicans wintered at the same camp. It became necessary there to adopt some system more effective than impromptu meetings, and before the close of the year R. S. Ham was acting as alcalde.30 Shinn stated that Ham was elected at a meeting of the American miners of Jamestown, but H. 0. Lang said that he assumed the office at Sonora without even a request from the inhabitants and was summarily deposed for James Prazier (Frasier or Fraser) when a case arose that needed greater ability. My father, Edwards C. Williams, went to Jamestown in the autumn of 184*, soon after he was mustered out of service with Stevenson's Regiment. He had not been there long when some excitement led the miners to desire an alcalde, and he was chosen for the position in compliment to a spectacular feat of horsemanship which he had performed when he arrived in camp. He resigned in two weeks, desiring to devote himself to business, but he always said that in the interval he wielded the power of life and death, although the only sentence he pronounced was a whipping im posed on a thieving Mexican. He remembered the administration of Alcalde Prazier, but the notes made of his recollections do not record which preceded the other in office. When the cessation of the winter storms permitted the gen eral resumption of mining, other camps followed the example set at Sonora, and elected alcaldes to administer the camp laws. as Hittell, California, II, 674. so See Shinn, Mining Camps. 127; History of Tuolumne County [by II. O. Lang], 1882, p. 13; Bancroft, California, VI. 469; Hittell. California. Ill, 224. 82 Vigilance Committee of 1851 Prom the specimens of later rules that have been preserved it seems probable that the miners' laws adopted after the early months of 1849 made little distinction between the civil and the criminal departments of camp justice, and that the alcaldes not only supervised the allotment of mining claims but preserved order and presided at trials,40 although there were still many occasions- when impromptu courts, with hastily chosen judges, conducted trials and imposed sentences. These camp alcaldes were entirely independent of the super vision which the military-civil governor still exercised over the coast towns, and their election may be considered as an effort to provide the miners with a working substitute for the machin ery of organized government. Their recommendation to office usually consisted in some accent of personality that caught the attention of the men about them ; they derived their title from a Spanish inheritance, and their idea of law from their own inner consciousness; they were responsible to no central power, they were subordinated to no court of appeal, they were bound by no statute of legislation. Often they were well educated, often illiterate ; sometimes they were sturdily honest, sometimes shamelessly venal; many drank and cursed with unchastened exuberance, many were thoroughly decent in speech and habits ; some met untimely ends in drinking brawls and pistol duels, some spent long and honorable lives in the service of their adopted state. They were as far removed from the paternal dignity of the Spanish alcalde as they were from the well defined status of the American sheriff. Yet, because they perpetuated the title of the Mexican magistrate, there is a tendency to attach to the miners' alcalde a sort of retroactive significance, and to define in the terms of his arbitrary despotism the functions of the alcalde of the pre-American regime. The exact position of the latter was confused by conflicting statutes and shifting administrations, *° See the code of Jacksonville, January, 1850, Thomas Donaldson, The Public Domain, 1881, pp. 317-318. Vox Populi in the Mines of California 83 but his authority reached back through centuries of Spanish law and custom ; his successor of the transition period was very different from the Spanish model, but he still derived authority from well established usage ; but the earliest alcaldes of the mines were detached from constitutions and precedents of any compelling force. As Buchanan said of the ultimate foundation of all order in California, the authority of the miners' alcaldes rested solely on the consent of the governed, who recognized the necessity of some form of social control, and gave voluntary obedience to these extraordinary magistrates. Legal methods of the time may be illustrated as follows. In December, 1848, C. E. Pickett, a merchant at Sutter's Fort, killed a man in self-defense. Sam Brannan, who had a store at the same place, insisted that Pickett should be tried for mur der. When the first and second alcaldes and the sheriff resigned to avoid conducting the prosecution, Brannan called a mass meet ing to elect new officers. Everyone who was suggested for alcalde declined and finally Brannan, himself, was chosen. The nom ination for a prosecuting attorney likewise went through the circuit of the meeting, and was also finally accepted by Brannan. The prisoner then procured counsel, the sheriff pro tern, was ordered to bring drinks and cigars for all concerned, and argu ments lasted far into the night, while Captain Sutter, one of the jury, wrapped in a Mexican scrape, leaned against the wall fast asleep. Brannan, as prosecuting attorney, summed up the evidence against the accused in spite of the fact that Brannan, as alcalde, was judge at the trial. The jury disagreed, and the sheriff was charged to hold the prisoner, but, as he had neither jail nor irons, it was decided to admit Pickett to bail, which was promptly furnished by the jurymen. "Thus ended the first criminal trial ever had at Sutter's Fort. At a subsequent aud soberer trial Pickett was acquitted."41 « History of Sacramento County. 124-125; noted in Archives. "Un bound Docs.," 44. 84 Vigilance Committee of 1851 Another story tells us that in the spring of 1849 two Span iards on the Mokelumne quarreled over the ownership of a mule worth about $20, and availed themselves of the privileges of a jury trial. This resulted in fees amounting to $368, and a verdict that they should draw lots for the disputed animal. The contestants cheerfully divided the costs and settled their quarrel by drawing straws.42 It is easy to understand why a pioneer should say :43 From the 7th of July, 1846 .... the Government was a perfect non descript — part military and part civil, and part no government at all. . . . The laws were most variant and variously conceived, the civil law, the Pike County code, the New York code, the common law, maritime law, the law on the plains, military law, and the miners' law, were all jumbled up together, and the Courts were as unique as the government and the laws; they were Americo-Mexican, military-civil, with a good degree of the vigilante. In spite of their shortcomings and their eccentricities, how ever, the miners' laws and the miners' alcaldes prevented abso lute anarchy in the camps. In the fall of 1848 the military authorities had anticipated a rapid increase in crime, but a year later the reports were much more cheerful. General Riley was then governor, and when he visited the mining region he was agreeably surprised to learn that order was preserved through out almost the entire district. In each little settlement the miners had elected local alcaldes and constables, and sustained their official acts with loyalty and energy.44 A few months later, General Persifor F. Smith, commandant of the Pacific Division of the Army, wrote to the Adjutant General :45 42 Carson, Early Recollections, 27-28. 43 Lawrence Archer, "Oration," in Society of California Pioneers, Twenty-second Anniversary, 1877, p. 12. 44 Cong. Docs., Ser. No. 573, Doe. 17, p. 787. « p. t. Tyson, Geology and Industrial Resources of California, 1851, p. 79. General Smith was sometimes called the governor of California, but he took pains to state that he was not in charge of civil affairs See 1^t(f>CaUfornia< n> 676> 712i c°n9- Docs., Ser. No. 573, Doc. 17, pp. 7^7, 767. Vox Populi in the Mines of California 85 I doubt whether any part of the United States has presented a com munity in which there has [sic] been so few crimes and even disorders com mitted. The public records of any of our largest cities will present more of these in one day, than have taken place in the whole of California since my arrival Many misrepresentations have been published on this point. The best known and most enthusiastic contemporary account of conditions in California was written by Bayard Taylor. His letters to the New York Tribune have been the basis of many secondary accounts of mining life, and were the source of some of Shinn 's important generalizations.40 Taylor spent some six weeks in the mines in the fall of 1849, and reported that all the larger and older camps had elected alcaldes and adopted regu lations which were faithfully obeyed, while crime was checked by just and deliberate punishments.47 It is quite possible that the places he visited were conducted as he described, but his inspection was hurried and superficial, and comparison with other observers leads one to think that he attributed to the entire extent of the mining region a good order which he found pre vailing in the more accessible localities through which he traveled. In spite of the optimistic reports of Riley and Smith and Taylor, it is incontestable that violence reached an alarming degree during 1849. Popular tribunals such as the miners' courts had developed as an emergency resource for small pioneer 40 Eldorado, 1850. Taylor made some very palpable errors, such as speaking of the Mexican ayuntamiento as a person ' ' who was commis sioned," etc., etc. (I, 183), estimating the thousands of gold seekers from foreign parts as speedily outnumbering the American population (I, 100), and describing the harbor at Monterey as equal to any in California (I, 138). His optimistic statements should therefore be received with caution (see Boyce, California, pp. 303-304). 4? Eldorado, I, 67 et seq. Henry De Groot said the miner of 1849 was far less disorderly than he was currently portraved ("Six Months in '49." Overland Monthly, XIV [1872], 316-329). E. G. Waite wrote: "In all my personal experience in mining camps from 1849 to 1854 there was not a case of bloodshed, robbery, theft, or actual violence" ("Pioneer Mining in California," Century. XLII [1891], 141). "For several years after the settlement of Nevada [City], in a society where little law had influence except that of moral restraint, but two homicides occurred" (H. B. Thomp son, Directory of the City of Nevada and Grass Valley. 1861, p. S). 86 Vigilance Committee of 1851 communities. They inevitably proved their inherent weakness and defects when called upon to control a population that in numbers and disposition required the restraints imposed by a highly developed social organization. It wasjiot jlone Tthe avow- edly outlaw element that needed to be'curbed; men whose former habits of life had been orderly and well regulated learned in California to consume liquor in enormous quantities, and to gamble for enormous stakes. Disappointed greed and drunken passion sped many a knife thrust and bullet, and the frenzy of a mad debauch turned many a peaceable miner into an irrespon sible enemy of mankind. To attempt to gather and classify the accounts of California pioneers is like trying to classify the combinations of a kaleido scope, for the components of the miners' society shifted and rearranged themselves and reflected the sunlight or caught the shadow with every turn of fortune 's hand. We read, as it were in parallel columns, of bags of gold dust that lay safe in unguarded tents, and of merchandise piled high in the open streets; then of robbery and murder that went unnoticed in a community where a man might drop from sight without causing a ripple of comment among his self-absorbed neighbors. We read of the ' ' lex diggerorum ' ' to which men bowed in the swift adjustment of the most valuable claims, and of the groups which elected and obeyed their alcaldes in spite of the temptations of selfish individualism. We find, on the other hand, that there were many who opposed even the simplest forms of social restraint, and seized every opportunity to display their predatory instincts ; again we find that there were many more whose habits of self-control gave way under the excitement and hardships of their life and the wild dissipation that was their only relaxation after days of feverish toil. Men of this sort committed crimes, sometimes in cold-blooded deliberation, more often in momentary passion. But drinking and gambling, even robbery and murder, Vox Populi in the Mines of California 87 were the iraccidents of an unorganized social condition, and beneath the confusion lay the force of a popular consent to the will of the majority, and to the essential spirit of law, as a solid foundation might lie beneath the disordered elements of an unfinished structure.48 48 This spirit was apparent to a critic of Bret Harte, who said : ' ' Bret Harte's characters are amenable to no laws except the improvised laws of the camp; and the final arbiter is either the six-shooter or the rope of Judge Lynch. And yet underlying this apparent lawlessness there is that deep ' law-abidingness ' which the late Grant Allen despised as being the 'Anglo-Saxon characteristic' To my mind, indeed, there is nothing so new, fresh, and piquant in the fiction of my time as Bret Harte 's pictures of the mixed race we call Anglo-Saxon finding itself right outsid<- all the old sanctions, exercising nevertheless its own peculiar instinct for law-abidingness — of a kind" (Theodore Watts-Dunton, "Bret Harte," Athenaeum, May 24, 1902, p. 659). CHAPTEK V THE STRUGGLE FOR ORGANIZATION The entire period of California history between 1848 and 1856 has sometimes been characterized as the era of the Struggle for Order. Writers have depicted the forces of law and of law lessness as pitted against each other in open conflict, while a large element in the population was negligent of all social obligations, indifferent to all moral issues, and intent only upon the accumu lation of wealth. The significance of the years 1848 and 1849 may be much better expressed by calling them the era of the Struggle for Organization. In those years law was practically non-existent in much of the country, and the men who have been censured for neglecting the public welfare were actually deprived of the most elementary means through which their desires for order might find effective expression. Their response to the duties of citizen ship under such unusual conditions should not be judged by their failure to regulate public morals, but rather by their demand for adequate laws, by their repeated efforts to formulate such laws, and by the final triumph of those efforts in the work of the constitutional convention of 1849. When the historian, the reminiscent pioneer, and the writer of western fiction say, as they do in varying phrases, "There was no law iixthe land," Jhey suggest a situation in which men took advantage of_a_tempo- rary disorganization of justice to repudiate the usual bonds_of community life. But the impression thus created is superficial and it has been necessary to linger over primary sources of history in order to show that the real menace to order was a law- lacking condition of society, rather than a law-defiant attitude on the part of the people. The Struggle for Organization 89 The spontaneous mass meeting of the mining camps had saved the country from absolute anarchy, but the mass meeting does not continue to be an efficient organ of government when the social group becomes very large, or loses its homogeneity of composition. Under such circumstances, as Ross pointed out. the ties of fellowship dissolve, and the "folk mass becomes a dangerous compound, ready to explode at a touch."1 The need for some sort of representative system was usually recog nized very quickly in the organization of the American frontier. It was especially necessary in the communities of California, where the preservation of order required a definite executive force to make effective the resolutions adopted by the popular assemblies. Without such a force, each individual act of disci pline depended upon popular initiative, and upon the momen tary temper of the meeting or mob that was stirred to action. Even in the camps where alcaldes had been elected, the constant shifting of the population deprived them of any permanent constituency to uphold them in carrying out a rule that had become unpopular. No lasting authority could be delegated to them until the community, as a whole, should be knit together by a bond of representative government. In the absence of such a bond even the political dexterity of the American citizen was powerless to stabilize social conditions. The large majority of the hundred thousand men in California desired that order should be established and that crime should be cheeked, but the will of this constructive majority could not be expressed in any organic law that would defend society from a minority that desired riot and license. On one day the peaceable miner might be a member of a congenial group, where life and property were protected by common consent. On the next, that group i Ross, Social Control, 52. See also A. B. Hart, in Cyclopedia of Ameri can Government, 1914, III, 543; Cleveland, Organised Democracy. 37. 45; Roosevelt, Winning of the West. I, 231-233; J. E. Young, "The Law as an Expression of Communitv Ideals," Tale Law Journal. XXVII (1917 1-33. 90 Vigilance Committee of 1851 might be invaded by large numbers of gamblers and rowdies, who would defy every restraint of public opinion, and would yield only to the sheer force of physical constraint. The continuance of this condition long after the increase in population demanded full civil equipment was not due to a law less spirit inherent in the people, but to the situation at Washing ton. There sectional issues were asserting themselves with such vehemence that it was impossible to divorce the problem of terri torial organization from the question of slavery, or to unite the hostile factions in establishing government in California and New Mexico. While matters were in this condition Senator Thomas H. Benton, father-in-law of Colonel John C. Fremont, assumed the role of advisor to the Califomians, and made public a letter in which he urged them to meet in convention, adopt a cheap and simple government, and take care of themselves until Congress could provide for them.2 His message was not published in California until January, 1849, when it had a certain effect in stimulating the people towards the course he advocated, but in the interim it caused grave uneasiness to President Polk, who feared that it would incite the settlers on the Pacific Coast to form an independent government, under the leadership of Colonel Fremont.3 To counteract the influence of Benton's letter the Secretary of State sent a communication to the people of California by the hands of Mr. William Van Voorhies, newly appointed postal agent, and in it he made the first official announcement of the status of the de facto government as it has been explained in an earlier chapter.4 Robert J. Walker, the 2 Printed in the New York Herald, 1848, Sept. 26, reprinted in Niles Register, LXXIV, 1848, Oct. 18, p. 244. 3 Benton had been ' ' malignantly hostile ' ' to Polk since the outcome "96 'd 'mfm passnosip si ja^ai s( uoiuag jo ^aajja eqj, 'ig -d 'v.idns aag * '088-6SS 'SH-Ofcl 'ZST-9SI 'Al '0T6I Tuma 'mo& "% •£ eag -uori-BuSiput asnaiui s, ^uapisajj eqi pasnoje ja^ai spqq. p an-, limit- -d to the preservation of order. There was constant difficulty in financing the civil department of the government, in enfmving revenue laws, and ha regulating commercial affairs, but Mich questions do not require consideration here.13 It must not be thought that during the discussions that dis tracted Washington in the winter of l>4s to 1M9. tie- build, r- of the future commonwealth of California were indifferent or tolerant towards the disorder and confusion which reigned about them. On the contrary, they were fully and unhappily conscious of it, and resented their situation with outspoken bitterness. The papers attributed the rapid increase of crime to the fact that society was "held together without other law than had sugg.-t.-d itself in eases of emergency."14 They pointed out the grave dangers that would attend the continuance of lynch law. which ^-Cong. Docs.. Ser. No. 573. Doc. 17. pp. 9-11. Kin;: ^a- later ap pointed collector of the port of San Francisco. He was disliked in Califor nia, but his Report on California, 1*50. was a valuable document (Cong. Docs.. Ser. No. 577. Doc. 59; reprinted under the title. California: the Wonder of the Age. 18.50'. " These subjects are discussed at length by Bancroft and Hittell. and more brieflv bv Thomas, Military Govtrnment. 215-22V, and by W. C. Fankhauser". Financial History of California. 1913. pp. 109-116. An excel lent summary was made in the Memorial to Confess (Browne. Debates, Appendix, pp. xiv-xixt. and in King's report. California. 3-4. i* Placer Times, 1S49. May 5 %. 94 Vigilance Committee of 1851 was "only worthy of barbarians," and was as likely to turn its destroying hands against the good as against the bad.15 Colonel Mason also viewed the situation with profound anxiety. As early as November 24, 1848, he had written to Washington:16 "The war being over, the soldiers nearly all deserted, and having now been from the States two years, I respectfully request to be ordered home." There was a grim acknowledgment of discouragement in the terse request, but the commandant did not abandon California to unchecked disorder even after he had asked to be relieved from his onerous position. On the evening of the very day on which he applied for a change of service he had an interview with E. C. Kemble, editor of the California Star and Californian,'1'' and discussed with him the interests of the community. No record of their conference seems to have been preserved, but its tenor can be inferred from the following memorandum of a letter in the Archives of California, copied for the Bancroft collection :1S 1848 Nov. 25 Mont[erey] Govr Mason to E. C. Kemble, on organizing Govt for Cal. (a private letter) It appears I did not convey to you my exact meaning in the con versation I had the pleasure to have with you last evening; what I wished to convey was this, that if on the receipt of the intelligence that Congress had adjournd last summer without organizing a terri torial govt for Cala, that then the people should organize a temporary govt for themselves; that this intelligence (the adjournt of Congress) it was expected would be received by the St. Mary's now due and daily expected. Although this letter is not ordinarily cited as a document of particular significance, it had a prompt and important influence 15 Alta, 1849, Jan. 4 %. is Cong. Docs., Ser. No. 573, Doe. 17, p. 649. iT The Monterey Californian had been transferred to San Francisco in May, 1847. It was merged with the California Star in November, 1848, and Kemble was the editor. At the opening of the new year the old papers were succeeded by the Alta California, owned by Kemble, Edward Gilbert, and G. 0. Hubbard. The paper was independent in politics, and opposed to the "high-handed measures" of the military authorities (Kemble in Sacramento Union, 1858, Dec. 25 %). is Archives, "Unbound Docs.," 140-141. It was rumored that Mason and Commodore Jones had conferred on the subject of civil organization (Californian, 1848, Oct. 21 %). The Struggle for Organization 9-> on public events, since the California Star and Californian at once commenced a vigorous campaign for the formation of a provisional government. In the issue of December 2 the paper reported a particularly shocking murder in the mining regions, and under the caption, "Shall we have a Civil Government?" the editor urged the immediate organization of some form of social order that would restrain crime. He asserted that : Our Military and Naval commandants recognize in the people a right — nay, enjoin it as a duty, to provide for themselves a government, recom- monding delay only until it be ascertained whether or not the Congress of the United States, at its last session, produced the long-awaited organ ization. In the light of the letter from the governor, the reference to the military authorities becomes almost an official endorsement of the plan, but as Mason scrupulously refrained from any public utterance on the subject, his attitude towards organization has generally been interpreted as one of non-interference rather than of initiative.10 In quick response to the call for aclion a meeting was held in San Jose on December 11, and a convention for organization was suggested for January, 1849. The plan was ratified in San Francisco, December 21 and 22, with the proviso that the date should be advanced to March 5. (It her towns followed San Francisco's example, and when the proposed interval proved too brief to permit adequate representation from the South, it was again extended to May 6.20 Thus the movement for organization was well in progress before the letter of Senator Benton that had so agitated President Polk was published in the Alta Cali fornia of January 11, 1849. The next issue of the paper, that m Seo Cardinal Goodwin, Establishment of State Government in Califor nia. 1914, p. 71; Bancroft, California, VI, 266-267. 20 Delegates were elected at Los Angeles, Monterey. San Jose. San Fran cisco, Sacramento, Benicia, and Sonoma. See Bancroft, California. VI. 266-271 ; Browne, Debates, Appendix, pp. xvi-xvii ; Burnett. Recolltctions. 294-318. 96 Vigilance Committee of 1851 of January 18, contained a sarcastic editorial expressing popular gratitude for the senator's parental solicitude, and characteriz ing the communication as a well-meaning document which quite mistook the caliber of the community. The letter entrusted to Mr. Van Voorhies, which had been designed to forestall Benton's, was printed without comment on March 15, although a copy of it was in the hands of the governor some time before that date.21 These two letters are often cited as expressions of opposing views on the status of California. The "administration theory" upheld the survival of the Mexican laws, subject to change only by act of Congress, and administrated by the highest military officer in the district as was provided for in the Mexican system when a civil governor was not in active service. Benton con curred with the administration in maintaining that the Mexican laws persisted until altered by the proper legislative authority, but he asserted that the American commanders had no power to administer those laws, and that in default of legitimate officials the people were left without government and had the right to provide organization for themselves. A third theory called the "Settler's theory" was held by some of the most prominent residents, who agreed with Benton that they had the right of selfT government, but based that claim on the assumption that the Constitution of the United States had superseded the Mexican laws as soon as the treaty was ratified. They acknowledged that the power to legislate for the acquired territory was primarily vested in Congress, but felt that since the Congressional pre rogative had not been exercised the people might temporarily assume the right of legislating for themselves. They contended, also, that even in case President Polk and Secretary Buchanan were correct in their theory, the de facto government of which they talked rested entirely upon the presumed consent of the governed, and the inhabitants of California were at liberty to 21 Browne, Debates, 277. The Struggle for Organization 97 withhold their consent, and to adopt what laws they saw fit. Some historians identify the ' ' Settlers ' theory ' ' with the ' ' Benton theory," but as Benton opposed the doctrine of squatter sov ereignty, and the " transmigratory function of the constitution," the two points of view were in fundamental disagreement.22 He was never acknowledged as a popular influence in California, and his "patronizing letter" was agaiu scored in the Alta of July 19. The proposed convention was finally postponed until August that full reports of the session of Congress might be received. In view of the long delay the delegates resigned, recommending the election of new representatives who should be vested with full power to frame a state constitution and to submit it to the people for ratification. It is interesting to note that this sug gestion as to state organization appeared in the same issue of the Alta California (March 22, 1849) that printed the bill which embodied Senator Douglas' first scheme for state government in the territory acquired from Mexico. Coincident with the impulse towards general provisional government there was an effort on the part of some of the larger communities to apply the method of self -organization to their own local problems, for the existing Mexican system proved more and more inadequate to the needs of the increasing population. This was particularly true of San Francisco, which had about ' two thousand inhabitants.23 It will be remembered that a town council had been instituted by the alcalde and confirmed by Colonel Mason in July, 1847.24 That body had been empowered 2'J For the varying opinions on the status of California at this time, see J. F. Rhodes, History of the United States from the Compromise of 1S50, I (1893), 93 et seq.; T. H. Benton, Thirty Tears' View. 1854-1856, II, 713; Burnett, Recollections. 311-317, 327-334; Browne, Debates. 274-2S4; Royce, California, 247-254; Hittell, California, II, 712; Hunt, "Legal Status of California" as cited, 80-82. ™ Annals, 219. '-* See supra, p. 49. Even the alcaldes went to the mines in the summer J of 1848. The council did not meet for five months, and special elections ' were called to fill the deserted posts (Cong. Docs.. Ser. No. 573, Doc. 17. 593, 667; Annals, 205-207; Bancroft, California, V, 648-1552). 98 Vigilance Committee of 1851 to serve until the close of the following year. An election for new officers took place in December, 1848, but the results were challenged on the ground that unqualified electors had been allowed to vote, and the old council refused to give place to the council elect. A second election was called in January, and for a time the three separate bodies wrangled over the control of town affairs. The alcalde, Doctor T. M. Leavenworth, also became a storm center of approval and dislike, and the arbitrary system in vogue grew so intolerable that a group of leading men resolved to wait no longer for constitutional authority, but to formulate for themselves a more efficient municipal government. Early in February they called a mass meeting to consider the difficulties between the rival councils, and in response about five hundred citizens gathered on the Plaza and adopted a new scheme of organization.25 They provided for the election of a legislative assembly with power to enact laws that harmonized with the Federal Constitution, and authorized three justices of the peace to try civil and criminal cases according to the common law as recognized in the United States. February 21 was set for the new election, and a committee was appointed to ask for the resignation of the members of the old contesting councils, who obligingly complied with the request. Bancroft said that the assembly brought to the front a very respectable body of men, full of reform projects. One of their first acts was to appoint a committee to wait upon the senior military and naval commanders, and to ask their approval of the proceedings. Papers were sent them with particulars of the public meetings and minutes of the first session of the assembly, and in a clear and dignified letter the committee recounted the difficulties and hardships entailed upon San Francisco by a 25 See Annals, 208, 219-220; Burnett, Recollections, 306-310; Bancroft, California, VI, 209-211, 273; Moses, Establishment of Municipal Govern ment, 36-46. A. J. Ellis, A. J. Grayson, and R. A. Parker (Vigilantes of 1851) were members of the Assembly. The Struggle for Organization 99 continuance of the arbitrary rule of an irresponsible alcalde.26 This document was one of the most interesting expositions of the popular mind at that period. It pointed out that nothing had been accomplished for civil improvement ; that even the old Mexican institutions had lapsed ; that the American alcaldes had never understood or administered Mexican laws and had simply decided questions according to their personal bias; that the people, hitherto patient in the hope of speedy relief, were no longer willing to give that consent which was the indispensable support of the de facto government, and that, in such a situation, they had the right to gather in their primary capacity and to create a government to serve until it might be superseded In competent authority. It was the old resort to the reassembling of social elements by agreement among a particular group which felt that its previous organization was deficient or inoperative. To the aggrieved citizens their position seemed unquestion ably logical, but to the military commanders it was a menace to the integrity of the national authority and a possible step towards the establishment of the independent government decried by President Polk. In response to their petition for endorsement the citizens of San Francisco were therefore informed that as Congress alone had power to legislate for territories, the de facto government must persist until laws had been passed to replace it, and they were warned that "confusion and intricacy would inevitably result from establishing even the best government on a false basis."27 Undaunted by this disapproval, the assembly continued its work; held regular meetings, levied taxes, and enacted regulations.23 The office of alcalde was abolished, and the incumbent was asked to transfer his records to the senior justice of the peace. Leavenworth, however, appealed to the military authorities, who advised him to retain possession of his 2u Cong. Docs.. Ser. No. 573, Doe. 17, pp. 728-735. " Cong. Docs., Ser. No. 573, Doc. 17, pp. 735-737. 28 Seo The Minutes of the Proceedings of th-e Legislative Assembly of the District of San Francisco, 1860. 100 Vigilance Committee of 1851 office and .papers.29 A little later formal charges of malfeasance were preferred against him, and the governor suspended him from duty pending an investigation.30 Even this did not satisfy the legislative assembly, which was determined to assert its authority. On May 31 its sheriff forcibly seized the papers in the alcalde's office. One of the books preserved in the recorder's office in San Francisco breaks off abruptly with the pencilled note in Leavenworth's handwriting and over his signature: "Here the Hounds entered the alcalde's office and seized the records. A. Patterson and others entering a [illegible] Tally ho." The interrupted entry was the copy of a deed dated April 6, 1849, but the intrusion referred to was probably the raid of May 31.31 The next day the governor restored Leaven worth to the full exercise of his duties.32 His order to that effect did not mention the raid, and the interval was very brief for communication with Monterey. A few days later, however, he called public attention to the assault on the alcalde, asked for assistance in recovering the archives, and designated the "body of men styling themselves the Legislative Assembly of San Fran cisco" as an illegal organization which should not be supported by law-abiding citizens.33 29 Minutes, 16; Cong. Docs., Ser. No. 573, Doe. 17, p. 727. so Cong. Docs., Ser. No. 573, Doc. 17, pp. 758-760. Leavenworth ten dered his resignation to take effect on May 15 (Archives, "Unbound Docs.,' 56). He complained that the movement was one against the military gov ernment, and that the press was all on the side of the insurgents (letter May 29, ibid., 64-66). Commodore Jones, Captain J. L, Folsom, and Rod man N. Price stated that Leavenworth was so unpopular that he could not give satisfaction in anything (ibid., 55). si See 0. C. Coy, Guide to the County Archives of California, 1919, p. 413; Ryan, Personal Adventures, II, 251-254; Buffum, Six Montlis, 114-119; copy of the order issued by Myron Norton, directing Sheriff J. C. Pulis to seize the papers (Archives, "Unbound Docs.," 320-321); Leavenworth's report of the raid (ibid., 319). A. A. Green mentioned the return of the town records to the alcalde after he was reinstated (Life and Adventures of a '47-er, 1878, p. 24, MS in the Bancroft Library). For the story of the Hounds, see infra, p. 105. 32 Cong. Docs., Ser. No. 573, Doc. 17, p. 771. as Cong. Docs., Ser. No. 573, Doc. 17, pp. 773-774. The Struggle for Organization 101 San Francisco was not the first nor the only community to experiment with local organization. When the residents upon the north side of the Bay of San Francisco met in Sonoma, February 5, 1849, for the purpose of electing delegates to the proposed constitutional convention, they adopted rules and reg ulations for the control of the district until a permanent gov ernment might be established. Nothing significant was accom plished by this association, which dissolved when the members found that their course was disapproved by the authorities.34 Sacramento, as the most convenient point of departure for the northern mines, also felt the need of some government more effective than that of the alcaldes at Sutter's Fort. An initial meeting was held April 30, 1849, and subsequently a legislature of eleven members was elected, but it was afterwards decided that elaborate organization was unnecessary, and an alcalde and sheriff were chosen to preserve order in a district extending from the Coast Range to the Sierra Nevada Mountains.'15 Had such district associations been countenanced by the governor, it is probable that they would have been formed in other localities, but he felt called upon to suppress them. In consequence each community was obliged to shift for itself. All through the early months of 1849, while the Califomians were hoping for favorable news from Washington, Colonel Mason maintained his official aloofness from the movement towards organization. By April 13, when Brevet-Brigadier General Ben- net Riley arrived to relieve him, the scheme for provisional government had lapsed through postponement, although it was evident that resentment against existing conditions was fomenting 3* Alta, 1849, March 1 %; Cong. Docs., Ser. No. 573, Doc. 17, p. 749. 35 The Placer Times, 1849, May 5, reported the organization. Burnett said the meeting was early in January (Recollections, 294), but in the His tory of Sacramento County, 47, it is stated that there was no form of govern ment until the summer months. See also Sacramento Illustrated, Barber & Baker, publishers, 1855, p. 9; Bancroft, California, VI, 455. 102 Vigilance Committee of 1851 a spirit of aggressive self-assertion.36 The two officers reviewed the situation in careful consultation. They were not yet definitely informed of the plans of the Whig cabinet, but they were prob ably aware of the futile attempts made in the late session of Congress to pave the way towards state organization. They decided that it would be well for the new governor to summon a convention to draw up a state constitution as soon as he might learn that Congress had actually adjourned without passing any bills that would affect the situation.37 The administration of Mason closed without the establish ment of the government for which he had sincerely hoped, but as his aid, William T. Sherman, pointed out he left matters in California so disposed that a civil system was a matter of easy adjustment. For nearly two years he had held his slender reins of government over the turbulent forces in California, and pre vented utter catastrophe and ruin. His task had been discour aging and thankless, for his superiors had tacitly forbidden him to undertake any constructive work, while the people constantly blamed him for his failure to accomplish effective reforms. But he was not afraid of criticism, he was loyal to his idea of duty, and while all the world about him went mad over the pursuit of wealth, hejnever used his official position as a source of per se The general discontent occasionally gave rise to rumors of a movement for independence. General Persifor F. Smith said that on his trip to Cali fornia he encountered ' ' some persons going out armed with Colonel Ben ton 's letter to set up a government for themselves" (Cong. Docs., Ser. No. 573, Doc. 17, p. 710). E. O. Crosby said that an independent republic might have been attempted if California had not organized and been admitted (MS Statement, 1878, pp. 52, 57). The attitude of the newspapers has been analyzed in a MS master's thesis, Sentiment in California for a Pacific Republic, 1843-1861, 1919, by Joseph Ellison, in the University of Califor nia Library. See also Burnett, Recollections. 327-328; Bancroft, California, VI, 268 note 31; Hunt, "Legal Status," as cited, 73; Dorothy Hull, "Movement in Oregon for the Establishment of a Pacific Coast Republic," Oregon Historical Society, Quarterly, XVII (1916), 177-200; H. E. Bolton, "Admission of California," University of California Chronicle, XV (1913), 561. 37 Cong. Docs., Ser. No. 573, Doc. 17, p. 748. The Struggle for Organization 103 sonal profit. He left California shortly after his relief, and died of cholera, in St. Louis, in the summer of the same year.38 On or about the first of June Governor Riley received positive information that Congress had adjourned without creating a government for California.39 On June 3 he issued a procla mation that summoned a constitutional convention to meet at Monterey on the first day of September, designated the electoral districts, the number of delegates from each, and the time and mode of their selection.40 The measures proposed by Riley were so like those of the amended bill which Senator Douglas had offered in the Senate, that it seems safe to infer that they must have been formulated with exact knowledge and careful repro duction of the methods which had been considered at Washing ton.41 The document antedated by a day the arrival in San Francisco of Thomas Butler King, who for some unexplained reason did not communicate with the governor until about the middle of the month.42 It is therefore improbable that the pres ence of the President's special agent had any appreciable influ ence on the plans for the convention. In this proclamation the governor also made public the first official summary of the Mexican system which had supposedly been in force from the time of the American occupation.'13 He announced that in view of the months that would elapse before ssSoo Bancroft, California, VI, 274; Hittell, California. II, 677; Sher man, Memoirs, I, 65. no ('o„g. Docs., Ser. No. 573, Doe. 17, p. 748; S. H. Willey. Transition Period. 1901, p. 85. iofong. Docs., Ser. No. 573, Doc. 17, pp. 776-780. « Secretary of War Crawford wrote General Smith, April 3, 1S49. that want of information on California conditions precluded the possibility of special instructions, although no plan for an independent government could be sanctioned (Cong. Docs., Ser. No. 549, Doc. 1, pp. 156-157). He wrote to Riley in a similar tenor, June 26, saying, at the same time, that it was the rigiit of the people to form a plan of government, which might lead to their admission as a state (ibid.. 160-161). *-King, California: the Wonder of the Age. 7. 43 See supra, p. 24. 104 Vigilance Committee of 1851 any new government could be instituted, he would immediately put the native institutions into their "full vigor." To accom plish this purpose he ordered that when the people chose dele gates for the constitutional convention they should also elect alcaldes, justices of the peace, and town councilmen, wherever such officials were not already installed, and should, in addition, elect the judges for the superior court, and the prefects and sub-prefects authorized by the Mexican statutes. The call for a convention aroused unexpected opposition. Some of the advocates of immediate organization protested that the governor had no business to infringe upon their right of self- government, even to the extent of setting a date for the convention, or allotting the number of delegates. This feeling was most loudly expressed in San Francisco, where there was much resentment over Riley's arraignment of the legislative assembly and his reinstatement of Alcalde Leavenworth; but after some discus sion it was decided to accede to his suggestions, and to join in the general movement towards organization.44 Early in July the members of the legislative assembly, conscious of the governor's disapproval of their position, asked for an expression of popular opinion, and called for an election which should confirm or withdraw the authority that had been delegated to them. When this was held one hundred and sixty- seven votes were cast in their favor, and seven against them. The support was considered so inadequate that the assembly dissolved, leaving Leavenworth in possession of the field.45 The Annals of San Francisco, published in 1855, remarked of this situation :46 44 See Burnett, Recollections, 319-326; Hittell, California, II, 713-718; Bancroft, California, VI, 277-280; Willey, Transition Period, 86-89; F. J. Lippitt, "The California Boundary Question in 1849," Century, XL (1890), 795. « Annals, 223; Bancroft, California, VI, 211 note. Leavenworth again tendered his resignation on June 4 (Archives, "Unbound Docs.," 228; Cong. Docs., Ser. No. 573, Doe. 17, p. 774). 48 Annals, p. 223. The Struggle for Organization 105 These various meetings and other proceedings narrated may possess little interest for the present inhabitants of San Francisco; but they certainly much excited those who dwelt in the town at the time of their occurrence. And, indeed, for every student of California history they should have a profound interest as showing the strength of the current conviction that temporary organizations, adopted by the consent of the men immediately concerned, were legitimate forms of gov ernment in crises where other systems were non-existent or inefficient. Another illustration of the spirit which appealed to popular initiative in public affairs is furnished by the episode of the suppression of the "Hounds," a company of San Francisco des peradoes who terrorized the city in the summer of 1849. More than one writer on the period noted that the adventure of the Mexican War had enlisted among the New York Volunteers num bers of rowdies, who flocked to the mines as soon as they were discharged, and there behaved so badly that in many places they were driven out of camp. Drifting back to San Francisco, they formed the nucleus of a criminal "gang," which adopted a sem blance of military discipline, formulated rules, elected officers, and established so-called headquarters in a large tent known as Tammany Hall.47 They often paraded the streets with music and banners, and their commissary was provisioned by raids upon stores and restaurants, which were forced to supply their demands and "charge it to the Hounds," as the marauders marched away with insolent laughter. Later they adopted the more respectable name of the San Francisco Society of Regula tors, and Bancroft stated that Alcalde Leavenworth employed 47 See Popular Tribunals, I, 76-102; Annals, 553-561. Stanislaus Grabowski, a German author with a penchant for historical novels, used the incident for the theme of Die Regulatoren von San Francisco, a story which showed some familiarity with the circumstances, but no personal acquaint ance with San Francisco. It was also described in "La Californie dans les derniers mois de 1849," an article by Patrice Dillon, in the Revue des dtux mondes, nouvelle periode, V (1850), 205-206. 106 Vigilance Committee of 1851 some of them in "carrying out the ends of justice."48 Be that as it may, they went far beyond any official sanction, and took advantage of the anti-alien sentiment of the community to make brutal attacks upon the foreigners of Latin American origin, many of whom lived under wretched and vicious conditions in the quarter known as Little Chili. Hall McAllister, a distinguished lawyer of later days, has related the story in a dictation made at Bancroft's request. His account was in substantial agreement with that in the Annals of San Frwncisco, and with other original sources. He said :49 During the months of June and July '49 there existed in San Francisco a band of men calling themselves ' ' The Hounds, ' ' consisting principally of the refuse of Col. Stevenson's regiment. The leader of this band of men was named Samuel Roberts. They committed various outrages, particularly during the month of July. On one Sunday they were especially violent, going about and robbing all the Chilenos they could find They . . . beat them, and shot one of them very badly in the body. . . . Several of them, mounted on horseback, chased these Chilenos through the city and up Tele graph Hill, shooting at them as they ran. On Monday afternoon, the following day, Sam Brannan, Frank Ward, A. J. Ellis, Sam Ward, and various others formed a, meeting upon the Plaza, at which Sam Brannan and Frank Ward made speeches, from the top of the small buildings then existing at the S.W. Corner of Kearny and Washington Sts. After the speeches, an organization was immediately had, and Captain [W. E. Spofford] was appointed Chief Marshal; and A. J. Ellis, Hall McAllister, F. J. Lippitt and others were appointed Cap tains, to organize a force to arrest these Hounds. They immediately went to work that afternoon and secured quite a number [nineteen] of them, among whom were Samuel Roberts, the leader of the band, who was arrested on board a schooner in the harbor A number of them were taken at their rendezvous, which was then situated just where Commercial comes into Kearney St. now, in a tent which they had there After the prisoners _ 48 Popular Tribunals, I, 78. J. H. Brown wrote that the Regulators originated with a group of about ten men who banded themselves together lor the purpose of returning runaway sailors to their vessels (Reminiscences, [78]). Sam Roberts, the leader, had been a member of Stevenson's Regi ment (Clark, First Regiment of New Tork Volunteers, 37). At one time the alcalde of San Francisco had employed him to administer public corporal punishment to a mutinous sailor (Alta, 1849, Aug. 9 %). 48 Vigilance Committees — Miscellany, 1877, pp. ,14-16. The Struggle for Organization 10 1 were secured, there was a meeting of all the citizens, and a Court was organ ized, the Judges of which were Leavenworth, the Alcalde, Dr. William M. Gwin and James C. Ward. Horace Hawes, Francis J. Lippitt and Hall McAllister were appointed attorneys to prosecute these men before this court. A Grand Jury was called, and they were regularly indicted, and charged with a conspiracy, to commit murder, robbery, ete. They were tried before these three judges and a jury, in a small building called the Court House, which was situated on the Plaza at the S. W. corner of what is now Portsmouth Square. . . . The trials of the several men occupied many days, that of Roberts taking place first, and were conducted according to the ordinary legal form, witnesses being called on each side. The cases were summed up on behalf of the prosecution by Hawes and McAllister, and on the part of the defendants by [P.] Barry and [Myron] Norton. [Eight of] the men were convicted. This organization of the people to put down these "Hounds" was called the Law and Order party. After the con viction of these men it became an important question how they should ln- punished. Some were for having them hung, others for having them whipped upon the public Plaza and banished, and others simply for having them banished and given to understand that if they returned they would be executed. That was the final disposition, and they were banish- d, with this warning. That ended the ' ' Hounds ' ' riot. The outcome of the trials was characteristic of the time and place. Popular sentiment was contented with a reasonable num ber of convictions, and with the scattering of the gang. Since there was no jail in which sentences of imprisonment could be served, the actual punishment of the offenders seemed to be of little importance in the public mind.50 There were, however, some permanent effects, for the impromptu military patrol was the initial step in the organization of a regular company of militia.51 More than this, McAllister's referenc to a "law and 50 The convicted men were confined for a time on board vessels in the naval service. See O. T. Shuck, Bench and Bar in California, ed. of l^sp. p. 98; California Illustrated [bv J. M. Letts]. 1852, p. 53; S. C. Uphani. Notes of a Vo-yage to California. 1878, p. 222 ; MSS in the Bancroft Library of Isaac Bluxome, Jr., Statement [1877?], 5, and of W. M. Gwin, Memoirs. 1878, p. 8. « Isaac Bluxome, Jr., said: "After the conviction of some of the hounds. the gang was broken up, and the four companies were disbanded, and the California Guard was organized on the 27th of July. 1S49 t,MS Statement. 6). The list, of members (Annals, 703), included the following men who became Vigilantes of 1851: H. M. Naglee, W. H. Tillinghast, W. D. M. 108. Vigilance Committee of 1851 order party" was confirmed by another participant, who said that the captains of the patrol acted as a nominating committee in the August election, and virtually secured the return of a reform ticket, and that the whole affair was the beginning of the vigilance committees of California.52 In view of that state ment it is interesting to note that at least eleven of those who were prominent in the trial became members of the Committee of Vigilance of 1851.53 The story of the Hounds is important in this narrative not alone because of the personnel of the actors. It shows conclu sively that the mass meetings and popular tribunals which were tolerated by necessity in the mining camps, had been widely accepted as legitimate means of social discipline, and that the men of San Francisco naturally resorted to them as an emergency organ of government. So strong was the force of the popular impulse that it obliged the alcalde to accept an invasion of his prerogative, and to conduct the trial in conference with the popularly appointed assistants.54 The people did not organize this extra-legal tribunal in any spirit of defiance of the ordinary safeguards of justice. On the contrary, they introduced for the Howard, W. L. Hobson, H. F. Tesehemacher, A. J. Ellis, J. C. Ward, A. G. Randall, Benjamin Reynolds, E. A. King. The Constitution and By-Laws of the First California Guard was printed in 1850. This was not the first militia of San Francisco (see J. H. Brown, Reminiscences [36-38]; Ban croft, California, VI, 263 note 19). 52 "We detailed companies with captains to patrol and arrest these rioters. . . . The companies were officered by the principal citizens. That was the commencement of the Vigilance Committee of California. After the affair of "the Hounds," the companies disbanded. Leavenworth was Alcalde, and acted as judge in the trial of the Hounds. He was giving away the town lands, and we had a great deal of trouble on that account. We petitioned the Governor to call an election for our protection. The captains of the companies acted as a nominating committee, and their ticket was elected almost unanimously" (C. V. Gillespie, MS Statement, 1875, pp. 5-6.) 53 Isaac Bluxome, Jr., Samuel Brannan, J. R. Curtis, A. J. Ellis, V. J. Fourgeaud, C. V. Gillespie, W. D. M. Howard, Benjamin Reynolds, Fred erick Tesehemacher, J. C. Ward, Hiram Webb (Annals, 558-559). s* See Annals, 557-558; Shuck, Bench and Bar, 98. The Struggle for Organization 109 occasion the elaborate accessories of grand jury, associate judges, and counsel for prosecution and for defense, and they chose for the trial-jury men of established credit and importance. Even the two hundred and thirty volunteer constables ranged themselves from the start in ordered companies under the authority of officers, and conducted the search for the criminals without riot or undue violence.55 While the residents of San Francisco were settling their domestic concerns during the exciting summer of 1849, the com munity at large made ready for the approaching election."0 Par ties of speakers visited the mining regions to arouse interest in the convention, and Thomas Butler King did what he could to for ward the movement. He stated afterwards that so far as he was informed, party and sectional affiliations did not figure in the selection of delegates, and that the only object seemed to be to find competent men who were willing to make the requisite sacrifice of time. Bayard Taylor confirmed that statement, but noted that in Sacramento and San Francisco political interests might have been influential.57 The elections took place on or near August 1. Any American citizen of twenty-one was allowed to vote, no matter how recent his arrival in California, and travelers paused en route to the mines to deposit their ballots at some chance polling place or in boxes nailed to convenient trees.68 The returns showed that all 55 Ernest Frignet called the trial an "Example memorable, et que la Californie a donne plus d'une fois, de ce que peut le plus petit effort des honnetes gens coutre le desordre le mieux organise et les malfacteurs les plus audacieux " (La Californie, 1866, p. 125). so See Bancroft, California, VI, 279-283. Willey gave an interesting description of a typical meeting for the selection of delegates (Transition Period, 96). 57 King, California: the Wonder of the Age, 7; Taylor, Eldorado, I, 147. ¦-See L. B. Patterson, Twelve Tears in the Mines. 1862. p. 35; History of Placer County. 1882, p. 93; MS Statement of E. O. Crosby, prefect of the Sacramento district, pp. 52-56. 110 Vigilance Committee of 1851 the districts had chosen delegates, who prepared to meet in Mon terey at the time appointed. The attempt to put into full vigor the surviving Mexican law also met with a general response, and local officers were elected for the positions named in the governor's proclamation. This effected certain changes in the organization of California. Dis trict prefects were chosen as directed by the governor, who officially confirmed their selection.59 Alcaldes were elected wherever vacancies existed, and Riley commissioned one in each district to act as a judge of first instance. The election of judges of the superior tribunal at last created a court of appeal from the alcaldes ' courts, but fees were so extortionate that contestants were not quick to take advantage of the privilege.60 The men who held office in the autumn of 1849 had the benefit of Halleck 's Digest of the laws of 1837, which was put into circulation about this time.61 Here, at last, was the complete scheme of organization which had, in theory, dominated Califor nia for three years, but which had been shorn in practice of all functions save those pertaining to the offices of the governor, his secretary, and the alcaldes. If promulgated earlier, it would have given the people a clearer realization of their subordination to a central authority, but that step had not been taken because of the constant anticipation that Congresisonal action would '• supersede the temporary government. As soon as the alcaldes' courts were established on a more efficient basis they were fairly overwhelmed with cases. To relieve their congestion General Riley appointed additional judges of first instance, with civil jurisdiction only, for some 59 Commissions for the judges, prefects, and first alcaldes in Cong. Docs., Ser. No. 573, Doc. 17, pp. 797, 806-808, 811, 820-830, 865. Later appointments in Ser. No. 561, Doc. 52, pp. 22-39. <"> Burnett, Recollections, 346. 8i "The Laws of California" were advertised in the Alta, 1849, Sept. 20 %. Reprinted in Browne, Debates, Appendix, pp. xxiv-xl. The Struggle for Organization 111 of the larger towns.02 Among these judges was the eccentric "William B. Almond, of San Francisco, who rose from the humble position of peanut vender on the public streets, to the tip-tilted chair of his crowded court room, where suits involving thousands of dollars were decided in half -hour hearings, with swift exchange of the ' ' ounce of dust ' ' that constituted his invariable fee. With his feet on the mantel, and his eyes and hands occupied with details of his toilet, he listened to counsel only so long as it took him to grasp the sense of the case, then pronounced a judgment from which immediate appeal was seldom taken, although there was a quick resort to the relief afforded by the establishment of the Supreme Court in 1850.08 After this period of reorganization there was somewhat closer touch between the larger mining camps and the central author ity.04 More effort was made in the new towns to keep records of proceedings, and men who had, perhaps, served as alcaldes in previous months, left as their earliest documents papers signed subsequent to the first of August, 1849. The dearth of public records from which to reconstruct the early history of California confronts every student of that period with an inexorable barrier. Since the military-civil governors made few, if any, appointments in the mining regions prior to August, 1849, they conducted little correspondence which referred to affairs in the mountains. 02 Appointments, Cong. Does.. Ser. No. 573, Doc. 17, pp. 832, St;7. 871. os Amusing tales of Judge Almond are told in Hittell, California. II, 778-779, III, 223, 248; Burnett, Recollections, 343; Bancroft. California Inter Pocu.hi, 1888, pp. 591-600; Annals, pp. 238-241. He sometimes said: "Gentlemen, I don't know just what the law of this case is, but I know what it ought to be (Memoirs of Cornelius Cole, 1908, p. 82). He allowed thirty minutes to each case, and during the winter rains jurors were often "corralled in the back yard" in default of a jury room, a situation which prompted them to make quick decisions (E. W. McKinstry. "Oration," in Society of California Pioneers, Twenty-first Anniversary. 1871. p. 7). The First California Reports included many cases appealed from his court. "•' Correspondence with alcaldes of Sonora Camp, Mormon Camp, and Wil low Bar, September to November, 1849, in Archives. "Unbound Docs.." 13, 50, 57; Cong. Docs., Ser. No. 561, Doc. 52. pp. 29-32; see also infra, p. 138 note. 5. 112 Vigilance Committee of 1851 Each of the early camps was an independent body, unrelated to other bodies outside its immediate neighborhood, and without occasion for written communication of an official character. The domestic concerns of the camps were not matters of record except in the case of the regulations governing mining rights and the claims made thereunder, and whatever may have been written, much of it has been destroyed in the frequent fires that have swept the little towns.65 The August election gave the citizens of San pYancisco an opportunity to make desirable reforms in their town government. John "W. Geary, who had arrived in March to serve as the first postmaster of San Francisco, was chosen first alcalde, and several of the men who had taken part in the trial of the Hounds were elected to office.66 At the initial meeting of the new ayuntamiento67 Geary presented an excellent address on the municipal' situation, and described as follows the confusion that had arisen from the lack of civic equipment :6S At this time we are without a dollar in the public treasury, and it is to be feared the city is greatly in debt. You have neither an office for your magistrate, nor any other public edifice. You are without a single police officer or watchman, and have not the means of confining a prisoner for an hour; neither have you a place to shelter, while living, sick and unfortunate strangers who may be cast upon our shores, or to bury them when dead. Publie improvements are unknown in San Francisco. In short, you are without a single requisite necessary for the promotion of prosperity, for the protection of property, or for the maintenance of order. os Some valuable pre-statehood records are mentioned in Coy, Guide to the County Archives, pp. 50-51. oe Annals, 228-229. 67 Riley revived the use of the Spanish term, which had not been em ployed by Mason when he instituted the San Francisco council in 1847. Riley also encouraged the election of ayuntamientos in all towns entitled to such bodies (see Cong. Docs., Ser. No. 573, Doc. 17, pp. 761-769; Ser. No. 561, Doc. 52, p. 27). os See Annals, 229-234. The proceedings of the ayuntamiento were printed in separate parts, 1849-1850, and reprinted with the Minutes of the . . . Legislative Assembly, 1860, pp. 47-296. The Struggle for Organization 113 He recommended that revenue should be raised by taxes and commercial licenses, and expressed his conviction that such a procedure would be approved by the governor, and by the first legislature that should assemble after permanent organization should be effected. On August 27 an ordinance was passed for raising a revenue according to his suggestions. The work accomplished by this ayuntamiento was creditable and progressive. An old vessel, the Euphemia, was purchased and equipped to serve as a jail; a police force of thirty was organized, and order was preserved in the city with fair success.''0 Improvements were begun on the wharves and on the muddy thoroughfares; and in recognition of the services of the members of the council, the city surveyor, W. M. Eddy, assigned their names to the streets which were laid out during their term of office.70 Bancroft commended this administration, and said that at its close a balance of $40,000 was left in the treasury, and that no blots stained the public character of the councilmen.71 On the third of September the constitutional convention at Monterey organized for business. Particulars of its work and of the constitution it framed need only our briefest consideration, since they have already been made the subject of special study.72 There were forty-eight delegates:73 Doctor Robert Semple. of oo A list of crimes, Sept. 4, 1849, to March 26, 18.5a, was given in the Alta, 1850, May 2 74. The total arrests were 741, and included 170 cases of larceny, 70 of assault and battery, 10 attempted murders and 4 actual homicides. The summary indicated that violence in the city was not of the alarming proportions sometimes attributed to the days of '49. ™ San Francisco Call. 1883, July 30 «;. -'Bancroft, California, VI, 213-215. "See Bancroft, California, VI, 284-303; Hittell, California. II. 756- 774; Royce, California, 259-270; Goodwin, Establishment of State Gov ernment: D. R. Hunt, Genesis of California's First Constitution. 1895: F. V Thorpe, Constitutional History of the American People, 1898. II. 287-394; Browne, Report of the Debates in the Convention, 1850: Willey. Transition Period. 93-126; G. H. Fitch, "How California Came into the Union," Century, XL (1890), pp. 775-792. " See Browne, Debates. 47S; Goodwin, Establishment of State Govern ment, 81-85. 114 Vigilance Committee of 1851 Benicia, one of the leaders in the Bear Flag revolt, acted as president, and he well expressed the task that lay before them when he said they had assembled to "make something out of nothing, to construct organization and form out of chaos."74 The convention was cautious in experimenting with original measures, and the debates show that the constitutions of several older states were consulted. That of Iowa served, in many respects, for the model finally adopted, although much was bor rowed from the constitution of New York. Sentiment in Cali fornia was so strong against permitting slavery that there was no dissent to the resolution that prohibited it within the limits of the state.75 Nevertheless the national conflict on the subject made itself apparent in a debate on a proposition to exclude free Negroes, and in the discussion of the demarkation of the eastern boundary, as the latter question had an important bearing on a future subdivision with the possibility of slave territory in a southern area. In the end, the exclusion of free Negroes was defeated, and the present boundary was adopted as the one least likely to lead to friction and delay when Congress should act on the application for admission to the Union. General provisions were made for the legislative, executive, and judicial departments of the state, for the organization of counties, and for the establishment of courts, but wide dis cretionary powers were allowed to the coming legislature. In order to prevent inconvenience to the public service it was provided that no office should be "superseded, nor the law relative to the duties of the several officers changed, until the entering into office of the new officers to be appointed under this ¦ Constitution.76 ™ Browne, Debates, 23. 75 In spite of this prohibition some slaves were imported into the state (see C. A. Duniway, "Slavery in California after 1848," American His torical Association, Report, 1905, I, 243-248). 76 Schedule, Section 3. Browne, Debates, Appendix, p. xii. The Struggle for Organization 115 While the details of the constitution, like the details of the miners' laws, are not of importance here, there is great sig nificance in the fact that in spite of the rapid creation of this framework of government it was eminently efficient and con sistently liberal in its provisions. Hermann von Hoist wrote of this accomplishment :77 And the population of California, swept together from all the state-. of tho Union, gave the most magnificent illustration of the wonderful capacity of this people for self-government, by creating for themselves, of their own motion, and with the utmost coolness and deliberation, a political organization which proved itself viable under conditions to which many an old and firmly established government would have succumbed. The convention completed its labors on the afternoon of October 13. In suppressed excitement the delegates proceeded to affix their signatures to the completed instrument, and, as they wrote, the cannon of the fort broke forth in a national salute, announcing by its thirty-one guns that a new state pre sented her sons for citizenship in the Federal Union. 77 Hermann von Hoist, Constitutional and Political History of tlie United States, III (1881), 463. Hittell called the constitution "one of the best, if not the verv best, of all the thirtv-one that then existed (California. II. 783). CHAPTER VI THE FABRICATION OF THE COMMONWEALTH A month after the constitution was signed at Monterey it was ratified by the people.1 At the same time an election was held for members of the first legislature and for representatives in Congress; Peter H. Burnett2 was chosen as governor, and John McDougal as lieutenant governor. For a second time party politics were disregarded in a state election, as most of the can didates made independent campaigns, and in many places they were practically unknown to their constituents.3 The first legislature assembled in San Jose on December 15, 1849. On December 20 Burnett was installed as governor, and General Riley issued his last proclamation, congratulating the people on the organization of their state government, and resign ing the administration of civil affairs into the hands of the new authorities.4 1 See Goodwin, Establishment of State Government, 251-254. 2 Burnett had served on the Oregon legislative committee of 1844. He arrived in California in October, 1848, quickly assumed a leading position in Sacramento, and was later a member of the legislative assembly of San Francisco. He was prominent in the movement for state organization, and was elected judge of the superior court in August, 1849. 3 Bayard Taylor gave an amusing account of the haphazard manner in which the miners were forced "to go it blind" in the choice of candidates (Eldorado, II, 6-8). See also A. J. McCall, Picl: and Pan, 1883, p. 35; Lyman, Journal of a Voyage to California., 129. It is usually stated that the first party organization in California was a Democratic gathering in San Francisco, Oct. 25 (Bancroft, California, VI, 304-305; Hittell, Califor nia, IV, 51-53; W. J. Davis, History of Political Conventions in California, 1849-1892, 1893, p. 1). A. J. Newman has called attention to a report in the Pacific Neivs, Oct. 25 %_3, of a meeting in Portsmouth Square, Oct. 23, in the interests of T. Butler King, as a candidate for the United States Senate (Formation of the First Political Parties in California, 1918, MS master's thesis, University of California Library, Department of History). * See Browne, Debates, Appendix, p. xlvi. The constitutional convention had decided that the state government should go into operation, without waiting for Congressional approval (ibid., 274-288). Riley doubted the The Fabrication of the Commoniceaith 117 From that day the men of California took charge of their own destinies, and shaped their political institutions according to their own preferences. They clung closely to the precedents with which they were familiar. They transplanted to the vast and sparsely populated area of California the usual decentralized system of local organization. They replaced the civil law of Mexico by the English common law as received and modified in the United States, and they instituted the courts to which they had been accustomed elsewhere.6 All this new machinery of government could not be set in motion overnight. It was April or May of 18-50 before the larger towns were incorporated and the counties and townships equipped with the necessary officials.8 In the meantime conditions in the state at large were even more confused than before. The alcaldes elected under the pre-statehood regime continued their legal services until their places could be filled by the new magistrates. but their unskilled interpretation of law and their arbitrary methods caused greater and greater complaint as the impatient citizens awaited the establishment of American institutions. There was an increasing need for efficient officers in the mining regions where large investments of capital began to supersede the temporary claims of the individual miner. As the surface richness was skimmed from the placers, cradles or rockers took the place of the pan in which at first each miner washed out his own portion of gravel. Since such machines legality of such a course, but acceded to the wishes of the people. For comment on the situation, see Cong. Docs., Ser. No. 573. Doc. 17, pp. 279- 282, 819; Richardson, Messages, V, 27; California Senate, Journal. 1850. pp. 32-33; Goodwin, Establishment of State Government, 220-223; Rod man, History of the Bench and Bar of Southern California. 21; von Hoist. Constitutional History, III, 518. ' The work of the first legislature was described and commended by Bancroft, California, VI, 308-336; Hittell, California. II. 791-807; Good win, Establishment of State Government, chaps. 12-17. '•County officers were elected the first Monday in April (California, Statutes. 1850, chap. 24, p. 81, sec. 3). 118 Vigilance Committee of 1851 required an adequate and regular supply of water, it became necessary to construct ditches and flumes, which immediately assumed value as a part of a miner's equity.7 This elaboration of industry naturally involved financial cooperation on a formal and permanent basis, and, as Professor Royce has emphasized, it had an important influence on the progress of social evolution in California.8 In consequence of General Riley's efforts to extend the operation of the Mexican system, the miners ' alcaldes were by this time recognized civil authorities,9 and there was a growing tendency to refer mining disputes to them rather than to impromptu meetings, although legal forms were still set lightly aside in criminal matters. The characteristics of the time are well illustrated by the experiences of Stephen J. Field, who became in later years chief justice of the state.10 He reached San Francisco at the close of December, 1849, and within three weeks moved inland to the present site of Marysville. The town, then known as Yubaville, had already attracted nearly a thousand people. A day or two after Field's arrival a civic organization was effected, and the young lawyer was elected first alcalde. He was sworn into office by the judge of the Court of First Instance in Sacramento, and in order to cover all contingencies that might arise under the impending change of laws, the prefect of the district obtained for him the governor's appointment as a justice of the peace. 7 Bean's History and Directory of Nevada County, 1867, p. 65, stated that the first mining ditch in California was projected at Nevada City, March, 1850. s Royce, California, pp. 287-290, 301. 9 The old officers were retained until successors could be elected (Califor nia, Statutes, 1850, chap. 23, p. 77, sec. 2). Miners' alcaldes of this period are mentioned in Taylor, Eldorado, II, 17 ; A. B. Clarke, Travels in Mexico and California, 1852, p. 137. Many of Shinn 's examples of camp organiza tion also belong to these months. 10 See S. J. Field, Personal Reminiscences of Early Days in California, [1893], pp. 18-37, 243; Bancroft, California, VI, 463-464; Amy and Amy, Marysville Directory for 1856, p. 5. The Register of Suits before tlie First Alcalde of Marysville, January to May, 1850, preserved in the archives of Yuba County, confirms Field's Reminiscences. The Fabrication of the Commonwealth 119 The new magistrate was aware that the functions of the alcaldes were strictly defined by statutes, but he found that in the irregular conditions of the interregnum they exercised almost unlimited power. He therefore took jurisdiction over every case that was brought before him, and did his best to preserve order in spite of his ignorance of Mexican law. The lack of a jail forced him to sentence convicted criminals to corporal pun ishment, but this stern discipline was approved by the com munity, which exhibited an excellent understanding of the meas ures that were required for the administration of justice. The prompt methods of his court are shown by the proceedings in a case of burglary that occurred at four o'clock on an April morning. The alcalde issued warrants for the thieves, and they were pursued, arrested, indicted by a grand jury, convicted by a petit jury, sentenced, whipped, and turned out of town within twelve hours. Various experiments in local organization were also products of the winter and spring of 1849 to 1850. The residents of Stock ton, for instance, tried to effect municipal organization, and elected a council that proved to be an illegal body. It hastily adjourned when the councilmen discovered that they were per sonally responsible for the obligations they had incurred.11 In November Sonora felt the need of a public hospital, and in order to raise funds for the purpose adopted a town govern ment with a council of seven, and transferred the acting alcalde, C. F. Dodge, to the position of mayor.12 Sacramento, which had n History of San Joaquin County, 1879, p. 24. On Oct. 25. 1849, Thomas B. Van Buren, "prosecuting attorney of the District of San Joaquin," wrote to Halleck that as the citizens of Stockton had already contributed $7000 for the prosecution of criminals, purchased a prison ship, and under taken municipal improvements, they desired help from the government in defraying further expenses (Archives, "Unbound Docs.." 49). "On April 29, 1850, Major Sullivan was elected alcalde, "without governmental authority and solely to meet an immediate emergency," His tory of Tuolumne Count u [by Lang], 18, 25; Bancroft, California. VI, 469-470. 120 Vigilance Committee of 1851 tried unsuccessfully to install a form of town government in the spring of 1849, elected a council in July. It was, however, helpless to enforce order, as the people had failed to declare the boundaries of the city, and to fix the duties of the councilmen.13 After a struggle with the disorderly element, which preferred the existing state of license, a charter was adopted in October; but the officials were unchecked by any wise limitations of power, and quickly accumulated a heavy debt. The situation was not relieved until the spring of 1850, when a better charter was acquired from the legislature. The mountain camp known as Rough and Ready, near Nevada City, found itself with a large population early in 1850, and the residents in mass meeting appointed a committee of three to settle disputes and to admin ister justice. Edward F. Bean, writing in 1867, spoke of this as a "Committee of Vigilance and Safety." As he did not quote from contemporary documents it is possible that the title was applied in retrospect after the committees of later days had made current the use of the term.14 The dangers that attended the unstable conditions of Califor nia society during the spring of 1850 were aggravated by certain changes for the worse in the population itself. These were due, in part, to the demoralization of large numbers of miners by hardships, excitement, and dissipations. Many were broken in health by the physical strain of their work, and by their con stant exposure to fever and malaria, scurvy and dysentery, and many more whose physical strength permitted them to drink without drunkenness in '49 plainly showed the effects of such is Placer Times, 1849, Aug. 11 %; Sept. 15 %. See also Bancroft, Cali fornia, VI, 455-456; History of Sacramento County, 48-49. ™ Bean's History and Directory of Nevada County, 359-361; Shinn, Mining Camps, 180, 225; Hittell, California, III, 279-280. The committee was not mentioned in the early sketch by A. A. Sargent in Brown and Dalli- son's Nevada, Grass Valley and Rough and Ready Directory, for ... 1856, pp. 44-45, but it was described in the History of Nevada County, 1880, pp. 89-91, and that volume also spoke of an attempt to organize the independent ' ' State of Rough and Ready. " The Fabrication of the Commonwealth 121 a habit after twelve or eighteen months of license.15 The ranks of desperate and ruined men were constantly recruited from the victims of the universal passion for gambling. Games of chance ran openly in the shabby barrooms that lined the main street of every camp, and in the gaudy saloons of the larger settlements. Hundreds of professional gamblers fleeced the unwary, and in many places formed an allied group that successfully opposed all efforts towards social improvement.18 The feverish and spec tacular gambling of the mining days is often cited as an evidence of the toleration of evil permitted by an indifferent society. But in justice to the members of that society, it must be remem bered that within five years of state organization gambling was forbidden by statute, and that laws of increasing stringency were subsequently enacted in the effort to suppress it effectively.17 Another and a more dangerous influence came from abroad. for soon after the announcement of the discovery of gold vessels from Australia began to bring large numbers of ex-convicts from the British penal colonies. These immigrants were the products of the wretched system of deportation which had shipped in the same vessels the most abandoned criminals, together with women, 16 On the hardships of California life, see Brooks, Four Months, 102- 108; J. L. Tyson, Diary of a Physician, 1850, pp. 62-64; Johnson, Califor nia and Oregon; or Sights in the Gold Region, 241-242; William Shaw, Golden Dreams and Waking Realities, 1851; Golden Dreams and Leaden Realities [by George Payson], 1853; California and Its Gold Mines | hy Thomas Allsop], 1853, pp. 73-77; Eliza W. Farnham, California, Indoors and Out, 1856, pp. 366-368; Hittell, California, III, 168-171; "T. Turn- bull's Travels ... to California," Wisconsin State Historical Society, Pro ceedings, 1913, pp. 220-225. Taylor noted little drunkenness in 1849 (Eldorado, II, 66). An epidemic of cholera added to the troubles of 1850 (Annals, p. 305). i« The gamblers in Sacramento defeated early attempts at organization (Bancroft, California, VI, 456). i' The first council of San Francisco made an unsuccessful attempt to forbid gambling in January, 1848 (Annals, 199). Games of chance were made illegal bv the state legislature in 1855 (Statutes, chap. 103, p. 124). See also Hittell, California. II, 730, 805-806; IV, 69-70; and his General Laws of . ..California, ed. 2, 1870, II, sees. 3322-333S ; Royce, California. 425. Bothwiek reported gambling on the wane in San Francisco in 1852 (Three Tears, 379). 122 Vigilance Committee of 1851 and even boys and girls as young as twelve years of age. The prison ships and settlements were disciplined with the lash, and were hotbeds of atrocious vice. Of the British convict it was truly said: "The heart of a man was taken from him and he was given the heart of a beast."18 In Australia the prisoners were assigned to private masters, if such semi-liberty was con sidered safe. When the period of their sentence had expired, or when good behavior warranted an earlier release, they were granted either full liberty, or tickets of leave that allowed them freedom under official supervision. Conditional pardons were also issued which permitted the holder to go at large in any country except Great Britain. Thus dangerous men were sent away to be a menace to other lands. The port of San Francisco stood open to all the ships of the world, and until- 1875 it was unguarded by any national legis lation that prevented the immigration of undesirable or criminal aliens. As early as 1838 a bill had been presented to Congress providing penalties for the master of a vessel who should trans port to the United States convicts, lunatics, or passengers suffer ing from incurable diseases. The bill received no favorable con sideration whatever, and as it was commonly supposed that individual states had power to regulate immigration into their own territory, some legislatures enacted statutes to prevent the landing of immigrants likely to become public charges. In 1849, however, the Supreme Court declared that such laws of New York and Massachusetts were unconstitutional, as the Federal Government alone had power to regulate matters of commerce and immigration.19 Following the examples of Eastern states, is Encyclopedia Britannica, ed. 11, VIII, "Deportation," p. 58. See also Archbishop Richard Whately, "Remarks on Transportation," in his Introductory Lectures on Political Economy, ed. 4, 1855, p. 271 ; C. A. Brown ing, England's Exiles, 1842; Charles White, Early Australian History, 1889; C. H. Northcott, Australian Social Development, 1918, pp. 37-44. 19 See U. S. Immigration Commission, Immigration Legislation, 1911, pp. 12, 24-28 (Reports, XXXIX, Cong. Docs., Ser. No. 5879, Doc. 758). The Fabrication of the Commonwealth 123 and perhaps unaware of the decision of 1849, the first California legislature adopted a statute that made it a felony to bring into the state convicts from other countries.20 That law was nom inally binding in California until as late as 1872, but it does not appear that there was an effective attempt to enforce it, and every vessel from Australia unloaded on the wharves of San Francisco men and women who had served their terms in the penal colonies, and gained freedom by means of conditional par dons, or escaped while still under sentence.21 One advantage accrued to the Sydney men from their com mon experience in dungeon and hold; they knew each other with the intimacy of the underworld of crime, and maintained iu California associations that had begun in English byways, flour ished in the plague spots of the Southern Seas, and ripened into bonds of mutual offense and defense in the steerage of the trans- Pacific vessels. The gang organization quickly appeared among them, not in a highly developed form, as with the Hounds, but secret and evasive, yet none the less effective. Men and women from Sydney kept lodging houses in San Francisco, watermen from Sydney had boats to lend in time of need, blacksmiths wen- adept at cutting keys, bricklayers dropped useful hints about vaults and safes, clerks exchanged confidences as to the storage of coin and gold dust, even a warden of the port of San Fran cisco, sometime inmate of a British prison, outlined a tempting scheme for looting the Custom House.22 Instinctive obedience was given to the men who proved themselves best able to take advantage of local conditions; to those who could decide which offices might be robbed, and which should be avoided ; who could 20 Calif ornia, Statutes, 1850, chap. 82, p. 202; Penal Code. 1872, § 173. =i Between March 31 and December 30, 1849, 842 passengers from Australia and Tasmania landed in San Francisco, while 505 came from New Zealand. (See the "List of Passenger Arrivals," furnished by E. A. King, harbor master, in Society of California Pioneers, Twenty-fourth Anniversary, 1874, pp. 38, 47.) sa Thomas Belcher Kay, see infra, p. 282. 124 Vigilance Committee of 1851 acceptably divide the spoils or provide bail and counsel for a hard-pressed subordinate; establish an alibi, or sit among the good men and true sworn to mete out justice to the prisoner at the bar. Such leaders there were, and we shall presently make intimate acquaintance with them. But in the winter of 1850 and the early months of 1851 their identity was a mystery to the law- abiding citizens of California, although the community was fully aware of the menace to order that arose from the presence of the "Sydney Ducks," or "Sydney Coves," as the Australians were popularly styled.23 The existence of organized bands of criminals was suspected, and with each fresh outrage their power and complexity of organization were magnified.24 There was no agency, however, public or private, equipped to follow scattered clues to a common center. There were in the state other aliens even more unpopular than the men from Sydney. From the days of the conquest there had survived a mutual dislike between Mexican and American. The American especially resented the presence in the mines of new arrivals from Mexico and from South America who expected to share with enfranchised citizens the benefit of the mineral treasure on the public land. Writing to the Secretary of War from Panama in January, 1849, General Persifor F. Smith had said: "I am informed that ships loaded with all the rabble of the Pacific ports are on their way to California," and alluding to the "bands of plunderers organizing all along the coast for * <2<3oB^th te^mS ,£ained earl7 currency. The Alta, 1851, July 10 %, spoke of "Sydney Ducks," and the Annals of San Francisco, published ii 1855, used the expression "Sydney Coves" (p. 257). 24 On Nov. 20, 1850, the Alta stated that convicts were in California T^T 9r.°Tf -,^i Tr6 making the state a Pandemonium (see also ibid, Feb. 20 %; April 11 %; lnfra, p. 233). The demoralizing effect of their presence was noted by Johnson, California and Oregon; or Sights in the Gold Region ,115; Delano, Life on the Plains and among the Diggings, 359; J. W. Revere, Keel and Saddle, 1873, p. 166; Burnett, Recollections, The Fabrication of the Commonwealth 125 taking possession of the mines," he stated that he intended td- enforce against aliens the laws that forbade trespassing on public lands.25 As we have seen, every miner in California was a trespasser, until the lode law of 1866 formally opened the mineral lands to private ownership. The agreements under the miners laws were made possible by the expectation that the government would tolerate, and would eventually approve the exploitation of such lands by citizens of the country if their use of it conformed to existing practices as to the division of the public domain. This expectation was fulfilled. The law of 1866, however, restricted the right to take up mining claims to "citizens or those who have declared their intention to become such."-0 Had this limi tation been formulated in 1848 or 1849 and enforced through legitimate diplomatic and legal methods, California might have escaped the violence that was caused by the determination of the Americans to exclude the foreign miners from privileges in which aliens had no presumptive rights, and to prevent the spoliation of the placers by cheap competition, and by the contract labor of Indians, Negroes, Mexicans, Orientals, and Kanakas.27 As it was, the American miners were left to their own initiative in the matter, for General Smith did not order tin- arrest of foreigners, but contented himself with informing them that he could "not interfere to secure them in the infraction of 25 See Hittell, California, III, 705 note 2; Bancroft. California. \ I, 403; Cong. Docs., Ser. No. 573, Doc, 17, pp. 708, 712. As early as December, 1847, immigration from Sonora had been prohibited by Colonel Mason, because he considered the people of that province undesirable residents of California (ibid., 450). The order was not enforced after the discovery of gold, and nearly 8000 came overland from Mexico in 1849 (Browne, Debates, Appendix, p. xxiii). 28 See Lindley, Treatise on the American Law Relating to Mutes. I. 493. 508-526; Thompson, U. S. Mining Statutes. I, 29-30; Yale, Legal Tiths to Mining Claims. 34-42; J. S. Hittell, Resources of California, ed. 6, 18,4, p. 424 (but compare his earlier statement, ibid., ed. 1, 1S63. p. 354 i. -¦ The natural resentment caused by the efforts to exploit extensive claims bv cheap contract labor was noted by Katharine Coman in Economic Beginnings of the Far West, 1912, II, 282. 126 Vigilance Committee of 1851 the law."28 His attitude, however, was generally understood, and the Americans took means of their own to oust unwelcome intruders. The inevitable result was the development of constant friction, not only with undesirable immigrants, but also with inoffensive companies from France, Germany, and England. Some camps expelled foreign miners under threat of death, there was occasional retaliation and bloodshed, and much injustice was done by the miners' courts to prisoners of alien birth. The attack made by the Hounds on the Chilenos of San Francisco was an extreme example of anti-foreign sentiment. In that instance the community rose en masse to punish the outrage, but throughout the state, from the earliest days of American occupa tion, there was steady opposition to the immigration of large bodies of foreign laborers. Professor Royce denounced the atti tude of the Califomians in this respect as an example of narrow and unworthy prejudice.29 Their conduct, however, should not be dismissed with facile condemnation or palliation for this par ticular problem has proved most complicated and enduring in its perplexities. Indeed it should be related to the whole question of foreign immigration into the United States, as well as to the mingling of races on the Pacific Coast. For the purposes of this 28 Tyson, Geology and Industrial Resources, 75. General Riley, after touring the mines in 1849, reported that the current rumors of anti-foreign hostilities had been much exaggerated (Cong. Docs., Ser. No. 573, Doc. 17, p. 788). Holinski was enthusiastic over the "fraternite universelle" that united the many nationalities in the state (La Californie, 165-169), but Gerstacker wrote that foreigners could not get justice in the remote regions (Travels, a translation from the German, 1854, p. 267). See also ltidouard Auger, Voyage en Californie, 1854, pp. 112-113; Charles de Lambertie, Voyage pittoresque en Californie et au Chili, 1853, pp. 254-264; Kelly, Excursion to California, II, 23, 33-34; Johnson, California and Oregon; or Sights in the Gold Region, 225; Ryan, Personal Adventures, II, 296-299; Borthwiek, Three Tears, 74, 306, 363; Daniel Levy, Les Francois en Cali fornie, 1884, pp. 88-105. The impressions of a traveler from Chili are given in Vicente Perez Rosales, Recuerdos del pasado, 1910, pp. 259-370. 23 Royce, California, pp. 236-239, 356-368; Hittell treated the subject more calmly (California, II, 736-737, III, 162-163, 262-264). The Fabrication of the Commonwealth 127 study it has been necessary only to outline the situation and to show that it resulted in a marked increase of local disorders. Another result was the passage by the first legislature of a bill which imposed a license of twenty dollars a month on miners who were not citizens either by birth or by the provisions of the treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo.30 The attempt to enforce that law provoked resistance on the part of the foreigners and actual riot in the southern mines.31 Some of the Latin Americans were driven from the camps to range the mountains as solitary out laws, or in robber bands, that later gave much trouble to the authorities. 3- In reviewing the difficulties of the state during this time, we cannot ignore the hostility that constantly existed between the Indians and the white men. Long before Americans came to California the two races had lived in active conflict and the Indians had attacked the Spaniards and suffered punishment for their raids even during the most successful period of the mission era. The coast region was fairly protected under the Mexican rule, but the interior valleys and the mountains had been left lo the undisturbed possession of the savage tribes, yet in spite of this compromise Indian horse thieves constantly stampeded large bands of animals and slaughtered them for food. With the advent of the Americans, hostilities grew more acute, for overland parties armed for self-protection and imbued with the hatred bred from centuries of frontier warfare, traversed 8" California, Statutes. 1850, chap. 97, p. 221; repealed, Statutes. 1^51, chap. 108, p. 424. si See Shinn, Mining Camps. 212-218; History of Tuolumne County [by Lang], 28-34, 39-47; Hittell, California, III, 128-131. 706-710. Sir Henry V. Huntley said that there would have been less objection to the tax on foreigners if the government had in return given them any protection (California, 18-56, p. 218). aa See Bancroft, California, VI, 469. Joaquin Murietta. a noted bandit. who was killed in 1853. began his career in revenge for the mistreatment of his wife, and a whipping given him by miners in 1850. See Bancroft. California, VII, 203 note 13; Hittell, California. III. 712-726; J. M. Scanland, "Joaquin Murrieta," Overland Monthly, ser. 2. XXVI (1895- 530-539; J. R, Ridge, Life and Adventures of Joaquin Muritta. ed. 3, 1871 128 Vigilance Committee of 1851 mountain routes where the Indian considered himself master. During the first years of the gold excitement he was an ever present menace to the isolated miners, and the unprotected state of the country prompted an alert defense that often degenerated into wanton butchery. On which side lay the initial aggression is a question for the expert in the special field of Indian affairs;33 but no research can palliate the fact that for every overt act on the part of a thieving or murderous Indian, a deadly vengeance was levied upon the men, women, and children of the offender 's race. Even in the neighborhood of the older settlements the most deplorable conditions prevailed, as military forces were insufficient to protect life and property, and Colonel Mason had been obliged to advise the residents to organize armed pursuit of Indian horse thieves and to kill them without compunction.34 On the other hand, when a friendly Indian appealed to the alcalde of San Jose for protection, he too was told that no aid could be given by govern ment, and that he might defend his own life in case of attack.35 General Riley attributed Indian hostility in 1849 to the execution of certain chiefs in 1848, and to the barbarities of immigrants, especially of those from Oregon, who had brought to California the bitterness which resulted from the Indian massacres in that territory.36 33 See Bancroft, California, VII, 474-494, and Index under "Indian Hostilities"; Hittell, California, III, 884-981. Early conflicts between Indians and Americans were noted in the California Star, 1847, March 13 Vl', April 10 %', Brooks, Four Months, 131-152; Kelly, Excursion to Califor nia, II, 141-148; S. Weston, Life in the Mountains.. . of California, 1854, pp. 7-14; Biographical Sl-etch of William B. Ide [by Simeon Ide], 1880, pp. 224-230. The subject has been studied by W. H. Ellison, in a doctoral dissertation, The United States Indian Policy in California, 1846-1860, 1918, MS in the University of California Library. 3* See Cong. Docs., Ser. No. 573, Doc. 17, pp. 355, 643, 645, 689. 35 Charles White, alcalde of San Jose, to Mason, April 29, 1848, Archives, "Unbound Docs.," 43. se See Cong. Docs., Ser. No. 573, Doc. 17, p. 790 ; Tyson, Diary of a Physician, 62-63; Johnson, California and Oregon; or Sights in the Gold . Region, 170-186. Governor Burnett, who came from Oregon, frankly said that the extermination of the Indians was practically inevitable (Journals of the California Legislature, 1851, p. 15). The Fabrication of the Commonwealth 129 Even the elements seemed to conspire against the peace of California in the critical winter of 1849 to 1850, for the rainy season was of unusual length and severity. Many miners were forced to remain idle until want stared them in the face, while loaded wagons, mired along the rough highways, offered irresistible temptation to the needy and the dishonest.37 Cattle thieves also began the most outrageous operations,38 and theft and violence became matters of daily occurrence. The citizens at large were quite aware of the unfortunate tendencies of the period, but with the same optimism that had carried them through the discomforts of the interregnum they accepted their troubles as inevitable accompaniments of a transi tional era, and hoped for speedy improvement as soon as the new order could be established. Meanwhile the demands of commercial life were insistent and exacting, and they devoted themselves to their private business, leaving public matters to the men they had placed in office. The frontiersman, as a rule, is an out and out individualist, who awakens slowly to the importance of communal interests.30 This trait was a marked characteristic of the early Californian, for the state, as a field of social activity, did not quickly arouse the enthusiasm of the self-absorbed pioneer. It did, however, appeal with tremendous allurement to another type of American— the professional office seeker, of petty or magnificent aspirations, and many political pilgrims from the East had followed the star of empire in its westward course.40 f Popular Tribunals, I, 73; Delano, Life on the Plains and among the Dioqings, 268, 359-362. as By January, 1850, Sutter had been robbed of almost all his live stock (see supra, p. 67 note 3). A rancher near Stockton lost nearly $3000 worth of cattle in a single night (T. H. Hittell, Adventures of James Capen Adams, 1860, pp. 11-12). 