E=3 C=3 1=3 C=3 C=3 G~3 *=-> E=3 CT=3 iCthrarg of $vttov\tk H. 2CUhounu> YALE UNIVERSITY LIBRARY Gift of Frederick W. Kilbourne FREDERICK W. KILBOURNE R. A. Douglas- Lithgow, M.D., LL.D. DICTIONARY OF AMERICAN-INDIAN PLACE AND PROPER NAMES 1 in- NEW ENGLAND; WITH MANY INTERPRETATIONS, ETC. BY R. A. DOTOLAS-LITHGOW, M.D., LL.D. Formerly Vic&-President and Foreign Secretary of the Royal Society of Literature of Great Britain and Ireland, Fellow of the Society of Antiquaries, member of Council of the British Archaeological Association, etc.; Life Fellow of the Royal Geological Society, of Ireland, Fellow of Massachusetts Medical Society, member of the American Anthropological Asso ciation, — of the Anthropological Society of Washington, etc., Author of "Heredity: a Study," "The Life and Works of J. Critchley Prince," etc. "Gather up the fragments that remain, that nothing be lost " Copyright, 1909 By R. A. Douglas Lithgow Salem press: The Salem Press Co., Salem, Mass. 1909 Zo tbe memory of flfoassaesoit, passaconawa^ anb Samoset, Gbree of IRature'0 noblemen, wbO0e name0 are inbelfbty recorbeb in tbe bi0tor$ of IRew Enalanb, tbts worfc 10 appre* datively in0crfbeb. (LO) CONTENTS. Preface ......... v Introduction ix Abbreviated References xxii American-Indian Place-names in Maine ... 1 American-Indian Place-names in New Hampshire . 67 New Hampshire's Largest Lake and its Orthography 85 American-Indian Place-names in Vermont . . 89 American-Indian Place-names in Massachusetts . 95 American-Indian Place-names in Rhode. Island . 183 American-Indian Place-names in Connecticut . 239 A Representative List of Amerind Proper-names in New England History 301 List of Principal American-Indian Tribes in New England 371 Comparison of the Principal Dialects of the American-Indian Language as spoken in New England 383 List of Abnaki Words 387 List of Massachusetts or Natick Words 393 Bibliography 397 PREFACE "The names which' the original inhabitants assigned to our mountains, plains and valleys, are mostly lost. Many of our rivers, bays, and falls of water are yet known by their ancient Indian names. On account of their originality, antiquity, signification, singularity, and sound, these names ought to be carefully preserved. In every respect they are far preferable to the unmeaning application, and constant repetition of an improper Eng lish name. ' ' Samuel Williams, LL.D., Natural and Civil History of Vermont. Vol. 1, p. 43. 1809. My sole aim in the production of this volume has been to collect the accessible Indian Place, and Proper Names of New England, and to give the locations of the one, with their inter pretations, as far as possible, and the tribal affiliations of the other. No attempt has been made to enter into their philolog ical significance, and where the geographical setting of ortho graphical varieties of the same name presents approximate but different localities, it is because I have found them so described by different authorities. I have, moreover, culled these names from every practicable source that I could discover, so that they might be preserved for those who may take an interest in them now or hereafter. These words represent almost all that remains of the aborig inal inhabitants of this country, — a brave, noble and patriotic race who, opposed by the overwhelming and heedless forces of civilization, did everything the bravest and noblest could do to obey the first law of Nature self-preservation. The race has almost disappeared from our New England States, and the means used for its effacement reflect little credit upon their successors ; but there are many, and an increasing number, who cherish and would keep green memories of the vanquished aborigines, and I must include myself among them. It is really marvellous that so many of the aboriginal names vi PREFACE ]! are spared to'us especially when we remember that the Indians had no written language, — that in the northern New England States the French missionaries and the early settlers had to re produce as nearly as possible the spoken word by phonetic means alone, and that throughout the more southerly States, the early English settlers had only similar means at their disposal. It is scarcely, therefore, a matter for surprise that many of the original Indian words have become more or less corrupt in their formation and orthography, and that their original charac ter has been lost by their transference from one language to another. The ignorance of scribes, and the absence of or thographical exactitude prevailing generally during the 17th century have made confusion more confounded, so that, in many cases, as Trumbull says, the words have "suffered some muti lation or change of form." Thanks, liowever, to the efforts of many scholarly men, some of whom were contemporary with the Indians, linguistic and dialectical difficulties have been to some extent surmounted, -and in numerous instances the true char acter, orthographical correctness and real signification of the words have been reproduced and restored In'a few instances place-names have been introduced which, strictly speaking, should not have been included within the scope of this volume, but, as these names constantly recur throughout the history of New England during the 17th century " it has been thought advisable to retain them. Where several forms of the same place-name are given I have wherever practicable, indicated the forms generally accepted by having them italicised. With regard to the place-names of Conn: I have been com pelled, for obvious reasons, to make free use of the late Dr. Trumbull's classical work on this subject, but, at the same time I have materially increased the number of names. Mr. S. S. PREFACE yii Rider's admirable work on "The Lands of Rhode Island" has been simply invaluable with regard to the place-names of this State, and I hereby gratefully express my obligations. My cordial thanks are due to Lucius C. Hubbard, Esq., the Hon. J. G. Crawford, and Hon. S. A. Green, M. D., LL. D. for permission to select from or reproduce Indian words and place- names contained in their respective works ; also to the Librarians of the several New England Historical Societies for ever-ready and highly esteemed assistance. To the courteous Librarian of the Boston Public Library, Horace G. Wadlin, Esq., and his efficient staff, especially to Miss Agnes Doyle, and Mr. Blaisdell, — I am deeply indebted for never- failing kindness in their respective departments ; and also to W. Prescott Greenlaw, Esq., Librarian of the New England Historic Genealogical Society. To Otis G. Hammond, Esq., M. A., Assistant Editor of the State Papers, at the State Library, Concord, N. H., I owe a special debt of gratitude for valuable cooperation cordially and generously rendered ; also to H. A. Wright, Esq., of Springfield, Mass., author of "Indian Deeds," an excellent work, which I have found most useful. I have also received uniform kindness from Prof essor F. W. Hodge, and Professor W. H. Holmes, of Washington, D. C. ; Professor Perkins of Burlington University, Vermont; Warren K. Moorehead, Esq., A. M.,of Phillip's Academy (Archaeological Department), Andover, Mass.; C. C. Willoughby, Esq., Peabody Museum, Harvard University ; S. S. Rider, Esq., Providence; the Rev. Joseph Anderson, D. D., of Waterbury, Conn.; Dr. Benjamin Sharp, of Nantucket; James W. Colby, Esq., of Waltham, Mass. ; W. Wallace Tooker, Esq., of Sag Harbor, N. Y. and many other correspondents to whom I now tender grateful acknowledgments . viii PREFACE I had intended to include in this volume an English-Indian Section in which the existing localities would have been given in English, followed by their American-Indian equivalents, but, as I found that this would make the volume rather unwieldy, I have thought it better to carry out this idea in a supplemen tary work which I have alread)^ in hand, and in which I pro pose to materially amplify the list of American- Indian Proper- names. It is by no means claimed that the lists of Place-names in this volume are exhaustive: I have, however, done my best, and any additional names forwarded to the writer will be grate fully received for future use. My task has not been an easy one ; but if the result is found to supply a want, which I know has been very frequently expressed, in the Public and State Libraries throughout the country, I shall not regret the labor I have expended. R. A. Douglas-Lithgow. Bostox, Mass. INTRODUCTION THE AMERICAN-INDIANS IN NEW ENGLAND. Long previous to the landing of the Pilgrims, at Plymouth, in December, 1620, and for at least a century afterwards, the abo rigines, known as Indians, occupied the territory which is now New England, and maintained the same relative positions. It would be manifestly inappropriate here to hazard any opinion as to the original source from which this primitive people emana ted, and especially so in the face of the many theories that have already been propounded as to their origin. The whole matter is still a qucestio vexata; but, as anthropological research has never, perhaps, been so active and persistent as at present, it is to be hoped that increasing light and knowledge may lead to the elucidation of a problem which has hitherto baffled all efforts for its solution. The term Indian, as first applied to the American aborigines by early European travellers, — who mistook the American coast for part of Asia, — was an unqualified misnomer: but, when this ancient race was found scattered over the whole land, the same term was used to designate them wherever they were located, and they have been thus uniformly described ever since, although now distinguished as American-Indians, or Amerinds. Maine. The aboriginal people identified with Maine consisted of the Abnaki, or Abenaqui, a confederacy of tribes forming a sub-group of the great Algonquian Stock. The name Abnaki was first applied to the Indians in Nova Scotia, but was afterwards used to designate all the tribes who resided east of Massachusetts, and especially those who inhabited the Western part of Maine, and who frequently overflowed into the northern section of New Hampshire. The name comes from Wdbunaki, meaning "land or country of the east," or "morning land." It has been recently estimated that they numbered about 2500 in the year 1600. They were divided into the following principal tribes : x INTRODUCTION The Sokokis or Sochigones, settled on or about the Saco river. The Arosaguntacooks or Arsikantegou, on or about the An droscoggin river. The Kanibas, or Norridgewocks, on or about the Kennebec river. The Penobscots or Pentugouet, on or about the Penobscot river. The Pequawkets or Pegouakki, in New Hampshire. The Amaseconti or Aumissoukanti on Farmington Falls, Sandy river. The Wewenocks or Wawenocks, east of Sagadahoc to St. George's River. The Rocamekos, a branch of the Pequawkets, at Fryeburg. The Etchemin tribe inhabited the eastern part of the state, extending from the Penobscot to the St. Croix river, and into New Brunswick as far as St. Johns. Although the earlier writ ers refer to the Etchemin as a family distinct from the Abnaki, modern anthropologists regard them as descendants of the same original stock, but differing dialectically from