^M_,m Imwi^jtittY ' __,i_iB®£mr° RUMOKML ° IT KI o KI ©IL, GIFT OF Edmund Wale^ Holme^ a-b-,m-d- CLA^ 0FI872 THE GENEVAN NEW TESTAMENT. FIRST EDITION. M.D.LVII. THE NEW TESTAMENT OF OUR LORD AND SAVIOUR JESUS CHRIST. A FAC-SIMILE REPRINT OF THE CELEBRATED GENEVAN TESTAMENT, M.D.LVII. WITH THE MARGINAL ANNOTATIONS AND REFERENCES, THE INITIAL AND OTHER WOOD CUTS, PREFACES AND INDEX. LONDON : PRINTED FOR SAMUEL BAGSTER AND SONS, 15, PATERNOSTER ROW ; AT THE WAREHOUSE FOR BIBLES, NEW TESTAMENTS, PRAYER BOOKS, PSALTERS, AND CONCORDANCES, IN ANCIENT AND MODERN LANGUAGES. nOAAAI net, iiinroK rAOTTAI, jiua 3'A0araTOiiriv. ADVERTISEMENT. This Edition of the Genevan New Testament being an exact and accurate representation of the Edition Published in 1557 : the reader is referred to the Table at the end of the Volume, entitled " Fautes committed in the printing:" for in mak ing this Edition correspond with the Original Copy, it was necessary to preserve the Text itself unaltered. 15, Paternoster Row. THE N E VV E TESTA- MENT OF OVR LORD IE- fus Chrift. Conferred diligently with the Greke, and beft ap- proued translations. With the arguments, afwel before the chapters, as for euery Boke 8c Epijile, alfo diuerfities of readings, and mofte profitable annotations of all harde places : wherunto is added a copi ous Table. AT GENEVA Printed By Conrad Badius. M. D. lvii. „ THE ORDRE OF THE BOOKES OF THE Newe tpjiament, with the nomber of Chapters. The Gofpel writ by S.Matthewe, chapters 28 The GoJ'pel writ by S. Marke, chap. 16 The Gofpel writ by S. Luke, chap. 24 The Gofpel writ by S.Iohn, chap. 21 The A8.es of the Apoftles, chap. 28 THE EPISTLES. S.Paul to the Romains, chapters \Q The firjl Epiftle to the Corinthians, chap. 16 The 2. to the Corinthians, chap. 13 To the Galatians, chap. 6 To the Ephefians, chap. 6 To the Philippians, chap. 4 To the Colojfians, chap. ^ The firjl to the Theffalonians, chap. g The feconde to the Theffalonians, chap. g The firjl to Timothie, chap. (j The feconde to Timothie, chap. , To Tite, chap. g To Philemon, chap. one The Epiftle to the Hebrewes, chap. ,„ The Epiftle of S. lames, chap. The firft Epiftle of S. Peter, chap. 5 The feconde of S. Peter, chap. „ The firft Epiftle of S. Iohn, chap. c The _. Epijlle of S. Idtn, chap. one The 3 Epiftle of S.Iohn, chap. one The Epijlle of S. Iude, chap. one The Reuelation of S. Iohn, chap. 22 THE EPISTLE DECLARING THAT Chrift is the end of the Lawe, By Iohn Caluin. , od the Creatour, mofte per- i fed and excellent worker of all thinges : aboue all his other "creatures, wherein he had de- Jclared hifelfe mofte woderful made ma as the perfection of his worke : in whome we may beholde a meruelous excellencie. ' For he faftiioned him according to his image and likenes, fo that the hght of his glorie fhyned clearely in him. Now y one- ly way to caufe him to remaine in this eftat, wherin God had placed him, was, humbly to fubmit him felfe alwaies before the maieftie of his Creatour, & magnifie him with thankes geuing, in no cafe feking glorie in his owne fel fe : but, forafmuche as he fawe that all thinges came from aboue, to lift vp his eyes continually thytherwarde to glorifie one God only, to whome thepraife dyd apper- teyne. Notwithftading wretched man, defirous to aduance him felfe, incontinent began to forget, and to become vn- myndeful whence he had all goodnes, & by cruel ingrati tude was bolde to extolle him felfe & fwel againft his ma ker, and the autour of all graces. Therfore he fell into de- ftruction, he loft all the dignitie and excellencie of his firft creation, he was fpoyled and bereft of all his glorie, he was difpoffeffed of the gifts which were bellowed vpon him, to beate him downe in his pride, and to caufe him to learne that by force, which he wolde not vnder- ftande of his owne wil. That is to fay, that he was but va- nitie, nether at any tyme was any other thing, faue that y Lord by his ftrength dyd mainteyne him. Then God alfo began to hate him, and (according to his deferts) refu- THE EPISTLE, ced him for his worke : feing that his image, and likenes was conceled, and the graces of his goodnes were defa ced. And wher as before he had determined and appoyn ted to be delited and take pleafure in man, as a father in his welbeloued childe : now contrarywife he contem ned and abhorred him : Infomuch that what thing foeuev pleaced God before, now difpleaced him : that which the delited him, did now prouoke his wrath : that which he was wont to beholde with a fatherly and louing conte- nace, he dyd now deteft and abhorre. Finally man altoge - ther with whatfoeuer belonged vnto him, his dedes, his thoghtes, his wordes and his lyfe dyd vtterly difpleace God, euen as if he had bene his profeffed ennemie : and therfore fayd, that he repented, that he had made man . Being then thus call downe into extreme cofufion, he was notwithftanding fruitful in his curfed fede, and begate children like to him felfe, that is, wicked, peruerfe, cor rupt, voyde, and barren of all goodnes, riche, and plenti ful in euil. Neuertheleffe the Lord of mercie (which doth not only loue, but is him felfe loue & charitie) wil ling vet of his infinite bontie, to loue that which was not worthie to be loued, hath not fully diffolued, loft, and de ftroyed mankynde, as his wickednes required, but fuffe- red, and bare with man loumgly, and pacientlv, geuing him terme and leafure to tourne agayne to his God, and to reforme him felfe to that obedience, from which he was gone aftraye. And albeit God femed to diffemble, and fay nothing (as thogh he wolde hyde him felfe from men) fuffering them to walke according to their defires, and lulls of concupifcece, without lawes, without gouuer- nement, and without any maner of correction by his wor de : yet he gave them fufficient inftruttions which might move them to feke, tafte and fynde him : and fo to knowe and honour him as it apperteyned. For euery wher, in all places, and in all things, he hath difplayed his enfignes, yea fo cleanely blafed his armes, that there was no tuche idiote which colde pretende ignorance, in not knowing fo fouueraigne THE EPISTLE. fouueraigne a Lord, which had fo richely exalted his ma gnificence, for in all partes of the worlde, in heauen, and in earth, he writ, and as it were ingraued the glorie of his might, bontie, wifdome, & eternitie. S. Paul therfore fayd very true, That the Lord left not him felfe without tefti- monie : euen towarde them, to whom he fent no knowlage of his worde. Seing that all the creatures from the very firmament vnto the centre of the earth, might be not one- ly witneffes, & meffengers of his glorie to all men, to cau fe the to feke him : and hauing founde him to receaue him gentely, & do him homage, as the worthines of fo boun tiful a Lord, fo mighty, fo wife, and eternal doth require : but alfo helpes and gydes to euery one in their degre, to conduct them to the fame. For the byrds in their melody fonge to God : the beaftes called vnto him : elements re- uerenced him : the mountaines founded of him : the ryuers and fountaines loked louely on him : the herbes and flou- res fmyled on him. Althogh douteles it was no nede to fe ke him farre of, feing that euery man might fynde him in him felfe : in afmuche as we are all fufteined and confer- ued by his vertue that dwelleth in vs. Yet to thintentthat he might ihewe more manifeftly his goodnes and infinit mercie among men, it pleaced him not onely to inftruct all by fuch leffons as we haue aboue mencioned : but efpe- cially called one certeyn people to heare his voice, the which people of his good wil, and liberale grace he dyd elecr,, and chofe among all the nations of the worlde. The- fe are the children of Ifrael : to whome by his worde he (hewed who he was : and by his wonderful workes decla red, what hecolde do. For he drewe them from the fubie- ction of Pharao kyng of Egypt (vnder the which they we re tyed and oppreft) to deliuer them and make them fre. He accompagnied them night and day in their flight, as thogh he him felfe were a flier amog them. He nouriihed them in wildernes. He made them poffeffors of the land promifed. He gaue them victories and triumphe in their *.iii. THE EPISTLE. hands. And as if he had had nothing to do with other nati ons, he wolde expreffely be called the God of Ifrael : & y theyihulde be named his people, vnder condition, that they ihulde neuer acknowllage other Lord, nether recea- ue any other God, Which Couenant was confirmed, & au- thenticall inftruments were made of the Teftament & wit- nes -fr he deliuered vnto them. Notwithftanding as men which fmelled of their curfed race, they ftiewed them fel ues the very heires of the iniquitie of their father Adam, and were nothing moued with fuche prerogatiues and declarations, nether gaue eare to the doctrine wherby God admonifhed them. The people in whom was writ the glorie and magnificece of God, profited nothing the Getils by their example to moue the to glorifie y Lord, of whome they were an euidet witnes. The Lawe and y Pro phets bare no autoritie amog y lewes to guyde the in the right way. They were all blynde in the light, deafe at ad monitions, hardened at the comandements. Trueth it is y the Getils, aftonied & cSuinced w the innumerable treafu- res & benefits, w they fawe with their eye were copelled to knowe the beneficiall God whome they fawe not, be- caufe of that infinit bontie w- proceded of him. But infte- de of rendering to him the glorie, which apparteyned to the true God, they facioned to them felues a God after their pleafure, and according as their foliihe phantafies in the vayne deceite therof had dreamed. And not one onely, but so many as their difordered prefumption was able to imagine & make : in fuch fort that ther was nether people nor contrey, vr made not to them felues new Gods, as femed to them good. Hereof idolatrie the traiterous baude began to raygne, and entifed and tourned backe men from God, and caufed them to fet their myndes on a rable of idoles, of whofe forme, name, and fubftace they them felues were the autors. Touching the lewes, althogh they receaued and accepted the meffages and ordinan ces which the Lord fent them by his feruants : yet inconti nently THE EPISTLE. nently they brake promeffe with him, raihely they tour ned backe from him, they dyd tranfgreffe & contemne his Lawe, they hated it, & walked in it against their wil, they became ftragers fro his houfe & diffolutly ran after other Gods contrarie to his wil, & became idolaters as the Gen tils were. Wherfore to drawe as wel the lewes as Gentils to God, it was requifed that a newe Couenant iliulde be made, which were certeine, fure, & inuiolable. And to efta- bliihe and cofirme this, it was neceffarie to haue a Media tor, which ihulde make interceffion, and put him felfe as a ftaye betwixt the two partes to agre the : without whome man (holde remayne for euer in the wrath and indignatio of God, and colde haue no way to rife vp out of the curfe, miferie, and confufion wher into he was fallen headlong. This was our Lord and Sauiour Iefus Chrift, the true, and only eternal Sonne of God, who ihulde be fent fro the Fa ther and geuen to men to be the reftaurer of the worlde, which was as fcattered, deftroyed, and defolate : in whome fmce the worlde began was euen hope to recouer that lof- fe purchaffed by Adam : for euer vnto Adam him felfe im mediately after his fall, was geuen for his confolation and cofort, the promeffe, That by the Sede of the woman the Serpets head fliulde be bruifed. Which was to fay, that by Iefus Chrift borne of a Virgine the power of Sata. ihul de be beaten downe and broken. Afterwarde the fame pro meffe was more amply renued to Abraha, when God fayd vnto him, That by his fede all the nations of the worlde ihulde be bleffed. Which ment, that of his fede or race ftiulde come Iefus Chrift according to the fleflhe : by who- fe bleffing all men, of what nation foeuer they were, ihuld be fanctified. And agayne it was continued to Ifaac, in the fame forme & wordes. And afterwarde many tymes publi ftied, repeted, and confirmed by the teftimonie of diuers Prophets : infomuche that for our more ful perfuafion they haue certified of whome he (holde be borne, at what tyme, in what place, what afflictios, & death he (holde fuf fre, y glorie wheri he (holde rife agayne, what his kingdo *.iiii. THE EPISTLE. me ihulde be, and to what faluation he wolde leade his. Firft Ifaie forefpake vnto us, how that he (holde be borne of a Virgine, faying, Beholde y Virgine (lialbe with chil- de, and (hal bring forth a Sonne, and thou (halt call his name Emmanuel. In Mofes the tyme is defcribed vnto vs, when Iacob fayed, The fceptre (hal not be taken away from the ligne of Iehudah, nor y chief Gouuernor of his holt, til he come which (hulde be fent, and he (halbe the wayting fore of the Gentils. Which thing was verified whe Iefus Chrift came into the worlde. For the Romains, after they had depriued the lewes of all gouernemet and charge, about seuen and thirtie yeres before Chrift was borne, appointed Herode King ouer them : who was a stra ger, and his father was named Antipater an Idumean, & his mother an Arabian. Some tymes in dede it happened that ther were no Kynges among the lewes, but they were neuer vnprouided of Cofellers, Gouernors, & Lawmakers, as when Herode raigned. Alfo Daniel maketh another de- fcription of the tyme, by the fupputation of feuety and fe- uen weekes. The place of his birth is playnely fignified vn to vs by Micheas, faying, And thou Bethlehe called Ephra thah, thou art not the left among the Thoufandes of Iehu dah, fro thee lhal come he, which (halbe Ruler in Ifrael, & his comming out, is from the beginning of the days of eternitie. As cocerning the afflictions w he f hulde fuftey- ne for our dehuerace, & y death that he (hulde fuffre for our redemption, Ifaie and Zacharie haue both largely, & certeinly fpoken. The glorie of his refurrection, y maner of his kyngdome, the grace of faluation, which he wolde (hewe to his people, haue bene abudatly intraited by Ifai, Ieremie, and Zacharie. In fuche promifes publifhed, & te- ltified by thefe holy me fulfilled with the holy Spirit, the children and elect of God haue quieted and coforted the felues : and haue nouriihed, continued, and increafed their hope in the fame : wayting when the Lords wil was to per- forme that w he promifed. Amoge whome, many Kyngs & Prophets haue greatly defired to fe the accompliihment. Albeit THE EPISTLE. Albeit in the meane ceafon they fayled not to coprehende by faith in their hartes, that w they colde not fe with the eye. Forthermore, that they might be cofirmed by all me anes in their longe expectation of this great Meffias, God gaue them his Lawe written, wherin were coteyned many ceremonies, purifications, and facrifices the which things were but figures & (hadowes of great benefits to come by Chrift, who only was the body and trueth of them. For the Lawe colde bring none to perfection : but only (liewed the way and as a (hole mailer dyd guyde and conduct men to Chrift, who was therof as S. Paul fayth, the ende and ac coplifhmet. Likewife at fondry tymes, and at diuers fea- fons he sent them certeyn Kyngs, Princes, and Capitaines, to deliuer them out of the power of their ennemies, to go- uerne the with quietnes and peace, to wynne agayne that which they had loft, to caufe their eftat to florifhe, & with their valiant acts to make them famous among all other nations, that they might haue some tall of the manifolde wonders, which they receaued by that great Meffias, in whome (hulde be fet forth playnely all the power & for ce of the kyngdome of God. But when the fulnes of ty me was accomphihed, & the terme which God had ap pointed before, fell : this worthy Meffias, fo longe promi- fed, and fo long wayted fore, came, and hath finiihed and fulfilled all things that were neceffarie for our redemp tion and saluation. And was geuen not to the Ifraelites only, but to all men, of all nations and countreys : to the intent, that mankynde might be recociled by him to God. For declaration of the which thing, the Lord iesvs, which was the groundeworke and fubftance therof, hath ordeyned his Apoftles, to whome he gaue charge, & com- mandement to publiflie his grace through all the worlde. Now y Apoftles, becaufe they might behaue them felues in this charge as their dutie dyd require, dyd not onely labour diligently to execute their ambaffade by prea ching, but according to the example of Moyfes, and the Prophets, who left a perpetual memorie of their doctri- THE EPISTLE. ne, they haue put it in writing : wher firft they haue reher- fed the hiftorie of that which our Lord Iefus hath done & fuffered for our faluation : afterwarde they haue declared of what importa.ce all this was, and what proffit we recea- ue therof, & after what forte we mult take it. All this worke is called the Newe Teftamet. & is fo named in refpect of y Olde, the fr inafmuch as it oght to be referred to this, was in it felfe infirme and vnperfecl, & therfore was aboliihed and repelled. But this is the Newe and eternal Teftament, which (hal neuer waxe olde nor periihe, fmce that Iefus Chrift is the Mediator therof : who hath ratified and con firmed it by his death : wherin he hath accomplifhed the ful and perfect remiffion of all tranfgreffions, which re- mayned vnder the firft Teftament. The Scripture alfo calleth it the Gofpel, that is, good and glad tydings : fo rasmuch as in it is declared, that Christ, the only natural and eternal Sonne of the lyuing God, was made man, to make vs the children of God his Father by adoption. And fo he is our only Sauiour, in whome fully cofifteth our re demption, peace, iuftice, fancfification, faluation, and hfe : he dyed for our fynnes, and rofe agayne for our iuftifica- tion, he afcended to heaue to make vs entrie thither, to ta ke poffeffion for vs in our name, and to affift vs alwaies, before his Father as our Aduocat, & perpetual Sacrificer : fr fitteth at his right had, as Kyng, appointed Lord & Ma iler ouer all, to the ende f he might repaire all things in heaue, & in earth. The fr thing all the Aiigels, Patriarches, Prophets, and Apoftles were neuer able in any point to do: For they were not ordeyned of God for that purpofe. And as the Meffias was so often tymes promifed in f Olde Teftament by diuers teftimonies of the Prophets : so Iefus Chrift was declared by certeyn & indoubtable teftimoni es to be him, & no nother y ihulde come, & fr was loked fore, for y Lord God by his voyce and Spirit, by his An gels, Prophets, and Apoftles, yea by all his creatures hath affured vs fufficiently therof, fo that none can gaynefay it, THE EPISTLE. it, except he wolde refift & rebelle againft his power. Firft the eternal God hath witneffed vnto vs by his owne voy ce (which is out of dout an irreuocable veritie) faying, Be holde my welbeloued Sonne in whome I take great plea- fure.heare him. The holy Goft (as faith S. Iohn) is a great teftimonie of the fame in our hearts. The Angel Gabriel fent to the virgine Marie, fayed vnto her, Beholde thow (halt conceaue in thy wombe, and (halt bring forth a Son ne and (halt call his name Iefus. For he (halbe greate, and (halbe called y Sonne ofthe mofte higheft. And the Lord God (hal gyue him the throne of Dauid his father, and he (hall raigne in the houfe of Iacob for euer, and ther (halbe no end in his kyngdome. This fame meffage in fubftance was made to Iofeph. Afterwarde alfo to the (hepherds to whome it was faied, that the Sauiour was borne which was Chrift the Lord. And this tydlges was not onely broght by one Angel, but was approued by a great multitude of An gels, which all together rendred glorie to the Lord, & pu- blifhed peace in earth. Simeon the iuft in the propheticall Spirit confeffed the fame fr a lowde voice: for he holding y htle babe in his armes, faied, Now Lord thou doeft fuf fre thy feruant in peace, accordyng to thy worde : for myne eyes haue fene thy faving helth, the which thou haft pre pared before the face of all people. Alfo Iohn Baptift hath fpoken as apperteyned, when he fawe him come towarde the riuer Iorda, & faied, Beholde the La.be of God, behol de him that taketh away the fynnes of the worlde. Peter & all y Apoftles haue cofeffed, teftified, & preached all thigs perteyning to faluatio, & which were foretolde by y Pro phets to be fulfilled in Chrift y true Sone of God. & they, whome the Lord hath ordeyned to be witneffes euen to our tyme haue plentifully declared in their workes, how y re aders may knowe him sufficiently. The which teftimonies all together fo wel agre, as if they were but all one, that by their harmonie and agremet it is very eafy to knowe, that it is a mofte infanible trueth : for in lyes and falfitie ther is no fuche confent and concorde. Notwithftanding not THE EPISTLE. only the Father, the Sonne, the holy Goft, the Angels, the Prophets, and the Apoftles teftifie of Iefus Chrift : but al fo his meruellous workes declare his mofte excellent po wer. The ficke, the halting, the blynde, the deafe, the dum- me, they which haue the palfie, or leprofie, they that are lu natike, or pofleffed with deuils, yea the dead which he hath raifed, haue borne the badges of this thige. In his ow ne vertue he rofe agayne, in his Name he forgaue fynnes. And therfore he faide not without caufe, That the workes which his Father had geuen hym to do, were fufficient te- (timonies for him. Moreouer, the very wicked, and enne- mies of his glorie, were drawen by the force of the trueth to confeffe, and acknollage fome part therof : as Caiaphas, Pilate, & his wife. I wil not alledge the teftimonie of the deuils, and vnclene fpirits, feing that Iefus Chrift hath re fuced them. Finally the elements, and all creatures haue geuen praife to Iefus Chrift. At his comandement the wyn des were appeafed, the troubled fea quieted, the fifhe broght in his belly the piece of mony, the stones to beare him witnes cleft, the vaile of the temple deuided in two, the funne waxed darke, the graues opened, and many bo dies rife vp agayne. So y ther was nothing, nether in he- auen nor earthe, which teftified not Iefus Chrift to be his God, Lord, Master, & the great ambassador of the Father lent hither beneth to purchafe the faluation of mankyn- de. All thefe things are publifhed, declared, writen, and fealed to vs in this Teftament, by the which Iefus Chrift maketh vs his heires in the kyngdome of God his Father and declareth to vs his will, as he that maketh his teftamet to his heires, to put in execution. Now we are all called to this enheritance, without putting any maner of differen ce, ether betwixt man or woman, fmalle or great, feruant or Lord, mailer or fcholer, clergie or laitie, Hebrewe, Gre ke, Freeh, or Latin. None of them is refuced if thatby affu red confidence he embraceth that which is fent and pre fented vnto him : briefely whofoeuer (hal acknollage Ie fus Chrift fuche, as he is ordeyned ofthe Father. Therfore flial THE EPISTLE. (hall we that beare the names of Chriuians fuffre this Te- llamet to be taken from vs, or els to be hyd or corrupted ? which fo iuftely is ours, & without the which we can prete de no title to the kyngdome of God, without the which we knowe not the excellent graces and promifes which Iefus Chrift hath declared towards vs, nether the glorie & blef- fednes, which he hath prepared for vs. We knowe not what God hath comanded or forbidden vs, we cannot de- fcerne good from euil, light from darkenes the comman- dements of God from the conftitutions of men. Without the Gofpel we are vnproffitable and to none vfe : without the Gofpel we are not Chriftians : without the Gofpel all riches are but pouertie, wifdome is foly before God, itrength is weakenes, and all mans rightuoufnes is conde- ned before God. But by the knollage ofthe Gofpel we are made children of God, brethern of Iefus Chrift, burgeoi- fes together with the Saints, citifens of the kyngdome of heauenjieiresof God with Iefus Chrift : by whome the po- ore are made riche, the weake ftronge, the foles wife, the fynners iuft, the defolat coforted, the doutful affured, the feruants fre. This Gofpel is the worde of life and trueth : that is, the power of God to the faluation of all beleuers : and the keye of the knollage of God which openeth the gate of the kyngdome of heauen to the faithful, by vnbyn- ding their fynnes : and (hutteth it to the infideles, by tying them in their fynnes. Bleffed are they that heare it, and ke pe it : for hereby they (hewe that they are the children of God. Curfed are they that wil not heare it, and followe it, for they are the children of the deuil. Oh Chriftias, vnder stand now, and learne this point, for douteles the ignorat (hal perifhe in his ignoriice, and the blynde following a- nother blinde dial fall with him into the ditche. Ther is but one way to life and faluation, that is, Faith in the af- furance of Gods promifes, which we can not haue without the Gofpel : by hearing and vnderftanding wherof, the li- uely faith is geuen, with mode affured hope and perfect charitie in God, and feruent loue towards our neighbour. THE EPISTLE. Wher is then your hope, yf you contemn e and difdaigne to hear, to fe, to reade, and obferue this holy Gofpel ? They whofe affections are entangled with the corruptible things of this worlde, purchafe by all meanes that thing which they perfuade them felues to forther their felicitie, fparing no labour, no not their body, their life, and name. And yet all thefe things ferue but this wretched carkeis, whofe life is mofte vayne, miferable, and vncerteyne. And (hal we not endeuour our felues to obteyne the immortal & incorruptible life of that eternal and ineftimable feli citie of the heauenly treafurs ? They which gyue them fel ues to handy craftes, be they neuer fo bafe or vile, befto- we great peines and dihgence to atteyne to the knollage of the fame : and they which ftryue to be higheft in reputa tion, beat their wittes night and daie in the artes liberall or other fciences, which are but wynde & fmoke : how mu- che more in refpedt oght we to employe and ftrayne our felues in the ftudie of this heauenly wifdome which far re furmonteth all the worlde, and perceth euen the very fe- crets of God ? Which fecrets it hath pleaced him to reuei- le by his holy worde. What thing can ther be then that might vnaquaynte vs and dryue vs backe from this Gof pel ? Shal iniuries, euil fayings, rebukes, loffe of worldely honours ? We knowe that Chrift hath walked this waye whofe fteppes we oght to followe if we wilbe his difci- ples : nether oght we to refufe to be contemned moc ked, abafed, and reiected of men for to be honoured, praifed, glorified, and exalted in the iudgement of God. Shal banilhement, proclamations of atteynte, loffe of landes and goods ? We are affured that howbeit we be ba- niihed out of one contrey, yet the earth is the Lords, and thogh we (hulde be caft out of all the earth, yet (hal we not be out of the Umites of his kigdome. Thogh we be fpoyled & impoueriihed, yet haue we a Father riche ynough to nou- rifhe vs : yea Iefus Chrift was made poore to thintent that we (hulde follow him in pouertie. Shal afflictions, pri- fons, THE EPISTLE. fons, rackings, torments make vs (hrinke from this Gofpel ? We learne by the example of Iefus Chrift that this is the right pathe to come to glorie. Finally, (hal death ? nay, de ath can not take away that life which we waite and wiihe fore. To conclude, if we haue Iefus Chrift with vs we (hal fynde nothing fo curfed, which by him is not bleffed : no thing fo execrable, which is not fancfified : nothing fo euil which tourneth not to our commoditie. Let vs not then be difcouraged althogh we fe all the worldely powers and mightes bent to the contrarie : for the promife cannot de- ceaue vs, wherin the Lord faieth, That out of his holy place he wil mocke at the affembles, and enterprifes of men which confpire againft him. Let vs not be difcomforted as thogh all hope were loft, when we fe the true feruants of God dye and deftroyed before our eyes: for it is truley fa ied by Tertullian, and hath alwaies bene fo proued, & (hal be in the ede of the worlde, That the bloude of Martyrs is the fede fowing of the Churche. And yet haue we a better & more fare confolarion, which is to turne away our eyes from the worlde, and to forfake whatfoeuer we fe before vs, wayting paciently for the great Iudgement of God, by the which in one moment (halbe beaten downe, ouerthro wen, and broght to nothing, all that man euer enterprifed againft him. Which thing (halbe when the kyngdome of God which we now fe in hope (halbe manifefted, and when Iefus Chrift (hal appeare in his maieftie with his Angels. Then muft both good and euil be prefent befo re the iudgement feate of that great Kyng. And they which haue remayned conftant in this Teftament, and ha ue followed, and kept the wil of the Father (halbe at the right hand as his very children, and fhal receaue the bleffing, which is the ende and effecf. of their faith, that is, life euerlafting. And forasmuche as they ha ue not bene alhamed to auowe and confeffe Iefus Chri- fte at that tyme when he was defpiced and contemned before men, they (halbe partakers of his glorie, and THE EPISTLE. crowned with him for euermore. But the wicked, the re- bells and the reprobat which haue contemned and reie- fted this holy Gofpel : alfo they, which for to maynteyne their honours, riches, and great eftimation wolde not hu- ble and abafe them felues with Iefus Chrift, but for the fe are of men haue left the feare of God, as baftards and difo bedient to their Father, flialbe at the lift hande, caft into maledicti5, and for rewarde of their infidelitie, (hal rece- aue euerlafting death. Seing then you haue vnderftand that the Gofpel doth prefet vnto you Iefus Chrift, in who me all the promeffes & graces of God are accomplilhed : and declareth vnto you, that he hath been fent of the Fa ther, hath come downe into the earth, hath bene conuer- fant with me, & hath performed whatfoeuer was requited for our faluation, as he had forwarned in his Lawe and Prophets: you mud holde it for mofte affured & manifeft, that the treafures of heauen are open vnto you, the riches of God are layed before you, and the life euerlafting is re ueiled. For this is life euerlafting, to knowe our only true God, and him whome he hath fent Iefus Chrift : in whome he hath appointed the hegynning, myddes, and ende of our faluation. This is Ifaac the welbeloued Sonne of the Father, which was offered in facrifice and yet gaue not pla ce to death. This is the vigilat Shepherde Iacob which had fo great care ouer the ihepe which he had in keping. This is the good and merciful Brother Iofeph, who in his glo rie was not afhamed to acknollage his brethern, were they neuer so bafe and abiect. This is the great hie Pried and bi- (hope Melchi-zedec who made an euerlaftig facrifice on ce for all. This is the excellent Lawmaker Mofes who wri- teth his Lawe in the tables of our hertes by his Spirit. This is the faithful Capitaine and guyde Iehofua, to conduct vs into the Lande of promeffe. This is the noble and vicf ori- ous Kyng Dauid, fmyting downe with his had all rebelli ous power. This is the magnifical and triumphing KyngSo- lomon, gouerning his kingdome in peace and profperitie. This is the ftronge and valiant Samfon who by his death ouerthrewe THE EPISTLE. ouerthrewe all his ennemies. And laft of all euery good thing which hart can thinke or defire is founde in this on ly Iefus Chrift . For he hubled him felfe to exalt vs, he beca me feruant to make vs fre, he was impouerifhed to enriche vs, he was folde to rafon vs, he became prifoner to baile vs, he was condened to deliuer vs, he was made y curfe for our bleffing, an offrig for fynne for our rightuoufnes, he wasdif figured to fafliio vs, he dyed for our life. Infomuch y by hi roughnes is fmothed, anger appeafed, darckenes lightened, vnrightuoufnes iuftified, weakenes ftrengthened, difcom- fort comforted, fynne hrydeled, defpite contemned, feare boldened, debt payed, labour eafed, fadnes made glad, mi (hap goodhap, hardenes eafmes, difordre ordered, diuifio vnited, ignominie made noble, rebellion fubdued, mena cing menaced, ambufhe difcouered, affautes affailed, vio lence oppreffed, bataile beaten, warre foughten, vengeance punifhed, tormet tormented, danation daned, depth drow ned, hel chained, death dead, mortalitie immortal, and to be fhort, mercie hath fwallowed all miferie, and bontie hath ouercome all euil. For all thefe things fr were wont to be weapons of the deuil to ouercome vs, and the fting of death to fting vs, are turned now into a mod profitable exercife for our finguler commoditie. So that wemayglo rie with the Apoftle, faying, O death, where is thy vid o- rie ? 6 graue, wher is thy fting ? In the affurance the of this Spirit of Chrift promefed to his elect, we hue no more but Chrift in vs, and in fpirit we are fet among y heauely fpirits, in that, that the worlde to vs is no more worlde, al beit we be conuerfant in it, but we are in all things contet, be it our contrey, place, condition, apparel, meat, or other fuche things. By reafon wherof in tribulation we are cofor ted, in heauenes ioyful, in contempt honorable, in pouer- tie riche, in nakednes cled, in euils paciet, in death alyue. This is the thing briefely which we oght to feke in all the Scriptures. Which is, to knowe perfectly Iefus Chrift, and the infinit riches, which are comprifed in him, & offered vnto vs through him of God his Fajher. For if we diliget- THE EPISTLE. ly examine the Lawe and the Prophets, we (hal not finde fo muche as one worde, which leadeth not & bringeth vs to this effect. And in dede, fince that all the treafures of wyf- dome and vnderftanding are hyd in him, we muft feke for no other marcke nor meanes except we wolde wittingly & willingly tourne backe from the light of the trueth, and caft ourfelues headlonge into the darke pit of hes. Ther fore S. Paul in another place faith, y he eftemed him fel fe to knowe nothing but Iefus Chrift, and him crucified, For howbeit it femeth, after the iudgement of the flefhe, y this knowlage is but a c5mon, and contemptible thing : yet is it fufficient for vs to beftowe our ftudies in, all y dayes of our life. Nether (hal we lofe our tyme whe we (hal em ploye all our diligece and wit to thintent that we may prof- fit in the fame. What can we more dedre for the fpiritual inftructio of our foules, then to knowe of God, to be tranf- formed into him, & to haue his glorious image printed in vs to the ende that we might be partakers of his iuftice ! to be heires of his kingdome ? & in y end fully to poffeffe it ? Trueth it is, that fro the begynning, God gaue him felfe to be knowen, but in thefe latter dayes he (heweth him felfe more clerely, that we diulde beholde him in y face of his Chrift. Wherfore we may in no wife tourne backe, or go a ftraye hither & thither, be it neuer fo litle : but we muft wholy gyue our felues to this point, that we may learne by the Scripture to know Iefus Chrift onely, that by him we may be conducted in the right way to the Father, who co- teyneth in him felfe all perfection. Beholde I fay agayne, wherin all wifdome that man can comprehende or attey- ne vnto in this life, is inclofed, vnto the fr, nether Angel, nor man, nether dead nor quicke can adde or diminifhe. Therfore it is the marke wher we muft reft, & the copaffe wherin we muft limite our vnderstanding, without enter medling any thing of our owne phatade, or receauing any other doctrine, be it neuer fo probable, fr is added ther vn to. For he that dare entreprife to teache one fyllable far ther, or more then is taught vs in his worde, oght to be ac- curfed before God and his Churche. TO THE READER MERCIE AND peace through Chrift our Sauiour. ) S the life of a true Chriftia is mofte i'ub jierJt to the repreheiion of the worlde : fo 'all his actios, & entreprifes, be they ne tuer fo comedable, moue the wicked ra ther to grudge & murmure, the to glorifie God who is autor of the fame. Which euil God hath left to his Churche, as a neceffarie exercife, afwel that ma lholde not be puffed vp with opinion of the gifts that he receaueth of his heauely Father : as also that feing how he euer mainteyneth the fame in defpite of all outrageous tyrannie, he might be more affu red of Gods diuine prouidence, and louing kynde- nes towards his ele&r * For this caufe we fe that in the Churche of Chrift ther are thre kyndes of mg: fome are malicious defpicers of the worde, & gra ces of God, who turne all things into poifon, and a farther hardening of their hearts: others do not openly relifte & contgne the Gofpel, becaufe they are ftroken as it were in a trance with the maieftie therof, yet ether they quarell and cauell, or els deri de and mocke at whatfoeuer thing is done for the aduanceme't of the fame. The thirde fort are the fim pie lambes, which partely are already in the folde of Chrift, and fo heare willingly their Shepeherds voyce, and partly wandering aftray by ignorance, tary the tyme tyll the Shepherde fynde them and bring the- vnto his flocke. To this kynde of peo ple, in this tranilation I chiefly had refpect, as mo- TO THE READER. ued with zeale, confelled by the godly, and drawen by occafion, both of the place where God hath ap pointed vs to dwel, and alfo of the ftore of heauen ly learning & iudgemet, which fo abundeth in this Citie of Geneua, that iuftely it may be called the patron and mirrour of true religion and godlynes. To thefe therfore which are of the flocke of Chrift which knowe their Fathers wil, and are affecfioned to the trueth, I rendre a reafon of my doing in fe- we lines. Firft as touchig the peruling of the text, it was diligently reuifed by the mofte approued Greke examples, and conference of tranllations in other tonges as the learned may eafely iudge, both by the faithful rendering of the fentence, and alio by the proprietie of the wordes, and perfpicuitie of the phrafe. Forthermore that the Reader might be by all meanes proffited, I haue deuided the text in to veri'es and fec?ti5s, according to the beft editions in other langages, and alfo, as to this day the anciet Greke copies mencion, it was wont to be vfed. And becaufe the Hebrewe and Greke phrafes, which are ftrange to rendre in other tongues, and alfo Ihort, Ihulde not be to harde, I haue lbmetyme interpre ted them without any whit diminifhing the grace of the fenfe, as our lagage doth vfe them, and fome- tyme haue put to that worde, which lacking made the fentence obfcure, but haue fet it in fuch letters as may eafely be difcerned from the c5mun text. As cocerning the Annotations, wherunto thefe let ters a, b, c, &c. leade vs, I haue endeuored so to prof fit all therby, that both the learned & others might be TO THE READER. be holpen : for to my knollage I haue omitted no thing vnexpounded, wherby he that is any thing exercifed in the Scriptures of God, might iuftely coplayn of hardenes : and alfo in refpecl; of the" that haue more profited in the fame, I haue explicat all fuche places by the beft learned interpreters, as ether were falfely expounded by fome, or els abfur dely applyed by others: fo that by this meanes both they which haue not abilitie to by the Commenta ries vpon the Newe teftament, and they alfo which haue not opportunitie & leafure to reade them be caufe of their prolixitie may vfe this booke in fte- de therof. and fome tyme wher the place is not gre atly harde, I haue noted with this marke ", that which may ferue to the edification of the Reader : adding alfo fuche commone places, as may caufe him better to take hede to the doctrine. Moreouer, the diuerfe readings according to diuerfe Greke co pies, which ftade but in one worde, may be knowe by this note ", and if the bookes do alter in the fen tence then is it noted with this ftarre *, as the cota- tions are. Laft of all remayne the arguments, afwel they which conteyne the fume of euery chapter, as the other which are placed before the bookes and epiftles : wherof the comoditie is fo great, that they may ferue in ftede of a Commentarie to the Rea der : for many reade the Scriptures with myndes to proffit, but becaufe they do not confider the fcope and purpofe wherfore the holy Goft fo writeth & to what ende (which thing the Arguments do faith fully expreffe) they either beftowe their tyme TO THE READER. without fruit, or els defraude them felues of a gre at deale which they might atteyne vnto otherwife. To the intent therfore that, not onely they which are already aduanced in the knollage of the Scrip tures, but alfo the fimple and vnlearned might be forthered hereby, I haue fo moderat the with play nenes and breuitie, that the verie ignorant may ea fely vnderftande them and beare them in memorie. And for this caufe I haue applied but one argumet to the foure Euangelifts, chiefely for becaufe that all writing one matter, thogh by euery one diuer- fly handeled, they required no diueriitie of argu ments. Thus in fewe wordes I haue declared as touching the chiefe pointes, befeching God fo to inflame our hearts with the defire to knowe his di- uine wil, that we may meditate in his holy worde both day and night, wherin he hath reueiled it, and hauing atteyned thervnto may fo praclife it in all our actions, that as we growe in the ripenes of our Chriftian age, fo we may glorifie him more and more rendring to him eternal Cankes and praifes for his heauenly and ineftimable giftes beftowed vpon his Churche, that all thogh Satan, Antichrift, and all his ennemies rage and burfte, yet are they not able to fuppreffe them, nether wil he diminilhe them : for feing he doth not onely brydel his enne mies furie, but caufeth them to defende and prefer- ue his gifts for the vfe of his Churche (as we fe the lewes, Chrifts profeffed enemies preferue the olde teftament in mofte integritie) what Ihulde we dou te of his bontiful liberalitie towards vs ? or why do THE ARGVMENT. we not rather with all humilitie and fubmiffion of mynde obey him, loue & feare him which is God bleffed for euer ? To who me with the Sonne and ho ly Goft be praife, honour & glo rie. Amen. THE ARGVMENT OF THE GOSPEL, writ by the foure Euangelifts. N this hiftorie writte by Matthewe, Marke, Lu ke and Iohn, the Spirit of Godfo gouerned their he- '. arts, that althogh they were foure innomber,yet in effect and purpofe theyfo confent,as thogh the who le had bene compofed by any one of them. And al beit in ftile and maner of writing they be diuers, and fome tyme onewriteth more largely that which the other doth abbridge: ne- uerthelesin matter and argumet they all tende to one ende: which is, to publijhe to the worlde the fauour of God towarde mankyn- de through Chrift Iefus, whome the Father hath geuen as apled- ge of his mercie and loue. And for this caufe they intitle their fto- rie Gofpel, which fignifieth, good tydings, forafmuche as God hath performed in dede that which the fathers hoped fore. So that here by we are admonifhed to forfake the worlde, and the vanities the rof, and with mofte affectioned hearts embrace this incomparable treafure frely offred vnto vs. for ther is no ioye nor confolation, no peace nor quietnes, no felicitie nor J'aluation, but in Iefus Chrift, who is the very j'ubftance of this Gofpel, and in whome all thepro mifes are yea, and amen. And therfore vnder this worde is con- teyned the whole Newe teftament, but comonly we vfe this name **.iiii. THE ARGVMENT. for the hiftorie, which the foure Euangelifts write, conteyning Chrifts comming in the flefhe, his death, and refurreclion, which is the perfect fumme of our faluation. Matthewe, Marke, r^ta^n? 13 And Zorobabel begate Abiud. And"""* "' that they were sia Abiud begate Eliacim. And Ehacim be- ues, yet by the pro . . uidece of God the gal;e -tiZOr. gouuernement re- 14 And Azor begate Sadoc. And Sadoc mamed in the fami . . . . 7 , a i ¦ , t-,.--. lie of Dauid, wher begate Achim. And Achim begate Ehud. iheC™ommfngtyof 15 And Ehud begate Eleazar. AndElea- christe. zar begate Matthan . And Matthan begate lacob. BY S. MATTHEW. 2 lacob. K Alb«i' "« le- " which signi 16 And lacob begate "loseph, the hous- kynredbytLma- tel annom" bad of Marie, of whome was borne lesus, J££$ ffij***: that is called '"Christe. wellbesoreconed, C 17 And so all the generations fr5 Abra- mariedVamaof ham to Dauid, are fourtene generations. hf ^"isthe^rue And from Dauid to the tyme they were kinge, Priest, and .caryed into Babylon, are fourtene gene TedofGodTtl rations. And from the tyme they were cari- compiishe the of- ed into Babylon to Christe, are also four tene generations. The birth of 18 Now the byrth of lesus Christ was on i«* 'i c tbys '"y^- When his mother Marie was * betrowthed to loseph (before they came together) she was found wyth chylde of the holy Gost. Themariage 19 Then loseph her housband beyng a of Marie. Jus(. man gjj,} fofa to * ma]je Jjgj. a pUbhke Deut. 24. a. ' . r exemple ot iniamie, was mynded to put her a way secretly. 20 Whyle he thus reasoned with him self beholde the Angel of the Lord appeared vnto him in a k dreame, saving:, loseph the ' Tbis dreame is i it _ witnessed b v the 'sonne of Dauid, feare not to take Marie holy Gost, and is a for thy wife : For that whych is conceaued „„" n^™1;1****" in her, is of the holy Gost. ' This name put cv, ot_ i_ i i_ ¦ c _, j j.i teth him in remem "lesos that is 21 she shal bring forth a sonne, and thou brance of Gods tosayasaui- shalt * can his name "lesus. For he shal* sa- pr°messe to Da- our. , uid. Philip. 2.6. ue his people from their synnes. Act.4.b. 22 All this was done to fulfil that which was spoken of the Lord by the Prophet, Esa 7 c° 23 *Benold> tnat "may-de shal be wyth "Whom'eGod chylde, and shal bring forth a sonne, and ^l1*0*™. they shal call his name Emmanuel, which to that ende. . ,•* . . «... m r^A ;. in- is by mterpretation, m God with vs. ned ^nabi ££ 24 And loseph as sone as he awoke out of anes of "esus slepe, dyd as the Angel of the Lord bade God ani man. Chap. II. THE GOSPEL WRIT "„c^tecis.1lere and toke his wife vnto him. called the first bor , , , . , ne.becauseshehad 25 And knewe her not, til she had broght andrtTr'etect foorth her " * first borne sonne, and cal- Lul, 2. u. of any she had af- \e^ nis name IBSVS. ter. Nether yet doth this worde (tilllimportalwais _ „ , , «,„,„„ a time following: THE II CHAPTER, rieemathbe°amr" The tymS and VUce "^ Christes *"""***¦ The medmasyour Saui- wise nien "ffer their presentes. Christ flieth into our saing, that he Egypt. The yonge childre are slaine. Christ tur- wil be preset with net^ into Qalile. his disciples, til woride.meaneth V^611 IeSUS ^ b°me &t Bet^6^ in ,fThese wise not that after this "* *>Iurie, in the tyme of Herode the men were the be^wiVthem1 n0t king : Beholde there came" "wise men fro e?*i f™* "f oe ffiia ineiu. b ^e Gentiles the East to Ierusalem, which came „ "• . 2 Saying, Where is that kigof lewes that *° ™™hiPe ' For ther is an . J ° ' ° . . Christ. other Bethlehe in is borne ? p or we haue sene his c starre in Nom. 24 . v. the tribe of zabu-the Eastj and aje comed to worship him'. ¦> wise me or Ma 3 When king Herode heard this, he was „For . & Chaldeans tonge troubled, and" all Ierusalem with him. were afraied p^pfies'tXor 4 *** gathering together all the chiefe re0sd'e i{lostHh% Astronomers. Priestes & Scribes of the people, he asked kingdome, rie*signetrtordse'u °f them, where Christe should be borne, haue "bene foorth that kings 5 eAnd they said -vnto him, at Bethlehem si^fhterand honour, whom the .-_.-' •,.--, ., -n n , murther. worlde did not es- in lurie. t or so lt is wntte by the rrophet: Miche 5. a. ''wwchwas ade 6 *And tbou Bethlehem in f land of Iu- Iohn 8. c. ciaration of that rie, art not the least among the Princes of reuerence, which t l r *. r ..i. i. i the Gentiles luda : lor out ol thee shal come vnto me, chri't beare ™t0 tbe captaine that shal gouerne my peo- • Thei could wel pie Israel. neraf Pbuf whfn ? The Herode" priuely called the wise me B they should profes and diligetry inquired of them the time science' is°na" se his name, they c ., f ¦* ,, "J , {,„„(„„ J? waxe colde, and of the starre that appeared. burning fire. shrincke backe. g And sent them to Bethlehem, saying, Go, and search diligently for the babe. And when ye haue found him, bring me worde againe, that I may come and wor ship him also. „ ,„. J 9 When BY S. MATTHEW. 3 9 When they had heard the king, thev de ,„. . f, r . ° , } ' The starre vam- parted : and lo, the 'starre which they saw shed awaie before, in the East, wet before them, til it came & shouwtatyViem stode ouer the place wher the childe was. ?ale™; and ther<- 10 When they saw the starre, they reioy- thinge.to thecofu sed with an exceding great gladnes. 8ion of the Iewes- 1 1 And went into the house, and found the child with Marie his mother, and fal ling downe, worshipped him, ad opened their treasures, and offered vnto him gyf- Psal 12.b. tes,* ""gold, franckensence, and myrrhe. « The Persiasma -HowGodde 12 And aftera«!F were warned of God in Z "king™', "with liuereth his a dreame, that they " should11 not go again °ut a present, and from dagers. t0 Herode : they returned into their owne broght" of that contrey an other waie. whic.h wa? I*"°st.e r7 -,.-, ,!,, a precious in their *-> 13 After their departure, beholde the An countrie. gel of the Lord appeared to loseph in a nofT bT kep" dreame, saying, Arise, and take the babe wher Gods honour and his mother, and flie into Egypt, and his trueth is hin- be there til I bring thee worde. For it wil dered- come to passe, that Herode wil seke the babe to destroye him. loseph ta- ^ The he arose & toke the childe and his keth iesus ad mother by night, ad departed into Egypt. and fiiethin- 15 And was there vnto the death of Hero Owfli" a de' t0 ' ful£1 that Which WaS SP°kS °f the prlrSred'by^ nom. 24.' ' Lord by the *Prophet, which sayeth, Out deiiuerance of the ofhHero'demie of ^SYPt haue I called my sonne. EOTtlwhitAwe?! 16 kThen Herode perceauing that he was christes churche, . r ° ,. and his bodie, is mocked ol the wise men, was exceadmg now verified, and wroth, & sent forth and slewe al the male the°head.ShC,i ™ childre that were in Bethlehe, and in all k within a certein the coastes therof, as many as were two yere olde & vnder, according to the time which he had diligently searched out of the wise men. 1 7 The was fulfilled that which was spo- loseph n tourneth. Chap. III. THE GOSPEL WRIT ¦ Herode re- ken by the Prophet Ieremie, saying, Xehth: BeTa! 18 In ' Rhama was a voyce heard, mour- mites had suffred nmEr vvenvng, and great lamentation : Ra- longe before, yet , p rj o' o 1 , for all his cruel- chel wepyng for her children, and would „Thatis they bringe to^se0' not be conforted, bycause they "were not. were killed % that christe shuid 19 When Herode was dead, beholde, an jja ' ™t raigne. Angel of the Lord appeared in a dreame to loseph in Egypt, 20 Saying, Arise and take the childe and his mother, & go into the land of Israel : for they are dead which soght the childes lyfe. » Which is holy 21 Then he arose vp, and toke the childe todGo°d?Seaiiud1ng and his mother, and came into the land of vnto those that Israel. ihXeNiaw,nwehich 22 But when he heard that Archelaus dyd were a figure of rayn-ne in Iewrie, in the roume of his fa- that holmes which * J o ' shuid be mamfe- ther Herode, he was arrayed to go thy- fa™™serA ther. Notwithstanding, after he was war- &c. ned of God in a dreame, he turned asyde into the parties of Galile, 23 And went and dwelt in a citie called Ivd. 13.a. Nazaret, to fulfyl that which was spo- g™* ofiftia ken by the Prophetes : which was, that he reth. in. ' shulde be called "a m * Nazarite . a In the firste yere ofthe raigne THE III. CHAPTER. of Tyberius, after The office, doctrine, and life of Iohn, and how . ttmer'emahwdfn Christ was baptized of him in lordan, and au- Mar } a Nazaret, and was torised by God his Father. luh.S.a. now about 30 yere i *Nd in 'those daies, Iohn theBapti-"The,baptis- olde. L\ > , , . , . * ., me of amen- >> so called in re -i- *- ste came and preached m the "wil- dmet of life. spectofthe play- . r t • "Or be sorv ne Countrey and denies of IeWTie, for your ^J fartiievaiieesiand 2 Saying, "Repent, for the c kyngdome 'es past, and not because it was ¦" ° . , , J ° amend. not inhabited. of heauen is at hand. GoTwri raignhea' 3 For this is he of whome it hath bene ouer ys, gather vs spoken by the Prophet Esaie, who saieth, vnto him, pardon *¦ J A ' oure synnes, and adopte vs by the preaching of the gospel. The BY S. MATTHEW. 4 Iohn.i.d. *The voyce of him that crieth inwilder- "We'most put nes is> Prepare the way of the Lord, make of our old a- his pathes stray ght. p™oTrPSei-4*This Iohn had his d garment of Ca- ^ouenmthh^ demMoTufe me^s neare> and a gyrdle of a skyn about clothe, to receyue his loynes. His meat was elocustes and e Such meates as the mercies ^j , nature broght for- p ixn _ !.• t l o ,, the with out mans MarA.a. 5 Ihen went out to him Ierusalem & all labour or diiigen- luk.3.a. Iewrie, & all y region round about Iorda. --^^adeLeui.ii.d »o in. i.e. 6 And were baptized of him in Tordan, 'Acknowledging - . . , . r their fautes, for ¦confessing their synnes. there is no repen- B 7 When he sawe many of the Pharises Sonwithoutcon Publike con- & of the Sadduces come to his baptisme, XmA "3 b ne say*i vnto them, * O generations of vi- Chap.23.d. pers, who hath taught you before to flee from the vengeance to come ? 8 Bring forth therfore ysfruites belon- B He menacetn gyng to amendement of life. Saifcio™emphal 9 And presume not to say with your sei- ses with the iudge- lohn 8. e. ues, * we haue Abraham to our father : For Seyshewe' before aci!. \3.d. I say vnto vou, v God is able euen of these men such workes, Thelewesfla- J J . J -.,, ,, ,_ as are agreable to ttered them stones to raise vp children vnto Abraha. their profession. seiuesby the- i0 Euen now is the haxe put to the rote ir auncesters. r . Chap. 7. of the trees : so y euery tree which bryn- h The iudgemet geth not forth good fruit, is hewe downe, °f ^°dtj.0aeh^uch C and cast into the fyre. as are not worthi MarA.a. 1 1 * In deed I baptize you "with water to a ^ebe of his chur* luk.z.e. mendement of life : but he y commeth af- 'When God ba- ioh.i.d. ter me> is myglxtier then I, whose shoes I £1™ theWvertue act.\.a.2.a. am not worthy to beare: He shall baptize °f hb(.siit-''e n in fl J . f burnetii and con- you wyth the Tioly Gost and wyth 'fyre, sumeth the vices bapUsme^ 1 2 ^V*1 hath Us k famle in ^ ^^ * "Thfloue " inwarde ba- wil make cleane his floore, and gather y of Mm. ptisme. wheate into his garner, but will burne vp preaching of the the chaffe with vnquencheable fyre. IX^ta'"6 Mar.\.b. 13 *Then came lesus from Galile to lor- faithful as good luk.3. d. ,jan yjjto i0]aii t0 ke baptized «f him. Sreinfidefra™as a. iiii. chaffe- Chap. IIII. THE GOSPEL WRIT. 14 But Iohn put him backe, saying, I haue neede to be baptized of thee, and comest thou to me ? pj 15 lesus answering, saied to him, Let it be 1 We most render so nowe : For thus it becometh vs to 'ful- GodintinhtaVes nl all rightuousnes. Then he suffred him. which he hath or- 1 6 And lesus as sone as he was baptized, P*: be,?"fns deined . are opened, ~ To shewe the came straight out of the water : andlo, the The rather, Oome,°whicsh1fsnfn heauens were open vnto him : and Iohn 1sT0Gn„si;imdh0 ail meeknes and saw the Sprite of God descending hke a °" TheSfauour of m doue, and lighting vpon him. Esaie 52. e. God resteth on ie 17 And lo, there came a voice fro heauen, 2. pet.l.d. sus Christe, that . --- . * i i r-i - Cotos 1 c fro, him it might saymg, n 1ms is my beloued Sonne, m rjhav'li a wnicriferue li whome I am wel pleased. P' ' ' our selues his wra- m „ the and indigna- THB ""• CHAPTER. tion. Christe fasteth and, is tempted : he calleth Pe ter, Andrew, lames and Iohn, and healeth all the sycke. mi. HTHen was lesus led asyde of the a Spirit A * By the holy -*- into the wildernes, to be b tempted of christ is tem G,°t' v , _ thedeuil. pted. b Tothendethat ~ * . i i i -, , ,. , „ , „, , , he ouercommyng 2 And when he had fasted forty dayes Mar- 1 • *• might geTfheT' and forty nightes, he was afterward an'"**4*"* ctorieforvs. hongred. 3 Then came to him the tempter, & saied, commen "by' ChSTdt^ust1!1110'1 be the Sonne of God> c commande ^ Scriptu- God, and his wor- that these stones be made bread. therasntrau°ngeWM?d 4 But he answering, sayd, It is written, vniawfull mea- * Man shal not hue by bread onely, but Deute. 8. u. ¦¦Hemeaneththeby euery d worde that proceadeth out of *"P- 16- e- na^ortfned30^ tbe m°*h of God. gouueme his peo- 5 Then the deuil toke him vp into the holy Citie, and set him on a pinacle of the temple. 6 And sayd vnto him, If thou bey Sonne Psal.9.c. of God, cast thy self downe : For it is writ- ^he deuin a- ten, * that he shal geue his Angels charge Scriptures? ouer BY S. MATTHEW. 0 ouer thee, and with their handes they shal ehold thee vp, lest at any time thou shoul * He aiioageth dest dashe thy fote against a stone. ce to deceyueSther B 7 lesus said vnto him, It is written also, b"**** Jfathecrr'a^d Deut.G.c. * Thou shalt not ftempt the Lord thy God. purpose!8 God is not to 8 The deuil toke him vp againe vnto an be tempted, exceading hye mountaine, and g shewed le3Uwseum10JUfu5ii him all the kingdomes of the worlde, and meanes as God ,-, . . . , hath appoynted, to the glorie Ot them, seke others after 9 And said to hi, Al these wil I geue thee, our °™ f*mtasie- if thou fallyng downe wilt worship me. s in a vision. 10 The said lesus vnto him, "Auoyde Sata, Deut.6.e. For it is written, *Thou shalt worship the Godu ^r^rae audio, d. Lord thy God, & hi onely shalt thou serue. °f ''-esprit, wher- God onely is J ! ... - ,'. , , , ,, with Satan is ouer tobeworshi- 11 Ihen the deuil left mm : and beholde come. Mm- 1 b *ne Angels came ad rninistred vnto him. luk. 4. c. 12 *And when lesus had heard that Iohn wh. 4.f. was taken, he retourned into Galile. 1 3 And leauing Nazareth, went ad dwelt in Capernaum, which is nere the 'sea in ' For so they cai- the borders of Zabulon, and Nephtalim. nezarctti! 14 That it might be fulfilled which was spoken by Esaie the Prophet, saying, C 15 *The land of Zabulon and the land of Esa. 9. a. Nephtalim the waie of y sea beyond lor- dan, ¦* Galile of the Gentiles : l^ltZZ 1 6 The people which sate in ' darknes sawe a yere in ludea, $¦ . t i . j . .i o _ • .j Samaria.aod after great hght : and to them w sate in the re- went to preache in gion and shadowe of death, ligth is be- *** T^'mrc™ost^ gone to shyne. out' of the borders Mar. 1.6. 17 *From that time lesus began to prea- fmich'wMv.ith chnste prea- che an(i to saie, Amende your lyues, for out comfort, hath cheth. ii- i ci • ._ i j receyued consola the kingdome ol heauen is at hand. tion. Mar. I.b. 18 *And lesus walkyng by the sea of Ga- The calling lile, sawe two brethern, Simon which was stelsthe Ap°" called Peter, and Andrew his brother, ca- stinge a net into the sea : forthey were Chap. V. THE GOSPEL WRIT m God hath cho- mfyshers. sen the weake ,,/,,,' ., ,, -ni o thinges of the 19 And he said vnto them, lolowe me, oc rmight^ico' I will make you fishers *** of men. rint. i. a. 20 And they strayght way leaning their nettes, Mowed him. -To drawe them 2i And when he was gone forth fro then- d out of the sea of i i t t this world wherin ce, he sawe other two brethern, lames the thei are drowned. gonne rf Zebede> and Iohn ms brother in a ship wyth Zebede theyr father, meding their nettes : and he called them. °We oght to be 22 And they "without tariyng leauing Zfchrfst when the ship and their father, folowed him. hecaiieth.ieauing 23 And lesus went about all Galile, te- "J*™1?"?- all worldely re- , . . ,, . ~ , i - cheth to the spectes a part. aching m their bynagoges, and preaching Gaiiieas, and the gospel of the kingdome, and healing ^^h the all maner of sicknesses, and all maner of diseases among the people. 24 And his fame spred abroad through all Siria : ad they broght vnto him al syc- ke people, that were take wyth diuers di seases and grypinges, and them that were Christes diui- . rutie appea- possessed with deuils, & those which we- reth by hea- r They that were re Plunatike, and those that had the pal- bTegdisvncura* ZSE£ "of sey : and he healed them. themoone. 25 And there folowed him great num- _ itwasacotrie bres of people from Galile, and fro i De- wner it was ten Cities, as the word capolis, and from Ierusale, and fro Iurie, signifieth and fr0 the regions t}!at iye beyod Iorda, THE V. CHAPTER. Christ teacheth who ar happie. Of the digni- tie and office of the faithful : and of the true meaning of the lawe. \ Nd seeing the presse of the people, A -f*-he went vp into a mountayne : & whe Jj^J™' es ser_ he was set, his disciples came to him. 2 And he opened his mouthe and taught them, saying, 3 Blessed BY S. MATTHEW. O A 3 'Blessed are the apoore in spirit, for „ * rh^ fce1*; Luk 6 c i ¦ • i i • i r i tnem selues voyd osa/' 34 d theirs is the kingdome ot heauen. of ail rightuou- rad'si.'d.' 4 'Blessed are they that b morne : for ™eiyh?eeke*T in esa. 57. c they ghaibe conforted. chriS'e,\ , „ , .Esai. 41. a. , t,-!, , ., . , r .1 1 -i // b Which feele and 66 Blessed are the emeke : for they shal en their owne mise- lerezi, herit the earth. S^-M* mat. ib. a. g Blessed are they w d honger & thirst « who rather "wearefelow ¦» ° would souder all heyres with for HghteOUSneS : for they Shal be tilled, inhmes then they Sition and 7 Blessed are the merciful : for they shal ™u^d eluer*ueDse not by meri- obteine mercy. d Being in ne- Their rewar- 8 Blessed are the pure in heart : for they %££>• d°fetn°*: de which are ghal gee Q0(J which is vp^M persecuted «""* «^ XAW' andgodlye for Christe. 9 Blessed are the peace makers : for they shalbe called the children of God. e por he is cai- 10 Blessed are they which suffer persecu led thf „God °f J . f . peace. l.Cor.M.a. tion for nghteousnes sake : tor theirs is the kingdome of heauen. B \\ * Blessed are ye when men reuile you, \iFand'4c' and Persecute you< and say all maner of Act. 5. g. ' euil against you for my sake, falsely. 1 2 Reioyce and be glad, for great is your reward in heauen : For so persecuted they the prophetes which were before you. Tk„ „„„ nf 13 *Ye are the f salte of the earth : but if ' Your o(Bce.'s The salte 01 x" to season men with the earth. the salte haue lost his sauour wher With the salt of the hea h&M. Cg. shal one salt ? lt is tbence forthe S°od for UCTly d0Ct™e' leuit. i.e. nothing, but to be cast out, and to be tro- den vnder fote of men. 14 Ye are the light ofthe worlde. Acitie that is set on an hyll, can not be hyd. Mar. 4. 6. 1 5 * Nether do men hght a candel, and put luke 8. c. ^ vnder a bushel, but on a candelstyke : and it lyghteth all that are in the house. 1 6 * Let **your lyght so shyne before men, s Because you Pet. 21. „. that they may see your good workes, and ™neegmtlllm- glorifie your father whych is in heauen. pieofiyfe. Good workes. 17 Thinke not y I am come to destroye y. Chap. V. THE GOSPEL WRIT ,u T.h^0^el '.s lawe, or the Prophetes : h I am not come to Iesus cblis'e the stabhsshing, §• . f accompli- accompiisshing of destroie them, but to fulfyl them. sheth the the lawe. lg *Fortruly j say ^^ y0U; Tyl heauen ^|; 16_ d 1 The doctrine of and earth perishe, one iote, or one title of esai. 11. c. the lawe contei- the law shal not scape, til 'all thinges be neth nothing vn r -,,..., , profitable or su- lumlled. periiuous. J9 "Whosoeuer therfore shal breake one C trrgr°eSrthetaof "these least commandementes, and te- ^\\ ste precept of the ache men so, he shalbe called the least in False exposi- or"e or example^ the kingdome of heauen : But whosoeuer {^J. of the of thf kfnC dome' snal 0Dsenle and teache them, the same of God. shal be called great in the kyngdome of heauen. 1 which nether 20 For I say vnto you, except your righte- expound the law ousnes * exceade the righteousnes of the Exod. 20. e. truely, nor obser- , .-, ., , --. ° , , . ;„ •- i fl j ue it well. ' scribes and Phanses, ye shal not enter in lemc- 10- a- to the kingdome of heauen. UieletontoT- 21 m*Ye haue heard how it was said vnto ClorSdhaUh- fa'Sely tbem °*- tbe °lde tim<3' *Th°u snalt not Deut. 5. 6. mandement. kil : For whosoeuer killeth, shal be culpa ble of iudgement. hi^eSe'tmaUcI 22 But I say vnto you, whosoeuer is an- wil ponish him. gry with his brother "vnaduisedly shal be ° which signifieth culpable of iudgemente. And whosoeuer inthesyriastonge g^th y^ his brother "Racha, shal be anydlebrayn, and . ' is spoken in con- worthie to be pomshed by the P Council : tempt. ^^ wijoSOeuer shal say, thou Foole, shal p Like iudgement be worthy to be ponished with hel fire. mSnf oSeJd0: 23 Yf then thou bringe thy gyft to the 1 £exTaSS™ odf*e' an(? tbf,e ^membrest that thy SL smale matters the brother hath Oght against thee, ls preferred gr'eSrluSanl 24, LeaUe tbere tbJne brings before the lotttb. finally great mat. aultar, and go thy way : first be irecociled wele" deeded' by to tny brother, and then come and offer Luke.12.ff. the senat of lxxi thy gyft. Bye peace of radges .which here „-¦* ?/_„ •«.!. tt.- J ¦ ¦ , i him whi<* is copared to the *•> Agre with tnin aduersane qmckely, hath done iudgemet of God. i For that thow hast offeded him. ' thee wronge. whiles BY S. MATTHEW. 7 whiles thou art in the way with him, least thy aduersarie deliuer thee to the iudge, and thy iudge deliuer thee to the sargeat, and then thou be cast into prison. 26 Verely I say vnto thee, thou shalt not come out thence, tyl thou hast paied the vtmost farthyng. 27 Ye haue heard that it was sayd to the Exo. 20. a. of olde time: * Thou shalt not commit ad- roma. 13.c. UOutrie. 28 But I say vnto you, that whosoeuer lo- keth on a woman to lust after her, hath ... . . , , r Chastitie is re- To auoide committed raduoutrie with her already quired both in offence. ^ in Mg j^ todie and in spri- Chap.W.u. 29 'Wherfore if thy right "eye cause thee ¦ Nothing is so The' puffing t0 °ffend, plucke it Out, and Cast it from ogh? not to be re- out of the eye. thee : for better it is for thee, that one of ie.ctfd in, r<"s*"ec' ¦ ii , , of the glorie of thy members perish, then that thy whole God. body sholde be cast into hel. 30 Also if thy right had make thee to of fend, cut it of, and castit from thee : better it is that one of thy membres perish, then The letter of that all thy body should be cast into hel. Cha^Ti^a. 31 It is sayd, 'whosoeuer shal put away Deut. 24. a. his wife, let him geue her a testimonial TT ir h' °^ commeth 0f yeml. j-wheamaspea- 38 Ye haue heard that it hath bene sayed keth otherwise A * r n n l /• l Ti m then he thynketh An zeye, for & eye : & a tooth, for atooth. Exo. 21. c. rnethalof HuTe". 39 But I say vnto you, 'Resist not %%™f conscience. wrong : but whoso euer a shall smite thee Luke e. c. wi spokenforthe on thy right cheke, turne to him the ro™- 1?-^- iudges, yet euery other. ICor. 0.0. man applied it to..'.._ reuege his priuat 40 And lt any man wil sue thee at the qu»aRather recey- law, an(i take away thy coate, let him ha ue double wron- ue thy cloke also. fhyn own griefcSe 41 And whoseuer wil compel thee to go a myle, go wyth him twaine. 42 * Geue to him that asketh, and from him that would borow, turne not away. OeuA5.b. 43 Ye haue heard that it hath bene said, D ded™5^?; *Th011 sbalt loue % neighbour, and "ha Leuit.w.d. exporters the te thyne enemy. we most loue Phanseis. ^ But j gay ^^ yQu> *Loue yQur ene_ our ennemie mies, blesse them that curse you, do re. good to them that hate you, 'praye for -Rom. 12. e. them which hurt you, and persecute you ; We most 45 That ye may be the children of your that persecu- father that is in heauen : for he maketh jr-J£'23.e. his sunne to arise on the euil and on the acte. 7. g. good, and sendeth his raine on the iust, 2-corA- *¦¦ and vniust. 46 For if ye loue them, which loue you, what BY S. MATTHEW. 8 what reward shal you haue ? Do not the c Publicans euen the same ? "orfriendes. 47 And if ye be frendly to your "bre- thern onely : what singuler thing do ye ? do not the Publicans hkewise ? 48 Ye shal therfore be *d perfect, euen as your father which is in heauen is per- Levi. 19. u. fect, THE VI. CHAPTER. Of Almes, prayer, and fastyng He forbyd- deth the careful seeking of wordly thynges, ad willeth men to put their whole trust in him. " These dyd ta ke to farme the taxes, towls, and other payements, and therfore were greately in dis- dayn with all men. d We must la bour to attein vn to the perfection of God, who of his free liberalitie, doth good to them that are vn- worthie. of Almes. rpAke hede that ye geue not your al- -*- mes in the syght of men, to the intent ye might be looked at of theim : Or els ye get no reward of your father whych A is in heauen. *°*?.\ .12, *• 2 'Whensoeuer therefore thou geuest vi Ambition. , & ** thyne a almes, thou shalt not make a trum * whose workes pet to be blowen before thee, as the bhy- righ^faith^but *- pocrites do in the Synagoges and m redone &r vayne the stretes, for to be praysed of men. Ve- rely I say vnto you, they haue their b re- b in that they wnrr*F». are Praised and warae. commended of 3 But when thou doest thine almes, let mea- not thyc left hand knowe what thy right ° M 's sufficist i i i , i jo that God appro- hand doth. ue our workes. 4 That thyne almes may be secret : and thy father seyng it in secret, shal rewar- de thee d openly. * in that day of Prayer. 5 And when thou prayest, be not as theShaicb"ereueiiea\es B hypocrites are : for they loue to pray stan dyng in the Synagoges and in the cor ners of the stretes, bicause they would be sene of mene. ve- Chap. VI. THE GOSPEL WRIT rely I say vnto you, they haue theyr re- warde. ^CaLZT&G But when tbou Prayest> eenter ^ thy chamber, and when thou hast shut thy dore, pray thou to thy father which is in secret : and thy father which seeth in secret, shal rewarde thee openly. v's"oCb™muh 7 *Also when ye pray, ' bable not much Esai. ,-. d. che babiing and as the heathen do : for they thyncke to superfluous repe- , , i r ., ¦ , , i.v 1 tes. be heard, lor their much babhng sake. 8 Be ye not hke them therfore : For your ^ , 6 ^h?isn,?tpeI:B father knoweth wherof ye haue *nede, °M suaded by eloquSt , . J speach, and long before ye aske of him. 'hctoistb^llth 9 After tms'' maner therfore pray ye, The forme them not to the *Our father which art in heaue, halowed 0/„p/ayiT'„ wordes, but to the , . , : ljUR± '>•<*¦ sens, and forme of be thy "name. ""wemostseeke 10 Let % kkingdome come. Thy wil be Gods glorie abo- done euen in earth, as it is in heauen. UekaHe "raTgneth H Geue vs thys day our dayly bread' ouer all, and we 1 2 And forgeue vs our debtes," euen as most render him - ° , parflt obedience, we torgiue our debters. ^btouercome 13 And lead ™ not into 1 tentation, but ther by. deliuer vs from euil. For m thyne is the ra This conclusion i • j i . , , ., . . exciudeth mans kingdome, and the power, and the glorie merites and tea- for euer Amen. cheth vs to grown . . de our prayers on- 14 r or if ye do forgeue other men their Mar. ll. d. lyonGod. trespaces, your heauenly father shal also Eccks.28.a. forgeue you. 15 But if ye do not forgeue men their trespaces, no more shal your father for- c geue yours. Fastin!J- 16 Moreouer, when 'ye fast, loke not -Esai. 58. a. " Make their fa- SOwre as the hypocrites do : for they a dis ces to seme of an „ - . - J *- J other sort then figure their laces, that they might be se- they were wont to ne of men how they fagt yerejy j gay yn_ to you, that they haue their rewarde. 17 But com BY S. MATTHEW. 9 17 But thou when thou fastest, "anoynt ° wherby is thyne head, and washe thy face. %^%ToS? 18 That thou seme not vnto men to fast tion- but vnto thy father which is in secret : ad thy father which seeth in secret, shal re ward thee openly. To reiieue 19 Se that ye gather you not treasure v- itJte.°il'.(J. Pon tne earth, wher the mothe and kan- ker corrupt, and where theues digge through, and steale. Ecde.2.b. 20 'But gather vp your treasures in hea- . im.6. . uen> where nether the mothes nor kanker corrupt, and where theues nether perce through, nor yet steale. 21 For where soeuer your treasure is, the re wil your harte be also. Luke. U.d. 2 2 * The hght of the body is the eye . Then if thyne eye be cleare, all thy body shal- The eye dis. be ful of lyght. beraute1.0 "' 23 But # %ne eye be wycked, then all a corrupt af- thy body shalbe ful of darknes "Wherfo- trcouuetous1- re if the p lyght that is in thee be darknes p Yf our concupi- ¦^ lg c how great is that darknes ? kedaffectios ouer 'n 24 'No man can serue two maisters : for comf rtas™' Zn • iii,! ii most not memeii either he shal hate the one, and loue the thogh me be biyn Couuetous- other : or els he shal leane to the one, and ?„ beastes. ' °™ nes- despise the other. Ye can not serue God All carnall i • i affections are dnl1 ncnes. condemned. 25 * Therfore I say vnto you, be not ** ca- q Mans trauell Psal.bQ.b. ,, , i-r i. i l-l 4. nothing auaileth lPe(.5.c. tend for your lite, what ye shal eat, or wher God gyueth Luk.\2.c. what ye shal dryncke : nor yet for your not increase. PAt/.4.a. body, what ye shal put on. Is not the hfe more worth then meat, and the body mo re of value then rayment ? we most de- 26 Beholde the fowles of the ayre : for prouidece'of tney sowe not> neither reape, nor yet cary God- into the barnes : and yet your heauenly b.i. Chap. VII. THE GOSPEL WRIT father feedeth the. Are ye not muche bet ter then they ? 27 'Which of you by takinge careful thoght, is able to put one cubit vnto his i«A.i2.>i. stature ? 28 And why care ye for rayment ? Learne, -The goodnes therfore of the hhes of rthe fielde, how of God euen tow- , . ardestheherbesof they gTOWe : They laboure not, nether "The woordsi the field farre pas • gnifieth, they seth all things spmne. weary not that man can com 29 And yet for al that I say vnto you, that thf'""1 selues- passe by his power ~ , . n i • it _ and labour. euen bolomon in all his royalty, was not arayed lyke one of these. 30 Wherfore if God so clothe the "grasse, " Grasse or of the fielde which standeth to daye, and c to morowe is cast into the ouen, shal he not muche more do the same vnto you, O ye of litle faith ? 31 Therfore take no thoght, saying, What E shal we eat ? or what shal we drincke ? or wherwith shal we be clothed ? 'With care and 32 For after all these thynges sseke the Gentiles. For your heauely father know- eth that ye haue nede of all these things. 33 But seke ye first the kyngdome of hea- > That is, to be uen, and the * righteousnes therof, and all .God? *"lorilj menderour'hfe. " these thinges shalbe ministred vnto you. things to be 34 Care not then for the morow : for y mo soght- row shal care for it selfe : The day present hath euer inough to do w it owne grief. THE VII. CHAPTER. He forbiddeth rashe iudgement, and vnad- uised opening of holy things, he exhorteth vn to prayer, <§r mutual loue, he warneth to be ware false prophetes, and so concludeth with the ma iestie of Gods worde. Iudge BY S. MATTHEW. 10 A TaVdge not, that ye be not iudged. vn. Not to iud- X 2 For as ye iudge, so shal ye be iud- . * He "0™"J1- ge. , . . ¦_, , ° „' J . deth not to be cu- t t r ged: And wyth what measure ye meate.w rious or maiicio' rZtL the same shal it be measured to you a- ^eCrneigi,. l.cor.4.a. gaine. boursfautes i»* 6C'r". -^rld wny sees* ^hou a mote in thy bro thers eye, and perceauest not the beame y is in thyne owne eye ? 4 * Or how sayest thou to thy brother : suffer me to cast out the mote out of thyne eye, & behold a beame is in thine own eye ? 5 Hypocrite, first cast out the beame out of thine own eye, and then shalt thou se clearely to cast out the mote out of thy brothers eye. The cutempt 6 b Geue not that which is holy to dog- b Declare not of finds wor- .i . i t_ j- the Gospel to the m uoos wor geg> jjgtbg,. cast ye your pearles before wicked contem- swyne : lest they treade them vnder their thowteesf'leftto fete, and turnyng agayne, all to rent you. them seiues and 7 'Aske, and it shalbe geuen you : Seke, & forsaken- B ye shal fynde : Knocke and it shalbe ope- An exhorta- d t tion to pray- "'"^ """ j*"»- er, and pro- 8 For whosoeuer asketh receaueth, & he messe to ob- ^ Sgeket;ll g^th, & to him that knoc- lere.29.c. keth, it shalbe opened. andi&f. 9 For wnat man is tnere amonge you.w ink. ll. b. if is sonne aske him bread, would geue matt.2i.b. hym a stone ? am. .a. iq Or if he aske fyshe, wil he profer hym a serpent ? 11 If ye then which are euil can geue to your children good gyftes, how much more shal your Father whych is in hea ue, geue good thinges to them y aske him ? c The wMe ,aw Luk.6 e. 12 * Therfore what so euer ye would that and the scriptu- tob.4 c. me should do to you, euen so do yt^to the . [0esvss^/°o* ™n for this is the clawe and the Prophetes. de charitie. b.ii. Chap. VII. THE GOSPEL WRIT •'Wemostouerco- 13 *dEnter in at the streict gate: for it is Luh.l2.e. ouraffectiS?ifwe the wide gate, and broad eway that lea- pies of Srist'5"" detn to destruction : and many there be "For the mostpart which go in ther at. ownHblrtie'and 14 Because the gate is streict, and the way rune headlong to nar0we which leadeth vnto lyfe : and fe we there be that finde it. 15 Beware of false prophetes, whych co- C me to you in shepes clothyng, but inward False prophe ly they are rauening wolues. 16 Ye shal know them by their fruites. *Do men gather grapes of thornes ? or fig Luk.5. f. ges of thystels ? 1 7 Euen so euery good tre bringeth forth good fruit : and a corrupt tre bringeth forth euyl fruit. 1 8 A good tre, can not bryng forth bad fruit : nor yet a bad tre, can bryng forth good fruit. 19 'Euery tre not bringing forth good Chap.3.b. fruit, is hewen down, & cast into the fyre. 20 Then, by their fruites ye shal know them. • He meaneth 21 * Not al they that say vnto me, fLord, Bom. 2. 6. pocritefwho hra- Lord, shal enter into the kingdome of '«•**-*. l.rf. ther serue God heauen : but he that doth my fathers wyl n with their lippes , , . . , J J then with their whych is in heauen. Luk.i3.cf. hart- 22 Many * wyl say to me in that day, Lord, Tb»se that ' Lord, haue we not by thy name prophe- from the mou cied ? Mid by thy name haue cast out de- TheUt™ertuI' uilles ? And by thy name haue done many strength, and tn'ra Mp« ? autoritie of miracles r the name of 23 And then wil I professe to them, * I ne And wii con- name . * but he tijat endureth to the ende, Luk. 12. d. fort you & gyue ' manifest euiden- Shalbe saued. llt^Sti 23 'When they persecute you in one ci- Luk. 21. d. their first send- tie, flye ** into an other: for verely I say ing.butofthewho ¦" , . . J J le tyme of their vnto you, ye shal not finish all the Apostelshipp. cities of jsrael> tyl the h gonne 0f man be BY S. MATTHEW. 16 become. Luk. 6. /. 24 * The disciple is not aboue his master : I5*'c13' b '^ nor ye* ^e seruant aboue his lord. 25 It is inough for the disciple to be as " ' his master is, and that the seruant be as Chap. 12.6. his Lord is. * If they haue called the Lord of the house 'Beelzebub, how muche 'it was the name .i a , • , i i j ^ of an idole which more them of his houshold r signified the God Mar.i.e. 26 Fear them not therfore :* for there of flyes, and indis Luke. 8. *>. . ., ,., ., . , , . , i- pite therof was at Sc 12. a. ls nothynge so hid, that shal not be dis- tributed to the de closed, and nothing so secret, that shalul11' 2k'm-la- not be knowen. 27 What I telyou in darknes, that spea ke ye in lyght. And what ye heare in "which in tho the eare, that preach ye on the " house se countreis , are so made toppes. thatmenmay 28 And feare ye hot them whych Ml walke vpon J iii them. the body, but are not able to kyl the soule : but rather feare hym, which is able to destroy both soule and body in hel. 29 Are not two sparrowes solde for an To depend halfe pennye ? and one of them shal not dlcerf GoT faU on the ground without your fa ther. l.Sam.U.g. 30 * Yea, and al the heares of your hea de are numbred. 31 Feare ye not therfore, ye are of more value then many sparrowes. Mar. 8. d. 32 * Whosoeuer therfore shal " confesse 2 \im 2b me hefore men, brm wil I confesse also be "Andackno- fore my father which is in heauen. "niTlavjiout-! 33 But whosoeuer shal deny me befor- re men, him wil I also deny before my fa ' He gyueth ther which is in heauen. » 'oTtiJclen! D 34* Thinke not that I am come to send ces, but vtwardiy Luk. 12. /. kpeace into the earth. I came [n«t] to send withwickedword. deiinges. Chap. XI. THE GOSPEL WRIT peace, but the sword. i Which thing co 35 Yor I am come to set a man at ' variance meth not of the . . , , - propertie of Chri- against his father, and the daughter a- Dissention r^an1 ac?essoWrie gaynst her mother, and the daughter in ^1^' pro-ceding of the lawe against her mother in lawe. 36 And a mans foes, shalbe they of his own housholde. 37 * He that loueth his father or mother j£*£ '4- «• more then me, is not mete for me. And he that loueth his sonne, or daughter more then me, is not mete for me. 38 * And he that taketh not is crosse and <*aP- 16- <"•¦ » Also they that mfoloweth after me, is not mete for me. 7„i,T'ii' ;,' inuent any other TT , .„ , . ,.r , „ , tunc. li. v. way to honor God 39 He that will saue his D life, shall lose and 14. /. Phrescri'baedheb,h h* Jt : and he that loseth this life for my sake, worde, follow not shall saue it. foreni'mU B" 'e" 40 He that receaueth you, receaueth me : " ?e H^'iJ'J?1 and he that receaueth me, receaueth him preterre his lit be fore my glorie. that sent me. »we mostereue- 41 * He that receaueth a ° prophet in the 1. hy. 18. c. rence Christe in r i _ , , i his seruantes, and name ol a prophet, shal receaue a prophe receyue them, as tes rewarde : ad he that receaueth a rygh- sent from him, . . J o and honour them teous ma, m the name of a righteous man for their office sa ghal rece£me ^ reward 0f a righteous man.42 'And who so euer shal geue vnto one Matth.9.f. of these htle ons to drincke a cup of col de water onely, in the name of a Disciple : verely I say vnto you, he shal not lose his rewarde. THE XI. CHAPTER. Iohn Baptist sendeth his disciples vnto Christe, which geueth them their answere, he rebuketh the vnthankefull cities, and louingly exhorteth men to take hys yoke vpon them. BY S. MATTHEW. 17 A A Nd it came to passe that when lesus ¦^*-had made an ende of commanding his twelue disciples, he departed then ce to teach and to preach in their cities. ner° senX 2 *And when Iohn beyng in pryson two disciples heard the workes of Christe, he a sent two • Not be cause LutTe. of his disciples, butSrS 3 To saie vnto him, Art thou he that teach his disciples . . i n i i - that his office was oght to come, or shall we loke for a- to leade them to nother ? chl*iste- 4 And lesus answeryng, sayed vnto them, Go and shewe Iohn what ye haue heard, and sene. 5 The bhnde see, the halt go, the lepers are clensed, and the deafe heare, the dead ryse agayne, and the poore receaue the Gospell. noToccastione 6 And hlessed is he that shal not " be of- by Christe fended in me. red fromthe ? And as they departed, lesus began to Gospel. speake vnto the people of Iohn : What went ye out into the wildernes to see ? A b reede shaken with the wynde ? . " A m im 'ncon n f-» l ^ stant. 8 But what went ye out for to see ? A man clothed in soft rayment ? Behold, they B that weare soft clothing are in kinges Christes te- houses. lotaBaptist. 9 Bllt what went ye out for to see ? A Pro phet ? Yea, I say vnto you, and c more ' For the Pro- then a Prophet. & ion" 10 For this is he of whom it is written, *je he ca™er ha* Main. 3. a. 'Beholde, I send my messeger before thy pointed him with Mar. 1. a. face) wh*ch shal prepare thy way before his anser- thee. 11 Verily I say vnto you, among them ft are begotten of women, arose ther not a greater then Iohn the Baptist : Chap. XI. THE GOSPEL WRIT Notwithstandyng, he that is lesse in a The lest ofthe d kingdome of heauen, is greater them that shal .-, i preache the Go- then ne. spel in the newe 12 Fr0m the tyme of Iohn Baptist hi- Iohn. 1. e. estate of Christes , , , . •* , .- a r Tnbn hath church, shal haue therto, the kmgdome of heauen e sui- £,e vertue Sgeetheaneiohn^freth violence, and the violent plucke ™*Ji"iu> of and their message it vnto them. cedent? m°re ™" 1 3 For all the Prophetes and the re"inflamedelwitn law' f Prophecied vnto the time of Ihon. desire to receaue 14 And if ye wil receaue him, this is Gods mercies of- *£jjas yfaicfo was to come. Rom. IR.a. .'They prophe 15 He that hath eares to heare let him Mala. 4.d. Int whichnow°we heare. 'But wher vnto shal I lyken this " e' c' ?eecielrental,dm° generation ? 16 It is lyke vnto children which syt in the markets, and call vnto their felowes saying, 17 We haue pyped vnto you, and ye haue not daunced : We haue songe mour ning songes vnto you, and ye haue not wept. c 1 8 For Ihon came nether eatyng nor Mm lyued dryncking, and they say, he hath the austerely. deuyl. 19 The sonne of man came eatyng and drynckyng and they say, Behold a glot- ton and drincker of wine, a friende vnto publicans and synners, not with s They that a- standing ** wysedome is iustified of her re wise in deed, _r,'i j „ acknowlage the Cmlaren. wisdome of God 20 * Then began he to vpbrayde the Luke 10. e. in him whome the . . . , . ° Jr. J , _-\,a* „,_. Pharises contem- cities, in which moste of his miracles SXn, „ ne Luk ? e j l ,i i taneth ^"^ were done, because they repented vngodHe to- not 2 1 Wo be to thee Chorazin : Wo be to thee Bethsaida : for if the miracles which were shewed in you, had ben done in Tyre wnes. BY S. MATTHEW. lt LukAO.d. The Gospel is reueiled to the litel ones. Ioh.3.d. loh.9.c. ter. 6. c. 1 Ioh.b.a rom. 8. a. 11 Tyre and Sidon, they had repented Ion ge agone in sackcloth and asshes. 22 Neuertheles I say to you : It shalbe easier for Tyre and Sidon at the day of iudgement, then for you. 23 And thou Capernaum, which art lyfted vp vnto heauen, shalt be broght downe to hel : For yf the miracles which haue bin done in thee, had bin shewed in Sodome, they had remayned to this day. 24 Neuertheles I say vnto you, that it shalbe easier for the land of Sodome in the day of iudgement, then for thee. 25 * At that tyme lesus answered, and sayed, I prayse thee, O father, Lorde of heauen and earth, because thou hast hid these thynges from the wise and men of vnderstanding and hast ope ned them vnto babes. 26 Verely father, euen so it was thy good ' pleasure. 27 'All thynges are geuen vnto me of my father : And * no man knoweth the sonne but the father : nether knoweth any man the father, saue the sonne, and he to whome the sonne wil open him. 28 Come vnto me all ye that k are wea- rie and laden, and I wil ease you. E 29 Take my ' yoke on you, and learne of me that I am meke and lowly in heart : and ye shal finde * rest vnto your soules. ¦„ 30 * For my yoke is easy, & my burden is lyght. n Cities of great merchandise ful of dissolution and wantones. 1 Faith cometh not of mans wil or power, but by the secret illumi nation of God. k Which fele the waight, and grief of your bour den. 1 To be gouuer- ned by my Sprite, and to tame your fleshe. Chap. XII. THE GOSPEL WRIT THE. XII. CHAPTER. Christe excuseth his disciples which pluhe the eares of corne, he healeth the dryed hand, helpeth the possessed that was blinde and dom me, rebuketh the vnfaythful that would ne- des haue tokens, if showeth who is his bro ther, sister, and mother. A T that tyme lesus went on the Sab- A ¦^•bath daye through the corne, and L^[ 6* a* his disciples were an hongred, and be- Deut. 23. d. gan to plucke the eares of corne and ^ f^e to eate. the eares of 2 But when the Pharises sawe that, they day of rest. sayed vnto him, Beholde, thy disciples do that which is not lawful to do vpon the Sabbath day. "Necessitie 3 And he sayed vnto them, * aHaue ye lSam.21.&. fufwhicufp'ow not read what Dauid did when he was Dauld- bitedforacerteyn an hongred, and they also which were respect, in thinges . , i- -, apparteyning to With him : ceremonies. 4 Hqw he entred Jnto the houge of Qoi> & ate y shewe loues, which were not law ful for him to^eate, nether for the which were with him, but only for the *prie- Exod.29.f. Stes. Leu.8.ff.24. 5 Or haue ye not read in the lawe how that on the Sabbath dayes the prestes in the temple 'break the Sabbath, and are Nom.28.b. blamelesse ? 6 But I say vnto you, that here is one Mercie, and greater then the temple. not sacrifice- 7 Wherfor if ye wist what this meaneth, * I require mercie and not sacrifice : ye Ose. 6. b. *> christe hath would not haue comdempned innocetes. power to exempt 8 For the sonne of man is b Lord euen of his from keping , 0,1.,, ofthe sabbath, the sabbath day. 9 And BY S. MATTHEW. 19 Mar. 3. c. 9 'And he departed thence, and went Luke. 6. b. m f-0 their Synagoge : 10 And behold there was a man which had his hand dryed vp. And they asked him, saying, Is it lawful to heale vpon the Sabbath dayes ? that they myght ac cuse him. Luke. 14.o. 11 And he sayed vnto them, 'What man Deu. 22. a. shalbe among you, that shal haue a she- To do good pe, and if it fall on the Sabbath day bath day. ab mto a PY*. wil not he take it and hft it out ? B 12 How much more then is a man bet ter then a shepe ? Wherfore, it is law ful to do a good dede on the Sabbath dayes. 13 Then sayed he to the man, Stretch forth thy hand: And he stretched it forth, and it was made whole agayne as the other. Marc. 3. a. 14 * Then the Phariseis went out, and con- Iohn.io.g. suited against hym, how they myght destroy him. 15 But when lesus knewe that, he depar ted thence, and moche people folowed hym, and he healed them all. 1 6 And charged them that they should not make hym knowen. 17 That it myght be fulfylled, which was spoken by Esai the Prophet, which sayeth. Esai. 42. a. 1 8 * Beholde my seruant whome I haue t,.ade of gouueme The great chosen, my beloued in whom my soule *?ent not P™1**,'0 humblenes delyteth : I Wyl put my Spirit On hym, to strange natios. Ss of eiees"us and he shal shewe <* iudgement to the madkeIegreaf noise Christe. Gentils. • nor seeke outwar- 1 9 He shal not d stryue, nor cry, nether rie.pompe "" s ° c. iii. Chap. XII. THE GOSPEL WRIT shal any man heare his voyce in the strea tes. • He wii beare 20 A' brused rede shal he not breake, & bi'hinrmT """ smokyng flaxe he shal not quenche, til he ' Christe shal bring forth iudgement f vnto victorie. ouercome aiietts 21 And in his name shal the Gentiles which hinder the course ofthe Gos- trust. gVli'e?ent"a 22 * Then was broght to hym, one pos- Mar 3.c conquerer against sessed with a deuyl, which was both Luke.ll.b. all his ennemies. - , , ii j i_ i. blynde, and domme, and he hea led hym, in so moche that he which was blynde and domme, both spake and sawe.23 And all the people were amased, and sayd, Is not this the sonne of Dauid? 24 But when the Pharises heard that, they sayd, * This felow dryueth chap. 9. d. the deuils no otherwyse out, but through Mar.3.e. Beelzebub the prince of the deuyls. Biasphemie0' 25 But when lesus knewe theyr thogh- of the pha"- tes, he sayd to them, Euery kyng- a kyngdome dome deuided agaynst it selfe, shal- d"Julded- be broght to naught : And euery citie or house, deuided agaynst it self, shal not stand. 26 If Satan cast out Satan, then he is deuided agaynst him self: How shal then his kingdome endure ? 27 Also if I through Beelzebub cast out deuyls, by whose heipe do your u which coniured g chyldren cast them out ? Therfore they deuells hy the ver , ,, . - J tue of Gods name shalbe your mdges. Presiy' again" Z 28 But if * CaSt 0ut the deUyls hV ^ Spi lawe of God. rite of God, then is the kyngdome of God come to you. Or els BY S. MATTHEW. 20 29 Or els, how can a man enter into a Luk. ll, c. stronge mans house, & spoyle his iewels, except he fyrst bynd the stronge man, and then spoyle his house. 30 He '"that is not with me, is against me: h He deciareth - , , . . . .° to the Pharises and he that gathereth not with me, scat- that they were in tberptb a rvmrlp tw0 sorts his eIme inerein aDroae. mies not omy be_ Mar. s.d. 31 * Wherfore I say vnto you, all maner cause they did for luk. 12 b r j -li i - i ii. r sake him, but also iohn 5 d ° synne and blasphemie shalbe forgeuen make open wane vnto men : but the blasphemie against the a*"alnst hlra- holy Gost, shal not be forgeuen vnto men. 32 And whosoeuer shal speake agaynst the Sonne of man, it shalbe forgeuen him. synneagainst But whosoeuer shal speake agaynst the c'anne^be !holy Gost, it shal not be forgeuen him, ,^££J& forgyuen. nether in this world, nether in the world trueth which he . knoweth, &docon to Come. trarie to his own 33 Ether make the tree good, and hys cosdence.for such _. . . 1.1^ ii one ca not retour- frmt good : or els make the tree euyl , and ne to repentance. his fruit euyl. For the tree is knowen by his fruyte. 34 O generations of vipers, how can you speake good thynges, when ye your sel- Luk. 6. g. Ues are euyl ? For ofthe * abundance of the hart, the mouth speaketh. 35 A good man out of the good treasure of his hart, bryngeth forth good thynges. And an euyl man out of his euyl treasu re, bryngeth forth euyl thynges. 36 But I say vnto you, that of euery kydel w Muche more worde that men shal speake, they shalge- counteonherrbui ue acounte, at the day of iudgement. sPheHdeii- .. . ' ii i i i i • Their wicked 37 For by thy wordes thou shalt be * iusti- wordes shal be a fied : and by thy wordes thou shalt be con S5toSSBPSS? vn° demned . godely, if ther we ft. . re no other thing. c.nn. Chap. XII. THE GOSPEL WRIT 38 'Then answered certayne of the Scri- Chap.lR.a. bes and of the Pharises, saying, Master, ^'li 6. » This was to *"we wil see a sygne of thee. l.Cor. l. c. shrftVpreetexetto 39 But he answered, and said to them, resist his doctrine -phe euJl anc[ " aduouterous generation se- "Theywerebe keth a signe, but there shal no sygne be ge S^a^' uen to them, saue the signe of f Prophet nerate from r o j i theit. noly lonas. auncesters. 40 * For as lonas was three dayes, & three Iohn. 2. a. nyghtes in the whales belly : so shal the rection was a " He taketh Sonne of man be three n dayes and three sufficient si. part of the day . . J gne. for the whole day. mghtes in the hart of the earth. D 41 The Niniuites shal ryse in iudgement with this nation, and condemne them : for - who was a they * amended at the preaching of ° lo- Iohn 3. b. poore stranger, & a l l l l l ^i t yet these knowe nas. And behold, a greater then lonas is not the Messias l*erp which was prome- sedthem. 42 * " The Quene of y south shal ryse m iud l.Kyn.\o.a. v it is ment as gement w this generation, and shal p con- "ThiT quene commingto see So demne it : for she came, from the vtmost of Saba which lomon.andnother parties of the world to heare the wysedo aeo^ta'The" me of Solomon. And beholde a greater lawe of God. then Solomon is here. 43 * When the vnclene sprite is gone out Luk. ll. c. of a man, he walketh throughout " dry pla n°r- "viIder- ces, seekyng rest, and findeth none. 44 Then he sayeth, I wil returne into my house, from whence I came out. Andwhe he is come, he fyndeth it empty, swept, & garnyshed. 45 Then he goeth hys way, & taketh vnto i Yf Satan be hym " selierl 0ther i spirites worse then "Meaning an Cast OUt, We must i J ,„ r i , , infinirp nnm watchestu.thathe hym sene, and so entre they in, and dwel JJJJJr ftr'sinTe nfwS there : * and the ende of that man is worse 2. Pet . 2. rf. once ">ans olde then the begynnyng. Euen so shal it be w heb. 6. a. ueri'e hole°£ cor- this euil nation. a"d 10- c- tier of our house. 46 * Whyle he yet talked to the people( foj.V*,."* beholde BY S. MATTHEW. 21 beholde his mother, and his r brethren sto ^'P'" w.ordf j? ' . Hebrewesigmfieth de without, desyryng to speake with him. euery kynsman. 47 Then one said vnto hym, Beholde thy mother and thy brethren stand without, desyring to speake with thee. 48 But he answered, and said to hym that told him, Who is my mother ? And who are my brethren ? 49 And he stretched forth his hand tow- arde his disciples, and sayd, Beholde my s mother and my brethren. ¦ christe pre- 50 For whosoeuer shal do my fathers wyl fuaitynreci.tothe which is in heauen, the same is my bro- carnal. ther and syster, and mother, THE XIII. CHAPTER. The state of the kingdome of God sett furth by the Parable of the seed of the tares, of the mu starde seed, of the leuen, of the treasure hyd in the fielde, of the perles, and of the nette, the Prophet is contemned in his owne countrie. A fTiHe same day went lesus out of y hou- AlarA.a. J- se, and sate by the sea side. ' ' "* 2 And a muche people resorted vnto him, " All desired to so that he went, and sate in a ship, and al ne, but there i the people stode on the shore. 3 And he spake many thynges to them in simibtudes, saying, Beholde, a sower went forth to sowe. Thesimiiitu. 4 And as he sowed, some fel by the wayes deedfthe syde, and the foules came and deuoured them vp. 5 And some fel vpon stony grounde, where they had not much earth, & a none they sprog vp, because they had no depth of earthe. 6 And when the sonne was vp, they were not like affection in all. Chap. XIII. THE GOSPEL WRIT parched, and for lacke of rotynge, wy- thred away. 7 And some fel among thornes, and the thornes sprong vp, and choked them. 8 Some agayne fel in good ground, and broght forth frute : one corne an hun dred folde, some syxty folde, and another thyrty folde. ¦¦ He sheweth 9 Whosoeuer b hath eares to heare, let B that all men can . . notvnderstad the- hym heare. S'Sffia'htaS. 10 And the disciples came, and sayd to scipies more atten hym, Why speakest thou to them in pa rables ? 1 1 He answered and sayd vnto them, be cause it is geuen vnto you, to knowe the why Chr'st secretes of the kyngdome of heauen, but similitudes.'' ' The Gospel u to them it is not c geuen. perishe. m a 1 2 * d For whosoeuer hath, to hym shalbe Mar. 4. a. •1 Christ increa geuen, and he shal haue abimdance. But'"*- 7" *1" b!sthJSchis chiIdrE whosoeuer hath not, from hym shalbe ta- p' 111s graces. •" •Eue that which ken away> euen e that he hath. hesemethtohaue. 13 Therfore speake I to them in simibtu des, because they seiyng, do not see : & he aring, they heare not, nether vnderstand. 14 And in them is fulfilled the Prophe- cie of Esai, which prophecie sayth : * with Esa.G.c. the eares ye shal heare, and shal not vn- f jr*s4',6* derstand : and with the eyes ye shal see, & iohn. 12. f shal not perceaue. act. 18. /. 'That which the 15 'For this peoples hart is waxed fatt, roma- ""6" Prophet referreth j.i- j , e , i to the secret coun- and their eares are dul 01 hearyng, and attributed 'to^he^11 their eies they haue "^nked, lest hardstubbernesof they shuld see, with theyr eyes, and heare thoneecTnenfotr be with theyr eares, and shuld vnderstand thotheJed f™me ^"^ tneir hartes, & shulde returne, that I myght heale them. 16 But BY S. MATTHEW. 22 C 16 But blessed are your eyes, for they see : Sand your eares, for they heare. « To witt, the - , , „ , i m * Vr it _ ..1.. -n glorie of the SOne Luk. lo. d. 1 7 Verely 1 say vnto you, that many Pro Is God, to acknow mstemen.& phetes, and perfect men haue desired to ^e^™ their see those thynges which ye see & haue not seene them: and to heare those thynges which ye heare, & haue not heard them. Mar. 4.6. 18 'Heare ye therfore the similitude of luk. 8. 6. ^he sower. of the para- 1 9 When soeuer a man heareth the wor- ble- de of the kyngdome, and vnderstandeth it not, there commeth that euyl one, and catcheth away that which was sowen in his heart. And this is the corne which was sowen by the way syde. 20 But he that was sowen in y stony gro- unde, is he which heareth the worde, and anone with ioye receaueth it. 21 Yet hath he no rotes in hym selfe, and therfore dureth but a season : for as sone as tribulatio or persecutio ariseth becau se of the worde, by & by he is offended. 22 And the corne that was sowen among thornes, is he that heareth the worde : but the care of thys world, and the deceitful- nes of riches choke the worde, and so is he made vnfruteful. 23 But he which is sowen in the good grounde, is he that heareth the worde, & vnderstandeth it : w also heareth frute, & bringeth forth, some an hundred folde, some syxty folde, and some thyrtye fold. h He teacheth 24 Another similitude put be forth vnto that the good and them, saying, The kyngdome of heauen Sfxtefogether ta is like vnto a man which sowed good se- the churche to , . . . j. , , ° thende that the The similitu- ed in his held. # faithful may ar- ed^r 25 "But while me slept, there came his fo, ™h XS & sowed tares among y wheat, and went constancie. Chap. XIII. THE GOSPEL WRIT his way. 26 And when the blade was sprong vp, & broght forth frute, then appeared the tares also. 27 Then came the seruantes of the house holder, & sayd vnto him, Syr soweddest D not thou good seed in thy close, fro when ce then hath it tares ? 28 And he sayd to them, the enuious man hath done this. Then the seruantes sayd vnto hym, Wylt thou then that we go and wede them out ? 29 But he said, Nay, lest while ye go about to wede out the tares, ye plucke vp also with them the wheat. ne'thConeite thaT" 30 ' Let ^ot^ growe together tyl haruest the churche shal come, and in tyme of haruest, I wyl say s1omcerw?cekewdme0nu: to the repers, gather ye fyrstthe tares, & althogh they bene bynd them in sheues to be burned: but uer so sharpely po J . - . . i . - . i_ nished by suche gather the wheat into my barne. meanes as he hath 31 * Another parable he put forth vnto Mar. 4. d. lett to purge his . £- -r , , . « . Churche. them, saying, The kyngdome of heauen is The^i"^. lyke vnto a grayne of mustard seed, w a de of the grai man taketh and soweth in his field : seed fus"ard 32 Which in deed is the least of al see- ml . i t-i < i -. ¦ -, • e This tea- des. But when it is growen, it is y greatest cheth vs not amoge herbes, and it is a tree, so that the sJerfat'the31" byrdes of the ayre come & buylde in the smaiie begy- branches of it. $2%.? the 33 Another similitude sayd he to them, E The kyngdome of heauen is lyke vnto le- ™of tea*^"" uen which a woman taketh and hydeth 1 By this he ad- in three peckes of meale, k til all be le- monisheth them , r to waite tyl the uenned. apUpca°rfe!heg°Spel 34 "^ these thynges spake lesus vnto Mar. 4. d. the people by similitudes, & without si militudes spake he nothyng to them. 35 That BY S. MATTHEW. 23 35 That it might be fulfilled which was Psul. 77. a. spoke by the Prophet, saying, *I wil open my mouth in ' similitudes, and wil speake ' The Hebrew of the thynges whych haue ben kept se- J££ anS* crete from the hegynning of the world. tiousprouerbes.to „„ rm. . T ., , , thendethatthedo ob Ihen sent lesus the people away, and ctrine might haue came home : And his disciples came vnto the™™™^»- him saying, Declare vnto vs the similitu de of the tares of the fielde. 37 Then answered he, and sayd to them, He y soweth the good seed, is the sonne of man. 38 And the feilde is the world. And the chyldreri of the kyngdome, they are the good seed. 39 And the tares are the chyldren of the wycked. And the ennemie that soweth Apo. 14. d. them, is the deuil. * The haruest is the ende . c. 0fy world. And the repers be y Angels. 40 For euen as the tares are gathered & burned in the fyre, so shal it be in y ende „ of this world. 41 The sonne of man shal send forth his Angels, and they shal gather out of his "T.hh w'ked kyngdome all thynges that "offend, and others bi the- them which do iniquitie. ir euil exam- 43 JLjld shal cagt them jnto a mrnesse Qf fyre. There shalbe waylyng & gnasshyng of teeth. Dan. 12. a. 43 'Then shal the iust men shyne as the l'ho lb f. sunne in the kyngdome of theyr father. Whosoeuer hath eares to heare, let hym heare. The simiiitn- 44 Agayne, the kyngdome of heauen is ly asure hid. ke vnto a treasure hyd in the fielde, the which a man fyndeth and hideth and for ioye therof, departeth and selleth al that Chap. XIII. THE GOSPEL WRIT he hath, and byeth that fielde. 45 Agayn, the kyngdome of heauen is li- The simiiitu- ke to a marchant y seeketh good pearles. aries. 46 Which when he had found one of gre at price, went and solde all that he had, and boght it. 47 Agayn, the kyngdome of heauen is Thesimiiitu- ™ '¦ 'sa k/nde like m vnto a drawe nette cast into y sea, ^ **tte of nette that ga- . , „ , . J drawe nette. thereth in all that gathereth of all kmdes ot thmges. In'tlfe waylCOme 48 Which when it is ful, men drawe to land, and syt & gather the good into ves sels, and cast the " bad awaye. "The Greke 49 So shal it be at the ende ofthe world. X^ottet" *The Angels shal go forth, & seuer the things. bad from the good. Matth-22.b. 50 And shal cast them into a fumes of fy 25. c. re, there shal be wayhng, and gnashyng of teeth : 5 1 lesus sayd vnto them, Vnderstand ye all these thynges ? They sayd vnto him, ye Lord. Then sayd he vnto them, » Because the 52 Therfore euery n Scribe which is of the lear- Scribes office was .,.,.,,, c , . ned Scribe. to expound the taught vnto the kyngdome ot heauen, is Seth'uinmhcthat u^e vnto an householder, which bringeth doth interpret the forth out of his" treasure, thynges both "The prea- aright and accor- , ,, chersofGods ding to the spiri- newe and olde. worde most te- 53 And it came to passe, when lesus had haue store of ended these similitudes, that he departed ample instru thence. ctions- 54 'And came into his own country, and Mar. 6. a. taught them in theyr Synagoge, in so mu- e" che y they were astonyed, and sayd, when ce commeth this wysedome and power vnto this man ? 55 Is not this the Carpenters sonne ? Is not his mother called Marie ? * and his Mar. 9. a. " brethren be called lames and loses, and ;'°*n 6- "• ^. Cousins. Simon BY S. MATTHEW. 24 Simon and ludas ? 56 And are not his sy sters al here with vs Whence then hath he al these thynges ? 57 And they were offended by hym. The m? r'Ad ' *^esus say<*" to tnem> a * Prophet is not with- .v,/m k V out honour, ° saue in his own country, and "Mencommon- ioim. t. j. . J ly neglect them m his own house . wyhom| they haue 58 And he did not many miracles there, knowen of chii- ».. ii-,. i dren, also they do tor theyr vnbeleifes sake. enuie them ofthe same countrie: & such is the ingra- THE XIIII. CHAPTER. titude that they take light occasio Iohn is taken and headed. Christ fedeth fyue to contemne the thousand me with flue loues and two fyshes, Sc *""?ces of God in appeareth by nyght vnto his Disciples vpon the ° ers* sea, saueth Peter, is confessed to be the sonne of God, and healeth many. A A T that tyme Herode the " Tetrarche wtoride'dfhe -^heard of the fame of Iesu, fourth part _\ And sayed vnto his seruantes, this is ,„„ of the coun- T , , -n . • ,rT . _ xilll. trie. Iohn the Baptist. a He is rysen agayne fro » He spake after death, & therfore are " miracles wroght &SHOT by hym. soules of the that Mar. R.b. 3 * For Herode had taken Iohn, and bon- tredtato an other luk. 9. a. £e ijjm; an(j put jjyjjj jn pjygon for Hero- bodie- dias sake, his brother Philips wyfe . b To **ppn»»? h>» _ x , , •¦* resurrection, & to Luk. 3. d. 4 For Iohn sayd vnto hym, it is not c law- gett him greater LeuiA8.b. M for thee tQ haue her autoritie. 5 And when he wolde haue put hym to .^abhonS death, he feared the people, because they 8UCh horrible jn- Mat. 21. b. counted hym a * Prophet. he had taken her Mar. 6. A. 6 * But whe Herodes byrth day was kept, D^0hrccrefrome his the daughter of Herodias daunced befo- dThePromesse re them, and pleased Herode. was, wicked, but 7 Wherfore he promised with an othe, J^to bTobTtaate that he wolde geue her what soeuer she 'n the .se.me' that o he might seme WOulde aske. constant. 8 And she beyng before instructed of her Chap.XIIII. THE GOSPEL WRIT mother, sayed, geue me here Iohn Baptist head in a platter. 9 And the kyng sorowed : neuertheles for his othes sake, and for theyr sakes which sate also at the table, he commanded it to be geuen her. 10 And sent, and beheaded Iohn in the prison. 1 1 And his head was broght in a platter and geuen to the mayde, & she broght it vnto her mother. 12 And his disciples came, and toke vp his " body, and buried it : and went & tolde "Or.karkeys. lesus. 1 3 * And when lesus heard that, he depar- Luk. 9. b. ' t° thintent te(j thence by shyp into a e desert place rnar.R.d. that his disciples - J . i i l i l l now after their im out of the way. And when the people had mXahdl™s?them, heard therof, they folowed him a fote oreis that he 0ut of the cities. to greater enter- 14 'And lesus went forth and saw much Ihon. 6. a. prlses- people, and was moued wyth compassion iet"the sicife vpon them, and he healed their sycke. jkfeedeththe 15 When euen was come, his Disciples followed came to him, saying, This is a deserte pla- wiuemesse10 ce, and the houre is already paste : let the C people departe, that they may go into the townes, and bye them vitayles. 1 6 But lesus sayed to them, They haue no ' Christ lea- f nede to go away : Geue ye them to eat. ueth them not de- „ _, **> , •*, .J ,. * i stitute of bodily 17 Ihen sayed they vnto him : we haue Mar.6. e. whkhleeT'ihe here but fiue loues, and two fyshes. *«*• 9- <>¦ fode of the soule. 1 8 And he sayed, bring the hyther to me. "' 1 9 And be commanded the people to syt downe on the grasse, & toke the fiue lo ues and the two fyshes, and loked vp to heauen and "blessed, and brake, and gaue "Prayed, and the loues to his disciples, and the disci- """"if tJha*lk"'s * to God. pies BY S. MATTHEW. 25 pies gaue them to the people. 20 And they did all eat, and were suffi- 5000. & mo sed. And they gathered vp of the fragme- fed with fi- tes t^t remained twelue baskets ful. ue loues & . , , , ,. , two Ashes. 21 And they that did eate, were in num- bre about, fiue thowsand men, beside wo men and yong children. " The disci- 22 And strayght way " lesus copelled his pies were lo- i> • i _ _ • 1 i. j^ the to depart disciples to enter mto ashyp, and to go from Christ: 0Uer before him, while he sent the peo- but yet the r shewed their pie away. obedience. 33 And &g gone &g he had gent the peQple away, he went vp into a mountayne alone Iohn. 6. b. to pray. 'And when the euening was co- £«* 6 c me' ne was ^ere alone. 24 And the shipe was now in the middes of the sea, and was tossed with waues : for it was a contrary wynde. D 25 And in the ** fourth watche of y night, ' The night was lesus came vnto them walkyng on the watches.wherofe- gea, uery one coteyned 26 And when his disciples sawe him wal kyng on the sea, they were troubled, say ing, It is some spirite, and cryed out for feare. The presence 27 And streyght way lesus spake vnto kethhhifbou them- savmg» Be of good chere : It is I, be de. not afrayed. 28 Peter answered hym, and sayd, Master, yf thou be he, h byd me come vnto thee on >> ms zeie was the watpr I*™1"' but he had me water. ^ not sufficiently c0 Peterwaiketh 29 And he Said, COmme. And when Peter sideredthe measu- Histhmndeii- was come iovfne out of the shype, he wal- re of his faith" tie bringeth ked on the water, to go to lesus. him into da- 30 But whenhe gaw ft myghty wynde; hg s; m-oterpri. was afrayde. And as he 1 begane to sync- therfore he must 1*1 ¦ Ti/r^ neades fall in dan ke, he cryed, saying, Master saue me. ger d.i. Chap. XV. THE GOSPEL WRIT 31 And immediatly les' stretched forth his hand, & caught hym, and sayd to him, k Christe corre- k O thou of lytle fayth, wherfore dyddest cteth his faute, & . i j . } also geueth reme- tnOU dout ? die both at once. 32 And assone as they were come into the shyppe, the wynde ceased. 33 Then they that were in the shyp, came and worshypped him, saying, Of a truth thou art the Sonne of God. 34 'And when they were come ouer, they Mar.Q.g. went into the land of Gennezareth. luk. b.d. 35 And when the men of that place had knowledge of him, they sent out into al that country rounde about, and broght vnto hym all that were sycke. 36 And besoght hym, that they myght 1 it semeth they touche the hemme of his ' vesture only : wereledwithacer , , , . *. teyne superstition, and as many as touched lt, were made not with standing wrinlp our Sauiour wolde ""lulc- not quenche the smoking flaxe,and therfore dyd bea- THB xy_ CHAPTER. re with them. Christe excuseth his Disciples, and rebu- heth the Scribes and Pharises, for transgres- synge Gods commandement, through theyr own traditios. He delyuereth the woman of Cana- nees daughter, healeth the multitude, and fea- deth foure thousand men, besyde women and chyldren. T1 "^Hen come to lesus certeyn Scribes & A Phariseis of Ierusalem, saying, 2 'Why do thy Disciples transgresse the Mar. 7. • Men are more tradition of the Elders ? for they a washe ue°heir owntradi n°t their handes when they eat " bread. " or, me, tions then Gods 3 But he answered, and sayd vnto them, commandement. 1TT1 - - J ' Why do ye also transgresse the comman dement BY S. MATTHEW. 26 dement of God, through your traditi ons ? Exo.20.b. 4 'For God hath commanded, saying, deut 5 c' Honour thy father and mother, 'And he ephe.R.a. that curseth father or mother, let him die Leuit.20.b. the death. pro. 20. c. ' & -^ut ye say "whosoeuer shal say to his fa ther or mother : b by euery gyft that proce- b The scribes di. deth from me, thou shalt be holpen : Se?^d7i^Sel?' ' f that dyd not their 6 Thogh he honour not his father, or deuties to their his mother : and thus haue ye made, that JhattheTwoidere "• Tie "Iorde the commandement of God is without " ef compence the sa- sigmfleth to me to their prof- depnueof iect, through y our traditions. at. autoritie.and ? Hypocrites, wel prophecied of youE- sai, saying, Esa. 29. c. 8 * This people draweth nye vnto me ft God PwithSse tneu" " mouthes, and honoureth me with mouthe only, theyr lyppes, how be it, their hartes are & outward si- r _. gugj, farre from me : 9 But c in vayne they worshyp me, tea- • God wii not chyng for doctrines, which are but mens am^0to0mansCfanr: " precepts tasie.butdetesteth Mar.n.b. 10 'And he called the people vnto him, ot.good intemi" fh^founteui an|l say'l to them, Heare and vnderstand. of ail comi- 1 1 That which goeth into the mouth, de pth™, and "** fileth not the man : but that which cometh out of the mouth, defileth the man. 12 Then came his disciples, and sayd vn to him, Perceiuest thou not, that the Pha rises are offended in hearing this saying ? Iohn lb. a. 13 But he answered and sayd,* dAl plan a ai they which wh'at'piante tes which my heauenly, father hath not iesus0chrristedby shalbe wee- planted, shalbe plucked vp by the roo- free ""iopu-m- dedout. teg 14 eLet them alone, they be the biyn- e They are not de leaders of the blynde. If the blynde ™drfore l0 bc ca" d. ii. Chap. XV. THE GOSPEL WRIT lead the blynde, both shal fall into the ditche. 15 * Then answered Peter, and sayd to Mar.l.b. hym, Declare vnto vs this parable. 1 6 Then sayd lesus, Are ye yet without vnderstandyng ? 1 7 Perceiue ye not, that what soeuer go- C eth in at the mouth, descendeth downe into the belly, and is cast out into the draught ? 1 8 But those thynges which procede out of the mouth, come from the hart, & they defile the man. 'All vices pro- 19 For out of the hart come euylf thog- What thinges rapt affection'of tes, murder, breakyng of wedloke whore- P0,Iute a ma- the hart. dome, thefte, false wytnes bearing, slan ders. These are the thynges which defyle a man. 20 But to eat with vnwashen handes, de- fyleth not a man. 21 'And lesus went thence, and departed Mar.T.c. into the coastes of Tyre and Sidon. 22 And beholde a woman whych was a The Canani- Cananite came out of the same coastes, te" & cryed, saying vnto him, Haue mercie on me Lord, thou sonne of Dauid, my daugh ter is piteously vexed with a deuil. 23 And he answered her neuer a worde. Then came to him his disciples, & besoght The disciples him, saying, Send her away, for she crieth "^r"-™^ after vs. tunite. 24 But he answered, and sayed, I am not sent but vnto the * lost shepe of the house Chap. 10. a. of Israel. Luk.\9.b. 25 Then she came and worshypped him, saying, Lord heipe me. 26 But he answered, and sayed, It is not good BY S. MATTHEW. 27 The bread of good to take the childrens bread, and to the children. cag(. jt to gwhelpes „ chHsUi calleth 27 And she saied, Trueth Lord, for in deed wheipef &«« the whelpes eat of the crommes, which strangers from the fall from their masters table. 28 Then lesus answered, and sayed vn to her, O woman great is thy h faith, be it h christe gra. to thee, euen as thou desirest. And her Stfaythessa0: daughter was made whole euen at that sa k<-= and not at the i requeste of his di me houre. sciples. D 29 Then lesus went away from thence, & The lake of came nye vnto the sea of Galile, & went Galile. J ' vp mto a mountayne & sate downe there. 30 And muche people came vnto him, jEsa.35.u. 'hauyng broght with them, halt, blynde, domme, maymed, and many other, and cast them downe at lesus fete, and he hea led them. 31 In so muche that the people wondred, to see the d5me speake, the maymed who le, the halt to go, & the blynde to see : And they glorified the God of Israel. Mar.S.a. 32 "Then lesus called his disciples, and sayd, I ' haue compassion on the people, i christe can not because they haue continued with me al- foffw him°Se ready three dayes, and haue noght to eat : and I wil not let them depart fastyng, lest they faynt in the way. 33 And his disciples sayed vnto him, whe- ce should we get somuche bread in the wildernes, as should suffice so great a multitude ? 34 And lesus sayd vnto them, how many loues haue ye ? And they sayd, Seuen, and a fewe lytel fishes. 35 And he commanded the people to sit downe on the ground. d. iii. Chap. XVI. THE GOSPEL WRIT 36 And toke the seuen loues, and the fy shes, and gaue thankes, brake them, and gaue to his disciples, and the disciples gaue them to the people. 37 And they dyd all eat, and were suffi- sed : and they toke vp the broken meat y was left seuen baskets ful. 38 And yet they that dyd eat, were foure thousand men, beside women, & children. 39 And lesus sent away the people, and toke shyp, and came into the partes of Magdala. THE XVI. CHAPTER. The Pharises require a token. lesus warneth his disciples of the Pharises doctrine. The con fession of Peter. The keyes of heauen. The faith ful must beare the crosse after Christe. » Althogh they m*Hen came the "Pharises and Saddu- A dyd notagre mdo I iiik i i ¦ • i • nj. in ctrine.yettheyio- ces, and dyd "tempt hym, desirmg him <^nap. u.c. ngM X'" tte to shewe them some signe from heauen. Xl.'d. trueth. 2 But he answered and sayd vnto them, lukA2.g. God Either CbyPt ^ euen Je say> -^ye wether : for the skye A ¦"j**11'* fro- their incredulitie, is red. or curiositie. g And jn ^ mornyng ye say> To day shal be a tempeste, because the skye is red and cloudy. O ye hypocrites, ye can discerne the fashion of the skye, and can ye not di- ' The which ap- scerne c the signes of the tymes ? heSyandspi!4 * The frowarde nation, and aduoute- ChaPA2.c. ritual life. rous seketh a signe, and ther shal no signe I"hn 2- <"• be geuen vnto them, but that "signe of "££%£$ the Prophet * lonas. And he leuyng them, a Ionas rai- 1 . J JO' Sg(J yp fj.0me departed. death. 5 And when his disciples were come to B the other syde of the water, they had * for- Luk-l2-a- gotten BY S. MATTHEW. 28 gotten to take bread with them. 6 * Then lesus sayd vnto them, Take hede The leuen of and beware of the leuen of the Pharises the Phari- i ~, , i ses. and badduces. 7 And they reasoned with them selues, saying, It is because we haue broght no breade with vs. «a token of 8 Whenlesus "vnderstode that, he sayd Christes dim , _ _ ,. , - , , J nitie, to vnto them, O ye of htle fayth, why are tioghtes™ens your myndes cumbred because ye haue broght no bread ? 9 Do ye not yet perceaue, nether remem Chap. 14. J. ber fiue loues, when there were * fiue thou whn.G.a. sand meil) and how many baskettes toke ye vp? 10 Nether the seuen loues whe there we- Chap.ib.d. er * fyue thousand men, and how many has kettes toke ye vp ? 1 1 Why perceaue ye not then that I spa ke not vnto you of bread, when I sayd, be ware of the leuen of the Pharises, & Sad- duces ? 1 2 Then vnderstode they, how that he bad not them beware of the leuen of bread : but ofthe d doctrine of the Pharises, and >" Wemustebe- o j j ware erronious do OaQOUCes. ctrine and mans C 13 'When lesus came into the coastes of ^"™mons'toonteiJe luk 9 8(5 °' Cesarea Philippi, he asked his disciples, wordenof God. saying, Whome do men say that I am the Sonne of man ? 14 And they sayed, Some say that thou art Iohn Baptist : and some Elias: and some Ie- remias, or one of the Prophetes. Biuerse opi- 15 He sayd vnto them, But whome say ye nios touchin ., . T J - ge Christ. that I am ? 1 6 Simon Peter answered, and, sayd, d. iiii. Chap. XVI. THE GOSPEL WRIT 'Thou art Christe the Sone ofthe lyuyng lohn.e.g. f-i , Peters con- vjOd. fession. 1 7 And lesus answered, and sayd to him, happy art thou Simon the sonne of lonas, for "flesh & bloud hath not opened vnto "^e m1c™eth thee y, but my father which is in heauen. that is in ma. 18 And I say also vnto thee, that thou art ; vpon that 'Peter, and vpon e this rocke I wilbuilde Iohn.l.f. thou tasTconfes- niy congregation. And the "gates of hel 0fTsatan°wer sed & acknowlla- ghalnOt OUerCOme it. which "tan ged me: for it his . .11 deth in poli- grounded vpon an 1 9 r And 1 wil geue vnto thee, the keyes cie & stregth. '"'Thepr'Iactrs °f the kyngdome of heauen : & what soe- ^™ |0. .. of the Gospel ope uer thou shalt " bynde vp5 earth, shalbe bo '„ o i the gates to heaue , . , ji_t 4.1. 1. u. „PJ. , *_,- \ with the word of und in heauen : and what soeuer thou shalt " Condene by rig°htkayeC:soSthat "lowse on earth" shalbe lowsed in heauen. ^tJ^ where this word is 20 Then he sharpelye charged his disci- tteMsneUiw'kay; Ples. that they shuld " tel no man that he " Because he nor autoritie. ' was Iesus the Christ. ^mct them, » He wolde piuc 31 gFrom that tyme forth lesus began to and *"?*¦ Pre-' ke out of their ..,.¦*... , , 6 uent his ty- hartes that false shew vnto his disciples, how that he most me. hadDofnh7shtempo- g° 'nAo Ierusalem, and suffer many thyn- rai kyngdome. ges of the Elders, and ofthe hye Priestes, and Scribes, and must be killed, and ryse agayn the thyrd day. 22 But Peter toke hym asyde, and began to rebuke him, saying, Master looke to thy self, this shal not be vnto thee. 23 Then turned he about, and sayd vnto what incon- h Which signifi- Peter, Away from me b Sata : thou offedest ue*"ie**ce , eth an aduersane, , J , may come of who resisteth the me : because thou sauourest not the thyn- a rashe zeale ofmfiSf'as'dy" ges that are of God, but the thynges that TnlC™' Iudas:orofrashe- are of men. JJ as Peter"°sancle 24 lesus then sayd to his disciples, 'If Chap.io.d. any man wyl folow me, let him forsake lol,n J.2"/" hym self, and take vp his crosse, and fo- uk.9.c. lowe me. §• n.f- 25 For Christ shal be iudge. Psal. 62. 6. Mom. 2 . u mar. 9 . a. Iuk.9. a. BY S. MATTHEW. 29 TVel£idfe ^ ^or wnosoeuer ^ 'saue his lyfe, shal lowe Christ, lose it. And whosoeuer shal lose his lyfe for my sake, shal fynde it. 26 For what is a man the better thogh he should wynne all the whole worlde, if he be condemnede to paye his soule ? Or els what shal a man geue to redeme his soule agayn with all ? 27 For y Sonne of man shal come in the glorie of his father, with his Angels : and * then shal he reward euery man accor- dyng to his deedes. 28 * Verely I say vnto you some there be standing here, which shal not tast of de ath, k tyl they shal see the Sonne of man come in his kyngdome. THE XVII CHAPTER. The transfiguration of Christe vpon the mou taine of Thabor. He healeth the lunatike, and payeth tribute. A Nd after six dayes, lesus toke Peter, & v •£*- lames, & Iohn his brother, & broght them vp into an hye mountayne out of the way. 2 And was a transfigured before them : and his face dyd shyne as the sunne, and his clothes were as whyte as the hght. 3 And behold they saw " Moses, and E- lias, talking with hym. 4 Then answered Peter, and sayd to le sus, Master, here is b good beyng for vs : If thou wylt, let vs make here three taber nacles, one for thee, and one for Moses, & one for Elias. 1 by forsaking le sus Christe. ^ This was ful filled in his resur rection which was as an entrie into his kyngdome & was also cufirmed by sending the ho ly Gost, wherby he wroght so great & sondrie miracles. Mar. 9. a. luk.Q.d. The transfigu ration of Christ. "By these two witenessesarerepresentedthe lawe and the Prophe- tes, whichle- ad vs to Chri ste. ' earthely houses, which were receyued in glorie. XVII. a Christ shewed them his glorie that they might not thinke that he suffred through in firmitie, but that he offered vp Mm self willingly to dye. b After Moses & Elias departure Peter fearing he shuld lose that io- yful sight, spea keth as a man di stract & wold ha ue loged them in Chap. XVII. THE GOSPEL WRIT 5 Whyle he yet spake, behold a bright B cloude shadowed them : And beholde, there came a voyce out of that cloude, « we are recon- saying, "This is my deare sonne, c in who- 2Pet. i.d. Christ o°ni?.°d br me I delyte, "Heare him. ma? it' 6 And when the disciples heard that, 9 j' they "fel on theyr faces and were afrayed. luk.3.e.9.a. 7 But lesus came and touched them, and c^ef"^™- sayd, Arise and be not afrayd. "Pf ister- 8 And when they loked vp, they saw no shipped. man, saue lesus onely. 9 And as they came downe from the mo- untayne, lesus charged them, saying, See <> For men wold that ve shewe the vision to no man, d vn- not haue beheued ..... c-, r 1 r ~ them, before that til the bonne of man be rysen agayne fro Christ had made .TpofK his glorie more ™™; manifest by his re 10 And his disciples asked hym, say- Mar. 9.6. surrection. ^ my then gay ^ gcribeS) that * E]iag Of Elias^ must fyrst come ? come. 11 lesus answered, and sayd vnto them, ^al^d^ Certeynly Elias must fyrst come, and re store all thynges. 1 2 But I say vnto you, that Ehas is come already, and they knewe him not, but ha ue done vnto hym what soeuer they lu sted : In like wyse shal also the Sonne of man souffer of them. 1 3 Then the disciples perceaued that he c spake vnto them of Iohn Baptist. 14 'And when they were come to the peo Mar.9.c. pie, there came to him a certayne man, & Juk.9.c. kneled downe to him, 1 5 And sayd, Master haue mercie on my sonne, for he is lunatike, and is sore ve xed : For oft tymes he falleth into the fy re, and oft into the water. 16 And BY S. MATTHEW. 30 1 6 And I broght him to thy disciples, and they could not heale hym. He repro- 1 7 lesus answered and sayd e O genera- ° He speaketh ,U4hushnaug'hti0n faithleS & Cr0ked: H™ l0DSe shal^an^frrS eines of the I be with you, how longe shal I suffre as if they had now Scribes. 3 v> ¦ 1, r. -ii. _ gotton the victo- you ? Bring hym hyther to me. rie ouer christe 18 And lesus rebuked the deuyl, and he p^werenof Lt- came out of hym. And the childe was hie to do this mi- healed euen that same houre. 19 Then came the disciples to lesus se cretly, and sayd, Why could not we cast him out ? . , ., , 20 lesus sayd vnto them, Because of Luke.n.b. , ,. / _ ' T your vnbeheie. h or verely I say vnto you, if ye had fayth as muche as is a gray ne of mustard seed, ye should say vnto this mountaynef, Remoue hence to yon- 'By this ma- Christe requi rjer place, and it should remoue : neither SgnifiedTthaUhey steronge,P& a should any thyng be vnpossible for you [j™"' *° tmn''es constant fai- *,. j„ impossiDie. the. ro ao. 21 How be it this kynde goeth not out, but by Sprayer and fastyng. ¦ The best reme nn a fi. j ii. X. ¦ n vi dle t0 strengthen 22 As they passed the tyme m Galile, the weake faith is lesus sayd vnto the, The sonne of ma shal S^'tadedto! be betrayed into the handes of men. as a heipe to the 23 And they shal kyl hym, and the thyrd 5ame" day shal he ryse agayne. And they soro- ¦¦ Didrach- wed greatly. waas of TaiSe 24 And when they were come to Caper- about.io.pen naUj they that were wont to gather" pol- sterling mo- le money, came to Peter, and sayd, Doth nye- not your master pay tribute ? tesepayedel'it 25 He sayd, yeas. And when he was come once by the into the house, lesus spake fyrst to hym, anT at this' saying, What thinkest thou Simon ? Of tyme they wh6 do fae kynges of the earth take tri- payed it to ,, -, r , • i And sayd, Verely I say vnto you, ex- c^of^heir^br-e1.' cePt ye* turne> and become as htel b chil ffgP- J9;*- threne. dren, ye shal not enter into the kvnedo- b Not in lacke „ c i J ° of discretion, but me of heauen. in that they be not 4 Whosoeuer therefore shal humble The area vayne glorious, . . ,. ,.,.,,.,, , . 7 . ^J* sekeing to aduace mm selle as this htel childe, the same j*?' ,m tn*" woer?deiyhonours° is tne greatest in the kyngdome of hea- h^uen"!16 "' uen. « He calleth 5 c And whosoeuer shal receaue such a " a greate Sen1 nte,UwS Htel <*&* ™ my name, receaueth me. JffiT* humble them sei 6 But whosoeuer shal offede one of the- se toumeth, ues with all humi „„ i 4. i i • -1 1 1 • .. and is spoken litie & subiectis. se iytelons which beleue in me : it were in respect of better for hym, that a" mylstone were han Jhat *cl,.i? ii.i. 1 , i , tourned with ged about his necke, and that he were mans hand. drow BY S. MATTHEW. 31 drowned in the depth of the sea. 7 dWo be vnto the woorld because of « christe war- 1 . Cor. n.4 offices. For it can not be * auoyded but £& $£,!{£; that offences shalbe geuen, Neuertheles- r.?*- hacke h-ome se wo be to that man, by whom the offen- exampie^r offen- ce cometh. ce1£at a man can Matth.b.e. 8 * Wherfore, if thy hand or thyfote cau se thee to offende, cut them of, and To cut of cast them from thee. It is better for thee S1 . th,mFes to enter into lyfe, halt, or maymed, ra- that let or ''iiii • i - hinder vs to ther then thou shouldest, hauing two ha- seme God. ^eg or ^yfQ £e^ ^e cagj. ^Q eUerlastyng fyre. 9 And if thyne eye cause thee to offende plucke it out, and cast it from thee. It is better for thee to enter into lyfe with one eye, then hauing two eyes, to be cast into hel fyre. 10 c See that ye despice not one of these ly ¦ christe tou tleones, for I say vnto you, That in heauen ££££££,£ their f Angels alwayes beholde the face is pride anddisdey e eL, i • i • - i ne of our infe- of my father which is m heauen. riours. "we may not 1 1 For the sonne of man is come to "saue . ' Seem"" G°\ . , J ... i hath commanded offence that tnat wnich was lost. his Angells to ta- which God 1 2 How thinke ye ? * If a man haue an hun £? '^^f eth°e ly'boght?6™" dred shepe, and one of them be gone a- wicked may be^as Luke.ib.a. stray, doth he not leuenynty and nynein despice them, God the mountaynes, and go and seke that o- ™J, ™en|ie their ne which is gone astray ? 13 If it happen that he finde it, verely I say vnto you : he reioyceth more of that shepe, then of the nynty & nyne which went not astray. c 14 Euen so it is not the wil of your fa- Luk.V.a. ^g,. in heauen that one of these lytle leu. 19. d. iii-i jBccc't.19.6. ones should penshe. Iam. b.d. 15 * Moreouer, if thy brother Irespace Chap. XVIII. THE GOSPEL WRIT « Wherwith aa-aynst ** thee. Go and tel him his faut of Brotherly thow mayst be of , &, ¦* ,. „ ,, , T/. , , correction. fended.hespeketh betwene him & thee alone. It he heare cuifr^nes!^ ««*. thou hast wonne thy brother. not of open or 1 6 But if he heare thee not, then take knowen to others. ygt ^^ ^ Qne ^ ^ . rj^^ by the * Deu.l^e. mouth of two or three witnesses, all the fojr.io.e. matter may be confirmed. 2Cori.l3.a. 1 7 And if he wil not vouchesaue to heare of excomuni " He meaneth them, tel it vnto the h congregation. And cation" der that was emo- if he refuse to heare the congregation, let hadfttheirWe?ondi mm be v1*0 tnee as an heathen man, and of auncient and as a Publican. forme maner", r& 18 Verely I say vnto you, * whatsoeuer 1. Cor. 15. c. execute discipii- ye 'bynde on earth, shalbe bound in hea- 2- P*i"3"d- ne. This assemble J J , loh. 20. c. represented the uen. And whatsoeuer ye lowse on earth, SLdui shalbe lowsed in heauen. to this chardge. 19 Agayne, verely I say vnto you, that if in tne id cnap« . « < -, . . ^ he ment this of do two ot you shal agre m earth vpon any ecciesisUcdaihieSsd maner ^T^g. whatsoeuer they shal desi- piine, which is a re, it shal be geuen them of my father doctrine?060 ' " which is in heauen. 20 For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the myddes of them. 21 Then came Peter to hym, and sayed, Master how oft shal I forgeue my brother if he sinne against me ? * shal I euen seuen Luke. 17. u. times ? 22 lesus sayd vnto him : I say not vnto We muste thee seuen tymes, but seuenty tymes se- ^fiy read^to Uen tymes. forgyue and 23 Therfore is the kyngdome of hea e orgyuen" uen lykened vnto a certayne kyng, which would take acountes of his seruantes. 24 And when he had begon to recken, jj one was brogth vnto him, which oght him BY S. MATTHEW. 32 "A common hym ten thousand "talentes. valued atTwo 25 Whom because he had noght to paye, hundred his maister commanded to be solde, & his wyfe, and his children, and all that he had and payement to be made. 26 The seruant, therfore fel downe and besoght hym, saying, Syr appease thine anger towards me and I wyl pay it euery whyt, 27 Then had the Lord pitie on that ser uant, and lowsed him, and forgaue hym the dette. 28 And the sayd seruant went out, and founde one of his felowes which oght him an hundred k pence, and layed han- k which amon des on hym, and toke hym by the throte, t.o'thfsomVK'! saying, Pay me that thou owest. shiiiinges or verie -,„ .i i . ,.1 i ^ ..ii nere, and was no- 29 And his felow therfore fel downe at thing in respect his fete, and besoght hym, saying, Appea- &&ehL°Ser se thyn anger towards me, and I wyl pay forgaue him. thee all thinges. 30 And he would not, but wet & cast hym into prison, tyl he should pay the dette. 31 And when his other felowes saw what was done, they were very sory, and came and tolde plainely vnto theyr Lord that had hapened. 32 Then his Lord called him, and sayid to hym, O euil seruant, I forgaue thee all that dette, because thou prayedst me 33 Was it not mete also that thou shoul dest haue had compassion on thy felow, euen as I had pitie on thee ? 34 And his Lord was wroth, and deliue- red hym to the iaylers, til he should pay al that was due to hym. 35 So lykewise shall my heauenly fa- Chap. XIX. THE GOSPEL WRIT ther do vnto you, except ye forgeue " with Mar . 1 1. d. your hartes, eche one to his brother their stemeth one- trespaces. and affecti0. THE. XIX. CHAPTER. Christe sheweth for what cause a woman may be diuorced, and that continence is a gyft of God, he receyueth litle babes, and confirming the lawe of God, sheweth that riche men can scarsely be saued : Finaly he promeseth his disci pies which haue left all to foiowe him, lyf euere lasting. A Nd it came to passe, when lesus had A ¦*-*- finished those sayinges, he gate him from Galile, and came into the coa stes of Iewrie beyond Iordan. 2 And much people folowed hym, and The sicke he healed them there. _\iar_ jg, „. 3 Then came vnto him the Pharisies tempting him, and saying to hym, Is it lawful for a man to put away his wife for euerie faute ? 4 And he answered and sayed vnto them Haue ye not reade, * how that he which Gene. 1 . d. made man at the hegynning, made them man and woman ? 5 And sayd, * for this thyng, shal a man Gen. 2. d. leaue father and mother, and cleue vnto 1- Cor.e.d. his wyfe, and they twayne shalbe made ^o^person- one " flesshe. ne. 6 Wherfore they are no more twayn, but one flesshe. Let not ma therfore put a sun- dre, that which God hath coupled toge ther. 7 Then sayd they to hym, Why did then * Moses command to geue a testimonial of diuorcement, and to put her away ? 8 He sayd vnto them, Moyses because of the BY S. MATTHEW. 33 the a hardnes of your heartes, suffered you xix. " Or by Gods to put away your wyues : But " fro the be- de" tIn™csru0elat"e0y ordinance. gynnyng it was not SO. that men wolde Chap.b.e. 9 I say therfore vnto you, * that whosoe- dlsVeifwiueTif TY'^r'j' uer shal put away his wyfe (except it be th<-y had bene <°r < n ii . j o. it- ,» i -i v-i i l ceo to reteyne t lit* l.cor 7 b tor whoredome) and marye another, D com in their dispieasur mitteth aduoutrie. And whosoeuer rnari- fu?|.^hJaD™: eth her which is diuorced, doth commit d<- can not be bro j , ken at mans plea- aduoutry. sure. B 10 Then sayd his disciples to him, If the matter be so betwene man & wyfe, then is it not good to mary. 1 1 And he sayd vnto them, All men rece yue not this speeche, saue they to whome it is geuen. " The wor 12 For ther are c some " chaste, which we- c Some by na- %££**" re so borne of their mothers belly. And l^e^so! there be some chaste, which be made of me *>? arte- men. And there be some chaste, d which a which haue haue made them selues chaste, for the nheencgeyfta°fd c™">t kingdome of heauens sake. He e that can to serue God with .i , i_ • i.-i_ .i ¦_ more free libertie take this, let hym take it. . This gyft is Chap. 18. a. 13 * Then were broght to hym yonge chyl- nf* common for mar 10 6 j .li _. i_ i_ U _ i_- i_ j a11 men, therfore ? is dren, that he shoulde put his handes on men may not ra- ' them, and pray: And the disciples rebu- ^tVmaSge6. ked them. 14 But lesus sayd, Suffre the litle chyl- dren, and forbyd them not to come to me : for of suche is the kingdome of heauen. Laying on 15 And when he had put his handes on Ses.' e an* them, he departed thence. C 1 6 * And beholde one came, and sayd vnto TOn?e man knewe Mar. 10. b. hym, Good Master what good thyng shal •j,->«*l**'f ir; -Ies-S luke.l8.d. tj itiT i. ^ iu . Christ buthisma- 1 do, that 1 may haue eternal lyie r hode, he leadeth 17 He sayd vnto him, f Why callest thou h™get0, htjfhtehin- me good? there is none good but ong, and tent his doctrine that is God. But if thouwylt entre into ™agce e.i. Chap. XIX. THE GOSPEL WRIT hfe, " kepe the commandementes. " . That he 18 He sayd to hym, Which? And lesus toLowehim sayd, Kil not : Breake notwedlocke : Steale selfe- not : Beare not false wytnes : 19 * Honour father and mother, and loue Exod.20.d. thy neyghbour as thy selfe. deut. be: n/J m, i i • ti roma. 13. c. 20 The yonge man sayd vnto him, 1 haue « He boasteth g obserued al these thiges from my youth : moche because as .... T . . ° J yet he knewe not what lacke 1 yet ? him selfe. g i ^n(j jesug sayrl vnto him, yf thou wylt >¦ Christ here by be perfecte, go, h sei that thou hast, and pocrisie.md'caul gyue it to the " poore, and thou shalt ha- " Or beggars. sed him to feele ue treasure in heauen, and come and fo- » To iav vn hisownweakenes, u *"* *P not generally com lowe me. treasor in he r^ifke.3" '° 22 And when the yonge man heard that auen' saying, he went away mourning : For he had great " possessions. "Whathinde- 23 Then lesus sayd vnto his disciples, ^ b™enri_ Verely I say vnto you, that it shalbe hard ches. for a ryche man, to enter into the kyngdo me of heauen. 24 And moreouer I say vnto you, It is easyer for a " camell to go throgh the ¦¦ or cable eye of a nedle, then for a riche man to en- rope' tre into the kyngdome of God. 25 And when his disciples heard that, they were excedigly amased, saying, Who then can be saued? 26 lesus behelde them, and sayd vnto them, With men this is vnpossible, but ft ' Who can fra- God * al thynges are possible. me menshartes so * f *¦ that they shall riot 27 * Then answered Peter, & sayd to hym, Mar.io.d oftheirrichef68 Beholde, we haue forsaken al, and folo- '«*¦ 18./. wed thee, what shal we haue ? 28 lesus sayd vnto them, Verely I say to D you, when the sonne of man shal syt in the throne of his maiestie, ye which folo wed BY S. MATTHEW. 34 Luke 22. e. wed me, in the k regeneration, * shal syt J£$£«* " or thrones, also vpon twelue " seates, and iudge the ischaged,renewed twelue tribes of Israel. t^oySwor- 29 And whosoeuer shal forsake houses, °"e with the sen , ,, - ., tence following, or brethren, or systers, or father, or mo- and so take rege- ther, or wyfe, or children, or landes, for 5^;^*° my names sake, the same shal receaue an whs the elect shall 1 hundreth folde, and shal inherite euer- eni°ye "their inhe! lasting life. ritance. to thende Mat 20 b 30 *And many that are fyrst, shalbe last, that it is not suf- ioAn.' 13*. c. and the last shalbe fyrst. g0Cnee,1oncehauel)e" 1 The ioye of conscience which THE. XX. CHAPTER. SJjj^S Christ teacheth by a similitude, that God f0ide more worthe is detter vnto no man, and how he is alway then all wordely calling men to his labour. He teacheth his to treasors. flie ambition, and geueth two blynde men their syght. Worke men Ti^Or th*3 kyngdome of heauen is like to"eth 'red 'n' vn*° an h°use n°lder, which went out yard. at the dawning of the day to hyer labou rers into his vineyard. 2 And he agreed with the labourers for xx a a peny a day, and sent them into his vi- » which is of nmrarrl *"alue about foure ney, s""x of the °r" iiiti clocke was none: and nynth houre, and dyd likewyse. nyne, was three of 6 And he went out about the eleuenth ^^"u,^ houre, and found other standyng ydlg, & "enth houre, was sayd vnto them, Why stand ye here all sunnesett. e.ii. Chap. XX. e Therfore eue- rie man in his vo cation as he is called fyrst oght to go forward and encouradge others seing the hyer, is indifferent for all. THE GOSPEL WRIT the day ydel ? They sayd vnto hym, becau se no man hath hyred vs. 7 He sayd to them, go ye also into my vineyard, and whatsoeuer is ryght, that shal ye receaue. 8 And when euen was come, the Lord of the vineyard sayd vnto his steward, Call the labourers, and geue them theyr hyer, begynnyng at the last, tyl thou come to the fyrst. 9 And they which were hyred about the eleuenth houre, came and receaued euery man a peny. 10 Then came the fyrst, supposyng that they should receaue more, and they lyke- wyse receaued euery man a peny. 1 1 And when they hadd receaued it, they murmured agaynst the good man of the house. 1 2 Saying, These last haue wroght but o- ne houre, and thou hast made them equal vnto vs, which haue borne the burthen, & heate of the day. 1 3 And he answered to one of them, say ing, " Friend I do thee no wrong : Dyddest " Or feiowe. thou not agre with me for a peny ? 14 Take that which is thy duety, and go thy way, I will geue vnto this last, as much as to thee. 15 Is it not lawful for me to do as me ly- steth with mine own goods ? Is thyne eye " Or enuious " euyl because I am good ? myTberaii- 1 6 * So c the last shalbe fyrst, and the fyrst *£*"• shalbe last. For many are called, and fewe lukAs. f, be chosen. mar. 10. c. 1 7 *And lesus ascended to Ierusalem, ^f{^'cb' & toke the twelue disciples aparte in the luke. is!/. way BY S. MATTHEW. 35 way, and sayd to them. C 1 8 Beholde we go vp to Ierusalem, and the Sonne of ma shalbe betrayed vnto the chief Priestes, and vnto the Scribes, and they shal condemne him to death. 19 And shal dehuer hym to the Gentiles, to be mocked, to be scourged, and to be crucified : and the thyrd day he shal ryse agayne. 20 The came to hym the mother of Zebe- des chyldren with her sonnes, worshyp- pyng him, and desiryng a certayne thing of him. 2 1 And he sayd vnto her, what wylt thou haue ? She sayd to him, Grant that these my two sonnes may syt, the one at thy ryght hand, & the other at thy lyft hand in thy kyngdome. 22 And lesus answered and sayd, Ye wot not what ye aske. Are ye able to drincke of the d cup that I shal drincke of : & to >i He setteth the be baptized with the baptisme that I ^^"^e shalbe batized with ? They sayd to hym, we them frome am- ii j j j bition, calling it a are able. cuppe, to signifie 23 And he sayd vnto them, Ye shal dryn- '>*e measure of J i i n i • the afflictions ke m deed of my cup, and shalbe bapti- which God hath zed with the baptisme, that I am bapti- °S*,S zed with. But to syt at my ryght hand, thing also he cai- , . , .. , i J. _ . 3 J °. leth baptisme. and at my lyft hand, is e not myne to geue : « God my fa- but it shall be geuen to them for whome ^^^Jt; it is prepared of my father. bcstowe offices of Mar. 10. f. 24 *And wh-en the other ten heard this> h°n0Urbere" luke.22.c. they disdayned at the two brethren. D 25 But lesus called them vnto him, and sayd, Ye know that the lordes of the Gen tiles haue domination ouer them. 26 And they that are great, exercise po- c.iii. Chap. XXI. THE GOSPEL WRIT wer ouer the. It shal not be so among you. But whosoeuer wyl be great among you, let him be your minister. 27 And whosoeuer wyl be chief among you, let him be your seruant. 28 *Euen as the Sonne of man came, not Phil.2.a. to be ministred vnto, but to minister, and to sreue his lyfe for the " redemption of " or price of ° J the ransom. many. 29 * And as they departed from lericho, Mar. 10. g. \. i r i j i.- Iuhel8.g. muche people folowed him. 30 And behold two blynde men syttyng by the way syde : When they heard lesus passe by, cryed saying, Thou Lord the Son ne of Dauid, haue mercie on vs. 31 And the people rebuked them, becau- Two blynde se they should holde their peace. But receyue their they cried the more saying, Haue mercie s'e on vs thou Lord, which art the sonne of Dauid. 32 Then lesus stode styl, and called them, and sayd, What wyl ye that I should do to you? 33 They sayd to hym, Lord that our eyes may be opened. 34 And lesus had compassion on them, and touched their eyes, and immediatly their eyes receaued syght, and they folo wed hym. THE XXI. CHAPTER. He rydeth into Ierusalem, dryueth the marchantes out of the temple, healeth the sick, curseth the fygge tre, and rebuketh the Phari ses, with the similitude of the two sonnes, and of the housbandmen that slewe suche as were sent vnto them. And BY S. MATTHEW. 36 A A Nd when they drew nye to Ierusale, /^"laV"" & were come to Bethphage, vnto the mount of the Ohues, then sent lesus two of his disciples. 2 Saying to them, Go into the towne that lyeth ouer agaynst you, and anone ye shal fynde an a asse bound, and her colt with » By this entrie her : lose them, and bryng them vnto me. shewe the°state& 3 And if any man say oght vnto you, say condition of his " " j ' j kynfrdomc which ye, that the Lord hath nede of them : and was farre contra- streight way he wyl let them go. ™t0g,^e Po°fX 4 All this was done to fulfil that ft was worlde. spoken by the Prophet, saying, zatha\ b 5 *Tel ye the " dauSnter of Sion, Behold luk. 19. f. ' thy kyng cometh vnto thee, meke & syt- iohn. 12.6. ting vpon an asse, and a b colte, the fole of * it is a maner " That is. the ,. ,i , of speeche called Citie of SiO. an "i1356 vsed to tne yOCke. synechdoche.wher 6 The disciples went & dyd as lesus co- J"* two are takm , , , r ¦" for one. manded them. 7 And broght f asse & y colte, and put on "Heryddeon "them theyr clothes, and set him theron. thedarawet 8 And many of the people spread theyr in copagnie. garmentes in y way : & other cutte doune branches fr5 the trees, and strawed them in the way. what inter- 9 Moreouer, the people that went befo- chSsthad of re. and they also that came after cryed, the people, saying, c Hosanna the sonne of Dauid. » saue i pray Blessed be he that cometh in the name of ^ros'perl °°nd the Lord, Hosanna thou which art in the de good successe A , . . , to the Messias. u hiest heauens. a ForGodwhich Mar. ll. b. 10 *And when he was come into lerusa- j*"™ hsea™"" must luk. 19. g. lem, all the citie was moued, saying, Who is this ? 11 And the people sayd, this is iesvs the Prophet of Nazaret a citie of Ga lile. • Chap. XXI. THE GOSPEL WRIT 1 2 * And lesus went into the teple of God, M«r. J ' ¦ *• & cast out all them that *soulde & boght "oh'n- f 9C\ •intheporcheor in the e temple, and ouerthrew the tables Deut. 14. c. temple. ™ ° e of y mony changers, and the seates ofthe that solde doues. 13 And sayd to them, It is written, * My Esa.m.b. house shalbe called the house of prayer. The* by(*ar3 ten«noefrreii£oCn f But ye haue made it a denne of theues. chase^out of GoPdOCof ehisSPt°ile 14 And tlle blynd and the halt came to e emp e" worshipe. him in the temple, and he healed them. 1 5 And when the chiefe Priestes & Scri bes saw the marueiles that he dyd, and y children crying in the teple, and saying, Hosanna the sonne of Dauid, they disdai ned. 16 And said vnto him, Hearest thou what these say ? lesus sayd vnto the, yea, read ye « Yf God reueile neuer, * By the ** "mouth of babes and suck Psal. 8. a. mighf'by6 bates bilges, thou hast " made parfit the praise ? »^SSlt that can not as 1 7 And he left them, and went OUt of V growndedthe yet speake, is it .,. J -n .1 - 11 , i - 1 t strength. marueii if they citie vnto iiethame, and had his abyding that can speake do flipi-p settfourth.andma c " gnme the same ? 18 And in the morning as he returned Mar. l i.e. into the citie agayne, he hungred. '***• 13- c- 1 9 And spyed a fygge tree in the way, and came to it, and founde nothyng theron, but leaues only, & sayd to it, Neuer frute grow on thee henceforwardes. And ano- ne the fygge tree wythered away. 20 And whe his disciples sawe that, they marueiled, saying, How sone is the fygge tree wythered away ? 21 lesus answered and sayd vnto them, c Verely I say vnto you, if ye shal haue fayth, and shal not doubt, ye shal not one ly do that which I haue done to the fygge tree : but also If ye shal say vnto this moii- taine BY S. MATTHEW. 37 taine, h Take thy selfe away, and cast thy '¦ winch thing selfe into the sea, it shalbe done. possible.0 e"™ Chap. 7. a. 22 * And what soeuer ye shal aske in pray ™?'1'J1;C" er, if ye beleue, ye shal receaue it. Mar. 12. d. ^3 * And when he was come into the tem- luk.20 .a. pie, the chiefe Priestes and the Elders of aske questios tne people, came vnto him as he was tea- of christe. chyng, and sayd, By what auctoritie doest thou these thynges ? and who gaue thee this power ? 24 lesus answered and sayd vnto them, I also wyl aske of you a certayne question, which if ye assoyle me, I in lyke wyse wyl tel you by what auctoritie I do these thin ges. 25 The baptisme of Iohn whence was it, " of God. " from heauen, or of men ? Then they reaso ned among them selues, saying, If we shal say from heauen, he wil say vnto vs : why did ye not then beleue him ? 26 But & yf we shal say of men, then ' fea- ' The hypocri- .i J , *T-in iiiti tes feare ma more Chap.H.a. re we the people. J? or all men held Iohn then God.and ma- nw.R.e. as a Prophet. _ SSLEM?" 27 And they answered les', and said, We ca not tel. And he sayd vnto them, Nether tel I you, by what auctoritie I do these thynges. 28 But what thinke ye? A certayne man The simiiitu had two sonnes, and came to the elder, & sonnes'. " '"" sayd, Sonne, go and worke to day in my vi neyard. 29 He answered and sayd, I wil not : but afterward aduised him selfe, and went. 30 Then came he to the seconde, and sayd lykewise. And he answered, and sayd, I wyl syr, yet went not. 31 Whether of them twayne dyd tite wyl Chap. XXI. THE GOSPEL WRIT of y father? They sayd vnto him, The fyrst. lesus sayd vnto them, Verely I say vnto "¦ So farre it is y0u, that the k publicans and the harlotes torepent&besa- shal come into the kyngdome of God be- ued that stande in f0re VOU their owne cocey- J ' . „ „ . , te.thatthegreatest 32 For Iohn came vnto you m the way ot J-"00 h ff sta"e mo're' sone righteousnes, & ye beleued him not. But way oVrigh-' cometorepentan-the publicans, and the harlots beleued seMewalv- him. And yet ye, thogh ye sawe it, were prfght &par- not moued with repentiice, that ye myght afterward haue beleued him. D 33 "Herken another similitude. There was Mar.l2.a. a certayne housholder, which planted a luk.20.b. istopetTe!^ l Vineyard- and m hedSed itr0Und ab0Ut> GSoad5compa- which he had ele- and made a wynepresse in it, and buylt a reth him sei- C'"dvsed all me- tower, and let it out to housbad men, and holder. °WS nes to preserue it went into a strange countrey. foi. 34 And when the tyme of the fruit drew »which were the nere, he sent his seruantes to y nhousbad- Priestes & rulers. . ., _. -. .. ., men to receaue the fruites of it. 35 And the housbandmen caught his " ser » The Prophe uantes, and beat one, killed another, and tes- stoned another. 36 Againe he sent other. seruantes, mo then the fyrst, and they serued them like- wyse. 37 But last of all, he sent vnto them his owne " sonne, saying, They wyl feare my "ies- Christe. sonne. 38 But when the housbandmen saw the sonne, they sayd amog them selues, * This Chap. 26. a. is the heyre : come, let vs kyl hym, & let vs ?7; a- take his inheritance. %0 n '9' 39 And they caught him, and thrust him out of the vineyard, and slewe him. 40 When therfore the Lord of the vi neyard shal comme, what wil he do with those BY S. MATTHEW. 38 those housbandmen ? 41 They sayd vnto him, He wil cruely de stroy those euil persons, and wyl let out his vineyard vnto other housbandmen, which shal dehuer him the fruit at tymes conuenient. 42 lesus sayd vnto them, Red ye neuer in Act.i.b. the Scriptures, * The stone which the buil psal. 117. c ders ° refused, the same, is made the p he- ° As not mete Tipet29'b ad stone °f tne corner ? This was y Lordes orP t0 fasten and Christ is the doing, and it is merueylous in our eyes, ioyne the buyi- corner stone. 4g rfl^^ gay j ^^ yQU) the kyngdo. ""* t(«eUier" me of God shalbe taken from you, & shal be geuen to a people, which shal bryng forth the fruites of it. Esa.e.c. 44 * And whosoeuer shal fal on this stone he shalbe broken : but on whom soeuer it shal fal vpon, it wyl grynde him to pow der.45 And when y chiefe Priestes and Pha rises heard these similitudes, they perce- aued that he spake of them. 46 And they seekyng to lay handes on him, feared the people, because they toke him as a Prophet. THE XXII. CHAPTER. He describeth the state of Christs Churche. Tribute to be geuen to the magistrat, of the re surrection, the Scribes question, and Christes di uinitie. A \ Nd lesus answered, and spake vnto » christe repro- Luk.U.d. IA. them agayne in similitudes, saying, cheththeiewesof reuel. 19. 0. _ ™. - ° f - , ¦ vi . their ingratitude 2 The kyngdome ot heauen is hke vnto and obstinate ma- a certayne kyng which maried his sonne. j^Se'gr^eof 3 And a sent forth his seruantes, to call God which was so them that were byd to the weddyng, and vn™ them." erc Chap. XXII. THE GOSPEL WRIT they would not come. 4 Agayne he sent forth other seruantes, The simiiitu- saying, Tel them which are bydden, Be- riadge. holde I haue prepared my dinner, mine oxen and my fathnges are killed, and all thinges are ready, come vnto y mariage. 5 But they made light of it, and went their wayes, one to his ferme place, ano ther about his marchandise. 6 And the remnant toke his seruantes, and intreated them sharpely, and slewe them. 7 But when the " king heard that, he was « God -paai- wroth : and sent forth his warriers, and ?nethextreme i , i ly snch rngra- destroyed those murtherers, and burnt titude. vp their citie. 8 Then sayd he to his seruates, Truly the weddynge is prepared : But they which were bidden, were not worthy. 9 Go ye therfore out into the hye wayes, The calling and as many as ye fynde, byd them to the ilsthe Genti" mariage. ¦> The ingrati- 10 And b the seruantes went out into the areby°d,canothcaS hie wayes and gathered to gether as ma- se the holy meates ny as they COulde fynd, both " good and "Inthechurch GodPhathe PWrepCah had : and the weddyng was furnyshed toar'mte _. . mixed red for his. with geastes. with the 1 1 Then the king came in, to see the gea- g0° " stes, and spyed there a man which had « He had not a not on a c weddyng garment. ^hfconsSd 12 And sayd vnto hym, friend, how <* ca- 1 Thogh God mest thou in hyther, and hast not on a suffre for a tyme ¦, , . L ., . - , hypocrites in the wedding garment ? And he was euen spea- Churche: yet he chlesse. knoweth how to tryc them. 13 Then sayd the king to the ministres, B Take and bynde hym hand and fote, and Chap.S.b. cast hym intovtter darcknes, * there shal 13-/-25-c- be BY S. MATTHEW. 39 be wepyng and gnasshyng of teeth. 14 For many are e called, & fewe be chose. • By the outw- MarA2.a. 15 ""Then went the Pharises and toke ££* general cal* luk TO. d. counsel how they myght tagle him in hys wordes. 1 6 And they sent vnto hym their disci ples with Herodes seruantes, saying, Ma ster we knowe that thou art true, and tea chest the way of God truly, nether carest for any man, for thou f considrest not men < As touching tips pat-nt the outwarde qua nta estdl. litie.as whether he 1 7 Tel vs therfore, how thynkest thou ? Is be "che or Poore- it lawful to geue tribute vnto Cesar or not? b°tepay tn" 1 8 lesus perceaued theyr wyckednes, and sayd, Why tempte ye me ye hypocrites ? C 1 9 Let me see the tribute mony. And they broght him a^ peny. vaSutTurl 20 And he sayd vnto them, whose is this pence halfe peny. Image and superscription ? They sayd vnto him, Cesars. Uom. 13. b. 21 Then sayd he vnto them, * Geue ther fore to Cesar, that which is Cesars, and ge ue vnto God, that which is Goddes. 22 When they heard that, they meruey- led, and left him, and went theyr way. Mar. 12.b. 23 * The same day the Sadduces came to act 23 °b k™ (which say that there is no resurre ction) and asked hym, Deut. 25. a. 24 Saying, Master, * Moses bad, if a man " Or sonnes. dye, hauynge no " chyldren, that his bro- " By the title ther " mary his wyfe, & rayse vp seede vn- of alyaunce. ...... to his brother. 25 There were with vs seuen brethren, & the fyrst maryed a wife, and deceassed without yssue, and left his wyfe vnto his brother. Chap. XXII. THE GOSPEL WRIT 26 Likewise also the second, & the thyrd, vnto the seuenth. 27 Last of all the woman dyed also. 28 Now in the resurrection, whose wyfe shal she be of the seuen ? For all had her. 29 lesus answered and sayd vnto them, h wher Gods Ye h are deceaued, not vnderstandyng the cTerddfvnndtS; Scriptures, nor the power of God. ther muste needes 30 For in the resurrection, me nether ma- raigne blyndenes - i . i • and errours. ry wiues, nor wiues are bestowed in ma- • For asmoche as riadge : but are as the *¦ Angels of God in they shal be exem i pted frome the in- heauen . f'JraenUifef thU 31 As touchyng the resurrection of the dead, haue ye not read what is sayd vnto you of God, which sayth, 32 * I am Abrahams God, and Isaacs God, Exod.a.c. and the God of lacob ? God is not the God D of the dead, but of the lyuing. 33 And when the people hearde that, they were astonied at his doctrine. 34 * When the Pharises had heard, how y Mar. 12. c. he had put the Sadduces to silence, vpon that they drewe together, 35 And one of them which was an expon- der of the lawe, asked him a question, tem- ting him, and saying, 36 Master, which is the chiefe commande ment in the law ? 37 lesus sayd to him, * Loue the Lord thy Deut. 6. b. God, with all thy hart, ft all thy soule, 'a*-10" °" and with all thy mynde. 38 This is the fyrst and the chiefe com mandement. 39 And thesecod is hke vnto this. *Loue Rom. 13. c. thine neyghbour as thy selfe. leui. 19. d. 40 In these two commandementes, han-?"'*^; geth all the Lawe and the Prophetes. 41 * While BY S. MATTHEW. 40 Mar. 12. d. 41 * While y Pharises were gathered to- luk. 20. g. gether, lesus asked them, 42 Saying, What thynke ye of Christe? k By the spirit of ke°foWrh farm- Whose " sonne is he ? They sayd vnto him, G*ft $£ lie the sonne of Dauid. d0™ ofth3ehrjsiteh"t 43 He sayd vnto the, How then doth Da- hand is signified uid in * spirit cal him Lord, saying, ^th^od Psal. I09.a. 44 * The Lord sayd to my Lord, syt on my &r*?th .his s°™e Sdrf' "sonne ' ^S^ hand m tyl, I make thyne enemyes him "iTueXn&t touching his thy fote stole ? hifchureher°uer Ws Lord' con 45 If Dauid call hym Lord, how is he the - Not that his GoTeld * his SOnne ? ffiuS™ 46 And none could answere him agay- <£ |"s humanme , - i . shal cease, and he ne one worde, nether durst any from that with the father day forth, aske him any mo questions. £££¦£?