YALE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY THE PAEOCHIAL AND FAMILY HISTOEY DEANERY OF TRIGG MINOR, COENWALL, Plate XWI J reriii3oii, Lil Macluie & 1fac3onall, Ionian VIIEW of the CMTUIRCTH op ST MIKTE1R ,(menepreda.) frcua a Photo grapli THE PAROCHIAL AND FAMILY HISTORY OF THE DEANERY OF TRIGG MINOR, IN THE COUNTY OF CORNWALL. VOL. II. BY SIE JOHN MACLEAN, F.S.A., MEMBER OP THE ROTAX ARCHAEOLOGICAL INSTITUTE OF GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND, HONORARY MEMBER OF THE ROYAL INSTITUTION OF CORNWALL, ETC. " If there be any who desire to be strangers in their own country, foreigners in their own cities, and always children in knowledge, let them please themselves. I write not for such humours." — Camden. LONDON: NICHOLS & SONS, 25, PAELIAMENT STEEET. BODMIN: LIDDELL AND SON. 1876. PREFACE TO YOLUME II. The completion of the Second. Volume of this work enables the x Author to point out, with much pleasure, that the history of fourteen of the twenty parishes which comprised the ancient Deanery of Trigg Minor has now been issued, leaving the record of but six parishes to be embodied in a third volume. Of these six that of St. Minver is already printed, and will be issued with this paper ; the history of the parishes of St. Teath and Temple, which wLll form Part XII, is in an advanced state, and will, it is hoped, be very soon ready for the press, whilst that of Tintagel and Trevalga has been commenced. The Author therefore feels, with gratitude, that, if it shall please God to con tinue to him the health and strength which has enabled him during the last ten years to pursue uninterruptedly this labour of love, he may expect, in no long time, to see the completion of his undertaking. In a supplementary Preface to the first volume, the Author thought it right to mention that in consequence of the immense amount of original material, relating to the district whose history he had undertaken to write, which diligent search in the public Archives and elsewhere had brought to light, the work was, in some measure, exceeding in size what had been originally contemplated ; but he has great satisfaction in being able to announce to the subscribers that the expense caused by printing the long family memoirs and pedigrees, which have added so much to the embellishment and value of the work, has fallen lightly upon them, for the liberality of the parties more immediately interested in these records has, in many instances, wholly, or in V part, defrayed the great cost incurred by their publication. This remark is £\ especially applicable to the memoir of the Family of Prideaux, no portion of PREFACE TO VOL. II. the expense of the publication of which, through the liberal kindness of C. G. Prideaux-Brune of Prideaux Place, Esq., has fallen upon the Subscribers to the work. The same, in a less degree, might be said of several others, to whom the thanks of the Author and of the Subscribers are due. With the last Part will be issued one or more sheets of Addenda and Corrigenda, in which will be included further materials which have been dis covered since the earlier parts of the work were published ; and the Author will feel obliged to his Friends and Subscribers if they will kindly direct his attention to any errors and misprints they may severally observe. That numerous errors of the nature referred to exist the Author is very conscious ; for in a work of this nature, errors are, notwithstanding the utmost vigilance, almost unavoidable. It remains now only for the Author to repeat his thanks to those gentle men already named in the last Preface, and ,to others too numerous to mention in detail, though he must not fail to name his friends Jonathan Rashleigh of Menabilly, Esq., and Colonel Chester, for the assistance rendered to him in the course of his labours, and especially to the parochial Clergy, as well beyond the Deanery as within it, to whose courtesy and kindness he is under great obligations. J. M. Pallinoswick Lodge, January, 1876. TABLE OF CONTENTS. PARISH OF HELLAND. Derivation of Name, 1, 2; Population, -2; Area, 2; Assessments, 2; Landowners, . 8 ; Geology, 3 ; Industry, 3; Meeting Houses, 4; Fairs, 4; Crosses, 5; Pre-historic Eemains, 5; Ancient Eoads, 6; Territorial History, 6—33; Eectory, 10— 11 ; Institutions, 11-13; Parish Church, 14; Monumental Inscriptions, 15—16; Eegisters, 16; Altar Plate, 16; Family History, 34—74; Subsidies, 75 — 76. PARISH OF LANOWE, alias ST. KEW. Boundaries, 77—78; Villages, 78; Area, 78; Landowners, 79; Geology, 79; Industry and Wages, 79; Pre-historic Eemains, 80; Ancient Eoads, 81; Crosses, 81; Meeting Houses, 82—83; Territorial History, 83—276; Foundation of Vicarage, 85, 93, 95, 96—97, J 38; Chantries, 85—87; Disputes, 85—87; Vicarage, 89, 138; Eectory, 89, 90, 92—95, 176; Institutions to Vicarage, 97—101; Parish Church, 101—103; Altar Plate, 103; Monuments and Gravestones, 104-111; Parish Eegisters, 111; Chapels, Chantries, &c, 112—114; Charities, 114—115; Schools, 115; Territorial History, 83—150; Family History, 151—268; Subsidy Eolls, 274—276. PARISHES OF LANTEGLOS AND ADVENT. Area : Lanteglos, 278 ; Advent, 279 ; History of, 279—396 ; Boundaries, 277—278 ; Landowners, 278, 280; Industry and Wages, 279; Population, 280; Assessments, 280; Crosses, 281—283- Ancient Eoads, &c, 283 ; Pre-historic Eemains, 284 ; Meeting Houses, 284 286 ; Territorial History, 286 — 356; Eectory, 297 — 301 ; Institutions, 302—307 ; Churches, 307—309, 318—320 • Monumental Inscriptions, 309—318, 320 — 321, Eogisters, 321 ; Altar Plate, 322 ; Chapels and Chantries, 322—324 ; Charities, 324 — 326 ; Schools, 326 ; Territorial History, 286—297 327—356 ; Family History, 357—380 ; Subsidy Eolls, 395—396. TABLE OE CONTENTS. PAEISH OF ST. MABEN. Aioa, 449 ; Boundaries, 449; Landowners, 449; Wages, 449; Population, 449; Assessments, 450 ; Fairs, 450; Ancient Eoads and Tracks, 450; Pre-historic Eemains, 451; Ancient Christian Monuments, 451 — 452 ; Meeting Houses, 452—453 ; Territorial History, 453—499 ; the Eectory, 459—460 ; Institutions, 460—464 ; Parish Church, 464—466 ; Bells, 466 ; Monumental Inscriptions, 466—469 ; Altar Plate, 469 ; Parish Eegisters, 470 ; Chapels, 470 ; Almshouses, 471—472; Charities, 473—475; Schools, 475; Family History, 500—504; Subsidies, 573—576; PAEISH OF MICHAELSTOW. Boundaries, 555 — 556; Area, 556; Geology, 556; Population, 556; Assessments, 557; Land owners, 557 ; Wages, 557 ; Pre-Historic Eemains, 557 ; Ancient Eoads and Tracks, 558 ; Ancient Christian Monuments, 558 ; Meeting Houses, 559 ; the Eectory, 559 — 560; Institutions, 560 — 564; Parish Church, 564—565; Bells, 565; Altar Plate, 566; Monumental Inscriptions, 566—568; Parish Eegisters, 568; Schools, 569; Charities, 569 ; Territorial History, 560—572; Family History, 572 ; Subsidies, 573—575. Sx! X WH 3 o X ^ n-1 id -1 S IE PAEISH OF HELLAND. The name of this parish is popularly supposed to be derived from St. Helena the mother of Constantine, to whom, according to tradition, the Church is dedicated.1 We do not, however, see sufficient reason for adopting this theory. In the earliest institution to the benefice upon record (1285), the Church is described as "the parish Church of Hellond," and in no instance, so far as we are aware, throughout the Episcopal Eegisters, is there any allusion to St. Helena in connection with this parish. Moreover, we may venture to say, that in cases in Cornwall in which the Patron Saint of the Church has given his name to the parish, the name usually appears with the word "Saint" prefixed, and that it is so used in the Episcopal Eegisters.2 In these circumstances we are inclined, in this instance, to agree with Hals, who derives the name from "Hall" Ealla. A.-Sax. "hat, heale, heall," signifying College, Temple, or Church.3 The name also is applied to mansion or manor, and in that sense is used in Domesday, and also to the seat or habitation of the Squire or Lord of the Manor. Tonkin, following Hals, says the words " Hel," or " Hale," are the Cornish pro- nounciation of the English word " Hall," adding, however, that if we believe the parishioners of Helland the name is a contraction for Helen's-land, "the Church being dedicated to St. Helena."4 Hals concludes that there was an Endowed Eectory here before the Norman Conquest. This may have been the case but unfortunately the Churches on the Cornish Manors are not named in the record. 1 Thia seems to have been accepted by Dr. Oliver. Mon. Dioc. Exon, p. 439. 2 Tliere are several parishes which, ordinarily are named -without the prefix and yet derive their name from the Patron Saint, Bndock, Crantock, Crowan, &c, but that prefix is not omitted in the Ecclesiastical Records. 3 The old Cornish Vocabulary preserved in the British Museum gives "Hel, aula," i.e., a hall, whether a noble mansion, or the entrance to a house. 4 Dr. Bannister considers "that the parish takes its name from the manor, and the name of this manor in Domesday " Henland " shews that in all probability it is synonymous with the Welsh " Henllan " which is found in Cardiganshire, Denbighshire, Caermarthen, &c, and means ' old enclosure.' " "Hen" being one of the few Celtic adjectives that ordinarily precede the substantive. B 4 PARISH OF HELLAND. ordinary occasions, flows through the two arches at the south end, the third is filled with silt, and the fourth is used only for the mill leat. On the 8th July 1847, in consequence, it is believed, of the fall of a water spout on the hills between Davidstow and Lesnewith, a great flood took place, which destroyed all the bridges over the river Alan, except this bridge and Wadebridge. The water came rushing down suddenly with a great bole or head and quickly rose 15 feet. North Tamerton Bridge over the Tamar and Trekellard Bridge over the Inny were also damaged. There was formerly an annual fair held at Helland-Bridge on the 4th October, but it has been discontinued for several years. DISSENTEES' MEETING HOUSES. There are two Meeting Houses in this parish pertaining to the Wesleyan Society, and to the two belong 30 registered members. One is situate near Helland-Bridge and will accommodate 120 persons. It was built in 1813 upon a piece of ground granted on a lease of 999 years, by William Pascoe, the elder, of Lower Helland, yeoman, and was vested in Trustees for the erection of a Chapel or Meeting House in which the doctrines held by the Eev. John Wesley,1 and none other, should be preached. This lease is dated 16th February 1813, and is enrolled in Chancery.2 The building, described as then lately erected, was registered by Eichard Martyn, of St. Mabyn, yeoman, in the Court of the Archdeaconry of Cornwall, on 24th May 1815, as a place of religious worship by an assembly or congregation of Protestant Dissenters.3 All the trustees under the above mentioned deed having died except one, a new Board of Trustees was formed, and the surviving trustee under the first deed, by indenture dated 1st August 1860, and inrolled,4 made an assignment to them of the premises upon the same trusts as in the former deed. The other Meeting House is situate by the side of the highway leading from Helland- Bridge to Cardinham, a short distance east from the Church Town. It was erected on a piece of land, part of the tenement of Lymsbury, sold for the purpose by Thomas Lawry of Helland, yeoman, and by deed dated 11th July 1835, and inrolled,5 was settled upon Trustees for the exclusive use of the people called " Methodists," according to the Trusts before described. Both these buildings, we learn, are now offered for sale, with the inten tion of erecting a new meeting house nearer the Church. This building will accommodate 90 persons. i See Trust Deed cited pp. 402-403 and 483. * Rot. Claus. 63rd Geo. III., Part iv., No. 16 2 Archdeaconry Records, Bodmin. « Rot. Claus. 1860, Part 129 No 18 '' * Eot. Claus. 6th William IV., Part 46, No. 26. Plate XXVIII. ANCIENT CAMPS HELLAND. Fig 1. s^ j-gJSodniin- TREGAER CASTLE ST KEW. RRE-HISTORIC REMAINS. ANCIENT CHEISTIAN MONUMENTS. No. 28. The only example in this parish of an ancient cross is one now set up in the Eectory 'grounds. It formed the threshold of the doorway to an outhouse at Boconnion, and was given to the present Eector a few years ago by the late George Pye, Esq. A portion only of the shaft remains, which scarcely measures 18 ins. in length. It is 11 in. wide, and 7 in. thick, and the head is 18 in. in diameter. The symbol is of the Greek type within a circular rim, and both sides alike. 28 " PEE-HISTOEIC EEMAINS. There are two ancient entrenchments, or earthworks, in this parish situate very near to each other, and evidently intended for the defence of the river Alan, of the course of which they command a view for a considerable distance, and are in sight of Pen- carrow and Dunmere Camps. (See ante, pp. 113-114.) One is on the Barton of Penhargard, and the other about a quarter of a mile distant on the opposite side of a small valley springing out of the valley of the Alan. Penhargard Castle is situate on the upper part of a wood, called Castle Wood, having a rapid slope on the north side. The fortification is of a somewhat singular character, in general form nearly circular, and about 160 feet in diameter. The circum- vallation is very irregular having one curve branching out of another in an unusual manner, though on the north side the steep slope of the hill appears to have been con sidered a sufficient protection, defended also, as it was, on that side by the other Castle. The inner area is nearly of the form of a horse-shoe, covered on the north side by an additional rampart branching out of" it. The entrance was on the south-east. On this side there is a further additional wall extending around two thirds of the whole .area, but it is broached with an entrance exactly opposite to the entrance to the inner area. These entrances are, however, defended by a strong barbican. The ramparts are in some places 12 or 15 feet high. Lower Helland Castle is of an elliptical form with diameters of about 300 and 260 feet. It consists of a single wall and external ditch, with an entrance, though -not very distinct, on the upper or east side. The entrenchment is very perfect. (See Plate XXVIII.) 6 PARISH OE HELLAND. Ancient British Roads or Tracks. A road or track from between the two castles, above described, may be distinctly traced in an easterly direction to the highway close to the entrance gate to Penhargard. Thence it, doubtless, proceeded, in the same direction, over the high-grounds to join the great road through the county at or near " Council Barrow " in the parish of Cardinham, just beyond the eastern boundary of Helland. As the lands, however, through which it passed have been brought under cultivation the road is not very easily traced. Looking from Lower Helland Castle to the opposite side of the valley there would appear to be a road winding down the hill side of the wood in a direction to meet the road to which we have above referred. We conjectured that these roads or tracks would converge on the river Alan at Penhargard Ford, but we found that the ford, so called, is nearly a mile lower down the stream. On an examination of the left bank of the river, which has been disturbed by the construction of the Wadebridge and Wenford Bridge Bail- way, we could not discover any appearance of a ford, but on examining the right bank, in the exact place at which we expected to find the ford, we discovered the remains of one now disused, the road having been deviated and carried along the course of the river to what is now known as Penhargard Ford. The ancient dis-used ford would appear to be shewn on the Ordnance Map, and the two Castles would seem to have been well placed for its defence, the ford being situate just between them. We may also conclude that the existing roads through the parish, from Bodmin through Clerkenwater to Helland-Bridge, and from Council Barrow to the same place, though in some parts slightly diverted, are ancient roads. MANOE OF HELLAND, alias HELLAND GIFFAED, alias OVEE-HELLAND, AND THE ADVOWSON OF THE CHUECH. To this ancient manor the Advowson of the Eectory was formerly appurtenant. We find it recorded in Domesday under the name of Henlant,1 at which time it was held by Seibertus under the Earl of Moreton, and in the time of King Edward the Confessor it had been held by Ailmer. "The Earl holds one mansion which is called Henlant2 which Ailmer held on the day on which King Edward was alive and dead, in which there is one virgate and it pays gild for one ferling. This four ploughs can plough. This Seibertus holds of the Earl, and he has thereof one acre ("agrum") in demesne and the villans hold the rest of the land and one plough. There Seibertus has two villans, and three bordars, and four acres of wood, and twenty acres of pasture. This is worth 10 shillings, and when he received it 10 shillings." 1 Exon Domesday, vol. iv., p. 232, orig. fo. 252. 2 In the Exchq. Domesday the name is written Henland, vol. i., p. 125. MANOR AND ADVOWSON OF HELLAND. 7 Except that in 1283 we find the Tithing of Hellaund two or three times in mercy for default,1 we do not trace any further notice of the Manor until the year 1285, when it, together with the advowson of the Church, was parcel of the possessions of the family of Giffard. In that year Ealph Giffard presented to the benefice. In 1310 Simon Giffard presented, and in 1348 Simon Giffard, probably his son, described as of Helyset, presented, : and in the following year Andrew Giffard was instituted upon the presentation of John Giffard, described as son and heir of Simon. John Giffard died about the year 1375, leaving two daughters, named Ingreta and Margaret, his coheirs. He held certain lands of Eeginald Bevill of Golowres, who by an indenture, dated on Wed nesday next after Easter in 1376, assigned the custody of the said lands to John Colyn of Hellond, during the minority of the said heirs of John Giffard, and, in the event of their deaths, for the period of twelve years from the date of the indenture; and by the same instrument the wardship of the said heirs was committed to John Nanscavell, Parson of St. Maugan, the said John Colyn, and John Eichard. Ingreta was married to Thomas Colyn son and heir of the said John, and Eeginald Bevyll, by charter dated on Monday the Feast of the Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary (9th December) granted the rent and services of the said Thomas Colyn and Margaret his wife and Ingreta her sister to the said John Colyn for life. Margaret,2 the other coheir, married Ealeigh whose arms, impaling Giffard, are still preserved in one of the windows of Helland Church (see post p. 14.) In 1411 a fine was passed in which Eobert Michel,3 Clerk, and John Stephen, Clerk, were querists and Thomas Colyn of Helland and Ingreta his wife were deforc, whereby the said Thomas and Ingreta settled, inter alia, the Manors of Helland and Helset, and the advowsons of the Churches of Helland and St. Pinnock, upon the said Eobert and John, to hold to the said Eobert and John of the aforesaid Thomas, son of John Colyn, and Ingreta his wife, daughter of John Giffard, rendering certain rents and services to the same Thomas and Ingreta and to the heirs of the said Ingreta, and thereof made a capital fee for the said Thomas Colyn of Helland and Ingreta his wife, to hold for the whole lives of the said Thomas and Ingreta, with remainder to John son of the aforesaid Thomas son of John Colyn and Ingreta his wife, and the heirs which the said John should beget of the body of Elizabeth his wife daughter of John Nicol of Bodmyn, and in default of such issue remainder to the aforesaid Thomas Colyn and Ingreta his wife quit of the heirs of the said Eobert and John Stephen, and of all other heirs of the aforesaid John son of Thomas, to be held of the Chief Lords of the fee by the rents and services thereto pertaining.4 John Colyn by Elizabeth his wife, daughter of John Nicol, had a son Otho, or Oto, M 1 Assize Rolls, 11th Edward I., 1 m. 8, 8d. 20 2 Charter upon Inspeximus inrolled for publication. Rot. Pat. 17th Henry VII., Part IL, m. 22. In this charter Margaret is incorrectly stated to be the wife of Thomas Colyn. He married her sister Ingreta as appears from other documents. 3 Sir Robert Michell was Rector of Helland, died 1415. See post. 4 Pedes Einium, 12th Henry IV, Hilary No. I. 8 PARISH OF HELLAND. who inherited the aforesaid manors, advowsons, &c, and thereof died seized on 10th September, 1463, leaving his daughter Elizabeth, aged 10 years, his nearest heir, and it appears from the inquisition taken after his death that he had conveyed all his lands to Thomas Calwodely in trust for Elizabeth daughter of the said Otho, and that at the time of the death of the said Otho, and at the time of the taking of the inquisition, the rents and profits were received by the said Thomas Calwodely to the use of the said Elizabeth.1 The Eectory of Helland having become vacant by the death of Sir Eobert Stonard on 23rd December, 1465, by order of the Bishop an Inquisition was taken on the 16th January following as to the right of presentation, and it was found that Henry Webber, Dean of Exeter, and others, including Thomas Calwodley Senior, Sir William Ley, Chaplain of the Parish Church of Helland, and John Satchevill were the true patrons, and had the right of presentation by reason of a certain enfeoffment made to them by Otho Colyn, Esq., Lord of the Manor of Helland, to which manor the right of presentation was annexed, and that the last presentation had been made by Engredia relict of Thomas Colyn mother of John Colyn father of the aforesaid Otho.2 Elizabeth daughter and heir of Otho Colyn married Thomas son and . heir of the above mentioned Thomas Calwodley senior, and carried the Manors of Helland, Helset, and Cassacawn into that family. Thomas her husband was alive in 1472. He died before his father but in what year we know not.3 His widow after his death married Ealeigh, of the Nettlecombe family. As his widow she presented to Helland Church in 1494. She again wedded, soon after this date, Edward Ap Eice,4 Apryse, or Preys, who in her right presented to Helland in 1499. We know not the date of her death, but by her first marriage she had a son, Humphry Calwodley, who in September 1497 em barked in the cause of the person called in history " Perkin Warbec." Though not one of those who marched to Blackheath, upon the charge of continuing assembled with others "with most traitorous and malicious purpose," he was in parliament attainted and convicted of treason, and his lands were forfeited.5 The Colyn lands, however, not as yet being in his possession, were not affected by the attainder. He married Johanna daughter of John Carminowe of Fentongollen and relict of John Pentyre, Jun.,0 upon whom and her issue by him, by Charter dated 2nd January 9th Henry VII. (1493-4), he settled the Manor of Calwodlegh in co. Devon, and the 1 Inq. p. m., 6th Edward IV, No. 36. 2 Bishop Bothe's Reg., fo. 57. 3 On 5th February 1493-4, the custody of all the lands of Thomas Calwodley, deceased, then in the hands of the King by reason of the minority of Humphry Calwodley, grandson and heir of the said Thomas viz., the son of Thomas, son of the said Humphrey, was granted to John Ryse, Clerk, together with the wardship and marriage of the said heir. Rot. Pat., 9th Henry VII., m. 11. 4 Rot. Pat., 21st Henry VII., Part I., m. 24. 5 Act 19th Henry VII., Cap. 34. 6 Of her sisters, one, Eleanor, married John Bere of Pengelly (ante p. 311); and another, Elizabeth, Nicholas Opye of Bodmyn (post Note) : the wife of John Bere in the Pedigree cited is, following the records of the Heralds' College, erroneously called Elizabeth, but the brass still remaining in the Church of St. Minver (see post) in memory of Roger Opye shews that his mother's name was Elizabeth MANOR AND ADVOWSON OF HELLAND. V advowson of the Church thereto appurtenant.1 By this marriage, among other children, he had a daughter, Joan, for on 16th July in that year2 the Act of Attainder, so so far as it affected Humphry Calwodley, was reversed in favour of Joan his eldest surviving daughter, and on 14th October 1508,3 there was a further reversal with restoration in blood and possessions to the same Joan. In this last record Humphry Calwodley is described as deceased, so that he would appear to have died between the dates of the two Acts. This Joan was born in 1496, for on the death of another Humphry Calwodley of East Stodlegh, co. Devon, on 15th November 1520, without legitimate issue, this Johanna, then the wife of Eoger Arundell, was found to be his kinswoman and nearest heir.4 Eoger Arundell presented to the rectory of Helland in the following year, and died on 12th June 1536,6 when Humphrey Arundell was found to be his son and nearest heir and to be of the full age of 23 years and more. Johanna his wife died 28th September in the following year, seized, inter alia, of the Manor of Over Helland with the advowson of the Church, and the Manors of Cassacawn and Helset, lands in Amaleglos, and Elwyn, her mother being then still alive, and Humphry Arundell was found to be her son and nearest heir.6 Humphry entered into possesssion of his estates in Cornwall, and for the share which he took in the Cornish insurrection of 1549 was convicted, attainted, and executed as a rebel, and his estates became forfeited to the Crown. The Manor of Helland with the advowson of the Church being by the forfeiture of Humphry Arundell vested in the Crown, these, and all other lands of the said Humphry in the counties of Devon and Cornwall, were, by Letters Patent dated 5th of March 1549-50,7 granted to Sir Gawen Carew, Knight, in consideration of his good services in suppressing the rebellion. In 1553, by Letters Patent dated 13th October,8 Sir Gawen had license to alienate the Manors of Helland and Cassacawn and the ad vowson of the Church of Helland to Nicholas Hele and Thomas Hele, and the manor 1 Inq. p. m. of Johanna Arundell, 30th Henry VIIL, No, 12. Exchequer. 2 Rot. Pat., 22nd Henry VH., Part. 2. m. 3. 3 Rot. Pat., 24th Henry VEL, Part. 3. m. 10. * Inq. p. m., 12th and 13th Henry "VTII., No. 19. Exchequer. s Inq. p. m. 28th Henry VIIL, No.. 11 Exchequer. Note. — Some litigation would appear to have occurred with respect to the Manors of Helland and Helset, the exact purport of which we have not been able to unravel. In 1295 an assize of view of recognizance was taken at Launceston to enquire if William Champernoun and "Walter Hay had unjustly disseized Simon the son of Ralph Giffard, of a free tenement in Helyset, when William and Walter pleaded that they held the said tenement by reason of the minority of Johanna daughter and heir of a certain Simon Giffard, who, they said, held the tenement of them by military service, and the said Johanna not being named in the writ they petitioned judgment and obtained the verdict. There was a similar assize at the same time respecting a tenement in Helland Giffard, and Simon Giffard consented to be non-suited. Assize Rolls, N) Cornwall and Devon, 23rd Edward I. 2 [ 6. 6 Exchequer Inq. p. m. 28th and 29th Henry VIIL, No. 20. Cornwall, and 29th and 30th Henry VIIL, Cornwall and Devon. 7 Rot. Pat, 4th Edward VI., Part 6. 8 Hot. Pat., 1st Mary, p. 7. m. 29. C 10 PARISH OF HELLAND. and advowson passed, as has been described (ante vol. i., p. 44) with respect to the Manor of Cassacawn, except that upon the sale of the lands of Sir John Morshead, Bart., the advowson was separated from the manor and sold to his brother, General William Morshead, by whose son, William Morshead of Lavethan, Esq., it is now possessed in " grosso." THE EECTOEY. Under the valuation of Pope Nicholas, made between 1288 and 1291, this parish was taxed under the name of Wellonde at 40s., as it was also in 1294 under the valuation of the Bishops of Lincoln and Winchester.1 In 15th Edward III. (1341) the Church of Hellonde was taxed for the ninth sheaf, the ninth fleece, and the ninth lamb at the same rate, and they were so sold to John Penhirgard, Jordan Waterlond, Bartholomew Fayrher, and Eichard Lankearf ; of 15ths there were none.2 In the valua tion of Cardinal Wolsey, 1521, the parish is rated at £9 13s. 4d. at which rate it now stands in the King's Books.3 The tithes were commuted into a Eent-Charge in 1840. The total quantity of land cultivated was 2186a. 3r. 39p., viz.: Arable, 1687a. 3r. 9p. ; woodland, 307a. Or. 32p. ; orchard, 12a. Or. 8p. ; common, 179a. 3r. 30p. Of this the Barton of Helland, con taining 507a. Ir. 32p., paid a modus of £2 per annum in lieu of all tithes. The total value of the rent charge payable in lieu of all tithes was fixed at £212 10s. 0d., which includes the above customary payment in lieu of tithes on the Barton of Helland, and the tithe of 139a. Ir. Op. of coppice wood amounting to £20 10s., but exclusive of the tithe of the glebe, containing 79a. 2r. 8d., the tithe of which, when not in the manurance of the Eector, was assessed at £6. The gross rent charge therefore being £218 10s. The following terrier is not dated, but it was returned into the Bishop's Court probably in 1628, and it is still preserved in the Eegistry at Exeter — Helland. A terryer of the howses and glebe land, &c, belonging to the Eectory of Hel- lond, viz : — One parlour, one hall house, one kitchen, one buttery, one larder house, one dayry fower loft chambers, one barne, one stable, one drye house, two lynneyes three out- 1 Bishops' Reg. 2 Inquisitiones Nonarum, p. 344. 3 In a subsequent survey returned to the Crown by Bishop Vesey on 3rd November 1536, pursuant to a. writ dated at Westminster on 20th July in that year, the value of the Rectory of Helland is stated to b .£9 13s. 9d. per annum. Oliver's Ecclesiastical Antiq., Vol. ii., p. 161. INSTITUTIONS. 11 houses for piggs, one walled courtlage, three orchards, one herbour. Twoe meadowes, one called the greate meadowe, contayning fower acres ; and the other called the little meado.we, contayning one acre, on the north side bounded wth the highway, on the east Vth the landes of Mr. Hele of Fleete. The great Sanctuary and three parcels con- taying fifteen acres or thereabouts bounded on the southside wth the highwaye, and on the east and north w"1 the landes of Stephen Toker, Gent1- GYLES HENWOOD JAMES MEEIFIELD } Wardens. 1285, October 3rd 1310, July 20th 1348, November 10th 1349, June 25th unknown 1415, January 16th unknown Institutions. Thomas de Hendre, Chaplain,1 was instituted to the Church of Hellond, vacant and in the presentation of Ealph Giffard, the true patron. John de Eoscarek, Clerk,3 was instituted to the Church of Hellaund, vacant and in the presentation of Simon de Giffard. Lawrence Giffard, Clerk,3 was instituted to the Church of Helland, vacant through the death of John de Eoscarrek, upon the presentation of Simon Giffard de Helyset, the true patron. Andrew Giffard, Clerk,4 was instituted to the parish Church of Helland upon the presentation of John Giffard, son and heir of Simon Giffard, the true patron. Sir Eobert Michel. Sir Eobert Wyllet, Priest,5 was admitted to the Eectory and Church of Helland, vacant by the death of Sir Eobert Michel the last Eector, upon the presentation of Thomas Colyn of Hellond, the true patron. Sir Eobert Stonard.6 presented by Engredia, relict of Thomas Colyn. 1 Bishop Bronscombe's Register, fo. 16. 2 Bishop Stapelton's Register, fo. 53. On 18th September 1310, John de Roscarek, Rector of Helland, Clerk, was granted letters dismissory as regarded all minor orders. (Stapleton, fo. 56.) 3 Bishop Grandison's Register, fo. 68. * Ibid. fo. 82. In 1354 Andrew Giffard, Rector of the Church of Helland, was licensed to hear con fessions in the Deanery of Trigg Minor. (Grandison, vol. i., fo. 182.) s Bishop Stafford's Register, fo. 174. 6 He was Rector in 1444 as appears from an Inquisition respecting the right of presentation to the Church of St. Tudy (Lacy, vol. ii., fo. 213) and he appears also on a Commission concerning the right of presentation to the parish Church of St. Endellion on 25th September 1462 (Nevill, fo. 86), and he resigned on 23rd December 1465 (Bothe, fo. 57). C2 12 PARISH OF HELLAND. William Ley, Chaplain,1 was admitted to the parish Church of Helland, vacant by the resignation of Eobert Stonard, the last Rector, upon the presentation of Henry Webber, Dean of Exeter, and others, the true patrons. Sir William Eadwey. William Leigh,2 was instituted to the parish Church of Helland, vacant by the death of William Eadwey, last Rector, upon the presentation of Elizabeth Ralegh widow, the true patron. John Hancok,3 was instituted to the Church of Helland, vacant by the death of William Legh, upon the presentation of Edward Apryse in right of his wife Elizabeth, the true patron. William Hockyn,4 was instituted to the parish Church of Helland, vacant by the death of John Hancocke, last Rector, upon the presentation of Roger Arundell Esq., the true patron in right of his wife Johanna. William Woodman, Clerk,6 was admitted to the Church of Helland upon the presentation of Thomas Hele, gent, the true patron. Robert Beare, Clerk,6 was admitted to the Eectory of the parish of Helland, vacant by the death of the late Incumbent, upon the presentation of Thomas Heale gent, the true patron. John Tucker7 was admitted. Roger Squire, Clerk, M.A.,8 was admitted to the Rectory of Helland, vacant by the death of John Tucker, upon the presentation of Thomas Hele of Fleete, Esq., the true patron. John Rous, Clerk, a.b.,9 was admitted to the Rectory of Helland, vacant by the death of Roger Squire, Clerk, upon the presenta tion of Sir Thomas Hele Bart., the true patron. Richard Hele10 was admitted to the Rectory of Helland, vacant by the death of John Eous, a.b., the last Incumbent, upon the presenta tion of Samuel Hele of Fleet Damerel, Bart., the true patron. ^ i Bishop Bothe's Register, fo. 4. On 15th June 1466, William Ley, Rector of Helland, waa on an Inquisition concerning the right of presentation to a Prebend in the Church of St. Endellion (Bothe, 103). 2 Bishop King's Register, fo. 169. ¦¦< Bishop Redmayn's Register, fo. 11. 4 Bishop Voysey's Register, fo. 11. » Bishop Turberville's Register, fo. 9. 6 Bishop Bradridge's Register, fo. 37. Paid Composition for First Fruits 4th February 1577-8 (Aug mentation Office). » Paid Composition for First Fruits 18th May, 1S80 (Augmentation' Office). 8 Bishop Carey's Register, fo. 75. Paid Composition for First Fruits 19th February 1602-3 (Augmentation Office). Buried at Helland. A fragment of his gravestone remains. See post p. 15.' 9 Bishop HaU's Register, fo. 28. Matric. at Queen's College, Oxford, 1st February 1621-2 a°-ed 18 as thrrd son of an "Armiger" of eo. Devon. No other particulars are given. He was probably son of Ambrose Rouse by Maudlyn dau. of John Osborne (Visit. Devon. Harl. Soe, p. 350). Paid Comp. for First Fruits 19th May 1632 (Augmentation Office). P » Bishop's Registers U.S., vol. ii., fo. 8. Son of Richard Hele of Fleete co. Devon, Gent Matric at Exeter College, Oxford, 23rd November 1666, aged 19. B.A., 5th July 1670." 1465, February 16th unknown 1494, February 8th • 1499, September 21st 1521, February 1st - 1555, March 20th 1577, June 16th unknown 1602, December 14th 1632, April 9th 1672, September 24th • INSTITUTIONS. 13 1682, June 1st 1704, August 16th 1731, March 22nd 1778, May 30th 1817, March 26th George Wakeham, Clerk,1 was admitted to the Rectory of Helland, vacant by the resignation of Richard Hele, upon the presentation of the same Richard Hele of Fleet, co. Devon. Edward White, Clerk,2 was admitted to the Rectory of Helland, vacant by the death of George Wakeham, last Rector, upon the presentation of Richard Hele, Esq., the true patron. Ezekiel Williams, Clerk, L.L.B.,3 was admitted to the Rectory of Helland, vacant by the death of Edward White, last Incumbent, upon the presentation of John Treise of Helland Esq., the true patron. Edmund Gilbert, Clerk, M.A.,4 was admitted to the Rectory of Helland, void by the death of Ezekiel Williams, last Incumbent, upon the presentation of Sir Christopher Treise Knt., the true patron. Francis John Hext, Clerk, B.A.,5 was admitted to the Rectory of Helland, void by the death of Edmund Gilbert, Clerk, the last Rector, upon the presentation of William Morshead of Lavethan, General in His Majesty's Forces, the true patron, as it is asserted. John Glencross, Clerk, B.A.,6 was admitted to the Eectory of Helland, void by the death of Francis John Hext, the last Eector, upon the presentation of the Eev. William Molesworth of St. Breoke, Clerk, the true patron as it is said. James Hicks Glencross, Clerk, b.a.,7 was admitted to the Eectory of Helland, void by the death of John Glencross, the last Eector, upon the presentation of Frances Susanna Molesworth widow, Sir Hugh Molesworth, Clerk and Baronet, and James Wentworth Buller, Esq., Eepresentatives of General William Morshead, the true patron, as it is asserted. 1 Bishop's Reg. N.S., vol. iii., fo. 25. Son of Ralph Wakeham of Southmolton co. Devon. Matric. at Exeter Coll. Oxford, 6th April 1666, aged 19. B.A. 26th October 1669. 2 Ibid. vol. iv. fo. 110, Matric. at Pembroke College, Oxford, 16th March 1692-3, aged 19; as son of John White, "Pleb." of "Helon," co. Cornwall. B.A. as of Exeter CoUege, 23rd March 1696. Bur. at Helland 16th November, 1731. Par. Reg. 5 Ibid. vol. vi. fo. 111. Son of John Williams of Truro, Esq. ; Matric. at Exeter CoUege, Oxford, 1st March 1721-2, aged 17. B.A. 27th October 1725 ; B.C.L. 21st January 1731. 4 Ibid. vol. ix. f o. 142. Son of Pomeroy Gilbert of St. Andrews, Plymouth, Gent, (see Ped. ante vol. i. p. 303) ; Matric. at Exeter College, Oxford, 14th July 1769, aged 20. BA. 28th February 1775. He was also Vicar of Constantine. " Ibid. vol. xi. fo. 90. SoA of Francis John Hext of Bodmin, Gent, (see Ped. post) ; Matric. at Exeter CoU. Oxford, 8th April 1797, aged 17. Bur. at HeUand, 3rd February 1842. Par. Reg. 6 Ibid. vol. xii. fo. 183. Son of Josiah Glencross of Devonport. B.A. of Queen's College Cambridge 1825. Bur. at Helland 19th March 1859. Par. Reg. 7 Son of James Glencross of Devonport, by Ann youngest daughter of General Morshead, and nephew of the preceding Rector. B.A. of Christ's CoUege Cambridge, 1853. 1842, July 25th 1859, June 17th 14 PARISH OF HELLAND. THE PARISH CHURCH. The Church, according to tradition, recognized by Dr. Oliver, is dedicated to St. Helena. It consists of a chancel, 21ft. by 14ft. 8in. ; nave, 42ft. by 14ffc. 8in. ; south aisle, 38ft. lOin. by 14ft. 2in. ; south porch, 9ft. by 8ft. 6in. ; and a tower of one flight only, with a hipped roof. On the north side of the nave the Rev. F. J. Hext, during the time he was rector, erected at his own expense a sort of transept to be used as a school. (See Plate XXIX.) The east window of the chancel is three light five fo. ogee. It is modern but of good workmanship, and was set up by Mr. Hext. There are also two modern three light square headed windows on the north side of the chancel. The south aisle is of four bays separated from the nave by monolith pillars, sup porting four-centred arches of the usual Cornish type. In the eastern bay is a priest's door. The aisle is lighted by a good three light five fo. ogee window at the east end, with tracery in the head, in one opening of which, in ancient glass, remains an es cutcheon charged with the arms of Giffard of Helland : az. three fleurs de lis or.1 There remain also in other openings of the tracery the sacred monogram, and a mono gram of " Maria," both of good design. On the south side are four windows three light five fo. (Pee Plate XXX.) In the tracery of the second from the east is an escutcheon of arms, Gules five fusils in bend ar. with a label in chief, az. (Ealeigh) impaling Giffard as above. In the third window are other remains of old glass. A portion of the figure of our Lord in Majesty. When Bodmin Church was rebuilt in 1472, one of the windows was sold to the parish of Helland, as appears from the building accounts : " Item recevyd for a wyndowe y sold to the parish of Hellond xxvjs" This is probably the window so purchased. There is also a very bad modern window at the west end. The tower is separated from the nave by a plain arch now blocked up by a singing gallery. The tower is said to have been formerly more lofty, and to have fallen down about a century ago. Building materials are found near it in digging graves. In 6th Edward VI. it contained three bells.2 At present it has one only, which was recast by Pennington in 1805, and bears the following inscription: — '-Edmund Gilbert, rector. William Neikell Ambrose Manaton C.W. •=¦ J.P. 1805." In the base of the tower we found some old 1 Lysons (Mag. Brit. III., cxxxiv.) has blazoned the arms of Giffard of Helland with a peUet on each of the fleurs de lis. From an attentive examination of this glass, however, which the author has had carefuUy cleaned and reset, it is clear there never were any pellets. The arms do not '"in any respect differ from the old arms of France. 2 The said parishnors haue a Chalice. Item, iij belles yn the tower there. (Augment. Office, Church Goods 6th Edward VI. — ) 51 Ground Plan Plate XXIX. Helland Church Scale?. ip Sp *L £. ep if ft. HELLAND HALL. Fits 1. PLATE . ¦ 'If?.. -MS S&Ml ! i .:¦ ,...,.... ~rfy '''-¦'¦ M *s^-?^ -. «^rL- i r - M it Sfe-sp — na*: -r— "¦ THE GMVESTOME OF HUMPHRY" CALWODELY,in HELLAND CHURCH. Fig. 2. £»if m. "^xxf c^^Hy ^cnt^r€^n ^ ;-""Y-ri"i^JHii-" ^oanwririi MONUMENTAL INSCRIPTIONS. 15 roof timbers of oak. One wall plate, 15ft. long, being carved with quatrefoils which have been coloured alternately blue and yellow upon a red ground. The. font is in the nave near the south door, and is of granite, circular, and plain, without anything to indicate its date. It is partially set in the wall. The seating of the Church is modern, as mean and bad as can be conceived. MONUMENTAL INSCEIPTIONS. Against the north wall of the Chancel is a marble tablet with this inscription : — (1). Sacred to the Memory of the Eev. Feancis John Hext, a.m., of Tredethy, 25 years Eector of this Parish, who died at Bath, 22nd January, 1842. Aged 62 years. Virtuous and upright, he earnestly endeavoured with true Christian Charity to do good to all around him. On the floor of the Chancel are fragments of grave stones. On one is a portion of an inscription in old English characters: — (2) r Squire1 Mr of Arts & Eector of this (and on another portion of the same stone) e of his age an" Dom .... (3). Lying transversely in the South aisle, just inside the Priest's entrance, is an incised slab, much worn, representing the figure of a man in a gown reaching to the ancles, with long sleeves, through slits in which the arms protrude, the hands being joined in prayer. In the dexter upper corner is a shield charged with the arms of Calwodely: or, a pair of wings conjoined in lure az. debruised by a fess gu. charged with 3 bezants ; and on the other side the same arms impaling Carminowe. Around the margin of the stone, cut in rude letters, is the following inscription, so far as it can be deciphered : — "Tow shall praye for the sowie of Vmfrey Calwodly son & ayre of tomas Calwodly and Eliz. daughter & ayre to Otes Colyn." In the South Aisle. (4). To the memory of Elizabeth wife of John Hoofer of Penhargard, in this Parish, who died Pehruary 6th 1839, in her 54th year. Although a long and severe sufferer she bore her affliction with patience and exemplary Christian fortitude. As a wife few exceeded her in worth, and as a mother she was tender and affectionate. This tablet is erected as the last testimony of affection by her bereaved and sorrowing husband and children. 1 Roger Squire, Clerk, m.a., Rector of Helland, died 1632 (see ante p. 12) 16 PARISH OF HELLAND. (6). Sacred to the Memory of James Sandys, infant son of Captain G. B. Kempthoene, i.n. and Chaelotte Louisa his wife, who died at Aden on the 19th January 1843, aged 9 months. His affectionate parents, in fond remembrance of his heaven-loved innocence, erect this monument to his memory in humble gratitude for the glorious assurance that of such is the Kingdom of God, In the Churchyard. Upon the base of an obelisk: — (6) In Memory of Thomas Lawet of Broads, in this Parish, who died March 24th 1861, aged 84 ; And of Maey his wife, who died May 26 1856, aged 72; Also of Edmund their son, who died May 7 1859, aged 42. On another obelisk : — • (7) Sacred to the Memory of John Hoopee of Trequites1 in the Parish of St. Mabyn, who died May 4th 1859, aged 84. (8). On a slab of granite: — H. I. H.2 1852. (9). In Memory of Florence Elizabeth the beloved wife of the Eev. Samuel Andeewe, m.a., Eector of Halwell, Devon, and second daughter of the late John Hoopee Esq. of Penhargard, died May 15th 1868, aged 68 years. nee multis impar. (9) Ann Slyman Hooper, ob'- Mar. 21 1869, jet 63. (10). William Slyman died at Penhargard on the 13th day of Feby 1832, aged 48 years. PAEISH EEGISTEES. The old Eegisters of this Parish have been lost. The earliest now in existence commences in 1722. ALTAE PLATE. The parishioners had a chalice in 6th Edward VI. They have now a paten and chalice of silver but modern, having been given by the Eev. F. J. Hext durino- the time he was Eector. The paten bears his initials and the date " 1838." 1 The same as is described in No. 4 as of Penhargard. 2 This stone commemorates Henry John Hooper, only son and heir of John Hooper of Penhargard. By his -wife Laura daughter of John Lyne, Esq., of Moorswater, near Liskeard, he left an only son, Henry Harding Hooper, hap. 2nd January 1852. MANOR OP NETHER HELLAND. 17 MANOE OF NETHER HELLAND. This manor, together with the manor of Helland Giffard, already treated of, was probably in the Domesday Survey taxed under the name Henland. At what date Nether Helland became a separate manor we have no knowledge. It is likely the original manor became divided between coheirs. The Fee of the manor of Nether Helland was at an early period held by the great family of Dinham. It was part of the possessions of which Joceus de Dinham died seized in the year 1300, and was then held of him by John le Seneschal. " John le Seneschal holds in Hellond a quarter part one fee and the value is 40s."1 John le Seneschal died in 1308, and we conceive he must have held the Manor of Helland in right of his wife, for we do not find it included among his possessions in the in quisition taken after his death,2 for among the lands held by Eichard St. Margaret on his death in 1325 were certain lands in Kellinough which he held of Johanna, who was the wife of John le Seneschal, as of the Manor of Helland by rent of 2s. and suit at Court.3 The manor afterwards passed to the family of Merton. In Trinity term 1332* a fine was passed in which Eichard de Merton junr., and Johanna his wife, probably the widow of John le Seneschal, were querists, and Walter de Merton and Nicholas Horlock, Chaplain, deforciants, for settling the manor on the said Richard and Johanna to hold to them and the heirs of their bodies of the Chief Lord of the fee by the services which to the said manor pertained, with remainder, in default of issue, to the right heirs of Eichard. And in the statement of those who on the occasion of the king's eldest son being made a knight paid the aid of 40s. on each knight's fee, in which statement is also shewn the names of those who held the same fees when the aid was granted to King Edward I. on the marriage of his eldest daughter, "Richard de Merton is returned for the fourth part of one fee in Helland which John Seneschal5 held before." Soon afterwards this manor, together with other lands which had been held by John le Seneschal, had passed to Sir Eichard Sergeaux, Knt., who thereof died seized on 30th September 1393,6 when the manor of Helland devolved upon Eichard Sergeaux, his son and heir, then aged nineteen years, save one third which was held in dower by Philippa his mother. Eichard the son died 23rd June 1396, a minor, and his lands were inherited by his four sisters and heirs Elizabeth, Philippa, Alice, and Johanna.7 In the partition of the lands of Eichard Sergeaux the manor of Nether Helland, inter 1 Inq. p.m., 29th Edward I., No. 56. a Inq. p.m., 2nd Edward II., No. 43. 3 See ante vol. i., p. 273. 4 Pedes Finium, 6th Edward III., Trinity No. 4. 5 Queen's Rememb. Office, Miseel. Books, Book of Aids, fo. 34. 6 Inq. p.m., 17th Richard II., No. 53. 7 Inq. p.m., 1st Henry IV., No. 14. D 18 PARISH OP HELLAND. alia, was allotted to his sister Philippa, who was then the widow of Eobert Passele Esq., deceased, and the said Philippa in her widowhood, by charter dated at Trevellen 12th February, 8th Henry IV., granted all the said lands to William Swinborne Esq., for the term of his life to hold of the said Philippa by the rent of one red rose, by virtue of which grant the said William was seized of the said lands. Afterwards the said William took the said Philippa to wife, who died in 1420, when John Passele, her son, was found to be her nearest heir.1 William Swinborne continued to hold, inter alia, the Manor of (Nether) Helland until his death, which happened on 22nd May 1422,s when John Passele entered into possession. Nether Helland, however, is not found among the possessions of John Passele on his death on 20th November 1468,3 so that he must have alienated it previously. During the whole of this period it continued to be held of the Manor of Cardinham by military service. In 1467 this manor belonged to Sir Thomas de Burgh, Knt., who petitioned against Robert Dabernoun and Johanna his wife, concerning one toft and half an acre of land Cornish, with appurtenances, in Newaton in the parish of Helland, which the said Eobert and Johanna held of him as of his manor of Helland by homage and fealty, and scutage to the King of 3s., with, when it should happen, 20s., and rent of 10s. per annum, as also suit at the Court of the manor of Helland from three weeks to three weeks.1 Very soon afterwards it was in the possession of Thomas Bodulgate, who died thereof seized, inter alia, on the Monday next before the feast of Easter 1471, it being held of John Dynham, Lord Dynham, as of his manor of Cardynham ; and Isabella? late wife of John Eoscarrock, aged 65 years, and Johanna, late wife of Edward Coryton, aged 60 years, were found to be his sisters and nearest heirs.5 The manor now fell to the families of Eoscarrock and Coryton in moieties, John Roscarrock of Roscarrock, by his charter dated 6th January 18th Henry VIIL, (1526-7), conveyed it, inter alia, to trustees to the use of himself for life, with remainder to Richard Eoscarrock his son and heir apparent and the heirs of his body.6 In this deed the lands are described as Nether Helland, Lancoithen, Furshaye, Helland-brigge, Bodwen, Shilwood, Newton, Killynowgh, Treverbyn, Northwood, Bery, Coldreynek, Heynond, Pen- keriowe, and Eosepark. Eichard Roscarrock died 26th October 1575, seized, inter alia, of this manor,7 as did his son and heir, Thomas Eoscarrock, on 3rd February 1586-7,8 and Hugh Eoscarrock of Pinchley on 6th December 1617, when Charles Eoscarrock was found to be kinsman and nearest heir of the said Hugh, viz., the son of John Eos carrock Esq., son of Thomas Eoscarrock Esq., elder brother of the said Hugh.9 By Indenture of bargain and sale dated 25th June 1622, Charles Eoscarrock conveyed all his 1 Inq. p.m., 8th Henry V., No. 40. 3 Inq. p.m., 3rd Henry VI., No. 23. 3 Inq. p.m., 13th Edward IV., No. 43. * De Banco Rolls, 7th Edward IV., Michaelmas, m. 552. * Inq. p.m., 11th Edward IV, No. 17. 6 Inq. p.m. 28th and 29th Henry VIII. (Escheator'a) 7 Inq. p.m., "Wards and Liveries, l'8th, 19th and 20th EUzabeth, vol. xviii. p. 33. 8 Inq. p.m., 30th Elizabeth, Part I., No. 82. 9 Inq. p.m., "Wards and Liveries, 15th James, No. 152. MANOR OP NETHER HELLAND. 19 estate in the Manor of Nether Helland to Sir Eichard Eobartes, Bart., and by a Deed Poll dated 3rd May 1623, quit claimed all his right, title, &c, in the same premises to the said Sir Eichard Eobartes, his heirs and assigns for ever. The Coryton moiety remained for a considerable period in the possession of that family. By deed,1 dated 10th December 7th Elizabeth ( 1564 ), Peter Coryton of West Newton, Esq., son and heir of Eichard Coryton deceased, granted to his mother, Ann Coryton, "widow, an annuity of £32 a year payable, inter alia, out of his manor of Helland and other Bodulgate lands. It further appears from an abstract, in the handwriting of Sir William Coryton, of old deeds in the possession of the Coryton family in 1640, that there was a counterpart of the Conveyance, dated 3rd James, of the manor of Helland and divers lands in the parish of Helland by his grandfather, William Coryton, to Stephen Toser and his heirs for the sum of £310. In what manner or at what date this moiety was acquired by the family of Eobartes we have been unable to ascertain, but we find that soon after the accession of Charles I. they possessed the entirety, and it is now part of the possessions of Lord Eobartes of Lanhydrock. From a Eental or Extent of the Lands of Eichard Eoscarrock, Esq., 1569, in the possession of Francis Eodd, of Trebartha Hall, Esq. MANEEIUM DE NYTHEE HELLOND. Trigg. Lileri Tenentes. Hellond Thomas Luky quondam Johannes Luky olim Thomas Dygher tenet \ Brydge ibidem acr' terre Cornubiens' in Et faciet sectam communem f ^js fanfai curiae Et reddit per annum xij" solvendos ad quatuor anni ter- \ minos principales. Waterlond Idem Thomas Luky quondam Thomas Dygher Et postea \ wardus Johannes Luky tenet ibidem dimidiam acram terre Cornubiensem f j par albarum dotnim in j£jiicia Et faciet sectam curiae vt supra Et reddit per annum \ cerotecarum vnum par albarum cerotecarum Bodwen Idem Thomas tenet ibidem dimidiam acram terre Cornubiensem ) .._ wardus m Milieia Et faciet vt supra Et reddit per annum ija J 1J Kyllygnawith Johannes Eayshleight quondam Eicardus Wynslade Et postea, iiij8 Johannes Wynslade Et postea , Eeginaldus Mohun Et postea j siaX attmctSt Willelmus Mohun tenet ibidem vnam acram terre Cornubiensem ( ^ ^ P™^4^ in Milieia Et faciet vt supra Et reddit per annum iiij' / waidi serti 1 Documents at Coker Court, co. Soma. V 20 PARISH OF HELLAND. Kylmarght in Seynt Kewe Newton vacat quia in convencionem Strykstenton in parochia de Endelyan le tenure et seruyee del manor Willelmus Mohun Armiger quondam Willelmus Mohun Et postea Eeginaldus Mohun tenet ibidem dimidiam acram terre Cornubiensem in Milieia Et faciet vt supra Et [reddit] per annum xiijd Eemanet inter convencionem et est j acra terre Cornubiensis in Milieia Et solebat reddere viijd Eicardus Eoscarrock Armiger dominus manerij quondam Johannes Trenowith Armiger postea Johannes Eoscarrock Armiger solebat reddere sed modo dimittitur Johanni Boyth Et Thomasinse vxori eius cum " le Towne place" de Bodanan sed non est parcella eiusdem Omnia predicta terras et tenementa tenentur de ffeodo de Cardynham in feodo Mortane per seruicium quartse partis et decimam partem vnius ffeodi militis Mortane cum parte Petri Coryngton Armigeri : Vid*- medietas eiusdem manerii Et releuium quando acciderit xxiijs iiij'i xiijd nil Treverbyn nil quia at- tineti de alta proditione Northwood in Treverbyn in parochia de Seynt Nyott le tenv/re et servyce del tenent Johannes Langdon Armiger quondam Thomas Trethewy Et \ postea Eobertus Langdon tenet ibidem dimidiam acram terre > ija ijd obolum Cornubiensem in Milieia Et faciet sectam communem Et reddit ) per aimnm ijs ijd obolum heredes Bonvyle postea Marchio Dorset Et postea \ Dux Suffolcise modo in manus dominse Eeginee tenet ibidem ( acram terre Cornubiensem in Milieia ' Et faciet sectam vt supra ( Et reddunt per annum ' Bernardus Penros iure Elizabethse vxoris sue filie et heredis \ Thome Enys et heredis Thome Methros tenet ibidem vnam ( .,., . . acram terre Cornubiensem in Milieia Et faciet duas seetas curias V rumP1I)eris Et reddit per annum j librum piperis Et predicta terra et tenementa tenentur de dominis de Penpoll per \ seruicium Militare in feodo Mortane per redditum de xiijd per xiiid annum. ) Summa xxj° ii.id obolum-j par albarum cerotecarum et j libra piperis cum iiij' pro Kyllygnowght nuper terras Johannis Wynslade1 et nunc in manus Eeginco ratione attincturas Johannis Wynslade1 et solvit xvii8 iijd obolum i Winslade was one of those who suffered with Humphry Arundell. He is mentioned by Strype (Memorials vol. ii. p. 281) as one of the "heads and captains of the rebellion." See also Journal of Royal. Inst, of Cornwall 1865, p. 36. ' MANOR OP NETHER HELLAND. 21 Nyther Hellond ffurshaye Trygg. Convencionarii Tenentes. Henricus Beste tenet ibidem per indenturam ad terminum vite \ reddendo annuatim ad iiii0'" terminos anni vsuales xxiij8 iiijd.... ( xxuj8 mj ) 1 oaponem dies duos cariandi unum caponem Et faciet curiae Et ent l y ex antiqua consuetudine in aula Gildhalde de Bodmyn et ibidem debent presentare tenentes &c. et eorum servicia ) In curia anno xj Eegis Henrioi IV. continetur sic. Item presentat quod Walterus Carburra qui tenuit de domino unum tenementum in Bodmyn obiit, et inde accidit domino de relevio ij8 vjd Et distringat Eicardum MoiUe ad faciendum domino fidelitatem. Et de feoffamentis tenementi in Bodmyn acciderit domino de quoUbet ij» vjd up patet in Eotulo curiae de anno quinto Eegis Henrici IV. (Chartulary before quoted.) 1 Council Book of Edward the Black Prince. Duchy of Cornwall Office. 2 This lady was the wife of Eobert HuUe on the death of her brother, who died on the Thursday next before the feast of St. Peter ad vincula (August 1st) 1395, and was found to be aged 12 years fuU and complete on the vigil of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary preceding; and it was testified that the King by letters patent, dated 29th August in the same year, had committed to John HuUe and Eobert HuUe his son the custody of aU the lands which Thomas Fychett had held of the heirs of Eichard Poynynges, who was in the ward ship of the King. (Inq. p.m. 19th Eichard IL, No. 24.) 3 Inq. p.m. 1st Henry VI., No. 31. Eemains of this ancient miU still exist in the wood about half-a-mile below Clerkenwater. E2 28 PARISH OP HELLAND. succeeded by his son and heir John Hill, who died on Thursday next after the feast of St. Calixtus the Pope (14th October) 1434, leaving his son John Hill aged 10 years his nearest heir ; and dower to Cecilia his widow was assigned, inter alia, out of this estate.1 This lady subsequently married Sir Thomas KeryeU, Knt. John Hill, son of John, died On Sunday next after the feast St. Denis (9th October) 1455 seized, inter alia, of two thirds of three messuages, &c, in Boconion, which he held of Sir Eobert Hungerford, Knt., leaving Genoveva his daughter, aged eight weeks, his nearest heir.2 This young lady, when she arrived at a mature age, espoused William Saye, for upon the death of Cecilia Keryell, on 19th April 1472, the said Genovefa the granddaughter of John Hill of Spaxton who had been the husband of the said Cecilia, was found to be her nearest heir and was then the wife of William Saye, and of the age of 16 years and more.3 Sir William Saye died 4th December 1529, 21st Henry VIII. (his wife Genovefa having predeceased him s.p,) seized, as tenant according to the law of England, inter alia, of the aforesaid three messuages in Boconion, &c, and Thomas Hussey, Esq., William Clapton, Esq., and Elena the wife of George Babington, Esq., as representatives of Johanna daughter and coheir of John Cheyne of Pynne (Pinho, co. Devon), son and heir of Elizabeth sister of John Hille of Spaxton, father of the aforesaid Genovefa, and John Waldgrave, Esq., son and heir of Isabella the other daughter and coheir of the said John Cheyne, were found to be her nearest heirs.4 (See pedigree post.) The Hill estates were subsequently partitioned between the four coheirs, when Boconion and Canalizy fell to the share of William Clopton, who, in 1562, alienated the same to John Eowse, Esq., under the description of the Manors of Bucconion, alias Bucconyon, and Kanalesye.5 These lands immediately passed to the family of Bligh, or Blight, of Bodmin, for in 1509 Boconion was held by Thomas Blyght of Eichard Eos carrock Lord of Bodannan, who held it of the Manor of Blyston.6 It continued in the family of Bligh for several generations. On the death of Nicholas Glyn of Glyn in 1580, it was found that he held Penbugell of John Blighe of Bodmyn, Gent, (son of the above mentioned Thomas) as of his Manor of Boconion.7 And it appears from the customal and rental of the Manor of Bliston, which was drawn up after 1660, that it was held by one of the same family;8 and in January 1674-5 Eichard Blight, Gent., and Gilbert Blight, Gent., suffered a fine in the Manor of Canalesye, together with Boconnion, to Tobias Scholler, Merchant.9 When Hals wrote (before 1736), he mentions that it was the residence of his good friend Dr. Eobert Heart, who, he says, was " descended from the Hearts of Trencreek in Menhyniet, and giveth for his arms : gu. on a chef ar. three human hearts pprf10 Dr. 1 Inq. p.m. 13th Henry VI., No. 36. 2 Inq. p.m. 32th Henry VI., No. 17. 3 Inq. p.m. 12th Edward IV., No. 51. i Inq. p.m. 22nd Henry VIIL, No. 46. 5 Pedes Finium, 4th and 5th EUzabeth, Michaelmas, No. 5, « See ante vol. i., p. 620. The succession as given in the rental referred to is generally accurate, though not quite exact in details. t Inq. p.m., 23rd Elizabeth, Part IL, No. 14, see post. 8 See ante> vo1- *•> P- 93- 9 ^des Finium, 26th and 27th Charles n., Hilary. 10 Hal's History of Cornwall, p. 160. MANOR OP BOCONNION. 29 Hart in 168 — married at Lanhydrock Mary daughter of Hender Molesworth of Pen- carrow,1 and was probably then or soon afterwards settled at Boconnion. We do not know the date of his death, but he would not seem to have left issue by Mary Molesworth, and appears to have married a second time a lady named Elizabeth, who after his death married a person called Holden, for in 1722 Elizabeth Holden of Helland died, and by her will, dated 11th April 1719, directed that her body should be buried in the Church of Helland " as neare the seate there belonging to the Barton of Bocconion as may be." She gave legacies to her daughters Mary Harte and Elizabeth Harte, and, reciting a certain agreement between her son, John Harte, and herself concerning her real estate, appointed her daughters joint executors.2 The estate would appear to have continued in the family of Harte until 1745, when a fine was levied, in which Thomas Kniveton, Gent., and William Grigg, were plaintiffs, and John Stergotterick, Eobert Hart, Gent., and Mary his wife, John Hart, Barker, Eobert Hart, Barker, Martha Hart, spinster, and Eichard Pellamounter, Gent., and Elizabeth his wife, were deforciants, in which, inter alia, the Manors of Boconion and Canalissy were acknowledged to be the right of the said Thomas and William.3 Boconnion afterwards passed to the family of Angove. William Angove of St. Columb Major, Esq., by his will, dated 25th February 1774, devised the Manor, or reputed Manor, of Boconnion, with the capital messuage, farm, and demesne lands to William Angove of Falmouth, cabinetmaker, subject to an annuity payable to testator's nephew, John Angove of Liskeard, and it was eventually, by indentures dated 4th and 5th June 1819, conveyed to John Harry, then residing at Brussels, Doctor of Physic. Dr. Harry subsequently returned to England, and having rebuilt the house made it his residence for a short time. By deed, however, dated 2nd July 1834, he conveyed the said manor and lands to George Woolcock, Esq., who made it his residence, and by planting and other judicious alterations greatly improved the property. By Eoyal License dated 23rd May 1846, Mr. Woolcock was authorised to assume the name of Pye in lieu of that Woolcock, and to bear the arms of Pye ;4 and dying in 1867 devised the Manor and lands of Boconnion to Elizabeth Pye his widow, for life, with remainder, after her death, to George Pye their son, who, by deed dated 20th December 1870,5 conveyed the Barton of Boconnion, together with Clerkenwater and Whitley, to Joseph Pomery, Esq., the present possessor. 1 See ante, Pedigree of Molesworth, vol. i., p. 468. 2 Proved in Archd. Court of Cornw., 18th June 1722; original wiU deUvered to Mary Harte the same day. 3 Pedes Finium 19th George II. , Michaelmas. 1 The following Arms were accordingly granted and exemplified: ar. on a fesse per pale az. and gu., a talbot's head couped between two escaUops of the field, a bordure wavy of the third. Crest: Upon a mount vert, a talbot's head couped ar. charged with a saltier wavy, gu. Motto, " Pietatis Causa." 3 Deeds at Boconnion. 30 PARISH OP HELLAND. The Rentall of the Manor of Boconion. .... Cornish pay it ye Lord pay it .... JeweU pay it, now Bobt. Crap y Lord pays it now John Winsouth, 2 years due Mr. Bultail pays, & pd by Nichs. Pearce ye 15th Nov. Mr. Bultail pays & pd by Nichs. Pearce ye 15th Nov. Mr. Edward Hoblyng pays itt Mr. Stone pays itt ye Esq. Glyn does pay itt by ye had of Gant Peter Seymons pays it. . Mich. TJgler pay it Mich. Giles pay it John BUght pay it Mr. Bultail pay it by Nichs. Pearce ye 15th Nov. Widow Gray pay it Peter Cock and Thos. Bullock pay it 1699 HIGH EENTS. The Lord Mohun for Boskyer The heirs of now Hobbs John Best for a house in Pool Street The Lord Mohun for . . James Parker, now Bouster, for a house in Boor Street The Lord Mohun for a house in Boor Street . . The Lord Robarts for a house in Honey Street. . The heirs of Boskernon and Crosman, now where Christopher Hocking Uves in a tenemt. in Boor Street George Spry, Gent., now Keakwich, Gent., for a close in Pools Street The same Spry, now Keakwich, for a garden in Lostwithiel Street. . ..... ."Wyot, Gent., now Hoblyn, Gent , for a stitch in Bornard's Lane Opye Gent, now Stone, for a house in Pool Street The heirs of Glyn, Esq., for PenbugeU and the Culverhouse Parks The heirs of Pearce, now Peter Seymons, for a tenement in the Fore Street Michael Giles for Oak Park at BoorhiU The heirs of NichoUas, now John BUght, for a Closs in Fearwash The heirs cf Sepreey, now Keakwich, for Pitt Park The widow Hender, now y° widow Grey, for a house in Boor Street £ 8. d. 0 0 6 0 0 6 0 3 0 0 1 6 0 10 0 1 0 0 19 0 10 0 10 0 11 0 1 2 0 0 11J 0 3 4 0 12 0 10 0 1 1 0 0 10 0 1 O 1 2 10+ CONVENTIONAEY EENTS. Mr. Nichs. Opye, Junr., for pt. of Boconion at Eack Frans. "Webber, Gent., for a third pt. of Boconion George Bond for a tenement in Widley Eichard Bunster for his Pound Sum Eeceived then by the hand of Justinian "Webber due from my Lord Mohun to the Manor of Mr. John PhilUps pay Suit and service Suit and service The suit and service . . Mr. John PhilUps 1 Steward pay it ,1 Suit and service The suit and service The suit and service The suit and service The suit and service The suit and service The suit and service The suit and service The suit and service 30 0 0 1 6 8 0 10 0 0 6 0 32 2 8 j A capon Is I One harvest day A capon and day 13 years' High Eent Boconion. MANORS OP NEWTON AND BODWEN. 31 MANOE OF NEWTON. Lysons mentions a manor of Newton in this parish which, he says, " belonged formerly to the Priory of Bodmin and afterwards to the Glynns," &C.1 This, however, is an error. The manor of Newton which was held by the Priory of Bodmin was the manor of Newton St. Petrock, co. Devon.2 In 1447 we find Newaton in Helland parcel of the manor of Nether Helland,3 and it appears as a free tenement of that manor in the rental of 1569, though then under convention.4 It was probably a portion of the Toker lands in Helland which passed to the Glynn family, and was afterwards sold to Mr. Treise, who converted his scattered lands in this neighbourhood into a reputed manor under the name of the Manor of Newton. MANOE OF BODWEN. Lysons also alleges that Bodwen in this parish was a manor held under the Prior of Bodmin by the Archdekne family, from whom it passed in marriage to the Courteneys.5 It is true that Thomas son of Odo Lercedekne died in 5th Edward III. seized, inter alia, of a manor of Bodduuan, which he held of the Prior of Bodmin as of his manor of Eialton by the service of 16d. at the feast of St. Michael, and one ewe sheep with 6 hoggastres at the feast of Invention of Holy Cross, in socage, with suit at court, &c.,6 and that this manor passed eventually to the Courtenays and Carews. We venture, however, to differ from Mr. Lysons' statement, and believe that Bodwen in Helland was never a manor and was never held of the Prior of Bodmin. In the Eental of the manor of Nether Helland of 1569, we find Bodwen as a free tenement of that manor held by Thomas Luky, then a minor, at the rent of 2s. per annum (ante p. 19), and he also held by the same tenure Helland Bridge and Waterland, and in January 1605-6 Stephen Toker, Gent., levied a fine in these tenements of John Wolffe, Gent., and Eebecca his wife, Magdalen Wolffe, widow, Eichard Taverner, Gent., and John Hicks,7 and these tenements afterwards passed, like some of the other Toker lands, through the Treises to Sir John Morshead and the late Mr. Wallis. There are several tenements, some of which are now held by the Honblc# Mrs. Davies Gilbert of Trelissick, and others by James Hayward of Loudwater House, co. Herts, Esq. There is a Bodwenn in Luxulian, which was probably the site of the manor of Boduuan held by the Archdekne family of the manor of Eialton. 1 Mag. Brit. vol. iii. 131. 3 See ante p. 18. 5 Mag. Brit. vol. iii. p. 131. 7 Pedes Finium 3rd James, Hilary. 2 See ante vol. i., p. 139. 4 See ante p. 21. « Inq. p.m. 5th Edward III., Part I., No. 33. 32 PARISH OP HELLAND. BEODE alias BEODES alias BEOADS. The Barton of Brodes or Broads, in this parish, without doubt, derived its name from its ancient possessors. The name of Brode, or Broad, is too general in Cornwall to admit of easy identification, but we find Henry Brode was one of the assessors of the subsidy in Helland in the time of Edward III.1 We have no trace of this Barton until the 15th century, when it belonged to the family of Tredenek,2 in which it remained a considerable time. Christopher Tredenek was returned as holding lands in Helland of the value of 30s. per annum in 1522, but was not then resident.3 In January 1606-7 Walter Tredenek, Gent., and Grace his wife, and James Tredenek, Clerk (probably their son), suffered a fine in Brodes in Helland to Hugh Eoscarrock, Esq.,4 who died at Pinchely Park in Cardinham in 1616 ; when his lands passed to his great nephew Charles Eoscarrock, who in January 1621-2 suffered a fine in Brode, alias Brodes, in Helland to Stephen Toker, Gent.5 This Stephen Toker, whose father settled in Helland at a somewhat earlier date, acquired considerable lands in the parish. In 1660-70 his grandson, of the same name, held Lymsworthy of the Manor of Bliston (ante vol. i., p. 93) which he had acquired, and which he had annexed to Brodes, with which it has passed ever since. Upon his death in 1682 his daughter and heiress carried Brodes and Lymsworthy in marriage to Hubert Glynn, whose son Eobert Glynn in 1711 settled Brodes and Lymsworthy upon his marriage with Lucy Clobery. Upon the death of their only son Eobert Glynn Clobery, M.D., without issue in 1800, by his will dated 7th April 1798,6 he bequeathed these lands to the Eev. John Henry Jacob of Salisbury, eldest son of John Jacob, M.D., of that city, who sold Brodes and Lymsworthy to Mr. James Hawken. From Mr. Hawken the lands passed to Mr. Thomas Lawry, by whom, within a few years past, they have been conveyed to Lord Eobartes the present possessor. 87 1 Subsidy RoUs, temp. Edward III. — In the mayor's accounts of the Borough of Bodmin for 1508, the 37 Receivers General take credit for 7d. which they had paid for the carriage of a tree that had been given by Sir John Brode, apparently for the repair of the Church. Ante, vol. i., p. 158. a In 1484 John Carowe of Wade (Wadebridge), Smith, brought an action against Eobert Tredenek of Tredenek, juxta Nansent, (in St. Breoke), Gent., Ealph Tredenek, late of Brodys, juxta Helland, Gent., and John Tredenek of Trenyowe, juxta Tredard, husbandman, for having falsely accused him of having, on 3rd April 1475, at Hounslow Heath, co. Middlesex, hidden in ambush with intent to kill John Tamson, and of having beaten and wounded the said John so that his Ufe was despaired of, and of having taken his purse containing 20s. John Carowe was arraigned at Westminster upon this accusation, and proved that he was at Wade at the time mentioned, and so was acquitted, and he now sought to recover damages. De Banco Eolls, 2nd Richard III., Michaelmas, m. 6. 3 ge6 Appendix. 4 Pedes Finium, 4th James, Hilary, No. 6. 5. m. 13 9) N) 2 Assize Rolls, CornwaU, 24th Edward I. 28 M) 3 Assize Rolls, Cornwall, 30th Edward I. 2 } 1 m. 22. At the same Assize Simon Giffard of HeUisete took 21) out a writ against William Prempa of Hehenant, sen., and others, that they should do suit for the mill at HeUisete, iut did not prosecute. i Ibid- m. 13. F2 8. m., 14d. 36 PARISH OP HELLAND. Helland in 1310, and in 1348 Simon Giffard,1 described as of Helset, presented to the same Church a certain Lawrence Giffard, probably his brother. This Simon married Olivia, or Olive, fifth daughter and coheir of John Shylston Lord of Penvrane,2 by which he acquired a share in the manor of Penvrane and the advowson of the Church of St. Pinnock thereto appurtenant. He died about 1348, and was succeeded by his son and heir John Giffard, upon whose presentation in 1349 Andrew Giffard, probably his brother, was instituted to the Eectory of Helland. John Giffard died cir. 1375 leaving two daughters, his coheirs, viz., Ingreta, who married Thomas son and heir of John Colyn, and Margaret who became the wife of Ealeigh, of the Nettlecombe family. Aems of Giffaed of Helland — Az. three fleurs-de-lis or, two and one. (See ante p. 14.) COLYN. The family of Colyn was also of considerable antiquity in the county, and held a prominent position at an early date. John Colyn was Sheriff of Cornwall in 1388, and again in 1392.3 This was, without doubt, the same John Colyn to whom, with Eose his wife, Bishop Brentingham granted a license, in ..1379, to have Divine service celebrated in their presence in the Chapel of the Blessed Mary of Boscarne and in that of St. Catherine of Elwynse,4 yet we find John Colyn, the father of Thomas, described as of Helland in 1376,5 and he was again so described, as one of the Collectors of Subsidies, in 3rd Eichard II. (1379-80).6 In 1380 John Colyn of Helland was plaintiff in a suit for debt against Geoffry Commet, Vicar of Treneglos.' We find by a charter dated on Monday next before the Feast of St. Gregory the Pope (22nd March) 6th Eichard II. (1382-3) that Eichard Trenance granted to John Colyn of Bokerne all his messuages &c. in Peneton for a term of twelve years, and by a deed dated at Alwans on Saturday next before the Feast of SS. Simon and Jude (Oct. 28th) 11th of the same king's reign8 (1387) John Colyn of Alwans appointed Thomas his son as his attorney to receive seizin of the whole ville of Peneton; and land in Elwans0 was parcel of the possessions of which Otho Colyn died seized in 1463 and of which Johanna Arundell died seized in 1537. 1 Simon Giffard was assessed to the subsidy in HeUand, temp. Edward III., at 12d., being the highest assessment in the parish. Sub. EoU. —37 2 Of the other daughters— Margaret married Bastard ; Katherine, Eesethereombe ; Alice, Ferrers, and after wards Coryton; and Lucy, Boterdon (De Banco EoUs 1st Edward IV., Hilary, m. 393.) This was the origin of the partition of the manor of Penvrane and the advowson of the Church of St. Pinnock, the latter being still held jointly by the surviving representatives of the above coheirs. This John Shylston was a descendant of John Silveston (of which name it is a corruption) Lord of Penvrane in the early part of the 13th century from which place they were sometimes called " de Penvrane." (See article by the Author in Journal of the 'Eoyal Institution of CornwaU 1873.) 3 See ante, vol. i., p. 392. 4 Ante, vol. i., p. 263. 5 See ante, p. 7. • Subsidy EoUs. n Court EoU, Stannary of Blackmore 8 De6ds at Plaoe' Fowey- • E1^nse « Elwans was probably Elvans in St. Eval. FAMILY HISTORY. — COLYN. 37 Thomas, son of John Colyn married, as above-mentioned, Ingreta daughter and co-heir of John Giffard of Helland, and, in her right, presented to the Church of Helland in 1415, the next presentation to which Church, date unknown, was made by Ingreta herself, as appears from an inquisition taken in 14651 to inquire into the right of presentation to a vacancy which then occurred. He was probably the rebuilder of the hall or manor house of Helland, the old hall, as we have seen above, having been destroyed by Johanna Giffard. A part of the new erection still remains2 (Plate XXXL, fig. 1.) This house became his residence and that of his successors in the manor.3 He had a son John4 who espoused Elizabeth daughter of John Nicoll, or Nicholl, of Bodmin, and left a son Otho, and a daughter Elizabeth, who in 1444 became the wife of Thomas Treffry of Fowey. Her Arms : Ar. a Chev. sa. between three Cornish choughs, continue in the windows of Place House, in old glass, as do those of Giffard, to which she was entitled: Az. three fleur-de-lis or., whch have been supposed to be the arms of France. In 1457 John Colsyll, Knt., John Nanfan, John Nycolle of Bodmyn, John Tremeket, and John Bere at Tregaren (feoffees of John Colyn) granted to Thomas Treffry, son and heir of Thomas Treffry of Fowey and Elizabeth his wife, the Manor of Penvrane, except their part of the advowson of the Church of St. Pinnock, which they had of the gift of John Colyn, to hold to the said Thomas and Elizabeth and the heirs of their bodies ;5 and we find "another Charter dated the same day by which Otho Colyn granted the same manor to the said Thomas and Elizabeth sister of the said Otho ;6 and we have also a third Charter, by which Elizabeth relict of John Colyn, in her widowhood, granted to the aforesaid Thomas Treffry and Elizabeth his wife the interest which she had, in dower, in the said Manor of Penvrane. A portion of this Manor of Penvrane, and a third turn in the right of presentation to the Church of St. Pinnock, are now held by Dr. Treffry of Fowey as derived from Elizabeth Colyn. 1 Bishop Bothe's Reg. fo. 57. 2 The hall is 34 ft. by 21 ft. There was a door on each side, that on the south is now walled up. On that side are the remains of two ancient windows : viz., a two-light transomed window, the upper part of which has been removed, and a square headed window of two Ughts. In the waU is a stone inscribed " John Cock, Anno Domini 1706." The building has been occupied as a iarm-houFe within the present century but is now an out-house. In the particulars of sale at the auction for the lands of Sir John Morshead, Bart., in 1808, it was described as a farm house caUed "The HaU." 3 Thomas Colyn of HeUand was witness to a Charter of Nicholas Helygan, dated at Treblethick (in St. Mabyn) on Monday next after the Feast of St. Thomas the Martyr 9th Eichard II. (1385). Thomas Colyn was one of the coUectors of subsidies in 16th and 21st Richard IL, in 2nd and 6th Henry IV., and in 2nd Henry V. 4 John Colyn of Helland, on 12th October 1437, was plaintiff in an action of debt against John Lymbery iu the Stannary Court of Blackmoor, and on 14th November had a day given for trial. Court EoUs of the Stannary of Blackmoor 16th Henry VI. (Eecord Office.) 5 Charters dated at Bodmyn on Friday next before tho Feast of St. George the Martyr 25th Henry VI. (At Place, Fowey.) 6 Dated at Bodmin the last day of May 25th Henry VI. (In the author's coUection.) 38 PARISH OP HELLAND. CALWODELY. Otho Colyn died 10th September 1463,1 leaving Elizabeth his daughter, then of the age of ten years, his sole heir. She was married first to Thomas Calwodely, son and heir of Thomas Calwodely of Calwodely co. Devon, who after his marriage settled at Helland, and dying in his father's lifetime left one son named Humphry, born cir. 1472.5 She married secondly Ealeigh, and whilst his widow she presented to the Church of Helland in 1494. She espoused, thirdly, Edward Apryse, who in her right presented to Helland in 1499. Humphry Calwodely, of whose misfortune and attainder we have already written (ante p. 8), married Johanna, or Jane, daughter of John Carmynowe of Fentongollen and relict of John Pentyre, jun. We do not know the date of his death, but a grave stone to his memory still remains in Helland Church (see ante p. 15, No. 3, and Plate XXXI., fig. 2.) He left a daughter and heir named Johanna, born in 1501. His widow survived to 1537. Thomas Colwodely, who married the heir of Otho Colyn, had several brothers of whom the next in order of birth to himself was Oliver. Of this gentleman and his descendants it may be well to add a brief notice. He married Alice daughter and heir of William Monke of Padstow, by Johanna daughter and heir of Joceus Dayowe, with whom he acquired considerable estates. He' settled at Padstow, and is frequently named in the Court Eolls of the Manor of Padstow down to the year 1498. Certain lands which he held in Exeter were forfeited to the Crown on account of a murder which he committed at Padstow, and for which he adjured the realm ; and these lands, in 1505, were granted to Eobert Holland, Esq.3 Oliver Calwodely had two sons John and Eobert. John married Catherine daughter of Eobert Tredinnick of Tredinnick, and had a son John who died in his father's lifetime, s.p. Notwithstanding the above mentioned forfeiture John Calwodely in 1542 was assessed to the subsidy in Padstow upon lands of the value of £i0 a-year, whilst Eobert was assessed upon lands of the value of 40s. only. Eobert Calwodely married Honour daughter of ...... Lawgher, who died on 9th April 1522. A monument to her memory remains at Padstow where she was buried. John Calwodely, the issue of this marriage, succeeded to his uncle's estates, and his name occurs continually in the Padstow Manor Eolls from 1558 to 1573. In 1571 he occurs as Lord of the Manor of Trelother, and in the same year he was assessed to the subsidy upon lands of the value of £20 per annum. He married Ann daughter of Laurie ¦ and 1 Inq. p.m. 6th Edward IV., No. 36. 2 On the death of Thomas Calwodeleigh of Calwodeleigh on 6th June 1492, Humphry Calwodeleigh was found to be his kinsman and nearest heir, viz., the son of Thomas son of the said Thomas, and to be aged 20 years and more. (Inq. p.m. 8th Henry VII., Excheq. No. 6.) 3 Eot. Pat. 21st Henry VII., p. 1. m. 24. FAMILY HISTORY. — ARUNDELL. 39 inasmuch as she is mentioned as a widow in 1606 he must have been then dead. We find another John Calwodely holding the Padstow lands from 1606 to 1610, who was probably his son, though he is not shewn in the pedigree recorded in the Heralds Visitation of 1620. The last of the name was Sir Nicholas Calwodely who is mentioned in the Manor Eolls in 1616, and was dead in 1623, when his heirs are mentioned in the same record. He was knighted in parts beyond the seas, as is shewn in the registered pedigree. He appears to have died s.p., and his heirs were the representatives of his sisters Catherine and Honour. The latter would seem to have inherited the Padstow property for in the Court Eolls of the years 1647 and 1652 we find the entry, " Heirs of Calwodely now Mr. Webber." AEUNDELL. Eoger Arundell, who married the sole heir of Humphrey Calwodely, was the third son of Sir Thomas Arundell of Lanherne, Knight of the Bath,1 by Catherine daughter of Sir John Dynham Knt., and sister and co-heir of John Lord Dynham of Cardynham. He died 12th June 1536, when Humphrey Arundell was found to be his son and heir and to be of the age of 23 years and more,2 and Johanna his widow died 28th September in the following year seized, inter alia, of the Manor of Over Helland, together with the advowson of the Church of Helland, and the ' Manors of Cassacawn and Hellsett, and of lands in Amaleglos and Elwyns; the Manor of Over Helland and the advowson of the Church being held of the Marquis of Dorset as of his Manor of Tywardreth, the tenements in Amaleglos of George Earl of Huntingdon, and Elwyns of the Prior of Bodmyn as of his Manor of Eyalton ; when the said Humphry Arundell was found to be her heir and to be of the age of 24 years and more.3 Of Humphry Arundell's connection with the Cornish insurrection of 1549, and of his subsequent attainder and execution and the forfeiture of his estates we have already written. (Ante p. 9.) 1 In 1524 Roger Arundell was assessed to the subsidv in HeUand upon lands of the value of £40 a-year 87 Sub. Rolls, 16th Henry VTH. 131 2 Inq. p. m. 27th and 28th Henry VHI. Exchequer No. 11. 3 Inq. p.m. 30th Henry VIIL In 1545 Humphry Arundell, Kke his father in 1524, was assessed to the subsidy upon lands to the value of £40 a-year, being the largest payment in the Hundred of Trigg except that of Richard Eoscarrock of Eoscarrock, who was assessed upon lands of the value of £50 a-year. Sub. EoU 37th 87 Henry Vill. The foUowing were the asEessments for the parish of HeUand : — 179 Humphry ArundeU Esq., in lands xl" paid iiij1' Thomas Kett in j John Lukye „ xx3 „ ij8 John Menhenyek WiUiam Lukye in goods v1' „ iij8 iiijd Eobert Bdey John Edey „ v11 „ iij8 iiijd John Hendy John Courtys „ v1' „ iij8 iiijd TcJtal for the parish v1' v< iiijd vu paid iij8 iiijd v" , iij8 ™jd v» , iij8 iiijd v" „ iij8 iiijd 40 PARISH OF HELLAND. PEDIGEEE OF GIFFAED, PENVEANE, Ralph Giffard, Uving 1202=j=. , . . j... WiUiam Giffard=f=. . . . Ralph Giffard=j=.. Simon Giffard? son and heir=i=... l 1 John Giffard=f=. . .. Johanna ob. s.p., 1st wife before 1296 • =pRalph Giffard=Johanna 2nd wife, — l living 1324 Johanna, died a minor and unmar. I Lawrence, Simon Giffard of =pOUve, 5th Eector of Helset, presented to j dau. and HeUand 1348 HeUand Church 1348 | coheir John Colyn of Bocarne and=j=Eose dau. of Elwynse Arms of Calwodely as allowed at the Visitation of 1620. Joceus Dayowe=p' I l Johanna dau. =j="William Monke of Padstow=Juliana 2nd wife; remar. before Easter John Cahcodeley^ dau. and heir died on feast of SS. Simon 1481 to Edward Kyngdon. (De Banco and Jude 1479 Eolls 21st Edw.IV. Pasch.) of Calwodeley of John de Floyre Alice dau. and heir of William Monke=f=OMyer Calwodeley named in Court EoUs of Padstow of Manor of Padstow 1485—1498 Humphry John Calwodeley John Cal-npCatherine dau. of Eobert wodeley Tredinnick of Tredinnick co. Cornwall Eobert Calwodeley named in Courfc=j=Hb»0M)' dau. of Zawgher of Eolls of Manor of Padstow Cornwall. Died 9th April 152(2). 1549—1557 Bur. at Padstow. M.I. r ¦ — John Calwodeley, son and heir, ob. ante patrcm s.p. John Calwodeley of Pad-=f= stow, Lord of the Manor of Trelother, named in Padstow Manor EoUs 1558—1573 -Ann dau. of Lawre of Cornwall, a widow in 1606. Padstow Manor EoUs Robert Calwodeley, named Padstow Manor Eolls 1558- 1562 John Calwodeley named in Manor EoUs of =P Padstow 1606-1610 J_ Nicholas Calwodeley som and heir, knighted in parts beyond the seas. Named in Court EoU of Manor of Padstow 1616. Living 1621, dead 1623, s.p. William John Catherine mar. Francis Bracken- berie of Padstow Honour mar. John Webber of Amble in St. Kew. Died 6th October 1601. Bur. at St. Kew. M.I. FAMILY HISTORY. — PEDIGBEE OP COLYN, ETC. 41 COLYN, CALWODELY, AND AEUNDELL. John de SUveston Lord of Penvrane r J" Serlo de Penvrano=j=., . . John de Penvrane Uving 1285 and 1298 =j= Adam de Penvrane Uving 1316, aged cir. 21 years =p Simon Giffard, heir of his=j= brother Ralph 1302, pre sented to Helland 1310 John Shylston Lord of=f= Penvrane Lucy, 4th dau. and coh. mar. . . . . de Boterdon Alice 3rd dau. and coh. mar. 1st Nichs. Ferrers, 2nd Coryton 2nd Katherinedau. , mar. . . . Eesethercombe Margaret 1st dau. and coh. mar. . . Bastard Serlo de Penfrane Uving 1432, ob. s.p. John Giffard of HeUand son and heir, presented to HeUand= 1349, died cir. 1375 Nicholas Andrew Giffard Eector of Helland 1349 Thomas Colyn of HeUand=j=Ingreta dau. j. nomas Vjoiyn oi .n.eiianu-1-.mgreLu, Uving 1394-5. (De Banco | and coh, EoUs) H John Colyn of HeUand=f=Elizabeth dau. of John living 1437 Nicoll of Bodmin Margaret dau. and = Ealeigh of the coh. Nettlecombe family From Helland Church. Thomas Calwodeley son and heir.^pMizabeth dau. of Thomas Hache of Died 6th June 1492 Inq. p.m. 8th Henry VIH. No. 5 Wollege co. Devon. Bur. in Church of Friars Preachers at Exeter before 1479 Oto or Otes Colyn of HeUand. Died=^ 10th September 1463. Inq. p.m. 6th Edward IV., No. 36. Thomas Calwodeley son and heir;- ob. v.p. Bur. in Church of Friars Preachers at Exeter, near his mother, WiU dated 1st March 1497 '-Mizabeth dau. and heir =. of Otes Colyn, aged ten years on her father's death, 1463 Ealeigh, 2nd husband=Edward ap Eice or Apryse, 3rd husband Humphry Calwodeley aged= 20 years on the death of his grandfather 1492. At tainted 1497 Johanna dau. of John Carmynowe of FentongoUen, and reUct of John Pentyre, jun. ; mar. settl. dated Jan. 1493-4, Uving 24th February 1537-8, on the death of her daughter. Eoger ArundeU. Died 12th June 1536= Liq. p.m. 28th Henry'VIII. Excheq. No. 11 Johanna dau. and heir restored in blood and possessions 1508. Died 28th September 1537. Inq. p.m. 30th Henry VIII. Excheq. No. 12 Humphry ArundeU of HeUand,=£EUzabeth aged 23 years on his father's death 1536. Attainted and executed 1549 I certify that the portions of this Pedigree printed in Italies, and the Arms, except the above small Escutcheon, agree with the Eecords of this Office. GEOEGE HAEEISON, Herald's CoUege, 8th April, 1873. Windsor Herald. G 42 PARISH OP HELLAND. PEDIGEEE ILLUSTEATIVE OF THE DESCENT Compiled from Ancient Hugh Fichet=r=. I Hugh Fichet=j=. . . Eobert Fichet, temp. Henry IL, (Liber Niger, 1, 97)=f= T Hugh Fichet, (Coram Eege EoU, 4th John)=FAlbreda Geoffry Fichet=F. Hugh Fichet=j=. . Lord of Spaxton 1245, Uving 1261 Sir Nicholas Dauney,=pSir Walter=j=Margery, dau. of Ealph Bloy owe, Uving a = Sir John=j=. Knt., died 1332. (Inq., p.m. 6th Edward III. Part 2, No. 79) Treverbyn,Knt. Sir WiUiam Fichet Chalons Eobert Fichet=j=Sarah,' dau. widow of Treverbyn 1307 ; died 9th June 1346 and bur. in Church of Grey Friars, Bodmin. See Vol. I., p. 189. de Hal ton, Knt. Lord of Spax ton r of Estune Sir John Dauney, Knt., aged 30 years=pSibeUa, dau. and heir, bur. in John Fichet, Lord=j=IsabeUa of Spaxton, living I 1331 on his father's death. Died Aug. 1346, Inq. p.m., 20th Edward III., No. 33 r Church of Grey Friars, Bodmin, 1360, see ante Vol. I., p. 189. Edward Courteney, son=T=EmeUna, dau. and heir, aged 18 years on her father's death ; of Hugh 2nd Earl of Devon, died v.p. Nicholas =Johanna, heii= John =p Isabella, dau. of Chalons=pThomas Fichet of Daune of Walter Langdon Chalons of Chalonsleigh, co. Devon, mar. there H died on Friday next after the Feast of St. Peter in Cath. 1370-1, Inq. p.m., 45th Edward HI., Pait I., No. 15 ~1 , Edward Courteney, 3rd Earl of Devon. Aged 15 on his mother's death ; died 5th December 1419 Spaxton, Uving 1350 I Eobert Chalons= Martin Langdon,=Dionisia, dau. of John=j=Sir John Hulle aHas=Matilda, Uving 1392 1st husband, ob. Durburgh; dead in 1392 s.p. HiU, Knt. Ealph Chalons Johanna, mar. Sir John Malet, son and heir of Sir Baldwin Malet ; Mar. Settl. 5th Eich. II. John Hille alias Hulle of Spaxton ; aged 10 years on his father's death ;=j=Margaret, dau. of Sir William Eodney, Knt., by died on Sunday next after the Feast of St. Denis 1455. . Inq. p.m., 34th j Margaret, dau. of Lord Hungerford Henry VI., No. 17 Sm William Saye, Knt., of Broxbourn, co. Herts ; died 4th December 1529 ; Inq. p.m.; 22nd Henry VIIL, No. 46 ; Bur. at Broxbourn, M.I. 71 =Genoveva, dau. and heir, aged 8 weeks on her father's death. Died before her husband, s.p. dia Thomas Saye of Liston Hall, co. Essex=j=Johanna, dau. and coheir WiUiam Saye, died 1st August, 23rd Henry VII., Inq. p.m. 1st Henry VIIL Eobeit Hussey of Sleaf ord, co.^fAnne, eldest dau. and coh. Lincoln; died 28th May 1538, Inq. p.m. , 2nd Edward VI., No. 107 of her brother, aged 20 years, 1st Henry Vni. WiUiamClopton= of Benston co. Suffolk =EUzabeth, 2nd dau. and coh. of her brother, aged 18 years 1st Henry VlH. Thomas Hussey, son and heir, aged 21 years 1529 ; died 31st May 1659, s.p., Inq. 1st Elizabeth William Clopton, son and heir, aged 21 years 1529 FAMILY HISTORY. — PEDIGREE OF INKEPENNE, ETC. 43 OF THE MANOE OF BOCONNION. Deeds, Inquisitions, &c. The names in Capitals shew those who held the Manors of Boconnion and Canalisey. Nicholas de Hauton alias Halton of Halton in St. Dominic,=i=Eosamund, dau. and heir of Henry St. George, Lord of co. Cornw. j Dydysham, living 1257. r ' Sir Ealph de Halton, Knt., Uving 1253=5= Eichard delnkepenne==. .de Inkepenne=p. . . . Eoger de iNKEPENNE^Emelina J Eogee Inkepenne of Inkepeime,=T=Johamia, dau. and heir, Inq. p.m. 5th=Eobert Bendyn, Uving 1318 co. Berks, died in 1317 Edward IV, No. 50, Part 2 Henry Sampson===Thomasine of Plymonth Sir Nicholas Inkepenne, Knt., a minor in=j=Philippa, a dau. and heir of Sir 1317 ; aged 22 years on the death of his mothbr; dead 1350 John Cobham, Knt. JohnSamp-== dau. John de Inkepenne, did== Johanna, had dower Eoger Thomas Nicholas WiUiam . . ===Amicia homage for the Manor of out of Boconion and I CanaUs son of Ply mouth of,Gorges Halton 1353 ; dead 1362 | CanaUsey 1362 Km Thomas Fichet, Knt., Lord of Spaxton ;===Eicarda, dau. and heir ; died=WiUiam Hywish, died on Monday next after the Feast of Nat. St. John Bap. 1386 ; Inq. p.m., 15th Eichard H., Part H., No. 21 Monday next before the Feast of 1st husband St. Laurence, 1390, Inq. p.m., 15th Eichard IL, Part I., No. 21. James Eichard —Margaret Sampson Trenage -\ ~ 1 Johanna, dau. and heir=EoBERT Hille alias Hulle of Spaxton ;=pIsabella, heir of her brother ; born of Sir Otho Bodrigan ; Judge of the Common Pleas ; died on see Ped. of Bodrigan Sunday in the Feast of St. Mark, 1424, ante, vol. i, p. 555 Inq. p.m., 1st Henry VT., No. 31 at Halton, and bap. at St. Dominic, 24th March 1383 ; Prob. Etat., 20th Eichard IL, No. 145 Thomas Fichet of Spaxton; died on Thursday next after the Feast of St. Peter ad vin. 1395, a minor and s.p. John Hille alias Hulle of Spaxton, aged 21 years on==CECiLiA, dau. and coh. of Sir John Stourton of Prest=Sir Thomas KeryeU, his father's death ; died on Thursday next after the feast | Pucknett, Knt.; died 18th April 1472. Inq. p.m., Knt., 2nd husb. of St. Calixtus 1434 ; Inq. p.m., 13th Henry VI., No. 36 | 12th Edward IV, No. 51 Sir John Say. Knt., of Saysbury,=j=Elizabeth, dau. of Laurence Cheyney of co. Herts, died 1478 I Fen Ditton, co. Camb., died 1473 » John Cheyne of Pinho, ¦' co. Devon EUzabeth John Cheyne, alias Cheyney of Pinho=pAlice, dau. of StoweU of Cotheratone Edward Waldgrave, of the Friers in Sudbury, co. Norfolk, 2nd son of Thomas Waldgrave of Buers in SuffoUc==IsabeUa, dau. and coheir. John Ellis, Uving==Elizabeth, 3rd dau. and coheir in 1529 of her brother, dead in 1629 John Walgrave son and heir, aged 30 years 1529, ancestor of Earl Waldegrave George Babyngton=Elena dau. and heir apparent, aged 11 years and 26 weeks 1629 O" 44 PARISH OF HELLAND. DE PENHARGARD. The family of Penhargard was of considerable antiquity in this parish, and for a long period held the Manor of Penhargard from which they derived their name. They held also the Manor of Polhorman and other extensive possessions in different parts of the county. The first of the name which has fallen under our notice was Bartholomew de Penhargarth who, before 1282, had married Thomasine one of the two daughters of Serlone Hay and co-heirs of their grandfather Walter Haye, Lord of Pencarrow and Amal-Eglos. Johanna the other co-heir married Sir Richard Stapledon Knt., and died s.p.1 Bartholomew by this marriage had a son Maurice who had issue John de Penhargard, Bartholomew, and Lawrence. Bartholomew in 1351 was associated with John in an attempt to recover the Manors of Pencarrow and Amal-Eglos from Maurice de Berkeley and Johanna his wife.2 In the same year John de Penhargard and Walter his son, Bartholomew de Penhargard and Lawrence de Penhargard, brothers of John, were found upon an assize of view of recognizance to have unjustly disseized Nicholas Helfaknyght of extensive lands in Alternon, St. Cleather, Duloe, St. Keyne, St. Pinnock, and other places.3 In 29th Edward III. (1355) we find John Giffard of Helland and John de Penhargard appointed by Reginald Helygan of Helygan trustees under a deed of settlement of his lands.4 In 1361 John de Penhargard presented to the Rectory of Lesnewth as the guardian of Richard son and heir of Henry Denys, to whom the patronage for that turn belonged.5 And in 39th Edward III. (1365) we find John Penhargard witness to a deed by which Walter de Carburra of Cabilia granted to John Kylmynau of Brothek all his messuages &c. in Cabilia, Treutheret, &c.6 In January 1365-6 a fine was levied in which John Penhyrgard was querist and Thomas Butteburgh and Margery his wife were deforciants concerning lands in Kellignough,7 and in the same month John de Penhirgard was deforciant in a fine levied by Robert Tresillian of the Manor of Polhorman8 (see ante p. 22). Walter son of John in 1368 was elected one of the knights for the shire, the other being Robert Tresillian. This Walter had a daughter Rose who died within age and non compos mentis.9 In 1372 N) 1 Assize EoUs, 2nd Edward I. 2 } 7. m. 12. i) N] * Assize Eolls, 25th Edward IH. 2 > 6. m. 54. See also ante vol. i. pp. 442-443. 23 j N) 3 Assize Eolls, 26th Edward III. 2 \ 2. m. 84. * Deed at St. Benet's Priory. 5 Bishop Grandison's Eeg., fo. 130 b. 6 Ante vol. i. p. 275 7 Pedes Finium 40th Edward III. HUary No. 1. 8 Pedes Finium 40th Edward III. Hilary No. 9. N) N) 9 Assize EoUs, 1st Henry IV. 2 J 2. m. 45, and 13th Henry IV. 2 > 4. m 36 J 38 FAMILY HISTORY. — DE PENHARGARD. 45 John Penhargard bought of John Spencer and Alice his wife daughter and heir of Thomas Lametton the Manor of Lametton with the advowson of the Church of St. Kayne thereto pertaining, to which Church he presented one John Morsell in the time of Edward III.1 Ralph and Thomas, brothers of Walter, died before 1392 without issue male, as did also their uncle Bartholomew. The latter left an only daughter named Katherine, who became the wife of William Coplestone, and who, together with her husband, in January 1400-1, were sued, in a plea of debt, by John Resprenna executor of the will of Isabella relict of Stephen son of John de Trewynt of Bodmin, of which Stephen's will she had been executrix.2 Laurence had a son called Walter who in virtue of a settlement made by his uncle John in the year 1392, endeavoured to recover from John Hawley the Manor of Penhargard3 (see ante, p. 23); and a similar attempt was made by Henry Penhargard in 1472. This Henry we suppose to have been a grandson of the last mentioned Walter. In 1475 we find him taking proceedings against William and Richard Mayowe of Lemmanysworthy for trespass upon his closes and houses in Bodmin,4 and in 1480 he suffered a recovery to John Penlyn of two messuages, &c, in Kylwyth, Polcan, and Bodmyn.5 We find other names which we are unable to connect with the foregqing, or to place in the pedigree, though doubtless, the persons who bore them belonged to the same family. In 1314, Walter de Penhargard was one of the Monks at Bodmin, as appears by certain proceedings before the Justices Itinerant at Launceston,6 and in the same year Geoffry de Penhargard, John le Seneschal, Roger le Seneschal and others were accused of having unjustly disseized John de Treiagu of his free tenement in Dynas Caerarthyn juxta Penepons.7 This was probably the same Geoffry who, in 1310 and again in 1311, had been Burgess in parliament for Liskeard. In 1316-7 Laurence de Penharghard was one of the defendants in a plea of novel disseizin in Trehudreth, &c.8 In 1416 Catherine Penhargard held some land, probably Penbugel, under Nicholas Beket and Johanna his wife.9 Arms of Penhargard : A saltier engrailed has been assigned as the arms of this family but, as far as we can ascertain, without sufficient authority. 1 De Banco EoUs, 20th Eichard II. Hil. m. 107. The Bishop's Eegisters give no information with respect to John MorseU, but shew that on the 30th April 1349 PhiUp de Cleue was admitted to the Church of St. Kayne upon the presentation of John de Penhirgart. (Bishop Grandison's Eegister, vol. iii. fo.. 78.) 2 De Banco EoUs, 2nd Henry IV., Trinity m. 202. 3 De Banco EoUs, 16th Eichard II. Easter, m. 105. 4 De Banco EoUs, 15th Edward IV., Trinity, m. 223. 5 De Banco EoUs, 20th Edward IV. Michaelmas, m. 340. N ) N 8 Assize EoUs, 8th Edward IL, 2 J 6 ' Assize EoUs, 8th Edward IL, 2 16 J 10 8 Ante p. 272, in which we regret to find that the proceedings are stated to have taken place in 10th Edward I., instead of 10th Edward II. 9 Assize EoUs, 2nd Henry V. 46 PARISH OF HELLAND. PEDIGREE OF PENHARGARD. Walter Haye Lord===" of Pencarrow and Amal Eglos Serlone Haye ob. v.p. Bartholomew de=j=Thomasine dau. Penhargard coheir and Johanna dau. and coheir,=Sir Eichard Stapledon, ob. s.p. Knt. John Podding==Agnes Maurice de Penhargard== Simon== Podding, Uving 13th Eichard II. John= Podding John dePenhargard,; bought Manor of Lamettyn 46th Edward in. Bartholomew,1 ob. s.p. m. ante 1392 =pAlice Johanna=Eobert Johanna===Walter Ealph ob. Thomas Katherine, Podding I de Pen- s.p.m. ante ob. s.p.m. mar. Wm. | hargard 1392 1392 Copleston, Uving 1401 Thomas =Eose Alwyn Eichard =^Edith Legh John Podding Eose dau. and heir, Uving 9th Eichard H., died a minor and non compos mentis, cir. 2nd Henry V. (1414) Laurence de=== Penhargard,ob. ante 1392 Walter de =i= Penhargard, Uving 1392 ¦ Penhargard^" • • • Henry de Penhargard Uving 1472 FAMILY HISTORY — OPIE. 47 OPYE, alias OPY, alias OPIE. The family of Opie is one widely spread and of considerable antiquity in the county of Cornwall, but of no great eminence, though about the end of the fifteenth century holding a position which justified John Carmynowe of Fentengollen in giving to Nicholas Opie of Bodmin one of his several daughters in marriage. The issue of this marriage was a son, Roger Opye, who was buried at St. Minver in 1517, where a brass to his memory still remains (see post.) We have no evidence as to other issue, but it is probable that Nicholas Opie, who was mayor of Bodmin in 1522, was another son. He ap pears in the return of that date1 as possessing goods in Bodmin of the value of £40 a year, being the highest valuation in the town; and the same return shews that he possessed land in several parishes. John Opie was one of the Commissioners of Subsidies for the Hundred of Trigg in 1524, whilst at the same time Thomas Opy, Senior, and Thomas Opie, Junior, were assessed upon goods, and Martin Opy upon a stipend of 20s. a year in the Borough of Bodmin : probably the latter was town clerk. Robert Opy at the same time was assessed upon goods of the value of £10 a year, at that time a somewhat high rate, in the Parish of Bodmin.2 The Nicholas Opie who heads the pedigree recorded at the Visitation of 1620 was probably the same mentioned above as the son of the first named Nicholas by Elizabeth Carmynowe. He would seem to have died between 1522 and 1524, for his name does not occur in the Subsidy Roll of the latter date whilst that of his son Robert does. He would appear also to have had a son named Nicholas, who in 1565 married Honour, daughter of Thomas Bligh of Bodmin (see Ped. of Bligh, ante vol. i., p. 289), by whom he had several children, from none of whom, however, can we trace issue. He was one of the Burgesses of Bodmin named in the Charter of 1562-3 (ibid., p. 212). In 1565 he acquired the Manor of Lancarfe, which in 1581, after his death, belonged to his brother Thomas Opie (ibid. p. 261), who also was one of the Burgesses named in the abovementioned charter. The last mentioned Thomas was assessed to the Subsidy in Bodmin in 1546, upon an income of £20 a year in goods.3 He purchased Penhargard in 1560, was Mayor of Bodmin in 1564, and received a grant of arms from Robert Cooke Clarencieux in 1573 In June 1588, he was granted by the Queen a lease of the tithe of wool in Bodmin, St. Minver, Padstow, and St. Cubert, for the term of twenty-one years (ibid. p. 342, not ninety-nine years as there printed). By his wife Alice, daughter of William Waye of Lostwithiel, he had a large family of whom it will be sufficient here to notice William, who succeeded him at Penhargard, and Nicholas who settled at Plymouth and is shewn at the Herald's Visitation of 1620 to have had three sons, Nicholas, Thomas, and Edward. 1 See Appendix. 87 87 2 Subsidy RoU, 16th Henry VIII. — 3 Subsidy RoU, 37th Henry VIII. — 131 179 48 PARISH OF HELLAND. William Opie of Penhargard died in 1656, leaving a great number of sons and daughters, none of whom however seem to have been very prolific. Thomas, his eldest son, succeeded him at Penhargard and Parke. We know not the date of his death, but he was alive in 1658, when he suffered a recovery in Parke (see ante, vol. i., p. 418). He left two daughters, his co-heirs, the elder of whom, Mary, married her kinsman Nicholas Opie of Pawton, of whom presently, and the younger, Loveday, William Hicks of Cardinham, Clerk. Nicholas Opie, the eldest son of Nicholas Opie of Plymouth, mentioned above, died in 1662. He had acquired the Barton, and some interest in the Manor, of Pawton in St. Breoke, and the Barton of Coldridge or Coleridge in the parish of Eggbuckland co. Devon, and by his will1 he devised Pawton to his eldest son Nicholas Opie, and Cold ridge to his son Richard. John became Rector of St. Breoke, and William was a merchant in Bristol. Nicholas Opie of Pawton, as is before stated, married Mary, coheir of Thomas Opie of Penhargard, and joined in the sale of all the estates of his wife's family. He had a son Nicholas, who by Jenessphef or Jenophef, his wife, had an only son Hugh Opie, who died unmarried in 1737, when his sister, Elizabeth Treweeke, became sole repre sentative of this branch.2 Returning again to the issue of Nicholas Opie of Plymouth : William Opie of Bristol, Merchant, died in 1695,3 leaving an only son, named Nicholas, then a minor, who appears to have died s.p. William Opie mentions his brother John, late Rector of St. Breoke, and his brother Richard, lately living in Hampshire, then deceased, and Richard's son Nicholas. It was, we presume, this Richard who married Barbara, daughter of Malachi Dudeney of Upton Grays co. Hants, and heir of her brother Thomas Dudeney. He died in 1673,* leaving three sons, and a daughter named Barbara, who became the wife of John Came of London. Nicholas, the eldest son of Richard Opie, was an attorney and scrivener in London, in considerable practice. He possessed Coldridge and Thornbury in Eggbuckland, and free hold property in Exeter, and died in 1704, intestate, leaving by Apphia his wife, daughter of Edward Anthony, three daughters, of whom two, Apphia and Anne died in infancy, and Barbara became the sole heir of her father, and was living unmarried in 1728.5 Thomas the second son was a linendraper in London, and died in 1700 s.p. John, the third son, was a merchant in London. He was twice married. By his first wife, Margaret, daughter of Daniel Oley of London, he left no issue.8 His second wife was Elizabeth Dorre of Barton upon Heath, co. Warwick, whom he married at St. Benets, Paul's Wharf, London, 19th January 1713, but we know not if by her he left issue. 1 WiU dated 23rd May, proved 20th December 1662. P.O.O. (Laud 156.) 2 See ante, vol. i., p. 451. 3 WUl dated 17th, Cod. 22nd April, and proved P.O.O. 11th June 1695. (Irby 100.) 4 Buried at Eggbuckland 28th November 1673, P.E. s Chancery Proceedings Opie v. Opie, 4th June 1728. 6 Chancery Proceedings Opie v. Oley, 9th May 1713. FAMILY HISTORY. — OPIE. 49 The descent of Coldridge perplexes us very much. A certain Richard Opie, described in his will as " Richard Opie the elder of Plymouth, merchant,"1 died seized of it in 1714, but we have failed to identify him. He was probably the same Richard Opie of Plymouth, Merchant, who, in conjunction with Elizabeth his wife, and Richard Opie his son and heir apparent, on 9th December 1700, demised to Richard Hancock2 certain premises in St. Mabyn Church Town. He bequeathed to his daughter, Jane Opie, a tenement called Ford, in Eggbuckland, and the upper part of " The Hall " of Coldridge with certain chambers &c, to be divided, and he gave her also certain furniture, plate and jewels which had belonged to his three wives, including a silver tankard with the arms of Opie thereon. To his son Richard Opie he gave the other portion of "The Hall" of Coleridge and other lands in Eggbuckland. He mentions his brother-in-law Sir John Elwell, Bart.,3 and his brother and sister Gill, and directing that his body shall be buried in the Church of Eggbuckland he gave to the Minister one guinea for preaching a sermon at his funeral. Of John Opie, Rector of St. Breoke, it remains to say a few words. He married a lady named Mary, a kinswoman of John Paige of Plymouth, gent., a person of considerable estate, some of which she received under his will.4 John Opie left two surviving sons, both named in Mr. Paige's will as devisees of a share of his freehold premises in Plymouth, of whom Nicholas died unmarried in 1716, and John became a citizen and haberdasher of London, and was living in 1726. Mary, widow of the Rector, " being ancient and weak," died in Plymouth in 1726, giving certain houses in Plymouth to her son John Opie, described as of the city of London, Grocer,5 and mentions her kinswoman Mrs. Hannah Opie wife of her kinsman Mr. Richard Opie. In consequence of the wide dispersion of the members of this family and the loss of the early parochial Registers of Helland we have experienced greater difficulty in tracing the descents of both branches than in the case of any other pedigree. Though we have collected a great deal of information from Parish Registers, Wills and Deeds, and Proceedings in Chancery, it is insufficient to enable us to identify all the individuals and, at present, to complete the pedigree of the Plymouth and Coleridge branch. ' WUl dated 18th September 1713. Proved P.C.C. 30th September 1714 (Aston 179.) 2 Hancock's Seal of Abms : Gu. a dexter hand. On a chief ar. three cocks ; a deed in the possession of E. Hambly Andrew of Tredinnick, Esq. 3 Sir John ElwiU of the city of Exeter, knighted 28th April 1696. Created a Baronet 16th August 1709. Died 25th April 1717. Aems: Erm. on a chev. eng. between three double-headed eagles displayed gu., each charged with a ducal coronet or, as many annulets of the last. The title became extinct in his grandson in 1778. 4 Chancery Proceedings, Mitford, 306-44. 5 Will dated 22nd May 1722. Proved by John Opie 1st February, 1726-7. P.C.C. (Larrant 48). H 50 PARISH OF HELLAND. PEDIGREE Nicholas Opie^pElizabeth, dau. of John Carminowe of Bodmin of FentengoUen Nicholas Opie, Mayor of Bodmin= 1622, died cir. 1523 ¦Ebbet, dau. of William Heyden, bur.1 1576 Eobert Opie, assessed to subsidy in Bodmin 1524, ob. s.p. Thomas Opie of Bodmin, assessed to= subsidy in Bodmin 1546 ; bought Penhargard 1560; mayor 1564; had grant of arms 1573 ¦Alison, dau. of William Waye of Lostwithiel, mar.1 9th Sept. 1666 Arms granted 1573. I ThomasOpie, 1st son, ob. s.^bur.1 1568, bur.1 1574 r Thomas=r Opie of London,inBread, street,Linen- draper, bap.1 1575 i William Opie=^Mary, dau. of John Courtier PalmerofLondon of of Penhargard bap.1 1572. WUl dated 17th June 1641, prov. P.C.C. 23rd October 1656 (Berkeley, of Devon, of Bridgerule.Will dated 1st June 1657, prov. P.C.C. 1st July 1658 (Wotton,405) Elizabethwife of Patrick Jenkyn of Lanwet wife of Eich ard Pierse, 3 son of Wm. Pierse. Emme- 1670unm. Edward, bap.2 15th July 1606 Cath- Hanna, erine. bap.2 30th April 1609 William Opie, - cet. 21, born 1598 ; mayor of Bodmin 1656, bur.1 1671, wiU nuncup. prov. 19th Jan. 1671, Archd. Cornw. =Mary, execu trix to her husband's will John Opie, at. 20, of Penhar gard, bur.1 27th Feb. 1670, will dated 1st May 1665, prov. 22nd Mar. 1670, Archd. Cornw. s.p. Nicholas Opie,=j=M.a,ry, dau, 18, of Chapel Am ble in St. Kew Adm°grantedto Mary his reUct 10th Mar. 1662, Arch. Cornw. of Thomas Hutton, Clerk Vicar of St. Kew, mar.5 12th Feb. 1633, bur.5 26th Sept. 1673 Eichard 0pw,=Gertrude, cet. 4, named re-mar in his mo ther's wiU, bur.1 16th Jan. 1673 Tobias SchoUar of Bodmin Jane Opie, mar.1 John Eliott of Bodmin, named in wiUs of her Grand mother Mary Opie and "Uncle John WiUiam Opie, named in his Uncle John's and Grand mother' swiUs Eich-=j=Anne, dau. of ard Opie, bur.5 23rd Aug. 1719 George Carn- sewe, bap.5 20th Sep. 1640, mar.5 25th Aug. 1676 William, bap.5 9th Nov. 1635, bur.5 9th Oct. 1636 Mary, bap.5 6 Feb. 1676 John Opie, bap.6 25th Oct. 1649 Susanna, bur.4 20th Nov. 1683 EUzabeth, Loveday, Mary, =f dau. and heir, dau. and dau. residuary coh., mar and legatee under William coh. her father's Hicks of will ( ... Cardinham Clerk l Opie, son and heir of Paw ton in St. Breoke Nicholas Opie, bur.6: 23rd Sep. i714 Jonesshoph Hugh Opie, son and heir, died 1737, wiU dated 28th Feb. 1737 EUzabeth, mar. . . . wiU 3rd June 1673 Treweeke, 1 At Bodmin. 4 At St. Breoke. 2 At St. Mary, Aldermanbury, London. 5 At St. Kew. 3 At Plymouth. 6 At St. Mabyn. FAMILY HISTORY. — PEDIGREE OF OPIE. 51 OF OPIE. Roger Opie, died 13th January 1517, bur. at St. Minver, M.I. Nicholas Opie of Bodmin,=f=Honour dau. of Thomas BUgh of Bodmin bought Lancarfe, 1565, I (see Ped. oe Bligh, ante Vol. I., p. 189) bur. 1581 mar.' 15th Jan. 1565 Edward, =Amy 4 son bap. SmaU, 1577 mar.1 1601, bur.1 1624 Nicholas Opie^Jane, of Plymouth,1! dau. of bap.1 1574, John bur.3 22nd Woode April 1640; of Adm°granted Har- to son Thomas restow 11th June co. 1640 P.C.C. Devon l L~ Radigan, bap.1 1566 Joane, bap.1 1567, bur.1 1577 Otho, bap,1 1669, bur.1 1577 Thomas, bap.1 160 Alice, bap.1 1572, bur.1 1576 Nicholas, bap.1 1573, bur.1 1573 Par sons, bap.1 1574 Mar garet, bur.1 1573 Dor othy, bur. 1577 r i i i i i itt 6. m. 53. 17 j 23) 3 Assize EoUs, 32nd Edward III. m. 96. 4 De Banco EoUs, 35th Edward HI. m. 65. 6 De Banco EoUs 7th Eichard II. Hilary. 0 Coram Eege EoUs, 7th Eichard n. Easter. Crown Pleas. N) ' Assize Rolls, Cornwall, 12th Richard II. 2 J 1 m. 170. 32) 8 De Banco Rolls, 18th Richard II. Michaelmas m. 225. d. 0 Ibid., 19th Richard II. Hilary, m. 392. d. 10 In January 1397, Henry Glyn and Johanna his wife were plaintiffs in an action of debt against Alice Sturte and John Hunt and AUce his wife. (De Banco EoUs, 20th Eichard II. HU. m. 347.) I2 60 PARISH OF HELLAND. of Thomas Glyn, who was assessed to the subsidy in Cardynham in 1327, as above stated. These,, deeds1 enable us to deduce three descents ending with Thomas Glyn, who was probably father or grandfather of Thomas Glyn who heads the visitation pedigree of 1620. How, or when, the Manor of Glynn was re-acquired by the family of its ancient possessors we have not been able to ascertain, but it appears from a deed dated at Polwater, 1st October 3rd Henry VII.2 (1487), by which Thomas Glyn of Glyn granted and confirmed to Thomas Glyn of Lanhydrock, and Eichard Denys, all his messuages &c. in Polwater and Southcarne, that Glyn was then held by the family. The possession of Polwater would seem to support the conjecture above stated that this Thomas was a descendant of Thomas Glyn (son of Henry) who held the same place in 1405. Thomas Glyn, son of the above Thomas Glyn of Glyn, had three sons of whom Nicholas would appear to have been the elder. In a deed dated 3rd December 17th Henry VIII. (1521), to which John Glyn of Lanhydrock was one of the witnesses; he is described as Nicholas Glyn of Glyn,3 as he is also in another deed dated 27th July 20th Henry VIIL (1528), which John Glyn of Lanhydrock also attests : and also in a further deed dated 24th April 1st and 2nd Philip and Mary (1555).4 This was doubtless the same Nicholas who is mentioned (ante. vol. i., p. 138) as being 51 years of age in 1538. Glyn would appear to have been held on lease from the Courteneys, for in 1542 Nicholas Glyn was assessed to the subsidy in Cardynham upon goods5 of the value of £30 per annum. This Nicholas died s.p. and was probably succeeded by his brother Thomas. Thomas had two sons : Nicholas carried on the succession at Glynn and in 1558 was assessed to the subsidy in Cardynham upon lands of the value of £7 per annum,0 as he was in 1570 upon lands in the same parish of J'lO per annum.7 In 1594 the value of the lands had increased to J1^,8 when the name of Nicholas Glyn again appears in the Eoll. There is, however, an error in the name, for Nicholas Glyn died on 11th October 1580, seized inter alia of the moiety of the Manor of Treyere in Lanreath, also of the Manor of Maneleye Fleming in St. Vepe,9 also of one messuage and forty acres of land in Cardynham called Glyn, also of one messuage in Brodoke called Polwater, also of one 1 Deeds in the possession of WiUiam Anthony Glynn of Fairy Hill, Isle of Wight, Esq., the present representative of the Glynn family, to whose obUging courtesy we are indebted for a sight of them. 2 Glynn Deeds. 3 The lands of Nicholas Glyn in Cardinham in the Eeturn, cir. 1522, are valued at 13s. 4d. per annum, and his goods as of the value of £14; and he was returned as " f uU harnessed." He had also lands of the value of 10s. per annum, at the same time, in St. Neot. (Augm. Office, Miscel. Books, vol. Ixxvu.) * Glynn Deeds 87 5 Subsidy EoU, 33rd Henry VIII. — - John Glyn at the same time was assessed upon o'oods in St 150 r D Neot of the value of £20 per annum. A leasehold or chattel estate would be described as "<*oods" 87 " ' 88 ¦ Subsidy Eolls, 1st Elizabeth — 7 Subsidy Eolls, 13th Elizabeth 88 225 » Subsidy EoUs, 36th Elizabeth 253 o The Manor of Manelye Fleming was quit-claimed by John Briand of LansaUowes, Gent., to Nicholas Glyn of Glyn, by deed dated 15th June 1st Edward VI. (Glynn Deeds.) FAMILY HISTORY. — GLYNN. 61 messuage called Penbugell &c, which latter he had settled upon his son Nicholas, and the jury say that he held Glyn of Bryan Cave and Bridget his wife as of their Manor of Glyn &c, and that William his son is his nearest heir and is aged 46 years and more.1 Upon his son Nicholas and his heirs male he settled, as just stated, Penbugell and other lands, with remainder, in default of such issue, to his own right heirs. This Nicholas resided at St. Merrin where he died in 1602, s.p. John, second son of the last above mentioned Thomas Glyn, founded the family of Glyn of Westcote, in Boyton, whose descendants2 remained seated there at the time of the Heralds' Visitation of 1620, when there were three sons living : John, aged 12 years, Eobert, aged 11 years, and George, aged 8 years. John married Prudence, daughter of Eisdon of Aston, Co. Devon, and died before 1649, s.p. George, settled at North Tamerton, and died there in 1679, s.p., and by his will, of which he made his brother Eobert executor, directed that his body should be buried at Boyton. Eobert, it is believed, also died s.p. William, son of Nicholas Glyn, above mentioned, died on Gth October 1613. The inquisition taken after his death shews that he ha,d increased his possessions in Cardyn ham. He was found to have been seized, in addition to the manors aforesaid, of one capital messuage and 200 acres of lands, &c, in Glyn, also of a messuage 140 acres of lands, &c, in Kingswood Hill and other places in the same parish, and that Glyn was held of Bridget Skipwith as of her Manor of Glyn, and further, that Nicholas Glyn was his son and nearest heir, and was aged 50 years and more.3 This Nicholas was Sheriff of Cornwall in 1620, in which year he registered his pedigree at the Heralds' Visitation. He had two sons, William and Walter — William carried on the succession at Glyn. His great grandson, of the same name, by Eose, the daughter of John Prideaux of Prideaux Place, and coheir of her brother Edmund Prideaux, had several children. His eldest son, Nicholas Glyn, married Elizabeth, daughter of Francis and sister and sole heir of John Nichols of Trewane and Davidstow. He was Sheriff of Cornwall in 1743, and died the following year leaving an infant son. John Glyn, the second son of William Glyn, by Eose Prideaux, went to the bar where he greatly distinguished himself, and was one of the most eminent constitutional lawyers of his age. In 1768, he was a candidate for the representation in Parliament of the County of Middlesex. The poll commenced at Brentford on the 8th December, and the business was carried on with tranquillity until the afternoon, when it being supposed that Sergeant Glynn had polled a greater number of votes than his opponent, Sir W. B. Procter, a tumult arose. The mob stormed the hustings and attempted to seize some of the poll books. Many persons were much injured, and the polling was entirely stopped for the 1 Inq. p. m. 23rd EUzabeth. Part 2, No. 14. 8 In 1658, John Glyn was assessed upon goods in the parish of Boyton at £9 a year, as he was again in 1594, but in 1600, the property had become divided as John Glyn the son or grandson of the first John was assessed upon goods of the value of £3 a year only, and he was assessed at the same rate in 1627. 3 Inq. p. m., 12th James, Part I. No. 402. 62 PARISH OF HELLAND. day. The next day Sergeant Glynn issued a very spirited address to the freeholders, denouncing the riot and proclaiming himself a friend to the " cause of the people." He was returned by a majority of 264, and took a prominent part in the case of Mr. Wilkes. In 1772, he was elected Eecorder of London in succession to Baron Eyre. The old salary of the appointment was £180 a year, which the Common Council usually made up to £400. The services of Mr. Eyre occasioned an additional £200, but those of Mr. Glynn were considered so valuable, that the stipend was increased to a £1000 a year. Mr. Glynn was also Eecorder of Exeter. The young heir of Nicholas Glynn was supposed to be of weak intellect, and Serjeant Glynn took out a commission in lunacy against him, and got himself appointed receiver of the estates. This so angered Mrs. Glynn, the mother, that at her death, her son having pre-deceased her, s.p., she bequeathed all her own manors and lands to Thomas Glynn of Helston, a distant relative, and John Bennet gent., who had been steward of the Glynn estates. Sergeant Glynn had three sons, Edmund John Glynn of Glynn, Anthony William, clerk, some time Eector of Lesnewith, and Henry Eichard Glynn, who entered the Navy and rose to the rank of Admiral. Edmund John Glynn entered upon many speculative enterprises, which proved unfortunate, and all his estates were sold.1 He died in 1840 leaving three daughters, coheirs, of whom Elizabeth Ann married William Henry Petre, then in the Enniskillen Dragoons, and eldest son of the Hon. George William Petre, second son of Eobert Edmund ninth Baron Petre. Frances Mary married Charles Prideaux-Brune of Prideaux Place, and Gertrude Eose died unmarried. Anthony William Glynn is now represented by his grandson William Anthony Glynn of Fairy Hill, Isle of Wight, Esq., who is also the representative, in the male line, of the family of Glyn of Glyn. GLYN OF LANHYDEOCK. A short pedigree of this family is upon record in the Herald's Visitation of 1531,2 commencing with Thomas Glyn of Lanhydrock who is shewn to have married Joan daughter and sole heir of William Clyker of Clyker, by whom he had three sons John, Thomas, and John. Of Thomas we are unable to give any account. John the younger was probably the founder of the family of Glyn of Morval, of which we shall presently treat. John the elder was perhaps the same John who we find, from about 1460, in large practice as an Attorney at Bodmin. He married Isabell daughter and heir of Ealph Arundell of Penbugell, Esq., and by deed dated at Penbugell, 11th October 23rd Henry 1 Glynn is now the chief seat of Lord Vivian, Lord Lieutenant of the County. 2 Herald's CoU. E. 15, fo. 32. FAMILY HISTORY — GLYNN. 63 VII. (1507),1 William Vaghan quitclaimed to him and his wife all his right and claim of right, to all his messuages, lands, and toll of tin in Penbugell and Eosmelyn, and he warranted the same against the Prior of Bodmin and all men for ever. This deed, inter alia, is tested by John Arundell of Lanharne, Knt., John Glyn of Morvall, Esq., and others. This John was perhaps the same who was Mayor of Bodmin in 1497.2 He had two sons, John and Thomas. John was probably the same John Glyn who was Mayor of Bodmin in 1510, and 1520,2 and who is mentioned as coroner in 1519.3 He was also CoUector of the Subsidy in the 6th, 7th, 13th, and 14th Henry VIII.8 He was living in 1538, on the 17th October in which year, by deed dated at Penbugell wherein he is described as John Glynn of Lanhederock, gentylman, he. mortgaged Penbugell to Thomas Mayowe, alias Helyer, of Lostwithiel and William his son for 40 marks. In 1543 he was assessed to the subsidy in Lanhydrock upon lands of the value of £5 per annum,4 and was alive in January, 1547-8, when he suffered a fine in the Manor of Lancarfe, but he died before 1550, for, by deed dated at Bodmin on 9th December in that year, Bartholomew Glynn, gent., describing himself as son and heir of John Glynn of Lanhidrock, deceased, quit-claimed to Nicholas Glynn of Glynn all his title and interest in Penbugell with which Nicholas Glyn had been enfeoffed by grantee's father.5 Of this Bartholomew we have no further notice. He was probably dead s.p. before the Herald's Visitation of 1573. Thomas Glyn, second son of John Glyn and Isabella Arundell, married Jane, daughter and heir of James Nichol of St. Ives, who, from the arms which he was allowed to impale for her at the visitation of 1573,6 when the pedigree was extended, would seem to have been of the same family as Nichols of Penvose — see pedigree. The issue of this marriage was a daughter, Margery, who married Eichard Tregose, and a son John, who married Jane, daughter and heir of Michael Nanskevell, of Nanskevell in St. Maugan, in whose right he held certain lands of the Manor of Padstow, and we find his name in the Court Eolls of that manor in almost every year from 1553 to 1574. In 1668, 1671, and 1684, the name of Thomas Glyn, Esq., appears in the same Eolls, and in 1687, John Glynn, junr. is appointed " Scrutator and Sigillator " of the manor, and he served in the homage until 1693.7 1 The laBds of John ArundeU of PenbugyU, in the parish of Bodmyn, in the valuation cir. 1522, were returned as of the value of 40s. per annum. Augment. Office Miscl. Book, vol. lxxvij. 2 Ante vol. i. p. 236. 3 Ante vol. i. p. 220. 3 Subsidy Rolls for those years, In 1524 John Glynn was assessed to the Subsidy in Bodmin upon a higher income than any other person except WilUam Vivian. The latter was assessed upon goods at 40 marks 87 per annum, the former at £20. The next highest income was £10 (Sub. EoU 16th Henry VIII. — ). John Glynn of 131 Lanhydrock and John Glynn of Bodmin both held lands in Liskeard ; the former valued at 40s. and the latter at 10s. per annum, as appears from the return of cir. 1522 before cited. 4 Sub. RoU for this year. 5 Pedes Finium, 2nd Edward VI., Hilary. See also ante vol. i. p. 261. 6 Heralds' CoU. G. 2, p. 72, and E. 15, p. 32. 7 Court RoUs, Manor of Padstow. 64 PARISH OF HELLAND. GLYN OF MOEVAL. The first of the name who settled in Morval was, we conceive, John Glyn, the second son of that name of Thomas Glyn of Lanhydrock, by Jane, daughter and heir of William Clyker. In 1462, he recovered from John Eumsey and Agnes his wife, who had been the wife of William Botreaux, Esq., one acre of land, Cornish, in Clis juxta Morval, which seems to have become his chief place of residence. He also, at the same time, recovered from Johanna, daughter and heir of the said William Botreaux, one acre of land, Cornish, in the same place, of which they had unjustly disseized him.1 About the same time this John Glyn acquired lands, and the services of divers tenants, of whom Thomas Glyn was one, in the parishes of St. Neot and Warleggan.2 In 1465, William Glyn,3 by John Glyn, his attorney, sued John Dodding, concerning one messuage in Bodnek, whereof the said John Dodding had disseized him,* and in 1469, John Glyn recovered from Margaret Lady Hungerford, widow, daughter and heir of William Botreaux, the Manor of Treffry.5 This John Glyn of Morval was Under-Steward of the Duchy of Cornwall, having superseded in that office Thomas Clemens of Liskeard, by whom and his associates he was, after much previous persecution and illtreatment, brutally murdered at Over Wringworthy in the parish of Morval on the 29th August 1472, the chief particulars of which have been given by Davies Gilbert6 from the petition to Parliament from Johanna widow of John Glyn, printed in the Eolls of Parliament.7 Upon the inqui sition taken after his death he was found to have died seized of West Trenaynowe, held of John Hallewyll, Eichard Clyker, and William Clyker, as of their Manor of Trenode, and also of Clys and other lands ; and it was found that John Glyn, Junr. was son and nearest heir of the said John Glyn, and that he was then aged 23 years and more.8 By his charter dated 26th 4th Henry VIII. he enfeoffed Edmund 1 De Banco EoUs, 1st Edward IV. Hal. m. 110. d. 2 De Banco Eolls, 4th Edward IV. Michaelmas, m. 455. 3 We have not been able to indentify this William Glyn so as to fix his place in the pedigree. He is mentioned again in July, 1469-70, in connection with the iUtreatment of John Glyn of Morval. 4 De Banco EoUs, 5th Edward IV. Easter, m. 61. d. 5 De Banco EoUs, 9th Edward IV. Michaelmas, m. 138. " History of CornwaU, vol. iii. pp. 246—248. 7 Eot. Pari, printed by Eecord Commissioners, vol. vi. p. 36. 8 Imq. p. m, 13th Edward IV. No. 57. Immediately after his father's death proceedings were taken against John Glyn of Morval by Alice who was the wife of WilUam Benaluna, for the recovery of the third part of three messuages in Penquite juxta Holo in the parish of Liskeard, which she claimed as dower of the gift of WiUiam some time her husband. (De Banco EoUs 12th Edward IV., HUary, m. 444.) In January 1473-4 proceedings were taken by John Mark of Liskeard against John Glyn late of London, junr., gent. Executor of the wiU of John Glyn late of Morval, to recover a debt of 10 marks (De Banco EoUs 13th Edward IV. Hil., m. 312 d.) ; and three years later John Glyn of Morval, son and heir of John Glyn late of Morval, gent, deceased, was sued for a debt by Thomas Trevarthian. (De Banco EoUs 16th Edward IV. HU. m. 584 ) FAMILY HISTORY. — GLYNN. 65 Kendall and Elizabeth his wife, and William Godolphin and Margaret his wife, which Elizabeth and Margaret were two of the daughters and heirs of the said John Glyn, in the Manor of Treffrie to hold to them and the heirs of their bodies. He also, by a charter dated 11th October 3rd Henry VIII. (1511), enfeoffed Eichard Code and Thomasia his wife, another daughter and heir of the said John Glyn, in three closes of land in Clyse, and divers other lands, to hold to the said Eichard and Thomasia and the heirs of their bodies. By another charter of the same date he granted certain lands therein described to William Fulford, John Glyn of Lanhydrock, and other trustees, to hold to the use of the said John Glyn for life, with remainder to Eichard Code and Thomasia his wife and the heirs male of their bodies, and in default of such issue to the use of the said John Glyn and his heirs for ever. And the jury found that the said John Glyn died 3rd May 4th Henry VIII. (1512), and that Thomasia wife of Eichard Code, aged 30 years, EUzabeth wife of Gilbert Beket aged 28 years, and Margaret wife of William Godolphin aged 25 years, were his nearest heirs.1 GLYNN OF HELSTON. We now return to William Glynn, younger son of William Glynn of Glynn by Ann Crewes. That gentleman married Mary, the daughter of Eoscrow of Eoscrow, and settled at Wendron, where he died and was buried in 1613. He left a son of his own name, who settled at Helston, and whose son Thomas married Mary,2 daughter and heir of Otho Polkinhorn of Polkinhorn in Gwinear, by whom he acquired the Manor and Barton of Polkinhorn. The family remained at Helston until 1794, when Thomas Glynn, the last of the line, died unmarried, and his sister, wife of Eichard Gerveys Grylls of Helston, became his sole heir. (See Pedigree of geylls, post.) GLYNN OF BEOADS IN HELLAND. This family derived its descent from Walter, second son of Nicholas Glynn, which Walter was aged 10 years in 1620. He married and settled in St. Neot, where several of his children were born. Hubert, his son, married Mary only daughter of Stephen Toker of Broads in Helland, where Hubert Glynn3 eventually established himself, and 1 Inq. p.m. 6th Henry VIIL, No. 117. We find John Glynn of Morval in the Commission of the Peace for the county from 1493 to 1509. He doubtless held the office until his death. 2 This Thomas Glynn, described as of the SciUy Islands, by deed dated 31st October 1640, conveyed certain lands in the parish of Feock to one Thomas Hendra, which lands, it is recited, formerly belonged to Nicholas Glynn, Esq., deceased, and had been conveyed by him to WiUiam Glynn, Gent., deceased, father of the said Thomas. 3 Dennis Glynn of Glynn, by his will dated 13th August 1704, bequeathed a legacy of 30 Guineas to his cousin Hubert Glynn, and also a legacy of 20 Guineas to his cousin Jane Glynn, which Jane was the daughter of Nicholas brother of Hubert. K 66 PARISH OP HELLAND. where he died in 1705. The issue of this marriage, together with daughters, was one son, Eobert Glynn of Broads, who by Mary daughter and co-heir of John Clobery of Bradstone left a son Eobert Glynn. This eminent man was educated at Eton on the foundation, and was admitted a scholar of King's College, Cambridge, in 1733. Became B.A. 1741, and proceeded M.A. 1745, M.D. 1758, and 1763 was elected Fellow of the Eoyal College of Physicians. He practised physic first at Eichmond, and afterwards he removed to Cambridge, where he continued until his death. He is described as a " disinterested, virtuous, and consummate scholar," and his life is said to have been " one uniform course of integrity and benevolence."1 It was his practice to invite the young men of the University to drink tea in the afternoons in his rooms, by which he exercised a most beneficial influence over many of them. Testimony to this is borne by Mr. Chaffin, the author of "Anecdotes of Cranborne Chase." In his Life he makes mention of the advantage he gained from an introduction to Mr. Burford, a Fellow of the same College, and to the good and learned Dr. Glynn. " These good friends," he says, " were very indulgent to me, and I was invited to their rooms two or three times in the week to afternoon tea drink- ings, when they examined me respecting my college lectures, and gave me, in the most pleasing manner, such instructions as were of the greatest benefit to me through all my exercises in the schools."2 Dr. Glynn's tea parties were frequented by young men of the highest rank and character, many of whom afterwards attained the first places in Church and State. Among these was Mr. Pitt, who, when he became Chan cellor of the University, expressed himself gratified at the repeated invitations which he had received from Dr. Glynn, and offered him the Professorial chair, which Dr. Glynn declined in consequence of his advanced age. Many anecdotes are preserved of Dr. Glynn's eccentricity, coupled with his kindness of heart. It has been said that his love for his native county led him never to accept a fee from a Cornishman. Davies Gilbert records a story of a tame bird which, having been given to the Doctor by a poor woman who had nothing else to bestow for his kindness and attendance on her family in sickness, the Doctor accepted the present, and afterwards, upon the plea that he could not keep the bird in his College rooms, gave the woman half-a-crown a week to keep it for him. Among his other peculiarities Dr. Glynn considered that the belief that the tendency to gout was here ditary was a popular error. On one occasion he was consulted by a young gentleman in his nineteenth year, in his first attack of gout. He observed : " My young friend, you call this gout ; pooh ! pooh ! you have not earned the costly privilege. You must drink your double hogshead first." " But my father, sir it's in my blood by right of inheritance." His reply was strong: "You talk nonsense! You may as well tell me that you have a broken leg in your veins by right of inheritance." Nevertheless the writer adds "that notwithstanding reasonable temperance he was a martyr to the disease at forty, and doubted not he should die crippled." > Pursuits of Literature. 2 Gentleman's Magazine, lxxxviii. i. 11. FAMILY HISTORY. — GLYNN. 67 Dr. Glynn greatly interested himself in the Chatterton controversy, and is said to have been some time confined from a violent cold caught in visiting the depository of the Eowleian MSS. He is understood to have assisted Mr. Matthias in his learned and comprehensive essay upon the subject, as also the erudite and profound Jacob Bryant."1 In compUance with the testamentary injunction of his maternal uncle, Mr. Clobery of Bradstone, Dr. Glynn, assumed the name of Clobery in addition to and after that of Glynn,3 but he still continued to be usually designated by his more familiar paternal name. Dr. Glynn died from gradual decay on the 8th February 1800. During his illness resignation and kindness to others were the marked traits of his character, and he expired without a struggle or a groan. Agreeably to his wish he was interred in the vault of King's CoUege Chapel in a private manner, at night, when the members of the College only attended. He was so greatly beloved and esteemed in Cambridge as to be styled the "Delicice" of that famous University, and the general feeling was so strong that one who had set so bright an example should be treated with some special mark of respect, that the Vice-Chancelior, Dr. Mansel, communicated to the gentlemen of the University his intention to accompany Dr. Glynn's friends, in mourning, from Trinity CoUege to St. Mary's Church on the Sunday following the funeral, and accordingly a procession of the Heads of Houses, the Noblemen, and a numerous body of the Masters of Arts, were present. A sermon was preached on the occasion by Mr. Michell, a FeUow of King's College. Though Dr. Glynn's practice for a long series of years was very extensive, and his estabUshment, confined within the walls of the College, very small, the value of his effects after his death, including the bequest from his uncle, was comparatively of Uttle amount. In what manner he applied the principal part of his professional emolu ments was best known to those who were supported or assisted by his beneficence. By his wiU, dated 7th April 1798, and proved 5th March 1800, he bequeathed £9000 to his College, and £5000 to the Eev. Thomas Kerrich, his executor. His lands in HeUand he left to the Eev. John Henry Jacob, sometime a Fellow of King's CoUege, son of John Jacob of Salisbury, M.D., who had been a particular friend of the deceased. Dr. Glyn left but little literary evidence of his great learning and ability. His principal work was a poetical essay on the Day of Judgment, for which he obtained the Seatonian prize in 1756. This was first printed in the University press and after wards in various forms. A portrait of him by Dr. Kerrich was engraved by Facius in 1783, but it is now very rare. 1 The Author has in his Ubrary a treatise in "Vindication of the Appendix of the Poems caUed Rowleys" by Thomas Tyrwhitt. It was a presentation copy to Dr. Glynn, and bears his autograph, "R. Glynn, C." on the cover, and some notes by the Doctor in short hand on the margins of some of the leaves. 2 We cannot find any Royal License or Act of Parliament authorising the change. K* 68 PARISH OF HELLAND. Arms as aUowed at the Herald's Visitation 1620. PEDIGEEE OF (Thomas?) Glyn,=pOUvia, Uving=Walter assessed to the subsidy, 1327. Died 1370 | 1380 Westcote Henry Glyn, Uving=^=Johanna, Uving 1370 I 1370 Thomas Glyn, son and heir, Uving 1405 =j= r Thomas Glyn of GVyny^ .... born cir. 1427 Thomas Glyn of Glyn,=f=Bose, dau. of born cir. 1457 I Treearen Nicholas, ob. s.p., born 1487, aged 51 years in 1538, (see ante vol. i., p. 138) Thomas Glyw^Alice, dau. and of Glyn I heir of Eichard ~l Priest John Glynn; 2nd son ¦¦Thomasine. dau. of Nicholas Carlyon of CarVyon in Key, Cornw. J John Glynn^fMary, dau. of Eobert r of Boyton Trewdick of Stednans in Cornw. Nicholas Glyn, 2nd son, mar. Joane dau. of John Bonithon of St. Mer- rin, wiU dated 10th March 1602, s.p. Leonard, bap.1 11th Dec. 1578 Philip, wife to .. .. Pierse of Tamerton in Cornw., bap.1 10th Sep. 1582 John Glyn of=j=Ann, dau. to Boyton, ano. 1620, bap.1 10 Feb. 1577 Eob. Menwynick of Menwynick in Cornwall 3rd son, bap.1 4th Aug 1581 Eobert ind, bap.1 20th Jan 16 ;0. John Glyn, second son, cet., 12, Anno 1620, bap.1 5th Aug. 1609. George 3rd, bap.1 23rd Sept. 1612, of North Tamerton. WiU dated 13th Nov. 1679, pro. 28th April 16S0. His bro. Eob. Executor. To be bur. at Boyton. s.p. Nicholas, son and heir, Sheriff of=pGertrude, dau. and coh. of Cornw. 1675, bap.3 1633, bur.2 26th Mar. 1697, M.I. Anthony Dennis of Orleigh, bur.1 29th Sept. 1675. John Glynn, 2nd son, bap.3 1605,= admo. granted at Exon 20th May 1689, bur.1 1 At Boyton. 4 At St. George's, Bloomsbury, London. 2 At Cardinham. 3 At Bodmyn. 5 At Bideford. FAMILY HISTORY. — PEDIGREE OP GLYN. 69 GLYN OF GLYN.— Table I. I certify that the portion of this pedigree which is printed in Italics and the Arms agree with the records of this Office. Herald's CoUege, GEOEGE HARRISON, 29th May, 1873. Windsor Herald. Nicholas Glyn, mar. Constance, dau. and heir of John^=j=Elizabeth, dau. of John Bryan, who died s.p. Died 11th Oct. 1580, Inq. p.m. 23rd Elizabeth, p. 2, No. 14 Talkerne of Goodacott, 2nd wife Thomasine, wife to William Zangesford Joane, wife to Eichard Doune William Glyn, eldest son, aged 46 years on his father's death^4««, dau. of in 1580, died 6th Oct. 1613, Inq. p.m. 12th James, Part I., No. 102, bur.2 M.I. Anthony Crewes of Liskeard wife of John Harrie alias Trebrok (Trebarrock ?) Margery, wife of John Treuedon appointed executor to Uncle Nicholas' will 1602, Uving in 1615. Witness to his brother's wUl. Mar. Denet, dau. of John Bligh of Bodmin 1595, (ante vol. i. p. 280.) Bur.3 20th Nov. 1628. s.p. Nicholas Glyn of Glyn an0 1620,=j=Jane, dau. of aged 50 years on his father's death. Sheriff of Cornw. 1620 Died 20th Dec. 1615. WiU prov. 13th Jan. 1626 in Archd. Court of Cornw. Walter dall of Pelyn, bur.2 8th April 1634. William, (?) settled at Wendron, see Table III. Phillip, mar. John Incleden of Bratton, co. Devon. (Visit. Devon 1620.) Walter 2nd, at. 10, of St. Neot. See Table IV. WiUiam Glyn, son and heir, cet. 21 1620,=f=Alice, dau. of Arthur Harris of bur.2 5th Aug. 1664, M.I., wiU dated 29th Haine co. Devon. Adm° to Nicholas Jan. 1656, prov. 12th Jan. 1665, Exon. Glyn, §on of deed., 11th Aug. 1677. Zoueday, wife to Thomas Hearle of Trenouthe. WUliam, 3rd son, wiU dated 19th June 1671, died Cordelia, bap.3 Philip, 1672, prob. granted in Archd. Court of Cornw. 1634. 4th son. 28th Aug. 1672. J Ann Hearle, named in her grandfather's wiU. 1 At Boyton. 4 At St. George's Bloomsbury, London. 2 At Cardinham. 3 At Bodmyn. 6 AtBideford. 70 PARISH OF HELLAND. WiUiam, bur.2 16th May 1668, M.I. Nicholas, bur.2 13th Aug. 1670, MJ. Gertrude, bur.2 8th June 1669. M.I. WilUam,bap.2 22nd Aug. 1716, bur.2 13th Feb. 1717. Nicholas Glynn of: Glynn, son and heir, born 5th and bap.2 22nd Jan. 1713; Sheriff of Cornw. 1743. Died 22nd June 1744. =EUzabeth, sister and heir of John Nichols of Trewane. Mar. settl. dated 5th and 6th Sept. 1734, wiU dated 10th April, proved 24th May 1771, P.C.C. John Glynn, 2 son, bap.2 3rd Aug.; 1722, matric. at Exeter CoU., Oxf. 17th May 1738, Serg.-at-Law, Eecorder of London and Exeter, M.P. for Middlesex, died 16th Sept. 1779, intestate, bur.2 23rd Sept. 1779. =Susanna Margaret, 3rd dau. of Sir John Oglander Bart., born 1st Sept. 1744, mar. settl. 9th July and mar. 21st July 1763, died at Bath 20th May 1816. WiUiam Glynn, of Glynn, bom 29th Sept. bap2. 11th Nov. 1735, died intestate and un- mar., bur.2 28th Dec. 1762. Edmund John = Glynn of Glynn, son and heir, born 22nd, bap. 28th June 1764. Sheriff of Comw. 1799, Died 27th July 1.840. :EIizabeth Anne, eldest dau. of Edward Meaux Worsley of Gatcombe, Isle of Wight, mar. 9th Nov. 1790, mar. settl. 5th and 6th Nov. 1790, died June 1797. Anthony William Glynn, bom= 1st and bap.4 3rd Oct. 1766, matric. at Bal. CoU., Oxford, 15th Dec. 1784, Ordained Priest 19th Dec. 1790, Inst, to Eectory of Lesnewth 2nd Feb. 1791, Civilian FeUow of New CoU., Oxford. EUzabeth Anne, born 2nd Sept. 1791. mar. 1st July 1818 Henry Petre of Dunkenhalgh, co. Lane. Died 13th Sept 1828. Susan Jane, bom 29th July 1793, died in infancy. Francis Mary, bom 23rd May 1795, mar. Charles Prideaux-Brune of Prideaux Place, co. Cornw. 29th Feb. 1820. Died 22nd July 1863. Gertrude Eose, born 6th June 1797, died unmar. 6th Sept. 1853. =Sukey Margaret, eldest dau. of Sir William Oglander, Bart., sometime M.P. for Bodmin, mar. Jan. 1800, died 5th April, 1840. WiUiam Anthony Glynn of=p=Atme, dau. of I Fairy HiU, Isle of Wight. bom 22nd May 1807, matric. at Wadham CoU. Oxf. 25th June 1824, aged 17, B.A. as of Magdalen, HaU, 17th Oct. 1833, M.A. as of Merton Coll. 26th May 1847, D.C.L. 1851, died 19th May 1865. WiUiam Anthony=Margaret Anderson, Glynn of Fairy only dau. of Eobert Hill, Isle of Wigram Crawford, Wight, son and M.P. for London, heir, bom 5th mar. 5th Sept. 1865. Nov. 1842. GoodaU, born Sept. 1808, mar. 29th May 1828, died 21st Oct. 1864, bur. St. Helens, Isle of Wight. John Henry Oglander, bom 7th Mar. 1847, Barrister-at-Law, matric. Trinity HaU, Camb. Oct. 1864, B.A. 1868. Anne MatUda, born 6th July 1829, mar. 22nd July 1852 Francis Price of Longlands, co. Glamorgan, Esq. Elizabeth. Susan. -[ . GertrudeFrances, died unnie'\ 1 At Boyton. * At St. George's, Bloomsbury, London. 2 At Cardinham. 3 At Bodmyn. 5 At Bideford. FAMILY HISTORY. — PEDIGREE OF GLYNN. 71 Bridget, dau. of Edw. Hoblyn of Bodmin, 2nd=Dennis Glynn of Glynn,=pElizabeth, dau. of Samuel Foot wife, bap.3 22nd June 1666, bur.2 10th Nov. 1695. (Wee ped. of hoblyn, vol. i, p. 475.) wiU dated 13th Aug. 1704, bur.2 14th April 1705. of Wemworthy, near Tiverton, 1st wife, bur.2 31st Jan. 1629. WiUiam Glynn, bap.2 4th Aug. 1668, bur.a 17th Feh. 1719. WiUiam Glynn of Glynn. WiU dated 20th=pEose, dau. of John Prideaux of Prideaux Place, bap. at Padstow 25th Nov. 1727, bur.2 22nd Nov. same year, June 1683, mar. there 15th Sept. 1709, bur.2 3rd Mar. 1736. Edmund Glynn, 3rd son, bap.2 20th April 1725, died unmar. WUl dated 17th Nov. 1736, his brother John residuary legatee, bur.2 29th Nov. 1746. Ann,2 bap. 4th Sept. 1711, died unmar. 16th Mar. 1736. Gertrude, bap.2 8th Feb. 1714. Elizabeth, bap. 2nd July 1715. Bridget, bap.2 25th AprU 1720, bur.2 7th Jan. 1736. Maria, dau. ofc=Henry Eichard Glynn, born= Spicker, 2nd wife, died s.p. 17th Sept. 1768, bap.4 26th Feb. 1769, Admiral R.N., died 20th July 1856. Maria dau. of WilUam Batt of Moditonham, reUct of WiUiam Turguard, Capt. k.n., lBt wife. =Mary, daughter of Eob. Incle- don, Capt. e.n., mar. 14th June 1825, died 16th April 1853. s.p. Susan Margaret, born 14th Nov. 1770, died unmar, 16th July 1865 ; aged 87. Henry = Richard,born at Bath 10th June 1805, died July 1849, s,p., bur.5 =Anne, dan. of Colonel Kear ney. Mar. at RydeIs.ofW. 11th June 1836, died 26th July 1872, at Chel tenham, and bur. there. Jane, dau/ of Adam Reid, mar. 1829, died 2nd Jan. 1842 at Bangalore, E.I. Jane WUliamson, born 20th Jan. 1837. mar. 10th May 1866 Wm. Harris of Inche- wen, co. Perth, Esq. :John = Edmund,bom 26th Sept. 1809, Major, E.I.C.S., died 9th March 1864, bur. at Abbots- ham, co. Devon. Harriet WeUs, 2nd dau. of Henry NarcissusHatherley, Colonel Madras NativeInfantry,mar. 9th May 1848. Edmund = Anthony,born 6th and bap. at Ply mouth 26th Sept. 1812, ? Comr. k.n. 28th Nov. 1848, Cant. 1866. =Laura Georgina,dau. of John Templer,Clerk Vicar of Cullomp- ton, co. Dev. mar. 17th Nov. 1845, at Genoa. SusanMargaret, born 6th Jan. 1806, unmar., bapt. at Poole, co. Dorset. Maria EUzabeth, born 7th April 1941, unmar. John Glynn, born 1st Oct., bap.5 5 Nov. 1849, died 20th Jan. 1859. EUzabeth Jane, bom 6th May 1807, mar. 26th. Mar. 1836 Francis Riehd. Bagbie Clerk, Vicar of Dise- worth, co. Leic, died 17th Sept. 1845, she died 29th Oct. 1846, bur.4 Henry Oglander Sophy Louisa, born 1st Harriet Seymour, born March. 1844, mar. 8th Aug. Catherine, 5th March, bap.5 1866 Walter Collyns Baker, born and 14th April 1852. Clerk, Vicar of ' Shipton died 14th BeUinger, co. Hants. AprU 1853. 1 At Boyton. 4 At St. George's, Bloomsbury, London. 2 At Cardinham. 3 At Bodmyn. 5 At Bideford. 72 PARISH OP HELLAND. PEDIGREE OF GLYN OF LANHYDROCK AND MOEVAL. Table II. Thomas Glyn of=pJcuie, dau. and sole heir of William Lamhydroek Clyker of Clyker. John Glyn, Uving=j=JsaieK, dau. and 23rd Henry VII. (1607) heir of Ealph Arundell of Phillis, mar. NicholasBosorwith of Blanche, mar. Edward Littleton of Polscoith ThomasGlynn John Glyn, murdered 29th=j=Johanna Aug. 1472. Rot. Pari., vol. vi., p. 36, Inq. p.m. 13th Edward TV. No. 57 John Glyn of ^yjoan, dau. of Lanhydrock, living 1543, died before 1550 Prye of Devon Thomas Glyn =fJane, dau. and heir of James Nichol of St. Ives Bartholomew Glyn, son and heir of John Glyn of Lanhydrock deed dated 9th Dec. 4th Edward VI., 1550 John Glyn of Morval, aged 23= in 1473; died 3rd May 1512. Inq. p.m. 5th Henry VJLU. No. 117. John Glyn op St. Mau- =f=jAiTE, Dau. of Michael Nankevell op St. Maugan. =f=RlCHAED Tregose : dau. of Humphry Fulf ord Thomasia born 1483 ; aged 30 in 1513 ; mar. Eich ard Code, secondly Michael Vivian. EUzabeth born 1485 ; aged 28 in 1513 mar. first Edmond Kendall, secondly Gilbert Beket. Margaret born 1490; aged 23 1513; mar. William Godolphin. Thomas Glyn Uving=f= .... 1668-1684. Thomas. John. Catherine. John Glyn bom 1626 ; Uving 1687=r.. John Glyn bom 1663. EUzabeth Glyn bom 1651. Memorandum. The portion printed in Italics and the Arms are from the Herald's Visitation of 1531. The addition in Capitals was made at the Visitation of 1673 (G. 2. p. 72 and E. 15. p. 32). The additions in " Roman type " have been made from Inquisitions and other evidence. FAMILY HISTORY. — PEDIGREE OP GLYNN. 73 PEDIGREE OF GLYNN OF HELSTON— Table III. John Polkmghorne of PolHnghome=^Elizabeth, heir of Thomas Oliver of in Cornwall Bodmyn in Cornwall Thomas Polkinghome, of Polkinghome, son and heir. On 25th=f=Katherine, dau. of Eichard Pellamouner Sept. 1571 enfeoffed John Polkinghome his son and heir of lands in Polkinghome WiUiam '• Glynn of Wendron, bur. there 3 Peb. 1613 =Mary, dau. of Roscrow of Roscrow of Cornwall Thomas, 2nd, at. 40, 1620 Eichard, 3rd, at. 38, 1620 John Polkinghome of=j=Alice, dau. Polkinghome, son and heir, died '30th Oct. 1638, Inq. p.m., 21st Aug. 1639 o/ Otes Edye of James,ith, at. 33, 1620 wife of Warm Pryor of Donett,bur. at Constan tine, 18thMay 1612 Thomas = Glynn of Helston Mar garet,dau.of.. Ken-yon Thomas, 2nd, at. 18. Bur.atSith- ney, 28th March 1629 1 — John, 3rd, mt. 16. Oates Polking horne,=j=Ali£B eldest son, at. 20, 1620. Aged30 years and more at the time of his father's death, Inq. p.m. Died 1665 WiUiam Glynn of BodiUyvean Thomas Glynn of Helston,=j=Mary, dau. and heir Uving 1662 Grace, at. 34, 1620 William Eoger, Balph, Katherine, ith, at. 5th, 6th, eet. at. 13 15. at. 14. 12. Margery, Thomas Glynn,=Elizabeth bur. at the Snow, dau. Inner Temple of ; J25. Croke WiUiam of Helston, bur.1 8th April 1723 zabel =Elizabeth, dau. John Glynn, Susanna, Mary, Lucy, of Pen- Vicar of Crow- mar. mar. mar. darves of Gwin- an, bur.1 28th WilUam Thos. ear, bur.1 3rd Aug. 1731 Hearle Penhal- Vivian July 1730 low Elizabeth Glynn, mar.1 3rd June 1735 to John Henwood. Bur.1 12th Feb. 1749. Thomas Glynn of Polkinhome,=pCordeUa, dau. of Thomas Trewren afterwards of Helston, bur.1 9th Sept. 1777, aged 79, wiU dated 27th May 1771. of Trewardrevah bap.1 28th 1710, mar.1 26th April 1731. June Richard Gerveys =f=Cordelia, only Grylls of Helston. J dau. Heir of I her brother. Thomas Glynn, bap.1 2nd July 1737, died unmar. EUzabeth, bap.1 2nd May 1741. died young — I Jane, bap.1 24th Dec. 1744, bur.1 20th Mar. 1746. Thomas, bur.1 2nd Aug. 1740. I certify that the portion of this Pedigree printed in Italics agrees with the record in this Office. Heralds' CoUege, GEOEGE HAERISON, 30th May 1873. Windsor Herald. 