them. They are known also as Malecites or Maliseets, and as Passamaquoddies, as in later years, they have resided on the Passamaquoddy river. The Malecites were termed Armouchiquois by the French. The following additional Abnaki tribes are sometimes referred to but they were so small and unimportant comparatively, as to call for no especial notice. They were the Medoctee, the Mu- anbessik, the Missiassik, and the Accominta. Vide "Tribes." The various tribes of the Abnaki, while possessing many chiefs or sachems, were alike subject to a supreme ruler, known as the Bashaba, up to 1615, when the last representative of this sovereign office was killed in war. The Wewenocks are said to have been the immediate subjects of the Great Bashaba. After his death they settled on the west side of the Sheepscot river, near the lower falls. The residence of the Bashaba was in the vicinity of Pemaquid. Micmacs. Yet another fierce and warlike tribe, known as the Micmacs, must be mentioned as among the northern Indians. These were the aborigines of Acadia or Nova Scotia, and occu- INTRODUCTION xi pied the great peninsula south of the Bay of Fundy: they were also, according to Schoolcraft, the earliest aborigines of the American Continent to come in contact with Europeans. The French designated them as Souriquois, and they had an intense and unvarying hatred of the Etchemin. The term Micmac means "our allies," or "allies." A definition of the smaller tribes will be found among "The American-Indian Tribes of New Eng land," elsewhere in this volume. New Hampshire. In New Hampshire there were five princi pal tribes, viz: — Those on the Piscataqua and its branches, to which the name Newichawannocks belonged, although their main residence was on the Cocheco River, near Dover; — the Pequakets, on Saco River, — the Ossipees, on Lake Ossipee, the Coos Indians, the tribes on the Connecticut River, and the various tribes on the Merrimack, and its tributary streams. Of these the Newichawannocks, the Ossipees, the Pequawkets, and the Coos tribes belonged to the Abnaki nation, and the Pe quawkets were the most numerous about the time of the arri val of the Pilgrims in 1620. Little is definitely known of the tribes inhabiting the New Hampshire side of the Connecticut River, but they were probably of a mixed character. The Coos Indians who resided in Grafton and Coos Counties are more or less involved in obscurity, but it it surmised that they constituted a comparatively small tribe, and lived for the most part about the junction of the Upper and Lower Ammonoosuc with the Connecticut River, their main dwelling place being situated at the village of Coos or Coosuc, near the mouth of the Lower Ammonoosuc. They were eventually driven off by the English, in 1704, when they joined the St. Francis Indians. The Nipmuck tribes of New Hampshire, occupyingprincipally the southern section of the state, constituted with the addition of some of the Massachusetts tribes, what is known as the Pen- nacook confederacy, of which the illustrious Passaconaway was the Bashaba, or ruling chief. The most powerful of all these tribes lived amid the intervales of Pennacook, where the towns of Bow, Concord, and Boscawenare now situated, in Merrimack County. Of the other Confederated tribes the Nashuas occu- xii INTRODUCTION pied the land, on the Nashua River, and the intervales upon the Merrimack. The Souhegans lived upon the Souhegan River and both banks of the Merrimack above and below the mouth of the Souhegan, the Namaoskeags at the Amoskeag Falls, on the Merrimack, in the vicinity of Manchester, and the Winnc- > pesaukees resided in the neighborhood of the lake of that name. The Massachusetts tribes confederated with these consisted mainly of Aga warns (Ipswich), the Wamesits or Pawtuckets, (about Lowell), and the' Pen tuckets (Haverhill). Passaconaway died in 1660. In 1850 it was stated that "scarcely an Indian remains in the State. ' ' Vermont. The territory now represented by the State of Vermont was claimed as hunting-ground by the surrounding tribes, and constituted an area frequently traversed by tribes wandering from north to south, or vice versa, as well as inter sected by numerous shorter routes in varying directions, and this was, if not the main, at least a contributory factor in pre venting the aborigines from making Vermont, to any consider able extent, a permanent residence. Still there are indubitable proofs that the Indians at an early period, must have resided here, and in considerable numbers The St. Francis tribe on the north — (who had their head quarters at Montreal, Hockhelaga as it was then called) — the Narragansets on the the east, — the Pequots on the south, — the Iroquois or Mohawks on the south-west, (Schenectady, Mohawk River, New York ) — were the tribes located in the vinicity of Vermont in comparatively recent times. The territory of the Iroquois, eastward, embraced Lake Champlain and the western part of Vermont, and the Indians on the banks of the Susque hanna, Delaware, Hudson and Connecticut Rivers were in a kind of subjection to them.* History records the scantiest information concerning the In dians in Vermont, and the Amerind Place and Proper names throughout the Green-Mountain State are so few as to but em- * Dr. S. Williams, History of Vermont, 1809. INTRODUCTION xiii phasize the fact that the only remaining traces of her aborigines have almost faded away for ever. Massachusetts. Of the Massacluisetts tribes that bearing the name of this State had dominion, for the most part, over the eastern territory adjacent to Massachusetts Bay: there is, however, little positive evidence forthcoming as to either the limitations of their territory or their power, as, some time about 1617, the tribe was decimated by a pestilence and thoroughly disorganized by warfare. Soon after this period their territory seems to have been divided amongst the Nipmucks, Narragansets and other tribes. That they formerly sustained a position of im portance in the state is evidenced by Gookin who says that their chief sachem held dominion over many petty governors, as, for example, those of Weymouth, Neponsit and Punkapoag, and that his suzerainty extended to Newton Nashaway etc., and as far as Deerrield, into the heart of the Nipmuck country. Moreover, Johnson seems to have regarded them more as a confederacy than as a tribe, and described the group as formerly having "three kingdoms or sagamoreships, having under them seven dukedoms or petty sagamores. ' ' It also appears that they were either tributary to, or in alliance with the Narragansets. According to Hubbard, the mouth of the Charles River was a rendezvous of all the Indians north and south, and Hutchin son says that the "circle which now makes the harbours of Boston and Charlestown, round by Maiden, Chelsea, Nantasket, Hingham, Braintree, Weymouth, and Dorchester, was the Capital of a great sachem;" and the tradition is that he had his principal seat on a hill * near Dorchester, in the neighborhood of Squantum. Whether this was the great sachemdom of the Massachusetts Indians or not cannot now be absolutely stated, but it may be inferred as very probable. Chickataubit and Wampatuck, his son, were sachems of this tribe, and the names of at least eight other sachems are known. The sachemdom of Chickataubit was at Weymouth. He was probably subject to the Wampanoags, and his principal residence was at Tehticut, near Namasket, now Middleborough. , * Messatsoosec Hill. xiv INTRODUCTION This tribe, it is stated, at one time aggregated 3000 warriors, but it is more likely that this number was in excess of all the members of the tribe. Chickataubit died of small-pox about 1633. Nipmucks. The Nipmuck tribe dwelt, for the most part, in the eastern interior of Massachusetts, and occupied many of the lakes and rivers, especially in Worcester and the adjacent coun ties. Although the actual limitation of their territory is now in determinate, it must have been very extensive, as it appears from a XVIIth century map that their boundaries formerly reached as far as Boston, on the east, — as far south as the divisional line of Connecticut and Rhode Island,* — westward as far as Benning ton, in Vermont, and in a northern direction at least as far as Concord, New Hampshire, as we have already seen. We are at least assured that they dominated the banks of the Merrimack from Lowell, Mass., to Concord, N. H. One of the favorite seats of the sachems of this tribe was said to have been at Wachusett mountain, near Princeton, in the northern part of Worcester County. Another centre was probably near Medford, Mystic Pond, where their great, and probably last sachem, Nanepashe- met, lived, and where he was killed, in 1619. t In addition to the many Indian centres throughout the in terior, Nipmuck Sachemdoms also existed at Saugus, (Lynn) at Nahant, Nahumkeag, (Salem), Marblehead, and round the Essex coast. It is, however, probable that many of these ori ginally belonged to the Massachusetts Indians, and that they were transferred to the Nipmucks after the disorganisation of the Massachusetts tribe. Of the several tribes which inhabited the shores of Massa chusetts and Plymouth Bays, the most important was, perhaps, that known as the Wampaxoags or Pokanokets who were con sidered as the third greatest nation in New England when it was settled by the English, and when "the good Massassoit" was their chief sachem or king. It has been asserted that his sovereignty * They also "occupied a territory covering the northern portion of Rhode Island." Sidney S. Rider. t Shattuck's History of Concord. INTRODUCTION xv included all the territory "from Cape Cod and all that part of Massachusetts and of Rhode Island between Narraganset and Massachusetts Bays and inward between Pawtucket and Charles River." Whatever doubt there may be about these limitations, it must be conceded that the Wampanoags exercised some sway over at least, the petty tribes of the interior, while their own territory extended from Massachusetts Bay to Cape Cod, and through the disputed tracts north of the Narraganset country to the bay bearing the same name.