££¦£ one God all in all. THE XXIII. CHAPTER. Christe condemneth the ambition, couuetous nes, and hypocrisie of the Scribes and Phari ses and their persecutions against the seruan tes of God. He prophecieth the destruction of Ierusalem. A IT^Hen spake lesus to the people, and to -*¦ his disciples, 2.Esd.8.a. 2 Saying, The * Scribes and the Pharises ^Telcimg " syt in Moses seat. that which 3 All therfore what soeuer they abyd ° Accordyng to Moses saith. , ., . , A A \. *¦ it Moseswhomethey you obserue, that obserue and do : but at- reade:butnotthat ter their workes do not : For they say, and "^ *e/m 'seea; do not. ues- Esa.io.a. 4 * For they bynde heauy burthens, and '"*•}'•/• greuous to be borne, and lay them on deut.e.b. mens shoulders, but they them selues wyl §•21.6. not heaue at them with one of theyr fin gers. Chap. XXIII. THE GOSPEL WRIT '¦ They were scroi 5 Al theyr workes they do for to be sene whednfhTcomml of men. For they make theyr *"Phylacte- Nom. 15. d. Sdto'tnisday rfeS tr0ade> and make l™& the " Skirtf3S » edges^r' t the lewes vse the of their garmentes. rnes. inTpefcfofle! 6 *And loue to syt in the worthiest place Mar. 12. d. ther.andsobynde at feastes, and to haue the chiefe seates in •"' , ¦11"-^' the to their browe, , , , ^«.y. arme &c. to thin- the assembles. h^co'ntinu^re- 7 And gretynges in the markettes, and to membrance ofthe be called of men " Rabbi, Rabbi. "Master. '""christforbyd- 8 *Butbenot ye called "-"masters : Forone ,{aRab£"a" deth not to gyue js vour " master, that is to wyt, Christe, "teacher. luste honour toMa J , , J Esa. 54. a. gistrates, and Ma- and all ye are brethren. iere 31 * S'smbTtton &" 9 A^ * cal1 noman your father, vpo the Mat. l'.a. superioritie ouer earth, for ther is but one your Father, and ™1 Pharises ourbrothersfaith, , . . , J were call|d whichoffice appar he IS m heauen. rnastersorfa- ataetht°Christe 10 Be not caUed Dolors, for ther is but s„rb™dD0e one your Doctor, and he is Christe. ctors. gnuiehn,hthehchur 1! But * he that is d greatest among you, Luk. 14. e che is not Lord- let him be your seruant. &18.e. ohn%PutmiSrt 12 For whosoeuer wiU exalte hym selfe, B and seruice. shalbe broght low. And he that wil hum ble hym selfe, shalbe exalted. 1 3 Wo therfore be vnto you Scribes and Pharises, hypocrites, because ye shut vp a^lad^to the kyngdome of heauen "before men : for enter. ye your selues go not in, nether suffre ye no^tneirfo' them that "enter in. te with in the 14 * Wo be vnto you Scribes and Phari- Mar. 12. d. ses, hypocrites : For ye deuour widowes '«**¦ 20- 9- houses, and that vnder a coloure of lon ge prayers. Wherfore ye shal receaue the greater damnation. 15 Wo be vnto you Scribes and Phari- « They soght all ses, hypocrites, for ye compasse e sea and Su'nuo'make land to bryng one into your beliefe : and of a Gentile a le- when he is broght, ye make him two fol de more the childe of hell, then ye your selues BY S. MATTHEW. 41 selues are. 1 6 Wo be vnto you blynde guydes, which say, Whosoeuer sweareth by the temple, it is nothyng : but whosoeuer sweareth by y golde of the temple, he offendeth. 17 Ye fooles and blynde, whether is gre- "Andmaketh ater, the gold, or the temple that " sanctifi Utobe taken eth the golde ? thing becau- 18 And whosoeuer sweareth by the aul- Mans' doctd- ter, it is nothing : but whoso euer sweareth ne doth not hy y offering that lyeth on the aulter, of- onely obscure r J i , ° J the doctrine tendeth. con'tr'ar'y"^8 19 Ye fooles and blynde: whether is gre- it. ater, the offeryng, or the aulter which san ctifieth the offering ? 20 Whosoeuer therfore sweareth by the aulter, sweareth by it, and by all that the ron is. 1 .Kyn.8.b. 21 * And whosoeuer sweareth by the tem- 2.chro.6.a. pie, sweareth by it, and by hym that dwel leth therin. Chap. 5. /. 22 * And he that sweareth by heauen, swe- c areth by the seate of God, & by hym that sytteth theron. Luk.12. b. 23 * Wo be to you Scribes, and Pharises, Hypocrites, which tyeth mynt, annyse, and commyn, and leaue the wayghtyer matters of the lawe vndone : iudgement, "Theparfour mercie, and " faith. These oght ye to ha- prorne°sse!neS ue done, and not to haue left the other vndone . f Ye staye at that 24 Ye blynde guydes, which f strayne out ^let'pise thft a gnate, and swalow a cammel. TmtrtlncT^^ 25 * Wo be to you Scribes and Pharises, nyesekeiiowto hypocrites, s for ye make cleane y vtter si *$h J^'^ de of the CUp, & of the platter : but with- se not whether ye r 1 c ¦ • haue a good con- t. 1. science or no. Chap. XXIII. THE GOSPEL WRIT in they are ful of brybery and excesse. 26 Thou blynde Pharise, dense fyrst the insyde of the cup & platter, that the out syde of them may be cleane also. 27 Wo be to you Scribes, and Pharises, hypocrites, for ye are lyke vnto paynted tobes, which appeare beautiful outward : but are with in ful of dead mens bones, and of al fylthines. 28 So are ye, for outward ye appere rygh teous vnto men, whe with in, ye are ful of hypocrisie and iniquitie. 29 Wo be vnto you Scribes, and Pharises, D hypocrites, For ye buylde the tombes of h For a remem- the h Prophetes, & garnish the sepulchres brance of them,& r ,,n '„r,,._ ,„ in the meane sea- of the righteous, sontheypassednot 30 And sayd, If we had bene in the dayes for their doctrine. » r ., ,, . , i of our fathers, we would not haue bene parteners with them, in " the bloud of " or, killing the Prophetes. 31 So then ye be wytnesses vnto your sel- ¦ it is not now ues, that ye ' are the chyldren of them ft t?onyhath -Sne kV^d the Prophetes. to be cruel against 32 Fulfil ye lykewyse the measure of your the seruantes of f , i God, and therfore Tamers. it is no maruei 33 Ye serpetes, ye generations of vipers, thogh the childre 1 ij e j ... A , of suche murthe- how should ye escape y damnatio of hel ? *ftehap^heteSh 34 Wherfore, behold I send vnto you " Prophetes, & Wyse men, and Scribes, & "To conuince of them ye shal kyl and crucifie : and of te" ingrati-a them shal ye scourge in your Synagoges, tude- "• Christ meaneth o . <¦ ***.• . ¦. J **" ° that all their race & persecute from citie to citie : shal be ponished, 35 ThaT, vpon k you may come ah y righ- so that the tniqui- ,, \ , J ,J, J °, tie of the fathers teous bloud that was shed vpo the earth, tolh^bTome'o" * &om the bloud of ryghteous Abel, vnto Gen. 4 b. the childre which the bloud of Zacharias the sonne of Bara a d ' o j "j resemble their fa- i- * i i i . _.¦_._. i. Par.24.d. thers. chias, whome ye slew betwene the tem ple BY S. MATTHEW. 42 pie and the aulter. 36 Verely I say vnto you, all these thyn ges shal lyght vpon this generation. Luk. 13. g. 37 * Ierusalem, Ierusalem which kyllest y Prophetes, & stonest them which are sent to thee : How ofte would I haue gathered i.Esdr.Le. thy chyldren together, * as the henne ga- thereth her chyckens vnder her wynges, and ye woulde not. Psal.69.e. 38 * Beholde your habitation shalbe left vnto you desolate. Psa.in.c. 39 * For I say vnto you, ye shal not see me luk. 19. /. l henceforth til that ye say, * Blessed is he ' He wii retoume that commeth in the name of the Lord. %£3_££Z a iudge, when as THE XXIIII. CHAPTER. they shal be com- Christe sheweth hys disciples the destruction (fith0gh toDlate) of the temple, the ende of the worlde, and the to- that he is the ve- kens of the latter dayes, and warneth the to wa rie Sonne of God. , ke, for the world shal sodenly perishe. Mar. 13. a. A Nd lesus went out and departed fro luk. 21. a. XX y teple, & his disciples came to him, •or to shewe him the a buyldyng of y teple * whose exceiie 2 And les' sayd vnto them, See ye not all that that herode luk. 14. g. these thinges ? Verely I say vnto you, * the- f °rS%ePace, 0006 ction ofStthe re Sh£d n0t ^e here ^^ 0ne st°ne Vpon a- men in worke, the temple. nother, that shal not be cast downe. bSonge! to Te- 3 And as he sate vpon the mount of Oh- ight 12, in breadth 1 . -,. . 1 a i • ^i - i 8- as Iosephus ues, his disciples came vnto him the sei- writeth. ues alone, saying, Tel vs when these thyn ges shalbe, & what signe shalbe of thy co- tThey thogbtthe myng, b and of the ende of the worlde ? worlde shulde be 4 And lesus answered, and sayd vnto r'JSem were de6 Ephe. 5. b. them, * cTake hede ir no ma, deceaue you. stroyed. „/or-T-, ii- c He answereth cows. 4. c. 5 jhqj. many shal come m my name, say- them not accor- ing, I am Christe, and shal deceaue many. *nsf ^moT 6 And ye shal heare of warres, & of.the sheth the of that *> 1 * i which is necessarie rumors ot warres : but see y ye be not trou for them. f.ii. XXIIII. Chap. XXIIII. THE GOSPEL WRIT bled : For all these thynges must come to passe, but the ende is not yet. 7 For nation shal ryse against nation, and realme against realme : & there shalbe pe stilence, honger, and earthquakes, in cer tayne quarters. i Great & cruel 8 All these are y d begynnyng of sorowes. sinceT emongs^the 9 * Then shal they put you to trouble, & Chap.lO.b. heathen for the CO g^jj l-yl yQU j^ ye shalDe e hated of all fT",1,3"*" tempt of the Go- . J / J luk. 21. c. spei. nations for my names sake. i0kn 15 c theca^S 10 And then shal many be offended, and fir W.a. ' troubles. shal betray one another, and shal hate one another. 1 1 And many false prophetes shal aryse, and shal deceaue many. 'Many wii kepe 12 And because f iniquitie shal haue y vp backe then- chari- i i , 1 r iii tie, because they per hand, the loue of many shal abate. Juer^whoS 13 * But he that endureth to the ende, the B they' shulde be- same shalbe safe. 2.T!tes.3.d. 14 And this glad tidinges of the kyng- He armetri dome, shalbe preached through the who- ^g*™1 *"" le world, for a witnes vnto all nations : & then shal the ende come. le sha^be^Vu" ^ Whe ** ye therfore shal see the " abomi- "Thehorribie ted.it shal beasi- nation of desolation spoken of by * Daniel uS'SiipTe & Suu^SSS* the Prophet, standyng in the holy place : ^-^ fices shal ende and let him that readeth it, take hede. religion neuer be restored. lg ^^ ^ them ^^ bg ^ j^ flyg Dan g f into the mountaynes. 1 7 And let hym which is on y house top, not come downe to fet any thing out of his house. 1 8 Nether let him which is in the fielde, returne backe to fetche his clothes. 1 9 Wo shalbe in those dayes to them that are with chylde, and to them that geue sucke. 20 But BY S. MATTHEW. 43 20 But pray that your flyght be not in Act... b. the wynter, nether on the * Sabbath day. 21 For the shal be great tribulation, such as was not fro the hegynning of the worl de to this tyme, nor shalbe. 22 Yea, and except those dayes should be " Man. shortened, there should no " fleshe be sa- ued, but for the h chosens sake those dayes >. God prouideth shalbe shortened. f£ mmdefof tro'S Mar. 13. u. 23 Then if any man shal saye vnto you : Wes. Lo, here is Christe, or there is Christe : be leue it not. Luk. 17. ii. 24 For there shal* aryse false Christes, & false prophetes, and shal do great mira cles, and wonders : In so muche, that yf it were possible, the very electe should be deceaued. 25 Behold, I haue tolde you before. 26 Wherfore if they shal saye vnto you : Beholde he is in the ' desert, go not forth : i whither the Beholde he is in the secrete places, bele- d*^1Sen&u.e Ue not. people, hiding the C 27 For as the lyghtnyng commeth out of illteywereashal the East, and shyneth in to the West: so ™eyned with troubles of r , , , ', , ,, 1 1 j , Chnste, as the E- his churche. of those dayes, shal the sunne ' be darke- gies assemble to a Mar. 13. c. ned : & the mone shal not geue her lyght, ^Hem^eth a em 13 c and the starres shal fal from heauen, and horrible trswing ezech. 32.fi. the powers of heauen shal be tossed. an aiteratioofthe jw27*;. 30 And tJaen shEv*- aPPeare the signe of y °'Are of nature. Sonne of man in heauen. And then shal all the kynreds of the earth mourne, and they shal see the Sonne of ma come in^he f.iii. dani. 7. c. Chap. XXIIII. THE GOSPEL WRIT cloudes of heauen with power and great glorie. 31 * And he shal send his Angels with the Reue.l.b. great voyce of a trompet, & they shal ga- dan-12-fl- ther together his chosen, from the four l.thess.i.d. windes, and fro the one ende of the world to the other. 32 Learne a similitude of the fygge tree, when her branches are yet teder, and her leaues sprong, ye knowe that sommer is nye. 33 So like wyse ye, when ye see all these thinges, be ye sure that the kyngdome of God is neare, euen at the dores. ¦-For with in so 34 Verely I say vnto you, that this m ge- destroyed.thegod- neratio shal not passe, tyl all these be ful ly were persecu- fjl'pfl ted, false teachers seduced the peo. 35 Heauen and earth shall passe awaye : Mar. 13. d. pie, religion pollu i . j i i . ted, so that the DUt my wordes shal not passe awaye. worlde semed to 36 But of that day and houre knoweth no D be at an ende. 1*1^1 man, no not the Angels of heauen, but my Father only. 37 *But as the tyme of Noe was, so like Luk.17.fi. wyse shal the comming of the Sonne of man be. 38 *For as in the dayes before the floud, l.Pei!.3.c. they dyd eat and drinck, mary, and gyue sm' 7- a" in mariage, euen vnto f day that Noe en tred into the Arke : 39 And knewe of nothing, tyl the floud "Because of came and toke them all away : So shal al- th?ir ""¦""i" so the commyng of the Sonne of man be. " This teacheth 40 *nThentwo men shalbe in the fieldes, Luk.n.g. euery man to wal- , , in i 1 , 1 .l \ j ke wareiy not re- the one shalbe receaued, and the other i-thess.4. d. .TJS ^r,," shalbe refused. pagmon, althogh he be neuer so de 4 1 Two women shalbe gryndyng at the re vnto him. ° ' J ° ., mil, BY S. MATTHEW. 44 myl, the one shalbe receaued, and the o- ther shalbe refused. Mar. 13. d. 42 * Wake therfore, because ye know not what houre your master wil come. Luk. 12. a. 43 Of * this be sure, that if the good man reuelA6^c °^ *^e house knewe at what watche the thefe woulde come, he would surely watch, and not suffre his house to be bro ken vp. 44 Therfore be ye also ready, for in the houre that ye thinke not, wyl the Sonne of man come. 45 Who is a faythful seruant and wyse, whome his master hath made ruler ouer his householde, to geue them meat in sea son conuenient ? 46 Happy is that seruant whome his ma ster (whe he cometh) shal fynde so doyng. 47 Verely I say vnto you, he shal make him ruler ouer al his goodes. 48 But and if that euyl seruant shal say in his hart, My master doth deferre his com- myng,49 And begyn to smyte his folowes, yea, and to eat and to drincke with the dron- ken, 50 That seruantes master wyl come in a day, when he loketh not for him, and in an houre that he is not ware of : 51 And wyl cut hym of, and geue hym Chap. 13. /, his portion with hypocrites. * there shal- tobio'c 'De wePync>' and gnasshyng of teeth. reuel.21.c. THE XXV. CHAPTER. By the similitude of the virgins and talets, le sus teacheth euery man to follow his vocation, f.iiii.* Chap. XXV. THE GOSPEL WRIT next he describeth the last iudgement, and exhor- teth all men to charitie. .This simiiitu. rpHen the a kingdome of heauen shalbe Au deteachethvs.that I " . , . _ . The virgins it is not sufficient -1- likened vnto ten virgins : which toke that wait for o°urhsaXe°snCte„g?„Uie their lampes & went to " mete the bryde- *• ™*e» low Christe, but orome. " "To ao him that we must con 5.,- ...i cii , c honor as the tynewe. 2 And fiue of them were folysh, and hue maner was. were wyse. 3 The folyshe toke theyr lampes, but to ke none oyle with them. 4 But the wise toke oyle in their vessels with their lampes. 5 Whyle the brydegrome taryed, all slo- bred and slepte. 6 And euen at mydnyght, there was a crye made : Beholde the bridegrome co meth, Go out against him. 7 Then all those virgins arose, & trym- med their lampes. w^kifthe^Vaue 8 ^nd f folysh sayd to the wyse, b Geue contemned, but it vs of your oyle, for our lampes go out. is to late. g guj y ^\se answered, saying, We feare least there wil not be ynough for vs and • This was spo- you : but c go ye rather to them that sei, & ke in reproche, be i - i cause they made bye for your selues. J-0mepro'lision '" 10 And whyle they went to bye, y bryde grome came : & they that were redie went in with him to the wedding, and the gate was shut vp. 1 1 Afterwardes came also the other vir- » i wii not open gins, saying, Master, Master, open to vs. youhauefayS 12 But he answered, & sayd, Verely I say the mydde way. vnto you, I d know you not. to cotinewein the 13 *Watche therfore : for ye knowe nether B Go0dwandddo°gfood the daY' nor yet the houre, when the Sone Chap.2i.d. with those graces of man wil COme. mar.\$.d. that God hath ge- ^ * e For certey nly the kyngdome of hea. Luk. 19.6. BY S. MATTHEW. 45 uen is hke as when a man taking his ior- ney to a strange countrey, called his ser uantes, & dehuered to them his goodes. " Euery talet 15 And vnto one he gaue fiue " talentes, dera2°oo''poun to another two, & to another one, to euery dc- man after his habilitie : & strayght way departed. 1 6 Then he that had receaued the fiue ta lentes, went and bestowed them, and gay- ned other fyue talentes. 17 Like wyse, he that receaued two, gay- ned other two. 1 8 But he that receaued that one, went & dygged in the earth, & hyd his masters monye. 1 9 But after a longe season, the Lord of those seruantes came, and rekened with them.20 Then came he that had receaued fiue talentes, and broght other fiue talen tes saying, Master, thou delyueredst vnto me fyue talentes : beholde I haue, gayned with them fiue talentes mo. 21 Then his master sayd vnto hym, It is wel done good seruant and faithful : Thou hast ben faithful in lytle, I wil make thee " The master ruler ouer muche : " Entre in, into thy ma- receaueth . • him into his sters 10ye- house, to gy- 22 Also he that receaued two taletes, ca- of hL™ goods me & sayd, Master thou delyueredst vn- ditdesCOmmo to me ^wo talentes : beholde, I haue wone two other talents with them. 23 And his master sayd vnto him, Wel good seruant, and faithful. Thou hast ben faythful in lytle, I wyl make thee ruler ouer muche, Go in, into thy masters ioye. Chap. XXV. THE GOSPEL WRIT 24 Then he which had receaued the one talent, came and sayd, Master, I conside red that thou wast an hard ma, which rea pest where thou sowedst not, and gathe- rest where thou strawedst not : 25 I was therfore afrayd, and went and hyd thy talent in the earth : beholde thou hast thyne owne. 26 And his master answered, & sayd vn to him, Thou euil seruant, and " slothfull, " Or, lynge- Thou knewest that I reap where I sowed not, and gather where I strawed not : 27 Thou oghtest therfore to haue put my monye to the exchangers, and then at my commyng, should I haue receaued myne owne with vantage. 28 Take therfore the talent from him, & geue it vnto him which hath ten talentes. 29 * For vnto euery man that hath shalbe Cltap. 13.6. geuen, and he shal haue abundance : and ^g'f'0' GodTsh6afbeetak! f *rom ^m y *-""ath not* sh'ube taken away, „laV.'4. c. awaye frome Mm euen that he hath. • Chap. 8. b, stwe^ttm'to6" 30 And cast that vnprofitable seruat into and22-b- Gods glorie & his vtter * darcknesse, there shal be wepyng, & neighbours proflt" gnasshing of teeth. 31 When the Sonne of man commeth in his glorie, and all the holy Angels with him, then shal he syt vpon f throne of his glorie. 32 And before hym shalbe gathered all nations, and he shal separate them one from another, as a shepeherde deuideth the shepe from the goates. 33 And he shal set y shepe on his ryght- s Foroursalua- hande, and the goates on the lift. the" wessta etha °d 34 Then slml tne ^nS saY t° them on his fauor of God. ryght hand, Come ye s blessed of my Fa ther BY S. MATTHEW. 46 ther, inherite ye the kingdome prepared for you from before the h foundations h Hereby God, r, . i* ii i j declareth his loue of the world wer layed. which he bare to- Esai. 58. 6. 35 * For ' I was an hungred, & ye gaue me wardcs ™ before „,„/. \a n T , , iovi.iWe were borne. ¦ ¦ meat. I thursted, and ye gaue me drincke. • christe mea- I was herbourlesse, and ye lodged me. °l\ti„0n%enr 36 1 was naked, and ye clothed me. I was deth on our wor- „,„,*,,. i i • ., i t • • kes or mentes,but Ecclc. 7. d. sicke, and ye visited me. 1 was in pn- teacheth what it is * 0r MrmS son, and ye came vnto me. %X%%& 37 Then shal the righteous answer him, nes and charitie, saying, Lord, when sawe we thee an hun- a01mptenceth0hisJo6f gred, and nourished thee ? or a thurst, and us free mercie, h- ° , . , . kewise as he doth gaue thee drincke r elect them. 38 And whe sawe we thee herbourlesse, & lodged thee ? or naked, and clothed thee ? 39 Or when sawe we thee sycke, or in pry son, and came vnto thee ? 40 And the king shal answer & say vnto them, Verely I say vnto you, In as muche, as ye haue done it vnto one of the least of these my brethren, ye haue done it to me. 41 Then shal the king say vnto them The accursed that shalbe on the lyfte hand, * Departe matth. 7. d. from me ye coursed, into euerlastyng tyre luk. 13. /. whych is prepared for the deuyl and his esai. 30. f. Angels. 42 For I was an hungred, and ye gaue me no meat. I thursted, and ye gaue me no drincke. 43 I was herbourlesse, and ye lodged me not. I was naked, and ye clothed me not. I was sycke & in priso, & ye visited me not. 44 Then shal they also answer hym say ing, Sir, when sawe we thee an hungred, or a thurst, or herbourlesse, or naked, or syck, or in pryson, and dyd not minister vnto thee ? A* Chap. XXVI. THE GOSPEL WRIT 45 Then shal he answer them, and say, Verely I say vnto you, in as much as ye dyd it not to one of the least of these, ye dyd it not to me. k we muste ther 46 * And these k shal go into euerlastyng /„*„ 5 c, fore onely do that , 8 . ... ', b which God requi- payne, & the ryghteous into hte eternal. reth of vs, and not foiowe m5s folishe fantasies. THE xxv, CHAPTER. Conspiracie against Christ. He excuseth Magdalnee. Thinstitution of the Lordes supper. The disciples weakenes. The trayson of ludas. And because Christ calleth him selfe the Son ne of God, he is iudged worthie to dye. Peter de nyeth, and repenteth. Ih22a' ND it came to passe, when lesus A had finished all these sayinges, he sayd vnto his disciples, 2 Ye know that within two dayes is Ea ster, and the Sonne of man shalbe deliue- red to be crucified. 3 * Then assembled together the chief Iohn. 11. f. Priestes, and the Scribes, and the Elders of the people in to the hall of the hye Pri est, called Caiaphas. 4 And consulted how they myght take "The priestes lesus by subteltie, and kyl hym. ^nstchriste 5 But they sayd, Not on the feast day, lest any vprore aryse among the people. 6 * And when lesus was in Bethanie, in Mar. 14. a. the house of Simon the leper, ¥_• 7" a" i ¦ iohn.12. a. xxvi. 7 There came vnto him a woman, which and 11. a. what^ccaSoTiu1! had an alabaster boxe of verie costely ^7'f ' das toke to com- oyntment, andapowred it on his head, as our sauiour. mitt his trayson. , J 1 1 i he sat at the bourd. * This was 8 And when his disciples saw that, they through ludas mo - - . . ,. . r. T._T1 J ti5 to whome they had D indignation, saying, What neded gaue credit. this waste ? 9 For BY S. MATTHEW. 47 9 For this ointment myght haue bene wel solde, and geuen to the poore. 10 And lesus knowinge that, sayd vnto them, Why trouble ye the woma ? She hath wroght a good worke vpon me. Deut.lb.b. 11* For ye shal haue the poore alwayes with you : but me shal ye not c haue al- ' This fact was extraordinarie.ne- wayc». ther was left as an 12 For in that she powred thys oyntment example to be fo- ,. _ , , i i j •. . // il lowed: also Christ To honour on my body, she dyd it to " bury me. is not present wi*thal"ya11 13 Verely I say vnto you, Wheresoeuer t\? honoured this Gospel shalbe preached throughout with any outwarde al the world, there shal also this that she pompe" hath done, be spoken of for a memorial More. 13. 6. of her. "iudas con- 14 * Then one of the twelue called ludas sph-eth with Iscariot, went vnto the chiefe priestes, 15 And sayd, What wil ye geue me and I wyl dehuer him vnto you ? And they ap poynted vnto him thyrty d peeces of syl- . d Euery one r J j j r. j in value was about uer. mi. pece halfe- 16 And from that tyme, hesoght opportu fm™yofoldester- nitie to betraye hym. Exod. 12. d. 17 * Now on the fyrst day of the feast of vnleuened bread, the disciples came to lesus, saying vnto him, Where wylt thou that we prepare for thee to eat the passe- ouer ? 18 And he sayd, Go into the citie, to a certayne man, and say to hym, The Master haste to^mo sayeth, * my time is at hand. I wyl kepe reworthiesa- myne Easter at thv house with my disci- crifice. «irt.„pies. 19 And the disciples dyd as lesus had gyuen them charge, and made ready the mlz.b.e' Passeouer- . ioh. 13. c. 20 * When the euen was come, he sate downe Chap. XXVI. THE GOSPEL WRIT downe with the twelue. 21 And as they did eat, he sayd, Verely I say vnto you, that one of you shal betraye me. 22 And they were exceding sorowful, & began euery one of them to say vnto him, Is it I Master ? "He that is ac 23 He answered and sayd, He that " dip- customed to ii-i i-i -i i i .-i eat with me peth his hand with me in the dysshe, the daily at the same shal betraye me. tabie.Psal.4i hi ' disri {^ntent 24 The Sonne of ma, goeth "" as it is*wryt- C might knowe that ten of him : But wo be to that man, by who T°fa • *)?• *"• fed'by The" 'prout the Sonne of man is betrayed. It had bene g' dence of God. good for that man, yf he had neuer bene borne. 25 Then ludas which betrayed hym, ans- The impude- wered, & sayd, Is it I Master ? He sayd vnto tie of ludas- hym, Thou hast sayd. 26 * And as they dyd eat, lesus toke bred Jhe Lordea , liii- i - Supper and gaue thankes, brake it, and gaue it to i.Cor.ll.e. ' A true signe the disciples, and sayd, Take, eat, f this is '"*• 22- b- ar. testimonie that i , mar. 14. c. my bodie is made my DOUy. yours, and by me, 27 And he toke the cup, gaue thankes, & your soules shal be . . ir. ° nourished. gaue lt them, saying, Drincke ye.euery one of it. s The wyne si- 28 For this is my ** bloude of the newe soules are refre- Testament, that is shed for many, for the with ThdeSbioude remission of synnes. of Christ, so that 29 I say vntoyou, I "wyl not dryncke hen- "You sha> no without him, ve / ti < tv t 4 (,1 • <_ i t more emoye haue no ntmri- ceiorth or this frute ot the vine, vntyl y my com- shement. day, whe I shal dryncke it newe with you ^ete'toge in my Fathers kyngdome. ther in hea- 30 And when they had soonge a songe of *en* thakes geuing, they went out into the hil " shal tourne nf ni;,,n. backe and be Of OllUeS. discouraged. 3 1 Then saydlesus vnto them, Al ye shal- Zacha. I3.c. be " offended by me this nyght. For it is ^'le'd wrytten : I * wyl smyte the shepeherd, and §•. is. 6. BY S. MATTHEW. 48 the shepe of the flocke shalbe scattered abroade. 32 But after I am rysen agayne, I wyl go before you into Galile. Peter tru- 33 But Peter answered and sayd vnto che'h to "his hym, Thogh all me should be offended by ownestrength thee, yet would I neuer be offended. 34 lesus sayd vnto him, Verely I say vn to thee, that this same nyght, before the cocke crowe, thou shalt deny me thryse. 35 Peter sayd vnto him, Thogh I should dye with thee, yet would I not deny thee. D Lykewise also, sayd all the disciples. Marc 14.d. 36 * Then went lesus with them into apla luk. 22. d. ce which is called Gethsemane, & sayeth vnto his disciples, Syt ye here, whyle I go and pray yonder. 37 And he toke with hym Peter, and the two sonnes of Zebede, and began to waxe sorowful, h and greuously troubled. h He feared 38 Then sayd lesus vnto them, my soule is Se.buttrembied " For he sawe verie heauy euen vnto the " death : Tary ye for feare of Gods Gods angre i_ j _ i ¦_, angertowarde syn- kindeled to- here, and watche With me. ne.lheburdenwher wardes vs. 39 And he went a lytle aparte, & fel flat £kheesbare forour on his face, and prayed, saying, O my fa- "Theangreof ther, yf it be possible, let this "cup 'passe ' He knewe God for mas r __¦_ i _ Til*, well what his fa- synnes from me, neuerthelesse, not as I Wyl, but ther had determi- as thou wilt. ned' *m.d tthel*,re was ready to obey, 40 And he came vnto the disciples, and but he prayeth as found the a slepe, & sayd to Peter, What, th^uMes" '" could ye not watch with me one houre ? without respect of h i tit ^ i j ii i "ii i • i theternallcounsell 41 Watch, and pray, that ye tall not mto of God. " we moste tentation. For the " spirit is wylling, but continually .1 n i i fight against the fleshe is weake. the fleshe. 42 He went awaye once agayne & pray ed, saying, O my father, yf this cup,can not passe away from me, but that I drinc ke it, thy wyl be fulfylled. Chap. XXVI. THE GOSPEL WRIT 43 And he came, and found them a slepe agayne. For their eyes were heauy. 44 And he left them and went agayne, & prayed the thyrd tyme, saying the same wordes.45 Then came he to his disciples & sayd "¦ He speaketh ynto them, k Slepe henceforth, and take sense°meanigthey your rest. Beholde the houre is at hand, weuiidwakenn0n6 be and the Sonne of man is betrayed into the handes of synners. ' christe dyed 46 ' Ryse, let vs be goyng: beholde, he E willingly, and ther . . , ' , ' , . , . ° J_ forepresentedhim is at hand that betrayeth me, selfe to his enne- 47 * "yVhyle he yet spake, lo, ludas one of Mar. 14. c. the twelue came, and with hym a great ?M*- 2?"„A multitude with swordes and staues, sent from the Priestes & Elders of the people. .48 And he that betrayed hym, had ge uen a token, saying, Whomsoeuer I shal kisse, that same is he, lay handes on him. 4-9 And forthwith he came to lesus, and sayd, " God saue thee Maister : & kyssed "Orrest thee i J mery. hym. ludas kisse. his™ H£ redbuketh 50 And lesus sayd vnto hym, m Friend, vnder the cioke wherfore art thou come ? Then came they, J^|rshj0r*di aesPhippe.Sedfrien' and layd handes on lesus and toke hym. nes. 51 And beholde, one of them whych were with lesus, stretched out hys hande and drue hys sworde, and stroke a ser- uate of y hye Prieste, & smote of hys eare. 52 Then sayd lesus vnto hym : Put vp thy sworde into his sheathe. * For all that Gen. 9. a. • " VS exe't laye n hand on the sworde, shal perishe ft r.'f ™-_ \ sing of the sworde J ' r zohn. 18.6. is forbyd to pri- the SWOrde. Aisohe'Tuidha- 53 Eyther thynkest thou, that I can not „ Euery jegi. ue hindered by his nOW pray to my father, and he shal g-eue onconteyned vndiscret Zeale A. _ 1 „r ¦ c » n i communly the worke of God. me mo then twelue .Legions of Angells? 6000. footme 54 But how then should the Scriptures ™mc7n32- hor* be56 BY S. MATTHEW. 49 Esai. 53. c be fulfilled * which say, that it must be so ? 55 The same tyme sayd lesus to the multi tude, Ye be come out as it were against a thefe, with swordes, & staues, for to take me. I sate dayly teaching in the temple among you, and ye toke me not. Lamen.4.d. 56 But all this was done, that the * Scrip- matt.20.d. tureg Qf the prophets m;ght be fulled. Mar. 14. f. *Then all the disciples forsoke hym, and luk. 22. /. n , r 3 iohn. IB. 6. fled" 57 And they toke lesus, and led him to Caiaphas the hye Priest, where the Scri bes and the Elders were assembled. F 58 And Peter folowed hym a. farre of, vnto the hye Priestes place, and went in, & sate with the seruantes to see the ende. 59 Now the chiefe Priestes & the Elders, and all the whole Counsel, " soght false ° He deciareth ¦ . , T /¦ _ , ¦ . how lesus was witnes agamst lesus, for to put him to wrogfuiiyaccused, death t0 thende that we ' ,. i x may knowe his in - 60 And they founde none : Insomuche, nocencie. that when many false witnesses came, yet " which cou- found they " none. At the last, came two witMs'lglinst false witnesses, Wm. 61 And sayd, This felow sayd, * I can de- ses. stroy the temple of God, and buylde it in lohn.2.c. three dayes. 62 And the chiefe Priest arose, and sayd to him, Answerest thou nothing ? What is tiiee'b^th6- ^e matter that these men witnes against nealleagean- thee ? ce^ towards gg Bu). jegus p helde j^ peace j^ft the , christ? dyd L'Jeth ' that cniere Priest answered, and sayd to him, refportet^mo6 h?X the son- 1 "charge thee in the name of the huyng ye ouer he was not - f^ . /-iii i i ii ii there to detende rh ii? rf God, that thou tel vs, whyther thou be Ms cause, but to romAib " Christe the Sonne of God. • ^ondemnati- i.thes.i.d. 64*Iesussaidtohim,thouhastsaidi!«. Ne- Chap. XXVI. THE GOSPEL WRIT uerthelesse, I say vnto you, hereafter shal ye see the Sone of ma, sittyng at the right hand of the myghtie God & come in the cloudes of the skye. q 65 Then the hye Priest rent his " clothes, " This was o- i The ennemi- saying, He hath <* blasphemed : What nede "wne tradm- t™e confessi™ * we of any mo wytnesses ? Beholde, now ye ™* hyefalg£ blasphemie. \iaus heard his blasphemie, ny Israelite 66 What thinke ye ? They answered, and blasPhe™*- said, He is worthy to dye, 67 * Then spat they in his face, and buffe- Esai.bo. b. ted hym. And " other smote hym ft their "T.he officers J J smite Christ roddes, with their himSthTsort ™ ^ F Fr°teJ t0 ^ ChriSt' m° E&Z "" that he might not is he that smote thee r sehmte "Lbf a Prt0' 69 * Peter sate without in the hall. And a Mar. 14. g. phet, and so to i & ~n f tournethe peoples mayde came to hym saying, Thou also ' , , • J' myn es rome wasj. ^[[fa lesus of Galile. 70 But he denied before them all, say ing, I wot not what thou sayst. 7 1 And when he went out into the por- che, another mayde sawe him, & sayd vn to them that were there, This felow was also with lesus of Nazaret. ¦ An example 72 And s agayne he denyed wyth an o- of our mfirmitie , °T J, *i J that we may lear- the, saying, I knowe not the man. pont0GddP:nd6no"t 73 And after a whyle, came vnto him put our trust in they that stode by, and sayd vnto Peter, Surely thou art euen one of them, for thy speache bewrayeth thee. 74 Then began he to curse him selfe and to sweare, saying, I know not the ma. And immediately the cocke crewe. 75 And Peter remembred the wordes of Iesu, which sayd vnto him, Before the coc- ' ,He ™ iyue- ke crowe, thou shalt deny me thryse, and ly touched with - . , J , J ' repentance. went out, and ' wept bytteiiy. The BY S. MATTHEW. 50 THE XXVII. CHAPTER. Christe is deliuered vnto Pilate. ludas han- geth him selfe. Christe is prononced innocent Sf yet condemned, and crucified among theeues. He dyeth, and is buried. Vvatchmen kepe the . graue. Mar. lb. a. ~I7**Vhen the mornynge was come, all i"An.2i7?'c. the chief Priestes, and the Elders of the people tooke counsel agaynst lesus, to put hym to death. no^utMittt 2 And broght him bound, &" deliuered to condemne him vnto Pontius Pilate the Deputie. 3 Then whe ludas whych betrayed hym, "Oueriatere- sawe that he was condemned, " he repen- geth'ato deT- ted hym self, and broght againe the thir- paire. ty peeces of syluer to the chief Priestes & Elders,4 Saying, I haue * synned betraying the * Althogh he innocent bloud. And they sayd, What is abth The^otTs! "These hypo- that to VS ? " See thou to that. pleased therwith, cntes, laye r-*ii i ii . oirt dispiteth God the whole 5 And he cast downe the syluer peeces m and grudgeth a- iudaes.TP°n the temple, and departed, and went * & ffamst him" Actes. 1. c. hanged him self. 6 And the chiefe Priestes toke the syl uer peeces, and sayd, It is not b lawful for b The hypocrt vs to put them into the treasure, because Jcfencein'amatter it is the price of bloude. of nothing, but to 7 And they toke counsel, & boght with bioude they make bioudeelde °f them a Potters fielde, to bury " strangers nothing at "" " For the le- in. rgreafoffen- 8 Wherfore, that fielde is called the li ce to be bu- elde of bloude, vntyl this day. slme place e 9 (Then was fulfilled that which was thatthestran- Sp0ken by Ieremie the Prophet, saying, gerswere. r J r- ' Ji Zach. ll.c. And they toke thirty syluer peeces, the price of him that was valued, whome tfTey boght of the chyldren of Israel. g.ii. Chap. XXVII. THE GOSPEL WRIT 10 And they gaue them for the potters fielde, as the Lord appointed me.) b 1 1 * And lesus stode before the Deputie, & Mar. lb. a. the Deputie asked him, saying, Art thou ^n {^'f the kyng of the lewes ? lesus sayd vnto hym, Thou sayest so. 1 2 And when he was accused of the chief Priestes, and Elders, he answered no- thyng. 13 Then sayd Pilate vnto him, Hearest thow not how many thinges they laye a- gainst thee ? 14 And he aswered him to neuer a worde in so much, that the Deputie merueyled greatly. 15 And at that feast, the Deputie was wont to dehuer vnto the people a " pry- "'t.wasatra- , iii. dition of the soner, whom they would desire. lewes to de- 16 They had then a notable prisoner, cal- "^tVa'ste. led Barabbas. 1 7 * When they were then gathered toge- Mar. lb. a. ther, Pilate sayd vnto them, Whether wyl iohn- 18" f" ye that I geue loose vnto you, Barabbas, or lesus which is called Christe ? 1 8 For he knewe wel, that for enuie they had deliuered him. 1 9 When he was set downe to geue iud- ' This was to gement, his wyfe sent to hym, saying,0 Ha- demnluon^f'pi- ue thou nothing to do with that iuste ma. late, whome net j"0r I haue suffered many thynges thys ther his owne kno- , . , , J J *? J lage could teache, day in my dreame by reason of mm. otters'"""^11 de* 20 *But the chiefe Priestes and the El- Mar. 15. a. fendechristsinno- ders, had persuaded the people, that they '"?' ^g c* shulde aske Barabbas, and shulde de- aci"e.3. c. stroy lesus. 21 Then the Deputie answered, and saydvnto BY S. MATTHEW. 51 C vnto them, Whether of the twayne wil ye that I let loose vnto you ? And they sayd, "The commo " Barabbas. ferre the wic" 22 Pilate sayd vnto them, What shal I do rightuous"16 then ^h Iesus which is called Christe ? They all sayd to him, Let him be crucifi ed. 23 Then sayd the Deputie, What euyl hath he done ? And they cried the more, saying, Let him be crucified. 24 When Pilate sawe that he preuayled nothing, but that more busines was made, he toke water and wasshed hys handes before the people, saying, I am innocent of the bloud of thys d iuste person, take * pilate bea- i_ii. i reth witnes that need What ye do. he is innocent, be- 25 Then answered all the people, and £°™ he <"°°*emne sayd, His e bloud be on vs, & on our chyl- • Yf his death i be not lawfull, let Qren. the punishement 26 Then let he Barabbas loose vnto them fail onour heades i ,T ii t ii andourchudrens. and scourged lesus, and deliuered hym to be crucified. Mar. 15. 6. 27 * Then the souldeours of the Deputie, '""a ?9 ^ to^e lesus into the common hall, and ' gathered about him all the bande of their eompagnie.28 And they stripped him, and put about " To deride him a " purple robe. l^aiiedhim 29 And platted a crowne of thornes, and selfe a king, put vpon his head, and a rede in his ryght hande : & bowed their knees before hym, and mocked hym, saying, God saue thee kyng of the lewes. 30 And spitted vpon hym, and toke a re de, and smote hym on the head. D 31 And when they had mocked him, they toke the robe from hym, and put his owne g. iii. Chap. XXVII. THE GOSPEL WRIT rayment on hym, and led hym away to crucifie hym. 32 * And as they came out, they founde a Mar. 15. 6. man of Cyren, named Simon : him they '"*• 23- d- compelled to beare lesus crosse. 33 * And when they came vnto the place Ioh. 19. c. called Golgotha (that is to say, The place of dead mens Sculles :) 'itwasakynde 34 They gaue him f vineger to drincke, penthevaynes,and mengled with gall, and when he had ta- so to hasten his steci therof, he would not dryncke. death, which was ' J . geue him vpon the 35 When they had crucified him, they parted his garmentes and did cast lottes : to fulfyl that which was spoken by the Prophet. * They deuided my garmentes psal. 22. 6. among them, and vpon my vesture dyd ""***¦• 13- <*• cast lottes. 36 And they sate and watched hym there. 37 And they set vp ouer his head, the s The maner cause of his death written, 6 T h 1 s IS IE- a'wrlt^rsnl SVS THE KYNG OF THE IEWES. nifie wherfore a 38 * And there were two theeues crucified mar. 15. c. but here God gou- with him, one on the ryght hand, & ano- luke 23- *"• uerned Pilates fUpr OT1 Ti.p lvft hand to write o- tner on me V11, therwise then he 39 And they that passed by, reuyled hym, waggyng theyr heades : 40 And saying, * Thou that destroyest the Iohn. 2. ... teple, and buyldest it in three dayes, saue thy selfe, If thou be the Sonne of God, co me downe from the crosse. 41 Likewyse also the hye Priestes moc- kyng him, with the Scribes, Elders, and Pharises, sayd, 42 He saued other, and can not saue hym selfe : If he be the king of Israel, let hym now come downe from the crosse, and we wil beleue him. 43 He BY S. MATTHEW. 52 Psal. 21. b. 43 * He h trusteth in God, let him deliuer th This was agio- wisd.2.c. ,. .-, ., , „, . x, , , at tentation, to go "Meaning by him now, if he Wil haue him : r Or he Sayd, about to take fro. this synech- t am the Sonne of God m*vhi-n his'rus'e doche thone ouime ui v*uu, ,n God, and so to of the thee- 44 That same also the "theues which were b™ge him to de "6of iewrie crucified with him cast in his teeth. and the coun 45 From the ' syxt houre, was there dare- ¦ That was fro- boyut. ere a" kenes ouer all the " lande, vnto the nynth oTthedocke! ree houre. 46 And aboute y nynth houre, lesus cry- Mar. 25. c. ed with a loude voyce, saying, * Eh, Eli, la psal.2i.a. masabacthani ? that is to say,k My God, my k Not withstan- F God, why hast thou forsaken me ? feuf himselfe as it 47 And some of them that stode there, 2^™™aed&for when they heard that, sayd, This man cal- saken for our syu- "They moc- lpfV, fnr " F.lias nesiyetheceaseth ked at Chri- leU1 IOr riUas- not to put his con stesprayer.as 48 And strayght way one of them ran, & fidence in God, & In vahyndebene toke a sPonge. and fiUed [t ful of vineger, calTpon h,m" " or, hyssope and put it on a " rede, and gaue him to f9alc6" l0hn' -hincke. 49 Other sayd, Let be, let vs see whether Elias wyl come and dehuer him. 50 And lesus cryed agayne with a loude voyce, and yelded vp the ' gost. ¦ Voiuntareiy, af- l.Cor.3.c. 51 And beholde, * the m vayle of the tem- J£ hFea^dr°ieyae11 pie dyd rent in twayne, from the top to thinges. the bottome : and the earth did quake, & ed an endeSofmaii the Stones dyd rent, Jhe ceremonies of _„,,•*,' - , the lawe. 52 And graues dyd open, and many bo dies of the sainctes which slept, arose, 53 And came out of the graues after his " ierusalem. resurrection, and came into the " holy Ci tie, and appeared vnto many. 54 When the Centurion, and they that were with him watchyng lesus, sawe the -Thisiudgemet earthquake, and those thinges which hap was sufficient to pened, they feared greatly, saying, Of* su Z^T&T rety, n this was the Sonne of God. wes. g.iiii. Chap. XXVII. THE GOSPEL WRIT 55 And many women were there, behol- dyng him a farre of, which folowed lesus from Galile, ministring vnto hym. 56 Among which was Marie Magdalene, and Marie the mother of lames and lo ses, and the mother of Zebedes sonnes. 57 * When the euen was come, there ca- G • And was so me a ° riche man of Arimathea, named lo M?r-}5-d- muche the more , c iiii t j* ¦ ^ luR.n.g. in danger by de- seph, w man also had bene lesus disciple, iohn. 19. g. tTbeVsuTdTsd6- 58 He went to Pilate, and asked the bo- pie. dy of lesus. Then Pilate commanded the body to be dehuered. 59 And loseph toke the body, and wrap ped it in a cleane lynnen cloth : rchrists burying 60 And put it in his newe Ptombe, which doth so muche mo 1111 t - 1 jui re verifie his de- he had hewen out m a rocke, and rolled a ath & resurrectio. great stone to the dore of the sepulchre, and departed. 61 And there was Marie Magdalene, and the other Marie sytting ouer against the sepulchre. 62 The next day that folowed, the day of the " Preparatio ofthe Sabbath, the hyePrie " which was stes, & Pharises gat them selues to Pilate. re6 the ^ib- 63 And sayd, Syr, we remember, that this bath- deceauer sayd, whyle he was yet alyue, With in three dayes I wyl ryse. 64 Commande therfore, that the sepul chre be made sure vntyl y thyrd day, lest peradueture his disciples come, and stea le hym away, & say vnto the people, He is rysen from the dead, & the last errour, i The more that shalbe worse then the fyrst. subdue christes 65 Pilate sayd vnto them, Ye haue wat- shewe' they ttSr che men : Go and make it as sure as ye can. owne malice, and 66 And they went, and made the sepul- Pe°uesrthe0greater chre q sure ft a watche, & sealed y stone. condemnation. THE BY S. MATTHEW. 53 THE XXVIII. CHAPTER. The resurrection of Christe. The hye Priestes bribe the souldiers. Christ appeareth to his di sciples, and sendeth them forth to preache, and to baptize. Promessing to them continual assi stance. A \ Bout y later ende of the a Sabbath day, ". Here the Eua- fk^l6' h' When th<3 firSt day °f the Weeke hegan tb^'natura^lS iohn 26.°c. to dawne, Marie Magdalene, & the other |™*"e thoe h5i"*™.e Marie came to see the sepulchre. sing agayne, & not 2 And beholde, there was a great earth- ^ ^ZX quake. For the b Angel of y Lord descen- ,count at the first hours tit t*?r tno ded from heauen, and came & rolled ba- SUnne sett. ke the stone fro the dore, and sate vpon it. , * w^""! ' £ two, but it isa ma 3 His countenance was lyke lyghtnyng, ner of speeche to and his rayment whyte as snowe. nobeffor tta'piu- The watche- 4 And for feare of hym, the kepers were rai.andcontrarie. men were af- i 1 frayed. astonyed, and became as dead men. 5 But the Angel answered, and sayd to the women, Feare ye not, for I know that ye seke lesus which was crucified : 6 He is not here, for he is rysen, as he sa yd : come, see the place where y Lord was put. B 7 And go quickly, and tel his disciples y he his rysen from death : And beholde he goeth before you into Galile, there ye "Heassureth shal see him. " lo, I haue told you. them that it 8 And they departed quic^y from the se pulchre, with feare & great cioye, & did ." Their ic-yew.. r 1 . ,.° . , J 1 mixt with feare runne to brynge his disciples worde. both because of 9 And as they went to tel his disciples : *!& aho'forthat Beholde, lesus met them, saying, God sa- they were not assu ue you. And they came, & helde his feete and worshypped him. 10 The sayd les' vnto the, Be not affraied. Go & tel my brethren, y they go into.Ga- Chap. XXVIII. THE GOSPEL WRIT lile, and there shal they see me. 1 1 When they were gone, beholde, some C of the kepers came into the citie, and she wed vnto the hye Priestes all the thinges that were happened. 12 And they gathered them together ft the Elders, and toke counsel, & gaue lar ge mony vnto the souldiers, 13 Saying, Say that his disciples came by nyght, & stole hym away whyle we slept. 14 And if this come before the Gouuer- nour, we wyl pacifie him, & saue you har- melesse. 15 And they toke the monye, and dyd as a An extreme they were taught. And this d saying, is noy wt^e'rby'the0 lewes sed among the lewes vnto this day. dmed"16 morehar 16 Then the eleue disciples went away in D to Galile, into a mountayne, where lesus had appointed them. 17 And when they sawe him, they wor shipped him : but some douted. 1 8 And lesus came and spake vnto them, saying, * AU power is geuen vnto me in Hebr.l.b. heauen, and in earth. chap.ll.d. 19 * Go therfore and teache aU nations, Mar. 16. c baptizing them in the Name of the Fa ther, and the Sonne, and the holy Gost. 20 Teaching them to obserue all thyn- ¦ Men may not ges, whatsoeuer I e commanded you. And teache their owne irt * t -..i. l ._ i n doctrine, but what lo> l am with you alway, euen vntyl the iohn. 14. 6. soeuerchrist hath "ende of the worlde. " By power' taught the, for he grace, & ver- reserueth this au- THE tue of the ho toritie to him sei- ly Gost. fe. THE HOLY GOSPEL OF IESVS CHRISTE, WRIT by sainct Marke. THE PYRST CHAPTER. The office, doctrine, and life of Iohn the Baptist. Christ is baptized and tempted, he pre acheth, and calleth the fishers, Christe healeth the man wyth the vncleane spirite helpeth Pe ters mother in lawe, clenseth the leper, and hea leth diuers others. Malac. 3. a. HE a BEGYN- 'Christe begyn nyng of the £?¦&* \£%& Gospel of les' of Iohn Baptiste. Christe, the Sonne of God. 2 As it is writte in the Pro phetes,* Behold I send my "messengerbe. " in Greke, fore thy face, ft shal prepare thy .way Angel, or am i £ ., J J baiador. before thee. Chap. I. THE GOSPEL WRIT 3 * The voyce of one criyng in the wilder Esa 40. a. "• Take awaye res js b prepare the waye of y Lord, ma- fl"'*1'"' all lettes which , , . , r , ¦" ¦" tun. J. a. might hinder him ke his pathes Strayght. matth. 3. a. to come to you. 4 * Tohn dyci i,aptize in the wyldernes, & loim bapti- « He dyd both c preache the Baptisme of amendemet of Mai. 3. a. Baptize andprea- ,.£ - .i • • p che, but preached life, tor the remission ol synnes. first, and after ba- 5 j^A ^ the land of Iurie, and they of ptized, as appea- . J rethi)yMat.3.a,so Ierusalem, went out vnto hym, and were r" teSSS?-hi-S ^ baPtized of "ym in the ryuer Iordan* thinge is common confessing their synnes. 5cnp ures. g ^^ Iohn. was clothed with camels he- are, and with a gyrdel of askyn about his loynes. And he did eat * locustes & wylde Leui. ll. d. ,J Mat. 3. c. hony> iuk.3.c. 7 And * preached, saying, A stronger the iohn. l. d. I cometh after me, whose shoes latchet I am not worthy to stoup downe, & vnlose. b 8 Trueth it is, I haue * baptized you with Act.l.a.2.a, * He deciareth d water, but he shal baptize you with the I5-c- 19> a- how he is but the - - „ *¦ J minister of the out holy (jOSt. That' itT'ieTus 9 * And il came to passe in those dayes, y Mat. 3d. Christ that geueth lesus came from Nazaret a citie of Gah- ™*-'3-rf- the force &vertue. , j T.i-jrTT.-Tj iohn 1. e. le : and was baptized of Iohn m lordan. 10 And assone as " he was come out of y ¦• lesus water, Iohn saw heauen " cleafte, in twai- " Or open. ne, and y holy Gost descendyng vpon him ne forWthedc5 lyke a doue. firmation of 1 1 And there came a voyce from heauen. that stode ¦ The father bea Thou art my deare e Sonne in whom I de- by'' reth witnes that i . Christ is the verie lyte. Sonne of God. 12 * And immediatly the " Spirite drie- Mat. 4. a. ueth him sodenly into wyldernes. ?*Tif' h'i 13 And he was there in the wyldernes Gost. ' Christ wouide forty dayes, and was f tempted of Satan : suadCemvsethat"he he was also with the wylde beastes, and y wii heipe the that Angels ministred vnto him. be tempted. Heb. i.°. 2- a- 14 And * after Iohn was committed to /o6. 4.f. prison BY S. MARKE. 55 prison, lesus came into Galile, preaching the Gospel of the *" kyngdome of God, » By the which 15 And saying, The tyme is fulfilled, and ie0&eraygneouer the kyngdome of God is at hand, Amen- a11- de your hues, and beleue the Gospel. Luk.b.a. 16 * As he walked by the sea of Galile, he drew" & A"' sawe Simon, and Andrew his brother, ca sting a nette into the sea, (for they were fyshers.) 1 7 And les' sayd vnto them, Foiowe me, and I wyl make you to be h fyshers of me. h To drawe the C 18 And streight way, they forsoke their rome p nettes, and folowed him. 1 9 And whe he had gone a lytle further lames and thence, he saw lames the sonne of Zebede, Iohn- and Iohn his brother, euen as they were in the shyppe mendyng their nettes. 20 And anone he called them : and they left their father Zebede in the shyp ft his hyred seruantes, and went their way af ter him. 21 And they entred into Capernaum, & streight way on the Sabbath daye, he en tred into the Synagoge and taught. 22 And they marueled at his learning : Mat. 7. d. * For he taught them as one that had pow er, and ' not as the Scribes. ¦ whose doctri- 23 And there was in their Synagoge a ma SSft^ed vexed ft an vncleane spirite, & he cried, the spirite. 24 Saying, Ah, what haue we to do with thee, thou lesus of Nazaret ? Art thou come to destroy vs ? I knowe thee what Exod.28~f. thou art, euen that * holy one of God. 25 And lesus rebuked him, saying, k Hold k Christ wolde ., , , p , .•**** not suffre the fa- thy peace, and come out ot him. ther of lyes to t>e- 26 And the vncleane spirite tare him, & trueth**"68 '° ,hB cried with a loude voyce, and came out Chap. I. THE GOSPEL WRIT of hym. 27 And they were al amased, in so muche that they demanded one of another, say- 1 They referre ing, What thing is this ? What ' new do- the kynd of doctri ctrine is this ? For he commandeth the f ou ne, & so marueii ie Spirites with power, and they obey atitas.aneweand , . r l J J strange thing. him. 28 And immediately his fame spred abro de, throughout ah the region borderyng on Galile. 29 * And forthwith, assone as they were Mat.s.b. come out of the Synagoge they entred in- '"*• *•/• to the house of Simon and Andrew, with lames and Iohn. 30 And Simons "mother in lawe, laye syc •¦ His wiues ke of a feuer : and anone they tolde him mother- of her. 3 1 And he came and toke her by the had, and lyft her vp, and the feuer forsoke her by and by, and she ministred vnto them.32 And at euen when the sunne was dow ne, they broght to hym all that were di seased, and them that were possessed with deuils. 33 And aU the citie gathered together at the dore. D 34 And he healed many that were sycke of diuers diseases. And he cast out many "Christ woulde deuyls, and m sufired not the deuyles to ^"prel: " *V^> hecause they knewe him. "Saye that che him and his 35 And in the mornyng very early, befo- Jjjjjf we was off-ended that re daye lesus arose and went out into a so snouM^e'sUfie'Tf Htarie Pla°e> and there Prayed- him. Act. 16. d. 36 And Simon, and they that were with him folowed after him. 37 And when they had founde him, they sayd Ink.b.c. BY S. MARKE. 56 sayd vnto him, All men seke for thee. 38 And he sayd vnto them, Let vs go into the next townes, that I may preache there also : for I came out for that purpose. 39 And he preached in their Synagoges, throughout all Galile, and cast the de uyls out. Mat. 8. a. 40 * And there came a leper to him : bese chyng hym, and kneled downe vnto hym, and sayd to hym, If thou wylt, thou canst make me cleane. 41 And lesus had compassion on hym, & put forth his hand, touched him, and sayd to him, I wyl, Be thou cleane. The leper 42 And assone as he had spoken, imme- l"':'1'''1 diately the leprosy departed from him, & he was made cleane. 43 And after he had geuen hym a strayt a comandement, he sent hym away forth- " Forbyddig him . . J J to tel any man, be With. cause as yet his ty 44 And sayd vnto him, See thou say no- ™ ^"knowet thyng to any man, but get thee hence, and Leui. 14. a. shewe thy selfe, to the * " Prieste, and offer to' the6 Priest ^or tny clensyng those thinges which Mo to knowe if a ses commanded, for a ° testimonial vn- ° To take all man were he-. ,i maner of excuse aled of the ^O tnem. frome them.and to leprosie. 45 But he assone as he was departed, be- -n™daetHuaeth6mof gan to tel many thinges, and to pubhshe "The preasse the dede, insormtche that lesus " coulde no thatheshouid more openly entre into the citie, but was toongetTto without in desert places. And they came death, chap, to hym from euery quarter. THE II. CHAPTER. He healeh the man of the palsey, cal leth Leui the customer, eateth wyth open $yn- ners, and excuseth hys disciples, as touching Chap. II. THE GOSPEL WRIT fasting, and keping the holy day . A Fter a fewe dayes, he entred into Ca- A -^-pernaum agayn, & it was noysed that Mg t'^'J1' he was in the " house. " where he 2 And anone, many gathered together, "^""f t0 insomuch, that now there was no rowme to receaue them, no, not so much as about the dore. And he preached the worde vn to them. 3 And there came vnto him, that broght one sycke of the palsey, borne of foure men. 4 And because they coulde not come nye vnto hym for prease, they vncouered the rofe of the house where he was. And when they had broken it open, they let downe the bed, wherin the sycke of the palsey laye. 5 When lesus saw theyr fayth, he sayd to • By these wor- the sick of y palsey, Sone thy a synnes are des Christ shewed - V k J J J that he was sent forgeuen thee. of his father with g And there were certayne of the Scri- autontie to take J ... awaye our synnes. bes, syttyng there, & reasonyng m their hartes, B 7 Why doth this felow so blaspheme? * lob.U.a. Who can forgeue synnes, but God onely? esa' 8 And immediately when lesus percea- ued in hys spirite, that thus they thoght • i> Christ spea- with them selues, he sayd vnto them, their acCaC°adti! '° Why reason ye these thinges in your har- who were so biyn- tes ? deiieueth6no*!ng 9 b Whether is it easyer to say to the sic- but that which ke of the palsey, Thy sinnes are forsreuen they saw with the- , *¦ » . i .i i i „ ir eyes, and ther- thee : or to say, Aryse, take vp thy bed, & fore sheweth his walke autoritie ouer the ' souie.bythe power 1 0 And that ye may know, that the Sonne uer the bodie. °" 0I man hath power in earth to forgeue sinnes, BY S. MARKS. 57 sinnes, he spake vnto the sicke of the pal sey. Ill say vnto thee, Arise and take vp thy bed, and get thee hence into thine owne house. 12 And by and by he arose, toke vp his Theirowneco bed, and went forth before them all : in- se them to somuche, that they were all amased, and traeth!6 *he glorified God, saying, We neuer sawe su che a thinge. Mat. 9 . u . 1 3 * Then he went agayne vnto the sea, and ah the people resorted vnto him, and he taught them. caned"bew 14 -And as lesus passed by, he sawe " Leui the sonne of Alpheus syt at the receyte of custome, and sayd vnto him, Foiowe me. And he arose and folowed hym. 15 And it came to passe, as lesus sate at meat in his house, many publicans and synners sate at meat also with lesus, and his disciples : for there were many that fo lowed him. C 16 And when the Scribes and Pharises saw him eat with publicans and synners, they sayd vnto his disciples, How is it, y he eateth & drincketh with Publicans & synners ? 1 7 And whe lesus heard that, he sayd vn to the, The whole haue no nede ofthe phi- l . Tim. l . _. sition, but the sycke . * I came not to caU y c ryghteous, but the synners to repen- ^aTptrs^ tance . them selues to be Mat.9.b. 18 * And the disciples of Iohn, and the tanothin^l?y luk. b. f. Pharises dyd fast : and came & sayd vnto him, Why do the disciples of Iohn and of the Pharises fast, and thy disciples fast not? h.i. Chap. II. THE GOSPEL WRIT th" L^wil'Tare 1 9 Alld IeSUS S&yd Vnt° ^' ^^ t*t"' "" C^ his, and not burdE dre of the weddyng fast, whiles the bride - necessarie re " b6 grome is with them ? as longe as they haue the bridegrome with them, they can not fast. 20 But the dayes wU come, when the bry degrome shalbe taken fro them, and then shal they fast in those dayes. ¦ it properly si- _\ \ Also no ma soweth a peece e of newe & D gnifieth newe clo- , ii.i- ii _ p the which as yet vndressed cloth m an olde garment, for handefof tteful! tiien t^&t newe Peece taketh away from y ler. olde, and so is the breache worse. 22 In lykewyse, no man powreth new wy ne into olde vessels, for if he do, the newe wyne breaketh the vessels, and the wyne runneth out, and the vessels are lost. But new wyne must be powred into new ves sels. 23 * And it chaced that he went through Mat. 12. a. the corne fieldes on the Sabbath day : and luk.R.a. his disciples as they went in their way, be gan to plucke the eares of corne. 24 And f Pharises said vnto him, Behol de, why do they on the Sabbath dayes, f which is not lawful ? 25 And he sayd to them, Haue ye neuer t read what * Dauid dyd, whe he had nede, l. 5a. 21. 6. called Achimeiech and was an hungred, bothe he, and they y "*•* h,if ?wr„ w^: were with him ? so that bothe the father & the stine 26 How he went into the house of God, rher6tnesednames". in the dayes of f Abiathar the hye Priest, i.chro.24_a.2.Sa. & dyd eat the Shewe loaues, w were not 1. k'yn. 2. 'e. ' lawful to eat, but for the * Priestes onely : Exod. 24.c. bathw^malfor ^d gaue also to them w were with him ? l™f-f- mans vse, it was 27 And he sayd to them, The Sabbath was ^ " ' not mete it shoul- a j r j.. e_c.ni de be vsed to his gniaae tor man, ana not man for the oab- hinderace and in- bath commoditie. ' ,_ 28 Wherfore BY S. MARKE. 58 28 Wherfore the Sonne of man is Lord, euen of the Sabbath day. THE III. CHAPTER. He helpeth the man wyth the dryed hand : choseth his Apostles: and casteth out- the vn cleane spirite, which the Phariseis ascribe vnto the deuil. The brother, sister, Sr mother of Christ. A A Nd he entred agayne into the Syna- fai'e12'"' "^cjOge. and there was a man which had a wythered hand. 2 And they watched hym, whether he would heale him on the Sabbath day, y they might accuse him. 3 And he said vnto the man which had the wythered hand, Arise, and stad in the myddes. 4 And he sayd to them, Whether is it lawful to do a good dede on the Sabbath day, or an euyl ? to saue the lyfe, or to kyl ? But they a held their peace : a They helde s'uc^t'an1: 5 *Aljd He l0ked r°Unde aD0Ut °n thg " atl UctforS«heyfwmoui grie with vs, gerly, mournyng also for the hardenes of de nether confesse feu. n__t_l their hartes, & sayd to the man, Stretche "°r y6' keth to wyu- forth thyne had : and he stretched it out : & his hand was restored, euen as whole as the other. 6 And the Pharises departed, & strayght waye gathered a council with them that belonged to b Herode agaynst him, that b Althogh they .i •i.j.ji^ t_ • hated one another they might destroy e him. deadly : yet thu 7 And lesus auoyded with his disciples hindered them not i ai i-irt,ito loyne their ma- to the sea. And a great multitude folowed lice to resiste hym from Gable, and from Iurie, christe" 8 And from Ierusalem, & from Idumea, and from by yonde Iordan, and they trfat dweUed about Tyre and Sidon, whe they h.ii. Chap. III. THE GOSPEL WRIT had heard what thinges he dyd, came vn to him in great nomber. 9 And he commanded his disciples, that B a shyp should wayte on him, because of the people : lest they should thronge hym to death. 10 For he had healed many, insomuche, that they preased vpon hym, for to touche hym as many as had " plagues. " Or, scour- 1 1 And when the vnclene spirites sawe diseases3"'"8 him, they fel downe before hym, and cry ed, saying, Thou art the Sonne of God. 1 2 And he sharpely chyd them, to thende they should not vtter hym. 1 3 * Then he went vp into a mountayne, & Chap. 6. a. called vnto hym whom he would, & they ""**'• 10- «¦ , .¦* ' luk. 9. a. came vnto him. 14 And he appoynted twelue that they should be with hym, & that he might send them to preache. 15 And that they myght haue power to heale sickenesses, and to cast out deuyls. 1 6 And he named Simon, Peter. 1 7 And he called lames the sonne of Zebe- C de, and Iohn, lames brother, and called " Boanerges, (which is to say,) y sonnes of " Banerges. thunder. 1 8 And Andrew, and Philip, and Barthel- mew, and Matthew, and Thomas, and la mes, the sonne of Alpheus, and " Thad- "Lebbseus, or deus and Simon of Cane . 19 And ludas Iscariot, whych also be trayed hym : and they came " home. " The disci- 20 And somuche people assembled toge- f^Zrl__7" ther agayne, that they had not leasure so- w'th Christ i . .i i both at home muche as to eat bread. ana abroad 21 And when his kynesfolkes heard of it, they BY S. MARKE. 59 they went out to c holde him : For they « His kinsfol- thoght he had bene besyde him selfe. SSttTSS^ioTto Mat. 9. d, 22 * And the Scribes which came from le- doores.iestanyhar *]2. 6. rusalem, sayd, He hath * Beelzebub and chlncedvntohto6 " * through the chiefe of deuils casteth out ""^f^"^ deuyls. their dis pleas u- 23 And he called them vnto him, & sayd Sh^bene'SSSe. vnto them in similitudes. How can Satan forsome would ha t , ~ , . ue made him a dryue out Satan ? kinge. the Phari- 24 For yf a realme be deuided against it '0ghtwhiLhiife°th6rS selfe that realme can not endure. D 25 Or if a house be deuided against it sel fe, that house can not continue. 26 So yf Satan make insurrection agaynst himselfe, and be deuided, he can not coti- nue, but is at an ende. 27 No man can entre into a strong mans house, and take away hys goodes, except he fyrst bynde that stronge man, and then spoyle his house. Mat. 12. c. 28 * Verely I say vnto you, aU synnes shal j**-,J2-*\ be forgeuen vnto the chyldren of men, & blasphemie, where with they blaspheme : 29 But he that d blasphemeth agamst the d which is when holy Gost, shal neuer haue forgeuenes, *Shf^co but is culpable of eternal damnation. science, andstrie- 30 Because they said, He had an vncleane trueth which is re! Spirite. ueiled vnto him: * rm • Su one ls ln Mat. 12. d. 31 Then came his brethern and mother, a reprobat senses luk.8. c ^d stode without, and sent vnto hym, and p|S£,™me t0 "' called hym. 32 And the people sate about him, and they sayd vnto him, Beholde thy mother and thy brethern seke for thee without. 33 And he answered them, saying, Who is my mother and my brethern ? • 34 And he loked round about on his di li. iii. or cousins. Chap. MI. THE GOSPEL WRIT sciples, which sate in copasse about hym, and sayd, Beholde my mother and my brethern. 35 For whosoeuer doeth the wyl of God, he is my brother, my syster, and mother. THE IIII, CHAPTER. By diuers parables of the seed, the lape, Sf the mustarde corne, Christ sheweth the stat of the kyngdome of God, he stylleth the tempeste of the sea which obeyed him. ANd he began agayn to teache by the A sea side, and ther gathered vnto him ^'a_\'"' much people, insomuch, that he entred into a shyp, and sate in the sea, and all the people was by the sea syde on the shore. 2 And he taught them many thynges in * it is called similitudes, and sayd vnto them in a " his " Or, as he Christes doctrine j . . taught. either for that he dOCtrme. was accoustumed 3 Hearken to, Beholde, there went out a to speake vnto ths by similitudes : or SOWer to SOWe. th8at°vertUuee&mad 4 And 'lt fortuned as he sowed, y some iestie that men fel by the way syde, and the fowles of the could not denie J j "_ 1 ., but it came from ayre came and deuoured it vp. heauen. 5 gome fel on stony grounde, where it had not much earth : and by & by sprang vp, because it had not depth of earth. 6 But as sone as y sunne was vp, it caught heate, & because it had not rootyng, wy thered away. 7 And some fel among the thornes, and the thornes grewe vp & choked it, so that it gaue no frute. 8 And some fel in good grounde, and dyd yelde frute that sprong and grew, and broght forth, some thyrty folde, some syxty folde, and some an hundred folde. 9 And BY S. MARKE. 60 9 And he sayd vnto them, He that hath b eares to heare, let him heare. b For God doth 10 And when he was alone,they that we- JStaMSS re about him with the twelue, asked him nis mysteries. of the similitude. Which are led 1 1 And he sayd vnto them, To " you it is of God. ' geuen to know y mystery of the kyngdo me of God : But vnto them that are c with- • And are not of out, all thinges be done in simibtudes. ^f^XV^ B 1 2 * That they seeing, may see & not dis- teyne to the pith Esa.6. c. i ^i i • i i and substance, but mat. 13.6. cerne: and they hearmg, may heare, and only staye in the luk.'s.b.' not vnderstand: lest at any tyme they °^arde ri™'ie & l0\n}n'f' ' should tourne, & their synnes should be act. 28. /. „ „ •" rom. ll. a. forgeuen them. 13 And he sayd vnto them, Perceaue ye not this similitude ? How then should ye vnderstand all other similitudes ? 14 The sower soweth the worde. 1 5 And these are they that receyue the seed by the wayes syde, to whome the worde is sowen : and when they haue heard it, Satan commeth immediatly and taketh away the worde that was sowen in their har- tes. 1 6 And lykewyse they that receyue the seed in stony ground, are they, which whe they haue heard the worde, at once recea ue it with gladnes, 17 Yet haue no rootes in them selues, and so endure but a tyme : and anone as trouble and persecution aryseth for the wordes sake, immediately they be offen ded. 1 8 And they that receyue the seed amog the thornes, are suche as heare y worde. 1 9 But the cares of this world, and Jhe l. Tim.6.d. * disceitfulnesse of riches, & the lustes of h.iiii. Chap. MI. THE GOSPEL WRIT other thinges, entre in, & choke y worde, and is made vnfruteful. 20 And those that haue receyued seed in good grounde, are they f heare the worde and receaue it, and bryng forth frute, for one corne thyrty, /or another syxtie, for so me an hundred. i Christ setteth 21 Also he sayd vnto them, * Is d the can- Mat. 5. 6. the^me'pSon^of die " broght to be put vnder a busshel, or £*•* * a christian Hfe. vnder the table, and not rather to be put c on a candelsticke ? " °r> liBht" •we may not ta 22 * e For there is nothinge so hyd, that Mat. 10. c. euii°Cvnde°r colour shal not be opened : nether so secret, but y *»*¦ 8- <*• to hyde our doyn- it te come at,r0(ie. » 12" "" ges, for all shal be . disclosed at the 23 If any ma haue eares to heare, let him •enEth" heare. 24 And he sayd vnto the, Take hede what ' Yfyoudoyour ye heare, * With 'what measure ye mete, Mat. 7. a. iy,dyeUshIifbereco" * shalbe measured vnto you : & vnto you '"*• 6-f- pensed iusteiy. that heare, shal more be geuen. 25 * For vnto him that hath, shal it be ge- Mat. 13. 6. uen, & from him that hath not, shalbe ta- §" ?5" "• ken away, " euen that he hath. *. j'g 'd' a These two sim- 26 And he sayd, So is the s kyngdome of " That which proue thaft althogh God, euen as if a man should sowe seede hfm \m_ "to the kyngdome of jn the grounde. haue. Godsemeth to ha __ . °, , , , , , . . Yf the mim- ue very litle appea 27 And EflOuld slepe and rise Vp nyght sters do their JeCt6GodStni and day = and the sede shulde spryngand ^ueG°d crease it aboue grow vp, he not ware. thincrease. 28 For the earth bryngeth forth frute of her selfe, fyrst the blade, then the eares, after that, ful corne in the eares. 29 And assone as y frute is broght forth, anon he thrusteth in the syckel, because the haruest is come. 30 * He sayd, Moreouer where vnto shal Mat. 13. d. we lyken the kyngdome of God ? or with '"*• 13, rf- what mans reason. BY S. MARKE. 61 what comparison shal we compare it ? 31 It is hke a grayne of mustarde seede, which when it is sowen in the earth, is y least of all seedes that be in the earth : 32 But after that it is sowen, it groweth vp, and is greatest of aU herbes, & bereth great branches, so that the foules of the ayre may dwel vnder the shadow of it. 33 And with many suche similitudes he preached the worde vnto them, as they were able to heare it. 34 And without similitude spake he no- thyng vnto them. But when they were a- parte, he expounded aU thinges to his di sciples. Mat. 8. c 35 * Now the same day when euen was co- luk. 8. c. me> ke sayd Vnto them, Let vs passe ouer vnto the other syde. D 36 And they left the people, & " toke him warde'6" f°r euen as he was in the shyp : and there were also with him other shyppes. 37 And there arose a great storme of win- de, and dashed the waues into the shyp, so that it was ful. 38 And he was in the sterne a'1 slepe on a h Christ leauethvs pelowe : and they awoke him, and sayd to ^ues^thLwei him, Master, carest thou not that we pe- that we may lear- . , . * ne to knowe our ITShe ? owne weacknes,as 39 And he rose vp, and rebuked the wyn- his mightie power. de, and sayd vnto the sea, Peace, and be styl. And the wynde alayed, and there fo lowed a great calme. 40 Then he sayd vnto them, Why are ye " Or, haue so fearful ? " How is it y ye haue no fayth ? faithe""' y6t And they feared excedyngly, and said one to another, What felow is this, that,both wynde and sea obey him ? Chap. V. THE GOSPEL WRIT THE V. CHAPTER. He chaseth the deuils out of the man into the swyne. Healeth a woman fro the bloudy ys- sue. And rayseth the captaynes daughter. \ Nd they came ouer to the other syde A -^*-of the sea into the country of the Ga- Mat. 8. d. , J luk. 8. d. daremtes. 2 And when he was come out of y ship, there met him out of the graues, a ma pos sessed of an vncleane sprite : 3 Which had his abyding amog the gra ues : And no man coulde binde him, no, The man pos not, with cheynes. %£?* *""" " 4 Because that whe he was often bound with fetters and cheynes, he plucked the cheynes a sondre, and brake the fetters in peeces : nether could any man tame him. 5 And alwayes bothe nyght and day he cried in the mountaynes, and in the gra ues, and stroke him selfe sore against sto nes. 6 And when he espyed lesus a farre of, he ranne and worshypped him. 7 And cried with a loude voyce, and sa- • The deuil is yd. a What haue I to do with thee lesus y feSeiesus'christ' Sonne ofthe moste hyest God ? " I require •• or adiure & yet ceaseth not thee in the name of b God, that thou tor- !e6bvtGodea toresisthim. ment mp not 'Heabuseththe mem me nor. name of God, to 8 (For he said vnto him, Come out of the maynteyn his ty- ,-, p , •_ \ raniie. man thou foule sprite.) 9 And he asked him, What is thy name ? c a Legion con and he answered saying, My name is c Le- teyned aboue 6000 _¦ j a j in nomber. gion, for we are many. 10 And he prayed him instantly, that he would not send them away out of the co untrey. 1 1 And there was there in the mountay nes. BY S. MARKE. 62 nes a great hearde of swyne, feedyng. 12 And aU the deuyls besoght him, say ing, Send vs into the hearde of swyne, that we may entre into them. 13 And anon lesus gaue them leaue. And The deuills the vnclene spirits went out and entred swyne!"'0 'he hito the swyne : and the hearde ran hea- dlyng from the hye bancke into the sea. (They were about, two thousand swyne) " Or in the and they were drouned in the " sea. lake. j ^ ^n^ the gwyneheardes fled & toulde it in the citie, and in the countrye : & they came out for to see what had happened. 1 5 And come to lesus, & see him that was vexed with the fiende, & had the Legion, syt both clothed, and in hys ryght mynde, and were afraide. 1 6 And they that saw it tolde them, how it had happened to hym that was posses sed with the deuyl : and also of the swyne. 1 7 Then d they began to pray hym, that he d Marke how " The worde- woulde " depart from their coastes. fy respects TeTme e'steme the™ 18 And when he was come into the shyp, to receyue Christ. theTdo iS™ te ttat had the deuyh prayed him that he Christ. myght be with him. 1 9 Howbeit, lesus would not suffre him, but sayd vnto him, Go home to thy house, and friendes, and e shewe them what gre- ' we must de- C at thinges the Lord hath done vnto thee, thebeneflteswhich and how he hath had compassion on thee. °^ddef e"ethtn°"; 20 And he departed, and began to pu- therby they may conniVey 'or blishe "i " Decapohs, what great things le |f0urtehimplaise & the ten ci- sus had done vnto hym, and all men dyd marueyl. 2 1 And whe lesus was come ouer agayne by shyp vnto y other syde, much people gathered to hym, & he was nye vnto the ties. Chap. V. THE GOSPEL WRIT sea.22 * And beholde, there came one of the Matth. 9. c. rulers of the Synagoge, whose name was ¦>' Iairus : and when he sawe him, he fel dow ne at is feete. 23 And besoght him greatly, saying, My litle daughter lyeth at poynt of death, I pray e thee that thou wouldest come and laye thy handes on her, that she may be deliuered of her disease, and lyue. 24 Ther he went with him, & muche peo ple folowed hym, and thronged him. 25 (And there was a certayne woman, which was diseased of an yssue of bloud twelue yeres. 26 And had suffred many thinges of ma ny phisitions, and had spent aU that she had, & felt none amendement at all, but wexed worse and worse. 27 When she had hearde of lesus, she ' Her faith broght came in the prease behynd hym, &f tou- moueaChherforpd ched his garments : For she saide, proche nere vnto 28 If I may but touche his clothes I shal him : and notasu-, ,, J perstitious opini- be Whole. ver'tue'towfgM- 29 And strayght way " the course of her "Or.fountay- ment. bloude was dryed vp, and she " felt in her •• br knewe. body, that she was healed of that " pla- "Or, scourge. gue. 30 And immediately when lesus dyd knowe in hym self, the vertue that went out of hym, he tourned him rounde about in the prease and sayd, Who hath touched my clothes ? 3 1 And his disciples said vnto him, Thou seeist the people thrust thee, & yet askest Who dyd touche me ? 32 And he loked round about, for to see her BY S. MARKE. 63 her that had done that thing. 33 The woman feared and trembled, for she knewe what was done with in her, and she came and fel downe before hym, and tolde hym the verie truth. 34 And he sayd to her, Daughter, thy fayth hath made thee whole, go in peace, Or, scourge, and be whole of thy " plague.) D 35 * Whyle he yet spake, there came from luk. 8. g° tne same ruler of the Synagoges house, cer tayne which sayd, thy daughter is dead why diseasest thou the Maister any fur ther. 36 Assone as lesus heard that worde spo ken, he sayd vnto the ruler ofthe Synago ge, Be not afrayde, onely beleue. 37 And he suffered no man to foiowe hym more then Peter and lames, and Iohn, the brother of lames. 38 And he came vnto the house of the ruler of the Synagoge, and sawe the won- deryng, and them that wept and wayled greatly.39 And went in, & sayd vnto them, Why make ye this a do, and wepe ? The childe is not ** dead, but slepeth. « He ment she K&SS 40 And they "laught hym to scorne : but _%?_£&& her lyue a- he put them aU Out, and toke the father incontynently be "aJHis thrce and the mother ofthemayden, and "them life.0'6 agaynet0 disciples. that were with hym, and entred in where the mayden laye. 4 1 And toke the mayden by the hand, and sayd vnto her, Talitha cumi, which is by interpretatio, Mayden, I say vnto thee, aryse.42 And strayght the mayden arose^and went on her fete : for she was of the age Chap. VI. THE GOSPEL WRIT of twelue yeres : and they were astonied at it out of measure. 43 And he charged them straytely that no man should knowe of it, and comman ded to geue her meat. THE VI. CHAPTER. How Christ and his Prophetes are recey- ued in their owne Coutrie, Thapostles comissi on, Sondrie opinions of Christ, Iohn is put to death, and buryed, The fiue loues, c\ two fisshes Christ walketh on the water, Sf healeth many. A Nd * he departed thence, and came Mat. 13. j_ -^-into his owne country, & his disciples luk. 4. c. folowed him. A 2 And when the Sabbath day was come, he began to teach in the Synagoge : and many that heard hym were astonyed, & sayd, From whence hath he these thynges ? Christ is ne- and what wysedome is this that is geuen f^S*/1 hls vnto him, y euen such vertues are wroght by his handes. 3 Is not this the carpenter Maries sonne, the " brother of lames and loses, and of " 0r <"osyne. Iuda and Simon ? and are not hys systers » That which here with vs ? And they were a offended in oght to moue ths ]n.rrn to come to Christ, "¦}"*• cause* them to 4 And lesus sayd vnto them, A* Prophet Mat. 9. d. go backe frome . ,-, ji^-i* . &• 10 a him. is not despised but in his owne countrey, f \ , " ,. and among his owne kynne, and in his 9. and healed thgm_ 6 And he marueyled at their vnbeliefe : and went about by the townes that lay on euery syde, teachyng. 7 *And BY S. MARKE. 64 B 7 * And he called the twelue, and began luk'9. and ffaxle them Chap. 3. b. power ouer vnclene Spirits. 8 And comanded them, that they should take nothyng to carye in their iorney, sa ue a rod only : nether c scrip, nether bread, c Christ onely nether mony in their purses. to'cariemiy thing "Whichwerea. But should be shodwith/'sandales. And J*1"*"1" mi**ht be a kynde of , . . , . burdenous, or light shoes, that they Shoulde not put on two COateS. hinder their mes- 10 And he sayd vnto them, Whersoeuer saKe' ye shal entre into a house, there abyde tyl ye departe d thence. * Heforbiddeth Act. 12. 6. 1 1 * And whosoeuer shal not receaue you, ^^f^ctS: Th q° b' nor heare you, when ye departe thence, e ses in this their act. 13. g. shake of the dust that is vnder your feete, sp6ain"tokene'of for a witnes vnto them : Verely I say vnto execration, and of T , •" J _ the horrible ven- you, It shalbe easyer for sodome, or Go- geance of God morrha at the day of iudgement, then for v^onVem" lish' that citie. 1 2 And they went out and preached, that men should amende their lyues. 13 And they cast out many deuyls. And Iam. b.e. they * anoynted many that were syck, with f oyle, and healed them. ' The oyle was 14 And kyng Herode heard of hym, for S1^ hys name was spred abrode& sayd, Iohn and not a medicine n , • , - - r _ i ,10.1 toheale diseases : Baptist is risen agayne fro death, & ther- so that the gyft of fore miracles are wroght by hym. miracles ceasing, ~, i it- -ni- tne ceremome is 1 5 Other sayd, It is Ehas : & some sayd, It to no vse. " of the olde is a Prophet, or " one of the Prophetes. Luk!Td. 16 * But when Herode heard of hym, he sayd, It is Iohn whom I beheaded, he is *" rysen from death agayne. f They had ths C 1 7 For Herode him selfe had sent forth, that they thoght Why iohn is and had taken Iohn, and bound him, and *,he s<"i,es b,ein'*. imprisoned. . departed out of cast him mto prison for Herodias ijake, one bodie went which was his brother Philippes wyfe, X'f int0 an Chap. VI. THE GOSPEL WRIT because he had maried her. 18 For Iohn sayd vnto Herode, * It is not Leuit. 18.6. h The libertie *> lawful for thee to haue thy brothers wy- §"-20-c' that Iohn vsed to e J reproue vice fe. without acception 19 g0 that Herodias soght all occasion ofpersonne. . ° agamst hym, and would haue kylled hym, but she could not. 20 For Herode feared Iohn, knowyng y Herode is re- he was a iust man, and an holy, and gaue YtiSn. y hym reuerence, and when he hearde hym, 1 such is the he did many thynges, and * heard him gla- nature of Gods ,, J J o ' a worde, that it com Oly. peiieth the vene 2 1 But when a conuenient day was come, tyrants to reueren , J ce it. As no dout Herode on hys byrth day made a supper Se grd6moations", to the Lordes, Captaines, and chief estates Gene. 40. c. but the seed fell of Galile. so toke no rote. 22 And the daughter of the sayd Hero- what incon- dias came in and danced, and pleased He- methbywan™ rode, and them that sat at bourd together. dancinrr- Then the kyng sayd vnto the mayde, Aske of me what thou wylt, and I wyl geue it thee. 23 And he sware vnto her, Whatsoeuer thou shalt aske of me, I wyl geue it thee, euen vnto the one halfe of my kyngdome. 24 * But she went forth, and sayd to her Matt. 14. a. mother, What shal I aske ? And she sayd, Iohn Baptistes head. 25 Then she came in strayght way w hast vnto the kyng, and asked, saying, I wyl that thou geue me euen now in a charger, the head of Iohn Baptist. 26 And the kyng was verie sory, how be- D it, for his othes sake, and for their sakes which sat at supper also, he would not put her besyde her purpose. 27 And immediatly the kyng sent the hang- BY S. MARKE. 65 hangman, and gaue charge that his head should be broght. And he went and be headed him in the pry son. 28 And broght his head in a charger, and "iosephus cal gaue it to the " mayden, and the mayden 1 eth her name • , . i ,i saiomen, the gaue lt to her mother. daughter of 29 And when his disciples heard of it, Herodias. they came and toke vp his " bodv and put "Or.carkays. itinatombe Matt. 14.5. 30 * And the Apostles gathered them sel- luk.9. c. ues together to lesus, and tolde hym all rendre count thynges, both what they had done, and tftheir mes- whaf. they had taught 3 1 And he sayd vnto them, Come ye apar te into the wyldernes, k and reste a whyle. 'Christ heareth J . •" with thinnrmitie For there were many commers and goers, of hissemantsand that they had not leasure, so muche as to qu"etnes. """" '° eat. 32 So they went by shyp out of the way into a desert place. 33 But the people spyed them when they departed : and many.knewe hym, and ran- ne a fote thither out of aU cities, and ca me thither before them, and came toge ther vnto hym. Matt. 9. d. 34 * And lesus wet out, & saw muche peo- §•.14.5. pi6) and had compassion on them, becau se they were hke1 shepe which had no tn\Thhisde<'^reth; shepehearde. And he began to teache the horrible disordre many thynges. " £>% tckeTf Matt. 13.6. 35 * And when the day was now farre spet, preaching Gods luk.9,b. his disciples came vnto him, saying, This is a desert place, and now the day is far- E re passed. 36 Let them depart, that they may go into the villages & townes about and bye them bread: for they haue nothing to eat. iohn. 6. a. Chap. VI. THE GOSPEL WRIT 37 But he answered, and sayd vnto them, Geue ye them to eat. And they sayd vnto m Which is a- hym, Shal we go and bye m two hundreth steriyng"6 P°""de penyworth of bread, & geue them to eat ? 38 But he sayd vnto them.How many lo ues haue ye ? Go and loke. And when they knewe, they sayd, Fyue and two fysshes. 39 And he enioyned them, to make them al syt downe by " companies vp5 the gre- " Or by table np D-r-issp fulIs : for in ricgiciose. euerierancke " The Greeke 40 Then they sate downe here a "rowe, & were as many worde sigmfieth L, -'., ,, , , „ _ . aa a table suche beddes as there a rowe, by hundreds, and by fyfties. could houid. "«; 41 And he toke the fyue loues, and the companye which tWO fissheS, and loked Vp to heauen, gaue Thankes ge. might seme as"6 ' thankes, and brake the loues, and gaue uin'*- beddes°ri°rd6rs °f them to nis discrples to sett before them, deyn. & the two fishes he deuided among them aU.42 So they dyd all eat, and were satis fied. 43 And they toke vp twelue baskettes F ful of the fragmentes : and some leauinges of the fysshes. 44 And they that had eaten, were about fyue thousand men. 45 And strayghtway he caused his disci ples to go into the shyp, & to go ouer the water before vnto Bethsaida, whyle he sent away the people, 46 Then assone as he had sent them away, he departed into a mountayne to pray. 47 * And when euen was come, the shyp Mat. 14. c. was in the myddes of the sea, and he alo- iohn 6-h- ne on the lande. 48 And he sawe the troubled in rowyng, ° which was for the wynde was contrary vnto them, houres before day? ®&d about the fourth ° watche of the nyght, BY S. MARKE. 66 nyght, he came vnto them, walkyng vpon the sea, and would haue passed by them. 49 And when they saw him walking vpo the sea, they supposed it had bene a spirit, and cried out. 50 For they al saw him, & were afrayde. And anone he talked with them, and sayd vnto them, BePof good chere, it is I, be *> Christ assureth , . , & his, and maketh not afraide. them bolde, both 51 Then he went vp vnto them into the ^i™^.™-1 shyp, and the wynd ceased, and they were sore amased in them selues beyonde mea sure, and marueyled. They had for 52 -por they remembred not the loues, be got the mira- . \ cie which cause their hartes were hardened. wUhthegfyue 53 * And they came ouer, and went into the i°ues. lande of Gennesaret, and arryued. 54 Then assone as they were come out of the shyp, strayght they knewe hym. 55 And ranne forth throughout all the region round about, and began to carye hither ad thither in beddes aU that were sycke, where they heard tel that he was. 56 And whither soeuer he entred into townes, cities, or countrie, they layd their "Or, markets sycke in the " stretes, and prayed him that they might touche, and it were but the ** edge of his vesture. And as many as « Not for any ,11 j. suche vertue that touched hym, were safe. wasinhisgarmet, but for the confi dence which they THE VII. CHAPTER. The disciples eat wyth vnwasshen han des, The commandement of God is transgressed by mans traditions, Of the woman of Syro- phcenissa. The healing of the dome, Sf how the people praise Christ. • had in him. Chap. VII. THE GOSPEL WRIT "TiHen * gather vnto him the Pharises a •*¦ and certeyn of the Scribes which ca- MattAb.a. me from Ierusalem. 2 And when they sawe certayne of his » The Pharises disciples eat meat with " commen " han- " 0r> fylthie. with vnwasshen " des (that is to say,) with vnwasshen hades, They made handes because they complained. c^L'0 they thoght that „ */ ,, *~ . ih.it stand m was- the common han- 3 I1 or the .Pharises, and aU the lewes, ex- shing of han. fyeithTed°tfhe'm"geS cePt they washe their handes " oft, eat *%. conten. not : holding harde the traditio of the El- tiousiy, stry. . ° umg to washe ders. best. 4 And when they come from the market, ^ns tradm" except they washe, they eat not. And ma ny other thynges there be, which they ha ue taken vpon them to obserue, as the wasshynge of cuppes, " pottes, of brasen "Litle pottes, vessels, and of tables. *°™ ™hat„. * more in qua 5 Then asked hym the Pharises and Scri- titie then ¦_- bes, why walke not thy disciples accor- wyne pynte" dyng to the tradition of the Elders, but B eat " meat with vnwasshen handes ? " Or, breade. 6 He answered and sayd vnto them, Oh, * Esai hath Prophecied weU of you hy- Esai. 29. 5. pocrites, as it is written, This people ho- mattA&-b- b with an out- noreth me with their b lippes, but their warde shew. hart jg ferre from me . 7 In vayne they worshyp me, teaching « whosoeuer te- for doctrines the c commademets of men. nfbut chrftri's 8 For ye laye the commandement of a false worshipper. God aparte, and obserue the tradition of men, as the wasshynge of pottes and of cuppes, and many other suche lyke thyn ges ye do. 9 And he sayd vnto them, Verie wel ye cast asyde the commandement of God, to mayntayne your owne tradition. Exod.20.b. 10 For Moses sayd, * Honour thy father epne\Q,a\ and BY S. MARKE. 67 Exod.2i. _. and thy mother: &,* Whosoeuer shal cur- leuit.20.b. ge father or mother, let hym d dye the d T'"",t is wi- proM.20.6. i .1 J J thout any hope of death. pardon. 1 1 * But ye say, If a man say to father or mother, Corban, (that is gyft) that shall come from me, thou shalt be holpen ther by : it is sufficient. 12 And so ye suffre hym no more to do oght for his father, or his mother : 1 3 Makyng the worde of God of none ef fect, through your owne tradition which ye haue ordeyned. And many suche thyn ges ye do. Matt.ib.b. 14*Andhe called al the people vnto hym and sayd vnto them, Hearken vnto me eue ry one of you, and vnderstand. 15 There e is nothyng without a man, that " T1!,ere is no .-ii i -. ,i. outwarde or cor- can defyle hym, when it entreth mto poraii thinge hym: but those thynges which procede ^manTh^ can OUt of him, are those which defyle the defyle him: mea ning chiefely of man. meats, which if 1 6 If any man haue eares to heare, let him *ey be take exces - J siuely, it commeth heare. of the Inordinate 17 And when he came into a house away ^.a ™ uSi™ "?,! from the people, his disciples asked him eueii. of the similitude. 1 8 And he sayd vnto them, What, are ye without vnderstandyng also ? Do ye not knowe, y whatsoeuer thing from without entreth into a man, it can not defyle him ? 19 Because it entreth not into his hart, but into the beUy, and goeth out into the draught, that purgeth out ah mea- tes. 20 Then he sayd, That defyleth a man which cometh out of a man. Chap. VII. THE GOSPEL WRIT 21 * For from within, euen out of the hart Gen. 6. a. Sr of men, procede euyl thoghtes, aduoutri- 8-rf> es, fornication, murther, 22 Thefte, couetousnes, wickednes , " 0r- want01*- nes. desceite, " vnclennes, and a wicked eye, " Ennie. backbiting, pryde, folishnes. 23 AU these euyl thynges come from within, and defyle a man. 24 * And from thence he rose, and went Matt.ib.v. into the borders of Tyre and Sidon : and entred into an house, and would that no man should haue knowen : but he could not be hydd. 25 For a certayne woman whose daugh ter had a foule spirit, hearde of him, and came and feU at his feete. 26 (The woman was aGreeke, out of Syro- The Canani- phsenissa) and she besoght him that he would cast out the deuyl out of her dau ghter. Iewes^tTOtom'the 27 And If3SUS Sayd VUi° h<3r" Let the 'D prome'sses were chyldern fyrst be fed : for it is not mete first made. (-0 ^^g fae chylderns bread, and cast it b The lewes vnto g whelpes. better Thfn" the 28 She answered and sayd vnto him, $hf asketh dogges and ther- Truth it is Maister, for in deed, the whel- crommes,0°& tore v nnsl spea- tv, vi keth according to pes eat vnder the table, of the chylderns S!!L;ieK,„,i theiropinion. £rommes. dernes bread. 29 Then he sayd vnto her, For this say ing go thy way, the deuyl is gone out of thy daughter. 30 And when she was come home to her house, she founde the deuyl departed, and her daughter lying on the bed. 31 And he turned agayne fro the coastes of Tyre and Sidon, and came vnto the sea of Gahle, BY S. MARKE. 68 of Galile, through the myddes of the coa stes of Decapohs. 32 And they broght vnto him, one that was deafe, and stambbred in his speach, and prayd hym to put his hand vpon him. 33 And he toke him a syde from the peo ple, and put his fyngers in his eares, and dyd spyt, and touched his tongue : 34 And loked vp to heauen, and syghed, and sayd vnto him, Ephphatha, that is to say, Be opened. 35 And strayght way his eares were ope ned, and the string of his tongue was lo osed, and he spake playne. 36 And he commanded them, that they should tel no man. But howmuch soeuer he forbad them, so muche the more they published it : 37 And were beyonde measure astonied, Gen. i.d. saying,* He h hath done aU thinges wel, he h As if they woi- eccle. 39. maketh both that the deafe can heare, ad theocracies that the domme speake. Sitnow^cTSthatwhatsoeuer he THE. VIII. CHAPTER. doth, is verie wel The miracle of the seue loues, The Pharises aske a signe. The leue of the Pharises, The biyn de receaueth hys syght, He was knowe of his di sciples, He reproueth Peter, and sheweth how necessarie persecution is. A TN those dayes, when there was a very Mat. 15. d. Agreat company, and had nothyng to eat, lesus called his disciples to him, and said vnto them, with 7. loues 2 I haue ¦* compassion on the people, be- , ¦ Christ proui- 4000 me- are ., , r i -JL _\. de* for his when satisfied. cause they haue now bene with me three they seme to bede dayes, and haue nothyng to eat. stitute&forsaken. 3 And if I should send the away fasting to i. iiii. Chap. VIII. THE GOSPEL WRIT their owne houses, they would faynt by y way. For diuers of them came from farre. b Yf bread we- 4 And his disciples answered hym, Whe re so harde to co- re should a man haue b bread here in the meby.itsemedvn , _¦_.., -, possible to obtey- wyldernes to satisfie these ? ne other meat. g And he agked ^^ How many loueg haue ye ? They sayd, Seuen. 6 Then he signified to the people to syt downe on the grounde : and he toke the seuen loues, gaue thankes, brake, and ga- T.hav** ctises as the aduer saymg, We haue no bread. sariesvsedtosup- 17 And when lesus knewe that, he sayd i'ressehis Go5i>el- vnto them, Why reason you thus because ye haue no bread ? perceaue ye not yet, ne ther vnderstand ? Haue ye your hartes yet blynded ? 1 8 Haue ye eyes and see not ? and haue ye eares and heare not ? Do ye not remem- bre? Iohn 6. a. 19 * When I brake the fyue loues among fyue thousand, how many baskettes ful of broken meat toke ye vp ? They said vn to hym, Twelue. 20 And when I brake seuen among foure thousand, how many baskettes of the lea- uinges of broken meat toke ye vp ? They sayd, Seuen. c 21 Then he sayd vnto them, ** How is it, "Christ repro- J j . ueththem because that ye vnderstand not r theyr myndes are 22 And he came to Bethsaida, and they "j** "Ju5e'„h,e ™ broght a blynde man vnto him, and desi- withstanding they i, ^ L i , had prouen by di- red hym to tOUChe hym. uers miracles that 23 Then he toke the blynde by the hand, ^"ue*™*6" and led hym out of the towne, and spit in his eyes, and put his handes vpon hym, & asked hym whether he sawe oght. 24 And he loked vp and sayd, I see men : For I see them walke, as they were trees. 25 After that, he put his handes agayne vpon his eyes, and made hym loke agayne. And he was restored to his sight, and sawe euery man a farre of and clearely. 26 And he sent him home to his l*ouse, saying, Nether go into the village, nor tel Chap. VIII. THE GOSPEL WRIT it to any in the village. 27 * And lesus wet out and his disciples Mat. 16. u. into the viUages ; that belonge to the ci- ^u*- 9- c- tie caUed Csesarea Philippi. And by the *° "* ' ff' way he asked his disciples, saying, Whom do men say that I am ? 28 And they answered, Some say y thou art Iohn Baptist: some say Elias: and some, one of the Prophetes. 29 And he sayd vnto them, But whom say ye that I am ? Peter answered and sayd vn- >¦ He that is the to him, Thou art very n Christe. &nfu°ifi"ied with ail 30 And he sharpely ' charged them that uaationformanssaI they snomd tel no man of it. > Differringitto 31 Then he began to teache them, how y D tayme0,reies?Tdeyn the Sonne of man must suffre many thyn- haste should ra- ges, and should be reproued of the Ei ther hinder then 1 ii- n ¦ i jo-l ji_ forther the myste- ders, and hie Priestes, and scribes, and be rie of his coming, kyiied, and with in three dayes ryse a- gayne. 32 And he spake that thing playnely. Then Peter toke hym asyde, and began to chyde hym. 33 But he tourned about, & loked on his disciples, and rebuked Peter, saying, Go "• Aduersarie or backe from me k Satan : for thou saue- ^TiijGmie because he dyd as muche rest not the thinges of God, but the thin- as in him laye, to „ p pul him fr5 obey- 6es 0I men. ing God. 34 And he called the people vnto him, with his disciples also, & sayd vnto them, * Whosoeuer wyl foUowe me, let him for Mat. 16. d. sake hym selfe, and take vp his crosse, & 8",10- <*• c ,, J v luk. 9. g. followe me. c. 14 / . .... 35 For whosoeuer wyl saue him selfe, 1 Pormortalitie ,,, , . ,- -.-.i iii and corruption, he shal lose him selfe. But whosoeuer shallo lartariet6eyu& pS: se him selfe for my sake and the Gospels, fection. the same shal ' saue him selfe. 36 For BY S. MARKE. 70 36 For what shal it proffit a man, if he should wynne all the world, and be con demned to paye his soule ? 37 Or els, what shal a man geue to rede- me his soule agayne ? 38 Whosoeuer therfore shal be ashamed of me, and of my wordes, among this ad uouterous and synful generation, of him shal the Sonne of man be ashamed also, when he commeth in the glorie of his fa ther with the holy Angels. THE IX. CHAPTER. The transfiguration, The lunatike is healed, The force of prayer Sf fasting. Of the death Sc resurrection of Christe, The disputation who should be the greatest, Offences are forbidden. A A Nd he sayd vnto the, Verely I say vn- •**- to you, there be some of them y stad- de here, which shal not taste of death, tyl they haue seene the a kingdome of God • The preaching J . , ° of the Gospel re- COme With power. ceyued and increa MatA6.a. 2 * Six dayes after, lesus toke Peter, Ia- ^^th"^ luk 9. c. mes, and Iohn, & led them vp into an hye that they should mountayne out of the way alone, and he ""aueiie'dinvayne! was transfigured before them. 3 And his rayment dyd b shyne, and was , b Christ sheweth his inaiestie so lar-- made very whyte, euen as snowe, so whyte re as their inarmi- as no fuller can make vpon the earth. ^.ZnTu. '° 4 And there appeared vnto them Ehas with Moses : and they talked with lesus. 5 And Peter answered, and sayd to lesus, Master, here is good beyng for vs, let vs make also three tabernacles, one for thee ' He measured j. -nzr , j. im. this vision accor- one tor Moses, and one for H.has. ,jing to bis owne 6 And c yet he wist not what he sayd,; for l^^g'tit-ena™' they were afrayd. therof. Chap. IX. THE GOSPEL WRIT 7 And there was a cloud y shadowed the, B and a voyce came out of the cloud, saying, * Thys is my deare Sonne, heare him. Matth.3.d, 8 And sodenly they loked round about, fj^J i e & sawe no man more then lesus only with cftap. 1. 6. them. 9 *And as they came downe from the hyl, Mat. 17. 6. he charged them, y they shuld tel no man what they had seene tyl the Sonne of man were risen from death agayne. 10 And they kept that to them selues, & demanded one of another, what the rising from death agayne should meane ? 1 1 Also they asked hym saying, Why the say the Scribes, that* Ehas must fyrst co- Mala- 4- *¦ me? 1 2 He answered, and sayd vnto them, Eh as verely shal fyrst come and restore all thinges. and * as it is wrytten of the Son- -Bsa- 53- *"¦ ne of man, he must suffre many thinges & c be set at noght. 1 3 But I say vnto you, that " Ehas is come : " Iohl" Bapt'- and they haue done vnto him whatsoeuer pleased them, as it is * wrytten of hym. Mai. 4. 6. 14 * And when he came to his " disciples, Mat. 17. c. he sawe muche people about them, and y /,"*„?• "' Scribes disputing with them. which he left 15 And strayghtway aU the people, when *e day befo- they behelde hym, were amased, and ran- ne to hym, and saluted hym. 1 6 Then he asked the Scribes, Wherof di spute you " among your selues ? jjJJ ,isa-mst 17 And one of the companie answered and sayd, Master, I haue broght my Son ne vnto thee, which hath a domme spi rite. 18 And whersoeuer he taketh hym, he teareth BY S. MARK E. 71 d teareth hym, and he fometh, and gnas- i when the spi- sheth with his teeth, and pyneth away. h^™™*^™ And I spake to thy disciples y they should withinwardesorow cast him out, and they could not. feiethhkegrlefas 19 He answered hym and sayd, e O gene- j.entSabsundS were ration without fayth, how long shal I be "it semeth that wyon? how long shal I suffre you? Bryng ^"££-£15 him vnto me. swer:butChristspe 20 And they broght hym vnto him, and ne to the pharises assone as f sprite sawe him, he tare him. Th}i;h. Tre st°b* , , „ / , r , , , bum & desperate. and he tel downe on the ground, walo- wing and fomyng. 21 Then he asked his father, How long is it ago, since this hath happened hym? And he sayd, Of a chylde : D 22 And oft times casteth him into the fy re, and also into the water, to destroy him. But if thou canst do any thyng, help vs, and haue compassion vpon vs. 23 And lesus sayd vnto him, If f thou cast ' The Lorde is "Christ wiido beleue it, aU thynges are " possible to him v^L'that we put for Sinfrnat that beleueth. ±,£V2£ beiieueth his 24 And straight way the father of the duiitie. boye cryed with teares, saying.Lord, I be leue, help my vnbelief. 25 When lesus sawe that the people ca me runnyng together, he rebuked y foule sprite, saying vnto him, Thou domme & deafe spirite, I charge thee come out of hym, and entre no more into him. 26 And the sprite cried, and rent him so re, and came out : and he-was as one that had bene dead, insomuche that many sayd, He is dead. 27 But lesus tooke his hand and lyft him vp, and he rose. • 28 And whehe was come into the house, Chap. IX THE GOSPEL WRIT his disciples asked him secretely, Why could not we cast him out ? 29 And he sayd vnto them, This kynd ca by no nother meanes come forth, but by prayer, and fasting. 30 * And they departed thence, and too- E ke theyr iorney through Galile, and he ^f'g7' d' would not that any man should haue kno wen it. 31 For he taught his disciples, and sayd vnto them, The Sonne of man shalbe deli uered into the handes of men, & they shal kyl him, & after that he is kyUed, he shal ryse agayne the thyrd day. 32 But they wist not what y saying ment, and were afrayd to aske him. 33 * After he came to Capernaum : and whe Mat. 18. a. he was come to the house, he asked them, '**¦ 9- f- Wat was it that ye disputed among you by the way ? 34 And they held their peace : for by the way they reasoned among them selues, who should be the chiefest. 35 And he sat doune and called the twel ue vnto him, and said to them, If any man desire to be fyrst, the same shalbe last of ah, and seruant vnto aU. 36 And he tooke a htle childe & set hym in the myddes of them, and tooke him in his armes, and sayd vnto them, 37 Whosoeuer shal receaue suche a htle chylde in my name, receaueth me : and whosoeuer receaueth me, receaueth not "me, but him that sente me. " Only, 38 * Iohn answered him saying, Master, we F sawe one casting out deuils by thy name, Luk-6-f- which foloweth not vs, & we forbad him, because BY S. MARKE. 72 because he foloweth vs not. 1. Cor.\2.a. 39 * But lesus sayd, Hynderhim not : for there is no man that can do a miracle by my name, that can lyghtly speake euil of me.40 For whosoeuer is not *" against vs, is on t Althogh he she rt,,_ «-.— f« wenot him selfe to P be m*,ne: *"et in Mat. 10. d. 41 * And whosoeuer shal geue you a cup that he bearethre- _• _ j • i j, 11 uerence to my na- ot water to drinke tor my names sake, be- me, it is ynough cause ye belonge to Christe, verely I say for Ts- vnto you, he shal not lose hys rewarde. Mat. 18. a. 42 * And whosoeuer shal offend one of luk. 17. a. these lytleones, that beleue in me, it were good for him, that a mylstone were han ged about hys necke, and that he were cast into the sea. Mat. 5. c, 43 * Wherefore if thy h hand cause thee to h it is a maner * l8" "" offende, cut it of: It is good for thee, to en «££& ta* tre into lyfe, maymed, rather then hauyng shulde cut of ail two handes, go into hel, into fyre that ne- der"Svs to' serue uer shalbe quenched: Christ. G 44 * Where their worme dieth not, and f Esa. 66.0. j. ., . J J tyre neuer goeth out. 45 Lykewise, if thy foote cause thee to of offense. fende, cut it of. For it is good for thee to go halt into lyfe, rather then hauyng two feete to be cast into hel, into fyre that ne uer shalbe quenched : 46 Where their worme dieth not, and y fyre neuer goeth out. Euen so, if thyne eye cause thee to offende, plucke it out. 47 It is good for thee to go into the kyng dome of God, with one eye, rather then hauing two eyes, to be cast into hel fy re. 48 Where their worme dyeth not, &,the fyre neuer goeth out. Chap. X. THE GOSPEL WRIT ¦ He teacheth that 49 Euery man therfore shalbe ' salted ft s'acrific6ed6to'°God fyre- And* euery sacrifice shalbe seasoned Leuit. 2. d. thaUs'6to"bdef*'ur' ™^ Salte* gedandsanctifled, 50 * Salte is good : but if the k salte be vn- Mat. b. 6. lo6he'i°fyreS.en' '"" sauery, wherwith shal ye season it ? See y *»*• li- ff- 1 They which de- ye haue salte in your selues: and haue pe- Uie°yhauereceyued ace among your selues, one with another. of God,are as salte which hath lost it sauour, and are THE X. CHAPTER. ' ' l ' Of diuorcement, The riche man questioneth with Christe, Of the sonnes of Zebede, Barti- mams hath his eies opened. A Nd he arose from thence & went into a -^-the coastes of Iurie through the region Mat- ]9>a- that is beyonde Iordan : and the people re sorted vnto hym a freshe : and as he was wont, he taught them agayne. 2 The y Pharises came & asked him a que stion, Whether it were lawful for a man to put away hys wyfe : to tempt him. 3 And he answered, and sayd vnto them, What dyd * Moses byd you do ? Deut. 24. a. 4 And they sayd, Moses suffred towryte mat. 19. a. a testimonial of diuorcement, and to put her away. 5 Then lesus answered, and sayd vnto them, For the hardnes of your hart, he wrote this precept vnto you : ¦The true way 6 But at the a begynnyng of the crea- istoretoumtothe cion, * God made them man and woman. Gen.2.d. mstitutionof thin >j For thig c ghal leaue hig fa_ 1 fr.6.d. ges, and to trie the ' ephe. b. a. by Gods worde. ther and mother, and cleaue to his wyfe. 8 And they twayne shalbe one " fleshe : " Or person So then are they now not twayne, but one fleshe. 9 * Therfore what God hath coupled, let 1. Cor. 7. 6. not man seperate. 10 And BY S. MARKE. 73 10 And in the house his disciples asked agayne of that matter. B 1 1 And he sayd vnto them, * Whosoeuer Srilfb 5" e" S'M* Put away ^s vrfie and mary another luk. 18. d. b committeth aduoutrye to herwarde . ¦¦ For the secon- 1 2 And if a woman shal forsake her hous- bUtish?0h^lotwife' band, and be maried to another, she com mitteth aduoutry. 13 Then they broght htle chyldren to hym that he should touche them : and his disciples rebuked those that broght the. 14 But when lesus sawe that, he was di spleased and sayd to them, Suffre yonge chyldren to come vnto me, and forbyd them not : For of suche is the kyngdome of God, 15 Verely I say vnto you, Whosoeuer shal not receaue the kyngdome of God as c a lytle chylde, he shal not entre therin. "Wemustbere- i a a J l- -. i 4.1. • T-- generatandvoyde 1 6 And he toke them vp in his armes, of all pryde & co- and put his handes vpon them, anddbles "Tb^ vsual sed them. with thelewes that i -, a j i i _ the greater should 17 And when he was gone out towardes biesse the inferi. Mat. 19. 6. his iomey, ther came one * runnyng and fo'eHchrfstbb'ehnr luk. 18. a. jjjieied to him, and asked hym, GoodMa- head of Ms chur- ster, what shal I do, that I may possesse e- mn*e 7kynde Sof6~ ternal lyfe ? prayer offer vp & God is only 18 lesus sayd to him, Why caUest thou bestoGod. good: in man j } niL • j t. _ is euer vani- me good ? i here is no man good but one, cri»™d hyp° which is God- C 19 Thou knowest the commandementes, Exod. 20. c. *Breakenot matrimonie, Kyi not, Steale not, Beare no false witnes, Hurt no man, Honour thy father and mother. 20 He answered, and sayd to him, Ma ster, aU these things I haue obserued fr*bm my youth. k.i. Chap. X. THE GOSPEL WRIT ¦ That is, he ap 21 lesus beheld hym, and e had a fauour proued certeyne ,i_ -, 1 . , • r\ aa • good seed in Mm, to hym, and sayd vnto him, One thmg is which gaue him a \_uMng vnto thee. Go, & f sei all that thou litle motion. ° ' ' He toucheth hast, and geue to the poore, & thou shalt r™ whfch^brfore haue treasure in heaue, and come, foiowe he felt not. me, and take vp thy crosse. 22 But he was discoforted with that say ing, and went away morning, for he had great possessions. 23 And lesus loked round about, and sa yd vnto his disciples,What an hard thing is it for them that haue riches to entre in to the kyngdome of God ? 24 And his disciples were astonied at the se wordes. Butlesus answered agayne, and sayd vnto them, Children how harde is it for them that trust in riches, to entre into the kyngdome of God. 25 It is easier for a camel to go through D y eye of a nedle, then for a" riche man to " WM.ch t>ut: J J . teth his trust entre into the kyngdome of God. in riches. 26 And they were muche more astonied, saying with them selues.Who then can be saued ? 27 lesus loked vpon them, & sayd, Wyth men it is impossible, but not with God : e For he ca gy- for with God s al thinges are possible. che^c-anse him 28 Then Peter began to say vnto him, Lo, to enioye his ri- we haue forsaken all, and haue folowed ches, as if he had , them not. thee. 29 lesus answered, & sayd, * Verely I say Mat. 19. e. vnto you, there is no man that forsaketh hk.is.f. house or brethern, or systers, or father, or mother, or wyfe, other childre, or landes for my sake, and the Gospels, 30 But he shal receaue an hundred fol de, now at this present, houses & brethern and BY S. MARKE. 74 and Systers, and mothers, and chUdern, & landes with h persecutions, & in the worl- h We must not i . . i i r measurethese pro- de to come, eternal lyfe. messesbyom-owne E 31 Many that are fyrst, shalbe last : &the StrefX^S last, fyrst. pUsheruM to Gods 32 And they were in the way goyng vp to ^SS£ta*°5 Ierusalem : and lesus went before them : flictions perfour- i, meth the same so and they were amased, & as they folowed, farre as they be -Mat. 16. <,-. were afrayde. * and lesus toke the twelue therforTLme to J7*,.?* agayne, and began to tel them what thin- h""-e ynough and §•26. c. i ij i .i- to want.that being luk. 18. /. Ses Should happen vnto him. tryed, we may en- 33 Saying, Beholde we eo vp to Ierusale, ioye. ?ur trcasu ii"f-, - iiii- res ln heauen. and the bonne of man shalbe dehuered vnto the hye Priestes, and Scribes, & they shal condemne him to death, and shal de huer hym to the Gentils. 34 And they shal mocke hym, and scour ge him, and spyt vpon hym, and kyl hym : but the thyrd day he shal ryse agayne. Mar. 20. c. 35 * Then lames and Iohn the sonnes of Zebede came vnto him, saying, Master, we would that thou shouldest do for vs whatsoeuer we desire. 36 And he sayd vnto them, What would ye I should do vnto you ? 37 And they sayd to him, Graunt vnto vs, that we may syt one at thy ryght hand, an the other at thy lyft hand, in thy glo rie. 38 But lesus sayd vnto them, Ye wot not what ye aske : Can ye ' drinke of the cup 'Can you be par- that I shal drincke of, and be baptized Sd^fflfcUonsT6 with the baptisme that I shalbe baptized with? F 39 And they sayd vnto him, That we can . But lesus sayd vnto them, Ye shaU drJhc- ke of the cup that I shal drinke of, and be k.ii. Chap. X. THE GOSPEL WRIT baptized with the Baptisme wher with I shalbe baptized. 40 But to syt at my ryght hand, and at my k l haue not this lyft, is notkmyne to geue, but it shalbe geue comission for this tQ them> for whome it ig prepared- * 4 1 And when the ten heard that, they be gan to disdayne at lames and Iohn. 42 But lesus caUed them vnto him, and sayd to them, * Ye knowe that they which Mat. 20. d. are appointed to beare rule among the '"*• 22i *"• Gentiles, raigne as lordes ouer them. And they that be great among them, exercise autoritie ouer them. 1 christe would 43 So shal it ' not be among you, but who pTsandm^ers" s°e*er of you wU be great am5g you, shal should beare rule, be your seruant : nour0srdo.ygouU6r 44 And whosoeuer wil be chiefe, shalbe seruant vnto all. 45 For euen the Sonne of man came not to haue seruice done vnto him, but to ser ue, and to geue his lyfe for the redemptio of many. 46 Then they came to lericho : and as he G went out of lericho with his disciples, - The other e- and a great nombre of people, m Barti- Swo.'butM™: m8eus the sonne of Timajus which was ke nameth him blynde, sate by the hye wayes syde beer- that was moste J J J J J o knowen. SY^g- 47 And when he heard that it was les' of Nazaret, he began to cry and to say, le sus the Sonne of Dauid, haue mercie on me. 48 And many rebuked hym, to the ende ° The more that y he should holde hys peace : but he n cry- t^emorSurfeirh ed the more a great deale, Thou Sonne of oght to increase. Dauid, haue mercie on me. 49 Then BY S. MARKE. 75 49 Then lesus stode styl, and commanded hym to be caUed : & they caUed the blyn de, saying vnto him, Be of good confort : ryse, he caUeth thee. 50 And he threwe away his cioke, & ro se and came to lesus. 51 And lesus answered, and sayd vnto hym, What wUt thou that I do vnto thee ? The blinde said vnto him, Master, that I might see. 52 And lesus sayd vnto him, Go thy way, thy faith hath saued thee : and by and by, he receaued his sight, and folowed lesus in the way. THE XI. CHAPTER. Christe rydeth to Ierusalem. The fygge tree drieth vp. The byers and sellers are cast out of the temple. The Pharises question with Christe. A A Nd whe they came nye to Ierusalem, ¥?'?}'_]' "^ t° Bethphage and Bethanie, besydes the nil of Ohues, he sent forth two of his disciples, 2 And sayd vnto them, a Go your wayes * christe sheweth into that viUage that is ouer agaynst you : trie, 'tbe ""ate6"!" and as sone as ye shal entre into it, ye Us kyngdome, and J 'J that it is not like shal fynde a colte bounde, wheron neuer to the great magni man sate : lose him and bring him. world? °f 'h's 3 And if any man say vnto you, Why do ye so ? Say that the Lord hath nede of hym : and strayght way he wU send hym hyther.4 And they went their way and found a colte tyed by the dore without, in a pla ce wher two wayes met, and they l«sed him. k.iii. Chap. IX. THE GOSPEL WRIT 5 Then certaine of them that stode the re, sayd vnto them, What do ye loosyng y colte ? 6 And they sayd vnto the euen as les' had commanded them. And they let them go. 7 * They broght therfore the colte to le- I°'m '2. 6. sus, and cast their garmentes on him : and he sate vpon him. «¦ j Euery one she 8 And b many spred their garmentes in B wed some signe of , . J r , , , ° , . , , honour and reue. the way : other cut doune branches ot the rence" trees, and strawed them in the way. 9 And they that went before, and they y folowed, cried, saying, " Hosanna, bles- " Or, saue I sed be he that commeth in the name of y pray l ee* Lord. 10 Blessed be the kingdome that cometh ¦ Many came in in the c name of him that is Lord of our fa butCh7is?e"c^intoe name ofthe hyest heauens. maTtoS 11 And the Lord entred into Ierusalem, and into the temple. And when he had lo ked rounde about vpon aU thinges, and now it was euening, he came vnto Betha- nie, with the twelue. 1 2 * And on the morow when they were co Mat. 21.6. me out from Bethanie, he " hungred. " Christe was 13 And spied a fygge tree a farre of, ha- affections. uing leaues, and went to see whether he myght fynde anything theron. But when he came therto, he found nothing but lea ues : for the time of fygges was not yet. 14 Then lesus answered, and sayd to it, "" This was to de He sheweth the nantes, and let out the vineyard to other. g^| *eas'e ^ 10 Haue ye not read so muche as this scri bitious & coueto' Psal. 117. - pture ? * The stone which the buylders did tes6IreWhardem>d esa.28..i. refuse, is made y chiefe stone in y corner. asai""st christe. act 4b' 1 1 "^his ° was d°ne of the Lord, & is mar- c tt ,s the ordi- rom.9.g. ueilous in our eyes. T£&£°&*£ l.pet.z.a. 12 Then they went about to take hym, but which most como- they feared the people, For they percea- ^s reason?0 ued that he spake that similitude against the, and they left him, & went their way. Chap. XII. THE GOSPEL WRIT 1 3 * And they sent vnto hym certaine of y Matt. 22. 5. Pharises, and of Herodes seruantes, to ta- luk.20.d. ke him in his wordes. b 14 And as sone as they were come, they sayd vnto him, Master, we knowe y thou art true, and carest for no man : for thou considerest not the " personne of men, but "As.thequaii This is not to you, take ye no"bthoerht, nether prepare luk.2l.e. make them negli- ¦" _. , , J . . , ? ¦_. _. \_ I "He onely gent, but to assure af ore hand what ye shal say : but whatsoe- forbiddeth astS them and""- Uer is Seuen y0U at tlle Same time" that whichc'ometh struct them suffici speake: for it is not ye that speake, but of distrust. rJCXSmaS; the holy Gost. hereby perceaue 12 Yea and the brother shal dehuer the stadethnotinthe- brother to death, and the father the son- or el™uenced.°me' ne' and the chyldren shal ryse against the ir fathers and mothers, & shal cause them to dye. 1 3 And ye shalbe hated of aU men for my names sake : but whosoeuer shal endure vnto the end, the same shalbe safe. 14*Moreouer,when ye shal see the abhomi Mat. 24. 6. ant o™hatStym6e na-hle destruction (where of is spoken by &*¦?¦ * that the Romans * Daniel the Prophet) c to be where it JJam-^-9- temple. oght not, (let hym that readeth vnder stand,) BY S. MARKE. 80 stand,) then let them that be in Iurie, fie to the d mountaynes. d Because the i -- a i i _ i .i . ¦ _i i_ destruction shall 15 And let hym that is on the house top, be moste extreme not deseed downe into the house, nether, and cme"- entre therin, to fetch any thing out of his house. 16 And let him that is in the fielde, not turne backe again vnto the thinges which he left behynd him, for to take his clo thes with him. 17 But wo shalbe then to them that are with chylde, and to them that geue sucke in those dayes. 18 " Pray therfore that your flyght be not " That you ha- . .i . ue no let to hyn- m the wynter . der you, when you 19 For there shalbe in those dayes such should escape. tribulation, as was not from the begyn- nyng of creatures which God created vn to his time, nether shalbe. 20 And except that the Lord had shorte- " or, fleshe. ned those dayes, no " man should be saued. But for the electes sake, which he hath chosen, he hath shortened those dayes. 21 And then, if any man say to you, Lo, here is Christe : lo, he is there : beleue it not. 22 For false Christes shal ryse, and false Prophetes, and shal shewe signes and mi racles, to deceaue, if it were f possible, eue ' The elect may tl. a _.lant-_> wauer and be trou- me eiecte. bled, but they can 23 But take ye hede: behold, I haue she- ^uTet]erly be de* wed you all thinges ** before. "'."wherfore he Ezech.32.b. 24 * Moreouer in those dayes, after that that suffreth him esai. 13. 6. t-i i _¦ ,i i i J i i o selfe now to be se- mat.24 e tabulation, the sunne shal waxe darke, & duced.hathnoex- ioeL2. b. §• the moone shal not geue her lyght. cah6This teacheth 3-c- 25 And the h starres of heauen shal faU: that there shalbe a i .i i*i *i ii change of the who- and the powers which are m heauen shal ie ordre of nature. Chap. XIII. THE GOSPEL WRIT moue. 2 6 * And then shal they see the Sone of ma Dani. 7.c. comyng in the cloudes, with great power and glorie. 27 And then shal he sende his Angels, and shal gather together his electe from the foure wyndes, and from the one ende of the world to the other. 28 * Learne a simUitude of the fygge tree. Mat. 24. a. When her bough is now tender, andbrin- '"*• 21./. geth forth leaues, ye knowe that sommer is neare. D 29 So in lyke maner, when ye see these thinges come to passe, vnderstand, that the kyngdome of God is nye, euen at the do- res. 'The "ord si- 30 Verely I say vnto you, that this ' age of a 100 yeres, ai- shal not passe, tyl aU these thynges be beit this happened jn-„ before 50. uone. 31 Heauen and earth shal passe, but my wordes shal not passe. k when the de- 32 But of that k day and houre knoweth struction of Ieru- , .i a i i • i saiem.thepersecu. no man, no, not the Angels which are in iTcome-bmcW heauen, nether the " Sonne hym selfe, saue " in that he efly these 'are vn." the father onely. IS",- derstand of these- QQ m i , j J . i „ c 1 mediatour. cond comming of 33 lake hede, watch, & pray, for ye know christe. not when the tyme is. 34 *Forthe Sonne of man isasonewis gone Mat. 25. 6. into a strange countrey, and hath left his house, & geuen autoritie to his seruantes, and to euery man his worke, & comman- " ofthe com ded the porter to watch. Soured6 35 " Watch therefore, (for ye know not but of the ty- when the Master of the house wyl come, ___' day^or whether at euen, or at mydnyeht, whe- houre, we are , ' . 1 lo ' ignorant, and ther at the cocke crowing, or in the dau- therfore must nimrr \ Watch COnti- ny"6-^ nually. 36 Lest BY S. MARKE. 81 36 Lest yf he come sodenly, he should fynde you slepyng. 37 And that I say vnto you, I say it vnto all men, Watch. THE XIIII. CHAPTER. Marie Magdalene anoynteth Christe. The Easter lambe is eaten. Christe is taken. Peter denyeth hym : wyth many other thinges that « were demanded of Christe. Mat. 26. a. \ Nd after two dayes folowed the feast luk. 22. a. -f*-o/Easter, and of vnleuened bread: and the hie Priestes, & Scribes soght how they myght take hym by craft, and put him to death. 2 And they sayd, Not in the feast day, lest any busynes aryse among the people. Mat. 26. a. 3 * And when he was in Bethanie, in the iohn. 12. a. ij0Use 0f Sim0n the leper, euen as he sate at meat, there came a woman hauing an alabaster boxe of oyntment caUed spike- narde, that was verie costly, & she brake the boxe and powred it on his head. " ludas. 4 And there were " some that were not content in them selues, and sayd, What neded this waste of oyntment ? 5 For it might haue bene solde for more then a three hundred pence, & bene geuen * which are vnto the poore, b & they grudged against mx pT„unQ j^jg' her. se. To wit ludi^ ' 6 And lesus sayd, Let her be in rest, why who was offended trouble ye her? She hath done a good ^0"- woorke on me. nes. 7 For ye haue the poore with you alwai- es : & whensoeuer ye wU, ye may do them good : but me ye haue not alwayes. • 8 She hath done that she could: she came l.i. Chap.XIIII. THE GOSPEL WRIT afore hande to anoynt my body to the bu- riyng. 9 Verely I say vnto you, Wheresoeuer this Gospel shal be preached throughout the whole world, this also that she hath done shalbe rehearsed in remembrance of her. B 10 * Then ludas Iscariot, one of the twelue Mat. 26. b. ' He tooke occa <¦ went away vnto the hye Priestes, to be- '"*• 21- "¦ sion by this oynt , , . , ., ment as of a thing tray him vnto them. euill done. j i And when they hard (^ they were glad, and promised that they would geue him money : and he soght how he myght conueniently betray him. 12 And f fyrst day of vnleuened bread, whe they sacrificed the Paschal lambe, his disciples sayd vnto him, Where wUt thou that we go and prepare, that thou mayst eat the Easter lambe ? 1 3 The he sent forth two of his disciples, and sayd vnto them, Go ye into the citie, and there shal a man mete you bearyng a pitcher of water, folow him. 14 And whithersoeuer he goeth in, say ye to the good man of the house, The Ma ster sayth, Where is y lodging where I shal eat the Easter lambe with my disciples ? 15 And he wyl shewe you an vpper cham ber which is large, trimmed, & prepared, there make ready for vs. 1 6 So his disciples went forth, & came to y citie, & found as he had sayd vnto them & made ready the Easter lambe. 1 7 And at euen he came with the twelue : c 18 *And as they sate at horde & dyd eat, Mat. 26. 5. lesus sayd, Verely I say vnto you, that one l"t„2i3'c of you shal betray me, ft eateth with me. 19 And BY S. MARKE. 82 1 9 And they bega to morne & to say to hi one by one, Is it I ? And another, Is it I ? 20 He answered and sayd vnto them, It is one of the twelue that d dippeth with me <* To dip the . .ii.. hand, is as much in the platter. to say, as he that is Psal. 41 . c. 2 1 * Truely the Sonne of man goeth, as it is f customed to ea- • i it . rt i • i i i i te w'tb Die. t i b wntten of him : but wo be to that man, by whom y Sonne of man is betrayed. It had bene good for him : if he had neuer bene borne. Mat. 26. 5. 22 * And as they dyd eat, lesus toke bread 1. cor. ii. e. e]3iesseri) hrake, & gaue to them, and sayd, ¦ To Hesse is Readmat. * Take, eat, this is my body. togyxSankratw enap.Jb. c. ^ ^^ he tQke ^ ^ gaue thankes> & SJutandPanlta- gaue it to them, and they aU dranck of it. ke also 'speaking 24 And he sayd vnto the, This is my bloud of the Cup" of the newe Testamet, ft is shed for many. 25 Verely I say vnto you, I wyl drinck no more of the frute of the vine, vntyl that day, that I drinck it newe in y kyngdome of God. Thankes ge- 26 And whe they had songe the song, they went out to the hU of Ohues. Iohn. lb.d. 27 * Then lesus sayd vnto the, All ye shalbe offended because of me this night. For it Zach. 13. _. is wrytten, * I wyl smyte the shepeherd, & the shepe shal be scattered. 28 But after that I am rysen, I wyl go in- Chap. 16. 5. to * Gahle before you. 29 And Peter sayd vnto hym, Althogh all me should be offeded, yet would not I. 30 The lesus sayd vnto hym, Verely I say vnto thee, This day, euen in this nyght, be fore the cock crowe twyse, thou shalt de ny me thryse. 31 And he sayd more earnestly, If I shotdd dye with thee, I wyl not deny thee : Lyke- l.ii. Chap. XIIII. THE GOSPEL WRIT wyse also sayd they all. 32 After they come into a place named Gethsemane : then he said to his disciples, ^"i'L^0 „. , i i T j the garden. bit ye here, whyle 1 go and pray. 33 And he toke with him Peter, lames, & ' His diuinitie l0hn, and he began f to be afrayd, and in was as it were hyd, , . ° J and hishumanitie great heaumeS. sheweditselfeful- 34 And gayd ^^ them> My goule jg very heauy euen vnto the death, tary here and watch. 35 And being gon forward a lytle, he fel downe on the ground, and prayed, that if it were possible, that houre myght passe from hym. sAb, in Hebrew, 36 And he sayd, gAbba, Father, all thin- sh-ian tongue 'si- ges are possible vnto thee, take away this gnifleth father. CUp from me. Neuerthelesse not y I wyl : >» He standeth but that thou h wilt be done. wm,!°but xiiatTi! 37 Then he cometh & fyndeth the sleping, lingiy he offereth and sayeth to Peter, Simon slepest thou ? God. Comdest not thou watch w me one houre ? E 38 Watch ye, and pray, lest ye entre into tentation : for the sprite is ready, but the fleshe is weake. 39 And again he went away, and prayed, and spake the same wordes. 40 And he returned, and found them a slepe agayn, for theyr eyes were heauy : ne ther wyst they what to answere hym. 41 And he cometh the thyrd tyme, & say- ¦ He meaneth eth vnto them, ' Slepe hence forth, & take that the houre wil ¦, • i .-, 1 come when they your ease, lt is ynough, the houre is come, shalbe kept from beholde y Sonne of man is dehuered into the handes of synners. 42 Ryse vp, let vs go, Lo he y betraveth me, is at hand. **£¦* 43 *And immediatly whyle he yet spake, iohn. 18. a. came BY S, MARKE. 83 came ludas one of the twelue, and with hym a great nombre of people with swor- des and staues, from the hye Priestes, and Scribes, and Elders. 44 And he that betrayed hym had geuen them a general toke saying, Whomsoeuer k I shal kys, he it is : take hym & lead hym k it was the fa- !iwm,- anfplir cion then t0 **rete away saieiy. with kyssing at 45 And as sone as he was come, he went their meetinges,& - , , , , also at their depar strayghtway to hym, and sayd vnto hym, ture. 'Maister, Maister, and kyssed hym. ¦ He repeteth 46 And they layd theyr handes on him, iUTe^moued and toke hym. with a certeynpi- Peter. 47 And" one of them that stode by, drue \__t leaue.'"8 Malchus. out a sword, & smote a " seruant of the hye Priest, and cut of his eare. F 48 Andlesus answered and sayd vnto the : ?o° aching1 Ye hecome out as vnto a thefe with swor- contrary to des and with staues for to take me. ce° or "** 49 I was dayly with you in the temple te- achyng.andye toke menot: but thisis done that the Scriptures should be fulfiUed. " au the dis- 50 The they " aU forsoke him, & ran away. ' 51 And there folowed him a certayn yo- ge man, clothed in lynnen vpon his bare body, and the yonge men caught hym. 52 But he left his lynnen, and fled from them naked. Mat. 26. f. 53 * And they led lesus away to the hye luth 22.'/'h ^es^> and to him came aU the hye Prie- ' stes, and the Elders, and the Scribes. 54 And Peter folowed hym a great way of, euen into the haU of the hye Priest, & sat with the seruantes, & warmed hym self " Or, lyght. at the " fyre. 55 And the hye Priestes, & aU the Coun cil soght for witnes against lesus, to put 1. iii. Chap.XIIII. THE GOSPEL WRIT him to death, and found none. 56 For many bare false wytnes agaynst hym, but their witnes agreed not toge ther. 57 Then there arose certayn, and broght false witnes against him, saying, ¦» These two 58 We heard him say, * I wil ""destroy this Iohn. 2. c. ta'Slho™"'^ teple made ft handes, & within thre dayes ported that Christ I wU buyld another, made without hades. sTroye thetempie" 59 But their witnes yet agreed not toge- (as Mat.writethjad f^gr the other sayd, * . that he heard 60 And the hye Priest stode vp amogest wio°uidado'taas1S them, and asked lesus saying, Answerest here noted. thou nothing ? How is it that these beare witnes agaynst thee? 61 But he held his peace, and answered nothing. Again the hye Priest asked hym, and sayd vnto him, Art thou Christe the - That is of Sonne of the n Blessed ? tto'aiTpraiLTth; 62 And lesus said*I am he : and ye shal see **• 26 e. whichword m the- the " Sonne of man syt at the right hand of D ' wes whentheyspe- the myghty God, and come in the cloudes Whome they ake of God, vse nf },„„„„„ n0" contem- comonly in their 0l ^aUen", , „ . i . , , „ ?ed m thls writinges euen to 63 Then the hye Priest rent his clothes & b*"fe *"***"«*¦• 1,1 '" sayd.What nede we any further wytnesses? see appeare 64 Ye haue heard blasphemie: what thin- tuhmtu'estle ke ye ? And they aU gaue sentence that he ano" glorie. was worthy of death. 65 And some began to spit at hym, and to couer his face, and to beate him with fy- stes, & to say vnto hym, " Reede. And the "Or, Prophe- sergeantes smote him with their rods of cle" office. 66 *And as Peter was beneath in y hall, the Mat. 26. g. re came one of y maydes of y hye Priest, '"i-2?*/* 67 And whe she saw Peter warmyng him self, she loked on him, and sayd, Thou wast also BY S. MARKE. 84 also with lesus of Nazaret ? 68 But ° he denied it, saying, I knowe him „1™ °?1 „toc" * j o» sider our owne m- not, nether wot I what thou sayest. The he firmitie, that we " Or, entrie. went into the " p porche, and the cock to^ust in"God,8& crewe not *n our owne ' . strength. 69 The a mayde saw him agame, & began p Peter preparcth to say to them that stode by, This is one of ne we?effarth"ruf them. yd vnto. 70 But he denied it agayne : and anone after, they that stode by, sayd agayn to Pe ter, Surely thou art one of them, for thou art of Gable, and thy speach agreeth therto. 71 And he began to cursse, and sweare, saying, I knowe not this man of whom ye speake. Mat. 26. g. 72 * Then the secode tyme the cok crewe, "C i A and Peter remembered the woord that le sus sayd vnto hym, Before the cock crowe twyse, thou shalt deny me thryse, & wav ing that with him selfe, he wept. THE XV. CHAPTER. The passion of Christe. Of his death and bu rial. A A Nd anone in y dawnyng, the hye Prie uf'S' "' stes held cm-nssei with the Elders, & iohn. 18. c. the Scribes, and the whole Congregation : and bound lesus, and led him away, a & de » For they had liueredhimtoPUate. ™ ™ "^ £ 2 The Pilate asked him, Art thou y king death. of the lewes ? And he answered, and sayd vnto hym, Thou sayest it. 3 And the hye Priestes accused hym of many thinges. luk. 23. a. 4 * Wherfore, Pilate asked him agayn, saying, Answerest thou nothing ?»beholde 1. iiii. iohn. 13. d. Chap. XV. THE GOSPEL WRIT how many thynges they witnes against thee.5 But lesus yet answered neuer a woord, so that PUate merueyled, 6 At that feast PUate did deliuer a pri soner, whomsoeuer they would desire. 7 Then there was one named Barabbas, which lay bound with other his feUowes that made insurrection, and in the insur rection, they had committed murther. 8 And the people cried a lowde, and be gan to desire that he would do accordyng 1 The people ai as he had b euer done vnto them. tTei^ulTe'sfai6 9 Then Pilate answered them, and sayd, thogh they be wor "Wyl ye that I loose vnto you the kyng of the nothing. , T n the lewes r 10 For he knewe that the hye Priestes had deliuered him of enuie. 1 1 But the hye Priestes had moued the people to desire that he would rather deh uer Barabbas vnto them. 1 2 And PUate answered, and sayd agayne vnto them, What wyl ye then that I do with him, whome ye call the kyng of the lewes ? 13 And they cryed agayne, Crucifie him. 14 Then Pilate sayd vnto them, Yea, but what euil hath he done ? And they cried the more feruently, Crucifie him. - when a iudge 15 And so PUate c willing to content the me'n,heequ6tefor- people, loosed them Barabbas: and deli- getteth iustice. uered lesus when he had scourged him, for to be crucified. 16 Then the souldiers led him away in- B to the haU, which is the " commen hah, & "i„0r" Prel°- caUed together the whole band of the souldiers. 17 And ne. BY S. MARKE. 85 1 7 And clothe him with purple, and plat te a crowne of thornes, and crowne him with aU, 1 8 And began to salute him saying, Hay- le kyng of the lewes. 1 9 And they smote hym on the head with " Or, stalke. a " reede, and spat vpon hym, & knelyng downe worshypped hym. 20 And when they had mocked him, they toke the purple of him, and put his owne clothes on hym, and led him out to cruci fie him. Mat. 27. d. 21* And theyd compeUed one that pas- d it was the cu- luk. 23. e. ged l,yj ca]led Simon of Cyrene (which Ca- tha™was°condened me out of the countrey, and was father '° J""**"* his C™S!*: iT»rt i i« but lesus was not of Alexander and Rufus) to beare his able for weakenes. crosse. 22 And they broght hym to a place na med Golgotha: which is by interpretatio, the place of dead mens Sculles. C 23 And they gaue hym to drinke wyne myngled with myrrhe, but he receaued it not. 24 And whe they had crucified him, they parted his garmentes, castyng lottes for them, what euery man should haue. 25 And it was e about the thyrd houre, ' The iewes de- i ,-, .j. j i - uided their day in when they crucified him. to 4 partes, so 26 And the title of bis cause was written, 'hat b7.the third * houre is here ment THE KYNG OF THE IEWES. the third part of 27 And they crucified with him two the- JJSfS^JS ues : the one on the ryght hand, and the o- nyne, at what ty- - , . i -. me Mat. sayth lie ther on his lyft. was crucified. 28 Thus the Scripture was fulfyUed, w Esa.b3.d. sayeth, * And he was counted among the wycked. 29 And they that went by, rayled'cn him, Chap. XV. THE GOSPEL WRIT waggyng their heades, & saying, Hey, thou that destroyest y temple, and buUdest it in three dayes, 30 Saue thy self, and come downe from the crosse. 31 Lykewyse also the hye Priestes moc king, sayd am5g the selues with the Scri bes, He saued other men, hym self he can not saue. 32 Let Christe the kyng of Israel now de seed from the crosse, that we may see, and beleue. And they that were crucified with him checked him also. 33 Now whe the sixt houre was come, dare kenes arose ouer " aU the earth vntyl the "Because this nynth houre. w^eiy „. ' which was the 34 And at y f nynth houre, lesus cried ft ">» the im of third part of the , j J • * -ci ¦ -en - 1 „ Chanaa.when day,andabout3.of a loud VOyce, Saymg, Eloi, Eloi, lamma- therestof the noneC'°Cke Blle" sabachthani? which is if it be interpre- J^t,,"";. ted, My God, my God, why hast thou for- racie is the i greater. saken me. Psai.22.a. 35 And some of them that stode by, when mat. 27. e. they heard that, sayd," Beholde he caUeth JL . J . J "This was spo for Ehas. ken mockin- 36 And one ran and fyUed a * sponge ful p"^ 6„ of vineger, and put it on a reede, and ga ue him to drinck, saying, Let him alone, let vs see whether Elias wyl come and ta ke him downe. 37 And lesus cried with a loud voyce, & gaue vp the gost. 38 And the Vayle of the temple dyd rent in two peeces, fro the top to the bottome. 39 Now when the" Centurion, which sto- " Who had de before him, saw that he so cried, & ga- an^hundred ue vp f gost, he sayd, Truly this man was men- the Sonne of God. 40 There BY S. MARKE. 86 40 There were also women a good way of beholding him : among whome was Marie Magdalene, and Marie themother of la mes the lytle, and of loses, and Marie Sa lome. 41 The which women also when he was Luk.8.a. in Gahle, * folowed him & ministred vn to hym : and many other women which ca me vp with him vnto Ierusalem. Mat.27.g. 42 * And nowwhe night was come (becau -Mi*2i3q5'' se it was the day of the preparation that goeth before the Sabbath) " a graue ma 43 loseph of Arimathe," a good Counsel - alltoritie!™* lour, which also loked for the kyngdome of God, came and went in s boldely vnto » This man she- PUate, and asked the body of lesus. deiy when the dan 44 And PUate merueUed if he were al- £' ^S " be moste perilous. ready dead, and called vnto him the Cen turion, and asked of him whether he had bene any whyle dead. 45 And when he knewe the trueth of the Centurion, he gaue the body to loseph. 46 Who boght a lynnen cloth, and toke him downe, and wrapped hym in the lyn nen cloth, and layd him in a tombe that was hewen out of a rock, & roUed a stone vnto the dore of the sepulchre, 47 And Marie Magdalene, & Marie loses mother, beheld where he shulde be layd. THE XVI. CHAPTER. Christe is rysen agayn and appeared to the Apostles to whom he comitteth the preachyng of the Gospel. A A -^ when the Sabbath day was past, luk.24.a" *^Marie Magdalene, & Marie f mother Iohn 20. a. of lames, & Salome, boght swete oyntmets Chap. XVI. THE GOSPEL WRIT that they'might come & embaulme him. 2 And early in the morning the fyrst day of the weeke, they came vnto the sepul chre, when the sunne was yet rysing : 3 And they sayd one to another, Who shal roUe vs away the stone from the do ore of the sepulchre ? 4 And when they loked, they saw how the stone was roUed away (for it was a ve ry great one) 5 * And they went into the sepulchre, and Mat. 28. «. » The Angel of saw a a yonge man syttyng at the right sy- '"*• ^ "• ne°d of 'a 6yonge de, clothed in a long white garment : and man- they were afrayed. 6 But he sayd vnto them, Be not afrayed : B ye seke lesus of Nazaret, which hath bene crucified : he is risen, he is not here : be holde the place, where they put him. 7 But go your way, and tel his disciples, * He especialy and b Peter, That he wU go before you into Peter, to°6confort Galile: there shal ye see him,* as he sayd Mat. 26. c. him, because he ynto you. chap. 14. c. ater danger then 8 And they went out quickly and fled fro the rest. tjje sepuichre : For they trembled and we re amased : nether sayd they any thing to any man, for they were afrayed. 9 When lesus was rysen agayn, in y mo- row (which was the first day of the weeke) he appeared fyrst to Marie Magdalene, * out of whom he had cast seuen deuyls. Iohn 20. d. 10 And she went & tolde them that had '**-8-a- bene with him, which mourned and wept. , ' Th.e.*' i"*"*? >T, 1 1 And thogh they c heard that he was forgotte that that , , ° J christe had fore- alyue, and had appeared to her, yet they resurr'ehctlon0fhiSbeleueditnot. 1 2 * After that, he appeared vnto two of Luk. 24. 5. them in an other forme, as they walked & went BY S. MARKE. 87 went into the country. 13 And they went and tolde it to the rem nant : but they beleued them not. " Mourning & 14 FinaUy, he appeared vnto the eleuen as they " sate together, and cast in their te eth their vnbehefe, and hardenes of he art : because they beleued not them which had seene him after his resurrection. Mat. 28. d. 15 And he sayd vnto them. * Go ye into all the world, and preach the glad tidin- " As wel Gen- ges to aU " creatures, tie as iewe. 1 6 He that shal beleue and be baptized, Iohn. 12. g. shalbe saued : * but he that wU not beleue, shalbe damned. 1 7 And these d tokens shal folow them y to Abraham & his " sede) for euer. psal. 132. b. 56 And Marie abode with her about thre F monethes, & returned aeayn to her owne " or, poste- i ° J ritie. house. 57 Now Ehsabeths tyme was come y she should be dehuered, and she broght forth a sonne. 58 And her neyghbours, and cosyns he ard tel how the Lord had shewed great mercie vpo her, and they reioysed for her 59 And it was so y the eyght day, they came to circumcise the babe, and called his name Zacharie, after the name of his father. • Chap. I. THE GOSPEL WRIT 60 And his mother answered, and sayd, Not so, but he shalbe caUed Iohn. 61 And they said vnto her, There is no ne of thy kynne, that is named with this name. 62 And they made signes to his father, how he would haue him caUed. 63 Then he asked for wryting tables, and wrote, saying, His name is Iohn. and they merueyled all. 64 And his mouth was opened immedi- ™ Not onely ior atly, and his togue also, and he n" spake in his benefite in par ¦ - r-t j donig his faut: but praising (jrOd. also to shewe that 65 Then feare came on aU the that dwelt he was mstely po nished for his in- nye vnto them, and aU these sayinges we re noysed abrode throughout aU the hyl countrey of Iurie. 66 And all they that heard them, layd them vp in their harts, saying, What ma ner crulde shal this be ? And the" hand of "The mightie the Lord was wyth him. God?r ° 67 And his father Zacharie was fiUed with the holy Gost, and prophecied say ing, 68 * Blessed be the Lord God of Israel : g - in declaring hi for that he hath n visited andredemed his Chap.2.d. selfe myndeful of , matth. 1 . d. his people,& ther- people. h°eTuento™si[anQ 69 * And hath raysedvp the ° horn of sal- exo.T.c. redemethem. uation, vnto vs, in the house of his seruat ;Pe. s™g of "When the pro- p. ., Zacharie. messes of God see- -"-"aula. med to haue fai- 70 * Euen as he promised by the mouth Gen.bO.d led, & the state of - i • i i i-» i. i • i 71™ Israel to haue pe- of his holy Prophetes, which were synce ¦*"*"»• i32.c rished,th5 sent he ti,p w„rij }.„„„„ „„„;„„ iere 23 a. his Christewhoby me world Degan, saying, g.30_ t_ his inuincibie 7 1 That he would saue vs from our ene- Amos 9. stronge honTouer mies, and from the hands of all that ha- threwe his enne- £e VS. 72 That he would shewe mercie towards our BY S. LVKE. 91 our fathers, and remembre his holy coue- nant. Gen. 22. c. 73 *And y othe which he sware to our fa- M/- ther Abraham: 74 Which was, that he would graunte vn to vs, y we dehuered out of the hands of our ennemies, should serue hym wythout feare l. Pet. i.e. 75 All the dayes of our lyfe, in * holynes no^yp'ocriste and nghteousnes " before hym. can be acce- 76 And thou babe shalt be caUed y Pro- ptabie. phete of the hyest : for thou shalt go be fore the face of the Lord, to prepare his wayes : 77 And to geue knowledge of saluation vnto his people, by the remission of their synnes. 78 Through the tender mercie of our MaU.4.a. Qq^ wherby * the " day spring from an hye &. 4 c- hath visited vs. "Or.branche 79 To geue lyght to them that sit in ning the 'Mes darcknes, and in the shadowe of death, & sias. to- gyde our feete into the way of peace. 80 And y chylde grewe & waxed strong in spirite, and was in p wUdernes, tyl the p He meaneth daye came, when he should shew hym self »«£ Tastltt vnto Israel. habited, wher also the grosse & rude people dwelled. THE II. CHAPTER. The byrth and circumcision of Christe. he was receaued into the temple. Simeon and An na prophecie of him. He was found among the doctours. His obedience to father and mother. And maries wisdome. X A Nd it chanced in those dayes, that " so much as -^there came a comandement from Au- the Komains. gust the Emperour, that aU the " world m. iii. Chap. II. THE GOSPEL WRIT should be taxed. 2 (This fyrst taxyng was made when Cy- renius was " Lieutenant in Syria.) "Or.Gouuer- 3 Therfore euery ma went vnto his owne citie to be taxed. "He sheweth by 4 And a loseph also ascended from Gali what occasion les f. was born in Beth- le, out of a citie caUed Nazaret, mto Iu- ithThe'hows^f rie. vnto the citie of * Dauid, which is cal- Iohn 7.f. bread. led Bethlehem, because he was of the hou 1 • hJn- 20" b- se and hgnage of Dauid, 5 To be taxed wyth Marie that was pro- mesed him to wyfe, which was with chyl de.6 And so it was, that whyle they we re there, her tyme was come y she should be deliuered. 7 * And she broght forth her fyrst begot Matth.l.d. ten sonne, and wrapped him in swadlyng clothes, and layd him in a cretche, becau se there was no rowme for them with in y ynne.8 And there were in the same regio shep- heards, abyding in the field, & watching their flock by night. 9 And lo, the Angel of the Lord soden- g ly came vpon them, and the glorie of the Lord shone rounde about them, and they were sore afrayd. 10 Then the Angel sayd vnto them, Be not afrayd : for beholde, I bring you ti- ' Because they dinges of great ioye, that shal come to all should not be of- 4.-1. . „n_„in fended with Chri- the people. stes poore estate 1 1 That is, f vnto you is borne this day in the Angel preuen- , „ t 11 t\ -, r, ¦ i • i • teth thisdoute& the Citie of Dauid, a baUlOUT, which IS "InBethlehS. sorTtyVul^e' Christe ^ Lord. fynde him. 1 2 And b take ye this for a signe : Ye shal fvnde BY S. LVKE. 92 fynde the chylde swadeled, and layd in a cretche. 13 And strayghtway there was with the Angel a multitude of heauenly souldiers, laudyng God, and saying, 14 Glorie be to God in the hye heauens, and peace in earth, and towardes men c o-ood wvl ' Tne free mer- , ? , , .{ i , , ii_A i cie and good wil of 15 And it fortuned, as sone as the Angels God, which is the were gone away from them into heauen, ^ZimZ the shepherds sayd one to another, Let tie. vs go euen vnto Bethlehem, and see this thyng that is happened, which the Lord hath shewed vnto vs. C 1 6 And they came with haste, and found both Marie and loseph, and the babe layd in the cretche. 1 7 And when they had seene it, they pu- bhsshed abrode the saying, which was tol de them of that same chylde, 1 8 And aU that heard it, wondred at tho se thinges which were tolde them of the shepherds. 19 But Marie kept aU those sayings, and pondered them in her hart. 20 And the shepherds returned glori fying and praysing God, for all that they had heard and seene, euen as it was tolde vnto them. Gen. 27. a. 21 * And when the eyght day was come, that the infant shulde be circumcised, his name was caUed iesvs w was named of the Angel, before he was conceaued in the wombe. Leui. 12. d. 22 * And when the tyme of Maries puri- i.kyn.2.c. fication after the law of Moses was come, Chap. II. THE GOSPEL WRIT they brogh hym to Ierusalem, to present hym to the Lord. 23 (As is written in the law of the Lord, " or, that is first * Euery ma chylde " that openeth the ma- Exod. 13. a. borne" trix, shal be caUed holy to the Lord :) »<^- ^ <*• 24 And to offer * as it is commaded in the i which ofre- law of the Lord d a payre of turtle doues, LTtoXJwtch or tw° y°nse fs130118- were so poore that 25 And beholde there was a man in leru D to 6ofre6a lambe. e salem, whose name was Simeon : this man was iust, and feared God, and wayted for the consolation of Israel : and the " holy "Or, sprite g-. t . J of prophetic. Orost was vpon him. 26 And an answer was geuen hym of the holy Gost, that he shulde not see death, before he had seene the Lordes " Christe. "or, Messias. 27 And he came by inspiration of the ho ly Gost into the temple : and when the fa ther and mother broght in the chylde le sus, to do for him * after the custome of Leui. 12. d. the law, 28 He toke hym vp in his armes, and prai sed God, saying, « Simeon decia 29 Lord, e now lettest thou thy seruant de- reth him selfe to , . ,. ,/ dye willingly sin- part in peace, according to thy promesse. theMesstswhkh 3.° For mvne eyes haue seene thy salua- E was promised. tion, 31 Which thou hast prepared before the face of all people : 32 * A lyght to lighten the GentUs, & the Esa.9.a. glorie of thy people Israel. tf'_g'h 33 And his father and mother meruei- act. ii.g. led at those things, which were spoken psal. 98. «. touching him. 34 And Simeon blessed them, and sayd vnto Marie his mother, Beholde this chylde BY S. LVKE. 93 chylde is appoynted to be the f faU & ry- 'Tobethefalle syng agayne of many in Israel : and for a which6 perishe"' signe which shalbe spoken agaynst. through their ,, ,, n? /-.r j // j i 1 _i i ownedefaut,8crai " sorrows 35 (Yea and a sword shal pearce through singupof theiecte her hartTl thy soule) y the " thoghtes of many hartes * ^t£°d By- "Thifchiefe- may be opened. ly appeareth 36 And there was a Prophetisse, one An - Te is'iayed v- na the daughter of Phanuel, of y tribe of pon vs, wher- Aser : which was of a great age, & had * ly- * she was 7 .yeres tes are tryed. ued with an husband seuen yeres fro her ma***re<-- virginitie. 37 And she being a widowe of foure sco- "Shewas con- re and foure yeres, went " not out of the the'tempie. temple, but serued God wyth fastynges, & prayers, nyght and day. 38 She then coming sodenly at the same instant vpon them, praysed lykewyse the Lord, and spake of hym to all that loked for redemption in Ierusalem. 39 And as sone as they had perfourmed aU thynges according to the law of the Lord, they turned into Gahle to their owne citie Nazaret. 40 And the chylde grewe, & waxed strog in spirite, and was fiUed with wysedome, and the grace of God was with hym. 41 And his father and mother went to Exod.i2.c. Ierusalem euery yere * at the feast of 'll'-E*0:* Easter. 42 And whe he was twelue yere old, they went vp to Ierusalem after the custome of the feast. 43 And when y feast was ended, as they returned home, the chUde lesus bode styl in Ierusalem, vnknowing to loseph and his mother. 44 For they supposed he had bene in the deut. 26. a. Chap. III. THE GOSPEL WRIT company, and therfore went a dayes ior- ney, and soght him among theyr kynsefol ke, and acquaintance. 45 And whe they foud him not, they tour G ned back to Ierusalem, and soght him. 46 And it fortuned after thre dayes, that they found hym in the temple, sytting in y myddes of the " doctours, both hearing " or, learned them, and posyng them. 47 And aU that heard him, merueyled at his vnderstandyng, and answers. 48 And when they saw him, they were astonied : and his mother sayd vnto hym, Sonne, why hast thou thus dealt with vs ? beholde thy father and I haue soght thee with heauy hartes. 49 Then sayd he vnto the, How is it that ' Our duetie to ye soght me ? h Wyst ye not that I must go Srded,'b0e?orePft about my fathers busines ? ther and mother. 50 But they ' vnderstode not the wordes tion was not yet that he spake to them. mauifestely 5 J ^nd fle wet w thg & came to j\Tazaret . knowen. ' and was obediet to them : and his mother kept aU these sayinges in her hart. 52 And lesus increased inwysedome and stature, and in fauoure with God & men. THE III. CHAPTER. The preachyng, baptisme, and prysonement of Iohn. The baptisme of Christ. And a rehersal of the generation of the fathers, TN the fyftenth yere of the raygne of Ti- A -*-berius the Emperour, Pontius PUate beyng " Lieutenant of Iurie, and Hero- "Or.Gouuer- de being " kyng of Gahie, and his bro- "°or,' Tetrar- ther Philip kyng of Iturea, and of the che- region Act. 4. ii. Mat. 3. a. mar. 1. a. Esa. 40. a. iohn. 1. o. BY S. LVKE. 94 region of Trachonite, and Lysania the kyng of AbUene, 2 * (When Annas and Caiaphas were the hye a Priestes) the woorde of God came vnto Iohn the sonne of Zacharie in the wyldernes. 3 * And he came into aU the coastes about Iordan, preachyng y baptisme of repen tance for the remission of sinnes, 4 As it is written in the booke of the say ings of Esai the Prophet, ft sayeth, * The voyce of one crying in wyldernes is, pre pare the way of the Lord, make his pathes strayght. 5 Euery vaUey shalbe fyUed, and euery mountayne and hyl shalbe broght lowe, & croked thynges shalbe made strayght, and the rough wayes shalbe made smothe. •• Or, euery 6 And " all fleshe shal see f " saluation of man. ,-, . "That is, the 1*0(1. Messias. 7 Then sayd he to the people that were B come to be baptized of hym, * " Ye of- " Or. Tipers springes of vipers, who hath taught you Afaf.3.6. to flye from the wrath to come ? 8 Bryng forth therfore due frutes of re pentance, and begyn not to say with your selues, We haue Abraham to our father : for I say vnto you, that God is able of these stones to rayse vp chyldren vnto Abraham. 9 Now also is the b axe layd vnto the ro- ote of the trees : so that euery tree which bryngeth not forth good frute shalbe he- wen downe, and cast into the fyre. 10 And the people asked hym saying, What shal we do then ? 1 1 And he answered, & sayd vnto them, a There cold be by Gods law but one sacrificer at oce : but becauseof the troubles that then raygned, the office was so man gled by reason of ambition and bry- bery, that both Caiaphas & Annas his father in lawe had it deuided betwixt them. '' The venge ance of God is at hand. Chap. III. THE GOSPEL WRIT « He wiiieth * He c that hathe two cotes, let hym parte Iam. 2. c. that the riche help . , . - , , _,,,.,, \ ;„h_ 'i the poore accor. with hym that hath none : &he that hath i-wnn.o.c. St'e° 'h6ir "6" meat> let hym do lykewyse. c 1 2 Then came there " pubhcans also to be "whose office baptized, & sayd vnto him, Maister, what ufttewbu. shal we do ? te and towles 13 And he sayd vnto them, Require no more then that w is appoynted vnto you. 14 The souldiers lykewyse demanded of hym, saying, And what shal we do ? And he sayd vnto them, Do violence to no man, nether trouble any man wrongfully : and be content with your wages. 15 As the people were in a doute, and al men mused in their hartes of Iohn, whe ther he were very Christe, 1 6 Iohn answered, and sayd to them aU, *;,The ™"tue * Truth it is, that I d baptize you with wa- Mat. 3. c and force of bap- r J , tisme standeth in ter, but one stronger then I c5meth, who- r?r" ' ¦ ¦ "• Eta wafbu'the ^ shoes latchet I am not worthy to vn- TtAa.ta. minister therof. lowse : he wyl baptize you with the holy ll.6.l9.a. Gost, and with fyre. 1 7 * Which hath his fanne in his hand, and Mat. 3. c. wyl make cleane his flooer, and wyl ga ther the corne into his barne, but the chaff wil he burne with fyre that neuer shalbe quenched. 1 8 Thus then exhorting with many other thinges, he preached vnto the people. D 19 * But when king Herode was rebuked Mat. 14. a. of him for Herodias his brother Philip- m*""*- 6. c. pes wyfe, and for aU the euyls which He rode had done, 20 He added this aboue aU, that he layd Iohn in pryson. 21 * Now it fortuned, as aU the people^',8;* receaued baptisme, and lesus also -was iohn. i.e. baptized BY S. LVKE. 95 baptized and dyd pray, that the heauen was opened : 22 And the holy Gost came downe in a bodely shape like a doue vpon him : and a voyce came from heauen, saying, Thou art my dere Sonne, in thee do I delyte. 23 And lesus him selfe began to be about thyrty yere of age, beyng as men suppo sed the sonne of e loseph, Which was the " Late ascen- j t-ii . deth from the last Sonne 01 Hil, father to the first, 24 Which was the sonne of Matthat, and Matthew des- i . i , rtT'i-i i cendeth from the which was the sonne of Leui, which was the first to the last. sonne of Melchi, which was the sonne of JJf th™ Xra'ai I anna, which was the sonne of loseph, further thenAbra- 25 Which was the sonne of Mattathias, reth' it euen to which was the sonne of Amos, which was f1*!™- Mjt.coun- i . , - teth by the legal the sonne of Naum, which was the sonne of descent: and luke Esli, which was the sonne of Nagge, nauy6 "$0 26 Which was the sonne of Maath, which speaking of the was the sonne of Mattathias, which was the piy^'vnt'o^them sonne of Semei, which was the sonne of lo- diuers namf!S- seph, which was the sonne of Iuda, 27 Which was the sonne of Ioanna, which was the sonne of Khesa, ft was the sonne of Zorobabel, which was the sonne of Sala- thiel, which was the sonne of Neri, 28 Which was the sonne of Melchi, which was the sonne of Addi, which was the sonne of Cosam, which was the sonne of Elmo- dam, which was the sonne of Er, 29 Which was ihe sonne of lose, which was the sonne of Eliezer, which was the sonne of Iorim, which was the sonne of Matthat, which was the sonne of Leui, 30 Which was the sonne of Simeon, which was the sonne of Iuda, which was the sonne of loseph, which was the sonne of -Jonan, which Chap. IIII. THE GOSPEL WRIT which was ihe sonne of Eliacim, 31 Which was the sonne of Melea, which was the sonne of Mainan, which was the Son ne of Mattatha, which was the sonne of Na than, which was the sonne of Dauid. 32 Which was the sonne of lesse, ft was the sonne of Obed, ft was the sonne of Booz, G which was the sonne of Salmon, which was the sonne of Naasson. 33 Which was the sonne of Aminadab ft was the sonne oi Aram, which was the sonne of Esrom, which was the sonne of Phares, which was the sonne of Iuda. 34 Which was the sonne of lacob, which was the sonne of Isaac, which was the sonne of Abraham, which was the sonne of Thara, which was the sonne of Nachor, 35 Which was the sonne of Saruch, which was the sonne of Ragau, which was the son ne of Phalec, which was the sonne of Eber which was the sonne of Sala. 36 Which was the sonne of * Arphaxad, ft Gen. 11.5. was the sonne of Sem, which was the sonne of Noe, which was the sonne of Lamech. 37 Which was the sonne of Mathusala, ft was the sonne of Enoch,whichwasi*/%e sonne of Iared, ft was the sonne of Malaleel, which was the sonne of Cainan. 38 Which was the sonne of Enos, ft was tlie sonne of Seth, which was ihe sonne of A- ' Not that a. dam, which was the f sonne of God. dam was the sonne of God by genera tion, but by crea tion: in the which THE IIII. CHAPTER. sense God also calleth him self jems j* jC(j inf0 fne wUdernes. Fasteth 6.C.28&29.' ' ' all the tyme of his tentation. Ouercommeth the deuyl. Goeth into Galile. Preacheth at Nazaret, S( Capernau. The lewes despise him. The de uyls BY S. LVKE. 96 uyls knowledge him. He commeth into Petere house. Healeth his mother in law. And doth great miracles. A TEsus then ful of the holy Gost returned ¦'¦from Iordan, and was led of the same sprite into wUdernes. Mat.i.a. 2* And was there fourty dayes tempted mar. 1.6. 0f ^e deuyl, and in those dayes a he dyd • This fast was eat nothing : and when they were ended, ™me° thTGospS. he afterward hongred. a?*1 °""ht no more* 3 Then the deuyl sayd vnto hym, If thou wed the the other be the Sonne of God, commande this stone c^f^ci?' that it be made bread. 