1 At Helston. 74 PARISH OF HELLAND. PEDIGREE OF GLYNN OF HELLAND.— Table IV. Walter Glynn, of=j=Agnes, bur.1 11th Dec. 1672, St. Neot, bur. 30th Oct. 1662. will dated 2nd Sept. 1672, prov. 26th June 1673. Jane, Walter, WiUiam bur. bur. bap.1 3rd 30th 8th Aug. Oct. June 1642 1644 1645 Hubert Glynn, bap.1 9th=j=Mary, dau. and Tho- April 1648, of Brodes m the parish of Helland. Named in the wUl of Den nis Glynn of Glynn 1704. WiU dated -3th May, prov. 28th May 1705. r heir of Stephen Toker of Brodes bur. 16th Nov. 1702, (see ped. of Toker ante. p. 56) mas, bap.1 12th Aug. 1650 Mark, bap.12nd Aug. 1653 Eobert =pLucy, Glynn, of Brodes, bur.2 26th April 1761 dau. of JohnClobery,of Brad- stone Mary Glynn, bap.2 mar. John SiUy of Kernick in HeUand. Admo. to her husband's effects 26th Mar. 1784, (see Ped. of Silly, post.) Loveday Glynn, mar. WilUam Pennington, Clerk,(see Ped.of Pen nington, ante. vol. i., p. 202), mar.3 4th Mar. 1706. Alice Glynn, named in her father's wiU. Loveday, bap.1 7th July 1657 Nicholas, St. Neot, named in his mother's wiU. Bur. 16th May 1716 of=f=Thomas- ine, bur.1 28thMay 1704 Jane Glynn, bap.1 6th Nov. 1677. Named in the will of Dennis Glynn ofGlynn in 1704. Loveday,bap.1 11th May 1680 Eobert Glynn, afterwards Eobert Glynn Clobery, Mary, bap.2 Margaret, Hubert, having taken the name of Clobery in addition to 18th Aug. bap.2 31st bap.2 16th that of Glynn. Born at Brodes 5th Aug., bap.2 16th 1713, bur.2 January Dec. 1722, Sept. 1719, M.D. Cambridge. WiU dated 7th April 27th Jan. 1716-7 bur.2 6th 1790, prov. 5th Mar. 1808, s.p. 1718. Feb. 1838. 1 Elizabeth,bur.2 11th Feb. 1738. WiUiam,bap.1 15th Mar. 1725. 1 At St. Neot. 2 At HeUand. 3 At Cardinham. APPENDIX. 75 APPENDIX. A return for the Hundred of Trigg, shewing the names of all spiritual men in each parish and the annual value of their possessions, together with the value of their goods and chattels; also the names of all landowners, and the annual value of their lands and tenements; also the names of all the inhabitants of each parish, the value of their goods &c, and the niunber of arms in their possession; also the names of all aliens and the value of their goods, &c, taken under the King's Commission. Parochia de \ Helland ( Valencia Spiritualium possessiomm ibidem per Annum. Willelmus Hoekyn, Eector ibidem, valet in profieuis J u et emolumentis ejusdem ecclesie per annum J Summa £10 Valencia terrarum et tenementorum ibidem per^Annum. Eogerus Arundell Armiger1 valet ibidem per annum Johannes Eescarek2 Thomas Luky - Eicardus Corynton2 - - - - Alicia Marke vidua - Willelmus Wyndslad3 - Willelmus Saye miles4 Johannes Coplestone5 - Johannes Teogge6 - - - - Christopherus Tredenek7 - Thomas Cok - Eicardus Eussell - v marcas xls xviij8 iiij8 xxxvj" viijd Xs XXX8 xxvj8 vnj" vj8 viijd x:cx"vj8 viijd vj8 viij" Summa £13 15 2 1 Held the Manor of HeUand. " Held the Manor of Nether HeUand in moieties. 3 Probably the father of the Wynslades who were attainted. He appears to have been non-resident. 4 Held the Manor of Boconion. 5 Held the Manor of Penhargard. 6 There is now a tenement in HeUand caUed Yegg's Parks. ' Held Brodes but appears to have been non-resident. 76 PARISH OP HELLAND. Valencia bonorum et eatallorum dicta parochia et de eorum armis. Idem Willelmus Hoekyn Eector ecclesie, predicte valet in bonis iiij1' Eobertus Cok Capellanus ibidem in stipendio vij marcas in bonis x marcas Eogerus Arundell Armiger in bonis Thomas Nuton Johannes Melyonek Johannes Best Johannes Hendy Thomas Penhale Eobertus Bawdyn - Johannes Vdy 1" iiip arma pro uno homine c8 c8 Iiij" iiijd xl" xls Johannes Smith in bonis nil quia pauper tenens Eicardi Coryngton Johannes Pawle Nicholaus Hoekyn Johannes Chaptor Stephanus Walke Johannes Tredwen Eicardus Balke Johannes Walke Gilbertus Curtes Johannes Skele Thomas Vdy Johannes Curtes x marcas arma pro vno homine xl' cs xl8 xx1' arma pro vno homine xl8 xl8 iiij"xl3xl8 Summa Numerus annorum Numerus hominum habilium Numerus alieneginorum nullus This return is not dated, nor can we find upon record the commission under which the survey was made. It is evident, however, from internal evidence that it was made between 1521 and 1523. It was designed to ascertain the quantity of arms, the number of able-bodied men, and the number of aliens in each Hundred. The returns from several of the Hundreds in Cornwall are wanting. That for the Hundred of West is very full and interesting. It details every bow and arrow, every salett and splint in the Hundred. The survey was probably made in connection with the musters taken upon the breaking out of the war with France in 1522. It is of considerable interest as it shews the name and condition of every inhabitant head of a family within each parish. Plate XXXIII M ' ,:>'X' "i "• r '.'??•$ -w> ^ 'p ¦'¦^¦fe^ J Ceriuson.Ufl ¦ Li(lio6?!otheQo«n,37,WJbroo}i S.EXXEW of CHURCH of ST KEW. PAEISH OF LANOWE alias ST. KEW This Parish was anciently called Lanho, sometimes written Lanhohou, and more recently Lanowe. In the Exchequer Domesday it appears as Lanehoc ; and in the Exeter Book it is written Lannoho. It derives its name of St. Kew from the dedi cation of the Church. In form it is an irregular parallelogram lying transversely to the meridian north-east and south-west, and is bounded on the north-west by St. Minver, Endellion, and St. Teath ; on the north-east by St. Teath ; on the south-east by St. Tudy and St. Mabyn; and on the north-west by Egloshayle and St. Minver. The following particular perambulation of the boundaries of the parish in 1613 is preserved in the Eegister Office of the Bishop of Exeter, to which it was officially returned at the time. It will be of interest and may be useful. Cornwall. — The Bounde and lymittes of the parishe of St. Kew veiwed and seen by the Mynister, Churchwardens, and other the pishioners the forteenth day of June in Anno Dni 1613. Imprimis, begyninge on the west side of the pishe aforesaide at Trevarthen Teate, wcl1 boundeth w* Endelyan pish, and from thence passeth streight west dividinge Endellyon from St. Kew till it cometh against Eowke Myll meadow to a conduite at thentrance whereof joyneth Two little Brookes, wch bounde St. Kew, Endellyon and St. Mynver, from the said conduit St. Kew joyneth wtt St. Mynver and boundeth wth the said water downewarde till it cometh to Smeethe's hedge corner, and then it is divided from St. Mynver aforesaid by the said hedge, w°h leadeth upp streight west from the said water to Poldowes, and soe poynteth still westwarde till it cometh to Dynhames gutt, and from thence, turninge south ward by Trewornan, it passeth to a little plot of marrishe grounde, w0'1 plot boundeth St. Kewe in the east, St. Mynver on the west, and Eglosaile on the south; from the said plot St. Kew joyneth with Egloshaile and boundeth south-east wth Chappie Amble grounde till it cometh to the Eiver, and then the Eiver divideth the said pishes soe far vpp as Downeinge marshe saving one little plott of marrishe grounde lying on the north side of the Eiver, wch ptayneth to Egloshail pish; ffirom Downeinge marrishe it crosseth the Eiver and so M 78 PARISH OF LANOWE, alias ST. KEW. boundeth vp southwarde betwixt Penpont and Tregorden to Wrangshefordes Yeate, and from thence, passinge still southwarde by a hedge that leadeth to Kelly Berrye and so keeping still southwarde by the same hedge till it cometh to a Eiver at the foote of the Eock Parck, wch divideth the pishes aforesaide from St. Mabyn ; ffrom the said Eocke pcke St. Kew joyneth wth St. Mabyn vpp Eastwarde by the said Eiver till it cometh to an other brooke on the south side of the said Eiver that falleth into the same Eight against Tretawne woode, saving one plott of lande lying on the south side of the Eiver Eight against Tre- theaven woode wch ptayneth to St. Kewe; And from thence it boundeth wth St. Tudy pish vp Eastwarde by the same Eiver till it cometh to Pollrode bridge, saving on little plot of land that lyeth on the south side of the Eiver against brighter woode, belonging to St. Kew. ffrom Pollrode bridge, leaving the Eiver, it boundeth by a hedge northeast that leadeth direct to the leate of Pengennow myll, and then keepinge due east by the saide leate to foxhole hedge corner, wch place boundeth St. Kew, St. Tudy, and St. Teath. ffrom thence St. Kew joyneth with St. Teath and boundeth vp northwarde by the said hedge till it cometh to the hedd of foxhole woode, wch joyneth w'h Treburgate landes, and soe keeping still northwarde betwixt Pengennowe and Treburgate so to a Yeate that joyneth wth Tre- weythan, and then boundeth northwarde by Treweythan hedge to the highway Eight against ffentengoge lande, and then passeth by ffentengoge hedge to Trekey water, and from thence it is divided by the said water to a hedge comer of Trekey landes called the Meane poke, and then turneth northeast by the said hedge to a way at the hed of Trewigget landes that leadeth to hendra Cross from Trekeer (sic) beforesaid, and from thence streight west to hendra Crosse, and thence boundeth by a lane southwest to the skuttle parcke corner wch place boundeth wth St. Kew, St. Teath and Endellyon. ffrom Shuttle pcke corner St. Kew joyneth wth Endellyon, and boundeth streight west by a hedge that leadeth to Bodanan ground fast by St. Trillick yeate, and then turneth southwarde by Pendoggett landes to the higheway, and then passeth west by the said higheway to Trentenny yeate and from thence southwarde by a hedge that leadeth to Trewathen yeate wher we first begann. The total area of the parish is stated to be 7514 acres 2 roods and 31 perches, and the following table will shew the population and number of dwelling houses at the several periods of the census. 1801 1811 1821 1831 1841 1851 1861 1871 Population 1095 1113 1218 1316 1429 1337 1182 1178 f Inhabited 206 215 231 257 281 268 255 251 Houses ¦{ Uninhabited . . 8 1 11 7 28 19 25 18 1[ Building •• i 3 6 2 •• 1 1 Besides the " Church Town " the villages in this Parish are : Highway, Amble or Amel, Tregoyde or Treguite, and Trelill. GENERAL DESCRIPTION. 79 The chief Landowners are Lord Eobartes, The HonWo G. M. Fortescue, the repre sentatives of the late Sir William Molesworth, Bart., S. M. Grylls Esq., and Mr. Grose. £ s. d. The annual value of real property as assessed in 1815 - 8598 0 0 The Gross Estimated Eental in 1872 - - - 9606 0 0 The Eateable Value - „ ... 8823 0 0 Land Tax— net sum, £356 18s. lOd. ; redeemed, £245 2s. lOfd. = 601 18 8f Assessed Taxes (not known) - Inhabited House Duty - - - - -4146 Property and Income Tax — - Schedule A 141 17 5 B 24 5 0 C nil D 16 E nil 166 19 1 GEOLOGY. The general geological character of St. Kew resembles that of the surrounding parishes, and consists of slates of the Devonian period intersected by courses of green stone running in parallel lines east and west, and by at least two ranges of a fels- pathic and horblendic character. Probably, according to De la Beche, the entire mass is underlaid by a conglomerate composed of fragments of slate cemented by argillo- calcareous matter. An elvan course traverses the parish. It is formed of a felspathic base containing disseminated quartz and imperfect crystals of felspar, the whole being of a granitic appearance, and it may be traced from near Treburget in St. Teath, and passing east of Trehill, and a little north of St. Kew Church town, extends thence in nearly a straight line to Penwarne, in St. Minver. INDUSTEIAL PUESUITS AND WAGES. A few years ago a mine was worked on the north side of the parish, but it is now abandoned. At present no other industry is exercised than the cultivation of the soil. The latter somewhat varies in character, and is well suited to the several kinds of grain, and the harvest is usually early. Until the present year (1873) laborers re ceived about nine or ten shillings a week, now they get twelve or thirteen shillings, and occasionally a cottage in addition or a shilling a week more if they have cattle to attend to beyond the ordinary period of daily labour. M2 80 PARISH OP LANOWE, alias ST. KEW. PEE-HISTORIC EEMAINS. Tregaer. — On the high table land on the north side of this parish is a fine earth work, or encampment, which has not, we believe, heretofore been described. It is situate close to the great road leading from Warbstow and Titchbarrow on the north east of the county to St. Minver, which has been already noticed (ante vol. i., p. 484) and it commands a view of the important work at Warbstow as well as of Michaelstow Beacon, Castle Canyke, &c, &c. The main work at Tregaer is circular in form and consists of two embankments, a short distance apart from each other, strengthened by deep external ditches. The approach is from the lower, or south-eastern side, and the entrance is protected by a bastion or external wall, which, springing out of the outer of the two embankments above-mentioned, encircles the whole of the work on the southern and eastern sides until it debouches upon the great road above-mentioned, which passes on the north side of the work. The entrance is opposite to those leading to the inner circle. This external wall is in some places very high, and was originally defended by a ditch which has now been filled up ; and on the north-eastern side the wall itself has been removed under the processes of cultivation, but the site is easily traceable across the field numbered 591 on the parish map ; and probably the remains of the ditch yet exist for a short distance along the south side of the road. The outer gate is approached by a ditch or covered way from the valley below, which covered way still remains crossing a field numbered 600 on the parish map. This im portant work, which is numbered 592 and 593 on the map, has given its name to the farm on which it is situate. (See Plate XXVIII., Fig. 2.) Close to the same road, and about \\ miles further west, in a field on the farm of Trevinnick, may be found the remains of a quadrangular encampment measuring about 100 yards on each side. It has now become nearly levelled down by agricultural operations, but the sites of the walls are very clearly defined on the northern and eastern sides. There is a tradition that it formed a military position in the time of the civil war of the 17th century, and pieces of swords, &c, in a very advanced state of decay, have been found in great quantities in ploughing the field. It has never been ploughed very deep, and it is thought by the farmer that by deeper ploughing further discoveries would be made. We do not learn that any coins, or pieces of pottery, have been noticed, nevertheless we are disposed to give to this work a far higher antiquity than has been ascribed to it. Its position, close to the great road leading from the north-east of the county to the Eoman settlement which undoubtedly existed in St. Minver, of which we shall hereafter treat, seems to point it out as a Eoman work. It is not unlikely that it may have been occupied by one or other of the contending parties in the civil war; and tradition says a great battle was fought in the neighbourhood, and human remains have not unfrequently been found, though we are not aware that any engagement in this neighbourhood has been mentioned in the history of the period. This circumstance is not, however, inconsistent with the higher antiquity we claim for this work. ANCIENT ROADS AND TRACKS. — ANCIENT CHRISTIAN MONUMENT. 81 ANCIENT EOADS AND TEACKS. Several ancient roads, or tracks, intersect the parish of St. Kew. Of these, per haps, the most important, after the great road from the north-east of the county des cribed ante Vol. i., p. 484, is the road from the ancient ford at' Wade leading to the north, alluded to ante Vol. i., p. 405. This road entered the parish about two furlongs from " Three Hole Cross," and passing through Highway and Trelill and near to the great earth work at Tregaer, to which there was an entrance on the south, it formed a junction with the north-east road, mentioned above, within the parish of St. Teath. In addition to the road from Dinham's Bridge through " Kelly Bounds " to " Three Hole Cross," mentioned ante Vol. L, p. 405, two other roads proceeded from the former place. One led over the hill, in nearly a direct line, to Penpons, alias Penpont, and thence to St. Minver ; and the other crossed the road first above-mentioned, and passing near Hendra it crossed the river at Cakeval and united with the great north-east road at St. Endellion. A fourth road entered the parish from St. Tudy at Kellygren, and crossing the road first above described at Whitehall, it passed through Tregoyd and St. Kew Church town, and proceeded over, or near, the elvan dyke which extends through the parish, before mentioned, (ante p. 79) to Eooke Mill where it entered the parish of St. Minver. A fifth road entered the parish from St. Teath at Great Treveran, and crossing the road first above described joined the great north-east road at Pendogget. ANCIENT CHEISTIAN MONUMENT. No. 29. The only example of an ancient cross which we have discovered in this parish is used as a portion of a bridge over a gutter in the road leading from the turnpike-road to Polrode Mill. It is a fine example, but one side of the head has been cut away. The head measures 2ft. 3in. in diameter, and the shaft is 3ft. 2in. in length, 1ft. 6in. in breadth, and 9 inches in thickness. The symbol is of the Greek type within a marginal ring and has a boss in the centre. The angles of the shaft are rounded, and there No. 29. is an incised line forming a border on each face. Both sides are alike. 82 PARTSH OF LANOWE, alias ST. KEW. MEETING HOUSES OF DISSENTEES. Bible Christians. — The earliest Meeting House in this parish is one erected at Dinham's Bridge, at the south-east angle of the parish, two miles from the parish Church. A piece of ground, being portion of a tenement called " Rock Parks," with a building partially erected thereon, was granted by John Martyn Bligh of St. Mabyn, Gent., by deed dated 25th Aug. 1815,1 for a term of 999 years at the rent of Is. per annum, and was vested in George Northey and Digory Northey, maltsters, and others, as trustees, for the purpose of erecting thereon a chapel, or place of worship, to be used by Wesleyan Methodists upon the special trust, that they should finish the said building, and thenceforth, from time to time permit such persons as might be appointed by the yearly conference of the people called Methodists, specified in a deed dated 28th Feby. 1784, to preach and expound God's Holy Word, and perform other minis terial acts of religious Worship in the said Chapel.2 Power was granted to appoint one of themselves as treasurer to receive seat rents, to appoint new trustees in succession to such as might die or cease to be members of the body, to raise money for building or repairing — to sell the said premises and discharge incumbrances and debts, the surplus to be expended in the purchase of another building to be used under the same limita tions, or to be applied to such other charitable uses as the society of Wesleyan Metho dists might think proper. We do not know when this building ceased to be used by the Wesleyan Methodists, or in what manner the trust terminated ; but it appears that in 1862 the building belonged to Mrs. Mary Perry, now of Liskeard, who in that year granted its use to the Bible Christians upon the payment of a high rent of 2s. 6d. per annum, and it is still occupied by that denomination. The building will seat about 100 persons. Soon after it was opened by the Bible Christians they had more than twenty members attached to it, but the members are now reduced to nine. United Methodist Free Church. — This community has the following five Meeting Houses within the parish, affording, in the aggregate, accommodation for 590 persons, and attached to these Chapels are 104 registered members. Trelill. — In the year 1817 a Meeting House was erected in the village of Trelill, on the east side of the parish, on a piece of ground 31 feet by 26 feet, parcel of a field called Trewane Park, granted in fee by a deed dated 24th June 18173 by Eichard Grose of St. Kew, Gent., to Thomas Pope Eosevear of Botreaux Castle, merchant, and others, upon the same trusts as in the last recited deed. Accommodation is afforded here for 150 persons, and there are 25 registered members. 1 Eot. Claus. 56th George III., Part xix., No. 2. 2 See special limitations, Vol. i., p. 402. 3 Bot. Claus. 57th Geo. III. Part xiii., No. 3. MANOR OF LANOWE. 83 Pendogget. — Another building was erected at Pendoggett on the northern side of the parish in 1830, upon a piece of ground 30 feet by 20 feet, sold in fee by James Philp of Tremere in St. Tudy, Gent., by deed dated 29th May 1830,1 to William Grose, Gent., and others, upon the usual trusts for " the people called Methodists " as stated above. There is seat accommodation here for 80 persons, and the number of registered members is eight. Amble. — A Meeting House was erected at Chapel Amble in 1840 upon a piece of land called "Jane Hewit's Garden," containing 5 perches, granted by deed dated 16th January 1840 for the term of 1000 years, at the rent of one pepper corn, by Thomas Grose of St. Kew, yeoman, to William Grose and others, to hold upon trust for such persons as were then, or should thereafter become, shareholders in the said premises, for the purposes of public and social worship and Sunday schools, and also for other sacred purposes and services as the said persons, or the majority of them, should appoint; and including a power of sale.2 This building is now appropriated to the United Methodist Free Church connection. The building affords accommodation for 130 persons, and there are 30 registered members. Treguite. — There is another Meeting House of the same body at Treguite alias Tregwide, built upon a piece of ground given by Lord Eobartes. This will seat 80 persons, and to it are attached 16 registered members. St. Kew Highway. — A fifth was erected in 1840 near St. Kew Highway which affords sittings for 150 persons, and there are attached to it 25 registered members. The two last mentioned have not been settled under legal Trusts, but we are informed that the whole are about to be transferred to new Trusts in accordance with the objects of the "United Free Church Connexion." MANOE OF LANNOHO, alias LANOWE The Manor of Lanowe was anciently of considerable extent and importance and was a part of the royal demesne, being so held at the time of the Domesday Survey, even at which date two manors had been taken away from it. It is recorded in the Exeter Domesday :3 " The King holds one manor which is called Lannoho which was held by Harold on the day on which King Edward was alive and dead. In the same are five 1 Bot. Claus. 1st William IV. Part ix., No. 5. 2 Eot. Claus. 1840, Part xxvii., No. 4. 3 In the Exchequer Book, as printed by the Eecord Commissioners, the name is given as Lanehoc : " The King holds Lanehoc. There he has five hides, for two hides it is gilded. The land is twenty-two ploughs but of this is demesne one hide, and there are two ploughs, and eight bond servants, and sevonty villains, and twenty- six bordars with twenty ploughs. There is one acre of meadow, forty acres of pasture, wood one league long and three quarters of a league broad. It pays six pounds by weight and for burning. From this manor is taken away two manors Podestoc and Sanguinas. There is one hide and half of land and twelve ploughs. Jouuinus holds it of the Earl of Moreton. Formerly it was worth 60s. now the value is 40s." 84 PARISH OF LANOWE, alias ST. KEW. hides and it pays gild for two hides. This twenty-two ploughs can plough. Thereof the King holds one hide in demesne and two ploughs, and the villans hold four hides and twenty ploughs. There the King has sixty villans, one miner, and twenty-six bordars, and eight bond servants, and nine animals, and 120 sheep, and one league of scrubwood in length and three quarters in breadth, and one acre of meadow, and forty acres of pasture, and it renders per annum six pounds by weight and [wood] for burning. " From this manor two manors have been taken away which belonged to it on the day on which King Edward was alive and dead, one called Podestok (Poundestock) and the other called Sanguinas (St. Gennys). In this manor is one hide and half of land. Twelve ploughs can plough the whole land of these two manors. These Jouuinus now holds of the Earl of Moreton and the value per annum is 40s., and when the Earl received it the value was three pounds." The Manor of Lanowe itself, very soon after this became subdivided. The two caru cates of land held by the King in demesne, together with the Advowson of the Church were granted by King Henry I., to the Bishop of Exeter, and the remainder of the manor was granted by King Eichard I., to Simon de Pincerna. The former became designated Lanhosaint or Holy Lanho, from its appropriation to religious purposes, and the latter Lanhomur, or Great Lanho. We propose, in the first instance, to treat of: THE MANOE OF LANHOSAINT AND THE ADVOWSON OF THE CHURCH OF ST. KEW. The King Henry I. having granted a portion of the manor as above stated to the Church of Exeter, William Warelwast, who was consecrated on 11th August, 1107, and died 1137, granted the same lands and the Advowson of the Church in free alms to the Canons regular of Plympton. Henry II. confirmed this grant, which was also sub sequently confirmed by Bishops Eobert Chichester (1138-1155), Eobert Warelwast (1155- 1160), Bartholomew (1161-1184), and John (1161-1191) with all the lands, tithes, liberties, and appurtenances thereof, as appears from Charters printed by Dr. Oliver.1 From this date the Manor and Advowson would seem to have been enjoyed in peace by the Prior and Convent of Plympton, the offices of the Church being performed by the Canons detached from that house, but in the year 1283 Bishop Bronescombe admitted a certain Eaymond de Lanhoho, Priest, probably one of the Canons of Plympton who had acquired his name from continuous residence in this parish, as Vicar, and with the assent and consent of the Prior and Convent assigned to him and his successors, Vicars of this parish, as their stipend, the whole altarage of the said Church, together with the lands and possessions which Eoger Sors and Eichard Fitz-Ralph sometime held of the demesne ' Mon. Dioc. Exon., p. 135 Charter No. III., and p. 138 Charter No. XIV. MANOR OF LANOWSEYNT. 85 of the sanctuary of that Church, the tithe of the sheaf of the whole parish excepted, never theless reserving the power to increase or decrease the same.1 In 1302, however, upon the visit to the county of the Justices Itinerant, the Jury presented that King Edgar gave the Church of Lannoseynt, which was of the value of df?40 per annum, and two carucates of land and 100s. rent, to support two Canons to celebrate divine service and to give alms to the poor and afford hospitality to travellers, for the benefit of the souls of the King and his suc cessors; and that during 15 years they had not performed these duties. A precept was issued to the Sheriff that he should cause the Prior to appear. Afterwards the Prior came and said that a certain William, Bishop of Exeter, granted in perpetual alms, with the assent and consent of the Chapter of Exeter, the said Church to the Prior and his Canons serving God in the Church of Plympton, so that when the Clerks of the same Church (Lanhoho) die, their prebends should go to the use of the Canons of Plympton, and he proffered the Charter in Court to witness the same, as also the Charter of Confirmation of King Henry (IL), the grandfather of the King; and he said that he and his predecessors had held the said Church quietly and quit of the services and alms as aforesaid, and he petitioned judgment. The Jury found that the Prior and his predecessors had held the aforesaid Church and land of the Lord the King and his ancestors time out of mind, and continued the chantries and alms until the time the aforesaid was subtracted by the pre decessors of the said Prior; and it was concluded that the aforesaid chantries, &c, should be continued, and a precept was granted to distrain the said Prior to compel him to do so.2 It would appear that the Prior refused to comply with this injunction, and that the benefice was seized into the King's hands, for in the same year the Prior petitioned the King and Council, setting forth that he and his predecessors had had two carucates of land and 100 shillings rent in Laneuhouseynt, otherwise called Landoho, and the Church of the same place in pure and perpetual alms of the gift of William Warwast sometime Bishop of Exeter, and under the confirmation of King Henry, great grand father of the then King, without doing any kind of service until the iter of Sir John de Berwyk and his associates in Cornwall in Michaelmas term, 30th Edward L, before whom it was presented that the said lands, rents, and services were given to the said Prior and Canons in the same place serving God for the sustenance of two Canons to celebrate divine service there, and to give alms and shelter pilgrims and other wayfarers by a certain King called Edgar, but that the same people confessed there was little likelihood in the allegation, because that forty years after the death of the said King Edgar there was neither Prior, nor Canon, nor Convent at Plympton, that could have received the property, for that Bishop William, to whom King Henry son to William the Conqueror rendered and returned to our Lady and to St. Peter 1 Bishop Bronescombe's Register, foUo 122. (See Appendix No. I., A.) The altarage included not only the obventions and offerings made at the altar, but also the tithes of wool, lambs, colts, calves, &c, known as small tithes. m: M) / 2 Assize Bolls, Cornwall, 30 Edward I. 1 } 1 m. 68. 26) N 86 PARISH OF LANOWE, alias ST. KEW. of the Church of Exeter the said lands, rent, and Church, founded the Priory of Plympton, and gave to it the said lands, &c, and Church of Landoho, which gift was confirmed by King Henry, great grandfather of the then King. And the Prior prayed the King for the sake of his soul and the souls of his ancestors, that he, the Prior, and his Convent might hold his the said lands, &c, &c, . for their sustenance, and to maintain their hospitality at Plympton, according to the said Charters and according to the custom which had existed from the foundation of the Church until the iter aforesaid, for since that iter they had not received anything for their sus tenance nor to maintain hospitality there.1 A writ was ordered to Sir John de Berwick to produce the record and process of his last iter in Cornwall before the Treasurer and Barons of the Exchequer, that when the same had been examined right might be done. The result was that on the 26th March 35th Edward I. (1307), the King granted a Charter to the Prior and Canons exempting them from personal service at Landoho, provided they had there one fit and proper secular priest as Vicar, and one Chaplain, to celebrate divine offices, and to give alms to the poor and afford hospitality to travellers in behalf of the Prior and Convent for ever.2 Disputes, however, arose respecting the maintenance of the Chaplain between the Prior and Convent and the Vicar ; the former contending that the Chaplain's stipend should be paid from the revenues of the vicarage, and that latter urging that such revenues were inadequate for the support of the Vicar and one Chaplain, and for paying the dues to the Bishop and Archdeacon and the other burdens incident to the vicarage. The parties appeared before the Bishop at Chudleigh on 17th January 1354, and a compromise was agreed to, viz., that the Vicar (Henry Tresodorn) and his successors should be found and paid at the expense of the Prior and Convent for ever, and that the Vicar and his successors should be bound to repair the chancel of the said Church from time to time as need required, and to bear all other burdens; and for the support of the said vicar the tithes of certain lands should be assigned in augmentation of the vicarage, viz., the great tithes of the lands of Benbolgh, Trewarthenyer, Cropping Hill, Tretheven, Dale, Nyweton, Eedsmyth, and Pelengarou, beside the manse, sanctuary and altarage which the said Vicar and his predecessors had received according to ancient custom.3 Notwithstanding the Eoyal Charter above cited, matters were not allowed as yet to 1 This petition, which is in Norman French, has been printed by Dr. OUver from the EoUs of ParUament, Vol. i. p 461, (Monasticon Exon. p. 140, No XIX.) but he does not seem to have been cognisant of the previous proceedings. 2 Eot. Pat. 31st Edward I., m. 20. Note. — In 1283, John Aston, then escheator, on Saturday next after the feast of S. Ambrose (6th Depr.) took an inquisition at Bodmyn ex-omcio upon the oaths of Stephen Glyn, Henry Cavel, Eoger Treurr, John Bere, and others, who found that the Prior of Plympton held of the King in Capite, two carucates of land in Lanno- seynt, and that Eobert, sometime Prior of Plympton, had granted the same to John Treury, Eichard and Eoger his sons, WiUiam Caly and PetroniUa Parsons, without license of the King : viz., on Monday next after the feast of the Nativity of S. Mary the Virgin, 35th Edward III., for their whole Uves, and the jury say that the said John and Eichard are dead, and that Eoger, WilUam, and PetroniUa, are stiU alive; and they say further that the true value of the land is £4 4s. 4d. per annum, and that the Escheator had taken it into the hands of tho King. (Escheats. 6th Bichard IL, No. 185.) 3 Bishop Grandisson's Eeg. p. 180. MANOR OF LANOWSEYNT. 87 rest in peace.1 In 1391 John Hauley the King's Escheator, in virtue of his office, held an inquisition at Bodmin, and the jury found that King Edgar had granted to the Prior of Plympton and his successors the Manor of Lanouseynt and the advowson of the Church of Lanowe with the tithes and all profits for ever to maintain two Canons at Lanowe- seynt there to celebrate for the souls of the king and his ancestors, and to distribute alms twice every week, on Wednesday and Friday, to forty poor persons, for the souls of the King and his ancestors for ever, and one of the Chaplains to celebrate in the Chapel in the cemetery of the said Church, and the said Chapel to be kept in repair at the charge of the Prior and Convent : and that inasmuch as sixty years had elapsed since the said services were performed, the said Manor ought to become forfeited to the King. And they said that the value of the said Manor was 100s. per annum, and that the value of the Eectory was £50 per annum (sic). They also presented that the Prior and Convent had bought one messuage and one acre of land, Cornish, after the statute of religion, in Tal- cogow, juxta Lanowseynt, and one messuage and. one ferling of land in Treaynek, of William ffoote of Hale without the license of the King. We are enabled to lay before our readers a Court EoU of the manor of about this period. It is for the eighth year of King Henry IV. (1406-7) and shews the value of the manor at that date. It will be seen that the gross amount of the rents received for the year was i?10 10s. 9|d., which, with £2 14s. 9d. arrears for the previous year, and 17s. 9d. perquisites of the courts, made the aggregate income £14 3s. 4d. Of this was paid to the Lord at several times £10 9s. 5d., which gives a balance of £3 13s. lid., of which sum was allowed of the arrears to Eichard Yache, late prepositus, 4s., and of the same arrears of Eichard Gaggar paid to the steward 7s. 0^., of John Pleyer 38s. 4d., and forgiven by the Lord to the same John 5s, whereof the sum allowed was 54s. 5d. and the decrease 19s. 6d., whereupon the Pre positus accounted for 12s. We have before us another Court Eoll of the manor for one year from Michaelmas, 2nd Henry VIIL, the aggregate of which year was £11 4s. 4|d., and the perquisites of the Courts, 7s., so that, without reckoning the difference in the value of money, irrespective of fines, the revenue from the manor remained much the same.2 Cowrt Roll of the Manor of Lannowseynt, 8th Henry IV., 1406-7. Lannow . . . . Compotus Eicardi Porthquyn Prepositi ibidem a festo Sancti Michaelis Arehangeli anno regni regis Henrici iiij" vijm0 usque idem festum eiusdem Sancti Michaelis anno regni regis Henrici supradicti viij0. Arreragia . . . . Idem reddit compotum de liiij8 ixd quadrante de arreragiis vltimi com- poti anni precedentis. Summa liiij' ixd quadrans. 1 Escheats. 14th Richard n., No. 97. see Appendix No. I. F. 2 These Manor BoUs are in the possession of C. G. Prideaux-Brune of Prideaux Place, Esq. N2 PARISH OF LANOWE, alias ST. KEW. Eedditus Perquisitus Curise Allocancia Et de xu v" xd obolo quadrante de redditibus ibidem tam liberie quam convencionalibus per annum vt patet per extentum Et de xijd de incremento redditus de Colverparke dummodo Johannes Trethyvan ocupat ibidem. Et de ijB de incremento redditus terre dominiese dimissee Johanni Trethyvan et Eogero Belle. Et de vd de incremento redditus pro tenemento quod modo Eicardus Gagau tenet quondam Eicardus Cok pre- tenuit sub redditu v" vijd per annum. Et modo conceditur eidem Eicardo pro vj8 per annum et sic incrementum redditus patet vt supra. Et de xijd de incremento redditus tenurse quondam Calway in Hale et vbi solebat reddere per annum xij8 modo conceditur Eicardo Ynch sub redditu xiiij8 et sie incrementum redditus patet vt supra. Et de vjd de incremento redditus tenementi Eoberti Bertlot quod solebat reddere per annum viij8 modo conce ditur Willelmo Mule pro viij8 vjd et sic incrementum redditus patet vt supra. Summa x11 x8 ixd obolus quadrans. Et de xvij8 ixd de perquisitis iiij°r curiarum ibidem hoc anno tentarum cum finibus et releuiis in eiisdem. Summa xvij8 ixd. Summa totalis receptionis cum arreragiis xiiij" iij8 iiijd. De quibus in allocanciis tenurse nuper Petronullse Wadyne concessis Eoberto Daundell per Cartam Domini et vbi solebat reddere per annum xxj8 iiijd modo dimittitur eidem Eoberto pro xx8 et sic decrementum redditus xvjd. Et in pergameno pro Eotulo Curise hoc anno empto id. Summa xvijd. ~*. — -nt:.,t.~i„„ -p^i-^n„ „i,„n- ---u-'j. g:r eon-.ni sn -r"» ""* Liberacio denariorum Et liberata Nicholao Sehnan seneschallo de redditu ibidem termino natalis domini per manus Nicholai Bokelly. . Et eidem seneschallo per manus Nicholai Bokelly Et eidem pro decimis solutis Priori Launceston Et eidem super hunc auditum Summa x11 viij8 xl8 vj11 xiij8 iiijd xv8 viiijd xix5 Summa totalis receptus et liberationis x1' ix8 vd. Et decrementi lxxiij8 xjd- de quibus allocatur eidem de arreragiis Eicardi Ynche nuper prepositi ibidem iiij8 obolus quadrans condonati per dominum Et ei de arreragiis Eicardi Gaggu solutis seneschallo vijs obolus Et eidem de arreragiis Johannis Pleyer solutis seneschallo xxxviij8 iiijd. Et eidem de arreragiis eiusdem Johannis vs condonati per dominum. Quarum summa allocationum liiij" v'1- Et decrementa xix8 vjd. Vnde super predictum Bicardum nunc compotantem xij8. 1 It is curious to know the cost of the veUum upon which this record is written. The size is 164 inohes by 9 inches. MANOR OF LANOWSEYNT. 89 Eespectuata . . Inde respectuantur eidem de releviis Johannis Lanhergy filij et heredis Johannis Lanhergy pro dimidio acre terre in Tregelest quousque peruenerit ad plenam etatem qui nunc est etatis xvj annorum vj8 iij* Et eidem de amerciaments heredum de Brygcher et Nicholai Gyfford hoc anno xvd- xxiij8 vijd obolus. From "this time the Prior and Convent would seem to have held peaceable possession until the dissolution of the religious houses. The Priory of Plympton was surrendered by Prior John Howe on 1st March 1538-9, and all its possessions fell into the hands of the King.1 The Ecclesiastical revenues of this parish, according to the valuation of Pope Nicholas, 1280-1291, were as under: Ecclesia de Lannow ----- viij1' xiij8 iiijd- xvij8 iirjd Vicarius ejusdem ..... ij" According to the valuation made under the King's commission in 1522, we have : Prior de Plympton Eector Ecclesie ibidem valet per annum - xij11 Mr- Johannes Mane,8 Vicarius ibidem, valet in proficuis - x11 In the Valor Ecclesiasticus, 36th Henry VIII we find : Priory of the Apostles Peter and Paul at Plympton? Manerium de Lanowe Seynt Eedditus assisie et conventionalium tenendum ibidem per annum - xj" xvd q. De perquisitions curise et aliis proficuis manerij per annum } communibus annis - - - - - - - j JJM- Bectoria de Lannow alias Seynt Kewe4 ... Deeima garb arum ibidem valet per annum xx1' sic dimissa | per indenturam Nicholao Pridyaux pro termino annorum - ) XX1' Rectorie, Vicarice, PrebendcB in Decanatu de Trigg Minor.b Seynt Kuee Proficua prouenientia de Eectori ibidem non respond' hie, eo quod | appropriata est Prioratui de Plympton et respondetur inde in valore suo J Vicaria ibidem valet per annum tam in decimis majoribus quam ) ¦ ¦• ?¦ xixi1 xis minoribus cum agistamento glebe ultra viij8 ixd solutis procuratione J Deeima inde - - xxxix8 jd q. 1 Mon. Dioc. Exon, p. 132. 8 See Appendix II. Mr. John Mane, Vicar, was also returned for goods of the value of £40, and Eichard Penny, Chaplain, for stipend seven marks, and gcods 60s. 8 Valor Ecclesiasticus, Vol. ii., p. 376. 4 Ibid., p. 377, 6 Ibid., p. 401. 90 PARISH OF LANOWE, alias ST. KEW. The Manor and the Eectory, after the dissolution of the Monastery, became separated. We will first endeavour to trace the descent of the former. It did not long remain in the hands of the king, for we find that by Charter, dated 29th March 1546, the Lordship and Manor of Lanoweseynt, otherwise called Seynt Kewe, was, inter alia, granted to John Woollacombe, Clerk, and Eoger Prideaux, Gent.,1 to hold to them and their heirs and assigns for ever, to hold, in capite, by the 40th part of one knight's fee, and the annual rent of 23s. 2d.8. Eoger Prideaux had two sons: Nicholas his heir, the ancestor of Mr. Prideaux-Brune of Padstow, and Edmund, who was created a Baronet in 1622, and was the ancestor of Sir Edmund Prideaux of Netherton, Bart. Nicholas inherited the family estates, including the Manor of Lanowe. He was thrice married. By his first wife he had a son, Humphrey, and by his second wife, Chester, daughter and co-heir of William Vyell of Trevorder, a son, John. Humphrey inherited Solden; but in 1611 Sir Nicholas Prideaux, who in 1606 had received the honour of knighthood, obtained a Eoyal Licence to alienate the Manor's of Lanowe and the Manor of Padstow, together with the advowson of the Church of Padstow and the free fishery in the water of Eyle, to John Arundell of Trerise, Esq., and Eichard Crossman, Gent., to hold to the use of the said Sir Nicholas, for life, with remainder to John Prideaux Esq., his son, and the heirs of his body, and in default of such issue to the right heirs of the said Sir Nicholas.3 The said John Prideaux having no issue sold the Manor of Lanoweseynt to Nicholas Prideaux his nephew, eldest son of his half brother Humphrey, whilst the Manor of Padstow, &c. was settled upon Edmund, younger brother of the said Humphrey, whose direct descendant Charles Prideaux-Brune Esq. at present enjoys it. Nicholas Prideaux had three sons, Nicholas, Eoger and Humphrey. He was slain at Modbury,4 fighting on behalf of the king in 1642, and by his will5 he bequeathed the two great Bartons of St. Kew, and the mill there, to his son Humphrey for the term of 99 years. To his daughter Elizabeth Prideaux he gave the sole inheritance of his manor of St. Kew, alias Lannowsant, as security for the payment of £1400, as her portion, with remainder, in case of her death, to the said Humphrey. Humphrey died in 1692 leaving Ann Prideaux his sole daughter and heir, who was then the wife of John Prideaux, third son of Sir Peter Prideaux, of Netherton, Bart., grandson of the first Baronet, by which marriage the two lines of Prideaux became re-united. Humphrey Prideaux, by his will dated 5th March 1692,6 gave all his lands in Devon and Cornwall to his said son-in-law John Prideaux and the daughter of testator. And we find that in 1706 John Prideaux was seized of the following manor and lands in Cornwall. 1 Eoger Prideaux was of Solden near Holsworthy, which he inherited from his uncle, Nicholas Prideaux 8 Eot. Pat. 37th Henry VIII. Part vij. m. 2. 3 Rot. Pat. 9th James, Part xlij, m. 21. ' ^ " So stated^ in famUy records, but we have been unable to verify it. He was perhaps kiUed in some skirmish not noticed in general history. 5 Proved at Exeter 31st January 1643. at 18 feet to the l yard. . 0088 3 10/ . 0508 3 03 Teste- -Geo. WithieU of Holsworthy-Philomath Anno 1706.1 This terrier discloses the fact that as early as 1706 the manor was in a state of confusion. Some lands would appear to have been sold off. The two Bartons, Hall, &c, are designated " the Manor of St. Kue," and the ancient Manor of Lanoweseynt is reduced to a few perches of land in the parish of St. Teath, stated to be " the whole of the manor." John Prideaux died soon afterwards. By his will dated on 10th July 1703,! and with the intent that his lands "should remain in the name and blood of Prideaux," he devised the whole of his lands, inter alia, the Manor of St. Kew, to his nephew Peter Prideaux of the Inner Temple, Esq., and the heirs males of his body, in default of such issue remainder to testator's brother Peter Prideaux of All Souls College, Oxford, with several remainders over. Peter Prideaux by deed dated 7th June in the following year conveyed all his lands, inter alia, the Manor and Lordship of St. Kew, alias Lezant, unto Edward Tregenna of the Middle Temple, Gent, to the intent that 1 Original in the possession of Sir Edmund Prideaux of Netherton, Bart. 2 Proved P.C.C. 19th June 1707, Poly 149. 92 PARISH OF LANOWE, alias ST. KEW. one or more recoveries might be obtained settling the said lands upon the said Peter Prideaux, his heirs and assigns for ever in fee-simple. Peter Prideaux being thus in possession, by his will dated 23rd November 1710,1 devised the whole of his lands to his uncle the abovementioned Peter Prideaux of Oxford, and his issue male, and in default of such issue he desires that his uncle will convey the lands to the uses mentioned in the will of testator's uncle John Prideaux. The last mentioned Peter enjoyed the estates a still shorter time than his predecessor. By his will, dated loth July 1712,2 he devised all his lands in Devon and Cornwall to his brother Sir Edmund Prideaux, Bart., and his brother- in-law Mr. Charles Harward, in trust to sell or grant leases of such portions as they thought proper, for the purpose of paying the debts of his brother John Prideaux, deceased, and of his nephew Peter Prideaux deceased, and upon the further trust that they should stand seized of the remainder to the use of testator's nephew John Prideaux and his heirs for ever, and in default of such issue to the uses prescribed in the wills of testator's brother John Prideaux and his nephew Peter Prideaux. This John Prideuax of Soldon, the nephew, afterwards the 6th Baronet, sold the Manor of Holsworthy and the Advowson of the Church to Thomas Pitt Earl of London derry in 1620, and probably Lanowe was sold about the same time to Sir John Molesworth. It was in the possession of the Molesworth family in the year 1753, as appears from a deed dated 19th September in that year, wherein it is described as the Manor of St Kew, alias Lanowzant alias Lazant, situate in the parish of St. Kew, and in the following year it formed a portion of the lands settled on the marriage of Sir John Molesworth.3 It still remains in the family but Manor Courts have long ceased to be held. THE EECTOEY. In anticipation of the spoliation of his house, Prior Howe had been for some time previously engaged in obtaining fines for long leases of its property, and in charging it with pensions for those who had previously rendered service to the Priory. Among others, on the feast of St. Michael, 30th Henry VIII. (1538) a lease was granted, under the Con ventual seal, of the Eectory of Lannowe to Humphrey Fortescue for the term of 25 years at the rent of £20 per annum, and Humphrey accounted for this rent in 2nd and 3rd Edward VI.* On 30th August 1563, a lease for 21 years, at the same rent, was granted by Letters Patent to John Tailor and Elizabeth his wife,6 to com- 1 Proved P.C.C, Ut February 1711-12. Barnes 35. 8 Proved P.C.C, 8th September, 1712. Barnes. 174. 3 Deeds in the possession of the Trustees of the Molesworth Estates. 4 Ministers' Accounts of the possessions of Monasteries and other lands in the possession of the Crown. CornwaU, 2nd and 3rd Edward VI., No. 10. 6 The Queen gave instructions that a lease of this Eectory should be made to John Cryller and Elizabeth his wife, Her Majesty's laundress, but it was not carried out, and on 17th February 1562, an order was given to make a lease to Eoger Prideaux and Edmund and Nicholas Prideaux, his eons, for the term of their Uves, and this also failed of execution. (Augm. Office, Particulars for Leases, EoU 5, No. 26.) THE RECTORY. 93 menee from the expiration of the lease above cited, reserving all great trees and also the advowson of the Vicarage ;* and, previously to the expiration of this lease, a further lease was granted by Letters Patent dated 30th July 1579,2 to Hugh Miller, one of the Queen's footmen, for the term of 21 years, to commence from the time that the aforesaid demise should cease, at the annual rent of £21, with the same reservations as before, but granting to the said Hugh Miller the Chancel of the Church and sufficient housebote, hedgebote, firebote, ploughbote, and cartbote. By Patent dated 11th May 16083 a grant of the Eectory with all its members, rights and appurtenances, and all oblations, obventions, &c, together with the advowson of the parish Church or Vicarage of St. Kew, alias Lanowe, to the said Eectory pertaining, was made to Francis Philips and Eichard Moore of London, gentlemen, their heirs and assigns for ever, to be holden of the Manor of East Greenwich, by fealty in free and common socage and not in capite nor by military service, at the rent of £20 per annum. This rent formed parcel of the dower assigned to Anne, Queen of James I.,4 and afterwards to Queen Henrietta Maria ;5 but upon the overthrow of the Monarchy it was seized, and by Indenture dated 29th July 1651 was conveyed, inter alia, for a valuable consideration, by Thomas Coke and others, nominated by an Act of Parliament "for selling the fee farm rents belonging to the Commonwealth of England," to a certain Eobert Merring of Stonehouse in co. Devon, Merchant, and his heirs for ever.6 On the Eestoration, however, of course, this alienation was annulled and the rent again vested in the crown. In 23rd Y Charles II. , this, and divers other fee farm rents, were vested in Francis Lord Hawley and others as Trustees for sale, and this rent, inter alia, by Indenture dated 23rd March, 23rd Charles II. (1670-1) was granted to John Grenville, Earl of Bath, and his heirs for ever.8 In no long while after the abovementioned grant of the Eectory and the Advowson of the Vicarage both came into the possession of Nicholas Sprey of Bodmin, Gent., who assigned the next presentation to William Inch of St. Kew, Gent.9 Nicholas Sprey also in his life-time settled some of his estates, for in his will proved 6th November 1624, he mentions that he had already conveyed sufficient estate of inheritance to Nicholas Sprey, son of testator's eldest son Christopher (who died in his father's life-time) by Joane, daughter of Eichard Courtenay of Tremeer in Lanivet.10 The lands so settled embraced 1 Eot. Pat. 5th EUzabeth, Part ij., m. 41. 2Eot. Pat. 21st EUzabeth, Part iv., m. 19. ' Eot. Pat. 6th James, Part xxx., No. 8. 4Eot. Pat. 11th James, Part xnj., No. 4. 5 Eot. Pat. 2nd Charles, Part iv., No. 3. 6 Fee Farm Bents. Counterparts of Deeds of Sale. Augment. Office, Bund. M. 1, No. 17. 7 La the previous year the fee farm rent of £20 a year, paid by Nicholas Sprey out of the Eectory of Lanow was granted, inter alia, as part of her dower, to Queen Katherine. (Eot. Pat. 12nd Charles, Part vi.) 8 Eot. Claus., 23rd Charles II. Part ii., m. 3. 9 It should be here noted that on the 30th March 1630-1, a caveat was lodged in the Bishop's Court against the institution of any person to the Vicarage of St. Kew without first calUng James Parker of Warlegh, Esq., the true (as is asserted) . and indubitable patron of the said Vicarage, to shew cause against it by his proctor, Christopher Babb. (Act Book B, Bishops' Eegistry, Exeter.) !° See account of the Sprey famUy, Vol. I., p. 293, and Ped. p. 294. O 94 PARISH OF LANOWE, alias ST. KEW. the estates of Nicholas Sprey in St. Kew, and included the Eectory and Advowson of the Church, or at least a moiety of the former. He presented to the Vicarage on 23rd May 1640 upon the death of Eobert Belmaine who held the benefice for a few months only.1 Philip Sprey, upon his marriage in 1641, settled at Trevinnick, in this parish, and adhering to the King in the great rebellion of the seventeenth century his estates were sequestrated, and not being comprised in any exception or qualification of the propositions sent to Hampton Court, on 22nd May 1649 he paid a composition of dt?188.2 Not long after this the Eectory of Lanow came into the possession of John Tregagie of Trevorder, Esq., who acquired considerable possessions in the County. He became, in conjunction with Sir Peter Kelligrew, Eeceiver General of the Duchy of Cornwall, and died in 1680 largely indebted to the crown and several other persons. The office of Eeceiver General was transferred to his son, John Tregagie, who became still more involved. The Eectory of Lanow was mortgaged to Eobert Corker of Falmouth, Esq., and eventually after the death of John Tregagie, the son, a private Act of Parliament was obtained for the sale of the whole of his estates for the purpose of paying his debts and making some provision for his family.3 By the Trustees under this Act the im propriate Eectory of Lanow was conveyed to the above-mentioned Eobert Corker, who also became possessed of the office of Eeceiver General of the Duchy of Cornwall, but would seem not to have prospered in it more than his predecessors. By indentures of lease and release, dated 28th and 29th July 1729, Eobert Corker conveyed to John Hedges, Treasurer and Eeceiver General of the Duke of Cornwall, all his estate, in cluding this Eectory, for the purpose of sale to pay, in the first instance, a sum of £11,000 due to the Prince on account of this office. Eobert Corker died about 1st March 1730, s.p., without having paid the sum due, and by his will dated 27th September 1728, his estates were devised to certain persons therein named. By deed dated 11th December 1735, the whole estate was conveyed to Hugh Gregor, of the Middle Temple, Gent., his heirs and assigns for ever,4 by the Prince of Wales, John Hedges, Esq., described as above, Jane Parker of Falmouth, widow, only surviving sister and heir at law of Eobert Corker, Mary Corker, theretofore called Mary Eowcliffe, relict of the said Eobert Corker, William Pennicott of St. Dunstan's in the West, London, Surgeon, Chambre Corker and Degory Pearce, executors &c, of the will of the said Eobert Corker, for the sum of £13,175; and from a further deed, dated 2nd June 1736, it appears that the said Hugh Gregor had made the said purchase on behalf of Edmond Prideaux of Padstow, Esq., and Sir John Moles worth of Pencarrow, Bart.; and it further appears that, inter alia, the Barton of Trevorder in St. Breoke was bought on behalf of Edmond Prideaux, and the Barton of Bokelly the messuage of Lanseage, &c, together with the Impropriate Eectory of Lanow, alias 1 See post, p. 99. 2 Eoyalist Comp. Papers, 2nd series, Vol. xxxvuj., fo. 505. 3 Act, entituled "An Act for the sale of the estate of John Tregagie, Esq., deceased, in the Counties of Devon and Cornwall, for payment of his debts, and making provision for' his children." 13th Anne September, No. 17. 4 Deed at Prideaux Place, Padstow. THE RECTORY. 95 St. Kew, and the tithes of corn and grain thereto belonging, valued at £150 a year, subject to a fee farm rent of £20 a year, on behalf of Sir John Molesworth. With the paper is a rough schedule of the lands forming the estate, and against the "Advowson of the Vicarage of St. Kew " is a memorandum stating that it was " not sold, the title not being cleared up to the satisfaction of Sir John Molesworth." The Eectory of St. Kew thus came into the possession of the Molesworth family, in which it still continues, and the Advowson of the Vicarage became severed therefrom. The total quantity of all the lands chargeable with tithes is 6087a. Or. 24p., viz.: ArableMeadow and Pasture WoodlandOrchards and Gardens Common Land Waste and Brake A. E. P. . . 5666 0 39 116 3 30 192 0 16 44 3 10 21 0 9 46 0 0 6087 0 24 The tithes of corn and grain arising from the undermentioned lands have been merged in the said lands. A. K. P. Carclase Carkavils . 67 3 36 . 50 0 15 Bokelly Barn South Barton Little Barton . 165 1 31 . 14 2 4 Lanseague Eooke North Barton . 93 3 33 Pengenna Great and Little Hall Tregillis Parks . . Little Trevinnick . 56 3 13 . 19 3 39 . -29 2 34 Trewigget Pengenna Mills . . Jobs Tregillis . 18 3 17 Bound's Close .. 5 2 8 Treeugoe . 51 0 20 A. R. P. ,. 176 3 28 .. 76 0 29 9 3 31 .. 154 0 12 .. 181 3 2 .. 165 2 21 6 3 8 .. 60 2 19 1405 3 30 The trustees of the late Sir William Molesworth, Bart., are entitled as Impropriators to the tithes of all the unmerged corn and grain, except those hereunder mentioned, and the Vicar of the parish is entitled to all the unmerged small tithes and the tithes of hay, and also to the tithes of corn and grain arising from the following lands, viz., Pollin- garrow, Penbole, Trethevy, Dinham's Bridge, Bove Hills, Dinham's Bridge Tenement, Trethevan, Parish Lands called Smeeth's, Newton, and part of Tretane containing by estimation 405 acres. The small tithe and the tithe of hay of the glebe lands, containing by estimation 26a. Or. 22p., have been merged in the said lands. 96 PARISH OP lanowe, alias ST. KEW. The value of the tithes awarded to the Impropriator, including the tithes of corn and grain, amounting to £3 10s., when not in the occupa- £ s. d. tion of the Vicar is ... ... ... ... 741 10 0 And the value of the tithes awarded to the Vicar, including the tithes of 172a. 2r. Op. cultivated as coppices fixed at £20 3s. 9d., is 520 3 9 Total value ... ... ... £1261 13 9 The following terrier shewing the boundaries of the Glebe lands is preserved in the Bishop's Eegistry Office at Exeter: !The gleeb lande of the saide parishe vewed and taken by the Mynister, Churchwardens, and other the parishioners the sixteenth day of June in Anno Domini 1613. " The gleebe lande, contayninge by estymation twenty-eight akers or thereabouts, is bounded by a way leading out southwarde from the viccarage house, and is bounded on the west side from a yeate belonging to the viccarage wth the grounde of Nicholas till you come to the corner of a garden of the viccarage belowe the well, and from thence it boundeth wtt the same lande till it come to a Eiver that runneth westward, and then it boundeth eastwarde by the Church way till it comes to Skesine garden, and from thence till it come to the grounde of one Smythe called Skesine, and then it boundeth by an other lake that leadeth by the grounde of Tregoyde till it come to a peece of land called " Creekes," and from thence it leadeth till it come to an other peece of land called " seven akers," and from thence it leadeth till it come to the yeate belonging to the Vicarage wher first we began. There is an other close belonging to the said Viccarage by himself wch is bounded from a yeate that lyeth west- warde wth the grounde of Simon Eundell till it comes to the grounde of Eichard Carnsew, Esq., and from thence it is bounded with the said grounde northwarde till it come to the highway on the east side, and then it boundes wth the said highway till it comes to an other way on the south side that leadeth westwarde till it comes to the said yeat where we first began." The Vicarage House is a very convenient residence, having been rebuilt during the incumbency of the Eev. J. S. Scobell. Near the gate is a fine spring of water called the "Holy Well,'' mentioned in the above terrier. THE ADVOWSON OF THE VICAEAGE. We have seen that until the dissolution of the Priory of Plympton both the Eectory and the Advowson of the Vicarage were appurtenant to the Manor of Lanowsaint, and that upon the grant of the Manor in 1546 to John Wollacombe and Eoger Prideaux the two latter were reserved. In 1608 the Eectory, with the Advowson of the Vicarage institutions. 97 annexed, was granted to Francis Philips and Eichard More, and the latter continued appurtenant to the Eectory until after the death of John Tregagie in 1680, but in the Act of Parliament for selling his lands no particular mention is made of the Advowson of the Vicarage, nevertheless, 'Eobert Corker presented in 1724. This omission was, perhaps, the cause of the difficulty as to the title to the Vicarage to which Sir John Molesworth took exception in 1735, and the advowson reverted to John Tregagie, by whom it is probable the next presentation was sold to Eichard Hollings of Lincoln's Inn, -who presented in 1737. By lease and release dated respectively 6th and 7th March, 1748, the Advowson was conveyed by Francis Tregagie, brother and heir at law of John Tregagie, described as then late of Melchet Park, co. Wilts,1 to John Bennet of St. Neot, co. Cornwall, Gent. in fee, who, by deed of grant dated the 18th of the same month, conveyed the Ad vowson in fee to the Honorable Thomas Pitt, sometime Governor of Fort St. George in the East Indies, and the fortunate possessor of the " Pitt Diamond,"" whose steward he at that time was for the Mohun Estates in Cornwall which Mr. Pitt had recently purchased. Mr. Pitt left issue three sons and two daughters, of whom the eldest, Eobert Pitt, was of Boconnoc. He left two sons: Thomas Pitt of Boconnoc, and secondly, William, who became the great Earl of Chatham. Thomas Pitt had a son Thomas, who, in 1784, was created Baron Camelford, and his only son and heir at law, the second Lord Camelford, by his will dated 24th May 1799, devised all his real estates to his mother, Anne, Lady Camelford, for life, with remain der to his sister Anne the wife of William Wyndham Lord Grenville. As Lady Camelford predeceased her son the estates devolved upon Lady Grenville, and by deed dated 1st June 1822, Lord and Lady Grenville conveyed the Advowson of the Vicarage of St. Kew, to the Eevd. Nicholas Every, Vicar of St. Veep, co. Cornwall, and he, on his death in 1836, devised all his real estates to his wife, Mrs. Elizabeth Hickes Every,3 the present patron of the benefice.' LIST OF INSTITUTIONS. 1283, Feast of St. Luke Eeymond de Lanhoho,4 was admitted as Vicar to the Church of Lanhoho, and had a stipend assigned to him out of the benefice. (See Appendix INo. 1. A.) 1349, April 4th - Sir Nicholas de Penhal,6 was instituted to the Vicarage of Lannohou, upon the presentation of the Prior and Convent of Plympton. 1 See account of Teeqagle family post. 2 See Note* Vol. i., p. 171. s In consequence of some famUy arrangement the next presentation to the Vioarage, vested in the Eev. John Glencross, Eector of HeUand, who had married Mr. Every's sister, and Mr. Glencross conveyed the same to John ScobeU, Esq., who presented in 1837. {Vide List of Institutions, p. 100.) 1 Bishop Bronescombe's Eegister, fo. 122. 5 Bishop Grandisson's Register, Vol. iii., fo. 76. 98 PARISH OP LANOWE, alias ST. KEW. Henry Tresedron,1 was instituted to the Vicarage of Lannow, upon the presentation of the Prior and Convent of Plympton. Sir Walter Polyt, Priest,8 was instituted to the Vicarage of Lannov, upon the presentation of the Prior and Convent of Plympton. John Eescarek, Vicar of Landohou, on 29th March 1383, had licence from the Bishop to celebrate divine offices in the Chapel of St. Aldhem at Ammal. Nicholas Tresulgan was Vicar on 20th September 1388,3 when he, and John Cresse, Chaplain, were licenced to hear the confessions of debtors and outlaws. (Bishop Brantyngham's Eegister.) Eichard Castell. Eichard Portelond, b.ll.,4 was instituted to the Church of St. Kew (de Sancta Kewa) vacant by the death of Eichard Castell, last Vicar, upon the presentation of the Prior and Convent of Plympton. Eobert Eike, Chaplain,5 was instituted to the Vicarage of St. Kew (de Sancta Kewa) vacant by the death of Eichard Portlond, last Vicar, upon the presentation of the Prior and Convent of Plympton. John Manz6 was instituted to the Vicarage of St. Kew, vacant by the resignation of Eobert Eyke, upon the presen tation of the Prior and Convent of Plympton. Eoger Sherman, Chaplain,7 was instituted to the Church of St. Kew of Lannowsente upon the death of John Mane, the last Vicar, upon the presentation of the Prior and Convent of Plympton. Anthony Fortescue, Clerk, M.A.,8 was instituted to the Vicarage of St. Kew, vacant by the death of Eoger Sherman, last Vicar, upon the presentation of the Prior and Convent of Plympton. 1 Bishop Grandisson's Eegister, Vol. iii., fo. 80. a Ibid., fo. 141. • " In 1412 the Church of St. Kew (Lannow) was under interdict, from what cause we know not but the interdict was removed on 11th June in that year, John Burgh being Chaplain. The Vicarage would seem to have been vacant. * Bishop Lacy's Eegister, Vol. ii., fo. 204. In 1445, Eichard Portlond, b.l., Vicar of St. Kew, was placed upon a Commission concerning the right of patronage of the Church of Michaelstow. (Bishop Lacy's- Eegister, Vol. ii., fo. 217.); 6 Bishop Booth's Eegister, fo. 5. 1489, Eobert Eike, Vicar of St. Kew, was on an Inquisition con cerning the patronage of Lesnewth, and again in 1498 concerning the patronage of Tintafel. 6 Bishop Eedmaine's Eegister, fo. 18. He was also Vicar of St. Teath, and Eector of St. Tudy. See- also Appendix II. ' Bishop Voysey's Eegister, fo. 16. » ibid fo. 26. 1349, May 23rd 1361, April 3rd unknown unknown unknown 1443, April 25th 1466, April 20th 1500, October 21st 1523, May 11th 1525, November 12th INSTITUTIONS. 99 1536, September, 20th 1554, September 6th 1576, June 4th 1601, October 21st 1606, January 10th 1639, December 23rd - Nicholas Nycholls, Priest,1 was instituted to the Church of St. Kew, vacant by the resignation of Anthony Fortescue, upon the presentation of the Prior and Convent of Plympton. John Langman, Clerk, was instituted to the Vicarage of St. Kew, vacant by the deprivation of Nicholas Nicolls, Clerk, Priest, last Vicar, upon the presentation of Mary Queen of England. John Goldsmith, Clerk,2 was instituted to the Vicarage of St,. Kew, vacant by the death of the last Incumbent, upon the presentation of the Queen. Eichard Wall, Clerk, M.A.,3 was admitted to the Vicarage of St. Kew, vacant by the deprivation of John Goldesmith, last Incumbent, upon the presentation of the Queen. Thomas Hutton, Clerk, S.T.B.,4 was instituted to Vicarage of St. Kew, vacant by the death of the last Incumbent, upon the presentation of the King. Eobert Belmaine, M.A.,5 was admitted to the Vicarage of Lanow, alias St. Kew, vacant by the death of Thomas Hutton, Clerk, last Incumbent, upon the presentation of William Inch, Gent., of St. Kew, for this turn the true patron by the assignment of Nicholas Sprey of Bodmin, Gent. John Orchard, Clerk, M.A.,6 was admitted to the Vicarage of St. Kew, alias Lanow, vacant by the death of Eobert Belmayne, Clerk, last Incumbent, upon the presentation of Philip Sprey of Bodmin, Gent., the true patron. Thomas Jane, Clerk,' was admitted to the Vicarage of St. Kew vacant by the death of John Orchard, Clerk, last Incumbent, upon the presentation of William Treuill of Buttshead, Esq., the true patron. 1 Bishop Voysey's Beg., fo. 85. 2 Bishop Bradridge's Eegister, fo. 26. 3 Bishop Carey's Eegister, fo. 73. 1 Ibid. fo. 84. Matriculated at St. John's CoUege, Oxford, 2nd July 1 585, aged 19, " Pleb. fil," London, FeUow of St. John's CoUege, Oxford, Prebendary of Exeter, and Eector of Northlew, buried at St. Kew, 27th December, 1639. (See M. I., No. 5.) WUl dated 2nd April, 1639, and proved at Exeter 10th January 1639-40. Mr. Hutton took an active part in the controversy with the Puritans on the accession of King James I., and between 1605, and 1608 pubUshed several volumes of Essays and Sermons, more especiaUy relating to the subject of "Subscription." (See BibUotheca Cornubiensis, sub. Hutton.) His descendants returned to Devon. (See post Trethevy.) 5 Bishop Hall's Eegister, Vol. ii., fo. 21. Second son of Eobert BeUmayne of Dallamore, co. Devon. Matriculated at Exeter CoUege, Oxford, 20th July 1621, agec- 17. His grandfather was Eichard BeUmayne of BeUmayne Banck, co. Westmorland. (Vide Ped. Visitation of Devon, Harl. Soe. Pub. Vol vi., p. 23.) Buried at St. Kew, 6th February 1639-40, M.I., No. 5. " Ibid., fo.'26. Matriculated at Gloucester Hall, 5th February 1629-30, aged 17, son of John Orchard of Mary Week, Cornwall, " Pleb.,' In the Parish Eegisters of Week St. Mary, we find " John son of John Orchard, lawier, was baptized Cth September, 1612." In the Church of PoughiU is a monument in memory of Mr. Charles Orchard, Vicar of that Parish, v?ho was buried 2nd January 1756, aged 63, and of John his son and Patience his wife. He was probably of the same family. The monument is surmounted by a shield of arms: ar. a chev. Erm. between three pears gu. 7 Bishop's Eegister, N.S., Vol. ii., fo. 32. Buried at St. Kew 23rd September 1693, P.E. 1640, May 23rd, 1675, April 22nd 100 PARISH OP LANOWE* 3d 0400 01 04 8 Cap's 6 hens 7 daies Theise are to wiU and require you Thomas ffox, Clerk, Eeoue of the Mannor aforesaid, to Collecte and Gather the seueraU sums above written with the Extracts annexed, and for default of payment to distraine for the same. And that you make retowrne hereof and passe in your full accompte for your yeare ended at Mich'as 1656 to mee at Lanhidrock on Monday the 17th Nov. next. Giucn vnder my hand this 29"' 7b" 1656. J. EOBAETS. To Thomas ffox, Clerk Eeeue of tho Mannor aforesd 132 PARISH OP LANOWE, alias ST. KEW. MANOE OF TEELULLA, alias TEELULL, alias TEELILL. The earliest mention which we have found of this place is in 32nd Edward I. (1304), when Warinus de Trelulla recovered seizin against Eoger Morsell and Anastasia his wife of a piece of land, six perches in length and six perches in breadth, with appurtenances in Trelulla, juxta Trewena (Trewane).1 A few years later John le Keu of Trelulla recovered seizin against John Morsel of Trelulla, Junior, probably the son of Eoger, of certain profits arising out of ten acres of wood, inclosed in Trelulla juxta Trewana, and of all his corn and of sufficient timber (maeremium) for rests for his ploughs and sixty men's burden of firewood every year.2 In 1317, Nicholas Giffard, in consideration of the sum of 40 marks, suffered a fine to Lawrence de Tremur in five messuages, 21s. lOd. rent, and a rent of five sheep, with appurtenances in Trelulla, Pelengarou, Tregellest, Lanseuegy, Vppeton deythyn, Hendra, and Trewyget,3 which having been done without a license, the lands being held in capite, Laurence de Tremure was obliged to make fine to the King in five marks for his pardon and to have a license.4 Laurence died in 13263 seized of these lands which he held of the King in capite as in socage by fealty and service, and 12s. 6d. of relief after the death of each tenant, for all services. He also held of Stephen de Podiford one messuage and one acre of land Cornish in Tremure (in Lanivet) by fealty and service, rendering to the said Stephen a rent of lib of cummin annually, and John de Tremure, son of the said Laurence, was found to be his nearest heir and to be of the age of 26 years and more ; and in the same year John Tremure, upon payment of 12s. 6d. relief and making fealty, had seizin in the above lands." In 1391 John Tremure sued Eobert Duck, Eobert Jekelney, Eobert Dag and others for trespass in breaking down the trees of the said John in Tremure and Trelulla.7 John Tremure, or Tremere, died without issue male, leaving two daughters co-heirs, the elder of whom married John Bray, son and heir of Thomas Bray of St. Cleer in this County, whose son, through that marriage, inherited Tremere and Trelulla. His great grandson, Eeginald Bray, designated in the Pedigree s as of Tremere, was seized of Trelulla and all the abovementioned lands, now described as the Manor of Trelull, 1 Eot. Originalia, 32nd Edward I., m. 14. 3 Ibid. 8th Edward II., m. 34, and 9th Edward IL, m. 24. 3 Pedes Finium, 11th Edward II., No. 5. i Eot. Fin. 11th Edward II. 0 Inq. p.m. 1st Edward III., Part I., No. 63. The warrant to the escheator for taking- the lands of Laurence do Tremuro into the King's hands was tested at Kenilworth 6th January, (Eot. Fin. 20th Edward II. m 1.) " John le Ku de TreluUa" was one of the jury on this inquisition, as he had been, as "John le Cu de Trelulla," on the inquisition taken after the death of Alan Bloyou on 23rd May, 9th Edward II. 0 Fot. Origin. 1st Edward III. m. 17, and Eot. Fin. same year. Warrant tested at York 2oth June, m. 11. 7 De Banco Eolls, 14th Eichard II., Easter, m. 184. « Heralds' CoUege, 2, c. 1, iilb. MANOR OP TREGEARE. 133 and being so seized in 1545, suffered a recovery to Nicholas Bowyer of Bodmin, Merchant, probably for the purpose of settlement.1 From the family of Bray the Manor would seem to have passed to that of Nicoll of Penvose. Nevertheless the family of Nicoll would seem to have possessed lands in Trelulla previously to the last abovementioned date. In 1533 John Shewys and others levied a fine of Henry Nycoll of the Manors of Penvose and Carkele, and thirty messuages, inter alia, Trelulla.2 On 27th December 1597, Humphry Nicoll of Penvose, Esq. died seized, inter alia, of the Manor of Trelulla which he was found to have held of George Breye (son of the abovementioned Eeginald. He was aged seventy-one years in 1699), but by what service the jury declared themselves ignorant. They found his son Humphrey Nicoll to be his nearest heir, and to have been aged twenty years, twenty- one weeks, and five days at the date of his father's decease,3 which said Humphrey Nicoll was living in 1620. His son Anthony suffered a fine in this manor in 1652, to John Nicoll, Gent.,4 probably his brother. In 1676, William Beale petitioned against Humphrey Nycoll (son of the last named Anthony) in the Manors of St. Tudy and Trelill,5 and in 1705 Peter Kekewich petitioned against Eebecca Nicolls, widow (relict of the last named Humphrey), inter alia, of the same manor and a moiety of the Manor of Lannozook, when Anthony Nicolls was called to warrant,6 and the lands in Trelill still continue in the Kekewich family though not as a manor. MANOE OF TEEGAEE alias TEEGEAEE. There is a reputed Manor of Tregeare in this parish possessed by the Honorable G. M. Fortescue of Boconnoc, of which we annex a rental dated in 1748. The name of Tregear is found in many places in the county, and is not easily identified, but we have not been able to discover any evidence to establish Tregaer in St. Kew as an ancient manor possessing any special rights or franchises. Tregaer, or " Tregayr Castre," as it was called in ancient times, belonged to the family of Chenduit, as parcel of the Manor of Bodanan.7 It does not, however, appear in the Eent Eoll of that Manor in 1569.8 In 1642 it was held by Humphrey Noye, Esq., who, by deed dated 25th April in that year,9 in addition to the Manors of Lanowe and Trevelwith, conveyed " all that messuage and all those lands and tenements in Tregeare now or late in the occupation of — Loveys, widow, Sir Samuel Hele, Knt., &c, &c." to Daniel Harvey of London, Esq., Elizabeth Harvey and Michael Harvey of London, Merchant, by way 1 Recovery Eoll, 37th Henry VIIL, Michs. 413. 2 Pedes Finium 25th Henry VIIL, Trinity. 3 Inq. p.m. 43rd Elizabeth, No. 133. i Pedes Finium 1652, Michaelmas. * Recovery EoUs, 27th and 28th Charles II., HU. 130. 6 Ibid. 4th Anne, Trinity, 146. 7 Pedes Finium, 3rd Henry VI., Easter. 8 Ante, Vol i, pp. 519, et seq. 9 Eot. Claus. 18th Charles I., No. 33. T 134 PARISH OP LANOWE, alias ST. KEW. of mortgage, and a fine was leyied between the parties in the same year.1 We presume these lands passed from Mr. Noye to the Earl of Bath, together with the Manor of Lanow, and were designated a manor while in the possession of Mr. Pitt, from whom they descended to Mr. Fortescue as before described.2 No courts are now held. Rent Roll of tlie Manor of Tregeare, 1748. From the Muniment Room, Boconnoc. Tenants. Tenements. Total Eents. Chief Rents. £ 8. d. Cann, Samuel Tregavern - 0 1 3 Parsons, John ... Ditto - - - 0 1 3 Covenant Eents. Bear, Walter ... Hocking's House 0 4 0 Brown, Abraham Pichen's Park and Long Park 0 12 0 Burton, WiUiam ... Part of Inohe's House and Garden 0 1 0 Brown, John - A Meadow 0 4 0 Burton, Willm. or John Dancaster A Watering - 0 3 0 Dancaster, John - Marrow's Tenement - 0 10 10 Ditto Dagg's Meadow - - 0 2 0 Ditto Marrow's Tenement, Old Walls 0 2 0 Ditto Part of Inohe's House 0 o 0 Hickes, Mr. John - - - Barton of Tregeare - - 2 14 10 Ditto Higher Tenement in Trewigett 0 15 0 Ditto Home Tenement, or Lynham's Tenement in™ditto 1 1 G Ditto Grey's Tenement in ditto 0 10 6 Lang, EUzabeth Inohe's House and Garden - - - 0 1 6 Boose, Eichard Little Hendra Euddon 0 4 0 Ditto Great Hendra Euddon - 0 8 0 Ditto ChoUacott - - - - - 0 8 0 Thomas, Nicholas A House, Garden, and Meadow 0 4 0 Burton, WiUiam Marrow's Meadow - - - - Total ¦¦ • ¦ £8 10 8 Pedes Finium, 18th Charles, Easter. Ante, p. 97. MANOR OP TREHAVEROCK. 135 MANOE OF TEEHAVEEOCK, alias TBEHAEEOCK. These lands gave name to a family of gentlemen who, at a very early date, are supposed to have founded one of the prebends in the Church of St. Endellion. The prebend was in existence as early as the thirteenth century ; but we do not find it specifically described as the Trehaverock Prebend until the beginning of the seventeenth. The earliest patrons whom we can trace were of the family of Modret.1 Lysons states Treharrick to be a manor, and says that it once belonged to a family of that name, whose heiress brought it to the Cavalls in the reign of Henry VII.2 In the latter statement he is correct, except as regards the date. The marriage between Eobert Cavell and Sibell daughter and heir of John Treharrock took place about the end of the fourteenth century, for Nicholas Cavell, the issue of this marriage, presented to the Trehaverock prebend in 1428, and was dead in 1464.3 We cannot, however, trace that Trehaverock ever possessed any manorial rights or privileges. In 1425, Trehaverock was parcel of the Manor of Bodannan, and it appears as a free tenement in the Eent Eoll, or Terrier, of the same manor in 1568,4 as it does also in 1588.5 In 1642, it would seem to have become annexed to the Manor of Lanno- muer, and was parcel of the tenements included in that manor, which Humphrey Noye conveyed to Daniel Harvey and others.6 As to the estate itself, it was doubtless held by a family who from it took its designation. In 1st Edward III. (1328) John de Treauerok was assessed in St. Kew on a subsidy of a 20th at 9d.T From this family, like the prebend in Endellion Church, it passed to Nicholas Cavell in the latter part of the fourteenth century.8 In 1615, William Cavell and Jane his wife suffered a fine, inter alia, in Trehaverock, alias Treaverock, and in the Prebend of Trehavarock, in St. Endellion to Andrew Pomeroy, Esq., Eichard Carter, Esq., Pascoe Vivian, Esq., and John Dagg, Gent.9 It thus became a part of the possessions of the family of Vivian of Trewan upon the marriage of John Vivian of Trewan with Mary the eldest daughter and coheir of the said William Cavell, and so continued until the end of the century, when an Act of Parliament was obtained to enable John Vivian, Esq., and Thomas Vivian his son to sell a part of their estate.10 On 27th June 1699, articles of agreement were entered into between Thomas Vivian of Trewan, Esq., of the 1 See ante Vol. i., p. 503. 3 Mag. Brit. Vol. III. p. 162. '¦ Ante- Vol. i., p. 505. i Ante vol. i., p. 516. ' Inq. p.m., of Thomas Eoscarrock, 30th EUzabeth, Pint i., No. 8'. 6 Ante p. 133. 87 7 Subsidy EoU, 1st Edward III. — On the payment of tho aid of 40s. for each Knight's fee, 20th 7 Edward III. (1346) John Trehaverek held half a fee in Treonek which Mathew and Agnes Treonek sometime held. 8 Ante Vol. i., p. 584. ' Pedes Finium, 13th James I., Michaelmas. 10 Act 5th William and Mary. T2 336 parish op lanowe, alias ST. KEW. one part, and John Peter of Treator of the other part, for the purchase of this estate, which was accomplished by a deed of bargain and sale dated 21st September in the same year.1 In 1727, John Peter of Treharrock, Gent.,2 conveyed it to John Hamley, Gent. After various transactions of mortgage, it was eventually sold by Indentures of Lease and Eelease, dated respectively 17th and 18th November 1786, by Edward Hamley to Francis Brown of Endellion, Gent., from whom, in 1802, it passed to Abraham Hambly of Endellion, Esq., who was no relation of the beforementioned Hamleys.3 Mr. Hambly greatly improved the property by planting, &c, and built thereon a new and commodious house, which he made his residence. The family continued to reside there until 1872, when the property was sold to the Eev. Francis Basset. BOKELLY. Bokelly is very favourably situate upon rising ground on the east side of the parish, and possesses a south aspect. The site is well adapted for a gentleman's seat. Leland says of it: "From Trelill to wher Master Carniovies (Carnsiouie ?) alias Carnsey hath a praty house, fair ground, and praty wood about it."4 The house is now removed and a modern farm house built upon the site. Little of its former beauty remains except what nature has given to the situation. There is a remarkably fine old barn, and the stables, also, are old, with granite mullioned windows. Bokelly is now parcel of the Manor of Lanowmure, and was held of that Manor by William Camsuyowe on his death 1528 ; nevertheless it would appear from a fine levied in 1432/' in which Walter Pollard, John Mulys, and others were querists, and John Wyndeslade and Elizabeth his wife, and Stephen Trenewyth and Isabella his wife, deforc, concerning the Manor of Treglasta, that at that date Bokelly and Tregellest pertained to that Manor; though the fine is not very clear upon the subject. In 1748 it was held of the Manor of Lannowmure by Sir John Molesworth at the chief rent of 5s. per annum.6 Courts of the Manor have now ceased to be held, and the rent in question has been allowed to drop. The nature of the tenure under which Bokelly was held renders it difficult to trace its early history, but we find that as far back as the reign of King Edward III., it had given its name to a family of gentlemen who long continued to possess the estate. We find Eoger de Bokelly mentioned in the Eoll of the Assize at Launceston in 1347.7 In 1429 Eichard Nicholas and Thomas Smith, citizens and painters of London, 1 InroUed. * Eecovory EoU, No. 146. 3 Deeds at Treharrock. 4 Leland's Itinerary. 5 Pedes Finium, 10th Henry VI., No. 5. « Bent Eoll, ante p. 121. 7 Assize RolL Cornwall, 21st Edward III., m. 8. BOKELLY. 137 sued Nicholas Bokelly for a debt of £40, and ten years later Nicholas Bokelly sued John Watta of Amal Eglos in a similar plea.1 In 1461 John Bokelly, described as late of Bokelly, Gent., was attached to reply to Sir John Marny, Knt, on a plea that he had broken the banks of the mill pond of the said Sir John Marny, at Overdeny,2 and in the following year John Bokelly, described as late of Bokelly in the parish of St. Kewy, Gent., was summoned and replied to William Munck in a plea of debt of £40.3 In 1464 we find that William Carnsuyowe, described as of Bokelly, Gent., and Henry Cavell, described as late of Bokelly, Gent., were attached and replied to William Mohun in a plea of trespass upon the lands of the said William in Delyowemure.4 The case was postponed from term to term for a year when a verdict was given for the defendants.'From this date Bokelly would seem to have been in the possession of the family of Carnsewe.6 William Carnsewe by his Charter dated at Bokelly on Monday next after the feast of the Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary, 15th Henry VIII. (1523) settled his estates, inter alia, Bokelly and other lands in St. Kew,7 and the estate continued in the same family until the year 1653, when George Carnsewe and Ann his wife suffered a fine in four messuages, two corn mills, one fulling mill, &c, in Bokelly and Lanseage to Jane Carew, widow;8 and, in 1656, the same George and Ann, together with Eichard Carnsewe, Gent., suffered a fine in two messuages, &c, in Bokelly, to the same Jane then described as Jane Tregagie,9 widow, and three years later Nicholas Courteney, Gent., and Jane his wife, suffered a fine in the same premises to John Mill, Esq.10 By Indenture dated 22nd May, 14th Charles II.11 (1662), George Carnsewe of Bokelly, Gent., and Ann his wife, and Eichard Carnsewe, son and heir apparent of the said' George, conveyed all that Manor (sic) of Bokelly, and all those messuages called Lanseage, &c, and Langeage Mills, and all royalties, &c, together with the Estrays of the Hundred of Trigg12 to Sir Peter Kelligrew of Arwenack, Knt. In the following Trinity term a fine13 was levied in which Sir Peter Kelligrew, Knt., was querist, and George Carnsewe, Gent., and Ann his wife, Eichard Carnesew, Gent., and John Mill, Esq., and Ithemar his wife, and Nicholas Courteney, Esq., and Jane his wife, were deforc. relating to the. same premises. This was probably a transaction of mortgage, as it appears that the estate was purchased by John Mill, in trust for 1 De Banco RoUs, 18th Eichard IL, Michaelmas, m. 557. 2 De Banco EoUs, 2nd Edward IV, Michaelmas, m. 373. 3 Ibid. 3rd Edward, IV., Easter. i Ibid. 4th Edward IV, Michaelmas m. 302. 5 Ibid., 5th Edward IV., Michaelmas, m. 53. 6 Norden mentions " BockeUie the howse of Mr. Carnsew frutefully sett." (Speculi Britannia? Pars, p. 82.) 7 Inq. p.m., 15th Henry VIII. No. 64. 8 Pedes Finium, 1653 Trinity. 9 Pedes Finium, 1656, Easter. 10 Pedes Finium, 1659, Trinity. 11 Deed in the possession of the Eev. T. Carnsew of Flexbury near Stratton. 12 The wayfs and strays of the hundred of Trigg anciently pertained to the Manor of Bodanan. (See account of that Manor, ante Vol. i., pp. 615—523.) 13 Pedes Finium, 14th Charles IL, Trinity. 138 PARISH OP LANOWE, alias ST. KEW. John Tregagie of Trevorder, son of the abovementioned Jane Tregagie, afterwards Courteney. Bokelly subsequently passed to Sir John Molesworth, under the deed of 2nd June 1736, together with the Advowson of the Vicarage of St. Kew. (See ante p. 97.) TEEWANE. This estate is parcel of the Manor of Lanowmure, of which, from ancient times, it was a free tenement. Our earliest notice of it is in 1314, in which year, at the assizes at Launceston, an assize of view of recognizance was held to enquire if Thomas, the son of Eichard, Bomite of Trewana and Walter de la Hill had unjustly disseized John, the son of Eichard, Bomite of his free tenements in Trewana and Tre very on juxta Trelulla. It appears from the pleadings that Eichard Bomite had died seized of the premises, and that after his death the said Thomas had entered as son and heir. John alleged that the said Thomas was not born in wedlock and obtained a verdict, and Thomas was left in mercy.1 Trewane afterwards, at an early date, became the property and residence of a family called Nicoll, or Nicholls. In the Eeturn 1521-3 (Appendix II.) Henry Nicol 2 is shewn as having possessions in St. Kew of the value of 40s. per annum, and John Nicol as possessing goods of the value of £20, and arms for one man, and in 1524, the same John Nycoll was assessed to the subsidy in St. Kew, at the same rate per annum. Trewane continued in the same family for many descents.3 John Nichols 4 was possessed of it at the beginning of the 18th century, and, passing, over the issue of his eldest son, John Nicholls of Davidstow, then deceased, he settled, inter alia, Trewane in succession upon his grandsons James and Erisey, sons of James Nicholls of St. Neot, his second son, and their heirs for ever. Both soon afterwards died s.p., and the estates devolved upon Elizabeth the only child of John Nicholls of Davidstow, grandson of the John Nicholls first abovementioned, as heir at law. This young lady married N) 1 Assize EoUs, 7th Edward II. 2 } 6 m. 2 d. 15) 2 This Henry was Henry NicoU of Penvose, who held lands in TreluUa. Seo ante p. 133. 3 Norden, under St. Kew, mentions " the howse of John NycoUs." (Speculi Britannia; Pars, p. 73.) * He died in 1709, and in his wiU dated 9th October 1707, we find the foUowing bequest: "I do leave to the great parlour of Trewane house, which I use, all the pictures and family pieces that use to han°- there to be used with that room, and not aUenated or otherwise disposed of, and in like manner I leave to the hall the great brass candlestick that use to remain there." He also directed that his " great emerald ring or Jewell shaU remain in Trewane house to be used and worn only by such such woman or women, as my grandsons James Nicholls and Erisey NichoUs shall intermarry with." C. S. Gilbert states that when he wrote the haU was ornamented with some curious carved work, and that there were in the house soveral <*ood portraits of the Mohuns and Nichollses, together with fragments of ancient tapestry, and that near the house were remains of good gardens and fish ponds. (History of Cornwall, Vol. II., p. 611.) MANOR OF TRETAWNE. 139 Nicholas Glynn of Glynn, Esq., by whom she had a son who predeceased her,1 and dying s.p., by her will, dated 10th April, and proved 24th May 1771,2 devised, inter alia, her barton of Trewane to Thomas Glynn then of Helston, Esq., whose daughter carried it in marriage to Eichard Gerveys Grylls of Helston, Esq., from whom it has descended to his great grandson, Shadwell Morley Grylls of Lewarne in St. Neot, Esq., now (1873) Sheriff of the County. At Trewane is a fine and handsome old mansion house with large mullioned and transomed windows. There is said to have been another story which has been taken off. It is now converted into a farm house. In the principal bed-chamber is a representation, in plaster in high relief, of the offering of Isaac with the following legend on a scroll : Old Abraham hold thine hand, it doth suffice, God loveth obedience better than sacrifice. Over the fire place in the adjoining room there is an escutcheon of arms, viz., Nicholls, thrice repeated, impaling: 1st? 2nd. Three bendlets. 3rd. A cross humettee. In another room, now converted into a passage, is a second escutcheon : Nicholls impaling Mohun. And there is an old hatchment: Nicholls impaling a bend lozengy gules.3 There is a tradition that Charles II. was sheltered here, and made the family a present of two silver warming pans. EETON, alias TEETON, alias TEETAWNE. Tretawn is parcel of the Manor of Lanowmur, and at an early date was held by the family of Tretheven. John son of William de Tretheven by his charter granted all his lands and tenements in Vale an Kua wyll to Walter Golapyn, which charter was, upon inspeximus, ratified and confirmed by John de Tretheven son of Walter de Tre theven by charter dated on Monday next after the feast of St. John ante porta Latina 10th Edward II. These lands thereafter would seem to have been held by the family of Golapyn for a considerable time. In 16th Henry VI. Thomas Lanhergy, Lord of Lannomur, acknowledged to have received of Nicholas Colapyn, son and heir of John Colapyn, also called Power, by the hands of John Bere of Tregaren and others, the sum of vjs. and iijd. for relief upon the death of the said John Colapyn, for the whole ville of Tretoun which he held of the Manor of Lanomur in socage.4 Tretawne, in the 16th century, was part of the possessions of Francis Carnsew, Esq., 1 See Pedigree of Glynn, ante p. 70, in which, however, EUzabeth is erroneously described as sister and heir of John Nichols of Trewane. 'In Prerogative Court of Canterbury. 3 Additional M.S., 9419, p, 228. 4 Deeds in the possession of J. Brendon Curgenven, Esq. 140 PARISH OF LANOWE, alias ST. KEW. from whom, in the reign of Queen Elizabeth, it passed to the family of Kestell. By deed dated 20th September 3rd James (1605), Thomas Kestell of Trevegan in the parish of Egloshayle, Esq., and Theophilus Kestell, Gentleman, alienated it to John Molesworth of Pencarrow, Esq., it being described as, " all that capital messuage, barton, and demesne lands called or known by the name of Eeton, alias Treton, alias Tretoune." And, by deed dated 6th October 1612, the said John Molesworth acquired of Francis Carnsewe of Philly, Gent., all that wood called Trethevan, alias Trethevy Wood in the parish of St. Kew. By deed dated 1st May 1633, John Molesworth granted Ihe said lands to his four daughters, Martha, Phillippa, Honour, and Grace, by his marriage with Phillippa, daughter of Henry Eolle of Hampton,1 provided they married with his consent. By various deeds of divers dates, the said several shares became vested in John Godolphin of Doctors' Commons, Doctor of Laws, who by deed, dated 30th May 1659, under the description of "all that capital messuage, &c, called Eeton, alias Treton, alias Tretawne, and all those lands called Cuell an Dale " and " Penhendra in St. Kew," conveyed the whole to William Keigwin of Mousehole in co. Cornwall, Gent. It continued to be held by this family for nearly a century. James Keigwin of Mousehole, Gent., by his will dated 1st February 1734, devised all his estates to trustees for the sale of such portions as might be necessary beyond the amount of his personal estate to pay his debts ; the remainder to George Keigwin, his eldest brother and heir, and, dying unmarried, the whole of his lands, inter alia, Eeton, alias Treton, alias Tretawne, Cuell an Dale, Penhendra, and Tupton in St. Kew were, under a decree in the Court of Chancery, pronounced 30th March 1745, directed to be sold, and, by Indentures dated respectively 1st and 2nd May 1752, were conveyed to George Veale of Penzance, Gent., who, in the same year, sold Tretawne and the other lands in this parish to Mr. John Curgenven of Lelant, who settled at Tretawne. By his grandson John Brendon Curgenven, Gent., in 1867 the whole, except a small cottage, called Tretawne Cottage, at Highway, was sold to Eeuben Magor of Lamellen, Gent., a descendant of the above- mentioned William Keigwin and of John Curgenven (see Pedigree post), whose brother is the present possessor. There is an interesting old house at Tretawn of the Jacobean period, built probably by the Molesworths. There is a granite stone built into the wall near the fire place in the back kitchen, about twelve inches square, which has carved in on its surface : PHILA- MOLESWOETH 1620 1 See Ped. ante vol. i., p. 468. BENBOLL. 141 BETHBOLE, alias BENBOLGH, alias BENBOLL, alias PENPOLL. This estate would seem to have been a free tenement held of the Manor of Penpont. Our earliest knowledge of it is derived from a Eoll of Assize for the County in 1337, from which we find that, at that date, it had given its name to a family who possessed it. At the visit of the justices intinerant to Bodmin an assize of view of recognizance was granted to enquire if Johanna, who was the wife of John Carmynou, Knt., and Walter son of the said Johanna, and John de Dyngelli had un justly disseized Nicholas son of John de Bethbole of his free tenement in Bethbole juxta Trethevan ; but Nicholas took nothing by his writ and was in mercy for a false claim.1 Before the close of the century, however, Benbolgh was held by one Eoger Coton. He had two sisters, the youngest of whom, called Petronilla, married John Bandyn, and had a son of the same name, who upon the death of his uncle without heirs entered into possession. In 1399, however, an assize of view of recognizance was granted to Eichard Hendre and Margery his wife to enquire if John, the son of John, Bandyn, and Alice who was the wife of John Bandyn, had unjustly disseized them of the said premises, and they claimed the same as the right of the said Margery as kinswoman and heir of the aforesaid Eoger, viz., as daughter of Meliora, sister of the said Eoger. In defence it was alleged that the said Margery was born before the espousals of the said Meliora and John Atte Wode, late her husband, were celebrated. The jury found that Margery was born within marriage, and Eichard Hendre and Margery recovered seizin.2 We are obliged now to leap over a long period. In the reign of Queen Elizabeth Benbole was held in moieties, one moiety being in the possession of the Beville family, and the other in that of persons called Lapp. In 1593 John Beville, Gent., suffered a fine in three messuages in St. Kew, viz., Trewarthey Croppe, Penboll, and St. Kew, to Nicholas Dagge, for which the said Nicholas gave him £40.3 The other moiety was sold to Nicholas Dagge by Philip Lapp, Gent. Thus he held the entirety which he granted to his son Degory Dagge. Degory Dagge died in 1622 s.p., and on 26th April in the following year, John Archer, with the consent of Nicholas Dagge, attorned and became tenant to Eichard Dagge for such lands as Degory Dagge his brother had died seized of in Benboll alias Penboll, which the said John Archer held under a lease made to him jointly with his brothers Edward and William by the aforesaid Philip Lapp.4 We do not N) 1 Assize Eoll, Cornwall, 10th to 14th Edward III., 2 U m. 111. 20 ) N) 2 Ibid. 22nd Eichard IL, 2 \ 1 m. 207. 32) 3 Pedes Finium, 35th and 36th EUzabeth, Michaelmas. " Memorandum in possession of Edward Archer of Trelaske, Esq. U 142 PARISH OP LANOWE, alias ST. KEW. quite understand the tenure by which the Dagges held Benboll, but we find that before the end of the century a moiety was held as freehold by the family of Archer, and the other moiety was vested in Harry Cole as Lord of the Manor of Penpont. Upon the marriage of John Archer of Trelewack, in 1708, he settled, inter aha, Benboll, alias Penboll, in the parish of St. Kew.1 By indentures of lease and release, dated respectively 12th and 13th April 1737,2 William Archer of Trelewack, Gent., disentailed all his estates, inter aha, Penboll alias Benboll, Pollagarrow and other lands in St. Kew, and settled the same upon himself and his heirs and assigns for ever, and a fine was levied accordingly.3 Certain complications and family disputes occurred which were eventually settled by an award on arbitration, made in 1789, in accordance with which, by indentures of lease and release dated respectively 1st and 2nd January 1790,4 Edward Archer of Trelaske, heir at law and devisee under the will of Swete Nicholas Archer, conveyed to Addis Archer, only son and heir of Addis Archer then late of Plymouth, deceased, inter alia, all that undivided moiety of Benboll; and Addis Archer, described as of Leighan, co. Devon, being so seized, by indentures of lease and release dated 4th and 5th January 1803, conveyed the same to the Eev. William Cole of Long Marston in co. Gloucester, to whom had descended, as Lord of the Manor of Penpont, the other moiety. Mr. Cole died in 1805, and the property devolved upon his son William Loggin, who, in the following year, by deed dated 5th September, conveyed the entirety to Samuel West, whose grandson, Mr. James West of Benboll and of Camelford, is the present possessor.5 TEETHEVY, alias TEEWAETHEVY. We have already stated under Benboll (ante p. 141), that John Beville, in 1593, suffered a fine to Nicholas Dagge in, inter alia, Trewarthey Croppe (alias Trethevy.) This messuage descended to Eichard Dagge of Trevinnick, son and heir of the said Nicholas, who, by charter dated 20th May 2nd Charles (1626), in consideration of the sum of 5s., and for divers other valuable, important and good considerations him thereunto moving, granted, remised, and quitclaimed to Thomas Hutton, Clerk, Bachelor of Divinity and Vicar of St. Kew, all that messuage called Trethevie, alias Trethevie Crapp, alias Trewarthevie Crapp, to hold to the said Thomas, his heirs and assigns for ever.6 Thomas Hutton died in 1639 (see ante p. 99, note 3) leaving three sons and four daughters, and by his will, dated 2nd April in the same year, after granting certain legacies, demised all his lands, &c, to his son William Hutton, Bachelor of Laws, and Eector of Northlew, co. Devon. By indentures of lease and release, dated respectively 7th and 8th October 1696, Thomas Hutton ot Newton BusheU, Gent., believed to be the son of the aforesaid William, 1 Deed at Trelaske. - Ibid. 5 Pedes Finium 11th George II. , Trinity. 4 Deed at Trelaske. 5 Deed in possession of Mr. West. 6 Deed in the possession of Mr. West. SKISDON LODGE. 143 granted to William Hutton his son and heir apparent the said message of Trethevy Crapp, and by indentures of lease and release, dated respectively 2nd and 3rd October 1704, the said William Hutton, then described as of the parish of Lustleigh, co. Devon, Clerk, conveyed the same to Digory Froad of St. Mabyn, yeoman. Digory Froad being thus seized in fee, by his will dated 7th November 1709, devised to his daughter and heir at law, Elizabeth Froad, all his goods, lands, &c. The said Elizabeth Froad married Hender Mounsteven of Lancarfe, Gent.1 From Hender Mounsteven the premises de scended to his grandson, John Mounsteven, who, by indentures of lease and release dated respectively 10th and 11th May 1786, conveyed the same to his son and heir Hender Mounsteven, who, by deed dated 6th January in the following year, sold the same to Samuel West, whose grandson, Mr. James West of Benboll, is the present possessor. SKISDON LODGE. This pleasantly situated house is comparatively of recent creation as a gentleman's residence. It is parcel of the Manor of Tregoide, and we first find it mentioned as a tenement of that manor, under the form of Eeskesen, as early as 24th Edward III. (1350).2 It appears from the terrier of glebe lands,3 that in 1613 it belonged to one Smyth. In 1707 it was part of the possessions of John Nicholls of Trewane, and was devised by his will to trustees for the use of his grandson, James Nicholls the younger of St. Neot.4 It was afterwards the property, under lease, of the Eev. John Nation, Vicar of St. Kew, who resided here. In his will, dated 27th June 1724,5 he says " to my said daughter (Elizabeth) my messuage called Skizzen, near St. Kew Church Town, in which I now dwell." It was afterwards the property of Edward Grigg who married Mary, another daughter of the aforesaid John Nation, and resided here, whose daughter Jane married the Eev. Joseph Bennett, sometime curate in charge of the parish ; and when the Eev. Joseph Pomery, the Vicar, came into residence, Mr. Bennett removed from the Vicarage into the house at Skisdon with his father-in-law. Mr. Bennett added a wing to the cottage, built the garden walls, increased the land by purchase, and otherwise improved the property.0 Mr. Grigg died 27th April 1789,7 and Mr. Bennett very soon afterwards, having devised Skisdon, inter alia, to trustees for his son John Bennett then a minor. It was soon afterwards sold to Major William Clode of the Hon. E. I. Company's Service, son of William Clode of Camelford, Attorney at Law, and Sarah Phillis his wife, daughter of John Holder. Major Clode added other lands to Skisdon 1 Pedigree of Mounsteven, ante Vol. i., p. 300, where the lady is erroneously called Judith (which was her mother's name) instead of EUzabeth. 2 See ante p 130. ¦ s See ante p. 96. * Will proved in Archd. Court of Cornwall, 11th May 1710 6 Proved at Exeter, 20th June 1724, see Pedigree of Nation, post. 6 Additional MSS. 9418, fo. 230. " See Monumental Inscriptions, No. 20 and 21, ante p 109 TJ2 144 PARISH OP' LANOWE, alias ST. KEW. by exchange with Molesworth, and dying in 1807 s.p., Skisdon, and his other property, passed to Sarah Phillis his sister, wife of Henry Braddon Esq., who made Skisdon his residence, and it is now the property and residence of his grandson, William Clode Braddon, Esq., who has recently made further additions to the house. POLTEEWOEGIE. Poltreworgie in this parish is parcel of the Manor of Lannowmur, and probably formed the barton of that manor. Whilst the manor was in the possession of the family of Bevill Poltreworgie was occasionally the residence of a member of the family, but would not appear to have been so continuously. In the return (Appendix II.) Peter Bevyll appears as being possessed of lands of the value of £9 per annum, and of goods of the value of 100 marks and arms for one man, and he was assessed to the subsidy in St. Kew, 1525,1 at 100 marks upon goods, and John Bevill was assessed at £3 per annum upon lands in 1593,2 and upon £5 per annum in 1600.3 John Bevill, on his death 1609,4 held, inter aha, a lease of Poltreworgie granted by his brother Philip Bevill on 4th June 4th James (1606) for a term of ninety-nine years determinable upon the deaths of John Grenville and William Prideaux second son of Humphry Prideaux of Crediton. By his will dated 10th May 1609,5 he bequeathed the reversion of Poltreworgie, after the death of Johan his wife, to John Hodges, described as " a little boy who lives in my house," to hold to him and the heirs of his body, and in default remainder to the abovementioned William Prideaux.6 Norden mentions "Poltreworgie the howse of Mr. John Beuill," and in 1642,7 it is spoken of as having been late in the occupation of Joane Bevill widow. It passed from the family of Bevill to that of Grenville with the Manor of Lannowmur, and is now the property of the Honorable G. M. Fortescue of Boconnoc. TEEWIGGET. There having been more than one messuage in Trewigget, it is difficult, at all times, with certainty, to identify them. As early as 1280 one of those messuages 87 1 Subsidy EoU, 16th Henry VIII. — 131 88 88 2 Subsidy EoUs, 36th Elizabeth — , Subsidy Eoll, 42nd Elizabeth — 273 273 4 "Ma*" Johannes BeviU Armiger sepult. 3 JuUj 1609." P.E. By his wiU he directed that he should be buried in the Parish Church where he should happen to die. 5 Proved 8th September 1609. Arrhd. Court of Cornwall. 6 Speculi Brit. Pars. p. 75. 7 Pedes Finium, 18th Charles, Easter. TREGILDREN. 145 belonged to the family of Smith, whose heiress, in the early part of the 14th century, carried it by marriage into the family of Dagge, which family continued seated here at the time of the Herald's Visitation of 1620.1 In 1627 John Dagge and Dorothy his wife suffered a fine in Trewigget to John Webber and John Lynam.2 This would seem to be Lower Trewigget, and in this, under the description of the Manor of Trewigget neather alias Trewigget Eoy, John Hicks in 1708 suffered a fine to Thomas Morrice senior, and Thomas Morrice junior.3 There was, however, another Trewigget. John Geffrey of Trewigget was one of the jurors on the Inquisition post mortem of Ealph Carminow held at Bodmin in 1386,4 and he was also one of the jurors on the Inquisition taken at Bodmin in 1391, con cerning the right of the Priory of Plympton to the Manor of Lanowseynt, adverted to ante p. 87.5 This was, we presume, Higher Trewigget, which pertained to the Manor of Trelulla in 1308,6 and is mentioned as pertaining to that Manor in 1545.' It was afterwards the inheritacce of John Blake and one Eichard Averye. Catherine the only sister and heir of John Blake married George Sprey of St. Kew,8 but we find that in Hilary term 1668-9,9 Thomas Blake and Dorothy his wife suffered a fine in one messuage in Higher Trewigget to John Arscott, Esq. It afterwards passed to the family of PhiUipps of St. Kew. By deed dated 31st October 1703,10 Nicholas Phillips of St. Kew, Gent., settled it upon his second son Nicholas Phillips who by his will dated 20th April 1773 directed that it should be sold. It is now the property of the Honorable G. M. Fortescue. TEEGILDEEN. This place, in the 16th century, was parcel of the possessions of the family of Mathew, and was given by William Mathew of Pennytinny to his younger son Nicholas Mathew who died here in 1608. William Matthew, son of Nicholas, compounded for it in 1652. Being a conventionary tenement of the Manor of Lannowmure, it was probably held only on a lease for lives. In 1748 it was held by Mr. Constantine Moyle, at a rent of £14 14s., who was buried at St. Kew on 16th February 1781. He was the son of Mr. Constantine and Prudence Moyle of Trethevan, in this parish, who are com memorated by the gravestone in the floor of the nave of St. Kew Church, ante p. 107, No. 12. Mr. Constantine Moyle by a will dated 3rd August 1780,11 charged Tregildren with an annuity 1 See Account of Dagge FamUy, ante Vol. i., pp. 295-97. 2 Pedes Finium, 3rd Charles, Michaelmas. 3 Pedes Finium, 7th Anne, Michaelmas. 1 Inquisition p.m., 10th Richard IL, No. 11. 5 See also Appendix No. I. F. 6 Pedes Finium, 2nd Edward IL, No. 5. 7 Kecoveries, 37th Henry VIIL, Michaelmas m. 413. 8 Deed in possession of S. M. Grylls, Esq. 9 Pedes Finium, 21st and 22nd Charles IL, Hilary. 10 Deed in Arthur's CoUection. " Proved in Court of Archd. of CornwaU, 10th February, 1781. 146 PARISH OF LANOWE, alias ST. KEW. of £5 to his sister, Alice Moyle. Nevertheless Tregildren would appear to have been the residence of Samuel Warne, Gent., who was one of two surviving trustees of the Church Charity in 1772 (Constantine Moyle of Trethevan, Esq., being the other) when new trustees were appointed.1 He died 7th April 1779. (See M. I. No. 29, ante p. 110.) PENVENTINEW alias PENNYTINNY. Penventinew, or Pennytinny as it is, and has long been, usually called, is parcel of the Manor of Lannowmure, and in the middle of the 18th century was held in convention by one John Doncaster at the rent of £1 16s. lOd. per annum (see p. 121). It was the original seat in this parish of the gentle family of Matthew. It is probable that John Mathew was resident here in 1540, when he was Bailiff for the King of the Manor of Lanho, and it continued to be the seat of the elder branch of the Mathew family until the great grandson of the above John, William Mathew of Pennytinny, having obtained the Barton of Tresunger, in St. Endellion, by the bequest of his uncle of the half-blood removed thither (ante, Vol. i., pp. 565, 569, 570.) TEETHEVEN. In 1302, Eoger Giffard and Katherine his wife recovered from Gilbert de Condre one messuage and one carucate of land in Treuentheuyn juxta Lanhomur (see ante p. 117). A family, the members of which we have found repeatedly mentioned in the records, derived its name from this place. We have noticed that John, son of Walter de Tretheven by a charter dated at Tretheuen in 1317, which charter was witnessed by Adam de Tretheuen, confirmed the grant of his ancestors of Vale an Kua Wyll (ante p. 139), and in 1387 Ealph de Tretheuen recovered from Eobert Cavell a messuage in Tregellest, and from Elizabeth who was the wife of Eobert Huchen two messuages in Tregellest.2 In 1472 John Bokelly, upon leaving Bokelly, appears to have settled at Trethevyn.3 In the early part of the seventeenth century Trethevan was parcel of the possessions of Francis Carnsew, who granted it to Valentine Eolle of Tretawne, who, by deed dated dated 11th April 1640, conveyed it to his sister Phillippa Molesworth and her heirs for ever, and in the same month the said Phillippa settled the same to her own use for life, with remainder to her daughter Mary, the wife of Eichard Porter of Launcels, Esq., who, upon his composition, under the articles of Truro, returned two tenements in Trevethan alias Tretheven in St. Kew, as of the value of £9 per annum.1 1 Deed in Parish Chest. 2 Do Banco EoUs, 11th Eichard IL, Easter, m. 159. 3 De Banco Eolls, 12th Edward IV, m. 33. TREVINNICK. 147 In the latter end of the seventeeth century, Tretheven was parcel of the possessions in St. Kew of the family of Keigwin; and upon the marriage, in 1697, of Prudence, daughter of John Keigwin with Constantine Moyle she had this estate as her marriage portion. By Lease and Eelease dated respectively 22nd and 23rd March 1736, Constantine Moyle the elder of Tretheven, Gent., and James Nichols, described as " formerly of St. Kew, and now of North Petherwyn, co. Devon, Gent.," only surviving trustees of the Church lands in St. Kew, appointed other trustees, among whom was named Constantine Moyle, the younger, of Tretheven ; and by a further deed, dated 2nd November 1772, and reciting the last recited deed, Constantine Moyle, of Tretheven, and Samuel Warne, being then the only surviving trustees of the said Church Estate, appointed others, among whom we find named Constantine Moyle, the younger, of Tretheven. The last mentioned Constantine Moyle was the nephew of the former, who by his will, dated 3rd August 1780, devised to him his messuage called Tretheven, to hold to him and the heirs male of his body, and in default of such issue remainder to testator's nephew Constantine Bradford. The last mentioned Constantine Moyle died in 1800, leaving by his wife, Ann daughter of John Curgenven of Tretawne, an oniy child, Ann, who became the wife of John Furnis of Lamellen in St. Tudy, Gent., by whom she had an only daughter, Elizabeth Ann Moyle, who married John' Penberthy Magor of Eedruth, Gent., and is still (1874) living at Lamellen, which estate she inherits from her father. After the death of her first husband, Mr. Furnis, who died in 1804, Ann Moyle re-married Eichard Hoskin of Carvineck in the parish of Cubert, and is still (1874) living at Elenglaze in that parish, a widow, aged 92 years, and under her marriage settlement with Mr. Furnis holds Tretheven in dower with reversion to her daughter, Mrs. Magor, and her heirs. The Magor family hold another estate in Tretheven, pur chased of the Trustees of the late Lady Grenville. TEEVINNICK. Trevinnick, on the accession of Queen Elizabeth, was the residence of Nicholas Dagge, and his son Eichard Dagge was resident there in 1604. By him, or his brother, it was probably sold to Nicholas Sprey of Bodmin in the early part of the seventeenth century, whose grandson, Philip Sprey, was seized of it in 1649, and it formed a portion of the possessions for which, in that year, he compounded with the parliament for the share which he had taken in support of the King. It was then, with other tenements in St. Kew, returned as having been worth £10 a year before the troubles.2 Philip Sprey, 1 EoyaUst Composition Papers, Second Series, Vol. Un., fo. 871. 3 Eoyalist Comp. Papers, Second Series, Vol. xxxviii., fo. 605. 148 PARISH OP LANOWE, alias ST. KEW. by his will, dated 8th November 1657, bequeathed to his wife Wilmot, " my mansion house wherein I now dwell, called Trevinnick, during her widowhood, as an increase of joincture," with reversion to his eldest son Nicholas Sprey.1 Wilmot Sprey died in 1699, when, it is presumed, Trevinnick devolved upon her grandson, son and heir of the above Nicholas, who dying intestate in 1729, we have no further trace of Trevinnick in this family. Perhaps before this date it had become the property of the family of Lang. In 1706 John Lang married Mary daughter of Samuel Mathew of St. Kew, younger brother of Eichard, to whose effects he administered in 1668, and son of Andrew Mathew by Philippa Dagge (see Pedigree of Mathew, ante Vol. i., p. 570, see also ante p. 107). Upon the death of John Lang, in 1748, Trevinnick passed to his heirs Ezias Lang and Jane Buckingham, who disposed of it by will. It is now the property of the Molesworth family. EUGOG alias EOWGOG, alias EOUKE, alias EOOKE. In the year 1333, John the son of Mauger the son of Lawrence, for the sum of 100 marks of silver, alienated to Eanulph de Albo Monasterio (Blanchminster) one messuage, one mill, one carucate of land, and six acres of meadow with appurtenances in Eugog,2 and Eanulph died seized of the same lands on 23rd June 1348, leaving John, son of Godwyn Albo Monasterio, son of the said Eanulph, aged ten years and more, his nearest heir. It was then held of the Prior of Launceston, in socage, and the value of it per annum, in all its issues, near the true value, was 100s.3 We have not discovered any further trace of this estate until the fifteenth century, when Eugog was part of the possessions of the family of Kelligrew, and was acquired by Thomas Treffry of Fowey by marriage with Elizabeth daughter of John Kelligrew of Penryn, eldest son of John Kelligrew of Arwinneck. By the marriage contract dated 29th September 21st Henry VII. (1505) the parents undertook to settle a competent estate upon their respective children, and John Kelligrew conveyed to Thomas Treffry and Elizabeth, daughter of the said John, all those messuages and lands called Eowcok, with the mill, &c, to hold to the said Thomas and the heirs of his body begotten of the said Elizabeth, and this grant was confirmed by John Kellygrew of Ardwennek, Esq., son and heir of John Kelligrew of Penryn, by charter dated 1st March 3rd Edward VI.4 (1548-9). Thomas Treffry died in 1563. By deed dated September 31st Elizabeth (1589),4 John Treffry of Fowey, Esq., conveyed to his younger sons, John Treffry the younger, Mathew Treffry, and Tresithney Treffry for their future maintenance, all that messuage and lands called Eouck, alias Eewgog, and the mill thereto pertaining, to hold for the term of their lives, at the rent of £4 per annum. John and Tresithney probably died soon after- 1 Proved January 1658. (83 Wotton) P.C.C. 2 Pedes Finium, 7th Edward III., Michaelmas 3. 3 Inq. p. m. 22nd Edward III., No. 36. 1st Nos. 4 Deeds at Place, Fowey. NEWTON. 149 wards for Mathew Treffry would seem to have been possessed of it solely, and to have taken up his residence there upon his marriage. His eldest son was baptized at St. Kew in 1624.1 Upon the surrender of this lease his nephew, John Treffry of Fowey, eldest son of his eldest brother, by deed dated 14th January 1616, granted to him, the said Mathew, the messuage, lands, &c, known by the name of Eowke, alias Eewgog, with the grist mill and the toll of the tenants of his Manor of Tregoyd, for the term of the lives of him, the said Mathew, Elizabeth his wife and Thomas their son. Mathew Treffry died in 1626, and was succeeded by his son Thomas, to whom his cousin, John Treffry of Fowey, by deed dated 10th November 1638, sold Eoouk, in fee, and Thomas Treffry settled the property by deed dated 28th April 1641, upon his marriage with Jane, daughter of John Vivian of Trewan, Esq. The said John afterwards dying s.p., demised all the lands which descended to him from his grandfather to the said Thomas, who, thereupon, seated himself at Place. He left a son, John Treffry of Place, who sold Eooke to Edward Treffry of Mevagizzy, whose connexion with the family, if any, cannot be traced. Edward Treffry, by deed dated 11th July 1711, charged Eooke with an annuity of £5, payable to the said John Treffry for life. Edward Treffry died in 1727, and John Treffry, by deed dated 2nd May 1728, though never executed, proposed to relieve John Treffry of St. Kew, Gent., upon whom the barton and lands of Eooke had descended by the death of his father and elder brother without issue, of the said annuity, and by a further deed, dated 30th January 1728, also unexecuted, proposed further to relieve the said John Treffry and Edward Treffry from all debts owing to him the said John Treffry, by their father deceased and their deceased elder brother.2 And further the said John Treffry of Fowey, who died s.p. in 1731, by his will confirmed the sale of Rooke to the aforesaid Edward Treffry. He left several children who had an interest in the estate, for on 11th July 1768, a conveyance was executed by John, Walter, and Constance Treffry,3 sons and daughter of the aforesaid Edward, to John Treffry, Junior, son of Nicholas Treffry, another son of the aforesaid Edward then recently deceased. John Treffry, Junior, died two years after wards unmarried. By his representatives Rooke was sold to the Molesworth family by whom it is now possessed. NEWTON. Newton, in St. Kew, in the last century belonged to tbe family of Carew, and was sold by Dame Dorothy Carew and others to James Eead, M.D., of Tremeare in St. Tudy, who died thereof seized in 1801. By his will dated 25th October 1800 4 he devised it, inter alia, to his wife Loveday Eead in trust for his younger children, Susanna Eead, Hannah Eead, Barbara Eead and John Eead. By Indentures dated 3rd and 4th April 1 Thomas filius Mathei Treffrye de Eooke bap. 21st Octobris 1604.— P.E. 2 Deeds at Place. 3 Mr. George Browne's Diary. * Proved 27th March 1801: V PARISH OP LANOWE, alias ST. KEW. 1809, the said Loveday Read sold Newton to Trehane Symons Read, eldest son of the abovementioned Dr. Read. He dying s.p. in the same year, by his will dated 23rd April 1809 1 devised Newton to his sister Hannah Read. In 1820 Hannah Read married William Norris, son of George Pool Norris, Clerk, and by the marriage settlement, dated 27th May 1820, Newton was settled upon her to her own separate use. William Norris died 12th August 1827, at Newton, and Hannah his wife died s.p. and intestate, leaving her surviving sisters, Susanna, then wife of James Philp, and Barbara, then wife of William Hext, her heirs at law (her brother John having died unmarried) who on 30th May 1828 were granted letters of administration of her effects, and entered upon the possession of the said premises. By Indentures dated 12th and 13th September 1832, the said Susanna Philp and Barbara Hext, with the approbation of their respective husbands, conveyed the said premises to John Arscott Tickell, Gent., who made Newton his residence, and died there on 10th September 1856. By his will dated 12th March 1852,2 he devised Newton to William Hext of Tredethy, Esq., and to his brother Trehane Symons Tickell ot Wade bridge, Surgeon, in trust for sale when they should deem it desirable, who by deed dated 24th June 1857, sold the same to Mr. Nathaniel Lang, by whose representatives, on 10th January 1872, it was conveyed to the Rev. John Every, late a Chaplain in the Royal Navy, and brother to the Vicar of St. Kew.3 Mr. Every has lately married Ada Ruth, second daughter of Sir Henry Onslow, Bart, of Hengar, and having rebuilt the house, makes Newton his residence. PENGENNA. Is said to have been a seat of the Beale family, and subsequently became the property of Morice, from whom it descended to the Molesworth s. 1 Proved 14th October 1809. ' Proved 7th October, 1856. 3 Deeds in the possession of the Eev. John Every. FAMILY HISTORY.— GIFFARD OF LANOWMURE. 151 FAMILY HISTORY. GIFFARD OF LANOWMURE. This family is of high antiquity, but has left on our records scarcely sufficient evidence to enable us to trace with certainty its history. In all probability it is of the same stock as the family of Giffard of Helland, of which we have already treated (ante pp. 34 and 40), though we have not succeeded in tracing the connection. In 1299, Robert Giffard and Katherine his wife, through the intervention of Martyn Gyffard, probably the brother of Robert, settled one messuage and two carucates of land in Lan- nohoumur upon themselves for their lives, with remainder to Nicholas their son and his heirs for ever.1 This Robert married Katherine the daughter of Roger Pentec,2 and sister and heir of Laurence Pentec,3 and he held, together with the Manor of Lannow- mure, the Manor of Lanivet, and the advowson of the Church of that manor, which would appear to have been of the inheritance of Katherine, for in the year 1285, Robert and Katherine suffered a fine in Laniueth and Kylelan to Bartholomew Giffard, who settled the same upon the said Robert and Katherine and the heirs of Robert of the body of the said Katherine begotten, and in default of such issue remainder to the nearest heirs of Katherine.1 And in 1299 Robert and Katherine suffered a fine in one 1 Pedes Finium, 27th Edward I., Michaelmas. 2 Probably the same who was Prepositus of Bodmin temp. Henry III. (see ante, Vol. i., p. 235.) 3 This lady was probably the reUct of Hugh de Muncton (see ante Vol. i., p. 494 n*, and Vol. ii., p. 116.) In 1302 an assize of view of recognizance was granted to enquire if Eobert Giffard and Katherine his wife, and Nicholas son of the said Eobert had unjustly disseized WiUiam, son of Nicholas de Eeton (Eetin in St. Enoder?) of a messuage in Bodmin. The jury found that the said messuage had been sometime in the seizin of Nicholas Muncton, father of the said William, and that he had thereof died seized, and that after his death WiUiam had entered as son and heir and thereof had been seized for three weeks and more until the said Eobert and the others disseized him ; and the jury found that the said Eobert, after that he bad disseized the said WilUam, assigned a third part of the said messuage to Margery who was the wife of the said Nicholas de Muncton to hold as dower, and that she stiU held it. WiUiam recovered the other two-thirds and 60s. damages. (Assize EoUs, 30th Edward I., M ) 1 [ 1. m. 5.) 4 Pedes Finium, 13th Edward I., Trinity No. 1. 31 J V 152 PARISH OP LANOWE, alias ST. KEW. messuage and one carucate of land in Lannevet, and the Advowson of the Church of the same ville to Nicholas Gyffard and Isabella his wife and the heirs of the said Nicholas.1 Robert died before 1312,2 for a vacancy then falling in the Church of Lanivet, a presentation thereto was made by " Waltero Giffard, Sacre Theologias Doctore," and others,3 who were doubtless trustees under some deed of settlement, or will, of Robert. Bartholomew Martyn and Walter were probably brothers of Robert. A vacancy again occurring in 1330, Nicholas Giffard presented Mr. John Giffard, probably his brother.4 We are inclined to conclude that this Nicholas, whose wife we have seen above was called Isabella, was identical with Sir Michael Giffard (erroneously so called in an old pedigree Harl. MSS. 4031) who married Isabella daughter of Sir Richard Hywys, Knt. by Maude daughter of Sir Alan Bloyou, Knt., and is said to have died in 1334. An assize of view of recognizance was granted at the assizes at Bodmin in 1337, to enquire if Isabella Giffard, Stephen de la Monck, and others had unjustly disseized Mr. John Giffard, Parson of the Church of Lanneuet, of his free tenement in "Le Park," juxta Lanneuet, and upon a technicality they were discharged.5 Sir Michael, otherwise Nicholas, Giffard left a son, John Giffard, who was one of the assessors and venditors of the ninth fleece, &c, in St. Kew in 1341.6 He married Jane, daughter of Peter de Glyn (see ante p. 59) which John presented to the Church of Lanivet in 1349, and was clearly the heir of Nicholas.7 He died before 1359, and was succeeded by his son Roger who died soon afterwards, and was succeeded by Henry Giffard, probably his brother (see ante, p. 118), who presented Alfred Giffard, perhaps another brother, to the Rectory of Lanivet in 1384. Soon after the accession of King Henry IV., Henry Giffard being about to proceed on a voyage for the defence of the seas, enfeoffed Richard Giffard, bastard, in the Manor of Lanneuet, &c, under the conditions that if the said Henry did not go on the voyage, or if he returned safely to England, he should re-enter upon the lands as in his former state. He did return and became seized of his estates, and being so seized, by his charter dated at Lostwithiel on Tuesday next after the feast of Holy Trinity 5th Henry IV. (1404), he granted the Manors of Lannomur and Lanneuet with the Church of Lanneuet to John Boscawenros, described as "fratri meo," to hold to him his heirs and assigns. Henry Giffard, however, seems soon to have re-entered upon the Manor of Lanivet, for at Launceston, in March 1406-7, an assize of view of recognizance was granted to enquire if Henry Giffard, Richard Giffard, bastard, and Henry Giffard Junior, who was then aged seven-and-half years only, had unjustly disseized the aforesaid John 1 Pedes Finium, 27th Edward I., Michaelmas, No. 2. 2 We find Eobert Giffard among the dealers in tin in 1305-6. Stannary Eoll, 34th Edward I. Journal of the Eoyal Institution of CornwaU 1870, p. 242. s Bishop Stapeldon's Eegister, fo. 70. N) 4 Bishop Grandisson's Eegister, Vol. iii., fo. 16. 6 Assize EoU, 10th to 14th Edward III., 2 } 4 m. 110. 20 j 6 Nonarum Inquisitiones. p. 345. 7 Bishop Grandisson's Eegister, Vol. iii., fo. 79. 8 Bishop Brentingham's Eegister, Vol. U., fo. 85. FAMILY HISTORY — GIFFARD OP LANOWMURE. 153 Boscawenros of his Manor of Lanneuet, and John recovered.1 In the following year Isolda wife of Henry Giffard and the said Henry together were complainants against Stephen Talpyn and Rose his wife, in an assize of new disseizin, and not appearing to prosecute were ordered to be arrested.2 We have no evidence whether or no the abovementioned Henry Giffard, Junior, was the son of Henry and Isolda. If he were both his father and himself would appear to have died s.p. before 1423, in which year, upon the death of Alfred Giffard, Rector of Lanivet, Benedict, described as " cousin and heir of Robert Giffard and Katherine his wife," presented.3 This reference to his title as derived from so remote an ancestor would seem to imply that he was not very, nearly related to Henry, or, at least, that he did not derive his title through him ; nevertheless we find that he was resident in St. Kew long before the death of Henry. In 1384 the Prior of Plympton sued Benedict Giffard for a debt of £8. The Prior alleged that Benedict had, at Lannoweseynt, on Monday next after the feast of Easter 1st Richard II. (1378) bought up all the tithe of the corn growing in Hendre and Trenentony for the sum of 46s., to be paid at the feast of All Saints following, and, further, that at the feast of Trinity the 4th of the said King (1381) the said Benedict had bought of the same Prior the tithe sheaf of all the corn growing in Hendre, Treamelys and Trenentony for the sum of 114s., to be paid at the feast of All Saints following; and that the same had not been paid. Benedict denied the debt and put himself upon the country.4 He may probably have been an uncle of Henry and a younger son of Nicholas Giffard by Isabella Hywys. In 1398 we find him sued as Benedict Giffard, Senior, together with Thomas Bempet, by Richard Groundy of Bodmin in a plea of debt;5 and the Manor of Lanowemur ceased to belong to the family. We find the name, however, connected with St. Kew in 1425, when an assize of view of recognizance was granted to inquire if John Jop of Tregellest and Isolda his wife, Benedict Gyffard, Junior, and Thomas Harry of Tregellest had unjustly disseized Geoffry Gregor of Bosiny, of his free tenement in Tregellest juxta Lannoumur. John Jop pleaded that the assize ought not to be had against him, because, he said, a certain Entoa, daughter of John Ive, was lately seized of the tenement and died seized without heirs, and that the tenement had devolved upon the said Isolda as cousin and heir of Entoa : viz., as daughter of John, son of Petronilla, son of John, son of Margery, sister of Richard, father of the said Entoa ; by which the said John and Isolda into the said tenement entered in right of the said Isolda.6 N) N) 1 Assize EoUs, 8th Henry IV, 2 J 4 m. 90. 2 Assize Eolls, 8th Henry IV. 2 } 4 m. 107d. 37 ) 37) 3 Bishop Lacy's Eegister, Vol. ii., fo. 57. It may be here observed that there was no subsequent pre sentation made by the Giffard famUy. The next waa in 1430, by Eemfry ArundeU. i De Banco EoUs, 8th Eichard IL, Easter, m. 354^. " De Banco EoUs, 22nd Eichard IL, Michaelmas, m. 294. N) 6 Assize Eolls, 3rd Henry VI. 2 } 1 m. 68rf. 42 154 PARISH OP LANOWE, alias ST. KEW. GIFFAED OF LANOWEMUEE Ginard=p.... I Walter, S.T.D.,Uving 1312 Roger Pentec=p Martyn Bartholomew Uving 1285. r Eobert Giffard, Lord of Lannow-=y=Katherine, heir meur, Uving 1303; dealer in tin 1305-6. (See Journal Eoyal Inst. of CornwaU 1870, p. 242.) Dead 1311 of her brother Laurence, Uv ing a widow 1312. Laurence Pentec,died s.p John Giffard, Inst. to Eectory of Lanivet 1330. Sir Nicholas Giffard, son and=plsabella, dau. of Sir Eichard heir; assessed to Subsidy in St. Kew 1326, (Sub. EoU, 1st Edward III.;) died 25th March 1334 Hywys, Knt., by Maude, dau. of Sir Alan Bloyou, Knt., Uving 1338. Benedict Giffard,= presented to Lan- : ivet 1423. John Giffard, son and=pJane, dau. of heir, presented to Lani vet 1349 ; dead in 1359 Peter de Glyn. Margaret, mar. John Burdon : died 10th May 1369. Benedict Giffard, Junr., Uving 1425 Alfred Giffard, Inst to Eectory of Lanivet 1384; Died 1423. Eoger Giffard, son=Alice, dau. and heir, had livery of Henry of lands 1361 ; Died Trewinard. 1362, ob. s.p. Henry Giffard, =pIsolda, Uving 1-107 ; . dau. of Presented to : Lanivet 1384 : living : 1408. Henry Giffard, Junr., born 1393 ; Uving 1407. FAMILY HISTORY. — DE TREHAVEROCK. 155 DE TEEHAVEEOCK, alias TEEAVEEEK. The ancient family of Trehaverock, which derived its name from Trehaverock (now Treharrick) in St. Kew, and gave it to one of the prebends in the Church of St. Endellion, requires some notice at our hands. The earliest bearer of the name of whom we have any knowledge is Matthew Treauerek, who was one of the dealers in tin in 1305.1 In the following year he was surety for "William Eoscarrekmuir,2 and in 1310 he gave half a mark to have a writ of assize.5 By his charter he granted all his lands in Trehonek, Trevarthian, and Botconek to John de Tynten for the life of the said John, at the rent of twelve marks per annum, to be paid to the said Matthew and Johanna his wife during their lives, remainder to Johanna, sister and heir of the said Matthew, and wife of John le Bun.4 John Treauerok was assessed to the subsidy in St. Kew in 1327, (vide Appendix III.) He was one of the assessors and venditors of the ninth fleece &c, in St, Kew, 15th Edward III. (1341).5 In 1350, Philip de Treauerek was concerned with Henry Cavel in a case of disseizin of lands in St. Teath ;6 and in the following year John de Treauerek, Henry Cavell, and Hugh de Trewyntyn were defendants in a similar suit against Robert de Treaverek, Senior, concerning lands in Trewygtrey, &c, in which Eobert recovered.7 In 1346, this John Trehauerek held one fee in Treonek, which Matthew and Agnes Treonek sometime held.8 He was witness to a charter dated at Bodmin, 27th Edward III. (1353), and to another dated at the same place the following year,9 and to a third dated at Treweythek in 1361.10 He was probably the same John whose daughters married Bray of Treworlas, Cavel, and Tregose.11 DE TEELULLA. Thomas de Trelulla, Clerk, was witness to a charter dated 1269.12 Eoger de Trelulla held lands in Trelulla towards the end of the thirteenth century, of which he was unjustly disseized by Eoger Morsell and Anastasia his wife, and in 1302 Warine de 1 Journal of Eoyal Inst, of CornwaU, 1870, pp. 253, 364. 2 Assize EoU, CornwaU, 35th Edward I. N 3 Eot. Pin., 3rd Edward II. 4 Assize EoUs, CornwaU, 14th Edward II. 2 ) m. 12. d. 17) 5 Nonarum Inquisitiones, p. 345. N) N) 6 Ibid, 24th Edward III., 2 } 6. m. 61. d. 7 Ibid. 25th Edward III., 2 } 6. m. 54. 23 J 23 ) 6 Aid, 20th Edward III. 9 Tregothnan Deeds. 10 See ante, Vol. i., pp. 232, n. 7 and 643 n*« " See ante, Vol. i., pp. 693, 504, and n* 12 Oliver's Monasticon, p. 18. 156 PARISH OP LANOWE, alias ST. KEW. Trelulla, his son and heir, recovered seizin.1 Warine, by his wife Dionisia, left two sons, Peter2 and John, against whom, in 1317, Eichard Totybussh and John his brother recovered a free tenement in Trekyou juxta Polrodda.3 In 1321, John son of Warine de Trelulla, who had taken out a writ of assize of new disseizin against Beatrice relict of Adam Webber, of a tenement in Eobsupton, juxta Pollingargorou, did not prosecute and was in mercy with his pledges, of whom one was his brother Peter de Trelulla.4 And four years afterwards, we find that an assize of new disseizin, in which Dionisia relict of Warine de Trelulla was defendant against John Cheynduit and others concerning a tenement in Dormaen, juxta Trelulla, was postponed for default of jury.5 In 1334, Peter de Trelulla was sued by Johanna relict of Henry de ! Kellygren, and John son of Henry Kellygren, and others in a plea of assize of new disseizin, which was postponed.6 Eight years later we find John brother of Peter de Trelulla appointing the said Peter his attorney in a suit against John de Kellygren and others;7 and in 1344, Peter de Trelulla, himself, sued Johanna relict of Henry de Kellygren and others concerning a tenement in Trekyogh and failed to recover upon a technicality.8 Roger de TreluUa=j= Warine de TreluUa=FDionisia. Peter de TreluUa. John de TreluUa. DE BOKELLY. We have already stated (ante p. 136) that Bokelly at an early date had given its name to its possessors, many of whom we have mentioned in our account of the estate, which would seem to have passed out of the family of Bokelly about the end of the reign of King Henry VI. The latest occurrence of the name, of which we have any knowledge, is in 1473, in which year John Bokelly, in an action brought against him for trespass, is described as of Trethevan in the parish of St. Cua.9 M) 1 AsBizo EoU, CornwaU, 30th Edward I. 1 } 1. m. 7. 21) 5 In January 1315-16, Nicholas Doden of Treukyhogh suffered a fine in one messuage and one carucate of land in Treukyhogh to Peter de Trelulla, Clerk, for which the said Peter gave him 100s. N) N) 5 Ibid. 11th Edward II. 2 } 9. m. 21. * Ibid. 14th Edward IL, 2 2. m. 22. 16 ) 17 N) X} 5 Ibid. 18th Edward II. 2 } 9. m. 12. 6 Tbid. 8th Edward III., 2 7. Essoins. 17) 19 I N) N) 7 Ibid. 16th Edward III., 2 } 6. m. 26. 8 Ibid. 17th Edward III., 2 6. m. 15. 21) 21 ) 9 De Banco EoUs, 12th Edward IV. HUary m. 33. (see ante p. 146.) FAMILY HISTORY. — CAVELL. 157 CAVELL. The family of Cavel was originally seated in the parish of St. Teath. Upon the marriage of Eleanor, eldest daughter of King Edward I.,1 Henry Cavel paid the aid for his one fee in Deliomur. In 1283 Henry Cauvel was fined one mark for a trespass on the plea of Richard le Fleming and Oliver de Arundel,2 and in the same year he and Lucas de Penhal were accused of an indignity offered to the person of the Prior of Bodmin, but it being shewn that they had acted under the authority of the Sheriff they were acquitted.3 In the following year Henry Cavel was in mercy for selling ten tuns of wine contrary to the assize.4 In 1286 William, Vicar of St. Teath,5 on an assize of view of recognizance recovered from Henry Cavel a free tenement in Sayntes doune, of which the said Henry had unjustly disseized him.6 Two years later (1288) Henry Cauvel, who had taken out a writ of novel disseizin against Hugh Peverel and Daniel Wof of common of pasture in Hamadethy (Hamatethy), which he claimed as pertaining to his free tenement in Leuedon, did not appear to prosecute and was in mercy.7 In 1302 a contention, which had been for some time before the courts of law, was decided, wherein Johanna who was the wife of Henry le Stiner recovered her dower out of certain land in Setfenton juxta Trekyogh against Agnes who was the wife of John Cauvel, and which, Agnes stated, had been sometime held by a certain Henry Trehonek her grandfather whose heir she was.8 In 1329 Henry Cavel was, with others, a defaulter on a jury, and it was ordered that he should be dis trained.9 Henry Cavel died about this time, and was succeeded by his son and heir Roger, who heads the pedigree recorded in the Heralds' College,10 and is described as " of Trerake." In 1329 an assize of novel disseizin, which had been granted to Thomas de Trehonek against Roger Cavel and John Weryng, concerning a tenement in Deliomure, was placed in respect for default of jury.11 In 1340 an assize of view of recognizance was granted to enquire if Nicholas Cavel and Johanna his wife had unjustly disseized William son of Sampson de Yulmouthe of his free tenement in Yulmouth.12 In 1342 Johanna, daughter of 1 She was affianced to Alphonso, King of Arragon, who dying before marriage, she espoused John Earl of Bar in 1294. 2 Assize Eolls CornwaU, 11th Edward I., m. 7. Note — Henry Cavel and Michael Trehauerock were on the jury in December 34th Edward I. (1305) for taking an extent of the lands of Alan Bloyou on his death. Inq. p.m., 34th Edward I., No. 44. 1 Mi 3 Ibid m 8d. See also Vol. i., v. 126. * Assize Eolls, Cornwall, 12th Edward I., 1 [ 4 20 ) 5 Sir WUUam de Methe, coUated on the day of St. Agnes the Virgin (21st January) 1279. See post St. Teath. N) N) 0 Assize EoU, 14th Edw. I., HUary 2 \ 4 m. 8. 7 Ibid., 16th Edw. I. 2 6 m. 8, See also ante Vol, p. i., 355. 6 ) 6 ) M) N) o Assize EoIIb, 30th Edw. I. 1 1 m, 20. » Ibid. 3rd Edw. III. 2 W m. 19d. "> 2 c. 1, p. 386S. 211 18) N) N) » Assize EoUs, Cornw. 3rd Edw. III., 2 4. m. 19dson,tet.iyrs. Bap.1 Bap-1 Of Middle Am- 23rd 20th ble; Matric. at June AprU Wadham Coll. 1615. 1618. Oxford, 19th Jan. 1637-8, set. 18; bur.1 Jan. 1699. , , J Eichard Web- Mathew 2« 4. m. Ill IP J 20 ) 7 Thomas, son of Thomas Marsely of Treureythyowe sued Thomas Treworgy and others that they should acquit him of services due to John Archer of Leshard, for a free tenement which the said Thomas Treworgy and the others held in L?ahard and Gurfoys. (De Banco Rolls, 18th Richard IL, Trinity.) 8 John Archer of Liszeard versus Eichard Eosmodres, John Cam of Treuronek and Johanna, who was the wife of Thomas Trenewith, on a plea why they had taken and appropriated the goods of the said John Archer at Seghlan. (De Banco EoUs, 18th Eichard IL, Michaelmas, m. 236.) Z 182 PARISH OF LANOWE, alias ST. KEW. confirmed to his son Eoger all his messuages, circ, in the villes of Lysard, Seglanmoer, Botreagh, and Touran; except a messuage and land in Touran which John Sare held for the life of grantor in Porthmure, Carallek, Luddre, and numerous specified tene ments in divers specified villes, to hold to the said Eoger and the heirs of his body, and, in default of such issue, remainder in succession, in tail mail, to grantor's eldest son John Archer ; to his son John begotten of the body of Isolda Eoger ; to his son Eandulph ; to his son John begotten of the body of Hyngryn Pengersek ; and to Thomas Corteys with remainder over to grantor's right heirs. By a separate instrument, of the same date, he appointed John Pascov of Lulyn, his attorney, to give to his son Eoger seizin of the said lands, &c. Eoger Archer being thus in possession, by deed dated 1st November 8th Henry IV. (1407), confirmed to John son of King Henry (John Duke of Bedford) Thomas Sentaustell, Parson of the Church of St. Eumon, and several others, all his messuages, &c, in the villes of Lesard, Seglanmoor, Botregh, Touran and Boscassell, &c, for the life of the said Thomas Sentaustell. Eoger Archer died before 1422, s.p., for in that year a claim was set up by Hervey Tregoys for the recovery of the estates upon the ground of the illegitimacy of the above- mentioned John Archer, who, in virtue of his remainder under the above recited deed, had, upon the death of Eoger, entered upon the Lesard estates. An assize of view of recognizance was granted to enquire if John Archer of Lysard, bastard, senr., and John Archer, junior, had unjustly disseized the said Hervey of the said lands. John Archer protested that he was legitimate and cited the above recited deed of the 20th September 1400, which he proffered in Court, in which John Archer of Lysard, kinsman of the said Hervey Tregoys: viz., brother of Johanna, mother of Peter, father of the said Hervey, whose heir he is, had granted the said lands as before described, and bound his heirs to warrant the same ; and petitioned judgment upon the warrantry. Hervey Tregoys denied all knowledge of the charter, and alleged that John Archer, his ancestor, died seized of the said lands in his demesne as of fee. It is unnecessary to follow the pleadings, "which extend to considerable length in detail, suffice it to say that the case was ordered to go to a jury on Monday in the feast of St. Lawrence next following, before the justices at Launceston, on which day the said Hervey and the said John Archer, junior, appeared in person, but John Archer, senior, did not appear, being, in obedience to the Lord the King in company Richard Haryngton, Esq., in France, under letters patent of protection, dated 27th of April 10th of the King, extending for three quarters of a year then next followino-.1 In the year following these proceedings the case came again before the Justices Itinerant at Launceston, when John Archer, senior, and John Archer, junior, appeared in person, and said that the aforesaid Hervey Tregoys, for his manifest contumacy in a cer tain case in which he had violently beaten John Archer, Clerk, had been excommunicated with the greater excommunication, and the case was postponed.2 Ni 1 Assize EoUs, Cornwall, loth Henry V. 2 J 1. m. 31. 2 Ibid. 1st and 2nd Henry VI. m 30 40 ) FAMILY HISTORY — ARCHER. 183 Soon after the above proceedings the case between the parties was referred to arbitra tion, and on 6th December 1st Henry VI., John Archer of Lysard entered into a bond of 400 marks to abide by the decision, and eventually, by deed dated 21st September 3rd Henry VI. (1424), Hervey Tregoys, under the description of Hervey Devryon alias Tregoys, confirmed to John Archer of Lesard, senior, all the lands in dispute, to hold to him and the heirs of his body, in default remainder to John Archer of Dovran, junior, and the heirs of his body, in default remainder to Ealph, brother of the said John, junior, and the heirs of his body, and in default of such issue, remainder to the heirs of Tristram Courteys. The fact of there being so many Johns, sons of the same father, renders it extremely difficult to identify them with any degree of certainty, but we are inclined to believe that the John Archer, senior, of Lysard, who was alleged to have been illegitimate, is the same mentioned in an ancient pedigree L as having married Alice the daughter of John Beauchamp, which is in some measure confirmed by John Beauchamp of Benerton being one of the arbitrators appointed on his behalf in the dispute concerning the lands. In this case his mother, according to the pedigree, would have been Alice the daughter of John Penrose. John Archer, junior, married Elizabeth, daughter of Eichard de Tresebell, who, by deed dated 25th June 10th Henry VI. (1432), confirmed to " John Archer, son of John Archer of Lysard. and Elizabeth my daughter," all his messuages in the ville of Henforth, to hold to them and the heirs of their bodies during the life of the grantor. Eichard Tresebell was dead in 1445, for by deed dated 24th July 23rd Henry VI. (1445) John Archer of Lesard, junior, granted a moiety of his fulling mill of Tresebell to John Dywy, Tookkyer; and by a deed, dated 27th July in the same year, between John Archer of Lysard, junior, of the one part, and Thomas Masseley of the other part, the lands which were David Halep's and Richard Tresebell's were divided, whereby the messuages in the ville of Trevyhan, juxta Trevythian, half the messuages in the villes of Chygurthy and Trevasek, with the reversion of half the messuages which Matilda, relict of James Halep, held in dower, also a tenement in the ville of Tresebell, and a moiety of the fulling mill of Tresebell, and the whole ville of Hensforth and certain other lands, were assigned to John Archer, and the remainder to the said Thomas Masseley and Pentecost, his wife, who was the other daughter and co-heir of Eichard Tresebell. John Archer, senior, died in 1446, for we find, under the date of 12th September in that year, a receipt, given by William Clerk and the Lady Philippa his wife, late the wife of Sir William Bodrygan deceased, for ten marks paid by John Archer of Lesard for a relief on the death of his father John Archer, for two Knights' fees in Lisard. Bosogan, St. Eumon, Luddre, Boschim, &c, which the said John held of them as of their manor of Eestronget. One of these fees was, in 1424, held of John Archer of Lesard by William Bryt, and we have an acknowledgment, dated 3rd August 29th Henry VI. 1 Harl. MSS., 4031. Z2 184 PARISH OF LANOWE, alias ST. KEW. (1451), that Richard Uydeslade had done homage to John Archer for one Knight's fee, which of the said John he held in right of his wife, Mary, the cousin and co-heir of William Bryt late of Bochym, in Lesard. The other fee was held of John Archer by the aforesaid Thomas Masseley, for on 11th October 3rd Edward IV. (1463), John Archer acknowledged to have received the homage of the said Thomas for one Knight's fee which the said Thomas held of him in Lysard worvus, of St. Rewan, by Knight's service. By deed dated 8th December 4th Edward IV. (1464), John Archer of Lisard con veyed to George Duke of Clarence, John Archer of Hastyng, Richard Archer, Chaplain, and others in trust for the life of the said George, all his lands in Arkansawyth, Karal- lok, Lisard, Seglanmoer, &c, remainder to grantor's two daughters Joan and Agnes and the heirs of their bodies, in default, remainder to Robert Drakys and the heirs of his body, in default, remainder to John Courteys and the heirs of his body, in default of such issue remainder to King Edward IV. and the heirs male of his body, rendering to the said John Archer and his heirs the rent of £10 per annum. It is probable that the reason for giving the King an interest in these lands was to obtain his assistsnce in the dispute as to the title, which, from a bond given by John Devryon for £200 to John Archer and Thomas Archer to abide by the arbitration of certain persons named concerning the title to lands in Lessard, Seglanmoer, &c, &c, it is evident had again been revived; and on 4th March 12th Edward IV. (1471-2), a similar Bond was given by John Devryon in the same matter, as he also again did under the d.;te of 2nd August 13th Edward IV. (1473).1 By deed dated 12th February 12th Edward IV. (1472-3), Pentecost widow of Thomas Masseley confirmed to John Archer of Lesard all her messuages in the ville of Lesard for the term of her life. John Archer was dead before 1483 for in that year (1st Richard III.) Elizabeth his widow conveyed all her lands in Tresebell and other places named to John Levelis, to hold to him and the heirs of his body, and in default of such issue remainder to Joan wife of James Levelis ana the heirs of his body, in default, remainder to grantor's right heirs ; and by another deed,2 dated 12th December in the same year, she granted all her messuages in Spernan, Trevasek, Melynanter, and the homage of John Reskymmer for what he held '• John Archer also gave a Bond to John Deueryon and William Deueryon dated 19th December 11th Edward IV., which became the subject of litigation. In 1475 John and WilUam Deueryon sued John Archer of Scghlanmor, Gent, for the recovery of £40 upon his Bond of the above mentioned date. John Archer defended himself and said, that the money upon the Bond in question was not due because the bond had been given upon a conference between them upon the condition that if the said John Archer should abide by the arbitration ordinance and judgement of Thomas Lucombo and other persons named as arbitrators, upon all actions and controversies between them, to be given before the feast of the Purification of the Blessed Virgin Mary then next following, then the said Bond should be of none effect ; and the said John said, that as tho Bond produced did not contain that condition it was not his and put himself upon the country, and the said John Deueryon and William Deueryon likowise. (De Ban. Eolls, 15th Edward IV., Trinity, m. 125.) 2 The deeds here cited are in the muniment room at Tregothnan. Tho Archer and LeveUs lands were acquired by Eichard Vosper of Liskeard in marriage with Prudence, sole heir of Arthur Levelis. He left a son Arthur, who died in 1679, leaving two infant daughters his co-heirs, one of whom, Elizabeth, married Joseph Marke of Woodhill, and tho other Prudence, became the wife of George Dennis of Liskeard, from whom the estates passed to tho Boscawen famUy. FAMILY HISTORY. — ARCHER. 