* In this connection it is a curious fact that King Philip, son of Massassoit, and one of his successors, could not induce the Nauset Indians of Cape Cod to take part in his disastrous war of 1675-6. The principal residence of the great chiefs of the Wampa noags was called Pokanoket, or Mount Hope, now included in Bristol, R. I. Rhode Island. The Narraganset territory was stated t to extend to Pawtucket River, Brookfield, and the Blackstone River, in a northerly direction, westerly to Wickabaug Pond, at West Brookfield, southerly to the ocean and on the east by Narraganset Bay: or as Gookin says J about 30 or 40 miles from Sekunk River and Narraganset Bay, including Rhode Island and the other islands in that Bay. Roughly speaking, therefore, their boundaries are represented by the State of Rhode Island as it is to-day. During the first half of the 17th century the rule of this belligerent and formidable tribe was effectively administered by their two great sachems Canonicus and Miantunnomoh, and, in 1642, they were, perhaps, the strongest, as well as the most warlike of the New England Indians. Although the estimates of their numbers vary very considerably, it is fair to assume that, at this time, the tribe aggregated between 4 and 5000. Their warfare with the Wampanoags, the Pequots, the Mohegans and the English gradually reduced their strength, and the steady advance of the white settlers within the confines of New Eng- * G. L. Austin, History of Mass. tMass. H. S. Col., 3, 1,210. j History of Praying Indians. xvi INTRODUCTION land had so diminished them that, in a little over a century, this great nation was reduced to only a few hundred persons. The Nchantics or Xiantics constituted a branch of the Narra- gansetts, and their greatest sachem was Ninigret: the principal residence of the tribe was at Wickabaug, now Westerly, R. I. A section of this tribe resided in Connecticut, when they were known as the Western Niantics. Connecticut. The Pequotswere if not the most numerous, the most formidable as well as the fiercest and bravest of the aborigines of Connecticut. They, together with the Mohegans, belonged originally to the same race as the Mahicans, Mohican- ders, or Machanders who resided on the banks of the Hudson. The territory they claimed as their own represented an area of about five hundred square miles, and it extended from the Niantic River, on the west, to Wecapaug, ten miles east of the Pawcatuck River, which divides Connecticut from Rhode Island ; — their most northern clans, the Mohegans, extending northward for a distance of about 10 or 12 miles from Long Island Sound: in fine, the suzerainty of their chief sachem was, at one time, said to ex tend from Narraganset to Hudson River, and all along the Con necticut shore, including Long Island. Although their numbers have been estimated as aggregating 4000, the probability is that the tribe never exceeded 2000; but almost incessant warfare, and especially the war against the combined Narragansets, Mohegans, and the English, in 1638, completed their overthrow, and they ultimately became the sub jects of the white settlers. In 16X0, the estimate of the General Court as to the number of the Indians in Connecticut amount ed to only 500 warriors as representing about 2500 individuals. Throughout the State of Connecticut, there were many Indian tribes of comparatively minor importance, such as the Paugussets and Wepawaugs, the Potatucks, the Quinnipiacs, the Hammonassets, and the Tunxis, also the so-called River tribes living on the banks of the Connecticut River, consisting of the Podunks, and the Wangunks: none of these, however, calls for detailed attention here.* * The respective locations of these tribes will be found in "The Prin cipal American-Indian tribes of New England" elsewhere in this work. INTRODUCTION xvii Sassacus was the chief Sachem of the Pequots, and a man who terrorised all the neighboring tribes. He was said to have had 26 sachems under him, and his principal residence was on the River Thames, near New London. The Mohegans. Uncas, Pequot sachem of Mohegan, was a direct descendant of the royal line of the tribe. He married the daughter of Sassacus the Chief Sachem, in 1626, thus strengthening his claims to the tribal sachemdom, and subse quently rebelled against his father-in-law (1634-5?) and was defeated and banished. In 1638 he entered into a treaty with the English in Connecticut, and the Narragansets, and his following, growing in numbers and importance, he was gradually raised to a position of considerable influence and independent power. Uncas died in 1682 or 3. In the history of his race he was prob ably never excelled in personal bravery, or as a diplomatic strategist. The territory of the Mohegans, althought its limitations have not been very clearly defined, may be said, roughly, to have extended from a short distance from the Connecticut River, on the south "to a space of disputed country on the north, next the Narragansets." The number of the Mohegans cannot well be estimated with any degree of accuracy. Dr. Williamson in his History of Maine computes it as 3000, but as this estimate is made as representing the year 1615, and therefore long before the division of the Pequots took place, it cannot be accepted as either accurate or reliable. My own impression is that the Mo hegans were never very numerous — probably under 2000 — -but that the skilful diplomacy of Uncas enabled them to take a foremost place in the history of the period during which they flourished. PRAYING INDIANS. A few words may be devoted to the consideration of the Natick or Praying Indians, a sect developed among the Mas sachusetts tribe and other converts, in 1646, owing principally to the missionary efforts of Rev. John Eliot, who so far mas tered the difficulties of the local Indian dialect as enabled him xviii INTRODUCTION to translate the Bible into it. From 1646 to 1674 the joint efforts of Messrs. Eliot, Gookin, Mayhew, and others resulted in founding a small school of "Christian Indians" in the following places: — Punkapoag (Stoughton) ; Hassanamessit" (Grafton); Okommakamesit (Marlborough) ; Wamesit (Tewksbury) Nash- obah (Littleton) ; Magunkaquog (Hopkinton) ; Manchauge (Oxford) ; Chabanakongkomun, (Dudley) ; Maanexit, (Wood stock) ; Wabquissit (also in Woodstock) ; Pachachoog (partly in Worcester) ; Weshakim (Nashaway) ; Waentug, (Uxbridge) ; and Natick. In 1674 the missionaries claimed to have con verted about 1150 persons, being the aggregate of their converts in all these fourteen towns; but, after 1675 (when Philip's war was in progress), the believers dwindled down to about 300, and, six years after the war, Mr. Eliot could only claim four towns. I am merely stating facts, and make no comment further than to quote the following from Dr Douglass' Summary*: — "Mr Eliot," he says, "with immense labor translated and printed our Bible into Indian. It was done with a good, pious design, but it must be reckoned among the otiosorum hominum negotia: [the achievements of leisurely men] : it was done in the Natick (Mass.) language. Of the Naticks at present (1745) there are not 20 families subsisting, and scarce any can read. Cui'boni?" The foregoing outline of the Amerind tribes of New England will, it is hoped, sufficiently indicate the respective locations of the aboriginal inhabitants. With regard to their aggregate tribal numbers many opinions have been expressed and many estimates given by some of the earlier writers, but most of them have been as rash as extravagant. More careful recent inquiry has elicited the fact that the number of Indians occupying New England, at any time subsequent to the year 1600, has been very much exaggerated, and the writer has been assured by two well-known modern anthropologists, who have made a special study of the matter, that the total number of Indians in New England about the year 1600 did not exceed 24, or 25,000. Their calculations, arrived at independently, are based upon an * Vol. 1, p. 172, note. INTRODUCTION xix average of between 75 to 80 souls in each village, and the results are as follows: — Pequots 2000 Narragansetts 5000 Massachusetts 2500 Wampanoags, 3000 Pawtuckets, 2000 Mohegans 2000 Maine Indians, 2500 All others 2500 Total, . 21,500 The aboriginal inhabitants of the American Continent were foredoomed from the time that European travellers discovered its natural wealth and attractiveness, and began to make set tlements upon its productive shores: and when, in 1620, the Pilgrims landed in Plymouth Bay, they- brought with them the seeds of a more advanced civilisation which, when cultivated among them, took deep root in the soil, and spread their benig nant growths in every direction. The poor Indians had little chance against such a develop ment, and although, in their primitive and inchoate condition, they were unfitted to withstand the gradually increasing in roads of a more resourceful race, yet the history of their con quests records deeds of bravery, — of self-sacrifice, and of exalted patriotism which no nation has ever excelled. An opinion, too generally shared, which regards the Amer ican-Indian race as mere savages, almost inhuman in their ferocity and cruelty, and without a redeeming feature of any kind, is as untrue as it is unjust. They naturally possessed those characteristics shared by all unenlightened races of men who have been deprived of the elevating influence of civiliza tion, and a high code of ethics, but a careful study of their lives and history shows that, according to their enlightenment, xx INTRODUCTION they were actuated by many virtues which, in superior races, count for dignified manhood and nobility of mind. In personal bravery and courage they had few equals, and yet they ac cepted conquest or punishment with a sublime fortitude and stoicism which scorned to ask for either life or pardon. Equal ity, freedom and independence constituted the very atmos phere of their being, and in their dealings with their own race the right of each individual and his personal freedom and liberty were universally acknowledged. Judged from our modern standard the principles of morality which governed their lives, if of a lower order, were yet in keeping with their instincts and their environment, and they believed that the crimes of the vicious were punished by the disgrace, contempt, and danger they ensured for transgressors. In their domestic relationships they were generally faithful and commendable ; marital unfaithfulness was regarded as a crime, and Roger Williams gives instances in which married Indians had resided together in mutual trust and quietude for 20, 30, 40, and even 50 years. They treated their children with affection and indulgence, choosing rather to mould their characters by means of reason and persuasion than to use harsher measures. Robbery, and murder for the sake of robbery, were ex- tsemely rare amongst them, and, if they had little idea of the beauty and value of truth, it was because they knew no better. They were loyal to their chiefs and their people, prudent and wise in council, sagacious and intelligent, — extremely hospitable both to strangers and friends, grateful for all benefits received, and ever generous toward each other when fortune seemed to befriend them. That they were resentful of injury, and revengeful towards their enemies must be admitted, but the conduct of the white settlers towards them was in nowise calculated to repress the activities of Nature's first and dominating law of self-preser vation. The history of their gradual extermination forms the darkest pages in the history of their successors, and it was for tunate that the pioneers of New England secured, through the INTRODUCTION xxi broad-mindedness and generosity of good old Massassoit, the friendliness of the Wampanoags, or another and a different story might have had to be told. When all that can be said against the Indians has been spoken it must be conceded that they embodied a pure and lofty patriotism for which they fought and died like men and true patriots, and although they had to gradually yield up their pos sessions and their homes in the land they loved, and to recede and disappear before the advancing wave of civilisation, yet as DeForest says; "We may drop a tear over the grave of the race which has perished, and regret that civilisation and Christianity have ever accomplished so little for its amelioration." ABBREVIATED REFERENCES H. H. Mass. Mass. Bay Col. Rec. Mass. H. S. Col. N. H. H. S. Col. R. I. . H. S. Col. M. H . S. Col. Conn. H. S. Col. Plym. Rec. Plym. Rec. Judl. Col. Rec. Col. i Rec. Lands. New. Y. Col. Hampden Co. Records H.