4 And lesus answered him, saying, It is Deut. 8. «. wrytten, * That man shal not lyue by bread " That is, by onely, but by euery " woord of God. c^anT^o™'- 5 The11 the deuyl toke him into an hye dece of God. mountayne, & shewed him aU the kyng- domes of the world, euen in y twincklyng of an eye. 6 And the deuyl sayd vnto hym, AU this power wyl I b geue thee, euery whit, and b Satan prome- the glorie of those kyngdomes : for that is ce*nof J^ dehuered to me, & to whomsoeuer I wU, thmtent he might T ., deceaue the more I geue It. craftely : for he is B 7 If thou therfore wylt worshyp me, they h^ t?VeV£- shalbe aU thyne. sion, and hath his 8 But lesus answered him, and sayd, Hen- power limit6d* Deut. 6. c. ce from me Satan. For it is wrytten, * Thou "Christe wol- shalt honour the Lord thy" God, and hym de only wor- alone thou shalt serue. uePGod"dser" 9 Then he broght him to Ierusalem, and set hym on a pinacle of the temple, and sayd vnto hym, If thou be the Sonne of God, cast thy self doune from hence. Psal. 91. c. 10 For it is writen, * He shal geue his An- Chap. IIII. THE GOSPEL WRIT gels charge ouer thee to kepe thee. 1 1 And in their handes they shal beare, thee lest at any tyme thou dashe thy fote C agaynst a stone. 1 2 And lesus answered and sayd to hym, It is sayd, * Thou shalt not tempt the Lord Deut. 6. c. thy God. 1 3 And as sone as the deuyl had ended aU his tentations, he departed from hym ¦ it is not c for a season. thrisetoSrtSa- 14 And lesus returned by the power of tan, for he neuer tlle sprite into Gable, and there went a ceaseth to tept, or r_i- if hereient a litle, fame of him throughout al the region itis to thend, that i _.\.n„± he may renewe TOUnd about. his force and assai- 15 por he taught in theyr Synagoges, & 11' vs mors simrpG" -¦ ¦¦ ,-. -.-. ly. was commended ot aU men. 16 * And he came to Nazaret where he MatA3.b. was noursed, and (as his custome was) ™*f"- **¦ ": went into y Synagoge on y Sabbath day, and stode vp for to rede. 17 And there was dehuered vnto hym the booke of the Prophet Esai ? When he had opened the booke, he found y place, where it was wrytten. 1 8 * The sprite of the Lord is vpon me, be- Esai. 61. a. cause he hathe " annoynted me : that I shul- "Or.endewed de preach the Gospel to y poore he hath wl graces" sent me, that I shulde heale the broken harted, that I shulde preach * deliuerance Esai. 42. 5. to the captiue, and recouering of syght to the blynde, that I shulde freely set at libertie them that are brused, 19 That I shulde preach the acceptable yere of the Lord. 20 And he closed the booke, and gaue it agayn to the minister, and sate downe : and the eyes of aU that were in the Synagoge were by s. lvke. 97 were fastened on him. 21 Then he began to say vnto them, This day is this Scripture fulfyUed in your eares. "They appro- 22 And all " bare him witnes, and wonde- ued and com- i . . i . • j i ¦ i mended red at the gratious wordes which proce- what so euer ded out of his mouth, and sayd, Is not hesaj,d- _u- T I. _ this losephs sonne ? 23 Then he sayd vnto them, Ye wil suerly vse towards me this prouerbe, Physicion, *" heale thy self : Whatsoeuer we haue he- d Bestowe thy ard done in Capernaum, do the same he- them 'which>°ap- re likewise in thyne owne comitrey. perteyne more vn- 24 And he sayd, verely I say vnto you, Iohn. 4. f. * No e Prophet is accepted in his owne • Their infide- .. litiestayedChriste countrey. from workin„ mj. E 25 But I tel you of a truth, many wydo- racles. l.Kyn 17.5. wes were in Israel in the dayes of * Elias, mm. b.d. when heauen was shut thre yeres and syx monethes, whe great famine was through out aU the lande, 26 But vnto none of them was Ehas sent, saue into Sarephtha, a citie of Sidon, vnto a f wydowe. ' He sheweth 27 And many lepers were in Israel, in y G*odX that he stode by the lake of Genne- saret.2 And sawe two shyppes stand by the la ke syde, but the fysshermen were gon out of them, and were wasshyng theyr nettes. 3 And a he entred into one of the shyp- a To thintent pes which perteined to Simon, and requi- beftrongedof the red hym that he would thrust out a lytle j"™*"""**. ^t^ from the land : & he sate downe, & taught better be heard. the people out of the shyp. 4 When he had left speakyng, he sayd vnto Simon, Lanche out into the depe, & let downe your nettes to make a draught. Chap. V. THE GOSPEL WRIT 5 Then Simon answered, & sayd to hym, " Master, we haue wearyed our selues al "The woorde nyght, and haue taken nothyng : neuerthe- tS is made les, at thy comandement I wyl let downe ru,™hi°u™ the net. 6 And when they had so done, they in- B closed a great multitude of fyshes : so y their net brake. 7 And they beckened to their felowes ft were in the other ship that they should come and heipe them, who came then, and fyUed bothe the shyppes, that they were ouer whelmed. 8 When Simon Peter sawe that, he fel downe at lesus knees saying, Lord go fro me, for I am a synful man. -• The feeling 9 For he b was vtterly astonied, and aU make°th afrayed06 that were with hym, at the draught of fy shes which they toke. 10 And so was also lames and Iohn the sonnes of Zebede, which were parteners with Simon. Then lesus sayd vnto Simon, « Heappointeth Feare not : from c henceforth thou shalt him to the office , i of an Apostle. catch men. 1 1 And they broght the shyppes to land, and forsoke all, and folowed hym. c 12 *And it came to passe as he was in a cer- Mat. 8. a. tayn citie, beholde, there was a man ful of """"• ' • d- leprosie, and when he had spyed lesus, he fel on his face, and besoght him, saying, Lord if thou wUt, thou canst make me cleane. 1 3 And he stretched forth hys hand, and touched hym, saying, I wyl, Be thou clea ne. And immediately, the leprosie depar ted from him. 14 And he warned him that he should tel this BY S. LVKE. 99 this to no man, but that he should go, and shewe hym self to the d priest, & offer for d Hereby he r • i . _i_ i 77 j * -n t shewed them that Leui. 14. a. thy clensyagsayd he, accordyng as Moses he would not tras- comandement was, for a wytnes vnto the- f'rcssc the lawe- 15 But so much the more went there a fa me abrode of him, and much people came together to heare, & to be healed of hym of their iiifirmities. 1 6 But he kept him selfe aparte in the wyldernesses, and prayed. Mar.2.a. 17 * And it happened on a certayn day, D that he taught, and there sate the Phari- seis and doctours of the lawe, which were come out of aU the villages of Galile, Iurie, and Ierusalem, and the power of the Lord was in him to heale them. Mat. 9. a. \ 8 * Then beholde, men broght a man ly ing in his bed, which was taken with a palsey, and soght meanes to bryng him in, and to lay him before him. 19 And when they could not fynde by what way they might bryng him in, be cause of the prease, they went vp on the top of y house, & let hym downe through the tilyng, bed and aU, in the myddes be fore lesus. 20 And when he sawe their fayth, he "Christe tou- sayd vnto him, Man, thy " sinnes are forge- cheth the uen thee. principal cau se of all our 21 Then the Scribes and the Phanseis be- emiies. gan to jjjjjj^ saying, What felow is this ft E speaketh blasphemies ? Who can forgeue sinnes, but God only ? 22 But whe lesus perceaued their thogh tes, he answered, & sayd vnto them, What think ye in your hartes ? • Chap. VI. THE GOSPEL WRIT his" dStieCh M 23 Whether is easyer to say, Thy *" sinnes Bufflcientiyshewed are forgeuen thee, or to say, Ryse and by this miracle, w„lVp ? he gaue them he- waUie f reby tunderstand 24 But that ye may know that the Sonne that he had power r i. _i_ _. p to forgyue synnes. 0I man hath power to forgeue synnes m earth, (he sayd vnto the syck of the pal sey) I say to thee, Aryse, take vp thy bed, and go home to thy house. 25 And immediately he rose vp before them, and toke vp his bed where on he lay, and departed to his owne house praysing God.26 And they were aU amased, and lau ded God : and were fyUed with feare, saying, Douteles we haue sene " strange "Or.vnioked thynges to day. pre" 27 * And after that, he went forth and sa- Mat. 9. a. we a publican named Leui, sytting at the mar- 2- 6- receyte of custome, and sayd vnto him, Foiowe me. 28 And he left all, rose vp, and folowed hym. 29 And Leui made him a great feast at home in his owne house, where there was a great company of pubhcans, & of other, that sate at meat with them. 30 But they that were Scribes and Pha rises amongs them, murmured agaynst his disciples, saying, Why eat ye and drinck ye with Pubhcans and sinners ? 31 lesus answered, and sayd vnto them, They that are whole, nede not the Physi- cion, but they that are syck. 32 * I came not to caU the ryghteous, but Mat. 9. a. synners to repentance. mar.2.b. 33 * Then they sayd vnto hym, Why do the 1 . Tim. 1 . c. disciples Mat.9.b. BY S. LVKE. 100 disciples of Iohn fast often, and pray, and the disciples of the Pharises also : & thyne eat, and drinck? G 34 * And he sayd vnto them, Can ye make m«r?2.'c.' the chyldren of the wedding fast, as long as the brydegrome is with them ? 35 The dayes wyl come, when the bride- grome shal be taken away from them, the shal they fast in those dayes. 36 Then he spake also vnto the a similitu de, No man putteth a peece of a newe gar ment into an olde vesture : for if he do, then the olde breaketh the newe, and the peece y was taken out of the new, agreeth not with the olde. 37 Also no man powreth newe wyne into olde vessels : for if he do, the new wine wU breake the vessels, and it wU runne out, and the vessels wU perishe. 38 But newe wyne must be powred into newe vessels, and bothe are preserued. 39 Also, no man y * drincketh olde wyne, 'Thogh olde wy strayghtway can away with newe : for he "a"ntb to"0ta°ey>e6aS" sayeth, The olde is better. newe >?, **et '*¦ " J more healthsome for the body: li- THE VI. CHAPTER. %_*_£___*_& He standeth in his disciples defence and had not such an his owne, as touching the breache of the Sab- owtward shewe as bath. After watching Sf prayer he electeth his °e tehresT nolraselo Apostles. He healeth and teacheth the people, be estemed. Wherin stadeth mas true felicitie. To loue our vi. ennemies. Not to iudge rashely : and to auoyde = Those feastes hypocrisie. wbich conteyned sr , m i many days: asthe A i Nd it happened on the second a Sab- Passeouer.andthe Mat. 12m. Abath, after the first, y he wet through g^td"". the corne fieldes, & his disciples plucked ba th^ttafiratday the eares of corne, and dyd eate, & rubbe last. n. xiii. • Chap. VI. THE GOSPEL WRIT them in their handes : 2 And certayne of the Pharises sayd vn to them, Why do ye that which is not law ful to do on the Sabbath dayes ? 3 Then lesus answered them, and sayd, *Haue ye not read somuch as this, what l.Sam.21.d. Dauid did when he him selfe was an hun gred, and they which were with him, 4 How he wet into y house of God, & to ke, & ate y shewe bread, and gaue also to the which were with hym, ft was not law- full to eate, but for the * Priestes onely ? Exod. 19. e. 5 And he sayd vnto them, The Sonne of f,™ f 8,/* todi^Tce with"" man is b Lord also of the SaDbath day. qualifie the ke- 6 * It came to passe also on another Sab- B ba"tnand'othe?acbe--hath,yhe entred into the Synagoge and ££¦ ,£«• remonies. taught : & there was a man, whose ryght hand was dryed vp. 7 And y Scribes and Pharises watched hym, whether he would heale on the Sab bath day, that they myght fynde an accu sation agaynst hym. 8 But he knewe theyr thoghtes : and sayd to the man which had the wythered had, Ryse vp, and stand forth in the myddes : and he arose and stoode vp. 9 Then sayd les' vnto the, I wyl aske you a questio, Whether is it lawful on the Sab bath dayes to do good, or to do euyl ? to sa ue lyfe, or to destroy it? 10 And he behelde them aU in compas- se, and sayd vnto the man, Stretch forth thy hand : and he dyd so, and his hand was restored again, as whole as the other. 1 1 And they were fyUed ful of madnes, c & comuned one with another, what they myght do to lesus. 12 Aud BY S. LVKE. 101 1 2 And it came to passe in those dayes, y he went into a mountayne for to pray, & watched aU the night in prayer to God. Chap. 9. a. 13 *And as sone as it was day, he caUed mat. 10. a. ^s disciples, and of them he chose c twel- « According to 1t%:_t ue, which also he caUed" Apostles. &twKE5taJ 1 4 (Simon whome he named also Peter, & kc«. of whome the Ai i-i. i t iti Churche of God Andrew his brother, lames and Iohn, is sprang. Philip, and Barthelmew : __ilt_Z^Z 15 Matthew, and Thomas : lames the son- he had elected be ne of Alpheus, and Simon called Zelotes, ioyneth" tw'their 1 6 And ludas lames brother, and ludas Is- charge. cariot, which also was the traytour.) 17 Then he came downe with them, and stode in the champion countrie : and the copany of his disciples, and a great multi tude of people out of aU Iurie and Ieru salem, and from the sea coast of Tyre and Sido, which came to heare him, and to be healed of theyr diseases : 1 8 And they also that were vexed with foule spirites : and they were healed. 19 And aU the people preased to touch him : for therewent vertue out of him, and healed them all. . Hc meaneth D 20 * And he lifted vp his eyes vpon y di- excommunicatis, ^They5t'ha't sciples, and sayd, Blessed be ye poore : for Teth^puttog6 out are humble yours is the kyngdome of God. iota StS? it ca- feiueswmin5 2i Blessed are ye that hunger now : for ye sting out of the sy giy to obey shalbe satisfied. Blessed are ye that wepe guertog" sat-u6.' now: for ye Shal laugh. which punishemet .. T,, jii ii ii as it is moste tern 22 Blessed shal ye be when men hate you, bie when it is iu- "Thewoordsi ^ ' "P"™*'3 5™' ^ ^^ ^ P,Ut °Ut ^ —Vie enifieth to le- your name as euyl, for the Sonne of mans to the godly when ape for ioye, "Ll,p they are cast out of or to shewe saKe. wycked mes copa- myrthe by 23 Reioyce ye in that day and be " glad : Pj""1**' ,as1the.?'ro' outwardgestu for behold; yQur rewarde ;„ great jj he. f*.™ ¦ Chap. VI. THE GOSPEL WRIT auen : for after this maner their fathers entreated the Prophetes. 24 * But wo be to you that are riche : for ye Amos. 6. a. haue receaued your consolation. ecck- 31- "• 25 * Wo be to you that are ful : for ye shal Esa. 65. ¦.. hunger. Wobe to you that now" laugh : for " signifying *? i i i them that ly- ye shal wayle and wepe. ue at ease & ' He reproueth 26 Wo be to you whe aU f men prayse you : after the pie- _ ... jf j -L fmiiTTP^ nt trip SSThmL"n.I for so dyd their fathers to the false pro- SC go about by all phetes. uoeu?6& "wordeiy 27 * But I say vnto you ft heare, Loue Mat. 5. g. pompe. your enemies : do good to them which ha te you. 28 Blesse them that curse you : and pray for them which wrongfuUy trouble you. 29 And vnto him that " smyteth thee on f Rather en- one cheke, offer also the other : * and him ,^l ^°n6 to that taketh away thy cioke, forbyd not to ^ju™sge your take thy coate also. i. Cor. 6.5. 30 Geue to euery man that asketh of thee : and of hym that taketh away thy e goodes, aske them not agayne. 31 * And as ye would that men should do Mat. 7. b. to you, so do ye to them lykewyse. *<*• 4- <"¦ 32 And if ye loue them which loue you, what thank shal ye haue ? for the very sin ners loue their louers. 33 And if ye do good for them which do good for you, what thank are ye worthy of ? for the very synners, do euen the sa me. hoping°'fo?%ffli 34 'And if ye lend to them of whome ye Matth. b.g. but to lose the hope to receaue, what thank haue ye? for deut- 15- *• stocke fie principal , , x i i . . foramuche, as the very synners lend to synners, to recea- h'Sffe^repay ue as m™h agayne. the whole with a 35 Wherefore, loue ye your ennemies, moste liberal inte- do gQod ^ g j^ 1()kyng for nothyng agayne BY S. LVKE. 102 agayne : and your rewarde shalbe great, F and ye shalbe the chyldren of the Hyest : for he is kynde vnto the vnkynde, and to the euyl. 36 Be ye therfore mercyful, as your fa ther also is mercyful. Mat. 7. a. 37 * Iudge not, and ye shal not be iudged : condemne not, and ye shal not be condem ned : forgeue, and ye shalbe forgeuen. 38 Geue, and it shalbe geuen vnto you : Mat. 7. a. * good measure, pressed doune, shaken to gether and runnyng ouer shal men geue into your bosomes. For with what measu re ye meate, with the same shal men meate to you agayne. Mar.4.c. 39 * And he put forth a simihtude vnto MatAb.b. them. . Can the blynde lead the blyn_ de ? Shal they not bothe then fal into the dytche ? Mat. 10. c. 40 * The disciple is not aboue his master : cV15c3'C But whosoeuer wil be a perfect disciple shalbe as his master is. Mat. 7. a. 41 * Why h seyst thou a mote in thy bro- " He reproueth thers eye, and considerest not the beame such aTwinck at that is in thyne owne eye ? t6fauZ"t 42 Ether how cannest thou say to thy bro are to curious to ther, Brother let me pul out y mote f is in f^ut uTtheir bro- thyneeye: whe thou perceauest not ybea- ther. me that is in thyne owne eye ? Hypocrite, cast out the beame out of thyne owne eye first, and then shalt thou see perfectly, to pul out the mote that is in thy brothers eye.43 For it is not a good tree that brin geth forth euyl frute : nether is that an euyl tree, that bringeth forth good fru te. Chap. VII. THE GOSPEL WRIT 44 * For euery tree is knowen by his owne G frute. * For nether of thornes gather men Mat. 12. c. fygges, nor of busshes gather they gra pes. tit!eTar na'm\^Li 45 A ' good man out of the good treasu- woorth to proue re of his heart, bryngeth forth that which ofGoTSieV'to' is good : ^d an euyl man out of the euyl effect h'e shewe the treasure of his hart, bringeth forth that which is euyl. For of the abondace ofthe hart, hys mouth speaketh. *¦ He speaketh 46 * Why caU ye me kMaster, Master, and Mat. 7. c. FaTseTophe0. "" do not as I byd you ? **"£¦ * • »¦ tos, but to aii false 47 Whosoeuer cometh to me, and hea- gcs fchypocrite"." reth my sayinges, & doth the same, I wil shewe you to whome he is lyke 48 He is like a man which buylt an hou se, and dygged depe, and layd the founda tion on a rock. And when the waters aro se, the floud bet vpon that house, & could not shake it downe : for it was grounded vpon a rock. 49 But he that heareth and doth not, is lyke a man that without foundation bu ylt an house vpon the earth, agaynst ft the floud dyd beat, and it fel by and by. And the fal of that house was great. THE VII. CHAPTER. He healeth the Captaines seruant. Rayselh vp the wydowes sonne from death to life. In- fourmeth the disciples whom Iohn Baptist sent vnto him. Commendeth Iohn. And reproueth the lewes for their vnfaythfulnes. He eateth with the Pharise. The woman wassheth his fe te with her teares, and he forgeueth her sin nes. When BY S. LVKE. 103 A "\7Vhen he had ended all his sayinges Mat.S.a. V m ^e auflience of the people, he en tred into Capernaum. 2 And a certayn * Centurios seruant was ° it might be, syck and ready to dye, whome he made ^ iye Suh'hu much of. garnison in Caper 3 And when he heard of lesus, he sent vnto hym the Elders of the lewes, bese- chyng hym that he would come and hea le his seruant. 4 And they came to lesus, and besoght hym instantly, saying, He is woorthy that thou should est bestowe this pleasure vpo him. 5 For he loueth sayd they, our nation, and hath buylt vs a b Synagoge. » inbuiidyngtM 6 Then lesus went with them. But when iS^X'lht B he was now not farre fro the house, the Ce wed his zeaie tow- " The friends turion sent friendes to him, " saying vnto Uice of God sus*8 m ° the him, Lord trouble not thy self : for I am captains na- not woorthy that thou shouldest enter vn me, •" der my roffe. 7 Wherfore I thoght not my self woor- "Or, comma- thy to come vnto thee, but " say the woord, onely "that it and my seruant shalbe whole. so be. g por j lykewyse am a ma vnder power, and haue vnder me souldiers, & I say vn to one, Go, and he goeth : and to another, Come, and he commeth : and to my seruat, Do this, and he doeth it. 9 When lesus heard this, he marueyled at hym, and turned hym about, and sayd to the people, that folowed him, I say vn to you, I haue not found so c great faith, c Hecomendeth ¦''.-., *** this heathen Capi- nO, not IU Israel. taine because he as 10 And they that were sent, turned back ^echris™ woord home agayne, and found the seruanbthat alone. Chap. VII. THE GOSPEL WRIT was syck, whole. 1 1 And it fortuned the day after, that he went into a citie caUed Nairn, and many of his disciples went with hym, and much people. 1 2 When he came nye to the gate of the citie, beholde there was a dead ma caryed out, who was the onely begotton sonne of his mother, which was a wydowe : & much people of the citie was with her. 1 3 And when the Lord sawe her, he had C compassion on her, and sayd vnto her, Wepe not. 14 And he went and touched the " cof- " or, biere. fyn (and they that bare hym stode styl) a Christ calleth and he sayd," d Yonge ma, I say vnto thee, " or, boye. those thinges that * • are not as if they -".rise. were, & gyueth iu 15 And he that was dead sate vp, and be te to them that be . n , , ,. , f . . . • dead. gan to speake : & he dehuered him to his mother. 1 6 And there came a feare on them aU : and they glorified God, saying, * A great l.Kyn.sd. Prophet hathe rysen among vs, and God ^-^ynA. hath visited his people. 17 And this rumor of hym went forth throughout all Iurie, and through out aU the region round about. 1 8 And the disciples of Iohn shewed hym of aU these thynges. 19 * And Iohn caned vnto him two of his Mat. 12. u. disciples, and sent them to lesus, saying, Art thou he that should come, or shal we loke for another ? 20 When the men were come vnto him, they sayd, Iohn Baptist sent vs vnto thee, saying, Art thou he that should come, or shal we wait for another ? 21 And BY S. LVKE. ]04 2 1 And at that same tyme, he cured ma ny of their infirmities, and plagues, and of euyl spirites : and vnto many that were blynde, he gaue syght. D 22 And lesus answered, and sayd vnto them, Go your wayes & shewe Iohn, what thinges ye haue sene and heard : how that the blynde see, the halte go, the lepers are clensed, the deafe heare, the dead ryse agayne, to the e poore is the glad tidinges ¦ si"* as feeie ij ° their owne mise- preacnea, rieficwretchednes. 23 And happy is he, that shal not be f of- ' Thatshaiper- fpnrlprl nt me seucre and not lenaea at me. shrinck back for 24 And when the messengers of Iohn we- anything that can j J.J11 i i happen. re departed, he began to speake vnto the people of Iohn, What went ye out into f wyldernesse for to see ? a rede shake with the wynde? christes testi 25 But what went ye out for to see ? A man ching iohn, clothed in soft rayment ? Beholde, they which are gorgeously appareUed, and lyue delycately, are in kynges courtes. 26 But what went ye forth to see ? A Pro phet ? yea I say to you, and greater then a Prophet. Malac. 3. a. 27 This is he of whome it is wrytten,*Be- mat.u.b. holde, I send my " messenger before thy " or! Angel, face, which shal prepare thy way before thee. 28 For I say vnto you, there is no greater Prophet then Iohn, among them that are born of women : neuerthelesse, he that is lesse in the kyngdome of God, is greater " They prai- then he. sed hi as iust, 29 Then all the people that heard, and andmer'cifui. the publicans, " iustified God, beyng ba- Chap. VII. THE GOSPEL WRIT "This woordco ptized with the f* baptisme of Iohn. le6 doctrine "that 30 But the Pharises and Lawers despised E l0h" Meafi'ng to the counsel of God h against them selues, their owne conde- and were not baptized of him. ^ZlmZt, 31 * And the Lord sayd, Whervnto shal I Mat.U.b. because they durst ]iken the men of this generation, & what not openly speake , .. °. against iohns do- thyng are they hke vnto r r'd^hr'Se8 32 They are hke vnto chyldren sytting in ^^esof Matth. 21. c. the market place, and criyng one to ano- are sufficient ther, and saying, We haue pipped vnto ^S! you, and ye haue not danced : we haue and such li- mourned to you, and ye haue not wept. 33 For Iohn Baptist came, nether eating bread nor, drinckyng wyne: and ye say, He hathe the deuyl. 34 The Sonne of man is come, and " eateth J,'0^tht"* and drincketh : and ye say, Beholde a man the fashion of which is a glotten, and a drincker of wy- ot er men" 1 He sheweth ne, a friende of pubhcans ' and synners. Sough6thiftodur! 35 But wysedome is * iustified of aU her F ne from God shal chyldren. lect to continewe 36 * And one of the Pharises desired him Mat. 11. c. ™ the faith ofthe that he would eat with hym : and he went ™ar.lbd. uospei. J iohn 20 c into the Pharises house, and sate downe to meat. 37 And beholde a woman in that citie which was a synner, as sone as she knewe ^ lesus sate at meat in the Pharises house, she broght an alabaster boxe of ointmet. 38 And she abode at his feete behynde hym wepyng, and began to washe his fete with teares, and dyd wype them with the heares of her head, and kyssed his fete, & anoynted them with the oyntment. 39 When the Pharise which bade him, sa we that, he spake within him selfe, saying, If this man were a Prophet, he would su rely BY S. LVKE. 105 rely haue knowen who, and what maner of woman this is ft toucheth him, for she is a synner. 40 And lesus answered, & sayd vnto him, Simon I haue some what to say vnto thee. And he sayd, Master say on. 41 There was a certayn lender which had two detters : the one oght fyue hundred pence, and the other fyfty. 42 Whe they had nothyng to pay, he for gaue them bothe. Which of them therfore (tel me,) wyl loue him moste ? 43 Simon answered, and sayd, I suppose, that he, to whome he forgaue moste and he sayd vnto him, Thou hast truly fud ged. G 44 And he turned to the woma, and sayd vnto Simon, Seist thou this woman ? I en tred into thy house, and thou gauest me no water to my fete : but she hathe wasshed my fete with teares, & wyped them with the heares of her head. 45 Thou gauest me no kysse : but she syn ce the tyme I came in, hathe not ceased to kysse my fete. 46 Myne head ft oyle thou dyddest not anoynt : but she hath anointed my feete ft oyntement. 47 Wherefore I say vnto thee, that many synnes are forgeuen her, for she k loued k This great loue much. To whome a htle is forgeuen, the feitEei'femuch Same doeth loue a htle. bound vnto Christ -ioaji- j _ ¦_. rm. • who had forgeuen 48 And he sayd vnto her, Ihy sinnes are her so many syn- forgeuen thee. 49 And they that sate at meat with him, began to say within them selues, Who is this which forgeueth synnes also ? nes. Al Chap. VIII. THE OOSPEL WRIT 50 And he sayd to the woman, Thy fayth hath saued thee : Go in " peace. "Thepeaceof cOscience co meth onely THE VIII. CHAPTER. offaith. Christe with his Apostles go from towne to towne Sf preache. He sheweth the parable of the sede. Telleth who is his mother Sf his brother. Stilleth the raging of the sea Deliuereth the pos sessed. And driueth the deuils into the herde of swine. Helpeth the syck woman, and Iairus daughter. Nd it came to passe afterward, that A Lhe him self went through euery citie and towne, preachyng, and shewyng the kyngdome of God, and the twelue with hym. 2 And also certayn women, which were healed of euyl spirites, and infirmities : "Marie ft was caUed Magdalene, * out of ^A6-b\ whome went seuen deuyls. p' 3 And Iohane the wyfe of Chuza Hero- women reiie des steward, & Susanna, & many other ft ue christe. ° w!icrby.tn';"' a ministred vnto " him of their substance, -or, to them benefit twch they 4 * When much people were gathered to Mat. 13.5. hfm,&!isoshdwe°d Sether, and were come to him out of aU "***-*• 4- **• theirperseuerance cities, he spake by a similitude. "nonedgetaberf ^ A sower went out to sowe his seed, & God- as he sowed, some fel by the way syde, & it was troden vnder fete, and the foules of the aire deuoured it vp. 6 And some fel on the stone, and as sone as it was sprong vp, it wythered away, be cause it lacked moistnes. 7 And some fel among thornes, and the thornes sprang vp with it, and choked it. 8 And some fel on good ground, and _ sprang vp, and bare frute, an hundred folde BY S. LVKE. 106 folde. And as he sayd these thinges, he cryed, He that hathe eares to heare, let him heare. 9 And his disciples asked him, demading, What similitude that was ? 10 And he sayd, Vnto you it is geuen to knowe y secretes of y kyngdome of God, but to other in b simibtudes : that when * wi"0'1 bere is Esa.e.c. * they see, they shulde not see, & whe they reordarkesaying. ^"2g2/* heare, they should not vnderstand. rom. i i'. a. 1 1 * The simihtude is this, The sede, is the Mar. 13.5. worde of God. mar. . . j g Those that are besyde the way, are they that heare : & afterward commeth the de uyl, and taketh away the woorde out of their heartes, lest they should beleue, and be saued. 1 3 But they that are on the stones, are they which when they haue heard, receaue the worde with ioye : but these haue no roo- tes : which for a whyle c beleue, and in the ° They acknoiied, p . . .. ge and consent to tyme ot tentation go away. theworde.andaiso 14 And that which fel among thornes, ™*°™«> «• "Whetheyre- are they which haue heard & " after their toUtheirhaTai departure are choked with cares & with res. ryches, and voluptuous hiring, and bryng forth no frute. 15 And that which fel in good ground, are they which with an honest & good hart, heare the worde, and kepe it, and bring C forth frute with pacience. Cfta.i2.e. 16*Nodmanwhenhelyghtetha candel, * christe war- ill *. A i - i i i i neth his to do go- mami.o.o. couereth it vnder a vessel, nether putteth od with their light TltQ/P 4 C x.' "u +Tk i ¦• or/bed. " it vnder the " table, but setteth it on a can 'ecemied,! to Jet Chap I9.d. delstick, that they that entre in, may see it forthe before mat. 13. 6. .i i i . J all mens faces. 25. e. the lyght. • mar. 4. ... 1 7 * For nothing is in secret, that shal Chap. VIII^ THE GOSPEL WRIT not come abrode : neither any thing hid, that shal not be knowen, and come to hght: 1 8 Take hede therfore how ye heare : For whosoeuer hathe, to him shalbe geuen : & whosoeuer hathe not, from him shalbe ta ken euen that same, which " it semeth that " Bothe to i-i.i him selfe.and he hathe. toothers. 1 9 Then came to him his mother and his brethren, and could not speake with him for prease. 20 And it was tolde him, by certeyne which sayd, Thy mother and thy * brethern stand Gen. 13. 6. without, and would see thee. 21 But he answered, and sayd vnto them, • The spiritual My mother, and my brethren are e these ^"13 ^'"the which heare the worde of God, & do it. carnaiandnaturai: 22 * And it chanced on a certaine day, y Mat. 8. c. r^by'of'many we he went into a shyp, and his disciples al- mar- *• * are made one^con g0j and ne saydvnto them, Let vs go ouer one Ood, one faith vnto the other syde of the lake. And they fit one Baptisme. la„nr-}iprl frirfh louing God aboue launcnea lortn. ail thing, and our 23 And as they sayled, he fel a " slepe, and "Thewordesi neighbour as our- , , *, - , . , , "¦ , , gnifieth a di- seiues. there arose a storme ot wynde in the lake, ep or sounr]e and they were fyUed with water, and we- slePe- re in ieopardy. 24 And they went to him, & awoke him, D saving, Master, Master, we are lost. Then ,Ie??s.. rrtu" i " iiiii keth the wyn- he arose, and rebuked the wynde, and the de. tempest of water : and they ceased, and it waxed calme. 25 And he sayd vnto them, Where is your faith ? They feared, and wondred among them selues, saying, Who is this that com mandeth bothe the wyndes and water, & they obey him? Mat.S.d. 26 *And they sayled vnto the regio of the mar. 5. a. Gadarenites, BY S. LVKE. 107 Gadarenites, which is ouer agaynst Ga lile.27 And as he went out to lande, there met him a certayn man out of the citie, whicli had a deuyl long tyme, and weare no clo thes, nether abode in any house, but in graues.28 When he sawe lesus, he cried out, and fel downe before him, and ft a loud voy ce sayd, What haue I to do with thee le sus the Sonne of God most hyest ? I be- seche thee f torment me not. • satan is tormc 29 For he commanded the foule spirite •sprint.0'1"8'6 " Or, many a to come out of the man : for (" oft times he day agone. j^ gaug^ jj^ . therfore he was bound E with chaines, & kept with fetters : but he ¦; The woord brake the bandes, and was " caried of the be^'inforced fiende into wyldemesses.) with violence 30 And lesus asked him, saying, What is ss cl horse ** when he is thy name? And he sayd, ** Legion, because sALegio.aswri w°d- many deuils were entred into him. \t%_Xo 'toll 31 And they besoght him, that he would men< """J*1 mbm- J, i ° , semen: but here it not commande them to go out mto the is taken for an ™ "Sotodeparte " h Hienp certayn and infini that they col „„ ^, , , , , , te nomber. dedonohar- 32 And there was thereby an heard of h which in the me p j ii i ii i 16 chap. Luke cal- many swyne, fedyng on an hyl, and the de- leth hei.where the uils besoght him, y he would suffre them fn\heSobTcu?itieof to entre into them : and he suffred them. darkenes,2.Pe.2.a 33 Then went the deuils out of the man, and entred into the swyne- and the hearde ran headlong from the hie brinck dewne into the lake, and was choked. 34 When the heardmen sawe what had chanced, they fled, and tolde it in the citie and in the countrey. 35 Then they came out to see what waj3 do ne, and came to lesus, and found the man o. iii. Chap. VIII. THE OOSPEL WRIT out of whome the deuils were departed, syttyng at the feete of lesus, clothed, and in his ryght mynde : and they were afrayd. 36 They also which sawe it, tolde them by what meanes he that was possessed of the deuyl was healed. 37 The all the whole multitude of y coun trie of y Gadarenites, besoght hym, that he would depart from them, for they we re taken with great feare : and he gate him into the shyp, and returned backe agayne. 38 Then the man out of whome the de- F uyls were departed, besoght hym that he myght be ft him : but lesus sent him away saying,39 Go "home againe into thine owne hou- "christknewe se, and shewe what great thynges God ^ "^ hath done to thee. And he went his way, him being ab • This was his and preached through out all the ' citie, ^rth him. Gadarta.whichwM what great thinges lesus had done vnto in the coiitrey of }rhn# Decapolis, & ther .n'... i x > fore Luke dissen- 40 And lt came vnto passe when les was w^writetKa6. come agayne, y the people receaued him : he preached in De for they aU wayted for hym. capo is. ^, tAj^ bghoije there came a man named Mat. 9. c. Iairus, and he was one of the chiefest 0{™ar.b.b. the " Synagoge, who fel downe at lesus fe- " ofthe Con- te and besoght hym that he would come __tei_w_l. ° into his house : 42 For he had but a daughter only, vpo a twelue yeres of age, & she laye a dying. (and as he wet, the people thronged hym : 43 And a woma hauyng an issue of bloud, twelue yeres, which had spent ah her sub stance vpon Physitions, nether coulde be holpen BY S. LVKE. 108 holpen of any. 44 When she came behynd him, she tou ched the hem of his garment, and imme diately her issue of bloud stanched. 45 The lesus sayd, Who is it that touched me ? Whe euery man denied, Peter & they that were with hym, sayd, Master, the peo pie thrust thee, & treade on thee, & sayest thou, Who touched me? 46 And lesus sayd, Some body touched me : for I perceaue that vertue is gone out of me. 47 When the woman sawe that she was not hyd, she came trimblyng, & fel at his feete, and tolde hym before all the people, for what cause she had touched him, and how she was healed immediately. 48 And he sayd vnto her, Daughter, be of good comfort, thy k fayth hathe made k christe dothe thee whole, Go in peace.) vslheTe^eneTof G 49 Whyle he yet spake, there came one our faithe, but do rt ., , ¦" ,, \ c , the accept it, as from the ruler ot the Synagoges house, thogh it were par- which sayd to hym, Thy daughter is dead, fect" disease not the master. 50 When lesus heard that, he answered y ruler of the Synagoge, saying, Feare not, beleue only, and she shalbe made whole. 5 1 And when he went in to the house, he sufired no ma to go in with hym, saue Pe ter, lames, and Iohn, and the father & mo ther of the maiden. 52 And euery body wept, & sorowed for her: but he sayd, Wepe not: for she is not 'Althogh she was I i j i . i . i verely dead: yet to dead, but Slepeth. Christe it was mo- ••Homeaneth 53 And they laught hym to scorne, for ™£ "**£ » hefoundeir. they knewe that she was dead. • is for one man to the house. 54 And he " thrust them aU out, and toke oTws """' o. iiu. Chap. IX. THE GOSPEL WRIT her by the hand, and cried, saying, Mayde, aryse.55 And her spirite came agayne, and she rose strayghtway : and he commanded to geue her meate. 56 And her father and mother, were asto nied : but he warned the that they should tel no man what was done. THE IX. CHAPTER. He sendeth out the twelue Apostles to prea- che. Herode heareth tel of him. He feedeth fyue thousand men with fyue loaues, and two fishes. Diurse opinions of Christe. He transfigureth him self vpon the mount, deliuereth the posses sed, § teacheth hys disciples to be lowly. They desire vengeance, but he reproueth them. HPHen called he the twelue disciples to A -*- gether, and gaue them power and au toritie ouer aU deuUs, & that they myght heale diseases. 2 * And he sent them to preache the kyng Mat. 10. a. dome of God, and to cure the syck. ""*""¦ 3- *• • To theae they 3 And he sayd to them, a Take nothing to ^ myght do their . ,i ,. , .. charge with gre- your lourney, nether staues, nor scryp, "or,roddes. whenthefhadno- nether bread, nether mony, nether haue thing to let them, two coates. 4 And what soeuer house ye entre into, there abyde, and "thence departe. ". He willeth -.11 1 , them not to 5 And whosoeuer wyl not receaue you, tary loge, but when ye go out of that citie, shake of the _%£?% fr0 b Which was asi verv b fest f,.0Iri y0ur fete for a testimo- towne. gne of detestati5, . J . J and of the vengea me against them. ^dforluXo: 6 And they went out, and went through temners of Gods the townes about preachyng the Gospel, and healing euery where. Ma( 14 u 7 *And Herode the kyng heard of aU y mar. 6. 6. was BY S. LVKE. 109 was done by hym : and douted, because f it was sayd of some, that Iohn was rysen agayne from death : 8 And of some, that Ehas had appeared : and of some, that one of y olde Prophe tes was rysen agayne. 9 Then Herode sayd, Iohn haue I behea ded : who then is this of whome I heare such thynges? and he desired to see him. B 10 And. the Apostles returned, and tolde hym what great thynges they had done. Then he toke them, and went asyde into a sohtarie place, nie to the citie called Bethsaida. 1 1 But when the people knewe of it, they folowed him : and he receaued them, and spake vnto them of y kyngdome of God, and healed them that had nede to be he aled. Mat. 14. 5. 12 *And when the day began to weare Toln6a. away, then came the twelue, and sayd vn to hym, Send the people away, that they may go into the townes and vyUages ro und about, and lodge, & get meat : for we are here in place of wyldernes. 1 3 But he sayd vnto them, c Geue ye them 'Christe forsa- to eat And they sayd, We haue no mo but foiiowe him, but fyue loues & two fyshes, except we shulde ^tt^£ suf* go and bye meat for all this people. 1 4 For they were about fyue thousand me . And he sayd to his disciples, Cause them to syt downe by fyfties in a compagnie. 15 Therfore they dyd so, and dyd aU syt downe. 1 6 And he toke the fyue loues, and the " Iohn sayeth two fishes, and loked vp to heauen, " bles- hegauethan- ' r , •.- ¦ kes.ioh.e.b. sed them, brake, and gaue to the disci- Chap. IX. THE GOSPEL WRIT pies, to set before the people. 17 And they aU dyd eat, and were satisfi ed : and there was taken vp of that remai ned to theim twelue baskettes ful of bro ken meat. 1 8 * And it came to passe as he was alone C praying, his disciples were with hym, and mar'&6'cb' he asked them, saying, Whome say the pe ople that I am ? 1 9 They answered, & sayd, Iohn Baptist : some say Ehas : and some say, that one of the olde Prophetes is rysen agayne. 20 And he sayd vnto them, But whome say ye that I am ? Peter answered, & sayd, Thou art the Christe of God. 21 And he warned, and commanded i For he knewe them, that they shoulde tel d no man that best his conueniet . , J , tymewhichwasap thyng. to0ybne6maSfeshted 22 Saying,* That the Sonne of man must Mat. 17. d. in. suffre many thynges, and be reproued of mar- 8- c- the Elders, and of the hye Priestes and Scribes, and be slayne, and the thyrd day ryse agayne. 23 *And he sayd to them aU, If any man Chap. 14. /. wyl come after me, let hym deny hym ?La'",10- * self, and take vp his crosse * dayly, and fo mar.'8. d. lowe me. " For as one 24 For whosoeuer wyl saue his lyfe, shal anyothe°rr6so lose it : and whosoeuer shal lose his lyfe doth °ne cr?s for my sake, the same shal saue it. the necke of 25 For what auantageth it a man, if he an other" wyn the whole worlde, and lose hym self, and runne in domage of hym self? 26 * For whosoeuer shalbe ashamed of Chap. 12. 5. me, and of my sayinges : of him shal the S5 % ¥• |" . ne of man be ashamed, when he shal come in his BY S. LVKE. 110 in his glorie, & in the glorie of his Father, and of the holy Angels. Mai! 16. a. 27 *And I tel you of a suretie, there be mar. 9. a. some gtandyng here, which shal not taste of death, tyl they see the c kyngdome of * Established p , j j jo & eniarf,cij hy the v^Oa. preaching of the Mat. 17. a. 28 * And it, chanced about an eight dayes Gospel- mai. .a. aj^er those sayinges, that he toke Peter, lames, & Iohn, and went vp into a moun- tayne to pray. 29 And as he prayed, the facion of hys countenance was changed, and his garmet was whyte and shone. 30 And beholde two me talked with hym, and they were Moses and Ehas. D 31 Which appeared in glorie, and spake of his departyng, which he should ende at Ierusalem. 32 But Peter & they that were with hym, were heauy wyth slepe, and when they woke, they sawe his glorie, and the two men standyng with hym. 33 And it chanced as they departed from hym, Peter sayd vnto lesus, Master, it is good beyng here for vs : Let vs therfore make thre tabernacles, one for thee, and one for Moses, and one for Ehas : and wist not what he sayd. 34 Whyle he thus spake, there came a cloud and f ouershadowed them, and they ' For other feared when they were entring into the notVene able \o cloud comprehend his *_ uuu. great maiestie. Mat.3.d. 35 * And there came a voyce out of the mar. 1.5. cl0ud, saying, This is my deare beloued E Sonne, heare him. 36 And as sone as the voyce was past, le sus was found alone : and they kdnt it Chap. IX. THE GOSPEL WRIT close, & tolde no man in "those dayes any "Theyconce- of those thynges which they had sene. christsres'ur- 37 And it chanced on the next day, as they *"*"cti°""> "** J , Marke wn- came downe from the mountayne, much teth. people met hym. 38 *And beholde, a man of the compagnie Mat. 17. 5. cryed out, saying, Maister, I beseche thee mar- 9" c" beholde my sonne, for he is aU that I ha ue. 39 And see, a spirite taketh hym, and so denly he cryeth, and he teareth hym, that he fometh agayne, and with much payne departeth from him, when he hath bru- sed him. 40 And I besoght thy disciples to cast f him out, but they could not. e Vnder the 41 lesus answered, and sayd, ** O genera- dis^'ipies 'could "S tion without fayth, and croked, how long not heale the sick shal I be with you, and suffre you ? Bryng man, he reproueth ,, 1 -.1 them which would thy sonne hither. hfsU6utoritien.iSh6d 42 As he yet was a comming, the fiende rent him, and tare hym : and lesus rebuked the vncleane sprite, and healed the chyl de : and dehuered him to his father. 43 And they were aU amased at y mygh- ty power of God. Whyle they wondred euery one at aU thinges which he dyd, he sayd vnto his disciples, 44 Let these sayinges synck downe into Mat. 17. d. your eares : for the tyme wyl come, when mar.9.c. the Sonne of man shalbe deliuered into h They were so the handes of men opioid6ndthitx'hriS 45 But they h wist not what that worde ste shulde haue a ment, and it was hyd from them, that they m™Ptiiat they0" vnderstode it not: and they feared to aske M .„ I^JLtteZZ^ oi th&t ^S' . mar. 9.0^ ke of his death. 46 * Then there arose a disputation among luk. 22 they sayd, Lord, wylt thou that nion of the we comande, that fyre come downe from iohn.P!c.read heauen, and consume them, euen as * Eli- 2.kyn.S.b. as did ? 55 But lesus turned about, and rebuked them saying, Ye wot not what maner ] spri- ^rX^d te ve are of. carnal "-fl*"*"""". _ nJ. __, ,, „ r. _ _ which were not led Mat.S.c. 56 * For the Sonne of man is not come to with EIias Bprite. destroy mens hues, but to saue them ."Then they Chap. X. THE GOSPEL WRIT they went to another towne. 57 And it chanced as they went in the way, a certayn man sayd vnto him, I wyl folow thee Lord, whithersoeuer thou go- est. 58 And lesus sayd vnto hym, Foxes haue holes, and byrdes of the ayre haue nestes, but the Sonne of man hath not where on to lay is head. 59 And he sayd vnto another, Foiowe me. And the same sayd, Lord suffre me fyrst to go, and bury my father. 60 lesus sayd vnto hym, " Let y dead bu- f^,™8^ ry theyr dead : but go thou and preach the semeth best kyngdome of God. SSiT-S. 61 Then another sayd, I wyl foiowe thee U"g- Lord : but let me fyrst go byd them fare wel, which are at home at my house. 62 lesus saydvnto hym, No man that put- ¦» Tobehynde- teth his hand to the plough, and m loketh wlthrespec'trfmy backe, is apte to the kyngdome of God. worldely commo» ditie. THE X. CHAPTER. He sendeth the seuenty before hym to prea- che, Sf geueth the a charge how to be haue them selues. He threateneth the obstinate. Prayseth hys heaully Father. Answereth the Scribe that tempted hym. And by the example of the Sama ritane sheweth who is a mas neyghbour. Mar tha receaveth the Lord into her house. Marie Magdalene is feruent in hearing hys worde. A AFter these thinges, the Lord appoin- The sending ted other seuenty also, and sent them 7°0r.the of thc two and two before him into euery citie and place, whither he him selfe would come. 2 Therfore he sayd vnto them, * The har- Mat. 9. d uest BY S. LVKE. 112 uest is great, but the laborers are fewe : Praye therfore the Lord of the har uest, to send forth laborers into his har uest. Mat. 10. b. 3 * Go your wayes : beholde, I send you forth as lambes among wolues. 4 Beare no wallet, nether scryp, nor 2.Kyn.4.e. shoes, * and a salute no man by the way. "Hewiiieththat Mat. 10. 5. 5 * Into whatsoeuer house ye enter, fyrst tchythis iornePa" mar. 6. 5. ga b peaCe be to this house. with dUi**™*:?*--" f. \ i • /. // r i occupying them " which lo- 6 And if the sonne of peace be there, selues about other ctrtoe'ofpea- your peace shal rest vpon hym: if not, it ^Twas their ce and the ghal turne to yOU agayne. mimer of salutati- OosdgI on whsrbv thev B 7 And in the same house tary styl, eatyng wisshedheitheand and drynckyng such as they shal set before fell< me n . . _. - m~ - He would not Deut. 24. c. yOU . * for the laborer is worthy of his re- that they shulde mat. 10. b. 3 r-i _.__ ,. r. _. r. tary long in one l.tim.b.c. warde. Go not from c house to house. towne, neither yet 8 But into whatsoeuer citie ye shal en- •» be careful to . J _ change their lod- ter, if they receaue you, a eat such thyn- ging. ges as are set before you. r_t_l\_Tn___ihl 9 And heale the syck that are there, and m™t of them for say vnto them, The kyngdome of God is ueii™6 y°u come nye to you. 10 But into whatsoeuer citie ye shal en- Chap.Q.a. ter, if they wU not receaue you, go your mat. 10. a. wayes out into the stretes of the same, and act. 13. g. J §f. is. 6. say- 1 1 Euen the very dust, which cleaueth on vs of your citie, we wype of agaynst you: Notwythstandyng, marke this, that the kyngdome of God was come nye vpon you. 12 I say to you, that it shalbe easyer in that day for Sodome, then for that citie. Mat. 1 1 . c. 1 3 * Wo be to thee Chorazin : wo be to thee c Beth-saida, for if the miracles had bene done in Tyrus & Sidon, which haue*bene Chap. X. THE GOSPEL WRIT done in you, they had a great whyle ago ne repented, syttynsr " in sack cloth and as- "Which were ,),„ ° the signes of Bllc&' repentance. -The more be. 14 Therfore it shalbe easier for Tyrus e & nentes that God r,. , , . , ___ r bestoweth vpon bidon, at the iudgement, then for you. mo*reP6d0oPthe te 15 And thou Capernaum which art exal- ponishe their in- ted to heauen, shalt be thrust downe to gratitude. i i 1 6 * He that heareth you, heareth me : and Mat. 10. d. he that despiseth you, despiseth me: and iohn A3, e. he that despiseth me, despiseth him that sent me. 17 And the seuentie turned agayne with ioye, saying, Lord, euen the very deuyls are subdued to vs through thy name. ' The power of 18 And he sayd vnto them, I saw f Satan, Satan is beaten •. i i i t i . ,- n i downe by the pre- as lt had bene hghtenyng, faUe downe aching of the gos- from heauen. 19 Beholde, I geue vnto you power to treade on serpentes, and scorpions, and ouer aU maner power of the enemie, and nothyng shal hurt you. 20 Neuerthelesse, in this reioyce not, that the sprites are vnder your power : but ra ther reioyse, because your names are wryt ten in heauen. 21 That same houre reioysed lesus in " the " °rr in his sprite, & sayd, I confesse vnto thee Father, j)yn e" s He attributeth Lord of heauen and earth, that thou hast Mat. 11. d. ction of God that hyd these thynges from the ** wise and le- the wise knowe arned, and hast opened them to babes : not the gospel, and r . „ „. . yet the poore Euen so Father, because it so pleased thee, chnste is dSstanl it'6 ™" 22 All thynges are " geuen me of my Fa- ane to recea- moVeSeVm th<3r = and h n° mal1 kn0Weth ™ho the Son- Jes'by"? "*"" as the fathers voi- ne is, but the Father : nether who the Fa- "inwhomewe andtt'SS ther is, saue the " Sonne, and he to whome p6 6i0,deTym tomansjudgemet. the Sonne wyl shewe him. image. 23 And BY S. LVKE. 113 23 And he turned to his disciples, and Mat. 13. 5. sayd secretely, * Happy are the eyes, which see that ye see. 24 For I tel you that many Prophetes & kynges, haue desired to see those thinges which ye see, & haue not seene them : and to heare those thinges which ye heare, & p haue not heard them. Mat . 22. d. 25 * Then beholde a certayne expounder of mar. 12. e. the lawe stode vp, and tempted him, saying, Maister, what shal I do, to inherite eternal life ? 26 He sayd vnto hym, What is wrytten in the law ? how readest thou? Deut.6.b. 27 And he answered, & sayd, * Thou shalt loue thy Lord God, with all thy heart, and ft aU thy soule, & with aU thy strength, £eMt.l9.ii. and with ah thy thoght : * and thy neigh bour as thy self. 28 Then he sayd vnto hym, Thou hast ans wered ryght, this do, and thou shalte lyue. " Or, to ap- 29 But he wUlyng to " iustifie hym self, seifas iust. sayd vnto lesus, Who * is then my neygh- ' For they coun- i -, ted no man their D°UT . neighbour but 30 lesus taking his woord sayd, A certayn their friende. F ma descended from Ierusalem to lericho, and fel into the handes of theues, which robbed hym of his rayment, & wounded hym, and departed, leauing hym halfe dead.31 And by chance ther came downe a cer tayn k Priest that same way, and when he l He prieuely saw hym, he passed by on the other syd. Suewhicfw'L' 32 And lykewyse a Leuite, when he was among this peo- DIG £LD.d CnlCIClV come nie to the place, went and loked on the'gouuemours.' him, and passed by on the other syde. J ™*^ **at«"*" 33 Then a certaine ' Samaritan, as he lewes. p.i. Chap. X. THE GOSPEL WRIT iourneyed, came nye vnto hym, and when he sawe hym, he had compassion on hym. 34 And went to, and bound vp his woun- des, and powred in oyle and wyne, & put him on his owne beast, and broght hym to an ynne, and made prouision for him. 35 And on y morowe when he departed, - which was he toke out m two pence, and gaue them to about ix pence of , , , n **, . i m i sterling monye. the hoste, and sayd vnto hym, lake cure of hym, & whatsoeuer thou spendest mo re, when I come agayne, I wyl recompen- ce thee. 36 Which now of these thre thynkest thou, was neyghbour vnto hym that fel into the theues handes ? G 37 And he sayd, he that shewed mercy on » Heipe him that him. Then sayd lesus vnto hym, Go n and hathe nede of -, ., , , thee althogh thow do thou lykewyse. knowe him not. 38 n fortuned as they went, that he en tred into a certayn towne : and a certayn woman named Martha, receaued hym into Martha and her house. 39 And this woman had a syster called Marie, which also sate at lesus fete, and heard his preachyng. 40 And Martha was c5bred about much seruyng and stode and sayd, Master, doest thou not care that my syster hathe left me to minister alone ? bid her therfore, that she heipe me. 41 And lesus answered, & sayd vnto her, metethatXshui- Martha, Martha, thou carest, and art " trou " For shefor- wenftom so' ro? bled ab°Ut m&aJ thynges : dpal^Weh" fitabie0™50 thing 42 But one thing is nedeful, Marie hathe was to heare TouTdnoTaiwaye6 chosen the good parte, ° which shal not ° w°°r ' haueopportunitie. be taken away from her. BY S. LVKE. 114 THE XI. CHAPTER. He teacheth his disciples to pray. Driueth out a deuel. And rebuketh the blasphemous Phariseis. He preferreth the spiritual cousina ge. They require signes and tokens. He eateth with the Pharisei, and reproueth the hypocri- sie of the Phariseis, Scribes, and hypocrites. A A Nd so it was y as he was praying in -^a certayne place, when he ceased, one of his disciples sayd vnto hym, Master, teache vs to pray, as Iohn also taught his disciples. Mat.6. 5. 2 * And he sayd vnto them, when ye pray, say, Our Father which art in heaue, Halo wed be thy name, Thy kyngdome come, Let thy wyl be fulfyUed euen in earth, as it is in heauen. "Or.asrnuche 3 Our dayly bread geue vs " for y day. for this day. 4 And " forgeue vs our synnes: for euen "Or.pardone we forgeile euery man that is indebted to vs. And lead vs not into temptation : but dehuer vs from the Euyl. 5 Moreouer he sayd vnto them, a Yf any * By this simi- of you should haue a friend, & should go vs'U that.6 weight to hym at mydnyght, and say vnto hym, not t0 be discou- T-i.i, ii, J J raged if we obte- rriend lend me thre loaues. ine not inconti- •• or, in pas- 6 For a friend of myne is come " out of y w™!^andewhich wa?.by 'he way to me , and I haue nothyng to set be fore hym. B 7 And he within should answer, and say, Trouble me not, the dore is now shut, and my chyldren are with me in bed, I can not ryse and geue them to thee. 8 I say unto you, thogh he would not ary- se and geue hym, because he is his fri end : yet doubteles because of his imjpor- p.ii. Chap. XI. THE GOSPEL WRIT tunitie, he would ryse, and geue him as many as he neded. 9 *AndI say unto you, Aske, and it shalbe Mat.T.a. geuen you : Seke, and ye shal fynde : knoc- 2I • <*• ke, and it shalbe opened vnto you. joAm 14.5. 10 For euery one that asketh, receaueth: 16. c and he that seketh, fyndeth : and to hym iam- ' ¦ "¦ that knocketh, it shalbe opened. 1 1 * And if a sonne shal aske bread of any Mat. 7.d. of you that is a father, wyl he geue hym a 12- 6- stone ? Or if he aske fyshe, wyl he for a fy- she geue hym a serpent ? 12 Or if he aske an egge, wyl he offer him a scorpion ? 13 If ye then which are euyl, can geue good giftes vnto your chyldren, how mu che more shal your heauenly father geue "• The chiefest ¦> the holy Gost to them, that desire hym ? thing that we can i.n-ni i ic i desire of God, is 14 Ihen he cast out a deuyl, w was dom- hishoiy Spirit. me aildwhen the deuyl was gone out, the domme spake, and the people wondred. 15 But some of them sayd, He casteth out deuyls, through Beelzebul the chiefe of the deuyls. 16 And others tempted him, sekyng of hym a signe from heauen. 1 7 But he knewe their thoghtes, and sayd c vnto them, * Euery kyngdome deuided Mat. 12.5 agaynst it self is desolate, and a house de- mar-3-c- uided against it self faUeth. 18 So if Satan be deuided against him self : how shal his kyngdome endure ? Be cause ye say that I cast out deuyls through Beelzebul. 19 If I through Beelzebul cast out de- ' That is to say, uyls : by whom do your c chyldren cast your coniurers. them out ? Therefore shal they be your iudges. BY S. LVKE. 115 iudges. 20 But if I by the d finger of God cast out ** The finger of deuils, no doute the kingdome of God is g^SS lZ come vnto you. wer of God- And 21 When a stronge man armed, kepeth Father and the " The worde his " palaice, y thinges that he possesseth, g^° efosr*e $$ Setp„^- are in peace. gf'fiS^1 ' che before a 22 But when a stronger then he commeth lspac vp on hym at vnwares, and ouercommeth him : he taketh from him aU hys harnes wherin he trusted: and deuideth his spoi- les. 23 He that is not e with me, is agaynst me: e How much mo- and he that gathereth not with me, scat- that Stp™ tereth. warre against me, ~ eirt nri .11 •. . as Satan dothe ? D 24 When the vncleane sprite is gone out of a man, he walketh through drie places, sekyng f rest : and when he fyndeth none, ' T? thintent he sayeth, I wyl returne agayne vnto my worke according house whence I came out. ^^ malici01**' 25 And when he commeth, he fyndeth it swept and garnyshed. "Yfbyinfidell 26 Then"goethhe,andtakethtohym,*"se- g He meaneth tie we tourne j.i_ •_ ^1 1 • ,p an infinitie nom- backe from uen other sprites worse then mm self: ber. God, Satan and they entre in, and dwel there, * and power ouer the last state of that man, is worse then rlw he the first. had before. ; Heb. 6. a. 27 Audit came to passe as he spake these l.pet.2.d. thynges, a certayne woman of the compa- gnie, lyfted vp her voyce, and sayd vnto hym, Happy is the wombe that bare thee, h christe gaue and the pappes which thou haste sucked, for that she omit- 28 But he sayd, " Yea rather, happy are Peraisethwehicnhlt they y heare the worde of God, & kepe it. due vnto wm.that MatA2.c. 29 * When the people were gathered thic- happie tndeed^o ke together, he began to say, This is a "home he com- . .. j . ° J . 9 mumcateth him wicked generation : they seke a signe, and self by his worde. p. iii. Chap. XI. THE GOSPEL WRIT there shal no signe be geuen them, but the signe of * lonas the Prophet. /on. 2. a. 30 For as lonas was a signe to the Niniui- tes, so shal also the Sonne of man be to this nation. 31 * The Quene of y south shal ryse in iud- ^¦Kyn.io.a. gement, with the men of this generation, and condemne them : for she came from The Quene the end of the world, to heare the wyse- of the South- dome of Solomon : and beholde, a greater then Solomon is here. 32 The men of Niniue shal ryse in iudge- Niniue. ment wyth this generation, and shal con demne them : for they* returned to God, Iolm.3.b. at the preachyng of lonas : and beholde a greater then lonas is here. E 33 * No man lyghteth a candel, and putteh Chap. s. 5. it in a preuy place, nether vnder a bushel : matb- b- but on a candlestick, that they which co me in, may see the lyght. guyrld'Tad 34 * The lyght of the body is y » eye. Ther- Mat.6. _. the body. fore when thyne eye is k syngle, then is aU or vice! °" Sp° thy body ful of hght : but yf thyne eye be euU, then thy body is ful of darcknes. 35 Take hede therfore, whether the hght whych is in thee be darcknes. 36 Yf therfore aU thy body shalbe hght, hauing no part darcke : then shal al be ful of hght, euen as when a candel doeth lyght thee with the brightnes. 37 And as he spake, a certayn Pharisey be soght him to dyne with hym : and he went in, & sate downe to meat. 38 And when the Pharisei sawe that, he F marueyled that he had not fyrst wasshed before dyner. 39 And BY S. LVKE. 116 Mot. 23. c. 39 *And the Lord sayd to him, In deed ye mar. 7. a. Pharises make clene y out syde of y cup, and of the platter : hut the inwarde part is ful of your rauenyng, and wyckednes. 40 Ye fooles, dyd not he that made that ft is without, make that which is within also ? "Charitie is 41 Therfore, • geue almose of those thin- 'Christe here re- the perfectio 6. , . quireth two things of the lawe. ges which are within, and beholde, aU is first that we come i a._. „,... truely by our me- Clene to yOU. at & drincke, and 42 But wo be to you Pharises, for ye ti- next that we distri the the mynt and the rewe, and aU maner p0ore. "Or that herbes, and passe ouer " iudgement and y and right, loue of God. These oght ye to haue done, & m yet not to haue left y other vndone. m He wolde not Chap.20.g. 43 * Wo be to you Pharises : for ye loue lers6a comandemet Mat.23.a. the yppennost seates in the Synagoges, before aithmges mar. \2.d. rr , . _ J ° ° were accOplished : and gretings in the markets. but taught the to 44 Wo be to you Scribes & Pharises, hy- g^*^. pocrites : for ye are as graues which n ap- the inferior cere- . o _, _, _ ,, _t - monies which mo- pere not, & the men that walke ouer the ste quickly be abo- are not ware of them. Us«hwhosestincke Act. 15.5. 45 * Then answered one of y expounders and infection ap- of the law, & sayd vnto him, Master, thus p*"*""*****"'*"-*****!"*- saying, thou puttest vs to rebuke also. 46 The he sayd, Wo be to you also ye in terpreters of the law : for ye lade men w burthens greuous to be borne, and ye your selues touche not the burthens, with one of your fyngers. G 47 Wo be to you : ye buylde y sepulchres of y Prophetes, & your fathers kUled them. „ _ 48 "Truly ye beare witnes, and alow the ° You shewe your " They were , , . J J . , p ., i -n j . i_ selues as great hy- more curious dedes of your fathers : for they killed them, pocrites as were teSS^M and ye " huylde their sepulchres. ^£1'^? tofoiiowe 49 Therfore sayd the wysdome of God, I nourGodwheyou their doctri. ^ gend them proplietes and ApdBtles, dishonour him- p. iiii. Chap. XII. THE GOSPEL WRIT and of them they shal sley and " persecute. " or, cruelly- 50 That the blode of all Prophetes, shed from the beginning of the world, may be required of this generation. 51 Frd the bloud of * Abel, vnto y bloud Gen. 4./. of Zacharie, which perisshed betwene the ^¦chr-^A-h- aulter and the temple : verely I say vnto p Because they you it shalbe required of P this nation. were culpable of 52 *vVo be to you interpreters of the law: that their Ance- for ye haue " taken away the keye of know- " They hid & sters were. ledge> ye entred not m your selues, and ^rTZltrlT. them that came in, ye forbade. & true vnder 53 When he thus spake vnto them, the th™ script".. Scribes and Pharises began to wexe busy res- about hym, and to prouoke him ft diuers questions to talke. 54 Laying wayt for him, & sekyng to cat- che some thyng of his mouth, wherby they myght accuse hym. THE XII. CHAPTER. Christe commandeth to auoide hypocrisie. To confesse his name. Not to passe theyr vocation. Nor gyue them selues to couuetous care of this lyfe. But to rightuousnes, almose, watching, pa Hence, wisdome, and concord. "XrVhUes these thinges were in hande- a " ling, there gathered together an in- Mat. 16. a. numerable multitude of people, insomu- che y they trode one another, & he began to say vnto his disciples, Fyrst of all be ware of the leuen of the Pharises, which is hypocrisie. 2 *For there is nothyng couered, y must Mat. 10. 1. not be reueiled : nether hyd, that must not mar' be knowen. 3 Wherfore whatsoeuer ye haue spoken BY S, LVKE. 117 MatAO.c. in darcknes, that same shalbe heard in y lyght : and that whych ye haue spoken in the eare, euen in secret places, shalbe prea ched on the top of the houses. 4 * And I say vnto you my friendes, Be not afrayd of them that kyl the body, and after haue no more that they can do. B 5 But I wU shewe you before, whome ye shal feare. Feare hym which after he hath kyUed, hath power to cast into hel : Yea, I say vnto you, hym feare. 6 Are not fyue sparowes boght for a pe ny, and yet not one of them is forgotten of God? 7 Also euen the very heres of your hea- de are nombred. Feare not therfore: ye are more of value then many sparowes. 8*1 say vnto you, Whosoeuer shal con fesse me before men, euen him shal y So ne of man cofesse also before the Angels of God. 9 And he y shal denye me before me, shalbe denied before the Angels of God. 10 And whosoeuer shal speake a worde against the Sonne of man, it shalbe for geuen him: but vnto him that a shall bla- /Hethatshaire spheme the holy Gost, it shal not be for- worde^Godpour6 ireuen posly.&againsthis o t 1 1 * When they shal bryng you vnto the Synagoges, and vnto the rulers and of ficers, take no thoght how, or what thing ye shal answer, or what ye shal speake : 12 For the holy Gost shal teache you in y "Or moment, same " houre, what ye oght to say. 13 One of the compagnie sayd vnto him, Master, byd my brother deuide the inheri tance with me. • Chap. 9. d. mat. 10. d. mar. 8. d. 2 tim. 2. b. MatAO.e. mar. 13. b. conscience. Chap. XII. THE GOSPEL WRIT 14 And he sayd vnto him, Man, who ma de me " a iudge, or a deuider ouer you ? "Christechie- 1 5 Wherfore he sayd vnto the, Take hede be Lged¬ b Christ condem and beware of couetousenes : b For thogh a ^"5^^°' Hf fLriST8^ man abunde in riches, yet his life stiideth he wiiieth ofthericheworlde . ' J tne christias Hges, who as thogh not m his riches. to be iuges & ked7 ™d tatheit 16 And he put forth a simihtude vnto decide cot™ ~ p j, ., *", mt » _ p uersies betw- cotires andbames them, saying, The grounde of a certayn ixt their bre- licitie in their ryche man broght forth frutes pleteouslv. tbern.i.cor. ?°n0gd tk™dGCodga! 17 Therfore he thoght with hym self, say "or'coutrey. ue them nf andal ing, What shal I do, because I haue no ro- whenhe wii'.aWa'' ume, where to bestowe my frutes ? 1 8 And he sayd, This wU I do, I wyl de- C stroye my barnes, and buyld greater : and *^J, j, • therin wyl I gather all my frutes, and my goodes. 19 And I wyl say to my Soule, Soule, thou hast muche goodes layd vp in store for many yeres : lyue at ease, eat, drincke, take thy passe tyme. 20 But God sayd vnto hym, Thou foole, this night wyl they fetche away thy soule from thee : then whose shal those thinges be which thou hast prouided? 21 So is it with hym that gathereth riches to him self, and is not riche in * God. '• Tim. 6.d. 22 And he spake vnto his disciples, Ther- ^*° * 19* af fore I say vnto you, * Take no thoght for Mat. 6. c. your lyfe, what ye shal eat : nether for your 2- pflt 5" body, what ye shal put on. p 23 The lyfe is more then meat, and the bo dy is more then the rayment. = He exhorteth 24 c Considre y the rauens, nether sowe ouGo^&tosub! nor repe : ft nether haue store house nor mit our selues to barne, & yet God fedeth them : how muche his prouidence. J , , . , , more are ye better then fowles ? 25 Which of you with takyng thoght ca, D adde BY S. LVKE. 118 adde to his stature one cubit ? 26 If ye then be not able to do that thing which is least, why take ye thoght for the remnant ? Mat.6.u. 27 *d Cosidre the lilies how the grow: they « The liberaiitie are not wearyd with labour, nether spyn "eth^t^ they: and yet I say vnto you, that Solomon andflouressurmo- i . J in. n i - /. i teth all that man him self m all his royaltie, was not clo- ca do by his riches thed lyke one of these. or force" 28 If God so clothe the grasse ft is to day in the field, and to morow is cast into the ouen : how much more wyl he clothe you, 6 ye of lytle faith? 29 Therfore aske not what ye shal eat, or what ye shal drynke, nether let your myn des wander about these speculations, 30 For aU such thynges y heathen people of y worlde seke for : & your Father know eth that ye haue nede of these thinges. l.Pei.5.5. 31 *But rather seke ye after the kyngdo- " which are me of God, and " aU these thinges shalbe but accessor- . . . , ies, & are co- ministred vnto you. mon as wel to 32 Feare not lytle flocke : for it is your Fa- the wycked J , J , men as to the thers pleasure, to geue you a kyngdome. godly. gg gei that ye haue, and geue almes: and make you bagges, which wexe not olde, * a treasure that can neuer faUe in heauen, where no thefe commeth, nether moeth corrupteth. 34 For where your treasure is, there wyl your hartes be also. E 35 * Let your loynes be e gyrde about, and « Be in a readynes 1 Pet 1 /¦ 11^1 to execute the • your lyghtes burnyng. chardge which is 36 And ye your selues lyke vnto men that comittedvntoyou. wayt for their master, when he wyl retur ne from a weddyng : that assone as he com meth and knocketh, they may operfvnto Chap. XII. THE GOSPEL WRIT hym immediately. Happy are those ser uantes, which the Lord when he commeth shal fynde wakyng : verely I say vnto you, He wyl " gyrde him self about, & make the "Becausethey to syt downe to meat, & wU come forthe, gLmm'ts.'tne and minister vnto them. maner was to crvrcie or 38 And if he come in the seconde watche, troussethsvp and hkewyse in the thyrde watche, and a^ufanyTu shal fynde them so : happy are those ser- synes. uantes. 39 *This vnderstande, that if the good Mat.24.d. man of the house had knowen at what """*¦ '3. «• houre the thefe would haue come, he would surely haue watched, and would not haue suffered his house to be broken vp.40 Be ye prepared therfore, for the Sone of ma wyl come at an houre when ye thin ke not. 41 The Peter sayd vnto hym, Master, tel- lest thou this simUitude vnto vs, or to aU men ? 42 And the Lord sayd, Who is a fayth- ful steward, and wyse, whome the master shal make ruler ouer his houshould, to ge ue them their * duetie of meat at due sea- "The portion -j of seruants Son . euerymoneth 43 Happy is that seruant, whome his ma- ™ 4- J>ecks ster when he cometh, shal finde so doyng. Donat.wr'itth 44 Of a truth I say vnto you, that he wyl m phormi" make hym ruler ouer aU that he hath. f 45 But if that seruant say in his hart, My master sloweth his commyng, and so shal begyn to smyte the seruantes, and may- dens, and to eat, and dryncke, and to he droncken : 46 The master of that seruat wyl come in a day BY S. LVKE. 119 a day when he thinketh not, & at an houre whe he is not ware, and wyl separate hym, and geue hym his rewarde with the vnbe- leuers. 47 That seruant that knewe his masters wyl, & prepared not hym self, nether dyd accordyng to his wyl, shalbe beaten with many strypes 48 But he that knewe not, and yet dyd c5 " Therfore i- myt thinges " worthy of strypes, shalbe be- excSabie. m aten with fewe strypes. For vnto whome " To whome " muche is geuen, of him shalbe muche re ue0 many Ira lu^ed : and to whome men muche com- ces. mit, the more of hym wyl they aske. 49 I am come to put f fyre on the earth : & f The Gospel is what is my desire, if it be al 8 ready kynd- ^^ient led ? which maketh a "Hecopareth 50 Notwitstandyng I must be " baptized through0 all The baptisme. '° w a baptisme, and how am I grieued tyl it ""'wtherebegre be ended ? at troubles & al- Mat. 10. d. 51 * Suppose ye that I am come to geue ST" TP° 'h6 peace on earth ? I tel you nay, but rather debate. G 52 For from hence forth ther shalbe fy ue in one house deuided, thre agaynst two, and two agaynst thre, 53 The father shalbe deuided against the sonne, and the sonne against the father : the mother agaynst the daughter, and y daughter agaynst the mother : the mother in lawe agaynst the daughter in lawe, & the daughter in lawe, agaynst the mother in lawe. Mat. 16. a. 54 *Then sayd he to the people, When ye see a cloude ryse out of the west, strayght way ye say, A shower commeth and so it Chap. XIII. THE GOSPEL WRIT 55 And whe ye see the South wynde blow, ye say, We shal haue heat : and it commeth to passe. 56 Hypocrites, ye can skyl of the fasshyS of the earth, and of the skye : but what is the cause that ye can not skyl of this ty me? 57 Yea, and why iudge ye not of your sei ues what is right ? 58 * Whyle thou goest with thy conter- Mat. 5. d. partie to f ruler, as thou art in the way, geue dihgence y thou mayest be dehuered from him : least he bring thee to the iudge, and the iudge dehuer thee to the iayler, and he cast thee into prison. 59 I tel thee, thou shalt not departe the- ce, tyl thou hast made good the vtmost myte. THE XIII. CHAPTER. We oght not to condemne all to be wycked men which souffre. Christe exhorteth to repenta ce. He healeth the croked woman. Answereth to the master of the Synagoge. And by diuers similitudees deciareth what the kyngdome of God is. Also that the nomber of them which shal be saued is smale. finally he sheweth that no worldely policie or force ca let the wor - Hemurthered ke and consei 0t God them as they were sacrificing: and so rpHere were certayn men present at the a their blode was I ,, . i i i rt o r-< mingled with the ¦*- same season that shewed hym of yGa- whid6h0w'ehrebsac'r6S. "leans, whose bloud PUate a mengled ficed. with their owne sacrifice. toke occasion6"6- 2 And lesus answered, and sayd vnto reby to condemne them, Suppose ye that these Gahleans we them* as mo^tc wicked men. re b greater synners then all the other Gahleans BY S. LVKE. 120 Gahleans, because they suffred suche thinges ? 3 I tel you nay : but c except ye amende , ' He wnmeth i J i i n im • - i them rather to cr> your tyues, ye shal aU hkewise penshe. sider their owne 4 Or thinke you y those eightene vpon u8el^h*"°™|,ro "Whkhtowre whome the towre in"SUoam fel, and slewe the ryu^r si- them, were " synners aboue aU men y dwel loaortishepo m Ierusalem ? lem. "51 tel you nay : but except ye amede your " or' detters- lyues, ye all shal lykewise perishe. 6 He put forth also this similitude, A cer tayn man had a fygge tree planted in his vineyard : and he came and soght frute theron, and found none. 7 Then sayd he to the dresser of his vi- neyarde, Beholde, d this thre yeres haue I a By thissimiiitu come and soght frute of this fygge tree, great patiece that "We seoursta and fynde none : " cut it downe : why kepeth ^n™'to'°iokidg notf forth fra! & the ground baren ? for their amende- te- 8 And he answered, and sayd vnto him, auayMn'them™- Lord let it alone this yere also, tyl I dyg- thing when they , . . .*' i J J ° stil remain m the- ge round about it, and donge it ir corruption. 9 And if it beare frute, wel: if not, the after thou shalt cut it downe. 10 And he taught in one of their Synago ges on the Sabbath day. 1 1 And beholde there was a woman ft "WhomeSata had a." sprite of infirmitie eigthtene yeres, wtthadSease & was e bowed together, & could not lyfte * As they are ?ouetouPreinesf VP heTSelf ^ ^Y ^^ IrZX^' ' is that sprit 1 2 When lesus sawe her, he called her to a ma^coue- hym, & sayd to her, Woman thou art " lou tous. sgd from thy disease. or set at li- bert'ie out of 13 And he laid hys handes on her, & im- satasbandes. mediately she was strayght, and glorified God. G 14 And the ruler of the Synagogue an- Chap. XIII. THE GOSPEL WRIT swered with indignation because that Ie- s' had healed on the Sabbath day : & sayd vnto the people, There are syx dayes in ft men oght to worke : in them therfore co me and be healed, and not on the Sabbath day. 15 Then answered hym the Lord, and sayd, Hypocrite, doth not eiche one of you on the Sabbath day, louse his oxe or his asse from the staU, and lead him to the water ? 1 6 And oght not this daughter of Abra ha, whome Satan had bound, lo, eightene yeres, be loused from this bonde on the Sabbath day ? 17 And when he thus sayd, all his aduer saries were ashamed : but the people reio- ysed at aU the exceUent thinges, that we re done by hym. ' By these simili 1 8 * Then sayd he, What is the f kyngdo- D !h"e" me of God lyke? or wherto shal I compa- %££.* God augmenteth re it ? trarie to all mens 19 It is hke a graine of mustarde seed, ft opinions. a man ^rtjTjg g^d sowed in his garden : and it grewe, and waxed a great tree, and the fowles of the ayre made nestes in the bra- ches of it. 20 And agayne he sayd, Wher vnto shal I liken the kyngdome of God ? 21 It is lyke leuen, whicha woman toke, and hyd in thre busshels of floure, tyl all was through leuened. 22 * And he went through aU cities and Mat. 9. d. townes, teachyng, and iourneying towar- mar' °* des Ierusalem. 23 Then sayd one vnto hym, Lord are there fewe BY S. LVKE. 121 fewe that shalbe saued ? And he sayd vnto them, E 24 * ** Stryue to entre in at the strayte gate : « we must ende- Matlh.7.b. for many i say ^to you, wyl seke to en- ^cdlt's which ter in, and shal not be able. may '«' vs. 25 When the good man of the house is rysen vp, and hath shut to the dore, and ye begyn to stand without, and to knock at y dore, saying, Lord, Lord, open to vs : and he shal answer and say vnto you, I knowe not whence ye are, 26 h The shal ye begyn to say, We haue ea i> He wameth the ten and droncke with thee, and thou hast p^^fthemsli taught in our stretes. ues by their owne Matth. T.c. 27 * And he shal say, I tel you, I know not "aiuaSnich™ 25. d. whence ye are: departe fro me, aU ye wor ofrredvnto them. psal. 6. c. kers 0f iniquitie. 28 There shalbe wepyng and gnasshyng of teeth, when ye shal se Abraham & Isa ac, and lacob, and all the Prophetes in y kyngdome of God, & your selues thruste out at dores. " The people 29 Then shal come many from the 'East, & which then from the West, and from the North, and werestragers. ' .' from the South, and shal syt downe m the kyngdome of God. Mat. 19. d. 30 * And beholde, ' there are last, which > christe cutteth %f shalbe fyrst : & there are fyrst, which shal- l^JTiewes be last. "ho glorified in G 31 The same day there came certain of y chosen them for Pharises, and sayd vnto him, Get the out ^l^etheVtheen- of the way, and departe hence : for Hero- me ofthe Pharises J l i i ^T. who wolde haue de wyl kyl thee. put him in feare » Meaning a 32 Then he sayd vnto them, Go ye and tel of Herode, nor yet htle while. , . tiiiiti, _ j -i j anV policie of ma " By christs that loxe, Beholde 1 K cast out deuils, and colde stay him fro made Wpertt heale the people" to day, & to morowe, g^^** for euer. and the thyrd day " I shalbe perfited. him. q.i. whole policie. Chap.XIIII. THE GOSPEL WRIT 33 Neuerthelesse I must walke to daye, & to morow, & the day folowing : for it cha- ceth not, that a Prophete perishe out of le rusalem. 34 * O Ierusalem, Ierusalem, which kyl- Mat. 23. d. lest the Prophetes, and stonest them that are sent to thee, how often would I haue gathered thy chyldren together, as the he nne gathered her broode vnder her wyn- ges, and ye would not. 1 christe forwar- 35 ' Beholde your habitation is left vnto neth them of the i 1 . _ i i T *. 1 1 l destruction of the you desolate. And verely I tel you, ye shal temple & of their not se me vntyl the tyme come that ye shal whole nolicie. i • i i . , say, Blessed is he that commeth m the na chap. 19./. me ofthe Lord. psaliis.d. Mat. 23. il. THE XIIII. CHAPTER. lesus eateth with the Pharise. Healeth the dropsie vpon the Sabbath. Teacheth to be lowly Sf to by d- the poore to thy table. He telleth of the great supper, and warneth them that wyl fo iowe him to lay their accountes before, what it wil cost them. The salt of the earth. \ Nd it thus came to passe that when he ^ ¦^¦was entred in to the house of one of the chief Pharises on the Sabbath day, to take his refection, they watched hym. 2 And beholde, there was a certain man before hym, which had the dropsie. 3 Then lesus answering, spake vnto the expounders of y lawe, & Pharises, saying, Is it lawful to heale on the Sabbath day ? 4 And they held their peace. Then he to ke him, and healed him, and let him go. 5 And answered them, saying, Which of you shal haue an asse, or an oxe faUen into a pyt, & wyl not strayghtway pul him out on the by s. lvke. 122 on the Sabbath day ? 6 And they could not answer him agayn to those thinges. B 7 He put forth also a similitude to y gea- stes, whe he marked how they preased to y hyest rowmes, and sayd vnto them. 8 " When thou shalt he bydden to a wed- *_ He reproueth dyng of any man, syt not downe in y hyest thich d^re'tosit rowme, lest a more honorable man then in the hycst PIa- thou be bydden of him. 9 And he that bade both hym and thee, come and say to thee, Geue this man row me. & thou then begyn with shame to take the lowest rowme. Pro. 25. a. 10 *But rather when thou art bydden, go and syt in the lowest rowme, that when he that bade thee commeth, he may say vnto thee, Fried syt vp hyer : then shalt thou ha ue worshyp in the presence of them that syt at meat with thee. C 11 *For whosoeuer exalteth hym selfe, maT23Sa' shalbe broght lowe : and he that humbleth hym self, shalbe exalted. 1 2 The b sayd he also to hym y had desired b Christ reprehs Tob. 4. b. him to dyner, * When thou makest a diner fe6ctio of mlwhich pro. 3. 5. or a SUpper, call not thy fryendes, nor thy regardeth nothing , , _cr ' ,,-'•' J but a worldely re- brethre, nether thy kynseme, or yet ryche compence. neyghbours : lest they also byd thee agayn, and a recompence be made thee. 13 But when thou makest a feast, call the poore, the maymed, y lame, & the blynd. 14 And thou shalt be happy, for they ca not recompence thee. But thou shalt be re compensed at the resurrection of the iust men. Matt. 22. a. 15 * When one of them that sate at meate reue. 19. 5. also heard that, he sayd vnto hym, Happy q. ii. Chap.XIIII. THE GOSPEL WRIT is he that eateth bread in the kyngdome of God. ' He casteth the 16 Then sayd he to him, c A certain man lewes in the teeth j , J -. -, . with their ingrati- ordeyned a great supper, and bade many. nofekrSfCthoWseh„6 17 ^ sent his seruant at supper tyme, D ly meates of Gods to say to them that were bydde, Come, for worde which was „n .i - i preseted vnto the, aU thmges are now ready. & wher vnto they 18 But they aU with one mynde began to were byd a longe , ' -. , , j ?• t tyme before. make excuse, The fyrst sayd vnto him, 1 haue boght a ferme, and I must nedes go and se it : I pray thee haue me excu sed. 1 9 And another sayd, I haue boght fyue yoke of oxen, and I go to proue them : I pray thee haue me excused. 20 And another sayd, I haue maryed a wyfe, and therfore I can not come. 2l So the seruant returned, and broght his Master worde therof. Then was the E good man of the house displeased, & sayd to his seruant, " Go out quickly into y pla "Hereissigni ces and stretes of the citie, and bryng in fm* th0^ ^ hyther the poore, and the maymed, and y Gentils. halt, and the blynde. 22 And the seruant sayd, Lord it is done as thou hast comanded, and yet there is rowme. 23 Then the master sayd to the seruant, i God wii rather Go out into the d hye wayes and hedges, seal peo aieof6thae and c5pelthemto come in, that my house worlde to his ban- may be fitted. Se'vnSfuLCh 24 For I say vnto you, that none of those men which were bydden, shal tast of my c That is he that "" casteth not of all 25 There went a great compagnye ft him : wwchi0ndrtweirvs and he taraed and sayd vnto them. from christe. 26 If a man come to me, and e hate not his father BY S. LVKE. 123 father, and mother, and wyfe, and chyl dren, and brethren, and systers, yea, and his own lyfe also, he can not be my disci ple. F 27 *And whosoeuer beareth not his crosse, matP 10 'd ^ cometh after me, ca not be my disciple. 16. d. ' ' 28 Which of you disposed to buylde a mar. a d. towre, sytteth not downe before, & f coun 'He that wii pro teth the cost, whether he haue sufficient ^ aiigeti?"?.. to perfourme it ? siderwhathispro- 29 Least after he hath layd the founda- no^rashSy'totake tion, and is not able to perfourme it, all f m.had s.° **reat an i i i i • i ¦ ii- enterprise. beholde it, begin to mocke him. 30 Saying, This man began to buylde, and was not able to make an end. 31 Or what kyng goyng to make battay- le agaynst another kyng, sytteth not down fyrst, & taketh consel, whether he be able, with ten thousand, to mete hym that com meth agaynst him with twentie thou sand? G 32 Or els whyle he is yet a great way of, he sendeth ambassadours, and desireth peace. 33 So lykewyse, whosoeuer he be of you, that ** forsaketh not aU that he hath, he ca s He that is not not be my disciple. SfiT^houre Matih.b.b. 34 * Salt is good, h but if salt haue loste tobestoweWmseif mar. 9. g. hys sauor, wherwith shal it be seasoned ? seruiceT m 35 It is nether mete for the land, nor yet . ", ,If the** that . J shulde season o- for the donge hyl, but men cast it out at thers haue lost it the dores. He that hath eares to heare, let Sfaml'rlcm. him heare. uer it? THE XV. CHAPTER. The louing mercie of God, is openly settfor the in the parable of the hundreth shepe, and of q. iii. T1 Chap. XV. THE GOSPEL WRIT the sonne that was lost. By whose examples we are admonished to amende our lyues. . A Hen resorted vnto him all the pubh- The synners cans, and synners, for to heare him. heare christ" 2 And the Pharises and Scribes murmu red, saying, He receaueth synners, and ea teth with them. 3 Then put he forth this simihtude to them, saying, 4 * What ma of you hauing an hundred Afai!.18.5. shepe, if he loose one of them, doth not le aue ninety and nyne in the wyldernesse, and go after that which is lost, vntyl he fynde it ? 5 And when he hath founde it, he put- teth it on his shoulders with ioye. 6 And assone as he cometh home, he cal leth together his friendes & neyghbours, b saying vnto them, Reioyse with me, for I haue found my shepe, which was lost. 7 I say vnto you, That hkewyse ioye shal be in heauen ouer one sinner that conuer- ¦ which iustifie teth, more then ouer nynety and nyne a iust knoweBenof "thei? persons, which nede no amedemet of lyfe. ownfautes. 8 Ether what woman hauyng ten pie ces of syluer, if she loose one, doth not hght a candel, and swepe the house, and seke diligently tyl she fynd it ? 9 And whe she hath found it, she calleth her friendes, and neyghbours, saying, Re- draclmirhkh % ™y™ with me, for I haue found the b pie- some what more ce which I had lost. in value then fy- i /-» t -l t • l ue pence of olde 10 .Likewyse 1 say vnto you, ioye is made w^'eqlaTwu-h a in the P^nce of y Angels of God, ouer Romain peny. one synner that conuerteth. 11 And by s. lvke. 124 1 1 And he sayd, A certain man had two sonnes. C 12 And the yonger of them sayd to his fa ther, Father geue me the portion of the goodes that falleth to me. And he deui ded vnto them his substance. 13 So not longe after, when the yonger sonne had gathered all that he had toge ther, he toke his iorney into a farre coun trey, and there he wasted his goodes with c ryotous liuyng. ¦ Th* Greke wor- 14 Now when he had spent aU y he had, w^teaiithata'm^ arose a great dearth throughout aU that JXm6s'eifn°'hing same land, and he began to lacke. 15 And he went and claue to a citesin of that same countrey : and he sent him to his farme, to feede swyne. 1 6 And he would faine haue fyUed his beUy with the huskes that the swyne ate : "For no man " and no man gaue to him. hhn pl"6 Tp° 1 7 Then he came to him self, and sayd, D How many hyred seruantes at my fathers haue bread ynough, and I dye for hunger ? 18 1 wU arise & go to my father & I wU say vnto him, Father, I haue sinned agamst " Tbat Gd "heauen, and before thee. ' 19 And am no more worthy to be caUed Amendement thy sonne, make me as one of thy hired ser oflyfe- uantes. 20 The he arose and came to his father. & whe he was yet ad great way of, bis father d„G°d preusteth .. ii? . i ovs& heareth our sawe him, and had compassion, and ran & groningsbeforewe fel on his necke, and kissed him. cne t0 hlm- 21 And the sonne sayd vnto him, • Father, -&£%5*$ I haue sinned against heauen, and in thy hissynne&therfo- i . r> ° .i . i ii i re was a shamed syght, & am no more worthy to be called therof & heauy in thy sonne. hart- q iiii. Chap. XV. the gospel writ 22 But the father sayd to his seruantes, Bryng forth that best garment, and put it e on hym, and put a ryng on his hand, and shoes on hys feete. 23 And bryng hyther that fat calf, & kyl hym, and let vs eat, and be mery : 24 For this my sonne was dead, & is alyue agayne : he was lost, & is found. And they began to be mery. ' Godreproueth 25 The f elder brother was in the field, & the cnuie of suche , . . _ _ _, , as grudge when when he came and drewe nye to the hou- God receaueth syn se he heard minstrelsy, and dancyng. ners to mercie. ' / * i 26 And caUed one of the seruantes, and asked what those thinges meant. 27 And he sayd vnto hym, Thy brother is f come : and thy father hath kylled the fat ted calfe, because he hath receaued him sa fe and sound. 28 Then he was angry, and would not go in : then came his father out and entrea ted hym, 29 But he answered & sayd to his father, Lo these many yeres haue I done thee ser- uice, nether brake I at any tyme thy com mandement, and yet gauest thou me ne uer so muche as a kid to make mery ft my friendes. b Thy part, which 30 But assone as this thy sonne was come, thing 'aTminlrd ^hich hath deuoured thy goodes ft har- by that that lottes, thou hast for his pleasure kyUed Christe was also ,. r , ,r killed for the G5- the tat Calfe. ti(ls;i.fort^e acce" 31 And he sayd vnto him, s Sonne, thou ptoth not the perso J ue, butfeedethin art euer w me, & aU that I haue is thyne. thatrbeiiueain'hi! It was mete that we should make mery, with his body and and he glad: for this thy brother was de- bloode to lyfe e-JO-i J . rt ¦ ,. i ueriasting. ad, & is alyue agayne : & was lost & is foud. THE BY S. LVKE. 125 THE XVI. CHAPTER. Christe exhorteth his to wisdome and libe raiitie. He reproueth the couetousnes and hypo- crisie of the Pharises. Of thend and force of the law. Of the holy state of mariadge, and how we oght to be liberal to the needy. A A Nd he sayd also vnto his disciples, -f*a There was a certain riche man, ft > christe tea- had a stewarde, and he was accused vnto &«*«"«' "he him, that he wasted his goodes. which is in autori- 2 And he caUed hym, and said vnto him, get friendes in his How is it, that I heare this of thee ? Geue prosperitie.maybe ' relieued in his ad- acountes of thy stewardeshyp : for thou uersitie: soourii mayst be no longer stewarde. o^ne'ignbourl" 3 The stewarde sayd within him self, What sha" stand* vs in suche stGadsat the shal I do, for my master wyl take away fro day of iudgement me the stewardeshyp ? I cannotdygge, & %*g*£L%. to begge I am ashamed. to him. 4 I wot what to do, that when I am put out of the stewardshyp they may receaue B me into their houses. 5 Then called he all his masters detters, and sayd vnto the fyrst, How muche owest thow vnto my master ? 6 And he sayd, An hudred mesures of oy le. and he sayd to him, Take thy obligatio, and syt downe quickly, and wryte fyfty. 7 Then sayd he to another, How muche owest thou ? and he sayd, An hundred me sures of wheat, then he sayd to him, Take . b God' "ho d°'h . J here represent the thyne obhgation and wryte foure score, master of the hou- 8 And the Lord commended b the vniust "ito&epre^aj* stewarde, because he had done wysely. J? aste l,fhhiI*hE0°: Wherfore the chyldre of this worlde are gyu'ing ofthe same in their kynde wyser then the chyldren of SfS2SS%£_% light. * horeding of them. Chap. XVI. THE GOSPEL WRIT 9 And I say vnto you, Make you friendes ' Hereby we be c with y riches of iniquitie, that when ye riches whiSflor shal departe, they may receaue you into the moste part are euerlasting habitations. their possessors of 10 * He that is faithful in the least, y same C great wickednes. is fofthfui m muche : and he that is vnfaith- Mat- 25- b ¦ ful in the least, is vnfaithful also in muche. 1 1 So then, yf ye haue not bene faithful "They which ca in d the wicked riches, who wU trust you not wel bestowe . ., . ¦ o wordely goodes in the true treasure f Tp'u-it'uaiTeal'u. 12 Ajai tf Je haue not bene faithful in res. " another mans busines, who shal geue you " As are ri- that which is your " owne ? __Vi___\Z. 1 3 * No seruant can serue two masters, for ees. ether he shal hate the one, and loue the ieth the Cgif- other : or els he shal leane to the one, and tes ^^ he despise the other, Ye can not serue God & vs, ours. riches. Mat.6.d. 14 AU these thinges heard the Pharises jj also which were couetous, and they " moc- "Becausethey ked him. i^ei *?° ma 15 Then he sayd vnto them, Ye are they those that we- ' which loue out which e iustifie your selues before me : but re nche" rnTvain^gmrie?' God knoweth your heartes : for that ft is highly estemed amog men, is abominable in the syght of God. 16 * The lawe and the Prophetes raigned ilfo«.ll.5. vntil Iohn : and synce that tyme the kyng dome of God is preached, and euery man stryueth to go in. 1 7 * Easier it is for heauen & earth to pas- Mat. 5. c. se away, then one title of the lawe to faU. 19- b' 18 * Whosoeuer forsaketh his wife, & ma- esai. 11. a. rieth another, committeth aduoutry : and ^•Cor.T.b. whosoeuer marieth her that is diuorced fr5 her housbad, comitteth aduoutry also. 19 There BY S. LVKE. 126 19 There was a 'certayne ryche man, ft 'By this storie l.ii- ijjl 1 q is declared what was clothed m purple and fyne lynnen, & pUnishement they Ezech.l6.f. fared * dehciously euery day. ?hal haVe.- which A1 , J J J , lyue dehciously & 20 Also there was a certayn begger na- neglect the poore. med Lazarus, which lay at his gate ful of sores. 21 And desired to be refreshed with the s as the fathers crommes which fel from the ryche mans r" 'saydloTe6 vgt borde. yea, the dogges came and lycked thered into the i • bosome of Abra- niS SOreS. ham, because they F 22 And it was so that the begger dyed, & receaued the fruit - i i .i a n •_ ™ ai of the same faith was caried by the AngeUes into sAbra- with him: so in the " whereby hams*"bosome. The riche man also dyed SPt™!?^™™ is signified , , J say tnat tne mem- that moste Was buryed. bers of Christe are wMcrfttay 23 And heyng in heU in tormentes, he ad^r^'ered^ that dye in lyft vp his eyes, and sawe Abraham a far- t0 nim- Abraham dyd re of, and Lazarus in his bosome. shal enioye 24 And he cried, and sayd, Father Abra- * ?J?X_"E after this , . •" 0 , sonne, he taunteth worlde. ham, haue mercie on me, & send Lazarus his vayne boasting that he may dyp the typ of his fynger in t^htaseWeto™" water, andcoole my tongue : for I am tor- the sonne of Abra- J D ham. Warning vs mented m this flame. also here by how 25 But Abraham sayd, h Sonne, remember 1tite1sea^°™us tu that thou in thy lyfe tyme, receauedst thy pleasure, and contrarywyse Lazarus pay- i christe descri_ ne : now therfore is he comforted, & thou beth spiritual , • i i thinges by suche art pumsneu. maner of speache G 26 Besydes all this, betwene you and vs asismostepropre , . J „ - - J , ,to our vnderstan- ¦• or, swaiio- there is a great gulfe set, so that they ding, fou our sou- wmB plt" which would go from hence to you, can }fnsgehr:unor'lee*e6s,: not, nether may come from thence, to nether are they thirsty or speake : VS. but the Lord, as 27 Then he sayd, I ' pray thee therfore pa^tethfortMhe father, send hym to my fathers house. state of the lyfe to 28 For I haue fyue brethren, that he may ™Z'?a°MeV.o warne them, least they also come into comprehende it. Chap. XVII. THE GOSPEL WRIT this place of torment. 29 Abraham sayd vnto hym, They haue Moses and the Prophetes, let them heare them. 30 And he sayd "Nay Father Abraham : "As faith co- but if one came vnto them from the dead, "orfe^sMsIt they wU COnuert to God. maynteyned 31 Then he sayd vnto him, If they heare so 'thaT n"e6. not Moses and the Prophetes, nether wyl *he"j "» °*fht they beleue, thogh one ryse from death Angels from ntrmrnp heauen or the agayne. dcad t0 con. firme vs the rin, but onely THE XVII. CHAPTER. the woord of Christe teacheth hys disciples to auoyde oc- 0°d ¦"" su*fi- casions of offence. One to forgeue an other. He euTrlasUDg* magnifieth the vertue of faith. And sheweth the vnhabilitie of man. Healeth ten lepers. Spe aketh of the latter dayes, and of the end of the worlde.T"iHen sayd he to his disciples, * It can Mat. 18. a. -*-notbe auoyded but that offences wyl mar. 9./. come, but wo be to hym through whome they come. 2 It were better for him y a great myl- stone were hanged about his necke, and that he were cast into the sea, then that he * Th?' h k° snouml a offende one of these htle ones. from the knollage 3 Take hede to your selues : If thy brother sanation "nd h'S trespace agaynst thee, rebuke hym : and if he be sory and amende, forgeue hym. tymJsha'for byl 4 * And th°Sh he synne agaynst thee b se- Mat. 18. e. certeyn nomber uen tymes in a day, and seuen tymes in a '<""'¦ 19,c- he meaneth an vn- An*- t.n,.^.~ 4. 4-1. • ta eccle. 9.5. certayn. Qa7 tourne agayne to thee, saying, It re- penteth me, thou shalt forgeue him. 3 And the Apostles sayd vnto the Lord, Increase our fayth. 6 And BY S. LVKE. 127 tncThh'adS n? 6 ^^ th6 L°rd Sayd' If ye ***"ad ^^ " aS uer so litle muche as is a grayne of mustard seede, & Derf u t6f ^3? shulde say vnto this mulbery tre, c pluc- ' Meaning, they ' ke thy selfe vp by the rootes, and plante ti^Z^ui B thy self in the sea, it should obey you. thinges. 7 Who is it of you that hauing a seruant plowyng or feding cattel, would say vnto hym by and by when he were come from the field, Go, and syt downe to meat ? 8 And would not rather say to hym, d d Hereby is de- dresse wherwith I may suppe, and gyrde not ynough to do a vp thy self, and serue me, tyl I haue eaten ^7 tymelbMll and droncken, and afterward eat thou, & so we must conty. drincke thou? newetothend. 9 Doth he thanke that seruant, because he dyd that which was commanded vnto him ? I trowe not. 10 So likewise ye, when ye haue done all those thinges which are commanded you, C say, We are e vnproffitable seruantes : « For God rece- We haue done that which was our duety ™ethwS°^ns ,°f to do. should stande bon- 1 1 And so it was when he went to leru- de ™t0 us" salem, that he passed through the myd des of Samaria and Gahle. 12 And as he entred into a certayne tow ne, there met him ten men that were le pers, which stode a farre of. 13 And put forth theyr voyces and sayd, lesus Master, haue mercie on vs. 14 And when he sawe them, he sayd vnto Leui .14. a. them,* Go shewe your selues vnto the f ' T° whome it Priestes. And it chased that as they went, iudge of the Le- they were clensed. S^-J&'lS D 15 Then one of them, when he saw that thePriestes shulde he was clensed turned backe agayne„and t0 grudge or mur- with a loude voyce pray sed God. mure- Chap. XVII. THE GOSPEL WRIT 1 6 And fel downe on hys face at his fete, and gaue him thankes, and the same was a Samaritane. 1 7 And lesus answered and sayd, Are the- eHenotethhere re not ten clensed ? but where are those ** by their ingratitu- „ j de,& that the grea- nyne r test part neglect 18 There are not found y returned agay- the benefites of _-. -, , ., . God. ne, to geue God prayse, saue only this stranger. 19 And he sayd vnto him, Aryse, go thy way, thy fayth hath made thee whole. 20 When he was demanded of the Pha- E riseis, when the kingdome of God should come, he answered them, and sayd, The h it can not be kingdome of God commeth not h with decerned by any nhspniafinn outwarde shewe or ODSeruauon. maiestie, wherby 21 Nether, shal men say, Lo here, lo there. it might the rather i-. 1111.1 i • i r r-, i • ,,; be knowen. J*0T behold the kingdome Ot God IS 'Wl- "Or.amonge i Ether by rea-thi^ you. son of the worde jv*. of God which is re- 22 And he said vnto the disciples, The thatthe7 Messlas dayes wU come, when ye shal desire to se whome they soght " one of the dayes of the Sonne of man, & "He speaketh as absent is now , , -: of his first present,euewithin ye Shal HOt se lt. comming in- *6dVt™eyd°kno: 23 * And they shal say to you, Sehere, or *£%*£ we him not. iohn. Se there. Go not thither, nether folow mar. 13. c. them. 24 For as the hghtening that appeareth out of the one part that is vnder heauen, and shineth vnto the other part which is vnder heauen : So shal the Sonne of man be in his " day. "Meaning his 25 But fyrst must he suffre many thynges, ^°dXrin~ and be reproued of this nation. he shal appe- k Men contem- 26 * And as it happened in the dayes of k *|Jem''lorle- nofooi^h!Z2 Noe, so shal it be in the dayes ofthe Son- Ge».7.5. they were before ne of man. mai.24.d. 27 They ate, they drancke, they maried 'pe ' wyues, BY S. LVKE. 128 wyues, and gaue in mariage, euen vnto that same day that Noe went into y Arke : and the floud came, and destroied them ah. Gen. 19. e. 28 * Lykewyse also, as it chansed in the dayes of Lot. They ate, they drancke, they boght, they solde, they planted, they buylt. 29 And euen the same day that Lot went out of Sodom, itrayned fyre and brym- stone from heauen, & destroyed them all. 30 After these ensamples, shal it be in the day when the Sonne of man shal ap peare. G 31 At that day he that is on the ' house ' We must for- top, and his stAuTe in the house, let him haue leftbehynde not come doune to take it out : and he **s t0 th(*ind "*at . we may the better that is m the field, likewise let ham not foiowe our heauc- turne backe to that he lefte behynde. ly vocation" Gen. 19. e. 32 * Remember Lottes wyfe. ifi"Ii'9'C' ^3 * Whosoeuer wyl go about to saue his mat. 10. d. soule, shal lose it : and whosoeuer shal lose mar. 8. d. it, " shal restore it to life. » This'co'rp;. 34 * ! tel vou> m that nyght, there shalbe rai death shal two in one bed, the one shalbe receaued, eiilriastmg.6 and the other shalbe forsaken. Mat. 24. d. 35 Two women shalbe m grindyng toge- m He meaneth l.thessA.d. ., ., i_ ii _ . j _i~ _? that no hande or ther : the one shalbe taken, and the other conionction he so lpA- strayt that shul- de stay us. 36 And they answered, and sayd to hym, Mat. 24. o. Where Lorde ? And he sayd vnto them,*11 hjn^0ttnin|ajtahn Whersoeuer the body shalbe, thither wyl m to be ioyned t ,i -n, i . to their head Ie- also the Egles resorte. sus christe. For they shal gather vnto him as the rauening byrdes THE XVIII. CHAPTER. about a carian. By thexample of the wydowe, and the* Pu blican, Christe teacheth how to pray. Of the Chap. XVIII. THE GOSPEL WRIT saluation of yonge chyldren. Of the way to be saued, and what thinges let. The rewarde pro- messed to his. And of the Crosse. A1 Nd he put forth a simihtude also Rom. 12.5. vnto them, lo this end that they oght 1 •"¦«**• ¦»¦<¦• » The greke alwayes to pray, and not to a wax feinte. Z^shSt'c- 2 Saying, There was a Iudge in a certain ke as cowards do citie, which feared not God, nether reue- in warre, or to gy- , ue place in afficti- renced man. ons or dangers. 3 ^nd t]jere was a certain widow in the Chap. 3. c. . . same citie, which came vnto him, say ing, " Do me iustice against myne ' aduer- •• or, Auenge Sane- ,,,1- " Who play- 4 And he would not for a longe tyme : but deth against afterwarde he sayd with hym self, Thogh me I feare not God, nor reuerence man, 5 Yet because thys widowe troubletb me, I wU do her right, lest at the last she come and make me weary with her impor- tunitie. 6 And the Lord sayd, Heare what thevn- b ryghteous Iudge sayeth. 7 And shal not God auenge his electe, whych * cry day and night vnto him, yea Reuel.6.c. thogh he * deferre them ? » And seme 8 * I tel you he wil auenge them, and that ^ngVelr quickly. Neuerthelesse, when the Sonne wronges. of man cometh, suppose ye that he shal * ™* g"ej fynde fayth on the earth ? 9 And he put forth this simihtude vn to certayn whych trusted in them selues that they were perfect, and despised other. 10 Two men went vp into the temple to pray : the one a Pharisei, and the other a Publican. 11 The BY S. LVKE. 129 1 1 The Pharisei b stode and praied thus ¦> whereby he Men which with him self, God, I thanke thee that df 'haarred anT'dis'. o™ 'rightu'- 1 am no* as other men are, extorsioners, daynfui. ousnes. vniust, aduouterers, or as this Publi- C can. 12 1 fast twyse in the weke : I geue tythe of aU that I possesse. Humilitie. 1 3 And the Publican was a farre of, and wolde not lyft vp so muche as c his eyes to ° These were heauen, but smote his brest, saying, God bi?andio™yhar"t be mercyful to me a synner. 14 I tel you, this man departed home to hys house iustified, rather then the other : Chap. 14. c. * for euery man that exalteth hym self, mat. 23. a. ghalbe broght low : and he that humbleth him self, shalbe exalted. Mat. 19. 5. 15 * They broght vnto him also d babes, a The woorde mar. 10. 5. «, he smiMe touche tliern. When his disci- Synf babes pies saw that, they rebuked them. which they caryed "Hemeanetnl6 But lesus called the " chUdren vnto or°themUthat him, and sayd, Suffre babes to come vnto bare the ba- me, and forbid them not, for of c suche • He compre- bes, whom ... , t ~ A hendeth as wel thapostles re- is the kyngdome ot Crod. them that are in. buked. j-, Verely I say vnto you, whosoeuer re- fa*"ts °f age, as ^ ,i , ,i i i c r-, j f them also which D ceaueth not the kyngdome ot (jod as r a are like vnto in- babe, he shal not enter therin. ^^£^ Mat. 19. 5. 18 * Then a certayn ruler asked hym, say- ' signifiing that mar. 10. 5. j^ QoocJ maister, what Oght I to do, to \y^e "^'"malice obtayn eternal lyfe ? and p1"?*1- 19 lesus sayd vnto him, Why caUest thou me g good? None is good, saue one to wut « Because com- g-, , monly they abu- (jrOd. sed this worde, le- 20 Thou knowest the commandementes, ^atSh™ouidhnS Exod. 20. c. * commit not aduoutry, kil not, steale not, confesse him to be beare not false witnes, honour thy father |°° Icknoiiied and thy mother. • *J» he was of 21 And he sayd, All these haue I kept Chap. XVIII. THE GOSPEL WRIT from my youth. 22 When lesus heard that, he sayd vnto him, Yet lackest thou one thing : Sei aU that thou hast, & distribute vnto the poo re, and thou shalt haue treasure in heaue, and come, foiowe me. 23 Whe he heard that, he was very heuy : E for he was maruelous ryche. 24 When lesus sawe him morne, he sayd, With what difficultie shal they that ha ue ryches, entre into the kyngdome of God?25 It is easyer for a camel to go through a nedles eye : then for a ryche man to entre into the kyngdome of God. 26 Then sayd they that heard that, And who then can be saued. Our sainatio 27 And he said, Thynges which are vn- °^odcometh possible with men, are possible with God. 28 * Then Peter sayd, Lo, we haue left all, Mat. 19. d. and haue folowed thee. Man 10* c" 29 And he sayd vnto them, Verely, I say F vnto you, ther is no man that leaueth hou se, other father & mother, other brethre, or wyfe, or chyldren for the kyngdome of Gods sake, » The litle that 30 Which shal not receaue h muche more gracehoafGTd'i'an in thys worlde, and in the worlde to come hundredfoide bet- lyfe euerlastyng. ter then all thahu- dance that one can 3 1 * Then lesus toke vnto hym the twelue, Mat. 20. 5. burtht'chief ""co and sayd vn*0 them, Beholde, we go vp to Mar- 10- <"¦ pence is in heaue. Ierusalem, and aU thinges shalbe fulfyl- led to the Sonne of man, that are wrytten by the Prophetes. 32 For he shalbe deliuered vnto the GentUs, and shalbe mocked, and shalbe spite fuUy BY S. LVKE. 130 spyte fuUy entreated, and shaU be spit ted on. christe fore 33 And when they haue scourged him, o^n^death? theywyl put him to deathe : but the thyrd day, he shal ryse agayne. 34 But they vnderstode none of these thinges : and this saying was hid from the, nether perceaued they the thinges which were spoken. G 35 *And it came to passe, that as he was co Mat. 20. d. me nyg vnto lericho, a certain blynde ma " 9' sate by the way syde beggyng. 36 Then when he heard the people passe by, he asked what it meant. 37 And they sayd vnto hym, that lesus of Nazaret passed by. 38 Then he cryed saying, lesus the Sonne of Dauid, haue thou mercie on me. 39 And they which went before, rebuked hym, that he should holde hys peace : But he cryed so muche the more, Thou Sonne of Dauid, haue mercie on me. 40 And lesus stode styU, and comanded hym to be broght vnto hym : and when he was come neare, he asked hym, 41 Saying, What wylt thou that I do vn to thee ? And he said, Lord that I may re ceaue my syght. a Wynde ma 42 And lesus sayd vnto hym, Receaue thy receaueth gyght . thy fayth hath gaued thee 43 Then immediately he receaued his syght, and folowed him, ' praysing God. & i He was myn. all the people, when they sawe this, gaue jg^S.iX. praise to God. so the people were r moued therby to glorifie God. THE XIX. CHAPTER. Of Zaccheus. The ten talentes. Christ rideth r.ii. Chap. XIX. THE GOSPEL WRIT to Ierusalem, and wepeth ouer it. He chaceth out the marchants. And his ennemys seke to destroy him. ~\ TVhen lesus entred & passed through A * lericho : 2 Beholde there was a man named Zac- cheus, which was the chief receauer of the tribute, and he was riche. 3 This man made meanes to se lesus, who he should be, and could not for the prea se, because he was of a lowe stature. 4 Wherfore he ran before, and clymed vp into a wUde fygge tre, to se hym : for he shulde come that way. 5 And when lesus came to the place, he loked vp, & sawe hym, & sayd vnto him, Zacche, come downe at once, for to day I must abide at thy house. 6 Then he came downe hastely, and re ceaued him ioyfully. 7 And when all they sawe y, they grud ged, saying, that he was gone in to lodge with a " synner. "Or.amanof 8 And Zacche stode forthe & sayd vnto ^<*e™{°- the Lord, Beholde Lord, the halfe of my goodes I * geue to the poore, and if I haue Exod. 22. d. taken from any man by forged cauiUati- on, I restore hym foure folde. » To be the 9 And lesus sayd to hym, This day is is to be chosen fre' saluation come vnto this" house, forasmu- " Not with- waike°in the step- che as thou aLs0 art hecome the a sonne of $£___% God pes of the faith of Abraham. *"?seru'j* *" rtroahdo"hew?or' 10 *For the Sonne of man is come to seke, mZ lota" 8 ^vX ^ t0 "^ ^ WLich W&S l0St* ^""as ta which thingeB we 1 1 As they heard these thynges, he COn- Abrahams are house. of iife0e'ueKing fynewed and proposed a simihtude, be- Mat.'lS.d. Hom. 8. f. cause he was nie to Ierusalem, and because also BY S. LVKE. 131 se also they thoght that the kyngdome of God shulde shortely appeare. Mat. 25. 5. 12 He sayd therfore, * A b certayn noble b This was to man went into a farre countrey, to recea- fh_The must.hy™ ue hym a kyngdome, and then to come a tike ureat paynes ' J ° before his kyng- gayne. dome shoulde be 13 And he caned his ten seruantes, and estab"'shed. dehuered them ten c pieces of monye, ° The whole so- » God wii not saying vnto them, " By and sei tyl I come. SHXe'of ".i?' cef rem»™ao 14 But his citezins hated hym, and sent a pound, estem'ing" ces remayne J euery piece, about idle with vs. message after hym, saying, We wyl not ha fyue nobles & .7. ue this man to raigne ouer vs. pence. C 15 And it came to passe, when he was co me d agayn, and had receaued his kyngdo * Wherby we me, he commanded y seruantes to be cal- conXco^minVof led to hym, to whome he gaue his money, our sauiour Chri- . J, . 1 i i J ste shalbe more to wyt what euery man had auantaged. glorious and excel 16 Then came the fyrst, saying, Lord, thy },™,J*app™JJ.doth" piece hath encreased ten pieces. 17 And he sayd vnto hym, Wel good ser uant : because thou wast faythful in a very lytel thyng, take thou autoritie ouer ten cities. 1 8 And the other came, saying, Lord thy piece hath encreased fyue pieces. 1 9 And to the same he sayd, Be thou al so ruler ouer fyue cities. 20 And the thyrd came and said, Lord, be holde here thy piece, whych I haue kept in a napkyn. 21 For I feared thee, because thou art a strayt man : thou takest vp, that thou lay- dest not downe, and repest that thou dyd- dest not sowe. 22 The he sayd vnto him, Of thyne owne ^Z^li e mouth, wU I iudge thee, thou euyl ser- G,°d> and ¦j™?,'"' - *- VQ16D6S &TQ With* uant : Thou knewest that I am a strayt man out all excuse. r. iii. Chap. XIX. THE GOSPEL WRIT takyng vp that I layd not downe, and re- pynge that I dyd not sowe. 23 Wherfore then gauest not thou my mo D ney into the banke, that at my commyng, I myght haue required myne owne with vantage ? 24 And he sayd to them that stode by, Ta ke from hym that piece, and geue it him that hath ten pieces. 25 And they sayd vnto him, Lord he hath ten pieces. 26 *Not with standing I say vnto you, that Chap. 8. c. • He that faith- vnto aU them that haue, it shalbe f geuen : *r£?' !3" *' g^acebs6of0Go6*hhai and from hym that hath not, euen that he Mar. i c. hauetheincreased: hath, shalbe taken from hym. E Sc finally they shal _-„ -»«- ., J . ,.,A horrible betakenawayfro 27 MoreOUer those myne enemies, Which vengeance a- n'tabief' isTnpro* would not that I should raygne ouer the, g^'*6 re" bryng hyther: and sley them before me. 28 And when he had thus spoken, he pro- celuVftexcdi™. ceded forth g before> ascendyng vp to Ie- constacie of Chri- rusalem. ^adtaghendydn'ohw 29 * And it came to passe, whe he was co- Mat. 21. a. fight against the me nye to Bethphage, and Bethanie, besy- *"~ Gods iudgement: des the mount which is caUed the hil of fe'areSi'dls'cipiei! Oliues, he sent two of his disciples, and led the way to' 30 Saying, Go ye to the viUage which is before you, in the which, assone as ye are co me, ye shal fynde a colte tyed, wheron yet neuer.man sate : louse hym, and bryng him hyther. k christe preue 3 1 h And if any man aske you, why ye lou- ue's\sumigh & partely vp- out whome they hyd from thyne eyes. braideth their ma there is no 43 * For fae dayes shal come vpon thee, lice which w°lde saluation. ,, • i i i_a. not embrace Chri - " Through that thy enemies shal cast rampars about ste their Sauiour. thine own ma fl^ and compasse thee round, and kepe ^^Jpol thee in on euery syde, shementtoierusa- G 44 And make thee euen wyth y grounde, ties, whkh had no't and thy chyldren which are in thee : and receaued like gra- they shal not leaue in thee one stone vpon another, because thou knewest not tlie r, iiii. Chap. XX. THE GOSPEL WRIT time of thy " visitation. « And recea- 45 * And he went into the temple, and be- ^™ttho gan to cast out them that solde therin, and which was them that boght, 46 Saying vnto them, It is written, * My Mat. 21. 5. house, is the house of prayer : but ye haue g^gg",?* made it a denne of theues. iere. 7. 5. 47 And he taught " daUy in the temple. >• or, in the And the hye Priestes and the Scribes, and day tyme- the chief of the people went about to de stroy him : 48 But could not finde what they might do to him : for aU the people hanged vpon him when they heard him. THE XX. CHAPTER. Christe stoppeth his aduersaries mouthes by an other questio. Sheweth their destruction. The autoritie of Princes. The resurrection, and his diuine power. Finaly he reproueth thambition of the Scribes. a: Nd on one of those dayes, as he taught the people in the temple, & preached v; , „. the Gospel, the hie Priestes & the Scribes mar. li. d. came vpon him sodenly with the Elders, 2 And spake vnto him, saying, Tel vs by what autoritie thou doest these thinges, ether who is he, that gaue thee this auto ritie ? 3 He answered and sayd vnto them, I al so wyl aske you one thing : answer me ther fore : » By Baptisme, 4 The a baptisme of Iohn was it from hea- lohns Baptu- hecOprehedethall „n„ ,iw r , „ _ me. lohns ministerie, uen, or of men ? who bare witenes 5 And they reasoned with in them sel- to Christe. • Tr- i 1 ,• i i ues, saying, If we shal say, from heauen, he wyl BY S. LVKE. 133 wyl say, Why then beleued ye him not ? 6 But and if we shal say, Of men : aU the people wil stone vs : for they be perswa ded that Iohn is a Prophet. 7 Therfore they answered, y they could not tel whence it was. 8 Then lesus sayd vnto them, b Nether b By this meanes tel I you, by what autoritie I do these thin m6ed& astonished" ges. B 9 * The began he to put forth to y people Mat. 21. d. this simihtude, * A certain man planted a fit i/i* \__\fL Esa b a' c vineyard, and d let it forth to housband- c The lewes were '„*,* i , i • ii--. . - as Gods plantes & icre. 2. d. men : and went mm self mto a strage coun his own grafting. trey, for a great season. J Godcomitteds i r\ a i i i i bis people to the 10 And when the tyme was come, he sent Gouemors and a e seruant to the housbandmen, that they p™HeSraised vp should geue him of y frute of the viney- Prophetes. ard : whome the housbandmen dyd beat, and sent away empty. 1 1 And agayne he sent yet another ser uant : and they dyd beat him, & foule en treated him, and sent hym away empty. 1 2 Morouer, he sent the thyrd to, and him they wounded, and cast out. C 1 3 Then sayd the lord of the vineyarde, What shal I do ? I wU send my deare Son ne : him peraduenture they wyl reuerence, when they se him. christe the 14 But when the housbadmen sawe him, heyre is kyl- A.^ey reasoned with them selues, saying, This is the heyre : Come let vs kyl him, y the enheritance may be ours. 15 And they cast him out of the viney ard, and kyUed him. What shal the Lord of the vineyard therfore do vnto them ? 16 He wU come and destroy these hous bandmen, and wil let out his vineyard t!b Chap. XX. THE GOSPEL WRIT others. When they heard that, they sayd, God forbyd. 17 And he behelde them, and sayd, What meaneth this then that is wrytten, * The Psal.W.e. stone that the buylders refused, the same °*^'|8ja' 1 For by it the is made the head ' corner stone ? rom 9.^ ^gS'&Xde 18 ** Whosoeuer shal faU vpon that stone, l.pet.2.a. s'r°Th' h shalbe broken : and on whosoeuer it shal bie andY fail s0n faU, it wyl grinde hym to powder. christe, thinking 19 j^d the hye priestes & the Scribes y to oppresse him, J - shaibeowerthrowe same houre went about to lay handes on them selues. hym . but they feared the people . for they perceaued that he had spoken this simih tude against them. 20 * And they watched hym, & sent forth D spies, which shulde fayne them selues iu- Mat.22.b. ste men, to take hym in his wordes, and to spies sent to dehuer hym vnto the power and auctori- tTif ohriste- tie of the Deputie, 21 And they asked hym, saying, Master, we knowe that thou sayest, and teachest ryght, nether considerest thou any mans degree, but teachest the way of God tru ely. 1 They thoght it 22 Is it h lawful for vs to geue Caesar tri- vnlawful to pay , - ° to a prince being bute, Or no f whichDthey were 23 He perceaued their craftines, and sayd wont to pay to vnto them, Why tempt ye me ? p e. 24 Shewe me a peny : Whose image & su perscription hath it ? They answered and sayd, Caesars. ¦ The deutie 25 Then he sayd vnto them, * ' Geue then Rom. 13. b. prinMriettethno vnto Caesar, that which belongeth to Caesar : thing that which and to God, that which pertayneth to is due vnto God. r j God. 26 And they could not reproue his saying e before the people : but they marueyled at his BY S. LVKE. 134 his answer, and helde their peace. Mat. 22. c. 27 *Then came to him certain of the Sad- mar. 12. b. dUCes (which deny that there is any resur rection) and they asked him, Deut. 25. a. 28 Saying, Master, *Moses wrote vnto vs, If any mans brother dye, hauinge a wyfe, and the same dye without issue : that then his brother should take his wyfe, & rayse vp seede vnto his brother. 29 There were seuen brethren, and the fyrst toke a wyfe, & he dyed without chil dren. 30 And the secode toke the wyfe, and he dyed chyldlesse. 31 And the thyrd toke her, and in lyke- wise the residue of the seuen, and left no chyldren behynde them, and dyed. 32 Last of aU, the woman died also. 33 Now therfore at the resurrection, who se wyfe of them shal she be ? for seuen had her to wyfe. F 34 The les' answered, & sayd vnto them, The k chyldren of this worlde mary wy- k in this place -J . , ' ¦" he calleth all the ues, and are maned. chyldren of this 35 But they which shalbe couted worthy wo"'lde. *!hich re- ¦' ,i maineinthesame. to enioye that worlde, and the resurrectio or els matrimonie from death, nether mary wyues, nether apprte™*0 are maried. chiI£6wi°k dm, "For althogh 3 6 ' For they ca dye no more : " forasmuche stre pope Cyricius seaglyne'yel as they are equal vnto the Angels : and are ^_^_f^__ that uf is but the sonnes of God," since they are the chyl res. death and an i _• .i *.- ' Since mariage eternaldestru dren of the resurrection. is ordeined to ction. 37 And "y- the dead shal ryse agayne, euen maintem & mere. A.**- , i •. i i ., i i i - ase ma kynde,whe Ex.3.b. Moses shewed it besydes the bushe, whe we shal beimmor he sayd, The Lord God of Abraham, and ^^ notbe the God of Isaac, and the God of lacob. Chap. XXI. THE GOSPEL WRIT ,," °! f^ 38 For he is not the God of the m dead, arenot, butoftha , . - ,, , . , , ... „ ,. which are. but of them which lyue : for all hue vnto "The Immor- him. talitie of the _ „ *_, • rt i t-,1 . i soule can not 39 then certamof the Pharises answered be separat fro and sayd, Master thou hast wel sayd. *0en ™|UIthe 40 And after y, durst they not aske him body wher of ... n J here Christe any question at aU. properly spe- 41 * The sayd he vnto them, How say they aketh- that Christe is Dauids sonne ? 42 And Dauid him self sayth in the boke G of the Psalmes, * The Lord sayd vnto my Mat. 22. d. Lord, sit at my right hand, pw 11'rf' 43 Tyl I shal make thyne enemies thy fo- testole.44 Seing Dauid caUeth him Lord, how ° For the sonne is he then his n sonne ? father: &therfore 45 Then in the audiece of aU the people, "uf.°!°*?e* jhat he sayd vnto his disciples, Chnste is God. A „ _ J, , „ n—i , ¦ , i • 46 Beware of the bcnbes, which desire Chap.u.f. to go in long clothing, and loue gretin- mat.23.a. ges in the markets, and the hiest seates in assembles, and the chief rowmes at feastes. 47 Which deuoure wydowes houses and that vnder a colour of long praying : thei shal receaue greater damnation. THE XXI. CHAPTER. Christe commendeth the poore wyddowe. Telleth of the destruction of Ierusalem. Of false teachers. Of the tokSs and troubles for to come. Of the end of the world. And of his daily exer cise. \ S he behelde, he saw the riche men, A -^*which cast their offeringes into the treasurie. 2 And he sawe also a certaine poore wy- dow, which cast in thyther two mites. 3 And BY S, LVKE. 135 3 And he sayd, Of a truth I say vnto you, This poore widow hath put in more then they all. 4 a For they aU haue of their superflui- * God estemetn tie added vnto the offering of God: but mesbyfhe'quanti she of her penurie hath cast in aU the sub "e °r J"1™*' b"' i *¦ i i , by the hart & affe stance that she had. ction. Chap. 19. g. 5 * As some spake of the temple, how it mm'. 13. t. was garnisshed with goodly stones and iewels, he sayd, 6 The dayes wU come, when of these thin ges which ye se, shal not be left stone vpo stone, that shal not be throwen downe. B 7 And they asked him saying, Master, when shal these thinges be ? and what sy gne wU there be when suche thynges shal come to passe ? Ephes. 5. b. 8 * And he sayd, b Take hede, that ye be b christe ths ma 1 . thes. I . a. _ j j r •! • keth answer of not deceaued: tor many wu come m my that.whichwasmo name, saying, Iam Christe, Si the tyme dra- ™ necessarie for ' J °'. ' ,•" . them, & not to the weth nere : folow ye not them therfore. question they de- 9 And when ye heare of warres and sedi mandcd- tios, be not afrayde : for these thyngs must fyrst come, but the end foloweth not by and by. 10 Then sayd he vnto them, Nation shal ryse agaynst nation, & kyngdome against kyngdome, c 1 1 And great earthquakes shalbe in aU quarters, and hunger, and pestilence, and feareful thinges, & great signes shal there be from heauen. Mat. 24. a. 1 2 * But before aU these, they shal lay ha des on you, and persecute you, deliuering you vp to the Synagoges & into prisonnes, and bryng you before Kynges, and rulei-s for my names sake. 13 And Chap. XXI. THE GOSPEL WRIT • This their suf- 1 3 And this shal turne to you, for a c te- fraceshalbothebe otfmrvn'ol a greater cofirma- Stimoniai. tio to the Gospel: 14 Let it sticke therfore fast in yourhar- stande thetyr'anie tes, not once to studie before, what ye shal °l ,the:r,en"e.m's answer : shal at length be manifest before 15 For I wU geue you a mouth, and wyse- o and man. dome, where against, aU your aduersaries n For thogh shal not be able to speake, nor d resiste. dent toresis t™et 16 Yea, ye shalbe betrayed of your fathers, trueth euer gay- and mothers, and of your brethren, & kyn neth the victorie. irtii ,- , i semen, and frendes, and some of you shal they put to death : 1 7 And hated shal ye be of aU me for my D names sake. 1 8 * Yet there shal not one heere of your Mat. 10. c. heades perishe. 19 By yourpacience" possesse your sou- ''Thatis.iyue les. blessedly, 20 *And when ye see Ierusalem besieged ™*s™denhe with soldiers, then vnderstand that the Mat. 24. b. ouerthrowe ofthe same is nye. mar. 13. J. 21 Then let them which are in Iewrie flye to the mountaines : & let them which are in the myddes of it, departe out : and let not them that are in the countrey, enter' therin.22 For these be the dayes of vengeance, to fulfyl all thinges that are writen. 23 But woo be to them that be with chU- de, and to them that geue sucke in those dayes: for there shalbe great trouble in • Gods wrath a this land, e and wrath ouer aU this peo- gainst this people , r shal appeareby the pie. gueTwherwVife' 24 And they shal faU on the edge of the E wii ponishe then, swearde, and shalbe led captiue into aU nations : and Ierusalem shalbe troden vn der BY S. LVKE. 136 der fote of the Gentils, vntyl the f tyme ' He meaneth Of the GentUs be fulfyUed. rtL'etkewise "That is after 25 "* Then there shalbe signes in the sun- their punishement po!n't*eiieS for ne> an 30 When they shute forth their leaues, ye seing them, know of your owne selues, y sommer is then nie at hand. 31 So lykewyse ye, when ye se these thin ges come to passe.vnderstand f the kyng dome of God is nye. 32 Verely I say vnto you, This age shal not h passe, tyl all this be fulfUled. '' For *>"' 'bese thmG*€s Cc-.xn6 with 33 Heauen and earth shal passe, but my in so yeres after. wordes shal not passe. surfet. 34 Take hede to your selues, least at any Dronckenes. . l ^. i_ •_•_. _c Cares. tyme your hartes be ouercome with surfe- tyng and dronckennes, and cares of this worlde: and lest that daye come on you i to catch & in Vnwares tangle them wher . ii. •ni- soeuer they be in 35 ror as a1 snare shal it come on all the the world. Chap. XXII. THE GOSPEL WRIT that dwel on the face of the whole earth. 36 Watche therfore and pray cotinualy, that ye may " obtayne grace to flye aU this •• or, that ye that shal come, and that ye may stand be- "Shye!"" fore the Sonne of man. 37 In the day tyme he taught in the tem ple : & at night he went out, & had his aby ding in the mount that is called the hU of Oliues. 38 * And all the people came in the mor- Iohn. 8. a. ning to him, for to heare him in the tem ple. THE XXII. CHAPTER. Conspiracie against Christe. They eat the Easter lambe. The institution of the Sacrament. They striue who shalbe greatest, he reproueth the. He prayeth vpo the mount. They take him, For they were 5 And they were b glad : and promised to temfie- toSbtfor'eThYs SeUe hY™ m0™J- occasiowasom-ed. 6 And he consented : & soght opportuni- tie to betray him vnto them, when the peo ple were away. 6 Ten BY S. LVKE. 137 Mat. 26. 6. 7 * Then came the day of vnleuened bre- j^Amordin' ad, when the Passeouer " must be kyUed. to Gods com 8 And he sent Peter and Iohn, saying, mandement. qq> md prepare vs y Easter lambej tllat we may eat. 9 And they sayd to him, Where wilt thou, that we prepare it ? 10 And he sayd vnto them, Beholde whe ye be entred into the citie, there shal a ma mete you, bearing a pitcher of water : fo low him into the same house that he en treth in. 1 1 And say vnto the good man of y hou se, The master sayth vnto thee, Wfiere is y gest chamber where I shal eat myne Easter lambe with my disciples ? 1 2 The he shal shewe you a great hie cha- ber trimmed, there make it redy. 13 And they went and found as he had sayd vnto them, and made redy the Ea ster lambe. Mat. 26. b. 14 * And when the c houre was come, he sa ¦ which was in mar. u. b. te dowlle; and the twelue Apostles whim. S^I^TS 15 And he sayd vnto the, I haue earnest- which lyme ™* ly desired to eat this Easter lambe ft you the Passeouer.63 before that I suffre. that "this6 fc *" 6 *^or * say vnto you" " Henceforth I wyl the last tyme not eat of it any more, vntil it be fulfil- bhea'coue™ant ** in the kyngdome of God. with them as 1 7 And he toke the cup, and gaue than- re, or so eat kes, & said, Take this, and deuide it among with them. you. 1 8 For I say vnto you, I wU not drincke of the fruite of the vine, vntil the kyng- M t 26 *lome of God be come. mar'.U.C 19 *And he toke bread, and whence had 1. cor. l i.e. geuen thankes, he brake it, and gaue to Chap. XXII. THE GOSPEL WRIT ¦i The bread is a them, saying, d This is my body which is suUr6d,'StS fitZte Seuen for you : this do in the remembran- thatthebodyofle ce ofme. forthe^ourriture 20 Likewise also after supper, he toke y of our soules, like- cup saying, This cup is f * new e Testamet lere. 31 ./. wisethewynesigm . r J ° , i J fieth that his bio- m my bloud, which is shed for you. to^ifreTe&quk- 21 * Yet beholde, the hand of him that be Iohni3.b. ken vs eueriastin- trayeth me, is with me at the table. •' The signe of 22 And truly the Sonne of man goeth as it the new couenant "s * appointed : but wo be to that man, by Psal. 40. c. which is establi- -11,., n t A shed & ratified by whome he is betrayed. acc.^.c. Christes blood. 2g Then they hegfm tQ enquire amcmg C them selues which of them it should be, y should do that. 24 * And there arose also a stryfe among Mat. 20. d. them, which of them should seme to be y maT- w-f- greatest.25 And he sayd vnto them, The kynges of the Getiles raygne ouer them, and they y beare rule ouer them, are caUed " graci- prmrc'Jibera' ous Lordes. 26 But ye shal not be so : but he y is grea test among you, shalbe as the least : and he that is chiefe, shalbe as he that serueth. 27 For whether is greater, he that sitteth at meate, or he that serueth ? Is not he that sytteth at meat ? And I am am5g you, as he that ministreth. 28 Ye are they which haue bydden with me in my tentations. 29 And I " appoynt vnto you a kyngdo- "or, leaue by 1 By these simiu- me, as my Father hath appointed to me. be**ucst- tudes he deciareth 30 That ye may f eat, and drincke at my that they shalbe ...... . J partakers of his table in my kyngdome, and syt on seates, ucnt Ser^: a=id radge the twelue tribes of Israel. ting nor dncking. 31 And the Lord sayd, Simon, Simon be holde, BY S. LVKE. 138 1. Pet.b. c. holde, * Satan hath desired you, *" to wy- « Satasekethby nowe you, as it were wheat. »" churche 32 But I haue prayed for thee, y thy faith of christe, to di- „. // r, i _. « i .i . " parse it,& to shake " it was wel tayle not : therfore when thou art conuer n from the true nofoueUr'ye' ted, strengthen thy brethren. faith- mT™; 33 *And he sayd vnto him, Lord I am re- mar .14. c'. ady to go with thee into pryson, and to iohn. 13. d. death. 34 But he sayd, I tel thee Peter, the cocke D shal not crowe this day, tyl thou hast thry se denied that thou knewest me. Mat. 10. a. 35 And he sayd vnto the, * Whe I sent you without purse, & scrip, and shoes, lacked ye any thing ? And they sayd, No. 36 Then he sayd to them, But now he that hath a purse let him take it : and lykewise his scrip : and he that hath non, let him sei his coate, and h bye a sworde. hBythisheshe- 37 For I say vnto you, That yet, the same weth. th5,that «*"•*¦ . J J J must susteine gre- which is wrytten, must be perfourmed in at troubles and af- Esa.b3.d. me, * Euen with the wicked was he nom- Bictions- bred. For douteles those thinges which are wrytten of me, haue an ende. 38 And they sayd, Lord, beholde here are 1 two swordes : and he sayd vnto them, It is ' They were yet ,. i, so rude that they ynough. thoght t0 haue re. Mac.26./. 39 *And he came out, and went (as he was sistedwithmateri- mar. 13. e. , N <_ ,i . r r.T j i_- ,. alweapons.wheras iohn 18 a wonte) to the mounte of Ohues : and his di christe wameth sciples also folowed hym. S^Sm 40 And when he came to y place, he sayd iswei their nf as to them, Pray, lest ye fall into tenta- danger.0 tion. 41 And he gate hym selfe from them, about a stones cast, and kneled downe, & prayed, "Meaning, his 42 Saying, Father, if thou wUt, wjthdrawe sion. pa$ this " cup from me : Neuerthelesse, not my s.ii. Chap. XXII. THE GOSPEL WRIT wil, but thyne be fulfyUed. 43 And there appeared an Angel vnto E him from heauen, confortyng him. -The worde signi 44 But being in an k agonie, he prayed fieth that horror more earnestly : and his sweate was hke that Christe had J , conceaued not one droppes of bloud, tncklyng downe to the ly for feare of de- i ath, but of his fa- grounde. thers iudgemet & 45 And he rose vp from prayer, and came wra agaiEs syn- tQ ^ disciples, and founde them sleping for sorowe. 46 And he sayd vnto them, Why slepe ye ? ryse and pray, lest ye faU into tentation. 47 * Whyle he yet spake, beholde, there Mat. 26. e. came a compagnie, and he that was caUed ^^'.i8',^.'. ludas one of f twelue, went before them, and preasednye vnto lesus to kysse him. 48 And lesus sayd vnto him, iudas be- trayest thou the Sone of ma with a kysse ? 49 Whe they which were about him sawe F what wolde folow, they sayd vnto him, Lord, shal we smyte wyth sworde ? 50 And one of them smote a seruant of the hye Priest, & strake of his ryght eare. 5 1 Then lesus answered, and sayd, Suffre them thus farre : and he touched his eare, and healed him. 52 Then lesus sayd vnto the hye Priestes, and rulers of the temple, and the Elders which were come to hym, Be ye come out as vnto a thefe with swordes and staues ? 'For now God ga 53 When I was dayly with you in the te- whos^'m^te'rs P^ ye stretched not forth handes agamst they were, to exe- me : but this is euen your very houre, and cute his rage again J , , r- i i st him.which thing the ' power of darkenes. b^the'pro'Sdence 54 Th™ toke they him, and led him, and of God. broght him to the hye Priestes house. And Peter BY S. LVKE. 139 Peter folowed a farre of. Mat. 26.g. 55 * When they had kyndled a fyre in the ^f"'}a'9' myddes of the haU, and were set downe together, Peter also sat downe among them. 56 And one of the wenches behelde him as he sat by the fyre, and hauing wel lo ked on hym, sayd, This feUowe was also with him. 57 But he denied him, saying, Woman I know him not. 58 And after a lytle whyle, another man saw him, and sayd, Thou art also of them. and Peter sayd, Man I am not. 59 And about the space of an houre af ter a certeine other man affirmed, saying, Verely euen this felowe was with him, for he is of Gable. 60 And Peter sayd, Man, I wot not what thou sayest. And immediately whyle he yet spake, the cocke crewe. 61 Then the Lord turned backe, and lo ked vp on Peter : and Peter remembred y wordes of y Lord, how he sayd vnto him, Before the cocke crowe, thou shalt deny me thryse. G 62 And Peter went out, and wept bytter- Christe is 1„ mocked & J ' beaten. 63 And the men that helde lesus, mocked him, and stroke him. 64 And when they had blindfolded him, they smote his face : and asked him, saying, m Arede who it is that smote thee ? ™ Or, prophecie, Mat. 27. a 65 And "^ °ther thmSS despitefully gS^'^. mar. lb. a. sayd they against him. p'e thoght he was iohn 18. c. 66 * And assone as it was day, the Elders a rop e Chap. XXIII. THE GOSPEL WRIT of the people, and the hie Priestes & Scri bes, came together, and led him into their Counsel, ¦ They asked 67 Saying, n Art thou very Christe ? tel 5°e 'tmetT'mS ^ : and he sayd vnto them, If I tel you, ye be knowe, for the wU not beleue. fesfcbut&rmaiice 68 And if also I aske you, ye wil not an- Chnste™ towards swer me, or let me go : 69 " Hereafter shal the Sonne of man syt "Athissecon- • As in the seen- at the ° ryght hand of the power of God. de comiaee. SdPdigni°fe!U>n0r 70 Then sayd they aU, Art thou then the Sonne of God ? He sayd to them, Ye say that I am. 7 1 Then sayd they.What nede we any fur ther wytnes ? for we our selues haue heard of his owne mouth. THE XXIII. CHAPTER. lesus is broght before Pilate and Herode. Of Barabbas. Of Simo the Cyrian. The wome make lametatio. Christe crucified. He prayeth for his ennemies. Couerteth the thefe and many others at his death, and is buried. ¦""PHen y whole multitude of the arose, a • who was the -*- and led him vnto a PUate. and had0th6ex°mi' 2 And they began to accuse hym, saying, nation of matters ^Te haue found this fefowe peruerting y ' people, & forbydding to * pay tribute to Mat. 22. c. Caesar, saying, That he is Christe a kyng. mar. 12. S. 3 * And Pilate apposed him, saying, Art ^arAb'.a. thou the kyng of the lewes ? He answerd iohn 19. e. hym and sayd, Thou sayest it. 4 Then sayd Pilate to the hie Priestes, and to the people, I fynde no faute in this man. 5 But they were the more fearce, saying, He BY S. LVKE. 140 He moueth y people, teachyng through out aU Iewrie, and began at Gahle, euen to this place. 6 When Pilate heard mention of Gah le, he asked whether the man were of Ga hle. B 7 And assone as he knew that he was of Herodes Iurisdiction, he b sent him to He . '' T Or, village. b Because Chri- which they went to, & he ** made as thogh th6eiryeyebs°andSop1 he W0Uld haUe S°ne ^^ . _ them: he wolde ke- 29 But they constrayned him, saying, A- tPn'hrsI?ymeUcameS byde with vs : for it draweth towardes to manifest him nye-ht, and the day is farre passed. And he selfvntohim. ;DJ . - i .i went m, to tary with them. 30 And it came to passe as he sate at meat h According to with them, he toke the bread " "blessed it, "Or, gaue tha thecustomeofthat -, , -, . ,i kes. nation. The which brake, and gaue to them. maner of praying 3 j And their eyes were opened, & they kne bplori? me***• be BY S. IOHN. 146 be declared to Israel : therfore am I come, baptizing with water. 32 And Iohn bare recorde, saying, I saw Mat.3.d. * the Sprite descend from heauen, lyke vn TT'l'd to a doue, and abyde vpon him. 33 And I knew hym not : but he that sent E me to baptize in water, the same sayd vnto me, Vpo who thou shalt se the Sprite des cend, and tary stil on him, the same is he which baptizeth with the ** holy Gost. . who geueth the 34 And I saw, and bare recorde that this Zert?e & effect t0 ' baptisme, accom- is the very Sonne of God. plishingthat thing 35 The next day after, Iohn stode agayne, p^tnled^"*' re and two of his disciples : 36 And he behelde lesus as he walked by, and sayd, Beholde the very labe of God. The lambe of 37 And the two disciples heard him spe- God- ake, and folowed lesus. iohns disci- 38 And lesus turned about, and saw them christf°W folow> ^d sayd vnto them, What seke ye ? They sayd vnto him, Rabbi (which is to say by interpretation, Maister) h where hor wher is thy dweUestthou? ^SSS F 39 He sayd vnto them, Come and se.They dtwel,ed in Na.a- came and sawe where he dwelt, and abo de with him that day : for it was about the "Thatwastwo " tenth houre. houres before 4Q Qne q{ ^ ^ ^^ hegxd j^ ^ ake, and folowed lesus, was Andrew Si mon Peters brother. 41 The same founde his brother Simon fyrst, and sayd vnto him, We haue founde the Messias, which is by interpretation, " or christe. " Annoynted. broghTVeter 42 Ani he hroght him to lesus. And les' to christe. behelde him, and sayd, Thou art Simon t.ii. Chap. I. THE GOSPEL WRIT the sonne of Iona, thou shalt be called* Mat. w.c Cephas, which is by interpretation, a sto ne. 43 The day folowing, lesus would go in- The calling to GalUe, and founde Philip, and sayd vn- of philil>- to him, Folow me. 44 Philip was of Bethsaida, the citie of Andrew and Peter. 45 And Philip founde Nathanael, and Nathanael. sayd vnto hym, We haue founde hym, of whome * Moses in the law, and also the * Geit.49.6. Prophetes dyd wryte, lesus the sone of lo d^utm}^,c- f rt-vr a. JEsa.4.a.40 seph, of Nazaret. 6.45.6. 46 Then Nathanael sayd vnto him, can ier. 23. a. c. ¦ Thosethinges ther any ' good thyng come outof Naza- S^"?4"^" ubiehtoarthC world ret ? Philip sayd to him, come and se. dan.9.f. areestemed&pre 47 lesus saw Nathanael comyng to him, those things which and sayd of him, Beholde in dede an Israe %X Pabhor- hte, in whome is no gyle. G reth. 48 Nathanael sayd vnto him, Whece kne west thou me ? lesus answered and sayd vn to him, Before that Philip called thee, when thou wast vnder the figge tre, I saw thee.49 Nathanael answered and sayd vnto The faith of hym, Rabbi, thou art the very Sonne of Na'banael. God : thou art the kynge of Israel. 50 lesus answered and sayd vnto hym, Because I sayd vnto thee, I saw thee vnder the fygge tre, beleuest thou? thou shalt se greater thynges then these. 5 1 And he sayd vnto hym, Verely, verely, k christe ope- 1 say vnto you, Hereafter shal ye se heaue that we mayahaue k open, and the Angels of God * ascen- Gen.23.c. mCkSth'°(f0id'and d"1°>' anc* descending vpon the Sonne of to the Angels. man. The by s. iohn. 147 the ii. chapter. Christe turneth the water into wine, Sf dry- ueth the hyers, and sellers out of the teple. For- warneih his death and resurrection. He conuer teth many, and distrusteth man. The mariage A Nd the third day, was there a maria- in Cana. J\ge jn Cana ffl f()wne qp Qgijlg . ^ the mother of lesus was there. 2 And lesus was caUed also, and his dis ciples vnto the mariage. 3 And when the wyne fayled, the mother of les' sayd vnto him, They haue no wyne. 4 lesus sayd vnto her, Woman, what haue I to do with thee ? mine houre is not yet come. 5 His mother sayd vnto the ministers, Whatsoeuer he sayeth vnto you, do it. 6 And there were standing there, syx wa- terpottes of stone, after the maner of the a purifiing of the lewes, contayning two * who vsed co- ..or.measu-orthre'^fyrkynsapece. ^ SiSemTJ B 7 And lesus sayd vnto the, Fyl the water- ues.whichsupersti pottes with water. Then they fyUed them retike woide haue vn to the hrvm broght into the vp io T.ne urym. churche.&now the Water torned 8 And he sayd vntO the, Drawe OUt now papisteshaue rece •"orTtew'aVd & beare vnto the " gouernour of the feast. au6w'herof euery and they bare it. oneconteyned 15. 9 When the ruler of the feast had tasted the water that was turned vnto wine, (for he knew not whece it was but the minist ers which drewe the water knewe) the gouernour of the feast caUed the bryd- grome : 10 And sayd vnto him, AU men at the begynnyng, set forth good wyne. and when men haue wel droncke, then that t. iii. Chap. II. THE GOSPEL WRIT which is worse : but thou hast kept backe the good wyne vntyl now. 11 This begynnyng, of miracles did le- christes diui- sus in Cana a towne of Gable, and shewed Wed. his glorie : and his disciples beleued on him. 12 After that, he descended into Caper- „ naum, and " his mother, and his brethre, & « His cousins. his disciples : and continued not many dayes there. 1 3 For the lewes Easter was euen at had. And lesus went vp to Ierusalem : 1 4 And * founde syttyng in the teple tho- Mat. 21 . 6. se that solde oxen, and shepe, and doues, mar.U.b. ii _¦ luke 19. a. and changers of money. 3 15 And he made a scourge of small cor- des, and draue them aU out of the temple with the shepe, and oxen, and powred out the changers money, and ouerthrewe the tables. 1 6 And sayd vnto them that solde doues, D Haue these thinges hence, and make not my Fathers house, an house of marchan- dise. 1 7 And his disciples remebred, how that •> This affection it was wrytten, * The c zele of thyne house Psal. 68. b. muXuS hath euen eaten me. ted and swallowed 18 Then answered the lewes, and sayd vp eo ers. vnto hym, What " token shewest thou vn- "Or. miracle. to vs, seyng that thou doest these thyn ges ? 13 lesus answered and sayd vnto them, * Destroy this temple, and in thre dayes I Mat. 26. f. wU rayse it vp agayne. • f 20 The sayd the lewes, Fourty and six ye- 15. <•'. res was this temple a buUdyng, and wilt thou reare it vp in thre dayes ? 21 But BY S. IOHN. 148 21 But he spake of the teple of his d body. " christes body 22 Assone therefore as he was rysen from called theStempie6 death, his disciples remembred that he because the fumes i i ii ii . . of the Godhead thus sayd vnto them : and they beleued y dwelleth in it cor- Scripture, & the wordes which lesus had P*>*"all**-Coll-2b- sayd.23 When he was at Ierusalem at Easter in the feast, many beleued on his name, when they saw his miracles which he did. 24 But lesus e put not him selfe in their • For he toke not handes, because he knewe all men. pi^L'tota^; 25 And neded not that any should testi- by their inwarde fie of man : for he knewe what was in man. gi°f soe'uc/'they dyd pretende out- wardely. THE III. CHAPTER. Christe instructeth Nicodeme in the regenera Hon of faith, and the loue of God towards the world. The doctrine and baptisme of Iohn, and what wytnes he beareth of Christe. A ITlHere was a ma of the Pharises named ¦*¦ Nicodemus, a ruler of the lewes : 2 The same came to lesus by night, & sayd vnto him, Rabbi, we knowe that thou art a teacher come fr5 God : for no man could do suche miracles as thou doest, except God were with him. 3 lesus answered and sayd vnto him, Ve rely verely I say vnto thee, except a man "To entre the be begotten againe, he can not " se y a kyng ¦ which is to bo "**• rlr-rTno nf f*r,r* assembled and in- dome or IjOa. corporate into the 4 Nicodemus sayd vnto him, How can a Churche of God. man be begotten which is olde ? can he en ter into is mothers wombe agayne, and be begotten ? 5 lesus answered, Verely, verely #I say vnto thee, Except that a man be begotten t. iiii. Chap. III. THE GOSPEL WRIT "•which is the 0f b water, and of the Spirite, he can not where the holy enter into the kyngdome of God. vsttonewn^ of 6 That which is begotten of the * fleshe, is Rom. 8. a. life. fleshe : and y that is begotton of the Spirit is Spirite. 7 Maruayle not that I sayd to thee, Ye must be begotten agayne. ' As the power of 8 The c winde bloweth where it lysteth, t?e ™Tnfof tne and thou hearest his sounde : but canst not aire: soisitinchs. tel whence it cometh, and whether it go- ging and renuing , n - ^i _ • i. a.a. £ e vs althogh the ma eth. So is euery man, that is begotten or y nerbehidfrovs. sprite_ 9 Nicodemus answered, and sayd vnto him, How can these thinges be ? 10 lesus answered, & sayd vnto him, Art 'i Althogh he was thou a master in Israel, and d knowest not n^etknewTh; these thinges? not those thinges 1 1 Verely verely, I say vnto thee, We spe B tesinChril^cho ake that we " knowe, and testifie, that we " We ma, 16 0H'e'r0epkZeth haue sene : but ye " receaue not our wytnes. nwVfnu5Uo" him for that men 1 2 If when I tel you " earthely thinges, ye " which was whi'hThVvnafr! heleue not : how shuld ye beleue, if I shal £%£%£ standenot.andyet tel you of heauenly thinges ? ner. but christe tea- 13 For no man ascendeth vp to heauen eheththiges moste Dut the Sonne.of man which is in f heauen. certain & knowen ' e &menwyinotre- 14 And as Moses lyft vp the serpent in y Num. 21 .c. M?B,re\?oCofJhe wyldernes: euen so must the Sonne of man ohaPA2.e. if'T °f„h'S G°d be " ^ VP" " Hi' P°**<"r head with his man nQne t hel^_h. in him peri- mustbemani , i • , i i rt fest> which is she, but haue eternal lyfe. not yet 16 * For God so loueth the world, that he Y°j_hn4.b. hath geue his only begotten Sdne : y none b The contempt that beleue in him, should peryshe, but ha of Christe, and the , , . , ' r J synnes of the wic- ueeuerlastmg lyfe. ye6fchrisraes'ahui ^ For God sent not his Sonne into the lewes^but ste indge geueth world, to 8 condemne the world : but that ^0°dee beiie- thc reprobiafamS the " world through hym, myght be saued. ue in him. 18 He BY S. IOHN. 149 1 8 He that beleueth on him, shal not be condemned : but he that beleueth not, is condemned already : because he beleueth not in the name of y onely begotten Sone of God. Chap A. a. 19 * And this is the " condemnation, that »~ £ fyght is come into the world, & men lou- "lhecausefst J ° . matter of co- ed darkenes rather the lyght, because their demnation. dedes were euyl. Ephe. 5. 6. 20 * For euery mix that euyl doeth, hateth the hght, nether commeth to lyght, least his dedes should be reproued. " in walking 21 But he that doth " truth, commeth to y syncerefy. & fyght, that his dedes myght be knowen, how that they are wroght h according to L As they do r*nA which set God one Vj0Q- ly before their 22 After these thynges, came lesus & his eies.andfoiowthe " or territo- disciples into the lewes " land, and there Chap. 4. u. taried with them, and * baptized. 23 And Iohn also baptized in Enon be- sydes Sahm, because there was much wa ter there : and folke came and were bapti zed. 24 For Iohn was not yet cast into prison. D 25 And there arose a questio betwe lohns disciples & the lewes, about purifieng. 26 And they came vnto Iohn, and sayd vnto hym, Rabbi, " he that was with thee ¦ They were led Chap. i.d. beyonde Iordan, to whome * thou barest ^1™*"°™- witnes, behold, the same baptizeth, & aU stershuidhaueiost .1 his fame. men come to hym. 27 Iohn answered, & sayd, A man can re ceaue nothing at all, except it be geuen hym from heauen. k No man oght 28 Ye your selues are wytnesses, how that '° ysurpe any th.g _ t i fr /ii ¦ i farther then God Chap. i.e. 1 sayd, K 1 am not Christe, but am sent be- geueth Mm. fore him. Chap. IIII. THE GOSPEL WRIT 29 He that hath the bryde, is the bryde grome : but the friend at the bridegrome, which stadeth and heareth him, reioyseth greatly of the bridegromes voyce. This my ioye therefore is fulfUled. 30 He must " increase, and I must decrea- "And be exal ted, and I este Se. medashisser 31 He that cSmethfrom an hye, is aboue uant- ' The minister all : he that is of ' the earth is earthly, and ca°buredaShChris'e speaketh ofthe earth : he that cometh frd heauen, is aboue aU. 32 And what he hath sene & heard, that he testifieth : but no man receaueth his te- stimonie. 33 Howbeit, he that hath receaued his te stimonie, hath sealed that * God is true. Rom.3.a. 34 For he whome God hath sent, spea keth the wordes of God. For God geueth » For vnto not the Sprite * by m measure vnto him. Esa.b3.c. SeMi "ifoE 35 The Father loueth the Sonne, and hath """• 10- b- of an grace. * geuen all thinges into his hande. 36 * He that beleueth on the Sonne, hath Habac.2.a. euerlasting lyfe : and he that obeyeth not ! •">*»• 5- &¦ the Sonne, shal not se lyfe : but the wrath of God abydeth on him. THE IIII. CHAPTER. The communication of Christe wyth the wo man of Samaria. His zele towarde his Father and his haruest. The conuersion of the Samari tans and Galileans. How he healeth the Ru lers sonne. \ Sone as y Lord had knowledge, how A ¦**-the Pharises had heard, that lesus made, & baptized mo disciples the Iohn, 2 (Though that lesus him self baptized not : but his disciples) 3 He left BY S. IOHN. 150 3 He a left Iewrie, and departed agayne <¦ To gyue place into GalUe. to their rage. 4 And it was so, that he must nedes go through Samaria. 5 Then came he to a citie of Samaria cal- " or' sichem, ied " Sichar, besydes the possession that Gen. 33. A * Xacob gaue to his sonne loseph. iosu.24.g. 6 And there was Iacobs wel. lesus then "Euenweryas weryed of 'his iorney, sate " thus on y wel : "WMc'h was for it was about the " syxt houre. mydday. j faft there came a woman of Samaria to drawe water. lesus sayd vnto her, Ge ue me dryncke. 8 For his disciples were gone away into the towne, to bye meat. 9 Then sayd the woman of Samaria vnto hym, How is it, that thou beyng a Iewe, as- kest drinke of me, which am a woman of b Samaria ? For the lewes medle not with i>For the lewes ¦R tbp Samaritans estemedtheSama- B me oamarrcans. ritans as wicked & 10 lesus answered and sayd vnto her, If prophane. thou knewest c the gyft of God, and who . ° Meaning of it is that sayeth to thee, Geue me drinke, his Father had set thou wouldest haue asked of him, and he toconuertthiswo. would haue geuen thee d water of lyfe. a which is the 1 1 The woman sayd vnto hym, Syr, thou 'oue of God ™ !"s , _J -iii i Sonne powred in- hast nothyng to drawe with, and the wel to our hartes by is depe : from whence then hast thou that SmleriLtLng .ife." Water of lyfe ? Rom.5.a.Iohn.3.a. 1 2 Art thou greater the our father lacob, which gaue vs the wel, and he him selfe drancke therof, and his chyldren, and his cartel ? 13 lesus answered, and sayd vnto her, Whosoeuer drincketh of this water, shal "ofthespiri.thyrst agayne: tuai grace. 14 But whosoeuer drincketh of the wa- Chap. IIII. THE GOSPEL WRIT ter y I shal geue hym, shal neuer be more a " thyrst : but the water that I shal geue " He shai ne. , . % ,1 . i , p ¦ ner be dryed him, shalbe in hym a wel ot water, spring- Tp ordestitu- yng vp into euerlasting lyfe. 15 The woman sayd vnto him, Syr, geue C me of that water, that I thyrst not, nether come hyther to drawe. 1 6 lesus sayd vnto her, Go caU thy hous- band, and come hyther. 17 The woma answered, and sayd to him, I haue no housbad. lesus sayd to her, Thou hast wel sayd, I haue no housband : 1 8 For thou hast had fyue housbandes, & he whome thou now hast, is not thy hous band. that saydest thou truely. « t» she was ly- 19 Thewoman sayd vnto him, Syr, I e per- hei-fautetstmoc ceaue that thou art a Prophet. ked & woide not 20 Our fathers worshypped in this moun tayne : and ye say, that in * Ierusalem is the Deut. 12. 6. place where men oght to worshyp. 2 1 lesus sayd vnto her, Woma, beleue me, the houre commeth, when ye shal nether in this mountaine nor yet at Ierusalem, worshyp the Father. 22 * Ye worshyp ye wot not what: we knowe 2.Kyn.\7.f. what we worshyp : for * saluation cometh Exo. 21. a. of the lewes. 23 But the houre commeth, and now is, when the true worshippers shal worshyp the Father in sprite, and in trueth : for ve rely such the Father requireth to worshyp him. 'Godbeingofa 24 * God is a f Sprite, & they that worshyp 2.Cor.3.d_ spiritual nature re r ' . J Jf quireth a spiritual hym must worship him in sprite & trueth. ^"aSe*' 25 The woman ayd vnto him, I wot wel Messias shal come, w is caUed Christe : Whe he is come, he wil tel vs aU thinges. 26 lesus BY S. IOHN. 151 26 lesus sayd vnto her, I am he, that spea ke vnto thee. D 27 And euen at that poynt, came his disci pies, and maruayled that he talked with the woman : Yet no man sayd vnto hym, What askest thou, or why talkest thou ft her ? 28 The woman then left her waterpot, & went her way into the citie, and sayd to the men. 29 Come, se a man which tolde me all thinges y euer I dyd : Is not he y Christe ? 30 Then they wet out of the citie, & came vnto hym. 31 And in the meane whUe, the disciples prayed him, saying, Master, eat. 32 He sayd vnto them, I haue meat to eat, that ye knowe not of. 33 Then sayd the disciples betwene them selues, Hath any man broght him meat ? E 34 lesus sayd vnto them, *" My meat is to « Ther is nothig do the wyl of him that sent me, and to fi- __ole, orTherini nishe his WOrke. take greaterplea- 35 Say not ye, There are yet four mone- thes, and then commeth haruest ? Beholde I say vnto you, Lyft vp your eyes, and lo- Mat. 9.d. ke on the regions : * for they are whyte al- luk.io.a. ready vnto haruest. 36 And he y repeth receaueth rewarde, & gathereth frute vnto lyfe eternal : that both he that soweth, and he that repeth, without myght " reioyce together. grudging the 37 por herein is the " saying true, That one one at tho- 1 thers labour soweth and another repeth. •or, prouerb. 3g j gent you to repe that, where on yebe- "TheProphe- stowed no labour : " other men laboured, ( and ye are entred into theyr labours. sure. Chap. IIII. THE GOSPEL WRIT 39 Many of the Samaritans of that citie, F i> The samarita- h beleued on him, for the saying of the wo nes shewed the sei man which testified, He tolde me all thin ues willing to re- ' ceauehisdoctrine. ges that euer I dyd. sta^ereb&™c"arseiy 40 Then when the Samaritans were come knowing christe, ynto him, they besoght him, f he would are a condenation . - ' J -°_ , 'J - to the lewes, &-. all tary with them : and he abode there two others which ne- J,,™-, gleet Gods worde "ayes. when it is offered. 41 And many mo " beleued because of his " Had the i J right and true owne wordes. faith.. 42 And sayd vnto the woman, Now we be leue, not because of thy saying : for we ha ue heard hym our selues.and knowe that this is eue in dede Christe the Sauiour of the world. 43 After two dayes he departed thence, and went into GalUe. 44 And lesus hym self * testified that a Mat. 13. g. Prophet hath none honour in his owne "*<""• 6- **• a_ luk. 4. d. countrey.45 Then assone as he was come into Gali le, the Galileas receaued him, which had sene aU the thinges f he dyd at Ierusalem at the feast : for they went also vnto f feast day.46 And lesus came agayne into * Cana a Chap.2.a. towne of GalUe, where he turned the wa ter into wyne. And there was a certayne ¦oneofHerodes 'Ruler, whose sonne was sycke at Caper- court who was in m,,,™ great estimation Udum. with Herode.who- 47 Assone as the same heard that lesus g me the people cal- . T ¦ . a-i i-i , ledkyng.Mar.6.b. was come out of lewne into Gable, he went vnto hym, and besoght him that he would " descend, and heale his sonne : for " °r. come. he was euen ready to dye. 48 Then sayd lesus vnto him, Except ye se signes and wonders, ye wU not beleue. 49 The BY S. JOHN. 152 49 The Ruler sayd vnto him, Syr, come away or euer that my sonne dye. 50 lesus sayd vnto him, Go thy way, thy sonne lyuetn. & the man beleued the wor des that lesus had spoken vnto him, and went his way. "or, retour- 51 And anone as he was " going downe, his seruantes met himj saying, Thy sonne ly- ueth. 52 Then enquired he of them the houre when he began to amende : and they sayd vnto him, Yesterday, the seueth houre, the feuer left him. 53 Then the father knewe, that it was the same houre in which lesus sayd vnto him, Thy sonne liueth : and he beleued, and all his houshould. 54 This is agayne the seconde miracle y lesus dyd, after he was come out of Iew- rie into GalUe. THE V. CHAPTER. He healeth the man that was sycke eight Sf thyrtie yeres. The lewes accuse him. He an- swereth for him selfe. and reproueth them. shewing by the testimonie of his Father, of Iohn, of his workes, and of the Scriptures who he is. A * Fter that there was a feast of y lewes, deuf'wa aD-d lesus went vp to Ierusalem. »wherthe shepe -or, the shepe 2 And there is at Ierusalem, by " the pla- ™™ J ^ItcM. market. ce oJ- the shepe, a a poole caUed in Hebrue ced. v,t-,.-i i i • rt i b Which signifieth b Bethesda, hauing fyue porches. the house of Pow- 3 In which lay a great multitude of syc- ™e out, because iiii i i 'be water ran out ke folke, of blynde, halte, and wythe- by conduits. red, Chap. V. THE GOSPEL WRIT red, wayting for the mouyng of the water 4 For an Angel went downe at a certay ne season into the poole, & troubled the water : whosoeuer then fyrst, after the sty- ryng of the water, stepped in, was made whole of whatsoeuer disease he had. 5 And a certayne man was there, which had bene diseased eight and thirtie yeres. 6 When lesus sawe him lye, and knewe that he now longe tyme had bene disea sed, he sayd vnto hym, Wylt thou be ma de whole ? 7 The sycke man answered hym, Syr, I ha B ue no man, when the water is troubled, to put me into the poole : but in the meane tyme, whyle I am about to come, another steppeth downe before me. then™atX'mi° 8 ^d lesus sayd vnto hym, Ryse, « take racle_ might be so vp thy bed, and walke. coidespeakeagaist 9 And immediately the man was made ¦'• whole, and toke vp his bed, and walked. and the same day was the Sabbath day. 10 The lewes therfore sayd to hym that was made whole, It is the Sabbath day, * it lere. 17. is not lawful for thee to cary thy bed. 1 1 He answered them, He that made me whole, sayd vnto me, Take vp thy bed, & walke. 1 2 Then asked they hym, What ma is that which sayd vnto thee, Take vp thy bed, & walke. 13 And he that was healed, wyst not who it was : for lesus had gotte him selfe away because that there was prease of people in that place. 14 And after that, lesus found hym in the C temple, and sayd vnto him, Behold thou art BY S. IOHN. 153 art made whole : d synne no more, lest a « The afflictions worse thing happen vnto thee. chaS™6 for 15 The man departed, & tolde the lewes our synnes. y it was les', which had made him whole. 1 6 And therfore the lewes dyd persecu te lesus, and soght the meanes to sley him : because he had done these thynges on the Sabbath day. 1 7 And lesus answered them, My Father worketh hytherto, and I worke. o 1 8 Therefore the lewes soght the more to kyl hym : not onely because he had broken the Sabbath : but sayd also that God was clSto Mm " his e Father, & made hym self equal with • it was lawful „,„„ /~<„j for all Israel to alone. God. call God their Fa 19 Then answered lesus, and sayd vnto ther. Exo. 4.e. but the, Verely verely I say vnto you, The So- dydattributetohi ne can do nothyng of him self, but that he pe0'£ef a„uheer had seeth the Father do : for what soeuer he things.