185 in the ville of Trelanvyan, &c, to John Lavelys and Florence daughter of Thomas Erysey and the heirs of their bodies. By the above marriage of Joan, heir of John Archer, the extensive Lizard pos sessions passed to Levelis, the male lineage of the elder branch having become extinct. Younger branches however, whom we are unable lineally to connect and place in the pedi gree, had located themselves in the county. In the reign of Richard II. John Archer of Truro frequently appears on ib". Assize and De Banco Rolls. He was dead in 1425, in which year an action was pending in which Henry Stykyer and others were plaintiffs, and Johanna, who was the wife of "John Archer of Truro," and others defendants in a case of novel disseizin.1 In 1452 we find a John Archer Burgess in Parliament for Helston. In 1382, John Archer was one of the jurors on an Inquisition held at Camelford after the death of John Walesbrewe.2 He was most likely the progenitor of the Archers of St. Kew. Absence of Records obliges us now to leap over a considerable period. In the Return of 1522 (Appendix II.) we find the name of John Archer as residing in St. Kew, and both his name and that of William Archer are found in the Subsidy Roll for that parish in 1525,° the latter appearing at the head of the roll, though the amount at which he was assessed is illegible. This was probably the same William Archer who was Lord of the Manor of Helston Tony,1 and who, by his charter dated at Perynvoos 10th May 36th Henry VIII. (1544), granted to John Thomas all his messuages and tenements in Perynvoos, parcel of the abovementioned manor, for the term of twenty-one years, at the rent of 8s. per annum, the said John Thomas to make suit at the court of the said William within the manor aforesaid.5 The parish registers of St. Kew open with three branches of the name : viz., Richard Archer of Benbole, Nicholas Archer of Trecogoe, and John Archer of Hale, who were probably grandsons of the abovementioned William, and, perhaps, the sons of John Archer, who was assessed to the Subsidy in St. Kew upon lands of the value of £20 in 1558,6 who might have been the same who was assessed in 1525. It may be here noticed as corroborative of the descent of the Archers of St. Kew from the Archers of Lizard, that the seal of Arms appended to the wills of John Archer, Rector of Carhayes, dated 1 675, and of Edward Archer, Vicar of Manac'can, dated 1 682, are the same as the arms quartered by Levelis for Archer of the Lizard on a monument erected in the Church of St. Buryan in 1671 ; and which arms were allowed to Levelis at the Heralds' Visitation of 1620. The issue of Nicholas Archer of Trecogoe would seem to have become extinct in his Nl 87 1 Assize EoUs, Cornw., 2 } 2. m. 98. 2 Inq. p.m., 6th Eich. II. 3 Subsidy Eolls, 16th Henry .VIII. — 41) ]31 4 He must have held this Manor under Lease, for it reverted to the crown by the death of Sir Eichard Nanfan, s.p.m., before the 12th Hcniy VIIL, and was not again granted in fee until 6th EUzabeth, though meanwhile several leases had been granted (see ante Vol. i., p. 32, and post sub. Lanteglos.) 87 5 Deed in the possession of Edward Archer of Trelaske, Esq. 6 Subsidy Eoll, 1st Elizabeth — 218 186 PARISH OP lanowe, alias ST. KEW. son John Archer. The descendants of John Archer of Hale we can trace for three gene rations. John Archer of Hale, grandson of the last mentioned John, died in 1615.1 He had two sons undisposed of but we are unable to trace them further. Eichard Archer of Benbole had three sons, John, Edward, and William. Edward would seem to have died s. p. John succeeded his father at Benbole. . He married a lady named Patience who was a legatee of plate, &c, under the will of Thomas Mallett of Lanivet in 1593,2 and was buried at St. Ewe in 1595. He left a son Eichard Archer who died s. p., and devised his estate in Benbole and Trelewack in St. Ewe to his kinsman Nicholas Archer, which Nicholas was the son of John Archer, Eector of St. Michael Carhayes, son of William Archer the third son of Eichard Archer of Benbole first above mentioned. Nicholas Archer died s. p. in 1700 and his lands, inter alia, Trelewack and Benboll, devolved upon his nephew John Archer, eldest son of his brother Edward Archer, Vicar of Manaccan. John Archer of Trelewack married Sarah daughter of John Addis of Whitford, co. Cornwall, who brought in a great descent (see pedigree) and no inconsiderable estate. By her he had a large family. William Archer, the eldest son died s. p. and by his Will, dated 16th May 1749, devised his estates to his widow Ann Archer for life, remainder to his brothers Swete Nicholas Archer and Addis Archer and their heirs for ever. Addis Archer died in 1780, and by his will devised his estates to his brother Swete Nicholas, for life, with remainder to his nephews Edward Archer and Samuel Archer, as tenants in common. Swete Nicholas inherited also, in 1741, from his uncle Samuel Addis, Trelaske, and dying in 1788, devised all his lands to his nephew, the aforesaid Edward Archer, his heir at law, who succeeded him at Trelaske, and a few years afterwards an arrange ment was come to between him and his cousin, son and heir of the aforesaid Addis Archer, for the partition of the lands which they held in common, and the termination of their joint tenancy. Edward Archer died in 1802, and was succeeded by his brother Samuel, Lieut.-Colonel 3rd Foot Guards, whose son Edward succeeded him in 1822, was Sheriff in 1832, and dying in 1834, was succeeded by his eldest son Edward, the present possessor, a Justice of the Peace and Deputy-Lieutenant for the County ot Cornwall, and Lieut.-Colonel of the Duke of Cornwall's Volunteers. Aems of Archer as allowed to Levelis at the Herald's Visitation of 1620, were : — sa. a chev. engrailed between three pheons argent ; and the same arms have since that date been used by the family of Archer of Trelewack and Trelaske, with the charges or instead of argent, probably as a difference to distinguish them from the elder branch of the family. Ceest: a quiver fesswise, head to the sinister, stringed and full of arrows. 1 It is not quite clear whether tho person whose burial here recorded as "John Archer, Senior", waB John Archer of Hale or John Archer of Trecogoe. 2 John Archer, Eector of St. Michael Carhayes, by his wiU dated 1st September 1675, gives to his eldest son Nicholas Archer his Silver Cup with cover given him by Mrs. Mary MaUett, deceased, to remain in the keeping of the eldest of his famUy for a memorial of her. (Prov. 5th June- 1676.) FAMILY HISTORY. — PEDIGREE OP ARCHER. 187 PEDIGEEE OF LE AECHEE, alias AECHEE OF LIZAED. — Table I. fPeter] le Archer,=j=Flora living a dead before 1283. : widow 1283. Henry Le Archer=f=Emeranda, dead Uving 1283 1301. Dyonis, Uving 1301. John Le Archer, senr.,=i= Uving 1331-1337. John Le Archer.^ Amadeus. John le Archer, junr.,: Uving 1323. John Le Archer.=i= Tregoys.=^Johanna, Alice, dau. q/=pJohn Archer of Lysard, living 1400 ;=pIsolda, dau. of=pHyngryn, dau. of John Penrose. I deed dated 1st Henry IV. .... Roger. I Peter= Tregoys. Roger Archer, Uving 1400; dead in 1422. Hervey Tregoys=f= of Devryn, alias Hervey Devryn, living 1422. John Archer oi^Alice, dau. Lesard, senr., eldest son living 1400; dead in 1446. of John Beauchamp. JohnArcher, living 1400. Eandolph, living 1400. John,Uving 1400. Eichard =F de Tre sebell,living 1432. dau. of David HalepP Ealph, John Archer, junr.,: Uving of Dovran, after- 1424. wards of Lesard, living 1400 ; dead 1483. John Devryon, Uving 1469-1476. Elizabeth, dau. and co-heir; mar. settl. 25th March, 1432; living a widow 1483. Pentecost, dau. and co-heir ; mar. Thomas Masseley, living a widow 1472-3. William Deveryon, Uving 1475. James Levelis; :Johanna Archer, dau. and co-heir. Agnes Archer, dau. and co-heir. John LevoUs. =f=Florence, dau. of Thomas Erysey. 188 PARISH OF LANOWE, alias ST. KEW. PEDIGEEE OF AECHEE OF ST. KEW, TEELEWACK, AND TEELASKE. — Table II. Royal Descent of Archer. BASILIUS, Or GEORGtE=f= . King of Eussia. Henry I. King of France,1 ob. 1060 Malcolm HI. =pMargaret, sole heiress King of Scot- i of the Crown of Eng land, ob. 1093. I land (Saint Margaret). Hugh Magnus, 2nd son, Counfc=j=Adelheld, dau. and heir of Vermandois, Valois, Cha- mont, and Amiens. of Herbert, Count of Vermandois, ob. 1101. David I. King=pMaud, dau. of Waltheof Earl of of Scotland, ob. Northumberland by Judith, niece 1153. of WUUam the Conqueror. WiUiam Warren Earl=p Elizabeth. of Surrey. Henry, Prince of Scotland, 1182.=r=Adama, 2nd dau. William, the lion King of Scotland, ob. 1214. David, Earl of Huntingdon,=r=Maud, dau. of Hugh 3rd son, died 1219 H Earl of Chester. Henry Hastings Earl of Huntingdon, died 1250.=pAda. Humphry de Bohun, died 1182, v.p.=j=Margaret. Henry de Bohun Earl of Hereford,=j=Maude, dau. of Geoffry Fitz Piers Earl of Essex, created 1199 ; died 1220. and heir of her brother. Humphry de Bohun Earl of Hereford and Essex,=fMaude, dau. of Earl of Ewe. Lord High Constable ; died 1273 ; Inq. p.m. 1st. I Edw. I. No. 1. | Ferdinand III. King of Castile,=pBeatrix, dau. of the died 1252. Emperor PhUip II. Edward I. King of England,=f=Eleanor of Castile, 1st wife ; Humphry de Bohun,= aged 34 yrs. on his fa ther's death., ob v.p. :Eleanor, dau. and coh. of WUUam de Braose, Lord of Brecknock. died 1307. mar. 1254, died 1290. Hereford=p3 e. Died, d No. 142. Humphry de Bohun Earl of Hereford=pMaud, dau. of WiUiam and Essex, Lord High Constable. Died, | de Fienles. 1297. Inq. p.m. 27th Edw. I. "' Elizabeth, EeUct of John Earl of=pHumphry de Bohun Earl of Hereford and Essex ; aged HoUand and Zealand ; died 6th May 1316, aged 32. 22 years on his father's death ; gave Powderham to his daughter as a marriage portion; killed at Borough Bridge 1322. Hugh de Courtenay, 2nd Earl=pMargaret de Bohun, mar. 11th Aug. 1325, died 16th Dec. 1391, bur. in of Devon, K.G. ; died 2nd May 1377 ; Inq. p.m. 51st. Edw. III. No. 6. Cathedral at Exon. By her wiU, dat. 28th Jan. 1390, she settled Powderham upon her fourth son Sir PhiUp Courtenay. FAMILY HISTORY.— PEDIGREE OF ARCHER. 189 Sir Edward Courtenay ,=j=Emeline, dau. and Knt., died in v.p. 1372, heir of Sir John Dauny, Knt. Sir Philip Courtenay, K.G.,= of Powderham and Bickleigh, died 29th July 1406. Anne, dau. of Thomas Wake of BUsworth, co. Northampton. Thomas Carminowe of=f=Jane, dau. of Boconnoc, died 1433, Inq. p.m., 21st Henry VI., No. 46. Sir Hugh Courtenay: of Haccomba and Boconnoc. Maud, dau. of Sir John Beaumont, 3rd wife ; died 3rd July 1467. Sir John Courtenay,=fAgnes (or Joan), dau. of Knt., died in the Alexander Champernown lifetime of his father and relict of Sir John and brother. Chudleigh, died 1419. Margaret, dau.=r=Sir Hugh Courtenay and coh. of Boconnoc, Knt., slain at the battle of Tewkesbury 1471. Sir PhUip Courtenay,=r=Elizabeth, dau. of Walter Knt., of Powderham, son and heir, died 16th Deo. 1463. John Trethurffo of= Trethurffe. ~} Lord Hungerford, Uving 1468, when she presented to Powderham. ^Elizabeth, dau. and coh. Sir WUliam Courtenay of=j=Margaret, dau. of WiUiam Lord Powderham, Knt., died Sep. BonviUe; wiU dat. July 1487; 1485, aged 57. bur. at Powderham. Thomas Trethurffe=j=Mary, dau. and heir of Trethurffe. of Trevisa of Trevisa. Alice, dau. and heir=j=Edward Courtenay of Landrake, 2nd of John Wotton of Landrake. son, died 1st March Landrake, M.I. 1509, bur. at Sir John St. Ledger. =^Katherine, dau. of For descent of Sir John and Lady St. Ledger see ante Vol. i., p. 683* John Stukeley of Afton. George NevUle Lord Abergaveny. Margaret, 2nd dau. and coh.=j=Edward Courtenay of Thomas Trethurffe of Trethurffe in Ladock. of Landrake. =Frances, dau. of Sir John St. Ledger. Peter Courtenay of Trethurffe=f=Margaret, daii. and coh. and Landrake, Cornwall 1573. Sheriff of of WiUiam Eeskymer of St. Tudy. Humphry Bury=pGertrude, dau. of of Coleton, co. Devon. John Stukeley of Afton. Eichard Spoure of Trebartha^Mary, eldest dau. co. Cornw., Uving 1620. Gertrude.-f-Henry Spoure of only dau. ] Trebartha. WiUiam Bond of HoUwood in parish=T=Gertrude Spoure, mar. at NorthiU of Quethiock; bur. at Quethiock 6th May 1688. 24th Dec. 1656, bur. at Quethiock 2nd Dec. 1694. John Addis of Plymouth, died 1712 ;=j=EUzabeth. will dated 14th May and prov. 12th Nov. in that year, P.C.C, 2 A 190 PARISH OF LANOWE, alijS ST. KEW. PEDIGEEE OF ST. KEW, TEELEWACK, AND William Archer, Lord of=^=. Helston Tony, living in : St. Kew 1522, and Uv- : ing in 1544. : John Archer, assessed to the= subsidy in St. Kew 1558. Eichard Archer of Benbole in the parish of St. Kew, assessed== . . to the subsidy in St. Kew upon lands 1594 (Sub. EoU., 36th EUz. _§! ). Bur. 25th March 1597. 253 John Archer of BenboU. Attorned to Eichard. Dagge as tenant for land in Benboll 26th April 1625, names his brothers Edward and WiUiam and his son Eichard ; assessed to subsidy in St. Kew 1600 (Sub. EoU, 42nd Ettzab.J!?. and again 265 oo upon lands in 1622 (Sub. EoU, 20th Jas. 5^ ). :Patience, dau. of Edw 14th1636 ixd, bur.3 Aug. WiUiam = Archer ofBlaseley,CO.Cornw. = bur.:Feb. 9th 1595. Susanna, bap.1 29thSep. 1588. Dorothy, dau. of Humphry=Bichard Archer of Benbole, bap.1 16th May 1593. Assessed to=p S.ic°rr. f lTS^»ap' at the sub. in St. Kew 1641 (Sub. Eoll, 17th Charles JUL .) Bur.1 St. Tudy Feb. 1613, mar. * 3gg ' thore 24th May 1656, 2. wife. 22nd Nov 1664; wiu dat gfll April 1660; proy_ m April 1665, Archd. Court of Cornw. s.p. v. John Archer, bap.1 29th June 1623, bur.1 25th 1636. Nicholas Archer of Trelewack and=Thomasine, eldest sister and Benboll ; devisee of those and other lands under the wUl of his kinsman Eichard Archer of Ben boU and Trelewack, prov. 8th Apr. 1665 ; bur.3 12th Mar.1700-1 ; wUl dat. 1st Feb. 1700-1, s.p. coh. of William Inch of Lanow in St. Kew ; mar.4 8th Dec. 1665, bur.3 26th June 1704. Edward Archer, matric. al. Exeter CoU. Oxf. 13th July 1660. Inst, to Vicarage of Manaccan 1st June 1666 ; bur.3 9th April 1683; wUl dat. 27th Feb. 16S2. Adm" widow Judith 16th June 1683. fc=j=Judith, dau. of John Swete, Clerk, Vicar 'of St. Kevern. Sarah, dau. and coh. of John Addis=f=John Archer of Trelewack, bur.3 30th of Whiteford, co. Cornw. ; mar.3 8th June 1708, bur.3 31st Oct. 1731 ; will dat. 13th July 1731, prov. 3rd Jan. 1731-2, Archd. Court of Cornw. Dec. 1726, will dat. 15th Dec. 1726, prov._ May 1727. Adm° to his son WiUiam on attaining his maioritv 6th June 1735. 1 At St. Kew. 4 At Egloshayle. 7 At South Petherwin. 3 At St. Michael Carhayes. 5 At Lewanick. 8 At Plympton St. Maurice. 3 At St. Ewe. 6 At Egg Buckland. 9 At Bishopsteignton. FAMILY HISTORY.— PEDIGREE OP ARCHER. 191 OF AECHEE TRELASKE.— Table II.— Continued. Nicholas Archer of=j= Trecogoe. l ' — Elizabeth,bap.1 3rd AprU 1573, mar.1 14th Nov. 1595 John Vivian. John Archer of Hale,=p bur. 22nd Dec. 1593. John Archer, bap.1 31st Mar. and bur.1 22nd Mav 1575. John Archer,= bap.1 31st Mar. 1577, of Lower Amble. Jonathan, bap.1 25th Mar. 1580, bur.1 18th Mar. 1583. Katherine,bur.1 31st May 1577. John Archer, Matric.at Exeter CoU.=T=Mory, dau. Oxf. 16th July 1625, aet. 19. Inst. to Eectory of St. Michael Carhayes, 15th May 1644. WiU dat. 1st Sep. 1675, prov. 22nd June 1676. of Carveth,bur.8 1700-1. Amy, bap.2 1645, mar.2 3rd Feb. 1673 George Slade. Mary, bap mar.3 13th June 1677 Eichard PenkeviU of St. Ewe. He was bur. there 10th April 1687. MX John, bap.3 9th Aug. 1653, died v.p., John Archer, bap.1 25th Feb. 1600, bur.1 2nd Nov. 1608. John Archer, bap.1 June 1604, bur.1 22nd April 1606. WiUiam Archer=f=Johanna, dau, of Hale, bap.1 9th July 1568. of Cadde of St. Kew, mar.1 6th Feb. 1597, bur.1 5th Feb. 1613. John Archer of Hale,=j=Ann. bap.1 22nd April 1606, bur.1 25th July 1665 ; Adm° to Anne his reUct 19th Aug. 1665. John, bap.1 5th July 1640, bur.1 5th June 1663, s.p. Susanna, bap.1 3th April 1642, bur. 5th June same year. William, bap.1 9th April 1643, bur.1 28th Feb. 1667. Anne, bap.1 28th Oct. 1645. Nicholas,bap.1 4th June 1643. George, bap.1 Is May 1650. Eichard, bur.3 27th Dec. 1697 Joseph, bur.3 12th April 1715. Anne, mar.3 31st Jan. 1708 Dionisius Eussell, Esq. Nicholas, named in his father's wiU; bur.3 12th Juno 1473. 1 At St. Kew. • At Egloshayle. ' At South Petherwin. 2 A3 3 At St. Michael Carhayes. 6 At Lewanick. 8 At Plympton St, Maurice. 3 At St. Ewe. 0 At Egg Buckland. a At Bishopsteignton. 192 PARISH OF LANOWE, alias ST. KEW. 1 1 ¦ 1 ' 1 ; ¦ Judith, William =Anne, 2nd John SweteNicholasArcher,= born Archer, dau. of Archer, born 18th Oct. bap.3 10th born and PhUip' bap3. 8th Nov. 1715, of Tre- March, bap 3 10th Lyne; mar. 10th lewack and Trelaske; bap.3 April 1714, at Liskeard AprU devisee under the will 14th died ICth 23rd Dec. 1714, of his bro. William. April and bur.3 1742, died Sheriff of Cornwall 1713, 19th May remar.3 0th 1758 ; died 5th Nov. died 1749, s.p.; Eichard Mar. and bur.3 15th Nov. 12th will dat. Haydon, 1733. 1788, s.p. Will dat. March 16th May, Clerk, 27th 28th May 1783, devised 1732. prov. 18th Dec. 1753, aU his estates to his May 1749, died 1783. neph. Edward Archer. P.C.C. s.p. EUzabethAnna,born 10th, bap.3 29th May 1710, died25thApril 1736. ;Anne, Edward dau. of Archer, FrancisBasset of bap.3 27th Feb. Tehidy, Esq.,mar. at 1716,bur. at St. Andrews IUogan 31st Dec. Plymo. 30th 1747. Aug. 1746. =Jane. dau. of Wm. Lockett of Charlton Marshall, Dorset, mar. at St. James, PiccadiUy,London. 29th Aug. 1741, remar Morshead, died 2nd Nov. 1775. Edward Archer of Trelaske, born 15th May ,=Theophila, dau. of Freno of Nicholas Addis, and bap. St. Andrew's, Plymouth 15th June Plymstook, Devon ; mar. settl. 16th born 4th and 1742; Sheriff of Cornw. 1794, died 11th and Oct. 1784, and mar. at Plymstock 23rd bur. 14th Oct. bur.5 19th Nov. 1802. same month. 1743. Elizabeth Anne, born 25th June, bap.6 26th July 1788, mar. at Plympton St. Maurice 1st July 1819 E. B. Hunt, Major E.A. ; died 29th Aug. and bur. at Modbury 2nd Sep. 1854. 4 Jane, born 9th Feb., bap. at Plympton St. Mary 15th Mar. 1790; died 12th June and bur.5 20th June 1818. Edward Archer of Trelaske, "- born 25th April 1792, bap. at Plympton St. Mary 1st Jan. 1792 ; Educ. at Winch.: Gent. Com. of C.C.C. Oxf. 12th Mar. 1811, Sheriff of Cornw. 1832, Lieut.-Colonel North CornwaU Hussars. :Charlotte Catherine, only child of Charles Harward of Hayne House, Dev. (only son of Charles Harward, D.D., Dean of Exeter) Capt. 3rd Foot Guards, Gent, in Waiting to Queen Charlotte, by Charlotte Augusta, 3rd dau. of Sir WilUam Chambers, Surveyor Genl. of H.M. Works ; died 16th May, bur.5 28th May 1834. Charlotte Dorothea, i I Edward Archcr=pSarah Lydia, Jane, born 2nd -r 1 Charles =f=Jane,2nd Samuel =pCharlotte born 15th June, of Trelaske, eld. dau. of Jany., bap.9 6th Harward dau. of Harward Hester, 2nd bap. 2nd August born 8th Nov. Walter Ead- Mar. 1818; mar. Archer, WiUiam Archer, dau. of 1815 at Dawlish; 1816, bap.8 15th cliffe, Clerk, at Launceston born 6th Eash- born 9th Walter Mar.5 loth Jany. January 1817; of Warleigh WUliam Henry Aug. 1819, leigh of Jany, bap.9 Eadcliffe, 1846 Francis John Educ. at Win Hall, Devon ; Anderson Mors- bap.9 2nd MenabUly 25th April Clerk, of Hext Kendall, chester, & Oriel mar. at Tam- head, C.B., Vice- Feb. 1820; mar. at 1821 ; Warleigh Clerk, Eector of Coll. Oxford; erton FoUot, Adml. of H M. Inst to Tyward- Inst, to HaU, Dev. ; TaUand; died 18th Matric. 30th co. Devon, Navy, of Widey Vicarage of reth 21st Eectory of mar. at April and bur. at October 1834; 24th July Court, Devon; Lewanick October Throw- Tamerton Lostwithiel 22nd Lieut.-Colonel 1838. died 22nd and 24th Nov. 1845. leigh 22nd Foliot 3rd April 1871. Duke of Corn bur.c 28th Feb. 1844. Nov. 1852. Oct. 1850. T3 wall's Volun 1851. =p 4 teers. 4- <+> 4 Emma Augusta, AUce, born 29th Edward Eadcliffe, Charles Gordon Archer, born 18th Oct. Oct, bap.5 20th born 11th Mar., bap.5 son and heir, born 1st 1841, bap.5 3rd Dee. 1843, died 18th April 1845, died and ban.0 24th Nov. April 1842, died 14th and bur.5 28th Mar ., bur. at 1846; Educ. at Eton; 27th Feb., bur.5 20th Nov. 1855. Tamerton Foliot 1st in Comm. of Peace for 4th Mar. 1843. April 1848. co. Cornw. 1 At St. Kew. 3 At St. Michael Carhayes. 3 At St. Ewe. 4 At Egloshayle. 5 At Lewanick. 6 At Egg Buckland. 7 At South Petherwin. 8 At Plympton St. Maurice. 9 At Bishopsteign ton. FAMILY HISTORY. — PEDIGREE OP ARCHER. 193 Samuel Archer, born 23rd Jan. bap.3 loth Feb. 1717, died 28th Aug. 1730. Addis, born 9th: May, bap.3 16th May 1719, of Plymouth ; died 13th Dec. 1780; will dated 3rd May 1753. =Eebecca, 2nd dau. of WiUiam Lockett of Charlton MarshaU,co. Dorset ; mar. settl. dat. 24th Mar. 1742. Sarah,born 12th May, bap.3 22nd June 1721, died and bur.3 29th Dec. 1722. Nicholas Archer of Plymouth, born 16th, bap.3 26th, Mar. 1723, died 11th Juno 1743; will prov. 20th Aug. 1743. Samuel Archer of Trelaske, born 22nd Feb. and bap.: at St. Andrew's, Plymo. 1st April 1745 ; Lieut. Col. 3rdEegt. Foot Guards, Major Commandant of Laun ceston Volunteers, Lieut. Col. South Devon Volun teers; died 6th June and bur.5 14th June 1822. Dorothy Ayre, eld. dau. of John Yonge, Clerk, of Puslinch, Devon, mar.6 15th June 1787. Addis Archer, of born 1752, bap , died 1822 and bur. at St. Bu- deaux, co. Devon, 3rd June 1822, aged 70. Anne, born 9th Mar. bap.7 3rd June 1794 ; mar. at Plympton St. Maurice 25th Feb. 1823 Eichard Davie, M.D. ; died 11th Sep. and bur. at Plympton St. Maurice 16th Sep. 1864. Samuel Archer, born 18th Nov. and bap.7 16th Dec. 1,795; Inst, to Vicarage of Lewanick 24th Sep. 1822, died 9th Jany and bur.5 18th Jany. 1831. Margaret, born Jan. 11th, bap."1 4th Feb. 1724, mar. at Truro 9th June 1673, Edward Stillingfleet, Clerk, P.O. of West Bromwich, co. Staff. died 14th Oct. and bur. 18th Oct. 1776 at West Teignmo., co. Devon. T4 Maria Elizabeth, mar. Eichard Julian, Mai or 44th Eegt., died. 1831. I Ann Augusta, Elizabeth, 1 Fulbert =j =Mary, i ¦ . Catherine, I Marianne, I WilUam, Henry =j pFanny, born 17th Feb., born 7th Archer dau. of born 18th born 14th born Swete, dau. of 1822 ; mar. AprU, bap.9 of Can WilUam Sept. 1826, Jan., bap.5 23rd born John at Brompton 26th July terbury, Cave, bap. at 1st AprU Aug., 18th Prestwood 3rd Sep. 1850 1823, mar.5 New mar. at Bisopsteign- 1829, mar. bap.5 Jan., Bellew, Dominic Sars- 24th May Zealand, Westbury ton 26th Jan. at Heavi 5th bap.5 mar. at field Greene, 1849 Major born on Trym 1827, mar. at tree 28th Nov. 18th Stockleigh C.B., E.A. Edward 14th 24th Sep. Heavitree Dec. 1854 1830, 1834. 6th Sep. Bon. Kate, s ^ i ¦ Emily Augusta, born Addis Ed ward, Sarah Constance, i Dora 27th Nov., bap.5 25th born 18th Aug., born 9th April, born 27th Dec. 1848, mar.5 9th bap.5 12th Sep. bap.5 17th May Aug. bap.5 Jany. 1873 George 1851; Ed ac. at 1863. 26th Sep. Badely Marke of Eton. 1855. WoodhilL co. Cornw. 1 At St. Kew. 3 At St. Michael Carhayes. 3 At St. Ewe. 4 At Egloshay le. 5 At Lewanick. 0 At Egg Buckland. ' At South Petherwin. 8 At Plympton St. Maurice. 9 At BiBhopstei gnton. 194 PARISH OF LANOWE, alias ST. KEW. FAMILY OF DE PEIDIAS alias PEIDEAUX. The name and family of Prideaux is of great antiquity in Cornwall. Soon after the Norman Conquest we find the family seated at Prideaux Castle in the parish of Luxullion, and some have attributed to it a British origin.1 The first of the name of whom we have any record is Paganus, or Pagan, Predieux who in the pedigree registered in the Heralds' College is described as " Pagan Prideaux, Lord of Prideaux in the Conquest time." From him the third in descent was Nicholas Predieux, Lord of Predeaux,2 who, in addition to a son Eichard, is stated in an old family pedigree, to have had a son called Hickedon or Herdon3 twin brother of the said Eichard4 from whom, according to family pedigrees, Prideaux of Orchardon descended; but this is manifestly incorrect, for it appears from record evidence that Geoffry de Pridyas married the heiress of Orcharton, for in 1220 a fine was levied in which Alina who was the wife of John Orcherton was petitioner and Geoffry de Pridyas and Isabella his wife, by Eeginald5 de Pridyas as attorney for the said Isabella, of the third part of two parts of one Knight's fee, &c, in Orcherton, and the third part of two parts of one Knight's fee in demesne, and the third part of two parts of the services of two Knights, &c, in Brethok (Brodoke), in Cornwall, which Alina claimed as of dower of the gift of the said John sometime her husband, and she remised and quitclaimed her whole right in the same to the said Geoffry and Isabella and the heirs of the said Isabella for ever.0 The Heralds' Visitation of 1620 (Harl. MSS. 1080, fo. 4126.) commences the pedigree of Prideaux of Orcharton with Sir Eichard Prideaux (described as of Orcharton) said to be the father of Sir Geoffry Prideaux of Orcharton. We think that Sir Richard is erroneously described as " of Orcharton " for there was no Richard of that place until 1408, and we believe the former to be identical with Richard Prideaux, who is shown in the authorised Visitation Pedigree (Heralds' Coll.) to have died in 1250. The dates will agree very well. 1 Polwhele Hist, of Cornw., Vol. U., 61. Whitaker. 3 This Nicholas is stated to have died in 1169, but we find in 1182 the Sheriff of CornwaU accounted for half a mark paid to Nicholas de Pridias, who bad come to London to cross the sea in the King's service. In 1189 he was amerced half a mark for making a false claim, and again in 1195 he was amerced 2s. for the same cause. (Pipe EoUs of these years). 3 May not "Hickedon" have been a corruption of "Orcherdon'' and Herdon of "Hickedon. 4 It should be noted that in 1218, Sir Thomas de Pridias, Knt., was placed in remainder in default of issue of John Bevill and Agnes his wife, inter alia, in the manor of Wolfyston co. CornwaU. (Ped. Fin. Div. Cos. 3rd Hen. III.) Somewhat later we find Thomas de Pridias several times mentioned, and on one occasion with Sibella his wife. This last Thomas is not described as a Knight, and therefore must have been a different person. We are unable to place either of them in tho pedigree. '• This Eeginald was probably the brother of Geoffry, and the father of Sir Thomas who held Truromarche. " Pedes Finium 8th Henry III., Easter. Cornw. No. 1. — The Pipe EoU of 8th Henry III. shews that Geoffry de Pridyas gave the King one mark to have a Ucence of concord with AUena who was the wife of John de Orcherton. FAMILY HISTORY, — PRIDIAS. 195 The pedigree of the elder branch of this ancient house, as recorded in the Heralds' College, gives only the direct line and is very defective in dates. There are no fewer than six descents from Richard Pridieux mentioned above as dying in 1250, and Richard Predieux who died in 3rd Edward III. (1329), a period of less than seventy years, and of the names mentioned we have very scant information. By a Charter, without date, but which must be very early, Osbert, Prior of Tywardreth, we believe the first of that name, who ruled the Priory about the middle of the twelfth century, with the favour and council of the Lord Robert Fitz William, granted to Baldwin de Pidias (Pridias) one Knight's fee in the manor of Pidias, to hold to him and his heirs, except an acre of land in Carnubelbanathel for which the monks of Tywardreth rendered annually to the said Baldwin 20d. for all customs, &c, as written in the Charter of convention between Ordagar the Canon, and Richard de Pidias father of the said Baldwin.1 This we conceive must refer to Richard de Prideaux who is said to have died in 1122, and Baldwin his son who died 11G5. In an exchange of lands in 1234, between Andrew de Cardinan and Emma relict of Robert de Cardinan2 the said Andrew granted to the said Emma, inter aha, the whole services of Richard de Pridias and his heirs of the fee of one Knight and a half with appurtenances in Pridias.3 This Richard was probably the same who is mentioned above as having died in 1250. We find him again as witness to a Charter, by which Odo son of Walter de Treverbyn granted certain lands to the Priory of Tywardreth and which, though undated, we can, from internal evidence, fix between 1230 and 1240. He is shewn to have left a son Baldwin who carried on the succession at Prideaux, and we believe Geoffry who married the heiress of Orcharton as stated above, and Reginald who was attorney for Isabella in the fine cited, were also his sons. Of Baldwin we have no notice, but Reginald was probably the father of Thomas to whom John de Ripariis (Rivers) granted, under the designation of Thomas son of Reginald de Prydyas, Knt., one messuage and one garden in Trurue Marche, with the advowson of the Church of the Blessed Mary of Trurue appertaining to the same garden and house, and one place of land called the Castle, together with the moiety of the free Borough of Trurue Marche with fairs, markets, tolls, stallages, riverage, sac and soe, toll and them, infan- genethef, utfangenethef, with all the liberties to the said borough pertaining, &c, &c, and the services of Thomas Davy for the moiety of the mill which he holds of him in Trureu, to hold to the said Thomas de Pridyas his heirs and assigns of him the said John de Ripariis and his heirs and assigns for ever of "the King in capite by the accus tomed services. This Charter is not dated, but it was just preceding 1302, for in that year an inquisition ad quod damnum was taken to enquire if any prejudice would arise to the King, or to any one else, if Thomas de Pridias were allowed to hold the manor of Truro Marche together with the advowson of the Church, &c, &c, which had been granted to him by John de Ripariis who held the same of the King in capite, and the jury 1 Deed at Wardour Castle, Oliver's Mon. p. 41. 3 Eobert de Cardinan was alive 1224, Eot. Fin. 8th Henry III. 3 Pedes Finium, 18th Henry III.,' Trinity No. 4. p. 41. 196 PARISH OF LANOWE, alias ST. KEW. found that no damage would occur.1 Thomas de Pridias was appointed attorney for Isolda wife of Thomas de Tracey in certain proceedings respecting the dower of Ela relict of Andrew de Cardinan in J256.2 We believe this Sir Thomas to be identical with the Sir Thomas shewn in the Visitation pedigree as the son of Baldwin, the latter name being written in error for Regi nald ; for at the searching iter of John de Berewic and his associates in 30th Edward I., (1302) Thomas de Pridias was summoned and answered to the King upon a Writ Quo Waranto by what right he claimed to possess the franchises enumerated above in the Borough of Truro, and likewise why he claimed to hold the Bailiwick of the Hundred of Poudreshire.0 As regarded the latter he said, that he held the Bailiwick of the King in capite rendering per annum to the King, as of his manor of Tybesta, 40s. per annum ; and that he and all his ancestors had held that bailiwick from a time beyond the memory of man without any interruption, and his claim upon inquisition was accordingly admitted by the court and jury. This would point back to a possession by his ancestors at a very remote period, and would show that he was the direct lineal representative of those ancestors. Thomas de Pridias, in 1294, was summoned from the County of Cornwall to perform military service against the Welsh, and, in the same year, he was appointed one of the Assessors and Collectors of the subsidy for the County, as he was again in 1309. In 1297, as Sir Thomas Pridias, he was returned from Cornwall as holding lands or rents of the value of £20 a year or upwards, and as such was summoned under the general writ to perform military service, with horses and arms, beyond the seas.1 In the following year he was returned as Knight for the shire of Cornwall at the Parliament held at York, and in 1301 he was summoned from Cornwall to perform military service in person against the Scots. He died in 1311 seized, inter aha, of a moiety of the Borough of Truro, and of the Manor of Nywenen (Newnham) and Geoffry his son was found to be his nearest heir and to be of the age of 23 years and more, who, in the same year, made fealty for the moiety of the Borough of Tryuru which Thomas de Pridias his father held of the King at the rent of 4d. per annum.5 1 Escheats, 30th Edward I., No. 117. In this document the land pertaining to the Castle is described as 40 perches in length and 40 perches in breadth. 3 Eot. Coram Eege. 40th Henry III., A. 3, No. 20, m. 13d. 3 It appears from the proceedings that whUst Thomas de Pridias held one moiety of the Manor and Borough, &c, under the grant of John de Eipariis cited in the text, the remainder was held by MatUda the relict of Eichard Hewissh, who held one third in dower, and Eichard their son, who claimed as the assigns of one Eobert son of Walter de Wodeham; and Thomas de Tregaminion and Elena his wife and John de HeUaund whose ancestors, they said, had held the franchises in question from time immemorial. The Burgesses of Truro however appealed and claimed the aforesaid franchises under a Charter of Eeginald Earl of CornwaU (De DunstanvUle iUegitimate son of King Henry I.) and Charters of confirmation of King Henry II. and of the then King (Edward I.) which they produced in court and which witnessed the same. Upon a Certificate to this effect the said liberties were confirmed to the Burgesses by Letters Patent dated at Westminster 16th Nov. 42nd Edward III., and which, upon inspeximus, was ratified and confirmed by Letters Patent dated at Westminster 9th Nov. 1st Eichard II. (Eot. Pat. 1st Eichard II. Part II. m. 27.) 4 Brit. Mus. Cott. M.S., Claud. C. IL, fo. 64. 5 Eot. Orig. 4th Edward IL, m. 11. FAMILY HISTORY. — PRIDEAUX. 197 Geoffry de Pridias, described as son of Thomas, was party to a deed concerning Tregoth- nan in 1306.1 In another deed, dated 2nd Edward III (1328), it is recited that Geoffry de Pridias had enfeoffed Ralph Cowling and Robert Person of Truro in one messuage and all his land in Clunikeck, together with his fulling mill, &c. We do not know the date of his death but he was alive in 1330 when John son of John Ripariis petitioned against Geoffry de Pridias concerning two parts of the moiety of Truru March, and against Rose relict of Thomas de Pridias concerning the third part of the same • manor which she held in dower of the gift of the said Thomas, sometime her husband, and of the inheritance of the said Geoffry, which the said John alleged John de Ripariis his great-great-grandfather had given to plantiff's grandfather, and that the right had descended to him (the plaintiff). Geoffry pleaded that the said John Ripariis (plaintiffs grandfather) had alienated the manor long before the statutes concerning gifts. The case was ordered to go before a jury and Geoffry obtained a verdict.2 He died in 1347, for in that year Thomas de Prydeaux, believed to be the son of Geoffry, granted to Alice who was the wife of Thomas Pedycrue, Knt., and William Brett of Bossom, two parts of the manor of "Newnham and the mills of Clynych (Calenick ?) and the reversion of the third part of the said manor which Rose de Prideaux held in dower, together with the profits of the market town of Truru and the advowson of the Church of St. Mary, and at the same time the said parties re-granted the said premises to the said Thomas Prideaux and Margaret his wife and the heirs of their bodies. Thomas de Pridias attained the degree of a Knight, and died in the year last ahoved named. His will was proved at Winchester on 28th August 1347,3 and administration granted to his executors Richard Pedegrew and William Trevayn. It appears from an old pedigree in the British Museum that his wife was Margaret daughter of Thomas Pedicru, and that he left a son named Thomas whose wife was called Grace. They are all commemorated in an ancient Bede Roll of some monastery, not identified, in the possession of the author. Thomas Pridias, the younger, would appear to have died s.p. before 1367, when the estates devolved upon Robert his uncle, for in that year an Assize of view of recognizance was held at the Assizes at Launceston, on Saturday next after the feast of St. Peter ad Vincula,4 to enquire if Robert de Pridias and Margery his wife, Otto Bodrigan and Johanna his wife, Nicholas Wonford, Thomas Collan, and John Restourek of Nansulwaster unjustly disseized Reginald de Pridias and Thomas Geveyley of their free tenement in Truro March, the Manor of Nywenham, &c. The Jury found that the said Robert was seized in his demesne of fee and right of the aforesaid manor, &c, and granted the same to the aforesaid Reginald and Thomas Geveyley, on the condition that they should find the said Eobert and Margery his wife in food and clothing, during their lives, and pay for the said Eobert all the debts which at that time he owed, and that after the payment of the debts they should re-enfeoffe in the said manor the said Eobert and Margery and the 1 Tregothnan Muniments, No. 1366. 3 De Banco EoUs, 4th Edward III., Michs. m. 396rf. N) 3 Bishop Eddington's Eeg. fol. 10b. 4 Assize Eoll, Cornw. 41st Edward III. 2 } 7. m. 12d. 27) 2H 198 PARISH OP lanowe, alias ST. KEW. heirs of their bodies for ever, and in default of such issue, reversion to the said Eeginald. The Jury further found that Eeginald and Thomas Geveyley were seized of the said manor and paid on behalf of the said Eobert a certain Eichard Peticru, executor of the will of Margaret who was the wife of John Manerown, £20, part of a debt of £300, which the said Eobert had bound himself to pay to the said John Manerown and Margaret his wife, on this condition, that provided the said Margaret held peacably for her whole life certain tenements which belonged to a certain Thomas de Pridias, sometime her husband, which was ' of the inheritance of the said Eobert, the bond should be of no effect ; and they say that the said Margaret held the said premises during her whole life, and that the said Reginald and Thomas paid for the said Robert divers debts, and that they held the said manor for a quarter of a year when the said Robert and Margery removed them, and that the profits for that time were 100s. and that the damages were £40. Two years afterwards Robert Prideaux, described as son of Geoffry, released to Otho Bodrigan and his heirs all his right to the manor of Newnham, the mills of Clunyck, and the profits of the market town of Truru March with the advowson of the Church, and the place called the Castle. It was, perhaps, this Robert who was one of the manucaptors for the Burgesses of Bodmin in 1327, though we have no means of identifying him with certainty, nor are we able, notwithstanding the mass of evidence which we have collected, to trace any thing further respecting either him or Reginald de Pridias, nor have we been much more successful as regards the Visitation pedigree. In 1324 a Roger Prideaux was returned as holding lands worth £40 a year.1 He may have been the Roger who is stated to have •married Alice Podysford though we have no means of identifying him, and the succession would seem to be incorrect. Nor have we been more fortunate with respect to the suc cession of the Richards. Neither of their names once appears in the Public Records. This may, in some measure, perhaps, be accounted for from the fact of their holding the Manor of Predeaux of the .Priory of Tywardreth, and their not holding any other lands of the King in capite, consequently their Inquisitions post mortem do not appear among the Chancery or Exchecquer Records. The pedigree, however, has been admitted by the Heralds, and in the absence of other evidence must be received. PRIDEAUX OF ORCHARTON. Table I. We now return to the Orcharton branch, with which we are more immediately concerned. Reverting to Geoffry Pridyas, we find that by a fine levied in 1247, in which Roger Pridyas was querist and Geoffry de Pridyas and Isabella his wife were defendants, the said Geoffry and Isabell settled on the said Roger and his heirs for ever two carucates of land with appurtenances in Orcherton, in Devon, one carucate of land in Brothek (Brodoke), and the service of one Knight's fee in Rodewall, in Cornwall, at the rent of one pair of white 1 Brit. Mus. Cotton, MSS., Claud. C, 2. fo. 45. FAMILY HISTORY. — PRIDEAUX: 199 gloves, or one penny, during the lives of the said Geoffry and Isabella, with remainder in fee.1 There seems to have been a dispute between the aforesaid Geoffry and Isabella and Henry Bonathelek concerning the service due from the said Henry for half-an-acre of land with appurtenances, which, of them, he held in Bonathelek; and it was agreed that the said Henry should render yearly the reaping of one man for one day, and the ploughing of one man for one day ; that he should find for them one man to hoe their land ; and perform for them the service of the nineteenth part of one Knight's fee; that he should find for them one horseman at their summons within the county of Cornwall at his cost, and without the said county one horseman with a lance in the army at the cost of the said Geoffry and Isabella; and for this agreement they remitted all arrears of these services and gave the said Henry five marks of silver.2 We find Geoffry de Pridias mentioned in 1255, and he was, probably, identical with Geoffry the son of Sir Richard before mentioned (p. 194). We do not know the date of his death, but he was succeeded by his son Roger, whom we find as Sheriff of Devon for three parts of the year 1271, when Ralph de Teygnemue and John, de Wilton, Clerk, acted as his deputies ; in the year 1272, when he acted for the King of Almaine, the same persons being his deputies ; and in the year 1273, when he himself acted for the King of Almaine.3 In 1281, for the rent of £60 a year during his life, he settled one messuage and two carucates of land in Orcherton, and one messuage and one carucate of land in Brothek on Peter his son and the heirs of his body, in default remainder to Reginald, brother of the said Peter, with the same limitation, in default remainder to Margery, daughter to John Chartrey4 and the heirs of her body, paying to the said Roger £30 per annum, in default of such issue to revert to the said Roger quit of all other heirs of the said Margery, in default of heirs of the body of Reginald remainder to Richard Reskymer and Alice his wife, Benedict Rereward5 and Lucy his wife, and to the heirs of the bodies of the said Alice and Lucy begotten by the said Richard and Benedict, under limitations similar to those in the case of Margery, and in default of such issue to Roger and his heirs, quit of all other heirs of either Alice or Lucy.6 He was alive in 12907 but we know not when he died. He was succeeded by his son Peter whose wife was Elizabeth daughter of Sir Hugh Treverbyn.8 He died in 1316 leaving Sir Roger de Pridias, Knt., his son and heir aged 22 years and more,9 who did homage for his lands 6th October in the same year, and it was directed that seizin should be given to him upon his payment of his reasonable relief,10 but payment was not made until 1322, when we find that Roger de Prideaux, son and heir of Peter de Prideaux, 1 Pedes Finium, Div. Cos., 31st Henry III., Easter No. 4. 2 Pedes Finium, 28th Henry III., Easter. 3 Pipe Eolls. 4 It is presumed that Margery Chartrey was affianced to Eeginald, and that she died before marriage, when Eeginald became a priest. 5 Benedict Bereward was probably identical with Benedict Eeynward whom we find dealing largely in tin in CornwaU in 1305-6. (Stannary EoU; Journal of Eoyal Inst, of Cornw. 1870, p. 244.) 6 Pedes Finium, 10th Edward I., Easter. 7 Pipe Eoll, 19th Edward I. 8 Pole's Devon, p. 302. 9 Inq. p. m. 9th Edward IL, No. 15. «> Eot. Fin. 10th Edward H. 2 B2 200 PARISH OP LANOWE, alias ST. KEW. paid five marks for his relief for the hamlet of Orcharton, in the County of Devon, which he held of the King1 in capite by the service of one Knight's fee of the fee of morteyne.2 His wife was named Claricia by whom had a son of his own name who married Elizabeth daughter and heir of John de Clifford and Claricia his wife, and cousin and heir of Odo Treverbyn. By a fine levied in 1332, in which John de Clyfford, Knt., and Claricia his wife were querists and Roger Prydeaux, Knt., was deforc, whereby reversion of the Manor of Combeintynhyde and the advowson of the Church there, after the death of the said John and Claricia, were settled upon Roger Prideaux, son of the said Roger, and Elizabeth his wife, the daughter of the said John Clyfford and the heirs of their bodies, and in default of such issue remainder to the right heirs of Roger the son of the said Roger.3 By Charter dated 26th September 18th Edward II. (1324) the King, upon inspeximus of a Charter by which Richard Earl of Poitou and Cornwall granted to Odo Treverbyn the Borough of Porbuan, confirmed to Roger Prideaux and Elizabeth his wife, cousin and one of the heirs of the aforesaid Odo, and to John Dauney and Sibella his wife, the cousin and other heir of the said Odo, and to the heirs of the said Elizabeth and Sibella, all the franchises and liberties pertaining to the said Borough.4 Roger had a brother Ralph upon whom his father appears to have settled the moiety of the Manor of North Alyngton which had descended from the Cardinan family,5 and Ralph, in 1330, conveyed the same to his brother Roger for his life, with remainder to John son of the said Roger and the heirs of his body, in default, remainder to Roger, brother of the said John and the heirs of his body, in default, remainder to Ida, sister of the said John and Roger, and the heirs of her body, in default, remainder to the right heirs of Roger Prideaux.6 Sir Roger Prideaux presented to Alyngton in 1341, and to Brothek (Brodoke), upon the death of Reginald Prideaux, in 1343.r We have no evidence of the exact date of his death, but in 1357 it was directed by the Council of the Prince of Wales upon a petition of Joan Prideaux that it should be enquired into, and that the Council should be informed what estate she had in certain lands in Orcharton and la Wode settled by her husband on her and their child, but seized into the Prince's hands by reason of the non-age of the child.8 On the 18th July in the same year the wardship and marriage of Peter Prideaux, son and heir of Roger Prideaux, son and heir of Monsieur Roger Prideaux, together with the advowson of the Church of Come in Thinhide, were granted to Walter de Wodeland during the minority of the said Peter ;9 and in the following year a further return was 1 Pedes Finium, 14th Edward III., Easter, Div. Cos. 3 Eot. Fin. 16th Edward II. 3 Ped. Finium, Devon, 6th Edward III., Easter. " Eot. Pat. 18th Edward IL, Part 1. m. 22. Translation printed in Bond's Hist, of Looe, p. 56. 5 This manor was held in dower in 1234, by Emma who was the wife of Eobert de Cardinan. (Ped. Finium, 18th Henry III., Trinity.) " Ped. Fin., 4th Edward TH., Devon. 7 Bishop Grandisson's Eeg. fo. 4(3. 8 Council Book of the " Black Prince," fo. 320. (Duchy of Cornwall Office.) 9 Ibid. fo. 325. On 5th May 1361 Mr. Walter Bachelor, Clerk, was admitted to the Church of Combe in Tynhide upon tbe presentation of William Smale of Dartmouth, he having acquired the right of presentation from Sir Walter de Wodeland, Knt. who acquired it of the King in whoso hands it was by reason of the minority of Peter de Prideaux of tbe same Church the true patron, son and heir of Eoger Prideaux deceased. Bishop Grandisson's Eeg. Vol. iii. fo. 50. FAMILY HISTORY. — PRIDEAUX. 201 made to the Council from which it appears that an annual rent of 100s. out of lands in Orcharton, la Wode, &c. had been granted by Monsieur Roger Prideaux to Roger Prideaux his son and Johan his wife for the term of their lives.1 On 4th December 1361 it was directed that the age of Peter Prideaux should be certified to the Council,2 and at this time he probably attained his majority. He died, however, before 1363, for on 6th June in that year the wardship of the body of John Prideaux and the lands of the said heir in the King's hands by reason of the minority of the said heir, together with his marriage, were granted to John de Montague ; nevertheless in 1361 Sir John Dynham, Knt., pre sented to the Church of Alyngton by reason of the custody of the lands of John Prideaux, a minor, son and heir of Roger Prideaux deceased.3 In 1368 John Prideaux made a grant of lands to Walter Dabernon,4 and in 1384 John Prideaux, Knt. charged his lands in Combe in Thynhyde, being the lands of Clifford, with an annual rent of £20.5 - This Sir John was Knight for the Shire of Devon in 1383 and 1386, and he presented to the Church of Combe in Tinhead in 1391.6 There is a tradition that this Sir John Prideaux slew his relation Sir William Bigbury at a place called "The Five Crosses," near Modbury, and being one of the party of the " White Rose " against Henry IV. in order to secure his pardon was obliged to part with several considerable manors, e.g., Cullom John and Comb in Tynhead.r No one of the name of Prideaux ever again presented to the Church of the last named manor. He died in 1403, and in his will, dated 5th June in that year, he directs that his body should be buried in the aisle (aia) of the Church of St. Peter at Modbury,8 and gives to the same Church 100s. under the condition that if the parishioners of the said parish Church shall buy within two years a set of Vestments they shall be paid, but if not then the gift shall go for the picture lately bought for the High Altar of Modbury; gives to his daughter Thomasia all his pearls; .residue to Elizabeth his wife, whom, with his said daughter Thomasia, John Copleston, John Raleigh of Fardel and others he makes executors,1! who proved his will on 7th August following.10 He left a son Richard, whom he does not name in his will, but who succeeded him at Orcharton, and presented to the Church of Brodoke on 21st July 1403, and to Alyngton in 1407." He died on Wednesday next after the Feast of the Blessed Virgin Mary 1408, seized of the manor of Orcharton which he held of Sir John Cornwall, Chr., and Elizabeth his wife as of their Castle of Trematon, and of no other lands in Devon, leaving John his son his nearest heir, aged 17 years.12 1 CouncU Book of the " Black Prince", fo. 336. 3 Ibid. fo. 484. 3 Bishop Grandisson's Eeg., Vol. iii., fo. 135. 4 Deed dated Monday next after the Feast of St. Matthew. (Heralds' CoUege, C. 1, fo. 55. Prideaux MSS. 2nd Edward III.) 5 Deed dated 9th May, 8th Eichard II. " Bishop Brentingham's Eeg.^Vol. ii. fo. 138. 7 With reference to this tradition Leland says : " There dweUith one Prideaux in Modburi, a, Gentilman of an auncient stoko and fair landes ontil by ehaunce that one of his parentes killed a man ; whereby one of the Courteneis Erie of Devonshire had Colum John, and other landes of Prideaux." (Itinerary, Vol. iii., p. 25.) 8 " Prideaux Isle in Modbury Church" is mentioned by Leland. Ibid. 9 Exeter. Bishop Stafford's Eegister. 10 His monument remains in the Church of Modbury, and has lately boon restored. 11 Bishop Stafford's Eegister. 13 Inq. p.m. 9th Henry IV., No. 2. 202 PARISH OP LANOWE, alias ST. KEW. John Prideaux presented to the Church of Brodoke in 1413. In 1429, John Prideaux of Orcharton and Elizabeth his wife settled the manors of Orcharton and North Alyngton, and the advowson of the Church of Alyngton, and the manor of Brodoke, and the advowson of the Church of the said manor, to hold the said manors of Orcharton and North Alyng ton to their own use for life with remainder to Martyn, brother of the said John, and the heirs of his body, in default, remainder to William Prideaux and the heirs of his body, in default, remainder to the right heirs of the said John Prideaux ; and as regards the manor of Brodoke to the use of the said William Prideaux and the heirs of his body, he paying to the said John Prideaux and Elizabeth his wife, during their lives, the annual rent of 100s., in default of issue to revert to the right heirs of the said John Prideaux.1 In 1432, however, John Prideaux of Orcharton, Esq., and Elizabeth his wife suffered a fine in the manor of Brodoke and the Church of the said manor to Thomas Carminowe, Esq., to hold to the said Thomas and his heirs of the said John and Elizabeth at the annual rent of one rose, in default of issue remainder to Nicholas Carminowe and his heirs, in default to Walter Carminowe and his heirs, in default to revert to the said John and Elizabeth and the heirs of John Prideaux of Orcharton.2 He attested a deed in 1437. In virtue of the last of the above recited fines the manor and advowson of Brodoke passed to Thomas Carminowe of Boconnoc, and from him descended to Sir Hugh Courtenay, who married Margaret one of the two daughters and co-heirs of the said Thomas Carminowe, which Sir Hugh Courtenay presented to the benefice in 1464. The manors of Orcharton and North Alyngton rested with John Prideaux who presented to East Alyngton in 1443. A vacancy again occurring in 1453, an inquisition was held to enquire into the right of presentation, and it was found that under the above recited fine of 1429, Elizabeth relict of John Prideaux was the true patron, and she presented accordingly. From this date, for one or two descents, we are dependant upon Pole's Devon and the pedigree recorded at the Heralds' Visitation of 1620.3 John Prideaux,4 last mentioned, is stated to have had a grandson of the same name. He died a little before 1522, leaving Thomas5 his son and heir who died on 10th May in that year, and upon the inquisition taken thereupon, in which he is described as Thomas Prideaux of Orcharton, son and heir of John Prideaux recently deceased, it was found that he had died seized in fee of the manor of Orcharton, and that he had settled the same upon certain trustees to the use of himself and Margaret his wife, daughter of John Copleston of Yalhamptori, and the survivor of them, with remainder to the right heirs of the said Thomas ; and it was found that John Prideaux was his son and nearest heir. 1 Pedes Finium, Div. Cos., 8th Henry VI., Easter. ' Pedes Finium, 11th Henry VI., Michs. 1. 3 Harl. MSS. Nos. 1080, fo 123. 1 William Prideaux, described as of Thurleston, contested the legitimacy of this John Prideaux and the case was tried in the court of the Bishop, and it was found on tbe 11th October 1428, that Eichard Prideaux was canonicaUy and legaUy married in the parish Church of MUton to Johanna Lercedekne, and that John Prideaux was their lawful son and heir, (Bp. Lacey's Eeg., Vol. iii., fo. 77, see also OUver's Mon. p. 298.) WiUiam Prideaux might have been the person named in the text, and possibly the uncle of John Prideaux, but his relationship is nowhere stated. 5 Tbis Thomas is erroneously called John in the registered pedigree. FAMILY HISTORY. — PRIDEAUX. 203 By inquisition taken at Exeter on 12th September 1567, after the death of the said John Prideaux, the jury found that he died on the 25th May preceding, seized of the manors of Orcharton and East Allington, and that Thomas Prideaux was his son and nearest heir, and was aged thirty years and more.1 This Thomas, by deed dated 25th January 1567-8, granted a rent charge of £5 per annum, payable out of a tenement called Washwells, parcel of the manor of Orcharton, towards the repair of the Parish Church of Modbury. He left a son Robert Prideaux, who by deed dated 1st September 1590.2 confirmed his father's grant. Being the last survivor of his family in the male line he sold the manor of Orcharton, which the family had possessed for fourteen descents, to Sir John Hele, Serjeant at Law.3 PRIDEAUX OF ADESTON AND THEUBOROUGH, Table II. John Prideaux, second son of Sir Roger by Elizabeth daughter of John Clifford, married Joane daughter and coheir of Gilbert de Adeston, with whom he acquired the manor of Adeston and there seated himself. After his death his relict re-married John Mules. On her death she left her son Giles Prideaux her heir.4 John Prideaux died before 1358, for in that year we find Simon de Longbrook guardian of his son Giles. Giles was Burgess in Parliament for the Borough of Dartmouth in 1368, and in 1404 had licence to proceed to Acquitaine. He married the daughter and heir of Gunstone (Pole p. 308, says of John de Goneton) of Shilston and left a son Sir John Prideaux of Adeston.6 We find him serving on a jury in 1413. On 18th June 1415 he had a licence to go abroad in company with the King,6 and in 1423 he had licence to be abroad whilst in company with Sir John Robessart, Knt., Captain of the castle of Saint Sauvieur le Viscont.7 He was thrice married. By his first wife Isabella, sister and heir of John Bromford, with a daughter, he had a son John Prideaux, who, upon the death of his uncle, the said John Bromford, was found to be his nearest heir and to be of the age of 15 years and more.8 Dying s.p. his half brother, William Prideaux, son of his father by his third wife Ann daughter of John Shapton of Shapton, co. Devon, became his father's heir. William is described as of Langford and Adeston. Like his father, Sir John Prideaux, he was thrice married. By his third wife Alice, daughter and heir of Stephen Gifford of Theuborough, in the parish of Sutcombe, co. Devon, he had, with a daughter, two sons Fulke and John. In 1462 William Prideaux and Alice his wife suffered a fine in which they settled upon certain trustees the manors of Yewe and Myddelmyswode, in Devon, to hold to the use of themselves during their lives, with 1 Exchequer, Esch. 8th and 9th Elizabeth, No. 10. 3 Deeds in the parish chest of Modbury. ' Pole's Devon, p. 311. 4 Deed dated 47th Edward III. (1373), Prideaux MSS. ° De Banco EoU, 1st Henry V. 6 French EoU, 3rd Henry V., m. 18 ' French Eoll, 1st Henry VI., m. 6 " Inq. p. m., 9th Henry VI., No. 40. See also Eot. Claus., 8th Henry VI., m. 14. 204 PARISH OF lanowe, alias ST. KEW. remainder to Fulke their son and the heirs of his body, in default, remainder to John brother of the said Fulke and the heirs of his body, in default, remainder to the heirs of the body of the said William and Alice, with other remainders over.1 Fulke Prideaux seated himself at Theuborough, and had nine sons, of whom it will be sufficient to mention here Nicholas, his second son, who became a famous lawyer and amassed considerable wealth. In 1549 he purchased Soldon, near Holsworthy, and other estates in Devon. He also, in 29th Henry VIII. (1537), was granted a lease for seventy-seven years of the Rectories of Bodmin, St. Minver, Padstow, and St. Cuthbert in Cornwall, which was confirmed under the great seal in July 1544. This lease would seem, however, to have been surrendered, for we find that in 1578 the said rectories were granted to Eoger Prideaux and Philippa his wife and Edward their son and the survivor of them, with remainder after their decease to Humphry Prideaux, nephew of Edmond.2 Nicholas settled Soldon upon his nephew Humphry. Humphry Prideaux, son and heir of Fulke, died at Theuborough in 1550 leaving three sons: Richard who carried on the succession at Theuborough, William who settled himself at Trevose in St. Merryn, co. Cornwall, and Roger who was the progenitor of the family of Prideaux of Soldon (See Table III.) Richard Prideaux of Theuborough, by his second wife Katherine, daughter of Sir John Arundel of Trerise, had several sons, of whom Richard was his successor, and George, of whom hereafter. Richard Prideaux of Theuborough was twice married : by his first wife, Grace, daughter of Nicholas Carminowe of Resprin, he left a son Jonathan, and other children ; and by his second wife, Zenobia, daughter and coheir of James Nansperian, he had, with other children, a son William who inherited Gurlyn and settled there, and had a son John who married Honour daughter of James Praed of Trevetho, and had issue two daughters Joane and Honour, the eldest not above two years old at the time of her father's death. He died 15th February 1649, a little over twenty-one years of age. In September 1650 his estates were sequestrated on a charge of delinquency, when it was stated that he died seized of the manor of Gurland and divers other lands and rents in the country of Cornwall.3 Of his daughters, Joane became the wife of Francis Gregor of Trewarthenick, co. Cornwall; and Honour married Arscot Bickford of Dunsland, co. Devon, who, after her death, took to his third wife Bridget, daughter of Edmund Prideaux of Padstow. Jonathan, son of Richard Prideaux of Theuborough by Winifred daughter and coheir of Tristram Gorges of Budeaux Head, co. Devon, was the father of Sir Richard Prideaux, who marrying Mary daughter and one of the co-heirs of Richard Barret of Trecarne (now called Tregarden) in St. Mabyn, settled himself there. He was Sheriff of Cornwall in 1644, and was a man of great ability and prudence. He took part with the King in the civil war against the Parliament, nevertheless he had a letter of protection from Fairfax on 16th March 1645.3 He was at Truro at the time of the capitulation, under the articles of which, 1 Pedes Fin., 2nd Edward IV., Easter, Devon. 3 Seo ante Vol. i., p. 143, whero in lines 25 and 27, Nicholas is erroneously printed for Eoger. 3 Eoyalist Comp. Papers, 1st Series, Vol. Ui., p. 673-691. Vol. xc, fo. 1. FAMILY HISTORY.— PRIDEAUX. 205 confessing his delinquency, in 1649 he petitioned to be allowed to compound for his estates, which was granted, and a full discharge given to him, with the exception of all advowsons of Churches, or Chapels, to the patronage of which he was entitled.1 Upon the Restoration in August 1660 he was appointed a Vice Warden of the Stannaries of Devon and Cornwall and Surveyor General of the Duchy of Cornwall,2 and immediately set himself to make a new and exact survey of the Duchy whereby His Majesty's revenue was increased to nearly £3000 a year, and in 1666 a special warrant was granted for the reimbursement of £300 spent by him on this service. In the following year he died suddenly whilst hawking, and was succeeded by his eldest son of the same name, who dying soon afterwards the property devolved upon his brother Jonathan Prideaux. The latter married Ann, daughter of Sir Francis Clarke of London, by whom, as well as seven daughters, he had one son, Richard Prideaux, a Counsellor-at-law, who pre -deceased his father, unmarried, when this branch became extinct in the male line. The two elder daughters died unmarried. Frances, the third became the wife of Charles Davie of Bideford, to whom she carried the Theuborough estate.3 PEIDEAUX OF SUTCOMBE. George Prideaux, fifth son of Eichard Prideaux of Theuborough by his second wife Katherine Arundel, settled at Sutcombe, but we regret that we are unable to give much account of him or his descendants. He died in 1657 leaving a son, Eichard Prideaux, and several daughters. Eichard Prideaux, through the means of Alderman Barnes of Newcastle upon Tyne, settled in that town. He was one of a sect called "The Congregational Judg ment", to which the Alderman also belonged. It is said that he conformed and became Vicar of Newcastle, but the statement is very questionable, and he does not describe himself as a "Clerk" in his will. He died in 1663, and bequeathed to his son Eichard Prideaux £100 and all his estate in Devonshire, and names his other sons George, John, and Peter, and several daughters, appointing Sir William Morrice and Sir Eichard Prideaux to decide any disputes which might arise. Eichard was a merchant at Newcastle, and dying un married, he bequeathed all his land in Devonshire to his brother John Prideaux, described as Vicar of Long Houghton, co. Northumberland.4 1 Eoyalist Comp. Papers, 1st Series, Vol. Iii., fo. 671 and 676. ' Magna Brit. Vol. Ui., p. vu. 3 State Papers, Dom. Corr., Vol. xi., Grants. 4 N.B. — This account is derived from the Memoirs of Ambrose Barnes, late Merchant and sometime Alder man of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, pubUshed by the Surtees Society, p. 129. There is a note to page 253 referring to the wiUs cited, and to the wUl of Alderman Barnes himself in these words; "This wUl (that of Barnes) and other testaments of the famUy, and the wiU of Eichard Prideaux were abridged and indexed by Sir Cuthbert Sharp, who was employed by Bishop Barrington to index the Durham wills. But Baine teUs me that they are not now to be found. The index bears opposite to their mention a + tho favorite mark of the knight." Richard Barnes is described as Pastor o^ AU-Hallows in Newcastle, p. 375. 2C 206 PARISH OP lanowe, alias ST. KEW. PEIDEAUX OF TEEVOSE AND ST. ISSEY. William Prideaux of Trevose, in the parish of St. Merryn, married Johanna daughter of John Munday of Eialton, brother of the last Prior of Bodmin, through whose influence he was granted by the convent a lease, dated 20th October 29th Henry VIII. (1537), to him and Johanna the daughter of John Munday, whom he, " God permitting, intends to marry", and the survivor of them, of the manor of Padstow^ together with the advowson of the Vicarage of the Church,1 which lease was afterwards confirmed in the Court of Aug mentation. The term unexpired in this lease, by deed dated 24th February 1544-5 (36th Henry VIIL), he assigned to Nicholas Prideaux his uncle, who had, meanwhile, been granted the manor in fee. He afterwards settled at St. Cadoc in Padstow, where he died on 27th June 1564, and upon the inquisition taken after his death on 17th January 1564-5, it was found : that he died seized in his demesne as of fee of all the tithe fish and fishery of the parish of Paddestowe, and of a tenement called Trebartheke in St. Eval ; that by his will he gave to his wife Johanna two-thirds of these possessions to pay his debts and portion his daughters; that his wife died at St. Cadoc the day following the death of her husband ; and that Richard Prideaux and Roger Prideaux (his brothers) and William Munday (his brother-in-law) administered to his effects ; and further that John Prideaux was his eldest son and was of the age of eighteen years seven months and sixteen days.2 "William Prideaux is several times mentioned as a tenant in the Court Rolls of the manor of Padstow between 1553 and 1563. At a Court held on 20th October 1564 the jury present his death; and in 1566 John Prideaux is presented as a conventionary tenant. By an Indenture dated 15th August 25th Elizabeth (1583) Degory Polwhele of Polwhele granted to John Prideaux of Padstow Esq., John his son, and Anne his wife, and the survivor of them certain houses, &c. in Padstow, and by a deed dated 24th May 1st James (1603), by which Degory Polwhele of Treworgan conveyed to Nicholas Prideaux of Padstow Esq., inter alia, the reversion of these houses, it appears that John Prideaux and John his son were still living, but that Anne, the wife of John Prideaux, was deceased.3 John Prideaux senior, Gent, is mentioned in a Court Roll of the 18th October 1606, and the name of John Prideaux frequently occurs in the rolls down to 1623. In 1604 John Prideaux married at Padstow,.. the name of his wife not being given, and he died in March 1633-4. Johanna Prideaux, perhaps his widow, is mentioned as being seventy years of age in 1657, and she died in 1665. They had two children, if not more, Richard baptized at Padstow in 1615 and Elizabeth baptized and buried at St. Merryn in 1617. We have no further trace of his issue. We find a Richard Prideaux, Gent, settled in the contiguous parish of St. Issey, who 1 See Ante, Vol. i., p. 137. n. ~ Inq., p. m. 7th EUzabeth, No. 113. 3 Deeds at Prideaux Place. FAMILY HISTORY. — PRIDEAUX. 207 was, probably, a younger son of John Prideaux the son of William and Johanna Munday. He died in 1625, and in his will names two sons and two daughters. His eldest son, William, continued to reside at St. Issey, and had several children and grandchildren baptized there. PRIDEAUX OF SOLDON AND PRIDEAUX PLACE.— Table III. We now arrive at the most important part of the genealogy of this ancient family, inasmuch as the branches of which we shall now treat still continue and flourish. They are also of the greater interest to us as they were intimately connected with the district of which we write. Roger Prideaux, third son of Humphry Prideaux of Theuborough by Jane his wife, daughter of Richard Fowell of Fowellscombe, settled at Soldon, in the parish of Holsworthy, which he inherited from his uncle Nicholas. He married Philippa daughter of Roger Yorke, Sergeant at Law, and had two sons and two daughters. His eldest son, Sir Nicholas Prideaux, carried on the succession at Soldon, and was the ancestor of the Prideauxes of Prideaux Place, Padstow ; and his second son, Edmund, was the founder of the family at Netherton, from which sprung that of. Ford Abbey. Sir Nicholas Prideaux was thrice married. By his first wife, Thomasine daughter and co-heir of John Henscot of Henscot, in the parish of Bradford, co. Devon, he had one son, Humphry. He married, secondly, Cheston, third daughter and co-heir of William Viell of Trevorder in St. Breoke (which estate the Viells inherited from George Viell who married Elizabeth daughter and co-heir of Richard Billing of Trevorder)1 by whom he had a son, John Prideaux, upon whom his father settled all his Cornish lands, and who served the office of Sheriff of Cornwall in 1631. Sir Nicholas Prideaux, by his third wife, had no issue. Humphry, eldest son of Sir Nicholas Prideaux, married, in 1600, Honour daughter of Edmond Fortescue of Fallowpit, when his father surrendered to him the estate of Soldon, having previously, in 1588-1592, built the fine mansion at Padstow, since called Prideaux Place, where he seated himself. He was seized with the small pox and died in the prime of life, leaving his youthful family to the care of their grandfather, Sir Nicholas. His eldest son, Nicholas Prideaux, carried on the succession at Soldon, and his representation eventually vested in Anne daughter and heir of his second son Humphry, who married her cousin John Prideaux, third son of Sir Peter Prideaux, of Netherton, Bart. Edmund Prideaux, third son of Humphry and Honour Fortescue, settled at Prideaux Place, which had devolved upon him under the deed of settlement upon the death of his uncle John Prideaux in 1649, as above-mentioned. He had a large family, all of which may be seen in the annexed pedigree (Table No. III). John, his eldest son, left issue three 1 See Ante, Vol. i., pp. 387, 389. 2c3 208 PARISH OP LANOWE, alias ST. KEW. sons, all of whom died s.p., and Edmund, the second son, had issue one daughter. Humphry, the third, carried on the succession and was one of the most remarkable men of his family in modern times. Humphry Prideaux was born at Padstow in 1648, and received his elementary educa tion at Liskeard and Bodmin, and was from the latter place removed to Westminster, under the famous Dr. Busby, where he soon became King's scholar. From thence he was elected to Christ Church, Oxford, and was admitted a Student in that College on 11th December 1668 at the age of 18. He took his degree as B.A. in 1672. About this time Lord Henry Howard, then Earl of Norwich, afterwards Duke of Norfolk, having given to the University of Oxford the Arundell Marbles collected by his grandfather, Thomas Earl of Arundell, it was thought desirable to have the inscriptions on them published with explanations, and Mr. Prideaux, though at that time very young and only a Bachelor of Arts, was selected for the work, which he published in folio two years afterwards, viz.: in 1676, under the title "Marmora Oxoniensia", being then just of one year's standing as Master of Arts. This work gained for him a great reputation. Being ordered, upon the first publication of the book, to present a copy ' to Lord Chancellor Finch, it procured him an introduction to his Lordship, who, in 1679, presented him to the Rectory of St. Clements in Oxford, and continued his patron to the end of his life. In 1681 he was appointed to a Prebend in. the Cathedral at Norwich, and in the following year proceeded B.D., and was instituted to the Rectory of Bladen cum Capella de Woodstock, which he held with his Studentship of Christ Church in virtue of his being Librarian of his College. On 16th February 1685-6 he married, and immediately afterwards proceeded D.D. and thereupon exchanged the benefice of Bladen for the Rectory of Saham Tony in Norfolk, and settled upon his Prebend at Norwich. In 1688 he was collated by Dr. Lloyd, Bishop of Norwich, to the Archdeaconry of Suffolk, and in 1702 he was appointed to the Deanery of Norwich. He was an earnest and able man, and in every office which he filled he not only strove zealously to perform his own duties but endeavoured to remove all abuses which he found existing. He was the author of several works of learning and ability, among them the " Original Divine Right of Tithes", and " Instructions to Churchwardens," but that by which he is chiefly known is his " Connection of the History of the Old and New Testa ments", the two latter of which still continue to be esteemed as standard works. In his later years Dr. „ Prideaux was afflicted with a distressing and painful disease, and towards the end of his life he could no longer use his books. He died at Norwich 1st November 1724, and was buried in the cathedral.1 Dean Prideaux left an only surviving son, Edmund, who on the death of his cousin Edmund 'Prideaux of Prideaux Place in 1728, s.p., succeeded to his estates, and dying in 1 From this famUy of Theuborough and Soldon John Prideaux, Bishop of Worcester, would also appear to have derived his descent, though wo have failed to trace the connection, for in 1621, he dedicated his two Sermons entitled " Christ's Council for ending Law Cases", to " The Worshipful my very worthy Kinsman Edmund Prideaux Esq., CounseUour at Law, and Mrs. Mary Prideaux his vertous and reUgious wife." This Edmund was created a Baronet of Netherton the next year. FAMILY HISTORY. — PRIDEAUX. 209 1745, was succeeded by his son Humphry Prideaux of Prideaux Place, who married Jenny second daughter of Nevill Morton Pleydell of Shitterton, co. Dorset, by Betty daughter of Charles Brune of Plumber, in 'the same county. By this marriage Humphry Prideaux had a large family. His eldest son Charles Prideaux, on the death of his uncle Charles Morton Pleydell-Brune, succeeded to the Brune estates, and, in conformity with the testa mentary injunction of his maternal great uncle, Charles Brune, assumed the name and arms of Brune in addition to that of Prideaux. For continuance of this branch see account of the family of Beune post. PRIDEAUX OF NETHERTON, BARONET.— Table IV. The founder of the family of Prideaux of Netherton was Edmund, second son of Roger Prideaux of Soldon (see Table III). Edmund Prideaux was born in 1554 and was educated for the profession of the law. In 1598 he was appointed Autumnal Reader of the Inner Temple, in 1608 Treasurer of the same, and five years later Double Reader. He acquired in his profession not only distinction but wealth, and purchased the manor of Netherton in the parish of Farway, co. Devon, where he built a handsome mansion and settled himself, which place has continued the chief residence of his family to the present time. Netherton had been parcel of the possessions of the Priory of Canon's Leigh, co. Devon, to which house it was granted in the 12th century by Walter de Claville. Nevertheless the family of Prideaux would seem to have held it in the 14th century, for we have a note of a petition by John de Prideaux, dated 10th November 29th Edward III., to the Duke of Cornwall to have the manor of Netherton restored to him.1 Edmund Prideaux was created a Baronet under the title of Sir Edmund Prideaux of Netherton on 17th July 1622. , He was twice married. By his second wife, Katherine daughter of Piers Edgcombe of Mount Edgcombe, he had two sons, Peter who succeeded him in his title and estates, and Edmund who became the founder of the family of Prideaux of Ford Abbey. (See Table V.) Sir Edmund Prideaux, the third in descent from Sir Peter, and the fifth Baronet, was twice married but died without surviving issue male, and the title and estates devolved upon his half brother Sir John Prideaux, who having succeeded to Soldon under his uncle John Prideaux's will sold the same. By Anne, eldest daughter of John Vaughan Viscount Lisburne, by Lady Mallet Wilmot, daughter of John Wilmot Earl of Rochester, he had two sons who attained to man's estate, both of whom were slain in battle. Saunderson, the eldest son, was killed, on the 9th April 1741, in the attack on Fort Lazare at Carthagena, in South America, whilst yet in the flower of his youth, being only just over 21 years of age. John, the second son, became a distinguished officer the friend and companion in arms of Wolfe and Amherst. He attained the rank of Captain in the 3rd Regiment of Guards 1 CouncU Book of Edward the " Black Prince", p. 236. Duchy of CornwaU Office. 210 PARISH OP LANOWE, alias ST. KEW. in 1748. On 28th October 1759, he was appointed Colonel of the 55th Regiment. This Regiment formed a portion of the Army in North America under Major General Amherst. Colonel Prideaux served in the campaign with the rank of Brigadier, and was appointed to command a body of troops, re-ihforced with a considerable number of friendly Indians under the command of Sir William Johnston, appointed to invest the French fort erected at the falls of Niagara. He conducted his expedition with great success, and invested the fortress about the middle of July, and carrying on his approaches with untiring vigour until the 20th, when, visiting the trenches, he was unfortunately killed by the bursting of a cohorn. By his wife Elizabeth, sister of Sir Edmund Bayntun Rolt, of Spye Park, Wilts, Bart., he had several children, the eldest of whom, Sir John Wilmot Prideaux, Bart., suc ceeded his grandfather in 1766, whose second son, Sir Edmund Saunderson Prideaux, the ninth Baronet, a Major in the Army and Honorary Colonel of the Exeter and South Devon Rifle Volunteers, is at present the highly respected and greatly esteemed representative of this branch of the family. PRIDEAUX OF FORD ABBEY, Co. DORSET.— Table V. Ford Abbey is in the Parish of Thorncombe now in the County of Dorset. Thorncombe was formerly in Devon but transferred to Dorset by Act of Parliament in 1842. Ford Abbey was purchased of Sir Henry Rosewell in 1649 by Edmund Prideaux second son of Sir Edmund Prideaux the first Baronet. This gentleman was educated in the University of Cambridge where he proceeded M.A. He was admitted a Student at the Inner Temple on 12th May 1616, and was called to the Bar on 23rd November 1623. Having been returned as Burgess in Parliament for Lyme Regis he took part against the King. On 10th Nov. 1643 he was appointed one of the Commissioners of the Great Seal, and on 1st Oct. 1646 he was granted by the Parliament the privileges of a King's Council, the combined offices being worth between £6000 and i?7000 a year, and he was allowed to retain his seat in the House of Commons notwithstanding his holding the former office. On his relinquishing the Great Seal the House of Commons ordered, as a mark of honour and as an acknowledge ment of the value of his services, that he should practice within the Bar and have precedence next after the Solicitor General. He then continued his private practice until 1648, on 25th November in which year he took the oath as Solicitor . General. He appears, however, to have been less rancorous against his Sovereign than his coadjutors for he took no part in the King's trial, nor in the subsequent trials of the Duke of Hamilton and others; nevertheless, a few weeks afterwards, he accepted the office of Attorney General from the dominant party, which he retained during the remainder of his life. In 1644, by a resolu tion of the House of Commons, Edmund Prideaux, a Member of the House, was constituted FAMILY HISTORY. — PRIDEAUX. 211 Master of the Post Messengers and Carriers, and in 1649 he established a weekly conveyance to every part of the kingdom, in lieu of the former practice under which letters were sent by special messengers whose duty it was to supply relays of horses at a certain mileage. In 1658 Cromwell made him one of his Baronets. He acquired great wealth. It is said that his emoluments in connection with the Post Office were not less than £15,000 a year. Edmund Prideaux was twice married. By his first wife Joane, daughter and sole heir of Henry Collins1 of Ottery St. Mary, he had a daughter Mary. By his second wife Margaret, daughter and co-heir of William Ivery2 of Cotthay co. Somerset, he had a son, Edmund, and three daughters. Edmund Prideaux succeeded his father at Ford Abbey. He was a highly educated gentleman having had for his tutor John Tillotson, afterwards, upon the deprivation of Archbishop Sancroft, made Archbishop of Canterbury. He does not appear to have taken any part in politics after the restoration. Our first notice of him is as the entertainer of the unfortunate Duke of Monmouth, upon whose journey of pleasure to the west, at the latter end of 1680, he paid a visit to Mr. Prideaux at Ford Abbey and was magnificently received.3 In 1681 he was returned to Parliament as one of the Burgesses for Taunton. But his connection with the Duke of Monmouth after the Rye House affair rendered him suspected, and his house was searched for arms under the general warrant for searching the houses of dangerous and disaffected persons. In the memorable year 1685, when the Duke of Monmouth landed at Lyme Regis, it is said Mr. Prideaux remained quietly at his own house, which was visited by a party at night for horses and arms, and that one person drank the health of Monmouth. On this becoming known in London a warrant was issued to arrest Mr. Prideaux, which was carried into effect on the 19th June, and he was eventually committed a close prisoner to the Tower on a charge of high treason. Nothing was ever proved against him, nevertheless he could not obtain his release until he had paid a sum of ,£15,000 to the infamous Judge Jefferies. His pardon was signed on 20th March 1685-6.4 On the accession of William III. Mr. Prideaux petitioned Parliament for leave to bring in a Bill to charge the estates of Judge Jefferies with the restitution of the £15,000 he had paid, but the Act did not pass. Edmund Prideaux had several children by his wife Amy, daughter and co-heir of John Fraunceis of Combe Florey, co. Somerset, all of whom pre-deceased. him except his daughter Margaret, who had married her cousin Francis Gwyn of Llansannor co. Glamorgan, and who, in her right, inherited Ford Abbey, and by whose descendants it has recently been sold.5 1 Arms : ar. a chev. betw. three muUetts pierced gu. 3 Akms : ar. three chevronels gu. same as Every. Monuments in Ford Abbey Chapel. 3 Eoberts's Life of Monmouth, Vol. ii., p. 254. * Eot. Pat., 2nd James IL, Part 8, No. 3. " Francis Gwyn's mother was Eleanor daughter of Sir Francis Popham, whose other daughter, Catherine, beeamc the wife of John Fraunceis, whose daughter Amy was the mother of Margaret. 212 PARISH OF LANOWE, alias ST. KEW. PRIDEAUX OF NUTWELL AND ASHBURTON.— Table VI. According to the Visitation of 1620 the ancestor of this family, Thomas Prideaux of Ashburton, was Thomas the fourth son of Hunrphry Prideaux of Theuborough by his second wife Edith, the daughter of William Hatch of Aller. It is, however, impossible to recon cile this statement with known facts. Joane Prideaux, the first wife of the said Humphry, did not die until 31st October 1623, as shewn by the inquisition taken upon her death,1 therefore this Thomas, by a second marriage, could not have been born earlier then 1524, and, consequently, could not have been the father of John Prideaux, Sergeant at law, who died on 29th September 1558, leaving his son and heir Thomas Prideaux aged nine years three months and -eight days (born 21st June 1549).2 We find, however, that a certain Thomas Prideaux, described as of Aysshton, died 22nd January 1547 seized of lands and tenements called Scrobbyscomb, magna and parva, in Kingston, the Manor of Credywygger held of the Bishop of Exeter, and a messuage in Aysshton, which latter was stated to have been granted by a certain Thomas Predyaux, senior, by his charter, dated 20th September 12th Henry VIII. (1521), to a certain Johanna Predyaux, relict of John Predyaux, brother of the said Thomas Predyaux, senior, to hold to the said Johanna and the heirs of her body ; and it is stated that, it descended to the said Thomas, the subject of the inquisition, as son and heir of the said Johanna, and that it was held of William Jackson and Ricarda his wife, the said Ricarda being kinswoman and heir of the said Thomas Predyaux, senior : viz. the daughter and heir of John Predyaux son and heir of the aforesaid Thomas, senior, and the jury further find that John Predyaux, then living at Ayssheton, was son and heir of the said Thomas mentioned in the writ, and that he was aged twenty eight years and more. This John could not have been any other than the Serjeant, for upon the death of the latter, on 29th September 1558, it was found upon inquisiton3 that in additioa to the manors of Nutwell, Woodberie, and Lympston, which he is known to have purchased, he was seized of the manor of Creditwiger held of the Bishop of Exeter of the manor of Crediton, and lands called Stebbiscombe magna and parva held of the manor of Kingston in free soccage: and that Thomas Prideaux was son and heir of the said John, and was aged nine years three months and eight days. We find also a will of a certain Richard Pridyaux, described as of Tavistock,4 dated 21st October 1529,5 in which he makes a bequest of 3s. 4d. to the Church of St. Andrew at Asheberton, thus shewing his interest in that place, and making bequests to Margaret Dorothy and Alice Webb, the children of William Webb, and to his first [_sic] sister Alice 1 Inq. p. m., 16th Henry VIIL, No. 144. a Inq. p. m., 1st Elizabeth, Part m. No. 31. 3 Inq. p. m. 1st Elizabeth, Part II. No. 31. Eichard Prideaux was assessed to the Subsidy at Tavistock in 1523, upon goods of the value of £304 97 Sub. Eoll. 14th Henry VIII. — ° Proved 12th February 1529, P.C.C, (15th Jankin). 1S6 FAMILY HISTORY. — PRIDEAUX , 213 the wife of Adam Williams, to his brother-in-law Adam Williams,1 and £100 sterling to each of his daughters Grace and Phillip, he declares .that in the event of his two daughters dying before marriage, it is his will that £40 of the said £200 shall be "bestowed in fynding of some honest priest to sing for me and Agnes my wife and all my children, and for the soules of Joane (Jane) my late wife and William Webbe her late husband, &c. and for the soules of Thomas Predyaux and Elizabeth his wife, my father and mother and all their children, and for all good dooers and well wyllers." It further appears from the inquisi tion taken after his death that he died 13th October 1529, seized of lands in Tavistock and elsewhere, and that his daughters, Grace aged five years, and Phillip aged one year, were his nearest heirs.3 It thus is manifest that the name of the father of Thomas Prideaux, father of the Serjeant, was John and not Humphry as stated in the Visitation Pedigree, and, perhaps, Thomas Prideaux the father of Richard was a younger son of this ancient house whose name is not shewn in the old pedigrees. Thomas Prideaux of Ashburton had two sons, John Prideaux, Serjeant at Law, already mentioned, and Robert Prideaux who seems to have succeeded his father at Ashburton. John Prideaux, as we have already stated,3 purchased Nutwell and settled there. He received a grant of Arms on 16th May 1558 materially diffeiing from the ancient arms of Prideaux, and died on the 29th September in the same year, and was succeeded by his son Thomas, who, in 1594, obtained an alteration in the Arms previously granted, bringing them nearer to the Prideaux Arms. He died in 1605 and was succeeded by his son Thomas who received the honour of Knighthood in 1603, whose son Amias Prideaux sold Nutwell in 1647, and dying in 1676, s. p. this branch of the family became extinct. Robert Prideaux of Ashburton, the second son' of Thomas, died in 1578, and in his will names his sons Thomas, George, • Robert, and Harry, and Elizabeth his daughter. A John shewn in the Visitation pedigree of 1620 as eldest son is not named in the will, and Harry does not appear in the pedigree. Thomas, described in the pedigree as second son and of Totnes, carried on the succession, and by deed dated 14th December 7th James (1610) charged certain lands in Ashburton with a rent charge of £2 12s. per annum for the benefit of thirteen poor persons of the parish of Ashburton.4 John Prideaux his eldest son was aged twenty one years in 1620, and Thomas his second son settled at Ugborough and died in 1639 leaving issue which we give to the third descent. Arms. Ar. upon a chevron sa. between three Eagles' feet, couped, gu. a Book, or, purfied vert, between two Bowyers' knots ar. Granted by William Hervey, Clarenceaux, 1 6th May 1558. 1 Adam WiUiams by AUce daughter of Thomas Prideaux of Ashburton, was the father of Thomas WiUiams, Sneaker in the House of Commons 1562. (Pole's Devon, p. 320.) EUzabeth Prideaux, widow, was assessed in 1523, upon * 97 goods in Ashburton of the value of £180. (Sub. Roll 14th Henry VIII, — . And the Williams pedigree. (Harl. 1080. 241.) 186 describes Alice wife of Adam WiUiams, as daughter of Thomas Prideaux of Ashburton. - Inq., p.m. 21st Henry VHL, No. 11 Chanc. 3 On 29th October 1553, George Ford obtained a Eoyal License to alienate a fourth part of tho Manor of NutweU to John Prydeaux of Upton Pyno, Gent. 4 Charities of Devon, (1826) Vol. IL, 145. 2D 214 PARISH OP LANOWE, alias ST, KEW. In 1594 the Arms were altered by Lea, to: Ar. a chev. sa. charged with two bars gemelles wavy of the first, a label of three points gu. with this note : " The arms and crieast of Thomas Predyaux of Nutwell, in the County of Devonshire, Esquire, first given by William Harvye, alias Clarentzaulxe, with a book between two Bowyers knottes on the cheveron, now altered thus by Robert Lea alias Clarenceulx 1594. The creast is as it was at the first." (Heralds' Coll. Miscl. Grants I., 196.) LE BRUN alias LE BRUYN, alias BRUNE. This ancient and distinguished family was at an early date settled in Essex. The first of any prominence which we are able to trace is Sir William Le Brun who was Chamberlain to King Edward I., and probably was in the service of that Prince before his succession to the throne, for we find that in the fifth year of his reign (1277) he granted to Sir William Le Brun and Isolda his wife, which Isolda was one of the Maids of Honor to Queen Eleanor, certain manors in the counties of Dorset and Southampton of which Fordingbridge, Rughenore, and East Perle still remain in the family. He also granted them extensive rights of free warren. This Isolda is said to have been the daughter and co-heir of Philip de Rupellis, alias de la Rokele, but this is clearly a mistake, as we shall presently shew. In the year 1300 William le Brune was returned from the county of Southampton as holding lands in capite, or otherwise, of £40 yearly value, or upwards, and as such was summoned under the general writ to perform Military service in person against the Scots, and in the same manner he was returned from the counties of Somerset and Dorset.1 Sir William le Brun died in the year 1300, and upon the usual inquisition taken thereupon Maurice le Brun his son was found to be his nearest heir", and to be of the age of twenty one years and more.2 Isolda survived her husband and died in 1307, and by the inquisition taken after her death it was found that she held, inter alia, the manor of Rouenore by serjeantry: viz. by the service of finding one man for the defence of Porchester Castle for forty days in time of war, for which service she paid 40s. to provide a substitute, and it was found that Maurice le Brune was her son and heir and of the age of thirty years and more.3 Maurice le Brune was a man of great eminence. In 1308 he was summoned together with his consort, from the county of Essex to attend the coronation in the train of the King and Queen.4 In 1313 he was summoned to Parliament as one of the Barons of the Realm,0 as he was again in the same year and in 1315,6 and continued to be during the remainder of his life, though his descendants were never afterwards summoned. In the civil commotions which distracted the country during the greater part of the reign of Edward IL Sir Maurice le Brun seems to have been tolerably stedfast in his 1 Eot. Pari. Writs, Vol. i. pp. 337, 338. " Inq., p. m. 29th Edward I., No. 44. 3 Inq., p. m., 1st Edward IL, No. 64. 4 Eot. Claus. 1st Edward IL, m. lOd. 5 Eot. Claus. 6th Edward IL, m. 16d. » Ibid, 9th Edward H, m. 22d. FAMILY HISTORY, — PRIDEAUX. 215 loyalty to the King. In 1321 when the Earls of Lancaster and Hereford arose in arms on account of the Spensers we find Maurice le Brune among those who were requested to co-operate in appeasing the disturbances, and also to refrain from attending illegal con federacies or assemblies,1 and on the 12th November in the same year he was ordered to abstain from attending the meeting of the " Good Peers " convened by the Earl of Lancaster to be held at Doncaster,2 and on 6th February following he was enjoined to raise as many men at arms and foot soldiers as he could, and to hold himself in readiness to march with them to the King when summoned to do so,3 and on the 14th of the same month he was summoned to appear with his forces at Coventry on the 28th for the purpose of marching against the rebels.4 On 13th November 1324 he became one of the manucaptors for the good behaviour of John de Wroxhale on his discharge from imprison ment as an adherent of the Earl of Lancaster.5 In the following year he was appointed one of the Conservators of the Peace for the county of Southampton,6 and in the next year he was addressed in that capacity and commanded to disperse seditious assemblies and to apprehend offenders.7 It was this Sir Maurice, and not his father, who formed an alliance with the family of de la Rokele. He married Matilda daughter and heir of Sir Philip de la Rokele, with whom he acquired the Manor of Beckinham in Kent, Okendon in Essex, and other lands. The family of de la Rokele was one of great eminence in Essex. Philip de la Rokele, the father of Matilda, was the son of Sir Richard de la Rokele, Justiciary of Ireland, who died in 1276,8 being grandson of Sir Eichard de la Eokele, who died at South Okingdon in 1222. This last, Morant says, "was son of Geoffry de la Eokele alias William de Ou to which the registry of the Priory of Hatfield Peveril is voucher, and this William, uncle to the Earl of Angus, is said to have lived in the reign of King Stephen." He seems to be the person meant in the Eed Book when it is said " Hugh de Ou held one Knight's fee, and William de Eochelle three parts of a Knight's fee, under Geoffry de Mandeville of the new feoffment in the reign of Henry II ".9 Sir Philip de la Eokele died 18th October 1295, when Matilda his daughter was found to be his heir and to be of the age of nine-and-a-half years.10 A special inquisition was taken concerning her age five years afterwards, when the jury found that she was then the wife of Maurice le Brun and was aged fourteen years on 9th October 1300, but added that they had no other evidence than the voice of the country because the said Matilda was born in Ireland." Sir Maurice le Brun died 17th March 1354-5, and was succeeded by his son Sir William le Brun who died in 1362, leaving a son Sir Ingelram le Brune whose son, Sir Maurice le Brun, was Sheriff of Herts and Essex in the 2nd and 14th years 1 Eot. Claus. 14th Edward IL, m. Id., Writ tested at Bristol 21st April. 3 Ibid, 15th Edward IL, m. 23d. 3 Ibid, 15th Edward IL, m. 19rf. 4 Ibid, m. 17* in eed. 6 Eot. Fin., 18th Edward II. 6 Eot. Pat., 19th Edward IL, Part I., m. 29. 7 Ibid, 19th Edward IL, Part IL, m. 19* " Inq. p.m., 5th Edward I., No. 6. ° History and Antiquities of Es3ex, Vol. ii, p. 477, n. 10 Inq. p.m., 23rd Edward I., No. 39. » Inq. Prob. Etat., 28th Edward I., No. 157. 2d8 216 PARISH OF LANOWE, alias ST. KEW. of King Henry VI. By his wife Elizabeth, daughter and co-heir of Sir Henry Eadford of Irby, co. Lincoln, he had two sons, Henry and Thomas. Henry Bruyn married Elizabeth, daughter and co-heir of Eobert Darcy of Maldon, and was Sheriff of South Hants in 1447. There is extant a receipt given by him for certain dues payable to the King by the men of Southampton, dated 5th May in that year, and sealed with his official seal, a seal of a class of which specimens are very uncommon considering the number which must at one time have existed. Henry Bruyn's seal is a very fine example and elegantly designed. It is of a circular form and has the device of a castle, usual in these seals, and in front of it a shield, couched, charged with the arms of Bruyn and Eokele quarterly. His initials j). I), are given just above the shield on each side of the gateway. Henry Bruyn was knighted soon after this date, and was again Sheriff of this county in 1458. He died in 1461 v.p., leaving two daughters and co-heirs : Alice wife of John Berners, and Elizabeth wife of Thomas Tyrell.1 The latter afterwards married Sir William Brandon Knt., and was the mother of Charles Brandon Duke of Suffolk; and thirdly she married William Malory. Thomas Bruyn, upon his father's death in 1467, was found to be his son and nearest heir.2 On 30th January 1481-2, as son and heir male of Maurice Bruyn Knt., deceased, and heir male of Henry Bruyn Knt., deceased, son of the said Maurice, he had license to enter upon all the lands, &c, separately held of the King in capite by the said Maurice and Henry.3 He left two sons, William and John.4 William, married Katherine daughter and heir of William Eengebourn, grandson of Agnes, daughter and co-heir of Sir William Sturmy of Wolfall, co. Wilts. Matilda, the other co-heir, married Eoger Seymour ancestor of Jane Seymour, Queen of Henry VIIL, and of the present Duke of Somerset. Upon the death of their son, Sir John Seymour Knt., in 1464, he was found to have died seized, inter alia, of a moiety of the manor of Wolfall, the other moiety being held by Eobert Eengebourn son of William, son of the abovementioned Agnes, who dying s.p. in 1485 his brother William was found to be his heir. Upon the death of William Eengebourn in 1512, his grandson, Thomas Bruyn, was found to be his nearest heir. He died in 1539 s.p., seized inter alia of a moiety of the Sturmy lands,5 and his uncle John Bruyn was found to be his heir." Henry Brune, grandson of John, by his wife Elizabeth, daughter and co-heir of Nicholas Martin of Athelhampton, co. Dorset, had three sons, Sir John Brune, his eldest son and heir died s.p. ; Nicholas, the third, died unmarried ; Charles, the second, married Mary daughter of Eobert Coker of Mapowder in the same county, and had two sons John and Charles. John, on the death of his uncle, Sir John Brune, was found to be his heir. 1 Inq. p.m., 1st Edward IV., No. 27. 3 Eot. Pat., 21st Edward IV., Part I. 5 Inq. p.m., 4th Henry VIIL, No. 79. Inq. p.m., 8th Henry IV., No. 24. Inq. p.m., 14th Henry VII., No. 48. Eecord Office, Primus Lib. eed. 86. FAMILY HISTORY.— PRIDEAUX. -;17 He married Mary daughter of Edward Hooper of Boveridge, in the same county, and, having previously settled the ancient family inheritance upon his brother Charles and his heirs, died leaving an only daughter and heir who married Sir Ealph Bankes of Corfe Castle. • Charles, second son of Charles Brune, purchased the manor of Plumber, co. Dorset, and settled there. Dying in 1703 he left issue one only- surviving' son who succeeded to the estates. He married Betty daughter and heir of Lorenzo Jeffery of West Bagborough, co. Somerset, by whom he had four sons, the three younger of whom died unmarried, and three daughters, the elder of whom, Betty, became the wife of Nevill Morton Pleydell of Shitterton, co, Dorset. Charles Brune, the eldest son of the aforesaid Charles, succeeded his father in the. estates. He married Elizabeth daughter and co-heir of William Boulting of Wells, but having no issue devised his estates to his nephew Charles Morton Pleydell, and his heirs male, on condition that he and his issue should assume the surname of' Brune in addition to that of Pleydell, with remainder to his great nephew Charles Prideaux, eldest son of Humphry Prideaux of Prideaux Place by his second wife Jenny Pleydell, eldest niece of testator, and to his issue. Charles Morton Pleydell-Brune died s.p. in 1785, and Charles son of the aforesaid Humphry Prideaux succeeded to the Brune estates, and, in conformity with the testamentary injunction of his maternal great uncle Charles Brune, by Eoyal License, dated 11th July 1799, assumed the name and arms of Brune in addition to those of Prideaux. He died in 1833, leaving, by his wife Frances, daughter of Thomas Patten, of Bank Hall, co. Lancaster, an only son Charles Prideaux-Brune of Prideaux Place, co. Cornwall, and of Plumber, co. Dorset, who is the present representative of the ancient families of Brune and Prideaux. His son and heir, by Frances daughter and co-heir of Edmund John Glynn of Glynn, co. Cornwall, Charles Glynn Prideaux-Brune of Prideaux Place, by his wife the Honorable Ellen Jane, second daughter of Eobert Shapland, first Baron Carew, has numerous issue, who it is hoped will carry on the succession for many future generations. The Arms used by Mr. Prideaux-Brune are: Quarterly, 1. Az. a cross moline or. Brune. 2. Ar. a chev. sa., in chief a label of three points gu. Prideaux. 3. Party per pale ar. and gules three castles counterchanged. Old arms of Prideaux. 4. Lozengy erm. and gules. Eokele. Crests — Brune : A goat passant, per pale indented, ar. and sa. armed and unguled or. Pendant from a collar or, a shield charged with the arms of Brune. Prideaux : A man's head in profile couped at the shoulders ppr., hair and beard or, on the head a chapeau gu. turned up ar. Mottoes — Brune : " Toujours pret ", which is found on the monument of Sir John Brune, Knt., who died 1559, Eowner Church, co. Dorset, in this form " Tours jours pres.% Prideaux of Prideaux Place, " Prudentium arma Providentia est." Prideaux of Netherton, " Deus providebit." 218 parish op lanowe, alias st. kew. Anus as aUowed at the Heralds' Visitation, 1620. 1. Pbideaux. 6. Huddy. 2. Old Arms of Pbideaux. 7. Goulston. 3. Giffobd of Theuborough. 8. Hugwoetht. 4. Esse. 9. Cabminow. 5. Spenceb. 10. as 1. On the Escutcheon of pretence Gorges. PEDIGEEE OF PBIDEAUX OECHAETON, co. Pagan Prideaux Lord of Prideaux=F . . , in the Conquest time. I Philip, 2. Eichard Prideaux, Lord of Prideaux,=p, . . . died 1122, temp. Henry I. T Baldwin Prideaux, Lord of Prideaux, died 1165.=p. . . . Had a grant in fee of the Manor of Prideaux from Prior of Tywardreth. Nicholas Prideaux, Lord of Prideaux, died 1169 ?=p. . Amerced in half a mark 1189, and again amerced 1195. Eichard Prideaux, Lord of- Prideaux, son and heir. Eichard Prideaux, Lord of Prideaux.^ died 1250. Witness to a charter dated between 1230 and 1240. _i_ Baldwin Prideaux, Lord of=f= Prideaux, son and heir. Eeginald, T Sir Thomas Prideaux, Knt.y=Jane, dau. of Lord of Prideaux, son and, Philip Brodrygan. Bobert Prideaux, Lord of Prideaux, granted to the Monastery of Tywardreth certain lands in Frank Godfrey. Greoflry Pridias, son and heir aged 23 years on his father's death ; did fealty for Borough of Truro 1311 ; living 1330, dead before 1347. Eeginald,rector of Brodokedied 1343. Alice, wife of Sir Richard Eeskymer. (Ped. Finium, 10th Edward L, Easter.) Geffrey = Prideaux, Lord of Prideaux, Thomas Pridias granted profits of=Margaret, dau. of + Truro Market 1347. Presented Eeginald Prideaux to St. Mary's Truro 1333. WiU prov. at Win chester 28th August 1347. ThomaB Pedicrue, remar. John Man- croun. Eobert Pridias, son of=Margery. Geoffry, granted Manor to Newnham 1369, manu- cap. for Burgesses of Bodmin 1327. Eeginald, Eector of St. Mary's Truro, 1333. FAMILY HISTORY. — PEDIGREE OP PRIDEAUX. 219 OF PEIDEAUX, co. COENWALL, AND OF DEVON. — Table I. I hereby certify that the foUowing Pedigree of Prideaux, Lords of Prideaux, agrees with the Eecord in this Office. 2. C. I. 344. Heralds' CoUege, STEPHEN TTJCKEE, 9th March, 1874. Eouge Croix. .^Isolda da Suleny, coh. of her ( brother Geoffiy de Suleny. Eobert de Cardinan held two Baronies in CornwaU, viz., Cardinan and=p BotardeL consisting of seventy-one Knight's fees ; (Lib. rub. Excheq. fo. 230), Uving 1216. John de Or-=pAlina, dau. of . . . . charton, died before 1220, Ped. Fin., 8th Henry Hi. (1220). Uving 1220, when she settled one- third of Orcharton on her dau. and her heirs. Ingelram=y=Beatrice. de Bray. Sir Wal-=f=Emma. ter de Treverbyn. Geoffry =f=IsabeUa, dau. and heir of==Nicholaa, dau. Eobert de Cardin an, younger son, upon whom his father settled the Manor of Alyng ton, co. Devon. dePridyas. John de Orcharton, mar. before 1220, Uving in Easter term 1244, died in , Trinity term 1248. of Ingelram de Bray.mar. Tri nity term 33rd Henry IH. HughdeTrev erbyn. x Odo de Treverbyn, 1230-53. (Ped. Fin., 37thHy. IH. Easter.) r =Emma, Uv. 1234, a wi dow, (Ped. Fin., 18th Henry III., Trin.) Andrew de=r= Cardinan, son & heir, living 1251, (Ped. Fin. 35th Henry III., Trin.) =pEmma, dau. and heir, (Ped Fin.,10thHy.in., Trm.) Thomas de=Isolda de Cardiaan, Tracy,Uvingl260. daughter and heirj liv. 1260, (Ped. Fin. 44th Hy.IIL, Mich.) Sir Thomas Pridias, summ. against the=f=Eose, Welsh 1294. Collector of Subs, same year, present- Eeturned as holding lands of the value of ed to St. £20 a year or upwards 1297. Knight of the Mary's, Shire 1298. Had grant of Manor of Truro Truro March 1302. Died 1297. (Pipe EoU. Inq., 1345. p.m. 4th Edward IL, No. 27.) Eoger Prideayas, settlement^ made on him by his father and mother 1245. Sheriff of Devon 1271, 1272, and 1273. Living 1297. (Pipe EoU). Lucy, wife of Benedict Eerc- ward.Ped.(Fin., 10th Edward I., Easter.) Peter de Pridias, settloment=j=EUzabeth, made upon him by his father 1281, died 1316, (Inq., p.m. 1 IL, No. J 9th Edward '. 13.) dau. & heir of Sir Hugh Treverbyn. (Pole). (Eot Fin. 34th Edward I.) Mabel, mar. Walter le Albe of Eadeford, (Eot. Fin., 34th Edward I.) Sir Hugh de Treverbyn, =pTheosama, a son and heir, presented to Alyngton in 1269 and 1277, living 1278, dead in 1289. widow 1289, living 1325. Sir Walter=pMargery, dau. de Trever byn, son and heir. of,. ..Bloyowe, a widow 1314, living 1326. Sir Eoger de Pridias, Knt., son and heir,=r=Claricia dau. of aged 22 years on his father's death. Knight of the Shire for Devon 1331. Had livery of seizin 9th October 1315. (Eot. Fin. 9th Edward II). (Pedes Fin. 14th Edw. III., Easter. Divers cos.) Ealph, living 1340. (Eot. Fin., 17th Edward II.) Sir John de=j=Claricia, Clifford,living 1324. living 1324. 220 PARISH OF LANOWE, alias ST. KEW. Eoger Prideaux,=FAlice, dau. of Lord of Prideaux. Sir Eichard Bodysford, Knt. Thomas de Pridias=Grace. died before 1367, s.p. Eichard Prideaux, Lord of Prideaux, died^fCecili, dau. of Ottes Eupc 3rd Edward III, (1329). j alias Eoche. Ealph de Prideaux, living 1330; held moiety of the Manor of North Alyngton. Ida, (Ped. Fin., 4th Edward III., Dev.) Eichard Prideaux, Lord of Prideaux,=pAgnes, dau. of Ealph Bevill, died 19th Edward III. (1345) Lord of Trcvirkin in co. Cornw. Peter Prideaux, Wardship granted to Walter de Wodeland, 18th Julv 35th Edward in. (1361), dead before 1363, s.p. Eichard Prideaux, Lord of Prideaux, died iSth=T=Jane, dau. of , Edward If I. (1374). WiUiam Prideaux of Thurleston, Uving 1340. Eichard Prideaux, Lord of Prideaiix,=f=Margcry, dau. of John Collan died 11th Eichard II. (1388). Lord of Collan . Philip Arvas.^Jane Prideaux, dau. and heir of Eichard Prideaux. Eichard Arvas, Lord of Prideaux,=pJoane, dau. of Blchurd Metherose I heir. of Cot nwall. Thomas Hearle, 2nd=j=Johanna Arvas, Margaret, dau. of=j=Thomas Prideaux, son and heir=f=Margaret, dau. of i of John Hearle of West Hearle, iu co, Northutnberland. , dau. and heir. Martyn Ferrars of Feniton, Devon. of Orcherton, died 10th May 1522, (Inq. p.m., 14th Henry VIII. No. 82.) John Copplestone of Teahnpton. Eichard, 2. William, 3. Elizabeth, dau. of=j=John Prideaux of Orcharton, son and heir, aged 11~Ellen, dau. of Humphrey Thomas Coppleston years at his father's death, died 25th May 1567, Walrond of JJradfield, of Bowdon. (Inq., p.m. 9th EUzabeth, Exchq., No. 10.) co. Devon. Thomas Prideaux of Oxcharton^Elizabeth, dau. of Bobe son and heir, aged 30 years on his father's death. Hill of Shilston, eo. Devon. •{•Bobert Prideaux, living 1590, sold Orcharton. The descents marked thus •}• arc not upon Eocord in the Collego of Arms, but they appear upon the Heralds' Visitation, preserved in the Harleian MS., No. 1080, fo. 423. FAMILY HISTORY. — PEDIGREE OF PRIDEAUX. 221 Sir Eoger do Prideaux, Knt., son and heir.: John de Clifford settled upon him the Manor of Combe in Tvnhyde, &c. 1332. Sheriff of Devon 1340. (Eot. Fin.) =EUzabeth, dau. and heir of John de Clifford and Claricia his wife, cousin ,nnd heir of Odo de Tre verbyn, mar. beforo 1324. SibeUa, mar.JohnDauney. Sir Eoger Prideaux, son and heir ; died=pJoane, dau. of Sir before 1357, leaving his son a minor. | WiUiam Bigbury. John Prideaux had grant from his uncle in 1330, of a moiety of the Manor of North Alyngton. (See Table II.) Sir John Prideaux, Knt., a minor in 1363, Wardship granted to John= Montague. Knight for the Shire of Devon 1383 and 1387; WiU dated 5th June and prov. 7th August 1403, (Exon. Bp. Stafford's Eeg.) EUzabeth. Edith. =Sir Thomas Scrobbahull. Sir Eichard Prideaux, of Orcharton, Knt.,=j=Jane, dau. of Lercedekne, mar. in South died 28th March 1408. Henry IV., No. 2.) (Inq., p.m. 9th MUton Church, Devon. (Oliver, 298. Lacy's Eeg. Vol. iu.,fo. 77.) Thomasia, named in her fathers wiU. John Prideaux of Orcharton, son and heir, aged seventeen^EIizabeth, presented to years on his father's death. Presented to North Alyngton | North Alyngton 1453. 1443. Dead before 1453. I Martin Prideaux. (Pedes Fin., 8th Henry VI., Easter.) John Prideaux of Orcharton,, (Pole).=j=... . * dau. of Sir Thomas-j-John Prideaux of Orcharton. Suffered 3Fj=Joan, dau. of John Fortescue of Wymstotie, co. Wortley, co, York, 1st wife. recovery in 1497, to John Fortescue of Wymston, (De Banco EoUs, 13th Henry VTL, Easter, m. WOd.) Died recently, i before 1522. Devon, relict of Thomas Cotterell of Washbourne, who after the death of her 2nd husband married Eichard Troblcfeld of Oure, Dorset. John=Agnes, dau. of William Prideaux. Honychurch of Daystock. Joan, wife of Thomas Paxwell, co. Dorset. Elizabeth, or Isabell, wife of William Cosby, of Dartmouth. Elizabeth, mar. Eobert Stretchley. Elizabeth, the younger, mar. John Steepe. Alice, mar. Christopher Pytts. Philip 2nd. Agnes 1st. Philip 2nd. Elizabeth. The descents marked thus *J* are not upon record in the College of Arms, but they appear upon the Heralds' Visitation preserved in tho Harleian MSS. No. 1080, fo. 423. 222 PARISH OF LANOWE, alias ST. KEW. PEDIGEEE OF PEIDEAUX John Prideaux, 2nd Eoger Prideaux of Orcharton, by Elizabeth, dau.of Sir John Clifford, Knt., dead before 1358. son of=j=Joan, dau. and coh. of Gilbert Ades ton, mar. 2ndly. John Mules. Died leaving a son, Giles Prideaux, her heir. Deed dated 47th Edward in. (1373.) (Prideaux MSS.) Nicholas Bromford of Horilake, grandson and heir of Eoberi?=j= . . de Horykke, died on Friday in the feast of St. Luke the j Evang. 1401., (Inq., p.m., 4th Henry V., No. 45.) John Bromford of Horilake, Devon, aged 30 years on his father's death, died 17th November 1429. John Prideaux, son of Isabella, sister of the said John Bromford, his nearest heir. (Inq. p.m , 8th Henry VI., No. 20.) John Prideaux, aged 15 years on the death of his uncle, John Bromford. Died 27th February 1431-2, (Inq., p.m. 9th Henry VI., No. 40.) s.p. Joan, sister and heir of John Prideaux, aged 23 years on her brother's death, mar. Bobert Strctchley of Stretchley, before 1431. John Prideaux. in remainder for certain lands. Arms as allowed at the Visitation, 1620. 1. Pbideaux. 2. Old Coat of Prideaux. 3. Giffoed. 4. Esse. 5. Spencer. 6, Hugworthy. Thomas, living in 1574, Elizabeth, was married and had a wife of daughter. Sec his let- Eobert ter, S. P. Dom. Corr., Drake of Vol. lixviiii., 17. Wiscombe. Edith, ^Humphry Prideaux of Theu-- dati. of I borough, aged 44 years on William his father's death, died 8th Hatch of of May 1550,(Inq. p.m. 4th Alter, co. I Edward VI.,PartI, No. 52.) Devon. | AVill dated 4th July 1549, prov. 10th January 1550-1. (15 Code). J r~ ¦¦Joane, dau. of Eichard Fowell of Fowettscomb, and reUct of Philip Courtenay of Lough- tor, Devon, died 31st October 1523, (Inq. p.m. 16th Henry VIIL, No. 144,) 1st wife. Nicholas, died 1560, s.p , purchased Holdon 1549, (Hot. Pat„3rd Edward VI., Part 5.,) and Padstow, (a) (b) Joane, dau.=Eiehard Prideaux of Theuborough,=pKatherinc, dau. of Sir John Arundel of Thomas aged 30 years on his father's of Treri.se, Knt., and Mary, dau. Gilbert, 1st death. Died 11th December 1613, | and heir of John Bevillof Girarnirk, icife died (Inq. p.m., 4th James, Part 1, No. I heir of her fs'ephcw John Bevill s.p. 170.) (a) (b). I of Gwarnick. N.B. — Those marked thus (a) arc named in the will of Eichard Prideaux of Tormerton ; and those marked thus (b) in that of Humphry Prideaux of Theuborough; and those marked thus (c) in that of Eichard Prideaux 1614. FAMILY HISTORY.— PEDIGREE OF PRIDEAUX. 223 OF ADESTON AND THE UBO E 0 U G H. — Table II. John Gifford.-: ¦Ingrett, dau. and coh. of Alan Esse of Theuborough, co. Devon, Knt. Giles Prideaux, son aud heir, of Adeston,^...*. .... dau. and coh. Burgess in Pari, for Dartmouth 1368 ; Ucense to proceed to Aquitaine 1404. had of . . . Gunstone of Shilston. John Gifford.- '¦Alice, dau. and heir of John Hugworthye. Isabella, sister and lieir of=fSir John Prideaux of Adeston,=f-Maude, dau. and heir o/=pAnne, dau. of John Broinford, 1st icif died before 1429 Knt., returned by the Sheriff | Bobert French of Sharp- to take tho oaths 1433. | ham, Devon, 2nd wife. John Shapton, 3rd wife. Stephen1 Gifford. Jane, mar. 1st WUliam Drew, 2ndly. Baldwin Acland of Ac- land, co. Devon. Elizabeth, mar. Wm. Somaster. ¦¦Joan, dau. of John Spencer of Tedborne, co, Devon. Julian, wife Rose, dau.= William Prideaux o/=Ethelred, dau.^ of Adam of Hugh Adeston and of Lang- of John Fortes- Somaster, Michelstoic, ford. Escheator for cue of Buckland (Camden). 1st wife, Cornw. 1461. Filleigh, 2nd died, s.p. wife, died s.p. ¦Alice, dau. and heir of Stephen, Gifford of Theuborough 3rd wife, mar. 2ndly. WUUam WoUacombe. Died 24th February 1511-12, (Inq. p.m. 3rd Henry VIIL, No. 8.) Katherine, dau. of S'n-=^Fulke Prideaux, son and her, of Adeston and Thenborough,=Jane, dau. and heir of Jane, mar. WUliam Humphry Poyntz, Knt., | aged forty years on his mother's death. Died 15th January Sir Eichard Edgcumbe, Wyke of North of Langley, eo. Devon. ' 1530-1, (inq., p.m. 22nd Henry VIIL, No. 12.) Kt., 1st wife, died s.p, Wyke. =p Eobert, rector Eichnrd of Tormer- Five Margaret, mar . of Esseraff, ton, co. OUouc, died other 1st John Wil- (now called 1511. s.p., will dated sons"
rid-aux, xecutor o his aother'snU.f) (g)- beth, dau. of WilUam = Prideaux,named in the wUl of John BeviU of Poltre- worgy, his uncle.dated 10th May, prov. 8th Sept. 1609, (Archd.Court of Cornw) (f ) (g)- :Thomas- ine, dau. of ChapeU, mar. Uc. 20th August 1614. Jane,marriedThomasHol-combe of Crediton Charity, wife of JohnLynam of St. Kew, se^ LynamPedigree post. (f). Mary, GO- John Prideaux, born 1547, had: lease from Oliver Polwhele, in 1583, of premises in Padstow for the Uves of himself, Anne his wife, and John his son. Living 1606. ¦ l_ Eichard Prid-=f= eaux, Matric. Exeter Col lege, Oxf., 2nd Dec. 1631, aged 18, FeU. of same CoU. 1635-43. Of Newcastle upon Tyne. WiU dated 17th May 1661, prov. 1663 (Dur ham), (h). Honour, (W- Frances, (h). Jane,mar. KnUl, (h). lumphry'rideaux. Bridget, wife of Sir John Skel ton, Governor of Plymouth, who died 24th December 1673. Bur. at St. Andrews' Ply mouth, M.I. Frances. Eichard Prideaux of Newcastle, Merch., wiU dated 27th February 1677, gave his lands in Devon to his brother John. (i). John Prideaux, matric. St. Edmund's HaU, Oxford, 17th May 1667, aged 16. Vicar of Long Howton, Northumb. (i). George, (i). Peter, (i). Eebecca, (i). Sarah, (i). Hannah, (i). Mary, (i). Anne, (i). Arme, dau. of, daughters. 1603. John mar Prid- J effries, eaux, (h). born before 1583, mar. , x' Emanuel ??S, Sr < mS , w" 1633. Towns-end, (hj. Elizabeth,bap. at St. Merryn 10th Sep. 1617, bur. there the same month. Eichard, bap.1 5th Nov. 1615. Anne, bap.3 Anne, bap.3 EUzabeth, Winifred, mar. Edward 5th April 6th May (e). Butler of Exeter, died 1637, died 1638, died 27th July 1673, Monmt. in infancy. in infancy. . in St. Martin's Church, Exon, (e). Joane Prideaux, Honour Prideaux, wife of Arscot wife of Francis Bickford of Dunsland, co. Devon, Gregor of Tre- who after her death mar. Bridget, warthenick. dau. of Edmund Prideaux of Padstow. Frances, mar. Charles Davie of Bidef ord ; she died 15th January 1764, s.p. ; he died 11th July 1742 bur.5 M.I. Mary, mar.5 Degory Slade, rector of Holsworthy, 25th February 1702-3; he died 22nd October 1712, bur.4 I hereby certify that those portions of the above Pedigree which are printed in Italics, agree with the Eecords of the Heralds' Cottage, London. STEPHEN TUCKEE, Eouge Croix. Jf.B. — Those marked thus (a) are named in the wiU of Eichard Prideaux of Tormerton ; and those marked thus (b) in that of lumphry Prideaux of Theuborough; and those marked thus (c) in that of Eichard Prideaux 1614 ; those marked thus (d) in that of onathan Prideaux of Sutcombe, dated 1637 ; those marked (e) in that of Sir Eichard Prideaux, dated 1660 ; those marked (f ) named in ae wiU of Humphry Prideaux of Westwood, 1603 ; and those marked thus (g) in that of Johanna, wife of the said Humphry ; those marked ius (h) in the wiU of George Prideaux of Sutcombe, dated 1649 ; and those marked (i) in that of Eichard Prideaux of Newcastle. ] At Padstow. 2f At St. Issey. 3 At St. Mabyn. 4 At Holsworthy. 5 At Sutcombe. 226 PARISH OF LANOWE, alias ST. KEW. PEDIGEEE OF PEIDEAUX OF SOLDON PEIDEAUX PLACE, co. Eoger Prideaux of Soldon, Eschse. for Devon and Cornwall,: 1550, Sheriff of Devon 1577, died 18th January 1581-2, will dated 13th May 1579, cod. 2nd January 1581, prov. P.C.C. 19th February 1581-2, (7 Tyrwhit,) Inq. p.m., 24th Eliza beth, Part IL, No. 37. lau. of Eichard [Eoger] Yorke, Serjeant at Law, bur. at Holsworthy 15th November. 1597, wiU dated 3rd of March 1589, prov. 25th January 1597-8, P.C.C. (2 Lewys). Thomasine, dau. and: heir of John Henscot of Henscot in Brad ford, co. Devon, died 16th August 1575, bur.1 M.I. 'Sir Nicholas Prideaux of Soldon, co. Devon,' Knt., son and heir, aged 32 on his father's death, Knighted 22nd Nov. 1606, M.P. Camelford 1570, Sheriff of Cornw. 3rd James (1605), died at West Putford, Devon, 25th Jany. 1627-28, wiU dated 1st Jany. 1624, prov. P.C.C 1628, (46 Barrington) Inq. p.m. 6th Charles I., Part I., No. 64. '-Cheston, 2nd dau. and coh. of William Viell of St. Breoke, Cornw. 2nd wife, mar. at St. Breoke 24th September 1576, bur.4 5th September 1610. = Mary, dau. of John Castell of Ashbury, co. Devon, 3rd wife, mar. Ucense dated 26th September 1611, relict of Dr. Evan Morice, died 2nd October 1647, bur. at West Put- ford, wiU dated 28th September 1640, prov. 10th Feby. 1647-8. P.CC (24 Essex). Humphry Prideaux, son and heir, of Soldon, born cir. 1573, matric. ab=f=Honoicr, dau. of Edmund Fortescue of FaUopit, Devon, mar.2 Broadgate HaU, Oxford, 21st November 1589, aged 16, died v.p. 31st March 1617, wUl dated 14th July 1615, prov. 7th July 1617, P.C.C. (74 Weldon), Inq. p.m. 15th James, Part IL, No. 188. 30th March 1600, rem. Sir Shilston Calmady, mar. license dated 14th September 1618, she died 17th December 1663, bur. in Bridestow' Church, Devon, M.I. -L Nicholas Prideaux, son and heir, of=pAnn, dau. of WUliam Soldon, aged 14 years 7 months and 17 days on his father's death, bap.2 . .August 1620, died 21st February 1642-3, wiU dated 10th Feby. 1642-3, prov. 31st Jany. 1643-4, Exon., Inq. p.m., 19th Charles, Part I., No. 4. Nicholas Prid eaux, son and heir, aged 19 years 4 months and 2 days at his fath's. death. WiU nuncupat. dated 4th Feb., adm° to Marga ret his relict 27th February 1653, s.p., (28 Alchin). =Margaret, dau. of Lane andrelietof Hunt, will dated 9thMar. 1697-8, adm° with will annex, g-ranted to Jane Gibbs during minority of John Gibbs, 18th October 1698. Exon. WiU proved 7th August 1704. Coryton of Newton Ferrers, Cornw. mar. cir. 1621, admd. to Nicholas Prideaux of Holsworthy, Esq., 21st February 1648. r™ John Prid eaux, bap.2 9th Sept. 1605, died in HoUand, s.p. Edmund Prideaux of Pad-^=Bridgett, dau. of John stow, born 15th Sept. 1606, bap.2 same month, M.P. for Saltash 1658-9, Sheriff of CornwaU, 1564. Died 15th October 1683, bur.4 M.I. Moyle of Bake, mar. at St. Germans 24th March 1638, bur.4 9th October 1690, will dated 1st April 1690, prov. 3rd February 1699-1700, P.C.C, (28 Noel). Eoger,ob. s.p. Humphry = Prideaux, born 1636, died 15th Mar. 1692, aat. 56, bur.1 18th Mar. 1692-3, will dated 5th Mar.1692-3 proved at Exon. :dau. of Hobbes ? Elizabeth, wife of George i LuttreU of Dun- ster Castle, co.Somer set. John = Prideauxof Prid eaux Place, Matric.at Exeter Col. Oxf. 12thJuly 1661, tet. 18, bur. J 2nd Dec. 1704. Anne, dau. of EogerMallockcf Cock- ington, Devon,mar. settlt. 7th Dec. 1669, bur.4 4th August 1688. I Edmund = Prideaux of London, a Smyrna Merchant,born 1644, died 2nd Oct 1,706, will dated 20th June 1699, prov. 11th Oct. 1706P.C.C.(218 Ec cles.) :Anna, dau. of Hopkins. Will dat. 7th Dec. 1723, prov. 19th January 1724 '" P.C.C, - (17Bom- ney.) 1 At Sutcombe. 4 At Padstow. At East Allington. At St. George's, Hanover Square. 3 At Bradworthy. 6 At St. Breoke. FAMILY HISTORY. — PEDIGREE OF PRIDEAUX. 22? IN co. DEVON AND OF PEIDEAUX OF COENWALL.— Table III. I hereby Certify that those portions of the following Pedigree which are printed in Italics, agree with the Eecords of the Heralds' College, London. Heralds' College, STEPHEN TITCKEE, Eouge Croix. Edmund i Elizabe h, Wilmot, mar. at Kilkhampton Prideaux of wife of Sir 8th January 1584, Anthony Netherton, John Mapowder. Proved her see Table Periam of mother's wUl. rv. Exeter. John Prideaux of Breoke, 2nd son. Bap.6: 1583, Sheriff of Cornwall 1631, died 1649, adm° to his nephew Edmund Prideaux 13th December 1649, P.C.C, s.p. ¦¦Anne, dau. of Eobert Moyle of Bake, Cornw. bur. at St.4 Breoke, 28th March 1639. Humph y Pridtaux of = Hankford,bap.321st Aug. 16il, died 9th ADiil 1664 and bur.1 M.I. WiU dated 14th October 1663, prov. 7th Mav 1664, Exon. Elizabeth, dau. of Henry=Frances, dau. of Ealph Waldron of Bradfield, Berrie of Eastleigh, Devon, relict of Edmund Specott of Anderton, 1st wife, died 14th and bur. at Launcells, March 1645, M.I. Devon, died 23rd July 1671, bur. St. Merryn, M.I. IOVRS Arms of Prideaux-Brune. 1. Brune. 2. & 3. Prideaux. 4. De la Rokele. Tomasine, bap.2 23rd October 1603, wife of John For tescue of Buckland FUleigh. Elizabeth, wife of Sir William Morice, Sec. of State to King Charles II Humphry : Prideaux, born at Padstow 3rd May 1648, D.D., Dean of Norwich, died there 1st Nov. 1724 and bur. in tho Cathedral. =Bridget, dau. and sole heir of Anthony Bokenham of Helm- ingham,Suffolk, mar. 16th February 16S5-6,died at Norwich November 1700. Wal ter, born 12th, bap.4 24th Nov. 1654, died in in fancy. Nicholas, born at Simpson, co. Devon, 3rd July 1657, Matric. at Christ Ch. Oxf., 29th Mar. 1672, aet. 15, Student of Coip. Christi Coll., died 17th June 1675, aat. 18, and was there buried M.I. Eogerdied in. in fancy. Admonition,bap. at St. Germans 25th August 1639, mar.4 23rd May 1667, William Pendarves of Pendarves who died 22nd Dec. 1683,s.p. Mar. 2ndly, Edm. Pollexfen of Kitiey, Dev. Anne,mar.4 EichardCoffin of Portledge 2nd May 1673, died 10th Aug. 1705, Monu ment in Alwington Church, Devon. Honour, bom cir. 1649, mar. 1699 Bardew of London and died s.p. 1700.Bridget, mar.4 8th July 1683, Arscott Bickford of Dunsford, co. Devon. A dau. Pene- mar. lope, John mar. Haw- Eev. key of WiU. Fowey, iam Cornw. Ed- brooke of Sid- mouth co. Devon 1 At Sutcombe. 4 At Padstow. * At East Allington. 5 At St. George's Hanover ! 3 At Bradworthy. s At St. Breoke. 228 PARISH OF LANOWE, alias ST. KEW. a HumphryPrideaux bap.3 14th January 1664-5, died in infancy. Ann Prideaux, bap.s 10th Feb. 1663-4, mar. her cous. John Prid eaux, third son of Sir Peter Prideaux, 3rd Bart.,ofNether-ton. Edmund Pri i deaux bap.4 19thJan.l672 Sheriff of Cornw. 1699, bur.4 27 Dec. 1728, will dat. 19th Oct. 1728 prov. 1729, s.p., (Exon). =Susanna, dau. of John Pate, and coh. of her bro. Eobert. Pate of Co- wick, Devon. Mar. St, Tho mas, Exon, 25th July 1695. Eoger Prideaux,bap.4 13th December 1674, died in infancy. John Prideaux bap.4 17th March 1677, Capt. in the Army, bur.4 29th June 1728, unmar., will dated 26th June 1728, prov. pith Nov. 17 28, (Exon) Referred to in adm° granted in Aug. 1737, (Exon.) Admonition, bap.4 15th Oct. 1671, mar. at Charles' Church, Plymouth, 29th July 1697, John Elford of Longstone, Devon. Bur. at Sheepstor, Devon 16th October 1717, adm° 28th February 1728-9 to her husband Mary, eld. dau. and coh. of Sir= George Chudleigh of Haldon, Devon, Bart., mar. 11th Feby. 1747-8, mar. settlt. 6th Feby. 1748, 1st wife , =Humphry Frideaux, born 1719, Sheriff=T=Jenny, 2nd dau. of Nevill Morton Pleydell of of Cornw 1750, died at Bath 24th April 1793, bur.4 6th May 1793, aged 74, will dated 15th November 1792, prov. 10th May 1793, P.C.C. Shitterton, Dorset, mar. settlt. 12th July, 1759, died at Bath 14th August 1819, aged 84, bur at Walcot Church, M.I. WUl dated 24th June 1811, prov. 17th September 1819, P.C.C. George Prid eaux of Hal don, born there 10th April 1760, died unmar. bur.4 9th Sep tember 1784, aged 34, will dated 3rd November 1781 _L Charles Prideaux, born 15th=pFrancis, 4th and bap. at St. James', Bath, 25th June 1760, of Clare HaU, Cambridge, Clerk in Holy Orders. By Eoyal License dat. 11th July 1799, assumed the surname of Brune in addition to that of Prideaux, died at Bath 28th April and bur.4 11th May 1833, will dated 18th September 1821, prov. 13th June 1833, P.C.C dau. of Thomas Patten of Bank Hall, co. Lan caster. Mar. at Warrington in that co., 1st August 1788, died at Chelten- I ham 23rd March I and bur.4 14th | April 1831 Humphry Pri -=Elizabeth deaux born 4th, bap. 12th January 1762, Lieut. E.N., died 1st and bur.4 8th December 1809, aged 47, will dated , 24th June 1807, s.p. dau. of Sir John St. Aubyn, Bart , and coh. of her brother Sir John St. Aubyn. Died 21st June and bur.4 4th July 1804,aged47. Edmund Prid- =pHebe Eliza- eaux of Hex- beth, dau. of worthy ,bornoth Sir John St. and bap.4 6th Aubyn Bart., October 1766, mar. at St. Barrister at Martinsinthe Law, died 20th Fields, L.nd. October 1819, 9th Novmbr. wiU dated 8th 1797, died September 1819 Januaryl844. prov. 2nd May 1820, P.C.C. Charles Prid-= eaux-Brune, bom 7th December 1798 and bap. at Walcot, Bath, 27th May 1799, Sheriff of Cornw. 1834. Living 1874. Frances Mary, 2nd dau. and coh. of Edmund John Glynn of Glvnn, Cornw. mar.1 28th Feb. 1820, died iu London 22nd July 1868 and bur. at KensaU Green. Dorothea Prideaux Prideaux- Biune, born 12th December 1790 and bap. at Queen's Square Chapel, Walcot, Bath, 14th March 1791, mar.4 7th December 1815, Joseph Sawle Sawle, afterwards Sir Joseph Sawle Graves-Sawle, Bart. , died 23rd October 1853, bur. at St. Austell. M.L He died 13th January 1865. Frances Prideaux Brune, born 5th August and bap. at Clifton 11th September 1794, mar. at Walcot Church, Bath, 10th May 1823, Charles Du Cane, Commander Eoyal Navy, of Braxted Park, Essex. Died in London, 2nd July 1871, and bur. at Braxted. He died at Bath 17th November 1850. Anna Maria Prideaux- Brune, born at Bath, 13th December 1795, bap.4 18th October 1796, died at Chelten ham 9th and bur.4 25th February 1831, Adm» 6th December 1833, P.C.C. Charles Glynn Prideaux-=j=Hon. Ellon Jane, 2nd Brune, born in London, 2nd April and bap.4 11th October 1821, a J. P. and D.L. for Cornw. LiviDg 1874. daughter of Eobert Shapland 1st Baron Carew, mar.5 21st July 1846 J_ Charles Eobert Prideaux- Brune, born at Bodmin 10th October 1848, bap.4 Lieut. Bine Brigade. Ernest Augustus, born 17th June=j=Frances Josling, 2nd ...^,11 — -.5 nj.'.k T..1.. i oon t: i. j .j. /-, r, i. and bap.5 16th July 1839, Lieut. 29th Eegiment, died in London 22nd January 1868, and bur. at Kensall Green, will dated 4th August 1865. Edward Shapland, born 14th June 1853, bap.4 Comm. of Christ Church, Oxford. dau. of George Sayle Prior, Clerk, Eector of St. Breoke, Cornw., mar. there 21st Sept. 1864. Francis Ernest, born 5th February 1863, Ellen Frances, born 24th July 1851, bap.4 Gertrude Eose, born 29th Oct. 1855, bap.4 1 At Sutcombe. 4 At Padstow. 2 At East Allington. 5 At St. Georgo's, Hanover Square. 3 At Bradworthy. 6 At St. Breoke. 'FAMILY HISTORY. — PEDIGREE OP PRIDEAUX. 229 d Bridgetbur.4 23rd April 1696 Anne, bap' 2nd August 1680, both died in infancy. Eose, bap.4 25th June 1683,mar.4 15th Sept, 1709, William Glynn, of Glynn, Cornw. bur. at Cardinham 19th March 1736. Ann, bur. in Julius Oaisar's Vault in St. Helen's Church 1702. Bond given to the Parish. (Malcolm's, Lond. Eedevivnm, Vol. iii, p. 553.) Nam. in her father's wiU. r T Thomas, And named in several grand- other mother's children wUl, died who young, died v.p. young v.p. Edmund Prideaux, bap.! at Saham Tony, Matric. at Clare Hall, Camb. 22nd February 1693,bur.4 23rd June 1745, will dat. 4th January 1743, last codl. 12th June 1745, adm° with will annexed granted Charles his son 22nd November 1745, ' P.C.C, (307 Seymer). :Hannah, dau, of Sir Benja min Wrench, Knt., of the City of Nor wich, mar., settl. dated 17th AprU 1717. Charles, died s.p. Edmuud, died Benjamin, of the Eebecca, mar. 4th December 1749, Sir 17th September, at Truro 1 1th InnerTemple.died Horatio Pettus of Eackheath, co. Suffolk, bur.4 21th Sep November,1737, 22nd July 1795, Bart. Died. 17th November 1780, aged tember 1783, set. sup.. s.p 50, s.p., bur. at Eackheath. 63, unmar. NevUl Eich WUliam = pFrances, dau. 1 Thomas =pjenny i Nicholas Jane i Mary Pndeaux ard Prideaux, Brune of General Prideaux, PhilUps Prideaux, Prideaux, bap.4 16th Nov. bap.4 3uth Prideaux, Ogle of bap.4 29th mar. at bap.4 11th bap.4 28th 1764, mar. Tho- November bap.4 6th Cawsey Park, January St. Breoke August March, maB Ball of 1769, died at August co. North 1778, died Cornw. 1771, bur.4 bur.4 11th Seaford eo. Bath 17th and 1773, died umberland, at Totnes 25th 4th May October Waterford, 1st bur. Bath- 7th and relict of Capt. 16th Dec. April 1772. 1763. August 1795, wick, Somst. bur.4 13th Courtenay, 1859 and 1809, mar. settl. 23rd Sept. December E.N., Mar.5 bur. there died at dated 5th July 1808, adm° 1802, will 1800, died Totnes 1795. 5th October dated 20th 11th March 2nd June 1808 December 1801 1849 1 1865 Ii I Mary Jenny Prid Caroline Pr X ideaux-Brune, i Elizabeth Jenny, Hebe Dorothy, 1 1 Jenny ! CaroUne Frances, eaux-Brune, born born 19th A tpril and bap.4 dau. and coh. born dau. and coh. born PleydeU bap 6 8th AprU 1810, 27th March and 1 1th Augu t 1808, mar.5 8th March 1799, 20th April 1800, Prideaux, mar . June 1826, bap.4 22nd July 14th Augus t 1838, Capt. bap. Lawhitton, mar. 25th April died 15th Capt. Frederick T. 180R, died in afterwards Bear Admiral Cornw., mar. at 1821, at Aveley, December Michell afterwards London 10th and The Hon. George John Avelev,Essex, 7th Essex Henry 1S01, aged Adml Sir Frederick bur.4 16th May Cavendish 3 rd son of '"'nd November 1820, Barrett Leonard, 1 year aud Micbell, K.C.B. 1872, wiU dated Baron Wate rpark. He died George 3rd son of Clerk 4th son of 6 months. She died 14th No- 17th September 23rd Octobei 1865. Living Sir Thomas Sir Thomas Bar vember 1S56. 1868, prov. 5th 1874. Barrett Lennard rett Lennard of June 1872, P.C.C of Belhus, Essex, Belhus, Essex, * 4- Bart. Frances Mary, born 1 1th August 1824 and bap. at St. Marv le Bone, mar5 Hon. George Augustus Browne 3rd son of 2nd Baron Kilmaine, a Major in the Army, 28th October 1853. T4 Caroline Dorothea, born 23rd October 1827, mar.5 9th December 1858, Capt. afterwards Eear Adml. Sir WiUiam George Legge Hoste, Bart., by whom, who died 10th September 1 868, she has issue ; mar. 2ndly at Hawstead, Suffolk, 8th November 1871, Edward Greene of Ixworth Abbey, Suffolk, M.P. Beatrice Anne, born at Cheltenham 4th June 1631, mar.5 15th July, 1856, The Rev. Sir Hugh Henry Molesworth of Pencarrow, Bart., Eector of St Petrock Minor, Cornw. He died 6th January 1862, bur. there, s.p. I Mary Katherine, bom 2nd October 1857, bap.4 Beatrice May, born 2nd May 1860, bap.4 Isolda Blanche, bom 2nd Feby. 1865, bap.* Mildred Maria, born 1 st Nov. 1866, bap.4 George Ernest, born 5th Feby. 1867, bap.6 Frances Mary, bom 7th July 1865, bap.6 1 At Sutcombe. 4 At Padstow. 2 G 2 At East Allington. 6 At St. George's, Hanover Square. 3 At Bradworthy. 6 At St. Breoke. 230 PARISH OF LANOWE, alias ST. KEW. PEDIGEEE OF PEIDEAUX OF Bridget, dau. o/=j=I. Edmund Prideaux of Netherton, 2nd son of ~Roger=fKatherine, dau. of— Mary, dau. of Eichard ^Eeynell, John Chichester of Bileigh, 1st wife. Prideaux of Soldon, Barrister at Law, created a Baronet 17th Julv 1622, died 28th February 1628, (Inq. p.m.. 6th Charles, Part III., No. 32,) bur.1 12th March 1628-9. Jure Consult. Duplex Eeader to Inner Temple. Timothy, named in his grand mother's wiU, 1589. — ¦— I Tabitha mar, Thomas Ayl- worth of Ben- attack, Cornw.- named in grandmother'swiU 1589. Piers Edgcombe of of East Ogwell, and relict of Mount Edgcombe, Arthur Fowell of Fowellscombe, 2nd wife. Devon, mar. at Ugborough 22nd July 1606, 3rd wife. Sara, mar. John Fortescue of Fallowpit, named in giandmolh's. wiU 1589 Admonition, mar.1 John Moyle of Bake, 8th September 16 12, mar. lie. dated 1st Sept. Died 29th November 1675 and bur. at St. Germans, M.I. n. Sir Peter Prideaux,' Bart., son and heir, aged 30 years on his father's death, M.P. for Honiton, 1661, Sheriff of Devon 1662, died at Netherton and Bur.1 3rd February 1681-2. ¦¦Susan, dau. of Sir Anthony Pawlet of Hinton St. George, Somerset, and sister of John, Lord Pou- let of Hinton St. George. Bur.1 10th October 1673. John Prideaux, 2nd son, bap.1 23rd March 1619, Matric. Exeter CoU. set. 17. April 1635, died v.p. Thomas,Matric.Exeter Coll. Oxford 17th April 1635, set. 14, died s.p. and v.p. Edmond Prideaux, son and heir, cet. 2, 1620, bap.1 6th July 1618, Matric. Exeter CoU. Oxford 17th April 1635, aat. 17, died s.p. and bur. ' 9th October 164 3, adm° to his father 26th February 1655, P.C.C. Mary, bap.1 9th July 1617 died unmar. adm° granted to her father 25th Feby. 1655-6, P.C.C. III. Sir Peter Prid-= eaux, Bart., bap.1 13th July 1626, M.P. for Liskeard 1661, died 22nd and bur.1 24th November 1705, aged 79,M.L WiU dated 11th Sept. and proved 9th Dec. 1705, P.C.C. (251 Gee.) IV. Sir Edmund: Prideaux, Bart., Matric. Oriel Coll. Oxford, lOthApril 1663, set. 16, M.P. for Tregony, 1714, died 6th February and bur. at Great Stanmore,Middle-sex, 1st March 1719-20. Will dat. 24th Jany. 1716, prov. 4th June 1720, P.C.C. (141 Shalter.) Lady Elizabeth, eldest dau. of Sir Bevill Gren ville of Sto we,and sister of John, Earl of Bath. Granted precedency as an Earl's dau. 27th Au gust 1675. (I. 25, 161), mar. at Kilkhampton 17th Nov. 1645, bur.1 28th May 1692, M.I. :Susanna, eld dau,: of James Winstan ley of Braunston, co. Leicester.relict of .... Austin of j Derhams, co. Mid dlesex, mar. lie. dated 23rd Feb ruary, 1672-3, 1st wife, bur. at Great Stanmore, Mid dlesex, 29th Oct. 1687, adm° to her husband 8th Feby. 1687-8, P.C.C. = EUzabeth, = dau. and coh. of George Sauudersonof South Thor esby ,co. Line. son of Nicho las Viscount Castleton,2nd wife, bur. at Great Stan- more 14th May 1702, adm" to her husband 22nd May 1702, P.C.C :Mary, dau. of Spencer Vincent, Alderman of London, relict of Sir John Eogers of Wiscombe, co. Devon, 1st Bart., mar. at Sf. Andrews' , PI y mo . 5th Sept. 1710; remar. Col. John Arundell of Kensington, 31st Jany. 1722-3, died 17th March follow. Will prov. 21st March, 1723, P.C.C. (67 Bolton.) Peter Prideaux, bap.1 2nd Dec. 1651, Matric. at ExeterCoU. Oxf. 7th May 1668, set. 16, FeU. of All Souls Died unmar and,bur.' 21st July 1712. Will dated 15th July, prov. 8th September 17 12, P C C (174 Barnes.) John Prideaux,= born 22nd July bap.1 2nd Aug. 1655,Mut.atEx. CoU. Oxf. 12th July 1672, art. 16. M.P. New port, Corn., 1700 Died 16th and bur. 25th June 1706. WiU dat. loth July 1703, Prov. 29th June 1707, P.C.C (149Poley),s.p. :Anne, = dau. and sole heir of Humph. Prideaux of Soldon 1st wife. Died 8th and bur.1 11thMarch 1702-3. ^Katherine, dan. of John Kelland of Painsford,Devon, and relict of John Coffin of Port- ledge, Dev. remar. Peter Prideaux of Soldon, see next page. 1 At Farway, Devon. s At Sutcombe. FAMILY HISTORY. — PEDIGREE OF PRIDEAUX. 231 NETHEETON, B AEONET S . — Table IV. — i Edmund Prideaux of Ford Abbey. See Table V. Mary Prideaux, bap.1 15th October 1598, bur. St. Dunstan's in the West, London, 16th June 1612, d. s. p. Margaret, bap. at Farway 27th September 1631, mar.1 14th May 1661 Thomas Drewe of Grange, Devon, died 21st May 1695, bur. Broadhembury. M.i. 1. & 2. Prideaux. 3. Gifford. 4. Esse. Escutcheon of Pretence. 1. & 4. Bodle. 2. & 3. Scott. Eoger Prideaux Susan, eld. I EUzabeth, Grace, Marj', bom1 30th Katherine, Anne, born1 26th dau. bap.1 bap.1 27th bap.1 7th July 1658, mar.1 mar.1 14th bap.1 2nd . March 1657, 22nd April September June 1653. 16th April 1705, February August Matric. at 1649, bur.1 1650, Died Sir WilUam Drake 1698, 1664, mar.1 Exeter CoU. 21st Decmbr. livingl710. unmar. of Ashe, Knt. and Charles 51st July, Oxford, 12th 1710. WiU and bur.1 Bart. Her will Harward Eoger July 1672, set. dated 23rd 28th Dec. dated 30th April of Hayne, Cheeke 14, bur.1 15th November 1677. 1729, prov. 3rd Clerk, ofMadford, Februarv 1710, prov. June 1730, P.C.C. Eector co. Devon. 1684-5. 6th February 1710-1 at Exeter. (155 Auber.) ofTallaton. 1 At Farway, Devon. 2 At Sutcombe. 232 PARISH OF LANOWE, alias ST. KEW. Mary, dau.: of Samuel Reynard- son of HilUngdon,Beds., ob. 1710. 1st wife. V. Sir Ei Imund Prideaux, Bart. ,: born 3rd November and bap. St. Giles in the Fields, Mid dlesex, 21st November 1675, Matric. Exeter Coll. Oxford, 19th May 1694, aged 18. Died s.p.m., 26th February 1728-9, and bur. in Westm. Abbey, M.I. Will dated 3rd April 1722 prov. 3rd May 1729, P.C.C, and again 10th Oct.1743, (144 Abbot.) =Anne, dau. of Philip Hawkins of Pennans, Comw., mar. lie. 6th May 1714. Died 10th May 1741, aged 55. WiU dated 20th Feby. 1738, prov. 14th June 1741, by Ann Basset, widow, dau. and only child of deceased. (26 Trenley.) Katherine, = relict of his uncle John Prideaux, died 10th and bur.1 15th April 1709. Peter Prideaux= of Soldon, died 3rd &bur.2 11th December 1711, M.I. WUl dated 23rd November 1710, prov. 1st February 1711- 12, (35 Barnes.) Dorothea, eld. dau. of Clement Petitt of Den- tyleon, Isle of Thanet, s.p. WiU dated *28th November 1711, Uving 1712. J Mary, dau. and coh. mar. James Winstanleyof Brauns- ton, .co. Leicester.Died 1758. Peter, died in infancy, MJ. Anne, dau. and coh. mar. John Pendarves Basset of Tehidy Corn wall, who died 25th September 1739, leav ing her pregnant with a son and heir John Prideaux Basset, who died unmar. 28th May 1756. I Susanna, mar. Charles Evelyn, 2nd son of Sir John Evelyn of Wotton,Bart. 4- Saunderson bap.3 5th November 1719, kiUed in the attack on Fort St. Lazare, Carthagena, South America, 9th April 1741, unmar. Adm° to his father, 23rd November 1742. John Prideaux = Brigadier General and Col. of 55th Eegt. of Foot, kiUed at Niagara, 19th July 1759. WiU dated 2nd April 1748; Prov. 19th May 1760. P.C.C. (Lynch 70.) :EUzabeth, dau. of Edward Eolt, of Sacombe Park Herts, and Sister of Sir Edmund Bayn- tun Eolt of Spye Park WUts, Bart., Uving 1760. VII. Sir John Wilmofr Prideaux, Bart., Bom 13th Feb. and bap.4 6th March 1747-8. Died 4th, bur.1 10th March 1826. M.I. Anne Phoebe, dau. of William: Priddle, of Farway, mar.1 28th January 1791, 1st wife. Died 2nd September 1793, aged 28. M.I.1 =Sarah, dau. of Smith, of Farway, and widow of Ellis, mar.1 19th May 1804. Died at Sidbury, 22nd September, and bur. there 27th September 1851, aged 79. VIII. Sir John Wilmot Prideaux, Bart., born 29th September 1791. Capt. H.I.C. Service. Died at Calcutta, 13th May 1833, aged 42 years. M.I.1 Edmund Gardiner, Born 1st September 1832, bap. at Awliscombe 22nd March 1833. Died 1st September and bur.1 6th September 1833. John EoUe Prideaux, Born 13th January, bap.1 25th December 1835. Lieut. 23rd Foot. Died at Ceylon 14th May 1855. M.I.1 At Farway, Devon. 2 At Sutcombe. At Holsworthy. 4 At St. George's, Hanover Sq. FAMILY HISTORY. — PEDIGREE OP PRIDEAUX. 233 Susanna, mar. lie. 1st. and mav.1 4th October 1706, Phineas Cheeke of Lion's Inn, Mid dlesex. He living 1716, She 1722. VI. Sir John Prideaux,: Bart., born 17th, and bap. 24th June 1695, at St. James' Westminster, succeeded his half-bro. as 6th Bart. Bur.1 29thAugust.l766. WiU dated 13th March 1763; Proved 24th December 1766. :Anne, eldest dau. of John Vaughan Visot. Lisburne by Lady Mallet WUmot, dau. of John WUmot Earl of Eochester, mar. at St. Anne's Blackfriars' 4th February 1718-9. WUl dated 11th February 1767; Proved 4th November 1770. (404 Jenner.) Edmund Prideaux, bap.1 5th January 1729-30, bur.1 6th April 1730. Edward Prideaux, bap.1 31st March and bur.1 8th April 1731. Elizabeth, bap.1 26th AprU 1732, mar.1 19th Nov. 1766, Edward Chichester of Northover, Som- st, mar. settl. 14th same month. Anne, bap.' 26th April 1734, mar.1 23rd March 1770, died at Bath and there buried. WiUiam Windsor Fitz Thomas, Eector of Arrow and Beaudesert, co. Warwick. Edward Baynton,= a minor, 1767. dau. of Commander E.N Bur. at Fow6y GUbert. 8th June 1797. Edmund Prideaux, 18th Eegt. of Foot, a minor 1767. Died in West Indies EUzabeth Constantia,died unmar. Maria,died William =pMaria, dau. of Edward Fitz Thomas,Clerk of AwUs- combe. HoUand, m.d., of Hinckley, co. Leic. IX. Sir Edmund Saunder- son Prideaux, Bart, born 21st January, and bap.1 8th April 1793. Major in the Army, and Hon. Colonel of 1st BattaUon Exeter and South Devon Bine Volunteers. :Frances Mary Anne, 3rd= dau. of WiUiam Edward Fitz Thomas, Clerk, of AwUscombe, born 15th January 1814, mar. at AwUscombe, 19th Jany. 1832. Died 1st and bur.1 9th June 1836, 22. M.I. :CaroUne, 3rd dau. of=Francis, youngest dau.= James Barnard of of Edward Irton, of Combe Flory, Clerk, Irton Hall, Cumber- mar, at Sidmouth land. Mar. at Walton, 29th April 1841. Bath, 6th ¦ October Died 3rd and bur.1 1842. Died 17th Nov. 10th August 1841, 1852. M.I.1 "i. M.I. Louisa, dau. and coh. of Eobert Bodie, of Woolston HaU, Essex, and reUct of George WatUngton, of Caldecot House, Aldern- ham, Herts, mar. at St. James,' Westminster, 7th August 1855. Frances Mary Anne, born 24th February, bap. at Sidmouth 3rd July 1834. Died 28th January, bur.1 3rd February 1844. I hereby certify that those portions of the above Pedigree which are printed in Italies, agree with the Eecords of this Office Heralds' CoUege. STEPHEN TTJCKEE, London, 14th March, 1874. Eouge Croix. 1 At Farway, Devon. 2H 2 At Sutcombe. At Holsworthy. At St. George's, Hanover Sq 234 PARISH OF lanOwe, alias ST. KEW. PEDIGEEE OF PEIDEAUX OF ASHBUETON, Richard Predyaux bur. at Ashburton. John Predyaux,=T=Johanna. Churchwardenof Ashburton 1502-4. , died 1515-6,=pEUzabeth. | died 1528-9. ¦¦•¦-p J Thomas Predyaux,= Senr. Churchwarden ofAshburtonl511-12. Adam WUliams=pAlice. of Stowford, co. Devon. h Thomas Prideaux of Ashburton co. Devon, Church-=p . warden there 1528-30. Died 22nd Jany. 1547-8, I (Inq. p.m. 1st Edward VI., part 1, No. 29.) Thomas WUliams, Speaker of the House of Commons, 1562. John Prideuux, Sergeant at Law, aged 28 years on his father's death,= bought NutweU and settled there. Knt. for the Shire of Devon, 1st Mary. Died 29th September 1553, Adm". 12th May 1572, 28th January 1607-8, 21st April 1608 and 30th October 1633. (Inq. p.m., 1st EUzabeth, Part III., No. 31.) dau. of Sir Hugh Stuckley, Knt. Anne mar. Elias Crymes of Buckland, MonachorumHarl. MS. 1080, fo. 289. r Catherinemar. Eichard Duke of Otterton, Dev. Harl. MS. 1080, fo. 141. James, Jane, mar. S.JO. Courtenay of Cheriton Fitz Pain. Bur.2 28th February 1596. Thomas Prideaux, son andPy'Margaret , heir, of Nutwell, set. 9 I dau. of years 3 months and 8 days at his father's death. Died 21st, and bur.2 25th April 1605. (Inq. p.m., 3rd James, No. 27.) Eichard Cooper of Winscombe co. Somerset. .7o/jH=rBarbara, dau. of Prideaux, Woodcock of NutweU, s.p. of Totnes, mar. Uc. 4th October 1596, mar. at St. Thomas, Exeter. Margaret,mar. John Allet of Iwood,Somerset. Harl. MS., 1559, fo. 342 and 1141, fo. 116. Moriee, ob. s.p. Christopher, matric. at ExeterCoUege,Oxford,24th Oct. 1595, a3t. 20. Bur.2 22nd May 1639. mar.John Spratt, B.D., Canon of Exeter. Sir Thomas Prid~ eaux, Knt. of Nat- well, son and heir, sot. 30 years at his fathers death. Bur.2 3rd March 1640, adm0 to son Amos, 13th Dec. 1641 and 4th June 1650. -Joane, dau. and coh. of John Cole of Buckland Tout Saints, Devon, mar. license 9th February 1595-6. Florence, bur.2 23rdOctober 1589. Francis,bur.2 21st May 1632- Margery,v. s.p. John, slain at Ostend. William. Margaret, Eleanor, Anne, born bom 1603, bur.2 1605, mar. bur.2 23rd 24th Edward December Sept. Eowe, Eector 1648. 1607. of Lympston 1640, died 1671. Tlmmas, Arthur, John, Joane, Edward, James, set. 24 born bur.2 born bur.2 4th born 1621, 1606, 25th 1613, October 1615, bur.2 died Jany. bur.2 1618. bur.2 6th May s.p. 1619. 24th s.p. 3rd 1637, s.p. June AprU unmar. 1636. 1641. + S.p. Thomas, bap.1 14th October 1665, bur.1 3rd December same year. Thomas Prideaux, born 27th December 1666, and bap.1 15th January following. Note,— Since the Memoir of this branch of the family on pp. 212-213 was printed, we have derived further information respecting it from a little work courteously sent to us by the Rev. J. H. Butcher, Curate of Ashburton. This work consists of extracts from the accounts of the Churchwardens of Ashburton, extending from 1479 to 1580. Richard Prideaux is mentioned in i486, and in 1515-6 5s. 8d. is credited on his death "for a cross at his house and in the Church." Elizabeth Prideaux, widow, on her death in 1528-9 "gave £5 13s. 4d. for the part purchase of a best cope." Richard and Elizabeth were probably the parents of John and Thomas, and, possibly, the brother of Thomas father of Richard Prideaux of Tavistock. There are many entries relating to the family. At TJgborough. At Woodbury. FAMILY HISTORY. — PEDIGREE OP PRIDEAUX. 235 NUTWELL, AND UGB OEOU GH . — Table VI Thomas Prydeaux =f=Elizabeth. of Ashburton. Joane, dau =Bichard Prideaux of Tavistock, died 13th Oot. Will =fAgneta, dau. of EeUct of WTUliam dated 12th Oct. 1529, prov. 12th Feby. 1529-30. P.C.C. | John Arscolt, of Webb, s.p. (15 Jankin.) (Inq. p.m. 21st Henry VIIL, No. 11.) I Holdesworthy. John Predyauz=7=. son and heir. Grace, born 1524. PhiUppa,born 1528. Bobert Prideaux of Ashburton.^ Ann, dau. of John Attorney at Law 1666-8. WiU dated 2nd March 1573, proved 5th February 1578-9, P.C.C (5 Bacon.) I Thomas Prideaux=f=Agnes. of Totnes, livina 1620. Bidgway of Torr, co. Devon. Eicarda, dau. and heir, mar. WiUiam Jackson, both living 1547. dau. of Walter Kellan of Totnes, Bur.1 17th November 1647. Will dated 29th October 1647, proved 24th Jany. 1647-8. Exon. 1 John, not named in father's will. Harry, named in father's wiU, bur.1 6th May, 1635. George. Bobert. Elizabeth,mar. Eichard Dolbeare of Ashburton. — : — l Elizabeth,mar. JohnFox-worthy,namedinmother's wUl. — 1 1 Sarah. Arme, namedinmother'swiU,bur.1 11th July 1669, unmar. Thomas Prideaux of Hg-: borough, Matric. at Exeter CoUege, Oxford, 2nd December 1614. Bur.1 18th December 1638. WUl dated 2nd October, Codl. 17th De cember 1638, proved oth February 1638-9. P.C.C. :Ann,dau. of Glas. mar.1 14thAug.1642,bur. 28thJanuary 1668. Johneaux, 1599, at. 21, 1620, named in mother'swiU. Bui-.1 19th Sept. 1680. IVs<£-=Jane, bom dau. of mar.JohnBroken (Brook ing).namedinmother'swiU. mar. JohnHorsham, Clerk, namedin mother's wUl. mar.1 Peter Osborne, Clerk 30th July 1633. 1 Dennis Prideaux, FeUow of Exeter==Marv, dan. of CoUege, Exeter 1618-30. Proctor John Tuck field of Oxford 1626. Inst, to Ecct. of of Little Ful- Lympstone, 23rd August 1 630. Preb. ford, mar. lie, of Exeter, 10th Mar., 1633-4. Inst. 9th May 1638, to Eect. of Bishops Morchard, 6th died 17th June March 1638-9. Bur.2 12th Nov. 1663, bur. at 1640. s.p. WiU dated 1640. Crediton. M.I. Amias Prideaux,ajhnP=Sarah, his father's effects, dau. of Died 1667, adm0 to his Nephew, ex. Ford. sorore and nearest kinsman Edmund Eowe. Sold NutweU 1647. 1 Thomas Prid-=f=Mary. eaux, bap.1 8th Sept. 1638, bur.1 29th January 1694-5, of TJgborough. Elizabeth, bap.1 21st January 1633, bur.1 28th March 1651. 27th September 1634. Nicholas, bap.1 12th October 1668. Roger, bap.1 5th July 1670. ~T Nann, bap.1 5th January 1663, mar.1 2nd February 1693-4, Eichard Savory. I hereby certify that the portions of this Pedigree which are printed in Italies, agree with the Eecords of this Office. Heralds' CoUege, STEPHEN TUCKEE, London, 14th March, 1874. Eouge Croix. At TJgborough. 2 At Woodbury, 236 PARISH OF LANOWE, alias ST. KEW. PEDIGEEE OF PEIDEAUX OF FOED ABBEY, Table V. Sir Francis Popham of=p Littlecot, co. Wilts. Eaward=f=Eleanor. Gwyn. Cathe-=f=John Fraun ceis, of CombeFlory, co. Some rset. Jane, dau. - and heir of Henry Collyns of Ottery St. Mary, cet. 10, 1620. pEdmund Prideaux, 2nd son of Sir= Edmund Prideaux of Netherton, 1st Bart. Bap.1 27th September 1601. Barrister at Law, SoUcitor General, 1648. Attorney General, 1649. Burgess in ParUament for Lyme Eegis. Died 8th August 1659, and bur.1 MJ. WiU dated 1st April, proved 7th December 1659. P.C.C. Mary. Margaret, dau. and coh. of WiUiam Ivery, of Cotthay, co. Somerset. Died 25th April 1683, and bur.1 M.I. WUl dated 23rd April and proved 5th July 1683. P.C.C. (86 Drax.) EUzabeth,mar. Sir WUUamBasset, of Claverton,died s.p. J Amy, dau.; and coh. mar. at Combe Flo ry, 19th March 1655, died 8th Jany. 1703-4, bur.1 =pEdmund Prideaux, of Ford Abbey, matric. at Exeter CoUege, Oxford, 12th November 1650, set. 18. Burgess in Parliament for Taunton 1681. Died intestate 16th October 1702. Adm.0 to his daughter Mar garet, 7th December following, Amy Prideaux his wife having re nounced. Mary, mar. Susan, mar. Margaret, Sir Giles at Thorn mar. Sir Tooker, of combe 16th Thomas Madding- May 1654, Chamher- ton, co. to SU John layn of WUts, ChurchUl, Wickham, Bart. Master of co. Oxon, the EoUs. Bart. Francis Gwyn : of Lansannon, co. Glamorgan, died 2nd June 1734, set 86, and bur.1 "-Margaret, Fraunceis, Amy, born Amy, born dau. and sole matric. at 27th Sept. 17th, and surviving Wadham bap.1 11th bap.1 28th heir, born College, October February and bap.1 8th Oxford, 1664, died 1666,- bur.1 November 11th May in infancy. 14th Nov. 1669. 1676, set. 19. Bur.1 MJ. 1680. EUzabeth, mar. John Speke of WhiteLackington,co. Somerset. Died s.p. Chapel of Ford Abbey. FAMILY HISTORY. — PEDIGREE OF BRUNE. 237 PEDIGEEE OF BEUNE Table VII. Sir WilUam le Brun, Chamber-' lain to King Edward I., received from the King, by Charter dstted 6th February 6th of his reign, a grant of several Manors in Hants and Dorset to him and Isolda his wife and the beirs of their bodies. Died 1300. Warrant to take his lands into the King's hands dated 4th March 29th Edward I., (Eot. Orig.) Inq. p.m., 15th April 29th Edward I., No. 44. Isolda, Maid Eichard de la=j of Honour Jiokele, Jus to Queen ticiary of Eleanor, died Ireland, died 1307. (Inq. 7th December p.m., 27th 1276. (Inq. September p.m., 5th 1st Edward Edward I., IL, No. 64.) No. 6.) T=Maud Sir Philip de la Eokele, aged 30= years on his father's death. Died 18th October 1295. (Inq. p.m., 23rd Edward I., No. 39.) j Aems of Pbideaux-Brune. 1. Beuke. 2. & 3. Pbideaux, 4. De la Rokele. Sir Maurice le Brun, aged 21 years on his= father's death. Summoned to Parliament as a Baron of the Eealm 7th Edward 1 1 . 