-B . of A.-I. Rider 's Map. Smith i. R. W J- H . T, S. G. D. G. J.G. C. S.G. B. L. L. H. Suffolk Rec. or Stiff. Rec. Church's History. De Forest. hi oh. Nip.Narr. Quinnip. Quineb. Peq. Hutchinson's History of Massachusetts Bay. Massachusetts-Bay Colonial Records. Massachusetts Historical Society's Collections. New Hampshire Historical Society's Collec tions. Rhode Island Historical Society's Collections. Maine Historical Society's Collections. Connecticut Historical Society's Collections. Plymouth Colonial Records. Plymouth Judicial Records. Colonial Records of Connecticut. Records of Lands etc., Secretary's Office, Hart ford, Conn. New York Collections. "Indian Deeds." H. A. Wright. Hand-Bookof American Indians: Bureau of Ethnology. Preceding "Lands of Rhode Island," by S. S. Rider. Captain John Smith, Navigator, 1614. Roger Williams. Dr. J. Hammond Trumbull. Samuel G. Drake. Moses Greenleaf. Hon. J. G. Crawford. Stanley G. Boyd. "Indian Local Names." Lucius L. Hubbard. 'Woods and Lakes of Maine. " "Suffolk Deeds." Vol. I to XIII. "Church's Indian Wars, 1675 — 1704:" edited by S. G. Drake. "History of the Indians of Conn.," by J. W. DeForest. 1851. Mohegan. Nipmuck. Narraganset. Quinnipiac.Quinebaug.Pequot. DICTIONARY OF AMERICAN INDIAN NAMES- MAINE. Abacotnetic Pond, west branch of Penobscot River (Kettegwe- wick) . Abocadneticook, another form of above. "Stream narrowed by the mountains." L. L. H. Abagadusset River, Bowdoinham, Sagadahoc Co. : "At the cove, or place of Shelter." J. H. T.. Abagadusset Point, Bowdoinham, Sagadahoc Co. Abequaduset, another form of foregoing. Abahos Stream, a branch of Madamiscontis River. "A stream that runs parallel with a big river." L. L. H. Abbahas Stream, another form of above. Abatacook Creek. Abalajackomegus Stream, at foot of K'taadn mountain. "No trees; all smooth." "Bare." L. L. H. Abalajakomegus Stream. Abolijakomicus, "Bald Country." Aboljackarmegas Stream. Aboljackarmegassic Stream, diminutive of preceding. Abojedgewak, thoroughfare between North and South Twin- Lakes. "Two currents flow, one on each side of an island, in the thoroughfare." L. L. H. Aboneisg River, Wiscasset Bay, Sheepscot. Vide Aponeg. Abonnebog, Kennebec River? M. H. S. Col. Acomes Falls, Androscoggin River. "A place of rest or of stop ping." S. G. B. 2 DICTIONARY OF AMERICAN INDIAN NAMES Accominticus, York, York Co. Vide Agamenticus. Acocisco, the ancient name of Casco Bay. "A heron" or "crane." Vide Aucocisco. Kendal's Travels, 111, 143. Acquehadongonock Point, Whiskeag. "Smoked-fish Point." Acquessuc, Rangeley's. Vide Aquosack, and Acquossuc. Willis. Acquossuc. Agamenticus, York, York Co. "Small tidal river beyond." J. H. T. Agamenticus Mountain, York Co. Vide Accominticus. Agamenticus River, York Co. Aghenibekki River, Sandy River? Vide Meesee Con tee and Amessaqunticook. J. H. T. Agiscohos. Vide Aziscoos. "Little pine trees." J. G. C. Agoncy, early aboriginal name for Penobscot Bay. T~ •! Aggamoggin Strait, Deerisle. Agguncia, another name for Norumbega. John de Laet, Novus Orbis, pp. 52-55. Agnascorongan tract. Kennebec River, M. H..S. Col. 6, 2d, 401. Aguahadonaneag, aboriginal name of Whiskeag, q. v. M. H. S. Col. 4, 2d, p. 245. Vide Aquehadongonock. Ahmelahcognetercook, both sides of Androscoggin River. Willis The Indian name of Brunswick near the falls. It is said to mean "a place of much game." Wheeler's History of Bruns wick, 1S7S. Vide Amilcungantiquoke. Ahpmoojeenegamook, same as Baamchenungamo, q. v. Green- leaf. Ahsedakwasic, Turner Brook Upper St. John. "Place on a stream where a' stick or rod was pointing to some branch," — as a sign for one to follow in that direction. L. L. H. MAINE 3 Alamascook River, Bucksport. Vide Alamasook. Willis. Alamasook River, near Orland. Vide Alamoosuc. Williamson. Alamoosuc Pond, near Orland ; Hancock Co. "Little dog place." Alamoosuc River, near Orland. Alamoosic, Orient, Aroostook Co. Alamoosic Lake, Orient, Aroostook Co. Aloostook River. Vide Aroostook. Allagash River, main branch of St. John's. Allagash Mountains. These words may be contracted from Allagaskwigamook , "Bark-Cabin Lake " (near a hunting camp) . L. L. H. Allagundebagog, one of Androscoggin Lakes. Allahtwkikamoksis Pond, Soubungy Mountain. "Ground where much game has been destroyed." Alligaskwigamook, Churchill Lake, Allagash River, "Bark-Cabin Lake." L. L. H. Alligaskwigamoosis, Spider Lake. Alligaskwigamooksis. Allaquash River. Vide Allagash. Alna? early name of Dresden, Lincoln Co. Amaeconti, near Androscoggin. Amaseconti River. Vide Amesookkatti. Amasquanteg. Vide Amesookkatti and Amessagunticook. Ambajeejus. Vide Ambejijis. Ambajeejus Falls. Ambajemackomas, Elbow Lake, near North Twin Lake. "Little Cross Pond." L. L. H. Ambejijis, one of the Penobscot Lakes, so called probably from two large, round rocks in the lake, one on top of the other. L. L. H. 4 DICTIONARY OF AMERICAN INDIAN NAMES Ameriscoggin, derived from words signifying "a fishing place on the river." J. H. T. Same as Androscoggin, q. v. Amesookkatti, an Abnaki village, near the river Aghenibekki. Rasle. Amessagunticook. Vide Amessookkatti. Amigoupontook. Vide Amitygouponticook. Amilcungantiquoke, St. Francis, Aroostook. "Banks of the river abounding in dry meat." (Venison.) Amisceskeag Point, Kittery, York. Amitigouponticook, Lewiston Falls. Amityouponook. Willis. Ammarescoggen, same as Androscoggin, q. v. Ammeguntick Lake. M. H. S. Col. 1st series. Ammon-Congin, Indian Planting-ground at Cumberland Mills. "Fish-drying." Indian Bulletin, 1867. Ammongungon River, Falmouth, Casco Bay. Amobscot. Vide Muscongus : probably a corruption of Remobs- cus, q. v. "York Records," XIII, p. 836. Amoscoggin, same as Androscoggin, q. v. "A Fishing-place." Amoscommun, same as Androscoggin, q. v. "Fishing-place for alewives :" "Fish-spearing place." Anboljokomagassick. Vide Aboljackarmegassic. "Bald coun try." G. Androscoggin, said to be a corruption of Anasagunticook. Prob ably derived from words signifying a "fishing-place on the river." J. H. T. Androscoggin River, a branch of the Kennebec. Aneksassisscuk Island, Penobscot River; "Ant Island." G. Anghemaktikoos, early name for Agamenticus. Anmecangin Falls, Lisbon Falls. "Much fish." MAINE 5 Annabessacook Pond, Monmouth, Kennebec Co. Annabescook Pond. Willis. Annabasook Pond. Willis. Apananawapeske River, "12 miles from Pamassoc," q. v. near Meecombe, Pemaquid. Apistama, the sea-board from Casco Bay eastward. Apmogeregamook Lake, Allagash River. Vide Appmoojeene- quamook. Willis. Aponeg River, Sheepscot River. Apmoojenegamook, Chamberlain Lake, Allagash River; "Cross lake." L. L. H. Appmoojeenequamook. Vide Baamcheenungamook. Appowick River, "in the Bashaba's dominions," near Pemaquid. Purchas' Pilgrimage, 1628. Aquadocta, Indian village, west of Saco and Casco, 1690. Aquahadonaneag, same as Whiskeag, q. v. Aquehadongonock. Vide Acquehadongonock. Aquaquamset River, east of Kennebec. Suffolk Rec, 494, vol. IV, 1661. Aquosack. Vide Acquessuc and Acquossuc. Arambec, a synonym for Norumbega or Norumbegua, a place supposed to have existed at an early period at or near Pema quid. The meaning of the word is said to be "chief city or capital." Sewall's, "Ancient Dominion of Maine." Aransoak, Kennebec River from lake to Norridgewock. Vide Orantsoak. Aresiket River, Casco Bay. 6 DICTIONARY OF AMERICAN INDIAN NAMES Arroseag. Vide Arrowsic. Sullivan, 145. Arrozeek. Vide Arrowsic. Arroseg. Vide Arrowsic. Vide Rowsick. Arrosic. Vide Arrowsic. Sullivan, 145. Arrowsick. Vide Arrowsic. Arrowsic Island, Sagadahoc. Aroostook Co. Aroostook River, Aroostook Co. Vide Aloostook and Oolastook. "Beautiful River." Arrockaumecook, on Androscoggin River. "A place of dried meat." (Venison). Willis. Arumsunkhungan Island, Penobscot River. "Where they catch alewives." Arumsunkumgan village. Asabumbeduco River, Kittery, York. Ashamahaga River, Pemaquid. Purchas' Pilgrimage, 1628. (Hakluyt's Papers). Asnela, a little island in Penobscot River. Name derived from that of Sachem, — Assen or Ossen. Assabenbeduck, Quamphegan Falls, South Berwick. Assabumbedoc. Asticou, near North-east Harbor, Mount-Desert Island. Name probably derived from that of Sachem. Aswaguscawadic, a branch of the Mattawamkeag. "A place where, on account of the distance, one drags his canoe through a stream, rather than carry it." L. L. H. Atean Pond, Moose River. Named after an Indian family, and formerly, after a chief. L. L. H. Attean Pond, MAINE 7 Attebemeuck Island, Cherry Island, Penosbcot River. Aucocisco. Vide Acocisco, "a heron or crane." Aumaughcawgen, on Kennebec River : ancient name of Andros coggin. Aumoughcawgin, "Fishing-place Weir," or "Beaver Dam." Capt. John Smith, 1616. Awanganis, Priestley Lake, Allagash River. "Lake or water reached from a river by cutting across country up a brook, and thence by land, instead of going around and up the outlet of the lake." L. L. H. Awasoos Island, Penobscot River. "Bear Island.'' G. Aziscoos Mountain, Oxford Co. Vide Agiscohos. Aziscoos Falls, Oxford Co. Aziscoos River. Oxford Co. B Baamchenungamis.Baamcheenungamook, Chamberlain Lake, Allagash River. Baamchenungamo. "Lake that is crossed," G. "Cross Lake," "Crosswise." L. L. H. Baamchenunquamook. Bagaduce. Vide Bigaduce and Major-Bigwaduce. Bagadoose. Bakungunahik Island, "Crooked Island." G. Bamedumpkok Lake, " Sandy -barred Pond." G. Bamonewengamok, Cross Lake, head of Allagash. Vide Baam chenungamis. Willis. 8 DICTIONARY OF AMERICAN IFDIAN NAMES Bascahegan Lake, Topsfield, Washington Co. Bascohegan Lake, Topsfield, Washington Co. Bascanhegan Lake, Topsfield, Washington Co. Baskahegan Stream, a branch of the Mattawamkeag. "A branch stream that turns right down." L. L. H. Bauneg Beg, Berwick boundary, Sanford. Vide Bonabisse. Bedabedec, early name of Owl's-head, Penobscot Bay. Willis. Beegwatook, Pushaw Pond, near Bangor. "Big-bay place." L. L. H. Beemsquamkeetook Lake, Penobscot River. "Quick, smooth water." G. Bigaduce, the name of Castine and neighborhood about 1689. Biguaduce Peninsula. Vide Marche Bagyduce. Bigwaduce Peninsula. Big Tunk mountain, Cherryfield, Washington Co. Bokajenesquis Island. Jug Island. G. Bombazee Rips, on the Kennebec River. Bonabisse Pond, Berwick boundary, Sanford. Bonnebeag Pond, Berwick boundary, Sanford. Vide Bauneg Beg. Willis. Bosquenoosick Island, Burying ground for Mohawks. G. Bosquenuguk Island, Broken Island. Penobscot River. G. Brassua, a lake on Moose River. Suggested to mean "Frank," from an Indian chief. Brassaway. Bunganuck. "Maine Register." Bunganuc, Cumberland, Cumberland Co. Bunganut Pond, Lyman, York Co. MAINE 9 Bunganut Pond, Alfred, near Sanford, York Co. M. H. S. Col. Vol. 3. Bungernuck Pond, Alfred, York Co. These names "'"strate some t» i-r-.iT-rri^.--,.-i °^ the difficulties of localiza- Bungernuck Pond, Hartford, Oxford Co. .. . ..