30 The persistence of individualism in the West is discussed by Hill in his Public Domain and Democracy, 130-146. "William Carey Jones wrote to the Secretary of the Interior: "A number of persons seem to have come out during the summer of 1849 with no other view than to go back with four thousand miles of mileage in their pockets" (Cong. Docs., Ser. No. 573, Doc 17, p. 118). 130 Vigilance Committee of 1851 Chief among them were William M. Gwin and David C. Broderick, both of whom reached San Francisco in June, 1849. Absolutely unlike in personality and experience, they were equally resolved on securing a political leadership that would win for them seats in the Senate of the United States.41 Gwin was a Southern man, genial, educated, experienced as a Con gressman from Mississippi from 1841 to 1843, and with Southern views on the extension of slavery. Broderick was of Irish extrac tion, rugged and unpolished, without friends or fortune, self- educated in matters intellectual, but thoroughly schooled in the practices of Tammany Hall and of the New York Fire Depart ment. He was opposed to the involuntary servitude of the colored race, but unscrupulous in fastening upon a negligent public the shackles of political despotism. Gwin won immediate popularity, participated in the trial of the Hounds, became a delegate to the constitutional convention, assumed a leading part in the discussion there, and promptly realized his ambitions by securing the election to the United States Senate.42 He held the office for two terms and secured the passage of important legislation for the benefit of the state, while annual visits to California enabled him to maintain a firm grip upon local politics. Broderick 's earliest opportunity for leadership in California developed after the first great fire in San Francisco, December 24, 1849,43 when he was conspicuous in organizing the Empire *i The long rivalry between the two Democratic leaders ended only with Broderick 's death after a duel with Gwin's adherent, Judge David S. Terry, on Sept. 13, 1859. In addition to the references found in Bancroft and Hittell, see James O'Meara, Broderick and Gwin, 1881; Alonzo Phelps, Contemporary Biography of California's Representative Men, 1881-1882, I, Sketch of Gwin, 231-239 ; Jeremiah Lynch, A Senator of the Fifties [Broderick], 1911; E. R. Kennedy, The Contest for California in 1861, 1912, pp. 32-63; R. C. O'Connor, "David Colbert Broderick," American Irish Historical Society, Journal, XIII (1914), 132-162; sketch of Brod erick, San Francisco Chronicle, 1876, June 16. 42 See Bancroft, California, VI, 311. 43See infra, p. 164. The Fabrication of the Commonwealth 131 Engine Company, of which he became the first foreman. On January 8, 1850,44 he was elected to a vacant seat in the state senate, immediately became prominent in the movement for organization of the Democratic party and within a year was recognized as a party leader.45 He was always fearless and uncompromising in his affiliations and animosities, and believed in using heavy tools for rough work. His influence as foreman of the Empire Engine Company was an asset which stood him in good stead. In addition, he gathered for use in hours of need a band of followers who were ready to do his bidding at mass meeting, election, and secret rendezvous. His effective machine did not become fully apparent in San Francisco until a year or two later; some of his future henchmen, however, were already well known as manipulators at local elections, and the names of a few of them appear in the papers of the Committee of Vigilance.46 The gentleman from the South and the ward boss from the North, with their allies and rivals, had a curious constituency with which to deal. About sixty per cent of the American popu lation had been born north of Mason and Dixon's line.47 The sentiment of the state was overwhelmingly opposed to the local introduction of slavery and therefore to the most cherished policy of many of the national leaders of the Democratic party. Nevertheless California emerged into political life as a "Annals, 266. 45 For the earliest Democratic organization, see supra, p. 116. The Whigs organized Feb. 9, 1850 (Davis, Political Conventions, 6-9; Annals, 267-269). 4« See C. of V., Papers, Index under "Broderick," "Charles Duane." and ' ' Ira Cole. ' ' Broderick is said to have defended his use of such men by the argument: "Your respectable people I can't depend on. You won't go down and face the revolvers of those fellows; and I have to take such material as I can get hold of. They stuff the ballot boxes and steal the tally-lists; and I have to keep these fellows to aid me" (Bancroft, Califor nia, VI, 678 note). 47 See analysis of census of 1850, in H. E. Bolton, "The Obligation of Nevada Toward the Writing of Her Own Historv, " Nevada Historical Society, Reports, III (1911-1912), 71. 132 Vigilance Committee of 1851 Democratic state, basing party affiliations not on the fundamental question of slavery, but rather on the secondary issue of the Mexican War, which was more generally approved by the Demo crats than by the Whigs. 4S All intense questions of national politics and of personal convictions were thus eliminated from the local arena for a large number of these anti-slavery Demo crats. As a result, an ambition for office became the sole incen tive in the conduct of campaigns, and the astute Democratic politicians, willing to devote their best ability to a promising field, rapidly gained control of the situation. The men to whom they distributed the spoils of victory were not, as a rule, those builders of the commonwealth who had met the problems of the transition period. Useful adherents of the political machine were placed in office, and it became a matter of moment in the later history of the state that Gwin and his followers selected many of their proteges from Southern families who soon became a well defined social and political influence in the population. The ascendancy and arrogance of the "Southern Chivalry" is a theme on which Bancroft waxed bitterly eloquent.49 The day of their supremacy was somewhat later than the period of the first Committee of Vigilance, yet as early as 1850 the master mechanics of the politi cal craft were assembling and coordinating the elements of their future structure. During the months in which California was pushing forward her self-assumed task of organization, the national capitol was seething with the protracted conflict over the extension of slavery. When Congress reassembled in December, 1849, the question of the western lands might no longer be evaded. Cali fornia asked for admission as a sovereign state and claimed the privilege of such a state in the adjustment of her domestic institutions. The question of her admission had a significance 4S Hittell, California, IV, 50. 49 Bancroft, California., VI, "Political History," chaps. 23-24. The Fabrication of the Commonwealth 133 far wider than the mere recognition of a new commonwealth. Fifteen of the thirty states of the Union had already prohibited slavery. While these states controlled a majority in the House of Representatives, the Senate was evenly divided on sectional lines and could nullify the action of the House. If California should be admitted there would be a free-state majority in the Senate and an end to the power of the South to control or delay legislation inimical to the slave-holding interests. Other aspects of the abolitionist propaganda complicated the situation. The public slave trade had become an offense to many who might have ignored unseen evils, and there was a strong demand that, in the District of Columbia at least, it should be abolished by Congress. Moreover, throughout the Northern states, there was a disposition to obstruct the execution of laws that enforced the return of fugitive slaves, and their owners insisted upon more stringent regulations. There was also a dis pute over the boundary between Texas and New Mexico. Slavery was permitted in Texas, and the South therefore felt that it was extremely important to extend that area as far as possible. In the face of all these questions the slave states still had the strength to delay any change in the existing balance of power, while the Northern states, not content to exclude slavery from California alone, continued to insist upon its prohibition in all of the terri tory acquired from Mexico, and to agitate for modifications in the matter of the slave trade. The struggle that ensued was long and bitter. Bills and reso lutions of opposing import indicated the futile effort of both parties to establish control of the situation. More than once in the endless discussions a smouldering spirit of disunion flamed into open threats of secession.50 The political leaders of a passing 00 See G. P. Garrison, Westward Extension, 1906, pp. 294-333 ; W. H. Smith, Political History of Slaveru, 1903, I, 113-129; Rhodes, History of the United States, I, 116-198; J. B". McMaster, History of tlu? People of the United States, VIII (1913), 10-43. 134 Vigilance Committee of 1851 era met for the last time in the memorable debates of that session. Henry Clay strove to avert impending civil war by concessions important to both the contending factions, and Daniel Webster supported him with all the resources of his passionate eloquence, while John C. Calhoun, rising from his deathbed, stirred the Senate with ringing words of opposition, although his mortal weakness imposed the delivery of his message upon the voice of a colleague. In the end the statemanship of Clay effected a compromise. He was the author of a series of eight resolutions, which contem plated the admission of California according to the terms of her constitution ; the organization of territorial governments for New Mexico and Utah without restriction as to slavery, and their sub sequent admission as states with such regulations as their people should determine; the adjustment of the boundary dispute in favor of New Mexico, with liberal remuneration to Texas; the abolition of the slave trade in the District of Columbia to placate Northern sentiment, and the imposition of more stringent fugitive slave laws to satisfy the demands of Southern slave owners. After seven months of discord and struggle, such pro visions were finally adopted as separate measures. The act admitting California to statehood51 was signed by President Fill more on September 9, 1850, and the Compromise of 1850 relieved for a time the tension in national affairs. The Oregon, bearing the news of admission, steamed through the Golden Gate on October 18, 1850, firing preconcerted signals which heralded her long awaited message. At the sound of her first gun the men of San Francisco paused to listen in tense expectation. Then, as the recurrent detonations confirmed their hopes, the voices of exultant thousands broke out in a mighty shout of universal joy. Dressed in all the flags her lockers could boast, the Oregon rounded Clark's Point, and came to anchor 51 U. S., Statutes at Large, IX, 452. The Fabrication of the Commonwealth 135 abreast of the city, while the city rushed shoreward to meet her — laborers from the streets, merchants from the stores, law yers from the offices, judges from the bench — until a solid mass of humanity surged back and forth between the water front and the Plaza, repeating the news and devouring the editions of the papers that appeared as if by magic within an hour of the steamer's arrival.52 The four year interregnum was over, the military command ant was no more, the de facto government was buried in the graveyard of political theories, the constitutional convention was approved, the organization of the state, and the acts of the first legislature were validated. The commonwealth of California had come into her own ! "2 See Annals, 293-295. CHAPTER VII THE FAILURE TO ESTABLISH SOCIAL CONTROL By the time the welcome news of admission was received in California the organization of the state had made substantial progress, but, instead of the expected improvement in social order, it became more and more evident that the new govern ment failed to control crime and to check the evils that had taken root in the country during the long period of the inter regnum. [The system which had been outlined in the state con stitution and developed in the first session of the legislature, was modeled on the institutions of older states, where Americans were habituated to self-control, where there was ready communi cation between the centers and the outskirts of social life, where families had long been planted in permanent homes, and where mutual acquaintance had ripened during years or generations of neighborly contact. In California conditions were still far from normal, j It is quite true that there were more than a hundred thousand men in California in 1850, but the mere fact that they had incor porated themselves into a state did not instantly weld the hetero geneous mass into social unity. And one curious thing must be remembered : they were, in each other's eyes, a hundred thousand men without any past that antedated their arrival in California. No questions were asked as to a man 's family or associations, his success or failure in any previous environment, or his influence for good or evil on any community east of the Sierra Nevada Mountains. The initiation into California existence was briefly described by the observant Frenchman, Saint-Amant, who wrote The Failure to Establish Social Control 137 of the arrival in the port of San Francisco :J ' ' Personne ne vous demande qui vous etes, ni d'ou vous venez. Vous quittez votre numero de bord, et vous prenez le nom qui vous convient. ' ' The virile democracy of California towns and mining camps has often been depicted with enthusiasm as a splendid example of Ameri can manhood, and such it truly was ; but a man without a past, be he never so fearless and independent, is not always a citizen of the highest constructive ability. Another circumstance exerted a profound influence on the men of California : there was a persistent feeling on the part of the large majority that they were on the Pacific Coast only for a short time, and that they would return to their former homes as soon as their fortunes would allow. The state did not at first seem very attractive as a place of continued residence. There was a general anticipation that the placers would quickly be exhausted, and agriculture was a doubtful venture on account of the long season of summer drought.2 Even the men who desired to make permanent homes in California were cheeked in their ambitions by the confusion over land titles which dis tracted the state for many years. Holders of Mexican grants still laid claim to most of the desirable agricultural tracts, and cautious settlers feared to invest funds in the purchase of their doubtful titles. The covetous on the other hand wished to set all former ownership aside, and to appropriate whatever they might desire. Squatters went so far as to attempt armed i Pierre Charles de Saint-Amant, Voyages en Californie et dans I 'Oregon, 1854, p. 73. a ' ' Not one out of ten thousand then in California thought seriously of making the Pacific Coast his continual abiding place. All men were so journers and everybody habitually talked about going home" (Memoirs of Cornelius Cole, 75). See also Buffum, Six Months, 136; Helper, Land of Gold, 17-18; Ryan, Personal Adventures, II, 184. Compare these con ditions with the spirit of permanent settlers as portrayed by Esarey Logan, "The Pioneer Aristocracy," Indiana Maga-ine of Histo)-y, XIII (191. \ 270-287. 138 Vigilance Committee of 1851 violence, in Sacramento in the summer of 1850.3 Such open efforts to steal private land were largely checked by public sen timent, although the original owners were in the end despoiled of most of their heritage by the tedious process of predatory laws.4 Aside from the gross injustice wrought against the Mexican proprietors, this condition greatly retarded the development of any class of small landholders, and seriously delayed the agri cultural and industrial growth of the state. Mining was, there fore, the one important industry of California, and by its very nature imposed upon the people an abnormal excitement and restlessness. The mining camps were of necessity ephemeral in their existence, and shifting in their elements. Hundreds or thousands of men would flock to new diggings in a few weeks, only to desert the region as suddenly as they came.5 The towns were no less changeable in their composition. Burnett, a promi nent member of the San Francisco legislative assembly, who had known nearly every one of his fellow-citizens in September, 1849, could not recognize one in ten after an absence of six 3 See Royce, California, 467-491, and his "Squatter Riot of '50," Overland Monthly, ser. 2, VI (1885), 225-246; Bancroft, California, VI, 529-581; Hittell, California, III, 666-704; Upham, Notes of a Voyage to California, 333-351. The spirit of the times was illustrated by a card printed in the Sacramento Union, and copied in the San Francisco Herald, 1851, Sept. 17 %, in which T. O. Selby warned whom it might concern that as trespassers had attacked his son, he would kill anyone repeating such an act. 4 The land bill (U. S. Statutes at Large, IX, 631), required the Mexican owners to prove their titles, with the United States in the position of a rival claimant. Decisions could be appealed to the United States District Court, and then to the Supreme Court, a process which ultimately im poverished even successful litigants. Their position is told with graphic pathos in a petition for relief, published by C. H. Shinn in the Magazine of American History, XXV (1891), 394-102. s A condition typical of several years was described by residents of Dry Diggings, when on Sept. 20, 1849, they petitioned for a special local election, as, at the regular date on the first of August, the settlement had been too small to need magistrates, while at the time of writing it was very large, and would swell to thousands by winter (Archives, "Unbound Docs.," 47-48, 325-326). The placers at Kennebec Hill were discovered in March, 1850, and within thirteen days 8000 miners rushed to the camp (Shinn, Mining Camps, 244-245). The Failure to Establish Social Control 139 weeks, and found himself such a stranger in November that he had grave doubts of securing his election as governor.6 As a result of these frequent and sudden migrations centers of population suddenly sprang up in remote and inaccessible places. There is much truth in Rudyard Kipling s aphorism : "Transportation is Civilization."7 The social order transplanted to California had grown up in regions where highroads were naturally extended as the population increased. But as yet California had no facilities for transportation. The larger towns were linked by rough stage roads, but many mountain settlements communicated with the outside world only by the most primitive trails, which were practically impassable at certain seasons of the year. Numbers of such scattered and isolated communities were associated in the political bonds of county organization, and all the administration of local affairs was in the hands of the officers elected by the voters of the several townships or the county at large. Of late years the students of political science have investi gated with interest the effect on our national life of the self- governing county.8 The political conscience of the stale at large makes the laws for the general commonwealth, but the American distrust of centralized authority has developed a system that places the enforcement of those laws chiefly in the hands of officials who are chosen by relatively small groups of electors. In many matters of the utmost importance these officers are practically independent of any higher authority, and are respon sible only to the vague master called ' ' the public, ' ' which assumes a Burnett, Recollections. 347. "Rudyard Kipling, "With the Night Mail," in his Actions and Re actions (1910), 145. s See Howard, Introduction to the Local Constitutional History of the United States, I, 135-148; " Count v Government," American Academy of Political and Social Science, Annals. XLVII (1913V 1-27S. especially 271- 275; H. S. Gilbertson, The County, the "Dark Continent" of American Politics, 1917. 140 Vigilance Committee of 1851 tangible substance but once in two or three years, when the neighbors whom tiny have placated or antagonized slip printed papers into a ballot box.0 In consequence of this independence a local unit often nullifies unpopular statutes by the simple expedi ent of ignoring their infraction. If on the other hand the local officials are anxious to execute the laws promptly and effectively, they must rely entirely upon their own resources and expect no help from without. When a system such as this was applied to the conditions that prevailed in California it was inevitable that all its latent weakness should develop with startling abruptness. In April or May of 1850 the people of nearly every com munity were called upon to fill a large number of elective offices. There was no requirement of pre-election registration although the law stipulated that a qualified elector must have resided thirty days in his county or district, and six months in the state.10 A voter of doubtful status might be challenged at the polls, but if he still affirmed under oath that he was entitled to the franchise he was permitted to cast a ballot, although subject to prosecution for perjury if he had sworn falsely.11 Such regula tions fairly invited fraudulent voting, and at a later date the state became notorious for its wholesale corruption. At the earlier elections it is probable that the requirements as to resi dence were not strictly enforced, and that the wandering miners voted wherever they tarried over election day. Indeed, in November, 1851, William B. Ide, judge of the County Court of Colusa County, wrote:12 » See Bryce, American Commonwealth, I, 536 et seq.; J. A. Smith, Spirit of American Government, ed. of 1912, pp. 243-248; J. H. Mathews, Prin ciples of American State Administration, 1917, pp. 401-473. i°Calfornia, Statutes, 1850, chap. 38, p. 102, sec. 10. n See "The People vs. Gordon et al.," Fifth California Reports, 235. Large numbers of Sonorans were voted in squads by unscrupulous politicians in San Jose in the spring of 1851', and for years the native Mexican vote was manipulated in the same way (Peckham, in San Jose Pioneer, 1877, July 28, Scrapbook, p. 32). One of the Sydney men hanged by the Com mittee of Vigilance told of collecting a dozen ex-convicts to vote at a San Francisco primary election for city marshal (see infra, p. 292). 12 Letter in Biographical Sketch of William B. Ide, 231. The Failure to Establish Social Control 141 Our population are like birds of passage, except their migrations are not exactly periodical At present ten individuals pay more than three-fourths of the taxes paid within the county, and comprise nearly all its permanent residents. ... At the polls the non-residents (when they unite), have the elections as they please; and the usual result is, that transient, irresponsible persons are elected, and bonds of the like character are filed. Even when the provisions of the Act to Regulate Elections were observed, the electors might have lived in a given locality but a month, and formed little acquaintance with their fellow-citi zens. Often the candidates were almost unknown to their con stituents. In such cases there was no way of securing reliable information as to their characters or past records, and any man ambitious for office could easily force himself upon the attention of the public.13 One of the best known political incidents of early days was the election of the sheriff of San Francisco, in May, ls50.14 The Democratic candidate was Colonel J. J. Bryant, owner of the best hotel in San Francisco. He spared no expense in winning votes. kept open house with a generosity that nearly proved his ruin, and stationed bands to play in a balcony for days before the election. His chief rival was Colonel John C. Hays, who had won celebrity by service with the Texas Rangers on the Mexican border. Hays had been a resident of San Francisco about two months, and ran as an independent candidate. This contest was the most exciting of the campaign and was conducted, on both sides, with enthusiastic meetings, music, and torchlight possessions. Animated electioneering was kept up as long as the polls were open, and the tide of popular favor was not decisively turned until Hays appeared, mounted on a magnificent " In August, 1849, Burnett accomplished the election of a friend from Missouri within forty-eight hours of the latter's arrival in Sacramento (Recollections, 335-336). " See Davis, Political Conventions, 10; Annals, 269-272. Hays an nounced himself as a candidate in the same issue of the paper that chronicled his arrival in San Francisco (Alta, 1850, Feb. 1). His adventures as a Ranger are told in S. C. Reid, Jr.. Scouting Expeditions of McCutloch's Texas Rangers, 1847, pp. 108-116. 142 Vigilance Committee of 1851 horse which he reined through the noisy streets with a skill that called forth the wildest applause. A throng surged around him, eager for recognition and the clasp of his hand, the music of his opponent was drowned in shouts of greeting, and when his excited steed finally dashed away through the cheering crowd the day was won for the Texas Ranger. The choice was most fortunate for the city. ' ' Jack ' ' Hays, always a popular and pic turesque figure, proved an upright and efficient sheriff, and we shall hear much of him during the summer of 1851. His election /was typical of a condition of society where the choice of officials depended all too largely upon trivial accidents and the momen tary impulses of the voters. The men who were elected by these aggregations of compara tive strangers were commissioned to control the local affairs of California for many months without fear of effective reproof or restraint. In many places the personnel of the community changed again and again before their terms expired, while standards of citizenship shifted with equal rapidity.15 In such fluctuating conditions there was special need for sagacity and real executive ability on the part of those in authority, yet the small salaries of public office failed to attract the more able citizens who could win much larger rewards in commercial pursuits. In California during the decade of the fifties there were men of every type and character in the major and minor offices of the state. A traveler wrote of one of the remote districts:16 One of the judges of this court is at the same time a justice of the peace, sign painter, postmaster, miner, engineer, carpenter, doctor, boarding-house keeper, and assistant surveyor of the district — having thus ten independent is "It was a common observation, until very large investments of capital necessitated permanency of residence, that there was not a mining town in California that did not have an almost entire change of population every three years" (Hittell, California, III, 108). if California and Its Gold Mines [by Allsop], 124. Characteristic of 1850, although written December, 1852. The Failure to Establish Social Control 143 functions, all of which he fills with credit to himself and advantage to the community. You will often find a man on the bench one year, and in the middle of the river the next. Another described as follows the magistrates of Murderer's Bar: There is a justice of the peace (up to his arms in the river just at present), and there is a constable (who has been "prospecting" a bag of earth from the hill, and been rewarded with a gold flake of the value of three cents) ; these two, one would suppose, could scarcely control two or three hundred men, with rude passions and quick tempers, each of whom, as you observe, carries his revolver even while at work. But these armed, rough-looking fellows themselves elected the judge and constable, and stand ever ready, as "specials," to support them. But the same author also regretted that many judges had been elected who had hardly any knowledge of the law, and were subservient to the dishonest class from which they received their offices.17 Contemporary estimates of the public service were typified by the assertion made in the San Francisco Evening Pi-cayunc, that there was scarcely a legislative, executive, or judicial officer in the state who did not regard his position solely as a means of obtaining money for a speedy return to the East.1"- In spite of such assertions, Bancroft wrote of the period :19 I may safely say that the judges on the whole were honest men. ... On the Supreme bench, and presiding over the district and county court?, par ticularly in the cities and more thickly populated parts, have been from the first occupation of the territory by citizens of the United States until « See Frank Marryat. Mountains and Molehills, 1855, pp. 236. 3S9. '-Picayune. 1850, Sept. 2 Sj. 19 Bancroft, California Inter Pocula, oS2. But contrast his statement: "In a few instances, before the year 1850 had expired, justices of the peace and judges had been impeached and driven from their seats by the people. But compared with those who at this time were accustomed, either openly or in secret, to take illegal fees, to extort, accept bribes, or other wise violate their oath of office, the number punished was insignificant (ibid., 590). 144 Vigilance Committee of 1851 the present day, as able and erudite jurists, men of as broad and enlightened intellects, as might be found elsewhere in Europe or America. Some were dissipated, but for the most part they were men of integrity. Whatever may have been the personal characters of Califor nia 's judges in 1850, the courts over which they presided quickly became notorious for their failure to convict and punish crim inals, especially those who could pay for skilful defense. In the opinion of the contemporary public this immunity was almost universally attributed to flagrant corruption within professional circles, and later critics have found it very easy to make similar strictures. Corruption there was, for it was inevitable that many unworthy officials should find their way into positions of responsibility and time showed that not a few of them had past experiences of disreputable quality. Royce severely condemned the "persistently wicked neglect to choose good public officers" that made the mining society the "friend and upholder of the very roguery that it flogged and hanged."20 The student who desires to make a fair estimate of the situation, however, must take into account all the conditions that hampered the admin istration of justice, even when there was a righteous zeal on the part of the public servants. Mention has already been made of the general result of the low ratio of salaries of public office to the ordinary profits of business, but particular attention must be called to its effect upon the selection of prosecuting attorneys. There were in California many men who had studied and practiced law before the gold rush attracted them to the Pacific Coast, and who were glad to return to their profession as soon as the courts were 20 Royce, California, 337. • The difficulty of choosing suitable officials was clearly recognized by Saint-Amant (Voyages, 399). A striking example of California conditions is given by the story of Paul Geddes, of Pennsyl vania, who under the alias Talbot H. Green, was a leading candidate for mayor of San Francisco in 1851. His real identity and past irregularities of conduct were discovered on the eve of election (Bancroft, California, III, 765-766; Davis, Sixty Tears, 325; Alta, 1851, April 16 %). The Failure to Establish Social Control 145 established. Fees were so large in both civil and criminal cases that the private practice of a competent lawyer insured a large income while the small salaries of the prosecuting attorneys21 did not attract men who were fitted to cope with the counsel retained to defend the prisoners at the bar. In consequence, the criminal courts were quickly at the mercy of clever and well paid lawyers, who imposed upon them every possible technical evasion until the whole machinery of the law became a shield for tjie„ criminal rather than a safeguard to the community.22 Not only were the odds during the trial largely in favor of the defendant, but in cases of conviction he had an excellent chance to escape because of the total lack of secure jails. The failure of the various communities in California to provide adequate prisons even after five years of American occupation, has been severely censured23 as an evidence of a selfish reluctance to spend some of the common wealth in preserving and upbuild ing the social order. As a matter of fact, public improvements had been out of the question in settlements that had no consti tutional right to levy taxes, or to make contracts.-4 San Fran cisco purchased a prison brig in 184!); Sacramento did the same in 1850, and smaller towns improvised places of confinement as best they might;25 but before permanent structures could be com menced it was necessary to organize the counties, choose county seats, vote funds, and arrange many details of construction.25 21 The salary of a district attorney was $2000 (California, Statutes, 1850, chap. 25, p. 83). 22 Prisoners were quite ready to pay their lawyers fees of $1000 (P. A. Roach, Statement of Historical- Facts on California. 1878. p. 8, MS in the Bancroft Library). The anecdotes told by L. A. Norton show how easily guilty men could be freed on technicalities (Life and Adventures, 279-290). 2sAs by H. K. Norton, Story of California. 1913, p. 246. = ' See the experiments in Stockton, supra, p. 119. 2-r- The bark La Grange was bought for a jail at Sacramento (History of Sacramento County, 87-88). The early jail in Los Angeles was an old adobe residence, aud prisoners were chained to a pine log for safe keeping (Horace Bell, Reminiscences of a Ranger, 1881, p. 51). The first public building of Contra Costa County was a stone jail, built in 1S50, a poor affair 146 Vigilance Committee of 1851 An organic defect of the earliest statutes of California that has usually escaped the attention of historians was the provision that deprived local justices of the peace of any criminal juris diction beyond the office of examining magistrate, and referred trial for all petty misdemeanors to the Court of Sessions, which met at the county seat once in every two months.26 The effect of such a system upon criminal conditions in the mining regions was inevitably disastrous. It was the duty of the local justice of the peace to arrest suspected persons; if evidence justified their commitment for trial, he was then bound to deliver them to the sheriff of the county.27 This necessitated the transpor tation of the prisoner to the county seat, which was often far away from the scene of the offense, since some of the counties were as large as states on the Atlantic seaboard.28 In many cases the journey could be made only on horseback, and it af forded countless opportunities for escape or rescue. Moreover, for the prosecution of such trivial misdemeanors as breach of the peace, assault and battery, and petty larceny, from which prisoners easily escaped (Illustrations of Contra Costa County, 12). In 1851 Auburn had a log jail for a county prison (History of Placer County, 97). W. B. Ide, justice of the peace at Monroeville, Colusa County, in 1852, built an iron cage for the confinement of prisoners, and placed it out of doors in the shade of a tree (J. H. Rogers, Colusa County, 1891, pp. 77-78). In 1849 Riley had proposed to devote some funds to improving jails (Cong. Docs., Ser. No. 561, Doc. 52, pp. 19, 20, 37-38). 26 The Court of Sessions was composed of the county judge and two assistant justices of the peace. It was also entrusted with the duties whieh at present usually devolve upon a board of supervisors (California, Statutes, 1850, chap. 86, p. 210; Rodman, History of the Bench and Bar of Southern California, 38). 27 California, Statutes, 1850, chap. 44, p. 118, sec. 3. Some justices seem to have exercised criminal jurisdiction, as did the illiterate Richard C. Barry, of Sonora, whose docket is a wonderful specimen of the public archives of 1850 (History of Tuolumne County [by Lang], 65-70; Ban croft, California, VI,. 470; and his California- Inter Pocula, 630-633). "The jurisdiction of justices of the peace in 1850 to 1851, who were then the only judicial officers known in these diggings, was a little shadowy, or very substantial, as the reader pleases" (History of Nevada Countu, 99). See also the tales of Justice Bonner, of Butte County (Illustrated History of Plumas, Lassen and Sierra Counties, 1882, pp. 208-209). 28 Coy's Guide to the County Archives contains maps showing the boundaries of the original twenty-seven counties, and subsequent changes. The Failure to Establish Social Control 147 it was necessary that the witnesses also should take the same journey, and remain in attendance upon the trial while counsel gained postponement after postponement. If the crime was of a serious nature it was tried in one of the District Courts. which also met at the county seats, and held from three to five terms a year. In such cases an indictment by the grand jury was a prerequisite to trial.29 All these vexatious delays not only burdened witnesses with the cost of living at wretched and expensive inns, but they involved the risk of forfeiting mining claims because of protracted absence and cessation of work.80 Under these circumstances it proved to be impossible to keep witnesses together for the slow progress of law, and any prisoner was almost sure of discharge if his lawyer could sufficiently retard the prosecution of his case. In the mining regions, where improvement was most imper ative, state control failed most signally to accomplish any imme diate betterment. As soon as counties could be organized and local magistrates elected, all the offices peculiar to tin- Mexican system were discontinued. Justices of the peace and judg- s of the lower courts took the places of the alcaldes, who from that time had no legal status in California, although for some years they were occasionally chosen to supply the immediate needs of new and remote settlements.31 In 1850 Yuba County was so large, and the "trouble, expense and time required to send criminals to Marysville were so great, that many escaped the just punishments for their acts, while others were severely dealt with by Judge Lvnch" (Illustrated History of Plumas, Lassen and Sierra Coun ties, 423). 29 See California, Statutes, 1850, chap. 33, p. 93. chap. 119. p. 2*-. sec. 176. The District Courts took cognizance, also, of civil and chancery cases. They superseded the Mexican Courts of First Instance (ibid., chap. 2 7 p. 80, sec. 28). '<• No fees were allowed witnesses in criminal cases (California, Statutes. 1850, chap. 138, p. 421, sec. 15). The Alta, 1851, Oct. 15 i;. noted the impossibility of securing the attendance of witnesses under these circum stances. si See Shinn, Mining Camps, 187. The miners of Chinese Camp appointed an alcalde and a sheriff in September, 1850 (Heckendom \- Wilson, Miners 4r Business Men's Directory . . . 1856 ...of Tuolumne, 87- /. John Carr spoke 148 Vigilance Committee of 1851 The old alcalde had usually been a fellow-worker among his constituents, with personal interests identical with theirs. The new justice often belonged to the class of political loafers. He had, moreover, an assurance in office that had not existed under a system that swiftly recalled unpopular alcaldes as soon as a majority of the camp might vote to do so. In consequence there was no longer the close accord between executive and community that had characterized the earlier organization. Up to this time any given camp had enjoyed such security of life and property as the majority of its residents chose to enforce by the rules of mass meetings and the discipline of miners' courts. Now the exercise of criminal jurisdiction was removed from local control, for the justice of the peace could do no more than examine prisoners and if he saw fit hand them over to the sheriff of the county for arraignment in the proper- court. This act of transfer immediately removed the criminal from the persons interested in his punishment, so that unless his offense had been particularly heinous, his fate became a matter of indifference to his former neighbors. In cases where popular indignation had been highly inflamed the notorious mis carriage of justice in the courts gave rise to a universal distrust of legal procedure, and incited the miners to administer retri bution for themselves. The increasing disorder aroused a spirit of resentment against the authorities that resembled the antagonism expressed during the period of the military control. The majority of the men of the mining camps in the fall of 1850 were of the same fiber as were the men of 1849; many of them were the same individuals who had conducted the popular trials which had of a trial before a California alcalde, probably in February or March, 1851, and said that no one in Weaverville paid any attention to politics or law, until about June, 1851, when the camp was stirred to curiosity by the- advent of a party of horsemen who looked too well dressed to be miners and too honest to be gamblers, and who proved to be candidates for the offices recently created for the new county of Trinity (Pioneer Days, 116, 128). The Failure to Establish Social Control 149 preserved California from overwhelming anarchy and blood shed. In their sovereign capacity, and out of the elements of chaos, they had formed a state, ordained laws, and appointed servants to execute the will of the people. Yet in spite of their labors they found the servants inefficient or unfaithful, and the laws so poorly adapted to the special needs of the community, and so poorly executed withal, that crime increased, while rob bers and murderers laughed at statutes and courts, and at jails and jailers. The ideals of popular sovereignty had not perished from the land when the cannon of Monterey announced the signing of the state constitution. History has shown that the conception of government as a social compact holds in itself the germ of potential secession. It is equally true that the conception of social order accomplished and preserved solely by the concurrent consent of the individual community contains the dormant men ace of disorder. It is not only upon the unorganized frontier of American settlement that this dormant menace has been transformed into an active force. The tendency to deal with criminals through popular tribunals steadily accompanied what may be called the rearguard of the western advance, a zone of unstable conditions where the voluntary and temporary associa tions of the foremost pioneers were nominally superseded by a laggard civil organization. Here lingered competent and fearless men who had by their own swiftly spoken words evoked laws out of a cosmic void, and their social conscience gave fealty, not to the rules they had thus formulated, but to the purposes which had vitalized their rules — the preservation of life and property. When formal laws, once established, failed to accom plish these purposes, their impulse was quick to ignore the inefficient laws, and to revert to a direct and popular method of effecting the necessary results. 150 Vigilance Committee of 1851 Such an impulse was very apparent in California in the later months of 1850. The people recognized the failure of the courts to restrain crime, and showed a strong tendency, especially in the mining regions, to adhere to the popular tribunals that had proved effective in the previous year. They came together as of old in the miners' meetings, to regulate their mining claims. They had never drawn any nice distinctions between the civil and the criminal functions of such meetings; so they now de sired to have suspected offenders still tried on the scene of their alleged guilt, and tried so promptly that honest men might go about their business without unreasonable delay, and they began to resent the interference of a sheriff whose duty it was to re move the criminals from their control.32 Conflicts over the possession of a prisoner became common and when they occurred the sheriff of the county faced a situ ation that tested him to the utmost, for he was obliged to decide, often at a moment's notice, whether he would attempt a rescue at the risk of several lives. In many instances he was convinced that the accused was a murderer who richly deserved death, and that those who contemplated immediate execution were stirred I by the most righteous indignation. It then seemed like a mock ery of justice to shoot men whom he knew and respected in order to place a cowardly assassin before a court which would prob ably condone his offense. In any case, whether the prisoner were guilty or innocent, the sheriff was aware that the local community would never complain if he yielded to the mob, and that the state authorities could neither reprove him if he gave 32 In 1850 or 1851 the miners at Sandy Bar acquitted a suspected mur derer, and then took advantage of the large gathering to decide on the disposition of mining debris (C. S. Abbott, Recollections of a California Pioneer, 1917, p. 104). For instances of popular trials at this time, see History of Nevada County, 98, 105; Carr, Pioneer Days, 60-67; Memoirs of Cornelius Cole, 85-91; William Downie, Hunting for Gold, 1893, pp. 111- 113, 145. F^ The Failure to Establish Social Control 151 way nor help him if he chose to resist.33 Some sheriffs forfeited their lives in their determination to do their duty. Many car ried off their men even when the odds were all against them. Many others gave way before the angry crowds and left the prisoners to trials by lynch law. But a profound difference existed between the popular trib unals of the days of the commonwealth and those that had been held during the interregnum. The miners' trials of 1849, con ducted in sincere although uncouth emulation of the courts of justice, represented the popular adherence to the spirit of Law, to the principle of the trial by jury, and loyalty to the will of the majority. When the same men assembled in the autumn of 1850, arraigning, perhaps, the same culprits, for the same sort of crimes, they were no longer the symbol of the Law — that was represented by the sheriff and the dilatory courts. Then the miners' tribunals, pitted against the constituted author ities, lost their dignity and their ideals of deliberate justice in conducting a struggle for the possession of a prisoner, and in making a hurried disposition of his fate. Inevitably they de generated into angry mobs, that hastened to whip or to hang the accused before the sheriff could intervene, or that stormed a jail to recover a prisoner, and to forestall punishment or acquittal by the courts.34 ss When a sheriff in an American state was rebuked by the governor for permitting a lynching, the governor was bluntly told to mind his own business, as the sheriff was responsible only to the voters who had elected him (Woodrow Wilson, "Issues of Reform," in Initiative, Referendum and Recall, edited by W. B. Munro, 1912, p. 72). It is of interest to note here the following statement from the Herald, 1851, July 18 y{: "The Sheriffs throughout the country have been more true to the interests of the people, and more honest in the discharge of their duty than any other class of officials. We know of but two instances in the State in which the Sheriff has come under the ban of public censure. ' ' 3*The Alta recorded manv murders and lynchings during the autumn of 1850. See also Popular Tribunals, I, 142-178; G. H. Tinkham, History of Stockton, 1880, pp. 155-158. The lynch law of this period forms the theme of Tlie Volcano Diggings; a Tale of California Law [by Leonard Kip], 1851. 152 Vigilance Committee of 1851 In the Alta California, September 16, 1850, a contrast was drawn between the comparative safety of life and property in the mines under the "prompt and substantial justice of 1849" and the frequent robberies and murders currently reported. The writer asserted that, although the better portion of the popu lation had hailed with delight the advent of law as safer than the local practices which necessity had compelled, the statutes had proved so inefficient, and so poorly adapted to the migratory character of the community, that the courts failed_tq^ punish offenders and prevent crime; bail was habitually forfeited, re arrest was almost impossible, and trials could be postponed by technicalities until the absence of witnesses made acquittal in evitable. Throughout the state clever, premeditated robberies and murders formed a menace to security far more dangerous than the more impulsive crimes of an earlier period. Peter H. Burnett made an excellent summary of the problems of the time when he said :35 For some eight or ten years after the organization of our State gov ernment, the administration of the criminal laws was exceedingly defective and inefficient. This arose mainly from the following causes: 1. Defective laws and imperfect organization, of the Courts; 2. The incompetency of the district attorneys, who were generally young men without an adequate knowledge of the law; 3. The want of secure county prisons, there being no penitentiary during most of that time; 4. The great expense of keeping prisoners and convicts in the county jails; 5. The difficulty of enforcing the attendance of witnesses; 6. The difficulty of securing good jurymen, there being so large a proportion of reckless, sour, disappointed, and unprincipled men then in the country; 7. The unsettled state of our land-titles, which first induced so many men to squat upon the lands of the grantees of Spain and Mexico, and then to steal their cattle to live upon. . . . It was the extremely defective administration of criminal justice in California for some years that led to the organization of so many vigilance committees, and filled the courts of Judge Lynch with so many cases. When the second legislature assembled in San Jose on Jan uary 6, 1851, Governor Burnett in his annual message alluded 35 Burnett, Recollections, 386, 390. The Failure to Establish Social Control 153 to many of the serious problems of the state, and proposed some desirable reforms,36 but he did not remain in office to assist in the work he had considered so important. He resigned January 9, giving as his only excuse vague obligations of personal busi ness.37 No satisfactory explanation of the resignation has been made in the meager chronicles of the times. Judge E. 0. Crosby, who was thoroughly familiar with the problems of the day, felt that Burnett lacked the self-confidence and assertiveness neces sary to hold his own against the more astute demagogues. Al fred A. Green, another prominent San Franciscan, said plainly that the "Tammany" element was too powerful for the governor and was hostile to him on account of his honest opposition to land frauds in San Francisco.38 John McDougal, the lieutenant- governor who succeeded Burnett, was somewhat skilful as a politician, but he lacked personal force in times of crisis, his habits were dissipated, and he became a tool in the hands of corrupt men.89 It was most unfortunate for the development of California that after its citizens had placed in office a man of honorable principles, any influence, either private or public, should have forced him to relinquish his important responsibili ties into unscrupulous hands, and to abandon the entire machine of government to selfishness and ambition. To fill the vacancy created by McDougal's promotion the senate elected as its president David C. Broderick, whose ability had already been recognized. From that time until his death Broderick was a dominant figure in the history of the state. The legislature made some alterations in the statutes which may be noted here, although several of them did not become 30 Journals of the California Legislature, 1851, pp. 22-23. a* Burnett, Recollections, 377. 88 See Crosby, MS Statement, 47-49, and Green, MS Life and Adven tures, 25; Hittell, California. IV, 60-64, 87. so Bancroft said that in 1856 McDougal was arrested for election frauds (Popular Tribunals, I, 130). 154 Vigilance Committee of 1851 effective until July, 1851.40 Justices of the peace were given jurisdiction over minor offenses, and it was provided that their courts should be open continuously.41 This change permitted prompt trial of misdemeanors, and corrected one of the most flagrant defects in the earlier laws. Criminal cases might be appealed from the justice of the peace to the Court of Sessions, which also had jurisdiction over all more serious crimes, except murder, manslaughter, and arson. The last named offenses and all criminal cases not otherwise provided for were still under the jurisdiction of the District Court, which had, in addition, appellate jurisdiction over criminal judgments found by the Court of Sessions. These measures, generally designated as the Civil and Criminal Practice acts, proved so efficient that, with necessary modifications, they remained in force for many years, and served as models for other states and territories west of the Rocky Mountains.42 Acting on a recommendation of Governor Burnett, and on a petition from the citizens of El Dorado County, who prayed that horse stealing should be made a capital offense,43 the legis lature passed an act that permitted a jury to impose the death penalty for robbery and grand larceny.44 The bill originated in the senate, where it was vigorously opposed by Broderick and three others, but passed by a vote of eight to four. It passed the assembly without delay, and a motion to reconsider it there was lost by a vote of seventeen to nine.45 The same bill per- 40 Especially an Act concerning the Courts of Justice of this State and Judicial Officers (California, Statutes, 1851, chap. 1, p. 9) ; an Act to regulate Proceedings in Civil Cases (ibid., chap. 5, p. 51) ; an Act to regulate Proceedings in Criminal Cases (ibid., chap. 29, p. 212). 4i California, Statutes, 1851, chap. I, p. 23, sec. 90. The civil jurisdiction of justices ' courts was also modified. *2 See Some Account of the Work of Stephen J. Field [edited by C. T. Black and S. B. Smith], 1881, pp. 19-20; Hittell, California, IV, 67. *3 Journals of the California Legislature, 1851, pp. 91, 101, 1412. 44 Calif ornia, Statutes, 1851, chap. 95, p. 406. 45 See Journals of the California Legislature, 1851, pp. 286, 1422, 1426. The Failure to Establish Social Control 155 nutted, at the discretion of the jury, a punishment of fifty lashes for petit larceny. The statute remained in force until 1856,46 and several felons were executed under its provision. Professor Royce used the law as the text for this severe arraignment of the spirit of the lawmakers:47 So far did this trust in hanging as a cure for theft go, that in the second legislature, that of 1851, an act was passed making hanging for grand larceny a penalty to be thenceforth regularly imposed at the pleasure of the convicting jury. So easy is it for men to sanction their blunders by the help of a little printers' ink, used for the publication of a statute. Correcting an error of Shinn in regard to the date and duration of the statute,48 Royce continued : The matter [of the date] ... is of some importance, because it shows that the law did not first encourage the lynchers, but that only after the extravagances of popular justice had for some time flourished, it was found possible to load the statute book with an entirely useless and demoralizing penalty.That criticism is hardly justified ; a study of the measure reveals that it was suggested by the governor of the state as a tem porary and deplorable substitute for the customary terms of imprisonment, that it was passed by large majorities in both houses, after full discussion, that it was seldom invoked In juries, and was repealed as soon as jails could be constructed and the emergency relieved.49 40 See California, Statutes, 1856, chap. 139, p. 220. 47 Royce, California, 337-338. 48 Shinn, Mining Camps, 228. Perhaps copied from Tinkham, History of Stockton, 161. 4" See Hittell, California, IV, 70-71 ; and his General Laws of the State of California, I, sees. 1459-1461. The following executions under this statute have come to my attention. John Thompson and James Gibson, for highway robbery and assault, in Sacramento, Aug. 22, 1851. A companion named William Robinson or Heppard, sentenced for the same day, and reprieved by the governor, was hanged by a mob (History of Sacramento County. 126. See also infra, p. 378). James Wilson and Frederick Salkmyer, horse thieves, in San Joaquin County, November, 1851 (Herald, 1S51, November 156 Vigilance Committee of 1851 One of the trials that took place under this law affords vivid illustration of the makeshifts imposed on the county courts. While William B. Ide was acting as a justice of the peace in Colusa County he examined and committed a man for the crime of horse stealing, and later, as county judge, presided at his trial. The prisoner had no counsel and no licensed attorney was procurable, so Ide volunteered to serve him in that capacity. The offer was accepted and in the absence of any prosecuting attorney Ide acted as counsel for the people, counsel for the defendant, and presiding judge. The verdict was guilty, with the penalty of death, which Ide solemnly pronounced, but the prisoner was subsequently pardoned by the governor. The anec dote was vouched for by Judge J. C. Huls,50 one of the associate justices, and it seems to be confirmed by the entries in the Minutes of the Court of Sessions in Criminal Business, October Term, 1851, which are preserved in the archives at Colusa. They contain this item in the record of the trial of one Joseph Wilson for grand larceny:51 "The prisoner having been informed of his wright to counsil there being no counsil the Court surved him as sutch. ' ' The case continues in accordance with the story as told by Huls. 30 %; Tinkham, History of Stockton, p. 162). Jose Corrales, for horse stealing, Sonora, Jan. 7, 1852 (History of Tuolumne County [by Lang], 149). Theodore Basquez, for horse stealing, San Jose, Jan. 30, 1852 (Hall, History of San Jose, 250). John Barrett, or Garrat, for robbery, Nevada County, July 16, 1852 (History of Nevada County, 107-108; Bancroft, California, VII, 195 note 3). George Tanner, for grand larceny, Marysville, July 23, 1852 (Herald, 1852, March 23 3 Papers, 363 377, 824. 81 Papers, 38-39. 238 Vigilance Committee of 1851 The Committee watched with interest several cases which occupied the attention of the courts during the last fortnight of June. When Thomas Yates, or Wood, was arrested by the city police on suspicion of robbery and murder, Van Bokkelen im mediately reported the case to the Committee. It was followed with attention in the hope that the evidence might assist in the discovery of the men who had stolen a large quantity of jewelry from a merchant named Robert. The Committee ultimately obtained information as to the identity of those thieves, but it was unable to recover the plunder.32 The Committee also took cognizance of charges of murder lodged against George Spires and Richard Hall, who were accused of poisoning Frank Brewer, and who, like Lewis, were awaiting investigation by the grand jury to be impaneled in July. Dr. M. P. Burns, a physician entrusted with the post-mortem analysis, was a member of the Committee. A copy of his report was sub mitted to that body two days before it was made public in the Alta California of June 18.33 The archives frequently refer to "The Brewer Case," although its conduct was left entirely to the courts. Both men were finally discharged. The chief of the Vigilante police had a watchful. eye for suspicious actions, wherever they might be observed. During the evening of June 15 Mr. Thomas Belcher Kay, late of Sydney and recently warden of the port of San Francisco,34 Avas seen on Powell Street in conference with a man who seemed to be under the influence of liquor. Kay became so uneasy when aware of surveillance that Van Bokkelen made a special report on the matter.35 His intuitions were fully justified by later revelations, which showed that the ex-warden was one of the most un scrupulous members of the Sydney gang. His successful attempts 32 Papers, 31 note 4. 33 Papers, 33-34. 3* Kay's resignation was noted in the Herald, 1851, May 15 % ss Papers, 32, 232 note 26. See also infra, p.' 282. The Records for June 239 to evade arrest by the Committee furnished an interesting episode in the records for July. It has been said that few attempts were made to express public condemnation of the Committee of Vigilance. It is certain, hoAv- ever, that an element in the city was anxious to find an oppor tunity to register its disapproval. On June 17 a handbill was distributed which called upon the lovers of law and order to meet on the Plaza on June 22 and take steps to suppress the ' ' secret inquisition" and the "midnight murderers" that Avere disgracing the city.86 The Committee investigated the origin of this broad side, found that it had been printed at the office of the Sunday Dispatch, that the original manuscript was signed by William French and George Stephens, and that the mayor in person had prohibited its further distribution.37 The meeting sumoned so passionately Avas never held. On Sunday, June 22, the citizens of San Francisco were struggling to cheek the ravages of another disastrous fire. The blaze started in the morning, at the corner of Pacific and Powell streets, and spread fiercely to the east and south, laying waste the Avhole. or parts, of sixteen blocks of buildings, and destroying property valued at three million dollars. The Annals called the fire "unquestionably incendiary "::s and it was so regarded at the moment. The crowds that swept through the scorching streets were ready for furious vengeance upon any one even suspected of the crime, and tAvo men were beaten to death by mobs on suspicion of robbery and incendiar ism.30 A like fate threatened Captain Harris, master of the bark 80 See infra, p. 460. "Papers, 37-38, 58. It was intimated in the California Courier, June 19, that Broderick was instrumental in this publication, but the statement was retracted in the next issue. 38 Annals, 345, 611. 80 Herald, 1851, June 24 %. Two men were also shot by the police for looting. Saint-Amant, who arrived shortly after this, found the eity greatly in dread of another fire (Voyages, 124-125). 240 Vigilance Committee of 1851 Timandra, from Sydney, who indulged in such a violent dispute over the method that should be adopted to extinguish a blazing tar barrel that he was charged with an attempt to spread the fire. It was in vain that he protested his innocence — his Sydney con nection was all to his discredit — and an angry mob began to raise cries of "Hang him!" and to look about for a convenient scaffold. Realizing his peril, Harris shouted aloud the names of the agents of his vessel, Messrs. Davidson and Argenti, the latter a member of the Committee of Vigilance. Other Vigilantes, heeding this call, rushed to the captain's aid, and claimed the right to remove him under arrest to headquarters. A hand-to- hand tussle ensued ; the prisoner was badly bruised, his clothing was torn and his valuables were lost, but in the end a rescue was effected. Harris was glad enough to spend the night under safe shelter, and grew so friendly with his pseudo jailers that he signed the roll of members as number 468. The irregularity of that proceeding is indicated by the annotations "Discharged" and "Not a member."40 This episode of Captain Harris has scant mention in the papers of the Committee. Theodore Dahlgren, later under arrest, spoke of his efforts to assist at the rescue, and of the subsequent charge that he took advantage of the opportunity to pilfer a watch from the gentleman's pocket; and on July 14 there was filed a letter in which Harris claimed indemnity for the lost article." These allusions, however, are fully explained by reference to the Sydney (N.S. W.) Morning Herald, for the shipmaster returned to his home port seething Avith indignation at his treatment in San Francisco, and published a long letter on September 1 in which he accused the Committee of inciting the mob and of making. the arrest in the hope of effecting a popular execution— a crime which motives of prudence alone prevented. He branded 40 Papers, 41. « Papers, 147, 279, 280. The Records for June 241 the members of the Committee as "bloodhounds" Avho "under the spurious name of Liberty and Order, roam continually in the good work of exterminating the Australian"; accused them of the loss of his valuable watch ; and warned his countrymen to avoid the dangers of a sojourn on the California Coast. He further protested that the press of the state was so in fear of the influence of the Committee that no paper would publish the facts in his case. He especially blamed the editor of the Alta Cali fornia for refusing to print a letter on the subject sent to him immediately after the fire. Many of the papers published in Australia at this time reflected great indignation at the acts of the Vigilance Com mittee, hurled against them "tirades of abuse and slander. "'- and denounced them as exhibitions of race hatred and jealousy against foreigners. That severe judgment was somcAvhat softened upon further information and several friendly articles were printed. On November 8 the Sydney Herald gave space to a long communication from Thomas Hinigan, a Sydney resident who had been in San Francisco for some eighteen months, during which time he had acted as marine reporter for one of the daily papers. Hinigan substantiated the main facts of the captain's story, but pointed out that the Committee actually rescued the prisoner from a mob that was on the point of lynching him. He especially refuted the statement that the press feared to offend the Committee of Vigilance, and said that the Alta Avas so reduced in size after the fire that it had space for only a brief paragraph regretting the unfortunate episode.''3 Hinigan returned to San Francisco not long afterwards and offered his aid to the Committee in a letter that gave interesting comments on the public sentiments current in Sydney.44 « Papers, 746. "This notice appeared in the Alta, 1851, June 26 % (Steamer Edition). "Papers, 746-747. The Alta, 1851, Oct. 5 %¦ quoted from the People's Advocate, of Sydney, a letter in which W. M. Curtayne strongly commended the Avork of the Committee. 242 Vigilance Committee of 1851 The Sunday of the fire was a busy day for the Committee. Such squads as the one that rescued Captain Harris patrolled the streets constantly, on the watch for incendiaries and for thieves. While none of the former was detected, at least nine men were brought to headquarters charged with the possession of stolen goods.45 All of these except one Mexican succeeded in establish ing their innocence and were discharged. The single conviction46 was followed by a public flogging of twenty-five lashes, mentioned with approval in the papers of June 25. The chastisement was not severe, as the knots on the cat had been removed. So far as the official records or the newspapers report, this was the only corporal punishment inflicted by the Committee of Vigilance of San Francisco.47 Emphasis should be laid on the difference between this fact and the popular imagination, which sometimes presents the Vigilantes of' San Francisco as the administrators of merciless flagellations. Even Bancroft asserted that "many were publicly whipped, ' '4S but his statement is not corroborated by the records or by the daily papers. While some of the Committee guarded the burning city on that Sunday in June, the water police watched the Bay for boats loaded with stolen plunder. One of the patrols tried to over haul Captain Hammer, of the Meclora, who was returning to his vessel after the excitements of the day. He indignantly refused to lie to, and the occupants of the two boats indulged in a struggle which threatened serious consequences before the cooler heads among them could restore peace.49 Two other incidents of June 22 must be noted. On that night a man named Samuel Gallagher stabbed to death one LeAvis Pollock in a quarrel over an inmate of a vicious resort. Gallagher 45 See Papers, 74-83. *» Papers, 75-76. " A report on the case of Antonio Barsallio, arrested at this time, recom mended a whipping, but it was annotated "Discharged" (Papers, 82). *s Popular Tribunals, I, 260. « Papers, 79-81. The Records for June 243 was immediately taken to Vigilance headquarters, but the Com mittee refused to assume jurisdiction over crimes of sudden passion, and the man was transferred to the city police before morning. The only allusion to the incident in the records is in an unimportant letter, but it was reported in the newspapers. It is of interest as an example of the Committee's policy of leaving the punishment of such offenses to the regular authorities.50 So far, the test of an exciting catastrophe had proved the Vigilantes to be men of calm judgment and self-control. They had inflicted no hasty discipline, shot no looters, and lynched no murderer, although the infectious spirit of violence Avas rife in the city. Yet that night, in an action comparatively trivial, they involved themselves in difficulties which permanently hampered their work and did much towards disrupting the ties that bound them together in a harmonious organization. In a brief note, dated June 22, Felix Argenti, an Italian banker, complained that a man named Metcalf had purloined and secreted valuables which he had been hired to remove from the house of an unnamed "lady."51 The plaintiff, known as Angelina Duclos, was the close friend and the reputed mistress of Argenti, whose name had. been so potent to rescue Captain Harris early in the day.52 Argenti 's friends rallied with equal staunch ness to the aid of this second protege. On the same night a party often or twelve accompanied her to the home of Metcalf, forcibly entered his house, threatened violence if resisted, and searched for the missing property even among the personal effects of his wife and daughter, who were roused from sleep to submit to the investigation. Several articles were claimed and appropriated 00 Four Vigilantes served on the jury that later convicted Gallagher of manslaughter. He was quickly pardoned by the governor. See Papers, 219 ; Alta, 1851, June 23 %; Herald, June 24 %; Aug. 13 % ; 14 ^ ; Xov. 18 % : Dec. 6 %. " Papers, 78. 53 The relationship Avas scored in the arguments in court (R. A. Lock- wood, Vigilance Committee of San Francisco, 1852, p. 20). 244 Vigilance Committee of 1851 by Mme. Duclos. Metcalf retaliated by bringing action for $25,000 damages against Argenti and others who participated in the search, and the suit of Metcalf vs. Argenti et al. became one of the standing vexations during the entire period covered by the activities of the Committee.53 At the beginning, however, the threat of actions at law in no way daunted the courage of the committeemen. At a general meeting held July 5 they passed a resolution authorizing the publication of a notice in which they claimed the right to enter any premises where they 7 had good reason to believe that they should find incriminating evidence " — and further, deeming ourselves engaged in a good and just cause — we intend to maintain it."54 Statements made at a later time indicated that the resolution did not reflect the sentiments of a majority of the Committee,55 but the course it advocated was a logical outcome of the Avhole spirit of the Vigilance organization. The frankness of the avowal only emphasized anew the conflict between the claims of that self-appointed body and the ideals of AmericainiDerty. The announcement did not pass without challenge. Mayor Brenham, in an open letter to the citizens of San Francisco,56 specified among other wrongs laid at the door- of the Committee that : / ' ' They claim and exercise the right of domiciliary visits, without any accountability, of a character not knoAvn under any other than inquisitorial governments." Judge Campbell, on another occasion,57 in a charge to the grand jury spoke of "unreasonable searches, without color of authority. ' ' The friends of the Com mittee, however, seem to have accepted its position Avithout fear of any abuse of the license claimed, and their confidence was " See Papers, 156 note, and Index under "Metcalf"; also infra, pp. 329, 347. 5* Papers, 178. ss See infra, p. 330. bs See infra, p. 271, and Brenham 's proclamation, Appendix, p. 463. 57 See infra, p. 272, and Campbell's charge, Appendix, p. 464. The Records for June 245 clearly expressed in a leading editorial of the San Francisco Herald on July 17. The Committee continued to, exercise the "right of search" as necessity arose, but after the Metcalf incident more prudent methods were employed. Explicit instructions were issued in writing, and the men detailed for such service were required to return the orders with annotations showing the success or failure of each mission. Most of the premises entered were lodg ing houses, where the legal rights of tenants were of small im portance to the proprietors. At least one landlord signed a formal permit for the investigation.58 No one except Metcalf sued the Committee for trespass and there is no record to indicate that in other instances threats of violence Avere employed by the committeemen. The fire of June 22 reawakened the old fears of deliberate arson. Beginning June 26 and for some time thereafter the Committee advertised a reward of $5000 for the capture and conviction of any one guilty of such a crime.50 A charge for posters and another for bill posting, paid at this date.00 lead to the inference that the reward Avas conspicuously adA-ertiscd throughout the city, but it did not result in the apprehension and conviction of any incendiaries. At one time a strong suspicion of arson rested upon a Negro known as Ben Robinson, who came into the hands of the Com mittee on June 30. In spite of the anti-slavery clause of the state constitution, Ben lived in abject subjection to a depraved white woman, Margaret Robinson, Avho Avas in the habit of beat ing him if he disregarded her Avishes. He Avas arrested by the city police on suspicion of starting the fire of the twenty -second, and confessed that he did so in obedience to Mrs. Bobinson, who 58 Papers, Index under ' ' Search Avithout warrant ' 50 See infra, p. 461. a" Papers, Vouchers nos. 29, 34. '246 Vigilance Committee of 1851 had a grudge against the man in whose house the fire originated. With strange negligence, he was allowed to escape from the officers, but members of the Committee of Vigilance immediately seized him, and took him to headquarters, where he repeated his story. Mr. and Mrs. Robinson were arrested the same night. When brought to the Committee rooms they made vigorous denials of the charge; thereupon Ben withdrew his whole con fession and accused one of the police officers of bribing him to tell the story. The Vigilantes resolved to take no action in the case until they had investigated the cause of Ben's arrest and discharge. The subcommittee appointed to this duty reported a fortnight later that they were convinced that the whole thing was a plot to incite the Committee to take hasty action against Mrs. Robinson, whose evil life made credible any tale that might be told about her. The report was accepted, and the Negro and his mistress were discharged on or before July 12.61 It Avas during this period of activity that the Committee undertook a work of unquestioned value to the community at large — the completion of the county jail already in course of con struction on Broadway between Kearny and Dupont streets. The building was under the supervision of the Court of Sessions, wdiich controlled the administration of funds for county improve ment. Large sums had been expended with small results, and the report of the grand jury for April contained charges of gross mismanagement against the officials responsible for the conduct of the work.62 The accusations in no way implicated the sheriff, Colonel Jack Hays, who had made vigorous efforts to hasten completion. He had tried without much success to raise a public subscription for that purpose,63 and had finally succeeded, by 61 See Papers, Index under "Ben Robinson." The possibility that Mrs. Bobinson might be lynched was noted with horror in the Albany Knicker bocker (Alta, 1851, Oct. 16 %). 62 Alta, 1851, April 29 %. es Alta, 1851, May 20 %. The Records for June 247 the expenditure of personal funds, in preparing a part of the building for occupation. Even with this addition the prison facilities of the city Avere still absolutely inadequate, and prisoners constantly escaped from the insecure buildings in which they were confined. For example, late in April eight men had broken out of the city prison, among them being Windred, of the Jansen affair, and George Adams and William Watkins, two notorious thieves.64 Watkins and Adams were quickly rearrested, and on May G Watkins made good a boast that he could escape from any jail05 by cutting a hole in the floor and departing in company Avith Adams and other friends known as Switzer, Welsh, and ( iardncr .''"'¦ The Alta of May 9 stated that twelve or fourteen more prisoners had broken from the station house, which was a Avretched cellar under the city hall where as many as three dozen persons aw re tumbled together, without sanitary necessities, and fed on a scanty diet of bread and water.67 Adams, Welsh and SAvit/.er were reincarcerated and on June 2 they escaped again with six others, this being the third escape made by Adams during a period of six weeks.08 Watkins was presently recaptured."" but the others remained at large. Such events constantly emphasized the need for a avcII con structed prison. The Herald of June 16 spoke of the unsatis factory progress of the work on the county jail, stated that fourteen or fifteen hundred dollars were then owing to the sheriff, and suggested that the Committee of Vigilance should take the matter in hand. Four days later John Caperton, the under sheriff of the county, invited the Committee to send a delegation to examine the new building.70 A tour of inspection followed without delay. The visitors found seven cells occupied; the "*Alta, 1851, April 24 %. os Alta, 1S51, June 3 ij. "MHo, 1851, April 29 %. 69 Alta, 1851, June 7 %. 6I> Alta, 1851, May 7 %. 70 Papers, 93. « Alta, 1851, May 26 %. 248 Vigilance Committee of 1851 largest, twelve by fourteen feet, held fourteen prisoners, and the others, six by nine feet, held six each.71 The keeper's room was also finished; another tier of cells needed only doors to be habitable, although a part of the building was Avithout a roof.72 The subcommittee recommended the raising of funds for the com pletion of the prison and at a General Meeting on July 5 it was resolved that each member should secure ten subscriptions of three dollars each.73 Suitable blanks were distributed within a few days,74 and the work of collection extended over a period of several weeks. In the meantime a further report wras made on the condition of the jail.75 This was transmitted to Sheriff Hays, as is evident from the following note, which is missing from the files of the archives, but may be found in Popular Tribunals :76 Executive Chamber of the Committee of Vigilance, San Francisco, August 11, 1851. To John C. Hays, Esq., High Sheriff for the City and County of San Francisco: Dear Sir: Permit me, on behalf of the Committee of Vigilance, to offer you the annexed report, with the action thereon; and in their name I offer, with the concurrence of my colleagues, the thanks of the Committee for your perseverance, skill, and assiduity in bringing - the affairs of our county prison to so happy an issue. We regret much that you personally should have suffered any pecuniary inconvenience in the prosecution of its financial affairs, and earnestly hope that the pittance raised by us may ti Papers, 157-162. 72 The unroofed condition was described in the Herald, 1851, Sept. 11 %;io%. 73 Papers, 177. 7* Papers, 247 note 3. Thirty-seven sheets, containing over 300 signa tures, are preserved in the archives, but have not been printed, as the signa tures are often illegible, and the list is incomplete. 75 Papers, 347-349. 76 Popular Tribunals, I, 401-402. The absence from the archives of several documents which Avere printed in that volume, and pencilled annota tions upon Others, indicate that Bancroft sent original papers to the printer, and that some were not returned to the files. The Records for June 249 serve to carry out your sanguine expectations and subserve the public safety. As a public servant we have much in you to commend, and at all times as citizens will lend our aid to assist you in your legitimate course of office. May you long survive to serve the state of your adoption and receive the good wishes of your fellow-citizens. Very truly, your obedient servant, Stephen Pa yean, President of the Executive Committee. The raising of the fund was not completed until September. It finally amounted to about $4700, and was placed at the dis posal of Sheriff Hays, to be disbursed under his instructions by the treasurer of the society.77 The recorder's office of San Francisco still bears indirect testimony to this act of the Com mittee in two records showing that on February 6, and on March 30, 1852, B. D. Baxter and Sheriff J. C. Hays respectively acknowledged the satisfaction of liens on the county jail.78 It was proposed in the Committee that after these incumbrances upon the building were released, another lien should be executed in the name of the Vigilantes. In this Avay it was thought that the Committee might be reimbursed Avhen the jail fund should be replenished from the county taxes. No record of such a lien has been found.70 The example set by the citizens of San Francisco Avhen they banded together for mutual protection received the hearty approval of many of the smaller toA\-ns. As soon as the Com mittee felt assured of the support of its local community, it made a bold appeal for more extended cooperation by publishing the following open letter in the papers of San Francisco :80 '7 Papers, 622, 729, and Index under "County Jail of San Francisco." Facsimiles of interesting documents appear in Papers. 729; Popular Trib unals, I, 307. 78 San Francisco — Recorder, General Index. '» The lien is mentioned in the Papers, 157, 161, 602, 723, 729, 740. to Herald, and Alta, 1851, June 14. 250 Vigilance Committee of 1851 The Committee of Vigilance of San Francisco to the Citizens of Califor nia: Should the order-loving portion of the citizens of Sacramento City, Stockton, the Pueblo de San Jose, Monterey, Marysville, and all other towns and cities of the State find it necessary, they are invited to form themselves into Committees of Vigilance, for the purposes set forth in the Constitution of the Committee of Vigilance of San Francisco. The object of the formation of these committees is moreover for the purpose of corresponding with each other, so as to be able to mark and notice the movements of all disorderly or suspicious characters. By vigilance we may succeed in driving from our midst those who have become so baneful and obnoxious to our communities. By Okdee, of the Committee. Friday, June 13, 1851. The suggestion met with a cordial response. Before the end of June Committees were formed at Marysville, Santa Clara, and Sacramento, and in other neighborhoods as the summer went on. There was a constant interchange of correspondence between these independent associations, and mutual help was given in the detection of criminals. But the history of the out-of-town Com mittees is not an integral part of the narrative of the parent society, and it is considered by itself in a subsequent chapter.81 In San Francisco a gratifying decrease in crime marked the weeks that immediately succeeded the execution of Jenkins. No doubt this was partially due to the summer movement toward the mining regions. Both the Herald and the Alta credited it, however, to the influence exerted by the Committee of Vigilance, which by the end of June numbered between five and six hun dred members.82 This created a large and effective force of private detectives, and since the uninitiated were ignorant of the extensive ramifications of the society, the rogues could neArer tell when one of the Committee might be at their elbows.83 With si See infra, p. 347 et seq. sa Initiation fees for June were received from 477 members, and 71 remained delinquent (Papers, 764). 83 This fact was noted in the Herald, 1851, June 21 %. Ryckman related an amusing story of the horror with which a detractor of the Committee The Records for June 251 the exception of the names that had been printed after Jenkins' execution, the personnel of the association was shrouded in mystery. No secret, however, was made of the aims and the methods adopted by the Vigilantes; the location of their head quarters Avas known to every one in the city, frequent notices were printed of their meetings, and many proceedings Avere reported so accurately in the leading papers that it is evident the Committee desired to keep the public informed of its policies and actions.84 The members of the Committee were still convinced of the existence in the community of some sort of organized band of criminals, recruited chiefly from the Sydney immigrants. From the investigations of the Vigilante police, and the testimony given by the witnesses in the cases of Burns, Hetherington. and other prisoners, they began to see definite traces of such a criminal brotherhood. Names appeared which were familiar on the dockets of the city courts — Adams, Beck, EdAvards, Ainsworth, Ogden — and all seemed to be mutual friends and common habitues of the lodging houses kept by Sydney landlords. But the evidence was still so detached and indefinite that no one could unravel from it any clue to the band of outlaws who Ave re supposed to haunt the nooks and corners of Sydney Valley. learned that the friend to whom he complained was himself a member of the Becret tribunal (MS Statement, 8). 84 See an excellent account of the work for June, from the Herald, infra, p. 462. CHAPTER XII JAMES STUART, OUTLAW With the opening of July the work of the Committee of Vigi lance suddenly assumed a new and much more definite phase as a result of the capture of James Stuart, already mentioned in connection with the attack on C. J. Jansen and the arrest of Thomas Berdue. This strange episode of mistaken identity seems almost incredible when one reads it among the tales of the California pioneers, but it loses none of its vividness when verified from the documents of the Committee of Vigilance and the court reports in the newspapers of the day. Stuart, an ex-convict from Sydney who had been in Cali fornia since November, 1849,1 was widely and unfavorably known in the criminal records of the state under the aliases of Mason, Carlisle, Campbell, Long Jim, and English .Jim. Early in October, 1850, he was tried by Judge 0. P. Stidger, of Marys ville, for the theft of four or five thousand dollars from Dodge and Company, of Foster's Bar. One attempt to lynch him was frustrated by the authorities, and he succeeded in breaking jail before the case was concluded.2 Two months later he Avas in the same region with two companions. As all three were out of funds, they ' ' concluded that they might as Avell be dead as without money and agreed to go up to the mountains and rob every man they met, till each had $20,000. "3 The first victim was Charles i See his statement, Papers, 139. A story was repeated by James O'Meara, who did not vouch for its truth, to the effect that Stuart, under the alias of Shaw, worked in the mines in Nevada County early in 1850, and honestly dispatched to England a very large sum of gold dust entrusted to his care by an unsuspecting comrade (Sacramento Bee, 1881, Dec. 31, p. 1). 2 Papers, 169, 227. s Papers, 256. James Stuart, Outlaw 253 Moore, who was on his way to Marysville to make purchases for his store in the little camp of Winslow Bar, near the larger settle ment of Foster's Bar.4 The bandits shot Moore in cold blood, secured a quantity of gold, and made their escape. Although Stuart's participation in the crime was generally suspected, he concealed himself for a time in Sacramento, where he drove a brisk trade in stolen horses and engaged in a profitable series of burglaries. "Tie was several times under arrest for larceny, but was skilfully defended by Frank M. Pixley. At one time while Stuart was confined on the prison brig La Grange, residents of Marysville recognized him and charged him with the murder of Moore. About the same time other men arrived from Auburn to see if the prisoner might be cither of two brothers named Stewart, who had killed Sheriff Echols in Auburn, in June, 1850. 5 With that murder Stuart had no con nection whatever, but it was sometimes charged against him, and was often confused with the death of Moore, Avho was sometimes called "Sheriff Moore," or "Sheriff of Yuba." The people from Marysville were so sure of their man that they set about procur ing the papers necessary for his removal. Before this could be accomplished the prisoner made his escape and went by a cir cuitous route to San Francisco, where he hid in various lodging houses of Sydney Valley. There he gathered to himself a band of kindred spirits and directed them in a series of daring rob beries, including the assault on Jansen.0 In April he rode boldly down to Monterey, where four or five of his friends were on trial * History of Yuba County, 94, 124; Herald, 1851, March 28 -.-,. The murder was probably in December, and a footnote on p. 137 of the Papers should be corrected to that effect. "William and Samuel SteAvart killed Echols on June 2, 1850. As the sheriff had been unpopular, the justice of the peace merely admitted the murderers to bail, to answer to the charge of assault with intent to kill. The county judge caused the rearrest of Samuel, but as he was allowed to exer cise outside his place of confinement, he easily escaped, and neither culprit was brought to justice (Sacramento Daily Transcript, 1850, Aug. 13 ^,). "See Stuart's confession, Papers, 231-234. 254 Vigilance Committee of 1851 for robbing the Custom House of $14,000 in the previous Decem ber. Assuming the alias of James Carlisle, he appeared as a witness in their behalf, and exerted himself in effective perjury. When the jury disagreed and the prisoners were remanded for another trial, Stuart again went to their rescue, broke open the jail, and then betook himself to the southern mines.7 Among the documents of the Committee of Vigilance is a stained and ragged sheet of letter paper, folded for mailing without an envelope, and once sealed with the convenient red wafer of business correspondence. Inscribed on the inner page is the following message:8 San Francisco June 19th 1851 Old Fellow Look out the Hawks are abroad and after you both here and down below, you had better keep in the upper Country at present, I can say no more at present Tours S. W. This was originally addressed to J. Taylor, Marysville, Tuba County, California, and consigned for delivery to Freeman's Express. The text and the address of this missive are neat and legible, but the cramped initials of the signature are the work of an awkward penman, and the same untrained hand has scrawled above the name of Taylor the further direction, "In care of S. Stewart." The tattered sheet guards its secret to this day, but stimulates the imagination by suggesting that it was sent to Stuart by his companion, Sam Whittaker, as a warning to beware of trouble. In any case, we know from Stuart's own lips that he lingered in the mining region until near the end of June, then grew fearful of recognition there and returned to San Francisco to hide with an old friend and compatriot, Kitchen, the boatman.9 7 Papers, 237; infra, p. 309. » Papers, 237. s Papers, 62. James Stuart, Outlaw J.00 Hearing before long of a Spaniard in the Mission whose house promised excellent plunder, he walked out there to meet an alleged cousin, called Stephens, and arranged with him the details of a raid. Assistants were necessary, and Stuart returned to town to obtain them. It is evident that the fear of detection Avas upon him, for on the morning of July 1 he Avas skulking in the underbrush of the sand hills, near the present corner of Powell and California streets, waiting for a safe moment to go upon his way, but retiring steathily as he spied approaching strangers. It was the old story of the fugitive betrayed by his own caution. It so happened that a house or tent in the neighborhood had just been robbed of a trunk containing clothing and valuables, and a party of men were beating the brush in search of the thief. They spied Stuart as he slipped furtively behind a bit of scrub oak and seized bim before he could escape.10 His clean, light clothes, still creased from recent packing, led his captors to fancy that lie might have discarded his own suit for garments appropriated from the missing chest. This he denied, insisting that he had not changed his clothes for some days, and that he Avas innocently walking back to San Francisco from the Mission. When they retorted that he had chosen a "damned pretty way to come from the Mis sion," he became confused, and it Avas determined to place him somcAvhere in safe keeping. The rooms of the Committee of Vigilance were suggested, as affording more security than the city lock-up. Stuart calmly acquiesced, remarking that he would go there with pleasure, since he was anxious to see the far-famed institution.11 At headquarters he made a favorable impression by reason of his apparent frankness and his attractive personality. He Avas 1° Papers, 140-143. 11 Eyekman, MS Statement, 9. 256 Vigilance Committee of 1851 a well proportioned man of medium height. One member of the Committee has described him as exceedingly handsome, and it was said that his features suggested the traditional pictures of Christ.12 His maner was always cool and confident, his courage equal to any emergency. When interrogated he gave his name as William Stevens (or Stephens), denied his connection with the theft for which he was arrested, and again tried to establish an alibi by stating that he had that morning walked from San Francisco to the Mission Dolores and back again, a story which may have been quite true. G. E. Schenek said that Stuart's answers were so prompt and his manner so open, that it was proposed to release him at once, in spite of the fact that he carried a pistol and a bowie knife fourteen inches long. His clean clothes, 'however, belied the assertion that he had worn them during the long and dusty walk from Sonora. This dis crepancy aroused fresh suspicion, and it was decided to detain him over night.13 In his effort to account for his past life, Stuart went so far as to begin a written statement, which is still preserved among the archives,14 and is still potent to conjure up a vision of the clean-limbed Australian hiding his murderous past behind a mask of assumed frankness while inwardly alive to the deadly peril of his situation. He wrote but a few lines Avith his own hand, and the pencilled addenda indicate that Sam Brannan continued the statement from dictation, so that the pages be come doubly interesting as relics of two vivid and historic per sonalities. 12 From a reporter's interview with an unnamed physician in Oakland, easily identified as Dr. Samuel Merritt (Oakland Tribune, 1884, April 5 %). Stuart's attractive personality much impressed James Dows (MS Statement, 4). is Schenek, MS Statement, 28. Other committeemen related the capture to Bancroft. They varied in slight details, but agreed as to the main facts. i* Papers, 137-140. James Stuart, Outlaw 257 In the morning John Sullivan (he who assisted at the capture of Jenkins) went on guard duty. The events that followed are related by Schenek :15 On taking his position, he naturally opened the door and -looked in to see who was in his keeping, when he espied in a corner of the room, one whom he had formerly known, and he sung out to him "Halloo, Jim! How did you come here?" The person accosted pretended not to know him, and Sullivan said, "You needn't pretend not to know me; I know who you are. I worked for you six months at Foster's Bar." He then closed the door, and called to me, as I happened to be near, and said "Mr. Schenek, do you know who you have got here? . . . Why, you have got English Jim, or Jim Stuart, the man who murdered the Sheriff of Auburn [Charles Moore of Winslow Bar], and I was present when he was about to be lynched at Marysville, when the rope broke and he escaped. In the first flush of exultation over the unexpected capture the thoughts of the Committee turned to the unhappy Berdue, whose trial at Marysville had been most fortunately delayed until the end of June. There was still a possibility of rescue, although not a moment could be lost. Schenek, assisted by R. S. Watson,10 raised funds the same afternoon to send a messenger to arrest proceedings. Captain Hartford Joy Avas entrusted Avith a letter from President Brannan to the Vigilance Committee of Marys ville, asking assistance in gaining possession of "the person of Stewart, the assasin of Jansen."17 Tavo days later the Executive Committee instructed the secretary to ask the Marysville Com mittee to send to San Francisco several important witnesses to testify in the examination of the "Prisoner Stephens. "1S Both of these letters were acknowledged on June 6 by John II. JeAvett. president of the Marysville Committee,19 who stated that "James Stuart, alias Thomas Berdue," had been found guilty on Friday, the fourth, and awaited sentence on Monday; that the local i» Schenek, MS Statement, 29-30. "Schenek, MS Statement, 30. Watson had been foreman of the jury in the trial of Berdue in February and had used his influence to prevent Berdue's condemnation (Royce, California. 412). "Papers, 143. « Papers, 164. "Papers, 220-221. 258 Vigilance Committee of 1851 Committee was firmly convinced of his guilt, was determined to see due punishment inflicted, and was not at all inclined to allow a postponement on account of the capture just made in San Francisco.20 The witnesses, however, were sent as requested. In the mean time others had been found nearer at hand.21 On July 4 the prisoner was confronted by four men besides Sullivan, who posi tively identified him as the James Stuart of criminal notoriety. The accused was permitted to cross-question the witnesses, and Selim E. Woodworth acted as his advocate. During a part of the examination the British consul was present.22 Stuart still insisted that his name was Stevens, and repeated the story of the cousin in the suburbs of the city. In order to give him an opportunity to prove his tale he was driven out to the Mission with an armed guard and an escort of horsemen, but the elusive kinsman could not be discovered.23 An effort was also made to identify the prisoner through the police of the city, and Officers W. A. Thorp, R. C. Mclntire, and A. J. McCarty were called to headquarters. Thorp branded Stuart as a thief, but although Mclntire and McCarty were well acquainted with the criminal, they stoutly maintained that he was unknoAvn to them. Their staunchness was poorly repaid. When the rogue turned informer he included the two policemen in the long list of his confederates, and their names were often repeated by others of the gang.24 In their search for competent witnesses the Committee turned to Frank Pixiey, who had formerly acted as Stuart's attorney. 20 Details of the trial and testimony were given in the History of Yuba County, 124^125. See also Popular Tribunals, I, 194-196. 21 Papers, 165-170. 22 Papers, 176. 23 Papers, 165, 174. Curtis and Spence Arisited the Mission early in the course of the trial, and reported that they had been forestalled by someone who claimed to represent the Committee, and told ' ' everything we knew ! .'!" (Papers, 169). s* Papers, 176, 188, 234 note 31. James Stuart, Outlaw 259 Pixley was now city attorney of San Francisco, and he had pre viously sworn that Berdue was not the man he had defended at Sacramento. Bluxome related the interview with great zest ¦P Stephen Payran, Jacob Van Bokkelen and myself were appointed a committee of three to examine those who came to the door. We went out and found Frank Pixley. Van Bokkelen was the spokesman. Said he, "Pixley, will you say on your word of honor, if this man is the man whom you have defended time and again in the lower courts?" "I will, gentlemen," said he. Van Bokkelen administered the oath, if it could be called an oath. We all went into the prisoner's room with Frank Pixley. The man was chained by his wrists and legs. He was sitting on a long bench, and the moment he saw Pixley, he thought his deliverer had come. He stood up, and we saw that they recognized each other, and Jake said to Pixley, "Is that Stuart or not?" Said he, "You have no authority to ask me any questions, you are an illegal body." The others heard what was going on through the thin partition, and when Pixley answered in this way called out, "Hang him I Hang him!" We had ropes and tackle all ready, and Jake just pushed him down the stairs, or he would have been hung. The people were angry witli him because he defended all the thieves. Then we knew that the prisoner was the genuine Stuart. The capture of James Stuart gave rise to a very serious sit uation in the affairs of the Committee of Vigilance. Xcavs of the arrest soon spread through the community, and the probable fate of the prisoner was discussed with the greatest interest. The Vigilantes knew that their action in this case would be taken as a test of their courage, sincerity, and self-control, and the early days of July were filled with hard work and strenuous meetings. The records for this period are evidently incomplete, as they fail to include some of the evidence in Stuart's case.20 They also omit all explanation of a very important change that occurred among the officers of the Committee, and which must be men tioned at this point although it may not have been connected with the excitement attending the trial. 