&wroghtas doth, that doeth the Sonne also. they gathered thft 20 For the Father loueth the Sonne, and "^'make*1 h°°^ " That is, he n sheweth him all thinges whatsoeuer he self the Sonne of n°cs.tec°mwn* hym self doeth : & he wyl shewe him grea- %$$£ al™ e" him* ter workes then these, because ye should maruayle. E 21 For lykewyse as the Father raysethvp the dead, & quickeneth them, euen so the Sonne quickeneth whome he wyl. 22 Nether iudgeth the Father any man, " In **eum*' but hath committed all " iudgement vnto him power Sc ° rule. the Sonne. 23 Because that aU men should honour the Sonne, euen as they honour the Fa ther. He that honoreth not the Sonne, the same honoreth not the Father which hath sent him. , 24 Verely verely I say vnto you, He that v.i. Chap, V. THE GOSPEL WRIT heareth my wordes, and beleueth on him that sent me hath euerlasting lyfe, & shal not come into damnation : but is escaped from death vnto lyfe. 25 Verely verely I say vnto you, The houre shal come, and now is, when the de ad shal heare y voyce of the Sone of God : 'They that rece- and they that f heare, shal lyue. aue it by faith. 2 g For ag ^ Father hath lyfe in" hym sei- "To commu- fe, so lykewyse hath he geuen to the S5ne ^ca to haue lyfe in him selfe. 27 And hath geuen hym power also to " iudge, in that he is the Sonne of man. "That is, to 28 Maruayle not at this : for y houre shal KuhfngT come in the which aU that are in the gra ues, shal heare his voyce : 29 And they shal come forth, * that haue Mat. 25. d. done good, vnto the resurrection of lyfe : and they that haue done euyl, vnto the re surrection of damnation. 30 I can of mine own self do nothyng at F aU : as I heare, I iudge : and my iudgement is iust : because I seke not myne own wyl, but the wyl of the Father which hath sent me. 31 If I * should beare wytnes of my selfe : Chap. 8. b. s Christ had re- my wytnes were not ** true. kenes that heard 32 There is another that beareth wytnes ^dhifownrwile of ™> and I am sure that the wytnes ft he nes shuid not be beareth of me, is true. 33 * Ye sent vnto Iohn, &he bare wytnes Chap.i.b. vnto the truthe. 34 But I receaue not the recorde of man : Neuerthelesse, these thynges I say, that ye myght be safe. 35 Hewasaburning,andashynyng''can- " or, lamps. del : & ye would for a season haue reioy-sed in BY S. IOHN. 154 sed in his lyght. 36 But I haue greater wytnes then the wytnes of Iohn : for the workes which the Father hath geuen me to finishe, the same workes that I do, beare wytnes of me, that the Father sent me. Mat.3.d. 37 And y * Father hym selfe which hath }J'a\ , sent me, h beareth witnesse of me. Ye haue "¦ in the lawe, & mar. l.o. , Pronhetes luk.3.d. not heard hys voyce at any tyme, nor ye Deut.4.b. haue sene his shape. 38 And hys wordes haue ye not abydyng in you : for whome he hath sent, hym ye be leue not. Act. 17.6. 39 * Search the Scriptures : for in them ye ¦ c* thinke ye haue eternal lyfe : and they are they which testifie of me. G 40 And yet wyl ye not come to me, that ye myght haue lyfe. 41 I receaue not prayse of men. 42 But I knowe you, that ye haue not the loue of God in you. 43 I am come in my Fathers name, and ye receaue me not : If ' another shal come in ¦ The people are i • i-i more readv to re- his owne name, him wyl ye receaue. ceaue false prophe " Vayne gio. 44 How can ye beleue which" receaue * ho j*"*". . then lesus ie6 1tor_e____\ nour one of another, and seke not the ho- GodC°m6 *° nour ^lfl* commeth of God onely ? Chap. 12./. 45 Do not thinke that I wyl accuse you to J^*" ^oses shai my Father: There is one yk accusethyou, trust in hi: so they euen Moses, in whome ye trust. \\f ermemief 6«tt Gen. 3. c. 22. 46 For had ye beleued Moses, ye would the da*" of iudge. ^ aq r, i ,i , J *rti . f ment.thenthevir- "V , ,• haue beleued me : for he wrote of me. gine Marie & the " 8'C- 47 But seying ye beleue not hiswrytyn- S^JE^ ges, how shal ye beleue my wordes ? but whosoeuer J J doth accuse, Christe & their THE VI. CHAPTER. own cOsciece shal * codemne the re- lesus fedeth fyue thousand men. Departeth probat. v. ii. Chap. VI. THE GOSPEL WRIT away, that they should not make hym kyng. Reproueth the fleshly hearers of his worde. The carnal are offended at him. \ Fter these thynges, lesus wet his way A ¦ Tiberias, Beth- -f*aouer the"sea of GalUe, nye to a citie " Called the saida,&Capernau, ,. -. -p., . lake of Gena were on this syde CaUea llDenas : sereth. theLake.inrespect 2 And a great multitude folowed him, of Galile: but lt is ° .-. ' there sayd that he because they saw his miracles, which he rhenr'e0werebdiuer: dyd on them that were diseased. crikes and tour- 3 Then lesus went vp into a mountayne, wE me feryed. and there he sate with his disciples. 4 And Easter, a * feast of the lewes was Leuit. 23. a. nj^ deut. 16. a. 5 * Then iesvs lyft vp his eyes, & saw a m^r.6.c. ' great compagnie come vnto him, and sayd luk.9.b. vnto Philip, Whence shal we bye bread, that these myght eat ? 6 (This he sayd to proue hym : for he him selfe knewe what he would do) •¦Thissomeamo 7 Philip answered him, b Two hundred teth to about fyue f", . , 1 • _r_ ¦ _ p pounde sterling, penyworth of bread is not sufficient for them, that euery man may take a lytel. 8 The sayd vnto him one of his disciples, Andrew Simon Peters brother, 9 There is a litle boye here, which hath fiue barely loaues, and two fyshes : but what are they among so many ? 10 And lesus sayd, Make the people syt B downe. There was muche grasse in y pla ce. Then the men sate downe in nombre, about fiue thousand. ¦ Prayer & thi- 1 1 And lesus toke the bread, and c gaue ct6inrourSm0eates thankes, and gaue to the disciples, and nourished "6 "e nis disciples to them that were set downe : and lykewyse of the fyshes as muche as they would. 12 And BY S. IOHN. 155 1 2 And when they were satisfied, he sayd vnto his disciples, Gather vp the broken meate whiche remayneth, that d nothyng iThabundatsto be lost. r\0/ G?ds B,yftes "™ oght not makevs 1 3 Then they gathered it together, & fyl- prodigal to waste led twelue baskettes with the broken me- em at, of the fyue barly loaues, which frag ments remayned vnto them that had ea ten. 14 Then the men when they had sene the miracle that lesus dyd, sayd, This is of a trueth that Prophet that should come in to the world. 15 When lesus therfore perceaued y they would come, and take hym to make him eking, he departed agayne into a moun- "They imagined tayne him selfe alone. ml^ouVtote" Mat. 14. c. 16 * And when euen was nowe come, his stimouie of Gods mar.6.f. -,• • , . , . ., worde, so that by J disciples went downe vnto the sea : this means his spi 17 And entred into a shyp, and went ^ide Sufbene " ouer a cor- " ouer the sea towardes Capernaum : and abolished. ner of the la- ., j i o t ke. anone it was darke, & lesus was not come to them. C 18 And the sea arose with a great wynd y blewe. 1 9 And when they had rowed about fiue " Eight make and twenty, or thirtei " furlonges, they saw lesus walkyng on the sea, and drawyng nye vnto the shyp : and were afrayd. 20 And he sayd vnto them, It is I, be not afrayd. 21 Then moste willingly they receaued hym into the shyp, and the ship was by & by at the land, whither they went. 22 The day folowyng, the people which stode on the other syde of the se,a, sawe that there was none other shyp there, sa- v. iii. Chap. VI. THE GOSPEL WRIT ue that one, wherinto his disciples were entred, and that lesus went not with his disciples in the shyp, but that his disci- ' wherfore it pies were gone f alone : tTafchristlpai's'ed 23 And that there came other shyppes miraculously. from Tiberias nye vnto the place where they ate the bread, after the Lord had ge uen thankes. 24 Then when the people saw that lesus was not there, nether his disciples, they al so toke shyppyng, & came to Capernaum, sekyng for lesus. 25 And when they had found hym on y t This was not ** other syde of y sea, they sayd vnto him, iTetLT/det Rahbi, when cammest thou hyther ? syde.butoueracri 26 lesus answered them, and sayd, Ve- ke or arme of the , , T , J lake which saued rely verely I say vnto you, ye seke me not ihem^hatshouid because ye saw the miracles, but becau- haue go about by se ye ate of the loaues, and were fyUed. 27 Labour not for the meat which peri- sheth, but for the meat that " endureth vn- "which non- to euerlasting lyfe, which meat the Sonne menteth our of man shal geue vnto you : for hym hath faith- h For **'.h5 he ?p * God the Father h sealed. Chap. 2. d. pointed him to be the Mediatour he 28 then sayd they vnto hym, What shal atehn, Tm loll we do, that we myght worke the"workes '^f^beac the onely one tore of God ? toPGod.6 ™ man together. 29 lesus answered, & said vnto the/This Matth. 3. d. is y worke of God, that ye beleue on him, J7*.a; „ . ,¦" , , ^, J ' 1. iohn 3. a. whome he hath sent. 30 They sayd therfore vnto hym, What D sygne shewest thou then, that we may se, and beleue thee ? What doest thou worke ? 31 *Our fathers dyd eat Manna in the de- ExoAR.c. sert as it is * wrytten, He gaue them bread p™]. 77. christe doth CMP. 8. c vp yet vnto this feast : for * my time is not Ztbe^L^Z yet fulfilled. the feast, but signi 9 These wordes he sayd vnto them, and wasn'otafuMy"deter abode styl in Galile. """""*•<*• B 10 But as sone as his brethren were go ne vp, then went he also vp vnto the feast : not openly, but as it were preuely. The peoples 1 1 Then the lewes soght him at the feast, Christe6"' °f and sayQ' Where is he ? 12 And muche murmuring was ther of him, among the people : Some sayd, He is a good man. Other sayd, Naye : but he decea- ueth the people. 1 3 How beit no man spake openly of him " These were for feare of the " lewes. thi people wf 14 Now when halfe the feast was do- ho dyd enuie ne, lesus went vp into the temple and Christ. . i , taught. 15 And the lewes marueyled, saying, How " or, letters, knoweth he the " Scriptures, seyngthathe neuer learned ? 16 lesus answered them, and say d, My do- "in that, that ctrine is not " myne, but his that sent me. iy. 1 7 If any ma wil do his wU, he shal know of the doctrine, whether it be of God, or whether I speake of my selfe. C 18 He c that speaketh of him selfe, seketh ° By this mar- his owne prayse: but he y seketh his pray- %£%£%£ "No thinges ge that sent him, the same is true, and no ne be of God, or terfaitorvn- „ , . . , . of man. true. vnryghtuousnes is in him. Chap. VII. THE GOSPEL WRIT 19 * Dyd not Moses geue you a lawe, and Exod. 24. a. yet none of you kepeth the lawe ? * Why go Chap. 5. .. ye about to kyl me ? •* who dyd not 20 The d people answered, and sayd, Thou Blasphemie of the6scribees'ch6 hast the " deuU, who goeth about to kyl "Or, art mad. thee ? 21 lesus answered and, sayd to them, I ha ¦ Because i dyd ue done one worke, and ye all e mar- it on the Sabbath iQ day. uayie. 22 * Moses therfore gaue vnto you Circum Leu. 12. u. cisio (not because it is of Moses, but of the * fathers) and yet ye on the Sabbath day, Gen. 17. b. circumcise a man. 23 If a man on the Sabbath day receaue circumcision wythout breakyng of the la we of Moses, disdayne ye at me, because I haue made a man euery whit whole on the Sabbath day ? 24 * Iudge not after the vtter appearan- D ce, but iudge rightuous iudgement. -Deafer. i.e. 25 Then sayd some of them of Ierusalem, Is not this he, whome they go about to kyl ? 26 And beholde he speaketh openly, and they say nothing to him : do f rulers know in dede that this is very Christe ? 27 Howbeit we knowe this man whence he is. but when Christe commeth, no man ehal knowe whence he is. 28 Then cried lesus in the temple as he taught, saying, Ye" knowe me, and whence "He speaketh I am ye knowe, and yet I am not come of ^oraMy™5 my selfe, but he that sent me is true, who me ye know not. 29 But I know him, for I am of him, and he hath sent me. 30 Then they soght to take hym, but no man BY S. IOHN. 159 man layd handes on him, because his hou re was not yet come. F. 31 Many of the people f beleued on him, 'Theywerewei and sayd, When Christe commeth wyl he ggj^LS^S do mo miracles then this man hath do- tion is here called - (althogh improper ne f ly) faith. 32 The Phariseis heard that the people murmured suche thinges of him, and the Phariseis and hye Priestes sent ministers to take him. 33 Then sayd lesus vnto them, Yet am I ** a lytel whyle with you, and then go I vn "He sheweth vn . i . . i / J to them that they to him that sent me. haue no power Chap. 13. /. 34 * Ye shal seke me, & shal not fynde me : ™mre hj^metiltm^ " or, shalbe. and where I " am, thyther can ye not his Father hath ordeyned. come. 35 Then sayd the lewes betwene the sel ues, Whither wU he go, that we shal not fynde hym ? Wyl he go among the h Genti- h Among the le , i . i . i n i i i , wes which were les, which are scatered all abrode, and tea- scatered here and che the Gentiles ? aZtiisT"^ 'he 36 What maner of saying is this that he sayd, Ye shal seke me, and shal not fynde me : and where I am, thyther can ye not F come ? Leu. 23. f. 37 In the last and * great day of the feast, lesus stode and cried saying, If any man thyrst, let him come vnto me, and drin cke. Deut. 18. v. 38 He that ' beleueth on me, * as sayth the i The true way ci • . a-a?i'i_ii iiji .to come to Chri- acnpture, out ot his beUy shal nowe ri- ste, is faith. uers of water k of life. k which shal ne- U6T QXIG VU. Ioel2.g. 39 *This spake he ofthe Sprite which they act. 2. c. (.j^A. heleued on him, should receaue : for the ' holy Gost was not yet there, because graces whichwere that lesus was not yet glorified. geuen to the aPo- a^ta»- rti ii ,i»i i stles ftfter his as- 40 Many of the people, when they heard cension. Chap. VIII. THE GOSPEL WRIT » They loked this saying, sayd, Of a truth this is that m for some notable pvr.i-,liof Prophet besydes -rropuet. the Messias. chap. 41 Other sayd.This is y Christ : some sayd, Shal Christe come out of GalUe ? 42 * Sayeth not the Scripture that Christe Mich.b.a. shal come of the sede of Dauid, & out of mat 2- a- the towne of Bethlehe, where Dauid was ? 43 So was there dissention among the The people ,i,i. " wereatdissen people about him. tion for Chri 44 And some of them would haue taken pe- him, but no man layd handes on him. 45 Then came the ministers to the hie Priestes and Phariseis : and they sayd vnto them, Why haue ye not broght him ? " wher in ap- 46 The seruantes answered, n Neuer man The priests peareth the migh- i , -, • i , i_ seruants con- tie power of spake as this man doeth. uerted. chrism word a- 47 Then answered them the Phariseis, A- gainst his enne- - mies. re ye also deceaued ? • They aiiedge 48 Doth any of the ° Rulers, or of the Pha Th,?iFride of the autoritie of • ¦ 1 , 1 ¦ 3 thePhanseis. man, against Gods riseis beleue on him ? autoritie. 49 Brit, the comen people, which knowe not the law, are cursed. 50 Nicodemus sayd vnto them, * (he that Chap. 3. a. came to lesus by night, and was one of them.) 51 Doth our law iudge any ma before it heare hym, * & know what he hath done ? Deut. 17. b. 52 They answered and sayd vnto him, Art 19, * thou also of GalUe. Search and loke, for out of Gable aryseth no Prophet. 53 And euery man went vnto his owne house. THE VIII. CHAPTER. Christe deliuereth her that was taken in aduoutrie. He sheweth from whence he is co me, wherfore, and whether he goeth. Who are the BY S. IOHN. 160 the true people of God. Of firemen and slaues and their rewarde. He deffieth his enne mies and being persecuted with draweth him self. A1 Nd lesus went vnto the bil of Oli- '-ues. a woman 2 And early in the morning came agay- •Schriste te ne mto the temple, and aU the people aduitcrie. came vnto him, and he sate downe, and taught them. 3 And the Scribes and Phariseis broght vnto hym a woman, take in aduoutrie, and set her in the middes. 4 And sayd vnto him, Master, thys wo man was taken in aduoutrie, euen as the dede was a doing. Leu 20. b. 5 * Moses in the law commanded vs, that suche should be stoned. What sayest thou therfore ? 6 And this they sayd to tempt hym, that they might haue, wherof to a accuse hym. » Ether for brea but lesus stouped downe, and wyth hys dyaMm'eTherio? fynger wrote on the grounde. of lightnes and in 7 And whyle they cStinued asking him, dyd codemne her! he lyft hym selfe vp, and sayd vnto them, Deu. 17. b. * Let him that is amog you without synne, cast the fyrst stone at her. 8 And agayne he stouped downe, & wrote on the grounde. 9 And as sone as they heard that, beyng accused by their owne conscience they went out one by one, the eldest first euen til it came to the last : and lesus was left a- lone, and the woman standing in the myddes. 10 Whe lesus had lift vp him selfe agay- Chap. VII. THE GOSPEL WRIT ne, and saw no man, but the woman, he sayd vnto her, Woma where are those thi ne accusars ? Hath no man condemned thee? 1 1 She sayd, No ma Lord. And lesus sayd, *¦ lesus woide b Nether do I condemne thee. Go and syn- not meddle but J with that which ne no more. hfsdom?e6,rtolTt,to 12 ^^ SP^f IeSUS *&V* ™t0 them> bring synners to saying, I * am y hght ofthe world : he that Cha.l.a.9 a therforT'dyd not foloweth me, shal not walke in darcknes, uileliSlba6w'h6ainlt but Slial haUe the " ^S^ °f lvfe- y ?*' IyUe'y aduiterie. 1 3 The Phariseis therfore sayd vnto him, lg Thou bearest recorde of thy selfe, thy re corde is not " true. " Or, iuste. 1 4 lesus answered, and sayd vnto them, ' That which c Thogh I beare recorde of my selfe, yet Siapt e. hte-ht my recorde is true : for I knowe whence I granteth, to decia- came, and whether I go : but ye can not tel r re vnto them their ,, . T jia.it stubbernes. And whence 1 come, and whether 1 go. " In that he ctd'Ye""!. 1S Ye iudSe "fter the fleshe, "I iudge no gSi,^ witnes to his hu- man. weth that he do™ God .hip™ 16 And ilf ! iudge, my iudgement is true : n,an°b'utGod therwitenesthesa for I am not alone, but I and the Father .¦"J*"0- .. me which are two , "Hewoldenot distinct persones, that Sent me. iudgerashely, Got bu' °ne J7 It is also wrytten in your lawe, * That Notj^d. the testimonie of two men is true. deut. 17. a. « which place, 18 I am d one that beare wytnes of my and 19- d- proueth Christe to ,. ,,, u ., .v . ,J , J mat. 18. b. be very God, and selfe, and the rather that sent me, beareth 2. cor. 13. a. man- witnes of me. heb. 10. e. 1 9 Then sayd they vnto him, Where is thy Father ? lesus answered, Ye nether know me, nor yet my Father : If ye had knowen me, ye should haue knowen my Father also.20 These wordes spake lesus in the treasury, as he taught in the temple, and no man layd handes on hym : for his * houre BY S. IOHN. 161 Chap. 7. b. * houre was not yet come. 21 Then sayd lesus agayne vnto the, I go my way, and ye shal seke me, and shal dye " Because of in your " sinnes. Whether I go, thether can their rebellio ' ° wherin they ye not Come. dydperseuer. 22 The sayd the lewes, Wil he kUhim sei fe, because he sayeth, Whether I go, the ther can ye not come ? 23 And he said vnto them, * Ye are from « He sheweth the , ,, T - i i, rt ,i ¦ difference hetwen beneth, 1 am from aboue : Ye are ot this the Gospel, & the world, I am not of this world. Bubtil wit of man. The ende of 24 I sayd therfore vnto you, That ye shal uenot! b6le' dye ™ youl" synnes. For except ye beleue that I am he, ye shal dye in your synnes. D 25 The sayd they vnto him, Who artthou? And lesus said vnto them, Euen the very same thing that I sayd vnto you f from the ' That is, who he i was.whece he was, begynnyng. and why he can,e 26 I haue many thinges to say, and to iud int0 th>s worlde. ge of you : but he that sent me is true : and I speake in the world, those thinges which I haue heard of him. 27 How beit they vnderstode not that he spake to them of his Father. 28 Then sayd lesus vnto them, When ye haue <* lift vp the Sonne of man, then shal s Their ende- ueln hm.°n.£ y6 " kn°We ^ I 8m " ^ and ^ ** d° n° wher^thTt'h'S to be co'nui- thing of my selfe, but as my Father hath to destroy him.shai Moa a. i. a. t i serue to exalt and "TheMessias. taUght me, euen SO I speake. magniuehisglorie. 29 And he that sent me, is with me : the Fa ther hath not left me alone, for I do all wayes those thinges that please him. 30 As he spake these wordes, many bele ued on him. 31 Then sayd lesus to those lewes which beleued on hym, If ye continue in my wor x.i. Chap. VIII. THE GOSPEL WRIT des, then are ye my very disciples, Heexhorteth 32 And shal knowe the trueth, and the *™.t0 per* trueth " shal restore you to libertie. "For we were sIaIuos to svn-* » These were 33 They answered him, h We be Abrahas ne. not the beleuing , J , 1 i a iewes, but the seede, and were neuer bonde to any man : recrkedsth'uhsa' ""' why sayest thou then, Ye shalbe restored to libertie ? 34 lesus answered them, Verely verely I E say vnto you, That whosoeuer committeth sinne, is the * seruant of synne. Roma. 6. d. 35 And the seruant abydeth not in the 2.peier.2.d. house for euer : but the Sone abydeth euer. 36 If the Sonne therfore shal make you free, then are ye free in dede. 1 He graunteth 37 j i kn0W that ve are Abrahams seede : their saiyngs in - such sort, that he but ye seke meanes to kyl me, because my tharth'e™o0wnh6d™ sayinges haue no place in you. des proue them 38 1 speake that I haue sene with my Fa ther : and ye do that which ye haue sene with your father. 39 They answered and sayd vnto hym, A- braham is our father. lesus sayd vnto the, If ye were Abrahams chyldren, ye would do the dedes of Abraham. 40 But now ye go about to kyl me, a mil that haue tolde you the truth, which I ha ue heard of God : this did not Abraham. 41 Ye do the dedes of your father. Then sayd they to hym, We are not borne of for nication : we haue one Father, which is God. 42 lesus sayd vnto the, If God were your Father, then would ye loue me : for I proceaded forth, and came from God : nether came I of my selfe, but he sent me. 43 Why BY S. IOHN. 162 43 Why do ye not vnderstand my talke ? Eue because ye can not abyde the hearyng of my wordes. F 44 * Ye are of your father the deuyl, and • '" '* 3" * the lustes of your father ye wyl do. He " since the hath bene a murtherer "from the begyn- ofSmanrea '°n nynsr, and k abode not in the truth : becau- , k itfoioweth the oi man. j 0, _ ,.,-,. tin i that he was once in se there is no truth in him. When he spea- the trueth: for he "Accordingto keth a he, then speaketh he of his " owne, ^ not aeatei custome. for he is a lyar, and the father thereof. 45 And because I tel you y truth, ye be leue me not. 46 Which of you ca rebuke me of synne ? If I say the truth, why do ye not heleue me ? 1. Ioh. 4. a. 47 * He that is of God, heareth Goddes 1. Ioh. 3. b. wordes. * Ye therfore heare the not, becau se ye are not of God. 48 Then answered the lewes & sayd vn to him, Say we not wel that thou art a Sa- maritane, and hast the deuyl. 49 lesus answered, I haue not the deuyl, but I honour my Father, & ye haue disho noured me. 50 I seke not mine owne praise : but ther is one seketh and • iudgeth. ' who wii reucn 5 1 Verely verely I say vnto you, Yf a man *"e th.e *n"urie that " ' . -"i ,¦" , 3 ., , ., you do against me, "Forthefaith kepe my saying, he shal neuer se death, or rather against deUrnfe" 52 The sayd the lewes to hym, Now kno- him" we we that thou hast the deuyl. Abraham is dead, and also the Prophetes : and yet thou sayest, If a man kepe my saying, he shal neuer tast of death. G 53 Art thou greater then our father Abra ham, which is dead ? and the Prophetes are dead, whom makest thou thy selfa? Chap. IX. THE GOSPEL WRIT 54 lesus answered, If I honour my selfe, myne honour is nothing worth : It is my Father that honoureth me, which ye say, is your God. 55 And ye haue not knowen him : but I knowe him : & if I shuld say, I knowe him not, I shuld be a lyar lyke vnto you : but I knowe hym, and kepe his saiyng. 56 Your father Abraham was very glad "• which was to to se my m day, and he saw it, and reioy- se the coming of i Christe in the fle- seu- she, which thing 57 Then sayd the lewes vnto him, Thou ofwithatheeyesof art not yet fyfty yere olde, and hast thou faith.heb.n.c. sene Abraham ? 58 lesus sayd vnto them, Verely verely I -Not onely God, say vnto you, yer Abraham was, n I am. but the "edia'or 59 * Then toke they vp stones, to cast at Chap. 10. /. man. him : but lesus hid him selfe and went out of the temple. THE IX. CHAPTER. The spiritual and corporal healing. The co- fession of him that was borne blynde. To what blynde men Christ geueth sight. \ Nd as lesus passed by, he sawe a man a -^*-which was blynde from his byrth. Hethatisbor 116 "blvndfi is 2 And his disciples asked him, saying, Ma made to se. ster, who dyd synne, this ma, or his father and mother, that he was borne blynde ? »God doth not al 3 lesus answered, a Nether hath this man te tneP°sfnhn6esm5 synned, nor yet his father & mother : but that the workes of God shulde be shewed on him. 4 I must worke the workes of him that sent me, whUe it is " day : the night cometh "When oppor i_ i tunitie & the when no man can worke. seasoserueth. As BY S. IOHN. 163 C'ha. i.a.6.a 5 As longe as I am in the world, * I am the 8.6.i2.e. iyght of the world. B 6 As sone as he had thus spoken, he b spa b This was not te on the grounde and made claye of the %__^_l_lL__itj_\ spettle, and rubbed the claye on the eyes JJ"* spittle, or in j. - , . - J J the claye, to make Ot the blynde. one se: but it only 7 And sayd vnto him, Go wash thee in P„^esd^™.t0vse the poole of Siloam (which by interpreta tion signifieth, c sent) He wet his way the- « Hereby was refore, and washed, and came aerayne se- prefigured theMes to J sias, who shuld be yng. sent vnto them. 8 The neyghboures and they that had se ne him before how that he was blynde, sayd, Is not this he that sate and begged ? 9 Some sayd, This is he : other sayd, He is lyke him. But he him selfe sayd, I am euen he. 10 Therfore they sayd vnto him, How a- re thyne eyes opened then ? C 11 He answered, and sayd, The man that is caUed lesus, made claye, and anointed myne eyes, & sayd vnto me, Go to the po ole SUoam and washe. And I went and wa shed, and receaued my sight. 12 They sayd vnto him, Where is he ? He sayd, I can not tel. ThePhariseis 1 3 They broght to the Pharises, him that examine the i __ i i r t_t j blynde man. *~ tytel before was blynde. 14 And it was the Sabbath day, when lesus made the claye, and opened his eyes. 15 Then agayne the Pharises also asked him, how he had receaued his syght. He sayd vnto them, He put claye vpon mine eyes, and I washed, and do se. 1 6 Then sayd some of the Pharises, This man is not of God : because he kepeth x.ui. Chap. IX. THE GOSPEL WRIT not the Sabbath day. Other sayd, How can a man that is a sinner, do suche miracles ? And ther was stryfe among them. 17 Then spake they vnto the blynde agai D ne, What saist thou of him, because he hath opened thyne eyes ? And he sayd, He is a Prophet. 1 8 But the lewes dyd not beleue of hym Vnbeieuing (how that he was blynde, & receaued hys syght) vntyl they had called 'the father & mother of hym that had receaued his syght. 19 And they asked them, saying, Is this your sonne, whom ye say was borne biyn de ? How doth he now se then ? 20 Hys father and mother answered the, and sayd, We wot wel that this is our son ne, and that he was borne blynde : 2 1 But by what meanes he now seyth, that ca we not tel : or who hath opened his ey- * They durst es, d can we not tel : he is olde ynough, as- etotetare'the^ ke him, he shal answer for him selfe. shulde be excom- 22 Suche wordes spake his father & mo- E ther, because they feared the lewes: for the lewes had ordeined alredy, that yf a- They are ex- ny man dyd confesse that he was Christ, te that beleue he shulde be excommunicate out ofthe Sy- m chnste. nagoge. 23 Therfore sayd his father and mother, He is olde ynough, aske him. 24 Then agayne caned they the ma that « That is, Consi- was blynde, & sayd vnto him, e Geue glo- der that nothing is rie vnto God : we know that this man is hid from God.ther fore tel vs the trn- a Sinner. ^Vlor^tE 25 Then he answered, and sayd, Why- „ ^ by.ios.7.c.i.sa.6a ther he be a synner or no, I can not tel : in mockery. One BY S. IOHN. 164 One thyng I am sure of, that I was blynd, and now I se. 26 f Then sayd they to Mm agayne, What ' Theythoght e- didhe to thee? How opened he thyne eyes? %__$£%££ F 27 He answered them, I tolde you yer tomakehimswer- whUe, and ye haue not heard it : wherfore mes y examining i'hlir^wflfS W°lde yf lleare •** ^^ ' " *& Ye ^O be ""aS members malice and his disciples ? euer do obserue in ignorance. 28 Then checked they hym, and sayd, Be Suaut. 'he thou his disciple : we be Moses disciples. 29 We are sure that God spake with Mo ses : this felow we knowe not from whence he is. 30 The man answered, & sayd vnto them Doutles, this is a meruelo' thing, that ye s wot not whence he is, and yet he hath ' They douted , J not of his cotrey, opened myne eyes. or parents, but of 31 For we be sure that God heareth not ^it^ce and au" " or, wicked " synners : but yf any man be a worshipper rmoTGod; of God> and doth his wil, him heareth he. & such as de- 32 Sence the world bega was it not heard m synne. ^^ an^ man opened the eyes of one that was borne blynde. 33 If this man were not of God, he could haue done nothing. G 34 They answered & sayd vnto him, Thou art all together borne in synne, and doest thou teache vs ? and they cast him out. 35 lesus heard that they had excommuni cate him : & assone as he had founde him he sayd vnto him, Doest thou beleue on y Sonne of God ? 36 He answered & sayd, Who is he Lord, that I myght beleue on hym ? 37 And lesus sayd vnto hym, Thou hast sene hym, & he it is that talketh with thee. 38 And he sayd, Lord, I belefie, and Chap. X. THE GOSPEL WRIT h As all astoni- h worshipped hym. & worshippedhim! 39 lesus sayd, I am come vnto " iudgement " Meaning into this world : that they which se not, ^X*,6 £ myght se : & they which se, myght be ma- niake the po- J o J J ore blynde to de blynde. se, s_ the 40 And some of the Pharises which were g™^ sears' with hym heard these wordes, & sayd vn- Rom. 2. c. to him, Are we blinde also ? 4 1 lesus sayd vnto them, If ye were blyn- ¦ You shulde not de, ' ye shouldhaueno synne : but now ye be so much in fan saVj Wese . therfore y our synne remayneth. THE X. CHAPTER. Christe is the true shepherd, Sf what is the na ture Sf sauegarde of his shepe. Some say Christe hath the deuel, and is madde. Some say, he spea keth not the wordes of one that hath the deuel, because he telleth the trueth, wherfore he is per secuted of some, and receaued of others. "\7Erely verely I say vnto you, He that A ^ entreth not in by the dore into the shepefolde, but clymmeth vp some other way, the same is a thefe and a robber. 2 But he that goeth in by the dore, is the shepeherd of the shepe. 3 To him the porter openeth, & the shepe » That is, that heare is voice, and he a caUeth his owne there is mutual a- shepe by name, and leadeth them out. grement and con- if J > sent of faith be- 4 And when he hath sent forth his owne andnthehshepe!°Ur shepe he goeth before them, and the shepe folow him : for they knowe his voyce. 5 A stranger they wyl not folow, but they flye from hym : for they knowe not the voyce of strangers. 6 This simihtude spake lesus vnto them : but they vnderstode not what thinges they BY S. IOHN. 165 they were which he spake vnto them. B 7 Then sayd lesus vnto them agayne, Verely verely I say vnto you, I am the do re of the shepe. 8 AU, b euen as many as came before me, * He meaneth ail are theues and robbers, but the shepe dyd ^^Xofme not heare them. to christe. 9 I am the dore : by me if any man enter " He shalbe in, he shalbe safe : and shal " go in and out, *.""*••" °f ^li- and fynde pasture. 10 The thefe commeth not but for to steale, kyl and destroye : I am come that they myght haue lyfe, and haue it in abon dance. Esa. 40. c. 11*1 am the good shepeherd : the good Tk^itt^'jf' shepeherd geueth his lyfe for his shepe. mat. 20. d. 12 An hyred seruant, and he which is not C the shepeherd, nether the shepe are his owne, seeth the wolf comming, and leueth the shepe, and flyeth, and the wolfe cat- cheth them, and scatereth the shepe. 13 The hired seruant flyeth, because he is c christe knoweth an hyred seruant, and careth not for the his.becauseheiou , •* eth the, careth, & Shepe. prouideth for the. 14 I am that good shepeherde, & c know 0^0'*^^ myne, and am knowen of myne. no more can he " in that he 15 d As my Father " knoweth me : euen so 0!iSTo wit among irouuefhrne. know I my Father = and I geue my lyfe for ^^tS^ the shepe. from the Churche 16 e Other shepe I haue also which are off chrk,, eUe in not of this folde : them also must I bring, that that he is mi Eze. 37. /. and they shal heare my voyce : and * ther Fatten tone and esa. 53. b. ghal he one shepefolde, and one shepe- ^fj^"^,"0.' herde. but to vs also D 17 'Therfore doth my Father loue me, S^eVperfecfiu because * I put my lvfe from me, f I myght "¦««> are imputed , r J ' ' j jo nghtuo'.Rom.5.d, take it agayne. Phiiip.2.a. Chap. X. THE GOSPEL WRIT 1 8 No man taketh it from me, but I put it away of my selfe : I haue power to put it from me, & haue power to take it againe : this * commandement haue I receaued of Act. 2. d. my Father. 19 The ther was a dissentio agayne am5g the lewes for these sayinges : 20 And many of them sayd, He hath the asp enue' deuyl, and is madde : why heare ye him ? 21 Other sayd, These are not the wordes of him that hath the deuyl : Can the deuyl open the eyes of the blynde ? ¦ which was in- 22 And it was at Ierusalem the ** feast of peop'ie'mightg^ue the * Dedication, and it was wynter. 2.Mac.i.g. thakes to God for 23 And lesus walked in the temple, in E their dehuerace & .. ~ , , *¦ ,. „-. . , restoring of their " Solomons porche. h Id d pietSch1 Ant™.' 24 Then came the lewes rounde about agline6 after ch- had corrupted hym, and sayd vnto him, How longe doest *at^h s°o and polluted. thou make yg ^^ ? Tf ^ be ^ gfo, lomon buyl. ste, tel vs playnly. 25 lesus answered them, I tolde you, and ye beleue not : the workes that I do in my Fathers name, they beare wytnes of me. 26 But ye beleue not : " for ye are not of " The cause i J xi. wherfore the my shepe, as I sayd vnto you : reprobat can 27 My shepe heare my voyce, & I knowe DOt beleue- them, and they folow me : 28 And I geue vnto them eternal lyfe, & they shal neuer perishe, nether shal any man plucke them out of my hand. 29 My Father which gaue them me, is arne^ howyslfe1r "' greater then aU : & no man is able to take we are preserued them out of my Fathers hand. against alldiigers. gg And j and my Father are one p 31 * The the lewes agayne toke vp stones, Chap. 8. g. to stone hym with aU. 32 lesus BY S. IOHN. 166 32 lesus answered them, Many good wor kes haue I shewed you from my Father : for which of those workes do ye stone me ? 33 The lewes answered him saying, For y good workes sakes we stone thee not : but for thy blasphemie : y is, that thou beyng a man, makest thy selfe God. G 34 lesus answered them, Is it not wrytten Psal. 81. 6. in your lawe, * I sayd, ye are Goddes ? Who are God 35 if he caUed the Goddes vnto whome the worde of God was spoken, & the Scri- Chap. 7. d. pture can not be * broken : mat. 5. c. 36 Say ye then to him, whom the Father hath sanctified, and sent into the world, Thou blasphemest : because I sayd I am y Sonne of God ? 37 If I do not the workes of my Father, be leue me not. 38 But yf I do, then thogh ye beleue not me, yet beleue the workes : that ye may knowe and beleue, that the Father is in me, and I in hym. 39 Agayne they went about to take hym : but he escaped out of their handes. 40 And went agayne beyond Iordan, in to the place where Iohn before had bapti zed : and there abode. 41 And many resorted vnto him, & sayd, Iohn dyd ' no miracle : but aU thinges that i wherby they ga Iohn spake of this man were true. ST^'-SS- Many bele- 42 And many beleued on hym there. lent then iohn. ue. THE XI. CHAPTER. Christe rayseth Lazarus from death. The hie Priestes and Pharises gather a counsel agaynst him. Caiaphas prophecieth. He getteth him out of the way. A1 ix, Chap. XI. THE GOSPEL WRIT Nd a certaine ma was sick, named La- A zarus of Bethania the towne of Ma rie, and her sister Martha. 2 It was that * Marie which anointed le- Chap. I2.a. sus with oyntement, and wiped his fete ft maL 26" a" her heere, whose brother Lazarus was syck. 3 Therfore his sisters sent vnto him, say ing, Lord, beholde, he whome thou louest, is syck. 4 When lesus heard that, he sayd, This ¦ For althogh he sickenes is not a that he shulde dye, but dtoeredyseobsonegrto for the * laude of God y the Sonne of God Chap. 9. a. lyf, it was almost myght be praysed by the reason of it. no death in copa- _ Jvp r J J risen. 5 lesus loued Martha and her syster, and Lazarus. 6 And after he had heard y he was sycke, yet abode he two dayes styl in the same place where he was. 7 The after that, sayd he to his disciples, B Let vs go into Iewrie agayne. 8 His disciples sayd vnto him, Master, y lewes * lately soght to stone thee, & doest Chap. 7. u. thou go thyther agayne ? 8.9.8c 10. » He that wal- 9 lesus answered, Are there not b twelue Twelue hou- on^Vhattto homes in the day ? If a ma walke in y day, ™>»e»_*j. light of God for he stobleth not : because he seeth the lyeht his guyde nedeth r . , . . , J ° to feare no dan. Of this World. gers The day also 10 But if a man ^alke in the nyght, he both sommer and . J o ' wynter was with stobleth : because there is no lyght in him. .n6ol62W6hoduirlesd6d 1 1 These things sayd he, and after he sayd vnto them, Our friend Lazar' slepeth : but I go to wake him out of slepe. red^to^tay 12 Then sayd his disciples, Lord, if he sle- Christe from pe, he " shal do wel ynough. fewrfe, '"as 13 Howbeit, lesus spake of his death : but JhoJ'*b ther i iiiiii i rti bad bene no they thoght that he had spoken of the na- nede. tural BY S. IOHN. 167 tural slepe. 14 Then sayd lesus vnto them playnely, Lazarus is dead. 15 And I am glad for your sakes, y I was not there, becauseye may beleue : but let vs go vnto him. 1 6 Then sayd Thomas (which is called " And in our " Didymus) vnto the disciples, Let vs also tongue, a twy At. a. j -_xZ _.¦ nne in byrth. go, that we may dye with him. C 1 7 Then came lesus & found that he had lyne in his graue foure dayes already. 18 Bethanie was nye vnto Ierusale, about c fiftene furlongeS Of. "Which were at ,-..1 /-..IT . most two mile. 19 And many of the lewes were come to Martha and Marie to comforte them for their brother. 20 Then Martha, assone as she heard that lesus was comyng, went and met hym : but Marie sate styl in the house. 21 Then sayd Martha vnto lesus, Lord if thou haddest bene here, my brother had not bene dead : 22 But now d I know also, that whatsoe- j she sheweth uer thou askest of God, God wyl geue it r^aS thee. was almost ouer 23 lesus sayd vnto her, Thy brother shal cttons. y ryse agayne, 24 Martha sayd vnto hym, I knowe that Chap. 5. e. he shal ryse agayne in the * resurrection at ink. 14. c. the last day. 25 lesus sayd vnto her, e I am the resurre- "Christe resto- ction and the lyfe : He that beleueth on togyuevseueria- me, yea, thogh he were dead, yet shal he sting life- hue. Chap. 6.d. 26 And whosoeuer lyueth * and bele ueth on me, shal neuer dye. Beleuest thou this? Chap. XI. THE GOSPEL WRIT 27 She sayd vnto hym, Yea Lord, I bele ue that thou art Christe the Sone of God, which should come into the world. 28 And assone as she had so sayd, she wet D her way, and caUed Marie her syster se cretly, saying, The master is come, and cal leth for thee. 29 Assone as she heard that, she arose quic kely, and came vnto hym. 30 lesus was not yet come into the towne : but was in that place where Martha met hym. 31 The lewes then which were with her in the house, and comforted her, when they sawe Marie that she rose vp hastely, and wet out, folowed her, saying, She go eth vnto the graue, to wepe there. 32 Then when Marie was come where le sus was, and sawe him, she fel downe at his feete, saying vnto him, Lord if thou haddest bene here, my brother had not bene dead. 33 When lesus therefore sawe her wepe, and the lewes also wepe which came with 'Forcompassiu, her, he f groned in the spirite, & was trou for he felt our mi i,i„i • i • irA series as thogh oled in him selfe. he suffered the li- 34 And sayd, Where haue ye layed him? They sayd vnto him, Lord come and se. e We read not 35 And IeSUS S wept. jj; wea'ehso excels^ 36 Then sayd the lewes, Beholde how he christe we. that he kept no me loued him. peth. asure, as we do in or, a j ' p ., i*a-a ii oursorrowes.ioyes 37 And some of them sayd, Coulde not Chap.9.a. sc other affections. he which opened the eyes of the blynde, haue made also, that this man should not haue died ? 38 lesus therfore agayne groned in him selfe, and came to the graue. It was a caue and BY S, IOHN. 168 and a stone layde on it. 39 lesus sayd, Take ye away y stone. Mar tha the sister of him that was dead, sayd vnto him, Lord, by this tyme he stync- keth: for he hath bene dead foure dayes. 40 lesus sayd vnto her, Sayd I not vnto thee, y if thou diddest beleue thou shoul dest se the h glorie of God ? >¦ That is, a mira 41 Then they toke away the stone from ^e^uidetit the place where the dead was layd. And glorified. lesus lyft vp hys eyes, and sayd, Father I thanke thee, because thou hast heard me. 42 I wot that thou nearest me alwayes : but because of the people that stand hy, I sayd it : that they may beleue, that thou, hast sent me. F 43 And when he thus had spoken, he cri ed with a loude voyce, Lazarus, come forth.44 Then he that was dead, came forth, bounde hand and fote with bandes, and his face was bounde with a napkyn. lesus sayd vnto them, Lowse him, & let him go. 45 Then many of the lewes which came to Marie, and had sene the thinges which lesus dyd, beleued on him. 46 But some of them went their wayes to the Pharises, and tolde them what lesus had done. 47 Then gathered the hye Priestes and the Pharises a councU, and sayd, What shal we do ? For this man doeth many mi racles. 48 If • we let him escape thus, aU men t_____*ilJB__* hS_- wyl beleue on hym : & the Romances shal ^"^""11011.- come and take away both our place, and cies. Chap. XII. THE GOSPEL WRIT the people. 49 And one of them named Caiaphas ft was the hye Priest " y same yere, sayd vnto " or, for that them, Ye perceaue nothing at aU. '"' '' 50 Nor yet do you consider that it is * ex- Chap. 18. e. pedient for vs, that one man dye for the people, and not that aU the people pe- rishe. 5 1 This spake he not of him selfe : but be- <• God made him ing hye Priest that same yere, he k prophe 'oirhuimpttle «ed that lesus should die for the people. let Gods purpose, 52 And not for the people onely, but y he Thesalutatio who caused this , , . ., 7i_ _•_ -u i of the lewes wikedmaneuenas shoulde gather together in one, the chyl- & the G5tlls he dyd Balaam to fe^ 0f Q0(t which were scattered abrode. be an instrument rrnrtiirtii of the holy Gost. 53 Then from that day forth they consul ted together, for to put hym to death. 54 lesus therfore walked no more open- G ly among the lewes : but went thence vnto a countrey nie to y wUdernes, into a citie caUed Ephraim, and there cotinued with his disciples. 55 And the lewes Easter was nye at hade, and many went out of the countrey vp to > Because they Ierusalem before the Easter, to ' purifie thoght hereby to them selues. make them selues „, iict more holy against 56 Ihen soght they for lesus, and spake _._2t_.°™mT? but am°ng them selues, as they stode in the te they were not cd- ple What thinke ye, that he commeth not maded by God to ! ., r , -, J do this. to the feast ? 57 The hye Priestes and Pharises, had ge uen a commandement, y if any ma knewe where he were, he shulde shewe it, that they might take hym. THE XII. CHAPTER. He excuseth Maries fact. Thaffection - of so- me towards him and the rage of others against him BY S. IOHN. 169 him and Lazarus. The commoditie of the Cros se. His prayer. The answer of the Father. His death, Sf the fruit therof. He exhorteth to faith. The blyndenes of some, and the infirmities of others. A ITIHe lesus six dayes before Easter came Mat.26.a. X ^0 Bethanie, where Lazarus was, ft was dead, whome lesus raysed from death. 2 There they made him a supper, & Mar tha serued : but Lazarus was one of them that sate at the table with him. 3 Then toke Marie a pound of ointement caUed spike narde, that was very costely and anointed lesus a fete, and wypt his fe- * Euen from tho . -.ii i j a.1. i __^ head, to the fete. te with her heere, and the house was fyl- led with the sauour of the oyntement. 4 Then sayd one of his disciples, euen Iu das Iscariot Simons sonne, which shulde betraye him, 5 Why was not this ointement solde for "Reade.Mar. " thre hundred pence, & geuen to the po- chap. 14. a. , r *** r ore ? 6 This sayd he, not that he cared for the Chap. 1 3. c. poore : but because he was a thefe, & * kept the bagge, and bare that which was geue. 7 Then sayd lesus, Let her alone, against the day of my buriyng she kept it. 8 For the poore alwayes ye haue ft you, but me ye shal not haue alwayes. B 9 Muche people of the lewes had know ledge that he was there : and they came, not for lesus sake only, but y they might se Lazarus also, whome he raysed from death. 10 The hye Priestes therfore consulted y they myght put Lazarus to death also. y-i Chap. XH. THE GOSPEL WRIT 1 1 Because that for his sake, many of the lewes went away, and beleued on le sus. 1 2 * On the morow, much people that we- Mat. 21. a. re come to y feast when they heard that J"*?*-1.1""- lesus should come to Ierusalem, M * '¦'' 13 Toke branches of palme trees, & went forth to mete him, and cryed, "Hosanna, "Saue I bese. Blessed is he that in the name of the Lord, che thee" commeth Kyng of Israel. * This dothe wel 14 And lesus gate a b yonge asse, and sate kSme^'stode thereon, as it is wrytten, not in outwarde 15 * Feare not daughter of Sion, beholde Zacha. 9. b. thy Kyng commeth, syttyng on an asses colte. 1 6 These thynges vnderstode not his di- c sciples at the fyrst : but whe lesus was glo rified, then remembred they, that suche thynges were wrytten of hym, & that su che thynges they had done vnto hym. 1 7 The people therfore that was with him bare witnes that he caUed Lazarus out of the graue, and raysed hym from death. 1 8 Therfore met hym the people also, be cause they heard that he had done such a miracle. 19 The Pharises therfore, sayd among them selues, Perceaue ye how ye preuaUe nothyng? Beholde, the " world goeth af- "or.theprea- ter hym. se- • They were of 20 There were certayne c Grekes among the race of the le- ,i_ _t_ _ j- i _ i . wes, and came out them, that ordmarely came to worshyp at of Asia and Gre- the feast. Ciel for <5lS tn*? i6~ wes woide not ha- 2 1 The same came therfore to Philip ft ttersMdfwor- was of Bethsaida a citie in Gahie, and de- ship with them, sired him saying, Syr, we would fayne se lesus. 22 Philip BY S. IOHN. 170 22 Phihp came and tolde Andrew : and againe Andrew and Phihp tolde lesus. 23 And lesus answered them, saying, The houre is come that the Sonne of man must be d glorified. i which is, that D 24 Verely verely I say vnto you, Except the knowiage of ., i / J - n . . ,, J jo him sholdebema- the wheate corne fall into the grounde & „ifest through ail dye, it bydeth alone : but if it dye, it brin- the world- geth forth muche frute. Mat. 10. ii. 25 * He that e loueth his lyfe, shal loose it : ¦ Yf the loue ther tar's'd. and he that ' hateth hiS 1yfe ™ thiS WOrld' commingmtofr0m luk. 9. b. shal kepe it vnto lyfe eternal. christe. . 17 on tp • • _ i a. i_ f And so looseth §"'7. g. 26 K any man minister vnto me, let hym itforChristssake. folow me : for where I am, there shal also my minister be. And if any man minister vnto me, hym wyl my Father honour. 27 Now is my soule troubled : and what shal I say ? Father dehuer me fro this hou re, but therfore came I vnto this houre. 28 Father, glorifie thy Name. Then came there a voyce from heauen, saing, I haue both glorified it, & wyl glorifie it agayne. 29 Then sayd the people that stode by & heard, It thundreth : other sayd, An Angel spake to hym. 30 lesus answered, and sayd, This voyce, came not because of me, but for your sa kes. E 31 Now is the s iudgement of this world, . The reformatio now shal the prince of this worlde be cast £ [htogswhichwe Out. re out of order. Chap. 3. b. 32 * And h I if I were lift vp from y earth » The crosse is Not onely , , ,. ., x -" the meane to ga- the lewes but wyl drawe all men vnto me. ther the churche also the Gen- 33 Tnig sayd IeSUS, signifiyng what death £ God together, tlls* , 1111 &todrawemento Psal. 89. e. he Should dye. heauen. 110*5'0llj'a" 34 The people answered hym, We» haue ezec. 37.^. heard out of the * lawe, y Christe bydeth y.u. Chap. XII. THE GOSPEL WRIT euer : and how sayest thou, That the Sonne of man must be lyft vp ? who is that Sonne of man ? 35 Then lesus sayd vnto them, Yet a lytel whyle is the Lyght with you : walke why le ye haue Lyght, lest the darkenes come on you, for he that walketh in the darke, wotteth not whither he goeth. 36 WhUe ye haue Lyght, beleue on the F Lyght, that ye may be the chUdren of the Lyght. These thinges spake lesus, and de parted, and hyd hym selfe from them. 37 And thogh he had done so many mi racles before them, yet beleued they not on hym. 38 That y saying of Esai y Prophet myght be fulfilled, that he spake, * Lord who be- .Esat. 53. a. i That is, the Go leued our saying ? And to whom is the ' ar- rom- 10- c- spei.which is the e 0f the Lor(f opened ? power of God to iii saiuation to euery 39 Therfore could they not beleue, becau one ttat doth be- ge ^ Esgl ^^ agayne; 40 * He hath bhnded theyr eyes, and har- Esa. 6. c. dened theyr harts, that they should not se ma"A- 13.6. 17KZT 4 0 with theyr eyes, & vnderstand with theyr iuk.'slb. hartes, and shuld be couerted, & I should act. 16. c. k By deliuering k heale them. f" mfseries,0Iand ge- 41 Suche thinges sayd Esai, when he saw uing them true fe- his glorie, and spake of him. 42 Neuerthelesse euen among the chiefe Rulers, many beleued on him : but becau se of the Pharises they would not confes se him, lest they should " be cast out of the "or.excsmu- Synagoge. mcate" 43 * For they loued the " prayse of men, Chap. 6. g. more then the prayse of God. med^men.' 44 And lesus cryed, and sayd, He that be leueth on me, beleueth not on me, but on him BY S. IOHN. 171 him that sent me. G 45 And he that seeth me, seeth him that sent me. Chap.3.c. 46 I * am come a Light into the world, y &•!>• whosoeuer beleueth on me, should not by- de in darkenes. 47 And if any man heare my wordes, and "or.condene. beleue not, I " iudge hym not: for I came "or.condene. not to " iudge the world, but to saue the world. 48 He that refuseth me, & receaueth not "Or.condem- my wordes, hath one that " iudgeth him : Afar. 16. d. * the wordes that I haue spoken, they shal "or.condene. " iudge him in the last day. 49 For I haue not spoken of my selfe : but the Father which sent me, he gaue me a co mandement what I should say, and what I should speake. 50 And I know that this commandemet is life euerlasting. Whatsoeuer I speake therfore, euen as the Father bade me, so I speake. THE XIII. CHAPTER. Christe washeth the disciples fete, exhorting them to humilitie and charitie. Telleth them of ludas the traytour, and commandeth them ear nestly to loue one another. A TJEfore the feast of Easter, when lesus Mat.26.a. ¦L}^ney/e that his houre was come, that luk. 22. ' he should departe out of this world vnto the Father, forasmuche as he loued his ft were in y worlde, vnto the ende he a lou- "Because he saw j,, ^ the danger great " Which was ^ them. which was towarde the eating of _\ And when " supper was ended (after v them therfore he the Easter la . , , , , , . • ai i _t p t J t toke rtthe iereater be. the deuyl had put m the hart of ludas Is- care for them. y.m. Chap. XIII. THE GOSPEL WRIT cariot, Simons sonne, to betraye him.) 3 lesus knowing that the Father had ge uen all thynges into his handes, and f he was come from God, and went to God : 4 He riseth from supper, & layeth aside his vpper garmentes : and toke a towel, & gyrde hym selfe. 5 After that, he poured water into a ba- syn, and began to wasshe his disciples fe te, and to wype them with y towel, wher- with he was gyrde. 6 Then came he to Simon Peter : and Pe ter sayd to him, Lord, dost thou wasshe my fete? 7 lesus answered, & sayd vnto him, What I do, thou wotest not now : but thou shalt know herafter. 8 Peter sayd vnto hym, Thou shalt neuer wasshe my fete. lesus answered him, If I i> And make thee b wasshe thee not, thou shalt haue no part clene fro thy syn- .,i nes. with me. 9 Simon Peter sayd vnto him, Lord, not, B my fete onely, but also my handes & my head. 10 lesus sayd to him, He that is wasshed, The Apostles • This is to be nedeth not saue to c wasshe his fete, but gedUofahi. ¦cor- is clene euery whit, and ye are clene, but nipt affections & not aU. which67 remayne 11 For he knewe who should betraye dayly m vs. him therfore sayd he, Ye are not aU clene. 12 So after he had wasshed their fete, & receaued his garments, and was set downe agayne, he sayd vnto them, Wot ye what I haue done to you ? 1 3 Ye call me Master, and * Lord, and ye l.Cor.s.b. say wel : for so am I. 1\'-?'a /, 14 If I then your Lord, and Master, haue wasshed by s. iohn. 172 wasshed your fete, ye also oght to washe *• one anothers fete. _ To serue onc 15 For I haue geue you an ensample, that an other- ye shuld do as I haue done to you. ChapAb.c. 16 Verely verely I say vnto you, * The ser mai'}°f°' uant is not greater then his master, nether the messenger greater then he that sent him. 17 If ye vnderstand these thinges, happy are ye, if ye do them. ludas. 18 1 speake not of you aU : I know whome I haue chosen : but that y Scripture might C be fulfyUed, * He that eateth bread with Psal.40.c. me hath e lyft " vp euen now his hele aga- « Vnderpretece "or, fromhSs. . ¦" r ° of friendship se- forth. mst me. keth his destructi- 1 9 Now tel I you before it come, y when on- it is come to passe, ye might beleue that I am f he. 'To wit, the Mat.io.d. 20 * Verely verely I say vnto you, He c/'™tew&J1edemer luk. lo. c. y receaueth whom I send, receaueth me. and he that receaueth me, receaueth hym that sent me. 21 When lesus had thus sayd, He was ** 'For very hor- " He dyd ope- troubled in the Sprit, & " testified, saying, of "suche anaboml iy aflirme. Verely verely I say vnto you, That one of 5abl? a,cie as '-i' J , , J J J das shuld commit. you shal betraye me. Mat. 26 b. 22 * Then the disciples loked one on ano- mar. 14 6. ther, doutinsr of whome he spake. 1..1, nn - ° rt i • t • i i'i 23 There was one of his disciples, which leaned on lesus b bosome, whom lesus h Their facion lr-, A was not to sit at ta lOUeU. ble.buthauingthe 24 To him beckened therfore Simon Pe- ir shoes of &cuis- t i lui i p i shious vnder their ter, y he should aske who it was of whome eibowes.ieanedon he spake their ,8*'des', f„ " 11 i T i were halfe lying. 25 He the as he leaned on lesus brest sayd vnto him, Lord, who is it ? 2 6 lesus answered, He it is, to whom I shal y.iiii. <*!iA.22.<;. Chap. XIII. THE GOSPEL WRIT geue a soppe, when I haue dypt it. and he wet a soppe, & gaue it to ludas Iscariot, Simons sonne. 27 And after the soppe, Sata, entred into Sata toke fui him. Then sayd lesus vnto him, That thou Sessioa of doest, do quickly. 28 That wist no ma at the table, for what D intent he spake vnto hym. 29 Some of them thoght because ludas had the bagge y lesus had sayd vnto hym, Bye those thinges that we haue nede of agaynst the feast : or that he should geue some thyng to the poore. 30 Assone then as he had receaued the soppe, he wet immediately out, and it was nyght. 31 Therfore when he was gone out, lesus ' Meaning that sayd, ' Now is the Sonne of man glorified geXTrntLlo- and G°d is glorified in him. glorie, & that in it 32 And if God be glorified in hi, God shal nitabSeeo'fhG1odfl also glorifie hym in hym selfe, and shal strayght way glorifie him. 33 Lytel chyldren, yet a lytel whyle am I with you, ye shal seke me : and as I sayd vnto the * lewes, Whither I go, thy- Chap. 7. e. ther can ye not come : also to you say I now, 'Wherof we oght 34 * k A new commandement geue I vnto Chap. 15.6. remembrance""!^ you, that ye loue together as I haue lou- ^'/'j^9' * thogh it were eus e(j y0U fa^ euen so ye loue one another. 1 f„hn 4 d newly geuen. J ' . J l- *"'"" *•<*• 35 By this shal al men knowe that ye are my disciples, if ye haue loue one to ano ther. 36 Simon Peter sayd vnto him, Lord why ther goest thou ? lesus answered him, Why i im.- ., _ i. ther I go, thou cast not folow me now : but 1 Whe thou shalt o ' be more stronge. thou ' shalt foiowe me afterwardes. 37 Peter BY S. IOHN. 173 37 Peter sayd vnto hym, Lord, why can Mat. 26. d. I not folow thee now ? * I wyl ieoparde my ?T22d' lyfe for thy sake* 38 lesus answered hym, Wylt thou ieo parde thy lyfe for my sake ? Verely verely I say vnto thee, The cocke shal not crowe, tyl thou haue denied me thryse. THE XIIII. CHAPTER. He armeth his disciples wyth consolation agaynst trouble, and promiseth them the holy Gost, the Sprite of comforte. A. A Nd he sayd vnto his disciples, Let not -^*-your hart be troubled, ye beleue in "Forinsobe- God : " beleue also in me. Welttaioue" 2 In my Fathers house are a many dwel- « so that there come them. hng places : if it were not so, I would haue £rnom ™elDUl"f0r tolde you : I go to prepare a place for ail his. ' you. 3 And if I go to prepare a place for you, "At the latter I wU " come again, and receaue you, euen day. Act.i.b. ^a.,, my sejfe . (hat, where I am, there may ye be also. 4 And whyther I go ye knowe, and the way ye knowe. 5 Thomas sayd vnto hym, Lord we b know <¦ He was not all not whither thou goest : how then is it pos b°ufmf £%££ sible for vs to knowe the way ? was weake and 6 lesus sayd vnto hym, I am the c Way, & *™cpeTherfore we the Truth, and the Life. No man commeth m*"!. be**J"! ^.P- ' continewe in him, vnto the Father, but by me. send in him. 7 If ye had knowen me, ye sholde haue knowen my Father also, and euen now ye knowe him, and haue sene hym. 8 Philip sayd vnto him, Lord sjiewe vs thy Father, and it suffiseth vs. Chap.XIIII. THE GOSPEL WRIT 9 les' sayd vnto him, Haue I bene so I5ge tyme with you, and yet hast thou not knowen me ? Phihp, he that hath sene me, hath sene my Father : how the sayest thou, Shewe vs thy Father ? 10 Beleuest thou not, that I am in my Fa- •i For the verie ther, and d my Father in me ? The wordes y nte6S °remaeynet I speake vnto you, I speake not of my " sei- »*»££« in christe. fe . hut my Father that dweUeth in me, is he •who deciareth that e doeth the workes. his maiestie & yer r i Beieue me that I am in my Father : & tue by his doctrine ' J , and miracles, my Father m me : at the leest beleue me for the very workes sake. 1 2 Verely verely I say vnto you, he that beleueth on me, the workes that I do, the ' This is referred same shal f he do also, and greater workes ^fShlcnurcheln then these shalhe do: for IgovntomyFa whome this vertue ther. shyne, sremayne 1 3 * And what soeuer ye aske in my name, Chap. 16. c. for euer. that wU I do : that the Father may be glo- mat- 7-b- •£ A ¦ a.1. o mar. 1 I.e. nfied m the bonne. iam A. a. 14 If ye shal aske any thyng in my name, Wemustaske I., _ . in ino ncinic Wil do it. of Christe. 15 If ye loue me, kepe my comandemetes. 1 6 And I wU pray the Father, and he shal « l haue confor geue you another ** Coforter, that he may ™ wuk^b«i byde with y°u for euer* hesforth the holy 17 Euen the " Sprite of truth, whom the "So called be you^aMprTeme' worlde can not receaue, because the worl JXta^the *")u- de seeth hym not, nether knoweth him : trueth. but ye knowe hym : for he dweUeth with you, and shalbe in you. 18 1 wil not leaue you confortlesse : but wyl " come to you. "Which thing 19 Yet a lytle whyle, and the world seeth thhee ^*e b0*J me no more, but ye shal se me : for I lyue, his spirit. and ye shal lyue. 20 That BY S. IOHN. 174 20 That day shal ye knowe that I am in my Father, and you in me, and I in you. Loue & obe. 21 He that hath my commandementes & '" '""' kepeth them, the same is he that loueth me : and he that loueth me, h shalbe loued * He shaisensi- C of my Father : and I wU loue him, and wU JJj^ £$ ath° shewe myne owne selfe to him manife- deth in him. stly. "But the bro- 22 ludas sayd vnto him (not * ludas Isca- es* riot) Lord what is y cause that thou wilt shewe thy self vnto vs, and not vnto the world ? Eccle. i.d. 23 lesus answered, and sayd vnto him,* Yf a man loue me, he wil ' kepe my sayinges : ' wherby he ad and my Father wU loue him, and we wU ^hZ'respecuo come vnto hym, and wU dwel with him. the worid.iest they 24 He that loueth me not, kepeth not my backe by eueiexa. sayinges : and the wordes which ye heare, ple" are not myne, but the Fathers which sent D me. 25 These haue I spoken vnto you, beyng yet present with you. Iohn. lb. d. 26 * But that Comforter, which is the holy ades 2 a Gost, whom my Father wil send in my na me, he shal teache you al thynges, & bring aU thinges to your remembrance, what so euer I haue tolde you. Peace. 27 k Peace I leue with you, my peace I ge- k ah confort ue vnto you : not as the world geueth, geue and p™*"*"*™*"- I vnto you : let not your hartes be troubled, nether feare ye. 28- Ye haue heard how I sayd vnto you, I go, and wil come vnto you. If ye loued , ,n ^ lhat me, ye wold verely reioyce, because I said, christe is become I go vnto my Father : for my Father is ' gre £™brtwen?ed*<-d ater then I. and TS- Chap. XV. THE GOSPEL WRIT 29 And now haue I shewed you, before it come : that when it is come to passe, ye myght beleue. 30 Here after wyl I not talke many wor des vnto you : for the " prince of thys world "j^*^ ^j™ "Satan shal as- Commeth, and hath m noght in me. and tyrannie Ss^ctSn'iSl But that the world may knowe that ^/S" shal not finde that I l0ue my Father : therfore as the Father in me which he lo J . j t t» keth fore, for iam gaue me commandement, euen so do 1. Ky wUhomTpot."06 se> let vs go hence. THE XV. CHAPTER. The swete exhortation, and mutual loue betwixt Christe and his membres. Of their cii- mone afflictions and persecutions. The office of the holy Gost, and the Apostles. T Am the true vine, and my Father is an A -*-housband man. 2 * Euery branche that beareth not frute in Mat. 15. b. me, he taketh away : and euery branche that beareth frute, he pourgeth, f it may bring forth more frute. 3 * Now are ye cleane through the wordes Chap. 13. b. which I haue spoken vnto you. 4 Bide in me, and I in you. as the branche can not beare frute of it selfe, except it a- » We can brin- bvde in the vine : no more can ye, a except Ixceprwrhet-yeabydeinme.graffed in christe. 5 I am the vine, ye are the branches, he To abyde in that abydeth in me, and I in him, the same chrlste- bringeth forthe muche frute. For without me, can ye do nothing. 6 If a * man byde not in me, he is cast for- Col. 1 . c. the as a brache, and withereth : and me ga ther them and cast them into the fyre, and they burne. 7 If BY S. IOHN. 175 B 7 If ye byde in me and my b wordes also b We must he l . Iohn.3.d. in you : * aske what ye wyl, and it shalbe do ch'Ste Dy fau™ ne to you. 8 Herein is my Father glorified, that ye beare much frute, and be made my disci ples. 9 As my Father hath loued me, euen so Wher with I haue I loued you : Continue in " my loue. oue you. yo If ye shal kepe my commandementes, ye shal byde in my loue : eue as I haue kept my Fathers commandemetes, and byde in his loue. 1 1 These thynges haue I spoken vnto you, that my ioye myght remayne in you, and " Perfect and that your ioye myght be " ful. Chap. 13 d 1 ^ * '^us 's my commandement, that ye lo- l. thess. 4.a. ue together, as I haue loued you. l •«'*>**»• 3. 6. 13 * Greater loue then this hath no man, l.ioh.s.c. when he bestoweth hys life for his frien- ephe.b.a. des. 14 Ye are my friendes, yf ye do whatso euer I commande you. C 15 Henceforth, call I you not seruantes, for the seruant knoweth not what his lord doeth : but I haue called you friendes, for c aU thinges that I haue heard of my Fa- « so that there ther, I haue opened to you. £af ^sarie Election. 1 6 Ye haue not chosen me, but I haue cho- for vs and concer- Mait.28.ii. sen you, and ordeyned you, * that ye go & ' bryng forth frute, and that your frute re mayne : that what soeuer ye shal aske of my Father in my name, he may geue it you. 1 7 This commande I you, that ye loue to gether. Afflictios for 18 If the world hate you, ye know, that it chnste. hated me, before it hated you. ning our saluatio. Chap. XV. THE GOSPEL WRIT 19 If ye were of the world, the world wol de loue his owne : but because ye are not of the world, but I haue chosen you out of the world, therfore hateth you the world. 20 Remember the saying that I sayd vn to you. * The seruant is not greater then y chap. 13. b. Lord. * If they haue persecuted me, so wU »"**'¦ 1°- c. our election them me, &they haue kept thy sayinges. ^"teas'ure'o! B 7 Now they know that al thinges what- God, which is the ., i , p ., only fondation & soeuer thou hast geuen me, are ot thee, cause ofour saiua- 8 For I haue geue vnto them the wordes £°dn-.0a°d m ^t which thou gauest me : and they haue rede ste, through wno- Chap.w.d. aued them, * and haue knowen surely that byfafthandsMcti I came out from thee, and haue beleued fied.Rom.8.f.Eph. that thou dyddest sent me. "Thereproba 9 I pray for them, and pray not for the " te" world : but for them which thou hast ge uen me, for they are thyne. 10 And al myne are thyne, and thyne are myne : and I am glorified in them. 1 1 And now am I no more in the world, but they are in the world, and I come to thee. Holy Father, kepe the in thy Name, which thou hast geuen me, that they may be c one, as we are. • Thattheymay 12 WhUe I was with them in the world, tie of "faith & spri I kept them in thy Name : those that thou te- gauest me, haue I kept, and none of them ludas. is lost, but that d chylde of perdition : that * He was so cal Psal.U0.a. thee * Scripture myght be tulfyUed. {**"£ %%*£ 1 3 Now come I to thee, and these wordes but because God speake I in the world, that they myght ha orfey^fd'him to ue my ioye ful in them selues. this ende. Act.i.c. C 14 I haue geuen them thy wordes, & the world hath hated them, because they are "But are sepe- " not of the world, euen as I am not ofthe ratbythespri ., te of regene- WOrlQ. The°woridha ^ * desi**e not that thou shouldest take teth this that them out of the world, but that thou kepe ns . A.hem from euyl. • 1 6 They are not of y world, as I am not of z.ii. Chap. XVII. THE GOSPEL WRIT the world. .' R****<"**"e 'hem 17 " e Sanctifie them with thy trueth. thy " or, Conse- with thy heauenly , . J J erat them to grace, that they Worde IS trueth. thy selfe ttywiimay aeke I8 As thou diddest sed me into the world, euen so haue I sent them into the world. 19 And for their sakes sanctifie I my sel fe, f they also might be " sactified through "Chrfsts holy- .i *\ f, ° ° nes is ours. the trueth. 20 I pray not for them alone, but for the D also which shal beleue on me, through their preachyng. 21 That they aU may be one, as thou Fa ther art in me, and I in thee, and that they ' That the infi may be also one in vs : that the f world may pe.-fen^be'con'uT- heleue that thou hast sent me. cted to cofesse my 22 And the glorie that thou gauest me, " "I ]"a"e ****- ¦Tlorie wgq I born the I haue geuen them : that they may be one, examples: pa as we are one. fdidti?6*6' 23 I in them, and thou in me, that they may be made perfect in one, and that the world may knowe, that thou hast sent me, and hast loued them, as thou hast lo ued me. 24 * Father, I wU that they which thou Chap. 12. d. e For without hast geue me, be ** with mewherelam: that prarndeTe"^ they may ¦* ™y glorie, which thou hast ge wherwith God lo- uen me, for thou louedst me before the fo dation of the world was layed. 25 O ryghteous Father, the world also hath not knowen thee, but I haue knowen thee, & these haue knowen, that thou hast sent me. 26 And I haue declared vnto them thy Name, and wil declare it : that the loue wherewith thou hast loued me, may be in them, and I in them. The BY S. IOHN. THE XVIII. CHAPTER. 179 Christe is betrayed. The wordes of his mouth smite the officers to the grounde. Peter smiteth of Malchus eare. lesus is broght before Annas, Sf Caiaphas, where Peter denieth him and a seruant smiteth him. He telleth Pilate what his kingdome is, who cleareth him, Sf notwithstanding he was lesse estemed then a murtherer. A "yVhen lesus had spoken these wordes, " he went forth with his disciples ouer Mat.26.d. the "broke * Cedron, where was a garden, . which was a fa-*£ * int0 the ^hichhe entred, and his disci- £re0Vtte6which IKingAb.'c. pies. a streame ranne 2 ludas also which betrayed him, knewe f^e.a grea' the place, for lesus oft tymes resorted thi ther with his disciples. 3 ludas then after he had receaued a b ba ^ Tbybich '^ de of me and ministers of the hie Priestes the Gouuemor. and Phariseis, came thither with laternes and fyrebrandes, and wepons. Mat. 26. e. 4 * Then lesus, knowing all thinges that fafe 22 e' should come on him, went forth and said vnto them, Whome seke ye ? 5 They answered him, lesus of Nazaret. lesus said vnto them, I am he. ludas also which betrayed him, stode with them. 6 And assone as he had said vnto them, I am he : they went backwardes, and fel to the grounde. B 7 And he asked them agayne, Whome se ke ye ? And they sayd, lesus of Naza ret. 8 lesus answered, I said vnto you, I am he. therfore if ye seke me, let these go their way. z.iii. Chap. XVIII. THE GOSPEL WRIT 9 That the saying myght be fulfyUed w rethlhe^'bodtes ^e sPa^e> * c Of the which thou gauest me, Chap. 17. 6. i. also saueth ther haue I not lost one. soules. Y 0 Then gimon peter haviing a sword, dre we it, and smote the hye Priestes seruant, and cut of hys ryght eare. The seruantes name was Malchus. 1 1 Then sayd lesus vnto Peter, Put vp thy sworde into the sheath, shal I not drincke of the cup which my Father hath geuen me? 12 Then the bande and the Captayne, & the officers of the lewes toke lesus, and bounde him : c 13 And led hym away to* "Annas fyrst (for Luke3.a. he was Father in lawe vnto Caiaphas, ft "r,™^ s™t'0 o Althogh this was the hie Priest d that same yere.) caiaphas the office was for ter- i a a„j a-i •' t „„„ t,„ at a- _ hiePriestbou me of life by Gods 1"* And Caiaphas was he, that gaue coun- de. ordinance: yet the sei to the lewes, that it was expediet that ambition, and dis- , iij „ ., c - sention of the le- one man should dye for the people. mainCsafromhtyme 15 * A™1 Simon Peter folowed lesus, and ^.26./ to tyme to change another disciple : that disciple was knowe mar- ,4layn y" to the world, I euer taught in the Synago ge and in the temple, whyther all the le wes resorte, and in secret haue I sayd no thyng. 2 1 Why askest thou me ? aske them which heard me what I sayd vnto them : beholde, they can tel what I sayd. 22 When he had thus spoken, one of the officiers which stode by, smote lesus with his rod, saying, Answerest thou the hye Prieste so ? christs answ. 23 lesus answered him, If I haue euyl spo smiteth°hini. ken, beare witnes ofthe euyl : but if I haue wel spoken, why smytest thou me ? 24 (Now Annas had sent him boiide vnto Caiaphas the hie Prieste) E 25 * And Simon Peter stode and warmed mar'i4$' ***"*"m se*""?e- and they sayd vnto him, Art not luk.22.f.' thou also one of his disciples ? He denied it, and sayd, I am not. 26 One of the seruantes of the hye Prie ste, his cosyn whose eare Peter smote of, sayd vnto him, Did not I se thee in the gar den with him ? 27 Peter then denied agayne, and imme diately the cocke crewe. Mat. 27. a. 28 * The led they lesus from Caiaphas into Th'»a' a ' the hatt of Iudgemet. It was in y morning, Act. 10. d. and they them selues went not into f Iud §•11. a. gement hah, lest they should be * denied, but that they myght eat the Paschal lube. 29 Pilate then went out vnto them, and sayd, What accusation bring ye against this man ? Chap. XVIII. THE GOSPEL WRIT 30 They answered and sayd vnto him, If he were not an euyl doer, we would not haue dehuered him vnto thee. .. " He'"P?k'" «"is 31 Then sayd Pilate vnto them, Take e ye disdaynfully, be- , . 0 . - J , _ . J acuse they were so him, & iudge hym after your owne lawe. ft'equi^!811''80' then y lewes sayd vnto him, It is not f law 'As if they shul- ful for vs to put any man to death. not suffre vs'to'do 32 That the wordes of lesus might be ful "• fiUed which he spake, signifiing what de ath he should dye. 33 Then PUate entred into the Iudgemet haU againe, and caUed lesus, & sayd vnto hym, Art thou the Kyng of the lewes ? 34 lesus answered, Sayst thou that of thy selfe, or dyd other tel it thee of me ? 35 PUate answered, Am I a Iewe ? Thyne owne nation, and the hye Priestes haue de huered thee vnto me. What hast thou done ? 36 lesus answered, My kingdome is not j it standeth not of this 6 world : if my kyngdome were of nor fnwo'rideiy de this worlde, then would my seruants suer fence. ]y fyght, that I shulde not be dehuered to the lewes : but now is my kyngdome not from hence. 37 Pilate then sayd vnto hym, Art thou G a Kyng then ? lesus answered, Thou sayest that I am a kyng : for this cause am I bor ne, & for this cause came I into f world, that I should beare wytnes vnto the tru eth : euery one that is of the trueth, heareth my voyce. 38 PUate sayd vnto hym, " What is tru- » a mocking rth._rhisJ,as, one eth ? And when he had sayd that, he went S°,d disd?in- of their blynde a- J ' lul question. busesrfortheLawe out agayne vnto the lewes, and sayd vnto M beSe" foTuUe0 a them, I fynde in him no cause at all. %?rAb.a. wicked trespaser. 39 * Ye haue a h custome, that I shulde deli luk. 23. c uer BY S. IOHN. 181 uer you one loose at Easter, wyl ye then that I loose vnto you the Kyng of the le wes ? Act.3.c. 40 * Then cried they all agayne, saying, Not hym, but Barabbas : & that Barabbas was a murtherer. THE XIX. CHAPTER. When Pilate colde not aswage the rage of the lewes against Christe, he deliuereth him vp with his superscription to be hanged betw ixt two theeues. They cast lottes for his gar- mets. He commendeth his mother vuto Iohn. Calleth for drincke, dyeth, his syde is perced, and taken downe from the crosse, is buryed. A ¦T'Hen PUate toke lesus and • scourged • He thoght to Mat. 27 . e. X him haHe *",ac,!fied the mar 16 d luul- fune of the lewes christe 'is' 2 And the souldiers wound a croune of by some indifferet •^nrisie it» correction whipped, and thornes and put it on his head, and they crouned with , , , , thomes. dyd on hym a purple garment. 3 And sayd, Hayl Kyng of the lewes. And they smote him with their staues. 4 Then PUate went forth agayne, and sayd vnto the, Behold, I bring him forth to you, that ye may knowe, that I fynde no faute in him. 5 Then came lesus forth wearing a crou ne of thorne, and a robe of purple. And Pilate sayd vnto them, b Behold the man. b He spake in 6 When the hye Priestes and officiers ?nrtt7caiiedT saw hym, they cryed, saying, Crucifie, cru selfe kynge. cifie him. Pilate sayd vnto them, Take ye him and crucifie him: for I fynde no fau te in him. 7 The lewes answered him, We haue a lawe, and by our lawe he oght to dye, be- Chap. XIX. THE GOSPEL WRIT ' christe was in cause he made him selfe y c Sone of God. G6od6, and therfore 8 When PUate heard that saying, He was B KL1 the more afrayde. outbreacheofthe 9 And went agayne mto the Iudgement the7r6couiored° ac haU, and sayd vnto lesus, Whece art thou ? cusatic-n was false hut lesus gaue him none answer. " ' 10 Then sayd PUate vnto him, Speakest thou not vnto me ? Knowest thou not that I haue power to crucifie thee, & haue pow er to loose thee? 11 lesus answered, Thou couldest haue ¦ downe. 32 Then came the souldiers & brake the legges of the fyrst thefe, and of the other which was crucified with lesus. 33 But when they came to lesus, and saw that he was dead already, they brake not his legges. 34 But one of the soudiers with a speare, perced him into the syde, and forthwith came therout bloude and water. r 35 And he that sawe it, bare recorde, & his record is true : he knoweth y he sayth true, that ye might beleue also. 36 For these thynges were done, that the *Scripture should be fulfyUed. Not one Exod.i2.g. of his bones shal be broken. num.9.b. 37 And agayne another Scripture sayth, * They shal see him who they haue thrust Zach. 12. c. I rial is to say . -i i before Christe de- through. ^ebthtnh°nihs6e.fl 38 'After that, loseph of ArimathKa (who %£%;%; manifestly. was a disciple of lesus, but h secretely for luk.23.g. feare BY S. IOHN. 183 feare of the lewes) besoght PUate that he might take downe the body of lesus : and PUate gaue him licence . he came then and toke lesus body. 39 And there came also Nicodemus (ft at the begynnyng came to lesus by night) and broght of myrrhe and aloes mingled together about an hundreth pound we- yght.40 * Then toke they the body of lesus, and i This honorable wound it in fynne clothes ft the odoures, £™araiion sTen! as the maner of the lewes is to bury. trie vnto theresur 41 And in that place where lesus was cru rectlon- cified, was a garden, and in the garden a newe sepulchre, wherin was neuer man layd. 42 There then layd they lesus, because of the lewes Preparation day : & because the sepulchre was nie at hand. THE XX. CHAPTER. The resurrection of Christ. Which appeareth to Marie Magdalene and to all his disciples, to their great conforte. The incredulitie and confession of Thomas. The effect of the Gospel. A A Nd the " first day after the Sabbath, ttTfiiSdryof ^came Marie Magdalene, early when the week. it was yet a darke, vnto the sepulchre, and • she departed Ukivt'a' saw the stone take away from the tombe. day^ndTam6*! mar. I6.'a. 2 Then she ranne, and came to Simon Pe- ther aboutthesun i i. . i i T ne rysing. War.lb. ter, and to the other disciple whom lesus a. loued, and sayd vnto them, They haue ta ken away the Lord out of the tombe, and we can not tel where they haue layd him. 3 Peter therfore went forth, and y other disciple, and came vnto the'sepulcnre. Chap. XX. THE GOSPEL WRIT 4 And they rime bothe together, but that other disciple did out runne Peter, and came fyrst to the sepulchre. 5 And he stouped doune, & sawe the lyn nen clothes lying : yet went he not in. 6 Then came Simon Peter folowing him, and went into the sepulchre, and sawe the lynnen clothes lye, 7 And the " napkin that was about his he- B ad, not lying with the lynnen clothes, but j,h°£ coucr" wrapped together in a place by it selfe. 8 Tnen went in also that other disciple which came fyrst to the sepulchre, and he '¦ He beleued saw and b beleued. wi'ukiSway.'a* 9 For as yet they knew not y * Scripture, Psal. 16.6. cording as Marie Xhat he should ryse agayne from death. ""*'¦ 2-d- 10 And the disciples went away agayne vnto their " owne home. "or, to their 1 1 * And Marie stode without at the sepul- ^mD.**f£eH- chre weping, and as she wept, she bowed mar .16. b'. her selfe into the sepulchre, 1 2 And sawe two Angels in whyte, sitting, c the one at the head, & the other at the fe te, where the body of lesus had layne. 1 3 And they sayd vnto her, Woman, why wepest thou ? She sayd vnto them, they ha ue take away my Lord, and I wot not whe re they haue layd him. 14 WTien she had thus sayd, she turned her selfe backe and sawe lesus standing, and knewe not that it was lesus. 15 lesus sayeth vnto her, Woman, why wepest thou? Whomsekestthou? Shesup- posing that he had bene y gardener, sayd vnto him, Syr, if thou hast borne him he- ce, tel me wher thou hast layd hym, and I D wyl fet him. 16 lesus BY S. IOHN. 184 16 lesus sayeth. vnto her, Marie. She tur ned her selfe, and sayd vnto him, Rabbo- ni, which is to say, master. 1 7 lesus sayeth vnto her, Touche me not : for I am not yet c ascended to my Father : • Because shewas "That is, the but go to my " brethren and say vnto them, £ m£f ™rdpd0ica? d w^tte^firrst I ascend vnto my Father and your Father, presence, christe J!™,? l„FJ- a _ n A A f A teacheth her to lift borne amogs and to my God, and your God. vp her mynde by them.Rom".8. 18 Marie Magdalene came and tolde {^-^neh_nZ nsru'Mc' ' '°' the disciples that she had sene the Lord, his ascension he re and that he had spoken suche things vnto welu wiihnrmfat her. the right hand of Mat.ie.c 19 * The same day then at night, which l.cor.ib.a. was the first day of the weeke, and when ' E the d dores were shut where the disciples a so that no ma were assembled together for feare of the dores'butby'hisdt lewes, came lesus & stode in the middes, utoe power he can * sedthem to oppen " or all pro- and sayd to them, Peace be vnto you. of their owne ac- Shiemaner 20 And when he had so sayd, he shewed fficSbA of gretingtte vnto them his handes, and his syde. Then 5-d- were the disciples glad when they sawe y Lord. 21 Then sayd lesus to them agayne, Peace ' Afat.28.ii. bevntoyou. *As my Father sent me, euenso send I you. 22 And when he had sayd that, he e bre- ' To gyue them thed on them, and sayd vnto them, Recea vertue't'oTxecute HP the bolv Gost that waightie char ue me noiy vtosi. _ ge that he wolde F 23 Whosoeuers synnes ye remit, they are commit vnto the. remitted vnto them, and whosoeuers syn nes ye retayne, they are retayned. 24 But Thomas one of the twelue caUed Didymus, was not with them when lesus came. 25 The other disciples therfore sayd vnto him, We haue sene the Lord : but he sayd vnto them, Except I se m his handes Chap. XXI. THE GOSPEL WRIT the print of the naUes, and put my fynger into the " print of the naUes, & put my had "or, place. into his syde, I wU not beleue. 26 And after eight dayes, agayne his di sciples were with in, and Thomas with them. Then came lesus, when the dores we G re shut, and stode in y myddes, and sayd, Peace be vnto you. 27 After that sayd he to Thomas, Put thy finger here and se my handes, and thrust forth thy hande, and put it into my syde, Thomas is re and be not faythlesse, but faithful. proue ' 28 Thomas answered, and sayd vnto hym, Thou art my Lord, and my God. 29 lesus sayd vnto hym, Thomas, because thou hast sene me, thou beleuest : blessed ' which depend are they that haue f not sene, and yet haue vpon the simplici- , i -. tie of Gods worde Deleueu. and grounde not 30 * And many other simes also did le- Chap.2l.d. them selues vpon . J - , . ° 1-1 mans sense and re sus in the presence of his disciples, which are not written in this boke. these are wryt Theflfect of ten that ye might beleue, that lesus is scripture6 Christe the Sonne of God, and that in be- leuyng ye myght haue life through his Name. THE XXI. CHAPTER. He appeareth to his disciples agayne. Com- mandeth Peter earnestly to fede his shepe. He forwarneth him of his death. And of Christs manifolde miracles. A Fter y, lesus shewed hym self agayne, A -^*-at the " sea of Tiberias : and on this "or. lake of wyse shewed he hym selfe. 2 There were together Simon Peter, and Thomas, which is caUed Didymus, & Na thanael ason. BY S. IOHN. 185 thanael of Cana in GalUe, & the sonnes of Zebede, and two other of his disciples. B 3 Simon Peter sayd vnto them, I go a fys- shyng. They sayd vnto him, We also wyl go with thee. They went their way and en tred into a shyp straightway, & that night caught they nothing. 4 But when the morning was now come, lesus stode on the shore : neuerthelesse the disciples knewe not that it was lesus. 5 lesus then sayd vnto them, Sirs haue ye any meat ? They answered hym, No. 6 And he sayd vnto them, Cast out the net on the right syde of the shyp, and ye shal fynde. then they a cast out, and anone » Albeit they they were not hable to drawe it, for y mul the7fon™wned'his titude Of fysshes. cosel.becausethey Chan 13 IT 7 Then **** ^ diSCiPle Wh6 l6SUS * l0U' "yn"efuAv'aa; frig.*.. ' ' ed vnto Peter, It is the Lord. When Simon ne- Peter heard that it was the Lord, he gyrde his b coate to him, for he was naked, and >> it was some lyn sprang mto the sea. *"*"""¦ **arm!!Jt *Thich r_ o fishers vsed to we- 8 Ihe other disciples came by shyppe (for are, which being they were not farre from lande, but as it C0Usesreedd™L° neu were two hundred cubites) & they drewe ther ">arts' and al- .i -., p i J so letted not his the net with fysshes. swymming. 9 Assone then as they were come to lade, they sawe hotte coles, and fysshe layd the ron, and bread. 1 0 lesus sayd vnto them, Bryng of the fys shes, which ye haue now caught. 1 1 Simon Peter stepped forth and drewe the net to land, ful of great fysshes, an hu- dred, fifty, & three : & for aU ther were so many, yet was not the net broken. D 1 2 lesus sayd vnto them, Come, and dy ne. And none of the disciples durst aske A.i. aS-19.c. Chap. XXI. THE GOSPEL WRIT hym, Who art thou ? for they knew that it was the Lord. 1 3 lesus then came and toke bread, and gaue them, and fyshe lykewyse. 14 This is now y thyrd tyme that lesus ap peared to his disciples, after that he was rysen agayne from death. 1 5 So when they had dyned, lesus sayd to E _« The minister Simon Peter, Simon sonne o/Iona, clouest hts^Congregation, thou me more then these ? He sayd vnto except he joue him, Yea Lord, thou knowest that I loue which loue is not thee. He sayd vnto hym, Fede my lambes. nVttennockef6ed I6 He sayd to hym agayne the second ty me, Simo the sonne o/Iona, louest thou me ? He sayd vnto him, Yea Lord, thou knowest that I loue thee. He sayd vnto him, Fede my shepe. 'i Because Peter 17 He sayd vnto him the d third tyme, Si- sholde be establis ,7 rT , _,, _ t. _ hed in his office of moni«esore«eo/ lona,louestthoumer refer an Apostie.christ- Sorowed because he sayd to him the thyrd causeth hi by the- J ,. se three tymes co- tyme, Louest thou me ? and sayd vnto him, wafthe's°hImPe6oaf Lord thou knowest all thinges, thou kno- his three tymes de west that I loue thee. lesus sayd vnto him, Fede my shepe. 1 8 * Verely verely I say vnto thee, When F thou wast yonge, thou gyrdedst thy selfe, 2.Pe*. I.e. and walkedst whither thou woldest : but when thou shalt be olde, thou shalt stret- ' in sted of a che forth thy handes, & another shal e gyr ^dwitthMe's de thee, & lead thee whyther thou woul- &cordes,& where dest not. at libertie, then 1 9 That spake he, signifiyng by what de- "otsbheem£ ath he should glorifie God. whs thy fleshe shal 20 And when he had sayd thus, he sayd to after a sort resist. himj Fok)W me_ p^ tumed aboutj and sawe that disciple whom iesvs lo ued folowyng: which had also * leaned on ChapA3.c. his BY S. IOHN. 186 his brest at supper, and had sayd, Lord which is he that betrayeth thee ? 21 Whe Peter therfore sawe hym, he sayd to lesus, Lord what shal he here do ? G 22 lesus sayd vnto him, If I wolde haue him to tary tyl I come, what is that to thee? folow thou me. 23 Then went this saying abrode among the brethre, that that same disciple should not dye, Yet les' sayd not to him, He shol de not dye : but if I wolde that he tary tyl I come, what is that to thee ? 24 The same disciple is he, which testifi- eth of these thynges, & wrote these thin ges . and we knowe that his testimonie is true. Chap.20.g. 25 * There are also many other thinges which lesus dyd, the which yf they should be written euery one, f I suppose the worl- ' But God woide de could not containe the bookes that "^"K^ should be wrytten. Amen. seing therfore that we haue so muche as is necessarie.we THE ARGUMENT OF THE oghtto contet our selues & praise his Actes of the Apostles. mercie. Hriste, after his ascension, perfor med his promes to his Apostles, and sent them tlie holy Gost : de claring therby, that he was not only myndful of his Churche : but wolde be the head Sf maintener therof for euer. Wherin also his mighty power appeareth, who notwithstading that Satan and the worlde resi sted neuer so muche against this noble worke : yet by a fewe simple men of no reputation, reple nished all the worlde with the sounde of his Gospel And here, in the beginnyng of the Chur che, and in the increase therof, we may playnely perceaue the practise and malice which Satan A.ii. continualy vseth to suppresse Sf ouerthrowe the Gospel : he raiseth conspiracies, tumultes, como- tions, persecutions, slanders Sf all kynde of cru eltie. Agayne we shal here beholde the prouide- ce of God, who ouerthroweth his ennemies en- treprises, deliuereth his Churche from the ra ge of tyrants, stregtheneth and incourageth his most valiantly and constantly to foiowe their Ca pitain Christe : leauing as it were by this historie a perpetual memorie to the Churche, that the Crosse is so wyned with the Gospel, that they are fellowes inseparable : and that thende of one af fliction, is but the beginning of an other. Yet ne uerthelesse God tourneth the troubles, persecu tions, imprisonings, Sf tetations of his, to a good issue : geuing them as it were, in sorrowe, ioye ; in bddes, fredom .- in prison, deliuerace : in trou ble, quietnes : in death, life. Fynaly, this booke co teineth many excellent sermons of the Apostles and disciples, as touching the death, resurrectio, and ascension of Christe. The mercie of God. Of the grace and remission of synne through le sus Christe. Of the blessed immortalitie. An ex hortation to the ministers of Christs flocke. Of repentance, and feare of God, with other princi pal pointes of our faith : so that this onely histo rie in a maner may be sufficient to instruct a man in all true doctrine and religion. THE 187 THE ACTES OF THE HOLY APO STLES (CALLED THE secode booke of S. Luke the Euangeliste. ) THE FYRST CHAPTER. The wordes of Christe and his Angels to the Apostles. His ascension. Wherin the Apostles are occupied til the holy Gost be sent. And of the election of Matthias. N THE FOR- mer treatyse deare friedThe oplulus, I ha ue written of aU that iesvs bpcan (-n a Hn " Wherby is met Degan TO OO, christsdoctrinc,& and teach, bis miracles decla o Tr a^i A.T, red *0T fcbe cofir- J. Vntil the matio ofthe same. day in which he was taken vp, after that he through the b who as they "To preache holy Gost, had geuen " commandemen- God6 so\ad they the Gospel. teg vnto the b ApostleS) whom u . , , . , , tes of the holy partly to be „,(;), his brethren. cost. deliuered tro . the present 15 And in those dayes, Peter stode vp m ",or!6wy'ues. the middes of ihe disciples and sayd (the •¦ or, men. nombre of " names that were together, we re about an hundred and twenty) 1 6 Ye men and brethren, this k Scripture l The offence must nedes haue ben fulfiUed, which the ^ tf'iuaal Psal. 49. b. * holy Gost by the mouth of Dauid spake fa" is hereby ta. Iohn 18. a. before of ludas, which was * gyde to them the scripture had that toke lesus. " 50 fl*™-*""™"- 1 7 For he was numbred with vs, and had "or.aportio. obtained " felowship in this ministration. sed'afcide?" 1 8 And he therfore hath now " gotten a plat of ground with the ' rewarde of ini- * Perpetual infa •a. j i_ t_ "*i j i -n j i • i mie is the rewarde *¦ or, throwen qmte, and when he had kuled. him sei- 0f aii suche as by ao^fhead. &. he brast a sondre in the myddes, & aU ™'afu^e «££ long. hys bowels gushed out. thing. Mat.27. «. ,Q And it ig inowen vnto ah the inhabi- ters of Ierusalem : insomuche, y that fielde is caUed in their mother tonge, Acelda ma, that is to say, the fielde of bloud. 20 For it is written in the boke of Psal- Psal. 68. e. mes, * Let his habitation be voyde, and no Psa. 108. b. man dwel therin : * And let another take his charge. A.iiii. Chap. II. THE ACTES OF 21 Wherfore, of these men which haue companied with vs, att the time that the Lord lesus was conuersant among vs, 22 Begynnyng at y Baptisme of Iohn, vn to that same day that he was taken vp fro vs, must one be ordeyned to be a witnes w ¦» in that hems vs of his m resurrection. p76a'rticle6oPfri„I,ur 23 And they appointed two, loseph cal- faith, he coprehen led Barsabas, whose surname was Iustus, deth also the rest. . -» T ... . and Matthias. 24 And they prayed, saying, Thou Lord, D which knowest the hartes of aU men, she- - To the intent we whether of these two n thou hast chose. dea'take'hin' hand 25 That the one may take y roume of this that excellent of- ministration & Apostleship, from which might "be chosen ludas hath gone astray, that he myght go by the autoritie t0 his owne place. of God. r . 26 Then they gaue forth their lottes, and the lot fel on Matthias, and he was by a common consent counted with the ele- uen Apostles. THE II. CHAPTER. The Apostles hauing receaued the holy Gost make their hearers astonished. Whe Peter had stopped the mouthes of the mockers, he sheweth by the visible graces of the holy Spirit that Christ is come. He baptizeth agreat nomber that were ¦ The holy Gost conuerted. The godly exercise, charitie and di- was sent when mu- uers vertues of the faithful. che people was as sembled in lerusa ia at the feast. T 7vhe the a feast o/Fetecoste was come, A 2E3X°c.Deu. .ft V they were "aU with one accorde toge- J^Tto Apo. because the thing ther in one place. knowen there, but 2 And sodenly there came " a sounde fro Chap. l. «. also through the heauen, as it had bene of a russhing and n-J>: '•?• "• world. . ' o matth. 3. c. <> wherby is si- mighty D wynde, and it fined aU the house mar l a gmfied the holy ^^ they ^ ,^_ 3 c_ 3 And THE APOSTLES. 189 3 And there appeared vnto them clouen " To declare c tonges, lyke as they had bene " fier, and it « This signe agrc the vertue & **> ¦" . , , eth witn the thing force that sate vpon ecne oi xnem. which is signined tiicm6 b6 '" 4 ^nd they were all fyUed with the ho- therby. ly Gost, and began to speake with other tonges, euen as the same Sprite gaue them vtterance. 5 And there were dweUyng at Ierusale, lewes who feared God, of all nations vn der heauen. " How the a- 6 When this was " noysed about, the mul- dTuera fang.6- titude came together and were astonied, "*es- because that euery man heard them spea ke his owne tonge. B 7 They wondred aU, and maruayled, say ing among them selues, Beholde, are not ah these which speake, of GalUe ? 8 How the heare we euery man our owne tonge, wherin we were borne ? 9 Parthians, and Medes, and Elamites, and the inhabiters of Mesopotamia, and of Iurie, and of Capadocia, of Pontus, and Asia, 10 Of Phrygia, & Pamphylia, of Egypt, and of the parties of that Libya, which is besyde Cyrene, and strangers of Rome, " Being befo- and d lewes, and those that were " conuer > ke of God so excel "or, swete. of newe wyne. let which the wic- C 14 But Peter stepped forthwith the Ele- ked skofflm do i • « i not deride. uen, and lyft vp his voyce, and sayd vnto Chap. II. THE ACTES OF them, Ye men of Iurie, and ye all that inha bite Ierusalem, be this knowen vnto you, and with your eares heare my wordes. 15 These are not droncken, as ye suppose, since it is yet but the thyrde houre of the day. 16 But this is that, which was spoken by the " Prophete * loel, » He expoun- 17 And it shalbe in the last dayes (sayth de*deIo^h. God) I wU powre out of my Sprit vpo aU out bynding "fleshe : and your sonnes, and your daugh- hiTwoide6.'0 ters shal prophecie, and your yonge men loel. 2. g. ' Meaning, that shal se visions, and your f olde men shal ""¦„„_,„. f nrl Toil I mi Ur,IIl€±Il,lLiecl himselfe very fa- * dreame dreames. ning, yonge& r bierh 'y&PJayn^ 1 8 And on my seruantes, and on my han- woman""1 yonge.00 6an demaydens, I wU " powre out of my Sprite N & hath ' recea- ofhisfeth0er'pow6er ued of his Father the promise of the holy to accopUshe the Gost, he hath shed forth this which ye made to Ms aPo- nnw «p ani", hparp stle8' aB 'ouching now se ana neare. ^ the holy Gost t0 34 For Dauid is not ascendid into hea- be sent vnto them. Chap. II. THE ACTES OF uen, but he sayeth,* The Lord sayd to my Psal.U9.a. Lord, " Syt at my ryght hand, re "christe"' 35 Vntyl I " make thy foes thy fote sto- ^^f/1" le. "Christe isthe 36 So therfore, let al the house of Israel ££». rede- ¦» That is, hath knowe for a suerty, that God hath"1 made Sd°r*ui'erdSd*,nog- him both Lord, & Christe, this lesus I say, te, that m all this whome ye haue crucified. akett°nof 6christs 37 When they heard this, they were pric- manhode, as he ^d ul their hartes, and sayd vnto Peter was dead, buryed, J rise, & ascended and vnto the other Apostles, Men and bre- to heauen. thren> what shal we do ? 38 Then Peter sayd vnto the, Amend your » He speaketh hues, and be n baptized euery one of you ^'"oTbtp'tism" in the Name of les' Christe for the remis- but teacheth that sio of synnes : and ye shal receaue the " gyft " The visible the whole effect p _¦_. i , r* _ sinnes. therof cosisteth in of the holy Gost. s"'*u,!s" iesus Christe. 39 For the * promise was made vnto you, " christe is and to your chyldren, and to aU that are both" tod the a farre of, euen as many as the Lord our 'ewes & Gen God shal caU. 40 And with many other wordes he " be G soght, & exhorted them, saying, Saueyowr ^&' ^^l selues from this vntowarde generation. God. 41 Then they that gladly receaued his preaching, were baptized : and the same day, ther were added to the Churche, about three thousand " soules. "Or, person- 42 And they continued in the Apostles ncs" ¦which was the doctrine, and"felowship, and in ° breakyng "Which stan- ministratio of the r ¦_. j j • detb m bro- Lordes supper. of bread, and m prayers. theriy ioue,& 43 And feare came ouer euery soule : and go^3}"1/' many wondres and signes were shewed by 2.Cor.9.d. the Apostles. Heb"13"c' 44 And aU that beleued, kept them sel ues together, and had aU things com men. 45 And THE APOSTLES. 191 45 And solde their possessions & p goo- p Not that their des, and departed them to all men, as eue- pods were minge. j i j led an togetner - ry man had. nede. but suche ordre 46 And they continued dayly with one S^SStaS "They did eat accorde in the temple, and " breking bread keiy reiieued an atBthes6er'fead at home, dyd eat their meat together, with °'h6rs necessitie" stesdidvseto gladnes and singlenes of hart : Lordssupper? 47 Pray sing God, and had fauour with I'cor'ii'd ^ the people. And the Lord added to the Churche q dayly, suche as should be sa- i whereby we 1]pfl see that tte Apo- ucu" sties trauailled not in vayne. THE III. CHAPTER. The halt is restored to his fete. Peter prea- cheth Christe vnto the people. A "VTOw, Peter & Iohn wet vp together in andi'4%".' to the temple, at the a nynthe houre of • which is with prayer. after none, which 2 And a certaine man halt from his mo- was their euening , iii sacrifice, at which thers wobe, was caryed, whome they layd the Apostles were at the gate of the teple called BeutyfuU, ~ ZZts "Because his to aske " almes of them that entred into ot the lawe were disease was in A.t- a. i abolished by that curable he the temple. lambe that toke gauehuiseife 3 Which seyng Peter and Iohn, that they a**,aJ"*' 'h„';1s7lnes to lyue of al- , - . .} .° _, . i j ¦ j . J of the world- mes. wolde entre mto the temple, desired to re ceaue an almes. 4 And Peter earnestly beholding hym with Iohn, sayd, Loke on vs. 5 And he gaue hede vnto them, trustyng to receaue some thing of them. 6 Then sayd Peter, Syluer and golde ha- " He had tbe ue I none, suche as I " haue, geue I thee, In w "riAiw. the b Name of lesus Christe of Nazaret, » in the vertu ling sicknes- of lesus, for Chri ses, ryse vp and walke. ste was the autor B 7 And he toke hym by the right hand, & °f tbis miracle & ' , /. J ,..,,. p. -, Peter was the mi- lift hym vp : and immediatly his tete and. nister. anclebones receaued strength. Chap. III. THE ACTES OF 8 And he leaped vp, stode, and also wal ked, and entred with them into the tem ple, walking and leaping, and laudyng God.9 And aU the people sawe hym walke & God is pray- laude God. 10 .And they knewe him, that it was he which sate to receaue almes at the Beutyful gate of the temple : and they wondred and were sore astonied at that, which had hap pened vnto hym. 1 1 And as the halt which was healed, hel de Peter and Iohn, al the people ran ama sed vnto them in the porche which is cal led Solomons. 1 2 When Peter sawe that, he answered C vnto the people, Ye me of Israel, why mar uayle ye at this ? or why loke ye so stedfa- « He correcteth stly on vs, as thogh by our owne c power a«bute°f " or godlines, we had made this man go ? mans hoiynes 13 The GOD of Abraham, and Isaac He taught a^SgST" and lacob, the * GOD of our fathers £"££ ¦"* hath glorified his Sonne lesus, whome ye Chap. 5. e. betrayed, and denyed in the presence of PUate, when he had iudged hym to be de huered. 14 * But ye denyed the Holy and iust, and Mat. 27. b. desired a murtherer to be geuen you. TT^J5' "" 15 And kyUed the Lord of lyfe, whome i0^n- \%,'g. God hath raysed from death, of the which thing we are wytnesses. 16 And his " Name, hath made this man "Towit.Gods sounde, whom ye se, and knowe, through name- faith in * his " Name. And the faith which 1 . Peter, l .d. is by hym, hath geuen to hym this health 's't°r' in chri" in the presence of you al. 17 And now brethren, I wot wel that through THE APOSTLES. 192 through d ignoraunce ye dyd it, as dyd al- « He doth not lome"— S° y°Ur " G0UUemerS" ce,Tut'htecmause some, and not ig Buf. thoge thinges which God before that ignorance and had shewed, by the mouth of all his Pro- many1, heputtetn D phetes, how that Christe should sufire, he thf**" >n bope of iii p saiuation. hath thus wyse fulfyUed. 19 Repent ye therfore, and turne, that your synnes may be wiped away, since the tyme of refreshing e shal come from the e when lesus nrpspnrp nf fhp T rWI shal come to iudge presence OI the LiOra. the world, ye shal 20 And since God shal send him, which be- knowe that he wii- fore was preached vnto you, that is to wyt and not your iud- Iesus Christe. ge- "We therfore 21 Whome the heauen must * conteyne statiy thathe vntyl the tyme that aU thinges, fbe resto- * which is be- othe'r'pla™"6 red * G°d had SP°ken by the m0nth 0f d but theXfaccom his holy Prophets synce the world bega. ^^'S Deut. 18. r. 22 * For Moses sayd vnto the fathers, The to the last day. chap. 7. e. Lord your God shal rayse vp vnto you a " of the stoc- Prophet, euen of your * brethren lyke vn- ham. "to me : ye shal heare him in aU thinges, whatsoeuer he shal say vnto you. 23 For the tyme wyl come, that euery o- ne which shal not heare y same Prophet, shalbe destroyed fro among the people. 24 Also al the Prophetes from Samuel & thence forth " as many as haue spoke, ha ue in lykewyse fore tolde of these dayes. 25 Ye are the **" chyldre ofthe Prophets, 'Because they ca i_- i_ /-i ii at. me of the same na and of the couuenaunt, which Orod hath tion, and therfore made vnto our fathers, saying to Abraha, J,™,^"^ Genes.i2.o. * Euen in thy seede shal all the " kynredes which apperteined "Bo'thiewe& °* th<2 earth be * blessed. of the people." ' Gentu. ' 26 Fyrst vnto you hath God raysed vp his biesSbut in Sonne lesus, & hym he hath sent to blesse christe. you, in turning euery one of you from your wyckednes. Chap. IIII. THE ACTES OF THE IIII. CHAPTER. The Apostles deliuered out of prison prea che the Gospel boldely maugre their ennemies, and pray for the good successe thereof. The in crease, vnitie, and charitie of the Churche, and specially of loses. A Nd as they spake vnto the people, the A _ "J.' It .to.^e Priestes, and the - Ruler of the teple, thoght that this , „, , £ was the Capitaine and the Sadduces, came vpon them : nisolneRo^,ain6:a,' 2 Taking it greuously that they taught the people, and preached in lesus, the" re- "The Saddu- ,- _. . ,, ceswere great SUrrectlOn from death. ennemies to 3 And they layd handes on them, and put this doctrine. the in holde, vntil the next day : for it was now euen tyde. 4 Howbeit, many of them which heard the wordes, beleued, and the noumbre of sooobrethem b The whole chur the men, was about b fyue thousande. totws^ontter!6 5 And it chaunced on the morrow, that their Rulers, and Elders and Scribes, were gathered together at Ierusalem. 6 And Annas the chiefe Priest, & Caia phas, and Iohn, and Alexander, and as ma ny as were of the kinred of the hie Prie stes. 7 And when they had set them before them, they asked, By what power, or " in "By "hose au what Name, haue ye done this ? mandement. 8 Then Peter ful of the " holy Gost, sayd B vnto them, Ye Rulers of the people, and nftornaue°'so Elders of Israel, spoken of 9 Forasmuche as we this day are exami- lm se e" •> iudges oght ned of the c good dede done to the sicke not to condemne, ^ .. , i , -, , but approue and man, to wit, by what meanes he is made commend that whole 10 Be it knowen vnto you al, and to al the THE APOSTLES. 193 the people of Israel, that by the Name of lesus Christ of Nazaret, whome ye cruci fied, whome God raysed agayne from de ath: euen by this Name I say doth this man stand here present before you, whole. Psal.in.c. 11 *This is the stone cast a syde of youd ^'ffi^ esa. 28. d. buylders, which is become the chiefe of Gouuemers. ' mar*2^* the e corner. • For to vphol- luke,'20.' c' 12 Nether is ther saiuation in any other : for*eJ ^h„™id rom. 9.g. p"or among men there is geuen none other "big. • Pe ¦ -a- ]siame vnder heauen, wher by we must be saued. C 13 When they sawe the boldnes of Peter and Iohn, and vnderstode that they were vnlerned men and without knowledge, they maruayled, and knew them, that they had bene with lesus. 14 And beholding also the man which was healed stading with them, they could not sale against it. The wicked 15 Then they commanded them to go a Christ* thogh side out of the Counsel, and counseled a- theirowuecs mona- them selues, science do co , „ ° . „,-. , , , . t , . demne ttem. 1 6 Saying, What shal we do to these men ? For a manifest signe is done by them, and is openly knowen to aU them that dwel in Ierusalem : and we cannot deny it. A commande \ 7 J3ut that it be noysed no farther amog che Christ* the people, let vs threaten and charge the, no more. that they speake hence forth to no man in this Name. 1 8 And they caUed them, and comman ded them that in fno wise, they shulde spe 'Thei proferre ake or teache, in the Name of lesus. the'ortmanc'e of 1 9 But Peter & Iohn answered vnto the, God- and sayd, Whether it be right in the sight of God, to obey you rather then God, B.i. Chap. IIII. THE ACTES OF iudge ye. 20 For we can not but speake those thin ges which we haue " sene and heard. « To twntent BGod hath put 21 So they ** threatened them, and let the *atbwaere*uit". a ring through the £ founde nothing how to punishe nes, and prea. wickeds noses so e > o t- . tnem thathestayeththi! them, because of the people, for aU men *-*" uompouiptes6"'' praised God for that which was done : 22 For the man was aboue fourty yere olde, on whome this miracle of healing was shewed. 23 Then assone as they were let go, they came to their " felowes, and shewed aU "To encoura- that the hie Priestes and Elders had said. thereto™". 24 And when they heard that, they lyft r^e God- vp their voyces to God with one accorde, and sayd, Lord, thou art God which hast made heauen and earth, the sea, and aU that in them is : h They grounde 25 Which h by the mouth of thy seruant Gots pJomes, wh" Dauid hast said, * Why dyd the GentUs ra Psal. 2. a. had assured that a-e and the people imagine vayne thin- he wolde enlarge -, the kingdome of ges t Christe. 26 The kynges of the earth assembled, & the rulers came together, agaist the Lord, and agaynst his Christ. 27 For " doutelesse, against thy holy Son "The verifleg ne lesus whome thou haddest " anoynted, £*e prophe bothe Herode and also Pontius PUate, "Andappoyn- with the GentUs, and the people of Israel kyng. gathered them selues together, ¦ Ail thmgesare 28 For to do whatsoeuer thy " harid, and " Power, and o^Gods'pourpra6 thy ' counsel determined before to be do- ps lce" according to the rie. Eph.i.b. ' 29 And now Lord, beholde their " threa- "Aswagetheir howTto6[iuekat "a- teninges, and k grante vnto thy seruantes, u_f which"1' se, but wherby with aU confidence to speake thy worde. th?y el,ter- giorifie°God!a05'6 30 So that thou stretche forth thyne hand thee. to THE APOSTLES. 194 to heale, and that sygnes, & wonders may be done by the Name of thy holy Sonne lesus. 31 And assone as they had praied, the pla ce moued where they were assembled to- " a signe of gether, and they were all " fyUed with the Gods presen- holj Gostj 3nd they spake the worde of toke6efferay6r G°d " holdefy*. 32 And the multitude of them that bele- "Mynde, wii ued, were of one hart, and of one " soule : affection. nether any of them said, that oght of the G thinges which he possessed, was his ' ow- ' Their hartes ChaP.2.g. ne, but they had aU things * commen. Sod! s thaTbeing 33 And with great power gaue the Apo- aiimembresofone sties witnes of the resurrecti5 of the Lord not suffer6 thei? fel lesus : and great grace was with them att. b°ewde™it™te6rS '° 34 Nether was ther any amonge them, As th<" Apo- that lacked : for as many as were possessers nontoiacke: of landes orhouses, solde them, & broght mLettthat the Price of the thinges that were sol- no idle loyte de, teyned.mayn 35 And layed it doune at the Apostles fe- 2.Thess.3.c. te. and distribution was made vnto euery man, m according as he had nede. ™ The goods 36 Also loses which was called of y Apo mde6d"a°mong6 ait sties Barnabas (that is to say, the sonne of but as euery man ,..,. T . jj?i_ bad want so was consolation) bemg a Leuite, and ot the his necessitie mo- countre of Cypers, deratcly relieued* 37 Where as he had lande, solde it, and layd y monye doune at the Apostles fete. THE V. CHAPTER. The hypocrisie of Ananias and Sapphira is punished. Miracles are done by the Apostles, which are taken, but the Angel of God bryn geth them out of prison, Their Holde con fession before the Council. The sentence B.ii. Chap. V. THE ACTES OF of Gamaliel. The Apostles are beat, and reioyse in trouble. TDVt a certayne man named Ananias, a -*-^with Sapphira his wyfe, solde a posses sion. 2 And kept away parte of the price, his Their sacriie wyfe also beyna: of counsel : and broght a p. <"istrust,& ii vnocrisH* certayne parte, and layd it doune at the Apostles fete. 3 Then sayd Peter, Ananias, how is it that Satan hath fitted thyne hart, that thou shuldest lye vnto the holy " Gost, and ke- "Who moued pe away parte of the price of the posses- ^^etos^ sion ? where as thou for'ewLTomu'che 4 pertayned it not vnto thee a only, and 'anTtnTv'se0 greater in that he after it was solde, was it not in thine owne asif G°? d.°'h ¦tag.™'"6'1 " wi'" b power? how is it that thou hast concea- ¦amniltio'n.15' >• Then, no man ued this thing in thine hart ? thou hast not B was compelled to , , . ° , . L j-t , sei his possessions, fyed vnto men, but vnto OrOd. nor to put his mo 5 When Ananias heard these wordes, he nye to the commo vse. fel doune, & gaue vp the gost. Then great feare came on all them that heard these thinges. 6 And the yonge men rose vp, and put hym aparte, and caryed hym out, and bu ryed him. 7 And it " fortuned as it were about the "Or,cameto « when men do space of three houres after, that his wyfe apposing d so uei7c'osi"fenceattey came in> ignorant of that which was do do not only pro- ne. of0ndca6rnnat6on6vpco 8 And Peter said vnto her, Tel me, solde them selues. but ye the land for somuche ? And she said, Yea also prouoke the J , wrath of God, be- tor SO much. " And to moc asTwere" %S£ 9 Then Peter said vnto her, Why haue ye £ feno! seiy, whether God agreed together, " to c tempt the Sprite haue knowen almighty?01"™ of the Lord ? beholde, the fete of the which fetche. y haue THE APOSTLES. 195 haue buryed thy housband, are at the do re, and shal cary thee out. 10 Then she fel doune strayght way at his fete, and yelded vp the gost. and the yonge men came in, and found her dead, and caried her out, and buryed her by her housband. 1 1 And great feare came on aU the Chur che, & on as many as heard these thinges. Miracles. 12 Thus by the handes of the Apostles we re many signes and wondres shewed amog the people : (and they were aU together with one accorde in Solomons porche. 13 And of the other, d durst no man ioy- " Because of i- i, . .i ,i i ., their owne euel co ne him selfe to them: neuerthelesse the sciences.wMchma "Or.gaueths people " magnified them. a* them totrem- ;rea prayse. ^ ^ygQ ^ noumhre 0f them that bele ued in the Lord both of men and women, grewe more and more.) 15 Insomuch that they broght the sick in to the stretes, and layd them on beddes & Peters shado- couches, that at the lest way, the shadow of Peter, when he came by, myght shadow some of them. 1 6 Ther came also a multitude out of the cities round about vnto Ierusalem, brin- gyng sicke folkes, and them which were vexed with vnclene sprites . which we re healed euery one. D 1 7 Then the chiefe Priest rose vp, and al they y were with him (which is y secte of "Which then the "Sadduces) & were ful of e indignatio. "They were m werethechief - _, aiiii , ,ia .i i of blynde zeaie, e- among them. 1 8 And layd handes on the Apostles, and muiation, and ia- put them in the commen prison. .S^SSuS! 19 But the Angel ofthe Lord, by nyght opened the prison dores, and broght the forth, and sayd, B.iii. Chap. V. THE ACTES OF uely doctrine. 20 Go, your way, & being in the teple spe ake to y people aU the words " of this life. "Or, of the ly 21 When they heard that, they entred in to the temple early in the morning and taught. And the chiefe Priest came, and they that were with him, and caUed the CoiicU together, and all the Elders of the chyldren of Israel, and sent to the prison, to fet them. 22 But when the officers came, and foun de them not in the prison, they returned and tolde, 23 Sayinge, Certeynly we found the pri- E son shut as sure as was possible, and the ke pers standing without, before the dores : but when we had opened, we founde no man with in. 24 Then when the chiefe Priest, and the ruler of the temple, and the hie Priestes, heard these thinges, they douted of them, wher vnto this wolde growe. 25 Then came one and shewed them, Be holde, the men that ye put in prison, stand in the temple, and teache the people. 26 Then went the ruler of the temple with " ministres, and broght them without vio " c lence (for they feared the people, lest they shulde haue bene stoned) 27 And when they had broght them, they set them before the Cousel. Then the chie fe Prieste asked them, 28 Saying, Dyd not we stray tely comman de you, that ye shulde not teache in thys ' He accuseth Name ? and beholde, ye haue fiUed ' Ieru- and"sedition6 salem with your doctrine, and ye intende to bring this mans " bloud vpon vs. 29 Then Peter and the Apostles answered christsdeath and " To make vs giltie of THE APOSTLES. 196 F and sayd, We oght rather to obey God the g meH- s When they co Gen. 26. a. 30 The* God of our fathers raysed vp le- mande.ordefende er-nd It f t_ i j i i . Ts thinges contra- di' ii h SUS' whome ye slewe, and hanged on tree, ry to the worde of chap. 3.' b 31 Hym hath God lyft vp with his ryght God" hand, lo be a ruler and a sauiour, for to ge ue repentance to Israel, and forgeuenes of synnes. 32 And we are his recordes concerning these thinges which we say : yea, and also the holy Gost whome God hath geuen to " Christe. them that obey " him. 33 When they heard that, they brast for anger, and soght meanes to slay them. 34 Then stode ther vp one in the Counsel, a Pharisei named Gamaliel, a doctour of the lawe, had in auctoritie among att the people, and commanded to put the Apo stles asyde a litel space. 35 And sayd vnto them, Men of Israel take hede to your selues, what ye entend to do as touching these men. G 36 For before these tymes, rjase vp one h '' ThisTheudas rrn , i , . • , r, i was about thirtie fneudas boastyng him selfe, to whome re yeres before him sorted a nombre of men about a foure ho "f whome Joseph' , i i • i i ii n mencioneth li. 20. dred: which was slayne, and they all which ofAntiquites, cha. obeyed him, were scattred abrode, and the'de'athof "ii'e- broght to noght. "de "be Great, 37 After this man, arose ther vp one Iu- his sonne was at Luk. 2. u. das of Gahle, in the time when * tribute ^ZintiLlliS. began, and drewe away muche people af- of insurrections. ter him : he also perished : and all that har- kened to him were scattered a broad. 38 And now I say vnto you, refraihe your selues from these men, let them alone : for yf this counsel, or this worke be of men, it wU come to noght. B.iiii Chap. VI. THE ACTES OF i He groundett 3 9 But and yf it be of ' God, ye cannot de- pTes" but he™"- stroye it, lest happly ye be founde to stry- Ue'ofle'c'auTe:"; ue agaynst God. ther dare afflrme 40 And to him they agreed, and caUed whetteritbegood ^ Apostles, and beat them, & comman ded that they shulde not speake in the Name of lesus, and let them go. 41 And they departed from the CouncU, reioysing, that they were counted worthy to suffre rebuke for the Name of lesus. 42 And dayly in the temple, and in euery house they ceased not, teaching and prea ching lesus Christe. THE VI. CHAPTER. Seuen deacons are ordeyned in the Congrega tion. The graces and miracles of Steuen. Who me they accused falsely . A Nd in those dayes as the nomber of A -^*-the disciples grewe, ther arose a grud ge of the " Grekes towardes the Hebrues : "whoseance- ¦Theywerenot because their wyddowes were " despiced sters were Ie- loked vnto in the . . , , . . J. . "¦ wesanddwel- distributio of the m the dayly mimstrmg. led in Gre- almes. 2 Then the Twelue called the multitude these'^k6 of the disciples together, and sayd, It is Grej*e' and not mete that we shulde leaue the worde b Makeprouisio of God, and serue the b tables. ce'onh^o're"5" 3 Wherfore brethren, loke ye out among you seuen men of honest report, and ful of the holy Gost, and wysdome, which we may appoint to thisnedeful busynes. 4 But we wil geue our selues continual- B ly to prayer, & to the ministration of the worde.5 And the saying pleased the whole mul titude: and they chose Steuen a man ful of c faith THE APOSTLES. 197 Chap. 21. b. c faith and of the holy Gost, and * Philip, ° He ioyneth and Prochorus, and Nicanor, and Timon, ^ gifts of" the " Turned to and Parmenas, and Nicolas a " conuerte of ho1*" Gost- the lewesh re A , . i ligion. Antioche. 6 Which they set before the Apostles : and they prayed, and d layde their handes « This ceremo- ™ fhpvn nie *e lewes ob- uu uicui. serued in solemne C 7 And the worde of God encreased, and sacrifices. Leuit. the nombre of the disciples multiplied in and priuate'bies! Ierusalem greatly, & a great company of E*isG?nI1"t^"pcr"i "That is, the the Priestes were obedient to the " faith, matiue churche it Gospel. g And gteuen M Qf fa.th and pQwer> WjllJ^Jther dyd ereat wonders & miracles among the nuters.or gaue the J , ° gifts of the holy people. Gost : which gifts "or, colled- 9 Then there arose certayne of the" Sy- ^ " ™ *amon ge.diuersena ,. i ,, i JT ., _¦ ^ away me ceremo- tions had Col nagoge, which are called liibernnes, and me must cease. ledges at ie- Cyrenites, and of Alexandria, and Cilicia, ri their youth and Asia, and disputed with Steuen. eTas'weTeto 10 But they could not resist the wisdom, vniuersites. and the Sprite, by the which he spake. D 1 1 Then they c suborned men, which sayd, « Malice seketh We haue heard him speake blasphemous £useeths ^hte6" wordes against Moses, and against God. 1 2 And they moued the people and the Elders, and the Scribes : and running vpon him, caught him, and broght him to the CouncU. 13 And broght forth false witnesses, ft sayd, This man ceaseth not to speake blas phemous wordes against this Holy place, and the Lawe. "Theyspeake 14 For we heard hym saye, that " this Ie- tempt! c°n" sus of Nazaret shall destroye this place, and shal change the ordinaces which Mo ses gaue vs. 1 5 .And all that sate in the CouncU loked stedfastly on him, and sawe his* face as it Chap VII. THE ACTES OF ' ?ot onely a had bene the f face of an Angel. certain conndece, ° but also great ma. iestie appearing in him. THE VII. CHAPTER. Steuen maketh answer to his accusation, re- buketh the hardnecked lewes, Sf is stoned to death.¦T^Hen sayd the chief Prieste, Are these A -*- thinges so ? •steuen was ac- 2 And he sayd, Ye a men, brethren, and fa ^dGodtand^her thers, hearken : The God of " glorie appea- « Hereby heis fore he is more di- red vnto OUr father Abraha, Whyle he Was discerned fro liget to purge this . -- . - r , J , .. . the false crime. in " Mesopotamia, before he dwelt in Gods. h He speaketh he CViztrrnn re of Mesopota- ^harran. mia as itcontey- 3 * And sayd vnto him, Come out of thy gen. 1% a neth Babylon and- . j r _\. 1 j j Chaideainit. countre, and from thy kynred, and come into the land, which I shal shewe thee. 4 Then came he out of the land of the Chaldeans, and dwelt in Charran. And af ter that his father was dead, he broght him from thence, into this land, in which ye now dwel. 5 And he gaue him none inheritance in it, no, not the breadth of a fote : and he promised that he wolde geue it to him to possesse, and to his seed after him, when as yet he had no chUde. 6 God verely spake on this wyse, that his * seede shulde be a seiourner in a strange Gen. lb. c. land, and that they shulde kepe them in » Begynning to bcidage. and entreate them euyl c four hun recken the yeres j ., fro the tyme that "heth yeres. Isaac was borne. 7 Birt the nation to whom they shalbe in bondage wU I " iudge sayeth God : and af- " Takc venge ter that, they shal come forth & serue me deliuer my in this place. people. 8 * And he gaue him the couenant of Cir- Qen% 17, 5. cumcision THE APOSTLES. 198 Gen. 21. a. cumcision : and so Abraham begate * Isaac, and circumcised him the eight day : and Gen. 25. c. Isaac begate * lacob, and lacob the twelue Ge?i. 26. rf. *Patriarkes. 30. a. 35. d. 9 ^nd the Patriarks hauing indignatio, solde loseph into Egypt : but God was ft him, 10 And dehuered him out of all his ad- Gen. 41. e. uersities, and * gaue him fauour and wys- dome in the syght of Pharao Kyng of Egy pt, who made him Gouernor ouer Egypt, and ouer att his housholde. 1 1 Then came there a dearth ouer aU the land of Egypt and Chanaan, and great af fliction : that our fathers founde no suste nance. Gen. 42. a. 12 But when * lacob heard that ther was corne in Egypt, he sent our fathers first. Gen. 45. u. 1 3 * And at the seconde time, loseph was knowen of his brethren, and Iosephs kin- red was made knowen vnto Pharao. 1 4 Then sent loseph and caused his father "After theHe to be broght and all his kynne, " thre score re"nSC°" ™d nftene soules. 15 And lacob descended into Egypt, and dyed, both he and our fathers, 1 6 And were translated into Sichem, and were put in the " sepulchre, that d Abra- ^ ^^ter ham boght for money, of the sonnes of through negiigece i- . p. , put in Abraham in Ji.mor, sonne ot bichem. this place, in stede C 17 But whe the tyme of the promisse drue {£ hJact°h^- fi™.^° nye which God had sworne to Abraham, Gen.33.c. Exo. 1. -. the people * grew & multiplied in Egypt. fty ^b'ottto 1 8 Tyl another Kyne arose, which knewe destroye the israe T J , jo htes with ouer mu not loseph. che labour : and al 19 The same dealt e suttely with our kyn- nVb0ytt'em?Exor.if red, and euyl intreated out fathers, b. Chap. VII. THE ACTES OF & made them to cast out their yong chyl dren, that they shulde not remayne aly ue. 20 * The same tyme was Moses borne, and Exod. 2. a. was acceptable vnto God, which was no- hehr- n" "¦ rysshed vp in his fathers house thre mo- nethes. 21 And when he was cast out, Pharaos daughter toke him vp, and norisshed him for her owne sonne. 22 And Moses was learned in all maner wysdome ofthe Egyptians : & was myghty in wordes and in dedes. 23 And when he was ful forty yere olde, it came into hys heart to viset his brethren, the chUdren of Israel. 24 * And when he sawe one of them suffre Exod. 2. b. wronge, he defended him, and auenged hys quarel that had the harme done to hym, and smote the Egyptian. 25 For he supposed hys brethren wolde haue vnderstande, how that God by his handes shulde geue saiuation vnto them : but they vnderstode not. 26 And the next day, he shewed hym sei- D fe vnto them as they stroue, and wolde haue set them at one agayne, saying, Syrs, ye are brethren, why hurt ye one another ? 27 But he that dyd his neighbour wron ge, thrust him away, saying, Who made thee a Ruler, and a Iudge ouer vs ? 28 Wylt thou kyl me, as thou dyddest the Egyptian yesterdaye ? 29 Then fled Moses at that saying, and was a stranger in the lande of Madian, where he begate two sonnes. 30 And THE APOSTLES. 199 30 And whe fourty yeares were expired, Exod. 3. b. ther appeared to him in the * wUdernes of mount Sina, an Angel of the Lord in a flamme of fyre, in a bushe. 3 1 When Moses saw it, he wondred at the sight : and as he drue neare to beholde, the voice of the Lord came vnto him, 32 I am the God of thy fathers, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of lacob . Then Moses trembled and durst not beholde. 33 And the Lord sayd to him, Put of thy showes from thy fete : for the place where thou standest is holy ground. 34 I haue sene, I haue sene the afflictio of my people which is in Egypt, and I haue heard their gronyng, and am come doune to dehuer them, and now come, and I wyl send thee into Egypt. E 35 This Moses whome they forsoke say ing, Who made thee a Ruler and a Iudge : the same God sent bothe a Ruler, and a de l. Cor. 10. a. lyuerer, by y handes of the * Angel which appeared to hym in the bushe. Exo 7.8.9. 36 And * the same broght them out, she- io.n.14. whig wondres and signes in Egypte, and Exo. 16. a. in the red sea, & in the wyldernes * four ty yeres. 37 This is that Moses which sayd vnto the Deut. 23. c chUdren of Israel, * A f Prophet shal the 'Hepmeththat chap. 3. d. Lord yolir God rayse vp vnto you of your ^tawe'She brethren, lyke vnto me, him shal ye heare. Prophetes. Exo 19 a. 38 * This is he that was in the congrega- " Moses was tion, in the wyldernes with the " Angel Sinister"!61!, which spake to him in the mount Sina, & ^B By macies guyde t fathers. Sttfs'0"16 ™th °™ fatherS' Wh° receauedihe * lyue- rafGo^spakefo ly oracles to geue vnto vs. Moses. Chap. VII. THE ACTES OF 39 To whom our fathers would not obey, but refused, & in their hartes turned bac ke agayne into Egypt. h Figures, or testi 40 Saying vnto Aaron, * Make h vs god- exo- 32. a. "n?eeof0Gohd.Pre' de** to go before vs. ' For we wot not what i Yet they knewe is become of this Moses that broght vs he was absent for , r* . i i j r- irr . their commoditie, Out of the land Of Urgypt. & so wolde shorte. 41 fr^fr tney m&fe & cg]£e m fr^gg dayes, ly retourne and J J bring them the and offered sacrifice vnto the idole : & re- ' "u ioysed in the workes of their owne hades. 42 Then God turned him selfe away, and * gaue thevp into areprobat sense, thatthey jiom. i.d. should worshyp the " hoste of the skye, as "Astte sunne it is written in the booke of the Prophe- Jj^^jS***"* k Your fathers tes, k * Thou house of Israel, gaue ye to me i7.a. bega in wildernes , -n- p 1 _ i ¦_- i ., to contene myne kilhng of beasts and sacrifices by the spa ordinances, & you ce 0f fourty yeres in the wyldernes ? now farre passe J .. J ei 1 r-Ar-n/r n the in impietie. 43 And ye toke vp y tabernacle ot Mo- F loch, & the starre of your god Remphan, *f™s'c^'d figures which ye made, to worship them : vpon' your therfore I wU remoue you beyonde Ba- s__^u_tr.%o.a. bylon. ¦ They oght to 44 Our fathers had y tabernacle of ' wit- haue bene content .,i -ii iii -,i with this couenat nes m the wildernes, as he had appointed only, & not to ha- (ftejjj speaking vnto * Moses, y he should Exo. 20. d. ue gon after their > r & 'J 7/Q7 lewde fantasies, make it according to the fasshion that he had sene. 45 Which tabernacle also, our fathers re ceaued and broght in with * lesus into the ios. 3. .. possession of the GetUes, which God dra- ue out before the face of our fathers, *vn- pSal.l32.a. to the dayes of Dauid : 46 * Who founde fauour before God, & 2.Som.l6.c desired that he myght fynde a tabernacle for the God of lacob. 47 * But Salomon buylt hym an house. \'.kyn.l7.a.' 48 Howbeit, that moste hyest GW*dwel- chap.17.fi leth THE APOSTLES. 200 leth not in m teples made with handes, as m Ha reproueth „ ,! ,1 a. r, t . the grosse dulnes Esa. 66. a. sayth the Prophete, 0f the people 49 Heauen is my seat, and earth is my fo- which a^e a j aa. __ a.t__ • j.i els we may take 36 And. as they went on their way, they generation, for his came vnto a certayne water, & the Eunu- churche which ne- J , -,¦_¦_ uer sna* haue che sayd, be, here ts water, what doth let ende, for now they G me to be baptized ? PLeti"te 37 And Philip sayd vnto him, If thou 'beir head. "With a pure beleuest with " all thyne heart, thou heart. Perf6C' mayst. And he answered and sayd, I be leue that lesus Christe is the Sonne of God. 38 Then he comanded the charet to stand C.ii' Chap. IX. THE ACTES OF styl : and they went doune bothe into the water, bothe Phihp & also the Eunuche, and he baptized him. 39 And assone as they were come out of the water the Spirit of the Lord caught k This was, to away Phihp, f the k Eunuche sawe him no thintent that he j i . 1 ¦ • might knowe so more, and he went on his way reioysmg. 2u?iS.-£e bett5r 4° But Philip " was founde at ' Azotus : & " or, percea- that Philip was set , n i i i 1 uea him sel- to him by God. he walked throughout the countre, prea- fe to be. tu. d"^6 ching in their cities, tyl he came to Cesa- called Asdod. Io- rea. sue. 15, THE IX. CHAPTER. The conuersion of Saul, his vocation to the Apostleship, and his zeaie to execute the same. How he escapeth the lewes conspiracies : his ac- cesse to the Apostles. The prosperitie of the Chur ches. Peter healeth AEneas, raiseth Tabitha, conuerteth many to Christe, Sf logetk in a tan ners house. »He persecuted A Nd Saul yet breathing out threatnin- A rndncrudtia'thegto -"-ges & slaughter agaynst the disciples * °V- 9- "¦ hTth'irs\°eadforeCh of the Lord> went vnto the hye Priest, ^ i'ef ' 2 And desired of him letters to Damas cus to the Synagoges : y if he founde any of thys ' ' way (whether they were me or wome) ""I;*^1*' or' he myght bring them bounde vnto Ieru salem. 3 * Now as he iorneyed, it fortuned that as Chap. 22. b. he was come nye to Damasc',* sodety ther J- pr"1.1_'a' shyned rounde about him a lyght from heauen.4 And he fel to the earth, and heard a voyce, saying to him, Saul, Saul, why per- secutest thou me ? 5 And he sayd, Who art thou Lord ? And the THE APOSTLES. 203 the Lord sayd, I am lesus whom thou per- secutest, it is hard for thee to kycke against b That is, to re b nrickes 8'8^ ^od wben he ai tt i it i i Pficketh and soli- 6 He then bothe trembling and astonyed, citeth our consci sayd, Lord what wUt thou haue me to do ? ences* and the Lord sayd vnto him, Arise and go into the citie, & it shalbe tolde thee what thou shalt do. B 7 The men which iorneyed with him, sto- "Sauls voice, de amased, hearing "his voyce : but c seing c For onely Saul knewe that lesus no man. spake vnto him. 8 And Saul arose from the grounde, and "For he was opened his eyes, but"sawe no man. The led blynde. they him by the hand, & broght him into Damascus. 9 Wher he was thre dayes with out sight, and nether d ate nor drancke. iHewassoraui- 10 And ther was a certaine disciple at Da that his appetite mascus named Ananias, and to him sayd was taken awa*" the Lord in a visio, Ananias. And he sayd, Beholde, I am here Lord. 1 1 Then the Lord sayd vnto him, Arise, & go into the strete which is caUed Strayght and seke in the house of ludas after one sauiprayeth. caUed Saul of Tars' : for beholde he pray eth. 1 2 And he sawe in a vision a man named Ananias coming into him, and putting his handes on him, that he myght receaue his syght. 1 3 The Ananias answered, Lord, I haue he ard by many of this ma, how muche euyl he hath done to thy sainctes at Ierusalem. C 14 Moreouer here he hath auctorite of the hye Priestes, to bynde aU that caU on thy Name. « 1 5 The Lord sayd vnto him, Go thy wayes : Chi. Chap. IX. THE ACTES OF " Awortl;yser. for he isacchosen vessel vnto me, to "beare "Tobeareme uant of God, and - witnes, & set endewed with ex- my JName before the Getiles, and kynges, forthe my boufotheraC6S a" ^ the children of Israel. **lorie- 1 6 For I wU shewe hym, how many thyn ges he must suffre for my Names sake. 1 7 Then Ananias went his way, & entred into that house, & put his handes on him, and sayd, Brother Saul, the Lord hath sent me (lesus Imeane that appeared vnto thee in the way as thou earnest) that thou mygh test receaue thy syght, and be fyUedwith the holy Gost. 1 8 And immediatly ther fel fro his eyes D as it had bene scales, and sodenly he rece aued syght: and arose, and was baptized. 1 9 And receaued meat, and was comfor ted. The was Saul certayne dayes with the disciples which were at Damascus. 20 And strayght way he preached Christ in the Synagoges, how that he was the So ne of God. 21 So that all that heard him, were ama sed and sayd, Is not this he, that spoyled them ft called on this Name in Ierusale : & came hyther for that entent, y he shuld bryng them bounde vnto the hye Priestes ? 22 But Saul encreased the more in stregth, and confounded the lewes which dwelt at Damascus, " confirming, that this was very " Prouing by P,rii-'crp the conferen- 'Thatwasafter „ " , * . , , , , , T ce of the Scri threeyeres.thathe 23 And after a ' good whyle, the lewes to- ptures. Dam^STndfn ke consel together, to kyl him. the coutrey about. 24 But their laying awayt was knowen of b The Gouuer- Saul, and they * g watched the gates day & 2. Cor. ll.g. ^7^^ ^ght to kyl him. watche as he de- 25 Then the disciples toke him by night, E rinthians. 6 ° and put him through the waU, and let him doune THE APOSTLES. 204 doune in a basket. 26 And when Saul was come to Ierusale, he assayde to couple him selfe with the di sciples, but they were aU afrayde of him, and beleued not that he was a disciple. 27 But Barnabas toke him, & broght him to the Apostles, & declared to them, how he had sene the Lord in the way, who spa ke vnto him : and how he had done bolde- ly at Damascus in the Name of lesus. " with Peter 28 And he was conuersant with " them at and lames. T , Gai.i.d. Ierusalem.29 And spake frankly b in the Name ofthe ¦> Making open je^ichwere Lord iesus. & disputed with the " Grekes: m0f^Lion of the called' becau- and they went about to slay him. despersyed*vere 30 But when the brethren knewe of that, through Gre they broght hym to Cesarea, and sent him contried°'h6rforth to 'Tarsus hiso^S 31 Then had the Churches rest through there he might ha all Iewrie, and Gahle, and Samaria, and uesorae autoritie" were edified, and walked in the feare of the Lord, and multiplied by the comfort of the holy Gost. F 32 And it chased as Peter walked through out aU quarters, he came also to the sain- ctes which dwelt at Lidda. 33 And there he founde a certayne man named AEneas, which had kept his bed eight yeres, sycke of the paisye. 34 The sayd Peter vnto him, AEneas, le sus Christe maketh thee whole: arise "or.trussethy and " make vp thy bed . and he arose im- couche toge. mediatly " a place so 35 Andk aU that dwelt at Lydda and " Sa- * Meaning the aac.t.de& n°' ™n, sawe him, and tourned to the Lord. B P 36 Ther was at Ioppa a certayne woman which was a disciple named Tabrtha, (ft C.iiii. Chap. X. THE ACTES OF by interpretation is called " Dorcas) the sa- "That isa de- ,, ,. i ,. i i j i re, or roebuc me was ful of good workes and almes ke. dedes, which she did. " or- riche" 37 And it chanced in those dayes, that she was sycke and dyed . and when they had mi h°burn'h'e'r af ' wasshed her, they layd her in an vpper terward, chamber. 38 Now forasmuche as Lydda was nye to Ioppa . and the disciples had heard that Peter was there, they sent vnto him two men desiring that he wolde not delaye to come vnto them. 39 Then Peter arose and came with them : G and when he was come, they broght him into the vpper chamber : where aU the wid dowes stode rounde about him weping, and shewyng the coates and garmentes which Dorcas made, whUe she was with them. 40 And Peter put them ah forth, & kne- led downe, and prayd, and turned him to the body, and sayd, Tabitha, arise. And she opened, her eyes, and when she sawe Pe ter, sat vp. 4 1 And he gaue her the hand, and lift her »For she was re vp, and caUed the m sainctes and wyddo- tt«6dttatifotters' wes, and restored her alyue. myght haue occa- 42 And it was knowen through out all sion to beleue andT , i, i-.it i glorifie God, the loppa, and many beleued m the Lord. for her owne sake. 43 And it came to passe that he taried ma ny dayes in Ioppa, with one Simon a " tan- " or, corier. ner. THE X. CHAPTER. The vision that Peter saw. How he was sent to Cornelius The Heithen also receaue the Spri te, and are baptized. Forthermore THE APOSTLES. 205 A "C"Orthermore there was a certayne man -*- in Cesarea caUed Corneli", a captayne of the souldiers called the Italian bande. 2 A deuout man, and one a that feared -whohadforsa .-, . ... 11 i . i iii i-i keallsuperstitios, (jod with aU his housholde, which gaue ana gaue him sci- much almes to the people, & prayed God ^°^rdQe ser* continuaUy. , 3 The same sawe in a visi5 euidetly (about the nynthe houre of the day) an Angel of God comming in to him, and saying vnto him, Cornelius, 4 When he loked on him, he was afrayd and sayd, What is it Lord ? And he sayd vn to him, Thy prayers and thy almes are come b vp into remembrance before God. " That is, God 5 Now therfore send men to Ioppa, and wherof itfoiow'ett cal for one Simo, whose surname is Peter, thathe had faith, _, . tor els it is lmpos- 6 He lodgeth with one Simon a tanner, sibie to please whose house is by the sea syde : he shal tel God" thee what thou oghtest to do. 7 And when the Angel which spake vnto Cornelius, was departed, he caUed two of his householde seruantes, and a soul- dier that feared God, one of the that way ted on him. 8 And tolde them aU the matter, & sent them to Ioppa. B 9 On the morowe as they went on their iorney, and drewe nye vnto the citie, Pe ter went vp vpon the top of the house to " which was pray, about the " sixt houre. midday. jq rpjjg waxed he an hongred, and would haue eaten : but whyle they made some thin ge ready, he fel into a trance. 1 1 And he sawe heauen opened, and a cer tayne vessel come downe vnto him, as it had bene a great shete, knyt at yfoure cor Chap. X. THE ACTES OF ners, and was let downe to the earth. ¦ As camels, hor 1 2 Wherin were c all maner of foure fo- shep^w^ync&su- ted beastes of the earth, and wUde beastes che uke which ma & creping beastes, & foules of the ayer. nournshethforhis .. _ . r , D. , . ^ vse. 1 3 And ther came a voyce to him, ±tyse Peter, kyl, and eat. 14 But Peter sayd, Not so Lord, for I ha ue neuer eaten any thing that is commen, or vncleane. 15 And the voyce spake vnto him agayne c * in taking away the seconde tyme, What God hathdpuri- wYxfvSeTeb'et && " pohute thou not. "Take it not stes & cleane, he 1 6 This was so done thryse : and the vessel £'=„£,,„ ° sheweth there is • & impure. no difference be- was drawen vp againe mto heauen. twixt men. 17 "Whyle Peter mused in him selfe what this vision which he had sene meant, be holde, the men which were sent from Cor nehus, had made inquirance for Simons house, and stode before the dore. 1 8 And caled out one, and asked, whether Simon, which was surnamed Peter, were lodged there. 1 9 Whyle Peter thoght on the vision, the Sprite said vnto him, Beholde three men seke thee. 20 * Aryse therfore, get thee downe, and Chap. 15.6. ¦Then true obe- go with them, and e doute not : for I haue dience which pro- ° ... cedeth of faith, Sent them. oght to be without 21 Then Peter went downe to the men, dout or questio- ning. which were sent vnto him from Cor nelius, and sayd, Beholde, I am he whome ye seke, what is the cause wherfore ye are come ? 22 And they sayd, Cornehus the captai- D ne, a iuste man, and one that feareth God, & of good reporte among aU the people of the lewes, was warned by an holy An gel, THE APOSTLES. 206 gel, to send for thee into his house, and to heare thy wordes. 23 Then caUed he them in, & lodged the. Peter goett and the next day, Peter went away with n°eHusd6 C°r" them, and certayne brethren from Ioppa accompanyed hym. 24 And the day after, they entred into Cesarea. And Cornelius wayted for them, and had called together his kynsmen, and speciaU friendes. 25 And as it chanced Peter to come in, Cornehus met hym, and fel downe at his fete, and f worshypped hym. ' Shewedtomu- 26 But Peter toke hym vp, saying, Stand fampSgdeTet vp, for euen I my selfe am a man. ordre, as thogh Pe *" . i i , ii i ..i i i ter had bene God. 27 And as he talked with hym, he came in, and founde many that were come toge ther. 28 And he said vnto them, Ye knowe how that it is an vnlawful thyng for a ma that Iohn. 4. c is a * Iewe, to companye or come vnto one, that is of an other nation : but God hath shewed me, that I should not caU any man "or, polluted. " commen, or vncleane. 29 Therfore came I vnto you without saying naye, assone as I was sent fore. I as ke therfore, For what intent haue ye sent for me ? E 30 The Corneli' sayd, Foure1 dayes ago, eue about this houre I fasted, and at the nyn- the houre, I prayd in my house : and behol de, a man stode before me in bryght clo- thyng, 3 1 And sayd, Corneli', thy prayer is heard and thyne almes dedes are had in reme- brance in the syght of God. 32 Send therfore to Ioppa, ancl cad for Chap. X. THE ACTES OF Simon, whose surname is Peter : he is lod ged in the house of one Simon a tanner by the sea syde, the which assone as he is co me, shal speake vnto thee. 33 Then sent I for thee immediatly, and thou hast wel done for to come. Now ther fore are we al here present before God, to heare aU thinges that are commanded vn to thee of God. 34 Then Peter opened his mouth, and sayd, Of a truth I perceaue, that * God is Deu. 10. d. notparciaU. *££*** « By this spea- 35 But in all people he that ** feareth him, wisd.6.b. me6ane6the whoil & worketh righteousnes, is accepted with eccies. 35. 6. religion of God, i,vm gal.2.b. which with rat V ' . , ,. rom2.b. faith profflteth vs 36 The which thing he declared vnto the eph.6.b. nothing. children of Israel, preaching * peace by le c°'- »• <*• sus Christe, which is Lord ouer all. p'pe ' 37 Ye knowe what thing was done Luk. 4. b. through out aU Iewrie, and beginning in Galile, after the baptisme which Iohn preached : 38 How God " annointed lesus of Na- "That is, cn- zaret with the holy Gost, and with po- wlttgrace's'S wer : which lesus went about doing good Bjftetsh aboue and healing aU that were cruelly oppres sed of the deuyl : for God was with hym. 39 And we are wytnesses of aU thinges which he dyd bothe in the land of the le wes, & also at Ierusalem : whome they sle we, hanging him on a tree. 40 Hym God raysed vp the third day, and caused that he was shewed openly : 41 Not to al the people, but vnto the wit nesses chosen before of God, to vs which ate and dranck with him, after he arose from death. 42 And THE APOSTLES. 207 Thechargeto 42 And he commanded vs to preache vn Gospel. to the people, & testifie, that it is he that G is ordeyned of God, a Iudge of quick and dead. lere. ll./. 43 To him also geue all the * Prophetes mich. 7.d. witnes, that through his Name, aU that be leue m hym, shal receaue remission ot synnes. 44 Whyle Peter yet spake these wordes, ThehoiySpri the holy Gost fel on aU them which heard &S£_T the preaching. 45 And they of the Circumcision which beleued, were astonied, as many as came with Peter, because that on the Gentils al so, was powred out the gyft of the holy Gost. 46 For they heard them speake with tongues, and magnifie God. Then answe red Peter, 47 Can any man h forbyd water, that the h We oght not se should not be baptized, which haue re- baptisme6 'whon°e ceaued the holy Gost, as wel as we ? Go£. testifiett to 48 And he commanded them to be bap tized in the Name of the Lord. Then pra yed they hym to tary a fewe dayes. THE XI. CHAPTER. Peter sheweth the cause wherfore he went to the heythen. The Churche increaseth. Barna bas and Paul preache at Antioche. Agabus prophecieth dearth for to come : Sf the remedie. A A Nd the Apostles and the brethren -^-that were in Iewrie, heard say, that the GentUs had also receaued the worde of God. 2 And when Peter was come vp to le- Chap. XI. THE ACTES OF ¦ For they could rusalem, they of the Circumcision "*¦ reaso- P**""^ j*""*?"*- not comprehende „„,i 'at, 1^._^. suyreproueu. this secret which ned with hym, was hid from the 3 Saying, Thou wentest into men vncir- Angels them sei- • i i . •_, aa. ues, euen from the cumcised, and atest with them. wrorid0,E if 3 'if 4 Then Peter hegan, and expounded the Coioss'.i.d. ' thyng in order to them, saying, 5 I was in the citie of Ioppa praying, and He purgeth T , ¦ ¦ • a z! his fact befo ul a traunce 1 sawe this vision, A certayne re the Chur- vessel descende, as it had bene a large lyn che- nen cloth, let downe from heauen by the foure corners, and it came to me. 6 Into the which, when I had fastened myne eyes, I considered, and sawe foure foted beastes of y earth, & wUde beastes, and creping beastes, & foules of the ayre. 7 Also I heard a voyce, saying vnto me, B Aryse Peter, slay and eat. 8 And I sayd, God forbyd Lord, for no thing comen or vnclene, hath at any tyme entred into my mouth. 9 But the voyce answered me agayn fro heauen, Count not thou thosethynges" co- " Or, pollute i i /-i j l ai i j thou not the men, whych God hath clensed. se thinges. 10 And this was done thre tymes : and al were taken vp agayne into heauen. 11 Then beholde immediatly ther were thre men already come vnto the house where I was, sent from Cesarea vnto me. 12 And the Sprite sayd vnto me, that I shuld go with them, with out douting. Mo reouer these sixe brethren accompanyed me : & we entred into a eerfej/remanshouse. 1 3 And who shewed vs, how he had sene an Angel in his house, which stode and said to him, Send men to Ioppa, and call for Simon whose surname is Peter. 14 He shal tel thee wordes wherby boththou THE APOSTLES. 208 C thou and all thyne house shalbe saued. 15 And as I began to preache, the holy Cha.2.a.3.b. Gost fel on them, * as he dyd on vs at the begynnyng. 1 6 Then came to my remembrance that Cha.i.a.i9a saying of the Lord, how he said, * Iohn ba mat 3. c. ptjzed with water, but ye shalbe baptized luk 3. c. ' with the holy Gost. iohn A.d. 17 For as muche then as God gaue them a lyke gyfte, as he dyd vnto vs, when we beleued on the Lord lesus Christe : who was I, that I shuld haue withstande God? 18 When they heard thys, b they helde t> Their modestie their peace, and glorified God, saying, The ££^££££3 "Thisrepenta hath God also to the Gentils graunted " tovnsay that whe- ce dependeth . . i _c rof they had vniu- vpon faith, repentance vnto lyfe. steiy Dlamed Pe. 19 And they which were scatred abrode ter- "Or, trouble, because of the " affliction that arose about Steuen, walked throughout tyl they came vnto Phenice and Cyprus, and Antioche, preaching the worde to no man, but vnto the lewes only. 20 But some of them were men of Cyprus and Cyrene, which when they were come into Antioche, spake vnto the c Grekes, & « He meaneth preached the Lord lesus. S£«hSSngJSK " The power 21 And the " hand of the Lord was with red "^ode in di- and vertue. ., n , , . . . . uerscontreyswere them, & a great nombre beleued and tur- called by this na- ned vnto the Lord. -J »***- G-; 22 Tydinges of these thinges came vnto Getils. the eares of the Congregation, which was in Ierusalem : and they sent forth Barna bas that he shulde go vnto d Antio- o J r thcAntiochians to ther shulde be great derth throughout al relieue the necessi - tie of6 'tte.?rebre- the worlde, which came to passe in the ttren. * Emperour Claudius dayes. Chap.2l.d. 29 Then the disciples, euery man accor- ' To signifie that ding to his habihtie, 'purposed to send i'abTmyndeChaorl socour vnto the * brethren which dwelt Chap. 12. d. wardesthem. jjj Iewrie. 30 Whych thynge they also dyd, and TheChristias sent it to the Elders, by the handes of Bar are poore" nabas and Saul. THE XII. CHAPTER. Herode persecuteth the Christen, killeth la mes, and putteth Peter in prison, whom the Lord deliuereth by an Angel. The shameful death of Herode. The Gospel florisheth. Barna bas and Saul retorning to Antioche take Iohn Marke with them. In THE APOSTLES. 209 . A TN that tyme, -¦ Herode the kynge stret- » who was cal Persecution. J_ched forth ^ hgnfes to vexe certayne ^^^ Of the Congregation. he was nepuewe notter™ 2 Andhe kyUed lames the " brother of ^"ther med1" which Iohn, with the SWorde. of Herodias. wfaA!hnsonne 3 And because he saw that it b pleased the *¦ it came then ' lewes, he preceded farther, to take Peter .f^Sy^ also, then were the dayes of swete bread, flitter the people. 4 And when he had caught him, he put "Thenomber him in prison, and dehuered him to " fou- wM^d^ded re quaternions of souldiers to be kept : en- by foures, to tending after Easter to bringe him forth kepe diuers . ° . ° wardes. to the people. 5 Then was Peter kept in prison, but The churche prayer was made with out ceasmg of the prayeth for churche vnto God for him. 6 And when Herode wolde haue broght hym out vnto the people, the same nyght slept Peter bitwene two souldyers, boun de with two chaynes, and the kepers befo re the dore, kept the prison. Chap.b.d. 7 * And beholde, the Angel of the Lord ca me vpon them, and a hght shyned in the lodge : and he smote Peter on the syde, & sterid hym vp saying, Aryse vp quickly, And his chaynes fel of from hys han des. 8 And the Angel sayd vnto hym, Gyrde Mar.6.b. thy selfe, and bynde on thy * " sandales. " 0r> sh°i"s. and so he dyd, and he sayd vnto hym, Cast thy garment about thee, and foiowe me. 9 Then Peter came out and folowed hym, and wist not that it was true which was done by the Angel, but thoght he had se ne a vision. b 10 When they were past the fyrst & the D.i. Chap. XII. THE ACTES OF seconde watche, they came vnto the yron gate, that leadeth vnto the citie, which o- pened to them by it owne accorde : & they went out, and passed through one strete, and by and by, the Angel departed from hym. 1 1 And when Peter was come to hym sel fe, he said, Now I know of a surety, that fe^ck^t the Lord hath sent his Angel, and hath de God deiiue- liuered me out of the had of Herode, and red him" from aU the wayting fore, of the people of the lewes. 1 2 And as he considered the thinge, he ca me to the house of Marie, the mother of one Iohn, whose surname was Marke.wher many were gathered together and pra yed. 1 3 As Peter knocked at the entry dore, a c mayde came forth to hearke, named Rho- Rhode. de. 1 4 So when she knew Peters voyce, she o- pened not the entry for gladnes, but ran in, and tolde how Peter stode before the entry. 1 5 But they sayd vnto her, Thou art mad. And she bare them downe, that it was eue •= For they dyd so. then said they, It is his c Angel. wo°de6thba[Ang0eu 16 But Peter continued knockyng: and were appoynted to when they had opened the dore, and sawe defende the fayth- , ., . , fui: and also in tho hym, they were astonyed. ^SSSSZWL 17 And he heckened vnto them, with the suche sightes. hand, to holde their peace, and tolde the by what meanes the Lord had broght him out of the prison. 18 And he said, Go shewe these thinges vn „?.Skfi to lames and to the brethren, and he de- se suspect.byreasO ofthe brethren, parted and went mto <1 another place. 18 Now THE APOSTLES. 210 1 8 Now assone as it was day, there was no lytle a do among the souldiers, what was become of Peter. 19 When Herode had soght for him, and found hym not, he examined the kepers, and commanded them to be led to be po nished, and he descended from Iewrie to Cesarea, and there abode. D 20 Then Herode intended to make war- re against the of Tyre and Sidon. but they came aU with one accorde, and made in- 'Bothebyfla- tercession vnto * Blastus the kynges cham lndngais°rdby berlayne, and desired peace, because their bryberye. coutrey was nouryshed by y kynges land. 21 And vpon a daye appoynted, Herode arayed hym in royal apparel and set him in his seat, and made an oration vnto them.22 And the people gaue a shoute, saying, It is the voyce of a God, and not of a ma. 23 But immediatly the Angel of the Lord smote him, because he e gaue not God the « which he shui- *2h.T-2 honour' so that he was eaten "of wormes* K^uS eatenoflysse. and gaue vp the gOSt. flatterers.ofwhose "The more 24 And the WOrde Of God " grewe, and Sfwhenhet^a ^0^0 multiplied. dyeng as losephus Goasreworde 25 A"nd BarnaDas and Saul returned fro the more doth Ierusalem, when they had fulfyUed their ¦t increase, f oflce, and toke with them Iohn, whose 'Which was, to surname was Marke. %£_\Tt_£___£ tioche. Chap.U.d. THE XIII. CHAPTER. Paul and Barnabas are called to preache a- mong the Gentils. Of Sergius Paulus, and Ely- mas the sorcerer. The departure of Marke. Paul preacheth at Antioche. The faith of tha Gen tils. The lues reiected. They that are ordey- D.ii. Chap. XIII. THE ACTES OF ned to life beleue. The fruit of faith. THere were in the Congregation that A was at Antioche, certayne * Prophe- Chap.U.d. tes, and teachers, as Barnabas, and Simeon caUed Niger, and Lucius of Cyrene, and " Manahe, which had bene broght vp with "God calleth Herod the kynge, and Saul. ofa11 sortes" ' The worde si- 2 As they a ministred to the Lord, and fa apubiik ° charge! sted, the holy Gost sayd,* Seperate me Bar Rom. I. a. asthe Apostieship nabas and Saul, for the worke where vnto was: so that here is shewed, that they I haue caUed them. phecieded'andpr°" 3 Then fasted they and prayed, * and layd Chap. 6. b. their handes on them, and let them go. 4 And they, after they were sent forth of the holy Gost, came vnto Seleucia, and from thence they sayled to Cyprus. 5 And when they were at Salamine, they preached the worde of God in the Syna goges ofthe lewes : and they had also Iohn to their minister. 6 When they had gone through out the Yle vnto the citie of Paphus, they founde a certayne sorcerer a false prophet, which was a Iewe, named Bariesus. 7 Which was wyth the Ruler of the cou B trey, one Sergius Paulus, a prudent man : the same Ruler caUed vnto hym Barnabas and Saul, and desired to heare the worde of God. 8 But Elymas, the sorcerer (for so is his name by interpretation) withstode them, and soght to turne away the Ruler from the fayth. 9 Then Saul (which also is called Paul) be- yng ful of the holy Gost, set his eyes on hym, 10 And THE APOSTLES. 211 10 And sayd, O ful of all suttelty and mischiefe, thou chylde of the deuyl, and enemie of all righteousnes, wylt thou not " which are, cease to peruert the strayght "wayes of the the doctrine T ,, r •" ° J of the Apos- J-.OrQf leld'eth vslo 1 1 Now therfore beholde, the hand ofthe God. Lord is vp5 thee, & thou shalt be blynde, & not se the sunne for a season. And imme chatty ther fel on hym a myste and a dar knes, and he went about, seking some to lead hym by the hand. 1 2 Then the Ruler whe he sawe what had happened, beleued, and wondred at the doctrine of the Lord. 13 When Paul and they that were with him were departed by ship from Paphus, they came to Perge a citie oi Pamphyha : & Iohn departed from them, and returned to Ierusalem. C 14 But they wandred through the coun- " Another An- tres from Perge to " Antioche a citie of the Syria. countrey of Pisidia, and went into the Si- nagoge on the Sabbath day, and sate dou- en. 15 And after the lecture of the Lawe and Prophetes, the Rulers of the Synagoge set vnto them, saying, Ye men and brethren, yf ye haue any worde of b exhortation for b This deciareth *l,.i „„„„1„ „„„ „„ that the Scripture the people, say on. ls geuen t0 teaChe 16 Then Paul stode vp and beckned with and exhort vs. the hand, and sayd, Men of Israel, and ye that feare God, geue audience. 1 7 The God of this people chose our fa thers, and exalted the people when they Exod A. a. dwelt as strangers in the lande of * Egypt, Exod.i3.c. and with a * myghty arme, broght them out of it. D.iii. Chap. XIII. THE ACTES OF 18 And about the tyme * of fortie yeres, Exod.l6.a. ' Here is decia- sufired he their c maners in the wyldernes. cfaSg' sute! 19 And he destroyed seuen nations in the ring of God befo- iand of Chanaan, and * deuided their lad losue 14. «. re he ponisheth. . ., , , . to them by lot. 20 Then afterwarde he gaue vnto them he sayd, * Wh5 ye thinke that I am, the Iohn. l . c. cipies to christe. same am I not, but behold there commeth one after me, whose shoe of his fete, I am not worthy to lowse. 26 Ye men and brethren, chyldren of the generation of Abraham, and whosoeuer am5g you feareth God, to you is this " wor "Themessage de of saiuation sent. of saluation" 27 For the inhabiters of Ierusalem, and • He rebuketh their Rulers, because they knew f him not, norance! " " "g" nor yet the wordes of the Prophetes, which THE APOSTLES. 212 which are £ red euery Sabbath day, they « Althogh they haue fulfiUed them in condemning him. SX^'are E 28 And whe they founde no cause of de- couered that they Mat.27.c. ath in him, * yet desired they PUat to kyl ,1^0™^'™" mar. 15. b. him. io/m^.o. 29 And when they had h fulfilled aU that *• in christe ail was written of him, they toke him downe yea^and^Amen! from the tree, and put him in a sepulchre. 2- Cor- '¦ d- 30 But God raised him vp from death: 3 1 And he was seene many dayes of them, w came with him from Gahle to Ierusale : which are his wytnesses vnto the people. 32 And we declare vnto you, how that the promisse made vnto the fathers, 33 God hath fulfyUed vnto vs their chU- " in that he dre, in that he " raysed vp lesus, eue as it is tocaiSr & written in £ second Psalme,*Thou art my Psai.2.b. Sonne, this day begat I thee. hebr.l.b. 34 j^s concernmg that he raysed him vp Esa. bb.b. from deathe, now no more to returne to psal. 15. d. graue, he sayd on this wise: * The ' holy * He sheweth "Srornlses " mercies made to Dauid, I wU geue faith- ST God *ES 1 . Kyn. 2.6. fully to you. eeu5 10 >"! SOne "f chap. 2. c 35 "Wherfore he sayth also in another pla so Hkewyse the n'- ce, * Thou shalt not sufire thyne Holy one %£JJF Some is to see corruption. 36 Howbeit, Dauid after he had serued his tyme by the cosel of God, he * slept, & was layd with his fathers, and sawe corruptio. 37 But he whom God raysed agayne, sawe no corruption. F 38 Be it knowen vnto you therefore men and brethren, that through this man, is preached vnto you the forgeuenes of sin nes, and that from all synnes, from which ye could not be iustified by the Lawe of Moses. D.iiii. Chap. XIII. THE ACTES OF 39 By him euery one that beleueth is iu- stified.40 Beware therefore, lest y fall on you, which is spoken of, in the Prophetes, >¦ He reproueth 41 * Beholde ye k despisers and wonder, Abaci. b. LuTesoftmeJwoi and vanishe away : for I worke a ' worke in df °?'.p'!r.ua*'Ie- vour daves, a worke which ye shal not be- 1 Which is,venge J ' i i i i ¦ ancevnspeakabie, leue, yf a man would declare it you. fGoihworfeep'°f42 Whe they were come out of the Syna goge of the lewes, y Getiles besoght, that they would preache these wordes to them the next Sabbath daye. 43 When the Churche was broke vp, ma ny of the lewes, and vertuous conuertes folowed Paul and Barnabas : which spake to them, and exhorted them to continue in the grace of God. 44 And the next Sabbath day, came al most the whole citie together, to heare the worde of God. 45 But when the lewes sawe the people, » They disdai- they were ful of m indignation, and spake uis6 should be ma- agaynst those thinges which were spoken de equal with 0f paui, contrarying them, and raylyng on them. 46 Then Paul & Barnabas waxed bolde, G and sayd, * It was mete that the worde of Mat. 10. a. God should fyrst haue bene preached to you : but seyng ye put it from you, andiud- » which is, to ge your selues vnworthy of n euerlasting (SdT&whomeh'e tyfe, lo, we turne to the GentUs. chri tsen'' l6SUS 4 ^ ^or so *natl1 tlle Lord comnlanded vs, saying, * I haue made thee a lyght of the Esa. 49. ft. Gentiles, that thou shuldest be the saiua tion vnto the ende of the world. 