„ ° tion, owing to dinerent rec- Bungernuck Stream, Hartford, Oxford. ords of different authors. Bunganock, History of Brunswick, Topsham and Harpswell, p. 553. Bungonengamock River, South side of Brunswick. Willis. Burganunganock River, "flowing into Maquoit Bay :" "High- bank Brook." Bungomungomug River, "flowing into Maquoit Bay." Busseck, Sagadahoc. M. H. S. Col. 6, 2d, 401. c Cabbadetus, Round Pond Village, Bristol. Lincoln Co. Records. Canasixet River, Mill River, Sheepscot. Vide Cavesisix. Canesixet Falls, Scarborough. Cancumgomock, one of summits of Russell mountains, Somer set Co. Cancumgomock Lake, Chesuncook, west branch of Penobscot. Caucomgomoc Lake, Chesuncook, "Big-gull lake." L. L. H. Capaneldagan. Willis. Capeangusset, Cape Anagusset, Swan Island. Capecorpus, early name of Mousam River. Mass. H. S. Col. Vol. Ill, p. 6 (1610.) Capenawaghen, same as Cape Newaggen. 10 DICTIONARY OF AMERICAN INDIAN NAMES Capesseck Falls, Falmouth, York Co. "York Records," XIII, p. 362. Capipissoke Falls, Falmouth, York Co. "York Records." Capisick Falls, Falmouth, York Co. "York Records." Capissick Falls, Falmouth, York Co. "York Records." Capissick River, southeast of mouth of Stroudwater. Vide Kep- isickc, Little River. Williamson, 1, p. 264, note. Capmanwagan, now Southport. Caratunk, on Kennebec River. Caratunk Lake, Caratunk, Kennebec River. Carratunk, Concord. "Maine Register." Caribou, Aroostook Co. Caribou River, Aroostook Co. Caribou Bog, Crystal, Aroostook Co. Carrabasset River, Eustis, Franklin Co. Carrabasset Falls, Anson, Somerset Co. Carrabasset Rapids, Anson, Somerset Co. Carrartoank Falls, Kennebec. Vide Caratunk. Willis. Carrituck Plantation, Somerset Co. "Place where the water forms a semi-circle round the land." Casco, early name of Portland. "Goes round, like a collar." J. G. C. Said also to be derived from Aucocisco, meaning "a resting place," or "a crane." Casco Bay, Cumberland Co. Casco River, Cumberland Co. Catawamteak, Rockland, Knox Co. "Great landing-place." Cathance River, Bowdoinham, Sagadahoc Co. Cathance Point, Bowdoinham. Vide Kathahnis. Cathaneu River, "Bent" or "Crooked." Cathanisk, Denny's River, Washington Co. P. E. Vose. MAINE 11 Cauccow Cove, Rasthegon Island, Sagadahoc. Caucongamock Lake. Vide Cancumgonock. Willis. Cavesisix River, between Damariscotta and Sheepscot Rivers. Chamcook Hills, north of Passamaquoddy Bay. N. B. Chamcook Lake, north of Passamaquoddy Bay, N. B. Chamqussabamtook Lake, tributary to Allagash. Vide Chem- quasabamticook. Cheaplawgan Lake. Willis. Chebeague Island, Harpswell, Cumberland Co. "Great waters" or "great expanse of water." Vide Chebeag and Shebeag. Chebeag.Chebeguadose, a village on the Penobscot. Purchas' Pilgrim age, 162S. Chebiscodego Island, Casco Bay: former name of Great Chebeague. Chebogardinac ? "a high hill." Cheburn, West Quoddy head. Cheemanahn. "Great Island." G. Chegoney Island, Sagadahoc. Same as Sagosett, q. v. Chekachenegabit, west branch of Penobscot G. Chemquasabamticook Lake, tributary to the Allagash. L. L. H Chemquasabanticook Stream, "stream of a large lake." Chenosbec, name for Chesuncook, q. v. It may mean "great out let place." Chenbesic. Cheputneticook Lakes, Vanceborough, Washington Co. "Great hill lake." Cheputnaticook Stream, Schoodic. Cheputnatecook. 12 DICTIONARY OF AMERICAN INDIAN NAMES Chesuncook Lake, west branch of Penobscot. "The biggest lake" — on the Penobscot. It may mean "Great discharge place." L. L. H. Chetookook. Vide Chesuncook. G. Chevacovett, ancient name of Pemaquid and Sheepscot. Chevacovett River (Nichols River) branch of Sheepscot. Chiboctous River, Penobscot. Biard. Chicopee, York Co. Chickawaukie, Tolman's Pond, Rockland, Knox Co.; "sweet water." Chickawakie, Tolman's Pond, Rockland, Knox Co. Chickawauka, Tolman's Pond, Rockland, Knox Co. Chicumskook, Grindstone Falls, Penobscot, "Big Falls" or "Big- boulder place." L. L. H. Chignecto Bay, Bay of Fundy. Chignecto Cape, Bay of Fundy. Chimkazaooktook, branch of St. John. "Big black stream." L. L. H. Chimquassabumtook. Vide Chemquasabamticook. Chimmenticook River, Aroostook Co. Chinskheegan, Ktaadnquoh, Mount Ontop. Chiputneticook. Vide Cheputneticook. Chusquisack River, near Wecustogo. "York Records." Cinebaque, same as Kennebec. M. H. S. Col. 7, 2d, 431. Cobeskoute Lake, Kennebec Co.; "sturgeon-spearing place." Vide Cobbossecontee. Cobbasseeconteag Lake, Kennebec Co. "Land where sturgeons are taken." Willis. MAINE 13 Cobbossecontee Lake, Kennebec Co. "Where there was plenty of sturgeons. J. H. T. "Place where sturgeons are taken." Mass. H. S. Col. Vol. 3, p. 6. Cobbosse, Gardiner. "Maine Register." Cobscook Falls, Pembroke, Washington Co. "Falls, or rough water." L. H. H. Cobscook Bay. Pembroke, Washington Co. Cobscook Stream, Pembroke, Washington Co. "Sturgeon-catch ing place." J. H. T. Cochnewaga Pond, Monmouth, Kennebec Co. Cocknewegan Pond, Monmouth, Kennebec Co. Collegewidgwock, Blue-hill, near Union River. Comphegan, same as Quamphegan, q. v. "York Records," 1, 36. Condeskeag, Bangor. Conduskeag, Bangor. Copones Island, Casco Bay. Copsecook. Vide Cobscook. Cowseagan Narrows, on Sheepscot River. M. H. S. Col. Vol. 2, pp. 235-6. Cowsegan River, runs into Sheepscot. Crokemago, small province at head of Saco River. It contained one town, probably Pegwaket. Williamson, Vol. 1, p. 10, note. Crummet? Somerville, Lincoln Co. Culcusso Mountain, Somerset Co. Cumbolasse Ponds, Lincoln, Penobscot Co. Cupsuptic Lake, Oxford Co. Cupsuptic River, Oxford Co. The act of "drawing a seine while fishing." Curvo Stream? Salem, Franklin Co. 14 DICTIONARY OF AMERICAN INDIAN NAMES Cushenoc, Augusta, same asCushnoc. "The running-down place." Cushnoc, Augusta. Custogo, West Yarmouth. Willis. Cussabexis Pond, near Chesuncook Lake. "The little swift water." L. L. H. Cussenocke. Vide Cushnoc. D Damariscotta, Bristol, Lincoln Co. "Alewife Place." Damariscotta River, Bristol, Lincoln Co. "River of little fishes," or "The river where the fishes flock or rush." "Fish-place." Willis. Damariscotta Islands, mouth of Damariscotta River. Possibly the "Tamiscot" of Heylin, 1645. Willis. Donaqua, the former name of land lying between Penobscot and Union Rivers. E Ebauhuit Island, Campobello, N. B. Ebeeme Mountains, Moosehead Lake, "where they get high-bush cranberries." L. L. H. Ebeemin, same as Ebeeme. Ebenecook Village, Lincoln Co. "Bread place," or "high cran berry place." Ebenecooke Harbour, at Cape Newagen Island. Vide Menicuk. Ebhops River, Woodville, Penobscot Co. MAINE 15 Edgemaroggan Reach, near Sedgwick, Brookville. Eggemoggin Reach, Penobscot Bay. Egamagen Reach. M. H. S. Col. Vol. 1, 3d, 448. Ehusquisack River, Wescustogo, North Yarmouth. Vide Chus- quisack. "York Records" XII, part 1, p. 112. Elandamookganopskitschwak Falls, east branch of Penobscot. "Stair Falls." L. L. H. Epituse, probable name of mainland on which Boothbay stands. Mentioned in deed of Damariscove, 1685. Eptchedgewak, thoroughfare between North and South Twin- lakes, Penobscot. "Where two currents, coming from different directions, meet." L. L. H. Erascohegan, Great Island, Harpswell, Cumberland Co. Escutassis Pond, Burlington, Penobscot Co. Escutassis Pond, Little, Lowell, Penobscot Co. "Small trout." L. L. H. Eskulassis Pond, Lowell, Penobscot Co. Escutassis Stream, Lowell, Penobscot Co. "Small trout." Eskweskwewadjo, Bald Mountain, Katahdin Range. "She-bear mountain." L. L. H. Etasiiti, ancient name of Wilson Pond, Moosehead Lake. "Where they had a great fight," or "destruction ground." L. L. H. G Gambo, Gorham, Cumberland. Pierce's "Gorham," p. 41. Gebeag Islands, Casco Bay. (anciently Chebeague.) Genesagarumsis Lake, easternmost of Schoodic Lakes. Georgeekeag, Thomaston. 16 DICTIONARY OF AMERICAN INDIAN NAMES Godmorrocke, marshland, northeast of Piscataqua, Kittery. "York Records," vol. 3, p. 97, 98. Guonitogon, "Long River," early Abnaki name of Connecticut River. Great Jebege Island, "near Merecanneeg." Vide Chebeaque. Gumscook Pond. Willis. Gunasquamekook, an Abnaki village (Passamaquoddy) H-B. of A-I. Vol. 1, p. 4. Gyobscot Point, Sagadahoc Co. H Hackmatack Lake, or Little Seavey, Wesley, Washington Co. Hanesicket Bay, Freeport, Cumberland Co. Harraseeket, Freeport, Cumberland Co. Harraseeket River, Freeport, Cumberland Co. Harrickissecke, Freeport, Cumberland Co. "York Records," 3,130. Heggomeito, near Passage Point, York, "York Records," XII, Part 2, p. 323. Hemanockwanargum, Pembroke Lake. P. E. Vose of Dennys- ville. Hoagomore Cove, Greenland. Hockomock Point, near old harbor, Swan's Island. Vide Namo- kanok. Hockomock Head, Woolwich, Sagadahoc Co. Hockamock Island, Oldtown, above Penobscot. "High land, — kind of a lump." Hockamock Bay, Sheepscot? M. H. S. Col. 2, 2d, 247. MAINE 17 Hockomocking Point or Neck, Muscongus. Hogamockcook Point, Greenland. "York Records." Hoosac Mount, at Cornish, York Co. Imnarkuan, an Abnaki village, Passamaquoddy, H-B. of A-I. 1, p. 4. Jameco Path, Scarborough. Jataska Lake, Oxford Co. Jebaskadiggin, one of the Casco-Bay Islands. Vide Sebascodegan. Jebege, Great Island, Harpswell, Cumberland. Vide Chebeague. Jeremisquam Island, Westport, near Wiscasset, Lincoln Co. ' 'The Island of Jeremy, who lives by the water, ' ' — meaning ' 'the island of water-creeks." Sewall. Jewonke Neck, near Westport, Lincoln Co. Jewanke Neck, near Westport, Lincoln Co. Probate Records. K Kabaumkeag, Lubec, Eastport. P. E. Vose. Kadesquit, early name of Bangor. M. H. S. Col. 4, 2d, 90. Kahgognamock, or Black River, — source of west tributary of Penobscot. 18 DICTIONARY OF AMERICAN INDIAN NAMES Kahkoguamock Lake, same as Caucomgomock, q. v. "Big-gull lake." Kahnonahjik, Long Island, Penobscot River. G. Karsaootuk Stream, North Maine; "Black River," or "Pine Stream." Kassanunganumkeag, Elaware Rips. G. Katachinoe, one of forks of Penobscot River. Katahdin Mountain, Piscataquis Co. "The biggest mountain." Vide K'taadn. Katapskenegan Lake, west branch of Penobscot. Katapskonegan Falls, west branch of Penobscot, "a carry over a ledge" or "big ledge carry." L. L. H. Katawamkisway River, same as Memkeeswee, q. v. Kathahnis River, Bowdoinham. Vide Cathance; "crooked." Kawapskitchwak, Machias west River. "Sharp rough rips" of "rocky stream." L. L. H. Kebo Mountain, Hancock Co. Kedumcook, Vaughan Brook, Hallowell. Kenderquit, former name of Bangor, Penobscot. Kenduskeag, former name of Bangor, Penobscot. "The place of eels." Willis. Kenduskeag River, Penobscot : "Little eel River," or "place for taking salmon." Kennebago River, near Rangeley, Franklin Co. Kennebago Falls, near Rangeley, Franklin Co. Kennebago Lake, near Rangeley, Franklin Co. Kennebago Mountains, near Rangeley, Franklin Co. Kennebec village (Norridgewock) , named for great chief, Kenne- bis, or means "long-water place," or "long river." Kennebec River. MAINE 19 Kennebunk Pond, York. Kennebunk, York. Kennebunk Beach, York. Kennebunkport, York. Kepisicke River. Vide Capisick and Capissick. "York Records," XII, part 2, p. 311. Kerdoormeorp, at Pittston, Kennebec Co. Ketangheanyche, Abnaki village, near mouth of Kennebec River. M. H. S. Col. V, p. 156. Kettegwewick, west branch of Penobscot. "Great stream place." L. L. H. Kezar River, Fryeburg, Oxford Co. Named from an old hunter, who lived in the vicinity. Kezar Pond. Kineo Mountain, Moosehead Lake, Piscataquis Co. Kineo, Moosehead Lake, Piscataquis Co. Klaganissecook village, Mattawamkeag River. Klaganissecook Falls, Mattawamkeag River. "Narrow, like a door." L. L. H. Kobossee Island. "Sturgeon Island." G. Kokadjeweemgwasebem, Roach Pond, Moosehead Lake. "Kettle- mountain Lake." Kokadjeweemgwasebemsis, Spencer Pond, Moosehead Lake. "Kettle-mountain Pond." L. L. H. Kokadjo, western peak of Spencer mountains ; "Kettle-mountain. ' ' L. L. H. Kollegewidgewock, Indian name for Blue-hill Bay. Willis. Kousaki Lake, said to be source of St. Croix River. M. H. S. Col. 6, 2d, 237. K'taadn mountain, Piscataquis Co. The "biggest mountain." 