25 Bluxome, MS Statement, 8-9. Pixley 's connection with Stuart is further discussed, infra, p. 265. 20 Some of the missing evidence was published in the newspapers, and has been reprinted with the official documents. 260 Vigilance Committee of 1851 A day or two after the arrest of Stuart, Sam Brannan, hitherto the leading spirit of the association, relinquished all positions of importance. On July 2 he presided at a morning session of the Executive Committee, and wrote an official letter to Marysville. Another document that is mentioned in the minutes of that day he did not sign. It was signed instead by "Stephen Payran, President of Executive Committee," and Payran was definitely acting as chairman by July 4.27 A few days later Brannan considered himself so insulted by the sergeant-at-arms, A. J. McDuffee, that he wished to with draw entirely from membership in the Executive Committee, and to give up the office he still held as general president. Explanations and apologies mollified him for a short time, but on July 8 he finally left the Executive Committee. On the next day the General Committee also accepted his resignation as president, tendered him a vote of thanks, and appointed Selim E. Woodworth in his place.28 In making these changes in the personnel of the leaders, the Committee of Vigilance gave an early illustration of its constant tendency to strengthen the power of the more conservative members. The trait is particularly worthy of attention because it diverges most radically from the inclination towards severity and violence that has marked the progress of many other extra-legal protective associations. There are few records to show Woodworth 's direct influence. He acted chiefly as a presiding officer, but his attendance at all meetings was regular and punctual, and under his guidance the General Committee was safeguarded from impetuous and ill-considered courses of action. Stephen Payran on the other hand immediately and perma nently imposed upon the proceedings of the Executive Committee the stamp of his own personality. He believed almost passion ately in the legitimate function of the Committee as an expression 27 See Papers, 133, 143, 154, 164. 28 See Papers, 175, 179-182, 198, 202, 215, 246. James Stuart, Outlaw 261 of the will of the people at large, and as an agent to protect them from corrupt public servants ; and he felt a solemn obligation to meet these responsibilities with integrity and justice, and to leave on record a careful history of the manner in which these duties were accomplished. Brannan was a wretched penman and an execrable speller, and few papers perpetuate his activities as president. Payran was indefatigable in preparing reports and wrote with his own hand many of the minutes of the Executive Committee. One may say that he never neglected any oppor tunity to attach his name to an official paper, and he signed and countersigned and attested and endorsed with supreme indifference to any personal punishment that the outraged law might ultimately inflict. He was painstaking, cautious, yet courageous — the antithesis of Brannan, who was all too ready to hang first and try afterwards. He assumed leadership in the Committee at a most critical time, when the archcriminal Stuart was handcuffed in the prisoner's room, and witnesses from all over the state were piling up against him a mass of damning evidence. Stuart finally realized that further denials and evasions were useless, and all the members of the Committee seem to agree with a statement made by W. T. Coleman, that the culprit "con ceived the idea of making a full confession, and asked the privi lege of doing it."20 Bancroft portrayed the amount of self- revelation as a dramatic climax to the breakdown of Stuart's incognito,30 but there is evidence to show that it was an audacious effort to evade a swift and righteous retribution. Before the Vigilante court technicalities and bravado availed him nothing, but he realized that his judges were eager to purge the state of the Sydney convicts. He therefore resolved to bargain to his own advantage, and at the sacrifice of his accomplices. 20 Coleman, MS Statement, 25. to Popular Tribunals, I, 281. It is possible that Bancroft often used verbal recollections of the Vigilantes as well as their dictated statements. 262 Vigilance Committee of 1851 We do not know to whom he made his first proposition, but in due time it was submitted to the Executive Committee. This we learn from a report31 which states that the prisoner was will ing to make a lull confession and to incriminate his various confederates, provided he should then be handed over to the courts for trial on the charge of the murder in Yuba County ; if he failed to fulfill the stipulated terms, or to convict at least ten criminals, he was to remain in the hands of the Committee of Vigilance. Delivery to the constituted authorities would hold out an excellent chance of escape, and the prisoner was quite aware that an uncorroborated confession could easily be set aside in a legal trial.32 Stuart himself, using the alias of William Stephens, signed the report referred to, but although the docu ment was endorsed as correct by President Payran, it was not countersigned by any other official and it is mentioned but once in the subsequent discussions of the prisoner's fate. It bears no date save the endorsed date of filing, July 9, but it affords a valuable clue to the impulse that prompted Stuart to unbosom himself to his jailers, and to lay bare not only his own crimes, but the guilty participation of many friends whose safety he had formerly guarded even at the risk of his own freedom. On July 8 the General Committee met twice and the Execu tive Committee met three times. At the last gathering, held at half past ten in the evening, Mr. Spence was appointed to ' ' con duct the examination of Prisoner Stephens, ' ' and it was ordered that questions should be put on paper and asked by Spence alone.33 Coleman said of the events of that night :34 I myself assisted, as one of the Executive Committee, in hearing and recording this confession, and sat up through the whole night, and until the morning sun shone in at the window, before it was completed. He si Papers, 223-224. 32 The Vigilante (Dr. Merritt) , who told of Stuart in the Oakland Tribune, 1884, April 5 %, said that the prisoner seemed to rely on this point of law. ss Papers, 216. si Coleman, MS Statement, 25. James Stuart, Outlaw 263 [Stuart] went through the whole range of his many rascalities, gave vivid descriptions of his adventures, entering with great zest into the details, and it was curious to see his eye brighten and twinkle, and a smile play round his facile countenance, when describing his best successes, and recount ing his best jobs. He threw off all restraint or reservation, and felt that he was bringing to light a brilliant record that had heretofore been neces sarily kept in the dark. The confession is dated, "Vigilance Committee Room, July 8th, 1850, 10% p.m.," and its length confirms Coleman's state ment that it was not completed before daylight of the next morning. It did not reveal the prisoner's real name, and it touched but lightly on his early experiences, when as an English lad of sixteen he was transported for life to the penal colonies on a charge of forgery. Released after six years, he was free to drift first to South America, and later to San Francisco. Of his career in California he drew a startling picture.35 He gave details of more than a dozen robberies, and accounted for nearly $9000 in money, beside much valuable plunder in tools, household furniture and horses. Many of the raids Avere accompanied by brutal violence. The speaker calmly acknowl edged having dealt the blow that knocked Jansen senseless, and seemed to feel it was greatly to the credit of the real culprits that they resolved to burn the city again if the innocent Windred and Berdue suffered unmerited execution in consequence of that assault. Several abortive plots Avere also described, one of which entailed Stuart's devout attendance at mass at San .lose, while he kept his eyes alert for certain golden images reported as enshrined in the sanctuary. The bandit named about twenty- five accomplices,30 but with all his apparent frankness he evaded betraying certain matters which he desired to conceal. So far 35 See Papers, 225-242. Schenek said of Stuart's trial: "Witnesses Avere sent for from all parts of the state, and whenever he suggested any Avitnesscs, to prove an alibi, or for any other purpose, they were sent for, at a considerable expense to the Committee" (MS Statement. 31). 3<> Papers, 225 note 12. 264 Vigilance Committee of 1851 as we can learn, he never acknowledged his share in the murder of Charles Moore,37 although the trial of Berdue at Marysville seems clearly to have established his guilt on that charge. In the long list of companions whom he implicated in his misdeeds he made very inadequate allusion to Samuel Whittaker, who was second in leadership to himself, and shared in many of the most high-handed outrages. Other sources of information, however, were available to the Committee. On July 8, the same day that Stuart made his con fession, there was filed in the archives a written statement made by Joseph Hetherington,38 who was intimately acquainted with the Sydney men, especially with those who congregated at a boarding house kept by a Mrs. Hogan, where Stuart himself had sometimes lodged. This paper was dated July 7, and if it was received prior to Stuart's examination it must have been of great assistance in drawing from him details as to his associates. Hetherington showed the importance of Whittaker 's position among the desperadoes, and in a later statement asserted that Whittaker had plainly told him that Stuart had shot Moore and had afterwards exhibited a large gold nugget which had been taken from the' body.39 In spite of the general knowledge of Stuart's arrest,40 no official protest was made except by the city attorney, Frank M. Pixley, whose personal convictions and whose public position placed him in open opposition to the course pursued by the 3' Schenek said the murder "was clearly proved against him at the trial" (MS Statement, 43). Stuart alluded to the charge in exactly the same way that he mentioned the false accusation as to the murder at Auburn (Papers, 231), and the Reverend F. S. Mines, to whom he made a penitential confession, was ignorant that the charge of murder had even been laid against him (Papers, 311). It was said that at the time of execution he publicly acknowledged that his confession was true, but denied that he was guilty of murder (Sunday Dispatch, 1851, July 13 %). 38 Papers, 242-245. See also note on Hetherington, infra, p. 402. 39 See Papers, 256, 477, 480. 40 The capture of Stuart was announced in the daily papers, July 7. James Stuart, Outlaw 265 Committee of Vigilance. The reports of proceedings in the Supreme Court on July 8 and 9 show his efforts to secure the person of Stuart by a writ which summoned W. H. Jones, A. J. McDuffee, J. L. Van Bokkelen, and Stephen Payran, to produce their captive in court.41 Issuance of the writ was promptly reported to the Committee, and the gentlemen named therein were given leave to retire from the rooms.42 Service was effected in the case of the three first mentioned, but President Payran "was not found, after diligent search." When the members of the Committee appeared in the Supreme Court on the ninth, they made affidavit that they did not have said Stuart in their pos session, and had never had such custody as would have enabled them to comply with the order. On the petition of Pixley another warrant was then issued, directing Sheriff Hays to obtain the body of James Stuart and bring him into court on the following day. Isaac Bluxome, Jr., thus described what followed :43 Frank Pixley went to work and got out a writ of habeas corpus on us for the surrender of Stuart. We knew the writ was coming, and we did not want to refuse it, and so I borrowed a long cloak and slouched hat, and Oaks [Oakes] and I dressed Stuart up in them and took him to Endicott & Oaks building on First St. between Market & Mission. We showed him two pistols, and said to him, ' ' If you attempt to run, Ave will shoot you. ' ' We put him down cellar there. When Endicott went home, we placed a guard over him. Endicott came back and said, "This won't do, I am a city official,** and have taken the oath to support the government. ' ' This was in his own building. Rube Maloney, who Avas also a member of the Committee said ..." I will put him in my house. ' ' So we Avalked him up there to his house, to keep him clear of the habeas corpus. About 12 o'clock down came Maloney, and said he could not keep him any longer. . . . We sent a guard and took him to some other place, and he was shifted round to keep liim away from the Sheriff. "Herald, 1851, July 9 %; 10 %; Alta, July 9 73; 10 %. "Papers, 214. "Bluxome, MS Statement, 11-12. The committee in charge of Stuart was given a formal A'ote of thanks, July 10 (Papers, 254). "Endicott Avas an alderman (Annals, 326). He AA-as not a Vigilante. 266 Vigilance Committee of 1851 The method was entirely successful. Hays was allowed to inspect headquarters, but he found no Stuart in the guardroom. He went into court empty-handed to report that he had searched the city in vain, and had even followed a carriage out as far as the Mission in the hope of securing the missing man. This ended all active attempts to effect a rescue. Broderick and others held a meeting on July 9 or 10 for the purpose of organizing a com pany to sustain the civil authorities and to prevent the infliction of punishment upon any citizen without due process of law, but it did not result in any noticeable public movement.45 Within a few days the city attorney had cause to feel that he was treacherously requited for the efforts he had made. The publication of Stuart's confession created the impression that Pixley undertook his defense in Sacramento in the face of posi tive evidence of guilt, and permitted perjured testimony to be presented. Stuart also claimed that the lawyer had appropriated the whole of a sum of $730, confided to him for safe-keeping, of which only $230 was due for professional services. He put in the hands of the Committee a statement of this alleged account, and an order for the balance of $500. Pixley printed in the San Francisco papers a communication in which he most indig nantly denied the charge that he was aware of his client's guilt, or had connived at perjury; and as for the $500, he explained that he had kept it as a retaining fee in expectation of continuing the defense at Marysville. The letter is printed in full in the Papers as a footnote to Stuart's confession.46 Some of the members of the Committee entertained serious misgivings over their evasion of the time-honored provisions of - the writ of habeas corpus,47 and the fact that the Alta California « Reported in California Courier, 1851, July 11 %. See also Popular Tribunals, I, 320. « Papers, 230-231, 242, 293. 4' ' ' We thought it a terrible thing to deny the writ of habeas corpus ' ' (Farwell, MS Statement, 9). James Stuart, Outlaw 267 had advised them to obey it48 may have increased their uneasiness. Nevertheless, the precedent established in Stuart's case was followed a few days later when another prisoner was retained in defiance of a writ.49 The question was considered so impor tant, however, that a subcommittee was appointed to "examine the question of the use and abuse of the writ of habeas corpus and report the same to this Committee with its opinion of the degree of respect which shall be accorded by the Vigilance Com mittee to that writ."50 Dr. A. B. Stout, W. L. Bromley, and C. II. Brinley were charged with this duty, and they soon sub mitted a paper that was an interesting exposition of the Vigi lante point of view.51 They traced the origin of the Avrit of habeas corpus and . acknowledged its great value Avhen legiti mately employed; but they asserted it became a menace to society when it was used to promote the escape of the guilty, and they concluded that the Committee of Vigilance was justified in refus ing obedience to writs which sought to remove prisoners before their cases had been investigated. They said : It is against the abuse of the Habeas Corpus that this people are culled to raise their voice. And if the Vigilance Committee be the people, it is through the former that the latter may obtain justice and freedom from the ills which oppress and ruin our community. As this report was not presented until August 2, the chrono logical narrative is somewhat dislocated by its introduction here. Yet it was so directly an outgrowth of the evasion in the case of Stuart that it should be closely related to that circumstance. The members of the Committee knew beyond peradvcnture that 48 Alta, 1851, July 9 %. "See case of LeBras (Papers. 281). Writs Avere also evaded in the cases of Arentrue, and of W. H. Hays (ibid., 414, 441), and subterfuge was employed when Bluxome Avas summoned to produce his records in court (ibid., 731). to Papers, 357. At the same time the General Committee laid on the table a motion giving the sergeant-at-arms and the chief of police dis cretionary powers to admit civil officers to headquarters. 81 Papers, 404-407. 268 Vigilance Committee of 1851 delivery of their prisoner to the courts would result in his escape from punishment, and that defiance of the writ was the only way in which they could retain him, but with unconscious incon sistency they found it necessary to appoint a* formal committee to consider the infraction of a minor constitutional privilege, while they contemplated without trepidation the far graver responsibility of inflicting the penalty of death ! That penalty for Stuart became more and more certain. Meetings of the General Committee were held on July 9 and 10, when reports were submitted touching the case, but no definite action was taken. About half past nine o'clock on the morning of Friday, July 11, San Francisco heard again the measured tapping on the bell of the Monumental Engine Company, and watched groups of well-known citizens hurrying, in open day, towards the headquarters of the Committee of Vigilance.52 A large majority of the entire membership assembled at that sum mons, and listened for three hours to the reading of Stuart's confession and the evidence of witnesses. Then for some time they debated the punishment, while the prisoner in an adjoining room complained that the slow trial was "damned tiresome," yawned indolently, and solaced himself with a quid of tobacco. The record of this long session is brevity itself. It reads :53 Minutes of Gentcr,al Meeting July 11, 1851 Mr. Selim Woodworth in Chair On Motion Resolved — That Evidence in case Stuart be read. Questions by Dr. Stout and Mr. Dows" Has the prisoner performed his contract or notf No Unanimously — Has the prisoner been guilty of crimes rendering him liable to the pun ishment of death — Yes — unanimously — 52 Full accounts of the trial and execution Avere given in the Alta and the Herald, July 12 to 14. 53 Papers, 263-264. 54 Probably James Bows. John Doavs was also a member, but his name appears nowhere in the minutes of the Committee. James Stuart, Outlaw 269 On Motion Resolved That Prisoner Stuart be hung — unanimously carried — Resolved that a Clergyman be sent for to remain Avith Prisoner until he is hung — Resolved That Prisoner be hung at 2 o'clock Resolved That Ex Com make necessary arrangements Eesolved That no person be allowed to leave the room Resolved That Prisoner receive his sentence Eesolved That Col Stevenson inform the populace that at 2 o'clock the prisoner Stuart will be hung — The Chair announced that the Clergyman was now in the room with prisoner On Motion Resolved That a Committee be appointed to draft a form of the testi mony to be published in the papers of tomorrow morning On Motion Resolved That the Com take a recess of half an hour These minutes are in the handwriting of Secretary Bluxome, although he did not sign the page as usual. The allusion to the contract is the only direct reference ever made to the document which proposed to deliver Stuart to the authorities of Yuba County if he made a full confession, although at one time .Stephen Payran favored sending him to Marysville in order to secure Berdue 's release.55 Nowhere is there a discussion of the force of the agreement, nor any explanation of the decision that its provisions had not been met satisfactorily. The promise of im munity is not mentioned in the recollections of any of the Vigi lantes ; Bancroft did not speak of it ; and no charge of treachery has been laid upon the Committee, even by the men avIio most opposed it. The minutes show that the matter of the contract was considered and decided by a unanimous vote. With the meager facts at our command it is futile to attempt to pass judg ment on the point of honor, or to decide whether the failure to acknowledge the murder of Moore placed the murderer beyond the pale of clemency. The convict received his sentence composedly. He was then allowed an interval for the ministrations of the Reverend Mr. to Papers, 224-225. 270 Vigilance Committee of 1851 Mines, who found him a more hopeful penitent than was his predecessor, Jenkins. In his youth Stuart had been a communi cant of the Church of England, and in the last moments of his life he responded to the appeals made to his better instincts, acknowledged the justice of his sentence, and received the abso lution of the Church.56 During the two hours consumed in these preparations "the four hundred members in the Committee Room sat like statues on their seats — not a word was uttered, not a sound was heard to break the solemn stillness. ' '5T It was an awesome death watch, and as the silent moments slipped away each man who had affirmed the verdict must have felt a growing sense of personal responsibility for the approaching execution. In accordance with the precedent set on a previous occasion, Colonel Stevenson was appointed to refer the sentence to the approval of the populace. The crowd outside was large, but patient, and heard with attention an account of the trial, a resume of the confession, and a report of the sentence. Then the question was put to the citizens : Would they sustain the action of the Committee ? And the vote of endorsement was "almost unanimous."58 About three o'clock a stream of silent men began to emerge from the headquarters of the Committee. In the street they formed into platoons, ten abreast, and with Stuart in the center swung eastward toward the water front. The condemned man "marched as erect and with as firm a tread as any innocent man and no one could see in his actions any indications of agita tion."59 When the ranks reached Market Street wharf they parted to the right and left, and gave passage to the bodyguard, then closed again, locked arms, and ranged themselves into a so See Mr. Mines' letter on the subject, Papers, 308-312. si Herald, 1851, July 14 %. 58 Herald, 1851, July 14 %. 59 James Dows (MS Statement, 4). Stuart's composure was especially noted in the Sunday Dispatch, 1851, July 13. James Stuart, Outlaw 271 solid barrier.60 A derrick upon the pier had been selected for the place of execution, and there James Stuart, with unshrouded face and clasped hands, received the bitter punishment of his years of crime, while the multitude stood uncovered below him, hushed and motionless, and irresistibly moved by the fearless composure with which the outlaw met his doom. When the coroner was allowed to take possession of the body01 he observed the formalities of his office, and impaneled a jury which promptly found:62 "That the deceased came to his death by strangulation by hanging at the hands of a body of men styling themselves the Vigilance Committee of San Francisco." In its deliberate and open defiance of the law the execution of Stuart far exceeded the hasty action in the case of Jenkins. The constituted authorities were in duty bound to take public cognizance of such an occurrence, and the mayor, Charles J. Brenham, immediately published an open letter addressed to the citizens of San Francisco, in which he pointed out the insur rectionary tendencies of the Committee of Vigilance and called upon the people to withdraw from its ranks and assist the authorities in supporting the laAvs.63 to Smiley said that while there was no regular military organization in the Committee of '51 as there was in the Committee of '56, military formation was adopted at the execution of Stuart. He remembered the company as about 380 men, and said he commanded the escorting squad, and stood within twenty feet of the scaffold (MS Statement, 5). A poor cut of the scene is reproduced in the Annals, 580. m Herald, 1851, July 14 %. Smiley said that while Stuart was dying "Ned Gallagher came along, stopped at my platoon with arms locked and said, 'I demand permission to pass.' Middleton said, 'Who are vout' He said, 'By God, Middleton, you know I am a coroner! ' 'By God,' Avas the answer, 'you don't get through till that felloAv's a fit subject for your administration' (MS Statement, 4-5). There was a report that life was not absolutely extinct Avhen Stuart was cut dovra, although all efforts failed to revive him (Alta, 1851, July 13 %; Herald, 1851, July 14 7;,; Ryckman, MS Statement, 16). J. W. Palmer Avrote: "The first man hung by the San Francisco Vigilance Committee was dead before he was sAvung up, and the second. ..was alive after he was cut doAvn'' (The New and the Old. 1S5P-. p. 73). «2 Herald, 1851, July 14 %. "See infra, p. 463. Sections of the act covering the suppression of riots followed the mayor's letter, in the Alta, July 13-15. 272 Vigilance Committee of 1851 Thus Mayor Brenham discharged his duty, but Alexander Campbell, judge of the Court of Sessions, was made of sterner stuff. The assurances made in his letter to Sam Brannan had been no idle boast. In accordance with his determination to expedite justice he had impaneled a grand jury early in July, and that body immediately showed itself zealous in the perform ance of its duties. Calling this jury into court on the morning of the twelfth, Judge Campbell brought to its attention the event of the previous day. He declared that the people must decide without delay whether or not they were willing to throw away all safeguards of society, to declare that law was inconsistent with liberty, and to place life and property at the mercy of a secret organization. He denounced the execution as an inexcus able outrage, accused all who had abetted it of the crime of murder, and charged the jurymen that it was their sAvorn and solemn duty to bring the guilty to punishment.64 The Alta of July 13 stated that after the charge had been delivered Mr. C. L. Ross asked to be excused from further ser vice, as he had friends belonging to the Vigilance Committee, and his feelings would not allow him to bring in a bill against any of them. The application was refused, Judge Campbell stating that' his own position was similar, but that they were all sworn to perform their duty and no private feelings could be allowed to interfere with their oaths. Eight other members of the jury were in a position infinitely more difficult than that of Mr. Ross, being themselves members of the Committee, and thus under the "sworn and solemn duty" of bringing against themselves and their closest associates indictments for the crime of murder.65 It is probable that Judge Campbell was unaware of the subtle humor of the situation, although two of the jury, J. D. Farwell and W. B. Peake, had signed the list of members published immediately after the execution of Jenkins. 64 See infra, p. 464. 65 See names of the jurymen, infra, p. 467. James Stuart, Outlaw 273 In an editorial condemning Judge Campbell's attitude, the Herald pointed out the futility of any such attempt. It approved the hanging on the ground that the law, if properly executed, would have inflicted the same penalty long before, and con cluded as follows :66 What moral wrong, then, has been committed? The law has been vio lated, it is answered. Ay, the law; but the Sabbath was made for man, and not man for the Sabbath, and the citizen is not made for the law, but the law for the citizen; and whenever the law becomes an empty name, has not the citizen the right to supply its deficiency ? The California Courier of the same date expressed similar sentiments, blamed the inefficiency of the public officials for the prevalence of crime, and asserted that it would do little good for the coroner to investigate the deaths of criminals executed by the people while he neglected to take note of the victims of cold-blooded murder.67 The grand jury took no steps to indict the five or six hundred members of the Committee, but it alluded to Stuart's execution in its final report, and regretfully acknowledged that the deed was "unlawful." At the same time it deplored the situation in the District Court that had moved the Vigilantes to action, and urged the officials of the city to remedy the causes of complaint.63 Judge Parsons was so offended by the criticism of the District Court that he asked to have that portion of the report stricken from the records, but Judged Campbell overruled the motion.69 Following the precedent set by Mayor Brenham the governor of the state issued a proclamation that dealt with the dangers that attended the organization of Committees of Vigilance in various places. His arguments were much the same as those used by Brenham and Campbell, but he suggested that it would to Herald, 1851, July 14 %. 07 See infra, p. 465. 88 See infra, p. 466. to Herald, 1851, August 9 %; 11 %. 274 Vigilance Committee of 1851 be quite legitimate to form protective associations if they would assist the officers of the law and the civil authorities in detecting and punishing crime.70 This message was not written until ten days after the execution of Stuart, and in the meantime the Committee of Vigilance of San Francisco greatly enlarged its / sphere of activity. Stuart's confession provided the long-sought clue to the gang of criminals that had infested central California. / The community at large gave unmistakable evidence that the Committee could depend upon the support of popular approval. The Vigilantes, therefore, resolved to search for the outlaws, one by one, and deal with them according to their deserts. ¦"> See infra, pp. 467-469. CHAPTER XIII ON THE TRAIL OF STUART'S COMPANIONS Stuart had named about twenty-five participants in the robberies he described. By order of the General Committee his confession, accompanied by the evidence in his case, was sent to the papers on the day of the execution.1 It was published immediately, with the omission of some names which at the time the Committee wished to conceal. It Avas republished a week later, and the suppressed portions inserted in full, that the community at large might assist in the apprehension of the criminals. The most important members of the gang were known to be Sam Whittaker, George Adams, Robert McKenzie, James Burns (usually called Jimmy from Town), Joseph Turner, Richard Osman, Jim Briggs, John Edwards, and John Morris Morgan. T. Belcher Kay, late port warden, was a valuable confederate on account of his official knowledge ; Kitchen, a boat man, constantly served them when they were in need of trans portation ; and Big Brummy, Dab the horse thief, Billy Hughes, Long Charley, Ryan, and others were useful members of the company. The two policemen, Mclntire and McCarty, were depended on to protect them from arrest, and to help in making 1 See Papers, 263 note 1. The f olloAving note prefaced the testimony in an extra edition of the Herald, July 11 : "Editor San Francisco Herald: The accompanying documents in the case of Stephens, alias Stuart, alias Campbell, alias English Jim, alias Carlisle, alias Mason, are handed you by order of the Committee of Vigilance for publication, your doing so Avill much oblige them and disabuse the public mind touching the affair. Respectfully, The Executive Committee, Per Order of Committee of Vigilance." 276 Vigilance Committee of 1851 escapes, and a boarding house kept by Michael Hogan and his wife, Mary Ann, was a safe and favorite place of meeting. The popular term "criminal organization" was scarcely applicable to the loosely knit band, but the Vigilantes realized that they had uncovered the trail of desperadoes who very seriously threat ened the good order of society. The most effective work of the Committee began at this point. Orders were immediately issued for the arrest, of many of those implicated; searching parties were sent into the interior, and several important captures were made with little difficulty. The first member of the gang to be taken Avas Jimmy from Town, a small, clean-shaven, Irish sailorman, an adept in the peculiar patter of the thieves' jargon, and a burglar of celebrity.2 Jimmy would steal anything on which he could lay his hands — a trunk of clothes, an office safe, the wallet of his own pal, the earnings of a disreputable woman. Wlien his Irish temper was aroused he would quarrel with his confederates and spoil their plans, so that the more cautious sometimes refused to work with him. But he was useful in many raids, was especially expert in execut ing daring jail deliveries, and had led in several of the breaks from the San Francisco station house. This light-fingered gen tleman was caught in Marysville on July 16. Two days later representatives of the Committee secured George Adams, for whom they had been searching since the first days of their investigations. Adams, who rejoiced in the flattering alias of Jack Dandy, was of English birth and recently from Sydney. While the stigma of penal servitude was not proved against him, he was known in California as a seasoned criminal and a chronic truant from disciplinary lodgings. He was also a useful member of Stuart's organization, since his trade of engineer or millwright 2 For a description of this notorious thief, see Papers, Index under "James Burns." His arrest was announced in the Herald, 1851, July 18 %. On the Trail of Stuart's Companions 277 enabled him to design tools and keys for expert operations.3 Being at this time a refugee from justice, he had hidden himself in a lonely spot on the banks of the American River, where he was arrested by civil officers on July 17, but discharged for lack of positive identification. Members of the Vigilance Com mittee, more alert in their investigations, seized him before he could again conceal himself, and speedily transported him to the prisoners' room at San Francisco. Dab, the horse thief mentioned by Stuart, was delivered to the Committee by gentlemen from Marysville on July 17, but Sam Brannan, who had some hand in his capture, effected his release a few hours later for unexplained reasons, and to the great indignation of the entire association. The incident occurred on a night when there was evidence of unusual excitement and tension in the rooms of the Committee. Dab seems to have been at large in the outer apartment, but Van Bokkelen, the chief of police, had taken the precaution to forbid egress from head quarters to all except those who were provided with special per mits. Brannan, then merely a private member of the General Committee, attempted to remove Dab from the room in defiance of Van Bokkelen 's regulations, and finally succeeded in forcing him through the door when it was opened for some one who had the required pass. Before Brannan could follow the chief pulled him back, whereupon there ensued a general rush for the exit by others who had resented detention. Brannan struggled to release himself, threatening "in not very polite language" to use his pistol unless liberated. He was finally allowed to go, the room Avas cleared, and order restored. Van Bokkelen reported the occurrence in an indignant note to the Executive Committee, and asked that it be decided whether or not his power was superior to that of a private member, and 3 See Papers, Index under ' ' George Adams. ' ' His arrest was noted in the Herald, 1851, July 21 %. 278 Vigilance Committee of 1851 whether or not frivolous pleas should be allowed to frustrate the ends of the Committee. Many voluntary associations would have been disrupted by such a quarrel. In this instance the whole question of authority was referred to the Executive Committee, and was quickly settled by the formulation of adequate by-laws, which were passed a few days later. At the same time the General Committee adopted resolutions which pledged all mem bers to implicit obedience to the orders of the chief of police. The incident left the Committee of Vigilance more efficiently organized than ever before.* It also gives a valuable hint of the crises that must have developed in a body of determined and self-confident men when disputes arose that involved freedom of personal action. Only the bond of a sincere and common purpose could have held them together in irksome subjection to such control. Brannan ceased to play a leading part in the Committee from this time. A week later he stated that he no longer had free access to headquarters, and was helpless to assist an acquaint ance who was under suspicion.5 Determined to rid the country of the worst elements of Stuart's gang, the Committee continued the search for other fugitives, especially for Sam Whittaker and for Robert Mc Kenzie. Both of these men were supposed to be in the vicinity of Sacramento or of Stockton. As early as July 10 a party was sent out to secure them, but the search was unavailing.6 The sergeant-at-arms headed another posse, summoned assistants from the Committees of Stockton and Sonora, and scoured the country about Stockton, Chinese Diggings, Georgetown, James town, Shaw's Flat, and Sonora.7 That expedition cost the Com mittee nearly two hundred dollars. At its close the quest was * See Papers, 227 note 14, 294-296, *340-343 ; also supra, p. 226. 5 Alta, 1851, July 24 %. 6 Papers, 253, 265, Voucher no. 12. 7 Papers, 282, 303, Voucher no. 10. On the Trail of Stuart's Companions 279 given over to the Committee of Sonora, since it was thought that the fugitives were hiding somewhere in the neighborhood of the southern mines. McKenzie was finally discovered in Sacramento, Avas arrested on July 29 at the instigation of J. G. Schultz, a member of the San Francisco Committee, and was safely incarcerated at head quarters by the first of August;8 Whittaker, however, still baffled the Vigilante detectives. This man for whom they were searching through the high ways and byways of California seems to have been the typical villain of melodrama. He was about thirty years of age, of medium height, courageous and manly in his bearing, exception ally neat and particular in his habits of dress, and, according to Joseph Hetherington, the smartest thief in the whole group.0 Like Stuart, he had been transported from England in his early youth under a life sentence. He had been freed by a conditional pardon, and had come to California in lS-tO.10 After some vicissitudes he formed a partnership Avith an Australian named Teddy McCormac, and together they opened the Port Phillip House, which quickly became a rendezvous for thieves and ruffians. There the tAvo men led a career of successful crime until they treacherously despoiled too intimate an acquaint ance, one James Kelly, "the fighting man," who reimbursed himself by selling out the Port Phillip House while the senior partner was in Monterey committing perjury in the interests of the robbers of the Custom House.11 Whittaker, thus dispossessed, removed to the Hogans' establishment during Mr. Hogan 's absence in the mines. b Papers, 402 note 3. 0 Papers, 243. Ryckman was much attracted by Whittaker 's manly per sonality (MS Statement, 10). 10 Papers, 468-469. n Papers, 236, 468, 470. 280 Vigilance Committee of 1851 The new lodger was attractive and unfettered by scruples, his hostess was equally attractive, equally unscrupulous, and they quickly resigned themselves to an intimacy that became notorious. On Hogan 's return from the country he forced the unwelcome guest to leave, but the sordid story had become a matter of common report, and Hetherington repeated it to the Executive Committee with a frankness that could not be misunderstood. It is not beyond the bounds of probability that the two leaders of the Sydney circle were rivals for the favor of the same mistress. Stuart had made no mention of Mrs. Hogan 's fondness for Whittaker, but boasted that she wore a daguerreotype of himself; while Whittaker accused Stuart of plotting to shoot him, either for money or because of jealousy.12 The importance of Mrs. Hogan 's position was quickly realized by the Committee, and she and her husband were taken to head quarters immediately after Stuart and Hetherington had first mentioned their names, but the woman cleverly evaded com promising questions and betrayed none of the secrets of her lodging house. She denied any relationship with Whittaker beyond that of innkeeper and guest, and when her place was searched she foiled the Committee by secreting his likeness.13 Mr. Hogan aired his grievances without reservation. While he con tributed nothing of value to the records of the Committee, he must have derived much personal comfort from this opportunity to brand his supplanter as a roundshouldered person with a turned-up nose.14 After Stuart 's confession was published Mrs. Hogan tried to avoid further embarrassment by leaving the country, and took passage on the Cameo for Sydney. The Committee sent on board the vessel and removed her to headquarters, then made further search to see if Whittaker had concealed himself on the same ia Papers, 242, 474, 475. i* Papers, 260. is Papers, 257-259, 458. On the Trail of Stuart's Companions 281 boat." Though the inspection was fruitless and the woman was quickly released, a watch was kept over her movements. When she presently went to Stockton, orders were sent there to have her followed in the hope of discovering Whittaker 's hiding place.10 The surveillance proved futile, however, and another searching party was sent to Sacramento to examine thoroughly the sloughs and creeks of the marshy river.17 Quietly and un observed Mrs. Hogan slipped southward from Stockton and made her way to San Diego, where, in fact, Whittaker expected to join her. He evidently took the coast route, for he was recog nized on August 8 in Santa Barbara, where he Avas taken into custody by Sheriff V. W. Hearne, who at once embarked for Shu Francisco, intending to deliver him to the police of that city.18 Once again a strange chance placed the Vigilance Committee in possession of an important captive. While Hearne Avas look ing for Sheriff Hays he entered the office of J. C. Palmer, to whom he mentioned his errand. J. C. L. Wadsworth, a member of the Committee, had a room in the same building. Palmer immediately told him that Whittaker was even then on board the steamer Ohio lying at Long Wharf. Wadsworth hurried to the water front, meeting J. F. Curtis on the way, and together they induced the captain to deliver the prisoner to them, and so transferred him without violence to the guard room of the Com mittee of Vigilance. Hearne Avas reimbursed for the expense of ib Papers, 293, 298, 335. ' ' The famous Mrs. Hogan . . . was seized on Saturday on board a ship in the harbor . . . and removed to the Committee Rooms She is about thirty -five years of age, quite genteel in appear ance, and one who might safely keep a crib without ever being suspected. Her carriage, the most elegant in the city, was waiting on Saturday morn ing at the door of the Committee Rooms. For what cannot be said — cer tainly not for the interesting female -within" (Herald, 1851, July 21 --,). Voucher no. 15 in the Papers, shows that the carriage Avas hired by the Committee at an expense of $16. i» Papers, 363. "Papers, 414-416. « Papers, 435-436; Herald, 1851, Aug. 12 %. 282 Vigilance Committee of 1851 the trip from Santa Barbara, and he expressed no dissatisfaction with the final disposition of his captive.19 Both Whittaker and McKenzie proved difficult to handle, maintaining for some time such a stubborn silence that we may leave them, as it were, handcuffed in their prison, while we follow other events of July and August. Much energy was consumed in pursuing other companions of Stuart. Thomas Quick and some of the lesser thieves were caught later, but the Committee was not always successful in securing the prisoners it desired. Thomas Belcher Kay, for instance, was followed in vain although he was in Sacramento when the early suspicions of his criminal activities20 were confirmed by Stuart's confession. Officers were immediately dispatched to arrest him there. They actually had him in their hands on July 11, the day Stuart was hanged, but in view of the intense excitement pre vailing at the time Kay persuaded them to allow him to remain at large, and although he then gave his word that he would accompany them voluntarily on the following day he promptly broke this parole and took advantage of his liberty to escape to San Francisco disguised as an old woman.21 With assumed frankness he wrote to the Committee, promised to surrender himself when desired, and requested that E. G. Austin should be retained as his counsel, but the office was indignantly refused by Mr. Austin, who more than once acted as legal adviser to the Vigilantes. Mr. Kay, however, had some friends who were Avilling to appear in his behalf. One of them was William Thompson, Jr., who with commendable forethought sought to provide sanctuary for the fugitive in one of the crowded apartments of the county jail. On July 11, while Kay was still in Sacramento, Thompson 19 Wadsworth, in MS Vigilance Committees — Miscellany, 25-26 ; Papers, 454, Voucher no. 40. 20 See supra, p. 238. 21 Papers, 276-277; Herald, 1851, July 16 %; 17 %; Aug. 11 %. On the Trail of Stuart's Companions 2sy made affidavit in San Francisco that the former port warden was even then unlawfully restrained of his liberty on a steamer in the Bay, by "a great number of persons Avho styled themselves the Vigilance Committee." In that way he procured a Avrit that required the sheriff of San Francisco to produce the said Belcher Kay in court, in order to prevent his execution at the hands of his captors. Kay's counsel, Mr. McIIenry, then placed his client in the sheriff's care, merely for the purpose of protecting him from the threatened violence of the Vigilance Committee. While he was in confinement the grand jury investigated his affairs, and in order to obtain all the information possible asked the Com mittee of Vigilance for whatever evidence it had, and even visited headquarters in a body to discuss the matter with the Executive Committee.22 Kay's case was called in court on the same day, but as no complaint had been lodged against the prisoner he was discharged on the ground that the county could not afford the expense of his maintenance or the risk of damages for unlaAvt'nl detention.23 The grand jury immediately caused bis rearrest,24 but after ten days of imprisonment he was again released, "the Grand Jury having represented to the court that they had no presentation to make against defendant." The Committee of Vigilance, learning of the order for his discharge, watched the jail and the outgoing Panama steamer in the hope of making an arrest, but Kay slipped through the guard and made good his escape.25 He was fortunate in departing just Avhen he did. for in a feAv days Whittaker and McKenzie gave further details of his crimes. 22 Papers, 290, 298. "The Grand Jury and the Vigilance Committee — These two important bodies, the former of which is charged to bring in indictments for murder against the latter, had a free conference on Satur day at the Committee Rooms. The purpose and proceedings have not transpired" (Herald, 1851, July 21 %). "Herald, 1851, July 21, %; 22 %. "Herald, 1851, July 21 %. "Herald, 1851, Aug. 2 %; Papers, 400. 284 Vigilance Committee of 1851 His real name, said Whittaker, was Gibson, and he was also known in England and Paris as Singing Billy and Count Peri. A checkered career had carried him from Europe to the penal colonies of Van Diemen's Land; thence he had escaped and made his way to California, and although he was so illiterate that he could scarcely read and write he became a leader in planning and executing many robberies, and was one of the prin cipals in the attack on Jansen. His appointment to office illus trated the ease with which past records could be ignored in the new community. We have evidence, also, that he continued his interesting occupations in other climes. After a sojourn in the southern seas he reappeared to history in South America, and the papers of 1855 reported that he was prominent in a band of ruffians who were committing outrages in Valparaiso.26 While Kay was still in confinement the Committee instigated the grand jury to indict William Thompson, Jr., on the charge that he had perjured himself when he swore that his friend was under illegal restraint by the Vigilantes. The case was tried in August. Several witnesses described Kay 's arrest in Sacramento and the crowd on the San Francisco wharf that awaited the arrival of his steamer. That "crowd" may have been the guard of twenty appointed to act as a "well armed" escort27 and to protect the expected prisoner from possible violence. The evi dence for the defense, however, characterized it as a large and threatening ' ' mob ' ' that gave vociferous applause to inflammatory speeches in which Sam Brannan promised that the former port warden should hang as "high as Haman within twenty-four 26 Papers, 472, 680 note 1; Alta, 1855, Aug. 7 %. Kay's career was mentioned in the San Francisco Call, 1893, Feb. 5, p. 16; H. C. Merwin, Life of Bret Harte, 1911, p. III. He had been appointed port warden by Governor McDougal, and became popular in spite of his close association with the Sydney men. He was acquainted with Dr. Randall, of Monterey, and was suspected of complicity in the robbery of the Custom House. His name also appears in a lurid tale, Mysteries and Miseries of San Francisco [1853]. 27 Papers, 265. On the Trail of Stuart's Companions 285 hours." If we can accept these sworn statements at their face value, we must add another turbulent scene to the instances of disorder that accompanied some of the activities of the Committee of Vigilance. The trial resulted in Thompson 's discharge ; the jury "under the instruction of the court . . . that the indictment was faulty . . . returned a verdict of not guilty."28 Messrs. Edwards, Osman, Briggs, Morgan, and Hughes, also evaded arrest by the Committee. Hughes had been tried and acquitted of the burglary of Robert's jeAvelry store early in June,20 but Whittaker finally said the charge was true and that the plunder had been . entrusted to Morgan, who Avith EdAvards. Osman, and Briggs was traced to San Diego, where the party boarded a steamer for Panama. Unsuccessful efforts Avere made to arrest them at Mazatlan, and again, in October, Avhen it was reported that they had returned to the vicinity of San Francisco.80 The archives contain the names of eighty-six persons avIio were implicated by the statements of James Stuart and his con federates. Only twenty-one of these were positively designated as ex-convicts, although a much larger number undoubtedly hailed from the penal colonies. About forty-five of the entire group can be classed as minor rascals, but the remaining forty-one seem to have achieved unenviable prominence in the circle of outlaws. Fifteen members of this dangerous gang Avere incarcerated, first and last, within the prisoners' room of the Committee of Vigi lance, and their trials were prosecuted Avith vigor.31 ™ Papers, 300 note 3; Herald, 1851, July 24 %; Aug. 11 -:,. " See supra, p. 238. to Papers, 228 note 16, 444-445, 500, 506, 679 note 1. In June the Com mittee received a letter which described the escape of a supposed thief, and the recovery of a watch that he had dropped in his flight. Tavo months later Whittaker identified the fugitive as Old Jack Morgan, a typical example of the interweaAdng of independent clues (ibid., 47, 476). " Compare Papers, Appendix E (list of prisoners), Appendix F (list of Stuart's confederates), and Index under "Convicts." 286 Vigilance Committee of 1851 So far as Stuart's friends were concerned, his statement and that of Joseph Hetherington furnished a basis for examinations, and the accused, sometimes interrogated in private, sometimes confronted with old confederates, one by one admitted their guilt and told more or less of their past life and associations. T. J. L. Smiley said :32 The usual course was first to examine these men in relation to their antecedents, to make particular inquiries in relation to their present life, and to investigate any complaints or charges made against them. These examinations were conducted by Gerrit L. Ryekman and Stephen Payran, who reported the result to the Executive Committee. If the Executive Committee desired any further evidence in relation to the matter, they would either investigate themselves, or refer the matter to a sub-com mittee. As a general thing, before any definite action was taken, the prisoner was allowed the privilege of appearing before the Committee, and making whatever defence he might be able to in regard to any mis deeds charged against him. On the report of the Executive Committee, it was referred to the Committee at large, and, on being endorsed by them, was carried into effect. The sentence of the Committee, as a general thing, was banishment, or voluntary transportation, amounting to the same thing. In some few instances, opportunities were given for them to wind up their business and close their affairs, before taking their de parture. The great strength of the Committee of '51 lay in the wonderful faculties possessed by two members of the Executive Committee, Gerrit Ryckman and Stephen Payran. The part allotted to them was obtaining information in regard to the antecedents and present life and surround ings of the parties brought before them. They had a most wonderful faculty of impressing these parties with the fact that their only hope of safety lay in confession of crime. Gerrit Ryekman would talk to them like a father, and they would unbosom themselves fully, uncovering everything without any promise of reward, or special fear of punishment, except on the general principle that they had better make a clean breast of it. Nine times out of ten they confessed, and consented to transporta tion, glad to get away, particularly when their requests to wind up their affairs were acceded to. With the wonderful power of these men to get so many to confess there was very little for the mass of the Committee to do. 32 Smiley, MS Statement, 2-4. On the Trail of Stuart's Companions 287 It was not always so easy as Smiley intimated to extort truth ful confessions from those experts in perjury and evasion. A series of statements made by Adams, Jimmy from Town, Ains- worth, and others, shows how carefully the inquisitors conducted their investigations.33 Adams, for instance, began a plausible tale of honest industry. In the midst of his story he was con fronted with William Hays, who was under suspicion as a rascal on his own account, and who hoped to win immunity by in forming on his old friends. Adams denied any acquaintance with him, but Hays recounted various experiences Avhich he claimed they had shared in common, especially one incident of an Indian celebration. ' ' It was about the third of July. Wasn 't it?" he queried, and Adams incautiously corrected "The Fourth!" The lying defense was broken down; a whining con fession followed, and George Adams may well have trembled for his life as he realized how many scores were accumulating against him upon the records of the Vigilantes. After the committeemen had played the roles of detectives, police, prosecutors, and juries, they were called upon to act as judges and pronounce sentences upon these convicted or self- confessed thieves. Here we mark another striking divergence of method between their course and that of other popular trib unals which have been noticed in the earlier pages of this volume. The people's courts of the unorganized frontier and of the mining camps of 1848 and 1849 considered themselves the legiti mate representatives of law in regions physically beyond the reach of legal institutions; those that persisted in California in 1850 and 1851 frankly ignored or defied the constitutional authorities which they found powerless or unwilling to safe guard society. The Committee of Vigilance, however, acknowl edged the supremacy of the existing government, and was ^ Papers, 314-327. 288 Vigilance Committee of 1851 pledged by its constitution to sustain the law when it was faith fully and properly administered. By the middle of July crim inal conditions in San Francisco had changed decidedly for the better since the early days of June when Jenkins was given his short shrift: the revised statutes were in effect, one or two of the local judges showed themselves incorruptible in executing justice, the grand jury was zealous in returning indictments, the popular interest was aroused, the courtrooms were thronged with critical spectators, and verdicts inclined towards a salutary se verity. The primary object of the Committee was not the pun ishment of criminals, but the protection of society. As soon as the courts gave promise of better efficiency the Committee turned to them as the most desirable source of discipline, and adopted the policy of delivering to the officers of the law those prisoners whose guilt was so clearly established that conviction might be expected, and whose crimes were not so heinous that the safety7 of the community demanded their execution. The most significant illustration of this policy was the action in the cases of Stuart's confederates, Adams, Jimmy from Town, and Ainsworth, and in the case of George Arthur, a burglar who was under arrest at the same time. It had cost the Com mittee heavily both in time and money to capture these men and to bring them to the point where they acknowledged their crimes. All were confessed thieves, but no proof of murder had been obtained, although murder was strongly suspected. On July 23 the Executive Committee advised that they should be tried in the courts, where the documents obtained by the Com mittee might serve to convict at least one other prisoner then in the hands of the authorities.34 This recommendation was immediately adopted in regard to Jimmy, Ainsworth, and Arthur, but Adams was remanded for further examination. At the ^i Papers, 338, 345. On the Trail of Stuart's Compactions 289 next general meeting, July 28, action was again deferred. On August 3 he made a more satisfactory statement, which was sub mitted to the General Committee without recommendation.35 No minutes intimate that Adams' fate hung in the balance for several hours, but the San Francisco Herald stated that about ten o'clock on the morning of August 6 the Monumental bell tapped out the well-known call for a gathering of the General Committee, and that crowds collected about headquarters, greatly excited by a rumor that a sentence of death Avas under serious consideration. At last the prisoner was brought out, not on his way to the scaffold, but to the county jail, where he Avas handed over to the under sheriff, John Caperton, who acknoAvledged the delivery by a formal receipt. It is probable that Adams had a very narrow escape. The minutes show that the motion for his transfer to the authorities was made by "Mr. Malone," none other, we must think, than number 250, James R. Malony, com monly called Bube, who was himself in bad repute as too close a friend of rowdies and ballot-box stuffers. John Arentrue, an other colleague of Stuart, was also delivered to Sheriff Hays on the same day. The Committee pursued its policy of "vigilance" even after placing its prisoners under legal control. In the ease of Jimmy from Town it was voted to detain Hays and other important witnesses, and to produce them in court at the proper time. A committee of six was appointed to attend to this duty, and various allusions point to the existence of similar committees charged Avith the supervision of other trials.30 The presence in court of members of the society has been severely scored by some writers as an effort to overaAve judge and juries. If such at tempts were made, they are not reflected in the neAA'spaper re ports, or in the sentences pronounced, Avhich in no case took to Papers, 375, 410-413, 418, 419, 424, 426. s« Papers, 339. 290 - Vigilance Committee of 1851 advantage of the statute allowing the penalty of death to be imposed for grand larceny. It is, however, apparent that the trials of these men were conducted with unusual promptness. Within a week Jimmy from Town was sentenced to ten years' imprisonment, and some time later Adams received a twenty- year sentence. The charges against Arentrue were dismissed, owing to technical defects in the indictment, and the old trouble of the departure of necessary witnesses.37 These notable rogues disappear at this point from the annals of the Committee of Vigilance, but the members of that body may have learned with interest that during the improvements on the county jail Sheriff Hays employed the facile Jimmy from Town in the mixing of mortar, while Adams delved some twenty- seven feet under ground, and their old friend, Watkins, handled a plane.38 Unfortunately, honest toil did not reform their wan dering impulses. In January of the next year Jimmy escaped again, and was again captured. In May he and Adams and Watkins attempted another sortie, but were detected, and were most unkindly flogged, Adams suffering an extra ten lashes in compliment to his leadership.39 Jimmy was later transferred to San Quentin, where the new state prison proved as frail a barrier as had his other jails. In October, 1854, he led five friends in a successful dash for liberty,40 and thereafter vanished from the attention of the public. Schenek said that the Committee had been informed that the authorities had evidence to convict some of the prisoners of murder,41 and it may be inferred that their surrender was prompted by the hope of severe and legal punishment. It is 37 See the Court reports in Herald, 1851, July 29; Aug. 7; 8; 14; 26-30; Sept. 3; 23. ss Herald, 1851, Sept. 19 %. 39 Herald, 1852, Jan. 21 %; May 21 %. 40 Herald, 1854, Oct. 26 %. 4i Schenek, MS Statement, 43. On the Trail of Stuart's Companions 291 noteworthy that the Vigilantes did not attempt to recover the criminals when milder sentences were imposed. Nevertheless, it is not unlikely that the good fortune of Adams and Jimmy from Town sealed the fate of two more dangerous felons. The records of Whittaker and McKenzie had been bared Avith pitiless detail by Stuart, Joseph Hetherington, and other in formers. McKenzie, a brutal, coarse-fibered man, tried to save himself by sullen silence, or by prevarication, but finally made a confession that fully established his guilt as a member of Stuart's gang.42 Whittaker also attempted to conceal the truth, but the accu sations against him were too explicit. In the end he spoke freely of his past offenses. The circumstances attending his confession make it in some respects the most remarkable of all the docu ments preserved in the files of the Committee. Stuart may have dictated his statement in the hope of securing immunity by frankness, but Whittaker, with Stuart's fate in mind, could have cherished no vision of reprieve at the expense of others. Ryckman related a touching interview when kind words broke down the prisoner's reticence, and he offered to unburden his heavy conscience in the face of the warning that even honesty would not save him from the penalty of his sins.43 Once started, he confessed crime after crime with astonishing fluency. While Stuart's narrative was a plain recital of events, Whittaker 's Avas interspersed with reflections on the men and the occurrences that he described.44 Like many other criminals he blamed society for his downfall: he gave instances of injustice to shoAV that a thief had a better chance than an honest man ; he sneered <2 Papers, 463-467, 506. A brief and unimportant addendum, missing from the files, was printed in the Alta. 1851, August 27 %. "Eyckman, MS Statement, 10-12. He stated that Payran had been drinking, and could not conduct the examination with his usual skill. Ban croft gave a somewhat garbled version of the episode in Popular Tribunals, I, 342-343. "Papers, 468-488. 292 Vigilance Committee of 1851 at his own service on a jury which sentenced a prisoner to a term of imprisonment for the theft of a pistol, while greater offenders, skilfully defended, went scot-free ;45 he showed how his successful efforts to corrupt officials caused him to despise the authorities he defied; and he boasted of his influence as a poli tician, and of the dozen ex-convicts whom he led to the polls when called upon to assist in the election of Malachi Fallon, marshal of the city.46 He characterized his companions with critical appraisement : Kay was ignorant, and a dandy; others were bungling; the con victs from Van Diemen's Land were far worse than those from Sydney ;47 such a one was a convict without doubt, another might be an incendiary but the "report was rumor";48 John Darke was a thief "on his own hook"; Dick Smith, friend of convicts and of police, could be depended upon to provide straw bail.49 He described moral and physical qualities with equal facility, and little touches of personality bring these unknown rogues before our eyes with startling realism. The acme of his con tempt he reserved for the unkempt, unclean, and physically re pulsive. "Kitchen is a rough boatman-looking fellow; dirty, very dirty." "George" was roundshouldered, a dirty-looking fellow, a thief; one receiver of stolen goods at Sacramento was stigmatized as a " dirty looking little pock-marked Jew. ' '50 He did not hesitate to acknowledge his relations with Mrs. Hogan, told of lavish presents he had made her, and of her de termination never to go back to her husband. He even repeated a rumor that she had been transported for crime, but admitted at last:51 "To do her justice, I must say that she done all in her power to break up my associations, and to lead a different life." « Papers, 469. 49 Papers, 482, 483. 46 Papers, 481. so Papers, 480-482. *7 Papers, 478. si Papers, 473-476, 484. 48 Papers, 477, 480. On the Trail of Stuart's Companions 293 Mary Hogan was then recalled to headquarters, and the confession was read to her. Compelled by the man's frank avowals, she admitted the intimacy that had bound them to gether, but indignantly repudiated the insinuation that her af fections had been won by the value of his gifts. She insisted that she had handled his money as might a Avife, returning to him on various occasions such sums as he needed.52 We read that during her ordeal the ' ' prisoner Whittaker was brought in and confronted with Mrs. Hogan." So far as Ave may knoAV, they never met again. Sam Whittaker was held to meet the punishment of his misdeeds, and Mrs. Hogan was allowed to go at large subject to the order of the Committee.53 In closing her story it is perhaps fair to repeat the judgment of one of her own sisterhood who characterized Mrs. Hogan as "only guilty of loving a bad man."54 The examinations did not prove actual murder against either Whittaker or McKenzie, but the Executive Committee reported that both men were self-confessed robbers AA'ho did not hesitate at any violence, that they were a menace to the community, and that it would be unsafe to hand them over to the authori ties.05 It therefore recommended that they should suffer death at the hands of the Committee of Vigilance. These reports are in Stephen Payran 's handwriting, and both contain a can celed paragraph which provided that execution should take place at one o'clock on the afternoon of August IS. In spite of the fact that there are no minutes and no annotations to prove that these recommendations were accepted, there is little doubt that &* Papers, 488-490; Herald, 1851, Aug. 18 '}{. to Papers, 501. "Report of a conversation Avith "Harriet," probably Harriet L.ing- meade, in a brief paragraph in the Herald, 1851, August 1 ~2- ^ Papers, 462, 467. Smiley said: "The sentences of death in the cases of Whitaker and McKenzie Avere passed by the Committee at large, upon the eases coming before them" (MS Statement. 4). 294 Vigilance Committee of 1851 they were, although with a postponement of the execution for forty-eight hours. On the nineteenth there are two unsigned orders, one in Payran 's handwriting instructing the chief of police to remove the prisoners to a place of greater security, and another written by Bluxome, directing that the execution should take place on a vessel in the harbor in view of the crowds on shore.56 The plans of the Committee were not destined to be carried out, as the removal of the prisoners was not accomplished in time to frustrate a delivery executed under the personal super vision of the governor of the state. His proclamation of July 21 had concluded with the words: "It is my sworn duty to see that the laws are executed, and I feel assured that all good citizens will cordially cooperate with me in its discharge. ' ' For nearly a month Governor McDougal had rested content with this inner assurance of restored tranquility, and then his con fidence in the good citizens of San Francisco was rudely shat tered. On August 18 the papers published the full text of the examinations in the case of Whittaker and McKenzie. On August 19 the governor learned that the Committee of Vigilance intended to hang both prisoners on the following day. He at once hastened to San Francisco and about midnight he ob tained confirmation of the rumor from two members (or former members) of the Committee whose names he never divulged. Summoning Mayor Brenham to his assistance, he searched the 56 Papers, 522, 523, 536. The following undated fragment may refer to some plan connected with the execution. The Avriting does not identify the author, and it was reserved for publication in this volume as an illus tration of the problems that arose in arranging a portion of the archives: "The prisoners will be moved this night Avith guard of ten — At 8 o 'clock a person Avill be sent to room for special detail of 25 Avho will come to such spot as may be designated — When Comt. meets— report & let the bells toll — then form & pro ceed under direction of me without previous statement & he who leads Avill wave his handkf — when the prisoners Avill run — " Bancroft interpreted the concluding phrase as referring to the moment Avhen the prisoners should be run up to the yard arm (Popular Tribunals, I, 359). On the Trail of Stuart's Companions 295 city for a judge who could issue a warrant for immediate seizure. Having produced this from Judge Myron Norton, he aroused the sheriff and directed him to serve it without delay.57 Colonel Hays had no relish for the commission. As has been said, he sustained the most cordial relations with the volunteer police headquarters on Battery Street; he had invited members of the Committee to visit his own jail ; they had commended his efforts to complete the building, and had promised substantial financial assistance towards defraying the expenses he had as sumed. More than once they had delivered important prisoners into his keeping, and more than once they had frustrated his efforts to take from them men whom they were unAvilling to relinquish. At first he thought it was not his duty, ' ' and rather roughly declined,"58 but the obligation could not Avell be evaded, and he reluctantly called his deputy, John Caperton, and accom panied the governor and the mayor to the rooms of the Com mittee. Here there had been all through the night an atmosphere of suppressed excitement ; members came and went, intent upon the stern work of the morrow, sometimes so absorbed and hurried that they passed the guard Avithout the customary countersign. Payran, who had been indisposed during the day,50 had retired for sleep after a final consultation with Van Bokkelen. The latter had nearly completed arrangements for transferring the condemned to the vessel selected as the place of execution and had stepped outside for a moment, when Hays and Caperton, taking advantage of their knoAAdedge of the rooms and of the customs of admission, mounted the stairs and pushed past the guard at the door. Caperton rushed directly to the prisoner's room, crying: "Whittaker and McKenzie, I am an officer; I 57 The affidavit and the Avarrant are printed infra, pp. 469-470. to Papers, 530. to Papers, 520. 296 Vigilance Committee of 1851 come to save you ! ' ' The three locked arms and dashed back to the exit, where Hays held open the door in spite of all that the surprised guard could do to dislodge him. During this dramatic rescue there was great confusion, but no concerted resistance, and no resort to violence or firearms on either side. The whole thing occurred so quickly that Payran was not awakened until the scuffle was over. When Van Bokkelen returned he found his charges in the hands of the officers. He made such a feeble effort to regain them that he was severely censured by the Committee for neglect of duty, and temporarily' relieved of his office as chief of the Vigilance police. The General Committee met at eight o'clock the next morning to discuss the circumstances of the rescue.60 Some of the mem bers favored immediate retaliation. Payran 's habitual deliber ation gave way before his indignation, and in a fiery resolution he called upon the Committee to decide whether it should rouse the city to action and show who had the supremacy, or should acknowledge defeat by releasing all prisoners still in custody. "Why detain them here?" he asked. "Why expend our time and money on them, when we, the People, are afraid of the puny and insignificant powers whom we have placed in office?" His resolution was laid on the table, as was another that proposed an attempt at immediate recapture. Five men were appointed to investigate the events of the night ; the chief of police was suspended from duty pending their report, and the meeting ad journed until the afternoon. At four o'clock the subcommittee was ready with its report, Avhich was introduced by the following preamble : The Committee haA'ing invited his Excellency the Governor of the State, his Honor the Mayor, Sheriff Hays, and Deputy Sheriff Caperton to meet them in the Executive Chambers, those gentlemen cordially as sented, and being informed that the object of the Committee was to eo Papers, 523-526. On the Trail of Stuart's Companions 297 ascertain if their action in seizing and rescuing the prisoners was aided and abetted by any members of the Vigilance Committee they have pro vided the Committee with the statements as follows severally. ' '«i This investigation illustrated more vividly than any other incident in the history of the Vigilance Committee the strange position in which it stood with the general public and with the constitutional representatives of the people. At midnight the Committee held two men as prisoners under sentence of death ; before morning these men were seized in a raid conducted by the three highest officers of the state, city, and county ; and a few hours later all concerned (except the prisoners) sat around a council table in the very headquarters of the Vigilantes and discussed the event with the decorum befitting a court of laAv ! The committee of investigation found no evidence of cor ruption or of internal connivance in the escape,02 but it blamed the chief of police for want of necessary caution and energy, and censured those members "who Avere so derelict in duty as to inform the Governor of the intended action of the Committee, which rendered it imperative upon him to adopt the course be did." The report was accepted and Van Bokkelen Avas restored to his former position. It was resolved that the sentences of exe cution should be carried out as soon as Whittaker and McKenzie could be recaptured, and that in future any member guilty of divulging transactions of the Committee should be ignominiously expelled.03 On the very day after the rescue Hays alloAved Ryckman to interview the prisoners. "Mr. Ryckman," said Whittaker, "I "i Papers, 528. The evidence follows. It contains many allusions show ing the arrangements of headquarters, and the customs of the Committee. The account in Popular Tribunals, I, 353-356, included other details sup plied by the members. "a Payran always attributed the rescue to treachery on the part of the guards (Carpenter's letter in Oakland Transcript, 1S74, March 29, p. 1). to Papers, 524-525. 298 Vigilance Committee of 1851 hope you are not sorry that we made our escape." "You have not made your escape," was the inexorable reply. "You have been convicted, and you will be executed beyond a shadow of doubt. There is no power on earth that can save you. ' '64 Gov ernor McDougal, however, was somewhat complacent over his easy victory, and he took occasion to issue another proclamation, which is reproduced upon the opposite page. This communi cation appeared in the city papers, even in those most friendly to the Committee, although its force was somewhat impaired by the close juxtaposition of the following : A Card San Francisco, August 20, 1851. We, the undersigned, do hereby aver, that the present Governor, Me- Dougal, asked to be introduced to the Executive Committee of the Com mittee of Vigilance which was allowed, and an hour fixed. The Governor, upon being introduced, stated that he approved the acts of the Committee, and that much good had taken place.es He hoped that they would go on, and endeavor to act in concert with the authorities, and in case any Judge should be guilty of mal-administration, to hang him, and he would appoint others, &c. G. E. Schenck, George J. Oakes, Isaac Bluxome, Jr., S. Payran. s* Eyckman, MS Statement, 13. 65 ' ' The Governor of the State, hearing of the condition of affairs [after the execution of Jenkins], issued, as was proper for him to do, a proclama tion, warning all good citizens to desist from unlawful acts and from unlaw ful combinations. But upon examination of affairs, he was satisfied the Avork proposed by the Committee Avould really be beneficial to the public interests, and that an active opposition would be harmful instead of useful, and decidedly agreed with the Executive that their work should go on, and that he would interpose no active opposition on the part of the state, so long as the operations of the Committee were confined to the sphere indicated, unless something then not foreseen should compel him to take a different position, of Avhich he would give them due notice. Accordingly, throughout the existence or active operations of that Committee, the Governor properly maintained his attitude of nominal opposition, and the dignity of the state, but found no occasion to take any active measures against us" (Coleman, MS Statement, 23-24). PROCLAMATION! THE GO¥ ERMOR. \\ II l'/l< Iv* S jiii ormed and organized hod* of the citizen* of Sao I'runr I »'ini> hu. In deSlROfl of III'- OonitltaUOD mid Law* oi lilt* Hlati\ — ni -i le OUWiM lb*- prn of Hw rmrrln of Crialori Junldletlon, nml tn pais und curry into . if. . i extrO'JuUklnl nenteoesj ¦¦'' <>¦ ¦¦¦"' ¦""' -'>¦¦¦¦ ¦ "pirii of . , - u ,v i ihr Officer" Oflllfl L«W, 'Villi"- ¦ ..r.,.-. .[ J, (III* BXOOUlUa of their duty, !.'¦- r.. .-n njwnl) -...f nubllr-lj »«nifr.ti-J ; tWU-fr «. rMiiioii tn (ji-li.-vi- Ihul further MiatJl-. i li , .ii..-l. to Interfere with thr rr-gufar ml in I nUt rati1 on offaWtiM In (ail < -«¦!> ¦¦d'UpeolllUf to Ukr from th« rujffony nrthn Nl.rrlffrerl.ilii PrlSOften DOtf coqjW.I In thr i in Hi.- dliohnrge of tlinir ilutv, nod by all lowfnl notni lo dlMoao,teoiaoe nnj nd mrj ittawri nhirbma* b«- ¦ lo IHDllllHte III'- despotic control of n NOlf-riiiiNlllulcfl rmMncintion unknown uml urtiiijj in ilcf of llu regolnrt) orgnnl/rd government of the County, And I henbj aoJQ upon ,11 pabUe UUinil In i be porformnm t tholr IraiU, and to reilit to Ik* ntn«i«t ot Ibelrpowrori >ll olbrti which mai i«- miJ- i» rabrarl the lowi md Irntnplo on the Conutltutlon. i mi I herein ivnro tlionc who ore dinooHed to p«ilii the lejtal nafthorllleij that tfwi <«o- ¦ot do iot without Involving tho aomn Hy of which thej ««. nembarj in »li the homn nf Clvfl ww, nbjMta H liberty md property to tho moal fearful uprlAoca, The Govermiie ot ll determined, al all hazard*., lo lUtall (lie t'ountitulion nod loBWS, pulilin pciiro con unit be ice und I |>nlillr lilicrty ran only If ninintnini-d, hj ¦ alrli-t nHh.'n-nc.. 10 dial IhlHnfJ of «»b..r- ¦Ijnaliuti lo ilir Inn, nm1 rQBDOOl for its minixters, which haio hcn-lnfon- rhm-ortrnird thr .Iuhtiho Proj.lr The attention ol' nil eili/.ens i* r«S|iirKted (¦• Sections tit) to JM), of "An Art to recu tita proceeding! in Criminal on.io»." It is earnestly hopyd tliul no neeouitT will «ri?«e calling for thr e*ecotii>ti «f tho«r ¦mrlllOfllj ud llml UlO gOOd M-fiA- mni iiilm rcDeeUon Of OU *M*1 tUlnni will indurr ttlmt tn n-fr»ui train i-'minUiinj; any •¦.'In Otlonllltod tO ilc»tro.v tltO pOOOO "nil order of llio OomiiiuoUv, anil In, lirlnR tin" anthorilii^ Into OOBoM wiih «*y ponWl nf thr IVopIr, JNO. McDODGAL, Goremor of f'o/i/i ¦Sun Franriitro, Augwtt SlO/A. IH&I Proclamation by Governor John McDougal relative to the Committee of Vig-ilauee. August 20, 1S.~)1. From the Bancroft Library. On the Trail of Stuart's Companions 299 The records of the Committee contain but one more paper bearing on this case — the following curt order, to which is ap pended an equally curt report :eo Capt. Cartwright: You are hereby authorized to detail a guard such as you think proper, and arrest two Prisoners to-wit — Sam Whittaker & R. Mackensie and bring them, into custody of the Committee of Vigilence. Done by order of Executive Committee August 22, A D 1851. [Signed] James B Huie Attest S. Payban Chairman. Sect'. Executive Com" of Vigilance Com' S. Francisco Aug. 24. /ol Agreeably to your orders above I detailed (30) Thirty men who ].ro ceeded in Three Divisons under the respective orders of Col G. W. White, Capt Calhoun & Mr Oscar Smith & in the short spaces of 5 minutes from the first charge the Prisoners above named were on their way to your Head Quarters — Respy [Signed] J W Cartwright The story of that Sunday is worth telling in greater fullness. The reminiscences of the actors show that they plotted cunningly to outwit the triumphant authorities.07 In order to avoid any personal conflict with Jack Hays, George Schenek saw to it that the sheriff was invited to attend a bullfight at the Mission Do lores. Then, in advance of the proposed raid, Isaac Bluxome inspected the jail, ostensibly to see Berdue, who was lodged there awaiting a formal release from the sentence imposed after his conviction as the assailant of Jansen. The secretary's real errand was to discover whether a stand of muskets kept in the to Papers, 549. By an error in proof-reading, Huie 's title as Chairman was omitted from the printed document. There are no minutes to explain why Payran was serving as secretary, but another order of the same date was signed by B. Gorham, as president pro tem (ibid.. 541). "'Details of the raid in the MS Statement of Ryckman, 13; Bluxome, 13-15; Sehenck, 40-42; Farwell, 10; confirmed by the daily papers of August 25, and by Rev. Albert Williams, Pioneer Pastorate. 1879, pp. 117- 118. See also Popular Tribunals, I, 359-365. 300 Vigilance Committee of 1851 building was ready for emergency use. He accomplished this purpose by exhibiting his skill in the manual of arms to the old soldier, "William Lambert, who acted as keeper, for he made excuses to pick up one gun after another during tbe drill, and thus ascertained that none was loaded. "When Sunday came, Captain Cartwright stationed parties of his guard of thirty near the front and rear entrances of the jail. The unsuspecting jailers even allowed a few of them to enter the building and attend a religious service which was being held in the unroofed court. A conspirator perched on Telegraph Hill commanded a view of the courtyard and watched for the signal that would indicate the best moment for attack. The Reverend Albert "Williams exhorted his unpromising flock, while Captain Lambert lounged on guard, Caperton discussed his Sun day dinner, and Sheriff Hays enjoyed bis holiday sports. Sud denly at half past two as the meeting drew to its close a signal was waved from within, transmitted by tbe observer on the hill, and answered from without. In a twinkling tbe Vigilantes inside pinioned Lambert and the guards, those witbout forced in the doors, seized "Whittaker and McKenzie, carried them bodily to a waiting carriage, thrust them on to the seat, and held them down with cocked pistols at their heads. The driver lashed his horses to a gallop and dashed up Broadway to Stockton, along Stockton to Washington, thence through Dupont, Sacramento, Montgomery, and California streets, to the rooms of the Com mittee on Battery street. The Monumental bell began to tap out the alarm, and the streets filled with crowds that raced after the flying carriage and quickly packed the neighborhood around headquarters. On the box of that careening coach sat James R. Duff, who lived to become one of the last survivors of the Committee of 1851.68 Sixty-four years later he seemed to recall "8 Mr. Duff 's recollections of the day were printed in the San Francisco Chronicle, 1915, Oct. 3, Magazine p. 6. ' I had the pleasure of talking with him a few weeks later. On the Trail of Stuart's Companions 301 every event of the day with photographic distinctness. It was not only its reckless daring that stamped the mad hour indelibly upon his memory. The shouting mob had caught in its swirl a frightened girl, just from the East, who recognized on the car riage her own brother-in-law, James T. Ryan, and marked the man beside him, and years later the gray-haired Vigilante de picted for me the fiercest episode of '51 as a somber background for the moment when he first attracted the attention of the woman who soon after became his wife. But vengeance, not romance, possessed the minds of the com mitteemen on that Sunday afternoon when they rushed their captives back to their headquarters. The chambers had two second-story doorways on Battery Street, with projecting beams for the hoisting of freight. Seventeen minutes after the storming of the jail those doors were thrown open, ropes were reeved through the overhead blocks, and the two ends taken inside the room. In another instant the prisoners were pushed forward, with nooses around their necks, and almost at the same moment the ropes were tightened and the struggling wretches were launched into eternity.00 While the bodies were still hanging Sam Brannan addressed the crowd from the open doorway, in forming them that the prisoners had confessed their guilt, had ol) Illustration, Annals. 562. An English traveler described the appalling silence and resolute mien with which the waiting thousands watched the sinister preparations. "They did not seem like men," he said, "but like judges sent by Osiris from the nether world, so stern, and implacable was their expression" (Jeremiah Lynch, A Senator of the Fifties, 101). An other writer said that brutal levity characterized the execution, and so shocked public sentiment that the popular approval of the Committee was greatly weakened, and contributions were withdrawn (Pictures of Pioneer Times, by William Grey [a pseudonym of W. F. White], 1881, p. 108). Contemporary accounts showed that McKenzie was in a pitiable state of panic, while Whittaker was calm and manly (see also R. M. Devens, Our First Century, 1880, p. 555). Ryckman said that Whittaker was "brave as C'aeBar, ' ' and won his admiration so that he regretted the necessity for the execution. In the brief interval within headquarters the doomed man told Ryckman of a plot against his life, and the warning enabled the Vigilante to foil the would-be assassins (Ryckman, MS Statement, 14-15; Popular Tribunals, I, 364-365). 302 Vigilance Committee of 1851 acknowledged that they deserved death, and had affirmed that they would not have pursued the course which ended at the gallows had it not been for the weakness and corruption of some of the authorities. He stated that the members of the Committee were fully sensible of the solemnity of the occasion and of the fearful responsibility which tbe first law of nature, self-preser vation, imposed upon them, but that they could not have acted other than they had without holding out a direct premium to crime. He trusted that the Committee would be supported by the citizens when it did right, and would receive their frowns when it did wrong. No innocent man need fear — it was no gratification to the Committee to be compelled to take the hfe of a fellow-being, and in no ease would that be done unless the proof of guilt was beyond cavil. The coroner held an inquest on the same day and summoned as witnesses George Melius, W. H. Jones, Benjamin Reynolds, L. J. Bayles, J. B. Huie, and S. E. Woodworth, all members of the Committee. Their answers were guarded but not evasive, and the jury returned the following verdict :70 In accordance with the foregoing testimony, the jury, after deliberate consideration, have come to the conclusion and accordingly render their verdict that Samuel Whittaker and Robert McKenzie came to their death by being hanged by the neck, thereby producing strangulation, by the act of a body of citizens styling themselves the "Vigilance Committee of San Francisco," on the afternoon of Sunday, August 24th, instant, at about three o 'clock, in front of the Vigilance Committee Rooms, on Battery Street, near California Street, from the second story thereof. Although there was some severe censure of the execution71 most of the newspapers approved it, and blamed the courts for permitting the miscarriage of justice that evoked such inter ference on the part of private citizens. These strictures were ™ Herald, 1851, Aug. 25 %. 71 The Pacific, a religious paper friendly to the Committee, said that the act had forfeited the confidence of the community (Pacific, 1851, Sept. 5, %). On the Trail of Stuart's Companions 303 so severe that they moved Judge H. S. Brown, of the Court of Sessions, to resign his position on the ground that the attitude of the press was equivalent to an unjust impeachment of every judge in the San Francisco courts.72 In noting his resignation the Herald remarked that no one had particularly considered Judge Brown either for praise or censure, but it commended his example to Judges Bennett and Parsons ; as for Judge Camp bell, he had so won the confidence of the community that such a step on his part would only result in prompt re-election. Judge Campbell allowed the matter to pass with a brief comment made to the grand jury on the day after the lynching. He said that it was not necessary for him to remark at length upon it; his views were still the same as they were when lie had addressed the previous grand jury on the occasion of Stuart's execution.73 By a curious coincidence, the same Monday found Campbell engaged in hearing evidence presented by members of the Committee to the effect that Stuart had assumed the guilt of the attack on Jansen, and had completely exonerated Windred and Berdue.74 The latter was in court, eager to express his gratitude to the association that had already saved him from death and was then engaged in clearing him of the charge of robbery. When his discharge was ordered, Judge Campbell must have acknowledged, at least in secret, that the ends of justice had been served by the very men whom he had officially branded as murderers deserving of the severest punishment. Learning that Berdue was penniless, the court suggested that a subscription should be raised for his benefit. Mr. Jansen offered to return the money taken from the prisoner at the time of his capture in February, and the members of the Committee ar ranged to collect additional funds. On September 16 Berdue !¦ Herald, 1851, Aug. 26 ^->. The resignation is reprinted in Popular Tribunals, I, 330. " Herald, 1851, Aug. 26 %. '« Herald, 1851, Aug. 26 %. 304 Vigilance Committee of 1851 signed an acknowledgment of $302, given him by Isaac Bluxome, Jr., in tbe name of the Committee.75 A few days later he pub lished in the papers the following card :70 I have kindly to thank those gentlemen for what they have done for me; for certainly, through their vigilance and the kind providence of Almighty God, they succeeded in capturing the criminal for whom I have suffered so much. 75 Papers, 640. 76 California Courier, 1851, Sept. 24 %. The Alta, Oct. 11 ?2, stated that Berdue had lost his donation in an unfortunate mining venture, and his friends were trying to raise more. Two years later he unsuccessfully peti tioned the legislature for an indemnity to the amount of $4000 for injuries suffered during his imprisonment and trial (California Senate, Journal, 1853, Appendix, Doc. 37). CHAPTER XIV ADVENTURES IN CRIME The dealings of the Committee of Vigilance with Stuart's confederates have been related in a consecutive story in order to present a definite sequence of cause and effect which is lack ing in the chronological arrangement of the printed documents. While that story is still clearly in mind it may be interesting to linger over the records of this curious court, especially over the evidence that came from the lips of the prisoners themselves. A superficial perusal of the separate documents discloses little of the real human interest concealed within the terse and dis connected paragraphs. The members of the Executive Com mittee were not concerned with problems of criminal psychology ; their literal transcriptions of sordid testimony and of brutal confessions were written down with the sole object of obtaining a knowledge of the criminal situation existing in their com munity, In this purpose they were very successful, and the documents offer many striking illustrations of the local conditions we have discussed.1 We see in them how easy it was for criminals to escape punishment in California. A day's horseback ride could easily put them beyond the track of pursuit; if arrested, clever lawyers were ready to sustain them in perjury, to arrange de fense from the testimony of their very confederates, and to distribute bribes to officials and jurymen. Even when the law had done its utmost, insecure prisons offered many opportunities of escape. 1 See Papers, Index, under the headings, Bail, Bribery, Courts of Califor nia, Jails, Murders, Perjury, Robberies. 306 Vigilance Committee of 1851 These documents give us also a hundred minute, instantaneous pictures of the underworld of San Francisco, and of the life that moved with stealthy footsteps through the chain of vicious lodging houses kept by convict landlords for the accommodation of convict guests.2 Such a place was the Uncle Sam when owned by the thief Jenkins and by his successors, Connolly and Thomas Burns. Such was McManus' Welcome, on North Beach, to which Burns removed when even the change of name to Shipman's Arms failed to make Jenkins' old stand a profitable investment. The ex-convicts developed a happy faculty of christening their places with alluring nanjes, and innocent, indeed, were the signs that ornamented the doorways of these wretched dens. Barnes, the tinman, kept the Cottage of Content; King, the barber, owned the Bird in Hand ; Robert Ogden welcomed guests to the Live and Let Live ; Goff , an ex-convict, owned the Panama House; Whittaker and McCormac, the Port Phillip; Mrs. Ryan and Mrs. Wilson, matrons from Sydney, presided respectively over the Rose Cottage and the Heart in Hand, but it does not appear that any poetic designation was attached to Mrs. Hogan 's house, which was perhaps the most dangerous trysting place of all. From morning till night and from night till morning the bars and card rooms of these inns were open to their habitues. Even today the reader of the strange confessions may enter un challenged and watch forgotten dramas of San Francisco life — as much a part of history as are the stories of the mining camps and worth, as history, a moment of attention here. Here is a simple tale entitled, "Dishonor Among Thieves." Characters : James Kelly, the fighting man ; his friend Vyse, the bear hunter; other friends, among whom are Sam Whittaker, then the proprietor of the Port Phillip House, the latter's part ner, Teddy McCormac, and Robert McKenzie; supernumeraries, 2 See Papers, Index, under "Lodging houses reported by the Committee as suspicious. " Adventures in Crime 307 Osman, Old Jack, and King, the barber, owner of the Bird in Hand. Scene: a public house near the Mission Dolores, where Kelly has just been worsted in a prizefight with a man named McGee, and has been consoled with $900 gate money, which now is in the keeping of his colleague, the bear hunter. While the de feated pugilist is in retirement Whittaker and McKenzie accost Vyse and ask for an opportunity to condole with his principal. There is some talking, some drinking. Vyse takes McKenzie into another room, and for a few minutes the money is left unguarded! The sympathetic friends appropriate it without delay and make a hasty exit, leaving McKenzie to comfort the "fighting man." A few hours later McKenzie finds his asso ciates at the Bird in Hand, on Montgomery Street, and demands his share of the plunder. He is told, however, that "some one" has stolen $600 on the way home, and $35 apiece is the meager reward of the afternoon's adventure. Disappointment rankles in the breast of the defrauded McKenzie. When opportunity arises he discloses the whole affair to James Kelly himself. Swiftly the latter devises vengeance, pounces upon McCormac, who has attachable property in the Port Phillip House, and during an absence of the more astute Whittaker forces him by threats of imprisonment and lynching to give up possession of the place. The play ends with Kelly reimbursed, McCormac outwitted, and Whittaker, ousted from his own bar, betaking himself to the solace of Mrs. Hogan 's lodging house.3 Another drama, "The Disappointed Locksmith," introduces Joseph Marks, sometime a member of the city police force, later a clerk of Colonel Stevenson, and finally discharged from that office. Angered by the loss of his position, he tempts the expert burglars George Adams and William Watkins to help him satisfy his grudge by robbing his former employer. Adams is cautious, suspicious; advises delay . Marks pleads for baste, since "Papers, 464-465, 469. 308 Vigilance Committee of 1851 his pockets' are empty and he has neither food nor shelter. Adams, comfortably enjoying his British "tea," bestows largess upon him and instructs him how to take a soap impression of the key to Stevenson's place of business. Marks visits the office, accomplishes the errand, and slips the mold into his pocket, where it is ruined by the time he returns to his friends. Another trip to the office, another soap impression, another five dollars gratuity. The key is made, Mark's status as a trustworthy rascal is verified, and when the chosen night arrives a little group of four gathers in the shadows about the empty office building. Marks is posted as sentinel ; the others disappear within. Lights flare up ; there is a quick rush of armed men ; Marks plays the role of informer; his companions, sullen and pinioned, are escorted to the city lockup. Marks, restored to the good graces of Colonel Stevenson as a detector of thieves, is made an assistant to the Committee of Vigilance in the effort to recapture Adams, who has speedily regained his freedom.4 Again, we have "A Matter of Compromise." The scene is laid in Monterey, the old capital of California, about the historic Custom House, which in December, 1850,, was in charge of Dr. Andrew Randall. During his absence the building was entered and fourteen thousand dollars of his personal funds were stolen. Osman, Ryan, Briggs, and "Old Jack" Morgan were arrested, and a sum approximating Dr. Randall's loss was recovered from them. They gave bail and were set at large pending trial, to improve the interval by continuing their professional operations under the able direction of James Stuart. The theft of a safe in San Francisco resulted in the rearrest of Briggs and Morgan. The former, at least, did not wish to forfeit his heavy bail, so he escaped from prison in time to return to Monterey for trial. The case came up in April, and as the men were "too good and valuable to be locked up," Belcher Kay and Stuart, himself, superintended the defense. i Papers, 306, 318, 319, 344, 410-412. Adventures im, Crime 309 We have a glimpse of the court room, with the counsel on both sides, men whose names and faces were long familiar at the California bar; we see the jury, on whom bribe money has been lavished ; we see Stuart, alias Carlisle, and Whittaker, also incognito, taking oath in the defense of their fellows; and we hear the foreman of the jury announce the expected disagree ment. The case is too vexatious to risk another trial, so, on advice of the defendants' counsel, the efficient Stuart breaks open the jail. Exit prisoners, but a trifling matter of business remains. The money in dispute, over thirteen thousand dollars, has been placed in custody of the courts until its rightful owner ship shall be established. Dr. Randall has demanded its restor ation; Messrs. Osman, Ryan, Briggs, and Morgan, while still in confinement, have claimed it as theirs. Both parties have insti tuted civil suits for its recovery. But now, deciding to forego annoying litigation, they effect a friendly compromise, deduct the costs of the trial from the amount in question, and divide the balance. A delightful example of evenhanded justice !6 "The Sailor's Heirloom" shifts our attention to the little vessel James Caskie which lies offshore near Clark's Point. San Francisco, in October, 1850. James Stuart and three compan ions, hearing that money is in the captain's possession, swarm aboard in the dead of night, masked, armed, and ruthless. They encounter the skipper, who puts up a desperate fight, for he has not only gold but a wife to protect, and his only helper is a boy whom the desperadoes quickly overpower. The woman, with a strength born of terror, rushes to her husband's side with a cutlass, but is disarmed and reduced to such a state of abject fear that she brings out all the weapons and money on board MHa, 1850, Dec. 19 %; 1851, April 21 %; Papers, 236 note 36, 371, 570. The charges of wholesale corruption in this case made by Stuart were indignantly denied. Whittaker appeared as a well dressed gentlemanly visitor from San Francisco (Peekham, in San Jos6 Pioneer, 1877, Aug. 4, Scrapbook, pp. 33-34). See also the San Francisco Call, Feb. 5, 1893, p. 16. 