8th Edward IL, 9th Edward IL, and 11th Edward II. &c. Lord Chamberlain to Edward III. Died 17th March 1354 5. (Inq. p.m., 29th Edward III., No 38.) Matilda, dau. and heir, aged 9| vears on her father's death. By Inq. 28th Edward I., found to have been of the age of 14 years on 9th October 1300. Sir WiUiam le Brun, son and heir, aged^Alice, dau. and heir of Sir Edmund^ Elizabeth, sister 40 years on his father's death. Had seizin of his lands 17th April 1355. (Eot. Fin. 29th Edward III.) Died 24th February 1361-2. (Inq. p.m., 36th Edward III., Part 1.. No. 31.) Eichard Lacer, Alder man of Loudon, remar. SirEobert Marney. Liv ing ibih Edward III. de la Pole died 1418. Bich- Johanna, mar. 1st, William Wayte, ard (Inq. ad quod dam. 32nd Edw. III., 2nd Part 2, No. 53.) 2ndly. Thomas de son Overton, son aud heir of Sir WUliam 1371 de Overton, Knt., who was Sheriff of (Eot. Hants 1355, and died 13th Oct. 1 361, Claus. his son and heir being aged 19 years. 45th Thomas de Oveiton had grant from Edw. Sir William Brun of the Manor of III. Foidingbridge, (Inq. ad quod dam., m,36q. of the Herons andOken- den, Essex, by whom she had a son and heir, Hugh. Mar. 2ndly Sir Wm. Brandon, Kut„ by whom she was mother of Charles Brandon, Duke of Suffolk ; and 3rdly, William Malory. Died 26th March 1474. (Inq. p.m., 9th Henry VII., No. 12.) Alice, dnu. rind coh., aged 18 on her father's death. Mar. 1st John Berners, Esq., by whom she had a son and heir, John. Mar. 2ndly Eobert Harleston. 3rdly Sir John Hsvening- ham, died 15th February 1472. (Inq. p.m., 13th Edward IV., No. 59.) John Bruyn - uneU. and heir of Thomas Bruyn. Died 24th Sept 1544. (Inq p.m., 36th Henry VIIL, No. 128.) Anne, dau. of Nicholas TichborneofTichborne, Hants. ~\ William Bruyn,- son and htir, aged 25 years on his father's death. Died 19th September 1512. (Inq. p.m.. 4th Henry Yin., No. 79.) ~\ ¦me, dau. and heir of William Eenge bourn.ob. v.p. Elizabeth, wife of HenryBickley. Sir John Brune, Knt., son and heir.^fjane, dau. of aged 25 years on his father's death. Died 10th November 1559. (Inq. p.m., 2nd Elizabeth, No. 9, Exq.) Will dated 27th August 1559. Proved P.C.C, 16th May 1560. (MeUershe 30.) Bampfield, Exec, to husband's will. Bemar. Charles Wingfield. Thomas Brnyn, son and heir, aged 14 years on his father's death. Found kinsman and heir of William Eengebourn. (Inq. p.m., 4th Henrv VII., No. 67). Died 7th May 1539. Eec. Office, Primus., Lib. ted. 86. Nicholas Martin of Athelhamplon, died 24th March=j=Margaret, dau. and heir of John, and sister of 1595-6. (Inq. p.m., 39th Elizabeth, Part 1, No. 76. i Nicholas Wadham of Merifield, Somers.t. I Elizabeth, dau. aud coh., of full age ov^f-Hinry Brune, sou aud heir, aged 8 years and 6 death of her father. Mar. 2ndly at months on his father's de ith. Had livery of PidJleton 1595, Sir Thomas Hamon of I seizin 1573. ob. 13th March 1593-4. (Inq. p.m., Parle}. | 3fith Elizabeth, Part 1, No. 112). Bur. at | Piddleton. T Sir John Bruur, born 5fk=Bridr.ct, dau.. of Aug. 1577, Kntd 1619, Sheriff of Dorset 13th James Died 1st March 1639, bur. at Piddleton, M.I. s.p. (Inq. p.m., 15th Charles, No. 235. W. & L.) Adm." to his relict 12th March 1639-40 Sir Edward Seymour, Bart., settlement after marriage 20th November 1599. Charles Bruur,' died 17 th Oct. 1037, aged oO, bur. at Piddle ton, Dorset. M.I. Will dated 10th Oct. 1637. Prov. 29th Jan. 1637-8. (Lee 7). P.C.C. Mary, dau. of Hubert Coker of Mapowder, mar. thoro 1620. Died 2nd April 1636, bur. at Mapowder. M.I. Nicholas, 3rd son. Stephen Bruuc, named in Jane, wife of . Euqoe. father's will. named in father's will. , .1 1 Elizabeth, Grace. i Anne, wife of John Scope, of Castlecumbe wife of Sir Edward wife of Eilu-urd J)a.[-com"f Wilts. Lawrence of Corfe Mary, wife of JohnHall of Bradford Wills, mar. of Creech. Grange, Dorset. Caxlle, ' Dorset. 1691. FAMILY HISTORY. — PEDIGREE OF BRUNE. 239 John Brune, heir of his Uncle,=T=Mary, Sir John Brune, bap. at Mapow der 1622, aged 16 years and. 10 months at his Uncle's death. Died 24th March 1645, Will dated 16th January 1645, proved 10th June 1646. Bur. at Piddleton, Dorset. M.I. daughterof Edward Hooper of Boveridge, Dorset. :Charles Brune of Plumber. Married1 Margaret, daughter of John Dennis of Pucklechurch, Gloucester. Sheriff of Dorset, 35th Charles IL, 2nd James II. Died 21st October 1703, WiU dated 6th November 1699, Cod. 6th June 1702, proved at Blandford Forum, 20th Nov 1703. Mary, only I John Mary, wife daughter Brune, of WilUam and heir, ob., Lewys of married Sir Ealph s.p. StokeGayland, Bankes of Dorset.' Corfe Castle. Jane, daughter of Henry Collier, marriage settlement 16th December 1674. Will dated 15th January 1707-8, proved 13th July 1708, P.C.C, Buried at Fifehead NeviU, Dorset, 1707, aged 58. Charles Brune of Plumber, only=pBetty, daughter and heir surviving son. Bap.1 May 1677. Sheriff of Dorset, 7th Anne. Died 31st May 1726, aged 49, buried at Fifehead NeviU. MJ. WiUdated 11th November 1724, Cod. 28th May 1726, proved 14th January 1727. Lorenzo Jeffery, of WeBt Bagborough, Som erset. Marriage Settle ment 13th and 14th May 1703. Died 1732, aged 47. Buried at Fifehead j NeviU. MJ. Jane, bap.1 25th Aug. 1680, bur.1 6th July 1753. Betty, bap.1 17th June 1682, wife of Wm. Weston of CuUen, Dorset. Charles Brune, ^Elizabeth, daughter son and heir, bap.1 and coh. of WiUiam 30th Sept. 1707. Boulting of Wells, Sheriff of Dorset Marriage Art. 12th 1731. Died 23rd September 1750. November 1769, Settlement 30th May s.p. Buried at 1752. Died 16th Fifehead NeviU, September 1758, WiU dated; 15th aged 58, buried at June 1768, proved Fifehead NeviU, 1 6thJ January M. I. 1770. John, died Harry, James, Betty =rNevUl Jenny, married Mary 21st Sept. bap.1 31st bap.1 Brune. Morton Eobert Browne bap.1 1757, aged 48, Aug.1716, 10th bap.1 PleydeU. of Frampton, 31st buried at died 12th June 18th Dorset. Died Dec. Fifehead, March 1720. May 1st July 1760, 1714. NeviU. WiU 1748, ob. s.p. 1704. aged 49, buried dated 29th aged 23, at Fifehead January 1754, adm" to NeviU, MJ. proved 1st his bro. July 1758. John s.p. 2nd June 1740. Charles Morton, afterwards Charles Morton PleydeU Brune, having, in conformity with the testamentary injunction of his Maternal Uncle Charles Brune, assumed the name of Brune in addition to that of PleydeU. Died 18th September 1785. s.p. John Gape=Betty. Humphry =f=Jenny. Cornelia. Prideaux, of Prideaux Place. Charles Prideaux, who, on the death of his Uncle, Charles Morton PleydeU Brune, succeeded to the Brune Estates, and in conformity with the testamentary injunction of ' his Maternal Great Uncle Charles Brune, assumed the name and arms of Brune, in addition to those of Prideaux. I hereby certify that those portions of the above Pedigree which are printed in Italies agree with the Eecords of this Office. Heralds' College, STEPHEN TTJCKEE, 16th April 1874. Eouge Croix. At Lydlinch, Dorset. 240 PARISH OP LANOWE, alias ST. KEW. EOYAL DESCENT OF PEIDEAUX, Table VIII. Ehys ap Tudor Maur, Prince of South Wales, eleventh in direct=j= .... descent, from Cadwalader the last King of Britain, si. 1090. Griffith ap Ehys, Pr. of S. Wales,ob. 1136.=f Gwenlhian, dau. of Griffith ap Conan, Pr. of N. Wales. Rhys ap Griffith, Lo.' ap Ehys, ob. 1197. 'GwheUan, dau. of Madoc ap Meredith, Pr. of Powis. WiUiam Fitz Gerald,=j=. Uved at Pembroke. | Gerald Fitz Walter de Windsor,=j=Nesta, had Caerau and other Constable of Pembroke. lands as marriage portion. — — r — ~ ' _ ' Maurice Fitz Gerald, from whom the Earls of Kildare and Desmond. Edward I., King=pEleanor, of Castile of England, ob. 1307. and Leon, ob. 1290. Griffith ap=f=Maud, dau. of Wm. Ehys, ob. I de Broase, Lord of 1202. Brecnock. Odo = Carrio. Margaret, dau. of Eichard son of Tancred. Humphry de Bohun,=pEUzabeth Planta- Earl of Hereford and Essex, kUled at Borough Bridge 1322. (See Descent ante, p. 188.) genet, widow of John, Earl of HoUand, ob. 1316. Gilbert Talbot.=f=GwenhUan, sole heir. Eic. Talbot, onlyp Sarah, dau. of WUL Beau- son, 1296. WUUam, Lo. de Carrio,=f= to whom K. J ohn restored the Lordship of Mulles- ford in Berks. champ, Eaxl of Warwick. Hugh Courteney, =f=Margaret Earl of Devon, K.G., ob. 1377. de Bohun, ob. 1391. SirPhUip Court eney,ob. 1406. Ann, dau. of Thomas Wake of BUsworth, Northton. SrT" = Edw. Courteney,ob. 1372. Eichd. Talbot=pJoane, dau. and heir of Eichard's of Hugh de Mortimer Castle. | of Eichard's Castle. I Nicholas, infr. set. 15th Henry III. =EmeUne, dau. and heir of Sir John Dauney. Eliza- =pSir An drewLutterell ob. cir. 1374. beth Courteney, ob. 1395. Sir John: Courte ney, o.v.p. or Joan, dau. of Alex. Cham- pemon. Sir Hugh Courteney of Hac- combe and Boconnoc, ob. 1425. =PhUippa, r Sir Hugh dau. and Lutterell, heir of ob. 1427-8. Sir Warren L'Erche- dekne. I Sir Philip Courteney, ob. 1463. 'Elizabeth, dau. of Wal ter, Lord Hungerford, Uving 1468. 'Catherine, dau. of Sir John Beau mont of ShirwUl, Devon,ob. 1436. L Sir John^=Margaret, Lutterell dau. of ob. 1431. John, Lord Audley, ob. 1439. h 'Katherine, dau. and coh. of Myles Lord Courey. John Talbot,=pJoane, dau. of ob. 1356. r Eoger Ld. Grey of Euthyn. Nicholas de=pAvicia, Carrio, Lord of MuUesfordob. 1286. John Talbot.=rCatherine. sister and heir to John son of HughPevereU. Sir WarenT=Eliz. Talbot, L'Erche-dekne of CornwaU. coheir, ob. 3rd August 1407, Inq. p.m. 9th Henry IV., No. 39. WUUamdeCarrio. Nicholas =pAmicia, de Carrio Lord of MuUes ford, ob. 1312. SuPhilip Cour teney, living 1488. 'Elizabeth, dau. and heir of EobertHengston. Elizabeth ' Courteney, mar. lie. dated 13th Jan 1450-1, ob. 1493. James Lut terell, slain at St. Albans, 1461. Joan "pjotin Baron Carew, Talbot. I ob. 1324. 2nd wife. | H John Baron Carew, =pMargaret , dau. of John ob. 1362. | Lord Mohun. „ 1 dau. and heir to Eic.Tuit theyounger -IKnt. Leonard de Carew,1 ob. 1395. TAUce, dau. and heir of Edmund Fitz Alan de Arundel, Knt., younger bro. of Eichard, 13th Earl of Arundel. Joan Courteney, of her mother. heir=j Thomas de Carew,=pElizabeth, dau. of Sir WiUiam ob. 1430. | BonviUe of Shute. I ' =Sir Nicholas, Baron Carew, ob. 1460. Sir Thomas, Baron =j=Joan, dau. and heir of Thomas Carew, ob. 1461. j Carminow, bom 1423. FAMILY HISTORY. — ROYAL DESCENT OF PRIDEAUX. 241 Sir Hugh=f=Margaret, dau. Lutterell, of Eobert HiU ob. 1521. Nicholas, : Baron Carew, ob. 1470. 'Margaret, eldest sister and coh. of John Lord Dinham, dead 1500. Margaret =^=Sir John Courteney. Champer- non ot Modbury. ob. SOth April 1503. Sir Philip C'nam-' pernon,born 1479, ob. 1535. Sir Andrew Lut-= terell, Knighted 21st Henry VIIL, ob. 1538. 'Margaret dau. of Sir ThomasWyndhamofFelbridge. h Eleanor : Lutterell. Roger Yorke, Serjeant at Law, ob. 1636-6. Edmund,=f=Catherine, Bai on Carew,ob. 1513. h- dau. and heir of Sir W. Hud dersfield.ob. 1515. Katherine Carew. Piers Edgcumb, "pMai gurot ob. 1607. Lutterell. Eoger Piideaux,=pPhilippa Yorke, John Cham-=j=lvatherine, dau. of William, pernon, ob. T.p. Lord Mountjoy. ob. 1581-2. ob. 1597. Sir Riehard= Edgcumb,ob 1561. 'Winifred dau. of Wm. Essex of Berks. Sir Nicholas Prideaux of' Soldon aud Prideaux Place, ob. 1627-8 Henry Champernon,=pCatharine Edgcumb, bom 1528, ob. 1569-70 ob. 1624. Mary Champernon,^=Edmund Fortescue of ob. 1611. I Fallapit, Devon, ob. | 1624, , I , Thomazine, dau. of John Henscott of Henscott, ob. 1575. Honor Forteseue,=^Humphry Prideaux, of Soldon ob. 1663. . I and Prideaux Place, ob. 161 7. Edmund Prideaux, of Prideaux=pBridget dau. of John Moyle of Bake, Place, ob. 1683. j CornwaU, ob. 1690. Humphry Prideaux, Dean of= Norwich, ob. 1724. 'Bridget dau. of Anthony Bokenham, of Helmington, co. Suffolk, ob. 1700. Edmund Prideaux, of Prideaux=T=Hannah, dau. of Sir Benjamin Wrench, Place, ob. 1745. | of the City of Norwich. Humphry Prideaux, of Prideaux=j=Jenny, dau. of Nevil Morton PleydeU, of Shitterton, Place, ob. 1793. co. Dorset, ob. 1819. Charles Prideaux Brune, of Prideaux=pFrancis, dau. of Thomas Patten, of Bank Place and Plumber ob. 1833. HaU, eo. Lancaster, ob. 1831. Charles Prideaux Brune, of Prideaux' Place and Plumber. 'Frances Mary, dau. and coh. of Edmund John Glynn, of Glynn, Cornwall, ob. 1868. Charles Glynn=pHon. Ellen Jane, dau. of Eobert Shapland, Prideaux Brune. 1st Lord Carew. O. K" 242 PARISH OF LANOWE, alias ST. KEW. TEEFFEY. The name of Treffry is undoubtedly of very great antiquity in the county of Cornwall, and is said, in the family records, to have been derived from the Manor of Treffry in the parish of Linkinhorn, which records also state that the family existed anterior to the conquest by Duke William of Normandy. The Pedigree in the Heralds' College, recorded at the Heralds' Visitation of Cornwall in 1G20, commences with Eoger Treffry de Treffry, without date. From this Eoger the seventh in descent was Sir John Treffry, Knt.. son of Thomas Treffry and Alice daughter and co-heir of Searle of Penyerance, co. Cornwall. We have failed to discover any evidence on record to support these descents, and, in fact, do not find the name of Treffry to occur at all until late in the fourteenth century. Some of the matches were, however, supported by old paintings of Arms in the pannel- ling of a room at Place, to which we shall presently refer. And this record is, to some extent, suported by the account given by Symonds, who visited " Trefray house on Munday 1st September 1644,"1 and describes the " coates and writing" as being then " old :" to this we shall refer hereafter. With reference to the above-mentioned Sir John Treffry a tradition exists that he was at the battle of Crescy with the Black Prince, and was there so fortunate as to capture the Eoyal Banner of France, and that, in recognition of his valour, the king made him a Knight Banneret on the field. " In memory of which service by speciall commandment from the king, who sent his warrant to the Heralds that the said John Treffry, Banneret, and his heirs should quarter the Armes of France with their own atchievement, with sup porters to the said armes, willing and requiring them to publish the same authentically under their hands and seals for continuance of the memory thereof to posterity ensuing, which was performed accordingly."2 In support of this statement it is averred that the Arms: az, three neurs-de-lys or, which occurred in ancient painted glass formerly in the Hall windows and were emblazoned in the above-mentioned old room " in Place house upon wainscot pannels, which room, being in a state of decay, was, about 1750, repannelled, but, previously to the removal of the old pannels, the arms and all the inscriptions from the pannels which contained a record of the arms and ,of all the marriages, and the issue from them, were carefully copied into a regular pedigree book which is still at Place, and that the said arms are quartered with Treffry on a tombstone in Fowey Church."2 We do not doubt that this record was made, from tradition, in perfect good faith, though we apprehend the alleged facts will not bear investigation. The battle of Crescy was fought on the 26th August 1346, whilst Eoger Treffry, the great grandson, according to the pedigree claimed, of John who is said to have been at that battle, died in 1391, leaving his son and heir a minor ; but supposing Eoger to have died at the early ago of 25, his great grandfather in 1346, if alive, must have been a very aged man. Secondly : It is 1 Symond's Diary, pp. 68, 69. Camden Society. 2 Treffry MSS., Place, Fowey. FAMILY HISTORY. —TREFFRY. 243 bore as sovereign of that kingdom, to any subject whatever. Thirdly : the arms of France, at that date, were semee of fleurs-de-lys, and not three fleurs-de-lys only, the latter not having been adopted until the time of Henry IV. or Henry V. Fourthly : it is not likely the Heralds would have been required at that early period to take special notice of heraldic insignia, as their first chapter was held at Eouen in 1420, seventy-one years after the battle of Crescy. Fifthly : Supporters were unknown in the reign of Edward III. The Arms referred to : Az. three fleur-de-lys or, unquestionably existed of ancient date at Place in various forms, but their presence there is more easily accounted for than by supposing them to be the Eoyal arms of France. Elizabeth Colyn, who married Thomas son and heir of Thomas Treffry of Fowey in 1444,1 was the daughter of John Colyn of Helland, the son and heir of Ingreta, the elder of the co-heirs of John Giffard of the same place by Elizabeth daughter of John Nicoll of Bodmin. The Arms of Giffard were: Az. three fleur-de-lys or, as still remaining in one of the windows of Helland Church.2 These arms Elizabeth Colyn was, of course, entitled to quarter, and their earliest occurrence at Place is found to be on the same shield with the arms of Colyn : ar. a chev. sa. betw. three Cornish choughs ppr. This shield was in one of the windows of the hall, but being much broken was taken down about fifty years ago. A drawing of it is preserved, and it affords a very singular instance of marshalling. It is paly of four, Treffry, Giffard, Colyn, and Nicoll. According to modern practice it should have been Treffry, impaling, quarterly instead of paly, Colyn, Giffard, and Nicoll — provided Elizabeth Nicoll were an heiress, of which we have no direct evidence, though there is some reason to believe such was the case. Symonds does not mention this shield in the windows of the hall, but he blazons four old shields, in two of which the disputed coat is found in connection with the arms of Colyn, and in one with those of Nicoll also (see post). In objection to the questioned arms being the arms of Giffard it has been urged, that in the arms of that family the fleurs-de-lys are charged with annulets, or pellets; a careful examina tion however of the Giffard arms in Helland Church shews that there was no such surcharge, nevertheless it is remarkable that Symonds, in blazoning one of the old shields in the hall windows at Place when he visited it, describes one as impaling, az. three fleurs-de-lys or, the bend sa charged with three roundels. From this we conclude that the surcharge was not an essential part of the blazon, but was sometimes used- as a difference; moreover, it may be further noticed that in the great achievement of Treffry the questioned coat occurs in the eighth quarter instead of being in the first, or at least second, as it would have been had it been a royal augmentation, and that the fleurs-de-lys are charged with pellets. We should mention that there is here a great discrepancy between the pedigree now 1 See ante p. 37, where EUzabeth Colyn is noticed, but her name was accidently omitted in the pedigree, page 41. 2 Ante p. 14 and Note. 2 K2 244 PARISH OP lanowe, alias ST. KEW. in the possession of the family and that upon record in the College of Arms. The Heralds identify the John Treffry of whom we have been writing with Sir John Treffry who died s.p. in 16th Henry VII. (1500), whose brother Thomas carried on the succession, omitting no fewer than five descents. There is no record in the Heralds' College, or elsewhere, of which we have any knowledge, of a Sir John Treffry in the time of Edward III. There was a John Treffry, however, living at that period, for on 7th February 1356-7, ten years after the battle of Crescy, a payment of three marks was directed to be made to John Trevery, (doubtless the same name in a different form), for remaining with the Prince's Council in Cornwall during the time of their session.1 This gentleman, however, was not a Knight. In the annexed pedigree I have given a parallel genealogy of this family, which is sup ported by the documentary evidences appended. Except in the matches it does not widely differ from the authorised pedigree in the Heralds' College — indeed by rolling two of the Thomases, in the latter, into one, the two lines would be in perfect accord. The Heralds' Visitation of 1531 shews two descents of Treffry. "John Trevry of Trevr^ co, Cornwall, married Jane, second daughter and part inheritor to Eichard Petyt of Tren- gwaynton, in the said county, and had issue John, — John married Elizabeth, second daugh ter of Nicholas Colan of St. Colan in the said County." The first John is shewn, in the Place pedigree, as the son and heir of the supposed Sir John Treffry, and if this be granted these two descents are confirmed, though we have no evidence as to date unless we accept the first John and Jane as identical with the John Treury and Johanna his wife, who levied a fine in Tregoyd vean, &c, in 24th Edward III. (1350), and identical also with the John who heads my alternative pedigree, which is not improbable. Eoger Treffry, son and heir of John the younger, married in 3rd Eichard II. Maude, daughter of Eichard 2 Juyll of Bodmin, merchant. In Trinity term 8th of the same king (1385) a precept was directed to the Sheriff to take him and keep him safely in prison until he should satisfy the claim of John Hellygan to £32 which the said Eoger on the 15th January 6th of the same king (1381-2) before John Kendall, then Mayor of Lost withiel, and Nicholas Pego, Clerk, acknowledged himself to be indebted. The Sheriff produced a certain extent taken before him upon the oaths of a jury of twelve men, who say that the said Eoger Treffry had lands, messuages, and tenements in Tregoyd Minor worth 20s. ; and lands in the ville of Grywys worth 6s. 8d. ; and one messuage and lands in Tregoyd Major of the value of 7s. ; land in the ville of Eeskesik worth 2s. ; one messuage and land in ville Fentengotes worth 10s., in ville of Tregenewen. one messuage and land worth 5s. ; in ville Syntfenten one messuage and land worth 7s. ; in ville Treuylyder one messuage and one acre of land Cornish worth 13s. 4d. ; In ville Carwetherett one messuage and land worth 15s.; in ville Trebighan one messuage and land worth 10s.; In Lanhiderok one messuage and land worth 10s. ; In ville Trefleytts one messuage and land worth 6s. 8d. ; in ville Treglasta land worth 2s. ; In ville Trewythek one messuage and land worth 10s. ; 1 Council Book of " the Black Prince," fo. 282. Duchy of CornwaU Office. 2 This Eichard Juyll was the founder of the elegant Chapel of St. Thomas the Martyr in the Church yard at Bodmin. See ante, Vol. i., p. 184 and Plates VII. and VIII. FAMILY HISTORY. — TREFFRY. 245 in ville Bodmyn one messuage and land worth 30s.; and they say he had no more lands. He was dead in 1391, for we find a suit was instituted by Thomas Peverell against William Calaway, Thomas Bere, and John Nichol and Emma his wife, and Eoger Calaway, for having at Bodmyn,2 forcibly abducted Thomas, son and heir of Eoger Treffri, being within age, whose marriage belonged to the said Thomas Peverell because the said Eoger held two messuages in Carwederet by homage and fealty and scutage of 40s. to the king, when it happened, and by the service of 6s. each year, and that he died in homage, and that the said Thomas had been in peaceable seizin of the said heir from Monday next before the feast of St. Peter ad Vincula 15th Eichard II. , until Wednesday in the same feast, when he was forcibly abducted. In the following year a suit was instituted by William Treffry, probably the brother of Eoger, against the aforesaid William Calaway, John Bere, and John Nicholl and Emma his wife, executors of the will of the said Eoger, in a plea of debt.3 This Thomas, son and heir of Eoger Treffry, is the same who, with Avisia his wife, is commemorated as Thomas Treffry, senior, by a brass in the Church of Fowey, unfortunately without date and destitute of the two shields of arms, which originally adorned it and served to identify the persons to whose memory it was erected. The above Amicia is said to have been the daughter of Philip Michelstow by Margery the eldest daughter and one of the co-heirs of Eobert Boniface by which marriage the Treffrys acquired a considerable portion of the Boniface estates. Thomas Treffry, senior, left a son and heir of the same name, who, in 1444, contracted marriage with Elizabeth daughter of John Colyn of Helland. In conjunction with the Burgesses of Fowey, he erected the blockhouse at the entrance to the harbour, and he built the house at Place which, during his absence, as related by Leland, his wife Elizabeth gallantly defended against the French.4 In 1464, Thomas Treffry of Fowey made fine with the king to be allowed not to take up his knighthood, in which year, also, he received a general pardon,'* and he was dead at Easter 1475. Elizabeth his wife survived him, and instituted a suit against John Treffry for the recovery of her dower of a third part of the manors of Tregwyed and Treffry.6 He left three sons, the above-mentioned John, William and Thomas, and was buried at Fowey, together with his wife Elizabeth, where they were commemorated by a brass in the Church. In 1476 John Treffry, executor of the will of Thomas Treffry of Fowey, had taken out a writ against William Dabernon of Treundyn, ffrankelyn, executor of the will of Eobert Dabernon of the same place, and Henry Ley of St. Bruard, Clerk, in a plea of debt, but did not prosecute and was in mercy with his pledges.7 In January 1478-9 we find him as John Treffry of ffowey, Gent., attached to reply William Mohun concerning -the passage of the ferry of Bodenek.8 In 1482, being the last year of King Edward IV., 1 De Banco EoUs 8th Eichard IL, Trinity, m. 329. * De Banco Eolls, 15th Eichard IL, Easter, m. 202, and 17th Eichard XI., Mich., m. 319 d. 3 Ibid. 17th Eichard IL, Michs. m. 295. 4 The Frenchmen in diverse tymes assailed this town and last most notably about Henry VI. tyme, when -the wife of Thomas Treury the 2nd with her men repeUed the French out of her house in her husbandes absence. Leland's Itin., Vol. v., fo. 17. Hearne's Edit. 5 Eot. Fin., 4th Edward IV. " De Banco EoUs, 15th Edward IV., Easter, m. 12«. 7 Ibid. 16th Edward IV., Trinity, in. 325. " Ibid., 18th Edward IV., HUary, m. 456. 246 PARISH OF LANOWE, alias ST. KEW. he was appointed Sheriff of Cornwall, and filled that office from Michaelmas in that year until the following Michaelmas in 1st Eichard III.1 The Treffrys would appear to have been of the Lancastrian party. The red rose, and other badges of that party, frequently occur in the ancient glass, and elsewhere, at Place House and in Fowey Church. John Treffry zealously supported the pretensions of the Earl of Eichmond, and, accom panied probably by his brother William Treffry, hastened to meet the Earl and was present at Milford Haven to receive him on his landing on 7th August 1485, on which occasion he was dubbed a Knight.2 Soon after Henry was established on the throne, viz., on 4th March 1485-6, he granted to Sir John Treffry, in tail male, the manor or lordship of Eode Langham, alias Eedelagham, in Somerset and Wilts, and also the manor or lordship of Launden, co. Bucks, which were in the hands of the crown by reason of the attainder of John Lord Zouche, who had supported King Eichard III.3 In the same year we find him in the commission of the peace for the county of Cornwall. In 5th Henry VII. (1490) he was again appointed Sheriff, as he was also, for the third time, in 1499,4 but he died on the 18th September in the following year before he had quite completed his third term of office.5 Upon the death of Sir John Treffry, the estates devolved upon his brother William. He also partook of the gratitude of the new king. Within a month after* the entry of the latter into London; viz: by Privy Seal dated 21st September 1485, and by letters patent dated 16th October, he granted to William Treffry for life the offices of Surveyor of Customs and Subsidies within the city of London,6 and on the following day, "in consideration of the services he had done at his great cost and expenses," he was granted for life the office of Controller of the Coinage of Tin in the counties of Cornwall and Devon, and the custody of the gaol at Lostwithiel.7 His name does not appear in the pedigree recorded in the Heralds' College, but upon the death of his brother he succeeded to the 1 Pipe EoU. 2 Cotton MSS. Claudius C. III., fo. 3. * InroUed 19th January, Eot. Pat., 3rd Henry VII. 4 Pipe EoUs. 6 In his wUl, dated 24th June 1500, he directs his body to be buried within the gUd near the Altar of St. Mary the Virgin in the Church of St. Finbara ( ? Finbar of Crimlen commemorated 5th July) of Fowey, and he gives to the buUding of the said GUd of St. Mary £20 sterling. He gives, inter alia, 22 marks to the Prior and Convent of Tywardreth to settle his name in the mortelege with their founders, and to say, after his decease four times placebo and dirige, and four masses at four times in the year for his soul and all the souls that he is bound to pray for, and after to be prayed for daUy and yearly as their founders are there prayed for ; and he stipulates that the Prior and Convent shall be bound to him and his heirs by the Convent seal for the performance of the same in £20. Among other similar legacies he gives £10 to the Friars of Bodmin for the same purpose. According to the above direction, we find his name in the Bede EoU of the Priory of Tyward reth under the month of September — " 7, obitus Johannis Treffry miUtis bone memorie, qui obiit vnj id. et vij die Septemb' m.d. cujus anime propicietur Deus. Amen." (Oliver's Mon. Exon. p. 37.) The original EoU is now (1874) the property of Mr. Kerslake of Bristol. It is somewhat uncertain if Sir John Treffry left a daughter. In his wiU he bequeaths a piece of plate, &c, "to my son-in-law John Tregodek and to Ann his wife." This scarcely appears to be a bequest to an only child, and it is probable that John Tregodek was his step-son. This wiU was proved P.C.C. 19th February 1500 (Moone 20). B Eot. Pat., 1st Henry VII., Part 2, m. 21. 7 Eot. Pat., 1st Henry VII., Part 1, m. 3. FAMILY HISTORY. — TREFFRY. 247 Shrievalty of Cornwall, and served the office during the following year.1 He died2 in 1504, and it appears that besides the abov« offices, he held some place in the Eoyal Household.3 In addition to his possessions in Cornwall, he had lands in Coventry and Berkeley, in all of which he was succeeded by his younger brother Thomas Treffry, who by Janet his wife, daughter of William Dawe, had a son of his own name who was appointed Captain of the Castle of St. Mawes, and he held that office at the time of Leland's visit to Cornwall, who records that he had made certain inscriptions at the request of Master Trewry at the Castelle of St. Mawes." By his marriage with Elizabeth, daughter of John Kelligrew of Penryn, he acquired the estate of Eooke to him and his heirs, and she brought the family also a royal descent from King Edward I. and Margaret of France. John his son was twice married. By his second wife Emeline, daughter and co-heir of John Tresithney, he had nine sons and seven daughters. His eldest son William Treffry had a son John, who in 1648 sold the Manor of Tregoyde (see ante p. 130). Dying s.p. in 1658, his estates devolved upon Thomas Treffry of Eooke whose wife was Jane daughter of John Vivian of Trewan. His son John Treffry sold Eooke to Edward Treffry of Mevagissy. John Treffry married Katherine daughter of Henry Stephens of Fowey, and dying in 1731 s.p., devised his estates to William Toller eldest son of John Toller of Fowey, merchant, by Jane, sister of the said John Treffry, on condition that he and his issue succeeding to the property should assume and use1 the name and arms of Treffry only. William Toller, by Act of Parliament 8th George IL, complied with this injunction, and dying in 1735 left a ' Pipe EoU. 2 Michael Vyvyan, one of the Gentlemen Ushers of the Privy Chamber, appointed ControUer of the Coinage of Tin, vice WUUam Treffry dec. (Eot. Pat., 20th Henry VII.) 3 The wiU of WUUam Treffry, dated 1504, is a document of considerable interest, and shows that he was very rich in plate and jewels. He directs' that his "body shall be buryed in the Amlatorye on the south side of Our Lady Chapel in the Church of Saynt Barre at Fowy, if it please God that I dye there, and assone as the Amlatorye ys made I wUl that myn Executors cause to make a tombe with three ymages, oon for my broder, another for me, and another for my wife, after their discrecions, and lyke vnto a, tombe whieh lyeth on M. Brown, in the Croched freers in london, with the pitie of Saynt Gregory, and such sculptures as myn Executors can devise after the appareU of the same." He afterwards directs that "the tombe shaU be made of the yle of Purbec Stone and sent to ffowy." We do not know if the design for this Ambulatory, or Cloister, was ever carried out, but the rude stone described by Symonds (post) was not the tomb whieh the testator directed to be made. He names his younger brother Thomas, and his nephews Thomas, Henry, and William, sons of Thomas, all then minors; his eldest sister, Gennet, wife of WiUiam Trevanion, and his nephew John Trevanion, whom he makes one of his executors, and he bequeaths certain money that his "bidding at ffowy may go forth according as it is begonne," adding "my nevewe John Trevanion can shew you the playnness thereof." He makes numerous bequests of plate and jewels, and gives several legacies for reUgious and charitable objects, inter aUa, " at Tregwyte to such poore tennants as I have in that quarter iij li." Addressing his "felowe Hugh Denys, and Mr. Weston of the king's chamber, he says : " I besecho you commende me vnto my soueraine lord the king that he be good and gracious unto my nevewes, and shew his grace that I never had non of his money vntruely in all my life." Dr. Oliver (Mon. Exon, p. 439), states that the Church of Fowey on 3rd July 1336, then described as "de nova construota," was dedicated to St. Nicholas, but that " S. Fimbarr was patron of the old Church," nevertheless, this wul and that of Sir John Treffry (ante) shew that at the beginning of the sixteenth century the ancient dedication still obtained. 4 Itin., Vol. iu., p. 46, (Hearae's Edit.) 248 PARISH OF LANOWE, alias ST. KEW. son Thomas Treffry, who left a son William Esco Treffry and two daughters. Jane the eldest daughter was twice married. By her first husband, Nicholas Austin, she had no issue. By her second husband Thomas Dormer, she had two daughters. Susanna Ann the second daughter married Joseph Austin, brother of her sister's first husband, and, William Esco Treffry, her brother, dying s.p., settled his estates upon her and her issue. She had a son Joseph Thomas Austin, who, in 1836, by royal license assumed the name and arms of Treffry, and dying, unmarried, in 1850, devised his estates to his kinsman, Edward John Wilcocks, Clerk, D.C.L., the grandson of his aunt the aforesaid Jane Dormer, who, in compliance with the above-mentioned testamentary injunction, has, by royal license dated May 1850, assumed the name and arms of Treffry. Notes on the Church of Fowey, made in 1644 by Eichard Symonds. "Diary of the Marches of the Eoyal Army during the Great Civil War, kept by Eichard Symonds," pp. 69, 72. — Camden Society, 1859. " In the south yle of the Chancel, the picture of a man and woman in brass, and this inscription, two shields gone (temp. Edward II. at least) " .-1 "Orate pro animabus Thome Trefry senioris armigeri et Avisie uxoris ejus et omnium benefaetorum suorum." *' Another with the pictures of a man and woman, two shields, top gone : " Orate pro animabus Thome Trefry Armigeri fUij Thome Trefry et Elizabeth uxoris ejus et omnium filiorum (Temp. Edwardi 2di.)'" "A flat stone there, the picture of a man in armes scratched in the stone; the inscription is round about imperfect : dyed 1590, 28th January. Trefry, Esquire. " Tbefey impaling a cross engrailed. Quarterly 1 and 4 Trefry ; 2 and 3, a chevron between three roses. [Tbesithney.] " 2 " Another hugh large stone, three pictures of men in armes scratcht upon the stone, these two shields, and the inscription circumscribed. "Teeeey — Quarterly, 1 and 4 Teepey ; 2 and 3, three fleur-de-lys. "Here lyeth the bodyes of Sir John Trefry, Knight, William Trefry, and Thomas Treffry, Esquires, bretheren ; they dyed in the moneth of September, the said Sir John in the 16th yeare, the said William in the 20th yeare of the reighne of King Henry ye 7, and the said Thomas Trefry the first-yeare of the reighne of King Henry ye 8." 1 Mr. Symonds's conjecture as these dates is probably incorrect. 2 The stone would seem to have been recut without the incised figure, for we find in the family book a description of the slab ; surrounding the margin, " Here lyeth the body of John Treffry, Esquire, who dyed the 28th of January, 1590, he had isue by Jane the Daughter of Eeginald Mohun, Esquire," (and within, below the two shields of arms described above, filling the space formerly occupied by the figure) "one Daughter, and by Emblym, his second wife, the daughter of John Tresithnye Esq., nine sons and seven Daughters, for whose Godly end the Lord be Praised." This inscription would appear to have been cut towards the end of the last century. FAMILY HISTORY. — TREFFRY. 249 "Another flat stone there: " Quarterly 1 and 4, Trefry ; 2 and 3, three lozenges, a crescent for a difference. "Quarterly 1 and 4, Tbefey; 2 and 3, quarterly, 1 and 4, four lozenges; 2 and 3, a lion rampant. "Quarterly 1 and 4, Tbefey; 2 and 3, on a chevron between three roundles as many (? annulets or roundles.)1 " Here under lyeth buried the body of Thomas Treffry, Esq., and of Elizabeth his wife, daughter of John Killigrew. Esq., the which Thomas dyed the yere 1563, the 24 of Jan., for whose godly departing the Lord be praysed. Amen." " A course (sic. orig.) monument against the east of the said yle : "Teeffey; a mullet for a difference. "Quarterly, 1 and 4, Trefry; 2 and 3, Mayow. "Here lyeth the body of Thomas Trefry, Esq., Couneellor at Law, who tooke to his wife Katherine one of the daughters and heires of Thomas Hellyer, Esq., who died the 1 of March 1635," " Dum Deo placuerit." " In an Escocheon on the wall over this monument aforesaid : • " Teefey, impaling, gules, three human arms conjoined at the shoulder in the fesse point, the fists closed, argent." [Teemayne.J "This is also in a paper (sic. orig.) on the wall: "A shield of nine coats, viz.: 1, Trefry; 2, argent, an eagle displayed sable, within a bordure (Killigrew) ; 3, argent, a fret raguly sable ; 4, Miohelstowe ; 5, a chevron between three eagles' heads erased ; 6, gules, three fleur-de-lys or ; 7, vert, on a bend three [? doves volant 2] ; 8, gules, 3 mascles or [? argent] ; 9, Teesithney ; impaling, quarterly, 1 Teemayne ; 2, or, a chevron azure between three escalops ; 3, argent, a saltier azure between four cross crosslets fitchy ; 4, arg6nty on a chevron between three "hogs" sable, three roses of the field. " William: Trefry and Uesota his wife. " There hang two pennons, mantle, helme, and crest, old : " On a wreath, an eagle's head erased sable, holding in the beak an oak branch slipped vert." [Crest of Teefry.J 1 Ar. on a chevron sa. between , three torteauxes, as many bezants. Bough (Heralds' CoUege, C. 1. 471.) KiUigrew married Boligh. 2 Should be "daws," for Dawe of Plymouth. 2l 250 PARISH OF LANOWE, alias ST. KEW. Evidences in Suppoet of the Pedigeee of Teeffey of Fowey. No. 1. Ceste endenture fait perentre Eichard Juyl, Merchaunt de Bodmyn dun part et Eoger Treury fitz et heir Johan Treury dautre part, tesmoigne qe le dit Eichard Juyl doyt trouer le dit Eoger et Maude sa femme a son table de mesne honestement del jour del confeccion de cestes tanqe le iour de Seynt George prochain ensuaunt et eux vestier encountre le feste de Nowell, Eoger a sa seute de mesne et Maude al saute sa miere. Et quant le dit Eoger se propose daler a soun mesoun de mesne le dit Eoger (sic for Eichard) eux apparila de vesture et de lit pour soun Chambre honestement come appertient a son degre. Et a ces couenauntj bien et loialment destre tenuj et performez les parties avaunt dit obligent euz lour heires et lour executours : en tesmohaunce de quel chose les partiez avauntdit^ entrechaungeablement ount mys lour seals. Tesmoigne John Lange, mere de Bodmyn, John Symon, Eoger Martyn, John ffol, John Jowy, John Eichard et altres. Done a Bodmyn le Vendirdy prochein deuant le feste del Nativite Seynt John le Baptiste Ian du regne le Eoy Eichard le second apres le conqueste Dengleterre Tierce (1397!) No. 2. Sciant, &c, quod ego Oto Colyn Armiger dedi, &c. Thome Treffry filio et heredi Thome Treffry de Fowy et Elizabetse uxori sue sorori mee totum manerium meum de Penvrayn cum omnibus suis pertinentiis, &c, habendum, &c, perfato Thome filio et heredi predicti Thome et Elizabetse uxori sue sorori mee et heredibus de corporibus eorum legitime ex- euntibus de me et heredibus meis, &c. In cuius, &c. Hiis testibus Otone Nycoll, Thoma Bere, Eoberto Dyer, Johanne Smale, Johanne ffenell Capellano et aliis. Datum apud Bodmyniam die Veneris proximo ante festum Sancti Greorgii Martyris, anno Eegni Henrici sexti post conquestum Anglie vicesimo quinto (22 April 1447). No. 3. Omnibus, &c, Elizabeta relicta Johannis Colyn salutem, &c. Noveritis me prefatam Elizabetam in pura viduitate mea et libera protestate remississe, &c, Thome Treffry filio et heredi Thome Treffry de ffowy et Elizabete uxori sue filie mee et heredibus inter eos legitime procreatis totum ius meum, &c, ratione dotis mee Manerii de Penffrayn cum suis pertinentiis, &c. In cuius, &c. Hiis testibus Thoma Bera, Eoberto Dyer, Johanne Smale et aliis. Datum Bodmyniam penultimo die Maij anno regni Eegis Henrici sexti post conquestum Anglie vicesimo quinto (30 May 1447). FAMILY HISTORY. — TREFFRY. 251 No. 4. Omnibus, &c. Johannes Kyllygrew de Ardwennek Armiger Alius et heres Johannis Killygrew nuper de Penryn Armigeri defuncti salutem. Cum in quibusdam Indenturis ante hac inter quendam Thomam Treffry Seniorem Armigerum defunctum ex parte vna et predictum Johannem Kyllygrewe patrem meum ex altera parte, conuentum fuit de et super quoddam maritagium inter quendam Thomam Treffrye juniorem Armigerum tunc filium et heredem apparentem dicti Thome Treffrye senioris et quandam Elizabetham vnam filiarum dicti Johannis Kellygrew patris mei habendum et celebrandum prout in dictis Indenturis gerentibus vicesimo nono die Septembris anno E. Domini Eegis Henrici septimi post conquestum Anglie vicesimo primo magis plene liquet et apparet. Sciatis me prefatum Johannem Kellygrew in dictis indentur' et specificat' ex parte dicti patris mei et heredum suorum superimplend' dedisse, &c, prefato Thome Treffry filio omnia ilia mesuagia, &c, &c, in Eowcok in Comitatu Cornubiae habenda et. tenenda omnia predicta mesuagia terras tenementa et molendina, &c, prefato Thome Treffry filio et heredibus de corporibus eiusdem Thome et dicta? Elizabethas quondam vxoris eiusdem Thome sed modo defuncts legitime procreatis imperpetuum, &c, Datum 1° Marcii Anno E. D. Edwardi VI. 3°. TEEFFEY OF MEVAGISSEY AND OF EOOKE. We are unable to connect this family with that of Treffry of Fowey, from whom Edward Treffry of Mevagissey purchased Eooke about 1711, though they claim descent. The parish registers of Mevagissey do not shew that the Treffrys were of long standing in that parish, for, with the exception of the burial of a Collambe Trefry in 1603, the name is not traced to occur until the baptism of the eldest son of the above-mentioned Edward Treffry in 1700. Edward Treffry had several other children baptized there between that date and 1707, soon after which he removed to Eooke. He is said to have had a younger brother, named Thomas, who married Jane only daughter of Eos- kelly, and to have ' had issue Eichard, Thomas, Henry, and Anne. Anne died young ; Eichard married the daughter of William Thomas of Trenkreek in Veryan, and left issue. Thomas died a bachelor, but Henry married.1 Of this branch we have no further informa tion. For the issue of Edward Treffry we refer to the pedigree, page 256. 1 MS. at Place, Fowey, compiled by John Treffry of Eooke who died 1787, and which is in many respects inaccurate. 2l2 252 PARISH OF LANOWE, alias ST. KEW. PEDIGEEE OF TEEFFEY Edward I., King=f=Margaret, dau. of Philip IV., of England. King of France. Edmund of Woodstock, 6th son,=pMargaret, dau. of Earl of Kent, beh. 1329. I John Lord Wake. Thomas HoUand, Earl of Kent,=pJoan Plantagenet, " The Fair Maid of died 1360. Kent," heir of her brothers. Sir OUver Carminow, bur. at=pEUzabeih Holland, bur. at Grey Grey Friars, Bodmin, 1345. ' " Friars, Bodmin, 1332. Sir John Petit, Lord of Trenerth, died 1362.= (Inq. 6th Eichard IL, No. 207.) Johanna, dau. of Sir Oliver Carnimow. Sir Michael Petit, aged=f Amicia, dau. of Sir John Bloyou, by Margaret, 30 years on his father's death. dau. and heir of John Tynten. (Inq. p.m., of her grandson, John Petit). John Petit of=pMargaret, dau. and heir Ardevora. I of Ealph Eesoryk. John Petit of Ardevora, died 10th=f=Margaret,, dau. of Ealph June 1455. (Inq. p.m., 33rd i Trenowith of Trenowith. Henry VI., No. 27.) 1. Treffry. 5. Boniface. 9. Dawe. 2. Flamank. 6. Michaelstow. 10. Killigrew. 3. Killigrew. 7. Searle. 11. Tresithney. 4. Polgrene. 8. Giffard. 12. Tremayne. John Kelligrew=j=Jane, dau. and coh. of Penryn. EeUct of Thomas Trevanion. Elizabeth, dau. of John Kelligrew of Penryn =pT/i0»»as Trefry, son and heir of Thomas Treffry, named in will of uncle William. Capt. of St. Mawe's Castle, 3rd Edward VI., Knt. of the Shire for Cornw. 1555. Died 31st January 1563, bur.1 M.I. Jane,Mohun. mar. settl. 29th September, 21st Henry VII. Deed No. 4 ante. Dead 3rd Edward VI., Bur.,1 M.I Bur.,1 M.I. , ' , dau. of Eeginald=f=John Treffry of Treffry, son and heir, Died 27tb January lbdO-l-f-Emblm, dau. and coh. of John Tresithney, un, 1st loife. \ (Inq. p.m., i3rd Elizabeth, Part 1., No. 59.) Bur.1 2nd wife. Bur.1 30th June 1604. r Lora, mar. Trenewith of Trene with. Willam Treffry of Tref-' fru, son and heir, bap.1 18th Feby. 1559, aged 30 years on his father's death. Mar. settl. 12th Jany. 1558-9 ; Burg. in Pari, for Fowev 1584 and 1596. : Ursula, dau. and coh. of William Tremayne of Vpcott, co. Devon,maT.1 3rd April 1589. Tresithney, bap.1 23rd July 1571. Deborra,bap.1 30th April 1570, mar.1 1609 HenryPeters. Matthew Trrffry=f Elizabeth, T of Foy, 2nd son, bap.' 20th Feb. 1566. Of Eooke in St. Kew, bur.2 3rd Nov. 1626. dau. of John Sumaster of Peinsford,bur.2 19th September 1656. bap.1 25th June 1568. 1 At Fowey. 2 At St. Kew. FAMILY HISTORY. — PEDIGREE OF TREFFRY. 253 OF FOWEY AND EOOKE. Eoge>' Treffry of Treffry, =^ .... in co. Cornwall. John Treffry of Treffry, rfEbott, dau. of Nicholas Flamank son and heir. I of Cornwall, Knt. John Treffry of Treffryj son and heir. ? dau. and heir rewe. Eoger Treffry of Treffry,=fSenata, dau. and heir of son and heir. I Peter Polgreene. Thomas Treffry of=j=Elizabeth, dau. and Treffry, son and heir. heir of Bobert Boniface. Thomas Treffry of=j=Ann, dau. and Treffry, son and heir. coh. of John Michelstow. John Treffry. (identical with John Treffry ,=p Johanna ? who mar. Johanna Kelligrew ?). r J J . Eoger Treffry, son and heir of John Treffry.=j=Maude, dau. of WiUiam Deed dat. 3rd Eichard IL, ante No. 1. Ment. I Eichard JuyU, Treffry. in Ass. Eoll. 8th Eichard IL, (1388.) Died I of Bodmin. 1391. Thomas Treffry of Fowey, son and heir, a minor at his father' s=f=. . . death. (De Banco EoUs 17th Eichard II., Mich.) App. CoUector of Customs for Port of Plymouth and Co. of Cornw. 1433. (Fine EoU.) Thomas Treffry of^Alice, dau. and coh. of Treffry, heir. . . Serle of Peneranee, in Cornw. Thomas Treffry, son and heir of Thomas=pElizabeth, dau. of John Colyn Treffry of Fowey. Henry VI. Deeds Dead 1474. , _ 4- Deed dated 26th Nos. 2 and 3 ante. of HeUand, (see Ante p. 37.) Living 1474. Sir John Treffry, Knt., son and heir, mar. Anna dau. of ....:. Lucumbe. Exec, of his father's wiU. Sheriff of Corow. 1482-3 ; 1490-1 ; 1499-1500. WiU dated 24th Juno 1500, proved 19th Feby. 1500-1, (Moone 20.) Thomas Treffry^f Janet, dau, of co. Cornw., 2nd son, named as brother, and heir in wiU of WilUamTreffryob. 1509. and heir of William Dawe of co. Devon. Janet,eldest dau. named in brotherWUliam' s wiU, mar. WUliamTrevanion. 4- Jane, wife WiUiam Treffry, Surveyor=Margaret. of John of the Customs of London, Beket, and ControUer of the named in Coinage of Tin in Devon the wiU of and Cornwall 1485. Gentle- her brother man Usher of the Chamber. Sir John Sheriff of Cornw. 1500-1. Treffry. Will dated 1504, proved 25th November 1504. s.p. (Holgrave 21.) Henry Treffry, named in uncle William's will. WUliam, named in uncle WUUam' s wiU. Martha.bap.1 14th March 1572 ; mar. Thomas Dickwood alias Peters June 1594,motherofthe notorious Hugh Peters; bap.1 29th June 1598. 1 1 Henry, bap, Eebecca, 1 Mary, I Henry, Benja 2nd Feby. bap.1 bap.1 bap.1 min, 1575. 29th 1st 20th. bap. March April June 26th Abel, bap. ' 1579. 1681. 1583. June 15th Octr. 1585. 1577. Thomas Treffry of Lostwithiel' Councellor at Law ; Mayor of Lostwithiel 1604, 1625, 1631; died 1st March 1635, will dated 6th February 1631. (Inq. p.m. 12th Charles, bundle 58, No. 226, Wards and Liveries). Bur.1 M.I. Catherine, dau. and coh. of Thomas Hellyer alias Mayow of Lostwithiel. 1 At Fowey. 2 At St. Kew. 254 PARISH OF LANOWE, alias ST. KEW. John Treffry of Treffry,-=Bridget, dau. of son and heir, bap.1 26th Sir Philip Cham- January 1594 ; Matric. pernon of Mod- si Exeter CoU. Oxf. 14th bury, Knt. Mar.2 June 1611, set. 16. Bur. 17th Oetober 24th Sept. 1658,s.p.Burg. 1619, bur. 15th in Pari, for Fowey 1620. April 1650. ¦ 1 Mary, bap.1 July 1593. Emeline, 2nd, bap., 20th August 1596, bur.1 23rd October 1644 ; Adm0 to only sister Ursula, wife of Thomas Trefusis 8th December 1656. 3rd. Jane, bap. "Ursula, i William, 5th March bap.1 23rd bap.1 1591, mar.1 January 20th John Tre 1603 ; mar. March fusis 29th Thomas 1605. May 1611. Trefusis. John ToUar of Fowey ,=pJane Treffry, son of WiUiam ToUar of the same place ; bur.1 21st October 1652. bap.2 28th May 1646, bur.1 March 1701. Mary, bap.2 3rd April 1644, bur.2 22nd November 1676. Bridget, bap.2 4th March 1647, bur.2 30th April 1650. ThomasTreffry,died s.p. dau. of =WiUiam ToUar of Fowey, bap.1 27th Dec. 1676;=pEebecca, dau. and coh. of John Weymouth Fortescue of Spiddles- ton, co, Devon. 1st wife. assumed the name and arms of Treffry by Act of Pari. 8th George II. Bur.1 5th March 1735. Will dated 15th February 1735. reUct of Daniel Hyde, Clerk, Vicar of Barnstaple, who died 1709; also reUct of Mason, 2nd wife. John, bap 1714, bur. 1 6th Sept. July 1715. Henry, bap.1 1717, bur.1 May 1719. Thomas Treffry of Place, bap.1 1724. Sheriff: of CornwaU 1766. Bur.1 12th December 1776. =Susanna, dau. of Thomas Pipon, Mercht. and Alderman of Fowey. WilUam Esco Treffry, bur. 19th November 1779. Nicholas Austin, Lieut. E.N., young est son of Jacob Austen, s.p. =Jane Treffry, eld. dau.= and coh., bap.1 11th August 1747, bur.1 3rd December 1786. :Thomas Dormer, mar.1 15th March 1782, bur.1 22nd May 1800. Warkleigh. MUls of=p Susan Treffry Dormer, and coh. dau. Edward Wilcocks of Exeter,= bom 3rd January 1785, mar. at Warkleigh, co. Devon. Bur. at Jersey. :Jane Treffry Dormer, dau. and coh., bom 24th August 1785, mar. 22nd September 1806, bur.1 11th March 1864, aged 78. M.I. r 1 Henry Dormer, born 24th July 1815, mar dau. of PengeUy, and relict of Oxenbury. Jane Treffry, born 21st July 1807, mar. 10th February 1835, James Jones. SeUna Dormer, born 31st December 1810, died 10th January 1811. Ellen Dormer, bora 25th February 1812, died 9th September 1830, unmar. Thomas Austin Treffry, born 21st September 1819, mar. 1st July 1847 EUzabeth Mary, dau. of Joyce. Edward, born 21st Sept. 1838,died21st September 1844, bur.3 Ann EUen, born3 16th April 1840, mar.1 24th July 1866 Handfleld Noel Purcell, Clerk, now (1874) Vicar of Fowey. Charles =j=Baroness Udney Von Bret- Edward,born3 1st May 1842. Blakeley von Bretton, born at Padstow, 11th August 1867. ton, dau. of Baron Joseph Von Bretton. Mar. at St. George's, Hanover Square, 30th August 1866. George Steel, born4 12th Feby. 1844 Edward Treffry, born at Newquay, 1st March 1869. Florence, born at Newquay, 5th March 1871. Eeginald Heber, Clerk, bom4 30th March 1846. 1 At Fowey. 2 At St. Kew. • At St. Mary's, ScUly Islands. At Berkhamstead, Herts. FAMILY HISTORY. — PEDIGREE OF TREFFRY. 255 Thomas Tre-' ffry, eld. son, mt. 13 1620; of Eooke and of Fowev. Bur.1 21st October 1604, :Jane, dau, of John Vivian of Trewan; mar, settl. 28th April 1641; bur.2 2nd December 1654, see Ped. of Cavell and Vivian ante p. 163. Elizabeth, Jane, John =Mary, dau. bap.2 18th bap.2 Treffry of March ' 14th bap.2 Bowdon, 1606. March 1st mar.' 20th 1607. June June 1634, 1608. bur.1 12th July 1672. Emlyn, mar. Nicholas Ken dall of Pelyn ; aged 30 years on her fath's. death'. Blanche, aged 22 years on her father's death; mar. Thomas Wood of Orchardon, Devon. John Treffry of Fowey, bap. 28th March 1650 ; Matric.=Katherine, dau. of at Exeter CoU. Oxf. 10th July 1668 set. 17. Burg, in Henry Stephens of Pari, for Fowey 1679 and 1685. Sold Eooke to Edward Fqwey ; bur.1 Treffry cir. 1711 ; bur.1 2nd April 1731. s.p. March 1724. Martha, bap. 3rd July 1652, mar.1 John Hamley of Trefreake 26th November 1673, s.p. (See Ped. ante Vol. i., p. 577.) Elizabeth, mar. . . .... Spry ; wiU dated 15th Dec. 1743, s.p. John ToUar. Mary. Elizabeth, bap.1 14th October 171S, bur.1 July 1715. Jane, bap.1 26th February 1716. Margaret, bap.1 5th July 1719. Eebecca, bap.1 5th June 1720. WiUiam, bap. l 7th October 1720, bur.1 November 1721. EUzabeth. bap. 23rd October 1739, bur.1 August 1753. Susanna, born at Plymouth 7th Jany. 1784, bur.1 14th June 1800. Eebecca, bur.1 May 1747. Susanna Ann, 2nd dau. and=j=Joseph Austin, son coh. bap.1 6th October 1748, mar.1 17th April 1780, bur.1 15th December 1850. and heir of Jacob Austin of Plymouth. Sarah Shaw, born 20th February 1788 ; died young. Joseph Thomas Austin, bap. at Plymouth 1st May 1782. By Eoyal License dated 23rd February 1836 assumed the name and arms of Treffry. Sheriff of CornwaU same year. Bur.1 29th January 1850. Will proved 5th April 1850. Edward John Wileocks, Clerk, d.c.l., of Place, Fowey, bap:=T=Ann, dau. of Charles Steel, Inspecting Com- atSt. Sidwell's, Exeter, 8thMay 1809. By Eoyal Licence dat. 16th May 1850, assumed the name and arms of Treffry in conformity with the testamentary injunction of his cousin Joseph Thomas Treffry. mander of H.M. Coast Guard. Born 19th October 1815 at Harwich, Essex ; mar. at St. Mary's, ScUly Isles, 30th August 1835. _l_ Harry,bom4 8th March 1848. Zoe, born4 11th Dec. 1849. Joseph Thomas, bom1 29th December 1851. Edward Lambert, bom1 29th April 1854. Charles Treffry Dormer, born 12th June 1821, mar. 1st May 1849 Jane, dau. of Boultbee. Spencer Thornton, born1 14th December 1856. Maria Stuart, born1 4th December 1860. John de Cressy, born4 3rd April 1859. I hereby certify that the portions of this Pedigree . printed in Italics, and the Arms agree with the Eecords of this Office. Heralds' College, STEPHEN TUCKEE, 23rd March, 1874. Eouge Croix. At Fowey. 2 At St. Kew. At St. Mary's, SciUy Islands. At Berkhamstead, Herts. 256 PARISH OF LANOWE, alias ST. KEW. PEDIGEEE OF TEEFFEY OF EOOKE, Treffry.= .. Elizabeth, mar.1 20th October 1705, Eusebius WiUiams. Edward Treffry of Mevagissy, =pSusanna, dau. and afterwards of Eooke which he pur chased in 1711 Died 18th July 1727, bur.2 22nd July 1727. coh. of John Davie, bur.4 23rd March 1707. MJ.1 Thomas Treffry.: :Jane, only dau. of EoskeUy. Eichard. — Ann, dau. of William Thomas. Thomas. Henry. Constance, 4th dau. died and bur.2 Oct. 1775, aet. 80, unmar. I Susanna, bur.1 10th March 1?07. JohnTreffry, bap.1 17th November 1700, bur.2 17th Aug. 1787, set. 87 years. Davis, bap.1 18th Jany. 1702-3 EdwardTreffry,fpAnn, dau only son, bap.1 15th October 1736. and coh. of JohnMicheU. John Treffry, (Treffry MSS.) Walter : Treffry, bom 13th Feby. bap.1 12th March 1704-5,died 22nd and bur.2 24th Nov. 1780. =Susanna, dau. of EdwardThomas,mar.1 7th August 1735. Edward=:! Treffry, dau died Feby. 1728. s.p. ery, and coh. of James Eoscarrick,reUct of St. Lawrence of Feock. — 1 Nicholas Treffry, bap.1 5th November 1707, died 25th and bur.2 28th December 1767. Ann, died young. Mary, dau. of Humphry PhilUps of Trewigget, died 20th and bur.2 22nd July 1745. John Treffry, bap.2 14th October 1741, bur.2 14th February 1745. John Treffry, bap.2 9th July 1745, died 1st and bur.2 4th AprU 1770, set. 24. s.p. Edward Treffry, (Treffry MSS.) Susanna, (Treffry MSS.) At Mevagissy. 3 At St. Kew. FAMILY HISTORY. — INCH. 25^ INCH. The family of Inch was settled in this parish at an early period. Eichard Ynch held Hale of the Prior and Convent of Plympton, as of their Manor of Lanowseynt, in 8th Henry IV. (1406).1 In the beginning of the sixteenth century the Inches were people of some substance and consideration in the parish. In the Eeturn (Appx. II.) William Inch appears as possessing goods of the value of ^20 and arms for one man, and Eobert Inch is returned for £1. In 1525; William Inch was assessed to the subsidy upon goods of the value of £20,2 as he was also again in 1546,3 and members of the family continued to be assessed upon goods at the highest rates in the parish down to the end of the reign of Queen Elizabeth. In the reign of James I., William Inch farmed the Manor of Lanow of the Crown at the rent of £20 per annum.4 and in 1622 this William Inch is for the first time assessed upon lands ;° and the same name appears upon the Eolls until 1641. William Inch of St. Kew by his will, dated in 1635, gave £10 to be invested and the proceeds to be applied towards the repair of the Church of St. Kew ; and he also gave £20 to be invested for the benefit of the poor of the parish. He further made similar bequests to several other parishes. Dying in 1637, s.p., he bequeathed the residue of his property to his nephew William Inch, son of his brother Eobert. This William presented to the Vicarage of St. Kew in 1639 (ante p. Ill,) and he was one of the Trustees of the parish lands in 1642-3 (p. 114). Some members of this family settled at Camelford. In 1753, William Inch married Arminel one of the daughters and coheirs of Eobert Hodge of that town. This lady and her sister Ann Hodge in 1804, as cousins and coheirs of Mary the relict of Nicholas Connock of Treworgey, in St. Cleer, inherited her estates which had been settled upon her by hei husband, who died 1757 s.p. She was the daughter of Ambrose Hodge of Stoke Damerel, brother of the aforesaid Eobert. Upon the death of Ann Hodge, the survivor of the sisters, the property passed by bequest to her niece Ann Inch,6 who dying in 1826 unmarried, it devolved, under a settlement, upon the present possessor, William Marshall of Treworgey Esq., son and heir of the Eev. Lewis Marshall, Vicar of Davidstow and Eector of Warleggan, by Arminel sister of the said Mrs. Ann Inch. John Inch, son of another William Inch and Susanna his wife, was Mayor of Camelford in 1805, and died one of the Aldermen of the borough in 1821, aged 77. 87 1 Ante p. 88. 2 Subs. EoU. 16th Henry VIII. — 131 87 88 3 Ibid 37th Henry VIII. — 4 Ministers' Accounts, Cornw. 5 Subs. Eoll, 20th James — 179 289 6 C. S. Gilbert says this lady was the lineal descendant of William Inch of Lanow in St. Kew, and that tho arms of Inch are : Ar. 3 torteaux in bend between two cotises sa. (History of Cornwall, Vol. ii, p. 948 note f). Wo know of no authority however for these Arms. 2M 258 PARISH OF LANOWE, alias ST. KEW. LYNHAM alias LYNAM. The name of Lynam has existed in the parish of St. Kew, and in the neighbouring parishes, from an early date. Our first notice of it is in 1341, when Henry Cavel and Alice his wife suffered a fine to Margery, daughter of John Lynham, concerning one messuage and one carucate of land in Northhertiscote, whereby the said land was settled upon the said Henry and Alice during the life of Alice at the rent of one rose, and after her death to revert to the said Margery and her heirs quit of the heirs of the said Alice.1 John Lynam was one of the jurors upon the Inquisition post-mortem of Otho Colyn, held at Lostwithiel on 20th August 1466.2 The family would seem to have been very numerous in the early part of the fifteenth century, and to have held a substantial position. On reference to Appendix IL, it will be seen that five persons of the name were returned for the parish of St. Kew, three of them possessing arms for one man each ; and one is returned as poor and not assessable. In 1525, Eichard Lynam was assessed to the subsidy upon goods in St. Kew of the value of 40s., and Henry Lynam upon 10s. in St. Teath.3 These were small assessments, and it is difficult to account for the disappearance of the names found in the Eeturn of two or three years earlier. It is the more remarkable, inasmuch as in 1543 Eobert Lynam is assessed upon goods of the value of £17, almost the highest rate in the parish, and George Lynam upon £4.4 Two years afterwards, Eobert Lynam was assessed at the same rate as before, and John Lynam upon £16.5 The above-mentioned Eobert is the person who heads the pedigree recorded at the Heralds' Visitation of 1620,6 and was, perhaps, the son of Henry Lynam, whose name, as well as his own, appears in Appendix II. His son, John Lynam, described in the Parish Eegister as " of Penpont," was buried in 1574, leaving, together with three daughters, a son, Eichard Lynam, who registered his pedigree in 1620. He had two sons, John and Eichard; the latter became Vicar of Quethiock, where he died in 1657, leaving by his wife Elizabeth, daughter of Henry Chiverton of Trehunsey in that parish,' many children, most of whom were, however, dead s.p. before 1676. By his will he bequeathed to his first born son, Eichard Lynam, his estate in Eosenvallen in St. Kew, and the choice of his books to the value of i?5.8 Eichard, however, died s.p. before 1668. 1 Pedes Finium, 15th Edward III., Trinity, No. 3. " Inq. p.m., 6th Edward IV, No. 36. 87 87 •> Sub. Eoll, 16th Henry VIII. — * Ibid, 35th Henry VIII. — 131 , 154 87 '- Ibid, 37th Henry VIII. — 6 Heralds' Coll., 2. C. 1., fo. 412. b. 179 7 Henry Chiverton, grandfather of this Henry, acquired Trehunsey by marriage with AUce, daughter and heir of Kingdon of that place. Arms of Chiverton : Ar. on a mound vert a, castle triple-towered sa. Kingdon : ar. a chev. sa. betw. 3 magpies ppr. 8 He appointed his brother-in-law Eichard Chiverton, Alderman of London, overseer of his will. Eichard FAMILY HISTORY.— LYNAM. 259 John, the eldest son of Eichard Lynam of Penpont, married Charity, eldest daughter of Humphry Prideaux of Crediton, (see Prideaux Ped., ante p. 225) and Eichard his eldest son was nine years of age in 1620. He had two other sons then living, Matthew and John, and another, named Philip, born afterwards. Eichard, last mentioned, was twice married. After his second marriage he resided at Cant in St. Minver,1 in which parish all his children by that marriage were baptized, nevertheless, he was brought to St. Kew for burial. His relict, Joane, after his death returned to Penpont, where she died in 1680.* In 1653 a fine was levied in which Eichard Lynam was querist, and Eobert Myll deforc, concerning the fourth part of two messuages in Porthylly greys and Porthylly eglos, in the parish of St. Minver.3 Eichard Lynam, by his first marriage, had an only son, John Lynam, who married Helen, daughter of Thomas Pyne of Dunsbeare, co. Devon, and by his marriage settlement, dated 29th July 1677, settled Cant, Porthylly and Treverrow in St. Minver, and a moiety of Trewethan in St. Kew. He had five daughters born to him, of whom, Diana married Charles Nation of St. Kew; of the others we are unable to give any further information. He had also a son who succeeded him at Cant, and. died in 1765, apparently s.p., his widow surviving him thirty years. There was also a Jacob Lynam resident in St. Minver in the middle of the eighteenth century, he may have been a brother of the last mentioned John, though we have failed to identify him.'1 Matthew Lynam, next brother of the last abovementioned Eichard, after the baptisms of his three elder children, settled in Egloshayle. In 1677, as Matthew Lynam of Eglos hayle, Gent., he was trustee under the marriage settlement of his nephew, John Lynam of Cant. Besides daughters he had two sons, Matthew and Thomas; the latter was a sailor on board H.M.S. "Antelope," and died in 1692, s.p. Matthew lived to 1735, but we have no trace that he had issue. Philip, younger son of John Lynam and Charity Prideaux, it is believed settled in Chiverton belonged to the Skinner's company, to which company by his will dated 15th December 1677, (Prov. P.C.C. 25th November 1679. King, 146), he gave " £100 to be bestowed in plate and kept in remembrance of him." He was Sheriff of London and Middlesex in 1650-1, and Lord Mayor in 1657-S. On the 29th October 1657, a pageant was performed in his honour at the cost of the Company, entitled " Londinum Triumpham." He was knighted by King Charles IL, on 12th October 1663. It is beUeved he was the first Cornishman who was ever Lord Mayor of London. Sir Eichard Chiverton left two daughters aDd coheirs, Elizabeth who married John Coryton, Esq., who afterwards succeeded his father in the Baronetcy, and Anne who married Francis Charloton, Esq. 1 By deed dated 14th August 8th James, (1610), WUliam Matthew of EndelUon, gent., granted to Eichard Lynam of Penpont, gent, a lease of a close of land in Cant, in St. Minver, for a term of 99 years, if John Lynam, Eichard Lynam, and Katherine Lynam, sons and daughter of the said Eichard Lynam, or either of them, so long should Uve. 2 "Domina Joane Lynam de Penpont, sepulta 28° die Junii 1680." (St. Kew, Par. Eeg.) s Pedes Finium 1653, Michs. 4 We find the following entries in the St. Minver Eegister: 1749, Jacob Lynam and Mary Kent were married 31st December. 1750, John, son of Jacob Lynam and Mary his wife, bap. 14th October. 1751, John, son of Jacob Lynam, buried 14th December. 1752, WUUam, son of Jacob Lynam and Mary his wife, bap. 22nd March. 1754, John, son of Jacob Lynam and Mary his wife, bap. 20th May. 2M2 260 PARISH OF LANOWE, alias ST. KEW. London, and died before 1688. It appears from the will of his widow, dated in that year, that he had three sons and a daughter, of whom William, the eldest son, was supposed by his mother, when she made her will, to be dead. There were other branches of the same family, descended probably from younger sons, settled in St. Kew and the adjoining parishes, which we have no sufficient evidence to connect with the Visitation pedigree. A Eichard Lynam is described in the Parish Eegister, under the year 1564, when he had a daughter baptized, as "Eichard Lynam de Treverin," also in other places called Treverian. He was, perhaps, a younger son of Eobert, who heads the Visitation pedigree. From this Eichard we trace the following descents : Eichard Lynam of Trcverin,=j= Uving 1564. Elizabeth, bap.3 26th June and bur.3 2nd July 1564. John Lynam of Treverin, bap. before= the Eegisters were commenced. Bur.3 26th July 1604. John, bur.3 3 0th Octr. 1602. Eichard, bap.3 2nd August 1578, bur.3 20th October 1597. Thomas, bap.3 3 1st January 1575, bur.3 SOth October 1602. Dorothy,bap.3 lith February 1572. George Lynam,: bap.3 24th June 1580, bur.3 20th January 1647. =Margery ; wiU dated 12th Nov. 1660, prov. 2nd Januaryl660-1. Ursula, bap.3 30th Sept. 1582. Joan, mar Eowe. We also find a Eichard Lynam of Trewitherd, in Endellion, which is not far distant from Treverin, who was probably grandson of the abovementioned Eichard, as in his will he mentions his cousin, George Lynam, whom we can identify with George Lynam of Treverin. We can trace four descents of this line ending in an only daughter who' married Henwood. The loss of the early Eegisters of the parish of Endellion increases our difficulty in respect to this branch. Mary. Eichard, 2nd son. Eichard Lynam of Trewitherd ; wiU dated ¦¦ 1615, prov. 16th May 1616 (Arehd. Cornw.) he directed that his body should be buried in the Church Porch of Endellion. 1 dau. mar. JohnBennett. John Lynam of Trewitherd, son and heir ; will dated; 2nd January 1644, proved 21st September 1646. (Archd. Cornw.) :Jane, executrix to her husband's wiU. Eichard Lynam of Trewitherd ; will dated 30th=j=Hannah, dau. of December 1699, proved 2nd November 1702 executor to (Archd. of Cornw.) herhusband'swill. Philip, 1. Thomasine, 2. Alice, 3. Hannah, only dau. mar. =p. . Henwood. j At St. Kew. FAMILY HISTORY. — LYNAM. 261 There was also a William Lynam of Tregavern in Endellion, who died in 1625. He was probably a brother of the first Eichard of Trewitherd. We can, by Wills and Parish Eegisters, trace his descendants for five generations. WiUiam Lynam of Tregavern in EndeUion.=^=Joane, dau. of John Secoombe. WUl WUl dated 16th December 1625, prov. 23rd January 1625-6. (Archd. of Comw.) dated 3rd May 1641, prov. 24th May 1647 (Archd. of Comw.) Joane. Grace,mar. Milward. WiUiam Ly-=pBridget, dau. of -+- nam, executor to mother's will. WUl dated 27th March,- prov. 18th Sept. 1666. Alee, mar.3 1 1th Sept. 1643, executor to husband's wUl. Bur.3 13th December 1675. Ursula, John Ly-=Joane, living nam, will bur.3 unmar. dat. 15th 3rd 1641. February May 1634, prov. 1646. 22nd April 1636, s.p. Eobert. Charles, named in mother'swUl. Jane, Uvg. 1641, unmar. Dorothy,marat Lanteglos. 26th October 1623, John Seccombe. n Dorothy, named in father's will. John Lynam, bap.3 14th June 1644, bur.3 23rd May 1646 ? Katherine, bap.3 12th October 1648, bur.3 1648. WilUam Lynam, bap.3 23rd=T=Honour, dau. of December 1649, named in father's wiU. WiU dated 7th September 1711, proved 7th 1712 (Archd. of Comw.) .... Dingle, mar.3 1st June 1678, executor to husb. will. Johanna,named in father's wiU. 1 Jane, bap.3 WiUiam =pBridget. John, 1 Hanna, 1 Thomas, . 1 Bridget, ¦ I Sarah, 1 Honour, 18th Oct. Lynam, bap.3 bap.3 bap.3 24th mar. John named in named in 1679 ; nam. bap.3 4th 24th 12th October May, nam. father's father's in father's June January April 1694. in father's wUl, wiU, will. 1683. 1684. 1687. will. =f= unmar. unmar. -f Jane, bap. 25th August 1702. There are numerous entries in the Parish Eegisters of St. Kew, extending down to a recent date, which we have been unable to appropriate. A branch of the family was also settled in St. Teath, in the middle of the sixteenth century. 3 At St. Kew. 262 PARISH OF LANOWE, alias ST. KEW. PEDIGEEE OF Henry Lynam, Uving=p.... 1520, see Appendix II. Eobert Lynam of St. Kue in co. Ccrnw.= Assessed to Subs, in St. Kew, 33rd i and 37th Henry VIII. John Lynam of St. Kew, son and heir,' assessed to Subs, in St. Kew 3rd Edward VI., of Penpont, bur.1 28th April 1547. ¦¦Johanna, dau. of Blewett of Eggleshayle. bur.4 4th March 1602. ' Martha, wife of John Newton of Elizabeth, wife of John Hunny of Dewstone. Frances,bap.1 4th July 1595. Ursula, bap.1 9th April, bur.1 12th August 1587. John Lynam, son and^f'Charily, dau. of Humphry heir, eet. 30 years 1620, bap.1 July 1589. Anne, = dau. of bur.'1' ' 1st March 1648, 1st wife. ¦¦Eiehard Lynam,son and heir, cet. 9, 1620, bur.1 27thJanuary 1673. pjohanna, John, Matthew = F .. . Johanna. dau. of ... . 3rd, Lynam, bur.1 28th bap.1 2»^,bap.1 June 1680, 27th 29th wiU dated March Decern. 9th June 161-8. 1615, 1680, prov. bur.3 27th June Novem. 1681. 1690. Mary, bap.4 27th August 1642, mar.2 Eichard FiUis of St. Minver, 12th Julv 1664. John Lynam, bap.1: 28th February 1643, of Cant, in St. Minver; bur.2 22nd December 1698. Adm" to Peter Day of St. Columb, Helen, relict of dec, having renounced, 28th AprU 1699. Joane, bap/ 5th April 1681. Helen, dau. of Thomas Pyne of Dunsbeare, co. Devon, mar. settl. 29th July 1677. WUl prov. 1 7th AprU 1737 (Archd. Cornw.) n Martha,bur.1 11th Dec. 1634. Ursula,bap.'18thApril 1625. Prideaux of Kirton, 17th October 1663. bur.1 rr Katherine, bap.1 20th Jan. 1627. Thomasine,bap.1 14th Oct. 1620. Philip, bap. =i=Sarah. WiU 24th Nov. 1629, of St. Paul's, Covent Garden, London,died before 1688. dated 18th December 1688, prov. 2nd Jany. 1688-9 (Ent. 12). X AgneSjbap1 9th June 1645, mar.2 Edward Cornish,Clerk, 30th May 1677. George, bap.2 17th May 1655, bur.2 19th May 1656. Thomas,bap.2 2nd April 1657. WiUiam,bap.229th August 1659; named in mother's ¦n ill. Joane, bap.2 12th January 1660; execut1. to mother's will, and adm0 to bro. Hugh. Frances, bap.2 29th November 1683. Mary, bap.2 11th May 1686. ~r Hellyn, bap.2 16th September 1692, mar.4 27th June 1719 Eichard Elvans. 1 At St. Kew. 2 At St. Minver. At Egloshayle. At St. Tudy. 5 At Quethiock. FAMILY HISTORY. — PEDIGREE OF LYNAM. 263 LYNAM. I hereby certify that the portions of this Pedigree printed in Italies agree with the Records of this Office. The Arms of Lynam (as on page 262) are entered in a MS. entitled "Devon and CornwaU Arms," fo. 48. Heralds' CoUege, STEPHEN TUCKEE, 23rd March, 1874. Eouge Croix. \ Agnes, wife of John Beer of i Eichard Lynam of St. Kue, Eggleshayle, see ante vol. i., 1620, of Penpont, Dur.1 29th j of Bickington, bur.1 24th August p. 311. January 1630. 1636 . 1 , Eieliard. 2nd son, bap.1 18th Feb.= =Elizabeth, dau. of Henry Chiverton, Dorothy, bap.1 30th May Catherine 2nd dau., 1592. CoU. Eect. Quethiock. 4th mar.5 2"th November 1628, bur. 5 12th 1585, wife of John Dagge named in deed February 1627 . Bur.5 7th October June 1674, wUl dated 23rd November of Trewiggett, soe Pedigree dated 8th James. 1657, wiU dated 8th April, prov. 1668, prof . 9th October 1676 (Archd. of Dagge ante vol. i., 30thNovember 1657 (Euthen488). • Cornw.) p. 296. r i EUzabeth, i Eichard Elizabeth, bap. 5 George, bap.° ... ! John bap.5 26th "1 Henry, bap.5 i • i Isabel!, bap.5 Tabi* bap.5 4th Oct. Lynam, 2nd January April 1640; April 1642, died 13th June 1648, 31st Jan. 1635, tha, 1629, bur.5 eldest son, 1633, bur.5 was a legatee in chUdhood. bur.5 22nd June mar.5 9th Deer. bap.5 30th May bap.5 20th 30th May 163S in the wiU of 1676; wUl dated 1658, Samuel, 31st 1637. February his uncle Sir Charles, bap.5 19th June prov. son of Hugh Jany. 1630-1, Joseph, bap.5 Eichard 11th June 1643. 9th Octr. 1676 Hawkyn ; 1635-6 Tamson,bap.5 dead before 21st January Chiverton (Archd.Cornw.) widow 1668, living 13th Feby. 23rd Nov. 1637, Uving dated in 1677. Edward, bap.5 s.p. living 1676. unmar 1630-1. 1668, s.p. 1668. 5th January 1676. 1 1645. Hugh, bap.2 Eichard, 1 EUzabeth, Charles, Charity, Ann, bap.1 Matthew, Thomas, ' rm WiUiam, 20th January named in mar.2 Alex, bap.1 bap.1 26th Nov. bap.3 25th bap.3 10th supposed 1692, named his HiU 31st 14th 29th 1655. February May 1644; to be dead in mother's mother's January Deer. January 1660, bur.3 wiU dated in 1688. wiU, adm" will. 1678, 1665, 1652. Mary, bap.1 14th June 1690, prov. to sister named in bur.1 7th Nov. 1735. 12th Dec. PhUip. Joane 4th mother's 29th 1658. 1692, (Fane July 1681. wUl. Novem. 1676. 226. s.p.) Matthew. Charity. Diana, bap.2 March 1695, mar.2 Charles Nation of St. Kew, see Ped. of Nation post, p. 266. John Lynam, named in his=Christiana, dau. of WilUam Prophet of St. Minver, mother's wiU. Bur.2, 12th bap.2 3rd June 1718, mar.2 12th May 1741, bur.2 in February 1765, s.p.f the South Church, 5th June 1795. 1 At St. Kew. 2 At St. Minver. 3 At Egloshayle. 1 At St. Tudy. 5 At Quethiock. 264 PARISH OF LANOWE, alias ST. KEW. PEDIGEEES OF KEIGWIN, MOYLE, CUEGENVEN, AND Jenkyn Keigwin of Moushole in Cornw. Gent.=T=Thomasine, dau. of Slain in an attack by the Spaniards and bur.2 bur.2 1st October 1616. 24th July 1595, M.I.2 \ Eichard Keigwin of Moushole, Merchant ; died 21st and=f=Elizabeth, dau. of bur.2 bur.2 23rd April 1636, set. 74. WUl dated 18th Sept. | 27th November 1637. 1632, prov. 1st December. 1636, (Pile.) d=pl John Keigwin of Moushole, mar. 1615, Uving 1632.=j=Dorothy, dau. of Borlase. William Keigwin of Mousehole, born 1625=j=Prudence, dau. of James Praed bought Tretawne in St. Kew, 1659. [ of Trevethow, Cornw. John Keigwin of Mousehole, died at Huish, co. Devon 1693. WiU=j=Margaret, dau. of John Gifford of Brightley, born 1st February dated 19th June 1693, Adm0 12th March following to EeUct. ! 1648 ban. at nbittlpbamnton. mar. there 29th Mar. 1686. John Keigwin, Clerk, born 18th Aug.= 1689; Ordained 21st February 1713 ; Vicar of Landrake 1732. Died 3rd March 1761, bur. at Landrake; will dat. 4th May 1769. =IsabeUa, dau. of John Keigwin, by his wife Mary Penrose, bap.2 5th March 1680, bur.2 4th November 1720. 1648, bap. at Chittlehampton, mar. there 29th Mar. 1686. James Keigwin of Mousehole,=pJulian, eldest dau. of George bap.2 10th January 1673, died at Musgrave of Nettlecombe, co. Bath 12th July 1710, set. 37; wUl Somerset; Bar. at Law, exe. dated 21st June 1710, prov. 30th to her husband's wUl; bur.2 September following at Exon. 18th AprU 1718. John, James Keigwin =Florence bap.2 of Mousehsle, Penrose 9th bap.2 29th Oct. of April 1697, died s.p. Penrose, 1706, WUl dated 1st bur.2 died February 1734, young. prov. 6th July 1741 (Archd. Cornw.) George Keigwin of=pAnne, dau. Sarah, mar.WUUam Thomas ; named in wiUs of brotherand sister. Mouseholeand after wards of Crowan, 2nd surviving son, bap.2 8th AprU 1707, Exr. to his brother's will. Died at Crowan 1781 and bur.2 of Thomas Hoblyn of Tresadern ; died at Mousehole, biir.2 24th July 1759.' John Keigwin, youngest son, bap.2 12th November 1708; Exr. to his brother's will 1734, Uving 1735 ; mar. ElizabethTownsend. Mary,bap.323rd July 1717, mar.3 John Lobb 22nd September 1747. Prudence, bap.3 19th October 1714, mar. Eades. 1 Frances, named in the wills of her brother and uncle Constantine, bur. 1801, wiU dated 23rd November 1800, prov. 18th December 1801 (Archd. Comw.) ~r — i — r Sarah, bap.3 18th May 1712, mar.3 Charles NichoU 11th May 1749. AUce, bap.3 28th December 1709. EUzabeth, bap.3 4th Nov. 1707. Susanna, Eichard, bap.4 1734; bap.4 1731. named in wiUsof his brother and uncle, bur.3 March 1802, M.I. s.p. Prudence, bap.4 1736. EUzabeth, bap.4 1739. John Furnis of Lamellen in St. Tudy,: bap.7 7th August 1772, mar. settl. 19th and mar. 20th December 1803. Died 29th May 1804, set. 31, bur.7 M.I. Anne, only child and heir, bap.3 5th November 1782. She remar. Eichard Hoskins of Carenis in Cubert. Living 1874. ~l John Curgenven of Tregoide, bap.3 28th December 1786. Bur.3 24th May 1850, aged 65. John Penberthy Magor of Eedruth and afterwards=f Elizabeth Ann Moyle, only child and heir, bap. 22nd of LameUen, bap. ,22nd November 1804. Died 5th July 1862, Eet. 62. M.I.1 November 1804, mar. settl. dated Stli and mar. 13th December 1825, at Cubert, Uving 1874. John Furnis Magor, bap.6 20th October 1830. Died at Madeira, 28th October 1S54, sot. 26. M.I.1 Eeuben Fb.edee.ick Magou of LameUen, bap.6 20th October 1831, purchased Tre tawne. Bur.1 27th Feb. 1872. 2 At St. Paul. 3 At St. Minver. 3 At St. Kew. 0 At Eedruth: 4 At Bodmin. ' At St. Tudy. FAMILY HISTORY. — PEDIGREE OF KEIGWIN, &C. 265 MAGOE, SHEWING THE DESCENT OF TRETAWNE, .A .B. — The Names of those tcho have held Tretawne are printed in capitals. Thomas Moyle of St. Mmver,=pMary, dau. of bur.5 bur.5 24th December 1616. I 10th May 1021. Thomas Moyle of St. Minver, bap.5 30th=j=Jane, dau. of Thomas Kent ; bap.5 February 1600, mar.5 May 1590 : bur.5 5th March 1657. | 9th February 1624, bur.5 12th December 1637. r~. :J Constantine Moyle of Tretheven, bap.3 24th April^= .... 1631, bur.3 14th November 1705. I Prudence, dau. of John Keigwin and sister=j=Constantine Moyle of Tretheven, son of James Keigwin of Mousehole; bap.2 [ and heir; bur.3 11th April 1746, set. 21st September 1677, mar.3 26th September 1697, settl. after mar. 23rd June 1699, bur.3 7th Januarv 1750, art. 73. ML, No. 2. Margaret,bap.3 9th March 1702, mar. 'WUliam Browne 25th December 1733, named in brolhcr's wiU. James,bap.3 8th September 1719, bur.3 25th May 1744, 33t. 25, M.I. No. 12. 76. WiU dated 17th January 1745-6, prov. 26th April following (Archd. Cornw.) M.I. No. 12. John Curgenven: of Uny Lelant. Anne, dau. of Eichards of Lelant. John =pSusanna, Moyle of | dau. of Bodmin, bap.: 28thSept. 1705. Bullock, mar. at Lanivet2nd May 1731. Constantine Moyle of Tretheven, eldest son, bap.3 18th March 1700, bur.3 16th Feby. 1781, set. 79 ; Will dated 23rd August 1780, prov. 10th February 1781 (Archd. Cornw.) MJ. No. 27. Died 1780, s.p. John Cukgenven: of Tretawne which he purchas ed in 1752; wiU dated 12th Feby. 1773, prov. 29th October 1779. (Archd. Court of Cornw.) Anne, dau. of born 1713, bur.3 Wth January 1786, ast. 73 ; wiU dated 20th AprU 1785. I Constantine Movie of = Tretheven, bap.* 28th Januarv 1747, died 29th December 1800, jet. 50; wiU dated 1 9thNovemVr and codl. 25th November 1800, prov. 9th February 1801 (Archd. Comw.) MX3 No. 2 7. j=Anne, dau. of John I Curgenven of Tre- | tawne, mar.3 | 26th June 1781, i remar. Edmund I Hambly of Menhen- | niot, died 1 2nd July | 182". set. 73, bur.3 I M.I. No. 27. Thomas of Tretawne,eldest son, bur. 29th December 1804, aged 6d, s.p. T John CuiiGENVEN=j=Ann, dau. of Tretawne, born 1752, bur.3 11th January 1828, aged 76 ; wUl dated 26th April 1827, prov. 17th January 1828 (Archd, Court of Comw.) of John James of Towednackbap. 23rd February 1766, mar. 1782. Catherine, mar. Abr. Coger. Elizabeth, mar.3 James Wilton of St. Kew 16th September 1788; wiU dated 31st August 1825, prov. 14th October 1826 (Archd. Comw.) James Cubgenve.v of Tretawno.= Died 15th and bur.3 19th October 1840, aged 47. M.I. No. 28. Intestate. Peggy, dau. of John Brendon of ChUlaton, co. Devon, born 27th May 1800, and bap. at Milton Abbot, living 1874. Peter. J John Brendon Cuhgenven of Tretawne^pJosephine, daughter of Joseph Sadler of London, and London, born 28th March, bap.3 6th I bap. at St. Pancras, London, mar. at Christ April 1831. I Church Paddington, 26th September 1860. 'f> Edwaed • Auhiol MAGop.,=Mary Caroline, second daughter of John of Lamellen, bap.6 3rd Gilbert Chilcott of Gwendroc, near Truro, October 1849. mar. 1st May 1873. 2 At St. Paul. 5 At St. Minver. 2n 3 At St. Kew. 6 At Eedruth, 1 At Bodmin. * At St. Tudy. 266 PARISH OF LANOWE, alias ST. KEW. PEDIGREE OF, NATION. Francis Nashion of West=F.... Buckland, co. Somerset. Francis Nashion alias Nation, born at Bishop's Lydiard, co. Somerset, matric. at Balliol CoUege=^Joane, daughter of Oxford, 12th May 1637, a3t. 18. Held a Military command in the Army, and obtained the Eectory of Inwardleigh, co. Devon in 1652, whieh he held about two years. He then filled the Vicarage of Lewannick in Cornw. until 1660, when he returned to Inwardleigh. In 1666 he became Eector of Parkham, co. Devon, where he died and was bur.2 19th May 1702. WiU dated 25th May 1669, prov. 12th June 1702. Exeter. executrix to her husband's will. 1 Eliza Charles =f=Pru- i Sibella, =pJohn Nation, Mat.=i i =Eliza- Susan, mar. i Francis Nation,=pAnn, 1 . r Lewis =j=Mary, Jane, beth, Nation, dence, daughter at Ball. CoUege, beth, Eichard Clerk, Mat. at dau. of Nation dau. mar.2 mar. a Lieut. dau. of Oxf.3rdMayl672, bur.5 Nicholls, BaU. Coll. Oxf. named of Philip Potter Bur.22nd Dec. of reUct of int. 16 ; b.a'. 29th Jany. 1675, m.a. 1st Vicar Sept. of Brad- 3rd May 1672, 33t. 16; Eector remar.3Jeremiah in fath's. Cum named mer, 1695, Inch, 17th Deer. 1678, 1711. worthy, of Inwardleigh, Hussey, wUl. in named named mar.5 6th Inst, to Vicarage Inst, to bur.3 23rd Mar. Vicar of fath's. in as dec. October of St. Kew 1693 ; Eectory of 1701-2, Adm" Oke- will. fath.'s in fath's. 1717, bur.5 19th May Inward to Ann Nation hampton, wiU. will. bur.5 19th March 1723; wUl dated 27th May 1720. prov. SOth June leigh 20th Sept. 1702. He was EeUct 2 1st Mar. 1702. 29th April 1707. 1748. 1724, Exon. bur.4 Anthony, 1 Elizabeth, Hu Charles, John, Mary, Mary, bap.5 Eliza- I ?h, bap.2 Francis, bap.2 bap.2 bap.2 bap. 5 5 8th Aug. beth, bap.3 13th bap.3 23rd 3rd June 10th May 1688. 30th Feby. 21st 1721, mar.5 died April 1699. February 1699. Nov. 1694, Octi Edw. Gri^g in in- 1700. Charles, bap.2 1692, bur.2 171' 14 May 1743, fancy. John, bap.2 15th July 1690. named in 2nd bur. 5 diedl5thMay 14th Feby. grand March 23rd 1757. He died 1685. father's 1695. April 27th April wiU. 1720. 1789, aged 78 M.I. No. 20. Francis Nation ,^=Mary i CharlesNa-=Di.ana,dau. of > I Eichard, Samuel,=Elizabeth, 1 John of i Eliza EUzabeth, Matric. at Ball. dau. of tion, bap.5 John Lynam bap.5 23rd named dau. of St. Kew, beth, bap.5 28th College, Oxford, 12th March 4th October of St. Minver, Mar. 1702, in his roercGr " bur.5 May 1706, mar.8 4th extrix 1700; nam. bap.1 March bur.5 30th father's Gilbert of will da't. 24th 1707-8 ast. 18; with in father's 169.5, mar.7 July 1751 ; will. Padstow, 5th Sep. Sept. April 1728 Vicar of St.Cle- dau. will; bur.5 27th Feby. wiU prov. mar. at 1717, 1700. WUliam ther, Cornw. to 20th April 1739, bur.5 201 h Oct. Padstow prov. Prideaux Named in his husb. s 1741, Adm" 16th July 17-32 by 19th Feb. 27th Oct. of Lanteg fath'swill; bur.6 will. to relict 1784, c.-t. 90; Sentence, 1722. 1718, los by 1st Jul v 1752, Diana 14lh will dat. 12th died Exeter. Camelford. wiU dat ed 15th December .Tanv. 177 5, unninr. 1 June and prov. 1741. prov. 18th 18th July 1752. August 1784. Exeter. h, bap.9 li 21. Francis Nation, named Jc i hn Nation, bap.9 1724, Elizabet in father's will. di ed before 1752, not executor to father's ni med in father's will. will, then unmar. 2 At Parkham. 3 At Inwardleigh. 4 At Bradworthy. 5 A .St. Kow. 0 At Advc nt. ' At St. Minver. 8 At Lanteglos. 9 At St. Teath. FAMILY HISTORY. — BRADDON. 267 BEADDON OF SKISDON. The family of Braddon was settled in Devon at an early date. Iu 1478 Alice, • relict of John Braddon and executrix of his will, summoned Alice Prideaux of Orley in that -county, relict and executrix of the will of William Prideaux, in a plea of debt.1 Stephen Braddon was returned as one of the Burgesses for the Borough of Bossiny in the Parliament which met on 23rd January 1558-9.2 This Parliament was dissolved in the following May, and Stephen Braddon was returned again for the same Borough to the Parliament which met on 16th January 1562-3.3 A Eobert Braddon was married at Kilkhampton to Agnes Beare in 1569. Stephen is said to have been settled at Treworgey in St. Gennys,4 in the middle of the sixteenth century ; the name of Braddon, however, does not occur in the Subsidy Eolls for that parish down to the time of Charles I. A William Braddon was married at Launcells to Margaret Bayly in 1618; a Eichard Braddon was buried at Egloshayle in 1605, and a John Braddon was resident in that parish early in the seventeenth century; he had three children baptized between 1613 and 1620. The name appears to have been much scattered in the counties of Devon and Cornwall in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. William Braddon of Treworgey joined in the great rebellion, and was a Captain in the Parliamentary army. He was returned to Cromwell's Parliament of 1656 as one of eight persons for the county of Cornwall ; and again he was returned for Camelford in 1 658-9 .5 His name appears two or three times in the Royalist Composition Papers as Captain William Braddon, and as holding leases of the sequestrated estates of the Eoyalists.0 In October 1660, it was certified that " during the whole time of the late war, and ever since, he had been a violent enemy to his sacred Majesty and all his party, and was in arms and did act in the time of the Committee of safety." It was also certified that he held the Barton of Bradridge, worth per annum clear ,£90, and the messuage and tenement called Treworgey, and the tenement adjoining thereto, worth per annum clear £70.r He rebuilt the mansion house at Treworgey as shewn by his initials thereon and the date 1694, in which year lie died and was buried at St. Gennys, where a monument to his memory, with a quaint inscription, still exists. Ann his wife, pre deceased him in 1678, and is also commemorated by a monument iu the Church of St Gennys. William Braddon left two sons, Henry and Lawrence. Lawrence was a Barrister of Inner Temple. The Earl of Essex having been committed to the Tower on a 1 De Banco Eoll, 18th Edward IV., Trinity, m. 140. " Browne Willis, Nut. Pail., Vol. Iii., Part 2, p. 63. = Ibid fo. 72. 4 C. S. Gilbert's Hist, of Cor.iw., Vol. II., p. 37. 5 Browne Willis, Not. Pari., Vol. iii. part 2, fo. 28'. 6 Eoyalist Comp. Papers, First Series, Vol. lxxxiv. fo. 499, and lxviii, fos. 211, 229. 7 State Papers, Dom. Corr., Vol. xix., No. 107. 268 PARISH OF LANOWE, alias ST. KEW. charge of High Treason, on 13th July 1683 committed suicide by cutting his throat, as found by an Inquisition taken the following day ; and it was charged against Lawrence Braddon and Hugh Speke that," not being ignorant of the premisses, with the intention of bringing the Government into disgrace, they had falsely conspired to make the subjects of the king believe that the said Inquisition had been unduly taken, and that the Earl was killed by those in whose custody he was placed, and having been found guilty on this charge he was sentenced to pay a fine of J2,000, and to give sureties for his good behaviour during his life. He afterwards wrote two or three pamphlets in vindication of the Earl of Essex, and some other small works.2 Henry Braddon, the eldest son of William Braddon, died in 1711, and was buried at St. Gennys, where he also is commemorated by a monument in the Church. His great-grandson, Henry Braddon, Gent., described as of Lifton, in 1782 married Sarah Phillis daughter of William Clode of Camelford, and sister and heir of her brother Major William Clode of Skisdon, which place, through this alliance, the Braddons inherited and have since made their principal residence. Henry Braddon had a large family. His eldest son, William Braddon, held a high judicial office in the Civil Service of India. Having retired from the Service and settled in Cornwall he was brutally attacked in his bed by burglars and soon afterwards died of the injuries he received, and is now represented by his eldest son William Clode Braddon of Skisdon Esq., whose son, Captain William Clode Braddon, late 75th Foot, is Adjutant of the Brecknockshire Eifle Volunteers, and grandson, Edward Henry Clode Braddon, son of the last mentioned, is a Lieutenant in the 55th Eegiment. 1 Cobbett's State Trials, Vol. ix. 1127-1128. a Bibliotheca Cornubiensis, Vol. i., p. 40. APPENDIX. 269 APPENDIX I. A. Universis, &c, Petrus, &c, Salutem in Domino sempiternam. Ad universitatis vestrte noticiam tenore presentium volumus pervenire quod nos ad pressentationem religiosorum virorum Prioris et Conventus Plymptonise ecclesise de Lanhoho in Oornubia verorum patronorum, Eeymundum de Lanhoho prsesbyterum ad taxandam vicariam ejusdem ecclesise admittentes intuitu caritatis ipsum vicarium canonice institnimus in eadem assignantes eidem Eeymundo et successoribus ejus qui pro tempore fuerint de expressa voluntate et assensu dietorum Eeligiosorum nomine dictte vicariss totum altilagium ejusdem eeclesise cum suis pertinentiis vna cum terris et possessionibus quas Eogerus Sors et Eicardus film1? Eadulphi aliquando tenuerunt de dominico sanctuarise ecclesiee supradictfe, deeima garbarum totius parochise duntaxat excepta. Ita tamen quod dictus Eey- mundus et successores sui qui pro tempore fuerint, omnia onera debita et consueta omnino sustineant et angnoscant reservata nichilominus nobis potestate ordinandi et disponendi de dicta vicaria augendo vel minuendo prout nobis videbitur expedire. In cujus rei testimonium prEesenti- bus Uteris sigillum nostrum duximus apponendum. Datum apud Ylsteworth die sancti Lucse- Evangelista?, anno domini MCC. octogesimo tercio, et Cousecrationis nostrte tercio. Bishop Bronescombo's Eegister, fo. 122. B. Juratores presentant quod Eex Edgarus dedit Ecclesiam de Lannoseynt que valet per annum xl libras et duas carucatas terre centum solidos redditus Canonicis de Plympton pro sustentatione duorum Canonicorum ad diuina ibidem celebranda et elemosinam pauperibus erogandam et pro peregrinis et aliis hospitandis pro anima Eegis et successorum suorum Que quidem celebracio- et elemosina iam quindecim annis elapsis subtract* sunt Ideo. preceptum est Vicecomiti quod venire faciat priorem predicte domus, &c. Postea venit predictus prior et dicit quod quidam Willelmus Episcopus Exoniensis concessit et dedit perpetualiter in elemosinam assensu et consensu Capituli Exoniensis Q. Priori et omnibus Canonicis Deo seruientibus in Ecclesia de Plumpton ecclesiam predictam et quicquid ad earn pertinet in omnibus rebus ita ut decedentibus eiusdem ecclesie clericis prebende eorum in vsus Canonicorum de Plumpton cedant, &c, et profert cartam ipsius Episcopi que hoc testafur. Profert eciam confirmationem domini Henrici Eegis proaui domini Eegis nunc que testatur quod idem Dominus Eex concessit et confirmauit eeclesise et canonicis regularibus de Plomptona ecclesiam de Landoho cum omnibus appendiciis suis ita ut decedentibus eiusdem ecclesie clericis prebende eorum in vsus Canonicorum Eegularium de Plomptona cedant Et dicit quod ipse et omnes predecessores sui a confectione predicte carte tenuerunt predictam ecclesiam cum terra predicta quietam de predicta eelebratione et elemosina pauperum erogarida aut peregrinis hospitandis et petit Judicium, &c. Et Johannes de Mutford 2 0 270 PAEISH OF LANOWE, alias ST. KEW. qui sequitur &c, dicit quod Dominus Eex Edwardus pater &c, et Dominus Eex nunc fuerunt seisiti de cantaria duorum canonicorum et elemosina supradicta pro animabus progenitorum suorum facienda usque iam xv. annis elapsis quando predictus prior ilia subtraxit Et hoc petit quod inquiratur et prior similiter. Et juratores dicunt super sacramentum suum quod predictus prior et omnes predecessores sui tenuerunt predictas ecclesiam et terram de Domino Eege et ante- cessoribus suis a tempore quo non existat memoria et semper continuauerunt predictam cantariam et elemosinam in forma predicta vsque ad tempus predictum quando subtracte fuerunt per predecessores dicti prioris. Ideo consideratum quod predicta cantaria de cetero fiat Et precep- tum est Yicecomiti quod distringat eundem Priorem ad cantariam illam de cetero faciendam Et Prior in misericordia quia contra placitauit. — M< Assize Eolls, Cornwall, 30th Edward I. I In, 58. 21 C. Petitio Prioris de Plympton in Parliamento de terris et ecclesia de Landoho Anno regis Edwardi Primo 30mo. A nostre seignur le Eoi et a sun consail mustre le Priour de Plympton, que come luy et ses precedessours eyent ew deus carrueyes de terre, cent Soudeyes de Eente en Laneuhouseynt, que par autre noun est apele Landoho en Cornwaille, et le Eglise de meisme le lyeu, en pure et per- petuele amoune, du doun William Warwast, jadis Evesque de Excestre, et par confermement le Eoi Henri, Besael nostre seignur le Eoi que hore est, saunz nule maniere de servise fesaunt ; des ques a l'heyre Sire John de Berewyk et ses Compaignouns, en Cornewaille, a la feste S. Michel, l'an du Eegne nostre Seigneur le Eoi que hore est trentisme : devant lesqueux presente fuist, per gentz meins conyssauntz, qe les ditz Terres, Eente et Eglise, esteyent donetz al dit Priour et as Chanoignes, en meisme le lyeu Dieu seruantz, pur ,1a sustenaunce de deus Chanoignes a devyn servyse ylesques ceiebrer, et a almongne a Povres doner, et pur Pelryns et autre ylesques herberger, par un Eoi Edgar ; et per meismes ceux de meisme le servise conuyct, qe ne semble mie acordaunt a verite, par le resoun que quaraunte aunz apres la mort le dit Edgar Eoi, n'y avoit il Priour, ne Chanoyngne, ne Covent, a Plympton, par quei la chose poet estre a eux par le dit Eoi Edgar done. Ear le dit Evesque Williame, a qui le Eoi Henri, fuiz William le Conquerour, rendi et retourna a nostre Dame et a Seint Piere de l'Eglise Excestre les ditz Terre, Eente et Eglise, founda la dite Priorie de Plympton, et les diz Terre, Eente, et Eglise de Landoho lur dona, par confermement le Eoi Henri, besail nostre Seignur le Eoi que hore est, sicum est avaundit. Prie le dit Priour a l'avaundit nostre Seignur le Eoi, pur s'alme et les almes ses auncestres, qu'il e sun Covent, puissent les ditz Terre, Eente, et Eglise tenir a la sustenance de eux, et a meyntenir lur Hospitalite, a Plympton, solem la forme des Chartres avaunditz, et solom ceo que eux les unt tenuz de la fundacion de lur eglise des ques a l'heyre avaundit ; kar puis cele heyre rien ne unt resceu pur lur Sustenaunce, ne pur la hospitalite ylesques memtenir. Eesponsio. Habeant breve in Cencellaria, Domino Johanni de Berewik, ad faciendum venire recordum et processum ultimi itineris Cornubias coram Thesaurario et Baronibus de Scaccario et examinatis processu et chartis/ fiat eis secundum quod fuerit faciendum. Petition to King and Council, No. 6826. APPENDIX. 271 D. Eex omnibus ad quos, &c., Salutem. Sciatis quod cum nuper in Curia nostra coram dilectis et fidelibus nustris Johanne de Berewyk et sociis suis Justiciariis nostris ultimo itinerantibus in comitatu Cornubiee presentatum fuisset quod quidam bone memorie Edgarus quondam Eex Anglifc predecessor noster dedit Canonicis de Plympton duas carucatas terre centum solidatas redditus cum pertinentiis in Landoho et Eccles:' am eiusdem ville pro sustentatione duorum canonicorum ad divina ibidem celebranda et elemosinam pauperibus erogandam et pro peregrinus et aliis hospitandis pro anima dicti Eegis et successorum suorum et quod huiusmodi celebracio et elemosinarum erogacio a tempore donationis predicte ibidem facte fuerunt vsque ad principium quindecim annorum dictum iter Justiciariorum nostrorum predictorum precedentium quo celebracio et elemosinarum erogacio predicte ssubtraete fuerunt ac Prior dicti Prioratus de Plympton in dicta Curia nostra coram prefatis Justiciariis nostris super subtraetione huiusmodi allocutus asseruit quod quidem Willelmus quondam Exoniensis Episcopus de assensu capituli sui Exoniensis dedit ecclesiam predictam cuidam Gr. tunc Priori de Plympton et canonicis eiusdem loci et quod dictus Prior et predecessores sui per donum dicti Episcopi et confirmationem Celebris memorie domini Henrici quondam Eegis Anglia? proavi nostri predictos terram redditum et ecclesiam tenuerunt absque celebratione diuinorum elemosinarum ero'gatione seu peregrinorum hospitatione inde fa- ciendis. Cumque per inquisitionem in dicta curia nostra coram prefatis Justiciariis nostris de premissis captam in qua dictus Prior se posuit compertum fuisset quod quidam Predecessor predicti Prioris habuit predictos terram redditum et ecclesiam de dono predicti Eegis Edgari pro Cantaria elemosinis et hospitalitate sustentandis in forma supradicta et quod eedem cantaria elemosine et hospitalitas a tempore donationis predicte per predecessores predicti Prioris sustentate fuerunt quousque subtracte extiterant vt est dictum per quod dicta curia nostra considerauit quod predicte cantaria elemosine et hospitalitas sustentarsntur et quod Prior predictus ad hsec distringetur sicut per recordum et processum coram prefatis Justiciariis nostris inde habita que coram nobis venire fecjmus est compertum. Nos licet Prior et Canonici predicti ad sustentationem dictorum duorum canonicorum elemosinarum erogationem et hospitalitationem iuxta considera- tionem curie nostra predicte teneantur accendentes nichilomnius cultum diuinum adeo honeste et congrue per presbiteros seculares quam per religiosos extra conuentum in loco priuato commorantes posse exerceri et sustentari ad requisionem dictorum Prioris et Canonicorum volumus et con- cedimus pro nobis et heredibus nostris quantum in nobis est quod predicti Prior et Canonici et eorum successores decetero habeant ad dictani ecclesiam de Landoho vnum vicarium et vnum capellanum seculares divina ibidem celebraturos et elemosinarum erogationem et hospitalitatem nomine dictorum Prioris et Canonicorum pro terra redditu et ecclesia predictis facturos imper petuum. Uolentes quod iidem Prior et Canonici vel successores sui ad aliquos canonicos seu alios vltra dictos Yicarium et Capellanum in dicta ecclesia de Landoho ad predicta pietatis opera excercenda sunt predictum est inueniendos decetero teneantur aut per nos vel heredes nostras Justiciaries Escaetores Yicecomites aut alios Balliuos seu ministros nostros quoscunque ad hoc aliqualitur compellantur. In cuius, &e. 'Teste apud Karlin xxvj0 die Marcij, per petitionem de consilio.1 [1307.] 1 Eot. Pat. ?5th Edward I., m. 20. 2o2 272 PARISH OF LANOWE, alias ST. KEW. E. Universis &c, Johannes &c, universicati vestre innotescimus per presentes quod cum inter religio- sos viros Priorem et conventum Pljmpton ordinis Sancti Augustini nostrorum patronatus et diocesis ecclesiam parochialem et euratam de Lannou dicte nostre diocesis in vsus proprios obtinentes ex parte vna et dominum Henricum Tresodorn dicte ecclesie perpetuum Vicarium ex parte alia super inuentione et sustentatione vnius Capellani in eadem ecclesia pro domino nostro Eege Anglise progenitoribus ac successoribus suis Anglia; Eegibus perpetuo celebrantur qui eodem dicto vicario in diuinis officiis assidue et animarum cure exercicio quoeiens opus esset assisteret, suborta fuisset materia questionis, prefatis Eeligiosis viris asserentibus inueneionem seu sustentationem dicti Capel lani ad dictum Vicarium et onus vicarie sue huius pertinere debere ipsumque ad subeundum illud onus cogendum fore rationabiliter et artandum dictoque vicario contrarium asserente pro eo quod porcio vicarie sue predicte quam in manso et sanctuario que ipse et predecessores sui ibidem Vicarii habet et habebant necnon in altilagio totius parochie de Lannou exeepto eo quod de dominico dictorum Eeligiosorum per eosdem ex culto vel alias occupato prouenit annuatim solummodo consistere pretendebat insufficientem fore notorie ad ipsius Vicarii et unius Capellani sustentationem iuraque Episcopalia et Archidiaconalia persoluenda ac cetera onera sibi incum- bencia supportanda. Ac nos super premissorum veritate voluissemus in figura iudicii seruato iuris ordine informari ut sic omni ambiguitate sublata feeissemus vtrique parti iusticie complemen- tum partes supradicte Prior videlicet et Conuentus per dominos Nicholaum Wellesforde et Eicardum ffairwode dicti Monasterii Canonicos et eorumdem Prioris et Conuentus procuratores per suas certi tenoris literas sigillo eorum communi sigillatas ad infrascripta sufficienter constitutos dictus vero vicarius personaliter in aula manerii nostri de Chuddelegh xvii0 die mensis Januarii anno domini millesimo CCCm0 quinquagesimo quarto coram nobis pro tribunali sedentibus comparentes et ut dixerunt anfractus licium exercentes supei* dissentione et discordia supradicta per viam transactionis et pactionis initarum inter eos per modum qui sequitur coneordarunt videlicet quod dictus vicarius et successores sui ibidem futuri vicarii perpetui capellani de quo superius fit mentio ad celebrandum et deseruiendum vt predictur in Ecclesia memoratai inueniet et inuenient imperpetuum suis sumptibus et expensis. Item dicti vicarii onus construc- tionis reparationis et confectionis cancelli ecclesie supradictse et inventionis librorum per loci Eectorem ibidem de iure ut de consuetudine inueniendorum quod ad dictos Eeligiosos spec- tare hactenus consueuit necnon onera ordinaria et extraordinaria quecunque supradicte ecclesie et eius nomine Eectori loci incumbencia de cetero insolidum supportabunt et ipsorum quilibet suis temporibus supportabit. In subsidium vero inuentionis et sustentationis dicti capellani ac supportationem ceterorum onerum predictorum memoratus vicarius ac successores sui antedicti decimas maiores quarundam terrarum infra limites predicte parochie de Lannou situatarum vidz : decimas maiores terrarum de Bethbolgh Trewarthenyer Croppyng Hille Tretheuen Dale Nyweton Eedsmyth et Peulengarou vltra mansum sanctuarium et altilagium que ut pre- fertur idem vicarius qui nunc est et precessores ac predecessores sui illius loci vicarii percipere consueuerant ab antiquo recipient imperpetuum et habebunt. Et ut premissa omnia coram nobis iudicialiter eonfessata et in scriptis eciam recitata perpetuis futuris temporibus ' inuiola- bilem optinerent roboris firmitatem partes supradicte a nobis cum instancia petiuerunt vt eisdem nostrum consensum prebere nostramque auctoritatem pontificalem apponere dignareiaur. Nos APPENDIX. 273 itaque Johannes Exoniensis Episcopus antedictus cupientes inter partes supradictas sicuti inter quoscunque subditos nostros pads et quietis vincula confouere ac licium quarumcunque subtrahere strepitus et fomenta compositionem transactionem supradictas vt reales fiant perpetuis temporibus duraturum ad petitionem dictarutn partium vt preemittitur nobis porrectam authoritate nostra ponti- ficali approbamus auctorizamus ac tenore presentium confirmamus. Tenor vero literarum de quibus superius fit mencio sequitur in hee verba. Pateat vniuersis per presentes quod nos Prior et Conuentus monasterii Apostolorum Petri et Pauli Plymptonise ordinis sancti Augustini Exoniensis diocesis ecclesiam parochialem de Lannou dicte diocesis in vsus proprios obtinentes dilectos nobis in Ohristo dominos Nicholaum Welles- forde et Eieardum ffayrwode concanonicos nostros ordinamus et constituimus nostros veros et legitimos procuratores et nuncios speciales coniunctim et diuisim et vtrumque eorum in solidum. Ita quod non sit melior condicio occupantes sed quod vnus eorum inceperit alius prosequi valeat et finire. DanteS et coneedentes eisdem et eorum vtrique potestatem in solidum et mandatum speeiale ad tractandum nomine nostro et monasterii nostri supradicti cum Henrico Tresodorn supradicte ecclesie de Lannou perpetuo Vicario super inuentione cuiusdam capellani ibidem per petuo celebraturi necnon super constructione refectione ac reparatione cancelli dicte ecclesie et aliis oneribus tam ordinariis quam extraordinariis eidem ecclesie incumbentibus per eum et successores suos prefate ecclesie futuros vicarios perpetuo supportandis ac eciam pro supportatione onernm huius et inuentione dicti capellani assignando et concedendo decimas quarumdam terra rum infra fines parochie de Lannou existencium in augmentationem portionis vicarie sue vide licet : decimas maiores terrarum de Bethbolgh Tywarthenyer Cropping Hille Tretheuen Dale Nyweton Eedsmyth et Pelengarou sibi et successoribus suis ibidem vieariis imperpetuum ac omnia alia et singula facienda speeiale ratum et gratum perpetuis temporibus habituri quicquid iidem procuratores nostri aut eorum alter fecerit seu gesserit in premissis seu alio premissorum sub ypotheca omnium bonorum nostrorum non intendentes per presentem procurationem nostram queeunque per nos priu,s facta aliqualiter reuocare. In quorum omnium testimonium sigillum nostrum communi presentibus est appensum. Datum Plymptoniis in domo nostra capitulari sextodecimo die mensis Januarii anno domini Millesimo CCCmo quinquagesimo quarto. In quorum omnium et singulorum testimonium atque fidem has litteras nostras sigilli nostri appensione fecimus communiri. Data in dicto manerio nostro xviij0 die dicti mensis Januarii sub anno domini supradicto conseerationis vero nostre vicesimo oetauo. Bishop Grandisson's Eegister, Vol. i., p. 180. P. Extract from an Inquisition so far as it relates to the Church of St. Kew. Inquisicio capta apud Bodmyn die Jouis proxima ante festum Sancti Georgii anno regni Eegis Eicardi seeundi quarto decimo coram Johanne Hauley Escaetore domini Eegis in comi tatu Cornubiae ex officio suo per sacramentum Henrici Giffard, Johannis Burgh, junr., Johannis Geffry, Trewyget, Eicardi Andrew, Benedict Giffard, Johannis John, Johannis Trethuuen, Johannis Bera, Treburthek, Willelmi Hichon, Thome Nanfan, Johannis Trewen et Henrici Tregeriok, qui dicunt per sacramentum suum quod. Edgarus quondam Eex Anglie dedit et concessit Priori et Conuentui de Plympton et successoribus suis manerium de Lanouseynt et 274 PARISH OF LANOWE, alias ST. KEW. aduocacionem ecclesie de Lanowe cum decimis et omnibus proficiis imperpetuum ad sustentamdum duos canonicos ibidem apud Lanowe Seynt ad celebrandum ibidem pro animabus eiusdem Eegis et successorum suorum et ad distribuendum ibidem qualibet septimana bis videlicet diebus mer- curii et veneris elemosina xl. pauperibus pro animabus predicti Eegis et antecessorum suorum imperpetuum duratura quorum vnus Canonicus deberet celebrare in capella in cimiterio predicte ecclesie oxistenti et dictam capellam sustentare debent predicti Prior et Conuentus Sumptibus suis propriis Qui Prior et Conventus Canonicos et Elemosinam et reparacionem eiusdem capelle per sexaginta annos elapsos subtraxerunt per quod dictum maneriem forisfacere debent domino Eegi. Et predictum manerium valet per annum Cs' Et aduocatio ecclesie predicte valet per annum P* Item dicunt quod predictus prior et conuentus de Plympton adquisiuerunt sibi et successoribus suis post statutum religiosorum vnum mesuagium et unam acram terre cornubise in Talcogow iuxta Lanowseynt et unum mesuagium et j ferliegum terre in Treaynek de Willelmo ffoot atte hale sine licencia domini Eegis et valet per annum xiij" iiijd Escheats, 14th Richard IL, No. 97. APPENDIX II. Eettjen of the Possessions of the Inhabitants of St. Kew, 1521-1523. Augmentation Office, MisceUaneous Books. Parish of I The yerely valor of the spiritual! men is possessions w' yn the seid parysche Seynt Kue. J aceordyng to the kinges commission. Prior de Plympton Eector Ecclesie ibidem valet per annum . . . . xi ii M. Johannes Mane Vicarias1 ibidem valet in proficius . . . . x li Summa Valencia terrarum et tenementarum ibidem per annum. Willelmus Carnsuyowe habet terras et tenementa ibibem per annum iijli vj s viij d Nicholaus Cavyll c s Willelmus Byle xvjs Prior de Plympton predicta - vjii Petrus Bevyll ixli Eicardus Code vjii Henricus Nicol - xls Eogerus Arundell Armiger xs Thomas Trote Johannes Smyth de Bodmyn - Thomas Gilbert - Arturas Kemys - Johannes Calwodleigh Thomas Treffry - Johannes Pentyre Johannes Worthevale Johannes Skuys Johannes Eouell v s vs xs X s XX s xl s iij K vj s viij d xijsviijs viij s 1 Also Vicar of St. Teath and Eector of St. Tudy. 275 Johannes Eescarek c s heredes Johannes Cok - vis viij d Cary de Cokyngton xxvj s viij d Johannes Helyer xxx s Margareta Stowell vidua xls Domina de Hastynges - xvj s Johannes Carmynow xiij s iiij d Johannes Glyn viij s Eicardus Nuton vj s viij d Johannes Denesyll xiij s iiij d Johanna Specot Vidua - xiij s iiij d Johannes Kestell - xiij s iij d Johannes Tallan x s Valencia bonorum et Catallorum dicta parochia et de eorum armis. Idem M. Johannes Mane Vicarius ibidem valet in bonis xiii Eicardus Penny Oapellanus ibidem in stipendio vij marcas in bonis ixs APPENDIX Willelmus Hopkyn xxxs Edwardus Chechester xiij s heredes Wullecomhe xxx s Johannes Vyall - vjs Jacobus Kestell xxxiij s iiij d Henricus Marney Miles xls heredes Johannes Mone cs Johannes Luke xvjs Dominus ffitzwaryn viijs Dominus Henricus Courtenay vj li xiij s iiij d Willelmus Cullow viijs heredes Edwardi Arundell Milites vj ii xiij s iiij d Willelmus Carnsuyowe - xls Johannes Lynam, Junioris x marcas Nicholaus Cavell xx li arma pro vno homine arma pro vno homine Johannes Lynam, Senioris - cs Petrus Bevyll c marc arma pro vno homine arma pro uno homine Johannes Marlond - - "ij K Johannes Nicol - xx ii Eobertus Inche - ^ij K arma pro vno homine Nicholaus Morlond c s Johannes Mathew - xx li Johannes Dagge xls arma pro vno homine Eicardus Kendall - xls Johannes Pethek - xls Henricus Lynam xii Willelmus Inche - xxii arma pro vno homine arma pro vno homine Thomas ffyke, Senioris - xii Eicardus Parkyn - xls Thomas ffyke, Junioris vjii Willelmus Emot x marcas Nicholas Hayward xls Matheus Hutchyn x marcas Willelmus Brym - xls arma pro vno homine Johannes Archer xls Willelmus Hutchyn - xxii Eobertus Hogge xls arma pro vno homine Eicardus Mathy - Ixs Willelmus Hogge xls Willelmus Betty - xls Willelmus Hobbe - Ixs Thomas Paket - xls Johannes Clerk - xls Johannes Walys cs Johannes Triplat - viij ii arma pro vno homine Willelmus Ayer vijii Johannes Smyth c s Johannes Hawkyn - iiij ii Davidus Danger v marcas Johannes Jenkyn - xls Thomas Eonold - cs Willelmus Polgrene - viij li arma pro vno homine Johannes ffycke - xls Stephanus Martyn - xls 276 PARISH OF LANOWE, alias ST. KEW. Eicardus Strowte, Junioris xls Eicardus Strowte, Senioris xl s Eicardus Kestell - - viij ii arma pro vno homine Johannes Hawkyn xls Johannes Parson X marcas arma pro vno homine Philipus Tregyon xls Johannes Crome iiij ii Johannes Taverner XX marcas Eicardus Mathu xls Johannes Sutton X marcas arma pro vno homine Willelmus Burnard - iiij li Willelmus Hutchyn xvii arma pro vno homine Eicardus Hutchyn viij li Thomas Adam xls Eobertus Eonall X marcas Johannes Moyle - xii Johannes Harper - - xxii Johannes Webber cs Eobertus Lynam iiij ii Eicardus Webber x marcas Willelmus ffrode xii Eobertus Martyn xls Johannes Calwaye, Junioris xls Johannes ffyke xls Thomas Hutchyn xx marcas arma pro vno homine Willelmus Mathy xii Johannes Harry - "ij ft Johannes Blake, Senioris xls Johannes Blake, Junioris xl s Willelmus Philipp - xl s Johannes ffycke iiij ft Willelmus Hogge nil quia pauper tenens Prioris de Plympton Johannes Emot nil quia pauper tenens Alexandri Cary Eobertus Lynam nil quia pauper tenens Domini Devon APPENDIX III Subsidy Eoll, 1st Edward Johanne de Carmynou Eeginaldo de Moun Nicholao Giffard Nicholao Tregellest Eoberto Tregeller Hugone Trewythian Johanne Penguynna Johanne Lony Johanne Coe Eadulpho Prigou Johanne Trevethan Thoma Taloogan Johanne Tregoyth III., granting a twentieth to the King. Miscl. Books, Vol. 431, p. 42. Parochia de Lannou. Eicardo Nikelyn Eicardo Soby Thoma Gerny Johanne Treauerok Willielmo Criket Johanne Simon Eeginaldo Coykyn Johanne Pyl Eicardo Heket Henrico Trewenek Johanne Marsel 1] s - ys - ys xijd - ix d ixd ix d vjd xijd vjd ix d - ix d Taxatoribus | WilKelmo Trethynan I Eicardo de Hendre - Augmentation Office, vjd vj d ix d xd vjd xijd vj d ixd vjd ix d xijdxij i xijd Q m © % t=i s sS ?• 3 si ^ w < 1 M ft 0 LANTEGLOS JUXTA CAMELFORD, AND ST. ADWEN was ADVENT. These two parishes, being consolidated into one benefice, we propose to treat of toge ther, though distinguishing each as far as practicable. Both are situate in the Hundred of Lesnewith; Lanteglos is bounded on the north by the parish of Minster, on the east by Davidstow, Advent and St. Breward, on the south by Michaelstow, and on the west by St. Teath. The following perambulation, signed by the Minister and Churchwardens and principal inhabitants of the parish, is preserved in the Bishop's Eegistry at Exeter. Lanteglos juxta Camelford. — A note of the Lymites and Bouudes of the p'ish of Lanteglose juxta Camelford, vewed by the Inhabitants thereof, together wth the Minister thereof, Anno d'ni 1613. Imprimis. Erom Helesbery yeate the Bounds runn north-west along by the hedg between Helstone ground and Helsebury downe till you come to a lake wch riseth in John Harvies doune, wch lake, or Brooke, is the very Bound between Michaelstowe and Lanteglosse till it come to a Bridge neere Knight's Mill ; and from the sayed Bridge the bound runneth all alonge by the river northeast until it come vnto newall Bridg, beinge the verye bcund between Lanteglosse and St. Teath ; and from newall Bridg the bound run all along upward by the river until it come unto a Tenem' in St. Teath called Trevihen, and from chence the bounds run along by the east hedg of the sayed Tenem' vnto Chappies hedg, and by Chappies hedg the Bounds run along vnto Castlegoe hedg, and by that hedg the bounds run north vnto a place called "roses," being the bound between Lanteglosse, St. Teath, and Minster; and from "roses" to brewers gate, and .from Brewei's gate the bounds run westward vntil they come vnto Hornawinke wheare the bounde between Lanteglosse and St. Teath end : and from Hornawinke the bounds run by a small riuer between Lanteglose and Tintagel, woh runneth northward vnto Cockell's Coome, and from thence the boundes run alonge eastward, between Tintagel and Lanteglose, vnto the field Bridg att Bruers ; from the Bridge it runneth southward vntil it come vnto Brewer's gate aforesayed : ffrom the river betweene Lanteglosse and Minster aforesayed vnto Trewilla Parke, and from the Eiver as the hedg runneth betweene Trefredoe doune, Trevilla parke, and Collen eastward, the Bounds runn 2p 278 PARISHES OF LANTEGLOS AND ADVENT. alonge by the hedg vnto the head of Collen Lane, and joining with one hedg of Copsen heath, Bounding lietweene Lanteglosse and Minster; and from thenc the bounds runn alonge by the hedg of Trewassoe downe, in Davidstow, unto Hendra Walles southeast, being the Bound between Lanteglosse and Davidstow, and soe from Hendra Walles hedg the bounds runn alonge by the hedg westward vnto little Collen, which one John Hunny holdeth ; and from thence the bounds runn between Trenarth and Trevarlidg by the southeast hedg vnto a tenem' called Couldcada, and from thence the bounds runn alonge by the highway, westward, vnto the Bridg in the sayed highway, and from the bridg the bounds runn all along by the river vnto Trevarlidg hedg, which is the bound betweene Lanteglosse and Advent ; and from the hedg, southward, the bounds runn vnto Lancarne water, and from thenc the bounds runn alonge by the river, westwarde, vnto Worthaker hedg, and so alonge the hedg, northward, vnto the highway, and soe the Bound runneth all alonge the high way vntil it come vnto hoary Stone, and from hoary Stone alonge by the south hedg vnto Helsbery gate aforesayed. There is alsoe belonginge vnto the parish of Lanteglosse some part of Helsbery parke, as it is reported, but how much wee know not. But these are the Trew bounds of all the rest of or p'ish to or knollegde. Signed, Samuell More, per me Nathanaelem More substitut' ibidem. Henry Allye, i Hugh Hockine. Churchwardens. 7, J Walt' Hay, J ^»™w«<™. Hugh Wilkye. John Wallys, 1 William Pearse. WiU. Edwards, } Sidesmen- Hugh Dann. . . . Jonn Joyce, i John White. Nicholas Coleman, j CmstMes- Adryan Bastard. John Cocke. w'h the rest of the pishe- The total area of the parish of Lanteglos is, according to the Tithe Survey, 395- acres and 6 perches. The whole of the parish is, geologically, within the altered Devonian district though an elvan dyke extends from Greenlake, near Camelford, in a southwestern direction to Tregreenwell near the border of St. Teath, where it abuts upon a greenstone vein running almost perpendicular to it, which intersects this parish and extends into St. Teath. The elvan dyke runs parallel to, and close upon, the turnpike road leading from Camelford to Wadebridge, chiefly on the south side. Near Greenlake this dyke is a porphyry with a grey-white quartzo-felspathic base containing crystals of quartz and specks of mica; but at Tregreenwell it becomes a granite having a base of light>-coloured felspar, quartz and mica containing disseminated crystals of light-coloured felspar.1 The northern part of the parish possesses rocks of the calcareous series, among which are slates of an excellent quality for roofing, which have been worked to some extent at Bodwithick. The land generally is fertile, though better adapted to pasture than corn. The chief Landowners are His Eoyal Highness ths Prince of Wales in respect to the Manor of Helston, S. M. Grylls of Lewarne, Esq., and Miss Pearse of Laun>ceston. 1 Dc la Beche. Eeport on the Geology of Cornwall, Devon and West Somerset, p. 181. INDUSTRIAL PURSUITS. 279 INDUSTEIAL PUESUITS. A considerable wool trade was formerly carried on in Camelford, but it has now ceased and some of the premises are used as a small tannery. Many of the labouring men who reside in this town are employed in the slate quarries at Delabole. For many years a slate quarry was worked at Bodwithick, in this parish, but its operations have now ceased. At Trethian, in Advent, a mine was opened a few years ago, called " The Great North Caradon," but it has now stopped working, as have also certain China-clay Works at Stan- non, though others at Poldu are in operation. With these exceptions the only Industry is agriculture, in which the wages of labourers is about 12s. a week, with, occasionally, a house, rent free, in addition, and food during harvest. The Parish of Advent, which derives its name from the dedication of the Church, has been, from ancient times connected with Lanteglos either as a Chapelry or consoli dated Parish. We find it separately assessed to the Subsidy as early as 1st Edward III (1327,) as "Parochia de Adwyn."1 It is bounded on the west by Lanteglos, from which it is separated on this side by the river Camel ; on the north and north east by the same parish and by Davidstow ; on the east by the last mentioned parish ; and on the south east and south west by St. Bruard. The river Alan takes its rise from numerous springs in Crowdy Marsh, which is partly in Davidstow and partly in Advent. It forms two streams, one of which flows north and the other south of a hill on Advent Moor. The latter forms the boundary between Advent and St. Breward from near its source to Trecarn, where it receives the waters of the Camel. The two streams above- mentioned unite at Alan Ford and flow through a picturesque valley, on the opposite sides of which are two singular formations of granite rocks, which, from a distance, cause the valley to have the appearance of a deep rocky chasm, which is called the " Devil's Jump." Tradition says, that when his Satanic Majesty visited Cornwall he was chased out of the county by St. Michael, who had his residence on the top of Eoughtor, and was glad to effect his escape by leaping over the chasm. The area of this parish is somewhat larger than that of Lanteglos, extending to 4059 acres 1 rood, but nearly one half is rough moor. The whole of this parish, except a small area on the western side forms a portion of the extensive granite district of Brown Willy, the remainder is of the altered Devonian series, composed of felspar and hornblend rocks. The Elvan dyke, described under Lante glos, intersects the north west comer of Advent. It has been pointed out that the various slates, &c, which surround the granite bosses, existed previously to the intrusion of the granite, as shown by the displacement of these rocks by the latter, and by the injection 87 ¦ Suh. EoU — 7 2 P2 280 PARISHES OF LANTEGLOS AND ADVENT. of granite veins into the cracks caused by the upheaving and disruption of the earlier rocks. The junction of the granite with the slate, in this parish, is concealed by marsh and bog, adjoining which is an extensive range of moor resting on an irregular bed of quartzose gravel derived from the granite hills, and evidently of diluvial origin. In some districts this is extensively worked for China-Clay.1 The eastern, or granitic, portion of this parish is sterile and uncultivated, affording only coarse pasture for cattle and sheep during the summer months; the other portion consists of fine meadow land of deep soil. It is remarkable for its verdant appearance. The land never burns up in the driest summer, but always preserves a particularly green and fresh appearance. The soil is better suited for pasture than corn. The principal landowners are S. M. Grylls, Alexander Marshall and W. Teague, Esquires, and Mrs. Abbott. The following table will shew population and number of houses in the two parishes, respectively, at the several periods of the Census within the present Century. Parishes. Description. 1801 1811 1821 1831 1841 1851 1861 1871 / Population 9122 1100 1256 1359 1541 1740 1620 s 1718 Lanteglos . . < / Inhahited 188 216 229 249 320 352 328 328 \ Houses < Uninhabited . . 8 15 9 10 24 21 12 12 \ BuUding nil. 3 1 nil. 6 2 1 1 / Population < / Inhahited \ Houses < Uninhabited . . 170 219 229 244 291 252 208 246 Advent 37 42 55 50 63 56 45 45 4 6 2 S 5 3 10 10 V BuUding nU. nil. 1 1 1 1 nU. nU. The following table will shew the Annual Value of real property in 1815 and the present assessment : Annual Value of Pro perty as assessed in 1815. Present rateable Value. County Assess ment. Land Tax. Assess ed Taxes. Inhabited House Duty. Property and Income Tax. Parishes. Amount Assessed. Amount Redeemed. Schedule. A B D E Lanteglos £ 4141 1396 £ 7090 1873 £ 5600 1768 £ s. d. 163 11 8 61 17 0 £ s. d. 48 15 9J 19 0 9£ Nil. Nil. £ s. d. 23 15 3 £ s. d. 80 6 4 £ s. d. 20 7 10 £ a. d. 27 9 8 £ s. d 1 19 0 1 De la Beche, Geological Survey ; and Dr. Boase. Davies Gilbert's History of CornwaU. 2 It would appear from the number of housling people in 37th Henry VIH. (1545) that the population then was about 300, see post, p. 323. 3 This decrease is attributed, mainly, to migration. PLATE XXXIV. yo 31 ANCIENT CHRISTIAN MONUMENTS. 281 ANCIENT CHEISTIAN MONUMENTS. We find in these parishes the following ancient crosses, the most remarkable and interesting of which is : No. 30. This, for several years, was used as a prop, or buttress, to support the tottering wall of an out-building in the farm yard of Castlegoff, but it has recently been purchased by the Eev. J. J. Wilkinson, and set up in the Eectory grounds. Its original site is stated to have been near the earthworks at Castlegoff, and it is said that its base, with the socket therein, remained in situ within living memory, though now lost. At one end is formed a tenon to fix it in the socket of the base, and from the shoulders of this tenon it tapers to the top, which was squared, though now broken ; there is, however, nothing to shew that it was ever surmounted by a cross. From the shoulders to the top it measures 7 ft. 2 ins. Prefaced by a cross, there is an inscription in Saxon characters, consisting of two lines on the face of the stone and another line on one of the sides. It reads : + iELSELTH & GENEEETH WEOHTE THYSNE SYBSTEL FOE JELWYNEYS SAUL & FOE HEYSEL, that is — iElselth and Genereth wrought this family pillar for iElwyne's soul and for themselves. It is uncertain whether the first letter of the second line should be read as " W " and " E " conjoined, or as " W " only. There is a depression under the loop of the " W " which was probably an incision. The " W " is certain, and the word can be no other than wrought. At an earlier period than that to which this inscription is assigned the third person plural, imperfect tense, of the verb to wyrcan would have been written "worhton," but wrohte is also plural and only a later form than "worhton." The only other word which requires special remark is the last in the second line. Fortunately the letters forming this word are particularly distinct, but being a compound word it could not easily be found in a Saxon dictionary. Those who are familiar with German know how hopeless it is to look for such words in German dictionaries. We must search for its component parts and seek its actual application when in composition. The word before us is formed of two roots : " sib " and " stel." The first is used, with various terminations, to signify family, kindred, relationship. The second means pillar or column. " Stele " is from the Greek word en-jjAj? — a " pillar." In Ainsworth's dictionary we find stela " a square or flatsided pillar, set up for a memorial, with an inscription ; any monument set up in the high way ; a tombstone." — Pliny vi, 28. The first definition is an exact description of the monument before us.1 The inscription is doubtless of the eleventh century. The omission of the letter " f " 1 The Author is indebted to his friends Hans Claude Hamilton, Esq., p.s.a., of the Public Eecord Office, and the Eev. "W. Iago of Bodmin, for valuable assistance in the elucidation of this monument, and to. the latter for making the drawing on wood for the engraver. 282 PARISHES OF LANTEGLOS AND ADVENT.' in some of the names and words, and the form " wrohte " for " worhton," shew that it is late in the century, while " bysne " shews that it is not very late. (Plate XXXIV, fig. 30). No. 31. This is the head of a fine cross. The symbol is of the Greek type within a circular rim, in the centre is a boss, and the same ornament is found upon the sunk panels between the limbs of the cross. The head measures 2 ft. in diameter, and it is 6 ins. thick. Both sides are alike. This cross crowns a little rocky island in a fish-pond in the grounds of Lanteglos Eectory. (See Plate XXXIV, fig. 31.) No. 32. This cross is situate at the junction of three roads near Trewalder. It formerly stood in the hedge at the corner of the field called " Great Bovetown," marked 1235 in the parish map. When the hedge at the corner of this field was taken down a few years ago for the purpose of widening the road, the cross was, together with its base, placed upon the hedge on the opposite side of the road, where it still remains. The base of this cross is about 4 feet square, and the cross is fixed in a socket therein. The shaft is 11 inches high, and the head is an irregular circle without a rim. The symbol is of the Greek type, the lower arm widening out to the breadth of the shaft, and it has a hole sunk in the centre. (See Plate XXXIV, fig. 32.) No. 33. Within the Eectory grounds is also a large cross the shaft of which measures from the ground to the head 4 ft., the head is 1 ft. 6 in. in diameter, and the stone is eight inches thick. The symbol is of the Greek type irregularly and rudely cut. It would appear to have been used as a gate post as it has a hole sunk in one of its sides. (See Plate XXXV, fig. 33.) No. 34. This monolith cross is of a somewhat unusual type. It is very rude in character, and is remarkable for the size of the head and the projections below it. The symbol, which is of the Greek type, is within a circular rim. Both sides are alike, the symbol leaning to the left. It is probable that its original site was at the cross roads at a place called "Valley Truckle," about half-a-mile west of Camelford. It was found set in the ground, with its head downwards, at a smith's shop, immediately contiguous to the supposed site. It had been in the position described for several years, and had been used for the purpose of bending the tires of wheels, for which purpose a part of the shaft had been rounded off and pierced through for fixing a strong iron staple. From this position it has recently been rescued by the' Eev. J. J. Wilkinson, and set up in the Eec tory grounds at Lanteglos. The head measures 2 ft. 4 ins., and the projection below 2 ft. 8 ins. in breadth, the shaft below the arms is 1 ft. 8 ins. and at the bottom 1 ft. 6 ins. in breadth, and the total length, including the head, is 7 ft. 6 ins. At the head it is 6 ins. thick, and at the bottom of the shaft 8 ins. (See Plate XXXV, fig. 34.) No. 35. At Trevia is another cross which now forms the post of a gate. It is much mutilated, the sides having been cut away and the top broken off. The shaft is now four feet above the ground. The portion of the head which remains measures 1 ft. 4 in. in addition. On one side is an incision which somewhat resembles the bowl of a chalice, but we have not been able to detect anything like a stem or foot. (See Plate XXXV, fig. 35). No. 36. In the open field on the west side of the Parish Church of Advent is a tall elegant monolith cross remaining in situ. The shaft is 6 ft. 9 ins. in length out of the PLATE XXXV. " Un 34 ANCIENT ROADS, ETC. 283 ground, and 1 ft. 3ins. wide at the bottom, tapering to 1ft. at the neck, and it is 8 ins. thick. The symbol is of the Greek character, somewhat irregular, within a circular rim. The ancient road, which has been deviated, passed close by it, and was intersected here by the Church path. (See Plate XXXV, fig. 36.) ANCIENT EOADS AND TEACKWAYS. In our account of the parish of Minster (ante vol. i. pp. 586, 587), we alluded to the ancient roads passing, through that parish, and mentioned the great road leading from Stratton and the north, through the site of the town of Camelford, to Michaelstow Beacon. The ancient road from Warbstow Beacon, passing close to Davidstow Church, fell into this road about half-a-mile before it entered the parish of Lanteglos. About half-a-mile on the south of Camelford it received a trackway, which, diverting from the road from Warbstow Beacon, just mentioned, at Hallworthy, pursued a more southerly course through Davidstow and over Middle Moor in Advent. At this junction the main road divided, one branch leading to St. Teath and thence through St. Kew and Egloshayle to Wade (see ante vol. i. pp. 405, 484), and the other continuing its course to Michaelstow Beacon, as before described. About half-a-mile before entering the parish of Michaelstow, another trackway fell into this road. It, also, branched off from the great Warbstow road at Hallworthy, taking a more southerly circuit by Trevillian gate and Lanlary rock, a mile north of Eoughtor. Near the rock it divides, one branch leading through St. Breward by " Arthur's Hall," which we have described (ante vol. i., p. 353), and the other through Advent. About half-a-mile after entering that parish a road branched off to Camelford, and the other continuing its course by Watergate and through Tresinny near Advent Church, crossed the Camel at Kentistock mill and formed the junction above-mentioned ; and crossing the great road pursued its course to St. Teath. There was also a still more southerly track which branched out of the one we have last mentioned about midway between Watergate and Tresinny, which passed through Trewint and Trecarne, and fell into the Michaelstow road just before it entered the parish of Michaelstow. Another ancient road, now forming, through the greater part of its length, the turn pike road leading from Boscastle to Camelford, though it does not, itself, pass through the former place, crosses the road described (ante, p. 586), and passing by Lanteglos Church and Trewalder leads to St. Teath. Previously to the construction of the railways, the road which we have mentioned as passing from Hallworthy by Davidstow Church to Camelford, formed a portion of the turnpike road leading from Exeter to Falmouth through Launceston and Wadebridge. After passing out of the parish of Lanteglos at Knight's mill into St. Teath, it entered upon a new road constructed down the valley of the Kestell, which united again with the ancient road at St. Kew highway and proceeded thence to Wadebridge. 284 PARISHES OF LANTEGLOS AND ADVENT. PEE-HISTOEIC EEMAINS. Castlegoff. On the top of a hill about a quarter of a mile on the west of Lanteglos Church, about 2 miles north by west from Michaelstow Beacon and 3^ miles north east from Tregaer (in St. Kew) is an entrenchment called Castlegoff. It consists of a single rampart and ditch about 200 ft. in diameter. On the west side is an outwork or barbican, the length of which is about 300 ft. and the breadth about 120 ft. After branching out on each side of the principal work a short distance the rampart is nearly concentric with that of the inner circle. The principal entrance appears to have been through this out work, though there is an opening, resembling an entrance, on the opposite side. About 350 yds. north of this entrenchment, on the slope of the hill, on a tenement called Newberry, in the parish of St. Teath, is another circular work doubtless pertaining to the former. It consists of a rampart and ditch about 500 ft. in diameter. The greater part of the rampart is entire and forms the fence of a circular meadow, numbered 1218 on the Tithe map of St. Teath. On the north side it is intersected by an occupation road and a cottage is built within the area. (See Plate XXXVI, fig. l.j There is another circular entrenchment on the north side of the parish, on a tenement called Bury Ground belonging to Helstone. It is situate on the high ground 400 or 500 yards west of the turnpike road leading from Camelford to Bodmin, about a mile north east of Michaelstow Beacon, from which, of course, it can be distinctly seen as also from Castle goff. It is in a field numbered on the parish map 897, and called Higher Bury Ground, and for about two-thirds of its circuit forms the fence of a field, within this enclosure, omitted in the map. The entrenchment consists of a single Vallum with external ditch, the whole of which has been filled up in agricultural operations except about 150 yds on the north side which is clearly distinguishable. This entrenchment, like that last mentioned, has not, heretofore, been noticed. (See Plate XXXVI, fig. 2.) MEETING HOUSES OF DISSENTEES.1 Wesleyan Methodists. — By an Indenture dated 1st November 1784 Gertrude, Duchess of Bedford, and other devisees in trust of the real estate of John Duke of Bedford then 1 On 8th March 1819, WUliam Mason, of Ashwater, registered in the Archdeacon's Court a Building situate in the vUlage of Camolford, in the parish of Lanteglos, then in the occupation of WiUiam Eowe, as a Meeting House for Protestant Dissenters, and on 12th July in the same year, the same person registered a Buildin°- situate in the village of Trezenny, in the parish of Advent, for the same purpose. We do not know by what denomination these buUdings were used. 1_ I " ¦ y MEETING HOUSES OF DISSENTEES. 285 lately deceased, granted, for a term of 99 years determinable upon the deaths of three lives, to Eichard Mabyn of the Borough of Camelford, currier, and John Eosevear of the same Borough, shop-keeper, a plot of ground called " Tom's Hay," behind the Back Street in the said Borough, cotnaining in length about 60 feet and in breadth about 30 feet ; 1 and upon this plot a building was soon afterwards erected, which, on the 25th May 1787, was registered as a Meeting House for Protestant Dissenters in the court of the Archdeacon of Cornwall.2 By deed dated SOth June 1797 Eichard Mabyn and John Eosevear conveyed these premises to John Cock of Port Isaac, Esq. and others,- in Trust for the uses limited in the foundation deed, dated 28th February 1784 and enrolled, of the people called Methodists.3 Afterwards, by Indenture dated 24th December 1812, a lease was obtained for the term of 99 years of a piece of ground, contiguous to the above, to be used as a burial ground ; and by deed dated 16th March 1833 the Duke of Cleveland, who had now acquired the property in Camelford, in consideration of the sum of £283, conveyed the above-mentioned premises, together with a dwelling-house, malt-house, and stable, all con tiguous, to James Eosevear, draper, and others, to hold in fee in trust for the uses above described.1 This building is licensed for the celebration of marriages. It contains sittings for 400 persons, and there are now attached to it 51 registered members. The Wesleyan Methodists have also a Meeting House at Helston, which was built about the year 1830, and by deed dated 24th June 1867 was conveyed upon the trusts of the Wesleyan model deed dated 3rd July 1832. It affords accommodation for 140 persons and there are eight registered members attached to it. United Methodist Free Church. — Messrs. Thomas Pope Eosevear, Eichard Harris Burt and others, erected a proprietary building at Camelford in 1837. This is probably the same building which, on 19th December 1840, was registered in the Court of the Arch deacon by Walter Treleaven of Lanlivery, under the description of a Chapel in the Borough of Camelford, on the east side of Fore street and on the Launceston side of the Market house, as for the use of the Wesleyan Methodist Association. In 1871 it was conveyed to the uses contained in United Methodist Free Churches model deed. It affords accommodation for 300 persons, and there arc attached to it 60 registered members. Trewalder. — The same body possesses an old MeetiDg House at Trewalder in which John Wesley is said to have preached. Tliere are here 130 sittings and 37 registered members. Tresinney. — They have another at Tresinney in the parish of Advent, not long since erected. This will accommodate 80 persons, and there are 13 registered members belonging to it. 1 Eot. Claus. 37th George III., Part 6, No. 7. 3 Archdeaconry Eecords. 3 Eot. Claus. 37th George III., Part 6, No. 7. i Eot. Claus. 4th WUliam IV., Part G, No. 7. 2Q 286 THE PARISHES OF LANTEGLOS AND ADVENT. Bible Christians. — The Bible Christians, under their original designation of " Brianites,'' would appear to have been particularly active, from their first organization in 1819, in the parishes of Lanteglos and Advent. On 30th December 1820, William Baily, described as of Jacobstow, Minister, registered in the Court of the Archdeacon of Cornwall a house, in the occupation of Honora Perse, at Trewean (Trewen) in the parish of Lanteglos by Camelford, as a place for meetings of Brianites ; and also another house at Helstone, in the same parish, in the occupation of William Danning. On 10th March 1821 he registered a house at Trevye, in the occupation of William Waken, for the same purpose, and on the 19th April following a house at Witwalls, in Advent, in the occupation of William Allford. On 12th March 1821 Simon Orchard of Advent registered a house in his own occupation at Treclego, in that parish, for a like purpose, and on 9th May 1828 William Eunnalls, described as " of Minster, Minister," registered for the same purpose a house at Helstone, in the occupation of George Hockin.1 The Bible Christians have now two Meeting Houses in these parishes. On 23rd June 1841 Thomas Libby of St. Teath registered in the above-mentioned court a building at Victoria Eow in Camelford as a place of meeting for Protestant Dissenters,1 and, by deed dated 24th December in the same year, William Fillis Pearce of Camelford, Gent., conveyed to the said Thomas Libby and others, for the sum of £16, a piece of ground, 81^ ft. in length and 50 in breadth, being part of a field called Turnpike Meadow, situate on the road leading from Camelford to Launceston, with the house, chapel, and building lately erected thereon, to hold to the said Thomas Libby, and the others, in trust, to permit all such persons as should be appointed by the Annual Conference of the people called Bible Christians to preach therein, and no other without the consent of the pastor or superintendent of the circuit, provided that such persons preach no other doctrines than those contained in the Eev. John Wesley's notes and sermons.2 From this it appears that there was no difference in the religious opinions of the Bible Christians and the Wesleyan Methodists. This meeting house contains sittings for 200 persons, and there are thirty registered members. The other meeting house of this Connexion is at Helston, built, it is presumed, in succession to the meetings in private houses above-mentioned. This will accommodate 100 persons, and there are nine registered members. MANOE OF HELSTON IN TEIGG. This manor, called Helston in Trigg to distinguish it from other manors of the same name, appears in Domesday under the name of Henlistona. In the time of Edward the Confessor it was held by Algar, and was given by William to the Earl of Moreton. " The Earl 1 Iiecords of the Archdeaconry Conrt of Cornwall. 2 Rot. Claus. 18 3D W GROUND PLAN OF ADVENT CHURCH .in ni SCALE OF FEET SO 3D 4-p EXPLANATION Norman K Erst Pointed Second Pointed Third Pointed Modern New 60 FE£T _l PARISH CHURCHES. 307 1845, October 31st - Eoger Bird, Clerk, B.D.,1 was admitted to the Eectories of Lanteglos and Advent, void by the death of Coryndon Luxmore, Clerk, last Incumbent, upon the presentation of Albert Edward Prince of Wales. 1852, November 17th John James Wilkinson, Clerk, M.A.,2 was admitted to the Eectories of Lanteglos and Advent, vacant by the cession of Eoger Bird, Clerk, upon the presentation of the Prince of Wales. PAEISH CHUECHES. The Parish Church of Lanteglos is situate in a deep picturesque valley, about one and-a-half miles west of the town of Camelford, and is surrounded by some fine old timber, chiefly ash and sycamore, probably some of the trees mentioned in the foregoing terrier of 1727 (ante p. 299). It is dedicated to St. Julitta. We have not, however, observed the patron saint of this Church anywhere mentioned in the Bishop's Eegisters. It has been usually thought that it commemorates St. Julitta, a noble lady who suffered martyrdom in the Diocletian persecution at Csesarea in Cappadocia, on SOth July 303. The Celtic form of Julitta is " Hid," and there was a daughter of Brechan named Ilud, whose designation in Latin would also he.) Julitta. As a group of Brechan's numerous children settled on the north coast of Cornwall, and founded several of the Churches in this Deanery, it becomes a question whether St. Julitta of Lanteglos may not be identical with her. The Church consists of Chancel (not constructional) 35 ft. x 19 ft. 6 in., Nave 54 ft. X 19 ft. 6in., North Transept 21ft. 9 in. x 16 ft. 9 in., South Aisle 85 ft. x 13 ft. 6 in., Western Tower 15 ft. 6 in. x lift. 9 in., and South Porch 8 ft. 3 in. x 7 ft. Sin. It has recently been restored under the care of Mr. J. P. St. Aubyn, to whose courtesy we are indebted for the accompanying plan (Plate xxxviii, fig. 1). The Church was originally a cruciform Norman structure, but of that the only re mains are the north walls of the chancel and nave, and the east and west walls of the transept. On the recent restoration it was found necessary to rebuild the north wall of the latter. Some additions would appear to have been made in the Second-Pointed period, as a doorway in that style was inserted in the tower on its erection in the Third-Pointed period. The south wall of the aisle and porch is of very good granite ashlar of the later Third-Pointed character. The Chancel consists of two bays, divided from the aisle by the usual Third-Pointed 1 Bishop's Eeg. N.S., vol. xii., fo. 32. Matric. from Queen's Coll., Oxford, Gth December 1816, aged 16. Son of Eobert Bird of Andover, Gent. B.A. 22nd May 1820; M.A. 29th Juno 1823; B.D. 3rd February 1837. 2 Ibid., vol. xui., fo. 87. Born 1818. Queen's Coll., Oxford, B.A. 1812; M.A. 1845. A Justice of the Peace for the County of Cornwall. Eldest son of the Eev. Goorgo Wilkinson, Eector of Whicham, co. Cumber land, and a Justice of the Peace for that County. 308 THE PARISHES OF LANTEGLOS AND ADVENT. columns, supporting fourcentred arches. It is lighted by an east window of five lights with tracery in the head of a flamboyant type, and on the north side by a window of three lights of a late and poor character, having plain circular heads. There are in this window some small fragments of ancient painted glass set in lozenges, and among them is a modern escutcheon of arms : quarterly first and fourth sa. a goat's head erased, ar. attired or ; second and third, ar. five ermine spots. In the north wall are two sedilia of a very plain character. A priest's door formerly opened into the sanctuary on the north side, which was walled up in 1853. The chancel and sanctuary are properly arranged. The altar is new and of oak. It is erected in memory of Archer Gilbert Harvey, a child of Mr. Charles Harvey, whose family was long resident at Tregoodwell in this parish, who died on 15th December 1872. The nave is of four bays, separated from the aisle in the same manner as the chancel. It has a poor three-light window inserted in the north wall. The aisle is lighted by a fine five-light traceried window at the east end ; five three- light cinquefoil windows in the north wall ; and by a new window of the same type at the west end. In the tracery of some of the windows on the south side remain some ancient glass, chiefly figures. The roofs throughout the Church are of the cradle type. Upon the wall plates in the aisle,, at the feet of the principals, are some small escutcheons charged with chevrons and crosses in various forms, but it is very doubtful if they are armorial. The nave and aisle are now seated with plain benches of red pine. The old benching had been long removed before the restoration, and no part of it remained, except one bench end, which was of late date and inferior workmanship. On it was carved an escutcheon of Arms : Worth evale impaling Billing, rudely cut, commemorating the marriage, in 1616, of Christopher Worthevale of Worthevale, Esq., and Philadelphia, daughter of Eichard Billing of Hengar, Esq. The font is on the west side of the south door. It is made of Pentewan stone, octagonal, of Third-Pointed work, the panels and shaft carved, the former resembling the tracery of the Chancel window. The ancient font, which is of Saxon character, having interlaced knots sculptured on it, is preserved in the Eectory grounds (see fig. p. 301) The north transept is separated from the nave by a large circular arch resting upon pilasters, with square abaci hollowed below and on the face. In the east wall has been inserted a small square-headed two-light window of debased work, and in the north wall is a new window of three lights resembling those in the north aisle. The tower is lofty, of three flights, embattled and pinnacled. It measures 70 ft. from the ground to the top of the battlements. The stair turret, which is lighted by five round- headed loop holes, is at the north east corner, and rises some 2 ft. above the battlements. The tower does not stand parallel with the nave, into which it opens by a lofty pointed arch having square abaci, but leans southward. The external door, as we have before stated, is of Second-Pointed work. The ends of the label mouldings are carved with heads, the one on the left side being that of a female, and the one on the right a man's head. Above it is a new window of three lights of the same pattern as the one which it replaced. , MONUMENTAL INSCRIPTIONS. • 309 In 3rd Edward VI the tower contained three bells, but they have been recast and their number increased to six. According to tradition the casting took place in a field, near Helston, which is still called " the Bell Field," now converted into a garden. The owner has seen the ashes where the bells were recast. The Bells now bear the following inscriptions : 1. i. p ; c. p ; 1783. 2. I. P : C. P j 1783. 3. I. P : C. P ; 1783. 4. edwaed seccombe & nicholas pope p. w. \ i q p \ c ^ p \v 1783. 5. charles phillips. and william jeffery c. w. \ i ^ p ] c q p \v 1783. 6. william phillips, eector •':• john marshall, gent. i q p -j- c q p ¦'.-".- 1783. The Porch. Both the external and internal doorways are of good Third-pointed work. Above the latter is a cinquefoil niche, now empty, and on the right hand side was a Benatura, now walled up. The porch has a cradle roof like the Church, and at the bottom of the principals are escutcheons, one of them being charged with four fusils in fess (the arms of Dinham) and another with a taw cross. MONUMENTAL INSCRIPTIONS. On the Walls in the Church. On a plain marble tablet : 1. Christian Carpenter born in 1730, died Oct' 24th 1802, aged 72. 2. Mary relict of Ealph Cresswell, died 22nd April 1825, aged 62. 3. To the memory -of Catherine Carpenter whose remains lie in a vault near this spot. This memorial is erected by her deeply afflicted Husband Charles Carpenter of the Borough of Camelford and of Moditonham in this County Esquire, Obiit x Jany mdccox, JEtatis xuv. Arms : Party per pale gu. and sa. an eagle displayed of the last. Crest : An armed arm, embowed, holding a staff. Motto : Spernit pericula vertus. 2t 310 PARISHES OP LANTEGLOS AND ADVENT. 4. On a marble tablet surmounted by the arms of Carpenter : In the vault beneath are deposited the remains of Charles Carpenter Esq'- an old and faithful Officer of the Duchy of Cornwall, and a magistrate of that county. He died on the 1st day of March 1831, aged 74 years. Arms: Party per pale or and gu. an eagle displayed of the last; impaling: sa. a cross flory betw. 12 billets. Crest as above, but without the staff. Motto the same. 5. Sacred to the memory of the Eeverend William Phillips, Clerk, m.a., who died on the 20th day of April 1794, being Easter Sunday, in the 71st year of his age, and 47th anni versary of his institution as Eector of this Parish, a period which will ever be held dear by its inhabitants. Eeader stop ! and contemplate with awe this simple marble consecrated to the ashes of a worthy individual, to whose remains it is erected by his nephew, John PhiUips Carpenter, as a small but grateful tribute to a generous benefactor. "Of no distemper, of no blast he died; But, like Autumn fruit mellowed long, he fell, And even wondered, that he dropped no sooner ; Fate seemed to wind him up for three score years, But freshly ran he on to ten years more, Till like a clock worn out with eating time, The wheels of weary life stood still." (Lee.1 6. Near this place lie also deposited the remains of John Phillips Esquire, and Eliza beth his wife. And John Phillips, Elizabeth Phillips, and Charles Phillips their children. Aejis : Or, a lion ramp, collared and chained. Crest : A lion passant, tail extended. North Wall. 7. On a white marble tablet surmounted by an urn draped. Sacred to the memory of Lydia Eosevear Bastian, the wife of James Bastian, Merchant of Truro, died Aug. 6th 1826, aged 25 years. See from the earth the fading lily rise, It springs, it grows, it flourishes, and dies, So this fair flower scarce blossomed for a day, Short was the bloom, and speedy the decay. South Wall. 8. Sacred to the memory of John Lawrence Esq' of the Borough of Camelford who died Nov' 22nd 1824, aged 63. Also to the memory of grace relict of John Lawrence Esq'8, who died October 4th 1828, aged 76 years. MONUMENTAL INSCRIPTIONS. 