20 DICTIONARY OF AMERICAN INDIAN NAMES K'taadnquoh, Ontop mountain, "of or belonging to Katahdin range." Kukunsook Lake, Pushau Lake. G. Kurremuck, spruce creek, Kittery. Kussuskook Lake, Hemlock Lake. G. Kussuskook Stream, Hemlock stream. G. Kussuskook Island, Hemlock Island. G. Kwanatacogomahso, Poland Pond — tributary to Caucomgomoc Lake. L. L. H. Kwanoksagamaik, Loon Lake, Caucomgomuc. "Peaked or point ed lake." L. L. H. Kwanosagamaik, Webster Lake, on Penobscot, east branch. L. L. H. Kweueuktonoonkhegan, Moose River. "Snow-shoe River." L. L. H. Kynybequy, ancient name of Kennebec (Quinnebequi) charter of King Charles 1, 1639. L Lacassecomecook. Vide Allagaskwigamook (1795). "Bark-cabin place." Lapomique, a branch of Aroostook. "Rope stream" (crooked). Lapompeag.Lechock River, "5 leagues east of Penobscot." H. H. Mass. Ill, p. 13. Lett Island? Old town, Penobscot. Levingston, 1710. Loon Pond, Litchfield, Kennebec Co. Vide Kwanoksagamaik. MAINE 21 Loshtock, or Long River, Indian name of St. John's River. "Wide and shallow." Hanson's "History of Gardiner." Lunksoos Mountain, Penobscot, "Indian devil," or "Catamount. " Lunksoos Stream, east branch of Penobscot. M Machagoney Point, Falmouth. "York Records," XII, part 1, p. 113. Machigonne, Portland or Casco Neck. "Bad clay," or "Knee"or "elbow" (from curve of peninsula). Magegunuck Neck, Falmouth. "York Records," XII, part 1, p. 113. Machias, Washington Co. Machias River, Washington Co. "Bad small falls," or "Bad little place." Machias Bay, Washington Co. Machiasport, Washington Co. Macheeweesis Falls, "Bad Falls." G. Machwahoc, Aroostook Co. "Beaver place?" Machwahoc Stream, Aroostook Co. "Bog-brook." L. L. H. Macwahoc, Aroostook Co. Macwahoc Stream, Aroostook Co. Macwakook, Aroostook Co. Madagamus Hill, near Belfast, Waldo Co. "The trace of the snow-shoes." Madagascal, Burlington, Penobscot. Madagascal Pond, Burlington, Penobscot. 22 DICTIONARY OF AMERICAN INDIAN NAMES Maddambettox Mountain, Rockland, Knox Co. Maddunkeunk River, Chester, Penobscot. "It goes up rapid from the mouth of the brook." Medunkeeunk. Vide Namadunkeeunk. Medunkeeunk Falls, Chester. Madamiscontis Stream, Penobscot. Vide Mattamiscontis. Madamiscondus Stream, "where there has been plenty of ale- wives. " Madamiskontis Lake. Madamiscomtis Stream. Madanamkook Island, Sandy Island, Penobscot. Madanankook River. Matanaucook, Lower Penobscot; "Place of bad islands." L. L.H. Vide Metanawcook, Metanawkeag, etc. Madawamkeag Lake, Oxford Co. Vide Mattawamkeag. Madawaska, Aroostook Co. Madawaska River, east of St. John, near Little Falls. "Porcu pine place," or "where one river enters another." L. L. H. Madibpar Falls, "Flint-stone Falls." G. Madnaguk Island, Lincoln Island, Penobscot. Madoamuk. Madoamok Point, east of Masconks, "York Records," 8, 177. Maductic Falls, St. John's River. Medunctic Point, St. John's River. Madusnekeag, tributary of St. John's. Vide Medusnekeag and Meduxnekeag. Willis. Magawok Bay, near Maquoit. Willis. MAINE 23 Magegunuck Neck, Falmouth. Vide Machagoney. Magesemanussick Falls, York Co. "York Records," VIII, p. 177. Magocook Bay, near Maquoit. Vide Magawok. Magguadaric River, Washington Co. Magorgoomagoosuck, "7 mile Brook," Vassalborough. Maguncook. Vide Mousam River. Magurrewock Lake, West, Calais, Washington Co. Magurrewock Lake, East, Calais, Washington Co. MahkUcomgonoc, Pleasant Lake, Allagash : "Hard- wood land lake." L. L. H. Mahkonlahgok, "The Gulf," near K'taadn. "A hole in the river." L. L. H. Mahnagwanegwasebem, Rainbow Lake, Penobscot, Transla tion of English name : not genuine Indian. Mahnekebahntic, Caribou Lake, Chesuncook. "Where they got cedar-bark for packs." L. L. H. Majaobskoos, Pomoohah's (Devil's) rock. Major-Bigwaduce, Plantation name of Penobscot (Castine). Vide Marche Bagyduce, and Biguaduce. "At the bad shelter- place." Rasle and J. H. T. Majuumquassabam Pond, "Bad Pond." G. Makwamkusk, Red Beach, Eastport. Malagoe Island, Isles of Shoals. Malaquash, Lunenburg, N. S. Merliquash, Lunenburg, N. S. Mamasunquobscook River, "Rough Stone Stream." G. Manahneekook, "River full of Islands." G. Manan Islands, "An Island." Manahnook, "Grand Manan." P. E. Vose. 24 DICTIONARY OF AMERICAN INDIAN NAMES Manaskoos, Green Island, Penobscot. G. Mandawesso Island, Hedgehog Island. G. Manheigin Island, mouth of Penobscot. Des Barre's Map. Vide Monahigan. Manickoe Point, Newton, Casco. Maquait Bay, Brunswick, Cumberland Co. Maquoit, Brunswick, Cumberland Co. Maquarook River, St. John's, "Birch stream." G. Maranacook Lake, Readfield, Kennebec. Maranocook Lake, Readfield, Kennebec. Marche Bagyduce. Vide Major Bigwaduce, and Biguaduce. Marchissis Mount, Chase Mount. Mardarmeskunteag, Damariscotta, "Young shad pool." Margalloway, English in Indian guise. Maroonscook Pond, Cobbessecontee. Willis. Masardis River, Aroostook Co. Mascamp, near Alfred, York Co. Masconks, "York Records," VIII, p. 177. Masherosqueck, an Abnaki village, in 1616. Smith, pp. 13, 14, 213, 214. Masquaseecook Lake, Penobscot River, "Birch Stream." G. Massabeseck, Waterborough. Vide Massabeisic. Massabeisic, Alfred or Sanford, York Co. Massakiga, Abnaki village. Purchas' Pilgrimage, 1628. Mastomquoog Island, St. George's River. Matagamook, Grand Lake, E. Penobscot. "The old exhausted* lake." L. L. H. MAINE 25 Matagamooksis, Second Lake, E. Penobscot. Diminutive of preceding. Matagmnon Lake, Penobscot River, Aroostook. Vide Matta- gamon. Matanaucook, Penobscot River. "Place of bad lands." Vide Matanacook. Matakeunk Pond, Lee, Penobscot Co. Vide Mattakeunk. Willis. Matakeunk Stream, Lee, Penobscot Co. Vide Mattakeunk. Willis. Mathebestuck Hills, Camden, Knox Co. Vide Mattubesic and Medambattec. Matinicus Isle, "10 miles east of Matinic," Knox Co. Matinicus Rock, "10 miles east of Metinic Island," Knox Co. Mattabesec. Vide Mattubesic : refer also to Conn, and N. H. Mattagamon Lake, Penobscot River. Vide Montagamon. Mattagoodus, a tributary of Penobscot ; "bad landing for canoes" or "meadow-ground." L. L. H. Mattagordus River, at Prentiss, Penobscot Co. Mattakeunk Pond, Lee, Penobscot Co. Vide Matakeunk. Mattakeunk Stream, Lee, Penobscot Co. Vide Matakeunk. Mattamiscontis River, tributary of Penobscot; "where there has been plenty of alewives." J. H. T. Vide Madamiscomtis, etc. Mattanacook Ponds, Lincoln, Penobscot. "Place of bad islands." Mattanacook stream. Mattanawcook, M. H. S. Col. VII, p. 103. Vide Matanaucook, Metanawcook, etc. Mattawamkeag River, Oxford Co. Vide Metawamkeag and Madawamkeag. 26 DICTIONARY OF AMERICAN INDIAN NAMES Mattawamkeag Lake, "Down where a stream empties into the main river." "Gravelly bed," or "place beyond the gravel or sand bar." L. L. H. Mattubesic Mountain, Rockland, Knox Co. Vide Maddam- bettox. Maun Hill, Mexico, Oxford Co. Mavosheen, earliest name of Maine, 1602? Mavoosheen, earliest name of Maine. Meaumkeag, near Kitt's Island, Kennebec. Mecadacut, old name of Owl's Head. Vide Medambattic. Smith, 1616. Mechisses, old name for Machias, q. v. Mass. H. S. Col. Vol. Ill (1810). Mechisses River, Mass. H. S. Col. Vol. Ill (1810). Medambattic Hill or Mountain, near Camden. Vide Mathebes tuck, and Mecadacut. Meddybemps, Washington Co. Meddybemps River, Washington Co. Meddybemps Falls, Washington Co. Meddybempsook, Washington Co. P. E. Vose. Medoctec, Abnaki village (Maliseet). Medomac River, Appleton, Knox Co. Medunkaunk, Chester, Penobscot Co. Vide Namadunkeehunk. Medunkeeunk River, Chester, Penobscot Co. Medunkeeunk Falls, Chester, Penobscot Co. Meduncook, Friendship town, Knox Co. MAINE 27 Medusnekeag River, a tributary of the lower St. John. Meduxnekeag River, near Woodstock, "where the people go out" (from the woods.) L. L. H. * Meduxnekeag Lake, Linneus, Aroostook Co. Meecombe, Abnaki village on the Apananawpeske River, q. v. H-B. of A-I. Vol. 1, p. 5. Meeseecontee, Farmington Falls, Sandy River, "where there is plenty of alewives or herrings." Meesokdowhok Lake, "Burnt land?" G. Meesokdowhok Stream. Meesucontee. Vide Amesookkatti. Megkwagagamik, Mud Pond, Allagash. "Marsh Pond." L. L. H. Megkwakangamocsis, Harrow Pond. "Marsh Pond." L. L. H. Megkwahlagas, near Lower Penobscot. "Red Hole" or "Red Rock." L. L. H. Megquier Hill, Poland Springs, Androscoggin Co. Megunticook, Camden, Knox Co. Megunticook Mountain, Camden, Knox Co. Megunticook River, Camden, Knox Co. Megunticook Lake, Camden, Knox Co. Melapswagamoc, Joe Merry Lake, Penobscot. "Large rock lake." L. L. H. Meloxswangarmo, corruption of above. Memkeeswee Stream, eastern bound of Maine. Vide Katwam- kisway. Mempticook Stream, eastern bound of Maine. Menannah Bay, between Monhegan and Manannah Island. Menannah Island, south of Monhegan. 28 DICTIONARY OF AMERICAN INDIAN NAMES Menhaneekek, Ragged Lake, near Chesuncook. "Place of many islands." Meniceneag, Harpswell, North Yarmouth. Vide Merryconeag. Menikoe Point, beyond Portland Neck. M. H. S. Col. Vol. 1, p. 77. Menicuk, early form of Ebenecook, q. v. Mericaneeg, now Harpswell, N. Yarmouth, same as Merryconeag, q. v. Merrinege Neck, Casco Bay. Merryconeag, Harpswell Neck, Cumberland Co. Mesakketesagewick, Socatean Stream, meaning "half-burnt land and half-burnt timber with the stream separating them." Mesiginagoske, Indian Island, Passamaquoddy. Meskaskeeseehunk, north branch Mattawamkeag. "Little spruce brook." L. L. H. Meskeekwagamasic, Black Pond, Caucomgonoc. "Grassy Pond." L. L. H. Messalouskee River. M. H. S. Coll. 4, 2d, 366. Messalonski Pond, Sidney, Kennebec Co. Messeelonskee, Emerson Stream, Waterville. Messotoocus, Smith Brook, Mattawamkeag. Metanawcook River, Penobscot River. "Place of bad lands." Metanawkeag River (Indian form). Vide Matanaucook, etc. Metanegwis, St. Croix Island. M. H. S. Col. Vol. 2, 3d, 109. Metawamkeag River, Penobscot River. Vide Mattawamkeag. Metawarmet, Boothbay. Metgarmette. Willis. Mgwasebemsistook, Russell Stream, north of Moosehead Lake. "Stream of a little lake." L. L. H. MAINE 29 Millinokett Lake, Penobscot Co. "Having no shape;" "having many coves," or "Place full of islands." Millininoketsis, one of the Aroostook Lakes. Diminutive of preceding. Minnehonk Lake. Mispecky Reach, southwest of Englishman's Bay; "Overflowed." Vide Moosepeckick and Moosabec. Missiassick.Missiassik, Abnaki village, Penobscot. H-B. of A-I. Vol. 1, p. 5. Mkazaooktook, Little Black River, branch of the St. John and Pine Stream — a tributary of West Branch of Penobscot. "Black Stream." Mobear? Island Pond, Cherryfield, Washington Co. Moges Islands, Great and Little, Yarmouth, Cumberland Co. Mohonon Branch, Cherryfield, Washington Co. Molachenkamaeenk, one of Androscoggin Lakes. Molechunkemunk Lake, Oxford Co. Molly Ocket mountain, Woodstock, Oxford Co. ; a corruption of Mary Agatha, who was the last of the Pequakets, and who died in Andover, Maine, in 1816. Molunkus River, Benedicta, Aroostook Co; "a short stretch of high land on a small stream." Molynuchgamog Lake, "a homely lake." Sockbasin. Monagenest. Monogenest, north side of St. John's River. Monahigan Island, mouth of Penobscot. "Grand Island." Smith, 1614. Monanis Bay, Pemaquid. Monanis Isle, Pemaquid. Smith, 1614. 