310 Vigilance Committee of 1851 and thrusts them at the outlaws with pitiful appeals to spare her man, already half dead from a terrible beating. The chival rous Stuart assures her that he will be glad to do as she asks if the captain will remain quiet. While ransacking the cabin the leader adds to his favors by again yielding to her pleas and leaving in its place a fine gold watch, the gift of a beloved mother ; and he sternly quells the insubordination of his covetous crew by reminding them that they have made him master, and his orders must be obeyed. The captain and the boy are tied fast, and the pirates slip away into the darkness with a threat of worse to come if the woman utters a word within two hours. Her side of the story we do not know. Long before the two hours have elapsed Stuart and his pals have gained the shore and divided the plunder, which is less than $200, as the captain had that day sent his funds away by an outgoing steamer.6 A longer drama might be built up about the Jansen affair. We are shown the plotters devising an attack and eager to rob a man who always kept English sovereigns in his safe for the special convenience of homeward-bound Australians. They con coct, at first, a clever scheme.7 Jansen is about to remove to a new store. His neighbor Whittaker learns that his funds are to be transported in a trunk placed on a cart and escorted by his clerk. When the guard seats himself upon the treasure chest he fails to notice that a lounger slips out the linchpin from the axle of the cart, nor does he suspect that footpads await the opportunity expected by the breakdown of the vehicle. But the joints of the wagon are stiff, the wheel remains in place, and the e Papers, 228-229. Alta, 1850, Oct. 27 %; 29 %; Nov. 22 %. By a curious coincidence a physician (Samuel Merritt), who later became a member of the Committee of Vigilance, was near the scene of the Caskie robbery, and encountered a suspicious fugitive, whom he later recognized at headquarters as the prisoner Stuart (Oakland Tribune, 1884, Apr. 5 %). ^ The details of this plan were told by Whittaker (Papers, 470). He also described a plot that involved robbing the San Francisco Custom House (ibid., 244 note 43). Adventures in Crime 311 gold is safely deposited in the new office. The conspirators refuse to accept defeat. So we see them again loitering outside Jansen 's door on a chilly February night; Old Jack enters to ask for blankets, and lingers so long that Stuart follows impatiently, concealing a bludgeon beneath his long camlet cloak. We see the cruel blow, so heavy that the victim screams but an instant ; the retreat with the treasure from the safe ; the division of the spoils, $196 to each man ; and the placid reunion in Mrs. Hogan 's barroom, after an incriminating watch had been tossed into the bay. We see the same group gathered in the same place during the succeeding days, while the fate of Windred and Berdue hangs in the balance, and we know that their angry looks and gestures indicate their determination to burn the city if capital punishment overtakes those guiltless prisoners. That revenge is abandoned, but when the legal trials result in conviction Whit taker resolves to right the injustice. He procures a key that will unlock the jail, and sends it to Windred by the latter 's wife, or by Mrs. Hogan. Windred escapes and hides at the Mission until a safe passage can be engaged for Australia. On a certain night the runaway crouches in an alley near Clark 's Point ; Kitchen lies ready with his boat; Whittaker is directing affairs; Mrs. Windred and Mrs. Hogan are concealed close at hand, waiting to say good-bye. The policemen who are patroling the street seem equally oblivious of Windred and of two other fugi tives, Adams and Jim Briggs, who are enjoying themselves in the neighborhood. When the coast is clear a pass word calls Windred from concealment ; he snatches a moment with bis wife, slips down into the boat, and is rowed away to the ship. Anxious days follow ; Mrs. Windred, disguised as a man, calls regularly on Whittaker to learn if the vessel has sailed, and at last she too is smuggled on board. Still the departure is delayed, witli 312 Vigilance Committee of 1851 constant danger of detection. Then comes the great fire of May 4, and on the fifth the ship clears away from the smoulder ing city, bearing two happy passengers who invoke blessings upon the head of Samuel Whittaker.8 Several pictures might be shown under the common title, "Baffled Villainy." One will suffice. It is night. Here is the office of Charles Minturn, on a wharf which stretches its slender length into the shadowy waters of the bay. A few oil lamps gleam in dancing spirals across the waves and make it possible to note a boat edging noiselessly along the piling until it comes to a mooring directly beneath the deserted building. Figures creep up a landing stage and enter the office, prepared to cut away the floor and lower the safe into the boat; McKenzie and Belcher Kay wait outside as lookouts. All goes well until an unwary interloper appears, a clerk or wharfinger returning for a forgotten paper. The lookouts signal the danger and dash off up the pier; the windows are thrown open; half a dozen forms hurtle through space into dark and friendly waters. In the bar of the Port Phillip House the swimmers meet again, furious . with their lookouts because they have allowed them to run from one man, a weakness of which the leader, Stuart, seems heartily ashamed. The whole party is most soundly berated by George Adams, who, though excluded from the adventure, had loaned a kit of expensive tools on the promise of a generous share in the plunder. There is no plunder, and the tools are lost.9 Such were the everyday experiences related by the more adventurous men who fell into the hands of the Committee of Vigilance. Many of their obscure friends also gained distinction in the course of the protracted examinations, if not by sharing in deeds of daring, perhaps by the sheer force of some telling alias. Besides Dab and Jack Dandy and Jimmy from Town, s Papers, 233-234, 470-471, 478^79, and Index under "Jansen." = Papers, Index under ' ' Minturn. ' ' Ryckman gave some details of the attempt (MS Statement, 6-7). Adventures in Crime 313 whom we have met already, the archives of the Committee res cued from oblivion the names of Billy Sweet Cheese, Bungaraby Jack, and Moe the Jew ; of Big Brummy, a man of mystery ; of Tommy Round Head ; of Slasher, the cutthroat, and of Peruvian Angel, whose tint may be inferred from Havana, the city of his nativity. By these names they exchanged greetings in the reek ing saloons of Sydney Valley ; by the same tokens they betrayed one another, as they strove to placate the Vigilantes with glib or halting confessions of crime. It should not be overlooked that these intimate pictures of San Francisco life have a value quite apart from their criminal connection in their many references to local happenings and points of interest. North Beach and Clark's Point, Long Wharf and Cat Alley, the El Dorado gambling house, and the Old Adobe are mentioned as familiar scenes of everyday existence. Many officials are named, for praise or for blame ; members of the police force are critically appraised ; and even the eight variations used in writing the city's name are not without in terest to the collector of bygone traditions.10 It is natural that queries should arise as to tbe reliability of this mass of confession and evidence. Can it be accepted at its face value, or must it be more or less discounted as a record of crime? Was there an opportunity for prisoners to consult one another, to prepare supporting falsehoods, and to protect themselves at the expense of others? And did they minimize or exaggerate their own misdeeds? There is no ques tion that there was great opportunity for the prisoners of the Committee to prevaricate. There were minor discrepancies in the evidence presented by the various speakers, although there was little divergence that cannot be traced to the normal desire of each culprit to shift the heaviest blame to tbe shoulders of another. Stuart's confession was published in part on July 11, 10 Papers, Index under ' ' San Francisco. ' ' 314 Vigilance Committee of 1851 and republished in full a week later. Since doubtless it was read by every one of his confederates, it was natural that all of them who fell into the hands of the Committee should unite in emphasizing his guilt and in palliating their own. But even in following that course subsequent confessions contradicted Stuart in few points, and Whittaker 's almost equally important story confirmed and amplified it in several particulars. Experience has shown that it is well to accept self-accusations with caution, especially those induced by threats or promises. In these accounts, however, when we turn to the accessible sources of verification, we find that the news items and the court reports of the San Francisco Herald and of the Alta California confirm the details of all the more important episodes related by the prisoners and the witnesses of the Committee. That is to say, the published facts as to time, place, method, and result, do not in any case conflict with the fuller statements submitted to the Committee of Vigilance. Those statements, therefore, must have been true at least in outline. Although the work involved in ferreting out and dispersing the members of this particular gang constituted the major por tion of the activities of the Committee, the accomplices of James Stuart were not the only objects of investigation. Other arrests were deemed expedient. It also became a common practice for citizens to take to headquarters any man accused of any kind of crime. During the weeks of July and August and early September there were many such individual eases considered in the reports of the Executive Committee, and some of them should be mentioned here. While inspecting the haunts of the Sydney men the Com mittee came upon John Goff, a lodging house keeper, and such a close friend of undesirable citizens that his record was ex amined with attention. It was discovered that Goff had been Adventures in Crime 315 transported for life on a charge of burglary, and had been per mitted to leave the penal colonies only because of a conditional pardon, "effective in all parts of the world except the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland. ' ni While he was never convicted of overt crimes against the peace of the Commonwealth of California, his house was such a rendezvous for those wdio did violate the laws, and for policemen suspected of abetting them, that a sentence of banishment was pronounced against him. The Committee was aware of much public sympathy with the accused, and therefore published the entire evidence in the case in the daily papers. Nevertheless it still insisted upon the execution of the sentence, although Goff's time was extended more than once on account of the illness of his wife. It is prob able that he left the city on his own vessel, the Veto, some time about the middle of August.12 One of the earliest appeals made to the Committee from without was a request from Lieutenant George II. Derby, of the Topographical Engineers, that the Vigilante police would ap prehend one Samuel Church, who was a deserter from the army, a worthless scoundrel in general, and a blackguard in particular because of his theft of the aggrieved officer's favorite saddle horse. Lieutenant Derby, although a lover of stern discipline, possessed literary ability that made him famous, under the pseudonym of John Phoenix, as the author of popular humorous sketches; he was, moreover, a gifted letter writer, and he de luged the Committee with reports covering the case, urging it to hang the man at once as the only way to rid the state of a dangerous criminal. The evidence of witnesses summoned from a distance at considerable expense clearly established Church 's guilt. The Committee, however, voted to hand him over to the military authorities in spite of the fact that a flogging would » See Herald, 1851, July 18 %. 12 See Papers, Index, under ' ' John Goff. ' ' 316 Vigilance Committee of 1851 be the heaviest punishment likely to befall him. Lieutenant Derby protested not a little at such leniency, but he did not forget to express his thanks "as a citizen and as an officer of the army ' ' for the work the society had done for the preservation of order in California.13 The action in the case of Church conformed with the prin ciple of delivering prisoners to the constituted authorities when ever it seemed probable that the laws would accomplish the ends desired for the good of the community. The same course was pursued with Hamilton Taft, a confessed thief from Placer County, who was sent back to the scene of his crime together with his plunder of fifteen hundred dollars. A guard was ap pointed from the Committee, and two of his accusers assisted them, giving bonds of a thousand dollars that they would de liver the prisoner and his booty to the officials of the county. The papers drawn up and signed in this connection illustrate a constant tendency to clothe the irregular acts of this voluntary association with the dignity and formality of legitimate legal transactions.14 It is curious to see that the men who hanged Stuart without the shadow of authority, four days later demanded a precise and formal bond to insure from other private citizens the performance of a duty which, by rights, appertained solely to officers of the law. Certainly the chairman of the Committee of Vigilance of San Francisco was scarcely in a position to undertake a suit in the courts of his city, and the carefully indited instrument could have exercised no very great compul sion upon Benjamin Jenkins and David Howe, who put their names to the agreement. Samuel Church was not the only deserter of whom the Com mittee took cognizance. Howard, another truant from the army, was returned to his commanding officer, and at least one run- is See Papers, 85, 107-109, 199-200. i* Papers, 287-289. Adventures in Crime 317 away sailor was restored to his ship.15 W. G. Hance had escaped from a prison in Panama, where he was under sentence of death for murder. Warned of his presence in San Francisco, the Committee arrested him and sent him back to his own country "on the ground that it would be contrary to equity that he should be punished by us in the absence of all proof, and for crimes committed beyond our jurisdiction."16 Among the vessels inspected by the Committee was the Johnson or Johnston from Sydney. Her surgeon, Dr. Kennedy, was arrested by the chief of the water police on the charge of stabbing the captain, and was immediately turned over to the city authorities.17 More thorough investigations were made when there was evidence that crimes of violence arose from design and treachery rather than from bursts of sudden passion. For example : When Don Francisco Guerrero, a former Mexican magistrate, was thrown from his horse on the Mission Road and sustained fatal injuries that led to a rumor of foul play, the Committee lost not a moment in placing scouts all about the city in search of the suspected murderer, Francois Le Bras. He was soon ar rested and was detained as a prisoner of the Committee, although he was produced at the inquest and was identified by the wit nesses there present. The coroner's jury charged him with strik ing Guerrero on the head and thus causing his death. But the Committee refused to give him up, even in response to a writ of habeas corpus, until an exhaustive investigation, attended by 15 Papers, 596, 637, 638. The only record of the deserting sailor is found in the following notice from the Herald, 1851, June 26 -,-, : ' ' The Undersigned begs to return his sincere ' thanks to the Committee of Vigilance for the services rendered him last night in arresting a deserter' from his vessel, and returning him on board. Bauginet, Capt. of Belg. ship Louis, consigned to E. Delessert, Ligeron & Co. io Papers, 425, 608. The Herald, 1851, Nov. 18 "s, reported that Hance was serving out his sentence in the chain gang in Carthagena. "Papers, 430. 318 Vigilance Committee of 1851 the French consul, had convinced the Executive Committee that the man was not guilty. After five days he was delivered to Sheriff Hays. In due time he was tried and acquitted.18 Another murder on the Mission Road engaged the attention of the Committee. Thomas Wheeler, a former servant of Colonel Fremont, suddenly disappeared and his body was found bearing marks of violence. Thereupon Mrs. Fremont's brother, Mr. William Carey Jones, turned to the Committee of Vigilance as the most effective detective agency in the city. This appeal is another indication of the general approval of Vigilante methods, for Mr. Jones was a law-abiding citizen of unquestioned standing who had come to California in 1849 as a special government agent for the investigation of land titles. Before his letter was received the Committee was seeking the murderers. A few hours after Wheeler's body was found Sam Brannan noticed two un prepossessing horsemen near the scene of the crime, and when they dashed off into the brush to avoid questions he summoned help and arrested them at the point of the pistol. Mr. Jones appeared at their trial, but their guilt was not established, and they were discharged after ten days.19 A curious instance, imperfectly explained by the records, was the case of four Chinese prisoners examined on July 4.20 John Lipscom and Norman Assing, the latter an interpreter and a man of some importance in the small Oriental colony, influenced the Committee to arrest four other Chinese, two men and two women, on the charge of maintaining a disreputable resort. It had been decided to deport the prisoners when Selim E. Woodworth, president of the General Committee, appeared is Papers, 272, 275, 281, 291; Alta, 1851, July 14 %; 18 ?2; Nov. 16 %. A. A. Green said that Le Bras, who was supposed to be simple-minded, had been used as a tool by land schemers who wished to get Guerrero out of the way (MS Statement, 80). See also Eldredge, San Francisco, II, 534. m See eases of W. L. Harding and John Olligin, Papers, 522, 542, 546, 578—581. 20 Papers, 165, 170-172. Adventures in Crime 319 in their behalf on the ground that he was a "Mandarin of the Celestial Empire, and Chinese Counsel," an expression which probably denoted some commercial relation with the Chinese companies engaged in the transportation of coolie immigrants.21 Woodworth characterized the action as a conspiracy to deprive the accused of their liberty, and upon his request they were set at liberty. The fact that Assing had made vain efforts in the city courts to obtain possession of a certain emancipated and imprudent young matron called Atoy, with the ostensible pur pose of returning her to a deserted husband in China, suggested that he might have hoped for better success through an appeal to the Vigilance Committee, but as the names of the women are not given in the documents their identity was a matter of con jecture until it was confirmed by a paragraph in Holinski's La Californie, which narrated the incident, and attributed Atoy's arrest to the efforts of the Chinese colony to suppress their notorious country-women.22 Hol'inski wrote : On fit entendre aux scrupuleux Chinois qu'il Stait impossible d 'oxeepter miss Atoy de la tolerance accordee par la police de San-Francisco a mille femrnea au moins, americaines, franchises, allemandos et espagnoles, dont la conduite n 'est guere plus fidifiants. La dGputation, quoique disappointed dans son but, se rotira hautement 6difi6e de l'fiquitfi du tribunal des barbarts, qui pese dans la meme balance et avec les memes poids les femmes de la ville, de quelque contree qu'elles arrivent. 21 Frederick A. Woodworth, a brother of Selim, was mentioned as Chinese vice-consul, and agent for the "Cliina Boys" who participated in the memorial procession at the time of the death of President Polk (Alta, 1850, Aug. 28 %; 29 %). "The Honorable Mr. Woodworth, Chinese Mandarin in California," was mentioned in the Alta, 1851, March 6 %, and "Mr. Woodworth" was again named as the agent for the Chinese immigrants in the Alta, May 12 %. Mr. F. A. Woodworth, of San Francisco, a son of the Vigilante, Selim E. Woodworth, told me that his father had no official rela tion with the Chinese government. "Holinski, La Californie, 119. Atoy was considered very pretty. She spoke English and often wore Occidental dress. She was before the courts more than once for keeping a disorderly house (Alta, 1851. March 6 --_.; i%; Nov. 9 %; Dec. 14 % ; Reminiscences of C. P. Duane, in San Francisco Examiner, 1881, Jan. 23 ]{). Norman As Sing was mentioned by James O'Mera in "The Chinese in Early Days," Overland Monthly, ser. 2. Ill (1884), 478. ' 320 Vigilance Committee of 1851 For some reason that is not stated, the Vigilance Committee of Stockton sent to San Francisco a young man named Daniel Jenks, who had stolen a thousand dollars from a resident of Jack sonville. Papers forwarded with the prisoner showed that he had borne a good character up to the time of the robbery. In spite of the fact that a mass meeting in Jacksonville recommended a whipping, the committee which transmitted the evidence advised that mercy should be shown ' ' in consideration of the youth and previous good character of the accused, his bodily Weakness, and the fact that this crime was in all probability his first offense." Jenks was quickly discharged without receiving any punishment at the hands of the Committee of San Francisco.28 False clues were sometimes followed with amusing conse quences. One paper is solemnly endorsed as the record of the case of "Mary St. Clair against Hat & Boots found at foot of Mission St." The "Hat & Boots" were discovered weighted with bricks in the mud at low tide, and were so suggestive of murder that the Committee interrogated every livery man in town in quest of a carriage which had been seen to linger near the spot. The investigation showed that the water-soaked articles were indeed tokens of a crime, but of one that was already an old story. The carriage had been hired by two women who were inmates of the resort where Pollock had been killed on June 22. His clothing poignantly reminded them of the tragedy of his death, and they had therefore attempted to afford it a decent sepulcher beneath the waters of the bay.24 Other minor cases were investigated by the Committee, but it is unnecessary to mention here all the people who were arrested, as a summary of Vigilance activity will appear in a later chapter. The courts were still carefully watched during July and August. In one ease the Committee was particularly interested —the trial of Charles Duane, a notorious bully and an unseru- 23 Papers, 510-517. 2* See supra, p. 242; Papers, 382-384; Alta, 1851, June 23 %. Adventures in Crime 321 pulous ward politician, who has already been introduced in these pages as an ally of Broderick at the time of Jenkins' execution. In March, 1851, Duane had been tried for shooting a man named Fayolle. The jury had disagreed and the case had not come up again until the last of June, when it was dismissed because the necessary witnesses had left town. About a month later Duane, abetted by Ira Cole, made an unprovoked attack on Frank Ball, a member of the Committee, alleging that the latter had acted offensively while serving on the jury which had tried him. For this assault he was arrested. Much feeling attended the subse quent trial, at which members of the Committee were excluded from jury service. Duane was convicted and sentenced to a year's imprisonment. While his lawyers were seeking to appeal the case Governor McDougal issued a pardon, and refused to make public his reasons for taking such a step in the face of positive proof of guilt.25 The papers announced the pardon with great indignation, and the grand jury, which was then in session, went into court with the request that it be discharged, declaring that it was useless for jurymen to spend time and to risk the vengeance of criminals in seeking to convict felons who were so promptly set at liberty.26 Judge Campbell refused the request, but the incident clearly indicates the helplessness of the law-abiding citizens in the face of existing conditions. The Committee issued an order for Duane s arrest, but it was re turned with the report that he was supposed to have left the state on the steamer for Panama.-7 He thus escaped punishment at the hands of the Committee of 1851, although be was less fortunate in 1856, when he was banished from California in spite of his powerful political friends.-8 2MK», 1851, March 23 %; court reports March 25-27; June 27 -4 ; Papers, 96. !M!te, 1851, Sept. 10 %. "Papers, 590. -"'See Papers, Index under "Duane"; also Index of Popular Tribunals. The case was frequently mentioned in the Herald and the Alta, July 22 to 322 Vigilance Committee of 1851 The Committee watched the progress of legal affairs not only to insist upon punishment of the guilty but also to defend the innocent. At the instance of Sheriff Hays an investigation was instituted into the case of John Williams, who was serving a sentence in the county jail under conviction of an assault with intent to kill. When the Committee decided that the act was one of justifiable self-defense it successfully petitioned the gov ernor for the prisoner's release.29 This chapter was introduced by the statement that the mem bers of the Committee of Vigilance had little interest in criminal psychology, but it should not close without remarking that the subject appealed to at least one observer of their activities. This was "Doctor" Collyer, known as the "Moddle artist man,"30 who exercised his talents in a museum of anatomy of question able reputation. This enterprising phrenologist desired to earn an honest penny as a by-product of Vigilante justice, and ad vertised a lecture on the "Anatomy of Crime," which is further explained in the following communication:31 To the President and Members of the Executive Committee of the Vigilance Committee of San Francisco: Gentlemen: Tomorrow evening (Wednesday) I propose delivering a lecture on the "Anatomy of Crime," illustrated by the skulls of Jenkins, Stuart, McKenzie, and Whittaker. Should you feel interested in the physiology and philosophy of the causes of mental action which prompted these men to pursue an evil course in life, I will be most happy for you to accept an invitation, which I now tender you, to form a part of my audience. Yours, etc., Bob. H. Collyer. September 9, 1851. It is a matter of regret that the press failed to report the success of this edifying entertainment. Aug. 1, and again Sept. 5. Duane wrote some "Recollections" which ran in the Sunday edition of the San Francisco Examiner, 1881, Jan. 9; 16; 23; Feb. 6 ; 20 ; 27 ; March 13 ; 20 ; 27 ; April 3 ; 17 ; May 8. They were abso lutely unreliable, in so far as they dealt with the Vigilance Committee of 1851. 29 Papers, 216-218. so Papers, 49. si This letter is missing from the files, and is reprinted from Popular Tribunals, I, 392. The lecture was advertised in the Alta, 1851, Sept. 8 %. CHAPTEB XV POLITICS AND REOKGANIZATION The deaths of Stuart, Whittaker, and McKenzie, the incar ceration of Adams and Jimmy from Town, and the banishment or voluntary departure from the country of Kay, Duane, and half a dozen others, effectually disintegrated the Sydney gang that had so long terrorized the community, and resulted in a marked diminution of crimes of violence throughout the state.1 The attention of the Committee continued to be occupied with the men still in custody, who were chiefly minor offenders or immigrants under investigation. Twenty or thirty of these cases were noted in the records during the four weeks following the last execution, and decisions show that a little over half of the suspects were discharged and that the remainder were sent out of California. As the consciousness of social security increased the question arose whether or not the Committee of Vigilance should continue to exercise an active supervision over public affairs. Some mem bers felt that the excuse for their organization terminated with the relief of the emergency that had called them together;2 some, notably Stephen Payran, thought that the association should con tinue unchanged for ' ' all time, ' 's while a small group wished to prolong the influence of the leaders of the body by placing them in office at the approaching September election. On Saturday, August 23, a "Meeting of Citizens" was held in the rooms of the Committee of Vigilance, and a committee was appointed to nominate candidates for the local offices.4 1 See the discussion of criminal conditions, infra, p. 388. 2 See resignation of E. M. Earl, Papers, 630. 3 Papers, 632. \* Papers, 548. 324 Vigilance Committee of 1851 A second meeting took place on Monday evening, but there is no statement to show where the adjourned gathering was held. At that time a ticket was decided upon, and an address to the voters of the city was adopted. The latter was in the form of resolutions which declared that the one hope of civic regener ation lay in more general devotion to the ordinary duties of citizenship, and in the election of fit officials, irrespective of party affiliations.6 The communication was dignified and force ful, frank in its acknowledgment of social shortcomings in the past, but hopeful for better standards in the future. Although it was signed by fourteen members of the Committee, the society officially and publicly disavowed the action on the ground that political activity would be ruinous to the work for which it had been organized,6 and the further use of headquarters for any outside purpose was forbidden. In spite of this corporate atti tude, members of the Committee, as individuals, pushed the campaign. The papers of the twenty-eighth published an in dorsement of the ticket, and a call for a ratification meeting, signed by two hundred and three citizens, among whom were at least seventy-nine members of the Committee of Vigilance. On August 29 over fifteen hundred voters met and pledged them selves to support the non-partisan ticket, which presented nine candidates for the legislature, eleven for county offices, and twelve for township positions. An exact analysis of the person nel is difficult, as the official returns did not indicate the affili ations of the township nominees, but the Alta said that the ticket as a whole included eight Whigs, twelve Democrats, and twelve Independents.7 For the legislature and the county positions, the non-partisans made seven entirely independent nominations and indorsed three Whigs and ten Democrats. The Evening Picayune, a Whig paper, immediately charged that the whole s Alta, 1851, Aug. 26 %. An extract from the address is printed in the Appendix, infra, p. 470. 6 Papers, 550-552. t Alta, 1851, Aug. 31 %. Politics and Reorganization 325 movement was a clever ruse on the part of the Democrats to use the Committee as a tool to regain the control they had lost in April.8 In spite of the fact that an effort had been made to put the Democratic party on record as opposed to the Commit tee,0 this charge was repeated as long as the campaign was under way, while it was as constantly contradicted by the Alta and the Herald. One of the most important indorsements was that of the Democrat, Alexander Campbell, to succeed himself as judge of the County Court. The Vigilantes, whose indictment for murder he had urged upon the grand jury, staunchly supported bim in the office where they had found him fearless and incorruptible.10 G. W. Ryckman made an interesting contribution to the history of this political effort. He said that on the day after the execution of Whittaker and McKenzie he had the following conversation with Jack Hays, who had anticipated renomination for the office of sheriff :11 He said to me: "Ryckman, I am mortified to death. . . It destroys any hope I may have for a renomination, for I could not bo elected; the people would frown upon what they would consider a. neglect of duty." I said, "Colonel, don't be foolish. Seek the nomination. We will organize a Vigilance Committee ticket, put you on, and elect you by 1-100 to 2000 majority." He took the hint, and accepted the nomination. We got up a Vigilance Committee ticket, put him on for Sheriff, and he was ekvted by 2000 [1826] majority. The campaign for this non-partisan ticket was brief but spirited. When the official returns were announced it was shown that the Independents had controlled 1000 to 1300 votes out of s Picayune, 1851, Aug. 26-Sept. 4. 'Resolutions to this effect had been published in the Herald. 1S51, Aug. 5 %. See also Popular Tribunals. I, 322-323. io Judge Campbell, then in private practice, also opposed the Committee of '56, and even left San Francisco at the time for temporary residence in the Hawaiian Islands (Shuck, Bench and Bar in California, 125). n Ryckman, MS Statement. 16-17. 326 Vigilance Committee of 1851 a total of about 5700.12 Though none of the out-and-out Inde pendent candidates was elected, the vote in the case of coalition candidates was sufficient to upset the previous Whig majority, and to elect all the Independent-Democrats, who ran about one thousand votes ahead of the regular Democratic ticket. The Independent- Whigs- were also elected, and the figures proved that the party inaugurated at the headquarters of the Committee of Vigilance was able to exercise a decisive influence in city affairs. Jacob R. Snyder, a Democrat elected to the state senate, was an active member of the Committee, as was A. J. Ellis, a Whig who was sent to the assembly, and the two legislators resigned in No vember to take up their duties at the capital.13 Herman Wohler, a Democrat elected to the assembly, was a less prominent com mitteeman. P. A. Roach, of Monterey, also a member of the San Francisco Committee of Vigilance, was chosen for the senate at this same September election. Whatever may have been the subtle influences of tbe Democratic politicians, even the Picayune admitted that the Independents had selected the best candidates for indorsement.14 The gratifying result of the attempt to purify local politics raised sanguine expectations of improvement in local conditions. But a curious situation which arose in the municipal offices of San Francisco went far towards checking the efforts at reform. It will be remembered that under the terms of the new charter a Whig council had been elected in April, 1851. This body quickly won the confidence of the community by the commend able economy of its administration.15 There was a question, 12 Herald, 1851, Sept. 14. For the state offices, to which the Independents made no nomination, the Whigs polled a majority of 469 to 912, and they had a majority of 400 to 600 for local offices except where the rival Demo crats were endorsed by the Independents. is Papers, 706. « Picayune, 1851, Aug. 30 %. is See Annals, 348-350, Hittell, California, III, 408-409 ; contemporary papers, especially Alta, Aug. 27 %; 29 %; Sept. 5 %; Dec. 25 %; 26 %; Herald, Aug. 29 %; 30 %; Sept. 1 %; Dec. 25 %. The papers commended the old council, but Hittell said it nearly bankrupted the city. Politics and Reorganization 327 however, as to its legal term of office ; the wording of the charter was ambiguous, and while some politicians claimed that a new council should be chosen in September others maintained that the existing body should hold over until September, 1852. The latter interpretation was adopted by the Whigs in office, and when September came they issued no call for elections for the city positions. The Democrats, with nothing to lose, decided to put the matter to a test, and nominated a full ticket. The Independents, who desired no change in the city government, refrained from wasting any energy on a contest they deemed futile, although some party of obscure origin attempted to present a city ticket which included several members of the Committee of Vigilance. This was published in a single issue of the Herald, but seems to have been withdrawn after some of the nominees repudiated the movement. The only candidates considered at the polls were those on the Democratic ticket, who were elected by a light and uncontested vote. When they attempted to claim their positions the old officials refused to withdraw and the matter was taken to the courts. Late in December the case was decided against the incumbents, and they reluctantly retired in favor of the triumphant Democrats. By this unexpected shifting of the local administration the Democratic machine acquired control of the city at the very moment when the public conscience was aroused to the need of reform, and when the better element was effectively organized in a non-partisan campaign ; for the independent vote had elected Democrats to some of the most important positions in the county, and the excitement of that open contest had entirely diverted public attention from the quiet movement for city positions by which skilful leaders sought to regain their former prestige. The new comptroller, James W. Stillman, was a member of the Committee of Vigilance, as were Caleb Hyatt and J. H. Blood, 328 Vigilance Committee of 1851 aldermen, and D. W. Lockwood and W. H. Crowell, assistant aldermen. None of them played any important part in the work of the association, and their connection with it is not noted in the newspapers that have been consulted in preparing this ac count of the election. It is unlikely that they were elected by the votes of their fellow Vigilantes, or that they served as any effective check on an administration that soon became a target for charges of extravagance and corruption. As the third month of the Committee's activities drew to a close it became apparent that its continued existence did not depend so much upon the personal convictions of individual members as upon their ability to defray the heavy expenses entailed by the work. The constitution made no provision for financial needs, but we learn from the documents that each member was assessed five dollars a month for current expenses, and that fines were imposed for absence from duty. The reports of the sergeant- at-arms show that 306 members paid initiation fees of five dollars before June 26. A month later a total of 550 initiation fees had been paid, while 80 were still due. In July 216 paid the monthly assessment and 336 were delinquent; $100 was paid in fines.16 On July 5 a committee of five was appointed to hear the excuse of delinquent members, as about one hundred had never paid the initiation fee of five dollars, and $1025 was due for fines.17 At this time J. W. Salmon, the first treasurer, was obliged to resign because of ill health, and the position was filled by Eugene Delessert, who remained in office until April, 1852. When the funds were transferred the amount on hand was $800, the debts of the association were $920, and the estimated monthly expenses were $1500. At the end of the month the finance com mittee reported that $400 was due on initiation fees and $1680 is Papers, 764, and Index under "C. of V. — Finances.' it Papers, 177, 205-206. Politics and Reorganization 329 on the monthly assessment of five dollars, and that in default of these payments the treasurer, Mr. Delessert, had advanced $500 out of his own pocket.18 On this showing it was recom mended that subcommittees, especially the water police, should exercise greater economy in their expenditures. A few days later plans were made to find less expensive rooms for headquarters, and the salary of the sergeant-at-arms was reduced from $:200 to $150 a month.10 Frequent resolutions on the subject of delinquent members show the difficulty of collecting funds. At various times it was voted that the guard should question every one at the door and admit no one who had not paid up to date ; that names of those in arrears should be read aloud in the meetings, and that de linquents should be assigned to guard duty at night.2" A col lector was appointed on July 19, and an additional collector on August 8. The latter reported three days later that he had with great difficulty secured $200 and could no longer continue in the position.21 But the ordinary expenses of the Committee did not seriously threaten to bankrupt the organization ; dues and fines were paid, even if with reluctance, and the support of the public was proved by frequent contributions.22 A far more serious embarrassment was imminent in the possibility of an adverse decision in the suit of Metcalf vs. Argenti et al., which came up for trial in the Supreme Court on August 16. Contrary to the advice of some of the members, especially of Stephen Payran, the Committee had assumed the expense of the defense, evidently with the ex pectation that the attorneys would volunteer their services. This is Papers, 377. 10 Papers, 443, 447. to Papers, 403, 440, 510. 21 Papers, 544. -Treasurer Salmon raised nearly $1000 by outside subscriptions (Papcr«, 205, 752). 330 Vigilance Committee of 1851 hope was disappointed. The defendants' lawyers demanded compensation for their services, and thus created a serious situ ation in the face of the depleted treasury.23 The case aroused much interest and served as a test of public sentiment for and against the Committee. The prospective jurors were sharply questioned as to their sentiments towards the organization, and several plainly avowed their approval, while a few were as frankly antagonistic.24 Members of the searching party testified freely concerning their participation in the raid. Yet, in spite of the incontestable proof of violent trespass upon Metcalf 's premises, and of the impassioned appeals of his coun sel, the hearing resulted in a disagreement.25 The plaintiff immediately moved for a new trial and raised his claim for damages to $50,000, thus forcing the Committee to expect in creased expenses as the case progressed. Certain passages in the press reports of the Argenti trial hint of occurrences within Vigilante headquarters that left no record in the archives. Metcalf 's suit was first noticed in the documents on July 3, and the minutes of the General Meeting on the fifth record the passage of a resolution directing a subcom mittee to call upon his lawyers, Lockwood, Tilford & Randolph, and ask them to withdraw the complaint. This appeal proved 24 The Herald of Aug. 18 reported, among others, the following answers: Question to F. Adams, not a member of the Committee: "Do you believe that the defendants as members of the Vigilance Committee have a right to enter and search a house without cause?" Answer: "I believe that they had a cause ; I think the Vigilance Committee is right. ' ' Set aside for cause. J. Wilbur [Wilber] : "Am proud to say that I am able to present a character that entitles me to a membership of the Vigilance Committee." Challenged peremptorily by plaintiff. J. W. Young: "If I thought the law was wrong and the rules of the Committee right, I would rather lean to the latter. ' ' Excused. Young was mentioned as a member of the Committee, but his name is not on the roll. Marion McNulty, not a member : " No self -constituted body has the right to act in opposition to the law. ' ' 23 Papers, 216, 290, 591, 598, 615. 25 The case was reported in the Herald, and the Alta, 1851, Aug. 17-25. The pleadings of Lockwood were published in pamphlet form and used aa a campaign document in the September election (Herald, 1851, Sept. 1 %)¦ Politics and Reorganization 331 a grave error in judgment, as it gave those gentlemen an oppor tunity to make an exceedingly sarcastic rejoinder, which was published with varying comment in several of the papers.26 A few days later it came to the knowledge of the Executive Com mittee that one- of their number, John F. Spence, had spread a report that Stuart had implicated Mr. Tilford in his confession, and the president was immediately instructed to make official denial of the charge, an errand which Payran discharged in most courteous fashion. The retraction was a direct reflection on the gossip of Spence, whose attendance at the Executive meetings was thenceforth very irregular.27 It is quite possible that the rebuke rankled in his mind, for when he was on the witness stand at the trial he revealed a bit of inner history of the Committee by testifying that the motion to communicate with Metcalf 's lawyers had never received the approval of a majority of the Committee, had been rejected at the General Meeting, and had only been passed later in the evening by a small number who reconvened after the dispersal of the others.28 Mr. Spence was immediately asked to tender his resignation, but he did not 28 Papers, 155-156, 177, 210. The following preamble appeared in some of the papers : "To the 'Vigilance Committee' • San Francisco, July 7th, 1S51. Sundry fools or knaves, (perhaps both,) styling themselves 'The Vigilance Committee,' having caused to be transmitted to the firm of Lockwood, Tilford & Randolph, a silly but impudent resolution, ' That a committee be appointed to wait on Messrs. Lockwood, Tilford & Randolph, acting as counsel in the case of Metcalf v. Argenti, Atkins, and others, and they are hereby directed to request those gentlemen to withdraw the suit, and decline further proceedings in the matter touching the case.' As a member of that firm, my only answer to the aforesaid fools or knaves, (in addition to my 'verbal' response to the bearers of the resolution,) is, 'I do defy, deny, spurn, and scorn you. " R. A. Lockwood." (Reprinted in the California Courier, 1851, July 9 2A). The Picayune supported the lawyer's position (July 8 %), but the Herald strongly upheld the Committee (editorial of July 9). "Papers, 265-267, 434. -* Herald, 1851, Aug. 19 %. 332 Vigilance Committee of 1851 comply with the request until the announcement of the inde pendent political ticket gave him a pretext for a dignified with drawal.29 The resolution of which Spence spoke is incorporated about midway in the proceedings of the evening of July 5, as if it had been adopted while the meeting was in full session, and a little later is recorded the more important resolution which claimed the right to search suspected premises. Relative to the latter, Stephen Payran testified that he had no knowledge at all of the action, and William Sharon deposed that there was decided opposition to its adoption. The resolution appeared in the daily papers subscribed "By order of the Committee of Vigilance, No. 67, Secretary." It is interesting to observe that in reply to questions on the witness stand Sharon disclaimed knowledge of the identity of "No. 67," and Payran calmly affirmed : ' ' We have no secretary. ' '30 If the Herald quoted that statement correctly, Mr. Payran must have juggled with his conscience. Certainly his utterances cannot be defended on any ground known to the writer. While considering this episode it may be remarked that two days after the passage of the contested resolutions the General Committee decided that a two-thirds vote should be required for the reconsideration of a measure once adopted.31 This ruling may have been prompted by the action of the small group which reversed the full vote in the matter of Metcalf 's lawyers. The incident in itself and the sworn testimony at the trial lead one to speculate whether the secretary did not sometimes fail to record occasions that gave rise to significant differences of opinion. There were other occurrences, very lightly emphasized in the minutes, which indicated that a certain amount of friction constantly accompanied the work of the Committee, and that it 29 Papers, 509, 552. 3i Papers, 204. so Herald, 1851, Aug. 19 %. Politics and Reorganization 333 was not only the hot temper of the first president that precipi tated hard feeling. McDuffee, the sergeant-at-arms who had quarreled with Brannan in June, incurred the displeasure of the Executive Committee early in August, so that he was censured for some unrecorded official action. After a short period of pro bation, he finally resigned.32 Occasional complaints were regis tered against the character of members or against their insub ordinate or overbearing behavior.33 One of the expeditions sent out after Whittaker was nearly wrecked because of internal dis sension; convicts escaped from the inspected vessels on account of conflict between the guards.34 When the fate of George Adams was under discussion the divergent views were sharp and deter mined; and as soon as that matter was decided Colonel William C. Graham, a faithful attendant at the meetings of the Kxecutive Committee, and its secretary for some months, tendered his resig nation on the ground that he could no longer act in a body where a small minority had the rule. For some reason he reconsidered his action, then resigned again, but again continued his services until August 17, when he resigned once more, together with eight others, who complained that jealousy and petty interference with delegated powers were hampering their performance of impor tant duties.35 That seems to have been the final exit of Mr. Graham, but the other eight immediately resumed their seats in the circle about the table in the Executive chamber. It was a few days after this that Sheriff Hays seized Whittaker and sa Papers, 418, 571. See also infra, p. 367. ss See Papers. Index under "C. of V.— Relations which indicated fric tion." M Papers, 414-417. to Papers, 427, 462, 498-500. The resignation was signed by Payran, Ryckman, Graham, J. B. Huie, Garwood, Schenek, Bluxome, Wadsworth, A. J. Ellis. There were earlier resignations that may or may not have been significant. John Buckler and Alexander Murray found that health forbade tliem to carry but the duties of the Committee (ibid., 153, 177); R. S. Watson and William T. Coleman had no time to continue in the Executive Committee (ibid., 217, 440). 334 Vigilance Committee of 1851 McKenzie from their passive guards, and it is doubtful if the suspicions of treachery that arose from the surrender were ever fully dispelled. Whatever might have been the issues of this period, they received scant consideration in the records. Various reports indicate that routine business progressed as usual, but there are no minutes of Executive meetings from the date of the seizure of Whittaker and McKenzie until the middle of September, when the Committee of Vigilance was thoroughly reorganized. The recollections of the members ignored the lapse, and Bancroft did not explain it in Popular Tribunals. It is probable that an unwritten law of the Committee pro hibited resignations except for the most urgent cause,36 never theless several were tendered just at this time. Some who asked to withdraw gave no reason at all, or alleged business or domestic preoccupations, others expressed frank disapproval of the policies of the Committee. J. W. Salmon and H. D. Evans resigned without explanation on August 20 ; George Melius resigned Aug ust 30, and on the same day Lloyd Minturn and C. S. Woods asked for long leaves of absence.37 It is evident that under lying these evidences of disaffection was an increasing difference of opinion over the future of the Committee of Vigilance, with a conviction on the part of a growing majority that some form of reorganization was imperative, since by this time conditions in the city showed signs of decided improvement. Stuart's gang was broken up, and by September 6 the Executive Committee was able to make reports and recommendations covering the dis position of every prisoner then in custody.38 It announced that many of the suspects ordered to leave California had consented to defray their own expenses back to Australia and showed them selves quite willing to depart in perfect satisfaction with the acts se See infra, p. 355. st Papers, 527, 577, and Index under "C. of V. — Resignations." ss Papers, 591-598. Politics and Reorganization 335 of the Committee. The concluding sentences of the general report then transmitted read : Our labours are now completed and so far peace, and security, have attended our efforts for the public good, we earnestly hope that the Blessing of Almighty God may rest upon us, may the cessation of our labours, be no cause on the part of the vicious, to renew their course of life to the injury of the people. We trust that those in power at this time, and those who shall succeed them, by reason of the late election may so learn wisdom, that in the exercise of their representative duties, they may ease the weight from the shoulders of their constituents, and thereby honour their common Country and preserve their institutions unsullied. It will now become you, to adopt some action for the future, to so base the present institution, that it may silently be a terror to all evil doers, and a rewarder of all that do well, that it may be a guardian spirit of the land. Events proved that this recommendation embodied the con viction of a majority of the members. On September 9 the General Committee appointed a subcommittee to "make such suggestions or propositions as may be of interest to the associ ation," and to nominate a new Executive Committee of twenty- five. On the same day E. M. Earl asked to have his name stricken from the lists, as he believed the time had come to sur render power into the hands of the representatives recently elected by the people.38 On the eleventh James F. Curtis dis covered that his business engagements would not allow the un-" remitting attention demanded by the duties devolving upon mem bers of the Executive Committee.40 On the thirteenth Thomas McCahill, who had caused offense by remarks derogatory to the chief of police, acceded with "grate pleasure" to a request that he should withdraw from the Executive Committee. On the same day J. B. M. Crooks was incontinently expelled from the society when his bill for delinquent fees was returned with the crisp annotation "Says he will be damd before he pays."41 so Papers, 601, 630. « Papers, 621, 627, 631. 40 Papers, 630. 336 Vigilance Committee of 1851 Such occurrences were straws showing cross currents of opinions. Stephhen Payran was far more definite in the ex pression of his attitude, and he tendered his resignation from the Executive Committee as a protest against the proposed changes. He interpreted them as censure upon his personal con duct of affairs, and he stated at a later time that he had been informed that the dissolution of the association had been threat ened because be was accused of exercising too absolute a power.42 In his note of resignation he took the opportunity to say: I would love to see it [the Committee], continue for all time, and firmly believe that if the Association could exist under its present order, it would tend to preserve the happy state of our City and State, and make it the abode of Safety, happiness and prosperity — Dissolve it, or do anything that would serve to disorganize it, in its essentials, you will throw it open to abuses, never to be recovered from — Anarchy and confusion would soon reign in our midst. In spite of his wounded feelings Payran did not insist upon the acceptance of his resignation ; he continued to serve as presi dent, and even formulated a plan for a modification of the work of the Committee, although there is no annotation to show that his scheme was ever submitted for discussion.43 By the fifteenth of September disposition had been made of every case before the Committee, and the prisoners' room at Vigilance headquarters was empty.44 On the evening of the sixteenth a General Meeting was held, the minutes for which are unfortunately lacking. At that meeting, however, was presented the report of the Committee on reorganization, which is incor porated in the minutes of September 17. It recommended the adjournment of the General Committee sine die, and the election of an Executive Committee of forty which should hold office for six months, should "watch with vigilance" the actions of 42 Papers, 631-632, 701. ^ Papers, 632-634. « Papers, 639; Herald, 1851, Sept. 18 %. Politics and Reorganization 337 public courts and officers, and should suggest desirable statutes for the improvement of criminal legislation. It was expressly stipulated that the Executive Committee should have no authority to make arrests, but that it should summon the General Com mittee in case of any emergency, and act only under instruction therefrom; and the members were solemnly warned that the entire body of the associates and the community at large would hold them strictly accountable for the faithfulness with which they fulfilled this delegated task. This report was adopted ; the Executive Committee was elected as nominated, and the five members of the committee on re organization were added to their number. Almost all the old and active members were retained, Brannan and Coleman were again included, and additions were made from the ranks of those who had taken an active part in the work of the General Com mittee.45 45 Papers, 642-644. The meeting was reported in tho Herald, Sept. 18%. CHAPTER XVI THE CLOSING MONTHS The new Executive Committee convened on September 17, and organized by electing Payran as president and Bluxome as secre tary.1 The latter offered his resignation before long, as he could not afford the time necessary for the position, but he consented to remain in office when allowed a salary of $100 a month.2 D. L. Oakley, the sergeant-at-arms, was also given an equal salary to take care of the rooms, to keep them open day and night, and to admit members "agreeably to the rules of the Association."3 On September 27 by-laws were adopted which defined the duties of the officers and provided for weekly meetings of the Executive Committee with a necessary quorum of nine attend ants, and for special meetings of the General Committee upon the written request of any five members.4 The Alta spoke of the reorganization as an "adjournment" of the General Committee and congratulated the association on the accomplishments that permitted a cessation of activities.5 But the Evening Picayune did not attribute the step to improved conditions, but to the great expense attending the work and to the very general con demnation of the Committee expressed by the commercial papers of the eastern states." The editor thought that in spite of the appointment of the committee of forty-five it was unlikely that the association would be continued, owing to the danger in its methods. The Committee repudiated with vigor the insinuations i Papers, 645-646 ; revised list of members, 652. 2 Papers, 678. 3 Papers, 650. = Alta, 1851, Sept. 17 %. i Papers, 659-661. 8 Picayune, 1851, Oct. 1 %. The Closing Months 339 of the Picayune, and took occasion to print full and frequent notices of its meetings in the advertising columns of the daily press.7 A week after the reorganization the Committee removed to smaller and less expensive quarters,8 which were described as follows in the Alta of November 3 : The V. C. Rooms. — The rooms of the Vigilance Committee, situated on the corner of Sacramento and Battery streets, over Middleton & Smiley 's store, are handsomely furnished. The floor is carpeted. At one end is a handsome rostrum, containing an elegant chair for the President. In front of the desk hangs a small banner belonging to the Committee. Behind the President's chair is an elegant mirror." Down tlie centre of the room is a table containing books, an ornamental inkstand, &c. if. At the eastern end, opposite the rostrum, the daily papers are to lie found on file. The windows are neatly curtained; while hanging against the wall are pictures and maps. The large banner wliich was presented tn the Committee by the ladies of Trinity Church, is rolled up and deposited in a small room adjoining the room for meetings; where are also tin- hand cuffs, chains and other paraphernalia of the Committee. Before the month was over members of tbe Executive Com mittee began to chafe at the order which forbade them to make arrests. They therefore called a General Meeting for October 1, at which they recommended the restoration of the power of initiative in this respect.10 Apparently it was granted and was exercised on November 11 when Antonio Gonzales, who had engaged in a stabbing affray, was taken to headquarters. The committeeman who made the arrest stated that no police officer was present and that the bystanders requested him to take charge of the offender.11 Gonzales was immediately handed over to the authorities, and except for an obscure allusion to the "arrest of ' See Papers, 673. 8 Papers, 651. "The mirror, found during the June fire, had been advertised without success (Papers, Voucher no. 70). The banners are mentioned infra, pp. 371, 372. ™ Papers, 671-673; Alta, 1851, Oct. 2 =s- " Papers, 689-692. Noted in Alta. 1851, Nov. 12 -L! ; Herald, Nov. 13 %. 340 Vigilance Committee of 1851 Handy,"12 November 16, no other prisoner seems to have been in the hands of the Committee until Charles Talbot was arrested on the charge of arson, November 25, 1852. 13 The records for these fourteen months are far less interesting and picturesque than those for the earlier periods. From Sep tember 17, 1851, to March 17, 1852, twenty-five regular weekly meetings were held, with an average attendance of sixteen.14 The meetings, therefore, were not neglected by the members, but the minutes indicate that they were devoted to routine business and to the effort to raise money, especially the sums needed to meet the expenses of the suits instituted by Peter Metcalf. One of the first matters that engaged attention was a com munication from the collector of the port, Thomas Butler King, to the effect that he had been informed by an American consul in France that the French government was preparing to send to California a shipload of emigrants, among whom might be a large number of desperadoes. The Committee at once appointed a delegation to wait upon the resident French consul, M. Dillon, and upon the representatives of Marizou & Company, agents for the emigrant vessels, to make inquiries relative to the proposed expedition. These gentlemen assured the Committee that the colonists would include only persons of approved respectability. They promised to write to France to warn those interested in the venture to take every reasonable precaution and to advise them of the "existence of a powerful association styled the Committee of Vigilance, who have combined together for the purpose of ridding the community of all disreputable characters, and who have the determination and the power to carry out their views."15 This 12 Papers, 704. The Alta, 1851, Nov. 21 %, noted the arrest by the Committee of a suspected incendiary, who had been handed over to the recorder. is See infra, p. 354. " See Papers, Roll Call, Appendix C. is Papers, 651, 662-664. The Closing Months 341 promise was faithfully performed and the responses they received appeared as follows in the papers of a later date :16 ,, . „ r, Paris, Nov. 20th, 1851. Messrs. Marziou & Co., San Francisco, Gentlemen: We have today seen Mr. Reyre, Government Commis sioner, to whom we communicated the information received from you, relative to the action of the very honorable, the Committee of Vigilance, of your city. He has assured us that the solicitude of the American authorities would be completely satisfied through the proper diplomatic sources. Among the emigrants there are no criminals . . . and we concur with you, in deeming the accession to your new State, of four or five thousand industrious operatives ... a subject of congratulation. Havre, Nov. 26, I'd. You may re-assure the members of the Committee of Vigilance, our emigrants are all honest people, emigrating voluntarily, and from whom testimonials of character are required before admission to the association. An official communication in regard to this subject will be made to the American Minister at Paris, for transmission to his government. A thrill of the old-time excitement was experienced on October 15, when the Committee heard that Briggs and Osman. confederates of Stuart who had eluded arrest, had been seen in the city, and were supposed to be on board a vessel clearing tor Australia. Since rich plunder was known to be in their posses sion, a pursuit was hastily organized, the tug Fire Fly pressed into service, and a dash made outside the Golden Gate. One or two vessels were overhauled, but the fugitives were not found. and when her bunkers were empty the Fire Fly returned to port. So concluded the last recorded expedition of the water police of the Committee of Vigilance.17 i° Alta, 1852, Feb. 10 %j. The expedition was financed by the Society du Lingot d'Or, which held a lottery on Nov. 16, 1851, and distributed as prizes the passage money for 5000 emigrants. See also L£vy, Les Francois en Californie, 72-74. " Papers, 679, 710, 720, and Voucher no. 95. Among Bancroft's clip pings is an undated scrap (printed between Aug. 18 and Sept 8, 1851), 342 Vigilance Committee of 1851 About the same time Andrew Goodwin appealed for help in recovering his niece, Mary Lye, who had been taken from him by people named Kohle, and placed in a house of ill fame at Marysville.18 The case was mentioned but briefly in the records of the Committee, but it was more fully reported in the news papers. The Herald said: Her aged uncle went several times to Marysville, and though very poor, expended upwards of $400 in fruitless efforts, through the authori ties and otherwise, to rescue the child. . . . Almost heart-broken by his want of success, he . . . applied to the Vigilance Committee for relief. A member of that body [Stephen Payran] was alone deputed to proceed to Marysville and take the child from those who detained her. Having conferred . . . with the Marysville Vigilance Committee — a body that has been as efficient as any similar one in the State — accompanied by several of its members, he proceeded to the house and demanded the girl. Those who detained her were at first very boisterous and very menacing, but the threats were disregarded and the child was brought off and restored to her delighted relatives. Many years later Mr. Payran recalled the incident with satis faction.19 He said that he had been warned that the 'roughs of Marysville would try to prevent the rescue. Accordingly, after he had carried the child in safety to the hotel where he lodged, he took the other guests into his confidence, and fifteen or twenty miners instantly drew their revolvers and escorted her to the boat, where she was guarded until she arrived in San Francisco. The little story furnishes one note of tender pathos in all the dreary record of crime and punishment. Sketches by unskilled hands have delineated the executions of Stuart, Whittaker, and McKenzie, but no one has thought of picturing Stephen Payran, the enthusiast and idealist, as he braved the guns of the gamblers reporting that at some time a hoax was perpetrated on the Committee by inducing it to pursue a vessel under the mistaken idea that Briggs was on board. is Papers, 676-768; Herald, 1851, Oct. 16 %, 17 %. 19 Carpenter 's letter in Oakland Transcript, 1874, March 29 %. Ernest Kohle wrote a letter of protest, and asked compensation for his care of the child. His communication was "laid on the table" (Papers, 696). The Closing Months 343 to restore a little girl to guardians who. were too feeble and too poor to accomplish her rescue by their own efforts. The incident was Payran 's last participation in the work of the Committee. On October 27 he resigned again, "owing to the cares incident to my business, and the larger active service of our Committee being at an end, combined with other causes."20 When requested to state his reasons more fully, he replied in a long letter that affords us valuable information on the con dition of the Committee at the time.21 He pointed out that the large salaries of the sergeant-at-arms and the secretary in creased the expenses of rent and incidentals to a minimum of $350 a month "without a dollar in the treasury to meet them." He condemned the policy that made the Committee, rather than individuals, responsible for the costs of the suits instituted by Metcalf. That liability then exceeded $2500, with the possibility of heavy damages if decision should be made for the plaintiff. He also alleged that the constitution and by-laws were su mis interpreted or misunderstood by the officers that the Committee was kept in ignorance of the truth and criminals were allowed to escape. Conscious of the criticism of his own use of authority, he said that he had usually refrained from taking the chair since his re-election in September, and now felt that the time had arrived for his final resignation. It was accepted, with suitable expressions of esteem and regret, and his name appears no more upon the records of the Committee, tbe office of the chainnan being filled thereafter by the vice-presidents. G. W. Ryckman and S. E. Woodworth. A curious reversal of the usual relations between the Com mittee of Vigilance and the authorities of San Francisco occurred late in October, in connection with an outbreak of public indig nation against the captain and officers of the sloop Challenge as to Papers, 687-688. 21 Papers, 699-704. 344 Vigilance Committee of 1851 a result of charges of brutality during the voyage from New York. Crowds of angry sailors and longshoremen collected along the water front, demanding Captain Waterman and his mates, and threatening to lynch them as soon as they could be found. The excitement reached such a dangerous point on October 31 that the mayor ordered the bell of the Monumental Engine Company to be tapped as a signal to law-abiding citizens to assemble and disperse the mob. In obedience to the familiar summons the Vigilance Committee gathered at headquarters and sent to the chief executive an offer of any assistance he might require. The account of the affair in the Alta of November 1 said that the mayor "accepted the services of the Vigilantes, as a body of citizens, merely. ' ' The Herald reported that a strong detachment of the Committee appeared among the hundreds who responded to the call for help. Overawed by the reinforcements rallied about the authorities, and placated by promises of thorough investigation, the mob finally dispersed.22 The Alta took occasion to say : Where now are those who called the Committee a mob — who predicted that they would establish riot and ruin in our midst? Where are. they who mourned over the ruins of the Constitution of the United States, the ruins of the laws, of the courts and of all legal forms? . . . Let the events answer. The Committee found society in a chaotic state. . . . They formed themselves together, conscious of the solemn responsibility which they were self-imposing. They seized upon culprits and promptly punished them . . . crime shrank before them, and Order sprang from the chaos. Having restored security to the city, they yielded their power to the regularly constituted authorities, trusting that they would be enabled, unassisted, to keep off the floodings of crime. And now the Committee are found on the part of the authorities, upholding the law. And they will be found there until the courts can no longer afford us protection. If the Vigilantes surprised their detractors by assisting the constituted authorities in the Waterman affair, the critic of 22 Farwell described the episode, and felt that it proved that the Com mittee opposed mob violence (MS Statement, 11-12). Captain Waterman surrendered himself as soon as it was safe. He was tried and fined, in Feb ruary, 1852. The Closing Months 345 today will be scarcely less surprised when he reads of a move ment they were inaugurating at the very date of the riots on the water front. G. E. Schenek, who had left San Francisco a few weeks earlier, in his note of resignation urged his former asso ciates to use their influence "for the establishment of schools, academies and seminarys of learning and virtue."23 Seminaries of learning and virtue would appear to be institutions incon gruous with the administration of lynch law, and history does not record that the members of the Committee of Vigilance ever attempted to found them. They did, however, make a definite effort to carry out. the spirit of Schenek 's suggestion when they decided to establish a library as a contribution to the intellectual life of San Francisco. Mention of their action in this matter does not appear in the minutes or reports. It can be found, however, in the papers of the day and in the recollections of Isaac Bluxome, Jr., who said :24 When the first committee was about to disband, we concluded that we would do something for the public at large. A man named Livingston' suggested that we start a library for the public good, and Charles S. Eijenbraugh [Eigenbrodt] seconded the motion. I had a pretty good library for a private citizen of some five hundred volumes, which I con tributed. Others did the same, and that is the foundation of the Mercan tile Library of this city. You will find my name in these books there, if not pasted over. The Herald and the Alta of October 4, 1851, spoke of an effort to establish the San Francisco Library and Museum Com pany, and commended the plan proposed as the city had lost its only library in the May fire. It was stated that the proposition had come from a group of members of. the Committee of Vigilance who desired to keep up the ties of companionship and who proposed to limit the membership of the library asso ciation to those who belonged to the Committee. This limitation was regretted by writers in both papers, and it was hinted that 23 Papers, 635. 24 Bluxome, MS Statement, 16. 346 Vigilance Committee of 1851 it would probably be removed before very long. Some donations were recorded from S. E. Woodward [Woodworth], Major Boyd, Captain W. A. Howard, and Mr. Shelton, the botanist. It was announced that the collection could be inspected in the room next to the Committee 's headquarters, under the care of the Com mittee i's librarian. Other donors, it seemed, were reluctant to place books in the inflammable structure, and waited until a fire proof building might be secured.25 The minutes of December 17 stated that fireproof accommodations were too expensive for the use of the Committee at that time.26 Late in November the California Institute was organized, with membership open to the public on the payment of moderate fees; rooms were secured on the south side of Pine Street, betwen Montgomery and Sansome ; D. L. Oakley, of the Committee, acted as librarian; S. E. Wood- worth was president; and the list of officers and directors was made up almost entirely from the roll of the Committee.27 There is no evidence that this library became an important factor in the life of San Francisco. If Bluxome 's statement was correct, however, a substantial nucleus of books was transferred to the Mercantile Library, founded a year later.28 Had not the fire of 1906 swept away the collection of that association, search might now reveal that the earliest volumes in that historic library were donated by the men who armed themselves in 1851 to execute summary justice upon the murderers and incendiaries that threatened the peace of the. community. 25 Alta, 1851, Nov. 22 %. 26 Papers, 713. 27 President, S. E. Woodworth; Vice-Presidents, G. W. Ryckman, A. C. Wakeman; Treasurer, Eugene Delessert; Recording Secretary, J. R. Dungli- son; Corresponding Secretary, L. F. Zantzinger; Librarian, D. L. Oakley; Directors : G. M. Garwood, H. S. Gates, F. Argenti, F. C. Ewer, J. M. Swift, C. B. Lafitte, P. P. Hull, A. B. Stout, Henry Dreshfeldt, J. C. L. Wadsworth, Sam'l Taylor, J. S. Ellis, S. R. Gerry, D. J. Thomas, A. M. Macy, D. S. Turner, T. J. L. Smiley, L. W. Sloat, R. S. Lammot, A. J. Moulder (Herald, 1851, Nov. 30 %; Dee. 2 %; 8 %; Alta, Nov. 30 %; Dee. 8 %). All were Vigilantes except Dunglison, Zantzinger, and Moulder. 28 The organization of the Mercantile Library was noted in the Herald, 1852, Dec. 17 %; 23 %; 24 %. The Closing Months 347 Metcalf 's suit was called again in December, and the plaintiff then moved for a change of venue upon the following grounds :20 1st, — That an impartial jury cannot be had here, because the defend ants are, or lately were, members of a numerous and powerful body, known as the Vigilance Committee, who have recognized the act charged upon the defendants as their own, and that the said Committee still exercises a controlling influence over the minds and actions of the people of this city, adverse to the cause of the affiant. Ud, — Because the said defendants and their associates through motives of fear or favor, and by means of their power and wealth, control the public press of this city and county, and have instigated and prompted the same to attack this affiant without provocation and unjustly, but with the utmost bitterness and malice, so that the people of this city and county are filled with prejudice toward this affiant. Sd, — That the affiant is a poor laborer, and that defendants are rich property holders; and that affiant is an English immigrant, who reached here by way of Australia, and is therefore known as a "Sydney man," a class of the population of this city who have been proscribed and persecuted by these defendants. The case was transferred to the jurisdiction of the District Court of Santa Clara and was tried immediately. The result was a verdict for the plaintiff, with damages of $201, the lowest sum that would permit the jury to allow costs in his favor.30 Met calf at once named Bluxome and others as defendants in another suit, which was tried in San Francisco and resulted in the nominal verdict of six cents for the plaintiff. The empty victory led to the dismissal of still other suits by which he sought to continue his action against the Vigilantes.31 Although many references show that these suits laid a heavy tax upon the to Alta, 1851, Dec. 13 %. In the issue of Dec. 22 ^, the editor denied that the Committee exerted undue influence on the press, asserting that ' ' the people who had the courage to sustain the Vigilance Committee, have the penetration to see through the film of shallow pretension which envelopes the cause." Angelina Duclos sued Metcalf for the recovery of the value of her alleged loss, and in the course of that suit Mr. Argenti was arrested on a charge of perjury, but was soon dismissed. Mme. Duclos ultimately abandoned her case (Herald, 1851, Dec. 31 %; 1852, Jan. 1 -4; 12 -4; 13%; Lockwood, The Vigilance Committee, 47 note). 3<> Herald, and Alta, 1851, Dec. 8. ^Papers, 731; Herald, 1852, Feb. 20 %; Alta, May 8 ^. 348 Vigilance Committee of 1851 Committee only one actual payment is recorded — a bill of costs amounting to fifty dollars. In June, 1852, a special subscription was collected for the fees of counsel employed for the defense.32 Throughout the winter of 1851 to 1852 the Committee con tinued to receive complaints concerning crimes committed in San Francisco and elsewhere. Most of them were filed without annotation, or were laid on the table.33 One was referred to the mayor of the city.34 In a few instances investigation was made, as in the case of an attack on Captain Ellis, of the Callao, who was taken from his vessel by men impersonating Vigdantes, and compelled to promise them money in order to save himself from instant death.35 On October 22 a committee of five was appointed "to inquire into the acts of the various judges on the bench," but its mem bers made no reports of any importance.36 In fact, the larger part of the attention of the Committee was occupied with the ever pressing question of financial ways and means. A short time prior to the reorganization there had been a deficit of $1296. 56. 37 By strenuous efforts this condition was- improved, and on October 2 the Finance Committee reported that with a few exceptions all claims had been settled up to September 16, and that a small balance remained on hand.38 This happy state of things did not long continue ; the liabilities of the association soon again exceeded its assets. On December 10 the city was divided into collection districts and canvassed for subscriptions by members of the Committee. 32 See Papers, 748, Voucher no. 63, and Index under "Metcalf." 33 Papers, 696-699, 705, 706, 708-710, 719. s* Papers, 708. 35 Papers, 713-716; Alta, 1851, Dec. 18 %; 19 %; 22 ty,; Picayune, Dec. 20 % ; Holinski, La Californie, 129. se Papers, 680. si Papers, 767. 38 Papers, 675. This probably did not- include expenses in the Metcalf suit. Treasurer Delessert offered to advance $1000 for two months, without interest, but it does not appear that the loan was accepted (ibid., 651-652, The Closing Months 349 Two of these collectors, George R. Ward and T. J. L. Smiley, received the thanks of the society, January 28, for the three hundred dollars they had secured and for "their untiring efforts to rid the Committee of Vigilance from debt. ' '39 An attempt was also made to raise money by the sale of engraved certificates of membership at five dollars each. The simple design showed some artistic skill. It bore several mottoes that expressed the senti ments of the members: "Fiat justitia ruat Ccelum." "lie just and fear not." "Self-Preservation the first law of nature." It showed, also, the scales of justice and the Lictor's rods, sur mounted by the open eye that was always the favorite insignia of the Vigilantes. The books of the treasurer report ninety dollars raised from the sale of these certificates before March, 1852. In that month it was voted to make the purchase of certificates compulsory, an action which resulted in the sale of seventeen more during the ensuing weeks.40 The news items of the daily papers and their reports of court proceedings showed a constant fluctuation in the amount of crime. The worst of the Sydney men had undoubtedly been driven away through the action of the Committee, and their disappearance was a blessing. Other undesirables soon departed for the gold fields of Australia. The Herald of September 21 remarked that the city was far less dangerous at night, and that there was no quarter where it was unsafe for a peaceable to Papers, 712, 722. to See Papers, Frontispiece, and pp. 711, 734, 762. The Alta. 1852, Jan. 23 %, described the certificate and said that its use indicated that the Committee would continue its vigilance as long as society was left at the mercy of criminals. The following notice appeared in the Herald, Jan. wi— go : "Committee of Vigilance. The Members of the Committee of Vigilance of San Francisco, are hereby notified that their certificates of membership are now ready, and the Secretary will be in attendance, at the Chambers of the Committee, corner of Sacramento and San- some, to deliver the same, every day, between the hours of 12 and 2 o Vlnf»]r ~ • Per order of the Executive Committee, Isaac Bluxome, Jk., Secy. ' ' 350 Vigilance Committee of 1851 citizen to go about his business.41 On the next day the editor spoke with complacency of the increasing stability of society and of the influx from the East of families that intended to make their permanent home in California. In the issue of September 28 a long article signed by "Justice" defended the acts of the Committee against current attack in the Morning Post, likened its protest against inefficient laws to the historic protests of Revolutionary patriots, and asserted that crime and violence had almost disappeared as a result of its labors. The grand jury, reporting for the September term, corroborated this optimistic view and mentioned the marked diminution of crime.42 A few days later the Herald told of a daring burglary and a shocking murder, "perhaps due to temporary suspension of the police regulations of the Vigilance Committee. ' '43 Not long after it admitted that there was a slight increase of crime in the city and state.44 By this time popular interest in humdrum trials had noticeably abated. Jury service was evaded so persistently that a sharp editorial in the Alta pointed out that such a shirking of the duties of citizenship would inevitably result in a revival of the activities of the Committee of Vigilance.45 Since the rainy winter months, as usual, drove to San Fran cisco many rough characters from the mining regions it was not strange that crimes increased during that season. The papers again had cause to complain of robberies, fires, and murders. It was feared that another criminal gang had been organized, and to add to the confusion seventeen desperate men escaped from the prison brig, where they were confined while working for a private contractor.46 A correspondent in the Alta prophesied ^ Herald, 1851, Sept. 21 %. 42 Herald, 1851, Sept 30 %; Oct. 1 %. ^ Herald, 1851, Oct. 11 %. See also Oct. 14 %; Alta, Oct. 19 %. a Herald, 1851, Nov. 15 %; 18 %; 20 y,; 21 %; 27 %; 28%; Dec. 1 %. *s Alta, 1851, Nov. 10 %. « See supra, p. 290; and Alta, 1852, Jan. 21 %; 25 %; Herald, Jan. 29 %; Feb. 18 %; 28 %; 29 %. The existing dangers led to the formation of a special police force, paid by individuals, but under the control of the city authorities (Herald, March 2 %, April 19 %). The Closmg Months 351 that a continuation of existing conditions would necessitate "the same steps as were formerly taken by that much abused, but noble band of men, the Vigilance Committee, who devoted their time, money, and if need be their lives for the protection of society."47 In the meantime the Committee attempted little interference in public affairs. Its quiescence may have arisen from the fact that most of the tragedies in the city and in the state at large were attributed to sudden passion rather than to such deliberate intention as had signalized the operations of James Stuart and his confederates.48 But the members felt the necessity of con tinuing their association for the time being, and when on Janu ary 14, 1852, T. J. L. Smiley, one of the most faithful attendants, proposed an adjournment sine die, the motion was laid on the table.40 On February 4 the office of sergeant-at-arms was abol ished;50 on March 13 it was voted to discontinue the salary of the secretary.51 March 17 was the end of the six-month term of the reorgan ized Executive Committee. Pursuant to a notice in the press over three hundred Vigilantes assembled at the old headquarters on Battery Street to elect new representatives.52 It was reported in the papers that the increase of crime in the city had roused the Committee to renewed activities; and the minutes and the new roll call showed that fresh interest was awakened. When the new Executive Committee met for organization53 G. W. Ryekman was elected president, S. E. Woodworth and Eugene "Alta, 1852, Jan. 25 %. *» Herald, 1852, Jan. 16 %; March 30 %. "Even when homicides were most frequent, the great majority of the people were secure in their lives and property ; but the percentage of deaths was large among the gamblers, drunkards, holders of disputed land claims, thieves and borderers" (J. S. Hittell, Resources of California, 32). "Papers, 720. to Papers, 724. n Papers, 733. »» Papers, 732-735; Herald, 1852, March 17 %; 18 fj. to Papers, 738-740. 352 Vigilance Committee of 1851 Delessert vice-presidents, and G. R. Ward treasurer, Delessert having resigned that office in anticipation of a trip to Europe.54 Isaac Bluxome, Jr. continued to act as secretary, in spite of a resignation dated April 7.55 The Executive Committee attempted to maintain the habit of weekly meetings, but the minutes give evidence of no action of any importance although conditions in San Francisco grew steadily worse. Early in May it was voted to renew the volunteer patrol of the city,56 and the following notice appeared in the Herald on several days from May 5 to 21 : Vigilance Committee attention! At a special meeting of the Executive Committee, held at their Chambers last evening, the following recom mendations were directed to be promulgated through the public prints: All members of the "General Committee of Vigilance" are requested to assemble in the respective wards in which they reside, and form them selves into a "Night Patrol." From information received by the Execu tive Committee, they have every reason to believe that there yet exists within the limits of our city an organized band of thieves and incendi aries, who have within a few days past made several ineffectual attempts to fire the city, and the Executive Committee believe our strict observ ance of vigilance may prevent the evil by an early detection of the fire, should it be the result of accident or design. Information of an important nature will be communicated to the members of the different Ward Committees, authorized to receive the same by the Executive Committee, which will continue always in session. Selim E. "Woodworth, Pres. The Herald stated that the public was convinced of the existence of a band of miscreants, and that in consequence of information to that effect the General Committee of Vigilance would resume weekly meetings during May and June.57 Notices appeared in the papers, but minutes are preserved for only one meeting of the General Committee, on May 12, and for meetings of the Executive Committee on May 5, May 26, and June 30.58 The room for permanent headquarters was given up in May. ™ Papers, 734-735. ss Papers, 742. 66 Papers, 746. si Herald, 1852, May 7 %; 12 %; Papers, 744 note. sz Papers, 743-748. The Closing Months 353 When the anniversary of the organization of the Committee drew near, it was suggested that the day, June 9, should be cele brated by a dinner,59 but no other mention of such a banquet was made in the records or in the reminiscences of the members. As one reviews the year of strenuous work, of defiance of law, of popular approval, and of ever increasing financial bur dens, one is inclined to invert a phrase dear to American orators, and to assert that if taxation without representation is tyranny, the experience of the San Francisco Committee of Vigilance goes far towards proving that representation without taxation is insolvency. The last financial experiment of the Vigilantes accented with grotesque humor the straits to which they were reduced. On April 2 it was voted to arrange a dramatic benefit for the pur pose of raising funds, three leading members, Selim E. Wood- worth, Eugene Delessert, and W. A. Howard, being appointed a committee of arrangement.60 Several members of the theatrical profession immediately volunteered their services, among them Madame Eleanore, who was playing at the French Theatre, and the Committee returned its thanks in polite French for her kind offer.01 For unrecorded reasons the project was pushed no further, and we are fortunately spared the vision of the curtain of history descending upon the Committee of Vigilance amid the glitter of footlights and the clatter of perfunctory applause. For the curtain is about to descend! The entries in the Minute Book of the Executive Committee close June 30. For several months there are no recorded activities, and it may he that the summer movement to the mines brought about a slight improvement in local affairs. Early in the fall the old apprehension of incendiaries recurred, and the editor of the Herald wrote for the warning of such outlaws : ' ' The Vigilance to Papers, 746. 0° Papers, 739. °i Papers, 743. 354 Vigilance Committee of 1851 Committee is not dead — it only sleeps, and woe to those whose rascality calls it into action again ! ' '62 The sleeping guardian roused itself to momentary vigor in November, when a meeting of the General Committee was called for the nineteenth, although no minutes have been preserved.63 On the twenty-sixth the Executive Committee met and elected officers, and even discussed hiring new headquarters, since the building occupied in the spring had been demolished. It was decided, however, to ask hospitality from the fire engine com panies and to avoid the expense of permanent chambers. Minutes of that meeting are preserved in a rough draft,64 and with them is filed a brief memorandum of the examination of Charles Talbot, who had been arrested the day before by S. E. Woodworth on suspicion of arson, and who was probably released without delay. No later archives reveal the secret bonds that continued to unite the brotherhood of the Vigilantes, although every man in California knew that those bonds had not been severed. For a time the continued existence of the Committee was indicated by the publication of two brief notices which appeared at frequent intervals in the Herald and the Alta, from November 24, 1852, to January 20, 1853 : Committee of Vigilance. — The citizens of the city of San Francisco are requested to furnish to the Committee of Vigilance such information as they may have that will lead to the detection or arrest of any person that has committed, or attempted to commit the crimes of Arson, Burglary or Highway Robbery. Isaac Bluxome Jr., Secretary. Committee of Vigilance. — $2,000 Reward will be given by the Committee of Vigilance of the city of San Francisco for the arrest, with sufficient testimony for conviction, of any person setting fire to any building in San Francisco. By order of the Committee, Selim E. Woodworth, President, Isaac Bluxome Jr., Secretary. e2 Herald, 1852, Oct. 28 %. os Herald, 1852, Nov. 17 %; Papers, 748-749 note. The meeting was called to adopt measures for the suppression of crime (Herald, Nov. 19 %). <^ Papers, 748-749. The Closing Months 355 At some time after that date a further reorganization was effected, relieving from duty all of the members except a Com mittee of Thirteen, which was entrusted with the obligation of keeping alive the spirit of vigilance and of summoning the general body should the need arise. No press notices of this change and no further calls for meetings have come to the attention of the writer in searching through the files of the Herald and the Alta for the succeeding three years.65 The association of the Vigilantes never formally dissolved. Ger- stacker reported that the members had pledged themselves to a service of fifty years, and George E. Schenek wrote: "Once a Committeeman, always a Committeeman, according to the by laws."00 In 1853 the organization silently disappeared from local attention, but it was the current conviction of the com munity that although the Committee of Vigilance was shrouded in silence and secrecy, it was prepared to re-establish its dreaded tribunal whenever a public emergency should move the people to summon it from obscurity.07 86 Tuthill said that sometime in 1853 there was published a call for a meeting of the Executive Committee (California, 461). Mention of a recent meeting was made in the Democratic State Journal, 1853, March 7 %; Alta, March 13 %. 00 F. "W. C. Gerstaeker, Narrative of a Journeu round the TVorld, 1853, p. 253; Schenek, MS Statement, 52. "At the end it [the Committee] adjourned, to be called together on any occasion when it might be required ' ' Ryckman, MS Statement, 20). 07 "The Vigilance Committee has long ceased to act, but the association has never formally dissolved. The original members are doubtless ready, if ever an occasion should require, again to assert the right of self-preserva tion, and the supremacy of natural law over defective civil rule" (Annals, 1855, p. 587). "Crime, since the organization of the Committee, has de creased one half, and they have now ceased to make arrests, leaving all to tho jurisdiction of the proper authorities. They, however, maintain their organization, and would, no doubt, act in case of emergencv" California Illustrated [by Letts], 55). CHAPTER XVII PROBLEMS AND METHODS OF ADMINISTRATION The previous chapters have recounted the history of the Committee of Vigilance in its chronological development, reserv ing for special discussion various aspects of its work which require a grouping of episodes that were separated by intervals of time but related by logical connection. Certain useful sum maries may be made from the records of the cases considered by the Committee, and from the receipt and expenditure of funds. Interesting deductions as to the spirit of the members may be formed by reviewing as a whole their relations to their prisoners, to each other, and to the general public. And finally, before the study is brought to a conclusion, it will be pertinent to ask what influences the work of the Committee may have exerted in San Francisco, in California, and in the country at large. The relations that existed between the Committee and its prisoners are indicated not only by the general reports on the conduct of cases, but by brief allusions scattered through the minutes and miscellaneous papers.1 In the matter of providing for the physical necessities of those in confinement, the arrangements were very primitive. The inventories suggest that the prisoners' room was furnished with benches, straw mattresses, and blankets.2 No information is given of the accommodations provided for women prisoners, in spite of the fact that several women were detained for brief periods.3 Mrs. Hogan was probably in custody for a few days, i See Papers, Index under "C. of V.— Relations with prisoners." 2 Papers, 654. s See Papers, 420, 502, 574-575. Problems and Methods of Administration 357 and so was Mrs. Robinson, charged with arson. On August 30 the wives of Robert Ogden and Joseph Turner were named among the prisoners. So was Jane Connolly, widow of the innkeeper, former friend of Jenkins and Burns, and later wife of one Martin Sanphy, who unkindly accused her of robbing him of twelve hundred dollars. Emma Jones, a Sydney immigrant, was held for deportation. But the personal experiences of the arrested women are unnoted alike in any of the records, in the papers of the day, or in the reminiscences of members. The cost of maintaining the prisoners was a great burden on the overtaxed exchequer. One or two who had the means paid board while in confinement, but the others were fed at the expense of their jailers. Members of the Committees of 1851 and is.lij have told me that both Committees ordered the food ol' the prisoners from neighboring restaurants. The cash accounts for 1851 do not determine this point exactly, but they show that sums were expended for foodstuffs, such as cheese, crackers, and coffee. and also for refreshments purchased from hotels and eating- houses.4 When all is said that can be gathered from the records. we simply know that the men under arrest were lodged and fed —their treatment was surely no worse, perhaps it was better than that accorded to prisoners in the city lockup.5 More definite information can be gained of the methods employed in the course of the criminal investigations and prosecutions. "It is the . . . intention of this Committee of Vigilance to act in such a way as to obtain the sanction of this community for each and every one of the steps it takes." So wrote Mr. James C. Ward on June 15, 1851, in a resolution which urged the Committee to act with circumspection in « See Papers, 442, 502, 625, 764, Appendix D, p. 824. I discussed the subject of provisions with Mr. Duff, of the Committee of 1851, and Mr. E. P. Flint, of 1856. 5 It was ordered that the prisoners and their room should be scrubbed every week. A doctor attended cases of illness (Papers, 408, 409). 