311 9. SHjfg tablet is eteeteo in remembrance of 3&ebecca pearce of P2el3tane, in tljfe Parish. She Bieo (alas tftat she is "beatj) ©ctobei; libit, mocccxixix. tut Ixxbi belobeo bg alt brho ftnefo fjet. &Iso of fiex ljuabanb Sofin peatce, toba tn'to ^prtl xxi. motccxli. set Ixxxbi. 10. On a tablet of white marble surmounted by a female figure weeping over an urn, in relief. Sacred to the memory of William Inch, of the Borough of Camelford and Armenall his wife. The former died Feb'? 19th 1798; aged 78. The latter April 25th 1814, aged 89. This tribute of respect is erected by their affectionate daughter Ann Inch. Also to the memory of Ann Hodge, late of Treworgey in this County, who departed this life May 23rd 1615, in the 87th year of her age. They are not lost, but taken from the evil to come. 11. On a tablet of white marble under the above. Sacred to the memory of Ann Inch, spinster, late of Treworgey, near Liskeard, in this County, Daughter of William and Aemenell Inch, who departed this Ufe 27th January 1826, aged 65. Also of Aemenell, wife of the Eevd. Lewis Marshall, Vicar of Davidstow in this County, and sister to the said Ann Inch, who departed this life 2nd July 1831, aged 67. Also in memory of Eobeet, the second son of Tristram and Ann Hodge, of this Parish, who was born 14th Dec' 1698, died 20th Dec' 1733, aged 35. Also of Arminell his wife who was buried 17th Oct' 1749, aged 60 years. 12. In memory of William Fillis Pearce, Esquire, one of the Magistrates of this County, who, having passed the greater part of a life of much usefulness in this Parish, died at Tremed- dan in the Borough of Liskeard. the 17th clay of February 1862, in the 63rd year of his age, Deservedly beloved and esteemed by all who knew him. The memory of the just is blessed. Prov. 10, 7. 13. In memory of Eobert Bake, gent, of Delabole Quarry in the Parish of Saint Teath, who died 10th day of October 1810, aged 84 years. As Principal Proprietor of the said Quarry for upwards of sixty years, He justly bore the Character of An honest Man. In the Chuech Yard. 14. Here lyeth ye mortal r[emains of] Diggoiy Wallis, of Fento[roon] who was buried December 1560. And also of John Wallis, his descendant, a man of Singular Humanity & Integrity, & who lived beloved & died lamented by all that knew him. He was buried ye 29th of Oct. 1726. JEtat 70. 1 The WaUis who was buried in 1S60 was named Thomas. His son Digory died in 1591, as is shewn by the Eegister of Burials. The descendant who erected the monument subsequent to 1726 appears not to have known the name of his ancestor. 2t2 312 PARISHES OP LANTEGLOS AND ADVENT. 15. A flat stone circumscribed as follows : William [Edward] was buried the [19 July in the year of our Lord] God 1589 E. E. 31. [Joan Edward] was buried [the 9th day of September 16 '] 35. C. E. xi. 11: c: 16. A flat stone circumscribed: Thomas Budge was buried the xx day of January in the yeare of oure Lord God 1635 CE. xi. 17. [John?] Hocken alias Tregarth, Gentleman. Vita fugax hominis miseris. repleta Fa3lis cui requiem mors cito sancta. 18. Two fragments of grave stone bearing a female figure in low relief between the initials M.W., and the following imperfect inscription : Here lyeth the Bod[y of Mary the dau] ghter of Christopher Wort[hyvale who was buried 10th August 1639.] 2 Beavty [vertve, youth and gentry All at Grave post make their entry, And the custome we must pay Dissolving us to dust and clay, But the comfort of us all Eests in our Lord High Admiral Jesus, who in his good time Will refine our dust and slyme, And assume us to his joyes Past fear, past care, past all alloyes. 19. Also on a circumscribed stone: •J" Here lieth buried the bodie of Christopher Hocken Gentleman [who was buried 4th Nov. in the year] of our Lord God 1620. £ E. A : XVIII : E I : S LIU. 20. Also on a circumscribed stone : •J- Here Lieth The Body of Eenald Eobey who was Buried the 22 day of May in The year of our Lord God 1639. C. E. 14. 21 . Also on a circumscribed stone : Margaret the wife of Hugh Hocken . . . ay in the year of our Lord God 1643. 22. On an altar tomb, a granite slab, with letters in relief: MAEGEEY EDWARD WAS BVRIED THE VII DAY OF MAY ANO DOMINI 1622. JOHN EDWARD WAS EVRIED THE XXV DAY OE APRIL IN THE YEAR OF OUR LORD GOD 1642. 23. Against the side of this tomb is the following inscription on a slate : 1 The defects are supplied from tho Eegisters. 2 Mary ye daughter of Christopher Worthevale was buried ye 10th August 1639.— P. E. MONUMENTAL INSCRIPTIONS. 313 Edward : Seccombe : was : buried : under : this : tomb : the xxiiiitii of November in the yere of our Lord God 1694. In : this : most : pvre : and : blessed : shade : Such : by : this : seoreat : a : so made. 24. On a circumscribed slab : Gunnet the wife of John Bennet She was buried on the 4th of September in y* year of our Lord 1652. The Poor, the World, the Heavens, and the Grave Her Alms, her Praise, her Soul, and Body have. 25. On a circumscribed slab : Here lyes the Body of John Wills late Eeverend Minister [of this Parish who was buried the 23 day of Feby 1654 P. E.] Within the margin the following lines: Come Eeader reckon wh lyes here He Jesus bosom lith a John And for a counter dropp a tear Claymed by Impropriation 'W01 God a powerful Israeli And thence y" fountain head so nigh Wh men a playn Nathaniell Preach'd spirits of Divinity A comforter yet thunderer These speake him turn'd up all in on A Planter and a Waterer A grace possessed Legion And in ye Churches darkest night Too high for us, these qualify Her burning and her shining light For th' Church Triumphants Ministry No man more lowe none more aboue Thither hee's called wee cant refuse When mounted by ye heavenly Dove. Hees gone but to receive his dues. 26. On a stone circumscribed in double lines, formerly on an altar tomb in the Churchyard : HERE LYETH THE BODY OF AMBROSE WADE WHO DIED THE X OF MARCH IN THE YERE OF 0TTE LORD GOD ANNO 1669. HERE LYETH THE BODY OF MARGARET THE WIFE OF AMBROSE WADE HO DIED THE 8 DY OF NOVEMBER IN THE YERE OF OUR LORD GOD ANNO 1680. Within the margin : By FAITH SO FERM BY HOPE SO BOLD By love SO TRUE Wee Christ be - hold. 27. On an altar tomb circumscribed: Here lyeth the body of Christopher Hodge who was buried the xxiiii Day of October in the yere of our Lord God Anno Do. 1680. Within the margin : Eomanes the viiith and the 19th. For the earnest expectation of the Creature Waiteth for the manifestation of the sons of God. Being his funeral! text. C. H. 314 PARISHES OE LANTEGLOS AND ADVENT. 28. Also on an altar tomb : Here lyeth the body of Mary the Wife of Edward hodge of the Towne of Cammellford who was buried the 9 day of October 1684. And allsoe here lyeth William the son of Edward hodge and of Mary his wife who was buried the 2 day of October in the year of our Lord 1699. 29. On an altar tomb circumscribed: Here lyeth the body of Catherine Gayer. She was bvried the 17 day of November in the year of our Lord God 1688. Against the head : Nere this place lyeth the body of Beniamen Gayer Gent which was bvried the 31 day of March Anno Domi 1697. Against the foot: Contiguous this tomb are deposited the remains of Thomas Gayer who departed this life the 17th day of January 1805 in the 25th year of his age. Beneath this tomb are deposited the remains of Anna Maria Gayer, who departed this life the 10th day Feby 1824 in the 13 year of her age. 30. Here lyeth Mary the wife of Eichard Taprill which was buried ye 27th day of M . . L696. . Original! from dust wee came To dust we must Eeturn again The common fate of all mankind, Teach us our mortallity to mind To look for a better state than this Of immortality and endless bliss. 31 Here lyeth the body of Ann Honey she was . ... yere of our Lord 1691. Here lyeth the body of William Honey Thomas Honey was buried .... the 20th day of March. 82. On an altar tomb on the south side of the Church circumscribed: Here lyeth the body of Joan the wife of William Greenway and her Daughter, of this Parish who were buried the 16th of April in the year of our Lord 1711. In the centre : Stay passers by and here behold how wee do ly inclosed in mould And hungry worms wee daily wast and so they shall by you at last But though our Body's here do ly our souls do dwell with God on high. 33. Here lyeth the body of Katherine the wife of John Phillipps Gent, who was buried October the 13th 1711. In life she feared God In death she show'd the same In life & death she did him praise And blest his holy name. MONUMENTAL INSCRIPTIONS. 315 Also here lyeth Sarah and Elizabeth his daughters. The one was buried y' 5th day of October, ye other ye 10th 1711. In remembrance of my wife and children dear this Tombe I have erected on them here. 34. Beneath this stone lye interred y° mortall remains of Mary daughter of Samuel & Mary Jackson who departed this life (of the small pox) ye 28th day of July in y° year of our Lord 1721 aged 27. And also Samuel her Brother, who died of ye same distemper, y" 13th day of August 1721, in ye 17th year of his age. He was blest with large endowments o' y'' mind She wanted no grace of woman kind, what they are, what they were, express best is and tombs turn like ourselves to dust, Our glass is run, yours runs whilse looking on, So do your work or else you are undone. 35. Here lyeth the Body of Catherine the wife of Joseph Wilkey, who was buried the 23rd day [of September 1714.] Here lyeth the Body of Joseph Wilkey of this Parish and Town of Camelford, was buried the 26th day of May in the year of Our Lord 1715. Here Lyeth the Body of Mary Wilkey their Daughter, who was Buried the 22nd day of July Anno Domini 1716. The Mother and the Father hee, Likewise the Daughter maketh three, Under this Tomb they all do lye, As you may read that do pass by ; Even as they be so must you all — Therefore repent and on God call, While in this world good time you have For it's too late when in the grave. 36. Here lyeth the body of Elizabeth the wife of John Ford of Camelford, who was buried the 25th day of July in the year of our Lord 1721. Life leads to death, so nature saith, Death is the way to life, so faith. Thus let us think of both say I, He that desireth to live must die. 37. Here lyeth the Body of James Willcocks, son of Eobert Willcocks, Officer of Excise who was buryed January y° 10th J 731, aged eight months. Cropt in my bud by fate, cut clear away From human ills to peace and endless day. Praise be to Thee that freed me from these cares, This anxious world with all its gilded snares, Which oft proves fatall unto riper years. 316 PARISHES OE LANTEGLOS AND ADVENT. 38. In memory of Edward Seccombe of this Parish who was buried here Dec. y= 16th 1732, setat suse 47. 39. Here lye y« bodies of Mary and James yc wife and Son of James Trenhayl of this Parish. Mary his wife was buried y° 19th of March 1735, etat sute 63. James their son was buried y* 24th of Septber 1716, in yc first year of his age. 40. Here lyeth y° body of Gonnet Peathick who was buried yc 16th of July 1741, aged 89. 41. Sarah the wife of Walter Mallet was buried the 12th day of April 1744, aged 79. Thomas the son of John Mallet was buried the 15th day of May 1746, aged two years. Walter Mallet was buried the 12th day of November 1747, in the 73rd year of his age. Here also lieth the body of John, the son of John Mallet of the Borough of Camelford, who departed this life the 9th day of September 1769, aged 43. 42. Here lyeth the body of Mary Prestridge who was buried the 30th of July anno dom. 1746, aged 23. Edward Prestridge was buried here the 12th day of July, anno domini 1752, aged 66. Edward the son of Edward and Jane Prestridge, was buried the 22nd day of March 1753, aged 27 years. 43. Here lies the bodies of Arminel and Arminel, Eobert and Ambrose the sons and daughters of William and Ai'minal Inch, of this Parish. Arminel was baptized the 15th and buried the 17th day of November, anno dom. 1755. And Arminel was baptized the 4th day of June 1758, and was buried the 20th day of August, 1759. Eobert was baptized the 23rd day of June 1761, and was buried the 27th day of May 1763. Ambrose was baptized the 29th day of August 1762, and was buried the 27th of May 1763. 44. In memory of Nathaniel Hender of the Borough of Camelford in the county of Corn wall, gentleman. He was born the 15th day of September 1674, and dy'd the 14th day of June 1755. He married Esther the daughter of William Edwards, the 20th day of November, in the year of 1708. She dy'd the 27th day of January 1745. 45. Underneath this stone are deposited the Eemains of Eliz. Pearce, daughter of Par5 and Mary Pearce, who died 6th of June 1798, aged 6 weeks Also the body of Edward Pearce who died 16th August 1802, aged 3 months. Also Lies here inter1 Mary the Wife of Parmenas Pearce, who died August 27th, 1803, aged 32 years. Also the said Parmenas Pearce, who died the 8th day of Dec. 1807, aged 47 years. 46. Here lies the body of Will: the son of William and Eliz: Grigory of this P1' who was buried the 4th clay of April 1758 in the 16th year of his age. Also the body of Eliz : the wife of William Grigory was buried the 20th day of August in tho year of our Lord 1760, aged 57. MONUMENTAL INSCRIPTIONS. 317 47. On an altar tomb : Here lieth the body of Thomas the son of Hugh Broad and of Ann his Wife, who was Buried the 22nd day of October, in the year of our Lord 1758, aged 20. Also the body of Hugh Broad, of this Parish, who was buried Sept'- the 12th 1796, aged 87. And Ann, the wife of Hugh Broad, who was buried Dec'- the 11th 1784, aged 80. 48. Here lieth the Body of Margaret Pearce, Daughter of Edward and Honor Pearce, of this Parish, who was buried the 2nd day of October, in the year of our Lord 1759, aged 3 years and 3 months. Here lie the remains of Honor Pearce, wife of Edward Pearce, who died September 22nd 1787, aged 65. Edward Pearce, Gent., died the 17th of Oct' 1810, aged 85 years. .49. Here lies the body of Sarah the wife of William Stonard. She was buried on Good Friday, the 4th day of April, in the year of our Lord 1760, aged 63. 50. Here lyeth the Body of William the son of Henry and Catherine Smith of this Parish, who, on Sunday the 6th of Nov. 1762, was accidentally and casually snached from hence to the other world in the bloom of his youth, having scarce reached his 18th year. 51. In memory of John Barnes Esq., of the Borough of Camelford. He departed this life the 31st day of January anno domini 1764, aged 35. 52. Upon an altar tomb: Here lieth the Body of Sarah Phillis Clode, wife of William Clode, Gent., Alderman of the Borough of Camelford, who departed this life March the 27th 1788, in the 75th year of her age. An affectionate wife and tender mother. Here also lieth the Body of William Clode, sen'., Gent., Alderman of the Borough of Camelford, who departed this life Nov. the 2nd 1788, in the 77th year of his age. An affectionate husband and tender father. 53. Upon an altar tomb : In memory of Ann the wife of Eobert Bake of Camelford, who departed this life the 31st Day of Dec. 1767, in the 51st year of her age. Also in memory of Samuel Bake, son of Eobert and Ann Bake, aforesaid, who departed this life the 21st day of Jan. anno dom. 1784, in the 27th year of his age. 54. Upon an altar tomb: Sacred to the Memory of Eichard Gayer, Late of Trethin in the Parish of Advent, who departed this life on the 10th day of April 1858, aged 71 years. Also in memory of Jenifer the beloved wife of Eichard Gayer, aforesaid. She departed this life on the 28th day of March 1865, aged 71 years. 2U 318 PARISHES OP LANTEGLOS AND ADVENT. 55. Upon an altar tomb : Sacred to the memory of James Hurdon, youngest son of the late John Hurdon Esq., of Egloskerry, who Departed this life on the 28th of April 1859, aged 60 years. 56. This stone is erected in memory of Mr. John Clode, who departed this life the 11th day of January 1765, in the 27th year of his age. 57. Here lyes the body of William the son of William and Susanna Inch of this Ps>> who departed this life the 11th day of June anno dom. 1766, in the 20th year of his age. And also the mortal remains of John Inch one of the Aldermen of the Borough of Camelford, son of the above William and Susanna Inch, who died the 26th day of April 1821, aged 77. THE CHUECH OF ST. ATHEWENNA, alias ADVEN, alias ADVENT.1 This Church is annexed to that of Lanteglos of which it was anciently a Chapel. It is, according to the Inquisitiones Nonarum, dedicated to Sancta Athewenna, but, on account of its dependent position, we do not find it named in the ancient Episcopal Eegisters. Among the names of the clergy, however, assessed to a Subsidy temp. Henry VI, we find that of Dominus Eogerus Oapellanus Sancti Audoeni, a name equivalent to Owen, as is also Adwen or Athwen. From the close connexion which has always existed between this Church and that of Lanteglos we. should naturally anticipate a relationship between the founders, and such, it is likely, was the case. Leland says that Advent was founded by one of Brechan's family.2 Brechan had a son called Adwen,3 and a daughter Arianwen, which latter might, probably, be latinised into Athwenna. They would, of course, be brother and sister to St. Julitta, or Julutta, of Lanteglos, and to the founders of many of the Churches on the north coast of Cornwall. We confess our inability, in the connoting evidence, to determine the sex of the founder of this Church, and the Charter by which Walter Bodulgate, in 1435, founded a chantry at Camelford (Appendix II.) does not help us, for although the name of the saint is therein mentioned, the doubt which, perhaps, even then, existed, was eluded by the use of the English word " Seint," which expresses either sex. The Church consists of Chancel and sanctuary, 18 ft. 6 in. by 14 ft., nave, 44 ft. 3 in. by 14 ft., north transept, 12 ft. 6 in. by lift., south aisle, 61ft. 6 in. by 10 ft. 6 in., western tower and north porch. 1 In certain deeds in the Author's collection the parish is described in 1659 as St. Tawthan ; in 1572 as St. Adwen; in 1601 as St. Tathene, alias Adventte, and St. Tathen, alias Advent; and in 1621 as St. Adven alias Awthin. 2 Coll. Ill, 183. This view is adopted by the Eev. John Adams, Vicar of Stockcross, co. Berks the learned Cornish hagiologist. 3 St. Adwen, son of Brechan, had several Churches in Wales dedicated to him. Another St. Audoen alias Owen, was consecrated Bishop of Eouen in 648, and died 683. He was commemorated on 24th August. (Acta Sanctorum.) Q t ft £ ¦^3sSt CHUECH OF ADVENT. 319 The chancel occupies more than one bay. It is lighted by an eastern window of three-lights Second-pointed date. There is a small piscina in the south wall. A large hagioscope opens into the chancel from the north transept of a somewhat peculiar character ; from it spring the stairs to the roodloft, and the same opening is now used for access to the pulpit. There is no ancient window on the north side of the nave, but a modem one has been opened near the west end, over the north door, which door has been walled up. The south aisle is divided from the chancel and nave, eastward of which it projects in a somewhat unusual manner, by four columns of the ordinary Cornish tyye. The roof is of a good cradle pattern, the principals being richly painted and gilt, though it is now in very bad condition. The aisle is lighted by a three-light window at the east end, of a flamboyant and good character, and by a modern insertion at the west end. In the south wall are two windows three-light, cinquefoil, ogee, with openings in the head. They are of good workmanship, in catacluse stone. There was formerly a large chapel on the south side of a somewhat peculiar construction but a few years ago, when laden with a heavy fall of snow, the roof fell in. The window on the east side was of the same character as those just above mentioned, and when it was resolved not to restore the chapel, the window was placed in the archway, when walled up. The details of this chapel are not now known. The north transept is of the First-pointed period, and has a single lancet window in each wall, those on the north and west being slightly foliated. At the north end an ancient stone bench extends across the transept. The font is of Norman work, the bowl is round, and is supported by a thick octagonal shaft standing upon a square base. (See fig. annexed.) The tower is of three flights, embattled and ornamented with eight pinnacles, three on each side. The ground has been raised several feet on the west side, so as not to admit of ingress by the west door, which has, accordingly, been walled up. It has an equilateral pointed arch with poor shallow mouldings. _ Over it is a plain square-headed window of three-lights. In the bell chamber flight is a two-light cinquefoil 'window on each face of the tower. There is no stair turret, and access to the upper part of the tower is of an unusual character. From the nave a flight of steps leads up to the first chamber, and into this passage a door formerly opened from the outside, which has been walled up. The tower opens into the JChurch by a lofty arch. There are four bells, the fourth of which, bears the following inscription : J. TAYLOR, FOUNDER, OXFORD: 1831 : J. BROWNUT C: W: The others are not inscribed, but all were recast at the same time. The internal door of the porch, which, like the greater part of the Church, is late Third-pointed, is of very good workmanship in catacluse stone. It has a square hood moulding. The mouldings of the door are continuous, the deep cavetto being filled with 2u* 320 PARISHES OF LANTEGLOS AND ADVENT. quatrefoils, marrigolds, and other ornaments. In the spandrils are quatrefoils. The whole is well cut and as sharp now as when first executed. Since the foregoing notes were made the edifice became in such bad condition as to render considerable repairs immediately necessary. The whole of the north walls of the nave and chancel and the walls of the north transept were found to be so decayed as to lead to their being entirely rebuilt. The ancient windows were re-inserted in the transept, but the special features mentioned in connection with that part of the Church have been lost. The remainder of the Church has been renovated, and a new roof constructed for the nave, whilst that of the south aisle has been thoroughly repaired and reset. The Church has been benched throughout with red pine. This Church is not mentioned by the Commissioners on Church ornaments of 3rd Edward VI. MONUMENTAL INSCRIPTIONS. In the Chuech. 1. Here lieth the Body of Elizabeth, the w Bennet who was Buried the xv Day of September in the Lord God 1643. O E. 19. 2. Here lyeth the Boddy of Bvried the six and twentieth day of May Anno Domini 1667. 3. On a flat granite slab, in the north transept, in raised capitals some conjoined : WILLIAM MICHEL WAS BVRIED. IN 1650 AGNIS HIS WIFE : WAS BVRIED 85 THEIR SEED ELYZABETH. ANNE. MARGERY. GRACE. 4. Sacred to the Memory of Edmund Dinham of Newton in the Parish of St. Kew who died August 13. 1831, Aged 66; also of Anne, wife of the above, Died July 19th 1860, aged 83. 5. John Batten, the elder, of this Parish, Gent, was Buried the 22 day of February Anno Dom, 1710. This tomb contains a Father and a son whose deaths were sudden and they quickly gon, Say not I'm young my Parent yet I have Since Parents follow oft the child to grave, wrapt vp in . . . .les of night they silent lye till summon'd by the last trump's dreadful cry Before the grand tribunal to appear And render an account of all done here, Oh happy they who all accounts can clear. PARISH REGISTERS 321 In the Chuech Yard. 6. In raised letters on a granite slab. HVGH HONEY | WAS BVRIED T | HE V DAY OF IANVA | RY 1704. + 7. A broken slab removed from the Church is thus circumscribed in capital letters : HERE LIETH THE BODY OF ANTHONY WADE DECEASED WHICH WAS BURIED THE TWENTIE FIFTH DAY OF MAY ANNO DOMINI (1667 ?) PAEISH EEGISTEES. The old Eegisters of the Parish of Lanteglos consist of four volumes ; the first volume was commenced on the accession of Queen Elizabeth, though there are entries of four marriages which were solemnized sometime before the registers were begun, the dates of the years of which are not recorded. From the beginning until 1725, when the first volume ends, the dates of the several weddings, christenings and funerals are entered in parallel columns, and seem to have been usually made with regularity, except in the period of the interregnum, during which few entries occur. In the autumn of the year 1591 great pestilence appears to have prevailed, whole families were carried off by this scourge, as shown by the following entries : filius Netherton sepultus 14° Augusti. Duo liberi Glanfield ex pest' sep. 12° Septembris. Henricus Greene et uxor ex peste sepult' 16° Sept. Nicholaus Hender et familias ex pest' sepult' eodem tempore. Christopher Collman vx' et tres liberi sep'. 16° Octobris. The first volume was begun under the 70th Canon of 1603, when the old registers, or records, were copied into this book. It is in fair condition though in some places the writing has become faint. The present Eector has made a fair copy for ordinary reference. The second volume commences in 1726, and contains entries from that date until 1791, which are made in parallel columns as in volume i. This volume requires rebinding. The third volume commences in 1791 and contains entries of baptisms and burials until 1812, and of marriages until 1799, when, for marriages, was opened vol. iv., in which entries are made until the new Act came into operation in 1812. The earlier names which occur in the first volume are Cock, Collman, Hendy, Tregoddick, Wallis, Lanxon, Tucker, Sloggett, Harper, Baylye, Eoobye, Peverell, Worthevale, &c. The old registers for the Parish of Advent have been lost. The earliest now in existence contains baptisms from 1709 to 1812 ; burials, 1781 to 1812; and marriages, 1731 to 1798. The marriages from 1801 to 1812 are recorded in a second book. 322 parishes of lanteglos and advent. Altae Plate. In 3rd Edward IV., according to the return of the Commissioners, the Church of Lanteglos possessed one chalice of silver. It now has a silver chalice with a cover, bearing the date "1576," the same referred to in the terrier of 1727* and a broken silver gilt bason for alms, upon which are engraved the arms of Phillips and the following inscription " The gift of Charles Phillips, Esq., M.P. for Camelford." CHAPELS AND CHANTEIES. In 1311 the Burgesses of Camelford, having erected a Chapel1 in that Borough, petitioned Bishop Stapeldon to licence it for divine worship, which he accordingly did on the 4th January afterwards, as appears from the following record : Dominus concessit Burgensibus Ville de Camelford, ut in [Oratorio seu Capella, quam in eadem Villa in honorem beati Thome martyris construi fecerunt de novo, per capellanum ydoneum suis sumptibus in omnibus sustinendum, juxta formam Constitutionis Synodalis super hoc edite (Exon, April 1287) Divina facerent celebrari, ut ipsi et ceteri duntaxat habitantes in eadem villa, hujusmodi ibidem audire possint, duntamen in libris, ornamentis et aliis, in hoc necessaria in- venerint; voluntas quoque dicte ecclesie de Nanseglos ad id accesserit et consensus, ita quod nullum prejudicium ipsi Matrici ecclesie generetur.3 On 10th June 1381 Eichard Bolham, Eector of Lanteglos, had licence to celebrate by a proper priest in the Chapel of St. Thomas the martyr at Camelford.3 By his charter dated at Trecorm. 20th January 1434-5 (13th Henry VI.), Walter Bodulgate founded a chantry in this Chapel, and conveyed to John Jaybren and Stephen Trenewith, all his messuages, &c, in Mochil-Trewint, Tresterleck. Torre and Algarsmylle in the parish of " Seint Athwanne," and Souther Treworder in the Parish of Egloshaile, to hold for the life of the said Walter, with remainder to Thomas Bodulgate and the heirs of his body, on condition that the said Thomas and the heirs of his body within one year next following the death of the said Walter should, from the profits of the said lands, provide a fit chaplain to celebrate mass daily within this Chapel, according to the use of Sarum, or some other mass at his discretion, for the soul of the said Walter, and for the souls of his parents, ancestors, and benefactors, and also for the souls of all those whose names should be inserted in a tablet, or schedule, over the high altar in the said Chapel, with this proviso, nevertheless, that on every Wednesday throughout the year, the priest should say the mass De Requiem et placebo and Dirige cum commendatione animarum, and the prayer Absolve qucesumus Domine for the souls aforesaid, together with the 1 This Chapel stood near the river on the site of the present Cow Market, where, until lately, there was a cottage called "Chapel House." 2 Bishop Stapledon's Eegister, fo. 68. 3 Bishop Brantyngham's Eegister. CHAPELS AND CHANTRIES. 323 psalm Be profundus; daily, unless he could shew reasonable cause for omitting the same. For this the said Thomas Bodulgate was to pay the said priest seven marks annually ; and if it should be found before the Eector of Lanteglos for the time being, that the Chaplain had failed to fulfil the said services without reasonable cause, sixpence sterling should be deducted from bis salary for each default, and paid towards the fabric of the said Chapel : and in default of the said Thomas and his heirs to sustain the said services the lands to remain to Thomas Eoscarrock and Isabella his wife, and their heirs under like condition, and, in default, remainder to Edward Coryton and Johanna his wife in the same manner, and, in default, remainder to the right heirs of the said Walter Bodulgate; and if, through the default of any one, any of the said services should de omitted, the person culpable should answer to the said Walter for the default at the bar of the Almighty God and his angels, and his soul should go away into the place where there is wailing and gnashing of teeth, &c. This deed is sealed with the seal of the said Walter, and because his seal is not so well known, it is sealed also with the seal of John, Prior of St. Germans.1 This Chapel, though erected by the inhabitants of Camelford as a place of public worship, and licensed by the Bishop for that purpose, was seized by the king under the act for suppressing the chantries, colleges, &c, and in the certificate of the Commissioners appointed 14th February 37th Henry VIII, to survey and value the possessions of such chantries, &c, its state is given in the following words. "The stipendary in the Parish Church of Lanteglos, in Camelford, housling people 200. This towne is one mile from the Church. Eoberte Babington, incumbent, for his salary yearly £4< 13s. 4d. Scoles and preachers none. Pore people having any relief out of the premises none." And the Commissioners propose that Eobert Babington should continue to receive his stipend as a pension. 2 A further commission was appointed on 14th February 2nd Edward VI. when it was stated by the Commissioners that "The stipendary called Camelford Stipendary, in the Parish of Lanteglos, was founded by the ancestors of Bodulgate, who had certain lands entailed upon them and their heirs for ever upon condition that they should find a Priest to minister Divine Service to the inhabitants within the Town of Camelford, in a Chapel there, distant from the Parish Church of Lanteglos, aforesaid, one mile and more, paying unto such Priest, in perpetuity, for his salary yearly £4 13s. 4d., going out of the lands and tenements lying in Mocheltrewynt (Great Trewint), Tresterleke, Torr, Aldersmyll, Southertre and Wourdranghe, with their appurtenances." It appears further that this endowment had been seized by the King under the Act for disolving colleges, chantries, &c. And the Commissioners certify that the pension and yearly stipend, Eobert Babington, now Incumbent there, hath for the maintenance of his living, " No charge going out of the same other than the x" payable to the Kings maiestie wch is not here reprysed." And they certified that the ornaments, jewels, plate, &c, appertaining to the said stipendary was of the value of 35s. 3 1 Deed in the possession of John Jope Eogers of Penrose, Esq. (See Appendix II.) 2 Augmentation Office, 37th Henry VIIJ., Certificate No. 15. 3 Augmentation Office, 2nd Edward VI., Certificate No. 9, 78. 324 PARISHES OF LANTEGLOS AND ADVENT. In 1592 the endowment of this chapel, under the description of all that late Chantry founded within the Parish Church of Camelford, (fundatam infra ecclesiam parochialem de Camelford) was granted, inter alia, to William Tipper and Eobert Da we of London, Gentlemen, and to their heirs and assigns for ever, ¦ at a mere nominal rent. 2 There was also an obit founded in the Parish Church of Lanteglos which fell into the King's hands in the same manner as the Camelford Stipendary. It was of the value of 22s. l£d. per annum, payable out of lands and tenements in Camelford, Calabegyn, and Trewynen. This was granted, inter alia, in 3rd Edward VI., to Sir Thomas Pomeroy, Knt. and Hugh Pomeroy. J CHAEITIES. Sir James Smith's Charity. — By indenture, dated 24th May 1679, James Smyth, described as of Chelsea, Knt., 4 as well for and in consideration of the goodwill and respect which he had for the Borough of Camelford, and for the better erecting of a School House and maintenance of a School there, and for discharging such other necessaries as might, or should, happen in the said borough, as also in consideration of the sum of £50, to him paid by the Mayor and Burgesses, and for divers others good and valuable considerations him thereunto moving, conveyed to John Nicholls and Ambrose Manaton, and their heirs and assigns, and the survivor of them and his heirs and assigns for ever, the moiety of one messuage or tenement called Great Tregarth, 5 in the Parish of Lanteglos by Camelford, to the intent that they should stand seised of the said premises to the use of the mayor and burgesses of the said borough for the time being, their successors and their assigns for ever, and that the said mayor and burgesses, and their successors, should for ever take and receive the rents, &c, of the said premises for the purposes aforesaid. In consequence of the mayor and burgesses of Camelford having appropriated the whole, or the greater part, of the income derived from this property to their own uses instead of applying it to the support of a school, an information was filed against them in the Court of Chancery in 1813. The suit was compromised and withdrawn, and 1 It is remarkable that a fee farm rent of precisely the same amount reserved out of certain lands and tenements in Camelford, by indenture dated 22nd September 23rd Charles II. (1671), were conveyed, inter alia, by Francis Lord Hawley and others, Commissioners for the sale of Fee Farm Eents of the Crown, to Hugh Boscawen of Tregothnan, Esq. (Eot. Claus. 23rd Charles II, Part 7, m. 8.) 2 Eot. Pat., 34th Elizabeth, Part 4, m. 21. * Particulars for grants, Edward VI. 4 Sir James Smith was also of Trehanick in St. Teath. He married Bridget, relict of John NichoUs of Trewane, (vide ped. ante p. 165.) He had been just previously returned as one of the Burgesses in Parliament for Camelford. See post. s This property, by deed dated 1st January 1671, was conveyed to Sir James Smith by Hugh Carew of Trevye, Gent., and Dorothy his wife. (Deed among the records of the Corporation of Camelford.) CHARITIES. 325 consequently no decree was made, but a schoolroom was erected, on some land belonging to the Corporation, by the then patron of the borough. The trust property consists of about twenty-eight acres, and is now let at the annual rent of £35 per annum, the proceeds being given towards the salary of the master of a National School, built in 1853, of which the Eector and Churchwardens, and the members of the corporate body, are joint managers. Since the year 1829 the accounts have been kept by the Town Clerk, and are in good order. EYEE CHAEITY. The origin of this charity we have not succeeded in tracing. It is believed to have been a bequest of a pious lady of the name of Eyre of Davidstow. It originally con sisted of one messuage and thirty acres of land in the village of Trelill in St. Kew, the annual proceeds whereof were directed to be applied to the reparation of the Church of Lanteglos, and to the relief of the poor of the said parish. The feoffees, however, by deed dated 29th September 1708, exchanged these lands with John Nicholls of Trewane, in St. Kew, Esq., for certain tenements in Trevia, in this parish, containing about forty-eight acres, to be holden of the chief lords of the Manor of Bodulgate, at the rent of Is. 5d. per annum. This is now let in parcels to different tenants at an aggregate rental of £103 per annum. For several years the rents were carried to the credit of the parish in the accounts of the Overseers of the Poor, in aid of the poors' rates, out of which the expenses of Churchwardens were defrayed, no Church rate having been made. The profits are now applied in accordance with the intention of the founder, one moiety being appropriated towards the reparation of the Church, and the other dis tributed at Christmas by the Churchwardens and Overseers among poor housekeepers of the parish. The estate is vested in eight trustees. ALMS HOUSE, TEEVIA WALLS. At Trevia Walls is an Alms House erected in 1709, the money for building which was partly contributed by the Honble. Hugh Boscawen and John Nicholls, Esq., as testi fied by two tablets of slate affixed to the front of the house. Surmounted by escutcheons of arms: Boscawen, impaling three horses' heads crowned; and Nicholls, impaling Mohun; are the following inscriptions: "Anno 1709 "Anno 1709 The Honourable Hugh Boscawen John Nicholls of Trewane, Esq., gave towards gave towards the building of this the building of this house Ten Pounds. house Ten Pounds." James Nicholls his grandson, Esq., gave Three Guineas." 2V 326 PARISHES OF LANTEGLOS AND ADVENT. Near to this alms house in 1791 the parish built a workhouse in accordance with Act 22nd George III. The cost of this building was about £500, which was borrowed on the security of the rates ; having ceased to be used as a workhouse it became the resort of the idle and dissolute, and, in 1859, was taken down. PHILLIPS' CHAEITIES. Chaeles Phillip's Chaeity. Charles Phillips, Gentleman, one of the Aldermen of the Borough of Camelford, by his will, dated 6th October 1804, devised to Charles Carpenter of the same borough the sum of £170, and directed that he should lay out the same for the benefit of the poor of the parish of Lanteglos by Camelford, or to such of them as shall not have regular pay or relief from the said parish. Charles Carpenter having received the said sum, in order to give full effect to the purpose of the testator, by deed dated 13th April 1808,1 charged his estate, called Moditonham, in the parish of Botusfleming, with the sum of £8 10s. per annum, being the value of the said capital sum at the rate of £5 per cent, per annum, and gave power to the Eecorder of Camelford to receive the said rent- charge at Christmas in each year, and if not duly paid, to distrain for the same, and distribute it annually to the poor not in receipt of parochial relief. William Phillip's Chaeity. William Phillips, sometime Eector of this parish, by his will dated in 1790, charged his estate of Trefrew, in the parish of Lanteglos, with the sum of £5 per annum to be distributed among the poor in bread. The estate passed to Mr. Phillip's nephew, Charles Carpenter, by whose son John Phillips Carpenter of Mount Tavy, in co. Devon, Esq., it has recently been sold to Miss Pearse of Launceston, chargeable with the said rent-charge, which is duly paid, and the amount is expended in bread, which is distributed by the Eector every Sunday during the winter months after divine service. NATIONAL SCHOOL. The National School at Camelford was built in 1853, and is the only school in the parishes of Lanteglos and Advent. It is conducted upon the mixed principle, and will contain 220 children. There are now about 200 under instruction. In April 1854, the school building was licensed for divine service, and for the convenience of the inhabitants of Camelford, extra services are held there on Sunday evenings. Deed in the Corporation Chest. THE BOROUGH OF CAMELFORD. 327 THE BOEOUGH OF CAMELFOED. This town is situate in the parish of Lanteglos, and undoubtedly derives its name from a ford of the river Camel, whose source is in the parish of Davidstow, about four miles north of this town. It has been called by other names as " Gafulford," " Cablan," and " Cambala " as already noticed (ante vol. i, pp. 583, 584, and notes), but these names seem to be corruptions of the proper name, derived from the river on which it is situate, which river empties itself into the river Alan near the southern extremity of this parish. We have also treated, at the place above cited, of the tradition concerning the great battle between Arthur and Modred, fought near Camelford. There is nothing remarkable in the early history of this place. In the year 1259, Eichard Earl of Cornwall and King of the Eomans by his charter made it a free Borough, and granted to the burgesses a weekly market on Friday, and a fair on the eve, day, and morrow of St. Swithen, which liberties, upon inspeximus of the charter, were con firmed by the Earl's brother, King Henry III, on 12th June 1260, as appears from his charter following : Henricus dei gratia Eex Anglie Dominus . Hibernise et Dux Aquitanise Archiepiscopis Episcopis Abbatibus Prioribus Comitibus Baronius Justiciariis Vicecomitibus Prepositis Ministris et omnibus Balliuis et fidelibus suis salutem. Sciatis nos ad instanciam domini Eegis Illustris Alemanise fratris nostri de gratia nostra speciali concessisse et hac carta nostra confirmasse pro nobis et heredibus nostris quod villa sua de Camelford in Cornubia quam idem Eex per cartam suam nuper fecit liberum Burgum cum mercato singulis septimanis per diem Veneris et cum feria singulis annis per tres dies duratura videlicet in vigilia et in die et inj crastino Translationis Sancti Swythuny remaneat liberum Burgum cum predictis mercato et feria et omnibus libertatibus et liberis consuetudinibus ad huiusmodi Burgum mercatum et feriam pertinentibus imperpetuum. Hiis testibus Eicardo de Clare comite Gloucestrite et Herefordiee. Eogero le Bygod comite Norfolkiaj et raarescalio Anglise. Hugone le Bygod Justiciario Anglise, Philippo Basset, Johanne Maunsell Thesaurario Eboracensis, Waltero de Merton, Gilberto de Preston, Imberto Pugeys et aliis. Datum per manum nostram apud West- monasterio duodecimo die Junii anno regni nostri quadragesimo quarto.1 This charter was again confirmed by King Eichard II on 20th April 1398, by King Henry IV on 5th February 1400-1 ,2 by King Henry VI on 20th May 1449,3 and by King Edward IV on 23rd May 1475.4 Upon the Inquisition taken on 13th November 1300, after the death of Edmund Earl of Cornwall, it was found that, inter aha, he died seized of the Borough of Camelford, and that in the said borough there were sixty-two burgesses who held sixty- two burgages, and paid annually to the Lord of the Manor of Helston £4 4s. 4|d. 1 This Charter is not inrolled. 2 Eot. Put., 2nd Henry IV, Part 2, m. 38. 5 Eot. Pat. 27th Henry VI, Part 2, m. 11. " Eot. Pat., 10th Edward IV, Part 1, m. 4. 2 Vs 328 PARISHES OF LANTEGLOS AND ADVENT. That the fair produced to the Lord five shillings, and that the pleas and perquisites of the courts were worth by the year 13s. 4d. It was also found that he had died seized of the Church of Nanteglos, and that the value per annum was forty marks.1 The town, however, must have been very poor, or have fallen greatly into decay soon afterwards, for when in 1327 a subsidy of a twentieth was levied upon all who possessed moveable goods of the value of ten shillings, or upwards, eleven persons only were found to be assessable in the borough, and the aggregate amount paid by them was no more than ten shillings.* It appears from the caption of seizin of Edward the Black Prince, 1338, that the Burgesses made fealty with the Duke, and gave him for his recognition 40d., and that they claimed to hold the borough of the Duke by the payment of a rent of £4 5s. 4d. and to be free burgesses of the said Duke. And being questioned by what warrant? they said that they and their ancestors and predecessors, Burgesses of the borough from a time beyond the memory of man, had been free Burgesses, holding the borough in the form aforesaid of the Lord the King and his progenitors, and of all others who had the lordship. At that time the toll there was of the value of 8s. per annum, and the pleas and perquisites of the borough were worth 10s. per annum. On the accession of Henry IV. as King, his eldest son was created Prince of Wales, and was invested with the Dukedom of Cornwall, and a writ for the delivery of seizin to him of, inter aha, the Manor of Helston 'in Trigshire, with the Park of Helsbury and other appurtenances, was issued in 1399,3 and on 6th April 1404 this Prince, by the stile and titles of Henry eldest son of the King of England, Prince of Wales, Duke of Lancaster, Cornwall, &c, granted to John Cornwaille and Elizabeth his wife, Countess of Huntingdon,4 inter alia, the Borough of Camelford, to hold to the aforesaid John and Elizabeth for the whole life of the said Elizabeth, without any payment whatever to the Prince or his heirs. They obtained livery of seizin of the said lands, but in the same year again surrendered them into the Prince's hands, probably because under the charter creating the Duchy no power exists, or can exist, for the alienation of any portion of the possessions. In 1467 Thomas Donnecombe, Prepositus of the Borough of Camelford, accounted to the Exchequer for the rent of £4 5s. 4-|d.5 In the 6th year of King Edward VI, the borough was first allowed the questionable privilege of sending two burgesses to Parliament. The franchise was never defined, but 1 Inq. p.m., 28th Edward I, No. 44. 2 Subsidy Eoll, 1st Edward III, see also Appendix III. ?- Eot. Claus, 1st Henry IV., Part I., m. 27. 4 This Lady was the sister of the King, and therefore aunt of the Prince, being the second daughter of John of Gaunt and Blanche his first wife, coheir of Henry Plantagenet, great grandson of Henry III., created Duke of Lancaster. She married first, John Holland, created Earl of Huntingdon, and afterwards Duke of Exeter, by his half-brother, Eichard II., hut was deposed from the latter title by his brother-in-law Henry IV., and afterwards beheaded by him. She married secondly, this Sir John Cornwall, a man famous in his age, and oreated K.G. by Henry IV. 95 5 Minister's accounts, Duchy of Cornwall, 6 and 7, Edward IV, — 9 THE BOROUGH OF CAMELFORD. 329 became vested in freemen, being inhabitants and paying scot and lot. A contest took place in 1660. By indenture dated 25th April in that year, Peter Kelligrew and Samuel Trelawny were returned, but the election was declared void upon the ground that the poll had not been duly taken. The other candidates were Thomas Vivian and Henry Nicoll. Another election took place, and by three several indentures, dated 30th June in the same year, William Cotton of Botreaux Castle, Thomas Vivian, and Henry Nicoll were returned. The return of Mr. Vivian seems to have been undisputed, and upon petition, on 3rd August, a Committee of the House reported that the freemen and inhabitants paying scot and lot had the right of election, and that comparing the number of votes given to Henry Nicoll, who was returned by one indenture, and to William Cotton, who was returned by another indenture, the Committee found that Mr. Nicoll had a greater number of votes of freemen, but that as divers of them did not pay scot and lot, and therefore had no right to vote, they decided that Mr. Cotton was duly elected. This was confirmed by the House by 103 to 98, and Mr. Cotton declared duly elected.1 The charter of 1699 made no change as to the right of voting for the Members of Parliament, nevertheless the resident Capital Bur gesses for some time claimed and exercised the exclusive privilege. A Court was held annually within a month after Easter, at which a jury of freemen was impannelled and sworn before the Mayor and Eecorder, or his Deputy, who presented fit persons to be freemen. Their number was indefinite, and varied from fifteen to thirty. By their venality Camelford obtained an unenviable notoriety. The question of the right voting again arose upon a petition in 1796, when a Committee of the House decided that the right of election was in the freemen who were inhabitants paying scot and lot, and that the capital burgesses had. no right to vote for members for the borough, unless they were also free burgesses, inhabitants, and paying scot and lot.3 The present charter was granted by King Charles II. on 24th July 1669, on the application of the then mayor and burgesses.3 By it the body corporate consists of nine aldermen, or capital burgesses, of whom one is to be annually elected mayor, a recorder, deputy recorder, a common clerk, and a common Serjeant at mace. The mayor is to be elected on the Monday next after the feast of St. Michael the Archangel, the recorder and common clerk to be chosen by the mayor and burgesses, the common serjeant by the mayor for the time being, and the burgesses, whenever a vacancy occurs, by a majority of the mayor and burgesses. The mayor and recorder, or deputy recorder, are empowered to hold a court of record once in three weeks, to try all manner of pleas, actions, suits and plaints, provided that the sum in such pleas, &c, does not exceed fifty pounds. In addition to the ancient fair on the 14th, 15th, and 16th July, two new fairs are granted by this charter, to be held yearly; one on the 14th, 15th, and 16th May, and the other on the 25th, 26th, and 27th of August; the tolls and profits of such fairs to be received by the mayor and burgesses, and the mayor and burgesses are empowered to hold lands, &c, to the value 1 Journals, vol. viii., p. 110. 2 Journals, vol. Iii., p. 109. See also Brady's History of Boroughs, pp. 1751, 1639 and 2115. 3 Eot. Pat., 21st Charles IL, Part I., No. 4. 330 PARISHES OF LANTEGLOS AND ADVENT. of £50 per annum. In addition to the sergeant-at-mace formerly, according to ancient custom, the mayor appointed, annually, constables, bread-weighers, triers of weights and measures, ale taster, scavenger, pig-ringer, and pound-keeper ; but as many of these offices had, in process of time, become superseded, and others had fallen into desuetude, they have, of late years, ceased to be filled. It appears from the return made by Charles Dinham, then mayor, to the circular of the Home Office, dated 24th November 1831, that at that date there were 110 houses within the borough, and that the amount of assessed taxes paid by the borough for the year ending April 1831 was £110 17s. 7d. Accordingly, as the number of in habitants was under 2000, the town was placed in Schedule A of 'the Eeform Act of 1832, and wholly disfranchised as regarded Parliamentary representation. In 1764, shambles and a yarn market were erected adjoining the Town Hall at a cost of £140, which was raised by the mayor and burgesses on mortgage of " The Clease" or Fair Park, and Town Tregarth, for which latter they were trustees for the purposes mentioned (ante, p. 324) ; and the Town Hall having become dilapidated, in 1806 the Duke of Bedford, then patron of the Borough, erected, at his own cost, the present hall over the Market House. The hall is a commodious room surmounted by a cupola, containing a clock and a bell. In this room the Judge of the County Court and the County Magistrates for the Hundred of Lesnewith hold their sessions. In 1833, the Duke of Cleveland gave by deed to the mayor and burgesses for ever a tenement called Carvabins, containing 9a. Ir. 30p. on condition that the markets should thenceforward be free from tolls. This land, with " The Clease," or Fair Park, which contains something less than three roods, and the tolls of the fairs are the whole of the property possessed by the Corporation, except Tregarth, for which the mayor and burgesses are trustees for the purposes before stated. BOUNDS OF THE BOEOUGH. " The bounds and limits of the Vill or Borough of Camelford, in the county of Corn wall, were perambulated and viewed on the sixteenth day of April 1805, by Parmenas Pearce, Gentleman, Mayor, Oharles Carpenter, Esq., William Dinham, Gentleman, John Lawrence, Gentleman, John Inch, Gentleman, Thomas Jago, Gent., Charles Dinham, Edward Penhallow, John Harvey, John Gist, and Eichard Gayer. The said Perambulators and viewers began from the white thorne in the Warren, growing opposite the back kitchen window of the late Eev. William Phillipps's Dwellm.'-* house, to the Warren stile, and out strait across the King's Highway and turn'd into Jonathan Harvey's Tan-yard, and up in a strait line to the old Linhay door the north side of the pound-house there, and thence out over the wall into the King's Highway,1 and up the 1 The highway being the boundary of the borough on that side. BOROUGH OF CAMELFORD. — BOUNDS. 331 highway so far as Samuel Cock's dwelling house, and thence into the little lane (opposite the said Samuel Cock's house) leading to Tregoodwell, and along by the hedge of Daw's ground (but NB not inside the said hedge) and across the other lane leading to Tregoodwell, by the white thorne on the hedge of the Duke of Bedford's Beef Parks,1 and along by the inside of that hedge, in a strait line, to the corner of the cross hedge, and over that corner of the said cross hedge by the inside of the hedge of the late William Gregory's above- town,2 and turn the corner of that hedge down to the little lane leading from the above town to Tregoodwell, until you come to the slate or ragstone on the top of the hedge, and then over that hedge by the side of that stone down inside of the hedge of Mr. Bant's west grounds, and down to the water or Eivulet, and by the side of the said water to the moorstone ,at the bottom of the Duke of Bedford's Beef Parks, and down by the inside of the water till you come to the Burrow of stones, and then over the hedge into William Phillipps's Coloden, and then over the hedge of Coloden into the Duke of Bedford's out-ground,3 and over the hedge of said out-ground into * Mr. Thomas Pearce's Out-ground, down to the (four beech trees) two waters, and then over the hedge by the said trees into Fenteroone ground, and across the said two waters at the corner into Tucking Mill ground, and down by the side of the river to Tucking Mill pool, otherwise Eoekwell's Pool (and here the borough ends as to the going down by the side of the river). And from thence along by the hedge up into the corner of Tucking Mill Moor, and over the said corner of the said into Hodge's or Puddacombe's wood, and by the side of the Leat down to the hedge, and thence up by the side of that hedge to the spring or well, to Fenteroone second stile, and over the hedge by the side of the said stile, into the late Mrs. Hamline's ground, and up by the side of the hedge into the King's Highway, called Cawse End, and across the said Highway into John Pearce's field, called Lobb's ground, heretofore belonging to Jonathan Bundle, which used formerly to be called Cawse End Field, and thence up by the inside of the hedge to the corner, and over the hedge at the said corner by the stile on the inside, into Davey's field, formerly called Old Lloyd's field, and along by the inside of said Davey's field hedge next to the Highway,5 through and over all the other fields and cross hedges thereof, and across the lane by Chapman's Turnpike until you come to Town Tregartha, and then over the hedge into, and down by the side of the hedges of Harvey's and Hodge's ground, 'till you come to the Badger Eock near the river, and then down along by the side of the river 'till you come to the Flood gate opposite the Fore Kitchen Window of the said Eev. "William Phillipps' said dwelling house, and through the said Fore Kitchen Window into the said Kitchen, and out through the said Back Kitchen Window to the White Thorne before mentioned, from whence the said Perambulators sat off." 1 Known by the name of Wade's Beef Parks. ' Known by the name of Bant's Above Town. 3 Query if the south part of the said field over the _river is in the borough. 4 Query as above. 5 The lane or highway doth not belong to the borough. 332 PARISHES OF LANTEGLOS AND ADVENT. LIST OF MAYOES.1 1552, Christopher Cock 1613, Christopher Cock 1665, Eichard White 1553, (25th September) Do. 1614, Christopher Cock 1668, Ambrose Wade 1555, (1st October) Do. 1621, Christopher Cock 1678, Eodolphus Pike 1562, 13th December) Do. 1623, Christopher Cock 1680, Eichard White 1572, (April) John Cock 1625, Christopher Cock 1684, Ambrose Wade 1588, (1st November) John Cock 1630, Christopher Cock 1687, Ealph Pike 1597, John Cock 1631, Christopher Cock 1689, William Prideaux 1604, John Cock 1632, Christopher Cock 1695, William Prideaux 1605, Christopher Cock 1635, Christopher Cock 1699, Samuel Jackson 1607, Christopher Cock, Esq. 1646, Christopher Worthevale 1700, Edward Cloake 1608, Christopher Cock of Worthevale, Esq. 1701, Edward Hodge 1610, Christopher Cock 1659, Christopher Worthevale 1702, Ealph Pike. 1611, Christopher Cock 1660, Christopher Worthevale 1704, Godfrey White. The above names are derived from the Indentures returning Burgesses to ParUament. ELECTED. 1707, October 6th, Edward Hodge, Gent.2 1708, October 4th, Geffrey White, Gent. 1709, October 3rd, Edward Cloake, Gent. 1710, October 2nd, Edward Cloake, Gent.3 1711, October 1st, Samuel Jackson, Gent.4 1712, October 6th, John Phillips, Gent. 1713, October 4th, John Phillips, Gent. 1714, October 4th, Ealph Pike, Gent.& 1715, October 3rd, William Carew, Gent. 1716, October 2nd, James Prideaux, Gent. 1717, September 30th, William Eowe, Gent. 1718, October 6th, John Phillips, Gent. 1719, December 3rd, Ealph Pike, Gent. 1721, Samuel Jackson. 1726, Ealph Pike. ELECTED.1729, Ealph Pike, Mayor, buried 3rd December, 1729, P.E. 1731, WiUiam Eowe. 1732, October 2nd, Jonathan Pomery, Gent. 1733, October 1st, John Phillips, Gent. 1734, October 30th, Charles Hamline, Gent. 1735, October 6th, John Eowe, Gent. 1736, October 4th, Nathaniel Hender, Gent. 1737, October 3rd, William Carew, Gent.6 1737, March 14th, Jonathan Pomery, Gent., vice Carew deceased.1 1738, September 26th, John PhiUips, vice Jon. Pomeroy, deceased.8 1738, October 2nd, Charles Hamline, Gent. 1739, October 1st, John Eowe, Gent. 1 The days on which the mayors were elected prior to the Charter of Charles II, is not known. 2 Buried 22nd February 1713. 3 Buried 17th December 1713. 4 Buried 22nd July 1736. 5 1699, August 18th, mar. lie. between Ealph Pike of Camelford, and Mary Jefery of Launceston, spinster. 0 Buried 7th March, 1737. ' Buried 29th August 1738. BOROUGH OF CAMELFORD. — MAYORS. 333 ELECTED.1740, October 6th, John Phillips, Gent. 1741, October 5th, no election, J.P. continued. 174i, October 4th, do. do. 1743, October 3rd, Charles Hamline. 1744, October 1st, William PhiUips, Gent. 1745, September 30th, Nathaniel Hender. 1746, October 6th, John Eowe, Gent. 1747, October 5th, Joseph Pomeroy, deceased.1 1748, May 26th, Charles Phillips. 1748, October 3rd, WUliam Eowe. 1749, October 2nd, John PhiUips. 1750, October 1st, Jonathan PhiUips. 1751, September 30th, John Phillips. 1752, October 2nd, William Phillips, Senr. 1753, October 1st, Charles PhiUips. 1754, September 3rd, no election (a tie) 1755, October 6th, Eev. WiUiam PhiUips. 1756, October 4th, Jonathan Phillips. 1757, October 3rd, William Clode. 1758, October 2nd, John PhiUips. 1759, October 2nd, WUliam Clode 1760, October 6th, Jonathan PhilUps. 1761, October 5th, John PhiUips. 1762, October 4th, WiUiam Clode. 1763, October 3rd, Jonathan Phillips. 1764, October 1st, John PhiUips. 1765, September 30th, William Clode. 1766, October 6th, Charles Dinham. 1767, October 5th, Eev. WiUiam Phillips. 1768, October 3rd, WUham Clode. 1769, October 2nd, Charles Phillips. 1770, October 1st, John PhiUips. 1771, September 30th, Charles Dinham. 1772, October 5th, William Clode. 1773, October 4th, Charles PhilUps. 1774, Eev. William PhiUips. 1775, October 2nd, Charles Dinham. 1776, September 30th, Charles Phillips. 1777, October 6th, WiUiam Clode. 1778, October 5th, Charles PhiUips. 1779, October 4th, Oharles Dinham. 1780, October 2nd, William Clode. ELECTED. 1781, October 1st, Thomas Phillips. 1782, September 30th, William Clode. 1783, October 6th, Charles PhiUips. 1784, October 4th, Charles Dinham. 1785, October 3rd, Oharles PhiUips. 1786, October 2nd, William Clode. 1787, October 1st, Charles Dinham. 1788, October 6th, William Clode, Junr. 1789, October 5th, William Dinham. 1790, October 4th, Henry Braddon. 1791, October 3rd, William Dinham. 1792, October 1st, John Phillips Carpenter. 1793, September 30th, WiUiam Clode. 1794, October 6th, William Dinham. 1795, October 5th, Thomas Winsloe, Junr. 1796, October 3rd, William Dinham. 1797, October 2nd, William PhiUips. 1798, October 1st, Henry Braddon. 1799, October 1st, William Clode. 1800, October 6th, William Dinham. 1801, October Gth, William Phillips. 1802, October 5th, WiUiam Clode. 1803, October 3rd, John Lawrence. 1804, October 1st, Parmenas Pearce. 1805, September 30th, John Inch. 1806, October 6th, WUliam Clode.2 1807, May 9th, Henry Braddon, vice Clode, deceased. 1807, October 5th, John Lawrence. 1808, October 3rd, Mathew Pope the younger. 1809, October 2nd, Eichard Mabyn. 1810, October 1st, Charles Dinham. 1811, September 30th, no election, CD. continued. 1812, October 5th, WiUiam Dinham. 1813, October 4th, John Carpenter. 1814, October 3rd, Mathew Pope, Jun. 1815, October 2nd, George Wharton. 1816, September 30th, Charles Dinham. 1817, October 6th, Mathew Pope, Junr. 1818, October 5th, John Dent. 1819, October 4th, James Eosevear. 1820, October 2nd, Charles Dinham. 1 Buried 24th May 1748. 2X 2 William Clode, Esq., late of Skisdon, buried 7th February 1807. 334 PARISHES OF LANTEGLOS AND ADVENT. ELECTED. 1821, October 1st, Mathew Pope, Junr. 1822, September 30th, James Eosevear. 1823, October 6th, WiUiam Fillis Pearce. 1824, October 4th, Charles Dinham. 1825, October 3rd, John Dent. 1826, October 2nd, Edward West. 1827, October 1st, Mathew Pope. 1828, October 6th, WilUam Henry King 1829, October 5th, James Eobson. 1830, October 4th, Eichard Watts. 1831, October 3rd, Charles Dinham. 1832, October 1st, James Eosevear. 1833, September 30th, Edward West. 1834, October 6th, John Clode Braddon. 1835, October 5th, WilUam Henry King. 1836, October 3rd, Mathew Pope. 1837, October 2nd, James Eobson. 1838, October 1st, Eichard Watts. 1839, September 30th, James Eosevear. 1840, October 5th, John Clode Braddon. 1841, October 4th, WiUiam Henry King. 1842, October 3rd, Edward West. 1843, October 2nd, Warwick Guy Pearse 1844, September 30th, WiUiam Braddon. 1845, October 6th, Mathew Pope. 1846, October 5th, James Eobson. 1847, October 4th, John Clode Braddon. ELECTED. 1848, October 2nd, William Henry King. 1849, October 1st, Edward West. 1850, September 30th, Warwick Guy Pearse. 1851, October 6th, Eev. Eoger Bird. 1852, October 4th, WiUiam Dinham King. 1853, October 3rd, Charles Augustus West. 1854, October 2nd, Eev. John James WUkinson. 1855, October 1st, WiUiam Henry King. 1856, October 6th, Edward West. 1857, October 5th, Warwick Guy Pearse. 1858, October 4th, WiUiam Dinham Eing. 1859, October 3rd, Francis Barton Eowe. 1860, October 1st, Eev. John James WUkinson. 1861, September 30th, Edward James Hurdon. 1862, October 6th, WiUiam Henry King. 1863, October 5th, Thomas Pope Eosevear. 1864, October 3rd, Edward West. 1865, October 2nd, WiUiam Dinham King. 1866, October 1st, Eev. John James Wilkinson. 1867, September 30th, Edward James Hurdon. 1868, October 5th, WiUiam Henry King. 1869, October 4th, Nicholas Male, Junr. 1870, October 3rd, Thomas Pope Eosevear. 1871, October 2nd, WilUam Hender Sowdon. 1872, September 30th, WiUiam Dinham King. 1873, October 6th, Eev. John James Wilkinson. 1874, October 5th, Nicholas Male. Becorders. Deputy Becorders. Town or Common Clerks. 1669, Francis Lutterell. Anthony Cosen, continued. 1711, Henry Manaton. 1712, October [6th, WilUam PhiUips appointed. 1715, Daniel Budger. 1716, May 11th Francis Manaton, 1716, August 21st, John Phillips, Elected. sworn. 1735, May 6th, Thomas Pitt, Esq. 1736, October 7th, Joseph Pomery, 1745, May 2nd, Charles PhiUips; Gent. resigned 3rd October 1761. 1761, October 6th Charles PhilUps. 1775, Jonathan Phillips. 1794 1794, June 19th, Thomas Jago. BOROUGH OF CAMELFORD. — BURGESSES IN PARLIAMENT. Becorders. 335 1803, January 13th, Charles Car penter uppointed vice Sir Jona than Phillips deceased. 1803, October 25th, Eobert Adair. Deputy Becorders. 1797, September 26th, Charles PhiUips appointed deputy to Sir Jona than Phillips, who resigned 16th January 1798 Charles Carpenter, 1812, AprU 7th, Charles Eashleigh. Town or Common Clerks. 1813, January 13th, John Phillips Charles Eashleigh. Carpenter vice Adair resigned. 1813, July 22nd, John Carpenter, vice John PhUUps Carpenter, de ceased 1818, Mark Milbank, vice J. Car penter, resigned. 1819, May 4th, John Darke. 1812, April 7th, John Lawrence. vice Thomas Jago resigned. 1824, WiUiam Fillis Pearce, vice John Lawrence, deceased. 1850, November 18th, Eichard Harris Burt, vice W. F. Pearce re signed. BUEGESSES ELECTED TO SEEVE IN PAELIAMENT. (Compiled from Crown Office Records.)1 t, , .. T , . Place end dale of Date of Indenture -,,-...¦.¦ ? of Eetttrn. 1552-3, Feb. . . 1553, 20th Sept. Missing 1554, 22nd Oct. 1555, 1st Oct.. . Missing Meeting of Parliament. Westminstee. 1st March 1552-3 5th Oct. 1553 2nd April 1554 12th Nov. 1554 21st Oct. 1555 20lh Jan. 1553 Names of Burgesses. Eobert . . ckc 2 Francis Eoscarrock Thomas Arundell Francis Eoscarrock, Gent. William Cavyll, Gent. John Carnsuyowe . . Nicholas Seyntjohn. Ambrose Gilbert. George Stafford. Clement Trefford, Gent. George Tadlowe, Gent. John Smith.3 1 The names printed in italics are not found in the Crown Office Eeturns, and are taken from Browne WiUis and other sources. 2 The first two letters of this name are illegible, but "Chyke,'' as printed by Browne Willis, is certainly inaccurate. The name is probably " Cocke." 3 155S, February 24th, John Smith, returned burgess for Camelford, upon a declaration made by Mr. Marshe that he had come to the house being outlawed, and also had deceived divers merchants of the city of London, taking wares of them to the sum of £300, minding to defraud them of the same under the colour of the privilege of this house. Question raised whether he should have the privilege of the house: Ayes 112, Noes 107. Ordered that he stiU continue a member of this house. (Journals, vol. i, p. 55.) 2x2 336 PARISHES OF LANTEGLOS AND ADVENT. Date of Indenture of Eeturn. Missing 1562, 13th Dec. Missing 1572, 27th April Missing 1588, 1st Nov. 1597, 4th Oct. 1601, 1st Oct. Missing Missing Missing 1625-6, 12th Jan. MissingMissing Missing 1647, 12th AprU Place and Date of t Meeting of Pari. Westminster. 23rd Jan. 1559 11th Jan. 1563 2nd AprU 1571 8th May 1572 23rd Nov. 1584 15th Oct. 1586 12th Nov. 1588 19th Feb. 1593 24th Oct. 1597 27th Oct. 1601 19th March 1604 5th April 1614 30th Jan. 1621 12th Feb. 1624 17th May, 1625 6th Feb. 1625-6 17th Mar. 1628 13th April 1640 3rd Nov. 1640 Names of Burgesses. Legislative As- 4tb July 1653 sembly called a Parliament Missing 1660, June 30th 27th Jan. 1659 25th April 1660 8th May 1661 WUliam Partridge William Partridge Edward Williams, Gent. George Graynefylde, Junr., Gent. Eichard Trefusis, Esq. Geoffry Gale, Esq. . . . . Arthur Gorge, Esq. Humphry Miehell, Esq. WilUam Carnesew, Esq. Anthony Turpia, Gent. John Good, Esq. No Eeturn Henry Carey, Knight Edward Carr, Esq. Henry Hangate, Knight Edward Lindsey, Esq. Evan Edwards, Esq. Edward Eeade, Esq. WilUam Glanvill, Esq. William Sey, Esq., in the place of William Glanville, Esq., adjudged by the House of Commons to be no longer a member No Eeturn J. Maynard, Serjeant at Law. Thomas Vivian, Esq. . . Henry Nicoll, Esq. Thomas Vivian, Esq. . . Thomas Coventry, d.c.l.6 Drew Drewry, Esq. Drew Drewry, Esq. Nicholas Prideaux, Gent. John Gifford, Esq. Emanuel Chamond, Gent. Eichard Trefusis, Gent. Eichard Trefusis, Gent. Eichard Leeche, Esq, Jerome Horsey, Esq. WilUam Carnsew, Gent. Anthony Turpin, Gent. Edward Carre of London, Esq. Francis Cottington, Bart.1 /. Cotteele, Esq. Thomas Monck of Woode, Knight.'' Francis Crossing Pierce Edgcumbe, Esq.3 Pierce Edgcumbe, Esq. William Braddon, Esq. Peter KylUgrew, Esq. Samuel Trelawny, Esq.1 WilUam Cotton, Esq.5 Charles Eoscarrock. 1 Created a Baronet 16th February 1623, Lord Cottington of Hanwr.rth, co. Middlesex 1631. Was some time Chancellor and under Treasurer of the Exchequer. Ambassador to Spain, and Lord Treasurer during the civil wars. Died at Valladolid in Spain 1653, s.p. 2 1625 March 21th. Upon Mr. John Drake's information in the House that Sir Thomas Moncke, a burgess elected for Camelford, was iu execution before, and at the time of, his election. Ordered a new writ to issue for a new choice in his room. (Journals, vol. i, p. 840.) We have no record that his place was filled, and it would appear from the returns in the Crown Office, that one burgess only sat for Camelford in this Parliament. 3 The name of Pierce Edgcumbe does not appear in the Crown Office Eeturns, but is given by Browne Willis. He was sent foron 12th November 1642, as a delinquent, and again on 5th January foUowing, and desired to lend £1000 ; and a person was appointed to receive the sum assessed upon him. (Journals, vol. ii, p. 23.) In the same month both he aud his colleague were disabled from sitting in the Houso for deserting the Parliament service and adhering to the King's cause. (Journal vol. iv, p. 285.) 4 This election was declared void the poll not having been duly taken. 5 gee an(;e p_ gg2. 6 Bernard Grenville Esq., who was returned by another indenture of the same date, petitioned against the return of Thomas Coventry and Charles Eoscarrock Esqrs. As the Mayor, Christopher Worthyvale, said that he would take his own time in bringing the books &c , he was committed to the custody of tho Serjeant-at-Arms for contempt, but was released upon his conformity and on the payment of the fees. Tho petition of Mr. GrenviUe was dismissed. BOROUGH OF CAMELFORD — BURGESSES IN PARLIAMENT. 337 Dale of Indenture of Eeturn. 1665, Oct. 27th Place and date of Meeting of Pari. Names of Burgesses. WUliam Godolphin, Esq., vice Charles Eoscarrock, Esq., deceased. James Smith of Trehannick, Knight. . . 1678-9, 20th Feb. 6th Mar. 1679 1679, 8 Sept. 17th Oct. 1679 Eobert EusseU, Esq. Oxford. 21st Mar. 1680 Westminster. 19th May 1685 22nd Jan. 1688 22ud Nov. 1695 1685, April 28th 1685, Sept. 11th 1688, 17th Jan. 1695 Nov. 11th 1696, April 1st 1700, Jan. 13th 6th Feb. 1700 1701, Dec. 1st 30th Dec. 1701 1702, July 27th 21st Aug. 1702 1703, Jan. 17th 1705, May 21st 14th June 1705 1708, 17th May 8th July 1708 1 710, 19th Oct. 25th Nov. 1710 1711, 26th Mar. 28th Nov. 1710 1711-12 20th Feb. 25th Nov. 1710 1713, 7th Dec. 12th Nov. 1714 1714-5,17th.Tan. 17thMar. 1714-5 1722, 13th April 10th May 1722 1727, 23rd Aug. 28th Nov. 1727 1734, 2nd May 13th June 1734 1741, 12th May 25th June 1741 1747, 1st July 13th Aug. 1747 1754, 17th April 31st May 1754 1759, 25th May Bobert Bussell, Esq. WUliam Harbord, of Grafton Park, co. Northants, Esq. James Smith of Trehannick, Knt. James Smith, Knt. Humphry Langford of HUl, Esq. Charles Searborow, Knt., m.d., vice Humphry Langford, deceased.' Ambrose Manaton, Esq. Ambrose Manaton of Kilworthy, co. Devon. Hon. Sidney Wortley, alias Montague, vice Ambrose Manaton, elected also for Tavistock. Henry Manaton of Harwood, Esq. Henry Manaton of Harwood, Esq. Henry Manaton of Harwood, Esq. WUliam Pole, Esq., in place of Henry Manaton elected for Tavistock. Henry PinneU, Esq. Eichard Munden, Esq. Hon. Bernard GrenvUle, Esq. Paul Orchard, vice Jaspar EadcUffe, deceased. Sir Bouchier Wray, Bart., in place of Barnard GrenvUle.3 Sir Bouchier Wray, Bart. James Montague, Esq. Hon. Henry Earl of Drogheda. Thomas Hales, Esq., son of Sir Thomas Hales, Bart. Hon. Sir Thomas Littleton, Bart. WiUiam Earl Inohiquin of the King dom of Ireland. Hon. Eidgeway Pitt of Soldon, co. Devon, Esq., Earl of Londonderry in Kingdom of Ireland. Samuel Martin of the. Inner Temple, Esq. Bartholomew Burton, Esq., in place of Sir John Lade, Bart., deceased. Nicholas Courteney, of the Inner Temple, Esq. Henry Manaton, Esq. Bobert Molesworth. Dennys Glynn of Glynn, Esq. Denis Glynn of Glynn, Esq. Denys Glynn of Glynn, Esq. William Pole of Shute, co. Devon, Esq. John Manley, Esq.1 Jaspar EadcUffe, Esq.2 James Nicols, Esq. Eichard Coffin, Esq. WilUam Sloaper, Esq. Colonel Thomas Pitt. The Hon. James Cholmondley, Esq. Charles Montague, Esq. Samuel Martin of the Inner Temple, Esq. John Lade of Hendley, co. Dorset, Esq. 1 A petition was presented by Henry Manaton, Esq., against the return of John Manley, Esq., alleging various acts of bribery and corruption, but Mr. Manley's election was confirmed. (Journals, vol. xvi, pp. 274, 275.) * Upon the death of Jasper EadcUffe an election took place, and Henry Manaton, Esq., then recorder, was returned by Mr. White claiming to be Mayor. Paul Orchard was returned by Edward Cloake, also claiming to be Mayor. The vaUdity of the election of the Burgess turned upon the fact as to whether Mr. White or Mr. Cloake had been duly elected Mayor. The House determined in favour of Mr. Cloake, and as under the poll taken by that gentleman Mr. Orchard had a majority of votes he was declared duly elected. (Journals, vol. xvi, pp. 643, 644.) 3 Appointed Lieut.-Governor of HuU. 338 THE PARISHES OF LANTEGLOS AND ADVENT. Date of Indenture of Eeturn. 1761, 30th Mar. 1768, 19th Mar. 1774, 10th Oct. 1776, 4th Nov. 1777, I Cth June 1780, 11th Sept. 1784, 6th April 1784, 5th July 1790, 21st June 1791, 8th Jan. 1796, 19th Mar.2 1796, 30th May3 1802, 7th July 1806, 1st Nov. 1807, 11th May 1810, 2nd Feb. 1812, 10th Oct. 1818, 17th June5 1819, 17th April6 1820, 9th March 1822, 26th June 1826, 12th June 1830, 30th July 1831, April 29th1 Place and date of Meeting of Pari. 19th May 1761 10th May 1768 31st Oct. 1774 Names of Burgesses. Bartholomew Burton of the City of London, Esq. 18th May 1784 10th Aug. 1790 31st Aug. 1802 15th Deo. 1806 22nd June 1807 24th Nov. 1812 4th Aug. 1818 1st April 1820 26th July 1826 14th Sept. 1830 William Wilson of Keythorpe, co. Leicester, Esq. Francis Heme, of Harrow, co. Middle sex, Esq. Samuel Martin of Westminster, EBq. . . Charles PhUlips of Camelford, Esq. John Amyand of London, Esq. Sir Ealph Payne of Charles Street, Westminster. Sir Ealph Payne of Charles Street, St. James, one of the Clerks of the Household. John Pardoe, Junr. of Layton, co. James Macphorson,Manchester BuUdings Essex, Esq. Westminster, Esq.1 James Macpherson . . . . . . Jonathan Phillips of the Borough of Newport. Sir Samuel Hannay of Putney Heath, Bart , in the place of Jonathan PhiUips Esq., who had accepted the Stewardship of the ChUtern Hun dreds. James Macpherson of Putney Heath, Sir Samuel Hannay of Putney Heath Esq. Bart. William Smith of Clapham, co. Surrey, Esq., vice Sir Samuel Hannay, deceased. Lord William Cavendish Bentinck, vice James Macpherson, Esq., deceased. WiUiam Joseph Dennison, Esq. . . John Angersteih, Esq. Eobert Adair of 24, Great Marlborough John Fonblanque of Lincoln's Inn, Esq. Street, Esq. Eobert Adair of Hertford St., May fair, James Viscount Maitland Esq. Eobert Adair of Hertford St. , Mayfair Lord Henry Petty of Downing Street. Henry Brougham, Junr.,4 of Brougham HaU, co. Westmorland, vice Henry Petty now Marquis of Lansdown. William Leader of Putney Hill, Surrey, Samuel Scott of Sunbridge Park, Kent, Esq. Mark Milbank of Thorpe HaU, North John Bushby Maitland of Eccles, co. Biding of co. York. Dumfries. John Stewart of Albany, Westminster. Mark Milbank of Thorpe HaU, Esq. Lewis Allsopp of Lincoln's Inn Fields. Francis Oharles Seymour Conway com monly caUed Earl of Yarmouth. Sheldon Cradock of Harforth in North Hiding of York, vice the Earl of Yarmouth. succeeded to the Peerage as Marquis of Hertford. Mark Milbank of Thorpe HaU, Esq. Sheldon Cradock of Harforth, Esq. The same. . . . . . . The same. Tho same. . . . . . . Tho same. 1 Translator of Poems attributed by him to Ossian, and author of several Historical Works and Political Pamphlets. z Writ ordered 7th March. (Journals, vol. li, p. 484.) 3 A petition against this election was presented by the unsuccessful candidates, Lord Preston and Eobert Adair, but without success. (Journals, vol. Iii, p. 109.) 4 This was the first step in political life of tho famous Lord Chancellor. 5 These members wero said to have given the Patron £800 for their seats, of which each freeman received £100 besides other privileges. 6 Indenturo missing. 7 The Candidates at this election were Maik Milbank and John Bushby Maitland Esq., in the Darlington interest, and John Stewart and Thomas Hanmer, supported by the Earl of Yarmouth. The two former were returned by a POLSTON-BRIDGE. 339 POLSTON-BBIDGE, alias POLSTONEL-BEIDGE. It appears from the caption of seizin of Edward the Black Prince, that in 1337, John the son and heir of Henry de Kellygren held two acres of land Cornish,1 in petty serjeantry, viz., by the service of meeting the Duke on his coming into Cornwall at Poulstonelbridge, and there receiving a certain grey cape (capam gris) and carrying it after the Duke through all Cornwall, at the expense of the Duke, for forty days.2 And on 13th September 1354, we find an order given for the purchase of a grey riding coat at an expense of 2s. 2d. to be carried by John Keligryn, on the Prince's entering Cornwall.3 The names of the free tenants appear for the first time on the Assession Eolls of 9th Edward IV. (1468) wherein we find that the land was then held, by the same service, by heir of John Michaelstow, kinsman and heir of John son of Henry de Kelligren, and we may notice that the name is still written Polstonelbrigge. In majority of three : MUbank and Maitland 1 3, Hanover and Stewart 10. There was much bribery, in consequence of which several votes were struck off the poll, leaving the numbers even, when the election was declared void. A new writ having been issued six candidates entered the field, namely, Messrs. Milbank and Maitland in the Darlington mterest, Mr. Polhiil and Colonel Hanmer in the Yarmouth interest, and Messrs. Stewart aud Allsopp in the interest of a Mr. Hallett, a druggist of St. Mary Axe, London, who brought down £6000 to be divided among 15 voters provided they returned his candidates. As the four last named gentlemen were aU of the same poUtics they adopted the somewhat novel expedient of selecting two by lot, the tickets being drawn out of a tea pot. At the close of the poll the numbers were for Stewart and Allsopp 14, MUbank and Maitland 12. A petition was immediately presented, the election was declared void, and Mr. Stewart incapacitated for sitting in that parUament for the Borough of Camelford. Upon the issue of a new writ the Earl of Yarmouth and Mr. MUbank were returned without opposition. 1 In our Introduction to this work (p. 5), we briefly remarked upon land measures, observing that a hide of land was an indeterminate quantity: Being designed for tho support of one famUy it must necessarily have varied in extent in different locaUties according to the greater or less fertility of the soil, and we suggested that the modern customary Cornish acre of 5760 yards must have, very closely approximated to a, Saxon acre. The Cornish acre, however, there aUuded to, was not the same as is mentioned in the text. The latter was un questionably much larger, hut the number of EngUsh or statute acres contained therein is not easily determined. Mr. (now Sir Edward) Smirke, in an Essay on the subject read at a, Meeting of the Eoyal Institution of Corn waU, on 23rd May 1862 (pub. twenty-fourth Annual Eeport, p. 29) of which Society he was then the President, has very carefuUy considered this subject, and after an exhaustive search satisfied himself thit the extent of a Cornish acre cannot be represented by any corresponding modern measure of surface, or area, which can be reUed upon as of universal appUcation. He came to the conclusion that an "acre of land Cornish" was equivalent to a carucate of land, or plough land, that is, such quantity of arable laud as could be ploughed by a single plough and its team in a year, referring to Testa de Nevill, p. 204, as supporting that view. In these circum stances a Cornish acre, Uke a hide of land, must have varied in area according to tho fertility of the soil; hut Mr. Smirke came to the conclusion that in ordinary circumstances a Cornish acre would contain in area about sixty-four English or statute acres, and that tho number would be governed by the quality of the soil, e.g., in rough, mountainous, or moor land, the area would be much greater than in well cultivated districts. 2 Caption of Seizin, Eeeord Office. It is remarkable that the Manor of Cabillia was held by a simUar service, viz., of rendering a grey cape as often as the King should cross Poulston Bridgo into Cornwall (see ante, vol. i, p. 273 and note). J Council Black Prince, fo. 184. Tho original is among the records of tho Eeceipts of tho Exchequer, Eeeord Office. 340 PARISHES OF LANTEGLOS AND ADVENT. 1553, the tenant was Eichard Copleston, described as heir of John Michaelstow. In 1602, John Wood was tenant, which John Wood was the heir of Eichard Wood by Isabella his wife, the heir of Eichard Copleston. The tenement disappears from the Assession Eolls from this date until 1742, when it is again entered, but without the name of a tenant, with the following memorandum appended : — " This land is said to lye near Polston-bridge and called St. Leonard's, and near the Cockpit. 9th Elizabeth held by Eichard Copleston, Esq. ; 15th Charles I by Christopher Wood, Esq." In 1756 Thomas Dark was the tenant by purchase from Gwyn Spry, a legatee to William Spry, from whom it passed to John Eoe, Esq., who held it by the same tenure in 1777. In 1798, John Cudlip, M.D., was the tenant, and the tenement is described as "late Anthony Eoe's." In 1819, it was in the tenure of the heirs of John Cudlip, m.d., as it was in 1826. Of the heirs of Cudlip it was purchased by Mr. Cowlard, Solicitor, of Launceston, who is the present proprietor. It will be observed that in the above quoted memorandum the identity of the land is qualified by "is said." It was clearly a mistake, and we have yet to discover where the land held by the abovementioned interesting tenure was situate. The land purchased of the heirs of Cudlip is undoubtedly the land referred to in the later Assession Eolls, but it was never parcel of the Manor of Helston, but belonged formerly to the Lazar Hospital of St. Leonard, at Launceston, and is held of the Mayor and Burgesses of that borough. We are indebted to the courtesy of Mr. Christopher Cowlard of Launceston, for this information. BODULGATE IN TEIGG. In 1337, William Chenduit held two acres of land Cornish in Bodulgate of the Manor of Helston in Trigg, at the rent of 6s. per annum, fealty, and suit at Court ; whilst a further half acre, in the same ville, was held by Eichard Tynden at the rent of 18d, and similar services. William Chenduit died leaving a son Thomas, and two daughters, Johanna, who married Stephen Trejago, and Alice who became the wife of Thomas Eoscarrock. The legitimate issue of Thomas Cheynduit became extinct in his grandson, John Cheynduit. John had two illegitimate children, Eichard Cheynduit and Johanna, wife of John Pengelly, upon whom, by a fine levied in 1425, he settled, inter alia, Bodulgate, which appears then to have been annexed to the Manor of Bodannan, with various remainders over. John Cheynduit died two years afterwards, and it was found upon the Inquisition taken after his death, that William Cheynduit being seized of this manor settled the same upon himself and his wife Elizabeth for life and the heirs of their bodies, and that he had issue Thomas, Johanna, and Alice, and that the said Thomas had the manor, and that it descended to the said John, who died with out issue, and that the manor descended to certain Ealph Trenowyth and Thomas Eos- BODULGATE. 341 carrock as kinsmen and heirs of the said John, viz., the said Ealph as son of Johanna daughter of the aforesaid Johanna, one of the sisters of the aforesaid Thomas son of William, and the aforesaid Thomas Eoscarrock as son of Alice, the other sister of Thomas son of William.1 Accordingly we find in the Assession Eoll of 1461, that the abovementioned two acres of land in Bodulgate were held by John Trenewith, described as kinsman and heir of William Cheynduit. He was the grandson of Ealph Trenewith abovementioned. In the same roll, the other tenement in Bodulgate is stated to be held by Thomas Bodulgate, kinsman and heir of Warine Bodulgate, and kinsman and heir of Eichard Tynden. John Trenowith died in 1496, s.p.m., when the Bodulgate lands reverted to the Eoscarrock family as the male representatives of William Cheynduit, and in the Assession Eoll of 1539, it . is stated that the said two acres were held by John Eoscarrock as kinsman and heir of William Cheynduit, and that the other tenement in Bodulgate, abovementioned, together with two acres of land Cornish in Penkerowe, -which in 1337 were held by Warine Bodulgate, at a rent of 4s. per annum, were held by Eichard Eoscarrock, son and heir of John Eoscarrock, as kinsman and heir of Warine Bodulgate. The statement that any portion of the lands was held in 1539 by John Eoscarrock was a clerical error, for the said John died on 26th October 1537, and upon his in quisition, post mortem, the jury found that before his death he was seized of certain lands in Bodulgate in his demesne as of fee, and being so seized by his Charter, dated 6th January 18th Henry VIII, had conveyed the same to William Lower, Esq., and Eichard Penros, guardians of Isabella Trevenor, one of the sisters and heirs of William Trevenor, to the use of Eichard Eoscarrock, son and heir apparent of the said John Eoscarrock and the said Isabella, and the heirs of their bodies, in virtue of which grant the said Eichard and Isabella entered upon the said lands, and were thereof seized in fee tail ; and the jury say that the said Manor of Bodulgate together with the Manor of Deliaboll were held of the Prince as of his Manor of Helston in Trigg by fealty and rent of 21s. 3d., and suit at Court, in pure socage, and that the value was £2C) 13s. 4d.2 This is the first occasion on which these lands had been designated a Manor,3 but it seems improbable that they possessed any ancient manorial franchises. The condition of the manor and the lands forming it during the tenure of Eichard Eos carrock will be shewn by the following terrier, dated in 1569.4 1 Inq. p.m., 5th Henry VI, No. 57. See also Pedigree of Cheynduit, ante vol. i., p. 546. * Escheator' s Inq., 28th and 29th Henry VIII. a We are told that no new manors have been created since the passing of the Statute Quia Emptores in 18th Edward I. * Eoscarrock Eent Eoll, in the possession of Francis Eodd of Trebartha Hall, Esq. 2 Y 342 PARISHES OF LANTEGLOS AND ADVENT. Penkerowe HUNDEED DE TEYQGE. Manerium de Bodulgate. Liberi Tenentes. Willelmus Carnsuyowe Armiger et Nicholaus Glynne Armiger "j Hijd . Duci tenent ibidem vnam acram terrse Cornubiensem in soccagio Et j Cornubia? Man- facient Et reddunt per annum. t™" ^Trfgge' iiij* TheEoseParke Johannes Langdon Armiger tenet ibidem dimidiam acram \ .^ Downe 'Camelforde terrse Cornubiensem in soccagio sine secta. Et reddit per annum. Willelmus Grylles de Tavistoke tenet ibidem vnum ffarlingum terre Cornubiensem in soccagio et faciet sectam ad duas curias } UJ XJ legales. Et reddit per annum. Willelmus Carnsuyowe et Nicholaus Glynne Armigeri tenent ) a ibidem Et reddunt per annum. ) Summa x! jd- The Mayne Parke Convencionarii Tenentes. Johannes Nycholls de Bodwene tenet ibidem Et reddit^per xv," Delyowcarle- bon Johannes Webber. Alicia Eoche vidua tenet ibidem. tenementum per indenturam reddendo per annum xxxiiij3 vj" Et heriotum quando &c. Et faciet sectam curise Et erit prepositus et decennarius quando &c. Et soluendo redditum ad quatuor anni terminos magis vsuales viz ad festum Natalis Domini Annunciacionis Beate Marie Virginis, Natalis Sancti Johannis Baptiste et Michaelis arch- angeli equis porcionibus ct ij capones diem autumpno et alia seruicia sicut &c. xxxnjs yjd rij capones et vnum diem autumpno vel i xij11 pro de- fectus Delyowcarle Johan Joce. Johanna Slogett vidua ten=)t per indenturam ad terminum •, buliion alias v^33 SU8e ^ re Id-it Per annum xxvj" xJ Et faciet vt supra et j Dely diem autumpno vel xijd pro defectu eiusdem j caponem et in habitant super premissa Et habebit jampnum et brueria super dominiam de Delyobell Et stirpes jampnum ad focalia. xxvj s xd ' j caponem j diem Autumpno vel xijd pro defectu BODULGATE. 343 Estjsgrcn Georgius Tome Camelforth Eel:£i'taa^Capellaneous /^ tenet ibidem j tenementum cum per tinentiis et reddit per annum xxj8 j caponem j diem autumpno Et sectam vt supra. tenentur domino Johannes Cokke tenet ibidem j ortum cum tofto cum per- Duce Cornubia? .. ... , , ,., .,, per redditum tmentus et reddit per annum vj" Uijs vid oboli vt de Burgo do Georgius Tome tenet ibidem j toftum et ortum et reddit per annum viijd )xxj" _ \ j caponem j diem ( autumpno VJa viij" Idem Georgius tenet ibidem j toftum et ortum cum per tinentiis et faciet sectam vt supra Et reddit per annum. Antonius Trevarlyche Eicardus Eoskarrocke Armiger dominus manerij tenet ibidem medietatem eiusdem ville et solebat reddere. xxiiij* pro altero redditu domino Duce vnj' Elizabeth hoidge vidua tenet ibidem medietatem eiusdem ville cum pertinentiis Et faciet sectam vt supra Et reddit per annum xxiiij3 j caponem j diem autumpno et alia seruicia &c. xxurj' •j caponem j diem autumpno. The Downe Dominus tenet ibidem medietatem et solebat reddere. iiij' ?jd Nicholaus MigheU. Elizabeth hodge vidua tenet alteram medietatem Et faciet vt supra Et alia seruicia Et reddit per annum iiij8 vjd iiij3 vjd NewhallAttorre The Myllonde Pokewalles Thomas Cowlyng tenet ibidem per indenturam Et faciet vt supra Et reddit per annum xvjs j caponem et j diem autumpno. Stephanus Trereby tenet ibidem vt supra Et faciet vt supra Et reddit per annum j caponem j diem autumpno. Idem Stephanus tenet ibidem Et reddit per annum. Hugo Colman tenet ibidem medietatem eiusdem et faciet vt supra Et reddit per annum vs j caponem j diem autumpno. Thomas Black tenet ibidem alteram medietatem Et faciet vt supra Et reddit per annum v3 j caponem j diem autumpno. Katerina Dawe vidua. xvj5 j caponem j diem autumpno. mj» vj" j caponem j diem autumpno iiij" vid j j caponem j diem ' autumpno. v" >j caponem j diem autumpno. WUlelmus WyUes iure uxoris Trevya downe Johannes Joce ^ tenet, ibidem tenuram predictam cum per tinentiis Et faciet sectam vt supra Et reddit per annum vj" viijd j caponem et j diem autumpno. 2 Y2 vj3 viijd j j caponem j diem ' autumpno. 344 PARISHES OF LANTEGLOS AND ADVENT. Nicholaus Dagg. Trevva Eicardus Eoskarrocke Armiger dominus Manerij predicti \ ., tenet ibidem medietatem eiusdem ville Et solebat reddere per I solebat reddere. annum xl3 Seynt Gylt Parkes Johannes Joce tenet ibidem alteram medietatem ville predicte Et j xl" faciet sectam &c. j caponem Et j diem autumpno Et reddit per annum, [autumpno.'' Qiem Johannes Nycholl de Seynt Kewc. Eicardus Roskarrocke Armiger dominus Manerij predicti tenet ibi- ¦, , .... ....t Dominicum de Bodulgate dern omnia pastura in orientale parte mansionis reddit lxxviij' iiijd i tenetur de Johannes Eycarde tenet ibidem omnia pastura in occidentale . lxj" viijd Domino Ducr; parte mansionis Et faciet sectam &c. i caponem j diem autumpno > (1XVJ8 VUJ ) Cornubiaj per * ...... IJ caponem j diem redditum de vijs Et reddit per annum lxj3 viij" > autumpno. vjd et sec tam communem xnj Johanna Slogett vidua tenet ibidem quandam peciam terre ) 5^ Et reddit per annum. ) Tresterloke tenetur de de See Pedigree, ante vol. U, p. 162 356 PARISHES OF LANTEGLOS AND ADVENT. M 16 5 5 V I Mathew Vivian, on the drop ends of the hood-mouldings ; and over the mantel piece, which is modern, is a granite slab, bearing the letters and date as in the margin, in relief, being the initials of Mathew Vivian and Julian his wife. Mathew Vivian died before 19th September 1664, and by his will, dated 14th September 1664,1 after making certain be quests to his three daughters and Mathew Vivian his son, he left the residue of his property to Julian his wife, and made her sole executrix, di recting that his son's life should be taken up upon Trethyan, Winser, and Longstone unto himself only, in reversion of herself and testator's brother Francis Vivian ; and in the terrier of 1679, the glebe of Advent is stated to be bounded on the east by the ground of Julian Vivian,2 widow (ante p. 298). Mathew Vivian, the younger, died s.p., and Julian the second daughter of Mathew Vivian having married William Beale of Trewinnell, in St. Teath, carried to him the lease of Trethyn. William Beale died in 1713, and by his will, dated 1st May 1712,3 devised to his eldest son, William Beale, his estate in these lands for the term of seventy years, and the same for his child or children for the term testa tor had therein. We do not know when this lease terminated, or if William Beale assigned it to his brother Mathew, but it appears from the Parish Eegisters that Mathew Beale, Esq., was buried at Advent on 15th August 1727. TEESINNEY. Tresinney was formerly the residence of the Dinham family. The house has been re built, but over an old doorway is a stone with the following letters in raised characters, being the initials of William Dinham and Mary his wife: It was sold by Mr. William Dinham in 1770 to Mr. Thomas Pethick, and it is now held by Mrs. Mary Gillard, widow, relict of Mr. George Gillard, deceased, and daughter of Mr. Thomas Pethick the son of the purchaser. 1 WUl proved 8th April, 1665, Archd. Cornw. z Mathew Vivian, the younger, was a burgess of Camelford in 1679, and as such signed the Indenture by which Bernard Grenville, Esq,, was returned as burgess in Parliament for the borough. We know not when he died. 3 Proved 22nd March, 1713-4. Archd. CornwaU. FAMILY HISTORY. — TREWINT. 357 FAMILY HISTORY. DE TEEWYNT, alias TEEWINT, alias TEEWENT. The difficulties to which we have alluded in identifying the several places called Trewynt are obviously still greater in repect of persons, and we cannot hope to escape error in our attempt. Trewynt, in Advent, certainly gave its name to a family of con siderable distinction in early times. Of this family was Stephen de Trewin (Trewint) who with Johanna his wife, in 1256, quitclaimed to Nicholas Tregyer and others certain lands in Tregyer, Treniegar dha, and Trenewid, in exchange for one acre of land in Pelaworgan, and that acre which Eoger Perou held, to hold to the said Stephen and Johanna and the heirs of the said Johanna for ever.1 In 1292, a fine was levied in which Gilbert de Coudray and Isolda his wife were petitioners, and Stephen son of Stephen de Trewint, whom Margaret, who was the wife of Stephen de Trewint, called to warrant and who warranted one messuage and one acre of land in Fentenwenweht, and Gilbert and Isolda acknowledged the said tenement as the right of Stephen, and as those quitclaimed to him by the said Gilbert and Isolda and the heirs of Isolda, and for this fine Stephen gave one sparrowhawk.2 Stephen, the younger, mentioned in this fine, was probably the grand son of Stephen, who was party to the one previously cited, and identical with Stephen de Trewint,3 who, in 1297, was returned by the Sheriff of Cornwall as possessing lands or rents of the value of £20 a year or more, and as such was summoned from Cornwall with horses and arms to accompany the king across the sea. His wife's name was Johanna, with whom he acquired Wyndsore juxta Trewent (in Advent) and which he held jointly with her in 1302.4 He had a brother named Eichard who, in this year, under the des cription of Eichard the son of Stephen de Trewynt, took out letters of assize of novel 1 Pedes Finium, 40th Henry III, Michaelmas, No 9. 2 Pedes Finium, 20th Edward I, Trinity, No. 2. 3 In 1300, Stephen de Trewynt was one of the jurors on tho Inquisition p.m. of Edmund Earl of Corn- ¦waU, at which date he held three water mills of the Manor of Helston in Trigge, see ante. M.) * Ass. Eoll, 30th Edward I, 11, m. 7. 21 ) 2 z 358 PARISHES OF LANTEGLOS AND ADVENT. disseizin against Stephen the son of Stephen de Trewynt, senior, concerning a tenement in Camelford, but failing to prosecute was in mercy with his pledges.1 It was, probably, this Eichard de Trewynt who, in 1323, as one of the pledges of Eichard de St. Margaret, was amerced on account of the failure of the said Eichard de St. Margaret to prosecute a writ of novel disseizin, which he had taken out against Johanna, who was the wife of Alan Bloyou, concerning a tenement in Trewassa juxta the Church of St. David.2 In 1327, Stephen de Trewynt was assessed to the Subsidy in Lanteglos, at the highest rate in the parish. He, or one of the same name, was also assessed in Advent.3 At the Assizes at Launceston in 1335, before I. Inge and I. de Trevaignon, Justices, an assize of novel disseizin was taken to enquire if William de Trelouny, i Johanna de Whalysbreu, Isabella who was the wife of Stephen de Trewynt, and others, had unjustly disseized Eobert de Trewynnok,5 and William Crowen of their free tenements in Camel ford, Lyteltreuya, Treuilyas, Bodmin, Pelaworgan, Lytel-Trewynt, Niwehalle, Fentenweynneth, Polbartha, Colaelake, Dynmur, Treclegou, Lostwithiel, Algerismylle, and Trewynt juxta Camelford, and thence it was complained that they had disseized them of thirty messuages, four mills, &c. Isabella, by her guardian, appeared, but the others did not appear, but one John Aldestowe answered for them as their attorney, and said that they had no interest in the said lands, and did not claim to have any, and had not done any injury or disseizin, and put themselves upon the assize, and the aforesaid Eobert and William Crowen likewise. And Isabella, as tenant, said that the lands in question were in the seizin of a certain Stephen de Trewynt, Knight, kinsman of the the said Eobert and William Crowen whose heirs they are, who thereof had enfeoffed the said William de Trelouny and Johanna de Whalysbrou, to hold to them and the heirs and assigns of the said Johanna for ever ; that afterwards, before the Justices at York, a fine was levied between the said Stephen and Isabella, plaintiffs, and the aforesaid William de Trelouny and Johanna, as deforciants, whereby the said William and Johanna surrendered the said premises to the said Stephen and Isabella, to hold to the said Stephen and Isabella and the heirs of their bodies, re mainder to the right heirs of the said Stephen.6 Which said charter and fine were produced in court, by which charter, dated at Trewynt on Wednesday next after the feast of St. John Baptist 7th Edward III. (1333) the said Stephen de Trewynt, Knight, granted to William de Trelouny and Johanna, who was the wife of William de Walesbrew, and the heirs and assians of M) N) 1 Assize Eolls, 30th Edward I, 1 J 1, m. 32 d. = Ibid., 16th Edward II, 2 .' 6, m. 10 26) 17) 2 Subsidy Eoll, Appendix III. 4 William do Trelouny was the son of John Trelawny by his wife Joan de BotereU. He married Joane daughter of Stephen Trewynnick, and had with her lands in feetail in Trelawny, Overagonan, and the miU called do la Morgans. 5 Eobert de Trewynnick was one of the witnesses to a charter, by which Henry Osmor conveyed certain lands to John Trelawny, father of tho abovementioned WiUiam Trelawny. (Archives at Trelawne.) Eobert de Trewynnick was also a. witness to a charter of 11th Edward III, of MabUla, relict of Lawrence de Tremure relative to lands in Peneton and Tettesburgh-down. " Pedes Finium, 7lh Edward III, Michaelmas, No. 4. FAMILY HISTORY. — TREWINT. 359 the said Johanna, all his messuages, lands, &c, in Trewynt, Liteltreuya, Camelford, Algeris- mille, Liteltrewynt, Newehalle, Treclogou, Fentonwonet, Polwartha, Cheldelake, Treuilias, Bodmin, Dynmoer, and Lostwithiel, together with the reversion of all lands in Peleworgan coming by the death of Johanna,1 who was the wife of Eichard de Stapeldon, Knight, and all rents and services of Adam de Treclegou of one messuage and one half an acre of land Cornish in Treclegou, and the rents and services of Thomas de Trefreu, except his mills in Camelford and Kenstock. Eobert de Trewynnok and William Crowen could not deny that the aforesaid charter was made by their kinsman, whose heirs they were, or that the said lands were the estate of the said Isabella.2 These documents shew the extinction of the elder branch in the main line, and the transfer of the estates to other names. Junior members, however, still continued to own property in Camelford and its neighbourhood, and it is probable that the Trewynts, who held a good position in Bodmin, were of the same stock. In 1310, Nicholas de Trewent was one of the manucaptors for Walter Flegard, one of the Burgesses in Parliament for Bodmin.3 In 1314, there was a remarkable case tried at Launceston, which turned upon the spelling of the name. An Assize of view of recognizance was held to enquire if John the son of Eobert Martyn, Eoger Godbegynnyngs, and several others had disseized Stephen de Trewent of Bodmin, merchant, of his free tenement in Bodmin. John, son of Eobert, appeared for himself and the others, and refused to answer to the writ because, he said, that the said Stephen was called Stephen de Trewynt and not Stephen de Trewent. The jury found it as pleaded, and the defendants were discharged sine die, and Stephen was amerced for a false claim 4 In 1342, Michael Trewynt was manucaptor for John Treworgie, one of the burgesses in Parliament for Bodmin.5 In 1388, a precept was issued to the Sheriff of Cornwall to arrest Stephen Treiagou and Ealph his father, and to keep them in prison at the suit of John Eeprenna, executor of the will of Isabella, who was the wife of Stephen the son of John Trewynt of Bodmin, late executor of the will of the said Stephen son of John, for a debt of £40 ,G and in 1401, John Eeprenna, as executor as above, sued William Copleston and Katherine his wife, daughter and heir of Bartholomew Penhirgard, for a debt of 100s.7 1 This' Johanna was daughter and co-heir of Serlone Haye. Her sister Thomasine married Bartholomew de Penhargard, and left issue. (See Pedigree, ante, p. 46.) It is not known in what way Stephen de Trewynt inherited from her. N) 2 Assize Eolls, 9th Edward III. 2 6 3 See ante, vol. i, p. 240. 20 ) N ) 4 Assize EoUs, 7th Edward n, 2 } 6, m. 2. 5 See ante, vol. 1, p. 241. 15) 6 De Banco Eolls, 12th Eichard II, Michaelmas, m. 596. 7 Ibid. 2nd Henry IV, Trinity, m. 202. 2 Z2 360 PARISHES OF LANTEGLOS AND ADVENT. In 1384-5, Eichard de Trewynt was a defendant in an assize of view of recognizance concerning a tenement in Camelford;1 and in 1390-1, we find Stephen Trewynt and Isolda his wife mentioned,2 who were, probably, the same Stephen Trewynt and Isolda his wife, that in the fourteenth century held the Lordship of West Newton, subject to the payment to Martin de Ferrers of an annual rent of £20; and to whom the said Martin de Ferrers, by charter dated at Byrferrers in the Vigil of the Purification of the Blessed Virgin Mary, 46th Edward III. (1371-2) relinquished the said rent, after the expiration of two years from that date, on the condition that the said Stephen and Isolda did not make alienation of any part of the said manor without the license of the said Martin, and suffered a fine recognising an annual rent of 100s. in the said manor, and allowed the said Martin, or any one in his name, free ingress and egress to remove all trees in their forest of West Newton, which might be blown down by the wind. This deed would seem to be a counterpart. It is sealed with two seals, one of which is charged with the arms of Trewynt, circumscribed by the legend : S. EICHAED' TEAIWYNT, and the other with an eagle displayed.3 DE BODULGET alias DE BODULGATE. The earliest persons of this name, of whom we have any knowledge, are Eichard Bodulgate and Margery his wife, of whom, in 1302, Baldwin de Eoscarrockbighan re covered a messuage in Trewythreges near the village of Endellion, of which Johanna, who was the wife of Eichard Eannon, great grandmother of the said Baldwin, had died seized.4 It is probable that this Eichard was of Bodulgate in Lanteglos, and that his heiress carried that estate to Eichard Tynden, who held it in 1337, but would appear to have died s.p.5 At this date, however, Warine de Bodulgate held Penkayerou, Treualrygge, and other lands of the Manor of Helston in Trigg, which Warine was probably the younger Nl N) 1 Assize Eoll, 8th Eichard II, 2 > 3, m. 35. 2 Assize Eoll, 14th Eichard 11, 2 } 1, m. 175 d. 30 ) 32 ) 3 This Chartor was printed by the late Mr. John Gough Nichols, F.S.A. in the Top. and Genealogist, vol. iu, p. 35, and was purchased at the sale by Messrs. Sotheby and Wilkinson, 12th December 1874, of his library and collections by the Author. M) 4 Assize Eolls, 30th Edward I, 1 > 1, m. 17 d, See also vol. i, p. 556. 21 ) 6 Caption of Seizin, Edward Black Prince. FAMILY HISTORY. — DE BODULGATE. 361 brother, or nephew, of Eichard. He was assessed to the Subsidy in Lanteglos in 1327.1 Pencarowe was held by this family for a long period, though we do not possess sufficient information at present to compile, with certainity, a continuous pedigree. It seems, how ever, desirable to place upon record the following notes which may assist other genealogical enquirers towards that object. In 1387, a trial on a plea of waste brought by John Bere of Tregaren (in St. Maben) against John Bodulgate and Johanna his wife was put in respect for default of jury ;2 and in the following year Walter Bodulgate sued Stephen Oppton in a matter of trespass at Cabilia, ifcc.3 John Bodulgate died cir. 1392, leaving a son and heir, Stephen, who in that year sued William Carpenter and others in a plea of trespass at Fentennans,4 and at the same assize Johanna, relict of the said John, sued the said Stephen of the third part of three messuages in Bodulgate, &c, which she claimed of dower against him.5 This action continued for some years, and was not concluded in January 1395-6,6 though a year afterwards we find the same Johanna prosecuting Walter Chubba atte Forde, and others, for trespassing upon her closes at Bodulgate ;7 and at the same assize John Bodulgate sued Simon Trote in a plea of debt.8 We find John Bodulgate mentioned in 1398,9 and in the following January, John Bera of Tregarn took proceedings against Stephen Bodulgate for the recovery of a certain pix containing charters and other muniments. He did not appear, and was ordered to be attached and produced in Court in Easter term.10 In the same year, William Tregarra took proceedings against Stephen Bodulgate, Thomas Tettebush, probably son of William Tottebush appointed parker of Lanteglos and Hellesbury Parks in 1354,11 and others in a plea of trespass.12 In 1404 an action of novel disseizin was commenced against Stephen Bodulgate and Johanna his wife and others.13 In the same year, 1399, both Stephen and Walter Bodulgate were jurors on the Inquisition p.m. of Sir Eichard Sergeaux,14 as Stephen was on that of Phillippa Swynburne, and Thomas Marny, 1408. In 1410, Stephen Bodul gate and Johanna his wife suffered a fine to Eichard Eesprenna and Walter Bodulgate, of fifteen messuages, &c, in Trevia, Fentenwonwyth, Newehall, Trefullet, Tresterlak, &c, whereby the said tenements were settled upon the said Stephen and Johanna, to hold to them and the heirs of their bodies, in default remainder to the right heirs of the said Johanna.15 Stephen Bodulgate and Walter Bodulgate were jurors on the Inquisition p.m. of John Lanhergy, held at Launceston in 141 5.16 By deed dated 20th June in this year, 1 Subsidy Eoll, 1st Edward ni. ' De Banco EoU, 10th Eichard IT, Trinity, m. 236. 3 Ibid. 11th Eichard II, Hilary, m. 369. " Ibid. 15th Eichard II, Easter, m. 444. 0 Ibid. 444 d. " De Banco EoU, 19th Eichard II, Hilary, m. 257. i Ibid. 20th Eichard II, Hilary, m. 249. 8 Ibid. m. 436. 9 Ibid. 22nd Eichard II, Michaelmas, m. 294 d. John Bodulgate was one of the jurors of the Inquisition held at Bodmin, 1387, Inq. p. m. 10th Eichard II, No. 11. 10 Ibid. Hilary m. 172 d. u See ante p. 294. 13 De Banco EoU, 23rd Eichard II, Trinity, m. 155. 14 Inq. p.m., 1st Henry IV, No. 4. 13 Assize Eoll, CornwaU, 5th Henry IV. 13 Pedes Finium, 11th Henry IV, Hilary. 16 Inq. p.m., 2nd Henry V, No. 5. 362 PARISHES OF LANTEGLOS AND ADVENT. Walter Bodulgate was appointed one of the trustees of the estates of Sir William Marny of Colquite, and he was still living in 1460.1 Stephen and Walter were clearly brothers. Stephen Bodulgate died after 1448, leaving a son and heir, Thomas Bodulgate, who in 1470, as kinsman and heir of Warine Bodulgate, held two-and-a-half acres of land Cornish in Penkeyrowe, and as kinsman and heir of Eichard Tynden half an acre in Bodulgate, and also two acres in Treualrygge.2 He was one of the farmers of the king of the Manor and Castle of Eestormel and other manors and boroughs. In 1456, he was exonerated of 100s. 4d., a portion of £33 6s. 8d., which he owed the king ;3 and two years later he was again exonerated, together with John Trevillian, of divers sums in similar circumstances." It was, probably, these and other debts which brought him into difficulties, for we find that in 1461, under the description of Thomas Bodulgate, late of London, Esq., alias the said Thomas Bodulgate, late of the County of Cornwall, Esq., he was summoned to reply to Guleatto Centurion, merchant of Jauua, in a plea of debt of £60 ;5 and in 1468, we find a writ was issued to the Sheriff of Cornwall,6 to take Thomas Bodulgate, late of Trencruke in the aforesaid county, Esq., made an outlaw in London, on Monday next after the feast of St. Swithin the Bishop, 5th of the King, at the suit of Edward Luke, late citizen and brewer of London, and Eobert Spayn, Scryvener, executors of the will of William Luke, late citizen and brewer of London, and Eichard Phippes and Alice his wife, who was the wife of William Luke, co-executor with the said Edward and Eobert, in a plea of debt.7 Thomas Bodulgate died on Monday next before Easter 11th Edward IV. (1471) seized of the manors, inter alia, of Trencruk, Yeolland, and Nether Helland, and Isabella late wife of Thomas Eoscarrock and Johanna late wife of Edward Coriton, were found to be his sisters and nearest heirs.8 Nevertheless iu the Assession Eolls of 1492 and 1498, the name of Thomas Bodulgate as kinsman and heir of Warine Bodulgate appears as holding 2| acres of land Cornish in Penkeyrowe at the rent of 4s. per annum, as it had appeared in the Assession Eoll of 1470. In letters patent dated 18th March 13th Edward IV. (1472-3) it is recited that (the abovementioned) Stephen Bodulgate, Esq., was seized in his demesne as of fee of the manors, inter alia, Trencreek, Helland, Bodulgate, Delioboll, Treuarlicke, &c, and being so seized enfeoffed certain trustees to hold to the use of the said Stephen and his heirs for the fulfilment of his last will — that the said Stephen had issue, Thomas Bodulgate, Esq., and died, afterwards the said Thomas died, and that certain of the trustees continued seized of the premises, for that the will of the said Stephen was not yet fulfilled ; but that certain of the king's officers, under colour of certain offences supposed to have been committed, claimed on the king's behalf a certain interest in all the said manors and 1 See ante, vol. i, p. 442-443. 2 Assession Eoll, 9th Edward IV. 3 Lord Treas. Eemcmb. of the Excheq., 34th Henry VI, m. HI, Trinity. 4 Ibid. 36th Henry VI, Michaelmas, m, 16. <* De Banco Eoll, 1st Edward IV, HUary, m, 301 d, " Ibid, 7th Edward IV, Michaelmas, m. 317 d. ' Ibid. m. 512. 8 Inq. p.m. 11th Edward IV, No. 17. FAMILY HISTORY. — DE BODULGATE. 363 lands, as well as the annulment of the will of the said Stephen as to the disinheriting of the heirs of the said Thomas who had never transgressed against the king ; therefore the king, wishing to do justice to everyone, pardons all the said offences and remits to the trustees, and also to Joan Coryington and Isabella Eoscarrock, sisters and heirs of the aforesaid Thomas, son and heir of the aforesaid Stephen, and their heirs, all his right and title to the aforesaid lands and manors, and grants that the said Thomas shall not be impeached in Parliament or elsewhere in respect of anything heretofore done by him.1 Walter Bodulgate appears to have resided at Trecarren in Advent, (?) at which place, on 20th January 1435, he dated his charter for the endowment of a chantry priest in the chapel of St. Thomas at Camelford. He would appear to have had no issue, and devised his estates, subject to the above endowment, to his nephew Thomas Bodulgate, with re mainder to Thomas Eoscarrock and Isabella his wife, and Edward Coryton and Johanna his wife. de Bodulgate.=p. . . . Bodulgate.=r=. . . . Walter Bodulgate endowed Chantry at Camelford 1435 Uving very aged, 1460, ob. s.p. Eichard de Bodulgate.=j=Margery. Warine Bodulgate= held Penkeyrowe: in 1337. daughter=Eichard Tynden John Bodulgate=j=Johanna .... ob. cir. 1392 j I Stephen Bodulgate=T=Johanna son and heir, Col lector of Subsidies 1385, and again 1392. Thomas Bodulgate=Johanna dau. of died Monday before Easter, 11th Edward IV, s.p. Inq., p.m., 11th Edward IV, No. 17. ArundeU of Trerys, and relict of John Oarminow,died 17th March 32nd Henry VI. Inq. p.m., 33rd Henry VI, No. 10. 1 IsabeUa, born 1407, wife of Thomas Eoscarrock, aged 65 on the death of her brother. John Bodulgate living 1399. Johanna, born 1412, wife of Edward Coryton, Uving a widow, aged 60, on the death of her brother. 1 The original of this document, with the great seal attached, was found by the author in tho muniment room at Coker Court, Co. Somerset, the seat of William Hawker Helyar, Esq., derived from the family of Cory ton of Newton Ferrers from whieh Mr. Helyar is descended. An indorsement on the instrument in a modern hand makes the date the 13th Edward First which is clearly a mistake. The handwriting is not of that period, and the Eoyal Seal has the arms of France quartered with those of England, and the rose and star, the badge of the House of York, clearly shewing that the seal is that of Edward IV. The seal is of white wax and in tolerably good preservation. 364 PARISHES OF LANTEGLOS AND ADVENT. PHILLIPS. In the early part of the last century Mr. John Phillips of Treveanes in St. Teath settled in Camelford, and, availing himself of the political advantages of the town, obtained much influence in the Borough, and acquired a considerable fortune. He had six sons and a daughter. The two eldest sons died young. The third, Charles, married one of the co-heiresses of Long of Penheal, and, dying s.p., transmitted her ample fortune to his brother. Charles Phillips was appointed Eecorder of Camelford in 1761, and in 1769 was returned as one of the burgesses in Parliament. He was also Lieut.-Colonel of the Cornwall Militia. The fourth son, William, entered Holy Orders and became rector of the parishes of Lanteglos and St. Cleather, and died at Camelford, unmarried, in 1794. Jonathan, the fifth son, in early life was a surgeon in the Navy. He married Grace, daughter and co-heir of Cotton Amy of Botreaux Castle by Anna Maria, daughter and coheir of Samuel Gilbert of Tackbear. (See Ped. of Cotton, ante vol L, p. 652.) In 1775 he was appointed Eecorder of Camelford in succession to his brother, and in 1784 was returned one of the burgesses in Parliament. Three months afterwards, however, he accepted the stewardship of the Chiltern Hundreds. Having, as Eecorder, taken up from the Borough an address of congratulation on the king's escape from the attack upon his life by Margaret Nicholson in 1786 he received the honour of knighthood. Sir Jonathan Phillips died in 1798, and was buried at Minster, where he, his wife, and five children, who all pre-deceased him, are commemorated by a tablet in the chancel. (See ante vol. i., p. 608, No. 3.) Christian, the only daughter of Mr. John Phillips, married Mr. John Carpenter of Mount Tavy, near Tavistock. To her Sir Jonathan Phillips bequeathed the moiety of his estates for life with remainder to Thomas Winsloe (See ante vol. i., p. 621) and to her son, John Phillips Carpenter, the Eev. William Phillips, by his will dated 18th August 1793, devised all his property in Camelford and the neighbourhood. FAMILY HISTOEY. — CAREW OF LANTEGLOS. 365 CAEEW OF LANTEGLOS. George Carew, the fourth son of Eichard Carew of Antony, Esq., the celebrated author of the " Survey of Cornwall," having married Jane daughter and heir of John Hocken, alias Tregarth, of Trevya, settled there, and his descendants continued in some repute for several generations. The Hockens, it is presumed, were originally of Tregarth, as they were sometimes called by that name, either as an alias or otherwise, and Great Tregarth descended to Hugh Carew, who in 1671, demised it to Sir James Smith (see ante, p. 324 n. 5). John Hokyn, however, held a messuage in Trevia, of the Manor of Helston, as early as 1427. In 1539, Eobert Hoekyn held the same messuage. In 1553, Hugh Hoekyn, son and heir of Eobert Hoekyn, held it, in which year he was one of the jurors. In 1574, it was held by Margaret Hoekyn, alias Tregarth, on the death of Hugh Hoekyn her husband ; and it continued in the family until it passed to George Carew as above stated. George Carew, Gent., was returned as one of the freeholders of the Manor for Tregarth and other lands in 1650. He died in 1661, and at the next assession, in 1668, Hugh Carew appears on the Assession Eoll, after the death of George his father. Hugh left two sons • George who succeeded him, and William Carew, Gentleman, who was mayor of Camelford in 1715, as he was again in 1737, the year of his death. The issue of this William settled in St. Teath, where they remained for several descents. Thomas Carew of St. Teath was married there in 1832, and had issue, and afterwards emigrated to America. The property held by the family in Lanteglos and Advent gradually diminished until upon the death of George Carew of Trevye, great grandson of the last mentioned George, in 1826, but little remained, which was sold by his only surviving son, Samuel Carew, who, like his cousin of St. Teath, emigrated to America. We know not whether in the new world they have carried on, in the male line, the representation of a family which for many centuries has been so illustrious in the old. AEMS: Or, three lions passant, in pale, sa. armed and langued gu. 3A 366 PARISHES OF LANTEGLOS AND ADVENT. PEDIGREE OF CAREW Alexander Carew, 4th son of Sir Nicholas Carew, Baron Carew,=j=Joane dau. by Joane dau. and heir of Sir Hugh Courteney of Haccombe. Founder of the famUy of Carew of Antony, died 20th Sept. 1492. John Carew of Antony, son and heir,=j=Thomasine dau. Sheriff of Cornwall 1188. \ .... Holland. , l ofHatch. of Sir Wymond Carew of Antony, Knt., died 22nd=l Aug. 1549. Inq. p.m., 3rd Edward VI, No. 98. :Martha, sister of Sir Anthony Denny. Thomas Carew of Antony, aged 22 on his=pElizabeth dau. of Sir father's death. Died 12th Feb. Inq. p.m., 6th Elizabeth, No. 14. 1563-4. r Eichard Edgcombe, Knt. Living 1564. Eichard Carew of Antony, Aged 8 years and 213 days,=j=JuUa dau. of Sir John on his father's death. Historian of CornwaU, born 1555. Sheriff of CornwaU 1583. Died 6th Nov. 1620. Inq. p.m., Wards and Liveries, bund. 27, No. 53. ArundeU of Trerice, Knt. and coh. of her mother, Catherine Cosworth. Gertrude, mar. Eichard SiUy of St. Minver. Mar. Lie. 1st Dec. 1636. Sir Eichard Carew,created a Baronet 1641. r Martha mar. Francis Eo use of Brixham. Mar. Lie. 27th Dec. 1638. EUzabeth, mar. Wil liam Pearse of Holwell, in Davids tow. Ann, mar. Lie. 16th, mar. 18th Nov. 1616, Francis Godolphin. John ; Carew ofPen-warne, 2nd son. =Alice dau. of HiUmanof Drewsteign- ton. Mar. Lie. 22nd Nov. 1616. Hobbie Carew of Lis keard, 3rd son, died there. WiU dated 8th Feb. 1640. Prov. 22nd January 1644. Archd. Cornw. Ill" Candace. J Eichard Carew. Bur 2 16th April Mary. 1640, aged 17 Grace years, M.I. Ann mar.3 14th July 1663, Eichard Hoblyn of St. Columb. Bridget, mar. settl. dated 1st April 1647. Mar.2 Sth Aug. 1659, Edward Hoblyn son of Edward Hoblyn of Nanswyddon. Thomas. Titus. — I — I John. Christopher. — n Ann. Grace. All named in father's wiU. Grace dau. of =j=Georgo Carew,=pMary dau. of William Gust. mar.4 1684. Bur. 27th Oct. 1742. bap.1 :¦ l; s as they are now paid j ccclxvj xviij The somo of the ffines of tho same Tentos as they were } c xx ]; s d answered in 43 E. is ) v niJ vij viij x APPENDIX II. 391 The some of the CasuaU proffits except perquisites of the ) ? n s d same Manners dewe accordinge to the sd Custome is ) XJ xliuJ viJ x A note of the bonds and lymits of the pish aforesaid. The pish of Lesnewth aforesaide is bounded by three pishes, viz., of St. Julett, Dewstowe and Minster. The pish beginneth to bound at Burdenhold where the two Eivers come into one, and so upwards by the Eiver untill it com to the head. of Meryfields where Dewstowe pish beginneth, and from thence along by HeUsett hedge vnto Tettesbourough, and from Tettes- bourough downe by the King's highwaie vnto Hender Corner to the foot of a cross, and from thence over Hender downe to the cross hedge between GonveUoek and Hender, a Httle aboue St. Austen's WeU, and from thence downe along by the brooke vnto Grills foord, and from thence up by Grills lane vnto Cobstone higher corner, and from thence along by Cobstone hedge to the Httle brooke wcl1 cometh downe to Burdenhold as aforesaide. Johannes Hobbe, Gard. Thomas Patchcot, icon. This doth agree wth the original examined by me Zacharius Eorwaye, Eector of Lesneweth, predict. 2 Septembris 1G28. The sign of Abel q Michell, Churchwarden. The sign of James 31 Colman, Sideman. The only villages, if villages they may be called, are Treworla, Treworwell, Treworla, or Treworld, and Trewanion, at each of which places are a few scattered houses. The geological features of this parish are of considerable interest. In general character they resemble those of Minster, though differences and distinctions are observable. The parish is about equally divided between the carboniferous series of Devon and the grauwack slates and grits of the neighbourhood of Trevalga and Tintagel; the whole being forced 1 Carew says the Hundred derives its name from the Parish, and that the latter is famous for nothing else. 3g 39S PARISH OF LESNEWITH. seaward, in a great curve, by the protrusion of the neighbouring granite at a more recent period. The line of junction, in this parish, between the carboniferous system and the grauwack, where the latter emerges from beneath the former, follows very nearly the course of the road which leads from the Stratton turnpike to Trewanion, whence it ex tends, in nearly a straight line, as already noticed (vol. i, p. 580), to the western Black pit at Forrabury, at which place the strata assumes, in patches, quite a carbonaceous appearance. The grauwack series, especially in the parish of Davidstow, and extending into this parish, is intersected by large beds of schistose trappean rock of a peculiar cal careous character, consisting of hornblend and calcareous spar, either distinctly conjoined in a granular or laminated form, or, so intimately blended as to form a homogeneous greenstone. A large bed of this peculiar rock extends from Davidstow to Grylls, at which place it is so impregnated with calcareous matter as to induce an attempt to burn it as limestone for agricultural purposes. After several trials, however, the attempt was abandoned, for it was found that unless great care was taken in selecting those parts alone in which calc spar mainly abounded the whole charge of the kiln vitrified, and ran into slag owing to the great fusibility of the hornblend.1 The land of about two-thirds of the parish is described as arable, but it is chiefly suitable for pasture, The parish is very hilly and the high lands are thin and coarse, though some of the meadows in the low grounds afford good grass. The chief land owners are Lord Churston, Colonel Grylls, E. A. Magor of Lamellen, and Michael Williams of Halwell, Esquires. INDUSTRIAL PURSUITS. Tliere is no other branch of industry than the cultivation of the soil. There is no surplus of labour. All the laborers are fully employed and are well cared for. They re ceive regularly 12s. a week. There is not a public house in the parish nor is there a pauper. There are no almshouses, schools, or charitable endowments. The Census Tables give the following as the population, &c, at the several periods : 1801 1811 1821 1831 1841 1851 1861 1871 Population . . 104 105 123 127 137 131 114 12E. / Inhahited 18 20 20 22 20 25 25 S Houses J Uninhahited . . \ Building nil nil nil nil 5 2 1 nil •• 1 nil nil 1 nil 1 Dr. Boase, Davies Gilbert's History of Cornwall, vol. iii, p. 23 ; and De la Beche, Geological Eeport pp. 56, 67. ANCIENT ROADS AND TRACKS. 399 £ s. d. The annual value of real property as assessed in 1815 ... ... ... 1400 0 0 Present rateable value ... ... ... ... ... ... 1451 0 0 County Assessment ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 1520 0, 0 Land Tax, net sum £52 8s. lid. Redeeemed JJ18 14s. 5d. ... ... 71 3 4 House Duty ... ... ... ... ... ... ..." nil Property Tax Assessed upon Schedule A ... ... ... ... 1389 0 0 B 911 0 0 „ „ „ D ... ... ... ... nil „ „ „ E ... ... ... ... nil ANCIENTS ROADS AND TRACKS. The parish of Lesnewith is touched on its south-eastern and southern sides by the great roads leading from Stratton to the south through Camelford and that which crossed it at Tichbarrow leading from Warbstow to Tyntagel ; whilst, at its north-western corner, the boundary, for a short distance, abutted on the road, which, branching out of that last mentioned, led to Boscastle Creek. Two ancient roads, or tracks, also inter sected the parish, crossing it at right angles near its centre. The first branched out of the coast road from Stratton to Tyntagel on Tresparret Down, and entering the parish near Anderton traversed it, on account of the hilly nature of the ground, in a zig-zag- manner, to Grylls Ford, whence, for about half-a-mile, it formed the south-eastern boundary of a spur on that side, to the road to Boscastle from Tichbarrow above- mentioned ; crossing which it fell into the Tyntagel road on Waterpit Down. The other track, which we have mentioned above, also very hilly, led from near Tichbarrow through Penpole, Lesnewith, and Treworrel by Minster Church to Boscastle.1 PRE-HISTORIC REMAINS. The only pre-historic remains, which have fallen under our notice, in this parish are the barrows formerly called Tettesborough now softened into Tichbarrow, situate on a hill rising to an elevation of 1010 feet above the level of the sea. This hill, of courses commands extensive views, and the barrows form conspicuous objects at great distances. There are four barrows, three on the summit of the hill in the parish of Lesnewith, and the other about a quarter of a mile on the south, in ths parish of Davidstow, which is at a little lower elevation. This is larger than the others, and an attempt would appear to have been recently made to open it and to have been abandoned. It would, however, seem to have been disturbed by digging in the centre. All the barrows are on the 1 Compare with the descriptions, ante vol. i, pp. 586, 587, and vol. ii. 3 G3 400 PARISH OF LESNEWITH. western side of the road leading to Stratton. On the eastern side there is a deep ex cavation some of the rubbish taken from which remains heaped on the sides. Was material taken from this place to construct the barrows ? The Lesnewith barrows are disposed in a straight line lying north-east and south west, and are about 100 yards apart. Two of them are fine large barrows, the third, and south-westernly one, is much smaller. That on the north-east was opened a few years ago by Mr. Cook, late of the Saturday Review. In the centre was discovered a rude cist built of stones, in which were found human remains, but no weapon or ornament. A large heap of stones covered the cist. There was a fire beacon on this hill hence it is called Tichbarrow Beacon. ANCIENT CHRISTIAN MONUMENTS. No. 37. We have already (ante vol. ii, p. 586) described the head of a cross which is now set up in the churchyard of this parish. We believe this to have been the head of the magnificent cross which once stood on Waterpit down (see Engraving, No. 27, vol. ii, p. 585). No. 38. This rude monolith formerly stood near Anderton Mill, in the parish of Lesnewith, and was carried thence in 1852, for the purpose of preservation, by the Rev. G. W. Manning, and set up in the Churchyard of St. Juliott, where it still remains. It is 5 ft. 9 in. in height above the ground, 2 ft. in width, and 8 in. in thickness. The head is very indefinitely formed, and the symbol, which is of the Latin type, extends down upon the shaft. The head is 1ft. 10 in. in length, and 1ft. 8 in. in breadth. S, r.-jf. .X'XXX'X "''""Xv, cxx^ No. 37. No. 38. MANOR OF LESNEWITH. 401 St. Austen's Well.-- This well, which is mentioned in the terrier (ante page 387) is situate in the valley between Lesnewith and Davidstow, a furlong north of the farm house at Hendra Chapel.1 It is a fine spring of water, and forms the source of the brook which on that side forms the parish boundary. MEETING HOUSES OF DISSENTERS. Bible Christians. — By deed dated 2nd April 1838, Henry Burdon of Lesnewith, yeoman, conveyed to Thomas Wooldridge of the Michaelstow Circuit, Preacher of the Gospel, a portion of a field at Treworwall, with the Chapel then being built thereon, to hold for the term of 1000 years ; and by another deed, dated three days later, the said Wooldridge conveyed the same to Jacob Hunt Prior and others in trust for the people called Bible Christians.3 The plot of ground measured 28 ft. by 22 ft. The Meeting House was opened 25th October 1838. It is not now (1874) used, and there are no registered members. MANOR OF LESNEWITH, alias LISNEWYTH alias LESNEWTH. From this manor having given its name to the Hundred, it must be of very great antiquity, and was probably of greater importance in early Saxon times than it was in its later history. To it the Bailiwick of the Hundred was annexed. We also find it mentioned as a separate Tithing in 1283.3 It was held by Brictric in the reign of King Edward the Confessor, and was given by the Conqueror to the Earl of Moreton, under whom Brictric continued to hold it at the time of the Domesday Survey, but it had considerably decreased in value. The record states : " The Earl has one manor which is called Lisniwen, which was held by Brictric on the day on which King Edward was alive and dead, and he still holds it of the Earl. There is one virgate and it renders gikLfor half an acre. This two ploughs can plough, and Brictric has thereof half a virgate and half a carucute in demesne, and the villans have the other land and three oxen in plough. There Brictric has three bordars, and one bondservant, and 3 unbroken mares, and 3 animals, and 20 sheep, and 15 acres of pasture, and 2 acres of meadow, and the value is 10 shillings and when he received [it] 25 shillings."4 In 1346, when an aid of 40s. for each knight's fee was granted for making the 1 This farm derives its name from an ancient Chapel about a quarter of a mile on the north-west of the farm house. The Chapel is now in ruins, and has been for a long while. It is about 20 ft. long and 12 ft. wide. When we visited it in October 1871, Mr. Michael Williams was causing some of the stones to be removed for the restoration of the "Holy Well" at Davidstow. Thero was a winding stair at the south-western angle, two steps of which remained. The stone which covered the doorway was still upon tho spot. It formed a semicircle iu one stono from tho Pentuan quarry, tho outer lower edge being chamfered. It was rude in workmanship. 2 Eot. Claus. 1838, Part 42, No. 1. 3 Assizo Boll, llth Edward I, m. 6. 4 Exon Domosday, vol. iv, p. 222, orig. fo. 242 b. 402 PARISH OF LESNEWITH. King's eldest son a knight, Henry de la Pomeroy held half a fee in Lesnewyth and Trebighan, which his father had held 1290, when an aid was levied for marrying the eldest daughter of King Edward I.1 ; and when the aid was levied in 6th Henry VI. (1427), this fee had become divided. The King held a quarter part by reason of the minority of Richard son and heir of Richard Denys, John Penpoll, John Dyar, John Maiowe, John Trevyrek, John Tregonwell, William Moys, and Richard Douncombe held separately between them another quarter part, and the remainder, being held in smaller portions than quarter parts, was not assessable.2 It would seem that from the thirteenth century the Manor, together with the Ad vowson of the Church thereto annexed, had been in the possession of the family of Denys, held of the family of Pomeroy as of their Manor of Tregony. Henry le Denys was rector in 1297, and was one of those clergy who, in that year, in obedience to the Pope, refused to pay the subsidy levied by the King. Benedict Reynward became surety for the payment of his fine.3 In 8th Henry V, (1420) all the messuages in Lesnewth, and the office of Bailiff of the Hundred of Lesnewth, were in the hands of the King by reason of the death of Thomasia relict of John Denys of Orleigh (who in his life-time had enfeoffed her, conjointly with himself, for the term of her life and the heirs of the said John Denjs), and the minority of Johanna and Margaret daughters and heirs of John St. Aubyn, of whom the Manor of Lesnewth was held, as of their Manor of Tregony, and who were then in the King's wardship, by military service, and by reason also of the minority of John Denys, son of Richard Denys, son of the afore said John Denys, deceased ; and on 16th November in that year, the King granted the custody of the said messuages and lands and the Bailiwick of the Hundred to Amulphus Chagestry.4 In 1577, John Denys, Esq., and Dorothy his wife, suffered a fine in the manor and bailiwick of the Hundred5 to John Gifford and others." The' property continued vested in the family of Denys until the death of Anthony Denys of Orleigh, in June 1641,7 leaving, by Gertrude his wife, daughter of Sir Bernard Grenville, three daughters, of whom, Mary, tbe eldest, became the wife of Sir Thomas Hampson of Taplow, co. Bucks, Bart., and Gertrude, the youngest, married Nicholas Glynn of Glynn, Esq., and the third, Elizabeth, wedded Sir John Hern. The elder co-heir inherited, inter alia, the Manor and Advowson of Lesnewth, and, surviving her husband, who died on 22nd March 1670, she suffered in the following year a fine in this manor and ad vowson, and bailliwick of the Hundred of Lesnewith, probably for purposes of settlement, to Thomas Turner and Philip Vennying, Gentlemen.8 She had several children, and dying in 1694, by her will, dated 4th March 1678,9 devised her Cornish lands to her second 1 Book of Aids, pp. 33, 36. 2 Inquisitions for levying a, Subsidy, 6th Henry VI. 5 Prynn's Eecords, vol. iii, p. 719, see also ante vol. i, p. 368, note f * Rot. Fin., Sth Henry V, m. 9. 6 John Denys was bailiff of the Hundred of Lesnewith in 6th and 7th Edward IV. (1467) and accounted to the Exchequer for lxxij» viij'1 for that year. Ministers' xVcoounts for the Duehy of Cornwall, 6th and 7th 95 Edward IV — 0 peaes Finium, 19th Elizabeth, Easter. 1 Will dated 30th April, Cod. 15th May, 1641. Proved 4th July following. (P.C.C, 88 Evelyn). H Pedes Finium, i3rd Chariej II, Trinity. 8 Proved 16ih October 1634, (P.C.C, 171 Box). MANOR OF LESNEWITH. 403 son Henry Hampson. He dying s.p., and his elder brother also in 1719, the estates in Cornwall devolved upon William Glynn, grandson of Nicholas Glynn and Gertrude Denys,1 which William Glynn and Rose his wife, for purpose of settlement, in 1722 suffered a fine,2 inter alia, in this manor and advowson and in the Bailiwick of the Hundred to Edmund Prideaux, Esq., brother of the said Rose.3 From William Glynn the manor, &c, descended to the late Edmund John Glynn of Glynn, Esq., upon the sale of whose estates, in 1828, it was purchased by the late Lord Churston, then Sir John Yarde Buller, Bart., and is now the property of his grandson, and successor, the present Lord Churston. The following is a description of the manor, &c, as offered for sale at Bodmin, on 23rd January 1823, extracted from the Particulars of sale. Manor and Bailiivick of Lesnewth. Tenements. Tenants. Terms. Bents. Contents. Tregoll .. Free Tenants. Eev. Mr. Marshall £ s. 0 1 d. 0 A. -R. P. Ditto Heirs of Lord Eolle .. 0 0 8 Ditto Sir A. 0 Molesworth .. 0 3 0 Black Down Moor in Trewint in Poundstock. Ditto .. 0 2 0 .Tregoll .. William Gay 0 0 8 Blackdown in Trewint in Poundstock. Paul Orchard .. 0 2 0 Tregoll .. William Webb 0 6 8 Ditto 1 James Stacy .. 0 1 0 Ditto Mr. John Burgoyne 0 1 0 Ditto James Webb 0 4 0 Taway .. Charles Honey .. 0 1 0 A Watercourse John Harris Back Tenants. .. 0 1 0 Halarr.ellin | John Gill / 68 0 10 Menadew 14 vears from Miohs. 1813 100 0 0 ] 26 0 28 Delaboll ) (. 13 0 36 Hamley' s Tenement 1 Coleman's Tenement Bettenson's Tenement Warrant's Two Tenements r~ Peter Brown 14 years from Michs. 1813 210 0 0 256 0 0 Part of Treskiddy and Menadew J 1 See Pedigree of Glynn, ante pp. 68, 71. 3 See Pedigree of Piudeaux, ante pp. 228, 229. " Pedes Finium, Sth George I, Hil. 404 PARISH OF LESNEWITH. The Advowson and right of presentation to the Rectory of Lesnewith. The present Incumbent is about 45 years old. RECTORY. In the year 1237, Fulco Abbot of Valle suffered a fine, for himself and his Church of Valle," to Henry le Daneys in the Advowson of the Church of Lysnewyth, reserving to himself and his successors and the Church of Valle the ancient pension by custom payable out of the same,1 and from that time the Rectory has been appurtenant to the Manor of Lesnewith as before stated. In the taxation of Pope Nicholas, cir. 1290, "Ecclesia de Lesnewid" is valued at £4 6s. 8d. In 15th Edward III. (1341) the Church of Lesnewyth was taxed for the ninth Jheaf, the ninth fleece, and the ninth lamb at the same rate, which were so sold to John Menadieu, Robert Artur, Henry Kena, and Roger Chelle. Of fifteenths it is said there were none.2 And when in 1379, the clergy granted a subsidy to the King of 16d. upon the mark in all benefices, the Church of Lesnywit paid 8s. 8d. upon the said value of £4 6s. 8d.3 In the valuation of Cardinal Wolsey, the parish is rated at £8, as it is also in the return to the Crown made by Bishop Vesey on 3rd November 1536, in obedience to the King's writ, dated 20th July in that year.' The estimated quantity of land subject to the payment of all manner of tithes in kind, exclusive of the glebe, is 1724 acres: viz., arable land 1190 acres, pasture 528 acres, and woodland 6 acres ; all which tithes are payable to the Rector for the time being, and in 1841 were commuted at £200 per annum. The glebe lands consist of 44a. 2r. 24p., the Church and Churchyard occupy 2r. 33p., and the roads and wastes 22a. 2r. 36p. The following Terriers, which are preserved in the Bishop's Registry at Exeter shew the extent and boundaries of the Glebe, and the furniture and utensils of the Church at various dates. Lesnewith i A Terrier of the Gleebe Lande belonginge to the Parsonage of Lesnewith Paeish, j aforesaide. There are six closes and one meadowe, being bounded wth the Church Towne on the north side, Penpoll on the east side, Treskerdie on the south side, and Choidon on the west side. And one aker and quarter Land or therabouts, lying in Trebesen, wthin the Parish aforesaide, in a close there caUed the Church land. Exhibited in anno domini 1613. John Hill Thomas 0 Patchet Warden. Sidesman, 1 Pedes Finium, 22nd Henry III, Trinity. '' Inquis. Nonarum, p. 345. 20 5 Subsidy Eolls, Clerical, 3rd Bichaid II — 4 Bishop. Veysey's Beg. yol. ii, fols. 86 100 3 RECTORY. 405 ix die Aprilis A Terrier of all the Glebe landes, Meadowes, Gardens, Howses, and all 1622. other implements belonginge to the Parsonage & Rectorie of Lesnewith, w'h the bondes & lymits thereof, &c. Imprimis the Glebe land is in quantity Thirty-two acres. Item, in closes six, one meadowe and one Towne place. Item, Three gardens. Item fflve howses. And it is bounded on the East with a Tenem' called PenpoU, and on the south with Treskedye, on the west w"1 Choldon, and on the north wtu Lesnew"' and the King's high way leadinge towardes Botreaux Castle. Item, one parcel of land more, being in quantitye one acre and quarter of Land, or thereabout, lying in Trebiffine and bounded on every side w"' the Lands of Eichard Southcott & Humphry Prowse Esquires. Zacharias Eorway, Rector, ibidem. Will'm betenson. The sign of Degory S Taylor. The sign of Tho. ca Langman senior. John Langman. The sign of James I Colman. per me John R * * * * Churchwarden. There is a similar Terrier, dated 16th March 1679, with the exception that it is stated that the close of land in Trebiffin is bounded on every side with the lands of Sir Walter Moyle, Knight. Signed John Dinham, Rector of Lesnewth. William Bettenson. Thomas Taylor. James Colman. Humphry Betenson. Christopher Langman. Edward Langman, Warden. A Terrier of the Parsonage of Lesnewth. The parsonage house is built with stone and covered with tde, in the front has six rooms, a Kitchen, a HaU (which have lime -ash floors) and a parlour (floored with deal) each of which rooms has a chamber over it (plaistered and floored with deal) on the back part is a Kitchen, a dairy, and a ceUar with a Chamber over each. At the north-east corner is a Hogstie built with stone and covered with tile. The Barn is built with stone and covered with thatch, con sists of five bayes. Adjoining to it is a stable built with stone and covered with thatch, at the end of each is a Hogstye built with st'one and covered with tile. (Then follows a description of the glebe as before given). There is a high rent of six shillings & eight pence per annum payable at Mich's out of a field belonging to Trebiffin called "Higher Church park" or "Church land." Easter Offerings are two pence every single person, and three pence for every married couple : the fees for marriages, chnrchings, and burialls, are one shilling each. 3 H 406 PARISH OF LESNEWITH. If colts, calves, piggs, lambs, fleeces, or the Uke, be seven, eight, or nine, the Rector takes one and pays the parishioner, pro rata. If under seven the parishioner pays the rector, pro rata. There are three bells, a purple plush cushion for the pulpitt, a green cloth for the Com munion Table, a Linnen Cloth, a pewter flagon and Bason, and silver Chalice weighing thirteen ounces, &c, &c. Signed Aprill yc 12th 1727, Will Cruwys, Rector James Dinham Churchwarden Edward Langman Christopher Langman WilUam Symons Edward Jose The following later Terrier gives further particulars: A true Terrier of the Glebe, Parish Church, &c, of Lesnewth in the County of CornwaU and Diocese of Exeter taken this tenth day of April in the year of Our Lord one thousand seven hundred fourty six. The Parsonage house is built with stone and covered with heUng Stones, consists of seven under rooms, floored only with earth except the Parlour, which is floored with boards, & five chambers neither wainscotted nor ceded, the outhouses are a barn, stable, & two pigs houses, built with stone & cover'd with thatch. , The glebe of thirty-one acres and quarter, or there about, of meadow, arable and pasture, bounded on the east by PenpoU, on the south by Garles-Skiddy, on the west by Chappie hiU & Tom's ground, and on the north by the Church towne, is divided into eight fields ; and one acre & quarter, viz., Lane Park about five acres of arable and pasture, the marsh field, about two acres of pasture, higher Crookedpark about one acre and half of meadow, Middle park about five acres of arable, Quarry park about four acres of arable, Church park about six acres & half of meadow and pasture, Toorpark about four acres & half of pasture, and one acre and quarter of meadow in Trebeffen, in a field there caUed Church land. The homestall is about one acre fenced with stone hedges. The furniture & utensds of the Church are one surplice, one large bible, two large Common Prayer books, five bells, one silver cup marked 1630, one flagon, one bason, one plate, each of pewter, one blue carpet, one linnen cloth & napkin, a pulpitt cushion covered with green plush. The Church and Church Yard are maintain'd by the parish, except the Chancel which is maintain' d by the Rector. The Clerk's wages is twenty shiUings a year, paid by the parish, chosen by the Rector. The sexton's wages is ten shillings a year, paid and chosen by the parish. Antho : Hosken Vic' W. Betenson. (another named erased.) The Parsonage House has been recently built upon another site, and stables have been erected where the Parsonage formerly stood. INSTITUTIONS. 407 LESNEWITH INSTITUTIONS. 1308, March 19th unknown 1330, August 14th 1333, January 29th 1297 - Henry le Denys.1 Richard de Cersyaus. Sir Thomas de Stapeldon, Priest,2 was instituted to Church of Lesnewyth, vacant by the resignation of Richard de Cersyaus, the last Rector, upon presentation of Richard le Deneys, the true patron. John Deneys,3 who exchanged for the Parish Church of Ellerky. John Cooke, of Exeter, Priest,4 was instituted to the Church of Lisnewith, vacant by the resignation of John Denys, the late Rector. Roger de Esse, Clerk,5 was instituted to the Church of Lisnewith, vacant through the resignation of John Cokes, of Exeter, the late Rector, upon the presentation of Alan de Esse 1343, November 13th - Thomas Podding, Vicar of the Church of Ellerky, upon exchange with Roger de Esse.0 William de Tredethy, Priest/ was admitted to the Parish Church of Lisnewith, upon the resignation of Thomas Poddynges, last Rector, to which he had been presented by John de Penhirgard by reason of his custody of certain lands belonging to Richard son and heir of Henry Denys, who was a minor, and to whom this turn belonged. Thomas Edward.8 John Mayowe9 was admitted to the Parish Church of St. Michael 1361, March 8th unknown 1422, December 1st 1 Prynn's Becords, vol. iii, p. 719. 2 Bishop Stapledon's, Beg. fo. 39. :i 1310, September 19th, John le Deneys, Eector of the Church of Lesneuwith, Deacon, had dispensation to study from feast of St. Michael following for one year, and in the interim to receive Priest's orders and then to reside. (Bishop Stapledon's Beg. fo. 56). i Bishop Grandison's Eeg, fo. 18. 5 Ibid. fo. 27 6 Ibid. fo. 50. ' Ibid. fo. 139. 24 8 Thomas was Eector of Lesnewith in 1380, (Sub. EoU, 4th Eichard II, — ) and Thomas Edward is mentioned 5 as Parson of Lisnewyth in Assize Boll, 8th Eichard II, (1384) m. 40; and again in that of the 22nd of the same King's reign (1398) m. 48 d. In 1400, John Denys of Orleigh took proceedings against Thomas Edward, Clerk, to obtain from him an account for the time that he was Eeceiver of the moneys of the said John. He did not appear, and the Sheriff said that ho was beneficed by tho Bishop of Exeter, and had no lay fee in his bailliwick. (De Banco Boll, 1st Henry IV, Easter, m. 277). 'J Bishop Lacy's Beg. vol. ii, fo, 32. John Mayowe was admitted to the Parish Church of St. Michael, of Lesnewyth, then vacant by the death of Sir Thomas Edward, on 14th December 1421, upon tho presentation of Edward Pomeroy, Knight, and Margaret his wife, true patrons, (Lacy ii, fo. 32). On the 18th of the same month, William Whittyng was admitted, and the same day it was commanded the Archdeacon of Cornwall to induct him (Ibid. fo. 48), but' on the 1st December in the following year, tho Bishop instituted the aforesaid John Mayowe upon the presentation of the King, (Ibid. fo. 70). The institution of Thomas Edward has not been found. 3 H2 408 PARISH OF LESNEWITH. of Lesnewyth, vacant by the death of Sir Thomas Edward, late Rector, upon the presentation of King Henry VI. Died 6th February 1444. Thomas Clement,1 was admitted to the parish Church of Lesnewith, vacant by the death of John Mayow, last Rector, upon the presentation of John Denys, gent. Michael Colny, Clerk,5 was instituted to the Church of Lesnewth vacant by the death of Thomas Clement, the last Rector, upon the presentation of John Denys of Orley, the true patron. John Bigwell, Chaplain,3 was instituted to the Church of Lesnewth, vacant by the resignation of Michael Colay, upon the presentation of John Denys of Orley. William Cullow, died 4th April 1489, (Bishop Booth's Reg. fo. 138) William Bylke, Chaplain," was instituted to the parish Church of Lesnewth, vacant by the death of William Cullow, last Rector, upon the presentation of John Denys of Orley, alias Orleigh, gent, the true patron. Robert Pudfi.5 William Crossying, Priest,6 was instituted to the Rectory of Lesnewth, vacant by the death of Robert Pudfi, Clerk, last Rector, upon the presentation of Nicholas Denys of Orley, Esq. Sir John Sutton, Clerk,7 was instituted to the Parish Church of Lesnewth, vacant by the death of the last Incumbent, upon the presentation of John Denys of Orleigh, Esq. Christopher Dingle, Clerk," was admitted to the Church of Lesnewth, vacant by the death of John Sutton, last Incumbent, upon the presentation of (blank) Bitensonne, yeoman, of the said Church, for this turn, the true patron by the assignment of the advowson by Thomas Dene, Gent., who had it of the gift of Richard Dene by his last will, which said Richard had it of the grant of John Denys of Orleigh, Esq., the true patron. 1 Bishop Lacy's Beg. fo. 216. He was one of the jurors on 23rd June 1457, on an inquisition concerning the vacancy and right of presentation to the Church of St. Maben, (Bishop Nevill's Beg. fo. 71). 2 Bishop Nevill's Eeg. fo. 17. ' Bishop Booth's Beg. fo. 15. * Bishop Booth's Beg. fo. 106. 1489 April 13th, Certificate upon an Inquisition into the vacancy and right of patronage of the Church of Lesnewth, made by Thomas Ponteshed of Bliston, William Morton of Mynster, Sectors ; William Merefyld of Bodmin, Bichard Nycoll of Mynfre, Bobert Eeke of Kew, Henry Ley of Bruard, Nicholas Hawke of Dyndanyll, John Person of Tetha, Vicars ; who say that tho Church of Losnewth is vacant by the death of William Colow, who died on tbe 4th April in this year, and that John Denys of Orley is the true patron by hereditary right; that there is no objection to William Bylk, who has been presented by the said John Denys, and that the said William is 28 years of ago (Ibid. fo. 138). 5 In the Ecclesiastical Survey returned to the Crown on 3rd November 1536, by Bishop Vesey, this Bector is called Bobert Pounder (Vesey's Beg., vol. ii, fo. 86 — 100 _). 6 Bishop Voysey's Beg., fo. 102. ' Bishop Alley's Beg., fo. 9. He was also Vicar of St. Gennys. Upon his death the two benefices were put under sequestration. (Bishop's Act Book A.) 8 Bishop Babington's Beg., fo. 16. 1445, April 30th 1461, March 6th 1469, April 8th unknown 1489, May 5th unknown 1541, August 15th 1565, April 17th 1584, April 2nd INSTITUTIONS. 