48 When the GentUes heard this, they were glad, & glorified the worde of the Lord : THE APOSTLES. 213 Lord : and beleued, euen as many as were l'e^eTuttte6 " ordevned ^to eternal lyfe. whom God 49 And the worde of the Lord was publi- beforeaPan°be shed throughout aU that contrey. gynning to be 50 But the lewes stirred certeyne ° de- ° He meaneth su saued. i i ii r, J., i • - perstitious wome, uoute and honorable women, & the chief and suche as were men of the citie, and raysed persecution zeaie'aibeittheco against Paul and Barnabas, and expeUed mEpeopieestemed them OUt of their COSteS. foreg°Luke&s'pea- ChaPA8.b. 51 But they * shouke of the dust of their ke.th asih": wor'cl mat 10 b p _ • _ _._ o L t • estemedthem. ' , fete agamst them, & came vnto Iconium. mar. 6. 6. - P ,. . - - - , . luk. 9. a. and the disciples were fyUed with ioye, & with the holy Gost. THE XIIII. CHAPTER. God geueth successe to his worde. Paul and Barnabas preache at Iconium. Some beleue : so me stere vp sedition and persecute. At Lystra they wolde do sacrifice to Barnabas and Paul, which refuse it, and exhorte the people to wor ship the true God. Paul is stoned. They confir- me the disciples in faith and patiece. Appoint ministers . And passing through many places make report of their diligence at Antioche. A Nd so it was, in Iconium, that they -^*-went both together into the Synago ge of the lewes, and so spake, that a great multitude, both of the lewes, and also of the Grekes beleued. 2 But the a vnbeleuing lewes steryd vp, » which woide and corrupted the myndes of the GentUs, °f ttter'Sr against the brethren. theseiues to be 3 Long tyme abode they there, and spa- persua ke franckely with the heipe of the Lord, which gaue testimonie vnto the worde of his grace, and caused signes and wbndres Chap.XIIIl. THE ACTES OF to be done by their handes. 4 But the people of the citie were diui- ded : and part helde with the lewes, & part with the Apostles. 5 And when there was an assaut made both of the GentUes, and also of the lewes with their Rulers, to do them violence, and to stone them: 6 They were ware of it, and fled vnto Ly- B stra, andDerbe, cities of Lycaonia, andvn to the region that heth round about. 7 And there preached the Gospel. 8 * And there sate a certayne ma at Lystra, * Al> lns°- impotent in his fete, being a creple fro his ay the peo- mothers wombe, and neuer walked. pie were mo 9 The same heard Paul preache: who be j6*trfie "£ holding hym, and perceauing that he had Oothe Paul faith to be whole, and Barna- 10 Sayd with a lowde voyce, * Stand vp b™ayr£d at right on thy fete. & he stert vp, & walked. Lystra. 11 Then when the people saw what Paul * Al- * ' saV had done, they lyft vp their voices, saying tJle jsrameof in the speache of Lycaonia, Goddes are the Lord le- come downe to vs in the lykenes of men. ^f CJ"?sle' 12 And they caUed Barnabas Iupiter: and Paul Mercurius, because he was the speaker. 13 Then Iupiters priest, which dwelt befo re their citie, broght oxen with garlandes ¦> He meaneth be vnto the b gates, and would haue done sa- fore the gates of Crifice with the people. the QOWS6 WOrG in*? Apostles lodged 14 But when the Apostles, Barnabas and C wittoutrt™" P*«" heard that, they " ret their clothes, & "£&*« & therfore the Pn ran in among the people, crying, abhorring it. est broght the sa- . _ , , P ,-F , j at. crifice (as he 1 5 And saying, (J men, why do ye these Ife^thems'eiufs0'1 thinges ? We are mortal me lyke vnto you, and THE APOSTLES. 214 and preache vnto you, that ye should tur ne from these vaine idoles, vnto the lyuing Gen A. a. God; * which made heauen and earth and psalA4b.b. the sea, and aU thinges that in them are. reueA4-b. Xg The wMch to 1-ymes past, * sufired al na Psal. 81 . c. .. „ . i, . r ' „ _, , ,. rom.i.b. tlons to walke m then* owne c ways. ,h ¦ yur r 1 7 Neuerthelesse, he left not hym selfe es not prescribing without d wytnesse, in that he shewed his ^nthem mj re" benefites, in geuyng vs rayne from heaue, d To take from and fruteful seasons, fylhng our heartes men "" with foode and e gladnes. « That being sa- 18 And with these sayinges, scarse refray "f^J^ raiBht ned they the people, that they had not sa- * Al. but crificed vnto them.* that they \g T^g A.her came certayne lewes fr5 An- ueffma lio tioche and Iconium, * which whe they had me. And persuaded the people, * stoned Paul, and whiles they drewe him out of the citie, supposing he taried and , , , . , A A u taught, ther had bene dead. came, Sfc. 20 Howbeit, as the disciples stode round j'Al'ti And about him, he arose vp, and came into the boidely per- citie : and the next day, he departed with suaded the Barnabas to Derbe. PseJelett°h{m, 21 Alld *iter they had Pre*iched to that for {sayd' citie, and had taught many, they returned they) they t0 Lystra, and to Iconium, and Antioche. true'butTe22 Confirming the disciples hartes, and in all thigs. exhorting them to continue in the faith, r ^ affirming that we must through muche tri bulatio, entre into the kyngdome of God. 23 And when they had ordeined them El ders by f election, in euery Churche, and 'The worde signi prayd and fasted, they commended them Pu'tin'g°vp th'ehay to God on whom they beleued. des. which deda- , i i tt - i- o reth that ministers 24 ThllS they Went through OUt PlSldia, & were not made „ a.- T>„v«-il.-Ti:n without the con- came to Pamphyha. sent of the people. 25 And when they had preached y*worde , nisterie. Chap. XV. THE ACTES OF of God in Perga, they descended into Atta- lia. 26 So thence departed by shyp to Antio che,* from whence they had bene comen- ChapA3.a. ded vnto the grace of God, to the worke which they had fulfiUed. 27 When they were come and had gathe red the Churche together they rehersed aU that God had done " by them, and how ".By their mi- he had opened the dore of fayth vnto the '""' GentUs. 28 And there they abode long tyme with the disciples. THE XV. CHAPTER. Variance about Circumcision. The Apostles send the agrement to the Churches. Paul and Barnabas preache at Antioche, and separat co- panie because of Iohn Marke. * AsCerinth' & >rPHen came " certayne from Iewrie, and A Ephfphan° gainst. L taught the brethern saying* Except ye Gal.b.a. the cerinthians.ai be circumcised after the maner of Moses, False ire- so tte fame of the , . , thern. place whence they ye Can not De SaueQ. came dyd muche 2 And when there was rysen sedition, and preuayle to persu- . J ' ade abrode. disputing not a lyttel vnto Paul and Bar nabas agaynst them, they determined that Paul and Barnabas, and certayne other of them, shulde go vp to Ierusalem vnto the Apostles and Elders about this question. 3 Thus being send forth by the Churche, they passed ouer Phenice, and Samaria, declaiyng the conuersion of the GentUs : and they broght great ioye vnto aU the brethren. 4 And when they were come to Ierusa lem, they were receaued of the Churche, and THE APOSTLES. 215 and of the Apostles and Elders : and they declared what thinges God had done by them. B 5 But sayed they, certayne of the secte of the b Pharises rose vp, which dyd beleue, u which were fa n-n. a. -a. 3 p -\ _ ¦ ¦ ctious and geue to saying, lhat it was nedetul to circumcise dissension. them, & to enioyne the to kepe the Lawe of Moses. 6 Then the Apostles, & Elders came to gether to reason of this matter. 7 And when ther was muche disputing, Peter rose vp, and sayd vnto them, Ye me & brethren, ye know how that a good why le ago, God chose one from among vs, that the Getils by my mouth, shulde heare the worde of the Gospel, and beleue. 8 And God which knoweth the heartes, bare them wytnes, in gyuing vnto them the holy Gost, euen as he dyd vnto vs : " As touching 9 And he put no " difference betwene the eteroaiuil and vs' seyng that with faith he " purified " Faith purik- their heartes. eth the heart. 1Q Nqw tkerfore, why = tempt ye God, "Theypourpos- ]. Cor. i.a. to * lay a yoke on the disciples neckes, ft iay'eg'eater "har' chap.io.g. nether our fathers, nor we were able to *"e.s on menscon- mat. 23. a. i _ sciences then they beare r are able to beare. " And not by 1 1 But we beleue,that through the" grace the Lawe. ° of the Lord lesus Christ, we shalbe saued, euen as they do. C 12 Then aU the multitude was appeased, and gaue audience to Barnabas and Paul, which tolde what signes and wodres God had shewed among the GentUs by them. 13 And when they helde their peace, la mes answered, saying, Men and brethren hearken vnto me. 2.Pct.l.a. 14 * Simeon tolde, how God at the begin- Chap. XV. THE ACTES OF ning did visit the GentUs, to take of them a people vnto his Name. 15 And to this agreeth the wordes of the Prophetes, as it is written. 16 * After this I wyl returne, and wyl bu- Amos 9. c Ude agayne the tabernacle of Dauid, ft is faUe doune, and that ft is faUen in decay of it, wil I buyld agayne, & I wyl set it vp. 1 7 That the residue of men myght seke af- * which are ga- ter the Lord, and all the d GentUs vpon 'mfuedwiitt0theeie! whom my Name is caUed, sayth the Lord, Ts rid'0™']6"' which doth aU these thinges : ledge^u oneaGod° 1 8 From the begynnyng of the worlde God knoweth all his workes. 19 Wherfore my sentence is, that we trou ble not them, which from among the Gen tyls are turned to God : 20 But that we wryte vnto them, that they absteine them selues fro " filthynes of ido- " .For some • The heathen les, and from e fornication, from Strang- none offence thoght this no vi- ,1 , , ,, , to be present ce, but made it a ieu, ana irom Diouae. in tne jdo]es commen custome. 21 For f Moses of olde tyme hath in euery tepies, & the- As touching a stra ¦" <. re to banket gied thing s_ Wou- citie them that preache him, bemg read which samc, vniaw?uiWoef6 ttl «i the Synagoges euery Sabbath day. ^^£ seife, & the"*re 22 Then pleased it the Apostles and El- cup ofthe de for a tyme. ders with the whole Churche, to send cho JjJ'j'* Cor* 'Therfore the ce sen men 0£ their owne company to Antio- D remomes comma- i -r-, ded by God colde che with Paul and Barnabas • to wit, ludas "oiisheMii the u- whose surname was Barsabas and SUas, bertie of the Gos- which were chiefe men among the bre- spel were better - ° knowen. thren. 23 And wrate letters by them after this maner. The Apostles, and the Elders, and the brethren send gretings vnto the bre thern, which are of the GentUes in Anti oche, and in Syria, and in Cilicia. 24 Forasmuch as we haue heard, that cer taine THE APOSTLES. 216 taine which departed from vs, haue trou bled you with wordes, & coumbred your myndes, saying, Ye must be circumcised & kepe the Lawe, to whom we gaue no su che commandement. E 25 It semed therfore good to vs, when we were come together with one accorde, to send chosen me vnto you, with our belou ed Barnabas and Paul. 26 Men that haue ieoparded their lyues, for the Name of our Lord lesus Chnste. 27 We haue therfore sent ludas and Si las, which shal also tel you the same thin ges by mouth. 28 For it semed good to the holy Gost, & ""to vs, to lay no more burden vpon you, ewhometheho then these necessary thinges. '? pos'h*;?h mo; J o ued and directed 29 That is to say, that ve abstayne from to ordeine& write thinges offered to images, fro bloude, fro these thinB;s' * Al.and strangled, and fornication : * from which what soe- jf „e fcme your selues, ye shal do wel. So uer ye wot- p , de not that fere ye wel. men sholde 30 When they were departed, they came do vntoyou, to Antioche : and the multitude being as- do not to iiii ii- iit-,.i& others. sembled, they deliuered the Epistle. 3 1 When they had read it, they reioysed of that consolation. F 32 And ludas and SUas being Prophetes, "or.coforted. " exhorted the brethren with muche prea ching, and strengthened them. 33 And after they had taried there a spa ce, they were let go in h peace of the bre- h Hauing desired " Who foriu- thren vnto the Apostles. Che the brethern ste causes. 34 Nof-withstandyng, * SUas thoght good P*"a*"*"<| God to pro changed his , * 00 sper their iomey. mynde. to abyde there styl. * ^l-TA?d 35 Paul also and Barnabas continued in only ludas Antioche, teaching and preaching with Chap. XVI. THE ACTES OF other many, the worde ofthe Lord. 36 But after a certayne space, Paul sayd vnto Barnabas, Let vs go agayne, and visi- te our brethren in euery citie, where we haue shewed the worde of theLord, and se how they do. 37 And Barnabas * gaue counsel to take G with them Iohn, caUed Marke. takl'hhn* 38 But Paul thoght it not mete to take £.c, him vnto their companye, which depar- Chap.l3.c ted from them from * Pamphyha, and wet not with them to the worke. 39 And then was their angre so sharpe, ¦ God suffreth that they ' departed a sunder one from tSefSi°&6tru,rn'ett the other: so that Barnabas toke Marke, & their infirmities Sayled VntO CyplTlS. of his glorie, as 40 And Paul chose SUas and departed, phaAAiercaauhs6ed°fthe heYuS commended of the brethren vnto worde to be prea- the grace of God. ched in mo places. 4j j^a^ he wenf. through Syria and Cili- cia, stablishing the Churches. THE XVI. CHAPTER. When Paul had circumcised Timothe he toke him with him. The Sprite calleth them from one contrie to another. Lydia is conuerted. Paul and Silas imprisonned couert the Iayler, and are deliuered as Romains. •rFHen came he to Derbe and to Lystra : A -'-and beholde, a certaine disciple was Bmn.m.c. there named Timotheus, a womans sonne, i.thes.3.a. which was a Iewe and beleued, but his fa ther was a Greke. 2 Of whom reported wel the brethren of Lystra and of Iconium. 3 Paul wolde y he shulde go forth with him, THE APOSTLES. 217 him, and toke and a circumcised him, be- » Lest the lewes cause of the lewes, which were in those ^"Ve Jnat nwe™ quarters : for they knew aU, that his fa- P,uop(ha",e & with* ther was a Greke. 4 As they went through the cities, they dehuered them the decrees for to kepe, ordeined of the Apostles, & Elders, which were at Ierusalem. 5 And so were the Churches stabhsshed in the faith, and encreased in noumbre dayly. B 6 Whe they had gone through out Phry gia, and the region of Galacia, and were b forbydden of the holy Gost to preache f " Ood choseth ..,,.. not onely me, but "Asia the les- worde in Asia. also appointettc5 7 They came to Mysia, & soght to go in- SSL 5SES pJS to Bithynia : but the Sprite sufired them ched, & oneiy as . J r he wil. not. 8 Then they went ouer Mysia, and came " Called also doune to " Troas. Alexandria?' 9 And a vision appeared to Paul in the nyght, There stode a man of Macedonia, & prayed him, saying, Come to to Macedo nia, and heipe vs. 10 After he had sene the vision, immedi atly we prepared to go in to Macedonia, beyng c certified that the Lord had caUed -We oght not to J ° „ credit visions ex- vs for to preache the Gospel vnto them, ceptwebeassuer- 1 1 The went we forth from Troas, & with f-,$g$ G*0Vhe a strayght course came to Samothracia, & " which is in the next day to " Neapohs. Thracit^Ad 12 And from thence to Philippi, which Macedonia, is the chief citie in the partes of Macedo nia, and whose inhabitants came from Ro me to dwel there, we were in that citie abyding certaine dayes. E.i. ' Chap. XVI. THE ACTES OF 13 And on the Sabbath day, we went out of the citie, besydes a ryuer, where they we a Where tte chri re wont to d pray : and we sate doune, and toTsem^'"^ sPake ^to the wome, ft resorted thither. churche when the 14 And a certayne woman named Lydia a ted themPersecu seUer of purple, in the citie of the Thya- tirians, which worshipped God, gaue vs audience : whose heart the Lord opened, that she attended vnto the thinges, which Paul spake. 15 When she was baptized, and her hous- D holde, she besoght vs saying, If ye thinc- ke that I beleue on the Lord, come into my house, and abyde there, and she costray ned vs. 1 6 And thus as we went to prayer, a cer- • which could tain mayde possessed with * a sprite e of di Leuit.20.d. fhtagf fpLdt,mp6ref Nation, met vs, which gate her masters *2£%\ sen.1 & *» c°"?e. muche vantage with diuintog. in many things 1 7 The same folowed Paul and vs, and ttetoT"'6'"'0 cried> saying. These men are the seruantes of the most hye God, which shewe vnto vs ' Satan althogh the f way of saiuation. ett.?etwa'shis'ma 1 8 And this dyd she many dayes : but Paul licious purpos to not" content, turned about, and savd to the " For Satans cause the Apostles . _ , , . J rj,,K,Tirir. in to be troubled as sprite, I commade thee in the Name of le- „ra"d &ai«. n™ tePach«s sus Christe, that thou come out of her. and %2&£» ofstrangereligion. he came out the same houre. the Spirit of 1 9 And when her masters sawe that the ho ^i^e'io pe of their gayne was gone, they caught ct™e. Paul and Silas, and drue them into the E market place, vnto the magistrats, 20 And broght them to the Rulers, say ing, These men which are lewes trouble our citie. 21 And preache ordinaces, which are not lauful for vs to receaue, nether to obser ue, THE APOSTLES. 218 ue, seing we are Romains. 22 And the people together made an in surrection against them, and the Rulers "Of Paul and rent " their clothes, and * commanded them 2! Cor. 1 i.e. to be beaten with roddes. i.thes.2.a. 23 And when they had beaten them sore, they cast them into prison, commandyng the iayler to kepe them surely. 24 Who hauing receaued suche comma- demet, thrust them into the ynner prison, and made their fete fast in the stockes. 25 And at midnight, Paul and Silas pray- "or, songprai ed and " praised God : and the prisonners ses to God. heardthem. F 26 And sodenly ther was a great erthqua- ke, so that the foundation of the prison was shaken : and by & by aU the dores ope ned, & euery mans bandes were losed. 27 When the keper of the prison waked out of his slepe, and sawe the prison dores open, he drue out his sword and wolde ha ue kyUed him selfe, supposing the priso ners had bene fled. 28 But Paul cried with a loude voyce, say ing, Do thy selfe no harme : for we are all here. 29 Then he called for a hght and sprang in and came trembling, and fel doune at the fete oi Paul and SUas. 30 And broght them out, and sayd, Syrs, what must I do to be saued ? 31 And they sayd, Beleue in the Lord le sus Christe, and thou shalt be saued, & thy housholde. 32 And they preached vnto him the wor de of the Lord, and to aU that were in, his house. E.ii. Chap. XVII. THE ACTES OF 33 And he toke them the same houre of G the night, and wasshed their woundes, and was baptized, with aU that beloged vnto him, strayght way. 34 When he had broght them into his house, he set meat before them, and ioyed that he with ah his housholde beleued to God. 35 And when it was day, * the Rulers * Al. Tlie sent the sergeants, saying, Let those men f^d "£_ go. gether in 36 The keper of the prison told this say- the market, ing to Paul, The Rulers sayd he, haue sent tring^'e' worde to lowse yow. now therfore get earthquake you hence, and go to peace. t,'at was> 37 Then sayd Paul vnto them, They haue andsait beaten vs openly vncondemned, for aU Ifc. s No ma hadau that we are g Romains, & haue cast vs in- put'to d'e0atta'citi to prison, & now wolde they send vs away sen Romain, but preuely? nay verely : but let them come& the Romains them r J J J selues by the con- let VS out. sent of the people. g8 And the sergeants tolde these wordes vnto the Rulers, who " feared when they "Forthe pu. heard that they were Romains. great°against 39 Then came they and prayed them, and ?h? that dyd broght them out, and desired them to de- citizen Ro parte out of the citie. 40 And they went out of the prison, and entred into the house of Lydia, and when they had sene the brethren, they confor- ted them, and departed. THE XVII. CHAPTER. Paul commeth to Thessalonica, whersome receaue him, and others persecute him. He di- sputeth at Athens, and the fruite of his doctri ne. The Thessalonicians earnestnes in reading the main. THE APOSTLES. 219 the Scriptures. , A S they made their iomey through Am ¦^•phipolis, and Appolonia, they came to Thessalonica, where was a Synagoge of the lewes. 2 And Paul, as his maner was, went in vn to them, and thre Sabbath dayes disputed with them by the Scriptures, Luk. 24. g. 3 Openyng, & aUegyng, that * Christ must nedes haue sufired, and rysen agayn from death : and this is lesus Christ whom sayd he, I preache to you. 4 And some of them beleued, and ioy- ned in companye with Paul and SUas : also of the Greckes that feared God a great multitude, and of the chiefe women, not a fewe. B 5 But the lewes which beleued not, ha uing indignation, toke vnto them certey- ne vagabondes which were wicked felo wes, and when they had assembled the pe ople, they set all the citie on a rore, & ma de assaut against the house of Iason, and soght to bryng them out to the people. 6 But when they found them not, they drue Iason and certain brethren vnto the heades of the citie, crying, These are they which haue subuerted the state of y world and here they are, 7 Which Iason hath receaued : and these ,Lik j. aU do contrary to the decrees of Cesar, af king they vsed aga firming y there is another a kyng, one les'. ^ttew^pon6: 8 And they troubled the people, and the where with tte Rulers of the citie, when they heard the- nghtethC0n^gains*t oa* tliirnToc the membres of se tmnges. # christe, trayson, 9 Notwithstading when they had recea- & sedition. E.iii. Chap. XVII. THE ACTES OF ued sufficient assurance of Iason and of the other, they let them go. 10 And f brethre immediatly sent away Paul & Silas by nyght vnto Beroea. which whe they were come thyther, they entred into the Synagoge of the lewes. ' Not more ex- 1 1 These were b more worthy men then more prop*t & rau they which were at Thessalonica, which ragious in recea- reCeaued the worde with readiest affecti- C uing the worde of _ . God. on, and searched the bcrrptures dayly, ° This was not o- c whether those thinges were so. ^ttn.gei'whth 12 Then many of them beleued: & honest they had heard we women, which were Grekes, and men not re true : but also to r cofirme them sei- alewe. I'fil^^h'.S 13 When the lewes of Thessalonica had to increase their faith. knowledge, y the worde of God was prea ched of Paul at Bercea, they came thither also and moued the people. 14 But by and by the brethren sent away Paul to go as it were to the sea : but SUas andTimotheus abode there styl. 15 And they had charge to coduit Paul safely, & broght him euen toAthenes: and D receaued a commandemet vnto SUas and » That citie Timotheus, for to come to him at once, & £^","1 so came their way. all knowiage 16 WhUe Paul waited for them at Athes, Hncke°of mo llis sprite was moued in him, to se the ci- ?ielah.°1Tible tie " subiect to worship idoles. " who held, 17 Therfore he disputed in the Synagoge *£&%__ a suche was his wrth the lewes, and with them that feared l,**^*^ feruent zeaie tow- God, and in the market dayly d with who- that vertue £X Slabou0;16 me soeuer he met. XT'-not to ampiiae the sa- is Certaine Philosophers ofthe " Epicu- withstanding me both in season - „ , „ „, r. *v ., «p111Jr and out of sea- res, and of the " Stoickes, disputed With attayned vn Srwar^to'Tfrno h-m- and some sayd, What wil this " ba- J*^ ^ thle- bier say? Other sayd, He semeth to be a ty- or, tr'ifler. ' dinges THE APOSTLES. 220 dinges bringer of newe Gods (because he preached vnto the lesus, & y resurrectio.) 1 9 And they toke hym, and broght hym into eMars strete, saying, May we not kno- ¦ where iudge- i . . i • j*:- i_ cat ment was geuen of we, what this new doctrine, wherof thou waightie matters, speakest, is ? b!lt ."hiefely of im r pietie agaist their E 20 t or thou bryngest strange tydynges to Gods.wherofPaui our eares : we wolde know therfore, what ™ wThitherbe these thinges meane. cause of the resort 21 For aU the Athenians, and strangers eare^euer tickled which dwelt there, gaue them selues to t0 heare newes- nothing els, but ether to tel, or to heare some new tidinges. "Called Areo 22 Paul stode in the myddes of "Mars stre- te.and sayd, Ye men of Athens, I perceaue that to all thinges ye are to superstiti ous.23 For as I passed by, and behelde the ma ner how ye worshyp your goddes, I foun de an aulter wherin was written, vnto the vnknowen Gon. Whome ye then ignorantly worshyp, him shewe I vn to you. F 24 God that made the worlde, & aU that is in it : seying that he is Lord of heauen Chap.7.f. and earth,* dweUeth not to temples made wyth handes. Psa.bO.b. 25 * Nether is worshipped with mens handes, as thogh he needed any thing, seing he geueth to aU, lyfe and breath and all thinges : 26 And hath made of one bloud all man kynde, for to dwel on all the face of the Jr^^'oSf "Before man earth, & hath " assigned the tymes which drie chages of the was created , , , -° , ., -, £ world,aswh5some God had ap- were ordeyned before, and the endes ot pe0pie depart out pointed his thPir f inhabitation of acontrey and o state and con tneiT mnabltanon thers come to dw- ition. 27 That they shulde seke God, yf "they el there. E.iiii. Chap. XVIII. THE ACTES OF myght fele, and fynde hym, thogh doute- ^s grope m les he be not farre from euery one of vs. christe the 28 For in him we lyue, moue, and haue ^^V our being, as also certayne of your owne hartes. Poetes haue sayd,* For we are also his ge- Aratus. neration. 29 * For as muche then, as we are the ge- Esai. 40. d. neration of God, we oght not to thinke y G 8 He condenett the Godhead is lyke vnto ** golde, syluer, both the matter fie . p_ j • - _•- the forme wher- or stone grauen by crafte ana imaginatio "'* ..G°d is con- of man. terfaited. . . 30 And the tyme of this ignorance, God u -¦ This is ment " regarded not. But now he biddeth b aU neaut pardo" of the vniuersal ¦> . worlds not of eue men, euery where repent. ry particular ma. 31 Because he hath appointed a day, to for whosoeuer syn . . rr. ,, J neth without the the which he wU iudge the world accor- ™aWt6,ehLaweWi'h ding to righteousnes, by that man whom he hath appointed, which thing he made manifest to aU men, to that he raysed him from death. 32 When they heard of the resurrection from death, some mocked : & other sayd, We wyl heare thee agayne of this matter. 33 So Paul departed from among them. 34 Howbeit certayne me claue vnto Paul, and beleued : among the which was Denis "Areopagita, and a woman named Dama- "or, a iudge. ris, and other with them. THE XVIII. CHAPTER. Paul laboureth with his handes, and prea- cheth at Corinthus. He is receaued of many, detested of the lewes, and comforted of the Lord. Gallio refuseth to medle with religion . Pauls I'owe. His faith in the prouidence of God : and care for the brethren . The praise of Apollos. After THE APOSTLES. 221 A A Fter that, Paul departed from Athes, -^*-and came to Corinthus. 2 And founde a certayne Iewe, named Rom. 16.6. *AquUa borne in Pontus, lately come from Italie, and his wyfe PriscUla (becau se that y Emperour Claudius had comman ded aU lewes to departe from Rome) and he drewe vnto them. 3 And because he was of the same crafte, he abode with them & a wroght (for their * Th«s he vsed p. , „ , , \ wher euer he came "or pauillius, Crafte Was tO make tenteS.) but principally at rfma'de'Tf 4 A*d he preached to the Synagoge eue S^fi^ skynnes. ry Sabbath day, and exhorted the lewes, sties which prea- and also the Grekes. ^"e^ B 5 When SUas and Timotheus were come °Ples fauour. "or, boyled from Macedonia, Paul " burned in sprite zeaie. ° r am to testifie to the lewes that lesus was very Christ. 6 And when they sayd contrary and bla- spemed, he shoke his rayment, and sayd vnto them, b Your bloud vpon your owne i> Because they heades, and from hence forth wyl I go bla heUIenoncettCthe melesse vnto the Gentils. vengeance of God 7 And he departed thence, and entred SJSfh into a certaine mans house, named Iustus, a worshypper of God, whose house ioyned hard to the Synagoge. 1. Cor. 1.6. 8 And one * Crispus the chiefe Ruler of the Synagoge, beleued to the Lord with aU his housholde : and many of the Corin thians gaue audience, and beleued and were baptized. C 9 Then spake the Lord to Paul to the > God prome- nyght by a vision, Be not afrayde, but spe- ^^Xrby ake, and holde not thy peace : he woide defende 10 For *"I am with thee, and no man shal h™ %£$£_?* inuade thee that shal hurt thee : for I haue nemies. Chap. XVIII. THE ACTES OF muche people to this citie. 1 1 And he continued there a yere and syx monethes, and taught them the worde of God. 12 When GaUio was Lieutenant of the countre of " Achaia, the lewes made insur " or, Grecia. rection with one accorde agaynst Paul, & broght him to the iudgement seat, 1 3 Saying, This felow counseUeth men to ¦i They accused worship God contrary to the d Lawe. "Sgres^dtheser 14 And as Paul was about to open his D uice of God ap- mouth, GaUio sayd vnto the lewes, Yf it pointed by the .. , , , Lawe. were a matter of wronge, or an euyl dede (6 ye lewes) I would according to reason heare you. 1 5 But yf it be a question of wordes, and names, & of your Lawe, loke ye to it your selues : for I wU be no iudge in suche mat ters. 16 And he draue them from the seat. 17 Then toke all the Greekes " Sosthenes "of whome is the chief Ruler of the Synagoge, and bet *jPolt5-'-C0T him before the iudges seat : but GaUio ca- E red for none of those thinges. 1 8 Paul after this, taried there yet a good whyle, and then toke his leaue of the bre thren, and sayled thence into Syria. (Pris- ciUa and AquUa accompaniyng him) af- • Paul dyd thus ter that he had e shorne his head in Cen- beare with the le- i r l i j * wes infirmities chrea: for he had a * vowe. Nom.6.c. which as yet were 1 9 And he came to Ephesus, and left them chaP- 21 • d- not sufficiently m rr ' structed. there : but he entred into the Synagoge, & reasoned with the lewes. 20 When they desired him to tary loger tyme with them, he consented not. 21 But bade them fare wel saying, I must nedes at this feast that commeth, be in Ie rusalem : THE APOSTLES. 222 rusale : but I wil returne agayne vnto you, 2. Cor. 4. d. *yf God wU. and he departed from Ephe iam.4.d. sus. "Called Cesa 22 And whe he came downe to " Cesarea, oms* he ascended to Ierusale, & saluted the Chur che, and went doune vnto Antioche. 23 And when he had taryed there a why le, he departed, and went forthwith ouer aU the countrey of Galacia and Phrygia by order, strengthening aU the disci ples. l. Cor. 1.6. 24 And a certayne Iewe named * Apol los, borne at Alexadria, came to Ephesus, •¦ or, wei in- an eloquent man, and"myghty in the Scri S tl UCCBCtr. . ptures. "And was so- 25 The same was " informed in the way tred7 a' °n~ of the Lord, and he spake feruently in the Sprite, and taught diligently the thinges "That is, his of the Lord, and knewe but the f " baptis- ' He had but as doctrine. mrt r T i ^„i„ yet the first princi me of Iohn only. Jles of chrispts re. 26 And he began to speake boldely to bgion. Rom. 16. «. the Synagoge. Whome when AquUa and* Priscilla had heard, they toke him vnto " The way to them, and ** expounded vnto him the * way B This great lear saiuation. p r-t j _c _i ned, and eloquent of God more perfectly. man disdaigned 27 And when he was disposed to go toto not tobetaughtof . i . i, i ,r . 1,° apoorecraftesma. Achaia, the brethren exhortmg him, wra- te to the disciples to receaue him : after he was come thyther, he holpe them muche which had beleued through grace. 28 For mightely he ouercame the lewes, and that openly, shewyng by the Scriptu res, that lesus was Christe. THE XIX. CHAPTER. The holy Gost is geuen by Pauls handes. The lues blaspheme his doctrine, which wa9 con- Chap. XIX. THE ACTES OF firmed by miracles. The rashenes and ponishe- ment of the Coniurers, and the fruit that came there of. Demetrius raiseth sedition vnder pre tence of Diana. A1 -TV, Nd so it came to passe, while Apollos a at Corinthus, that Paul passed through the vpper costes, and came to E- phesus, and founde certayne disciples : 2 And sayd vnto them, Haue ye receaued the " holy Gost sence ye beleued ? And they "The particu sayd vnto him, No, we haue not heard whe j****, |^?ts ot ther ther be any holy Gost. -Meaning, what 3 And he sayd vnto them, a Vnto what we- d0Cfesse b 6,their re ye then haptized ? And they said, vnto baptisme.fortobe lohns baptisme. haptme *_uX 4 Then sayd Paul, * Iohn verely baptized Mat.s.e. ethtoprofessethe ^th the baptisme of repentance, saying mar A .a. doctrine which he , i a.1- a. a/u v. IJ u l luk.3.c. taught, and sealed vnto the people, that they should beleue iohn.i.d, with the signe of j hi which should come after him : that chap. i.a. baptisme. to be ba • oil ptized in the Na- is in Christ lesus. /.a. I I.e. &c i°f to be de'dS 5 When they heard that, they were " bap- » Endewed te and consecrate tized ;n the Name of the Lord lesus. w'th *£™f vnto him. to be ba bie graces oi ptizedin the death 6 And Paul layd hys handes vpon them, ttehoiyGost. tteCdeid6'o0rrto°o and the holy Gost came on them, and they B one body, or vnto spake with tounges, and prophecied. ne^'S.'ttat synne 7 And aU these men were about twel- by Christs death ..g may be abolished, ' and die in vs, and 8 Moreouer he went mto the Synagoge, thatwemay^growe an(j gp^g ]-,0idety for the space of thre head:and that our monethes, disputyng, and geuyngthem ex washed away by hortations of the kyngdome of God. rhri»iA.bl0Ud of 9 But when diuers waxed hard harted, & The imideies Chnste. .are hardened. obeyed not, but spake emi ot the way of the Lordheiore the multitude, he departed from them, and separated the disciples, & disputed dayly in the schole of one caUed Tyrannus. THE APOSTLES. 223 Tyrannus. *Ai.fromfi 10 * And this continued by the space of ue a clocke tw0 yeres . sg tJjat ^ faey which dwelt to vnto tt'ti Asia, heard the worde of the Lord lesus, both lewes and Grekes. C 1 1 And God wroght no smaU miracles by the handes of Paul. 12 So that from his body, were broght vn " or, kerche- to the sycke, " napkyns b or handkerchefs b Tbis ,wa?, t0 fes. ,,, V a __. a r _¦_. j a-itonze the Gos- and the diseases departed from them, and pel, and to conflr- the euyl sprites went out of them. ril.M^cafse 13 Then certayne of the vagabonde lewes, men to worship m " or, Coniu- " exorcistes, toke vpon them to caU ouer or ls nap them which had euyl sprites, the Name of the Lord lesus, saying, We adiure you by lesus, whome c Paul preacheth. „ \ Th"""" **»f , . . i i i- Pauls autontie, & 14 And there were seuen sonnes ot one with out any voca Sceua a Iewe, and chiefe of the Priestes p™thatGwhJhSis which dyd this. not in miis power. 15 And the euyl sprite answered, & said, lesus I know, and Paul I know : but who are ye? D 16 And the man in whome the euyl spri te was, ran on them, and ouercame them, and preuayled agaynst them : so that they fled out of that house, naked, and woun ded. 17 And this was knowen to aU the lewes, and Grekes also, which dwelt at Ephesus, and feare came on them all, and the Na me of the Lord lesus was magnified. 1 8 And many that beleued, came and co- " Bewrayed fessed, and"shewed their workes. their synnes. lg Many ^0 of them which vsed curi- ous craftes, broght their bokes, and bur ned them before all men, and they coun ted the price of them, and fountle it Chap. XIX. THE ACTES OF ¦l This monteth d fyfl-y thousand syluerlynges. L°„u°.f 2°ouoro maE 20 So myghtely grewe the worde of God, and preuayled. 21 After these thynges were ended, Paul purposed,"by the Sprite, to passe ouer Ma- "Bythomotio cedonia and Achaia, and to go to lerusa- oosttho ho!y le, saying, After I haue bene there, I must also se Rome. 22 So sent he into Macedonia two of the that ministred vnto him, Timotheus and Erastus, and he him selfe remayned to Asia for a season. 23 The same tyme there arose no lytle a E • For they con- do about " that e way. " O r, state of stiTm^'becaus'e" 24 For a certayne man named Demetrius the chnstlas" they left the olde a syluersmyth, which made syluer shrynes gnts"in' another for Diana " broght great gaynes vnto the "whatimpie- trade of doctrine. nraf+P_ mpn tie doth not cranes men. couetousnes 25 Which he caUed together, with the dryue a man workemen of lyke occupation, and sayd, ' He was moued Syrs, ye knowe that by this crafte f we get with his promt, __ •*_ „„„j„„ the othersfor their OUT goodes. beiiies.so that they 26 Moreouer ye see and heare, that not wolde rather loose , ,t-ti i.i ,i i their lyues then alone at Ephesus, but almoste through their mthy gaine. out ^ Asia, this Paul hath perswaded, & turned away muche people, saying, That they be not goddes which are made with handes.27 So that not only this our crafte being reproued by him to our faces is in danger s Religion is his to be set at noght : but also that the s tem- whTchdheTeUsneenstple of the great goddesse Diana should temeth 'ben his be despiced, and her magnificence should puttetii it last. °rC be destroyed, which all Asia, & the " world "He grondeth i,i his religion worshyppeth . vpon the mul 28 When they heard these sayinges, they ^^a^d,J™ were ful of wrath, and cryed out saying, world. Great THE APOSTLES. 224 Great is Diana of the Ephesians. 29 And aU the citie was on a rore, and they rushed into the Commen place with one assent, and caught Gaius, and Aristar- chus, men of Macedonia, and Paules com- panyons of his iomey. 30 When Paul would haue entred in vn to the people, the disciples suffered hym not. F 31 Certayne also of the chiefe of Asia which were his friendes sent vnto hym, de siring hym that he would not prease toto the Commen place. 32 Some therfore cryed one thyng, and some another, for the assemble was aU out of ordre, and the more parte knew not wherfore they were come together. 33 And some of the copanye drewe forth Alexander, the lewes thrustyng hym for- wardes . Alexander then beckened with the hande, and would haue excused the matter to the people. 34 When they knewe that he was a Iewe, there arose a shoute almoste for the space of two houres, of all men crying, Great is Diana of the Ephesians. 35 Then the towne clarcke when he had staled the people, sayd, Ye men of Ephe- G sus, what man is it that knoweth not how that the citie of the Ephesias is a worship per of the great goddesse Diana, and of hAntiquitieand the image which came from " Iupiter? fSS____^_t "Hepacifieth 36 Seyng then that no man " sayeth here this superstition. the people by . ,, , , . . J . , i for (it is written) worldly wisdo agaynst, ye oght to be content, and to do that the temple me,& hath no nothing: rashly. bein** *"eP*"y*"?Jd,'' respect to reli ,„ -„ & ,¦*, ,., , ., tymes, this idole gion. 37 l*or ye haue broght hyther these men, was neuer ch&ged. Chap. XX. THE ACTES OF which are nether robbers of churches, nor yet despicers of your goddesse. 38 Wherfore, yf Demetrius and the cra- ftes me which are with him, haue any mat ter against any man, the lawe is open, and ther are Rulers, let them accuse one ano ther. 39 But yf ye go about any other thyng, it may be determined to a lawful assem ble. 40 For we are in ieopardy, to be accused of thys dayes vprour : forasmuche as the re is no cause, whereby we may geue a re- kenyng, of thys concourse of people. 41 And when he had thus spoken, he let the assemble departe. THE XX. CHAPTER. Paul goeth into Macedonia and into Gre- ce. At Troas he rayseth vp Eutychus. At Ephe sus he calleth the Elders of the Churche toge ther, committeth the kepyng of Gods flocke vn to them, warneth them of false teachers, ma keth his prayer with them, and departeth by ship towards Ierusalem. A Fter the rage was ceased, Paul caUed A ¦^*-the disciples vnto hym, & embrased them, and departed for to go toto Mace donia. 2 And when he had gone ouer those par ties, and geuen them large exhortations, he came into Grece. 3 And hauing taryed there three mone- thes, when the lewes layd wayt for him as he was about to sayle toto Syria, he pur posed to returne through Macedonia. 4 And THE APOSTLES. 225 4 And there accompanied him into Asia Sopater of Beroea: and of Thessalonica, A- ristarchus, and Secundus: and Gaius of Derbe, and Timotheus : and out of Asia Ty- chicus, and Trophimus. 5 These went before, and taryed vs at Troas. B 6 And we sayled away from a Philippi, » He remayned after the dayes of swete bread, and came $Z_(_1!_i_Ah_l vnto them to Troas, to fyue dayes, where teropportunitieto __ i i i teache: also thea- we abode seuen dayes. boiishingoftheia "Toceiebrat 7 And h the first day after the Sabbath, %]^™ not **et per Utaig the disciples being come together for to" * which we can breake bread, Paul preached vnto them, f°cf afsfof'tK ready to departe on the morowe : and con- Cor. 16. a. we ga- . • i .i t ¦ , i i . ther that the Chri tmued the preaching vnto mydnyght. stiansvsedtohaue 8 And there were many hghtes in an vp- bShLTaT iiy- per chamber, where we were gathered to- ing a syde the ce- __(.___ remonie of the le gemer. weshe Sabbath. 9 And there sate in a wyndowe, a certay- "or, boye. ne yonge " ma named Eutychus faUen in to a depe slepe, and as Paul was long prea chyng, he falling doune for slepe, fel from the thyrd lofte doune ward, and was take vp dead. l.Kin.n.d. 10 But Paul descended, & * lay on hym, 2.king.4.f. and embrased hym, saying, Make nothing a do, for his lyfe is in him. 1 1 So when Paul was come vp agayne, & C had broken bread, and eaten, he commo- ned sufficienly, euen tyl the dawning, and so departed. 1 2 And they broght the boye alyue, and were not a lytle comforted. 1 3 And we went afore to shyp, and sailed vnto the citie Assos, there to receaue Paul: for so had he appoynted, and would Hym F.i. Chap. XX. THE ACTES OF selfe go a fote. 14 When he was come vnto vs to Assos, and we had receaued him, we came to Mi- tylenes. 15 And we sayled thence, and came the next day ouer against Chios . and the next day we arriued at Samos : & taried at Tro- gylliu, the next day we came to MUetum. 1 6 For Paul had determined to leaue E- phesus as they sayled, because he would not spend the tyme to Asia: for he hasted to be, yf he could possible, at Ierusalem, at he day of "Pentecost. " Or, witson- 17 Wherfore from MUetum he sent to E- gde" phesus, and caUed the Elders ofthe Cliur che. 1 8 Which when they were come to hym, he said vnto them, Ye knowe from the first day that I came into Asia, after what ma ner I haue bene with you at aU seasons : This vertue is 19" Seruyng the Lord with ah c modestie, " inmy voca- Btlngandhtem^ and with many teares, & tentations, which «»»f ""- ded: which vices a- happened vnto me by the laytoges awayt the seruants of Of the leweS. iesus Christe. 20 And how I kept "backe nothing that "inetherheid was profitable, but haue shewed you, and feLe^nordis'- taught you openly, and throughout euery ambled for house, 21 Witnessing both to the lewes, and also to the Grekes, the " repentance towarde "The tournig God, and " fayth towarde our Lord le- g God" SUS. "Whichis the <" That is, by the 22 And now beholde I go d bounde to the S^arfe °f mantmenufth; sprite vnto Ierusalem, & knowe not what ^hchris^te holy Gost who dra shal come on me there. a band. w' 23 But y the holy Gost" witnesseth to eue- " By the Pro- ry citie saying, That bandes and trouble Dhetes" abyde THE APOSTLES. 226 abyde me. 4 But none of these thynges moue me : nether is my lyfe deare vnto my selfe, that I myght fulfyl my course with ioye, and the ministration which I haue receaued of the Lord lesus, to testifie the Gospel of the grace of God. F 25 .And now behold, I am sure that hence forth ye all through whome I haue gone preachyng the kyngdom of God, shal se my face no more. 26 Wherfore, I take you to record this sa i.King.3.f. me day, that I am * pure from the e bloud « I am not the darnel 3. c. p r\ _„„-. occasion of any of OI a^'j 35 I haue shewed you aU thinges, how that so labouring, ye oght to receaue the weake, & to remember the wordes of the h Althogh this Lord lesus, how that he said, h It is a bles- wriun a0nd6oneP?a sed thing to geue, rather then to receaue. ce, yet it is gathe- 36 When he had thus Spoken, he kneled They pray be red of diuers pla- - - , .,-, . . n fore departu- ces ofthe Scriptu- downe, and prayed with them all. re. re in effect. 37 And they wept aU abundantly, and fel on Pauls necke, and kyssed him. 38 Sorowyng moste of aU for the wordes which he spake, that they should se his fa ce no more. And they accompanyed hym vnto the shyp. THE XXI. CHAPTER. The comon prayers of the faithful. Philips 4. daughters prophetes. Pauls constacie to beare the crosse, as AgaV Sf others forespake, althogh he was otherwise couseled by the brethren. The great dager that he was in, fy how he escaped. A Nd it came to passe, that assone as we A -^*-had launched forth, and were depar ted from them, we came with a strayght course vnto Coos, and the day folowyng vnto the Rhodes : and from thence vnto Patara. 2 And we founde a shyp ready to sayle vnto Phenice, and went a boorde, and set forthe. 3 And when Cyprus began to appeare vnto vs, we left it on y left hand, & sayled vnto Syria, and came vnto Tyrus : for ther the THE APOSTLES. 227 the shyp vnladed the burthen. 4 And when we had founde disciples, we taried ther seuen dayes. And they tolde "By the reue- Paul through " the a Sprite, that he should ¦ The holy Spi- latioof Gods . . T „ l »*>*¦ reueiled vnto Spirit. not go vp to ierusalem. them the perse. 5 And when the dayes were ended, we cutions that Paul j.,. J 0 ., i, shulde haue made departed, and went our wayes, & they aU against him. and B broght vs on our way, wyth their wyues |Jse0 ss^ngt^^ and chyldren, tyl we were come out of the Paul to susteine citie : and we kneltog downe on the shore * em* They prayd prayd. on the shore, g Then when we had embrased one ano ther, we toke shyp, and they returned ho me agayne. 7 And when we had ful ended the cour se from Tyrus, we arriued at Ptolomais, & saluted the brethren, and abode with the one day. 8 The next day, Paul, and we that were of his company departed, and came vnto Ce Chap. 6. b. sarea : and we entred into the house of * Phi hp the Euangehst, which was one of the C b seuen deacons and abode with him. >> This office of Maydes that 9 The same man had foure daughters vir- t^ilf^ ty™ prophecied. • yjfafa ^yd pr0phecie. according as the *?„., _. • a _.¦_, j COgregation had 10 And as we taried there a good many nede.orotherwise. of dayes, there came a certayne Prophet Agabus. from Iurie, named Agabus. 1 1 When he was come vnto vs, he toke Pauls gyrdle, and bounde his owne han- This was not des and fete, and sayd, c Thus sayth the ho « God woide ha- «£$£&£_ ty Gost, So shal the lewes at Ierusale byn- \t^SS^_\ encourage hi de the man that oweth this gyrdle, and **»* 'bat no man agamst the , , , ,. , . . , ,. i i r ., shulde thinke that brunt. shal dehuer him mto the handes of the he cast him selfe Gentiles. mt0 wUful daser- 12 But when we heard this, both we & o- ther of the same place, besoght hym that F. iii. Chap. XXL THE ACTES OF he would not go vp to Ierusalem. 13 Then Paul answered, & sayd, What do ye weping and breakyng myne heart ? I am ready not to be bounde only, but also to dye at lerusale, for the Name of the Lord To suffre wil. TJ lingiy for IeSUS. Christe. 14 So whe we could not turne his mynde, we ceased, saying, The wyl of the Lord be fulfyUed. 15 After those dayes we trussed vp our far d deles and went vp to Ierusalem. 1 6 There went with vs also certayne oi the disciples of Cesarea, and broght with the one Mnason of Cyprus, an old disciple, Mnason. with whom we should lodge. 1 7 And when we were come to lerusale, the brethren receaued vs gladly. 1 8 And the next day Paul went in with vs vnto lames : and all the Elders were the re assembled. 1 9 And when he had embrased them, he tolde by order aU thinges, that God had wroght among the GentUes by his mini stration. 20 Whe they heard it, they glorified the Lord, and sayd vnto hym, Thou seyst bro ther, how many thousand lewes there are which beleue, and they are aU zelous of the Lawe. 21 Now they are informed of thee, that thou teachest aU the lewes, which are a- mong the GentUes, to forsake Moses, and sayst, That they oght not to circucise their chyldren, nether to lyue after the custo mes. 22 What is the to be done ? the multitude must nedes come together : for they shal heare THE APOSTLES. 228 heare that thou art come. E 23 Do therfore this that we say to thee. " who as yet We haue" foure me, ft haue made a vowe. were not wel 24 rr^g^ iafce ^d d purifie thy self with <* Thend ofthis mstructed m ' *j j ceremonie was tha Christe. them, and do cost on them, that they may kes geuing, & was Nom.6.a. * shaue their heades: and aU shal know, |nst"'nteibof?odo' chap. I8.e. that those thinges, which they haue heard ranee &_ innrmitie by relation concerning thee, are nothing: £XuupPe™Ed but that thou thy Selfe also Walkest & ke- therin, the weake- - T J nes of others and pest the liawe. madehimsclfeall 25 For as touching the GentUes which f*"" mennothin ^ Cli- Fin*-*" DIS COuSCl* beleue, we haue written, and concluded, ence. Chap. ib.d. *that they obserue no suche thinges, but y they kepe them selues from things offred to idoles, and from bloud, and from stran gied, and from fornication. 26 Then Paul toke the men, and the next day was purified with them, and entred Nom.G.c. into y teple, * declaring that he obserued chap.24.c the dayes of the purification, vntil that an offering should be offered for euery one of them. 27 And when the seue dayes were almoste ended, the lewes which were of Asia (whe they sawe him in the temple) moued all the people, and B layd handes on him, " in thinking to F 28 Crying, Men of Israel, heipe : this is the fS'and to support man that teacheth all men euery where, {hfhi°*™teh,hehfasn; against the people, and the Lawe, and this des of his enne- place : moreouer, he hath broght Grekes mies" into the teple, and hath poUuted this holy place. 29 For they had sene before one Trophim' an Ephesian with him to the citie, whom they supposed Paul had broght toto the temple. . 30 Then aU the citie was moued, and the F.iiii. Chap. XXI. THE ACTES OF people swarmed together : and they toke Paul, and drewe hym out of the temple : & forthwith the dores were shut. 31 As they went about to kyl him, tydto- ges came vnto the hye Capitayne of the souldiers, that ah Ierusalem was on an vp rore. 32 Which immediatly toke souldiers and A notable vnder Captaynes, and ran doune vnto the : GXodsPlpro°ui- and when they saw the hie Captayne and del'ce f°r 'be the souldiers, they left beating of Paul, g 33 Then the Captayne came neare and to ke him, and commanded him to be boun de with two chatoes : and demanded who he was, and what he had done. 34 And one cryed this, another that, amog the people : so when he could not knowe the certatotie for the rage, he commanded hym to be caried toto the castle. 35 And when he came vnto the greces, he was borne of the souldiers, for the viole- ce of the people. 36 For the multitude of the people folo wed after crying, Away with him. 37 And as Paul shulde haue bene caried toto the castle, he sayd vnto the hye Cap tayne, May I speake vnto thee ? Which sayd, Canst thou speake Greke ? 38 Art not thou that* Egyptian, wliich be- losephus li. fore these dayes made an vprore, and led Ant"l- 2°- out into the wyldernes foure thousande 0"eii0 iuda. men that were mortherers ? 2. Cap. 12. 39 Then Paul sayd, I am a man which am a Iewe, and citisen of * Tarsus, a famous ci- Chap.22.u. tie in Cilicia, and I beseche thee suffre me to speake vnto the people. 40 And when he had geuen him licence, Paul THE APOSTLES. 229 Paul stode on the steppes, and beckened with the hand vnto the people : and when there was made great sUence, he spake vn to them to the Hebrue tongue, saying, THE XXII. CHAPTER. Paul rendreth an account of his life and do ctrine. He escapeth the whippe by reason he was a Citisen of Rome. A "*y"E men, brethre and fathers, heare my ex-lse"' °r " defence which I now make vnto you. 2 (When they heard that he spake in the Hebrue tonge to them, they kept the more sUence, and he sayd) 3 I am verely a ma which am a lewe, bor- Chap.2\.g. ne to*Tarsus, a citie to CUicia: neuerthe- " a diligent lesse, yet broght vp to this citie, " at the afete of Gamaliel, and instructed accor- » wherby he de- ding to the perfect maner of the Lawe of $£%&£$& the fathers, and was feruent mynded to docilite. Godwarde, as ye all are this same day. Chap. 8. a. 4 * And I persecuted this " way vnto the ^'tw's pro- death, byndyng and deliueryng toto pri- fessionof the son bothe men and women. 'b 5 As the chiefe Priest doth beare me wyt nes, and aU the state of the Elders : of whome also I receaued letters vnto the b brethre, and went to Damascus to bryng b To the iewes them which were there bounde vnto leru- J"™^^^". salem, for to be punisshed. 6 And so it was, as I made my iorney and was come nye vnto Damascus about noo- ne, that sodenly ther shone from heauen a great lyght rounde about me, 7 So I fel vnto y earth & heard a voyce, saying vnto me, Saul, Saul, why persecutest thou me ? Chap. XXII. THE ACTES OF 8 Then I answered, Who art thou Lord ? And he sayd to me, I am lesus of Nazaret, whome thou persecutest. 9 Moreouer they that were with me, sa- C we verely a hght and were afrayde : but they heard not the voyce of him that spa ke with me. 10 And I sayd, What shal I do Lord? And y Lord sayd vnto me, Aryse, & go into Da mascus : and there it shalbe tolde thee of aU thinges, which are appointed for thee to do. 1 1 So when I could not see for the bryght nes of that lyght, I was led by the hande of them that were with me, and came toto Damascus. 12 And one Ananias a godly man as per- tayntog to the Lawe, hauing good reporte of aU the lewes which dwelt there, 1 3 Came vnto me, and stode, and sayd vn to me, Brother Saul, receaue thy sight: and that same houre I loked vpon him. 14 And he sayd, The God of our fathers D "This may be re hath c ordeyned thee, y thou shuldest kno- ulVcouseiof God", we his wU, and shuldest se that " Iuste one, " which is or eis totheexeciA & shuldest heare the voyce of his mouth. cbrist-I-I°b. tion & declaration , . -r\ , iiii n of the same, which 15 ror thou shalt be hys wytnes vnto aU mSe'proprl'0 be men °f *^e thinges, which thou hast sene and heard. 16 Now therfore why tariest thou? Arise and be baptized, and wassh away thy syn- d He sheweth nes, in caUyng on the d Name of the Lord. be'VSdtw™ 17 And so when I was come agayne to Ie- butby christewho rusalem, and praved in the temple, I was is the substance of • - *¦ Baptisme:in who- ln a traunce, Kidthe fZ™ ! 8 And sawe him saving vnto me, Make . b_ the holy Gost. haste, & get thee quyckly out of lerusale : for THE APOSTLES. 230 for they wyl not receaue thy wytnes that thou bearest of me. E 19 Then I sayd, Lord they know y I * pri- Chap.S.a. SOned, and bet in euery Synagoge, them that beleued on thee. •• or, Martyr. 20 And when the bloud of thy " wytnes Chap. 7. d. Steuen was shed, I also * stode by, and con sented vnto his death, & kept the clothes of them that slewe him. 21 Then he sayd vnto me, Departe, for I wU send thee a farre hence ,vnto the Gen tils. F 22 And they gaue hym audience vnto this worde, but then they lift vp their voyces, and sayd, Away with suche a felowe from y earth, for it is not mete y he shulde lyue. 23 And as they cried and cast of their clo thes, and threwe dust into the ayre, 24 The Captatoe bade him to be broght into the castle, and commanded him to be scourged, and examined, that he might know wherfore they cried so on hym. 25 And as they bounde hym with thonges, Paul sayd vnto the Centurion that stode by, Is it lauful for you to scourge a man y is a e Romato, and not condemned? • Not because he 26 When the Centurion heard that, he buTbyreasoof his went and tolde the vpper Captaine, say- citie.: Pi?*™* , i r r i . was inhabited by Ulg, Take heed what thou doest, tor thlS the Romains, and man is a Romato. wastheiI Colonia* 27 The the vpper Captaine came, & sayd to him, Tel me, art thou a Romaine ? And he sayd, Yea. , This pruuiege G 28 And the Captatoe answered, With a was oftymes geue great summe obtayned I this fredome. But Sce^to^tte0 that Paul sayd, I was ' free borne. SSjdJ?th-f 29 The strayght way they departed from children. Chap. XXIII. THE ACTES OF him, which shulde haue examined him: & the hye Captayne also was afrayde, after he knewe that he was a Romayne : and be cause he had bounde him. 30 On the next day, because he wolde ha ue knowen the certaintie wherfore he was accused of the lewes he lowsed him from his bondes, and commanded the hye Prie stes and aU theyr Counsel to come toge ther : and broght Paul and set him before them. THE XXIII. CHAPTER. The answer of Paul being smit, and the ouer- throwe of his ennemies. The Lord encourageth him. And because the lewes layed wayte for him, he is sent to Cesarea. A Nd Paul behelde y CouncU, & sayd, A **-Men and brethren, I haue to all good conscience serued God vntyl this day. 2 And the hye Priest Ananias comman ded them that stode by, to smyte him on the mouth. » Paul doth not 3 Then sayd Paul to him, God a wU smite SSK thee thou paynted waU . doest thou sit- peiy the ponishe- te to iudge me after the Lawe, and com- shu'de light "vp'on mandest me to be smytten contrary to the him, who vnder Lawe ? ningtheLawedoth 4 And they that stode by, sayd, Reuvlest transgresse it. thou QoddeS hye Prieste ? b He made this 5 Then sayd Paul, I b wist not brethren tomockSie, v_Tit that he was the hye Priest: for it is writ he woidesay.ikno te,*Thou shalt not curse the Ruler of thy Exo.22.d. we nothing in this . J man worthy the of people. Iries°f 'he bj" 6 Wh6 Paul perceaued that the one par te were Sadduces, aud the other Phari ses, THE APOSTLES. 231 ses, he cried out to the Counsel, Men and Phil. 3. a. brethrene, * I am a Pharise, the sonne of a chap. 24 ./. Pharise, I am accused of the hope and c re "He denieth not surrectionofthedead. ' S^MS B 7 And when he had so sayd, ther arose a thPrehse?t5hatsfoI. debate betwene the Pharises and the Sad- duces that were duces, and the multitude was deuided. J^, ^ed Tm Mat. 22. c. 8 * For the Sadduces say that there is no moste fore. resurrection, nether Angel, nor sprite : but the Pharises graunt d bothe. pie- wes, answered Paul and sayd, Wylt thou go vp to Ierusalem, and there be iudged of these thinges before me? » seing him self 1 0 Then said Paul, I stand at a Cesars iud- c ambUioof tte'ud gement seat, where I oght to be b iudged: ge,he desireth that to the lewes I haue done no harme, as in consideratiu of . , - - hisfredomehemay thOU very Wel knowest. ' ie sent to Rome. b It is lawful to require the defen- any thing worthy of death, I refuse not to to maynteyne our dye: If none of these thinges are, whereof risht- they accuse me, no man can deliuer me to them : I appeale vnto Cesar. 1 2 Then spake Festus with " the Counsel, " without & answered, Hast thou appealed vnto Ce- sm^he'coide sar? vnto Cesar shalt thou go. do nothing. 1 3 And after certayne dayes, kyng Agrip pa and " Bernice came vnto Cesarea to sa- "His owne si- lute Festus. SSS^S" 14 And when they had bene there certeyn daies, Festus rehearsed Pauls cause vnto the kyng, saying, There is a certaine man left in prison by Felix. 15 Of THE APOSTLES. 235 15 Of whome when I came to Ierusalem, the hye Priestes, and Elders of the lewes enformed me, and desired to haue iudge ment against him. The Romains 1 6 To whom I answered, That it is not the gcment"1 'ud maner °f the Romaynes, for fauour to de liuer any man to the death, before that he which is accused, haue the accusers be fore him, and haue place to answer for him selfe, concerning the crime layed a- gatost him. 1 7 Therfore when they were come hyther, without delay the day foUowing, I sate to geue iudgement, and commanded the ma to be broght forth. 18 Against whom, when the accusers sto de vp, they broght no accusation of suche thinges as I supposed : 19 But had certayne questions against " This worde him of their owne " superstition, and of gtifiereHgis." one lesus which was dead, whom Paul af firmed to be alyue. 20 And bycause I doubted of such maner of questiSs, I asked him whether he wold go to Ierusalem, and there be iudged of these matters. F 21 But because he appealed to be reser- ued to the examination of Augustus, I co manded him to be kept, tyll I myght send him to Cesar. 22 Then Agrippa sayed vnto Festus, I would also heare the man my selfe. To mo row (sayed he) thou shalt heare him. 23 And on the morow when Agrippa was come & Bernice, w great pope, & were en tred into the Comon haU, with the Captai nes and chiefe men of the citie, at Festus G.iii. Chap. XXVI. THE ACTES OF commandement Paul was broght forth. Paul broght 24 And Festus sayed, Kyng Agrippa, and ned. aU men which are here present with vs, ye se this man, about whom aU the multitu de of the lewes haue caUed vpon me, both at Ierusalem, and also here, criyng, That he oght not to lyue any lenger. 25 Yet founde I nothing worthy of death, G that he had comitted. neuertheles, seyng that he hath appealed to Augustus, I haue determined to send him. 26 Of whom I haue no certayne thyng to ¦Flatterers first write vnto " my c Lord, wherfore, I haue "Or, Cesar by6thisname:&aaf broght him vnto you, and speciaUy vnto ter it so growed in ^ee kyner Agrippa, that after exami- to vse, that vertu- -iixii l ous Princes refu- nation had, 1 myght haue some what to ced it not. as ap- _•(.„ pcareth by Plinies vviiic. Epistles toTraian. 27 For me thynketh it ynreasonable, for to send a prysonner, and not to shewe the causes which are layed against him. THE XXVI. CHAPTER. The innocencie of Paul is approued by re hearsing his conuersation . His modest answer against the iniurie of Festus. rpHen Agrippa said vnto Paul, Thou art A -*¦ permitted to speake for thy selfe. Then dett hil Paul stretched forth the hand, and answe- ^b^ore A red, 2 I thinke my selfe happy king Agrippa, bycause I shal answere this day before thee, of aU the thinges wherof I am accu sed of the lewes. 3 Namely, bycause thou art experte in aU customes, and questions which are among the cati- e grippa. THE APOSTLES. 236 the lewes. wherfore, I besech thee a to he- » Forosmuche as are me pacietly. As touching the life that KueioX,d Paul speaketh 6 And now I stand and am accused, for d^^T^eo- the hope of the promise made of God vn- pies estimation - ., who preferred it tO OUT fathers. as moste holy a- 7 Vnto which promise, our twelue tri- boue a11 others- bes tostiitly seruyng God day and night, ho pe to come : for which hopes sake, Kyng Agrippa, am I accused of the lewes. 8 Why should it be thoght a thing tocre dible vnto you, that God should rayse agayne the dead ? 9 I also verely thoght it my selfe, that I oght to do many contrary thinges, cleane against the Name of lesus of Nazaret. Chap.s.a. 10 * Which thyng I also did in lerusale : for many of the satoctes I shut vp to pri son, hauing receaued auctoritie of the hye Priestes : and when they were put to death I gaue the sentence. C 1 1 And I punished the oft to euery Syna goge, and cSpeUed them to blaspheme : & was yet more mad against them, and perse cuted them, euen vnto strange cities. Chap.9.a. 12 At wliich tyme, as I went to * Damas cus with autoritie, and commission from the hye Priestes, 13 Euen at midday 6 Kyng, I saw to the way a hght from heauen, farre passing the brightnes of the sunne, shyne round G.iiU. Chap. XXVI. THE ACTES OF about me, and them which iorneyed with me. 14 So when we were aU fatten to y earth, D I heard a voyce speakyng vnto me, and saying to the Hebrue tonge, * Saul Saul, Chap. 9. «. why persecutest thou me ? It is hard for an ' ' thee to kicke against pryckes. 15 And I sayd, Who art thou Lord ? And he sayd, I am lesus whom thou persecu test. 1 6 But ryse and stand vp on thy fete : for I haue appeared vnto thee for this pur pose, to make thee a minister and a witnes, both of those thinges whych thou hast se ne, and of those thinges in the which I wil appeare vnto thee, 1 7 Dehuering thee from this " people, and » of the ie- from the GentUs, vnto whome now I send wes- thee, = Althogh this 1 8 To c open their eyes, that they may tour nX™YoaGDoPda.y6eyt ne from darknesse to lyght, and frome the he appiyeth this power of Satan vnto God, that they may vnto his ministers * P - , . , vnto whome he ge receaue forgeuenes of synnes, and mheri- ueth his holy Spi- tance among them, which are sanctified by faith to me. 1 9 Wherfore Kyng Agrippa I was not di- E sobedient vnto the heauenly vision. 20 * But shewed first vnto them at Damas Chap. 13. cus, and at Ierusalem, and throughout aU = '*¦ the coastes of Iurie, and then to the Gen tils, that they should repent, and turne to God, and do the ryght workes of repen tance. 21 For this cause the lewes caught me to the * temple, and went about to kyl me. Chap. 21. /. 22 Neuertheles, I obteyned heipe of God, and continue vnto thys day, witnessyng both THE APOSTLES. 237 both to smaU and to great, saying none other thinges, then those which the Pro phetes and Moses dyd say should come. F 23 To wit, that Christ should suffer, and that he should be the fyrst that should ry se from the dead, and should shewe lyght vnto the people, and to the GentUs. 24 As he thus answered for him selfe, Fe st' sayed with a loude voyce, Paul thou art besides thy selfe : much learnyng doth ma ke thee mad. 25 And Paul sayd, I am not mad most wor thie Festus, but speake the wordes of tru eth and sobernes. 26 For the Kyng knoweth of these thin ges, before whom also I speake freely : nei ther thinke I that d any of these thinges •" He knewe that are hyd from him: for this thing was not propheTeswreof done in a corner. God> but he dyd _rt Tr. . _ _ , i ti notvnderstadethc G 27 King Agrippa, beleuest thou the Pro- true applying of phetes ? I wot well thou beleuest. the same- 28 Then Agrippa sayed vnto Paul, Al most thou persuadest me to become a Chri stian. 29 Then Paul sayd, I would to God that not only thou, but also aU that heare me to day, were not almost onely, but alto- gither suche as I am, except these bon des. 30 And when he had thus spoken, the Kyng rose vp, and the Deputie, and Ber- nice, and they that sate wyth them. *¦ 31 And whe they were gone aparte, they talked betwene them selues, saying, This man doth nothyng worthy of death, nor of bondes. 32 Then sayd Agrippa vnto "Festus, This Chap. XXVII. THE ACTES OF man myght haue bene lowsed, if he had not appealed vnto Cesar. THE XXVII. CHAPTER. Pauls dangerous vyage and his compagnie towarde Rome. How, and where they arryue. r Vhe it was concluded, that we should A sayle into Italie, they dehuered both Paul, and certayne other prisoners, vnto one named Iulius, an vnder Captaine of the bande of Augustus. 2 And* we entred into a shyp of Adra- 2. Cor. 11./. myttium, appoynted to sayle hy the costes of Asia, and lowsed from land, one Anstar Aristar- chus of Macedonia, a Thessalonian, being chus- with vs. 3 And the next day we came to Sidon. & Iulius courteously entreated Paul, and gaue him hbertie to go vnto his friendes, that they might refresh him. 4 And from thence we launched, and say- » From sidon to led harde by a Cyprus, because the windes Myra, they shulde were contrary. haue sayled north lr / & by west: but the 5 Then sayled we ouer the sea by Cih- iJsmI toUCyprus cia, and Pamphyha, & came to Myra, a ci- playne north.tten tie to Lycia. andbyeast.andso 6 And there the vnder Captayne founde B My^pfainew"' * shyp of Alexandria, ready to sayle toto Italie, and put vs thereto. 7 And when we had sayled slowly many dayes, and scace were come ouer against GnMum, because the wynde withstode vs, we sayled harde by the costes of Candie, nere " to Salmon. ,,„„ . , Which w*is 8 And with muche worke sayled beyon- an high hii of de it, & came vnto a place caUed the Fayre {j^S, ^w" hauens, nye where vnto, was a citie cal- sea warde. led THE APOSTLES. 238 led Lasa^a. 9 When muche tyme was spent, and say- ling was now ieoperdeous, because also y tyme of bthe Fast was now passed, Paul •> This fast the le put them in remembrance, •*- °tbhse6 moith 10 And said vnto them, Syrs I perceaue, of October in the that this viage wyl be with hurt and mu- piatio°Leu6326d! che domage, not of the ladyng and shyp sh° J"^^''"^ Only, but also of Our lyues. wynter there, then 11 Neuerthelater the vnder Captayne g^J} **? beleued the gouerner and the patron of y whichwasathand. shyp, better then those thinges which we re spoken of Paul. C 12 And because the hauen was not com modious to winter to, many toke counsel to departe thence, yf by any meanes they myght attayne to Phenice, and there to wynter, wliich is an hauen of Candie, and lyeth towarde the southwest and by west, and northwest and by west. 1 3 When the southern wynde blewe, they supposing to obteyne their purpose, low sed nearer, and sayled by Candie. 14 But anone after, there arose agaynst Cache, a stormye wynd out of y northeast. 15 And whe the shyp was caught, & could not resist the wynde, we let her go, & dra- ue wyth the wether. 1 6 And we were caryed beneth a htle yle named *" Clauda, and had much worke to « Tins yie was come by the boat. TZ'cSXTt 17 Which they recouuered and vsed hel- '(At towarde the pe, vndergirdtog the shyp, fearing lest e° they should haue falle toto Syrtes, & they 1 or, boat, let slip the " vessel, and so were caried. 1 8 The next day whe we were tossed with D an exceadig tepest, they lightened y shyp. Chap. XXVII. THE ACTES OF 1 9 And the thyrd day we cast out, with our owne handes, the takling of the shyp. 20 When at the last, nether sunne nor starre in many dayes appeared, & no smal tempest lay vpon vs, all hope f we should be saued, was then taken away. 21 Then after long abstinence, Paul sto de forthe in the myddes of them, & sayd, Syrs, ye should haue hearkened to me, and not haue lowsed from Candie. and " to ha- " or, to haue ue gayned this iniurie and losse. seb^uoy-08 22 But now I exhorte you to be of good dine the dan- chere : for ther shal be no losse of any mas hfe among you, saue of the shyp onely. 23 For there stode by me this nyght the E Angel of " God, whose I am, and whom I " They colde not then re- serue, proue him of 24 Saying, Feare not Paul, for thou must ranhenes. be broght before Cesar : and lo, God hath * The graces and geuen vnto d thee, ah that sayle wyth thee. GoTgeueth totis 25 Wherfore, syrs be of good chere : for children, profit "I beleue God, that it shal be euen as he » Faith is gro many tymes the . , , unded vppon ennemies, which luluc inc. ^ worde are vnworthie to 26 Howbeit, we must be cast into a certay- of God. receaue the fruit , , J therof. ne ylande. 27 And when the fourtenth nyght was come, as we were caried to and fro in the ° Thisseain stra eAdriatical sea, about midnight, the shyp- bos tyme was take - i j .1 . . i , for ail that part me demed that some countrey approched which was about ynto them. the mountaynes iin,- i • called ceraunu,& 28 And sounded, & founde lt twenty pas- fromDafmaS *es . and when they had gone a httle fur- goett vp to Veni- ther they sounded agayne, and founde fy- ftene passes. 29 Then fearing lest they should haue fatten into some rough places, they cast foure ancres out of the sterne, and wyshed for THE APOSTLES. 239 for the day. 30 As the mariners were about to flie out of the shyp, & had let downe the boate in to the sea, vnder a coulour as thogh they would haue cast ancres out of y foreshyp, F 31 Paul sayd vnto the vnder Captayne & y souldiers, Except these abyde in y shyp, fye can not be safe. 'Pauiwoidcvse 32 Then the souldiers cut of the ropes of Godha™ordeyned the boat, and let it fal away. lest ho f-huldt; se" „_ ii, J t. i me to haue tem- 33 When the day began to appeare, Paul pted him. exhorted them all to take meat, saying, This is the fourtenth day that ye haue ta ried and continued s fasting, receauing no » He meaneth an ai- „ „a- ,-n extraordinarie ab- tmng at ail. stinence which ca- 34 Wherfore, I pray you to take meat: me of the feare of . ., ¦ . . i - ,i death and so toke for this is tor your sauegarde : tor there away their appeti shal not h an heere fall from the head of teh _ this He any of you. brew phrase is met 35 And when he had thus spoken, he to- Sf j^i ^"intS ke bread and gaue thankes to God, in pre- safe a"d sound. sence of them aU : and brake it, and began 1, g. matth. io. _'. to eat. 36 Then were they aU of good chere, & they also toke meat. 37 We were aU togither in the shyp, two hundred, threscore, and sixtene soules. 38 And whe they had eaten inough, they lyghtened the shyp, and cast out the whe at toto the sea. G 39 When it was day, they knew not the countrey, but they spied a certayne haue with a banck, into the which they were mynded (if it were possible) to thrust in the shyp. 40 And when they had taken vp the an cres, they committed the ship $nto the sea, Chap. XXVIII. THE ACTES OF and lowsed the rudder bondes, and hoy- sed vp the mayne sayle to the wynde, and drewe to land. 41 And when they chanced on a place, which had the sea on bothe the sydes, they thrust in the shyp : and the fore part stuc- swpwrake. ke fast and moued not, but the hinder, bra ke wyth the violence of the waues. 42 The souldiers counsel was to kyl the prisoners, lest any of them, when he had swome out, should the away. 43 But the vnder Captaine willing to sa ue Paul, kept them from their purpose, and commanded that they that could swyme, should cast them selues first toto the sea, and scape to land : 44 And the other, he commanded to go, some on boordes, and some onbroJcen peces of the shyp, and so it came to passe, that they came all safe to lande. THE XXVIII. CHAPTER. Paul with his compagnie are gentely intrea- ted of the Barbarous people. The viper hurteth him not. He healeth Publius father and others, and being fournished by them of thinges neces sarie he fared towarde Rome. Wher being re ceaued of the brethren he deciareth his busynes, and there preacheth two yeres. \ Nd when they were escaped, the they A ¦^knewe that the yle was caUed " Meh- " Now called . Malta. ta. 2 And the Barbarias shewed vs no lytle kyndenes, for they kyndeled a fyre, and re ceaued vs euery one, because of the show- re which appeared, & because of y colde. 3 And THE APOSTLES. 240 3 And when Paul had gathered a fewe stickes, and put them into the fyre, there came a viper out of the heat, and lept on his hand. 4 When the Barbarians sawe the worme hang on hys hand, they sayd among them selues, This man must nedes be a a mur- * suche is the therer, whom, thogh he hath escaped the Sf "men ttattt^y "Whomethcy sea, yet " Vengeance hath not sufired to condemne such as made a God- lvllp ' 'he,*" sce "* an>' af" desse&called 1yUe- . nIctI0"'- her Dice, or 5 But he shouke of the vermen toto the emesis. ,yre^ ^^ ^ nQ jjamie. 6 Howbeit, they wayted when he should haue swolne, or fallen downe dead sode- B ly : but after they had loked a great whUe, and sawe no toconuenience come to hym, they changed their myndes, & sayd, That he was a b God. * Beholde the ex 7t a.t_ _ a.1 i ¦ p p tremitie of these In the same quarters, the chiefe man of hindeies.and how the yle (whose name was Pubhus) had pos- "™h *ro l^7eT^ sessions, the same receaued vs, and lodged tion. vs thre dayes courteously. 8 And so it was, that the father of Publius lay sicke of a feuer, and of a blouddy fli- xe : to whome Paul entred to and prayed, and layd his handes on hym, and healed him.9 When this was done, other also which had diseases to the yle, came and were he aled. C 10 Which also dyd vs great honour: and whe we departed, they laded vs with thyn ges necessary. 1 1 After thre monethes we departed in a shyp of Alexandria, which had wyntred nimsfaynedto be to the yle, whose badge was c Castor and IUSiLer' crald/'.'in' t, „ J ° - and Goddes ofthe Pottux. sea. Chap. XXVIII- THE ACTES OF 1 2 And when we came to Syracusse, we ta- ryed there thre dayes. 1 3 And from thence we fet a compasse, & came to Rhegium : and after one day, the south wynde blewe, and we came the next day to Putioli. 14 Where we founde brethren, and were desired to tary wyth them seuen dayes, & so we went to warde Rome. 15 And from thence, when the brethren heard of vs, they came to mete vs at the 'i These places Market of Appius, and at the d Thre " ta- "or,shappcs. Rome a dayes uernes. When Paul sawe them, he thaked iourney, or there (J0(J &nA waxed bolde. about. 1 6 And when we came to Rome, the vn- D der Captayne dehuered the prisoners to • No dout the the general Captayne : but Paul was e suf- Captaine vndersto c . . , iii ,p •_, it de bothe byFestus fred to dwel by hym sene with a souldier lettres, & also by that kept h ' the report of the ,_.**. / . - _- vnder Capitayne 17 And the third day after, Paul called Siat'tedano uTute60' the chiefe of the lewes together : & when they were come, he sayd vnto them, Men and brethre, thogh I haue committed no thyng agaynst the people, or Lawes of the fathers, yet was I dehuered prisoner from Ierusalem into the handes of the Romai- nes. 18 Which when they had examined me, would haue let me go, because there was no cause of death in me. 19 But when the lewes spake contrary, E I was constrayned to appeale vnto Caesar : not because I had oght to accuse my peo ple of. 20 For this cause haue I caUed for you, euen to se you, and to speake with you : for euen for the hope of Israel, I am bounde Hope. wyth THFa APOSTLES. 2-11 wyth thys chayne. 21 And they sayd vnto him, We nether receaued letters out of Iewrie pertayning vnto thee, nether came any of the brethre that shewed or spake any harme of thee. 22 But we wU heare of thee what thou TheChristias thinkest : for as concerning thys secte we whereeuyi knowe, y euery where it is spoken against. spoken of. 23 And when they had appointed hym a F day, there came many vnto him into hys lodging, to whome he expounded and te stified the kyngdome of God : & preached vnto the of lesus both out of the Lawe of Moses, and also out of the Prophetes, euen from morning to nyght. 24 And some beleued the thynges which were spoken, and some beleued not. 25 And when they agreed not among the selues, they departed, after that Paul had spoke one word, Wel spake the holy Gost by Esai the Prophet vnto our fathers, Esa. 6.c 26 Saying, * f Go vnto this people, and t Hereby the he mat. I3.b. saV) Wyth bearing snal ye heare, and shal ^'i* sogft *ebeinrn1; luk 8 b ' not vnderstand, and with your eyes shal lined :&the weak- iohni2.f. ye se, and not perceaue. ttefnfnToffen' rom.U.a cyj por tn(J jjeart Qc tnys peopig {s waXed ded by the slubber .i .-I i - sei of God, or the (jrospel of by the decla- God. 2 (Wliich he promised afore by his * Prophetes in the b holy Scrip- Act.l3.a. tures) Deut. 18. e. 3 Concerning his Sonne lesus Christ our act-s-d- Lord ration of the samecounsel. TO THE ROMAINS. 243 " or, posteri- Lord, which was made of the " sede of Da- tt *SSne°f tod as * perteynyng to the flesh : Marie. 4 And declared mightely to be the Sone of God, touching the Spirite that c sancti- o By the Spirite fieth, sence -y- he rose agayne fr5 the dead. bi dedareth that * ¦* 1 ^ i Christ is God who 5 By whom we haue receaued "grace and se power dyd so sa Apostleshyp, that obedience might be ge- gjfl^ l^e uen vnto the fayth to his Name among all not feie comi- a.i- tt _•_ ption, nor yet re- the Heathen : mayne in death. 6 Of whose nuber ye be also, which are ££$&£*£ " Or, by the IesUS Christes by " vocation. At to preache the SoTie°fado- 7 To all you that be at Rome beloued of ^"ste"" pted in lesus God, & Sainctes by cattyng, * e Grace be • The free mcr 1 cV?i."«. with you, and peace from God our Father, ^^JJS; gaiA.a. and from the Lord lesus Christ. in ail thinges. B 2.tim.i.c. 8 Yyrst verely I thanke my God through les' Christe for you all : because your faith "Or, christia is pubhsshed throughout " all the worlde. churches, g por q0(j jg my wytnes, whom I serue in "Earnestiy,& my " spirite in the f Gospel of his Sonne, ' in preaching fro the hart. a.i_ _ _i. _ t 1 ¦ j. the Sonne of God, that wythout ceasyng I make mencion of that is reconciiia- vnn tion and peace ir\ m ¦ v. u- t, through Christe 10 Alwayes m my prayers, beseching, y by some meanes one tyme or other, a prospe rous iourney by the wyl of God myght for tune me, to come vnto you. Chap. 15. e. 1 1 * For I long to se you, that I myght be- stowe, amonge you some spirituaU gyfte, to strengthen you with aU. 12 That is, that I might receaue exhortati on together with you, through the comen faith, which both ye and I haue. 13 Now my brethern I wolde y ye shuld „ Ether by Sati- not be ignorant, how that I haue often ty- l.Thess.a.d. or by 0 , . ai . 1 the holy Gost. Act. mes purposed to come vnto you (but haue 16. b. or called to spoIenlilAi. he-Qe g let hyther t0) ^ J ethane some %%££,£& 15. e. " frute also among vou, as / haue amonge spei. chap. is.e. H.iii. Chap. I. THE EPISTLE other of the GentUs. 14 I am detter both to the Grekes, & to them which are no Grekes, vnto the wise- men, and vnto the ignorant. 15 Therfore, as muche as in me is, I am redy to preache the Gospel to you that are at Rome also. 1 6 For I am not " ashamed of the Gospel of " He passeth Christe, because it is the * " power of God mocking of vnto saluatio to aU that beleue, to the le- the wicked. we fyrst, and also to the " Greke. ¦¦or,efrectuai i' The perfection 1 7 For by it, the h ryghtuousnes of * God, jn^rumet. whoSe hatt is opened, from fayth to fayth: as it is writ " whichGoo appeareth before ten, * The tost shal tyue by fayth. approueth. God, holy, blame- 1017, ., _u t r< A -c a-1 Abac. 2. a. les, & can be accu- 18 r or the wrath of God manifestly apea- gal.3.b. sed of no faute, & reth from heaue against " all ' vngodlynes *f6- 10- •**¦ tillS lUStlCB IS COQ- 1^ trary to mas iusti- and vnrightuousnes of men, because they «He meaneth work", ttly is withholde the truth Vntostety : -cry ma par apprehended by 1 9 Seyng that, which may be knowen of " In that they increasetn. Ps" God, is manifest with in them : for God ha- nmtb ^dll 84-" \; j j .^ the shewed it vnto them. nature parte- ¦ He deuideth . . . ]y teacheth tte lawe of nature 20 .tor hys inmSlble thynges, y IS to Say, the, norloue godHneVa'nd ™- his eternal power and Godhead, are vn- one another. rightuousnes. Vn- derstand and sene, by the things made fro nettyn6the Cfaise the creation of the world' to thintent that worshiping of they shulde be wythout excuse : God, vnrightuous- J__-. , , a-ai nes, breache of 21 Because that when they knewe God, Ephe. 4. d. louetowardeman. they » glorified him not as God> nether we. ^Tb^orshi- re thankful, but waxed ful of vanities in as he prescri- their imaginations, and their folishe hear thefrbgood'ki tes were blynded. tentions. 22 When they counted them selues wise, they became foles : 23 For they turned the glorie of the incor ruptible God, to the simihtude of y ima ge of mortal man, and of byrdes, & foure foted beastes, and of creeping beastes. 24 Wherfore, TO THE ROMAINS. 244 " or, deiiue- 24 Wherfore, God" k gaue the eue vp vnto << seingmen woi- Lltf™ their heartes lust, vnto vnclenes, to defyle £ ¦* *» their owne bodyes betwene them selues : that codgauethe 25 Which turned the trueth of God vnto "eTiotettrir far a lye, and worshypped and serued the ere- tes wi* biynde- atures, neglecting the Creator, which is shulde not knowe blessed for euer. Amen. _%__%%X t 26 For this cause God gaue them vp vnto nother. shamful lustes : for euen their women dyd change the natural vse into that which is agaynst nature. 27 And lykewyse also y me left the na tural vse of the woman, and burned in their lustes one with another, and man ft ma wroght filthtoes, & receaued in them selues, the recompence of their errour, as was accordyng. D 28 .And as they regarded not to knowe God, euen so God dehuered them vp vnto a lewde mynde, that they should do those thinges which are not comly, 29 Being ful of aU vnrightuousnes, forni cation, wickednes, coueteousnes, malici- ousnes, full of enuie, murther, debate, dis- ceyte, takyng aU things in the euyl parte, whysperers, 30 Backbyters, haters of God, doers of wronge, proude, bosters, inuenters of euyl thynges, disobediet to father and mother, without vnderstadtog, couenat breakers, without natural affectio, promes breakers, , ., r ' Which Lawe merciles. God writ in their 31 Which men, thogh they knew f the Y^o&lrfl^l Lawe ordeyned by God, how y they which led it the Lawe of "which is the c6mit suche thinges, are worthy of death : e^theiaweoto""- fui measure yet not only do f same, but alifb " favour tions wherof Mo- ofalliniqui. theTathat do them, playneerp'osilion! H.iiii. Chap. II. THE EPISTLE THE II. CHAPTER. To beat downe all vayne' pretence of ignora- ce, holines, and alliance with God, he proueth all men to be synners, the Gentils by their con science, the lewes by the Lawe written, and menaceth with the judgement of God. ¦T^Herfore thou art inexcusable o man, A » Nether they whosoeuer thou art that a " iudgest. "or.blamest. Inl? doeST™6 *for in that same wherin thou iudgest ano- Mat. 7. a. they which repro- ther, thou condemnest " thy selfe : for thou }. faithful deli- to glorie of be- 6 * Which wil rewarde euery ma accor- uered. fore God, & there- j- . r.- ca a Mat .16. d. foreall mens wor- ding to hlS dedes. psal.62.c. kes shal condene 7 That is to say, to them which by continu- them, and they . - 1^. , y „ only shalbe saued ance m wel doing seke prayse, honour, & Ssl chTsX6 immortahtie : eternal lyfe. faith, to be their 8 But vnto them that are contentious & sancti[ication.an disobey the trueth, and foiowe iniquitie, shal TO THE ROMAINS. 245 shal be rendered indignation and wrath : 9 Tribulation & anguyshe vpon the sou le of euery man that doth euyl : of the Ie- "BythcGrek we fyrst, and also of the " Greke. dethtter(^ 10 But to euery man that doth good, shal ui, & euery be rendered prayse, honour, and peace, to y not a iewe. Iewe fyrst, and also to the Greke. Deu.io.d. 11 For ther is no* respect of d persons with ¦'Ab touching a- 2 cAr. 19.6. Onr, ny outwarde qua- iob 37 b VJOU- litie, but as the act lo _' 12 For whosoeuer hath synned without potter before he ate. lu.e. . i , -it i ma'tehis vessells, Lawe, shal perish also without Lawe: and he dothe appoint as many as haue synned to the Lawe, shal- oSs'^gAToln0^ be iudged by the Lawe. ni«r Mat. 7.c. 1 3 * For before God they are not ryghteous *a"/ 'in* which heare the Lawe : but the doers of y eph.6.b. Lawe shalbe iustified. coZ.3. d. 14 For when the GentUs which haue no Lawe, do of Nature the thynges contay- ned in y Lawe : then they hauyng no Lawe, are a Lawe vnto them selues. 15 Which shewe the effect of the Lawe written to their heartes : while their con science beareth witnes vnto them, and al so their thoughtes accusing one another, or excusing, 1 6 At the day when God shal iudge the se cretes of men by lesus Christ, according to my Gospel. 17 e Beholde, thou art called a Iewe, and »Heawakeththe chap. 9. a. trustest in y Lawe, and * gloriest in God. a slepe, through a " or, triest 1 8 And knowest his wU, and " alowest the ce»e»> securitie& such things as .,. ., . „ . . ., . ., confidence in the dissent from thinges that are exceuent, in that thou art Lawe. ins will. informed by the Lawe : 1 9 And beleuest that thou thy selfe art a gyde of the blynde, a hght of them which are in darcknes : **¦ 20 An infonner of them which lacke dis- Chap. II. THE EPISTLE cretio, a teacher of vnlearned, which hast the " information of knowledge, and of the " The way to trueth in the Lawe. £&£_%_. 21 Thou therfore, ft teachest another, tea- ge of the tm. chest thou not thy self? thou ypreachest, A man sholde not steale, doest thou steale ? 22 Thou that sayst, A man should not co- D mit aduoutry, breakest thou wedlocke ? thou that abhorrest images, robbest thou God of his honour ? 23 Thou that makest boast of the Lawe, through breakyng the Lawe dishonourest thou God? 24 For the Name of Qod is euyl spoken of among the GentUes through you, * as it Esa. 52. 6. is written. e*ec.36.<*. 25 For Circumsision verely auayleth, yf thou kepest the Law : but yf thou breakest the Lawe, thy Circumcision is made vncir cumcision.26 Therfore yf the vncircumcised kepe the right thinges contayned in the Law, shal not his vncircumcision be counted for Circumcision ? 27 And shal not vncircumcision which is by nature (yf it kepe y Lawe) " iudge thee, " or, condem. • When the Lawe which beyng vnder the f letter, and Circu lar0 or*tna'thft pro cis'°n, doest transgresse the Lawe? uokethdeathinvs, 28 Forheis not a Iewe,w is a Iewe onely °r Vtte mmSe- outwarde : nether is that Circumcision, ft th6t°f-d6a"1' hr ™ onety outward in the fleshe : stregth of synneat 29 But he is a Iewe which is hyd wyth in, sid^tteTarerfandthe * Circumcision, of the heart, is ™";<|-<- it selfe without the true Circumcision, which consisteth coi„s, 2. &. in the " sprite, and not in the letter, the ft "In the inwar T . - ijr-~-ide man and lewes prayse, is not ot men but of God. heart. TO THE ROMAINS. 246 THE III. CHAPTER. Hauing granted some prerogatiue to the le wes because of Gods free and stable promes, he proueth by the Scriptures, both lewes and Gen tils to be synners, and to be iustified by grace through faith Sf not by workes and so the Law to be established. A "\7"Vhat preferment then hath the Ie- ' we ? other what auantageth Circum cision ? 2 Surely very much : for chiefely vnto " Or, wordes. them was committed the " oracles of God. 3 But what then, thogh some of them dyd Chap.9.b. not beleue? shal their * vnbeliefe make the / '/•"¦?' rf6' Promes of God without effect ? Psal. 'ii6. b. 4 God forbyd : yea let God be * true, and Psal. bi.a. * all men lyars, as it is written,* That thou toVuTwic. myghtest be a iustified to thy sayings, and a That lhou ked do reason ouercome, when thou are iudged. maist be declared against God. _ ,„ , . -a , ., ., mste.and thy good 5 Yf our vnryghtuousnes comendeth the nes and trueth in rightuousnes of God, what shal we say ? Is %£££>£*„ God vnrighteous which taketh vengean- peare.whenmene- .. ,T i p. ., p /, . ther of curiositie, " Whose car- ce ? (1 speake after the maner of men.) or arrogancie wol wil not oteT 6 God forbid : for how then shal God iud d^udse th5" *™*- thewiiof ge the world? B 7 For if the veritie of God hath more a- i> Lest the lew cs bunded through my lye, vnto hys glorie, shulde be puffed *"" ri ii vp in that he pre- why am 1 hence forthe condemned as aferredthemtothe •> Gentils, he shew- synner r eth that this thcir 8 And (as men speake euyl of vs, and as preferment stand- rr .1 , \ i j , eth onely in the some affirme that we say) why do we not mercie of God for euil, that good may come therof? whose f^'and^nui damnation is iust. through synne arc 9 What then ? b Are we better then they ? ^atpe, that they No, in no wyse. For we haue "already pro- mi8ht botho be , i i t lA-i-i made equal m uen, how that bothe lewes and Grentiles christe. Chap. III. THE EPISTLE are * all vnder synne. Gal.3.d. 10 As itus written, * There is none righ- Psal.u.a. . a. andb2.a. teous, no not one. 1 1 There is none that vnderstandeth, the re is none that seketh after God. 1 2 They haue att gone out of the way, they haue also bene made vnproffitable, there is none that dothe good, no not one. 1 3 *Theyr throte is an open sepulchre, they psal. b. b. haue vsed theyr tonges to deceyt : the poy- son of aspes is vnder their lippes. 14 * Whose mouthes are ful of cursing and Psal. 9. b. byttemes. 1 5 * Theyr fete are swyft to sheade bloud. Esai. 59. ">. 16 Destruction and calamitie are to their prou.i.b. wayes. 1 7 And the " way of peace they haue not "a peasibie& knowen. innocetlife. 1 8 * There is no feare of God before theyr psai. 36. a. eyes. 1 9 *And we know that whatsoeuer the " La- Gal. 2.d. we sayeth, it sayeth it to them which are vn 0]de testtmet der the Lawe : that euery mouthe may be « The Lawe doth stopped, and aU the worlde be c culpable not make vs giltie before God. but doth declare m, ,. , , ii ri«-r that we are giltie 20 Therfore by the dedes of the Lawe, "He meaneth se6rf0e6cGo°nddemne: shal no fleshe be iustified in his sight, for S^? £ tion. by the Lawe commeth the knowledge of wntt5 whtch / ° commandeth Sinne. or forbiddeth 21 But now is the ryghtuousnes of God ^wortles declared wythout the Lawe, hauyng wit- can not iusti- nes of the Lawe and of the Prophetes. can "not?par! 22 To wit, the rightuousnes of God by the *°""i"methem. fayth of lesus Christe, vnto aU, and vpon all that beleue. 23 For there is no difference : for aU haue synned, TO THE ROMAINS. 247 D synned, and are d destitute of the glorie of which maketh ueth on hym that b iustifieth the vngodly, !SiS^ltVtaS2 his fayth is counted for ryghtuousnes. m christe. 6 Euen as Dauid describeth the blessed- fulnes of the man, vnto whome God ascri- beth ryghtuousnes wythout dedes, say ing, 7 * Blessed are they, whose vnryghtuous- Psal. 32. a. nesses are forgeuen, and whose synnes are B couered. 8 Blessed is that man, to whom the Lord imputeth not synne. 9 Came this blessednes then vpon the Cir cumcised onely, or vpon the vncircumcised also ? For we say, how that fayth was recke ned vnto Abraham for rightuousnes. 10 How was it then reckened ?* in the ty- Gene.ib.b. me of Circumcision ? or in the tyme before he was circumcised? not to the tyme of Circumcision : but when he was yet vncir cumcised. C 1 1 * And he receaued the sygne of Circum Gene. 17. b. cisio, as a seale ofthe rightuousnes of faith which fayth he had, yet beyng vncircumci sed : that he should he the father of aU the that beleue, thogh they be not circucised, that ryghtuousnes myght be imputed to them also. 12 And TO THE ROMAINS. 248 12 .And that he myght be the father of Circumcision, not vnto them only which a- re of the circumcised, but vnto them also that walke in the c steppes of the faith that c This may not p _¦_ .1 i t. p at- a. be vnderstande of was in our father Abraham, before the ty- the frutes of faith me of Circumcision. (for.,thT.?.f,.lhe A; i 1111111 postle doth hereaf Gal.3.c. 13 For the promes that he should be the ter cxpressciy in- heyre of the worlde, was not geuen to Abra St* it se.fe°f 'hc " in Mailing ham, or to his seed, through the"Lawe : but thereof. 6S through the rightuousnes of fayth. " And thinke 14 For yf they which" are of the Lawe, be SeTy d heyres then is faith but vayne, and the ^J™ b-£ workes. promes of none effect. for him that shal- "Throughour 15 For the Lawe causeth " wrath, for whe- %h&££$™™ ontUs'e'ife n°' re n(^ Lawe is, there is no "transgression, is in vayne to be- "Or.breache 16 Therfore by faith is the inheritaunce ge- f^^ seructt^w rf commande uen> that ;t mvgbt come of fauour, and the no vse. "Which bele- promes might be sure to "all the sede. that ue" is, not to them only which are of the Lawe: but also to them which are of the fayth of Esai.bi.d. Abraham, which is the * father of vs aU. Ge«.i7.a. 17 ,^s it }g ^yji^jj * j haue made thee a fa- "Byaspiritu- ther of many nacions) euen " before God wh^dGe„d whom he beleued, which quickeneth the • ^^la chefely acce- dead, and calleth those thtoges which be euen by the vertue ptelh, . , ,. offaith.andnotby not, as thogh they were. the power of natu D 1 8 Wliich Abraham contrary to hope, be- re.whichwas extra leued in hope, that he should be the father tiis which were no of many nacions : according to that which ^^^^ Gen. 15. b. was spoken to him,* So shal thv seed to be of the nom- , r ber of the faithful. be. " But moste 19 And he"not weke in the faith, consi- st'mt56& c°" dered not his owne body, which was now dead, since he was almost an hondred yere olde : nether yet that the matrix of Sara was " Or, that she " A an A was past chil. ued,u. do bearing. 20 He disputed not agamst the promes of Chap. V. THE EPISTLE God through vnbeliefe : but was made stronge in the faith, and gaue " honour to "For his mer- a-i j cie & trueth, 21 Beyng ful certified that he which had promised, was also able to make it good. 22 And therfore it was reckened to him for rightuousnes : 23 It is not written for him only, that it was reckened to him for rightuousnes. 24 But also " for vs, to whom it shalbe cou- " For our in- ted for rightuousnes, so we beleue on hym "™scha™4 \°[ that raysed vp lesus our Lord from the stifled by the ii same meanes. dead. 25 Which was deliuered to death for our synnes, and " rose agayne for our iustifica- " To accopu- . - she and make TlOn. perfect our iustification. THE V. CHAPTER. He deciareth the fruit of faith, and by com parison setteth forthe the Loue of God and obe dience of Christe, which is the fondacion and grounde of the same. rPHen being iustified by faith, we haue A 1 peace with God through our Lord le is ment that incre gus Christe. dible and moste co ° ~" stant ioye of myn 2 By whom also we haue accesse through Iohn. I6.g. UuetedTo'aiHer6' faith, vnto this grace, wherin we stand, and eph.2.d. ror of conscience reioyce in hope of the glorie of God. and fully persua- _* ,x iii jr- ded of the fauour 3 Nether do we so only, but also we reioy- Iam. i.a. of God. ce jjj tribulations, knowing that tribulatio bryngeth patience. 4 And patience bringeth experience, and experience bringeth hope, t He meaneth 5 And hope maketh not '' ashamed, for the " For it hath that Loue wher- b loue of God is shed abrode to our hear- ceSesregoodsuc with God loueth , . „ , . , . ^s111- vs. tes by the holy Gost, which is geuen vn to TO THE ROMAINS. 249 to VS. 6 For Christe, when we were yet of no- strength, at his tyme dyed for vs, which Heb.9.d. were * vngodly. \.pet.3.c. 7 Douteles one wyl scarce dye for a rygh- tuous ma : but for a good man paraduentu- re durst a man dye. 8 But God setteth out his loue that he hath to vs, seing that whUe we were yet synners Christ dyed for vs. B 9 Seing therfore that we are iustified in his bloud, we shal be now muche more sa ued from wrath through him. " Because of 10 For if, when we were " enemies, we we- endesbytte' re reconriled to God by the death of his grace of chri Sonne, muche more seing we are recociled, we shalbe preserued by his life. 1 1 And not only so, but we also reioyse in God by the meanes of our Lord lesus Chri ste, by whom we haue now receaued the atonement. C 1 2 Wherfore, as by one man sinne entred toto the world, and death by the meanes of synne: and so death went ouer all men, in so much as all men haue stoned. "From Adam 1 3 For euen vnto the * tyme of the Lawe, to Moses. wag gyjjjjg m A-he worlde, but synne is not imputed, as long as there is no law. 14 Neuertheles death raigned from Ada to Moses, euen ouer them also that sinned "Yet all man not c " with hke transgression as did Ada. : " H« .mea*'?tb ieidiimau -„ , . t yonge babes which kmdefasitwe w ,g A-Jjg similitude of him y Was to Come, nether had the ttiyTereT 15 But the gyft is not lyke as the offence. %£"J* nmaS fn Adame6d for if through the sinne of him alone, ma- of cocupiscence, "°whS- ny be dead : much more plenteous vpon ma mitted any actual Christe. WaS ny was the grace of God and gift by grace : 2sn0ne,i0I^deS ft grace was geuen by one ma lesus Christ, the Gentils. I. i. Chap. VI. THE EPISTLE 1 6 Nether is the gyft so, as that which en- D tred in by one that synned : for the giltie- ship came of one offence vnto condemnatio : .. , T ly knowen, and ter, where abundance of synne was, there set before aii mes wag more plenteousnes of grace. 6V6S- 21 That as synne had raygned vnto death, euen so might grace raigne through righ tuousnes, vnto eternal life, by the heipe of lesus Christe our Lord. THE VI. CHAPTER. Because no man shulde glorie in the fleshe, but rather seke to subdue it to the Spirit, he she weth by the vertue and ende of Baptisme that regeneration is ioyned with iustification, and therfore exhorteth to Godly life, setting before mens eyes the rewarde of synne and rightuous- What TO THE ROMAINS. 250 A T7Vhat shal we say then ? Shal we cotinue * stil in synne, y grace may more aboiid ? God forbid : 2 How shal we, that are B dead to synne, li- ¦ He dieth to syn ue any lenger therin ? n,e- in .!*1,ome the „ t, ? , „ , . , strength of synne Gal.3.d. o Kemember ye not, that * all we which is broken by the haue bene baptized vnto "lesus Christe, ha Td'so Sow uS ue bene baptized vnto his death ? t0_a£?- . . Which is that Col.2.b. 4 * We are buried then with him by bap- growing to getter HebrA2.a. tisme.vnto his death : that lykewise as Chri T™*!!1*^' 2 vet 2 a i receaue vertue to eph 4 a ' s*e was raysed vp from death vnto the glo- bii synne nod i-ny- ck'3.6.' rieof theFather: eue sowe also should* wal S0Tp ournewe ma" i.Cor.6.c. ke in a newe life. vertue'dreto 5 ^.°T 5^ W6 be ° Sraft ™t]l him " to the si- , The p-eke wor synne. mUitude of his death : euen so shal we be to de n"'""**. that .7 . .,.. . _.,¦ _¦ wegrowevptoge- the similitude ot his resurrection. ther with christe, 6 Knowing this, that our olde man is cru- ^^^^ " The fleshe cified with hym also, that the" body of syn such iike,growevp s"tlc6kettSS6 ne myght vtterly be destroyed, that hence- J^^iSS forth we should not be seruates vnto synne. io^se tterof. "Becausethat ? ^ or he that is dead, is" freed from synne. wfcln'nof 8 WX**™*' 3* ^e be dead ™th Chri' the r^hatTe ITe synne. Ste, we beleue that We Shal lyue also with deadtosynne.whe , . J synne begynneth Illltl . to dye in vs : which B 9 Knowing that Christe beyng raysed fro £ « ch'iit death, dyeth no more : death hath no more death: by whome i . also being quick - power ouer him. ened, we liue to 10 For as touching that he dyed, he dyed *?od' that is> to , ° i • i i T rightuousnes. " That he to synne once : but as touching that he h- • The mynde TynffnT/ ueth, he hueth to " God. ' ^^221^ fleshe. \\ Lykewyse consider ye also, that ye are by mans wii is en- " And sitteth hjja. ¦_ _ t // a. n j tised, thence burst at the right dead tO Synne, but are allUe tO *orOd forth thelustes.by Fitter'"6 through lesus Christe our Lord. p^ed.She " in that ye 12 Let not synne raygne therfore in your body by his actios are led with , 1 i_ i , i . 5? i j i ¦ doth sollicite the the Spirit of mortal body, that ye should obey«ynne in mynr,e . therfore God- , ., the lustes of e the body. h.^v.C0,mm*AJ[!dfth• or instrumets XT - J , . _ at the lest, that we or armure. 1 3 Nether geue ye your mebres as weapos rule our bodies. I. ii. Chap. VI. THE EPISTLE of vnrightuousnes vnto synne: but geue your selues vnto God, as they that are aly ue from death, and geue your members as weapons of ryghtuousnes vnto God. 14 Let not sinne haue power ouer you. C For ye are not vnder the" Lawe, but vnder »whichis the " Grace. force of syn- 15 What the? shal we synne,becausewe are " indewed not vnder the Lawe, but vnder Grace ? God $ cK™ forbyd. 1 6 * Knowe ye not, that to whomsoeuer ye iohn. 8. c. commit your selues as seruates to obey : his 2. pet. 2. d. servantes ye are to whom ye obey : whether it be of synne vnto death, or of obedience vnto rightuousnes ? 1 7 But God be thanked, that thogh ye we re once the seruantes of synne, ye haue yet obeyed from the heart vnto the forme of the doctrine, wherunto ye were " deliue- "Toconforme red. your selues vnto it. f it is a most vi- 1 8 And being made f fre from synne, ye are D thathugde°iuehred become the seruantes of rightuousnes. from the siauerie 19 1 speake " as men commonly VSe, becau- " Leauing to of synne, to retour p A. ¦ _z ¦_¦ r n i_ rm. a speake of hea ne agayne to tte se of the mfirmitie of your fleshe. lhat as uay thinges, same- ye haue geuen your members, seruantes to andaccording 1 , ° 0 J . , . . ...to your capa- vnclennes & to iniquitie, to commit miqui- citie vse the- tie: euen so now geue your members seruan of s^tud™ tes vnto rightuousnes, in holtoes. ™<* fredome 20 For when ye were the seruauntes of the bett™ ™- synne, ye were freed frome rightuous- dersta"ld- nes. 2 1 What frute had ye then in those thin ges, wherof ye are now ashamed ? For the " ende of those thinges is death. " or, the re 22 But now being freed from synne, and I^Zt " made the seruantes of God, ye haue your frute TO THE ROMAINS. 251 frute in holines : and the ende, euerlasting life. 23 For the s wages of synne is death : but . synne is com the gyfte of God, is eternal life through ^Zt_ZluTy lesus Christe our Lord. force, who geueth death as an allow a ce to them that we re preferred by THE VII. CHAPTER. the Lawe. The vse of the Lawe, and how Christe hath deliuered vs from it. Paul describeth the dange rous fight betwene the fleshe and the Spi rite. A. Tf Nowe ye not brethren (for I speake to -1 Mhe y are skilful in the Lawe) how that " The moral the " Lawe hath power ouer a man as long Lawe" as he lyueth. l. Cor.7.g. 2 *For the "woman which is in subiection -Both in this first to a man, is bounde by the Lawe to the "SdeTtie"^^! man, as long as he lyueth: if the man bede- bad & the wif ad, she is lowsed from the Lawe of the dered with in°our man. selues. the first 3 So then, if whUe the man lyueth she cou ne, our fleshe J__ pie her selfe with another man, she shalbe S^wl^elvul Mat.b.c. catted an * adulterer : but yf the man be tes of 'be fleshe. and 19. c. dead, she is fre from that Lawe : so that she conde mariageYhe is not an adulterer, thogh she couple her ?vi j'i the hous" , i band, thenewe ere selfe with another man. ature is the wif, & 4 Euen so ye my brethren, are dead also to thefruUefof the the Lawe, in the body of Christe, that ye sPirit- Gal-°- d- "Which is the shulde be coupled to another, I meane" to fePconde°nouse him that is rysen agayne from " death, that band. we shulde brinee forth frute vnto God. " Which syn- _ ¦--, , ° . , , n , t , ne procured. 5 r or when we were in the fleshe, the mo tions of synnes which were stered vp by the Lawe, bare rule in our members,.to bring forth frute vnto death. I.iii. Chap. VII. THE EPISTLE 6 But now we are dehuered from the La we, being dead * vnto yt, wherin we were in "Tosinne.our bondage, that we should serue in a newe flrst housbad- conuersation of the Sprite, and not in the olde conuersation of the letter. >• Ther is nothig 7 D What shal we say then ? is theLawe sy n - b ™rZ ttentteVa0- «¦ ? God forbyd. Nay, rather I knewe not we. if so be therfo- what sinne meant, but by the Lawe. For I moreby reaso'tte had not knowen what lust had meant, ex- whf shoIdekTe CePt tn<3 LaW<3 had Sayl1' * Th°U ^^ n0t Exod. 20.e. imputed to the lust. deu.b.b. doTeth Sleigh- § But synne toke an occasion by the mea- tes of sinne, her nes of the commandement, and wroght in ennemye. ,, r . p , me aU maner ot concupiscence, tor verely without the Lawe, sinne is dead. 9 Fori once "was a lyue,without the Lawe: " He thoght but when the commandement came, sinne b^iyuifwhe reuiued. he knewe not 10 But I was dead : and the very same co mandement which was ordeyned vnto life, was founde to be vnto me, vnto death. 1 1 For synne toke occasion by the meanes C of the commandement, and so disceaued me, and by the selfe commandement slew me. 12 Wherfore the Lawe is * holy, and the 1. Tim.l.b. commandement holy, iust, and good. gal.3.e. 13 Was that then which is good, made 1 synne being di death vnto me? God forbyd, Nay c synne is w'?Sisd so muche marferiea'ADn-orae.wheitbegatedeathvnto more detestable, me by the meanes of that which is good, neth the goodnes that synne might be knowen: thatis,fha.tsm of the Lawe to ne by the meanes of the commandement, our destruction. . J _ . might be out of measure synful. 1 4 For we knowe, that the Lawe is " spiri- " So that it ca tual: but I am carnal, solde vnder synne. I^Voftte 15 For I alowe not that which I do. for hart. what TO THE ROMAINS. 252 what I d wolde, that do I not: but what I ha- * He is not able fo fTiaf rip, T to do that which he te, mat ao i. desireth to do_ & 16 If I do then that which I wold not, I therfore is farre grante to the Lawe, that it is good. fection. rueper' D 1 7 So then now, it is not I that do it, but synne that dweUeth in me. 18 For I knowe, that to me, that is to "Or.inmyna say, in my"fleshe, dweUeth no good thin ge. for to wtt, is present with me : but I fynde no meanes to performe that which is good. 19 For I do not that good thinge, which I wolde, e but that euil do I, which I wolde ¦ The fleshe stay- noA- eth eue the moste perfect to rune for 20 FtoaUy, if I do that I wolde not, then wardens the spirit is it not I that do it, but synne that dwel leth to me. 211 fynde then by the Lawe, that when I wolde do good, euyl heth to me. 22 For I dehte in the Lawe of God, con- " in my spirit, cerntog the " inner man. "orcommad- 23 But I se another "lawe to my f mem- 'Euen the cor- bres, rebelling against y lawe of my min- ™n£*™hhich yet de, & subduyng me vnto the lawe of sto ne, which is to my members. 24 O wretched man that I am, who shal " This fleshly deliuer me from this " body of death ? n""anddeSatt" 25 I thank God through lesus Christ our Lord. So then I my selfe to my ** mynde, ser « in that part it r. ai i i • ii n i ai which is regene- "which is tte ue the Lawe of God, and m my fleshe the rat. partcorrup- kwe of synne. THE VIII. CHAPTER. The assurance of the faithful and of the frui tes of the holy Gost in them. Of hope. «0/ patien ce vnder the crosse. Of the mutual loue betw- I.iiii. Chap. VIII. THE EPISTLE ixte God and his children . Of his foreknowta- ge- T^Her is then now no condemnation to A -*- them which are in Christ lesus, which walke not after the fleshe : but after the Sprite. » The power and 2 For the a Lawe of the Sprite of lyfe spCr0"that°is the which m to " Christe lesus, hath deliuered " whose san- graceofregen'era- me from the lawe of Synne, and death. madTours. "s 3 For what the Lawe coulde not do, in as muche as it was " weake, because ofthe fle- " °r. of ™ » christe dyd ta she : God sending his owne Sone in y b simi s rens nature walsubiect Mtude of synful fleshe, and that for synne, to synne which not condemned synne in the fleshe: ctifiedeueninthe 4 That the " rightuousnes of the Lawe, " That which Io6ncipntion,'anfdhso myght be fulfilled in vs, which walke not Xi? r6- dyd appropriat it after the flesh, but after the Sprite. vnto him, that he r -n .. t i n r. - myght destroy syn 5 r or they y are carnal, are carnally c wise : ne«Th'' d - ^ut *ney ^a* are spiritual are affeetionned prehedeth all that to spiritual thinges. c^enYL™s 6 For the wisedome of the fleshe, is de- wii.vnderstanding, ath : but the wisdome of the Spirit, is lyfe reason, wit, &c. , J and peace : 7 Because that the fleshly wisdome is eni- mitie agaynst God : for it is not obedient to the Lawe of God : nether in deed, can be. 8 So then, they that are in the fleshe, can b not please God. . . 9 But ye are not to the flesh, but in the regenerate which Spirite : because the Sprite of God dwel- rnbo"rbnee'she,Srai leth in you. If any man hath not the Sprite at once, but byde- of Christ, the same is none of his. niuste^nThemeT- 10 If Christ be in you, the " body is dead " or, fleshe. God'ythrouC h" a° because of synne : but the '' Spirite is lyfe dence. for rightuousnes sake. 11 But TO THE ROMAINS. 253 1 1 But yf the Sprite of him that raysed vp lesus from death, dwel in you : euen he y raysed vp Christ from death, shal quicken your mortal bodyes, because that his Spri te dweUeth to you. C 12 Therfore brethren, we are detters not to the fleshe, to hue after the fleshe, but to the Spirit. 1 3 For yf ye lyue after the flesh, ye shal dye : but yf ye mortifie the dedes of the bo dy, by the Sprite, ye shal lyue. 14 For as many as are led by the Sprite of God : they are the sonnes of God. 15 For ye haue not receaued the e Sprite • so he nameth of bondage to feare any more : but ye haue ^e ^ll£°£i__b receaued the Sprite of adoption, wherby be causeth in vs, Gul.4.a. we crye * Abba, that is say, Father. rasaiuaUonb^the " so that we 16 The which selfe same Sprite " beareth Lawewith an im- hauetwowit- . , . , ** . - possible conditio, nesses, Gods witenes together with our sprite, that We who also doth sea. Spirits ours, arp f-t-- ...... f r< j le our saiuation in whoiscerti- are me SOnneS OI UOd. our hartes by Chri fled by the 17 Ii we be sonnes : we are also " heyres, the s,tes free adoption, Sprit of God. i_ t p a-i j j i i 'hat we consider " Freiy made neyres 1 meane ot Uod, and heyres anexed not God now as a partakers of with Christ : yf so be that we suffer toge- rigorous -Lord'b'*t the Fathers . , .,,.,,, , , & . as a moste merci- treasures. ther with him, that we may also be glon- fui Father. fled together with him. 1 8 For I confirme, that the afflictions of ¦• or.ofiikeva this lyfe are not " worthy of the glorie ft shal be shewed vnto vs. Psal. 119. 19 For the * feruent desire of the creatu- §' 81- re abydeth, lokyng when y sonnes of God shal appere, 20 Because the f creature is subiect to ' The creatures deltm'tion '° " vamtie> not of it owne wU : but by reason red "before That because of' of him which hath subdued it to hope. b°0fhtchf0dretnheir as synne.^ ^ \ Because the same creature also, shal be perfection, in the delyuered from the bondage of corrupti- wayte6 beason iey on, toto the glorious hbertie of the son nes Chap. VIII. THE EPISTLE nes of God. 22 For we knowe that euery" creature gro "He meaneth neth with vs also, and trauayleth in payne gels nether euen vnto this tyme. dee^ls> nor 23 Not only ihe creature, but euen we also which haue the " fyrst frutes of the Sprite, " And yet are i . , i _ •_ r ,, tarte fro the do sighe m our selues, and waite for the perfection. adoption, euen the * deliuerance of oar __uk.2i.f. b Which shalbe g body. vtteweXaTbema 24 For we are saued by hope : but" hope t'hatgttmying ou^heaT""016'0 that is sene, is no hope, for how can a man which we ho- hope for that which he seeth ? pe fore" 25 But and yf we hope for that we se not, then do we with pacience abyde for it. 26 Lykewyse the Sprite also helpeth our E infirmities : for we knowe not what to praye as we oght : but the Sprite askethfor vs with gronynges, which can not be ex pressed with tonge. 27 And he that searcheth the heartes, knoweth what is the meaning of f Sprite : !¦ inthathester- for he h maketh intercession for the Sato- topra'^fshewett ctes, accordyng to the pleasure of God. both whome to as- 28 Also we knowe that all thinges worc- ke for the best vnto them that loue God, which also are called of his purpose. 1 He sheweth by 29 For those which he ' knewe before, he the ordre of our , , ii,- tAi iiii election that affli- also ordeyned before, y they should be ma ctions are meanes ,je jyj^g fashioned vnto the image of his to make vs lyke J o the Sonne of God. bonne : that he myght be the fyrst begot ten among many brethren. 30 Moreouer, which he appoynted befo re, them also he caUed, and whome he cal led, them also he iustified, and whome he iustified, them he also glorified. 31 What shal we the say to these thtoges ? F If TO THE ROMAINS. 254 If God be on our syde, who can be aga ynst vs ? 32 Which spared not his owne Sonne, but gaue him for vs aU to death : how shal he not with him geue vs aU thinges also ? 33 Who shal laye any thing to the char- Luk. 20. b. ge of Goddes chosen ? it is God that * " iu- esa.bo.c stifieth : cet^hlsHust 34 Who then shal condemne ? it is Christ in his Sonne, which is dead, yea rather which is risen agayne : which is also at the ryght hand of God, and maketh intercession for vs. G 35 Who shal separate vs from the loue of k Christe ? shal tribulation, or anguishe, or ¦¦ Wherwith he persecutid, ether honger, ether nakednes, jj|a£jjr ™t'e "'J^fJ ether peril, ether sworde ? loue is gr'ownded Psal. 44. d. 36 As it is wrytten, * For thy sake are we ^JSrSTS 7™ ?oditi'5 " kyUed all day longe, and are counted as chris'e 's the pie- ot Lr-bristes . •_¦_••_•_ 3fic tnerot. churche. shepe appointed to be slayne. 37 Neuerthelesse, in aU these thynges we are more then conquerers through him that loued vs. 38 For I am persuaded that nether death, nether lyfe, nether Angels, nor ' principa- i Paul setteth lities, nether powers, nether thinges pre- a°e13"theywSnderfui sent, nether thinges to come, nature of the spi- 39 Nether height, nether depth, nether £&. "j^1, thde any other creature shalbe able to departe Co1- '-. d- "j*" 'he vs fro the loue of God, which is in Christ e.b. C0I.2.C. lesus our Lord. THE IX. CHAPTER. Hauing testified his great loue towardes his nation, and the signes therof, he entreateth of the Election and Reprobation. Of the vocation of the Gentils, and reiection of the lewes* Chap. IX. THE EPISTLE » As becometh T say the trueth a in Christe, and lye not, a him that reueren- ¦ . , . . ,, ceth Christe, or my conscience bearing me wytnes in the "hrae."f"eCh,ri- holy Gost, ste ruleth & so ta- ^ ' keth christe for 2 That I haue great heuynes and conti- his witenes. ^^ gorowe m my heart 3 *For I wolde wysshe my selfe to be A4ci!.9.a. "separat from Christ, for my brethren },;,cc"'- \b-a • . . - i . -\ "He wolde re which are my kinsmen, as pertayning to deme the re- rlip flpslip iectoofthe tne nesne, ieweswithhis 4 Which are the Israehtes : to whom per- owne damna- b The Arke of tayneth the adoption, and the b glorie, and seeit° waTa'Sgne the " * Couenantes, and the geuing of the " The two ta- of Gods presence, Lawe, and the seruice of God, and the pro uawnt 'he c° was called Gods „,* „„ r>/,„„ 'o _ glorie. 1 .Sam.4.d. mises- Chap 2. c. Psai.26.b. 5 Whose are the fathers, and they of who *"pfte* "*" c" me, as concerning the fleshe, Christ came, which is God ouer aU blessed for euer. christe is Amen. God- 6 * Nothwithstanding it can not be that B the wordes of God shulde take none ef- Chap. 2. d feet: for they are not aU Israehtes which came of the father Israel : 7 Nether are they all chyldren, because • The Israelites theyarethe seed of Abraham : *but incIsa- Gen. 21 . *,. raeTby0'hbeirekyn- ac shal thy seed be caUed. heb.ll.d. red but by the so- 8 That is to say, they which are the chil- cret election of God, which is a- dren of the " fleshe, are not the chyldren " As, ismael. vocation6 6X'ernal of God : but the * chUdren of promes, are Gat. 4. d. counted the seede. 9 For this is a worde of promes, * In thys Gen. 18.6. same tyme wyl I come, and Sara shal haue a sonne. 10 Nether he only proued thesethinges: but C also * Rebecca when she had conceaued by Gen. 25. v. one, I meane by our father Isaac, 1 1 For yer ihe children were borne, when they had nether done good nether bad, that TO THE ROMAINS. 255 y the purpose of God which is by his ele ction, that is, not by workes, but by him y calleth, myght stande sure, Gen. 25. e. 12 It was sayd vnto her, * The elder shal serue the yonger. Malac.i.a. 13 As it is written, * I haue loued lacob, and haue hated Esau. 14 What shal we say then ? Is there any vnrightuousnes wyth God ? God forbyd. 1 5 For he sayth toMoses,Idwil haue mer 5 So we beyng many, are one body in ueraiy vse them Christe, and euery man among our selues, t0 Gods honour- one anothers members. l.Pet.4.b. 6 * Seyng then that we haue diuers giftes according to the grace that is geuen vnto . c B? propheciig o o m o here, he meaneth ,, B faith he vs : whether we hauecprophecie, let vspro- preaching and tea- meaneth the pkecie according to y proportio of " faith. ^^!^ GoTinChrist 7 Or if we haue an office, let vs ivaite on such offices as aP- with 'be gifts our office. So he that teacheth, lef him be churche, as ei! Cost. Occupied to teaching. ders,Deacons,&c. K.ui. Chap. XII. THE EPISTLE 8 Also he y exhorteth let him be diligent in exhortation . he that " distributeth, the al- " of officers, mes,lethim doit with singlenes: he that ru- Iconsfsomc6 " He meaneth leth, with dUigeCe ; he that d Sheweth mer- Gouemors, ZZZeiViZ cie" let him do it with cherfulnes. 1__Z_\SS_. vnto the poore, as 9 Let loue be without dissimulation. n^erettlfwidowes! * Abhorre that which is euyl, and cleaue Amos.b.a. Act.6.a.i.tim.5.b. ynto that which is good. 10 * Be affectioned to loue one another C with brotherly loue. In geuing honour, go Ephe.4.a. one before another. h'ebA3.a.' 11 Not slothful to do seruice. feruent in sprite, seruing the Lord. 1 2 Reioycing in hope, patient in tribula tion, * continuing to prayer. Luk.l8.a. 13 * Distributing vnto the necessitie of l.Cor.i6.a. the Satoctes. * geuing your selues to ho- j~J£j '43"^" spitahtie. 14 * Blesse them which persecute you: Matth.b.g. blesse / say, but curse not. 1 5 Be mery with them that are mery, and wepe with them that wepe. 16 Be of lyke affection one towards ano- D ther. *Be not hie minded: but make your Prou.3.a. selues equal to them of the lower sorte. esa-6-e- Be not wise to your owne opinions. 17 * Recompence to no man euyl for Prou. 20. e. • Lyue so hone- euyl e Procure thinges honest to the syght matth. b.f. stly & Godly that rJ ,1 ° J *** 1. pet. 3. b. i fynde of all men. 2. cor. 8. d. no man can 1 fault with you. j 8 * If it be possible, as muche as in you Heb. I2.d. lyeth, haue peace with aU men. 1 9 Dearly beloued, * auenge not your sei- Eccl. 2. a. ues, but geue roume vnto wrath : for it is matth.b.f. wrytte,* Vengeance is myne : I wil repaye, Deut.32.d. sayth the Lord. heb.10.fi 20 * Therfore, yf thyne enemy honger, fe- Prou.2b.c de TO THE ROMAINS. 260 de him : if he thurste, geue him drinke : for in so doing, thou shalt heape f coles of fy- ' For elh For no priuat chrlstldhis; 6 And eu§ ^ this cause ye paye also tri- »£ •*£_£££ can not wrast bute : for they are Gods mtoisters, seruing which God hath this Dlaep to e _i_ appointed, with estibHsshe for the same purpose. 0ut the breache of their tyranie 7 * Geue to euery man therfore his dutie, his conscience. ouer the con a-ua. i a--t_a a. science. tribute, to whom ye owe tribute : custome, Matt.22.c. to whom custome : feare, to who feare : ho- K.iiii. Chap. XIIII, THE EPISTLE nour to whom ye owe honour. 8 Owe nothyng to any man : but to loue one another : for he that loueth another, hath fulfiUed the " Lawe. "He meaneth 9 For this, *Thou shalt not commit aduou a" table. S6° try : Thou shalt not kyl : Thou shalt not ste- C ale : Thou shalt not beare false wytnes : ^t\ 0' c' Thou shalt not desire : and if there be any other commandement, it is briefely com prehended in this saying, to wit, *Thou Leui. 19. d. shalt loue thy neighbour as thy selfe. q^i'Tif" 10 Loue hurteth not his neyghbour: iam.i.'b. therfore is loue the * fulfillyng of the 2. Tim.l.u. Lawe. 1 1 And that, considering the season, how D that it is tyme that we shoulde now awa ke out of slepe : for now is our saiuation < Before we bele- c nearer, then when we beleued it. v^yne'totwrthe 12 The nyght is passed, and the day hath se things: but now come vnto vs. let vs therfore cast awayy- seing our saluatio - - „ - - , , , /- J isnere.ietvstake dedes of darkenes, and let vs put on the hede that we ne- n arm0ur of befit " Honest ma- glect not this occa ,1™ * , S „ T. 4.1 'a. ners& godly. sion. 13 So that we walke honestly, as it were in the daylight: not in*glotonie,and dro- Luk.21.fi. konnes, nether in chambering and wan- tonnes, nether in stryfe and enuiing : 14 * But put ye on the Lord iesvs Gal.b.c. christe, & take no thoght for the flesh, l-Pet-2.c to fulfil the lustes of it. the xiiii. chapter. The weake oght not to be despiced. No man shoulde offende anothers conscience, but one to a Lest he sholde support another in charitie and faith. depart ether more ignorant then he A cameioreiswitha TTIm that is weake in the " fayth, take "' or.docuine ureater scrupule f I , . , ' , ot the Go of conscience. -*--*-vnto vou, but not to enter mto adout- spei. ful TO the romains. 261 ful disputations of controuersies. 2 One beleueth y he may eate aU thing : another, which is weake in knowlage, ea teth herbes. 3 Let not him that eateth, despice hym that eateth not : and let not hym which ea teth not, iudge hym that eateth. for God hath receaued hym. lam.i.d. 4 * What art thou that condemnest an othermans seruant? he standeth orfaUeth, " it is the to his owne "master: yea, he shal stand: for ter.not thine. God is able to make him stande. 5 Thys man estemeth one day before an other day, and another man counteth aU dayes a lyke. let euery man be b fully per- b we must be as- suaded in hys mynde. sured bom™- „ r- tt a.i_ a. t at- j ., - science by Gods B o He that obserueth one day, more the ano worde, in an thigs " Who iud- ther, obserueth it to the Lord : and he that ™at„r!rdl:*at " Tn.i-1-i TnlllfrTlrQl* alrlUIlgC-, \Yt* L dnih wei obserueth not one day more then another, may kllowo what ne doui wel j ' is our libertie: & or no. doth not Obserue it to the Lord. He that ifwebeweake.we eateth, eateth to the Lord : for he geueth fita^*jyrnetopro "Because he God thankes : and he that"eatethnot, cea- ° Herewe must £E£\£ 6 teth not to the Lord, and geueth God than- j£f &?^%& clene by the tes, keth of thinges Lawe. ,_ -J, - ,. , ,. . . .,. which of them sel- "Botheour li- 7 r OF none OI VS liueth to hym Selte : ne- ues are indifferet, ?ght&t„depro1 ther dothe any of vs dye to him selfe. g£»^ *™ at our bro- 8 For whether we lyue, we lyue vnto the next that he repro- ther. ti i . i_ ' j i _ __ neth not the conde -Lord : or whether we dye, we dye vnto the ning 0f the act.but Lord, whether we lyue therfore, or dye, °^e *"e™"J"eh^ We are the LordeS. meaneth not the 9 For Christ therfore dyed & rose agay- ci^whomTto ne, and reuiued, that he myght be Lord calleth dogges & 1,1 r . . , j, :9 concision, but the both ot the dead and the quicke. weake&infirme to 10 But why doest thou iudge thy bro- ^Tof/eueSd ther? other why doest thou despice thy bro the perfect Hber- 2.Cor.b.b. ther? * for we shalbe aU brought before the iudgement seate of Christ. Chap. XI1II. THE EPISTLE 1 1 For it is written, * I lyue sayth the C Lord, and euery knee shal bowe to me, & ExoAb.d. aU tongues shal " confesse vnto God. ^'__\_ acknow 12 So shal euerv one of vs geue accomptes i****** E?6, f01' C 1 • Ia- A. "rr A the"" G0d- of him selfe to God. 1 3 Let vs not therfore iudge one another any more : but vse your iudgement rather in this, that no man putte a stombltog blocke, or an occasion to faU, in his bro thers way. 14 " I knowe, & am ful certified through " He preuen- the Lord lesus, that ther is nothing vncle- ct[0UtWhich'6 ne of it selfe : but vnto him that iudgeth it the christias to be vnclene, to him it is vnclene. 15 But if thy brother be greued with thy meat, now walkest thou not charitably. * destroy not him with thy meat, for whom 1. Cor. b.d. Christ dyed. 'i which is the be 16 Cause not your d comoditie to be euU D nefit of Christia li onnlrpn nf bcrtie, by abusing sP0Ken or- ,,-,,. wherof, ye cause 1 7 For the kyngdome of God is not me- bitupheme iSreGo' a* and drinke: but rightuousnes, peace, & spei, which might i0ye "n the holy Gost. seme to them con , X -n , „ • i ,i • trarictoGodswii, 18 For whosoeuer in these thmges ser- •¦» peace & o?tteh£aw°e?'rin6 ueth Christ, pleaseth God wel, and is c5- r"*tu°usn6S- mended of men. 19 Let vs the folow those thinges which make for peace, and wherwyth one may edifie another. 20 Destroy not the worke of God for me ates sake. * aU thinges to deed are pure : Tit. I . d. but it is euyl for that man which eateth wyth offence. 21 * It is good nether to eate fleshe, nether l . Cor. 8. b. to drinke wyne, nether any thing, wherby thy brother stombleth, ether is offended, or made weake. 22 Thou TO THE ROMAINS. 262 22 Thouhast e faith : haue it with thy selfe « Faith, here is before God. Happy is he that codeneth not tako? for ? £ul "?"* . "FJ i • i , i i suasion of theChrl him selfe in that thyng which he aloweth. stian libertie in 23 For he that maketh conscience, is dam as'^Ap^ueta': ned if he eate : because he doth it not of t^P*"*"^" it in tho "Or.ofaright faith, and whatsoeuer is not of "fayeth, is conscience. gimle THE XV. CHAPTER. S. Paul exhorteth them to support and loue one an other by the example of Christe, and by the onely mercie of God which is the cause of saiua tion both of the one and the other. He sheweth his zeaie towarde them, and the Churches, and requireth the same of them. A "\ 7Ve which are stroge, oght to beare the » frailnes of the weake, and not to loke onely to our selues. 2 Therforeleteuery ma loke vnto his neygh bourvnto his welth, that is to a edifie him. » To edifle, signi- 3 For Christe had not respect to him sei- ^f^ets" Psal 69.6. fe, but, as it is written, *The rebultes ofthe noighbour.ethcrto ,.,ii .i r mi bring him to Chri "I didso hea- which rebuke thee, tel On me. ste.orif he be wo re them as if 4 For whatsoeuer thtoges are written a- ne.thathemaygro they had be- /• i * w^ irom laitn to ne done to me fore time, are written for our learning, faith, for the faith andnottomy that we through pacieCe] and comforte of ™«™ ^%t- the Scriptures, mvght haue hope. rnv.?*etisi r'lsi'i<*"?t . i, A .J r • a l by his holy Spirit: "Which isthe 5 NOW, the God Of pacience and COnSOla- and these faithful amor of pacie ti6> geue you that ye be * lyke mynded one ^^^Lk, 2' Cor 1 b towardes another, after the ensample of that is, the vniuer _¦.<, S a-ii • . t sal Churche of the pllll.S.d. Christ leSUS. which buylding. B 6 That ye aU agreyng together, may with christe^tte chief one mouth prayse God and the Father of 54. Reu. 21. Eph, our Lord lesus Christe. "To make vs 7 Wherfore receaue ye one another, as Gaoafgiorie°f Christ receaued vs, to the" glofie of God. Chap. XV. THE EPISTLE 8 And I meane thus, that lesus Chnste was a minister ofthe Circiicisio, for the "trueth " That God of God, to confirme the promises made vn- SJowen'true. to the fathers. 9 And let the GentUes prayse God for his mercie, as it is written, * For thys cause I Psal. 18.d. wyl praise thee among the Gentils, and sin ^sam-22-d- ge vnto thy Name. 10 And agayne he sayeth, * Reioyse ye Deu.32.f. GentUes with his people. 11 And agayne, * Prayse the Lord aU ye Psal. 116. b. Gentils, and laude ye him aU nacions to gether. 1 2 And agayne Esai sayth, * There shalbe Esai. 11. c. * which is Chri the rote of lesse, and b he that shal ryse to J^™b*^*j5j| a?'ry°ngedbuddl raygne ouer the GentUs, to him shal the iewlsandGs Srfro'te3 ^^ & GentilS t™*' thers" glor^ 1 3 Now the God of hope fyl you with aU they oght by i . i i . J . i . i his example ioye and peace in beleuing : that ye may be to loue toge- ryche in hope through the power of the ho tner- ly Gost. 14 And I my selfe am ful persuaded of you (my brethren) that ye your selues are ful of goodnes, and fylled wyth aU know ledge, and are able to exhorte one ano ther. 15 Neuerthelesse brethren, I haue som- what boldly after a sort written vnto you, as one that putteth you in remembrance, through the grace that is geuen me of God. 1 6 That I should be the minister of lesus Christe among the Gentils, ministring the glad tydinges of God, that the Gentils pj might be an acceptable " offering, sancti- " The minis- fied by the holy Gost. peopietoGod 17 1 haue therfore wherof I may reioyse bytteGospel. TO THE ROMAINS. 263 in Christ lesus to those thinges which per tayne to God. 1 8" For I ame not able to speake of any thing, which Christ hath not wroght byme, to make the GentUs obedient with worde & dede. 19 In myghty signes and wonders, by the power of the Sprite of God : so that from le rusalem and the cosies roiide about vnto II- tyricum, I haue fulfyUed raz/Me office of prea ching the Gospel of Christe. E 20 Yea so I enforsed my selfe to preache the Gospel, not where Christ was named, lest I sholde haue buylt on another mans foundation : Esai. 52. d. 21 But as it is written, * To whom he was not spoken of, they shal se : and they that heard not, shal vnderstand. Chap.i.b. 22 For thys cause I haue bene * oft let to l.thess.2.d. come vnto you. 23 But now seyng I haue no more to do in these countres, and also haue bene desirous many yeres agone to come vnto you : 24 When I shal take my iorney into Spay- ne, I wyl come to you : for I trust to se you to my iorney, and to be broght on my way thytherwarde by you, after that I haue be ne somewhat filled with your compa- gnie. " which was 25 Now go I vnto Ierusalem, to " minister 'aime!!7 'he ^^ the Sainctes. F 26 For it hath pleased them of Macedonia and Achaia, to make a certayne distributio vnto the poore Sainctes which are at Ieru salem.27 It hath pleased them I say, fit their det- Chap. XVI. THE EPISTLE ters are they. * For if the Gentils be ma- l. Cor. 9. b. de partakers of their spiritual thinges, their dutie is to minister vnto them in car nal thtoges. 28 When I haue performed this, and ha- * i shal faithful ue broght them this " frute c sealed : I wil "Almes is the ly leaue it with if • a. c- fruite of faith the. & as it were se PasSe by yOU into fepayne. and charitie. aied moste surely. 29 * Andlam sure when Icome.that I shal Chap.i.b. d His coming come to you with d abondance of the bles- tfotte^forGo'd6 sing of the Gospel of Christ. dltBkU6himabUf 30 Also brethren I besecheyou for our Diuine mysteries Lord lesus Christes sake, and for the loue to ^municate ™" of the Sprite, that ye * wolde striue with 2. Cor. l . b. me in your prayers to God for me. 31 That I may be dehuered from them G which are disobedient in Iewrie, and that this my seruice which I haue to do at leru ¦ He feared lest salem, may be e accepted of the Sainctes : wouidrhaue'made 32 That I maycomevnto you with ioye, by odioufof i e'her tlle wil °* ^0(i" & may ^ y°u ,3e refreshed. ceptabie. "33 Thus the * God of peace be with you Esai. 9. b. aU. Amen. THE XVI. CHAPTER. After many recommendations he admoni- sheth them to beware false brethren and to be circumspect. He prayeth for them, and geueth thankes to God. T Commende vnto you Phebe our syster A -*- which is a seruant ofthe Churche of Ce- chrea. 2 That ye receaue her in the Lord, as it beco meth Sainctes, & that ye assist her in what soeuer busynes she neadeth of your ayde. for she hath gyuen hospitalitie vnto ma ny, and to me also. 3 Grete TO THE ROMAINS. 264 ActeslS.a. 3 Grete * PriscUla and AquUa my helpers in Christ lesus. 4 "Which haue for my lyfe layde downe their owne neckes. Vnto whome not I only geue thankes, but also all the Churches of the GentUs. 5 Lykewyse grete the Churche that is in their house. Salute my welbeloued Epene- tus, which is the afyrst fruts among them of " The first which a„i,.,;„ :_ m,™A.„ wascosecrattothe Acnaia in Chnste. Lord by embra. B 6 Grete Marie which bestowed muche la- sin*" the Oospei. bour on vs. 7 Salute Andronicus and Iunia my cosyns and feUow prisoners with me, which are " They were wel taken among the Apostles, and"were chrUte by in Christe before me. faith. 8 Grete Amplias my beloued in the Lord. 9 Salute Vrbanus our helper to Christe, and Stachys my beloued. 10 Salute AppeUes approued in Christ. Sa lute them which are of Aristobul' friendes. 11 Salute Herodion my kynsman. Grete them w hich are of the friendes of Narcissus, / meane them which are in the Lord. 12 Salute Triphena and Triphosa, which women labour in the Lord. Salute the belo ued Persis, which woma hath laboured mu che in the Lord. 13 Salute Rufus chosen in the Lord, and his mother and myne. C 14 GreteAsyncritus,Phlegon,Hermas,Pa trobas, Mercurius, and the brethren which are with them. 15 Salute PhUologus and Iuhas, Nereas, & bTmswasasi8no his syster, & Olympas, and all the Sainctes of amitie amonge i_. i ... ., the lews, which he which are with them. wiiieth to be holy, 16 Salute one another with an holy b kisse. that is that it come mi yn i a-ii • i from a mynde, ful The Churches of Christe salute you. of godly charitie. Chap. XVL THE EPISTLE 17 1 beseche you brethren, watche dilige- tly them which cause diuision & offences, contrary to the doctrine which ye haue le arned, and auoyde them. 1 8 For they that are suche, serue not the Lord lesus Christ, but their owne"beUyes, " These be markes to the - The worde si- and withcfayre speache and flattering, de- J^JJe p?omishettimu'chae' ceaue the heartes of the simple. ' faiseApostics andperformethno 19 For your obedience is knowen of alln thing, who semeth -rii-Air- 7. also to speake for men. 1 am glad therfore as touching you: noliun0gfli'essue'do'h but yet I wolde haue you wyse, vnto that which is good : & to be innocent, as concer ning euyl. 20 The God of peace shal treade Satan vn der your fete shortly. The grace of our Lord lesus Christ be with you. 21 * Timotheus my compagnio, and Lucius Act. 16. a. and Iason, and Sosipatermy kynsmen, salu *"""• l0, te you. 22 I Tertius, which wrote out this epistle salute you in the Lord. 23 * Gaius myne hoste, and the hoste of the 1. Cor.l.b. whole Churche saluteth you. Erastus the " chamberlaine of the " citie saluteth you. -or.receauer. and Quartus a brother saluteth you. " Cormthus- 24 The grace of our Lord lesus Christe be with you att. Amen. 25 *To hym that is of power to stablyshe Eph.3.d. you according to my Gospel, & preaching « Bothe as tou- of lesus Christe, * in vtteryng of the d my- Eph.3. b. ofthe Gospef and sterie, ft was kept secrete sence the worl- c°lhd- fhe°Ghe6nS1!ing°fdebegall: tit A .a .^ 26 (But now is opened, & pubhshed am5g I. pet. 1. d. all nations by the Scriptures of the Prophe tes, at the commandement of the euerla- sting God, to stere vp obedience to the fayth) 27 To TO THE ROMAINS. 265 27 To God I say, which alone is wyse, be prayse through iesvs Christ for euer. Amen. Written to the Romains from Corinthus and sent by Phebe, seruant of the Chur che, which is at Cenchrea. THE ARGVMENT OF THE first Epistle to the Corinthians. FTER that S. Paul had prea ched at Corinthus a yere, and an halfe, he was compelled by the wickednes of the lewes, to sayle into Syria In whose absen ce false Apostles entred into the Churche, who being puffed vp with vaine glorie, and affectat eloquence soght to bring into contempt the sim- plicitie which Paul vsed in preaching the Go spel. By whose ambitio suche factions and schis mes sprange vp in the Churche, that from opi nions in pollicies, and ceremonies, they fel to false doctrine and heresies : calling into dout the resurrection from the dead, the chief est point of Christian religio. Against these euyls the Apo stle procedeth preparing the Corinthians, harts Sf eares with gentil salutations, but sone after he reproueth their contentions and debats, their ar- rogancie and pride and exhorteth them to Con corde and humilitie, setting before their eyes the L,i. spiritual vertue, and heauenly wisdome of the Gospel, which can not be persuaded by worldely wit, and eloquent reasons: but is reueiled by Gods Spirit, and so sealed in mens harts. Ther fore this saluatio may not be attribute to the mi nisters, but only to God, whose serudts they are, and haue receaued charge to edifie his Churche .- wherin sainct Paul behaued him selfe skilfully buylding according to the foundation (which is Christ) and exhorteth others to make ihe ende proportionable to the hegynning : taking diligent heed they be not polluted with vayne doctrine : seing they are the temple of God. And as for those which douted of his Apostieship he she weth the that he depedeth not on mans iudge ment, albeit he had declared by manifest signes that he neuer soght his owne glorie, nether yet how he might lyue, but only the glorie of Christ. which thing at his camming he wolde decla re more amply, to the shame of those vayne glo rious braggers, who soght them selues only : and therfore suffred most horrible vices vnpo- nished: as incest, contentions, plaidings befo re infideles, fornication, and such like, to the great slander of the Gospel. This done he answe reth to certeine pointes of the Corinthians let ter, as touching single life, duety of mariadge, of discord and dissension amongs the maried, of virginitie, and seconde mariage. And because some thoght it nothing to be present at idole ser- uice, seing in their heart they worshiped the true God, he warneth them to haue respect to their weake brethre, whose faith by that dissem bling was hindred, and their consciences wo unded, which thing rather then he wolde do, he wolde neuer vse that libertie which God had ge uen him. But forasmuche as pride Sf selfe wil was the cause of those great euils, he admoni- sheth them by the example of the lewes not to glorie in these outwarde giftes, whose horrible ponishemet for the abuse of Gods creatures, oght to be a warning to all men to followe Christe vprightly, without all pollution and offence of others. 266 others. Then he correcteth diuers abuses in the ir Churches, as touching the behauiour of men and wome in the assembles of the Lords Supper : the abuse of the spiritual giftes : which God hath geuen to mainteyn loue, and edifie the Churche : as concerning the resurrection fro the dead, with out the which, the Gospel serueth to no vse. Laste of all he exhorteth the Corinthians to relieue the poore brethern at Ierusalem : to perseuere in the loue of Christ, and wel doing : sending his commendations, and wishing them peace. L.ii. THE FIRST EPISTLE OF PAVL TO THE CO RI N thians. THE PTRST CHAPTER. He praiseth the great graces of God shewed toward them, exhorting them to Concorde Sf hu militie. He beateth downe all pride, and wisdo me which is not groiided on God, shewing that all true wisdome standeth in the despiced crosse of Christe. H Whome God hath separat from the rest of the world, purified, & geuen to hisSOne, that he might be which in them, & they „ * , , ., . in him. are a sanctified m Christe lesus Corinthus, avl by voca A tion an Apo stle of IESVS Christ, thro ugh y wyl oiAct.lb.b. God, & our 1-thesA.b. brother Sos- "^ &*¦ tenes : mercie & cal- n \T a. o /-ii bng of God. 2 Vnto y Ch Rom.i.a. urche of Godephe.l.a. to the that-^-f- Saintes tit. 2.c. by TO THE CORINTHIANS. 267 2. Tim.2.d. by catting, * wyth all y b caU on the Name ¦> which is to a colos.l.b. of our Lord Iesus Christe in euery place, Krf God" \0 both their Lord I say, and ours. worship him,,* se- ^ _-, , *" i n /-i j ke vnto him for 3 Grace be to you, and peace from (jod heipe. our Father, and from the LordiEsvs Christe.4 I thanke my God alwayes on your be halfe, for the grace of God, which is geue you in lesus Christe. Tit.2.c. 5 * That in aU thtoges ye are made riche philip. 3.d. "m hym, in c aU kynde of speache, and cHecomendeth "As membres J J * those giftes in the, of tte same knowledge. whose abuse after body which g Euen ag the testimonie of lesus Christe he doth ¦-'¦proue. cornrnuuiCEiG m with their he hath bene confirmed in you. iaT/ies.3.d. 7 So that ye are behynde in no gyft:* way 5.d. ting for the appearing of our Lord lesus Christ. B 8 Which God, shal also strengthen you vn " For ther is to the ende, that ye may be " blamelesse in UonTttem the day of our Lord lesus Christe. that are graf 9 * God is faythful, by who ye are caUed iesus" "s vnto y felowship of his Sone lesus Christe Psal. 138. our Lord. i.thes.b.d. 1Q Nqw j |,esechy0U brethre, in the Name Rom. 15. b. of our Lord lesus Christe, * y ye aU d spea- <" Disagreing in phil. 3.d. ^ one thynge, and that there be no dissen ^sentioTofmy'n tions among you : but be ye knyt togither de- wherof proce- . ? J , . . - J r- deth repugniicie of in one minde, and in one iudgement. iudgemet.which is 1 1 For it hath bene declared vnto me my £m™*||?Je?^e. brethre, of you, by the that are of the hou se of Cloe, that ther is strife among you. 1 2 And this is it that I meane, that euerie one of you sayeth, I holde of Paul, I hol de of Apollos, I holde of Cephas, I holde C of Christe. "Read the an 13 js Christe deuided ? was Paml crucifi- the Act.3.c. ed for you ? ether were ye baptized * in the L.hi. Chap. I. THE FIRST EPISTLE Name of Paul ? 14 I thanke God, that I baptized none of ¦ ThisGaius was you, but * Crispus, and e Gaius. Act. 18. c. se^ous^'aj'scTthe L5 Lest any should say, that I had bapti- churche was atCo zed in myne owne name. ther was yet ano- 16 I baptized also the householde of which wa^ofDer- Stephanas : furthermore knowe I not, whe be, and followed ther I baptized any other. ct.2 .a. , y -por Qjjrist sent me not to " baptize, but " chiefely, & to preache the Gospel, not wyth " * wysdo- S^S^ • whs ms shoide me of talke, f lest f crosse of Christ shold °r art orato- attribute that vn- i 1 a p at a. rie- to eioquece which haue bene made of none effect. ChaP.2.a. only belonged to 18 For the preachtog of the crosse, is to gal.b.a.2. 0 "them that perishe, folishnes : but vnto 2-PetA-°- vs which are saued, it is the * power of Rom.l.b. God. 19 For it is written, I * wil destroye the .Esa. 29. e. wysdome of the wyse, and wyl cast away the vnderstanding of the prudent. 20 Where is the wyse ? where is the " Scri- "Or, the inter « He that is so be ? where is the ** disputer ofthis world ? \__lm ° stag'questioi!6"^ hath not God made the wisdome of this herein Paul re- world folishnes ? be°tC learned6 as 21 For whe the world by wysdome, knew D thogh not one of not (j0(i m the wysd0me of God : it plea- them colde perce- ' J * aue by his owne sed God by fohsh preaching, to saue them wisdome this my- a.l ,, vlpi_„p sterie of Christ re lnax Deieue. ueiied in the Go- 22 Seing also that the lewes require a * sygne, and the Grekes seke after wysdo- Mat. 12. t. me. 23 But we preache Christe crucified : vn to the lewes, an occasion of fallyng : and vnto the Grekes, folyshnes : 24 But vnto them which are called, both ofthe lewes & Grekes, we preache Christe, the power of god, and the wysdome of God. 25 For TO THE CORINTHIANS. 268 25 For the hfolyshenes of God, is wyser <¦ He speaketh in the men : and the weakenes of God, is stro- SaTho cot*6 ger then men. ry to their coscien 26 Brethren you se your callyng, how that these thinges to " According not many wyseme " after the fleshe, not ma ^^StSi Srmett" w'e ny myghty, not many of hye degre, are cal- iy and weakenes. men. led. 27 But God hath chosen the folyshe thin ges of the worlde, to confounde the wyse : and God hath chosen the weake thinges of the world, to confound thinges which are myghty. 28 Andvyle thinges ofthe worlde, & thin ges which are despiced, hath God chosen, yea, and thinges ' ft are not, for to bring i which are in » Estemed, * to UOght thtoges " that are. n^nof" mreputatio. 29 That no fleshe shulde reioyce in his taken for abiects & castaways. presence.30 But ye are of hym in Christ lesus, who lere. 32. a. of God is made vnto vs * wisdome, & righ tuousnes, and sanctification, and redem ption. Iere.9.g. 31 That according as it is written, * He 2-cor.lO.d. which reioyseth, k shulde reioyce in the k That is, shuid T - J J attribute allthings Lord. to God with than kes geuing. THE II. CHAPTER. He puttethfor exaple his maner of preaching which was according to Vie tenor of the Gospel. which Gospel was contemptible Sf hid to the carnal, t. agayne honorable Sf manifest to the spiritual. A \ Nd I brethre whe I came to you, came Chap.i.c. -ft-not to * gloriousnes of wordes.^ or of ^Xirby God "or.mysterie. wysdome, shewyng vnto yOU the a testi- doth manifesthim . ,ri j selfe to the world, monie Ot trod. a or wherof God is 2 For I dyd not vendicat to my selfe to theautor&witues. L.iiii. Chap. II. THE FIRST EPISTLE " knowe any thyng among you, saue lesus "or, i thoght Christe, and him crucified. tty'^br''" b Herein appe- 3 * And I was among you in D weaknes, & knowen. destie, 1Swh6a'was m feare, and in muche tremblyng. c " T Blorihus' h,"' 4 Nether stode my wordes, and my prea- ™t fui of vayne' ching in the * entysyng speache of mannes Chap. i.e. g^U ^h wysdome : but in playne euidence of" spi- f,fr%^nlj fearefictreblingset ritual power. and Diuine. p'owerofcod. '6 5 That your faith shold not stande in the wysdome of me : but in the power of God. 6 And we speake wysdome among them B « They.whose vn that are c perfecte : not y wysdome of this fumin^tHfaith; world, nether of y " chiefest of this world " whome _. acknowiage this which come to noght. I,™/orwTis" wisdome, which H to dome, riches tte worlde calleth 7 But We Speake the Wysdome of God, or power me foIy' which is hid in a mysterie, to wit, y secret m0S wisdome, which God ordeyned before the world, vnto our glorie. 8 Which wysdome " none of the heades of " That is ve- this world knewe : for had they knowen it, ry ewe' d He calleth ie- they wolde not haue crucified the d " Lord " The diuini- sus the mightie p i • tie of Christ, God, ful of true OI glone. & conionctio glorie & maiestie, 9 Butwe preache as it is written/Thingsw of \w° natu- whomeDauidalso 1.1 o i,i ,ii res in one per calleth the King eye hath not sene, & eare hath not heard, sone. Sf^H«Psa1*24" nether haue " entred into mans mynde, _?!?:&*Jk b. and Meuenna- . J _" Ma is not a- meth hi the God which thinges God hath prepared for the bie to thinke of glorie.AcU.a. ^ ^ hym Goe* proui- 1 0 But God hath opened them vnto vs by ies his. his Sprite, for the Spirite searcheth aU thinges, yea, the botome of Goddes secre tes. 1 1 For what man knoweth the thinges of ueZahttat'spi0 aman : saue the" sprite of amanwhichisw Z^.tZ rit which teacheth in him ? euen SO the thinges of God know- Father & the things wher with ., i , .. _, • , c _-, _ Sonne. tho world is deli- etn no man, but the bpnte of God. » Mans myn. ted & whicli men 1 2 And we haue not e receaued the sprite de *vhic'1 *'"1 vnderstand byna- ., , ii, in- i • i _ derstandeth mrc. of the world, but the sprite which cometh &iudgeth. of t man. TO THE CORINTHIANS. 269 " All the be- of God : for to knowe the " thynges that are hTiesuf Chri geuen to vs of God: ste. 1 3 Which thinges also we speake, not in Chap. 1 . c. the * wordes which mas wysdome teacheth, 2. pe*. i.e. but which the holy Gost teacheth: ioy- ning f spiritual things with spiritual thin- ' As that which we teach in spiritu 5*-S' al, soourkyndeof "Whoseknow 14 But the " natural man is not able to teaching must be ment&isUnot Perceaue the thtoges of y Sprite of God, w^ramay'agre cleared by for they are but folyshnes vnto him, ne- wlth the malter- pmt. ^er can be jj.nowe tjiem .. because they are D spiritually discerned. Prou.27.c. 15 But he that is * spiritual, discusseth all thinges : yet he him selfe is *" iudged of « For the trueth of God is not sub- no man . iect t0 tue iudge- EsaAO.d. 16 * For who hath knowen the mynde of ment of E wud'?{ j the Lord, that he myght informe him ? But we haue the " mynd of Christe. THE III. CHAPTER. Paul rebuketh the sectes and authours therof. Christe is the foundation of his Churche. No man oght to attribute his saiuation to the mini sters but to God. That they beware erronious do ctrines. The dignitie and office both of the mini sters and also of all the faithful. A A Nd I could not speake vnto you bre- te* me'cshr\"ffy -^thren as vnto spiritual, but as vnto faith, we begin to carnal, euen as vnto a babes in Christe. anTasV^ promt 2 I gaue you mylke to drinke, and not me- in faith. we growe , ? J , J , , , . vp to a ripe age. at : tor ye then were not able to beare it, ne- And here let him ther are ye in deed as yet. ffiestformy. 3 For ye are yet carnal : for as long verely ke he gyue poi- ., . • . p o son: formilkeand as titer is among you enuying, stryte, & se- stror;e meat in ef_ ctes, are ye not carnal, and walke after {ef f.% oncr bue J ' • only differ in ma- the maner of men ? ner and forme. Chap. III. THE FIRST EPISTLE 4 For as log as one sayth, I holde of Paul : and another, I am of Apollos : are ye not carnal? 5 Who is Paul then ? & who is * Apollos ? B but the ministers by whom ye beleued, & ^ct.is.d. 1 . cor, I 'i as the Lord gaue to euery man. 6 I haue plated, Apollos watred : but God gaue the encreace. 7 So the, nether is he y plateth any thing, nether he that watreth, but God that ge ueth the encreace. 8 He that planteth, and he that watreth ' He chargeth are b one : * and euery man shal receaue his Psal.62.d. les, tte one°, Sai reward, according to his labour. *a'-6-6- they attributed to 9 For we are Goddes " labourers, ye are "So made by "uteil.&thothe'ri Goddes housbandry, ye are Goddes buU- lus(!race- that they prefer- fjfno. red one minister ©' , to another. 1 0 According to the grace of God geuen to me, as a skUful master builder I haue layd the foundatio : and another buyldeth " He ropro- theron . but let euery man take hede how nisters of c'o he buildeth vpon. n****" •"*• tea: * . chers of eun 1 1 For other foundation can no man lay, ous doctrines then that which is layd, which is, lesus and questi,ls- • Or the tyme, Christe. c which is, when the 12 If any man buUd on this foundation, light of the trueth , , i • i shal expel the dar- golde, syluer, precious stones, tymber, knes of ignorance, !.„_ __ oA.nv.lp . then the curious naye> 0r SlODie . ostentation of mas 13 Euery mas worcke shal appeare. for y broghtTo noght. e c day shal declare it, and it shalbe reueled a He reproueth by the " fyre : and the fyre shal trye euery " By the trial them not as false ¦* ¦* J ' J of GoAs Spi. apostles but as cu- mans worcke what lt is. rU y humlinelcfences! 14 If any mas worcke, that he hath buylt „Bolhe his la as they which lo- vpon, abyde, he shal receaue a rewarde. bour&rewar thing at tte sim- l_ T- J . , , , ..„, de. plicitie of Gods lo If anymansworcke burne, he shall lose, »as touching worde,preachephi but he d ghalbe " safe hym gelfe . neuerthe- "s life if he losophical specula . J holde fast the tions. lesse, yet as it were by the fyre. fondation. 1 6 * Know TO THE CORINTHIANS. 270 Chap. 6.d. 1 6 * Knowe ye not that ye are the temple of 2.cor.6.d. God, and that the Sprite of God dweUeth in you ? 1 7 If any man defyle the temple of God, him shal God destroy : for the temple of God is holy, which temple ye are. 18 Let no man deceaue him selfe. If any man seme to him selfe wyse among you in this world, let him be a fole.that he may be wyse. 1 9 For the wisdome of this worlde is fo- lob 5. b. lishnes with God. for it is written,* He cat- cheth the wyse e with their owne crafti- * when they lbs J selues are entan- nes. gied in the same Psal. 94. b. 20 * And agayne, The Lord knoweth that |™™jXr*ej' the thoghtes of the wyse be vayne : " But in God, 21 Therfore let no man " reioyce in men ; who worketh _. n .i_- by his mini, for all thinges are yours. sters. 22 Whether it be Paul, ether ApoUos.ether Cephas, or the world, or els lyfe, or death, whether they be thynges present, or thin ges to come : aU / say are yours : 23 And ye are Christes, and Christ is God des. THE IIII. CHAPTER. After that he had described the office of a true Apostle, seing they dyd not acknowledge him suchone, he appealeth to Gods iudgement : beating downe theyr glorie which hindered the to praise that, which they dispraised in him. Thys done, he sheweth what he requireth on . . their part, Sf what they oght to loke fore of him intollerable3 to'co at his retourne. temne the true mi nisters ofGod: so it is greatly reprehe- AT Et a ma so thinke of vs, as of the a mini- *™L°„ '** ""1^1? I i ' 9 more vnto them -¦-^sters of Chnste, and disposers ofthe se- then is mete. Chap. IIII. THE FIRST EPISTLE cretes of God. 2 Furthermore, it is required of the dispo sers, that they be founde faithful. 3 * As touching me I passe very litle, to be Mat. 7. a. iudged of you, or of mans iudgement. no, I iudge not " myne owne selfe. " whether i ¦¦ For as I do not 4 For I b knowe noght by my selfe : yet am ?Xen'?' {,'",' knowe, wherby I T . ., , . .._.°, ,' ', , < . , §u"s or litle, shulde take any 1 not therby iustified : but the Lord IS he fewe or many. occasion of glorie: flint iiirlirpfri mp Concerning f.Imcer^™i1Udftl1.™" , ¦ , c , rnyne office. that before God an 5 Therfore iudge nothing before the ty- sSeTrTquirlr ™, vntyl the Lord come, which wyl hgh- ten thinges that are hyd in darcknes, and open the counsels of the heartes : and then shal euery man haue prayse of God. 6 These thinges brethren I haue figurati- uely described to myne owne person and Apollos, for your sakes : that ye myght lear ne * by vs, that no man counte of hym selfe » By our ex- beyonde that which is aboue written : that ample- one swel not against another for any mans cause. 7 For who preferreth thee ? and what hast thou, that thou hast not receaued ? If thou hast receaued it, why reioyseth thou, as Theingratitu thogh thou haddest not receaued it ? rinthians. 8 Now ye are ful, now ye are made riche, ye raygne as kynges without vs : and I wol de to God ye dyd raygne, y we also might raygne with you. his' aTu°t„rit?eiltt5e6 9 For I thynke that God hath appoynted C objected that he Vs c the laste Apostles, as it were men desti ™? dae':1',s.6' was not made an , ^ , ^ "> ^ . perils that the Apostle by Christe nate to death, for we are a gasyngstocke Apostieswere ""<• Bf'ethi"ab?tter vnt0 the worlde, and to the Angels, and to m" Uiting in abiecting men. i.n'gfteCo^.SS 10 We are d foles for Christes sake, and ye he maketh them are wyse through Christ, we are weake, & ashamed of their J ° i i i o vayne glorie. ye are stronge : ye are honorabfe, & we are despiced. TO THE CORINTHIANS. 271 despiced. 1 1 Euen vnto this daie we honger, and thirst, and are naked, and are bufFetted, & haue no certayne dweUing place. Act.20.g. 12 * And labour, workyng with our owne 2 0 S$s3 b handes. we are reuyled, and yet we blesse : we are persecuted, and suffer it. Mat.b.g. 13 *We are euU spoken of, and we " pray: luk.23.e. we ^.g ma(je as ja. were the fylthe of the "Or, vse gen- world, the ofscowiingof aU thinges, euen tu wordes. vnto this tyme. D 14 I write not these thinges to shame you, but as my beloued sonnes I warne you. " or.pedago- 1 5 Forthogh ye haue ten thousand" instru s"es' ctours in Christ : yet haue ye not many fa thers : for in Christ lesus, I haue begotten you through the Gospel. 16 Wherfore, I pray you foiowe me. 1 7 For this cause haue I sent vnto you Ti- motheus, which is my deare sonne, & faith- "Forasmuche ful in the Lord, which shal put you in " re- soneforgotto0 membrance of my wayes in Christe, euen as I teache euery where in aU Congrega tions. 1 8 Some swel as thogh I wold not come to you. Act.i9.f. 19 But I wU come to you shortely, * yf iam.4.d. qoci ^^ ^d ^i ljnowe, not the spea- che of them which swel, but the spiritual power. 20 For the e kyngdome of God is not in • That is what- wordes, but to the power of the Spirit. ^WSauld'of 21 What wyl ye? shal I come vnto you God to this ende, ..i i i . i i • ,i ., r. thathe may raigne with a rod, or els in loue and in the sprit ot among vs. mekenes ? Chap. V. THE FIRST EPISTLE THE V. CHAPTER. He reproueth sharpely their negligence in po- nishing him that had committed incest with his mother in lawe : willing them to excommu nicate him. To embrace puritie, and flie wic- kednes. Tt is heard for a trueth that there is forni- A -"-cation among you, and suche fornication nces ' »who woide thi as is not once named among the3 GentUs : suffer1' thatW°nis6 * that one should interteyne hys fathers Leu. 18. a. chief vnponished, wife. barbarous nations 2 And ye swel, and haue not rather soro- abhorre to speake wed; that he which hath done thys ded6j myght be put from among you. 3 * For I verely as absent to body, but pre- Col. 2. a. sent in spirit, haue determined already as thogh I were present, that he that hath " in "Hauing now thys sort done thys dede, rrf^d the 4 When ye are gathered together, and ¦> Witt inuocatio my " spirite, b to the Name of our Lord lesus " My wii and bl^mniettThem Christ, that such one I say, by the power of —" which procure the our Lord lesus Christ, no0tttebiUX6nrd 5 * Be deliuered vnto " Satan, for the ^j^? ' For being won- c destruction of the fleshe, that the Spi- man and pu- so^wthlsTeshe rite may be saued in the day of the Lord blica»- or olde man shal IeSUS. -r. dye rand the sprite n ~*r • • __tt ___ _.-\ ** or newe man shal 6 Your reioysmg is not good : knowe ye " Seing you remayne alyue, & not fafc a little leuen, sowreth the whole "SSJSSrt enioye the victone monstrous vi- in that day when lumpe 01 dowe ? ces among ge^qufckl'and 7 ^ge therfore the olde leuen, that ye -gua,. 5.6. dead. 2. Cor. 4. c. may be a newe lupe of dowe," as ye are swe "As euery ma te bread. forChrist our Easter lambe, is offe S^ure so the red Vp for VS. ^et genera. 