358 Vigilance Committee of 1851 proceeding against Burns and Hetherington.6 George Gibson, advising caution in a different matter, declared that he felt "the awful character of our responsibilities."7 The sentiments expressed thus early in the life of the Committee were never forgotten in the excitement of the days that followed. The execution of John Jenkins had been summary in the extreme, but after that night no action of any apparent importance was under taken without painstaking investigation and deliberation. As in the cases of Burns and Hetherington, witnesses were summoned not only for the prosecution, but also at the request of the defense, and the thoroughness with which the Committee sought to sift evidence is proved by the preservation of verbatim state ments made by nearly one hundred and fifty witnesses, and of written communications sent by many others. It is true that the technical evasions permitted by legal procedure were denied the prisoners of the Committee; no doubtful alibi was con sidered in their favor. But from the first it was the custom to confront the accused with the witnesses in his case, and it was one of the rules of the association that no sentence should be pronounced until he had appeared in person to plead in his own behalf.8 The results of the policy of cautious investigation have been shown in the case of the Negro, Ben, whose false arraignment of Mrs. Robinson was so carefully sifted that it disclosed the plot designed to lead the Committee into extreme measures against a woman of open and well-known depravity. Again in the case of Church, the horse thief and deserter whose superior officer urged death as a just penalty for crimes against tlie public welfare, the Committee preferred to return their prisoner to the military authorities. The delivery to the authorities of Adams, Jimmy o Papers, 43. The unsigned report is in "Ward's handwriting. i Papers, 61. s Papers, 197. Problems and Methods of Administration 359 from Town, and Hamilton Taft, and the discharge of Jenks, are further instances of the self-control that dominated the leaders of the Committee. The same quality is further illustrated by the vote to lay on the table a motion to seize and hang the incendiary Lewis if he should be convicted of arson in his legal trial.9 Justice to the Committee forces the acknowledgment of its habitual self-control, and of its inclination towards mercy in doubtful cases. It was inevitable, however, that the methods necessary in the prosecution of its work entailed hardship, and in some cases real suffering upon the men who came under its suspicion. Read, for example, the complaint of the excitable Frenchman, Victor de Gray, an acquaintance of the Robinsons, who was "taken with violence and rudeness" and compelled to accompany the Committee as if a prisoner, was detained as a witness, and discharged only after his feelings and reputation were so damaged that he petitioned for a certificate that should exonerate him of suspicion, and for funds to enable him to depart from the scene of his humiliation.10 The case of Theodore Dahlgren is another illustration of the misfortunes of an innocent man. On tbe accusation of Mr. Tennant, a dealer in nautical instruments, he was summoned to headquarters to clear himself of the charge of stealing a sextant. When he refused to obey, his personal property was seized and held as a sort of bail, and as soon as possible he himself was taken into custody. After a period of confinement he was honorably discharged and his property restored, although his acknowledgement of its return indicated that some articles were still missing. Dahlgren 's sensitive soul was torn with grief at these discreditable suspicions, and his letters were almost ludicrous in their hysterical protests. Yet tbe intentions of his jailers were so evidently fair, and their consideration of his case * Papers, 328. « Papers, 117, 177, 204, 210-212. 360 Vigilance Committee of 1851 was so impartial that after his release he sent them a friendly letter and printed in the papers the following tribute to their integrity -}l To the Public — I was recently ordered to appear before the Committee of Vigilance on the charge of being a "notorious thief and swindler." Said charge has been inquired into and I have been honorably released. I merely wish thus voluntarily to say that I admit to the fullest extent the propriety of their action in my case, and that their course towards me has been marked by perfect courtesy, impartiality, and kind feeling, and that although the fact of my having come within the cognizance of the ' ' Committee of Vigilance ' ' might probably injure me, yet I fully admit their right to act as they have done, and consider that all good citizens should aid them in their endeavors to ensure security of life and property. This is especially intended to reply to an inquiry made to me to know if I was desirous of prosecuting them for their course towards me. I thus reply. Th. Dahlgren. Another prisoner, William Wilson, was confined for a time under suspicions that are not definitely formulated in the records, and his friends feared for his health and for his reason under the strain and humiliation of his incarceration.12 And for many others who like Dahlgren and Wilson were finally discharged, the days or weeks of detention in the poorly equipped prisoners' room must have engendered a mood of desperation. A glimpse of such a mood was given in letters which John Arentrue wrote in the hope of invoking help from friends whom he desired to call as witnesses. Arentrue, formerly a street commissioner in San Francisco, had been named by Joseph Hetherington as an accomplice of Stuart. After that statement had appeared in the papers, he published an indignant denial of the charge and com plained that he had been refused all opportunity to refute it before the Committee.13 He was later arrested by the Vigilantes 11 Herald, 1851, July 11 %. See also Papers, Index under "Dahlgren." 12 Papers, 587-588. is Alta, 1851, July 24 %. See also Papers, Index under ' ' Arentrue. ' ' Problems and Methods of Administration 361 on suspicion of murder, and while he acknowledged that he was "treated very handsomely by the gentlemen in whose hands" he had fallen, he complained that he had great difficulty in com municating with outside acquaintances, and was fearful of a conviction that might forfeit his life. It was always claimed by members of the Committee that prisoners were aided in securing whatever evidence they desired to present, and the large number of discharges justifies the inference that ample means were pro vided for defense. But the letters of Arentrue, at least, wen- not dispatched to their destination — perhaps because it was decided to relinquish him to the authorities for a trial where he would have the benefit of counsel. The records show that ninety-one prisoners were under arrest by the Committee of Vigilance. It is probable that this number does not include all the immigrants forbidden to land in San Francisco, or all the petty offenders who were turned over to the authorities,14 although it is unlikely that any large number entirely escaped mention, either in the minutes or in the reports of subcommittees. It is possible to discover very exactly the indictments made against most of these ninety-one prisoners, to trace the course of their trials, and to determine their ultimate fate. Twenty-five were accused of being ex-convicts from Australia, thirty-one were charged with larceny of a more or less serious nature, nine with murder, tive with keeping dis reputable lodging houses, five with arson, three with horse steal ing, and thirteen with a variety of crimes, from murderous assault to being, in general, a "bad man."15 Against some there was an array of charges, as in the case of Stuart, who was ex- convict, thief, and murderer, and who, for the purposes of this classification is listed only as murderer. 14 For example, a suspected murderer was arrested by tbe Committee and sent to Stockton, and a fugitive from the San Francisco jail was captured and returned (California Courier, 1851, July 19 %). 15 See Papers, "List of Prisoners," Appendix E. 362 Vigilance Committee of 1851 Of these ninety-one prisoners, the Committee hanged four; whipped one; deported fourteen under direct supervision; ordered fourteen more to leave California at their own expense and on their own parole, with a threat of execution if they dis obeyed ;16 delivered fifteen to the authorities for legal trial ; and discharged forty-one. The disposition made of two others is not noted, but they were probably discharged. As a matter of fact, punishment was enforced only upon those hanged, those deported under supervision, and upon the one thief who was whipped, a total of nineteen. It is not certain that all, or most, of the Australians ordered to leave California did so; on the other hand, there were others who departed hurriedly without risking discipline at the hands of the Vigilantes.17 In carrying out the sentences imposed by the Committee, it seems that due attention was paid to the ordinary dictates of humanity. The illness of Mrs. Goff, for instance, whose husband was under orders to leave California by a specified date, secured for her family an extension of time.18 Valuables found upon the persons of prisoners were guarded and restored at the time of departure, and business affairs were adjusted for several who were deported under supervision of the Committee.10 Food and blankets were provided for those whe were unable to purchase supplies for the voyage to Sydney.20 However one may be inclined to judge the actions of the Committee, the record of its dealings with prisoners is a most significant indication of the aims, methods, and temper of its is Coleman said that about thirty people were banished (MS Statement, 24), but Bluxome, speaking with apparent exaggeration, said: "I suppose we sent back . . . some three to five hundred at different times ' ' (MS State ment, 15). The Herald, 1851, Oct. 17 %, stated that fifty-three had been sent away. There are bills for the passage of several (Papers, Voucher no. 5, p. 772, and nos. 35, 43). " Papers, 84, 124, 132, 279. is Papers, 195. ^See Papers, Index under "Receipts for effects," and supra, p. 232. 20 Papers, 338, 625. Problems and Methods of Administration 363 members. Arrogating to themselves, as they did, the power of life and death and the right to lay hands on any man or woman, they were far more merciful to the majority of their prisoners than the courts might have been if juries had strictly interpreted the existing statutes. Whipping could be inflicted for petty larceny, but of all the petty thieves that came before them the Vigilantes whipped but one. Grand larceny, highway robbery, and horse stealing were liable to capital punishment in the state of California. There was clear proof that certain prisoners of the Committee were guilty of such crimes, but with four exceptions they were turned over to the authorities and given a chance to fight for their lives in legal trials.21 Cutler said that vigilance committees almost invariably incline to ready conviction and severe punishments.22 As the Committee of 1851 discharged out right over forty-four per cent of its prisoners, its record deserves a place by itself in the annals of popular tribunals. The records reporting the dealings of the Committee of Vigi lance with its prisoners constitute the larger part of the seven hundred and fifty pages of the Minutes and Miscellaneous Papers. Another important source of information is to be found in the papers of the treasurers, which fill fifty more pages in the volume of documents.28 Some reference has been made to them in speak ing of the financial difficulties of tbe organization. They will repay more extended study not only for their statistical value. but also for the light they throw on the methods of the Com mittee and on local conditions in San Francisco. During the early days of the Committee the sergeant-at-arms collected and distributed funds without strict supervision from any ranking officer or committee. He kept a cashbook. of which only a fragment has been preserved. His vouchers, also, are far from complete, so that his accounts show an expenditure of 21 The outcome of some of the legal trials is noted in the Papers, S2.5- 826. 22 Cutler, Lynch-Law, 135. 23 See Papers, 752-805. 364 Vigilance Committee of 1851 $575.58 for which items cannot be assigned.24 On and after June 19, 1851, he was directed to pay funds into the hands of the treasurer, and to contract no expenses without the sanction of the Finance Committee.25 The papers of the treasurers are in more satisfactory con dition. J. W. Salmon presented a single report on July 7, 1851, when he turned his work over to Eugene Delessert, who acted as treasurer until April 1, 1852. Delessert kept all his papers in a file separate from that of the secretary. His accounts were based upon the items of one hundred and three receipted bills, which are now carefully arranged in bundles and numbered consecutively. As the numbering of these vouchers often ignored sequence of date for a classification by subject, it is the opinion of the writer that Delessert arranged them just prior to his resignation and then copied them in serial order into his cashbook. This theory is sustained by the uniformity of the handwriting in the book and by the fact that the footings of the pages were merely carried forward, without balances, until near the end of his term, when his successor, George R. Ward, audited the accounts. If such were his methods he risked inaccuracies that might have been avoided by more frequent balances, in fact a checking of his figures discloses an error of $100 in tbe addition of one column of receipts, a possible duplication of entries for liquors, amount ing to $58, and another for the salary of the sergeant-at-arms, amounting to $280.26 George R. Ward approved the final accounts so that it is probable that they were understood at the time. It is only necessary to call attention to these features of the financial documents in order to caution the reader that their accuracy cannot be regarded as absolutely above question. 2* See Papers, 764, 765, 800-805. The fragment of MeDuffee's cash book has not been printed. 25 Papers, 60, 91. 26 See Papers, 822 note. Delessert also made an error of one dollar in adding expenses, p. 757. Problems and Methods of Administration 365 From April 5 to November 24, 1852, the book was continued in Mr. Ward 's handwriting. The receipts there recorded amounted to only $310 and the account was closed by some confused figures which apparently reported total receipts of $340. Taken as a whole, the pages of "Financial Accounts and Vouchers" show the care exercised to provide safeguards against irregularities and carelessness, for except in the earlier vouchers of McDuffee the approval of two or three members of the Finance Committee was signed across nearly every bill that might involve questions of accuracy or of expediency. In preparing the docu ments for publication it seemed advisable to make a classified analysis of expenses as a guide to any student who might care to note the prices current in California in 1S51. That table appears in Appendix D of the Papers, but a summary will be interesting here since it gives a valuable (due to many of the activities of the Committee. Classification or Expenses of the Committee op Vioii-ante June 9 to Sept. 17, 1851 Rent $1,100.00 Salary: Sergeant-at-arms 484.00 Secretary Porter 257.00 Headquarters: Labor, equipment, stationery, lights 1,500.00 Advertising 280.00 Water police 1,317.24 Travel and pursuit of criminals 848.25 Livery 231.00 Passage of convicts 425.00 Liquor: at headquarters 152.50 on Adirondack 40.00 Liquor or refreshments 298.00 Refreshments 132.71 Cigars 19.50 Sundry 201.75 Unitemized balance 520.58 $7,807.53 Sept. 17, 1851, to June 17, 1*52 Total $425.00 $1,525.00 1,097.11 300.00 2,138.11 414.84 1,914.84 62.75 342.75 125.00 1,442.24 848.25 231.00 425.00 192.50 298.00 132.71 19.50 443.70 645.45 520.5S $2,S6S.40 $10,675.93 366 Vigilance Committee of 1851 This segregation of expenses shows at a glance the cost of headquarters and of salaries. The vouchers for these groups of expenditures are indicated by number in the Appendix to the Papers. They show, for instance, that lumber sold at the rate of five and a half cents a foot, while carpenters' wages were $10 a day.27 George, the porter or servant at headquarters, received only $100 a month, with $3.50 for extra days. At the termination of his engagement, when his pay was $137.50 in arrears, he annotated his final receipt with the querulous com plaint, "Paid me only 137 Dollars."28 The amount spent for advertising is a proof of the many notices issued through the Herald, the Alta, the Courier, the Picayune, and the Pacific Star; even the Morning Post, in spite of an unfriendly attitude, served as a medium of communication between the Committee and the public at large. The time and place of meetings were often matters of general knowledge, and the names of president and secretary were frequently subscribed to official notices. Traveling expenses and the pursuit of criminals cost the Com mittee $848. The itemized account of the expenses of one expedi tion included steamer fees and hotel bills for a party of three for several days, and showed charges surprisingly moderate for those early times.29 It is little wonder that the bills of the water police were paid under protest ! A single statement presented by Captain Water man, possibly for service following the fire of June 22, called for $479. Another, in July, was for $192.30 The total cost of boats and boatmen amounted to $1317. 27 Papers, Voucher no. 27. 28 Papers, Voucher no. 54. 29 Papers, Voucher no. 10, p. 773. an Papers, Vouchers no. 6, p. 770, no. 4, p. 771. See also Vouchers nos. 86-88. Problems and Methods of Administration 367 One group of bills furnishes an interesting light on the morale of the Committee. During the early days of the association, while the sergeant-at-arms had a free hand, liquor to the amount of $150 was purchased for headquarters. The committee that examined the passengers on board the Adirondack was furnished with gin and brandy that cost $40 and cigars that cost $18.31 On July 2 a resolution of the General Committee ruled that in future no spiritous liquor should be introduced into headquarters. Stimulants, if needed, were to be served only in the form of hot coffee.82 After the adoption of this motion there was a bill for a case of claret and for three gallons of "alcohol." These contraband articles were bought by McDuffee on July 31. For some reason ignored in the records, the sergeant-at-arms was officially censured by vote of the Executive Committee a few days later, and was asked to tender his resignation. lie was allowed to continue in office only after promising to "abstain in future from the faults complained of." He finally gave up his position on August 29. No further purchase of liquor appeared among the vouchers.33 Refreshments amounting to nearly $8710 were furnished from time to time by the Pioneer Club and the Oriental Hotel. A part of these charges may have been for drink, although the legitimate expense of feeding prisoners was undoubtedly large. We find, therefore, that in the first six weeks of its work the Committee expended over $200 on liquor but made almost no official purchases of that kind after July 25. It was a time when intoxicants were consumed in enormous quanti ties in California, but whatever may have been the personal habits of individual committeemen, the records show that dissipation was frowned upon by the Committee as a whole and that the convivial tendencies displayed by Mr. Andrew Jackson McDuffee were sternly checked by his fellow Vigilantes. «> Papers, Vouchers nos. 14, 21, 57, 58, 111. to Papers, 339. 83 See Papers, Voucher no. 101, and pp. 418, 571. 368 Vigilance Committee of 1851 Of one thing we may be very sure: The hundreds of pages preserved in the archives of the Committee were not written by men habitually under the influence of liquor. Their very faults of composition, spelling, and punctuation show that they are not revised copies prepared for public inspection, and every hasty line gives evidence of the alert brain and the steady hand that directed the pen of the scribe. And this may be the place to emphasize the fact that these papers are clean — not only from the standpoint of a student of documents, but also from the standpoint of one who would judge the authors themselves by their reactions under such unusual circumstances. They dealt with the daily life of men and women who defied all restraints of decency, but the papers are never indecent. The few sentences expurgated before publi cation were consigned to oblivion only because their expressions were unnecessarily crude and startling in presenting certain facts that were fully established elsewhere. While it may have been necessary to check, by resolution, indecency of speech within the rooms,34 the most trivial scrap of official record shows that the writers were inspired with a sense of the dignity and importance of the work they had undertaken and had no desire to sully it with vulgarity of thought or word. But little more need be said upon the subject of finances, for while the items of expenditure can be segregated with profit, the sources of the revenue can not be analyzed with exactness. Initiation fees, monthly dues, fines, and outside subscriptions are confused in their entry. An approximate classification, dependent upon the judgment of the compiler in interpreting the items, may be given as follows : Receipts of the Committee Initiation fees, dues and fines _ $6,296.38 Subscriptions 3,933.77 Sale of certificates of membership 175.00 Sundry sources 269.78 $10,674.93 si Papers, 397. Problems and Methods of Administration 369 In addition to this was the $4700 raised for the county jail. Therefore, if the analysis of receipts is approximately correct, total subscriptions donated in excess of standing assessments amounted to over $8000. The fact that a great part of this sum came from the merchants of the city, many of whom were not members of the Committee, is an indication of the public support that was extended to the association.35 It was only the existence of such general approval that made it possible for the Committee to carry out its program of un authorized interference with the established institutions of the state. It is very clear that from the moment when Jenkins' sen tence was approved by the crowd assembled beneath the sand dune rostrum on Market and Bush streets, the Committee was convinced that its organization had achieved a position fairly representative of the mind of the community. That conviction was constantly fostered by the open commendation of the press.36 Many exact citations from the daily papers have been incor porated in this volume in order to associate with the initiative of the Committee the constant support received from the men outside its ranks. "We did not put them [the authorities] at defiance," said Ryckman. "It was the sound, sober sense of the people that recognized the Committee as just."'17 85 Soo donation of Flint, Peabody and Company, and tlie facsimile of a list of subscribers, Papers, 527, 712. """With one single exception the entire press of this city, Sacramento, Stockton, Marysville and Sonora have justified and sustained the citizens, regarding their action as the result of painful, deplorable necessity" (Alta, 1851, June 16 %). The exception was the Morning Post, an unimportant shoot, which ceased publication in November. The California correspondent of the New York Tribune thought the press of the state was so controlled by the advertising patronage of the merchants who led in the Committee,' that disapproval would have been disastrous. The Alta indignantly denied the impeachment. (Dec. 19 %), but it may have had some foundation, especially as the Herald was almost wrecked in 1856 by the withdrawal of • advertising patronage in consequence of its disapproval of the reorgahized committee (see infra, p. 410). "Byekman, MS Statement, 9. 370 Vigilance Committee of 1851 This outspoken and widespread approval, coupled with the frankness with which the Committee announced its purposes and its personnel, formed a combination that actually gave the anomalous body a definite standing even in the eyes of the con stituted authorities, and made possible those curious instances we have noted of cooperation between the lawful representatives of the people and the unlawful association that assumed power to supervise and override their proceedings. The governor of the state interfered only once in all the exciting events of 1851. The mayor of the city interfered not at all, except at the sum mons of the governor, and both of these magistrates met the Vigilantes, in amicable conference, within the sacred precincts of the Executive Chamber. Sheriff Hays, as we have seen, was aided in his official exertions by the generous sum raised for the completion of the jail, and it does not appear that these cordial relations were affected by his varying success in the service of writs of habeas corpus, or by the seizure and the subsequent recapture of Whittaker and McKenzie. With punctilious for mality President Payran would order his chief of police to hand over the body of a certain prisoner to the sheriff of the county, to take an acknowledgment of the transaction, and "herein fail not." With equal formality the sheriff or his deputy would accept the captive, and endorse on the order a receipt for the person named, from the hands of the "Chief of Police of the Vigilance Committee."38 Other sheriffs seem to have approved of the methods of the Committee, and two such officials sent to headquarters descrip tions of escaped prisoners with the request that they should be captured if possible. The sheriff of Butte County characterized one man as such a pest to society that any assistance "your honourable and gentlemanly Committee can render, in retaking him will be highly appreciated by . . . this whole community."39 38 Papers, 346, 347, 426, 427. 39 Papers, 278. Problems and Methods of Administration 371 N. M. McKimmey, of Napa, was quite willing that the Commit tee should hang without ado a certain blond Dutch horse thief, a linguist of sorts, who wore a white fur hat and a large blue coat closely buttoned to the chin.40 Both of these fortunate rascals seem to have escaped detection in San Francisco for their names do not reappear in the annals of the Committee. Officers of the army and the navy also cooperated with the officers of the Committee of Vigilance.41 The representatives of foreign nations gave the countenance of their presence on several occasions.42 More interesting still was the relation which existed between the Committee and the grand jury for the July term. on which served the eight Vigilantes who were charged by Judge Campbell with the Spartan duty of bringing against themselves indictments for the murder of Stuart. This was tbe jury that requested from the Committee information in the case of T. , Belcher Kay, and visited headquarters to obtain it.43 But in all the history of the Committee there was no incident more significant of its place in the estimation of the people than was the gift of a large and handsome banner by the women belonging to Trinity Church. This flag was always considered one of the treasures of the Committee of 1851, and it was carried by the group of original members who participated in the great parade that marked the close of the activities of the Committee of 1856.44 It was finally given to Mr. John S. Ellis, as a souvenir of his services in both Committees. It is now in the possession *o Papers, 621-622. "The attitude of Lieutenant Derby has already been noted (supra, p. 316) ; the captain and officers of the revenue cutter Polk gave useful information more than once (Papers, 134, 136, 203, 207, 2091, and there were friendly relations with the officers of the sloop of war Yincenn-es (ibid., 438, 440). S. F. Blunt and Lafayette Maynard, listed as officers in the Navy, were members of the Committee (C. of V., Constitution, 56). "The British consul, George Aiken, attended Stuart's examination, and the French consul that of Le Bras (Papers, 176, 275. See also supra p. 340). 43 See supra, p. 283. ** See infra, p. 403. 372 Vigilance Committee of 1851 of members of his family, having by great good fortune escaped the fate that destroyed so many relics of pioneer days, and its beauty, softened but unimpaired by the lapse of years, still offers tribute to the Vigilantes of 1851. 45 The banner was presented and accepted with appropriate remarks. The spokesman for the ladies stated that the gift was inspired by gratitude for the improved conditions brought about by the work of the Committee, and for the protection it afforded to the women who had formerly been distracted by constant fears of violence. He explained that the wreath of oak and fig and olive leaves that decorated one side of the banner was symbolic of the strength of the Committee of Vigilance and of the peace it had given to the homes of the city. The wreath of flowers on the reverse, enclosing the inscription of the donors, was emblem atic of the gentler nature of the women who thus offered their thanks. The response of the representatives of the Committee re iterated the principle that the radical action of the Vigilantes was justified by the necessity for self-preservation when the safety of their families demand some prompt and energetic action. It may be inferred that Payran wrote the sentences which read :46 We are naturally and instinctively a law loving and law abiding people, and have those principles, inherited from our fathers, too deeply rooted ever to be eradicated. But we have also inherited another great principle, or rather we have it inherent, one of the fundamental principles of nature, and that is the principle of self preservation, "which springs eternal in the human heart." * * * Our people submitted to repeated injuries and unheard of outrages, in the vain hope that the great majesty of the law would lend an ear to 45 The banner is now in the possession of Mr. Ashfield Ellis Stow, of San Francisco. Photographs are reproduced in the Papers, to face pp. 438, 439. A smaller banner was presented to the Committee by Messrs. Plum and Warner (Papers, 339). io Prom the Herald, 1851, August 12 ty,. Signed by Stephen Payran, Eugene Delessert, F. A. Woodworth, D. S. "Turner, C. B. Bond and G. M. Garwood. Extracts from the presentation speech are printed in the Appen dix, p. 471. Problems and Methods of Administration 373 their complaints and mete out impartial and even-handed justice. They submitted with patience until patience ceased to be a virtue, and their own safety and the safety of their families demanded some prompt and energetic action. It was at this critical moment the Committee of Vigilance sprung, spontaneously as it were, into existence. The people from whom emanate . all human laws, rose in their might, by common impulse, and resolved to carry out, themselves, the true spirit of the laws by which we are governed. In pursuance of their duties, the Committee have been ever sensible of the weight of responsibility they have assumed, the delicacy of their position before the world, and have endeavored always to be guided in their deliberations by a proper sense of reason and justice. The addresses embody anew that spirit which we have already recognized as shaping American thoughts towards the conviction that "The People" might' assume direct control of the govern ment when the established order failed to function for the good of the. community. It was the same spirit that inspired the an nouncement of the policy of search without warrant ; that refused obedience to the writ of habeas corpus; that animated Stephen Payran when he wrote: "The people only can redress griev ances," and again: "It is an old and popular doctrine, that it may be necessary to sacrifice the government to the people, but never the people to the government"; that prompted the Com mittee of Sonora to say that in the existing dangers of society the people should resume the power they had delegated to in capable or unfaithful servants ; that impelled Schenek to write : "Let them [officials] know that they are the servants of the people, and to them they must surrender their trust when not faithfully executed."47 The logical process of this idea inevitably tended either towards anarchy or towards some modification of the social mechanism that would provide a lawful readjustment of the relations between "people" and "servants" in cases where friction was developed to an intolerable degree. But the Vigilantes of 1851 honestly thought they were defending their "For the citations, see Papers, 700, 373, 617, 635. 374 Vigilance Committee of 1851 sacred constitution from the machinations of a "corrupt minor ity."48 Approval of the Committee of Vigilance was not limited to San Francisco. Everywhere in California the courts were proving inefficient. Everywhere the miners still made their own laws for the regulation of claims,49 and settled many vexed questions in open meetings. Members of such communities con stantly reverted to popular trials and punishments as they found themselves overrun with vicious and dangerous neighbors. Hang ings and whippings and brandings, conflicts with sheriffs, and cruelty alike to innocent and guilty, had become all too common in the state.50 The precedent set in San Francisco was welcomed as a means of securing prompt punishment without the demoral izing accompaniments of irresponsible mobs and brutal vengeance. A plan for a state-wide movement had been one of the early ideals of the San Francisco association, and the suggestion that other communities should organize for protection met with immediate response. On July 1 the editor of the Herald spoke with approval of the organization of committees in the interior i8 See Papers, 373, and Index under "C. of V. — Theory of Organiza tion." Bluxome said: "There is a time when men should take the law into their own hands" (MS Statement, 10). A. M. Comstock, of the Com mittee of '56, said: "The community resolved itself back into its original rights, and took the law into its own hands" (MS Vigilance Committees — Miscellany, 37). The "right of insurrection" was defended in the Herald, 1851, August 11 %; Alta, June 14 %; Nov. 8 %; Nov. 15 %; Sacramento Union, Nov. 10 %. The grand jury of Marysville deprecated the evils that gave rise to the Committees of Vigilance, but felt that they could not be dispensed with (Alta, August 20 %). 49 See supra, p. 74. Referring to the miners ' action in criminal affairs, Bancroft' said that their courts were not wholly abrogated until after 1854 (Popular Tribunals, I, 436). See also his California. Inter Pocula, 240; Borthwiek, Three Years, 125, 154-156; Helper, Land of Gold, 151-153. 5° Ide wrote in December, 1851: "Last year the whole interior of Colusi [sic] County fell a prey to lawless maurauders and thieves, to suppress which 'lynch-law' was resorted to, to supply the defects of such systems of law as were, in the exigencies of the case, imported from, and alone applicable to, other communities — differing as widely from ours as light from dark ness" (Biographical Sketch, 235). See also Carr, Pioneer Days, 134-135; Memoirs of Cornelius Cole, 86-91; Mrs. D. B. Bates, Incidents on Land and Water, 1858, p. 121. Problems and Methods of Administration 375 towns;51 by the end of the month Governor McDougal felt it necessary to issue his proclamation against a widespread Vigi lante movement; and when in December Metcalf asked for a change of venue in his suit against committeemen and alleged that justice could not be expected in San Francisco, it was stated in reply that a change would be fruitless, as Vigilance Com mittees existed in nearly every county of California.52 There is no evidence that the relation between these scattered bodies was based on any closer bond than friendship and cooperation. At one time a suggestion was made that the San Francisco ( om- mittee should send delegates to organize Vigilantes throughout the state, but no resultant action was recorded, although a recommendation that subcommittees of correspondence should be established was adopted, at least by the Committee of Santa Clara.58 It Was not surprising that the scheme of protective com mittees was approved in the old mining centers, where men were already accustomed to volunteer associations. Stockton, for instance, had attempted popular organization very early in its history. In the sumer of 1850 a "Vigilance Committee" of fifteen citizens had been appointed to solicit from the state and military authorities assistance in preserving order.54 This was. perhaps, the first use of the specific name that became so familiar in 1851, but it is not apparent that any success attended the effort. Allusion has already been made to the public demand for summary action when the band of horse thieves was discovered 61 "Other cities in the interior have imitated the example of San Fran cisco, and have instituted Branch Vigilance Committees, who act in concert with the parent body. They have recently displayed tlie same energy and vigor that have characterized our own Association. It is probable that such branches will be established throughout all the settlements in the country, when by concert and correspondence, speedy justice will be sure to overtake the criminal, however rapid or remote his flight" (Herald. 1S51. July 1 %). " Herald, 1851, Dec. 20 %. 58 See Papers, 281, 283, 391, 527. 5* Alta, 1850, July 19 =i. 376 Vigilance Committee of 1851 in June, 1851, and of its contributing influence upon San Fran cisco affairs. Almost coincident with the formation of the San Francisco association, that is, on June 13, one hundred and seventy citizens of Stockton formed a volunteer patrol, which later developed into a Committee of Vigilance with regular officers, who corresponded with the Committee of San Fran cisco and joined with Sonora in the search for Whittaker and McKenzie. It was this body which transferred the thief, Jenks, to the Committee of San Francisco and recommended mercy, in spite of his evident guilt.55 One of the first communities to fall into line was the town of Marysville. A volume of minutes of a formal Committee of Vigilance is still preserved in the public library of that city.56 The initial entry gave minutes for a meeting on June 24, which was an adjournment from an earlier gathering. Eleven more meetings were reported at intervals until August 26. The con stitution as published in the Marysville Herald was signed by one hundred and twenty-seven persons and was almost identical with that of the San Francisco Committee. The minutes do not indicate, however, that an Executive Committee took the initia tive, and all the gatherings were open to the entire membership.57 Permanent headquarters were leased and guards appointed, but no action of any particular interest was reported. The Com mittee of Marysville corresponded with that of San Francisco in regard to the Stuart-Berdue trials, transmitted information relative to various criminals, and assisted at the rescue of Mary Lye. In October a standing committee of ten was charged with the further conduct of affairs, and the general committee ceased ss See supra, p. 320; Papers, Index under "C. of V. of Stockton"; Popular Tribunals, I, 449-451. se Minutes of the Vigilance Committee of Marysville, 1851. Transcript obtained through the kindness of Dr. O. C. Coy. 57 An Executive Committee of five was appointed, July 19, to assist the president, and another on July 29, but their proceedings are not noted. Problems and Methods of Administration 377 operations. The daily papers spoke of temporary revivals of a Vigilance Committee in November, 1851, and in the spring of 1852. Bancroft said that the original organization, or its suc cessors, continued activities for many years and participated in public affairs as late as January, 1858.68 The citizens of Santa Clara, called together by a public notice, met on or about June 25, 1851, adopted resolutions endorsing the action of the San Francisco Committee of Vigilance and organ ized a local association. The San Francisco Herald, noting with great approval "that not a single citizen has yet refused to join," hoped for efficient cooperation between the societies of the interior towns. Several letters showed the warm support the smaller body offered to the San Francisco Committee, and one of them, dated "Vigilance Association Rooms," indicated that permanent head quarters were occupied in Santa Clara. One of the first acts was to furnish bail for a well-known thief, to make his temporary freedom the occasion of a whipping, and then to return him to the more lenient courts. At another time this Committee con victed an old man and his son of cattle stealing and sentenced both to corporal punishment. The father pleaded for mercy on account of his age and the son sturdily offered to bear a double share, an act of filial piety that moved the judges to remit the chastisement of the elder, although the dutiful son received his own allotted stripes.59 The Alta California of June 28 stated that a Committee of Vigilance had been formed in Sacramento, where two hundred and thirteen citizens had signed the roll of members. This organ ization cooperated with the San Francisco Committee in the search for Kay, and for Whittaker and McKenzie. but no other "See Popular Tribunals, I, 300, 454-456; History of Tuba County, 124; Alta, 1851, Nov. 14 %; 15 %; Herald, 1852, March 23 af «°See Papers, Index under "C. of V. of Santa Clara"; Popular Trib unals, I, 474-475; Herald, 1851, July 3 %; Alta, August 30 %. 378 Vigilance Committee of 1851 record of its activities appears in the Papers."0 Early in July there was great excitement in Sacramento over a murderous assault made upon James Wilson, and a Vigilance Committee was organized to demand the punishment of the four men who attacked him. The reports of the affair make it appear that this body had impromptu officers chosen by the crowd, and it may have lacked organic connection with the permanent society started in June. However that may be, we learn that when the governor reprieved one of the highwaymen who had been legally convicted and sentenced to death, the bandit was hanged by popular action immediately after the lawful execution of two of his companions. On that occasion Joseph R. Beard, president of the permanent Vigilance Committee, was chairman of the citizens' committee in charge of the hanging.61 On June 28 the people of Sonora lynched a confessed thief, named Hill, and a day or two later a Vigilance Committee was privately organized. It immediately sent the San Francisco Committee a report of nine rogues implicated in Hill's confes sion, and at other times it transmitted useful information. Its members also gave cordial assistance to the San Francisco dele gates who searched for Whittaker, and they passed resolutions condemning Governor McDougal's seizure of him and of his companion, McKenzie. The correspondence showed that regular officers directed the affairs of the organization and that letters were dated from the "Chamber" of the society. Lang's History of Tuolumne County gave some account of severe floggings ad ministered by the Sonora Committee, and Bancroft mentioned other excessive punishments. But the local Directory boasted that the Committee refrained from all excesses and turned over eo Papers, 392, 415. si See Papers, 366 note 2; History of Sacramento County, 125-126; Popular Tribunals, I, 441-448. The Sacramento Union, 1851, July 10, gave the officers chosen at the impromptu meeting on July 9. Bancroft gave the same names as if elected on June 25, and made no distinction between a permanent and temporary organization. Problems and Methods of Administration 379 to the officers of the law the only man that came before them charged with a capital offense.62 Sometime in July a Committee was organized in Nevada City. In response to a request for a copy of the constitution of the San Francisco Committee Stephen Payran addressed to the new society a characteristic letter which set forth the aims and ideals of the Vigilance movement in the following grandiloquent terms :"8 Our great aim, gentlemen, is to remove corruption from high placesv to advance the safety and interest of our adopted state, to establish justice and virtue, without which our fall and ruin would be certain. . . It is an old and popular doctrine, that it may be necessary to sacrifice the government to the people, but never the people to the government. That your course may be marked with prudence and justice, may God grant. Do not permit vindictiveness to enter into your deliberations. Be calm and determined; swerve not to the right nor to the left, but «o onward in your pursuit of right. Be of one mind, and carry your point. The might, majesty, and power of the people can overcome all impending evils; like the thunders of heaven it will shake to naught all corruptive influences, and drive its authors into oblivion. Let the motto nf our fathers be ours to sustain and perpetuate — Virtue, Liberty. Let us show ourselves worthy of our origin, determined to sustain and support the blessed privileges bequeathed by them to us. The moment we render up one tittle of the sacred constitution under which we were born, and which cost so much to obtain, and permit a small and corrupt minority tn prescribe, we lose our caste, and our boasted institution will become the laughing stock of the world. Late in the fall the organization appointed an Executive Com mittee, modeled, we may presume, on the system adopted in San Francisco. The genesis of the Committee of Mokelumne Hill was typical of the temper of the time. The settlement was a mining camp. 02 See Papers, Index under "C. of V. of Sonora"; History of Tuolumne County [by Lang], 79-81; Heckendorn & Wilson, Miners $¦ Business Men's Directory, 44; Popular Tribunals, I, 467-469; Sacramento Union, 1851 July 11; Herald, July 14 %; Sept. 19 %; Alta, July 2 %; Aug. 29 %; Sept. 19 %. 03 Papers, 373-374. See also Herald, 1851, July 29 %; Alta, Nov. 21 %. 380 Vigilance Committee of 1851 still primitive and crude, and dependent upon the county magis trates at Jackson for the restraint and punishment of criminals. But the county jail was so insecure and the county courts were so inefficient that the thugs of Mokelumne Hill had little cause to fear the law. Therefore the miners of that town approved the customs of '49 that lynched murderers red-handed. In July, 1851, one John Nelson was so sentenced to death.64 In November another murder was committed but the people were persuaded to leave the criminal in the hands of the sheriff at Jackson.65 A general jail delivery at Jackson on Christmas night did not increase confidence in the constituted authorities. A popular jury immediately assembled at Mokelumne to try a man named Campbell who had wantonly killed a Chileno on Christmas Day. The verdict was "guilty," but the crowd was influenced to vote for the transfer of Campbell to the authorities. His friends took advantage of the reprieve to appeal his case to a smaller meeting, which voted to discharge him unpunished.66 On December 28 the better element of the camp organized a Vigilance Committee, elected responsible officers, and requested a model constitution from San Francisco. The ensuing weeks were nearly free from crimes of violence. Late in March a murder was committed and the Committees of Mokelumne Hill and Stockton united in an unsuccessful pursuit. A series of daring robberies occurred about the same time. The offender was detected and forced to confess and the Committee decided to deal with him on the spot, as delivery to Jackson would inevitably end in his release or escape. He was accordingly sentenced to death, allowed the ministrations of a priest, and hanged the next day, with the full approval of the town. The Committee deplored the fact that the necessity existed for such extreme measures, but oi Alta, 1851, July 7 %. I have found no record of the execution. 65 Alta, 1851, Nov. 3 %. oo Alta, 1851, Dec. 30 %; Herald, 1852, Jan. 2 %. Problems and Methods of Administration 381 announced that it would not disband until affairs promised better for the protection of society. Bancroft stated that the Committee of Mokelumne Hill subsequently reorganized to assist the regular courts and to oppose irresponsible mobs.07 Committees of Vigilance with formal organization and per manent officers existed in other communities. The San Francisco society sent its constitution to a Committee at San Jose and cor responded with a Committee at Wymans Ravine.08 In the autumn of 1851 "respectable citizens" of Scott's Valley, then in Klamath County, assured the Indian agent that if he would negotiate treaties with the natives they would punish all bad white men who might violate the provisions therein. In report ing this action the agent wrote :60 I am utterly opposed to the jurisdiction of "Judge Lynch" in all ordinary cases; but until a military post is established on this exposed frontier, and society assumes a more settled, regular form, there seems to be no other course left for the protection of either person or property. In 1853, when residents of Humboldt County protested against the issuance of school warrants that would depreciate the value of desirable farming land, they resolved:70 "That the Vigilance Committee be instructed to stop all further location of school warrants in Humboldt township." The ways of the miners of 1852. at Scott's Bar. Shasta County, were told in a picturesque story "founded on fact" published in the Overland- Monthly.71 The theft of a large amount of gold dust led to the hasty formation of a Vigilance ot Papers, 718, 730-732, 744-745; Popular Tribunals, I. 465-467; Borth- wick, Three Years, 317-318; Alta, 1852, Jan. 5 ~i; Herald, March 24 %; 26%; April 4%. «8 Papers, 676, 708-709. 60Redick McKee to C. E. Mix, Acting Commissioner of Indian Affairs, Oct. 28, 1851, Cong. Docs., Ser. No. 688, Doc. 4, p. 212. ™ Herald, 1853, Oct. 23 %; Placerville Herald, Oct. 29 %. 71 W. M. Turner, "How We Did It on Scott's Bar," Overland Monthly, XIV (1875), 377-381. 382 Vigilance Committee of 1851 Committee, the pursuit of the thief, his arrest, trial, confession, and corporal punishment. ' ' It gave the Bar a rough name, ' ' said the pioneer raconteur, "an' there wasn't another robbery there as long as I can remember." He vouched for the authenticity of the copy of the warrant issued for the fugitive by the "old chief of the Vigilantes" at Humbug. It read as follows : State of California, County of Shaste Shaste Plains Township Vigelant Com Vs Dr Baid To any constable of Shaste Plains Township this day complaint having Laid before me Vigelant Committee that the crime of felony has Ben commited and acusing the above named Dr Baid of the same there fore you are to arest the said Dr Baid and bring him before the people and to be delt with acording to their Judgment. A. Boles Treka 1852 chairman of Commitee There were popular tribunals in Southern California also during this period,72 but there was not a well defined movement towards the organization of permanent Committees of Vigilance. Conditions of life there were so distinctly different from those that developed about the mining centers of the North, that although they are an integral and important part of the progress of the state as a whole, it has not seemed necessary to enlarge upon them in studying the historical background of the Committee of San — Francisco. Still, the courts in Southern California, like those in '>v the North, failed to check crime. There were many robberies and murders and much trouble with lawless bands of Mexican bandits.73 In July, 1851, the citizens of Los Angeles organized a volunteer police force that served under the orders of the authori ties, and Bancroft spoke of a Vigilance Committee that was 72 Rodman said there were few instances of lynch law in Southern Cali fornia, Bench and Bar of Southern California, 45. Bancroft noted several instances, Popular Tribunals, I, 486-514. 73 The San Francisco Herald, 1851, Oct. 29 %, quoted the Los Angeles Star as saying that in the past fifteen months there had been forty-four homicides, and only one trial for murder in Los Angeles County. Problems and Methods of Administration 383 acting in the autumn of 1852.74 Two years later conditions in Los Angeles were so bad that the San Francisco Herald advised the citizens of that town to organize an effective Committee, to which the Los Angeles Star of November 30, 1854, made reply that such an association was unnecessary.76 Just at that time one David Brown was on trial for a murder that had nearly led to his lynching in October. He had then been saved by the efforts of the mayor, Stephen C. Foster, who quieted a mob by promising immediate justice in the courts. Brown was convicted and sentenced, but reprieved at the last minute. Mayor Foster promptly resigned his position, and on January 12 led an indignant crowd that stormed the jail and hanged the murderer. A few days later Foster was re-elected to his former office.7''' Other Committees of Vigilance besides those already men tioned were noted in the California papers between the years 1851 and 1856.77 Bancroft repeated and supplemented these allusions, but the references were so brief and so disconnected that it is impossible to say whether the societies were permanent in character or were temporary associations formed to meet particular emergencies. It is possible that more extended re search might uncover traces of others, but the facts already col lected are sufficient to sfrow that the Committees of Vigilance, as organized by responsible citizens, made a sincere effort to secure ,v_ ._. ~i Popular Tribunals, I, 489, 492. « Popular Tribunals, I, 493-494. ™ Popular Tribunals, I, 494-496; Newmark, Sixty Years, 139-141; His tory of Los Angeles County (1880), 78-79. Another convicted murderer, named Alvitre, was hanged at the same time. TT Notices may be found of Committees at Barton's Bar, 1851 (Alta. Aug. 22 %); Natchez, 1851 (Alta, Nov. 15 73; Popular Tribunals, I, 456); Urass Valley, 1851 (Popular Tribunals, I, 456'); Shasta, 1851 (Popular Tribunals, I, 457; Alta, Aug. 20 %) ; Columbia, 1851 (Popidar Tribunals. I, 469-470); Santo Cruz, 1852, 1853 (Popidar Tribunals, I, 477): Campo Seco, 1852 (Herald, Feb. 24 ^) ; Jackson, 1852 (Alta, Mav 31 -4) : Oak land, 1852, 1854 (Herald, 1852, Dec. 14 -:, ; 1854. Aug. 24 -;1); Nelson Creek, 1853-1854 (Illustrated Histoni of Plumas. Lassen and Sierra Coun ties, 214-215); Mariposa, 1854 (Popidar Tribunals, I, 467: Alta, March 18%; Herald, April 10 --i); Coulterville, 1856 (Alta, April 29 ?(;, but he failed to give the sources of his information.4 T. II. Hittell cited the California Chronicle of December, 1855, as stating that in the state at large, during the preceding eleven months, five hundred and thirty -five homicides had occurred, and forty-nine hangings by mobs, but only seven legal executions.5 2 See Herald, 1852, April 26 ft; June 6 ft.; Alta, 1853, July 31 ft; Herald, 1854, May 4 %; June 3 %; July 7 %; 1855, April 2 ft. The report of the grand jury for November, 1853, lamented an increase of crime, and noted that while the county jail held forty prisoners in March, 1851, the number had been trebled in March, 1853 (Alta, Nov. 29 ft). a See Helper, Land of Gold, 29, 253, 298; B. Brierly, Thoughts for the Crisis, 1856, p. 9; Popular Tribunals, I, 131. It was explained in the Phoenix, 1858, Feb. 14 %, that about three years earlier, H. H. Byrne had spoken of 200 and the papers had misprinted the number as 1200. The Plwenix was too scurrilous to deserve credence on any subject (see infra p. 402), and this paragraph may or may not contain a hint of truth. The single execution is described in Popular Tribunals, I, 135, 74ti-747. * J. S. Hittel, San Francisco, 243. The Herald, 1854, Sept 9 ft, spoke of 2000 murders which had taken place in the state since January, 1S49. 5 Hittell, California, III, 462. The Alta, 1856, Jan. 18 ft. quoted, with out contradiction, a statement in the New York Express, 1S55, Dee. 12, to the effect that in the preceding ten months there had been 4S9 murders in California, 6 executions by sheriffs and 46 lvnchings by mobs. See also infra, p. 397 note 30. 390 Vigilance Committee of 1851 In the dearth of official summaries the following paragraph published in the Herald, April 14, 1852, becomes a matter of interest : The idea is very generally entertained that the number of sudden deaths by accidents or violence is very great in this city. This, however, is incorrect, as the records show that but twenty-eight inquests have been held during the past eight months. For a city so large this is quite a small number. This brief report of the coroner covered the period from August, 1851, to March, 1852, during which the influence exerted by the Committee of Vigilance was a most stern reality. It showed an average of less than four deaths a month from accident and violence combined. If any reliance whatever can be placed on the figures quoted from other sources, it also indicated that the immediate result of the rule of the Vigilantes was a diminution of crime that deserves respectful attention. The acceptance and repetition by contemporary writers of the current summaries of crime is conclusive evidence that the estimates were not at variance with the facts as to the existing conditions. Sinister as they are, they do not betray the darkest menace that overhung the state,. for the youthful commonwealth had become a prey to despoilers far more dangerous than James Stuart and his accomplices or successors in crime. The latest plots were not hatched in the dens of Sydney Valley, but in the primaries, in the lobbies of the eapitol, and in the halls of the national Congress. While business men were struggling with fires and floods, with unsettled land titles, with an unsound bank ing system, with feverish speculation and delirious panics, the political schemers from the Southern plantations and from Tam many Hall had not wasted a moment since the summer of '49. It is no exaggeration to say that every interest in California except theirs trembled from hour to hour above quicksands of shifting fortune. Placer mining showed signs of speedy exhaus tion, and quartz mining was still in the experimental stage; the '51 to '77 391 agricultural methods familiar to farmers from the East were unsuited to the seasons of the Pacific Coast; and no great irri gation undertakings were possible while land titles were little more secure than a gambler's stake. The commercial markets, depleted on one day by a fire or by an unexpected demand, were glutted on the next by the arrival of laden clippers from New- York, and the caprice of public auction was the only standard of prices. The value of real estate in the cities rose and fell beyond all power of anticipation. Manufacture was almost pro hibited in a district that had developed no cheap or dependable supply of building material, fuel, or labor." The only stabilized asset in the state was official patronage. and the exploitation of a people absorbed in financial adventures and unambitious for political preferment. This exploitation was conducted with a persistency of purpose, a skill in organization. and an utter abandonment to corruption that turned party con ventions into a farce, dominated elections by bands of shoulder strikers and repeaters, and invented ballot boxes that served the bosses exactly as his magic hat serves the stage magician.7 Ama teur politicians were helpless in such hands. They passed ordi nances to regulate gambling, drinking, and social disorder/ built their jails, and even elected many incorruptible magistrates, but every sporadic effort at reform was frustrated by the intrigue that kept the tools of the bosses in the strategic positions of administration and finance. The Vigilance Committees, though they had certainly con tributed to the safety of particular communities, had nowhere 0 1854 and 1855 were years of disastrous failures. For financial and political conditions, see J. S. Hittell, San Francisco, 208-330; T. H. Hittell, California, III, 423-459; Bancroft, California, VI, chaps. 23-26; VII, chap. 8; Royce, California, 377-501. 'The "patent, double back action ballot box" is described and illus trated in Popular Tribunals, II, 1-21. 8 San Francisco passed various ordinances framed to close saloons at midnight, to suppress houses of ill fame and to control gambling, but it was almost impossible to avoid unconstitutional provisions, or to secure convic tions. See, for instance, the Alta, 1854, March 10 ft; April 6 ft; May 3 ft. 392 Vigilance Committee of 1851 succeeded in effecting any lasting reforms in local politics or in local courts. In most places their careers were brief, although the title, at first generally respected because of the character of the original Vigilantes, was often adopted by impromptu assemblies which formed hasty organizations to inflict impetuous punishments. But the men who led in the Committees of Vigil ance constantly reappeared as leaders in other forms of civic activity. In San Francisco, for instance, they showed their continued interest in public affairs by constant service on the grand jury. As late as 1855 six former Vigilantes were on the grand jury in July, eight in the following November, three or more in January, 1856, and five in March.9 Often they acted as foremen, signing to the reports of these authorized bodies the same names they had fearlessly attached to the incriminating documents filed by "No. 67, Secretary." Thus they continued their protest against political graft and political lassitude, against supervisors who robbed the city, merchants who shirked service on trial juries, and jurors who acquitted prisoners in the face of direct evidence of guilt. One censorious foreigner who re sided in the city in 1852 wrote that the grand jury was the only body in California which spoke its feelings and opinions fear lessly.10 By the spring of 1854 crime was again rife in San Francisco, burglaries had increased beyond all precedent, and in addition to the petty thieves, groups of determined squatters attempted to hold illegal possession of disputed tracts of land. To meet 9 Reports of grand juries, and lists of jurors may be found as follows: 1851, Herald, August 1 %; 4 %; 5 ft; Sept. 10 ft; 30 ft; Oct. 2 %; Nov. 29 %; Dec. 3 %. 1852, Alta, March 28 %; April 7 %; Herald, April 26 ft; May 29 ft; 30 %; Alta, Dec. 1ft; 10 %; 11 (from clipping). 1853, Alta, July 31 ft; Oct. 1 1^; Nov. 29 ft. 1854, Alta, Feb. 5 %, 17 % ; April 2 ft; June 4 ft; 14 ft; Aug. 6 ft; 11%; 19 %; Oct. 1ft. 1855, Herald, April 1 % ; Alta, Aug. 1 ft; Dec. 2 ty. 1856, Alta, Feb. 2 ft; April 6 %. io California [by Huntley], II, 60. '51 to '77 393 the menace of these lawless ' ' settlers ' ' and to check the armed conflicts that sometimes ensued, the landholders formed an "Association for the Protection of the Rights of Property, and the Maintenance of Order, ' ' adopted a formal organization, and appointed an executive committee of thirteen. About a thousand members enrolled and announced that their object was to sustain the law. They denied having any connection with the Committee of Vigilance, but many former Vigilantes were conspicuous in the meetings.11 The proceedings were generally confused and inharmonious, and the association disbanded without any notable achievement. The San Francisco Herald appeared to favor the movement, but the county judge, T. W. Freelon, took pains to warn the grand jury that rumors were abroad of a protective association of landowners which required prompt suppression. "San Francisco has had one Vigilance Committee," lie said. "It is past! and let the dead past bury its dead. It must have no other. Let there be Revolution or Law."12 The sentiments expressed by Judge Freelon wore by this time gaining adherents throughout the state. The papers as a rule discouraged, Tthe continuance of Committees of Vigilance, and emphasized every hopeful symptom of increasing order. ( hie pioneer of Placerville said that by tbe spring of 1853 "society commenced forming," and that the better element there con cluded that promiscuous hanging should stop, organized a party to support the law, and in one instance held off an angry mob, n Current disorders and the; need of better protection were noted in the Herald, 1854, May 4, ft; May 23 ft. On June 2 the editor said: "The Vigilance Committee was scarcely ever more necessary than at present. The meetings of tho Association were held June 5, 6, 7. 9, and perhaps later {Herald, June 6 ft; 8 ft; 10 ft; Annals 541). The following former Vigi lantes were prominent in the movement: C. R. Bond, 0. L. Case, J. F. Curtis. J. P. Manrow, Dr. Samuel Merritt, H. M. Naglee, John Parrot, John Perry, Jr., A. G. Randall, Michael Reese, William Sharon, S. Tesehemacher, S. E. Throckmorton, D. S. Turner, J. P. Van Winkle, Ferdinand Vassault, J. C. Ward, Robert Wells, F. A. Woodworth, S. E. Woodworth, and possibly Louis Colin [L. Cohen?] and J. C. George. A counter organization of "Settlors" was reported in the Herald, June 16 ftj. ™ Herald, 1854, June 14 ft. 394 Vigilance Committee of 1851 rescued the suspected murderer, and escorted him to Coloma, where he was lawfully tried and executed. Thereafter there "was no more lynching in El Dorado County."13 It is to be hoped that one county, at least, was so soon purged of disorder. In other parts of California lynchings still occurred.14 The papers, however, reported them with increasing condemnation, and public disapproval was expressed with increasing vehemence. In the spring of 1854 the grand jury of Calaveras County in dicted the men who had participated in the lynching of a horse thief, but the writer has been unable to discover that they were ever brought to trial.15 In January, 1855, there were several illegal executions in the mines, which prompted the editor of the Alta to write:16 The Vigilance Committee had an influence from which California has not recovered to this day. Its influence for good was speedy; but because its immediate influence was good, its remote influence, has beerTso"many" ffmes'the^wb'rse. Life and property were more safe during the days of the Vigilance Committee, and we do not design to find any fault with the members of it now. Those were trying times; and as the law failed to punish, many good men engaged in that which they could not be brought to look upon in ordinary times without abhorrence. A few months later, after mobs in Amador County had made savage reprisals upon Mexicans because of the murder of an American, the residents of Butte City met in mass meeting to protest against such action on the part of a " purported Vigilance Committee." In reporting the episode the editor of the Alta California said:17 "The name of a Vigilance Committee should is Norton, Life and Adventures, 293. 14 For references on criminal conditions, see supra, p. 127 note 32 ; Ban croft, California, VII, 191-219; Popular Tribunals, I, 515-576; History of Nevada County, 115-117; Michael Kraszewski, Acts of the "Manilas"... at San Juan in 1866. 1878 (MS in the Bancroft Library). is Herald, 1854, April 22 %. i" Alta, 1855, Jan. 27 ft. Defense of that action, or a similar incident at Michigan City, was -made in the Herald, Feb. 11 %• 17 Alta, 1855, Aug. 31 ft. Earlier reference to this lynching was made in the Alta, Aug. 13 ft. '51 to '77 395 never be mentioned except as a terrible remedy employed in the past, when the impunity with which crime was committed led well meaning men to do what, on sound reasoning, cannot be justified." According to a later issue, society was "settling down, in spite of occasional lynchings ; public gambling was dis appearing; vice was restrained by law, and the Sabbath was more generally observed.18 The dangers that inevitably attended the prolonged activities of Vigilance Committees received attention from the grand jury of Tuolumne County in October, 1855. An interesting extract from its report is to be found among the documents printed in the Appendix.18 Not long thereafter a murderer was lynched at Columbia, Tuolumne County, and in editorial comment the Alta said:20 "There was a time when Lynch-law in California seemed to some extent justifiable, when San Francisco and the state were full of cut throats, who could not readily be punished in any other than a summary manner — but that time, if it ever existed, has long since passed away. ' ' Strong resolutions condemning the lynching were passed by residents of the vicinity, and the grand jury indicted eight of the men responsible, but no effective prose cution followed. Study of the newspapers thus shows that public opinion more and more condemned the appeal to lynch law, although there were times of decided reaction. For example, when the San Francisco grand jury for March, 1855, severely arraigned the powerful but secret forces that were corrupting the admin istration of the city, the editor of the Herald hailed the report as a reminder of the "good and vigorous days of the Vigilance Committee," and fervently ejaculated, "May such times come again, for we want them sadly."21 The press, to be sure, took 18 See Alta, 1855, Oct. 21 ft. Sunday closing, Aug. 9 ft; Nov. 1 ft. a8See infra, p. 472. 20 Alta, 1855, Oct. 24 ft; Dec. 17 %; Popular Tribunals, I, 548-553. " Herald, 1855, April 22 ft. 396 Vigilance Committee of 1851 pains to mention every indication of increasing tranquility, but in spite of optimistic editorials there was constant disorder.23 The most wanton offenders were the underlings of the political bosses, for money and influence could protect any man, no matter how heinous his offense. In November. 1855, Charles Cora, a gambler, quarreled with William H. Richardson and shot him on the streets of San Francisco. It was a cold-blooded murder, the dead man was the United States Marshal, but Cora was a protege of the political machine, and every one knew that money and influence would be lavished to secure his acquittal.23 For three years the members of the Committee of Vigilance had hoped for protection and justice from their magistrates, and had refrained from open interference with the administration of the law, while the mysterious Committee of Thirteen guarded their secrets and kept alive the spirit of vigilance. One of the old Committee, however, was not silent ; James King of William had started his Evening Bulletin before Richardson was shot, and had inaugurated in it a fearless and vehement crusade against the corruption that ruled the state. He struck from the shoulder, heavy blows that spared neither high nor low. After the murder of Richardson he spoke editorially of a rumor that the Committee of Vigilance might be reorganized. He deprecated taking that step, if it might in any way be avoided, but he most violently advocated hanging any sheriff or deputy who might treacherously allow the murderer to escape.24 It is very probable that a revival of the Committee was dis cussed at this time. Cora made affidavit that on the night of the shooting an association of citizens secretly met to consider his case and decided to hang him if he should be acquitted by a 22 " To walk the unfrequented streets in this eity, at a late hour of the night unarmed, is as dangerous as threading a forest infested bv a war party of hostile Indians" (Alta, 1855, Oct. 4 ft). 23 Alta, 1855, Nov. 19 ft. 2* San Francisco Bulletin, 1855, Nov. 20 ft; 22 ft. '51 to '77 397 jury;25 and one talesman, James Davis, was excused from jury gervice when he testified that he had met with about a dozen others to consider whether the rules of the old Committee called for action in the existing emergency.26 The decision had been in the negative, but the Alta significantly asserted that San Francisco would watch the trial, and that if conviction proved possible lynch law would be ' ' done away with. ' '" The trial was a farce that exhibited every mockery of justice possible in an American criminal court. Cora was jauntily de fiant; his counsel were the most eloquent in the city; one jury man made public the fact that he had been offered a bribe by the defense; and every canon of decency was outraged by the attempt to influence the jury by a sentimental plea based on the devotion to the prisoner of the wealthiest and most notorious member of the San Francisco demimonde.. When the result, as anticipated, was a disagreement, the Alta forgot its late abhor rence of popular tribunals and prophesied that lynch law would quickly be the desperate resort of a city where life could ! it- protected only at the point of a pistol.28 While Cora complacently awaited retrial thirteen other men in San Francisco were under indictment for homicide with small prospect for their conviction,20 and murders were so common in the state that the attempt to record them was abandoned.30 James King of William, one time Vigilante, editor of the Bulletin and scourge of corruptionists, was himself fatally wounded on the afternoon of the fourteenth of May, 1856, by James P. Casey, 25 Alta, 1856, Jan. 4 ft. Sam Brannan was taken into custody as a general precaution against a public outbreak (Alta. Nov. 18 ft; 19 -;!)- For details see Popular Tribunals, II, 29-34; Hittell, California, III, 472. Long extracts from the papers of the day are given in F. M. Smith, editor, Son Francisco Vigilance Committee of '56, 1883. 20 Alta, 1856, Jan. 5 ft. J. Hawes Davis was member No. 216. "Alta, 1855, Dec. 8 ft. 2M»o, 1856, Jan. 17 ft. 'Mito, 1856, Jan. 21 ft. 80 Alta, 1856, March 30 ft. The violent deaths, including accident and murder, were estimated at 1400 yearly. 398 Vigilance Committee of 1851 a supervisor of the city, whose past record as a Sing Sing convict had been held up to public opprobrium by the militant reformer. King's personal qualities had won him many admiring friends, while his outspoken arraignment of political iniquity had made him a popular leader and hero. The cowardly attack, that laid him at death's door immediately invested him with the crown of a martyr. As if in answer to the shot the bell of the Monu mental Engine Company sounded once more the well remem bered call to action, and in less than an hour an infuriated multi tude surged about the county jail, clamoring for the instant execution of the assassin. Our old acquaintances Charley Duane and Edward McGowan were already reinforcing the guard at the door. Detachments of the local military companies were rushed to the scene to hold the mob in check, but the men who hesitated before the rifles of the militia soon began to finger their own revolvers, and hysterical orators urged them to storm the building regardless of consequences. Shouts of approval inter rupted the speakers, cries of anger and oaths of rage arose in a hideous pandemonium above the surging mass, while in all the city there was not a single representative of the law whose prom ise of justice could ring true, or carry an assurance of righteous retribution that might invoke patience. Suddenly this tossing sea of heads reflected the ripples of a hidden current from its outer margin. Men swayed and turned and bent their faces to whisper, and lifted them again, sane and human, and cleansed from the blood lust of the brute. A brief message had passed from mouth to mouth, traversing the ranked thousands with incredible swiftness: / "The Vigilance Committee has organized!" .In less than five minutes the fearful tension was relaxed,31 si The thrilling moment of announcement was described by W. O. Ayers in ' ' Personal Recollections of the Vigilance Committee, ' ' Overland Monthly, ser. 2, VIII (1886), 166, and by J. D. B. Stillman in MS Vigilance Com mittees — Miscellany, 7-8. Hittell cited Ayer's reminiscences as an authori tative source (California, III, 482-488). '51 to '77 399 for in the Vigilance Committee rested assurance of justice and righteous retribution, and the men of San Francisco, still gath ering by thousands during all that tragic evening, waited and trusted in the promise of its speedy resurrection. The papers of the next day printed this notice : The members of the Vigilance Committee, in good standing, will please meet at No. 105% Sacramento Street, To-day, Thursday, 15 inst., at 9 A.M. ^ By order of the Committee of Thirteen. San Francisco, May 14 [sic], 1856. The archives of the Committee of 1851 make no mention of the Committee of Thirteen, which appears in history solely on this occasion. From the statements of various Vigilantes, espec ially those of William T. Coleman and George W. Frink,82 we learn that after various sporadic gatherings and much fruitless discussion Coleman was induced to take the initiative in reor ganization, largely on account of his standing in the old Com mittee, and of his membership in the last representative group, the Committee of Thirteen. No other allusion to it occurs in the manuscript recollections. Bancroft did not explain it, and inquiries now fail to discover its personnel or its proceedings. The Committee of Thirteen remains to this day a shadowy and unnamed power, but that very secrecy was symbolic of the mysterious bonds that survived the lapse of years, for on the afternoon of May 14, 1856, the Committee of Vigilance of 1851 was no longer a corporeal organization. It was a name, and a 82 Frink arrived in San Francisco in June, 1852, and it is probable that he knew the old Committee only by reputation. He said that during the evening there was much confusion, and no definite action, but that Cole man and he finally went to the office of the Alta, where "Coleman wrote out the notice. "He said, 'How shall we sign it?' I said: 'Put your name to it, as you are one of the thirteen of the old committee. ' He said. ¦ No, put it one of the thirteen, as we disbanded under the name of tlie thirteen" (MS Statement, 4-5). Coleman's recollection coincided with this (MS Statement, 34), except for the modification of the signature to the form that appeared in the papers. As Coleman had lived in the East for two years prior to January, 1856 (MS Statement, 30; Phelps, Contemporary- Biography, I, 272-280), it is permissible to infer that the Committee had disbanded before his departure. 400 Vigilance Committee of 1851 memory; it was a spiritual force that restrained the men of San Francisco from mob murder in the twilight of that evening and enlisted them by thousands under the oath of the Vigilantes during the days to come.33 The response to the printed call was instant and overwhelm ing. Old members hastened to the appointed place, and after a brief preliminary meeting threw open the doors for the reception of new registrants. Before midnight two thousand names were enrolled, headquarters were secured, an Executive Committee was selected, and the rank and file were grouped into military companies of one hundred men each. Coleman, who was by this time a merchant of wealth and prominence, reluctantly accepted the office of president, Bluxome was "Number 33, Secretary," and many other former workers were placed in offices of responsi bility. It has been necessary to touch lightly on five years of Cali fornia 's development in order to place the Committee of Vigilance of 1851 in its historical relation to the Committee of 1856. The latter is usually designated the "Great Committee," and the work of the former is obscured by the more spectacular features of the larger association. Yet in spite of the silence that lay between the last notice of the Committee of '51 and the call that rallied the Committee of '56, the organic unity of the two bodies is proved by many tokens : by the personnel of the leaders,34 by the adoption of the old constitution,35 by the membership cer tificate with its significant "Reorganized," and by the silver medal struck for the committeemen, which bears the old symbol, 83 Mr. Charles B. Turrill, of San Francisco, has a photographic copy of the Oath of 1856. It reads : " I do solemnly swear to act with the Vigilance Committee and second and sustain [?] in full all their actions as expressed through their executive committee." si Names of officers of 1856 are printed infra, p. 473. 85 Coleman said that the old constitution was adopted unanimously on the day of the called meeting, subject to revision at the leisure of the Executive (MS Statement, 41). See also Popular Tribunals, II, 111-113. '51 to '77 401 the Watchful Eye of Vigilance, encircled by the legend ' ' Organ ized 9th June, 1851. Reorganized 14th May, 1856. "36 The work of the Committe of 1856 is another story. Bancroft has told it in his own way in the second volume of Popular Tribunals; Royce has sketched it briefly, but well; and T. H. Hittell has given it at length with exact reference to contem porary newspapers and to the manuscript records, which were familiar to him as well as to Bancroft.37 The Committee was supported by the active membership of eight or nine thousand men, about three quarters of all the white citizens of San Francisco.88 Barricades of sand bags were erected around its headquarters on Sansome Street below Front, and armed men stood there on guard, so that Fort Gunnybags became a citadel that defied both civil and military authorities. On the day that James King of William was borne to the grave the Committee hanged Casey, his assassin, and also Cora, who had killed William Richardson. A few weeks later it inflicted the same punishment on two other murderers, Philander Bruce and Joseph Hethering ton. The latter had killed Dr. John Baldwin in a dispute over land titles, in August, 1853. On July 124, 1S56. he also killed Dr. Andrew Randall, who had been robbed at Monterey by the Stuart gang in 1850. The papers spoke of Hetherington as a "recipient of the old Vigilance Committee's attention." and Bancroft identified him with the witness of 1851. If that identi fication is correct, a strange fatality made the former collector of Monterey the victim of the very man who had been chief so See frontispiece. « Bancroft, Popular Tribunals, II; California, VI, 746-754; Tuthill, California, 432-524; Royce, California, 437-465; Hittell, California. III. 460-649; J. S. Hittell, San Francisco, 245-262; F. M. Smith, San Francisco Vigilance Committee of '56; Tlie Vigilance Committee of 1S56 [by James O'Meara], 1887. ss J. S. Hittell placed the membership at 9000 out of a white male population of 12,000 (Resources of California, ed. 1, p. 371). Bancroft said 8000 (California, VI, 747). 402 Vigilance Committee of 1851 informer against the gang that had despoiled him six years earlier.39 These executions announced to the violent that money and influence and eloquent counsel might no longer be trusted to provide immunity from punishment. But the Committee did not stop there. Very early in its work it broke through the defense of secrecy that had baffled the investigations of grand juries. It laid its hands upon an incriminating ballot box that was still stuffed with forged ballots ; it obtained confessions from the ward heelers who had done the bidding of the powerful and efficient bosses ; then it announced its intention of cleansing the city from the plague of political corruption. It sent into exile over a score of the most valued tools of the machine.40 Among them were Charles Duane, who had evaded a like fate in 1851, and Rube Malony, who had been a committeeman in that year.41 Ned McGowan, also conspicuous upon the early black list, was forced to take refuge in flight.42 When David S. Terry, justice of the state supreme court, stabbed S. A. Hopkins as the latter ss See Alta, 1856, July 25 ft; Papers, 27 note 2; Hittell, California, III, 609-615 ; Popular Tribunals, Index under ' ' Hetherington ' ' ; Vigilance Com mittee of 1856 [by O'Meara], 31; Smith, San Francisco Vigilance Com mittee of '56, p. 75; San Francisco Call, 1893, Feb. 5 i%. Various notices reported that Hetherington was an Englishman of wealth, had formerly lived in St. Louis, and had resided in California since 1849 or 1850. Another rumor stated that in 1853 he had deserted a wife in Vermont, who intended to sue for his property (San Francisco Bulletin, 1860, July 19 ys). i° A list of sentences was given in Smith, San Francisco Vigilance Com mittee of '56, pp. 82-83 ; reprinted in L. H. Woolley, California, 1849-1913, 1913, pp. 21-22. 41 Frink said that before the close of work some of the men who were fearful of arrest tried to join the Committee "to get under cover," and that Duane made such an application, but was refused (MS Statement, 21). For a note on Malony see supra, p. 198). i2 See his Narrative, 1857. In August, 1857, McGowan started the pub lication of the Phoenix, a Sacramento newspaper that attacked the members and friends of the Committee without regard for truth or decency. After it was once prohibited in San Francisco, it was continued for a time under the title Ubiquitous. McCowan was a familiar figure in San Francisco until his death, Dec. 8, 1893. In his last illness William T. Coleman contributed towards his hospital expenses (San Francisco Examine)-, 1893, June 4 %; 5 1ft; Chronicle, 1893, Dee. 9 ft). '51 to '77 403 was arresting Malony, the Committee seized Terry, kept him in custody until Hopkins was out of danger, and liberated him only after the most bitter dissensions over his fate.43 G. W. Ryckman, who refused to join the reorganized Committee, said that it even contemplated the arrest of Broderick,44 but such a radical step was never taken. The General Committee adjourned sine die August 18, 1856. Over six thousand men marched in the final parade, and the banner of 1851 led a company of one hundred and fifty members who represented the original organization.45 As a factor in Cali fornia life the Committee long survived the formal adjournment, and Executive meetings continued as late as November, 1859.4" Nor was that all ! The men of San Francisco had learned many lessons in civics since September, 1851, when they tried to purify their government by selecting for endorsement the better nominees of the regular political parties. Before they disbanded the Committee of '56, they took the first steps towards the for mation of an independent People's Party, which was recognized as the organ of the Vigilantes. In the fall election their ticket was first in the field ; it was later endorsed by the new Republican party, and was overwhelmingly successful in November, when there was held perhaps the "first honest election that had taken place in the city."*" A permanent and efficient political organ ization was created that practically controlled the government of "See Trial of David S. Terry by the Committee of Vigilance, 1856; A. E. Wagstaff, Life of David S. Terry, 1892, pp. 97-136; also general ref erences on the Committee. "Ryckman, MS Statement, 19-20; The Vigilance Committee of 1856 [by O'Meara], 55-56. « J. S. Hittell, San Francisco, 259; Popular Tribunals, II, 531-533. The Wide West, October, 1856, printed illustrations of the procession, but placed the number of old members at a somewhat lower figure. The banner was certainly carried although Ryekman said that it was never given to the Committee of '56 (MS Statement, 18). *' Popular Tribunals, II, 541. "See Hittell, California, III, 636-665; J. S. Hittell, San Francisco. 262-266; Bancroft, California, VI, 770-772; Papular Tribunals. II, 639- 404 Vigilance Committee of 1851 San Francisco for more than ten years. Although many former committeemen served in various positions there was never any attempt to establish a distinctive Vigilante ring, and the People 's Party was loyally supported by the better men among both Democrats and Republicans. Royce said that for years after the Committee of Vigilance of 1856 the people of San Francisco "boasted not without warrant, that they possessed, and for nearly a generation retained, the purest and soundest municipal govern ment then known in -any city of the size in the whole country. ' '48 Charges have been made that the Committee of 1856 gave evidence of a sentiment that favored the political independence of the Pacific Coast.49 If that were so the spirit of secession was effectively checked and was never diverted toward affiliation with the cause of the Confederacy. Indeed, there has been some speculation of late as to whether the organization of the Com mittee of Vigilance was a conscious effort to oppose the influence of pro-slavery and secessionist Southerners. In studying the work of 1851 an effort has been made to collect any data that might indicate a latent partisanship in the sectional interests of the slavery discussions, but nothing of importance has come to light beyond the fact that in later years most of the leading committeemen, irrespective of parties, were loyal supporters of 663; Tuthill, California, 518-524; Davis, Political Conventions, 68-69, 73, 74, 79; Joseph Weed, "Vigilance Committees of San Francisco," Overland Monthly, XII (1874), 357; Woods, Lights and Shadows of Life on the Pacific Coast, 7, 45-48; MS Statements of Frink, 23; J. P. Manrow, 11-12; H. P. Coon, 6 et seq.; C. J. Dempster, 20. *8 Royce, "Provincialism," Putnam's Magazine, VII (1909), 236. "This change [the purification of elections] was brought about by the organization of a Vigilance Committee, and they completely revolutionized the politics of the state" (Tinkham, History of Stockton, 245). The People's Party has even been charged with economy to the point of parsi mony (J. P. Young, Journalism in California [1915], 33-35). The Con solidation Act of April 19, 1856, had prepared the way for more efficient local administration (California, Statutes, 1856, chap. 125). *» See references supra, p. 102 note 36; Popular Tribunals, II, 371; Royce, California, 456; Life, Diary, and Letters of Oscar Lovell Shafter, 1915, p. 182; MS Statements of Coleman, 79-81; Dempster, 53-55; Green, 60. '51 to '77 405 the Federal Union. The subject may assume greater significance if the archives of the Committee of 1856 become available for more thorough research.50 Generalizations relative to the in fluence of that body should be based on the original records rather than upon the accounts of secondary historians. At the outbreak of the Civil War California was still a Democratic state with pro-slavery Southerners strongly in trenched in office. The contest for governor in 1861 was con sidered a matter of the most vital importance, for the advocates of secession hoped to strengthen their hold on local affairs, while the Republican party was determined to assume control. We must not linger over those exciting times, except to record that San Francisco, already purged of the Southern machine and con trolled by the People's Party, was the strategic center of the whole campaign and polled nearly one fifth of tlie total vote cast for Leland Stanford." It was the fulcrum for the lever that wrenched the secessionists from their places of power, and the steel of that fulcrum had been forged by the hands of the Committee of Vigilance. A valuable contribution to the history of this period is con tained in a paper read before the Panama- Pa ei tic Historical Congress of 1915, by the late Horace Davis, who emphasized the value of loyal San Francisco in the state campaign of 1861, and told of the secret formation of a Home Guard to protect the polls 80 See infra, note in Bibliography on Archives of the Committee of Vigilance. M The vote is reported as follows, in the Annual Statistician, compiled by J. P. Mains, 1879, pp. 427-428 : Leland Stanford, J. R. McConnell, John Conness, Republican Democrat Union Dem. State 56,036 32,750 30,944 San Francisco 10,728 1,243 3,17S See also Hittell, California, IV, 290; Kennedy, Contest for California in 1861; Carr, Pioneer Days, 392-408; J. J. Earle, "Sentiment of the People of California with Respect to the Civil War," American Historical Association, Report, 1907, I, 123-135. It is said that about this time "an old hero of the Vigilante days ' ' frustrated a plot to attack the arsenal at Benicia (R. T. Piatt, "Oregon,., in the Civil War," Oregon Historical Society, Quarterly, IV (1903), 106-107). 406 Vigilance Committee of 1851 from corruption.52 Their muster book contains a list of about 1650 San Franciscans whose Union sentiments were so unqualified that they were ready to respond to a call for service under any sudden emergency. In the list are a few familiar Vigilante names. Selim E. Woodworth, George M. Garwood, James C. Ward, A. L. Tubbs, and Henry Wetherbee, all committeemen of 1851, took charge of five enlistment sheets. Oliver B. Crary, of 1856, headed another, and other members of the later body may have been prominent in the Guard. None of the rolls shows any concerted action by members of '51, except the one in charge of Woodworth. That was signed by several of his former associates, who formed the nucleus for a company of seventy-one in which ten of the first Committee were enrolled.53 In this connection it is interesting to read in the manuscript statement of Dr. H. P. Coon, a member of the Committee of 1856, that previous to 1864 no line was drawn by the People's Party between Republican and Democratic nominees. In 1865, how ever, the nominating committee resolved to endorse only candi dates who had voted for Lincoln and Johnson in the last presi dential election. Dr. Coon felt that this action "was the end of the successful career of the Old People's Party at the ballot- box."54 The San Francisco Committee of 1856 did not attempt to establish any coordinated branches in the interior towns.55 For 52 Horace Davis, ' ' The Home Guard of 1861, ' ' in Panama Pacific His torical Congress, The Pacific Ocean in History, 1917, pp. 363-372. Mr. Davis was a member of the Guard, and presented the muster book and sixty- two enlistment sheets to the Bancroft Library. 53 S. E. Woodworth, F. E. [A.?] Woodworth, J. C. Ward, T. A. Barry, C. R. Bond, G. W. Ryckman, W. A. Darling, G. M. Garwood, J. D. Farwell, E[dgar?] Wakeman. No attempt has been made to check the whole list for members of the Committee. 5* Coon, MS Statement, 27. Dempster said the Committee of '56 would have disbanded earlier if it had not been for the "pro-slavery chivalry" (MS Statement, 22). 55 Manrow, MS Statement, 10-11. Frink said that some men from out of town signed the rolls just to add their influence to the effort (MS State ment, 23). '51 to '77 407 many years, however, sporadic Committees of Vigilance appeared in places where roughs and criminals congregated, and ejectment proceedings, more or less violent, often took place. Occasionally there was a lynching by a so-called Vigilance Committee, but in the absence of such records as exist for 1851 it is impossible to tell whether or not the organizations were any more responsible than angry mobs.50 They do not seem to have prolonged their existence beyond some passing emergency except in Truckee, where a committee known as the "601" effected desirable reforms in 1874, and for more than a decade remained a name of menace to the desperadoes of the vicinity.57 Gradually the disorderly element in the state shrank to a more normal ratio, violence was more controlled, jails were made secure, popular tribunals ceased to usurp the functions of the criminal courts, and the number of lynchings dropped to two or three a year.58 There was a notable reunion of the San Francisco Vigilante personnel in 1-877, when the city was in the throes of labor agitation and of anti-Chinese demonstrations which the authori ties were impotent to control. There was such danger of incen- 50 1 have not attempted extended research regarding later Committees of Vigilance, but have verified the following references in the Sacraim-nto Union (Record Union after Sept. 1, 1875). 1860, Sept. 20 ty, Protective League of Altaville, Angel's Camp, and vicinity; 1863, No. 26 %, and 1870, Dec. 21 ft, V. C. in Los Angeles (see also Popular Tribunals, I, 507, 511-512; Newmark, Sixty Years in South- em California, 204-210, 324, 420) ; 1873, Nov. 10 % and Nov. 13 i,,. V. C. in Gilroy; 1873, Dec. 12 % and Dec. 19 %, V. C. in Visalia (see also Popular Tribunals, I, 470-474) ; 1880, July 8 2f. and 1884, March 27 *.'., V. C. at Merced; 1882, Jan. 9 y8, rumor of a V. C. in Sonora; 1SS2. Oct. 2 %, V. C. in Yreka; 1884, Oct. 25 %, V. C. in Lundy; 1887, Sept. 5 i4. V. C. in Jackson; 1888, Aug. 16 %, and 1889, July 13 %, rumors of a V. C. in Fresno. 87 Popular Tribunals, I, 463-465. So far as I have ascertained, there was no execution by "601," but one of their own members was accidentally shot in a raid on armed rowdies. The Committee was unsuccessful in quell ing disturbances, according to the Sacramento Union, 1874. Deo. 16, ~: 19 Vt- It was condemned by the grand jury of Nevada County (ibid.. IS 75, Feb. 11 %). The same paper alluded to renewed activities at Truckee in the issue of 1876, Jan. 7 %; at Grass Valley (1885, March 30 #), and again at Truckee (1889, Aug. 17 %). 88 Statistics in Cutler, Lynch-Law, 184. 408 Vigilance Committee of 1851 diary attacks against the coolie laundrymen and the docks of the Oriental steamers that the citizens assembled as in pioneer days and called upon the former president of the Vigilance Com mittee, William T. Coleman, to organize a Committee of Safety for the aid of the city forces. Within twenty- four hours over five thousand men had volunteered their services, funds were col lected, headquarters were established, and by the orders of the President of the United States, the Secretary of War, and the Governor of California, ammunition and Federal forces were placed at Coleman's disposal. The ranks of the Committee were furnished with stout hickory pick handles, as emergency weapons, and firearms were held in reserve for extreme necessity. This "pick handle brigade" patrolled the city by day and night, suppressed incipient riots, prevented any disastrous conflagra tion, and demonstrated to the lawless that the slender equipment of the municipal police had behind it an effective army of well disciplined civilians. The pass word of the Committee was " '56 to '77," and the spirit that had intimidated the criminals and the corrupt politicians of an earlier generation now overawed the hoodlums of the sand lots and re-established order within a few days. Then, as before, the swift mobilization of the man power of the city had prevented the horrors of mob conflicts, and again as before, when its work was accomplished the association quietly disappeared from public activity, though no one knew how long its leaders remained on guard against further disturb ance.59 59 See San Francisco papers, 1877, July 24 et seq.; Popular Tribunals, II, 696 et seq.; Bancroft, Chronicles of the Builders, I, 349-379; Hittell, California, IV, 594-599; Coleman, "San Francisco Vigilance Committees," Century, XLIII (1891), 145-148; Bryce, American Commonwealth, II, 432; San Francisco Chronicle, 1896, Jan. 12 %. CHAPTER XIX LYNCH LAW AS A NATIONAL PROBLEM Such is the story of the San Francisco Committee of Vigi lance: a brief, vivid, and significant episode in the history of the American people. Its significance, as Henry Morse Stephens said, will always be interpreted in accordance with the shifting interests of successive generations and the personal vision of successive historians. The contemporary discussions that arose in 1S51 have already been indicated in the references to press reports cited in pre vious chapters. Extracts from other comments in local and Eastern papers may be found in Popular Tribunals.1 Where objection to the work of the Committee was made, its basis was almost invariably impersonal argument relative to the danger of undermining the foundations of law and order, since there were few advocates particularly interested in the fate of the thieves and murderers summoned to the bar of the Committee. When one tries to estimate the weight of commendation or condemnation made in a later period it is necessary to consider as one the two associations of '51 and '56, which were usually grouped together by friends and foes. An immediate difference in the attitude of the public is discernible after '56. Then the Committee pitted itself against men of influence. It struck at the very existence of the powerful clique that controlled political patronage, and its menace to organized society was greatly enhanced in the eyes of some of its critics by its menace to their i Popular Tribunals, I, 402-426. Bancroft quoted less freely from the objectors, who were represented in San Francisco chiefly by the Morning Post, although many Eastern papers severely condemned the Committees. 410 Vigilance Committee of 1851 individual importance and' prosperity.2 Current discussion in the papers was bitter and prejudiced on both sides: the Alta stoutly defended the course adopted by the Committee, the Herald nearly ruined itself by outspoken and violent objection.3 The views of the personal antagonists of the Vigilantes were vividly set forth in two anonymous pamphlets which described their work as illegal, brutal, vindictive, and under the control of many members who were as guilty of political corruption as were the men they prosecuted.4 More permanent value may be attached to the criticisms of contemporaries who were neither active members nor active traducers of the Committees. Bancroft in a sweeping general ization grouped their enemies as including "besides the lower class of evil-minded persons, ... all licentious judges, stabbing jurists, duelling editors and fighting lawyers. ' '5 But opponents with higher standards should not be vilified or ignored. Peter Burnett viewed the movement as ' ' incipient rebellion and a fatal precedent."6 Frank Marryat, whose observations deserve con sideration, wrote that no one would defend the acts of the Com mittee and that they met with much opposition from the better 2 This difference between the opponents of the first and second Com mittees was emphasized by Dempster in his MS Statement, 27-28. 3 John Nugent was editor in 1851 and 1856. He was so violently opposed to the reorganization of the Committee in 1856 that hundreds of patrons terminated their subscriptions, the auctioneers withdrew their advertise ments, and the Herald was greatly reduced in size. It never recovered its lost prestige (see Popular Tribunals, II, 78-83, 217-223; Hittell, Califor nia, III, 489-492). It is said that the policy of approval adopted by the Alta was due in part to the desire to retain advertising patronage (San Francisco Call, 1868, Jan. 1 %). * Judges and Criminals . . . History of the Vigilance Com/mittee of San Francisco, 1858, ascribed to Dr. Henry M. Gray; The Vigilance Committee of 1856 [by O'Meara]. The Narrative of Edward McGowan should be mentioned with anti- Vigilante literature, as may be "The Lost Journals of a Pioneer" attributed to C. E. Montgomery a Southern lawyer of some prominence (Overland Monthly, ser. 2, VII (1886), 75-90, 173-181, 276-287). 5 Bancroft, California Inter Pocula, 589. 