409 1617, December 18th- unknown 1699, June 4th 1724, June 5th 1737, April 30th 1738, July 21st 1585, December 30th Digory Betenson, Clerk,1 was admitted to the Church of Lesnewth, vacant by the resignation of Christopher Dingle, last Incum bent, upon the presentation of William Betenson, the trne patron by grant of William Denys of Orleigh. Zacharias Torway, Clerk," was admitted to the Rectory of Les newth, vacant by the death of Degory Betenson, upon the presentation of Mary Denys, widow, relict of William Denys of Orleigh, in Devon, deceased, the true patron. John Dinham, Clerk.3 Christopher Tregian, Clerk,1 was admitted to the Rectory of Les newth, vacant by the death of John Dinham, Clerk, upon the presentation of Alexander Tregian the true patron. William Cruwys, Clerk,5 A.B., was admitted to the Rectory of Lesnewth, now vacant, upon the presentation of William Glynn of Glynn, Esq., the true patron. Joseph Silly, Clerk,6 was admitted to the Rectory of Lesnewth, void by the death of William Cruwys, Clerk, upon the pre sentation of Nicholas Glynn of Glynn, the true patron. Anthony Hosken, Clerk,7 M.A., was admitted to the Rectory of Lesnewth, void by the cession of Joseph Silly, Clerk, upon the presentation of Nicholas Glyn of Glyn. 1 Ibid. fo. 24. Matriculated from Broadgato Hall, 17th January 1583-4, aged 20, "Pleb. fil," of co. Cornwall. Buried at Lesnewith 17th June 1617. 2 Bishop Carey's Beg., fo. 109. He was sequestrated by the Puritans (Walker's Sufferings of the Clergy, Part ii, p. 375). Died in 1651. 3 We have no record of the institution of John Dinham. He, doubtless, obtained the benefice upon the expulsion of Mr. Torway. He signed the Eegisters in 1653, and having conformed in 1662 retained it. He signed the Terrier in 1679 (ante p. 405). He was buried at Lesnewith 8th September 1697. Margaret, wife of John Dinham, Sector, was buried there 2nd March 1692. 4 Bishop's Beg. N.S., vol. iv, 42, B.A., Pembroke College, Cambridge, 1696. Christopher Tregian, Beetor of Lesnewith, married Cordelia, daughter of John Trewren of Trewardreva in Constantino, in which Parish she was haritized 20th February 1677, and married 22nd April 1708. The following entries occur in the Parish Eegisters of Lesnewth: 1708, John son of Christopher Tregian, Sector, born 18th, baptized 30th January. 1709, Alexander son of Christopher Tregian and Cordelia his wife, born 31st December, baptized 7th January. 1711, Cordelia daughter of Christopher Tregian and Cordelia, born 31st August, baptized 18th September. 1712, Christopher son of Mr. Christopher Tregian and Cordelia, born 27th January, hap. Sth February. 1714, Cordelia daughter of Mr. Christopher Tregian, born 17th October, baptized 26th October. 1715, Susanna daughter of Mr. Christopher Tregian, baptized 31st December. 1717, Grace daughter of Mr. Christopher Tregian, baptized 7th September. 1719, Alexander son of Mr. Christopher Tregian, baptized llth November. 1713, Alexander son of Christopher Tregian, Eector, buried 29th April. 1715, Susanna daughter of Mr. Christopher Tregian, buried 14th February. 1719, Alexander son of Mr. Christopher Tregian, buried 18th November. 1720, Christopher Tregian, Sector of this Parish, buried 1st May. 5 Bishop's Segister, N.S., vol. vi, 18, Matriculated from Balliol College, Oxford, 4th June 1709, aged 18 son of John Cruwys, Gent. Buried at Lesnewith 2nd December 1736. Par. Eeg. B Bishop's Eegister, N.S., vol. vii, fo. 9. 7 Ibid. fo. 25. Also Vicar of Bodmin. (See ante vol. i, pp. 142, 149, 159, 169.) 4101767, June 16th 1786, March 6th 1791, February 2nd - 1802, May llth 1804, August 29 1809, January 18th 1813, December 7th 1854, November 18th 1871, May 19th 1874, February 24th PARISH OF LESNEWITH. Henry Oglander, Clerk,1 B.A., was admitted to the Rectory of Lesnewth, vacant by the death of Anthony Hosken, Clerk, upon the presentation of John Glyn of Glyn, Esq. Henry Oglander, Clerk, B.D.,2 was admitted to the Rectory of Lesnewth, void by his own cession, upon the presentation of Edmund John Grlyn, of Glyn, Esq. (by his mother Susanna Glyn of Bath, his lawful attorney) the true patron. Anthony William Glyn, Clerk, S.C.L.,3 was admitted to the Rectory of Lesnewth, void by the resignation of Henry Oglander, upon the presentation of Edmund John Glyn of Glyn, Esq. Anthony William Glyn, Clerk, b.ll.,4 was admitted to the Rectory of Lesnewth, void by his own cession, upon the presentation of Edmund John Glyn of Glyn, Esq. Anthony William Glynn, Clerk,5 was admitted to the Rectory of Lesnewth, void by his own cession, upon the presentation of Edmund John Glyn of Glyn, Esq. John Pomeroy, Clerk, B.A.,G was admitted to the Rectory ofLesnewth,, void by the cession of Anthony William Glyn, upon the pre sentation of Edmund John Glyn of Glyn, Esq. Charles Worsley, Clerk,7 was admitted to the Rectory of Lesnewth void by the death of John Pomeroy, Clerk, upon the presentation of Edmund John Glyn of Glyn, Esq. Henry Farwell Roe, Clerk, M.A.,8 was instituted to the Rectory of Lesnewth, void by the death of Charles Worsley, Clerk, last In cumbent, upon the presentation of Sir John Buller Yarde Buller, of Lupton House, co. Devon, Bart., the true patron. John Tracey, Clerk,9 (late Vicar of Townstal, Dartmouth, with St. Saviour's) was admitted, void by the resignation of Henry Far- well Roe, upon the presentation of the Right Hon. Lord Churston.Charles John Perry-Keene, Clerk, b.a.,10 was admitted, upon the death of John Tracy, last Rector, upon the presentation of John Baron Churston. 1 Bishop's Eegister, vol. ix, fo. 24. Third son of Sir John Oglander of NunweU, Isle of Wight, Bart FeUow of Winchester College. Died 16th March 1814. % Bishop's Eeg., vol. x, fo. 39. " Ibid. fo. 73. Son of John Glynn, Sergeant at Law, Vide Pedigree of Glynn, ante p. 70. 4 Ibid. fo. 152. 6 Ibid. fo. 179. c Bishop's Eegister, vol. xi, fo. 13. Also Viear of Bodmin. (See ante vol. i, pp. 149, 164.) 7 Ibid. fo. 61. 8 Bishop's Eegister, vol. xiii, 106. 0 Ibid. vol. xiv, 61. J° Ibid. fo. 147. PARISH CHURCH 411 THE PARISH CHURCH. The Parish Church of Lesnewith, which is dedicated to S. Michael,1 was originally cruciform and of the Norman period, having a small Chapel on the east of the south transept, a south porch, and western tower. The nave, chapel and tower were of third-pointed work. ¦ The Chapel and the south transept were separated from the Chancel by two Norman arches springing from responds and resting on a massive central column, having a square abacus. The Chancel, which was divided from the nave by an ancient rood-screen, much decayed, was lighted by an eastern window of early second-pointed date, consisting of three very pointed lights intersecting each other, and there was also a three-light window of third-pointed work on the south side; whilst a four-light modern window had been inserted in the south wall of the transept. The Chapel also had two three-light windows. In the south wall of the Chancel are the remains of what was once an elegant piscina of second-pointed work. The upper part had been cut off and converted, probably, into an aumbry, or the shelf used as a credence table, nevertheless the lower parts of the side shafts yet remain ; the bason was of the fluted pattern and partially projected, but it has been cut down flush with the wall. On the north side was a square aumbry. The Chancel measured 18 ft. by 13 ft. 4 ins., the Chapel 9 ft. by 7 ft. 6 ins., and south transept 17 ft. by 13ft. The north transept, which measured 17 ft. 6 ins. by lift. 6 ins., was 18 inches above the floor of the nave. It was lighted by a small narrow window on the east, probably a lancet, and had an altar in the thickness of the wall beneath it, the slab of which, measuring 3 ft. in length and 1 ft. 9 ins. in breadth, with its five crosses thereon, remained in situ. In the north wall was a third-pointed window of three-lights. The nave measured 42 ft. by 14 ft. It was of third-pointed work, and was lighted on the north side by two three-light windows, having a door between them, and on the south side, close on the west of the porch, which itself was in the angle of the nave and transept, was another similar window. The porch was modern ; 9 ft. by 7 ft. (see Plate XLI, fig. 1). The tower is of third- pointed work, of three flights, besides a crenelated parapet, on the angles of which are crocketted pinnacles. The stair turret is at the north-east angle, and is lighted by a narrow loop-hole and a quatrefoil opening in each flight. The basement has a three-light cinque-foil window over the door with tracery in the head, and in the second flight, on each face, is a narrow trefoil niche, or blank window, with circular hoodmoulding, and on the eastern face is a second with a square hoodmoulding. The bell chamber has a two-light window without any foliation, but with a quatrefoil, unpierced, in the tympanum, on each face. The roofs were fine examples of the wagon pattern, but in a very decayed condition. In the part between the transepts the principals sprung from corbels at each angle, and, converging, terminated in a central boss. All the original benches had been removed and the church was chiefly filled with high square pews, whilst the portion of the nave west of the 1 Bishop Lacy's Bog. vol, ii, fo. 32. 412 PARISH OF LESNEWITH. doors was filled with a hugh gallery, of the worst type, which shut off the tower arch. The whole of the walls and fittings were in such a dilapidated and decayed condition as to render unavoidable the almost entire rebuilding of the fabric, which was effected from designs by Mr. J. P. St. Aubyn in 1862. The new Church in plan differs entirely from the old one. It consists of a chancel raised three steps above the nave, sanctuary two steps above the chancel, with a vestry on the south side, Nave, South pprch and western Tower, [see Plate XLI, fig. 2). The Chancel and Sanctuary measure 22 ft. by 15 ft., vestry 17 ft. by 10 ft., nave 30 ft. by 17 ft. The only portions of the old Church which are preserved in the new are the tower and some portion of the walls of the chancel, the eastern window, the piscina in the south wall of the chancel, the square recess above, (which has been pierced through the thick wall with a very small opening about 8 ins. in diameter,) the chancel arch and the arches of the south transept and chapel with the column which supports them, and the south door within the porch, which is of late third-pointed work. The square aumbry on the north side of the chancel has been converted into a window and therein has been inserted the small window and the altar slab removed from the north transept; and the slab is now used as a credence table. The vestry is separated from the chancel by a glazed screen. The fittings, throughout, are of red pine varnished. The font, which is octagonal, stands west of the south door. The alterations made in the plan of the Church will be seen upon reference to Plate XLI, in which that of the old Church and the new are delineated. It appears from the Inventory of Plate and Bells belonging to the Churches in the Hundred of Lesnewth, dated 6th May 3rd Edward VI. (1549), that at that time the parish of Lesnowyth possessed one Chalice of silver and three Bells.1 The foregoing Terriers (ante p. 406) shew that there were no more in 1727, but that there were five bells in 1746. It would seem, however, from the following inscriptions, which are upon the existing bells, that they were cast into five in 1734 : DIAMETER. 1st Bell mdccxxxiiii . . . . . . . . 2 ft. 2 in. 2nd ,, mdccxxxiiii .. .. ... 2ft. 3£in. 3rd ,, John Venning & Samuel Langford C. W. •;• J. P. :• 1805 .. 2 ft. 6£in. 4th ,, John Dinham : 'William Tremere: Ch : Wardens .. .. 2 ft. 7fin. 5th ,, John Taylor of Oxford Founder 1830 : Samitel Langford. Samuel Hambly, C. W. S. The second bell is slightly, and the fifth much, cracked. Altar Plate. There is a curious old chalice and cover. On the latter is the date 1638. The stem is formed of three serpents knotted in the middle with a head at each extremity. They are disposed in the form of the letter S — Hall, or maker's mark ^mJi\ three times repeated. l 1 Queen's Bemembrancer's Office. Church Goods, Cornwall, —50 XLI. =H« CROUND PLAN OF LESNEWITH CHURCH GROUND PLAN AS EXISTING 1862. 10 S 0 SCALE OF FEET I 'i i 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 L Fig. 2 GROUND PLAN AS REBUILT. EXPLANATION 1 Norman 1 2 Second Pointed 3 Third Pointed 4 Modern 5 New MONUMENTAL INSCRIPTIONS. 413 PARISH EEGISTEES. The Old Eegisters of this parish consist of two volumes. Vol. i commences with a transcript made in 1642. Tliere is a title to each divieion : viz., " The Eegister Booke of the pish of Lesnew"1, as itt was in the Old Eegister : and the yeere when it was written, for Christings." The baptisms commence in 1573. The other titles give the dates of the transcripts: viz., burials 7th, and weddings 17th, June 1642. The entries of the former commence in 1564, and the latter in 1569. The earliest names which occur in the Eegisters are Langman, Keene, Pearse, Barber, Hamblie, Secombe, Swaine, Pyne, Meager, Garland, Colman, Fryer, Bilkie, Patcheott, and Bath, several of which names we find in the Subsidy Eoll of 1524, and some yet remain in the parish and neighbourhood. A note in the Eegister states that the trees and shrubs in tbe churchyard were planted about the year 1850, by the Eev. G. W. Manning, now Eector of St. Petrock Minor, then stipendiary Curate of this parish. MONUMENTAL INSCEIPTIONS. In the Chtjech. 1 . Upon a marble tablet set in slate : Jesus said I am the true Vine. In memory of Philippa the beloved wife of John Harris, late of Trewannion in this Parish, who died Nov. 19, 1855, aged 48. I know that my Eedeemer liveth Dum vivimus vivamus In the Churchyard. 2. Here lyeth the Body of Humphry Prowse of Mamhead in Devon, Gent., who was buried the 23 Day of May 1638. 3. Here lyeth the body of Thomas Taylor of this parish who was Buried before the toure the 12 day of May 1683. Thou sayst wee're dead, may't not bee rather saide that as a sundred clock is peece-meal laide Not to be lost, but by the maker's hand Eepolish'd, without error then to stand : 3i 414 PARISH OF LESNEWITH. so, though our bodyes be resolu'd to dust, Yet at the Resurrection of the Just Rais'd and reioyned, more celestial Shall be than Angels were, for they could fall. Thus after timely sleep, wh. thou call'st death, wee 'ue life again more permanent than breath. Degory ye son of Thomas taylor was buried y' viii January 82. On an Altar Tome. 4. In Memory of Thomas Pearse of Holwell who was buried the 20th of August 1715, aged 73. And of Mary his wife, she was Daugher of Degory Bettenson of Griles, Gent. ; who was buried the 19th of Nov. 1693, aged 54. And also of Richard Pearse their son, who was buried the 2"" of Feb. 1720, aged 48; and hkewise of Joan the daughter of Hender Pearse of Holwell and Joan his wife, who was buried the 5th of Aug' 1740, aged 13. This stone is erected by their Daughter, Mary Ohapelman of Clovelly, in 1742. On an Altar Tomb. 5. In Memory of Thomas Pearse of Holwill in Davidstow, Gentleman, who was Buried August 4th 1789, aged 73 years. Also, nigh this Place Lieth the Body of Mary Pearse, who was Buried June 4th 1753, in the 27"1 yeare of her age. Also, nigh this Place Lieth the Body of Hender Pearse, Gentleman, who was Buried May 28"' 1762, in tne 84th year of his age. Also nigh this Place Lieth the Body of Joan Pearse, the Wife of Hender Pearse, Gentle man, who was Buried April 25 1770, aged 81 years, and they were Father and Mother to the above Thomas and Mary Pearse. 6. In memory of William Betenson Esq. of Grylls in this Parish, -who was buried here May the 13* 1771, aged 65. And of William Gilbert Betenson, Gent., Son of the said WiUiam Betenson and Grace his wife, who was buried Dec. the 1st 1759, aged 27. Also of Anne Betenson Daughter of the said William and Grace Betenson, who was buried August the 5th 1767, aged 38. Let who so list think Death a dreadful thing And hold the Grave in Horrow [sic] and in hate ; We think them both worth welcoming. Where end our Woes our Joys begin. Arms : A Fess, in chief a lion passant. Chest : A horse's head couped. 7. Sacred to the Memory of Samuel Langford of Grylls in this Parish, Yeoman, who departed this life Nov. 14"' 1843, aged 61. Also of Mary his wife. She died March 8«< 1847, aged 61 years. MANOR OF HELSET. 415 THE MANOR OF HELSET. This Manor in the 13th century formed parcel of the possessions of the family of Giffard of HeUand,1 and in 1302 Simon Gifford of HeUisete, commenced proceedings against William Prempa and others that they should do service for the manor mill.2 Simon Giffard of Helset presented to the Church of Helland in 1348.3 Ingreta, grand daughter of the said Simon, and co-heir of her father John Giffard, carried it in marriage to Thomas Colyn,4 and it formed part of a settlement made by the said Thomas and Ingreta in 141 1." It descended to Elizabeth Colyn their great grand-daughter who was thrice married.6 Her third husband was Edward Ap Rice, alias Apryse, alias Preys, who, in her right, presented to the Church of Helland in 1499.7 In the following year Edward Preys and Elizabeth his wife suffered a common recovery to John Wyllemer and Roger Cheverell of the Manor of Helset with appurtenances in the parish of Lesnewith, also all messuages, &c. in Helset, Treworwell, Trenguen, Denbeth, Trewanyon, Peneton, Wogolowe, Trebuhan and Anderton,8 and by their charter, dated 21st February 18th Henry VII, (1502-3). John Wyllemer and Roger Cheverell granted the same manor and lands to Peter Courteney9 and his heirs and assigns for evermore,10 and in the following April the said Edward Preys and Elizabeth his wife suffered a fine to the said John Wylmer of the same manor and lands.11 The manor thus became vested in Peter Courteney, who died, in 1508, without surviving issue, thereof seized, and by will, dated 16th August in that year, after directing that his body should be buried in the Chapel of St. Saviour at Dartmouth before the ymage of St. Saviour in the choir, if he dye there, devises all his lands in Cornwall to Johan his wife for the term of her life, and directs that in her lifetime she shall make an estate to the churchwardens of Uploman, in the county of Devon, of all his lands in Uploman, Kalenge and Dartmouth, and of the Manor of Helsete in the parish of Lesnewyth in the county of Cornwall, for the term of four-score years, to find a Priest to sing for him, his wife and children, and all his friends in the parish Church there ; and he directs that after sixty years of the said term shall have expired, the churchwardens shall make another estate of the said lands to others of the said parish, at the discretion of the parishioners, for a further term of four-score years, and so on from four-score to four-score years, one N) 1 Assize Rolls, Devon and Cornwall, 23rd Edward I, 2 } 5. See also ante p. 9, note. 9 J M) 2 Assize Rolls, Cornwall, 30th Edward I, 2 J 1, m. 22. Sec also ante p. 35, note 3. 21 J 3 See ante p. 11. 4 See ante p. 41. 5 Ibid. p. 7. r' See pedigree, ante pp. 40, 41. 1 See ante p. 12. s Do Banco Rolls, 16th Henry VII, Trinity, m. 252. 9 Son of Sir William Courteney of Powderham hy Margaret daughter of Lord Bonville, and brother of Edward Courteney of Landrake. 10 Rot. Claus. 18th Henry VII, m. 22. >' Pedes Finium. 18th Henry VII, Eastor. 3 I2 416 PARISH OP LESNEWITH. term after another, immediately following, and he makes his said wife Jane sole executrix.1 Jane his wife survived him a few days only. By her will, dated 30th Aug-ust 1508, after directing that her body shall be buried in the Chapel of St. Saviour of Dartmouth in the choir where the body of her husband Piers Courteney lieth buried, and giving to the said Chapel her husband's best chain of gold, she desires her executors to see and help her husband's will to be fulfilled and performed to the Church of Uploman, as in his testament is contained, and gives them full power and authority so to do. She makes Sir William Courteney, Knight,2 overseer of her will, and gives him a young horse colt of gray, that she had going in Cadley park, to the intent that he should help her husband's executors and her's to fulfil her husband's will and her own.3 These intentions were accordingly fulfilled, and the chantry founded, but, of course, the lands forming the endowment fell into the King's hands under the Act for suppressing the Chantries, Colleges, &c. In the certificate of the Commissioners, appointed 14th February 37th Henry VIII, under the head of Uploman appears the following entry: " The Chauntrye called Courteney's. Founded by Peers Courteney, Esquyer. To fynde pryste to praye for hym wythein the parish Church of Uploman. The yerelye value of j" lands and possessions, vju xvj'1."4 This, however, could have been a moiety of the manor only. The other moiety was vested in the issue of Elizabeth Colyn by her first husband, and, like the Manor of Helland, &c, devolved upon Johanna daughter and heir of Humphry Calwodely, who carried them in marriage to Roger Arundell, whose son and heir, Humphry Arundell, for the share which he took in the Cornish rising in 1549, was attainted and executed, and his estates forfeited to the Crown. The King being, by these means, in the possession of the two moieties of the Manor of Helset, by Letters Patent, dated 5th March 1549-50, granted it, inter alia, to Sir Gawen Carew, Knight;5 and, in 1560, the said Sir Gawen Carew, George Carew, Clerk," and Ann daughter of Sir Nicholas Harvey, Knight, wife of the said George, suffered a fine to George Southcott, Gent., and John Prowse of the Manor of Helset with appurtenances, also of twenty messuages, eight cottages, 100s. rent, &c, in Helset, &c, whereby they quitclaimed and warranted the same to the said George and John and the heirs of the said George for ever.7 George Southcott and John Prowse appear to have made this purchase jointly, for on 2nd April 1572, a licence was granted to John Prowse to alienate to John Walrond, Richard Ap Powell, and Thomas Harknell, and their heirs all that part, purparty or portion of all those messuages, &c, in Lesnewith, called Hilsett, which the aforesaid John, together with George Southeote, lately purchased to 1 Proved 2nd October 1508, P.C.C. Bennett, 5. 2 Sir William Courteney of Powderham her husband's brother ob. 1512, direct ancester of the Earl of Devon. 3 Proved 2nd October 1508, by Adam Raley her brother and executor, Bennett, 6. i Augmentation Office, 37th Henry VIII, Certificate No. 15, 43. 5 Rot. Pat. 6th Edward VI, Part C, m. 39. 6 George Carew of Upton Hillion, Cleric, tj.d., Dean of Windsor, next brother and heir of Sir Gawen he having no issue. {Vide Ped. Carew in "Life" and Times of Sir Peter Carew Knight, 1857.) 7 Pedes Finium, Cornwall, 2nd Elizabeth, Easter. MANOR OF HELSET. 417 them and their heirs, to hold to the use of the said John Prowse for the term of his life, remainder to Eobert Prowse, son of the said John and the heirs male of his body,1 and in 1570 John Prowse suffered a fine, inter alia, in this manor to the said John Waldron and others.2 In 1620 Humphry Prowse3 held parcel of Helset, after the death of Eobert Prowse his father, John Prowse his brother, and John his grandfather;1 and in 1649 Eobert Prouse suffered a recovery to Henry Bligh, Gent., of a moiety of this manor.0 In 1613, Thomas Southcott, Esq., and Eichard Southcott, Gent., suffered a fine, inter aha, in the manor of Calwodely and this manor, to Thomas Whitfield, Esq., and John Whitfield, Gent.,0 which was probably for purposes of settlement, for, in 1632 Richard Southcott suffered a fine in the same manors to John Cowling and William Ley, Gent.,7 probably for a like purpose. These Southcotts were of Calwodely8 at the Visitation of the Heralds in 1620, and registered their descent from John Southcott of Bovye Tracy;" and we find that John Prouz of Chagford married Margaret daughter of John Southcott of Bovye Tracy, which may account for the Prowses having a moiety of the manor. In 1621 Humphry Prowse, Gent, and Grace his wife suffered a fine of one messuage in Helset, and the moiety of one messuage in Trebiffin, to John Moyle, Esq.,10 and in 1679 the entirety of the manor had passed to Sir Walter Moyle of Bake, Knight,11 who, in conjunction with Walter his son and heir, sold the same to Sir John Carew of Antony, Bart., whose son, Sir William Carew, held courts of the manor in 1714, (see Rental and Court RoU post), and on 30th January 1732 granted a lease of a tenement in Trewanion, alias Trewanguyon, said to have been previously granted on lease by Richard Southcote to a tenant then deceased, together with the eighth part of Tettes- boroughdown, aU which premises are described as being parcel of the manor of Helset and then in the tenure of Martha Langman widow, to the said Martha for the term of 99 years if Edward Langman and Thomas Langman, sons of the said Martha, so long should live.12 Sir William Carew died in 1744, intestate, and the estates devolved upon his only surviving son Sir Coventry Carew, Bart., who died s.p. in 1748, having by his will devised to his cousin,13 Jonathan Eashleigh of Menabilly, Esq., inter alia, the lordship and manor of 1 Rot. Pat., 14th Elizabeth, Part 10. z Pedes Finium, Divers Counties, 14 Elizabeth, Trinity. 3 Humphry Prowse of Mamhead, co. Devon, Gent., was buried at Lesnewth, 23rd May 1638 (M. I,, No. 2, p. 413) He doubtless died at Helset. 4 This family of Prowse was of Tiverton, but claimed descent from the house of Chagford, and were allowed the same arms : sa. three lions ramp. ar. (Heralds' Visitation of Devon, 1620. Harl. Soe. Pub. 1872, p. 224.) 5 Recoveries 1C49. Hilary, m. 11. 6 Pedes Finium, Divers Counties, 10th James, Trinity. 7 Ped. Finium Cornwall, 7th Charles, Michaelmas. 8 Which was also parcel of the forfeited possessions of Humphry Arundell, and formed part of tho grant to Sir Gawen Carew. 9 Heralds' Visitation, Devon, Harl. Society, 1872, p. 269. >° Pedes Finium 18th James, Hilary. " See Terrier of that date ante page 405. Sir Walter was knighted at Whitehall 4th February 1063. Arms : gules a, mule ar. 12 Deed in the possession of Mr. Rickard of Trehane, in Trevalga. 13 Jonathan Rashleigh was the eldest son of Jonathan Rashleigh of Menabilly, by Jano one of the daughters of the aforesaid Sir John Carew, and aunt and one of the co-heirs of the said Sir Coventry Carew. 418 MANOR OF LESNEWITH. Hellcett, otherwise Hellsett, together with the rents and services of all the free tenants of the said manor, which high rents amounted to about 18s. 8d. yearly, or thereabouts, and one red rose, and all those messuages, lands, &c, known by the names of Tregline* and Trevanger* in the parish of St. Minver purchased of William Peters, Eowe's Helland* and Kestell's* tenements in Blisland purchased of Francis Eeynolds and Obadiah his son, Boskier* in the parish of Bodmyn,1 together with the capital messuage and barton and demesne lands of Helsett, and all those messuages called Trebiffin, Anderton's mills, Trewenguen, and Treworle, together with all courts, courts-leet, view of frank pledge &c, &c, to hold to the said Jonathan Eashleigh his heirs and assigns for ever, chargeable with certain annuities. Philip Rashleigh, son and successor of Jonathan Rashleigh, by Indentures of lease and release, dated respectively 24th and 25th December 1772, conveyed the fee of the Barton to Digory Langman of Lesnewth, Gent., who already held the lease thereof for the residue of a term of twenty-one years, at the yearly rent of £57 4s., to hold of the chief Lord of the fee subject to the rents and services theretofore due and accustomed.2 Digory Langman died in May 1811, having by his will, dated 30th March 1802, devised this estate to his two youngest sons, Digory Langman and Jose Langman, subject to certain charges, who, under the description of Digory Langman, yeoman, and Jose Lang man, yeoman, both of the parish of St. Juliott, by Indentures of lease aud release, dated respectively 24th and 25th December 1818, conveyed the fee to William Pitt Bray, Clerk, who, dying on 22nd July 1844, by his will, dated 4th May 1844, devised this estate to William Sloggatt and Claudius Crigan Hawker of Boscastle, Gent., in trust for sale ; and, Mr. Sloggatt having disclaimed, it was sold the following year by the said Claudius Crigan Hawker to John Pemberthy Magor of Redruth, afterwards of Lamellen, Gent., whose son is the present proprietor. We select for publication the following from among the Rentals and Court Rolls of the Manor :l Manor I r^g Court Baron 0f the honord Sr WiUiam Carew, Baronet, held for said Manor at Helset f ^e house °f John Bray, Reeve of the said Manor, the 27* day of October 1715 Homage John Bray jur. Abel MicheU jur. WiUiam Simons jur. Edwar Langman jur. The Presentments of the said Jury We present aU our ancient customes to be good and ought to be continued. 1 The tenements marked thus * would not appear to have been parcel of the ancient manor of Helset, but to have been purchased and annexed thereto by the Carew family. 2 The Manor of Helset was subject to a Fee Farm Rent of 4s. 6d. per annum, which was reserved upon the grant by tho Crown to Sir Gawen Carew after the attainder of Humphry Arundell. This rent, inter alia, was granted by Letters Patent, llth November 23rd Charles II. (1671) to Francis Lord Hawley and others for sale, who, by Indenturo dated 23rd February 24th Charles II, (1671-2) conveyed the same, inter alia, to Edward Boscawen, Esq. (Rot. Claus. 24th Charles II, Part 22, m. 34). Upon the sale to Mr. Langman this rent had not been paid, or demanded, for many years. MANOR OF HELSET. 419 We present aU free and Convencionary Tenants that owe Suit & Service at this Court & have made default this day. We present the death of Christopher Langman, his son Christopher to be taken Tenant jur. We present John Bray junr to be taken Tenant for the moyety of Treworle jur : We present Edward Joce to be taken Tenant for the moyety of Trebiffin. We present EUzabeth Joce to be Reeue for the year ensuing. We present aU former presentments that are not withdrawn. John Bray 30s due iBqr Q^riot on the death William Symons of ChristopSM Langman his recd 8br J^ p\6. Abel x Michel sign Edward Langman Mankor op | High & Conventionary Rents recd November 8th 1714 payable att Hellsett./ Mich', last past. WilUiam Simons Reeve. Tenem*5 & Tenants. Rents. Rates AUowed. Eecd Cleare. Trewinian : Martha Langman \ „. „ „ 2 Tenmts one year ) \ £1 9 7 pd Short 4d 4) Anderton I John Bray one year £2 8 2 £0 3 00 £2 5 2 & MUls j Trewinian EUz. Joce one year £0 12 3 £0 12 3 Ibid" John Paynter ... £0 11 9 £0 11 9 Ibid"1 1 Christ' Langman 2Tenemuj one year £1 2 6 £102 6 Treworle Hugh Hony . . £0 4 10 £0 04 10 Trebiffin. Wm Symons in part for three leases,rent £2 8 4 & in part of arrears ... £3 10 2 £5 18 6 £5 18 06 ^12 04 03 Zacharias Coleman, The High Rents & Suits amounting to £1 00 02 to be in hand, Trewore £0 4 10 paid by WiUiam Simons, Reeve of ye sd Manor, at the next Court as according to Custome. Not paid 1715. Convencionary rents & dues amount to £9 2 3 : deduct for Treworle. 4s. lOd. & pt of Joce's Tenem' in hand: Eecd ... ... 8 14 5 Accounted with Edwd Langman tifis 8"' day of Nov. AUow" .. ... 03 0 1714: and find to be due from likrffor rent to Mich'mas Z. Coleman in hand 4 10 last for the Barton of Helset :/£20\Q5 05 ±9 2 3 1 In the possession of W. H. Pole-Carew of Antony, Esq. 420 PARISH OF LESNEWITH. GRYLLS alias TEEGEYLLS. This estate gave its name to an ancient family of gentlemen, the probable representative of which served the office of Sheriff of Cornwall last year (1873). When the aid was levied in 31st Edward I., (1303) for marrying the King's eldest son, John de Grylles held one knight's fee, of the fees of Moreton, in Grylles, for which, in the first instance, he paid an aid of 25s., the fees of Moreton being small fees and not assessed at so high a rate as the other fees. Afterwards, however, he paid a further sum of 15s.1 which made his contribution equal to the ordinary rate. In subsequent aids we do not find Grylls men tioned as a separate fee, nor do we know when it passed away from the family of Grylls. Indeed, we have been able to glean but very scanty information concerning its ancient history. It was perhaps in the possession of the family of Betenson as early as the reign of Queen Elizabeth, William Betenson having been assessed to the subsidy in Lesnewith in 1572 and 1600. It continued in this family for many descents; William Betenson died seized of it in 1710, as did his son of the same name, being the last of his race, in 1771. From the family of Betenson the estate passed by purchase to the family of Glynn.3 In the particulars of the sale of the lands of Edmund John Glynn Esq. in 1823, Grylls is described as a "Barton and Tithing," and is shewn as annexed to the Manor of Harwell. Grylls was eventually purchased by Sir John Yarde Buller, Bart., afterwards Lord Churston, by whose representative it is now possessed. 1 Pipe Roll, 3 1st' Edward I, Cornwall. 2 Mi. Betenson lost his son, who was drowned on a pleasure cruise to Wales, and, surviving all his issue, adopted a person of his own name, said to have been a weaver at Tiverton, but no relation, who, upon the death of Mr. Betenson, succeeded to his estates, subject to tho payment of an annuity to Mr. Betenson's widow who survived him seven years. The weaver soon becamo involved, and sold his interest in the lands to Mr. Glynn for an annuity of £30 a year for life, and at the same time his son and heir sold his reversionary interest and became Steward to the family of Glanvillo of Catchfrench. This account is derived from local information. FAMILY HISTORY. — GRYLLS. 421 FAMILY HISTORY GEYLLS. The family of Grylls, which, probably, derived its name from the estate of Grylls in the parish of Lesnewith, is of great antiquity in Cornwall ;' in various parts of which county they held lands at an early date. In 1303, John de Grilles held one knight's fee in Grilles and another knight's fee in Treudered (in Blisland ).2 From proceedings taken in the previous year he would seem to have let on lease for thirteen years, certain lands belonging to the last named manor, to Walter de St. Margaret, viz., certain messuages in Treudered, Penstradou, Greeneborough, and Lawalles, and Walter complained that in the following year the said John de Grilles had, by craft, ejected him, and he obtained a verdict.3 In 1316 an assize of view of recognizance was granted to enquire if John de Grelles and John and William his sons, Henry Tyrell and Lawrence Penhyrghard had unjustly disseized William, son of Walter, de St. Margaret of his free tenements in Trehudred, Kernek, and Penstradou. The interest held by the family of St. Margaret in the manor of Trehudreth not long after this date had passed to the family of Carburra, but litigation still continued, for in 1361 John, son of William, de Grillys took proceedings against Walter Carburra, senior, Richard Hendyman, Chaplain, Stephen Madek, Chaplain, and Walter Carburra, junior, and Meroda his sister, concerning five messuages and two carucates of land in Trehudreyt which he claimed as his right, and a day was given for the trial in the following Hilary term.3 And, at the same Assize, John, son of John, de Grylls petitioned against William Cyteller and Alice his wife concerning one acre of land in Boduf, juxta Bronnyr (Bodeve near Burnayre in Egloshayle) which he claimed as his right." It is shewn, however, on the levy of the aid in 20th Edward III, that the fee in Treuderet which John de Grilles had formerly held was then held by Roger de Carburra.7 1 Warine de Griles, Priest, was admitted to tho Vicarage of St. Tetho in 1257, upon the presentation of the Prior and Convent of Bodmin. — Bishop Bronoscombe's Reg. 87 M) 2 Subsidy Roll, 31st Edward — 3 Assize Roll, Cornwall, 30th Edward I. 1 } 1, m. 18. 4 2l) N; 4 Ibid. 10th Edward II, 2 J 5, m. 142. 5 De Banco Rolls, 35th Edward III, Michaelmas, m. 133. 16; c Ibid., m. 160. ' Book of Aids. 3k 422 PARISH OF LESNEWITH. Soon after this date the family of Grylls would seem to have left Cornwall and settled in Devonshire, for we do not find any further mention of the name (except that John Grilles was chaplain, or stipendiary curate, in the Deanery of Trigg Minor in the 3rd and 4th of Richard II, 1380-1381), in Cornish records until 1569, when William Grylls of Tavistock, who heads the pedigree recorded at the Heralds' Visitation of Cornwall in 1620, held one ferling of land, Cornish, in Downe of the Manor of Bodulgate in socage.1 His son Charles Grylls was a Councillor at Law and acquired Court and other lands in Lanreath, and there seated himself. By Agnes his wife, daughter of George Tubbe of Trengoffe, besides three daughters, he had four sons, some of whom founded other branches of the family. His eldest son, John Grylls of Court, married Grace daughter and co-heir of William Bere of Pengelly in St. Neot, the representative of several ancient Cornish families.2 He was a devoted loyalist and took an active part in the cause of the King in the great rebellion of the 17th century. In recognition of his patriotism and loyalty the King, when he visited Cornwall in August 1644, conferred upon him the honour of knight hood, and for the same cause, upon the overthrow of the kingdom, the dominant party seized all his estates. He died, however, on 30th December 1649 before any further steps could be taken. He was described by the Sequestration Committee as "one of the violent men against the honest party that stood for the Parliament in Cornwall," and was said to have "made little or no satisfaction to the State for his delinquency, or to such persons as were injured or undone by them."3 His son and heir, Charles Grylls, was one of the gallant defenders of Pendennis castle, which, under the brave old Governor, John Arundel of Trerice, a gentleman nearly four-score years of age, was the last but one to surrender, which it did on 16th August 1646.4 Charles Grylls being in the castle at the time claimed and was allowed on 2nd June 1657 to compound for his estates under the articles of capitulation, and paid the sum of £582 16s. 3d. being one third the value of his unsettled estates.3 Charles Grylls was succeeded by his eldest son of his own name who married Elizabeth daughter and heir of Richard Gerveys of Benathlek, alias Benallack, in Constantine, by whom he had two sons and several daughters. Charles, his- eldest son, married Mary daughter and sole heir of Edmund Spoure of Trebartha, but died without surviving issue. Richard, his second son, was Rector of Lanreath, and by liis wife, Ann Mohun, had a son Richard Gerveys Grylls who settled at Helston where he married Cordelia only daughter and heir of Thomas Glynn of Helston,0 one of devisees under the will of Elizabeth Glynn of Trewane before mentioned. From this marriage the fourth in descent is Shadwell Morley Grylls of Lewarne Esq., late a Lieut.-Colonel in the army, who was sheriff of Cornwall in 1873, and is the present representative of the family of Grylls. 1 See aute F- 342. 2 See Descents ante vol. i, p. 311. 3 Royalist Comp. Papers, first series, vol. Iii, 673. i Ragland Castle held out until the foUowing day. 5 Ibid, second scries, vol. xlix 5S5, 591. « See Ped. of Glynn, ante p. 73. FAMILY HISTORY. — GERVEYS. 423 GEIRVEIS alma GERVEYS OF BENATHLEK alios BENALLACK IN CONSTANTINE. The family of Gerveys is of great antiquity in Cornwall. The original name, as appears from the pedigree recorded in the Herald's College, was Antrenon (in correctly written Antrewon) descended from Peter Lord of Antrenon who is stated to have married a daughter of Hugh Peverel. This Peter was probably the son of Roger de Antrenon, who, with Nicholaa his wife, in 1230 levied a fine of Godfrey, Prior of St. Germans, of the Advowson of the Church of St. Sythyn of Merthersithune,1 in which the said Prior acknowledged the right of the said Nicholaa to the said advowson, and re mised and quitclaimed the same to them and the heirs of Nicholaa for ever, for which acknowledgment, &c, Roger and Nicholaa granted to the Prior and Church of St. Germans 4s., to be received as alms for ever of the parson of the said Church of St. Sythyn, whoever should be made parson. The Lord William Briwere, then Bishop of Exeter, was present when the fine was made, as were also Walter Colsweyn and Bellesaund his wife, and Salamanda, sisters of the said Nicholaa who recognised the said Advowson as the right of the said Nicholaa and her reasonable portion.2 From this it would appear that Nicholaa, Bellesaund and Salamanda were coheirs, but whose daughters they were we have no knowledge. Gerveis de Antrenon, second son of Joceus, son of the abovementioned Peter, had three sons : John Gerveis of Helston, founder of the family of Gerveys, Michael, and Joceus. The latter is not named in the officially recorded pedigree. By Charter dated at Helstonburgh on Thursday next after the feast of the Translation of St. Thomas the Martyr (7th July) 5th Edward III, (1331), Stephen de Trefusa granted to Joceus son of Gervas de Antrenon and Matilda his wife certain premises, particularly de scribed, in Helstonburgh, some of which abutted on premises held by Gervas de Antrenon and John Gerveys, to hold to the said Joceus and Matilda and the heirs of their bodies, in default, remainder to John Gerveys, brother of the said Joceus, and the heirs of his body; thus confirming the change of name shewn in the pedigree. John Gerveys married Nicholaa daughter and heir of John Benaleck, or Benathleck, in Constantine. She was probably the grandanghter of Nicholas de Benathlek, who, in 1297, gave the King half a mark for a writ,3 which Nicholas was probably the son of Henry de Benathlek, who in 1244 suffered a fine in Benathlek to Geoffry de Pridias and Isabella his wife.4 In 1312 John Gerveys .and Nicholaa his wife suffered a fine to John Bethwer of seven messuages, &c, in Benathlek and Boscasek, &c, except the third part of two messuages in Benathlek and Boscasek, which Alice, relict of John, Benathlek held in dower, whereby the said messuages, and the reversion of the lands held in dower, were settled upon the said John 1 Dr. Oliver assigns the dedication of tho Parish Church of Merther to St. Coanus (Mon. Exon. p. 441), and we do not trace that he anywhere mentions the grant of 4s. payable to the Priory of St. Germans upon the institution of every Incumbent. 2 Pedes Finium, 14th Henry III, Trinity. a Rot. Fin. 25th Edward I. < Pedes Finium, 28th Henry III. 3 k.2 424 PARISH OF LESNEWITH. Gerveys and Nicholaa and the heirs of their bodies, remainder to the right heirs of the said Nicholaa.1 John Gerveys, according to the pedigree, was living in 1323. He left three sons, James, who carried on the succession, Michael and Thomas. The latter is stated to have died s.p., and we have no trace of issue from Michael. He is stated in the pedigree to have been Mayor of Helston. In 1384, he was one of the Collectors of Subsidies.2 In 1390 he took proceedings against one John Langwyth of Helston, to compel him to render an account for the time that he was Receiver of the moneys of the said Michael.3 He was dead in 1400, for in January 1400-1 we find Johanna, relict of Michael Gerveys, James Gerveys, and Martin Pellour, executors of the will of the said Michael, sueing one Michael Mellour of Helston for a debt of £40.4 James Gerveys married Isabel daughter and co-heir of Roger Trevighoe. In 1367 a fine was levied in which James Gerveys and Isabella his wife were querists and Thomas Gerveys deforcient, whereby five messuages &c. and one mill in Treneglos woos, Bosdrenelon, and other lands were settled oh the said James and Isabella and the heirs of their bodies, and in default of such issue remainder to the right heirs of the said IsabeUa.5 These lands were, of course, her inheritance. By charter dated on Monday next after the feast of St. Michael 10th Richard II, (1386) John Skywys, Lord of Skywys, granted to James Gerveys of Benadlek all his messuages &c. in Benadlek, which charter, upon inspeximus, John Skywys, son and heir of the said John, on the Friday following, confirmed. We find also that in a deed, dated on Saturday next before the feast of St. Luke the Evangelist in the following year, reference is made to a grant by John Skywys, Lord of Skywys, to the same James Gerveys, as Lord of Benadlek, of a rent of £10 per annum pay able out of Skywys and other lands. By his charter dated at Benathlek on Tuesday next before the feast of the Purification of the Blessed Virgin Mary 5th Henry IV, (1405-6) James Gerveys granted to John Rosmaryn all his lands and tenements in Benathlek which he had of the inheritance of Nicholaa his mother, to hold to the said John during the whole time of the life of Isabella wife of the said James.6 Isabella died in 7th Henry IV, (1405) before her husband. How long he survived her we cannot tell. They left two sons and two daughters. John the eldest son married Margaret daughter and heir of William Mewthing. In 1401 John Gerveys (during the life of his father) and Margaret his wife gave the king 10s. for a writ of convention.7 In the same year a fine was levied in which John Gerves and Margaret his wife were querists and Thomas Jon of Helston deforcient, whereby five messuages in Argaun, Trewothen, &c, together with the reversion of two messuages in Trewothen held by Thomas Burwyk and Johanna his wife, were settled on the said John and Margaret and the heirs of their bodies, in default, remainder to Margaret and the heirs of her body, in default, remainder to the heirs of the said John.8 Of this John 1 Pedes Finium, 6th Edward III, Michaelmas. '- Rot. Fin. 7th Richard II. 3 De Banco Rollo, 13th Richard II, Hilary, m, 107 d. " Ibid., 2nd Henry IV, Trinity, m, 299. 0 Ped. Fin. 41st Edward III, Mich. o Charters penes Colonel Grylls. 7 Rot. Fin. 2nd Henry IV. 8 Ped. Fin. 2nd Henry IV, Trinity. These lands were probably of the inheritance of Margaret, and Johanna wife of Thomas Burwyk was probably tho relict of William Mewthing. FAMILY HISTORY. — GERVEYS. 425 we have no further note. It appears from the pedigree above cited that he was alive in llth Henry VI, (1433). We know not when he died. Peter Gerveys succeeded. By charter dated 35th Henry VI. (1460) James Rosmeryn quitclaimed to him all the right he, the said James, had in Benathelek.1 In 1467, John Emotte sued Peter Gerveys of Benathlek, gent., and Simon Gerveys of the same place, yeoman, on a plea of trespass at Helstonburgh;2 and in 1472 the same Peter and Simon, together with James Gerveys and Henry Gerveys, described also as of Benathlek, yeomen, were sued by John Carowe, Clerk, for a trespass at Helstonburgh and the re moval of the goods and chatels of the said John ;3 and in the same term the same Peter was sued by John Bere of Bodmin in a plea of debt.4 These actions were not closed in 1475. Peter Gerveys was succeeded by his son William, who married Emlyn daughter of Michael Petit, whose widow Thomasine after his death, intermarried with Peter Bevil, who in his wiU, proved in 1515, bequeaths to William Gerveys " his best gowne lyned with Sasnet." Thomasine Bevil, the widow, in her will in 1517 names her daughter Emlyn, and says: "I bequeath to WiUiam Gerves children begotten of Emlyn £6 13s. 4d. between them."5 It would seem to be unnecessary to trace further in detail the descents of this family, and the reader is referred to the accompanying pedigree, which will shew that Richard Gerveys, the fourth in descent from the above mentioned William, in whom the estates became vested, had an only child and heir named Elizabeth, who married Charles Grylls of Court, to whom she carried the said lands. Arms of Grylls : Or, three bendlets, enhanced, gu. Crest : a porcupine argent. Confirmed to William Grills, by Robert Cooke, Clarencieux King of Arms, 19th Elizabeth, a.d. 1577. 2 C. 1. 140. Note: For Pedigrees of Gerveys and Grylls, see post pp. 427-431. 1 Charter penes Colonel Grylls. 2 De Banco Rolls, 7th Edward IV, Michaelmas, m. 372. 3 Ibid., llth Edward IV, Hil. m, 6 d. * Ibid., m, 255. 6 Heralds' Visitation of Cornwall, Harl. Soe. Pub. 1874, p. 76, n. 426 PARISH OF LESNEWITH. PEDIGEEE OF BETENSON OF LESNEWITH. William Betenson of=pJane, dau. of Lesnewth, assessed to Subs, there 1572-1600. bur.: 1597. 25th Jan. Degory Betenson admitted Alice, bur.1 to Rectory of Lesnewth, 19th Jan. upon the presentation of 1578. William Betenson 1585. Bur.1 17th June 1617. William Betenson of=pJane dau. of Lesnewth, assessed to Subs, there 1624, 1625. Bur.1 7th March 1631. Degory, bap.1 llth Feb. 1609, bur.1 28th June 1611. 1 Degory Beten son of Lesnewth son and heir, bap.1 6th 1612. to Subs, in Les newth 1641. Named in mother's will. bur.1 24th Oct. 164,6. Will dated 19th Jan. 1643. Prov. 12th Sept. 1647. Archd. Cornw. Thomas Betenson of=j= Oterham, Rector of Minster, Forrabury, and Trevalga, 1614. Marj- Betenson, bap.1 8th Dec. 1639. Mar. Thomas Pearso of Halwell, in Davidstow, mar. lie. 17th Oct. 1671.Mar.1 3rd Sept. 1673. Bur.1 19th Nov. 1693, aged 54. Isota, dau. of Mabyn of Launcels. Mar. Lie. 12th July 1638, mar.1 same day. Bur. 24th Dec. 1693. Admo. granted30th April 1694 to Richard Betenson of Les newth, M.D., her son. Elizabeth, bap.1 8th Oct. 1614, bur.1 31st July 1624, Dorothy, bap.1 24th June 1617. Ex1, with brotherHumphrytomother'swill. Humphry Bet enson born 5th bap.1 13th Feb. 1619. Nainedin mother's will, of which he wa3 joint exr.Assess. to Subs, in Les newth 1641, bur.1 10th April 1692. =Christine dau. of Pearse. Mar.1 18th Oct. 1655. Bur.1 13th Feb. 1700. WilUam Betenson, born 25th 1st June, 1623. Ad mitted to the Vicarage ofllsington co. Devon, 28th March 1663? Mar}',bap.1 6th Dec. 1610. Isatt, bap.1 1st March 1642. Elizabeth,bap.1 20th Oct. 1641. WiU dat. 22nd Nov. 1681. Prov. 19th April 1682, Archd. Cornw. William =pElizabeth, Betenson- born 23rd, bap.1 30th Dec. bur.1 July 1648, 20th 1680. dau. of . . . Bur. 28th Jan. 1713. Will dated 25th Jan. 1713. Prov. 13th Oct. 1735. Richard Betenson born 8th, bap.1 23rdSept. 1652, of Les newth, M.D. l_ Jane, born 21st and bap.1 30thJun. 1654. Bur.1 5th Mav 1721, unmar. Richard,born 18th, bap.1 25th Feb. 1657. Bur.1 10th Nov. 1678. William, bap.1 27thSept. 1659, bur.1 llth June 1691. _i William Betenson of: Grylls. Bap.1 8th Jan. 1678. Bur.1 18th Aug. 1710. Anne dau. of Blinch, of Buckland Brewer, Devon. Mar. lie. 8th Oct. 1705, named in will of Elizabeth Betenson, her mother-in-law 1713. Remar. Edward Amy of Botreaux Castle 1735. Bur.1 23rd March same year. William Betenson of Grylls,= bap.1 10th April 1706. Bur.' 13th May 1771, aged 65, M.I., s.p. Grace, dau. & co-h. of Samuel Gilbert of Taokbear. Mar. lie. 22nd Feb. 1727. Bur.1 29th Nov. 1778. George Betenson, bap.1 19th Aug. 1710. Died, s.p. Admo. to brother WiUiam, 13th Oct. 1735. Archd. Comw. Ann, bap. 1st July 1729. Bur.1 5th Aug. 1767, aged 38, M.I. William-Gilbert, bap.1 16th March 1732, bur.1 2nd Dec. 1759, aged 27, M.I. 1 At Lesnewith. FAMILY HISTORY. — PEDIGREE OF GERVEIS. 427 PEDIGEEE OF GEEVEIS OF BENATHLECK. Peter, Lord of Antrewon.' j... dau. of Hugh Peverel. Joceus de An lrewon.=f Alice, dau. Eoger le Archdekne of | Treworton Hall, co. Cornwall. 1 , Peter, eldest sow=. . . . dau. of . . Basset Gervasius de Antrewon in Cornwall,' 2nd son. Joceus de Antrenon, living 1331.=Hatilda. Collector of Subs. 1349. Rot. Fin. 23rd Edward LH, m, 23. Michael, 2. John Gerueis of=fNicholea, date, and sole heir of John Benalek. Nicholas da ¦Helston, llth I Benathlek, probably grandfather of Nicholaa, gave half Edw.il, 1323-4. a mark for a writ, 25th Edward I. Rot. Fin. m. 14. Thomas, Michael, 2. Mayor of Helston. Living=Johanna, ex*. ob. s.p. 13th Richard II. De Banco Roll, Hil. to husband's m. 167 d. Dead 2nd Henry IV. will. Henry Gerueis of Helston, 2nd James Gerueis, Anno.' Sth Eichard II, living 5th Henry IV. '¦Isabel, dau. and co-heir of Eoger Treviglwe, ob. 1th Henry IV, before her husband. John Gerueis, A", llth Henry VI. =pMargaret dau. and John Gerveys and Margaret his wife had a writ 1401. Rot. Fin. 2nd Henry IV. of William Mewthing. Margaret, wife of Eichard Flamock. Margery, wife of John Trefusis. Peter Gerueis, living 1472. De ~Ba,nco=j=Joane, dau. of Roll, 12th Edward IV, Easter. ] William Garland. William .=f= Emlyn daughter of Michael Petit. A". 20th Henry VIII, James. John, eldest son and lieir, mar. Mulier, " u. of John Tre- y, ob. s.p. Margaret, wife of .... Eoare of St. Ervan. Eichard Gerueis. By deed dated 22nd June, 1st Elizabeth,=p/a«fi dau. of made settlement on his children, and by deed dated 12th June, 15th Elizabeth, made further settlement on Nicholas his son, and Grace his youngest daughter. Bur. at Constan tine, 2nd Oct. 1574. Brass in Constantine Church. Thomas Trefusis of Trefusis. Thomasine, wife of Baufe Couche of Glasncy. J_ John Ann dau. of =^Thomas Gerueis of Benathleck. Bur.= Isett, dau. of wife of Trewiek. Nicholas Herle of Trenouth, 2nd wife. at Constantine 26th Aug. 1616. Will prov. in Archd. Court of CornwaU, 17th March 1816-7. Eichard Pollard of Bangles, co. Deoon, 2 w. s.p. Nicholas, Melior wife of John 2nd sonne. Pendarves. Died 17th March 1607. Brass in Constantine Church. John Gerueis zfJane, dau. and sole of Benathleck, 2nd son. I John, 2, bap. 1st Jan. 1633. heir of William Trevanion, bur. 14th Dec. 1658. Eichard Gerueis, died 1608. : Admo. granted llth Jan. 1608, to Wilmot his relict. Archd. Court of Cornw. Bur. at Con stantine 26th Nov. 1608. = Wilmot, dau. of Thos. Trcnanee of Lanhy drock. Settlement after marriage 20th Aug. 1578. Eichard. Jenophat, wife of Westcott of St. Issey. Francis (?erW!«=pEliza- eldest son at. 5, anno 1620 Executor to his grand father's will. beth. Eichard, 3,' of Benath leck, son and heir in 1652. Bur. at Constan tine 19th Jan. 1658. Mary, ban. at Constantine, 28th March 1639. :Sara, dau. of George Yeo of Huish, co. Devon. Mar. settl. dated 21st March 1652, and 14th April 1653. Bur. at Con stantine 9th May 1656. r i i i " Ursula, wife to John Trewinan.Constance. Jane. William, ob. s.p. Jane. Grace. Jane,wife of Harris. 1 1 n~l Thomas Gerveis, eldest son. JEt 36. John, anno. 1620. By deed dated 25th April 1612, and Recovery there George, upon, and by Deed Poll dat. 26th bap.22nd Jan. 19th James, released and quit- Mayl592 claimed Benathleck, &c. to John Gerveis his uncle and Francis son Eichard, of John. WiU proved Archd. Cornw., 1st Nov. 1061. Lewis, 428 PARISH OF LESNEWITH. PEDIGEEE 0] William Grylls of Tavistock in of Devon. 2, C.I. 373. co.^Elizabeth, rei. of Knight. Charles Grylls of Lanreath eo. Cornwall, Counsellor at=j= Agnes, dau. of George Tubi Law, bom at Tavistock, eldest son and heir of William of Trengoff, co. Cornwall. Grylls. Bur. there 2nd March 1611 M.I. Will dated Bur. 13th June 1607 at 21st Feb. 1611-2. Prov. lith May following. Lanreth, M.I. 1 Francis Grylls, instituted to the Eectory of Lanreth ith June 1614. Prov. his brother Geo. will 1617, living 1649. George Grylls of Lanreth afore- Charles Grylls said, bur. there llth June 1616. of Carwen in Will dated 6th June 1616. Lanreath. Liv. Prov. 26th April 1617, by his 1649. brothers Francis and Charles, in the Archdeaconry Court of Cornwall. I John Grylls, bap. 23rd Dec. 1611 at Lanreth. 2nd son ob. s.p. Jonathan Grylls, 2nd son 1620, bap. 2ith Nov. 1617 at Lanreth and bur. there 26th Jan. 1619. Anne,dau-r-Charles Grylls of Lanreth aforesaid also son and of. Bur. Sth July 1692 at Lanreth. 1320, bap. there 24th Nov. 1611. AgeiS at Herald? Visitation, anno 1620. Bur. 25th Dec. 1687 at Lanreth. Will dated 29th Sept. 1684. Prov. llth June 1687 by his son Charles Exor. in Archd. Court, Cornwall. Charles Grylls of Court in the parish of Lanreth aforesaid. Bap.-. there 13th Oct. 1642. Matriculated at Queen's College,-Oxford, 2ndAug. 1661, then aged 19 years. Bur. 18th Aug. 1712 at Lanreth. Admo. granted 20th Oct. 1712 to his son Charles and Elizabeth his widow and rei. in the Archil. Court, Cornwall. -.Elizabeth, dau. and heir of Eichard Gerveys of Benallaek in Con stantine co. Cornwall, grand dau. of George Teo, of Huish co. Devon. Mar. Settl. dated 1st Aug. 1671. Will in whieh she is des. of Constantine co. Corn., dated 1st Oct. 1722. Prov. 1th Jan. 1733 by his son Eichard Exor, in the Archd. Court of Cornwall. Charles Grylls of Trebartha,' co. Cornwall, eld. son, bap. 16lh May 1672 at Lanreth. Bur. 2ith Feb. 1727 ' at NorthiU. Will dated 23rd April 1726. Prov. 5th June 1728, by Mary Grylls his widow, rei. and executrix. 'Mary, dau. and heir of Edmund Spoure of Trebar tha, and rei. of Eenatus Bellot of Bochym, in the parish of Cury, co. Corn wall. Bur. 6th May 1729, at NorthiU nr. Laun ceston, co. Cornwall. Eer. Eichard Grylls, Eector^Ann, dau of Lanreth, youngest son, 9th Nov. 1719, bap. there 18th Sept. 1692. Matric. at Balliol Coll. Oxford, 22nd March 1709-10, then aged 17 years. Bur 19th Jan. 1735 at Lanreth. Will dated 13th July 1735. Gerveys Grylls died an infant, buried 18th March 1720, al NorthiU. of. Mohun, she remar.Allen. Sarah, mar. John Eich ards of Liskeard, co. Corn wall, she liv. 1732-35 Elizabeth, mar. Joseph Bastard of Yampton, co. Devon, Surqeon, she liv. 1732-54, a widow 1754. FAMILY HISTORY. — PEDIGREE OF GRYLLS. 429 GEYLLS Sir John Grylls of Lanreath, Knt, eldest son=fGrace eldest dau., (with Philippa youngest dau. and heir, aged 30 at his father's death Entered his Pedigree with Arms at the Heralds' Visitation of Cornwall in 1620. Knighted 3rd Aug. 1 644 al Liskeard, being then Sheriff for Cornwall. Bur. at Lanreth 30(A Bee. 1649 M.I. Will dated 21th Bee. 1849,j»w. UrA June 1652 by Dams Grace Grylls his widow ant rei. and his dau. Joan Grylls, Exors. f!33 BoicyerJ. wife of Benatus Bcllot, of Bochym co. Cornwall), and co-heirs of William Beare of S. Niott co. Cornwall, sou and heir of William Beare of ihe same place, by Joan Killioice. Bap. there 20th Feb. 1581, mar. ith Feb. 1610 at Lanreth, and was bur. tliere 19th Not: 1653, M.I. Will, in which site was described of tlie parish of Lanreth co. Cornwall, was prov. ith Dec. 1658, by her son WilUam Grills. Elizabeth, mar Mary, mar. Agnes, 12th Jan. 1th May 1600 mar.l6th 1600 at Lan ut Lanreth. Jan. 1610 reth, John William Cann at Scawen of of Plymouth Lanreth, Trehane eo. co. Devon, she Henry Cornwall. Died Bur. there Eeade. s.p. bur. there 22nd July llth July 1601. 1602. Grace, bap. 31st March 1614 at Lanreath, iiwr. thtre 13th Ji'iie 1637, Murk Cott I. . Agnes, bap. July 1615 at Lanreth, wife oj Walter Glyn in 1649. Mary, Elizabeth, bap. William Mary, bap. Johan, bap. 28th May Philippa, bap. bup. llth 6th Oct. 1616 Grylls, bap. 2nd Fib. 161S 1620 at Lanreth. 2SthMayl62oat Jan. at Lanreth, '23rd Sept. at Lanreth, Mar. Settl. dated lith Lanreth, anddied 1622 at and bur. there 1621 at and bur. there May 1653, with and bur. there Lanreth. 1th Nor. 1610. Lanreth, 12th Sept. Lewis Pollard of 6th Oct. 1691. liv. 1658. 1620. Jacobstov). co. Devon. Mar 'i. WUliam Grylls. 2nd son, Matric. at Queen's Coll. Oxford, 19lh Oct. 1671 then aged 17. Bur. 18th June 1683 at Lanreth. Grace, bap. 9th Mayl61\atLan- rtih, and bur. there llth Dee. 1055. Elizabeth § Philippa, bap. 1th Sept. 1645 at. Lanreth. Elizabeth bur. Mth Sept. 1048. Ann, bap. 19th May 1641 at Lanreth, mar Porter, and bur. ith May 1657 at Lanreth. Joane, bap. 21th Dec. 1649 at Lanreth. Liv. unm'ir. 1684. Elizabeth,bap. 1st Nov. 1646 atLanreth. Katherine, Ami, bap. bap. 21st 10//* March Sept. 1694 1673 at at Lanreth, Lanrtih, hir. there and bur. 2nd Oct. there 10th 1713. May 1680. Philippa, bap. 5th July 1 085 at Lanreth and will in whieh des. of Constantine sp. dated 13lh Dee. 11 oi, prov. 8th. May 1755, in, the Archd. Court of Cornwall. Anne, bap. 16th July 1682 at Lanreth, ob. uuvifir., bur. Sth July 17 32. Will dated 6th Feb. 1732, in which she is described of Lanreth. Prov. 1th Jan. 1732-3, by her brother Eichard, Exor, iu the Archd. Courtof Cornwall. Joan, bap. IVarwi'-k Grace, Gerveys, 'llth April Grylls bap. bap. 9th bap. 26th 1687, at 6th Jan. Orf.1683, Aug. Lanreth, 1680, at at Lan 1688, at bur. there L/inreth, reth, and Lanreth. Sth July and bur. bur. there 1730. theic 10th 22nd .Aw. 1680-1 October following 3l 430 PARISH OF LESNEWITH. Eichard Gerveys Grylls of Helston, co. Cormvall, only=f Cordelia, only dau. of Thomas Glynn and heir to her brother Thomas son and heir, bap. 1st Dec. 1735, at Lanreth. Died 3rd, bur. there 6th April 1771. Will dated 12th March 1/71. Proved 3rd May 1771 in the Ai Court of Cornwall. Glynn, both of Helston, co. Cornwall. Bap. there July 1734, andmar. there, llth Jan. 1758, and bur. there Wth Jan. 1802, eet 67. Will dated 10th Jan. 1801, 3rd codl. 1801. Prov. with 3rd codl. 12th April 1802, by her sons Eichard Gerveys and Thomas Grylls. (276 Kenyan.) See Ped. of Glynn ante p. 72. Bev. Eichard Gerveys Grylls, Vicar and Patron of St.- Neot, and Eector of Helston aforesaid, LL.B., bap. 20th Nov. 1758, al Helston. Matriculated at Uni versity College, Oxford, 22nd March 1777, then aged 18 years. Died 20th, bur. 28th Dec. 1841 at Helston, at 83. Will dated 2ith Jan. 1840, codl. 25th Jan. 1840, 2nd cod. 10th July 1841. Prov. C.P.C. 10th March 1S42. 'Charity dau. of William Hill of Carwythenack in Constantine. Born 20th Nov. 1761. Mar. 2ith July 1783, St. Clement Danes, Strand. Bur. 13th Aug. 1849, at 88, at Helston. Thomas Grylls of =f3Iary, dau. and co-heir Helston,aforesaid,At- Urney at Law, bap. there 5th June 1760. Died 10th and bur. there 15 th Nov. 1813 mt. 53. of Humphry Millett of Enys, in the parish of St. Hilary, and Mary his wife. Mar. bth May 1786, at Madeira. Living in 1840. Bev. Eichard Gerveys Grylls, LL.B.=Sophia, Jan. 1809, Vicar of Luxulyan, eo. of the three Cornwall, eldest son. Born 30th March dau. of Charles and bap. 5th May 1785, at Helston. Eashleigh of Sometime at Jesus College, Cambridge. Duporth. Mar. Died ith s.p., and bar. 12th Nov. 1852 29th Aug. 1816 cet 67, al Luxulyan. Will dated 2ith at St. Austle. Oct. 1844. Prov. with 5 codls. 19th April 1853. Is* codl. 19th July 1847, 2nd codl. 13 Dec. 1847, 3rd cod. Wh July 1852, ith cod. 26th April 1852, 5th cod. 10th May 1852. Bev. William Grylls, M.A., Vicar of Crowan, co. Corn wall, 2nd son. Bap. 12th Sept. 1786, at Helston. Sometime of Trinity College, Cambridge. B.A. 1808, M.A. 1812. Died unmar. Will dated 21th Sept. 1861. Prov. 18th Jan. 1864, C.P.C. 1st cod. 19th June 1863, 2nd cod. 6th Oct. 1863. Bev. Henry Grylls, Vicar- of St. Neot, eo. Cornwall, 3rd a>id youngest son. Born 1st Feb. and bap. 26th March 17C1, at Hel ston. Matric. at Exeter College, Oxford, 19th Oct. 1812, cet. 18. Vicar of St. Neot, 21st Dee. 1820. Bur. 19th June 1862, at St. Neot, eel. 68. -Ellen Mary, 2nd dau. of Joseph Boulderson of Bed ford Bow, in the parish of St. Andrew' s, Holborn. Mar. 39th Dec. 1820, at St. An drew's, Holborn, eo. Middlesex. Died at Plymouth, 22nd Feb. 1841. William Henry Charles Gerveys = —Anne, Horatio Glynn Gerveys Grylls Grylls, a Commander dau. Grylls,bom21th Bom lith H.M. Eoyal Navy. of Jan., and bap. Sept. 1824, bap. Born 1st July and James 26th June 1828, 8tfr March followg . bap. 15th Aug. 1826, Bobin at St. Neot. at St. Neot. Died at St. Neot. Died at son. Lieut, in 6ith s.p. llth Sept. 1839 Cheltenham s.p., bur. Eeg. of Foot. at Lisbon. Mid lith Feb. 1860, at St. Died s.p. and shipman on board Neot, eet 33. Entered Bur. at St. Neot, the "Ganges," Dec. Eoyal Navy as a Vol Sth Jan. 1852, att 1838. unteer, Sept. 1840. 24. Shadioell Morley Grylls of Le warne, in St. Neot, co. Cornwall. Born llth and bap. 13th Feb. 1831 at St. Neot, Lieut.-Col. in the Eoyal Eegt. of Artillery. Appointed 2nd Lieut. 19th Dec. 1848, 1st Lieut. 3rd Nov. 1849, 2nd Capt. 13th Aug. 1865, 1st Capt. 20th June 1862, Mayor 6th June 1866, Lieut.-Col. 1st Jan. 1868. Sheriff of CornwaU, 1873. Charles Bere Grylls, born 2nd Nov. 1866. 'Isabella Ellen, Born 9th Oct. 1843, at Ceylon, dau. of Sir Arthur William Buller, Knt. Judge of the Supreme Court of Calcutta, and sometime M.P. for Lis keard, 2nd son of Charles Buller and Barbara Isabella Kirkpatrick. FAMILY HISTORY. — PEDIGREE OF GRYLLS. 431 r Ann, bap. 31st March 1764, at Helston. Died llth and was bur. there 23rd June following. Mathew Grylls of Helston, Attorney, 3rd son, bap. 3rd Aug. 1765, at Helston. Died s.p., Sth Jan. 1795, at Champagne, in France and bur. there. Bev. Thomas Trci-euen,: Eector of Cardinham, co. Cornwall, afterwards of Maicgan in Mcncagc, Bom at Cambom, co. Cornwall, 21th Feb. 1758, 2nd son of Bev. John Trevcnen, of Cam bom, aforesaid. 'Cordelia, bom 10th and bap. llth July 1762, at Helston, mar. there by lie. 19th Feb. 1784. Died at Mawgan 2ith and was bur. 28th April 1810, at il, at Helston. Sarah, bap. 2ith July 1768, at Hels ton. Died unmar. at Clifton in Bristol, 20th Aug. 1823, mt. 55. Anne, born 12th Sept. 1110,0b. 8th Feb. 1771, bur. at Helston. 1 Charity, i Ann Hill, Eev. William-- bap. 29th, born Sth Vcale of and bur. Aug. and Trevayer 30th March bap. 19th in Gulval, 1784, at Sept. 1788, co. Cornwall. Helston. at Helston, and buried there llth June 1789. Living 1840. ^Frances, bom 12th March, and bap. 21th April 1790, at Helston. Married there 6thOct. ISli. Died20thand bur. 28th June 1841, at Helston. Elizabeth, born 21th Feb. and bap. 19th Apiil 1192, at Helston, and bur. there 21th Dec. following. Henry Chamond GryUs, born 12th Auq. and bap. 26th Sept. 183:i, at St. Neot, and bur. there 10th Jan. 1851. Eichard Ger veys Grylls, eldest son, born 2ith Oct. 1821, at Hels ton. Died 3rd Jan. 1842, at Chatham. Lucretia Frances Gerveys, eldest dau. Born 16th Dec. 1822, at St. Neot. Died ith and bur. 12th Mm, 1834, at St. Neot. Ellen, born 2nd July and bapt. 30th Sept. 1829, at St. Neot. Mar. there 2nd July 1850, Bev. Francis Paul James Hendy, Vicar of St. Neot aforesaid, some time Incumbent of Par with St. Blazey, co. Cornwall. Emma, bom 15th March, bap. 21th April 1836, at St. Neot. Mar. there 1st Nov. 1859. Samuel Broadperal Hill of Bach Hall, co. Chester, and of Liverpool. Adelaide Frances, born 22nd and bap. 26th Feb. 1841, at Si. Neot. Mar. Vivian D. Majen- dic, Capt. in Eoyal Artillery. Died at Woolwich 1866. I hereby certify that tho foregoing Pedigree of Gerveys, so far as printed in italics, agrees with the records in this Office ; and that the Pedigree of GryUs is a true copy of that registered here, and furthor, that the Arms are correct as allowed to the family of GryUs at the Heralds' Visitation of Cornwall in 1020. (2. CL fo. 373.) Herald's CoUege, GEORGE HARRISON, 6th February 1875. Windsor Herald, a ad, Eegistrar. O T2 'J h 432 PARISH OF LESNEWITH. WILLIAMS. The family of Williams of Gwennap, a member of which, Mr. Michael Williams, holds a considerable estate in Lesnewith and the neighbourhood, has, during the present century, acquired great influence and landed property in Cornwall. During several gener ations, the Williamses of Scorrier have been actively instrumental, and eminently successful, in developing the mining resources of the county, and thus, whilst acquiring great wealth to themselves, have become large public benefactors.1 A few particulars, therefore, as to their earlier history will be of general interest. It is said that when the former house at Scorrier was removed a few years ago to make way for the present mansion, a great quantity of old papers were destroyed, as of no immediate use, hence much evidence respecting the early history of the family has been lost. According to tradition three brothers immigrated from Wales about the middle of the seventeenth century, and settled in the parish of Stythians, where we find James, Davy, and Richard Williams, these three brothers, were residing 1650. John Williams, the grandson of James, born 1685, may be said to have originated the prosperity of his family. Mr. John Williams having settled at Burncoose in the adjoining parish of Gwennap, in 1715 he became actively engaged in various mining enterprises, carried on during a long life with untiring industry and judgment, whereby he realized no inconsiderable fortune. More especially he managed the mineral property of the Hearle family, afterwards in herited, by marriages with the co-heirs of John Hearle of Penryn, by the families of Tremayne, Rodd, and Wallis ; the latter subsequently devolving upon Mr. Stephens by marriage with Ann daughter and heir of Mr. Commissioner Wallis.2 In this management Mr. Williams was succeeded by his son and grandson. The County Adit, a work most important in its results to Cornish mining, commenced in 1748, was originated by Mr. Williams of Burncoose, though, subsequently, carried out by the founder of the Lemon family. Mr. Williams was twice married, by his first wife, Thomasine Paynter, he had seven sons, and having by his will, dated 25th January 1760, made ample provision for his eldest sons, he constituted his youngest son, Michael, his executor and heir, and even in a deed, now in the possession of Sir Frederick Williams, dated as early as 1753, not withstanding that five of his brothers were alive, this Michael is described as : ': Michael Williams, Gent., son and heir of John Williams, Gentleman." Michael Williams, who appears to have been like his father a man of considerable energy and marked character, died at Bath in the prime of life in 1775. He married 1 Hitchins, writing of Mr. John Williams of Scorrier, before 1826, says: "About 10,000 persons are em ployed under liis management, and a sum amounting- to half a million per annum passes through his hands." (History of Cornwall, vol. ii, 306.) 2 See ante pp. 372, 374. FAMILY HISTORY. — WILLIAMS. 433 Susanna daughter of Henry Harris of Cusgarne, Gent.,1 by his wife Elizabeth only child of Edward Kempthorne of Chymder in Gunwalloe, son of Renatus Kempthorne of the same place ; which Henry Harris was son and heir of John Harris of Cusgarne by his wife EUzabeth, daughter of John Beauchamp of Trevince. By this marriage Mr. Williams had several children, with reference to whom see annexed pedigree. Mr. Williams was succeeded at Burncoose by his eldest son, John Williams, who married Catherine daughter of Martin Harvey of Killifreth in Kenwyn, a family which afterwards became intimately associated with the Williams family in their various mercantile undertakings, and is now extinct.2 John Williams, after his marriage, resided at first entirely at Burncoose. but in the year 1778, with the view of being in the immediate vicinity of the several important mines which he was then superintending, he enclosed and planted Scorrier, and erected 'the house in which he subsequently resided, altogether, during a period of many years. Scorrier House held, during the life of its first owner, a position altogether unique among the 1 This family of Harris was previously of Trevance in St. Issey. Hals mentions "Trevance as the dwelling of Richard Harris, gent, of Tolskiddy, that married Vivian, his father Moyle." (Davies-Gilbert's, Hist, of Cornwall, vol. ii, p. 255). Richard Harris, a member of this family, was Vicar of Gwennap, and djing in 1646 made many bequests of landed property to various nephews and other relatives of the name, and to Richard, son of John Harris of St. Issey, lands at "St. Dye," upon which he resided. Richard Harris thereupon settled at St. Day, and dying in 1672 left a son, John Harris of St. Dye, gent., who in 1704 purchased a small estate called Bargus Vean in Perran Arworthal, which is now in the possession of his direct descendant, Sir F. M. Williams, Bart. Mr. Henry Harris, whose daughter Susanna, as stated in the text, married Michael Williams of Burncoose, on his death, in 1768, left two surviving sons, Edward, who succeeded him at Cusgarne, and John. Edward inherited his maternal grand father's lands in Gunwalloe, and having married Eleanor, daughter of Stephen Johns of Trcwince in St. Gerrans, died s.p. at Cusgarne in 1798. John also died s.p. in 1805. Of the daughters, who thus became co-heirs of their brothers, Susanna, the eldest, married Michael WiUiams, as before stated, and Catherine married Isaac Head of St. Mary's, SciUy Islands. * Mr. Martin Harvey of KiUifreth was a. member of an old yeoman family resident there for several gener ations, but originally from St. Burian, where they at one time owned considerable property. In Martyn's Map of CornwaU, Trevore, in St. Buryan, is marked as the seat of " Mr. Harvey." The present representative is Jane Harvey Andrew, granddaughter and heir of the late James Harvey of St. Day, Esq., who married, ISth May 1870, James Charles Archibald Hewitt, Esq., grandson of James second Viscount Lifford, and has issue. The foUowing extracts from the wiU of Mr. Michael Williams are somewhat curious and will be read with interest. " I hereby make and appoint Francis Beauchamp of Trefinco in the county aforesaid (Cornwall), Esquire, John Beauchamp and Joseph Beauchamp, Esquires, his two sons, together with my mother-in-law (step mother) Anne Williams, and my wife Susanna Williams (during her widowhood) the survivors or survivor of them, to be executors of this my last wiU and testament, to whom I commit the eare and government of my children, hoping, as they have hitherto shewn the greatest regard and affection for them, they will not refuse this favour after my death. " It is my will, and I do hereby declare it so to be, that if after my death, my said son John Williams, should take to wife, or be joined in marriage to any person without the approbation or consent of his mother, and the Mr. Beauchamps, whom I have made Trustees in my said will over my children, or such of them as shall be living, which approbation and consent shaU be had and obtained under their hands properly attested, and also Bigned by the minister before tho marriage shall be solemnized, Then I do hereby, immediately from and after such marriage, revoke, make void and annull all and every bequest in my said wiU in my said son John's favour. " And whereas there is no kind of friendship that I have not received in my own person from that worthy gentle man, the Rev. Henry Hawkins Tremayne of Heligan in the said county, Clerk, now I take tho liberty to desire ho will extend his friendly care to my family and children, and act in the capacity of trustee over them in conjunction with the 434 PAJRISH OF LESNEWITH. houses of the county. C. S. Gilbert, writing about 1810, describes it as "a rather irregular building," and says : " it is known to contain the most valuable variety of Cornish minerals that was ever collected by any gentleman in Europe."1 For this, and for the striking abilities, the extensive information, and the extraordinary practical knowledge of mining possessed by Mr. Williams, which had given him a reputation little less than European, Scorrier became a great attraction ; consequently few strangers of distinction, 1 History of Cornwall, vol. ii, p. S06. other trustees mentioned in my said wiU, and I do make his approbation and consent also necessary respecting the marriage of my son John Williams as aforesaid." Accordingly, in conformity with the above rigid limitations, the foUowing certificate was obtained, and is now pre served in the family. " "Whereas by the last Will and Testament of the late Mr. Michael WiUiams of the parish of Gwennap, in the county of CornwaU, it waa directed and appointed that his son John WiUiams should not take to wife or be joined in marriage to any person without the approbation and consent of Susanna WilUams, his mother, John Beauchamp and Joseph Beauchamp, and Henry Hawkins Tremayne, the trustees therein and for that purpose named ; We, therefore, the said Trustees, do hereby consent and approve of the said John Williams taking to wife Catherine the daughter of Martin Harvey of Ivenwyn in the said county. As witness our hands this 20th day of January 1776. " Susanna Williams. "Joseph Beauchamp. " John Beauchamp. " H. Hawkins Teemayne." The signatures were all duly attested and the marriage was recorded in the Parish Registers of Kenwyn in these words : " John Williams of the parish of Gwennap, in the county of Cornwall, Gent., and Catherine Harvey of this parish, a minor, were married in this Church by license, with consent of parents, this 23rd of January in the year 1776 by me, " F. Webber, Curate." An account of the family of WilUams would be incomplete without relating the remarkable dream experienced by Mr. Williams, notwithstanding that it has been several times narrated. The subjoined account of it is reprinted from Mr. Spencer Walpole' s " Life of Spencer Perceval," from an attested statement drawn up and signed by Mr. WiUiams, in the presence of the Rev, Thomas Fisher and Mr. Charles Prideaux-Brune, and given by the latter of these gentlemen to Mr. Walpole. " Some account of a dream whieh occurred to Mr. John WiUiams of Scorrier House, in the county of CornwaU, in the year 1812, taken from his own mouth, and narrated by him at various times to several of his friends : " Being desired to write out the particulars of a dream which I had in the year 1812, before I do so, I think it may be proper for me to say that, at that time my attention was fully occupied with affairs of my own, the superintendence of some very extensive mines in Cornwall being entrusted to me. Thus I had no leisure to pay any attention to political matters, and hardly knew who, at that time, formed the administration of the country. It was, therefore, scarcely possible that my own interest in the subject should have had any share in suggesting the circumstances which presented themselves to my imagination. It was, in truth, a subject which never occurred to my waking thoughts. My dream was as follows : " About tho 2nd or 3rd of May 1812, 1 dreamed I was in the lobby of the House of Commons, a place weU known to. me. A small man, dressed in a blue coat and white waistcoat, entered ; and immediately I saw a person, whom I had observed on my first entrance dressed in a snuff-coloured coat and yellow metal buttons, take a pistol from under his coat and present it at the little man above-mentioned. The pistol was discharged, and the baU entered the left breast of the person at whom it was directed. I saw the blood issue from the place where the ball had struck him ; his countenance instantly altered, and he fell to the ground. Upon inquiry who the sufferer might be, I was informed that he was the Chancellor. I understoodhim to bo Mr. Perceval who was Chancellor of the Exchequer. I further saw the murderer laid. hold of by several of the gentlemen in tho room. Upon awaking I told tho particulars related above to my wife. She treated the matter lightly, saying it was only a dream. I soon fell asleep again, and again the dream presented itself with precisely the same circumstances. After awaking the second time, and stating the matter again to my wife, she only re- FAMILY HISTORY. WILLIAMS. 435 English or Foreign, visited Cornwall without bringing an introduction to, and receiving a hospitable welcome from, this remarkable man. Amongst other, about the year 1800, the Comte de Lille and the Comte dArtois, afterwards, respectively, Louis XVIII, and Charles X, of France, honoured Scorrier with a visit. The contemporary local historians of Cornwall bear honourable testimony to the character and standing of Mr. Williams, and it will suffice, without reprinting what they have respectively stated, to refer to their works.1 Mr. Williams's wife died in 1826, a few years after which he retired to Calstock, which manor he had purchased in 1809, and dying there in 1841, left by his wife Catherine, a family of four sons and five daughters. John, the eldest son of John Williams, inherited the paternal estate of Burncoose, which he greatly improved and beautified, and which has been still further augmented by his nephew and successor. He married Phillippa, daughter of Mr. William Naudin, de scended from a French Protestant family, who settled in England on account of the reUgious persecutions in France, towards the end of the seventeenth century.2 Having shortly before his marriage joined the Society of Friends^ Mr. Williams lived a private retired Ufe, respected and beloved by all who knew him for his gentle and benevolent disposition, and for his spotless integrity. He died at Burncoose in 1849, s.p. Edward Williams, third son of Mr. John Williams, married Elizabeth daughter of peated her request that I would compose myself and dismiss the subject from my mind. Upon my falling asleep the third time, the same dream, without any alteration, was repeated; and I awoke, as upon former occasions, in great agitation. So much alarmed and impressed was I by the circumstance above narrated that I felt much doubt whether it was not my duty to take a journey to London and communicate upon the subject with the party principaUy concerned. Upon this point I consulted some friends, whom I met on business at the Godolphin mine on the day following. After having stated to them the particulars of the dream itself, and what were my own feelings in relation to it, they dissuaded me from my purpose, saying I might expose myself to contempt or vexation, or be taken up as a fanatic. Upon this I said no more, but anxiously watched the newspaper every evening as the post arrived. On the evening of the 13th May, as far as I recollect, no account of Mr. Perceval's death was in the newspaper. But my second son, at that time returning from Truro, came in a hurried maimer into the room where I was sitting, and exclaimed, " Father, your dream has come true, Mr. Perceval has been shot in the lobby of the House of Commons ! There is an account come from London to Truro, written after the newspapers were printed." The fact was, Mr. Perceval was assassinated on the evening of the llth. Some business soon afterwards called me to London ; and, in one of the print shops, I saw a drawing for sale, re presenting the place and the circumstances which attended Mr. Perceval's death. I purchased it, and upon a carefnl examination, I found it to coincide in aU particulars with the scene which had passed through my imagination in my dreams. The colours of the dresses, the buttons of the assassin's coat, the white waistcoat of Mr. Perceval, the spot of blood upon it, and the countenance and attitude of the parties present, were exactly what I had dreamed. The singularity of the case when mentioned among my acquaintance naturally made it the subject of conversation in London; and in consequence my friend, the late Mr. Rennie, was requested by one of the Commissioners of the Navy, that they might be permitted to hear the circumstances from myself. Two of them accordingly met me at Mr. Ronnie's house, and to them I detailed at the time the particulars, then fresh in my memory, whieh form the subject of the above. I forbear to make any further comment upon tho above narration, further than to declare solemnly that it is a faithful account of facts a s they actually occurred." (Spencer Walpole's Life of Spencer Perceval, vol. ii, p. 329, n.) 1 C. S. GUbert's History of CornwaU, ii, 806. Davies-Gilbert's History of Cornwall, ii, 134. Hitchiu's and Drew's History of CornwaU, ii, 385. 2 On 17th November 1681, Letters of denization, in the usual form, were granted to Elias Naudin, master of a ship, being an alien born. (List of Foreign Protestants and Aliens resident in England in 1688, p. '.io, Oamd. Soe. Pub. 1862). 436 PARISH OF LESNEWITH. John Pearson Foote of Harewood, near Tavistock, of the same family as Samuel Foote the celebrated actor. One of his grandsons, Edward Mansell Williams, is now resident at Flushing. The third and fourth sons, Michael and William, married respectively, Elizabeth and Caroline, daughters of Richard Eales of Eastdon, co. Devon. Their mother was Elizabeth daughter of Peter Young of Netherex, by Salome only child and heir of Thomas Martyn of Kenton, co. Devon, a gentlemen of ancient and illustrious descent, derived from Martin de Turon who came to England with William of Normandy, and was made by him Baron of Kemeys, or Camaes, in co. Pembroke, having first made a conquest of that territory.1 On the death of her first cousin, William Clifford Martyn of Netherex and Oxton, in 1770, she inherited the former estate with other lands ; Oxton having been devised to the Tripp family, descended from testator's grandfather Nicholas Martyn. Many heirlooms of the Martyns are preserved in the Williams family. By these alliances the Williams's acquired a royal descent from King Edward I. and Eleanor of Castile, for which see pedigree annexed. Mr. Michael Williams, the elder of the two brothers just mentioned, was, in many respects, one of the most remarkable men, amongst a remarkable family, of his day. To his great energy, determination, foresight and prudence, his faculty of seeing the opportunity and seizing it at the right moment, may the success of his family be, in a great measure, attributed ; and these qualities may, in good truth, be said to have descended to all his sons. He inherited Scorrier from his father, and purchased, in 1854, Caerhayes Castle, the ancient seat of the Trevanion family, with its demesne lands &c, as well as many estates, at various times, but he resided through life at Trevince, which he held on lease from the representatives of the Beauchamp family. Dying in 1858 he left three sons, the eldest, John Michael of Burncoose and Caerhayes Castle in Cornwall, and Gnaton Hall in Devon, married Elizabeth daughter of Stephen Davey of Bochym, by his wife Charlotte daughter of William Horton, Clerk, third son of Joshua Horton of Howroyd, co. York, who was next brother of Sir William Horton, first Baronet of Chadderton, and has issue. Mr. Williams is a Deputy Lieutenant for Cornwall, and a Deputy Warden of the Stan naries, and served the office of Sheriff in 1865. Michael Henry, the second son, of Tredrea and Arrallas, who is in the Commission of Peace for Cornwall, married Catherine daughter of Richard Almack of Melford, co. Suffolk, Esq. ; and George the youngest, of Scorrier and Lanarth, who is also in the Commission of Peace, married Charlotte another daughter of the abovementioned Stephen Davey, and has issue. He built the present very handsome house at Scorrier about 1862, and has greatly improved the gardens and grounds, since which date he has been master of the well-known " Four-Barrow " Fox hounds, as his uncle, the late Sir William Williams, had previously been from 1854. William the youngest son of John Williams at the time of his marriage in 1826 en closed Tregullow and built the house there. As the junior partner he necessarily occupied in business a position subordinate to that of his brothers, nevertheless his opinion was ' Dugdale Bar. i. 729. See also Piic-co's Worthies of Devon, p. 574. FAMILY HISTORY.— WILLIAMS. 437 constantly sought by them, since his advice was always felt to be sound and his judgment unerring. He was in the Commission of the Peace for Cornwall during the greater part of his life, and was Sheriff of the County in 1851. By Letters Patent, dated 4th August 1866, the Queen was pleased to confer upon him the dignity of a Baronet. Sir William Williams died on 24th March 1870 leaving a large family, and was succeeded in his title, and the greatest portion of his large estates, by his second and eldest surviving son and heir Sir Frederick Martin Williams of Tregullow, Bart., the now representative in Parliament of the Borough of Truro. To his fifth son, Michael, Sir William Williams devised Harwell and his lands in Davidstow and Lesnewith. The memory of Sir William Williams will long be cherished in his native county, his character having, during a long and most useful career, been distinguished by a rectitude of conduct and a simple courtesy of manner which never failed to gain the respect and esteem of all classes with whom he came into contact. His generous hospitality and his genuine kindness not only rendered him popular among the richer of his neighbours, but his munificent, though judicious, charity to the needy and destitute around Tregullow, caused him justly to be revered as the father of his parish, and " the poor man's friend." Beyond the ample provision which this good man left to his children he bequeathed to them, in the recollection of his blameless life, the yet richer inheritance of an example which it should be their daily effort and their proudest distinction always to follow. Arms : Quarterly, 1st and 4th, Vair three crescents or, two and one ; for Williams. 2nd and 3rd sa. a tilting spear, fesswise, between three crescents ar. ; for Harris. Crest : A demi Eagle, displayed, az., winged sa., each wing charged with four bezants. Motto : " Nil desperandum." 3 M 438 PARISH OF LESNEWITH. PEDIGEEE OF Martinus de Turon.=p . I J Robertus Dominus de Cameis.T=. . . . I i Robertus Dominus de Cameis.: Nicholaus Dominus de Cameis.=p. I Robertus Eitz Martin Dominus=T= de Cameis. Willelmus Martin Miles Dominus de Dartington= tempore Edward I. Robertus Martin,=f= .... 2 fihus. ! Nicholaus Martin Mil. Dominus Cameis et Dartington Mitilda ux Tracy. J Robertus Martin.=p .... ,J Willelmus Martin Miles Dominus=pElianora fil. et co-h. Cameis et de Dartington et Baro. I de Mohun de Barnstaple. | Willelmus Robertus Martin.=f= Willelmus Martin, Dns de Barnstaple et Kesymes, ob. s.p. NicholausDns=f=Johanna,=Henricus Lacy. Elianora, 2 fil. Audeley, 2 ] filia et Gomes Lincoln, nupta Phillips maritus. hjer. ira. 1 maritus. de Columbariis. Robertus Martin,=p=EUzabeth, Miles, fil et hteres. filia et lucres deY From whom descended the Touchets Lord Audeley and the Fitzwarens Lords Fitzwaren. From whom descended the Bassets of Drayton. Robertus Martin: deY Margareta filia Johannis Bissett. Oliverus Martin=j filius et haares. I Robertus Martin de Athelhampton=f=Agneta filia et hasres in parochia de Pidleton in Com. Dor. Miles. Eicardi Loundres. Eicardus Martin de Athelhampton=T=Elizabeth filia ten. in Com. Dorset, filius et hseres. ct hferes. Phillippa filia Mallet=Thomas Martin de Athelhampton,=j= filia Joh' is Cleuedon ux. 2, s.p. filius et hasres. rmlitis. Isotta, filia et ha?res: Tho. Farrington de Farrington in Com. Dorset, ar. vx\ 1. I = Willelmus Martin de Athelhampton in=T=Christiana filia WiUmi Com. Dorset, Miles, filius et hasres. Will dated lith Jan. 1503. Prov. 30th April 1504 (Holgrave 5.) To be buried at Pudeltou, co. Dorset. Pawlett de Henton in Com. Soma. miUtis. Henry Martyn, named in brother's will. FAMILY HISTORY.— PEDIGREE OF MARTYN. 439 MAKTYN A Christopherus Martin de ^Christiana filia Joh'is Athelhampton filius et hera's, ChevereU de Cheverell named in father's will. in Com. Dorset, ar. Thomas Martin = de Athelhampton fil. et hasres, obiit ante patri. Maria fiUa Jacobi Daw- bney fratris 2 Egidij D'ni Dawbney. Johanna nupta Hico Smith de Hartridg in Com. Southamp. I ; — Robertus Martin= de Athelhampton, filius et hseres. =Elizabeth filia Johannis Kelway de Rockborne, in Com. Southamp. Milit. 2 Johannes. 3 Henricus. Helena nupta Georgius LoueU de Tarrant Anticheston in Com. Dorset. Nicholas Martin =j=Margareta of Athelhampton, filius et hseres. Bied 2ith March 1595-6. f Inq. p.m. 39(A Elizabeth, part I, No. 16). filia Johis Wadham de Meri field, in Com.Somerset, Esq. Thomas Martinde Park- pale in Com.Dorset, 2fiUus. =EUzabeth7— fil. Will'i Gerrard de Trent in Com. Dorset. 1 — n — i 3 Christopherus 4 Georgius. 5 Jacobus. 6 Henricus. 1 — I Katherina 2 fil. vx. Edward Knoyle do SampfordOrgeus, in Com. Somerset. Ciceley 3 filia virgo. Thomas : Tregon- nellfil. et haar.Joh'is Tregonnel mil. 1 maritus. . =Anna =i=01iver filia prima. WaUop de Com. Southam. Miles, 2 maritus. X. B- Elizabeth dau. and co-heir, of full age at the Francisca, 2 death of her fatlter. Mar. Henry Brune, and fil. et co-heir. afterwards Sir Thomas Hamon of Parley. Mar. Tliomas See ante Ped. of BE TINE, p. 238. White. Jana, 3 fil. et co-heir. Mar. Tristram Dyllyngton. Anna, 4 fil. vxor Tichborne. FranciscusMartinfilius et haBres. r~l I I ThomasJohannes. Elizabeth named in father's will. Mar. John Carew of Baccomhe. =p JuUana fiUa WiU' mi Hurst=pRicardus Martin=j=. . . . fiha et hoeres Gould, de Exeter, vx. 2. de Exeter, 2 fil. uxor 1. Maria fiIia=pNicholasMartin= Leonardi de Exeter duxit de Maria filiam Hatherley. Will'i Stroude, vx. 1. de Hewenham. =Elizab., fil. Rouse vx. 2. ,-- Thomas Martin, 3 filius duxit Aliciam filiam BlaekaU, 2 Margaret fiUam HiU. Anna filia ^Will'm's.^Katherine, Ric'iParker , de Com. Sussex, v: 1. Martin, 4 fil.Ric'i Martin. r— i 5 Eicardus. 6 Thomas. _L Henricus 7 filius nuper Maior de Saltash in Cornub. ThomasMartin, 2 filius. Ricardus Martin fil. primo-genitus Recordator Lon don, obijt. filia Will'miBogan. Nicholas Martin 3 filius. 1 I Adamus Martin fil. et hasres. =Elizabeth fil. John son, ar. Hugo Martin=pAgneta fil. de Seabor- Prest. de ough, ar. Thomas Martin. Jane, ¦==. dau. of HenryHewish of Sandy in Sand- bury. 2nd wife. WiUiam Martin ¦ of Oxton, in Par. of Kenton, Re corder of Exeter. Died 7th and bur. 12thAprill617,at St.Petrocks Exon. WiU dat. 18th Sept. 1610, codl. 2nd April 1617. Prov. 23rd Aug. 1617. =Susanna, dau. of ThomasPrestwoodof Exeter, mar. 28th Nov. 1585 at St. Petroek's.Died 31st Jan. 1605, 1st wife. Leonard Martin, 2 fil. duxit, Janafilia Hu'e'tt Nicholas Martin, 3 fil. duxit, Annamfiliam Christo- pheriSpicer. Robertus Mai tin, 4 filius. Margaret. Nicholas Martin. 1 1 1 Juliana, 1 fil. vx. George Prestwood dc Whitcomb in Devon. Margaretta, vxor Joh'is Ellicott de Exeter.Maria 3 filia nupta Joh'es Chappell de Devon. Christo pherus Martindo Sea- borough ar. Com.Somerset. =Ursula. filiaHenry Hensleyde Spax ton. 3m2 440 PARISH OF LESNEWITH. PEDIGEEE OF Francis Godolphin of Treveneage, co. Corn wall, son and heir of William Godolphin of the same place by Jane dau. and co-heir of Walter Gaverigan of Gaverigan. Ann dau. of Richard Carew of Antony. Mar. lie. dated 10th, and mar. at Antony 18th, Nov. 1616. Exon. See ante p. 366. John St. Aubyn of Clow-=f=Katheiine, set 6 weeks, 9th Oct. 1620, daughter and heir. ance and Mount. St. Michael's Gertrude dau. of John St.Aubyn=pNicholas Martyn of Netherex of Clowance, co. Cornwall, by Katherine dau. and heir of Francis Godolphin. Mar. lie. dated 29th July 1675. Exon. and Oxton. In the Commission of the Peace for Devon. Eldest son, aged 10 years in 1662. Bur.* 17th Nov. 1717. Elizabeth, eldest dau. unmar. and under 24 in 1666. Mar. Peter Atwell of Ken ton. Died 17th Nov. 1673. Bur.'1 M.I. Gertrude, 2nd dau. mar. John Martyn of Exeter. Bur. at St. Petrocks, Exeter, 18th Oct. 1678, s.p. 1 Susanna, 3rd dau. mar. Richard South cott of Dawlish, and: bur. there 27th Aug. 1704. Rev. Nicho las Tripe, Vicar of Chudleigh . Bur. there 26th April 1713. :Susanna, mar. lie. dated 1st. mar. 7th Dec. 1710, at Dawlish. Gertrude, born 1677, mar. 18th Mav 1718, at St Ed mund's,Exeter, to Mathew Hillson of Honiton,coDevon. Bur. there 19th Feb. 1732-3. Elizabeth,mar. Wm. Southcott of Dawlish. Named in the will of her uncle John Mar tyn inl725. Richard = Young of Mam-head, eo. Devon. Catherine. Bap.4 24th May 1694. Mar. 30th June 1716, at St. Pet- rocks, Exeter. Margaret, : 2nd wife. Bur. 9th April 1758, at St. George's in theEast,co. Middlesex. Will dated 4th Oct. 1757. ^Thomas Martyn of Kenton, aged 25 years, and a bachelorinl718. WiU dated 4th December 1729. Proved 6th Deo, 1739. :Salome Hart, of St. Paul's, Covent Gar den. Mar. lie. dated Wth Feb. 1718. She a spinster then aged 24 years. Mar. same day at St. Benets, Paul's Wharf. Died before 1729. Catherine. Bap. 13th April 1724, at Dawlish. Eichard Young, 2nd son, bap. 2nd Oct. 1721,at Daw lish. Peter Young of the= city of Exeter, after wards of Netherex, bap. 20th Jan. 1719, at Dawlish. Bur. ISth Feb. 1784 at Netherex. Will dated 16th June 1780. Codl. 6th Dec. 1782. Prov. 23rd March 1784 in Archd. Court of Exon. Salome, only child and heir, bap. 20th Sept. 1721, at St. Mary Steps, Exon. Bur.26th Feb. 1806 at Netherex. Will dated 9th March 1792. Prov. 7th March 1806 in Archd. Court, Exon. Her son Thomas Young sole executor. WiUiam Clifford - Martyn of Oxton, bap.4 20th July 1706. Dieds.p.. Bur.4 18th April 1770. Will dated llth Oct. and codl. 29th Oct. 1769. Prov. 9th May 1770. Peter Young exr. rElizabeth dau. of . . Langton, of St. Paul's, Covent Gar den. Mar. lie 30th Aug., mar. Sth Sept. 1733, at St. Alphage, London Wall, she then aged 24 years, and a spinster. Bur. at Kenton 18th, Oct, 1753. Richard Eales of Eastdown, co. Devon, for-=pElizabeth, 2nd dau. of Peter Young, born merly nf St. Paul's, Exeter. Bap. 19th Sept. 1759, at Ashburton. Died 21st Feb. 1852, aged 92. Bur. at Starcross, co. Devon. SOth Sept. 1763, bap. at Netherex. Mar. 2nd July 1785 at St. Paul's, Exon. Bur. llth Jan. 1843, aged 80, at Starcross. At Kenton. FAMILY HISTORY. — PEDIGREE OF MARTYN. 441 MARTYN Sir Shilston Calmady=7=Honour dau. of Ed c __L- ofWembury.co.Devon, Knight, son of Josias Calmady of Wembury. Knighted at Theobalds llth Nov. 1618. WiU dated 12th April 1641. Prov. 16thFeb.l647-8. mund Fortescue of Fallopit,Devon. Relict of Humphry Prideaux of Soldon, Devon, and Prideaux Place, Corn wall. Descended from King Edward I, and Eleanor of Castile. For descent see ante pp. 240, 211. Sir Nicholas Martyn= of Oxton, Knight, born 12th April 1593, ag<-d 27 at the Herald's Visitation of Devon 1620. KnightedatXew- market loth Feb. 1624-5. Sheriff of Devon 1646, to his death 25th March 1653 aged 60. Bur.4 Elizabeth dau. of JohnSymesof Pounds - ford, co. Somerset. William Martin,2ndeon, an0 1620. Edward Martin, 3rd son, an" 1620. Susan, wife of Peter Bevis of Exeter. Elizabeth, youngest dau. a= minor and unmar. in 1641. Executrix and proved her husband's wiU 1662. Died 26th April and bur.4 3rd May 1695. 11.1. WiUiam Martyn of Netherex co. Devon, born at Oxton, in-the parish of Kenton, 22nd Oct., and bap.4 1st Nov. 1626. Will dated 28th Sept. 1661. Prov. llth May 1662 at Exon. by Elizabeth his widow, during minority of their son Nicholas. Susanna, mar. circa May 1654, Charles Staynings. Died May 1685, at Holni- cote, co. Somerset. Eichard Turner of=Dorothy, mar. Totteridge, co. Herts. 8th Aug. 1644. Died 20th and bur. Died 24th Feb. there 25th May 1676, 1689-90, aged " ">. 65. Honor, 4th and young- eat dau. Died umr ar. Bur.1 13th July UCU Will dated 31st July 1705. Prov. 19th Nov. 1708, at Exon. William Martyn of the^Theodosia city of Exeter and of Holnicote, co. Somerset. 2nd son, a minor in 1661. dau. of .... Smyth of Thaddlesthorp, co. Lincoln. WiU dated 27th Feb. 1735-6. Prov. 18th March 1740, by her son Charles. John Martyn of King= Street, in St. Paul's, " WiU dated 16th Sept. 1725. Prov.10Nov.fol. J_ Philipo dau. of Edward Hooper of Heron Court, co. CoventGarden,3rdson. I Southampton. Executrix and Bur.there3rdOct.1735. | proved her husband's wUl 1725. Bur. 28th Aug. 1732, with her husband. Will dated 12th June 1729. Prov. 21st Aug. 1732. WaiiamMar- tyn of Oxton. Bur.4 25 Oct. 1710. Will dated llth Oct. 1769. Admo. with ¦will annexed granted at Exon 25th Nov. 1710, to WiUiamMar- tynhis father- in-law. Susanna,mar. Charles Mar-=Rebecca John WiiUamMar-=pDorothy lic.Exon,26th tyn of St. his wife Martyn, tyn of the his wife, June 1705. Andrew's, ex*, and bur. 6th city of Exon, | mar. 21st Extrix. and Holborn.mer- proved Oct. 1700 born 1690, June, renounced. chant. Died her hus- at Ken- bur. 31st Oct. 1719, at Prob. to will s.p 1st May band's ton. 1737, at St. St. Ste- of her hus- 1765. Will will in Paul's, Exon. phen's, band, 1710. dated 4thMay 1765. Will dated Exon, Bur.4 10th 1764, codl. 27thOct.l737 and prov. Feb. 1748. 27th July Prov. 31st her hus- foUowing. Oct. 1738, band's Prov. 7th May Exon. will. 1765. Charles =Eebecca, Martyn of the Close in the city of Salis bury. WiU dat. 16 June 1723. Prov. 18 June 1724, s.p. sister of Richard Wood ford. Extrix. and prov. her hus band's will 1724. — n Elizabeth and Phillippa ¦ Both bur. at St. Paul's, Covent Garden. JohnMartyn,bap.4 27th March 1708, and bur.there 23rd April foUowing. Rev. William = Martyn, Rector of Punkerton, eo. Somerset, and Netherex. WiU dated 24th Feb. 1768. Codl. 23rd March 1769. Prov. 3rd April 1770. Jane his wife, executrix and proved her husband's will 1770. Th eodosia Martyn of Yealmpton, co. Devon, spinster. Will dat. 5th July 1765. Prov. 9th Nov. 1768, by her sister Elizabeth. Rev. John Collins,1 Rector of Mam- head, co. Devon, 1738-1755. Bur. there llth Dec. 1755. Dorothy, eld. dau. Liv. his widow 1769. 1 Elizabeth, 2nd dau. Prov. her sister Theodosia's wiU in 1768. Unmar. 1769. D 4 At Konton. 442 PARISH OF LESNEWITH. PEDIGREE OF 1 AND 4 WILLIAMS. 2 AND 3 HAERIS. Williams.=i= . . . James WiUiams of St. Stythians, co.= C jrnw. Bur.1 20th June 1673. =Mary his wife, Bur.7 Aug. 1656. 22nd Richard WiUiams of St. Sty thians, bap.7 7th Feb. 1654. =ElizabethDonking of Camborne. I Mar.7 March 1684. Thomasine Payn ter, aged about 24 yeai-s a0. 1716. Mar. before April 1716. Bur. 28th Oct. 1742. 1st wife. =John WiUiams of Burncoose and= Cusgarne,both in the parish of Gwen nap. Bap.7 17th Mar. 1685, aged about 32 years, a". 1716. Bur.1 24th June 1761. Will dated 25th Jan. 1760 Codl. 6th May 1761. Prov. ii Archd. Court of Cornw. 16th Jan. 1762. =Ann Skews, widow Mar. at St. Cle ments Cornwf1!, 7th Nov. 1743, Liv. May 1761. Original wiU dat. 2nd Oct. 1781. John Will;ams of Geare Tre fusis in the parish of Gwennap, afterwards of Gilly Tresamble in the parish of Perran Arwoi- thal. Bap.1 2nd of Feb. 1714. liv. 1760. =F Richard WilUams, 2nd son, bap.1 12th May 1717. Jan. 1760. Liv. James WilUams, 3rd son, bap.1 1719 Liv. Jan. 1760. John 'W'Uiams of Burncoose and of= Scorrier House, eldest son born 23rd Sept. 1753. Purchased the Manor of Calstock, co. Cornw. in 1809. Died April 1841. Bur. at Calstock. D ^— j Catherine dau. of Martin Harvey of Killefreth, co. Cornwall. Born 12th Jan. 1757. Mar.s 23rd Jan. 1776. Died Sept. 1826, bur.1 John WiUiams= of Burncoose House, eldest son born there 3rd Aug. 1777, and died there llth Aug. 1849, s.p. Bur.4 =Philippa dau. of John Naudin,mar. in the Quaker's Meeting House, Perran Wharf, co. Cornwall, 27th June 1810. Died 7th Dec. 1861, aged 87. s.p. Edward Wil- = Uams of Honey- combe, 3rd son, born 5th Aug. 1787 at Burn coose House. :EUzabeth dau. of John PearsonFoote of Harwood in Calstock, co.Corn- waU. Mar. at Tavistock 15th July 1814. Died 25th Dec. 1851 at Weston-super- Mare, Somerset. Edward WiUiams of Hocieycombe, mar. Emma White, John WilUams, 2nd- son, born at Plymouth 10th Jan. 1821, bur.1 20th Oct. 1849. :Caroline, only dau. of Michael Williams of Tre vince and Scorrier House, uncle to her husband. Mar.2 Sept. 1846. Elizabeth, mar.3 9th June 1840, Thomas Somers of Men- dip Lodge, co. Somerset. He died 2nd Dec. 1862. Bur. at Burrington in same county. WUliam John Wil Uams, eldest s. born 3rd Nov. 1827 at TreguUow. Died unmar. 25th Sept. 1847. Bur.1 Edward Mansel WiUiams, only issue. Born June 1847, at Tiverton, co. Devon. WilUam Robert eldest son born 21st Feb. I860, bap.1 Frederick Law, born 10th May 1862, bap. at Christian Mal- ford. Edward Harvey born 2nd Feb. 1865, bap.5 Leonard Al fred, bom 9th April 1867. Claude Albert, born 5th Oct. bap.5 10th Nov. 1S70. CarolineSydney born 22nd Mar. 1859, bap,6 1 At Gwennap. 4 At Redruth. At St. George's, Hanover square At Perran Arworthal. 3 At St. James', Westminster. 0 At Kenwyn. 7 At St.' Stythians. FAMILY HISTORY. — PEDIGREE OF WILLIAMS. 443 WILLIAMS. Davy Williams of St. Stythians. I Richard WilUams of St. Stythians. Richard WiUiams of St. Stythians, 2nd son.=Anne, dau. of Walter Martyn, mar.1 3rd Bap.7 25th Dec. 1693. January 1718. Liv. Henry WilUams, 4th son, bap.1 13th Aug. 1722. Aug. 1761. T 4- Thomas Williams, 5th son, bap.1 21st Mar. 1724, and bur.1 12th Feb. 1748. WiUiamWilliams,bap.1 14th Jan. 1727-8. Liv. Jan. 1760. Michael Williams of Burncoose, youngest^Susanna, bap.1 23rd son, born Aug. and bap.1 20th Oct. 1730 Died at Bath and Bur.1 28th Feb. 1775. WiU dated 6th Oct. 1773, and prov. with a codl. 9th Aug. 1775. Nov. 1732, mar. at Cury, 30th Nov. 1752. Bur.1 Feb. 1814. I Michael WiUiams, bap.1 14th April 1770. Mar. at St. Saviours Jersey, 18th leb. 1787, to Jane Turner of Tregony. William WiUiams of Penryn, bap.1 6th May 1756, mar.1 llth April 1786, to Catherine Paul. Michael WiUiams of Scorrier House, and= of Carhayes Castle, Cornwall, and Gnaton HaU, Devon. Deputy Lieut, for Cornw. and DeputyWarden of the Stannaries. 2nd son born 5th June 1785. Sheriff of Glamorgan 1839, M.P. for West Comw. ISoi, till his death 16th June 1858. Bur.1 ith, i Elizabeth, eldest dau. of Richard Eales of East- down Devon, mar. 5th March 1813 at St. Law rence, Exon. Died 20th July 1852. Bur.1 Sir William WiUiams of Tre gullow, CornwaU, and Heanton Court, Devon. Deputy Lieut, for CornwaU, and Deputy Warden of the Stannaries, 4th son born 3rd Aug. 1791 at Scorrier House. Sheriff of CornwaU 1851. Created a Baronet 4th Aug. 1866. Died 24th March 1870. Bur.1 -Tl *-* Caroline, 2nd dau. of Rich- ardEales ofEastdown. Born 30th Jan. 1796. Mar. 26th Sept. 1826 at DawUsh. H Sir Frederick Martin WiUiams of Tregullow=pMary Christian, youngest dau. of Rev. Richard _ Michael Wil-=f=Georgiana Sophia, Bart., J. P. and Deputy Lieut, for Cornw. Deputy Warden of the Stannaries, M.P. for Truro, 2nd but eldest surviving son and heir, born at TreguUow, 25ih Jan. and bap. 24th Mar. 1830, succeeded to the Baronetcy on the death of his father. Robert Vanburgh Law, m.a., Rector of Christian Malford, co. Wilts, and Preb. of Wells, son of George Henry Law, d.d. Bishop of Bath and Wells, mar. 10th June 1858, at Christian Malford. 3rd dau. of Rev. Thomas PhiUpotts of liams, Lieut.-Col. of 3rd Hussars, born 18th Dec, 1830, bap. 26th Jan.1831. Porthgwidden, mar. Died 25th Dec. 1 867. | 19th Jan. 1858, at | Feock. Mary Christian, born 25th March 1861, bap.3 Beatrice Julia, born 20th Sept. 1863, bap.6 Amy Gertrude, bap. 6th May 1869, at Sutton Verney, co. Wilts. Ernest Martin, born 17th Des. 1871, hap.5 4th March 1872. Victor George, born 28th Jan. and bap.6 Sth April 1874. "—- 1 I Georgiana Caroline Mary, born 27th March at Borrahard near Newbridge, co. Kildare, bap. at Feock Sth June 1859 1 At Gwennap. 4 At Redruth. - At St. George's, Hanover square. 5 At Perran Arworthal. At St. James'. At Kenwyn. Westminster. 7 At St. Stythians. 444 PARISH OF LESNEWITH. PEDIGEEE OF Richard Harris of St. Day, co. Cornwall, son of John Harris of St. Issey, to whom Richard Harris Vicar of Gwennap, by his will dated 16th Dec. 1645, and prov. 25th Feb. 1646, P.C.C. leaves his tenement called Crowgiers in the parish of St. Day. Bur.1 2nd Feb. 1672. =p John Harris of St. Day and Gwennap, purchased the estate^Aliee, dau. of Henry PeUoe of Mabe, of Bargus vean in 1704. Bur.1 3rd July 1705. Adm" granted in Archd. CornwaU, 17th April 1706, to sons John and Henry Harris, his reUct AUce renouncing. mar. there 26th Nov. 1677. Registered at Gwennap. Died 28th June 1734.1 John Harris of Cusgarne, bap.1 14th=j=Elizabeth, dau. of John Beauchamp of Trevince, co. Oct. 1678. An officer in the Cornw. Cornwall, and sister of WilUam Beauchamp, whose will Militia. Bur.1 5th Aug. 1732. | is dated 28th July 1726. Prov. in P.C.C. 21st Feb. 1729- [ 30. Bap.1 13th April 1675. Mar.1 27th April 1703 | Bur.1 6th July 1735. Henry Harris of St. Dav, bap.1 1st Nov. 1683. Adm°r'to his father's effects in 1706. Mar. Joan dau. of Stephen Harris of Redruth Bur.1 llth April 1729. Henry Harris of Cusgarne, bap.1=pElizabeth, only child of Edward Kempthorne of 27th Dee. 1703. Bur.1 6th May I Chimder in GunwaUoe, whose wUl is dated Slst 1768. Intestate adm0 granted 25th | March 1753, and prov. in Archd. CornwaU, 6th June May 1768, to his son Edward, at | 1760. Mar. at Gunwalloe 1st May 1728. Exeter. ! John Harris, 2nd son, bap.1 19th AprU 1705. Bur.1 9th April 1716. Elizabeth, bap.1 Catherine, bap.1 25th March 13th Nov. 1741. 1729. Mar.1 :15th April 1758, Bur. 24fh Aug. to Isaac Head of St. Mary's, in 1765 at St. Mul- the Scilly Islands, CoUector of lion. Customs there. Edward Harris of Cusgarne in Gwennap.=^Eleanor Johns of Trewince, Captam in the Cornwall MiUtia, eldest son, CornwaU, mar. at St. Gerrans. bap.1 27th July 1730. Prov. his grand father's will in 1760. Died s.p. and was bur. from Gwennap, at St. MuUion 5th Julv 1798. WiU dated 27th June 1798. Prov. 23rd Nov. 1798 in Archd. Cornwall. 6th Jan. 1769. Bur. Penryn at St. MuUion, April 1809, aged 75. from 27th G- Edward Harris WiUiams, bap.1 17th June 1773. An officer in the 87th. Regt. of Foot. Died s.p. Richard PeUowo, a Captain=EUzabeth, bap.1 in the Royal Navy. 1767. 6th July 1 • Susan, born at Burncoose, 30th Dec. 1776. Died unmar. Jan. 1829. Bur.1 Ann, born 4th Nov. 1779. Mar. 23rd Dec. 1811, to Benjamin Tucker of Tematon Castle, sometime Secretary to the Admiralty and Deputy Lieut, for CornwaU. Catherine, born 10th July 1781, Mar. 21st Mav 1806, to Rev. Josiah HUl, of Barnet. Died 16th Dec. 1828. H- l Arthur Edward, born 3Cth Aug. and bap. 24th Sept. 1832. I Charles Henry Williams, of PUton: House, co. Devon, M.P. for Barn staple 1868 to 1874. Born 16th Nov. 1834, and bap. 13th Oct. 1835 at St. Day. =Harriet Mary dau. of Arthur Davie Bassett of Umberleigh, co. Devon. Mar. at Berrynarbor, co. Devon, 7th Jan. 1858. Michael WilUams of Harwell, co. Cornwall. Born 10th Jan. 1839. Bap. 2nd Oct. 1S4C at St. Da5'. J.P. for Cornwall. Liv. 1874. William PhiUpotts, born at the Curragh, 5th Aug. and bap. there 23rd Sept. 1860. "I Lionel Arthur born 29th Dec. 1861, at Newbridgo, bap. at Moorfield Newbridge, 30th Jan. 1862. Edith Bassett, born 13th June and bap. at Atherington, co. Devon, 14th July 1861. I Walter Bassett, born 20th Sept., and bap. at Atherington 7th Nov. 1863. 1 At Gwennap. FAMILY HISTORY. — PEDIGREE OF HARRIS. 445 HARRIS. Susanna, bap,1 1st Dec. 1681. Bur.1 17th Dec. 1696. Katherine, bap.1 17thDec. 1685. Mar.1 17th May 1716,to Richard Banbury, junr. of Redruth. AUce, bap.1 10th Dec. 1688. Bur.1 llth March 1747. Elizabeth, bap.1 4th April 1691. Lovedaj', born 1693. Bur.1 26th Nov. 1767. Eichard Harris, 3rd son, bap.1 26th June 1707. Bur.1 14th Dec. 1717. William Harris, 4th son, Bap.1 2nd Aug. 1711. Bur.1 3rd June 1714. Elizabeth, bap.1 23rd Feb. 1708. Bur.1 26th Oct. 1710. Catherine, bap.1 7th Miy 1713. Bur.1 31st March 1716. John Harris of H.M. Dockyard, Ply-=EUzabeth Leverton of Gwen- WilUam Harris, bap.1 mouth, 2nd son bap.1 6th Feb. 1734. nap, mar.1 18th Feb. 1762. 8th Oct. 1736. Bur.1 Died s.p. and bur. 6th Feb. 1805 at 12th Nov. 1746. Mylor. EUzabeth, born 10th July 1788. Mar.1 to Joseph Moore, d.d. Mary, born 9th Nov. 1789. Mar. 27th Jan. 1813, to Rev. Henry Beaufort, Vicar of Eaton Socon co. Beds. Caroline, born 4th Jan., bap.1 6th Oct. 1829. Liv. unmar. 1866. Mary EUzabeth, born 15th Aug. and bap. 8th Sept. 1833. Died 15th of same month. Catherine Ann, bora 4th April and bap. 5th May 1836. Mar. at St. Day, 9th June 1859,to James Hornby BuUer, a Lieut.-Colonel inthearmy. Died9th Dec. 1874, at Down Hall, Epsom. SuBanna Elizabeth born 3rd March 1837, bap. 24th January foUowing at St. Day. I hereby certify that the foregoing Pedigree, as printed in Eoman type, and the Arms agree with the Eecords in this Office. Heralds' CoUege, GEORGE HARRISON. 9th February, 1875. Windsor Herald. 1 At Gwennap. 3 N 446 PARISH OF LESNEWITH. APPENDIX I SUBSIDY EOLLS OF THE PAEISHES OF LANTEGLOS AND ADVENT 87 AND LESNEWITH, 1543. 152 Cohnubia : Extractum Indentnrae prime solucionis subsidii domini regis infra hundredum de Lesnewith in comitatu predicto factee vltima die Octobris anno regni regis Henrici Vill. tricesimo quinto quod quidem subsidium concessum fuit dicto domino regi in ultimo parlia- mento suo ac per Johannem Chamond militem Humfridum Trevelyan & Thomam Chamond Armigeros Commissionarios asaignatos ad predictum subsidium taxandum assessatum. Et dicti Commissionarii nominaverunt & eligerunt Johannem Beauchemp armigerum generalem Collec- torem Hundredi predicti ad colligendum & recipiendum subsidium predictum & dimidium sub sidii ad vsum dicti domini regis in scaceario suo arte sextum diem mensis ffebruarij proximi sequentis soluendum. Parochia de Lanteglos. Christopherus Cocke1 pro bonis xiij ; iiijd Willelmus Edward Hugo Hoekyn2 - tt xiij. ' iiijd Eicardus Cocke Johannes Hutford >> xiij, ' iiij^ Hugo Cocke Johannes Sloget >> viijs Henricus Cocke Thomas "Walles' n viijs Johannes Hathendy Johannes Perse ! > vjs viijd Nibles Grene Henricus Harfy tt ij* viijd Johannes Baker Thomas Blake - tt iis viijd Johannes Jose Henry Hycke - >) ij* Willelmus Eoby - Gensonns Dawe - >> ij* Johannes Chapell - Johannes Waren tt ij* Johannes Wordesale Johannes Colman tt xxd Johannes Cocke - Johannes Blake tt xxd Deonisius Harrys - Eegnaldus Edward tt viijd Eobertus Stere Willelmus Perse 11 viijd Thomas Collyn Johannes Saunder tt viijd Johannes Welle - Willlelmus Walles tt viijd Johannes Barweyke Agneta Walles - •1 viijd Thomas Peres pro bonis 1 See Pedigree, p. 369. Buried 1566. 2 Hugh Bon of Robert Hoekyn, buried 1563. 3 Buried 1560, see Pedigree 374. iiijd iiijdiiijdiiijd iiijd iiijd ijdijdijd ijd ijd ijd ijd ijd ijd ijdijd See Pedigree, p. 367. Thomas Jose Johannes Shorte Johannes Sloget Johannes Eenold Johannes Toker Eogerus Layn Willelmus Dyer Willelmus Lunston Christopherus Eoby Johannes Eoby Margareta Hycke Henricus Marke Stephanus Eouse Nicholaus Hender Henricus Toker Hugo Colman Willelmus Dawe pro bonis APPENDIX I. 447 vjd Johannes Jeffrey - pro jonis ijd vjd Johannes Serpell - , t ij^ vjd Johannes Colman , , ij^ vjd Stephanus Hebell , , ij^ vjd Johannes Havys - , , ijd vjd Helvet Tregrugon - , ¦ ij^ vjd Christopherus Battoyll , ijd vjd Johannes Hyll - , , ijd iiijd Thomas Keyte - - , , ij^ iiijd Johannes Peprylle , ij<* iiijd Johannes Eonolde , ij^ iiijd Thomas Donot , ij^ iiijd Johannes Colman , , Ud iiijd Johannes Cocke , ij^ iiijd Alsen Colman , ij^ iiijd Willelmus Leuyn Alien , xvjd iiijd Summa iiij1' xvjB iiij11 Parochia de Sent Adven. Willelmus Hoekyn Eicardus Hodge Eogerus Hamley Johannes Cowlyng, Sen7. Johannes Batyn Johannes Jory Henricus Edward Johannes Bedlacke Hugo Peers Johannes Knebone Johannes Blake Thomas Penwaren Willelmus Nyell pro bonis tt tt tttt tt tt VJS VJS viijd iij* viijd iij* iiijd iiijd ijd vjd iiijd vjd ijd Nicholaus Hodge Thomas Burges Thomas Eooke Eicardus Hamley Johannis Notyng Willelmus Cowlyng Johannes Charta Thomas Garre Johannes ffote Peter Ylle Johannes De^ysell Johannes Cowlyng pro bonis viijd viijd ijd ijd ijd vjd iiijd xxd iiijd ijd ijd iiijd Summa xxxviij8 viijd Johannes Longeman Thomas Taylor Willelmus ffreer Parochia de Lesnewth. pro bonis iijs Johannes Bylkey ,, ijs Eobertus Waryn ,, xxd Christopherus Pyker pro bonis iiijd ijd ijd 448 PARISH OF LESNEWITH. Johannes Dawe - pro bonis xxd Johannes Eube - pro bo ais vjd Eicardus Garrowe - , ij* Johannes Dawe „ ijd Willelmus Harry - , "j* Jacobus Colyn - ,, ijd Willelmus Barber , ij* Eobertus Hobbe „ ijd Willelmus Longeman - , , viijd Johannes Bylkey ,, viijd Willelmus Belkey - , , iijs Johannes ffreer - ,, viijd Thomas Eawe , , iiijd Johannes Longeman, Junr ,, xxd Johannes Eowe - , , viijd Willelmus Eube - ,, iiijd Willelmus Hamley - , vj y = £ & s Pa g O m a i=i & © w M > PARISH OF ST. MABEN ^* ST. MABYN. The Parish of St. Mabyn, which derives its name from the dedication of the Church, contains by admeasurement 4067a. 2r. 7p. It is irregular in form, and is bounded on the north by St. Tudy, on the east by Blisland, on the south-east by Helland, on the south-west by Egloshayle,, and on the north-west by tbe last named parish and St. Kew. The land, generally, is fertile and adapted either to pasture or corn. The chief land owners are : The Viscount Falmouth, the Trustees of the late Sir William Molesworth, John Tremayne of Heligan, Esq., the Heirs of the late John Peter-Hoblyn, Esq., Francis John Hext and Eichard Hambly Andrew, Esqs., and Mrs. Hooper. There is no other industry practised than the culture of the soil. Laborer's wages are 12s. or 13s. a week, and sometimes they have a cottage and garden free of rent. Besides this there are about two acres of land, contiguous to the Church Town, let as garden allotments, in portions of ten perches each, at five pence the perch. The geological character of the parish is precisely the same as that of the neighbouring parishes of Egloshayle and St. Kew, being altered Devonian traversed by beds of greenstone lying nearly north and south ; whilst two elvan dykes, issuing from the granitic forma tion at Trehudreth, in Blisland, protrude into this parish in parallel lines, in a westerly direction, one of them reaching nearly to the centre of the parish. The population, &c. at the several decennia in the present century, as shewn by the Eeturns, is as under: 1801 1811 1821 1831 1841 1851 1861 1871 Population . . 475 560 715 793 870 772 714 765 / Inhabited 91 * 103 128 149 2 180 162 153 169' Houses < Uninhabited . . \ Building 12 7 6 15 21 13 6 3 2 2 2 I 1 The increase of the population during the 40 years ending in 1811 ivas 83 pur cent. In tho following 20 years there -was a decrease of 18 per cent, which, in 1841, was attributed to Emigration. In tho last decade thrre has been an increase of 51 persons or 7 per cent. 2 Occupied by 108 families. 3 Occupied by 157 families. 3 o 45C PARISH OP ST. MABYN. ASSESSMENTS, &c. The Annual Value of Eeal Property as Assessed in 1815 was Eated Value from County Eate Gross Estimated Eental in 1863 Eateable Value ... ... „ Gross Estimated Eental in 1874 Eateable Value ... ... „ {Common Charges Parochial Assessments for the year ,-. , , -„_. -< Police Eate (County Eate ... ending Michaelmas 1874 £ s. d. ... 6,051 0 0 ... 5,160 0 0 ... 6,089 7 3 ... 4,322 7 .. 5,948 0 0 ... 5,247 0 0 427 15 ll.1 8* 53 15 48 7 Eedeemed £107 lis. ld. Payable £51 7s. lid. Land Tax Assessed Taxes Inhabited House Duty assessed upon the Annual Value of f Schedule A Gross amount 5> B „ n 0 „ « D Property and Income Tax assessed upon 4 529 18 5 158 19 0 not known 160 0 0 5,940 0 0 5,228 0 0 not known not known At St. Maben "Church Town," which, in ancient times, was often called " Tremaben," a Fair is held on St. Valentine's Day. When that day falls on a Sunday the fair is held on the Monday following. We do not know whether on this day the' dedication feast of the Church was formerly kept. ANCIENT EOADS AND TEACKS. Several important roads intersect this parish. We have already alluded to the ancient road, or track, which, passing by the earthworks at Dunmere and Pencarrow extended to Dinham's Bridge (ante, vol. i., p. 405.) At this bridge, or ancient ford, two other roads converge, one entering the parish at Helland bridge, before mentioned (vol. ii., p. 61,) passing by Tiedinnick and St. Mabyn Church town ; and the other entering the parish from St. Tudy, near Trevisquite, passing through Littlewood and Trethevy. Another road enters the parish from Blisland, at Tresaret Bridge, and unites with the road above mentioned from Helland Bridge, a little east of St. Mabyn Church. A fourth road from the great junction at " Five ashes,': close to the castle at Pencarrow, extends through the parish, intersecting the two last mentioned; the former near Tredethy and the latter at The amount levied in this parish for the maintenance of the poor in the year 1831 was £383 Is. Od. ANCIENT CHRISTIAN MONUMENTS. 451 Longstone, and enters the parish of St. Tudy at Hendra. There are other intersecting roads and tracks which it is unnecessary particularly to specify in detail, and it shall suffice to allude to one before mentioned, as winding down the hill opposite Penhargard to an ancient ford (ante, p. 6,) crossing the river Alan; and to another, which, branching out of the road from Tresaret to St. Mabyn, above mentioned, near Tregaddock, passes through that place and West Polglaze to Kelligren, in St. Tudy, where it falls into the road referred to ante, p. 81. PEE-HISTOEIC EEMAINS. There are no castles or earthworks in this parish, and the only pre-historic remains, of which we have any knowledge, are two stones called " Longstone " and " Shortstone." The first was formerly situate at the intersection of the roads above mentioned, to which it gave its name. Previously to the erection of the cottages there it was within a field, but was then enclosed in one of the gardens. A few years ago it was removed by Mr. Abraham Hambly, then owner of the property, to his residence at Treblethick, when it was either broken up, or it now forms one of the stones covering a well. There were some ridiculous legends connected with this stone, and it was the object of much super stitious awe and veneration, to brave which, we have been given to understand, was one of the causes leading to its removal. It is said to have been inscribed. The second is at the junction of a road from Slade's Bridge, in Egloshayle, with the road alluded to above as extending from Pencarrow to Dinham's Bridge. From it the place is called " Shortstone." The stone was formerly erect, but is now prostrate. ANCIENT CHEISTIAN MONUMENTS. 37. At a place called " Cross Hill," on the road men tioned above as leading from St. Tudy to Dinham's Bridge through Littlewood and Trethevy, is an ancient cross. It remains in situ. Formerly it stood on an open piece of waste, but the waste having been recently enclosed it is embraced within the enclosure, and stands inside a gate in the side of the hedge. It is 3ft. high, lft. 4in. wide, and 9in. thick; and the symbol is of the Greek type. 38. There is another cross on the left hand side of the road, leading from St. Mabyn Church town to Long- 452 PARISH OP ST. MABYN. stone, about 200 yards east from " Lane End," The symbol is of the Greek type, and without a rim It is 4ft. high, and the head 1ft. lOin. in diameter. The head has been broken off the shaft. ii . 39. At Tredethy is a portion of a cross which was dug up some years ago at Lancarfe, in Bodmin. It is 1ft. lOins. in height and four sided, each side measuring lOins. On each face is a trefoil-headed niche, or panel, containing a subject — on one side is the Crucifixion, with SS. Mary and John at the foot of the cross, and on the opposite side the Vir gin, crowned, bearing the Holy Child, whilst on each of the other faces is a single figure, both mitred, one bears the pastoral staff, and has the hand raised in benediction. It is much worn and defaced. The base of a cross, with the mortice in it, remains in the churchyard ; it is of wrought granite, about 2ft. JOins. square, and was dug up some years ago when a pathway was made through the Churchyard. The mortice is about 12ins. square and 6ins. deep. We failed to discover the Cross, which probably remains buried in the Churchyard. 38. 39. MEETING HOUSES OF DISSENTEES. On 5th February 1811, a house at Helland Bridge, in the parish of St. Mabyn, belonging to Thomas Harvy, was registered in the Court of the Archdeaconry of Cornwall, under the various Acts of Parliament in that behalf,1 by James Evans and others, as " a place of meeting of Protestant Dissenters called Methodists." On 3rd October 1816, a dwelling house in the possession of William Cornelius, situate at Longstone, was regis tered by Eichard Martyn of St. Mabyn, Yeoman, for the meeting of Protestant Dissenters, the denomination not being stated. And on 20th March 1820, William Metheral, of Poughhill, registered a house, in the occupation of Thomas Scantlebury, in the town of St. Mabyn, for Armenians. United Methodist Fret Church. — The first building specially devoted to this purpose in the parish of St. Mabyn was erected, at considerable expense, about the year 1820, 1 1st William HI, Cap. 18. 19th George III, Cap. 155. oSnl George III, Cap. 14. MANOR OF TREVISQUITE. 453 by Eichard Hambly Andrew of Tredinnick, Gent., on some fields belonging to his estate near the Church Town, and to this building he attached a burial ground. On 21st April 1821 it was registered in the Court of the Archdeaconry by John Hodson of Bodmin, Minister, as a place of meeting for Methodists. By Indenture dated 9th March 1839, Mr. Andrew, "for the purpose of ensuring the regular service and preaching accord ing to the usages of the Society called the Wesleyan Methodist Association," conveyed this building and burial ground attached to James Andrew, Yeoman, John May Andrew, Yeoman, Edmund Harry, Yeoman, Arthur Gaved, Gent., all of the parish of St. Mabyn and several other persons, as Trustees, to hold the said premises, and to permit such persons as should be regularly appointed preachers by the Wesleyan Methodist Association in their General Assembly, and the local preachers appointed by the preachers at the quarterly meetings of the circuit, to preach therein under certain limitations as to doctrines, &C.1 This Chapel is licensed for the celebration of Marriages. It will seat two hundred and fifty persons, and there are now (1875) attached to it fifty registered members.' Wesley mi. — We have mentioned above that in 1816 a dwelling house at Longstone was registered as a Meeting House. This was probably for the Wesleyans. By Indenture dated 6th October, William Perry of St. Tudy, Yeoman, with the consent of William Kirk- ness of Falmouth, Esq., granted a piece of waste land, 30 ft. in length and 20 ft. in breadth, by the side of the road leading from Longstone to Tresallett (Tresarret) Bridge, con tiguous to two fields belonging to a tenement called Tregaddock, on which then a Chapel was partly built, to William Perry of St. Mabyn, Yeoman, Joseph Bennett of Helland, Yeoman, and several other persons as Trustees, to hold the said piece of ground and the building to be erected thereon for the term of ninety-nine years, at the rent of 2s. per annum, subject to the provisions of the Wesleyan Model Deed enrolled in Chancery.' This building will accomodate fifty persons and there are now (1875) belonging to it twenty-three registered members. A new building is in course of erection which is intended to supersede the one last mentioned. MANOE OF TREVISQUITE. This manor, to which is annexed the advowson of the Church of St. Mabena, is called Trauiscoit in Domesday, and was one of the manors of the Earl of Moreton, of whom it was held by Eichard (de Tracy). "The Earl has one manor which is called Trauiscoit, which was held by Merlesuain on the day on which King Edward was alive and dead. There are there two hides of land, and it renders gild for one hide. This twelve ploughs can plough. There Eichard has in demesne one virgate and three ploughs, and the villans have the rest of the land and three ploughs. There Richard has eight villans, and nine 1 Rot. Claus. 1862, I'nrt 163, No. 16. ' IM. Claus. 3rd William IV., Tart 42, No. 3. 454 PARISH OF ST. MABYN. bordars, and eight bond servants, and five animals, and five hogs, and one hundred sheep and one mill which renders per annum 2s., and twenty acres of coppice, and fifty acres of pasture, and the value per annum is 25s., and when the Earl received it, 30s."1 The above mentioned Richard was Richard de Lacy, to whom was granted several other manors in the County, and his descendants continued to hold Trevisquite of the Earls of Cornwall for a considerable period. In 1210 Robert the son of Walter hejd eleven Knights' fees in the County, of the fee of Richard de Lasci, his uncle.2 Upon the death of Edmund Earl of Cornwall, on 13th September 1300, it was found that he held two fees in Trevisquite and Hamatedie, which were held of him by John Tracy and Hugh Peverel.3 John de Tracy, in Trinity term 1306, suffered a fine to Simon Fitz Roger and Isabella his wife of two mills, ten acres of wood, and sixteen marks rent in Treuescoyt, and of the Advowson of the Church of the same ville, at the rent of one red rose for all services, to hold jointly to the said Simon and Isabella during their lives, remainder to the heirs of their bodies, in default remainder to the heirs of the body of the' said Isabella, remainder over to the said John and his heirs.4 According to Pole this John de Tracy was a son of Sir Henry Tracy of Wollecombe, and died, s. p., leaving his two sisters, the above mentioned Isabella, and Isold, his heirs. Isabella wa"s thrice married. J st, to Sir Herbert Mauris ; 2nd, to Sir Simon Roges ; and lastly, to Sir Edmond Botiler; Isold was twice married. She had to her first husband Sir Richard Fitz Stephen, and to her second John Mauger ; and according to the same authority, the two sisters made partition of the estates in 5th Edward III.3 (1331.) Sir Symon Roges, or Rogos, died immediately after the above mentioned settlement was made, and it was found upon the inquisition taken at Trevescoyt on 26th September 1306, that he died seized, conjointly with his wife Isabella, of a moiety of the Hamlet of Treuescoyt, which they held of the King in capite by the service of half a Knight's fee as of the Earldom of Cornwall, and that they were enfeoffed of the said moiety by John de Tracy, brother of the said Isabella, and that Johanna daughter of the said Isabella was their nearest heir, and was aged three years at Easter preceding.6 In 1325 a pre sentation was made to the Church of St. Maben, by the grant of Sir Edmond le Botiller,7 the third husband of the aforesaid Isabella, and in 1334 the same Edmond suffered a fine in the said manor and advowson to William Casse.8 When the Aid was levied in 20th Edward III. (1346), on the King's eldest son being- made a knight, it was found that the Duke of Cornwall, by reason of the minority of the heir of John le Jeu, held half a fee in Treuiscoid which John de Tracy had held before; the other moiety of John de Tracy's fee there being held by Matilda Lercedekne,9 1 Exon. Domesday, p. 239, orig. fo. 260. Seo also Excheq. Bom., vol. i, p. 122 b. Inq. made 12th and 13th John of the services of Knights and others, who hold in Capite. Lib. Bub. 84 pp. 132, 149. :! Inq. p. m. 31st Edward I, Sub. EoUs — 4: 4 Pedes Finium, 34th Edward I, Trinity. 5 Pole's Devon, p. 512. G Inq. p.m., 34th Edward I, No. 31. 7 See List of Institutions, post, p. 460. 8 Pedes Finium, 7th Edward III, Hilary. 9 Book of Aids, Queen's Ecmomb. Office. MANOR OF TREVISQUITE. 455 which Matilda presented to the Church of St. Maben in 1340, and in 1361.1 On llth August llth Edward III. (1354)2 John Jeu did homage to the Duke for a moiety of this manor, but he was dead on 16th July 1356, for on that day a writ diem clausit extremum was ordered to be issued,3 and on 30th November following, dower of lands in Treuiscoyt was granted to Margaret widow of John Jeu. On 12th February 1356-7 it was ordered that a moiety of the manor of Treuisquyt should be delivered to Isabella Roges next heir of John Jeu.4 We have, at this early date, and in the intricacy of the abovementioned five marriages, been, as yet, unable to trace the descent either of Matilda Lercedekne or John le Jeu. On 4th October 1365 the wardship of Henry, son and heir of Nicholas Marreis of Treuiscoit, was granted by the Duke of Cornwall to John Whisshele, one of the gentlemen of his wardrobe, for five years.5 The Nicholas here mentioned must, we conceive, have been the son of Isabella de Tracy by her first marriage with Sir Herbert Mauris. In 1381 the entire manor and advowson had descended to Johanna Courtenay, who in that year presented to the Church of St. Maben, as she did again in the following year, being then described as relict of Thomas Courtenay, the true Patron ; and two years later Philip Walweyn presented as Lord of the manor of Trevisquite, and of the Church of St. Maben, the true Patron in right of inheritance of his wife Johanna.0 The said Johanna afterwards became the wife of Thomas Beaumont, who presented to the Church of St. Maben on 13th April 1415, and she died on the day next after the Nativity of our Lord 9th Henry V. (1421.) Upon the inquisition taken after her death it was found that certain John Daucombe and Peter Sylverlock were seized of the manor of Trevysquyt and the Advowson of the Church of St. Maben to the said manor pertaining, and by their Charter, dated on Monday next after the Nativity of Our Lord (1381), granted the same to the said Johanna, then the relict of Thomas de Courtenay, for the term of her life, remain der to John son and heir of the said Thomas Courtenay, and the heirs of his body, in default remainder to Edmund brother of the said John, in default remainder to Thomas brother of the said Edmund, and the heirs of his body, in default remainder to Clemencia sister of the said John, Edmund, and Thomas, and the heirs of her body, in default remainder to Eobert Scrobehulle and the heirs of his body, and in default of such issue, remainder to Peter Courtenay, Knight, and his heirs and assigns for ever.' In virtue of this grant the said Johanna was seized in demesne as of a free tenement, and the aforesaid John, Edmund, Thomas, and Clemencia died without heirs of their bodies, and Robert Scrobehull had issue Isabella, Johanna, Elizabeth, and Isabella ; and that Johanna daughter of Robert Scrobehull took to her husband William Holbeme, then living, and had issue John Holbeme, and died ; and afterwards the said Johanna Beaumont died seized, as aforesaid, 1 See Institutions, post, p. 460. 2 Council Book of the Black Prince, fo. 161. 3 Ibid. fo. 159. 4 Ibid. fo. 284. 6 Ibid. fo. 551. ° See List of Institutions, post, p. 461. 7 We have not succeeded in tracing the descent of Johanna Courtenay, though we conceive she must have been a "'racy, nor have we been able to identify her husband, nor traco tho relationship which undoubtedly existed between Johanna Courtenay and Robert Scrobehulle. 456 PARISH OF ST. MABYN. of the said manor and Advowson, which she held of the King as of the Duchy of Cornwall by the service of one Knight's fee. The jury found that there were rents of assize of the value of £16 per annum issuing out of free tenements, that there was a corn mill of the clear annual value of 10s., that there were four acres, English, of moor of the value ' of 3s. 4d. per annum, and that there was one acre of wood, whereof the pasture was of the value of 4d. per annum ; and that Matilda, wife of Ralph Durburgh, sister of the said Johanna, was her nearest heir, and was aged 60 years and more. They say, further, that the aforesaid Isabella, senior, Elizabeth, Isabella, junior, and John son of the aforesaid William Holbeme and Johanna his wife, were the nearest heirs of the said Robert Scrobe hulle, and they say that Isabella, senior, was then the wife of Nicholas Specote, and aged 34 years and more, that the aforesaid John Holbeme was aged 14 years more, and that the said Elizabeth was aged 20 years and more, and that the said Isabella, junior, was aged 18 years and more.1 This inquisition having been returned into Chancery in the usual manner, and the King having received the homage and fealty of Nicholas Specote for the proparty of his wife Isabella, and the homage of Elizabeth and Isabella, junior, for their respective proparties, it was, on 5th February 1432-3, commanded the escheator to take security for their reliefs, respectively, and make legal partition of the said manor and Advowson, and deliver seizin of their respective shares to the said Nicholas and Isabella his wife, Elizabeth, and Isabella, junior, and to retain in his bands the portion of the said John Holbeme.2 Thus the manor became divided into fourths, and accordingly we find that a vacancy occurring in the Rectory, King Henry V presented in the minority of John Holbeme, son and heir of Johanna, eldest daughter of the aforesaid Robert Scrobehulle, and a vacancy again occurring in 1457, John Specote son and heir of Isabella, second daughter of the said Robert Scrobhull, presented. Elizabeth, married first John Trebell, who, with her, in 1429, did homage for her share of the lands.3 By this marriage she had no issue, and afterwards she married Robert Kirkham, but we do not find that she had her turn in the presentation, for the benefice becoming void by the death of the last Rector, in 1477 John Holbeme again presented. Three shares appear to have remained for a considerable period in the families of Holbeme, Specott, and Kirkham. In 1515 a presentation was made by the grant of Nicholas Specote, grandson of the beforementioned John, and in 1565 George Kirkham, Esq., Humphry Specote, Esq., and John Holbeme Esq., and James Kirkham, Gent., suffered a fine in three parts of four of the advowson of the Rectory to Leonard Loveys, Gent.4 Isabella, the youngest daughter of Robert Scrobehulle, married Thomas Chedder, who with her, in 1429, did homage and had seizin of her proparty of the lands of her father.5 In 1440 Thomas Chedder Esq., and Isabella his wife levied a fine of Alice who was the wife of John Golepynne, and Nicholas Golepynne of the manor of Trevysquyd and the advowson of the Church of St. Maben, whereby the said Alice and Nicholas quit claimed the same to the said Thomas and Isabella, and warranted the same against the 1 Inq. p.m. 1st, Henry VI, No. 50. Hot. Fin. 1st Henry V, m. 10. 3 Lord Treas. Eemb. of Excheq., 7th Henry VT, Euhter, ni. 5- 1 Ped. Pin. 7th k 8th Elizabeth, Michaelmas. 5 Lord Treas. Eemb. of Excheq. 7th Henry VI, Foster, m. 5. MANOR OF TREVISQUITE. 457 Prior of Launceston and his successors for ever.1 Thomas Chedder died on 3rd June 1443, and upon the Inquisition taken upon his death it was found that he had died seized of the Manor of Trevysquyd, and also of a fourth part of the advowson of the Church of St. Maben, which he held as of the right and inheritance of Isabella his wife, who still survived, and that Johanna, late wife of Robert Stafford Esq., and Isabella wife of John Newton, son of Richard Newton, Knight, Chief Justice of the Common Pleas, were the daughters and heirs of the said Thomas Chedder, and that on the said 3rd June the said Johanna was aged 18 .years, and the said Isabella 14 years and more.2 Johanna, by her first husband, Robert Stafford, left no issue. She married secondly John Talbot, Viscount L'Isle, whose daughter, and eventual heir, Elizabeth, became the wife of Sir Edward Grey, Knight, who, in her right, in 1475, was created Baron L'Isle. Upon the partition of the estates between the two co-heirs of Thomas Chedder, Trevisquite was allotted to Lord L'isle and his wife, but because the allotment to Sir John Newton was of less yearly value than that to Lord L'Isle by the sum of £7 lis. 8^d. per annum, he and his wife granted to Sir John Newton and his wife, a yearly rent of that amount out of the Manor of Trevesquite, which rent descended to Richard son of the said Sir John Newton. Edward Grey, Viscount L'Isle, died in 1491, leaving an only son John who succeeded him, and three daughters, viz., Ann wife of John Willoughby ; Elizabeth who married first Edmund Dudley and afterwards Arthur Plantagenet, natural son of KiDg Edward IV ; and Muriel, wife of Henry Stafford, Earl of Wiltshire. John Grey, Viscount L'Isle, by Muriel daughter of Thomas Howard, Duke of Norfolk, had a daughter Elizabeth, who married Henry Courteney Marquis of Exeter, who must have died v.p. and s.p., for on the death of John Lord L'Isle in 1504, it was found, upon inquisition, that he had died seized of the Manor of Trevysquyte with appurtenances, and of the advowson of the Church of St. Maben, and the fourth turn in the presentation to the said Church when it happened to be void; and that Elizabeth, wife of Edmund Dudley, Esq., and Ann, wife of John Willoughby, Esq., were his sisters and heirs, the said Elizabeth being aged twenty years, and the said Ann twenty-seven years.3 In 15S2, Sir John Dudley, Knight., son and heir of Sir Edmund Dudley, Knight, suffered a fine to Henry, Marquis of Exeter, inter alia, of the Manor of Trevisquyte, also sixty messuages, two mills and 100s. rent in Trevisquyte, and of the advowson of the Church of St. Maben. The Manor of Trevisquite being thus in the possession of the Marquis of Exeter by the attainder of that nobleman, in 1538, it fell into the King's hands, and the abovementioned yearly rent having, inter alia, descended to Sir Henry Capell and Dame Jane Griffen, as cousins and next heirs to the abovementioned Eichard Newton ; viz., Sir Henry Capell as son of Isabel daughter and one of the heirs of the said Richard, and the said Jane Griffen as daughter and other heir of the said Richard, they held the said rent, inter alia, in coparcenery, and in 1545 petitioned the King- that the said rent might continue to be paid to them and their heirs, which was granted by a decree in the Exchequer dated 20th Februaiy 1545-6.' 1 Pedes Finium, 19th Henr/ VI, Micbs. ' Inq. p.m. 21st Henry VI, No. 55. s Inq. p.m., 20th Henry VII, No. 47. ' Exch. Decrees, 37th Henry VIII. 3p 458 PARISH OF ST. MABYN. The Manor of Trevisquite being, by the attainder of Henry, Marquis of Exeter, in the hands of the Crown King Edward VI, by letters patent dated in June 1553, granted a lease of the capital messuage and all the lands to Richard Arscott, Gent., for a term of 21 years, at the rent of £14 13s. 2d. per annum. And upon the restoration in blood and honours of Edward Courteney, son and heir of the Marquis, in 1553 he was created by Queen Mary, Earl of Devon, and had his estates restored, inter aha, the Manor of Trevisquite and advowson of the Church of St. Mabyn, to hold to him and the heirs males of his body;1 but dying, unmarried in 1556, they again reverted to the crown. By her Charter, dated 13th May 1564, Queen Elizabeth, after reciting the abovemen tioned lease to Richard Arscott, granted the reversion of the capital messuage, &c, of Trevisquite, together with the lordship and manor with all its members and appurtenances, and the beforementioned rent of £14 13s. 2d., to Leonard Loveys of Ogbeare, co. Devon, reserving, however, the advowson of the Church, and subject to the payment of the before- mentioned rent of £7 12s. 8d., annually, to the heirs of Thomas Greffeth, and an annuity of 26s, 8d., for life, to John Spiller then bailiff there.2 Richard Loveys would thus seem to have acquired the entirety of the Manor and three fourths of the advowson of the Rectory,3 and being so seized, by his charter dated 28th September 12th Elizabeth (1570), inter alia, granted the same to Roger Prideaux, Humphry Specote, and others to hold, as Trustees, to certain uses specified in an Indenture dated two days previously: viz., as regarded the Manor of Trevisquite and the three parts in four of the advowson of the Church of St. Mabyn, to the use of the said Leonard Loveys for life, with remainder to Richard Loveys, fourth son of the said Leonard and the heirs male of his body, unless, and until, any attempt were made by the said Richard or his heirs to bar the entail, and upon the determination of such estate remainder to William Loveys and Humphry Loveys, second and third sons of the said Leonard, under like limitation, in default of such issue remainder to the heirs males of the body of the said Leonard begotten of the body of Ibott his then wife.4 Leonard Loveys died at Ogbeare, on 14th April 1576, when Thomas Loveys was found to be his son and nearest heir, and to be of the age of thirty years and more;5 but, in virtue of the abovementioned settlement, the Manors of Trevisquite and Willsworthy devolved upon the beforementioned Richard Loveys, who died at Beardon, in Boyton, thereof seized on 20th May 1607, when Robert Loveys, Esq., was found to be his son and nearest heir, and to be of the full age of twenty-one years and more.6 1 Eot. Pat. 1st Mary, Part 10. - Eot. Pat. 6th Elizabeth, Part 6, m. 11. 3 By Privy Seal, dated 8th August 1622, King James I granted the next presentation to the Church of St. Mabin to John Porter his heirs and assigns, in order that he might prefer to the said Church Thomas Porter, m.a.; and upon the death of Thomas Ducke, tho then Eector, in 1629, Thomas Porter was admitted upon the presenta tion of Elizabeth Porter, relict and administratrix of the aforesaid John Porter, deceased. (Privy Si Nicholas White holdeth percell of the barton one toft and ij Tenements for term of his owne lyfe by the rent of v" xiiij3 viijd wcl1 conteynes by estemacion J CV1 acres Walter Whytford holdeth percell of the barton and two other ten'8 for •» . three lyves by the rent of iiij1' xijB ijd wch conteynes by est. > Barnard Hamlye holdeth percell of the barton and one other tent for three ^ ,.... -i ¦¦ ¦¦ „ .i f xhiiJ acres ,. lyves by the rent of xxxvij8 ixd conteynmge by est. ' 1 Aet 27, Henry VIII. 2 Act 32, Henry VIIL J Act 1, Edward VI. 4 18th Elizabeth, No. 34. MANOR OP COLQUITE. 479 Henrye Cundye holdeth percell of the barton and one tenement for two lyves by the rent of xliiij8 conteyninge by estem. | xiv acres Willyam Hamlye holdeth percell of the barton and ij other tent" for three \ xlviij acres di.acre lyves by the rent of xxviij8 iiijd conteyninge by est. > woode copised Nicholas Dawby holdeth percell of the barton and one other ten' for three lyves by the rent of xxvis viijd conteyninge by estem. | xxv acres Gyles Bettye holdeth percell of the barton for three lyves by the rent of » ...= ..... ¦ \ xvj acres xnjs my conteyninge I 0 Hnmfrye Thomas holdeth one tent for his owne lyfe by the rent of xiij8 ) Q™00 I AAA il( IcS iiijd conteyninge by est. William Panston holdeth one ten' for three lyves by the rent of xiij8 iiijd ) xxij acres di.acre conteyninge by estemacion ' woode C0Pised Nicholas Maye holdeth one ten' for his owne lyfe by the rent of xiij8 iiijd ) xxij acres di. acre conteyninge by estem. ' woode copised John Pawlye holdeth one ten' for three lyves by the rent of xiiij8 contey- ) xxij acres di. acre ninge by estem. - wooie copised Thomas Otes holdeth one ten* for ij lyves by the rent of xvj8 conteyninge by estemacion John Maye holdeth one ten' for ij lyves by the rent of xvj8 conteyninge xx acres | xx acres by estemacion Thomas Sabye holdeth one ten' for three lyves by the rent of xij8 contey- , , xx acres rung by estemacion J John Croppe holdeth one tenem' for two lyves conteyninge by estemacion s Iij acres by the rent of xiv8 i Hj acres Will1™ Hamblyn holdeth one ten' for two lyves by the rent of xx" wcl conteynes by estem. j xxvj acres Henrye Moyse holdeth one ten* for three lyves by the rent of xxiiij8 con-', xxxvj acres, wode teyninge by estem. j copysed v acres John Trebble holdeth one ten' for three lyves by the rent of xiij8 iiijd wch conteynes by estem. | xix acres Nicholas Marshall holdeth one ten' for three lyves by the rent of Iiij8 iiiid -. , . , . , > lxxvii acres conteyninge by estem. ) J Margery nowe the wyfe of Thomas Martyn holdeth one ten' for two lyves s by the rent of xvj8 conteyninge by estem. j 480 PARISH OF ST. MABYN. John Bennett holdeth one ten' for three lyves by the rent of xiij' iiijd ^ ^^ acre& conteyninge by estem. ' Emblyn Cocke widowe holdeth one ten* for two lyves by the rent of ix8 ) ^ acreg conteyninge by estemacion Willra Eawlyns holdeth one ten' for three lyves by the rent of xiij8 iiiid ) xxx acres conteyninge by estem. John Denham holdeth one corne myll and two closes of land for three ) ^ acreg lyves by the rent of xxxiij8 iiijd conteyninge by estem. Thomas Hambly holdeth one ten' for three lyves by the rent of xvj8 con- \ xx acres conteyninge by estem. Eichard Langdon Gen. holdeth one toft and a corne myll for three lyves ) x acres by the rent of xxxv8 containing by estemacion John Pawlye holdeth one ten' for three lives by the rent of xiij8 iiijd ) xxvij acres di.acre-- conteyninge by estemacion woode copysed Elizabeth ffletcher holdeth one ten' for two lyves by the rent of viij8 iiijd l y acres conteyninge by estem. Eoberte Tucker holdeth one cottage by the rent of ij8 iiijd x yerdes Walter Wade holdeth one ten' and at this servey was absent so as no \ wrytinge of the same was sene, the rent is xjs vjd and it conteynes by | xxij acres estemacion / There is reserved vppon every leasse an heriote or fourty shillinges for ¦, ¦, ,- , the same I There is younge woode vppon the barton by estemacion ccxx acres of • (blank) yeres growth for the wch it is thoughte there wilbe for everye acre . p.,, .,,,,.. geven xiij8 iiijd the herbage of wcl1 woode is leassed vnto Will"1 Bawden for the rent of one penny yerely ffor a fountayne or well thereys payde to the L. of Colquyte yerely iijd By the rentall wherew* the reves do yerely make theire collection and \ accomptes yt apeareth that the yerely Eent Convencionarye amountes vnto > xlvij1 xiiij8 vd the some of J By the same rentall yt also appeareth the highe rentes of the free tenam15 \ jj,-i xvys v:.-d 0Tj amountes to the some of ^ Summa totalis . . Ij" xij' ijd ob. q ; MANOR OP COLQUITE. 481 ¦ ' ob. ;>x" viijd ob. Xllj" vj" Oute of the wch some there is alowed yerely to the Eeves for rentes repayed and rentes denyed as followeth in this accompte To the mano1' of Trewosell - - ij* vjd " To the heirs of Cardynham - - ij8 ijd To the mano' of Parke - - - ij8 vjd Rentes repayde 2 capons David Kestle holdeth there one tenement containing 24 acres \ £n io, a a and three quarters of land doth suit as before and yieldeth by I 2 capons the year ] Royalist Comp. Papers. 2nd Series, vol. xxxiv, fo. 819. 3 Tedcs Finium, 1st George II. Michs. Pedes Finium, 20th Charles IT. Trinity- MANOR OF TRESARRET. 491 Bocoven Treslogett Trethanycke Treserrett Humfry Sloggett holdeth there one tenement containing 50 acres \ £3 ^3s 8d. of land doth siut as before and yieldeth yearly Lawrence Holman holdeth there one tenement and a half con- j £i 5S- g^ taining 32 acres of land doth suit as before and yieldeth by j 3 capons the year Walter Curling holdeth there one tenement containing 17 acres \ £0 18s. Od. of land Doth suit as before and yieldeth yearly c Pon John Tom holdeth there the capital house and the Barton conE ) £2 qs, od. 47 acres Doth suit as before and yieldeth yearly John Sharrocke holdeth there three parts in eight being divided j „. . . „, of the said Down Doth suit as before and yieldeth yearly ' Humphry Sloggett holdeth there two parts in eight being divided > „0 _ . , of the said Down Doth suit and yieldeth yearly John Teague holdeth two parts in eight divided of the said ) £„ „ . i Down Doth suit as before and yieldeth yearly Johan Tom holdeth there one-eighth part of the said Down \ £„ . qj Doth suit as before and yieldeth by the year ' w Treserrett One wood there called the South Wood containing 16 acres, ) Woods 27 acr. one other wood called the North Wood containing six acres & quarter j £o 10s- 0d- the Down Copse containing four acres & half all in the Lords' hand HelliganDowri 42 Acres Sum of the Customary Rents by the year Sum as well of Free as Customary Rents yearly £13 17s. 2d. 8 Capons £14 7s. 2d. & 11 Capons Reprises Whereof To our Sovereign Lady the Queen's Majesty as to her Manor of j Temple for higH Rent out of Treserrett Bocoven Treslogett Porth- j *° ls- 4<*- kulyocke and Spyttle yearly To our said Sovereign Lady as to her Hignesses Manor of 1 Pendevy for high Rent out of Trethanycke by the year, with 6d j £0 7s- 6 £jg qs g,j Reprises & 11 capons 492 PARISH OP ST. MABYN. TREGARNE, alias TREGAREN, alias TREGARDEN. This place, at a remote period, was a seat of the family of Bere. William le Bere would seem to have been of Tregaren in 1302, when he was defendant in a suit brought at the assizes at Launceston, concerning an acre of land in Nancedeny juxta Tregaran (See ante, vol. i, p. 556), whilst William Bere of Tregaren and Richard his brother, probably sons of the above William, in 1347 were defendants in a suit at the instance of John, Vicar of St. Neot.1 In 1365 William Bere of Tregaren was witness to a deed of Reginald de Heligan. In 1385 John Bere of Tregaren was plaintiff in a case versus Stephen Bodulgate and Johanna his wife.2 In the following year Johanna Bere of Tregaren sued John Bodulgate and Johanna his wife in a plea of waste.3 In 1390 John Bere of Tregaren sued John Wilcok for trespass on his turbary at St. Neot.4 Four years afterwards John Bere of Tregaren sued the Prior of Bodmin for detention of his animals.5 In 1398 we find John Bere sueing Stephen Bodulgate for the recovery of a pix, containing charters and other muniments." In 1431 John Oppy and Claricia his wife suffered a fine in seven messuages in St. Maugan, &c, to Walter Kene, Chaplain, in which they quitclaimed the said lands to the said Walter to hold to the use of the said Claricia for her life, remainder of a portion to James Meyndy and the heirs of his body; as regards another portion, remainder to the aforesaid John for life, remainder to the aforesaid James and the heirs of his body, in default remainder of a moiety to John Bere, junior, son of John Bere, senior, of Tregaren, and the heirs of his body, in default remainder to the heirs of the body of Alice relict of John Bere, senior, in default remainder to Thomas Penles and Johanna his wife and the heirs of their bodies, in default remainder to the right heirs of the said Claricia; as regards the other moiety, remainder after the death of John Oppy to Thomas Penles and Johanna . his wife and the heirs of their bodies, in default remainder to John Bere, junior, and the heirs of his body, in default remainder to the heirs of the body of the aforesaid Alice, in default remainder to the right heirs of the aforesaid Claricia as before.7 John Bere, described as of Tregarne, was one of the witnesses to a Charter dated at Alternon 20th Henry VIs (1422). It seems more than probable that Thomasine Bere, who became the wife of Nicholas Barrett, was the daughter and coheir of this John Bere. We find their son, John Barrett, described as of Tregarne, Franklyn^ in 1474.'J His great grandson, of the same name, by Joan daughter of Hugh Boscawen and relict of John Gaverigan of Gaverigan, had three sons and a daughter. Richard, his N) 1 Assize Rolls, Cornw. 