8 Therfore let vs kepe holy day, not in ol may be pure. de leuen, nether in the leuen of malici- ousnes and wyckednes : but with the swe te TO THE CORINTHIANS. 272 te bread of puritie and trueth. Mat.l8.c. 9 I wrote vnto you in an epistle,* that ye 2.thess.3.d. should not company with fornicatours. 10 And Id meant not at all with the for- " But he meant r^ • . p., u at. •_, rt of those that were G nicatours of thys world, ether with y coue- conuersant in the tous, or with extorcioners, ether with ido- £eUI0rtet'bWdi™1! laters : for then doutles ye muste go out of piine to haue cor- ,i n /lrii " rected, for as tou- me WOllQ. ching stragers they 1 1 But now I haue writen vnto you, that °"*bt by all means , ,. i, . , godly to wone the who oght to ye company not together : yt any that is cal to christe. be excommu- }ed a brother, be a fornicator, or couetous, "Who to plea or" an idolater, ether a raylar, ether a droc- wow^be^'re- kard, or an extorcioner : with suche one / sent at idoie say, se that ye eat not. professe the 1 2 For what haue I to do, to iudge them Gospel. which are e without ? do ye not iudge them ¦ Vnto whome a.1 a „ ft ut, :-, . the Ecclesiastical that are within? discipline doth not 13 God todgeth them that are without, stretche. Put away therfore from among you that wicked man. THE VI. CHAPTER. He rebuketh them for goyng to Lawe toge ther before the Heathen, and reproueth thabu- sing of Christian libertie, and that we oght to serue God purely both in body and in sou le. A T\Are any of you, hauing busines with "Or,iudges& -'-' another, go to lawe vnder " the a vn- a He calleth the magistrats • a. j a. a.t_ j a.1- Cl • vniust, whosoeuer which are in- raste, and not rather vnder the Sam- are not sanctifled fldels. ctes ? in Obriste. Wisd.3.a. 2 * Do ye not knowe, that the Sainctes shal Mat. ]9.d. iudge the world? If the world shalbe iud ged by you, are ye vnworthy to iudge smal matfprs ? b who are now matters. aPostats& deuils. 3 Knowe ye not thatwe shal iudge tile DAn- Mat. 25. a. Chap. VI. THE FIRST EPISTLE gels ? how muche moremay we iudge thyn ges that pertayne to this lyfe ? 4 If then ye haue iudgementes of worde- ' Yfyesoburne ly matters, them which are c least estemed d"hkedp6|a6c'o°urtaa in the Churche, them I say, set in iudge- mong your selues, ment. estemed.your iud- 5 This I say to your shame. Is ther vtter - easy0oiiidgrbet6 ty n0 wyse man among you ? what not one wene brethern. at all, that can iudge betwene brother and brother ? 6 But one brother, goeth to lawe wyth B another, and that vnder the vnbeleuers ? 7 Now therfore there is vtterly " impa- "Or.impoten tiencie among you, because ye go to lawe cleo m,n °" one with another : * why rather suffer ye Mat.b.f. not wrong? why rather susteine ye not har- 'ui'61"!f*j me ? d He doth not re 8 * Nay, ye your selues d do wrong, and har 1 . Thess. 4. b. wSwtaS ^e, and that to your brethren. conscience vsett 9 Knowe ye not that the vnryghteous shal defenue*hisraight°, not inherite the kyngdome of God ? Be not but condeneth ha- deceaued : * nether fornicatours, nether ido Ephe. .5. a. desire of reue'ugea latrers, nether aduouterers, nether wan- '¦t,m-}"- tons, nether abusers of them selues with the mankynde, 10 Nether theues, nether couetous, nether C dronckards, nether euU speakers, nether extorcioners shal enherite the kyngdome of God. 11 And such were* some of you, but ye are Eph.2.a.b.b washed, but ye are sanctified, but ye are iu- *•'• 3- "• stifled in the Name of the Lord lesus, and mJK ' by the Sprite of our God. Chap. lo.e. • Here he spea- 1 2 * AU e thtoges are lawful vnto me : but eccl.37.d. dffferentt/tte'ir ^ thynges are not profitable : I may do aU "J^^™ nature, and first as thynges, but I wil be broght vnder no lh?se, thlnss touching carnal li ., - /, ° which we can bertie. things power. not want. 13 Meates TO THE CORINTHIANS. 273 1 3 Meates are ordeyned for the beUy,& the beUy for meates : but God shal destroy both it, and them. Let not the body be ap plied vnto f fornication, but vnto the < They abused Lord, and the Lord vnto the body. I?e!t.ts' b2.th.IiI! iaa-tiii i it iia.ii *bat ttey offended Rom.b.a. 14 (jod hath raysed vp the Lord, and shal others therby, and rayse vs vp by his power. £r ow»s D 15 Knowe ye not, that your bodyes are to vnciennes. the members of Christ ? shal I then ta ke the members of Christ, and make them the members of an harlot ? God forbid. 16 Do ye not vnderstand, that he whych coupleth him selfe wyth an harlot, is be- Gen. 2. d. come one body ? * for two (sayth he) shalbe mfr'lOa' 0ne fleShe* ephe.b.g'. 1 7 But he that is ioyned vnto the Lord, is one spirite. 1 8 Flie fornication, euery synne that a man doth, is without the body : but he that is a fornicator, synneth agaynst his owne body. Chap, 3. d. 19 Ether knowe ye not, how that * your 2. cor.6. d. body ig the temple of a.^ jjojy Gost) wfiich is to you, whom ye haue of God ? nether are ye your owne : Chap.7.d. 20 * For ye are boght for a price: therfore 1. per. I.d. glorie God to your body, and in your sprite, for they are Gods. THE VII. CHAPTER. The Apostle answereth to certeyne que stions which the Corinthians desired to kno we, of single life : of the duetie of mariage : of discords and dissention in mariage : of mariage betwene the faithful and vnfaith- M.f. Chap. VII. THE FIRST EPISTLE ful : of vncircumcising the circvmcised .- of seruitude : of virginitie ; and seconde ma riage.AS concerning the thynges wherof ye a wrote vnto me : It were^good for a man through mru-s^or not to touche a woman. ruption, and not 2 Neuertheles, to auoyde fornication, let by Gods institu- ,, , , . J . - _ , , tionbringeth cares euery man haue his wife, & let euery wo- " speaking to & troubles. man haue her owne housband. neraT''0*'6" 3 * Let the man geue vnto the wyfe " due l.Pet.3.b. beneuolence : lykewyse also the wyfe vnto te^neth"aiica the man. dueties per- 4 The wyfe hath not power ouer her owne mariage. body, but the housband : and lykewyse also the housband hath not power ouer his ow ne body, but the wyfe. 5 Defraude not one another, except it be with consent for a time, that ye may geue your selues to fastyng and prayer : and af terwarde come together agayne, lest Satan tempt you for your incontinencie. •> He sheweth that 6 This I say b of " fauour, and not of com- " Lest men he cGmandelh not mQ_jpmpnA shulde thin- precisely all men manuement. eke he gaue a to mary, but that 7 jr0r I wolde wishe that aU men were as precept vnto God hath granted T , - , . , . , , . all to mary. this remedie vnto I myselfe am : but euery man hath his pro- liuTchMte Ca °0' PCT Stf* °f G°d' 0Ile aft<3r thiS maner> an0" ther after that. 8 I say vnto the vnmaried, and widowes, B it is good for them yf they abyde euen as wydowesnS I do. « That is, when 9 But and yf they can not abstayne, let ;™* *e£ manswii so geueth them mary : for it is better to mary then to Cence. place to the lust „ „, __,„, c „ thattempteth.ttat c burne. j tq vponaGodn°;ittaa 10 And vnto the maryed c5mande not I, ^Ao! quiet conscience, but the Lord : let not the * wyfe depart fro luk. 16. a. her TO THE CORINTHIANS. 274 her housband. " For hatred, 1 1 If she * depart, let her remayne vnma- dissention,an- rfed) Qr be rec6cUed vnto her housband a- " saue for gatoe . and let not the housband put " away whordome. Ws ^fe from him_ C 1 2 To the remnant speake I, and not the d d In asmu<-be as Lord. If any brother haue a wyfe, that be- expresiy spoken leueth not, yf she be content to dwel with ^"^^tliTor him, let him not put her away. els he spake this 1 3 And the woman which hath to her hous mou0efd ffit band an infidel, yf he consent to dwel with traffeth in the her, let her not put him away. " is not coun- 1 4 For the vnbeleutog housband is " sancti- &dprophane! ned by the wyfe : and the vnbeleuyng wyfe is sanctified by the housband. or els were your chUdren vnclene : but now are they e holy. "AsintheLawe 15 But and yf the vnbeleuyng depart, let ^^o^Tf him depart, a brother or a sister is not in ether of the parets "When suche subiection in " suche things, but God hath they that are bor- thigs come to ,, i ¦ .„„- ne of ether of the Passe,thatthe cauea vs in peace. parents faithfu)li faithful & vn 1 g p0r what knowest thou 6 Wyfe, whe- are also counted laithtul be, , ,, i 1 1 i «, lumbers of Christs maried toge- ther thou shalt saue thy housband or no ? churche. Other what, knowest thou 6 man, whether thou shalt saue thy wyfe or no ? 17 Euen as God hath distribute to euery " The lawful man, as the Lord hath " caUed euery perso, outward so let him walke : and so ordayne I to aU notWt Churches. neglected. 1 8 Is any man called beyng circumcised ? let him not f gather his vncircumcision. is ' Which is.when any catted vncircumcised ? let him not be art draweth out circumcised. 'he sk*T t0™uer jj . . .the part. Celsus "it is all one " Circumcision is nothing, and vncir- H. 7. ca. 25. Epi- behi'ewIo'rbGl cumcisi6 is nothing, but the kepyng of the fe " & dm^T tn. ™ r 6 commandementes of God. • Maccab.i.b. M.ii. Chap. VII. THE FIRST EPISTLE 20 * Let euery man abyde in the same state Eph.4. a. wherin he was called. itim.6.a. s Althogh God 21 Art thou caUed to be a seruant ? s care sert6fnett's6iift0 n°t for it : but if yet thou maist be fre, vse it yet thynke not thy rather. for" a ' c™7stian? 22 For he that is called to the"Lord being " Being ser- thouarnefiuerel a SerUant> is the LordeS freman: ty^se ^LlL^e by Christ from he that is called being fre, is Christes ser- partaker of the miserable sla- . Christe. uerie of synne and uant. death. 23 Ye are boght " with a price, be not mes ¦• or, dearly seruantes. 24 Brethren let euery man, wherin he was E called, therin abyde " with God. "syncereiy,as * He bideth no -25 As concerning "virgins, I haue nohc5- j." ofeGD)rdesen God hath left free: mandemet of the Lord : but I gyue vnto you "or, the state isu'mts6te'agareabie' myne a(huse,as one thathath obtaynedmer of 7lrginitie" to Gods wii, ac- cie of the Lord to be beleued. cumlfac'e 'of6 the 26 I suppose then " this to be good for the "To be single tyme, place, and present necessitie. Imeane that it is good » in these af- persones. for a man so to be. ^Tl^persecutions. 27 Art thou bonde vnto a wyfe ? seke not to be lowsed. art thou lowsed from a wyfe ? seke not a wyfe. 28 But and yf thou takest a wyfe, thou syn nest not : lykewyse yf a virgin mary, she syn ¦ He dott not pre neth not : neuerthelesse, suche shal haue " ' "As woridely a Sing nforfho" trouble to their fleshe : but I " fauer you. S°«t then manage: but 29 And this I say brethren, because the ty- mil»-- by reason of inco . ¦* ' __. In wishing modities, which me is short hereafter, that bothe they that you coi- tnl ?he6otterm°re * haue wiues.be as thogh they had none : ^Z_T' 30 And they that " wepe, as thogh they "which be in wept not : and they that " reioyce, as thogh ?which be in theyreioyced not : & they that bye, as thogh prosperitie. they possessed not : "in tniswori- 3 1 And they that vse this worlde, as thogh dheinhreD^ ™*| they vsed it not. for the " fashion of this re vanitie. world TO THE CORINTHIANS. 275 world goeth away. 32 And I wolde haue you without care. F The syngle man careth for the thynges of the Lord, how he may please the Lord. 33 But he that hath maried, careth for the "Which oneiy thinges of the " world, how he may please apperteine to v; r this present ms WVIe. '¦fe. 34 There is difference betwene a virgin & a wyfe. the single woma careth for the thin "She may at- ges of the Lord, that she may be"holy, both soner ™tten hi body and also in sprite : but she that is ma the otter, be- ried, careth for the thtoges of the world, cause she is, , , iit_j without how she may please her housband. cares. 35 ^nd A.jjjs j Speake, to declare what is pro fitable for you. not to tangle you in a sna re : but that ye follow that, which is honest & comly, and that ye may quyetly cleaue vn to the Lord without separation. G 36 If any man thinke that it is vncomly for his virgin yf she passe the flowre of her age, "That she & if so"nede requireth, let hym do what he ESion6 tysteth,he synnethnot : let them be coupled in mariage. 37 Neuerthelesse he that purposeth sure ly to his heart, hauing no nede, but hathe k power ouer his owne wyl : and hath so de- * For the fathers creed to his heart, that he wU kepe his vir- ^cugj*^8*;,,™ gin, doth wel. muche as he is bo- 38 So the he that ioyneth his virgin in ma to thei^lnflrmme riage, doth wel : but he that ioyneth not his neth?r c* h.e i****1** . °. . . ,, 1 J require of them "AndmorecO Virgin in manage, doth better. singlenes, if they W\tZ__% 39 The wyfe is bounde by the " lawe, as 16 ^0'*'.^ nreseraing rie or contene that THE X. CHAPTER. taught others to He feareth them wyth the examples of the do. lewes, that they put not their trust carnally in the graces of God : exhorting them to flie all idoiatrie, and offence of their neighbour. Ml [Oreouer brethren, I would not that A '-ye should be ignorat, that our fathers were all vnder* the cloude, and all passed Nom.o.c through the * sea. e*°d " \f f » Moses being 2 And were all * baptized in a Moses, in End it? c nistToyrdL°sromi the cloude, and to the sea : read were bapti- 3 And dyd aU eat the same " b spiritual "Thatis.Man zed vnto Moses . * x na which was Lawe. others, by meat, the outwarde M°They ate the \ j*A dyd all drincke the same spiritu- ^g^ same meatthatwe al drincke : (for they drancke of the spiri- spiritual gra- sub'stance of ^the'hs tual Rocke that folowed them : and that ce* Sc our Sacraments Rocke " was Christ.) " That is, sig 5 But to many of them had God no de- sSfremStt" lyght : for they were ouerthrowen in the *>¦ wyldernes. 6 These are ensamples to vs, to thintent ¦ Because herby that we should not lust after euel thinges occasion was takg * aS they lusted. Nom. 11. a. comm!6' idoiatrie 7 Nether be ye worshyppers of images ^J • differerthtog6 lre as were some °^ them, according as it is b counted idoiatrie. wrytte,*The people sate downe toceat, & Exo.23.b. drynke TO THE CORINTHIANS. 278 dryncke, and rose vp agayne to playe. 8 Nether let vs commit fornication, as some of them committed fornication, and Nom. 25. c. were destroyed in one *" daye twenty and dettTMhou thre thousand. sand- 9 Nether let vs tempt Christe, as some of them tempted, and were* destroyed of ser pentes. 10 Nether murmure ye as some of them Nom. 14. f. * murmured, and were destroyed of the d destroyer. a Meaning ether C 1 1 And all these thinges happened vnto Ang^whose mbl them for ensamples : and were wvrtten to sterieGodyseth to - execute his luotre- " How God put vs to " remembrance, whom the endes ment to the vtter TfVeX- °f the worlde are come vpon. _ d«™ °f *« iect to the ii- 1 2 Wherfore, let him that thynketh he sta "6o™'ia'ter deth, take hede lest he fall. coin^tonrist 13 There hath none other tentation ta ken you, but such as appartayneth to man : but God is faithful, which shal not suf fer you to be tempted aboue your streng- the : but shal to the middes of the tentation oHettatledyou e make away, that ye may be able to be- »"? *¦** tetation, J J J which cometh vn- are it. to you ether in 14 Wherfore my deare beloued, flie from 5f7 afd*: idoiatrie. J0UI" synnes past, D 15 I speake as vnto them which haue di- "(UodiUe &°deil- scretion, iudge ye what I say. ™ *™»- effectual »or,thankes 16 Is not the cuppe"of blessing which we badge of our con Sotprepare hlesse, " the communion of the bloud of JS^thcSe. to this holy Christ? Is not the bread wliich we brea- « if we that are Ifandttan'ks1 ke, f the communion of the body of Chri- nuTon'e'body^nef geuing. of o > feet, ioyned with " e »ie I our head christe, 17 Because that we which are many, are as many comes *" one bread and one body, to as muche as ftae6 vfrenrance we aU are partakers of one bread. idoiatrie, which ~T ' ,f _¦ , , . , . »_ ^1 n doth separat our 1 8 Beholde Israel which is arter the fie- vnitie. Chap. X. THE FIRST EPISTLE she : Are not they which eat of the sacrifice, partakers of the aulter ? 1 9 What say I then ? that the image is any e thyng, or that it, which is offered to ima ges, is any thynge? 20 Nay, but I say, y these thinges which the Gentils offer, they offer to deuils, and not vnto God : and I would not that ye should haue " felowshyppe with the de- "Ortoassem- •i hie in that cu UUS. panie where 21 Ye can not dryncke of the cup of the jd°'es are cal Lord, and of the cup of the deuUs. Ye can not be partakers of the Lordes table & of the table of deuUs. 22 Do we prouoke the Lord ? or are we stronger then he ? 23 * All thynges are laweful for me, but Chap. 6. c. all thyngs are not expediet : all things are eccle.37.d. lawful for me, but att thinges edifie not. 24 Let no man seke his owne profit, but F let euery man seke anothers wealth. >¦ For in those 25 Whatsoeuer is solde in y h fleshe mar- coustomld To6 sei ket, that eat ye, and " aske no questions for " Or, doute she'rf be*t6esfls6a conscience sake. not* crined.intnesha- 26 * For the earth is the Lordes, and all Psal. 24. a. bles & tourned the a.t.„a. a-T-~ :« :„ money to the that there m is. Priests proffit. 27 If any of them which beleue not, byd you to a feast, and if ye be disposed to go, whatsoeuer is set before you, eat, askyng no question, for conscience sake. 28 But and yf any man say vnto you, This G is dedicate vnto idols : eat not of it, for his sake that shewed it, and for hurtyng of con science, for the earth is the Lordes, & all "wf mustta- ,. , ,. . . ke hede that that therin is. through our 29 And conscience I say, not thine, but of ""Jj*^' £"rn"j that other : for why should my " libertie be condemned. condemned TO THE CORINTHIANS. 279 condemned of another mans conscience ? 30 For ' yf I, through Gods benefit take my ¦ yf by the bene- parte : why am I euyl spoken of, for that t_°___f_^__T_yt thing wherfore I geue thankes ? meat, why shulde Collos.3.c. 31 * Whether therfore ye eat or drincke, lJS.& betht or whatsoeuer ye do, do all to the praise t0. be euil spoken of God. of? 32 Se that ye geue none occasion of offen ce, nether to the lewes, nor yet to the Gre kes, nether to the Churche of God. ¦' That is the 33 Eue as I please " all men " in att thinges, ""which are n°t sekyng myne owne profite, but ^e^ro- indiirerent. fi(e 0f many, that they might be saued. THE XI. CHAPTER. He rebuketh thabuse which was crept into their Churche, as touching prayer, propheciyng, and ministring the Lordes Supper, bringing the agayne to the first institution therof. A TJE ye the folowers of me, as I am of 2.Thes.3.b. -U Christ. 2 I commend you brethren, that ye reme "or, in all thi bre " all my thynges, and kepe the ordina- ges remebre ceg^ guen &g j deUuerefl them to you. 3 But I wU that ye knowe, that Christ is Ephe. b. e. the * head of euery man : and the ma is the womans head: and God is Christes head. •¦ or prea- 4 Euery man a praying or " propheciing » This is refer- chmg" hauing any thing on his head, shameth his *"erdyetr° &c°™™£ head. ig: for althogh one 5 But euery woman that prayeth or pro- tforf is' ycommo£ phecieth bare headed, dishonesteth her so that the whole f . . ' - . Churche may be head. For it is euen all one, and the very sayd to praye, or same thinge, euen as thogh she were sha- Preache- uen. 6 For if the woman be not^ouered, let Chap. XI. THE FIRST EPISTLE her also be shorne : If it be shame for a wo man to be " shorne or shauen, let her couer " or, powied. her head. 7 A man oght not to couer his head, for b The image of as much as he is the * b image and glorie Gen. I.e. whoVhif emaien ot God : but the woman is the <• glorie of %£*• stie&powershyne, the man : her giorie6& c8m5 8 For the man is not of the woman : but f datio of man, and woman of the man. therfore is sub- „»-.-.,., iect. 9 Nether is the man created for the wo- C mans sake : but the woman for the marines Gen' 2- d- sake. 1 0 For this cause oght the woman to ha ue "power on her head, for the " Angels sa- " Some thing i to couer her Kes. head in signe 1 1 Neuerthelesse, nether is the ma, with- of subiectis. , - . i To whome out the woman, nether the woman with- they shewe i For as God out the man in the d " Lord. SS'SS"^ o.tt^esolZ7s 12 For as the woman is of the ma, euen so oni/to Christ ma multiplied by is the man by the woman : but all things tor & mainte 'h6W0man' are Of God. ner of their . . . mutual con- 1 3 Iudge m your selues, is it comly that a ionction. woman praye vnto God bare headed ? 14 Doth not nature it selfe teach you, y it is a shame for a man, yf he haue"longe " As wome i -j vse to weare. heare ? 1 5 And a prayse to a woman, yf she haue » For God hath longe heare ? For her heare is e geue her to geuen to woma lo- -, ¦ . . ,, ger heare the vnto COUer her With all. man, to ttsde she j 6 If any man Iuste to stryue, we haue no shulde trusse it J ia-.ii vp about her head suche custome, nether the Churches of wherby she decla- f'rirl reth tbatshemust "oa- couer her head. ] 7 This I warne you of, and prayse you D no whit, that ye come together : not with proffit, but with hurt. 18 For fyrst of aU, when ye come together in the Churche, I heare that there is dis sensions TO THE CORINTHIANS. 280 sensions among you : and I beleue it to be true to some of you. " Gods chur. 1 9 For ther must be " euen heresies among iCyhesubH°ct0toyou, that they which are perfect among dissension as you, myght be knowen. d°es and rnal 20 When ye come together therfore into tiers: but also one piace, a man can not eat the Lordes to heresies as * ' touching do- Supper.21 For euery man begynneth afore to eat his owne supper : & one is hongry, and ano ther is droncken. 22 Haue ye not houses to eat and to drinc ke to ? Or els despice ye the Churche of God, and shame them that haue not ? what shal I say to you ? shal I prayse you in this ? I prayse you not. K 23 For that ft I dehuered vnto you, I rece aued of the 'Lord, to wit, That the Lord 'Who oght only lesus the same nyght to which he was be- ;JJ theChmSe!'8 trayed, toke bread : Mat. 26. c. 24 *And when he had geuen thankes, he Tk'm'b' ^rake it and sayd, Take ye, eate ye : this is my body, which is ""broken for you : this do « signiflyng the ye in remembrance of me. SLtdyshuiu 25 After the same maner also he toke the asitwere.betome i_iii i . rTn. & broke with most cup, whe he had supped, saymg, I his cup greuous torments, is the Newe testament to my bloud : this do ^^J^tbtiUa- as oft as ye drincke it, in remembrance of ues were, the which thing the Tue- breakig of the F 26 For as often as ye shal eate this bre- bread as ^figure ad & drincke this cup, ye shewe the Lor- represent. des death til he come. 27 Wherfore, whosoeuer shal eat this " By peruer- hread, and drincke this cup of the Lord ting the true, * vnworthely, shalbe gylty of the body & tte°samr°fhloudoftheLord. 2. Cor. 13. b. 28 * Let a man therfore examtn him selfe : Chap. XII. THE FIRST EPISTLE. and so let hym eat of this bread, & drincke of this cup. 29 For he that eateth and drincketh vn- worthely, eateth and drincketh his owne h But, as thogh damnation, because he maketh no h differe- ruTof teTor'6; ce of the Lordes body. body &bioud were 30 For this cause many are weake, & sick q withoutreu erence among you, and many " slepe. ''or, dye Let he_ cometh vnto 31 For if we wolde trye our selueSj we S selues should not be iudged. which ether ° . i 1 i adde or take 32 But when we are iudged, we are cha- away fro the stened of the Lord, because we should not ^ institu be damned with the worlde. 33 Wherfore my brethren, when ye come together to eat, tary one for another. 34 If any man honger, let him eat at ho me, that ye come not together vnto conde nation. Other thtoges wil I set in order when I come. THE XII. CHAPTER. The diuersitie of the giftes of the holy Gost, oght to be vsed to the edifiing of Christs Church : euen as the members of mans body serue to the vse one of another. /"< Oncerntog spiritual giftes, brethren, I A ¦ The Corinthi- v->" wolde not haue you a ignorant. ans hauTg notable n -. - , ' °_, .. . gifts semed to ha- 2 Ye knowe that ye were GentUs, & we- ™"SS,S re cai"ied away vnto the " domme idoles, " which coi- rne.&for what end 3 de not heare they had receaued euen as ye Were led. your prayers. 'he As no mi. that 3 Wherfore, I declare vnto you, that no "Bs^tassus hath the spirit of man speaking to the b Spirite of God, cal- ees Godca blaspheme . , T _ a ,, F, Christ, & worship leth lesus execrable. Also no man can Iohn 13. b. acknowiagechrfs" say that lesus is * the Lord, but by the ho- Chap. 8. b. for Lordand God, ty Gost. philip. 2. b. Spirit. 6 Sa 4 There are diuersities of giftes, but yet the TO THE CORINTHIANS. 281 the selfe same Spirit. 5 And ther are differences of administra tions, but yet the selfe same Lord. 6 And there are diuers maners of opera- tios, but God is the selfe same, which wor keth them all in euery man. 7 The declaration of the Sprite is geuen " The chur- to euery man, to "proffit withaU : the 'whole1 im 8 For to one is geuen through the Sprite, dy- the vtterance of wysedome : to another is geuen the vtterance of knouledge, by the same Sprite : " To do only 9 To another is geuen " fayth, by the same miracles by. gprite . tQ another) the giftes of heltog, by the same Sprite : B 1 0 To another c power to do myghtie thigs : n Against sata & " Or.declara- to another, "prophetie : to another, tryal of hypoerites.as Ana tion of Gods _. _.£ a- a. _ mas, Elymas, &c. mysteries, sprites : to another, diuers tonges : to ano ther, the interpretation of tonges. Rom. 12. a. \i * And these att worketh euen the selfe ep "' * * same Sprite, distributing to euery man se- ueraly, euen as he wyl : 1 2 For as the body is one, and hath many membres, and all the membres of one bo dy, thogh they be many, yet are but one body : euen so is Christ. 13 For by one Sprite are we aU baptized into d one body, whether we be lewes or "That we might Grekes, whether we be bonde, or fre, and Christ, &°the who haue all droncke into one Spirite. J? churche one 1 a ti o i i ¦ ii Chnste, of the 14 .tor ybody is not one meber but many, which conionctio 15 If the fote wolde say, I am not the ha ESSa^S de, I am not of the body : is it therfore not effectual signes. of the body ? C 1 6 And if the eare wolde say, I am not the eye, I am not ofthe body : is it therfore not of the body? N.i. Chap. XII,, THE FIRST EPISTLE 17 If all the body were an eye, where we re the hearing? If aU were hearing: where were the smellyng ? 1 8 But now hath God disposed the mem bres euery one of them a part in the body, at his owne pleasure. 19 If they were all one member, where were the body? 20 But now are there many membres, yet but one body. 2 1 And the eye can not say vnto the hand, I haue no nede of thee : nor y head also to the fete, I haue no nede of you. 22 Yea rather a great deale those mebres of the body, which seme to be more feble, are necessarie. 23 And vpon those membres of the body which we thinke moste vnhonest, put we more honestie on : and our vncomely par tes haue more beautie on. 24 For our comely membres nede it not : D but God hath so tempered the body toge ther, and hath geuen the more honour to that parte which lacked. 25 Lest there should be any stryfe in the body : but that the membres should"indif- " Euery one ferently care one for another. J-",. the°pre1er 26 Therfore yf one member suffer, all suf ?a'ion of the fer with it : yf one member be had to ho nour, all membres be glad also. 27 And ye are the body of Christ, and me « For all Chur- bres e " for your part. •• or, euery throughoduStP6rthe 28 * And God hath also ordetoed some in %*"** world are diuers the Churche, as fyrst Apostles, secondare- Ephe. 4. b. dy. ' ly Prophetes, thirdly teachers, then them that do miracles : after that, the giftes of „ , D . healing, " helpers, " gouerners, diuersitie " As, Eiders! of TO THE CORINTHIANS. 282 of tonges. 29 Are all, Apostles ? Are aU, Prophetes ? Are aU, teachers ? 30 Are aU, doers of miracles ? Haue all, y gyftes of healyng ? Do all, speake with to- ges ? Do aU, interprete ? 3 1 Do you then desire the best giftes ? eue now then wU I shewe you a more excellet way. THE XIII. CHAPTER. Because loue is the founteyn and rule of edi- fiing the Church, he setteth forth the nature, of fice, and praise therof. A. IT^Hogh I spake with the tonges of men and a Angels, and haue not loue, I am • Yf the Angels euen as sounding brasse, or as a tynkling them's".? tterof a^d Cymbal. dyd not bestowe 2 And thogh I could prophecie, and vn- neighbour,°itw™e derstand aU secretes, and aU knowledge : ™^s but vaine yea, yf I hadbaU fayth, so y I could moue b Faith' is here ta Mat.T.b. ""mountains out of their places, and yet J""1 for the. **iff of hth 14 r T i ¦ doing miracles, had not loue, I were nothing. which the wicked 3 And thogh I bestowe aU my goodes to ^Xlonha't fede the poor e,dx\d thogh I gyue my body y faith (called histo- I be burned, and yet haue not loue, it pro- ueth the mighty fiteth me nothing. STS^^S B 4 Loue Suffrethlog, is COUrteOUS : loue en de Gods mercie uieth not : loue doth not boast it selfe, swel deu°.UsShaue. Jan!! leth not, 2. d.& therfore is , . i . , . separat fro chan- 5 Disdameth nothtog as vnbesemmg, se- tie, but the faith keth not her owne things, is not prouoked ent'ct'can not' '" to anger, thinketh not euU, 6 Reioyseth not in iniquitie, but reioy- seth to the trueth . • 7 Suffreth aU thinges, beleueth all thin- N.ii. Chap.XIIII. THE FIRST EPISTLE ges, hopeth aU thiges, endureth all thiges. 8 Loue doth neuer faU away, thogh y both c prophecitoges shalbe abohshed, & togues shal cease, & learning shal vanishe away. c Knowiageitsei 9 For c we learne " in parte, and we "pro » That is im- fe shalbe perfited u : ; ^ parfectly. in the world to F"«"<-K: m pari.. „ or teache s°ed6'b Tt'haboli" ^ But when that which is perfect, is co- ner of knowing s_ me, then that which is in part, shalbe done teaching shal cea- _„T_.T se.when we shalbe dway- before Gods pre- 1 1 When I was a chylde, I spake as a chU D nether nedeWscho. de, I vnderstode as a chylde, I thoght as a les nor teachers, childe. but assone as I was a man, I put away chyldesh things. 1 2 For now we se"to a glasse, & in a dare- "The myste- ke speakyng : but then shal we se face to fa. rles of God- ce. Now I knowe in part : but then shal I know euen as I am "knowen. "Ortaughtof 13 Now abydeth fayth, hope, and loue, God" " Because it ser- euen these thre : but the d chiefest of these ueth both here & • . in the life to co- IS lOUe. me : but faith & ho pe apparteyne on ly to this lyfe. THE XIIII. CHAPTER. He exhorteth to loue : commendeth the gift of tonges, and other spiritual gifts, but chief ely pro pheciing. Commandeth women to kepe silence in the Churche, Sf sheweth what good ordre oght to be obserued in the Churche. T^Ollowe earnestly loue, and couet spiri A w°oXr'6*fDOG°d'h6 tuali/j/ifes: and most chiefly for to a pro the edification of phetie. the Churche. 2 For he that speaketh a strange tonge, spe aketh not vnto men, but vnto God : for no man "heareth him : howbeit in the sprite he " Vnderstan- speaketh secret things. d8th him" 3 But he that prophecieth speaketh vnto me to edifiing, to exhortatio, & to cofort. 4 He TO THE CORINTHIANS. 283 4 He that speaketh strange langage, prof flteth him selfe : but he that prophecieth, edifieth the Churche. 5 I wolde that ye aU spake strange lan- B gages : but rather that ye prophecied : for greater is he that prophecieth, then he that speaketh diuers tonges : except he ex pound it also, that the Churche may be edified. 6 And now brethren, yf I come vnto you speaking diuers tonges : what shal I profit you, except I speake to you, other bybre- b Theprophecie uelacion, or by knowledge, or by prophe- XTgo'S n'ltt cihlg, Or by doctrine ? reueiled : and the 7 Moreouer things without hfe which ge thatwUchhehath • or.fiute. uea sound, whether itbe a"pipe or anhar Beu!vs tfiderstad- pe, except they make a distinction to the sounds, how shal it be knowen what is py- ped or harped ? 8 And also if the trompet geue an vncer- tayne voyce, who shal prepare him selfe to fyght ? 9 Euen so lykewyse, when ye speake strange langage, except ye speake wordes that ha ue signification, how shal it be vnderstad what is spoken ? for ye shal but speake to the c ayre. c Your wordes , r, rr-n i j r ,, shalbe loste.for ye •or.asthe 10 1 her are so many kyndes ot voyces as shal nether giori- ihmg requi. it commeth t0 passe m the worlde, and no- fle God therb>"' rc'h- r ' nor proffit man. ne of them are so, that they can not be de- scerned. C 1 1 Except I knowe therfore what y voyce meaneth, I shalbe vnto hym f speaketh, thed ££! d as of an other lavage, and he y speaketh harbarousnes, in , ,, - a.i i _ 'bat thing.wherby shalbe as of another langage vnto me. theythoght to ha- 1 2 Euen so, for as muche as ye qpoet spiri- ££$£&*£ tual gyftes, seke ye that ye may excel vnto eloquence. N.iii. Chap. XIIII, THE FIRST EPISTLE the edifiing of the Churche. 1 3 Wherfore, let him y speaketh y toges, praye, that he may interpret also : 14 For if I pray in a strange tonge, my spi rite "prayeth : but my vnderstading is with "And doth his '¦ Not in respect out e fruite. parl- eth, but i/respect 15 What is itthen? I wil pray with the spi- of the churche, rite, and wil pray with the vnderstanding; which is nothing - T ., .. r J. . ° edified therby. - also 1 Wil Syng With the Sprite, & Wil Syng "Or, geue tha with the vnderstanding also. kesby siDB"'T" 1 6 For els, when thou blessest wyth the sprite, how shal he that occupieth y row- • One only ma- me of the vnlearned, say f Amen, at thy ge- tte'?eT„aythe'peo uing °f thankes ? seyng he vnderstandeth piefoiowedinhart not what thou sayest. he had prayed they 17 For thou verely geuest thakes wel : but D aiisaideAmensi- the other is not edified. gmfiing, that they beleued assuredly 18 1 thanke my God, I speake langages ghraanteGtheirre°^ more then ye aU. stes- 19 Yet had I leuer in the Churche , to spe- ke " fiue wordes with my vnderstanding to "That is, mo the teaching of other, rather the ten thou- ste fewe" sand wordes to strange langage. 20 Brethren, be not* chyldren to vnder- Mat A 8. a. standing : but, as cocerning maliciousnes, be chyldren : but in vnderstanding be of a ripe age. « He threateneth 21 In the Lawe it is written, * "" By sundry Esai.28.e. thatTo'dwTpti toges, and sundry lyppes wyl I speake vn £*•**¦<¦ she the contept of to this people : and so shal they not heare ezee 3 „ his worde, & their r ,r, _. - J ezee.o.a. contrefait ignora- me, sayeth the Lord. "spea^wlth6™3! 22 Wherfore, tonges are for a" sygne, not "of God.™ knowen tongues is to the that beleue : but to them y beleue "c TnoTvnder curSwardesthe not : contrariwyse, propheciing serueth not stand- wicked. for the y beleue not, but for the ft beleue. 23 If therfore, whe all the Churche is co me togither, and all speake in strange ton ges, there come in they that are vnlearned TO THE CORINTHIANS. 284 or they which beleue not, wyl they not say that ye are out of your wyttes ? E 24 But if all prophecie, and there come in one that beleueth not, or one vnlearned, "which expo h he is rebuked of " aU men, and is iudged ¦¦ By hearing ins unde the wor - . secret fautes ript de of God. OI euery man . . vp,& his synnes re 25 And so are the secretes of his heart proued by Gods opened, and so faUeth he downe on his fa iid'hyb/sownc'co ce, & worshippeth God, and sayeth, that gjJU""6 t0 praise God is in you to dede. 26 What is to be done then brethren ? whe ye come togither, according as euery one of you hath ether song, or doctrine, or to ge, or reuelation, or interpretation : let aU thtoges be done vnto edifiing. 27 If any man speake the tonges, let it be by two or at the most by thre, and that by course, and let one interpret. 28 But yf ther be no interpreter, let him kepe sttece in the Churche which speaketh langages, and let him speake to him selfe, and to God. F 29 Let the Prophetes speake two, or thre, and let the other iudge. 30 If any thing be reueUed to another that sytteth by, let the fyrst holde his pe ace.31 For ye may aU prophecie one by one, that all may learne, and all may haue co fort. " or learning 32 And the " sprites of the Prophetes, are , „ , which Gods • a.1. i r _i_ n i. a. ' To thmtent sprit moueth m the * power of the Prophetes. that others may the to vtter. 33 por God is not the autor of confusion, ^g8,,^ ™ ifhe but of peace, as in all the Churches of haue passed the co 0 ¦ _,.„-, pasof Godsworde. nainctes. wherfore S. Iohn 1. Tim.2.d. 34 * Let your women kepe silence in the comandeth to trie . r . . r . , the spintswhether congregations: for it is not permitted they be of God. N.iiii. Chap. XV. THE FIRST EPISTLE vnto them to speake : but they are comman ded to be vnder obedience, as also* the Gen.3.c Lawe sayeth. 35 If they wyl learne any thing, let them G aske their housbandes at home : for it is a shame for women to speake to the congre gation. 36 " Spronge the worde of God from you ? " Are ye the ether came it vnto you onely ? laTt'christi 37 If any ma thinke him selfe to be a pro ans' that ?c phet, ether spiritual, let hym vnderstand, mit your sei- that the thinges I write vnto you, are the caches of commandementes of the Lord. whom you * Yfany ma ha- 38 k And if any man be ignorant, let him uedthe Go'- ueiudgemetiethT Tjg icmorant spelmorhaue acknowlage that I "p " respect to the speake of the spi- 39 Wherfore brethren, couet to prophe- otters to who [et6hfmGo0beyrdnd de, and forbyd not to speake langages. "eil^Ty- if he haue no iud- 40 Let all thinges be done honestly and kewyseappar gement.let him ac , teyne? knowlage hisigno in Order. race,& trouble not Sj|hjJ:tha; He proueth the resurrection of the dead, and first that Christe is risen : then that we shal rise, and the maner how. TVTOreouer brethren I declare vnto you A ¦"-"•the Gospel ft I preached vnto you, & Gal.l.b. ye haue also accepted, wherin also ye co- ttoue. 2 And by the which, if ye kepe in memo- rie, after what maner I preached vnto • if you beleue you' Ye are saued, a except ye haue bele- to be saued by the ued in vayne. ieuePaiso6the'resur 3 For fyrst of all, I deliuered vnto you rectio ofthe dead, that which I receaued : how y Christ dy- which is one of the c principal poits ed for our synnes, agreing to the Scnptu Esa.b3.b. therof, or els your l.pet.2. d. belicfe is but vay- ll-^ • ' no- 4 And that he was buried : and that he TO THE CORINTHIANS. 285 arose agayne the thifde day, according to lonas 2.0. the * Scriptures : Iohn 20. c. 5 * And that he was sene of Cephas, then " Althogh iu- of the " twelue. dteyWw!reyseot 6 After that, he was sene of mo then fyue called stil. hundred brethren at once : of which many remayne vnto this day, and some are a slepe. 7 After that appered he to lames : then to aU the Apostles. Act. 9. a. 8 * And last of all he was sene also of me ephe.3.b. ag Qf 0n6) aj^a. wag 00rae ou(; 0f rjue tyme. 9 For I am y least of the Apostles, which B am not mete to be caUed an Apostle, be cause I persecuted the Churche of God. Ephe.3.b. 10 * But by the grace of God, I am that I am : and his grace which is in me, was not in vayne, but I laboured more abodantly then they aU : yet not I, but the grace of God which is wyth me. 1 1 Therfore whether it were I, or they, so we preache, and' so haue ye beleued. 1 2 If Christe be preached, how that he ro se from the dead, how say some among you, that ther is no resurrection of the dead ? 13 For if ther be no risyng agayne of the dead : then is Christ not rysen. 14 If Christe be not rysen, then is our " christs de- preaching" vayne, and your b fayth is also •> For if christe ath is not ef- ,n va-i/np be swalowed vp of fectual, ex- vajriic. death.therremay- cept he rise 1 5 And we are founde also false wytnes- nett no hope of from death. ges rf God . for we haue testified rf God> life ™V more. that he hath raised vp Christ : whome he raysed not vp, yf it be so that the dead ry se not agayne. • 1 6 For yf the dead ryse not agayne, then Chap. XV. THE FIRST EPISTLE is Christ not rysen agayne. 17 If it be so that Christe rose not, your « As mortificati- faith is in c vayne, yet are ye in your " syn- //You are not on, and remission -.„„ forgiuen nor of synnes depend ' sanctified on christs death: 1 8 And so they which are a slepe in Christ, so our quickening • i j and restoring to are perished. life stand in his 1 9 if m this lyfe " onely we beleue on " Oroniy for resurrection. _,. . J J . ... ,.- J , Chnste, then are we of all men moste mi- U1,s UIS saKe- serable. 20 But now is Christe rysen from y dead, the * fyrst frutes of them that slept. Col.l.c. 2 1 For since by man came death, so by ma reue. 1.6. came the resurrection of the dead. 22 For as by Ada aU dye : eue so by Christ, shal " aU be made alyue. " The faiih- 23 But euery man to his * owne order: the juljy1(, 4 j fyrst fruits Christe, hath rysen agayne, after warde, they that are Christes, at his com- mynge shal ryse agayne. a christe as he is 24 Then shalbe the ende, whe he hath d de ctarcheeisdsafd'to liuered vp tlle kyngdome to God the Fa- be subiect to God: ther : when he hath put downe all rule, & the'TOrw^irkingall auctoritie, and power. of heauen&earth. 25 For he must raigne * tyl he hath put all Psal. 1 10. This kingdome . *"> . . / r , stadeth in gouer- his enemies vnder his tete. neo. i.a. "„t 'oue^omnlg 26 Ax_d y last enemie y shalbe destroyed, Z%.c, the aduersaries, is death. Psal.8.d. chfefest63 which 27 * For he hath put all thtoges vnder his heb-2-b- derfltedhrwithbaii fete " (And when he sayth all thtoges are his membres shal put vnder him, it is manifest, that he is ex hLd-of tt"ch'u£ cepted, which dyd put all thtoges vnder che with hisfelowe him.) kingdome and be 28 And when all thinges shalbe subdued with whom0 & the' vnt0 him' then shal f Sonne aiso him selfe holy Gost in God- be subiect vnto him, y dyd put all thinges head he is equal. ynder j^ ^ God may be ^ jn ^ th?ges 29 Els what shal they do which are bapti zed TO THE CORINTHIANS. 286 "That is.that zed e " for dead ? yf the dead ryse not at all, ° Except these mTgnfbfex- why are they then baptized for dead? g£E ^Im tinguished in 30 Why are we to ieoperdy euery hou- -"d his suMectio, them, which 5 ¦" r j j wbat shal become is thende of re • of the whome the soTeTttS 31 ' % y°ur reioysigwtochi haue in Christ SSjEJTC again. IeSUS Our Lord, I dye dayly. stroye death in E 32 If I haue foght with beastes at Ephesus i\ ^_e to witnes after the maner of men: what auantageth it *¦" m"" sorrowes, . ia?i wher in I may lu- Esai.22.d. me, vf the dead be not raised vp ? let vs steiy reioyse in the wisdom.2.b. eat and dryncke : for to morowe we shal l££££££Z dye. mongyou. Menander in 33 Be not deceaued, * Euel speakinges cor Thaidi. rup(- g00Ci maners. 34 Awake to rightuousnes, and synne not : for some haue not the knowledge of God. I speake this to your rebuke. 35 But some man wil say, how are the de ad raised vp ? and with what body come they forth ? 36 Thou fole, that which thou sowest, is not quickened, except it dye. 37 And that which thou sowest, thou sow est not that body that shalbe, but bare cor ne, I meane ether of wheat, or of some o- ther. 38 But God geueth it a body at his pleasu re, to euery seed his owne body. 39 AU fleshe is not one maner of fleshe, "There is one but there is one maner " fleshe of men, ano- touching the ther maner fleshe of beastes, another of fis- Sn^beas0! shes> and another of byrdes. but the diffe- 40 Ther are also celestial bodyes, and touching the tner are bodyes terrestrial : but the glorie qualitie. 0f the celestial is one, and the glorie oi the terrestrial is another. F 41 There is one maner gjorie of the Chap. XV. THE FIRST EPISTLE » Euen asthe su s sunne, and another glorie of the mone, & LgJf'wS another glorie of the starres. for one starre stace differ in dig- diffreth from another in glorie. surrection our bo- 42 So is the resurrection of the dead. The more '""excellent 00ty x& sowen to corruption, and ryseth to qualities then they inCOITUption. ' "'" 43 It is sowen in " dishonour, and ryseth " For what is in honour : it is sowen in weacknes, and ry- W_^emlo__\ seth in power. 'he *ead cal'- 44 It is sowen a natural body, and ryseth a " spiritual body, ther is a natural body, & "Not changig ther is a Spiritual body. tat "ar 45 As it is also written, The fyrst man *A- taker of the dam was made a lyuing soule : and the last ture. 6 Adam was made a quyckenyng sprite. Gen.2.b. 4 6 Howbeit that was not fyrst made which is spiritual : but that which is natural, and then that which is spiritual. 47 The fyrst man is of the earth, earthy : ¦¦Thisisattribu the second man is the Lord h from hea- le to Christe as co cerning his diuini Uen. tie not in respect 48 As is the earthy, suche are they that a- g ot his humanitie ,, i . ,, i i i whose fleshe hath re earthy: and as is the heauenly, suche are Powefof GoTho" they that are heauenly. dwelleth in it. 49 And as we haue borne the " image of "Bothe in sub the earthy, so shal we beare the image of menCwanar°r the heauenly. earth1"*- 50 This say I brethren, that " flesh & bloud "Thisnaturai can not inherit the kyngdom of God : ne- ]j°dl[ M " ls ther doth corruption, inherit vncorrup- ¦ When the Lord tl0n- commeth to iudge 51 Beholde I shewe you a secret thinge. "hatte0^6 We shal not aU slepe, but we shal aU be * whome he wil chii changed, ge euen as if they _-, T° A . A, ,. - weredead:sothat 52 In a moment, in the twynchng ot an steadehof death to eye> at the s°undeoi the last trompet.forthe them. trompet shal blowe, and the dead shal ryse incorruptible, TO THE CORINTHIANS. 287 incorruptible, and we shalbe changed. 53 For this corruptible, must put on incor ruption : and this mortal, must put on im- mortalitie. 54 So when this corruptible hath put on incorruption, and this mortal hath put on immortalitie, then shal be broght to passe .Esai. 25. c the saying that is wryten, * Death is swalo- wed vp into victorie. Ose. 13. d. 55 * Death where is thy stinge, graue whe- hebr.2.d. re js thy victorie? 5 6 The stynge of death is synne : and the k ' T«e . strength - J~° . ., ¦/ of synne is the La strength ot synne, is the Lawe. we.becauseitdoth i./oA».5.a. 57 *But thankes 6e vnto God which hath ^ota^lgaSsl geuen vs victorie, through our Lord lesus vs . or els the chief .-,. - . cause of our de- L/hriSt. struction is in our 58 Therfore my deare brethren, be ye sted- seb>es. fast, vnmouable, alwayes ryche to the wor kes of the Lord, for as muche as ye kno- "Thehope of we, how that your labour is not in " vay- resurrection ,i T i causeth the ne in the Lord. faithful to sur monte all dif nculties. THE XVI. CHAPTER. He putteth them in remembrance of the ga thering for the poore brethren at Ierusalem. we must perseuere in faith, in the loue of Christ and our neighbour, after his commendations he wis- sheth to them all prosperitie. , Vp(m Ui(j flrst day of the weke, A concerning the a gatheryng for the Sato ^re caifeth "the RomA2.c. ^ctes, as I haue ordeyned in the Chur- Lords day, others ' J Sonday, they accu ches of Galacia, euen so do ye also. stomednotoniyin 2 Euery first day of the weke let euery o- \^_t^_\lt ne of you put a syde at home, and laye vp ding to euery mas as God hath prospered him, that then ther me piece of mor°y be no gatherynges when I ccme. of^po'ore'bre- 3 When I am come, whosoeuer ye shal thren. Chap. XVI. THE FIRST EPISTLE alowe " by your letters, them wyl I sende " which ye to bringe your liberaiitie vnto lerusa- til" St cl lem . ry the money. 4 And yf it be mete that I go also, they shal go with me. 5 I wil come vnto you, after I haue gone ouer Macedonia (for I wyl go through Ma cedonia) 6 And with you paraduenture I wU aby- B de a while, or els wynter, that ye may bring me on my way whythersoeuer I go. 7 For I wyl not se you now in my passage : but I trust to abyde a while with you, yf God shal suffre me. 8 And I wil tary at Ephesus vntyl " wit- "Or, Penteco son tide. stc- 9 For a great dore and a " fruteful is ope- "BecauseGod i . , ,, i blessed his la- ned vnto me : and ther are many aduersa- hour. ries. b willing that 10 If Timotheus come, se that he be b with dewSa^alnsftte 0Ut feare ^^ y0U : f°r he WOrketh the WOT aduersaries of ke of the Lord, as I do. it is'the Churches 1 1 Let no man therfore " despice him : but " As thogh he foT'the'° resema- conuaye him forthe " in peace, that he may ?0eDee '° S uo of their minis- come vnto me : for I loke for him with the ?,*£""¦ . t~r. , ,, "That is, safe brethren. and sounde. 12 As touching our brother Apollos, I C greatly desired him, to come vnto you with the brethren : but his mynde was not at aU to come at this tyme : howbeit he wU co me when he shal haue conuenient tyme. 13" Watche ye, stand fast to the faith, quy- " Lest Satan te you lyke men, and be stronge. you tt ™°a- 14 Let aU your bustoes be done in " lo- j*"*1- . , , J "For they had Ue. euery ma res- 15 Brethren I beseche you : ye knowe the ^.^tr™ house of Stephanas, how that they are the ry to loue. fyrst TO THE CORINTHIANS. 288 "Or, the first " tyrst frutes of Achaia, and that they haue which embra- creuen them selues to minister vnto the sed the Gos- & . pel. Sainctes, "Andreueren 16 That ye be " obedient vnto suche, and ce them. to gjj that heipe and labour. D 17 I am gladde of the commyng of Ste phanas, Fortunatus and Achaicus : for they "Or, want, haue c SUpphed your " absence. ° The griefe that •¦ or, mynde. 1 8 For they haue comforted my " sprite & l^^Z y™J$ yours. Loke therfore that ye knowe them aswaged by their _, . , presence, that are suche. 1 9 The Churches of Asia saluteyou. Aqui- la and PrisciUa salute you much in the Lord, and so doeth the Churche that is in their house. 20 All the brethren grete you. Grete ye " in token of one another with an holy " kysse. wii'™1 t'hing 21 Tte salutation of me Paul with myne was obsemed owne hand. tiuehChPurcne", 22 If any ma. loue not the Lord lesus Chri whetheLords ste, let himbehad in execration, yea excom- Supper was , , , ^ J ministred. municate to death. 23 The grace of our Lord lesus Christe be with you. 24 My loue be with you all, in Christe le sus. Amen. "Or as is mo- The fyrst Epistle to the Corinthians, sent ste probable, from " PhUippi, by Stephanas, and For- su°™ P e tunatus, and Achaicus, and Timotheus. THE ARGVMENT OF THE second Epistle to the Corinthians. S nothing can be writ, ether so perfectly, or with so great affectio Sf zeaie, which is not vnproffita bie to many, Sf resisted by some : so the first epistle written by S. Paul to the Corinthians, besides the puritie and perfe ction of the doctrine, sheweth a loue towarde the farre passing all natural affections : which dyd not only not proffit all, but hardened the hartes of many to remayne in their stubbernes, and con temne the Apostles autoritie. By reason wherof S. Paul, being let with iuste occasions to come vnto them, writ this epistle from Macedonia, mynding to accomplishe the worke which he had begon among them. First therfore he wisheth them wel in the Lord : declaring that albeit cer teyn wicked persones abused his afflictions to co demne therby his autoritie, yet they were neces sarie schollings, and sent to hym by God for their bettering. And wheras they blame his longe ab sence, it came of no inconstancie, but to beare with their inabilitie, and imperfection, lest con trary to his fatherly affection, he shulde haue be ne compelled to vse rigour and seueritie. And as touching his sharpe writing in the former epist le it came through their faute, as is now euident both in that, that he pardoneth the trespacer, se ing he doth repent : and also in that, he was un quiet in his mynde, til he was certified by Titus of their estate. But forosmuche as the false Apo stles went about to vndermyne his autoritie, he confuteth their arrogant bragges, and commen- deth his office, and the diligent executing of the same : so that Satan must haue greatly blynded their 289 their eyes which se not the brightnes of his Gos pel in his preaching : the effect wherof, is new- nes of life, forsaking of our selues, cleaning to God, flying idoiatrie, embrasing the true doctrine, and that sorrowe which engendreth true repen tance : to the which is ioyned mercie and compas sion towards our brethren : also wisdome to put difference betwixt the simplicitie of the Gospel, and the arrogancie of the false preachers, who vnder pretence of preaching the trueth, soght on ly to fil their bellies, wher as he contrariwise, soght them, and not their goods, as those ambi tious persones slandered him. wherfore at his co ming he menaceth suche as rebelle against his autoritie, that he wil declare by lyuely exam ple, that he is the faithful embassador of lesus Christe. O.i. THE SECON- DE EPISTLE OF PA VL TO THE C0- rinthians. THE FYRST CHAPTER. He deciareth the great proffit that commeth to the faithful by their afflictions : and because they shulde not impute to lightnes, that he differ red his camming, contrary to his promise, he proueth his constancie, both by the sinceritie of his preaching, and also by the immutable trueth of the Gospel, which trueth is groiided on Chri ste, and sealed in our hearts by the holy Gost. which are in aU Achaia: a v l ana Apostle of le sus Christe by f wil of God, & our brother Timotheus, to y Church of God, ft is at Corith' with all y Sainctes, 2 Grace TO THE CORINTHIANS. 290 2 Grace be to you, and peace from God our Father, and from the Lord lesus Christ. Ephe. i.a. 3 * " Blessed be God the Father of our Lord l.per.l.a. iesus Christ, the Father of mercies, and the glorie be ge- God of all comforte : «en. 4 Which comforteth vs in att our tribu- latio, to so muche that we are able to com forte the which are in any maner of trou ble, with the same comforte, wherwith God comforteth vs our selues. B 5 For as the " afflictios of Christ are plen- ¦ Which i suffer i ,. • t for Christe: or teous in vs, euen so our consolation is plen which christe suf- teous through Christe. sT'co" Td'R°m' 6 And whether we be oppressed, we are op "Forseighim j3re«seo!foryourconsolationand "saiuation : che"ttey had which saiuation b is wroght in the suffran- * As God only occasion to be Ce of the same afflictions, whichwe also suf- ^f^'tt'iS confirmed in in vs. so aotn ne the Gospel, fre: or whether we be comforted we are com also .°f saiuatio forted for your consolation and salua- and " by6 ""sucife tion: meanes as he hath here left in this 7 And our hope is stedfast concerning life for vs to be you, in as muche as we know that as ye are cxercise ln- partakers ofthe &t_\ictibs,%oshalye beparta kers also of the consolation. 8 For brethren, we wolde not haue you ignorant of our trouble, which happened vnto vs in Asia, how we were greued out of measure passing strength, so greatly that we aU together douted, euen of ly fe. "i was vtterly 9 Also we " receaued sentence of death in my" seWto our selues, and that because we shulde not dye. pUt our trust in our selues, but in God : which rayseth the dead. "So many da- 10 And which deliuered vs from so " great 'a death, and dothe dehuer vs. in whom we O.ii. Chap. I. THE SECONDE EPISTLE truste that yet hereafter he wil deliuer vs, 1 1 By the heipe of your prayer for vs, that by the rewarde of many persones bestowed vpon vs, thankes may be geuen by many for vs. 1 He rendrett a 1 2 c For our reioysyng is thys, the testimo- c oginftoprayevnto ^e of our conscience: that in synglenesand God for his reco- Godly purenes, and not in fleshely wisedo- me, " but by the grace of God, we haue had "Vsing that our conuersation in the world, and moste w'sd°m«which God of aU to youwardes. gave me from "Ye knowe parte 13 We d write none other thinges vnto caTeu- lottoy ZfZiu y<™. then that ye read, or els that ye ackno- ling with you, and wlaere, and I trust ye shal acknowlaare vnto also my writing vn , , ° , J ° to you: and i trust the ende. tobethe^m'e'to *** Euen as ye haue acknowlaged vs par- the very ende. tety, to wit, f we are your " reioysyng, euen "in that we ha as ye " are ours, in the " day of our Lord le- ^Vg^™ SUS. syncerely. 15 And in this confidence was I mynded haue^on"6 fyrst to haue come vnto you, that ye might y°u t0 Chri- haue had one pleasure more : "Which shal 1 6 And to haue passed by you into Mace- *b00r^h,ey aU,. donia, and to haue come agayne out of Ma- rie. cedonia vnto you, and to haue ben led for the to Iewriewarde of you. 1 7 When I thys wyse was mynded, dyd I d vse lyghtnes ? Or mynde I " carnaUy those "which is ra. thynges wliich I mynde, that wyth me shoul smJs ^0noDr0o . Now to afflrme de be e Yea, Yea," and Nay, Nay ? flfXt'h one thing, and the i g Yea rather, as God is faithful, so our God to wit- to deny it, which , is a signe bf inco- preachinge to you, was not Yea, and u"a- stancie. Nay_ 1 9 For Goddes Sonne lesus Christe which was preached amongyou by vs, that is to say by me, and Siluanus and Timotheus, was not TO THE CORINTHIANS. 291 notYea, and Nay: but in him it was f Yea. 'He preachedno 20 For aU the promises of God, to hym onei? Sfchr"' "Theyarema nedse: YZt lies. that Iam Gods mi 4 For yf I make you sory, who is he that ^comfonfy™6 geuen "to^ should make me glad, but the same which tan, but now is made " sory by me ? "Whichmade 5 Andl wrote"this samevnto you,lest whe so" inm "f™ * came> I should take heuines of them, of ther epistle, who I oght to reioyce : this confidence haue O.iii. Chap. II. THE SECONOE EPISTLE I to you all, y my ioye is the ioye of you aU. 6 For in great affliction, and anguyshe of heart, I wrote vnto you with many teares : not that ye should be made sory, but that ye myght perceaue the loue which I haue, moste specially vnto you. 7 If any man hath caused sorow, the same b After this adui hath not b made me sory, but parteiy, lest I B arnrad*1>au?^yd should"greue Aim. Notwithstanding he hath "And so shui stj± St hi made y°a aU sory- -°™ > denieth that in 8 It is sufficient vnto the same man, that "olde d,mln' whTt6soryWas ™y he was rebuked of many. 9 So that now contrarywyse, ye oght rather to forgeue him and comforte him, lest that same" persone should be swalowed vn with "The sduite. x , , A rer, which ln- Ouer mUChe heuynes. terteyned his 1 0 Wherfore, I praye you, that.you wolde ™ther m la* 'That at my in- c confirme your loue towards him. dcrSa0rneyb0y 7h°e 1 * For this cause verely dyd I write, that publike consent of I mye-ht knowe the profe of you, whether the Churche that i i i i i- 1 • i, ^i you embrase him ye wolde be obedient m aU thynges. tt^eirfg hewa°s 12 To whom ye forgeue any thyng, I for- C excommunicat by geue also, for verely yf I forgaue any thing, sent.c°mmon con to whom I forgaue it, for your sakes/or-f/aae / it in the " sight of Christe : "That is, true 1 3 Lest Satan should " preuent vs : for his Jj", hart.euen enterprises are not vnknowen vnto vs. ^ ™ "fj1;- i a -n ai it _ rn a sence of Chri- 14 Forther more, when 1 came to lroas to ste. preache Christes Gospel, and adore was ope '^""^[f,"" c/vnLTw^hfnedvnto me ofthe Lord, ' ce vnto thee. cha. ** v.n.heentreateth 15 Ihadnorest in my sprite, because I fou "or, in my S .fau'he some de not Titus my brother: but toke my leaue mjnd6* time intermede- 0f them and went away into Macedonia. "'" «0,rkl"''' ' lett that which ap i„Hrrn , , ^ n j ¦_.-_. . mightely by perteyneth to the 1 6 a lhanckes be vnto Orod which alwayes Vs, maketh vs SS-StSS'i" maketh vs " to triomphe in Christ : and o- IS*™^* verse, and not on- peneth the SaUOUT of his knowledge by VS triomphe. Iv to the minis- ¦ , tcrs in euery place. 17 For Ta THE CORINTHIANS. 292 D 1 7 For we are vnto God the swete sauour of Christ, to them that are saued, and to them which perishe. 1 8 To the one parte, we are the e sauour of ' The preaching death, vnto death : & to the other part, the geth death to the sauour of lyfe, vnto lyfe. and who is mete chrUtadMthal^ Vnto these thinges ? common death, Sc Chap. 4.a. 1 9 * For we do not as many," disguise and 0= SfttiKfoi coCuetusiy& conterfait the worde of God : but as of syn J^J"**** cere affection, but as of God to the syght who in his death -or, through of God, so speake we " in Christe. beholde their life. Christe, or of Christe. THE III. CHAPTER. He taketh for example the faith of the Co rinthians for a probation of the trueth which he preached. And to exalt his Apostieship aga inst the bragges of the false apostles, he maketh comparison betwixt the Lawe and the Gospel. A T^O we " begyn to praise our selues agay tweUandi sa- ne ' nede we as some other, epistles of uanis. recommendation vnto you, or letters of re commendation from you ? 2 Ye are our epistle, written to our he arts, which is vnderstand and read of aU men. 3 In that ye are knowen, to be the epistle "Who were °f Christ, by our " ministerie, and wrytten, Gods penne. not with yncke, but with the Sprite of the a The ardenes lyuing God, not to a tables of stone, but in of mas hart before fleshly tables of the heart. * ?£?*££ B 4 Suche trust we haue through Christ to Ezec.n.c.36.f.but /-, i being regenerat by «OQ : the Spirit of God, 5 Not that we are apte of our selues, to isassoftas aeshe r - . that the Grace of thynke any thing, as it were of our selues : the Gospel may but our ablenes commeth of God. ntw" tabta.' "£. 6 Who also hath made vs able ministers 3i.e. Cito. Chap. III. THE SECOND! EPISTLE of the Newe testamet, not of the "letter, but "Whose mini of the " Sprite : for the letter kyUeth, but y ^r. Moaes Sprite geueth lyfe. "which chri- 7 If the ministration of death figured ft letters in stones, was glorious, so that the chUdren of Israel could not beholde the face of Moses for the glorie of his counte nance, which glorie is done away : 8 Why shal not the ministration of the Sprite be muche more glorious? 9 For if the ministring of condemnation was glorious : muche more doth the mini stration of " rightuousnes excede in glo- "of christe, - ~ which is ma ne. de oars. 10 For no dout, that which was there C glorified, was not glorified in this point, that is, as touching that excelling glorie. 1 1 For if that which shoulde be destroyed was glorious, much more shal that which remayneth, be glorious. 1 2 Seing then that we haue suche trust, we b Moses shewed VSe great b " playnes of Speeche. " In preacmg cS^S with .™ 1 3 *And «"* <»™ not as Moses> which put a f^j. dowes, so that the vayle ouer his face, that the chUdren of not iigh6tenSedWbut Israel should not se, for what purpose that tnenGod elsetteth serued which oght to be put away. forth the glorie of 14 Therfore their myndes were blinded : iSSrtaSSySt f°r ™til this day remayneth the same co- but dryuing the ueriner vntake away in the Olde testamet darkenes away fr5 , °,i i ¦. i • i i • a~"our "™**- "*e aal°? J1* °- the face of lesus Christe. thers, and therfore rt _ . . Christ calleth ths 7 Isut we haue this " treasure m earthen worid!"Mat°5.b.he vessels, that the excellencie of that power a Albeit the mi- myght be Gods and not ours. nisters of tte Gos- ~ '^1T . . . , -. pel be contempti- 8 We are troubled on euery syde, yet are C their ?ers'onehilet we no* *n distresse : we are to pouertie, but thetreasure.w'hich not ouercome of pouertie : wmw^infertorf 9 We are persecuted, but are not forsaken therin: we are cast doune, neuerthelesse we perishe not. 10 Euery where we beare about in our bo « ah the faith- dy, the e dying of the Lord lesus, that like- StauteCrhsmusyt dri wise the life of lesus myght also appere in nkeofthiscup.be- our bodyes. cause the world ha _ , _-, i*ii i it tethChriste:&aiso 11 r or we which lyue, are alwayes dehue- 'hu'd'ehbemcomf6r! red ™to death for lesus sake, that the life mabie to Christe also of lesus myght appere to our mortal their head, yet by flpcl-„ the mighlie power nesne. of Christe, who o- 12 So then " death worketh in vs, and life "Byourdeath uer came death . you haue life: they are made CO- in yOU. so that the querours. J3 ^^ Decause we haue the same Sprite froitof ouraf ^ nictions com of fayth, according as it is written, I bele- meth to you. ued, & therfore haue I spoken : we also be- Psal.U6.b. leue, and therfore also speake. 14 Knowing that he wliich raysed vp the D ' That I being de Lord lesus, shal " rayse VS vp also by the "Indeliuering lo^faEl^e'may meaneS of IeSUS, and shal Set VSwith yOU. fllgeXwhich not oneiy my self 1 5 For all thyngres are for your sakes that •*> M 't were, a fvup God thankes . i . . i . i i restormg fr5 for thu infinite be that moste plenteous grace by the thankes, death to life. neftt of deiiueran- geu.en of f many, may redounde to the pray- ce,DQt rriiso you mi j -, — ^ - which are both par Se Of (jrOd. ctlon'and^mfor't 16 Therfore, we faint not, but thogh our -or. be com. may abundantly outwarde man " perishe, yet the towarde !>Qd' elhstt0 set forth his glo- man ig „ renewed dayly ger. 17 For TO THE CORINTHIANS. 294 " in respectof 1 7 For y " hght shortnes of our tribulati- sikigltf"13" on' causeth vnto vs a farre moste exceUet and an eternal waight of glorie : 18 WhUe we loke, not on the thinges ft are sene, but on the thinges which are not sene : for thtoges which are sene, are tem poral : but thynges which are not sene, are eternal. THE V. CHAPTER. Paul procedeth to declare the vtilitie that co meth by the Crosse : how we oght to prepare our selues vnto it, by whome, and for what ende. He setteth forthe the grace of Christ, and the office of ministers, and all the faithful. A Tj^Or we knowe that if the tabernacle of ¦*- this our earthy howse shalbe destroy ed, we haue a building geue of God, that is, a house not made with handes, but eternal in heauen. 2 For therefore we syghe, desiring to be clothed with our house, ft is fro heauen : 3 Because that if we be therwith clothed, we shal not be founde naked. 4 For in dede we that are in this taberna cle, syghe and are burdened, whereto whiles we are, we wolde not be vnclothed, but wolde be clothed vpon, that mortali- tie myght be swalowed vp of lyfe. 5 He that hath created vs for this thing, is God, who also hath geuen vnto vs the earnest of the Sprite. * Not only quiet 6 Therfore, we are alway • bolde & knowe S.3J^wS5 " or, stragers that as longe as we are " at home in the bo dagers: being assu- in the body, j i_ _ p _, t 'a red of the good ' dy, we are absent from the Lord. successe threof. Chap. V. THE SECONOE EPISTLE 7 For we " walke in faith, & not by sight. "For here on- 8 Neuerthelesse, we are of good cdforte, ^ £0!d),|j'"™ and had leuer to remoue out of the body, him not. and to go to dwel with the Lord. 9 Wherfore also we couet, that bothe B dwelling " at home, and remouing " from " in this bo- home, we may be acceptable to torn. "out of this 10 * For we must all appeare before the J"*"* t0 hea" iudgement seat of Christ, that euery man Rom. u. b. " He proueth tte may receaue the things which are of his dignitie of his mi- body, according to that he hath done, whe fruits6 eiftct ther ther it be " good or bad. of: which is to 1 1 Knowing therfore " the terror of the " Tbst is, bring men to Chn- T , .,*=. , n p ¦_, j ether glorie, ste. Lord, we D bring men to the faith, and we or shame. m^es't'eStte '' haue approued our selues vnto God. I i^™ outwarde shewe of trust also that we are approued in your CO " By imbra- wisdome and elo- ¦ *. x j sing the same quence, then true Sciences. faith which GrfodiLnei" v 12 For we praise not our selues agayne we preache d Therfore who- r . ° J to others. soeuer geueth pla- vnto you, but geue you an occasion to re value giorie'iTyet ioice of vs, that ye mayhaue what to answer dead, and lyueth against them, which reioyce in the c face, not in Chnste. i . • .i i ' we do not este and not in the heart. me, nor commede j 3 For Aether We be folles," We are folks "As the aduer Christe him selfe . • 1 . • ,_rie, said now, as he was an " to God : or whether we be m our right mm ^"jj colde LTe'wa' ttelon'- de, we are to our right mynde for your c5- gjp&f k6r°ofGh?s' "lorie" m°ditie- praised. &in°w homf God 14 For the loue of Christe constrayneth p fyTanddo'you thta vs : because we thus iudge, that yf one be „X to Gods ke, that I will flat dead for aU, then were d aU dead. gl> He had nether tyng, b towarde was feare. spirit! & it'semeth *> Neuertheles, God, that * comforteth the Chap. i.d. thatheaiiudethto afflicted, comforted vs at the commine: of B that which is writ- _. v ° ten,Deut.32.d. for .1 itUS. eyeercom'o0n"oott ? And not by his coming only, but also by to the godly & to the consolatio wherewith he was comfor- t«econtraryaendes. fed of you, when he tolde vs your great desire, your mornyng, your feruent min de to mewarde : so that I reioyced muche more.8 For, thogh I made you sory with a let ter, I repent not, thogh I dyd repent : for I perceaue that the same epistle made you sory, thogh it were but for a ceason. 9 I nowe reioyce, not that ye were sory, c but that ye so sorowed that ye amended : for ye sorowed Godly : so that in nothtog ye were hurt by vs. 10 * For Godly sorowe causeth amende- l.P«-.2.c. ment vnto saiuation, not to be repented of: when the worldly sorowe causeth death. 1 1 For beholde this thinge, that ye haue • whose hart bene c Godly sory, what great care it hath Suche8!.!/ 'is s°* wroght in you ? yea, how hath it caused you for his synnes co- to " cleare your selues : yea what indisrna- "in asking mitted against so . . , ., .. , %. _ p „„ God forgeue merciful! Father, tion hath it caused : yea what feare : yea nes. & these are the fr^ great desire : yea what a feruete myn- fruits of his repe- O J . J tance.aswitnesDa de : yea what punishement ? finally in all "for in md. res- othe6r'sewh'6ch thinges ye haue shewed your selues, that uctagVur15" are sory for ther si ye are cleare in this matter. selu™tlS" nes only for feare i. - „„ _r.ir.Tt4. T Pre»ented ofponishemi!t,and 12 Wherfore, thogh 1 WTOte vnto you, 1 Godsangre. Gods vegeace fail dydnot it for his cause that dyd hurt, ne- into desperation, J . t J _ asCain,Saui,Achi- ther for his cause y was hurt : but that our tophel, and ludas. d d_ towarde in the syght 0f God, TO THE CORINTHIANS. 297 God, myght appeare vnto you. D 13 Therfore we were comforted, becau se ye were comforted : but moste of all we reioysed, for the ioye that Titus had : be- " Hart. cause hys * sprite was refresshed by you all. 14 For if I boasted my selfe any thing, to him of you, I was not ashamed : but as aU thynges which I preached vnto you are true, euen so is our boasting, wherof I boasted my selfe to Titus, founde true. 15 And d his towarde affection is more a The Greke wor abundant towarde you, when he remem- designifiettjiisbo j welles, wherby is breth the obedience of euery one of you : ment moste great and how with feare and trembling ye re- f°c„0a_d/endeI'af ceaued him. "Both in thin 16 1 reioyce therfore that I may " put my porthignd wei confidence to you, in aU thynges. of you. ~ THE VIII. CHAPTER. By the example of the Macedonians, and Christe, he exhorteth them to continewe in re- lieuing the poore Saincts, comending their good hegynning. After, he commendeth Titus and his felowes vnto them. A T do you also to wit brethren, of the -*-a grace of God bestowed vpon the Chur- » This benefit of . ° p -. - . God appeared in ches Ot Macedonia. two thinges: first 2 How that to great trial by affliction, ^llioglfm their ioye abunded, and the pouertie great afflictios we wliich had consumed them, euen to the ve £ „XrsP:'&°ne_t "So that a _v botome, " abunded vnto their moste ri- 'hat being in gre- mosteaboun- i ... ... at pouertie, were dant riuer of Che llberalltie. very liberal tow- riches flowed 3 For to thejr powers (i beare recorde) arda others- out of their \ , . v _ ' pouertie. yea, and beyonde their power, they were willing of their owne accorde. P.i. Chap. VIII. THE SECONDE EPISTLE 4 And prayed vs with great tostace, that we wolde receaue their benefite, and suf fre them to be partakers *with other in mi Chap.9.a. nistring to the Sainctes. 5 And this they dyd, not aswe loked fore : B but gaue their owne selues fyrst to the Lord, and after vnto vs, by the wyl of God. 6 So that we could not but desire Titus to accomphshe the same beneuolence among you also, euen as he had begone. 7 Therfore, as ye are riche in aU things, in faith, and in worde, and in knowledge, and to aU diligence, and to loue towards vs, euen so se that ye be plenteous in this be neuolence also. 8 This say I, not as commanding, but be cause other are so feruent, therfore proue I your loue, whether it be syncere : 9 For ye know the liberaiitie of our Lord lesus Christ, which thogh he were ryche, yet for your sakes became poore : that ye through his pouertie, myght be made ry che. 10 And I shewe my minde here in : for this is expediet for you, ft began not to do on- » Euery ma may ly, but also to b wil, a yere a go. do good that hath 11 Now therfore performe the thtoge, abilltie thervnto: r, , . ° hut to wii, and ha-, that ye began to do : that as ther was in you good Xme'thof a redynes to wyl, euen so ye may perfor- perfect charitie. me the dede, of that which ye haue. 1 2 For yf ther be fyrst a willing mynde, it C is accepted according to that a man hath, and not according to that he hath not. 13 Nether is it that other men shoulde "That as you i j j heipe others be freed and you burdened. in their nede 14 But vpon hke condition, at this time ^alothee,resae your " abundance supplieth their lacke : your want. that TO THE CORINTHIANS. 298 that also their abundace may supply your lacke : that ther may be equalitie. Exo.ie.d. 15 Agretog to that which is written, * He that gathered muche, had neuer the more aboundance, & he that gathered lytle, had neuerthelesse. 1 6 And thankes be vnto God, which put in the heart of Titus the same good myn de towarde you. " And wiiiin- 1 7 Both that he accepted the " exhorta- feifeffto6_a.' ^on> and *"so that he was so wel willing, ther your ai- that of his owne accorde, he went vnto mes. you. D 1 8 (And we haue sent also with him that "in preachig brother, whose praise is " in the Gospel 0SDe ' throughout all the Churches :) 1 9 And not so only, but is also chosen by election of the Churches to be a felowe in our iorney concerning this beneuolence, that is ministred by vs vnto the prayse of the same Lord, & declaration of your propt mynde.20 Auoyding this, that no man should blame vs to this plenteous distribution, that is ministred by vs. Rom. 12. d. 21 * For we make prouision for " honest ing'isW6.ppro- thinges, not in the sight of God only, but ued before also in the syght of men. 22 And we haue sent with them our bro ther, whom we haue ofte tymes proued di liget to many thiges, but now muche more diligent, for the great confidence which / haue in you. 2 3 Whether any do enquire of Titus, he is my felowe and helper, as concerning you : or els of our brethre, they are messengers P.iL Chap. IX. THE SECONPE EPISTLE of the Churches, and the " glorie of Chr- " That is by • . \ ° whome lste; Christs glo- 24 Wherfore shewe towarde the the prof- ri.e is gI!'"1'' p p 1 1^.1 • . , aduanced. fe ot your loue, and of the reioysmg that we haue of you, that the Churches may se it. THE IX. CHAPTER. The cause of Titus and his compagnions camming to them. He exhorteth to geue almes cherefully, shewing what fruit wil come the rof. T^Or as touching the ministring to the A. ¦*- Saintes, it is but superfluous for me to write vnto you : 2 For I knowe your redynes of mynd, wherof I boast my selfe vnto them of Ma cedonia, and say, that Achaia was prepared a yere a go, and your feruetnes hath pro- uoked many. 3 Neuerthelesse, yet haue I sent these bre thren, lest our reioystog ouer you should be in vayne in this behalfe : that ye (as I ha ue sayd) be ready. 4 Lest peraduenture yf they of Macedo nia come with me, and fynde you vnpre- pared, we (I nede not to say you) should be ashamed in this my constant boasting. 5 Wherfore, I thoght it necessary to ex- B horte the brethren to come before hande vnto you, and to finishe your beneuolen- ce appoynted afore : that it myght be rea dy : so that it may be a beneuolence, & not a thing drawen by force. 6 This yet remember, That he which sow eth lytel, shal reape lytel : and he that soweth TO THE CORINTHIANS. 299 soweth plenteously, shal reape plenteous- iy- 7 As euery ma wissheth to his heart, so let Rom. 1 2. b. hym gyue : not * grudgingly, or of necessi- Ke.35.dZ*. tie : * For God loueth a chereful geuer. C 8 God is able to make you riche in all grace, that ye in aU thtoges hauing a suf- ¦ Lest they shui- iiicient vnto the vtmost, may be riche vnto stmsUng ttimpo- "Thatyemay all maner Of " good workes, uerishe theselues n°ipse00othe^ 9 * * As it is writte, He hathsparsed abro- thai God " pM!». ^ Mldllatl1 g6Uen t0 ^ P°0re' "¦ bene" bar^s'ttLVbotte "Dauid spea'- uolence remayneth for euer. they stud haue ma^wWchfe 10 Also ***"e y fvndeth seede to the sower, uJs and also to hel ._£ihW_od &. wil mtoister lykewise bread for foode, & **e others mitha"- iEhbour'S n° multiplie your seed, and increase the fru tes of your beneuolence. D 1 1 That on all partes, ye may be made "or, hartie u- riche to aU " singlenes, which causeth berahue. through vs, that thankes be geuen vnto God.1 2 For the ministration of this offering, not only supplieth the nede of the Sain tes : but also is abundant in causing many to gyue thankes to God for the same. 1 3 (Which by the experimente of this mi nistration, prayse God for your volunta- rie submission to the Gospel of Christ, and for your hberal distribution to them, and bj £"_?%&%£ to all men) tie °od shal be " Or, greatly 14 And to b praye to God for you, " desi- shalt,6 commsded tfrrdyou- rin& after y°U g™^- fOT the abundantP°ayGe°sd \E grace of God geuen vnto you. they haue hoipen: 15 Thankes be vnto God for his vnspea- £ reuerenceT kable gyfte. ¦"*¦ being endowed OJ with an excellent gift of God. P.iii. Chap. X. THE SECONDE EPISTLE THE X. CHAPTER. He toucheth the false apostles, and defendeth his auctoritie, exhorting them to obedience, and sheweth what his power is, And this I require you, that I nede not to be bolde when I am present, with that same confidence, wherwith I thinke to be bolde agaynst some ft repute vs thogh as we walked carnally. 3 Neuerthelesse, thogh we walke compas sed with the fleshe, yet we do notwarre fle shly. 4 (For the weapons of our warrefare are B not carnal thinges, but strog by the power of God, to cast downe holdes) 5 Wherwith we ouerthrowe imaginatios, & euery hye thing that is exalted against the knowledge of God, and bringe into captiuitie euery thoght, to the obedience of Christe, 6 And haue ready the vengeance on aU disobedience, when your obediece is ful fyUed. 7 Loke ye on thinges after y vtter appea rance ? If any man truste to hym selfe that C he is Christes, let the same lykewise consi der of him selfe, that as he is Christes, eue so are we Christes. 8 For thogh I should boast my selfe some what more of our auctoritie, which the Lord hath geuen vs to edifie, & not to de- stroye TO THE CORINTHIANS. 300 stroye you, I nede not to be ashamed. 9 This I say leste I should seme to make you afrayed wyth letters. 10 For the letters (sayeth he) are sore & stronge, but his bodelye presence is wea ke, and his speach is of no value. 1 1 Let hym that is suche, thinke that as we are to worde by letters when we are ab sent, suche wyl we be in dede, when we are present. 1 2 For we dare not make our selues of the nomber, or to compare our selues to them, which praise them selues : but they vnder stand not that they b measure them selues "¦ He that measu with them selues, and compare them sei- ^m^or ues with them selues. measure to meate Di n -i-, . .i . - i by,& not to measu 13 But we wU not reioyce aboue measu- re a thing by it re, of things which are notwith to the co- selfe: to these boa- - ° * i ,. i sters must mea- EpheA.b. pas of our measure : but according to the sure them sei- "That is the "measure of that hne, wherof God hath di "hyacL's^'ifthTy Hon6SrvhichCa stributed vnto vs, a measure, to reache eue w'1 csv*™ with o- tlon wmcn thers.let the shewe uen hun gto y°U* what cotries, what wynne othere 14 For we stretche not our selues beyonde thirnrrrowone"'6 by- our measure, as thogh we had not reached the Lord, for who vnto you : for eue to you also haue we come ^'uiS which on to preachtog the Gospel of Christ, 'yat the table ca 15 Not boasting Our Selues Of things ft warres.andwhehe are without the compas of our measure : CoMs nethert- ihat is, of other mens labours : yea, and we bant nor expert ? hope, when your fayeth shal increase, to be magnified by you to our measure appoin "God gaue ted vnto vs, and that abundantly. wo6ridWtol6he 1 6 And " to preache the Gospel to those re Apostles to gions which are beyond you : not to reioyce ttat PauThe0 to the measure, which is appointed to an re meaneth 0ther man, that is, in them that are prepa- his portion or - , ' ± x measure. red already. P.iiii. Chap. XI. THE SECONDE EPISTLE 17*But let him that reioyceth, reioyce Iere.l9.g. in the Lord. l.cor.l.g. 18 For he that praiseth hym selfe, is not alowed, but he whome the Lord pray- seth. THE XI. CHAPTER. He deciareth his affection towarde them. The excellencie of his ministerie, Sf his dili gence in the same. The fetches of the false apo stles. The peruerse iudgement of the Corinthids, and his ownepraises. ^TVould to God, ye could suffre a ly- A • He calleth the ' tie my a folishnes, and to deed, " ve for "Tospeakein praising of him sei i ' J myne owne fe dotage, to the Deare me. coTnendatio. r?gan\!eo/theefai: 2 F°r } aHl -flOUS Ouer yOU, with godly "The mini- se apostles copei- eelousie : for ' I haue prepared you, for one sifr. n"3*"1*-"* led him who soght iIi_ja rr j _ Christ Sc his nothing 'eis, but to housband, to present you a pure virgin to churche, as ouerthrowe the Christe : housband & Church-, bv dimi- wiic nishing the autori 3 But I feare lest as the " serpent begyled Gen.3. a. tieofhisministe. Eue through his sutteltie : euen so your myndes should be corrupte from the sim- phcitie that is in Christ. 4 For if he that cSmeth, preacheth ano- "That is, mo ther" lesus then him whom we preached: c'rDncerfconcde? or if ye receaue another " sprite then that "big christe which ye haue receaued : ether another Go "More excei- spel, then that ye haue receaued, ye might lfntJ*^t?.s _"f r • J _ 'J a the Spirit by wel haue suffered him. other mens * They dyd not 5 Verely I b suppose that I was not infe- P'630111"11!- ^"pure^tte'n rior to the very chief Apostles. i dyd: for in this 6 Thogh I be rude in speakyng:, yet I am B behalfe I was no- *? , , , _ *_ J ° J thing inferior to not so in knowledge, but among you, we the chiefest Apo- haue bene knowen to the vtmost, what we sties. . n i ¦ are m aU thinges. 7 Dyd I therin synne, because I submit ted TO THE CORINTHIANS. 301 ted my selfe, that ye myght be exalted, & because I preached to you the Gospel of God fre ? 8 I robbed other Churches, and toke wa ges of them, to do you seruice withall. 9 And when I was present with you, and had nede, I was c not slothful to the • He dyd not on hindera.ee of any man : for that which was Lai_£°forWh.s if. lackyng vnto me, the brethre which came uyng.butinhucx from Macedonia supplied, & in all thin- ached P°di.6igenuy, Chap.l2.d. ges I kept my selfe that I shoulde not * be without burdening a on i -iti i any man, or els wa ac«._u.g. greuous to you, and so wU I kepe my sei- xing slothful to do p his duetie to eue- Ie- ry man. CIO" The trueth of Christ is to me, this re- " Let not the ¦ . , , . . . . trueth of loysmg shal not be shut vp against me m ttorhtetob be t'ae regi°ns of Achaia. in me, if i suf 11 Wherfore ? because I loue you not ? God i:\ri *%, knoweth- which i haue 1 2 Neuerthelesse what I do, that wU I do ; conceaued of . ,. ., i • i j Grecia. to cut away occasion from them which de sire occasion, y they myght be founde lyke vnto vs in that wherin they reioyce. 13 For suche d false apostles are deceyt- a By false apo- ful workers, and fashion them selues hke Se'SS.SleM vnto the Apostles of Christ. se doctrine (which D 14 And no maruayle, for Satan him selfe deUhaue' g^oweii is changed into the fashion of an Angel ™to) but suche as ° ° were vayne glori- of light. ous, and dyd not 15 Therfore it is no great thinge, thogh *eir duetie synce- his mtoisters fashion them selues, as thogh they were the ministers of rightuousnes : whose ende shalbe according to their de des. 16 1 say agayne, let no man thynke, that I am folyshe : or els euen now take me as a fole, that I also may boast my selfe a litel. 1 7 That I speake, I speake it not after the Chap. XI. THE SECONDE EPISTLE Lord : but as it were folishly, to this my great boasting. 18 Seing also that many reioyce "after y "in outwarde fleshe, I wU reioyce also. things- 1 9 For ye suffre foles gladly, because that E ye your selues are wise. 20 For ye suffre euen if a man bring you toto bondage, if a man deuoure you, if a man take your goods, if a man exalte hym selfe, if a man smyte you on the face. 211 speake as cocerntog rebuke : as thogh « Thatis.abiect, we had bene e weake : yea rather, wherin vile miserable, a soeuer any man dare be bolde (I speake fo craftes man, an ldi J V r ot, & subiect to lyshety) 1 dare be bolde also. LtSbtttogi 22 They are Hebrues, * and so am I: they Phil.s.a. the false apostles are Israelites, and so am I : they are the see- obiected against hi-, r a _ _ j x as most certeyn te- de of Abraham, and soml: worthies0™8™ 23 Tiiey are the mmisters of Christe (I F speake as a fole) I am more : to labours mo re abundant : in strypes aboue measure : to prison more plenteously : to " deathe " in the pre- pt sent dager of 01te- death. 24 Of the lewes fiue tymes, receaued I euery tyme fourtie strypes * saue one. Deut.2b.a. • ofthe Romain 25 f I was thryse beatenwithroddes: I was magistrats. * 0nCestoned: I suffered thryse * shipwrac- Act.U.c. ke. night and day haue I bene in the depe Act.27.e. of the sea : 26 In iornetog / was often to parels of wa ters, to parels of robbers : to ieopardies of myne own nation, to ieopardies among the Gentils, to parels to the citie, to parels in wUdernes, in parels in the sea, in parels among false brethren, 27 In wearines and paynefulnes, in wat ching often, in honger and thyrst, in fa- stynges TO THE CORINTHIANS. 302 stynges often, in colde and in nakednes. 28 Besyde the thynges, whych outwardly happen vnto me, I am combred dayly, with that heape of things which lye vpo me, which is, the care for all Churches. 29 Who is afflicted, and Iam not afflicted? who is offended, and I burne not ? 30 If I must nedes reioyce, I wU reioyce " of those g of mine " infirmities. sAsimprisonmst ttt-X™- 31 ^e God and Father of our Lord lesus 5K&_5_E_ ries condem- Christe, which is blessed for euermore, kno nesandsuchehke. fnme.inflrme weth that I lye not. Act. 9.d. 32 In the citie of * Damascus, the gouerner of the people vnder Kynge Aretas, layde watche in the citie of the Damascens, and would haue caught me. 33 And at a wyndowe was I let doune in a basket through the wall, & so escaped hys handes. THE XII. CHAPTER. He reioy seth in his preferment, but chief ely in his humblenes: and laieth the cause of his boasting vpon the Corinthians, he sheweth what good wil he beareth them, and promiseth to come vnto them. A TT is not expedient for me no dout, to re- -*-ioyce : neuerthelesse, I wU come to visions . and reuelations of the Lord. Act.9. a. 2*1 knowe a man " in Christe, aboue four- "a christian. f_ene y6res agone, (whether he were in the body I can not tel, or whether he were out of the body I can not tel : God knoweth) " That is to which was taken vp toto the " thyrde hea- say, into the I1P_ . highest hea- ueI1 • uen. 3 Andl knowe such a ma (whether in the bo Chap. XII. THE SECONDE EPISTLE dy, or out of the body, I can not teU, God knoweth.4 How that he was taken vp into Paradi- B se, & heard wordes " which can not be spo- "Mansmiirmi ken, which are not in mans power to vt- tie^ed'are ter. them. 5 Of suche a man wyl I reioyce, of my sel fe wyl I not reioyce, except it be of mine infirmities. 6 And thogh I would reioyce, I should not be a fole : for I wU say the trueth. but I refraine, lest any man should thynke of me aboue that he seyth me to be, or heareth of me. 7 And lest I should be exalted out of mea sure through the abundance of reuelatios, • The greke wor there was geuen vnto me a " a pricke in the " which was de pf?cefl o'?waoohdae fleshe> the messenger of Sata to buffet me, *ethrf S as a pale, or stake, because I should not be exalted OUt Of mea against thespi and also a litle rit, & warned spilde or sharpe SUTe. him that Sata thing which pric- 8 For this thyng I besoght the Lord " thry- ywat Jiande. ri e ii i one as ne _ „ - _ - i nac is to goeth through bus- se, that lt myght departe from me. say, oftenty- shye & thickepla- g j^.^ hg gayd ^^ me> My grace jg guf. mes. ficient for thee : for my power is made "per- "isknowen,& feet through weakenes. Very gladly there- ^dentI*' se- fore wU I reioyce rather in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may dweU in me. ¦¦ He doth not 10 Therfore b I take pleasure to tofirmi- c only pacientiybea tes, in rebukes, in nede, in persecutions, to re his afflictions, , r j-*, • . 1 r> i t but also ioyfuiiy anguyshe for Christes sake, tor when 1 am ^ett "pleasure ^eake, then am I stronge. therin for christs 1 1 I was a fole to boast my self, ye haue compelled me : for I oght to haue bene com mended of you : for in nothtog was I infe rior vnto the chiefe Apostles, thogh I be nothtog. 12 The TO THE CORINTHIANS. 303 12 The tokens of an Apostle were wroght D among you with all pacience, and signes, & wonders, and mighty deedes. 1 3 For what is it, wherin ye were inferiors Chap.il.b. vnto other Churches, * except, that I was not chargeable vnto you ? forgeue me this wronge done vnto you. 14 Beholde now the c thirde tyme I am • For first, he was ready to come vnto you, and yet wyl I not go^hraStato be chargeable vnto you: for I seke not Macedonia ^ and so His fatherly yours, but you. for the chyldre oght not to cor. 16. a. Then affection. laye ^ for the fathers : but the fathers for *'eh,enh* I toke yOU with c0_£ y^em!" gUe. 1 7 Dyd I pUl you by any of them which I sent vnto you ? " To go to 1 8 I desired " Titus, and with him I sent a you" brother : dyd Titus defraude you of any thing ? walked we not to the selfe same spri te ? walked we not in like steppes ? 1 9 Agayne, thinke ye that we excuse our selues vnto you ? we speake in Christ, to the syght of God. But we do aU thinges dearly beloued for your edifying. 20 For I feare lest it come to passe, that when I come, I shal not fynde you suche as I wolde : & that I shalbe founde vnto you, "sharpest se- "suche as ye wolde not. I feare lest ther be found among you, debate, enuying, wrath, stryfe, backbytinges, whysperynges, swel- lynges, and discorde. Chap. XIII. THE SECONDE EPISTLE 21 I feare lest when I come agayne, my a Ther was no- God bring me d lowe among you, and I be thing wherat he so , _ _ , i ° J „ , muche reioysed as constrayned to bewayle many of them proffliedStte? which haue synned already, and haue not fore he calleth the repented of the * vnclennes, fornication & l.Cor.b.a. giorSandioyeias wantonnes, which they haue committed. also nothing dyd more caste downe his hart as whe THE XIII. CHAPTER. good*1""" djd °0 He ^reateneth the obstinate, and deciareth what his power is, by their oume testimonie. al so he sheweth what is the effect of this epistle af ter hauing exhorted them to their duetie he wis- sheth them all prosperitie. » His first com- IVfOw come I the " thyrd tyme vnto you. A Ung among? the_. * In the mouth of two or thre witnes- DeutA9.d. his seconde, was ses, shal euery worde stande. mat.is.c. now he is ready ;* 2 " I tolde you before, and tel you before : heb.'io.c. come the third as when I was present the seconde tyme, so " '? ,my *rst tyme which thre T , r. - , , ; . epistle. Chap. commings he cal- wryte I now being absent to them whych m _. _. ne'shseT 'hre ""' tYme Past haue synned, and to aU others: that yf I come agayne, I wU not spa re : 3 Seyng that ye seke experience of Chri- chinghthe'flette0in ste> which speaketh to me, which towarde mans iudgemet you is not weake, but is myghty to you. B iell tterfort we 4 For thogh he was crucified " concer- ';i°**[^m that are his mem- r^g frig mm-mitie, yet lyueth he through f/md'tcikev otherwhie110 este- the power of God. And we no dout are wea ]?on hiln the cruci:fiedUhesbh?wg ke in him : "but we shal hue withtom, by uT.60 ed him selfe very the myght of God among you. we, whome ye'con' 5 * Proue your selues whether ye are to the 1. CV.n ./. temneasdeadmE fayth ornot: examen your selues : knoweye eccle.is.c. and cast awaies.ha J , i. , T rn • _ ue through God not your owne selues, how that lesus Uhnst execute00^0 » « Y™ ? except ye be castawayes. you, that ye may fj I trust that ye shal knowe that we are fele sesibly that we liue in christe. not castawayes. 7 I TO THE CORINTHIANS. 304 C 7 I desire before God that ye do none e- uU, not that we should seme commedable, but that ye should do that which is honest : " in mans iud thogh we be counted as " lewde persones. gement. g por we ca fe nothing against the trueth but for the trueth. 9 We are glad when we are weake, and ye " Hauing aba " stronge. this also we wishe fore, euen that gSo? cod! ye were perfect. 10 Therfore wryte I these thtoges being absent, lest when I am present, I should vse D sharpenes, accordyng to the power which "Commit not the Lord hath geuen me, to " edefie, and not geVc°eUrtn6f to destroye. that which is 1 1 Finally brethre, fare ye wel : be perfect, saiuatumtoOT be of good comfort, be of one mynde, ly- sTru'ctfon" d6 ue ™ Peace, and the God of loue and pea ce, shalbe with you. Rom. 16. c. 12 Grete one another to an * holy kisse. i.Cor.i6.d. 13 All the Sainctes salute you. e • ¦ • 14 The grace of our Lord lesus Christ, and the loue of God, and the fellowship of the holy Gost be with you att. Amen. The seconde epistle to the Corinthians, sent from PhUippi, a citie in Mace donia, by Titus and Lucas. THE ARGUMENT OF THE Epistle to the Galatians. HE Galatians after they had be ne instructed by S. Paul in the tru eth of the Gospel, gaue place to fal se Apostles, who entring in, in his absence corrupted the pure doctri ne of Christe, and taught that the Ceremonies of the Lawe must be necessarily obserued. which thing the Apostle so earnestly reasoneth against, that he proueth that the granting therof, is the ouerthrowe of mans saluatio purchased by Chri ste. for the light of the Gospel is obscured : the con science burdened : the testaments confounded : mas iustice established. And because the false tea chers dyd pretende as thogh they had bene sent of the chief Apostles, and that Paul had no autori tie but spake of him selfe, he proueth both that he is an Apostle ordeyned by God, and also that he is not inferior to the rest of the Apostles, which thing established, he procedethto his pourpos : pro uing that we are f rely iustified before God with out any workes or ceremonies, which notwith standing in their tyme had their vse and cbmo ditie : but now, they are not only vnproffitable fi gures, but also pernicious, because Christ the trueth and ende therof is come, wherfore men oght now to embrase that libertie, which Christ hath pourchased by his bloude, and not to haue their consciences snared in the grennes of mans traditions, fynally he sheweth wherin this li bertie standeth, and what excercises apperteyne thervnto. S05 THE EPISTLE OF PAVL TO THE Galatians. THE FYRST CHAPTER. Paul rebuketh their inconstancie which suf fired them selues to be seduced by the false Apo stles, who preached that the obseruation of the ce remoniesof the Lawe were necessarie to satuatio. he sheweth hys owne conuersation, magnifieth hys office and Apostelshyp, and deciareth hym selfe to be equal wyth the Hye Apostles. AVL ANAPOS- tle (not " of men,netherby"ma, but by lesus Christe, and by God y Father which raysed him fro death) And aU the brethren which are w me, Q.i. Chap. I. THE EPISTLE vnto the Churches of Galatia : 3 * Grace be to you and peace from God the Rom. i.a. Father, and from our Lord lesus Christ. '•«»"•¦•'"• 4 Which gaue him selfe for our synnes, to dehuer vs from this" present euyl world "Which is.the according to the wyl of God our Father. m™ without 5 To whom be prayse for euer and euer, christe. Amen. 6 I marueyle that ye are so sone tourned vnto another " Gospel, forsaking him that "Or.doctrine. had called you vnto the " grace of Christ, "Saiuation of- 7 Seing there is no nother : but that there christe6 y 7 be some which trouble you, and intende to ' Forwhat is mo a pemert the Gospel of Christ. freCiustification by 8 But thogh that we, or an " Angel from B suncatmn" whe heauen, preache vnto you otherwaies, then p^bi..™6''6 Lawe, or our wor- that which we haue preached vnto you, ^nettes^wot'o0 holde him as " accursed. :?brieabhomi- gether, is to ioyne 9 As we sayd before, so say I now agayne, light with darke- ,r- J , , _¦_. • nes, death with li- Yf any man preache vnto you otherwaies, fe, and doth vtter- tnen a^a. j^g receauea holde him ac- ly ouerthrow the J Gospel. cursed. ] 0 For " now preache I mans doctrine, or » Being of a Gods? other golabout to please men? forif JeanA6iostie" I studied yet to please men, I were not the seruant of Christe. 11*1 certifie you brethren, that the Gospel 1 • Cor. lb.a. whych was preached of me, was not after b That is, doctri- the b maner of men. Dy whoTe'luSe 12 For nether receaued I it of man, nether c also I preache it. was J taught it : but by the " reuelation of "Byanextra- Iesus Christe. ueiattm6 re" 1 3 For ye haue heard of my conuersation in tyme paste, to the Iewishe religion, how that* I persecuted the Churche of God ex A_ct. 9. a. tremely, and spoyled it. 14 And profited in the Lawe of the lewesaboue TO THE GALATIANS. 306 aboue many of my companions, which we re of mine owne nation, and was a muche more feruent maynteyner of the traditios " For his fa- " receaued of my father. a^'h-rise"? 15 But when it; ° Phased God, which had • He maketh thre Act.23.b. ' separated me from my mothers wombe, & fe6i_aTpredes0tina- called me by his grace, af, first Ms eter- 16 To reueile his Sonne to me, that I should his appoyntingfro preache him among the Gentils : immediat {j£__S toMJ,™;; " with any ty Icommunednoto/i'Aewiai'i'erwith "fleshe calling. and bloud : 1 7 Nether returned to Ierusalem to them which were Apostles before me : but went Act.9.c. into * Arabia, and came agayne vnto Da mascus. D 18 Then after thre yeres, I returned to Ie rusalem to se Peter, and abode with him, fyftene dayes. 1 9 And no nother of the Apostles sawe I, saue lames the Lordes brother. 20 The thinges which I write vnto you, beholde, I witnes before God, that I lye not. 2 1 After that, I wet toto the costes of Syria & CUicia : for I was vnknowen as touching my person vnto the Churches of Iewrie, which were to Christe. A4ct.22.d. 22 But they heard only somesay * Hewper- secuted vs to tyme past, now preacheth the " That is, the " fayth, which before he destroyed. Gospel. 23 And they glorified Qod fo- mei THE II. CHAPTER. Confirming his Apostieship to be of God, he she weth that he is nothing inferior to other Apo stles : yea and that he hath reproued Petemthe A- postle of the lewes. After he commeth to the prin Q.ii. Chap. II. THE EPISTLE cipal scope, which is to proue that iustification only commeth of the grace of God by faith in le sus Christe, and not by the workes of the Lawe. ^FHen fourtene yeres after, I went vp a- A -1- gayne to Ierusalem with Barnabas, and toke wyth me Titus also. 2 And I went vp by reuelation, and com muned with them of the Gospel which I preache among the GentUs * but particuler Act. 17. a. ly with them which were counted chiefe, lest it should haue bene thoght, that I ' Paul nothing should runne, or had runne a * in vayne. "Gr. without tdrin'e6dbutbecausce 3 Also Titus wtoch was wyth me, thogh he proflt* many reaported were a Greke, yet was not " compeUed to be "Which decia that he taught con • . , r reth that the trary doctrine to t.iiuuin_lb_u. other Apos- the other Apostles, 4 "Which was because of false brethren, "?» L. agreed which rumors hin . . • with him. dered thecourse of that crept in, which came in pnuehe to dheuoredDto'reme.' sPye out our libertie, which we haue to die "¦ Christ lesus, that they myght bryng vs to to bondage'. 5 To whom we gaue no roume, no not for the space of an houre, as concerning to be broght into subiection : that the trueth of the Gospel myght. continue with you. 6 Of them which semed to be great I was not laught (what they were to tyme passed it B maketh no matter to me : * God loketh on Deu. 10. d. no mans person) neuerthelesse, they which . f ™" l9,0- h But approued are to estimation b dyd communicat no- wisdo 6 . £.£SS__r thing with me. *£«.*».». 7 But contrary wyse, when they sawe that rom^\b\ the Gospel ouer the vncircumcision was c5 eph.6. b. mitted vnto me, as the Gosnelouer the Cir- c°loss. 3.d. . t> a. 1 pet. I.e. cumcision was vnto refer : 8 (For he that was mighty by Peter in the Apostleshipe ouer the Circumcision, wasalso TO THE GALATIANS. 307 also myghty by me among the Gentils :) 9 And therfore when lames, Cephas, and •Iohn perceaued the grace that was geuen vnto me, which are take to be pyllers, gaue " in token to me and Barnabas the " ryght handes of agreed in doc- felow shyp.that we shouldpreache amog the trine. GentUs, and they among the lewes. Alet. ll. d. 1 0 * Warning only that we should remem- 2. cor. 9. a. ^er fae p00re : which thing also I was dili gent to do. C 1 1 And when Peter was come to Antio- ^Meaning be- che, I withstode him " to his face, for he was ' worthy to be blamed. 1 2 For yer that certayne came from lames, he ate wyth the Gentils : but when they we re come, he withdrue & separated him sel fe from them, fearyng them which were of the Circumcision. 13 And the other lewes dissembled ly kewyse with him, in somuche that Bar nabas was broght into their simulation also. 14 But when I sawe, that they went not the right way after the trueth of the Gos pel, I sayd vnto Peter before all men, Yf thou being a Iewe, lyuest after the maner of the Gentils and not as do the lewes, why " in bringing " causest thou the GentUs to lyue as do the their conscie- T - J ces into dout. lewes t Here the Apo i g -ysTg whic}i are lewes by nature, and not stle commeth •' to his chief c synners of the GentUs, t por so tne Ie_ Ram. 3. c l6 Knowe that a ma is not iustified by the ™,ess_r1r|dr*heGe" philip 3. a. dedes of the Lawe: but by the fayth of le sus Christe: euewe/.a^hauebeleuedtole sus Christe, that we myght be iustified by the fayth of Christe, and not by the dedes of the Lawe : because that by the d-ttes of Q.to. Chap. Ill, THE EPISTLE the Lawe, " no fleshe shalbe iustified. "No man. 1 7 * If then whyle we seke to be made righ Rom. 3.c. ¦> Except our tuous by Christ, we our selues are founde d. toourfaittwede sinners, is Christe therfore the minister of n1oatrCnr*s'te6naU6 synne ? God forbyd. 1 8 For yf I buylde agayne that which I de stroyed, then make I my selfe a trespa ser. 19 For I, through the Lawe, am dead to the Lawe, that I myght lyue vnto God : and am " crucified with Christe. "And fele his ¦ Not as i was on 20 1 hue verely , yet e now not I : but Christ st?£1Yn,mi> and^nfeTinlo l^th tome, and the lyfe Which I nowty- synne. "le'h a newe creature, ue in the " fleshe, I lyue by the fayth ofthe "In this mor- not in tubstance. Sonne of God which hath loued me, andge talDod>'- uen hym selfe for me. 21 I do not abrogate the" grace of God : for " As dyd the yf rightuousnes cometh of the Lawe, then J^S? Apos" Christ dyed " without a cause. "°r. for no- J thing. THE III. CHAPTER. He rebuketh them sharpely, and proueth by diuers raisons that iustification is by faith, as appeareth by the example of Abraham, and by the office, and the ende, both of the Lawe, and of faith. 0, Fohshe Galatians, who hath bewit- a 'ched you that ye should not obey the - To whome chri trueth ? to whom lesus Christe before a was pr'attedTaiif his described in your sight, & among you cru- lyuely image were cified. eyes o6eis nadbe- 2 This only wolde I learne of you, Recea ue crucified amog ue(j ye t],g gprite by the dedes of the La- "That is, the you. -> r J . , doctrine of we, or els by the hearing of fayth prea- saiuation r-hpd ? through faith . , r , i_ to lesus Chri 3 Are ye so vnwyse, that after ye haue be- ste. gonne TO THE GALATIANS. 308 gonne in the Sprite, ye now b are made per b The false apo ?_•__. n n_._ sties taught that "And ceremo tect in the fleshe t Christe proffited Lawe°f 'he 4 So many thtoges ye haue sufired in vay n^h™«re J*0^' ne, yf that be vayne. cised, and that the 5 He therfore that ministreth to you the ^ctZT ___ Sprite, and worketh miracles among you : christs doctrine doth he it through y dedes of the Lawe, ments there vnto. or by the hearing of faith preached ? 6 Euen as Abraham beleued God, and it Gen. 15.6. was * ascribed to him for rightuousnes : iom.4.a. 7 So ye knowe, f they which are of faith, mm.2.d. ^ game are j^g chUdren of Abraham. 8 , For the Scripture sawe afore hande, y God wolde iustifie the Gentils through faith, and therfore preached before hand Gen. 1 2. d. the Gospel vnto Abraham, saying, * In thee eccfe. 44. c. shal aU the GentUs be blessed. act. 3. d. 9 go then they wj1ici1 he of faith, are bles- B sed with faithful Abraham. 10 For as many as are vnder the dedes of the Lawe, are vnder y curse : for it is writ- Deut. 27. d. ten : * Cursed is euery man that continueth not in all thtoges, which are written to the boke of the Lawe, to fulfil them. 1 1 And that no man is iustified by the Lawe to the sight of God, it is euident : Abac. 2. a. * For the iuste shal lyue by fayth rom.l.b. 12 And the c Lawe is not of fayth : but, • The Lawepro- __Zulti8.a. * The ma that shal fulfil those thinges, shal ^Mch 23S hue to them. ue. but which 13 Now Christe hath redemed vs from the curse of the Lawe, when he was made Deu. 21 . d. accursed for vs : for it is written * Cursed is euery one that hangeth on tree, 14 That the blessing of Abraham might come on the Getils through Christe lesus, Q.iiii. • Chap, III. THE EPISTLE and that we might receaue the " promes of " which is . the Sprite through faith. the Gospel- » i wii vse a co- 15 Brethren, d I speake after the maner of you may be'asha- men, * Thogh it be but a mas Couenant co- c jned to attribute firmed by autoritie. yet no man doth abro- Heb.9.c. lesse vnto God the . J , , , to suche couenats gate lt, or e addeth any thing therto. kettto°anSnerma 16 To Abraham & his seed were the pro- c No more is the raises made . He sayth not, In the seedes, as promes of God ab _ , , T . , . . - . , rogate by the of many : but, In thy sede, as m one, which Lawe, nor yet is ;s Christe. the Lawe added to . T ^ the promes to ta- 17 And this 1 say, that the Lawe which ttar-w'a^uTer5. hegan afterwarde, foure hundred & thyr- iiuous, or to sup- ty yeres, can not disanul the Couenat, that wanted*! °° " was confirmed afore of God to respect of Christe, to make the promes of none ef fect. 1 8 For if the toheritace come of the Lawe, it commeth not then of promes. but God gaue it vnto Abraham by promes. 19 Wherfore the serueth the Lawe ? it was ' That synne added because of f transgressions, tyl the Sademoreabl seede came to whych the promes was ma dam, and so all fe an(i ja. wag or_.eyned by " Angels in the "who as mi- del^e! ^ ™- hande of a Mediatour. ro Mo^eT' 20 A Mediatour is not a Mediatour of one : but God is " one. » constant & 21 Is the Lawe then against the promise j^lwaislf like of God ? God forbyd : for, if there had bene a Lawe geuen which could haue geuen ly fe, then no doute rightuousnes should ha ue come by the Lawe. 22 But the Scripture hath concluded all D thynges vnder synne, that the promise by «The ful reue the faith of lesus Christ, should be geuen buion of to them that beleue. were hyd vn- 23 But before " fayth came, we were kept *rsth0f hathe and shut vp vnder the Lawe, vnto y faith Lawe. which TO THE GALATIANS. 309 which should afterward be reueUed. Rom.lO.a. 24 Wherfore, the * Lawe was our scho le master to bringe vs to Christ, that we myght be made rightuous by faith. 25 But after that faith is come, now are we no lenger vnder a schole master. 26 For ye are aU the sonnes of God, by fayth to Christ lesus. Rom.6.a. 27 * For all ye that are £ baptized vnto bso that Baptis- Christe, haue put on Christe. SSEEjSd'E 28 There is nether Iewe nor GentU : there through christe ,i i , n n both Iewe ac Gen- " As all one is nether man nor woman : but ye are all tu is saued. one in Christe lesus : 29 If ye be Christes, then are ye Abrahas seed, and heyres by promise. THE IIII. CHAPTER. He sheweth wherfore the ceremonies were ordeyned, which being shadowes must end whe Christe the trueth commeth. He moueth them by certeyne exhortations, and confirmeth his argu ment with a stronge example or allegorie. A rPHen I say, That the a heyre as longe as « The churche -»- he is a childe, differeth not from a ser SJJSJ.™^ uant, thogh he be Lord of all, pu subiect to his _~_ t_ , - i // i __ i tutor, eue vnto " That is the 2 But is vnder tutors and gouerners, vn- thetymeof Christ Lawe, which a^j fae tyme appoynted of the father : "be she waxed before he cal J J r-r J stronge, and then led a schole 3 Euen SO, we, as longe as we Were ChU- hertutelshyp end- "xhatfa vn- M ys G;* who^hatt do good vnto aU men, and speciaUy vnto ministers to teache the which are of the housholde of faith, things. eau6" y 1 1 Ye see how large a letter I haue writ ten vnto you wyth myne owne hande. 12 As many as desire with outwarde appe "By the outw ranee to please " carnaUy, they constrayne arde ceremo. yQU t_ ^e circumcised : only because they would not suffre persecution with y cros se of Christe. D 13 For they them selues which are circum cised, kepe not the Lawe : but desire to ha ue you circumcised, that they might reioy " That they ce " in your fleshe. you6iewm3ade 14 But God forbyd that I should reioyce, but in y crosse of our Lord lesus Christe : Chap. VI. THE EPISTLE <" By the worlde wherby the d worlde is crucified vnto me, he meaneth all,-'', ' outwarde pope.ce- and 1 vnto the worlde. wMcMeafeS 15 For to Christe lesus, nether Circumci- fantasies. sion auayleth any thtoge at aU, nor vncir cumcision, but a newe creature. 16 And as many as walke according to this rule, peace shal be to them, and mer cie, and vpon Israel that pertayneth to God. hi'e^rea.Sg 17 ^^ hence forthe, let no man « put fro hece forth: for me to busynes : for I beare in my body the wuneTsestowva. " markes of the Lord lesus. ^Whitt are fbht ' haue '-'-' Brethren, the grace of our Lord lesus worlde, bu6 Christe be with your sprite. Amen. fireotd.06" Vnto the Galatians written from Rome. THE ARGVMENT OF THE Epistle to the Ephesians. 1 Hile Paul was prisonner at Ro- , me, ther entered in among the Epkesids false teachers, who cor rupted the true doctrine which t he had taught them, by reason wherof, he wrote this Epistle to confirme them in that thing which they had learned of him. And first after his salutation, he assureth them of saiuation because they were ther vnto prede stinate by the fre electib of God, before they were borne, and sealed vp to this eternal life by the holy Gost, geue vnto the by the Gospel, the which mysterie he prayeth God to confirme towarde them. And to thintent they shulde not glorie in them selues, he sheweth them their extreme mi serie, wherin they were plonged before they knewe 313 knewe Christe, as people without God, Gentils, to whome the promises were not made : &: yet by the fre mercie of God in Christe lesus, they were saued, Sf he appointed to be their Apostle, and of all other Gentils. therfore he desireth God to lighte the Ephesians hartes with the perfect vnderstading of his Sone, Sj exhorteth the like wyse to be myndeful of so great benefits, nether to be moued with the false apostles, which seke to ouerthrowe their faith, and treade vnderfote the Gospel : which was not preached to them, as by chace or fortune, but according to the eternal co unsel of God : who by this meanes preserueth on ly his Churche. Therfore the Apostle commen- deth his ministerie, forasmuche as God therby raigneth amog men : and causeth it to bring for the moste pletiful fruits, as innocencie, holynes, with all suche offices apperteyning to Godlynes. Last of all, he deciareth not only in general what oght to be the life of the Christians, but also she weth particulerly , what things concerne euery mans vocation . R.i. THE EPISTLE OF PAVL TO THE Ephesians. * THE FYRST CHAPTER. After his salutation he sheweth that the chiefe cause of their saiuation standeth in the fre election of God through Christe, next he de ciareth his good wil towarde them, geuing tha kes and praying God for their faith. The maie- stie of Christe . a v l an Apos- A tie of i e s v s Christe, by f wil of God, to y * Sainctes, ft I. Cor A. are at Ephe sus, & to the faithful to Chri ste lesus. 2 Grace be to you, & peace from God our Father, and from the Lord lesus Christe. 3 * Blessed TO THE EPHESIANS. 314 2. Cor. I.a. 3 * Blessed be God the Father of our Lord l.pet.l.a, lesus Christe, which hath blessed vs with aU maner of a spiritual blesstoges in hea- • as with the uenty thtoges to Christe ctS.wfthfaitt. 2. Tim. i.e. 4 * According as he had b chose vs in him, hope.charitie, and collos. 1 . c before the foundations 0f the world were other Biftes.^^ ^ ['WhS Christs layd, that we should be " holy, and without life eueriasting ca ITutedoiSs"*1 hlame before him through loue. buterin6tem'PSorai 5 Who dyd predestinate vs, to be adop- CS^SS_X ted through lesus Christe vnto him selfe a certain space, i. . ,i j i p i_* -i wh5 the terme is B according to the good pleasure ot his wil. expired he ch_- "The princi- 6 To the " praise of the glorie of tos grace, *"eth bis election pal ende of , .^ , , ., b, _ . ' as we see in Saul our election where with he hath made vs accepted in and ludas. glor°fiPeaitte& th« heloued. grace of God. 7 By whome we haue redeption through his bloude, euen the forgeuenes of synnes, of his riche grace. 8 By the which grace he ab5ded toward vs moste pletifuUy in aU wisdome & vn derstanding. 9 And hath opened vnto vs the mysterie of his wU, according to his fre beneuolen- "in christe. ce, which he had purposed" in torn. C 10 That in the dispensation of the ful ty me he myght gather together agayne *" all = By this, he mea thinges, bothe which are in heauen, & also £**_ 0f^e $£?_ which are to earth, euen in Christe : che, which he diui , , T i i i i deth into them 11 In whome also we are chosen when wewhkhareinheaue, were predestinate according to the pur- _"*i*,^e^_so pose of him, which worketh all thinges af the faithful which ter the counsel of tos owne wil : stSd^of^he'ie- "The lewes. 12 That " we, which first trusted in Christ, wes and the Gen- shoulde be vnto the prayse of his glorie. 1 3 In whome also ye haue trusted, after that ye heard the worde of trueth, / meane the Gospel of your saiuation, wherin afeo af ter that ye beleued, ye were sealed with R.ii. Chap. II. THE EPISTLE the holy Spirite of promis. 14 Which is the ernest of our inheritan ce, that we might he fully restored to liber tie, vnto the praise of his glorie. 15 Wherfore, after that I heard of the D faith, which ye haue in the Lord lesus, and loue vnto aU the Sainctes : 16 1 cease not to geue thakes for you, ma- kyng mention of you in my prayers, 1 7 That the God of our Lord lesus Chri ste the Father of glorie, myght geue vnto you the Sprite of wysedome, and open to you the knowledge of " him. ,,of c„rist<, 1 8 And hghten the eyes of your myndes, that ye may knowe what that hope is, whe re vnto he hath caUed you, and what the ryches of hys glorious inheritace is in the Sainctes, 1 9 And what is the excedtog greatnes of his power to vswarde, which beleue, * ac- Col.2.c. cording to the workyng of that his migh- cnaP-S.b. ty power. 20 Whych he wroght in Christe, when he 'i Made him Go- raysed hym from the dead, and d set hym bott6i„°heaauehnS at his ryght hande in the hetmenly places, in earth: so that 21 Farre aboue all Rule, and Power, and no"Soneiy° there* Might, and Domination, and euery Name, or eis it shulde j-jjat is named, not in thys world onty, but not be a true bo- . J J dy. and his ascen- also in the world to come : fantLtoftMnge 22 * And hath made all thinges subiect Psal.S.b. and only imagi. vnder his feete, and hath appointed him *e6-2-J' aboue all thinges, the head of y Churche, 23 Which is his body, and the fulnes of him that filleth all in aU thinges. THE II. chapter. To magnifie the grace of Christe, which is the only TO THE EPHESIANS. 315 only cause of saiuation. Paul sheweth the what maner of people they were before their conuer- sion, and what they are now in Christe. A A Nd you hath he quyckened also, y were Col.2.b. -f*-dead in trespasses and synnes. 2 In the which, to tyme passed ye walked, according to the course of thys worlde, & Chap.6.b. after the *Gouerner that ruleth in the ay- re, and the spirit, that now worketh to the chUdren of disobedience. 3 Among whome, we also had our couer- sation to time past, to the lustes ofour fle she, in fulfilling the wU of the fleshe, & of "Not by crea the mynde : and were " naturaUy the chil- Adams^'ans- ^ren °f wrath, euen as wel as other. gression.&so 4 But God ft is riche in mercie, through his great loue wherwyth he loued vs, B 5 Euen when we were dead by synnes, "Both iewe & hath quickened vs" together in Christ, by e whose grace ye are saued, 6 And hath a raysed vs vp together, and * We that are j . _ _i • _ i i ii the members are made vs syt together in the heauenly pla- raysed vp from ces in Christe lesus : a***"'1" & *"""'"-"•"¦ with our head 7 tor to shewe m tyme to come the ex- Christ in heauen ceding riches of his grace, through his by falth" kyndnes to vswarde in Christe lesus. 8 For by grace are ye made safe through fayth : and that not of your selues : it is the gyfte of God. 9 Not of workes, lest any man should bo- ste hym selfe. Here he me- 10 For we are hys " workemanshyp crea- i He sheweth he cS_S__J'-r_'' ted in Christe lesus vnto good workes, ft re that the farther ¦-"-.nuii", gra.- o » tiie Getils were of ce, & not by God ordeyned, that we should walke in from the grace of nature. , God_ the greater ulcu'- . detters they are c 1 1 Wherfore b remember that ye beyng in now to the same. R.iii. Chap. II. THE EPISTLE time passed Gentils in the fleshe, and we re called * vncircumcision, of them, which l.Sam.n.d. are called Circumcision in the fleshe, and ezeA*-b, which is made by handes : 12 Remeber I say, y ye were at y time wyth out Christe, and were reputed abates fro the comen welth of Israel, and were * stra- Rom. 9. a. ' it was but one Sers fr™ the c Couenants of promis, and Couenant, but be- had no " hope, & were without God in this "Wher no pro cause lt was diuers ,, r mes is, ther is tymes cOfirmed 6c WOrlQ. n0 ho^e fore^herlVcai- 1 3 But now ™ Christ lesus, ye which once leth ttem Coue- were farre of, are made nye, by the bloude nants" I say of Christe. 14 For he is our peace, which hath made of bothe one, and hath broken the stoppe of the particion watt, d For in christe 1 5 In abrogating through his d flesshe the SXw hatred- that is to say> theLaw of comman- were preflgurate dements which standeth to ceremonies, for to make of twaine, one newe man in him selfe, so making peace. 16 And that he myght reconcile bothe vnto God to one body by his " Crosse, and "Or, death. slaye hatred therby. 1 7 And came, and preached peace to you D which were a farre of, and nye. 1 8 * For through hym we both haue an ope Rom.b. a. way in, by one Spirite vnto the Father. 19 Now therfore ye are no more stran gers and foreners : but citesyns with the Sainctes, and of the houshould of God. 20 And are buylt vpon the foundatio of the Apostles and Prophetes, lesus Christ being the very corner stone, 21 In whom all the buyldyng coupled to gether, groweth vnto an holy temple to the Lord. 22 In TO THE EPHESIANS. 316 22 In whome ye also are buylte together, and made the habitation of God by the Spirite. THE III. CHAPTER. He sheweth the cause of his imprisonmet, desi reth the not to faint because of his trouble, and prayeth God, to make the stedfast in the Sprite. A Tj^Or this cause I Paul, am y a prisoner of * Hereioyseth in P T /-ri • , _ i c a~ -...I that, that he suf- -*- lesus Christ tor your sakes w are (jetus. fre(i imprisonmet " His vocatio 2 If ye haue " heard of the ministratio of jj^c*°f ""Jj^ t° S^Ged™ the grace of God, which is geue me to you glorie. warde. 3 That is, that God by reuelation hath she wed this mysterie vnto me, (as I wrote " That is, in " aboue to few wordes, of6 this °Ep?-' 4 Wherby whe ye rede, ye may knowe my slle- ne vnderstading to the mysterie of Christ) 5 Which mysterie in tytoes passed was b not opened vnto the sonnes of men, as it *• Althogh the is nowe declared vnto his holy Aposteles prophets Tad re6. and Prophetes by the Sprite. ueiations certein: „ _. r. a-..i iiii -i -, yet it was not in B 6 That the GentUs should be inhenters comparison of that also, and of the same body, and partakers tb_f_£wedWw__ of his promis that is in Christe, by the mea the Getils were p ., _-, i called: nether yet nes Of the (jOSpel, was the tyme, nor 7 Wherof I am made a mtoister, by the the maner know- gyfte of the grace of God geuen vnto me through the workyng of his power. Chap. i.d. 8 * Vnto me I say, the least of all Sainctes i.eor.ib.a. is this grace geuen, that I should preache among the Gentils, the vnsearcheable ri ches of Christe : 9 And to make aU men se what the felow - shype of the mysterie is, which fro the be gynnyng of f world hath be hyd rh God, R.iiii. Chap. III. THE EPISTLE who made aU thynges through lesus Chri ste. 10 To the intet, that now vnto "Rulers and "The Angels. Powers in heauenly places, myght be kno- « The churche wen c by the Churche, the manyfolde wy- being gathered of sedome of God, so many kyndes of * people, is an ex_- 1 1 Accordyng to the eternal purpose, the' Inge^to D°e- * he wroght to Christe lesus our Lord. bolde the wisdome 12 By whome we haue boldnes and en- hath toumek their trance with confidence, by the fayth which particuler dis- we haue m },„,-, cords into a vni- J uersai concorde,& 13 Wherfore I desire that ye faint not, be c of bondag^hath cause of my tribulations for your sakes, made theChurche which is your glorie. 14 For this cause, I bowe my knees vnto the Father of our Lord lesus Christ : 15 Ofwhome is named the whole "familie " He that is a The faithful in d heauen and to earth, dy'of'c'hriste ChrWecamewere J 6 Tnat he myght grante you according » *» death. adopted by him, to the riches of his glorie, that ye may be W^ZVfoL strengthened by his Sprite in the inner which yet remay- man 1 7 That Christ may dwel in your " harts "For we con- by faith, that ye, being roted and groun- ^h *¦",;__ ded in loue, leue. 18 May be able to comprehend with aU Sainctes.what is that"breadth, and length, "A11 perfecti- _______ ° on on euery depth, and heyght : syde is in 19 And to knowe what is the loue of t™1- Christ, which loue passeth knowledge : y ye may be fulfiUed with aU maner of ful- nes which commeth of God. 20 * Vnto hym therfore that is able to do iiom.l6.fi. exceading abundantly aboue aU that we aske or thinke, according to the power y worketh in " vs, "in that we fe ; , . le Chnste in 21 Be prayse in the Churche by Christe vs. lesus, TO THE EPHESIANS. 317 lesus, throughout all generations for euer. Amen. THE IIII. CHAPTER. He exhorteth them vnto mekenes, longe suf- ferynge, vnto loue and peace, euery one to serue Sf edifie another with the gift that God hath geuen hym, to beware of strange doctrine, to lay asyde the olde conuersation of gredy lustes, and to walke in a new lyfe. A T therfore, ft am a prisoner in the " Lord, Lord's cause, praye you that ye walke worthy of the Philip. 1. d. vocation wher vnto ye are called, l.thes.2.c. 2 With aU humblenes of mynde, and me kenes, with longe suffring, forbearing one another through loue. 3 Endeuoring to kepe the vnitie of the Sprite in the bonde of peace. "Which by 4 Ther is " one body, and one a Sprite, eue » So that ye can sep ™a_easo_ aS Ye are caued to one hope of your cal- rn'othirseingthe der. line-. Spirit wbich ioy- S,' T i . r. ¦ neth you in one 5 There is one Lord, one faith, one Baptis- body can not dis- sent fro him selfe. Mal.2.b. 6 *One God and Father of all, which is 'in power. " aboue all thing, & " through aU thynfrs & "Byhisproui . n dence. m you aU. Rom. 12. b. 7 * But vnto euery one of vs is geuen gra- "Xchhege ce" according to the measure of the" gift of ^tSow ueth vs. Christ. ueninto the earth %Cal!_tcd- 8 Wherfore he sayth, * When he asceded ta^&Cl vp on hve, he b led captiuitie captiue, and sJ™e- ana led, r J_ r r them aspnsonners gaue gyftes vnto men. and siaues, which B 9 (Now, in that he Asceded, what meaneth ^r0ers w&ekecp°* it, but that he hade also deseeded first into all in subiection, ., i . - ,i . i - which victorie he the lowest partes ot the earth r gate.andaiso gaue 10 He that descended, is euen the same "¦ ?s „a .*nosJ*; • n i precious gilt to also, that asceded vp, farre aboue all hea- his Churche. Chap. IIII. THE EPISTLE uens, to fulfil " all thinges.) ,, with his 1 1 * He therfore gaue some to be Apostles, **»**» ^ bene- & some Prophetes, and some Euangehstes, c and some Pastours, and Teachers : i- Cor.i2.d. 1 2 That the Sainctes myght be gathered together, that the ministerie myght be " vsed, and that the body of Christe might "That the bo- hp pHifipd dy of Christe oe eameu. might be per- 13 Tyl we euery one (to the vnitie of faith fect- and knowledge of the Sdne of God) grow vp vnto a perfect man, after the measure of the age, of the fulnes of Christ. 14 That we hence forth be no more chyl dren, wauering and caried about wyth eue ry wynde of doctrine, as comely cnanceth vnto men, & with crafttoes, wherby they laye in wayet to deceaue. 15 But let vs folow the truth in loue, and D in aU thtoges growe vp in to him, which ' Christ beinghe is the c head, that is to say Christ : nouristth'to06 16 In whom aU the body being coupled membres and ioy- and knit together in euery ioynt, wher- tter by ".oyntes: with one ministreth to another (accordtog so that euery part a.q A.j-e effectual power, as euerv parte hath hath his iuste pro- . r > j r portio offode.that it measure) mcreaseth the body, vnto the may ^we^plo" edtoeng of it selfe in loue. perfection. 1 7 This I say therfore and testifie to the Lord, that ye hence forth walke not as * o- Rom. i.e. ther GentUes walke, in vanitie of their d Man not rege- " mynde : my_de,™tostins 18 Hauing their cogitation darkened, & ding, and hart bevng strangers from the lvfe of " God "Bythe which corrupt. _____¦ __ a. • • __ God lyueth through the ignorance that is m them, mhis ' because of the " hardenes of their harte. "The harde. 1 9 Which beyng past remorce of consci- "he ° fonteyn ence haue geuen the selues vnto wantones, & ignorance. to worke aU maner of vnclennes, euen with TO THE EPHESIANS. 318 with gredynes. 20 But ye haue not so learned Christ. 21 Yf so be ye haue heard hym, and haue "As they are bene taught by him, euen as the " trueth is taught which m lesus. truely knowe _. . . christe. 22 lhat is, to lay asyde concernyng the Coi.3.b. conuersation to tvme past, that " old man, "Yourselues. . . . J , i ii which is corrupt through the deceueable lustes. 23 And be renewed to the sprite of your mynde. a.o»i.6._. 24 *And to put on that new man, which" af col. 3. b. ter God is shapen vnto ryghtuousnes, and _£__._. trueholynes. 4.a. 25 * Wherfore put away lying, and speake "Which is ere euery man trueth vnto his nevghbour : for ated accordig J pi to the image we are members one of another. °Zach8 c 26* Be e angry, but synne not: let not the" • if it chance that "Let ' ii ' be sunne go downe vpon your wrath. moderat3 yo?. S- qmckly paci- 37 * Netlier geue place to t]lg fe^ fectio ttatitburst Psal A. a. 28 Let him that stole, steale no more: but euil worke! lamA.b. igA. hym rafjier labour and worke with his handes the things which are good, that he may haue to geue vnto hym that ne deth. Cliap.b.a. 29 * Let no corrupt communication proce- colA.a. fe oua. 0£ y0ur mouthes : but that which is p, good: to the vse of edifiing, that it may mi- " And cause nister " grace vnto the hearers. me to'godif' 30 And fgreiie not the holy Sprite of God, < So behaueyour nes. by whome ye are sealed vnto the day of re 1SyG0_thn5ay6„h_: demption. lingiy dwel in you 31 Let aU bytternes, fiercenesse, and wrath, o_casion6to depart roryng and cursed speaking be put away for sorrow- from you, with al maliciousnes. 32 Be ye courteouse one to another, and mercyful, forgeuyng one another, 6uen as Chap. V. THE EPISTLE God for Christes sake forgaue you. THE V. CHAPTER. He exhorteth them vnto loue, warneth them to beware of vnclennes, couetousmesse,foly she tal king, and false doctrine : to be circumspecte, to a- uoyde dronkennesse, to reioyce and to be thanke- full towarde God, to submit them selues one to a- nother. He entreateth of corporal mariage, and of the spiritual betwixt Christ and his Chur che. "DE ye therfore folowers of God, as dere a -*-* chyldren. 2 *And walke in loue, euen as Christ loued Iohn 13. d. vs,& gaue him selfe for vs, to be an offeryng 15: *>¦ and a sacrifice of a swete smelling sauer to ¦,0 "• " • God, 3 * So that fornication, and aU vnclennes, ChapA.f. or couetousnes, be not once named among n0'.",3"a'o , you, as it becommeth Samctes : 4 Nether fylthynes, nether folyshe tal- • which is etter kyng,netherMestyng,wtoch are thinges not example, and'euil comely : but rather, geuyng of thankes. ._u? 'n^hbour' 5 For this ye know, that no whoremonger for otherwise ther ether vncleane person, or couetous person, in th™ .scrip tures which is " an idolatrer, hath any toheri- " Because he of pleasant taike, tance m the kyngdome of Christ, and of Kr* __.' which is also god- J o ' nis nie stan- ly.as.l.King.l8.e. God. deth in his ri hKc° g__t d' E6aL 6 * Let °o b man deceaue you with vayne b' i- Ether in excu- wordes,for,forsuchethynges,commeththe Mat.24.a. mo.kignatetterr_e wrath of God vpon the chyldren of diso- S42i3ja' naces, and iudge- bedience. 2.thess'.2.b. ments ot God. 7 Be not therfore companyons wyth them. 8 For ye were once darkenesse, but a- re nowe lyght to the Lorde : walke as chUdren TO THE EPHESIANS. 319 " seing God " chyldren of lyght. youhfoadhfst6d 9 (For the fruite of the Sprite is in aU go- C odnes, and rightuousnes, and trueth) 10 Approuing that which is pleasyng to the Lord. 1 1 And haue no fellowship with the vn- " And make fruitful workes of darknes : but rather " re- ttem knowen „„„,,„ at-_™ by your ho- Pr0Ue them. nest and god- 1 2 For it is shame euen to name those thin ges, which are done of them in secret. 1 3 But all thinges when they are reproued of the c hght, are manifest : for it is hght c The worde of __ _ _• __ ii _„• God discouereth that discouereth all things. the vices which wo 14 Wherfore he sayth, d Awake thou that redbff0J^'urse" ea slepest, and stande vp from death, and Chri kettbyhisseruats ste shal geue thee lyght. _._,"____",_£ D 1 5 Take hede therfore that ye walke cir- biyndenes. Col.4.a. cumspectty : not as foles : but as * wyse. " selling ail 16 " Redemyng the tyme : for the e dayes a- -in these peri- worldly plea- rp P1]vl ' lous dais and craf- sures to bye <=".*• te of the aduersa- tyme. 17 * Wherfore, be ye not vnwyse.but vnder ries.takehedehow flhels'ta stande wnat the wyl of the Lord is. llcZiolTtfgotiy ' 18 And be not droncke wyth wine, wherin nes which the worl u _ u / itn j __i. at, dehatt taken fro is excesse : but be fulfyUed wyth the you. Sprite. 1 9 Speakyng vnto your selues to psalmes, and hymnes, and spiritual songes, stogyng and makyng melodie to the Lord in your " Not only " heartes. with tongue. 20 Gyuyng thankes alwayes for aU thyn ges vnto God the Father, in the Name of our Lord lesus Christe. Fa 21 Submitting your selues one to another to the f feare of God. 'Except our m- Col. 3. c. 22 * Women, submit your selues vnto your _?K, •'eioy,?e . tit 2 b i i itj and kmt in God, it l.pet.i.a. housbandes, as vnto the Lord. is not to be este- Gen,2.d. 23 * For the housband is the wyues head, med' The Chur che. Chap. VI. THE EPISTLE euen as Christe is the head ofthe Churche, and the same is the sauiour of his *" bo- l.Cor.li.a. dy. 24 Therfore as the Churche is to subie ction to Christe, lykewyse let the wyues be in subiection to their housbads in aU thto ges. 25 * Housbandes loue your wyues, euen as Col. 3. a. Christe loued the Churche, and gaue him selfe for it. i Baptisme is a 26 To sanctifie it, and clensed it in the ** F h°attn conslcratd wasshtog of water tlrrough the worde. the Churche to 27 To make it vnto him selfe a glorious himselfe and ma- _ . ¦___./_ i de it holy by his Churche, Without Spot Or Wiyncle, Or any "Because it is _£_____* V_W suche thmge : but that it sholde be holy & SSST1 Zt stification, and without blame. Christs lusti- sanctification in _,,-, _r __ . i __ • ce and holy- christe. 28 So oght men to loue their wyues, as nes. their owne bodies, he that loueth his wy fe loueth him selfe. 29 Fornomaneuer yet hated his owne fle she : but norishe th and cherysheth it, euen as the Lord doth the Churche. >• This our con. 30 For we are members of his body, h of G 'chritmustbrco- his flesh, and of his bones. sidered as Christ 31 * For this cause shal a man leaue father Gen. 2. d. .e^Cwhich and mother, and shalbe ioynedto his wife, Zl'kAO.a. are not oneiy an(j t^ey which were two , shalbe made one 1 .cor_6 ,d. loyned to him by J nature, but also by fleshe. SubstCa_?eTh?o"ugh 32 This is a great secrete, but I speake of the holy Gost and Christ and the Churche. anda" testimonie 33 Therfore euery one of you do ye so : let therof is the Sup- euerv one ioue ids wyfe, euen as him selfe per of the Lord. J J - ,, and let the wyfe se that she feare her hous band. THE VI. CHAPTER. How chyldren shoulde behaue them selues towarde TO THE EPHESIANS. 320 towarde their fathers and mothers, lykewyse parens towarde their chyldren, seruantes towar de their masters, agayne, masters towarde their seruantes : An exhortation to the spirituall bat- tayle, and what weapons Christen men shoulde fyght withall. , /"I Hyldren, obey your fathers and mo- Colhs.3. b. thers in the Lord, for so is it ryght. 2 * Honour thy father & mother (that is the fX"'.2h'b' "T18* oomandemet that hath any apromis,) erri'th 3 That thou mavst be to good estate, and * This is the first eca.o.o. "_._ commandem.t of mat.T.d. lyue longe on earth. the seconde table, mar. lb. a. 4 fa^ „ fathers moue not your chyldren & hath the promes ., 111 -1 - • •- wlth condition. to wrath : but brynge them vp m mstructio "Byausteritie and information of the Lord. 5 * Seruantes be obedient vnto your carnal CW.3. d. masters, with feare and trembling to sin- 1. pet. i.e. glenes of your hearts, as vnto Christe : 6 Not with sendee in the eye sight, as me pleasers : but as the seruantes of Christ, do yng the wyl of God from the heart. 7 With good wyl seruyng the Lord, and not men. 8 And knowe ye that whatsoeuer good thyng any man doth, that same shal he re ceaue agayne of the Lord, whether he be B bonde or fre. 9 And ye masters, do euen the same thto ges vnto them, putting away threatnynges : and knowe that euen your master also is to _ , , heauen, nether is there any * respect of per DeulO.d. .', , . _ r r 2.c7ir.l9.c. son wrth him. act. 10. c. 10 FtoaUy my brethren, be stronge in the "TOetterhe L°rd' and 'm the P0Wer °f ^ mygnt- be seruant or 11 Put on the "whole armoure of God, that "Orf compiet ye may stande stedfast against the ^raftie harnesse. Chap. VI. THE EPISTLE assautes of the deuyl. b The faithful 1 2 For we wrestle not agatost b fleshe and striue against me° bloud: but against 'Rulers, against Powers, Chap.2.a. and them selues, and against the worldly Gouernours, the hut against Satan . <*> . '_¦_,• , , the spiritual enne- princes of the darkenes ot this worlde, a- dangerous" m0S'6 gaist spiritual wickednesses, w^.'c/'i are abo- ue. 1 3 For this cause, take vnto you the whole C armoure of God, that ye may be able to re sist in the euyl day, and hauing finished all thynges, stand stedfast. 14 Stande therfore, and your loynes gyr de about with veritie, hauing on, the brest plate of * rightuousnes : "innocMe & 15 And your fete shod with the prepara- godly life. tion of the Gospel of peace. 1 6 Aboue aU, take to you the shield of fayth, wherwith ye may quenche all the fyry dartes of the wycked. 17 * And take the helmet of " saiuation, Esai.b9.c. and the sword of the Sprite, which is, the }-thess.b.b. , . „ , r ' "Thesaluatio WOrde Ot _r0d. purchased by 18 And pray alwayes with aU maner pra- lest""- Christe. yer and supphcation to the Sprite : & wat che therunto with aU perseuerance & sup plication, for all Sainctes. 1 9 * And for me, that vtterance may be ge- i. ta<__.5.c uen vnto me, that I may open my mouth boldly, to vtter the secretes of the Gos pel. 20 Whereof I am messenger to bondes, that therin I may speake frely, as it becom- meth me to speake. 2 1 But that ye may also knowe myne affai- d res, and what I do, Tychicus, my deare bro ther and faythful minister to the Lord, shal shewe you of all thinges. 22 Whome TO THE EPHESIANS. 321 22 Whome I sent vnto you for the same purpose, that ye myght knowe what case I stande in, and that he myght comfort your hearts. 23 Peace be with the brethren, and loue with fayth from God the Father, and from the Lord lesus Christ. 24 Grace be with aU them which loue our Sgfwwch Lord Iesus Christ, to their" immortalitie. is tte ende of Amen. this grace. Sent from Rome vnto the Ephesians by Tychicus. THE ARGVMENT OF THE Epistle to the Philippians. ' A V L being warned by the holy ' Gost to go to Macedonia, planted ifirst a Churche at Philippi, a citie 1 of the same contrey. but because his ? charge was to preache the Gospel vniuersally to all the Gentils, he trauailed from place to place, til at the length he was taken pri soner at Rome, wherof, the Philippians being ad- uertised, sent their minister Epaphroditus with relief vnto him : who declaring him the state of the Churche, caused him to write this epistle: wherin he comendeth them that they stode man fully against the false Apostles, putting them in mynde of Ms good wil towarde them, and ex horteth them that his imprisonment make them not to shrinke : for the Gospel therby was confir med Sf not diminished, especially he desirijfh the S.i. toflie ambition, and to embrace modestie, prome- sing to sende Timotheus unto them, who shulde instruct them in matters more amply, yea and that he him selfe wolde also come vnto them, ad ding likewise the cause of their ministers so long- abode. And because ther were no greater enne mies to the crosse then the false Apostles, he con- futeth their false doctrine, by prouing only Chri ste to be the ende of all true religion, with whome we haue all thing, and without whome we haue nothing so that his death is our life, and his re surrection, our iustification. After this followe certeyn admonitions both particuler and gene ral, with testification of his affection towarde them, and thanckful accepting of their beneuo- lence. THE 322 THE EPISTLE OF PAVL TO THE Philippians. THE FYRST CHAPTER. S. Paul discouereth his hart towarde them by his thankes geuing, prayers, and wishes for their faith and saiuation . he sheweth the fruit of his crosse, and exhorteth them to vnitie and patience. A v l and Timo- theus the ser uantes of lesus Christe, to all the Saictes in Christ lesus which are PhUippi, with that had charge of fli a T_ ccTir-trtc the worde and go me ijyssnops, uerning,as pastors and Deacons : doctors, elders: by 2 Grace be to you, and peace from God had charge of the our Father, and from the Lord Jesus TZ^e »d Christ. sicke. S.ii. of a By bishops he re he meaneth the Chap. I. THE EPISTLE 3*1 thanke my God hauing you to perfect 1. Thess. I.a memorie. 4 (Alwayes in aU my prayers for all you, praying with gladnes) 5 Because ofthe "fellowship which ye ha- "Witt otter ue in the Gospel, from the " first day vnto "Thatyerece now. aued the Gos 6 And am suerly certified of thys, that he pe which began a good worke to you, shal go forth wyth it vntyl the " day of les' Christ. "When you 7 As it becometh me so to iudge of you the crown, of aU, because I beare in perfect remembran- "*lorie- b it was a sure ce b that both in my bandes, and also to my ue.ttat they dyd defence, and confirmation of the Gospel, heipe him by all yOU a]J were partakers of mv " grace. "Or, peculier meanes possible, J _-, „, r J ° benefit to suf when he was abset 8 I1 or (jod beareth me recorde, how grea- f7ef0. christs Sef S be11, tety I longe after you aU from the very gke. ne prisoners with heart rote in lesus Christe. 9 And thys I pray, that your loue may in crease, yet more and more to knowledge, and in all iudgement. 1 0 That ye may discerne thynges that dif fer one from another, that ye may be pure, & 1 That you so in c go forwarde without any let, vntU the crease in godlynes j p pr • a that not only ye aay 0I Jurist. can put difference 1 1 FyUed wyth the fruites of" ryghtuous- " Rightuous- betwene good and i • i _ T nc • ± _ _\_ nes is the tree, euiittut also that nes, which come by lesus Chnste vnto the g00d workes ni6orPer0w?thoutreslU Slorie and Praise °f G°d" ** ^ ping backe, or sta- 12 1 would ye vnderstode brethren, that ding in a staye. tlle thmgs ^fcrfo jaue happene d vnto me, are tourned to the great furtheryng of the Gospel. 1 3 So that my bandes to " Christ, are fa- "which i su- i That is, in the mous throughout all the d Iudgement haU, ch__t_cau_e. Court or Palais of j • n .1 j the Emperour and in all other places. Ne>-o. 14 Insomuche that many of the brethren in the Lord are boldned through my ban des, TO THE PHILIPPIANS. 323 des, and dare more frankely speake the "Or, professe " worde. the Gospel, j 5 Some there are which preache Christe of enuie and stryfe, and some also of good wyl. 1 6 The one parte preacheth Christe of stry " with a cor- fe and not " purely, supposing to adde mo- * mpt mynde. _e afflictiorl to my bandes. 1 7 The other parte of loue, knowing that I am set to defende the Gospel. 1 8 What then ? So that Christ be preached aU maner wayes, whether it be e vnder a " Their pretence J , t ai ¦ * was to preache pretence, or syncerely : 1 therin ioye, yea, christe, & therfo- _n."i wvl .rnTP re tteir doctrine ana wyl ioye. was tme:buUhGy 1 9 For I knowe that this shal tourne to were fui of amw. my saiuation, through your prayer, and by wngtodTfacePaui the heipe of the Sprite of lesus Christe. and preferre them C 20 As I hartely loke for, & hope, that in no thing I shalbe ashamed : but that wyth all confidence, as aU wayes in tymes paste, euen so now Christe shall be magnified in my body, whether it be through lyfe, or els death.2 1 For Christe is to me both in life, and in death aduantage. 22 And whether tof lyue in the fleshe, we- ito lyue in the re profitable for me, and what to chose I {^ ^tu^bod., WOte not. til we be called to 23 For I am greatly in doubte on bothe sy iy7___ "t^uue "ai des : desiring to be lowsed and to be wyth *j°^'eng '° be*° Christe, which thyng is beste of all. the fleshe, signifle, " or, body. 24 Neuerthelesse, to abyde to the " fleshe &eb_pdie_ti___ t is more neadful for you. be pionged in the 25 And thys am I sure of, that I shal aby- ces ofthe fleshe. de, and wyth you att continue, for the fur therance and ioy of your faith. 26 That ye may more abundatly reiofce in S.iii. Chap. II. THE EPISTLE lesus Christe for me, by my coming to you agayne. 27 *Only let your conuersation be, as it be EphA.a. commeth the Gospel of Christe : that whe- colA • b- ther I come and se you, or els be absent, I rj may heare of your matters that ye " conti- " Or, stande. nue to one Sprite, and in one mynde figh ting all together through the fayth of the Gospel. 28 And to nothtog feare your aduersaries e The more that which is to them a** token of perdition, & tyrants rage agalst to you 0f saiuation, and that of " God. "Godsheweth the Gospel, the mo ¦' t t^- re manifestly they 29 For Vnto yOU lt IS geuen for Christe, nes „h "are rune^ttdrowne that not only ye should beleue on him, but W «.d "ho destruction, and also suffre for hys sake : perseuerace for 30 Hauing euen the same fyght, which ye euldmt8 dene of sawe me haue, and now haue heard to be to saiuation. me. THE II. CHAPTER. He exhorteth them aboue all things to hu militie wherby pure doctrine is chiefely mayn- teined, promising that he and Timotheus wil spedely comme vnto them, and excuseth the lon ge tariing of Epaphroditus. I! [F there be therfore any consolation in A '-Christ, if there be any comfort of loue, if there be any fellowship ofthe Sprite, if the re be any compassion and mercie : 2 Fulfyl my ioye, that ye be hke mynded, hauing the selfe same loue, being of one •From the con- accorde, and of a one iudgement. myndes he proce- 3 That nothyng be done through strife or ^'nt'ta'd6 Une" vayne glorie, but thatinmekenesofmyn- that there might de * euery man esteme other better then Rom. 12.c. be ful and perfect _• i_ concorde. him Selfe. 4 And TO THE PHILIPPIANS. 324 4 And loke not euery man on his owne thynges, but euery ma also on the thinges of other men. 5 Let the same mynde be to you that was in Christe lesus. 6 Who b beyng to the shape of God, b Yf christe thoght it no robbery to be equal wyth equ_i with the which is cut- 4 Thoghe I haue wherof I might reioyce sunder of tte also to the fleshe. If any other man thin- Cburche. keth that he hath wherof he might trust to the fleshe : muche more I. 5 Circumcised the eyght day, of the kin der. 23. c red of Israel, of the tribe of Beniamin, * an -'To'J'V*'' Hebrue of the Hebrues, *by profession, a Act. 23. b. xi, ¦ - m r hansel. Chap. III. THE EPISTLE 6 And as concerning feruentnes, I perse cuted the Churche, and as touching the rightuousnes which is in the Lawe, I was vnrebukable. 7 But the thinges that were vantage vn to me, the same I couted losse for Christes sake,8 Yea douteles I thinke all thinges but B losse for that excellet knowledges sake of Christ Iesus my Lord : for whome I haue counted aU things losse, and do iudge the but donge, that I might winne Christ: 9 Andmightbe"foundetohim,i!feai;i!_,not "As onegraf hauyng myne owne rightuousnes, which is j'J™ hun by of the Lawe, but that which is through y faith of Christ, I meane, the rightuousnes which commeth of God through faith, 1 0 That I may knowe him, and the vertue of his resurrection, and the feUowship of his afflictions, & be made coformable vn to his deathe : 11 If by any meanes I myght attayne vn to the " resurrection of the dead. "That is, ton for haue now ta 12 b Not as thogh I had alredy atteyned g •"•ueriastig. ttero^oTS'he *° the marke, ether were alredy perfect : douted to attay- but I fottowe, if that I may comprehende "au™ he wolde de- that for whose sake I am " comprehended "Wecarennc £___*"*"¦ °f ChnSt IeSUS* «_m a*!? 13 Brethren, I counte not my selfe, that I uethvs haue atteyned to _¦ rn. ¦ _ t be renued through calling of God in (Jhnste lesus. fa„-hi, Ji. •¦ _im 15 Let vs therfore as many as " be c per- "0r. bane mo which only is per- J r re proffited feet. feet, be thus wyse mynded : and n ye be then others. other TO THE PHILIPPIANS. 326 other wyse mynded, God shal open euen "That is, that the " same vnto you. tmewifdome6 1 *> Neuerthelesse, in that wherunto we are & straight™- come, let vs procede by one rule, * that we RomAbJi. may he affectionned a hke. l . cor. 1.6. 17 Brethren be folowers of me, and loke on them which walke euen so, as ye haue D vs for an ensample. _Jom.i6.e. 1 8 * For many walke, of whome I haue told you often, & now tel you weptog, that they are the ennemies of the Crosse of Christ, "Or, rewarde 19 Whose " ende is damnation, whose God is their bely, and whose d glorie is to their d The vayne gio- i i-i iii ii rie which they se- shame, which are worldely mynded. ke after in this "inmynde,_: 20 But our " conuersation is to heauen, fro *,or„d? shal 'ou.me "Al "V"Aucr "¦ llClArn- t0 tilmT COnfUSlOn, anection. whence also we loke for the Sauiour, eue and shame. tite 2. c. ' the Lord Iesus Christ, 21 Who shal change our vile bodie, that it may be fashioned lyke vnto his glori ous body, accordtog to the working, wher by he is able to subdue all thtoges vnto him selfe. THE IIII. CHAPTER. He exhorteth them to be of honest conuersa tion, and thanketh them because of the prouision that they made for him being in prison, Sf so co cludeth with salutations. A ¦""FHerfore my brethren dearly beloued -*- and longed for, my ioy and croune, so continue to the Lord ye beloued, as I haue tolde you. 2 I pray Euodia, and beseche Syntyche, y they be of one accord in the Lord. 3 Yea, and I beseche thee faithful yock- felowe, heipe the women which labored with me in the Gospel, wyth Clefhente Chap. IIII. THE EPISTLE also, and wyth other my labour felowes, »This boke Eze- whose names are to the * a boke of hfe. Luke. 10. c. writing ofttehou 4 Reioyce in the Lord alway, and agayne reue. 'W.b.' se of Israel, and I sav reiovce. psal. 69. f. the secret of the _ T J. J .. , , , Lord.Chap.i3.a. 5 Let your patient mynde be knowen vn to all men. The Lord is euen " at hande. » to succour 6 * Be not careful : but in all thinges she- 7™- , „ _... . „ , . 6 , Matth. 6. e. we your petition vnto God in prayer, and supphcation wyth geuing of thankes. 7 And the peace of God which passeth B all vnderstading, " shal defende your har- "From Satan tes and mindes in Christ Iesus. w^take^from 8 Furthermore brethren, whatsoeuer tbvn T!! this Peace i , ,, , J ofconsciece. ges are true, whatsoeuer thynges are hone ste, whatsoeuer thynges are iust, whatsoe uer thtoges are pure, whatsoeuer thtoges pertayne to loue, whatsoeuer thinges are of honeste reporte : if there be any ver- tuous thing, if there be any laudable thing, those same haue ye in your minde. 9 Which ye haue bothe learned and re ceaued, & heard, & also sene to me : those thynges do : and the God of peace shalbe with you. 10 1 reioyce in the Lord greatly, that now q at the last ye are reuiued agayne to care for me, wherin notwithstanding ye were careful, but ye lacked opportunitie. Ill speake not because of" necessitie. for " That i was I haue learned in whatsoeuer estate I am, e_d„?_*myp_ therwyth to be content. uertie. 12 And I can be cast downe, and I can a- bunde. Euerywhere to aU thinges I am in structed, both to be ful, & to be hongry, to haue plenty, and to suffre nede. 13 I can do all thynges through the heipe " Not of ,1,is J o r_ r owne vertue of Chnste, whych strengtheneth me. or fre wii. 14 Not TO THE PHILIPPIANS. 327 14 Notwythstanding ye haue wel done, y ye bare part with me in my tribulation. 15 And ye Ptolippians knowe also that in "When i first the * hegynning of the Gospel, when I de- Gosp.!6 mto6 parted from Macedonia, no Churche bare you. part with me as concerntog b geuing and b He had gyuen . i . i of his part in com receauing, but ye only. municating with D 1 6 For. when I was in Thessalonica, ye sent thsspirituai thigs, - J but he receaued no once, and afterwarde agayne vnto my ne- thing of the which j " oght at least to ha ues. ue reiieued him in 17 Not that I desire a rewarde : but I desi- his necessitie. re the frute which may forther your reke- ning. 18 1 receaued all, and haue plenty : I was euen fylled, after that I had receaued of Epaphroditus that which came from you, an odour that smeUeth swete, a sacrifice accepted and pleasant to God. 19 And my God shal fulfil all your nedes through his glorious ryches in Iesus Chri ste.20 Vnto God & our Father be prayse for euermore. Amen. 21 Salute aU y Sainctes in Christe Iesus. The brethren ft are with me, grete you. 22 All the Sainctes salute you: and moste "Of suche as of aU they which are of the " Emperours to the Empe housholde. rour Nero. 23 The grace of our Lord Iesus Christ be with you aU. Amen. Sent from Rome by Epaphroditus. THE ARGUMENT OF THE Epistle to the Colossians. N this Epistle S. Paul putteth dif > ference betwene the lyuely, effeetu ] al, and true Christ : Sf the fayned, > contrefait, and imagined Christ, ¦ whome the false apostles taught. And first he cofirmeth the doctrine which Epa phras had preached, wisshing them increase of faith, to esteme the excellencie of Gods benefit towarde them : teaching them also that salutatio, and whatsoeuer good thing ca be desired stan deth only in Christe : whome only we embrase by his Gospel. But forosmuche as the false bre thern wolde haue mixed the Lawe with the Go spel, he toucheth those flatterers vehemetly, and exhorteth the Ephesians to staye only in Christ, without whome all things are but mere vani- tie. And as for Circumcision, abstinece, fro mea tes, external holynes, worshiping of Angels as meanes wherby to come to Christe, he vtterly co demneth, shewing what was the office and na ture of ceremonies which by Christ are abrogat : so that now the exercises of the Christians stode in mortification of the fleshe, newenes of lyfe, with other like offices apperteyning both gene rally and particulerly to all the faithful. THE 328 THE EPISTLE OF PAVL TO THE Colossians. THE PYRST CHAPTER. He geueth thankes vnto God for their faith, confirmeth the doctrine of Epaphras, prayeth for thincrease of their faith, he sheweth vnto them the true Christ, and discouereth the con terfait Christ of the false apostles . he approueth his autoritie and charge, Sf of his faithful exe cuting of the same . avl an Apo stle of Iesus Christe, by the wtt of God, and Timotheus our brother, 2 To them, which are at Collossae, Sainctes and faithful in Christe, grace be to you, & peace from God our Father, and from the Lord Iesus Christe. 3 We geue thankes to God the Father of T j T .-ri . . i a For without our Lord Iesus Chnste, alwayes praying christe ther is no for VOU * faith to be saued cr- p • j-,0 • fay, but only a vay- 4 Since we heard of your faith a in Christ ne opinion. Chap. I. THE EPISTLE Iesus, and of your loue to all Sainctes. 5 For the hopes sake which is layd vp for you in heauen, of which hope ye haue he ard before by y worde of trueth which is the Gospel. 6 Which is come vnto you, eue as it is vn to aU the worlde, and is frutful, as it is al so among you, from the first day, that ye he arde & truely knewe the grace of God, 7 As ye also learned of Epaphras our de- B are felowe seruat, which is for you a faith ful minister of Christ : 8 Who also declared vnto vs your loue, which ye haue " by the Spirite. "Which com- 9 For this cause we also, since the day we hoi^Goste1"6 heard of it, cease not to pray for you, and to desire that ye might be fulfiUed with perfect knowledge of " his wtt, in aU wys- " That is, dome, and spiritual vnderstanding. 10 *That ye myght walke worthy of the Ephe 4. a. Lord in aU thtoges that please, betog * fru- ?A!?P" \d' teful in aU good workes, and encreastog i* Cor.l.a. in the knowledge of God : 1 1 Strengthened with aU might, through his glorious power, vnto aU pacience, and longe suflring, with ioyfulnesse, 12 Geuyng thankes vnto the Father, ft hath made vs mete to be partakers of the inheritance of Sainctes in hght: 13 Who hath dehuered vs fro the power of darknesse, and hath translated vs toto the kyngdome * of his deare Sonne. Mat3.d. 14 In whom we haue redemptio through i7'"*! d bEorGod is ma his bloud, that is to say, the forgyuenes of Heb.l.a. de visible in the fle ewlrpn sheof Christe, and syllue&, the diuinitie dwel 15 Who is the * b image of y touisible God, ^f™* nthTg let-in him corpo ^ fir_t bggotten of guery tmng. created. was created. 16* For TO THE COLOSSIANS. 329 Iohn. I. a. 16 * For by him were all thinges created, which are in heauen, and which are in earth, thinges visible, and inuisible, whe ther they be Maiestie or Lordeship, ether Rule or Power : all thinges were created by him, and to him, C 17 And he is before aU thtoges, & in him aU thinges haue their betog. 1 8 And he is the heade of the body of the 1 . Cor. 15. c. Churche, he is the begvnnvnsr, * and c first ' He that rose reuel lb _ p., i i .i a • n i • i a first agayne frothe begotten of the dead, that in aU he might dead to take pos- haue the preeminence. ___&$_%S_U 19 For it pleased the Father, that in him may be called a should all " fulnes dwel, new b,rth* " That the 20 And by him to reconcUe " aU things whteh'fc his VIu:o him selfe, and to set at peace through body might the bloude of his crosse, both thtoges in receaue of his ._ j __• _ abundance, earth, and thinges in heauen. wh _at ch"16 '*' *¦ "^"nt^ you wnich were in times past stra- chc. gers & enemies, because your myndes were set to euU workes, hath he now recocUed, 22 In y body of bis fleshe through death, Luk.l.g. to make you * holy, vnblamable and with fcor\l 0Ut faute in his ^ght, tite 2.c. 23 * Yf ye continue, grounded and stablys- lohn lb. a. shed in the faith, and be not moued away from the hope of the Gospel, wherof ye haue heard and which hath bene preached to euery creature which is vnder heauen : wherof I Paul am made a minister. D 24 Now ioye I to my suffringes wT suffre d As Christe hath "Or, your co- for " you, & fulfyl d y rest of the afflictions him selfe to rede- moditie. _f Chrigt jn flegh f hjg bo(, ga_ me his Churche,* . J J to sanctifie it: so ke, which is the Churche. doth he dayly suf- 25 Wherof I am made a mtoister, accor- *ep*^Se?of £ dinar to the ordinance of God, which or- «¦ infirmities, and .. ° i •_ therfore a reueger dinance is geuen me vnto youwarde, to 0f their injuries. T.i. Chap. II. THE EPISTLE fulfil the " worde of God. "IIHS__S l _! 26* Which is y my sterie hyd since y worlde <_°r™_>6s& of bega, & synce y beginnyng of generatios, j*"" ^['Jf but now is opened to his Sainctes, Rom. 16. d. 27 To whome God would make knowen ephe. 3. b. what is the riches of this glorious myste- t-te ]' j_ * rie among the GentUes, which riches is Christ in you, * the hope of glorie, l.pet.l.b. 28 Whome we preache, warning euery ma, ' • ¦"¦"• ' "a- & teaching euery man to all wisdome, to make euery man perfect to Christ Iesus. 29 Where vnto I also labour and stryue, euen as far forth as his working worketh in me mightely. THE II. CHAPTER. Hauing protested his good wil towarde the, he admonisheth the not to turne backe fro Christe lo the seruice of Angels or any other inuention, or els ceremonies of the Lawe, which haue finished their office, and are ended in Christ. FOr I would ye knewe what " fyghtyng I A haue for your sakes, and for them of La c,£e*.I>ayne''-*" odicea, & for as many as haue not sene my " person to the fleshe, " Me present 2 That their harts myght be comforted & m ° y" knyt together in loue, and to aU riches of persuaded vnderstading, for to know the mysterie of God the Father and of Christ: 3 In whome are hyd all the treasures of wysedome and knowledge. 4 And this I say lest any man should be- gyle you with entising wordes. 5* For thogh I be absent in the " fleshe, yet 1 . Cor. 5 . b. am I present with you to the" sprite, ioying " }° JUJJjj and beholding the ordre that ye kepe, and your TO THE COLOSSIANS. 330 your stedfast faith in Christ. 6 As ye haue therefore receaued Christe Iesus the Lord, euen so walke in him. B 7 Roted and btolt in him, and stedfast in l. Cor. i.a. the faith, as ye haue * learned, abundtog therin with thankes geuyng. 