6 Burnett, Recollections, 398. Lynch Law as a National Problem 411 class of citizens, but he admitted, nevertheless, that San Fran cisco conditions were improved by their efforts.7 Judge John Currey said plainly that popular accusations exaggerated the corruption of the courts and that in spite of ballot box stuffing and organized crime, existing evils could have been corrected without resort to violence if the time and money devoted to the work of the Committee had been expended in a faithful per formance of the legitimate duties of citizenship.8 The early historian, B. S. Capron, closed a brief and in accurate report of the work of the Committee of 1851 by ex pressing sentiments akin to those of Judge Currey, asserting that its organization and actions were unjustifiable." William F. White, who concealed his identity under the pseudonym of William Grey, made a violent attack upon the Vigilantes in his Picture of Pioneer Times in California.10 A more modern writer who strongly condemned the Committee of '56 was Isaac J. Wistar. - He was an associate of Edward D. Baker, Casey's attorney during the trial for the murder of Richardson." On the other hand, a large number of the early Califomians who had known the dangers of inefficient law and the protection of prompt, severe, but extra-legal punishment, maintained that the Committees of Vigilance accomplished an ultimate good and that some radical action was necessary to break the hold upon office which had been obtained by unscrupulous politicians and their criminal adherents. The Rev. S. H. Willey said : "It looked then as if the immense preponderance of opinion in favor of the Committee was an effort to regain the reality of 'law and order.' » See Marryat, Mountains and Molehills, 227, 238, 390. 8 John Currey, Incidents in California, 1878, p. 16, MS in the Bancroft Library. 'E. S. Capron, History of California, 1854, pp. 131, 161. ™Pioture of Pioneer Times, by William Grey [W. F. White], 108-114. The facts presented by this author are far from accurate. u I. J. Wistar, Autobiography, 1914, I, 313-316, 325-332. 412 Vigilance Committee of 1851 while those who stood by its forms were mainly those who had got those forms into their hands and used them to defeat justice. ' '12 Some of the keenest criticisms on Californian conditions dur ing the exciting period from 1851 to 1856 were written by Mrs. Eliza W. Farnham. She acknowledged the promptness and the usual justice of the popular tribunals as contrasted with the authorized courts, and the check they put upon criminals who had little cause to fear the law; she admitted that an era of apparent tranquility resulted from the rule of the Committee of Vigilance of 1851; but she felt that the improvement was superficial and was based upon a public opinion that desired order merely for temporary self -protection. "There is no deep stake in social welfare, ' ' she wrote, ' ' and consequently no action that reaches its spring. ' ' She sustained her contention by citing the constant tendency to elevate the worst men to office where dishonesty could do even more damage than it could in better organized and more watchful communities. When the events of 1856 justified her anticipations of recurring violence, she fol lowed them with eager interest, and although her concluding chapter was written before the adjournment of the Committee, she expressed her belief that the people of San Francisco and California were about to free themselves effectually from the open and dreadful corruption which had fastened upon their public affairs.13 H. H. Helper saw very little to admire in California, but he gave unhesitating praise to the Committees of Vigilance as the one means of enforcing order in communities which overwhelm ingly reversed the normal American proportion of lawless and 12 S. H. Willey, Thirty Years in California, 1879, p. 49 et seq. He reported that the churches were fuller for four or five years after the uprising of '56. The editor of The Pacific, a pioneer religious weekly, asserted that with few exceptions the clergymen and church members approved the second Committee (The Pacific, 1856, Oct. 9 %). " See Farnham, California In-doors and Out, 96, 318, 458-508. Lynch Law as a National Problem 413 law-abiding citizens.14 Another statement of the views of those who sympathized with the Committee may be found in Alonzo Delano's Life on the Plains and among the Diggings. A brief excerpt may well be quoted here :15 When the history of California shall be written, after time has mellowed the asperity of passing events, the occurrences of these days will form a singular . . . chapter. ... In a country whose people are proverbial for their love of justice and order ... a condition of things existed, which threatened at one time to dissolve the social compact of the community . . . organized bands of desperadoes and assassins . . made the existing laws only an instrument to protect them in crime and high-handed villainy . . . the whole length and breadth of California was so beset with unprincipled men . . . that, for the peace of society, a general revolution became necessary. . . . [When] it was found that under the administration of the law, the insecurity of life and property increased instead of diminished, the people became aroused to a sense of their own wrongs, and, convinced that there was no other mode of redress they resolved to take the punishment of offenders into their own hands, and to do what the administrators of the law could not, or would not du — ¦ protect the honest part of the community from the depredations which were daily and hourly committed upon them. . . . This state of things could no longer be endured. Patience was no longer a virtue. .Self- preservation rendered it imperative that the first law of nature should be observed, and that unless some united effort was made, society must resolve itself into its primitive elements, and brute force become the only clefence against aggression and violence. It is interesting to notice that travelers from Europe, in spite of their more conventional traditions, expressed approval of the Committees of Vigilance. Writing of affairs in 1852. Horthwick said:10 "Any one who lived in the mines of California at that time is bound gratefully to acknowledge that the feeling of security of life and person which he there enjoyed was due in a great measure to his knowledge of the fact that this admirable institution of Lynch-law was in full and active operation." "Helper, Land of Gold, 237-253. See also Harlan, California, 211. 18 Delano, Life on the Plains and among the Diggings, 363-365. "Borthwiek, Three Years, 224-234. 414 Vigilance Committee of 1851 Ernest Seyd, another Englishman, said that the Committees were supported by the majority of the educated English, German and French immigrants.17 Saint-Amant, who made a most sympathetic analysis of the difficulties that accompanied the establishment of government in such unusual surroundings, paid tribute to the immense good accomplished by Vigilante methods.18 Auger also approved heartily, and wrote a spirited account of the executions in San Francisco in 1851, which, however, was not based on the experi ences of an eyewitness.19 Ernest Frignet, giving another second ary report, eulogized both Committees as instruments that served the ultimate establishment of public order.20 "A Prussian Gentlemen," writing to the Alta, lauded the Committee of 1851 as an object lesson which compelled crim inals to visualize the indignation of the law-abiding element. He held that it is "very necessary that society show itself in immediate concrete form, otherwise it is regarded as a mere abstract idea, which exerts too little influence on the stolid minds of brutish individuals."21 The German traveler, Friedrich Ger- stacker, familiar with events in California through prior obser vation and contemporary correspondence, also praised the Com mittee of 1851, and wrote that it "honors the citizen to risk his own life and property that he may free town and state from such a curse, or, at least, check the continuance of such crimes."22 The later historians, Bancroft and Hittell, were staunch advocates of both Committees. Even Josiah Royce, who found " Ernest Seyd, California and Its Resources, 1858, pp. 23-24. is Saint-Amant, Voyages, 138, 408-411. is> Auger, Voyage en California, 209-219. 20 Frignet, La Californie, 177-179, 196-202. nAlta, 1852, April 7 % 22 Gerstacker, Narrative of a Journey round the World, 253-255. See also commendation of Frank Lecouvreur, From East Prussia to the Golden Gate, 1906, pp. 183-193; Carl Meyer, Nach dem Sacramento, 1855, pp. 188-192. > > w Lynch Law as a National Problem 415 so much to condemn in the progress of society in California, called them the ' ' expression of a pressing desire so to reform the social order that lynch law should no longer be necessary." and he said that what they accomplished was "not the direct destruc tion of a criminal class, but the conversion of honest men to a sensible and devout local patriotism."23 But it is fruitless to multiply the repetition of opinions either for or against the Committee of Vigilance of San Francisco,24 since every estimate is so deeply colored by the personal tempera ment or the experiences of the writer. Yet it is interesting to observe that whether the various critics justify or condemn, whether they depict the Committee as productive of immediate good or immediate evil, they all agree that it was a product of basic defects in the local organization of society from which had arisen a pressing need for fundamental readjustment. In this judgment they were unquestionably correct, and here the com mentators on California conditions have usually been content to pause. They have studied the Committee of Vigilance solely as a product of its local environment and described the situation from which it sprang as a ferment of political and social corrup tion peculiar to the time and place. Such a treatment is in adequate and misleading; just as the Committee must be related to the earlier episodes of frontier expansion, so also must it be related to later developments of American life. Por California did not present a unique and isolated example of defective social adjustment ; while the state was emerging from "Royce, California, 407, 465. 24 A few further references may be given. Cornelius Cole, who had little sympathy with lynch law, acknowledged that the San Francisco Committee of '56 contributed largely towards bringing about a condition where lynch law was no longer employed, and afforded "an example of good flowing from evil" (Memoirs, 119). Much the same opinion was expressed by >ew- raark (SUty Years in Southern California. 141). H. K. Norton approved its results (Storu of California. 254-257), as did Henry Robinson, ( pio neer Days of California," Overland Montlily. VIII [1872]. 4.n-4e'_). 416 Vigilance Committee of 1851 her period of storm and stress, and deferring more and more to the mandates of her constituted authorities, many of the con ditions characteristic of her earlier youth were reappearing elsewhere. The individual histories of several states and the publications of their local historical associations are full of material that is closely akin to the reminiscences of the California Argonauts. In Indiana the lawful authorities were so incapable of restraining crime that the legislature of 1852 legalized the formation of private associations for the pursuit and arrest of horse thieves and gave the members the rights and privileges of constables. The experiment proved dangerous, for the volunteer posses were inclined to exceed their authority and inflict sum mary punishment on their captives. In spite of this tendency the statute remained in force, with modifications dating from 1865. 25 Vigilance Committees to suppress crime were formed as well in Iowa in the decade of the fifties. They kept few records and their actions were often governed by sectional animosities, while their punishments were sometimes flagrantly cruel and unjust.26 During the years 1855 to 1870 gold rushes like that of 1849 sent prospectors by the thousands into Idaho, Montana, Eastern Washington, and Oregon. There, as in California, social neces sities everywhere outran the tardy establishment of institutional administration. There, again, was the same intermingling of diverse races and of honesty and crime ; the same atmosphere of seething excitement ; the same need for local self-assertion in the absence of social control imposed from without. An excellent review of this general situation has been made by William J. Trimble in his Mining Advance into the Inland Empire. To one 25 See W. A. Eawles, Centralizing Tendencies in the Administration of Indiana, 1903, pp. 308-309. 2« The Annals of the Jackson County Historical Society of Iowa contain many reminiscences of the period of lynch law, especially I (1905), 30-34, 51-52; II (1906), 51-91 passim; III (1906), 28, 34-^1, 68-75; IV (1907), 93-97. See also B. F. Gue, History of Iowa, 1903, I, 337-350 ; and supra, p. 74 note 23. ' Lynch Law as a National Problem 417 who approaches that volume after a detailed study of California problems, it is very interesting to read :27 But whatever elements of population prevailed in one or the other place, there was one everywhere present, everywhere respected, every where vital — the Californian. To Fraser River, Cariboo, Kootenay; John Day, Boise, Alder Gulch, Helena, went the adopted sons of California — youngest begetter of colonies — carrying with them the methods, the cus toms, and the ideas of the mother region, and retaining for it not a little of love and veneration. In the first critical months of the gold rush the territorial government of Washington exerted a nominal and attenuated authority from the seacoast to the Rocky Mountains. It entirely lacked the force needed to control the scattered and shifting camps, and the miners turned instinctively to the precedents set in California. Miners' meetings were summoned, miners' courts were formed, and civil and criminal matters were adjusted by popular decision.28 As had been the case in California, this simple and voluntary association was effective in safeguardim: life and property in camps dominated by industrious and honest workmen, but it could not cope with organized and expert criminals. A notorious gang of such criminals operated in lsii!' and 1 s'i3 in the neighborhood of East Bannock, within the present limits of the state of Montana. Their secret leader was Henry Plummer. a shrewd, courageous man, who was popular in the camp as the trusted miners' sheriff, while at the same time he was using his position to direct and protect tbe movements of his confederates. The entire district was terrorized, over a hundred murders were committed, and the friends of the outlaws often controlled the miners' meetings that tried suspected prisoners. Finally, in December of 1863, a Vigilance Committee was formed by the citizens of Virginia City and its vicinity. The association 27 W. J. Trimble, Mining Advance into the Inland Empire. 1914, p. 141. Mlbid., 227-242. 418 Vigilance Committee of 1851 extended over a wide area, and in conformity with the San Fran cisco example, the various branches of the Committee had written pledges and by-laws, executive committees, and permanent, responsible officers, many of whom became respected leaders of civic affairs in the later era of order and tranquility. At the same time the organization differed in several important points from that of San Francisco. Its membership was absolutely secret. Its deliberations were also secret, and sentences were passed, in advance of arrest, upon men known to be affiliated with the desperadoes. Pursuit was then instituted and the death penalty was often inflicted as soon as the culprits were appre hended. Relentlessly the Vigilantes scoured their snow-swept wdlderness and within a month Plummer and more than a score of his confederates were executed, other criminals took refuge in flight, and violence was checked. A pioneer who knew of this work from personal observation said of it :29 Of all the organizations for the irregular administration of justice that have marked the westward advance of American civilization, whether known as Moderators, Regulators, Vigilantes, or what not, the Vigilance Committee of Montana will be found to have been the most complete, most efficient, and most necessary of them all, and to have partaken of the character of a mob the least of any. The territory of Montana was given separate organization in the spring of the next year, but the courts established their supremacy slowly, and the very judges themselves were some times content to let the Vigilantes go on for a time, as they could attend to criminal matters more cheaply, more quickly, and better than it could be done by the courts. The perplex ing problems of frontier justice were discussed with unusual judgment and lucidity in two charges to the grand jury of 29 C. Barbour, ' ' Two Vigilance Committees, ' ' Overland Monthly, ser. 2, X (1887), 285-291. For detailed accounts of these Committees the reader is referred to T. J. Dimsdale, The Vigilantes of Montana, various editions, 1866-1915; N. P. Langford, Vigilante Days and Ways, 1890 (2 vols.), or 1912 (1 vol.); O. D. Wheeler, "Nathaniel Pitt Langford," Minnesota State Historical Society, Collections, XV (1904-1914), 634-639. Lynch Imw as a National Problem 419 Madison County, Montana, delivered by Chief Justice H. L. Hosmer in 1864 and 1866. Thoroughly conversant with con ditions that existed prior to the organization of competent courts, Judge Hosmer gave unqualified approval to the severe measures adopted by the Vigilantes for the suppression of crime, and lamented the disorders that had resulted elsewhere from "the tardiness and moral obliquity of those Territories which have adopted a more lenient course." None the less, he pointed out with solemn warning the evils that would inevitably ensue if popular tribunals persisted in a country equipped for legal justice; but instead of berating the Committees of Montana for continuing their work, even after the courts had been established in the territory, he expressed the conviction that their members would gladly disband as soon as they saw that courts and juries met the demands of their frontier society, and he gravely queried whether the blame for each fresh outbreak of popular vengeance might not lie at the door of his own court, or rest upon the juries he impaneled.30 A later chief justice, Theodore Brantley, in reviewing the judicial history of Montana, wrote of the Committee of Vigi lance :S1 Much casuistry may be indulged in as to the right and necessity of its doings. We must remember, however, that the arm of the law was not strong enough to extend to the people needed protection, and that, wherever it is a question, as it was then, whether peace and order shall prevail over crime and lawless spoliation, society may act in its own defense, by the use of whatever means may be necessary to preserve its life by protecting or insuring personal safety and individual rights. Necessity knows no law. Whatever wrongs or mistakes may have been committed by the men constituting this organization, its existence was justified by the necessities of the times, and the salutary results accom plished by it, must stand as its vindication. 30 See Montana Historical Society, Contributions, V (1904), 235-252; also L. E. Munson, "Pioneer Life in Montana," ibid., 200-234. "See Montana Historical Society, Contributions, IV (1903), 109-121, especially p. 112. Much valuable Vigilante material is preserved in that historical series, and particular reference may be made to II (1896). 254; HI (1900), 290-295; VIII (1917), 99-104. 420 Vigilance Committee of 1851 Wherever the blame rested, it was corrected but slowly. Judge Brantley said that for many years public sentiment favored Vigilance Committees and seemed to oppose the infliction of the death penalty in all legal trials. Trimble collected many references to Committees of Vigilance in Montana, Oregon, and Idaho.32 The majority began their work with a system approximating that of the Committee of San Francisco. Throughout this region, however, there was a greater tendency for the associations to degenerate into instruments of political ambition or of private animosity, and some of them fell under the well merited condemnation of the public that at first supported them. An interesting development of the American trend towards extra-legal institutions took place in Louisiana in 1858 and 1859, but has received little attention from other than local historians. The events then enacted have been commemorated in an obscure volume by Alexandre Barde,33 a French journalist of the parish of Saint-Jean-Baptiste in the district of Attakapas. As settle ments expanded after the American occupation, disorders inci dent to other frontiers appeared among the scattered villages: cattle thieves ravaged the unprotected grazing land ; robbers and incendiaries terrorized the growing towns ; and peaceful citizens met untimely deaths at the hands of desperate marauders. 32 Trimble, Mining Advance, 242-245. Bancroft made a very inadequate survey of these regions in Popular Tribunals, I, chap. Ill (see also his History of Nevada, Colorado and Wyoming, 1890, 738). Cutler made scant allusion to them in Lynch-Law. Material may be found in F. Fry, Fry's Traveler's Guide, 1865, pp. 241-245; W. M. Turner, "Pioneer Justice in Oregon," Overland Monthly, XII (1874), 224-230; T. M. Marquett, "Effect of Early Legislation upon the Courts of Nebraska," Nebraska State Historical Society, Proceedings and Collections, ser. 2, I (1894-1895), 104-105; Kansas State Historical Society, Transactions X (1907-1908), 125, 131, 146; XI (1909-1910), 273; XIII (1913-1914), 261-262; J. E. Parker, ' ' Pioneer Protection from Horse Thieves, ' ' Annals of Iowa, ser. 3, VI (1903), 59-62; G. F. Shafer, "Early History of McKenzie County," North Dakota State Historical Society, Collections, IV (1913), 58-61. ss Alexandre Barde, Histoire des ComiUs de Vigilance aux Attakapas, 1861. See also H. L. Griffin, "Vigilance Committees of the Attakapas Country," Mississippi Valley Historical Association, Proceedings, VIII (1914-1915), 146-159. Lynch Law as a National Problem 421 One receives from the pages of Barde 's Histoire des Comites de Vigilance the impression of a people and a society very dis similar to the sturdy adventurers and the rugged communities of the Western pioneers. The land itself was a gentle and gracious domain, fringed with quiet bayous, shaded with noble forests, and responsive to cultivation. The colonists were typi cally French in life and thought. The little hamlets clustered about their simple churches, paid deference to their local cures, and enjoyed more worldly pleasures with Gallic gaiety and optimism. Their laws were excellent, their magistrates were honorable. But the people were without traditional attachment, to the jury system of the American regime ; the criminals among them were also of French descent, and the ties of blood were powerful! When clever advocates appealed to their volatile emotions they refused to convict men of their own race, and the guilty went unpunished. As a result, the district of Attakapas became a haven for desperadoes and by 1859 their defiance of restraint became open and intolerable. Then, by a curious affiliation with the social precedents of their northern neighbors, the French population which had proved itself so inept in the duties and privileges of American citizenship adopted with vigor the American institu tion of organized and permanent Committees of Vigilance. One after another, a circle of neighboring parishes formed these Comites de Vigilance. They were instituted by men of position and respectability and were based, as were the associations in California, on written constitutions and regulations. Their historian, however, made little or no allusion to any imitation of California traditions. Suspects were ordered to leave the country ; the defiant were whipped, and two or three murderers were executed. Barde and his collaborators were personal friends of the Vigilantes and were in thorough sympathy with their work. The 422 Vigilance Committee of 1851 episodes, however, are substantiated by many citations from the contemporary press. As a source of history on the subject of popular tribunals the volume deserves a place with more familiar narratives ; but in using it one must be alert to detect indications of an underlying antipathy to the national movement for abolition as well as a determination to suppress crime. The constitution of the earliest Gomite, that of Cote Gelee, gave as one of the objects of organization, "Surveillance rigoureuse des blancs suspects dans leurs rapports avec les hommes de couleur ou les esclaves d'une moralite douteuse."34 After inflicting several well deserved punishments on French outlaws of par ticular depravity, the Vigilantes shifted their attention to crim inals who were emancipated Negroes, and to propagandists of liberation suspected of inciting the blacks to discontent and rebellion. It is a curious circumstance in the development of our cosmo politan people that the pages of this forgotten volume, written in an alien tongue by a foreign-born journalist, and descriptive of a society which lacked all Anglo-Saxon inheritances, should present with unexampled vividness the swift, subtle, and danger ous transformation of the popular tribunals such as had pre served order on the frontier, into intolerant associations deter mined to co*ntrol public opinion and personal liberty of action by the threat of punishment and death. A similar transforma tion took place elsewhere in the South and Southwest during the years immediately before the Civil War. In Texas, for instance, so-called Vigilance Committees were in active operation against both criminals and abolitionists, while mob lynchings, without any semblance of unprejudiced trial, were constantly inflicted upon unpopular persons, both white and black.35 34 Barde, Histoire des ComitSs de Vigilance, 56. as See Cutler, Lynch-Law, 119-124; G. P. Garrison, Texas, 1903, 274-275; D. H. Hardy and I. S. Roberts, Historical Review of South-East Texas, 1910, I, 172-176, 385; J. F. Rippy, "Border Troubles along the Rio Grande," Southwestern Historical Quarterly, XXIII (1919), 103-104. Lynch Law as a National Problem 423 Still further removed from the tribunals of the frontier, with their open trials and their public punishments, were the secret protective societies of the Southern whites during the unhappy days of Reconstruction, when the Knights of the White Camelia, the Ghouls of the Ku Klux Klan, and their confreres of similar societies, rode masked through the night and terrorized carpet bag official and incautious freedman with outrages that shocked the entire land.30 In tha,t tumultuous period, amid the conflicts and the travail of a younger generation, there emerged such varied problems and relations that the exigencies and the tradi tions of the frontier were overshadowed by new phases of national development. Thereafter the West became year by year more- populous, better policed, less afraid of high-handed violence, and less inclined to clamor for rigorous punishment of crime; while the South, demoralized and embittered by the devastation of tin- war and confronted by the new terror of emancipated and dan gerous Negroes, demanded swift and summary retribution upon every colored delinquent, and its mobs inflicted both whipping and death with a recklessness and ferocity that knew no parallel in the annals of the Western pioneers.37 The end is not yet, for the records of every year of the twentieth century are stained with mob lynebings which for a moment horrify the entire country and are then quickly for gotten.38 so See J. C. Lester, and D. L. Wilson, Eu EIuj- Elan, ed. of 1905. A report on the Ku Klux Conspiracy in 13 volumes was made by a Congres sional Committee, 1871-1872 (Cong. Docs., Ser. Nos. 1484-1496 or 1529- 1541). si One of Cutler's charts shows that from 1882 to 1903, 1997 lynch executions occurred in the Southern states, and 363 in the Western, to which California contributed a quota of 31 (Lynch-Lau: 184-185). as The study of lynching as an evidence of race hatred is particularly developed in Cutler's Lynch-Law. and in reports issued periodically by the Tuskegee Institute. The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People is also conducting a campaign to arouse public opinion. 424 Vigilance Committee of 1851 But why must these things be 1 The necessity for them is not inherent in the temper of the races from which our people have been amalgamated, nor in the forms of civilization which they have evolved elsewhere. Those who have studied the subject seem to agree that lynching, as it is carried on in this country, is a demonstration of group anger that is not characteristic of other nations which have achieved a corresponding plane of social advancement. Other communities with comparable standards may be subject to riots, mob violence, and sanguinary revolutions, but in the ordinary course of non-revolutionary existence they do not decide the fate of suspected criminals by the verdicts of popular tribunals, nor execute men, with deliberate premedita tion, in open defiance of all restraints of law and order. Cutler stated categorically that at the time he wrote Europe as a whole was free from the practice of lynching except for certain customs prevalent among the peasants of Russia.39 Judge John D. Lawson said of the administration of English law: "For seventy-five years, in England, Ireland, and Scotland, and in the colonies of the British Empire scattered all over the world, among peoples of all races and of all colors, no man 's life has been taken by what we call Lynch Law."40 Similar assertions are often repeated by both English and American writers,41 so that, even if sporadic cases of lynching might be adduced in contradiction, it seems safe to assume that the accepted generalizations are indicative of a fundamental difference between a social organ ization where mob executions are practically unknown and 39 Cutler, Lynch-Law, 3. 40 J. D. Lawson, "Technicalities in Procedure," Journal of Criminal Law, I (1910), 83-84. "As by William Roberts, "Administration of Justice in America," Fortnightly Review, new ser. LI (1892), 91-108; H. A. Forster, "Do Our Laws Protect Criminals? Why the United States Leads the World in the Relative Proportion of Murders, Lyrichings and Other Felonies, and Why the Anglo-Saxon Countries Not under the American Flag Have the Least Proportion of Murders and Felonies, and Know No Lynchings," Am-erican Law Review, LI (1917), 239-248, especially p. 243. Lynch Law cts a National Problem 425 another social organization where mob executions are of frequent occurrence. Even upon the respective frontiers there is a contrast of methods and result. In spite of the circumstance that a pioneer chief justice of Montana acknowledged the necessity for popular tribunals on the American frontier, a student of comparative institutions must not ignore the fact that differing methods of social control have protected other frontiers from such dis turbances as led in this country to the toleration of extra-legal punishment of crime. In New South Wales, for example, the authorities in 1*51 were confronted with the problem of preserving order among the thousands of miners who flocked to the newly discovered gold fields. They accomplished that tremendous ta.sk by a force of ten mounted troopers, under the command of a gold commis sioner who had graduated from Oxford, was a colonist of experi ence, and had been a police magistrate of Parramatta. This corporal's guard of Englishmen actually kept the peace over their whole territory, devised equitable and acceptable regula tions, received and transported incalculable treasure, settled disputes, and gave criminals prompt trials by jury, usually on the scene of their offenses. In one instance of organized resistance, reinforcements were sent to their assistance and the rioters dispersed, but mob law and lynching were unknown.''2 There were occasions of serious disorder in Victoria and resist ance to the collection of licenses. In Sydney, also, many crimes of violence occurred. The San Francisco papers of 1S52 spoke of lynch law as "rampant" in the Victoria gold fields.43 and Bancroft said that a Vigilance Committee was contemplated in 42 See Rolf Bolderwood, ' ' Genesis of Gold-Fields Law in Australia. ' ' CornhUl Magasinc, new ser., Ill (1897), 612-623; A. L. Haydon. Trooper Police of Australia, 1911, especially chaps. 5, 6; Henrietta Huxley, "Gold Diggings at Bathurst," Nineteenth Century. XLV (1899). 962-972. "San Francisco Herald, 1852, May 29, -+, citations from the Sydney Herald of Feb. 23, and the Geelong Advertiser, without exact date. 426 Vigilance Committee of 1851 Sydney in 1853.44 But the English colonists adopted no prac tices that were really akin to the popular tribunals of the United States, and various writers plainly assert that such cus toms have never been tolerated in Australia.45 In the gold fields of British Columbia the authorities checked crime and prevented lynching, although the population was very much like that of contiguous territories of the United States in which was waged a long conflict with criminals before order could be established. Trimble's study of coexistent conditions north and south of the national boundary showed that during the very days of the Vigilance Committees of Idaho and Montana, the courts of British Columbia were able to achieve prompt and exemplary punishment of crime and to afford adequate protec tion to life and property. Wherever the American miners found themselves on British soil they gladly acknowledged the efficiency of the constituted authorities and abandoned their wonted appeal to popular tribunals. The presiding judge of the British district bore witness that although the miners were dominated by Cali fornia traditions, they "manifested a great desire to see justice fairly done, and great patience with the difficulties which the magistrates and the judiciary have had to contend with." And again: "There was on all sides a submission to authority, a recognition of the right, which, looking to the mixed nature of the population, and the very large predominance of the Cali fornia element, I confess I had not expected to meet."40 Trimble's final contrast of the two systems was exceedingly interesting. He said :47 ** Popular Tribunals, I, 19. u> As Edward Dowling, Australia and America in 1892, 1893, p. 58. *8 Trimble, Mining Advance, 154. I n Ibid., 246-247. Directly in line with this summary of contrasting systems of frontier control is an address on the general subject of lynching by 0. C. Butler, who holds that the conditions which provoke such acts of vengeance rarely exist under strong, centralized governments. He character izes the situations which have incited the people of the United States to Lynch Law as a National Problem 427 Reviewing in conclusion, the prominent features of the different governmental forms applied under the British and under the American auspices in the mining advance, we see, on the one hand, government concentrated largely in the hands of an efficient executive, who made laws and organized administration on summary methods; on the other, representative government, under hampering conditions, working tardily and painfully towards order, and meeting local or occasional reinforcement. Under the former society was from the first under control, and there was a tendency to restrain individuals for the benefit of society — a restraint at times verging to over repression; under the latter individualism was feebly controlled from above, but had to generate within itself forces of order, and it tended to undue license hurtful to society. The American system developed a country the more swiftly, the British the more safely. Under both systems strong men labored courageously and well to adjust forms of order to unorganized society. adopt and continue popular tribunals, as "a part of the price we pay for the full measure of the liberty we enjoy," but he insists that courage and intelligence may devise a cost less deadly, without forfeiting the prize of freedom, or adopting the methods of despotism ("Lynching," American Law Review, XLIV [1910], 200-220). CHAPTER XX IN RETROSPECT Lynch law in some of its later developments has been hastily reviewed in the preceding chapter, for the purpose of setting the local episode of the San Francisco Committee of Vigilance of 1851 in its proper place as an episode of the wider national life. The Committee of Vigilance was a confession of failure ! To that extent all who have considered it hold the same opinion. But the men who experienced for themselves the disordered days of its existence laid the failure upon unfaithful public servants who betrayed their trusts; students of a later period blamed the entire body politic which permitted power to pass into incom petent or unworthy hands ; and the modern critics, grouping the episode with other manifestations of nation-wide recurrence, detect in it a failure of adjustment between the mechanism of social organization and the stress of complex and unusual con ditions. When we turn from the special field of California history in the days of the Vigilantes to the recent studies of our national institutions, we find that faults hitherto attributed to local incompetency and corruption are recognized as everywhere latent in our whole scheme of social control.1 Everywhere the dread of autocracy has resulted in the distribution of power among so many state officials that it is well-nigh impossible to hold particular individuals responsible for undesirable conditions. Everywhere the same distrust of centralized authority has been expressed in the loose construction of local organization. Every where the people must vote for many candidates whose qualifi- i See references supra, % ; and Herbert Croly, Promise of American Life, 1909, pp. 317-324. In Retrospect 429 cations are practically unknown.2 Everywhere the political machines are frequently able to place unworthy men in office. Everywhere the laws most obviously fail to restrain crime by prompt and effective punishment.3 Everywhere, also, there is the danger that the flagrant miscarriage of justice in the courts may be turned into an excuse for riot and lynching whenever the American good humor and optimism give way under the strain of conditions that suddenly become intolerable.4 Wherever may rest the heaviest responsibility for these acknowledged faults — whether in imperfect organization, or in defective standards of citizenship — we are forced to admit that the practices of our democracy fall far short of the ideals of our people. It must not be thought, for an instant, that the nation is oblivious or indifferent to the dangers and defects which are 2 See A. M. Kales, Unpopular Government in the United States, 1914 pp. 25-44. • The student of early conditions in California should acquaint himself with these current discussions. Valuable keys are furnished by the Index to Legal Periodicals, published by the American Bar Association ; Roscoe Pound, Bibliography of Procedural Reform. 1917. Sec especially W. H. Taft, "Administration of Criminal Law," Yale Line Review. XV (1905 i, 1-17; Moorfield Story, Reform of Legal Procedure. 1911; W. L. Ransom, "The Organization of the Courts for the Better Administration of .Jus- tice," Cornell Law Quarterly, II (1917), 186-201, 261-282; "Report of Committee on Criminal Procedure," Journal of Criminal Law. Ill (1912), 566-591; Julius Go'ebel, Jr., "Prevalence of Crime in the United States, and Its Extent Compared with That in the Leading European States, ' ' ibid.. Ill (1913), 754-769; H. E. Willis, "How Shall the People of the United States Reform Their Legal Procedure so as to Make It an Instrument of Justice?" ibid., VI (1915), 533-543; Roscoe Pound, "Causes of Dissatis faction with the Administration of Justice," American Bar Association, Report, 1906, I, pp. 395-417. 4 In a vigorous address before the District and County Attorneys Asso ciation of Texas, H. W. Sumners held the faults of legal procedure directly responsible for lynching. "The instinct of protection," he said, "is deeply implanted. Men surrender the right to protect themselves and avenge their wrongs to tlie state upon conditions, implied if not expressed, that the state will protect them and punish those who do them injury. What if the state doesn't do it?" (American Law Review, XLIII [1909], 455^66). See also Butler, as cited, ibid., XLIV (1910), 200-220; Walter Clark, "True Remedy for Lynch Law," ibid., XXVIII ' (1894), 801-807; Lawson, as cited, Journal of Criminal Law, I (1910), 63-85. 430 Vigilance Committee of 1851 asserting themselves with such frequency and boldness. Far from it! The daily papers, the popular periodicals, the profes sional journals consider them with the most serious attention, learned societies investigate them, national congresses meet to discuss them, schools of social scientists conduct experiments in reform. Some strive to elevate the moral standards of the average man to the point where he will be stimulated to a faith ful discharge of all his civic duties. Some seek to reduce the duties of citizenship to the point where the average man can faithfully discharge them without a ruinous sacrifice of his personal interests. Some would increase the power and the responsibility of the specialist and the expert, and some would fetter the hands of efficiency lest they serve the greed of private selfishness. Some are demanding that all questions of import ance should be decided by the direct verdict of a majority of the sovereign people, and some are discussing the legitimate rights of the minority and asking what might be a workable definition of majority rule when for a moment the social group should consist of one honest traveler and two footpads.5 In California in 1849 and 1850 the strain to which the fabric of American life is always liable was raised to the Nth power. There was no local background of American tradition, and there was an unusual admixture of aliens who were entirely unpre pared for the privileges and the duties of self-government. Many of these were actively vicious or constitutionally lazy, and differed radically from the type of ambitious peasant who came from Europe to America with the expectation of returning honest labor for the rewards of prosperity. Even with the American majority wonted standards of citizenship were greatly b See L. A. Lawrence, Public Opinion and Popular Government, 1913, pp. 9-13. It is interesting to recall that Francis Lieber queried whether in defining liberty the emphasis should be laid on effectuating the will of the majority or on protecting the rights of the minority (On Civil Liberty and Self-Government, ed. of 1891, p. 31). In Retrospect 431 affected by the absence of the normal restraints of domestic life, by the general anticipation of return to an Eastern home, and by the intense preoccupation in business of a highly speculative nature. Owing to the confusion existing over land titles and the peculiar climatic conditions of the country, the people did not attach themselves to the soil, but fluctuated between the placers and the towns, with constant and rapid changes of residence. while the individual settlements had little chance to develop that stabilized public opinion which is the foundation of order under a democratic government. Nevertheless, in spite of the absence of such a constructive spirit within the social groups, and regardless of the fact that they were quite inexperienced in corporate life, the county communities were still entrusted with the heavy responsibilities involved in local autonomy, and tin- state was not equipped with any machinery whatever that could restrain their eccentricities or correct their mistakes.0 The courts themselves were more or less subject to control by the local electorate, and they were at the same time bound and hampered by those rigid rules of technical procedure that had become an acknowledged evil in the administration of justice throughout the nation. Many older communities entrenched within bulwarks of American tradition and enlightened in the duties of citizenship have capitulated to the demagogue and the perjurer. Who. then, can be surprised that the reckless stripling of the West, tolerant, sanguine, and self-absorbed, should have been worsted by the same insidious foes. And in truth the selfish and the lawless were not slow to avail themselves of every opportunity they detected in the situation. Adroit and ambitious politicians swiftly accomplished the organization of efficient machines which became permanent ^"Republicanism, here, may be literally said to have run mad. so ridiculously incapable is it of exercising control over the masses" (Pringle 8ham, Ramblings in California [ca. 1860], 69). 432 Vigilance Committee of 1851 factors beneath the more shifting currents of commercial life. Expert criminals weighed the spoils of pillage against the costs of trials, robbed and murdered as they pleased, and paid expert counsel to entangle the courts in such a maze of technicalities that conviction was impossible and the fear of punishment deterred no man from the indulgence of his predatory impulses. Such influences, and many others, combined to emphasize every weakness inherent in the political system, to accentuate every disruptive force in the community, and to create a situation where the latent menace to the welfare of a group was quickly translated into an obvious menace to a large number of particular individuals. These endangered individuals had been trained by all the emergencies of the tumultuous life about them to act quickly rather than cautiously, and to decide the most momentous issues of life and death by the light of their own judgment or the hasty vote of a small circle of associates. Unhesitating and intrepid action, prompted by absolute self-confidence, was the only 'key to success in California and from the moment the immigrant set foot within the state he seemed vitalized with a spirit that removed mountains in hand barrows, raised cities with the swift ness of magic, and conceived railroad projects that staggered the imagination of the nation. "To say that it was a period of intense excitement does not describe it," remarked one of the pioneers concerning the spirit of '49. "It was a raging, seething, red hot pandemonia, [sic] in which men struggled to accomplish their purpose in the shortest possible time."7 Faced with the defiant triumph of lawlessness and crime, these men who had been schooled in audacity did not establish learned societies to analyze their social situation, nor summon a national congress to suggest remedies for their peril. They experimented ! 7 C. R. Street, ' ' Crossing the Plains in '49, ' ' in Associated Pioneers of the Territorial Days, Sixteenth Annual Meeting, 1891, p. 24. In Retrospect 433 Their experiments, embodied in the Committee of Vigilance of 1851, were based on a modification of the precedents of the unorganized frontier, and an application of the resultant methods to a society already organized and equipped with the machinery of representative government. They were, to say the least, crude and radical. They were destructive of personal liberty, they inflicted punishment without due process of law, yet they wen- tolerated by the community because of the general desire for effective protection, and the general recognition of the good sense and sincerity of the Vigilantes.8 In a curious fashion they suggest some of the modern attempts at political reform. Popular participation in the affairs of government, now legalized in certain matters by methods of initiative and referendum, was then illegally forced upon Un judicial department of San Francisco by the action of the Com mittee and the assent of the community. The object now attained hy the process of recall was then effected hy the expedient of taking over the work of the police officers and magistrates who had failed to preserve order. An approximation to the funda mental idea of a commission form of government was developed in the various departments of the Executive Committee, with their subordination of responsibility to a few influential officers. A state- wide detective and police agency was instituted by the sub committees for the pursuit and arrest of criminals. The Cordian knot of technicalities was severed by the admission of all evidence at its face value and the elimination of the privilege of appeal. Finally, the emancipation of municipal politics from party control was attempted when members of the Committee .-on- ducted an independent and effective campaign at the local election. s "Lynch law in some of its manifestations is a form of private initia tive in the enforcement of law, where the ordinary official machinery for its enforcement has broken down or is manifestly inefficient, though this method of law enforcement is, of course, at the same time a violation of law" (Mathews, State Administration, 414). 434 Vigilance Committee of 1851 If we compare the work accomplished by the Committee of Vigilance of 1851 with the purpose that incited its formation, we are compelled to characterize it as successful. Under its stern rule the city was for a time delivered from the reign of violence and from the terror of incendiary fires, and the state was so swifty rid of the cutthroats and robbers of the Stuart gang that many other brigands took warning from the experiences of that outlaw brotherhood. All this was accomplished with few exhibi tions of disorder or riot, and no man suffered at the hands of the Committee a punishment heavier than the law imposed for the crimes of which he had been proved guilty. The members of the Committee felt no shame in acknowledging their work while they still ranged themselves under the symbol of the Watchful Eye, nor in later years when they reviewed their services as Vigilantes, and the community which had welcomed their protection in time of need never repudiated their efforts after the emergency had passed. Yet the Committee of Vigilance was a confession of failure, as is every political scandal, every parody of justice, every lynching throughout the country. It was not, necessarily, the failure of the people to use with honest endeavor the social tools within their grasp, but their failure to perfect the full equipment of tools required in their task of self-government. The realiza tion of a similar failure is today stirring the whole nation to constructive criticism and to strenuous experimentation. One of the vital and perplexing problems of the hour is the control of the constantly recurring mob clamor for illegal exe cutions. Each act of lawless lynching is sternly condemned by the country at large, and is usually defended by local champions on the ground of special and urgent necessity. In discussing the subject it has been said :9 9Forster, as cited, American Law Review, LI (1917), 239-248. In Retrospect 435 To understand popular tribunals and lynchings, the attitude of the vigilantes and their responsible supporters and neighbors is of more weight than that of the outlaws or the formal legalistic critics of the vigilantes who confine their activity to destructive criticism and make no attempt to remedy the underlying causes that have led to popular tribunals, popular justice or extra legal criminal justice in forty-four of our forty-nine continental states and territories. It is doubtful if there exist any records in which the ' ' attitude of the Vigilantes and their responsible supporters" can be more thoroughly studied than in the archives of the Committee of Vigilance, which in this volume have been given a concrete sum mary and a background of local history. The acts of that illegal tribunal were deliberate and cautious, they were quite removed from the influence of racial antagonism between black and white. and they made no sentimental appeal on the ground of punishing revolting Crimes against women. Taken as a whole they present a series of episodes in which a well defined national tendency can be reviewed with extraordinary fullness and unbiased judg ment. It seems almost an injustice to associate even remotely the self-restrained members of the Committee of Vigilance with a blood-crazed mob that reverts to the vengeance of savages, and some of the differences between them are absolutely fundamental. It is unquestionably true that the precedents established by the San Francisco Committee of Vigilance have led other unorganized communities to interpose a quasi-representative and permanent body of responsible men between defiant outlaws and an out raged public, and to effect salutary punishment of crime with a minimum of disorder and cruelty.10 But it is equally time that 10 An interesting article by George Kennan entitled ' ' A Russian Experi ment in Self -Government, ' ' seems to invoke the very specters of the V igi- lantes in an account of the "Amur California," in a Xo Mans Land of Manchurian gold fields. The placers were discovered in 1883 and were quickly thronged with cosmopolitan miners and escaped Siberian convicts. Pandemonium resulted, and after tentative experiments a popular organiza tion was effected in February, 1885: organic laws were adopted, officials 436 Vigilance Committee of 1851 the very restraint of the members of the Committee of San Fran cisco, the wide scope of their work, and the tolerance accorded to them by a large and intelligent center of population have tended to endow with the dignity of an accepted national insti tution those emergency methods which the Vigilantes borrowed from revolutionary or pioneer communities. Even now their example is often cited by restive and irresponsible members of well established societies who in times of supposed crisis are moved to express hysterical racial antagonism or sporadic protest against the chronic shortcomings of their judicial system. From whatever angle it may be viewed, the fact must be recognized that the work of the Committee of Vigilance was too spectacular to sink into oblivion, and that it still exercises a distinct influence upon the popular mind. It has therefore seemed important that its history should be presented in detail, based on the authentic records of its daily doings, stripped as far as might be possible of false glamour and false condemnation, and fairly related to the causes which engendered it. The body of men who styled themselves the Committee of Vigilance of San Francisco were men who believed in the su premacy of law. Many of them had extemporized law when denied the ordinary protection of established society and had formulated law when the opportunity for self-organization ar rived. They had appointed representatives to execute the law, after the manner of American citizens, and no survey of their work has yet proved that as citizens they consciously betrayed their city and state to violence and corruption. But when the laws they had created failed to protect them from the onslaughts chosen, and the penalties of death and flogging were administered with rigor. Order was quickly enforced, and for nearly a year the isolated republic conducted its own affairs with marked success, but perished in a week before a hostile movement of the Chinese government, which saw with apprehension the introduction of unwelcome neighbors and customs upon its borderland (Atlantic Monthly, LXXX [1897], 494-507). In Retrospect 437 of criminals, they put the immediate welfare of the community above their allegiance to the formulated laws, and did to the outlaws among them the things that seemed right in their own eyes. That, as I understand it, was the spirit of the men who constituted the Committee of Vigilance. It is not a spirit which has been confined to a single decade of United States history, to a single section of the frontier, or even to the whole frontier region as distinguished from the areas of denser population. Of whatever vice or virtue it may be the outward and visible sign, it is a spirit which is still alive in the land, and with which reckoning must be made by those entrusted with the responsi bilities of social leadership. It is capable of developing tremen dous dynamic energy, and under provocation will assert itself with destructive ferocity unless restrained by physical force But the curbing of this spirit, which has manifested itself from the time of the Regulators to the yesterdays of 1920. is not so much a matter of heavy-handed restraint as of the elimination of provocation. The realization of the fact that such men as Stuart, Adams, and Jimmy from Town, time and again defied the people in their very courts created the impulse that moved Brannan and Bluxome and Coleman and Payran to teach those rascals a wholesome fear of the wrath of the community, and made the men of San Francisco listen with stern approval to the tapping of the Monumental bell. The realization of the fact that the most vicious criminal can today evade swift and certain punishment creates the impulse that now draws within the circle of lynchers men, and even women, whose lives are normally gentle and humane. If that conviction were destroyed, the will to lynch might remain as a social danger, but it would be so universally condemned by the better element of the people that both preventive and punitive measures might be adopted for its suppression. 438 Vigilance Committee of 1851 It is not the province of the historian of the Committee of Vigilance to prophesy what steps must be taken before the people may regard their political institutions as safeguards against cor ruption, and their courts as temples of justice rather than as sanctuaries for the fugitive from righteous punishment. In this Year of the Independence of the United States one hundred and forty-five the precedents of the past are not to be accepted as unerring guide posts towards the future development of Amer ican democracy. Old issues are swiftly sinking into oblivion, and new problems are arising that will test afresh the elasticity of our institutions and the temper of our people. But in spite of every failure of our political system, in spite of civic lassitude, in spite of standards of thought and action divergent from the past, in spite of commercial greed, of evasion of laws, of mob frenzy and brutal lynchings, one may say with confidence that our people still strive to carry on within the borders of their land the unending struggle between the constructive and de- structure forces of society. For this reason no effort is wasted or ill-advised that seeks to set clearly before their minds the actions and reactions which transmute subtle and primary elements into the visible phenomena of their daily lives. The Committee of Vigilance of 1851 was a phenomenon that has been visible and familiar to every reader of California his tory, but its vital significance has largely been obscured by its atmosphere of picturesque melodrama and its detachment from historical criticism-. It was the confession of the failure of aver age men to control the unusually disruptive forces in their special community by the restraining influences of the form of govern ment commonly practiced in the United States. It was also an experiment in correction, reflecting existing theories of popular sovereignty, and forecasting less explosive experiments of a later day. For a short time its influence in San Francisco and in California was undoubtedly productive of public quiet and In Retrospect 439 safety. When another and more acute crisis arose in San Fran cisco in 1856, the framework of the Committee of 1851 formed the nucleus of a much larger body which brought under the discipline of its secret tribunal men of power and influence, and established practical and permanent political reforms. In other pioneer communities, as Colorado, Montana, and Nevada, the exercise of lynch law common to all the American frontier bor rowed from the precedents set by the San Francisco Committee of Vigilance a decorum of procedure, and an element of restraint that prevented some of the worst evils incident to such an irre sponsible code. But with all this to its credit, the Committee of Vigilance was not a beacon light on the pathway of constructive reform ; and as an experiment the real force of its lesson has been ob scured, because the lawlessness and danger of its methods have diverted its critics from attention to the inherent weakness of organization that originally caused the breakdown of govern ment in California. More than this — it must also be acknowl edged that as an influence in American life surviving the emerg encies of unprotected frontiers, the Committee, itself, became a menace to organized society, for the sincerity of the men who formed it, and the partial if temporary success of their efforts have diverted many of their admirers from a true valuation of the destructive measures which they employed. Yet in view of our own experiences in inefficiency, and our laborious and pro crastinating efforts at improvement, it seems fair to place the emphasis of significance on the structural weakness and conse quent breakdown of a social system rather than on the errors of those who experimented with readjustment. Whatever might be the meed of praise or censure that tbe world should pass upon their deeds, the Vigilantes awaited the verdict unflinchingly, meeting with open faces the friends and foes upon their city streets, and setting their names to the records 440 Vigilance Committee of 1851 of their work, that meri_jn other places and in other days might read and understand.! They usurped power, but they exercised it without tyranny. They avenged crime, but they did so with out cruelty. They disregarded the laws which had been formu lated for the public good, but they felt themselves bound in solemn responsibility to the people who, behind those laws^repre- sented to their minds the symbol of ultimate sovereignty. To that self-imposed responsibility they were consistently faithful. They appealed unto the People. Let the People take warning from their errors, but give tribute to their sincerity and daring. APPENDIX BIOGRAPHICAL NOTES The following notes have been compiled from accessible sources,i with the purpose of showing the type of men who made up the rank and file of the Committee of Vigilance of 1851. Members of particular prominence are mentioned in the chapter on organization, and many more might be noted with interest and profit if the limits of this volume permitted. It would be a valuable addition to the archives of the Committ<-i- if relatives of Vigilantes would contribute biographical data to be filed with the original documents in the Bancroft Library. The names are arranged in the order of signature to the constitution. A second number printed in brackets indicates a variation in the identi fication number used by the sergeant-at-arms (see supra, p. 192 note 10). 5. Of George J. Oakes we know little, except that he was a member of the firm of Endicott, Green and Oakes, was a foreman of the Empire Engine Company Number 1 ( Broderick 's), that he served on the Executive Committee until the date of his death, October 26 or 27, 1851, and that the Committee sent to his mother an eloquent letter of condolence which was probably the most gentle document indited "In behalf of the Committee of Vigilance of San Francisco." The fire companies and the Vigilantes paraded at his funeral, and the rooms of the Committee were draped in mourning in deference to his memory (Papers, 681-686; Herald, 1851, Oct. 28-30). 9. James C. Ward, a former member of Stevenson's Regiment, served on the Executive Committee and sometimes filled the place of secretary or chairman. In 1854 he acted as president of the San Francisco and Mission Plank Road (Herald, April 27). At a later period he was a notary public, and became quite wealthy. Swasey said he was a man of education, and possessed some literary ability (Early Days, 272). In 1S78 he published his "Recollections" in the San Francisco Argonaut. He died in Massa chusetts in 1883. 1 The Constitution and By-Laws of the Society of California Pioneers. as revised in 1912, has been followed for dates of arrival in California. and the California Blue Booh for 1907 has furnished records of members of the state legislature. Other sources of information are mentioned in the text. 442 Vigilance Committee of 1851 12. The name of R. S. Watson, of Macondray and Company, made little impression on the archives of the Committee. Josiah Royce knew him in later years, and learned interesting details of the Jansen affair, of Feb ruary, 1851, and of the inception of the Committee of Vigilance. Watson, under the pseudonym of ' ' Justice, ' ' made the stirring suggestions in the Alta of June 8, that greatly promoted the organization of the Committee (see infra, p. 456, and Royce, California, 412—421). His ideals of duty may be inferred from the fact that he risked his life, on a stormy day, to deliver the anchor he had promised to a departing vessel (Knower, Adventures, 131). 14. Edward A. King, a sea captain, arrived in California in November, 1846. He was successively an agent for underwriters, a lumber dealer in Monterey in 1848, and harbor master of San Francisco in 1849. A copy of a table of arrivals made from his records for the Society of Pioneers furnishes valuable and unique statistics for the period of his administration (see supra, p. 123; Bancroft, California, IV, 700. The register of the Society of California Pioneers corrects Bancroft's date of arrival). 24 [20]. James T. Ryan was prominently identified with lumber inter ests in Humboldt County, where he was a partner of James R. Duff, Vigi lante number 169. He served as a Democratic state senator, 1860 and 1861, and died at Vallejo, February 6, 1875 (Carr, Pioneer Days, 442; San Francisco Chronicle, 1915, Oct. 3, Magazine p. 6). 26 [22]. George H. Howard was a Democratic assemblyman, 1865-1866. 35 [31]. James F. Curtis, a native of Boston, and a "Territorial Pioneer" of 1850, was a partner of J. D. Farwell (see note on Farwell, number 89). He assisted in arresting the first prisoner of the Committee of Vigilance, served on the Executive Committee, and was active in the reorganization of 1856. Subsequently he was for two years chief of police in San Francisco. He became a brigadier general in the Federal army in the Civil War, and commanded the national guard of Idaho during the riots at the Coeur d'Alene mines in 1892 (Alta California, 1858, November 7 %; 8%; 11 %; 1877, Aug. 27 y6 ; Popular Tribunals, II, Index; G. E. French, "Coeur d'Alene Riots," Overland Monthly, ser. 2, XXVI (1895), 32-40; biographical note, ibid, 109). 44 [40]. James C. L. Wadsworth was born in Litchfield, Connecticut, and came to California in 1847, as a sutler in Stevenson's Regiment. In 1848 and 1849 he worked in the southern mines, then established himself in business in Stockton and was elected second alcalde in the spring of 1849. Later he engaged in banking in San Francisco. He was a member of Broderick 's fire company and was one of the first to suggest the forma tion of the Society of California Pioneers. Later he held important posi tions in Nevada mining companies, was appointed secretary to the State Board of Harbor Commissioners in California in 1883, and subsequently Biographical Notes 443 served as a commissioner of insurance. He was a staunch Democrat, a loyal Union man, and a prominent Mason. He dictated a brief statement which has a place in the Bancroft collections (Swasey, Early Days, 242-245 ; Alta, 1864, April 13 14 ; San Francisco Call, 1883, March 22 % ; 23 %;. 55 [51]. Dr. Victor J. Fourgeaud was born in Charleston, South Caro lina, February 1, 1816. He was educated in France and in South Carolina (Swasey, Early Days, 274>. He undertook the overland trip in 1847, and had the courage to take with him his wife and child. He published several descriptions of California which may be called the first steps in the advertisement of the state (Eldredge, California, III, 181-182. Extracts reprinted in In Memoriam [of] Dr. Victor J. Fourgeaud, by the Society of California Pioneers). One of the earliest authoritative announcements of the discovery of gold was made in a long article on the advantages of California which he published in the California Star, April 1, Ists, but the author's career as a miner was quickly terminated by illness. Ho was conspicuous in the rising against the Hounds, but took no important part in the activities of the Committee of Vigilance, although his early member ship gives interesting proof of the attitude towards the soriety of u. quiet, scholarly man whose family was already in the city. He was a K< publican member of the state assembly in 1857. Obituary, Alta, 1875, Jan. 3 %. 83 [79]. Jesse Seligman, was senior member of a firm of importers, and subsequently established a banking house (Colville's Directory. 1S56; Eldredge, California, V, 446). 89 [85]. James D. Farwell and his partner, James F. Curtis (number 35) were merchants. They suffered in the fire of May, 1851. but were not ruined, because their store was built over the water, and in anticipation of such a catastrophe, they always kept lighters alongside, and so salvaged most of their stock before the building was destroyed. Farwell was not an important member of the Committee of '51, but played a larger role in that of '56, which he entered as a "sacred duty" although conscious of the heavy responsibility assumed by such a defiance of established law ( see his MS Statement; Popular Tribunals, Index). 92 [88]. Jacob Primer Leese was a representative of the old regime, as he arrived in California in 1833, was naturalized as a Mexican citizen, married a daughter of the Vallejo family, and was the father of Rosalia, the first white child born in Yerba Buena. He was alcalde of Sonoma in 1844-1845, acted as a sub-agent for Larkin in 1846, and was elected in 1847 as a member of the Sonoma town council. He was a bold man, but had little education and ultimately lost the fortune he had made in trade and mining, as well as that inherited by his wife (Bancroft, California, IV, 710-711; Annals, 171; Leese, "Reminiscences," Alta, 1865, March 30, p. 1). 107 [105]. Henry F. Tesehemacher came to California from Boston in 1842. His work as a member of the Executive Committee was inconspicuous, 444 Vigilance Committee of 1851 but he became a man of wealth and sufficiently important in the city to serve as president of the board of supervisors from 1859 to 1861, and as mayor, 1862 to 1863. Much of his later life was spent in foreign travel. Bancroft found surprisingly little record of so prominent a pioneer (Califor nia, V, 745. See also, Swasey, Early Days, 270; Alta, 1863, July 2 %; obituary, San Francisco Chronicle, 1904, Nov. 29 1%). 116 [115]. William H. Graham was a man- of notable pugnacity. In January, 1851, he had fought a duel with William Walker, one of the editors of the Herald (Alta, Jan. 14 %). For this he was tried and acquitted (Herald, Aug. 11 %). On July first the Herald printed in its advertising columns the following: Card. — Old Alcalde's Building, west side of Portsmouth Square, July 1, 1851. I hereby post and publish George Frank Lemon as a scoundrel, villain, liar and poltroon, and declare him to be out of the pale of gentlemen's society. William H. Graham. The issue of July 3 noted that the editor understood that Mr. Graham was doing very well, and though suffering much from his wounds was entirely out of danger. Later allusions showed that this encounter was a rather plebeian street fight that resulted in arrest for assault with intent to kill (Herald, July 26 % ; Sept. 14 %). The ethics of the code were finally observed in a pistol duel at Benicia, where at the seventh round Graham satisfied his honor by slightly wounding his antagonist (Herald, Sept. 15 %). Fortunately the truculent gentleman developed no quarrel within the ranks of the Committee. 126 [125]. Owen P. Sutton was born in 1821 in the state of New York. He arrived in California in April, 1849, mined for a time, and then estab lished himself in business in San Franeisco. He was vice-president of the Democratic mass meeting held October 25, 1849. When his firm was burned out in the fire of May, 1851, their loss was estimated at $125,000. From 1853 to 1858 he was an appraiser of the port, and in 1863 he was a member of the state assembly. He died September 1, 1881 (Annals, 236 ; San Fran cisco Call, 1890, Sept. 8 %. 129 [128]. Alfred J. Ellis was born in New York in 1816. He came to San Francisco in April, 1847, after some years in New Zealand and the Pacific islands. He was a member of the popular legislative assembly in San Francisco in the spring of 1849, took part in the trial of the Hounds, joined the California Guard, was elected to the ayuntamiento in August, and was a delegate to the constitutional convention. He was an active member of the Executive Committee of the Committee of Vigilance but resigned in November, 1851, as a sequel to his election to the legislature. In 1852 he received seventeen votes as a delegate to the presidential con- Biographical Notes 445 vention of the Whig party (Swasey, Early Days, 272; Davis, Political Con ventions, 16; obituary, San Francisco Call, 1883, July 30 %). 132 [131]. Captain Henry M. Naglee, a native of Philadelphia, was a graduate of the Military Academy at West Point. Although he was engaged in civil pursuits at the outbreak of the Mexican War, he came to California as a captain in Stevenson's Regiment, and distinguished himself in active service in Lower California. In January, 1849, he opened the first banking house in San Francisco, but was obliged to suspend payment in a. financial panic, September, 1850. He took no active part in the business of the Com mittee until near the close of its existence. He received a commission as brigadier general of volunteers in the Civil War, and after his return to California at its close, made a great success in the culture of wine grapes, the manufacture of brandy, and the development of the agriculture of the Santa Clara Valley. In politics he was a Democrat (Swasey, Early Days, 219-229; Annals, 289; Love Life of Brig. Gen. Henry M. Naglee. 1SH7), 136 [135]. Alfred L. Tubbs was a member of tho state senate, 1865- 1868. 144 [142]. Thomas K. Battelle was of a different type. At the time of the first fire, December 24, 1849, his gambling saloon was destroyed, and while the city was still blazing he rented another building, extinguished the flames that already threatened it, and opened for business without delay. In 1850 he was an assistant fire engineer in the volunteer department. Dur ing the term of the Committee of Vigilance he was proprietor of the Pioneer Club House and furnished refreshments, more or less spirituous in their composition, to his fellow Vigilantes (Annals. 617; Schenek. MS Statement, 49-50; notice of his departure from San Francisco, Alta, 1855, June 16 %). 155 [153]. J. Mead Huxley came to California in Stevenson's Regiment and again volunteered for military duty during the Civil War, when he served as a commissioned officer (Bancroft, California. Ill, 792). 157 [155]. Charles Minturn arrived in San Francisco in October, ls!9. He engaged in the commission business, was an alderman in 1S50, and acted as agent for Sacramento steamers. An attempt to rob his office has been described on page 312 (Annals, 273; Kimball's Directory, 1S50). 169 [167]. James R. Duff came from Boston around Cape Horn and arrived in San Francisco in July, 1849. Three days of hard work in the mines prostrated him with sunstroke, and he returned to San Francisco and started business as a contractor and builder, forming a partnership with James T. Ryan (number 24). His interesting account of one of the most exciting episodes of '51 is incorporated in an earlier chapter (see supra, p. 300). So far as he could ascertain he was the last survivor of the Committee of 1851. He died at the age of ninety-two, on August 9, 1917 (Carr, Pioneer Days, 442; San Francisco Chronicle, 1915, Oct. 3, Maga zine p. 6). 446 Vigilance Committee of 1851 170 [176]. James Dows arrived from New York in December, 1849, and' established himself in a wholesale liquor business. It is said that his safe was robbed by the Sydney thieves of about $10,000 before the organ ization of the Committee of Vigilance. He was a straightforward, sincere and capable man, and was blessed with a saving gift of humor. Coleman said that at one time the Committee was discussing the fate of a Mexican boy charged with theft, and each speaker was limited to a single period of five minutes. While the prisoner's life hung in the balance, Dows, who had already addressed the chair, gained the floor by a subterfuge and drawled out: "Gentlemen, I do not wish to fatigue you; I beg merely to say that it takes no longer to hang a man than to whip one. ' ' The resulting laugh cleared the atmosphere, and the culprit was released with a reprimand (MS Statement, 26-27). Dows did good service in both Committees, and suits were brought against him as a sequel to his actions in '56 (Popular Tribunals, I, 377-378; II, 127, 613-617). 172 [169]. John O. Earl, and his brother, 173 [170]. E. M. Earl, from New Jersey, were pioneers of 1849. Their business was burned out in the two fires that occurred in May, 1850 and 1851. Neither were conspicuous in '51, but John was active in the reorgan ization of '56. He was interested in the establishment of San Francisco schools, was a well-known Mason, and so loyal to the Union that he left the Democratic party and joined the Republican after the outbreak of the Civil War (Phelps, Contemporary Biography, II, 311-314). 176 [177]. George H. Blake was a Democratic assemblyman in 1853. 178 [176]. James Neall, Jr. arrived in May, 1849, and remained in San Francisco as a merchant. He dictated for Bancroft many interesting reminiscences of the early days and a most valuable account of the first steps in the formation of the Committee of Vigilance, although, strange to say, his name does not appear in the documents, except upon the roll of members (see infra, pp. 457-458). 188. Charles V. Gillespie, a native of New York, came with his wife to San Francisco in February, 1848, after seventeen years of voyaging between New York and China, and in Oriental waters. He took charge of the Leidesdorff estate shortly after his arrival, and in September, 1848, he served on a committee to petition Congress for a mint. Bancroft described him as a quiet, intellectual man, who did more important work in '56 than in the earlier organization. He dictated a Statement for the Bancroft collection, but it touches very briefly on the work of '51 (Popular Tribunals, II, 130; Robinson, California and Its Gold Regions, Appendix, p. 126). 194. Andrew J. Grayson, from Louisiana, brought his wife and child to California in an overland wagon train of 1846. He served as a lieutenant in Fremont's Mounted Riflemen, but was stationed in San Francisco during Biographical Notes 4A1 hostilities, and at their close he opened a stationery store in the town. He was one of the many unnamed participants in the work of the Committee. In later life he gained scientific renown as an ornithologist. Swasey spoke with admiration of his fine physique, abstemious habits and scholarly education. He died in Mazatlan in 1869 (Swasey, Early Days, 209-210; Bancroft, California, III, 764). 193. F. C. Bennett may have been the Francis C. Bennett elected one of the city assessors in May, 1850, and a Whig assemblyman, in the second legislature, 1851 (Annals, 273). 196. Jean Jacques Vioget, a Swiss, had been in California since 1S37. He made the first survey of San Francisco. He was also a sailor and a hotel keeper of some skill, spoke several languages and loved music. He removed from San Francisco and was granted leave from the Committee in February, 1852 (Bancroft, California, V, 764). 199. George H. Hossefross waB a pioneer of 1849. He was elected to the Executive Committee towards the close of activities in 1852, and renewed his connection with the association in 1856. He served as chief of the united San Francisco engine companies in 1852 and Is.":: (Papular Tribunals, II, 474; Annals, 618; Alta, 1853, Sept. 14 %; Oct. 16 yy, obit uary, Alta, 1864, March 19-21; sketches, Argonaut, 1877, June 23 'v. San Francisco Call, 1890, Dec. 22 %; Pendleton, Exempt Firemen, 10, portrait). 228. Cyrus Palmer was born in Maine in 1828. He arrived in San Francisco in August, 1849, and for three years was connected with the business of Macondray and Company, but later established with his brother an important foundry of their own. He aided in organizing the fir-t fire company, was a Republican member of the assembly in 1857, 1858, and 1863, and was an officer of the Howard Street Presbyterian Church (Phelps, Contemporary Biography, II, 274-275). 243. E. V. Joice arrived in January, 1849 and was sufficiently prominent in the fall to serve as a vice-president of the Democratic mass meeting, October 25 (Annals, 236). 259. Dr. Galen Burdell arrived from New York in August, 1849, and attained a successful practice as the first scientific dentist in San Francisco (Eldredge, California, IV, 476, portrait). 268. Henry M. Gray, born in New York in 1821, was the son of a clergyman. He arrived in November, 1849, indulged in a brief experiment in mining, and then devoted himself to medicine in San Francisco, where he is said to have built up the largest practice in the city. He was quickly identified with the Whig party, served on the general and state central committees, was considered as a candidate for mayor in 1852. and was nominated but defeated for that office in the foUowing year. He was a man of marked generosity and of cultured tastes, a connoisseur in music, litera ture and works of art, an eloquent, speaker, a prominent Mason, and the 448 Vigilance Committee of 1851 eighth president of the Society of California Pioneers. He died September 24, 1863 (Shuck, Representative Men, 479-493, portrait; San Francisco Call, 1890, Sept. 8 %). 273. Timothy Guy Phelps, born in the state of New York in 1824, arrived in California in December, 1849. He mined for a time, and then entered the commission business in San Francisco. He became an important Republican politician, served several terms in the state senate and assembly, was a candidate for the nomination for governor in 1861, ran for that office, unsuccessfully, in 1875 ; was a member of Congress in 1861-1863, and collector of the port of San Francisco in 1869. He was a man of great wealth, and a, regent of the State University at the time of his death, June 11, 1899 (Eldredge, California, IV, 156, portrait; Phelps, Contempo rary Biography, II, 15-16). 283. Arthur M. Ebbets was born in New York in 1830, arrived in San Francisco in August, 1849, and made such an immediate success as a com mission merchant, that in 1851 he established a branch house in New York. He served as county recorder in 1861, was supervisor in 1874, a director and president of the Mercantile Library, and a president of the Society of California Pioneers. He was active in supporting the Union during the Civil War (Swasey, Early Days, 297-301; San Francisco Call, 1890, Sept. 8 %). 287. At the age of thirty-two, William D. M. Howard was one of the most prominent, and one of the best loved men in California. He was a native of Boston, and had been identified with the commercial interests of the Pacific Coast since January, 1839. After the gold discovery, the firm of Howard and Melius, which had purchased the old property of the Hudson Bay Company, had the most extensive merchandise business in the state, but Howard retired from business in 1850. Although unambitious for political power, he was always interested in public affairs, and his name often appeared in connection with the earlier history of San Francisco. He promoted the establishment of schools, of the first orphan asylum, and of the fire department, donated the lot for a Presbyterian church, and urged and contributed to the improvement of city streets. He was influential in founding the California Guard, and was the first president of the Society of California Pioneers. On the Committee of Vigilance he did no recorded work but was appointed to one important subcommittee, and was placed on the Executive Committee in September, 1851. He never attended any Executive meetings, and his inability to do so served as an excuse for an early resignation. He died January 19, 1856 (Annals, 779-780, portrait; Swasey, Early Days, 151-155; Bancroft, California, III, 788-789; Davis, Sixty Years, 314-327; Eldredge, California, II, 470, portrait; sketches, San Francisco Bulletin, 1897, April 3 i%; San Francisco Call, 1890, Sept. 8 %; Pendleton, Exempt Firemen, 74-77, portrait). Biographical Notes 449 299. James S. Wethered, a pioneer of August, 1849, was a Whig assemblyman in the second legislature. He did inconspicuous, but faithful work in the ranks of the General Committee, and incidentally indulged in a harmless duel with Captain Schaeffer in September, 1851. He was an inspector of customs in 1852, and became a brother-in-law of the Wood- worths. He died January 14, 1900 (Swasey, Early Days, 217; Parker's Directory, 1852; Herald, 1851, Sept. 14 %). 303. Henry Gerke was a German immigrant, who arrived in California August, 1847. He later became a vineyardist in Tehama County (Ban croft, California, III, 755). 304. Francis Hoen was a member of the famous Swasey-Todd party which reached California in September, 1845. For a time he was employed by Sutter, then became a resident of Monterey and was there a candidate for treasurer in October, 1846. Later he kept a cigar store in San Francisco (Bancroft, California, III, 786; V, 295 note 5). 324. Mathew P. Burns was a well-known physician. He dictated a Statement for Bancroft. 331. Edward A. Suwerkrop was the Danish consul (Parker's Directory, 1852). 349. Samuel Fleishhacker had already placed his family name ou the list of prominent merchants of San Francisco. He was an uncle of Hubert and Mortimer Fleishhacker. 361. Charles L. Wiggin reached California in August, 1849. He served as an assemblyman in the legislature, 1865 to 1866. 403. William M. Lent arrived in April, 1849. He was it Democratic state senator in 1854. 414. John P. Manrow arrived in April, 1849, and participated in the trial of the Hounds. He dictated reminiscences of the Committees of Vigi lance for Bancroft, but they are not very valuable for the work of '51. 437. Richard M. Jessup arrived in July, 1849. He was a Republican assemblyman in 1857. 440. John Middleton reached San Francisco in September, 1849, and in 1851 he was a member of a prosperous firm of auctioneers. He was a Democratic assemblyman in the legislature, 1867 to 1868 (Colville's Direc tory, 1856). 449. James M. Taylor arrived in July, 1849. He was an assemblyman in 1853 and 1859, representing in turn the Whig and Republican parties. 466. William Sharon was born in Ohio in 1821, and practiced law in that state before he left for the gold fields in the summer of 1849. Quickly realizing the wonderful future that was before California, and anticipating speedy rail communication with the East, he devoted himself to real estate speculations in San Francisco, and by 1862 his fortune was rated at $150,000. He was an able member of the first council under the charter of 1850, and 450 Vigilance Committee of 1851 inaugurated the first systematic and official survey of the city archives. His later mining and banking undertakings form a well-known chapter in the financial history of California and Nevada, and have enrolled him among the millionaires of the Pacific Coast (Bancroft, Chronicles of the Builders, TV, 23-78, portrait). 501. John A. Sutter Jr. was the son of the famous pioneer of New Helvetia. 507. Dr. Samuel Merritt was born in Maine in 1822, and on the day after the fire of May, 1850, he sailed into San Francisco Bay, the owner of a smart little brig, and of a cargo of merchandise which the devastated market quickly absorbed at a brilliant profit. He chartered his small vessel at $800 a month, and began the practice of his profession equipped with an excellent education, a happy ability to make friends, and a letter of intro duction and recommendation from his friend, Daniel Webster. He did little in the Committee of '51, but was more active in that of '56. He was elected as a supervisor in the reform of politics that ensued, and there served as chairman of the committee of finance which accomplished marvels of economy for the depleted city treasury. He declined the nomination for mayor in 1858, but accepted a similar position in Oakland in 1867, and long maintained a leading position in that city. He was appointed a regent of the University of California in 1868. He died in 1891, and left a fortune that has endowed the great hospital in Oakland that bears his name (Phelps, Contemporary Biography, II, 92-100, portrait; obituary, San Francisco Examiner, 1890, Aug. 18 %). 509. Henry Wetherbee arrived in November, 1849, and in later years became one of the best known lumber manufacturers on the Coast. 530. Robert A. Parker was a native of Boston. He reached San Francisco in March, 1847, and became a member of the council elected in September of that year, and of the district legislature of 1849. He was for a time one of the town's most ambitious merchants, and is said to have indulged in the spectacular amusement of "salting" Clay Street with two or three thousand dollars worth of coarse gold, just as the eastern passen gers landed from the first steamer. The prospective Argonauts panned it out with delight and sent home jubilant reports of the abundance of the precious metal. It is not surprising to find that the generous and imagin ative pioneer failed in his commercial undertakings, and fortunately his impulsive nature seems to have exerted no influence on the affairs of the Committee of Vigilance (Swasey, Early Days, 210-211). 573. Thomas J. L. Smiley was a native of Philadelphia, and arrived in October, 1849. He was a partner of John Middleton (Number 440), and took an active interest in the affairs of the Committee after he was placed on the Executive Committee, in August. He was even more conspicuous in the reorganization in '56. Bancroft quoted a fellow Vigilante Who called Biographical Notes 451 Smiley prompt in action, but talkative and excitable. Hia dictation is an interesting item of the Bancroft collection. He became a prominent broker, was first president of the California Stock and Exchange Board, and was also well known as a Republican politician, (Popular Tribunals, II, 129-130 • obituary, Alta, 1873, May 4 yi; records of the Society of California Pio neers). 580. Philip A. Roach reached California in August, 1849, and served as last alcalde and first mayor of Monterey. He was registered on the rolls of the Committee as a resident of the southern port, and tendered his resignation in August because of necessary absence from San Francisco. He served as a state senator in 1852, and distinguished himself by introducing a bill authorizing married women to conduct business as sole traders. He served again in 1853 and from 1873 to 1876, filled other important offices in subsequent years, and was long a successful leader of the Democratic party. He died April 27, 1889 (Bancroft, California, VI, 657 note; Uoham, Notes, 497-500). 588. Beverley C. Sanders was a "Territorial Pioneer" of 1N50 and became collector of the port of San Francisco in 1852. In the Committee he appears to have done little active work, but space must be allowed to repeat a Vigilante's anecdote of a later year when Sanders was sent to St. Petersburg by the Russian- American Commercial Company to secure the privilege of transporting ice from Sitka to San Francisco. With audacity characteristic of a handsome and dashing pioneer, Mr. Sanders introduced himself as a colonel, and wore an impressive and bee mi ing uniform. He was once inconveniently asked to which department of the army he belonged, but he preserved his dignity by promptly responding: "To the Pacific, Madam!" (Hittell, California, III, 433). 598. Isaac M. Merrill was a Republican assemblyman in 1895. 610. Henry Hiram Ellis was born in Maine in 1830, took to the sea, as had his family before him, and reached San Francisco in June, 1849. In California he experienced vicissitudes of mining life and was interested in shipping ventures. From 1855 to 1877 he was connected with the San Francisco police, became chief of the force, and left a fine record for efficiency. During the Civil War he held the position of deputy United States assistant provost-marshal (Phelps, Contemporary Biography, I, 379- 384, portrait; Alta, 1866, Feb. 4 %; 1871, Jan. 13 14 ; 1875, Dec. 7 Vs). 616. Herman Wohler was a German immigrant who reached California in February, 1848. He was elected a Democratic assemblyman in Septem ber, 1851, and served again in 1856. Bancroft said that he was famous as a musician (California, V, 779). 654. John Stoneacre Ellis, and his brother, 682. Augustus Van Horne Ellis, came from New York city in 1849. They did no conspicuous work in 1851, although John was elected to the 452 Vigilance Committee of 1851 Executive Committee in March, 1852. He was more prominent in 1856, and was presented with the banners of the Committee as a token of esteem and affection. The name of Augustus appears once in a report of August 31, 1851, although it is so illegible that it was printed as "Hawthorne" Ellis on page 582 of the Papers. Both of the brothers served with distinction in the Civil War, and Augustus, a colonel, was killed at Gettysburg (data furnished by a niece, Mrs. Vanderlynn Stow, of San Francisco). 662. Daniel Cronin served as one of the secretaries of the Democratic mass meeting of October 25, 1849 (Annals, 236). 665. Jacob R. Snyder was born in Philadelphia, August 23, 1812. He was one of the Swasey-Todd party that crossed the plains and arrived in California in September, 1845. For a while he made shingles near Santa Cruz, then served as a major in the California Battalion, and was appointed surveyor general of the middle department of California during the admin istration of Colonel Mason. He was a delegate to the Constitutional Con vention of 1849, and in 1850 became a banking associate of James King of William. His membership in the Committee was brief, as he resigned to take his seat as a Democratic senator, being one of four Vigilantes elected to the legislature in September, 1851. He remained, in office for two terms, and also served as sub-treasurer of the United States mint, 1854 to 1860. He was a fearless man, sturdy and independent, made a success of commercial life and retired in 1869 to a beautiful home in the Sonoma Valley. He died April 29, 1878 (Swasey, Early Days, 172-177; Eldredge, California, III, 310, portrait; Bancroft, California, V, 726; Willey, Transition Period, 117; San Francisco Call, 1890, Sept. 8 %). DOCUMENTARY APPENDIX Handbill Issued in San Francisco, February 22, 1851 Following the Attack on C. J. Jansen Citizens of San Francisco The series of murders and robberies that have been committed in this city, without the least redress from the laws, seems to leave us entirely in a state of anarchy. "When thieves are left without control to rob and kill, then doth the honest traveller fear each bush a thief!" Law, it appears, is but a nonenity to be scoffed at; redress can be had for aggression but through the never failing remedy so admirably laid down in the code of Judge Lynch. Not that we should admire this process for redress, but that it seems to be inevitably necessary. Are we to be robbed and assassinated in our domiciles, and the law to let our aggressors perambulate the streets merely because they have fur nished straw bail? If so, let "each man be his own executioner." "Fie upon your laws!" They have no force. All those who would rid our city of its robbers and murderers, will assemble on Sunday, at two o'clock, on the Plaza. (Alta California, 1851, Feb. 23, %. See supra, p. 172.) The Popular Trial op Windred and Berdue, San Francisco, February 22, 1851 Described by William T. Coleman I said, "We don't want a mob; we will not have a mob! But let us organize as becomes men. Let it be done immediately, here, as a committee of citizens, and as a court, and coolly maintain the right, and insist upon it. These men can be tried in three hours time, and the truth known as clearly then as it ever can be The witnesses are all here. If any delays are allowed, they will probably be spirited away, as others have been here tofore, and justice cheated, and the high-handed outrages, lately so com mon, will be encouraged, continued and increased. ' ' A loud response went up on every side. I then said, "All who are in favor of this motion, that we organize and take this business in our own hands immediately, will signify it by saying, Aye. ' ' There was one unanimous shout, and yell. . . . I moved into the inner hall, which had been used I believe as a court room, aud the mob moved with me. I mounted a chair, and asked that the assem blage should select a good citizen, one of the best men in the city, to act 454 Vigilance CommMt&e of 1851 as Judge. Mr. Spence, an English merchant I think, was soon selected, and upon invitation, took the seat of the Judge. I then proposed that a jury be impaneled, to consist of a dozen of the best citizens. I then pro posed that counsel be selected, or that they might volunteer. For the prisoners, Hall McAllister, Calhoun Benham, and Judge Shattuck volun teered and were soon at the post. I asked for volunteers for the prosecution, and on all sides they cried out that I must conduct the prosecution. I asked if I must be alone, and they insisted, ' ' Yes, ' ' that they were all with me. .... I then required that the prisoners be in the immediate charge of our friends, and it was responded to. As it had by this time grown to be about noon, I proposed that the mass of people should adjourn to their homes, get their mid-day meal, and come back to prepare for the work of the after noon One purpose I had in the adjournment was to call upon some of the leading citizens — Howard, Green, Brannan and others I wanted the co-operation of the oldest, best known and most valued citizens. I was very young, partly unknown, and did not want to make a misstep nor a mistake, and felt that the course, under the circumstances, was the better one. I believed that I could soon convince them of it, and I wanted to prevent any needless opposition, should such a thing be contemplated, and catch any valuable suggestions that might be dropped. I drove to the resi dence of some, asked friends who flocked around me to see others, and had soon canvassed the subject with all I could reach. The result was that a number of those who had acted with the mayor heartily joined us and pro ceeded to the Court House. Others simply refrained, saying they were willing for the people, if they wished, to follow the course adopted in the morning. They pretty much all admitted the almost positive certainty of a mob and a mob execution, unless a better direction were given to our highly excited people, and that a fair trial in the way I proposed, though a hasty one, would be far preferable. (MS Statement, 7-10, passim. See supra, p. 174.) Organization of Crime in this State Extract from the San Francisco Herald, June 5, 1851 The recent detection of a band of marauders at Stockton, developing a brotherhood in crime extending throughout the entire country, and the watchfulness of the people, both there and in this city, gives promise that, with a united effort in every portion of the country infested by these scoundrels, we shall soon be rid of their depredations. .... It is full time some means were adopted to rid the country of this organization. The commencement should be made in this city, and the means are very simple. .... A committee of citizens should be appointed — those acquainted with them should be employed to point out these notorious characters — a vessel Documentary Appendix 455 should be chartered and victualled, and every man known to the police to be implicated in crime, should be placed on board and sent out of the country. Hanging would have an excellent example unquestionably, but hanging one or two will not rid the community of the remainder. Let a general war be made on those scoundrels— quietly and without bloodshed let it be— but with the distinct intimation that should they ever return they will be sum marily dealt with. We believe that to send them out of the country is the only effectual method of getting rid of those pests, and we trust the method will be adopted. (See supra, p. 184.) Extract from the Stockton Journal Printed in the San Francisco Herald, June 10, 1851 To the Public Citizens of Stockton : Without any war cry we already have an enemy in our country and in the midst of our town. The signal is Theft! Murder! ! Fire!!! .... Our laws are treated with contumely; our respectable citizens are sup planted by wholesale hordes of refuse from Sydney and other countries, who find how easily in California they can resume their old trades of rob bery, plunder and incendiarism, and soon this golden country will be known only as the rendezvous for pirates by land and water. Citizens! We are as yet strong enough to meet the enemy, and the remedy is with ourselves. The laws are good for peaceful times, but not for such a state of tut moi] as the present. For such uncommon times, we should have equally stringent measures to meet them. Citizens! in such an emergency you have to frame your own laws. The country is in danger and there is no time to wait. The government and the people are one! Show that, if necessary, you can rule yourselves! All hope of justice is fallacious. Citizens of Stockton, our town is also included in the warfare. Fire, robbery, and murder are the order of the day. Wait not until it is too late, but call a meeting, appoint a commission and proclaim at once martial law, and lead the way. All industrious men earn a living: tlie sick and infirm we are glad to help. but the thief, incendiary and murderer can expect no mercy at our hands. In martial law there are some few inconveniences, but the good citizen will not object to that which will assure his life and property, and the guilty being executed on the spot will prevent our prisons from filling, con sequently tlie prisoners from escaping. (See supra, p. 184.) 