21st Edward III, 2 J 3 m. 2 d. 23) ~ De Banco. Roll, 9th Richard II, Michs. m. 384. A John Bci-o was Escheator in 10th Richard II. s Ibid. Trinity, m. 309. 4 Ibid. 13th Richard II, Hil. m. 166 d. 5 Ibid. 17th Richard II, Hil. m. 377 d, " Ibid. 22nd Richard II, Hil. m. 172 d. ' Ped. Finium, 10th Henry VI, Michs. 8 Original penes, the Right Rev. Bishop Kestell-Cornish.. ,J De Banco Rolls, 14th Edward IV, Hilary m. 451. TREGARDEN. 493 eldest son, succeeded him at Tregaren ; Nicholas would seem to have died s.p. ; and John was the founder of the family of Barrett of St. Tudy, who, being the representative of the family, in the male line, at the time of the Heralds' Visitation of the County in 1620, registered the pedigree. Of that branch we propose to treat hereafter under St. Tudy. Richard Barrett married Grace daughter of Arthur Fowell of Fowelscombe, co. Devon, who afterwards re-married Richard, subsequently, Sir Richard Carnsewe (vide Pedigree of Carnsewe, ante p. 173), and dying in 1611, left two daughters and co-heirs, of whom Mary, the elder, married Richard, afterwards Sir Richard, Prideaux of Theuborough in the parish of Sutcombe (vide Pedigree of Prideaux, ante pp. 204, 224), to whom she carried a moiety of the barton of Tregaren or Tregarden, the other moiety being carried to Sir William Godolphin in marriage by Grace the second daughter and co-heir of the said Richard Barrett, who, however, died a few years after her marriage, s.p. Richard Prideaux made Tregarden his chief residence for several years after his marriage. He had several children baptized at St. Maben between 1635 and 1644, and he would seem to have been resident at Tregarden in 1645, when he received a protection from Fairfax for his person and property both at Tregarden and Theuborough.1 Having received the honour of knighthood he died in 1667, leaving two surviving sons. Richard, the> elder, died three years later, s.p., and the estates devolved upon his brother Jonathan, who had a son Richard, who died a minor and unmarried in 1702, and eight daughters. In the following year, Jonathan Prideaux and Ann his wife, Digory Slade, Clerk, and Anna Maria his wife, Frances Prideaux, Spinster, Thomas Pollard, Gent., and Sarah his wife, and Mary Prideaux, four of the surviving daughters2 and co-heirs, presumptive of the said Jonathan, suffered a fine in Tregarden, Tregellen, and other lands in St. Mabyn, Egloshayle, and St. Kew, to Edward Hoblyn, Gent.3 of Croane, in Egloshayle, from whom it descended, in like manner as Croane, to John Tremayne of Helligan, Esq., the present possessor of this moiety. As to the other moiety: Sir William Godolphin, by his will dated 15th October 1663,4 after reciting that he was seized of certain lands of the ancient inheritance of Richard Barrett, inter alia, of a moiety of the manor of St. Niott Barrett, and a moiety of the Barton of Tregarden, now, it is added, divided from the other moiety, and of one field called New Park, and of one house called the Oxenhouse, and of the pear garden behind the same, and of the dwelling houses and gardens in Tregarden as now divided, clevises 1 Theis are to require on sight heerof to forbeare to prejudice Sir Richard Prideaux of Tregard, in the Countie of Cornwall, or his living at Thuborough in the Countie of Devon, either by plundering his house, or taking away his horses, sheepe, or other cattell, or goods, whatsoever, or by offering any violence to his person, or the persons of any of his familie, as you will answer the contrarie, provided hee bee obedient to all orders and ordinances cf Parliament. Given under my hand and scale att Truro, this 16th day of March 1645. FAIRFAX. To all Officers and Soldiers under my command. (Royalist Comp. Papers, vol. xxxix, p. 391.) 2 There was another and younger daughter named Ann, who being at the time a minor, was no party to the fine. She was living in 1710, and is named in her father's will, but was dead, unmarried, in 1716. Frances married Charles Davie of Bideford, and Mary became the wife of Vaughan Kestell, Clerk, second son of James Kestell of Kestell in Egloshayle by Elizabeth daughter of John Vaughan of Otteiy St. Mary, co. Devon. 3 Pedes Finium, 2nd Anne, Trinity. 4 Proved Archd. Cornw., 23rd December 1G63. 494 PARISH OF ST. MABYN. the said lands and tenements of Tregarden to his third son, John Godolphin and the heirs of his body, in default remainder to his daughter Ruth Greatrex and the heirs of her body, and, in default of such issue to his own right heirs. John Godolphin, who attained the degree of knighthood, having died in 1679, s.p.m., and his only daughter, Elizabeth having died a few years afterwards unmarried, his estates devolved upon his nephew Francis Godolphin of Coulston, co. Wilts (see Pedigree of Godolphin post). And William Godolphin of Coulston, by Indentures of lease and release, dated, respectively, 4th and 5th August 1738, conveyed all his divided moiety of Tregarden to John Mitchell of St. Mabyn, Gent., to hold to the said John Mitchell and his heirs for ever of the chief Lords of the Fee at the services due and accustomed. John Mitchell died intestate, and the land devolved upon John Mitchell his eldest son and heir at law, who, at his death, by his will dated 9th June 1793, devised his lands to his nephew Henry Mitchell of Padstow, Tanner, who, in conjunction with certain mortgagees, by Indentures of lease and release, dated, respectively, 10th and llth August 1794, in con sideration of the sum of £2,810 10s. paid as therein prescribed, granted, &c, the said moiety to Christopher Andrew of St. Mabyn, Esq., to hold to him and his heirs for ever; and it is now possessed by his grandson Mr. James Andrew of Tregarden. The old mansion house, which is of the date of the 16th century, still remains. It consisted of a central part, containing the hall, and two wings, and is approached through a quadrangular enclosure having a handsome gate. Like'the estate it was divided, and is now converted into a farm house. In the hall is a large achievement of arms : Barrett quartering Bere and eight other coats ; which is flanked by two other shields, one charged with Barrett and Bere quarterly, and the other with Barrett impaling a bull, a stag, or a goat ;! on a chief a roundel ; the same coat occupying the last quarter of the large achievement. All these coats, except the last, are quartered on a handsome escutcheon, carved in wood, which was formerly over the fire place in the parlour, but when we in spected the house, a few years ago, we found it lying broken in an outhouse, where it still remains. In lieu of the omitted coat, abovementioned, upon this shield appear two other coats : viz., a single roundel ; and the arms of Fowell of Fowelscombe : ar. a chev. sa., upon a chief gu. three mullets of the first — shewing this escutcheon to have been set up subsequent to the marriage of Richard Barrett and Grace Fowell about 1609. It is clear that the quarterings on these shields do not commemorate heiresses, but simply alliances. Several of them, probably, relate to the family of Bere. In con sequence of the escutcheon having been re-painted without heraldic skill it is diffi cult to identify several of the coats from the want of an accurate knowledge of the tinctures. (See Engraving annexed.) 1 The shields being much defaced, it is difficult to say, with certainty, which of these animals is represented, and from the position of the lino dividing the shield, it is uncertain whether it was meant to divide the sinister side of the shield, fesswise, into two coats, representing two marriages, or whether the roundel is borne on a chief. As the roundel forms a distinct coat in tho achievement from the parlour, it is possible the former was in tended. It should be also observed that in the fifth quarter of the achievement in the hall, the pears have. their stems upwards instead of downwards as in the other shield. TREGARDEN. 945 ACHIEVEMENT OF ARMS FROM THE PARLOUR AT TREGARDEN. 1 . Barrett, ar. a chev. betw. 3 bears passant sa. 7. ? 2. Bere, ar. a bear ramp, muzzled or. 8. Flamank, ar. a cross betw. four mullets gu. 3. i a chev. gu. betw. 3 eagles' gambs sa. is quartered 9. Winslade, three falcons volant. by Coryton. A. ? 5. Calmady ? az a chev. betw. 3 pears slipped or. 6. i 10. ? 11. Fowell, ar. a chev. sa. upon a chief gu. three mullets ar. 496 PARISH OF ST. MABYN. TREBLETHICK. Treblethick, in the latter part of the 14th century, was one of the seats of the younger branch of the family of Heligan,1 after which it became, and long continued, a seat of the family of Hamley. Osbert Hamley was resident here as early as the reign of Edward IV, and the family continued to reside here until towards the end of the last century, though, in 1721, John Hamley, Gent, and Elizabeth his wife, daughter and coheir of Henry Bond of Tresunger (see ante, vol. i, p. 570^) suffered a fine to John Treise, Esq., of one messuage, &c, in Treblethick.2 John Treise, however, thereupon granted to John Hamley a lease of the said estates during the term of his life. He also, by deed dated 24th March 1732, agreed with the said John Hamley that, for certain considerations, he should receive to his own use the rent due on the lease of that part of the capital messuage and demesne lands of Treblethick called Longstone, where one Nicholas Menheniot then lived, consisting of a dwelling house and smith's shop, and should at any time have power to change and alter the lives thereon. And the said John Hamley, by deed dated 12th January 1776, from the natural love which he bore towards his son Richard Hamley of Bodmin, Gent., granted to him a lease of the said premises for the term of 99 years determinable upon the deaths of the said Richard Hamley, then aged 39 years, William Hamley, another , son of the said John Hamley, aged 29 years, and William Wood son of William Wood then late of Callington. By deed dated 30th April 1777, Sir Christopher Treise of Lavethan, Knight, in consideration of the sum of £1,050, granted a lease thereof, excepting the tenement above referred to held by John Hamley, Gent., to Joseph Edyvean of Bodmin, Merchant, for a term of 99 years from the date of the death of the said John Hamley, determinable upon the deaths of Joane Edyvean, aged 12 years, and Lydia Edyvean, aged 10 years, daughters of the said Joseph Edyvean. This estate, like other of the Treise lands, devolved upon Sir John Morshead, Bart., upon the sale of whose possessions the reversion, after the expiration of the leases referred to, was purchased by Abraham Hambly of Treore, in Endellion, Gent., to whom, by deed dated 1st August 1811, Thomas Commins of Bodmin, Gent., and Lydia his wife, one of the daughters and executrix of the will of Joseph Edyvean, deceased, in consideration of the sum of £3,800, conveyed the estate they had in the said capital messuage, &c, of Treblethick, for the remainder of the aforesaid term. Moreover, by Indenture, dated 23rd September 1811, Richard Hamley of St. Columb, Gent., reciting the Indenture above recited of the 29th January 1776, conveyed to the said Abraham Hambly the tenement held by him for the residue of the term which he had therein. Abraham Hambly, being thus in possession of the whole estate, in fee, by his will, dated 9th October 1827, and proved 16th January following, devised the same to his younger son of the same name, who, upon entering into possession, pulled down the old house of the Hamleys, which had fallen into decay, and built thereon an excellent 1 See post, p. 513. * Pedes Finium, 8th George I, Michs. TREDETHY. — TREDINNICK. 497 farm house, and there he resided for some years; but by deed, dated 29th September 1859, conveyed the estate to Richard Hambly Andrew of Tredinnick, Esq., the present possessor . TREDETHY. The present estate of Tredethy consists of several tenements acquired at various times by William Lugger of St. Mabyn, Gent., who died in 1639. His grandson, of the same name, by Deborah his wife, daughter of Squire, left three surviving daughters and co-heirs, Margaret wife of William son of Thomas May of Bodmin, Mercer, Deborah wife ¦ of William Randall of Great Torrington, and Elizabeth wife of Robert Venn of South- molton, Maltster. The two latter died s.p. By indentures of lease and release, dated respectively, 6th and 7th July 1727, Deborah Randall, described as of St. Mabyn, widow, conveyed to William May, described as of Bodmin, Mercer, all those messuages called Tredethy, and certain fields some time parcel of the barton of Colquite.1 William May had a son of his own name, and three daughters, of whom Margaret, the youngest, married to her second husband Elias Lang of Plymouth, who left two children: Elias, who succeeded his father in Tredethy, and Margaret who became the wife of Francis John Hext of Bodmin. Elias Lang the younger died at Tredethy, s.p., in 1792, and by his will devised Tredethy to his nephew Francis John Hext, who resided at Tredethy until his death in 1842 s.p., when Tredethy devolved upon his next brother Capt. William Hext, r.n., then of Lancarfe, afterwards Rear-Admiral, who, dying in 1866, was succeeded by his eldest son, Francis John Hext, late of the 83rd Regiment, who has recently enlarged the house, and gives great attention to the improvement of the property. (See Ped. of Hext, post.) TREDINNICK. This place formerly consisted of several tenements, but the chief house has, at various times, formed the residence of families of gentility. Nicholas Vivian of Tredinnick was buried in 1628, as was Humphry Vivian, Gent., in 1634. Later in the century it was for some time the residence of the Parker family. William Parker of Tredinnick, Esq., was buried in 1688. By his will, before cited, (ante, p. 471) he devised Tredinnick to his two sons, William Parker and Robert Parker. Robert died on 20th March 1716, in the life time of his brother, s.p., and intestate, when the land devolved upon William, who soon afterwards, also, died intestate and s.p. It afterwards formed part of the possessions of Philip Rashleigh of Menabilly, Esq., from whom it was purchased, by deed dated 29th September 1775, by Christopher Andrew of St. Tudy, who, about the same time, acquired Tregarden and other extensive bartons and farms in this parish. He combined all the tenements in Tredinnick into one large farm, and fixed his residence there. He died in 1810, at a very advanced age, but before his death he settled Tredinnick and other lands 1 Deed penes F. J. Hext, Esq. 3 U 498 PARISH OF ST. MABYN. upon his eldest son, Richard Hambly Andrew; and Tregarden upon his second son, John May Andrew. Richard Hambly Andrew improved the property by planting and extension of the gardens. On his death, dn 1851, he devised his real estate to his great nephew, Richard Hambly Andrew, Barrister-at-Law, eldest son of Christopher Thomas Andrew, eldest son of John May Andrew abovementioned, who has extended the improvements of his predecessor, and is the present owner of Tredinnick and other lands in this parish, including the greater part of the Church Town. TREQUITES. This farm is a portion of the manor of Heligan. Lysons mentions this place as sometime a seat of the Parkers.1 It appears from certain proceedings in Chancery in 1718, that Joseph Silly, then late of Heligan, Esq., deceased, purchased of William Parker, then late of St. Mabyn, Esq., deceased, certain lands for a sum of £1,700, whereof he paid £200 only, and for securing the further payment of £1500 by indenture dated 23rd November 20th Charles II. (1668) did grant the barton of Trequites to the said William Parker, for the term of 2000 years, by way of mortgage, which mortgage, by deed poll, the said William Parker assigned to Sir John Molesworth. William Parker, by his will dated 15th July 1688, devised all his estate, goods and chattels unto Sir John Moles worth and others in trust for certain uses therein defined, and appointed such trustees executors of his will, and his daughter Elizabeth Opie residuary legatee. William Parker soon afterwards died, and the said executors having renounced, administration with will annexed was granted, on 10th September 1688, to William Parker son of deceased, to whom Sir John Molesworth did re-convey the said mortgage. The said Joseph Silly being dead, and a sum of upwards of £2,000 for principal and interest being due, which was more than the value of the said mortgaged premises, William Parker applied for and ob tained in the Court of Chancery a decree of foreclosure. William Parker and Robert his brother having died s.p., the fee of this estate devolved upon Elizabeth Opie, as residuary legatee under her father's will, who, by deed dated 27th June 1717, conveyed it to her son John' Opie of Egloshayle.2 The manner in which this estate passed from the Parkers to Mr. Henry Hooper we have already detailed in our account of the Parker charity (ante pp. 471, 472). From Mr. Henry Hooper it devolved upon his son and heir, Mr. John Hooper, and it is now the property and residence of his widow. TREGADDOCK. There were two messuages in Tregaddock, one of which was formerly held by the family of Toker, and the other by that of Tamlyn. In 1622 Nicholas Martyn and Grace his wife suffered a fine in one messuage, &c, 1 For an account of the Parker Family, ante vol. i, p. 67 ' For Pedigree of Opie of Egloshayle, see ante p. 53 PENWYNE. 499 in Tregaddock, in St. Mabyn, to Stephen Toker of Helland, Gent.,1 from whom it passed to his son and heir Christopher Toker, who, with Honour his wife, in 1640, suffered a fine therein, inter alia, to Stephen Toker his son and heir.2 From him it passed to his grand nephew John Toker, who, as John Toker, junior, Gent., was buried at St. Maben in 1688. He left an only daughter, aged three years, and by his will gave to her certain articles in his house at Tregaddock, to be delivered up after the deaths of John Toker his father and Elizabeth Toker his mother, to whom he entrusted the education and government of his daughter. John Toker the father died in 1698, and as "Mr. John Toker of Tregad dock" was buried at St. Maben, the property now passed to Stephen Toker, second son of the last named John Toker, who, in 1706, suffered a fine in Tregadock alias Tregathick, in St. Mabyn, to William Hamley, Gent.3 Another messuage at Tregaddock was the residence of the Tamlyn family. It was parcel of the manor of Trevisquite, and how long it had been occupied by the Tamlyns we know not, but the fee simple was sold by Richard Loveys, Lord of the manor, in 1659, to Richard Tamlyn (see ped. Tamlyn post.) Tregaddock is now divided into several tenements, which we are unable to . identify with those above mentioned. TOSTONE alias STONE. This messuage was formerly parcel of the manor of Heligan, and appears in old terriers and descriptions of the manor under the above names. In the beginning of the present century it belonged to Mr. Thomas Harry, by whom it was sold to Mr. John Martyn Bligh, an attorney at Bodmin, who built thereon a genteel cottage, which he made his residence for some time. It was purchased a few years ago of the representatives of Mr. Bligh by Mr. Pollard, who is now the owner. PENWYNE. Hals says of this place that, it was "the dwelling of ... Porter, Gent., that married Spry, and giveth for his arms in a field Sa. three bells ar. and a canton erm. This place is now sold to Cole." In 1716 Arthur Porter and Elizabeth his wife suffered a fine to John Cole, Gent., of two messuages, &c, in Penwyne.4 In 1812 Mr. Ralph Cole was tenant for life, with remainder to his son Francis Cole, Clerk, by whom it was sold to Nankivell, and is now by bequest, vested in trustees to the use of Thomas James Nanki- vell Harris, son of Mr. William Harris of St. Maben, and a minor. 1 Pedes Finium, 20th James, Michs. a Ibid. 16th Charles, Easter. :' Ibid. 5th Anne, Michs. 4 Ibid. 2nd George I, Trinity. 3u2 500 PARISH OP ST. MABYN. FAMILY TABLE SHEWING THE DESCENT OF THE MANOR OF TREVISQUITE, Warine de L'isle, son of Robert, son of Alice, dau. of Henry=j=Alice, sister and heir of younger son of Henry Fitz Gerald, ob. 1st Edward III. | Henry Baron le Teyes. Gerald de L'isle, summoned to ob. 34th Edward III. Pari. 31st Edw. III., Warine de L'isle, Lord of Kingston L'isle, co. Berks, summoned to= Pari. 43rd Edward III. to Sth Rich. II. ob. 1383. =Margaret, dau. of Sir William Pipard, died 3rd Aug. 1375. Inq. p.m. 49th Edward in. Part 1, No. 73. Gerard, son and heir, aged 15 years on his mother's death. Died v.p. s.p. Thomas de Berkeley, =pMargaret, dau. and heir. 12th Lord Berkeley. | Richard Beauchamp, 14th Earl of Warwick ; creat. Earl of Albemarle,=j=Elizabeth, dau. and heir e.g. ob. 1439 ; Inq. p.m. 17th Henry VI., No. 54. I of her mother. i ¦ — • J r : John Talbot, 1st Earl of Shrewsbury Wexford^Margaret, dau. and Thomas Cheddar, died 3rd June=fTsABELLA, Junr. youngest Waterford and Valence, slain at Chatillon I heir of her mother, 1443, Inq. p.m. 21st Henry VI., I dau. and coh. aged 18 in 1453. I 2nd wife. No. 55. | 1413. , 1 , l , John Talbot, cr.Baron=T= Jo an, dau. and coh. L'isle 1443, and Vis count L'isle 1452, slain at Chatillon 1453. I Thomas, 2nd Visct. L'isle, ob. 1469, s.p. aged 18 years in 1443, relict of Robert Stafford. Sib. John: Newton. Tsabella, dau. and coh. aged 14 years 1443; died 14th May 1498, Inq. p.m. 14th Henry VII. No. 133. John SpEOOTE,=p.Joha Presented to St. Maben 1457. Sie Edwakd =j=Elizabeth, Grey, created Baron L'isle & Viscount L'isle 1483, ob. 1491. sister and heir. Sir ==Marga- George ret, sister Vere. and heir. Sir William Capel,=pMargaret, Lord Mayor of London, ob. 6th Sept. 1515, Inq. p.m. 7th Henry Vni,No. 43. John Grey, 2ndVis- count L'isle, ob. 1504. =f=Muriel, dau. of Thomas Duke of Norfolk. Ann, aged 27 in 1504, mar. John Willough- ELIZABETH,aged 20 in 1504, mar. Sir Edm. Dud ley, Kt., 2ndly Arthur Planta genet. -\ dau. of Sir John Arun del of Lan- herne. Richard Newton: aged 30 years 1498; Died 26th Sept. 1500, Inq. p.m. 16th Henry Vn,No. 32. Muriel, Edward mar. 1st Stafford Earl of Wilts, and 2nd his cousin Henry Stafford Earl of Wiltshire, ob. s.p. Sir Giles Capel, aged: 30 years 1515, of Rumsford, co. Essex, Sheriff of Essex 1529 ; Died 29th May 1556. Inq. p.m. 3rd & 4th P. & MfPart 1, No. 110. TsABEL, dau. and coh. aged 13 years in 1500. J. Elizab.died 17th June 1524, Inq. p.m. 16th Hy. VHI, No. 147. Jane, aged 5 years 1500, mar. SirThomas Griffith. Elizabeth, =Henry = ob. s.p. Courteney Marquis of Exeter ; attainted 1538. :Gertrudo dau. of WilliamBlunt Lord Mountjoy. Sir John Dudley. Henry Capel,=Ann, dau. aged 19 years, of Sir inl524.ob.s.p. George Manners Lord Roos. Sir Edward Capel, =j=Ann, dau. of Knt., Sheriff of Herts and Essex 1566 ; died 19th March 1576-7, Inq. p.m. 19th Eliz. Part 2, No. 72. Sir William,. Pelham of Laughton, eo. Sussex. Edward Courteney, restored in blood and cr. Earl of Devon 1553, ob. 4th October 1556 s.p. Mary, dau. of Sir Anthony Browne,=HENRY Capel, died: relict of John Lord Grey, 2nd wife. 22nd June 1588. Inq. Died 4th Feb. 1616-7, Inq. p.m. of p.m. 30th Eliz. Part Sir Henry Capel, 20th James. 1, No. 96. Catherine, dau. of Thomas Manners Earl of Rutland. Sir Arthur Capel, KNT.1603,aged 30 years in 1588 Knt.1603 ; Sheriff of Herts= 1592. Will dated 4th Mar. 1631, prov. 3rd May 1632 (Awdley 60) Died 9th I April 1632 ; Inq. p.m. Wards and Liveries 8th Charles, Bundle 52, No. 220. ] =Margaret, dau. of Lord John Grey of Pirgo. Died 12th Aug. 2nd James (1604.) Dorothy, dau. of John Aldersey and relict of=Sm Henry Capel, ob. v.p. 29th ApriI=pTheodosia, sister of Edward Lord Montague of Sir Thos. Hoskins; mar. settl. dated 20th 1622, Inq. p.m. Wards and Liveries, 19th | Boughton; mar. settl. 2nd Mav, 42nd Eliz. Jan. 14th James (1616-7). and 20th James, Bundle 35, No. 208. | (1600.) Died 16th Jan. 13th Jaiiies(1615-6.) I ¦ ' Arthur Capel, born 19th Feb. 1604-5, aged 18 years on the=pELizABETH, dau. and sole heir of Sir Charles Morrison death of his grandfather. Created Baron Capel of Hadham j of Cashiobury, co. Herts, Knt. and Bart., mar. settl. 6th Aug. 1641. Beh. 9th Mar. 1648-9. I dated 6th Nov. 1627. r ¦ J Arthur Lord Capel, created Viscount Maiden and Earl of Essex 20th April 1661. Sold interest in Manor of Trevisquite 1659. FAMILY HISTORY. 501 J1ST0RY.\JTO THE ADVOWSON OF THE RECTORY OF ST. MABEN. N.B. — The names of those who held the Manor, or the Advowson, are printed in small capitals. Sir Thomas ScrobhulbpEdith, dau. of Sir Roger Prideaux of Orchardon, | vide Ped. of Prideaux ante p. 221. ^ Robert ScrobhuR of Scrobhull,=pElinor. co. Devon. • | j Nicholas Specote,^=Isabella, Senr. of Specote, co. I dau. and coh. Devon. | aged 34 1413. ~r William Holbeme=tJohanna, of Holbeme, co. eld. dau. Devon. and coh. Robert Kyrkham, died 3rd=j=ELizABETH, dau. and Jan. 1443, Inq. p.m. 22nd Henry VI. No. 12. IJohh Holbeme of Holbeme,T=Elizabeth, dau. coh. mar. Trebell. 1st Wm. ¦aged 14 1413, born 30th Nov. 1407JJied 20th April 1472, Inq. p.m. 12th Edward IV, No. 23. and coh. of John Gambon of More- ston, Devon. Robert Kyrkham, son and heir, aged 11 years on his father's death. Died21stDec. 1451, Inq. p.m. 33rd Henty VI. No. 33. Nicholas Kyrkham, of Blacka-=pJane, da. & don, heir of his bro., born 4th Mar. 1433-4. Died 15th Mar. 1515-6, Inq. p.m. Sth Hen. VIII, No. 121. h. of Rob. Weye of Marsh,Devon. NicholasNBWTON, ob. s.p. JohnSpecote. Aime, dau. and coh. of John Boys of Buriton, John Holbeme of Hol-T=Elizabeth, heme, set. 30 years in 1472; Died 31st Jany. 1493-4, Inq. p.m. 10th Henry VII, No. 13. Presented to St. Maben, 1477. Nicholas Specc died 20th Aug. 1517; Inq. p.m. 10th Henry VHI, No. 26. Granted ¦next Presentation of St. Maben 1515. Anne, dau. of WiUiam Stretchley of Stretchley. John Holbeme of=y=Margaret Holbeme; aged 24 years in 1494. Died 26th July 1526. Inq. p.m. 18th Henry VIII, No. 122. dau. of Sir WilliamFowell of Fowelscombc dau. of Sir John Pese- mersh, co. Stafford. Cecilia dau. of Sir Wm.Carew of Mohun' s Ottery 2nd w. Sir John KYRKHAM,=pLucy, dau. aged 44 years on his father's death ; died llth July 1529. Inq. p.m. 21st Henry VIII, No. 78. of Sir John Tremayle, 3rd wife. =j=Thomas Kyrkham,: aged 25 years in 1529. Died 31st Jan. 1551-2. Inq. p.m. 6th. Edward VI, No. 18. Edmthd SPECOTE^Jane, aged 18 in 1517; dau. died 24th April of 1557. Inq.p.m. 4th and 5th P. and M. No. 11. John Holbeme, of Hol-=Mary, dau heme, son and heir, aged of Gilbert 30 years 1526; died 18th Nov. 1566. Inq. p.m. 9th Eliz. No. 201. Sold interest in Trevisquite 1565 St. Cleer of Budley, co. Devon, ob. s.p. Elizabeth, mar. John Marwood, and 2ndly Robert Pollard of Honyton, aged 74_ years in 1566, heir of her brother. John, ob.s.p. '¦Mary, dau. and coh. of Nicholas Ferrers by Jane dau. of Sir John, Malherbe. George KYRKHAM=pMargaret, aged 27 years in 1552. Sold interest iu Trevisquite 1565. dau. of Sir Thomas Denys. Humphry Specote, aged 25 years 1557.=Elizabeth, dau. of Sold interest in Trevisquite 1565. John Walter. Elizabeth, daughter ana sole heir. 502 ¦ PARISH OF ST. MABYN. CERIZEAUX, alias SERGEAUX. We find this family mentioned in the Records in the beginning of the reign of King Edward II. In 1283 William de Ceryseux was defendant in a suit of novel disseizin against Lawrence Denysel and Dionis his wife, concerning a tenement in Trewalwat ; and at the same assize Claricia, relict of John Merghon of Kestell, sued Richard de Ceriseaus for the third part of half an acre of land, Cornish, as dower, in Tremynek, which Richard compounded for the dower and had seizin of the land.1 This was, probably, the same Richard who held of Oliver Dinham on his death in 1299 one and a-half Knights' fees in Kylcoyt.2 He was a juror at the assize at Launceston in 1302, and dying in 1307 seized five and a-half Knights' fees in the manors of Kilcoit and Launceston was succeeded by his grandson.3 In 1314 an assize of view of recognizance was held to enquire if Margery de Treverbyn, William de Ralegh and Elizabeth his wife, Walter de Treverbyn, Walter Kyldrynek, William de Cerizeus and Thomas de Lammentyn had unjustly disseized Henry Lym of Loo and Edith his wife of their free tenement in Porthbygan juxta Loo ; and Henry and Edith recovered against the said Margery, Walter Kyldrynek, William Cerizeus, and Thomas de Lammentyn with damages.4 This William was probably a younger son of the above-mentioned Sir Richard, . as, perhaps, was also Richard de Ceresyaux, who resigned the rectory of Lesnewith in 1308.5 From certain proceedings at the assizes at Launceston in 1309 concerning a tenement called Trewhystan it appears that after the death of Sir Richard Cerizeux the manor of Kylcoyd, together with the wardship of Richard de Ceresyaux, son and heir of John de Ceresyaux, was granted by the king to John le Bret of Bosham and Johanna his wife.6 This John de Ceresyaux had also a daughter Margaret, who married Stephen Podyford. In 1320 Richard, son of Richard de Podyford of Podyford, Stephen, son of the same Richard son of Richard and Margaret, daughter of John Cerciaus, gave 40s. for a license of covenant concerning the manors of Truthek and Podyford, &c.,? of which, however, 20s. remained unpaid in 1329.8 M) 1 Assize Rolls Cornw., 12th Edward I., 1 J 6. m. 3. '- Inq. p.m. (of Oliver de Dinham), 29th Edward I., No. 59. o) N) s See Pedigree post. 4 Assize Rolls Cornw., 8th Edward IL, m. 4d. 2 ¦ 1. 16) 0 Sec ante p. 407. 6 Assize Rolls, Cornwall, 3rd Edward II. 2 } 1. m. 17. 15) ' Rot. Pip., 13th Edward II. 8 Ibid. 3rd Edward III. In 1388 Richard, son of Richard Podyford of Trenythiok, petitioned against Michael Trewenneleke and Cecilia his wife and Michael their son, of one messuage and one carucate of land in Pentirnen, which Richard, son of Richard do Podyford of Trenythick, gave Nicholas Heligan, Clerk, for the life of the same Richard, remainder to Stephen son 'of the said Richard son of Richard and Margaret his wife daughter of John de Sergeaus, and the heirs of their bodies, and which, he said, after the death of the said Richard, Stephen and Margaret, and Richard son and heir of the said Stephen, and James son and heir of the FAMILY HISTORY. — SERGEAUX. 503 In 1315 Richard de Cireseaux held eight Knights' fees in Cornwall,1 as he did also in 1332.2 In 1323, pursuant to a writ dated 9th May, he was returned by the Sheriff of Cornwall as summoned under the general proclamation to attend the great council at Westminster, he having lands of the value of £40 a year and upwards,3 and in 1326, he paid a subsidy of 3s. 4d. in St. Maben, as a twentieth of all his moveable goods.1 He married Margaret daughter and heir of John le Seneschal, Knt., and relict of James Peverel. In 1340, an assize of view of recognizance was held to enquire if Richard Ceriseaux, senior, Knt., Richard Ceriseaux, junior, Knt., John the son of Richard Ceriseaux, senior, and others had disseized Richard de Stapeldoa of his free tenement in Truerdeuy Cropping juxta Trethyuan, and in 1546,5 Richard de Ceriseaux, Knt., and Margaret his wife, together with Ralph the son of Ralph Arundel, gave half a mark for a writ;6 and on llth September in the following year, Richard Sergeaux of Colquyt, jointly with Richard Trewynt of Bodmyn, were appointed assessors of 262J sacs and six stone of wool, growing in Cornwall, of the 2000 sacs granted to the King by the Council on 3rd March preceding, the said wool to be delivered to John Bylon of Trethewol and others, Receivers of the King's wool in Cornwall.7 He died in 1362, and was succeeded by his son Richard, described above as Richard Ceriseaux, junior, Knt., who, in that year, was called upon to pay the relief on his father's death for three-and-a-half Knights' fees in Tremodret, and twelve fees in Eestronget j which had belonged to William de Bodrugan,8 the payment of which was stayed in the following year. In addition to Richard he would appear to have had other children. William Cergeaux held the Prebend in St. Endellion Church, afterwards called Marny's, and died in 1391, when John Cergeaux was presented by Sir Richard Cergeaux, Knt.,9 but we have no sufficient data to place either of them into the pedigree, even hypothetically. Sir Richard Sergeaux, the younger, married to his first wife Elizabeth, daughter and same Richard son of Stephen, which said James died s.p., to the aforesaid Richard son of Richard de Podyford, brother and heir of the aforesaid James, ought to descend. Richard de Podyford^ of Trenythick | Richard de Podyford J Stephen de Podyford=j=Margaret daughter of | John Sergeaus. r J Richard de Podyford, son and heir=p James de Podyford, son Richard de Podyford, brother=j= .... and heir. ob. s.p. and heir. " | I ; ' Richard de Podyford living 1388. (De Banco Rolls, llth Richard IL, Trinity, m. 445 d.) 1 Rot. Pip., 9th Edward II. ~ Ibid. 6th Edward TIL 3 Pari. Writs, vol. i, p. 655, No. 102. * See post Appendix. No. 1. A. N) » Assize Rolls, Cornwall, 14th Edward III., 2 J 6 m. 5l. '¦ Rot. Fin., 20th Edward III., m. 20. 23) 1 Rot. Fin. 21st Edward III, m. 34. 8 Council Book of Edward the Black Prince, fo. 005. 0 Sec vol. i, p. 500, ante. 504 PARISH OF ST. MABYN. sole heir of Sir William Bodrugan,1 and had by her a daughter named after her mother, who died in childhood, but because he had issue he held the Bodrugan estates for the term of his life, according to the law of England, and upon his death, in 1393, they reverted to the heirs of Bodrugan.2 His second wife was Philippa daughter of Richard Earl of Arundel by Philippa his wife, daughter of Hugh Lord Spencer. The remainder of the pedigree is so complete, and we have already treated so fully of the last Sir Richard Sergeaux and his issue, that it will suffice here to say that on the division of the Sergeaux estates between the four coheirs of the said Sir Richard Sergeaux, Elizabeth, the elder, carried the manor of Colquite into the family of Marny of Lyre Marny in co. Essex. MARNY. The family of Marny, though not in early times of the highest standing in the county of Essex, was of great antiquity and of considerable position in that county. By his charter, dated 12th October 1264, King Henry III granted a license to William Marny to impark his wood at Lyre within the metes of the Forest of Essex.3 Morant says that about xhis date William de Marny held a Knight's fee under Henry of Essex.4 His grand son William de Marny, in 1329, had license to alienate thirty acres of land and the advowson of the Church of Leyremarny to three Chaplains to celebrate Divine Service there, daily, for the soul of the said William and the souls of his ancestors and of his heirs, which land and advowson were parcel of his manor of Leyremarny, which he held of the Bishop of London as of the Castle of Stortford, by the service of two suits at the court of the said Bishop in the said castle, and the payment of 8s. per annum to the Ward of the said castle. The land was stated to be worth per annum, according to the true value, 7s. 6d., or price per acre 3d., and the Church, per annum, in all issues, accord ing to the true value, £10 13s. 4d.5 To Robert de Marny, son of the last named, King- Edward III, upon inspeximus of the above recited charter of 48th Henry III, by letters patent, dated 18th September 1335, confirmed, under the description of Robert de Marny, kinsman and heir of the aforesaid William de Marny, the same to him and his heirs for ever.6 1 In the account of the Bodrigan family, ante vol. i, p. 550, through some inadvertance it is inaccurately stated that this Elizabeth was the daughter of Henry Bodrigan, and (p. 551) that Sir William died s.p. ; and, un fortunately it is so shewn in the Pedigree, p. 554, notwithstanding that her parentage is correctly given in a note on an earlier page (530, note §). 2 Vide Inq. p.m., 17th Richard II, and De Banco Rolls, 12th Richard II, Michaelmas 119. 3 Rot, Pat. 48th Henry III, m. 2. An attempt has been made, to identify this family of Marny with that of Mareny (the Norman family of Marigny) but tho evidences adduced are not, in our opinion, sufficient to establish it. Transactions of the Essex Aroheol. Society, vol. iii, p. 2. * Morant's Essex, vol. i, p. 406. 5 Inq. ad quod damnum, 3rd Edward III, No. 122 (2nd numbers.) 6 Rot. Pat. 9th Edward III, Part 2, m. 4. FAMILY HISTORY. — SERGEAUX. 505 Sir WiUiam Marny, Knt. by marriage with Elizabeth eldest sister and coheir of Richard Sergeaux, son of Sir Richard Sergeaux, Knt., acquired the third part of the manor of Tremodret, the manors of Trevelen and Kilquyt, one acre of land Cornish in Pencarrow, juxta Kilquyt, and one acre of land English in Trefryck, together with the advowson of one prebend called "Bodrugan prouendre" in the Church of St. Endellion, of all which he died seized according to the law of England, of the inheritance of Thomas his son and heir, in 1414. In his will, dated 19th August, and proved 19th December in the same year,1 he directs that his body shall be buried in the Church of Lyre Marny, and names his sons Thomas and John, and his daughters Ellen and Ann ; to the latter of whom he gives 300 marks as a marriage portion. The former was previously married to Sir Thomas Tyrell. To Sir William Mandeville the testator gives an annuity of 40s. out of the manor of Leyre Marny for the term of his life. Sir Thomas Marny died seized of the same lands at the early age of 24 years, leaving his wife Margaret great with child. She was afterwards delivered of a daughter named Margaret, who dying in infancy the estates and the representation of the family devolved upon her uncle, Sir John Marny. To him succeeded his son Henry Marny, who, upon the death of his mother, in 1478, was found to be aged 21 years. Upon the landing of Henry Earl of Richmond in 1485, Henry Marny joined his standard at Nottingham'; and he fought bravely against the Earl of Lincoln, in the cause of Lambert Simmel, at the battle of Stoke, on 6th June 1489, and also against Lord Audley and the Cornish men at Blackheath, on 22nd June 1497. He was one of the twenty-three Knights made at the creation of Henry Duke of York, on the Eve of All Saints 10th Henry VII (1494_).2 He was appointed Sheriff of Essex, 1487, Chancellor of the Duchy of Lancaster, Officer of the Countess of Richmond's Household, and Privy Councillor, in the reign of Henry VII. After the accession of King Henry VIII, he was again appointed a Privy Councillor, elected a Knight of the Garter on the 23rd, and installed on the '27th April 1510,3 Lord Privy Seal, Captain of the Body Guard and Vice-Chamberlain in 1509.4 In June 1513, when Henry VIII personally under took another invasion of France, among those who went over to Calais with the King appears Sir Henry Mamy's son with a retinue of 800 persons.6 And on 23rd July 1514, a protection was granted to Sir Henry Marny, Knight of the Body, retained in the King's service beyond the seas.6 In September of tbe same year he was appointed Steward of the Duchy of Cornwall,7 as he was before for the Duchy of Lancaster. Finally on 12th April 1523 he was created Baron Marny of Leyre Marny, co. Essex. He died 24th May following, according to Newcourt, at his house in St. Swithen's, London, and was buried at Leyre Marny. Notwithstanding the antiquity of the Marny family, King Henry VIII, in answer to the complaint of the " Rebylles in Yorkshire " that he had not then as many noble Councillors as at the beginning of his reign, wrote, "Who were then Counsaillors I well remember, and yet of the Temporaltie I note none but two worthie calling noble 1 Proved P.C.C. (29 and 31 Marche.) 3 Boltz's Memorials, p. clxxi. 5 Cotton MSS., Faustina, E. vii, 6. 7 Privy Seals. 3 v 2 Cotton MSS. Claudius, C. Ill, fo. 27. 1 Rot. Pat., 1st Henry VIII, Pari. 2 m. 33. 6 Signed Bills, Record Office. 506 PARISH OF ST. MABYN. others, as the Lords Marney and Darcye, but scant well borne Gentlemen, and yet of no great landes till they were promoted by us and so made Knights and Lordes."1 On the death of Henry Lord Marny he was succeeded by his son John, then aged 30 years. He did not, however, long enjoy the dignity of the peerage, for he died on 27th April 1525, s.p.m. when the title, after an existence of only two years and fifteen days, became extinct. Like his father, he was a favorite of the King. He was an Esquire for the Body in May 1509, when he was appointed Warden of Rochester Castle. We have mentioned above how he accompanied the King on his expedition into France in 1513. Soon after the Battle of the Spurs, at Tournay on 25th September, he received the honour of Knighthood.2 By Christine daughter and heir of Sir Roger Newburgh he left two daughters, coheirs, Catherine, the elder married first George Ratcliffe, Esquire, and secondly Thomas Lord Poynyngs, and died s.p. Elizabeth, the younger became the wife of Thomas Howard second son of Thomas Fourth Duke of Norfolk, who, in 1558, was created Viscount Bindon. Her descendants became extinct upon the death of Ambrosia the young daughter of Sir Arthur Gorges, in 1600. See Pedigree annexed. 1 State Papers, Henry VIII, vol i, 507. 2 Harl MS., 6069, f. 112. FAMILY HISTORY. — SERGEAUX. 505 PEDIGREE OF SERGEAUX, MARNY, & HOWARD, SHEWING THE DESCENT OF THE MANOR OF COLQUITE. N.B.— The Names of those who held the Manor are Printed in Capitals. William Marny had license to enclose=j= a Park at Leyre, co. Essex, Rot. Pat. 48th Henry III. m. 2. (1264) I John =i=Avice, dau. Marny of Ralpji Gernon. r -r William Richard de Cercyaux, Rector Ceriseaus, of Lesnewyth, resigned 1308 living 1314 (see ante p. 407.) Richard Cerizeaux died seized=p of Kilcoit 1307, Inq. p.m. 1st | Edward II, No. 59. John Ceri-=^=.. zeaux, ob. v.p. _u Aems op Sergeaux. William Marny of=f=Kath- Layer Marny, co. Essex, Knt. temp. Edward III. Had license to assign 30 acres of land and Church at Leyre to three Chaplains, Inq. ad quod dam num, 3rd Edward III,No.l22. (1329) eime, dau.andcoh.of Vena-bles. Margaret, = mar. Stephen Podyford of Pody ford and Trenythyk :Sm RlCHARDCERIZ EAUX, KNT.,aged 7 years in 1307; died 1362. Eobert Marny of Leyre Marny, Knt. Had confirmation of Charter of 48th Hen. HlforParkat Lyre; Eot. Pat. 9th Edw. BT, Part 2, m. 4 (1335.) Alice, dau. of Richard Laver of Suffolk. r Michael Sergeaux, Clerk, Rector of Ladock, had license to study Margaret, dau. and heir of SirWilliam Sir John Seneschal of Pre- Sergeaux, darwolas, Knt. (ob. 1318) by bur. in Joane dau. of Sir Oger Church of Keningk Knt. (ob. 1320) GreyFriars Relict of James Peverel, see Bodmin Ped. of Peverel ante vol. 1369, see i. p. 382 ; Died 1st August ante vol. 1349 and bur. in Church of i. p. 189. Grey Friars, Bodmin, see ante vol. i, p. 189. Elizabeth,=pSiR RlcHARD=f=Philippa,dau, dau. and heir of Sir William Bodrugan Sergeaux, Knt. Died 30th Sept. 1393 : Inq. p.m. 17th l Richard II, 1373. Elizabeth,ob. s.p. No. 53. of Richard Earl of Arun del by Phi lippa, dau. of Hugh Lord Spencer. John. Sergeaux, Died 16th==Elizabeth, dau. Jan. 1367-8 ; Writ diem of William clausit extremum, 10th Champernon, & May llth Richard II relict of William (1388) Admo. to Edward Polglas ; Died Earl of Devon, Sir Rich- llth May 1318, ard Sergeaux, Michael See ante vol. i. Sergeaux, Clerk, s.p. p. 554. Bra William Marny, died on=pELizAEETH, Tuesday next before the feast of dau. and St, Barth. 1414. Inq. p.m. 2nd coh. aged Henry V. No. 29. Will dated 21 years 19th and prov. 22nd Aug. 1414, 1399. P.C.C. (Marche 29 and 31.) Phillippa, dau. and coh. aged 18 years 1399, Wife of Robert Passele,2ndlyof Wil liam Swynborne. Alice, dau. and coh. aged 15 years 1399, mar. 1st Guy St. Aubyn, 2nd Richard de Vere Earl of Oxford. Johanna,dau. and coh. aged 7 years 1399. Richard Sergeaux, born 21st Dec. 1374, aged 19 in 1393 ; died 23rd June 1396. Inq. p.m. 1st Henry IV. No. 14. Sie Thomas Marny of Leyer =f=Margaret, Marny, Knt. Aged 21 years on one of the 21st Feb. 1413-4; died 22nd Mar. exors. and 1429-30, Inq. p.m. 9th Henrv V. proved her JXo. 36. Will dated 6th May 1417, husband's PW. 7th Nov. 1421, P.C.C. will. (Marche 52.) William (Morant) died v.p. s.p. Sir John MARNY,=i=Joan, dau. of John aged 21 & unmar. 1420, heir of his niece Margaret ; died before 1478. 3 v2 B Throgmorton of co. Glouc. and relict of Rob. Gifford ; died 28th March 1478, Inq. p.m. 18th Edw. IV, No. 44. Anne, wife of Thomas Tyrell, Knt. of Heron. Both, bur. a* East Horndon, Essex (Morrant) Ellen. 508 PARISH OP ST. MABYN. B Margaret, aged 7 weeks on ""- Sept. 1420. Died 14th . 1421. Inq. p.m. 1st ry VI. Elizabeth, dau. of Nicholas=f=SiR Henry Marny, Knt., Privy CounciUor=pThomasine, dau. of Sir WTynsfold, Mayor of Lon don. 2nd wife to Henry VII., K.G., aged 21 years in 1478, created Lord Marny, 14th Henry VIII. Died 24th May 1523. Bur. at Leyer Marnev. Inq. p.m., 15th Henry VIIL, No. 10. John Arundel of Lanherne co. Cornwall. 1st wife. lenne Thomas h,am. =f= Bridget, dau. of =John Lord Marny, son and=pChristina, dau. and heir Sir William Wal- heir, Governor of Rochester degrave and relict Castle; died 27th April of Thomas Fin- 1525, Inq. p.m. 17th Henry dern. VIII, No. 93. of Sir Roger Newburgh ; died 7th August 1517, Inq. p.m. 17th Henry VIII, No. 150. ThomasMarny. ThomasHow- ard, Duke of Norfolk, died 25th Aug. 1534. :Elizabeth, dau. of Edward Stafford Duk*. of Bucking ham. George Ratcliffe,=Catherinb, =Thomas Poynyngs 1st husband ; had dau. and coh. Lord Poynyngs, seizin in right of his aged 10 years ob. 37th Henry wife 21 stUenry VIII in 1525. VIII, s.p. ob. s.p. Elizabeth, dau.=T=THOMAS Howard, 2nd Henry Howard,=T=Frances, dau. of and coh. aged 8 years in 1525. son, created Viscount Bindon, 1st Eliz. Died 28th Jan. 15S1-2, vide Inq. p.m., 33rd Eliza beth, Part 2, No. 22. Earl of Surrey, beh. 19th Jan. 1546-7. v.p. John Vere, Earl of Oxford. 4_ Henry Howard, -=pFrances, dau. Viscount Bindon, died I of Sir Peter 1590. Inq. p.m., 33rd | Mewtas of Elizabeth, Part 2, j Essex, Knt. No. 22. Thomas Howard, =Grace, dau. Francis Viscount Bindon, K.G. of Bernard Howard. Will dated 14th June Duffield. Died s.p. 1607. Prov. 10th Mar. 1610-11. P.C.C. (Wood 22), s.p. ThomasHoward=f:Margaret, dau. of 4th Duke of | Thomas Lord Norfolk. Beh. 2nd June 1572. Audley of Walden. Sir Arthur Gorges. Died=pDouGLAS Howard, dau. and Oct. 1625. Bur. at Chelsea. heir. Died 13th Aug. 1690. Inq. p.m., 33rd Elizabeth, Part 2, No. 22. Thomas Howard, restored in blood,=pElizabeth, dau. and coh. of Sh er. Earl of Suffolk 1603. Died 28th May 1626. Admo. to his son Theo philus, Earl of Suffolk, 7th June 1626, P.C.C. Henry Knevet of Charlton, co. Wilts, Knt., and relict of Richard Finch, Esq. Amkrosia, dau. and sole heir. Aged 2 years & months and 11 days on 18th April 1591. Died 10th and bar. in the College of Westminster, 22nd Oct. 1-600. Par. Reg. of Chelsea, Faulkner's History, vol. ii, p. 128. See also Cecil's Letters to Carew, p. 57. (Camden Soe. Pub. 1864.) Theophilus Howard, Earl of Suffolk.=pElizabeth, dau. and coh. of George Lord Died 3rd June 1640 Hume of Berwick, and Earl of Dunbar in Scotland. FAMILY HISTORY. — PETER-HOBLYN. 509 PEDIGREE OF PETER-HOBLYN OF COLQUITE. Arms as granted to Deeble Peter-Hoblyn of Colquite, 1836. John Peter of Torbrian=j=Joan, dau. of .- , 1 John Peter of Torbrian, co. Devon= =Alys, dau. of John Woodland, co. Devon. Collinge of SirWilliam Petre, from whom des cend the LordsPetre. John Peter, Alder man of Exeter. WiU dated 8th Dec. 1579. Prov. 4th Nov. 1581. (36 Darcy.) =Wyllmot. Robert Peter, Audi-=Margaret,dau. tor of the Exchequer, of Sir John Died 16th Sept. 1593 s.p. Bur. at Ingate- stone MX Will dated 16thAug. 1583 Prov. 9th Oct. 1593. (69 Nevil.) TirreU, Knt. Liv. 1581-83. Remar. Ed ward English, M.I., at St. Margaret's, Westminster. (PingoCollec.) Otho Peter of Bowhay, co. Devon. Named in will of his uncle, John Peter. Customer of Exeter in 1570, and proved his father's wiU in 1581. =j= ~\ Thomas Peter, on whom=j= dau. of his father settled Tre- waran, Treator, aud other estates in Cornwall. Thomasphin. Godol- Robei-t Peter, Repres. in Pari, for Fowey,=pThomasine, dau. of John Kestell of 13th Elizabeth; for Dartmouth, 28th Eliza beth. Kestell, co. Cornwall. Henry Peter, M.P. for Fowey-=i=Debora, dau. of John Treffry of Place, temp. James. I Fowey, mar. there 9th Jan. 1609. (See Ped. | of Treffry, ante p. 252.) r _J ^Elizabeth, dau. of Henry MicheU of St. Merryn, mar. ante 21st Charles I, nuncupative will dated 30th Nov. 1677. Prov. at Exon. 22nd Feb. 1677-8. Thomas Peter of St. Merryn, co.; CornwaU, eldest son, admo. at Exeter 10th Jan.l675,to Elizabeth his wife. dau. of co. Devon, widow Trevose, co. Cornwall. Mar. July 1658. Living 1685. ,r John Goove of Goovehayes,=j=Gregory Peter of Harlyn in St. Merryn. Bur.'=Jane his wife. Living 1712. of William Woodland of 19th Feb. 1712. WiU dated 19th April 1710. 9th Mar. 1737. Bur.1 Art. dated 14th Prov. 17th June 1712, at Exeter. John Peter of Harlyn, son and heir. Exr. to his father's wiU.=T=Ann, dau. of Sir John Coriton of Newton Ferrers, Cornwall, Bart. Bur.1 28th April 1733. WiU dated 23rd Oct. 1728. Cod. 12th April 1733. Prov. at Exeter 7th May 1733. Bapt. at St. Mellians, co. Cornwall, llth August 1663. Mar. there ]4th April 1685, mar. articles dated llth same month. Bur.1 18th Oct. 1737. At St. Merryn. At St. Mabyn. 510 PARISH OF ST. MABYN. PEDIGREE OF PETER-HOBLYN A -_L- Henry Peter, bap.1 30th April 1688. Living 1712 & 1728. =j= WUliam Peter, bap.1 25th July 1690. Samuel Peter, bap.1 6th July 1696. Genopher, bap.1 4th May 1694. Elizabeth, mar.1 15th June 1706, to Richard Morshead Susanna, bap.1 29th April 1699. Mary, born 8th Feb. 1724,bap.1 10th same month. Elizabethjbap.1 Feb. 1727. 16th Jenny, bap.1 Dec. 1728. 10th Ann, bap.1 19th Jan. 1730. Susanna, bap.1 6th July 1731. Martha, bap.1 27th Dec. 1732 Hoblyn Peter of Percothen, bom 5th April^Elizabeth, dau. and heir of John 1748,bap.1 same day. Died 10th Jan.and bur.1 14th Jan. 1804. Will dated 10th April 1801. Pomeroy. Mar.1 9th Julyl778. Died at Padstow and bur.2 6th Nov. 1821. Deeble Peter of Colquite in S. Mabyn,born May 1750. Died 19th July 1836. Bur.1 WUl dated 19th July 1832. Cod. 17th Aug 1833. Prov. C.P.C. in Sep. 1836. Samuel Peter, born 17th=pSarah Carbis, mar. at April 1779, and bap.1 24th same month. Died 1832. Bur. at Padstow. Falmouth, in 1 804, 1. m. 46.) In 1471 Philip Heligan was 48) manucaptor for John Wyn, one of the Burgesses returned to Parliament for the Borough of Bodmin. (See ante vol. i, p. 242.) 2 Harl MS. 1079, fo. 115. 3 Inq. p.m., 34th Henry YI, No. 17. 87 87 1 Sub. Roll. 16th Henry VII, — See Appendix No. 1, C. 5 Ibid. 35tb. Henry VIII, — 131 154 87 88 G Ibid. 1st Elizabeth, — and 36th Elizabeth. — ° Appendix I. D. 218 253 FAMILY HISTORY. — SILLY. 515 was assessed upon lands in St. Maben at the further reduced rate of £10 in 1593,1 and 16002. He married Margaret daughter of John Carnsewe of Bokelly, who survived him, and was assessed to the subsidy in St. Maben upon lands of the value of £3 per annum in 1625, at which time her son Humphry Hill was assessed at the same rate.3 It was this Humphry who attested the official pedigree in the College of Arms. Helligan was sold soon afterwardsj and the Hills seem to have left the parish, for the name does not appear in the subsidy roll of loth Charles I (1639). Arms of Hill. — Gu. a saltier vairee between four mullets, ar. ; quartering Flamank, Lucombe and Helligan. SILLY OF TREVELVER AND HELIGAN. This family claimed to have been descended from the family of Silly of Rackenford, co.t Devon, though we know of no evidence on the subject. John Silly, alleged to have been the son of Richard Silly of Rackenford, in 1612 married Elizabeth daughter and heir of John Marke of St. Wenn, by which he acquired possessions in that parish. In 1630 he purchased of John Kempe the barton of Trevelver in St. Minver,4 in which, in 1636, he, with Elizabeth his wife, suffered a fine to Alexander Carew and William Courtenay, doubtless for purposes of settlement.5 These gentlemen were afterwards trustees to his will. We find him first assessed to the subsidy in that parish in 1641, when, as John Silly, Esq., he was rated upon lands of the value of £7 per annum, and his son, as Richard Silly, Gent., was, at the same time, assessed upon lands of the value of £1 per annum.6 By his will, dated in 1640, and proved 15th April 1646 (in which he mentions his wife, his sons Richard and John, his sister Richard, and his daughter Elizabeth) he stipu lates that if his son Richard releases to his brother John his right to lands in St. Wenn, John i3 not to have Penlease, in St. Breoke, nor any of the lands in St. Minver. Richard appears to have done so, and to have settled at Trevelver, and John settled in St. Wenn, where he was residing in 1646 and in 1659. Richard was twice married, by his first wife, Gertrude the daughter of Richard Carew of Antony, he left one surviving son, named Marke after his grandmother's family, and one daughter, Mary, the wife of Thomas Ceely. By his second marriage, with Ann daughter of Humphry Nicoll of Penvose, he had a son, Joseph, and a daughter. Marke succeeded him at Trevelver, and upon Joseph he settled the manor of Heligan which he had purchased in 1641. Marke died s.p., and by his will, dated loth July, and proved 18th September 1667, after making certain specific bequests to the children of his sister Mary Ceely, he devises all his real and personal estate to his uncle John Silly, who thereupon removed to Trevelver. 88 88 89 1 Ibid. 36th Elizabeth, — 7, and 242nd Elizabeth, — 3 Ibid. 1st Charles — 253 265 312 4 Pedes Finium, 6th Charles, Easter. s Pedes Finium, 13th Charies, Trinity. 89 6 Sub. RoU, 17th Charles, — 334 3 x2 516 PARISH OF ST. MABYN. John Silly married Jane daughter of William Cotton, Precentor of Exeter Cathedral, and coheir of her brother Sir John Cotton (see Ped. of Cotton, ante vol i, p. 653). He was Burgess in Parliament for Bodmin in 1660, and dying 1672, with other children, left a son William Silly, who succeeded him at Trevelver.1 This William, as William Sylly, Esq., under the charter of 27th March 1685, was appointed one of the free burgesses of Bodmin, to whom, to the exclusion of the capital or other burgesses, together with the mayor, was granted the privilege of electing the two burgesses to represent the Borough in Parliament.2 He married first, Jane daughter of Kekewich, by whom he left a son named Hender ; and secondly, Honour daughter and coheir of John Carter of St. Columb, by whom he had two sons, John and William, and two daughters, of whom Honour became the wife of Antony Tanner of St. Enoder. By deeds of settlement, dated respectively 19th and 20th September 20th Charles II (1668), upon the marriage of William Silly and Jane Kekewich, all the manors and lands of the said John Silly, father of the said William, in Cornwall, (except as therein excepted) were limited after the deaths of the said John Silly and Jane his wife, to the issue male of the marriage of the said William and Jane his then intended wife. William Silly became greatly involved, and Trevelver and his other estates were mortgaged, in sums which had accumulated to £2,500, to Josias Calmady and Richard Doidge, as trustees for John Buller, and by Indentures of lease and release, dated respectively 25th and 26th March 1699, between William Silly and Hender Silly his son and heir apparent, it was arranged that the whole of the estates should be conveyed in fee to the said Hender, who undertook : 1st, to pay off the mortgage, 2ndly, to pay the other debts of his father; 3rdly, to pay his father a further sum of £1,500;3 4thly, during his father's life to pay Jane and Honour his sisters of the half blood £15 per annum each, besides washing, lodging, &c. ; or, if they did not choose to live with him, £25 each ; 5thly, to pay his father £80 per annum, besides keeping his horses, &c; 6thly, to pay the heir in tail male of his father's second marriage with Honour Carter £2,000; 7thly, to pay his half sisters Honour and Jane £500 each at the age of 21 or on marriage ; in virtue of which arrangement William the father conveyed to Hender his son all the said lands for the term of forty-one years, if the said William should so long live, remainder to such uses as the said Hender should by deed or will appoint, and for want of such appointment to the said Hender in tail male, in default remainder in tail male to William the father, remainder to the right heirs of the said William ; Hender to pay to his half brother John £2,000 within one year after his father's death; and by Indenture of lease and release, dated, respectively, the 17th and ]8th April 1699, the third part of 1 He would appear to have had some interest in the Office of Registrar of the Archdeaconry of CornwaU (See ante, vol i, p. 343.) 2 See ante, vol i, p. 216. 3 In order to effect this arrangement, by Indenture dated 17th June 1699. reciting tho Indenture of settle ment of 25th and 26th March named in the text, William Silly and Hender Silly mortgaged to John Hussey of Marnhull, co. Dorset, Esq., the manors of Heligan and Hender, and other lands, for the sum of £1,500 to be paid to William SiUy. The money was not repaid at tho time proscribed, and by a decree in Chancery, dated 3rd November 1712, the mortgage was foreclosed. (Deed in possession of William Coode of St. Austell, Esq., brought to our knowledge since the foregoing account of Helligan was printed.) It is not understood what interest WiUiam Silly had in Heligan, and the foreclosure appears not to have disturbed the possession of that estate. FAMILY HISTORY. — SILLY. 517 the Carter estates was conveyed to the said Hender Silly for the same term under like limitations. Hender Silly died in 1705, and by his will, dated 10th November in that year, he bequeathed £100 to his uncle Edward Amy in trust for his sister Honour Tanner, and £500 to his sister Jane. All his lands and tenements he devised to his brother William, together with the residue of his personalty, and constituted him sole executor, provided he were alive at the time of testator's death. In the event of William's death, he devised all his real estate and the residue of his personalty to his sister Jane, and appointed her sole executrix. Jane, as Jane Silly, proved her brother's will on 13th April 1706,1 and soon afterwards married Nathaniel Shepherd of Little St. Botolph, Bishopsgate, London. She died in 1707, for on 30th December in that year administration of her effects was granted to her husband, as was also, on the same day, administration of the will of Hender Silly, with will annexed, in which the said Jane had been named executrix.2 It would thus appear that John, eldest son of William Silly and Honour Carter, was already dead, s.p., when his brother Hender made his will, that William died between the date of that will and the date of probate, and that Jane died very soon afterwards intestate, and probably s.p. ; and as Honour Tanner also died s.p., this branch of the Silly family would seem to have become extinct. Richard Silly of Trevelver settled the capital messuage and barton of Heligan from the time of his death upon Ann Silly his relict, in dower, who resided there in 1677, and by Indenture dated 21st January 1677-8, released the same to her son Joseph to whom the reversion belonged, as also certain chatel estates in St. Breoke, St. Merryn, and St. Breward, reserving to her own use certain apartments in Heligan. Joseph Silly, by his second wife Dorothy daughter of John Elford, had two sons, Joseph who succeeded him at Heligan and was Sheriff of Cornwall in 1714, and John who married Mary daughter of Hubert Glyn of Brodes in Helland, and resided at Kernick in that parish, which was the property of her father.3 Joseph Silly by his wife Elizabeth, daughter of John Clobery of Bradstone, besides several daughters, had a son Clobery Silly, whose only son John Samuel Silly, Lieut, r.n., dying s.p. devised all his property to his sister Julia Silly, when this branch in the male line became extinct, and Julia in 1801 joined in the sale of Heligan to Edmund John Glynn, Esq. Arms : — There are no arms recorded to this family, but they used : az. a chev. between three mullets or., being the coat of Ceeley. Proved P.C.C, (99, Eedes.) 2 Act Books P.C.C. 3 See ante, p. 33. 518 PARISH OF ST. MABYN. PEDIGREES OF HELLIGAN, SHEWING THE DESCENT Nicholas do HeUigan.=j= HILL OF THE Reynold de Helligan.=f= r •.¦•••J WiUiam de HeUigan.=j= i Nicholas de Helligan, =p= dau. and heir of temp. Henry II. | Lamettyn. Richard de Lamettyn.=y= .... I r J Gooffry de Lamettyn. John de Helligan. ob. v.p. s.p. MilUcent, mar. Jordan de Farndone, 1254. ob. s.p. Robert de HelKgan,=j=Emma, dau. and ob. 1314. coheir, remar. Rob. IT ' Trelawny. Arms of Heligan-. Richard de^Johanna, dau. of Sybil.=f=Adam de HeUigan had seizin of his lands-p-IsabeUa, dau. of John Carminow, living . _ _. i i._r £ t> ~t~ — l iois \ .... ,. ...... 1 i qc~ "K^.l.i f\.. — nn ;j._-. • t as son and heir of Robert 1315. Assessed at Sub. in St Maben 1327. Living 1347. 1365, held Over Trequites in dower. HeUigan. James Peverel. Emma, mar. H. Mayndy. John de Hel-= ligan, living 1379. Tsabella, dau. and coh. of Thomas do Cartuther, re lict of ... . Bodrugan. As relict of John Helligan, had a writ 10th Henry V. Living 142S. Nicholas de HeUigan,Uving 1347. Isolda, mar. John, son of Roger Blake of Bodmin. Cart. 21stEdward HI 1347. Reginald de Helligan.=Johanna. Uving 1365. ob. s.p. Thomas Lucomb.=f Alice, dau. of WilUam de Carburra. I See ped. of CARBtjRRA,ante,vol.i, p. 276. John de Helligan,=T=EUzabeth. living 1401. .J Andrew de Helligan held=p one Fee in Heligan, 1428. | , 1 tJ^oq T uwvmbe who granted Manor of CabiUa to Thomas Flamank, sgn of Richard=f=Jane de HeUigan, dau. and heir. FhTank Mothers. Cart, dated Easter Monday 3rd Henry VI (1425). j coheir. Richard Flamank Uving=f Joane, dau. and 5th Henry VIII. Seeped. of Flamank, ante, vol. i, p. 283. Mary, dau. and coheir, mar. William Vaughan. Ped. Fin., 1st Henry VIII. ob. s.p. Thomas Flamank,=i=EUzabeth, dau. of John Trelawny and Blanche executed 1497. | his wife, dau. of John Powna of Brightorre. I , Peter Fauntleroy ,=f=Jane, dau. and heir. dead before 1643. | I . , Fauntlekoy. Flamank. Eobert Hill son and heir of Giles Hill, mar. ante 15i6.-=^Margaret, dau. and heir of Fauntleroy and to hir mother, Assessed to Subs, in St. Maben, 1543-59-71. Bur.1 4th Oct. 1578. | who was dau. <$• heyreof Ftamock. Bur.1 13th Dec. 1582. I 1 ' 1 1 1 Giles Hill son— . .dau.of John Hill, 2nd Humphry, 3rd son, bur.1 Joyce, wife to Catherine, wifetoAlex- Phillip, wifo to and heir.' 7 Lilileiier of Essex. son. ob. s.p. 1st Nov. 1576. b p. John Yeo. ander Arundel of Ley. William BieU. Bobert Hill, ind son. Bur.1 Sth June 1611. Katherine,w,ar.l'etm-Tokerbrother of Christ. Toker. (See ped. of Tok.ee, ante p. 57.) Morris Hill of Helligan, in co. Coruwall,=^Margiret, dau. of John Carnsew of Bokelly of 2 House assessed to Subs, in St. Maben, 1693, 1(>00. I (See ped. of Carnsewe, ante p. 173.) Assessed to Sub- | sidy in St. Mabyn 1625. Living 1635. Honour mar. Christ. Toker of Helland. (See ped. of Toker, ante, p. 57.) Morris Hill, 2nd son. i Humphry Hill of Uclli- !iau,eldest son. Assessed to Subs, in St. Maben 1625,SoldHclliganl641 '¦Grace, dau. of Peter Coryton of Newton in Cormvall. Eichard Hill, 2nd son, bap.1 2nd Jan. 1595. Humphry Hill,wt. 6, An" 1620. Joined in sale of HeUigan 1641. John Hill, bap.1 12th July 1621. 1 At St. Maben. FAMILY HISTORY. 519 OF HELLIGAN AND TRELAWNY. MANORS OF HELLIGAN AND TRESARRET. I certify that the pedigree of HiU, so far as it is printed in italics, agrees with the record in this Office. Herald's College. 10th June 1875. Reynold de HeUigan had gi'ant=f= .... of Tresarret, cir. 1193. | , -l Nicholas de HeUigan.=y:Maud, dau. of Alan [ Bloyou. GEORGE HARRISON, Windsor Herald. Sir Otto do Tregrilla,T= Knt. , 1 WilUam Tre-=j=Johanna. griUa. IsabeUa, dau. and=f= Walter Doyng-eU coheir. Arms op Trelawny. Nicholas de HeUigan,=i=Elizabeth, dau. of Thomas Meyndy. Uving 1403. | Mar. Settl. 3rd Richard II (1379) Robert, ob. s.p. Roger. Joan=j=John Trelawny, son of ob. s.p. J Sir John Trelawny, Knt. John Trelawny 2nd=p Florence, dau. of Sir Hugh Edward IV. j Courteney of Boconnoc. I ' Walter Trelawny, son and heir,=j=Isabell, dau. of ... . 20th Henry VII. | Towser of Taunton. I ' John Trelawny 22nd=pMargery, dau. and heir Henry VIII. | of Thomas Lamellyn. John Trelawny. f Ann, eldest dau. and coheir of William Reskymer. Agnes, wife to Richard Langdon. Ann, wife to Nicholas Fortescue. Sir Jonathan Trelawney, Sheriff of Cornwall,^=Elizabeth, dau. of 37th Elizabeth, & Knt.for Shire, S9th Elizabeth. | Sir H. KeUigrew. , , — ri— , i Isabell, Ann, Mary, mar.1 John La- velis, 30th June 1579. Sir John Trelawny, =f=Elizabeth, dau. of Thomasine, created a Baronet 1628. Reginald Mohun Dorothy. Sold Tresarret 1654. | of Boconnoc. Sir Jonathan Trelawny ,=j=Mary, dau. of Sir Edward re-purchased Tresarret 1668. Seymour, Bart. Anthony, bap.1 27th Aug. 1583, bur.1 28th Aug. 1583. Giles, bur.1 8th Feb. 1601. Sir Jonathan Trelawny, Bishop of Exeter,=f=Rebecca, dau. and coh. of Thomas Hele of Winchester, &c. Born April 1050, died 19th July 1721, bur. at Pelynt. Bascomb, co. Devon. John Trelawny sold Tresarret 1727 Charles. Edward. Hole. Letitia. 1 At St. Maben. 520 PARISH OF ST. MABYN. PEDIGREE OF SILLY OF Richard SUly of Rackenford,=f= co. Devon. : PhilUppa, dau. of=John Silly. WiU dat.=pElizabeth, dau. of John 1640. Prov. 15th April 1646. Archd. Cornw. Arms used ey the Family of Silly. Anne, bap.1 3rd April 1651. Liv. 1672. Named in sister Eliza beth's wiU. Bur.2 23rd July 1677. Humphry Nicoll of Penvose, mar.3 4th Jan. 1639. Bur.3 1669. WiU dated 12th May 1661. Prov. 30th May 1669. Archd. CornwaU. Ann, dau. of Humphry NicoU=f= of Penrose. Bap.3 1610. Mar.3 25th Jan. 1649. Released Heligan to son Joseph 29th Jan. 1677. Bur.5 Sth June 1685. , l Marke of St. Wenn. Mar. 1612. dau. mar. Richards. Richard SUly of Trevelver in= St. Minver. Bur.1 8th July 1659. WiU dated 1st July, Cod. 5th July 1659. Prov. 9th May 1661. P.C.C. (May, 85.) Gertrude, dau.of Rich ard Carew of Antony. Mar Lie. lstDec.1636. Vide ante p. 366. Elizabeth, dau. of=Joseph SUly of RobertShapcote of HeUgan, bap.J^ 7th DubUn, died 3rd, bur.2 5th Aug. 1679. s.p. M.I. No. 1, p. 466. Sep. "1652. Bur.2 8th June 1688. Admo. llth June 1688toDorothyhis rei. Archd.Cornw. Dorothy, dau. of John Elford. Mar. Settl. 8th Feb. 1680. Lie. 29th Jan. 1680. Bur.2 24th Mar. 1716. WiU dated 1st Nov. 1714. Prov. 14th Aug. 1721. John SiUy, bap1 14th Feb. 1637-8. Elizabeth.Died unmar. WUl dated 15thApriland prov. 2nd Aug. 1672, Exon. Marke, bap.1 25th AprU 1639, of Tre velver. Bur.1 Sth Aug. 1667. WUl dated 15th July, proved 18th Sept. 1667. Archd.Cornw. Joseph SiUy of = HeUigan bap.2 15th June 1685. Sheriff of CornwaU 1714. Bur.2 24th Oct. 1731. pElizabeth, dau. of John Clobery of Bradstone. Mar. Settl. 28th June 1710. Mar. Lie. 8th Sep. 1710. Dorothy, bap2 20th. Nov. 1681. Admo. 17th April 1784, to Ann PhiUips. Sarah, bap.2 3rd Arme bap.2 Nov. 1687. Admo. 18th Oct. to brother John 1683. Mar. SiUy of HeUand, 7th Oct. 1711 21st March 1725. WiUiam Archd. Cornw. Phillips of Further admo. Bodmin. 17th April 1784, to Ann PhUUps. John SiUy of Ker-=j nick in HeUand, bap.2 2nd Aug. 1686. Admo. granted to Dennis Stephens of Apple- dore, grandson and next of kin, 26th March 1784. =Mary, dau. of Hubert Glynn of Brodes inHeUand, see Ped. of Glynn, ante, p. 74. Clobeiy SiUy^ of HeUgan, son and heir, bap.2 30th April 1711, Died intestate cir. 1771. pAnne dau. of .... Preston of St. George the Martyr, Middlesex. Dorothy, Joseph, bap.2 bap.2 26th June March 1713. 1712. Sarah, Elizabeth, named in bap.2 Sth Deed Dec. 1714. 1724. Richard, John, Hender, bap.2 8th bap.2 bap.4 1st Deo. 27th Sep. Oct.1717. 1716. 1718. i Mathew, bap.4 20thJuly1726. Anne, bap.2 27th < 1739, mar. Willian Martyn of Launeesto mercer. f -T- )ct. n, r. Isabella Mary, bap.2 6th May 1741, mar. at Bod min 1764, Henry Slog gett, Purser, R.N. WiUiam Calverly, bap.2 14th Jan. 1742, bur. 14th Nov. 1747. John Samuel SiUy, son =p and heir, bap.2 5th April coheir 1744, Lieut. R.N. WUl Harris dated 29th March 1797. combe, s.p. dau. and of Samuel of Smale- co. Devon. 1 At St Minv( s At St. Maben. 3 At St. Tudy. i At HeUand. 5 At Minster. FAMILY HISTORY. — SILLY. 521 TEEVELVER AND HELIGAN. Elizabeth, mar. WilUam Parker of St. Maben, son of James Parker of Trengoff. 1, John SiUy, of St. Wenn in 1646 ancl^ 1659,=pJane, dau. of WiUiam Cotton, Precentor of Exeter. Bur.5 16th May 1689. Will prov. 27th May 1689. Archd. CornwaU. (See Ped. ante vol. i, p. 653. afterwards of Trevelver. M.P. for Bodmin 1660. Died llth and Bur.1 13th AprU 1672. M.I. WiU dated 6th Mar. 1671. Prov. 22nd April 1672. Archd. Cornw. — I PhiHipa, named in brother Marke's Will,and in sister Eliza beth's. Bridget,bap.1 14thMay 1640, bur.1 13th Sep. 1650. Mary,mar.1Thomas Ceely Sth Oct. 1658 Jane, dau. =^=WUUam I of Kekewich, mar., Settl. 19th and 20th Sep., 20thCharles II. Bur.1 10th Aug. 1672. Hender, son and heir, bur. 24th Nov. 1705 Will dated 10th Nov. 1705. Prov. 13th April 1706. P.C.C. (Eedes 99.) s.p. WiUiam, bap.1 27th June 1672, bur.1 2nd Aug. 1672. SiUyof Tre velver, exr. to his father'sWiU. Free Burgess of Bodmin 1685. :Honour, dau. and coheir of John Carter of St. Columb, bap. there 24th Oct. 1650. Mar. Settl. 23 March 1675-6,and mar. there 27th March 1675-6. Bur.HOct. 1681 John SiUy, living 1671. Marke of Middle Tem ple, died at Kensington, co.Middlesex.Admo. to sis ters Jane and Catherine 16 Febl687-8by sentence. (Entl67.)P.C.C, Eliza beth, mar.WUliam BaUof St. Min ver, Mar. Lie. 9th Feb. 1670. Jane,mar.PeterWilUams of Pad stow. Mar. lie. 6th Dec. 1676. Jane,1 bap. 27th March 1677, mar. Nathaniel Shepherd of Little St. Botolph, Bishopsgatc, London. Died 1707. Admo. to her husband 30th Dec. 1707. P.C.C. John SiUy, bap.1 6th July 1678,not named in brother Hender' s will, then dead ? s.p. Honour, bap.1 26th Oct. 1679, mar.1 Anthony Tanner of St. Enoder, living 1705 died s.p. Catherine, mar.5 13th April 1704. Edward A.my. Bur.5 5th Feb. 1727. See ante, vol. i, p. 653. WiUiam Silly, bap.1 16th Sept. 1681. Died cir. 1706. s.p. Joseph SUly, Clerk, Inst, to tbe Eectory of Lesnewith 1737. Re signed for 'he Rectorj- of Lanivet 1738, bur. there 16th April 1739. Admo. to his brother John SUly of Lostwithiel, his mother, Mary Silly, having renounced, 19th April 1739. Exon. Dennis Silly, Mariner. Admo. granted 23rd June 1746, in Arch. Court of Corw. to Mary SUly his mother. Anne. Dorothy, mar. .... Stephens. Frances Wade, bap. at Blisland, 13th Jan. 1747. Bur2 23rd Aug. 1759. EUzabeth ColwiU, bap. at Bodmin, 10th July 1750, mar. Clement Jackson of Looe. Alice, mar. Nicholas Phillips of Bodmin. John Silly of Lost withiel, admrd. to effects of brother Joseph 1739. Julia, bap. at Lanivet, 26th April 1753 Mar. William Lyddon. 1 At St. Minver. Y 2 At St. Maben. « At St. Tudy. 4 At Helland. At Minster. 522 PARISH OF ST. MABYN. PEDIGREE OF GODOLPHIN. Sir WiUiam Godolphin, Knt., Capt. of the^pMargaret, dau. of John Glyn of Islands of SciUy 1549. I Morval. See Ped. of Glyn ante p. 72. Thomas Godolphin, 2nd son, Captain of the=p dau. and heir of Edward SciUy Islands, 6th Edward VI. I Bonython, I.W. Sir Francis Godolphin=j=Margaret, dau. of granted lease of ScUly John Killigrew of Isles for 38 years, 14th Arwenick Dec. 1570. WiUiam =Jane, dau. and co- Godolphin. heir of Walter Gaverigan, mar.' llth Dec, 1587. Sir WiUiam Godolphin=j=Thomasine, dau. and Arms of Godolphin. eldest son, knighted by the Earl of Essex in Ireland 1599, ob. 1613. heir of Thomas Sid ney of Wrighton, co. Norfolk. John = Godol phin, 2nd son :Judith, dau. of Thomas Meredith of Ashley Castle, co. Chester. Sir Francis Godol phin, eldest son, created K.B. at Coronation of King Charles n. Bap. at St. Mar garet's, West minster, 27th Dec. 1605. WUl prov. Nov, 1667 (43 Carr). Dorothy, dau. of Sir Henry Berkeley of Yarlington, Ruth, dau. Sir John Lambe of Coulston, co. WUts, 1st wife. 0f=Fi Sir' WilUam : Godolphin, eldest son, set. 15, 1620. Knighted at Ox ford 6th May 1644. Will dated 15th Oct. and Prov. 23rd Dec. 1663. (Archd.CornwaU). =Graoe, dau. and co-heir of Richard Barratt of Tregarden, mar. at Sut combe, co. of Devon. 25th March 1658. Died llth. Bur.1 13th Oct. 1663. 1 — TT Elizabeth. Margaret. Thomas. John Godol-1 phin, 2nd son, of St.Thomas near Laun ceston, after wards of London. Doc tor of Laws. Living 1671-2 Mar. Settl. 7th May 1640 Mar.1 10th May 1640. Elizabeth, dau. of Sir John Gayer, Lord Mayor of London. Died 27th Jan. 1667. =f=Francis Godolphin, eld. son, of Coulston co. WUts. Will dated 3rd Feb. 1667. Cod. 20th April 1669. Prov. 31st Jan. 1672 (4 Eure.) Sir William Godolphin. Bap.^ndFeb. 1634.2ndson. Amb. to Spaine. Kntd.1668. Died at Madrid 1696, s.p. WUlnunc. dat. June or July. Admo. with wiU annexed to nephew and niece, Francis Godolphin and EUzabeth, wife of Charles Godolphin. 26th November 1696. (223 Bond.) Ruth/bap.1 14th Oct. 1633. Mar. Greaterex. Barnard, bap.2 24th Feb. 1638. Sir John Godol- =f= phin, bap.2 24th April I636.Devisee of Tregarden under _.wiU of his father! Will dated 1st, and proved 12th Aug. 1679. (106 King). Charles Godolphin, 5th= son, M.P. for Helston, Commr. of Customs. Died 10th, and buried in West minster Abbey 28th July 1720, a3t. 69. WiU dated 21st June 1719. Last cod. 31st May 1720. Prov. 22nd Oct. 1720. P.C.C. Elziabeth, mar. Uc. Vic. Gen. 27th June, 1687. Died 29thJuly and bur. in West minster Abbey Kith Aug. 1726, ast. 63. WiU dated 1724. Cod. 22ndJulyl725.Prov. 18 Aug. 1726. P.C.C. WilUam Godol phin, eldest son, Governor of SciUy Isles, ob. s.p. William, bur.1 29th Sen. 1631. WiUiam, bap.1 Died in infancv. Bur.1 " 1632. M.I. =Honour, dau. of John Molesworthof Pencarrow by bis 2nd wifePhUlippadau. of Henry RoUe of Heanton,Devon, which Honour was reUctEdmondDenys. Bur.2 15thMaylR42 Ann, Margaret bap.1 bur.1 31st 12th Oct.1641. Jan. 1641. Charles, named in his father's will, but died before it was proved. Francis Godolphin,=f=Elizabeth, • of Coulston, 2nd son. Governor of Scilly, Will dated 14thMar. 1697. Died same year. Admo. with wm annexed to relict. sister of JohnDixey of Market Bosworth,co. Leic. William Godolphin, born 25th March, bap. at St. Martin's in-the- Fields, Middlesex, Sth April 1694. Bur. in Cloisters, Westminster Abbey,16th May 1694. Anne, bom 9th, and bap. 12th Aug. 1688 at St. Martin's in-the- Fields, Middle sex. Died 8th, andbur.inWest- minster Abbey, 12th Doc. 1690. William Godol phin, of Couls ton, oldest son, Died 4th Sept. 1781, aged 88 years, and bur. atEastCoulston. s.p. Francis Godol phin, 2nd son, Deputy-Gover nor of SciUy, born after 1696. Died s.p. James : Burslem of Stan ton, co. Derby. . Eliza beth mar. in 1719 John : Maple-toft. Clerk j=Barbara I ElizabethGodolphin, only child. Maid of Honour to Queen Katherine. Proved her father's wiU. WiU dated 15thMar. 16S3.Prov.28thNov. 16S4. Admo. 15th May 1686. Unmar. pMai-y. :' Richard : Chaloner Cobbo. Issue extinct. At St. Maben. At St. Kew. FAMILY HISTORY. — HILL. 523 TEESLOGET. An ancient local family derived its name from Tresloget in this parish, though the name was sometimes written Sloget, and as "Sloggett" is still extant, probably Stephen Slegha, who was assessed to the subsidy in St. Maben in 1327 (Appendix I. A.) was of this family. James Tressloget held a portion of the fee of Heligan in 1428. (see ante, p. 485.) In the return of 1521-3 (Appendix I. D.) Eichard Tresloget is included as possessing goods of the value of ten marks and arms for one man, and William Tresloget as having goods of the value of £4, whilst John Sloget, senior, and John Sloget, junior, are also returned at the latter rate. The names of the two last mentioned persons appear in the Subsidy Eoll of 1524 as Tresloget, shewing that the spelling was, at least at that date, to some extent, indiscriminate; and in this document, in addition to the above names, we observe those of Eobert Tresloget and Nicholas Tresloget. The name is found as Tresloget in the early part of the parish Eegisters, but soon afterwards the affix " Tre " appears to have been dropped. HILL OF WENDEON, AND CEOANE IN EGLOSHAYLE. This family derives its descent frdm a certain John Hill, who married Jane daughter and heir of John Bedow, by Jane daughter and heir of Eichard Seneschall of Trevenethek (now called Trenethick) in Gwendron, whilst John Bedow was great grandson of Vincent de Bedow. John Hill of Gwendron, the seventh in descent from the abovementioned John and Jane, registered his pedigree at the Heralds' Visitation of Cornwall in 1620. He had, at that time, four sons and four daughters, Francis his eldest son, then aged 23, was married, but was then without issue. He afterwards had a son named Michael, to whom his grandfather, by his will, dated 4th June 1652,1 devised his messuage in Trevenethick and Boswen in Gwendron, and all his lands in Peran Arworthal, Kea, Gerrans, and several other parishes, subject to an annuity of =£30 a year payable to his father Francis Hill. Davies Gilbert says Trevenethick continued in his descendants until the beginning of the last century, when the last of the family, Mr. John Hill, devised it by -will "to a family long seated in Constantine of the same name, but from their bearing different arms supposed not to be related."2 1 Proved llth June 1053 (Brent 190.) 2 Hist, of Cornw., vol. ii, p. 139. 3 Y2 524 PARISH OF ST. MABYN. To Michael, his fourth and youngest son, the abovementioned John Hill devised Besorow in Maugan in Meneage, and property in Gwendron, and made him executor and residuary legatee, and appointed Thomas Flamank his brother-in-law, Edward Penrose his brother-in-law, William Flamank his son-in-law, overseers. Michael Hill, the year after his father's death, purchased Croane in Egloshayle. He died in 1672. In his will, dated 14th March 1671,1 he directed that his body should be buried in the Church or Chancel of St. Mabyn, mentioned some of the lands devised to him in his father's will, made a bequest to the poor of Gwendron, and named his brother-in-law, William Flamank, thus establishing his identity. Amongst other bequests, he gave to his son John Hill his gold signet ring. His son John Hill, on 9th October 1668, was instituted to the rectory of St. Mabyn, and dying in 1710, left a large family. By his will, dated 31st December 1709, he devised to his grandson all his right in the perpetual advowson of St. Mabyn, which he held by patent from the crown, and bequeathed to him his (testator's) grandmother's ring, given him by his father's will to be continued for ever in the family. Michael Hill son of Michael Hill of Croane settled in Brodoke, and in his will, dated 6th November 1723, mentioned his sister Barrett's children, his nephew John Hill, and his daughters Dorothy and Elizabeth, his brother Alexander's two daughters; and his wife Ann whom he made residuary legatee and executrix. John Hill son and heir of the Eector of St. Mabyn, resided at Croane. He married Agnes daughter of John Colwell of Horberton, co. Devon, and by deed dated 7th June 1690, some years after marriage, in performance of certain marriage articles, he conveyed to trustees the capital messuage, &c, of Croane, to the intent that Dorothy Hill his mother, if she survived her husband, should receive thereout an annuity of £20 for life, residue to the use of the said John Hill and Agnes his wife for life, remainder to their first and other sons in tail male. Three years afterwards, however, John Hill the elder, Clerk, and Dorothy his wife, and John Hill the younger of Croane, Gent., and Agnes his wife, by deed dated 30th April 5th William and Mary (1693) conveyed the said capital messuage of Croane to Edward Hoblyn of the Middle Temple, Gent.2 Arms: — We know not of any arms assigned to this family of Hill. Lysons says they bore the coat of Seneschall ; or, a fess betw. two chevrons sa. We have never, however, seen these arms used in the execution of any will or deed by any member of the family. The seal used by Michael Hill, on his will, is a merchant's mark, and this is probably the seal referred to in this will, and in that of John Hill, Eector of St. Maben, whilst the latter seals his will with a chev. betw. three birds, (but the arms are imperfect and indistinct,) and a castle for a crest; which are, apparently, the arms of Kestell of Kestell in Egloshayle. 1 Proved 1st July 1672, Exon. P. E. 1 Deeds in the possession of John Coode of St. Austell, Esq. See also Pedes Finium, 5th W. and M., Easter. FAMILY HISTORY. — HILL. 525 PEDIGEEE OF HILL OF TEEVENETHICK IN WENDEON AND OF CROANE IN EGLOSHAYLE. Vincent de Bedow. J Eobert de Bedow=p James de Bedow. ,=p -Jane, dau. of Eeginald de | Eosiwike. I ' John Bcdow.=j=Jane, dau., of Eichard Seneschall j of Treveneihck in Wendron. ¦— 1 John Dill.-^fJane, dau. and heir. 1 N.B.— The portion printed in italics is taken from the Herald's Visitation in 1620. John Hill son and heir. =f= John ith son. Thomas,5th son. Bobert Hill, eldest son, ob. s.p. 1 ; • Thomas Hilly^fJane, dau. of son and heir. \ Otes Trefusis. I , William Hill,=j= Alice, dau. of Paul Hill, 2nd son. | Carance. 3rd son. . J Michael Hill,=fJane, dau. and coheir of Thomas Hill, son 2nd son. | Girance Bodrigie. and heir, ob. s.p. Michael Hill,=pMargerie, dau. of son and heir. j Eobert Vivian. _. 1 John Hill son and heir, ob. s.p. Paul Hill, =Y-Dorothr, dau, of James Erisey of Erisey, by Cbris- 2nd son. | tian, youngest dau. of Roger Grenville of Stowe. John Hill of Wendron, son and heir. Will dated^pAlice, dau. of Thomas 14th May 1652. Prov. llth June 1653 (Brentl90.) j Penrose. I Francis Hill, and heir, at. 1620. sonPf Grace, dau, of 23. Thomas Bendall. Thomasflnd John, 3rd Michael Hill, ith son, est. 6.= son, cet. 15. son, cet. 12. Bought Croane, 1654. Bur.1 23rd April 1672. Will dated 14th March 1671. Prov. 1st July 1672. :Sarah, dau. of . . Execr. to husband'swm. — rill Agnes. Jane.Dorothy. Margaret. Michael, named in grandfather'swill. WiUiam, named in grandfather's wm. Alice,named in father'swiU. Mar. .. Bawden. Ann, under 21 years of age in 1671. Named in father's wUl. Mar. at St. Tudy, 23rd May 1677, to John Barrett of that parish. John Hill, Rector=j=Dor- Charles. of St. Maben. Inst. 9th Oct. 1668. Bur.1 20th Feb. 1709-10. WiU dated 31st Dec. 1709. Prov. 12th Feb. 1710-11. Exon. othy,dau.of .. Richard,named in father's wm. exec. to husb. will. Michael =Ann, Hill of Brodoke, Will dat. 6th Nov. 1723. Prob.2ndJuly 1724.Exon.s.p. Alexander, Nicholas named in HiU of Eg- father's wUl, then under age. De visee of lands in St, Mabyn. T 4- loshayle. Bar.1 30th May 1718. =f=Mary, dau. of Bur'1 Dec. 1698. Elizabeth,bap.1 May 1669. Mar.1 Hth Aug. 1 ,1701, to | Christopher Penning ton of Bod- Dorothy,bap.1 26th March 1672 Sarah, bar).1 30thJune 1674. Ann, bap.1 6th Oct. 1676. Bridget, bap.120th Nov. 1684. John Hill, =j= Agnes, dau. of Croane, bap.2 22nd Sept. 1663, Bur.1 6th May 1731. of John Colwell of Horber- ton, co. Devon. Settl. after mar. 7th Juno 1690. Bur.1 18th March 1722. Richard, bap.2 24th March 1667. Catherine, = dau. of Wil- liamLynam of St. Kew,s and reUct of Mat thew Hutton. Mai-.3 3rd March 1673. Bur.2 30th March 1719. Michael =Ann, Hill,bap,2 12th . Nov. 1666. Bur.1 6th Mayl723 dau. of. . Williams of Eglos hayle,mar.2 5th Jan. 1719. 1 Mary,bap. . . Bur.1 26th July 1720. Agnes, bap.1 27th Feb. 1684. Henrietta, bap.1 5th June 1 686,named in grandfather's wiR. James, bap.' 1st Nov. 1692, named in grandfather's will as Devisee of Rectory of St. Dorothy, bur.1 15th Sept. 1697. Elizabeth, named in will of great- uncle Michael Hill. Ann, named in grand father's wm. 1 At St. Mabyn. At Egloshayle. 3 At St. Kew. 526 PARISH OF ST. MABYN. HEXT OF TEEDETHY AND LANCAEFE. The family of Hext of Tredethy and Lancarfe is descended from Francis John Hext of Bodmin, who Avas the second son of Francis Hext of Trenarren, which family claims descent from Hext of Kingston in Devon. Francis John Hext married Katherine daughter of William Mounsteven of Lancarfe, and settled in Bodmin, of which borough he was several times Mayor. His son of the same name, Avho was also of Bodmin, Town Clerk of that borough in 1769, and several times Mayor (see ante, vol i, pp. 238, 239), married Margaret sister and sole heir of Elias Lang of Plymouth and Tredethy, and daughter of Elias Lang and Margaret his wife daughter of William May of Bodmin by Margaret daughter and coheir of William Lugger of Tredethy. Francis John Hext and Margaret his wife had four sons and four daughters. Their eldest son Francis [John] Hext was sometime a captain in the Eoyal Miners' Militia, but he afterwards took Holy Orders and became Eector of Helland. He inherited Tredethy by the bequest of his uncle Elias Lang, the younger, and died unmarried in 1842. Samuel Hext, the third son, was commissioned to an Ensigncy in the 50th Foot with which he served in the Egyptian campaign. Afterwards he was gazetted to a company in the 53rd Eegiment, with which regiment he served in all the battles of the Peninsula, from Talavera to Toulouse. He was present also in Ceylon during the Candian war in 1803, and was at the capture of the Cape of Good Hope in 1806. He received a gold medal for Badajoz, where he stormed the citadel, and gold clasp for Orthes and Toulouse, and was made a Companion of the Most Honorable Order of the Bath. Eventually he became Major of the 83rd Foot. This distinguished Officer, having escaped all the dangers of the field, died from an accident in 1822, aged 40 years. George, the fourth son, twin brother of Samuel, entered the Eoyal Navy, and was a Lieutenant of the Barrosa frigate. He fell by a rifle shot while leading a boat attack in the Potomac, in America, in 1813. William Hext, the second son, in 1791, also entered the Eoyal Navy, and was present in Lord Howe's glorious victory of 1st June 1794. He was continuously in active service from the date of his Joining until the peace, and received the war medal with two clasps. On 12th April 1862, he was promoted to the rank of Eear-Admiral on the Eetired List. He married Barbara, daughter and heir of James Eead of Tremeere in St. Tudy, M.D., and left three surviving children. George, his second son, after a distinguished University career, entered Holy Orders, and is now (1875) Eector of Steeple Langford, co. Wilts, Francis John, son and heir of Admiral Hext, succeeded his father at Tredethy and Lancarfe. and is in the Commission of the Peace and a Deputy-Lieutenant for Cornwall. Arms: — The arms used by this family are the same as were allowed to Hext of Kingston in Devon and Constantine in Cornwall at the Herald's Visitation of 1620, viz. : — Or, a tower between three battle axes sa. (Hext) quartering: ar. a fess, per fess indented, or and gu., in chief three trefoils slipped sa. (Tilly) and; vairee ar. and sa. a chief of the second guttee de sang (Colswell.) FAMILY HISTORY. — PIEXT AND LUGGER. 527 PEDIGREE OF HEXT AND LUGGER OF ST. MABYN. Lugger.= >.i k k & 44 A Aems allowed to Hext of Kingston 1620. Elizabeth, f— WiUiam Lugger of=pHonour, bur. Nathaniel Lugger ofe= Ann, 2nd wife Tredethy. Bought named in Tredethy 1607. Bur.1 her hus- 29th Jan. 1639-40. band's wiU. WUl dated 10th Aug. 1639. Prov. 12th May 1640. P.C.C. wiTX mot,bur.1 13th June 1625. Jobn,f bap.1 12th Aug. 1626. Grace, bap.1 llth Oct. 1612. Mai-. Ralph Plum- leigh. EUza beth, bap.1 17th Sept. 1627. Jane,bap.1 13th June 1613, bur.1 29th July 1614. ~r— i Mar-gery,f bap.123rd March 1613. Hon- our.f 3rd Oct. 1630. Bodmin, Mayor of I bur.2 Bodmin 1061, 1670, Bur.2 1693. Had a grant of arms 24th Nov. 1645. See ante, vol. i, p. 346. 1676. WiUiam =j=Eliza Luggerf ofTrede- thyjbap.14th May 1617. WiU dat. 17thFeb. 1674. Prov. 2nd Feb.1676 Exon. beth,dau. of Alex anderLang. 1 — T' Nathaniel, f bap.1 13th May 1617. Phi- lippa,Ufe on Tre dethy, 1607. Alex- anderf bap.116th April 1630, life on Tredethy, 1639. Eliza- Hon- beth, our, bur.2 bur. 1644. 1663. Wil liam, bap.2 19th Nov. 1639, bur.2 22nd June 1642. Honour, bap.1 16 Jan. 1641. EUzabeth,bap.1 6th Jan.1646 Ann,1 bap.1 14th March 1647, mar.1 George, Baron of Tintagel, 16th Nov. 1670. Wmiam Lug-=f=Deborah ger1 of Tre- dethy,f born 13th and bap.1 25th July 1651. WiU dated 23rd March 1719. Proved 12th May 1721. Exon. dau. of, Squire. Bur.1 21stAug. 1714. John,f bap.1 20thJan.1660. Grace, t n Jane, bap.1 24th Dec. 1669. Mar. Eliezer Han cock Margery.f Wiliam Lug ger, bap.1 6th May 1683. Margaret, bap.1 13th Dec. 1680. Mar. Settl. 20th April 1698. mar.1 31st May 1698. Bur. 26th March 1754. Hugh bur.1 18th Dec. 1691. John Lugger, bap.1 1st Mar. 1684. WilUam May of BodminMerchant, son of Thomas May of Bodmin, Gent. Wm dated 6th May 1740. Cod. 20th April 1757, and 28th May 1758. Deborah, bap.1 3rd April 1687, mar. at HeUand, 1st Oct. 1713, to William Rundall of Great Torrington. Living a widow 1727. Will dated 4th July 1767. Execr. to ' father's wiU. Nathaniel, bap.1 16th| April 16S9. Elizabeth, mar. Robert Venn of Southmolton. Mar. Settl. 7th March 1737, ob. s.p. Bur. at South molton, 1 1th July 1758. Those marked thus f named in father's wiU. 1 At St. Maben. 2 At Bodmin. 3 At St. Tudy. 528 PARISH OF ST. MABYN. PEDIGREE OF HEXT AND Francis John Hext of Bodmin,: second son of Francis Hext of Trenarren. Born 8th Jan. 1703. Mayor of Bodmin 1762, 1768. Bur.2 1770. Will proved March 1770. Catherine, dau. of WiUiam Mounsteven of Lancarfe. Mar.3 26th June 1728. Bur.1 1773. WiU proved 27th Jan. 1773. John Grace EUzabeth died young. I ' Samuel, bap.2 4th April 1747, bur.1 9th March 1804, aged 57, un married. Elizabeth, bap.2 1739, mar. 1st, WUliam Cole of Plymouth, 2nd, Ste phen Hewett. ob. s.p. Anne, bap.2 1737, mar. . . , Bellringer of Bodmin. 1 Ann,bap.1 15th April 1771. WUUam Hext of Lancarfe and after-=i=Barbara, dau. and heir of James FrancisTJohn] Hext, Clerk, of Tredethy, Rec tor of HeUand. Bom 10th April 1779, bap.2 3rd AprU 1781, died at Bath 27th Jan. 1842. Aged 63. Bur. at Helland. unmar. Many years in the Com. of the Peace and a Dy-Lieut. for CornwaU. wards of Tredethy. Bom Sth July 1780 and bap.2 3rd April 1781. Entered R.N. 1791. Lieut. 8th Aug. 1799. Comm. 28th April 1809. Cap. 23rd Nov. 1841. Rear-Adm. 12th April 1862. Died 31st Oct. 1866. Many years in. the Com. of the Peace for CornwaU. Read, M.D., of Tremere in St. Tudy. Died 22nd Feb. 1852. Francis John born 13th Sep. 1815. Died in infancy. Francis John Hext of Tredethy, =pMary Francis Elizabeth, only hat, nn /I ri ait» ri/-iv*n OQrn Anm nm, s\-P ttn v, T/-*r-j"\^-\T-» C!n-ml a son and heir, born 28th Aug 1817. Bap.2 Sometime ot the 83rd Regt. J. P.and D. L. for Cornwall. dau. of Sir Joseph Sawle Graves Sawle of Penrice, Bart., mar. 9th Dec. 1852. Loveday Mar garet. Born 15th Feb, 1814, died 3rd Oct. 1832. Barbara Read, born at Lancarfe 17th Dec. 1821, died 19th July 1842. Francis John Hext, son and heir, born 19th March and bap.3 29th June 1854. Lieut. Royal CornwaU and Devon Miners, llth Sep. 1871. George Hext, born 22nd Jan. and bap.2 Sth August 1855. Lieut. R.N. March 22nd 1875. Wimam Hext, 12th Sep. 1862, died 9th Feb. 1865. George KendaU Hext. Born 21st Sep. 1864. At St. Mabyn. !At Bodmin. At St. Tudy. FAMILY HISTORY. — HEXT AND LUGGER. 529 UGGER OF ST. MABYN— Continued. >'$tenjamin Stone-=Margaret, =pEHas Lang of Ply man of Great Torrington, Clerk, mar.1 22nd June f 1736. Bui-.2 2i'th ! April 1737, s.p. 1st Husband Admo.to Margaret his reUct, 28th Sept. 1737. P.C.C. bap.2 8th Jan. 1705. Bnr.2 15th Dec. 1773. mouth. Mar. Settl. dated 9th March and mar.2 23rd June 1742. Bur. at Ply mouth llth June 1762. WiU dated 1759. WUUam May of Bod min, bap.2 llth Oct. 1703, bur.1 24th Feb. 1785. Exec and Resi duary Legatee, appointed by last Codi cil to his father's will. Died unmar. and in testate. Deborah, Jane, bap. 27th Aug. 1699, bap.2 2nd Mar. Settl. 13th Sept. 1736, Jan. 1702, mar.2 same day Samuel Car- bur.1 21st keet of Totnes, Clerk. Bur.z May lToO, 9th Aug. 1780. Admo. grant- unmar. ed to her brother William, 10th Oct. 1780. P.C.C. ob. s.p. Iteincis John Hext of Bodmin and Lancarfe,=f=Margaret Lang, born at Ply- 1 1731. Mayor of Bodmin, 1773, 1779, 1785, 1789, 1791. Died 25th Jan., bur.1 31st Jan. 1803. WUl dated 14th March 1803. Prov. P.C.C. mouth and bap. at Meeting House there, 3rd July 1744. Mar.2 24th Jan. 1 1 69. Bur. ' 8th March 1 794. Elias Lang of Plymouth and Ann Lang, Lancarfe. Born at Plymouth named in and bap. at the Meeting House her father's there 22nd Dec. 1747. Bur.1 will. 25th Oct. 1791, ob. s.p. Will proved P.C.C. EUzabeth, bap.1 llth March 1776. Died 1779, Samuel Hext, C.B. Born llth May 1782, bap.1 5th Oct. 1786. Major 83rd Regt. Died 24th July 1822. Aged 40. George Hext, born 20th Aug. 1785. Bap.1 5th Oct. 1786. Lieut. Royal Navy. Killed in action 1813. Annejbap.1 14th Mar. 1770, mar.2 1795. Charles KendaU, Clerk. Jenny, bap.1 30th Sept. 1774. Died 1824. 9th Sep. 1778. Died 1810. George Hext, B.D., born 15th Jan. 1819, lst=pElizabeth Fumis, dau. of Samuel Class Lit. Hum. 1840, late FeUow and Tutor of John Penberthy Major, Hext. C.C. Coll., and Pub. Exam. Univ. Oxford 1852. of LameUen in St. Died Vicar of St. Veep, 1857-73. Rector of Steeple Tudy. infancy. Langford, co. WUts. Edward Francis Amyas, born 20th Aug. 1867, 2nd son. Barbara EUzabeth. Bom 20th March 1860. Mary Constance, bom 20th March 1861. Margaret, born 15th Feb. 1866. Susanna Read, born 28th Jan.1824. Mar.1 David Horndon of Pencreber,co! Cornw. I Lyonel John, born 16th July 1871. 3z 1 At St. Mabyn. 2 At Bodmin. » At St. Tudy. 530 PARISH OF ST. MABYN. PEDIGREE OF William Andrew of St. Tudy,=j= bur.1 17th Oct. 1584. | r - John Andrew of Penhale in=f= Alice his wife, bur.1 St. Tudy, bur.1 16th April 1594. 17th May 1601* John Andrew of St.=T=Margery, dau. of . . . . Jeffry Tud^ .bap.1 Aug. 1580. , of St. Tudy. Mar 1 16th Oct. Bur.1 8th March 1650. \ 1615, bur.1 4th Feb. 1655. I Avis Andrew, bap.1 llth Aug. 1622. Mary Andrew. Bap.1 22nd May 1625, bur.1 4th Mar. 1657. Jonathan Andrew of St.^Magdalen, diu. of . . . Tudy, bap1 ithNov. 1655. I bur.1 13th Nov. 1710. Margaret, bap.1 JonathanAndreut=Joa.n, dau. of . . lith May 1687. qf St. Tudy, bap.1 Hawken of St. lith May 1690. Breward, mar. there 16th Sep. 1719. Mary, bap.1 18th April 1718. Susannah, bap.1 19th Sep. 1724. Amis op Andrew op Tredinnick. Eichard Hambly Andrew of^^Ann, dau. of Abraham Browne Tredinnick. Bap.1 2ith Nov. of Endellion. Died 21st Dec. 1772. Died 10th Aug. 1851. 1836. Aged 49 years. Will dated 12th April 1848, and proved with 5 Codicils 15th Sep. 1851, s.p. Elizabeth, bom 8th May, and bap. at Lanivet 1st Aug. 1803. Died unmar. 6th Oct. 1838. Amelia, born 12th and bap. 2ith Feb. 1817, mar. 1st Bobert Woodman Grose 12th Nov. 1839; he died 1851 and bur. at Bodmin, indly, Aaron Weston, 25th July 1854. Died at Manchester llth Feb. 1874. Mary Ann, born 26th and bap? 21th May 1812. Mar. 1st William Warne of St. Issey. He bur. there 5th Jan. 1832. Mar. 2ndly John Eowe, formerly of Bodmin now (1815) of Frognal House, Hamp- stead. Christoplier Thmnas=^Mary, dau. of Andrew of Menkee. Born 9th Aug. and bap.122ndOct.lS9b. Died 6th and bur.1 llth Nov. 1870. Will dated 5thNov. 1810,prov.lthMar.1871, Bodmin. Thomas Lawry of Brodes in Helland. Born 15 th March and bap. at Helland 30th March 1808. Mar. there ithNov. 1827. Died Sept. 1871. Bur? Eiehard Hambly Andrew of Tre -^Henrietta, dau. of Francis Wool- dinnick. Born lith Jan. and llth Feb. 1829. Bar.-at-Law of the Inner Temple and Capt. in the Eoyal Cornwall Bangers. cock Pye, Clerk, Eector of Blisland. Born 20th Sep. 1839, bap. at Blis land, arid mar. there 29th April 1858. Ellen Mary, born 6th Dee. 1829, mar.1 28th July 1869, Thomas Spears Bundell. George John, born 3rd Aug., and bap. at St. Columb. UK Sep. 1831, unmar. H Eichard Hambly Andrew, son and heir, born 1 1th Sep. 186S, priv. bap. the same month, and publicly received into the Church at St. Mark's, Eegent's Park, London, 16th June 1869. At St. Tudy. 2 At St. Minver. 3 At St. Mabyn. At Endellion. FAMILY HISTORY. — ANDREW. 531 ANDREW -] Christopher Andrew of St.^fMargaret, dau. of .. . Tudy, bur.1 llth Aug. 1699. I of St. Tudy. Mar.1 2tth Oct. | 1654, bur.1 ith June 1687. Margery, bap.1 30lh Jan. 1658. Margaret, 1659. Edward, bap.1 18th Feb. 1700. Christopher Andrew of=f Elizabeth, dau. of St. Tudy, bap.1 May 1684, bur.1 Nov. 1770. 2ith 10th Stephens, bur.1 Mar. 1775. 29th Christopher Andrew nf St. Tudy. Bap.1 19th Sep. 1127.^=Joan, dau. qf John May of St. Minver. Bap?5th March Purchased Tregarden aud Tredinnick Bur.1 13lh Aug. 1810. Aged 86. St. Mabyn 1794. 1738, mar? 21st May 1769. Died 25th Oct. 1778 in the 42nd year of her age. Bur.3 M.I. John May Andrew of Tregarden,- bap.1 5th Jan. 1775. Died 21st and bur. 23rd April 1842. Will dated 30th Dec. 1841, and prov. 21th Aw/. 1842. Archd. Corn wall. John May Andrew of Menkee.:=Mary, dau. of John George of Born 19th and bap? 25th Oct. Endellion. Bap.* 1807, mar.* 1809. Died 21nd and bur? 1st Dec. 1834. Eemar 26th Nor. 1840, s.p. and intes- Brown. lute. ¦¦Mary, dau. of James Thomas of Lanivet. Bap. there 25th July 1777, mar. there 2ith March 1801. Died 16th May 1844. 1 James Andrew of Tregarden.^fMary Ann, dau. of George Born 13th Sep. and bap.1 Hambly of St. Mabyn. 15th Dee. 1807. | Mar. at Tavistock Nov. | 1833. 4- tjuecii's Crescent, Havcrstoek Hill, bap* 5th Feb. 1833. Thomas Lawry, bap. 3rd Oct. 1839, died 6th May 1863. Bur? unmar. Samuel Lawry, born 6th Sep. 1840, and bap.1 6th Jan. 1841, unmar. John May of 8,=Mary Adeliza, dan. Christopher of Michael Bradford Thomas, bom of Ticltencotc, eo. But- 5th Nov., and land, mar. there 1st bap.1 20th Jan. 1857. Died 1st Nov. 1834. June 1867. s.p. I hereby certify that tho portion of this Pedigree which is printed in Italics, and the Arms, are recorded in this Office. GEORGE HARRISON, Heralds' CoUege. Windsor Herald. Charles James, born 1st Sep. 18ii,diedl2th Sep. 1859. 1 At St. Tudy. 3 z* 2 At St. Minver. At St. Mabyn. 4 At EndeUion. 532 PARISH OF ST. MABYN. BALDWYN, alias BAWDWIN, alias BAWDEN OF COLQUITE. The family of Bawdwyn held a large portion of the barton of Colquite and all the wood, on a lease for lives, and William Bawden held this lease in 1576 (see ante, pp. 78 and 80.) His daughter and heir married Giles Hamley of Treblethick, who was allowed by Sir John Borough, Garter King of Arms, to quarter, in respect of this alliance ; gu. two bendlets within a bordure ar. for Bawdwyn. Nicholas Bawdwyn was dwelling in St. Mabyn in 1586, and probably at Colquite. He is mentioned in the confession of John Hamblye (see post) as having been a Scholar of Exeter College, Oxford, and his sister Emlyn is also named in the same document. Both were Roman Catholics. PLUMLEIGH OF ST. MABYN. At the time of the Herald's Visitation of Cornwall in 1620, a family of Plumleigh was settled in St. Maben, shewn in the pedigree, then recorded, to be descended from Thomas son of John Plumleigh of Dartmouth, by his second wife Ann, daughter of John Fortescue of FaUopit. In the pedigree of Plumleigh of Dartmouth, however, recorded by the same Heralds in the Visitation of Devon, this Thomas is shewn as the second son of the said John Plumleigh by his first marriage with the daughter of Eastchurch of Chudleigh. We must leave this discrepancy to be reconciled by the Heralds. At the date of the Visitation John Plumleigh was Mayor of Dartmouth, and William Plumleigh, elder brother of the whole blood of Thomas (according to the Devon Pedigree) was one of the Capital Burgesses. The above mentioned Thomas Plumleigh, by Elizabeth daughter of Eobert Shapleigh of Dartmouth, had a son John Plumleigh, who married Joane daughter of John Sture of Huishe in Devon (called in the Devon Visitation " John Steourt of Bradley ") and settled in St. Maben in the beginning of the 17th century. He had a daughter buried there in 1610, and his father and mother were both interred at St. Maben, the former in 1615 and the latter in 1628. John Plumleigh, Gent., was assessed to the subsidies in St. Maben, upon goods, in 1625, 1629, and 1642. We have traced his descend ants to the third generation, but at the end of the century they would seem to have become almost extinct in the male line, though the name lingered in the parish until. 1736. We have not discovered at what place in the parish the family was seated. Arms: — Ermine, a bend lozengy gu. — Crest, a dexter arm, embowed., ppr. habited of the second, and cuffed ar., grasping a dart of the second, barbed of the fourth. FAMILY HISTORY. — PLUMLEIGH. 533 PEDIGREE OF PLUMLEIGH. 1 -j.k.k i„ ^/-^X3v i i \ 7 g r/jt ri; ,1.3 ry *7l J. it! // '* John Plumleigh of=f .... dau. of John Dartmouth in co. Fortescue of Fallo- Devon. pit. Thomas Plumleigh.=f Elizabeth, dau. of Bap.' 1615. 24th July Bobert Shapleigh of Dartmouth. Bur.1 28th April 1628. I John Plumleigh of=^Joane, dau. of John I St. Mabin in Corn wall, living Ano. 1620. Assessed to Subs.in St. Maben in 1625, 1629, and 1642. Bur.1 7th Feb. 1658. Aems as allowed at the Visitation at 1620. Sture of Huish in Devon. Bur.1 7th Nov. 1667. WiUiam, l ' Mar i I Gilbert Elizabeth I Ealph Plum =Grace, "i Grace, I ' Joane, cet John Plum- =pAnn I 1 Fran "bap.1 14 garet, Plu m- cet. 13. leigh, cet. 10. dau. of cet. S. 5. Bap.1 leigh of St. dau. ces, July and bur.1 leigh, cet. Eldest Second son, WUUam Bap..1 9th July Maben. Bap.1 of.. bap.1 bur.1 20th 16. Ano. dau bap.1 13th Lugger, 20th 1615, 15th March bur 21st 28th Sep. March 1620. Mar.1 .. May 1611, mar.2 . . Sep. 1612 mar.1 1620 bur.1 4th 20th Feb. 1611. 1610. 1641. bur.1 16th 1636, mar.1 20th Jan. Sep. 1689 Jan 1625. GUes Aug. 1658. bur.1 21stJune 1633, Admo. grant 1694 Betty. Admo. to 24thJan. 1654, Wimam ed 2nd Jan Mary, Grace his re 1697-8. John Hender 1690 to Hum bp.1 12 lict 27th Oct. Seamer. of Tin phry Borlase July 1658. P.C.C. tagel. a Creditor. 1627. I JohnPlum - Eliza- i Joane, 1 Honour, Grace, I l John, Mary, i Joseph, I i ' Joane, Cha r William, leigh, bap. 1 beth bap.1 bap.3 6th bap.1 bap.1 bap.1 bap.1 6th bap.1 1st les, bap.1 20th April bap.3 4th July June 6th Mar. .. 1652. April June April bap.1 18th 1638, bur. 1 1st June 1639, 1644, 1651. 1651. 1656. 1658, Sth Nov. same day . 1641, mar.1 mar.1 John, Thomas, mar.1 June 1659, bur.1 20th Jan. 16th Mary, bap.1 bap.1 12th Oct. 1662, bur.1 5th Sep. 1664, Nov. bap.^lst 18th 14th Oct. 1682, bur.1 19thJan. 1660. WiUiam Parnell. 1675, John Dec.1652 Nov. 1659. 1664, bur.1 Henry 16th Stevens. April 1659-60. Herman Mary, 12th 1685. ofLan- bap.1 .. March livery. 1664. 1659. I hereby certify that the portion of this pedigree printed in italics, and the Arms, agree with the Records in this Office. GEORGE HARRISON, Heralds' College, Windsor Herald. 1 At St. Maben. 2 At St. Teath At St. Breward. 534 PARISH OF ST. MABYN. TAMLYN. The family of Tamlyn was of long continuance in the parish of St. Maben. Henry Temelyn was a tenant of the manor of Trevisquite in 1422.1 John Tamlyn was assessed to the subsidy in St. Mabyn 1541,3 and we find the name at the very commencement of the parish Registers. Roger Tamlyn had a son, baptized in 1565, which same Roger was probably also the father of Thomas, the grandfather of Richard, to whom Richard Loveys, Lord of the manor of Trevisquite, and Frances his wife sold Tregaddock in 1659,° possibly the same tenement which had been held by his ancestor in 1422. This Richard, in the entry of his burial in the parish Register in 1664, is described as "Richard Tamlyn of Tregaddock, Gent." He would seem to have died s.p., and Tregaddock devolved upon his elder brother John Tamlyn, who died in 1671, and is described in the same manner as his brother. By his will, dated 16th August 1670, John Tamlyn demised to Susanna Tamlyn and Elizabeth Tamlyn, his two unmarried daughters, the reversion of a tenement in Tregaddock (then held on lease by Thomas Philpe and Richard Philpe his son for life) as security for the payment to his said two daughters of £100 each, with remainder to testator's grandson John Tamlyn (then an infant) and the heirs male of his body, in default of such issue remainder to the heirs of the body of testator's son John Tamlyn, in default remainder to the right heirs of the said John Tamlyn. It was probably for the purpose of carrying out this settlement that, in 1659, as John Tamlyn, senior, Gent., and John Tamlyn, junior,4 Gent., they were deforcients in a fine levied in Tregaddock by William Arthur, Gent., and William Beale, Gent. John Tamlyn had also a daughter Anne, whom he does not name in his will. She married in 1661 Chamond Penhallow, whom, as his son-in-law, John Tamlyn appointed one of the overseers of his will,5 and gave his grandson John Penhallow a small legacy. She was the mother of Samuel Penhallow, the most remarkable man, perhaps, which St. Maben has ever produced. John Tamlyn the grandson, who was constituted tenant for life of Tregaddock under the above mentioned will, would appear to have died in childhood, as his father had another son of the same name baptized in 1693. The property consequently devolved upon the father under the above mentioned limitations. Arms: — John Tamlyn sealed his will in 1677, with an armorial seal: three bars in fess. 1 Inq. p.m. of Johanna Beaumont, 1st Henry VI, No. 50. 87 " Sub. Roll, 33rd Henry VIII, — 3 Pedes Finium, 1659, Hilary. 148 4 John Tamlyn, junior, married a daughter of William Arthur of St. Ervan, and William Beale of St. Teath married the sister of tho said John. - Probate, 3rd November 1671. Exon. FAMILY HISTORY. — PENHALLOW. 535 SAMUEL PENHALLOW. Samuel Penhallow was born, probably at Tregaddock his grandfather Tamlyn's house, on 2nd July 1665. His father Richard Penhallow, of whom he was the second son, was the representative of an ancient family, deriving their name from Penhallow in Filleigh, which they had for centuries possessed. His mother, the second wife of Eichard Penhallow, was Mary the daughter of Walter Porter of Launeelles, by Gertrude daughter of Richard Chamond son of Sir John Chamond, who was sometime] Steward for the Priory of Bodmin. Chamond Penhallow was of puritan proclivities, and was intimate with Charles Morton, who sometime held the rectory of Blisland during the interregnum; and when that gentle man established a school at Newington Green, co. Middlesex, young Penhallow, in 1683, was placed under his care. He continued at Newington for about three years, '.when the school was broken up because the Ecclesiastical authorities did not consider it proper that dissenters should be allowed to take part in the education of the young. Penhallow made diligent application to his studies, and by his progress and conduct gained the affection of his master, consequently upon the latter determining to emigrate to America he was invited, with others, to accompany him, to which, with the consent of his parents, he acceded and arrived in New England in July 1686. Before Penhallow left England, the New England Society for the Propagation of the Gospel1 offered him £20 a year for three years if he would acquire a knowledge of the Indian language, and promised him £60 a year afterwards for life if he devoted himself to the Ministry and preached to the Indians at times. Soon after their arrival in America, Mr. Morton had an invitation to take charge of the Church of Charlestown, which he accepted, and young Penhallow accompanied him thither. The political troubles, however, which took place in Massachusetts about that time, discouraged him from entering the Ministry, and he removed to Portsmouth. Soon after his settlement there he married Mary daughter of John Cuff, a native of Wales, at that time President of the State. She inherited from her father a valuable patrimony, a part of which consisted of a large tract of land upon which the town of Portsmouth was built. Mr. Penhallow engaged in trade and accumulated a large fortune. He lived in a style superior to most of his fellow-townsmen, exercising hospitality on a liberal scale. He 1 This Company was first formed under a pretended Act of Parliament in 1649, but, through the influcnco of Sir William Morice, Secretary of State, was incorporated, by letters patent dated 7th February 1661-2, (Rot. Pat. 14th Charles II., part 2, No. 17.) under tho title of "The Company for the Propagation of tho Gospel in New England and parts adjacent" The Company acquired a considerable extent of lands, including the manor of Eris- well in Suffolk, and its funds have considerably accumulated. By a Decree in Chancery in 1836, Canada, as being the part of the British Dominions nearest adjacent to New England, was placed within the limits of tho operations of tho Company. It is, perhaps, unnecessary to say that this Company is quite distinct from tho Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parts, which was not incorporated until 1701. Tbe New England Company ii Uttle known. 536 PARISH OF ST. MABYN. acquired great influence, and taking an active part in the management of the town, was soon made a Magistrate, in which office he displayed great prudence, promptness, and decision of character. He was appointed by the House of Representatives Recorder of Deeds. In 1714 he was made Justice of the Superior Court of Judicature, and in 1717 Chief Justice of the same court, which office he held until his death. It is said that " a strong mind improved by education added to his long acquaintance with public business, enabled him to discharge the duties of the office with as much credit to himself as could be expected from any one not bred to the profession of the law." Mr. Penhallow likewise held the office of Treasurer of the Province for several years. His last account was rendered to 9th November 1726, and he died at. Portsmouth on 2nd December in the same year, aged 61 years and 5 months. By his first wife, who died in 1713, he had 13 children. His son, John, was Clerk of the Superior Court at Portsmouth in 1729, and Registrar of the Court of Probate there from 1731 to 1735, in which year he died. He married a daughter of Hunking Wentworth, and had two sons, John, who, in 1770, was the largest taxpayer in Portsmouth, and Samuel, who is called the "good deacon." John had two, probably three, sons: Hunking, Benjamin, and perhaps Thomas W. (Wentworth?) It is related that "Benjamin Penhallow one day saw a lady who stopped at Mrs. Parker's, on her way to Portland. He sought an introduction, and in due time was married to Susan, the daughter of Colonel William Pearce of Gloucester. They were visited by a young lady, Miss Harriet Pearce, daughter of David Pearce of Gloucester, and Hunking Penhallow took her for his helpmeet. When Miss Mary Beache of Gloucester was afterwards on a visit to Mrs. Hunking Penhallow, she was first seen by Thomas W. Penhallow, who became her husband. This matrimonial alliance with Gloucester made him acquainted with his second wife, who was half-sister of Hunking Penhallow's wife."1 These particulars of a Cornish worthy and native of this parish, and the extension of the pedigree annexed, collected from sources not readily accessible, will be of interest to Cornish genealogists, as shewing the continuation with credit in the New World of an ancient Cornish family, which, as far as we know, has become extinct in the Old. Chief Justice Penhallow, in 1725, published in Boston, a History of the Wars of New England with the Eastern Indians. The first edition of this work having become exceedingly scarce, in 1859 it was reprinted in Cincinnati.2 Arms of Penhallow: — Vert, a Rabbit squat, ar. 1 Brewster's Rambles about Portsmouth, p. 340. 2 Bibl. Cornub, vol. ii, FAMILY HISTORY.— PENHALLOW AND TAMLYN. 537 PEDIGREE OF PENHALLOW AND TAMLYN. John Penhallow of Pen-=r hallow. An" ilst Edward III. ' Peter Penhallow. =f= Agnes, dau. of John. An<> 1 2th Eichard II. | llth Eichard II. William Penhallow. An" 12th Eichard II. Nicholas Pinhalloic.=f Temp. Henry VI. j Til om as Pen hallow. =^Margery : | An" 6lh Henry IV. I 1 Eichard Penhallow . An" 6th Henry IV. Eichard Penhallow. ^Margaret his wife out- An" 3-ltlt Henry VI. Arms allowed to Penhallow 1620. lived her husband. An" 5th Edward IV. Thomas Penhallou-. . =f= An" 12th Henry VII. | John Penhallow. An". =yMary, dau. and coh. 12th Henry VII. \ of Vivian Pcnicarin. John Tamlyn assessed to^= Sub. in St. Mabyn, 1541. | r- -1 Thomas Penhalloio,=f Elizabeth, dm -i. of Sn- John Chamond, Knt., =j= Jane, dau. of Sir Thomas Roger Tamlyn, bur. son and heir. Lagher. Steward of tbe Priory of Bodmin, from which he had a grant of manor of Bodiniol. Grenville, and relict of 29th Sep. 1583. Sir John Arundell. Tliomas =fChnstii>t Penhal low, son and heir. dau. of 2'rwalcits. Eichard Gha-=f . mond, exec, to his father's will, and as suchpresented to the Vicar age ofBodmin 1550. H Thomas, ob. v.p. r John =pMargery, Tamlyn, [ dau. of . bur.124th May 1594. Carter, mar.1 7th April 1531, bur.1 Sth Oct. 1585. ThomasTamlyn. Clemence Tamlyn,bur.'24th Jan. 1593 HumphryTamlyn, bap.1 28th August 1565. John Pen hallow,son and heir. 'Agnes, dau. of . . (J i Other. Waller ' Porter of lotin-ct lies. ¦Gertrude, dau. of Eiehard Chamond. John, bap. 1580 n Jane, bur.1 1616. Ann, bap. '31st Mav 1579. Richard = Tamlyn, bap.1 '7th April 1583. Ann, dau. of Bur.1 SthFeb. 1623. — l — I — Katherine,bap.1 27th Feb. 1584. Elizabeth, bap.1 2nd July 1587. Thomas : Tamlyn of Pol- glaze, bap.1 19thM.iv1589. Bur.1 15th April 1610. r~! Roger,bap.1 15th Oct. 1591. Mary,bap.1 9thMay 1594. B 4 A At St. Maben. 538 PARISH OF ST. MABYN. PEDIGREE OF PENHALLOW A B John, Joan, ; dau.^Eieliard Penhalloui=^Mary, dau. of of Eoger Daniel. of Penhallow, living 1620. Porter, econd wife. John, son and Christian. heir, act. 16. 1620. \~r~v Susan. Mary. Elizabeth. — m 1 Emanuel. Chamond Penhallow. 2nd: son. Bur. at Fowey 19th Feb. 1689. Admo. 30th AprU 1690. Archd. Eiehard. of CornwaU. JohnPenhaUow,born 15th March 1661, arjdbap.1 17th April 1662. Anne, bap.1 29th Oct. 1643, mar.1 30th May 1661. Abigail Oburn of Bos-=pSamuel Penhallow, ton, mar.3 1714. born 2nd, and bap.1 20th July 1665. Chief Jus. of the Sup. Court of Jud., Portsmo. U.S. J' Died 2nd Dec. 1726. :Mary, dau. of John Cutt, Governor of Portsmouth, mar.3 1st July 1687. Died 8th Feb. 1713. Richard, bom2 30th Dec. 1715. ill' 1 Hannah, JohnPenhaUow= born2 3rd Registrar of May 1688. Court of Probate at Portsmouth Mary,born2 1731-5, and 1st Dec. Clerk of the 1689. Superior Court from 1720 to Samuel, 1735. ob. 1735. born2 4th Dec. 1691. : Phoebe EUzabeth, Lydia, dau. of Penhallow, born2 21st born2 Hunking born.2 14th Dec. 1698, llth Went- Jan 1695, mar. John Sep. 1700 „ i i m Benjamin, Susanna, born2 17th born2 10th Dec. 1708. Jan. 1708. worth. John Penhallow of^ . . Portsmouth, living 1770. mar Dummer of Joshua, Joseph Grosse, Newbury. Deborah, born2 2nd born2 Sth 2ndly born22nd Sept. 1707. May 1710. Leonard Jan. 1702 Olimpia, born2 12th -I Feb. 1711. Samuel PenhaUow Deacon of Ports mouth. Hunking Penhallow,=Hannah, dau. of State CounciUor of David Pearce of Portsmouth for many Gloucester. years. Died 24th Sep. 1826, aged 60. BenjaminPenhaUow=:Susan,dau. of Col. State CounciUor of WilUam Pearce of Portsmouth. Gloucester. Thomas W.=Mary Beache PenhaUow of Gloucester. At St. Maben. 2 At Portsmouth, New England, U.S. FAMILY HISTORY. — PENHALLOW AND TAMLYN. 539 AND TAMLYN.— Continued. D John Tamlyn of=pMary. Tregaddock, bap.1 10th Mav 1609, died 24th, bur.1 25th Sep. 1671. WiU dat. 16th Aug. 1670. Prov. 3rd Nov. 1671. Exon. Christiana, RichardTam-=Elizabeth GracBjbap.1 bap.1 14th lyn.bap.Ulth dau.of 13th May April 1611. Feb. 1612. Bur.1 llth 1615. Bought Tre- March 1658. gaddock 1659 Joan, bap.1 Diedl3th,and 28th Dec. bur. 15th Feb. 1617. 1664. Anne, bap.1 15th Oct. 1620. Thomasine,bap.1 17th Sep. 1615. Jane, bur.1 1st April 1816. Mary, mar.1 4lh Feb. 1668, Jus tinian Webber of Bodmin. Elizabeth, mar.1 William Beale of St. Teath, Mar. Lie. dated 25th June 166S. John Tamlyn of^=Issott,dau.of . .Ar- Tregaddock, bap.1 llth April 1648. Died 2 2nd, and bur.1 24th Feb. 1706-7. thur of St. Ervan, Mar. Lie. dated 26th Aug. 1669. Susannajbap.1 llth Feb. 1650, bur.1 15th Feb. i672. Katherine,bap.1 29th June 1652. JohnTamlyn, bap.1 13th Jan. 1669-70. Mary, bap.1 1674,mar.1 27th May 1695, John WilUams. Elizabeth, bap.1 29th Oct. 1678, bur.1 24th Jan. Loveday,bap.1 7th Jan. 1679-80. WiUiam Tam-=j=Grace, lyn, bap.1 7th Feb. 1683, bur.1 23rd Feb. 1732. dau. of . . bur.1 22ndOct. 1738. Rich ardbap.1 13th Nov. 1689. John, bap.1 ISthJuly1693. Honour, bap.1 4th Aug. 1707. Mar.1 26th Dec. 1723. Richard Bastard of Lanteglos. WUUam.bap.^Oth Aug. 1708, bur.1 9th Feb. 1708-9. I certify that the portion of the above Pedigree which is printed in Italics, and the arms, agree with tho Records in this Office. GEORGE HARRISON, Herald's College, Windsor Herald. 24th June 1875. 1 At St. Maben. 4 A2 540 PARISH OF ST. MABYN. HAMELEY alias HAMLEY. The family of Hamley, usually in ancient times written Hamely, and sometimes Hamelyn, is of great antiquity in Cornwall. The name would appear to have been derived from Hamelin de Trewasac, otherwise called Hamelin de Boetun, who, about the year 1245, oonfirmed to Osbert de Alba Launda 7s. rent which Flora his mother paid from Trenant, 5s. rent which the said Osbert paid from Tresodorn, and 6s. 6d. rent which Peter de Cleher paid from Caeiiin and Tresudun;1 and by another charter Hamelin de Trewasec confirmed to Sir Osbert de Laund, Carlin in the hundred of Kerrier, to be held, freely and hereditarily, with Trenant, Tresodorn and Treudnou, at the rent of 2d. per. annum.3 By another charter we find that lis. 8^d. rents from the tenants of Osbert de Landa in Carlin, Treudnou and Tresodorn, were mortgaged by him for sixteen years to Richard son of John Reskemer.3 A further charter shews that Tresodorn was acquired by Ewerin de la Land of William FitzEylet,"1 which Ewerin was husband of the above mentioned Flora the mother of Osbert,5 who was the daughter and heir of the aforesaid Peter de Cleher6. Osbert de Laund would appear to have had a son, or grandson, named Ewerin, for in 1307-8, John Hamely,7 whom we take to have been the son, or grandson, of Hamlin de Trewasac, granted to Sir Michael le Petit the homage and services of Ewerin de Launde in Carlyn, Treydnou, Trenansmur and land in Tresodern, and gave him notice to render the same to the said Michael;8 and there is an acknowledgment, dated in 1309, of Sir Michael le Petit to Ewerin de la Landa that he had received the homage and fealty of of the said Ewerin in the places named, which he formerly held of John Hamely, and then held of the said Michael, of his court of Predannet.9 This would seem clearly to establish the descent of John Hamely from Hamelin de Trewasec, otherwise de Boetun. There is nothing to prove, so far as we are aware, that any relationship existed between John Hamely and Osbert de la Laund, but such relation- 1 Charter No. 16. 2 Charter No. 18. 3 Charter No. 5. 4 Charter No. 15. 5 Both were alive in 1221, for in that year Richard Pincerna and Simolda his wife gave the King half a mark for a pone against Everarius de la Laund and Flora. (Rot. Fin., Sth Henry III. Part 2, m. 3.) c Charter No. 13. 7 John Hamely is cited in a charter dated in 1274, relating to Trenanoemur (No. 1911,) and in another, dated in 1308, relating to "Blanchland. a Charter No. 7. 9 Charter No. 22. These particulars are gleaned from an Index to the transcribed charters in the Muniment Room at Tregothnan, kindly given to the author by his lato friend the Rev. Lambert Larking, the eminent and learned Kentish antiquary, but tho author has not been fortunate enough to obtain from Lord Falmouth the privilege of inspecting his valuable collection of Cornish charters, or, he doubts not, this history would have been much improved thereby. FAMILY HISTORY. — HAMLEY 541 ship is not improbable, and it is not unlikely that the christian name " Osbert,"1 #which for centuries has been a leading name in the Hamely family, was derived from him. A pedigree of the family, illuminated with the arms of the several matches, was certified by Sir John Borough, Garter King of Arms, in 1638,2 and a memorandum thereon states that it is " proved, from Evidences then in possession of Mr. Giles Hamley of Treble- thick, from Osbert Hamley;' who was living in 9th Edward IV (1469) and married Joane Hockm, and to this extent only does the certificate confirm the pedigree; but it is further stated that "the upper part of the Pedigree is taken out of divers Ayncient Bookes of Arms gather'd out of Old Records and deeds of Antiquity." To the lower part, which is, certified by Garter, we cannot take exception. Very little evidence upon the subject, so far as we know, is now extant, but, so far as it goes, it supports the descents. We have printed the pedigree as it stands, but are constrained to pronounce the upper part exceedingly inaccurate. It will be sufficient to say, with reference to this, that Matilda Pipard, shewn in the pedigree as the wife of Osbert son of the first John Hamely, was, as is proved by the inquisition taken on the death of her sister, aged 30 years in 1375, whilst the inquisition tyken on the death of her grandson, . Sir John Hamely, Knt., shews that his son and heir Ralph Hamely, was bom in 1323; moreover the alleged sons of the latter, Sir John Hamely and Osbert Hamley, were living in 3rd Edward IV (1463) and 9th Edward IV (1469) respectively. The last is said to have married Joane Hockin, sister and heir of William Hockin, Rector of Helland. As, however, William Hocken was not instituted to Helland until 1521, and lived until 1555, his sister could scarcely have been born early enough to have been the wife of a gentleman who flourished in 1469. As it would be hopeless to attempt to correct this pedigree, we have printed it as it stands, and have added an alternative table shewing tbe descents so far as we have been able to support them by evidence. John Hamely, whose name we have mentioned above (page 540), in connection with Sir Michael Petit, as the descendant of Hamelyn de Trewasac, had a son named Osbert. In 1302 Thomas Peticru of Brongolon petitioned against Osbert the son of John Hamely concerning a moiety of one acre of land in Lanyghan juxta Langargala as his right, and in which, he said, the said Osbert had no entrance except by the disseizin whieh a certain Cenota Peticru unjustly made against William Peticru father of the said Thomas. Osbert pleaded that he held the tenement jointly with Margaret his wife, who was not named in 1 At these early dates the use of certain- Christian names, in families was sometimes moro permanent than surnames. The latter, especially in Cornwall where territorial names were very general, frequently changed with change of residence. The spelling also of the same names greatly varied. It has been said that the name of Cholmondely is written twenty-five different ways in tho deeds of that family. The variations in spelling the same names are equaUy numerous and remarkable in the wUl of Henry VII, published by Mr. Astlo in 177:. Besides a multitude of other words the single one of "alms" is written in five different ways: "almons," "almose'' "elemoss," " elemosse," "elemesse." 1 This pedigree is now in the possession of Major General F. Hamley, and is doubtless the same which is mentioned by the Rev. Thomas Tregenna Hamley, who, in 1S12, in a letter to Lysons, says : " there was also a pedigree of my paternal family, but no researches at present can discover it I believe." Lysons Corr., Addl. MSS. 9117, lo. 304. 542 PARISH OF ST. MABYN. the writ, and therefore Thomas Peticru was nonsuited.1 In 1309 Osbert Hamely was defendant with others in a suit of novel disseizin at the instance of William le Poer of Trengothel of a tenement in Trewheran •? and he is again twice mentioned in the following- year.5 He is also named in 1322,4 and in 1327 he was attorney for Henry de la Pomeroy, in a plea of novel disseizin against William the son of Walter de St. Margaret.5 This Osbert died in 1331, and was succeeded by his son John Hamely, begot of Margaret daughter of Ralph Glynn.0 In 1333 we find John the son of Osbert Hamely, senior, a defendant with John Chamond and others in a suit of novel disseizin by William de Carburra. He is stated to have married "Margaret daughter and heir of Walter Idles." His wife was really Margery, the elder daughter and coheir of Walter de Alet, who was aged 9 years in 1308, when the inquisition was taken upon her father's death.7 This marriage brought to the Hamely family the manor of Alet and lands in Kilmonsac. In 1331 John Hamely and Margery his wife suffered a fine to John de Aldestowe, of one messuage and one acre of land in Kylmonseg, and a moiety of the manor of Alet, whereby the said messuage and land were settled upon John Hamely and Margery his wife for life, remainder to John the son of the said John Hamely for his life, and after his death remainder to Ralph the brother of the said John the son of John, and the heirs of his body, in default remainder to the right heirs of the aforesaid Margery ; and as concerning the moiety of the manor of Alet, to the said John Hamely and Margery, and the heirs of their bodies, in default remainder to the right heirs of the said Margery,8 and by another fine, passed in the same term, John Hamely settled one messuage in the Island of St. Agnes in Scilly upon himself and the heirs of his body, in default of such issue upon Andrew his brother and the heirs of his body, and in default upon his own right heirs. John Hamely died on 27th May 1346, as shewn by the Inquisition taken thereupon, seized of the third part of the manor of Tregynnou, whereof Holwyn (Halwyn), Trewyas, and Penhale were parcel, which he held of William Bodrugan by military M ) N) 1 Assize Rolls, Cornw., 30th Edward I, 1 } 1. m. 18d. 2 Ibid. 3rd Edward II, 2 } 1. m. 16d. 21 ) 15 j N) N) 3 Ibid. 4th Edward II, 2 > 2. m. 10. i Ibid. 16th Edward II, 2 ! 6. m. 11. 15) 17 j N) s Ibid. 2nd Edward III, 2 } 3. m. 23. 6 See ante, p. 5S. 18 j 7 It appears from this Inquisition that Walter Alet, on the day on which he died, viz: Friday next before the Feast of All Saints 1st Edward II (1307), was seized, inter alia, conjointly with his wife Isota, of tho third part of one acre of land in KUmonseg, and that Margery his daughter, " antonata," and Alianora his daughter, "postnata,'' were his nearest heirs, and that the said Margery was aged 9 years, and the said Alianora was aged 6 years. (Inq. p. m. 2nd Edward II, No. 31.) It appears from a further Inquisition, taken after the death of Isolda (sic) who was the wife of the aforesaid Walter de Alet, that John de Alet father of the said Walter granted, by his charter, to Serlono do Nansladron, the manor of Alet for the term of the life of the said John, that after the death of John Walter, as son and heir, entered upon the manor, but that Serlone ejected him, and that upon the death of Serlone, it fell into the King's hands by reason of the minority of the heirs of Walter de Alet, and then still remained in the King's hands. (Inq. p. m. 10th Edward II, No. 26.) 8 Pedes Finium 5th Edward in, Michs, FAMILY HISTORY. — HAMLEY. 543 service; and also of a moiety of the manor of Alet, as of the right of inheritance of Margery his wife, which he held of the Duke of Cornwall, as of the Castle of Launceston, by military service; and Ralph Hamely, son of the said John Hamely, was found to be his nearest heir, and to be of the age of 23 years and more.1 In 1340, when the aid of 40s. for each Knight's fee was granted for making the King's eldest son a Knight, Ralph de Hamely paid 20s. for half of a small fee in Trekinneu which John Hamely; his grandfather2, held when the aid was levied by King Edward I, on the marriage of bis eldest daughter f and at the same time Margery Hamely and Eleanora her sister paid 13s. 4d. for the third part of one Knight's fee in Alet, which Serlon Lansladron had held when the previous aid was granted.4 Margery survived her husband, and on Wednesday next before the feast of the Nativity of the B. V. Mary 1347, had assigned to her as dower, inter alia, a moiety of the manor of Tregynneu and all the chambers within the gate of Helwyn, together with the chapel there.5 Ralph Hamely, son and heir of John Hamely, was born in 1323, and it is clear that there is an hiatus in the pedigree between him and Osbert who married Joan Hocken. Two or three descents have evidently been omitted. This Ralph would appear to have had several brothers. In 1365, an assize of view of recognizance was held to enquire if Osbert Hamely, William Hamely, and others had unjustly disseized John Durant of his free tenements in Kylmonsek, &c, and two years later a similar assize was taken to enquire if John0 the son of John Hamely had unjustly disseized John the son of Richard Attemore and Alice the daughter of John Hamely of their free tenement in Southmore, and John the son of Richard and Alice recovered seizin.7 We have no mention of Ralph Hamely subsequent to the year of his father's death. He probably died s.p., and was succeeded by his brother Osbert, which Osbert, we conceive, was identical with Osbert Hamely who married Matilda the daughter and heir of Sir William Pipard.8 This gentleman is described in the pedigree as " of Cornwall." We 1 Inq. p. m. 21st Edward HI, No. 20, (2 Nos.) 2 He must have been his great grandfather. 3 John Hamely, in 1303, paid an additional charge of 7s. 6d. upon half of a smaU fee in Trekynneu on 12s. 6d. whieh he had paid before, and Ralph ArundeU paid a like amount for the other half of the fee. (Rot. Pip., 31st Edward I.) 4 Queen's Rememb. Office, Book of Aids, p. 34. 5 Assign. Dower. Escheats, 21st Edward III, No. 68, (1st Nos.) 6 On 19th June 1365, an annuity of £20 was granted to John Hamlyn, the valet of the Prince of Wales, (Council Book of the Black Prince, fo. 545.) N) 7 Assize RoUs, Cornw. 40th Edward III et. seq. 2 } 7 27) " This Sir WUliam Pipard, though described as of the county of CornwaU, would rather appear to have been of Wilts. He was the son of Stephen Pipard and had two daughters and heirs: Margaret, the eldest married, first Robert le Fitz Elys; Sir William Pipard, by his charter, settled upon them and their issue, tho manor of Nethercote in Wilts, in default remainder to Stephen Pipard father of the said William for life, and after his death to revert to the grantor. By Robert le Fitz Elys she had no issue, after whose death she took to her second husband Warine do L'Isle. She died 3rd August 1375, leaving a son Gerard aged 15 yeara, and a daughter Margaret. (See ante, p. 500.) Matilda, the other daughter and coheir of Sir William Pipard, became the wife of Osbert Hamely, and was aged 30 years on her sister's death. (Inq. p. m. 49th Edward III, part 1, No. 73.) 544 PARISH OF ST. MABYN. have no knowledge that he held lands in that county, but he was seized of Larkbeare, North Bovey, and other lands in Devon, and of the manor of Nethercote in Wilts. The latter was carried away by the other coheir, but Matilda inherited the two former. In 1370, an inquisition was taken at Exeter to enquire what lands were held by Osbert Hamely, who had been convicted of divers felonies. The jury found that he held divers lands in Larkbeare, . North Bovey, &c, of the inheritance of Matilda his wife, and that he held, as of his own right, four ferlings of land at Uppeton near Tavistock, and also in Salcome an annual rent of 4s. of the grant of John Cheueryston, for the term of the life of Matilda wife of the said Osbert.1 It would appear, however, that he did not forfeit his estates, for in 1384, we find him taking proceedings against John Davy of Whympel, to compel him to render an account for the time he was the said Osbert's bailiff at Larkbeare.2 Osbert Hamely is again mentioned in 1380, in connection with Reginald Heligan.3 By his charter, dated on Saturday nearest the feast of the Purification of B. V. Mary 7th Richard II (1383-4), Osbert Hamely, described as of the county of Cornwall, granted to Richard Welyngton, Parson of the Church of St. Tudy, and others, certain lands in Trenulgois, &c, and the rents and services of various tenants, which was probably for purposes of settlement." In the same year he sued Aldestowe de Plymouth in a plea of trespass5 and in the following January, he appointed Stephen de Fall and others as his attornies in another plea of trespass.0 We do not find him again mentioned, but at the end of this year Arthur Hamely, described as kinsman and heir of John Hamely, Knt., was sued by Richard Trenewyth of Denezel for £100, being the value of 8,000 lbs. of white tin, coined.7 It is recited in the inquisition taken after his death, that being seized of the manor of Helwyn, and a moiety of the manor of Alet, by his charter, dated at Helwyn on Thursday in the Vigil of SS. Simon and Jude 6th Henry V (1418), he granted to Henry Nanskelly, Vicar of the church of St. Ide, the said manor and moiety, and also all messuage lands, &c, inter alia, in Helwyn, Trewyns, Kilmonsek, and St Agnes Isle, to hold to the use of the said Arthur and Isabella his wife during their lives, remainder to Margaret, the daughter of the said Arthur and Isabella; and the jury found that the said Arthur died on 5th March 1427, that Isabella still survived, and that Margaret Hamely was the daughter and nearest heir of the said Arthur, and was aged 18 years.8 We conceive that after the death of Arthur Hamely, Isabella, his relict, married a certain John Sprygy, and that Margaret became the wife of John Champernon of Insworth; for in the inquisition taken at Lytelbrygge, county Cornwall, 17th October 1468, after the death of Richard Champernon, it is recited that ' John Talcarn and John Trenewyth 1 Escheats, 44th Edward III (2nd Nos.), No. 39. 2 De Banco RoUs, 7th Richard II, Easter, m. 303. N) 8 Assize RoUs, Divers Counties, 4th Richard II, 2 > 7. m. 17d. 4 InroUed De Banco RoU, 7th Richard II, Trinitv. 27) ' » Coram Rege Rolls, 7th Richaid II, Easter m. 38. 6 Ibid, 8th Richard II, Hil. m. 51. 7 De Eanco Roll, Sth Richard II, Michs. m. 299, continued 9th Richard II, Easter m. 293. 8 Inq. p. m. 6th Henry VI, No. 48. FAMILY HISTORY. — HAMLEY. 545 of Padistowe, being seized of the manor of Helwyn, otherwise called Tregenowe, and a moiety of the manor of Alet, had granted the same to John Sprygy and Isabella his Wife for their lives, remainder to John Champernon and Margaret his wife and the heirs of the body of the said Margaret, and in default of such issue remainder to the right heirs of John Arundel late of Lanherne, Knt., deceased;1 that in virtue of this grant John Sprygy and Isabella were seized in demesne as of a free tenement, and that John Sprygy died so seized, and Isabella survived and was solely seized ; that John Champernon and Margaret his wife had issue Richard Champernon, and that Isabella, by her charter, dated at Helwyn, on Thursday next after the feast of All Saints 38th Henry VI (1459), granted the said manor and moiety to the said Richard Champernon, he paying the said Isabella an annual rent of £8 during her life, and that she was still living ; that in virtue of this grant the said Richard Champernon was seized of the said lands, and by his charter, dated 15th May 2nd Edward IV (1461J, granted the same to Michael Hals for the term of his life, and that the said Michael was seized as of a free tenement. The jury further found that the said Richard Champernon died 26th May then last past (1468), and that Margery, Margaret, Elizabeth, Johanna, and Mary, were his daughters and heirs, and were aged, respectively, Margery 7 years, Margaret 5 years, Elizabeth 3 years, Johanna 2 years, and Mary 3 months.3 It is evident from the foregoing, that Arthur Hamely was in the line of succession, and that, by his death in 1427, s.p.m., the estates went out of the family, hence Sir John Hamley, Knt., Osbert Hamley and Ralph Hamley, shewn on the pedigree as the sons of Ralph son and heir of Sir John Hamley, who died in 1346, could not have been so related. We have no evidence concerning either. We may, however, notice the following persons, who, though not traced to the elder branch, are indicated by their peculiar Christian names as belonging to the same family. In 1351 we find Andrew Hamely and John Hamely, Knt., concerned in a suit relating to one acre of land Cornish in Trewayther (Trewethern) juxta Bodannan.3 As this Sir John was living subsequent to the death of Sir John Hamely abovementioned, it is certain he was a different person, and he was, perhaps, identical with the Sir John Hamely who married Johanna daughter and heir of Sir Nicholas Plecy, Knt.,4 by whom he acquired the manor of Hethelan in the county of Surrey. They had issue a son named John, or Thomas, who died in infancy, and the said Johanna died on Thursday next after the Assumption of the B. V. Mary (1373) s.p., and the manor reverted to Peter Plecy the uncle of Johanna,5 who, in 14th Richard II (1390), suffered a fine to. John Hamely, acknowledging his right to the said manor during his life.0 After the death of Johanna Plecy, Sir John 1 Ped. Finium, 21st Henry VI, Michaelmas. 2 Inq. p. m. 8th Edward IV, No. 35. N] 3 Assize RoUs, 25th Edward III, 2 [ 6. m. 56. 23 ) 4 She was sister and heir of Nicholas, brother and hoir of John do Plecy, son and heir of Nicholas de Plecy. John Hamely did fealty for her lands, and had Uvery of seizin 30th September 1362. (Rot. Fin. 36th Edward III, m. 15.) 5 Inq. p. m. 48th Edward III, No. 35 (1st Nos.) " Inq. p. m. 22nd Richard II, No. 25. (Surrey.) 4 B 546 PARISH OF ST. MABYN. Hamely took to wife a certain Elizabeth, and, together with his wife, suffered a fine, in 1393, inter aha, in the manor of Upwimborne, co. Dorset, together with the advowson of the church of Upwimborne, to John Alet and Thomas Ramesay, by means of which the said manor and advowson were settled upon the said John and Elizabeth and the heirs of their bodies, in default remainder to John Lovell, Knt., and his heirs for ever. The said Sir John Hamely died 15th January 1398-9, and Egidia the daughter of the said John and Elizabeth was found to be their nearest heir.1 Geoffry Hamely and Martin Hamond and Matilda his wife, in 1353, gave half "a mark for certain writs.2 In 1400, William son of Jordan Hamely recovered lands in Westcoryth against John Foghell.3 Benedict Hamely was one of the jurors on the Inquisition, post mortem, of Thomas Cheddar, held at Bodmin on 21st June 1443 ;4 and in January 1470-1, as executor of the will of John Hamely, he took proceedings to recover from Roger Stone of Trevigy in St. Minver, and Johanna his wife, daughter and heir of John Wytheyng, a debt of £20.5 Accepting the pedigree as certified - by Sir John Borough as being substantially correct from Osbert Hamely who married Joan Hocken, we find that Benedict Hamley, son of the said Osbert and Joane, was assessed to the subsidy in St. Maben as early as 1524, and Thomas son of Benedict in 1571. We have occupied so much space in the critical examination of the early part of Sir John Borough's pedigree, that we must hasten over the latter part, but we cannot refrain from mentioning John Hamblye, alias Tregwethan, .a Seminary Priest, described as of St. Mabyn, Clerk, whose singular confession, dated 18th August 28th Elizabeth (1586), is preserved in the State Paper Office. We all know that very severe measures were enacted against the Roman Catholics in the reign of Queen Elizabeth, and especially against Priests educated in seminaries abroad. John Hamblye, who calls himself, cdias Tregwethan,5 of the parish of St. Mabyn, was on the 18th August 1586, taken before the Bishop of Salisbury and Giles Estcourt, Esq., two of the Justices of the Peace for Wilts. He stated that he had, from his infancy, been brought up at divers schools in Cornwall learning the Latin tongue, and that about four years previously one Nicholas Bawdwyn, dwelling in the same parish, who had been a scholar in Exeter College, Oxford, had given him several books relating to the Romish religion which unsettled him in his faith, so that he ceased to attend the Church of England, and being afraid of the penal laws in that behalf, he proceeded to London, where he met one Davie Tomson, a Priest, and a Cornish man born at Blisland, whose name, in truth, was David Kempe, and one Foskewe (Fortescue) another priest, by whom he was duly admitted into the Romish Communion. He mentions various occasions when he was present at mass in London, on some of which he met Mr. Bawdwyn. He relates, 1 Inq. p. m. 22nd Richard II, No. 25 (Dorset.) 2 Rot. Fin. 27th Edward III. N) 3 Assize Rolls, Div. Cos. 1st Henry IV, 2 } 2. m. 48d. ¦" Inq. p. m. 21st Henry VI, No. 55. 36) " De Banco Rolls, 49th Henry AT, Hil. m. 171d. 0 This name was probably assumed for purposes of concealment. FAMILY HISTORY.— HAMLEY. 547 va. great detail, a journey he made to Rheims, in France, and names all the English persons he saw, and the books which he read, relates how he was admitted to the diaconate, and how he was ordered to leturn to England, which he did in disguise, "to convert those that are in error, and to save souls ;" that he afterwards celebrated mass on several occasions in London and in the country, that he received from Mr. Bawdwyn £10 being part of a legacy given him by his own father, that he went to Charde to meet one Mr. Fulford, and a gentlewoman which the said Mr. Fulford intended to have married, and whilst accompanying them to one Mr. Maunday's house, where the marriage was to have been solemnized, he was apprehended and committed to the common gaol at Ilchester, was tried at the assizes at Taunton, and there condemned for being a seminary priest, and had his judgment; that he made his submission and promise of reconcilement to Her Majesty's laws, and was reprieved; and for that "he lay there vppon the bare hordes and had but the allowance of a peny a day & colde not have the allowance of 2d. a day more, & a bedde as yt was allowed and appoynted unto him," he escaped and was again apprehended at Knowle. The Bishop in sending this deposition to the Privy Council concludes his letter by saying: " yet the man is not so obstinate at this tyme but he can be contented (so he may obtaine mercve of her MatLe and pdon for his lyfe) to forsake the Pope, come to the Church, and willingly follow her Maties proceedings as he beareth vs in hande."1 We are unable to identify this gentlemen. He was probably a younger son of Thomas Hamley of Treblethick, whose eldest son Giles married, in 1573, Elizabeth daughter of William Baldwin, alias Bawdwyn of Colquite ; hence there existed a family connection. William Hamley of Treblethick, who died in 1711, as well as daughters, had several sons. John Hamley, his eldest son, succeeded him at Treblethick, and, by his improvidence, was obliged to sell his estate. He died in 1777, leaving two sons, whom he describes in his will as Richard Hamley of Bodmin, shopkeeper, and William Hamley of Lostwithiel, saddler. The former afterwards removed to St. Columb, where ,he was living about 1816, aged 81, being then the representative of the family. We do not know if he left issue. Probably Mr. Osbertus Hamley and Mr. John Hamley, who, in 1819, repaired the monument of their ancestor in St. Maben Church, were his sons, or the sons of his brother William.3' Giles Hamley, second son of William Hamley of Treblethick, settled at St. Columb as an attorney, and was twice married. His grandson Thomas Tregenna Hamley, Clerk, was curate of St. Ervan and St. Eval nineteen years, and died at St. Ervan in 1818, aged 59, and s.p. He was the last representative of this branch of whom we have any trace. Of Joseph and William, younger sons of William Hamley of Treblethick, we are unable to speak with certainty. We, however, believe they were identical with Joseph and William Hamley, who settled at Bodmin, as surgeons, of whom Joseph was the progenitor of the present family of Hamley of Bodmin, a family greatly distinguished for their naval and military services, whose pedigree we annex. 1 State Papers, Dom. Corr., Eliz., vol. 192, No. 46. 2 See ante, p. 407. 4b2 548 PARISH OF ST. MABYN. PEDIGEEE OF HAMELEY John Hamley of co. Cornwall.^ Arms : ar. 3 (Hamley/1 The upper part of this Pedigree or discent was taken out of diners ayncienl Coolies of armes. Gathered out of olde records and deeds of antiquities and good proues. Sir John Hamley, Knt. Died=j=Margaret [Margery] dau. and 20th Edward III, 1346. Died 27th May 1346. Inq. p.m.. 21st Edward III. Part 1, No. 20. heir [coh] of Walter Idles [Alet assignment of dower, Sep. 1347. Escheats 21st Edw. III. Part 1, No. 68. Balfe Hamley, son and heire of=^Margaret. Sir John Hamley. Aged 23 at I William his father's death. Born 1323. | Held half a Knight's fee in Trekinnen in 1346. er of Sir John Hamley of Hamley, Knt., married ye daughter and heire of Sir Humfrey Talbot, Knt., 3rd Edward IV. Arms : Hamley im paling : per chev. or and ar. a chev. betw. 3 talbots sa. Richard Cliampernone of Insworth maried ge dour, and heire of Sr Iohn Hamley of Hamley, Knt , and of his wife (Taugr. and heire Sr Humfrey Talbott, which Richd. Champernon was son and heir to Jo: son and heir to Richard soun and heir to Iohn, third sonne to Richd. sonne and heire to Henry, sonne and heire to Thomas, sonne and heire to Richard Champemone and of loaue hia wife, daugr. and heire of Halfe Valilort and of loan" his wife, dour, to Edmond Harle of CornwaU, Lord of Insworth, sonne and heire to Eichard Kinge of the Romans sonne to Iohn Kinge of England. The armes of Hamley are quartered by diuers ayncient and worthy families booth in Devonand Cornwallas Namelye Cliampernon, Monie, and Treuillion and others, and are very ayneieut/y painted in glass iu the windoes of the Church of St. Mabin in Cornwall •in severall places, and likewise in glass windoes of Sent Peters in Exeter, and in many other places in Devon. This descent of Webber and the match with Hamley is in the boolle of Cornwall, remay nitty in the OJJice of arms. William Webber of ye parish of St. Kew in Cormvall. Arms : Ou. upon a cher. eng. or, betw. 3 plates, 3 annulets az. (Webber) impaling : sa. irithin a bordure a stork ar. member d gu. (Mathew). Died 1593. (See ante, vol. U, p. 168.) :. . . .dau. of [William] Mathew of St. Kew. John, Webber of Am- bell in St. Kew. 'Joane, dau. of . . , Trewbodie of St. Cleere. John Webber of Ambell, his' first wife Honor, dau. of John Calwoodley of Padstow. Giles Hatnli'ij of Treblcth ick. Arms .-^Elizabeth, dau. and heire of William Hamley differenced with a mullet impaling : gu. two bendlets within a bordure ar. Baldwin, alias Bawdwin, of Col- quit in Si. Mabyn. --Susan, dau. of Pol- wlicalu of Trcworgan, second wife . Margaret, dau. of John" Webber of Ambell, in ye parish of St. Keu-. Mar.1 18th Juno 1596. Executrix to husband's wiU. A 'Alexander Hamley of Treblethick. Arms : Hamley impaling Webber. Bur.1 29th Oct. 1624. WUl dated SOth Oct. 1624. Prov.23rd Feb. 1624-5. Archd. Cornw. At St. Mabyn. FAMILY HISTORY. — HAMLEY. 549 alias HAMLEY. Sir William Pipard of Corn-^Joan, dau. of John wall, Knt. Arms : Per Saltier, az and or. de Adsully. Osbertus Hamley ofeo. Corn-=j=Maud, dau. and heir of Sir wall. Arms : Hamley paling Pipard. William Pipard. years in 1375. Aged 30 Osbertus Hamley, of co. Cornwall=^Margaret, dau. of Ealph [ob.] 5th Edward III, 1331. Arms : | Glynn. She died 23rd Hamley, impaling : ar. 3 Salmon spears, \ Edward III, 1349. AUce, wife of John AtteMore. Living 1367. Hamley hath hyn sondry wayes written os thus: sometymes hem'ey and hemele, ffamlyu, Ilalwyn, Helwyn, Hamely and Htimele, o« by olde writings tun/, tleett., may appear. Osbertus Hamley, third son, 9 th=^ Joan Hockin, widow Edward IV. Arms : Hamley differenced icith a mullet ; im paling: ar. a lozenge buckle, sa. of Hamley, heir to her brother, William Hockin,temp. Edward IV. Ealfe Hamley, second son. Arms : Hamley differenced with a crescent. This Ioane Hocking, widdow of Osbert Hamley is primed by a letter of admin- estracion granted to ihe said loam; ttflet the death of hir brother WilUam Hockin, Clarke, Rector of HeUand in ye co. Corn wall. She being heire to hir brothel and mother to Benedict. Benedict Hamley of Treblethick in=f •••• the daughter of CornwaU. Assessed to Subsidy in St. Maben in 1524, 1541, and 1545. Eaynward, wife Benedict Hamley. The nether part of this l'tdtgret. is tuhftiand collected out of the deeds ami ctudnicrs af Mr. Gyles Hamley at Treblethick in Cornivcill, who dooth enioye ihe lands and jJOssescious af bin ayncesters this day. Proued from Ioane Ilarkin downwards. J Tlwmas Hamley of Treile-=f Margery, dau. of John Billing of Tre-' thick in Cornwall. Arms: | William Pronto uorder, A.rms : or, Hamley differenced with a I of Xorth Peder- upon a bend sa. 3 mullet, impaling : sa. a \ win in Co. stags1 heads couped stag ramp. ar. attired or, I Devon. or. impaling: or, debruised by a fess emb. a ehev. betw. 3 Assessedto Subsidyin St. eagles, displayed Maben in 1571. cert. (Blewett). :[Margery] daughter and heir of [Thomas] Blewett of Cornwall. (See Ped.of Billing, ante vol. i, p. 389.) This dei the match the booke inayning Arms. p. 289 ) 'Cut if, III ¦if Billltttj and Hamhy is iu Caruicall, re- the Office nf ante vol. i. I — William Tuddie i a fess a> -J Billing of Hanger in ye parish qf St.' t Cornwall. Arms : Billing impaling : ga. . within a bordure engrailed (Babb). Elizabeth, dau. of .... Babb of Tin- grase in Devon. John Hamley, 2nd sou. Gentleman of the moving wardrobe to King Janus and Kina Charles. Died 1627. WiU dated 12th Feb. 1627-8. Prov. 6th Feb. 1628-9. (1 2 Ridley) I ' Beynald Billing of St.' Mabyn. Arms : Billing : impaling : ar. a lozenge buckle ar. (Hocken). 'Ann, dan. and heir of [Thomas] Hoe/an [of St. Breward.] B 1 At St. Mabyn. 550 PARISH OF ST. MABYN. PEDIGEEE OF HAMELEY, Richard, bap.1 24th July 1613. Named in father's will Alexander, bap. 24th Aug. 1619. Named in father's will. Thomas, bur.1 Feb. 1596-7. 9th William, bap.1 10th April 1611. Named in father's will. ACHIEVEMENT OF THE ARMS OF HAMLET. Hamley quartering Hocken and Bawdwin as aboue. Oliver Hamley, 3rd sonn, maried Bridget, dau. of John Bouse of CO. Bucks. Arms differenced with a mullet charged with a mullet. Named in father's wiU. Hwmfrey Hamley, 2nd sonn, married, Margaret, dau. of ..Blake of St. Kew. Arms : Hamley differenced with a mullet chargedwith a crescent. Bap.1 23rd July 1601. Named iu father's wUl. WiUiam, bap.1 16thNov. 1643. Grace, bap.1 May 1622. Mar. .. Or chard. Named in grand father's and father's wills. Ann, bap.1 1st Jan. 1623. Bur.1 24th Nov. 1625. Named in grandfather's wiU. EUzabeth, bap.1 30th AprU 1626. Mar. WUUam A-- nold. Named in father's will. T4- Philadelphia, bap.1 16th March 1627. Mar Warne.Named in father's wUl. Thomas Hamley, son and heir. Arms differenced with a mullet, and a label in chief. Bap.1 14th May 1629, of the Inner Temple, London. Died at Woking ham, co. Berks, 25th and bur. 27th May 1656, v.p., and s.p. i — Giles Hamley, born 9th and bap. 17th Feb. 1657-8. Margaret, bap.1 14th Dec. 1659. Katheiine, bap1. 23rd Jan. 1662. John Hamley bap.1 10th Feb. 1663. Barbara, dau.=pGiles Hamley, 2nd= of Philip Hawkins of Pennance. son, of St. Columb, Died 20th Sept. 1738. Aged 40, M.I. Bur.3 admo. to Grace his reUct, 4th March 1738-9. Archd. Cornw. :Grace, dau. of RichardHoblyn of Tresaddern. Died 20th Nov. 1786. Aged 86, M.I. Bur.3 John, bap.3 10th Jan. and bur.-' 4thMar. 