8 Beware lest any man come and spoyle you through a philosophie, and deceatful * Teaching you vanitie, through the traditions of men, ac- I_y w^rttiping1 of cording to the ordynances of the world, An*"els' °f blynde D . J ' ceremonies, & beg and not after Christ : gerly traditions. Chap a. c. 9 *For in him dweUeth all the futoes of iohn l . b. thg b Godheade bodyly . b in saying that 10 And ye are complete in him, which is really in chris6t,_e the heade of aU Rule and Power. sheweth that he is i i T i , . i very Godialsosay 11 In whom also ye are circumcised, with ing(inhi)hedecia- Rom.2.d. * Circumcision made without handes, by "atureT: ind^by ephe.2.c. putting of the synful body of the fleshe, this worde (dweii- "Madebythe through the Circumcision, " y is in Christ: that it is therfor Spirit of Chri ,2 In that ye are « buried w him through euer- Rom. 6.a. Baptisme, to whom ye are also rysen agay- Epkf^'d ne through * faith that is wroght by y ope ratio of God which raysed hym fro death. Ephe. l.u. 13 * And ye which were dead in synne, & c in the vncircumcision of your fleshe, hath he quickened with him, forgeutog you aU vour trespaces. * Tb. ««mo_i- cs _i_ rites wer© _\s 1 4 And putting out the c handwryting of it were a publike ceremonies that was agaynst ys, which /g^wSung of tte say was cotrarie to vs : he toke it out of the miserable state of way, and hath fastened it on his crosse. c__umcUion' dyd "AsSatan and 1 5 And hath spoyled " Rule and Power, & de1<",ar1e1 "V** na'"J- a, A , , ir-i ioii pollution, the g ls- hath made a shewe of them openly, & hath purifiings and was triumphed ouer them in the same crosse. thenf^_thofs*y___d 1 6 Let no man therfore condemne you tbe sacrifices tes- , li-i r tified that we were about meat and drincke, or for a peece gntie of death. T.ii Chap. III. THE EPISTLE of an " holy day, or of the newe moone, or "As to make _ .1 _. ii ,1 i difference be- ot the sabbath dayes. twixt dayes. 17 Which are nothing but shaddowes of thinges to come : but y body is in Christe. 1 8 * Let no man wilfully beare rule ouer rj you by humblenes, and worshipping of Mat.2i.a. Angels, auancing him selfe in those thin ges which he neuer sawe, rashely puft vp with his fleshly mynde : 1 9 And holdeth not the heade, wherof all the body furnished and knit together by iototes & couples, encreaseth with the in- creasyng that commeth of God. 20 Wherfore, yf ye be deade with Christ & are fre from the ordinaces of the world, why, as thogh ye yet lyued in the world, are ye burdened with traditions, 21 Of them that say, Touche not, Taste not, Handel not ? 22 Which all " perishe with the vsyng of » And apper- them, and are after the * commandements J™n ""^"f and doctrines of men. dome of 23 Which thinges haue to deed a shewe E°a.29.d. of wysdome, in volontarie worshipping wl'sTattCTwhat'to and humblenes, and in not sparing the bo eate and drinke, dy: yetaxeoi novshiebut apperteine to those God aright° S6rU6 things wherwith the d fleshe is crammed. THE III. CHAPTER. Against the false exercises and ceremonies of the false apostles he opposeth the true exercises of the godly, beginnyng at the fount eyn, which is mortificatib "Jf newenes of life, to the which he addeth exhortations both general and parti- culer and so after his recommedations, he wis- sheth them all prosperitie. If TO THE COLOSSIANS. 331 A TF ye then be" rysen agayne with Christe, __gg_riya ce° seke those thinges which are aboue, whe remonies. re Christ sytteth at y ryght hade of God. 2 Set your affection on thinges which are aboue, and not on thinges, which are on the earth. " With Chri- 3 For ye are " dead, and your lyfe is hyd ste" with Christ in God. 4 When Christe which is our lyfe, shal shewe him selfe, then shal ye also appeare with him to glorie. Ephe.b.a. 5 * a Mortifie therfore your members ft * Extinguishc ail are on the earth, fornication, vnclennes, corrupt*' nature wantonnes, euyl concupiscence, and coue- whi.ch /esistett i . i J. . i i ,r . against the Spirit tousnes which is idoiatrie. 6 For ft thtoges sakes, the wrath of God commeth on the children of disobediece. 7 In the which vices ye walked once, whe ye lyued in them. B 8 * But now put ye also away aU these thin f°h"e4c' °>es* wrath» fearcenes, maliciousnes, cursed heb.ii.a. speaking, filthy speaking out of your mou l.pet.2.a. thes. 9 Lye not one to another, seing that ye ha ue put of the olde man with tos workes, 10 And haue put on the newe, wliich is re Gen. i.d. newed in knowledge * after the image of 5. a. 9. b. mm that made him, 1 1 Where is nether Greke nor Iewe, Cir cumcision nor vncircumcision, Barbarous, Scythian, bonde, fre : but Christ is aU & in aU thtoges. C 12 * Now therfore as electe of God, holy & ;Fo*e'tt_. beloued, put on " teder mercie, kyndnes, hu traiie'sof mer blenes of minde, mekenes, longe suffring : 13 Forbearing one another, and forge- uyng one another, yf any man hatte a qua- T.iii. Chap. III. THE EPISTLE rei to another : eue as Christe forgaue you, euen so do ye. 1 4 And aboue aU these thtoges put on loue, which is the bonde of perfectnes. 1 5 And the peace of God " rule in your ha- "Let it guyde arts, to the which peace ye are caUed to one m"Lyour do" body : and se that ye be amiable. 16 Let the "worde of Christ dwel to you "The doctri- plenteously in all wysedome, teaching & spe°. ' c Go* b Psaimes, pro- exhorting your owne selues, in b psalmes, piear_,inCg?ttomGod; hymnes, and spiritual songes, syngtog ft narrations, e_ a certeyn grace to your hearts, to f Lord. expostulations '¦-„_.,,,._. , . . Hymnes, oneiy 17 And all thinges whatsoeuer ye do, m l.Cor.lo.p'. s-__e™ g cSc worde or dede do a11 in the Name of the praises, and Lord Iesus, geuyng thankes to God the Fa thankes geuing, ._.•_.__¦ but not so largely ther by mm. and amply, as \ 8 * Wiues, submit vour selues vnto your d h vn.nt-'s do owne housbandes, as it is comly to the Ephe.b.e. Lord. 19 * Housbandes, loue your wiues, and be i.Pet.3.a. not bytter vnto them. 20 'Children, obey your fathers and mo- Ephe.6-.a. thers in" aU thtoges : for that is wel plea- "in the Lord. syng vnto the Lord. 21 Fathers, prouoke not your children to anger lest they cast downe their harte. 22 * Seruantes, be obedient vnto your bo- Ephe.e.a. defy masters in aU thine-es, not with eye tlte 2-c- • , 6i . - i l.pet.2.c. sermce as men pleasers, but m synglenes r of heart, fearing God. 23 And whatsoeuer ye do, do it heartely, as thogh ye dyd it to the Lord, and not vnto men. 24 Knowing that of the Lord ye shal re ceaue the reward of inheritace, for ye ser ue the Lord Christe. „ „,LThe cruBl 25 But he" that doth wronge, shal receaue master. for TO THE COLOSSIANS. 332 for the wrdge that he hath done : nether is Rom.2.b. ther ** respect of personnes with God. "Whether he be master or Semant" THE IIII. CHAPTER. He exhorteth them to be feruent in prayer, to walke wysely vnto them that are not yet come to the true knowledge of Christe, and saluteth them. A VE masters, do vnto your seruantes, that -*- which is iust, and equal, knowing that ye also haue a master in heauen. LukA8.a. 2 * Conttoue in prayer, and watch in the l. thess. b.c. same with thankes geuyng, Ephe.6.b. 3 * Praying also for vs, that God open vn- 2.thess.3.a. to vs the " doore of vtterance, that we may freiy preache speake the mysterie of Christ, wherfore T the Gospel. am jjLjq m bondes. 4 That I may vtter it, as it becommeth me to speake. Ephe.b.d. 5 * Walke " wysely to them that are with- modiue corJJ- out, and a redeme the tyme. » Bestowe thety your 'neigh- 6 Let your speache be gracious alwayes, maucerfmeneue *0T>7»oimir,o. & powdred with " salt, that ve may knowe ry "here piucketh rerteymng r - J from you and cau- to edification how to answer euery man. Seth you to abuse B 7 Our deare brother Tychicus shal tel "• you of all my busynes, which is a faith ful minister, and felowe seruante to the Lord, 8 Whom I haue sent vnto you for the sa me purpose that he myght knowe your af faires, and myght comforte your hearts. Phile.b. 9 * With Onesimus a faithful & a belou ed brother, which is one of you. They shal shewe you of att thtoges which are done here. 10 Aristarchus my prison feloVe salu- T.ito. Chap. IIII. THE EPISTLE teth you, & Marcus, Barnabas systers son- C ne (touching whom, ye receaued comande metes, If he come vnto you, receaue him) 11 And Iesus which is caUed Iustus.w are 1 Yf they only of the Circumcision. These b onely are my P?edachh6e1Pt6hebG„s° " workefelowes vnto y kyngdome of God, ^**«^ pel at Rome, wher which were vnto my consolation. those 6fyue & 12 Epaphras the seruant of Christ, which twenty yers that is one of you, saluteth you, and alwayes la abode at Rome ? boureth feruentty for you to prayers, that ye may stande perfect and full in aU, that is the wil of God. 1 3 For I beare him recorde, that he hath a D feruet mynde towarde you, & toward the of Laodicea, and them of Hierapolis. 14 Deare * Lucas the PhisitiS greteth you, 2. TimA.c. and Demas. 1 5 Salute the brethren which are of Laodi cea, and salute Nymphas, and y Churche, which is in his house. 1 6 And when this Epistle is read of you, cause that it be read in the Churche of y Laodiceans also, & that ye lykewyse reade the epistle " writ from Laodicea. " Ether to 17 i_nd say to Archippus, Take hede to y ^h °\£* office, that thou hast receaued in the Lord, woide write _i_ a. a_ p i_. . •_ as an answer that thou fulfyl it. to this epistle 1 8 The salutation by the hand of me Paul. J™'^*6 Co Remember my bandes. Grace be with you. Amen. Sent from Rome by Tychicus, and Onesi mus. THE 333 THE ARGVMENT OF THE first Epistle to the Thessalonians. Fter that the Thessalonians had bene wel instructed in the faith, persecutio, which perpetually fol loweth the preaching of the Go spel, arose, against the which al thogh they dyd constantly stande :yet S. Paul (as moste careful for them) sent Timothie to streng ths the . who sone after admonishing hi of their estate gaue occasion to the Apostle to cofirme the by diuers arguments to be constant in faith, Sf to suffre whatsoeuer God calleth them vnto for the testimonie of the Gospel, exhorting them to de clare by their godly lyuing the puritie of their religion. And as the Churche can neuer be so purged, that some cockle remaine not among the wheat, so ther were among them wic ked men, which by mouing vayne and curious questions to ouerthrowe their faith, taught false ly as touching this point of the resurrectio from ihe dead : wherof he briefly instructeth the what to thinke, earnestly forbidding them to seke cari ously to knowe the tymes, willing the rather to watche lest the sodeyn comming of Christ come vpo them at vnwares .- and so after certein exhor tations, and his commendations to the brethern he endeth. THE FYRST EPISTLE OF PAVL TO the Thessalonians. THE PYRST CHAPTER. He thanketh God for the, that they are so sted fast in faith Sf good workes, and receaue the Go spel with suche earnestnes, that they are an exe pie to all others. and the 2 ' all,crs a v l and Silu- a anus, and li- motheus, vnto y Churche of the Thessaloni ans, which is in God y Father, & to yLordiE- svs CHRISTE, grace be to you, peace from God our Father, and from Lord Iesus Christe. We geue God thankes always for you 2. Thess.i._ making * mention of you to our pray- Philip.i.a. 3 With TO THE THESSALONIANS. 334 3 Without ceasyng remembrtog your effe B ctual faith, and dUigent loue and perseue- ring which standeth in ^hope of our Lord le sus Christe, to the syght of God our Father. 4 Because we knowe brethren beloued, how that ye are elect of God. 5 For our a Gospel came not vnto you in * The effectual worde only, but also to power, and also to G^pd^! an J_u the holy Gost, and in muche certatotie dent token of our €!_6C-_00 of persuasion, as ye know after what maner we behaued our selues among you for your sakes. C 6 And ye became folowers of vs and of the Lord, and receaued the worde to mu che affliction, with b ioye of the holy b To beleue, & to ri_0A. . befully persuaded "JOS"'' to haue the gifts "Or, patrons. 7 So that ye were as " ensamples to all of 'he holy Gost, that beleue to Macedonia and Achaia. suffer 'for "cLists 8 For from vou sounded out the worde of ?„!ie aIimost,cer" J . . i . « , ¦ 'eine signes of our the Lord, not m Macedonia and in Achaia election only: but your faith also which ye haue vn to God, spred abrode to all quarters, that D it nedeth not vs to speake any thynge at all. "ah the faith 9 For " they them selues shewe of you what maner of entrig to, we had vnto you, and how ye tourned to God from ido- " for idoles les, for to serue the " lyuing and true are dead /-r j things <_ only "-JOU. sae5sn6d fanta' 10 Andfo** to loke for his Sonne from heauen, whome he raysed fro death, Imea ne Iesus which dehuereth vs fro the wrath to come. THE II. CHAPTER. To the intent they sholde not fainfvnder the Chap. II. THE FIRST EPISTLE crosse, he comendeth his diligence in preaching, and theirs in obeying, he excuseth his absence, that he colde not come and open his heart to them.Tj^Or ye your selues knowe brethren, that A -1- our entrance in vnto you, was not in vayne. 2 But euen after that we had suffered be fore, and were shamfuUy entreated at*Phi „fciU6.e. lippi (as ye knowe) then were we bolde " to "By his heipe our God', to speake vnto you the Gospel of and grace God, wyth muche stryuyng. 3 For our exhortation was not to vse de- ceite, nor yet wickednes, nether was itwith gyle.4 But as we were alowed of God, that the Gospel should be committed vnto vs : euen so we speake, not as they that please men, but God which tryeth our heartes. 5 Nether yet dyd we euer vse flatteryng wordes,asyeknowe,nether_!?/iii»e anythig B in coulored couetousnes, God is recor de. 6 Nether soght we prayse of men, nether of you, nor yet of any other : 7 When we myghte haue bene chargea- able, as the Apostles of Christe : but we were > He humbled gentU among you, euen as a anorssecheris- p™ Iff tting.; sheth her chyldren. without all reape- 8 Thus, being affectioned towarde vou, etc of lucre Giien as the tender mo- our good wU was to haue dealte vnto you, ceth he*. c„iidre_; not the Gospel of God only : but also our and thinketh no owne soules, because ye were deare vnto office to vile, for her childres sake VS. . 9 For ye remember brethren, * our labour, i.cor.4 c". &trauayle : for we laboured day & nyght, 2.thess.3.b. because TO THE THESSALONIANS. 335 because we would not be chargeable vnto any of you, & preached vnto you the Gos pel of God. C 10 Ye are wytnesses, and so is God, how holyly, and tostly, and vnblamably, we behaued our selues amoge you that beleue. 11 As ye know how that we exhorted, and comforted, and besoght euery one of you, as a father his chyldren. 1 2 That ye would walke worthy of God, which hath called you vnto tos kyngdome and glorie. 1 3 For this cause also thanke we God with out ceasyng, because that when ye recea ued of vs the worde wherwith God was preached, ye receaued it not as the worde of men : but (euen as it was in dede) the woi de of God, which worde also worketh in you that beleue. 14 For ye brethren, are become folowers D of the Churches of God, whych in Iewrie are to Christ Iesus, because ye haue suffe red like things of your owne contrey men, as they haue suffered of the lewes. 15 Whych both kyUed the Lord Iesus and theyr owne Prophetes, and haue persecu ted vs : and God they please not, and are c5 "And woide trary " to aU men. fromTheirsai 16 And forbyd vs to preache vnto the Ge uation. tils, that they myght be saued, to fulfyl their synnes always : for thewrath ofGodis _otb,Hfs 0™__"*t_e b come on them, euen to the vtmost. lewes in general: 17 Forasmuche brethren, as we are kept ^gg&& from vou for a season, as concernyng the wl>ich ceased not _ j-l _ a. a. • a.1 _ _ after they had put boddy presence, but not in the heart, we Christ to death to RomA.b. * enforsed the more to se your face wyth SI'S1^**^; great desire. • sters. Chap. III. THE FIRST EPISTLE 18 And therfore we would haue comevn to you, (I Paul) once or twise: but Sata. with stode vs. 19 For what is our hope or ioye, or croune of reioystog ? are not"ye it to the presece of « Therfore i our Lord Iesus Christ at his commyng ? ^1td^01u>,t e°- 20 Yes, ve are our srlorie and ioye. cept i woide ' "** ¦* forget my sei fe. THE III. CHAPTER. He sheweth how greatlye he was affectioned towarde them both in that he sent Timotheus to them, and also prayed for them. "\7Vherfore since we could no lenger for * beare, we thoght it best to remayne at A Athens alone : 2 * And sent Timotheus our brother and A_ci.l6.d. minister of God, and our labour felowe to the Gospel of Christe, to stablishe you, and to comfort you touching your faith. 3 That no man should be moued with the se afflictios. for ye your selues knowe, that we are euen appoynted there vnto. 4 For verely when we were wyth you, we tolde you before that we shoulde suffre tribulation, euen as it came to passe, and as b Ve knowe. His great affe ¦J. i x i i i ction towarde 5 lor thys cause when 1 coulde no lenger the smaie floe forbeare, I set Aim, that I myght haue know ke" ledge of your fayth, leste the tempter had tempted you to any sort, and that our la bour had bene bestowed in vayne. 6 But nowe lately when Timotheus came from you vnto vs, and declared to vs your fayth, and loue, and how that ye haue good remembrance of vs, alwayes desiring to se TO THE THESSALONIANS. 336 to se vs, as we also desire to se you. C 7 Therfore brethren we had consolation in you, to att our aduersitie and necessitie, through your fayth. "Yf you perse 8 For now are we a alyue, if ye " stande sted ¦ Yf ye remayne nere in faith, r. • .„„ t _„j constant in faith fast in the Lord. and true doctrine 9 For what thankes can we recompence to \.bM *'"¥ *at r-i a _¦ _ n _i_ ¦ a.1 a a" my afflictions God agayne for you, for all the ioye that be somanypieasu we ioy for your sakes before our God, ^SttS_fSS_\ Ro.l.b.lb.e. 10 Night and day* praying excedtogly t0 life. that we might se you presently, and "Wemustdai might " fulfil that which is lacking to your ly growe fr. faith ? 11 God hym selfe our Father, and our D Lord Iesus Christe gyde our iorney vnto you. 12 And the Lorde increase you and make you flowe ouer to loue one towarde ano ther, and towarde all men, euen as we do towarde you. Chap.b.d. 1 3 * To make your hearts stable and vnbla- l.cor.l.a. mable, in holynes before God our Father, at the comming of our Lord Iesus Christe with aU his Sainctes. THE IIII. CHAPTER. He exhorteth them to holynes, innocencie, lo ue, labour, and moderation in lamenting for the dead, describing the ende of the resurre ction. A "EWrthermore we beseche you brethren, -^ and exhorte you to the Lord Iesus, that , The pBke Bor "And as it we "ye excel more and more, euen as ye haue designifleth suche re, ouercome ir-i i_a.11 a commandements your selues. receaued of vs, how ye oght to walke and ^ one receaueth tri Tilpasp f_-iii from some man to to piease «joq. __ue them m his 2 For ye knowe what a commancjemets we name to others. Chap. IIII. THE FIRST EPISTLE gaue you from our Lord Iesus Christ. 3 * For thys is the wyl of God euen that ye Rom. 12. a. should be holy, and that ye shuld abstaine ePhe- 5- "¦ from fornication. 4 That euery one of you should know, how to kepe his " vessel in holynes and honour, "or, body. 5 And not in the Iuste of concupiscence, B as do the GentUs which knowe not God. 6 * That no man oppresse and defraude his l . Cor. 6.e. brother in any matter : for the Lord is a ve ger of all suche thinges, as we tolde you be fore tyme and testified. 7 * For God hath not caUed vs vnto vn- 2. Cor. i.a. clennes, but vnto holynes. t- By these preceps 8 He therfore that despicethb^__e things, appe^ttwK despiceth not man, but God who hath ge- re the commande- uen * yOU his hoty Spnte. '¦ Cor.T.g. "au^totten.?1 9 But as touching brotherly loue, ye nede C not that I write vnto you : * for ye are IohnA3.b. taught of God to loue one another. Tfhnl'b 10 Yea and that thyng verely ye do vnto a'nd ^'j,, * all the brethren, which are throughout all Macedonia : we beseche you brethren, that ye excel more and more. 1 1 * And that ye studie to be quiet, and to 2. Thess.3.b. medle wyth your owne bustoes, and to wor ke with your owne handes, " as we comma- " And not be ded you. i _¦ quenched.buthath IS gOOO. reueiled by what 22 Abstayne from aU kynde of euil. Z^TeyLTl^t Chap.3.d. 23 ThatGod*of peace sactifieyou through is.by suche ckhor- 'or^d*. out: andIprayGodthatyourawhole"spri- _fS_,S_S_"i__ te both soule and body.be kept fautlesse weMeingodiynes. vnto the c5ming of our Lord Iesus Christ, fully sanctified & Nom.lbc. 24 *_T»y1__Mi__*wl_«fcc__kd^ 1. cor. l.o. WyJ g2S0 fo ^ thing: his soule, _¦_ e n _. i_ _*• that is, his vnder-. 25 Brethren, praye for vs. stading and wii, 26 Grete all the brethren wyth an holy c0"et J?thi»e '¦ . j j nether his body kySSe. doth execute any 27 I charge you in the Lord, that thys epi Ku of aid. '° stle be read vnto all the brethren the Sain ctes. 28 The grace of the Lord Iesus Christ be with you. Amen. The fyrst epistle vnto the Thessalonians. sent from Athens. V.ii. THE ARGVMENT OF THE seconde Epistle to the Thessa. !'___n__i~ci vnto them, and exhorteth them to pacience Sf other fruits of faith, nether to be mo ued with that vayne opinion of such as taught that the comming of Christ was at hand, foros muche as before that day there shulde be a fallig away from true religion, euen by a greate part of the worlde, and that Antichrist shulde raigne in the. temple of God. finally commending him selfe to their prayers, and encouraging them to constd- cie, he willeth them to correct suche sharpely, as lyue idely of other mens labours, whome, if they do not obey his admonitions, he commandeth to excommunicat. THE 338 THE SECONDE EPISTLE OF PAVL TO the Thessalon. THE FYRST CHAPTER. He thanheth God for their fayth, loue, and pacience, he prayeth for the encrease of the sa me, and sheweth what fruit shal come the rof. A v L A N D SUuanus, & Timotheus,vnto the Churche of the Thessalo nians, which is in God our Father, and in the Lord Iesus Christe : 2 Grace be to you, and peace from God our Father, and from the Lord Iesus Christ. l.Thess.l.a. 3 *"We are bounde to thanke God alwayes for you brethren, as it is mete, because that your fayth groweth excedtogly, and the lo ue of euery one of you toward another a- bundeth. B 4 So that we our selues reioyca of you in V.to. THE SECONDE EPISTLE the Churches of God, that is, of yourpacie- ce and fayth in aU your persecutions and tribulations that ye suffre. ¦ The faithful by 5 * "Which is a a token of the rightuous iud hide a. as .n adear^iM- gernet of God, that ye are counted worthy se theende of Gods 0f the jjingdome of God, for which ye also iuste iudgement, o > J when as they shal SUnre. whyifhehw_u. .uS' 6 For it is verely a ryghtuous thyng with red with him, and God, to recompence tribulation to them the wicked shal te ..... , _ ale his extreme that trouble you : C wrath and vengea- 7 ^nd to you wii*c]_ are troubled, reste wyth vs * when the Lord Iesus shal shewe 1. ThessA.d. him selfe from heauen wyth hys myghty " Angels, " By whome 8 In flamynge fyre, rendryng vengeance hfs mill"6"1 vnto them that do not knowe God, ne ther obeye vnto the Gospel of our Lord le sus Christe. 9 Whych shalbe punished wyth * euerla- Luk.ie.d. styng damnation, from the presence of ""* * the Lord, and from the glorie of hys po- D wer. 10 When he shal come* to be glorified in Mat.2b.c. hys Sainctes, and to be made maruelous in aU them that beleue (because our testimo- _ The fre bene- ™ was beleued of you) in that day. uoience of Gods \\ Wherfore, we praye alwaves for goodnes, compre- , r< a . at. £ hendeth his pour you, that our God make you worthy of &*___*£_: this CEj^g- and fulfyl >aU the fre beneuo- tion: the worke of lence of his goodnes, and the " WOrke of "Faith isGods faith conteyneth- , ., „_wp_ woderfulwor- our iustification: faytn, With power. ke in vs '» the which God 1 2 That the Name of our Lord Iesus Chri addethglonficatio ,, . . . and all these he ste may be glonneu m you, and ye m turn "As the head rTgrltlh^h through the grace of our God, and of the Jj* the b°" chnste. Lord Iesus Christe. The TO THE THESSALONIANS. 339 'Of false re- uelation, or dreames. " Which are spoke or writ ten.Mat. 23. whose hartes e_o.l5.a. j_ t Keuen y^g a b righteous man, but G.ods sPir't doth ,° , , i ,. *? ,._ ,, direct to do that vnto the lawles and disobediet, to the vn- willingly which ly udeme°n_; S°^7> ^d *° " s7™e™' to vnholy, and vn- ^.-"^Klr synning. cleane, to " murtherers of fathers, and mo- oodly affectio is "Or, beaters, thers, to manslears, withoiSfarthercc6- 10 To whoremongers, to them that defy- ".^"declare* te le them selues with makynde, to men stea- Timothie the ex- lers, to lyers, to periured, and yf there be SSu^Sfg t_J any other thtoge, that is contrary to hole- whome he hath J _ .. chose to beare his some doctrine : worde, althogh be- 1 1 Which is according to the glorious *?"***_ ^ey e»ere Chap.6. c. Gospel of the * blessed God, which Gospel mics.to encourage • ,, i . hi in this bataille is committed vnto me. that he shulde C 12 Therfore c I thanke him, which hath ?**"-» , «ga»t all i a ,,,.„,.., mhdeles &. hypo- made me stronge, that is Chnste lesus our crites. Chap. II. THE PTRST EPISTLE Lord : for he counted me faithful, and put me in his seruice, 1 3 When before I was a blasphemer, and a persecuter, and an oppresser. but he she wed mercie on me : for I dyd it" ignorantly !'N°' kn°wH through vnbeliefe. against God. 14 Yet y grace of our Lord was more abo dant with "fayth and " loue ft is in Christ l^f^fX Iesus. delitie. 15 This is a true saying, and by att meanes J^™ craS- worthy to be receaued, y * Christ Iesus ca- ?**.¦_ me into the world to saue sinners, of who- „,<_,_<>. '„.' me I am chiefe. 16 Notwithstanding, for this cause was mercie geuen vnto me, that Iesus Christ D should fyrst shewe on me aU " longe pacie " Or, mercie. ce, vnto the ensample of them which shal in tyme to come, beleue on hym vnto eter nal lyfe. 1 7 So then vnto the kynge eueriasting, immortal, inuisible, vnto God, which is only wise, be honour and prayse for euer, and euer. Amen. 1 8 This comandement commit I vnto thee 0 it appeareth Sonne Timothie, accordyng to the d prophe ohfatTim6oth0eaw°a_ <*ies, which in tyme past were prophecied approued by nota- of thee, that thou by them shouldest fyght bie prophecies a p_ i__ which the were re- a good, fyght, ueiied in the primi 19 * Hauing "faith and good conscience, ft ChaP.3.c. tiue Churche, As o p ' "Thatissoun Paul & Barnabas some haue put away from them, and as ,je doctrine. app_in°edCltoW6g_ concerning faith haue made shypwrake. to the Gentils. 20 Of whose nombre is Hymeneus, and , „ . , Alexander, * which I haue " deliuered vnto "Excommuni Satan, that they might learne not to bias- ™^ *"£ *"***£ pheme. Churche. THE TO TIMOTHIE. 343 THE II. CHAPTER. He exhorteth to pray for all men, how, and wherfore . As touching the apparel and mode stie of women. A T exhorte therefore, that aboue all thin- J-ges, supplications, prayers, intercessios, and geuyng of thankes be had for a aU 'That is, of euery ° J ° degre, & of all sor- men. tes of people. Ure. 29. c. 2 * For b kynges, and for aU that are ther- b Althogh th^ baruc. I.e. _ . J *** . , persecute the fore m auctontie, that we may lyue a qui- Churche of God, et and a peaceable lyfe, in all godlynes & srLe, ____f___fS_ honestie. *' maliciously, as n -n , i . in i . , , .i Iulianus apostata, 3 t or this is good & accepted m the Sight they may not be of God our Snnionr prayed fore. Gal. q t. _ oauiour, 5. b. 1. thes. 2. b. /'l i "^ Which wU haue all me saued, and to 2.tim.4.c.i.iohn Gentii: po'ore come vnto the knowledge of the truth. and riche. ^ g For there j_ Qne G_d) ^ Qne Media. tour betwene God and man, which is the GoTw°asDma!''man ChriSt IeSUS, deman. 6 Which gaue him self a raunsome for "Which bele- aU " men, c which is that testimonie appoin « which the Pro ted at his tyme. ___^SS_3_ 2. Tim.i.c. 7 *Of the wliich testimonie I am ordeined offre Wm selfe for a preacher and an Apostle (I tel the trueth m_nr_t6tte tyme to Christ, and lye not) a teacher Imeane oi 'hat p0% bad de- - : .-*.., ' . . termined. the (jentiles m faith and ventre. 8 I wU therfore f the me pray euery where lifting vp pure handes without wrath, or douttog. .p., o 9 *Likewyse also the women, that they araye them selues in comely apparel, with shamefastnes and modestie, not with broy ded heare, other golde, or pearles, or cost ly araye : 10 But (as becommeth women f professe the feare of God) with good workes. Chap. III. THE FYRST EPISTLE 1 1 Let the woman learne to sUence with aU subiection. 12*1 sufire not a woman to " teache, nether l • Cor. 14. g. to vsurpe auctoritie ouer the man, but for y y" to be in silence. 1 3 For *Adam was fyrst formed, and then g _, J Gen.l.d. *"ue- e Gen.3.a. n The woma was 14 * And Adam was d not deceaued, but y became6tte6instru woman was deceaued, and was made gil- mentof satatode tie of the transgression. ceauetheman.and i - -vt . >.i . t .i 1 i • r thogh therfore 15 Notwithstanding, through bearing of wi0thPs0imiectionh? children "they shalbe saued, so they conti- "Women. yet if they be nue in faith, loue, and holynes with mo- failhfnl and godly j a.: in their vocation, *-"=_li_ they shal be saued, THE III. CHAPTER. He deciareth what is the office of ministers, and as touching their families, the dignitie of the Churche, and the principal point of the he auenly doctrine. • with aferuent rpHis is a true saying, * If a man " desire A churchePo0f God! the office of a " bishoppe, he desireth /^he1t*1'"r he wher soeuer he a worthie WOrke. be Pastor or shal call him. Elder 2 A byshop therfore must be fautlesse, the housband of " one wyfe, watching, so- "For in those ber, modest, harberous, apt to teache, contreis at ir a that tyme so 3 Not geuen to wyne, no fighter, not ge- me men had uen to fylthy lucre : but gentle, abhorring mo then one" fyghtyng, abhorring couetousnes, 4 One that can rule his owne house ho nestly, hauyng chUdren vnder obedience with aU honestie. 5 For yf a man can not rule his owne hou- B se, how shal he care for the Churche of God ? 6 He may not be a yonge '' scholer, lest he ne of faith. swel, TO TIMOTHIE. 344 swel, and fall into the b condemnation of b Lest beins ,, i .-i proude of his de- tne (ICUll. gre he belykewy 7 He must also be wel reported of am5g aeeu°°wSeforSiif! them wtoch are without, lest he fall toto ting vp __ seife famed ttuide " ™°»ke, and the snare of the deuyl. by pri _ e"* OI"y remai- "Approuediu iustified in y Sprite, sene of Angels, prea- neth in the chur- ste in that he , j , e r\ -7-i __ i j • _.*__ che, by reason of was not only ched vnto y Getiles : beleued on m earth, Gofe ^orde . for a ma, but an(J receaued Vp hi fflorie . otherwise Christe Ood also. r o 1S tne foundation, &the cornerstone, THE IIII. CHAPTER. SSf ^n^ He teacheth him what doctrine he 9ght to file, eth his Chuiche. X.i. Chap. IIII. THE FTRST EPISTLE and what to followe : Sf wher in he oght to exer cise him selfe continually. 'yHe Spirite speaketh euydently, that hi A -*- y later tymes some shal depart fro the 2 «_/"_._. ' faith, and shal geue hede vnto " sprites of iude c. errour, and doctrines of deuils, cher-6 tea' 2 Which speake false through hypocrisie, » Their dull con and haue their *" consciences burned with scieces first waxed __, !,-.,¦_ -_-n_ harde, the after, «°- hote yron : caker and corrup- 3 Forbydding to mary, and commanding last of all it was to abstayne from meates which God hath cutofwithanhote creat.ed to be receaued with geuyng than kes, of them which beleue and knowe the trueth.4 For aU the creatures of God are good, B and nothing oght to be refused, yf it be re ceaued with thankesgeuyng. 5 For it is " sanctified by the worde of God, " Vnto vs, -, which recea- and prayer. ue it, as at 6 If thou put the brethren to remebrance Gois hades. of these thinges, thou shalt be a good mi nister of Iesus Christe, which hast bene no rished vp to the wordes of faith, and of good doctrine, which doctrine thou hast continuaUy folowed. 7 *But cast away prophane, and olde wy- Chap.l.u. ues fables : and exercise thy selfe vnto god £¦ d: „ , . ¦" ° 2.tim.2.d. tynes. tite 3._. 8 For bodely exercise profiteth lytle : but C godlynes is profitable vnto aU thinges, as a thing which hath promise of the lyfe y is now, and of the lyfe to come. 9 This is a sure saying, and of all parties worthy to be receaued. 10 For therfore we labour and suffre re buke, because we haue sure hope in the lyuing TO TIMOTHIE. 345 lyuing God, which is the b Sauiour of all ^ The goodnes of men, but speciaUy of those that bele- %££%£?& Vie. men: but chiefely 11 These thinges commande and teache. mby preserving 12 Let no man despice thy youth, but be 'hem, and here he iii i meaneth not of 11- vnto them that beleue an ensample, in fe eueriasting. " in, Godly worde, in conuersation, in loue, in" sprite, Tf tt6e0sp.rH. in f^h, and in purenes. 1 3 Tyl I come, geue attendace to reading, to exhortation, and to doctrine. D 14 Despice not that gyft that is in thee, "And reueia- which was geuen thee" by prophecie with holy Gost. 6 the laying on of the hades, by the c Elder- ' Vnder 'bis na- i. J ° J me he conteyneth Ship . the whole ministc- 15 These thinges exercise, & geue thy sei- X^^te fe vnto the, that it may be sene how thou sus. profitest among al men. 1 6 Take hede vnto thy selfe, and vnto le arning, and conttoue therin : for yf thou shalt so do, thou shalt saue thy selfe, & the that heare thee. THE V. CHAPTER. He teacheth him how he shal be haue him sei fe in rebuking all degrees. An ordre concerning widowes, the establishing of ministers, the gouer nance of his body, Sf the iudgement of synnes. A T? Ebuke not an elder, but exhort him as _, tV _¦ _i o ., „ at. - Paul wllle'h AVa father: & the yonger men as brethre. that the wydowes 2 The elder wome as mothers, the yonger Iff^™^ as sisters, with aU purenes. haue ether childre foTthee care 3 " Honour wydowes, which are true wyd _rekIbie0to6reieh_e dowes 'be, but that the " children nourishe 4 If any wyddowe haue chyldren or net- their mother or ues, let a them learne first to shewe godly- ^nngsfo*es nXe nes towarde their owne houses, and to re- byndeth them. X.ii. Chap. V. THE FYRST EPISTLE compence their kynred : for that is an ho nest thing and acceptable before God. 5 She that is a very wyddow and frende- lesse, putteth her trust in God, and conti- nueth in supplications and prayers nyght and day. 6 But she that tyueth in pleasure, is " dead, ''Because she i J x is vtterly vn- euen yet alyue, profitable. 7 These thinges therfore comande, that they may be wythout faut. 8 If there be any that prouideth not for his owne, and namely for them of his hou sholde, the same denieth the faith, and is worsse then an infidel. 9 Let nowyddowe be chosen vnder thre- B score yere olde, and suche a one as was the '¦He meaneth su wyfe of b one man : __!_ ffl dSS 10 And wel reported of in good workes : ced fro their first if she haue norysshed her chUdren, if she housbandsmaried, , ... J , . . r , , agayne to the sian- haue bene hberal to strangers, if she haue der of the chur- wasshed theSainctes fete, if she haue mini che: tor els he doth . . , . not reproue the stred vnto them which were m aduersitie, ha^u- bene ofte'nef >f sne were continually geuen vnto all ma maryed then once. ner good WOrkeS. 1 1 The yonger wyddowes refuse : for whe they haue begone to waxe " wanton agatost " Forgetting a-i_ • . ,_ -l their vocati- Uhnste, they wil mary : onj = Not oneiy haue 12 Hauing c damnation, because they ha- sladered the Chur- , , . , p.p.., cheinleauingthe- ue broken the first faith. ir charge but ha- 1 3 And also they learne to go from house ue forsake their J ° religion, & ther- to house ydle : yea not ydle only, but also ed6w1tt S trifling, and besibodies, speakyng thinges ing death. which are not comely. 14 1 wyl therfore that the yonger women c mary and beare children, & geue none oc casion to the aduersarie to speake euil. 15 For manv of them are alredy turned backe, TO TIMOTHIE. 346 backe, and are gone after Satan. 1 6 And yf any man or woman that bele ueth haue wyddowes, let them minister vn to them, and let not the Churche be char ged, that ye may haue sufficient for them " which are that are wyddowes to " dede. m_Xpe& 17 The Mders that rule wel> are worthy succour. of double honour, moste specialy they wtoch labour in the worde and teaching. Deut.2b.d. 18 For the Scripture sayeth, * Thou shalt l . cor. 9.a. not mousei the mouthe of the oxe that tre- Mat.io.b. adeth out the come. And, * The labourer luk. lo. i. is worthy of his rewarde. 1 9 Against an Elder d receaue none accu- & Except that sation, but vnder two or thre witnesses. c„Stf ^"'ha^e "Chiefeiytte 20 Them that sinne," rebuke openly, that "" 'est two wit- ministers and _fi,_-. -_„-. !_„-„ nesses which pro- so all otters. olner may ieare. mes, with the ac- D 21 * I testifie before God and the Lord ™^r J^ Pr™e Chap. 6. c iesus Christ and y elect Angels, that thou laye to his chard- obserue these thinges without preferring e"' one to another, and do nothing parcially. the" "with". **¦•*¦ -^ay nandes sodenly on no man," nether sufflciet trial be partaker of other mens stones, kepe thy "Fro iuste of- selfe " pure. 23 Drincke no longer water, but vse a lit le wine for thy stomakes sake, & thine of ten diseases. "As simothe 24 Some mens sinnes are open " before ha de, and go before vnto iudgement : some mens stones e foiowe after. , ' Their sinnes . followe, which for 25 Likewyse also good workes are mam- atymehauedecea feste before hade, and thev that are other ^_ ££r areodd"_* wise, can not be tod. '<•<:'«. as saui, ludas, 6c other hypocrites. THE VI. CHAPTER. The dutie of seruantes towarde their masters. Against suche as are not satisfiett with the Xiii. Chap. VI. THE FYRST EPISTLE worde of God. Against couetousnes, of true god lynes, and contentation of mynde. a charge geue to Timothie. T Et as many seruates as are vnder the yo^ -^ke, counte their masters worthy of all coh's%'b. honour, that the Name of God, &his do- l.pet.2.d. ctrine be not euyl spoken of. 2 Se y they which haue beleuing masters, despice the not, because they are brethren : but the rather do sendee, forasmuche as they are faithful, and beloued, and parta kers of the "benefite. These thtoges teache " Of the gra- „ _ a. ce of God, as and exhorte. tbeir „,____. 3 If any man teache other doctrine, and is are- not content with the wholsome wordes of our Lord Iesus Christe, & with the do ctrine, which is according to godlynes : 4 He is pufte vp and knoweth nothing : b but wasteth his braines about * questios & Chap. i.a. strife of wordes, wherof sprynge enuie, strife, raylinges, euU surmisinges, 5 Vayne disputatios of men with corrupt mindes, and destitute of the trueth, which thynke that lucre is godlynes. from suche separate thy selfe. » They that mea 6 a Godlynes is great riches, if a man be richest are^here content with that he hath. taught, that only 7 * ;por we hroght nothing into the worl- Tob. i.d. religion is the tiue . o o „- . riches. de, and lt is certeyne, that we can cary no ^cclebc thing out. 8 When we haue fode and rayment, let vs therwith be content. 9 They that wil be riche, fall into tenta- c tion and snares, and into many folyshe & noysome lustes, which drbwne men in per dition and destruction. 10 For TO TIMOTHIE. 347 10 For couetousnes of money is the rote of aU eutt, which wtole some Iuste after, they erred from the faith, and perced them selues throwe with many sorowes. " whome 1 1 But thou 6 "ma of God, flye suche thin- Gods Spirit ip, • i a. n doth rule, ges : and foiowe rightuousnes, godlynes, faith, loue, pacience, and meaknes. 1 2 Fyghte the good fight of faith : laye ha de of eternal life, wherunto thou art also caUed, and hast professed a good profes sion before many witnesses. Chap.b.d. 13*1 geue thee charge to the sight of God, which quickneth aU thinges, and before Iesus Christ which vnder Poncius PUate it_ar.27.i.. * witnessed a good wytnessyng, iohn I8.g. 14 That thou kepe thig commandement, and be without spot & vnrebukeable, vn- tyl the famous appearing of our Lord Ie sus Christ. 1 5 Which appearing (when the tyme is co Chap, 1.6. me) he shal shewe, that is * blessed & prin- reue.n.d. ce only, b Kyng of kynges, and Lord of 'Byftismightie inrrla- power of God the loraes, faithful are admo- 1 6 Which only hath immortahtie, and nished boideiy to dweUeth in the lyght that no man can at- cation.aithogh the Iohn 1.6. tayne vnto,* whome neuer ma saw, nether !T__ld,__la_!_*,w 1 inhr, 1 n i l i hell rage against "¦¦¦"• can se, vnto whome be honour and power them. eueriasting. Amen. D 17 Charge the y are ryche " in this world, teyning^ To that they be not high minded, and y they .if lif4 6 * to*1^* n°t to the vncertain riches, but in y hk.22.b. liuing God (which geueth vs, abundantly att thtoges to enioye,) 1 8 That they do good, and be riche to go- "Or.becom- odworkes, and redye to geue and"distri- mumcatiue. , _ jo Mat.6.c. bute. hk.6.b. 19 'Laying vp in store for thsm selues a X.iiii. Chap. VI. THE FYRST EPISTLE good foundation agaynst the tyme to co me, that they may obtayne eternal lyfe. 20 O Timothie : saue " that ft is geue thee "The gifts of to kepe, and * auoyde vngostly vanities of vtnitie 0f the voyces, and " oppositions of science falsly churche. ill VsfMZlj- 1 ¦ Ui so called, 4_j_ 21 Which science whyle some professe, "As when que they haue erred as concerning the faith. _r°th quest™" Grace be with thee. Amen. The first Epistle to Timothie sent fro Lao dicea, which is the chiefest citie of Phrigia Pacaciana. THE ARGVMENT OF THE seconde Epistle to Timothie. He Apostle being now ready to confirme that doctrine with his bloud which he had professed Sf taught, encourageth Timothie (Sf in hi all the faithful) in the faith of the Gospel, and in the constat and syncere co- fession of the same : willing him not to shrinke for feare of afflictions, but patiently to attende the issue, as do housbande men, which at length receaue the fruits of their labours : and to cast of all feare and care, as souldiers do which seke on ly to please their Capiteyn, shewing him briefly the some of the Gospel, which he preached, com manding him to preache the same to others, di ligently taking hede of cotentions, disputations, and vayne questions, to thintent, that his doctri ne may all together edifie. Considering that the exdples of Hymeneus and Philetus, which sub- uerted the true doctrine of the resurrection, was so 348 so horrible : and yet to thintent that no md shuld be offended at their fall, being men of auctoritie and in estimatio, he sheweth that all that profes se Christ are not his, and that the Churche is subiect to this calamitie that the euil must dwel among the good til Gods trial come, yet he reser- ueth them whome he hath elected euen to the en de. And that Timothie shulde not be discoura ged by the wicked, he deciareth what abomina ble men and dangerous tymes shal followe, wil ling him to arme him selfe with the hope of the good issue that God wil giue vnto his, and to exercise him selfe diligently in the Scriptures, both against the aduersaries and for the vtilitie of the Churche, desiring him to come to him for certeyn necessarie affaires, and so with his and others salutations endeth. THE SECONDE EPISTLE OF PAVL to Timothie. a Being sent of God to preache that life which he had promised in Christ Iesus. THE FYRST CHAPTER. Paul exhorteth Timothie to stedfastnesse and pacience in persecution, and to continue in ihe doctrine, that he had taught hym, wherof his bonds and afflictions were a gage. A commen dation of Onesiphorus. a v l an Apos- A tie of Iesus Christe, by y wU of God, a accordtog to y promis of lyfe, which life is in christ IESVS. 2 To Timothie my beloued sonne: grace, mercie, and peace from God the Father, & from Iesus Christe our Lord. 3 I thanke God,* whome I serue fro myne Act.22.a. b elders TO TIMOTHIE. 349 b elders with pure conscience, that without b Following the ceasyng I haue remembrance of thee to my aStres^aiAb! prayers nyght and day. raha. isaac, ia- cob and others of 4 Desiryng to se thee, myndful of thy tea whome iam eome, res : that I may be fyUed with ioye : ^luedthTtrue B 5 When I call to remembrance the vnfay reiigio as by suc- ned fayth that is in thee, whych dwelt fyrst cehl"u in thy grandmother Loide, and in thy mo ther Eunica : & am assured that it dwelleth in thee also. 6 Wherfore, I warne thee that thou c ste- « The gift of God re vp the gyfte of God which is in thee, by ^Se.eal,, the putting on of my handes. our hartes, which >- -ri /-, _ , ,i , . ai cr- Satan & the fleshe 7 i or (jod hath not geuen to vs the bpri- labour to qusche, "Asthoghgod te of " feare, but of power, and of loue, & 'herfore we wolddestroye i _¦ , j must nounshe it, YS, and of a sounde mynde. &stereitvp. C 8 Be not therfore ashamed to testifie our Lord, nether be ashamed of me whych am bounde for hys sake : but be partaker of the afflictions of the Gospel, through the po wer of God, l.Cor.l.u. 9 Who saued vs, and called vs wyth an* eph. l. a. }j0iy callyng, not according to our * dedes, but accordyng to hys owne purpose & gra ce, which grace was geuen to vs through Rom. 16.d. Christe Iesus before the * worlde was. eph 3 6. |o But is now declared openly by the d gio tl He speaketh he col. I.a. . ,. n • -r a-ii • re of his first com- tit l a nous appearyng of our bauiour lesus Chri ming, which thogh l. pet. I.d. ste, who hath put away death, and hath ^™epdtiE^ broght lyfe and immortalitie vnto lyght was honorable and ,i , ., r. , glorious, therfore through the Gospel. our myndes oght l. Timo.2.b. 11 * Wherunto I am appoynted a preacher ^ebceoni3fi'|'fr';tp10fr0'f and Apostle, and a teacher of the Gen- worldly thinges, to a.-i conteplate the ma ms>- iestie therof . 1 2 For the whych cause I also suffre these thynges, nether am I ashamed: for I knowe him whome I haue beleued, an_l I am per- Chap. II. THE SECONDE EPISTLE suaded that he is able to kepe y which I ha ue " committed to his keping, against that " which is, day. mjrselfe" 1 3 Se thou haue the ensaple of the wholso me wordes, whych thou heardest of me to fayth, and loue whych is in Christe Ie sus. 14 That " worthy thyng, which was com- D mitted to thy kepyng, kepe through the ho 07hthegrhoiy ly Gost, whych dweUeth to vs. Gost. 1 5 This thou knowest, how that all they which are in Asia, be turned from me : of which sorte are PhigeUus and Hennoge- nes. 1 6 The Lord geue mercie vnto the house of Onesiphorus. for he ofte refreshed me, and was not ashamed of my chayne. 1 7 But when he was at Rome, he soght me out very diligently, and founde me. 1 8 The Lord graiit vnto him, that he may finde mercie wyth the Lord at that day. & in how many thinges he ministred vnto me at Ephesus, thou knowest very wel. THE II. CHAPTER. He exhorteth hym to be constant in trouble, to suffre manly, and to byde faste in the wholso- me doctrine of our Lord Iesus Christe, shewing him the fidelitie of Gods counsel touching the sal nation of his, and the marke therof. T^Hou therfore my sonne, be stronge in a -*- the grace that is in Christ Iesus. 2 And what thinges thou hast hearde of « so that the me, many bearyng wytnes, the same deliuer trueth of God ~ i / 1 i-i // i ma*" remayne to faythful men, which are apte to teache perfect. other also. 3 Thou TO TIMOTHIE. 350 3 Thou therfore suffre affliction as a good souldier of Iesus Christe. 4 No man that warreth, entangleth him " As with his selfe with " worldly busines: because he wol ottetordma- de Please h™ tnat hath chosen him to be rie affaires, a Souldier. 5 And thogh a man stryue for a masterie, yet is he not crouned, except he stryue as he oght to do. B 6 The housband man, must fyrst by labo- ryng receaue the frutes. 7 Consider what I say. and the Lord geue thee vnderstanding in all thinges. 8 Remember that Iesus Christe made of the sede of Dauid, rose agayne from death accordyng to my Gospel. 9 Wherin I suffre trouble as an euyl doer, euen vnto bondes : but the worde of God is not a bounde. ° Not withstan- 10 Therfore I suffre all thynges, for the *o__,___. tt™w_r- 2. CorA.u.. * b eiectes sakes, that they myght also ob- de of G.od hath it coin Id i i - i - i ¦ ¦ /ii • a race,& mcreaseth. tayne that saiuation which is m Christe t> To confirme Iesus, wyth eternal glorie. __SS__SM_i- C 1 1 It is a true saying. For if we be * dead fication of the iiom.6.6. Wyfa hym, we also shal lyue wyth hym . seife.c 12 If we suffre, we shal also raygne wyth Mat. lo. d. hym : * if we denye him, he also shal denie mar. 8.d. ,T_ Rom.3.a.9.b 13 If * we beleue not, yet abideth he faith ful, he can not denie tom selfe. 14 Of these thtoges put them in remem brance, and testifie before the Lord, that they striue not about wordes : which is to no proffit, but to the peruerttog of the hea rers. 15 Studie to shewe thy selfe approued vn to God, a workeman that nedeth not to be Chap. II. THE SECONDE EPISTLE ashamed, " diuidtoe the worde of trueth "Geuing to e- . ° uery one his lUStly. iuste portion. 16 * Suppresse prophane and vayne wor- i. Ji"l*-b- des. For they shal encrease vnto greater an vngodlynes. 1 7 And their wordes shal fret euen as doth a cancre : of whose numbre is Hyme- neus and Philetus. 18 Which as concerntog the trueth haue erred, saying that the resurrection is past alredy, and do destroye the fayth of diuers persons. 1 9 But the sure groud of God remayneth, D & hath thys seale, The Lord knoweth who are hys, and, Let euery one that calleth on the Name of Christe, departe fro iniquitie. •Because the wic 20 Notwithstanding in a c great house ked shulde not co- , i /• lioci uer them selues vn are not only vessels of gould & ot syluer, tte Churche6 he Dut a^s0 °f wood and of earth, some for ho sheweth by 'this nour, and some vnto dishonour. both "good & tad 21 If a man therfore purge him selfe fro may be therin. " these, he shalbe a vessel vnto honour, san- "That is, bo- ctified, and mete for the Lord, and prepa- ^i^Xthl red vnto all good workes. wicked : and 22 Lustes of youth auoyde, and foiowe natural cor™ ryghtuousnes, fayth, loue, and peace, wyth l'1?^7 Gods the that * call on the Lord with pure heart. 2. Cor. I.a. 23 * Fohshe and " vnlearned questions put 1 . Tim. 1 . c. from thee, remembryng that they do but *•*• gendre stryfe. « which do d He meaneth not 24 But tne seruant of the Lord muste not not edifie- this of Apostats.or stryue: but muste be peasable vnto aU men herwiiiett to ffle? apte to teache, and one that can suffre the but of them only euyi men patiently. which as yet are ^ r . J _ . not come to the 25 And can informe the that a axe contrary Sett^fa/thro mynded prouing if God at any tyme wil ge- ugh ignorance. ue them grace, that being conuerted they may TO TIMOTHIE. 351 may knowe the trueth. 26 And betog deliuered out of the snare of the deuyl, may come to amendement, & performe hys wyl. THE III. CHAPTER. He prophecieth of the parelous times, setteth out hypocrites in their colours sheweth the sta te of the Christians, and how to auoyde dan gers: also what proffit commeth of the Scri ptures. A |rPHys vnderstade, that to the laste dayes -*- shal come parelous tymes. 1. TimA.a. 2 p0r a men shalbe louers of their owne * He speaketh of ITc selues, couetous, bosters, proude, coursed ^of t7he speakers, disobedient to father & mother, christians. vnthankeful, vnholy, 3 Without charitie, trucebreakers, false accusers, riatours, fearce, despicers of the which are good. 4 Traytours, heady, hye mynded, gredy vpon volupteousnes more then the louers of God. B 5 Hauing a simihtude of godly lyuyng, but haue denyed the power therof : and ton ne away from suche. "As, monkes, 6 Of thys sorte are they which " crepe friers, and •__ __• ¦___ suche hypo- mto houses, and bnng into bondage wo- crites. men laden with sinne, and led with diuers lustes. 7 Which women are euer learning, and neuer able to come vnto the knowledge of the trueth. Exod.7.b. 8 *AsIannes andlambres withstode Moses, euen so do these alsoresiste the trueth, men they are of corrupte myndes, and lewde as Chap. IIII. THE SECONDE EPISTLE concerning the fayth. 9 But they shal preuayle no longer : For theyr madnes shalbe vttered vnto all men, as theyrs also was. 10 But thou hast sene the experience of C b Not only what my doctrine, maner of lyuyng, b purpose, toSS S_X hy&e- lonSe sufferyng, loue, pacience : mynde & wii was. 11 Persecutions, and afflictions wtoch happened vnto me at* Antioche, at Icoto- a_c,!. 13. 14. um, and af Lystri : whichpersecutions I suf fered : but from them all the Lord de liuered me. 12 Yea and aU that wU hue Godly to Christe Iesus, muste suffre persecuti on.1 3 But the euyl men and " deceauers, shal "Whose harts j i i _i j &"od harden- waxe worsse and worsse, whyle they decea- eth to ponishe ue others and are deceaued themselues. byttemUrche 14 But cottoue thou to the thynges wtoch D thou hast learned, wtoch are also commit ted vnto thee, knowig of whome thou hast learned them : 15 And forasmuche also as thou hast kno wen holy Scripture of a ctolde, wtoch is able to make thee wise vnto saiuation through the faith wtoch is to Christ Ie sus. 1 6 * For the whole Scripture is geuen by 2. Pet. i . d. inspiration of God, and is profitable to tea pture^uffice- che, to improue, to amend & to instruct in th "> lead TS . i t * to perfection nghtuousnes : 1 7 That the man of God may be perfect, and instructed vnto all good workes. THE IIII. CHAPTER. He exhorteth Timothie to be feruent in the worde and to suffre aduersitie. maketh mentio of TO TIMOTHIE. 352 his owne death, and biddeth Timothie come vn to him. A T " Testifie therfore before God, and befo- " 0r' a ure" -*-re the Lord Iesus Christe, wtoch shal iud ge the quicke and deade at his appearyng and in his kyngdome : 2 Preache the worde, be feruet, to season and out of season : improue, rebuke, exhort with all longe suffryng and doctrine. 3 For the tyme wU come, when they wyl not suffer wholesome doctrine : but hauing their eares ytchtog, shal after their owne lustes, get them an heepe of teachers. 4 And shal turne their eares from the tru "Tofaise and eth, and be geuen vnto " fables : doctrine*016 5 But watch thou to all thynges, and suf fre aduersitie, and do the worke of an Eua- gehst, fulfyl thyne office vnto the vt- most. B 6 For I am now ready to be offered, and the tyme of my departyng is at hande. 7 I haue foght a good fyght, and haue fulfyUed my course, and haue kept the fayth. 1. Cor.9.d. 8 From henceforth is layd vp for me a" l.pet.b.b. crowne 0f ryghtuousnes, which the Lord that is a ryghtuous iudge, shal geue me at that day : not to me only, but vnto aU them also that loue his comming. 9 Make spede to come vnto me at once. 10 For Demas hath left me, and hath em braced this present world, and is departed vnto Thessalonica. Crescens is gone to Gala • Hereby it is ma cia, and Titus vnto Dalmacia. ^ *»*' n_tetS ColA.d. 11 *a Only Lucas is with me. TakeMarke Rome, and if euer c o _ _• •__ __ p _ he was there it is ^ & bryng him with thee : for he is nifbessary incertayne. Y.i. Chap. IIII. THE SECONDE EPISTLE vnto me, for to mtoister. 12 And Tychicus haue I sent to Ephe sus. 13 The " cioke that I lefte at Troas with ^gje JJ^e Carpus, when thou commest, bryng with booke. thee, and the bokes, but speciaUy the par- chements. 14 Alexander the coppersmyth hath do ne me muche euU, the Lord " rewarde him "For Paul sa- accordyng to tos dedes. __!e?th_?__e. 15 Of whom be thou ware also : for he of reprobati- wythstode our preachyng sore. 1 6 At my fyrste answeryng, no man assi sted me, but all forsoke me : I praye God, D that it may not be layd to theyr char ges. 1 7 Not withstandyng the Lord assisted me, and strengthened me, that by me the preachyng should be fulfyUed to the vt- most, and that aU the GentUs should hea re. and I was dehuered out of the mouthe of the " lyon. " Out of the 1 8 And the Lord shal dehuer me from aU 07Nt_^*nger "euyl doyng, and shal kepe me vnto tos he- "That i com- auenly kyngdome : to whome be prayse.for vnworthy Sy euer and euer. Amen. ne office- 19 Salute Prisca, and AquUa,andthe*hou Chap. i.d. sholde of Onesiphorus. 20 Erastus abode at Corinthus : Trophim' I lefte at MUetum sycke. 21 Make spede to come before winter. Eubdlus greteth thee, and Pudens, and Linus, and Claudia, and aU the bre thren.22 The Lord Iesus Christe be with thy spri te. his Grace be with you. Amen. The TO TIMOTHIE. 353 The seconde Epistle written from Rome vnto Timottoe which was the first bishope elected, of the Churche of Ephesus, when Paul was presented the seconde tyme befo re the Emperour Nero. THE ARGVMENT OF THE Epistle to Titus. > H E N Titus was left in Creta i to finishe that doctrine which Paul had then begon , Satan ster- red vp certeyn which went about i not only to ouerthrowe the gouer- nement of the Churche, but also to corrupt the do ctrine. for some by ambition wolde haue thrust in them selues to be pastors : others, vnder pretext of Moses Lawe broght in many tryfles. Against these two sortes of men Paul armeth Titus: first teaching him what maner of ministers he oght to chose, chiefely requiring that they be me of soun de doctrine to the intent they might resist the ad- uersaries, and amongs other things he noteth the lewes which put a certeyn holynes in meates Sf such outward ceremonies, teaching them which are the true exercises of a Christian life, Sf what things apperteyne to euery mans vocatio . Against the which, if any man rebelle or els doth not obey ke willeth him to be auoyded. Y.ii. THE EPISTLE OF PAVL TO Tl- THE FYRST CHAPTER. He aduertiseth Titus touching the gouernmet of the Churche, the ordonance and office of mini sters. the nature of the Cretians, and of the which sowe abroad Iewesh fables and inuentions of men. avl the" ser- A uant of God, "Ow™*"- . and Apostle of Iesus Christ to preache the fayth of gods electe, and the acknowledg ing of the trueth, ft is accordtog to godlynes, 2 Vnto the hope of eternal lyfe, wtoch ly- Rom.ie.d. * Hatt willingly fe God that can not lye, hath a promised he eph. 3.6. and of his mere li- - _ i_ * i j _ pnl 1 d beraiitie promes- fore the world began : T'timi c ed without fore- 3 And hath opened his worde at the ty- i'H(_ 'iV semg our faith or c , . J i-pct. 1.0. workes as a cause me appoynted through preaching, which Gala. I.a. ttis™eUmehrcTe.t0 preaching is * committed vnto me, accor- "^ b,t dinar to the commission of God our " saui- *"""d, presera- 6 eth life. our. 4 To TO TITVS. 354 4 To Titus my natural b sonne in the com * in respect of mon fayth, grace mercie and peace from Son tottem both God the Father, and from the Lord Iesus s? tba' hereby _,, . . they are brethren : ChnSt our Sauiour. but in respect of 5 For this cause left I thee in Creta, that £aeul b™2s '„„_ thou shouldest conttoue to redresse that »>. his sonne in B which resteth, and shouldest ordeyne El ders in euery citie, as I appoynted thee. l. Tim.3.a. 6 * If any be fautlesse, the housband of one wyfe, hauing faithful chyldren, which are not slandered of ryote, nether are disobe dient. 7 For a bishop must be fautlesse, as it be- " who hath commeth " Gods steward : not frowarde tiondlofeDha_ not angry, not giuen muche to wyne, no gifts. fyghter, not geuen to fylthy lucre : 8 But harberous, one that loueth goodnes, "Towardme. wise, " righteous, " holv, temperate. „,,,. . . " Toward*. 1 1 1 i 1 r i 1 Which were not God 9 And suche as holdeth fast the true word only the iewes.but C of doctrine, that he may exhorte with whol _f° *ed *"£JS|: some learntoff, and improue them that say th}!a^ heretikes . .... J which taught that agamst It. the Lawe must 10 For there are many disobedient and chriSt-!""1 with talkers of vanitie, and deceauers of myn- "He calleth fi des, namely they of the c Circumcision. losoFAer.whosever 1 1 Whose mouthes must be stopped, which Be he bere redteth , iii i-i a prophet, because subuert whole houses, teaching thynges the Cretians so e which they oght not, because of filthy S^Trit.tt lucre. they sacrificed vo ir-,.-, i P ., i i • i to hi as to a God, 12 One beyng of them selues, which was forasmuch as he Epimenides a d prophet of their owne, sayd, The Cretias Jjfg at™^set1'^ are alwayes lyars, euyl beastes, and slowe things to come. Vvpl which thing Satan UCVCB' by the permission D 13 Ttos witnes is true, wherfore rebuke of God hath ope- Ai i i ,i ,i i i - ned to the mfidel- them sharpely, that they may be sound in les from tyme to f Tip faitli ' tyme but it turn- xne iairn. eth t0 their t_ l.Tim.l.a. 14 And not taktog hede to Iewqg fables er codemnation. Y.iii. Chap. II. THE epistle and commandementes of men, that turne from the trueth. 15 Vnto the pure, * are all thynges pure : Rom. li.d. but vnto them that are defyled and vnbe leuyng, is nothyng pure : but euen the very mindes & consciences of them are defyled. 1 6 They professe that they know God : but with the dedes they deny him, and are abo minable and disobedient, & vnto aU good workes discommendable. THE II. CHAPTER. He commendeth vnto him the wholsome do ctrine, and telleth him how he shal teach all de grees to behaue them selues, through the benefit of the grace of Christ . 13 Vt speake thou that wtoch becommeth a -*-*" wholesome learnyng. " wherwith 2 That the elder men be sober, honest, dis- *ed &may_: crete, sounde to the favth, in loue, and in teyned in 1 helth. pacience. 3 And the elder women lykewyse, that they be to suche behauiour as becommeth holynes, not false accusers, not geuen to muche wyne, but teachers of honest thyn ges. 4 That they may instruct the young wome b to be sobre mynded, that they loue theyr housbandes, that they loue their children, 5 That they be discrete, chast, abyding at home, good, and * obedient vnto their hous Eph.b.e. bandes, that the word of God be not euyl spoken of. 6 Exhorte yonge men lykewyse, that they be sobre mynded. 7 Aboue all thinges shewe thy selfe an en sample to titvs. 355 sample of good workes with vncorrupt doctrine, with grauitie. 8 And with the wholesome worde, wliich can not be rebuked, that he wtoch withsta deth, may be ashamed, hauing nothing in you that he may dispraise. C 9 * The seruantes exhorte to be obedi- Ephe.e.a. enj. vnj.0 thejj. mas_ers, and to please colos.o.d. . . r i.pet.2.c. them m aU thinges, not answeryng agay ne : 10 Nether to be pickers, but y they shewe all good faithfutoes, y they may do wor shyp to the doctrine of our Sauiour God in aU ttonges. l. Cor. i.a. 11 * For the grace of God, that bryngeth colos.i.c saiuation vnto aU men, hath appeared. 12 And teacheth vs that we should de- nye vngodlynes, and worldy lustes, and that we shulde lyue sobrely, ryghteously and godly to this present worlde, D 13 Loktog for that blessed hope, and no table appearing of the glorie of the mygh ty God, which is of our Sauiour Iesvs Christ, 14 Who gaue him selfe for vs, toredeme vs from all vnrighteousnes, and to purge "Moste dere vs a "peculiar people vnto him selfe, fer- and precious. ,i ___ j i uently geuen vnto good workes. 15 These thinges speake, and exhorte, and "As be com- rebuke, with aU" autoritie. Se that no man meth the am _ . . bassadour of despice thee. God THE III. CHAPTER. Of obedience to suche as be in auctoritie . He warneth Titus to beware of folyshe and vnpro- fitable questions, concluding with certeyn pri- uat matters and salutations. m Y.iiii. Chap. III. THE EPISTLE » All thogh the T 7Varne them that they a submit them A yeteweabr6eroundeS V selues to Rule and Power, to obey, ,*£¦»¦_*«¦ _liob__ce_T whe- that tneY be ready vnto att good wor- re as they cOman- kes. fustX" worue^of 2 That they speake euyl of no man, that God. they be no fyghters, but softe, shewyng att mekenes vnto aU men. 3 " * For we our selues also were to tymes "For let vscs t i -,. i j siderwhatwe past, vnwyse, disobedient, deceaued, ser- our selues we uing to lustes, and to diuers maners of vo- 2^™^^. lupteousnes, lyuyng in mahciousnes and uour. enuie, fuU of hate, hating one another. l.Cor.6.6. 4 But after that the kyndnes and loue B of our Sauiour God to manwarde appea red. ¦> God doth not 5 * Not b of the dedes of ryghtuousnes 2. TimA.c. Iplcf ofTa3ny°thing which we wroght : but of his mercie he sa- which he seith in ue(J yS by the " fountavne of the newe " Baptisme is vs.but both preuet ... 5 .., ., J r . , , i asuresigneof vs with his grace, byrth, and With the renuyng of the hoty ourregenera- & freiy accepteth Q0gt tion' 6 Which he shed on vs abundantly, through Iesus Christ our Sauiour, 7 That we, being iustified by his grace should be made heyres accordtog to the hope of eternal lyfe. 8 This is a true saying, and of these thin ges I wil thou shouldest certifie, that they met is geue to the which haue beleued in God, might be di- u™ieriy'toaUPm.ligent to mainteyn good workes. These to whome the swor thinges are good and profitable vnto me. butS_°s ttemagi- 9 * And suppresse fohsh questios, & genea C strat whose chiefe iofr[es and brawling, and strife about the L'Jf"1'6' office is to main- o ' °' _T*-b. teyn Gods glorie Lawe : for they are vnprofitable and super 2.tim.2.d. in his Churche £,-_,,_ oght to cut of all nuous. such rotten and in io c Reiect him that is an heretike, after fectuous membres . . -, ... from the body, once or twise admonition, 1 1 Knowing TO TITVS. 356 "So that ther 1 1 Knowing that he that is suche, is " per- anwndemet? uerted, and " synneth euen damned by his "Wiiiingiy,& owne iudgement. mg y. ^ When I shal send Artemas vnto thee, or Tychicus, be diligent to come to me vn to Nicopohs : for I haue determined there to winter. "it is proba- 13 Brtoge Zenas the " lawiar, and Apol- w°i an Inter! Ios on their iourney diligently, that they preter of the lack nothing. Lawe of Mo- ° ses, as Apoi- 14 And let ours also learne to exercise ios, &c. good workes, as far forth as nede requi- reth, that they be not vnfrutful. 15 AU that are with me, salute thee. Gre te them that loue vs in the faith. Grace be with you all. Amen. To Titus, wtoch was ordeyned the fyrst bi shope of the Churche of the Cretias, written from Nicopohs a citie of Ma cedonia. THE ARGVMENT OF THE Epistle to Philemon. )Lbeit the excellencie of Pauls spi irit woderfully appeareth in other \his Epistles, yet this Epistle is a , great witnes, and a declaration : of the same, for farre passing the basenes of his matter, he flyeth as it were vp to heauen, and speaketh with a diuine grace and maiestie. Onesimus seruant to Philemon both robbed his master, and fled away, whome Paul hauing wone to Christ, sent agayne to his ma ster, earnestly begging his pardon with most waigtie arguments prouing the duetie of one Christian to an other : and so with salutations endeth. THE 357 THE EPISTLE OF PAVL TO PHI lemon. THE FYRST CHAPTER. He reioyseth to heare of the faith and loue of Philemon, whom he desireth to forgeue his ser uant Onesimus, and louyngly to receaue him a v l the prisoner of i e svs Christ, & our brother Timothie, vn to Philemon our dere friende, and fellow helper. 2 And to oure dere sister Appia, and to Archippus our felowe souldier, and to the Churche that is in thy house : 3 Grace be to you, and peace from God Chap. I. THE EPISTLE our Father, and from the Lord iesvs CHRIST.4*1 geue thankes to my God, makyng me 1. Thes.i.a. tion alwayes of thee in my prayers, 2.thess.l.a. 5 (When I heare of thy loue and faith, ft thou hast towarde the Lord Iesus, & tow arde aU Sainctes :) 0 Thybeneuois- 6 That the a feUowshyp of thy faith may b Sainct^whichpro6 De made fruteful, & that whatsoeuer go- cedethof aiyuely 0d thing is in you through Christe Iesus and effectual faith. , *? ' ° may be knowen. 7 For we haue great ioye and cosolation in thy loue : because by thee (brother) the Sainctes " hearts are comforted. p__»sl___'rf 8 Wherfore, thogh I be bolde in Christe flections. to enioyne thee, that wliich becommeth thee,9 Yet for loues sake I rather beseche thee, thogh I be as I am, euen Paul aged, & now in bondes for Iesus Christes sake. 10 I beseche thee for my sonne * Onesi- Cobs. 4. b. mus, whom I begate to my bondes, 1 1 Which in tyme passed was to thee vn proffitable: but now proffitable both to thee and to me, 1 2 Whom I haue sent home agayne, thou therfore receaue hym, that is to say, myne owne bowels, 13 Whom I would fayne haue retayned c with me, that in thy stede he myght haue ministred vnto me in the bodes of the Go spel. 14 But, without thy mynde, would I do nothing, that thy benefit, shuld not be as it were of necessitie, but wytttogly. 15 Perchance he therfore " departed for a from __a_"ly season, TO PHILEMON. 358 myneumpts season, that thou shuldest receaue him for euer, 1 6 b Not now as a seruant, but aboue a ser uant, / meane a brother beloued, speciaUy to me, but how muche more vnto thee, both in the flesh, and also in the Lord ? D 17 If therfore thou countest our things, commune, receaue hym as my selfe. 18 If he hath hurt thee, or oweth thee " Put it vpon oght, that " lay to my charge. 19 I Paul haue wrytten this with myne owne hande, I wU recompence it, albeit I do not say to thee, that thou owest vnto me euen thyne owne selfe. 20 Verely brother, let me obteyne " this fruit of thee to the Lord, coforte my c bo wels to the Lord. 21 Trusting to thtoe obedience, I wrote vn to thee, knowing that thou wylt do more then I say, 22 Moreouer prepare me lodging for I trust through the help of your prayers, I shalbe geuen vnto you. 23 There salute thee Epaphras my felowe for Christe Iesus, 24 Marcus, Aristarchus, Demas, Lucas, my helpers. 25 The grace of our Lord Iesus Christ be with your spirite. Amen. *>For he is thy seruant by conditi on, & also now the Lords,so that both for thyn owne sake and for tbe Lords, thou oghtest to loue him. 0 Grant me this benefit which shal be most accepta ble vnto me of all others. Sent from Rome to Philemon, by Onesi mus a seruant. THE ARGVMENT OF THE Epistle to the Hebrues. n. r.n . ^Orasmuche as diuers, both of the Grekes and Latins witnes, that j the writer of this Epistle for iust I causes wolde not haue his name ^knowen, it were curiositie of our part to labour muche therin. for seing the Spirit of God is the autor therof, it diminisheth nothig the autoritie althogh we knowe not with what penne he writ it, whether it were Paul (as it is not like) or Luke, or Barnabas, or Clemet, or some other, his chief purpos is lo persuade vnto the He brues (wherby he principally meaneth them that abode at Ierusalem, and vnder them all the rest of the lewes,) that Christ Iesus was not only the redemer, but also that at his coming all ceremonies must haue an ende . forosmuche as his doctrine was the conclusion of all the pro- pheties . and therfore not only Moses was infe rior to him, but also the Angels, for they all we re seruants, and he the Lord : but so Lord that he hath also taken our fleshe, and is made our bro ther to assure vs of our saluatio through him sel fe. for he is that eternal Prieste, wherof all the Leuitical Priests were but shadowes, and therfo re at his camming they oght to cease : and all sa crifices for synne to be abolished, as he proueth from the seuenth chap, verse 1 1 . vnto the 12. chap. verse 18. Also he was that Prophet of whome all the Prophets in tyme past witnessed, as is declared fro the 12. chapter, verse 18. to thetweiy and fyue verse, of the same chapter. Yea and is the Kyng to whome all things are subiect, as ap peareth from that verse 2b. to the beginning of the 359 the last chapter, ivherfore according to the ex amples of the olde fathers we must constantly beleue in him, that being sanctified by his iusti ce, taught by his wisdome, and gouerned by his power, we may stedfastly, and courageously per seuere euen to the ende in hope of that ioye that is set before our eyes, occupiing ourselues in Chri stian excercises that we may both be thankful to God, and duetiful to our neighbour. THE EPISTLE TO THE HE- brues. THE FYRST CHAPTER. He sheweth the excellencie of Christe aboue the Angels, and of their office. a God, who is euer constant and merciful to hia Churche, declared his wil in tyme past, not all at on ce, or after one sort, but from ty me to tyme, and iii sondry sortes : hut now last of all he hath fully decla red all trueth to vs by his Sonne. b He entreateth here of Christe, both as touching his pers One, which is very God, & ve ry man, by whome all thinges are ma de, and also as tou ching his office, wherby he is King, Frophet,& Priest, O D SPAKE at sondrie tymes & in diuers maners in the olde tyme to our fathers by the Prophetes : . . — , tl, ___. 2 In these last dayes he hath spoken vnto vs by 2° *£ *SS his Sone, whome he hath made heir of all cr£dit f"? thinges, b by whome also he made the him? •worlde, ColosA.b. 3 * Which Sonne beyng the bryghtnes of iT * ?" * the glorie, and the ingraued forme of his personne, bearing vp all thinges with the worde of his power, hath by him selfe " purged TO THE HEBRVES. 360 " so that our " purged our synnes, and sytteth at the p!u_ed by no right hand of that moste highest maiestie. nother mea- 4 And js made so muche more excellent "Muche more then the "Angels to as much as he hath by things1 crea- inheritance obteyned an excellenter name 'ed- then they. 5 For vnto which of the Angels sayd he Psal.2.l. atanytyme: *ThouartmySonne,cthisday "Becausehe was chap.b.b. begate I thee? And agayne, P wilbetosFa ae*1eXedP°to _fs_m.7.6. ther- and he sha^e my Sonne. the worlde. 2.cAr.22.6. 6 And agayne when he bringeth in the c first begotte Sonne into y world, he saith, Psal. 97. c. * And let all the Angels of God worshyp hym. Psal. 104. 7 And of the Angels he sayth, * He ma keth the spirits his messengers, and his mi nisters a flamming fyre. Psal, 45. b. 8 But vnto the Sone he sayth* 6 God thy se- "Theadmint ate shalbeior euer and euer, the" scepter of _fm?S % kyngdome is a right scepter. iuste. 9 Thou haste loued rightuousnes and ha ted iniquitie. Wherfore, God which is thy God, hath d anointed thee with the oyle of ¦" This ism.t, in gladnes aboue thy felowes. de^'made^rai.^ D 10 And, *Thou Lord toy begynnyng hast ™dstth^s *e My Psal. I02.d. establysshed the earth : and the heaues are on Mm without the workes of thy handes. measure. 1 1 They shal perishe, but thou doest re mayne : and they all shal waxe olde as do the a garment : 12 And as a vesture shalt thou change them, and they shalbe changed : but thou art the same and thy yeres shal not fayle. Psal. 110. a. 13 Vnto which ofthe Angels sayd he at l". "or. 15. _. any ty1116. * Syt at my right hande, tyl I ma chap. 10. c. ke thyne enemies thy fote stole ? _ii. Chap. II. THE EPISTLE 13 Are they not all ministryng sprites, sent to minister, for theyr sakes whych shalbe heyres of saiuation ? THE II. CHAPTER. He exhorteth vs to be obedient vnto the new Lawe whych Christe hathe geuen vs and not to be offended at the infirmitie and lowe degre of Christe. because it was necessarie that for our sa kes he should take such an humble state vpon hym, that he myght be like vnto hys brethren. "\ rVherfore we oght diligetly to geue he A * de to y thynges whych we haue heard • We mostdiiiget- lest at any a tyme we shulde not kepe the. rIeketPheindocetrin°; 2 For if the " worde whych was spoken by ^J_S.™ which we haue je- Aneels was stedfaste : and euervtransares- uen to Moses arned, lest like , ° J . o by the handes Tesseiisfuiofchap sion and disobedience receaued a iuste re- 0f the Angels pes we leake, and „omT,ence 0f rewarde Gal. 3. c. Act. renne out on eue- compence ui icwdiuc, ? _ ry part. 3 How shal we escape, if we despice so " great saiuation ? whych saiuation at the "As the Gos- fyrstbega to be preached of the Lord him S_iy'Soffreth selfe, and after warde was confirmed vnto saluatiM>- vs, by " them that hearde him, "That is, the 4 * God bearyng wytnes therto, bothe Apostles. wyth signes and wonders also, and wyth diuers miracles, and gyftes of the holy Gost, accordyng to hys owne wyl. 5 For he hath not put in subiection vnto B , , _ the Angels the " worlde to come, wherof "Which Esai, 11 He speaketh he- ° calleth the re chiefely of the we Speake. newe neau5s mad""1" through 6 But * one in a certayne place wytnessed. *** -; christe citizens of saying, b What is man, that thou shuldest 63. c. wherof ml.whertteyshai be myndeful of hym : or the sonne of man J^™' gs*9e enioye with their that thou wc.l,iest l0]je ypon hym p b. thatis, the prince all these r- J . . . bead of vs his things which now 6 Thou madest him for a season inferior membres " !nepyart.ueonlybUt to the Angels : thou crounedest hym wyth Psal.s.a. honour TO THE HEBRVES. 361 »in making " honour and glorie, and hast set hym abo- heyre 'with ue tne workes of thy handes. 2™'; no , 8 * Thou hast put all thynges in subiection Matth.28.d. , , <¦_»_ ¦_?_¦! i .i 1 cor. lb. d. vnder hys tete. And in that he hath put pkil.2.a. all thynges vnder hym, he lefte nothyng that shuld not be subiect vnto hym. cBut, ° To them which we yet se not all thynges subdued vnto noteCtheseUtWn_s " To man as " hym accomplished in he is of „ i ' , ,, a ¦__. i ¦ o ma, the Apostle an Christ. » ±>Ut We Se leSUS Crowned With glorie & swereth that they ueywhichTm„: honour: wtoch for a while was made infe- ^TiaX ste manifest- rior to y Angels, through the suffering of tay°e who leadeth ii. the church death, that by Gods benefit he might taste giorieVith him"6 death for all men. c 10 For it became hym, for whome are aU "IesusChrist. ._ _ _ _ n _i_ thynges, and by whome are all thynges, seing that he broght many sonnes vnto "Therforewe, glorie, that he shoulde COSecrate y" A Prin- d Inhublinghim are _?a'de°iu ce of theyr saiuation through "afflictions. po^Wmtte".-..- ke to the son \\ For he that sanctifieth, and they whych m„. °_ a seruant, neofGod. ^.. , ., . ,, , J. J which was our fle- "Of one hu- are sanctified, are all e of one. wherfore, sheadmortaiitie. main nature. he is nof. ashamed to call them brethren, the -n'e'mbre.ire Psal.22.c. 12 Saying, * I wyl declare thy Name vn- of °ne nature, so "Thlsprouett . :., °., _.*',. , . J -,. -^.. Chnstewhichsan- Christs huma to my brethre, in the myddes ofthe (Jhur- ctifieth vs and we S.18.a. che wyl I sing prayses to thee. _ ^Jf^g^ D 13 And agayne, * I wyl put my trust in vnio of our fleshe. Esai.s.d. hym. And agayne, *" Beholde here am I, keth thisPZin all his house. Ht^l^ "Moseswasbut 3 And yet was this man counted worthy Nom. 12. b. thau0! tte cTurl of more glorie then Moses, inasmuche as che wherof the pa- he which hath builded the house a hath y stors are the lyue- , . , , -, , ly stones.but chri more honour then the house. ste builded it and 4 por euery house is builded of some ma : layed the stones, J . .//ka-ti therfore he deser- but he that made all thinges IS D God. " That is, ue*cZirstPisaitte5 And Moses verely was faithful to all his £hrist" foundation.&head house, as a seruant, to beare wytnes ofthe of his Churche: he ,.. ... . ,,, , -, is our brother, and thinges, which should be spoken after- Lord: he is the So w__jp neof God, Scvery wghf "^ Seyng then that we haue a great hye the backe. Priest whych hath entred into heauen (I meane Iesus the Sonne of God) let vs hol de fast our profession. 15 For we haue not an hye Priest, which can not be touched with the feling of our infirmities : but was to all poyntes tepted, like as we are : but yet wythout synne. 1 6 Let vs therfore go boideiy vnto the throne of grace, that we may receaue mer cie, and fynde grace to heipe in tyme of nede. THE V. CHAPTER. He compareth lesus Christe with the Le- uitical Priests shewing wherin they ether agre or dissent, afterwarde he reproueth the negligen ce of the lewes. Z.iiii. Chap. V. THE EPISTLE TjiOr euery hye Prieste is taken from A i_m\_nWhatuethno among men, and is a ordeyned for me, acces to God with in thinges pertayning to God : to offer"gif- "Which were out an hie Priest, a. a u ¦__ t of things with because that of tes and sacrifices for synne . out life. hi seife he is pro- 2 Which is able sufficiently to haue com- "h".^^,! phane and synful. . ,, „ . _ _. _i wmcn are ku passion on the ignorant, and on them, that led. are out of the way, because that he hymsel synnes. ' ' fe also is compassed with tofirmitie : 3 And for the same infirmities sake, he is bounde to offer for synnes, as wel for tos owne parte, as for the peoples. 4 * And no man taketh this honour vnto 1. Cor. 13. 6. him selfe, but he that is called of God, as iv as Aaron. 5 Euen so lykewyse, Christe toke not to B him selfe this honour, to be made the hye Priest : but he that sayd vnto hym, * Thou Psal. 2. b. art my Sonne, this day begate I thee, gaue p' 1 " *" it him. 6 As he also in another place speaketh, '• who was bothe * Thou art a Priest for euer after the b or- Psal.lio.b. Priest and Kyng. der of Melchi.sedec. i^_l^. 7 Which in the " dayes of his fleshe, dyd ued in this offer vp prayers and supphcations, with worlde- ¦ He meaneth c stronge crying and teares vnto tom, that prayer which was able to saue hym from deathe, & was tt^gardlwherhe als0 hearde, d in that which he feared. swat dropes of 8 And thogh he were Goddes Sonne, yet C •¦0Beig in perpie learned he obediece, by the thinges which xitiefc fearing the he suffered. horrors ot death, -,.,,. yet was deliuered. 9 And being consecrat was made the au tor of eternal saiuation vnto all them that obey him. 10 And is called of God, an hye Priest, after the order of Melchi sedec. sethui __r_o 11" Wherof we haue many thinges to say, me t0 the be; ... ___„ __ j i gynnyng of which are hard to be vttered, because ye the 7. chap. are TO THE HEBRVES. 364 are made dull of hearing. D 1 2 For when as concerntog the tyme, ye oght to be teachers, yet haue ye nede agay ne that we teache you the fyrst principles of the worde of God: and are become such as haue nede of mylke, and not of stronge meat : 1 3 For euery man that is fed wyth mylke, "That is, the is inexpert to the " worde of rightuousnes : ospe ' for he is but a babe. 14 But stronge meat belongeth to them that are growen in age, wtoch ttoough cu stome haue their wittes exercised, to iud ge both good and euyl. THE VI. CHAPTER. He procedeth in reprouing them, and exhor teth them not to faynt, but to be stedfast and pa tient: for so muche as God is sure in his promise. A npHerfore, let vs leaue the doctrine per- -*- teyning to the beginning of a Christe man, and let vs go vnto perfection, and no _ He mencioneth more laye the a foundation of repentance fyue points of the Cstte cnisine wnich from dead workes, and of faith towarde was the in vse: the p _j Confession of ame "uu> dement of life: the " or, soienne 2 Of the doctrine of baptismes, and lay- some of the faith ¦ dayes appom . _¦_-_ j _ _: _¦ a brief explicatio ted to bapti- mg on of hades, and ot resurrection from ofBaptisme.&iay ze" the dead, and of eternal iudgement. ™| ™.f ,£ ^/^j. "It is Gods sin 3 And s0 wjl we do, " if God permit. resurreetiom&the fncre'as? 1_ 4 * For it is not possible that they, which last i****™********- MaMil'.d were once tyghted, and haue tasted ofthe 2pet.2.d. heauenly gift, and were made partakers chap. lo.b. 0f the holy Gost, 5 And haue tasted of the good worde of God, and of the power of the worlde to come : _. Chap. VI. THE EPISTLE 6 If they fall away, should be renued a- gayne by repentance : forasmuche as they 'They which are haue b crucified to them selues the Sonne s^ynne^'ainst tte of God a freshe, making a mocke of hym. c0hriste°Str .fi" ^ For ^*"e eari^ wnych drinketh in the B & mocke him.but rayne that cometh ofte vpo it, & bringeth structionZdtte6; forth herbes mete for them that dresse it, fore fail into des- receaueth blessyng of God. ripen™ canno 8 But that grounde why ch beareth thornes and bryars, is reproued, and is nye vnto cursyng : whose ende is to be burned. 9 But deare friendes we haue persuaded our selues better things of you, and su che as accompany saluatio, thogh we thus speake. 10 For God is not vnrighteous, that he (j should forget your worke, & labour that procedeth of loue, whych loue ye shewed towarde hys Name, in that ye haue mini stred vnto the Sainctes, and yet minister. 1 1 And we desire that euery one of you shewe the same dihgence, to the ful per suasion of hope, euen vnto the ende, 12 That ye faint not, but be folowers of them, which through fayth and patience, inherit the promis. 1 3 For when God made promis to Abraha because he had no greater to sweare by, he sware by him selfe, 14 Saying,* Surely I wyl moste abundant- Genes.l2.«. ly blesse thee and multiplie thee aboue l?-a-22,c- measure. 1 5 And so after that he had taryed paciet- ly, he enioyed the promis. 1 6 For men verely sweare by hym that is greater then them selues, andun othe to con firme the thyng, is among the an ende of all stryfe. 17 So TO THE HEBRVES. 365 " Because of 1 7 So God wylltog very * abundantly to ™es,whicn wii shewe vnto the heyres of promys, the sta- not beleue blenesse of tos counsel, he assured by an God except , J he swere. Othe, 18 That by c two immutable thinges, in c Gods worde & which it is vnpossible that God shulde lye °nhym™_ch__ge_ we myght haue stronge consolation, which bIe- haue fled to this, for to holde faste the hope that is set before vs. 1 9 Which hope we haue, as an ancre of the " He retour- soule, both sure and stedfast, & it " entreth parison bet- in, into the thynges wtoch are within the d " Which is hea- ™-.,- r,_Z_ . . J ° uen whither Chri- priesttoarc-^y16" steisgonbeforeto the Leuiticai 20 Whither the forerunner is for vs en- p™pm<* **» p-*"*"**- begon in the tred in : I meane Iesus that is made an hie s.chap. Priest for euer after the order of Melchi- sedec. THE VII. CHAPTER. He compareth the Priesthode of Christ vnto Melchi-sedec, but to be farre more excellent, also Christs Priesthode with the Leuites. A Xj^Or this Melchi-sedec was kyng of Sa- Gen 14. c. £ ierrij the hie Priest of the most hye God, and met Abraham, as he returned from the slaughter ofthe kynges, and blessed hym : 2 To whome also Abraham gaue tythes of all thinges, who fyrst is by toterpreta- , So called be tion king of rightuousnes : after that, he is cause that Moses . p o ¦« __._•. • „a? „„_ makethno mentio Kyng of Salem, that is, king ot peace : of his parents or "So Christ as 3 Without a " father, without mother, Jyn.f h"^..^ h°um__i„ehlS without kinne, and hath nether hegynning iy%ent or_od i™ aadn°concer. °f hyS ^^ ^^ ?* ^ <* £* ^ = be IflgJre of Chri ning his diui but is lykened vnto the Sonne of God, and ste our eueriasting ther' n° m°' conttoueth a Priest for euer. l/takenout ofrtle 4 Consider what a man ttos„was, vnto ™iA "S"!™6- Chap. VII. THE EPISTLE whom the " Patriarke Abraha gaue tythes "Or, chief oS . , o J fathers. of the spoyles. 5 And verely they which are the children of Leuie, which receaue the office of the Priesthode, haue a * " commandement to ta Nom 18. d. ke, accordyng to the Law, tythes of the peo d™u • ' ^ "• pie, that is to say, of their brethren, yea "TheLe'uit'es thogh they " spronge out of the loynes of ^™; Abraham. ceaue that, 6 But he whose kinred is not counted a- __mgauefre' The Leuitesre- mong them,breceaued tythes of Abraham, 'y^0 Meichi- therrtrethembut an(^ Messed hym that had the promises. "Or.begotten Melchi sedec of a 7 And without all nay, he which is lesse, °f Abraham. braham the patri- ai _i _i_ _•_• orke, therfore his receaueth blessyng of hym which is grea- priesthode is more t_r excellent then the ' , Leuiticai. 8 And here, men that dye, receaue tythes : but there, he receaueth tythes, of whom it is wytnessed, that he " lyueth. "'Becausether * -i i tt -l- .. is no mention 9 And to say the truth, Leui him selfe also of his death. wtoch receaueth tythes, payed tythes in Abraham. 10 For he was yet in the loynes of his fa ther Abraham, when Melchi-sedec met hym. 1 1 If now therfore perfection came by the Priesthode of the Leuites (for vnder that of christs Priesthode the Lawe was established to the Priesthodo- people) what neded it furthermore, f ano ther Priest should ryse after the ordre of Melchi-sedec, & not to be called after the order of Aaron ? „ The Lawe and 12 For douteles, if the Priesthod be tran- the Priesthode are slated, then of necessitie must the c Lawe both of one condi- . , , . tion: so that both be translated also. officenpwt.TOOSto 1 3 For he of whom these ttonges are spo- f which 14 For office perteyne to ' ' ke neuer man serued at the aultre christe, which is ke, pertatoeth vnto another tribe, of which Priest and Lawe TO THE HEBRVES. 366 14 For it is euident, that our Lord spron- ge of the tribe of Iuda, as concerning the which tribe Moses spake nothing touching the Priesthode. 15 And it is yet a more euident thyng, be cause that after the simihtude of Melchi-se C dec, there aryseth another Priest. 16 Which is not made Priest after the Lawe "in outwarde whose commandement is" carnal : but after ceremonies™ the power of the endlesse lyfe. Psal.lio.b. 17 For he testifieth thus, *Thou art a Priest chap.b.b. foreuer; after the order of Melchi-sedec. 1 8 For the commandement that went afo re, is disanulled, because of d it weakenes <*For the Lawe nr.A -.Tn_..nlKA._l^l__nr* hath no vertue nor and vnproffitablenes. profm til a m& be 19 For the Lawe made nothyng perfect : come to christe. but the bringing in of a better hope made perfect, hy wtoch hope, we drawe nye vnto God.20 And forasmuche as it is not without an othe (for those Priestes are made without an othe, 21 But this Priest is made with an othe, by Psal. 110.6. hym that sayd vnto hym, *The Lord sware, and wyl not repent, Thou art a Priest for e- uer, after the order of Melchi-sedec) 22 By so muche is Iesus made a suretie of a better Couenant. 23 And amonge them many were made Priestes, because they were not suffered to endure, by the reason of death. 24 But this man, because he endureth e- "The fruit of his .... -f-».i-i Priesthode is to sa "Therfore all uer, hath an eueriasting Priesthode. ue and that fully bf_s7hemie-e 25 Wherfore, he is able also • perfectly to ^*$__?*u__ D saue them that come vnto God by hym, that wanteth, but seyng he euer lyueth, to make intercession t_eLawewhich"is for them. • vnperfect. Chap- VIII. THE EPISTLE 26 For suche an hye Prieste it became vs to haue, which is holy, harmelesse, vnde- filed, separate from sinners, and made hyer then the heauens. 27 Which neded not dayly as those hye Priestes to offer vp sacrifice, * fyrst for his Leu. 16.6. owne synnes, and then for the peoples syn nes : for that dyd he " once, when he offered "And can not , ,r without blas- vp hym self. phemie be 28 For the Lawe maketh men Priestes, said to be of- fered agayne, which haue infirmitie : but the worde of or els by any ' Not that it was the othe that came' synce the Lawe maketh no_"COkie of- fheLriwfwafge- the Sonne Priest, who is perfect for euer- ^ !>>***• but uen : but because more. the declaration of that eternal othe was then reueled totheworlde. THE VIII. CHAPTER. He proueth the abolishing as wel of the Leui ticai Priesthode, as of the olde Couenant, by the spiritual and eueriasting Priesthode of Christe, and by the Newe Couenant. f\F the thynges which we haue spoken, A ^ this is the sume, That we haue such an hye Priest, that sytteth at the ryght han de of the throne of the heauenly maie- stie. 2 And is a minister of the toward " San- "Thatis.hea- ctuarie, and of the very " Tabernacle which "winch is the God pight, and not " man. body of chri » He proueth that 3 For a euery hie Priest is ordeyned to of- " For eis it tru"s Tabernacle6, fer gyftes and sacrifices : wherfore it was of S^f cor" """h1 k„* Jlfjl1!!!!* necessitie, that this man shulde haue some- nede be made ma, ' to thintent that he what also to offer. t-'offre^whichwS 4 For he were not a Priest, yf he were on his body. the earth, where remayne Priestes that ac cordyng to the Law offer giftes. 5 Which Priestes serue vnto the patrone and TO THE HEBRVES. 367 and shado we of heauenly thynges : euen as the answer of God was geuen vnto Moses, B when he was about to fynyshetheTaberna Exod.2b.d. cie, * Take hede (said he) that thou make act.T.f. all thynges accordyng to the bpatrone she- b seingtheoire- wed to thee to the mount. £«£ g£i££ 6 But now our hie Priest hath obtayned a "es of heauenly ,, ,-. i -i ¦ thlgs.as appeareth more excellent office, in asmuch as he is by the oracle to the mediatour of a better Couenant which _^^0lc_r_5_ is estabhshed in more worthy promi- heauenly sanctua- rie, his Taberna- ses. c]e aj^j office are 7 For yf that fyrst Couenant had ben fau- f^te mol"e excel- tlesse: then should no place haue ben soght for the seconde. C 8 For to rebukyng them he sayth, 'Behold _»_.3i ./. the dayes wyl c come sayth the Lord, when ° That is when clmp.io.c. I shal make with the house of Israel, and oursynnes by the with the house of Iuda, a new Couenant : Prea<'hing of the 9 Not lyke the Couenant that I made with theyr fathers, at that tyme when I toke the by the handes, to lede them out of Egypte, for they rt continued not in my Couenant, " Man by trans- and I regarded them not sayth the Lord. ofeSthf 'couenlt 10 For this is the Couenant that I wyl ma ^ noct0me"(j?t*''; ke wyth the house of Israel, afer those therof. dayes sayth the Lord, I wyl put my lawes to their myndes, and to their hearts I wyl wryte them, and I wyl be theyr God, and they shalbe my people. D 11 And they shal not e teache euery man •Menshainotin his neyghbour, and euery man his brother, q„s 'J, ™| Slfj J^6 saying, Knowe the Lord: for all shal knowe rant as they were me, from tom that is litle among them to kuowe'Godmuche him that is great among them. "J"™ . perfectly iot< ti_ -_.i_a._- through Christ. 12 lor I wyl be merciful to their vn- rightuousnesses, and to theyr synnes, and I wyl remember their iniquities no Chap. IX. THE EPISTLE more. 1 3 In that he sayth a newe Couenant, he hath abrogate the olde : Now that which is disanulled and waxed olde, is redy to van- nyshe away. THE IX. CHAPTER. How that the Ceremonies and sacrifices of the Lawe are abolished by the eternitie and per fection of Christs sacrifice. rPHe that first Couenat verely, had rites of A -*- rebgion ordeyned, and a " worthy San- andsph-ituai. ctuarie. Exod^26.b. 2 For the first * Tabernacle was made, whe rin was the Candelsticke, and the Table, & the Shewbread, which Tabernacle is called the Holy places. 3 And with in the middle vayle, was the Tabernacle, which is called the Holyest of all.4 Which had the golden sen ser, and the Arcke of the Couenant ouerlayde rounde about with golde, wherin the golden pot which had Manna, and * Aarons rodde Nom.n.c. was, that had spronge, and the * Tables of i-King.8.a. ._ ri a. 2.chro.b.d. the Couenant. Exod.2b.b. 5 * And ouer the Arke were the glorious B Cherubtos, shadowing the " propitiatorie : "Or, couer of of which ttonges we wyl not now speake particularly. 6 When these thtoges were thus ordey ned, the Priestes went alwayes into the fyrst Tabernacle, and executed the ri tes. 7 But into the second, went the* hye Priest Exod.30.b. alone, once euery yere : not without blou- feM" 16-a" de, TO THE HEBRVES. 368 de, which he offered for him selfe, and for " Or, errors, the " ignorances of the people. 8 Wherby the holy Gost this signified, that the a way into the Holyest of all, was, ¦ For so long as c not yet opened whyle as yet the fyrst Ta- &_£*$__£ bernacle was stand) _lg. his owne synnes Sc 9 Which Tabernacle was a figure for the ty also whi.ettisear- me then present, wherin were offered gif- *}*J fh be™ac]e tes and sacrifices that could not make the the heauenly Ta- ¦¦ Or, perfect, minister " holie, as pertayntog to the con- made" open"*.. Science. Christs bloude 10 Which things were layed vpon vs to tredtnto. meates only and drtockes, and diuers was- shynges, and b carnal rites, vntyl the tyme b which ceremo- _ p . • nies althogh they Ot reformation. were ordeyned of 1 1 But Christ being come an hye Priest of G.od:.':et c0s1i'ler- ° J ed in them selues, D good thynges, by a greater and a more per- or els compared "Which was, feet " Tabernacle, not made with handes ml?c_r__ft^of_fee h_matayn_t_. that is, not of this maner buyldyng. •""-<* earthly. *¦,*"_,' . , 12 Nether by the bloude of goates and cal W Dicli is oe_L uen. ues : but by his owne bloude entred in once ttehsacrinVc_S ul*° tne " Holy place, and " purchased eter- tte tabema- nal redemption for vs. Priest* the 1 3 * For yf c the bloud of bulles and of goa *" The Leuiticai Leui. 16. c. tes & the asshes of an heyfer, sprtockling beasts bioude^but nom.l9.a. them tnat are vncleane, sanctifieth as tou- et,_„_iFr.e^off£ "Outwardely ching the purifiyng of the " flesh : red his owne Wo of man. Mg 14 How muche more shal the * bloude of hdyaMpu^The ] . Pet.l .d. Christ wtoch through the eternal Sprit, of Leuiticai Priest of l.loh. I.d. . , , -j. ...° ___-ij fered yerely, and re_ l . b. fered hym sene without spot to God, purge therfore dyd only Luh.l.g.b.g your conscience from dead workes, for to* ^^"butchrist Rom.b.a, senle the ltotog God ? by one only sacri- l.pet.S.c. ? ¦ _ __ j- a flee hath made ho- "Madebetwe- 15 And for this cause is he the mediatour ly for euer ali tha chr?s?,dwhoby of ^ new Couenant, that through* death that beleue. his death shui which was for the redemption of those tras- heir™a ° TS gressions that were to the " former Testa ment, they wtoch were called, nfyght re- Aa.i. Chap, IX. THE EPISTLE ceaue the promisse of eternal enheritan- ce. 16 For whersoeuer is a testament, there E must also be the death of hym that maketh the testament. 1 7 * For the testament taketh autoritie whe Gal. 3 . c. men are dead : for it is yet of no value as lo ge as he that made it, is alyue. 1 8 For which cause also, nether that fyrst testament was ordeyned without " bloude. "Which signi- 1 9 For when Moses had expounded euery sie w'oh__ paJ| precept to the people, according to the La- &e. bis Father we, he toke the bloude of calues & of goa- bloud. tes, with water and purple wolle and hys- F sope, and sprinckled both the boke, and all the people, 20*Saying, This is the bloude ofthe Testa- Exo.24. c. ment, whych God hath appoynted vnto you. 21 Moreouer, he sprinckeled likewise the Tabernacle with bloude also, and all the ministryng vessels. 22 And almost all thynges, are by the La we pourged with bloud, and without shea- dyng of bloude is no remission. 23 It is then nede, that the similitudes of heauenly thynges be purified with suche i Albeit ther is thinges : hn} the heauenly thynges them sei but one sacrifice, ues are purified with better d sacrifices the which is Christ th himselfe once of- " fered, yet because 24 For Christ is not entred into the Holy n this true and eter- -, ,1 , -, ... , -, , . i nai sacrifice, is co- places that are made with handes, which pared with ail tho- are but similitudes of the true Sanctuarie: se which were ft- , guratiue, and is but is entred into very heauen, for to appea rn^iith" ™ now in the sight of God for vs : fore he calleth it 25 Not to offer hym selfe often, as the hve in the plural nom- _-, • . , ,. • . , -, TT , , J ber, sacrifices. Priest entreth into the Holy place eue ry TO THE HEBRVES. 369 ry yere with other bloud. 26 (For then must he haue often suffered " which is, synce the worlde began.) but now in the " wh-alechri_t ende of the worlde, hath he appeared once came. to put synne to flyght, by the offeryng vp of hym selfe. 27 And as it is appoynted vnto men that they shal once dye, and then commeth the iudgement : Rom.b.b. 28 Euen so * Christ was once offered to ta l . pet. 3. d. ke away the synnes of " many, and vnto the "Ofthe elect. ., . , , f e / _ , , ¦* that loke tor hym, shal he appeare agayne "Thatis.sacri " without synne vnto saiuation. fice for synne, or synne abo lished. THE X. CHAPTER. The olde lawe had no power to dense awaye synne, but Christ dyd it with offeryng of his bo dy once for all. An exhortation to receaue the goodnesse of God thankefully with patience and stedfast fayth. A Tj^Or the Lawe hauyng the shadowe of -"- good thynges to come, and not the very "Or,substace. " image ofthe thynges, can neuer with tho se sacrifices which they offer yere by yere continually, make the commers therunto perfect. 2 For wold not then those sacrifices haue ceased to haue bene offered, because that the offerers once purged, should haue had _ -i a In the hebrew no more conscience of synnes f it is> tnou hast 3 But, to those sacrifices is there mention perced myn eares , _ J throwe, that is, made ot synnes euery yere. hast made me 4 For it is vnpossible that the bloude of r£en _„_" ta Leui.l6.c. bulles, & goates should*take away synnes. the greke, thou B 5 Wherfore, when he " commeth into the body that is to ZmS? worlde, he sayth, * Sacrifice and offe- «<£ "^h Psal. 40. 6. ryng thou wouldest not haue : but a a body purpose. Aa.ii. Chap. X. THE EPISTLE hast thou ordeyned me. 6 In burnt sacrifices and synne offerynges thou hast no pleasure. 7 Then I sayd, Lo I am here (In the begyn nyng of the"booke it is wrytten of me) that "Orroile and t _ u j __ 1 •¦ r~r A folding.fonn 1 should do thy Wyl, O (jrOd. olde tyme 8 Aboue, when he had sayd, Sacrifice and a*,** ™^° offeryng, and burnt sacrifices, and synne of like roiies. fringes thou wouldest not haue, nether hast alowed (which yet are offered by the Lawe) 9 The sayd he, Lo I am here to do thy wil, 6 God : he taketh away "the fyrst, to sta- gTehsatis'sacri blish the " latter. "which is.tte 10 By the which wyl, we are sanctified, by wil of God- the offeryng of the body of Iesus Christ once made. 1 1 And euery Priest appeareth dayly mi- C nistryng, and ofte tymes offereth one ma ner of offerig, which can neuer take awaye synnes : 1 2 But this man after he had offered one sacrifice for synnes, * sitteth for euer at the Chap.l.d. ryght hand of God : 1 3 And from hence forth taryeth, * tyl his Psal. lio.a. foes be made tos fotestole. '¦<:or '}5',d' 14 For with one offeryng hath he made b Wher ther re- perfect for euer them that are sanctified. 15 For the holy Gost also beareth vs recor mayne no synnes de euen when he tolde before, L°noe Sorest™ 16 *This is the Couenant that I wyl make lere. 31. f. ce, seing therfore vnto the after those dayes, sayth the Lord, c"p\, cj that only Christs T , T ¦__.{. j ¦ rom.W.d. death hath washed I "wyl put my Lawes in theyr hearts, and in rh^Se ^ ™?&* I ^ ^ ^ • '-^g of tt^ when synners do 1 7 And theyr synnes and iniquities wyl I kes seumg, repent, ther can b which is the be no nother sac- rememDer no more. only sacrifice rifice but it, and 18 And where b remission of these thynges ?S.W. .°f th.e it can be no more ., h rr . Christians is reiterat. is. there is no more offeryng for synne. not for synne. 19 Seyng TO THE HEBRVES. 370 D 1 9 Seyng therfore brethren, that by the meanes of the bloude of Iesus, we may be bolde to enter into that Holy pla ce, 20 By thenewe and " lyuyng way, which _," The bloude of he hath prepared for vs, through the vay- freshe and lyueiy, le, that is, by his flesh. J_*_^_S/,t_ 21 And seyng also that we haue an hye quicken vs. Priest whicli is ruler ouer the house of God:22 Let vs drawe nye with a true heart, in a f ulfayth, sprinckeled in our hearts from an euil conscience, and washed in our bo dyes with pure water. 23 Let vs kepe the profession of our hope, without waueryng (for he is faythful that promised) 24 And let vs consider one another, to pro uoke vnto loue, and to good workes. E 25 Not forsakyng the fellowship that we haue among our selues, as the maner of so me is : but let vs exhort one another, and that so muche the more, because ye se that the day draweth nye. Chap.e.a. 26 * For yf we synne " willingly after that utSArit_!'iu_ we haue receaued the knowledge of the ban the Apo- trueth, there remayneth no more sacrifi ce for synnes. 27 But a feareful loktog for iudgement, and violent fyre, which shal deuoure the aduersaries. 28 He that despiceth Moses Lawe, dyeth Deut.i9.d. without mercie * vnder two or thre wyt- ma'.is.c. nesses. 2. cor. 13. <_. ^ Of how muche sorer punishmet suppo- ' se ye shal he be couted worthy, which trea- deth vnder fote the Sonne of God, & coun- Aa.iii. Chap. X. THE EPISTLE teth the bloude of the Couenant as an vn- holy thing, wher with he was sanctified, & doth dishonour to the Sprite of grace ? 30 For we knowe hym that hath sayd, * Ve Deu.3l.d. geance belongeth vnto me, I wil recompen P^ -12 'J'" ce sayth the Lord. And agayne, The Lord shal iudge his people. 31 It is a *feareful thinge to fall into the Psal. 20. b. handes ofthe lyuyng God. 32 Call to remembrance the dayes that are passed, in the wtoch after ye had receaued hght, ye endured a great fight in aduersi- ties. 33 Parteiy whyle all men wondred and ga sed at you for the shame and tribulation that was done vnto you, and partly whyle and ,, . ., i which we ca not had respect vnto the rewarde. vse with outpro- 27 By faith he forsoke Egypt, and feared ™^f of Gods not the fearcenes of the kyng : for he endu red, euen as he that had sene hym which is inuisible. F 28 Through faith he ordeyned the * Easter .E_o-i.12.rf. lambe, j^d the effusion of bloude, lest he that destroyed the firste bOrne, should Chap. XI. THE EPISTLE touche them. 29 By faith they * passed through the red Exod. 14. c. sea as by dry land, ft when the Egyptians had assayed to do, they were drouned. 30 By faith the * walles of lericho fell Iosu.6.c. doune after they were compassed about se uen dayes. 31 By faith f harlot * Rahab perished not losu. 6. d. with them wtoch obeyed not, whe*she had Iosue.2.a. receaued the spies to lodging peaseably. 32 And what shal I more say, the time would be to short for me to tell of * Gede- Iuds 6 b. on, of* Barac, and of* Sampson, & of*Ieph- ludgA.a. te, also of * Dauid, and Samuel, and of the Iudg.i3.d. Prophetes : 12 c. ' ' 33 Which through faith subdued kingdo 1. Sam. 1.6. mes, wroght rightuousnes, obteyned the 13-c- "promises, stopped the mouthes of lyons, "Or fruit ther 34 Queched the violence of fire, escaped of- the edge of the sword, of weake were ma de strong, waxed valient in fight, turned to flight the armies of the alientes. ° As Elias ray- 35 And the e women receaued their dead sed vp the widowe 1 , i r- .1 i i of sareptas sonne. raysed to lyfe agayne : other were racked, andEhseustheSu and wolud not De deliuered f they might namites sonne. J J id receaue a better resurrection. 36 Other suffred mocktoges and scourgin G ges, moreouer bondes and prisonement. 37 They were stoned, they were hewen a sunder, they were tempted, they were slay- ne with the sword, they wandered vp and doune to shepes skynnes, & to goates skyn nes, to nede, tribulation, and vexation, 38 Which the worlde was not worthy of : they wandred in wyldernesses, in moun- taynes, in dennes and caues of the earth. 39 And these all through faith obtayned good TO THE HEBRVES. 373 good report, and receaued f not the pro- i They had not Y__is. sucb cleare light '_,, .,. i .. of Christe as we, 40 God prouiding a better thing for vs, for they lokedfore "For we are that they " without vs should not be made _ia_1_rf™7tew_._ f„getterb0dy perfect. shame for vs if at u_-_u» i least we haUe not as great constancie as they. THE XII. CHAPTER. An exhortation to be patient and stedfaste in trouble and aduersitie, vpon hope of euerla- styng rewarde. A commedation of the new Te stament aboue the olde . A ~\ 7"Vherfore, let vs also, seyng y we are "or, muititu- ' compassed with so great a " cloude of dn" c wytnesses, cast away all t " presseth dow- » As riches, cares Rom 6. a. •" ' . ¦" ¦" r and 8uche like, & epheA.f. ne, and the synne that hangeth so fast on, So to he come collos.3.b. let ys rune with pacience the race that is christs disciples 1. per. 2. a. . , r r by denying our sei Set betore VS, ues.and taking our "Asbeingour 2 " Lokyng vnto Iesus the auctor and finis- ^_T t0 followe sher of our fay the, who, for the ioye that was set before hym, abode the crosse, and despiced the shame, and is set at the right hand of the throne of God. 3 Consider therfore, who he is that endu red suche speakyng agaynst hym of sin ners, lest ye should be weryed and faynte to your mindes. 4 Ye haue not yet resisted vnto bloude striutog agaynst b sinne. ¦• which by rea- B 5 And ye haue forgotten the consolation, scence assaiiethvs which speaketh vnto you as vnto chyldre : on a11 "¦"k8, Proue.3.b. *My sonne despice not the chastenyng of reue.3.d. ^ jj0rd; nether faynt when thou art re buked of hym : 6 For whome the Lord loueth, him he cha steneth : and he scourgeth euery sonne that he receaueth. Chap. XII. THE EPISTLE 7 If ye endure chastenyng, God offereth hym selfe, vnto you as vnto sonnes : what sonne is yr whome y father chasteneth not ? 8 If ye be without correction where of, all are partakers, then are ye bastardes & not « He concludeth " c sonnes. "Lawfullybe- ".™s£K 9 Moreouer we haue had the fathers of •£«¦»• ny to be of the no our " bodies which corrected vs, and we ga "Which haue ber of Gods chll- , - , , r naturallv be- dren. ue them reuerence : should we not muche gottonVs. rather be in subiection vnto the Father of a As he doth ere d sprits, that we myght lyue ? wUhouTan/wori! 10 For they verely for a fewe dayes, cha- diy meane : so he stened vs after their owne pleasure : but he doth instructe and r mamteinethemby chasteneth vs for our proffit, that we might fue Thfst^r be partakers of his holynes. 1 1 No maner chastysing for the present ty me semeth to be ioyous, but greuous : but afterward, it bringeth the quiet frute of rightuousnes, vnto them which are therby exercised. 12 Wherfore lift vp your handes which hange doune, and your weake knees. 13 And se that ye haue strayght steppes D « Their halting vnto your fete, lest e that which is halting Sie^oen^LTar lead you out of the way, but let it rather tely their inconsta De healed. 14 * Follow peace wyth all men, and ho- Rom. 12. d. lynes : wythout the which no man shal se y Lord. 1 5 Take hede, that no man fall a way fro the grace of God, and that no " rote of bit "As heresies, ternes spring vp and trouble, and therby or aP°stasie- many be defyled : 1 6 And that there be no fornicator, or vn cleane person as * Esau, wtoch for one por- Gen. 25. d. tion of meate, solde his title of the first be gotton. 17 'For TO THE HEBRVES. 374 E 1 7 * For ye knowe how that afterwarde al Gen. 27./. s0 when he wold haue inhereted the bles- synge, he was put by, for he founde no pla ce to his repentace, thogh he soght the bles sing with teares. Exo. I9.c. 18 For ye are not come vnto the * mounte 20- Which shalbe E_fo° l a- IT 1 A I at. • t extended through Esa.2.a. lestial ierusalem : and to the compagnie ot an the world. innumerable h Angels. b By the Gospel 23 And to the congregation of the fyrst rheTn'geTstta" borne sonnes, wtoch are wrytten in heaue, triarkes. and to God the iudge of all, & to the spi- rites of iust and perfect men : 24 And to Iesus the Mediator of the Ne we testament, and to the bloud of sprinck- ling that speaketh better thinges then the Gen.4.6. bloud of * Abel. G 25 Se that ye despice not hym that spea keth : for if they escaped not which refu sed him, that spake on earth : much more shal we not escape, if we turne away from him, that speaketh from heaufn. 26 Whose Chap. XIII. THE EPISTLE 26 Whose voyce then shouke the earth, & now declared saying, * Yet once more wyl I Agge 2.6. shake, not the earth onely, but also heaue. 27 No dout that same that he sayeth, Yet once more, signifieth the remouyng away of those thinges, which are shaken, as of thtoges which are made with handes : that the thynges which are not shaken may re mayne. 28 Wherfore seing we receaue a kyngdo me, which can not be shaken, let vs haue grace, wherby we may so serue God, y we may please him ft reuerece & godly feare. 29 For * our God is a consuming fyre. Deut. i.d. THE XIII. CHAPTER. He exhorteth vs vnto loue, to hospitalitie, to thinke vpo suche as be in aduersitie, to maintay ne wedlocke, to auoyd couetousnesse, to make muche of them that preache Gods worde, to be ware of strange learnyng, to be content to suffre rebuke with Christe, to be thankeful vnto God, and obedient vnto our heades. LEt brotherly loue continue. a 2 Be not forgetful to lodge strangers. Rom.l2.c. tor therby some haue * receaued Angels q%_*)\' „ into their houses vnwares. 19.0. 3 Remember them that are in bondes, eue as thogh ye were bounde with them : and them wtoch are to aduersitie as if ye were • Asincontinece afflicted in the body. is a disease comon 4 Wedlocke is to be had in honour " amog to men of all sor- .. _____ _ n, _ p 1 tes°res:so ma all men, and the bed vndefued, for whore i_offredebyeftefre lepers and aduouterers God wyl iudge. mercie of God to 5 Let your conuersation be without coue wuK'respeS?11 teousnes, and be content with those things that TO THE HEBRVES. 375 " The Lord, that ye haue : for " he hath sayd, * I wil not Iosu.i.a. fayle thee> netner forsake thee : B 6 So that we may boideiy say, * The Lord is my helper, nether wil I feare what man can do vnto me. 7 Remember them which haue the ouer sight of you, which haue declared vnto you y worde of God : whose faith foiowe, considering what hath bene the ende of their conuersation. shaib™ ihef* 8 *esus Christ "y ester day, and to day, the dation of the same also continueth for euer. churche for 9 Be not caried aD0Ut with diuers and strage learning : for it is a good thing that the heart be stablysshed with grace, and not with b meates, which haue not profited b By reprouing them that haue bene occupied ther to. S______^__"__S C 10 We haue an aulter wherof they may rence betwixt mea tps d_i rond*. inn*?t li not c eate which serue in the Tabernacle. ___' the sendee Leuit.6. rf. 1 1 * For the bodyes of those beastes who- which ?tode in ce" , ., - J t remomes, compa- '"•/• se bloude is broght into the Holy place ring it with the spi " so that the by thehye Priest to purge synne, are"burnt ___arege_er_tion' nPoriPTceS without the tentes. ke^.^ of- 1 2 Therfore Iesus, to sanctifie the people nies of the Lawe with tos owne bloud, suffered without the ^ not^.Sfak! orate. ers of our aulter, 13 Let vs go forth therfore out of the te- geuing and libe- tes, and suffer rebuke with him. raIit"?' which two .... sacrifices or otfer- 14 For here haue we no continuing citie : igs are now only but we seke one to come. ^ the Chris- 15 By him therfore offer we the sacrifi ce of praise alwayes to God, that is, the Ose.u.a. * frute ofthe lyppes, which confesse his "Thankes ge- -ISJomo uing & doing -t>ame. good are our 16 " To do good, and to distribute forget ces which piiC not : for with suche sacrifices God is plea- ase God. sed. Chap. XIII. THE EPISTLE 1 7 Obey them that haue the ouersight of you, & submit your selues to them : for they watche for your soules, euen as they that must geue accomptes : that they may do it with ioye, and not with grefe : for that is vnprofitable for you. 1 8 Pray for vs : for we truste that we haue a good conscience, in all ttonges, desiring to lyue honestly. 1 9 And I desire you some what the more earnestly, that ye so do, that I may be re stored to you more quickly. 20 The God of peace that broght agayne from death our Lord Iesus, the great shep- herde of the shepe, through the bloud of the eueriasting Couenant, 21 Make you perfect in all good workes, to do his wyl, workyng in you that which is pleasant in his sight through iesvs Christ, to whome be prayse for euer and euer. Amen. 22 And I beseche you brethren, suffre the wordes of exhortation : for we haue writte vnto you in fewe wordes : 23 Knowe that our brother Timothie, is de huered, with whome (if he come shortely) I wyl se you. 24 Salute all the that haue the ouer sight of you, and all the Sainctes. They of Italie salute you. 25 Grace be with you all. Amen. Sent to the Hebrues from Itahe by Ti motheus. THE 376 THE ARGVMENT OF THE Epistle of lames. ' Ames the Apostle and sonne of Alpheus writ this Epistle to the lewes which were conuerted to Christ, but dispersed throughout diuers countreys, and therfore he exhorteth them to patience and prayer, to em brace the true worde of God, Sf not to be partial, nether to boast of an idle faith, but to declare a true faith by lyueiy fruits, to auoyde ambition, to brydel the tonge, to rule the affections, to be humble and loue their neighbours, to beware of swearing, to vtter their fautes whe they haue of fended, to praye one for another Sf to bring him which is out of the way to the knowledge of Christe. Bb.i. THE GENE- RAL EPISTLE "That is, writ to no one ma, citie, or con trey, but to all the lewes generally, be ing now dis persed. of lames. THE FYRST CHAPTER. He exhorteth to reioyce in trouble, to be feruet in prayer with stedfast belief, to loke for all good thinges from aboue, to forsake all vice, and than- kefully to receaue the worde of God, not only he- aringe it, and speakinge of it, but to do ther after in dede. What true religion is. amks the A seruant of God, and of y Lord iesvs CHRIST, sed- eth greting to the twelue Tribes, which ar scattered abrode. 2 My bretheren, count it exceding ioye, "Or i HI i -'if when ye fall into diuers " tentations. ons,' 3 * Knowing OF IAMES. 377 Rom.a. a. 3 * Knowing that the "triyng of your faith t^urMth bringeth pacience: & ingedre pa- 4 And let paciece haue her a perfect wor > our patience t,ence" ke, that ye may be perfect and sounde, lac- ^ende ttby^oi kyng nothtog. king she hath poli- 5 If any of you lacke b wisedome, let tom vsperfecUn chrf- aske of him, wtoch geueth, that is God, and ste„- Toendure geueth I say to all men freiy, and casteth no ti_tiy whatsoeuer man to the teath : and it shalbe geuen hym. £°d Ujeth vpon Matth. 7.a. (j * But let him aske in faith, & wauer not : Tuk.n.b. f°r ne tbat douteth, is hke a waue of the iohn 14.6. sea, tost of the wynde, and caried with vi- §• 16.e. olence. 7 Nether let that man thinke that he shal receaue any thing of the Lord. " Doming in 8 A " wauering minded man is vnstable in doctrine, or n _• of Gods wil. all his wayes. 9 Let the brother of lowe degre reioyce in that he is exalted, B 10 Agayne he that is riche, in y he is made Or.contemp " lowe : for euen as the flower ofthe grasse, tible to tbe i_ i _ * i worlde. sbal he vanysne away. Ecch.li.c. 1 1 For as when the sunne riseth with he- .. "vet I.d at> tnen tne *_rasse wythereth, and his flower falleth away, and the beautie of the fashion of it perisheth : euen so shal the ri- " in ail his che man fade away to all tos " wayes. dedes.eS dD 12 * Happy is the man, that endureth ten- lob.b.c. tation, for when he is tried, he shal recea ue the crowne of lyfe, which y Lord hath promised to them that loue him. " Or, moued 1 3 Let no man say when he is c " tempted, c He meaneth "el that he is tempted of God: for God can deTentaUonTaTof not be tempted with euyl, nether tepteth our disordered ap- , r J r petites, which he any man. cause vs to synne. 14 But euery man is tempted, #fhen he is drawne away, bv his owne cocupiscece, & Bb.ii. Chap. I. THE EPISTLE is entised. 15 The when lust hath coceaued, she brin- C geth forth synne, and synne when it is fy- nisshed, bringeth forth death. 16 Eire not my deare brethren. 17 Euery good geuing, and euery perfect gyft is from aboue, and cometh downe fro the Father of lyghts, with who is no varia warme your selues, and fil your cause of our ius- bellies : notwithstanding ye geue them not _reCa_pp'roued as those thinges which are nedeful to the bo effects preceding dy what helpeth it ? therof: ther they ' _ . *: - . are denied to go be 17 Lue SO faith, yt lt haue no dedes, IS de- fore the that shal- „j :n :a. ,plfp be iostified: and aQ m n selIe- here they are said 1 8 But a man might saye, Thou hast " faith "In th.!"?c ow- to follow ttem „ T_ _ _ _ J ._ r ¦., _ ., ne opinion. that are iustified & 1 haue dedes : shewe me thy faith by thy " dedes : TO IAMES. 379 " Here, dedes " dedes : and I wil shew thee my faith by my are cOsidered , , as :oyned u __.__. faith tme 19 Thou- heleuest that ther is one God: D thou doest wel : the deuyls also beleue, and tremble.20 Wylt thou vnderstand 6 thou vayne man, that that faith which is without de des is deade ? 21 Was not Abraham our father iustified Gen.22.b. through workes, whe he * offered Isaac his sonne vpon the aulter ? " And was not 22 Thou seyst how that faith " wroght with his dedes, and through the dedes was the faith made f perfect : ' The more his 23 And the Scripture was fulfylled wtoch hy'his"^^^'-: Gen. 15.6. sayth, * Abraham beleued God, and it was **00d ™r$ea. the . J ' . . r -i o, more was it knowg romA.a, reputed vnto him for rightuousnes : & he to men to be per- ^a*3*a* was called the friend of God. If^T^l 24 Ye se then how that of dedes a man is by her good fruit. "So declared " iustified, and not " of faith Only, can haue perfectio "Wthatbars 25 Lykewyse also was not * Rahab the ^ '££*£ & dead faith harlot iustified through WOrkeS, When She pray for remission wberot ye bo- - - ° . , ., - , of his svnnes and ast. receaued the messengers, and sent the out _,creaSse 0f faith. Iosue.2. another waye ? 26 For as the body, without the sprite is "Wherforewe deade, euen " so that faith which is without only by'that dedes is dead. lyueiy faith, which doth ap prehende tte mercy of THE III. CHAPTER. vs in lesus He forbiddeth all ambition to seke honour Christ. aboue our brethern. He describeth the propertie of the tongue, and what difference ther is be- twixe the wisdome of God, and the wisdome of the worlde. A TV/T Y brethre, be not euery man a master, -"¦*-remebring how y we shal *eceaue the Bb.iiii. Chap. III. THE EPISTLE more damnation : 2 For to many thtoges we synne all. * If a Eccle.li. a. man synne not in worde, the same is a per 8* ls- *¦ feet man, and able to brydel all the body. 3 Beholde we put byttes toto the horses mouthes that they should obey vs, and we turne about all their body. 4 Beholde also the shyppes, which thogh they be so great, and are dryuen of fearce wyndes, yet are they turned about with a very smal rudder, whether soeuer the go- uerner listeth. 5 Euen so the tounge is a lyttel member, and boasteth great thtoges : beholde how b great a " thing a lyttle fyre kyndleth, "Or, matter. 6 And the tounge is fyre, yea a " worlde fui measure of wyckednes : so is the tounge set among j? a11 ,IU'iUI- our membres, that it defyleth the who- ¦ The intempera le body, and a setteth a fyre the course of cie of the tongue is ,.i. _ . •, ,_ . __ _ as a flammeofhei our hfe, and is lt selfe set a fyre euen ot *><"• hel. 7 The whole nature of beastes, & of byr- des and serpentes, and thinges ofthe sea is tamed and hath bene tamed of the nature of man. 8 But the tounge can no man tame : It is an vnruly euyl, ful of deadely poyson. 9 Therwith blesse we God the Father, & ther with curse we men, which are made af ter the simihtude of God. 10 Out of one mouth proceadeth bles- syng and cursing : my brethren, these thin ges oght not so to be. 1 1 Doth a fountayne send forth at one pla c ce swete water and bytter also ? 12 Can the fygge tree my brethren, beare the OP IAMES. 380 the fruit of olyues, other a vyne beare fyg- ges? so can no fountayne geue both salte water and freshe also. 13 Who is a wyse man and endued with le arnyng among you ? let him shewe the wor kes of tos good couersation with mekenes of wysedome. 14 But yf ye haue bytter enuying and stry- fe in your hearts, reioyce not, nether be ly ers agaynst the trueth. B 15 Ttos wisdome descendeth not from aboue : but is earthy, sensual, and dyue- lyshe. 16 For where enuieng and stryfe is, the re is sedition, and all maner of euyl wor kes. 1 7 But the wysedome that is from aboue, is fyrst pure, then peaceable, gentle, and easy to be entreated, ful of mercy and go od frutes, without b iudgtog, and without i> And examining K.Tnnlatinn thigs with extreme Simulation. rigour as hypocri- "so that their 18 And the frute of rightuousnes is SOW- tes, who only ius- life is accor- ¦ p , l a-i _ _. tine ttem selues, ding to their en in peace, of them that mayntayne pea- & condene ail profession. ce. others. THE IIII. CHAPTER. Hauing shewed the cause of all wronge, and wickednes, and also of all graces and goodnes, he exhorteth them to loue God, and submit them selues to him, not speaking euil of their neigh bours, but patietly to depede on Gods prouidece. A T^Rom whence commeth warres and con -F tentions among you ? come they not he- . For the Lawe of re hence, euen of your volupteousnes, that the members con- * fyght to your members ? S'ttteSfof 2 Ye Iuste, and haue not : ye enuie, and the mynde. Chap. IIII. THE EPISTLE haue indignation, and can not obtayne : ye fyght and warre, & gayne not, because ye aske not. 3 Ye aske and receaue not, because ye as ke a mysse : euen to consume it vpon your voluptuousnes. lit1" ca„eth a?' 4 * Ye men' aim women that are b aduoute Ga". 1.6. ter the maner of rers, know ye not y the friendshyp of the whichCpiefOTethe world' is ennemitie to godwarde ? * Whoso l.Iohn.2.c. pleasures of the euer therfore wyl be a friend of f world, world^tothe loue j. made ^ enmye _f Qoi 5 Eyther do ye thinke that the Scriptu- B re say th in vayne, The " sprite that dwelleth " The imagi- , . ,_ r. . _ natio of mas in vs, lusteth after enme? hart is wicked 6 But the Scripture offereth more grace Gen-8d- & therfore sayeth, * God resisteth f prou- Pro.3.d. de, and geueth grace to the afflicted. l.pet.b.b. 7 * Submit your selues to God : resist the p e* deuil, and he wyl flye from you. 8 Drawe nye to God, and he wyl drawe nye to you. Clense your hades ye synners, and pourge your hearts ye wauering min ded. ' The Greke wor 9 Suffre afflictions, and c sorowe ye, and de sigmfieth that . , . , , , . / heauines, which is wepe : let your laughter be turned to mour te^lrmfastae"; ning. and yom* ioye to heauynes. as appeareth in 1 0 * Cast downe your selues before y Lord, c the countenance. ^ h_ ^ lyft yQU __, l.Pet.b.a. 11 Backbyte not one another, brethren. He that backbyteth his brother, or he that condemneth his brother, backbyteth the Law, and "condemneth the Lawe : &yf thou " in vsurping condemnest the Lawe, thou art not an ob- ofe a"__2_g seruer of the Lawe, but a iudge. which is due 12 There is one Lawe geuer, which is able R0m.l4.a. to saue, and to destroy e.* Who art thou y iudgest another man ? 13 Go OP IAMES. 381 D 13 Go to now ye that say, To day or to rao- s^bmifoiirsei rowe we "*"' S° h^o suche a citie, and con- uestothe pro tinue there a yere, and bye and sei, and get uidence of _,_ God. gayne. 1 4 (And yet can not tel what shal happen to morowe. For what is your lyfe ? It is euen a vapour that appeareth for a lytle tyme, & then vanysheth away) Act. 19./. 1 5 For that ye oght to say, * Yf the Lord i.cor.4 wyl, and, If we lyue, we wil do this, or that, 1 6 But now ye reioyce in your bostynges : all suche reioysyng is euyl. 1 7 Therfore, d to hym that knoweth how " H" answereth to do wel, and doth it not, to hym it is syn- they "knewe what -,p was good, but they wolde not do it. THE V. CHAPTER. He threateneth the wycked ryche men, exhor teth vnto patience, to beware of swearyng, one lo knowledge his fautes to another, one to praye for another, and one to labour to brynge another to the trueth. A riO to now ve ryche men, wepe, and H ' He menacett It, . _ J J . ., a. i i them with the ve- *-" howle for your miseries that shal co- geance 0f God, mp vnnn vnn which shal not on me vpon you. ly make them ,0 2 Your ryches are corrupt, your garmen- wepe,buttohowie ,_ . and despaire. tes are motheaten. 3 Your golde and siluer is cankred, & the " And kyndie rust of the shalbe a " wytnesse against you, GoVTgainst ar"¦ which were the heartes, as in a day of b slaughter. ces^OTfeasu when 6 Ye haue condened and haue kylled the ketLdSfdde°mao 'uste> and he hath not resisted you. abundantly then 7 Be pacient therfore brethren, vnto the other dayes. COmmtog of the Lord. Beholde the hous band man wayteth for the precious frute of the earth, and hath long patience there vpon, vntyl he receaue the "forther and the "which is , x J when the cor- latter rayne. neissowen,& 8 Be ye also pacient therfore and setle ft"'lmobwtn';e your hearts, for the commyng of the Lord draweth nye. 9 Grudge not one against another bre- C thren, lest ye be condemned : beholde the iudge standeth before the dore. 10 Take (my brethren) the Prophetes for an ensample of sufferyng aduersitie, and of longe pacience, whych spake in the Name of the Lord. 1 1 Beholde we count them happy which endure. Ye haue heard of the pacience of lob, and haue knowen what ende the Lord made. For the Lord is very pitiful and mer 'That which must Cyful. be affirmed affir- i2 But aboue al thinges my brethren, * swe Mat. b.f. me it simply and ° J without othe.iike- are not, nether by heauen, nether by earth, must to'denyed1. nether by any other othe : but let your -yea D by this he taketh he yea, and your naye naye : lest ye fall into not from the ma- „ J , _. J J ¦" „n h„n,„.., gistrat his autori- condemnation. yf' 1,JI"'tl ' quire an oS, foi i3 Is any am0nS y°U affi.cted ? let hym the mayntenance praye. is any mery ? let tom syng. menUtfa_d tmett. 1 4 Is any sike among you ? let him call for the OF IAMES. 382 the Elders of the Churche, and let them Mar.6.b. praye for hym, & anoynt hym wyth *doy- « Which in those £. *_____ o" le "i the " Name of the Lord. 0d™ *JZ_ the Lord. 15 And the prayer of fayth shal saue the tog, but now the sicke, and the Lord shal rayse hym vp : and way t_e"signeets to if he haue committed synnes, they shalbe no vse- forgeuen hym. 16 Knowledge your fautes one to ano ther, & praye one for another, that ye may be healed, for the prayer of a ryghteous man auayleth muche, if it be feruent. i.Kyn.n.a. 17 * Helias was a man mortal euen as we Luke 4.d. are, and he prayed to tos prayer that it myght not rayne : and it rayned not on the earth by the space of thre yeres and sixe monethes. 18 And he prayed agayne and the heaue gaue rayne, and the earth broght forth her frute. 1 9 Brethren , if any of you hath erred from the trueth, and another hath conuerted hym, 20 Let the same knowe that he which con uerted the synner from goyng a straye out of hys way, shal saue a soule from death, & shal hyde the multitude of synnes. THE ARGVMENT OF THE first Epistle of Peter. E exhorteth the faithful to deny them selues and to contemne the "_ l.u i ka f) worlde, that being deliuered from l/V^-l % °" carnal affections and impedi- fi^^r! ¥?-_¦ ments, they may more spedely at- teyne to the heauenly kyngdome of Christ : whe runto we are called by the grace of God reueiled to vs in his Sonne, and haue already receaued it by faith, possessed it by hope, and are therin con firmed by holynes of life. And to the intent this faith shulde not faint, seing Christ contemned Sf reiected almost of the whole worlde, he deciareth that this is nothing els but the accomplishing of the Scriptures which testifie, that he shulde be the stombling stone to the reprobat, and the sure fundation of saiuation to the faithful, therfore he exhorteth them courageously to go forwarde con sidering what they were, and to what dignitie God hath called them. After, he entreateth parti- culer points, teaching subiects how to obey their gouernors, and seruants their maisters. and how maried folkes oght to behaue them selues. And because it is appointed for all that are godly to suffre persecutions, he sheweth them what good issue their afflictions shal haue, and contrary wi se what ponishement God reserueth for the wic ked. Last of all he teacheth how the ministers oght to behaue them selues, forbidding them to vsurpe autoritie ouer the Churche. also thatyoun- ge men oght to be modest and apt to learne, and so endeth with an exhortation. The 383 THE FYRST EPISTLE GENERAL of Peter . THE FYRST CHAPTER. He sheweth that through the aboundant mer cy of God we are begotten agayne to a liuely ho pe : and how faith must be tried : that the saiua tion in Christ is no newes, but a thynge prophe- cied of olde : He exhorteth them to a godly conuer sation, forsomuch as they are nowe borne a newe by the worde of God. eter anApo- stle of Iesus Christe, to " the strangers that dwel here and there throughout Pontus, Gala- cia, Cappado- cia, Asia, and Bithynia : 2 Elect accordyng to the a foreknowledge of God the Father vnto sanctificatio of the " of christe. sprite, through " obediece and sprinckhng of the bloud of Iesus Christe : Grace be 2. Cor. i.a. wyth you and peace be multiplied. epA.i.o. 3 * Blessed be God the Father of otfr Lord a The fre electio of God is the effi cient cause of our saiuation: the ma terial cause is Christs obedience. our effectual call ing is the formal cause: & the final cause is our sanc- tification. Chap. I. THE FIRST EPISTLE Iesus Christ, which accordyng to tos atom dant mercy begat vs agayne vnto a lyueiy hope by the resurrection of Iesus Christe from the dead. 4 That is, to an inheritance immortal and vndefyled, and that perysheth not, reser- ued in " heauen for you. " Therfore 5 Which are kept by the power of God i0ke for no through fayth vnto saiuation, wtoch salua earthiy kyng- • i i i • // 1 dome of the tion is prepared, to be shewed m the last Messias. tyDie' . , , „ "Atttedayof 6 Wherin ye reioyce thogh now for a cea iudgement. b As nede doth so son (if nede b require) ye are in heauines, require.wheitple- , , __ ij _ 1 _• aseth God to lay through manyfolde tentations. his, ftrT draPw_ 7 That the trial of your fayth, being much them from earthly more precious then golde that perysheth them partakm of (thogh it be tryed with fyre) myght be fou his heauenly gra- de vnto your praise, glorie and honour at the " appearing of Iesus Christe : "Athissecou- 8 Whome ye haue not sene, and yet loue hym, in whome euen now, thogh ye se hym not, yet do you beleue, and reioyce wyth ioye vnspeakable and glorious. 9 Receauyng the " ende of your fayth, "Or.rewarde. the saiuation of your soules. 10 Of wtoch saiuation the * Prophetes Agge. 2. 6. haue inquired and searched, whych pro- phecied of the grace that should come vn to you. 1 1 Searchyng when or what tyme that for warnig Sprite of Christ which was in the, should declare the suffrings that should co- . . me vnto Christe, & the glorie that shoulde c Their ministe- _¦,,-. rie was more profl foiowe them. them for'we'se'the 12 Vnto whych Prophetes it was decla- ttings accompiis- red, that c not vnto them selues, but vnto C prepaid. they vs, they should mtoister the thynges which are OF PETER. 384 are now shewed vnto you of them which Act. 2. .. * haue preached vnto you the Gospel by the holy Gost sent doune from heauen, the wtoch things the Angels desire to behol de. Luk. 12. e. 13 Wherfore, gyrde vp the * loynes of "Vntil his se- yourmyndes, be sober, and "truste perfectly conde com. on the g^g thaf. jg hj.Qght ^^ you> by the reuelation of Iesus Christe : 14 As obedient chyldren, not fashyontog your selues vnto the olde lustes of your i- gnorance : 1 5 But as he whych called you is holy, eue Luk. 1. g. so be ye holy also in * all maner of conuer sation. Leo. ll. g. 16 Because it is wrytten, * Be ye holy, for 19. a. 20. 6. I am holy. 1 7 And if so be that ye call him Father Deu. 10. d. whych wythout * respect of person iudgeth rom. 2. b. accordyng to euery mans d worke, se that ¦* According to 9°1- 2. b. _,_ pagse the tyme Qf your dwe]Jing here m the ^nceritie of feare. D 18 Forasmuche as ye knowe, how that*ye were not redemed wyth corruptible thyn ges, as syluer and golde, from your vayne Reade Eze- conuersation, whych ye receaued by the * chid. 20. c. traditions ofthe fathers : 1 . Cor. 6.d. 19 * But wyth the pretious bloud of Christ, l\d- , as of a Lambe vndefiled, and wythout hebr.9.d. . } ioh.l.c. sPot- reu. i.e. 20 Whych was * ordeyned before the worl RoJn- 1 6- * de was made : e but was declared in the laste ¦ when Christ aP eph. 6.0. _ - peared vnto the col. 1 . d. tymes for your sakes. I oride wi when 2. tim.i.c. 21 Whych by his meanes do beleue on the Gospel was tit. I.a. God that ray_.d h;m from the dead; & glo. PTeached. rifled him, that your fayth and hope^night be in God. Cc.i. Chap. II. THE FIRST EPISTLE 22 And forasmuche as your soules are purefied to obeing the trueth through the Sprite, for to* loue brotherly without fay- jSom.i2.e. ning, se that ye loue one another with apu ephA.a. re heart feruently. chaP- 2- <*• 23 Being borne a newe, not of mortal seed but of immortal, by the worde of God, who hueth and lasteth for euer. 24 For all * flesh is as grasse, and all the Esa. 40. b. glorie of man is as the floure of grasse. The eccle. 14. _. grasse wythereth, & y flower falleth away. """* ' •*• 25 But the worde of the Lord endureth e- uer, & ttos is the worde wtoch by the Gos pel is preached among you. THE II. CHAPTER. He exhorteth men to laye aside all vyce. She wing that Christe is the fiondation wher vpon they buylt, Sf prayeth the to abstayne fro fleshly lustes, and to obey the rulers. How seruantes should behaue them selues toward theyr ma sters . He exhorteth to suffre after the ensample of Christe. "\ rVherfore, laye asyde all mahciousnes A * and all gyle, and dissimulation, & en- Ro"l^-a- toe, and all backbyttog : ____._.' » in this their _> And as newe borne babes desire" the syn *<**•• 12. u. infancie and newe ., (il j _i . comming to chri- cere mylke of the worde, that ye maye gro- ste he willeth them „,_ fl,_rl-.,T to take hede lest we ulc'uy- for the pure miike, 3 If so be that ye haue tasted how good which is, the first ,, j i • begynnings of lear Trie .LiOrQ IS. worne'tteTeTt ^ ^° wh°me ye come as vnto a lyuyng sto deceauedbyttem ne disalowed of men, but chosen of God & which chope and -,,.-(.;„„- change it, and gy- pretlOUS. ue poyson in stede 5 And ye as liuing stones, be made a spi ritual house, an holy * Priesthode, for to Reu. 1.6. offer vp spiritual sacrifices acceptable to OF PETER. 385 to God by Iesus Christ. B 6 Wherfore it is contayned in the Scrip- _Jsa.28.r-i. ture, * Beholde I put in Sion a chief corner rom. 9. g. stone, electe and precious : and he that be leueth on him, shal not be ashamed. 7 Vnto you therfore which beleue, he is precious : but vnto them wtoch be disobe- Psal. 11 8. d. dient, the * stone wtoch the b buylders re- ¦> ThePriests.do acti2l'd' fUSed' thf3 Same 1S made the head St°ne ^ oftte^ople!6"'8 Esa.8.c. the corner. rom. 9.g. 8 And a * stone to stomble at, and a rocke of offece to them which stoble at the wor de, disobedient, vnto the which thing they were also ordeyned. Exod. 19.0. 9 But ye are a chosen generation, a royal * reu.b.c. Priesthod, an holy nation, a peculiar peo ple, that ye should shewe the vertues of him that called you out of darcknes into his maruelous hght. 0se.2.d. 10 *Which to tyme pastwere not a people, rom.9.c. yet gj-Q now the people of God : wtoch to ty me past were not vnder mercy, but now ha ue obtayned mercy. C 1 1 Derely beloued, I besech you as stran- Gdl.b.c. gers and pilgrems, * abstayne from fleshly rom. 1 3. d. histes, which fight against the soule . 12 And se that ye haue honest conuersa tion among the Gentils, that they which backbyte you as euyl doers, maye se your Chap.3.e. * good workes and prayse God in the day of c visitation. c Your good con. Mat.b. b. 1 3 * Submit your selues vnto all maner or- ^%£^ dinance of man for the Lordes sake, whe- against that day , , T_ ., _• that God shal ther lt be vnto the Kynge as vnto the chie- Shewe mercie vnto &„ 1 them and tourne head : them 14 Other vnto Rulers, as vnto .nr-jm that are sent of hym, both for the punyshmet of Cc.ii. Chap. II. THE FIRST EPISTLE euyl doers, and also for the praise of them that do wel. 1 5 For so is the wyl of God, that ye put to silence the ignorance of the folyshe men. 1 6 As fre, and not as hauyng the hbertie for a cioke of mahciousnes, but euen as the seruantes of God. 17 Honour all men. * Loue brotherly fe- Chap.i.b. lowshippe. Feare God, Honour the kyng. j^*1"!'* 1 8 * Seruantes obey your masters wyth all col. 3. d. feare, not only if they be good and courte- >iinaiiobedien- ous, but also thogh they be d frowar- ce.ttis must be be- j„ fore our eyes, that we ooey in the 19 * For this is thanke worthy e, if a man for 2. Cor. 7. c. Lord : for if any , a r-t j j • p p comande things conscience towarde God endure griefe, suf- against God, then feryne: WTOnefullv. let vs answer, It J ° ° ¦'...„, is better to obey 20 r or what prayse is lt, if when ye be buf God then men. fet_d fo„ y0UJ. fautes> yg tak_ jt pacientely ? but and if when ye do wel, ye suffer wron ge and take it paciently, this is acceptable to God. 2 1 For here vnto ye are called : for Christe D also suffered for vs leuyng vs an ensample that ye should foiowe hys steppes. 22 * Which dyd no synne, nether was there Esai. 53. 5. gyle founde in hys mouthe. l.ioh 3. a. 23 Wtoch when he was reuyled, reuiled not agayne : when he sufired, he threatened not : but committed the ponishemet to tom that todgeth righteously. 24 * Wtoch hys owne selfe bare our synnes Esa. 53. b. in hys body on the tree, that we being deli- mat' 8" c" uered from synne, should lyue to ryghtu ousnes : by whose stripes ye were hea led. 25 For ye were as shepe going astraye : but are now returned vnto the shepherd and bishope OF PETER. 386 bishope of your soules. THE III. CHAPTER. How wyues oght to ordre them selues to warde theyr housbandes, and in theyr apparel. The dutie of men toward theyr wyues. He ex horteth all men to vnitie and loue : and patient ly to suffre trouble by the example and benefit of Christe. A T Ykewyse let the wyues be in subiection Colos. 3. c. J-'to theyr housbandes y euen they which ep e.b.c 0|3ey no(. 4.^ worde, may Wythout the word be wone by the conuersation of the wyues : 2 Whyle they behold your pure conuersa tion coupled wyth feare. 1. Tim.2.c. 3 * Whose apparel let it not be outwarde with broyded heare, and golde put about, ether to putting on of gorgious appa rel.4 But let the tod man ofthe heart be vn- corrupt with a meke & quiet sprite, wtoch is before God a thing muche set by. B 5 For after ttos maner to the old time did the holy women which trusted in God, tier them selues, & were obedient to their hous bandes. Gen. 18. 6. 6 As Sara obeyed Abraham, and * called a Taking care,& , . _, i _ _a i prouiding for her. him Syr : whose daughters ye are, as long , Man oght to io- "Butwiiiingiy as ye do wel, not betog " afrayde of any ter- "^usj|is theifeie__ do your due- rom. their life together, 1 . Cor. 7. a. 7 * Lykewyse ye men dwel with them as be £!?wf,£^_._,i, commeth men that haue knowledge : a ge- but chiefeiy be- , ., - 7 a_ cause 'bat god uyng honour vnto the wyfe, as vnto the we hath made the aker vessel, and as they which are toge- ^ert_eJ___7o. ther b heyres of the grace of life, tnat your life eueriasting. Cc.iii. Chap. III. THE FIRST EPISTLE prayers be not let. 8 In conclusion, be ye all of one mynde, one suffre with an other, loue as brethren, be pitiful, be courteous : 9 * Not rendrtog euil for euil, nether rebu Prou. n.b. ke for rebuke: but contrary wyse,blesse,re- 20,f' membring that ye are therunto called, that ^°m\ \_\'_\_ ' God hath made ye should be c heyres of blessyng. 1. thess. b.c ^i™- 10 * Forif any man longe after lyfe, & lo- C of his kyngdome, ueth to se good dayes, let hym refrayne his Psa-6i-"- and shal not we for - ° , J - , f. .,.., geue our brethre tonge from euyl, and hys hppes that they asmalefaute? speake not gyle. 1 1 * Let him eschue euil & do good : let him Esa. i.e. seke peace, and ensue it. 1 2 For the eyes of the Lord are ouer the rightuous, & tos eares are open vnto their prayers, and the face of the Lord"behol- "Totakeven- deth them that do euil. geaceonhim. 1 3 And who is it that wil harme you, if ye folow that whych is good ? 14 * Notwithstandyng, happy are ye if ye Mat.b.a. suffre for ryghtuousnes sake. Yea and feare not thogh they seme terrible to you, nether be troubled. 15 But " sanctifie the Lord God in your " Guye hym hearts, and be redy alwayes to geue an ans- pen_eo____" were to euery man that asketh you a rea son of the hope that is in you. 1 6 * And that with meaknes and reuerence : Chap . 2. c. hauyng a good conscience, that when they backbyte you as euyl doers, they may be ashamed, forasmuch as they falsely accuse our good conuersation in Christ. 1 7 For it is better (if the wil of God be so) D that ye suffre for wel doing, then for euyl doing. Rom.b.a. 18 *For Christ also hath once suffered for hebr.9.d. sinnes, OF PETER. 387 synnes, the iust for the vniust, for to bring vs to God, and was killed as partayning " By the pow- to the fleshe, but was quickened in the " spi erofGod. r;te 19 By the which d sprite he also went, & <¦ Christ beig fro preached vnto the sprites that are to pri- fi^^Z.^ot SOn, bis Churche,came 20 Which were in tyme passed disobedi- Soe, not m body, ent, when once the longe suffering of God ""*„'._ ^J^ Gen. 6. a. abode in the dayes of * Noe, while the arc- & preached by the Zk'n2ie d' ke was P«_«™g- therin fewe, that is to __^*_J3i«S_ "¦'or.pereones. say, eight " soules were saued in the wa- af__°w_ie_,iloid" ter. notrepent.&ther- 21 To the wtoch the figure of Baptisme is *£££%*& agreing now y saueth vs also : not the put- last iudgement. ting away of the fylthe of the fleshe, but in that a good conscience maketh request to God, by the resurrectio of Iesus Christ, Heb. l.b. 22 Wtoch is* at the right hand of God: go ne into heauen, to whom the Angels, pow ers, and mighte are subdued. THE IIII. CHAPTER. He exhorteth men to cease from synne .- to spe cie no more tyme in vyce, to be sober and apt to praye, to loue eche other : to be patient in trou ble: and to beware that no man suffre as an euyll doer, but as a Christien man, and so not to be ashamed. TjiOrasmuch the as Christe hath suffered -*- for vs to the fleshe, arme your selues ly "Oursanctifi- kewyse with the same "minde: which is,th.<_t toiw™po_5_! he which hath suffered in the fleshe, hath in dyeng to ceased from synne, ning to GocL 2 That he hece forwarde shoulde lyue (as » or, body, muche tyme as remayneth to the * fleshe :) Cc.iiii. Chap. IIII. THE FYRST EPISTLE not after the lustes of men, but after the wyl of God, 3 * For it is sufficient for vs that we haue Ephe. 4. f. spent the tyme that is past of the lyfe, af- mm" 4- 6* ter the lust of the Getiles, walkyng in wa- tones, lustes, dronckenes, to eating, drtoc- king, and to abominable idoiatrie. 4 And it semeth to them a strange thyn- B ge, that ye runne not also with them vnto the same excesse of ryote, & therfore spe ake they euyl of you, 5 Which shal geue accomptes to hym, that is ready to iudge quicke and dea de.6 For vnto this purpose was the Gospel ¦ Althogh the wic preached also vnto the a dead, that they sp'etnewe&vexe myght be condemned, according to men, you that imbrace tjmt j. m the fleshe, but mieht lyue accor- it: yet hath it bene .. _. . 7 . - .1 ¦. preached to them ding to (jrOd, that is, in the sprite. oftime past which 7 xhe ende of all thinges is at hande. Be now are dead, to © the intet that they ye therfore sober, and watching m pray- might haue bene condened, or dead ™. ^ sy^e in the fle 8 But aboue all thinges haue feruet loue haue lyued^God among you: *b for loue couereth the multi- Pro. 10. b. li?_^^tiideof_yi__eS.of the Gospel. 9 Be ye * herberous one to another, and Ram. 12. e. vbsfoSr1eaptreoXUou. that without grudgyng. ***¦ I3-a- brother whe he of- 10 * As euery man hath receaued the frif- Rom. 12.6. fendethvs:soloue , ¦ - , ., .. . i ;i;~. o _ hydeth andpardo- te, so minister the same one to another, as **¦*¦"'"?• ¦"• «¦ which he-omr_i?- good ministers of the manifolde grace of teth against vs, God. uer^so'many e ne' 1 1 K any ma speake, let hym talke as thoghe he spake the wordes of God. If any man mynister, let him do it as of the abilite ft God ministreth vnto tom : that God to all thynges may be glorified throught Iesus Christ, to whom is prayse and dominion for OF PETER. 388 for euer, and euer. Amen. 12 Dearely beloued, be not as strangers troubled to this trial by the fyre, which nowe is come amonge you to proue you, as thogh some strange thinge had happe ned vnto you : 1 3 But reioyce, to as muche as ye are par takers of Christes passions, that when his glorie shal appeare, ye may be mery and glad. Matth.b.b. 14 * If ye be rayled vpon for the Name of chap, l . c. Christ, happie are ye : for the Sprite of glo rie, and of God resteth vpo you : which on " By the infi- their " parte is euyl spoken of : but on your deles. parte is glorified. 15 Se that none of you suffre as a murthe- D rer, or as a thefe, or an euyl doer, or as a busibody to other mens matters. 1 6 But k any man suffre as a Christen ma, let tom not be ashamed : but glorifie God in this behalfe. "Ponishemet. 1 7 For the tyme is come, that " iudgemet lere. 2b. f. must begyn * at the house of God . If it fyrst uk. 23. e. ftegjn at VS) what shal the ende be of them which obey not the Gospel of God ? Proue. 2. rf. 1 8 * And if the righteous scarsely be saued, where shal the vngodly and the synner ap peare? 19 Wherfore let them that suffer accor dtog to the wil of God, commit their sou les to him with wel doytog, as vnto a faith ful Creator. THE V. CHAPTER. The duetie of Pastors is, to fede the flocke of Christ, Sf what rewarde they shal haue yf they be diligent. He exhorteth yonge persgns to sub- Chap. V. THE FYRST EPISTLE mit the selues to the elder, euery one to loue ano ther, to be sober, and to watche that they may re sist the ennemie. ¦ By eiders he vn HPHe a Elders which are amoge you, I be A ttT'whteh0 ra" seche which am also an Elder, & a wyt che, teache, or nes of the afflictions of Christe, and also a church.. in the partaker of the glorie that shalbe opened. 2 Fede the flocke of God, which depen- deth vpon you, caring for it, not as thogh ye were compelled therto, but wylltogly : not for the desire of filthy lucre, but of a good mynde. 3 Not as thogh ye were lordes ouer Gods heritage : but that ye be ensamples to the flocke.4 And when the chief shepherd shal ap- b pere, ye shal receaue an incorruptible crou ne of glorie. 5 Lykewyse, ye yoger, submit your selues vnto ancient me, & submit your selues eue ry man, one to another,* decke your selues Rom. 12. c. inwardely to lowlynes of minde. for God * resisteth the proud and geueth grace to iamA.b. the humble. 6 Submit your selues therfore vnder the myghty hand of God, y he may exalt you, when the tyme is come. 7 Cast all your care on him : for he careth c for you. 8 Be sober and watche, for * your aduersa- Mat. 6. c. mett 0tvntoCOvs, rie the deuyl as a roring lyon walketh '«*¦¦ 2. c. which we senot to about, sekyng whom he may deuoure : ps?h \„' ?' appertayne to the __ ' ¦* ? ,, __/•¦__, wusd.l2.b. rest of christs me- 9 Whom resist stedfast m the faith, know w'oghTnouottt hig b that your brethren which are to the se that condition worlde fulfil the same afflictions. to a'n the saSctes! 10 And the God of all grace, which hath called OF PETER. 389 called vs vnto his eternal glorie by Christ Iesus, he I say after ye haue sufired a lytel affliction make you perfect, settle, streng then and stablyshe you. 1 1 To him be glorie & dominis for euer and euer. Amen. 12 By Siluanus a faithful brother vnto you (as I suppose) haue I writte briefly, ex horting and testifiing how that ttos is the true grace of God, wherin ye stand. 13 The Churche that is at Babylon " ele- 'Which was a fa cted together with you, saluteth you, and ™°__ wherVpeuir Marcus my sonne. then was the Apo- -. . a-t . ,i •.,.,*. stle of the Circum Rom. 16 b. 14 Grete ye one another with the, kysse cision. l.cor. 16. d. 0£ joue Peace be to you all wliich are to Christe Iesus. Amen. THE ARGVMENT OF THE S E- conde Epistle of Peter. He effect of the Apostle here, is to exhorte the which haue once pro fessed the true faith of Christe to stade to the same eue to the last bre ath. Also that god by his effectual grace towardes me moueth the to holynes of life, in ponishing the hypocrites which abuse his Na me, Sf in increasing his gifts in the godly, wher fore by godly life he being now almost at dea- thes dore exhorteth them to approue their voca tion, not setting their affectios on wordly things (as he had oft writ vnto them) but lifting their eyes towarde heauen, as they be taught by the Gospel wherof he is a cleare witnes, chiefly in that he harde with his owne eares that Christ was proelaymed from heauen to be the Sonne of God, as likewise the Prophets testified. And lesi they shulde promise to them selues quietnes by professing the Gospel, he warneth them both of troubles which they shulde suiteine by the false teachers, and also by the mockers and conteners of religion, whose maner s and trade he lyueiy setteth forth as in a table : aduertising the faith ful not onely to waite diligently for Christe : but also to beholde presently the day of his coming, and to vreserue them selues vnspotted against the same. THE 390 THE SECON- DE EPISTLE GENE ral of Peter. THE FYRST CHAPTER. For somuch as the power of God hath geue them all thinges partayninge vnto lyfe, he ex horteth them to flye the corruption of world- lye lust, to make their calling sure with good workes, and fruites of faith. He maketh menti on of his owne death, declaring the Lord lesus to be the true Sonne of God, as he him selfe had sene vpon the mounte. God and Sauiour Iesus Christ : imeon Peter the seruant & Apostle of Ie sus Christ, to them which haue obtayned lyke precious faith with vs by the rightu ousnes of our Chap. I. THE SECONDE EPISTLE 2 Grace to you, and peace be multiplied by the knowledge of God and of Iesus our Lord. 3 Accordyng as tos " godly power hath ge "He speaketh uen vnto vs all thinges that pertayne vnto {^ ;f q0^ ^ •The some ofour "lyfe and godlynes, a through f knowled- sauiour. So™," deby ge of him that hath called vs vnto glorie 2"' ^ Christ to the Fa- and vertue. vs ni the Sonne6. 4 In that, that moste great, and precious promesses, are geuen vnto vs, that by them b We are made ye shoulde be partakers of the b godly na- dfuinenaturc^n ture' in that ye flye the corruption, which that we _ie the cor is in the world through lust. wortdTor _s Paul 5 And here vnto geue all dihgence : and B writeth, are dead i0yne more ouer " vertue with your faith, & " Godly m*t- to synne, and are r" , -, -, i ners. not in the fleshe. with vertue knowledge, 6 And with knowledge temperance, and with temperance patiece, agayne with pa tience godlynes, 7 And with godlynes brotherly kindnes, and with brotherly kyndnes, loue. 8 For if these thinges be among you, and d.Iig_i_ertt h7m, are plenteous, they wyl make you that ye that naturally can nether shalbe ydle, nor vnfrutefuU in the not se except he, ._ _ tjt m_ • _ hoideth nere his knowledge of our Lord lesus Christ. eyes. So Peter cal- 9 jror he y iacketh these thinges, is blyn- leth suche as can J ° J not se heauenly de, & c can not se farre of, & hath forgotte farrf Sof,hiCpoore that he was purged from olde synnes. blynde or sande io Wherfore brethren, geue rather dih- C •^Albeit it be su gence for to make your callyng & election muche as Godwin d sure : wr 3^ye d° these ttonges, ye shal ne not change :yc-t we uer " fall, "For God wil rlfuerbVtte 1 1 For by this meanes an entring to shal- ££ TDholdo fruto of tte Spi- be ministred vnto you abundatly into the rit __nowm_r that the purpos of God eueriasting kyngdome of our Lord and seSfihett,caUar.hd Sauiour Iesus Christ. iustifieth vs. 12 Wherfore, I wil not be neghget to put you OF PETER. 391 you alwayes in remembrance of these thin ges, thogh that ye knowe wel, and be sta- blished in the present truth. 1 3 For I thinke it mete as longe as I am in " in this bo- this" tabernacle to store you vp by putting dy.s.Cor.a.a. „.ou m rememhrance, 14 Seing / knowe that the tyme is at han de that I must lay downe this my taber nacle, euen as our Lord Iesus Christ hath Iohn 21. d. * shewed me. 15 1 wil enforce therfore, that ye may be able to haue remembrance of these thin ges after my departing. ]. Cor. i.e. 16 For we folowed not* deceuable fa- 2""" bles when we opened vnto you the power and commyng of our Lord Iesus Christi but with our eyes we saw his maiestie : D 1 7 For he receaued of God the Father ho- 1 nour and glorie, when there came suche a voyce to him from the excellent glorie, Mat. n.b. * This is my dere beloued Sonne, in whome lohnYc Idehte. mar.i.d. 18 And this voyce we heard when it ca fe*. 3. 6. me from heauen, being with him to the ho ly mounte. "That is, the 19 We haue also a moste sure " worde of t_etrprophe- prophecie, to the which, ye do wel that ye tes. take hede, as vnto a light that shyneth to " a perfecter a darcke place, vntil the " daye dawne, and tte°TOdeftte ^ " daye starre aryse to your hearts. Lawe. 20 * So that ye fyrst knowe this, that no pro 2T_"?m.0_D_!' phecie to the Scripture is of " any priuate " Cometh not motion . of men. ^ j^. tj._ py-p^g came not m 0J,Je ty me by the wil of man : but holy me of God spake as they were moued by y holy Gost. Chap. II. THE SECONDS EPISTLE THE II. CHAPTER. He prophecieth of false teachers, and sheweth their punishement. •T^Here were false Prophetes also amon- a -*- ge the people, euen as there shalbe fal Act. 20. f. se teachers amog you: which pryuely shal _^c'm brynge in damnable heresies, euen deny ing the Lord, that hath boght them, and brtoge vpon them selues swyft damna tion,2 And many shal folow their " damna- "or, insolent, bie wayes, by whom y way of trueth shal- and wanton" be euil spoken of, 3 And through couetousnes shal they ft fayned wordes make marchandise of you, whose iudgement long agone is not far re of, and their damnation slepeth not. 4 For yi God spared not the * Angels, ]0b i.d. that had synned, but caste them downe to- iphn.s.f. to hell, & dehuered them into chatoes of 3 '"' darkenes, to be kept vnto damnation : 5 Nether spared the old worlde, but sa ued * Noe the eyght persone a preacher of Gen.T.a. rightuousnes, and broght to the floud vpo the world of the vngodly, 6 And * turned the cities of the Sodomi- Gen. 19. c. tes and Gomorrhe toto asshes : ouerthrew them, damned them, and made on them an ensample vnto all that after should lyue vngodly : 7 *And dehuered iuste Loth vexed with GenA2.f. the vnclenly conuersation of the wicked. 8 (For he betog righteous, and dwelling among them, in seing and hearing, vexed his righteous soule from day to daye, with their vnlawful dedes.) 9 The OF PETER. 39"2 9 The Lord knoweth how to dehuer the godly out of tentation, and how to reser- ue the vniust vnto the day of iudgement for to be punished : C 10 Namely the that walke after the fles she, in the Iuste of vnclennes, and despice the Gouernement : presumpteous are they, and stande in their owne conceite, & feare not to speake euyl of the, y are in dignitie. 1 1 When the Angels which are greater l.Kin.22.c. bothe in power, and might* gyue not ray- lyng iudgement agaynst them before the Lord. 1 2 But these as a brute beastes, led with na « as beasts «it_- tural sensualitie and made to that ende °"' reason °r ™il followe whether that bemg take they shulde be destroyed, nature leadeth speake euil of those things wtoch they ^d me'de'sutute knowe not, & shal perisshe through their °f the Spirit of . * ° God, only seke to OWTte Corruption. fulai their sensu- 13 And shal receaue the rewarde of vn- ^^^ ryghtuousnes, as they which count it plea to destructio, & ,-, _ v • t p c*a. appoynted to this sure to lyue dehciously tor a season . Spot- iudgement.so they tes they are & blottes b deliting the selues fail into the snares t J .-.,." t of Satan to their in y they deceaue you, in teastmg w you. destruction. 14 Hauing eyes ful of aduoutrie, and that ,/Ssnt_eyr„t can not cease to synne, beffvhng vnstable as members of the ¦ • Churche wher as soules : they haue hearts exercised with co- in dede they be uetousnes, detestable fellowes, *at -"P""*". & s° deceaue you. 15 Which forsakyng the right waye, haue Nom 22. c. gone astraye, folowyng f way of * Balaam iude b. jrjjg sonne 0f Bosor, which loued y rewar de of vnrightuousnes : D 1 6 But he was rebuked for tos iniquitie : for the domme beast, wher on he sat spea king with mans voyce, forbade the folysh nes ofthe Prophete. Iude c. 1 7 * These are welles without water, and Dd.i. Clinp. Ill, THE SECONDE EPISTLE < They haue so- c cloudes caried about with a tempest, to me appearace out _ __iiiii • j p warde.butwithin whom the blake darcknes is resented for they are drye and euer barren, or at most , " ,. „. , they cause but a 1 8 r or in speaking swelling wordes ot va tempest. nitie, they begyle with wantones through the lustes of the fleshe me that were clea ne escaped from them which are wrapped in errours. 