30 DICTIONARY OF AMERICAN INDIAN NAMES Monarda, Aroostook Co. Monhegan Island, Lincoln Co. "Grand Island ;" a corruption of Menahan. Monhegan. Vide Monahigan, Morattigon, etc. Monsapec, Jonesport. Monseag, near Westport, "Place of island-waters." Monsiocage Falls, near Damariscotta. M. H. S. Col. Monsweag River, Wiscasset, Lincoln Co. Monsweag Bay. Montsweag, Woolwich, Sagadahoc Co. Montagamon Lake, Penobscot River. Vide Mattagamon. Montinicus. Vide Matinicus. H. H. Mass. Vol. 2, 132. Mopang Lake and Stream, Cherryfield and Harrington, Wash ington Co. Moosabec, the Reach, Jonesport. Vide Moosepeckick. Moosebec, "Straits of a river." Vide Moosabec. Willis. Moosebesic Pond, Mascamp, York Co. Moosecajik, "Moose's rump." Vide Mosekachick. Mooseckey, the Reach, Jonesport. Vide Moosabec. Moose-horn Stream, Pemaquan Lake, Baring, Washington Co. Mooseleuk Stream, a branch of the Aroostook; "moose place." L. L. H. Mooselucmaguntic Lake, Oxford Co. Mooselockmaguntic Lake. Willis. Mooseelumaguntic, one of Androscoggin Lakes. Mooselumaguntic Lake, Oxford Co. Mooseetomaguntic Lake, Oxford Co. Vide Mooselucmaguntic. Willis. MAINE 31 Moosetookmeguntic Lake, Oxford Co; "where the hunters watch the moose by night." Moose-parun, a name of Moosehead Lake, 1773. Moosepeckick, West Machias ; "overflowed." Same as Mispecky, q. v. L. L. H. Moose Plantation, Somerset Co. Moose River, Somerset Co. Mootinoo, Isles of Shoals. Mopang River, Washington Co. Mopang Lake, Washington Co. Morancey Pond, near Gouldsborough, Hancock Co. Morattigon, same as Monhegan, q. v. Mosekachick, Cape Rozier, Brookville, Hancock Co. "The Moose's rump." Vide Moosecajik. Mashoquen, an Abnaki village on Maine Coast. Smith, 1616. Moskwaswagamok, Shallow Lake, near Caucomgonoc. "Musk- rat lake." L. L. H. Moskwaswagamocsis, Dagget Pond. Diminutive of preceding. L. L. H. Mosquito Mountain? Franklin, Waldo Co. Moteseniock Pond, Mattawamkeag. Mountecaws, "York Records," XIII, p. 261. Mountekee Neck, Arundel, York. "York Records," XIII, p. 678. Mountequies Neck, Arundel, York. "York Records," XII, part 2, p. 265. Mount Kineo, Moosehead Lake, Somerset Co. Mount Scargery, Kennebunkport. Mount Scargo, Kennebunkport. 32 DICTIONARY OF AMERICAN INDIAN NAMES Mousam River, Acton, York Co., formerly Cape Porpoise River, or Maguncook. Mousam Pond, Acton, York Co. Mousapec, Jonesport. Vide Moosabec. Moxie River? Junction of Kennebec River. Moxie Falls? Junction of Kennebec River. Moxie Pond? Junction of Kennebec River. Mskutook Lake, Schoodic, "Still water." G. Mskwamagweseeboo, Hale Brook, Penobscot. "Salmon Brook." L. L. H. Mucalsea Mountain, Somerset Co. Mundooscotook River, Sagadahoc : Kennebis resided at Swan Island, at the confluence of this river with the Kennebec. Munolammonungun, west branch of Pleasant River, Piscataquis Co. "Very fine paint, or place where it is found." Munsungun Lakes, head of Aroostook. "A cut;" "the fat of a bird ;" "where they speared salmon," etc. L. L. H. Indefinite. Munsungun River, Penobscot, Munsungun Mountain, Grand Falls, Penobscot Co. Muscongus Bay, Bremen, Lincoln Co. Probably a corruption of Muscongus Pond, Bremen, Lincoln Co. Remobscus or Seremobscus. Muscongus Island, Bristol, Lincoln Co. Muscongus Sound, Bristol, Lincoln Co. Muscongus Harbour, Bremen, Lincoln Co. Musequoite, same as Maquoit. Boies, 1662. Musquequoite, same as Maquoit. 1662. Musquacook Lake, Allagash, "Birch-bark Place." L. L. H. MAINE 33 Musquash mountains, Talmage, Washington Co. "Muskrat." Musquash Lake, West Talmage, Washington Co. "Muskrat." Musquosh Cove. M. H. S. Col. 6, 2d, 139. Muttonequis, Doucett's or St. Croix Island. N Naguncoth, near Wells, York. Sufi. Records, 245, Vol. XI, 1649. Nagwamqueeg, Mallison Falls, Presumpscot River. M. H. S. Col. 7, 2d 105. Nagwasacke, Woolwich. 1639. Vide Nequasset. Nahmajimskicongomoc, Haymock Lake, Allagash. "Lake of the dead-water that extends up into the high land." L. L. H. Nahmakanta Lake and outlet, Penobscot, "where there are plenty of fish." L. L. H. Nahsaick, Boyden's Lake, Washington Co. Nahumkeag Island, Pittston, Kennebec Co., "eel-bed." Nahumkeag Pond, Pittston, Kennebec Co. Nahumkeeg. Vide Nahumkeag. Nahumkeeg Falls, east side of Kennebec. Nahumkeeg Island, east side of Kennebec. "Place where eels are taken." Willis. Nahumkeeg Pond, east side of Kennebec. Nahumkeeg Brook, east side of Kennebec. Nalaseemagamobsis, Shad Pond, Penobscot. "Resting-place"— after poling up the river. L. L. H. Nallahoodus, near Moosehead Lake, Penobscot, "a fall on each side." L. L. H. Nallahootda, near Moosehead Lake, Penobscot. Vide Nulhedus. 34 DICTIONARY OF AMERICAN INDIAN NAMES NallawagwiSi, Vide Narraguagus. "Something breaks that you cannot fix." L. L. H. .Namadunkeeunk, Chester, Penobscot. "It goes up rapid from I the mouth of the brook." L. L. H. Namahjimskitegwek, Smith Brook. "The dead-water extends into the high land." L. L. H. Namdamassuagum, Gardner's Lake, Washington Co. Namokanak, same as Hockamock, q. v. "Highland — kind of a lump." L. L. H. Namscascock tract, Wells, York Co. Suffolk Records, 245, Vol. XI, 1649. Nampscascoke, Wells, York Co. "York Records." Nampscoscocke, Wells, York Co. "York Records." Nanhoc, "a Tarratine river." The Sagadahoc Colony. Thayer, 89, 203. Naquamke Falls. Vide Nequamwick. Narantsoak. Vide Norridgewock. Charlevoix. Narraganset, Gorham. "Maine Register." Narragooe, Abnaki village. Purchas' Pilgrimage, 1628. Narraguagus River, Cherryfield, near Thomaston, Washington Co. Narraguagus Bay. "Something breaks that you cannot fix." Narramissic, near Gardiner, Kennebec. "Hard to find." Nasahick Lake, Perry, Washington Co. Hanson's History of Gardiner. Nasgig Point. M. H. S. Col. 6, 2d, 139. Naskeag, Brooklin or Sedgwick, Hancock Co. Naskeag Point. Naskeigh. M. H. S. Col. 4, 2d, 314. MAINE 35 Nasket Point, Woolwich, Sagadahoc. Vide Neskett and Ne- quosset. Nauseag. Naskege. Nassaque. Smith, pp. 18, 20, 213, 214. Natuah, an intervale. Hanson's History of Gardiner. Naurantsouak, same as Norridgewock, q. v. Vide also Narant- soak. "Smooth water between rapids." Nauseag. Vide Nasket. Naxoat, St. John's River. H. H. Mass. Vol. II, p. 98. Neaguamkot tract, Kennebec River. M. H. S. Col. 6, 2d, 400. Necotok, same as Nicatou, q. v. West Branch of Penobscot. Neccotoh, "where two streams meet," or "The forks." Nechawonek River, Berwick, same as Newichawannock, q. v. "York Records," XIII, 751. Neconaugamook, Round Pond, Washington Co. Neddick Cape, York, York Co., same as Neddock, q. v. Neddock Cape, York, York Co. Negas, ancient Abnaki village on Penobscot River. H-B. of A-I. Vol. 1, p. 5. Negewomicke River, near Dover. Vide Newichawannock. Neghechewanck, same as Newichawannock, q. v. Wood'sMap. Negnankik Falls, Kennebec. Vide Nequamkik. "York Rec ords," X, 176. Negnomkag Island, Kennebec River. M. H. S. Col. 6, 2d, 401. Negraugen, mouth of the Sheepscot River. "Our gateway." Vide Newagen. Negunisis, "short falls and portage." G. Neguasseag River, Woolwich, Sagadahoc Co. Deed, 1648. 36 DICTIONARY OF AMERICAN INDIAN NAMES Negunket River, between York and Wells. Vide Oguntiquit. Negunticook, Camden, Knox Co., same as Megunticook, q. v. Negusset, Woolwich, Sagadahoc Co. Vide Nequosset. Negutaquit River, Kittery, York Co. "Old Eliot." Neguttaquid River, Kittery, York Co. "Old Eliot." Neguttaquid Marsh, Kittery, York Co. "Old Eliot." Negutaquet, Kittery, York Co. Negwasseg tract, between Sagadahoc and Sheepscot Rivers. M. H. S. Col. 6, 2d, 401. Nehumkeag Stream near Cobbosseecontee. "Eel-land." Vide Nahumkeag. Nehumkee Stream, near Cobbosseecontee. "Eel-land." H. H. Mass. II, 418. Nehumkike Stream, near Cobbosseecontee. "Eel-land." Neihewonock River, Ossipee. M. H. S. Col. 4, 2d, 363. Neketow, West Branch of Penobscot River. Vide Nicatou. Nequamkeag, between Waterville and Augusta. Vide Nahum keag. Willis. Nequamkike.Nequamkee tract, South Kennebec Co. Nequamwick Falls, Kennebec. "York Records," Vol. IX, 169. Nequamkik Falls, Kennebec. Nequamkick Falls, Kennebec. Nequaseag River, near Kennebec. "Clear-water place." Vide Negusset, also Nequasset. Nequaseg River, near Kennebec. "Clear-water place." Nequassabem. "Large Pond." Nequassabemacese. "Small Pond." MAINE 37 Nequasset, Woolwich, Lincoln Co. Vide Nequaseag. Nequasset Pond, Woolwich, Lincoln Co. Nequasset Creek, Arrowsick, Lincoln Co. Nequosset, Woolwich, Lincoln Co. Nequosset Pond, Woolwich, Lincoln Co. Nerigwok, same as Norridgewock, q. v. Neskett, coast from Penobscot Harbour to Mt. Desert. H. H. Mass. Vol. 2, 286, note. Nesowadnehunk Stream, Katahdin. "The stream that rushes among the mountains." L. L. H. Nesuntabunt mountain, near Nahmakanta. "Three-headed." L. L. H. Newagen, Cape, Southport, Lincoln Co. ; a corruption of Negrau- gen, q. v. Newaggen, Cape. Newichawannock, Berwick, York Co. "At the fork, or conflu ence of two rivers." Nezinscot River, Buckfield, Oxford Co. Nicatou, Medway, Penobscot Co. "The great forks." Nickatous Lake, Hancock Co. Nikaagamak, Ragged Lake, Chesuncook. "Upper Lake." L. L. H. Noguncoth, same as Ogunquit, q. v. "York Records." Nogunquet.Nohikaimanahan, Deer Island, Moosehead Lake, translation of English : not original. L. L. H. Nolangamoik, Ripogenus, Penobscot. "A resting-place" (after a long carry). L. L. H. 38 DICTIONARY OF AMERICAN INDIAN NAMES Nolatheeheemungun Island, old settlement. G. Nollesemic, a Penobscot Lake ; same as Nolangamoik. Nollidgewanticook River. "River little interrupted by falls." Sockbasin. NoUommussocongan Island, Penobscot River, "where they catch alewives." L. L. H. Nolumbajik Pool. G. Nolusokhungun Island, same as NoUommussocongan. Nonesuch River? Scarborough, Cumberland Co. Norridgewock, Madison, Somerset Co. Corrupted form of chief's name. "Smooth water between falls." "Place of deer?" Norridgewock River, Madison, Somerset Co. "Smooth water." Norridgewock River, Little, Chesterville, Franklin Co. Norumbega, an ancient "country, city, and river said to have been discovered in the eastern part of U. S. by Verrazano, in 1524. The site has not been identified, although it is supposed to have been in the neighborhood of the Penobscot River, or Pemaquid. Norumbegua. Nosahick Pond, Perry, Washington Co. Nubble Lake? Raymond, Cumberland Co. Nuchawanak. Vide Newichawannock. Nukacongamoc, Clear Pond. "Head-water Pond." L. L. H. Nulhedus, a branch of the Penobscot. Vide Nallahoodus. Numdemociss Stream, Washington Co. "Where the suckers go up to spawn." Numtaceenaganawis, Elbow Lake, Penobscot. "A little cross pond." L. L. H. Nuscongus, Bremen, Lincoln Co. Vide Muscongus and Nuscon- cus. Smith, 1616. Nusconcus. MAINE 39 Nychioraunock River, near Piscataqua River. Vide Newicha wannock. South Berwick. M. H. S. Col. Vol. 1, p. 340. o Oawasscoage River, Blue-point River, Scarborough. M. H. S. Col. Vol. 3, p. 27. Obumkeag River. "York Records," Vol. 1, part, 2, p. 13. Ogoncog River, corruption of Ogunquit, Wells. "York Records Vol. 1, part 2, p. 6. Ogornog River. Ogunquit, Wells, York Co. Oguntiquit, ancient name of Negunket, q. v. Okpaak, Abnaki village, H-B. of A-I. Vol. 1, p. 5. Olamon, Abnaki village, Penobscot. H-B. of A-I. Vol. 1, p. 5. Olamon Island, Greenbush, Penobscot Co. Olamon Stream, Greenbush, Penobscot Co. Olamman River, Penobscot River. "Paint place." G. Olamman Island, Penobscot River. "Paint-place." G. Olemon Island, Penobscot River, Vide Olamon. Olemon Stream, Penobscot River. Oloostook River, Aroostook. Vide Oolastook. ^ ! Onegla mountain. Willis. Ongeachonta mountain, upper part of Kennebec. Ooalaquemook, the Allagash River. "Black-camp River." Oolagweskwigamicook (Allagaskwigamook)." Bark-cabin place." 