456 Vigilance Comrmitt&e of 1851 Propositions for Public Safety Extract from Alta California, June 8, 1851 Messrs. Editors — You are very well aware that the engrossing and absorbing topic at present, in this community .... is the insecurity of our lives and property, owing to our city's being infested with the most desperate and determined and well organized band of villains with which any population was ever cursed Desperate diseases require desperate remedies, and though the remedies I am about to suggest may not be strictly in accordance with the law, I believe the time has come when it is demonstrated that we must be a law unto ourselves, and there are enough good men and true who are ready to take hold and make root and branch work of this infernal system of crime which now stalks forth boldly in our midst I propose then, to establish a committee of safety, whose business it shall be to board, or cause to be boarded, every vessel coming in from Sydney, and inform the passengers that they will not be allowed to land, unless they can satisfy this committee that they are respectable and honest men .... and let any one transgressing this order be shot down without mercy The next remedy I would propose would be to appoint a committee of vigilance, say of twenty men, in each ward, whose duty it shall be to hunt out these hardened villains .... and give them five days to leave the city, warning them at the same time that after that a war of extermination will be commenced against them. ... It may be well to call a public meeting in the square, to organize and carry out these views Without this, or some similar plan, the evil cannot be remedied, and if there is not spirit enough amongst us to do it, why then in God's name let the city be burned, and our streets flow -with the blood of murdered men. I will do what I can to defend myself and take my chance with others, but I will not believe this is so, and trust that immediate public action will take place. Justice (Written by R. S. Watson. See supra, p. 184.) Crime in San Francisco Extract from the California Courier, June 10, 1851 It is clear to every man that San Francisco is partially in the hands of Criminals, and that crime has reached a crisis where the fate of life and property are in imminent jeopardy. There is no alternative now left us but to lay aside business and direct our whole energies as a people to seek out the abodes of these villains and execute summary vengeance upon them. .... What now shall be done! Are we to continue to threaten, and nothing Documentary Appendix 457 more? .... Why stop, under the present unsafe and uncertain state of affairs, to have a thief, or one who attempts to fire the city, placed in the hands of law officers, from whose clutches they can, with ease, be relieved by false swearing, and the ingenuity of lawyers? or what is equally as certain, their escape from prison? Where the guilt of the criminal is clear and unquestionable, the first law of nature demands that they be instantly shot, hung, or burned alive We must strike terror into their hearts. Those who object to this summary and terrible mode of punish nent, ought to recollect the men who were burned to death in the last fire. In thus punishing these criminals we may save the lives of hundreds of innocent beings We can bear these things no longer. No man, since we became a city, has been hung in San Francisco. Some fifty murders have been committed, but no murderer has suffered death for his crimes. We ask again, what shall be done? We are in the midst of a revolution, and we should meet the emergencies of our condition with firm hearts and well-braced nerves. We have no time to talk about the defects of the laws — of the dangers which beset us; but we must act, and act at once — net as men do in revolutionary times We hope a meeting of the people will be called to-morrow afternoon, at 4 o'clock, in the Plaza, to organize a powerful force, and to establish some system of measures to rid this com munity of the criminals who infest it. . . . Men of San Francisco, act, and act at once. (See supra, p. 185.) The Oqranization of the Committee of Vigilance Described by the Members Statement of James Neall, Jr. On Sunday [June 8] . . . . George Oaks, [Oakes] ... in conver sation with me, upon the perilous condition of society at that time, said we ought to take some steps to see if we could not change these tilings, and suggested that we should go up and have a talk with Sam Brannan. and we went up to Brannan 's office, on the N. E. corner of Sansome & Bush Sts. Wo there found Mr. Brannan and his clerk, and sat down and talked the matter [over] We discussed the subject, and .... concluded that something must be done, and it was suggested that each one of us should give Mr. Brannan 's clerk, Mr. Wardwell, the names of such men as we could mention, whom we knew to be reliable, to invite them to meet us at 12 o'clock noon the next day, at the California Engine House .... to devise some means of protecting ourselves from the depredations of this hoard of ruffians, who seemed to have possession of the city. There was no such thing as doing anything with them before the Courts; that had been tried in vain. Notices were sent out to parties to the effect that they 458 Vigilance Committee of 1851 were nominated, each as chairman of a committee for his neighborhood, to invite their fellow citizens, good reliable men, to meet .... as above indicated. In pursuance of that call, at 12 o'clock on Monday, there was a large gathering, so that the room was crowded. There they entered into a dis cussion upon the evils by which we were surrounded, and .... what the remedy should be ... . and the meeting then adjourned, to assemble again that evening )at the old Brannan building, on the N. W. corner of Sansome and Bush Sts. for the purpose of organization and settlement of a course of action. The adjourned meeting was held that evening, and a partial organization was effected, and they adjourned to meet on Tuesday evening at the same place. There they perfected the organization, and determined upon a method by which the society should be called together, in case of any disturbance, which was three taps of the bell on the California Engine House at the junction of Bush and Market Sts. The bell was not on the engine house but was on the ground. (MS Statement, 1-3.) Statement of William T. Coleman I had nothing more to do with public matters until I received one day a circular, signed, I think, by Col. J. D. Stevenson, asking me to meet a number of good citizens of the place, the next evening, at the building of Mr. Samuel Brannan .... to consult on measures needed for the safety of life and property in the city. This was on [Tuesday] the 10th of June, 1851. I was early at the building, and found a number of gentlemen there, probably thirty or forty already. An organization was formed, and the objects of the meeting stated, with a brief discussion. Articles had been already prepared for the mode of organization, and some thirty or forty names were enrolled, and it was styled the Committee of Vigilance of San Francisco, the avowed objects of the Committee being to vigilantly watch and pursue the outlaws and criminals who were infesting the city, and bring them to justice, through the regularly constituted courts, if that could be, through more summary and direct process, if must be. Each member pledged his word of honor, his life and fortune if need be, for the protection of his fellow members, for the protection of life and property of the citizens and of the community, and for purging the city of the bad characters who were making themselves odious in it. After arranging for concert of action, watchwords, and a signal to be used to call the members to the rendezvous .... and detailing officers for immediate duty, enrolling a number of members, all among the most respectable, substantial and well- known citizens of the place, and the disposition of some needed business, — the committee adjourned for the evening. (MS Statement, 17-18.) Documentary Appendix 459 Official Announcement of the Committee of Vigilance On June 13, 1851, the San Francisco Herald and the Alta Cali fornia printed the constitution of the Committee of Vigilance, and also the following official announcement: WHEREAS, the citizens of San Francisco convinced that there exists within its limits a band of robbers and incendiaries, who have several times burned and attempted to burn their city, who nightly attack their persons and break into their buildings, destroy their quiet, jeopardize their lives and property, and generally disturb the natural order of society; And WHEREAS many of those taken by the police have succeeded in escaping from their prisons by carelessness, by connivance, or from want of proper means or force to secure their safe confinement, therefore be it RESOLVED, That the citizens of this place be made aware that the Committee of Vigilance will be ever ready to receive information as to the whereabouts of any disorderly or suspicious person or persons, as well as the persons themselves when suspected of crime. RESOLVED, That as it is the conviction of a large portion of our citizens, that there exists in this city a nucleus of convicts and disorderly persons, around which cluster those who have so seriously disturbed the peace and affected the best interests of our city, such as are known to the police of the city or to the members of the Committee of Vigilance as felons by conduct or association, be notified to leave this port within fire days from this date, and at the expiration of which they shall be compelled to depart, if they have not done so voluntarily within the time specified. EESOLVED, That a Safety Committee of thirty persons be appointed, whose sacred duty it shall be to visit every vessel arriving with notorious or suspicious characters on board, and unless they can present to said com mittee evidences of good character and honesty, they shall be reshippe.l to the places from whence they came, and not be permitted to pollute our soil. RESOLVED, That all good citizens be invited to join and assist the Committee of Vigilance in carrying out the above measures, so necessary for the perfect restoration of the peace, safety and good order of our com munity. The names of the first hundred and eighty members were printed as signers of the constitution and announcement, and the communi cation continued: The above, a portion of the Committee of Vigilance lately established in this city for the preservation of order, punishment of vice, and for the purpose of meteing [sic] out that justice so long withheld from criminals, unwilling that the names of a few of their associates should be selected by the Coroner's jury as the principal actors in the trial and execution of 460 Vigilance Committee of 1851 Jenkins, inform the public that they, with all the members of the Com mittee are equally responsible for the first act of justice that has been dealt to a criminal in San Francisco since California became a State of our Union. Our fellow citizens, remembering the escape of Withers, Daniels and Adams; of Stuart, Windred and Watkins, and the tardy manner in whieh the incendiary Lewis is being brought to justice, will see the necessity of the stringent measures we have adopted. This publication also informs those friendly to the cause that the Com mittee of Vigilance have nothing secret in their proceedings, but such matters as would tend to defeat the object for whieh we are associated, were they made public. (See supra, p. 216.) The Methods of the Committee of Vigilance The Executive Committee had all cases brought before them to dispose of. They had nothing to do with arrests, unless they were very efficient men, and could not be kept still. When any men were arrested and turned over to the Committee, they were tried by the Executive and such trials were as honest and impartial as ever a man had, and no man was convicted without an abundance of testimony, such as would convict any human being in any court of justice; only we could not allow any alibis to come in to screen these fellows. After the trial and conviction of the prisoner, the case was referred to the General Committee for its action, and the testimony was sent to them. They invariably confirmed the decisions of the Executive Committee, and it was impossible for them to do otherwise, in the face of such proofs as were offered. The Committee was composed mostly of our best men; the salt of San Francisco joined us. Every thing was organized in a proper and unmis takable shape, so that every man had his duty to perform, and he had to report daily to the Committee, and if anything had transpired it was prop erly noted. Every man had his place, and there was a place for every man ; there were no drones there. (G. W. Ryckman, MS Statement, 5. See supra, p. 222.) Handbill Calling for a Mass Meeting to Sustain Law and Order The people of the city and county of San Francisco, republicans one and all, are called upon to choose now, ere it is too late, whieh they will serve — the law and order power of our city, or the dictators and anarchists who have lately disgraced our city by their lawless and criminal proceedings, and are yet endeavoring to assume unlimited and unlawful power in the punishment of criminals. Even now they are going from door to door, from city to city, soliciting desperate men to join their secret Committee, Documentary Appendix 461 with a view to transfer the criminal jurisdiction from our legally con stituted tribunals into their own irresponsible hands, thus subverting all government, all law, all justice, as made and provided by the United States and our own state constitution. Will ye, lovers of law, and order, and social compact, longer tolerate such men in their career of murder and subversion of the laws, among whom are those guilty ol the very crimes they profess to punish? Shall it be said that our police is not of sufficient force to arrest these murderers, and our city officials shall wink at their outrages, thus perjuring themselves? Shall we tolerate, in this enlightened age, a Danton, a Robespierre, or a Fouch6, and all the paraphernalia of a secret inquisition for the suppression of our laws and criminal courts? Then to the rescue of law and order from the hands of a secret inquisition, every good citizen, and without further invitation turn out en masse to a public meeting tn be holden on the plaza, Sunday next, June 22d, at three and a half o 'clock, P. M., and there join in the general opposition to the acts and further operations of midnight murderers; and let the civilized world know that we can and will support law and order, and that our social compact shall be as much observed by the wealthy criminal, public robber, and law subverters, as by the lowly thief. Many Citizens. (Popular Tribunals, I, 321-322. See supra, p. 239.) Reward for Incendiaries REWARD WILL BE PAID BY THE Committee of Vigilance to any person or persons who will place in its power any man against whom sufficient evidence can be brought to convict him of the crime of arson. $5,000 ¦>L COMITADO DE VIGILANCIA ha dccidido, en su sesion de anoche, que la soma de cinco mil pesos seran pagados a la persona o personas por la aprension y conviccion de un incendiario. ante dicho Comitado. E COMITE DE SURVEILLANCE a decide, dans sa seance d'hier soir, que cinq mille piastres seraient donnees a quiconque mettrait dans son pouvoir avec temoinage suffisant pour la conviction de toute personne coupable du crime d'incendie. lER SICHERHEITS COMITE in seiner sitzung von gestera abend beschlossen fuer die auslieferung eines Brandstifters die summe von fuenf tausend dollars zu bezalilen. (Reproduced exactly as printed in the California Courier, June 26, 1851. 9 supra, p. 245.) E1 L1 DE 462 Vigilance Committee of 1851 Notice of the Committee of Vigilance, San Francisco Herald, July 2, 1851 Since the execution of Jenkins .... [the Committee] have increased their numbers, by voluntary enrollments, from one hundred to nearly five hundred One hundred of these are always on duty, night and day, and all may be summoned at a moment's notice in case of need. .... They have instituted a most elaborate and thorough investigation into the haunts and character of all suspicious persons .... and where the evidence is satisfactory that individuals live by plunder and rapine .... they have given them a warning to leave the city within five days. By this peaceful means the community has been rid of a great number of the vilest criminals that have infested it. Where obedience is refused to their mandate — as in the case of Hetherington — the Committee proceed in a body to enforce their sentence. They are not children to "be trifled with, and the outlaws are now convinced of it. They have made a number of arrests on suspicion of various crimes. Several have been discharged, no proof being found against them, and others have been found guilty as well of positive crimes brought home to them, as of general bad character, making them dangerous to the peace of the community. Several of those found guilty are now confined securely in the harbor, and arrangements have been made to ship them back to Sydney in a few days. One, a Mexican, was publicly lashed, and then expelled from the city. There are men still under examination for the commission of crime. The Committee are waiting for important witnesses that have been sent for in the interior. To expedite the ends of justice they spare no expense and are deterred by no difficulties. Witnesses will be sent for, when necessary to the fartherest corners of the State, and the committee will bear their expenses. Their arm is long as well as strong. In addition to all this they have offered a reward of $5000 for the apprehension and con viction of any one guilty of the crime of arson. These admirable and sagacious means for the prevention of crime, and for the sure and speedy punishment of those caught in its commission, have instilled the hope in the breasts of our citizens that a brighter and better day is before them. The Courts, too, have been incited to unwonted exertions by the presence of this body in our midst, and have lately disposed of criminal cases with great promptness and energy. Taking all these marked and tangible benefits into consideration, few will regret the past, and all must award the meed of praise to those who thus devote their time, labor and means for the good of the whole com munity. (See supra, p. 251.) Documentary Appendix 463 Proclamation of Mayor Brenham To the Citizens of San Francisco We have arrived at an important crisis in the civil and social condition and prospects of our city. A voluntary association of men has been formed, under peculiar bonds to each other, and assuming most extra ordinary and irresponsible powers, and have undertaken to institute extra judicial proceedings in forms not known to the laws. This association claims and exercises the right to "inflict penalties upon those adjudged by them guilty of crime, even to the penalty of death, and has publicly and boldly inflicted that penalty in two instances. They claim and exercise the right of domiciliary visits, without any accountability, of a character not known under any other than Inquisitorial Governments. The great and sacred writ of habeas corpus has been ren dered by them ineffectual, and the authority of the highest tribunal of the State disregarded. The circumstances in which the Authorities are placed, in consequence seem to demand of me .... some action by which the views and purposes of the city Government .... may be indicated. . In a community like ours, where the institutions of government have but just been established, any combinations of citizens .... whose proceedings are not controlled by law or subservient to the support of constituted author ity, can have no other than an insurrectionary tendency .... and must, to an absolute certainty, inflict disgrace upon us ... . and ruin the confidence which it is of first necessity to our prosperity to secure throughout the com mercial world. With these views I feel impelled, by the strongest sense of official duty .... to call upon all citizens to withdraw from such associa tions, and to unite in a common effort to support the laws, and to sustain a prompt and energetic administration of them in their proper application and action. In addition, I deem the present a proper occasion to announce .... that I shall not shrink from a prompt discharge of the duties .... made imperative upon me I have to call the attention of all citizens to the provisions of the "Act to regulate Proceedings in Criminal Cases," Chap. IV. I, however, appeal to the good sense and deliberate judgment of my fellow citizens, to relieve me, and the other public functionaries of the city, by their common submission to public order, from the necessity of any application of the requirements of that act. C. J. Brenham, Mayor. Mayor's Office, July 11. (Alta California, July 14, 1851. See supra, p. 271.) 464 Vigilance Committee of 1851 Extract from the Charge of Judge Alexander Campbell to the Grand Jury After the Execution of James Stuart The question has now arisen, whether the laws made by the constitu tional authorities of the State are to be obeyed and executed, or whether secret societies are to frame and execute laws for the government of this county, and to exercise supreme power over the lives, liberty and property of our citizens Are the people willing to throw away the safeguards which the experience of ages has proved necessary — to trample the laws and constitution under foot — to declare that law is inconsistent with liberty — and to place life, liberty, property and reputation at the mercy of a secret society? If such be the disposition of the people .... it is time for every man who values his life, safety and honor, to shake the dust from his feet and seek out some new home, where he may hope to enjoy the blessings of liberty under the law. But if, on the other hand, we have not quite forgotten the principles upon which our government is formed — if we believe that the constitution and laws of our country should be reverenced and obeyed, and that public order and tranquility should be preserved; — if we believe that persons accused of crime should have an open, public and impartial trial by a fair jury of unprejudiced citizens, and should have a reasonable opportunity of making their defence, of employing eounsel and summoning witnesses; if we believe that the good name and reputation of our citizens is to be protected from a secret scrutiny, where accusations are made under the influence of fear, by persons of questionable character; — if we believe that our houses are to be protected from unreason able searches without color of authority, it is our solemn and bounden duty to take immediate and energetic measures for the suppression of the spirit of reckless violence which overrules the laws and sets the constitution at defiance. When you first assembled, the Court called your attention to the unlawful execution of a man named Jenkins by an association of citizens. We con sidered that act was greatly palliated by the circumstances .... that the laws had been defective, and that perhaps there had been some laxity in their administration; that the county had no sufficient jail for the detention of prisoners; that crime had increased to a fearful extent, and that a por tion of our citizens, deeming that the law afforded them no protection, had in that instance undertaken to execute what they conceived to be summary justice, in violation of the law, but with a sincere desire to advance the public interest. We further stated that the law had been amended in many respects, so as to secure the speedy trial and conviction of offenders .... that the county jail had been put in a proper condition for the safe keeping of prisoners, and we expressed the hope that no further attempt would be Documentary Appendix 465 made to interfere with the legally organized tribunals of justice From the time of your assembling, the Court, the Grand Jury, and all the officers have been actively and constantly engaged in the performance of their duties. At the time when they were making every possible effort to dispose of the criminal business of the county, and when the Court was in actual session and in the performance of its duties; an association of per sons, of armed and organized men, have undertaken to trample on the consti tution, defy the laws, and assume unlimited power over the lives of the community. There is no excuse or palliation for the deed Every person who in any manner acted, aided, abetted or assisted in taking Stuart's life, or counselled or encouraged his death, is undoubtedly guilty or murder. It is your sworn and solemn duty, which you cannot evade with out perjuring yourselves, carefully and fully to investigate this matter, and to do your share towards bringing the guilty to punishment. Upon your fearless and faithful discharge of the trust confided to you, depends, in a great measure, the future peace, order and tranquility of the community. (Alta California, July 13, 1851. See supra, p. 272.) Extract from Editorial Comment on Judge Campbell's charge California Courier, July 14, 1851 No such committee could exist in any form in this city, if the whole body of the community did not consider that necessity and policy d. -manded it. The committee is composed of peace loving and orderly citizens — many of them are elders, deacons and conspicuous memUirs of the Church. Tln-y are not composed of rowdies or blood thirsty men. . . . We are not going to complain of Judge Campbell 's charge— but we can tell him that the men who hung Stuart cannot be indicted, convicted and executed in California, while the records of the Courts show that some of our best citizens have been shot down in cold blood, and that the murderers have been permitted entirely to run at large or to slip through their hands, unwhippe.1 and unavenged of justice. These courts heretofore have manifested no holy horror at such deeds. We can say to the Coroner that although he may watch like a hawk the dead body of every villainous culprit executed by the people— so that he may summon a jury to take testimony to criminate the parties— his vigilance will amount to nothing— so long as he can take his time with the corpses of unoffending men who are murdered in cold blood by notorious criminals. 466 Vigilance Committee of 1851 Extract from the Report of the Grand Jury, San Francisco, August 2, 1851 From the Herald, August 4, 1851 There is another subject to whieh our attention has been directed by the presiding Judge, in his able charge, whieh has occupied much of our time and serious consideration. It is well known that a large portion of our best and most worthy citizens have associated themselves together, and without the intervention of our legal and constituted tribunals, entered upon the investigation of criminal charges against several persons, and executed sentence of condemnation and death. When we recall the provisions of the constitution of our government, which it is the bounden duty of every citizen to support and maintain — "that no person shall be held to answer for a capital or otherwise infamous crime unless on a presentment or indictment of a grand jury .... nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law" — and find, also, the same provision and language in our State constitution, we feel convinced, doubly convinced while we believe the members of that association have been governed by no improper motives, that their proceed ings are unlawful, and in violation of the fundamental law of the land. We fear, too, the powerful example of those proceedings may engender a spirit of insubordination, or afford a pretext to other individuals or asso ciations, here or elsewhere in our State, who may not be governed by the same honest motive, or restrained by the same careful investigation of facts, for the perpetration of deeds of violence, which may lead to anarchy and abuses, dangerous to the lives and property of citizens. When we recall the delays and the inefficient, and we believe that with much truth it may be said, the corrupt administration of the law, the incapacity and indifference of those who are its sworn guardians and min isters; the frequent and unnecessary postponement of important trials in the District Court, the disregard of duty and impatience while attending to perform it manifested by some of our Judges having criminal jurisdiction, the many notorious villains who have gone unwhipped of justice, lead us to believe that the members of that association have been governed by a feeling of opposition to the manner in which the law has been .administered and those who have administered it, rather than a determination to disregard the law itself. Under institutions so eminently popular as those under which we live, the power of correcting all these abuses is with the people themselves. If our officers are unfit for the stations they occupy, if the laws are not faith fully executed, if an arraigned criminal procures his own friends to be placed on the jury that tries him, where is the fault and where the remedy? If those of our citizens who are most interested in having good and whole- Documentary Appendix 467 some laws, and in seeing them purely administered, will not give sufficient attention to our elections to procure proper and sober legislators, judicial and other officers, and neglect to obey the mandates of our courts when summoned as jurors and witnesses, as has been too often the case, can they expect to see justice prevail? and is it not in the neglect of their duties in these important particulars they may find the true fountains from whence have sprung many of the evils we have suffered? The Grand Jurors, believ ing whilst they deplore their acts, that the association styling themselves the "Vigilant Committee" at a great sacrifice to themselves, have been influenced in their actions by no personal or private malice, but for the best interests of the whole, and at a time too when all other means of preventing crime and bringing criminals to deserved punishment had failed, here dismiss the matter as among those peculiar results of circum stances that sometimes startle communities, which they can neither justify or by a presentment effect any benefit to individuals or the county ; and with the assurance that there is a determination on the part of all well disposed citizens to correct the abuses referred to by selecting proper officers to take the places of those who have violated their trusts, and by performing each his part in the administration of the laws. When this is done the axe will have been laid at the root of the tree — the proper remedy applied for the correction of the grievous evils our city and county have so long suffered, and there will be no necessity for the further action of that Committee. To them we are indebted for much valuable information and many important witnesses. George Endicott, Foreman. Kingsbury Root* J. D. Farwell* C. L. Tuffs* F. A. Ball* William M. Hogg* E. Tichenor Jno. McCurdy C. L. Ross Harvey Dickinson- Francis P anton W. B. Peake* B. C. Hokx D. A. Shepard Beverly C. Saunders [Sanders*] \V. E. Lyndall (The jurymen designated by a * were members of the Committee of Vigilance. See supra, p. 273.) Proclamation of Governor McDougal Executive Department, Vallejo, July 21st, 1S51 To the People of the State of California. It has been represented to me that organizations of citizens, styling them selves "Vigilance Committees," have been formed in various portions of the State, and assume powers inconsistent with the existing laws, and Berious apprehensions are entertained of collision between the constituted 468 Vigilance Committee of 1851 authorities and the citizens thus organized; and it becomes my duty to take some step by which so great a calamity may be averted. It is earnestly hoped that a few simple and practical suggestions may serve to secure this desirable end. No security of life or property can be guaranteed except the constitution and laws are observed. Let these be forcibly dispensed with, their saered ness violated, and submission to their authority refused, and we are reduced to a state of anarchy more dangerous in its tendencies and probable results than the worst laws, under our system can possibly be, no matter how cor ruptly administered. We are just entering upon our career, our character is not yet formed, people from all climes and all countries are flocking to our shores, it then becomes us to take no unadvised step which shall retard our progress now or prejudice our claims to a high and commanding stand hereafter. But more than this, we owe it to ourselves to impress upon the strangers who have settled amongst us, unacquainted with, and perhaps entertaining prejudices unfavorable to the practical operation of our peculiar institutions, that our government is a government of laws, and that though they may sometimes prove inadequate, sometimes operate oppressively, or be administered corruptly, the remedy is not in a destruction of the entire system, but is to be secured by a peaceful resort to those constitutional means which are wisely afforded to reform whatever abuses may exist, and correct whatever errors may have been committed. The occurrences of the past three or four weeks, the apprehension of individuals within the jurisdiction of legally constituted tribunals, their trial, sentence, and execution without authority of law, by a voluntary association of citizens, who thus virtually place themselves above and beyond all law except that prescribed by and for themselves, will prove sufficiently prejudicial to our interests abroad, commercial and otherwise, if such organ izations, assuming such unquestionably dangerous powers, were now dis solved, but if continued there is no calculating the extent of the injury which may result to us as a State. The dangerous tendencies, in other respects, of organizations of the character under consideration, the excite ment produced in the public mind, consequent upon their action, resistance to the constituted authorities, which must almost inevitably result, and threatened collisions between themselves and officers of the law in the execution of their duties, cannot but be appreciated and deprecated by every right thinking and patriotic citizen of the State, and need not therefore be dwelt upon here. Whatever may have been the exigency heretofore existing, requiring, or supposed to require the adoption of extraordinary measures on the part of the citizen, it has now happily, in a great degree, passed, and such measures should, on this account, if on no other, be at once abandoned. Another criminal code, with more efficient provisions, attaching adequate penalties to the commission of offenses, and directing Documentary Appendix 469 a more prompt and effective administration of justice, has gone into oper ation. Courts are now enabled to try, sentence and execute as the offence deserves; safe and secure prison-houses are being provided, and the officers, there is reason to believe, are ready and anxious to discharge the high duty imposed upon them by the people. I cannot do less therefore, than earnestly recommend to my fellow citi zens everywhere throughout the State to aid in sustaining the law, for in this is our only real and permanent security. Associations may be organized, but they should be formed with the view to aid and assist the officers of the law in the execution of their duties, and act in concert with the civil authorities to detect, arrest, and punish criminals. By pursuing this course, much good may, and undoubtedly will, be accomplished, and all the dangers which threaten unlawful assumptions of power, thus averted. Inefficiency will not then secure impunity to crimes, nor dangerous criminals be per mitted to go unwhipt of justice. It is my sworn duty to see that the laws are executed, and I feel assured that all good citizens will cordially co operate with me in its discharge. John McDougal, Governor. (Alta California, July 23, 1851. See supra, p. 274.) Affidavit and Warrant for the Seizure of Whittaker and McKenzie State of California, County of San Francisco. I, John McDougal, of the city of Vallejo, county of Solano, and State aforesaid, being duly sworn, depose and say, that I have good reason to believe and do believe that Samuel Whittaker and Robert McKenzie are illegally held in custody, confinement or restraint by a body of men styling themselves "The Vigilance Committee of the city of San Francisco" and that there is good reason to believe that they will be carried out of the jurisdiction of this Court, or will suffer some irreparable injury before a compliance with a writ of habeas corpus can be enforced. And further, says not. >r John McDougal. Sworn to and subscribed before me, this 20th day of August, 1851. Myron Norton Ass't Justice of the Superior Court City of San Francisco. 470 Vigilance Committee of 1851 State of California, County of San Francisco. The People of the State of California to the Sheriff of said. County, greeting : Whereas it has been represented to me, an Associate Justice of the Superior Court of the city of San Francisco, upon oath, that Samuel Whit taker and Robert McKenzie are restrained of their liberty by a body of men styling themselves the Vigilance Committee of the City of San Fran cisco, and that there is good reason to believe that said Whittaker and McKenzie will suffer irreparable injury before compliance with the writ of habeas corpus can be enforced — you are therefore commanded to take said Whittaker and McKenzie and forthwith bring them or either of them before me, at the Court House in San Francisco aforesaid, to be dealt with according to law. Witness my hand and the seal of the said Court, this 20th day of August, 1851. Myron Norton, Associate Justice of the Superior Court, City of San Francisco. On this was indorsed the Sheriff's return as follows: I hereby certify that I received the within writ, at 3 o'clock A. M., and executed the same by taking the bodies of Samuel Whittaker and Robert McKenzie, and have them now in my custody. , ™,, ,„,-, John C. Hays, Sheriff. August 20th, 1851. (San Francisco Herald, August 21, 1851. See supra, p. 295.) Non-Partisan Address to the Voters of San Francisco to the people of the city and county of san francisco In view of the General Election, on the eve of whieh you now stand .... we, the undersigned, citizens of San Francisco, appeal to you, in the name of the common good of California, and would earnestly urge, that in casting your votes for suitable men to enact and administer laws, you will be careful to disregard all questions but such as relate to the general welfare. In whatever light we may examine the present evils of society, every man must come to the conclusion that the primary error is in the people themselves. Trace the troubled waters of the community back to their source, and the explorer will find his journey terminate at the ballot box. There is where the fountain of evil found vent — not in the votes there given, so much as in the neglect of those who should have been there to select and elect proper men Herewith we present to your consideration and suffrages the names of certain gentlemen for the respective offices so soon to be filled as you may Documentary Appendix 471 decide. In making the selection, we have cast aside every question but that of their fitness on the score of honesty and integrity of character faithfulness to the interests of our city and State, and mental qualifications for the position. We ask you to receive them as such Sweep clean the Augean stables of legislation; purify the ermine; show by your votes that honesty and virtue are at a premium in public estimation; and that hereafter no qualifications but those of integrity and capacity can pass current with the voters of this city and State You have now the corrective in your own hands. The fate of California hangs trembling within your reach. You cannot neglect to act without criminal indifference; you cannot vote for any but honest and respectable men, without danger and disgrace. James King of Wm., G. W. Ryckman, Geo. M. Garwood, J. L. Blood, 8. L. Dewey, Jas. Wadsworth, W. L. Bromley, S. E. Woodworth, Jas. F. Curtis, W. H. Jones, W. D. M. Howard, W. A. Darling, H. M. Naglee, Jas. B. Huie, Nominating Committee. (Alta California, August 27, 1851. All the signers were members of the Committee of Vigilance. See supra, p. 324.) Extract from a Speech Made at the Presentation of a Banner to the Committee of Vigilance Mr. Brooks, spokesman for the donors, said, in part: This presentation is not a hasty movement In the month of June .... the ladies of Trinity Parish .... resolved to express their full appro bation of the acts of this Committee by the presentation of a banner The ornaments of the banner are intended to assist in expressing the confidence of the donors in this association, their reliance upon its strength and protection, and their confidence in the blessings which will flow from its existence and its action. On that side of the banner which bears the name of this association, the date of its organization and the purposes of its creation, the inscription is enclosed in a wreath of live oak, au emblem of their strength that defies the storms and tempests that howl and threaten around it Entwined with this emblem on the one side is the fig. The emblem of home with all its pictures of quiet delight, of prosperity. .... of happy faces and loving hearts On the other side the oak entwines with the olive. — Because from your strength comes peace Under the protection of your vigilance and strength, our rights, our lives, our persons and our property is safe from rapine and violence; but what is of far more importance, and what I feel from the bottom of my heart is, that in your banded strength, our dearest treasures, our wives and children find a safe and sure protection. . . . 472 Vigilance Committee of 1851 On the reverse of the banner which bears upon its more delicately tinted front the names of those who gave the banner, and the reason why it was given, a simple wreath of varied flowers encircles the inscription This gift comes with peculiar appropriateness from the ladies. At the time that this society was organized our situation was very different from what it is at present. — It is true that the strong man with loaded revolvers in his pocket, and bowie knife concealed in his breast, might defy the attacks of the Sydney convict and the refuse of all the world whieh infested our city; but it was different with the weak and defenseless woman. She who sits patiently at home waiting for her husband 's return from his business — in every noise about the house she fears the burglar and the robber If the husband is delayed beyond his usual time, a thousand fears, a thou sand horrid visions of murder and outrage and violence come upon her heart, and fill her with anguish and dismay. Such was San Francisco — but now we live in peace; we sit beneath our vine and fig tree happy and secure, and woman's heart feels and this her gift expresses, her gratitude. Gentlemen, accept this gift, and in all your actions, in all the assaults which may be made upon you by those who hate or those who fear or those who doubt, remember the motto whieh it bears, "do right and fear not," for in the end blessings will ever reward you for your laborious vigilance for the protection of our lives and property. (San Francisco Herald, August 12, 1851. See supra, p. 372.) Extract from a Report of the Grand Jury of Tuolumne County, California, October 9, 1855 The Grand Jury would further report that there exists in their belief at the present time, or have recently existed in several of the camps of this county organized bodies of men who style themselves Vigilance Committees, or Committees of Public Safety. These committees were organized at first no doubt from a laudable desire to assist in the suppression of crime, which at a time not long since seemed to be committed almost with impunity in our midst. They were in the first instance, we believe, organized by many of the best citizens of the county — men who were actuated by no other motive than the detection of villainy and the punishment of crime. Many, if not all, of these citizens only designed to co-operate with the officers of the law, that the law might be more effectually executed and made more efficient in the preservation of life and the protection of property. But we regret the necessity we are under to state that irresponsible parties, men who under ordinary circumstances would not be considered safe repositories of power have crept in and under cover of these committees assumed the power of making arrests, and from what light we have before us have com mitted acts which should not be longer tolerated in our midst. Documentary Appendix 473 In view of these facts the Grand Jury most earnestly recommend and urge that all good citizens throughout the county who were members of these committees or who countenanced their existence, will use all their influence in disbanding these organizations and thereby put a stop to all extra-judicial proceedings as have recently taken place. Justice and humanity demand that this course should be immediately adopted. (Archives of the County Clerk, Grand Jury Reports. See supra, p. 395.) Executive Committee of the Committee of Vigilance of 1856 (Members of the Committee of 1851 are marked with a *) President, W. T. Coleman*. Vice-Presidents, C. J. Dempster, S. T. Thompson*, J. D. Farwell*, W. H. Tillinghast*, Lorenzo Hubbard, J. M. Taylor*, T. J. L. Smiley*, A. W. Bell, D. S. Turner*. Secretary, Isaac Bluxome, Jr.*; Assistant Secretary, Charles Ludlow. Treasurer, James Dows* ; Assistant Treasurer, William Mover*. Grand Marshal, Charles Doane. Sergeant-at-arms, Jerome Rice. Chief of Police, Oscar Smith* ; afterward, J. F. Curtis*. Director of Police, A. M. Burns; afterward, W. C. B. Andrews. Surgeon in Chief, Dr. R. B. Cole. Executive Committee: W. T. Coleman*, T. J. L. Smiley", James Dows", J. P. Manrow*, S. T. Thompson*, W. T. Thompson*, R. B. Cole, J. 8. Emery, N. O. Arrington, L. Bossange, Charles Doane, J. K. Osgood, R. M. Jessup*, J. H. Fish, M. J. Burke, C. L. Case*, F. W. Page, [G] E. Grisar', C. J. Dempster, J. D. Farwell*, O. B. Crary, W. H. Tillinghast*, William Arrington, E. P. Flint, W. T. Reynolds*, Eugene Delessert*, N. P. Hutch- ings, J. W. Brittan, W. H. Rogers, M. F. Truett, C. V. Gillespie*. Isaac Bluxome, Jr.*, H. S. Brown*, E. B. Goddard, E. Gorham*, G. R Ward", A. M. Burns. (Popular Tribunals, II, 113. Colville 's San Francisco Direc tory for 1856 printed a list of officers, but the publisher tried to obliterate it by pasting a printed slip above the paragraphs.) 474 Vigilance Committee of 1851 CLASSIFIED LIST OF MATEKIAL This list includes the works which have been cited in the footnotes of this volume, with the addition of a few supplementary authorities of recognized importance. It contains, however, but a portion of the ex tensive literature relating to California, 1846 to 1S60, and every student of the period must constantly refer to the excellent Bibliography compiled by Mr. Robert E. Cowan. The fullness of entry presented there is im possible here, but important bibliographical details have been noted as the author has thought necessary. Titles omitted by Cowan are given hero with particular fullness, rare books are described more carefully than familiar authorities, and abbreviated titles are indicated by the conven tional symbols. The number of pages is noted when a publication con tains less than one hundred; also in the description of manuscripts and of some rare books. For Californiana not included in the Bancroft Library reference is made to the following collections: California State Library, Sacramento. Henry E. Huntington Library, San Gabriel, California. M. H. de Young Memorial Museum, Golden Gate Park, San Francisco. Collection of Mr. Robert E. Cowan, San Francisco. Collection of Mr. Charles B. Turrill, San Francisco. Collection of Mr. Henry R. Wagner, Berkeley, California. Bibliography 475 SCHEME OF CLASSIFICATION Public Documents Congressional Documents Miscellaneous Federal Documents Californiana Bibliographies Newspapers Series and Periodicals State Documents Local Official Documents Local Histories and Directories Contemporary Works, Published or Written 1844-1860 General Histories, Biographies, and Reminiscences, 1861 to date Manuscript Rominiscences in the Bancroft Library Printed Works The San Francisco Committees of Vigilance, 1851 and 1856 Archives of the Committee of 1851 Archives of the Committee of 1856 Manuscript Statements of Members in the Bancroft Library Printed Accounts of the Committees Committees of Vigilance elsewhere than in San Francisco Miscellaneous Works General Authorities Series, Periodicals and Newspapers 476 Vigilance Committee of 1851 PUBLIC DOCUMENTS Congressional Documents The Congressional reports relative to the occupation and military government of California appear in bewildering duplication. A useful analysis is made in the Index to Publications .... Relating to Mexico, published by the War Department Library. Bancroft 's footnotes, as cited supra, chapters one and two, generally cover exact reference to the official records. The subjects of the documents listed below are indicated in parentheses. Serial number 493 29 Cong., 2 Sess., Sen. Doc. 1. (Reports of Sloat and Stockton. With President's Message of December 8, 1846.) 499 29 Cong., 2 Sess., House Doc. 19. (Occupation of Mexican Terri tory. With Message of December 22, 1846.) 503 30 Cong., 1 Sess., Sen. Ex. Doc. 1. (Kearny's overland march. With Message of December 7, 1847.) 507 30 Cong., 1 Sess., Sen. Ex. Doc. 33. (Court Martial of Fremont, 1847-1848.) 520 30 Cong., 1 Sess., House Ex. Doc. 60. (Mexican War correspond ence, 1846-1848.) 521 30 Cong., 1 Sess., House Ex. Doc. 70. (New Mexico and California. With Message of July 24, 1848. 49 pp.) 531 30 Cong., 2 Sess., Sen. Ex. Doc. 31. (Reports of Stockton.) 537 30 Cong., 2 Sess., House Ex. Doc. 1. (Reports from California. With Message of December 5, 1848.) 549 31 Cong., 1 Sess., Sen. Ex. Doc. 1 [pt. 1]. (Operations in California. With Message of December 4, 1849.) 557 31 Cong., 1 Sess., Sen. Ex. Doc. 18. (See note on Ser. No. 573.) 558 31 Cong., 1 Sess., Sen. Ex. Doc. 47. (P. T. Tyson, Geology .... of California, 1851.) 561 31 Cong., 1 Sess., Sen. Ex. Doc. 52. (Correspondence of General Riley. With Message of May 22, 1850.) 573 31 Cong., 1 Sess., House Ex. Doe. 17, 1850. (California and New Mexico. With Message of January 21, 1850. Cited in this volume in preference to Ser. No. 557, which contains practically the same material with some additions and omissions.) Bibliography 477 Serial number 577 31 Cong., 1 Sess., House Ex. Doe. 59. (T. B. King, Report on Cali fornia, 1850. 32 pp.) 589 31 Cong., 2 Sess., Sen. Ex. Doc. 18. (W. C. Jones, Land Titles in California, 1851.) 688 33 Cong., Special Sess., Sen. Doc. 4. (Indian agents in California. With Report of the Secretary of the Interior, March 17, 1n53.) 824 34 Cong., 1 Sess., Sen. Ex. Doc. 101. (Committee of Vigilance of 1856. With Message of August 6, 1856. 30 pp.) 835 34 Cong., 2 Sess., Sen. Misc. Doc. 1. (C of V., 1856. Printed with 34 Cong., 1 Sess., Sen. Misc. Doc. 82. 1 p.) 881 34 Cong., 3 Sess., Sen. Ex. Doc. 43. (C. of V., 1856. Report of the Secretary of War. 29 pp.) 1240 39 Cong., 1 Sess., Sen. Rep't. 105. (Occupation of mineral lands. 3 pp.) 1289 39 Cong., 2 Sess., House Ex. Doc. 29. (J. R. Browne, Report on mineral resources.) 1293 39 Cong., 2 Sess., House Ex. Doc. 92. (J. W. Taylor, Gold Mines east of the Rocky Mountains.) 1484-1496 42 Cong., 2 Sess., Sen. Rep't. 41, pts. 1-13. (Ku Klux Klan.) 1975 46 Cong., 3 Sess., House Ex. Doc. 47, pt. 4. (Thomas Donaldson, The Public Domain, ISM). 2144 47 Cong., 2» Sess., House Misc. Doc. 42, pt. 14. (10th Census- Mining laws). 5879 61 Cong., 3 Sess., Sen. Doc. 758. (Immigration Commission, Reports, vol. 39.) 6589 63 Cong., 2 Sess., Senate Doc. 60S. (J. T. Hughes, Doniphan's Expedition; reprint of the edition copyrighted in 1847.) Congressional Globe, 29-30 Cong. (1846-1S49). Miscellaneous Federal Documents United States. Statutes at Large. Boston and Washington, 1S50. United States. Presidents. A Compilation of tlie Messages and Papers of the Presidents, 1789-1897. By James D. Richardson. Washington, 1899. 10 vols. (Also published as Cong. Does., Ser. No. 3265. pts. 1-10, 1896-1899.) Cited as Richardson, Messages. United States. War Department. Reports on the Laic of Ciril Government in Territory Subject to Military Occupation by the Military Forces of the United States .... By Charles E. Magoon. Ed. 2. Washing ton, 1902. Cited as Magoon, Reports. 478 Vigilance Committee of 1851 CALIFORNIANA California material found in works of general history is listed under Californiana. Bibliographies Bancroft, Hubert Howe. "Authorities quoted in the History of Cali fornia, ' ' in his History of California, I, XXV-LXXXVIII. The separate volumes of Bancroft's histories also contain valuable bibliographical guides. Citations in these pages are made from the full set of Works, which in some instances differ in date from the independent publications although the paging is identical. For a discussion of the authorship of the various volumes, see an article by William Alfred Morris, in the Oregon Historical Society, Quar terly, IV, 287-364 (December, 1903). Bepler, Doris West. Descriptive Catalogue of Western Historical Material in California Periodicals, 1854-1890 1920. 299 pp. MS Thesis (M.A), University of California Library. California State Library. Card Index to California Newspapers. An invaluable guide to local history. Chapman, Charles E. "The Literature of California History," South western Historical Quarterly, XXII, 318-352 (April, 1919). Cowan, Robert Ernest. Bibliography of the History of California and the Pacific West, 1510-1906 .... San Francisco, 1914. Full titles and descriptive notes of about 1000 books. An indispen sable tool for the student of California history. Dietz, Ambrose P. "List of Books, Tracts, Pamphlets, and other Publi cations .... relating to California and .... to the adjoining States and Territories. From the earliest Period of Discovery to the Present Time . ..." in his Bibliotheca Californiae. A De scriptive Catalogue of Books in the State Library of California (2 vols. Sacramento, 1871), II, 687-789. The first bibliography of California that appeared in book form. Garoutte, Eudora. Study Outline of California History. Sacramento, 1920. 15 pp. (California State Library.) Haferkorn, Henry E., compiler. The War with Mexico, 1846-1848; A Select Bibliography .... Washington Barracks, 1914. (Supple ment no. 1, Professional Memoirs, VI, no. 26. Bibliographical Con tributions, Bulletin no. 1.) Bibliography 479 Hunt, Rockwell D[ennis]. Pacific Slope History with Special Reference to California. Los Angeles, 1918. 25 + 30 pp. MS syllabus of lec tures, University of Southern California. In 2 pts. Keith, Eliza D. ' ' California Books from the Library of Capt. Isaiah W. Lees," in her Report of Historical Landmarks Committee of the Native Daughters [of the] Golden West [San Francisco, 1902], 39-68. Macdonald, Augustin S. List of Books, Calif orniana and the Pacific, in the Library of Augustin S. Macdonald. Oakland, 1903. 76 pp. This valuable collection has been bought for the Huntington Library. Taylor, Alexander S[mith]. Bibliografa Calif ornica, 1510-1863. Printed in the Sacramento Union, June 25, 1863, March 13, 1866. Scrap- book, with preface by Henry K. Goddard, in the Bancroft Library. Turner, Frederick Jackson. List of References on the History of the West. Revised ed. Cambridge, 1913. United States. War Department Library. Index of Publications, Articles, and Maps Relating to Mexico, in the War Department Library Washington, 1896. (Catalogue no. 3.) Newspapers Inclusive dates of publication are given as exactly as possible. These have most kindly been supplied by Mr. R. S. Kuykendall, of the Univer sity of California, who is preparing a volume entitled The Early History of tlie Newspaper Press in California. Valuable material may also be found in a "History of California Newspapers," by E. C. Kemble, Sac ramento Union, December 25, 1858, pp. 2-3, 6-8. Democratic State Journal. February 5, 1852-June 24, 1858. Grass Valley Union. October 28, 1864-date. Marysville Herald. August 6, 1850-January 1, 1858. Monterey Californian. Established August 15, 1846. After May 22, 1847, published in San Francisco. Continued as California Star and Cali fornian, November 18-December 23, 1848. See supra, p. 94 note 17. Oakland Transcript. April 1, 1868-January 3, 1878. Oakland Tribune. February 21, 1874-date. Placer Times. Established in Sacramento April 28, 1849. Continued as Daily Placer Times and Transcript after June 16, 1851. Removed to San Francisco and published there until December 15, 1855. Sacramento Bee. February 3, 1857-date. Sacramento Transcript. Established April 1, 1850. Continued as Daily Placer Times and Transcript, June 16. 1851-December 15. 1855. Sacramento Union. Established March 19, 1S51. Continued as Sacramento Record Union, after September 1, 1875. 480 Vigilance Committee of 1851 San Francisco.* California Star. Established January 9, 1847. Continued as California Star and Californian, November 18-December 23, 1848. See supra, p. 37 note 40. Alta California. January 4, 1849-1891. See supra, p. 94 note 17. Pacific News. August 25, 1849-May (?), 1851. Daily Herald. June 1, 1850-( ?), 1863. See supra, p. 410 note 3. California Daily Courier. July 1, 1850-January 5, 1852. Evening Picayune. August 3, 1850- April (?), 1852. Morning Post. May 24-November 15, 1851. Pacific Star. June 25-September (?), 1851. Sunday Dispatch. July 13, 1851-(?). The Pacific. August 1, 1851-date. Evening Bulletin. October 8, 1855-date. Call. December 1, 1856-date. Chronicle. January 16, 1865-date. Examiner. June, 1865-date. Argonaut. March 25, 1877-date. San Jose Pioneer. January 13, 1877-December 29, 1883. Sonora Herald. July 4, 1850-(?), 1859- Sonora Union Democrat. July 1, 1854-date. Stockton Journal. June (?), 1850-June (?), 1854. Sydney (N. S. W.) Morning Herald. Issues from July to December, 1851, cheeked by correspondence. Series and Periodicals Academy of Pacific Coast History. Publications. Berkeley, 1910-date. Associated Pioneers of the Territorial Days of California. Reports. New York and San Francisco, 1875-. California Historical Society. Papers. San Francisco, 1887-1893. Historical Society of Southern California. Publications. Los Angeles, 1884-date. Grizzly Bear. Los Angeles (etc.), 1907-date. Hutchings' Illustrated California Magazine. 1856-1861. Overland Monthly. San Francisco, 1868-date. Pioneer Monthly. San Francisco, 1854-1855. Society of California Pioneers. Reports. San Francisco, 1850-. Society of California Pioneers. Constitution and By-Laws . ... as Revised December, 191% .... List of Members since Its Organization. San Francisco, 1912. University of California. Chronicle. Berkeley, 1898-date. The Wide West. San Francisco, March 17, 1854-July, 1858. * Arranged by dates. v-~^- Bibliography 481 California State Documents California Archives. Archives of California, "Unbound Documents, 1846- 1850." MS transcript in the Bancroft Library. 413 pp. California. Laws of 1837, see Halleck, J. [i.e. H. W.], Translation and Digest, infra, p. 488. Another translation in Minutes . ... of the Legislative Assembly of ... . San Francisco .... 1849, pp. 249- 296. California. Constitutional Convention, 1849. Report of the Debates in the Convention of California, on the Formation of the State Constitution, in September and October, 1849. By J. Ross Browne. Washington, 1850. Cited as Browne, Debates. California. Statutes, 1849-1850; 1851; 1852; 1856; 1865-1866. California. General Laws, see Hittell, T. H., compiler, infra, p. 495. California. Historical Survey Commission. Guide to the County Archives of California. By Owen C. Coy. Sacramento, 1919. Cited as foy, Guide. California. Penal Code, 1872. California Blue Book or State Roster, 1907. Sacramento, no date. California Legislature. Journals, 1849-1850; 1851; 185.'!. California Supreme Court. Reports. First, 1850-1851; annotated ed. of 1906 cited. (Ed. 2, 1872, lacks the Appendix.) Second, 1852; ed. of 1854 cited. Third, 1852-1853; ed. of 1868 cited. Fifth, 1S55; ed. of 1870 cited. Fifteenth, 1860; ed. of 1861 cited. Local Official Documents Colusa County. Minutes of the Court of Sessions for October, 1851. (See Coy, Guide, 132.) Marysville. Archives of the County Clerk. Register of Suits before the First Alcalde of Marysville, Stephen J. Field, January to May, 1S50. (See Coy, Guide, 609.) Placerville. Archives of the County Clerk. Alcalde's Docket, 1849-1S50. (See Coy, Guide, 158.) San Francisco.* Archives of the Recorder. General Index. Blotter B. The Laws of the Town of San irancisco. San Francisco, 1S47. S pp. The date of an ordinance on the last page shows that the pamphlet was published after October 28, 1847. The copy in the Hunt ington Library is probably unique. (See Cowan, Bibliography, 200.) ' Arranged by dates. 482 Vigilance Committee of 1851 Minutes of the Proceedings of the Legislative Assembly of the District of San Francisco. From March 12th, 1849, to June 4th, 1849, and a Record of the Proceedings of the Ayuntamiento or Town Council .... From August 6th, 1849, until May 3d, 1850. With an Appendix Con taining Official Communications .... with Extracts from Mexican Constitutions and Laws .... Published by order of the Board of Supervisors. San Francisco, 1860. Reports of the Alcalde, Comptroller and Treasurer of San Francisco. San Francisco, 1850. 36 pp. Very rare (see Cowan, Bibliography, 203). California State Library. Proceedings of the Town Council of San Francisco, Upper California. San Francisco, 1849-1850. Very rare (see Cowan, Bibliography, 202). California State Library. Manual of the Corporation of ... . San Francisco, Containing a Map .... the Charters .... the Revised Ordinances; the General Repealing Ordinances ; the Ordinances Still in Force, and Certain Laws Relating Particularly to ... . San Francisco. San Fran cisco, G. K. Fitch, 1852. 261 pp. Excellent maps. Valuable compilation of ordinances, 1850-1852. San Francisco Municipal Reports. 1862-63. San Francisco, 1863. San Francisco officials, 1834-1863, pp. 284-297. San Jose. Archives of the City Clerk. Tuolumne County. Archives of the County Clerk. Grand Jury Reports, 1855-1871. (See Coy, Guide, 576.) Local Histories and Directories Colusa County. Colusa County San Francisco. Elliott & Moore, 1880. Rogers, Justus H. Colusa County Orland, Cal., 1891. Contra Costa County. Illustrations of Contra Costa County Oak land, Smith & Elliott, [1878]. El Dorado County. Historical Souvenir of El Dorado County Oak land, Paolo Sioli, 1883. Jerrett, Herman Daniel. California's El Dorado Yesterday and Today. Sacramento, 1915. Fresno County. History of Fresno County San Francisco, Wallace W. Elliott & Co., 1882. Los Angeles County. History of Los Angeles County .... [by John Albert Wilson]. Oakland, Thompson & West, 1880. Bibliography 483 Marysville. Amy, George Sturtevant, and Amy, O., compilers. G. and 0. Amy's Marysville Directory for the Year Commencing November 1, 1856 Together with an Historical Sketch San Fran cisco, 1856. Nevada County. Brown and Dallison 's Nevada, Grass Valley and Rough and Ready Directory, for the Year Commending January 1st, 1856 With an Historical Sketch of Nevada County, by A. A. Sargent. .... San Francisco, 1856. California State Library. Thompson, Hugh B. Directory of the City of Nevada and Grass Valley. .... [San Francisco], 1861. Bean, Edwin F., compiler. Bean's History and Directory of Nevada County Nevada [City], 1867. History of Nevada County .... [by Harry Laurenz Wells]. Oakland. Thompson & West, 1880. Placer County. History of Placer County Oakland, Thompson &.- West, 1882. Plumas County. Illustrated History of Plumas, Lassen and Sierra Counties. .... San Francisco, Fariss & Smith, 1882. Sacramento County. History of Sacramento County [edited by Georet- 17 Wright.] Oakland, Thompson & West, 1880. History of Sacramento County [edited by George F. Wright]. Oakland, Thompson & West, 1880. Royce, Josiah. "The Squatter Riot of '50 in Sacramento," Overland Monthly, ser. 2, VI, 225-246 (September, 1885). Reprinted in his Studies of Good and Evil, 1898. Sacramento Illustrated Sacramento, Barber and Baker, 1855. 36 pp. California State Library. San Francisco. Barry, T[heodore] Augustus], and Patten, Bfenjamin] A[dam]. Men and Memories of San Francisco in the "Spring of '50." San Francisco, 1873. Brooks, B. S. "Alcalde Grants in the City of San Francisco," The Pioneer, I, II (1854). Five articles. Brown, John H[enry]. Reminiscences and Incidents of "The Early Days" of San Francisco .... from 1845-1S50. San Francisco [1886]. Committees of Vigilance, see infra, San Francisco Committee of Vigilance. 484 Vigilance Committee of 1851 Dwinelle, John W [hippie]. The Colonial History of the City of San Francisco, Being a Synthetic Argument in the District Court .... for Four Square Leagues of Land Claimed by That City. San Fran cisco, 1863. Citations from ed. 3, San Francisco, 1866, whieh eon- tains an Addenda of many important documents. Eldredge, Zoeth Skinner. The Beginnings of San Francisco from .... 1774 to ... . April 15, 1850. San Francisco, 1912. 2 vols. Hittell, John S[hertzer]. A History of the City of San Francisco and Incidentally of the State of California. San Francisco, 1878. Home Guard for the City and County of San Francisco. Roll Book. 1861. 67 pp. Also 62 muster rolls. MSS in the Bancroft Library. Jones, William Carey. The "Pueblo Question" Solved, in a Plain State ment of Facts and Law. San Francisco, 1860. 36 pp. King, Edward A. "List of Passenger Arrivals at the Port of San Francisco for the Year 1849 [March 31-December 30]. Furnished by the Harbor Master, Edward A. King, and Supplemented by Research in the Papers, ' ' in Society of California Pioneers, Twenty- fourth Anniversary (San Francisco, 1874), 38—17. Limantour, Jos6 Yves, defendant. The United vs. Jose Y. Limantour. Transcript of Record. [San Francisco], [1857], 1858. 4 vols. Cover titles: I, U. S. Land Commission; II, U. S. District Court; III, Archive Exhibits; IV, Land Com\mission\ Exhibits. Moses, Bernard. Establishment of Municipal Government in San Fran cisco. Baltimore, 1889. 83 pp. (Johns Hopkins University, Studies in Historical and Political Science, VII, nos. 2-3.) Palmer, John Williamson. "Pioneer Days in San Francisco," Century Magazine, XLIII, 541-560 (February, 1892). Pendleton, Harry C, publisher. The Exempt Firemen of San Francisco. .... Published by Authority of the Exempt Fire Company. San Francisco, 1900. Cover title: History of San Francisco Fire De partment. [Shuck, Oscar Tully, editor.] Sketches of Leading and Representative Men of San Francisco, see his Representative .... Men, infra, p. 499. Soule, Frank, Gihon, John H., and Nisbet, James. The Annals of San Francisco; Containing a Summary of the History of ... . California, and a Complete History of .... Its Great City; to Which Are Added Biographical Memoirs of Some Prominent Citizens. San Fran cisco, 1855. The chronological annals, compiled from contemporary newspapers, are an invaluable source of information. Cited as Annals. Bibliography 485 Taylor, Rev. William. Seven Years' Street Preaching in San Francisco. .... New York, 1857 [copyrighted 1856]. Turrill, Charles B. ' ' Life in San Francisco, 1856, ' ' Overland Monthly, ser. 2, LXVIII, 495-502 (December, 1916). Wheeler, Alfred. Land Titles in San Francisco .... San Francisco, 1852. Williams, Rev. Albert. A Pioneer Pastorate and Times San Francisco, 1879. Young, John P[hilip]. San Francisco. A History of the Pacific Coast Metropolis. San Francisco, [1912], 2 vols. San Francisco Directories Bogardus, [J. P.]. Bogardus' San Francisco, Sacramento City and Marysville Business Directory, for July, 1850 [San Francisco, 1850] 8 pp. Kimball, Charles P. San Francisco City Directory. September 1, 1S50. San Francisco, 1850. Two reprints. (See Cowan, Bibliography, 69). Parker, James M., publisher. San Francisco Directory, for the Year 1852-53 San Francisco, 1852. A. W. Morgan $¦ Co.'s San Francisco City Directory. September, 1S5S. San Francisco, 1852. Le Count $• Strong's San Francisco City Directory for the Year 1854. San Francisco, 1854. Colville, Samuel. Colville's San Francisco Directory. Volume I. For the Year commencing October, 1856 San Francisco, ls.56. San Joaquin County. History of San Joaquin County .... [by F. T. Gilbert]. Oakland, Thompson & West, 1879. San Jose. Hall, Frederic. The History of San Jos6 and Surroundings. .... San Francisco, 1871. Stockton. Tinkham, George H[enry]. A History of Stockton. . . . In cluding a Sketch of San Joaquin County. . . . San Francisco, 18S0. Tuolumne County. Heckendorn & Wilson. Miners <)"• Business Men 's Directory. For the Year Commencing January 1st, 1856. Embracing a General Directory of the Citi-c.ns of Tuolumne, and Portions of Cala veras, Stanislaus and San Joaquin Counties. Together with the Mining Laws of Each District, a Description of the Different Camps, and Other Interesting Statistical Matter. Columbia, printed at the Clipper Office, 1856. 104 pp. Very rare. California State Library; Bancroft Library (copy imperfect). [Lang, Herbert 0.] A History of Tuolumne County. Compiled from the Most Authentic Records. San Francisco. 1SS2. 486 Vigilance Committee of 1851 Yuba County. History of Yuba County [by William H. Chamber lain]. Oakland, Thompson & West, 1879. Contemporary Works, Published or Written 1844-1860 [Allsop, Thomas.] California and Its Gold Mines Edited by Robert Allsop. London, 1853. Auger, ltdouard. Voyage en Californie (1852-1853). Paris, 1854. Bates, Mrs. D. B. Incidents on Land and Water, or Four Years on the Pacific Coast Boston, 1857. Bigelow, John. Memoir of the Life and Public Services of John Charles Fremont New York, 1856. Borthwick, J. D. Three Years in California. Edinburgh, 1857. By an English artist. Attractive illustrations. Covers 1851-1854. Brooks, J. Tyrwhitt, M. D. Four Months among the Gold-Finders in Alta California London, 1849. Citations from ed. 2. London, 1849. Other editions printed in Paris and New York. The interesting diary of an English physician. Severely criticized in Gerstacker, Narrative, 194. Browne, J[ohn] Ross. Debates, see California Constitutional Convention, 1849, supra, p. 481. Bryant, Edwin. What I Saw in California: Being ihe Journal of a Tour .... across the Continent .... and through California .... 1846, 1847 New York, 1848. By the second American alcalde of San Francisco. Many editions and translations. Buffum, E[dward] Gould. Six Months in the Gold Mines: from a Journal of Three Years' Residence in Upper and Lower California. 1847-8-9. Philadelphia, 1850. The author was a lieutenant in Stevenson 's Regiment. California Illustrated. See Letts, J. M. California : Its Gold and Its Inhabitants. See Huntley, H. V. California: Its Past History; Its Present Position; Its Future Prospects. .... London, 1850. Engraved title page reads: The Emigrant's Guide to the Golden Land Bibliography 487 Capron, Eflisha] S. History of California .... with a Journal of the Voyage from New York . ... to San Francisco, and Back Boston, 1854. Carson, J[ames] H. Early Recollections of the Mines, and a Description of the Great Tulare Valley . . . . ed. 2. Stockton, 1852. 64 pp. Cover title: Life in California. The first book printed in Stockton. The first edition was a supplement to a "steamer number" of the San Joaquin Republican. Valuable observations of a practical miner. (See Hittell, California, III, 119.) [Clappe, Mrs. Louise Amelia Knapp.] "California in 1851"; "California in 1852." By Shirley [pseudonym], The Pioneer, I-IV, 1854-1855. A reprint is now in press. Clarke, A. B. Travels in Mexico and California .... a Journal. Boston, 1852. Rare. California State Library. Coke, Henry J[ohn]. A Ride over the Rocky Mountains to Oregon and California. With a Glance at Some of the Tropical Islands London, 1852. Cover title: The Rocky Mountains to California. This English traveler devoted but one chapter to California. Tho English Catalogue notes an edition of 1851. Colton, Rev. Walter. Three Years in California. New York, 1850. Events of 1846-1849. See supra, pp. 41-42. Cutts, James Madison. The Conquest of California and New Mexico Philadelphia, 1847. Delano, Aflonzo]. Life on the Plains and among the Diggings. Auburn and Buffalo, 1854. Citations from New York ed. of 1857. Under the nom de plume of "Old Block" this author wrote The Idle and Industrious Miner, Sacramento, 1854; Old Block's Sketch-Bool; Sacramento, 1856; Pen Knife Sketches, Sacramento, 1853. Delavan, James [proprietor of copyright]. Notes on California and the Placers. . ... By One Who Has Been There. New York, 1850. Accurate and entertaining observations. Dillon, Patrice. "La Californie dans les derniers mois de 1849," Revue des deux mondes, nouvelle periode, V, 193-219 (January 15, 1850). By the French consul at San Francisco. 488 Vigilance Committee of 1851 Farnham, Eliza Wfoodson (Burhans)]. California, In-doors and Out New York, 1856. Keen observations, 1851-1856. Mrs. Farnham acquired notoriety by a project of bringing from the East a company of marriageable young women (see Hittell, California, III, 191; Ryan, Personal Adventures, II, 282-283; H. C. Clark, MS Statement, 1). Frost, John. Frost's Pictorial History of California Auburn, N. Y., 1850. A popular but superficial history. Many editions. Gerstacker, Fredrich [i.e., Friedrich. Wilhelm Christian]. Gerstdcker's Travels Translated from the German. London, 1854. Cali fornia State Library. Gerstacker, Friedrich [Wilhelm Christian]. Gold! Ein Calif ornisches Leb- ensbild. Jena, no date. Various editions. That cited is from the California State Library. Gerstacker, Friedrich [Wilhelm Christian]. Narrative of a Journey round the World New York, 1853. California State Library. Golden Dreams and Leaden Realities, see Payson, George. Grabowski, Stanislaus. Die Regulator en von San Francisco Berlin, no date. 2 vols. California State Library. Listed in Heinsius, Allegemeines deutsches Biicher-Lexikon, XIII, 1857- 1861, pt. 2, p. 168. Halleck, J. [i.e., Henry Wagner]. Translation and Digest of Such Portions of the Mexican Laws of March 20th and May 23d, 1837, as are sup posed to be still in force and adapted to the present condition of Cali fornia; with an Introduction and Notes, by J. Halleck, Attorney at Law, and W. E. P. Hartnell, Government Translator. San Francisco, 1849. 26 pp. Very rare (see Cowan, Bibliography, 231-232). Huntington Library. Reprinted in Browne, Debates, Appendix, pp. XXIV-XL. Helper, Hinton R[owan]. The Land of Gold. Reality versus Fiction. Baltimore, 1855. Hittell, Theodore H[enry]. The Adventures of James Capen Adams, Moun taineer and Grizzly Bear Hunter, of California. San Francisco, 1860. Holinski, Alexandre [Jean Joachim]. La Californie et les routes inter- oceaniques. Bruxelles, 1853. Citations from ed. 2, Bruxelles, 1853. The author was a Lithuanian, and the British Museum Catalogue prints his name Holynski. The title page of this book describes him as a "citoyen ainericain," and its contents show that he was an enthusiast for democracy. The work was prohibited in France (Lorenz, Catalogue general, II, 608). Bibliography 489 Hughes, John T[aylor]. Doniphan's Expedition; Containing an Account of the Conquest of New Mexico; General Kearney's [sic] Overland Ex pedition to California Cincinnati, [copyrighted 1847]. Various editions, including Cong. Docs., Ser. No. 6589, Doc. 608. Cita tion from reprint edited by William Elsey Connelley, Topeka, 1907. [Huntley, Sir Henry Vere.] California: Its Gold and Its Inliabitants. .... London, 1856. 2 vols. Johnson, Theodore Tfaylor], Sights in the Gold Region, and Scenes by the Way. New York, 1849. Citations from ed. 3, with title: California and Oregon; or, Sights in the Gold Region, and Scenes by the Way. Philadelphia, 1851. Jones, William Carey. Report on the Subject of Land Titles in California. .... Washington, 1851. (Cong. Docs., Ser. No. 589, Doc IS. 136 PP-) Printed in part as Land Titles in California, Washington, 1850. 60 pp. Kelly, William. An Excursion to California With n Stroll through the Diggings and Ranches of That Country. London, ls.'l. 2 vols. A Stroll through the Diggings was published separately. London, ls.52. King, Thomas Butler. California: the Wonder of the Age. New- York, 1850. 34 pp. Reprint of his Report on California. (Cong. Docs., Ser. No. 577, Doc. 59). Kingsley, Nelson. Diary of Nelson Kingsley, a California Argonaut of IS 19. Edited by Frederick J. Teggart. Berkeley, 1914. (Academy of Pacific Coast History, Publications, III, no. 3.) [Kip, Leonard.] The Volcano Diggings, a Talc of California Law. By a Member of the Bar. New York, 1851. Not very interesting, but a reflection of local conditions. Huntington Library. Lambertie, Chfarles] de. Voyage pittoresque en Californie et au Chili. Paris, 1853. [Letts, John M.] California Illustrated New York, 1852. Another edition has title: A Pictorial View of California. New York, 1853. Lieber, Francis, compiler. California Scrap-Bool; 1S4S-49. A collection of clippings in the Bancroft Library. Lyman, Albert. Journal of a Voyage to California, and Life in the Gold Diggings. . . . Hartford, Conn., 1S52. McNeil, Samuel. McNeil's Travels in 1S49. to, through and from the Gold Regions, in California. Columbus, 1850. 490 Vigila/nce Committee of 1851 Marryat, Frank [i.e., Samuel Francis]. Mountains and Molehills, or Recol lections of a Burnt Journal London, 1855. By an English artist. Interesting illustrations. An inferior edition was published in New York in 1855. Meyer, Carl. Nach dem Sacramento Aarau, 1855. Montgomery, C. E. " The Lost Journals of a Pioneer, ' ' Overland Monthly, ser. 2, VII (1886), 75-90; 173-181; 276-287. Mysteries and Miseries of San Francisco New York, [1853]. Sensational fiction, with Belcher Kay as one of the characters. Hunt ington Library. Notes on California and the Placers, see Delavan, James. Nye, B. H. "Extracts from Letters of a Nantucket Forty-niner, ' ' History Teachers' Magazine, VI, 210-211 (September, 1915). Palmer, J[ohn] W[illiamson], M.D. The New and the Old; or, California and India in Romantic Aspects New York, 1859. [Payson, George.] Golden Dreams and Leaden Realities. By Ralph Raven. .... New York, 1853. A "Pile," or a Glance at the Wealth of the Monied Men of San Francisco and Sacramento City San Francisco, 1851. 15 pp. Printed in New York, but bearing a San Francisco imprint. Reid, Samuel C[hester], Jr. The Scouting Expeditions of McCulloch's Texas Rangers .... and Sketches of ... . Hays, McCulloch, and Walker. Philadelphia, 1847. Robinson, Fayette. California and Its Gold Regions New York, 1849. [Ryan, R. F.] "Judges and Criminals; or, Shadows of the Past." By Juris Consult, The Golden Era [1853-1854?] A series of historical sketches of California from the Spanish occupa tion to 1849. Serapbook in the Bancroft Library. Ryan, William Redmond. Personal Adventures in Upper and Lower Cali fornia, in 1848-9 London, 1850. 2 vols. By an English artist. Characteristic illustrations. Saint-Amant, [Pierre Charles] de. Voyages en Californie et dans I 'Oregon. Paris, 1854. The author was French consul at Sacramento in 1851 (Popular Tri bunals, I, 156). His observations are exceedingly interesting. A portion of his letters was published as Voyage en Californie 1850- 1851, Paris, 1851. Seyd, Ernest. California and Its Resources London, 1858. Bibliography 491 Shaw, Pringle. Ramblings in California .... the Five Years' Experience of a Gold Digger. Toronto [ca. I860]. Shaw, William. Golden Dreams and Waking Realities London, 1851. Shirley, pseudonym, see Clappe, Mrs. L. A. K. Simpson, Henry I. Emigrant's Guide to the Gold Mines. Three Weeks in the Gold Mines, or Adventures with the Gold Diggers of California in August, 1848 New York, 1848. 30 pp. The early date makes these observations interesting, but they must be received with caution. Taylor, Bayard. Eldorado, or, Adventures in the Path of Empire New York, 1850. 2 vols. Published in the same year in London, with illustrations by the author. Various reprints. See note, supra, p. 85. Taylor, Rev. William. California Life Illustrated. . . . New York, 1858. Turnbull, Tfhomas]. T. Turnbull's Travels from the United States across the Plains to California [1852]. Madison, 1914. Reprinted from the Wisconsin State Historical Society, Proceedings, 191S, pp. 151-225. Separate no. 158. Tyson, James L[awrence], M.D. Diary of a Physician in California New York, 1850. Tyson, Philip Tfhomas]. Geology and Industrial Resources of California. .... Baltimore, 1851. Reprinted, with introduction and appendix from Cong. Docs., Ser. No. 558, Doc. 47. The Volcano Diggings; a Tale of California Law, see Kip, Leonard. Weston, S[ilas]. Life in the Mountains; or Four Months in the Mines of California. Providence [R. I.], 1854. 34 pp. Ed. 2, revised, has title: Four Montlis in the Mines of California; or, Life in the Mountains. Providence, 1854. 46 pp. Wierzbicki, F[elix] P[aul], M.D. California as It Is, and as It May Be, or, a Guide to the Gold Region* San Francisco, 1849. 60 pp. Often described as the first book printed in San Francisco (see Holinski, La Californie, 113; Royce, California, 301). Cowan corrects this statement (Bibliography, 248). A second, enlarged edition, followed the same year. 76 pp. Wilkes, Charles. Narrative of the United States Exploring Expedition. During the Years 1838, 1839, 1840, 1841, 184?. Philadelphia, 1844. 5 vols., and Atlas. Wilson, R. A. "The Alcalde System of California," in First California Reports (1852), 559-582. Omitted from the edition of 1872. Woods, Rev. Daniel B. Sixteen Months at the Gold Diggings. New York, 1851. 492 Vigilance Committee of 1851 General Histories, Biographies, and Reminiscences, 1861-date manuscript references of pioneers in" the bancroft library Clark, Hiram C. Statement of Historical Facts in California] from 1851 to 1865. 1878. 12 pp. Crosby, Eflisha] O. Statement of Events in California]. 1878. 132 pp. Currey, John. Incidents in California. 1878. 16 pp. Dally, Henry I. Narrative of His Life and Events in California] since 1843. 1878. 95 pp. Garniss, James R. Early Days of San Francisco. 1877. 32 pp. Gwin, W[illia]m M. Memoirs on History of United States, Mexico, and California. 1878. 265 pp. Hyde, George. Statement of Historical Facts in California. 1878. 26 pp. Kraszewski, Michael. Acts of the "Manilas." Lawlessness at San Juan in 1856. 1878. 17 pp. Roach, Philip A. Statement of Historical Facts on California. 1878. 16 pp. Sayward, Capt. Wfilliam] T. Statement. Pioneer Reminiscences. [1877?] 34 pp. Sutter, John Augustus. Personal Reminiscences. 1876. 206 pp. For MS Reminiscences of Vigilantes see infra, p. 502. PRINTED WORKS Abbott, Carlisle S. Recollections of a California Pioneer. New York, 1917. Archer, Lawrence. "Oration," in Society of California Pioneers, Twenty-seventh Anniversary (San Francisco, 1877), 7-16. Bancroft, Hubert Howe. California Inter Pocula. San Francisco, 1888. (Works, XXXV.) Bancroft, Hubert Howe. Chronicles of the Builders of the Commonwealth. San Francisco, 1891-1892. 7 vols, and Index. Bancroft, Hubert Howe. History of California. San Francisco, 1884-1890. 7 vols. (Works, XVIII-XXIV). Barker, Eugene C. "California as the Cause of the Mexican War," Texas Review, II, 213-221 (January, 1917). Bell, Horace. Reminiscences of a Ranger; or, Early Times in Southern California. Los Angeles, 1881. Bibliography 493 Birkhimer, William E. Military Government and Martial Law. Ed. 3, re vised. Kansas City, 1914 [copyrighted 1892]. [Black, Chauncey Forward, and Smith, Samuel B., editors.] -Some Ac count of the Work of Stephen J. Field With an Introductory Sketch by John Norton Pomeroy. [New York?], 1881. Blackmar, Frank W[ilson]. Spanish Institutions of the Southwest. Balti more, 1891. (Johns Hopkins University, Studies in Historical and Political Science. Extra Vol. X.) Bolton, Herbert Efugene]. "The Admission of California," University of California, Chronicle, XV, 554-556 (October, 1913). Bosqui, Edward. Memoirs. [San Francisco, 1904.] Privately printed and very rare. (See Cowan, Bibliography, 22.) Brace, Charles Loring. The New West : or, Californie! in 1867-1868. New- York, 1869. Browne, J[ohh] Ross, and Taylor, James W. Reports upon the Mineral Resources of the United Slates [for 1866]. Washington, 1867. Browne's report covered the area west of the Rocky Mountains. It was also published as Cong. Docs., Ser. No. 12H9, Doc 29. Taylor's, on the area to the east, appeared as Ser. No. 1293, Doc. 92. Burnett, Peter H[ardeman]. Recollections and Opinions of an Old Pioneer. .... New York, 1880. Carr, John. Pioneer Days in California Eureka, Cal., 1891. Clark, Francis D. The First Regiment of New York Volunteers. Com manded by Col. Jonathan D. Stevenson in the Mexican War New York, 1882. Cover title: Stevenson's Regiment in California, 1847-8. Cleland, Robert Glass. The Early Sentiment for the Annexation of Cali fornia Austin, [1915]. Reprinted from the Southwestern Historical Quarterly, XVIII (July-October, 1914). Cole, Cornelius. Memoirs of Cornelius Cole, Ex-Senator of the United States from California. New York, 1908. Coman, Katharine. Economic Beginnings of the Far West. . . New York, 1912. 2 vols. Coy, Owen C. Guide, see California Historical Survey Commission, supra, p. 481. Davis, Horace. "The Home Guard of 1861," in Panama-Pacific Historical Congress, The Pacific Ocean in History (New York, 1917), 363-372. 494 VigiloAice Committee of 1851 Davis, John F. Historical Sketch of the Mining Law in California. Los Angeles, 1902. 83 pp. Reprinted from O. T. Shuck, History of the Bench and Bar of California, 1901. Davis, William Heath. Sixty Years in California San Francisco, 1889. Davis, Winfield J. History of Political Conventions in California, 1849- 1892. Sacramento, 1893. (California State Library, Publications, no. 1.) Degroot [De Groot], Henry. "Six Months in '49," Overland Monthly, XIV, 316-329 (April, 1872). Dellenbaugh, Frederick S[amuel]. Fremont and '49 New York, 1914. Downie, William. Hunting for Gold San Francisco, 1893. Dunbar, Edward E. The Romance of the Age; or, The Discovery of Gold in California. New York, 1867. Duniway, Clyde A. "Slavery in California after 1848," American His torical Association, Annual Report, 1905, I, 243-248. Earle, John Jewett. "Sentiment of the People of California with Re spect to the Civil War," American Historical Association, Annual Report, 1907, I, 123-135. Eldridge, Zoeth Skinner, editor. History of California. New York [copy righted 1915], 5 vols. Ellison, Joseph. Sentiment in California for a Pacific Republic, 1943—1861. 1919. Ill pp. MS Thesis (M.A.), University of California Library. Ellison, William Henry. The United States Indian Policy in California, 1846-1860. 1918. 434 pp. MS Thesis (Ph.D.), University of Cali fornia Library. Fankhauser, William C[harles]. A Financial History of California: Public Revenues, Debts, and Expenditures. Berkeley, 1913. (University of California, Publications in Economics, III, no. 2.) Ferguson, Charles D. The Experiences of a Forty-niner during Thirty-four Years' Residence in California and Australia,. Edited by Frederick T. Wallace. Cleveland, 1888. Cover title: A Third of a Century in the Gold Fields. Field, Stephen Jfohnson]. Personal Reminiscences of Early Days in Cali fornia No place, [copyrighted 1880]. Citation from enlarged ed. [Washington, 1893]. Bibliography 495 Fitch, George Hamlin. "How California Came into the Union," Century Magazine, XL, 775-792 (September, 1890). Fremont, John Charles. Memoirs of My Life Vol. 1. Chicago, 1887. No more published. Frignet, Ernest. La Californie. Histoire, organization politique et adminis trative, legislation, description physique et geologique Paris, 1866. An admirable study of local conditions. Lorenz, Catalogue general, cites an edition of 1865. Ed. 2 was published in 1867. Goodwin, Cardinal. Establishment of State Government in California, 1846-1850. New York, 1914. Grey, William, pseudonym, see White, William Francis. Guinn, Jfames] Mfiller]. History of the State of California and Biograph ical Record of Sacramento Valley Chicago, 1906. One of a series of local histories with identical general introductions. Harlan, Jacob Wright. California '46 to '88. San Francisco, ]ss.s. Haskins, C. W. The Argonauts of California. . . New York, 1890. Lists some 35,000 names. Hershiser, Beulah. "The Influence of Nevada on the National Mining Legislation of 1866," Nevada Historical Society, Third Biennial Report, 1911-1912, pp. 127-167. Hittell, John Sfhertzer]. The Resources of California San Fran cisco, 1863. Ed. 6, rewritten, San Francisco, 1874. Hittell, Theodore H[enry], compiler. General Laws of the State of Cali fornia, from 1850 to 1864. San Francisco, 1865. 2 vols. Citations from ed. 2. San Francisco, 1870. Hittell, Theodore H[enry]. History of California. San Francisco, 1S85- 1897. 4 vols. Hull, Dorothy. "The Movement in Oregon for the Establishment of a Pacific Coast Republic," Oregon Historical Society, Quarterly. XVII, 177-200 (September, 1916). Hunt, Rockwell Dennis. Genesis of California's First Constitution (1846- 49). Baltimore, 1895. (Johns Hopkins University, Studies in His torical and Political Science, XIII, no. 8.) Hunt, Rockwell Dennis. "Legal Status of California, 1846-49," Ameri can Academy of Political and Social Science, Annals, XII, 3S7-40S (November, 1898). 496 Vigilance Committee of 1851 [Ide, Simeon.] Biographical Sketch of ... . William B. Ide: with .... Account of One of the Largest Emigrating Companies .... and .... ' ' The Virtual Conquest of California, in June, 1846, by the Bear Flag Party . . . ." [Claremont, N. H., 1880]. A part of this material was published separately as Who Conquered California? .... Claremont [1880]. See Cowan, Bibliography, 118. Irvine, Leigh H[adley], editor. History of the New California; Its Re sources and People. New York, 1905. 2 vols. Jones, William Carey. "First Phase of the Conquest of California," California Historical Society, Papers, I, pt. I (1887), 61-94. Kelsey, Rayner Wickersham. The United States Consulate in California. Berkeley, 1910. (Academy of Pacific Coast History, Publications, I, no. 5.) Kennedy, Elijah R[obinson]. The Contest for California in 1861 Boston, 1912. Klein, Julius. The Making of the Treaty of Guadaloupe Hidalgo The James Bryee Historical Prize Essay for 1905. Berkeley, 1905. Reprinted from the University of California, Chronicle, VII, no. 4. Knower, Daniel. The Adventures of a Forty-niner Albany, 1894. Cover title: The Days of the Forty-niners. Landis, Jacob B. ' ' Life and Work of General John A. Sutter, ' ' Lancaster County [Pennsylvania] Historical Society, Papers, XVII (1913), 279-300. Leeouvreur, Frank [i.e., Theodor Maximilian Ferdinand Franz]. From East Prussia to the Golden Gate Edited .... by Mrs. Jose phine Rosana Leeouvreur New York, 1906. Levy, Daniel. Les Frangais en Californie. San Francisco, 1884. Lippitt, Francis J. ' ' The California Boundary Question in 1849, ' ' Century Magazine, XL, 794-795 (September, 1890). Lynch, James. With Stevenson to California, 1846. No place [1896]. Lynch, Jeremiah. A Senator of the Fifties: David C. Broderick, of Cali fornia. San Francisco, 1911. McCall, A. J. The Great California Trail in 1849. Bath [New York], 1882. California State Library. McCall, A. J. Pick and Pan. Trip to the Diggings in 1849 Bath [New York], 1883. California State Library. Bibliography 497 McElroy, Robert McNutt. The Winning of the Far West .... 1820-1867 New York, 1914. M.-Kinstry, Eflisha] W. "Oration," in Society of California Pioneers, Twenty-first Anniversary (San Francisco, 1871), 5-19. McMurray, Orrin K. "Beginnings of the Community Propertv System in California " California Law Review, III, 359-380 (Julv 1915). Magoon, Charles E. Reports, see United States War Department supra p. 477. Mains, John P., compiler. Annual Statistician. 1879 San Francisco [1879]. Merwin, Henry Childs. The Life of Bret Harte, with Some Account of the California Pioneers. Boston, 1911. Naglee, Henry M[orris]. The Lore Life of Brig. Gen. Henry M. Naglee. Consisting of a Correspondence on Lore, War and Politics. [San Fracisco], 1867. This uninteresting volume, copyrighted by Mary L. S.hell, was a woman's revenge for an alleged breach of promise of marriage. Newmark, Harris. Sixty Years in Southern California, 1S53-1:>13. . . Edited by Maurice H. Newmark [and] Marco R. Newmark. New York, 1916. Norton, Henry K[ittre.lge]. The Story of < alifornia from the Earliest Days to the Present. Chicago, 1913. Norton, Lfewis] Afdelbert]. Life and Adventures of Col. L. A. Norton. .... Oakland, 1887. O'Connor, R. C. "David Colbert Broderick,'' American Irish Historical Society, Journal, XIII (1914], 132-162. O'Meara, James. Broderick and Gwin. . S:in Francisco, ls^l. O'Meara, James. "A Chapter of California History," Overland Monthly, ser. 2, XIV, 625-630 (December, 1889 7 Panama-Pacific Historical Congress. The Pacific Ocean in History. . . Edited by H. Morse Stephens . . [and] Herbert E. Bolton. New York, 1917. Parsons, George Frederic. Life and Adventures of James W. Marshall, the Discoverer of Gold in California. Sacramento, 1870. Patterson, Lawson B. Twelve Years in the Mines of California Cambridge [Mass.], 1S62. 498 Vigilomce Committee of 1851 Peckham, R[obert] F. Eventful Life. Scrapbook in the Bancroft Library. Extracts from the San Jos6 Pioneer, June 9-August 4, 1877. Perez Rosales, Vicente. Recuerdos del pasado, 1814-1860. Santiago de Chili, 1910. (Biblioteca de escritores de Chili, III.) Phelps, Alonzo. Contemporary Biography of California's Representative Men San Francisco, 1881-1882. 2 vols. Porter, Valentine Mott. General Stephen W. Kearny and the Conquest of California (1846-7). Los Angeles, 1911. Reprinted from Historical Society of Southern California, Annual Publications, VIII (1911), 95-127. Revere, Joseph Wfarren]. Keel and Saddle. Boston, 1872. Citations from ed. of 1873. California State Library. Richman, Irving Berdine. California under Spain and Mexico, 1535-1847. Boston, 1911. Ridge, John Rfollin]. Life and Adventures of Joaquin Murieta Ed. 3, enlarged. San Francisco, 1871. 81 pp. Rives, George Lockhart. The United States and Mexico, 1821-1848 New York, 1913. 2 vols. Roberts, Bfrigham] H[enry]. The Mormon Battalion Salt Lake City, 1919. Robertson, James R[ood]. From Alcalde to Mayor; a History of the Change from the Mexican to the American Local Institutions of Cali fornia, 1908. 293 pp. MS Thesis (Ph.D.), University of California Library. Robinson, Henry. ' ' Pioneer Days of California, ' ' Overland Monthly, VIII, 457-462 (May, 1872). Rodman, Willoughby. History of the Bench and Bar of Southern California. Introduction by W. J. Hunsaker. Los Angeles, 1909. Royce, Josiah. California, from the Conquest in 1846 to the Second Vigil ance Committee in San Francisco Boston, 1886. (American Commonwealths. ) Royce, Josiah. "Provincialism; Based upon a Study of Early Conditions in California," Putnam's Magazine, VII, 232-240 (November, 1909). Royce, Josiah. Race Questions, Provincialism, and Other American Prob lems. New York, 1908. Bibliography 499 Royce, Josiah. ¦"Squatter Riot," see supra, p. 483. Scanland, J. M. " Joaquin Murrieta; California Fra Diavolo, ' ' Overland Monthly, ser. 2, XXVI, 530-539 (December, 1895). Shafter, Oscar Lovell. Life Diary and Letters .... 1864, to ... . 1868. Edited .... by Flora Haines Loughead San Francisco, 1915. Shaw, D[avid] Afugustus]. Eldorado; or, California as Seen by a Pioneer, 1850-1900. Los Angeles, 1900. Sherman, William T[ecumseh]. Memoirs New York, 1875. 2 vols. Shinn, Charles Howard. Land Laws of Mining Districts. Baltimore, 1884. (Johns Hopkins University, Studies in Historical and Political Science, II, no. 12.) Shinn, Charles Howard. Mining Camps: A Study in American Frontier Government. New York, 1885. Shinn, Charles Howard. "Some California Documents," Maga:ine of American History, XXV, 394-402 (May, 1891). Shuck, Oscar T[ully]. Bench and Bar in California San Francisco, 1888. Citations from enlarged ed., San Francisco, 1889. Shuck, Oscar T[ully], editor. History of the Bench and Bar of California. .... Los Angeles, 1901. Entirely different from his Bench and Bar in California. Shuck, Oscar T[ully], editor. Representative and Leading Men of the Pacific San Francisco, 1870. [Shuck, Oscar Tully, editor.] Sketches of Leading and Representative Men of San Francisco. London, New York and San Francisco, 1875. A continuation of his Representative .... Men of the Pacific, pp. 703- 1082. Smith, Justin H[arvey]. The War with Mexico. New York, 1919. 2 vols. Street, Charles R. "Crossing the Plains in '49," in Associated Pioneers of the Territorial Days of California, Sixteenth Annual Meeting and Dinner (New York, 1891), 20-24. Swasey, Wfilliam] F. Early Days and Men of California. Oakland, 1891. Thomas, David Yancey. A History of Military Government in Newly Acquired Territory of the United States. New York, 1904. (Co lumbia University, Studies in History, Economies and Public Law, XX, no. 2.) Tinkham, George H[enry]. California Men and Events .... 1769-1890. Stockton, 1915. Very inaccurate. 500 Vigilance Committee of 1851 Tuthill, Franklin. History of California. San Francisco, ' 1866. Tyler, Daniel. A Concise History of the Mormon Battalion in the Mexican War [Salt Lake City], 1881. Upham,- Samuel C. Notes of a Voyage to California Philadelphia, 1878. Cover title: Scenes in El Dorado in the Years 1849— '50. Wagstaff, Alexander], E., compiler and editor. Life of David S. Terry. .... San Francisco, 1892. Waite, E. G. "Pioneer Mining in California," Century Magazine, XLII, 127-141 (May, 1891). Wakeman, Edgar. The Log of an Ancient Mariner. .... Written by himself and edited by his daughter. San Francisco, 1878. Webster, Kimball. The Gold Seekers of '49 With an Introduction .... by George Waldo Browne. Manchester, N. H., 1917. Journal and reminiscences, 1849-1854. Wheeler, Alfred. "Oration," in Society of California Pioneers, Thirty- second Anniversary (San Francisco, 1882), 7-28. [White, William Francis.] A Picture of Pioneer Times in California by William Grey [pseudonym]. San Francisco, 1881. Willey, Rev. Samuel Hfopkins]. The Transition Period of California, from a Province of Mexico in 1846 to a State of the American Union in, 1850. San Francisco, 1901. Willey, Rev. Samuel H[opkins]. "Recollections of General Halleck as Secretary of State in Monterey, 1847-9," Overland Monthly, IX, 9-17 (July, 1872). Willey, Rev. Sfamuel] H[opkins]. Thirty Years in California .... 1849 to 1879. San Francisco, 1879. Wistar, Isaac Jones. Autobiography, 1827-1905. Philadelphia, 1914. 2 vols. Printed for private distribution. University of California Library. Woods, Rev. James. Recollections of Pioneer Work in California San Francisco, 1878. Woods, Sfamuel] D. Lights and Shadows of Life on the Pacific Coast. New York [1910]. Woolley, L[ell] H[awley]. California, 1849-1913 Oakland, 1913. Wright, Flora Alice. .Richard Barnes Mason, Governor of California. 1919. 275 pp. MS Thesis (M.A.), University of California Library. Yale, Gregory. Legal Titles to Mining Claims and Water Rights, in Cali fornia, under the Mining Law of Congress, of July, 1866. San Fran cisco, 1867. Young, John P. Journalism in California. . . . San Francisco [1915]. Bibliography 501 The San Francisco Committees of Vigilance, 1851, 1856 archives of the committee of 1851, in the bancroft library Constitution and List of Signers. Book of Names, Kept by tlie Sergeant-at- arms. Printed as Papers of the San Francisco Committee of Vigilance of 1851. I. Edited by Porter Garnett. Berkeley, 1910. 69 pp. (Academy of Pacific Coast History, Publications, I, no. 7.) List of Names Approved by the Committee on Qualification. Printed as| Papers, II. Edited by Porter Garnett. Berkeley, 1911. 19 pp. (Academy of Pacific Coast History, Publicaticms, II, no. 2.) Minutes and Miscellaneous Papers. Printed as Papers. III. Edited by Mary Floyd Williams. Berkeley, 1919. 905 pp. (Academy of Pacific Coast History, Publications, IV.) Cited as Papers. Contents: Minute Book of the Executive Committee, September 17, 1851, to June 30, 1852. Cash Book of the Treasurer, July I, ls.51, to October 17, 1852. Roll Call of the Executive Committee, Sep- tember 17, 1851, to March 13, 1852. Miscellaneous Minutes, Re ports, Evidence, and Confessions. Financial Accounts and Vouchers. Unprinted: Book of Fines of the Srrgeaul.-at-.trins. Petty Cn.sli Hnol, of the Sergeant-at-Arms (fragment). Miscellaneous papers. (See Papers, III, 830-831.) Archives of the Committee of 1856 Both Bancroft and Hittell had access to the original archives of the Committee of 1856, but Bancroft was not allowed to retain them, and in 1914 he was unaware of their location. Correspondence with relatives of President Coleman and Secretary Bluxome has also failed to trace the documents. A number of the papers were obtained by Mr. A. S. Macdonald from a sealed room in a building in course of destruction in Sim Francisco's Chinatown, and were included in the Macdonald collection of Californiana purchased by Mr. Henry E. Huntington. The most interesting item is an Index to the Record of the Committee, made out under names of cases and witnesses, but the Record itself is missing. There are also unimportant papers relating to the cases of Judge Terry and Edward McGowan, some communications on ballot box stuffing, fragments of muster rolls, various subscription lists, vouchers, orders for membership certificates, and many complaints against the character of witnesses, and against men who had been admitted to membership in the Committee. The complaints show that vigorous efforts were made to expel undesirable members as fast as they could be discovered. A few letters relating to the Committee of 1S56 are preserved in the Bancroft Library in the file that contains the papers of 1851. It is probable that the rest of the Archives were destroyed in the fire of 1906. 