19 Promisstog vnto them libertie, & are them selues the bond *seruants of corrup- f0hn.8.d. tion : for of who soeuer a man is ouercome, rom.6. c. vnto the same is he in bondage. 20 * For if they, after they haue escaped Mat. 12. d. fro the filthines of y worlde, through the heb. 6. a. ¦¦ Which cometh d knowledge ofthe Lord, & of the Sauiour 10,c* spei preached! ° Iesus Christ, are yet tagled agayne therin, & ouercome : then is the latter ende worsse with them then the hegynning. 2 1 For it had bene better for them, not to haue knowe the way of rightuousenes, the after they haue knowen it, to turne from the holy " comandement geuen vnto them, "or, doctrine. 22 But it happeneth vnto them, accor ding to the true prouerbe, * The dogge is Prou.26.b. turned to tos owne vomit, agayne : and, The sowe that was wasshed, to her wallowyng in the myer. THE III. chapter. He sheweth the impietie of the which mocke at Gods promises, after what sort the ende of the world shalbe, 6V that they prepare the selues ther vnto. Sf who they are which abuse the writigs of S. Paul, and the rest of the Scriptures, conclu ding with eternal thankes to Christ Iesus. ITrHis is the secode Epistle y I now write A -*• vnto you beloued, wherwith I store OF PETER. 393 vp, and warne your pure myndes, 2 To call to remembrance the wordes, ft were told before of the holy Prophets, & also the cSmandement of vs the Apostles of the Lord and Sauiour. l. Tim.i.a. 3 * This fyrst vnderstande, that there shal 2.tim.3.a. come in the last days, mockers, which wyl walke after their lustes, 4 And say .Where is the promis of his co ming ? for synce the fathers died, all thto ges conttoue in the same estate wher in they were at the beginning. 5 For ttos they knowe not (a and that wil- ¦ He meaneth lingiy) how that the heauens a great why- e.^ofetSch?" le ago were, by the worde of God, and the stian religion, but . _ ._ . - . i -, became afterward earth that was in the water appeared vp conteners & moc- out of the water, __d Atheiste_ri&' B 6 Wherfore the " world that then was, pe- th_s 'b.auul rished, ouerflowed with the water. therof, and 7 But the heauens and earth, which are things which were therin, now, are kept by the same worde in store, 2',S and reserued vnto fyre, against the day the arke. of damnation, and destruction of vngodly men. 8 Derely beloued, be not ignorant of this one thtoge, how that owne day is with tbe Lord, as a thousand yere, and a thousand yere, as one day. 9 The Lord is not slacke to fulfil his pro mes (as some men count slacknes) but is pa 1. Tim.2.b cient to vswarde, and * wolde haue no ma ezec. I8.c \0_x, but woulde receaue all men to repe- tance. ^10 *And the day of the Lord wyl come as l.th'es.b.a. a thiefe to the night, in y which day, the reue.3.a. heauens shal passe away with a noy^e, and and. I6.c. ^e eiementes shal melt with heate, and Dd.ii. Chap. III. THE SECONDE EPISTLE the earth with the workes, that are therin shal burne. 1 1 Seing therfore all these thtoges muste be dissolued, what maner persons oght ye to be to holy conuersation and godlynes ? 1 2 Loktog for, and hastyng vnto the com- ming to the day of God, to which the hea uens shal be dissolued with fyre, & the ele mentes shal melt with heat. 13 But, we loke for * new heauens, and a Esa.6b.c. newe earth, accordtog to his promis, whe- 66'^' „. rin dwelleth rightuousnes. 14 Wherfore dearly beloued, seing that ye loke for suche thinges, be diligent that ye may be founde of him to "peace, with- "in quiet con- out spotte and vndefiled. science" 15 And suppose that the longe suffering of the Lord is saiuation, euen as our dear ly beloued brother Paul, according to the wysdome geuen vnto hym, wrote to " you. » Albeit his 16 As one, almoste to euery Epistle spea- e*)is'1,es were _ ,., ,. writ to pecu- kyng of suche thinges : amog which things lier Church- i- As no ma con- some ar b harde to be vnderstand, ft they fote]Zl a'g? neroftte^imnfbe that are vnlearned and vnstable " peruert, j**™*. ¦ J-*"* cause his eye is as they do also other Scriptures vnto their ning to all not able to snstey- j _ _' men netheclearnesthe OWne destruction. "or" wraste rofisothe harde- j 7 Ye therfore beloued, seyng ye knowe nes which we can -ii, not some tyme co- these things before hade, beware, lesteye ders^d^tttte be also plucked away with the errour of y scriptures oght wicked, & fall fro your owne stedfastnes. not to take away - _, D . ¦" o-ai-i i-i fromvs the vse of 18 But growe in grace, & in the knowled the scriptures. ge 0f our Lord and Sauiour Iesus Christe : to whome be glorie both now & for euer. Amen. THE 394 THE ARGVMENT OF THE fyrst Epistle of Iohn. ) Fter that S. Iohn had sufficiently j declared, how that our hole sal- j mi lib doth cosiste only in Christe, , lest that any man shoulde therby , take a boldenes to synne, he she weth that no man can beleue in Christe, onlesse he doth endeuour him selfe to kepe his comman demotes: which thing being donne, he exhorteth the to beware of false prophetes, whome he cal leth Antichristes, and to trie the sprites . Laste of all he doth earnestly exhorte the vnto brother ly loue, and to beware of deceauers. Dd.iii. THE FYRST EPISTLE GENERAL of Iohn. THE FYRST CHAPTER. True wytnesse of the eueriasting word of God. The bloude of Christ is the purgation from syn ne . No man is without synne. Hat which was A " from the be- » That is ginning, ft we Christ God haue " heard, ft " That haue sene our eyes, Christ being ' we ft \ ft we haue loked vpon, & our hades haue handled, of the Worde of life, 2 (For the life appeared, and we haue sene and beare wytnes, and shewe vnto you, f eternal lyfe, which was "with the Father, "Before all be and appeared vnto vs) gynning. 3 That I say which we haue sene & heard, B declare OF IOHN. 395 declare we vnto you, that ye may also a ha- * The effect of ue fellowship with vs, and that our felow- ^S? big' ley' ship may be with the Father and with his "ed. '0*"*therf j? Sonne Iesus Christ. And this write we vn- shulde be the son- to you, that your ioye may be ful. nes of God" C 5 This then is the tydinges which we ha ue heard of him, and declare vnto you, y Iohn. 8. b. God* is "light & to tom is no darckenes. '¦ The fruits of 6 If we say that we haue fellowship with Zrf ZlZllte "in an euil co him, and yet walke in " darkenes, we lye, & be ioyned in God science, and , ¦* , J ¦ or no: for God be- without the no not syncerely. ing lhe very puri- feareofGod. 7 But if we walke in light as he is in "e "^ rifi-htwiinot ... , . irr-ni- >i haue felowship light, then haue we mutual lelloship with with the which lye Hebr.e.d. him, & the * bloude of Iesus Christ his So- ™5syme & dllrck- reull.lib. ne clenseth vs from all synne. D 8 * If we say that we haue no synne, we l.Kin.8.e. deceaue our selues, and trueth is not in 2.chro.6.g. pro.20.6. vs- eccle.7.c. 9 If we c acknowledge our synnes, he "Yfwebenot is faithful and iuste, to forgeue vs our ,™h^oV>™™to synnes, and to dense vs from all vnrigh- acknowledge our . selues before God TUOUSnes, to be synners. 10 If we say we haue not sinned, we make "Ordoctrine. him a lier, and his" worde is not in vs. THE II. CHAPTER. Christ is our Aduocate. Of true loue, Sf how it is tried . to beware of Antichrist. A Tl/TY babes, these ttonges write I vnto "Christisour iV1you, that ye synne not. and if anyman ^ Th only Aduoca- stone, we haue an " Aduocat with y Father, which haue'embra me™, for The IeSUS Christ, the righteous. f.*|,th.e Gospel by ,.ffi nf • ...... , f taith in all ages, tercessionand ^ And he lt IS that obteyneth grace for degrees, and pla- redeptionare our sinnes : not for our sinnes only, but al- ^uatL'wTthou0 ioyned toge. g_ for ^. sinn(;s _f a all thg wor^e Christ, Dd.toi. Chap. II. THE FYRST EPISTLE 3 And herby we are sure that we " knowe "That is, by hym, if we kepe tos commandementes. faltn- 4 He that sayeth, I know him, and kepeth not tos commadementes is a Iyer, and the trueth is not to hym. 5 But whosoeuer kepeth hys worde, in him is " y loue of God perfect in dede, her " wherby he by we know that we are to him. 6 He that sayeth he bideth to hym, oght also to walke, euen as he hath walked. 7 Brethren, I wryte no newe " commade- B ment vnto you : but that olde commande- "or doctrine- ment, which ye haue had from the "begin- » when the 'Louethyneigh ning : this b olde commandement is the Lawewasse- bour as thy selfe, j ,-_ , _ ,, ., _ uen- is the olde coman worde, which ye haue heard from the be- dement taught in o-jrinin_- the Lawe: but whe ° ©' Christ saith, So 8 Agayne, a newe commandement I write a_u. Ohnaueaoi°'ue_ vnto you< a thinge that is true in hym, and you, he geueth a also in you : for the darcknes is past, & the newecOmandemSt . , i . , ,, only as touching true lyght now shyneth. *iourcWngbttenn0a 9 He that sayeth thathe is in the hght, tureorsubstaceof and yet hateth his brother, is to darcknes the precept. _uen ^j, ^j. tym„ 10 * He that loueth his brother, abideth in Chap. 3. c. the light, and there is none occasio of euil in him. 1 1 But he that hateth his brother, is in dar knes, and walketh in darcknes and ca not • He nameth ail te^ whyther he goeth, because that darck- the faithful, chii- nes hath blinded his eyes. their' spirituaielfa? 1 2 c Litle children, I write vnto you, becau C their attributing se y0ur stones are forereuen you for " hys " For Christs to olde me knowl- - T J , ° J J k lage of great Names sake, saKe- men8 strength™ to 13 I writ vnto you fathers, because ye ha- chiidren obedi- ue knowe him that is from the hegynning, ence and reue- t -a a. _ i_ rence to their Go- I write vnto you yong men, because ye ha- „0r tho de_ uemors. ue ouercome the " euil man . mi. 14 I OF IOHN. 396 14 1 write vnto you babes, because ye ha ue knowen the Father : I haue written vn to you fathers, because ye haue knowen hym, that is fro the beginning : I haue writ ten vnto you yong men, because ye are stronge, and the worde of God abideth in "The deuil. you, and ye haue ouercome that " wycked man. "Asitisaduer 15 Se that ye loue not the " worlde, nether sane to o . t^e ^hinges font are in the world. If any ma, loue the worlde, the loue of the Father is not in him 1 6 For all that is in the worlde, as y Iuste "To Hue in of the "fleshe, the "Iuste of the eyes, and the "wantonnes, * pride of hfe, is not of the Father, but of "Ambition <_ the worlde. pride. 1 7 And the world passeth awaye, and the Iuste therof : but he that fulfilleth the wyl of God, abideth euer. D 1 8 Babes it is the last time, and as ye ha ue hearde that Antichrist shal come, euen . ,„, . , a. ^rvllicn SGniGtl now are there many Antichristes come al- to haue bene of redy : wherby we knowe that it is the laste Cftyme^he'y oc tyme. cupied a place in 1 9 d They went out from vs, but they were f in this Epistle not of vs : for if they had bene of vs, they which I now write J 'J vnto you. would douteles haue continued with vs. ' He that taketh But this cometh to passe, that it might appe- ^eth ette?.? the are, that they are not all of vs. natures in Christ, cr. r. . i // , , .1 . or hethatconfoun "The grace of 20 But ye haue an oyntement, that came deth orseparateth Sst.. h°ly from tom, that is " Holy, & ye haue knowe ^t thrice "Which is all ttonges. betwe thepersone Christ. Te? a. -a. a. -u ofthe SOne, & also 21 1 e haue not writ vnto you, because ye he that beleueth knowe not y trueth : but because ye knowe n.ot t0 .haue rem's- .-¦'. ici s10*" °i synnes by lt, and that no lye commeth of trueth. his oneiy sacrifice 22 Who is a Iyer, but he that denieth that ^S*^™^0 Iesus is f Christ ? The same is y Antichriste sias- Chap. III. THE FYRST EPISTLE that denyeth the Father and the Sonne. 23 Whosoeuer denieth the Sonne, the sa me " hath not the Father. "Then, the in 24 Let therfore abyde in you that same ^notThe wtoch ye haue heard from the hegynning. true God. If that which ye haue heard from the be- D ginning, shal remayne in you, ye also shal continewe in the Sonne, & to the Father. 25 And ttos is y promis that he hath pro mised vs, euen eternal life. 26 These thinges haue I writte vnto you, concerning them that deceaue you. 27 But the Anoynting wtoch ye receaued of him, dwelleth in you : and ye nede not that any man teache you : but as the same "Anointing teacheth you of all thinges, & "Which is in is true, and not lying, and as it taught you, l?™. m'm" euen so shal ye abyde in " him. "in Christe. e By this name 28 And now ** htle childre abyde in him, whole Churche' of that when he shal appeare, we may be bol- christe in general de and not be ashamed before him at his comming.29 If ye knowe that he is righteous, ye ha ue knowen that he which foloweth righ tuousnes, is borne of him. THE III. CHAPTER. The singuler loue of God toward vs : and how we agayne oght to loue one another. w » Eholde, what loue the Father hath she A wed on vs, which is, that we should be ¦ Being made the a called the sonnes of God : for this cause sonnes of God in . , , . , ., , _ -. Christ he sheweth the worlde knoweth you not, because lt what qualities we knoweth not torn. must haue to be discerned from ba 2 Dearly beloued, now are we the sonnes stards. _£ qq^ ^ yet -j. ^oth n_t appeare what we OF IOHN. 397 "That is Chri we shalbe : and we knowe that when " he "As the mem- shal appeare, we shalbe " lyke tom : for we bersandhead shal se him as he is. ke 'one per- 3 And euery man that hath thys hope in feet body, hym, pourgeth hym selfe, euen as he is pu re.4 Whosoeuer b committeth synne, trans- >> That is, in who gresseth also the Lawe, for synne is the ^""soThatiiVse." transgression ofthe Lawe. keth not to be san- Esa.b3.b. 5 And ye know that he is reueiled to * ta- c ' e ' 'pe ' ' j, ke away our synnes, and to tom is no sin ne. 6 As many as byde to tom sinne not : who soeuer stoneth, hath not sene hym, nether hath knowen him. 7 Litle children, let no man deceaue you : he that doeth ryghtuousnes, is rightuous, euen as he is ryghtuous. hh.8.f. 8 He that * committeth stone, is of the de "As appeared uyl: for the deuil stoneth sence the "begyn- by Adam. nyng. For thys purpose appeared the Son ne of God, to lowse the workes of the de uyl.9 Whosoeuer is borne of God, stoneth not "Which is the for his " sede remayneth in hym, nether ca oly Gost. j^ c sjnne; because he is borne of God. « He can not be 10 In ttos are the chyldren of God kno- $£$£™£ wen, and the children ofthe deuil : whoso- Spirit of God cor- , ,. , . . . . - rectett his euil and euer doeth not ryghtuousnes, is not of corrupt affections. "He deseed- God, nether he that " loueth not hys bro- eth from the ,, first table of ther. the comande- \ \ For thys is the tydinges, that ye heard secode. from the beginnyng, that * we should loue 7oA^l3._. one another. Gen'.i.b. 1 2 Not as * Cain wtoch was of the wycked C and slewe tos brother, and wherfore slewe he tom ? because hys owne wtbrkes were Chap. III. THE FYRST EPISTLE euyl, and his brothers good. 1 3 Maruayle not my brethren thogh the worlde hate you. 1 4 We knowe that we are translated from death vnto hfe, because we loue the bre thren : * he that loueth not his brother, abi- Chap. 2. b. deth to death. leu. 19. d 15 Whosoeuer hateth tos brother, is a ma- slear : and ye knowe that no manslear, hath eternal life abiding to him. 16 *Herbyhauewe perceaued loue, that he loh.lb.b. gaue his life for vs : therfore we oght also <_>*¦ 5- "• to geue our hues for the brethren. 17 *And whosoeuer hath ttos worldes Luk.3.c. good and seith tos brother haue neede & shutteth vp hys compassion from him, how dwelleth the loue of God to hym ? 1 8 My htle children, let vs not loue in wor d ii which is not the de nether to tonge only : but in d dede and in cause,wherforewe . ,, are the sonnes of trueth. God, but a moste i g por therby we knowe that we are of the trueth and shal before hym quiet our he arts. • Yf our conscie- 20 For if our e heart condemne vs, God is any^hFngbe'abi. greater then our heart, and knoweth all to condemne vs, thynges. iudgement of God 2 1 Beloued, if our heart condemne vs not, _e_rt-_™e.t__ ths then haue we trust to Godwarde. we ourseiues is a- 22 * And whatsoeuer we aske, we receaue ioh. ib.b. bie to con ene vs. _^ hym, because we kepe hys commande- l6-e- .ments, and do those thynges which are pie ^° ' 5-)j* asyng to hys syght. Ioh.6.c. 23 * Thys is then hys commandement, that 17,a- we beleue in the Name of hys Sonne Iesus Christe, and loue one another, as he gaue commandement. / / is _ 24 * For he that kepeth tos commandemets 15. j,. dwelleth OF IOHN. 398 dwelleth in tom, and he in him : and herby we knowe that he abydeth to vs, euen by the Sprite wtoch he gaue vs. THE IIII. CHAPTER. Difference of sprites, and how the Sprite of God may be knowen from the sprite of er- rour . Of the loue of God and of our neygh bours, A "V"E beloued, beleue not euery sprite, but -*- proue the sprites whether they are of God, or not, for many false Prophetes are gone out into the worlde. 2 Herby shal ye knowe the Sprite of God : Euery sprite that confesseth that Iesus a "Who being very Christe is come in the fleshe, is of God : F°ttS[okehv- 3 And euery sprite whych confesseth not p» him our fleshe. that Iesus Christe is come in the fleshe, is not of God : but this is that sprite of Anti christ, of whome ye haue heard, how that " He began to he should come : and euen "now alredy is he buylde 'be ¦ th jd mysterie of iniquitie. 4 Lytel chyldren, ye are of God, and haue ouercome them : for greater is he that is to "Satanthepri you, then " he that is in the world. ce of the won 5 They are of the worlde, & therfore spe ake they worldely things, and the worlde heareth them. Ioh. 8.f. 6 We are of God : * he that knoweth God, "With pure af " heareth vs : he that is not of God, heareth bed.ence!' ° vs not. Herby knowe we the Sprite of tru eth, and the sprite of errour. B 7 Beloued, let vs loue one another : for lo ue cometh of God. euery one that loueth is borne of God, and knoweth God. 8 He that loueth not, knoweth* not God : Chap. III. THE FYRST EPISTLE for God is loue. b Trueth it is, 9 * In * thys appeared the loue of God to Iohn3. b. ^ts'ilt ^sward, because thatGod sent hys only be- manyother things: gotten Sonne into the worlde, that we hut herin hath pas...,. .. . , . sed all other. might hue through him. 10 Herin is loue, not that we loued God, but that he loued vs, and sent his Sonne to make * agrement for our sinnes. "By his only 11 Beloued, if God so loued vs, we oght g3*- also to loue one another. lohn.l.b. 1 2 * No man hath sene God at any tyme. If \-tim.6.d. we loue one another, God dweUeth to vs, and his loue is perfect in vs. 1 3 Herby know we, that we dwel to hym, and he in vs : because he hath geuen vs of his Sprite. 14 And we haue sene, and do testifie, that the Father sent the Sonne, that he shulde be the Sauiour of the worlde. 15 Whosoeuer " confesseth that Iesus is "Sothathisco the Sonne of God, in him dwelleth God, & deth of faith. he in God. 1 6 And we haue knowen, and beleued the loue that God hath " in vs. God is loue, & "By inspiring he that dweUeth in loue, dweUeth to God, and God to him. 1 7 Herin is the loue perfect in vs, that we D should haue trust in the day of iudgemet : for as he is, euen so are we to thys worl de. 18 There is no * feare in loue, but per- "Such as trou feet loue casteth out feare, for feare hath science. paynfulnes. and he that feareth, is not per fect in loue. 1 9 We loue him, because he loued vs fir ste. 20 If a man say, I loue God, and yet ha te OF IOHN. 399 te his brother, he is a Iyer. For c how can he • For God presen that loueth not his brother whome he hath v? _nh_?em^hich sene, loue God whome he hath not sene ? beare his image. Ioh .13. d. 21 * And ttos commandement haue we of '' tom : that he which loueth God, should lo ue his brother also. THE V. CHAPTER. Of the fruits of faith : the office, autoritie, Sf diuinitie of Christe against images. A "\TVhosoeuer beleueth that Iesus is Chri bythefvertue ste, is " borne of God : and euery one of his Spirit, that loueth hym which begate, loueth hym also wtoch is begotten of tom. 2 In this we knowe that we loue the chU dren of God, when we loue God, and kepe his commandements. 3 For this is the loue of God that we kepe hys commandementes and his commande ments are not a greuous. « They are easie 4 For aU that is borne of God, ouerco- %£;,££& meth the worlde : and this is the victorie with his spirit. that ouercommeth the worlde, euen our fayth. l.Cor.ib.g. 5 *Who is it that ouercommeth the worl de : but he wtoch beleueth that Iesus is the Sonne of God ? B 6 Thys is that Iesus Christ that came by generation!:0" " water and bloud, not by water only, but "Our mynde by water and bloud. and it is the " sprite tteDhoiyGosyt. that beareth wytnes, that the Sprite is " "Which testi- trueth. harts that we 7 For there are thre which beare record Sen of God". in heauen, the Father, the Word, and the ho ly Gost : and these thre are one. 8 And there are thre which beare record Chap. V. THE FYRST EPISTLE in earth, the sprite, and water, and bloude : and these thre agre in one. 9 If we receaue the wytnes of men, the wytnes of God is greater : for ttos is the wit nes of God, which he testified of hys Son ne. 10 * He that beleueth in the Sonne of God, lohn.3.d. hath the wytnes to hym selfe, he that bele- ueth not God, hath made him a Iyer, becau se he beleued not the recorde that God ga ue of his Sonne. 1 1 And thys is that recorde, that God hath geuen vnto vs eternal lyfe, and this life is to tos Sonne. 12 He that hath the Sonne, hath life: and he that hath not the Sonne of God, hath not lyfe. 1 3 These thynges haue I written vnto you that beleue in the Name of the Sonne of God, that ye may knowe that ye haue eter nal lyfe, and that ye may beleue in the Na me of the Sonne of God. 14 And thys is the truste that we haue in tom : * that if we aske any thinge accordtog Mat. 7. a. to hys wU, he heareth vs. and 21. c. 15 And if we knowe that he heareth vs, chaP-s-d- whatsoeuer we aske, we knowe that we ha ue the petitions that we haue desired of hym. 1 6 If any man se hys brother synne a syn- b Althogh euery ne that is not vnto death, let hym aske, and synne be to death; i _ . _• -, __ p _, ,-. , . _ yet God through ne shal geue him lyfe for them that sume D his mercie pardon, not b vnto death. * Ther is a stone c vnto de MatA2.c. eth his, in his , T , , , , „ . Sonne Christe. ath, 1 say not that a man should pray for mal,' ," c As theirs is who -a. luk. 12. b. me God doth so forsake that they 1 7 AU vnrightuousnes is synne, but there fall into vtter dis- ¦ "" . _ __ paire is synne not vnto death. 18 We OF IOHN. 400 1 8 We knowe that whosoeuer is borne of God, d synneth not : but he that is begotten * Geueth not bun "Takethhede of God "kepeth him selfe, and that "wvc- S6lff !°°^T J" sm" that be nvnne , -. „ . . . J ne, that he forget- that he synne ked man " toucheth hym not. teth God. "That is Sa- 19 *we knowe that we are of God, and "with a mor- that the whole worlde e lyeth to wycked- • That is, ail men tal wounde. „„„ generally,as of ths uca. selues lye as it we- 20 But we knowe that the Sonne of God ¦"<" buryed in euyl. Luk.2i.g. yS * come, and hath geuen vs a mynde to knowe hym which is true : and we are to him that is true, that is, in his Sonne Iesus "Christe very Christe.This same is very"God, and eternal God. , _p J lyfe. 21 Babes kepe your selues from idoles. Amen. The seconde Epistle of Iohn. He wryteth vnto a certayne lady, reioyseth that her chyldren walke in the trueth, exhorteth them vnto loue, warneth them to beware of such deceauers as denye that Iesus Christ is come in the fleshe, prayeth them to continue in the doctri ne of Christ, Sf to haue nothyng to do with them that brynge not thyslearnyng . A inpHe elder to the " electe Ladye, and her loMe!'1'' chyldren, whome I loue in a the trueth : " According to godlynes and not 'Or, and not I only, but also aU that haue kno- with any worldly wen the trueth. affection. 2 For the truthes sake wtoch dweUeth to vs, and shalbe with vs for euer. 3 Grace be with you, mercy, and peace from God the Father, and from the Lord Iesus Christ the Sonne ofthe Father with Ee.i. Chap. I. THE SECONDE EPISTLE " We ?•""" not *"e- b trueth and loue. God except we ha- 4 I reioysed greatly, that I founde of thy B ge 'of8 him6 of tte ehyldren walkyng in trueth, as we haue which knollage lo- receaued a commandement of the Fa ne procedett. *-T.pr 5 And now beseche I thee Lady, not as writing a newe commandement vnto thee : but that same which we had from the be gynnyng, that we shoulde* loue one ano- loh.lb.b. ther. 6 And ttos is the loue, that we should wal ke after his " commandement. This comma >• or doctrine dement is, that as ye haue heard from the begynnyng ye should walke to it. 7 For many deceauers are entred into the C worlde, which confesse not that Iesus Chri ste is come in the fleshe. Hethat is such one is a deceauer and an Antichrist. 8 Loke to your selues, that we " lose not " By suffring that we haue wroght : but that we may re- be seduced. ° ceaue a full reward. = He that passeth 9 Whosoeuer c transgresseth and bydeth doct'rmef8 °f PUre not in the doctrine of Christ, hath not God. He that continueth in the doctrine of Christe, hath both the Father and the Son- /j ne. 10 If there come any vnto you, and bryng not ttos learnyng, * receaue him not to hou Rom. 16. c. >i Haue nothing se, nether byd him, d God spede. tter0lewheim_l_A U For he that byddeth hym God spede, any signe of fami- is partaker of his emi dedes : Althogh I tance'e0racqualn had many thinges to write vnto you, yet I would not wryte with paper and yncke : but I truste to come vnto you, and speake with you mouth to mouth, that our ioye may be full. 12 The sonnes of thy " electe syster, gre- " Or, worthy. te OF IOHN. 401 te thee. Amen. The thyrd Epistle of Iohn. He is glad of Gaius that he walketh in the trueth : exhorteth them to be louyng vnto the poo re Christen in their persecution, sheweth the vn- kynde dealyng of Diotrephes, and the goodrepor- te of Demetrius. A T^He Elder vnto the beloued Gaius, who -*- 1 loue in the trueth. 2 Beloued, I wyshe chiefely that thou prosperedst and faredst wel, euen as thy soule prospereth. 3 For I reioyced greatly when the bre thren came, and testified of the trueth that is in thee, how thou walkest in the tru eth. B 4 I haue no greater ioye then this, that is, to heare that my sonnes walke in a veri- » That is in god t^n ly conuersation, as *-"*¦ they which haue 5 Beloued, thou doest faythfuUy whatso- both the knoiiedge "Bykepingho euer thou doest to the brethren, and to" spitalitie. strangers. 6 Which bare witnes of thy loue before all the Churche. Which brethren if thou bryngest forwardes of their iourney as it b b Yf thou foumi besemeth God, thou shalt do wel. _____£_mt_'i!_r3_ 7 Because that for his Names sake they 'h_ei_ iomey, kno- went forth, and toke nothyng of the Gen- sayeth, He that re- 4-:ip_ ceaueth you recea mes- ueth me. C 8 We therefore oght to receaue suche, that we myght be helpers to the t^rueth. 9 I wrote vnto the Churche : but Diotre- Ee.ii. Chap. I. THE THIRDE EPISTLE phes, which loueth to haue the preeminen ce among them, receaueth vs not. 10 Wherefore if I come, I wyl declare his dedes whych he doeth, prattehng against vs with mahcious wordes, and as one also not therwith content, nether he hym selfe receaueth the brethren, but forbiddeth the that woulde, and thrusteth them out of the Churche. 1 1 Beloued, foiowe not that wtoch is euil, but that which is good : he that doeth wel is of God : but he that doeth euU hath not " "Or, knowen. sene God. 1 2 Demetrius hath good report of aU me, and of the trueth it selfe : yea, & we our sel ues also beare recorde, and ye knowe that our recorde is true. 131 haue many thynges to wryte : but I wU not with yncke and pen wryte vnto thee. 14 For I trust I shal shortly se thee, and we shal speake mouth to mouth. Peace be to thee. The friends salute thee. Grete the friendes by name. THE 402 THE ARGVMENT OF THE Epistle of Iude. ; a i n t Iude admonisheth all Churches generally to take heed of deceauers which go about to dra- 3(' we away the harts of the simple ™ people from the trueth of God. who he setteth forth in their lyueiy coulours shewing by diuers examples of the Scriptures what hor rible vengeance is prepared for them.fynally he comforteth the faithful and exhorteth them to perseuere in the doctrine of the Apostles of Iesus Christ. THE GENE- RAL EPISTLE of Iude. v d e the ser uant of Iesus Cnrist, & bro ther of lames, to the which are caUed and sanctified a of • The faithful are OnH fhfl Fa sa"ctified of God t_rOQ tne V a- the Father in tte ther, & " re- Sonne, by the holy serued to Iesus Gost. Christ : 2 Mercy vnto you, and peace and loue be multiplied. Ee.iii. Chap. I. THE EPISTLE 3 Beloued, when I gaue aU dihgence to wryte vnto you of the common saiuation it was nedeful for me to wryte vnto you to - Against the as- exhorte you, that ye should earnestly b co- here„_es.atanand tende for the maintenance of the fayth which was " once geuen vnto the Sain- "Thatyeshui . de kepe it for Cles. euer. 4 For there are certayne men craftely cre- • He confirmeth pte in which were before euen of olde c or the'conlemtSof deyned to this condemnation, wicked men religion and Apo- they are which tome the grace of our God stats, shewing that ° , _ , r-\ . , , suche men trouble vnto wantonnes, and denye Grod the only 2.Pet.2.a. aiudtmures,^ Maister, and our Lord Iesus Christ. are appointed ther 5 My mynde is therfore to put you in re- vnto by the deter- „ _¦ _ i minat counsel of membrance, forasmuche as ye once kno- God- we ttos, how that the Lord, after that he had dehuered the people out of Egypte •> Their incredu- * destroyed them afterwarde wtoch d bele- Nom. 14. c. lilie was the fon- j . teyn of all their uea not- euil g pile * Angels also which kept not their 2. Pet.2.a. fyrst estate, but lefte their owne habitati- B on : he hath reserued to euerlastyng chay nes vnder darcknes vnto the "iudgement "Then shalbe r __. _ a. a their extreme of that great daye. punishment. 7 Euen as * Sodome and Gomorrhe, and Gen.l9.c. the cities about them which in lyke maner defyled them selues with fornication, and folowed strange fleshe are set forth for an ensample, and suffre the vengeance of e- ternal fyre. 8 Lyke wyse notwithstanding, these drea mers also defyle the fleshe, despice gouer- thltttis'examiSe nement, and speake euil of them that are to C waswrit in some of autoritie. s"cript,0?ekwh°cTae 9 Yet6 Michael the Archangel, when he re now lost. Nom. stroue agaynst the deuyl, and disputed a- chro. 9, &c. ' ' bout y body of Moses, durst not blame him with OF IVDE. 403 Zacha.3.a. withcursed speaking, but sayth,*The Lord rebuke thee. 10 But these speake euyl of those thinges ft they knowe not : and what ttonges they know naturaUy as beastes, which are with out reason, in those thinges they corrupt them selues. 1 1 Wo be vnto them for they haue folo wed the way of Cain, and are cast of vnto the deceite of the rewarde wher with Ba laam was deceaued, and perishe to the tre ason of Core. D 1 2 These are spottes f to your brotherly fe ' These were ge- asts of charitie whe they feast ft you, with ^foittlTk^pt "Ether of out " aU feare, fedynge them selues, clou- P,ar.tel¦, t0 P*:otes' God.orofhis , „ ... •* ° . , ' their brotherly churche. des they are without water, caried about loue, & parteiy to of wyndes, corrupt trees, and without fru- Tertuii'taApoio- te, twyse dead, and pluked vp by the ro- get. chap. 39. tes. 13 They are the ragynge waues of the sea, fomynge out their owne shame : they are wir thing starres, to whome is reserued the blacknes of darkenes for euer. 14 Enoch the seuenth from Ada, prophe- ReuelA.b. cied of such saying, * ** Beholde, the Lord B This saing of cometh with thousandes of his Sainctes, theworttines th" 15 To geue iudgement against ah men, & f0^"eaZ_l to rebuke aU that are vngodly among the amongs men of ail of aU their dedes, which they haue vngod KwriteninTo6. ly committed, and of aU their cruell spea- j3"" of, .th,ose boo- , , . , . - , , ._ kes which now re- kynges, which wicked svnners haue spoke maine not: yet by agatost tom. tli_T_\Z^l E 1 6 These are murmurers, complayners, left as are able to Psal. 16. 6. waikyng after their owne lustes, * who- „_thUC of "iesus se mouthes speake proude thinges, hauing c h™™0 saluati0- men to great reuerence because of a van tage. Ee.iiii. Chap. I, THE EPISTLE 1 7 But ye beloued, remember the wordes wtoch were spoken before of the Apostles of our Lord Iesus Christ, 1 8 How that they tolde you that there should be mockers * to the last time, which i. Tim.i.a. shuld walke after their owne vngodly 2.tim.3.a. lustes. y2.pet.3.a. 1 9 These are makers of sectes, fleshly, ha uyng * not the Sprite. "Of regenera 20 But ye derely beloued, edifie your sei- tion- ues in your most holy faith, praying in the holy Gost. 21 And kepe your selues in the loue of God, loking for the mercy of our Lord Ie sus Christ, vnto eternal hfe. 22 And haue compassion of some, "input- p ting difference. "Some may h By sharpe re- 23 And other saue with h feare, pulling gLuen."'' ttem outof dager6 them out of the fyre, and hate euen the fyl °l'hers by • He willeth not thy ' vesture of the flesshe. -Su, 'but1 to take 24 Vnto hym that is able to kepe you, y away ail occasions ye faU not, and to present you fautlesse be which are as prepa - - r_ , . J . ... . ratiues, andacces- fore the presence ot his glorie with ioye, series to the same. 35 That is to say, to God only wise, our Sa uiour, be glorie, maiestie, and dominion, & power, both now and for euer. Amen. THE 404 THE ARGVMENT OF THE R E- uelation of Iohn. T is manifest, that the holy Gost ' wolde as it were gather into this moste excellet booke, a sume of tho- 1 propheties, which were written before, but shulde be fulfilled after the camming of Christ adding also suche things as shulde be expedient, as wel to forwarne vs of the dagers to come, as to admonishe vs to bewa re some, and encourage vs against others : he rein therfore is lyueiy set forth the Diuini- tie of Christ, and the testimonies of our redem ption . what things the Spirit of God alloweth in the ministers, and what things he reproueth. The prouidence of God for his elect, and of their glorie and consolation in the day of vengeance. how that the hypocrites which stinge like scor pions the members of Christ shalbe destroyed. but the Lambe Christ shal defende them, which beare witnes to the trueth, who in despite of the beast and Satan wil raigne ouer alt. The lyue iy description of Antichrist is set forth, whose tyme and power notwithstading is limited . and albeit that he is permitted to rage against the elect , yet his power stretcheth no farther then to the hurt of their bodyes. and at length he shal be destroyed by the wrath of God, where as the elect shal gyue praises to God for the victorie. neuerthelesse for a ceason God wil permit this Antichriste, and strompet vnder coulour of fai re speache and pleasant doctrine to deceaue the worlde . wherfore he aduertiseth the Godly (which are but a smaie portion) to auoyde this harlotts flateries, and bragges, whose ruine without mercy they shal se, and with the hea uenly compagnies sing continual praises : for the Lambe is maryed, the worde of God hath gotton the victorie, Satan that a long tyme was vntyed is now cast with his ministers into the pit of fy re to be tormented for euer, wher as contrary- wise the faithful (which are the holy Citie of Ierusalem, and wife of the Lambe) shal en ioye perpetual glorie. Read diligently, iudge so berly, and call earnestly to God for the true vn derstanding herof. The 405 THE REVE- LATION OF IOHN the Diuine. THE FYRST CHAPTER. The maiestie and office of the Sonne of God, he writeth to the seuen Churches, the visib of the candelstickes and starres conteyning the autor of this reuelation, and to what ende it is write. Iohn beaten down and raysed vp agayne. A " Of things which were hid before. HE aREUE- * Christ recea- , . p ued this reuelatio lation Ot IESVS Outof his fathers christ, which bosom.e as -J"*: ' owne doctnne.but God gaue vnto it was hid in re- „,„_ p a„ spect of vs so that hym, tor to christ ^ Lord shew vnto his ?nd G°& reueiled . . lt to Iohn his ser- SeruanteS thin- uant by the mini- ?o-pk which mn<5tp stcrie of his An' f ges wmcn muste geitothe ediiica. shortelybe done: tion of his Chur ? and he sent, and shewed by his Angel vnto his seruant Iohn, 2 Who bare recorde of the worde of God, and of the testimonie *bf iesus Chap. I. THE REVELATION Christ, and of aU thinges that he sawe. 3 Happy is he that readeth, and happy are they that heare the worde of this prophe- tie, and kepe those thtoges wtoch are writ ten therin : for the tyme is " at hande. "it began eue 4 Iohn, to the seue Churches which are in l en* Asia, Grace be to you and peace, from tom wliich * Is, and which Was; & Wtoch is to Exo.3.e. ¦• These seus Spi come, and from the b seuen Spirites which Psal-S9-f- b5oTeere_od "tte8 are before his Throne, Fatter sr. Christ, 5 And from Iesus Christ, which zs a* faith l. Cor. lb. c. calleth the homes ful witnes, and * fyrst begotten of the de- ^P1 thou amende. de that wiues shui. 6 But this thouhast, that thou hatest the J e0Cmm™n_ac_e dedes of the c Nicolaitans, which dedes I werenamedofone als0 hate. whome is writ 7 Let him that hath an eare, heare, what cho's'e6'amhoing th. the Spirite sayeth vnto the Churches, To Deacons. him that ouercometh, wU I geue to eate of the OF IOHN. 407 Gen.2. b. the * tree of " lyfe which is in the myddes "Eueriasting. _f ^ Paradise of God 8 And vnto the Angel of the Churche of the Smyrnians write, These thinges sayeth he that is fyrst, and last, Which was dead "iesusChriste and is "a hue. to iyfeagayne 9 I know thy workes and tribulation, and c pouertie (but thou art riche) and / knowe the blasphemie of them, which call them "They are selues lewes and "are not : but are the Syna not Abraha- p.OCPp nf SataT1 mes children S°6e OI DaIan- according to 10 Feare none of those thiges, which thou shalt suffre : beholde it shal come to passe, that the detol shal cast some of you toto prison, that ye may be tryed, and ye shal haue tribulatiS ten dayes, be faithful vnto the death, and I wil geue thee the croune of life. 1 1 Let him y hath an eare, heare what the Sprite sayth to y Churches. He y ouerco- " Which is meth, shal not be hurt of the"secod death. eueriasting^ ,3 And tQ the Angel of the Churche at Pergam' write, This sayeth he wtoch hath the sharpe sword with two edges. 13 1 knowe thy workes and where thou dweUest, euen where Satans throne is, and thou kepest my Name, & hast not denyed my faythe, d eue to those dayes whe Anti- •• in the very pas my faithful martyr was slayne among ^.ghteToftte you, where Satan dweUeth. Martyrs they con- 14 But I haue a fewe ttonges against thee, faith.and therfore because thou hast there them that mayn- are ™mmended. Nom. 24. e. tayne the doctrine of * Balaa, which taught 25-a" Bake, to put occasion of synne before the chUdren of Israel, that they should eat of l.Cor.lo. meate * dedicate vnto idoles, and commit fornication. • 15 Euen so hast thou them, that matotay- Chap, II. THE REVELATION ne the doctrine of the Nicolaitans, wtoch thing I hate. 1 6 But be conuerted, or eUes I wyl come E vnto thee shortely, and wyl fyght against them with the sworde of my mouth. 1 7 Let him that hath an eare, heare what the Sprite sayeth vnto the Churches, To tom that ouercometh wU I geue to eate * Manna that is " hid, and wU geue tom a Psal. 105. d. - Suche a stone e white stone, & in the stone a newe name ??*_,6- *_• was wont to he rre ... , . , -, ,1 i' And not co ue to this that had written : which no man knoweth sauing he mon to all. gott. any victorie that receaueth it. of honour, &___£ 18 And vnto the Angel of the Churche here a token'of of the Thyatirians write, Ttos sayeth the Gods fauour and Sonne of God, which hath tos eyes lyke vn to a flamme of fyre, and hys fete are lyke " fyne brasse : " or, alcumi- 19 1 knowe thy workes and thy charitie, ne" and " seruice, and faith, and thy pacience, " To heipe and thy dedes, which are mo at the last, pe alncts- then at the firste. 20 Notwithstanding, I haue a fewe tton ges against thee, that thou sufferest that woman *Iezabel, which calleth her selfe a l._fj'_.16._<. Prophetisse, to teache, and to deceaue my ' They that con- seruantes, to make them f commit fornica- fais'edocttoe^com tion, & to eat meates offered vp vnto ido- mit spiritual who- Jes. 21 And I gaue her space to repent of her fornication, and she repented not. 22 Behold I wU cast her into a bed, and them that commit fornication with her, in to great afflictid, except they tourne from "Them that their dedes. wayes. 23 And I wiU kyl her " chUdren with de- 1**"™*.1c6"6* ath : and aU the Churches shal know that I i_re.i i . d. am he which * searche the reynes & hearts : §¦ 1 7.6. and OF IOHN. 408 and I wU geue vnto euery one of you ac cording vnto tos workes. G 24 And vnto you I say, the rest of them of Thyatira, As many as haue not this lear ning nether haue knowen the g depnes- e Thefaise tea- oUe_abT5 ses of Satan (as"they terme them) I wU put £_„_,__"_. ____ vpon you none other burthen, ?ame' *" *ogh 25 But that which ye haue aU ready, hoi- most depe knoiie- de fast til T romp dSe of beauenly ue IdST, TU 1 come. things, & was inde 26 For whosoeuer ouercometh and ke- «•>. draws out of Psal.2.c. peth my workes vnto y ende, * to him wil of\e„?by°__c_e I geue power ouer nations, jj™" .n°w *e 27 And he shal rule them with a rodde bertmes, Papists, of yron : and as the vessels of a potter, shal too.__t.S_e' their they be broken to sheuers. mostrous errors 28 Euen as I receaued of my Father, so wU *n I geue him the morning starre. 29 Let him that hath an eare, heare what the Sprite saith to the Churches. THE III. CHAPTER. He exhorteth the Churches or ministers to the true profession of faith, and to watching . A A Nd write vnto the Angel of the Chur -^*-che of Sardi, These things sayeth he that hathe the seuen Sprites of God, and y seuen starres, I know thy workes, which is, that thou hast a name that thou a lyuest, • The minister ly but thou art dead. S_S "_S__"i__3 2 Be awake and strengthen the ttonges fruits, els he is de- wtoch remaine, that are redy to dye : for I haue not foude thy workes perfect before God. 3 Remember therfore, what things thou l.thfs'.b.a. hast receaued and heard, & hold fa^t ther 2.pet.3.c fore, and repet. * If thou shalt not watche, Ff.i. Chap. III. THE REVELATION I wil come on thee as a thefe, & thou shalt not knowe what houre I wU come vpon thee.4 Notwithstanding thou hast a fewe"na- "or.persones, in Elhe^'|,"'c0se", mes in Sardi, which haue not b defiled the- or eis polluting ir garmentes : and therfore they shal wal- wjthany0euiienCe ^e ^h me m white, for they are worthy. 5 He that ouercometh shalbe clothed in white araye, and I wU not put out tos na me out of the * boke of hfe, but I wU con- Chap.20.d. fesse his name before mv Father, and befo 2\:?.' . J ' phihp. 4. a. re his Angels. B 6 Let hym that hath an eare, heare, what the Spirite sayeth vnto the Churches. 7 And write vnto the Angel of the Chur che of Ptoladelphia, These things sayeth he that is Holy and True, which hath the eth™?1 Schrfst * ° keye of Dauid, wtoch openeth & no ma Esa.22.f. hath all the power shutteth, shutteth and no man openeth, «'<* 22.d. Daeuid';ewhhi'che °sf 8 I knowe thy workes : beholde, I haue set the churche, so before thee an open " dore, and no man can ",To *•*¦»«•"» that he may ether ..._,_. r . ,.' , _. _ the kyngdo- receaueorputout shut lt, for thou hast a htel strength and me of God. whome he wii. ^ast \^rf_ my saytoges, and hast not deni ed my Name. 9 Behold, I wU make them of the synago ge of Satan, to wit, of them which caU the selues lewes and are not, but do lye, be- in'thriighuo hi hold, I say I wil make them, that they shal bicthemseiues,& come and d worship before thy fete, and uou^toGodJ&to shal knowe that I haue loued thee. his sone christe. jq Because thou hast kept the wordes of e Let no ma pluc . r ke the away which my pacience, therfore 1 wil dehuer thee Go°d ."for thenar0 fro the tyme of tentation, ft wU come vpo thy croune As s. aU the worlde, to trie them that dwel vpo Paul wnteth saig, , , x BrethrSyearemy the earth. Ph5ip.f_.LT_e.'. U Behold I come shortly : holde y wtoch 2d. thou hast, that no man take thy e croune. 12 Hym OF IOHN. 409 C 12 Hym that ouercommeth, wyl I make a pyUar in the temple of my God, & he shal go no more out : and I wyl wryte vpon him the Name of my God, and the name of the citie of my God, which is y newe lerusale, wtoch commeth doune out of heaue from my God, & / wil write vpon him my newe Name. 13 Let him that hath an eare, heare what the Sprite sayeth vnto the Churches : 14 And vnto the Angel of the Churche ft is to Laodicea, wryte, These thinges sayeth "That isTru- " Ame, the faithful and true wytnes, the he gynning of the creatures of God. 15 1 knowe thy workes, that thou art ne ther could nor hotte : I woulde thou werest colde or hotte. D 16 Therfore, because thou art betwene bothe, and nother colde nor hotte, it wU come to passe, that I shal spewe thee out of my mouthe, '"Persuading 17 Forthou sayest.I am "richeandincrea- that se which sed with goodes, & haue nede of nothing, thou hast not. and knowest not how thou art wretched & miserable, and poore, and blynde, and na ked. 18 1 counsel thee to bye of me golde tried in the fyre, that thou mayest be made ri che : and whyte rayment, that thou mayest be clothed, & that thy filthy nakednes do not appeare : and anoynt thyne eyes with eye salue, that thou mayest se. Prou 3b. 1 9 As many as I loue, I * rebuke and cha- «$£££ To_ heb.i2.b. sten : be f feruent therfore and amende, then indifferencie _a* -,-, , , -, T . , , . I, and coldenes in re 20 JtSehold 1 stand at the dore, and knoc- iigion, & therfore ke. If any man heare my voyce and«_pen y ^j^^ dore, I wil come in vnto tom, & wil suppe lous and feruent. Ff.ii. Chap. IIII. THE REVELATION with him, and he with me. 21 To tom that ouercometh, wU I grante to sit with me to my "throne, euen as I ouer "in my seate came, & sitte ft my Father in his throne. roya11' 22 Let tom that hath an eare, heare what the Sprite sayeth vnto the Churches. THE IIII. CHAPTER. He seeth the heauen open, and the seate, and one sitting vpon it, and 24. seates about it with 24. elders sitting upon them, and four beastes praising God day and night. A1 Fter this I loked, and beholde a dore A ^-was open to heauen, & the fyrst voyce wtoch I hearde, as it were of a tropet tal- kyng with me, sayd, Come vp hyther, and I wil shewe thee thtoges wtoch muste be done hereafter. 2 And immediately I was raueshed in the sprite: and beholde a throne was set in he auen, and one sate in the throne. "He describeth 3 And1 a he that sate, was to loke vpon, ly- The Throne. the Diuine and m- - . - -,. . coprehensibie ver- ke vnto a iasper stone, and a sardine stone : tue of God. & there was a rayne bowe about the thro ne, in sight lyke to an emeraude. 4 And about the seate were foure & tw- j_ enty seates : & vpon the seates I sawe foure and twenty Elders sitting, clothed in white rayment, and had on their heades crounes of golde. 5 And out of the throne proceded light- ninges, and thundringes, and voyces, & seuen lampes of fire, burning before the throne, wtoch are the seuen sprites of God. 6 And OF IOHN. 410 Aseaof gias- 6 And before the throne there was a sea C of glasse lyke vnto a cristal : and in the middes of the throne, and rounde about the throne were foure beastes full of eyes before and behynde. 7 And the fyrst beaste was like a hon, & the secode beaste lyke a calfe, & the thyr de beaste had a face as a man : & the fourth beast was lyke a flying egle. Esai.e.b. 8 And the foure beastes had eche one of them sixe wynges about him, and they we re full of eyes wythin : and they ceased not day nor nyght saying, * Holy, holy, holy Lord God, almighty, which Was, and Is, and Is to come. D 9 And when those beastes gaue glorie, & honour, and thankes to hym that sate on the throne, which lyueth for euer and euer : 10 The four and twety Elders feU doune before him, y sate on the throne, and wor shipped tom that hueth for euer, and cast their crounes before the throne saying, Chap.b.d. H Thou art* worthy 6 Lord to receaue glorie and honour, & power, for thou hast created aU thinges, and for thy wyUes sa ke they are, and haue bene created. THE V. CHAPTER. He seeth the Labe openyng the boke, and ther fore the foure beastes, the 24. Elders, and the An gels prayse the Lambe, and do him worship. A A Nd I sawe to the right hande of him Eze.2.d. that sate in the throne, a Booke wryt ten wythin and on the backsyde, sealed wyth seuen seales. Ff.iii. Chap. V. THE REVELATION 2 And I sawe a stroge Angel which pre ached with a lowde voyce, Who is wor thy to open the Boke, and to lose the sea- les therof? 3 And no man in heauen, nor to earth, ne ther vnder the earth, was able to open the Boke, nether to loke theron. 4 Then I wept muche, because no ma was found worthy to open, and to reade the Boke, nether to loke theron. 5 And one of the Elders sayd vnto me, j_ Wepe not, Beholde the hon of the tri be of Iuda, the rote of Dauid, hath obtay ned to open the Boke, and to lose the seue seales therof. 6 Then I behelde, and lo, to the middes ofthe throne, and of the foure beastes, & • This vision co- in the middes of the Elders, stode a a Lam ofl^Lo'rd'ies'u0, he as thogh he had bene kiUed, wtoch had which isthe Lam- seuen homes, and seuen eyes, which are y keth away the syn sprites of God, sent into aU the world. ofthe world. 7 He came; and toke the Bo]-e -ut -f the right hande of hirny sate vpo the throne. 8 And when he had taken the Boke, the C foure beastes and four and twenty Elders feU doune before the Lambe, hauing eue ry one harpes and golden viaUes fuU of <, This deciareth odoures, ft are the b prayers of Sainctes, «h°eW'!Sffier_r0ef 9 And they song anew songe saying, Thou agreable vnto art worthy to take the Boke, and to open a. ' " the seales therof : because thou wast kU- and nations, nations. 10 And hast made vs vnto our God, * Kin i.Pet.2.b. ges and Priestes, and we shal raigne on the earth. 11 The OF IOHN. 4H D 1 1, Then I behelde, and I heard the voyce of many Angels about the throne, and about the beastes and the Elders, and the Dani. 7. c nober of the was * thousand thousandes, 1 2 Saying with a loude voyce, Worthy is ChapA.d. the * Lambe that was tolled to receaue power, and ryches, and wisdome, and strength, and honour, and glorie, and bles sing. 1 3 And aU the creatures which are to hea ue, and on the earth, and vnder the earth, and in the sea, and aU that are to them, he ard I saying, Blessing, & honour, and glo rie, and power be vnto him, y sitteth vpon y throne, and vnto the Labe for euermore. 1 4 And the foure beastessayd,Amen:and the foure and twenty Elders, fell vpon their faces, and worshipped tom that li- ueth for euermore. THE VI. CHAPTER. The Lambe openeth the sixe seales, and many thinges folow the opening therof. A A Fter, I behelde whe the Lambe opened -^*-one of the seales, & I heard one of the foure beastes say, as it were the noyse of thonder, Come and se : a white hor- 2 Therfore I behelde, and se there was a whyte horse, and he that sate on tom, had a bowe and a croune was geuen vnto him, & he went forth conquering, and for to ouer come.3 And when he opened the second seale, I heard the second beast say, Come and se. a red horse. 4 And there went out another horse that was red, & power was geuen to hjm that sate theron, to take peace from the earth Ff.iiii. ue. Chap. VI. THE REVELATION and that they shuld kUl one another : and there was geuen vnto him a great sword. 5 And whe he opened the third seale, I he JJ ard the third beast say, Come & se, then I beheld, and lo, a black hors, & he y sate on him, had a payre of balaces in tos hand. 6 And I heard a voyce in the middes of y ¦ The greke wor- foure beastes say, Aa measure of whete for rneasure whichwai a " peny, & thre measures of barly for a pe- "Which ams- ordinareiy geue to ny : and oyle, and wvne se thou hurt not. i_dn_5?"lfT seruants for their „¦'.,,•', J . , , , . le pe"*ce ha'- portion or stint of 7 And when he opened the fourth seale, te peny. meate. j heard the voyce of the fourth beaste say, Come and se : 8 And I loked, and beholde a pale hor se, and his name that sate on tom was De ath, and" HeU folowed after him, and pow "or, the gra er was geuen vnto them ouer the fourth parte of the earthe, to kyU with sworde, & with honger, and with death, and with the beastes of the earth. 9 And when he opened the fyfte seale, I sawe vnder the aultre, the soules of them, that were kyUed for the worde of God, & for y testimonie which they maynteyned. 10 And they cried ft a lowde voyce, say ing, How loge tariest thou Lord, holy and trewe, to iudge and to auenge our bloude on them that dweU on the earth ? 1 1 And loge whyte garme.es were geuen vnto euery one of the, & it was sayd vnto them, that they shuld rest for a litel sea son vntil the nomber of their felowes, and brethren and of them that should be kyl- b He describeth led as they were, were fulfyUed. mtag _? the6 IZ. 1 2 And I behelde whe he opened y syxt se of God, which shal ale, & lo, there was a great b earth quake, & aduer.arie. u y s*ine was as blacke as sacke clothe made of OF IOHN. 412 of heare, & y mone waxed eue as bloude : 1 3 And the starres of heaue feU vnto the earthe, euen as a figge tree casteth her fig- ges when she is shaken of a mighty wyn de. •shrinked or 14 And heauen " departed away, as a scro ke?we a°" le when it is roUed togyther : and aU mou taynes and yles were moued out of their places. 15 And the kynges of the earth, and the great men, and the riche me, and the chie fe captaines, & the mighty men, and euery boundma, and euery free man, hyd the sei ues to dennes, and in rockes of the hyUes : 16 And sayd to the hyUes and rockes, Esa. 2.d. * FaU on vs, and hide vs from the presence luk. 23. d °^ him that sitteth on the throne, and fro the wrath of the Lambe. 17 For the great day of his wrath is come, and who can endure it ? THE VII. CHAPTER. He seeth the seruantes of God sealed in their forheades out of all nations and people, which thoghe they suffre trouble, yet the Lambe fedeth them, ledeth them to the fountaines of lyuing water, and God shal wype away all teares from their eyes. A Nd after that, I sawe four Angels ¦' *-on the four corners of the earthe :1s stad earthe, hoi ding the four wyndes of the earth, that the wyndes shoulde not blowe on f earth, nether on the sea, nether on any tre. 2 And I saw another Angel ascende from the rising of the sunne, which had the sea le of the lyuing God, and he cryed with Chap. VII. THE REVELATION a loude voyce to the foure Angels to who power was geuen to hurt the earth, & the ¦ Godpreueteth sea, saying, a Hurt ye not the earth nether whic^otterwis. f sea' nether y trees, til we haue sealed y woideouerwheime seruantes of our God in their foreheades, the elect. 4 And j he&rde the nombre of them, w B "• Which bare the were b sealed, & there were sealed c an hun- ofGo_!n mar ° *h*ed and foure and fourty thousaude of berT)fette1tnom a^ the tru,es ofthe chUdren of Israel. which go before vs 5 Of the tribe of Iuda were sealed twel- to saiuation. ue thousande. Of the tribe of Ruben we re sealed twelue thousande. Of the tribe of Gad were sealed twelue thousande. 6 Of the tribe of Aser, were sealed twel ue thousande. Of the tribe of Nephthali were sealed twelue thousande. Of the tri be of Manasses were sealed twelue thous ande.7 Of the tribe of Simeo were sealed twel ue thousande. Of the tribe of "Leui were "He omitteth sealed twelue thousande. Of the tribe of Dan- Issachar were sealed twelue thousande. Of the tribe of Zabulon, were sealed twelue thousande. 8 Of f tribe of " loseph were sealed twel "That is, the ue thousande. Of the tribe of Beniamin, Sta,°f^i__ were sealed twelue thousande. was ' iosephs 9 After this I behelde, and lo, a great mul sonne" titude, which no ma coulde nomber of aU c nations and people, and tounges, stode be fore the throne, and before the Lambe, clo- •" in signe of pu- thed with longe d white garmetes, & e pal- '"•"_ toke of vi- mes in they* handes. ctorie. 10 And they cried with a lowde voyce, saying, Saiuation commeth of our God, that sytteth vpon the throne, and of the Labe. 1 1 And aU the Angels stode in the copas se of the throne and of the Elders, and OF IOHN. 413 of the foure beastes, and fell before the throne on their faces, and worshypped God. 1 2 Saying, Amen : blessyng and glorie, wy sedome, and thankes, and honour, and po wer, and might, be vnto our God for euer more. Amen. 1 3 And one of the Elders spake, saying vn to me, What are these which are arayed in longe whyte garmentes, and whence came they? D 14 And I sayd vnto hym, Lord, thou wo- test. And he sayd to me, These are they which came out of great tribulation, and wasshed theyr garmentes & made them white in f the bloude of the Lambe. ' Therisnopuri. 15 Therefore are they to the presece ofthe ^ ttetioud^of throne of God, ad serue hym day & *" night Christ oneiy. in his temple, and he that sytteth in the nuaiiy,aDfor eis in throne wyl dweU amonge them. J*™"™ ther is no __sui'.i_.c. 16 * They shal hunger no more, nether thyrst, nether shal the sunne lyght on the, nether any heate. '_u° owe?"1,0, 17 Forthe "Lambe which is in the myddes geuen. of the throne shal fede them, and shal fede them, and shal leade them vnto the lyueli Esai.2b.o. fountaynes of waters, and * God shal wype cAap.2l.o. awaye gjj teares from theyr eyes. THE VIII. CHAPTER. The seuenth seale is opened, there is silence in heauen, the foure Angels blowe their trompet- tes, and great plages folow vpon the earth. A A Nd whe he had opened y seueth seal th- "as ministr- -^*-er was silece in heaue about y space of ing spintes. ha]f ^ hour & x saw y- seue Angels stading Chap. VIII. THE REVELATION before God, and to them were geuen seuen trompettes. » This Angel is ie 3 Then another a Angel came and stode be sos Christ who of- p ., ,. , ° ,. 0 ferethvp the pra- tore the aultre hauyng a golden senser, & whTeh are fn earuf muche odours was geuen vnto him, that he to God his Father, should " ofire with the prayers of aU Sain- "The praiers tes vpon the golden aulter, wtoch is befo- ° re the throne. 4 And the smoke of the odours wtoch ca me of the prayers of aU Saintes, ascended vp before God, out of the Angels hand. 5 And the Angel toke the senser, and fyl- B '• He meaneth by ie_ it with b fyre of the aulter, and cast it God wherby we a- into the earth, andc voyces were made, and I_Se__.6__ thondrynges, and lightntoges, and erth- c When this gra- quake. ce is declared, mer a. a j _i a i i-ii__i ueious rebellions ° And the seuen Angels which had the se arise against it by uen trompets, prepared them selues to bio reason of the wic- r r r ked. we. 7 The fyrst Angel then blewe, and there was made hayle and fyre, which were myn gied with bloude, and they were cast toto the earth, and the thyrde parte of trees was burnt, and aU grene grasse was burnt. 8 And the seconde Angel blew : and as it were a great mountayne, burning with fy re, was cast toto the sea, and the thirde par c te of the sea tourned to bloude. 9 And the thyrde parte of the creatures wtoch were in the sea, dyed, the liuing things/ me ane, and the thyrde parte of shyp pes were destroyed. 10 Then the thyrd Angel blew, and there fel a great starre from heaue burning as it were a torche, and it feU into the thyrde parte of the ryuers, and toto fountaynes of waters. 11 And OF IOHN. 414 1 1 And the name of the starre is caUed wormewood : therfore the thyrde parte of the waters was turned to wormewood and many men dyed of the d waters, because d which here si- they were made bitter. gnifie false & cor- J nipt doctrine. 12 And the fourth Angel blewe, and the thyrde parte ofthe sunne was smytten, and D the thyrde parte of the mone, and the thyr de parte of starres : so that the thyrde part of them was e darckned. and the daye was « These are pla smytten, that the thyrde parte of it coulde j"^ f™f *"_ G°""- not shyne, and lykewyse the nyght. pel. 1 3 And I behelde and heard an Angel fly ing through the myddes of heauen, saying with a lowde voyce,' Wo, wo, wo to the in- i Horrible threa- habiters of the earth, because of the soun- tenings against the infidels and rebel- des to come of the trompet of the thre An- lious persones. gels which were yet to blowe. THE IX. CHAPTER. The fyft and syxt Angel blowe their trom- pets, the starre falleth from heauen : the locustes come out of the smoke. The fyrst wo is paste .- the foure Angels that were bounde are lowsed, and the thirde parte of men is killed, the elect are exempted. A A Nd the fyfte Angel blew, and I sawe a ¦'This starre -£*-* starre fall from heaue vnto the earth : s.king by u_ii And to hym was geuen the kaye of the* bot meanes Chri- tomleSSe pyt. stes dishonor. . , rJ iii Luk.8.d. 2 And he opened the bottomlesse pyt, and 2.pet.2.a. there arose the smoke ofthe pit as the smo ke of a great fornace : and the sunne, & the ayre were darckned by the reason of the smoke of the pitte. 3 And there came out of "the smoke, Chap. IX. THE REVELATION " Locustes vpon the earth : and vnto them "Locustes.are ¦ That is secretly was geuen power, as the a scorpions of the uerei„!e_,h___ to persecute and earth haue power. worldly sub- their taiie as scor- 4 And it was commanded them, that they y pre a es* ttenfac0in ofhttl shoulde not hurt the grasse ofthe earth : hypocrites. nether any grene thynge : nether any tree : * ouer the ina- but only those b men which haue not the dels whome Satan , . , . - . , biyndett with the seale in theyr foreheades. 2fflTh.ss.°2. cl™" 5 And to them was commaded that they should not kyl them, but that they should be vexed fyue monethes, and that their payne shulde be as the payne that cometh of a scorpion, when he hath stonge a man. ro_.Uof the'™..' 6 * 'nieriore m those days shal men c seke chap.e.d leuing conscience death, ad shal not fynde it, and shal desire Esa-^-d- tSSJ&ZS. to dye, and death shal flye from them. S)23'.C_. but feieth the iud 7 * And the forme of the locustes was ly- Wisdo. 1 6. ag'ainst it.° ° ke vnto horses prepared vnto battayle, & *• on theyr heades were as it were crownes, lyke vnto golde, and theyr faces were as The descrip. it had bene the faces of men. crit_s°and do 8 .And they had heere as the heere of wo ™?sticaie"JJe men : and theyr teeth were as the teeth of faith. lyons. 9 And they had habbergions, as it were habbergions of yron : and the sounde of their wynges, was as the sounde of charets when many horses runne together to bat tayle. 10 And they had tayles lyke vnto scor pions, and there were stynges in theyr tay les : and theyr power was to hurt men "fyue "Meaning for monethes. atjme" 11 And they haue a kynge ouer the, which is the " Angel of the bottomlesse pyt, who "Kyng of hy- se name in the Hebrewe tonge, is Abad- J0C"tes' don : and in the Greke, " ApoUyon. stroyng. 12 One OF IOHN. 415 1 2 One wo is past, and beholde two woes come after this. C 1 3 Then the syxt Angel blewe, and I heard a voyce from the foure corners of the gol den aultre, which is before God, 14 Saying to the syxt Angel, which had the trompet, Lose the foure AngeUs, wtoch are bounde in the great ryuer Eu phrates. 15 And the foure AngeUs were losed, whych were prepared for an houre, for a- day, for a moneth, and for a yere, to slay the thyrde part of men. The wonder- 1 6 And the nombre of horsmen of warre, of domestical were twenty thousand tymes ten thousand ennemies for I hearde the nombre of them : 1 7 .Also thus I sawe the horses to a vision, and them that sat on them, hauyng fyry ha bergions, & of Iactote and of brymstone, and the heades of the horses were as the heades of lyons : and out of their mouthes went forth fyre and smoke and brym stone. D 1 8 Of these thre was the thyrde parte of men kyUed, that is to say, of fyre, smoke, and brymstone, wtoch proceded out ofthe mouthes of them. wherin the 1 9 For theyr power is to theyr d mouthes, d which signifieth Ses0' a*d hi theyr tayles : for theyr tayles were £___ f hyloSe. standeth. fyke vnto serpentes, and had heades, whe re with they hurte. 20 And the remnate of the me wtoch we re not kyUed by these plages, repented not of the dedes of their handes that they Psal 1 15.6. should not worshyp deuyls, and *images of Sf 133. c gold, and sUuer, and brasse, and stone, and of woode, wtoch nether can«se, nether Chap. X. THE REVELATION heare, nether go. 21 Also they repented not of theyr mur ther, and of theyr sorcerie, nether of their fornication, nether of theyr thefte. THE X. CHAPTER. The Angel hath the boke open, he sweareth there shalbe no more time: he geueth the boke vn to Iohn, which eateth it vp. A Nd I sawe another mighty " Angel co- #£l ¦^me downe from heauen, clothed with iesus Christ! a cloude, and the rayne bowe vpon tos he ad : and his face was as the sunne, and his feete as pyUers of fyre. 2 And he had in his hande a lytle boke " "The boke is open : and he put tos ryght fote vpon the uery mii'mij sea, and his lyft fote on the earth. read and vn- i i-iii derstad Ch- 3 And cryed with a loude voyce, as when rist manifest- a hon roreth : And when he had cried, se- %* hiS G°S' uen thondres spake their voyces. 4 And when the seuen thonders had spo ken theyr voyces, I was about to wryte : but I heard a voyce from heauen saying vnto me, * Seale vp those thynges wtoch the se- j)an 12. j, uen thondres haue spoken, and wryte them not.5 And the Angel which I sawe stand v- b pon the sea, and vpon the earth, lyfte vp his hande to heauen, 6 And sware by him that lyueth for euer more, which created heauen, and the thin ges that therin are, and the earth and the things that therin are, and the sea, and the thynges which there in are : that tyme should be no more : 7 But in the dayes of the voice of the se uenth OF IOHN. 41G uenth Angel, when he shal begyn to blo we : eue the mysterie of God shalbe fynys- shed, as he declared to hys seruantes the Prophetes. 8 And the voyce which I heard from hea uen spake vnto me agayne and sayd, Go and take the htle boke wtoch is open in the hand of the Angel, which standeth v- pon the sea & vpon the earth. 9 And I went vnto the Angel, & sayd to him, Geue me the htle boke, and he sayd Ezec.3. a. ynto me, * Take it, ad eate it vp, and it shal C make thy beUy bytter, but it shalbe to thy mouthe as swete as honye. 10 Then I toke the htle boke out of the Angels hande, and ate it vp, and it was to my mouth as swete as hony : but as sone as I had eaten it, my beUy was bytter. 1 1 And he sayed vnto me, thou muste pro phecie agayne among the people and na tions, and tounges, and to many kynges. THE XI. CHAPTER. The temple is measured, two witnesses raised vp by the lord are murthered by the beast, but pie waTdraidedTn after receaued to glorie. Christ is exalted, ad God to thre parts, the praised by the 24 Elders. body of the tem ple wherinto eue- A A Nd then was geuen me a rede, lyke vn ^"^"'.ia'cU •^*-to a rodde, and the Angel stode by, whe"'.|m"| '*"""''*' satog, Ryse and mete the temple of God, 0f the hoiyest and the aulter, ad the that worshyp therin. ^Zl^a yell "Or hall. 2 But a " the lower part wtoch is with OUt entred, in respect the temple cast out & mete it not : for it two iateri t„e arst is geuen vnto the GentUes, and the holy , ^ ¦»«__ aTa citie shal they treade vnder fote two and thing prophane it fourty monethes. __,"S!_^__££ 3 And I wyl geue power vnto my two wyt sm-ed. Gg.i. Chap. XI. THE REVELATION nesses,and they shal prophecie a thousad, two hiidred, & threscore dayes, clothed to sacke clothe. 4 These are two " oliue tres, & two candel "Theexceiiet stikes stading before the God of the earth. %££ be.™ 5 And if any man wyl hurte them, fyre witnes to the procedeth out of their mouthes, and con- j_0SD sumeth theyr ennemyes : for yf any man wolde hurt them, this wyse muste he be kyUed. 6 These haue power to shut heauen, that it rayne not in the dayes of their prophe- cytog : and haue power ouer waters to tur ne them to bloud, and to smyte the earth with aU maner plages, as ofte as they wU. 7 And when they haue fynished theyr te stimonie, the beaste that cometh out of the bottomlesse pyt, shal make warre against them, and shal ouercome the, and kyU the. 8 And theyr carkeyses shal lye in the stre tes of the great citie, which sprituaUy is '¦ To seme strange caUed b Sodome and Egypt, where our oods ad to be cor Lorde also was crucified. rupted with talse . doctrine is a spiri 9 And they of the people and kinredes, t»ai sodome. and tongeS; and GentUs shal se their car keyses thre daies & an halfe, & shal not suf fre their carkeyses to be put in graues. 10 And they that dweU vpon the earth, shal reioyce ouer them and be glad, and shal sende giftes one to another : for these C ' The infidels are two Prophetes c vexed them that dwelt on tormented by ,-, ,i hearing the trneth "-he earul. preached. 1 \ gut after thre dayes and an halfe, the sprite of lyfe coming from God, shal en ter toto them, and they shal stande vp v- pon their fete : and great feare shal come vpon them which sawe them. 12 And OF IOHN. 417 12 And they heard a great voyce from heauen, saying vnto the, Come vp hyther. And they ascended vp toto heauen in a cloude, and theyr ennemyes sawe them. 1 3 And the same houre was there a great earthquake, and the tenth part of the citie feU, and in the earthequake were slayne na mes of men, seuen thousande : and the rem nant were feared, and gaue glorie to God of heauen. 14 The seconde wo is past, & beholde the thyrde wo wyl come anone. D 15 And the seuenth Angel blew, and the re were made great voyces to heauen, say ing, Thedkyngdoms ofthis worlde are our d Albeit Satan Lordes, and tos Christes, and he shah ray- ri_____r_?much, erne for euermore. J***.' Christ shal r_-i_n_6 1 6 Then the four & twety Elders, wtoch syt before God on theyr seates, fell vpon their faces, and worshypped God, 1 7 Saying, We geue thee thakes Lord God almighty, wliich Art, and Waste, and Art to come : for thou hast receaued thy greate myght, and hast obteyned thy kyngdo me. 18 And the GentUs were angry, and thy wrathe is come, and the tyme of the dead that they should be iudged, and that thou shouldest geue rewarde vnto thy seruan tes the Prophetes, and Sainctes, and to the that feare thy Name, smal, and great, and shuldest destroy them, which destroye the earth. 19 And the temple of God was opened in heauen, and there was sene in his tem ple, the arcke of tos Couenant : and the re folowed hghtninges, and vofces, and Gg.ii. Chap. XII. THE REVELATION thondringes, and earthquake, and much hayle. THE XII. CHAPTER. There appeareth in heauen a woman clothed with the sunne : Michael fighteth with the dra gon, whych persecuteth the woman, and getteth victorie to the comfort of the faithful. A Nd there appeared a great wonder to A ¦a lyueiy descrip- -^-heauen : A a woman clothed wyth the s„an Churche per- sunne, and the mone vnder her fete and seemed by Satan, ypon her head a croune of twelue starres. 2 And she was wyth chylde and cryed tra uayling in birth, and payned redy to be dehuered.3 And there appeared a nother wonder to heauen, for beholde a great red dragon hauing seuen heades, and seuen crounes vpon tos heades : 4 And his tayle drue the third part of the starres of heauen and cast the to the earth. And the dragon stode before the wo- b man, which was redy to be dehuered : for to deuoure her chUde as sone as it were borne. 'which is iesus 5 b And she broght forthe a man childe, borne among nia- which should rule aU natios wyth a *rod Psal.2.c. ny brethren. 0f yron . g^ft Jjgj. SOIme was taken vp vnto God and to hys throne. 6 And the woman fled toto wUdernes where she hath a place prepared of God, that they should fede her there a thousan de two hundred and threscore dayes. 7 And there was a battayle in heauen, Mi C chael and tos Angels fought with the dra- his-ingels"1 gon, and the drago fought ad his Angels. 8 But OF IOHN. 418 8 But preuayled not, nether was their pla ce founde any more to heauen. 9 And the great dragon, that old serpent caUed the deuyl and Satan was cast out, which deceaueth ah the worlde. and he was cast toto the earth, and his Angels we re cast out with tom. 10 And I hearde a lowde voice saying to heauen, Now is saiuation, & strength and the kyngdome of our God, and the power of his Christ : for the accuser of our bre thren is cast doune which accused them before our God day and night. victorie by 1 1 And they ouercame him by the bloud c___rde °f °f the Lambe, and by the worde of Ms te stimonie, and they c loued not their hues c They put their ________ ' lyues in danger so vnto the death. 0ft _s nede reqi,j D 1 2 Therfore reioice heauens, and ye that red- dweU to the. Wo to the tohabiters of the earth, and ofthe sea : forthe deuil is come doune vnto you wtoch hath great wrath, because he knoweth that he hath but a short time. 13 And when the dragon sawe that he was cast vnto the earth, he persecuted the woman which broght forthe the man ctolde. 1 4 But to the woman were geuen two win ges of a great egle, that she might flye into " which the the wUdemes, toto" her place, where she is poynted for norisshed for a tyme, tymes, and halfe a her- time, from the presence of the serpent. 1 5 And the d serpent cast out of his mouth <• God geueth mea water after the woman as it had bene a ri- "^ £ "cap^tte uer because she should haue bene caught fury of Satan ma- p ., _, . king his creatures Ot the UOUde. to serue to the 16 But the earthe holpe the wofnan, and support therof Gg.iii. Chap. XII. THE REVELATION the earth opened her mouth, & swalowed vp the riuer, which the dragon cast out of tos mouth. 1 7 Then the dragon was wroth with the woman, and went and made warre with the ¦ Satan was nota- e remnante of her sede, which kepe the co- headenor'tte to- mandementes of God, and haue the testi- *£' aDb htherfore monie of Iesus Christe. agaist them'eT 18 And I stode on the sea sande. bers. THE XII. CHAPTER. The beast deceaueth the reprobat, and is cofir- med by an other beast. « The lyueiy pour A Nd I sawe a a beaste ryse out of the sea, A __f______S°who "^"hauing seuen heades, and ten homes, is maynteyned by and vpon his homes were tenne crownes, which¦ Antichrists ty. es. and power was geuen vnto him, b to do beast lTm^d. P°wer " two 3nd fourty monethes. 6 And he opened his mouth vnto blasphe mie against God, to blaspheme hisName, & hys OF IOHN. 419 his tabernacle, and them that dweU in he auen. 7 And it was geue vnto him to make war "iu their bo- re with the Sainctes, & to " ouercome the : soule n°' m and power was geue him ouer euery c kin • He meaneth red and tounge, and nation : p^gth'Jroft C 8 Therfore aU that dwel vppo the earth Pau* speaketh to „.,.,. -i i i • i • i ii . theThessalonians. " Antichrist shal worship him, whose names are not er ouer "th. * wrytte in the Boke of lyfe of the Lambe, elect. which was kyUed d from the hegynning « As God ordey- Chap.A.a. - , ,, ' aJ ned fro before all 20._.21.ff. Ot the WOrfde. begynning. philip. 4. a. 9 If any man haue an eare, let him heare. Gen.9.a. 10 He that e leadeth into captiuitie shal • They which le wla__o.e. ..... i at a. * l n a.1 •_, ad soules captiues go mto captiuitie : he that kyUeth with a g0 them selues in- sworde, must be kyUed with a sworde : he- t0 caPtiu-hie. re is the paciece, & the faith of y Sainctes. 1 1 And I behelde another beast comming vp out of the earthe, which had two hor- nes lyke the Lambe, but he f spake as dyd ' He spake deue- , . i "¦ ' lish doctrine wher- the dragon. by the Romishe 1 2 And he dyd aU y the fyrst beast could tAe^rist is main do in his presence, & he causeth y earth, & the ft dweU therin, to worshyp the fyrst beaste, whose deadly wounde was healed. 13 And 8 doeth great wonders, so that he • The man of syn i,,- °- ci ne accordig to the maketh fire come doune from heauen on operation of sata the earth, in the sight of men. sha'be with all , ite, ii i power, signes & 14 And deceaueth them that dwel on the miracles of lyes. earthe by y meanes of those signes, wtoch 2" Thes" 2" he hath power to do to the sight of the be aste, saying to the that dwel on the earth, that they shoulde make the image of the beaste, wtoch had the wounde of a swor de, and dyd hue. D 15 And he had power to geue a sprite vn to the image ofthe beaste, so that the ima ge of the beaste shoulde speake, & should Gg. iiii. Chap. XIIII. THE REVELATION cause that as many as would not worshyp the image of the beast, should be kyUed. 1 6 And he made all, both small and gre at, ryche and poore, fre and bonde, to re ceaue a marke to theyr ryght hande or to their forheades. seal" Antu 17 And " that no man myght bye or seU, christs marke can saue he that had the marke, or the name of lyueamongemen0. the beast, other the nombre of his name. 18 Here is wysedome. Let him that hath wit count the nombre ofthe beast : for it is ¦ For he is not the nombre of a " man, and his nombre is „ett_raaim_g_tie syxe hondred, threscore, and syxe. nor eternal. THE XIIII. CHAPTER. The notable compagnie of the Ldbe. One An gel annonceth the Gospel : an other, the fall ofBa bylon: and the thyrde warneth to flye fro the be ast, of their happines which die in the Lord : of the Lords haruest. • iesus Christ ru rpHen I loked, and lo, a a Lambe stode on A ch'e todefend md the mounte Sion, & wyth hym an torn- comfort it. dred fourty and foure thousande, hauyng hys Fathers " Name wrytten in theyr for- "which was li_„rlAAc tte marke of neades. their electi0 2 And I hearde a voyce from heauen, as the sounde of many waters, and as the so unde of a great thoundre : and I heard the voyce of harpers harpyng wyth their har- pes.3 And they songe as it were a newe songe before the throne, & before the foure bea- b None can prai stes, and the Elders, and no b man coulde elect whome he learne that songe, but the hundred fourty hath boght. and foure thousande, which were boght from the earth. * 4 These OF IOHN. 420 4 These are they, which are not c defiled ° By whoredome, with women, for they are virgins : these fo- f_,™mprre'he_deth low f Labe whither soeuer he goeth : the- a11 othei'- se are boght from men, beyng the fyrste fruites vnto God and to the Lambe. 5 And to their mouthes was found no gy le : for they are without d spot before the « Forasmuche as throne of Gnd their s"""nes are inrone 01 l_oa. pardoned and they 6 And I sawe an other Angel flye in the are cied with the . . p i i. ° i , • iustice of Christ. myddes ot heauen, haumg an eueriasting Gospel, to preache vnto them, that dwel on the earth, and to euery nation, and kin- rede, and tongue, and people, Psal. 145 b 7 * e Saing with a loude voice, Feare God, « The Gospel te- «"tc- and geue glorie to tom, for the houre of ^"Jd *£____. tos iudgement is come : & worshyp hym, him. that made heauen and earthe, and the sea, and the fountaynes of water. C 8 And there folowed another Angel say- Esa. 21. c. ing, * It is faUen, it is faUen" Babylon, y "rc-5J-a- great citie, for she gaue to aU nations to "Which signi- drinke the wine of f the wrath of her for- 'By the which fieth the gre- nii-at-inn fornication God atconiusioof """"¦"'J"' _ is prouoked to the popishe 9 And the third Angel folowed the say- wrath. kingdome. j^ ytffa a iou0>e VOyce, If any man wor ship the beast and his image, and receaue his marke to his forhead, or on his hande, 10 The same shal drinke the wine of the wrath of God, yea of the pure wyne, which is powred into the cuppe of his wrathe : ad he shalbe punyshed in fyre ad brymstone before the holy Angels, ad before f Labe. 1 1 And the smoke of their tormente shal ascende vp euermore : and they shal haue no rest day nor night, which worshippe y beast and his image, and whosoeuer rece aueth the print of his name. • Chap. XIIII. THE REVELATION 12 Here is the pacience of" Sainctes : here "The faithful are they that kepe the commandements of "patience6 God, and the fayth of Iesus. 1 3 Then I hearde a voyce fro heauen say 's For they are de tog vnto me, Write, ** Blessed are the dea- riwrdfr°trt„huebhies de, which herafterdye "to the Lord. Eue so L°^*/ ™blch are ™ *e sayeth y Sprite : for because they reste fro with God. their labours, and their workes foiowe the. 14 And I loked, & beholde, a white clow- de, & vpo the clowde one syttyng like vnto the Sonne of ma, hauyng on his head a gol den crown, and to his had a sharpe syckle. 15 And another Angel came out of the Teple, crying with a lowde voyce to him '¦ The ouerthro- that sat on y cloude, *hThrust in thy syckle loel 3. c. is°cDpared "to an and repe, for the tyme is come to repe, for mat- i3-c- liaruest.Esa.l7.a. A-ne corne 0f fT-^ earthe is rype. also to a vintage, .„.,.. c i i i Esa.63.a. 1 6 And he that sate on y cloude, thruste D in his syckle on the earth, and the earthe was reped. 17 Then another .Angel came out of the temple, wtoch is in heauen, hauing also a sharpe syckle. 18 And another Angel came out fro the aultre, which had power ouer fyre, and cryed with a lowde crye to him that had the sharpe syckle, and sayd, Thrust in thy sharpe sykle, & gather the clusters of f vi neyard of y earth, for her grapes are ripe, 1 9 And y Angel thrust to his sharpe syck le on the earthe, & cutte doune the grapes of the vineyarde ofthe earth, and cast the into y great winefat of the wrath of God. 20 And the wynefat was troden without the citie, and bloud came out of the wyne fat, euen vnto the hors brydles by the spa ce of a thousand & sixe hundred furloges. OF IOHN. 421 THE XV. CHAPTER. Seuen Angels haue the seuen last plages, the songe of them that ouercome the beast, the seuen vyalles ful of Gods wrath. A A Nd I sawe another signe in heaue gre- -^*-at & meruelous, seuen Angels hauing the seuen last plages : for in them is fulfil led the wrath of God. 2 And I sawe as it were a glassy sea, myn- gled with fyre, and them that had gotten victorie of the beast, and of his image, & of tos marke, and of the nomber of his na me, stade at the glassy sea, hauyng the har- pes of God. B 3 And they a song the songe of Moses the a of praise & th_ _-.e_r-.34. c * seruat of God, and the songe of the Lam- ykSgo^tfenaga be, saying, Greate and marueylous are thy ">st Antichriste. workes, Lord God almyghty : iuste & true "Or.actesand are thy"* wayes kynge of Sainctes. Psal 146 d 4 * ^h° shal not feare thee 6 Lord, and Iere.io.a. glorifie thy Name ? for thou onely art ho ly, and aU nations shal come and worshyp- pe before thee, for thy iudgmentes are ma de manifest. C 5 And after that I loked, & beholde the teple of the tabernacle of testimonie was open in heauen. 6 And the seuen Angels came out of the teple which had the seuen plages, clothed to pure and bright lynnen, and hauing theyr breastes b gyrded with golden gyr- ^cAtse rth^en°. dies. geance of God. D 7 And one of the foure beastes gaue vn to the seuen Angels, seuen golden vyaUes fuU of the wrathe of God, which lyueth for euermore. 8 And y temple was fuU of the smoke of Chap. XVI. THE REVELATION the glorie of God and of his power, and ¦ God geueth vs no ma was able to c enter toto the temple, churche* 'by" de- tyl the seuen plages of the seuen Angels stroying his enne- were fulfilled. mies. THE XVI. CHAPTER. The Angels powre out their vyals full of wrath, and what plages follow therof. admoni tion to take hede and watche. A Nd I heard a great voyce out of the A -^*-temple, saying to the seuen Angels, Go your wayes, powre out the seuen vyals of the wrath of God vpon the earth. 2 And the first went, and powred out tos vyal vpon the earth, and there feU a noy- some & a sore wonde vpon the men, which had the marke of the beast, and vpon the which worshypped his image. 3 And the seconde Angel shed out tos vy aU vpo the sea, and it turned as it were to to the bloude of "adead man : and euery ly- "That is.cor. .1 • j _ • .i_ rupt 6c infect. umg thmge dyed m the sea. 4 And the thirde Angel powred out tos vyal vpon the riuers and fountains of wa tors, and they turned to bloude. 5 And I hearde the Angel of the waters say, Lord thou arte iuste which Art, and Wast, and Holy, because thou hast iudged these things. 6 For they shed the bloude of Sainctes, b and Prophetes. and therfore hast thou ge uen them bloude to drincke : for they are worthy. * Forasmuche as 7 And I heard another out of the Sato- tt.urebe_.r__d ctuarie say, Euen so, Lord God almyghty : preseruest thyne. a true and righteous are thy iudgementes. 8 And of iohn. 422 8 And the fourth Angel powred out his vyal on the sunne, and power was geuen vnto him to vexe men wyth heate of fy re.9 And men boyled in great heate, and b blasphemed the Name of God, wtoch b The wicked wa hath power ouer these plages, and they re ^SS^".^! pented not, to geue hym glorie. punisheth them. 10 And the fyfte Angel powred out his vyal vpon the throne of the beaste, and his kyngdome waxed darcke, and they gnewe their tounges for sorowe, 1 1 And blasphemed the God of heauen, for sorowe, and payne of their sores, and repented not of their dedes. C 12 And the syxt Angel powred out his vyal vppon the great ryuer Euphrates, and the water dryed vp, that the way of the kynges of the Easte should be prepa red. 13 And I sawe thre vncleane sprites lyke frogges come out of the mouth of the dra gon, & out of the mouth ofthe beaste, and out of the mouth of the false prophete. 14 For they are the spirits of deuUs, wor- kynge miracles, to go vnto the kynges of the earth, and of the whole worlde, to ga ther the to the battayle of that great day of God almyghfy. " Of rightuousnes chap. 3. a. 15 * Beholde Icome asathefe. Happyishe ^thVea^cfed mat.2i.d. t^t watcheth and kepeth his c garmentes, J^™**11 Iesus i Pthe*3'b'a tost he walke naked, and men se his fyl- ' and in all other re the Lambe shal ouercome them : for he "And breake tt^me"0100' '° ^ Lord of lordes, and Kyngof kynges: and %?£% they that are on his syde, caUed, and cho- ters pot. sen, and faithful. l.Tim.e.c. chap. 19.c. 15 And he sayd vnto me, The waters w D thou sawest, where the whore sytteth, are people, and folke, and nations, and ton ges. 1 6 And the ten homes which thou sawest vpon the beaste, are they that shal hate the whore, and shal make her desolate and na ked, and shal eat her flesshe, & burne her with fyre. 1 7 For God hath put in their hearts to ful fil his wyl, and to do with one consent, for to geue their kyngdome vnto the beaste, vntil the wordes of God be fulfyUed. 1 8 And the woman wtoch thou sawest, is that great citie, which raygneth ouer the kynges of the earth. THE XVIII. CHAPTER. The louers of the worlde are sory for the fall of the whore of Babylon but they that be of God haue cause to reioyce for her destruction, an ad monition to the people of God to flie out of her dominion. And OF IOHN. 424 A A Nd after that, I sawe another Angel co ¦^me from heauen, hauing great power, in so muche that the earth was lyghtened with his glorie. 2 And he cryed out mightely with a stro- Esa. 21. c. ge voyce saying, a * It is faUen, it is fallen « This descriptio 5_£l"_!" ^ great Babylon, and is become the habi $&%£%£' tation of deuyls, and the holde of aU fow- is bke to that i •_ i p i o which the pro le sprites, and a cage ot euery vncleane & phets vse to de- hateful byrde. clare the destruc- , J . tion of Babylon. 3 !or " aU nations haue dronken of the b The greatest wyne of the wrath of her fornication, and gSb__?S_i__ the Kynges of the earth haue committed & seduced by this - . J..° ..ii i.i i spirituall whordo- tornication with her, and the marchantes me. of the worlde are wax_d riche of the abun dance of her pleasures. B 4 And I heard another voyce from heaue, say, Go out of her my people, that ye be not parte takers in her synnes, and that ye rea- ceue not of her plages. 5 For her synnes c are commen euen to hea ¦ The greke wor- uen, and God hath remembred her wycked %*„%£. ^e nesses. an other, and so "Biessedishe _ " Rewarde her euen as she rewarded you, otter°nttat"hey yeat'oCtterwhao and geue her double accordyng to her wor g^****'** sthat e _. i__ri__ik™_is kes : and to the cup that she hath fiUed to length'they touche iswr.ten.psal. ^ ^ ^ ^ P^ 7 And as muche as she glorified her selfe, and lyued wantonly, so muche gyue ye to her punyshement and sorowe, for she sayth Esa. 47. 6. in her harte, * I syt beyng d a quene, and am "The glorious „ _ iii boasting of tte "But fui of pe no wydowe, and shal se no mourning, stropet. opie __ migh- g Therefore shal her plages come at o- c ne day, death, and sorowe, and hunger, and she shalbe burnt wyth fyre : for stron ge is the Lord God which wyl condem ne her. Hh.i. Chap. XVIII. THE REVELATION 9 And the kynges ofthe earth shal bewepe her, and wayle ouer her, which haue com mitted fornication, and lyued wantonly with her, when they shal se the smoke of her burnyng. 10 And shal stande a farre of, for feare of her punyshment, saying, Alas, alas, that great citie Babylon, that mighty citie, for Lamentation in one houre is her iudgement come. ctfon^f'tte 1 1 And the marchantes of the earth shal whore. wepe and wayle ouer her, for no man byeth their ware any more. 1 2 The ware of golde and syluer, and of precious stone, and of pearles, and of fyne lynen, & of purple, and of sylke, & of " scar "Or, crimsin. let, and of aU " Thyne woode, and of aU ma "which isve- ner vessels of yuery, and of all maner ves- ^precTou.! sels of most precious woode, and of brasse, and of yron, and of marble. 1 3 And of synamon, and odours, and oynt- The trafflcke mentes, and franckynsence, and wyne, and fac_0rSw ores oyle, and fyne floure, and wheat, and bea stes, and shepe, andhorses, and" charetes, & "Such asthe • This isthe vi. seruants, and e soules of men. attorn _ TS° ttese "marches 14 And the " apples that thy soule lusted '^'^h sei and best after, are departed from thee : and aU thin- thou louedst so1u,ese'notwith„t£ ges which were fat, & had in pryce, are de- best- ding the Sonne of parted from thee, and thou shalt fynde the God redemed with r his precious blou. no more. de. 2. pet. 2. a. 15 rrn,. marchantes of these ttonges which were waxed ryche, shal stade a farre of fro her, for feare ofthe punyshment of her, we pyng and waylyng. 1 6 And saying, Alas, alas, that great citie, that was clothed in fyne lynen and pur ple, and scarlet, and gylded with golde, & e precious stone, and pearles. 1 7 For in one houre so great riches are co OF IOHN. 425 me to noght. And euery shyppe gouerner, and aU the people that occupie shyppes, and shipmen and whosoeuer trauaU on the sea shal stand a farre of : 1 8 And crye, when they se the smoke of her burnyng, saying, What citie was lyke vnto this great citie ? "And so she- 19 And they shal cast" dust on theyr hea- grelt _or_owf des, and crye wepyng, and waylyng, and F say, Alas, alas, that great citie, where to were made ryche all that had shyppes on "Or, noble e- the sea, by the reason of her "costly nes, for '" in one houre she is made desolate. loyeinheaui 20 Reioyce ouer her thou heauen, and ye cUonhofdB_S holy Apostles and Prophetes : for God hath ion. f geuen your iudgement on her. ¦ Andhathreuen 2 1 Then a mighty Angel toke vp a stone ly P;oni'^c£"rs<- in ke a great mUstone, and cast it into the sea, saying, With suche violece shal that great citie Babylon be cast, and shalbe ** founde e it shainot ben -,-, -Yi-TAi ke to other cities uo more. which may be bu- G 22 And the voyce of harpers, and musiti- yided agayne, but ons, and of pipers, and trompetters shalbe without mercy5]6 hearde no more to thee : and no craftes ma, of whatsoeuer crafte he be, shalbe founde any more in thee : and the sounde of a myU stone shalbe heard no more to thee. 23 And the hght of a candle shal shyne no more to thee : and the voyce of the bryde grome and of the bryde, shalbe heard no more to thee, for thy marchantes were the great men of the earth, and with thyne inchantements were deceaued all nati ons. 24 And to her was founde the bloude of the Prophetes, and of the Satocjes, and of aU that were slayne vpon the earth. Hh.ii. Chap. XIX. THE REVELATION THE XIX. CHAPTER. Prayse or thankes are geuen vnto God for iud- gyng the whore, and for auengyng the bloude of his seruantes. The Angel wyl not be worshipped. The foules and byrdes are called to the slaugh ter. A Nd after that, I heard the voyce of mu A -^*-che people in heauen sayine," Hallelu- "Thatis.pray , . ii- ii seye Goci- lah : saiuation and glorie, and honour, and power be to the Lord our God. 2 For true and righteous are his iudge- mentes, for he hath damned the great who re, which dyd corrupt the earth with her fornication, and hath auenged the bloude of his seruantes shede by her hande. 3 And agayne they sayd, HaUelu-iah : and her smoke rose vp for euermore. 4 And the four and twenty Elders, & the four beastes feU downe, and worshypped God that sate on the throne saying, Amen, HaUelu-iah. 5 Then a voyce came out of the throne, saying, Prayse our Lord God aU ye that are his seruantes, and ye that feare him, both smal and great. 6 And I hearde as it were the voyce of mu che people, and as the voice of many wa ters, and as the voyce of stronge thondrin- ges, saying, HaUelu-iah, for our Lord God omnipotent hath raygned. b 7 Let vs be glad and reioyce and geue ho nour to hym : forthe mariage ofthe Lambe is come, & his " wyfe made her selfe redy : "To wit, the 8 And to her was grated, that she should be Churche- arayed ft pure fyne lynen cloth & shining. For the fyne lynen is the rightuousnes of Sainctes. OF IOHN. 426 Sainctes. "That is, the g Then"he said vnto me, Write*Happy a- Mat.22.a. re they whych are caUed vnto the Lambes luke 14. o. supper. And he sayd vnto me, These wor des of God are true. 10 And I feU at his feete, to worshyppe him, but he saydvntome, Se thou do it not : I am thy felow seruant, and one of thy bre- " Who am thren, wtoch haue the " testimonie of Iesus . charged to TTT . _, - „ , . . - T testifie of W orshyp (jod : for the a testimonie of Iesus, 'He sheweth that Iesus- is the sprite of prophecie. worshipped'0 but C 1 1 And I sawe heauen open, and beholde J**1**. 90d- and , , iii i ¦ ttat he is of their a whyte horse : and he that sate vpon him nomber whom "He meaneth was caUed " Faithful and time, and he that ™eZ%_£t_™y Chnste. iudgeth rightuously, and fighteth. to 'he prophets, -irriAji- n r r that they may de- 12 And his eyes were as a flamme of fyre : dare them to o- and on hys heade were many crownes : and jjjjjj*' ^gj*1 "„ he had a name wrytten, that no man knewe nother spirit of but he hym selfe, KSht'S Esa.63.a. 13 And* he was clothed with a vesture °f Jes1u-Smand lead dipte to bloude, & his name is called, The " Which brin- " worde of God. death.7 ° an 14 And the warriers which were in hea uen, folowed him vpon white horsses, clo thed with white fyne lynen and pure. D 15 And out of tos mouth went out a shar pe sword, that with it he should smyte the Psal.2.c. hethen. for he * shal rule them with a rod de of yron : for he it is that treadeth the wy nefat of fearcenes and wrath of almighty God. 1 6 And he hath on his vesture, and on his Chap. n.b. thyghe a name wrytten, * Kynge of kynges, 2.tim.6.c. and Lord of Lordes. 1 7 And I saw an Angel stand in the sunne, who cried with a lowde voyce, saying to aU the foules that dyd flye by _he middes Hh.iii. Chap. XX. THE REVELATION of heauen, Come and gather your selues The bidding together vnto the supper of the great £ £0edbanket God. 1 8 That ye may eat the fleshe of kynges, & the fleshe of hye Captaynes, and the fleshe of mighty men, and the fleshe of horses, & of them that sit on them, and the fleshe of aU free men and bondmen, and of smaU & great. 1 9 And I sawe the beaste, and the kynges of the earth, and their warriers gathered together to make battayle agaist hym that sat on the horse, and against his souldiers. 20 But the beaste was taken, and with him The overthro that false prophet that wroght miracles be _j_ ___ _u.e" fore him, with wtoch he deceaued the that receaued the beastes marke, and them that worshypped his image. These both were cast toto a pode of fyre, burning with brim stone.21 And the remnante were slayne with the sworde of him that sitteth vpon the horse, which sworde commeth out of his mouthe, & all the foules were fyUed ful with their fleshe. THE XX. CHAPTER. Satan being bounde for a certeyne tyme and after let lose vexeth the Churche greuously, and after the worlde is iudged he and his are cast in to the ponde of fyre. A Nd I sawe an "Angel come downe from A ^-heauen, hauyng the keye of the botto- hSilfuS. lesse pyt, and a great chayne in his hande. shuid treade 2 And he toke the dragon that olde ser- vpo„theetiea- pent, wtoch is the deuyl and Satan, and he dc# bounde OF IOHN. 427 " That is, for bounde him " a thousand yeres : 3 And cast him into the bottomlesse pyt, and he shut hym vp, & sealed the dore vpon him, that he should deceaue the people no more, tyl the thousande yeres were fulfil led : for after that he must be losed for a lytle season. B 4 And I sawe seates, and they sate vpon them, and iudgement was geuen vnto the : & Is awe the soules ofthe, that were behe aded for the wytnesse of Iesus, and for the worde of God : wtoch dyd not worship- pe the beast, nether his image, nether had taken his marke vpon their forhea des, or on their handes : and they shal ly ue, and raigne with Christ a thousand yere : 5 But the other of the " deade men shal » He meaneth not lyue agayne, vntil the thousand yeres ^j^.tr be finished : this is that b fyrst resurrecti- '*" whome Sataiy- J ueth he is dead to on. God. 6 Blessed and holy is he, that hath part in ^titl %£ " The death the fyrst resurrection : for on suche the "se- restore vs to new. wMchVet-r «>nde death hath no power : but they shal ^sbof life" Rom" nai danation. be the Priestes of God and of Christe, and shal raygne with him a thousande yere. Eze. 38. a. 7 * And when the thousande yeres are ex- and 39.6. pired, Sata shalbe loused out of his prisd. 8 And shal go out to deceaue the people, wtoch are to the foure quarters of the ear the, c Gog and Magog, to gather them to- * By the are ment gether to bataUe, whose numbre is as the enemies oftrtb_ sand of the sea. Churche of God. 9 And they went vp in the playne of the earth : and compased the tentes of the Sainctes about, and the beloued citie : but fire came doune from God^sout of hea- Hh.iiii. Chap. XXI. THE REVELATION uen, and deuoured them : 10 And the deuil that deceaued them, was cast toto a lake of fyre and brimstone, where the beast & the false prophete shal be tormeted day and nyght for euermore. 1 1 And I sawe a great white throne, and one that sate on it, from whose face fled away both the earth and heaue, and theyr place was no more found. 1 2 And I sawe the dead, both great and D « Euery mas co- smal stande before God : and the d bokes IT wherein Ws were opened, and 'another Boke was ope- Phil. i.a. dedes are write nerl, wtochis the Boke of hfe, and the dead ehap.3.a. which shal ap- . , . - ., ., . , . , 21. a. peare when God were iudged of those thmges, which were openeththebooke wrytten in the bokes, accordtog to their dedes : 13 And the sea gaue vp her dead, which were to her, & death and " heU dehuered " Graue. vp the deade, which were in the : and they were iudged euery man according to his dedes. • Hell & death 14 And e death and " heU were cast toto " Graue. »" ttatte the lake of fire : this is the second death. destroyed. 15 And whosoeuer was not fomid writte in the Boke of life, was cast into the lake of fyre. THE XXI. CHAPTER. The blessed estat of the godly, and the misera ble condition of the wicked . The description of ¦ All things shal '^e heauenly Ierusalem . and of the wife of the berenued&resto- Lambe. red into a moste excellent&perfect .t.t1t - i . a estat, and therfore A Nd 1 sawe a new heauen, and a newe J±, 'urrSL'caiied Ae_rfh :afor the fyrst heauen, & the first S^* the day of restau earth were vanisshed away, and there was 2.pet.3.a. ration ofall thiges. Act.5.g. no more sea. 2 And OF IOHN. 428 " The holy 2 And I Iohn sawe that "holy citie newe le the elect.0 rusalem come downe fro God out of hea uen, prepared as a bryde trymmed for her housbande. 3 And I heard a great voyce out of heaue, saying, Behold the tabernacle of God is with men, and he wil dwel with them : and they shalbe tos people, and God him selfe shalbe with them, and be their God. B 4 * And God shal wipe away all teares Esa. 25. c from their eyes : and there shalbe no more c ap.7. . death, nether sorowe, nether cryig, nether shal there be any more payne, for the first thynges are gone. 5 And he that sate vpon the throne, sayd, Beholde I make aU thinges newe : and he sayd vnto me, Write, for these wordes are faithful and true. Chap. 1.6. 6 And he sayd vnto me, * It is done, I am Sf 22. c. a anf} Wj the beginning and y end. I wil ge ue to tom that is a thirst, of the wel of the water of lyfe, freiy. 7 He that ouercometh, shal inheret aU thinges, and I wil be his God, and he shal be my sonne. C 8 But the feareful and vnbeleuing, and the abhominable, and murdrers, and who remongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and aU lyars shal haue their parte to the lake which burneth with fire and brimsto ne, wtoch is the second death. 9 And there came vnto me one of the se uen Angels which had the seuen vials full of the seuen last plages : and talked with me saying, Come, I wil shewe thee the bri de, the Lambes wife. 10 And he caried me away in» the sprite to a great and an hye mountayne, and he Chap. XXI. THE REVELATION sis _f deciaredfte shewed me the great b citie, holy lerusale incomprehensible descending out of heauen from God, SSenifcom- 1 1 Hauing the glorie of God • and her sto- The great panie do enioye, ning was hke vnto a stone most precious, c"le- euen a Iaspar cleare as Cristal : 12 And had a great watte and hye, & had d twelue gates, & at the gates twelue An- TJJJ* "J^ gels, & names writte, wtoch are the twel ue tribes of the chUdren of Israel : 1 3 On the East parte ther were thre ga tes, & on the Northside thre gates, towar de the South thre gates, and fro the West thre gates : 14 And the waUe of the citie had twelue foundations, and in them the names of the The founda Lambes twelue Apostles. 1 5 And he that talked with me, had a gol den rede to measure the citie withaU, and the gates therof and the wall therof. 1 6 And the citie is buylt foure square, and E the length, is as large as the bredth of it, and he measured the citie with the rede twelue thousande furlonges : and the legth and the bredthe, and the heyght of it are equal. 17 And he measured the waU therof, an hundred fourty, and foure cubites : by the measure of man, that is of the Angel, 18 And thebuylding of the waU of it was of Iasper : and the citie was pure golde ly ke vnto cleare glasse. 1 9 And the foundations of the waU of y citie were garnisshed with aU maner of precious stones, the first foundation was Iaspar : y second Saphire, the third a Chal F cedonye, the fourth an Emeraude : 20 The fifthe Sardonix : the sixt Sardious : the OF IOHN. 429 the seuenth Chrysolite : y eyght BeryU : the nynth a Topas : the tenth a Chrysoprasus : the eleuenth a Iacincte : the twelueth an Amatist. 2 1 The twelue gates were twelue pearles, and euery gate is of one pearle, and the strete of the citie is pure gold, as shining glasse. and I sawe no temple therin : 22 For the Lord God almighty & the La- q be are the temple of it. Esa.60.d. 23 *And this citie hath no nede ofthe sun ne nether of the mone to lighten it : for y glorie of God did light it : and the Lambe is the light of it. Esa.eo.a. 24 * And the people wtoch are saued shal walke to the hght of it : and the kynges of the earth shal bring their glorie vnto it. Esai.60.c. 25 * And the gates of it shal not shut by day : for there shalbe no night there. 26 And the glorie, and honour of the Ge tils shalbe broght vnto it. 27 And there shal entre toto it none vncle ane thing : nether whatsoeuer worketh abo mination or maketh lies : but they ft are Phili.i.a. written in the Lambes * Boke of life. cliap.3.a. 10. d. THE XXII. CHAPTER. The riuer of the water of life, thefruitful- nesse and light of the citie of God. The Lord ge ueth euer his seruants warning of thinges for to come, the Angel wyl not be worshipped. To the worde of God may nothing be added nor mi- nished there from. A A Nd he shewed me a pure riuer of wa iter of life clere as Crista! : "preceding Chap. XXII. the revelation out of the throne of God and of the Lam be. 2 In the myddes of the strete of it, and of ether side of the riuer, was there " wood of "or> trec- life : which bare twelue maner of frutes : and gaue frute euery moneth : and the le- aues of the wodde serued to heale the peo ple withaU. 3 And there shalbe no more cursse, but y seate of God and the Lambe shalbe in it : and his seruantes shal serue him. 4 And they shal se his face, and his Na me shalbe in their forheades. ¦ The light shal 5 * And there shalbe no " night there, and j_ & shyne for euer* they nede no candle, nether hght of y sun £50.60.0". ne : for the Lord God geueth them hght, and they shal raigne for euermore. 6 And he sayd vnto me, These sayings are faithful and true : and the Lord God of the holy Prophetes sent his Angel to shewe vn to his seruantes, the thinges which must shortely be fulfyUed. 7 Beholde I come shortly. Happy is he y kepeth the saying of the prophecie of this boke. 8 And I am Iohn, wtoch sawe these thin- c ges and heard them. And when I had he ard and sene, I feU doune, to worship be ChapA9.b. fore the fete of the Angel, which shewed "This is not the me these thtoges : as the other Pro- 9 But he sayd vnto me, Se thou do it not, were'comanded'to for I am thy felowe seruant, and the felowe t mehy a ointed6 seruant of thy brethren the Prophetes, and as in Daniel 12. of them which kepe the sayings of this bo £»"____£ ke : Worship God. be quickeiy ac- 10 And he sayd vnto me, b Seale not the comphshed,& dyd . p __. i_ • _ _i • i i <¦ now begyn. sayinges of the prophecie of this boke : for the OF IOHN. 430 the tyme is at hand . 1 1 He that hurteth, let him hurt stiU : and he ft is filthy, let him be filthy still : and he y is rightuous, let tom be rightuous still : and he that is holy, let him be holy stil. 12 And beholde i come shortly, & my re- Rom.2.a. ward is with me, * to geue euery ma accor ding as tos worke shalbe. Esa.a.a.b. 13 1 am * a and _>, the begynnyng and the diap. 1.6. gnd, the first and the last. 14 Blessed are they, that do hys comman dementes, that their power may be in the tree of life, and may entre in through the gates into the citie. 1 5 For without shalbe dogges & inchaters, and whoremongers, and murtherers, and idolaters, & whosoeuer loueth or maketh leasinges. D 1 6 I Iesus sent mine Angel, to testifie vn to you these thinges in the Churches, I am the rote and the generation of Dauid, and the bryght mornyng starre. 17 And the Sprite and the bride say, Co me. And let him that heareth, say, Come : Esa.bb.a. and let tom that is a thyrst, come : and * let 10 '"¦ •/¦ whosoeuer wyl, take of the water of lyfe, freiy. 1 8 For I proteste vnto euery man, that hea reth the wordes of the prophecie of ttos Deut.i.a. boke * if any ma, shaU adde vnto these thin and 12. 20. 001.385. i.theff.5dg. i.pet4a3 1. ioh. 5 d2i. _t Idolaters muft be auoyded i.Cor. 5c ii.6b9. 2.cor.6d 16.reue.2f 20. They are puniftied and condem ned Reue. 9 d 20.21. c 8- 22 c 15 fl Jerufalem, the earthly Mat. 5 f35 Chrifts entrie into it Mat. 21 a 11. b 18. 33. The deftruftion therof foretolde Mat. 23 d 37. The heauenly Ierufalem Gal.4d 26. hebr. 12 f 22. The newe Ierufalem Reue. 3 c 12. 21 a 3. Iefus the name of Chrift Mat.i d 35. luk 1 c 31. 31 a 8. lewes and their excellencie Ro. 3 a 9. g a 5. Yet they haue bene blynded and not beleued Ioh . is.f 38.rom. 1 1 a 7. 3. cor. 3 d 14. They were reiefted, and the Gen tils receaued Mat. 8 b 11 21 d 43 rom. 11 b 11. They flialbe reftored agayne if they remayne not in their vnbe lief Rom. 11 C23. They are not to be caft of, but to beloued and prayed fore Rom. 1 b 10. 10 a 1. 11 d 28 Ther is no difference betwen Iewe and Gentil Rom. 10 c 12. Of the inwarde and outwarde Ie we Rom. 2 d 2g. Iezabel the fpiritual whore Re ue. 2 f 20. fl IgnoranceofGodAft.17g30.ro. 10 a 3. 1 .cor.15 e 34-gal.4 bg.eph. 4 d 18. 1. theff. 4 a 5. Suche as may be pardoned Aft.3 c ig 1. tim. 1 c 13. That which is indurate and irre- miffible 2.Theff.i c8. i.tim. 1 bg. 2.pet. 2 c 12. Image of God is Chrift Reade Chrift Man is the image of God 1C0r.11 b 7. col 3 b 10. Inconftancie 2.Cor.i d i7gal.i a 6.2. THE TABLE. 442 6-a.tim. 4 b 10. iam. 1 b 8- fl Infidelitieisinall Rom.ud30. In the faithful Mat.i4d3i. I7d20. mar 9 d 24. 16 c 14. luk 24 d 25. ioh. 20 f 27. In the reprobat Mat.23g4g. ioh.6 g 64.10625. aft.igbg. rom.11.c2. theff. 1 c 8. Infidels and reprobate the chil dren of incredulitie or difobe- dience Eph.2a2.sb6coloff.3 a 6. Children of the deuil Mat.i3e38. ioh. 8 f 44. l.ioh. 3 b 8. Curfed and the children of ma lediction Mat. 25 d 41. 2. pet. 2 c 14. Veffels of wrath & of diflionour appointed to perdition Rom.ge 23. a.tim.a c 20. 2.pet.a c 12. iude as- Abominable and reprobat in eue ry good worke Tit.i d 16. Blynded of the deuil a.Cor. 4 a 4- Condemned Mar.i6c 16. ioh. 3c 18. The angre of God remayneth vpon them ioh 3 d 36. They fhal go into hell fyre Mat.3 c ia. 25 d 41 .mar.g g 43.ioh.15a6 2.theff.i cg.hebr.10e27.reue.20 d 14. 21 c 8. We may not haue to do with them Reade Faithful. fl Infirmitie, and infirme in faith oght to be borne with, that they may be wone Rom . 14.8 1. 15 a 1. 1. cor. 9 d 22. 1. theff. 5 c 14. We muft not offende them Rom. 14 c 13. 1 cor. 8 c 9. The vertue of God worketh in in firmitie 2. Cor. 12 b 5. God chufeth the weake things of the worlde l.Cor 1 d27- Infirme in the body are healed of Chrift Mat.4 d 23. 8 b 13. 9 a 7 c 22.d 30 14 d 36. 15 c 28. 19 a 2 luk. 14 a 4. ioh.4g 50. 5 b8. Infirmities and difeafes fome ty mes come for fynne Ioh.5 c 14. Somme tymes for ye glorie of God Ioh. 9 a 3. n a 4. Iniurie or wronge oght not to be done, nor rendered, but to be borne Matsf 39. rom.i2d 17.1. cor .6 b 7. 1 .theff.5 c 15. 1 .pet 3 b 9- lob oght to be an enfample of pa cience vnto vs Iam. 5 c 1 1 . Iohn Baptift fent of God to beare witnes to Chrift Ioh. 1 a 6. Ioye, Read Glorie lofeph the houfband of Marie the virgine Mat.i c 13. luk.i. c 27. lofeph of Arimathea Mat.27f 56. ioh. 19 g 38. lofeph the Patriarke Aft. 7 b 9. hebr. 11 e 22. lofeph, called Barfabas Aft. 4g 36. Ifraelites which are in deed Ro. 9b d. . Kk.iii. THE TABLI fl Iohn Baptifts birth Luk 1 e 57. He preacheth, baptizeth and de ciareth Chrift Mat3 a 1 .b c 61 1. Iuk3a3.b c8i2.ioh.i c 23.d26.e 34- 3 d 29. Chrift witneffeth of him Mat.u b 11. luk 7 d 28. His death Mat. 14 a 10. He is Helias Mat. 1 1 b 14. 17 b 12. fl ludas felleth Scbetrayeth Chrift Mat. 26 b 15. e 48. Chrift difcouereth him to Iohn Ioh. 13 c 26. He repenteth and hangeth him felfe Mat. 27 a 5. flludgementofGod, taken for his fecretconfell and workes are in comprehenfible, true, and iuft Rom. 11 d 33. reue. 19 a 2. Iudgement of God taken for cor rection i.Cor.11 g 32. i.pet.4 d 17 Taken for damnation Mar.3d2g. 1. cor. 11 f 2g. The vniuerfal iudgement Mat.u d. act. 17 g 31. hebr 9 g 27. After what fort it flialbe Mat.25 c 31 32- What fignes dial go before Mat. 24 c 29. The day and houre is not kno wen Mat.24C36.mar.i3d32.i. theffa.5 a 2. 2. pet 3 b 10. reuela. 3">3 We muft waite for it from houre to houre Mat.24d44.luk.12e 36. iam. 57 b 78. Then all things ihalbe difcouered & euery man lhal receaue his re warde Rom.2 a 6. 2.tim. 4 b 8. To iudge our brother is forbidden Mat. 7 ai.ro. 2 a 3. 14a 3 c 13. 1 .co. 485. iam. 4 c 11. We muft iudge iuftely & not af ter the perfone Ioh. 7 d 24. Iuftice and luftification, Loke Chrift and Faith. K Keyes of ye kyngdome of heauen (etherto openit.or to fhutit) Mat.i6c ig. 18c 18. ioh.2of 23. The keyes of knollage Luk. 1 1 g 52. The keyes of hel and death Re- uel. 1 d 18. fl Kyngdome of God, or of heauen by his fpiritual gouernment of the faithful in the perfone of Iefus Chrift Matth.3ai. mar.i b "5- It is not with obferuation, but is within vs Luk. 17 d 20. It is taken for ye preaching of the Gofpel Mat.i3d30. mar. 4 c. It. is taken for life euerlafting lo. 3 a 3- It is prepared for the eleft Mat. 25 c 34- Who are ftiut thence Mar. 10 b 15. ioh.3a3. i.cor.6b9. isfso. galat.5d2. eph.sbs. reue.2ib8 22 c 15. We muft enter into it by many tri bulations THE TABLE. 443 bulations Act. 14 c 21. The kyngdome of Chrift eternal Luk. 1 d 33. 2. pet. 1 c 18. A kingdome diuided Mat. 12 b 25. fl Knollage of God Iohn 17 a 3. It is geuen of Chrift Mat .11 d 27. iohn 1 b 17. 14 a 7. 17 d 33. 1 • iohn 5 d 30. The worlde hath not the knolla ge of God Iohn 1 b lo 8g55. 17d35- l.cor. IC21. l.iohn 3 a 6. The knollage of fynne by ye Lawe Rom. 3 c 20. 7 b 7. L LAboure and trauail comman ded to all LTher.4ciL2.thef. 3 b 8. c 13. Sainct Paul laboured with his owne handes Aft.i8a3.30g34. i.cor.4c is. Lt.hef.2b9. 2.thef.3 b.8. fl Lawe ceremoniall was a fchole mafter, & a. b . _. to lead to Chri fte Gal. 3 d 34. 4 a A fliadowe of good things to co me Hebr. 10 a 1 . It was weake, and impotent to sa ue by. Gal.4bg. heb7c8. ioa4 It is abolilhed by Chrift, Reade Christe The lawe moral, good, iufte, and holy Rom. 7 c 12. i.tim. 1 b 8. The lawe fpiritual which requi- reth perfect and pure obedien ce of the hart Rom.7ei4- It is geuen to make fynne knowen Rom. 3 c 20. 7 b 7. d 31. gla. 3 c 19. And to caufe it to abounde Rom. 5 dso. It is the force of fynne 1. Cor. ig g56. It is the adminiftration of death and damnation 2. Cor. 3 b 7 c 9. Ayoke importable Aft. 15 c 10. Procuring angre Rom.4ci5. No man can obferue, and kepe it Aft. 15 c 10. rom. 7 c d. 8 b. gal. 3d 13. It can not iuftifle Aft. 13 f 38. rom. 3c 20. 4Ci3.5di9. 7ab. 8a 4. 2. cor .3 b 6. gal.a c 16. d 19. 3 b 11.c21.d24. He y' is vnder it is accurfed Gal. 3 b. 10. Chrift hath deliuered vs from the curfe therof Gal. 3 b 13. 4 a 5- It is writen of God in the hart of the faithful Hebr. 8 d 10. Yet they do not fulfil it perfeftly Rom. 7 d 23. It is not geuen for the iufte, but for the vniuft 1. Tim. 1 b 9. The fome therof Mat. 33 d 37. rom. 13 c 9. gal. 5 c 14. fl Lazarus the poore man Luk. 16. c 30. The brother of Martha Iohn 1 1 a 1. bu. 643. Leaue we must all things, to fol- lowe Chrift Mat. 19 d ig. luk Kk.iiii. THE TABLE. 14 f 26. g 33. Lepers healed of Chrift Mat.8 a 2 luk. 17 c 4. Letter and Spirit Rom. 7 b 6. _. cor. 3 b 6. fl Leuain taken for euil doftrine Mat. 16 a 6. The olde leuain oght to be pur ged l.Cor. 5c 7. Libelle of diuorce Read Maria ge- fl Libertie fpiritual from the bon dage of fynne Iohn 8 e 35.Rom.6 d 20. 8 a 2. From the fubieftion and curfe of the Lawe Rom.7b6. gal. 3b 13. 4 a 5. 5 a 1. From the tyrannie of the deuil, death, & hell Rom.8a2. i.cor. 15 g 55- heb- 2 d 14. From the ceremonies of the Lawe Gal. 2 a 4. 5 a 1. colof. 3 c 14. From all things indifferent 1. Tim. 484. tit. 1 d 15. This libertie muft not be turned to the offence of our brother, but muft be meafured by chari tie Rom. 14 c 15. l.cor. 6c 12. 8 07. dio.gc 10. g33. gal. 5 b 13. Carnall libertie Gal. 5 b 13. 1. pet. 3 c 16. a pet. a d 19. fl Life bodely is a thing y' fadeth Iam. 4 d 14. We oght not to difquiet our fel ues how to maintayneitMat.6 *"35- We muft rendre it and forfake it for Chrifts caufe Mat. 10 d 39. iohn 13 d 25. aft. 20 c 24. reue.12 c 11. fl Life euerlafting Iohn 17 a 2. It is the gift of God Iohn 6 c 37. iocs8. rom 6 d 22. tit. 182.3b 7. 1 iohn 2 d 25. fl Lying forbydden Col.3bg.iam.3 d 14. reue. 21 g 27. 33 c 15. Lying in doftrine 3.Thef.3cu.i. tim. 4a 1. reue.2a2. Euery man is a Iyer Rom. 3 84. And whofoeuer doth not con feffe him felfe to be a fynner 1. Iohn.i d 10. And he y* faith he knoweth God, and kepeth not his commande ments i.Iohn2a4, Alfo he that denieth Iefus to be Chrift 1. Iohn 2 d 22. And he that fayth he loueth God and hateth his brother l.iohn 4 dao Lot 3. Pet. s b 7 His dayes Luk. i7fs8. fl To loue God Mat. 33 d 37. mar. 13 c 30. To loue Chrifte Matth. 10 d 33. To loue our neighbour Matth. 5 g43- 22d3g. luk 10 e27- gal.sc 14. iam. 2 b 8. To loue one another Iohn 13 d34. romi2cio. I3b8.i.thef.4 bg. l.pet. 8d22. i.iohn3bu. To loue our ennemies Matth. 5 g 44. luk. 6 e 35. rom. 12 d 19. The THE TABLE. 444 s loue of God and Chrift tow- rds vs Iohn 4 b 10. rom. 8 g 39. phe. 5 a 2. reue. 1 a 5. _e the Phifition Col. 4 I14.latike healed of Chrifte Mat. i d 24. 17 c 18. turie Read Adulterie. M [Agiftrats are ordeyned of God, & to what ende Rom. 3 84. b 6. i.pet. 2 c 13. : oght to obey them Tit. 3 1 1. paye them tribute Luk. 20 e 15. rom. 13 b 6. : muft praye for them l.Tim. ! a 2. : may not contemne them nor peake euil of them _¦ Pet. 2 b 10. iude b 8. t if they commande any thing igainft God we muft not obey ihem Aft. 4 d 19. ilice is condemned Rom. 1 d 39. 1. cor. 5 b 8. 14 d ao. ephe. % g 31 . col. 3 b 8. tit. 3 a 3. 1 pet.2 1 1. Man which is earthly and hea uenly 1. Cor. 15 f 47. e olde and newe man Rom. 6 a 6. ephe. 4 e 33. f34. col. 3bg. mal & folde vnder fynne Iohn 3 a 6. rom. 7 c 14. nfual 1. Cor. 2 d 14. "ritual Iohn 3 a 5. 1. corinth. 2d 15. The outwarde man or body _ . Cor. 4 d 16. The inwarde, or fpiritual concea ued by the worde Rom. 7 d. •_. cor. d 16. ephe. 3 c 16. 1 .pet.3 a4. Euery man is a fynner Rom.3bg. c 23. 5 b 12. gal. 3 d. 1 . iohn 1 c 8. Is a Iyer Rom. 384. Vnbelieuing Rom. 111)30. Naturally the childe of wrath Ephe. 283. Death and damnation haue rai- gned ouer euery man Rom. 5 c 14. l.cor. 15 c 21. fl Marie the virgine wife of lo feph Mat. 1 c 16. d 20. She is faluted of the Angel Luk. 1 c 28. She beareth Chrift Luk. •_ 87. Her fonge Luk. 1 e 46. She sendeth vs to Chrift Iohn 2 a 5. •ff Marie ye fitter of Martha Luk. 10 g 3g. iohn 11 a 1. d. 33. She anointeth Chrifts fete Iohn 13 a 3. fl Mariage, is an infeparable con- ionftion of the houfband and the wife Mat. 1985. i.cor7a4. b 10. It is ordeyned of God Matth. 19 as- It is granted to all 1. Cor. 7 a 1 It is honorable to all folke Heb. 1334. It is neceffarie for whofoeuer hath not the gift of continencie Mat. 19b 13. Lcor7a2.b9- Chrift honored it with his prefen ce, and firft miracle Iohn 2 a 2. It is compared to the ioyning of Chrift with his Churche Ephe.5 fag. fl Man can not vndoe it Matth. 19 a 6. Fornication diffeuereth and brea- keth it Mat.5 e 32 . ig b g. 1 .cor.7 b 10. The bonde betwene the houfband and the wife alfo betwene the wife and the houfbande, and how they oght to behaue them felues the one to thother i.Cor. 7a3.bc14.g34. ephe. 5f28.g33 col . 3 c 18. d ig. 1 .tim . 2 d 12 .tit. 2 b 5. 1 pet. 3 a 1. b 7. Martha Luk . 10 g 38- iohn 11 c 20. Mailers how they ihulde behaue them felues towarde their fer uants Ephe.6bg. col 3 d 26 . Matthew called Leui Matth . 9 a 9. luk. sf 27. Matthias is elected Apoftle Aft. 1 d 26. fl Meate that endureth & fpiritu al Iohn 6 c 51. icor.ioa4. Corporal meates make vs not ac ceptable to God 1. Cor. 8 c 8. hebr . 13 b 9. Ther is no difference betwixt the fe bodyly meates as touching 'ABLE. matter of confcience Mar. 7 b 18.luk.10b8.act.10b13rom.14. c 14. icor. iof25- col. 2 c 16. 1. tim. 483. Melchi-fedec Hebr. 17 a 1. Members, one of another, are the faithful Rom. I2b5. i.cor. i2d 25. ephe. 4 f 25. Of Chrift, our bodies are mem bers i.Cor. 6 c 15. ephe. 5 g 30. Our members are the temple of the holy Goft 1. Cor. 6 d 19. Our members oght to ferue in ho lynes Rom . 6 d 19. We muft mortifie them Col. 3 a g. fl Mercie of God through Chrift Ephe. 2 a 4. hebr.4di6. l.pet.i. a 3. By it we haue faluation Tite 3 b. l.pet. 1 a 5. God fheweth it to whome it plea- feth him Rom. 9 c 15. It is iheued to the Gentils Rom. u d30. 15 b 9. God wil fhewe it to them that fea re him Luk. 1 e 50. And to them that repent Luk. 15 d 20. Alfo to the faithful 1. Pet. 2. b 10. It is commanded among men Luk . 6 e 36. ephe . 4 g 3a. col.3 c 13. 1 . pet. 3 b 8. God wil haue mercie and not fa crifice Matth. gb 13. iaa7- Bleffed are they that do it Mat. 5a7- THE 5*7- He that doeth it not, let him not loke for it of God Iam. 2 c 13. It is of the chiefeft things y' oght to be done Mat. 23 c 33. We oght to fliewe it towards all Luk. 10 f 33. g 37. Michael the Archangel Iude b 9. reue. is b 7. fl Miniftration ofy* worde, or prea ching the Gospel Aft. 3oe 34. a. Cor 5 dao. Minifters, Reade Prea chers. fl Miracles true.are of God to con firme his trueth Mar. 16 d i7.iohnsf 36. 10e35.soga7.Aft. 2d22.4f30. 1483.3 cor.iad 12. hebr. 2 a 4. They are wroght in the name of Iefus Chrift Mar.16 d 17. aft.3 e 26. 4 b 10. f 30 9 f 34. Falfe miracles are of the deuil to deceaue and confirme his, falfe- lie Mat. 24 b 24. 2 thef. 2 c 9. reue. 13 c 14. 16 c 14. Workers & defpicers of the Gof pel Aft2b13.17g32.3pet.3a3. iude d 18. No man oght to be defpiced Mat. 18 b 10. fl Moifes Aft. 7 c 20. heb. 11 e 23- Why he hidd his face 2. Cor. 3 c 13. fl Mortifleng of our felues Rom. 8 c 13. col 3 a 5. It is to dye to fynne Rom. 6 a 1. TABLE. 445 Mortification by the croffe 2 Cor. 4 c 10. Mote in the eye Mat. 783. Murmur and grudging oght to be auoyded 1 . Cor. 10 b io. pbil. 2 b 14. Murmures Mat. 20 b u . luk 5 f 30. 15 a 3.iga7.iohn 6e41.g61.rom. 1 d 39. iude c 16. fl Murther and murtherers con demned Mat-5C22. 15 b 19.19 c 18.rom.1d29. 13c9.gal5d21.ir tim. 1 b 9. 1 pet. 4 d 15. reue.21 b 8. 22 c 15. He that hateth is _ murtherer l.iohn 3 c 15. N NAthanael Iohn 3 g 46. Neighbour, is euery man Luk. io f 36. We oght to loue him as our felfe, Reade Loue, and Charitie. Newnes of life, is of the Spirit 6 a 4. 7 b 6. New man, Reade man, & Creature. Nicodemus Iohn 3 a 1. 7 g 50. 19 g39- fl Noe Hebr. 11b 7. 2.pet. 285. His daies Mat. 24. c 37. l.pet. 3 d 20. O OBedience to God rather then to man Aft. 4 d 19. 5 e 29. To the Gofpel and to the trueth Rom.ia9.i5d20. i6d25.2.cor. 9 d 13. ipet. 1 b 12. To fathers, Read Children, to THE Princes, reade Magiftrats. to preachers, reade Preachers, to matters, reade Seruants. We muft not obey fynne Rom.6 c 16. Oblation, Reade Sacrifice. Offence, fclander, let, or hinderan ce to come to God, & to Chrift, or occafion geuen to drawe bac ke, or to fall by any meanes in to fynne and deftruction Mat. 18 a 7. We oght not to geue it Mat.i7d 27.romi4ci3. i.cor.8cg. d 13 Wo be to him that geueth it Mat. 18 a 7. Offence taken vniuftely Mat. 24 a 10. 26 c 31 . Mar. 6 a 3. iohn 6 g 61. 1. cor.i C33. gal 5 b 11. Happy is he that taketh it not Mat. 11 a 6. We oght to put away from vs all things that ihulde geue offen ce, be they neuer fo dere, Mat.5 c 38. 18 a 7. Wicked men are called offences or flanders Mat 13 f 41 . Oliue tree wilde Rom. 11 C17. Chrift is ye true oliue tree Rom. 11 c 17. Onefimus Philem.b 10. Onefiphorus _.Tim. 1 d 16. fl Othe of God Hebr. 6di7.7C3i. To what ende an othe is made among men Heb. 6 c 16. It is prohibited in our priuat cau TABLE. fe Mat. 5 f 34. iam. 5 c 13. P PAcience is neceffarie for the faithful Luk. 31 d ig. rom. 5 a 3.8 d 25.12 c 12.15 a 4. col. 1 bu- 3 b 12. 1 .thef.5 c 14. hebr. 10 g 36. 12 a 1 . iam 183. 5 b 7 . Palfie healed of Chrifte Matth. 9 a 2. fl Parable, or fimilitude . Of the candel light. Mat.5 b 15. luk. ue33- Of the houfe built vpon the fan- de Mat.7d26. Of the children in the ftreate Mat. 11 b 16. Of the piece of newe clothe Mat. gb 16. Ofthe fower Mati3a3.bi8. Of ye darnel or cockle Mat.i3d27. Of the grain e of muftard fede Mat. 13 d 31. Of leuain Mat 13 e 31 . Of the treafure hid, of the mar- chant, and the perle, of the net Mat. 13 f 44. Of the loft fliepe Mat 18 b 12 . Of the feruant that pitieth not his compagnion Mat. 18 a 2. Of the worke men fent to labour in the vineyarde Mat. 20 a 2. Of two Sonnes Mat. 21c 28. Of the vineyarde hyred forth Mat. 21 c 33. Of the kyng that maketh the ma riage 22 a 2. Of the faithful or naughty fer uant uant 24 d 45. Of tbe ten virgines 25 a 1. Of the talents Mat. 25 b 13 luk. 19 b 13- Of the fede that groweth and in- creafeth Mar. 4 e 27. Of the Samaritan Luk.iof33- Of the importunat friende Luk. 11 a 8. Of the ftrong man armed Luk. 11 c 21. Ofthe man yl gethereth much fruit Luk . ia c 16 . Of the baren fygge tre Luk. 13 b6. Of him that was byd to the feaft and letteth him felue in ye chie feft place Luk. 14 b 8 . Of the drame or piece of filuer loft Luk. 15 b 8. Of the prodigal fonne Luk. 15 c 13. Of the vniuft ftewarde Luk . 16 a 1. Of the importunat wydowe Luk. 18 a 3. Paradife Luk. 33 f 43. Pardone we muft him that offen- deth vs Mat 6 b 14. 18 c 33. d 35 mar. 1 1 c 35. luk 17 a 3. ephe. 4 g 33. col. 3 b 13. Parents, Read Father. fl Paul, his vocation, & his aftes, his preachings, miracles, ior- neys,trauailes,perfecutions, pe rils, and other aflli ftions, from the 8. chap . of theAftes euen to ABLE. 446 the laft and through out all his Epiftles. The ambaffador of Chrift 2. Cor. 5dao. The Apoftle of the Gentils Rom. 11 b 13. gal. a b 8. i.tim. ab 7. He hath layd the fundation 1. Cor. 3 b 10. He laboreth with his hands to gay ne his liuing without charging any man Read Labor. How much he fuffered for ye Go fpel i.Cor.4bg. _.cor. 4 eg. 11 f 34. ia c 7. 2.tim. a bio. 3 c 11. His example of life and doftrine oght to be followed 1 . Cor. 4 d 16. 11 a 1. phil. 3d 17. 1. theff. 1 _ 16. 2. theff. 3b g. His reuelations a. Cor. is a 1. fl Peace of God & of Chrift by ye Gofpel Luk 2b 14. 24636. iohn 14 d 27. 16 d 33. aft 10 e 36. rom 5 ai. ephe. 2 c 14. phil.4b7. col.3 cis- Peace w'ourneighbourMat.sag. marggso. rom.i2di8. i4dig. l.corLL f33.2.cori3dii.ephe.4 83. i.theff.5ci3. 2.tim.2d22. heb. 12 d 14. i.pet. 3b 11. Peace of ye worlde, which Chrift geueth not Mat. 10 d 34. iohn 14 d27. l.thef. 5 a 3. fl Perfecution, foloweth the true Chriftians Luk. 21 c 12. 2. tim. 3 c 11. The very kinffolkes do fome ty mes perfecute Mat. 10 b 31 . THE TABLE. d35. luk. 31 d 16. Bleffed are they that fuffre it wil lingiy Mat . 5 a 10. b 1 1 . 1 . pet. 4. d 14. In tyme of perfecution we may flee, Reade Flye. It commeth by the wil of God 1. Pet 2 d 19. 3 d 18. 4 d 19. Examples of the fame Mat. 26 e 50. aft.4a3- 6d12.7g58.8a1. 12 a 1. I2g50. 1485. i6e22.i7b6. i8di7- 19f29.21f30.rom.8g35. 2. cor. 1 1 f 24 heb. 1 1 g 36 37. They that perfecut through igno rance are receaued to repentance Aft 3 c 17. 1. tim. 1 c 13. The obftinat perfecutors are poni ftied Luk. 23d 28. aft. 12 d 23. 2. tim.4Cig. fl Perfeuerance Mat. 10 c 22. 2 b 13. It is the gift of God who only can confirme his in goodnes Rom. i6d25. l.cor. 1 a 4. 2 cor. 1 d2i. philip. ia6. 1. thef. 3d 13.5 d23- 2 . thef. 2 d 16. 3 a 5. 1 .pet. 5 c 10. fl Peter called Cephas of Chrifte Iohn 1 f 42. He and Andrew his brother are called Mat 4 c 18. He is called Satan Mat. 16 d 23. He denieth Chrifte Mat. 26 g 70. He preacheth Chrift Aft 2 d 22. 3 b 13.10 e36. His vifion Aft. 10 b 11. He is put in prifon Aft 483. 1 a 4. fl Pharifes and Scribes are repro ued of Chrift for their hypocri fie and malice Mat.gb 12. 12 a b . c. d 15 a . 19 a. 22 b. 23 a b cd. Philippe the Apoftle Iohn 1 f 43. 14 a 8. Philippe the deacon Aft. 8 a g. _ 30. 21 b 8. Philofophie wherof we muft take hede Col. 2 b 8. Pilate and his behauiour towar de Chrift Iohn 18 e 39- f 30. g 38. iga 1. &c. Poetes alleged Aft. 17 e 38. 1. cor. 15 d 33- ti1:- " d '2- Pompe andruffeling Mar. 13 d 38, &c. luk. 7 d 35. i.iohn.2Ci6. reue. 1784. 18 a b &c. fl Poore muft be fuccored Luk. 14 c 13. gal. 2 b 10. Reade Al mes. Wemuftnotcontemnethem Iam. 2 a2. Poore in fpirit Mat. 52.3. luk. 6 c 30. To them is the Gofpel preached Mat. 1 1 a 5. fl Prayer how it oght to be made Made Mat. 685. In fpirit Ephe. 6 c 18. iude d 20. It muft be in faith Mat 21 b 21 . mar.uc 33. iohnisb 7. iam.i. a 6. 5 d 15. In the name of Chrift, Reade Chrift. Continual THE TABLE. 447 itinual & perfeuering Luk.ua ).i8 a i. 21 g36.aft.i c 14.2 g42. om.2 c 12. ephe. 6c 18. col. 4 .2. Lthef.5di7. i.tim.sa5. 1. let . 4 b 7. euery place l. Tim. 2 c 8. e praye for another Iam.5 di6. ¦ the Sainftes Ephe . 6 c 18 . 1 . hef.5 d 26. hebr. 13 d 24. ¦ kyngs and magiftrats l.Tim. : 8 2. • the ennemies and perfecuters .Iat.5g44. Iuk.6e35- 23034. aft 7 g 60. ¦ all men i.Tim.2 a 1. linft tentations Mat. 36 d 41 . uk.aa e 40. affliftion Aft . 12 a 5. rom . 15 g jo. iam.5 c 23- th fatting, Reade Fafting. ; forme of prayer Mat . 6 b g . uk. 11 a 2. Publike and in the affemble of nany Aft . 1 c 14 . d -24 . 4 c 34. f |i. ia a 5. 20 g 36. 21 a 5. nuft be in that langage which he affemble doth vnderstand .Cor. 14 c 13. priuat prayer we haue ye exam- ile in Chrift Mat. 14 b ig. _6d •9. luk. 5 c 16. 6 b 13. 33 d 3a. Preachers, of minifters of Chrift o preache his Gofpel, & to fe- le his flocke, with the worde of 3od. lohnaicis.aft. 3ofs8. 1. :or. 3 a 5. 4 a 1. 2.COL3 b6.ephe. [ b 7. col.i a 7.i.tim. 4 b 6. l.pet. 5 a 2. They are fent of God Mar.16 c 15. iohn 20 e 21. rom. 10 c 14. They may not preache but that wc Chrift hath commanded that is, the onely worde of God Mat. 28d20. i.cor.2a2. i.tim. 185.1. pet. 4 c 11 . _. iohn c 9. Accordingto Chrifts example Iohn 7 c. We muft heare fuch & obey them Luk. 10 c 16. 2. cor. 3 c g. phil. 2b I3.2.thef.3a4-c 14. hebr.i3d22. We muft receaue fuche, nouriflie them and efteme them Mat. 10 d40. iohn. 13 c 20. gal.6 b6. 1. thef 5c13.Ltim.5c 17. 3. iohn c. They may liue on ye Gofpel Rom. 15 f. i.cor.ga7. b 9. They are helpers of the faithful and not Lords of their faith 2. Cor. 1 d 24. 1 pet. 583. They are feruants of the faithful Mat.20d27- luk.33C27.2.Cor.4 b5- Their power is to edifie & not to deftroye 2. Cor. 13 c 10. They muft be appoynted particu lerly through all churches Aft. 14 d 22. tit. 1 b 5. What things and conditions are required in them l.Tim 3 ai. b 6. tit. 1 b 6. c 9. 1. pet 5 a 2. They oght to be a good example toothers Phil. 3d 17. 2.thef. 3c 9. tit. 2b 7. i.pet. 5 ai . Falfe preachers are prophe- THE TABLE. cied to come, and to deceaue ma ny Mat. 34 a 1 1 . aft.30 f 2g, i.tim. 4a 1. 2tim.3aa.4a3. a. pet. 2 a 1. With wonderful fignes and mira cles Mat. 24b 24. 2. thef. 2 c g. reue. 13 c 13. They make marchandife of the worde of God 2 Cor. 2 d 17. They teache the commandements and doftrine of men, and deuils Colof. 2 b 8. 1. tim 4 a 3. They ferue their belly, which is their God Rom. 16 c 18. phil. 3 d 10. Predeftination, Read Election. fl Pride and arrogancie condem- ded Mar. 7 c 23. rom. 11 c 25. 12C16. i.cor.4b6.di8.2.cor.i2. g20. phil.2a3. 1 tim.3b6. 6a4. 2. tim. 3 a 3. iam .4 b 16. 3.pet.2 d 18. 1. iohn 2 c 16. iude c 16. God refifteth the proude Luk.i e 51. iam. 4 b6. 1. pet. 5 b 5. fl Priefthode, Leuiticai according to the Lawe Hebr. 7 a 5 b 11. Of Chrift according to the ordre of Melchi-fedec Hebr 7 a. bed. The perpetual Prieft, and hie bi- (hope of the Newe teftament, reade Chrift. The faithful are fpiritual Priefts made of Chrift i.Pet.3as. b g. reue. 1 b 6. 5 c 10. The Priefts procure Chrifts de ath Mat. 21 d 45. 36 a 3. 27 a 1. They perfecute his, and his doftri ne Aft. 4 a 3. Prifoners muft be vifited Mat.35 d 36. 43. heb. 12 a. Proces in Lawe muft be auoyded Mat.5 d. i.eor. 6 a b. fl Promes made to the Gentils Aft2f 3g. rom.4ci6. gal 3 bo. d 22. The fame that was made to the fa thers 2. Cor. 7 a 1. fl Prophetes for (hewers of things to come Aft 11 d 27. For interpreters of the Scriptu res, and how they oghttoexer- cice their office in the Churche i.Cor 14. Prophecie is the gift of God, and no worldly thinge Rom. 12 b 6. 1. cor. 12 b 10. 2. pet. 1 d 21. fl Proue the fpirits l.iohn 4 a 1. Euery man proue him felfe 1. Cor. 11 f 28. 2. cor. 13 g 5. To proue euery thing 1. Thef. 5 d2i. fl Puniihement of euery crime, y' is openly knowen is commited to the magiftrat Rom. 13 a 4. 1. pet. 3 c 14. No puniihement chanceth to the faithful faue for a tyme to cor reft them 1. Cor.5 bs. u g 33. i.pet4d. But the vnbeleuers haue euerla fting puniihement Mat. 3 c 12 THE TABLE. 448 25 d 41. mar. gg44. reue. 20 d 21. 21 C 22 d. Q QVene of the fouthe Mat. I2d43. Queftions, difputations, and contention of wordes oght to be auoyded Rom. 14 a 1. phil. 3 b 14. i.tim. 134. 6a4- 2. tim.a d 23.tit.3cg. Loke Conten tion. R RAhab, the harlot Heb. 11 f 31. iam. 2 d 25. fl Rayment Aiul'de not be cared for Mat6c25. d28. We muft take awaye ye fuperflui- tie therof Luk.3c u.7d35. iam 3 c 13. l.iohn 3 c 17. It muft be fimple and honeft i. Tim. 3 c g. l.pet. 3 a 5. Rayment fpiritual Mat. 33 a 1 1. Iuk._4 g4vq. rom. 13d 12. 2.COL5 a 2. gal.3 d 27. ephe.4 f 24. col.3b 10. Read Armour. Rayment and meat muft not be foght fore carefully, Read life, and Rayment. We muft be con tent with what foeuer God fen- deth i.Tim.6b8. Rancour or malice Ephe. 4 g 31. hebr. 12 d 15. fl Reconciling towarde God, Loke Chrifte. Towarde our neighbour Matth. 5 d-24. Regeneration fpiritual Iohn 3 a 3 1 . pet. 1 a 3. Loke Baptifme. fl Reioyce we oght alwayes 2. Cor. 6 cio. 13du.phil.3a1. 4a 4. 1. thef. 5 c 16. In tribulations and perfecutions Mat.5bi2. aft.5g4i. l.thefi c 6. hebr.iog34. iam.ias.i.pet.4. c 13. With whome we oght to reioyfe. Rom. 12 c 12. We oght to reioyse that our na mes are written in heauen Luk. 10 d 20. fl Religion true Iam. 1 d 27. Falfe & fuperftitious Col. 2d 23. Renounce or forfake him felfe & all y« he hath to follow Chrift Mat. 16 d 24. luk. 14 g 33. fl Repentance, that is, forrowing for our fynnes,with amendement of life by tourningto God Mat. 3 a 2. 4c 17. luk. 15 b 7. c 10. 24 g 47. aft 2 f 38. 3cig. I7g30. It muft be ioyned with faith Mar. 1 b 15. aft. 20 d 21. It is the gift of God Iohn 12 f 40. act 5 f 31. 11 ci8. 26 c 20. 2.tim. 2 d25. Reprobate Iohn 10 e 26. rom. 1 d 28. 2 theff. 2 c 37. 1 . tef. 2 c ig. iude a 4. Rede lewes, and Infidels. fl Refurreftion fpiritual by faith Luk. 2 e 34. iohn 11 c 25. col 2 c 12. 3 a 1. The vniuerfal refurreftion of the bodyes Aft. 24 d 15. rom 14 b 9 Irl.i. 2. cor 5 b 15. Of the rightuous, to life euerla fting, and of the vnrightuous to euerlafting damnation Mat.25 d 46. iohn 5 e 2g. In what fort and after what ordre it fhalbe 1. Cor. 15 e f g. 1. theff. 4 d. The refurreftion of Chrift is the foundation of our refurreftion 1. Cor. 15 b c. 1. thef. 4 c 14. Chrift wil raife them vp agayne whome his Father hath geuen him Iohn 6 d 3g. The ftate of them that are raifed vp Luk. 20 f 35. fl Reuenging belongeth only to God Rom. 13 d ig. 1 thef. 4 b 6. hebr. 10 f 30. He wil declare it againft the per- fecuters of his eleft, and againft all rebelles Luk. 18 b 7. •_. thef. 1 c 8. reue. 6 c 10. ig a 2. It is alfo committed to the magi- ftrat Rom. 13 a 4. 1. pet. _ c 14. It is forbidden to priuat perfo- nes Mat.5f3g rom. i2dig. 1. thef. 5 c 15. l.pet. 3 b 9. fl Rewarde of hypocrites is in this worlde Mat. 6 a 2. The rewarde of fynne are other fynnes Rom. 1 d. 2 thef. 2 c 13. 2. pet. 2 c. Alfo death euerlafting Rom. 6 d 23. TABLE, The rewarde of the faithful is in heauen Mat.5 b 13. It is life euerlafting Mat. 19 d 39. 35 d 46. rom.6d 33. fl Riches muft be wel vfed and fpent Luk. 12 e 33. 16c 10. i.tim. 6 d 17. l.iohn 3 c 16. The riche with great payne recea ue the Gofpel Mat 19 d 24. Yet fome of them receaue it Mat. 27 f 57. luk 19 a 1. We oght not to truft in riches Mat. 10 c 24. i.tim. 6 d 17. We can not ferue God, and them botte - Mat. 6 c 34. They choke the worde of God in fome Mat. 13 c 33. Wo be to the riche which are wic ked Luk. 6 d 24. iam 5 a 1. How dangerous a thing it is towill to be riche i.Tim.6 b g. Riche men oght not ambitiouf- ly to feke honour Iam. 2 a 3. Of the riche man, that lyued in pleafure, and poore Lazarus. Luk 16. c ig. S O Abbath, or reft which was a fi- *-J gure Iudaical, and is now ta ken awaye by Chrift Col. 3 c 16. Reade dayes. The Chriftian & fpiritual Hebr.4 c 13. fl Sacrifices for fynnes in fliado- we and figure Heb. 8 a 3 g c.10 ab. In THE In effeft and trueth but one only ¦which is Chrift, Reade Chrift. The fpiritual facrifice, & of pray- fe Rom. ia a l. phil. 4 d lfi.heb. 13 c 15. i.pet. 3 a 5. Sadduces were a feft, which de nied the refurreftion of the de ad Mat. 33 e 33. act 33 b 6. Sainfts Reade Faithful. Saiuation is by the only grace of God Ephe.ab5.tit.3b7.Reade Faith, and Chrift. Samaritane Iohn 4 b 9. Sanftification Loke Chrift. Sarra Heb. 11 c 11. i.pet.3 a 6. Satan Loke Deuil. Satiffaftion Reade Chrift. Scribes Reade Pharifes. fl Scripture is written for our cau fe Rom. 4 d 34. i.eor. 9 b 10. 10 c 11. For our doftrine, confolation, cor rection, and ful inftruftion to faluation Iohn 30 g3i. rom. 1583. 3. tim. 3 d 16. It beareth witnes of Chrift Luk. 34 d 37. g 46. iohn 5 g 39. 30 b 9. aft. 17 a a. 18 g 28- rom. 16 d 22. It was neceffarie, that it ihulde be fulfilled mat. 26 e 54. f 56. luk 24 d 26. 27f44- g46. iohn laf 38.13b 18.17c 13. ige38.f36. aft. 1 c 16. All doftrine is tried by it Aft. TABLE. 449 17 c u. It is writhen and falfely alleaged by the deuil, and the wycked Mat.4 a 6. a. pet. 3 d 16. fl Seniors, called alfo Ancients, which are taken for minifters of the worde, or gouerners of dif- ' cipline in the Churche Aft . 15 d 33. 30 d 17. 1 . tim.4 d 14. 5 c 17. Reade Preachers. Seperaf vs from that loue that God beareth vs, nothing can Rom. 8g39- Sergius Paulus deputie Aft. 13 b7. fl Seruants oght to obey, and fer ue their matters Ephe.6a5.col. 3d22.Ltim.6a 1. tit.2cg.i.pet. 2 c 12. We are all vnprofitable feruants Luk. 17 c 10. The feruant that knoweth the wil of his mafter, &c. Luk. 12 f 47- fl Serue we muft only God Mat.4 b 10. We muft ferue one another through charitie Gal. g b 13. We oght not to ferue fynne any longer Rom.6b6. We cannot ferue two matters, Reade Riches. fl Shepeherdes in Bethlehem Luk. 2 a 15. In the Churche Ephe. 4 b 11. Reade Preachers. Sickenes, Reade lnfirmitie. • Ll.ii. Simeon Luk. a das. Simon Peter, Reade Pe ter. Simon the Pharifei, in whofe how fe Chrift ate Luk. 7 f . 40. Simon the forcerer Aft. 8 b g. fl Synne is in all men, Reade Man. It ingendreth death Rom. 7 c 13. The ponifhement therof, Loke Death . What fynne is irremiffible Mat . iac3i.hebr.6a4.ioe2g. l.iohn 5 di6. He that obeyeth fynne is the l"er- uant therof Iohn 8 d 34. rom. 6 c 16. 2. pet. 3 d 33. He that fynneth is of the deuil 1. Iohn 3 b 8. The fynneful woman Luk.7 f 37. g44- Synners are called to repentance Mat. g b 13. 3. pet. 3 g. Slander Read Offence. Sobrietie is required in Chrifti ans 1 .Theff. 5 b 8. 1 .pet. 1 c 13. 5 c8. Sorcerers or diuiners Aft. 8 bg. 13 b 8. 16 d 16. fl Soule taken for life Mat. 3 d 20. 10 d 3g. 16 d 25 iohn 10 b 10.C 15- "7- Taken for the fpirit wherby we lyueMat.ioc22. mar. 8 d 31. 1. pet. 1 b 11. 4 d 14. TABLE. Taken for the affection of the hart Mat. 26 d 36. luk. 1 d 47. 2 e 33. iohn is d 37. Taken for the wil ioyned with vn deritanding i.Thef.5di8. l.pet. 1 d 32. Taken for the perfonne Rom. 13 a 1. l.pet. 3d 20. fl Sprit, or holy Goft is God Mat. 28 d 19. luk 3 c 22.aft.2 a 4. 5 a 3. 10 a 2.16 b 6. 23 f 28. 1 .corinth.12 bn. The Spirit of God Matth. 3 d 16. 12c28.aft.3c17.5b9.rom8 bg.ci4- i.cor. 3c 16. 1. Thef. 4 b8. The Spirit of Chrift Rom.8bg gal. 4 a6. ipet. 1 b 11. He is one i.Cor. 12 b 13. ephe. 2 d 18. The conforter Iohn 14 b 16 . d 36 15 d 36. aft. 9 e 31. The quickener Iohn 6 g63. 3. cor. 3 b 6. The Spirit of trueth Iohn 14 b 17. 15 d 26. 16 b 13. The mafter & teacher of the faith ful Luk. 12 b 12. iohn Ljd26. 1. cor. 2d 13. l.iohn 2d 24. He is the (hewer of things to co me Iohn 16b 13. i.tim. 4 a 1. 2. pet. 1 d 21. He is ye witnes of Chrift Iohn 15 d 26. aft. 5 f 32. 1 iohn 5 b 6. The diftributor of all the giftes 1. Cor. 12 ab. Only he knoweth the things of God THE God i.Cor. sen. He dwelleth in the faithful, Re ad Faithful. He beareth them witnes, that they are the children of God Rom. 8 c 16. He helpeth their infirmities, and maketh petition for them Rom. 8e26. He is geuen and fent of the Fa ther Iohn 14 d 26. 15 d 26. aft a c 17. 5 f 32. 2.cor.i d22. 5 a 5. gal. 4 a 6. He is geuen & fent of Chrift Ioh. 4 b 14. 15 d 26. 16 a 7. 20 e 22. ephe. 4 b 7. The Spirit of adoption Rom. 8 c 15. gal. 4 a 5. He his the pleadge of our inheri tance 2.Cor.id22. 5 a 5. ephe. 1 c 14. He is the water of Hfe Iohn 4 b 14- 7 f 38. The vnftion or Annointing Luk. 4 c 18. aft. lof 38. l.iohn 3C30. d 37. His comming vpon the Apoftles Aft. a a 3. His workes and fruites Gal 5 d aa. The fpirit of man Mat. 37 f 50. luk 8 g 55. 33f46. rom. 8 c 16. 1, cor.ac11.5a3. 1. thef. 5 d 33 heb. i2f23- i.pet. 3d 19. A fpirit hath nether fleftie nor bo nes Luk. 24f 39. The wicked and vncleane fpirits. table. 450 Read Deuil. fl Steuen is eleft Deacon Aft. 6 b5- He difputeth with the lewes, and is accufed falfely Aft. 6 C9- d 13. He anfwereth coftantly in the con- fell Aft. 7. He is ftoned, and dyeth Aft. 7g58. He is buried Aft. 8 a 2. Strife and debate, muft be auoy- ded Mat.5 d 25. 1. cor. 6 a 6. gal. 5d 26. iam. 4 a 1. fl Sworde of ye Spirit, Loke,Wor- de of God. It is taken foraffliftion. Luk.2 e 35. For dii'corde Mat.iod34. For the material fworde, the vie wherof is committed to the ma giftrat Rom. 13 b 14. It is prohibited to priuat perfo- nes Mat.5 c 3g 36 e 53.reu. 13b 10. T "Tlabitha is railed to life Aft. gf -*- 36. g. 40. fl Temple fpiritual, Read Faithful. The material temple Mat. 31 a 12. 24 a 1. iohn 2 c 14. God dwelleth not in temples ma de with handes, Reade God. fl Tentation, good when God pro ueth the faith and conftancie of his by the croffe and afflictions l.Cor.ioc 13. heb. 11 d 17. iamia •_. b 12. 1 pet. 1 a 6. • Ll.iii. THE TABLE. Euil tentation wherby Satan dra weth one awaye from God, and leadeth him to deftruftion Matth. 4 a l. luk. 8 b 13 aft 5 a 3. i.cor. 7 a 5. gal. 6a 1. 1. thef. 3b5. i.timot. 6 bg. reuela.2C 10. God only deliuereth vs out of it Mat.6bi3. l.cor. 10 c 13. 2. pet 2 b 9. reue. 3 c 10. We muft praye to him to deliuer vs Mat. 6 b 13. 26 d 41 . luk. 22 e 40. God tempteth not to euil Iam. 1 b 13- We muft not tempt God Mat 4. b 7. aft.5bg. 15 c 10. 1. cor. 10 bg. fl Teftament, Olde Rom.ga4. 2. cor. 3 d 14. heb. 8 c g.g d 15. The bloude therof was of bulles and goates, &c. Hebr.gc I2.e ig. 10 a 4. The Newe Teftament Rom 1 1 . d 27. 2.COL3 b 6. heb. 8c 8. 9 d 15. 12 f 24. The bloude therof is Chrifts blou de Mat. 26 c 28. luk 22 b 20. l.cor.u e25.heb.9c 12. di4. 10 dig. e2g. 12(24. 13d 20. The allegorie of ye two Teftaments Gal. 4 c 24. It. is taken for the promeffe made to Abraham and his pofteritie Luk. 1 g37. fl Teftimonie or witnes wc God rendereth of him felfe, and of his bontifulnes Aft. 14 c 16. Which he rendreth of Chrift & his Gofpel Iohn 5 e 32. 8 c 18.aft.14a3. 15b8.1cor.2a1. l.iohn. 5 b 6. The witnes that Chrift beareth to him felf, & to the trueth of his Gofpel Iohn3bu.da8.8b 14. i.cor. 1 a 6- i.tim. 6c 13. Which he tettifieth of ye worlde Iohn 7 a 7. The witnes which the Spirit bea reth of Chrift Loke Spirit. Of the thre witneffes in heauen, and thre in earth 1 . Iohn . 5 b7. Of the Scriptures & the Prophets which witnes of Chrift, Read Scripture, & aft 10 g 43. Of Iohn Baptifts witnes Iohn 1 b 15. c ig. d 32. Of Iohn the Euangelifts Iohn igf 35. 21 d 24. Of the Apoftles, and of the faith ful which they beare to Chrift and his Gofpel Mat. 1 b 18. luk 21c13aft.se333c15.4g33.5f 33.10 f 3g.i.cor.i5bi5.3thef. 1 d 10. 3tim ib8. reue.i a _. 6cg ig b 10. 20 a 4. The teftimonie of the confcience Rom. a c 15. g a 1. 3. cor. 1 c 13. To receaue teftimonie of God by faith Hebr. 1 1 a 1 . 2 g 3g. The teftimonie of two or thre is fufficient Mat. 18 b 16. iohn 8 b 17 THE 8 b 17. a. cor. 13 a 1. hebr. 10 e 28. Falfe witnes is forbidden Mat 15 b 19. 19 c 18. rom. 13 c g. Thankes to God before meales & after, Loke Graces. Theft forbidden Matig c 18. rom. acai. i3cg. i.cor.6b 10.eph.4f 28. l.pet. 4d 15. fl Thoght & care muft be put away Mat.6d34.luk. 12C22. i.cor7f 33- It muft be referred to God 1- Pet. 5 b 7. We muft take care for others 3. Cor.uas. phil.id24. Tyrannie and crueltie Mat 2 c 1 6. 14b 10. aft. 7 g 5g. 12 a 2. fl Tyme to come,apperteyneth not to vs to knowe Aft. 1 a 7. The tyme of Chrift is the tyme of grace Mar.ibis. rom.5a6.a.cor. 6 a 2. gal. 4 a 1. Our tyme is lhort 1. Cor. 7 e 29- We oght to recouer the tyme Eph. 5 d 16. col. 485. The laft tymes, Loke Dayes. Timothie Aft. 16 a 1. 1 cor. 4 d 17- Tithes of the Leuites Hebr.7a5. flTongue, the nature therof Iam 3 b8. We oght to refrayne it from euil Iam 1 d 26. 3 a 5. 1. pet 3 b 10. To fpeake diuers tongues is the gift of the holy Goft Aft.2 a 4. 10 TABLE. 451 g 46. 19 b 6. l cor. ia d 28. In the Churche we muft vfe that tongue which is vnderftand 1. Cor. 14 a b c d e f. Traditions, Reade Commande ments. Tranfiiguration of Chrift Mat. 17 a 3. Treafon & traytours Mat. 26 b 24. mar.14 c21.luk.6c 16. aft.7 g52. 2. tim. 3 a 4. flTreafure is to be layed up in hea uen Mat. 6 c 20. All the treafures of God are in Chrift Col. 2 a 3. The treafure of the Gofpel Mat. 13 f 44. 2._cor. 4 b 7. Treafure vayne and tranfitorie Luk. 12 c. iam 5 a 2. fl Tribulation cometh to them wc are maried 1. Cor. 7 e 28. To the faithful Mat.24a9.aft.7b 10. 14c 21. 3.cor.4b8.6a4- 8 a 3. hebr.ug36. 37. We muft beare it paciently Rom. 13 c 13. 3 theff. 1 a 4. And ioyfully Loke Reioyse. It worketh pacience Rom. b^3- God fendeth vs confort in our tribulations, that we might con fort others in theirs 3. Cor. 1 a 4, Reade Croffe and Perfecu tion. Tribute oght to be payed to prin ces and magiftrats Mat.i7d37. 32 b ai. rom. 13 b6. Trueth, Reade Chrift, Spirit, Ll.iiii. THE TABLE. Gofpel. To be of the trueth Iohni8g37. i. iohn. 3d 19. To do it, and to follow it Iohn 3 c 21. ephe. 4c 15. i.iohnic63Ci8. Againft them which drawe them felues from it, and refift, Rom. 2 b 8. gal 3 a 1 ¦ 5 a 7. •_. tim. 2 c 18. 3 b 8. 4 a 4. tit. 1 d 14. hebr. 10 e 26. ¦_. pet. 2 d. V "X 7" Anting, Read Bofting. * Vengeance, Reade Reuen- g'mg- fl Vertue of God Ma.22C2g. luk. 22 g 6g. It worketh in his to faluation Rom. 1 b 16. 1 . pet. 1 a 5. The vertue or power of Chrift 2. Cor. 12 c g. The vertue ofthe holy Goft Aft. 1 b8. By miracles Mat. 1 1 c 20. 13 g 58. Aft. 2 d 22. ig b 11. heb. 284. Veffels, fome to honour, and fo me to diflionour Rom. 9 e 21. _. tim. 2 c 20. Virgines and of their conteyning or marying i.Cor. 7 e. f. g. fl Vifit the (ike and prifonners Mat. 25 d 37. To vifit the fatherleffe & wydo wes Iam. 1 d 27. Vnitie and Concorde Aft. s g 44 4f32.rom.12d6. 15b6. l.cor.i.b 10. ephe. 4 a3- phil.i d27. 3d 16 l.pet. 3b 8. To be vnited in God and Chrift Iohn 17 d 31. fl Vocation, or calling to followe Chrift Mat8c32.gag. iohn 1 f 43- To preache Mat_fc 17. Mar. 3b 14. luk.6bi3rom.i a 1. l.eor.iai. gal. 1 a 1. c 16 Read Ele ction. To life euerlafting and to falua tion Rom.1a1.8f29.9e 24. 11 d 29. 1. cor. 1 b 9. d 24. gal. 1 a 5. ephe. 4 a 1. 1. theff. 2 c I2.5da4. 1. tim. 6c 12. 2. tim. 1 c 9. 1 .pet. 2 b 9. 5 c 10. 2. pet. 1 a 3. b 10. fl Vocation of the Gentils iohn 10 c 16. rom. 9 e 24. u b 12. 15 bg. Let euery man remaine in his vo cation 1 . Cor. 7 d20. Voluptuoufnes and diffolution is forbidden Luk.8b 14. tit.it>6. 3 a 3. i.pet. 4 b 4. Voluptuous and geuen to plea- fures, being a liue are dead 1 . Tim. 5 a 6. 3. tim. 384. flVowesvfed for giftes and cere monies Aft. 21 d 23. Taken for promes to do euil, Aft. 23 d 14. Vfurie prohibited Mats f 42. iuk- 6e30. W VVatch we oght and be ready continually Mat. 24 d 42. 25 a3- a 13. 26 d 3. mar. 13 d 33. luk. 12 e 37. aft. 20 f 31. icor.i6ci3. 2.cor. 6b 5. ephe.6 c 18 col.4 a 2. l.theff. 5 bio. i.pet.4b 7. 5 c 8. reuel. 3 a 3. 16 c 15. Weapons, Read Armour. Wel doing, Read Doing wel. Whoredome, Loke Adulterie. fl Wyddowes muft be prouided fore l Tim. 5 a 3. iam. 1 d 37. Of their minifterie Aft. 6 a 1. 1 . tim.sbg. Of their continencie 1 .Cor.7 b 8. 1 . tim. 5 b 11 c 16. The poore wyddowe that offered in the temple Mar. 13 d 43. Powlers of wyddowes Mat 33 b 14. mar. 12 d 40. luk. 20 g 47. Wil of God according wherevn- to he worketh and determineth all things Mat.b 18 14. rom.gdig l.cor.i a i.ephe 1b5.hebr.2a4. Lpet.3c17.4d19. reue.4dii. According to the which he com- mandeth vs, and requireth ofvs eueri thing Mat.12 d 50. iohn 7 c 17.rom.3c 181.thef.4a3.5c18. heb. 10 g 36. 1 .pet.3 c 15. 1 .iohn 2 C17. We muft feke to vnderftande it, & fulfil it Mat. 7 c 21. rom. 12 a 2. ephe.5 d 17. l.pet, 4 a 2. We oght to defire and praye that it may be done Mat. 6b 10. 26d42.col.1bg. 4 c 12.heb.13d 21. To it we muft referre all things TABLE. 452 Aftl8e2i.2iCl4.rom.lblO.l5g33. i.cor. 4 dig. 16b 7. iam. 4 d 15. Mans wil how it is able to do no thing of it felfe no not in the re generat, Reade workes. Wyndes & fea appeafed by Chrift Mat. 8 c a6. 14 d 3a. fl Wifdome of God, Loke Chrift, and Gofpel. The wifdome of this worlde is fo liflienes before God 1. Cor. 1 c 20. d 25. 3 d 19. Earthly Iam. 3 d 15. Heauenly, there alfo. We muft afke it of God Iam. 1 a 5. Wiues, of their duetie, and office towarde their houf bandes, Rea de Mariage. Woman is of man, & made for man i.Cor. 11 b 8. How Ihe oght to be apparelled 1 . Tim. 3 c 6. 1. pet. 3 a 1. She oght not to teache in the Churche i.Cor. Ljf 34. i.tim.3 d 12. The women y' follow Chrift Luk.8 a 2. Women maried to the bifliopes, and minifters of the Churche i.Tim.3 a 2. c 11. tit. 1 b6. Worde of God, for the Sonne of God Iohn 1 a 1. b 14. reue. 19 C13. Which created all things Iohn 1 a 3. hebr. 11 a 3. THE TABLE. It is the power of God l.Cor.i c 18. The efficacie therof Heb. 4 c 12. The worde of life Mat. 484. iohn 6 g 63. aft. 5 d 20. The worde of trueth I0IH117C17. 2.cor.6b7- ephe.ic 13. col.i as. 2. tim. 2 c 15. iam. 1 c 18. The worde of faluation Act. 13 d 26. iam. 1 c 21. Of reconciliation 2. Cor. 5 dig. The fworde of the Spirit Ephe. 6 c 17. It is lyueiy, effeftual and iudgeth the thoghtes Heb. 4 c 12. Endureth for euer 1 . Pet. 1 d 23. It worketh in the faithful l.Thef. 2 c 12. It fanftifieth all creatures 1. Tim . 4 b 4. It is the incorruptible fede 1. Pet. 1 d23. Compared to the fede y' groweth and fructifieth Luk. 8 b 1 1 .aft.6. b 7 12 d 24. col. 1 a 5. We oght to kepe this worde & put it in praftife Matth. 7 d 24. iohn 14 c 31. iam.i d 23. 1 . iohn 2 a 5. Reade Gofpel and Scripture. fl Workes, which are good are of God Ephe. 2 b 10. phil. 1 a 6. 2 b 13. col. 1 b 10. 2. theff.2 d 17. tit. 3 d 14. hebr. 13 d 21. Workes that pleafe God followe faith Luk. 19 b. hebr. 11. They are the fruits of the Spirit Gal. 5 d 22. ephe. 5 c 9. They are only done by the faith ful Mat. 7 c 17. 13 c 33. luk. 6 g 44. They are fruits and teftimonies of true repentance and faith Mat.3b8.7c18.luk.6f45. iohn 8 c. 13 d. 14 c. aft.3 g.26e2o.gal. 5 d 22.i.tim.5 b io.tit.1 d i6.iam. 2 c 17. They affure vs of our election 2. Pet. 1 b 10. i.iohn 3 d. The faithful muft walke in them Ephef.5 c 15. hebr. 10 e 24. 1 .pet. 2 c 13. They muft be done for the glorie of God Mat. 5 b 16. 1. pet. 2 c 12. They followe the faithful after their death Reue. 14 c 13. God wil rewarde them Mat 10 d 42. 16 d 27. 25 c 34 luk. 6 f 38. 14 c 14. iohn 5 e 39. rom. 2 a 7. i.cor. 3 b 8. c 13. God hath iuftified vs without them and before them Rom. 4 a 3.11 a 5. ephe. 2b 8. 2. tim. leg. tit. 3 b 5. Without faith no worke is go od Rom 14 d 23. hebr.u b6. Euil workes are of ye fleftie Gal. 5 c ig. They They are wroght of ,the deuil in the infidels Eph. 3 a 3. Chrift is come to deftroy them 1 . Ioh. 3 b 8. We muft lay them away and ab- fteyne from them Rom.i3di2. eph 4d 175c 11. l.pet. 483. Euery man fhal receaue according to his workes Mat. 16 d 27. rom. 2a6.2.cor.5b 10.gal.6b5. i-pet ic 17. reue. 2fa3. 2odi2. 22C13. We can worke nothing of our fel ues Mat. igd 36. ioh 3d 37.6 e 44. 1486. 1584. 19 b u. aft 3 b 15. rom.7d.8a.9c. i.cor.id-27. 3 d 14. 3 a 1 . 12 a 3. 15b 10 2.cor. 3b 5. gal.5Ci7. eph.1b.phil.2b 13. i.ioh.3d34, ReadeFaith, & God. flWorlde, was made by Chrift Io. 1 b 10. Yet it nether knoweth him nor ye Father Ioh.ibii. I7dss. It is fully bent on wickednes 1. Ioh. 5 d 19. The deuil is the price therof Rea de, Deuil. We muft not loue it. i.ioh. 2M5. Chrift praieth not for it Ioh. 17 bg. Chrift hath ouercome it Ioh.16 d 33- The faithful ouercome it by faith 1. Ioh. 584. The friendship therof is ennemitie with God Iam .484. i.ioh. 2ei6. It hatethChrift and his Ioh. 7 a 7. "ABLE. 453 15 c 18. 1 ioh. 3 c 13. It pafl'eth awaye i.Cor. 7e 31. 1. io. 2 c 17. The faithful dial iudge it 1. Cor. 682. The faithful are not of it Ioh. 15c ig. 17 c 14. fl Worlhiping of God Mat.4 b 10. luk. 4 b 8. aft. 14c 14. 17 f 27. 1. COLI4C25. Lthef.1dg.reu.4dg. 14 bis. b4- 19 b 10. 22 b 8. Read, God and Chrifte. Worftiiping in fpirit and trueth Ioh. 4 c 23. Superftitious worihiping Aft. 10 d 28. 14 b 12. reu. 19 b 10. 22 b 9. Worlhiping of the beaft Reu. 13 a 4. 14CU. i6a2.igd20.ReadIdo latrie. WrOge oght not to be done nor ren dered but fuffered Mat.5f3g. ro. 12 d 17. i.cor 6 b 7. i.theff.5 cig. 1 pet3bg. Yoke of Chrift Mat 11 d 29. Nether the ancient fathers,nor ye Apoftles were able to beare ye yoke of the Lawe, therfore the Chriftians oght not to be burde ned with it Aft. 15 b 10. flYonge folke how they (hulde or der them felues Tit.sb 6. l.pet. 5 b 5. i.tim.5 c 14. We muft flie yonge defires and lufts 3. Tim. 2d 22. Yonge folke that are learned are THE SVPPVTATION not to be reiefted i.Tim.4d 12. tit. 3 b7. Z Zacharias Elifabeth Luk 1 a 5. b 13. c 31. His fonge Luk. 1 f 68. Zacharias the fonne of Barachias flayne betwene the aultre and the temple Mat. 33 e 35. Zacheus Luk. 19 a 1. Zele without knollage Rom. 10 a 2. Ende of the Table. PERFECTE SVPPVTATION OF THE YERES and time from Adam vnto Chrift, proued by the Scriptures, after the colle- ftio of diuers auftors. Thefumme of the yeres of the fyrft age. ERom Adam vnto Noes flou- de, are yeres 1656. For when Adam was a 130 yere olde, he begate Seth, Seth beyng 105 yeres, begate E- nos. Enos beyng 90 yeres, begate Cai- nan. Cainan beyng 70 yeres, begate Ma halaleel. Mahalaleel beyng 65 yeres, bega te lared. Iared at the age of a 162 yeres, be gate Enoch Enoch beyng 65 yeres, begate Ma thufelah. Mathufelah at the age of 187 ye res, begate Lamech. Lamech beyng 182 yeres begate Noe. Noe at the commyng of the floud was 600 yeres olde, as appea reth in the feuenth of Genefis. The whole summe of the yeres are 1656. TTlRom the fayd (loude of Noe -¦- vnto Abrahams departing from Chalde were 363 yeres, and ten dayes. For the fayde floude contynued one whole yere and ten day es. Sem (which was Noes sonne) be gate Arphaxat two yeres after that. Arphaxat begate Salah when he was 35 yeres olde. Salah beyng 30 yeres olde, begate Heber. OF THE Heber.Heber at his age of 34 begate Pha lech. Phalech being 30 yeres, begate Regu. Regu beyng 32 yeres, begate Sa- ruch. Saruch beyng 30 yeres, begate Na hor. Nahor beyng 29 yeres, begate Tha re. Thare beyng 70 yeres, begate A- braham. And Abraham departed from Chalde when he was 70 yeres olde.Thefe faid yeres accompted are 363 yeres, and ten dayes. FIRom Abrahams departyng fro Vr in Chalde vnto the de parting of the children of Ifra- el from Egypt are 430 yeres, ga thered as foloweth. Abraham was in Charran fyue ye res, and departed in the 75 ye re. He begate Ifaac when he was 100 yeres olde, and in the 25 yere of hys departyng. Ifaac begate lacob when he was 60 yeres olde. lacob went into Egypt wyth all hys familie, when he was 130 ye re old. Ifrael was in Egypt 220 yeres which remayne from that ty- YERES. 454 The rebate 80 yere from this. For so olde was Mofes when he con ducted the Ifraelites fromE- gypt- So therefteof the yeres.that is to fay 130 are deuided betwixt Am ram and Chath. Then Chath begate Amram at his age of 67 yeres. Amram beyng 65 yeres, begate Mo fes, who in the 80 yere of hys a- ge, departed with the Ifraelites from Egypt. So this fupputation is the 430 yeres mencioned in the 12 of Exod. & the 3 to the Gala tians. FRom the goyng of the Ifrae lites fro Egypt, vnto the fyrft building of the temple are 480 yeres, after this fupputation or accompte. Mofes remayned in the defert or wyldernes 40 yeres. Iofue t. Othoniel ruled 40 yeres. Aioth 70 yeres. Debora 40 yeres. Gedeon 40 yeres. Abimelech 3 yeres. Thela 23 yeres. lair 22 yeres. Then were they without a capta ne vnto the 18 yere of Iepthe. lepthe 6 yeres. Abiffam 7 yeres. THE SVPPVTATION Elon 10 yeres. Abdon 8 yeres. Sampfon 20 yeres. Heli iudge and priefte 44 yeres. Samuel and Saul raygned 40 ye res. Dauid was kynge 40 yeres. Salomon in the 4. yere of his ray gne began the buildyng of the temple. Thefe are the 480 yeres men cioned in the 3 of the kin- ges, and the 6. chap. *P"Ro the firfte buylding of the •*- temple vnto the captiuitie of Babylon are 419 yeres and a halfe. Salomon raigned yet 36 yeres. Roboam 17 yeres. Abia 3 yeres. Afa 41 yeres. Iofaphat 25 yeres. Ioram 8 yeres. Ochafias one yere. Athalia the quene 7 yeres. Ioas 40 yeres. Amanias 29 yeres. Ozias 53 yeres. Ioathan 16 yeres. Achas 16 yeres. Ezechias 39 yeres. Manaffes 55 yeres. Amon 2 yeres. Iofias 31 yeres. Ioachas 3 moneths. Eliachim 11 yeres. Ioachim, Iechonias 3 moneths. And here beginneth the captiui tie of Babylon. The fumme of thefe yeres are 4ig yeres. IErufalemwasreedified and buyl ded agayne after the captiuitie of Babylon 143 yeres. The captiuitie continued 70 ye res. The children of Ifrael were de liuered and reftored to their fredome in the firft yere of Cy rus. The temple was begone to be builded in the 2 yere ofthe sayd Cyrus, & finiflied in the 46 yere, whych was the 6 yere of Darius, after that Darius had rayned 20 yere. Nehemias was reftored to libertie, and went to builde the citie, which was finiflied in the33 yere of the fayd Darius. All the yeres from the building of the temple agayne are 36 ye res. The whole fumme of yeres a- mount 143 yeres. FRom the reedifiyng of the ci ty vnto the commyng of Chrifte, are 483 yeres : after thys fupputation or numbrin- ge- It is mencioned in the g of Da niel that Ierufalem (houid be buylte vp agayne, and that fro that OF THE YERES. 455 that tyme vnto the comming of Chrift are 67 weekes, and euerye weeke is reckened for feuen yeres. So 67 weekes amount to 483 yeres. Forfrom the 32 yere of Darius vn to the 42 yere of Auguftus, in the whych yere our Sauiour Chrift was borne, are iuft and complet to many yeres, whereupon we rec- ken, that from Adam vnto Chri fte are 3974 yeres lixe monethes & te daies & from the byrth of Chrift vnto this prefente yere, is 1557. Then the whole fumme and num ber of yeres from the begynnyng of the worlde vnto this prefente yere of our Lord God 1557, are iuft 5531, fix monethes, and the faid odde ten dayes. The Ende. PRINTED BY CONRAD B A- DIVS M. D. LVII. THIS X. OF IV NE. Fautes committed in the printing. Matth. Chap. 16, verfe 10, there were foure hundred men, Chap. 37, ver. 64, come in the night. Mark Chap. 3, ver. 17, called them Boanerges. Luk Chap, is, ver. 15. Se, and take hede. chap. 16, ver. 9, ye fhall want. chap. 17, _ er. 9, A. did *ftar. chap, ig, uer. 43, co/i a trenche. Iohn CAap. 3, ver. 13, 6ur Ae 'Aa* defcended from hea uen, euen (Ae. ver. 2g, 0/ ifAe bridegrome chap. 21, _er. 1, Jo his difciples at the fea. Aft. CAap. 3, ver. •_, cAew Zat_e daj^. cAap. 4, uer. 37, and broght, and laid. chap. 5, uer. 6, rofe tip, and toke him. Galat. Chap. 3, ver. 4, m _ aine ? tier. 28, Gentil : theris nether bonde nor fre. Philip Chap. 2, tier. 36, after all you. Argum. to the Coloff. exhorteth the Colofsians. lames Chap. 1, tier. 18, worde of trueth. Reuelat. Chap. 5, ver. 6, thef euen fpirits. chap. 13, ver. 3, heades, and ten homes, chap. 16, tier. 17, of the temple of heauen. chap, ig, ver. 30, were aliue caft.