1723. _l_ Ann, bap.3 15th July 1726. Rebecca, bap.1 25th March 1700. Mer.2 18% Aug. 1721,Lewis Blight of Bodmin. See Pedigree of Blight, ante, vol. i. p. 289. John Hamley of Treblethick. Bur.1 3rd June 1777. WiH dated 30th Jan. 1776. Prov. 5th July 1777. Archd. Comw. L :Elizabeth dau. and coh. of Henry Bond of Tresunger, by Lucj'" sister and coh. of Richard Mathew of that place. See Ped. of Matkew, ante, vol. i, p. 570. Johanna,bap.3 5th Feb. 1727, bur.3 26th May 1760. M.I. Anne,bap.3 14thDec. 1731. Elizabeth, bap.3 6th May 1736. Mar.3 8th. Aug. 1761, Rev. Dr Robert Bateman, Rector of S. Columb. Grace, bur.3 llth Doc. 1741. Thomas Tregenna Hamley, Clerk, bap.3 4th Aug. 1756,=Mary, of Henry Braddon Curate of St. Ervan and St. Eval, 19 years. Died at of Camelford. Died 12th St. Ervan, 23rd Dec. 1818. Aged 59, and bur. there, Deo.1813. Aged 57. Bur. M.I. at St. Ervan. At St. Mabyn. At Bodmin. 3 At St. Columb. FAMILY HISTORY. — HAMLEY 551 alias HAMLEY. — Continued. B ^ i ¦ Frances, 2nd=j= Giles Hamley qf=f Margaret, dau. wife. Named in husband's win. Bur.1 18th Feb. 1684. Treblethick, in the parish ofSt.Mabyn Bap.1 Dec. 1597. Assessed to Sub sidy in St. Mabyn 1625, 1628, and 1641. Died 7th nd br-.' 10th July 1658. WiU dated 3rd Feb. 1657-8. Prov. 31st Jen. 165S-9. (63PeU.) of Bay Billing of St. Mabyn. Bur.1 22nd Nov. 1637. Margery, bap.1 1st June 1612, named in father's will. Ann, bap.1 Aug. 1614. Bur.UOth April 1639. Named in father's will. Jane, mar. , . Philp. Named in father's will. =p Elizabeth named in father's will. John named in father's will. ACHIEVEMENT OF THE ARMS OF BILLING, Billing quartering Blewett and Hocken, as above. John Hamley or -pKatherine, dau. Treblethick,sonend heir. Bap.1 6th Ap.ll 1632. Died 6*h and brr.1 7th M?-. 1674. Executor to father's wiU. of .... Brook. Mar.1 19t\ May 1657. Bor.1 21st Nov. 1711. Named in Giles Hamley 's w."'1. GUesHamley, bap.1 31st Aug. 1634. Named in father's will. Lovedayjbap1 25th Sept. 1636. Mar.1 14th Dec. 1659, Hen./ Isaacke. Named in father's will. Ann,bap.1 10th Nov. 1637. CERTIFICATE OF SIR JOHN BOROUGH. According to ajfidauit made and seueraU euidences exhibited vnto me for proof e of the premisses, I do allow of this Pedigree. J OHN BORO UGH, Garter Pr'mcipall King of Arms S March 1638. far Englishmen N.B. — This Certificate applies to the portion printed ii Italics. William Hamley of Treble't'hick.=^Rebecca, dau. of Bap.1 10th March 1668. Died llth ....remar. and bur.1 14th Apr'1 1711. Aged 42. Joseph Drake. M.I. ante, p. 466, No. 2. John Hamley. ban.1 3rd May 16/0. A^xandei-jbap.1 Sth April 1672. _L ThomasHam1ey bap.1 20th Feb. 1701-2. Bur.1 21st April 1719. Joseph Hamley, bap.1 22nd Anril 1703^ Probablv set"ed at Bod min. See Table II. Alexander,bap.1 9th Feb. 1705-6. Katherine, bap. 1 1st Feb. 1707-8. Unmar. :i 1729. Named in brother John's will. Margaret, bap.1 Sth Jen. 1708-9. Mar.1 24th Jtfy 1725, John * Harry of St. Kew. Thomas, bap.1 10th March 1667. William. Probablysettled at Bodmin.See Table II. Grace, dau. =j=Thomas Hamley=pMary, and eoh. of | of St. Columb, John Trc- gerna, Clerk, Rector of Maugan.Bur.3 22nd April 1761. j Clerk. Bur.3 llth I June 1766. dau. of Richard Hamley, of Bodmin, after wards of St. Columb. Eldest son, born 1744. Named in father's will. Lived to a great age, and died at St. Columb. W'Uiattijbap.1 10th Dec. 1736. Died young. Thomas Hamley, bap.1 4th Aug. 1759. Edward, bap.' 26th Oct. 1764. Giles, bap.1 15th Mar. 1766. Mary, bap.1 15th Jan. 1738. Living un mar. 1773. WiUiamHamley of Lostwithielborn 1775, named in father's wiU.Livingl808 1 At St. Mabyn. - At Bodmin. 2 At St Columb. 552 PARISH OF ST. MABYN. ALTEENATIYE PEDIGEEE OF HAMELY. Hamelyn do Trowasac=f= alias do Boetun. Liv. 1245. John Hamely of Corn-=p waU. Held half a fee in Trekynnou alias Halwyn in 1303. Liv. 1308. Stephen Pipard.=p Osbert Hamely of=pMargaret, dau. of CornwaU. Died 5th Edward III (1331). Ralph Glynn. John de Alet.=f= Walter de Alet, died=j=Isota. Oct. 1307. Inq. p.m. 2nd Edward IH. No. 31. J Sir WiUiam Pipard= seized of Larkbear, Langdon, and North Bovey, co. Devon, and Nethercote, co. Wilts. Sir John Hamely, Knt., Sherifi=pMargery, eldest dau. and coh. of CornwaU . Held Tregyn- nou, Halwyn, &c. Died 27th May 1346. Inq. p. m. 21st Ed ward III. Part 1. No. 20. Aged 9 years in 13)7. Had assignment of dower in Halwyn Sep. 1347. Esch. 21st Edward III. Part 1, No. 68. AUanora, dau. and coh. Aged 6 years in 1307. Warine =i=Margaret, =Robert de L'isle, ob. 1383. dau. and coh. Fitz Died 3rd Aug. Elys, 1375. Inq. p. ob. s.p. m. 49th Ed ward. No. 73, Part 1. MatUda, =p Osbert Hamely. dau. and! Held Larkbear, coh. '. Langdon. and Aged 30: North Bovey in in 1375. : right of his wife. ; Inq. 44th Edward ¦ III. (2ndNos.)No. ; 39. John.Liv. 1367. Ralph Hamely,= son and heir. Aged 23 at his father's death. Held half a fee in Trekinneu in 1346. ? ob. s.p. ~r "i AUce, WilUam. wife of Liv. Johnson of Richard AtteMore. 1365. See ante, p. 500. Arthur Hamely, kinsman=plsabel, dau. of=John Sprygy. 1459. and heir of John Hamely. Knt. Liv. 1384. Died 4th March 1427. Held Halwyn and Alet. Inq. p.m. 6th Henry VI. No. 48. John Champernon =pMargaret, dau. and of Inesworth. heir. Aged 18 years onhorfather'sdeath. Liv. 2nd husband. Margery,born 1461. Richard Champernon of= Inesworth. Held Halwyn &c, in 1461. Died 26th May 1468. Inq. p. m. Sth Edward IV. No. 35. Margaret, born 1463. Elizabeth, born 1405. Johanna, born 1460. Mnrv,born 1468. FAMILY HISTORY. — HAMLEY. 553 PEDIGEEE OF HAMLEY OF BODMIN. Joseph Hamley of Bodmin, Surgeon, sup-=pSusan, dau. of William Wymond. ""¦¦' 1703. Mar.1 3rd April 1727. 20th December 1769, aged 66. posed son of WUliam Hamley of Troble- thick, see ante p. 551. Died 18th July 1771, aged 68. Bur.1 . . Will dated 20th March 1770. Prov. 5th July 1777. Archd. ComwaU Bap.1DiedBur.1 William Hamley of Bodmin, Surgeon,=j=Cecilia. supposed son ol William Hamley of Treblethick, see ante p. 651. William Hamley, of Bodmin, Surg.,= Bap.1 1st June 1741. Died 19th July 1810, aged 70. Bur.1 M.I., No. 43. Wid dated 1 4th July 1 S 1 0 . Names all his chUdren. Admo. to Sarah his relictExr8. named having renounced. Archd. Cornw. :Sarab, dau. of John Pomeroy of Bodmin, bap.1 29th Nov., 1757. Adm"1. to husband's wUl. Died 2SthJuly 1812, aged 65, M.I. Joseph, bap.3 1729. Bur.1 1732. Susanna, bap1 1732. Bettv.bap.1 1735. Frances, bap.1 1739. — ~1 — I I — I Josoph, Mary, bap.1 bap.1 24th 1720. Jan. 1743. Bur.1 1747. WiUiam, Rebecca, bap.1 1721. bap.1 1739. Mar.Powne Elizabeth, bap.1 1725. Bur.1 1727. Nicholas,bap.1 1729. — '. — i — l Nicholas, bap.1 1726. John, bap.1 1735. Bur.1 1735. Sally Pome- roydiap^ieth June 1779. Died21stDec. 1870,aged91. Unmar.Elizabeth,bap.1 5thNov. 1784, mar .. Turtle. Susanna,bap.1 3rd Julyl781 Died 19 Jun.1871Unmar. EUzabeth, dan=^ of JohnBasset | CoUins,Clerk, i born 1781. Died 1st Feb. | 1810. Bur.1 M.I., No. 43. 1st wife. (See vol. i, p. 335.) :Joseph Ham-= leyof Bodmin Surgeon and Coroner for Cornw., bap.1 10th April 17S2. Died Jan.7th 1854. SeUna Glubb. 3rd wife.Died 1S63. Bur.1 Elizabeth, Garnet.dau of Edmund Gilbert, Clerk, 2nd wife, mar.1 1813. Bur.1 1823, aged 41. (See vol. i,p. 303.) WilliamHam- ley, born 9th Aug. 1784, bap.1 28th Sep. 17«6. Cap. R.N. 28th Oct. 1834 Retired Rear- Adm. 1856. Retired Vice- Adm. 1863. Died in Lon don Sth Nov. 1866. Bur. at Brompton Cemetery. Barbara, dau. of ChariesOgilvy of Lerwick, Shetland. Born 3rd June 1788. Mar. 1814. Died 12th June 1842. Bur.1 M.I. No. 42. Caroline, bap. 16th July 1787. Mar. John Bennett. He bur.1 1797. She bur.1 1814. ~r JohnPome-roy, bap.1 16th Mar. 1790. Drowned at sea a minor. Catherine Penning-ton,bap.6th Jan. 1794. MaryCha- rity, bap. 2nd Jan. 1792. Died unmar. 23 June 1868. Wymond, bap.1 2nd Jan. 1797. Com.R.N.9 Nov. 1846. Cap. 1st Aug. 1860. Died 3rd Mar. 1865. Unmar. William George Hamley, born=p01ivia Ar- Charles Ogil-=pGeorgina, 28th June 1815. 2nd Lieut. Eoyal Engineers Sth Aug. 1833. 1st lieut. 25th May 1836. 2nd Capt. 22nd Mav 1845. Major 1st May 1845. 'Lieut.-Col. 10th June 1856. Col. 10th June 1861. Major.-General 27th Jan. 1872. A Companion of the Most Hon. Order of the Bath. buthnot, dau. of Thomas GaUwey,Cap. R.N. Mar. 1847. vy, born 1817 Lieut.-Col. R.M.L.I.12th May 1862. Retired 10th June 1862. Died 1863. dau. of Hanbury WiUiams.Died 1853. 1 Barbara Jane, born 1852. Wymond Thomas Ogilvy,bor. 1818. CoU. of Customs British Columbia. WiiUam Wy mond, 1849. B.A. Cantab. 1 Walter Raleigh= Gilbert, bom 1851. =Ellen, dau. of George Andrew of Ernicroft Compstall, co. Derby. Mar. 1873. 1 ¦ Alice Emma Pomeroy, born 1853. EdwardCharles.Born 1855. Edward Bruce Hamley, born 1824. Lieut. R. A. Lieut.-Cap. May 1850. Major 12th Dec. 1854. Bt.-Lieut.-Col. 2nd Nov. 1855. Col. 2nd Nov 1863. A Companion of the Most Hon. Order of the Bath 13th Mar. 1867. Knt. 6th Class of the Leg. of Honour, & Sth Class Medji- die. Professor of MilitaryHistory Staff Coll., Sandhurst 1858-64. 1 — I BarbaraCharlotte Caroline, born 16th 'Dec. 1828 Died 2nd Dec.1837 Bur.1 Aged 9 years. M.I. Wymond Thomas Ogilvye. Walter 1 Raleigh ThornhiU, born 1 874. — rn Edward ColUnr,, 30th Dec. 1807. bap. : Caroline Frances, bap. 30th Dec. 1807. Francis GilberiFpMatilda Whyte, Hamley, born ! eldest dau. of Hon. James Wilson, Chief T William, bur.1 Aged 25. 1831. 1815.Major50th Regt. 7th Dec. l838.Lieut.-Col 31st Aug. 1860, Major-Gen. 9th Aug. 1873. Elizabeth, died young Bur.1 1817. Francis Joseph Cuninghame, Wnat Mauritius 17th Feb. 1847. Died at Aldershot 15th April 1871, and bur. in the Cemetery there. 4 v Justice of Mau ritius. Born in Edinburgh 27th April 1822. Mar.1 at Mauri tius 10th Mar. 1840. Edmund Gil bert of Bod- min,bornl817 One of the Coroners for the County of Cornwall,aud an Attorney^ Ann, dau. of James Carter Barton of HopwasHouse near Tam worth. Mar. 7th March 1843. Joseph Osbertus=pMartha, dau. of llamlev, born 1819. " Apptd. Controller of Army Stores 1st Jan. 1871. A Companion of the Most Hon. Order of the Bath. Joseph Hamley, Clerk, born 23rd Sep." 1853. Bap.1 Stipend. Curate at St. Paul's, Truro. Flora Ann, born 22nd Nov. 1845. Bap.1 At Bodmin. Louisa Mary, born 27th Nov. 1847. Mar.^ndJulylSeSPreston J. Wallis of Bodmin, Attor.- at-Law. i — ; Francis Gil bert, born 1st Feb., 1851. Bap. at Wel lington, New Zealand. Thomas Morgan of Bristol, born there 13th Sep. 1826. Mar. 27th April 1848, at WelUngton N. Zealand. Elizabeth Garnett Blanche, born 1st Jan. 1856. Bap. at Wellington, New Zealand. 554 PARISH OF ST. MABYN. PORTEE OF PENWYNE. This family was introduced into the parish of St. Mabyn through the induction of Thomas Porter into the Eectory in 1629, the right of presentation, for that turn, having been purchased of the crown, in 1622,1 by John Porter, for the express purpose of pre senting thereto the said Thomas Porter. John PortSr dying before- the benefice fell vacant, the presentation was made by his relict (see ante 458 n., 462). We have no evidence to shew what relationship existed between these parties, but conclude that Thomas was the son of John and Elizabeth. According to Hals, a contemporary, their arms were: sa. three bells ar. a canton erm. As, however, these arms are borne by several families of the name, they afford very slender assistance in tracing the descent of this family. Thomas Porter may have been the same who, as the son of a Gloucestershire gentleman, matriculated at Magdalen Hall, Oxford, on 7th November 1600, aged 15. PEDIGEEE OF POETEE. John Porter purchased the next=j=Elizabeth, admrd. to her hus- i i Thomas,bap.2 15thMayl639 Bur.2 23rd Jan. 1666. Ann,bap.27thMay, 1638, mar.2 Walter Langollen, 15th June 1658. presentation to St. Mabyn in 1622. Died ante June 1629. band. Presented Thomas Porter to St. Mabyn in 1629. Grace, bap.2 8th and bur.2 20th Dec. 1633. Mary, bap.2 15th Feb. 1634. Mar.2 30thDec.l65S Thomas For tune. Thomas Porter, m.a., instituted to the=T=Sarah, bur.2 Rectory of St. Mabyn 15th June 1629. I 12th May Witt datedJunel668.Prov. 20th Jan.1668-9. | 1668. , l_ Christopher = Porter, of Penwyne,sold Trethevy, 1706. Bur.2 6th March 1710. Mary, bap.2 Sth June 1671 Bur.2 1st Jan. 1671. Endymion, bap.2 1st Oct. 1692. TT Lucy, bap.2 13thOct.l673 Thorn as,bap.2 28thDeo.l672 Bur.2 IstNov. 1673. Elizabeth, dau.of Arthur Spry of Place. Bur'.2 17th Mav 1701. See Ped. of Spky, ante vol. i, p. 72. ~i — n Judith, bap.2 4thJulyl641.AUce, bur.2 3rd Oct. 1643. Ann, bur.2 27th May 1638. John, bur.2 5thJulyl639.Mark, bur.2 21st Oct. 1644. Marv, bap.2 7th Oct. 1632. Bur.2 14th Jan. 1632-3. Sarah, mar. Eora n Thomas, bap.2 20th Aug. 1683. Elizabeth,bap.1 30th Sept. 1684. WiUiam, bur.2 HthMay1706. Charles, bap.2 17th June 1690. Mar.2 MaryChaffin-der of Laun ceston, 24th June 1714. Arthur =EUzabeth. Porter of Penwyne bap.230th April 1682. SoldPen- wyne in 1716. ~i r Christopher, bap,2 '2eth Jan. 1.6S6. John, bap.2 19th June 1688. 1 Privy Seal, 8th August 1622, and Rot. Pat. 20th James, Part 7, No. 11. At St. Maben. PARISH OF HELLESBURY **** MICHAELSTOW. , The ancient name of this parish would appear to have been Hellesbury. In the early part of the fourteenth century it was called Stow St. Michael, but it was not until nearly the end of that century that it attained its name in the present form. It is entirely embraced within the manor of Helston in Trigg. The parish is bounded on the north by Lanteglos, on the east and partly on the south by St. Breward, on the remainder of the south and the southwest by St. Tudy, and on the west by St. Teath. The following careful survey, preserved in the Bishop's Eegistry at Exeter, shews the boundaries in detail: — "J A view taken the xxiij daye of Maii 1613 of all the. boundes limits & >- precinetes of the parish aforesaide by the seven whose names are CoKXTTEUE. I i. i ... J neerevncler written. The said parish of Michaelstowe Joyning wlh St. Vdy & St. Teath is bounded & limited from the flood yeat against Trennick Mill vp to a flood yeat neare to Knights Mill bridge, the water being the bound all the waye betwene the parish of St. Teath & Michaelstow aforesaid. The ground of the sayd Treureiiick, Karkeene, & bowmers, lying on the west and northwest syde of the sayd water, & the parish of Michaelstowe on the other syde of the sayd water; and from the sayd flood yeat neare Knightes mill bridge, turninge straight easte vp to a certaine yeat commonly called the Mill yeat, bordering on the parishes of St. Teath, Tintagel & Michaelstow, & betwene the said flood yeat & Mill yeat, The mill meadowe hedge being the bounde, leavinge the said Knights Mill bridge and the high waye on the north & northeast side, & the parishe of Michaelstowe on the other side. And from the said Mill yeat, leavinge tho parishe of St. Teathe, only Joyning with LantegioSj the hedge that runnes straight east from thence so farre vp as the high waye nest to helsbury parke hedge, the foresaide hedge beinge the bound all the waye, leavinge the ground of ffentenwansen & Helston on the north & north east side & the parish of Michaelstowe on the other side. And from Helsbury parke hedge right downe over the said Helsbury parke vnto an oke tree1 w"1 a springinge well thereto commonly known by the name of ffentonadle well in the said parke of Helsbury beinge the bound between the said parish of Michaelstow & Lanteglos or Advent; and from thence vnto the great Eiver of Helsbury the lake that runnes from the foresaid well 1 The oak tree is now gone, and tho well also, the ground having beon drained, but tho boundary remains the same. 4 c2 556 PARISH OF MICHAELSTOW. vnto the said Eiver beinge the bound, leavinge the parish of Lanteglos or Advent on the north east & the parish of Michaelstow on the south west side of the said well and lake. And from thence leavinge Lanteglos or Advent & Joyning with Breward the great Eiver running right south from the foresaid lake vnto Gam Bridge the said Eiver beinge the bound all the waye, leavinge the said parishe of Breward on the east side of the said Eiver & Michaelstowe on the west side. And from Gam Bridge to the cross next to and from thence vp to Gam lane head the said lane being the bound the ground of longpill in the parish of Breward lying on the south side of the said lane & the parishe of Michaelstow on the other side. And from Gam lane head, leavinge Breward & Joyning the parish of St. Vdy, vnto certain boundes in the heath parke within the parish of St. Vdy, the highwaye beinge the bound, the said parishe of St. Vdy lyinge on the south side of the said highwaye & southwest side of the said boundes in the heath parke aforesaid & the parish of Michaelstowe on the other side. And from thence the hedge that runnes westward full to the flood yeat over against Trerenick mill aforesaid, and the said heath parke, Polsheath, litelyes hayes, and libbyespark in the said parish of St. Vdy on the south side of the said hedge, & Banoke's Downe, alias Polrode, Tregavena neither, & Treveleck of the said parish of Michaelstow on the other side; the said hedge being the bounde all the waye betwixe the sayde parishes of Michaelstowe and St. Vdy. Eichard Burton, Clerck. Wiihn. Mulles John Mulles Witnesse Trestrane Beane John Olver Xpr Mulles Thomas Philp John Symons The entire area of the parish, according to admeasurements, is 1617a. 2r. Op. The geological character of the parish is of the altered Devonian series, precisely like the western part of Advent and Lanteglos, merging on its western side into true Devonian. Three very wide greenstone dykes intersect the parish north and south. The soil generally is good and suited either to corn or pasture. The following particulars of the population, &c, are extracted from the census returns for the several decennia in the present century. 1801 1811 1821 1831 1841 1S51 ' 1861 1871 - Population . . 151 181 216 215 i 225 218 219 240 / Inhabited 28 2 30 36 41 47 43 46 47 Houses I Uninhabited . . 4 10 2 1 3 5 5 4 \ Building •• •• Nil 1 1 Nil Nil 1 Davies GUbert notes that in the 30 years ending 1831, tho increase in the population was 36 per cent. (Hist, of Cornw., vol. Ui, p. 223.) His computation appears to be inaccurate. The increase was 64, which, upon 151 in 1801, was 42 per cent. The increase in the 40 years from 1831 to 1871 was 25 only, or a Uttle more than 11 per cent. " Occupied by 40 families. PLATE XLIV. ANCIENT CAMPS kc Michaelstow Beacon. SCALE Of CHAINS O 5 10 ' ' ' ¦ r~l ' ¦ I I ' -rr^-n-i UidTn-lU3c";JoiiildlQ4.1>i!U1&lDnsS-'- PRE-HISTORIC REMAINS. 557 The annual value of real property assessed in 1815 was ... £1564 Gross Estimated Eental in 1874 ... ... ... 1999 Eateable value in 1874 ... ... ... ... 1839 Amount of Poors' Eate levied in 1874 ... ... ... 2451 Land Tax— Eedeemed £21 9s. 3£d., unredeemed £50 10s. 8£d., Total 72 Assessed Taxes ... ... . . .. ... not known Inhabited House Duty assessed upon the annual value of ... 40 x, x ¦, T -, " ( Schedule A 2207 rroperty and Income Tax assessed upon ... ...{ ( „ X> L. J. 1 L Agriculture is the only branch of industry practised in the parish. Agricultural laborers receive wages at 12s. a week, without any other advantages. They have not cottages and gardens free of rent, nor are there any field allotments. The chief landowners are : the Duke of Cornwall, in respect to the manor of Helston, John Gatley, Esq., Mr. John Seccombe, and Mr. Harry Hocken. PEE-HISTOEIC EEMAINS. In this parish is situate the important castle, or earthwork, known as Hellesbury, or Michaelstow, Beacon. It is situate three miles south of Camelford, and is distinct from Tregaer, in St. Kew, 3 miles ; from Castle Gof 2 miles ; from Tyntagel 6£ miles ; from Titchbarrow Beacon 6^ miles ; from Warbstow 10 miles ; from Castle Canyke 8^ miles ; and from Pencarrow 6£ miles. In consequence of its elevation, which is 684 ft. above the sea, it commands a view of all those fortresses. It is circular in form, and consists of a single lofty rampart and a deep ditch. The diameter of the inner, and principal, work, is about 460 ft. On the east side is an outwork, or barbican, which is about 400 ft. from north to south, and about 200 ft. in depth. Through this was the entrance. And external to the outwork are traces of other works too much effaced to admit of their plan being understood. Its commanding position must have rendered it a place of great importance in the system of defence of the country.3 (See Plate XLIV.) William of Worcester speaks of a castle here as being in ruins when he wrote (1478) " Castellum Hyllysbery dirutum per 4 milaria ultra Tyntagele."3 Lysons says : " it is said to be what is called St. Syth's;"* and C. S. Gilbert suggests that it was one of the residences of the ancient Earls of Cornwall.5 There certainly never was a walled castile on this spot, nor was it ever a residence of the Earls of Cornwall. Thare is no knowledge now of the designation " St. Syth's." On the top of the hill are ruins of a small quadrangular enclosure, measuring 85 ft. by 65 ft., within which are the remains of a small building, 40 ft. in length and about 20 ft. in breadth at the eastern end, and 15 ft. •on the western. If this were a chapel, as has been supposed by some, dedicated to St. Syth, it would account for the name assigned to the hill, and although we do not 1 The amount of Poors' Eate levied in 1831 wa3 £141 lis. Od. (Davies Gilbert's Hist, of Cornw., vol. in, p. 223). 2 Mac Lauchlan. 32nd Report of the Eoyal Institution of Cornwall, p. 38. 3 Itinerary. 4 Mag. Brit. pp. 182, 234. '- Hist, of Cornw., vol. ii, pp. 594. 558 PAEISH OF MICHAELSTOW. know of any ancient authority for the designation, we conceive there must have been some traditional use, though now died out. The only Saint in the Eoman Calendar, whose name is at all suitable, is S. Ositha, Queen and Martyr, who was commemorated on 7th October, but, she being a Saxon princess, it is not likely a British chapel would be dedicated to her.1 In the Eetour2 of James Earl of Linlithgow, November 1696, we have mention of the patronage of St. Syth, who must, we think, have been the Saint in question. He was, probably, an Irishman. A few years ago excavations were made within the building by Mr., now Eev., E. T.v Gibbons, but nothing distinctive of a chapel was discovered. There is, on the site, a circular-headed arch, cut in a solid piece of granite, of an octagonal form externally, having a span of 2 ft. 6 ins. and a height of 10 ins., the edges being chamfered; and also part of the head of another arch, of a wider span, with mouldings of the Third-pointed period. This earthwork is on a farm called Tredarrap, long the property of the Hocken family, and lately sold by Mr. William Hocken of Tregenna House, to Mr. John Gatley. ANCIENT EOADS AND TEACKS. We have before mentioned the road from the north, which, passing through Camelford, led to Michaelstow Beacon. After skirting the Beacon on the east, it passed through the parish and entered St. Tudy, about half-a-mile north of Hanger. A road branched off from this road on the east side of the Beacon, and entered the earthwork on that side. ;'/ i:'v ':':.'\ Another road branched out of the road before described as leading from Camelford through St. Teath, &c, to Wade (ante, vol. ii, p. 283) near . Tre greenwell, and passed through the parish of Michaelstow, due north and south. From this road, another road branched off, near Trevegon, which led to the castle on the west side. (See Plate XLIV.) W U ANCIENT CHEISTIAN MONUMENTS. The only cross known to us in this parish is a very fine shaft which now forms the lower step of a flight leading from the village green into the Churchyard. It measures 10 ft. in the length of the shaft. It is 20 ins. in breadth at the bottom, and 13 ins. at the top below the fillet, and in thickness it is 12 ins. at the bottom and 7 ins. at the top. This cross, which was a monolith of the holed type, has lost the greater part of its head. It was probably the village cross, and it is greatly to be desired that it should be removed from its present degraded position and set up either on the village green or in the Churchyard. 1 She was the daughter of Frewald, a Mercian Prince, and neice to Editha, to whom belonged the town and manor of AUsbury, where Ositha was brought up with her pious aunt. Ositha was married, while young, to a King of the East Angles, but tho same day obtained his consent to live always a Virgin. She suffered about the year 870. (Butler ii, 601.) Tho Church of Merther is said to be dedicated to St. Sythyn=St. Swithin. (Soe ante, p. 423, and note.) 2 Betours Linlithgow 283, Bishop of Brechin's Calendar of Scottish Saints, p. 449. THE RECTOBY. 559 MEETING HOUSES OF DISSENTEES. On 1st April 1820, upon the application of William Metherall, a house in the occu pation of Edward Hocking in the village of Trevegon alias Treveighan, was registered in the Archdeaconry Court as a place of meeting for Armenian Bible Christians (Brianites). A Chapel was afterwards erected here in 1828, and on the 18th September 1830, it was registered in the Archdeaconry Court, being then in the possession of Edward Hocken of the parish of St. Tudy, by William Hooper Daniel for Brianites. It is not in trust, but is the private property of the representatives of the late Mr. Edward Hocken.' This building will receive a congregation of 100, and there are 20 registered members attached to it. United Methodist Free Church. — The Wesleyan Methodists long had a place of meeting in a cottage at "Leathern Bottle." A Chapel was erected here, however, in 1842, which, on 6th December 1845, was registered in the Court of the Archdeaconry, by John Hawkey of Michaelstow for the use of the Wesleyan Methodist Association. It is not under trust, but is proprietary, or on the shareholding principle. This building will seat 75 persons, and the number of registered members is 14. THE EECTOEY. The Advowson of this Church, like that of Lanteglos, has always been annexed to the Manor of Helston in Trigg. In Pope Nicholas's Taxation (1288-1291) the benefice was rated at £3, and in 1341, the ninth sheaf, fleece, and lamb were valued at the same amount, and so sold to Ealph Tregrynewen, Eobert Tregrynewen, and John Stevyn. Of fifteenths there were none.1 In the caption of seizin of Edward the Black Prince llth Edward III. (1337), the Church of St. Michael, in the manor of Helliston in Trigg, is valued at 25 marks per annum. In the Bishop of Lincoln's taxation, the Church of St. Michael is rated at 60s.2 On the levy of the Subsidy of the Clergy (1387) the Eector was assessed upon the same rate.3 In Wolsey's taxation 1535, it is rated at £10 13s. 8d.,d and in Bishop Veysey's return of 3rd November 1536, it is valued at £10 13s. 9d., John Wade being Incumbent."' 1 Inquisitiones Nonarum, p. 346. 3 Sub. Boll, Clerical, 4th Eichard II. 4 Valor Ecclesiasticus, vol. U, p. 402. 24 Bishop Broncscombo's Register. Oliver's Eccl. Anlkjuitius, vol. ii, p. 191. 560 PARISH OF MICHAELSTOW. The total area of all the lands in the parish subject to the payment of tithes is 1348a. 3r. 23p., viz.: A. E. p. Arable Meadow and Pasture Orchards and Gardens ... Woods and Plantations... Eoads, Eivers, Hedges, and Wastes 1348 3 23 All the lands in the parish, except Hellesbury Park, which contains by estimation 216a. Ir. 26p., the tithes of which are covered by a modus, or customary payment, of 13s. 4d. per annum, are subject to all manner of tithes, and the Eector for the time being is entitled to all the said tithes, which were commuted, on 30th June 1843, at the annual rent charge of £235 per annumC The tithes of all the glebe lands, containing by estimation 48a. Ir. 4p., have been merged in the freehold. ... 793 0 9 ... 250 0 0 ... 30 0 0 ... 30 0 0 ... 245 3 14 INSTITUTIONS. 1280 Christmas Day Mr. William le Brun, Sub-deacon,1 admitted to the Church of St. Michael of Hellesbury, upon the presentation of Edmund Earl of Cornwall. 1281 9th Kai. March William de Cryditon, Sub-deacon,2 was admitted by Bishop Qui vel to the Church of St. Michael of Hellesbury, upon the presenta tion of Edmund Earl of Cornwall. 1320 September 21st Walter de Plompton, Priest,3 was admitted to the Church of St. Michael juxta Hellisbury, vacant by the death of William the last Eector, upon the presentation of Isabella Queen of England. John de Nelond. Peter Sevenoks, Vicar of the Church of Stoke sub Hamedon, Dio cese of Bath and Wells,'4 was admitted to the rectory of Stow St. Michael, in exchange with John de Nelond. John de Arnhale, Eector of the Church of Hampstede Marshall in the Diocese of Sarum,"' was admitted to the rectory of Stow St. Michael, in exchange with Peter Sevenoks, with consent of the patrons. 1 Bishop Bronescombe's Beg., fo. 94. 3 Bishop Quivil's Bog., fo. 116. On 30th August 1315, at the prayer of William, Piicst, Hector of Stow St. Michael juxta Hellesbury, Nicholas de Chaillou, Priest, was appointed to assist him, both in person and in goods, on account of his age and infirmity of his body. Bishop Stapeldon' s Reg. 1 Bishop Stapcldon's Beg., fo. 162. * Bishop Grandisson's Beg., fo. 45. r> Ibid, fo. 51. Unknown1341 1344 June 30th INSTITUTIONS. 561 1345 May 29th 1354 April 29th - 1371 July 13th 1371 August 9th - 1371-2 January 3rd 1382 May 26th 1382 October 23rd - unknown 1404 August 25th - 1407 December 25th 1430 December 18th 1437 August 13th - Eoger de Silby of Gatton, Diocese of Wynton,1 was admitted to the Eectory of Stow St. Michael, in exchange with John de Amhall, with consent of patrons. William de Middleton, Vicar of Karsaul, Diocese of Winton,2 was admitted to the Eectory of Stow St. Michael, in exchange with Eoger de Silby, with consent of patrons. Eoger Baconn, Chaplain,3 was instituted to parish Church of Michaelstow, upon the presentation of the Prince of Wales. John Baconn, Eector of the Church of Fornham, Diocese of Norwich,4 was admitted to the Church of Michaelstow, in exchange with •ft Eoger Baconn, Eector of the said Church. Boger de Shouldham, perpetual Chaplain, or custos cancarie, or perpetual benefice in the Chapel in the Guild Hall, London, founded by John Wythorne and others,5 was admitted to the Eectory of Michaelstow, in exchange with John Baconn, Eector of the said Church, Bartholomew Porter, Eector of Thrandeston, Diocese of Norwich, was admitted to the Eectory of Michaelstow, in exchange with Eoger de Shouldham, Eector of the said Church. John de Balsham, Eector of the parish of Brokedysham, Diocese of Norwich,7 admitted to the Eectory of Stow St. Michael, in exchange with Bartholomew Porter. Simon Barton. Eobert Bulle,8 was admitted to the parish Church of Michaelstow, vacant by the death of Simon Barton, upon the presentation of Henry Duke of Cornwall. John Nowers, Clerk,9 was admitted to the parish Church of Michael stow, vacant by the death of Eobert Bole, upon the presentation of Henry Duke of Cornwall. John Carbure of Dudcote, Diocese of Sarum,10 was admitted to the Church of Michaelstow, in exchange with John Nowyers. John Kelly, Dean of the Collegiate Church of Carentoc, co. Corn wall,11 was admitted to the Eectory of the parish Church of Michaelstow, in exchange with John Carbura. 1 Bishop Stapeldon's Eegister, fo. 53. 3 Bishop Brentingham's Register, fo. 15. " Ibid., fo. 18. 7 Ibid. fo. 76. 9 Bishop Stafford's Register, fo. 99. 11 ibid., fo. 153. 4d •>- Ibid., fo. 103. 4 Bishop Brentingham's Eegister, fo. 15. « Ibid., fo. 71. 8 Bishop Stafford's Eegister fo. 78. 10 Bishop Lacy's Register, vol. ii, fo. 93, 562 PARISH OF MICHAELSTOW. 1445 May 3rd - Hamiline Kirkeby, Chaplain,1 was admitted to the Eectory of Myghelstowe, vacant by the resignation of John Kelly, last Eector, upon the presentation of the Duke of Cornwall. 1489 April 27th - Thomas Janyn, Chaplain,2 was admitted to the parish Church of St. Michael of Michaelstow, vacant by the death of Hamelyn Kirkeby, last [Eector, upon the presentation of Arthur Prince of Wales and Duke of Cornwall, the true Patron. 1507 October 2nd - Christopher Borlase,3 was admitted to the Eectory of Michaelstow, vacant by the death of the last Incumbent, upon the pre sentation of Henry King of England. 1513 ,Feb. 20th - John Wade, Chaplain,4 was admitted to the Church of Michaelstow, vacant by the death of the last Incumbent, upon the pre sentation of Henry King of England. 1562-3 March 23rd- Eeginald Aldridge,5 was admitted to the Eectory of Mighelstow, vacant by the death of the last Eector, upon the presentation of Queen Elizabeth. 1565 January 21st - Thomas Washington, Clerk,6 was instituted to the parish Church of Michaelstow, vacant by the deprivation of Eeginald Aldridge, last Eector, upon the presentation of Elizabeth Queen of England. 1568 March 4th - Sir Thomas Boden, Clerk,7 was admitted to the parish Church of Michaelstow, vacant by the resignation of the last Incumbent, upon the presentation of the Queen. 1589 June 16th - Eichard Burton, M.A.,8 was admitted to the Parish Church of Michael stow, vacant by the death of Thomas Bawden, last incumbent, upon the presentation of the Queen. 1630 May 8th Thomas Harrison, Clerk,9 was admitted to the Eectory of Michael stow, vacant by the death of Eichard Burton, Clerk, last incumbent, upon the presentation of the King. 1639 March 16th - John Davies, Clerk, m.a.,10 was admitted to the Eectory of Michael stow, vacant by the cession of the last incumbent, upon the presentation of the King. 1 Bishop Lacy's Register, vol. U, fo. 217. * Bishop Fox's Eegister, fo. 111. Thomas Janyn, Eector of Michaelstow, included in a commission con cerning the patronage of the Church of TindageU, 19th May 1498. 3 Bishop Oldham's Register, fo. 13. Presentation dated 9th September 1507 (Rot. Pat., 23rd Henry Vn, Part I. m. 12.) * Ibid., 54. Sir John Wade, Parson of Michaelstow, was buried 16th November, 1562, P.R. " Bishop TurberviUe's Register, fo. 80. 0 Bishop Alley's Register, fo. 13. He was again instituted on Sth June foUowing. 1 Ibid., fo. 22. " Bishop Woolton's Register, fo. 41. 9 Bishop HaU's Register, fo. 21. 10 Bishop HaU's Register, vol. ii, fo. 22. Jone, the wieff of John Deaves, Preacher of the Word of God in this parish, was buried May 12th 1047. John Deeues, Minister of Michaelstow, was buried 16th February 1663. P.R. INSTITUTIONS. 563 1664 April 6th 1678 July 15th 1695 August 2nd - 1712 July 9th 1726 July 8th 1755 January 10th - 1775 October 13th - 1801 June 1st 1818 December 22nd 1849 November Sth Christopher Hill, Clerk,1 was admitted to the Eectory of Mighelstow, alias Michaelstow, vacant by the death of the last incumbent, upon the presentation of the King. Moses Horway, "M.A.,2 was admitted to the Eectory 'of Mighelstow, vacant by the death of Christopher Hill, upon the presentation of the King. Walter Hewgoe, Clerk,3 was admitted, upon the resignation of Moses Holway, upon the presentation of the King. Christopher Chilcott, Clerk, M.A.,4 was admitted to the Eectory of Michaelstow, vacant by the cession of Walter Hewgoe, upon the presentation of the Queen. John Clode, Clerk,5 was admitted to the Eectory of Michaelstow, vacant by the death of Christopher Chilcott, last incumbent, upon the presentation of the King. John Fisher, Clerk, B.A.,S was admitted to the Eectory of Michael stow, vacant by the death of John Clode, Clerk, last incumbent, upon the presentation of the King. John Fisher, the younger, B.A.,7 was admitted to the Eectory of Michaelstow, vacant by the resignation of John Fisher, upon the presentation of the King. Isaac Tyeth, Clerk, B.A.,S was admitted to the Eectory of Michael stow, vacant by the death of John Fisher, Clerk, last incum bent, upon the presentation of the Prince of Wales. Edmund Spetigue, Clerk, B.A.,9 was admitted to the Eectory of Michaelstow, vacant by the death of Isaac Tyeth, Clerk, last incumbent, upon the presentation of the Prince of Wales. John Kingdon, Clerk, B.A.,10 was admitted to the Eectory of Michael stow, vacant by the death of Edmund Spetigue, Clerk, incumbent, upon the presentation of the Prince of Wales. 1 Bishop's Register, N.S., vol. i, p. 73. 2 Bishop's Register, N.S., vol. ii, fo. 87. Of Cath. HaU, Camb., m.a., per Literas Regias 1677. 3 Ibid. vol. iv, fo. 9. Rector of St. Mabyn from 1716. 1 Ibid. N.S., vol. v, fo, 52. Matric. Mag. HaU, Oxford, 13th July 1683, aged 18, son of Robert ChUcott, of Byminster, co. Dorset, b.a., llth AprU 1687, m.a., 2nd April 1690, Vicar also of Tintagel. (See post.) 5 Ibid. vol. vi, fo. 43. Matric. at Balliol. CoU., Oxford, 27th May 1704, aged 19, son of Edward Clode "Pleb" of Chardstock, co. Dorset, (took no degree.) Buried 8th August 1754. Mrs. EUzabeth Clode was buried 18th January 1769. P.R. 6 Ibid. vol. viii, fo. 37. He was probably the same John Fiaher, Clerk, who was Master of the Grammar School at Bodmin. (See ante, vol. i, p. 282.) 7 Ibid. vol. ix, fo. 108. Matric. at Exeter CoU., Oxford 17th December 1759, aged 18, son of Rev. John Fisher, b.a., 3rd June 1763. 8 Ibid. vol. x, fo. 149. ° Ibid. vol. xi, fo. 105. 10 Ibid. vol. xii, fo. 63. 4 D2 564 PARISH OF MICHAELSTOW. 1871 April 14th - Charles Joseph Gillett, Clerk,1 was admitted to the Eectory of Michaelstow, vacant by the death of John Kingdon, Clerk, last incumbent, upon the presentation of the Prince of Wales. THE PAEISH CHUECH. The Parish Church (see Plate XLV.) which is situate on the south of the Beacon, near the centre of the parish, is dedicated to St. Michael. A great portion of it has been rebuilt ; the north wall of the chancel some fifty years ago, and the south wall of the aisle very recently. Before the late alterations it consisted of Chancel, partially disengaged, 15 ft. by 13 ft., nave 44 ft. by 14 ft., south chapel 15 ft. by 10 ft. 6 in., south aisle 39 ft. by 10 ft. 6 in., north aisle 42 ft. by 10 ft., south porch and western tower. The Chancel and Chapel were separated by a parclose, and divided from the rest of the Church by carved screens, the bottoms of which remained until the recent alterations. (See Ground Plan XLIII., fig. 2.) The east window of the Chancel is a modern one of three lights. No piscina or other adjunct of the altar remains, but, built into the north wall on the inside, there is a pierced quatrefoil, and outside a small arch, which probably covered a piscina. The Chapel was lighted by a three-light window in the east wall, and another on the south. The former contained remains of painted glass. The subject was probably the last scenes in the life of Our Lord, as the fragments contained several heads with the legend "Hie ductus est ante Pilatum." In the tracery of this window were two angels bearing shields, with the monograms of Our Lord and the Blessed Virgin. The window has been re-glased, and the ancient glass is gone. All distinction between the Chapel and aisle has been removed, and in rebuilding the wall two new square-headed windows have been introduced. The aisle was of four bays, and the Chapel one, divided from the nave and chancel by granite pillars of the usual type, the capitals of Caen stone beautifully foliated. The north aisle is also of four bays. The pillars are, however, of workmanship in ferior to that of those on the south. It has a north door under a plain equilateral arch. This aisle has a three-light window at the east end. The lights are circular-headed 5-fo. with openings of the same type above. In the north wall are three three-light 5-fo. ogee windows, two on the east and one on the west of the door. The nave contains several of the ancient oak benches with well carved ends, though some of them are somewhat decayed. The designs are emblems of the passion, sacred monograms, crowned M's, &c. Upon one of them are two escutcheons ; one charged with the letter " L " over a rose, and the other with a letter " T " over a taw cross. The roofs throughout the Church are of the wagon type, and good of their kind. Those of the Chancel and nave are plastered, except the principals. The roof of the north aisle is open, with well carved principals and bosses, nearly complete, but those of the south aisle are not so well carved, and nearly all the bosses are lost. The outer door of the south porch has an equilateral arch with continuous mouldings. 1 Bishop Register, N.S., vol. xiv, fo. 60. u X- F0- H *: % ^ THE PARISH CHURCH. 565 The inner door has a depressed four-centred arch under a square hood-moulding. The mouldings are continuous, the cavetto being filled with quatrefoil and cinquefoil ornaments. In the spandrils are elongated trefoils. The whole is well cut in Catacleuse stone. The tower is of three flights, fifty-four feet in height, with a stair turret, at the north east angle, lighted with circular-headed openings. It is battlemented and possesses six pinnacles, three on the east side, and the same number on the north, one being at each external angle of the stair turret. The tower door has an equilateral arch with a dripstone over, and above it a new window, three-light 5-fo., with tracery in the head. The bell chamber has on each face a large two-light window. The font is octagonal, of third-pointed date, and stands on a circular shaft on a square cushioned-patterned base, of the Norman period. In the Churchyard is a Holy Well. In the year 1550, this Church possessed three bells and two chalices of silver. Of these bells one, the First, still remains, which is a bell of considerable interest, and not common. There is one at S. Dennis in this county, one at Marldon, and another at Townstal in Devon, by the same founder, and they occur in other counties. The Michaelstow bell bears the legend : " Sancta iHaxgarrta ora pro noits," and the three stamps underneath. The shields, Fig. 1. Fig. 2. Fig- 3- figs. 1 and 3, appear to be trade marks, but the founder has not yet been identified. Ellacombe calls these bells : " Jesu mercy, Lady help bells,"1 from the legend which en circles the elegant foliated cross on the principal stamp, fig. 2.2 The Michaelstow bell is 2 ft. 6^ in. in diameter at the mouth. The two other Michaelstow bells have been recast at different periods, respectively the following inscriptions : 2. Eogee . Sandy . Eogeb May ¦:• Waeds a ¦;• A & GOODING ¦!¦ 1739. 3. Eichaed . Mayow i Gent. •- William . Parsons : Ch: Wakdens -i-.C. P. The latter was recast by Christopher Pennington, as his initials indicate. of this last mentioned Bell is B flat. 1 Ellacombe's ''Church BeUs of Devon," 1872, p. 28. 2 We are indebted to the kindness of Mr. Ellacombe for the use of the blocks for these stamps. That numbered 2 is a trifle larger than the similar stamp on the Michaelstow bell, but, in other respects it is precisely the same. and bear . 1750. The note 566 PARISH OF MICHAELSTOW. COMMUNION PLATE. The present Communion Plate consists of a chalice with a cover and a paten. The chalice is of the seventeenth century, and is , very quaint in its form, and ornamented with arabesque foliage. The cover, which was intended to be used as a paten, bears the following inscription : 4- MEY HIL STO 4. There is also a paten which is quite new, having been bought at Exeter about four years ago. INSCEIPTIONS ON MONUMENTS AND GEAVESTONES. 1. In the north aisle is a loose slate slab, removed from the Chancel in the recent alterations, having incised thereon the figures of two females, and circumscribed as under: Here lyeth Jane ye daught7 of John Killiow Esq', and late wife to Thomas Merrifield of Collomb Major, Gent, who died ye 26th of March 1662. 2. On the floor of the north aisle circumscribed: Here lyeth Phillip the sone of Eichard Mounsteven, who was buried y' 26th Novr 1660. 3. Another slab circumscribed: Here lyeth the Bodye of Honor the wife of Eichard Mounsteven, who was buried the 19 day of June 1654. In the centre. — Here also lieth the Body of Ioseph Mayow, Gent, who Was buried august The 5th 1689, in ye 52d year of his Age. 4. Just within the north door is a large and handsome slab, much worn, in memory of Margery Symons, widow, who died 28th January, in the year of our Lord 1629. In the Church Yard. 5. On a stone now loose is the following inscription : Here ly the Bodies of John Brod,1 gentleman, who died the 5 day of May 1577 : and John Brod John who died the 8 day of Apriil an 1582, having issue by Jone his wyf, daughter unto Henry Trefry Esquire, 6 sonnes & 4 daughters. 1 These Brodes were of Trenowith in this parish, which they inherited from a famUy of that name as early as 1469. John Brode held Trenowith in 1539, and John Brodo the younger, named in the inscription, was succeeded by his son and heir, Walter Brode. (See post under Trenowith.) MONUMENTS AND GRAVE STONES. 567 6. Upon a granite slab in large letters, in relief, some of them conjoined : ELIZABETH THE WIFE OF ROGER MAY WAS BVRIED THE 12 DAY OF APRIL IN THE YEAR OF OTJR LORD 1656. ROGER MAY WAS BVRIED THE 15 DAY APRIL IN THE YEAR OF OTJR LORD GOD 1661. Here lyeth the body of Christopher Alee,1 of this Parish, who was buried the fourth day of July in the year of our Lord God 1706, aged neer 75. Take notice all from dust wee came To dust we must return again. Under this stone the dust doth ly Of him whose vertues cannot dye; His alms, his prayers, his pietye Hath sent his soul above the skye. 7. On an altar tomb the arms of Lower: a chev. eng. between 3 roses, and the following inscription : Here lyeth the body of John Lower, Gent, of Tregreenwell, in this P'h, who departed this life the 20th day of January in the 48th year of His Age, anno Domini 1724. Low here my dearest friend is Gone, His days are past his Eace is Eune. May you be holders well Think on Your dayes Expire and will bo done. Now Lett his body undisturb'd remain Till the last Trump calls him to rise again. Memento mori. 8. On another altar tomb : Here lies ye Body of John yc son of Jonn and Ann Lower, of Tregreenwell, in this Parish, Gent, who was buried ye 23 day of June 1747, .ffitatis suae 26. Of manners gentle, of affections mild, In wit a man simplicity a child. With Native Humour tempering Virtue's rage Eorm'd to Delight at once and Lash the age, Aboue Temptation in a Low Estate And Uncorrupted even a mong the Great. A safe Companion and an easy Eriend, Unblamed thro' Life Lamented in the End. These are thy Honours not that here they Boast Is mixt with Heroes or with Kings thy Dust But that the worthy and the good shall say, Striking their pensive Bosoms, Here I lye. 9. On a massive calvary Cross of granite are the letters I. H. C. within a circular panel ; and upon the upper step this inscription : John Kingdon, Twenty one years Eector of this Parish, fell asleep October 21" 1870, aged 62. In such an hour as ye think not the Son of Man cometh •£• 1 Christopher Alee, in 1683, held lands in TregreenweU. A son of the samo name succeeded him, and held the same land in 1718 (see post). 568 PARISH OF MICHAELSTOW. 10. William the son of William Hocken of Tregreenwell, and Priscilla his wife, was buried May the 3ri 1770, in the 4th Year of his age. 11. Sacred to the memory of Henry Hocken of this Parish who departed this life October the 12th 1789, aged 74 years. Also in memory of William Hocken of this Parish who departed this life November 14 1795, aged 56 years. Also in memory of Mary Bonear, the daughter of Henry & Elizabeth Hocken, of Tregreenwell in this Parish, who departed this life Oct. 2 1814, aged about nine months. 12. Underneath are deposited The mortal Eemains of Wm. Hocken, Son of Wm. and Priscilla Hocken of this Parish, who exchanged Earth for Heaven June the 7th 1804, aged 24 years. Also in memory of Mary Ann his daughter whose mortal remains was [sic] deposited May the 17"1 1804, aged six months. 13. On an altar tomb : Sacred to the memory of Priscilla Hocken the wife of Wm. Hocken of Tregreenwell, in this Parish, who departed this life the 28 Dec' 1816, aged 63. Also to the memory of Henry Hocken of Tregreenwell, their son, who departed this life August 2tl 1817, aged 45. 14. On an altar tomb : Sacred to the memory of Mary the Daughter of William Hocken and Priscilla his wife, Late of Tregreenwell in this Parish. She departed this life at Sowdons, in the Parish of St. Tudy, on the 24th day of Nov' 1837, aged 54 years. PAEISH EEGISTEES. The old Eegisters consist of three volumes, the first being very imperfect. The entries of burials commence in 1544, and are continued, in regular order, to 1736. The entries of marriages extend from 1548, and are perfect to 1735 ; but those of baptisms begin only in 1682, are complete to 1693, then imperfect to 1718, and end in 1734. The second volume contains entries of baptisms and burials from 1740 to 1812, and of marriages from 1737 to the same date. The third volume contains the record of marriages under the Act 26th George IL, cap. 33, from 1754 to 1812. It appears from a memorandum left by Mr. Thorne, who was Curate in 1813, that the injury to the first volume was done during the incumbency of Mr. Fisher, the book having been left with the Parish Clerk, from whom Mr. Spettigue recovered it, 2nd May 1841. The earliest names occurring in the Eegisters are Kelly, or Killiowe, Pomeroy, Hocken, Brode, and Tooker. SCHOOLS. 569 SCHOOLS. On 13th April 1852, Earl Fortescue, under the Acts 5th Victoria and 8th Victoria for affording facilities for the conveyance and endowments of sites for Schools, granted to the Minister and Churchwardens of the parish of Michaelstow, and their successors for ever, a cottage, and garden enclosure in front, in the village of Michaelstow, for a school for the education of children and adults, or children only, of the labouring, manufacturing, and other poorer class in the parish of Michaelstow, and as a residence for the teachers : and it is provided that "such school shall always be in union with, and conducted upon the principles, and in furtherance of the ends and designs of the Incorporated National Society for promoting, the education of the poor in the principles of the Established Church." The school is still conducted as a Church School, and in union with the National Society, but the Education Department, considering that the building is not sufficiently large to accommodate all the children in the parish who ought to attend school, has pro posed that a School Board shall be formed for the united parishes of Michaelstow and St. Teath, and that children in the former parish, above nine years of age, be sent to St. Teath, where they would be accommodated in a new school house about to be erected in that parish, and to this proposal the ratepayers have agreed. CHAEITIES. There are no public charities or bequests belonging to the Church. TEENOWITH. This estate at an early date was held by a family of the same name. In 1337 Ealph de Trenowith held one acre of land Cornish there at a rent of 15^d. per annum, and a fine of 6d.x The free tenements of the manor are not shewn in the Assession Eolls until 1469, when the same lands were held, at the same rent, by John Trenowith and Stephen Brode, as kinsmen and heirs of Ealph de Trenowith.' In 1539, the premises had passed to John Brode, who had acquired them of John Trenowith and Henry Brode, Chaplain, son and heir of Eobert Brode, kinsman and heir of John Brode, and they remained in the tenure of John until his death in 1582,3 when they passed to Walter Brode, his son and heir.4 Seven years later they had been acquired by John Hendy, Gent.,'' upon whose daughters and coheirs the land had devolved in 1617. At the Assession in that year, William Stoninge, in right of Abigail his wife, Ealph Cozens and Patience 1 Caption of Seizin, Edward the Black Prince. - Assession RoU, 9th Edward IV. * See Mon. Inscrip., No. 5, p. 666, ante. 4 Assession Roll, 30th Elizabeth. '• Ibid., 37th EUzabeth. 4 E 570 PARISH OF MICHAELSTOW. his wife, and Frances North, daughter of Elizabeth Hendy, held the same acre of land by the accustomed services, and the aforesaid rent of lS^d.1 Abigail Hendy, after the death of her first husband, William Stoninge, married Emanuel Davies, who, in her right, in 1624, held the third part of the land, the other proparties being held by John Billing, Gent., whose father Eichard Billing,2 deceased, had purchased of Ealph Cozens and Patience his wife- their third part share. The other third part had passed to Eichard Marke and Frances his wife,3 and had, by them, been sold, one moiety to the aforesaid John Billing, and the other to Emanuel Davies.4 From the last mentioned date the Assession Eolls cease until 1683, when the premises in question were held by Lady Smith after the death of Sir James Smith her husband.5 In 1725, the lands had passed to John Phillipps, Gent.,6 and are now the property, by recent purchase, of John Gatley, Esq. TEEGEENEWEN alias TEEGEEENWELL. Tregrenewen, in ancient times, was held in free tenure of the manor of Helston in Trigg, and gave its name to its possessors (see pp. 559, 573). In 1335 Eoger Probyt held half an acre of land Cornish in Tregreenewen, at the annual rent of 2s. 6d., aid one half-penny, suit at Court and fealty.7 In 1491 Stephen Brode, as kinsman and heir of Eoger Probit, held it,8 and his descendant, John Brode, died seized in 1582, and was suc ceeded by his son and heir, Walter Brode, who held it in 1588,9 and from whom, in 1595, it had passed to George Carnsew.'0 Not long afterwards it had become broken into parcels. In 1617,' a portion was held by Francis Carnsew, as son and heir of George Carnsew, another portion by Eobert Mullis, by purchase of John Mullis, and a third part by John Carneck.11 In 1624, it was held by Michael Inch, Gent., by purchase from Francis Carnsew, Gent., George Mullis after the death of George Mullis his father,12 and Thomas Carneck.13 In 1637, Francis Carnsew, Gent., and Mary his wife suffered a fine in two messuages in Trelill and Tregreenwell to William Inch, Senior, Gent., and William Inch, Junior, Gent.14 In 1650, Elizabeth Mullis held one acre at the rent of Is., William Jack, Gent., held an acre at the rent of 2s. 6d., and John Kernick, Gent., held another acre at the rent of 2s.15 In 1668, William Lower held in Tregrenewen in his own right.16 In 1683, it was 1 Assession RoU, loth James. John Hendy, Gent., was buried 1st November, 1616. P.R. 2 See Pedigree of Billing, ante vol. i, 389. 3 Frances, wife of Richard Marke, Gent., was buried 2nd Oct. 1636. i Assession Eoll, 22nd James. 5 Ibid., 35th Oharles II. « Ibid., llth George I. 7 Caption of Seizin, Edward the Black Prince. 8 Assession RoU, 7th Henry VII. (Record Office). 9 Ibid., 30th Elizabeth. 10 Ibid., 37th Elizabeth. 11 Ibid., loth James. Nicholas Carnyk was Prepositus of tho Manor in 1345, and again in 1352. 13 1643. George MuUis son of George MulUs deceased, and Ann his wife (who afterwards was married to William Lower, Gent.) A vertuous yong man, and one that feared God, departed this life, October 27th, and was buried October 28th. P.R. 13 Assession Roll, 22nd James. u Pedes Finium, 12th Charles, Hil. 15 Parliamentary Survey. ls Copy of Assession RoU. Original lost. MICHAELSTOW. 571 held by William Beile, by purchase from William Inch, Gent. ; Christopher Allee and William Salmon, Clerk, by purchase from Charles Carnecke, after the death of John Carnecke his father ; Ealph Pike after the death of Digory Glyn ; Humphry Carnecke after the death of John Carneck his father;1 and at the following assession in 1688, it con tinued to be held by the same parties.2 William Beale of Trewinnell, in St. Teath, died seized in 1713, and by his will, dated 1st May 1712, devised it to his eldest son William Beale and the heirs male of his body, in default remainder to his sons, John and Joseph, successively, in tail male, in default remainder to his daughter Dorothy and her heirs for ever.3 We have no further Assession Eoll until 1717, when John Lower, Junr., Gent., held a certain portion, and Eichard Betenson, Junr., and Ann his wife, John Glanville, Junr., and Phillippa his wife, daughters and heirs of Christopher Allee, held other portions,4 and it was held in the same manner in 1724.5 In 1731, the portion held by John Lower, by his death, had passed to Eichard Lower his son ; Eichard Dow held a portion by purchase from Eichard Betenson in right of Ann his wife, and John Glanville in right of Phillippa his wife held as before.6 In 1784, William Hocken held a third part, Giles Bawden, after the death of his wife Mary Symons, held a third part, Henry Hocken held a sixth part, and the other sixth part was held by James Baron, Gent., in right of Elizabeth his wife after the death of John Spiller.' Some portion continued to be held by the Hocken family until within a few years,8 which is now the property of Mr. Button. MICHAELSTOW. Hals states that "in this parish formerly lived the genteel family of Michaelstow, that married one of the heirs of Gifford of Fewborough (Theuborough) in Devon."9 It is not improbable that the family alluded to derived their name from this parish, but, if they ever lived here, it was at a very early date, and we have never seen any record of the fact. In 1337, William de Treythian held one acre of land Cornish in Mighelstow of the manor of Helston in Trigg, at the annual rent of 4s.,10 rendering the usual services, which land, in 1469, had descended to Philip Copleston as his kinsman and heir." In 1574 it had passed in marriage with Isotte daughter and heir of Eichard Coplestone to John Wood.12 In 1624 it had passed to Christopher Wood by purchase from his father,13 and in 1683, Hugh Boscawen held it, from whom, in 1718,14 it had passed to Hugh Fortescue of Filleigh, by marriage with Bridget only daughter and heir of the said 1 Assession RoU, 35th Charies II. 2 Ibid., 3rd and 4th James II. 3 Proved 22nd March 1713-14. Archd. Cornwall 4 Assession Roll, 4th George I. 5 Ibid., llth George 1. 6 Ibid., Sth George II. 7 Ibid., 25th George III. 8 See grave-stone inscriptions, ante p. 568. o The Michaelstows were, we believe, settled in Devon. Their arms: sa three wings ar., are quartered by Treffry (See ante, p. 252) and by Prideaux. 10 Caption of Seizin, Edward the Black Prince. u Assession RoU 9th Edward IV. ™ Ibid. 16th Elizabeth. In the Roll of 37th EUzabeth she is called "Isabella." s1 Ibid. 22nd James. w Ibid. 4th Geo. I. 4 E2 572 PARISH OF MICHAELSTOW. Hugh and Margaret his wife, fifth daughter and eventually coheir of Theophilus Clinton, Earl of Lincoln, by whose death the Barony of Clinton fell into abeyance, which, in 1721, was terminated in favour of Hugh Fortescue, son of the abovementioned Hugh and Bridget, who, in 1725, held Michaelstow after the death of his father.1 His son Hugh Fortescue was, in 1746, created Baron Fortescue and Earl of Lincoln, the Barony of Fortescue to revert, in the event of his dying s.p., to his half brother Mathew Fortescue, which limita tion took effect, and by his descendant Earl Fortescue the Michaelstow lands are now held. TEEGENNA. A very substantially built and convenient mansion has recently been erected here by Mr. William Hocken, upon lands which have been in the possession of his family for several generations. The principal front is constructed of fine granite ashlar, and the other portions of local stone of considerable beauty of colouring. The whole is completed in the most costly manner, whilst the stables and other auxiliaries are very perfect of their kind, the gardens being well stocked and prolific. FAMILY HISTORY. Several names of gentle families occur in the early register, but none of them except the Lowers, of whom we hope to treat under St. Tudy, were seated for more than one or two descents in the parish. A Mr. Vincent Calmadie would seem to have been resident here in the early part of the 17th century. He was, doubtless, • of the Wembury House in Devon. His wife, as Mary wife of Vincent Calmadie, Esq., wa,s buried 30th June 1636, and we have Philip, wife of Vincent Calmadie, buried 20th June 1640, and Vincent Calmadie, Esq., was buried 14th May 1651. We should name, also, the Mayows, who were seated at Tregone. Joseph Mayow, attorney, was buried in 1689, and Mrs. Jane Mayow in 1692; Eichard Mayow, Gent., in 1751, &c. Tregone passed to the Hockens, a very ancient family of this and the neighbouring parishes, whose name we have frequently mentioned. Besides Tregone they held Tredarrap, Bearoke, Tregreenwell, Tregenna, and other lands in this parish, some of which are still in their possession. The family of Trenowith and Brode we have already adverted to (ante, pp. 569, 570), as we have also to that of Mullis, which name is found in the Eeturn of 1525, see p. 575. 1 Assession RoU, llth George I. APPENDIX. 573 APPENDIX. A. 87 Subsidy Eoll 1st Edward III, — consisting of a Twentieth of all Moveable Goods. • 7 See ante, p. 395. Parochia Sancti Maubani. De Waltero Dogy - - viijd De Juliano Dogy - - ixd De Johanne Whityng vijd De Briano Kene - - vjd De Badulpho Mostard - - xijd De Johanne Gones - vijd De Johanne Hikedon vjd De Martino de Stone - - vjd De Adam Heligan - ijs De Willelmo Scott - - viij^ De Eogero Dola - - xd De Hugone - - vijd De Eicardo Wyot - - - vijd De Waltero Jay - - vjd ( Stephanas Treysek - vijd Taxatores \ Willelmu8 gent Maban . vijd Summa xxvs vjid probatur. De Eicardo Gones - ixd De Eicardo Cereseaux iij* iiijd De Willelmo Hornet - vjd De Henrico Kyng - vjd De Willelmo Pores - - vjd De Laureneio Meyndy - xijd De Henrico Berty - vjd De Emma Walsha - xijd De Waltero Vonge . vjd De Stephano Yonge - - vjd De Willelmo Watta - - vjd De Nicholas Watta - - vjd De Eustachio Watta - viijd De Thoma Kynt - vjd De Waltero Pillond - xvd De Eogero Tant xijd De Stephano Slegha - - viijd B. Parochia de De Johanne de ffentonadul - - xijd vjd vjd vjd vjd xijd De Eadulpho Lune - xijd Michestouwe. De Nicholas Jumore De Eogero Thomas De Johanna Kyka De Nicholao Bissop - De Stephano Tregenwer De Martino de eadem De Willelmo Kyttou vjd xijd vjdvjd xijdxijd vjd 574 PARISH OF MICHAELSTOW. De Stephano Trenewyth De Eadulpho de eadem De Eoberto Jon De Eadulpho Hanky De Stephano Treuelek - xijd - xijd - xijd - xijd - xijd De Willelmo. Dreyn - - - vjd De Martino Jumore - - vjd {Johannes Bagga - vjd (Eadulphus Clerk vjd Summa xvij* probatur. C. HusDREmjiE 1 Secunda Solutio Subsidii hundredi predicti Domino Eegi nuper concessi de terris de Tkigge. } tenementis bonis et Catallis coiatus ejusdem hundredi juxta formam et effeetum eujusdam actus in vltimo parliamento faeti sive editi quod quidem subsidium per Epgerum Arundell Johannem Eoscarek Johannem Flamank et Nicholaum Opy Commissionarios assignatos infra Hundredum predictum taxat' et assessat' fuerunt. Et per Petrum Bevyll generalem eollectorem inde predictos Commissionarios assignatos et deputatos colligendum et ad receptum scacearii dicti domini Eegis ante Octabas Purifieationis beate Marie proximo futuree computandum et soluendum juxta vim formam et effeetum actus predicte prout inferius sequentur. Parochia de Seynt Malon. 16th Hewry VIII, 87 131 Thorns Mayowe in bonis xls subsid' xijd Nicholaus Tresloget in bonis v mis. subsid xxd Nicholaus Otys in Stipend' xxs ?> iiijd Stephanus Dawe ?j Ixs , , xviij d Johannes Hendy 71 xxs >? iiijd Willelmus Bettewe a Ixs , , xviij d Johannes Pethe in bonis xls 17 xijd Ixs , , xviij d Willelmus Hay a xls 1 1 xijd Taillor 1 1 iiij ft , ijs Eobertus Treslogetl ;j vjii 11 iij s- Willelmus Barrett in terria p ann. xii , , xs Paschasius Bennett n Ixs 11 xviij d Nicholas Whyt in bonis xxii , , xxs Eobertus Phelipp n vjii 11 iijs Johannes Wrothe n vjft , , iijs Johannes Tresloget, Sen1' ,, iiijli 11 ijs Johannes Trewenek in Stipend' xxs , , iiij* Johannes Tresloget, Jun"' ,, iiijli 11 ijs Johannes Croppe in bonis cs , , ijs vjd Thomas Hendy Willelmus Luky xii vs xls , xijd , xld a xls 1 7 11 xijd Johannes Cradoke ii xmhs , Stephanus Isak 71 Ixs 11 xviij d Johannes Hoper ? j vj/'' , iijs Johannes Hill, Sen r 17 xii 17 vs Thomas Vymen 71 cs , ij<* Willelmus Dyver Johannes Antony Eobertus Dawe in Stipend' xxs iiij* iiijd ijs. in Stipend in bonis xxs iiijd , ijs vjd xijd xxs cs in bonis iiijli II Thomas Carthew ii xls . Eicardus Bulke in Stipend' xxs 11 iiijd Willelmus Murty n Ixs , , xviij d Johannes 01y[ver] in bonis xmhs 11 xld Johannes Tom j> xvj li , viijs Eobertus Dawe in Stipend' xxs 11 iiijd Eicardus Tom ?> cs , , ijs vjd Eicardus Sloo in bonis xls 17 xijd Willelmus Weber ii Ixs , , xviij d Johannes Oliver in Stipend' xxs 17 iiijd Thomas Martyn 17 Ixs , , xviij d APPENDIX. 575 Thomas Trevethek Bcnedictus Hendy Walterus Hendy Johannes Bettewe Henricus Bettewe Willelmus Jak Johannes Luky Stephanus Brabon Thomas Brabon Bene dictus Harry in bonis Ixs „ xviij d Johannes Cowlyn in bonis ,, xl ,, vs Johannes Bennett, Sen' ,, ,, xxii „ xxs Eicardus Tresloget „ in Stipend' xxs „ iiijd Johannes Phelipp „ in bonis vijli „ iijs vjd Willelmus Browne ,, ,, Ixs „ xviij d Eicardus Edwardes „ ,, xls ,, xijd Willelmus Treslogett ,, >> Ixs ,, xviijd Benedictus Hamley ,, » lx* „ xviijd Stephanus Euby „ ,, xvjli „ viijs Johannes Mayowe ,, ,, iiijft „ ijs Eobertus Otys in Stipen Summa ixli vs xd cs , ijs vjd xmhs , xld c« , , ijs vjd lx* , , xviijd lx* , , xviijd iiij ?** , i ij« Ixs , , xviijd xvii , , vij* vjd xls , , xijd xls , xijd xxs , iiijd D. vijli iijs vjd Hundred of Lesnewith. — Parochia of Mychelstoiv Johannes Brode in bonis vijli subsid iijs vjd Johannes Hamley j alias Harvey } Henricus Wade Johannes Haukyn Wyllelmus Atgave Thomas Slogat Johannes Eychard xls 11 xijd xls u xiid xls 7y xijd vij li ?) iijs vjd vjii 11 iijs 87 — dated 26th November \6th Henry VIII. 130 Johannes Elnat, in bonis vijli subsid iij vjd Johannes Dawkyn in terris iij li Johannes Brode junr in bonis vjii Stephanus Molys ,, vii Harry Eobyn ,, xls. Stephanus Sonder ,, xls Eolandus Hervy ,, xls Summa xxxiiijs vjd iijs iijs ij* vjd xijdxijdxiid E. Eettjeit op the Possessions of the Inhabitants of St. Maben, 1521 — 1523. Augmentation Office, MisceUaneous Books, vol. lxxvn, p. 47. I Valencia Spiritualium possessionum ibidem per annum. Seynt Maben } Oliverus Person, Eector ibidem valet per annum in proficuis eiusdem ecclesie - xxxli ibidem per annum. Henricus Marney miles valet ibidem per annum - xxii Arturus Plantagenet Miles - viijli Vmfridus Collys - - lx* Egidius Hyll - - xx* Nicholaus Willughby - vii Johannes Beachamp - xls Willelmus Tredennek Johannes Martyn Henricus Burgh Johannes Stone Johannes Cripse Willelmus Barret Summa. x* viij* iij* xs xij* Ixs 576 PARISH OF MICHAELSTOW. Valencia bonorum et Catallorum dictee parochia et de eorum armis. Johannes Hendy Capellanus curatus ibidem in bonis nil in Stipendio vjii Willelmus Barret valet in bonis - xii arma pro vno homine Nicholaus White ,, xxii Stephanus Hoekyn Johannes Herry Johannes Croppe Hamelinus Mathew Johannes Pawle Johannes Hoper Thomas Symon Johannes Browne Willelmus Martyn Johannes Tomlyn Johannes Tom Eicardus Tom Willelmus Webber Thomas Martyn Johannes Benyt, senr. Johannes Benyt, junr. Eicardus Tresloget Eicardus Pawly Johannes Phelipp Eobertus Browne Willelmus Browne Eicardus Edward Willelmus Tresloget Henricus Phelipp Benedietus Hamley Stephanus Euby Johannes Mayowe arma pro vno homine , xl* , xU arma pro vno homine - v marcas , - v marcas , - x marcat -' vjft vii iiijli xl* - iiij ft i - xvjft arma pro vno homine cs xl* xls - x marcas arma pro vno homine xl* - x marcas arma pro vno homine xls iiij ft vjft arma pro vno homine xl*lx* iiij ft xls arma pro vno homine xls xls Johannes Hendy valet in bonis Johannes Pethe „ Willelmus Haye ,, Eobertus Sloget ,, Eobertus Phelipp Johannes Sloget, sen. Johannes Sloget, jun. Thomas Hendy Ixs xls xls iiij ft arma pro vno homine vjft iiij ft iiij ft Willelmus Luky Stephanus Isak arma pro vno homine xls Ixs Johannes Hyll, senr. Johannes Hyll, junr. 5- in bonis commimie Henricus Hyll I r. >i ) Eobertus Dew Johannes Gibbe Willelmus Pawly Thomas Trevethyk Benedietus Hendy Johannes Bettow Willelmus Isak Johannes Luky Stephanus Brabyn Eobertus Hamly Thomas Brabyn Benedietus Herry Nicholas Tresloget Stephanus Dawe Willelmus Harry Henricus Bettow Thomas Mayowe Summa. Numerus armorum Numerus hominum a'bilium Numerus alieneginorum. arma pro vno homine n - iiijli „ x marcas „ Iiij* iiijd ,, - xft arma pro vno homine ,, - xxft arma pro vno homine „ vij ft » cs ,, - Ixs „ x* ,, xx marcas arma pro vno homine „ xvjft arma pro vno homine „ - lx* ,, v marcas „ - lx* „ - iiij ft „ Iiij* iiijd „ - xls END OF VOLUME II. INDEX TO SUBJECTS. 577 INDEX TO SUBJECTS Note.— That in this and the following Indices, no attempt is made to dsf-iguish the different modes of speUing the same name, and that one reference only is given, notwithstanding the name may occur more than once on the same page. Advowsons, 10, 96—97, 297—301, 404—406, 459—460, 559— 560 Alms Houses, 325, 471—473 Antiquities Primeval, 5, 80, 284, 399, 451 Area of Parishes, 2, 78, 278, 279, 397, 449, 556 ARMS:- Andrew, 530 Archer, 186, 190 Arundell, 101 Babb, 549 Barrett, 372, 465 «, 494, 495 Baudwyn, 532. 548 Bere, 494, 495 Betenson, 414 Billing, 549 Blewett, 549 Boniface, 252 Boscawen, 325 Brune, 216, 217 Calmady ? 495 Calmady, 495 Calwodely, 15, 40, 41 Carew, 365, 366 Carminowe, 15, 101, 218 Carne, 109 Carnsewe, 106, 171, 172 Carpenter, 309, 310 CaveU, 106, 162 Ceely, 517 Chenduit, 172 Chiverton, 258 « CoUins, 211 n Colyn, 37, 243 Courtney, 106 Cowderon, 171 Darte, see Wallis Davie, 107 Dawe, 252 Denys, 68 ElwUl, 49 n England, 101 Esse, 218 Fauntleroy, 518 Flamank, 252, 495,515, 518 Fortescue, 102 FoweU, 494, 495 France, 242, 243 Arms — Giffard, 14 n, 36, 37, 41, 107, 218, 243, 248, 252 Glynn, 68, 72, 549 Godolphin, 106, 522 Gorges, 218 Goulston, 218 GryUs, 425, 428 Hamley. 465 n, 466, 548 Hancock, 49 n Harris, 437, 442 Heart, 28 HeUigan, 515, 518 Hext, 525, 527 HiU, 518, 524 Hocken, 548, 549 Huddy, 218 Hugworthy, 218 Hutton, 105 Inch, 257 Ivery or Every, 211 n Kelligrew, 107, 249, 252 Kestell, 524 Kingdon, 101, 258 n Lanhergy, 171 Lower, 567 Lucombe, 465, 515, 518 Lynam, 262 Mathew, 548 Mayowe, 249 Michaelstow de. 249, 262 Mohun, 101, 107, 139, 325 Moyle, 417 n Mydhope, 372 n Nanfant, 172 Nichol, 72 Nicholls, 102,139, 165, 166, 325 Opie, 50, 105 Orchard, 99 n Arms— PenhaUow, 536, 537 Penhargard, 45 Peter-Hoblyn, 509 Phillips. 310 Pipard, 549 Plumleigh, 532, 533 Polgrene, 252 Pomeroy, 102, 106 Porter, 499, 554 Prideaux, 213, 214,217, 218 Prout, 549 Prowse, ill n pye, 29 n Ealeigh, 41 Eokele, 216, 217 Rouse, 550 Searle, 252 Sergeaux, 507 SiUy, 466 », 517, 620 Spencer, 218 Stradling, 172 Talbot, 171, 548 Akms — Tamlyn, 534 Thomas, 174 TiUy, 526 Toker, 55, 55 n, 56 Trecarne, 68, 172 Treffry, 107, 242, 243, 248, 249, 262 Tregagie, 176 Treharrick, 106 Treiague, 172 Trelawny, 619 Tremayne, 249, 252 Trenewith, 172 Tresithney, 107, 248, 249, 252 Trewynt, 360 Unknown, 25, 105, 139, 325, 465, 466, 495 Vivian, 107 "WalUs, alias Darte, 372 "Webber, 167, 168, 548 WiUiams, 437, 412 "Winslade, 495 Assessments, 2, 79, 280, 399, 460, 557, 567 n Barrows, 6, 89, 383, 384, 399 Bede Roll, ancient, 246 » BeUs, 14, 102, 103, 309, 319, 412, 466, 565 Benefices, Institutions to, Helland, 11 — 13, St. Kew, 97 — 100, Lanteglos and Advent, 302—307, Lesnewith, 407— 410, St. Maben, 460—464, Michaelstow, 560—564 Biographical Notices — see Notices, Biographical Blackheath Battle, 8, 505 BUsland, Rectors of, 408 n. 630 Bodmin, Burgesses of, 47, ol. 52, 119, 359 Bodmin, Burgesses in Pari. 359, 514 n, 516 Bodmin, Mayors of, 59, 63, 527, 628. 529 Bodmin, Priors of, 39, 63, 163, 206. 378, 421 n, 492, 512 n Bodmin, Vicars of, 408 n, 409 n Bodmin, St. Anthony's Chapel, 116 Bodmin, Tithe of Hay, 52 Brasses, Monumental, 245 Breoke, St., Rectors of, 51 Breoke, St., Registers of, 64 Breward, St., Vicars of, 408 n Bridges, 4, 6, 81, 450 Camelford, situation, 327, definition of name, 327 ; 378, endowment of Chapel, 391 — 394 578 DEANERY OF TRIGG MINOR. Burgesses of , 267, 322, 323, 327, 328, 356, 378, 380 Burgesses in Pari. 335—338, 356 n, 364 Mayors of, 253, 257, 330, 332—334, 336, 337, 365, 366, 368, 369, 376, 378, 3*0 ¦ Recorders and Town Clerks, 334—335, 364 Camelford, Chapel of St. James, Endowment Charter, 391 —394 Cardinham, Rectors of, 54, 57 Chapels, Chantries, and Oiatories, 112—114, 115, 318, 322 —324, 324 n, 349 ; endowment of, 391— 394; 415, 416, 470 Charities, 114, 115, 324—326, 471—475, 569 Chase, remarkable, 33 Churches, descriptions of, HeUand, 14, 15 ; St. Kew, 181 - 102 ; Lanteglos, 307—309 ; Advent, 318—320 ; Lesnewith, 411,412; St. Maben, 464— 466 ; Michaelstowe, 564, 565 Church goods, 201, 299, 406 Church plate, 14, 16, 103, 103 n, 322, 412, 469, 565, 566 Columb, St. Recters of, 550 Cornwall, Archd. of, 516 n CornwaU, Duchy of, collections concerning the manors of, 381—391 CornwaU, Duchy of, 64, 160, 381 Caption of Seizin, 352 CornwaU, Sheriffs of, 517 CornwaU, Surveyor General of, 205 Court Rolls, Lannowsaint, 87—89, Helset, 418, 419 Crescy, battle of, 242, 243, 244 Crosses, £, 81, 281—283, 400, 451—452, 558 Customs, manorial, 289—292, 381 Descents, Royal, see Royal descents Discovery, voyage of, Capt. WaUis, 371, 372 Diseases, epidemic, 321 Documents, original, 19—22, 26—27, 56 n, 75, 76, 126, 127, 269—276, 327, 330, 331, 342—345, 381—394, 397, 404 - 406, 446—448, 478—481, 493 n, 573—576. Domesday Survey, 6, 25 n, 115, 116, 122, 401,402, 453, 454, 475, 489 Dosmary Pool, legend of, 176 Dream, remarkable, 434 n Egloshayle, Vicars of, 57 Exeter, Bishops fo, 84, 85, 86, 160, 212, 269, 270, 271, 272, 273, 287, 297, 321, 404, 423, 459, 400, 461, 462, 463, 470, 612, 519, 559. Fairs, 3, 329, 450 FamUy History— Giffard of Helland, 34—36, Colyn, 36—37, Calwodely, 38—39, Arundell, 39, Penhargard, 44—45, Opie, 47—53, Toker, or Tucker, 54, Glynn, 64—74, Giffard of Lanowmure, 151 — 1 54, de Trehaverock, 155, de Trelulla, 155—156, de Bokelly, 156, Cavell, 157— 163, NichoUs, 164 —165, "Webber, 166—168, Carnsew, 169—175, Tregagie, 176—177, Dagge, 178—179, Archer, 180—193, Prideaux, 194—241, Brune, 214—217, Treffry, 242—256, Inch, 257, Lynam, 258—203, Braddon, 267—268, Trewynt, 357— 360, Bodulgate, 360—363, Phillips, 364, Carew, 366—367, Cock, 368—369, "WaUis, 370—373, Prideaux, 378, Grvlls, 421—422, Gerveys, 423—425, WilUams, 432—437, Sergeaux, 5(12—504, Marny, 504—506, Heligan, 511— 614, Hill, 514—515, SiUy, 515—517, Tresloget, 523, Hill of Wendron and Egloshayle, 523—624, Hext, 626, Bawdyn, 632, Plumleigh, 532, Tamlyn, 534, Hamley, 540 —547, Porter, 554, 572 Flood, 4 Font, Ancient, 301 Forrabury, Rectors of, 426 Fowey Church, Dedication of, 246, 247 n Fowey, Burgesses of, 245 Symonds' Notes on, 248, 249 Franchises, Manorial, 128, 130 n, 199, 289—292, 338 Franchises Municipal, 196 n, 327 FreeWarren, 296, 297, 368 Geology, 3, 79, 278. 279, 397, 398, 449, 556 Germans, St., Priors of, 394, 423 Hall, Definition of, 1 Helland, Rectors of, 5, 11—13, 54, 100 n, 463 n, 489, 526, 528, 541 Ide, St., Vicars of, 544 Industrial Pursuits, 3, 79, 279, 398 Inscriptions, Monumental, 15, 104—111,248—249, 309—318, 320—321,413—414, 466—469, 566—568 Institutions, see Benefices Inventories, Church, 14, 16, 103, 299, 322, 405, 406, 412, 469, 565 St. Kew, Vicars of, 85, 142, 143, 150, 378, 380, 408 Ladock, Rectors of, 507 Landowners, 3, 79, 278, 398, 449 Lands, extents of, 476 Lanivet, Rectors of, 152, 521 Lanteglos, Rectors of, 288 n, 297, 302—307 Launceston, Priors of, 88, 148, 460 n Mayor and Burgesses of, 340 Lesnewith, Rectors of, 62, 397, 407—410, 426, 507, 521 Lostwithiel, Mayors of, 160, 244 Maben, St., Rectors of, 460—46", 475, 489, 554 Manor Houses, 24 Manors, cessation of creation, 341 n Manors, extent of, 287, 288 Manorial Customs, see Customs, Tenures Manufactories, 3 Manumissions of Bondmen, 292 Markets, 327, 330 Maugan, St., Rectors of, 551 Measures, land, 339 n, 355 n Meeting Houses of Dissenters, 4, 82, 83, 284, 401, 452— 453, 559 Memoirs, see Notices biographical t Michaelstow, Rectors of, 510 Minster, Rectors of, 408 «, 426 Minver, St., Vicars of, 408 n Monumental Inscriptions, see Inscriptions Monuments, early Christian, 5, 81, 281, 282,400, 451, 452, 558 Murder, 64 Names, Christian, permanence of, 541 « Neot, St., Vicars of, 492 New England, Society for the Propagation of the Gospel, 535, 535 n Notices, biographical, Dr. Glynn, 66 — 67, Dr. Hutton, 99 n, Dean Prideaux, 208, Brigadier General Prideaux, 219, Charles Peters, 463 n, Captain "WaUis, 371—372 Dr. Lombard, 306 n Samuel PeDhaUow, 535, 536, John Hamlye, 546 -647 PEDIGREES. Alet de, 652 Andrew, 530—531 Archer, 187—193 Arundel, 41 Arvas, 220 Betenson, 426 Billing, 549 Bodulgate, 363 Bohun, 188, 240 Bromford, 223 Pedigrees — Brune, 237—239 Calwodely, 40, 41, Cameis, 438 Capell, 500 Cardinan, 219 Carew, 240, 241, 366, 367, Carnsewe, 173, 175 Cavel, 162—163 Chalons, 42 Champernon, 241 INDEX TO SUBJECTS. 579 Pedigrees— Cheyne, 43 Clopton, 42 Cock, 369 Colyn, 41 Courtenay, 42, 189, 240 Curgenven, 269 Dagge, 179 Dinham, 376, 377 Fichet, 42 Flamanke, 518 Furnis, 265 Gerveys, 427 Giffard, 40, 41, 154, 223 Glynn, 68—74 Godolphin, 522 Grey, 500 Grylls, 428 Halton, 43 Hamley, 548—553 Harris, 444, 445 Haye, 46 HeUigan, 518, 519 Hext, 527, 528, 529 HiU, 42, 43, 518,525 Hoblyn, see Peter Soblyn Holbeme, 501 Howard, 508 Hussey, 42 Inkepenne, 43 Keigwin, 264 Ku-kham, 501 Lamettyn, 518 Lisle de, 500 Lucombe, 518 Lugger, 527 Lutterell, 240 Magor, 264 Marny, 507—508 Martyn, 438—441 Moyle, 265 Nation, 266 Pedigrees — Nicholls, 165 Opie, 50, 51, 53 Penhallow, 536—537 Penhargard, 46 Penvrane, 41 Peter-Hoblyn, 509—511 Plumleigh,*533 Podding, 46 Podyford, 503 n Porter, 551 Prideaux, 218—236, 241, 379, 380 Rengebourn, 237—238 Rokele, 237 Sampson, 43 Saye, 42, 43 ScrobhuU, 501 Sergeaux, 507 SiUy, 520—521 Sloggatt, 360 Specote, 501 Spoure, 189 Stradling, 173 Suleny, 210 Talbot, 240, 500 Tamlyn, 537, 539 Thomas, 174—175 Toker, or Tucker, 56—57 Tregagie, 177 Tregoys, 187 Trelawny, 519 Trelulla, 136 Tethnrffe, 189 Treverbyn, 219 Tudor, 240 Vivian, 162—163 Waldgrave, 43 "WaUie, 374, 375 "Webber, 167, 548 Whichcote, 177 "WiUiams, 234, 442—443 Young, 440 Perambulations, 77, 78, 96, 277, 278, 330- 331, 397, 398, 403, 405, 406, 555, 556 Petrock Minor, Rectors of, 413 Place House, Fowey, attack upon, 245w Plympton, Canons of, 84, 85 Plympton, Priors of, 85, 87, 89, 112,153 Population of, HeUand, 2 ; St. Kew, 78 ; Lanteglos and Advent, 280 ; Lesnewith, 398 ; St. Maben, 449 ; Michael stow, 556, 556 » Prebends, 13d, 373 ' Privileges granted to Toker, 56, 57 RaUways, 6 Registers, parochial, 16, 54, 111, 261, 321, 413, 470, 568 Extracts from, 259 n, 321, 409 Remains, Prehistoric, 5, 80, 284, 399, 451, 557 Rentals, 19—22, 30, 87—89, 91, 121, 124, 129, iSi, 134, 342—345, 403, 419, 490—491 Rivers, 6 Roads, Ancient British, 6, 81, 283, 399, 400, 450, 451, 558 Rolls, Court, 87—89 Royal Descents— Archer, 188—189 ; Prideaux, 240—241 ; Treffry, 252 Saxon Font 301 Schools, 115, 326, 475, 569 Seals of Sheriffs, '^16 Stannaries of Devon and CornwaU, 37, 205 Stoke, battle of, 505 Stones, inscribed, 281 Subsidies— HeUand, 39 n, 47, 54, 60,60 n, 61 n, 75—76, St. Kew, 274—276, Lanteglos and Advent, 395—396, 446, 448, Advent, 448, Lesnewith, 448, St. Maben, 573, 574, 575, 576, Michaelstow, 576 Supporters to Arms, 243 Surveys, 291, 292, 295, 296 Tahiti, 371, First place for observing the Transit of Venus 371 Teath, St., Vicars of, 98 n, 157, 300, 408 n, 421 Tenures,Manorial,289— 292, 339,339 m, 353 n, 381 Terriers, Ecclesiastical, 10, 86, 297—301, 404, 405, 406 Terriers, Manorial, 19—22, 91, 342—345, 403, 418, 419, 478-481, 490—491 Terriers, Parochial, 555, 556 Tithings, 115 », 116, 124, 180 Tintagel, Vicars of, 408 n Toker, Royal grant to — 56 n Trevalga, Rectors of, 303 Tudy, St., Rectors of, 98, 460 n, 544 Tywardreth, Priors of, 195, 198 VaUe, Abbots of, 404 Venus, Transit of, 371 Villages, 3, 4, 78 "Wages, 3, 79, 279, 398, 449 "Waste-lands in Cornwall, 300 n "Wells, Holy, 96, 346, 397, 401, 401 n, 565 WUls-Sir John Treffry,246 n, "WiUiam Treffry, 241 ¦» Winchester, Bps. of, 519 580 DEANERY OF TRIGG MINOR. INDEX TO NAMES OF PLACES. Adeston, M., 203 Advent, par., 164, 169, 170, 171, 277— 396, 354, 356, 378, 391, 555, 556 AUsbury, M., 558 Alan Ford, 279 Alan River, 3, 4, 5, 6, 279, 451 Alet, M., 542, 543, 545, 552 AlgarsmiU, 322, 323, 349, 358, 359 Allen, St., par, 176 Allhallows, 205 n Alyngton, M. and A., 200, 201, 202, 203 Amal, Eglos, M. 9,- 39, 44, 46, 50, 77, 83, Win, 111, 113, 122, 123, 124,137 Amal, Middle, 124, 166. 167, 168, 178 Amal, Richard, M., 122—123 Amalgies, 122, 123, 124 Amalmur, 122, 123 Amble, 78, 107, 120, 548 Amble, Lower, 111, 124, 166, 167, 168 Anderton, 399, 400, 415, 418 Anthony, St., 170 Antony, 484, 620 Antrenon, 423, 427 " Archers HaU," 180 Ardevora, 252 Argaun, 424 Arghansawth, 181, 184 Arrallas, 436 Arthurs HaU, 283 Arwenneck, 250, 522 Arwoythel, 123 Ashburton, 212, 213, 234, 235 Ashbury, 226 Athelhampton, 216, 438, 439 Austell, St., 112, 177, 516, 524 n Austen's, St., Well, 397 Ayssheton, 212 Bake, 226, 227, 230, 241. Banoke's Down, 556 Bargus Vean, 433 n Barn, 95 Barnstaple, 251 Bascomb, 519 Beardon in Boyton, 458 Bearoke, 572 Beckinham, M., 215 Beerferrere, 359 Benathleck, 230, 422, 423, 424, 426, 427, 428 BenboU, 54, 86, 96, 129, 141—142, 143, 178, 185, 186, 190, 272, 273 Benerton, 183 Berkeley, 247 Berry, 18 Bickington, 263 Bladeford, 205, 225 Blackheath, 8, 506 Blackmore Stannery, 371 Bladen, 208 Blanchland, 540 n Blisland, M., 22, 24, 28, 32, 130. 287 Blisland, par,, 2, 3, 55, 67, 106, 128, 160, 301, 348, 408 n, 418, 449, 546 Blisland, Rectory, 368, 535 Bocasek, 423 Bochym, 183, 184, 428, 436 Boconnion, M., 25 -30, 43, 75 n Boconnion, 5, 27 n, 30 Boconnoc, 97, 10", 120, 124, 125, 202, 483 Bocoven, 486, 489, 491, 513 Bodannac, M., 28, 78, 135, 340, 545 Bodeave, 4 21 Bodenek, 245 Bodergy, 483 n Bodiniel, M., 537 Bodmin, Borough, 21, 23, 24, 27, 27 n, 30, 32, 45, 47, 50, 64, 57, 63, 86 n, 87, 133, 141, 147, 151 n, 160, 161. 164, 176, 208, 244, 245, 249, 250, 252, 265, 274, 284, 354, 358, 359, 378, 403, 452, 453, 465. 484, 496, 497, 499, 503, 512, 513, 514 n. 516, 518, 520, 521, 526, 528, 539, 546, 547, 550, 551, 553 Bodmin, Church, 14, 101, 537 Bodmin, Grey Friars, 26 n Bodmin, Parish, 2, 47, 301, 408 n, 418 Bodmin, Priory, 31, 45, 537 Bodmin, St. Thomas's Chapel, 244 n Bodmin, Rectory, 204 Bodulgate, M., in Lanteglos, 164, 298 n, 300, 325, 340—347, 348, 360, 362, 422 Bodwen, 3, 18, 19, 31, 121 Bodwen, M., 31, 55« Bodwethgan, 21 Bodwithick, 278 Boffrantam, 180 Bokelly, 94, 95, 114, 121, 136—138, 146, 156, 159, 160, 162, 169, 170, 171, 176, 354,615, 518 Bonathelek, 199 Boroot, 59 Bordonne, 59 Boscaer, 26, 27 n, 30, 418 Boscarne, 36, 40, 296, 297 Boscassel, 182 Bosdrenelon, 424 Bosham, 502 Bossinny, Bor, 267 Bosseghan, 181, 183 Bossewe, 160 Bossom, 197 Bosorow, 524 Bosvallack, in St. Allen, 176, 177 Boswen, 523 Bosworwetwoeles, 180 Botardel, 219 Botconek, 155 Botreagh, 182 Botreaux Castle. 82, 283, 364, 397, 399 405 Boveridge, 217 Bowithick, 300 Boyton, par., 458 Brademore, 158 Bradfield, 220, 227 Bradford, par., 207 Bradridge, 267 Bradstone, 66, 74, 517, 520 Bradworthy. 266 Bratton CloveUy, 463 » Breoke, St., par., 32 n, 48, 49, 51, 94, 177, 226, 227, 229, 515, 517 Breward, St., par, 130, 131, 164, 245, 277. 279, 283, 301, 370, 408 n, 517, Brewys, 347 Brighter, 170 Brightley, 264 Brightorre, 487, 518 Bristol, 48 Brodes, 32, 55, 65, 66, 74, 75 n, 517, 520, 530 Brodoke, M., and A., 129, 194, 198, 200, 201, 202 Brodoke, par., 59, 60, 483 n, 524, 525 Brongolon. 541 Brothek, 44 Brown WUly, 279 Broxbourne, 514 Buckland, Devon, 266 Budeaux Head, 204, 224 Budoek, par., 1 n Burncoose, 432, 433, 433 n, 435, 442, 443 Burneyre, M, 345, 421 Bury Ground, 284 CabiUia, M, 44, 339 n, 361, 487, 488 518 Cadoc, St., in Padstow, 206 Caerarthyn, 45 Caerhayes, 436, 443 Caeriin, 540 Cakeval, 81 Calabegyn, 324 CaUington, 224, 496 Calstock, par., 112 Calstock., M., 281, 386, 360 Calwodely, M, 417 Camelford, 142, 143, 164, 167 n, 185, 257, 267, 268, 278, 279, 282, 283, 284, 284 n, 285, 286, 287, 288, 301, 306 ii, 307, 318, 322, 322 n, 324, 326, Borough, 327—338 ; 342, 343, 344, 345, 348, 349, 356, 358, 359, 363, 364, 365, 367, 368, 372, 378, 380, 391, 399, 473, 474, 485, 550, 657 INDEX TO NAMES OF PLACES. 581 Cameis, 438 Camel, Riv. 279, 296, 297, 327 Canalizy, M, 26, 28, 43 Canons Leigh, 209 Cant, in St. Minver, 259, 262 Carclase, 95 Cardinham, 431 Cardinham, Barony, 476, 477 Cardinham, M., 18, 20, 39, 122, 123, 220, 476, 477, 481 Cardinham, par., 2, 4, 6, 48, 50, 58, 60, 61, 161 n Carenis, in Cubert, 264 Carentoc, 561 Carhayes, M., 26 Carhayes, St Michael, par. 185, 186, 191 Carkavils. 95 Carkele, M., 133 Carnubelbanathel, 195 Carnmarrow, 124 Carnsewe House, 170, 170 « Carradon, 3 Carthagena, 209 Carvabins, 330 Carvinack, 147 Carwederat, 245 Carwen, 161 » Carwithered, alias Carwithers, 130, 131 Cassacawn, M., 8, 9, 10, 39 Castle Canyke, 80, 557 Castlegoff, 284, 300, 557 Charde, 547 Charlestown, U. S. 535 ChUderlake, 359 Chillaton, 265 Chittlehampton, 264 Choldon, 4()4, 405 Chollacott, 134 Chudleigh, 86, 272 Chymder, 433 Cleather, St., 44, 364 Cleer. St., par. 132, 257, 548 Cleher, 540 Clerkenwater, 2, 3, 27 », 29 CUfton, 121 CUs, 64, 65 Clowance, 171 Clunikeck. 197 Clynych, 197, 198 Cockington, 226, 275 Coker Court, 290 n, 363 Colaelake, 358 Colan, St., 244 Coldrinick, 3, 18, 21, 22, 490, 491, 513 Coleridge, 48, 49 Colquite, M., 164, 362, 470, 475—484, 497, 502, 503, 505, 509, 510, 532, 547, 548 CoUen, 277, 278 Columb, St., Major, 29, 262, 484, 496, 516, 521 547, 551, 566 Combe Flory, 21 1 Combe in Tinhide, 200, 200 n, 201 Constantine, par., 422, 523 Copsen, 278 Cornwood, 123 CotebUl, 353 n Cotthay, 211 Coulcada, 278 Coulston, co. "WUts, 494, 522 CouncU Barrow, 6 Coventry, 247 Crediton, 144, 212, 224, 225, 259, 262 Credywygger, M., 212, Croane, 493, 523, 524, 525 Crooklargus, 127 Cropping HiU, 86, 272, 273 CrosshiU, 451 Crowan, par., 1 n, 264 Crowdy Marsh, 279 Cubert, St., par., 47, 147, 264 CrueU an Dale in St. Kew, 139, 140, 146 CuUom John, M. and A., 201, 201 n Curdown, 353 Cusgarne, 433, 433 n Cuthbert, Rectory, 204 Dale, 86, 272, 273 Dartington, 438 Dartmouth, 203, 415, 416, 532, 533 Davidstow, par., 4, 61, 138. 166, 262, 277, 278, 279, 283, 311, 325, 327, 347, 353 n, 358, 397, 398, 399, 437 Day, St., 433 n Delabole quarries, 279, 311 DeUaboU,125, 158; Man., 341; 345,362, 403 DeUo CarbuUion, 342 DeUo Carlebon, 342 DeUomure, 137, 157, 158, 159, 162 Delechennon, 164 Denbeth, 415 Denezel, 544 " DevU's jump," 279 Donathan, 129 Donoaster, 215 Donnaton in Temple, 161 Dormaen, 156 Dosmary Pool, 176 Dovran, 181, 183, 187 Downe, 342, 343 Drewsteinton, 108, 165, 373 Duloe, par., 44, 372, 372 n Dunmere, 358, 359, 450 Dunsheare, 259, 262 Dunsland, 204, 225 Dunster, 226 Dynham's Bridge, 95, 450, 451 Dynham's Gutt, 77 East Perle, M., 214 Egloshayle, par., 52, 54, 57, 77, 140, 167 n, 259, 262, 263, 267, 283, 391, 449, 451, 462 n, 475, 493, 498, 523, 524, «25, EUengaze, 147 Ellerky, par., 407, 490 Elwynse or Elwinse, 36, 36 n, 40 EndeUion, St., par., 11 n, 12 », 20, 77, 81, 115, 130, 131, 135, 136, 155, 158, 160, 167 n, 269 n, 260, 360, 373, 496, 530 EndelUon, Prebends, 603, 605 Erme, St., par., 296 Ervan, St., par., 634 n, 639, 647. 550 Eval, St., par., 91, 206, 647, 556 Exeter, 48, 62, 86, 265, 644, 555 Fairy HiU, 62 Falkland Islands, 372 FaUowpit, 226, 230, 241 Falmouth, 29, 100, 283, 453 Farway, par., 209, 232 Fayrwash, 30 Feock, par., 65 », 256 Fentenadwen, 26, 27 n Fentenathwell, 351 Fentengoge, 121 Fentengolan, 8, 38, 41, 47 Fentengotes, 244 Fentennans, 361 Fentenwansen, 555 Fentonwonwith, 344, 351, 352, 357, 358, 359, 361, 370 Fentenwoon, 292, 331, 351—352, 370, 372 373 Flexbury, in PoughiU, 171, 175 FUleigh, 571 FUleigh, par., 140, 172 Finventon, 483 n " Five Ashes," 450 Ford Abbey, 207, 209, 210, 211, 236 Forde, 361 Fordingbridge, M., 214 Forrabury, par., 301, 398 FoweUscombe, 207, 222, 230 Fowey, 37, 227, 245, 246, 254, 255, 538 Frogham, 486, 488 Furshay, 18, 21 Gam Bridge, 556 Genegan, 159 Gennys, St. M., 83 n, 84, 267 Gennys, St., par., 408 n Germans, St., par., 372 Gerrans, St., par., 433 «, 523 Gloucester, U. S., 536, 538 Glynn, M., 58, 60, 61, 124, 125, 126, 139, 337 Gnaton Hall, 436 GonveUock, 397 GoosehiU, 287, 353 n Greenborough, 421 Greenlake, 278 Greenwich, East, M., 93 Greenwix, 469 GryUs, 397, 398, 399, 414, 420 Grywys, 244 Gulval, par., 431 Gunvena, 124 GunwaUoe, par., 433, 433 n Gurfoys, 181 » Gurlyn, M., 204, 224 Gwendroc, 265 Gwennap, par., 432, 433 n, 434 n Haccombe, 439 Hale, in St. Kew, 87, 88, 91, 95, 186, 186 n, 191 Hallamellin, 403 Hallworthy, 283 Halton, 26 ; M. 27 Halwvn, 542, 543, 544, 545, 552 Hamatethey, M., 290 n, 292, 345, 349, 454, 489 Hamet, 125 Hammersmith, 474 n Hankford, 227 Harewood, 436 Harlyn, 609 Hastyng, 184 Hatfield Peverel, 215 Haylond, 158 Hehenant, 35 n 582 DEANERY OF TRIGG MINOR. Helland Bridge, 3, 4, 18, 19, 31, 450, 452 HeUand Church, 8, 14—16, 29, 37, 38, 39, 40, 243, 415 HeUand Hall, 37, 37 » Helland, Lower, 4, 5, 6 ; Manor, 17— 22, 75 n, 362 Helland Manor, 6—10, 34, 35, 75 -,t, 151,243, 252,415,416 Helland, par., 3, 18, 24, 32, 49, 65, 55 n, 65, 74, 75, 76, 161, 172,449,499,518, 520, 530 Helland, Rectory, 8, 9, 10, 36, 39 HeUand, Rowe's, 418 HeUesbury, 277, 278, 288, 555, 575 Hellesbury Park, 278, 292, 293—297, 298, 555, 560 HeUigan, in St. Mabyn, 27, 37 «, 44, 55, 57, 59, 354, 465, 470; M484,488; 491, 498, 499, 512, 515, 516 n, 517, 520, 523 Helset, M., 7, 8, 9, 9 n, 34, 35. 35 n, 36, 39, 40, 397, 415—420 Helston, 286, 309 Helston, Bor., 65, 73, 139, 185, Helston, in Kerrier, M., 381, 384, 387, 388, 389, 390 Helston Tony, M.. 185, 190 Helston, in Trigg, M., 164, 278, 286— 297, 327, 328, 340, 341, 342, 345, 348, 352, 353 n, 354, 357 n, 360, 361, 365, 368. 381, 389, 390, 555, 557, 559, 570, 571 Helstone, 277, 284, 285, 422 423, 430 Henaer, 397 Hendra, 81, 114, 132. 134, 153,451 Hendra Chapel,' 401 Hendra Cross, 78 Hendra, Magna, 158 Hendra WaUs, 278, 351 Hensforth, 183 Hengar, 292, 557 Henscott, 207, 226 Hensiwen, 181 Hethelan, 545 Hexworthy, 228, 378 Heynond, 18 Highway, St. Kew, 78, 83 HoUwood, 189 Holsworthy, 225, 226, 235 Holsworthy, M., 92 Holwell, 366, 398, 414 ; M., 420, 426, 437, 444 Horberton, 524, 525 Hornawink, 277 Ide,( St., 544 Ilchester, 547 Ilsington, 426 Inesworth, 540, 552 Inny, river, 4 Inwardleigh, Devon, 266 Issey, St., par., 206, 207,378, 379, 433 n, 444 Jacobstow, par., 286 Jetwells, 298 n, 300, 345, 346—347 Jobs, 95 Johns, St., Antony, par., 373 Juliott, par., 397, 400, 418 Just, St., par., 181 Kalenge, 415 Kanserow, 181 Karallak, 181, 182, 184 Karkeen, 555 Kayse, 33 Kea, par., 523 KeUigarth, 224 Kellygren, 54, 81, 156, 451 KeUigrew, 94, 137, 148 KelUnough, 17, 18, 19, 20, 22, 23, 24 Kellybury, 78, 81 Kellynoran, 362 Keu le, 132, 132 n Kerribullock Park, 293 Kentistock Mill, 283, 301, 359 Kenwyn, par. 433 Kernick, 3, 33, 35 n, 421, 517, 520 Kerrier, Hund., 540 Kestell, 509, 524 Kestell, Riv., 283 Kethelsham, 59 Kevern, St., par., 169, 190 Kew, St., par., 3,20, 34, 130, 131, 135, 137, 138 n, 143, 144, 145, 147, 155, 164, 167 n, 169, 170, 172, 176, 178, 179, 184, 190, 191, 257, 258, 259, 260, 261, 262, 263, 265, 266, 274, 283, 284, 301, 408 n, 449, 525, 548, 550, 551, 557 St Kew, Barton, 95., 109, 257 St. Kew, Vicarage, 257, 269—270, 271 St. Kew, Rectory, 89 Keyne, St., par., 44, 45 Kilkhampton, 119 KUlifreth, 433, 433 » Knights Mill, 277, 283, 555 Kingston, M., 212, 526 Kingswood HiU, 61 Kirkpatrick, 430 Kr,ottlesford, 287 Knowle, 547 Kylelan, 151 Kylmargh, 2X) Kylmonseg, 542, 542 n, 543, 544 Kynysiek, 181 Lamana, 123 Lamellan, in St. Tudy, 140, 147, 264, 265, 398. 418, 529 Lametton, M., 45, 46 LampiU, 130, 131 Lanarth, 436 Lancarfe, M., 47, 56, 63, 143, 452, 487, 491, 513, 526, 527 628 Lancarne, 278 Lancrow, 29 Lancoithen, 18, 21, 33 Landewednack, par., 180 Landrake, par., 189, 264, 370, 482 "Lane end," 452 Lanegan, 159 Langargala, 641 Langdon, 552 Langeston, 354, 365, 356 Langford, 203 Lanherne, 39, 63 Lanivet, M., 116, 132, 151, 152, 265 Lanhydrock, 29, 60, 62, 63, n, 64, 72, 114, 130, 131 Lanke, 161 n Lanlary Rock, 283 Lanlawren, 169 Lanlivery, 285, 533 Lanowmure, M., 34, 59, 83, 84, 115 — 123, 135, 136, 138, 139, 144, 145, 146, 154, 164, 481 Lanow Saint, M., 84 - 92, 145, 153, 257, 269, 270, 271, 273, 274, 481 Lanreath, par, 60, 422, 428, 430, 476 LansaUowes, par., 60 n Lanseage, 94, 95, 132, 137, 164, 169 Lanteglos park, 288, 292, 293-297, 298, 361 Lanteglos, par., 164, 261, 266,277—396, 379, 380, 391, 539, 555, 556 Lanteglos, Rectory, 297—301,328 Lantyan, M., 125, 126 Lanyghan, 541 Larkbeare, 544, 552 Lastwen, 297 Launcells, par., 165, 267, 535 Launceston, 9n, 30, 117, 119, 120, 123, 136, 160, 161, 182, 197, 283, 286, 359,. 502, 520, 522, 554 Launceston Castle, 543 Launden, M., 246 Lavethan, 10, 490, 496 Lawalas, 421 Lawharne, 59 Layre Marny, 477, 504, 505 " Leathern Bottle," 559 Lelant, M., 161 Lelant, par, 140, 265 Lemmansworthy, 45 Leonards, St. Hosp. 340 Lesnewith, Hund.~ 277, 330, 348, 397,. 401, 402, 402 «, 403, 446, 575 Lesnewith, M., 397 Lesnewith, par., 4, 62, 98 n, 367, 397— 448, 437 Lesnewith, Rectory, 44, 404 — 406, 502 Lewannick, 266 Lewarne, in St. Neot, 139 Lewynes, in St. Kew, 164 Linkinhorn, par., 242 Liskeard, M, 381, 390, 391 Liskeard, 3, 29, 45, 63 n, 64, 64 n, 82, 100 n, 161, 184 », 208, 230, 473, 474 Littlebridge, 544 Littlewood, 450, 451 Lizard, M., 180, 181 m, 182, 183, 184, 185 Llansannor, 211 Long Houghton, 205 •' Longstone," 451, 452, 453, 496 Looe, 25, 200, 502 Lostwithiel, 47, 63, 160, 246, 252, 258, 295, 352, 358, 359, 521, 547, 551 Louisburg, 371 Luddre, 181, 182, 183 Lulyn, 181, 182 Luxulian, par., 31, 194, 430 Lyme Regis, 210. 211 Lympstone, M., 212 Lymsbury, 3, 4 Lymsworthy, 32 Lyre Marny, see Layre Marny Mabe, par. 169, 444 Maben, St., Rectory, 453, 454, 455,. 456, 457, 468, 458 n, 459—465, 501, 525, 537 Madeira, 371 Magellan, 371 INDEX TO NAMES OF PLACES. 583 Maben. St., par.. 2, 4, 37, 37 n, 49, 53, 55, 57, 77, 78, 82, 143, 161, 170, 178, 204, 361, 40b, 449—554, 493, 494, 497, 498, 499, 510, 514, 515, 518, 523, 524, 527, 531, 532, 646, 547, 548, 651, 554, 573, 574, 575 Maldon, 216 Manaccan, par., 185, 186 Maneleye Fleming, M., 60, 60 n Mapowder, 216 Martins, St., by Looe, St., par., 373 Massachusetts, 535 Maugan, St., par., 7, 303, 373, 431, 492 Mawes, St., Castle, 247 Mayne Park, 342, 492, 513, 518, 519, 573 Medrose. 164 MeUow, 424 Melynanter, 184 MenabUly, 497 Menadew, 403 Menheniot, par., 28, 265, 487, 512, 513 Menkee, 530 Menwvnek, 487 Merther, par., 423, 423 « Merryn, St., par., 61, 167 », 204, 206, 225, 509, 517 Mevagissey, 149, 247, 251, 256, 372 Michael FenkevU, St., par., 161 Michaelstow, 671—572 Michaelstow Beacon, 80, 283, 284, 557, 558, 564 Michaelstow, par., 98 n, 115, 130, 131, 277, 283, 296, 349, 350, 353, 510, 555—572, 573, 575 Michaelstow, Rectory, 559 — 560 Milford Haven, 246 Milland, 370 Minster, par., 115, 277, 278, 283, 364, 397, 399, 408 n Minver, St., par., 47, 77, 79, 108, 115, 130, 131, 167 n, 179, 259, 262, 263, 265, 266, 366, 408 n, 488, 615, 520, 521,531 Minver, St., Rectory, 204 Modbury, 90, 201, 201 », 203, 254 Moditonham, 326 Moorswater, 16 n Moreske, M., 381, 390 Morvall, par., 62, 63, 64, 64 n, 65 n, 72, 522 Moushole, 264 Myddelmyswode, M., 203 MyUonde, 343 Nancedeny, 492 Nansent. 32 n Nanskevell, 63 Nansulwaster, 197 Nanswyddon, 366 Nanwythan, 130 Neot, St., par., 20, 64, 65, 74, 97, 100 n, 138, 139, 143. 422 Nethercote, 543 n, 544, 552 Netherex, 436 Netherose, 437 Netherton, 207, 208 n, 209, 227 Nettlecombe, 8, 264 Newburgh, 478 Newbury, 284 Newcastle, 205, 225, 225 n Newhall, 158, 159, 343, 345, 358, 359 NewhUl, M., 292 Newlyn, M., 169 Newnham, M., 196, 197, 198 Newran, in Maugan, 224 Newton, 18, 21, Manor, 31 ; 86, 95, 1 10, 114, 149-150, 272 Newton, "West, 19, 33, 226, 360, 363 n, 509, 518 Newton, St. Petrock, 225 Newquay, 254 Niagara, 210 North Bovey, 544, 552 North Hertiscote, 258 Northlew, 99 n, 142 North Petherwin, par., 549 Northwood, 18, 20 Nottingham, 515 Norwich, 208 Nowallop, 164 NutweU, 212, 213, 213 n, 255 Ogheare, 45 S Okehampton, Devon, 266 Okendon, M., 215 Orcharton, M., 194, 198, 200, 201, 202, 203 Orley, 267 Otterham, par, 158 Overagonan, 358 n Overdeny, 137 Padstow, 38, 39, 40, 47, 94, 167, 167 n, 206, 207, 208, 254, 266, 494, 521, 545, 548 Padstow, M., 90, 204, 206 Padstow Rectory, 204 Padstow Vicarage, 206 Parke, 48, 52, 152 ; M., 481 Parkham, Devon, 266 Patagonia, 371 Pawton, M, 48 Peinsford, 252 Pelaworgan, 357, 358, 359 PeUour, 424 Penbugel, 27 n, 28, 30, 45, 61, 62, 63, 63 k Pencarrow, 5, 18, 44, 46, 94, 122, 140, 229, 450, 451, 477, 505, 522, 557 Penereber, 529 Pendennis Castle, 422 Pendethye, 164 Pendevy, M., 491 Pendogget, 78, 81, 83 Pendrym, M., 25, 25 n Peneton, 36, 415 Penfrane, 355 Pengelly, 422 Pengennow, 78, 95, 150 Pengywe, M., 113 Penhale, 373, 542 Penhargard, 5 6, 16, 488 Penhargard, M., 22—25, 44, 46, 47, 48, 62, 57, 75 », 461, 611 Penheale, 364 Penhendra, in St. Kew, 140 Penkerowe, 341, 342, 345, 360, 361, 362, 363 Penknight, M., 381, 390 Penlease, in St. Breoke, 615 Penlyn, M., 381, 386, 390 Penmayne, M., 287, 287 n, 288, 381, 390 Pennance, 550 Pennant, 3 Penpethy, 299, 300 PenpoU, 20, 399, 406, 406 Penpons, 45, see Penpont Penpont, 78, 81 ; M., 124—129, account of, 127,Barton, 128, 129, Eental, 129 ; 141, 142, 268, 259, 259 n, 263 Penpont, 166 Penquite, 64 n, 121 Penrice, 528 Penryn, 247, 250, 262 Penstradou, 42 Penventan, M., 161 Penventinew, alias Pennytinny, 121, 145, 146 Penvose, 133, 190, 490, 515, 520 Penvrane, M., 36, 37, 41, 250 Penwarne, 79 Penwith, Hund., 180 Penwyne, 499, 554 Penyerance, 242, 252 Penzance, 104 Percothen, 484, 510, 511 Perran Arworthal, par., 433 n, 523 Perynvose, 185 Petrock, Minor, St., 413 Piddleton, 438 PimUgoe, 24 Pinchley, 18, 32 Pinkwalls, 164 Pinnock, St., par., 7, 36, 36 n, 44 Piskey, 299 Place, Foway, 242, 243, 244, 245, 246 Plumber, M., 217, 239 Plymouth, 47, 48, 49, 52, 225, 252, 255, 497, 526, 529 Plympton Priory, 89, 96, 145, 257, 269, 270, 271, 272, 274, 276 Podyford, 502 Pokewalls, 343, 345 Poldowes, 77 Polglaze, 451, 537 Polhorman, M., 22, 23, 24, 24 n, ii PoUengarrow, 86, 121, 132, 142, 156, 272, 273 Polmere, 300 Polrode, 78, 81, 156 ; M., 292 ; 556 Polsheath, 556 Polston Bridge, 339—340 Poltreworgie, 119, 121, 144, 225 Polvaraha, 358, 359 Polwater, 59, 60 Pool Parks, 483 Porchester Castle, 214 Portbuan (Looe), 200 Porteath, 124 Porthbigan, 502 Porthenes, 181 Porthmelyn, 387 Porthmure, 182 Porthylly, 259 Port Isaac, 286 PortkeUiock, 485, 486. 487, 490 491, 512 Portland, U.S., 536 Portledge, 227 Portsmouth, U.S., 536, 538 PoughiU, par., 99 n, 171, 175, 452 Poundestock, M., 83 n, 84 Poundestock, par., 403 Pouadescawnse, 3 584 DEANERY OF TRIGG MINOR. Powder, Hund., 196 Predannet, M., 540 Prideaux, M., 194, 198 Prideaux Place, 61, 207, 209, 217, 257m, 241 Pykelycka, 486 Quethiock, par., 258, 263, 366 Rackenford, 515, 520 Redruth, 264, 445 Redsmith, 86, 272, 273 Resgre, 35 Reskesik, 244 Resprin, 204, 224 Resterlake, see Tresterlahe Restorhet, 486 Restormel, 362 ; M„ 381, 386, 388, 390 Restronget, 123 Rheims, 547 Hialton, M., 31, 39, 223, 378, 379, 387, 390 RUlaton, M., 381 Robsupton, 156 Rock Park, 78, 82 Rode-Langham, M., 246 RodewaU, 198 Rooke, 95, 106, 148—149, 247, 251, 255, 256 Rooke MiU, 77, 81 Roscarrock, 161 Roscrow, 65 Rosemenant, 131 Rosenvallen, 114, 130, 131, 258 Rosepark, 342, 345, 347 Rosesyon, 180 Rosewin, 124 Rouen, 243 Roughtor, 279, 283 Rous, 59 Rownor, M., 214, 217 Rumon, St., 182, 183 Sahara Tony, in Norfolk, 208, 229 Saintsdown, in St. Teath, 157 St. Stephens, 52 Salcome, 544 Saltash, 52 Sampford Courtenay, 304 Sandy Commons, 129 Saventon, 131, 157 Scilly Islands, 65 n, 255, 433 n, 522, 542, 544 Scorrier, 432, 433, 436 Scrobbyscomb, 212 Seghlanmor, 181 n, 182, 184, 184 n Shapton, 203 Shelwood, 18, 22, 513 Sheviock, par. 372, 373 Shilston, 203 Shitterton, 217, 228 Shortstone, 451 Skisdon, 96, 109, 130, 143—140, 267, 268, 346 Skywys, 424 Slades Bridge, 451 Smalecombe, 520 Smith's Ten4, 95, 114 Soldon, 207, 208 n, 209, 226, 230, 232, 237 n Southcarne, 60 Southertre, 323 Southmolton, 497 Southpetherton, par., co. Somerset, 161 Spaxton, 514 Sparnan, 184 Spiddleston, 254 Spye Park, 210 Spytal, 486, 489, 490, 491, 513 Stannon, 279 Steeple Langford, 526, 529 Steps, 511 Stoke, 505 Stokeclimsland, M., 381, 382, 390, 391 Stoke Damarel, 257 Stoke in Tynhide, 303 Stone, 488," 499 Stortford, Castle, 504 Stowe, 525 Stratton, 398, 399, 400 Stythians, par., 432, 443 Sutcombe, par., 203, 205, 225, 225 n Tackbear, 364, 426 TaUand, par., 224 Talskedie, M., 381, 390 Tamer, River, 4 Tamerton, North Bridge, 4, 61 Tavistock, 54, 422, 436, 544 Taway, 403 Teath, St., par., 77, 78, 79, 81, 91, 115 n, 157, 167 n, 258, 261, 274 n, 277, 278, 283, 284, 286, 348, 356, 364, 365, 408 n, 534 n, 555, 557, 569 Teath, St., Vicarage, 421 Temple, par., 161, 161 n, 167 », 301 Tewington, M., 381, 390 Theuborough, M., 203, 204, 205, 207, 208 n, 225 n, 378, 493, 493 », 571 Thornbury, 48 Thorncombe, par., 210 Thurleston, 202 n, 220 Tibesta, M., 381, 387, 390 Titchbarrow, 80, 358, 397, 399, 400, 417, 557 Tichborne, 216 Tipton, 112, 130, 131, 132, 140, 169 Tingras, 549 Tolslriddy, 433 n Tormerton, 225 n Torr, 164, 322, 323, 343, 345, 349, 391 Torrington, 497, 529 Tostone alias Stone, 499 Touran, 182 Towednack, par., 265 Tracorn, 125 Treamleys, 153 Treator, 509 Treaynek, 87, 274 Trebarrow, M., 292 Trebartha, 189, 422, 428 Trebetherick, 129 Trebiffin, 405, 406, 417, 418, 419 Trebighan, 244 Treblethick, 451, 489, 495—496, 513, 632, o41, 547, 548, 650, 551, 553 Treburgate, 78, 79, 121 Treburthick, 91, 164, 164, 273 ; man. 379 n Treburthick In St. Eval, 206 Trecarlock, 164 Trecarren, alias Trecarne, 159, 169, 279,283, 345,354,363 Treclegou, 349, 352—353, 35S, 359, 368 Trecradrek, 123 Trecugoe, 95, 121, 185, 186 n, 191, 274 Tredarrap, 572 Tredethy, 59, 150, 453, 482, 483, 497, 526, 527, 528 Tredinnick, 38, 40, 450, 452, 497, 498, 530 Tredrea, 436 Tredyen, 352 Treffry, M., 64, 65, 130 Trefleytts, 244 Trereake, 124, 255, 505 Trefrean, 124 Trefredoe, 277 Trefrew, 326, 352 TrefuUett, 361 Tregaddock, 55, 57, 451, 498,499, 534, 535, 539 Tregaer, in St. Kew, 80, 81 ; M, 133— 134, Rental, 134 ; 284, 557 Tregarden, see Tregaren Tregaren. 37, 139, 170, 204, 224, 361, 372, 474, 492 - 495, 497, 498, 522, 530 Tregarth, 299, 324, 331, 347, 365, 375 Tregartha, 513 n Tregavena, 556 Tregavern, 134, 261 TregeUen 493 TregeUest, 89, 95, 121, 132, 136, 146, 153, 164 Tregenna, in Michaelstowe, 853, 557, 672 Tregenewen, 244 Tregenowe, alias Halwyn, 545 Tregildras, 121 TregUdren 110, 145—146 Treglasta, M., 136, 244 TregUne, 129, 418 Tregonan. 165 Tregone, 572 Tregony, 230 ; M., 402 Tregoodwell, 308, 331 Tregordon, 78 Tregothnan, 195, 540 n Tregoyde, 78, 81, 83, 96 ; M., 130—131, Rental, 131 ; 143, '49, 164, 244, 245, 247, 247 n, 264, 265 Tregreenwell, 278, 557, 567, 568, 570 —571, 572 Tregrilla, 513 Tregrilla, M., 486, 487, 489, 513 TregryUs. see Grylls TreguUow, 436, 437, 442 Tregyer, 357 Tregynnon, see Treiynron Trehane, in Trevalga, 417 n Trehane, in Davidstow, 1 65 Trehanget, 114 Trehannick, in St. Teath, 324 n Treharrick, alias Trehaverock, 110, 114, 121, M., 135, 136, 155, 159, 160, 161, 169, 172, 373 Trehembris, M., 169, 172 Trehudreth, M., 44, 45, 421, 449, 487, 488 Trehunsey, 258 Trekeer, 78 Trekellard, 4 Trekey, 78 Trekynnon, 542, 543, 543 », 548, 552 INDEX TO NAMES OF PLACES. 585 Trekyou, 156, 156 n, 157 Trelanvyan, 185 Trelaske, 142, 186 Trelawny, 358, 486 Trelawne, 512, 513 n Trelewack, 142, 186 TreUghtes, 130, 131 TreUU, 78, 79, 82, 115 n; M. 132- 133 ; 136, 138, 138 n, 145, 164, 325 TreUssick, 31, 372 Trelother, M, 38, 40 TreluUa, see Trelill Tremaben, 450, 486 Trematon, M, 381, 388, 390 Trematon, Castle, 201 Trembleith, M, 122 Tremeer, in Lanivet, 93, 132 Tremeere, in St. Tudy, 83, 108, 109, 149, 350, i 26, 528 Tremmtory, 153 Tremodret, 503, 505 Tremynek, 502, 502 n Trenant, 540 Trenarren, 526, 528 Trencreek, 3, 28, 251, 362, 513 Treneglos, par. 36, 158, 181, 424 Trenewith, in Michaelstow, 130, 131, 160, 300, 347, 357, 566 n, 569—570 Trengoff, 422, 428, 521 Trengothel, 542 Trenguen, 415 Trengwenton, 244 Trenode, M, 64 Trentenny, 73 Trenulgois "44 Trenvowe, 32 », 64 Trenythick, 507 Treonek, 135», 155, 159 Treore, 496 Trequites, in St. Maben, 471, 486, 488, 498, 518 Tressaddern, 264,511, 550 Tressarret, 370, 450, 451, 453 ; M. 486, 487, -.89—491, 512, 513, 519 TresebeU, 183, 184 Tresinnv, 283 284 n, 285, 356. 378, 380 Treskiddy, 403, 404, 405 Treslogget, 486, 488, 490, 491, 513 Tresodorn, 540 Tresparret Down, 399 Tresprisoun, 384 Trerise, 170,204 Treronsall, 91 TresoUt, 344, 345 Trestertake, 322, 323, 344, 345, 349, 351, 352, 361, 391 Tresunger, 146, 496, 550 Tretawne, 78, 95. 119, 121, 139—140, 146, 147, 264, 265 Trethanick, 491 Trethavake, 123 Tretherne, 299, 300 Tretheven, 78, 93, 107, 110, 124, 140, 141, 145, 146, 147, 265, 272, 273 Trethevey alias Trewartheven, 86, 95, 117, 141, 142-143, 450, 451, 554 Trethewc4,'503, 513 Trethian, in Advent, 279, 299, 300, 354—356 TrethUl, in Sheviock, 372, 373 Trethurffe, 189 Trethyan, in Lanteglos, 304 Treudnou, 640 Treundyn, 245 Treures, 180 Trewreythyowe, 181 n Treurosel, 158 Trevalga, par. 397 Trevance, 433 Trevanger, 124, 418 TrevarUdge, 164, 278, 300, 301, 344, 345, 347, 360, 362 Trevasek, 183, 184 Trevarthen, 77, 155 Trevarthyan, 158 Treveanes, 364 Trevederock, 130, 131 Trevegan, in Egloshayle, 140 Trevegon, 558, 559 Treveleck. 556 Trevellen, 18, 505 Trevelver, 488, 515, 516, 517, 520, 521 Trevelwith, M, 133 Trevenethick, 523, 525 Trevenna, M, 171 Trevennick, 477 Treventynen, 158 Treveran, 81, 114, 138, 260 Treverbyn, 20 Treverdeuy Cropping, 503 Treverrow, in St. Minver, 259 Trevervyn, 18 Trevesoe, 124 Trevetho, 204.-224, 264 Trevia, 282, 286, 299, 325, 344, 345, 358, '369, '361, 365, 366, 367, 370 Trevigoe, in St. Minver, 546 Trevihen, 277 TrevUder, 244 TreviUian gate, 283 Trevilyas, 358, 359 Trevince, 433, 436, 444 Ti-evine. 104, 108 Trevinnick, 80, 91, 94, 95, 107, 147— 148, 178, 179 Trevisquite, 450 ; M., 453—459, 481, 484, 499, 500 Trevorder, 90, 94, 138, 176, 177, 207, 226, 345 Trevore, 433 » Trevose, in St. Merryn, 204, 206, 509 Trevrenick, 555J Trevyan, 183 Trevvly, 347, 348 Trevythian, 183 Trewalder, 282, 285, 300 Trewall, 370, 372 Trewalwat, 502 Trewan, 149, 160 Trewane. 61. 8 2, 102, 104, 108, 121, 132, 138, 139,-143, 164, 165, 166,422 Trewanion, 397, 398, 413, 415, 417, 418, 419 Trewaran, 509 Trewasea, 278, 283, 358, 552 Trewarthenick, 204, 225 Trewarthenyer, 86, 272, 273 Trewathen, 78 Trewen, 288 Trewethan, 121, 269 Trewethern, 545 Trewheran, 542 Trewhystan, 502 Trewigget, 78, 95, 106, 110, 114, 132 144-145, 17,, 256, 263, 273 Trewilla, 277 TrewinneU, 354, 356 Trewithend, in St. EndelUon, 260, 261 Trewithick in St. Endellion, 131 Trewithreges, 360 Trewoon, 171, 174 Treworder, 391 Treworgan, 206, 548 Treworgy, 223, 257, 267 Treworlas, 158 Treworle, 397, 399, 401, 415, 418, 419 Trewornan, 77, 124, 489 Trewosell, M., 379 n, 481 Trewyas, 542 Trewygtrey, 155, 158 Trewynan, 158, 324 Trewynnek, M. 349 Trewyns, 544 Trewynt, 169, 283, 322, 323, 344, 345, 348—350, 357, 358, 359, 370, 391, 403 Trewythan, 347 Trewythek, 244 Treyere, M., 60 Treythen, M., 347—348 Trigg, Hund., 19, 21, 39 n, il. 75,115 n 124, 137, 484, 574 Trigstenton, 20, 125 TriUiok, St., 7 8 Trote, 274 Truan 247 255 Truro,' 120,' 185, 195, 196, 196 », 265, 437 Truronek, 181 » Truru Marche, M., 194 «, 195, 196, 197 Trush, 377 Truthek. 502 Truthen, M., 164 Tudy, St., par, 11 », 55, 77, 78 83, 98 n, 108, 115, 149, 161, 172, 189, 274, 370, 449, 450,451, 453, 461, 593, 497, 526, 528, 529, 530, 531, 555, 556, 557, 559, 572 Tudy, St., M., 133 Turner, 193 Turstin, 122 Tybesta, M., 196 Tyntagel, M„ 292, 381, 387, 390 Tyntagel, par., 98 n, 167 n, 277, 301, 366, 397, 399, 408 -n, 527, 533, 555, 557, 562 n Tynten, M., 126 Tywardreth, 246 » Tywarnhayle, M., 381, 387, 390 Ugborough, 230, 235 Upcott, 252 Uploman, 415, 416 Uppeton, 544 Upwimborne, 546 Vale-an-Kua "Wyll, 139 Valency River, 397 Veryan, par., 251 Wade, 81 Wadebridge, 4, 6, 32 n, 278 283 "Wadefast, 59 Wailen, 387 "Wales, La, 349 "Warbestow Beacon, 80, 283, 399, 557 "Warbestow, par., 80 586 DEANERY OF TRIGG MINOR. Warkleigh, 254 Warleggan, par., 64, 257 WashweUs, 203 Watergate, 283 Waterland, 19, 31 Waterpit Down, 399, 440 Week St. Mary, par., 99 n Wendron, par., 69, 523, 524, 525 Wenford Bridge, 6 Wenn, St., par., 515, 520, 521 West Bagborough, 217 Westcote, 61 Westcoryth, 546 West Dysart, 348 West, Hund., 20, 76 Westregre, 168 Westwood, 224>, 225 n Whitchurch, par., 100 n Whiteford, 190 Whitley, 29 "Whympel, 644 WUlesworthy, M., 458 Winnow, St., par., 161 Wode, la, 200, 201 Wogolowe, 415 Wokingham, 550 WolfaU, 216 Wolfyston, M., 194 Woodberie, M., 212 WoodhiU, 184 », 193 Worcester, 208 n Worthaker, 278 Worthyvale, 292 Wourdranghe, 323 Wylletus, 158 Wyndsor, 354, 355, 356 Yalhampton, 202 Yeoland, 262 Yewe, M., 283 Yogg's Parks, 75 n Yulmouth, 157 INDEX TO NAMES OF PEES0NS. Abberbery, 294 Abbott, 280, 297, 355 Adair, 335, 338, 338 n Adam, 276 Adams, 318 » Addis, 186, 189, 190 Adeston de, 203 Adsully, 549 Albe le, 219 Aldersey, 580 Aldestowe, 358, 460, 460 n, 542 Aldridge, 562 Aldryngton, 303 Alee, 111, 261, 567, 567 n, 571 Alet, 234, 542, 542 », 546, 648, 552 Alford, 286 Algar, 286, 287 AUmer, 6 Ailworth, 127 Allin, 375 Allsopp, 338 Allye, 278 Almack, 436 Alwyn, 46 Amherst, 209, 210 Amy, 364, 517, 521 Amy and, 338 Anderson, 377 Andrew, 16, 49 n, 273, 433 n, 449, 453, 468, 473, 494, 497, 498, 553 Angerstein, 338 Angove, 29 Angow, 380 Anstis, 471 Anthony, 48 Antony, 674 Antrenon, 423, 427 ApPoweU, 416 Aprise, 8, 38, 41, 415 Archdekne, 31, 202 n, 221, 240, 427 464, 455, 460 Archer, 91, 114, 121, 141, 142; Fam. 180—193; Ped. 188—193 ; 275 Arnhale, 560 Arnold, 550 Arscott, 145, 235, 297, 298, 304, 305, 457 Arthur, 131, 404, 534, 534 n, 539 Arundell, 9, 12, 20 n, 34, 39, 39 », 41, 62, 63, 63 n, 72, 75, 76, 90, 122, 153 n, 157, 170, 204, 205, 222, 230, 240,274, 275, 294, 335, 363, 366, 416, 417 n, 418 n, 470, 500, 503, 504, 508, 518, 537, 543 n, 545, 574 Arvas, 220 Arwoythel de, 123 Ashhurst, 172 Aston, 86 n Atgave, 575 Attemore. 543, 549, 552 Atte Park, 131 Atte Style, 54 AttweU, 440 Aubyn, St. 171, 174, 228, 402, 412, 440, 507 Audley, 240, 508 Austell, St. de, 182 Austin, 230, 248, 254, 255 Avery, 145, 511 Avelsham, 302, 302 n Aylworth, 230 Aysshton, 355 .Babb, 93 n, 549 Babington, 28, 43, 323, 344 Bachampton, 383 Bachelor, 200 n Bacoun, 561 Bagbie, 71 Bagga, 574, Bailey,' 286 Bake, 226, 227, 230, 241, 347 Baker, 71, 446 Bale, 229, 311, 317, 521 Balke, 76 Balsham, 661 Bampfield, 238 Banbury, 445 Bandyn, 141, 159 Bankes, 217, 239 Bannister, 1 n Barber, 413, 448 Bardew, 227 Barrington, 208 n Barnard, 233 Barnes, 205, 205 n, 317 Baron, 527, 571 Barrett, 170, 173, 204, 370, 372, 374, 467, 470, 483,492,493,494, 522, 524, 574, 575, 576 Barton, 553, 561 Basset, 124, 136, 192, 232, 236, 327, 438, 444, 478, 481 Bastard, 36 n, 41, 278, 298, 428, 539 Bastian, 310 Bale, 161 n Bateman, 550 Bath, 131, 413 Batt, 71 Batten, 298, 320, 447 Battersby, 51 BattoyU, 447 Baunton, 460, 460 n Bauton, 396 Bawden, 76, 121, 466, 472, 478, 532. 546, 547, 548 Bayly, 267, 321 Beache, 536, 538 Beale, 133, 150, 354, 356, 518, 534, 534 n, 539, 571 Beane, 556 Bear, 134, 267, 361, 429 Beauchamp, 24, 169, 172, 181, 183, 187, 240, 433, 433 n, 434 n, 444, 446, 485. 500, 575 Beaufort, 298, 306, 306 n, 445 Beaumont, 189, 240, 455, 461 Beche, de la, 79 Bedlake, 447 Bedow, 523 Beket, 45, 65, 72, 119, 253. Belesme, 287 INDEX TO NAMES OF PERSONS. 587 BeUamy, 108, 165 BeUe, 88 BeUew, 193 BeUot, 428, 429 Bellringer, 528 Belmaine, 99, 99 n, 105, 105 n Belmore, 473 Benathlek or Benaleok, 199, 423, 427 Bendyn, 43, 141 Bennet, 62, 97, 100, 100 n, 109, 124, 143, 260, 292, 296, 298, 313, 320, 346, 373, 375, 480, 553, 574, 575, 576 Bentinck, 338 Bere, 8 », 12, 27 n, 37, 86 n, 119, 139, 245, 250, 263, 273, 422, 425, 459, 485, 492, 492 a. 494 Bereward, 123 Berkeley, 44, 500, 522 Berners, 216, 238 Berry, 21, 227 Bertlet, 88 Berton, 302 Berty, 573 Berwick. 85, 86, 196, 270, 271, 446 Berwyk, 574 Best, 21, 30, 57, 76 Betenson, 405, 406, 408, 409, 414, 420, 420 » ; Ped. 426 ; 571 Bethbole, de, 141 Bethwer, 423 Bettewe, 574, 575, 576 Betty, 275, 479 BeviU, 7, 119, 141, 144, 144 », 170, 194 n, 220, 222, 224, 225, 274, 275, 425, 574 Bewes, 470 Bickford, 204, 225, 227 Bickley, 238 Bigbury, 201, 201 », 221 Bigwell, 408 Bilkie, 413 BUkmore, 395 Billing, 58, 117, 176, 178, 207, 292, 296, 308, 353 n, 368, 467, 470, 503, 513, 549, 551, 570 Bird, oOl, 307, 307 n, 334 Bissett, 438 Bissop, 573 Black; 343 BlackaU, 439 Blaithwaite, 162 Blake, 111, 114, 129, 145, 238, 276, 369, 446, 447, 513, 518, 550 Blakeby, 396 Blanchminster, 148 Blewett, 262, 367 », 549 Blight or BUgh, 28, 30, 47, 51, 69, 82, 417, 467, 468, 499, 550 BUnch, 426 Bloyowe, 42, 152, 154, 252, 287, 358, 485, 512 Boconnion, de, 27 Boden, 562, Bodiniel, 27 n Bodie, 233 Bodrigan, 43, 183, 197, 218, 287, 503, 504, 507, 518, 542 Bodrigie, 525, Bodulgate, 18, 125, 126, 162, 297, 318, 322, 323, 341, 352, 355 n ; Fam. 360 —363 ; 391—394 ; 395, 492 Bodysford, 220 Boetun de, 540 Bogan, 539 Bohay, 385 Bohun, 188, 240 Bokelly, 88, 114, 136, 137, 146 Bokenham, 227, 241 Bolham, S02, 303, 303 n, 322 Bolle, 396 Bomite, 138 Bonear, 568 Bond, 30, 57, 189, 193, 496, 550 Bonham, 508 Boniface, 162, 245, 253 Bonithon, 68, 522 Bonny, 367 BonvUle, 20, 23, 189, 240, 415 n Bony, 352 Borlase, 54, 56, 264, 533, 562 Borough, 167, 532, 541, 546, 651 Bosanko, 380 Boscawen, 1'28, 324 n, 325, 371, 418 n, 449, 458, 459, 462, 462 n, 463, 463 n, 475, 492, 540 n, 574 Boscawenros, 162 Boskernon, 30 Bosorwith, 72 Boterdon, 36 n, 41 BotiUer, 454, 460 Botreaux, 64, 349, 358 n Boulderson, 430 Boultbee, 255 Boulting, 217, 239 Bourbon, 435 Bouster, 30 Bowdon, 224, 255 Bowyer, 133 Boys, 501 Brabon, 575, 576 Brackenbury, 40 Braddon, Fam. 267, 268 ; 333, 334, 336, 550 Bradford, 147, 531 Brandon, 216, 238 Braose, 188, 240 Bray, 132, 133, 155, 158, 219, 287,418, 419 Bred le, 27 n Brembre, 23 n Brendon, 265 Brentingham, 36 Brett, 197, 502 Bretton, Von. 254 Brewer, 176 », 177, 423 Briand, 60 n Brictric, 401 Britton, 111 Brodbran, 351, 351 n Brode, 32, 32 n, 131, 317, 566, 566 n, 568, 569, 570, 572, 575 Bronescombe, 84 Bromford, 203, 222, 223 Brook, 551 Brooking, 235 Brougham, 338, 338 n Brown, 109, 121, 134, 136, 395, 403, 600 Browne, 229, 239, 266, 463 n, 470, 530, 576, 576 Browning, 395 Brune, le, 117, 209; Fam. 214—217; 228, 229 ; Ped. 237—239 ; 287, 439, 560 Bryan, 123 Brychan, 464 Brym, 276, 356, 355 n Bryt, 183, 184 Buckingham, 148 Budge, 312 Buketon, 447 Bulke, 574 Bulle, 561 BuUer, 13, 162, 292, 295, 398, 403,420, 430, 445, 516 Bullock, 30, 124, 265 Bulteel, 30 Bun, 163 Burat, 113 Burdon, 23, 154, 401, 460 Burford, 66 Burgeys, 396, 447 Burgh, 16, 98 n, 273, 575 Burghershe, 293 Burgoyne, 403 Burnard, 276 Burslem, 522 Burt, 285, 335, 380 Burton, 110, 121, 134, 337, 338, 556, 562 Bury, 189 Butcher, 234 n Butler, 225 Butteburgh, 44 Button, 571 Bygod, 327 Byle, 274 Bylke, 408 Bylky, 447, 448 Byron, 120, 371 Cabredo, 473 Cadde, 191 Calamy, 462 n Calaway, 245, 276 Call, 463 n Calmady, 441, 516, 572 Calwodely, 8, 8 n, 9, 15, 34, 38, 39, 40, 41, 107, 167, 168, 274, 416, 548 Caly, 86 Camden, 166 Came, 48 Camps, 367 Cann, 114, 124, 134, 429 CapeU, 457, 458, 500 Carance, 525 Carbis, 510 Carburra, de, 27 n, 44, 421, 518, 542, 561 Cardew, 470 Cardinan, de, 195, 196, 200, 200 n, 219, 476 CaresweU, 27 Carew, 9, 31, 126, 126, 128, 131, 137, 149, 217, 228, 240, 296, 299, 324 », 332; Fam. 365; 416, 416 n, 417, 418 n, 419- n, 439, 444, 481 n, 482 n, 484, 501, 516, 620 Carey, 275, 276, 336 Carhayes de, 26, 26 n Carhall, 27 n Carkeet, 629 Carminowe, 8, 15, 38, 41, 47, 58, 125, 141, 145, 161, 161 n, 202, 204, 224, 240, 262, 275, 276, 292, 335, 348, 351, 361 n, 363, 486, 513, 518 588 DEANERY OF TRIGG MINOR. Carkiek, 367 Carlyon, 68 Carne, 109, 112, 131, 489 Carnsewe, 50, 96, 103, 106, 111, 114, 13J, 137, 139, 140, 146, 159, 160, 162. 165: Fam. 169—175; Ped. 172 —175 ; 274, 275, 336, 342, 345, 347, 354, 467, 493, 515, 518, 570 Carowe, 32 v, 425 Carpenter, 27 n, 309, 326, 330, 333, 335, 346, 352, 353, 361, 364 Carter, 135, 483, 516, 517, 621, 537 Carteret, 371 Carthew, 574 Cartuther, 518 Caru, 181 n Carveth, 191 Casse, 454 Castell, 98, 226 Cave, 61, 193 Cavell, 86 n, 114, 117, 135, 137, 146, 155, Fam. 157—163; Ped. 162—163 ; 169, 178. 255, 258, 274, 275, 335, 355, 490 Cavendish, 229 Caydorel, 395 Cecil, 291, 482 n Ceely, 515, 621 Cendoya, 473 Centurion, 362 Ceriseaux, see Sergeaux Chaffin, 66 Chaffinder, 554 Cbaloner, 522 Chamberlain, 236 Chambers, 376 Chamond, 336, 446, 535, 537, 542 Champernown, 9 a, 24, 34, 128, 189, 240, 241, 254, 507, 544,545, 548, 552 Chapman, 224, 331 Chapelman, 414 Chapell, 225, 292 ChappeU, 439, 446 Chapter, 76 Charl, 396 Charleton, 259 n Charta, 447 Chartrey, 199, 199 n Cbatterton, 67 Chedder, 456, 500, 546 Cheekc, 231, 233 Chelle, 404 Chenowith, 175 ChevereU, 415, 439 Cheveryston, 544 Cheynduit, 26, 133, 156, 158, 340, 341 Cheyne, 28 Cheyney, 43, 121 Chichester, 84, 230, 233, 275 Chilcott, 265, 563, 563 n Chiverton, 103, 258, 258 n, 269 n, 263 Cholmondley, 337, 541 n Chubba de, 361 Chudleigh, 228 ChurchiU, 236 Clapton, 28 Clerk, 183 205, 224, 275, 574 Claville, 209 Cleer, St., 501 Cleher de, 540 Clemens, 64, 466 n Clement, 91, 408 CUfford, 200, 203, 219, 221, 303, 303 n, 440 Clinton, 572 < Cloake, 332, 332 n, 337 n, 366 Clobery, 32, 66, 74, 517, 520 Clode, 143, 268, 317, 318, 333, 333 », 563, 563 n Clopton, 28, 42 Clyker, 62, 64, 72 Uobba, 396 Cdbham, 43, 460, 461 Cock, 30, 37 n, 75, 124, 275, 276, 278, 285, 296, 297, 298, 321, 331, 332, 343, 353 ; Fam. 368 ; ped. 369 ; 396, 446, 447 480 Code, 65, 274, 354 n, 516 n Codrington, 377 Coffin, 227, 230, 337, 378, 458 n Coger, 265 Coke, 93 Coker, 216, 238 Colay, 408 Colapyn, 119 Colo, '57, 127, 128, 142, 234, 351 «, 354, 499, 524 n, 528 Coleman, 57, 176, 278, 299, 321, 343, 397, 406, 413, 446, 447 Coleshill, 37 Collan, 197, 220 Colles, 461 Collier. 239 Collings, 129 Collins, 124, 211, 236, 441, 553 Collyn, 446 CoUys, 575 Colo, 475 Colsweyn, 423 Columbariis de, 438 ColwoU, 524, 525 Colyn, 7, 8, 11 u, lo, 34, 36; Fam. 36—37 ; 38, 40. 41, 243, 243 n, 245, 250, 258, 294, 415, 416, 418, 509 Commet, 36 Commins, 496 Condray, see Gondray Condre, 117, 146 Conock, 57, 257, 347 Conway, 338, Cooke, 47, 76, 372, 400, 407, 425 Cooper, 234 Copleston, 24, 45, 46, 75, 201, 202, 220, 340, 355, 359, 571 Corker, 94, 100, Cornelius, 452 Cornish, 30, 362, 385 Cornwall, 201, 328, 328 n Cornwall, Earis and Dukes of, 117, 122, . 278, 286, 287, 288, 289, 292, 297, 302 n, 327, 339, 353, 353 n, 354, 383, 385, 388, 401, 453, 454, 455, 462 n, 475, 485, 543, 557, 560 Corun, 395 Coryton, 18, 19, 20, 33, 36 n, 41, 76, 161 n, 226, 259 n, 323, 351 n, 362, 363, 363 n, 393, 495, 509, 518 Cosby, 221 Cosen, 334, 569 CoBworth, 366 Cottell, 27 n, 336, 429 Cotterell, 221 Cottington, 336, 366 n Cotton, 229, 336, 516, 621 Couch, 174, 427 Coulyng, 27 », 197, 343., 344, 417, 447, 575 Courcy, 240 Courteney, 31, 42, 58, 60, 93, 1.3, 125, 126, 126 n, 127, 137, 138, 161, 163, 177, 188, 189, 201 n, 202, i'22, 229, 234, 240, 241, 275, 337, 366, 416, 415 n, 416, 416 «, 455, 455 n, 457, ' 460, 500, 515, 519 ' Courtier, 50 Courtys, 39 n, 76, 181, 183, 184 Coventry, 336, 336 n Cowie, 174 Cowlard, 340 Cradock, 338, 574 Crawford, 70 Crehydan, 396 Oresse, 98, 367 ' CressweU, 309, 346 Crewes, 69 Criket, 276 Crispe, 575 Crocker, 537 Croke, 73 Crome, 179, 276 Cromwell, 211 Croppe, 479, 574, 576 Crosman, 36, 56, 90, 367 Crossing, 336, 408 Crowen, 358, 359 Cruwys, 406, 409, 409 n Cryditon de, 560 Cryller, 92 n Crymes, 234 Cudlip, 340 CuUow, 275, 408 CuUinwith, 370 • Cummer, 266 Cundye, 479 Curgenven, 110, 140. 147, 264 Cuff, 535 ? Cutt, 538 ? Curling, 491 ' Cyteller, 421 Dabernoun, 18, 26, 123, 201, 245, 294 Dagge, 102 n, 114, 131, 132, 135, 141, 142, 145, 147, 148, 163; Fam. 178; Ped. 179 ; 190, 263, 275 Dakcombe, 238 Dancaster, 121, 134 Dancombe, 455 Danger, 275 Daniel, 538, 559 Dannant, 355, 393, 394 Danning, 286 Dannon, 366 Darcy, 216, 238, 506 Darpell, 124, 349, 490 Darke, 335, 340 Darte, 372 Daubeny, 439 Daumarle, 122, 123 Daundell, 88 Davie, 106, 195, 205, 226, 256, 346, 375, 436, 493 n, 544 Davies, 120, 292, 353, 662, 662 n, 570 Dawby, 479 Dawe, 247, 253, 323, 343, 446, 447, 448, 574, 576 Dawkyn, 575 INDEX TO NAMES OF PERSONS. 589 Dawney, 42, 43, 122, 123, 189, 200, 221,240 ' Day, 262 Dayowe, 38 Denithorne, 295, 380 Dennison, 338 Denny, 366 Dent, 333, 334 Denesel, 275, 447, 502 Denys, 24, 44, 60, 68, 126, 184 n, 224, 238, 247 «, 402, 402 n, 403, 404, 407, 407 n, 408, 408 n, 409, 501, 522 Devereux, 267, 268 Devryon, see Tregoys Devyok, 351 Dewston, 511 Dickwood, 253 Digges, 238 Dilke, 298 Dingle, 121, 261, 408, 409 Dinham, 17, 18, 39, 122, 122 n, 201, 241, 320, 330, 333, 334, 356, 367 ; Ped. 376-377; 378,380, 405, 4)6, 409, 409 », 412, 476, 476 », 480, 485, 502, 512 Dixev, 522 Doble, 121 Dodding, 64 Doden, 156 n Dodson, 162 Dogeh 396 Doger, 396 Dogy, 573 Doidge, 516 Dola, 573 Dolbeare, 235 Donedal", 122 DonMng, 442 Donnecombe, 328 Donot, 447 Dormer, 248, 254 Dorre, 4S Doune, 69 Dow, 571 Dowrish, 57 Doyguan, 54 DovngeU, 512, 519 Drake, 222, 231, 336 n, 551 Drakys, 184 Drew, 174, 223, 231 Drewry, 336 Dreyn, 574 Drogheda, 337 Dryland, 238 Dudley. 457, 500 Du Cane, 228 Ducke, 458 «, 462, 462 n Duckworth, 370, 374 Dudeney, 48 Duffield, 508 Duke, 234, 395 Dummer, 538 Duncombe, 402 DunstanviUe, 196 n, 287 Durburgh 42, 456 Durnand, 370 Durnford, 375 Dutton, 483 » Dyer, 19, 250, 402, 447 DyUyngton, 439 Dyke, 374 Dynam, 158 Dyne, 27 n DyngeUi, de, 141 Dyver, 574 , Dywy, 183 Eades. 264 Eales, 440, 443 Eastchurch, 532 Eastcourt, 546 Eaton, 376 Edbrooke, 227 Edey, 39 n, 73 Edgcombe,' 209, 230, 241, 336, 336 n, 366, 481 n Edward. 312, 347, 407, 407 n, 408, 446, 447, 576 Edwards, 278, 316, 336, 471, 575 Edyvean, 496 Elcott, 292 Elford, 228, 517, 520, 554 Eliott, 50, 296, 297, 351, 380 Ellacombe, 565, 565 n Ellicott, 439 EUis, 43 Elnat, 575 ElvanB, 262 Elwill, 49, 49 n Emot, 275, 276 English, 509 Enys, 20 Erisie, 165, 185, 187, 525 Escolar, 473 Esse, 223, 407 Essex, 241 Estcote, 113 Evans, 376 Evelvn, 232 Every, 97, 97 n, 100, 101, 101 », 150 Eyre, 62, 275, 325 Fairfax, 204, 493 Falkland, 482 n Fall de, 544 Fauntleroy, 487, 514, 518 Farndone, 485, 518 Farrington, 438 Fayrher, 10 Fentenwansant, 395 Fentonadul, 573 Ferrers, 27, 36 », 41, 359, 460, 460 n, 501 Fevell, 250 Fichet, 27, 27 n, 42, 43 Fienles, 188 FiUis, 262 Fisher, 434 n, 563, 563 «, 568 Fitz, 173 Fitz Alan, 507 Fitz Elys, 64o, 643 n, 562 Fitz Piers, 188 Fitz Ralph, 84. 269 Fitz Roger, 464 Fitz Stephen, 464 Fitz Thomas, 233 Fitz Waryn, 275 Fitz WiUiam, 195 Flamank, 173, 253, 296, 297, 427, 487, 487 n, 518, 524, 574 Flegard, 359 Fleming, 157 Fletcher, 480 Floyre, 40 Fogg, 26 « FogheU, 546 Fol, 260 Fonblanque, 338 Foot, 71, 274, 436,442,447 Ford, 235, 305, 305 n, 315 Fortescue, 79, 92, 98, 99, 120, 123, 133, 134, 144, 145, 164, 165, 221, 223, 226, 227, 230, 241, 254, 348, 441, 519, 532, 533, 546, 571, 572 Forth, 26 n Fortune, 554 Forway, 397, 405 FoweU, 170, 173, 207, 222, 230, 467, 482, 493, 501 Fox, 131, 396 Foxcomb, 56 Foxworthy, 235 Fraunceis, 211, 211-rt, 236 Freer, 447, 448 French, 223 Freno, 192 Froade, 107, 111, 143,276 Fryer, 413 Fulford, 65, 72, 547 Fuller, 396 Furneaux, 371, 371 1. Furnis, 147, 264 Fursland, 263 Fycke, 275, 276 Gape, 239 Gagan, 88 Gaggar, 87 Gale. 336 Gallway, 553 Gambon, 501 Gant, 30 Garland, 413, 427 Gamier, 353, 354 Garre, 447 Garrowe, 344, 448 Gatley, 296, 557, 558, 570 Gaved, 453 Gaveregan, 169, 172, 492, 522 Gaveston, 288, 288 n, 302 Gay, 403 Gayche, 21 Gayer, 314, 317, 330, 522 Gebus, 113 Geffrey, 145, 273 Gentilcors, 117 George, 531 George, St., 43, 171 (iernon, 507 Gerny, 276 Gerrard, 439 Geveyley, 197, 198 Gerveys, 73, 422, 423, 424, 426 ; ped. 427, 428 Gibbe, 576 Gibbons, 658 GibbB, 129,223, 226 Giffard, 7, 9 n, 11, 11 n, 14, 14 »; Fam. 34—36 ; 40, 41, 44, 59, 89, 116, 117, 118, 118 n, 146, 151—464, 203, 223, 243, 264, 273, 276, 336, 396, 402, 415, 485, 486, 507 Gifford, 571, 571 n GUbert, 13, 13 n, 14, 24, 31, 64, 66, 138 n, 176 n, 222, 266, 274, 335, 364, 426, 434, 435 n, 523, 553, 556 n, 557 » 590 DEANERY OF TRIGG MINOR. GiU, 403 GiUard, 356 GiUett, 563 Gillingham, 305, 305 n Gist, 330 Glanfield, 321 GlanviUe, 162, 336, 420 n, 571 Glas, 235 Glasta, 396 Glencross, 13, 13 n, 97 n, 101 Glyn or Glynn, 28, 30, 31, 32, 33, 55 ; Fam. 58—74; Eed. 68— 74 ; 86 n, 114, 121, 139, 139 n, 152, 153, 154, 164, 165, 217, 228, 229, 241, 275, 287, 292, 337, 342, 346, 346, 347, 348, 351, 354, 403, 409, 410, 420, 420 », 422, 429, 430, 488, 617, 520, 522, 542, 552, 571 Glynyon, 460 Goade, 131 Godbegynvnge, 359 Godolphin', 65, 72, 140, 160, 162, 337, 348 n, 366, 380, 440, 467, 473, 474, 474 n, 475, 493, 494, 509 ; Ped. 522 Goladon, 396 Golalmynge, 293 Golapyn, 139, 456 Gondray de, 352, 357 Goneton de, 203 Goldsmith, 99 Gones, 573 Gonvena, 459 GoodaU, 70 Goode, 336 Gooding, 565 Goove, 509 Gorges, 204, 224, 336, 481, 482, 482 n Gould, 439 Gower-Leveson, 459, 463, 464, 468 Graham, 355 Gray, 30 Grazelen, 115 Greaterex, 494, 522 Greene, 193, 229, 321, 377, 446 Grenehant de, 352 Greenway, 314 Gregor, 94, 153, 204, 225, 306 n Gregory, 316, 331, 360 GrenviUe, 93, 97, 119, 120, 134, 144, 147, 177, 230, 336, 336 «, 337, 337 n, 356, 402, 478, 481, 525, 537 Gresham, 461 Gressam, 459 Grey, 20, 39, 457, 460, 500 Griffin, 457, 458, 500 Grigge, 29, 109, 266 Grim, 122, 122 n Grose, 79, 82, 128, 129, 538 Grounder, 59 Groundy, 153 Grvgge, 59, 143 GryUs, 65, 79, 139, 278, 280, 342, 346, 398, 420, 421, 422,425; Ped. 428-431 Grynnow, 27 n Grysa, 396 Gunstone, 203, 223 Gust, 366 Guy, 129, 466 Gwatkin, 365 Gwyn, 211, 211 n Gyles, 24, 30, 374 Gyppeswych, 302 Habick, 395 Hache, 41 Halep, 183, 187 Halfaknight, 44 Hales, 337 Hall, 23S HaUe, 349 HaUewyU, 64 Hals, 1, 543, 554 Halse, 162 Halton, 42, 43 Hambly, 103, 110, 124, 131, 136, 265, 412,413, 451, 480,496,531 HamUton, 210, 281 n Hamley, 58, 121, 136, 167, 168, 255, 447, 448, 466, 467, 470, 478, 479, 496, 532 ; Fam. 540-547, 575 ; 576 Hamline, 331, 332, 333 Ha'mlyn, 479 Hamon, 238, 439 Hamond, 546 Hampson, 402, 403 Hancock, 12, 49, 49 n, 527 Handlo, 237 Hanky, 574 Hankyn, 54 Hanmer, 338 n Hannay, 338 Harbord, 337 Hardwicke, 485 HarkneU, 116 Harleston, 258 Harper, 111, 112, 168, 276, 321 Harris, 69, 71, 403,413,433, 433 »; Ped. 444—445 ; 446, 481, 481 n, 482, 482 n, 483, 488, 499, 520 Harrison, 41, 51, 69, 73, 431, 445, 511, 531, 533, 539, 562 Harry, 29, 69, 124, 153, 276, 448. 453, 499, 551, 575, 576 Hart, 440 Harvey, 133, 213, 214, 277, 294, 398, 330, 331, 376,416, 433, 433 n, 434 n, 442, 446, 452, 575 Harward, 92, 192, 231 Haryington, 182, 292 Hastings, 39, 188, 276 Hatch, 222, 366 Hathendy, 446 Hatherley, 71 Hatten, 463 Hauley, 87, 273 Havys, 447 Hawke, 3, 408 » Hawken, 32, 530 Hawker, 418 Hawkey, 227, 559 Hawkins, 232, 366, 560 Hawkyn, 263, 276, 276, 366, 575 Hawley, 23, 45, 66, 93, 324 n, 418 n Haydon, 192 Haye, 34, 44, 46, 278, 359 n, 574, 576 Hayn, 460 Haymes, 353 Hayward, 3, 31, 33, 275, 490 Head, 433 n Hearne, 292 Hearle, 69, 73, 220, 372, 374, 427, 432 Heart, 28, 29, 29 n Hebell, 447 Hedges, 94 Hele, 9, 11, 12, 12m, 13, 138, 203, 519 HeUaund de, 196 HeUigan de, 37, 44, 113, 244, 470, 485, 486, 486 n, 487, 489, 492, 493, 496, 502 n; Fam. 512—514, 514 n; Ped. 518—619 ; 544, 573, 576 HeUyer, 249, 253 Helman, 533 Helyar, 63, 275, 363 n Hender, 11, 30, 65 n, 141, 276, 299, 316, 321, 332, 333, 366, 367, 447, 533 Hendy, 21, 22, 39 n. 76, 297, 321, 431, 569, 570, 570 n, 574, 575, 576 Hendyman, 421, 461 Hengham de, 287, 302 Hengston, 240 Henley, 474 n Henscot, 207, 226, 241 Hensley, 439 Henwood, 11, 73, 260 Heraund, 395 Herbert, 482 Herland, 383 Heme, 338, 402 Heveningham, 238 Hewgoe, 462, 462 n, 563 Hewish, 439 Hewitt, 433 n Hext, 13, 13 n, 14, 16, 150, 449, 464, 497 ; Fam. 527 ; Ped. 628—529 Heyden, 50 Heyward, 111 Hicke, 446, 447 Hicks, 24, 31, 48, 50, 106, 110, 112, 134, 145, 291 Higgins, 304 Higgs, 124 Hikedon, 573 HUl, 26 n, 27, 27 n, 28, 42, 43, 55, 57, 138, 171, 173, 220, 241, 263, 348 n, 354, 404, 430, 431, 439, 447, 459, 462, 462 n, 470, 487, 487 n, 488, 490 ; Fam. 514—515 ; Ped. 518 ; Fam. 523 —524 ; 563, 574, 575 HiUman, 366, 462, 463 Hoare 427 Hobbe, 275, 397. 448, 459 Hobbs, 30, 226 Hoblyn, 24, 30, 52, 71, 264, 366, 449, 483, 484, 493, 511, 524, 550 Hockele, 383 Hocken, 12, 30, 75, 76, 131, 278, 286, 292, 298, 312, 344, 349, 350, 363, 365, 370, 375, 446, 447, 541, 543, 546, 549, 567, 558, 559, 568, 571, 572, 576 Hodge, 124, 257, 275, 276, 311, 313, 314, 332, 332 n, 343, 367, 374, 375, 447 Hodgson, 453 Holbeme, 455, 456, 461, 461 n, 501 Holbourne, 371 Holcombe, 225, 237 Holden, 29 Holder, 143, 347 Holland, 38, 233, 252, 328 n, 366 Hollings, 100 Holman, 491 Holwell, 295 Hornet, 573 Honey, 314, 321, 403, 419 Honeychurch, 221 INDEX TO NAMES OF PERSONS. 591 Honeywood, 176 Hoote, 87 Hopkins, 226 Hopkyn, 160, 275 Hore, 160, 163 Horlock, 17 Horndon, 367, 529 Horsey, 336 Horsham, 235 HorsweU, 366 Horton, 436 Horway, 562 Hosken. 147, 406, 409, 409 n, 410, 511 Hoskins, 264, 474, 500 Hoste, 229 Houtham, 158 Howard, 208, 457, 478, 481, 481 », 482, 482 », 483, 483 », 500, 506 ; ped. 608 Howe, 89 Huchen, 146, 273, 304 Huda, 113 Huddersfield, 241 Huett, 439 Hugone, 573 Hugworthy, 223 Hulke, 472 Hume, 508 Humphry, 353 Hungate, 336 Hungerford, 28, 64, 189, 240 Hunny, 262, 278 Hunt, 59 «, 226, 294, 483 Hurdon, 318, 334 Hurna, 396 Hurst, 439 Hussey, 28, 42, 223, 266, 516 n Hutehyn, 275, 276 Hntford, 446 Hutton, 99, 99 », 105 n, 131, 142, 143, 525 Hyde, 254 Hyde de la, 117 Hykye, 396 Hywish, 43, 152, 154, 196 n, 395 Iago, 281 » Inch, 88, 93, 99, 111, 114, 115, 131, 190; Fam. 257 ; 266, 275, 311,316, 318, 330, 333, 367, 5ro Inchiquin, 337 Incleden, 69 Idles, 542, 548 Inkepenne, 26, 26 n, 27, 43 Irton, 233 Isaacke, 551, 574, 576 Ivery, 350 Ivey, 211, 211 n, 236 Jack, 570, 575 Jackson, 212, 235, 315, 332, 332 n, 521 Jacob, 32, 67 Jago, 330, 334, 335 James, 121, 265 Jan, 396 Jane, 99, 100 Janvn, 562, 562 n Jay, 573 Jay bien, 391 Jefferies, 211 Jeffery, 217, 239, 332 n, 447 Jeffrey, 179, 530 Jeffries, 225 Jekelney, 132 Jenkyn, 50, 275 Jew, 454, 455 Joce, 342, 343, 344, 406, 419, 446, 447 Joe, 153 John, 21, 273 John, St., 335 Johns, 433, 444 Johnson, 439 Johnston, 210 JoUiff, 172 Jon, 424, 574 Jones, 377 Jop, 163 Jory, 296, 375, 447 Jouvinus, 83 n, 84 Jowy, 260 Joyce, 254, 278 Julian, 193 Jumore, 573, 574 JuyU, 244, 249, 250, 253 KaUerion, 26 Kayle, 344, 345 Kearney, 71 Keene, 33, 404, 410, 413, 492, 573 Keigwin, 121, 140, 147, 264, 265 Kekewich, 30, 133, 516 KeUand, 230, 235 KeUigrewe, 247, 249, 250, 251, 252, 253, 295, 329, 336, 519, 522 Kelly, 163, 561, 562, 568 KeUygren de, 58, 59, 339 Kelwav, 439 Kempe", 57, 463, 463 n, 464 n, 473, 515, 546 Kempthorne, 16, 433, 444 Kemyel, 181* Kemys, 274, 436 KendaU, 65, 69, 72, 192, 244, 275, 529 Kenningk, 607 KennaU, 461, 462 Kent, 124, 265, 573 Kenyon, 73 Kernick, 33, 367, 570, 571 Kerrich, 67 Kerslake, 246 KeryeU, 28, 43 KesteU, 140, 175, 275, 276, 490, 493, 509, 524 Kett, 39 Keyte, 447 KUgath, 122 KiUiowa, 165, 429, 566, 568 King, 334, 376, 573 Kingdon, 40, 101, 510, 563, 564, 567 Kirkeby, 662 Kirkham, 304, 456, 501 Kirkness, 453 Kittowe, 395, 573 Knebone, 447 Knevet, 608 Knight, 428 Kmll, 225 Kniveton, 29 KnoUe, 460 Knoyle, 439 Kryk, 396 Kyka, 673 Kyldrynek, 602 Kylmymau, 44 Kyng, 27 » Kyrkbye, 304 Lacer, 237 Lacy, 438, 453, 454 Lade, 337 Lagher, 537 Lake, 305, 305 n, 306 Lambe, 622 Xamelyn, 396, 519 Lametton, 45 Lammentyn, 502, 512, 518 Lampen, 292 Langdon, 20, 42, 172, 342, 345, 347, 348, 348 n, 377,480 Langford, 173, 292, 337, 412, 414 LangoUen, 554 Lanhoho de, 84, 97, 269 Lane, 226 Lang, 3, 59, 107, 121, 134, 148, 150, 250, 396, 468, 469, 497, 526, 527, 529 Langesford, 69 Langeston, 158 Langman, 99, 405, 406, 413. 417, 418, 418 n, 419 Langton, 440 Langwyth, 424 Lanhergy, 89, 118, 119, 119 n, 139, 361 Lankearfe, 10 Lansladron de, 642 n, 543 Lanston, 447 Lanxon, 321 Lapp, 141 Larking, 540 n Laund de la, 540, 640 n Law, 443 Lawgher, 38, 40 Lawry, 4, 16, 32, 40, 530 Lawrence, 238, 256, 310, 330, 333, 335 Layer, 507 Leader, 338 Lean, or Layn, 112, 447 Lee, 245, 294 Leeche, 336 Leger St., 126, 189 Legoe, 129 Leigh 46 Leland, 136, 201, 318 Lennard, 229 Leuyn, 447 LeveUs, 184, 184 n, 187, 488, 519 LevenhiU de, 385 Leverton, 172, 445 Lewis, 121, 239 Ley, 12, 12», 408 », 417 Libby, 286 Lindsay, 336 Linney, 377 Lisle de, 600, 552 Littleher, 518 Littleton, 72, 337 Lobb, 114, 264 Lockett, 192, 193 Logardyne, 293 Loggin, 128 Lombard, 299, 306, 306 n London, de, 288 n, 302, 302 n Londre, 395 Long, 363, 483 Longbrook, 203 Long-man, 447, 448 Lony, 276 592 DEANERY OF TRIGG MINOR. Loundres, 438 LoveU, 355, 439, 546 Loveys, 120, 133, 456, 457, 458, 462, 462 n, 499 Lower, 162, 292, 294, 296, 341, 350 567, 570, 570 n, 571, 572 Lowis, 512 Lucombe, 184 n, 253, 351, 487, 487 n, 518 Lugger, 482, 497, 526, 527, 633 Luke, 169, 275, 362 Luky; 19, 21, 22, 31, 39 n, 75, 172, 377, ,481, 574, 575, 576 Lusum, 396 LuttereU, 226, 240, 241, 334 Luxmore, 306, 307 Lyddon, 521 Lym, 502 Lymbery, 37 Lymscott, 111 Lynam, 111,114, 131, 145, 161, 225; Fam. 258—263; Ped. 260, 261, 262— 2'63, 266, 275, 276, 522 Lyne, 16 n, 121, 192 Lyon, 300 Lyson's 176, 541 n, 557 Mabernal, 181 Mably, 129 Mabyn, 285, 333, 426, 573 Macpherson, 338 Madek, 421 Mades, 304 Magor, 140, 147, 264, 265, 398, 418, 529 Maintree, 52, 52 n, 53 Mainwaring, 483 Maitland, 338, 338 n Majendie, 431 Male, 334 Malet, 42, 186, 186 n, 316, 380 Maleverer, 58 MaUock, 226 Malory, 216, 238 Manaton, 14, 324, 334, 337, 337 n MandevUle, 215, 505 Mane, 89, 89 n, 98, 98 n, 274, 275 Maneroun, 198, 218 Manley, 337, 337 » Manners, 500 Manning, 400, 413 Mansel, 67 Manynges, 396 Mapletoft, 522 Mapowder, 227 Mareys, 59, 454, 455 Margaret, St., 17, 33, 358, 421, 542 Mariot, 396 Marke, 57, 64 n, 75, 184 n, 193, 353, 447, 461, 516, 620, 570, 570 » Marny, 137, 237, 275, 361, 477, 478, 504 ; Fam. 504—506 ; Ped. 507—508 Marrett, 52, 55, 57 Marsh, 335 n MarshaU, 257, 280, 311, 350, 352, 365, 403, 479, 482 Marseley, 181 n, 183, 184, 187 Martvn, 4, 27 n, 54, 56, 129, 216, 238, 250", 275, 337, 338, 359, 436, 438, 462, 477, 483, 520, 574, 575, 576 Mason, 204 n Maston, 25 n Mathew, 57, 111, 114, 130, 131, 145, 146, 148, 168, 259 n, 275, 276, 548, 650, 576 Matthias, 67 Mauger, 454 Maunday, 547 Maunsell, 327 May, 179, 261, 367, 479, 497, 526, 527, 529, 531, 563, 567 Majnard, 163 Mayndy, 459, 460 n, 489 Mayne, 473 Mayowe, 45, 63, 253, 402, 407, 407 n, 565, 566, 572, 574, 575, 576 Meager, 413 Mears, 103, 466 Melowarn, 349 Melyonek, 76 Menedu, 396, 404 Menhennick, 21, 22, 39 n, 472. 496 Menwynnek, 294 Mercatore, 396 Meredith, 522 Merghon, 502 Merifield, 11, 408 n, 566 Merlesnaine, 453, Merring, 93 Merton, 17, 327 Metherall, 559 Methrose, 20, 220 Mewtas, 508 Mewthing, 427 Michell, 7 n, 11, 67, 229. 256, 320, 336, 343, 397, 418, 419, 489, 509 Michelstow, 223, 245, 253, 339, 571, 571 n Middelwode de, 180 Middleton, 561 Milbank, 335, 338 Mildmaye, 291, 388 Mill, 100, 137 MiUer, 93 MUlett, 430 Mills, 254 Milward, 261 Mitchell, 494 Modret, 135 Mohun, 19, 20, 30, 106, 120, 123, 138 n, 159, 160, 240, 245, 248 n, 253, 275, 276, 292, 422, 428, 438, 463 n, 478, 481, 488, 519 Molend, 396 Molesworth, 13, 29, 29 n 79, 92, 92 n, 94, 95, 121, 136, 138, 140, 146, 148, 149, 150, 229 ; 292, 337, 403, 449, 471,472,473, 4 98,522 Mona, 396 Monke, 38, 40, 152, 336, 336 n, 548 Monmouth, 211 Montacute, 58, 125, 126, 201 Montague, 337, 500 Monthermer, 124, 125 Morant, 504 Mordaunt, 120 Morecombe. 57 Moreton, 25, 25 n, 83 n, 84, 304 Morgan, 174, 553 Morice, 145, 150, 205, 226, 227, 535 n Morland, 275 Moore, 93, 97, 278, 297, 298, 298 ¦«, 305, 305 », 445 Morsell, 45, 132, 155 Morshead, 10, 13, 13 «, 31, 33, 37,192, 489, 496, 510 Mortimer, 240 Morton, 239, 408 n, 535 Morrison, 500 Mostard, 573 Mounsteven, 142, 143, 143 n, 526, 528, 566 Mountjoy, 241 Moyle, 27 », 107, 110, 121, 124, 145, 146, 147, 179, 226, 227, 230, 241, 264, 265, 276, 351, 417, 433 » Moys,,402, 479 Munday, 206, 223, 378, 379 Munden, 337 Mule, 88 Mullis, 556, 570, 570 n, 572, 575 Mulys, 136, 203, 222 Munckton, 116, 151 n Murty, 574 Musgrave. 264 Mutford de, 269 Mydhope, 372, 372 n, 376 Mynors, 33 Nanfan, 37, 185 n, 273, 477 Nanskevell, 7, 63, 72, 169, 173, 499 NanskeUy, 544 Nansperian, 204, 224 Nation, 100, 100 n, 102, 115, 143, 259, 263, 266, 378, 380 Naudin, 435, 435 n, 442 Nelond de, 560 Netherton, 161, 321 NeviU, 115, 125, 189 Newburgh de, 116, 476, 506, 508 Newcoart, 505 Newton, 76, 275, 457, 500, 501 Niekle, 14 Nikelyn, 276 Nichol, 63, 72, 243, 264, 292, 344, 346, 488 NichoUs, 30, 61, 70, 99, 103, 108, 114, 131, 138, 143, 147 ; Fam. 164 ; ped. 165 ; 166, 172, 298, 324, 324 », 325, 337, 342, 348, 360 n Nicholson. 364 Nicol, 7, 37, 41, 133, 138, 138 n, 164, 190, 243, 245, 250, 274, 275, 329, 336, 408 », 515, 520 Nordon, 138 n, 144 Norris, 110, 150 Northey, 82, 366 North, 570 Northleigh, 165 Norway, 175 Nottell. 33 Notyng, 447 Nowers, 561 Noye, 119, 120, 133, 134, 135, 164 Nuling, 172 NyeU, 447 Ogilvy. 553 Oglander, 70, 410, 410 n Ogle, 229 Oldon, 461 Oley, 48 OUver, 14, 73, 84, 86 n, 161, 161 n, 574 Olver, 472, 556 Onslow, 150, 511 Orange, 371 INDEX TO NAMES OF PERSONS. 593 Opye, 8 n, 24, 30 ; Fam. 47—49, 52 ; Peds. 50—61, 53; 57, 105, 105 n, ill, 472, 492, 498, 574 Orchard, 99, 99 », 286, 337, 337 », 403 Orcharton, 194, 194 », 195, 219, 255 Osborne, 12, 235 Osmer, 358 n Otes, 479, 574, 575 Overton, 237 Uxenbury, 254 Packet, 275, 448 Packington, 461 Pafford, 387 Page, 483 Paget, 462, 462 n, 4S5 Paige, 49 Palmer, 50, 295, 375 Panston, 479 Pardoe, 338 Parker, 30, 53, 93 n, 368, 439, 471, 473, 497, 498, 521, 536 Parkyn, 275 Parmenter, 353 Parnell, 354, 533 Pascoe 4, 175, 182 Parson, 300, 575 Parsons, 86 n, 134, 276, 565 Partridge, 336 Passele, IS, 507 Patchcot, 397, 413 Patchet, 404 Pate, 228 Patten, 217, 228, 241 Paul, 161 Pauley, 91, 531, 576 Pawle, 21, 76, 375, 479, 480, 576 Pawlet, 230, 438 Payne, 338 Paynter, 419, 442, 514 n Pe, 396 Peake, 3 Pearce, 30, 94, 286, 311, 316, 317, 330, 331, 333, 334, 335, 376, 536, 538 Peard, 468 Pearne, 24 Pearse, 165, 2"'6, 286, 298, 334, 366, 396, 413, 414,426, 446, 447 Peat, 396 Pedicrue. 197, 198, 218, 541, 542 Pego, 244 Pelham, 500 Pellamounter, 29, 73 PeUoe, 444 Penaluna, 64 n Pencayrou, 396 Pendarves, 227, 427 Pendu, 180 Penfound, 294 Pengelly, 340 Pengers'ek, 181, 182, 187 Penguynna, 276 Penhale, 76, 97, 157 Penhallow, 73, 330, 534, 635—536; Ped. 537—538 Penhargard de, 10, 22, 23, 24 ; Fam. 44, 45; Ped. 46, 359, 359 n, 407, 421, 486 Penkevill, 191 Penles, 492 Pennicott, 94 Pennington, 14, 74, 396, 525, 565 Penny, 89 n, 275 Penpoll, 402 Penquite de, 59 Penrose, 180, 183, 187, 264, 524, 525 Pentec, 117, 151, 153 Pentyre, 8, 38, 41, 131, 274 Penwaren, 344, 447 Pepperell, 447 Perceval, 434 n, 435 n Peremersh, 501 Periam 227 Perou, 357 Ferryman, 488 Person, 197 Peryn, 54 Peter, 62, 70, 121, 136, 158, 253, 418, 469, 484 Peters, 463, 463 n Pethe, 574, 576 Pethick, 275, 316, 356, Petitt, 232, 244, 252, 425, 427, 540, 541 Petty, 338 PevereU, 27, 157, 240, 245, 321, 423, 427, 454, 486, 503, 507, 518 Peytenyn, 34 Ehayer, 225 PhUp, 59, 121, 150, 276, 466, 468, 490, 556, 574, 575, 576 PhiUipper, 369 PhiUipps, 30, 57, 109, 145, 167, 168, 256, 306, 306 n, 314, 315, 326, 330, 331, 332, 332 n, 333, 334, 335, 338, 353, 354 ; Fam. 364, 376 ; 520, 521, 570 PhiUips, 93, 97, 229 PhiUpotts. 443 Phippes, 362 Physick, 91 Pierse, 50, 68 Pike, 332, 332 n, 571 PUlond, 573 Pincerne, 84, 116, 640 n PinneU, 337 Pipard, 500, 541. 543, 543 », 549, 552 Pipon, 254 Pitt, 66, 92, 97, 100, 120, 134, 334, 337 Plantagenet, 124, 126, 130 n, 159, 182, 184, 215, 237 n, 240, 252, 457, 575 Playe, 22, 23 Plecy, 545, 545 n PleydeU, 209, 217, 228, 239, 241 Pleyer, 87, 88 Plompton de, 560 Plymouth de, 544 Podding, 46, 158, 407 Podiford de, 132, 198, 502, 502 n, 507 Poer le, 542 Pole, 27 n, 237, 337, 461 Polglas, 507 Polgreene, 169, 173, 262, 275 Polkinhorn, 65 ; Ped. 73 Pollard, 66, 57, 136, 427, 429, 477, 493, 499, 501 Polton, 25 Polwhele, 167, 168, 176, 177, 206, 225, 548 Polyt, 98 Pomeroy, 102, 135, 163, 165, 324, 402, 407 », 410, 482, 482 n, 553, 568 Pomery, 3, 29, 100, 100 », 102, 103, 104, 143, 332, 332 n, 333, 333 n, 610, 642 Ponteshed, 408 n Pope, 296, S33, 334 Popham, 211 re, 236 Pore, 112 Pores, 573 Portelond, 98, 98» Porter, 146, 372 «, 429, 458 n, 462, 462 n, 499, 535, 538; Fam. 564; Ped. 554, 561 Portquyn, 87 Potter, 266 Pounder, 408, 408 n Powna, 518 Powne, 553 Power, 139 Powle, 490 Pownda, 487, 518 Poyle, 470 Poyntz, 223 Poynyngs, 27 n, 478, 506, 608 Praed, 204, 224, 264 Prater, 374 Prempa, 35 n, 415 Prest, 439 Preston, 520 Prestridge, 316 Prestwood, 439 Price, 70, 305 Priddle, 232 Prideaux, 61, 71, 89, 90, 90 n, 91, 91 n, 92, 94, 96, 112, 117, 144, 176 ; Fam. 194—214, 217; Ped. 218— 237, 241, 259, 262, 266, 267, 299, 332, 336, 376, 377 ; Fam. 378 ; Ped. 379, 379 «, 380, 403, 441, 458, 493, 493 n, 501, 571 n Prideaux-Brune, 62, 70, 87 n, 90, 217, 228, 241, 434 n Prigou, 276 Prior, 401 Pritchard, 377 Probyt, 570 Proctor, 61, 483 n Proffitt, 124, 263 Prout, 549 Prowse, 405, 413, 416, 417, 417 » Prust, 172 Prye, 72 Pryor, 73 Pugin, 301 Pulman, 376 PurceU, 264 Pye, 5, 29, 29 n, 530 Pyker, 447 Pyl, 276 Pym, 346 Pyne, 259, 262, 413 Pytts, 221 Quiros, 371 Radcnffe, 192, 337, 337 », 611 Radford, 216, 238 Radway, 12 Raleigh, 7, 12, 14, 36, 38, 41, 201, 502 Ramesay, 546 RandaU, 131, 497, 625 Rannon, 360 Rashleigh, 19, 192, 336, 417, 417 n, 418, 430, 497 Ratcliffe, 506, 508 Raw, 179 594 DEANERY OF TRIGG MINOR. Rawling, 124, 480, 485 Read, 100, mo », 104, 108, 109, 149, 150, 336, 429, 626 Raynward, see Eeynward Rebouse, 124 Reed, 177, 349 Reid, 71 Renaud, 297 Eengebourn, 216, 237, 238 Rennie, 435 n Resethercombe, 36 n, 41 Reskvmer, 184, 189, 199, 199 n, 218, 287, 519 Resoryk, 252 Eesprenna, 45, 359, 361 Resterlock, see Tresterlock Restourek, 197 Retoun, 54, 151 n, Revel, 116 Reynardson, 232 ReyneU, 483 n Reynolds, 112, 395, 418, 447 Reynward, 116, 117, 199, 402, 549 Richard, 250, 265, 353, 395, 575 Richards, 428, 520 Rickard, 298, 344, 417 n Ridgway, 235 Rike, 98, 98 n, 408 n Risdon, 61 Rivers, 19o, 196 n, 197 Robartes,3, 19,30,32, 79, 83, 124, 130, 131, 176, 177, 292 Robesart. 203 Robert, 395 Roberts, 373, 375 Robey, 312, 374, 446, 447, 448 Robinson, 430 Robson, 334 Robyn, 486, 575 Roche, 220, 342 Rodd, 19, 341 n, 352 n, 432 Rodney, 42 Roe, 340, 410, 489 Rogers, 177, 182, 187, 230, 323 n, 391, 395 Roges, 464 Rokele de la, 214, 215, 216, 237 RoUe, 120, 140, 146, 224, 355, 403, 522 Rolt, 210, 232 RoneU, 274. 275, 276 Roobye, 321, 374 Roscarrock, 11, 11 n, 18, 19, 20, 32, 39 n, 75, 98, 113, 117, 123, 131, 135 n, 155, 161, 163, 224, 256, 275, 287, 297, 298, 298 n, 323, 335, 336 n, 337, 340, 341, 343, 344, 345, 346, 360, 362, 363, 370, 392, 393, 461, 481 n, 489, 574 Roscradock, 481 Roscrow, 65 RoseweU, 210 Rosiwike, 525 Roskelly, 251, 256 Rosmaryn, 424, 425 Rosmodres, 181 n, 331 Rosvenre, 82, 285, 333, 334 Roupe, 374 Rous, 12, 28, 134, 366, 447, 550 Rowcliff'e, 94 Rowe, 234, 236, 260, 284 n, 332, 333, 334, 370, 372, 374,377, 448, 473,490 Rowley, 67 Ruby, 575, 576 Rudhall, 103 Rugge, 238 Rumon, St. de, 180 Rumsey, 64 Rundell, 96, 527, 530 Runnalls, 286 Run, le, 155 RusseU, 76, 191, 284, 330, 331, 337 Sabye, 479 Sadler, 265 Salter, 351, 351 n Sammes, 178, 178 n Sampson, 43 Sanderson, 230 Sandy, 565 Sanka, 396 Satchville, 8 Saunder, 446 Savory, 233, 235 Sawle, 162, 228, 306 n, 528 Saye, 28, 42, 43, 75, 514 Scantlebury, 452 Scarborow, 337 Scawen, 292, 429 SchoUer, 28, 50 Scobell, 96, 97 n, 100, 104, 110 Scott, 115 11, 338, 573 ScrobehuU, 221, 455, 455 n, 456, 461 n, 501 Scrope, 233 Searell, 355 Searle, 242, 253 Seamer, 533 Seccombe, 261, 298, 299, 313, 316, 374, 413, 557 Seibert, 6 Selman, 88 Seneschal, 17, 45,, 117, 503, 507, 523, 525 Sergeaux, 17, 18, 361,, 407, 470, 476, 477; Fam. 502—504 ; 505, 573 Serpell, 447 Serritoe, 388 Sevenoks, 560 Sey, 336 Seymour, 103, 216, 237, 238, 519 Seys, 486 Shapcote, 520 Shapleigh, 632, 533 Shapton, 203, 223 Sharp, 205 n Sharrocke, 491 Shepherd, 517, 521 Sherman, 98 Sherston, 169, 172 Shewys, 133 Shilson, 376 Shorte. 447 Shoule, 172 Shouldham, 661 Shylston, 36, 36 n, 41, 223 Sibly, 396 Sidney, 522 Silby, 561 SUly, 33, 74, 366, 409, 488, 498 ; Fam. 515-517 ; fed. 520 Simmell, 505 Skele, 76 Skelton, 226, 388 Skipwith, 61 Skuys, 274 Skews, 442 Skywys, 424, 461 Slade, 191, 225, 493 Sloaper,'357Sloggett, 299, 321, 342, 344, 345, 349, 350 ; Ped. 350 ; 352, 367, 418, 446. 447, 491, 520, 523, 575, 576 Slee, 574 Slegha, 523, 573 Slyman, 16, 466, 472 ' Smale, 200 »., 250, 294 Smalehall, 27 n. Small, 51 Smirke, 339 n. Smith, 21, 54, 59, 76, 96, 113, 136, 143, 145, 232, 274, 275, 317, 324, 324 «., 335, 335 n., 337, 338, 353, 396, 439, 441, 570 Sobye, 111, 113, 276 Somerset, 463, 463 n, 468 Somers, 442 Somester, 106, 223 Sonder, 575 Sors, 84, 269 Sourtonne, 385 Southcott, 405, 416, 417, 440 Southwell, 482 n. Southwood, 353, 368 S'>wdon, 334 Spayn, 362 Specott, 275, 456, 458, 458 ¦,>, 461, 461 n, 500, 501 Speke, 236, 268, 481 Spencer, 45, 223, 504, 507 Spernell, 127 Spetigue, 563, 568 Spieer, 439 Spicker, 71 Spiller, 127, 164, 457, 483, 483 n, 571 Spoure, 422, 428 Sprey, 91, 93, 93 n, 94, 99, 145, 147, 148, 161, 351, 351 n Spratt, 234 Spry, 30, 224, 255, 340, 483, 499, 554 Sprygy, 544, 552 Squire, 12, 15, 15 n, 497, 527 Staoey, 376, 403 Stafford, 23, 113, 335, "457, 500, 508 Stainbank, 103 Stanbury, 367 Stapledon, 44, 46, 122, 322, 407, 460 503 Staynings, 441 Steele, 292 Steepe, 221 Stephen, 7, 355 Stephens, 100, 100 n, 247, 255, 372, 374, 432, 531 Stere, 446 Stergotherick, 29 Stevens, 533 Stevyn, 559 Stewart, 338, 338 n StiUingfleet, 193 Stiner, 157 Stitch, 483 Stokeye, 115 n Stonard, 11, 12, 317 Stone, 30,511,546.573,575 Stoneman, 529 Stonynge, 353, 569, 570 INDEX TO NAMES OF PERSONS. 595 Stourton, 43 Stowell, 43, 225, 275 Stradling, 170 Stretchley, 221, 222, 501 Stroude, 439 Strowte, 276 Stukley. 189, 234 Sture, 532, 533 Sturmy, 216, 237 Sturte, 59 » Stykyer, 185 Suleny, 219 Sumaster, 252 Sutton, 276, 408 Swaine, 413 Swansea, 302 Swete, 115 n, 190 Swimmor, 379 Swinborne, 18, 361, 507 Sylverlock, 455 Symes, 441 Symon, 250, 276, 304 n, 576 Symonds, 51, 242, 243, 248 Symons, 30, 104, 108, 406, 418, 419, 556, 566, 571 Syth, St., 567, 658 Tabb, 473 Tadlowe, 335 Tafflor, 27 », 92, 574 Talbot, 240, 500, 548 Talcarne, 69, 544 Tallant, 350 TaUew, 275 Taloogan, 276 Talpyn, 153 Tamlyn, 470, 498, 499 ; Fam. 534 ; Ped. 537—539; 576 Tamson, 32 » Tanner, 162, 163, 355, 516, 517, 521 Tant, 573 Taprill, 314 Tavemer, 31, 276 Tawke, 237 Taylder, 174 Taylor, 319, 377, 405, 412, 413, 414, 447 Teagne, 280, 491 Templer, 71 Teyes, 500 Teygnemue de, 199 Thomas, 134, 171, 174, 175, 185, 251, 256, 388, 479, 531, 573 Thompson, 468 Thome, 568 Threner, 379 Throgmorton, 607 Tichborne, 216, 238, 439 Tickell, 110, 150 TiUotson, 211 Tingcombe, 367 Tipper, 323 Tirrel, 26, 509 Tiverton de, 302 Todd, 306, 351 Toker, 11, 31, 32, 33, 51 ; Fam., 54— 55 ; Ped. 56 — 57 ; priv. granted 56, 57; 65, 74, 163, 165, 168, 172, 175, 233, 235, 233, 321, 369, 444, 447, 462, 462 n, 468, 472, 480, 498, 499, 518, 568, see also Tucker. Tolcher, 193 ToUer, 247, 254 Tom, 343, 491, 674, 676 Toms, 355 Tomson, alias Kempe, 546 Tonkin, 1, 171, 366 Torway, 409, 409 « Totybussh, 156, 294, 361 Touohet, 438 Townsend, 225, 264 Towser, 519 Tracy, 196, 219, 896, 410, 438, 455, 460, 460 n, 475, 476 Treatte, 470 Trebel, 303, 303 n, 304, 479, 501 Trebuhan, 415 Trebyan, 396 Trecarne, 68, 159, 162, 169, 172, 354 Trecarrell, 56 Treclegou, 359 Tredenek, 32, 32 n, 75, 576 Tredinham, 103, 165, 488 Tredinnick, 38 40, 56 Tredethy de, 59, 407 Tredwen, 76 Trefford, 335 Treffry, 37, 86 n, 106, 107, 108, 114, 130, 130 n, 148, 149,. 163, 167, 168, 241, 242; Fam. 245—251 ; Ped. 251 —256 ; 274, 305 n, 481, 509, 566 Trefrew, 359, 395 Trefusis, 254, 336, 355, 427, 525 Tregagie, 94, 94 n, 97, 97 n, 100, 137, 138 ; Fam. 176 Tregaminion, 196 Tregarth, 312, 365, 367, 370, 395 Tregarthen, 347, 354 Tregeller, 276 TregeUest, 276 Tregenna, 91 Tregenoon, 26 Tregenwer, 573 Tregerick, 273 Tregian, 276, 387, 409, 409 n Treglaste, 396 Tregodek, 246 -a, 321, 369 TregoU, 403 Tregone, 54 Tregonnel, 439 Tregonwell, 402 Tregose, 63, 155, 158, 169, 172 Tregoyd de, 130, 276 Tregoys, 182, 183, 187 Tregrilla de, 512 ; Ped. 519 Tregrugon, 447 Tregrynewen, 559 Tregwethan, alias Hamley, 546 Tregyer de, 357 Treharrock, alias Trahaverock, 135, 135 n, 155. 157, 158, 162, 276 Treiagu, 45, 340, 359 Treise, 13, 31, 462 n, 490, 496 Trelawny, 162, 287, 329, 336, 352, 358 n, 485, 486, 487, 489, 490, 512, 512 n; Ped. 518—519 Trelay, 396 Trelazzas, 548 Treleaven, 285 Trelulla de, 132 ; Ped. 155—156 Tremaben de, 486 Tremayle. 501 Tremayne, 223, 252, 432, 433 n, 434 n 449, 493 Tremeket, 37 Tremure de, 35, 117, 132, 132 n, 287, 358 n, 412 Trenage, 43, 59 Trenchard, 56 Trencret, 27 n Trenhayl, 316 Trenance, 36, 427' Trenowith, 20, 136, 170, 173, 181 n, 252, 340, 341, 347, 391, 544, 569, 572, 574 Treonek de, 135 n, 155, 157 Tresaster, 162 Tresedron, 98 TresiUian, 22, 23, 23 n, 24. 44 Tresithney, 106, 247, 248 n, 253, 427 Tresloget, 470, 485, 523, 574, 575, 576 Tresprisoun de, 384 Tresterloek, 396 Tresulgan, 98 Treta, 396 Tretheven, 88, 139, 146, 273 Trethewy, 20, 305 n Trethynan, 276 Trethyan de, 297, 347, 354, 355, 355 n, 395, 571 Trevalcus, 537 Trevanion, 247 n, 252, 253, 358, 427 TrevarUch, 395 Trevarthian, 64 n Trevayn, 197 Trevedon, 69 Trevelek, 574 Trevennen, 431 Trevenor, 341 Treverbyn de, 195, 199, 200, 219, 476, 502 Trevethan, 276 Trevethek, 575, 576 Trevighoe, 424, 427 TreviU, 99 TreviUian, 56, 163, 292, 362, 446, 491, 548 TreVisa, 189 Trevyrek, 402 Trewasac de, 540 Trewbodie, 111, 166, 167, 168, 548 Trewdick, 68 Treweeke, 48, 50 Trewergonon, 395 Trewen, 273 Trewenek, 276, 358, 358 n, 359, 490 Trewenheleke, 502 n. Trewenna, 395 Trewinard, 154, 171 Trewinian, 427 Treworel, 396 Trewren, 73, 409 n Treworgey, 181 n, 369 Trewrenek, 574 Trewy, 27 n Trewyntyn, 155 Trewynt, 45, 287, 349, 351, 352 ; Fam. 357—360, 396, 396, 603 Treysek, 673 Trewythian, 276 Treyarap, 396 Tripeonye, 174 Tripe, 440 Triplett, 124, 275 Tristrean, 488 Troblefieid, 221 596 DEANERY OF TRIGG MINOR. Trote, 361 Trowbridge, 165, 223 "Hiibb, 174 Tubbe, 344, 422, 428 Tucker, 12, 163, 165, 168, 173, 175, 219, 225, 233, 235, 239, 255, 263 Tuckfield, 235 Tudor, 240, 461 Tuit, 240 TurberviUe, 225 Turner, 402, 441, 443 Turney, 354 Turpin, 336 Tyeth, 563 Tvnten, 158, 252, 340, 341, 360, 362, "363 TyreU, 216, 238, 421, 505, 507 Tyrwhitt, 67 n Udy, 76 Uydeslade, 184 Ugler, 30 Vassals, 538 Vaughan, 63, 209, 233, 487, 487 n, 493 n, 518 Veale, 140, 431 Venables, 507 Vencor, 294 Venn, 497, 527 Venning, 402, 412 Vere, 500, 507, 508 Vincent, 230 Vivian, 62 n, 72, 73, 106, 131, 135, 149, 160, 162, 174, 247, 247 n, 255, 298, 306 n, 329, 336, 355, 356, 356 », 433 n, 497, 525, 537 Vosper, 184 n, VyeU, 90, 176, 207, 226, 275 Vymen, 574 Vyvyan, see Vivian Wade, 32 n, 111, 313, 321, 332, 396, 480, 559, 562, 675 Wadham, 238, 439 Wadyne, 88 Wake, 189, 240, 252 Wakeham, 13, 13 n, 366 Waken, 286 Waldegrave, 28, 43, 477 Walke, 76 Walker, 292 Wall 99 WalUs, 31, 33, 275, 278, 298, 311, 311 n, 321, 344, 351 ; Fam. 370—373 ; Ped. 374—375 ; 432, 446, 489, 553 WaUop, 439 Walpole, 434 n, 435 n Walrond, 220, 227, 416 Walsh, 385 Walsha, 573 Walter, 304, 304 », JE96, 501 Waltey, 113 Waltham, 302 Walworth, 508 Walweyn, 461 Warburton, 463 » Warde, 294, 366 "Wflrbcc 8 Warelwast, 84, 85, 269, 270 Warne, 110, 121, 146, 147, 530, 550 Warren, 131, 188, 446, 448 Waryn, 447, 461 Washington, 562 Watere, 396 Watlington, 233 Watta, 137, 573 Watts, 51, 334 Waye, 47, 50 Wayte, 237 Webbe, 51, 212, 213, 235, 403 Webber, 12, 30, 39, 40, 103, 107, 110, 111, 114, 124,145; Fam. 166—168; Ped. 168 ; 172, 178, 276, 342, 43 n, 539, 548, 574, 576 WegeUsly, 396 WeU, 446 Welyngton de, 353, 368, 544 Wentworth, 536 Werying, 157, 292 Wesley, 285, 286 West, 129, 142, 143, 334 Westcarne, 158 Westcote, 59, 68, 427 Westlake, 380 Weston, 239, 247 n, 530 Weye, 501 Weymouth, 254 Whalesborough, 185, 358 Wharton, 333 Whichcote, 176, 177 WhiphaU, 455 Whitaker, 306, 306 n White, 13, 13 n, 278, 298, 305 n, 332, 337 n, 396, 439, 442, 478, 574, 576 Whiteford, 347, 478 Whitfield, 417 Whiting, 407 n, 546, 573 Whitston, 173 WUcock, 54, 298, 492 WUcocks, 248, 254, 255, 315 Wilkes 62 Wilkinson, 281, 282, 297, 307, 307 n, 334 WUkye, 278, 315 WiUiam, 238 ' WUUams, 13, 13 n, 213, 213 n, 223, 234, 256, 336, 398, 401 n ; Fam. 432, —437 ; Ped. 442—443, 622, 539, 553 WiUis, 336 n WUloughby, 457, 500, 675 Wills, 107, 306, 305 n, 313, 343, 395 Wilmot, 209, 233 WUson, 338, 553 WUton, 199, 265 Windsor, 377 "Windyf, 396 Wingfield, 461 Winnow St. de, 612 Winsloe, 333 Winstanley, 230, 232 Winter, 163 Withiel, 91, 302 Wodeham, 196 n Wodeland, 200, 200 n, 220, 509 Wof, 157 Wolffe, 31, 163, 209 Wolger, 395 Woode, 51, 52, 162, 340, 496, 571 Woodcock, 234 Woodford, 441 Woodman, 12, 530 Woodward, 463 n Woolcock, 29 Wooldridge, 401 WooUacombe, 90, 96, 275 Woolset, 304 Worden, 103 Wordesale, 446 Worlegan, 460 Worsley,. 70, 410 Worthevale, 274, 292, 296, 308, 312, 312 n, 321, 332, 336 n, 368 Wortley, 337 Wotton, 189 Wransheford, 78 Wray, 337, 387 Wrench, 229, 241 Wrothe, 574 Wroxhale, 215 Wydewales, 396 Wyke, 223 WyUemer, 415 WyUet, 11, 304 Wymond, 461, 461 «, 553 Wyn, 514 n Wyndham, 98, 241 Wynsfold, 508 Wvnslade, 19, 20, 20 n, 75, 75 n, 136 481 Wyot, 30, 573 Wytham, 348 Wythorne, 561 Yache, 87 Yeo, 165, 223, 427, 428, 439, 518 YUe, 447 Yogg, 75 Yonge, 193, 440, 573 Yorke, 207, 226, 241 Yulmouth, 167 Zouch, 246 \ ¦£, \ s>