502 Vigilance Committee of 1851 Manuscript Statements of Members of the Committees in the Bancroft Library Bluxome, Isaac, Jr., "33 Secretary." Statement. [1877?] 20 pp. Cole, Dr. R. Beverly. Statement on Vigilance Committee in San Francisco. 1877. 22 pp. '(1856 only.) Coleman, William T[ell]. Statement. [1877?]. 174 pp. Coon, H[enry] P., M.D. Annals of San Francisco. [1877?]. 31pp. (1856 only.) Crary, Oliver B. Statement on Vigilance Committees in San Francisco. 1877. 12 pp. (1856 only.) Dempster, C[lancey] J. Vigilance Committee. [1877?]. 59 pp. (1856 only.) Dows, James. Statement on Vigilance Committes in San Francisco. 1877. 12 pp. Durkee, John L. Statement on Vigilance Committee in San Francisco. 8 pp. (1856 only.) Farwell, James D. Vigilance Committees in San Francisco. 1878. 24 pp. Frink, George W. Statement. Vigilance Committee. [1877?] 28 pp. (1856 only.) Gillespie, Charles V. Vigilance Committee. 1875. 10 pp. (Chiefly 1856.) Manrow, John P[oole]. Statement on Vigilance Committees in San Fran cisco. 1878. 12 pp. Neall, James, Jr. Statement. Vigilance Committee. [1877?]. 28 pp. (1851 only.) Olney, James N. Statement. Vigilance Committee. [1877?]. 36 pp. (1856 only.) Ryekman, Gerritt W. Statement. Vigilance Committee. [1877?] 20 pp. (Chiefly 1851.) Schenek, George E[verett]. Statement on the Vigilance Committee, 1856. 1877. 59 pp. (1851 and 1856.) Smiley, Thomas J[ohn] L[oud]. Statement on Vigilance Committees and Early Times in San Francisco. 1877. 24 pp. Truett, Miers F. Statement on Vigilance Committees in San Francisco. 1871. 8 pp.' (1856 only.) Watkins, William B. Statement. Vigilance Committees in San Francisco. 1878. 24 pp. (1856 only.) Vigilance Committees in San Francisco — Miscellany. 1877. 39 pp. State ments by Aaron M. Burns, J. D. B. Stillman, William H. Rogers, Hall McAllister, Sylvester Woodbridge, James C. L. Wadsworth, Asa M. Bowen, A. M. Comstock. Bibliography 503 PRINTED ACCOUNTS OF THE COMMITTEES* Ayres, W. O. "Personal Recollections of the Vigilance Committee," Overland Monthly, ser. 2, VIII, 160-176 (August, 1886). C. of V., 1856. Bancroft, Hubert Howe. Popular Tribunals. San Francisco, 1877. 2 vols. ^- ( Works, XXXVI, XXXVII.) The original edition gave such offense to some Califomians that it was withdrawn, and another printed the same year, with modifications in the personal comments. Citations from ed. 2. Bancroft, Hubert Howe. Chronicles of the Builders, I, 335-387. Barbour, C. "Two Vigilance Committees," Overland Monthly, ser. 2, X, 285-291 (September, 1887). Committee of '56 and Committee of Montana. Brierly, Rev. B. Thoughts for the Crisis: a Discourse Delivered in the Wash ington St. Baptist Church, San Francisco, Cal., on the Sabbath Fol lowing the Assassination of James King of Wm. by James P. Casey. San Francisco, 1856. 20 pp. Carpenter, W. W. Letter describing Stephen Payran 's work in 1851, Oak- - land Transcript, 1874, March 29 %. California State Library. Carroll, W. [i.e., Conrad Wiegand]. Dr. Scott, the Vigilance Committee and the Church. A Lecture .... Delivered in Musical Hall, San Francisco, Oct. 12, 1856. San Francisco, 1856. 52 pp. By a purported friend of the Committee. Too incoherent to be of value. Another item by Wiegand is listed on p. 507. Cary, Thomas G[reaves]. "The First San Francisco Vigilance Com- ' mittee, " International Review, XI, 78-88 (July, 1881). Cary, Thomas Gfreaves]. "The San Francisco Committee of Vigilance," Atlantic Monthly, XL, 702-709 (December, 1877). C. of V., 1856. Cary, Thomas Greaves. The Vigilance Committee of San Francisco, 1851: ~ The Chinese in California: Clipper Ships and the China Trade. No date. 80 pp. MS in Harvard University Library. The "City Guard." A History of Company "B," First Regiment Infantry. N.G.C., 1854-1896. San Francisco, 1895. Cowan collection. Material relating to the Committee of 1856 is given, pp. 224-228. Coleman, William T[ell]. "San Francisco Vigilance Committees. By the Chairman of the Committees of 1851[f], 1S56, and 1S77," Century Magazine, XLIII, 133-150 (November, 1891). See also his reminiscences in San Francisco Call, 1884, April 14 14.3. * No attempt has been made to list the many accounts of the Committees that occur in works of wider scope. 504 Vigilance Committee of 1851 Constitution and Addrress [sic] of the Committee of Vigilance of San Fran cisco. San Francisco, 1856. 8 pp. Huntington Library. Also in Hutchings' California Magazine, I, 15-16, 38-41 (July, 1856). Drury, P. Sheldon. The Startling and Thrilling Narrative of the Dark and Terrible Deeds of Henry Madison, and His Associate and Accomplice, Miss Ellen Stevens, Who Was Executed by the Vigilance Committee of San Francisco, on the 20th September Last. Cincinnati, [1857]. No such execution took place. Collection of R. E. Cowan (see his Bibliography, 73). Estell, Gen. James M. Speech .... Delivered in the House of Represent atives, Sacramento City, Cal., . ... in Connection with the Vigilance Committee. No date, 1857. 13 pp. • A vituperative attack upon the personnel of the Committee of 1856. Evans, M. Discourse Pronounced by Rev. M. Evans, at the Funeral Obsequies of James King of William, in Grass Valley, Cal., May 22, 1856. "Fiat Justitia Ruat Coelum." Grass Valley, 1856. 17 pp. Collection of R. E. Cowan. [Fargo, Frank F.] A True and Minute History of the Assassination of James King of Wm. and the Execution of Casey and Cora. San Fran cisco [1856]. 24 pp. Compiled from articles in the Alta written by Fargo. "Fort Gunnybags, the Old Stronghold of the Vigilance Committee. Shall It be Marked?" Overland Monthly, ser. 2, XXXI, 73-77 (January, 1898). "Fort Gunnybags . . . ." Overland Monthly, ser. 2, LXXII, 574-581 (December, 1918). Gray, Henry M., see Judges and Criminals. Green, Alfred A. Life and Adventures of a 47-er in California. 1878. 86 pp. MS in the Bancroft Library. The author was under arrest by the Committee of 1856. Hallidie, A. S. "William T. Coleman," Overland Monthly, ser. 2, XXIII, 71-75 (January, 1894). _^ Hunt, Rockwell D[ennis]. "The Committees of Vigilance of California," Overland Monthly, ser. 2, XLIX, 31-39 (January, 1907). _'. Hunt, Tfimothy] Dwight. Sermon Suggested by the Execution of Jenkins in the Pla:a by "the People" of San Francisco during the Night of the 10th of June, 1851. San Franciscb, 1851. 26 pp. Bibliography 505 Judges and Criminals: Shadows of the Past. History of the Vigilance Com mittee of San Francisco. Cal. With the Names of its Oificers. San Francisco, 185s. mo pp. Ascribed to Henry M. Gray (see Cowan, Bibliography, 124 1. Opposed to the Committee of 1856. Note similarity of title with that of the sketches by R. F. Ryan, supra, p. 490. King, Charles J. "Reminiscences of Early Days in San Francisco," Ortrland Monthly, ser. 2, Xi, 275-283 (March, 1-^s). The Committee of lv56. By a son of James King of William. See also his contribution to Irvine, HUtoni of the Ntw California I 83-101. King, Joseph L. "The Vigilance Committee of '56," Overland Monthly, ser. 2, LXVIII, 5H9-520 (December, 1916 1. By a son of James King of William. Lockwood, R[ufus] A. The Vigilance Committ, e of San Francisco, Metcalf vs. Argmti et al. Speeches of R. .1. Lockwood. Esq. S.-in Fran, Uco. 1852. 48 pp. Ed. 1. 1851, see supra, p. 330 note 25. McGowan. Edward. V« rraf i r<- . . . Including a Full Ae.-ount of th. Author's Adventures and Perils, while P, rsicut.il by the San Francisco Vigilance Cummittte of 1856. San Francisco, ls.">7. "Edward McGowan 's AUmteuor. " in Cerman, appears in Wentzel J- Hitcf iter's San Francisco Kalender, 1S77, pp. 1-25. [O'Meara. James.] The Vigilance Committee of lS.it.i. By a Rionitr Cali fornia Journalist. San Francisco, l^s7. 57 pp. The cover title is dated 1*90. Opposed to the Committee. S, . a No his contribution to Irvine. History of the Xew California. I. H>2-199. O'Meara, James. "Admiral Farragut, " San Francisco Chr, ouch. 1*M. July 10 %{..,. Reports a conference with a committee from the C. of V. of 1V>6. Paul, Almarin B. "The Vigilance Committee of '56," Overland M ¦ ithly, ser. 2. XXIV, 433-441; 529-542: 622-634 (October-December, WI). The Phoenix. A weekly anti-Vigilante sheet, published by Edward Mc Gowan in Sacramento. August 30, 1857, to February 14, lv~8. ir> attacks were so indecent that newsboys were arrested for selling it in San Francisco, and to evade suppression the title was changed to Ubiquitous, under which it appeared from February 21 to June 20, 185,8. Pierce, Franklin. Message. August 6, 1856. 30 pp. \Cong. Does.. Ser. No. 824, Doc. 101.) With correspondence relating to the ' ' self-styled Vigilance Committee in California. ' ' 506 Vigilance Committee of 1851 Rivors, — . A Full and Authentic Recount of the Murder of James King of Wm., Dr. Randall, Dr. Baldwin, West and Marion. The Execution of James P. Casey, Charles Cora, Philander Brace, and Joseph Hether ington, by the Vigilance Committee of San Francisco Written by Rivors. Published by E. Darrow & Brother, Rochester, 1857. 64 pp. Collection of H. R. Wagner. Chiefly reprints of newspaper accounts. The first fifty pages closely follow Fargo 's True and Minute History. Scott, Rev. [William Anderson]. A Discourse for the Times. Delivered in Calvary Church, Sunday, July 27, 1856. Education, and Not Pun ishment, the True Remedy for the Wrong-Doings and Disorders of Society. San Francisco, 1856. 8 pp. In opposition to the Committee of Vigilance, although the organization was not directly mentioned. Sherman, William T[ecumseh]. "Sherman and the San Francisco Vigi lantes. Unpublished Letters . . . . " Century Magazine, XLIII, 296- 309 (December, 1891). Sherman, William Tfeeumseh]. "The Vigilance Committee of 1856," Over land Monthly, XII, 105-116 (February, 1874). Correspondence between the Committee and General Sherman, who opposed the organization. Reprinted in San Francisco Chronicle, 1874, January 23 %_4. Smith, Frank Meriweather, editor. San Francisco Vigilance Committee of '56, with Some Interesting Sketches of Events Succeeding 1846. San Francisco, 1883. 83 pp. Friendly to the Committees of 1851 and 1856. Soul§, Gihon and Nisbet, "The Vigilance Committee," in their Annals of San Francisco, (San Francisco, 1855), pp. 562-687. Texas Legislature. Resolution in relation to the restriction of the supremacy of the law in California, and in securing to Judge Terry a fair trial. 1 p. (Cong. Does., Ser. No. 835, Doc. 1.) Trial of David S. Terry by the Committee of Vigilance of San Francisco. San Francisco, 1856. 75 pp. Transcript of the evidence. No comments. United States. War Department. Report . ... in relation to the proceed ings of the Vigilance Committee in San Francisco, California. 29 pp. (Cong. Docs., Ser. No. 881, Doc. 43.) / Weed, Joseph. ' ' Vigilance Committees of San Francisco, ' ' Overland Monthly, XII, 350-357 (April, 1874). Bibliography 50^ Wheeler, C. B. Speech Delivered at the Sophomore Prize Debate of the Brothers in Unity of Yale College, January 14, 1857. . . . Was tlie Formation of the San Francisco Vigilance Committee Jutifiable? 8 pp. Collection of H. R. Wagner. Title page wanting. The Wide West, June and October, 1856. Illustrations of scenes of 1856. Wiegand, Conrad. To the People of San Francisco and California as Citi zens of the United States. [San Francisco, 1856.] 8 pp. Relates to the Committee of Vigilance. Collection of R. E. Cowan. See alBO entry under Carroll, W., p. 503. Willey, Rev. Sfamuel] H[opkins]. "Personal Recollections of the Vigilance Committee," Overland Monthly, ser. 2, VIII, 330-331 (September, 1886.) Woolley, Lell Hawley. "Pioneer Experiences in California," Overland Monthly, ser. 2, LXIX, 66-78 (January, 1917). Zabriskie, James C. Reply of James C. Zabriskie to a Committee of Citizens of Sacramento, in Reference to the Vigilance Committt ¦#¦ and Democ racy. Sacramento, 1856. 8 pp. Collection of H. R. Wagner. Approves the Committee. Clippings from the contemporary papers on the Committee of 1851 were collected by Bancroft, and they are filed with the archives. Clip pings on the Committee of 1856 were collected in a scrapbook made by Thomas B. Robinson, now in the Bancroft Library. An interesting collection of pictorial letterheads, including illus trations of executions by both Committees, is preserve in the Memorial Museum in Golden Gate Park. Committees of Vigilance Elsewhere Than in San Francisco California, Shasta County. Turner, William M. "How We Did It on Scott's Bar," Overland Monthly, XIV, 377-381 (April, 1875). California, Los Angeles. Committee of Vigilance. 1836. 13 pp. Vigi lantes de Los Angeles .... 1836. 11 pp. Two undated MSS in the Bancroft Library, describing the trial and execution of Gervacio Alipas and Rosario Villa for the murder of the latter's husband. The Spanish MS is probably by Victor Prudon, president of the tribunal. California, Marysville. Marysville Vigilance Committee. Minutes of the Vigilance Committee of Marysville. MS volume of 19 pp. in the Public Library of Marysville. /_. 508 Vigilance Committee of 1851 California, Sonora. Layton, Grovenor I. Two Years in the Life of the Felon, Grovenor I. Layton, Who was Lynched by the Vigilance Com mittee at Sonora .... June 17, 1852. New Orleans, 1852. 40 pp. (See Cowan, Bibliography, 137.) Iowa. Jackson County Historical Society, Annals, I-IV, 1905-1907 (see supra, p. 416 note 26.) Kansas. Kansas State Historical Society, Transactions, X-XIII, 1907- 1914 (see supra, p. 420 note 32). Louisiana. Barde, Alexandre. Histoire des Comites de Vigilance aux Attakapas. Saint-Jean-Baptiste (La,), 1861. Griffin, H. L. " The Vigilance Committees of the Attakapas Country . . . ." Mississippi Valley Historical Association, Proceedings, VIII (1914-1915), 146-159. A review of Barde. Montana and Vicinity. Dimsdale, Thomas J. The Vigilantes of Montana, or Popular Justice in the Rocky Mountains Virginia City, 1866. Ed. 3; Butte, 1915. Langford, Nathaniel Pitt. Vigilante Days and Ways; the Pioneers of the Rockies. Boston, 1890. 2 vols. New ed. Chicago, 1912. 1 vol. Montana Historical Society. Contributions, II-VIII, 1896-1917 (see supra, p. 419 notes 30-31). Oregon. Turner, William M. "Pioneer Justice in Oregon," Overland Monthly, XII; 224-230 (March, 1874). See also infra, under J. E. Cutler; George Kennan; J. C. Lester; T. M. Marquett; L. E. Munson; J. E. Parker; W. Y. Pemberton; G. F. Shafer; W. J. Trimble. MISCELLANEOUS WORKS General Authorities Alden, George Henry. New Governments West of the Alleghanies before 1780 Madison, 1897. (Bulletin of the University of Wis consin. Historical Series, II, no. 1.) Alden, George Henry. "The State of Franklin," American Historical Review, VIII, 271-289 (January, 1903). American Association of Law Libraries. Index to Legal Periodicals Chicago, 1908 to date. Ashe, Samuel A 'Court. History of North Carolina. Vol. I. Greensboro, N. C, 1908. Avery, Elroy MeKendree. A History of the United States and Its People, from Their Earliest Records to the Present Time. Cleveland, 1904- 1910. 7 vols. Index. Tarrytown, N. Y., 1915. Bibliography 509 Bancroft, Hubert Howe. History of Mexico. 1883-18-ss 6 vols (Works IX-XIV.) Bancroft, Hubert Howe. History of Nevada, Colorado, and Wyoming. San Francisco, 1890. (Works, XXV.) Bancroft, Hubert Howe. History of the North Mexican States and Texas San Francisco, 1884-1889. 2 vols. (Works, XY-XVI.) Bancroft, Hubert Howe. History of Oregon. San Francisco, 1sm;-18sS 2 vols. (Works, XXIX-XXX.) Bancroft, Hubert Howe. Literary Industries. San Francisco, j>90. (Works XXX IX.) Banta, David D. "The Criminal Code of the Northwest Territory,' Indiana Magazine of History, IX, 234-236 (December, 1913). Bassett, John S. "The Regulators of North Carolina (1765-1771),' American Historical Association, Annual Report, 1894, pp. 141-21: [Benton, Thomas Hart.] Thirty Years' View. Xew York, ls5t ls56 2 vols. Black, Paul Walton. "Attempted Lynehings in Iowa," Annals of Iona ser. 3, XI, 260-285 (January, 1914). Black, Paul Walton. "Lynehings in Iowa," Iowa Journal of History and Politics. X, 151-254 (April, 1912). Bolderwood, Rolf. "Genesis of Uold-Fields Law in Australia," t <"„hill Magazine, new ser., Ill, 612-623 (November, 1NH7). Bolton, Herbert Eugene. "The Obligation of Nevada Toward the Writing of Her Own History," Nevada Historical Society, Third Biennial Report, 1911-19 U, pp. 62-79. Borgeaud, Charles. The Rise of Modern Democracy in Old and New England. Translated by Mrs. Birkbeck Hill, with a Preface by C. H. Firth. London, 1894. Browning, Coliu Arrott, M.D. England's Exiles; or. A View of a System of Instruction and Discipline, as Carried into Effect during the Voy age to the Penal Colonies of Australia. London, 1842. Bryce, James. The American Commonwealth. New York, 1914. 2 vols. (Ed. 1, 1888.) Buchanan, James. Works .... Collected and edited by John Bassett Moore. Philadelphia, 1908-1911. 12 vols. Burgess, John W[illiam]. The Middle Period. 1817-1S5S. New York. 1897. (The American History Series, IV.) Butler, Charles C. "Lynching," American Law Review, XLIV. 2O.1-220 (March-April, 1910). Chapman, Charles Edward. History of Spain. . . . New York, 1918. 510 Vigilance Committee of 1851 \ Clark, Walter. "True Remedy for Lynch Law," American Law Review, XXVIII, 801-807 (November-December, 1894). Cleveland, Frederick A[lbert]. Organized Democracy ; an Introduction to the Study of American Politics. New York, 1913. (American Citizen Series.) Collins, Edward D. ' ' Committees of Correspondence of the American Revolution, ' ' American Historical Association, Annual Report, 1901, I, 245-271. "County Government," American Academy of Political and Social Science, Annals, XLVII (May, 1913. Whole no. 136). ' ' Criminal Procedure. Report of Committee E, ' ' Journal of the American Institute of Criminal Law and Criminology, III, 566-591 (November, 1912). Croly, Herbert [David]. Promise of American Life. New York, 1909. Cutler, James Elbert. Lynch-Law : an Investigation into the History of Lynching in the United States. New York, 1905. The Cyclopedia of American Government. Edited by Andrew C. McLaughlin and Albert Bushnell Hart. New York, 1914. 3 vols. Donaldson, Thomas [Corwin]. The Public Domain. Its History, with Statistics Washington, 1881. (U. S. Public Land Commission, 1879-1880. Cong. Docs., Ser. No. 1975, Doc. 47, pt. 4.) Devens, Richard M[iller]. Our First Century Springfield, 1876. Citations from edition of 1880. Dowling, Edward. Australia and America in 1892: a Contrast. Sydney, 1893. Published by authority of the New South Wales Commissioners for the World's Columbian Exposition, Chicago, 1893. Duruy, Victor. History of Greece Translated and edited by M. M. Ripley With an Introduction by J. P. Mahaffy Boston, 1890. 4 vols, in 8. Esarey, Logan. History of Indiana Indianapolis, 1915-1918. 2 vols. Esarey, Logan. "The Pioneer Aristocracy," Indiana Magazine of History, XIII, 270-287 (September, 1917). Fairlie, John Afrchibald]. Local Government in Counties, Towns and Villages. New York, 1906. (The American State Series.) Foote, Henry Stuart. Texas and the Texans Philadelphia, 1841. 2 vols. Bibliography 511 Forster, Henry A. "Do Our Laws Protect Criminals? Why the United States Leads the World in the Relative Proportion of Murders Lynehings and Other Felonies, and Why the Anglo-Saxon Countries Not under the American Flag Have the Least Proportion of Murders and Felonies, and Know No Lynehings," American Law Review, LI, 239-248 (November, 1917). French, George Edgar. "The Coeur d'Alene Riots, 1892," Overland Monthly, ser. 2, XXVI, 32-40 (December, 1895). Fry, F. Fry's Traveler's Guide and Descriptive Journal of the Great North western Territories Cincinnati, 1865. Garrison, George P[ierce]. Texas; a Contest of Civilizations. Boston, 1903. (American Commonwealths.) Garrison, George Pierce. Westward Extension, 1841-1850. New York, 1906. (The American Nation, XVII.) Gilbertson, H[enry] Sftimson]. The County, the "Dark Continent" of American Politics. New York, 1917. Goebel, Julius, Jr. "Prevalence of Crime in the United States and Its Extent Compared with That in the Leading European States," Journal of the American Institute of Criminal Law and Criminology, III, 754-769 (January, 1913). Goodnow, Frank J[ohnson]. Politics and Administration; a Study in Gov ernment. New York, 1900. Gray, Wfilliam] H[enry]. History of Oregon, 1792-1849 Portland, 1870.' Gue, Benjamin F. History of Iowa From the Earliest Times To the Begin ning of the Twentieth Century. New York [1903]. 4 vols. Halleck, H[enry] W[ager]. International Law. New York, 1861. Hardy, Dermot H., and Roberts, Ingham S., editors. Historical Review of South-East Texas Chicago, 1910. 2 vols. Hart, Albert Bushnell. "Growth of American Theories of Popular Gov ernment," American Political Science Review, I, 531-560 (August, 1907). Hart, Albert Bushnell. National Ideals Historically Traced. 1607-1907. New York, 1907. (The American Nation, XXVI.) Haydon, Afrthur] Lfincoln]. Tlie Trooper Police of Australia London, 1911. Haywood, Marshall DeLancey. Governor William Tryon, and His Adminis tration in the Province of North Carolina, 1765-1771 Raleigh, 1903. 512 Vigilance Committee of 1851 Henderson, Archibald. "The Origin of the Regulation in North Caro lina," American Historical Review, XXI, 320-332 (January, 1916). Henderson, Archibald. Richard Henderson: the Authorship of the Cumber land Compact and the Founding of Nashville. [Nashville?], 1916. Reprinted from the Tennessee Historical Magazine, II, 155-174 (September, 1916). Hill, Robert Tudor. The Public Domain and Democracy New York, 1910. (Columbia University, Studies in History, Economics and Public Law, XXXVIII, no. 1.) Hoist, Hermann [Eduard] von. Constitutional and Political History of the United States Chicago, 1876-1892. 8 vols. Howard, George Eflliott]. Introduction to the Local Constitutional History of the United States. Vol. I. Baltimore, 1889. (Johns Hopkins University, Studies in Historical and Political Science, extra Vol. IV.) No more published. Hulbert, Archer Butler. "Richard Henderson: the Founder of Transyl vania," The Chatauquan, XXXVIII, 366-371 (December, 1903). Hunt, Agnes. The Provincial Commitees of Safety of the American Revo lution. [Cleveland], 1904. Huxley, Henrietta. ' ' Gold Diggings at Bathurst in 1851, ' ' Nineteenth Century, XLV, 962-972 (June, 1899). Johnson, Allen. ' ' Genesis of Popular Soverignty, ' ' Iowa Journal of His tory and Politics, III, 3-19 (January, 1905). Johnson, Allen. Stephen A. Douglas. New York, 1908. Johnson, Brigham. "Frontier Life in Iowa in the Forties," Magazine of History, XVIII, 23-28 (January, 1914). Kales, Albert Mfartin]. Unpopular Government in the United States. Chicago [copyrighted 1914]. Kennan, George. "A Russian Experiment in Self -Government, " Atlantic Monthly, LXXX, 494-507 (October, 1897). Kipling, Rudyard. "With the Night Mail," in his Actions and Reactions (New York, 1909), 117-171. Lavisse, Ernest, and Ranibaud, Alfred. ¦Histoire gene rale du IV siecle d nos jours. Paris, 1893-1901. 12 vols. Lawson, John Davison. "Technicalities in Procedure, Civil and Crim inal," Journal of the American Institute of Criminal Law and Criminology, I, 63-85 (May, 1910). Leake, James Miller. The Virginia Committee System and the American Revolution. Baltimore, 1917. (Johns Hopkins University, Studies in Historical and Political Science, XXXV, no. 1.) Bibliography 513 Lester, J[ohn] C, and Wilson, D. L. The Ku Klux Klan With Introduction and Notes by Walter L. Fleming. New York, 1905. A smaller ed. was published at Nashville, 1884. Lieber, Francis. On Civil Liberty and Self -Government. Philadelphia, 1853. Citations from ed. 3, Philadelphia, 1891. Lindley, Curtis H[olbrook]. Treatise em the American Law Relating to Mines and Mineral Lands within the Public Land Ed. 3. San Brancisco, 1914. 3 vols. Lobingier, Charles Sumner. The People's Law .... a Study in the Evo lution of Democracy and Direct Legislation. . . . With an Intro duction by George Elliott Howard. New York, 1909. Lowell, Afbbott] Lawrence. Public Opinion and Popular Government. New York, 1913. Lyman, Horace S[umner], and others. History of Oregon. . New- York, 1903. 4 vols. "The Lynch-Law Tree," Green Bag, IV, 561-562 (December, 1892;. McConnel, J[ohn] Lfudlum]. Western Characteristics. . New York, 1853. California State Library. McCrady, Edward. History of South Carolina under Ihe Royal Government, 1719-1776. New York, 1899. McLaughlin, Andrew C. "Social Compact and Constitutional Construc tion," American Historical Review, V, 467-490 (April, 1900 i. McMaster, John Bach. History of the People of the United States from the Revolution to the Civil War. New York, 1883-1913. s vols. Macy, Jesse. Institutional Beginnings in a Western State [Iowa]. Balti more, 1884. (John Hopkins University, Studies in Historical and Social Science, II, no. 7.) Magoon, Charles Efdward]. Reports, see United States. War Depart ment, supra, p. 477. Maine, Sir Henry Sumner. Dissertations on Early Law and Custom. . . . New York, 1886. Marquett, T. M. "The Effect of Early Legislation upon the Courts of Nebraska," Nebraska State Historical Society, Proceedings and Collections, ser. 2, I (1S94-1895), 103-118. Marshall, Thomas Maitland, editor. Early Records of Gilpin County. Colo rado, 1859-1861. Boulder, 1920. (University of Colorado, Collec tions, II. Mining Series I.) Marshall, Thomas Maitland. ' ' The Miners ' Laws of Colorado, ' ' American Historical Review, XXV, 426-439 (April, 1920). 514 Vigilance Committee of 1851 Mathews, John Mabry. Principles of American State Administration. New York, 1917. Mathews, Lois Kimball. "The Mayflower Compact and Its Descendants," Mississippi Valley Historical Association, Proceedings, VI (1912- 1913), 79-106. Meigs, William Montgomery]. Life of Thomas Hart Benton. Phila delphia, 1904. Merriam, Cfharles] Edward. A History of American Political Theories. New York, 1903. Merriman, Roger Bigelow. Rise of the Spanish Empire in the Old World and the New. New York, 1918. Vols. 1-2. Munro, William Bennett, editor. The Initiative, Referendum and Recall. New York, 1912. (National Municipal League Series.) Munson, Lyman E. "Pioneer Life in Montana," Montana Historical Society, Contributions, V (1904), 200-234. New Mexico Supreme Court. Reports. First, 1852-1879. Chicago, 1911. North Carolina (Colony). The Colonial Records of North Carolina. Pub lished .... by order of the General Assembly; collected and edited by William L. Saunders, Secretary of State. Raleigh, 1886-1890. 10 vols. Indexed in the Index to the Colonial and State Records, compiled by Stephen B. Weeks. Charlotte, 1909-1914. 4 vols. Northcott, Clarence Hfunter], Australian Social Development. New York, 1918. (Columbia University, Studies in History, Economics and Pub lic Law. LXXXI, no. 2. Whole no. 189.) Oregon Archives .... from the Earliest Attempt on the Part of the People to Form a Government, down to, and Inclusive of the Session of tlie Territorial Legislature, held in ... . 1849 By La Fayette Grover, Commissioner. Salem, 1853. Huntington Library. Osgood, Herbert L. "The Political Ideas of the Puritans," Political Science Quarterly, VI, 1-28 (March, 1891). Paetow, Louis John. Guide to the Study of Medieval History. Berkeley, 1917. Parker, James E. -"Pioneer Protection from Horse Thieves," Annals of Iowa, ser. 3, VI, 59-62 (April, 1903). Paxson, Frederic Logan. The Last American Frontier. New York, 1910. Pemberton, W. Y. "Montana's Pioneer Courts," Montana Historical Society, Contributions, VIII (1917), 99-104. "Petition for a Western State, 1780," Mississippi Valley Historical Review, I, 265-269 (September, 1914). Bibliography 515 Piatt, Robert Treat. "Oregon and Its Share in the Civil War," Oregon Historical Society, Quarterly, IV, 89-109 (June, 1903). Polk, James K[nox]. The Diary of James K. Polk during His Presidency, 1845 to 1849 Edited .... by Milo Milton Quaife .... with an Introduction by Andre.w Cunningham McLaughlin. Chicago, 1910. 4 vols. Pound, Roscoe. Bibliography of Procedural Reform. Chicago, 1917. Pound, Roscoe. "Causes of Popular Dissatisfaction with the Adminis tration of Justice," American Bar Association, Annual Report, 1906, I, 395-417. Price, Eliphalet. "Trial and Execution of Patrick O 'Conner at the Dubuque Mines in the Summer of 1834," Annals of Iowa, III, 566- 574 (October, 1865). Putnam, A[lbigence] W[aldo]. History of Middle Tennessee ; or, Life and Times of Gen. James Robertson. Nashville, 1*59. Ramsay, David. History of South Carolina, from .... 1670 to 1808 Charleston, 1809. 2 vols. Ramsey, J[ames] Gfattys] M[cGregor]. The Annals of Tennessee to the End of the Eighteenth Century Charleston, 1853. Ransom, William L. "The Organization of the Courts for the Better Administration of Justice," Cornell Law Quarterly, II, 180-201. 261- 282 (March, May, 1917). Rawles, William A. Centralizing Tendencies in the Administration of Indiana. New York, 1903. (Columbia University, Studies in History, Economics and Public Law, XVII, no. 1.) Rhodes, James Ford. History of the United States from the Compromise of 1850 New York, 1893-1904. 5 vols. Richardson, James D. Messages and Papers of the Presidents, see United States Presidents, supra, p. 477. Riley, Franklin L. "Transition from Spanish to American Rule in Mis sissippi," Mississippi Historical Society, Publications, III (1900), 261-311. Rippy, Jfames] Fred. "Border Troubles along the Rio Grande. 1848 1860," Southwestern Historical Quarterly, XXIII. 91-111 (October. 1919). Roberts, William. "The Administration of Justice in America," Fort nightly Review, new ser., LI, 91-108 (January 1, 1892). Robertson, James Rood. "Genesis of Popular Government in Oregon," Oregon Historical Society, Quarterly, I, 1-59 (March, 1900). \ 516 Vigilance Committee of 1851 Roosevelt, Theodore. The Winning of the West. 4 vols. New York, 1889- 1896. Ross, Edward Alsworth. Social Control; u, Survey of the Foundations of Order. New York, 1901. (Citizen's Library of Economics, Politics and Sociology.) Schouler, James. History of the United States of America, under the Constitution. Revised ed. New York [copyrighted 1880-1913]. 7 vols. Scott, Leslie M. "Pioneer Stimulus of Gold," Oregon Historical Society, Quarterly, XVIII, 147-166 (September, 1917). \ Shaf er, George F. ' ' Early History of McKenzie County, ' ' North Dakota State Historical Society, Collections, IV (1913), 41-61. Shambaugh, Benjamin F[ranklin]. "Frontier Land Clubs or Claim Asso ciations," American Historical Association, Annual Report, 1900, I, 67-84. Shambaugh, Benjamin Ffranklin]. Constitution and Records of tlie Claim Association of Johnson County, Iowa. Iowa City, 1894. . See also his article in Iowa Historical Record, IX (1893), 414-420. ^ Smith, J[ames] Allen. Spirit of American Government New York, 1912 [copyrighted 1907]. Smith, William Henry. A Political History of Slavery With an Introduction by Whitelaw Reid. New York, 1903. 2 vols. Storey, Moorfield. Reform of Legal Procedure. New Haven, 1911. (Wil liam L. Storrs Lecture Series.) Sumners, Hatton W. "Protection of the State against the Criminal . . . ." American Law Review, XLIII, 455—466 (May-June, 1909). Taft, William Hfoward], "The Administration of Criminal Law," Yale Law Review, XV, 1-17 (November, 1905). Taylor, Zaehary. Letters .... from the Battle -Fields of the Mexican War Rochester, N. Y. 1908. Texas (Republic of Texas). "Journal of the Permanent Council (October 11-27, 1835)," Texas State Historical Association, Quarterly, VII, 250-278 (April, 1904); IX, 287-288 (April, 1906). Thompson, Jfoseph] Wfesley]. United States Mining Statutes. Annotated. Washington, 1915. 2 vols. (United States Bureau of Mines, Bulletin 94, Law Serial 4.) Thorndike, Lynn. History of Medieval Europe. New York. [Copyrighted 1917.] Thorpe, Francis Newton. Constitutional History of the American People, 1776-1850. New York, 1898. 2 vols. V Bibliography 517 Trimble, William J[oseph]. Mining Advance into the Inland Empire Madison, 1914. (Bulletin of the University of Wisconsin, no. 638, History Series III, no. 2.) Turner, Frederick Jackson. The Frontier in American History. New York, 1920. Collects important articles hitherto accessible only in historical magazines. Turner, Frederick Jackson. The Rise of the New West, 1819-1829. New York, 1906. (The American Nation, XIV.) Turner, Frederick Jackson. ' ' Western State-Making in the Revolutionary Era," American Historical Review, I (1895-1896), 70-87, 251-269. Twitchell, Ralph Emerson. History of the Military Occupation of the Territory of New Mexico from 1846 to 1851 Denver, 1909. Watts-Dunton, Theodore. "Bret Harte," Athenaeum, May 24, 1902, pp. 658-659. Weyl, Walter Efdward]. The New Democracy. . . . New York, 1912. Whately, Richard. Introductory Lectures on Political Economy. . . With Remarks on Tithes and on Poor-Laws and on Penal Colonies. London, 1855. This is ed. 4, enlarged, of hia Introductory Lectures. 1831. Wheeler, John H[ill]. Historical Sketches of North Carolina. From 1584 to 1851 Philadelphia, 1851. 2 vols, in 1. White, Charles. Early Australian History. Convict Life in New South Wales and Van Diemen's Land. . . Bathurst, 18s9. Willis, Hugh Evander. "How Shall the People of the United States of America Reform Their Legal Procedure so as to Make It an Instru ment of Justice?" Journal of the American Institute of Criminal Law and Criminology, VI, 533-545 (November, 1915). Wilson, Woodrow. "Issues of Reform," «"n Munro, W. B., editor, Initia tive, Referendum and Recall (New York, 1912), 69-91. Winsor, Justin. The Westward Movement. The Colonies and the Republic West of the Alleglianics, 1763-1798 Boston, 1897. Woodward, Walter Carleton. Rise and Early History of Political Parties in Oregon, 1843-1868. Portland, 1913. Yoakum, Henderson K. History of Texas . ... to ... . IS 16. New York, 1856 [copyrighted 1855]. 2 vols. Young, John E. Law as an Expression of Community Ideals ... " 1 ale Law Journal, XXVII, 1-33 (November, 1917). 518 Vigilance Committee of 1851 Series, Periodicals and Newspapers American Academy of Political and Social Science, Annals. American Bar Association, Annual Reports. American Historical Association, Annual Reports. American Historical Review. American Institute of Criminal Law and Criminology, Journal. American Irish Historical Society, Journal. American Law Review. American Political Science Review. Annals of Iowa. Arkansas Historical Association, Publications. Athenaeum. Atlantic Monthly. California Law Review. Century Magazine. Cornell Law Quarterly. Cornhill Magazine. Des Moines Register and Leader. Fortnightly Review. The Green Bag. History Teachers' Magazine. Indiana Magazine of History. Iowa Journal of History and Politics. Jackson County [Iowa] Historical Society, Annals. Kansas State Historical Society, Transactions. Binder's title: Collections. Lancaster County [Pennsylvania] Historical Society, Papers. Magazine of American History. Minnesota Historical Society, Collections. Mississippi Valley Historical Association, Proceedings. Mississippi Valley Historical Review. Montana Historical Society, Contributions. Nebraska State Historical Society, Proceedings and Collections. Nevada Historical Society, Reports. Niles Register. Nineteenth Century. North Dakota State Historical Society, Collections. Oregon Historical Society, Quarterly. Political Science Quarterly. Revue des deux mondes. Southwestern Historical Quarterly (formerly Texas State Historical Asso ciation, Quarterly). Texas Review. Yale Law Review. INDEX Abolition (abolitionists) : victims of popular tribunals, 74 note 23, 422. See also Slavery ques tion. Academy of Pacific Coast History: 3. Adams, George, prisoner C. of V.: 247, 251, 275, 276-277, 287, 290, 307, 308, 311, 312, 358. Adams, Robert, Jr. : 14. Adirondack, a vessel: 235. Aiken, George, see British consul. Ainsworth, Thomas, prisoner C. of V.: 251, 288. Alcalde, The: in Mexican admin istration of California, 24-27; small towns deprived of, by laws of 1837, 25-26; "alcalde system," a popular misnomer, 27; installed without distinc tion as to size of town after American occupation, 29-31, 38, 40; jurisdiction and duties of, 40-42, 44, 47, 51, 58-60, 80, 110, 117-119; supervision of, by Mason, 44; despotism of, 37, 48-49, 52 note 37, 99; independent alcaldes elected in the mining camps, 70, 81-84, 89, 101, 117, 147; office dis continued after state organiza tion, 147. Alderson, William, prisoner C. of V.: 236 note 24. Allsop, Thomas: cited, 142-143. Almond, William B., judge of first instance: 111. Alta California, a San Francisco paper: 94 note 17, 168; pro posed survey of criminal re sorts, 184, 228; confirmed statements in C. of V. records, 314. Alvarado, governor of California: 26. Andrews, W. C. B., C. of V ., 1856 : 473. Angel Island: searched for stolen goods, 236. Angel's Camp, California: C. of V., 407 note 56. Archer, Lawrence, cited, 84. Arentrue, J. J.: prisoner ('. of V., 267 note 49, 289-290, 360-361. Argenti, Felix, C. of V. : biograph ical note, 198; mentioned, 188 note 3, 240, 346 noti 27; sued by Metcalf, 243-244, 329-331, 340, 343, 347, 375. Army and Navy, U. S., cooperation of officers of, with C of \ 7 : 315, 371. Arrington, N. O., C of 17, ls.56: 473. Arrington, William, C. of V.. 1*56: 473. Arrowsmith, D. B., C. of V.: 208. Arson: 239, 245, 340. Sec also San Francisco — Fires. Arthur, (ieorge, prisoner C. of V.: 288. Assing, Norman: 3)8-319. "Association for the Protection of the Rights of Property and the Maintenance of Order": 393. See also Land clubs; Land laws. Atoy, a Chinese woman: 319. Attakapas, district of Louisiana: Vigilance Committees organ ized by the French colonists in 1859, 420—122. Auburn, California: 146 note 25. Auger, ltdouard: cited. 168. 414. Austin, E. C. 282. Australia: comments of news papers of, on acts of C. of V., 241 ; efficient administration of justice on the frontier gold fields, 425-426. See also Con victs from Australia. [519] 520 Index Ayuntamiento (town council), in Mexican administration of California, 24-26, 30 note 16; in the American period, 49-50, 104; in San Francisco, 49, 97- 98, 112-113, 163. Bail: forfeiture of, 152, 181 note 63. Baker, E. D., lawyer: 411. Ball, F. A., C. of V. : 467. Bancroft, H. H. : importance of his works on California history, 1 ; Popular Tribunals, 2, 5, 6; ap proval of C. of V., 414. Bancroft Library: 1, 2, 221. Banishment ordered by C. of V., 1851: 229, 232, 233, 286, 315, 362, 402; by C. of V. 1856, 199, 402. - Banners presented to C. of V. : by ladies of Trinity Church, 371- 372, 403, 471; by Plum and Warner, 372 note 45. Bannock, Montana. See Plummer gang, Montana. Barclay, William, prisoner C. of V. : 236 note 24. Barde, Alexandre, Histoire des Comites de Vigilance: 420- 422. Barette, a vessel: 235 note 22. Barnes the tinman: 306. Barrett (Garrat), John: hanged for robbery, 156 note 49. Barry, P.: 107. Barry, R. C: 146 note 27. Barry, T. A., C. of V.: 406 note 53. Basquez, Theodore: hanged for horse stealing, 156 note 49. Bayles, L. J., C. of V. . 302. Bear Flag revolt: 28. Beard, J. R., president Sacramento C. of V.: 378. Beck, Henry, prisoner C. of V.: 228 note 1, 251. Bell, A. W., C. of V., 1856: 473. Bells of the California and the Monumental engine companies, used by the C. of V. : 169, 206 note 51, 268, 289, 344, 398. Bennett, F. C, C. of V. : 164 note 5, 447. Benton, Senator T. H. : letter on organization of California, 90, 95, 96-97, 102 note 36. Berdue, Thomas, from Sydney, mis taken for James Stuart, tried for his crimes, and saved by the C. of V. . Jansen attack, 171-175, 299, 453-454; Moore murder, 175-176, 257; exon erated, 303; subscription for, 303 ; published card of thanks, 304. Big Brummy, alias of Mat Hop- wood. "Bird in Hand," suspicious lodg ing house: 306, 307. Blackburn,* William, alcalde of Santa Cruz: 47. Blackburn,* "Judge" William, C. of V.: 188 note 1. Blake, G. H., C. of V. : 446. Blood, J. H., C. of V.: 327, 471. Blunt, S. F., C. of V. : 371 note 41. Bluxome, Isaac, Jr., C. of V.: biographical note, 191-192; elected secretary, 209, 220, 338, 352; "67, Secretary," 1851, 225 note 53, 332; "33, Secretary," 1856, 189; men tioned, 2, 108 note 53, 267 note 49, 269, 298, 299, 333 note 35, 400, 473 ; MS Statement cited, 107 note 51, 202, 208 note 1, 234, 345. Boles, A. : 382. Bond, Charles R., C. of V.: 372 note 46, 406 note 53. Bonner, : 146 note 27. Borthwick, J. D. : cited on C. of V., 413. Bossange, L. : 473. Boyd, Major: 346. Brannan, Samuel, C. of V.: bio graphical note, 189-190 ; presi dent, 237; resignation, 260; re-election, 337 ; mentioned, 32, 37, 46 note 19, 59, 106, 108 note 53, 173, 178, 187 note 1, 188 note 3, 203, 209, 223, 256, 257, 277, 278, 284, 318. I have been unable to identify the Vigilante with Alcalde Blackburn. Index 521 Brantley, Theodore: cited on Vigi lance Committee of Montana, 419^20. Brenham, C. J., mayor of San Francisco: 176-177, 239, 244; proclamation against C. of V., 271, 463; assisted in rescue of prisoners, Zd4, 296. Brewer, Frank: murdered, 238. Briggs, Jim: 275, 285, 308, 311, 341. Brinley, C. H., C. of V.: 188 note 3. British Columbia: efficient admin istration of justice in courts of, in frontier period, 426. British consul (George Aiken) : present at examination of Stuart, 258, 371 note 42. British penal colonies, see Convicts from Australia. Brittan, J. W., C. of V., 1856: 473. Broderick, David C. : 130-131, 153, 154, 169, 403; opposed C. of V., 211, 215, 218, 220, 239 note 37, 266. Bromley, W. L., C. of V. : 471. Brown, David : hanged in Los An geles, 383. Brown, Elam, alcalde, 59. Brown, II. S., C. of V „ 1856: 473. Brown, H. S., judge: 177; resigned as protest against C. of V., 303. Browne, William, C. of V.: 181 note 62. Bruce, Philander: murderer, exe cuted by C. of V., 1856, 401. Bryant, Edwin, alcalde, San Fran cisco: 38; cited, 40-41. Bryant, Colonel J. J. : 141. Bryce, James: cited, 1, 71. Buchanan, James, secretary of state: status of California, 57, 90, 91, 96. Buckler, John, Jr., C. of 17: 333 note 35. Bullfight, Mission Dolores, 1851: 299. Bullett, Patrick & Dow: lease to C. of V., 224. Burdell, Dr. Galen, C. of V. : 447. Burke, M. J., C. of V.. 1856: 473. Burnett, P. H. : governor of Cali fornia, 116, 128 note 36, 138. 141 note 13; cited on defective administration of criminal laws, 152; message to legisla ture, 153; resignation, 153; recommended death penalty for grand larceny, 154; disap proved C. of V., 410. Burns, A. M., C. of V ., 1856: 473. Burns, James, alias Jimmy from Town, prisoner C. of V. : 275, 276, 288, 290, 358. Burns, Dr. M. P., C. of V.: 238, 449. Burns, Thomas, prisoner O. of V. : 228-232, 306. Butte City, California: protest against mob spirit, 394. Cahuenga, Treaty of: 34. California: under Mexico, 23-28 (sec also Mexico, administra tion of California) ; American occupation, and military ad ministration, 28-52 (see also Bear Flag, Fremont, Kearny, Mason, Sloat, Stockton ) ; Mex ican laws perpetuated, 29; Stockton's plan for civil or ganization, 31, 37: discord with Kearny. 34-35; Kearny warned against initiating per manent organization, 33-34; Mexican laws enforced by Kearny, 35-39, and by Mason, 40-52; status of California after Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo, 53-87; de facto gov- eminent, 55-58, 90, 96-97 (see also Gold; Land laws; Mines); Governor Mason s sit uation, 59-61. 79-80; struggle for organization, 88-115 (see also Benton; Constitutional Convention ; Settlers ' theory ; Slavery question) ; indepen dence broached, 38-39, 99. 100 note 30, 102 note 36; public records. 111: admission to statehood, 134—135; organiza tion of state government. 116- 135; social and criminal con- 522 Index ditions, 136-151, 430-431; sec ond legislature, 152-155 ; effect of California life on individ uals, 157; slow development of community spirit, 158-159 ; California precedents followed elsewhere, 417-420, 435 note 10. See also Committee of Vigi lance ; Convicts ; Corruption ; County system; Courts; Crim inal conditions; Death pen alty; Democratic party; Elec tions ; Foreigners ; Immigra tion; Indians; Jails; Jury trials; Local government; Lynch law; Mob spirit; Politi cal parties ; Popular tribunals ; Population ; San Francisco ; Whig party; and local history as given under names of places. California Battalion of Mounted Riflemen: 30, 36. California Courier: 168; comment on Stuart's execution, 273. California Engine Company: 169, 206 note 51, 209. California Guard: organized 1849, 107 note 51. California Institute : organized, 346. California Star: demanded civil or ganization, 37, 52 note 37. California Star and Californian: proposed constitutional con vention, 94-95. Callao, a vessel: 348. Callaway, James: 14. Cameo, a vessel: 280. Campbell, Alexander, judge: 177; letter to Brannan, 237; op posed C. of V., 244, 272, 303; indorsed for re-election by C. of V., 325; copy of charge to the grand jury, 464, and edi torial comment, 465. Campo Seco, California: 303 note 77. Cannon, : killed at Downie viUe, 384. * Mrs. Clappe was a native of New intimated in the Introduction. Caperton, John: 247, 289, 295. Capron, E. S. : cited on C. of V., 411. Carlisle, James : alias of Stuart. Carpenter, W. W.: cited, 202. Carson, James: cited 70, 75. Cartwright, Captain J. W., C. of V.: 299, 300. Case, C. L., C. of V. : 181 note 62, 473. Casey, J. P. : hanged by C. of V., 1856, 397, 401. Centralized government, American distrust of, 13, 117, 139, 428. See also County system; Local self-government. Certificates of membership in C. of V.: 349, 400. Challenge, a vessel: 343. Chief, a vessel : 234, 236 note 23. Chilenos, in San Francisco: 126. Chinese: prisoners of C. of V., 318-319; labor demonstrations against, 1877, 407-408. Chinese Camp, California : 147 note 31. Cholera, epidemic of: 121 note 15. Church, Samuel, prisoner of C. of V.: 315-316, 358. Civil government of California, see California. Civil Practice Act, 154. Claim associations, 11. See also Association for the Protection of the Rights of Property; Land laws ; Land titles. Clappe,* Louise A. K. (Shirley, pseudonym) : letters from Cali fornia, 6. Clark, H. K. W.: 219. Clark, W. H., C. of V.: 237. Clemens, S. C. (Mark Twain) : cited, 197. Clergyman called for condemned prisoners, see F. S. Mines. Cole, Cornelius : cited on C. of V., 415 note 24. Cole, Ira: opposed C. of V., 215, 220. Cole, Dr. R. B., C. of V ., 1856: 473. Jersey, not of New England, as is Index 523 Coleman, W. T., C. of V.: bio graphical note, 190-191; men tioned, 174, 178, 189, 199, 209 note 7, 211; resignation, 333 note 35; re-election, 337; mem ber Committee of Thirteen, 399; president C. of V., 1856, 400; of Pick Handle Brigade, 408; MS Statement cited, 212, 261-263, 453, 458. Collyer, , "Dr.": 322. Coloma, California: 184, 394. Colton, Rev. Walter: alcalde of Monterey, 30, 37 note 40; diary cited, 41-42; introduced trial by jury, 45—46. Columbia, California: C. of V., 383 note 77; lynching in, 395. Committee of Vigilance of San Francisco, of 1851: prelim inary influences, trial of the Hounds, 108; attack on Jan sen and citizen patrol, 180- 181 ; arson by Lewis and wide spread criminal disorders, 181- 185, 454-457 ; organization, 203-207, 457-458; name, 204; term denned, 387 note 83. Archives, 2-4, 6-7, 202, 221-222, 259, 332, 334, 368. Constitution, etc. : 205-208, 237 ; published in newspapers, 216, 459; copies sent to other Com mittees, 376-381; adopted by Committee of 1856, 400 note 35. By-laws: 225-226, 278; orders in writing, 245 ; two- thirds vote required for recon sideration, 332 ; reorganiza tion, 338, 355. Executive Committee: appointed, 220; functions, 222, 286; orders and reports in re Whit taker and McKenzie, 293, 299 ; lapse in minutes, 334 ; final report and recommendations, 334-335 ; resignations and dis missals, 335-336'; election of enlarged new committee, 335, 336-337; authority to arrest restricted, 337, restored, 339; election of March, 1852. 351- 352; election in the fall of 1852, 354 ; Committee of Thir teen, 355, 396, 399. Finances : Committee on Finance, 223; assessments, fines, initia tion fees, 328; difficulties, 329, 343, 348, 353 (see also damage suit of Peter Metcalf; ; salary of secretary, 33 S. 351; sale of certificates, 349; theatrical benefit suggested, 353 ; method of handling accounts, 363-366; analysis of expenses, 365— 367 ; liquor bills, 367-368 ; sources of revenue, 368. Headquarters: temporary, in Brannan 's building, 224; per manent quarters, 224-225 ; re moved to new quarters, 339; abandoned, 352, 354; cost of, 366. Members: biographical notes, 187-203, 441-152; identifica tion numbers. 192 note 10, 225 ; Vigilantes served on grand jury, 272, 392: major ity loyal to Federal Union on slavery (secession) question, 404-405; meniliers of Commit tee of 1856, 400. 403. 473; join Home Guard, 406. 1'ass word (countersign): 199, 209 note 4, 215, 295. Police organization. 223, 267 note 50, 270, 278, 352, 370, 433; water police, 223, 23(5, 237, 242, 329, 341; bills of 366; Chief of police, see J. L. Van Bokkelen; Sergeant-at- arms, 223, 2:i7 note 50, 329, 338, 343, 351, 363; see also A. J. McDuffe, and D. L. Oak ley. Qualification Committee, 223. Relation with authorities: coop eration of U. S. Revenue De partment, 234, 371 note 41; C. of V. watched trials in San Francisco courts. 23 8. 289- 290, 320, 322; O. of V. pris oners handed over to city au- 524 Index thorities, 243, 288, 318, 339, receipts for their delivery, 289 ; right to search without war rant claimed, 243-245, 332; subscription for county jail, 246-249; attitude on writ of habeas corpus, 265, 266-267; pledged to sustain law, 287; investigation of Whittaker rescue, 296-298; the Water man affair, 344; cooperation of Army and Navy officers, 315, 371; of foreign consuls and county sheriffs, 370-371; relations to grand juries, 272, - 283, 371, 392, 466-467. Relations with general public: Publicity, given to constitu tion, 216, 459; to meetings, etc., 251, 339, 352-354, 366; to cases, 275, 294, 314-315; sanction of the community de sired and expressed, 212, 215- 217, 270, 298 note m] 302-303, 357-358, 369-374, 398-399, 462, 465-467, 471; expressions of disapproval, 215-220, 239, 271-273, 301 note 69, 303, 325, 330-331, 460-461, 463-465, 467-469 ; reward offered for arson, 245, 354, 461; open let ter to citizens of California, 249-250; help asked by repu table citizens, 318; non-parti san movement started by mem bers of C. of V., 326-327; Vigilantes elected to legisla ture, 326; Metcalf case tested standing, 330; rescue of Mary Lye, 342; library established, 345—346 ; false impersonation of C. of V. in forged notices to leave San Francisco, 233, and in attack on Capt. Ellis, 348; Payran 's statement of objects, 372-373; contempo rary and historical appraise ment, 2-7, 18-19, 386, 409- 415, 428, 432-440. Relation with prisoners: clergy men called for condemned, 211, 228-233, 270, 334-335, 356-363; confessions of pris oners, 262-263, 291-293, 313- 314; witnesses summoned for defense, 230, 263 note 35, 358; corporal punishment used but once, 242; business affairs of prisoners adjusted, 231; bond required for delivery of pris oners, 316; humane treatment, 356, 357, 362-363; fair trials, 358; inevitable hardships, 359; testimony of a prisoner (Dahl gren), as to fairness of treat ment, 360; summary of cases, 361-362. See also names of prisoners: Adams; Ainsworth; Alderson; Arentrue; Arthur; Barclay; Beck; James Burns; Thomas Burns; Church; Jane Connolly; Dab; Dahlgren; Earl; Samuel Gallagher; Rich ard Garland; Goff; Gonzales; Hance; Hays; James Hether ington ; Higgins ; Mrs. Hogan ; George Hopkins ; Howard ; Jenkins; Jenks; Thomas and Emma Jones; Kennedy; Le- Bras; McKenzie; Roach; Ben Robinson ; Margaret Robin son; Scott; Stuart; Taft; Tal bot; Joseph Turner; Whitta ker; William Wilson, Wright.' Relations existing between mem bers of the C. of V., friction in: 225, 258 note 23, 260, 277, 294, 297; resignations: 333- 336, 343. Committee of Vigilance of San Francisco, of 1856: organiza tion, and relation to C. of V. of '51, 400-401; oath of, 400 note 33 ; story of, 401 ; execu tions by, 401, 402; efforts to purify local politics, 402; for mation of non-partisan Peo ple 's Party, 403-404 ; indepen dence of California broached, 404; influence in struggle over secession, 404-406; relation to Pick Handle Brigade of 1877: Index 525 407-408; opponents of C. of V. of '56 more influential than those who opposed C. of V. of '51, 409-410; suits against committeemen, 199 ; archives, 405 ; certificates, 349, 400 ; his torical appraisement, 409-415; Executive Committee, 473. Committees of Vigilance in Califor nia outside of San Francisco, 249-250, 374-386, 406-407. See also Angel's Camp; Bar ton's Bar; Campo Seco; Co lumbia; Coulterville ; Downie viUe; Fresno; Gilroy; Grass Valley ; Humbug ; Humboldt County; Jackson; Los An geles; Lundy; Mariposa; Marysville; Merced; Moke lumne Hill; Natchez; Nelson Creek; Nevada City; Oakland; Rough and Ready; Sacramen to; San Jose; Santa Clara; Scott's Bar; Scott's Valley; Shasta ; Sonora ; Stockton ; Visalia; Yreka. Committees of Vigilance outside of California: 415-423; fos tered by inefficient courts, 419 ; degenerated into organs of per sonal and political revenge, 422. See also Idaho; Iowa; Indiana; Louisiana; Lynch law; Mississippi; Montana; North and South Carolina; Oregon ; Regulators ; Texas ; Washington. Committees of Vigilance and Safety in revolutionary period, 11-14. Committees of Vigilance. Sec also Lynch law; Mob spirit; Popu lar tribunals. Compact, social, see Contract, social; Mayflower. Compromise of 1850: 134. Comstock, A. M.: cited, 172 note 31. Confessions, see C. of V., relations with prisoners. Connolly, Mr. and Mrs., proprie tors of "The Shipman's Arms": 210, 229, 357. Constitutional Convention: pro posed, in 1847, 37; in Douglas bill, 91 ; by Governor Mason and California Star, 94-95; popular movement for, 95-97, date postponed, 97, 101-102; call for, by Governor Riley, 103, 104; election of delegates to, 109; work of, 113-115. Contract, social: theory of, 9; in fluence of, on American fron tier, 9-13; in California min ing camps, 63-65, 68; in civil organization, 99, 149; in for mation of C. of V., 204, 373. See also Local self-govern ment; Centralize.] government. Convicts from Australia, 61-72. 121-124, 179; ex-convicts used as voters by politicians. 140 vote 11, 292; action against, by C. of V., 228-233, 251, 285. See also Immigration; James Stuart, and names of convicts: Alderson ; Barclay ; Barnes ; Beck; Berdue; Thomas Burns; John Edwards; Captain Ellis; Garland; Goff; Higgins: James Hetherington ( ? ) ; Mrs. Hogan(?); Hopkins(fi; den- kins; Thomas and Emma Jones; Kay; King the barber; Kitchen; Long Charley; Mor gan ; Ogden ; Roach ; Ryan ; Joseph Turner; John Ward; Whittaker; Wright. Coon, Dr. H. P., C. of V., 1856: cited, 406. Cora. Charles: hanged by C. of V., 1856, 396-397, 401. Coroners' inquests, San Francisco: Jenkins, 214; Stuart, 271: Whittaker, 302. Corrales, Jose: hanged for horse stealing, 156 note 49. Corruption, political: 140, 143, 390-391, 396-397, 431, 432; attack upon, by Oomniittee of 1856, 402-403." "Cottage of Content," suspicious lodging house: 306. 526 Index Coulterville, California: C. of V., 383 note 77. County attorney: office abolished, 178. County jail of San Francisco: 169-170; escapes from, 247; subscription for building fund raised by C. of V., 246-249. County system: organization in California, adopted, 117; its practical working out under local conditions, 139-144; size of county, 146. See also Cen tralized government; Local self-government. Courts of California: under Mexi can system, 24-25, 45 (see also Alcalde) ; no higher tribunals, 25; military, during American occupation, 44; proposed for mining regions, 60; miners' trials, 76-79, 150; corruption of, after statehood, 144; sala ries insufficient, 144; Court of Sessions, 146, 154, 246; delays in judicial proceedings, 146- 147, 218; defective adminis tration of criminal laws in 1850, 152; District Court, 154; ' duties of district attorney, 178. See also Bail; C. of V. of San Francisco, relation to authori ties; Coroner's inquests; Jury trials; Justice of the peace; Popular tribunals; San Fran cisco — Courts — Grand Jury ; Sheriff; Writ of habeas cor pus. Crary, O. B., C. of V ., 1856: 406, 473. Crescent City, a vessel, 232. Crime (criminal conditions) : on American frontier, 13-17 ; in California, 59, 75-87, 129, 136, 146, 150-152, 228, 305-323, 392, 397, 454; statistics of, 113 note 69, 181 note 63, 382 note 73, 388-390; decrease in, fol lowed action of C. of V., 250, 288, 349-351. See also indi vidual names under Convicts; Stuart gang. Criminal Practice Act : 154. Criminal resorts: survey of, 184, 228. See also Lodging nouses considered suspicious. Cronin, Daniel, C. of V. : 452. Crooks, J. B. M., C. of V.: 168 note 19, 200 note 37, 335. Crowell, W. H., C. of V. : 328. Croekstein, : 228 note 1. Crozier, R. G. : 177. Curry, John, judge : cited on C. of V., 411. Curtayne, W. M. : commended work of C. of V., 241 note 44. Curtis, J. F., C. of V. : biographical note, 442 ; mentioned, 108 note 53, 181 note 62, 208, 212, 281, 335, 471, 473. Cutler, J. E., Lynch Law: cited, 10 note 11, 14-17, 363, 423^24. Dab the horse thief : 275, 277. Dahlgren, Theodore: prisoner C. of V., 240, 359; acknowledged fairness of his trial, 360. Dall, J. E., C. of V.: 181 note 62. Darling, W. A., C. of V. : 406 note 53, 471. Davis, Horace : cited, 405— i06. De facto government: 57, 58, 90, 96, 99, 135. De Groot, Henry: cited, 85 note 47. Death penalty for grand larceny: 154-155, 210 ; inflicted by C. of V., see John Jenkins; Rob ert McKenzie; James Stuart; Samuel Whittaker. Delano, Alonzo: cited on C. of V., 413. Delessert, Eugene, C. of V '., treas urer: 200, 328, 329, 346 note 27, 352, 353, 372 note 46, 364, 473. Democratic party: organization of, in California, 116 note 3, 131; San Francisco elections of 1851, 176 note 43, 324-326, 327; election of 1856, 403- 404; of 1861, 405. See also Broderick; Gwin. Dempster, C. J., C. of V., 1856: 473. Index 021 Derby, Lieut. G. H. (John Phoenix, pseudonym) : relation to C. of V., 315, 371 note 41. Desertion of soldiers in the gold rush, 59, 61, 94. Dewey, S. L., C. of V. : 471. Dickinson, Harvey: 467. Dillon, Patrice, see French consul. District attorney: small salaries, 144-145; duties, 178. Doane, Charles, C. of V., 1856: 473. Dodge, C. F.: 119. Dodge and Company, of Foster's Bar: robbed, 352. Dorr, Ralph, C. of V. : 173 note 33. Douglas, Senator S. A. -. 80 note 37; bill for state organization of territory acquired from Mexico, 91-92, 97, 103. DownieviUe lynching: 384-386. Dows, James, C. of V.: 268, 270 note 59, 446, 473. Drinking in California: 120-121; in C. of V., 367-368. Dry Diggings, California: 138 note 5. Duane, Charles: opposed C. of V., 22; criminal record, 321; ex iled by C. of V., 1856, 402. Dubuque's Mines, Iowa: popular tribunal at, 15. Duclos, Angelina: 243-244, 347 note 29. Duff, J. R., C. of V. : 300, 445. Dunglison, J. R. : 346 note 27. Earl, David, C. of V.: 199. Earl, E. M., C. of V. : 335, 446. Earl, J. O., C. of V. : 446. Ebbets, A. M., C. of V.: 448. Echols, , sheriff at Auburn: murdered, 253. Edwards, John : 251, 275, 285. "El Dorado," gambling hall Of San Francisco: 313. El Dorado County: citizens asked capital punishment for horse stealing, 154; lynching discon tinued in, 394. Eleanore, Madame, actress: 353. Elections: in pre-state period, 31, 37, 40, 43-44; delegates to constitutional convention, 109; for state officers, 116; quali fications of electors, 140, 141; character of candidates often unknown, 141, 142-146; cor ruption in, 391, 402; copy of non-partisan address, 1851, 470. See also Political Par ties ; San Francisco — Govern ment. Elizabeth, a vessel : 235. Ellis, A. J., C. of V.: 98 note 25, 106, 108 note 51, 108 note 53, 173, 188 note 2, 188 note 3, 326, 333 note 35, 348; bio graphical note, 444. Ellis, A. V. H., C. of J'.; biograph ical note, 451. Ellis, H. H, C. of V.: biographical note, 451. Ellis, J. 8., C. of V.: 371 ; bio graphical note, 451. Ellis, William, captain of the Cal lao, 348. Emory, J. S., C. of 17, 1856: 473. Empire Engine Company: 130, 169. Endicott, George: 467. England, popular tribunals in: 17. Euphcmia, San Francisco prison brig: 113. Eureka Engine Company: 169. Evans, H. D., C. of V.: 334. Evening Picayune, see San Fran cisco Evening Picayune. Ewer, F. C, C. of V.: 346 note 27. Farallon Islands: 236. Farnham, Mrs. E. W. : cited, 412. Farwell, J. D., C. of V.: 272, 406 note 43; biographical note, 443; mentioned, 467, 473; MS Statement, cited, 467. 473; cited, 193 note 13, 208 note 2, 209. Field, S. J. : alcalde of MarysviUe, 118-119; tried to prevent DownieviUe lynching, 385. Financial conditions in California, 1854-1856: 391. 528 Index Fire Companies of San Francisco, see Broderick; California En gine Company ; Empire Engine Company; Eureka Engine Company; Howard Engine Company; Monumental En gine Company ; Protection Engine Company. Fire Fly, a tug boat: 341. Fires, see Arson; San Francisco — Fires. Fish, J. H., C. of V., 1856 : 473. Flag pole on San Francisco Plaza : 165, 213. Fleishhacker, Samuel, C. of V.: 449. Flint, E. P., C. of V., 1856 : 473. Folk moot: miners' meetings com pared to, 72. Folsom, J. L. : 173 note 33. Foreigners (foreign miners) : un popular among the gold seek ers, 61-62, 124-127; tax im posed on, 127; quarters of, in San Francisco, 166-167; C. of V. approved by many, 413. Forged notices to leave San Fran cisco purporting to come from C. of V. : 232-233. Fort Gunny Bags, 1856: 401. Foster, S. C, mayor of Los An geles: 383. Foster's Bar, California: 252, 257. Fourgeaud, V. J., C. of V.: 108 note 53, 443. France, confreres, 16-17; French immigrants expected in San Francisco, 340-341. Franklin, State of: 11. Frazier, James, miners' alcalde: 81. Freelon, T. W., judge: 393. Fremont, Captain J. C. : in Cali fornia, 28, 30 ; governor, 34- 36; mentioned, 90, 318. French, William, opposed C. of V., 239. French consul (Patrice Dillon) : present at examination of Le Bras, 317-318, 371 note 42; correspondence with C. of V., 340. Fresno, CaUfornia, C. of V.: 407 note 56. Frignet, Ernest: cited on C. of V., 414. Frink, G. W., C. of V., 1856: cited, 399. Frontier, The : in American democ racy, 7, 19, 53-54; the mining frontier of California, 64-87, differences from other fron tiers, 66, 67, 136-137, 157, 287; individualism a char acteristic of, 129, 158; mining frontier of Rocky Mountain area, 416-420; in the Austra lian gold fields, 425; in British Columbia, 426-427. See also Centralized government; Con tract, social; Committee of Vigilance; Criminal condi tions; Popular tribunals. Gallagher, Edward, coroner of San Francisco : 214, 271 note 61. Gallagher, Samuel, prisoner C. of V.: 242. Gambling: 121. See also the "El Dorado. ' ' Gang, criminal: 123, 184, 228, 251, 349, 352. See also Hounds; Plummer gang; Stuart gang. Gardner, Richard : escape from San Francisco jail, 247. Garland, Richard, prisoner C. of V.: 236 note 24. Garnett, Porter, editor C. of V. Papers, Pts. I, II : 3. Garrat, John, see John Barrett. Garwood, G. M., C. of V.: 181 note 62, 188 note 2, 333 note 35, 346 note 27, 372 note 46, 406, 471. Gates, H. S., C. of V. : 346 note 27. Geary, J. W, alcalde and mayor of San Francisco: 112-113, 163. Geddes, Paul, alias Talbot H. Green, see Talbot H. Green. Gerke, Henry, C. of V: 188 note 1, 449. Germany, Vemgericht: 16. Gerstacker, Friedrich: cited, 126 note 28, 179 note 58, 355, 414. Index 529 Gibson, George, C. of V.: 358. Gibson, James: hanged for high way robbery, 155 note 49. Gillespie, Lieutenant A. H. : 28, 30. Gillespie, C. V., C. of V.. cited, 108 note 53, 188 note 2, 188 note 3 ; biographical note, 446 ; mentioned, 473. Gilroy, California: C. of V., 407 note 56. Goddard, E. B., C. of V., 1856: 473. Goff, John, prisoner C. of V.: 176 note 40, 314-315, 362. Gold: discovery of in California, 54, 59; the gold rush, 58-65; statistics, 66 note 1 ; organiza tion in the mines, 66-87 ; gold rushes in Rocky Mountain area, 416, 426; in Australia, 425 ; in Manchuria, 435 note 10. Goodwin, Andrew: 342. Gorham, E., C. of V. . 181 note 62, 473. Graham, W. C, C. of V. : 181 note 62 333. Graham, W H., C. of V. : 444. Grand Jury: introduced at trial of Hounds, 107, 109; legal de lays in early courts, 147. Sec also references under grand juries of Marysville; Nevada County; San Francisco; Tuo lumne County. Grand larceny, punishable with death: 154-156, 210. Grass Valley, California: C. of V., 383 note 77, 407 note 57 . Gray, H. M., C. of V. : 447. Gray, Victor de: complained of forcible seizure by the C. of V., 359. Grayson, A. J., C. of V.: 98 h off 25, 187 note 1, 446. Green, T. H. (Paul Geddes) : 144, 173. Grey, William, pseudonym of W. F. White. Grisar, O. E., C. of V. : 473. Guadalupe Hidalgo, treaty of: 54, 56. Guerrero, Francisco: killed, 317. Gwin, W. M. : assisted in trial of Hounds, 107 ; political career, 130-131. Habeas corpus writ, see Writ of habeas corpus. Haff, J. P., C. of V.: 164 note 5. Haight, S. W., C. of V.: 188 note 3. Hall, Richard, a suspect: 238. Halleck, Lieutenant H. W. : secre tary of state (California), 1847-1849, 43, 50; Digest of laws of 1837, 43, 110; cited, 71. Ham, R. S., miners' alcalde: 81. Hammer, , Captain : resisted C. of V. water police, 242. Hampton, R. B., C. of V.: 164 note 5. Hance, W. G., escaped murderer: sent back to Panama bv C. of V., 317. Handbill: on appointment of George Hyde as alcalde of San Francisco, 3,8; on Jansen rob bery 172. 173 note 35. 453; calling mass meeting against C. of V., 239, 460. Hangtown, see Placer ville. Happv Valley, San Francisco: 166. Hardie, Major J. A.: 38. Harris, Captain Isaac, from Syd ney : rescued from mob by C. of' V., 239-241. Hart, A. B. : cited, 71. Hasson, J. C, C. of V.: 181 note 62. Hat and Boots: investigated as a clue, 320. Hawes, Horace: 107. Hays, J. C. sheriff of San Fran cisco: 141-142. 246, 295, 297, 299. 322, 325, 470. Havs. W. H.. prisoner C. of V.: 267 ' note 49, 287. Headquarters of C. of V. of San Francisco, see C. of V. — Head quarters. "Heart and Hand," suspicious lodging house: 306. 530 Index Hearne, V. W., sheriff of Santa Barbara: arrested Whittaker, 281. Helper, H. H.: cited on C. of V., 412. Henry, Patrick: cited on frontier associations, 14. Herald, of San Francisco, see San Francisco Daily Herald. Hetherington, James, prisoner C. of V. : 228-232. Hetherington, Joseph: a witness against Stuart, 264, 280, 286, 291; perhaps executed by C. of V., 1856, 401. Higgins, Lawrence, prisoner C. of V.: 234 note 21. Hinigan, Thomas, from Sydney: comments on Captain Harris affair, 241. Hittell, T. H. : approval of Com mittees of Vigilance, 414. Hoag, Mr. : 219. Hobart Town, Van Diemen's Land: 231 Hobson,' W. L., C. of V. : 108 note 51. Hoen, Francis, C. of V. : 449. Hogan, Mrs. Mary Ann, from Aus tralia: companion of Stuart and Whittaker, 264, 280-281, 292-293, 306, 356. Hogg, W. M., C. of V. : 467. Holinski, Alexandre: cited, 126 note 28, 319. Hoist, Hermann von : cited, 1 15. Home Guard of 1861: 405-403. Hopkins, George: prisoner C. of V., 231. Hopkins, S. A., C. of V., 1856: 403. Hopwood, Mat: 275. Horn, B. C. : 467. Horse stealing: capital offense, 154-156. Hosmer, H. L. : cited on frontier problems and Vigilance Com mittees, 419. Hossefross, G. H., C. of V. : 447. Hounds, The, rioters of San Fran cisco : 100 ; popular trial of, 105-109, 126. Howard, G. H., C. of V.: 442. Howard, , a deserter: arrested by O. of V. and turned over to the army authorities, 316. Howard, W. A., C. of V. : 210, 346, 353. Howard, W. D. M., C. of V.: bio graphical note, 448; men tioned, 49 note 26, 107 note 51, 108 note 53, 173, 187 note 1, 188 note 2, 188 note 3, 471. Howard Engine Company: 169. Hubbard, Lorenzo, C. of V., 1856: 473. Hughes, William: 275, 285. Huie, J. B., C. of V. : 173 note 33, 188 note 3, 299, 302, 333 note 35, 471. Humboldt County: C. of V., 381. Hutchings, N. P., C. of V., 1856: 473. Huxley, J. M., C. of V. : 188 note 1, 445. Hyatt, Caleb, C. of V.: 327. Hyde, George, alcalde of San Fran cisco: 38, 48-49. Idaho: gold rush to, and frontier conditions, 416—417 ; Commit tees of Vigilance in, 420. Ide, W. B., justice of the peace: 146 note 25, 156, 374 note 50; cited, 140-141. Immigration, early problems of: British convicts from Austra lia, 121-124, 233 note 17 ; other foreigners, 124—127 ; legisla tion concerning, 122-123, 127; statutes against enforced by C. of V., 233; colonists from France, 340-341. See also Con victs; Foreigners. . Independence, a vessel, 237. Independents, see Non-partisan ¦ movements. Indiana: political "Committees of Vigilance" in, 204 note 47; protective associations, 1852, 416. Indians in California: difficulties with, 127-128. Individualism : a frontier charac teristic, 129, 158. Initiative and referendum: prin ciple of, .in C. of V., 433. Index 531 International law: its effect on ad ministration of California, 29, 50, 57. Iowa: Vigilance Committees in, 416. Jack Dandy, alias of George Adams. Jackson, Andrew, President: re fused to interfere in 0 'Conner case, 15 ; Jackson party in In diana, 204 note 47; arrival in San Francisco noted in Papers, 235. Jackson, California : C. of V., 380, 383 note 77, 407 note 56. Jails (prisons) : lack of, and in security of, 44-45, 63, 76, 77, 78, 79 note 35, 107, 119, 145, 146 note 25, 152, 350, 380, 407; in San Francisco, 169; escapes from, 181 note 63, 247, 380. See also Police; Prison ships; San Francisco county jail. James, Colonel G. F. : 233. James Caskie, a vessel: 309. Jamestown, California: 81, 278. Jansen, C. J. : attack on, 170, 180, 253, 263, 303, 310, 453. Jenkins, John, a thief hanged by C. of V.: 208-217, 229; exe cution followed by decrease in crime, 250. Jenks, Daniel, prisoner C. of V.: 320, 359. Jessup, R. M., C. of V. : 449, 473. Jewett, J. H., president Marysville C. of V. : 257. Jimmy from Town, alias of James Burns. John Potter, a vessel: 235. Johnson, W. A., C. of V., 1856: quoted, 225 note 53. Johnson (Johnston), a vessel: 317. Joice, E. V., C. of V. : 447. Jones, E. P., C. of V. : 49 note 26. Jones, Thomas, and Emma, prison ers C. of V. : 235, 236 note 24. Jones, W. C: cited, 129 note 40; requested assistance C. of V., 318. Jones, W. H., C. of V. : 173 note 33, 302, 471. Joy, Captain Hartford, C. of V.: 257. Juanita, lynched at Downieville: 384-386. Jury trial: introduced in Cali fornia, 45-47; practiced by miners, 75-86; volunteer fire men exempt from service, 169 ; jury service evaded, 159, 350 ; jury trials in Louisiana, 421. Justice of the peace, in California: prior to 1850, 25-26, 30 note 17; limitation of authority, 1850, 146; jurisdiction ex tended, 1851, 154. Kay, T. B., member of Stuart 's gang: 238, 275, 282-284, 292, 308, 312, 371. Kearny, General S. W. : instruc tions on establishment of civil government in New Mexico and California, 31, 33-34; pro mulgated civil code for New Mexico, 32-33 ; administration in California, 34-39. See also California. Kelly, James : 279, 306. Kemble, E. C. : cited, 37 note 40, 94. Kennebec Hill, California : 138 note 5. Kennedy, Dr., prisoner C. of V. : 317. King, the barber, a convict: 306, 307. King, E. A, C. of V. : 108 note 51, 173 note 33, 188 note 3, 442. King, of William, James, C. of V. : 188 note 3, 471 ; biographical note, 197 ; murdered, 397. King, T. B., U. S. special agent to California: 93, 103, 109; can didacy for U. S. Senate, 116 note 3, 340. Kitchen, William, member of Stuart's gang: 254. 275, 292, 311. Knights of the White Camelia: 423. 532 Index Ku Klux Klan: 423. La Grange, Sacramento prison brig: 253. Lambert, Capt. William, keeper of San Francisco county jail: 300. Lammot, R. S., C. of V.: 181 note 62. Land clubs: 11. See also Land laws ; Land titles ; ' ' Associa tion for the Protection of the Rights of Property, ' ' etc. Land laws (titles) : confused con dition in California, 37, 49-51, 137-138, 152, 391, 431. See also Squatters. Law, Common : adopted by Califor nia, 117. Law books, lack of, 1846-1849 : 40, 43, 44, 47. Laws of the Indies: 41. Laws of 1837 (Mexican) : 25; Eng lish translation, 43, 56, 110. See also California; Mexico, administration of California. Lawyers : rich rewards for in pri vate practice and its effect on the securing of prosecuting at torneys, 144-145. See also E. G. Austin; Judge Alexander Campbell; T. W. Freelon; Hall McAllister ; Edward McGow an; Judge Levi Parsons; F. M. Pixley. LeBras, Francois, prisoner C. of V.: 267 note 49, 317. Leavenworth, T. M., alcalde of San Francisco: 98-100, 104, 105- 108. Leese, J. P., C. of V.: 443. Legislative Assembly of San Fran cisco, see San Francisco, legis lative assembly. Leidesdorff, W. A. : 38-39. Lent, W. M., C. of V. : 449. Lewis, Benjamin : accused of arson, 181-185, 359. "Lex diggerorum": 70, 86. Lippitt, F. J.: 106, 107. Lipseom, John: 319. Liquor used by the C. of V.: 226, 367-368. Little Chile : 166. "Live and Let Live," suspicious lodging house: 306. Local self-government: on Ameri can frontier, 9-13 ; in Califor nia mining camps, 49, 68, 71, 73-74, 83, 89; spirit of, in movement for civil organiza tion, 96-109; -persistence of spirit after organization, 149- 150. See also Centralized gov ernment; Contract, social; County system. Lockwood, D. W., C. of V. : 328. Lockwood, R. A., lawyer: 330-331. Lodging nouses in San Francisco, considered suspicious by C. of V.: 228, 306, 314. See also Henry Beck; "Bird in Hand"; "Cottage of Con tent"; "Heart and Hand"; Mrs. Hogan; "Live and Let Live"; "MeManus' Wel come " ; " Panama House ' ' ; ' ' Port Phillip House ' ' ; "Rose Cottage"; "Ship- man's Arms " ; " Uncle Sam. ' ' Long Charley: 275. Long Wharf: 181, 313. Lord Elden, a vessel: 235. Los Angeles, California: ayunta miento in, 26; capital in 1845, 26 ; Committee of Vigilance of 1836, 17 note 29; of 1852, 382-383; of 1856, 407 note 56; volunteer police force, 1851, 382. Louisiana: Committees of Vigi lance. See Attakapas. Ludlow, Charles, C. of V., 1856: 473. Lundy, California: C. of V., 407 note 56. Lye, Mary: abducted from guar dians and rescued by C. of V., 342. ' ' Lynch Law ' ' : origin of term, 14 ; development on American fron tier, see Committee of Vigi lance; Mob spirit; Popular tribunals ; fostered by noto rious failure of legal justice, 386-387, 397, 434-437; grad- Index 533 ually condemned by public opinion in California. 394- 395, 407; practice of passes from West to South, 423 ; race hatred an impetus to, 423 ; a problem peculiar to the United States, 424-427, 434-437. Lyndall, W. E. : 467. McAllister, Hall: cited, 106-107, 174 note 37 ; testimony at Jen kins inquest, 215. McCahill, Thomas, C. of V.: 181 note 62, 335. McCarty, A. J., a policeman: 258, 275. McCormac, Teddy, member of Stuart's gang: 279, 306. McCurdy, John : 467. McDougal, John, governor of Cali fornia: 116, 153, 370; procla mation in re Stuart execution, 273-274, 467-469; pardon of Duane, 321; proclamation against Vigilante movement, 375; seized Whittaker and McKenzie from C. of V., 294- 298, 469-470 ; proclamation, 298. McDuffee, A. J., C. of V. : sergeant- at-arms, 260, 333, 365, 367- 368. McGowan, Captain of the Polk: 234. McGowan, Edward, justice of the peace: opposed C. of V., 177, 398, 402. Mclntire, R. O, a policeman: 258, 275. McKenzie, Robert, prisoner C. of V.: 225, 227, 275, 278-279, 282, 291, 306, 312 ; rescued by authorities, recaptured and hanged, 293-302, 469. McKimmey, N. M., sheriff of Napa: 371. McLean, W. W., C. of V.: 200 note 37. "McManus' Welcome," suspicious lodging house: 229, 306. Macondray, F. W.: 173 note 33, 180. Mahony, Frank, C. of V.: 181 note 62. Maloney, James R. (Rube), C. of V.: 183, 200, 289, 402; bio graphical note, 198-199. Manchuria: popular tribunals in, 435 note 10. Manrow, J. P., C. of V.. 449, 473. Marcy, W. L. : cited on status of California, 58. Mariposa, California: C. of V., 383 note 77. Markey, P., C. of V. .- 181 note 62. Marks, Joseph, member of Stuart 's gang: 307. Marmion, a vessel: 235 note 22. Marryat, Frank; cited, 143, 410- 411. Martin, W. F., C. of 17. lsl note 62. Mary Catherine, a vessel : 235. Marysville, California: organiza tion, 118; C of V., 250, 257, 376; approved by gTand jury, 374 note 48. Marziou & Co.: 341-342. Mason, Colonel R. P. : military gov ernor of California, 35, 40-103, 128; letter relative to local or ganization, 94. Mathews, Lois K. . cited, 10 note 9, 207. Mayflower compact: 9. 10. 207. Maynard, Lafayette, C. of V.: 371 note 41. Meiggs, Henry: 167 note 15. Meiggs, J. O. : 167 note 15. Melius, George, C. of V. : 302. 334. Mercantile Library of San Fran cisco: beginning of, 345, 346. Merced, California: C. of V., 407 norf 56. Merrill, I. M., C. of V.: 451. Merritt, Dr. Samuel, C. of V. : bio graphical note, 450: men tioned, 256 7iofe 12, 261 note 32, 310 note 6. Metcalf, Peter: damage suit against Argenti et al., 243- 244, 329-331, 340, 343, 347- 348, 375. Mexican land proprietors: injustice to, 139. 534 Index Mexico: administration of Califor nia, 23-27; laws of 1837, 25; laws of 1843, 26; laws of 1837 perpetuated after American occupation, 29-31, 35-36; 40- 47, 51, 57, 103-104, 110-111, 114, 118, 163. See also Al calde; Ayuntamiento: Califor nia ; Courts ; Justice of the Peace; Pueblo. Mexico, Santa Hermandad in: 17 note 29. Meyer, William, C. of V.: 473. Micheltorena: governor of Califor nia, 26. Middleton, John, C. of V.: 164 note 5, 188 note 3, 449. Militia organization: 107 note 51. Military courts under American occupation, 44. Military organization, use of by Committee of Vigilance, 271 note 60. Mines (mining region) of Califor nia: Pre-state period, equip ment for social control lacking, 58-60, 63; status of miners, 67; average earnings, 68 note 6; self -organization of camps, 67-87; first code,. 69; mining regulations, 71 note 14; con trol of crime (miners' trials), 76-89 ; California precedents on other frontiers, 416-420, 435 note 10. After state organization, hardships, 121 ; ephemeral population, 138, 142 note 15; difficulties of early organization, 140-146; failure of courts to control crime, 147- 149, 152; persistence of lynch law, 150-151, 374, 386, 389- 395, 407. See also California; Contract, social; Gold; Popu lar tribunals. Mines, Rev. F. S., rector of Trinity Church: attended prisoners of C. of V., 211, 264 note 37, 268, 270. Mining companies: 68. Minturn, Charles, C. of V.: 164 note 5, 188 note 3, 312, 334, 445. Mississippi: citizen committees in, 11 note 13. Mob spirit manifested in the popu lar tribunals of California: 78, 148-151 ; trial of Berdue, 172- 175; of Lewis, 182; in con nection with activity of C. of V., 213-214, 219, 239-240, 242, 243, 284, 359; Waterman affair, 344; DownieviUe lynch ing, 384-387; King's assassi nation, 298; C. of V. organiza tion a restraining influence, 386-387, 407; danger of, in American life, 423. See also Lynch law; Popular triunals. Mokelumne Hill, California: 69; ' ' Committee of Vigilance, ' ' April, 1851, 204 note 47; C. of V., 379-381. Mokelumne (River) : jury trial on, 1849, 84. Montana: gold rush to, 416; crim inal conditions and Committee of Vigilance, 417-420. Monterey, California: Mexican administrative district, 26; American occupation of, 28- 30; capital of California, 26, 35; first trial by jury, 46; con stitutional convention at, 113; robbery of Custom House, 254, 308. Monterey Californian: 37 note 40, 94 note 17. Monumental Engine Company: 169, 206 note 51, 209, 268, 289. Moore, Charles, of Winslow Bar: murdered by Stuart, 171, 252- 253. Morgan, J. M., member of Stuart's gang: 228 note 1, 275, 285, 307, 308, 311. Mormon Battalion: 32. Mormon Camp, California: 111 note 64. Mormons in California: 32, 46 note 19. Morrison, R. M., judge: 177. Motto of the C. of V. : 401. Index 535 Muldoon, J. P., C. of V. : 200 note 37. Mulligan, Billy : exiled by C. of V., 1856, 199. Murderer's Bar, California: magis trates of, described, 143. Marietta, Joaquin, bandit: 127 note 32. Murray, Alexander, C. of V.: 333 note 35. Murray, James, C. of V.: 181 note 62. Naglee, H. M., C. of V.: 107 note 51, 445, 471. Natchez, California: 383 note 77. Neall, James, Jr., C. of V.: bio graphical note, 446; cited, 75 note 24, 203, 207, 209 note 3, 457. Nelson Creek, California: C. of V., 383 note 77. Nevada City, California: C. of V., 379. Nevada County: grand jury con demned Vigilance Committee of Truckee, 407 note 57. New Helvetia, see Sutter's Fort. New Mexico: American occupation of and Kearny's code, 31-33. New South Wales: efficient admin istration of justice on the gold fields frontier, 425. New York Volunteers, First Regi ment, see Stevenson's Regi ment. Newmark, Harris: cited on C. of V., 415 note 24. Newspapers: 37 note 40, 94 note 17. Niantic, a vessel: 166. Non-partisan movements started by C. of V.: 1851, 323-328, 470; People's Party, 1856, 403-406. Norris, Thomas, C. of V. : 200 note 37. North Beach, San Francisco: 166. Norton, H. K.: cited on C. of V., 415 nrjte 24. Norton, Myron, judge: 107, 295, 469. Noyce, J. P., a policeman: 215. Oakes, J., C. of V.. 203, 209 note 3, 298, 441. Oakland: C. of V., 383 note 77. Oakley, D. L, C. of V.. 338, 346. O 'Conner, Patrick: tried and exe cuted by popular tribunal at Dubuque's mines, 15. Ogden, Robert, member of Stuart's gang: 251. Ohio, a vessel: 281. "Old Adobe" Custom House: 165, 213, 219, 313. "Once a Committeeman, always a Committeeman": 199, 355. Orator, a vessel: 23,2. Old Jack, alias of J. M. Morgan. Oregon: frontier organization in, 12; settlers joined gold rush to California, 61; opinion of President Taylor, 92; bitter ness resulting from Indian massacres, 128; gold rushes to, 416; Committees of Vigilance, 420. Oregon: brought news of admis sion, 134-135. Osman, Richard, member of Stuart's gang: 275, 285, 307, 308, 341. Osgood, J. K., C. of V.. 1856: 473. Page, F. W.. C. of V .. 1856: 473. Palmer, Cyrus, C. of V.: 447. ' ' Panama House, ' ' suspicious lodg ing house: 306. Panton, Francis, C. of V. : 467. Parker, R, A., C. of V.: 49 note 26, 98 note 25. 1SS note 1, 450. Parker, W. H, C. of V.: 200 note 37. Parson. Levi, judge: 177-178, 182, 217. 536 Index Passenger vessels from Sydney ex amined by C. of V. . 234-235. Payne, Theodore: 173 note 33. Payran, Stephen, C. of V.: bio graphical note, 201-203 ; presi dent of Executive Committee, 260-261, 331, 336, 338; resig nation, 333 note 35, 336, 342; letters, to Wakeman, 237, to Hays, 248-249, to Grass Val ley C. of V., 379; rescue of Mary Lye, 342; mentioned, 223, 286, 293-294, 296, 298, 323, 329, 332, 372, 373. Peake, W. B., C. of V. : 272, 467. People's Advocate (Sydney) : cited, 241 note 44. People's Party, see Non-partisan movements. Phelps, T. G., C. of V.: 448. Phoenix, John, pseudonym of G. H. Derby. Phoenix, a newspaper: 389 note 3, 402 note 42. Pick Handle Brigade, 1877 : 408. Pickett, C. E.: cited, 48 note 25; jury trial of, 83. Pixley, F. M.: city attorney of San Francisco, 177; defended Stuart, 253, 264, 265; charges against, in Stuart 's confession, and his denial of, 266. Placerville (Hangtown, Dry Dig gings), California: 78. Plank Road to the Mission, San Francisco: 167. Planter, a vessel: 235. Plaza (Portsmouth Square), San Francisco : 165, 213, 218. Plum and Warner, Messrs., gift of banner to C. of V.: 372 note 45. Plummer, Henry, Montana sheriff and gang leader: 417-418. Police. See C. of V. of San Fran cisco — Police ; San Francisco — • Police. Political parties (politicians) in California: 109, 116, 129-132, 403; Mexican war a dividing issue, 132; corruption in, 390, 391; cleansed by committee of 1856, 403-404. See also Broderick; Democratic party; Gwin ; Non-partisan move ments ; Whigs. Polk, J. K., President, and the establishment of government in New Mexico and Califor nia: 33, 55-56, 90-91, 92, 99. Polk, U. S. revenue cutter: 234, 236, 371 note 41. Pollock, Lewis: murdered, 242, 320. Popular sovereignty, see Local self- government. Popular tribunals (lynch law) : de velopment of, on American frontier, 13-16; in other coun tries, 16-17, 424 ; in California, 17-19, 74-81 ; Governor Mason forced to approve, 80; weak ness of, 85-86, 89, 93; trial of the Hounds, 105-108; per sistence after state organiza tion, 149-151, 374-375, 407; trial of Berdue, and Windred, 171-176. See also Committee of Vigilance; Frontier; Lynch law; Mob spirit. Population of California: statis tics, in 1847, 58 note 11, in 1849, 54 note 1, 66 note 1, in 1850, 131 note 47 ; ephemeral quality of , 137-138, 142 note 15, 431. See also San Fran cisco. "Port Phillip house": 279, 306, 312. Portsmouth Square, see Plaza. Preston, William : 14. Prison ships: 113, 119 note 11, 145, 253. Prisoners, see C. of V. of San Fran cisco^ — Relations with prison ers. Index 537 Prisons, see Jails. Proclamations against C. of V.: of Governor McDougal, 273-274, 294, 298, 375, 467-469; of Mayor Brenham, 271, 463. Protection Engine Company: 169. Public improvements in California: impossible before state organ ization, 145. Pueblo organization in California: 25. Qualification Committee, see C. of V. of San Francisco — Qualifi cation Committee. Race hatred, in America, an im petus to lynch law: 423 note 38; in California, see Foreign ers. Randall, Albert S., C. of V.: 108 note 51. Randall, Dr. Andrew: robbed, 308; murdered, 401. Ray, Benjamin: 173 note 33. Recall, process of, effected on Cali fornia frontier: 433; by C. of V., 373, 433. Recorder, of a California city: powers of, 163 note 4. Reed family: murder of, 80. Registration of voters, not required in 1850, 140. Regulators of North and South Carolina: 10, 14. Regulators, San Francisco Society of, see The Hounds. Republican party: 403. Reynolds, Banjamin, C. of V.: 108 note 51, 108 note 53, 302. Reynolds, W. T., C. of V.: 473. Rice, Jerome, C. of V., 1856: 473. Richardson, W. H., U. S. marshall: murdered, 396. Riley, General Bennet, governor of California: called consti tutional convention, 101-104; administration, 110-116, 146 ¦note 25. Roach, James, prisoner C. of V.: 236 note 24. Roach, P. A., C. of V. : 326, 451. Robbery, see Grand larceny. Robert, J. H. : robbed, 238, 285. Roberts, Samuel, leader of Hounds : 106. Robinson, Ben (Negro Ben;, pris oner C. of V. ; 245-246, 358. Robinson, Henry: cited on C. of V., 415 note 24. Robinson, Mrs. Margaret L., pris oner C. of V., see case of Ben Robinson. Robinson (Heppard), William: lynched, 155 note 49, 378. Rogers, W. II., C. of V., 1856: 473. Root, Kingsbury, ('. of (7: 467. Rosalind, a vessel: 235 note 22. Rose Bar, California: 70. "Rose Cottage," suspicious lodg ing house : 306. Ross, C. L. : 467. Rough and Ready, California : ap pointment of "Committee of Vigilance and Safety," 120; "State of," 120 note 14. Royce, Josiah: California, 5, 6; cited on miners' organizations, 72, 74 note 22, 7s, on anti- foreign attitude of Califor- nians, 126, on election of un worthy officials, 144, on sanc tion of death penalty for grand larceny. 154—155. on People's Party, 404, on C. of V„ 414-415. Ryau, J. T., C. of V.: 301, 442. Ryan, Michael, member of Stuart 's gang: 232, 275. 308. Ryckman, G. YY7, C. of V.: bio graphical note, 194-195; men tioned, 286, 297-298. 333 note 35, 343, 346 note 27. 351. 403, 406 note 53, 471; MS State ment cited, 172 note 31, 201, 208 note 1, 211, 325. 369. Sacramento: local organization at tempted, 101, 119-120; squat ters in, 138; prison brig pur chased, 145 ; protest against crime, 184; C. of V.. 250. 377- 378. Sacramento, a vessel: 235 note 22. Saint-Amant: cited on California conditions. 137; on Committees of Vigilance, 414. 538 Index Salaries : insufficient to attract com petent officials, 142, 144-145, 152. Salkmyer, Frederick: hanged for horse stealing, 155 note 49. Salmon, J. W., C. of V.: treasurer, 328, 365; resignation, 328, 334. San Francisco: description of, 1851, 163-185 ; population, 167 note 17. Courts: first trial by jury, 46: statistics of crime, 1849, 113 note 69 (see also Crime) ; con ditions, 1851, 177-179; im provement in, after organiza tion of C. of V., 288. See also Courts; Lawyers. Fires: 1849-1850, May, 164; 1851, 179, 181, 239; engine companies, 130; fire depart ment, 168-169 ; firemen exempt from jury service, 169; re wards offered by C. of V. for incendiaries, 245, 261. See also Arson; California Engine Company ; Monumental Engine Company. Government: delegates elected to Stockton's legislative council, 37 ; protest against appoint ment of Hyde, 38 ; town coun cil of 1847, 48-49, 97; legis lative assembly, 1849, 98-100, 104-105 ; elections of August, 1849, 108, 112; incorporation, 163 ; city administration, 1850, 164-165; charter of 1851, and election under, 176; election of September, 1851, 323-327; political corruption, 1855- 1856, 396; election of 1856 (People's Party), 403. See also names of political parties. Grand Jury: dismissed by Par sons, 182; report on condition of courts, June, 1851, 218; jury for July, 1851, 272-273, 283-284; relation to C. of V., 371, 466; jury for September, 1851, asked to be discharged, 321 ; service of Vigilantes, 1851-1856, 389; reports of grand juries, 389 note 2. Jail: 45; prison brig purchased, 145, 169, 181, 247; county jail, 246-249. Officials of City and County: Attorney (City), see Frank M. Pixley; Collector of the port, see T. B. King; Coroner, see Edward Gallagher and Coro ner's inquests; Marshal, R. G. Crozier, 177; Mayor, see Charles J. Brenham, and J. W. Geary (alcalde) ; Port War den, see T. B. Kay; Recorder (city magistrate), R. H. Wal ler, 177; Sheriff, see J. C. Hays, and deputy, John Caper ton; Street Commissioner, see J. J. Arentrue. Police: in 1847, 49 note 27; in 1849, 113 ; in 1851, 169 ; volun teer night patrol organized, 180, reorganized, 350 note 46, 352 ; police failed to prevent lynching of Jenkins, 213-215; testimony in examination of Stuart, 258; assistance to crim inals, 275. Streets : naming of, 113 ; expan sion of territory, 165-167; nationalities represented in, 167 note 18; street lights in stalled, 168 note 19. See also Committee of Vigilance of San Francisco; Flag pole; Happy Valley; Hounds; Lodg ing houses; Old Adobe Custom House; Plank Road to the Mission; Plaza; Steam Paddy; Sydney Valley. San Francisco Daily Herald: 168; advocated protective associa tion, 182; approved C. of V., 1851, 217-218, 273; opposed C. of V., 1856, 410. San Francisco Evening Bulletin, 198, 396. San Francisco Evening Picayune, 168, 324. Index 539 San Francisco Library and Museum Company: formed by C. of V., 345-346. San Francisco Society of Regula tors, see The Hounds. San Jose, California: execution at, 80; movement for constitu tional convention, 95; meet ing of first state legislature at, 116; of the second, 152; C. of V., 381. San Miguel : murder at, 80. San Pasqual, battle of: 34. Sanders, B. C, C. of V. : 451, 467. Sandwich Islands : natives came to California, 61. Santa Anna: president of Mexico, 25-26. Santa Clara, California: delegates elected to Stockton's council, 37; C. of V., 250, 375, 377. Santa Cruz, California: C. of V., 383 note 77. Sayward, W. T. : MS statement cited, 159 note 55. Schenek, G. E., C. of V.: biograph ical note, 196; mentioned, 199, 208, 209, 212, 257, 290, 298, 299, 333 note 35, 355; MS Statement cited, 163 note 1, 171 note 31, 174, 179 note 56, 180, 183, 345. Schultz, J. G., C. of V.: 279. Scotland, popular tribunals in: 17. Scott, Thomas, prisoner C. of V.: 231. Scott's Valley, California: com mittee of citizens, 381. Search, without warrant, right to claimed by C. of V.: 243-245, 332. Secession, see Slavery. Self-government, see Local self- government. Seligman, Jesse, C. of V. : 443. Semple, Dr. Robert: 37 note 40, 113. ' ' Settlers ' theory ' ' regarding status of California after treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo: 96-97. Seyd, Ernest: cited on C. of V., 414. Sharon, William, C. of V.: 164 note 5, 449; testimony in re right of search, 332. Shasta, California: C. of V., 383 note 77. Shelton, Mr.: botanist, 346. Shepard, D. A., 467. Sheriff, responsibility of: 150, 151 note 33. Sherman, General W. T.: assistant to Colonel Mason, 43 ; cited, 102. Shinn, C. H., Mini no Camps: 5-6, 70, 72, 78, 155. ' ' The Shipman 's Arms ' ' sus picious lodging house: 210, 229, 306. "Shirley," pseudonym of L. A. M. Clappe. Shubrick, Commodore W. B., 35. Sibley, A. 11.: 173 note 33. Sinclair, John, alcalde: 58, 60. Slavery question: effect of, on status of California, 54, 90. 132 134; prohibited in, 114, 245; views of Gwin and Brod erick, 130; sentiment in Cali- fornia, 131-132; speculations on influence of, in the move ment of establishing Vigilance Committees. 404; attitude of individual members, 404—105, 406; secession advocates beaten in elections of 1856, 405; only Lincoln men endorsed by Peo ple's Party in election of 1865, 406. Sloat, Commodore J. D. : military occupation of California, 28^ 30. Smiley, T. J. L, C. of V.: 286. 349, 351, 450, 473; cited, 206 note 52. Smith, Oscar, C. of V.: 473. Smith. General P. F. : cited, 85, 102 note 36, 326, 452. Snyder. J. R,, C. of V.: 59, 187 note 1, 326, 452. Social contract, see Contract, social. 540 Index Society of California Pioneers: 187, 206 note 51. Sonoma, California: Bear Flag re volt, 28; delegates elected to Stockton's council, 37; alcalde adopted laws of Missouri, 47 note 23; local organization at tempted, 1849, 101. ' Sonora, California: mining camp, organized, 1848, 81 ; correspon dence with alcalde, 111 note 64; town government adopted, 119; C. of V., 278-279, 373, 376, 378-379, 407 note 56. South, The: popular tribunals in, 421-423. Southern California: social condi tions differed from those of the north, 382; popular trib unals, 382-383. "Southern Chivalry": 132. Spain, Santa Hermandad: 16. Spear, Samuel : 385. Spires, George, a suspect: 238. Spofford, W. E.: 106. Squatters (lawless settlers) : 50, 137-138, 152, 393. Stanford, Leland, governor : vote for, 405. Steam Paddy: 166. Stephens, George : opposed C. of V., 239. Stephens, H. M. : interest in Cali fornia local history, 1-5. Stevens, alias of James Stuart: 258. Stevenson, Colonel J. D., C. of V.: 32, 69; biographical note, 194; mentioned, 182, 188 note 1, 188 note 3, 270. Stevenson's Regiment (New York Volunteers) : 32, 39, 105, 106. Stewart, Samuel, and William: killed Sheriff Echols, at Au burn, 253 note 5. Stidger, O. P., judge: 175, 252. Stillman, J. W., C. of V.: 327. Stockton, Commodore R. F. : gov ernor of California, 30 ; his plan for civil organization, 31, 34, 37, 38; discord with Kearny, 34-36. Stockton, California: organization attempted, 119; aroused by horse thieves ' depredations, 184; "Vigilance Committee," 1850, 204 note 47; C. of V., 1851, 320, 375-376, 380. Stockton Journal: advocated mar tial law, 1851, 184, 455. Stout, A. B., C. of V. . 188 note 3. Stuart, James, the leader of the Sydney convicts: robbery of Jansen, 170, 252 (see also Thomas Berdue) ; arrest, 227, 264; story of his career in California, 252-259, 308, 309, 311, 312; personal description of, 255-256; identification, 257, 258-259; record incom plete in C. of V. archives, 259; contract as to confession, 231, 269; confession, 261-264; pub lished in newspapers, 275, 314; connection with F. M. Pixley, 258-259, 264-266; conviction by C. of V., 268-269; popular approval of sentence, 270; ex ecution, 270-271 ; coroner 's in quest, 271; action of city arid state authorities, 271-274; his relation to Mrs. Hogan, 280. Stuart gang: 238, 253, 274-303; adventures of, 305-322 ; broken up by C. of V., 323; burning of city plotted, 263, 311. See also Adams; Ainsworth; Aren true; Barnes the tinman; Beck; Briggs; James Burns; Long Charley; Dab; Darke; Duane; David Earl; John Edwards; Hays; Mrs. Hogan; Hopwood; Hughes; . Kay; Kelly; King the barber; Kitchen; McCarty; McCor mac; Mclntire; McKenzie; Marks ; Morgan ; Osman ; Ryan ; Switzer ; Joseph Tur ner; Watkins; Welsh; Whit taker; Windred; Yates. Sullivan, John, C. of V. : 199, 209 ; identification of Stuart, 257. Sutter, J. A., California pioneer: 58, 67, 129 note 38. Index 541 Sutter, J. A., Jr., C. of V.: 450. Sutter's Fort: alcaldes at, 58, 60, 101 ; jury trial at, 83. Sutton, O. P., C. of V.: 444. Suwerkrop, E. A., C. of V. : 449. Swift, J. M., C. of V. : 346 note 27. Switzer, alias the Slasher: escape from jail, 247. Sydney, Australia, immigrants, see Convicts. "Sydney Coves," "Sydney Ducks": 124. Sydney Morning Herald: cited, 240. Sydney People's Advocate: cited, 241 note 44. Sydney Valley, San Francisco: 166, 251, 313. Taft, Hamilton, prisoner C. of V.: 316, 359. Talbot, Charles: prisoner C. of V., 354. Tanner, George: hanged for grand larceny, 156 note 49. Taylor, Bayard: cited, 78, 85. Taylor, J., of Marysville: 254. Taylor, J. M., C. of V.: 449, 473. Taylor, Zachary, President: Mes sage on California and New Mexico, 43 ; opinion concerning California and Oregon, 92. Terry, D. S., judge: arrest by C. of V. of 1856, 402-403. Tesehemacher, H. J., C. of V.: 108 note 51, 108 note 53, 173, 188 note 3, 443. Texas Committees of Vigilance (safety) : 12, 422. Theatrical benefit, suggested for C. of V., 353. Thompson, John: hanged for high way robbery, 155 note 49. Thompson, S. T., C. of V.. 473. Thompson, William, Jr.: indicted for perjury, 284. See also T. B. Kay. Thompson, W. T., C. of V. : 473. Tichenor, E., 467. Tilford, Frank: 163, 331. Tillinghast, W. H., C. of V.: 107 note 51, 473. Timandra, a vessel: 240. Titan, a vessel: 235 note 22. Townsend, John: 38. Transportation in California : facil ities lacking, 139. Treaty of Cahuenga: 34. Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo: 54, 56. Trimble, W. J., Mining Advance into the Inland Empire: cited, 416-417, 426-427. Trinity Church, San Francisco, see Banners presented to C. of V. ; see also F. S. Mines. Truckee, California: "601" com mittee, 407, 407 note 57. Truett, M. F., C. of V '., 1856: 473. Tubbs, A. L., C. of V. : 406, 445. Tuffs, Leonard, C. of 17: 200, 4(57. Tuolumne County: report of grand jury, 472. Turner, D. S., C. of 17. 372 note 46, 473. Turner, F. J. : cited on frontier in stitutions, 10-16. Turner, Joseph: 275. "Uncle Sam," suspicious lodging house: 210, 229, 306. Van Bokkelen, J. L., C. of V.: 188 note 2; biographical note, 198; chief of C. of V. police, 228, 238, 277, 295-297. Van Diemen 's Land: 229, 292. Van Voorhies, William: 90, 96. Van Winkle, P. YY7, C. of V.: 181 note C2. Vassault, Ferdinand, C. of V.: 188 note 3. Vermont, popular tribunals in: 15 note 22. Veto, a vessel: 315. Vigilance Committees, see Commit tee of Vigilance. Voiget, J. J., C. of V.. 188 note 3; biographical note, 447. Virgin, G. W. : robbery of, 208. Virginia, popular tribunals in: 14- 15. Virginia City : citizens form Vigi lance Committee, 417. 542 Index Visalia, California: C. of V., 407 note 56. Vyse, the bear hunter : 306. Wadsworth, J. C. L., C. of V. : 187 note 1, 209 note 7, 220, 281, 333 note 35, 442, 471. Wakeman, A. C, C. of V. : 346. Wakeman, Captain Edgar, C. of V.: biographical note, 196; mentioned, 212, 224 note 48, 236, 237, 406 note 53. Waldo, G. : proposed popular trib unals, 455. Walker, R. J.: circular on Califor nia, 90-91. Walker, William, editor of San Francisco Herald: 177. Waller, R. H., recorder of San Francisco : 177. Ward, Frank: 106. Ward, G. R., C. of V. : biographical note, 195; treasurer, 364; men tioned, 349, 352, 473. Ward, James C., C. of V.: bio graphical note, 441; men tioned, 107, 108 note 51, 108 note 53, 187 note 1, 188 note 2, 188 note 3, 216, 357, 406, 406 note 53. Ward, John, proprietor of sus picious lodging house: 228 note 1. Ward, Sam: 106. Wardwell, A, C. of V.: 203. Washington, B. F., judge: 175. Washington : gold rushes to, and frontier conditions, 416. "Watchful Eye of Vigilance," ' symbol of C. of V.: 401. Waterman, Captain : threatened with lynching, 344. Watkins, William, thief: 307; escape from San Francisco jail, 247, 290. Watson, R. S. ("Justice"), C. of V.: biographical note, 442; organization of Committee pro posed by, 184, 204, 456; men tioned, 257, 333 note 35. Watauga: frontier organization of, 10. Webb, Hiram, C. of V.: 108 note 53. Welling, C. H., C. of V.: 200 note 37. Wells, Robert, C. of V. : 188 note 1. Welsh, Thomas: escape from San Francisco jail, 247. Weston, H. L., acknowledgment: 202 note 43. Wetherbee, Henry, C. of V.: 406, 450. Wethered, J. S., C. of V.. 449. Wharves of San Francisco: 113, 166. Wheeler, Thomas: murdered,- 318. Whig, political party: organized, 131-132; San Francisco eleer tions, 1851, 176, 324, 326-327. Whipping: common frontier pun ishment: 14-15, 77; employed in California, 45, 77, 119, 155, 290, 377, 378, 382, 386 note 81; inflicted by C. of V., 242, 363. White, W. F.: opposed C. of V., 411. White Camelia, Knights of the: 423. Whittaker, Samuel, a convict and leader in Stuart's gang: 254, 264, 275, 306, 309, 310, 311; voting of ex-convicts, 140 note 11; warning to Stuart, 254; search for, and seizure bv C. of V., 279-281; confession, 291-293, 314 ; execution recom mended, 293; rescued by au thorities, 294-296, 469; re captured and executed by C. of V., 296-302; coroner's in quest, 302; public approval and disapproval of Commit tee's action, 301-303. Wiggin, C. L., C. of V.: 449. Wilber (Wilbur), James, C. of V.: 330 note 24. Willey, Rev. S. H.: cited on C. of V., 411^112. Williams, Edwards C. : miners ' al calde, 1848, 81; mentioned, 166. Index 543 Williams, John, a state prisoner: pardoned on petition of C. of V., 322. Willow Bar, California: 111 note 64. Wilmot proviso: 55. Wilson, James: hanged for horse stealing, 155 note 49. Wilson, Joseph: trial of, 156. Wilson, William: prisoner C. of V., 360. Windred, Robert: popular trial of, for Jansen robbery, 171-175, 453-454; legal trial and con viction, 171; escape, 247, 311; exonerated by testimony of members of C. of V., 303. Wistar, I. J.: cited on C. of V., 411. Witnesses in courts : difficult to procure at time of trial, 152, 289, 290, 321; members of C. of V. as, 302, 303, 330-332. Wohler, Herman, C. of V.: 326, 451. Woods, C. S., C. of V.: 334. Woods Creek, California: 69. Woodworth, Frederick A.. C. of V.. biographical note, 193-194; mentioned, 237, 319 note 21, 372 note 46, 406 note 53. Woodworth, Selim E., C. of V.: biographical note, 192-194 ; mentioned, 216, 223, 258, 302, 319, 343, 346, 351, 353, 406, 471; president General Com mittee, 260; vice-president, 343, 351. Wright, Alexander, prisoner C. of V.: 236 note 24. Writ of habeas corpus (or of ar rest) : resisted bv C. of V., 265-268; case of Stuart, 265- 267 ; report on use and abuse of, 267; successfully served in case of Whittaker and Mc Kenzie, 294-295, 469. Wyman 's Ravine, California: C. of V., 381. Yates, Thomas, alias Wood : ar rested by S. F. city police, 238. Yerba Buena, sec San Francisco. Yreka, 382, 407 note 56. Zantzinger, L. F., 346 noti 27. YALE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY 3 9002 01259 3340