40 DICTIONARY OF AMERICAN INDIAN NAMES Oolammonogamook, Silver Lake, K'taadn. "Vermillion-paint lake." L. L. H. Oolastook, Aroostook. "Beautiful River." Oosoola, South Norridgewock. "A spot frequently inundated." Oquossoc. Rangeley. Orampheagan, an arm of the Piscataqua, at Eliot, York Co. Orantsoak, part of Kennebec River, same as Aransoak. Orignal, Moosehead Lake. Oriocoag River, Scarborough, Cumberland Co. Orona, Penobscot Co. Oroeskeag, aboriginal name of Dunstan. M. H. S. Col. 2d, Vol. IV. Orqueachanta Mountains, Kennebec. Willis. Osotonac Creek, Western Creek, Kittery. "York Records," XIV, 666. Ossaghrage, Abnaki village. H-B. of A-I. Vol. 1, p. 5. Ossipee River, Little, Acton, York Co. "Pine River," or "Stony River." Ouwerage, Abnaki village. H-B. of A-I. Vol. 1, p. 5. Ouygoudy, St. John's River. Owascoag, Scarborough. "The place of much grass." Oxygoudy, St. John's River. Vide Ouygoudy. Ozwazogehsuck, Penobscot Brook. "When they carry by there they have to wade across 'quartering.' " L. L. H. 1 3 Paghhuntanuck, Abnaki village. Smith, pp. 18, 20, 213, 214. Pagiscott. Vide Pejepscot. Mass. Bay Rec, Vol. 1, p. 272. P'ahnmoiwadjo, Squaw mountain, Moosehead Lake. "What is of or belongs to woman." Not original. L. L. H. MAINE 41 Pamedecook Lake, Piscataquis Co. Vide Pemadumcook. Pamedomcook Lake, Piscataquis Co. "Bar or shallow place between two lakes." Pamgockamock Lake, "Muddy Lake," or "Bad Pond." Vide Pongonquamook. Pamidumcook, one of Penobscot Lakes. "Lake of the sloping mountain," or "Muddy lake." Vide Pemadumcook. Panahamsequet, same as Penobscot, q. v. Many variations M. H. S. Col. Panamske, Indian village at or near Oldham. Vide Pannow- auske. Panagamsde.Panamouamke village, 1724. N. Y. Col. Doc. IX, 940. Pananaushek, Penobscot River, about 1664. Panawansot Hill, same as K'taadn, q. v. Pannawanskek, Indian village at or near Oldham. Vide Pan- nowauske. Pannowauske, Indian village at or near Oldham. Pansagasewackeag, same as Passagassawakeag, q. v. M. H. S. Col. Papootick, Falmouth, York. Vide Porpooduc and Papuduc. Pappoose Pond, Albany, Oxford Co. Papuduc, Falmouth, York. Papuding, Falmouth, York. Parmacheenee Lake, Rangeley system. Parmacheenee Stream. Vide Appmoojenegamook. Parmachene Lake, Oxford Co., same as Parmacheenee. Pascodumoquonteag, same as Passamaquoddy, q. v. Willis. 42 DICTIONARY OF AMERICAN INDIAN NAMES Pascongamoc, Holeb Pond, Moose River. Vide Pescongamoc. "Branch of split lake." Pasharanack, Abnaki village, 1616, "near the cove or bay." Gerard, H-B. of A-I. Vol. 1, p. 5. Pashippscot, same as Pejepscot. M. H. S. Col. Vol, 1, pp. 75, 76. Passadumkeag, Penobscot. "Beyond the sandy beach." Gerard. "Quick water." "Falls running over a gravelly bed." L. L. H. "Stream above falls." G. Passagassawakeag Pond, Brooks, Waldo Co. Passagassawakeag River, Belfast. Waldo Co. "The place of sights or ghosts." Passamagamoc Lake and Rapids, Penobscot, a corruption of Pascongamoc. Passamagammet.Passamaquoddy River, Waldo Co. "From a word signifying 'pollock-fish,' " 'pollock-ground or haddock,' probably several species of fish." J. H. T. Passamaquoddy Bay. Passamacadie River. M. H. S. Col. 6, 2d, 226, 231. Passataquack, said by some to be the original of Piscataqua. "Divided tidal-river place." Vide Proceed : Mass. H. S. 1878; also Smith, pp. 18, 20, 213, 214. Passataquak. Passumadeag River, Burlington, Penobscot Co. Patagumpus Stream, tributary of Penobscot. "Sandy-ground cove." Patagumkis Falls, Penobscot. "Half-circle point." G. Patagumkis River, tributary of Penobscot. "Sandy-ground cove," or "a dry sandy place." L. L. H. Vide Patagumpus. MAINE 43 Pataquongamis, Telosinis Lake, Allagash. "Round Pond." L. L. H. Patapso, "appointed place of meeting." Willis. Pataweekongomoc, Telos Lake. "Burnt-land lake." L. L. H. Pataweektook, Ragmuff stream, Penobscot. "Burnt-land stream." L. L. H. Pattagumpus village, Penobscot Co. Pattagumkis River, Medway, Penobscot Co. Vide Patagumkis. Pattagussis, Smith Brook, Mattawamkeag. Pattakumpis River, Medway, Penobscot Co. Vide Pattagumkis. Pattaquonquomis Lake, Allagash River. P'aytayweektook, Ragmuff Stream, Penobscot. "Burnt-ground stream." P'tayweektook.Pauhuntanuck, Abnaki village. Vide Paghhuntanuck. Pechenegamook River, St. Francis' River. G. Pechepscut. Vide Pejebscot. Pechypscott. Vide Pejebscot (1690). Mather. Peckwalket, same as Pegwacket, q. v. Sullivan. Pedaugbiouk, head-waters of Damariscotta River. "The place of thunder." Pedcokegowake.Pedgodagowake, Sheepscot Co. Sullivan. Pegwacket.; Vide Pigwacket and Pequaket. Pegwakick. Vide Pigwacket and Pequaket. Pejebscot Falls, Androscoggin River. Pejepscot, Brunswick, Androscoggin River. Pegypscott, Brunswick, Androscoggin River. Sullivan. 44 DICTIONARY OF AMERICAN INDIAN NAMES Pemadumcook Lake, Piscataquis Co. "The place where the sand stretches through or across" — the lake. L. L. H. Vide Pamidumcook. Pemaquan Lake, Charlotte, Washington Co. Pemaquan River, Charlotte, Washington Co. Pemaquid, Bristol, Lincoln Co. "At the place where the land slopes." J. H. T. Pemaquid River, Bristol, Lincoln Co. Pemaquid Ponds, Bristol, Lincoln Co. Pemaquid Point, "Long point," or "that runs into the water." Pemaquida, ancient name of Pemaquid. "Long point." Pemaquideag, ancient name of Pemaquid. "Long point place." Pematagoet River, Castine, Hancock Co. 1605. Vide Pentagoet. Pemerogat. M. H. S. Col. 7, 2d, 430. Pemetic mountain, Mt. Desert, Hancock Co. Pemetiq, Mt. Desert Island, E. Penobscot, "Sloping land." Father Biard. 1611. Pemidumcook Lake, Penobscot River, "a gravel or sand bar runs through the middle of lake." Vide Pemadumcook. Pemsquamkutook Island, Penobscot River. "Birch Island." G. Pemtaquamktook, Penobscot River. G. Pemmaquan River, Pembroke, Penobscot Co. Penjejawock River, Bangor. Vide Pujejewock. Pennemaquam village, Dennysville. M. H. S. Col. Vol. 4. Willis. Pennamaquan, settlement, southeast of Dennysville, Eastport. Pennamaquan River, Eastport. Pennamaquan Lake, southeast of Dennysville, Eastport. Pennamaquaon, Pembroke. "Maine Register." MAINE 45 Pennechuck. "York Records," XIV, 387. Pennecoo Falls, Rumford. Willis. Pennessewasse Pond, Great, Norway, Oxford Co. Pennessewasse Pond, Little, Norway, Oxford Co. Pennycook, Rumford Falls. Vide Pennecoo. Penobsceag, Penobscot River. Vide Penobscot. Penobskeag, Penobscot River. "A rocky place," or "place of rocks." Penobscoote, Penobscot River. Penobscot River, Penobscot Co. "Rocky place," "at the de scending rock." J. H. T. "River of rocks." Penobscot County. Penobscot Bay. Penobsquisumquisebpu, Sandy River. Hanson's History of Gardiner, p. 20. Penoomskeook=Penobscot River. "Rocky Falls." G. Penopeauke=Penobscot River. Pentacost Harbour? George's Island harbour. Pentagoet Fort, Castine, Hancock Co. Vide Pematagoet. Pentagoet Harbour, Castine, Hancock Co. Pentagoet, Penobscot Bay. _ Pentooskeag, same as Pentagoet. M. H. S. Col. Pequaket, Fryeburg. Pequaket, early name of Denmark, Oxford Co. Pequawett, same as Pegwacket, q. v. Governor Lincoln. Perpodack, Cape Elizabeth. Vide Porpooduck. Pescongomoc, Holeb Pond, Moose River. "Branch or split lake.' ' Vide Pascongamoc. 46 DICTIONARY OF AMERICAN INDIAN NAMES Peskebegat, Lobster Lake. "Branch of a dead-water," or "branch ing or split lake." L. L. H. Peskebskitegwek, Soper Brook, Eagle Lake, Allagash. "Branch of a dead-water emptying into a lake." L. L. H. Peskedopikeh, Alder Brook, west branch of Penobscot. "Branch of an alder-place. " L. L. H. Petcongomac, head of Allagash. "Crooked pond." L. L. H. Pewagon, west branch of Pennamaquan River, Eastport. P. E. Vose. Philamoosis River, Penobscot. "Little salmon stream." G. Pichet mountain, Moss, Aroostook Co. Pictou, Micmac village, N. S. Mass. H. S. Col. 1st, X, 116 (1809). Pigwacket, Fryeburg. Vide Pequaket. Pikaghenahik, Crooked Island, Penobscot River. "Curved or crooked island." Piscasset stream. "White stone." Piscataqua, Kittery, York Co. Piscataqua River, Kittery, "Divided tidal-river." ("Dark or gloomy.") Aubrey. Piscataqua Point, Kittery, York Co. Piscataquack. Vide Passataquack: Piscataquis River, empties into Penobscot. "Little divided tidal-river." "Little branch stream." L. L. H. Piscataquis Co. Piskataquis Lake. Pnjejewock stream, Bangor, same as Penjejawock, q. v. Pocamsus Lake, near Grand Lake, Washington Co. Pockwockamus Lake, Penobscot. "Mud pond." L. L. H. Pocopassum, Abnaki village. Smith, pp. 18, 20, 213, 214. 1614. MAINE 47 Pocumcus. Willis. Pogomqua River, Casco Bay. Vide Pogumqua. Pogopskekok stream, above Grand Falls. G. Pogumqua River, Casco Bay. Vide Pogomqua. Pohenagamook Lake. Pohomoosh, Micmac village, N. S. Mass. H. S. Col. 1st, X, 116. Pokey Lake, Crawford, Washington Co. Pokumkeswagamoksis, Harrington Lake, Chesuncook, "a pond with a gravelly outlet." L. L. H. Poland, Androscoggin Co., named for celebrated Indian chief. Pongokwahem Lake, Allagash River. Pongowakem Lake, "Heron Lake," Allagash. Willis. Pongokwahemook, Eagle Lake, Allagash. "Woodpecker Place." L. L. H. Pongonquamook, "muddy lake" or "bad pond." G. Pongonquemis Lake, same as Pongonquamook. G. Ponguongamook Lake, source of Allagash River, "muddy lake" (another name for Baamchenungamook). Named for Mo hawk chief. Popokomukwodchussu, Whetstone Falls, East Penobscot. Porpooduck, Fore River, Cape Elizabeth. "A burying place." Ballard. Possepscangamook, Cathance Lake, Washington Co. P. E. Vose. Potawadjo, near Pamedumcook Lake. "Whale Mountain." L. L. H. Potobek, Lily Bay, Moosehead Lake; "where the water bulges." L. L. H. Pougohwakem Lake, Heron Lake, Allagash, Pquakis Pond. "Red Pond." G. Precaute, a village on Quibiquesson River, q. v. 1602. 48 DICTIONARY OF AMERICAN INDIAN NAMES Presumpscot village, Cumberland Co. Presumpscot River, Falmouth, Cumberland, Co. "River of many shallows" or more probably from ompsk, "stone" and "ut" locative. A-I. H-B. Vol. 2. Presumpscot Falls, Falmouth, Cumberland Co. Psiscontic, Brassua Lake, Moosehead; "handiest place to build canoes." L. L. H. Psiscontic-Brassua, or Brassaway Lake, same as Psiscontic. Puggummua Creek, Falmouth, Cumberland Co. Pujejewock Stream, Bangor. Vide Penjejawock. Pumgustuc, head of tide on Royall's River, North Yarmouth. Pumgustuk. Pungustuc, Wescustogo, "York Records," Vol. 2. Pushaw River, Oldtown, Penobscot Co. Pushaw Lake, Oldtown, Penobscot Co. Pushaw village, Oldtown, Penobscot Co. Pushaw Pond, Oldtown, Penobscot Co. Willis. Q Quabacook, Merrymeeting Bay. "Duck-water place.?" Quabeag Bay, north of Casco. Quadotchquoik River. G. Quagachusque, Devil's or D'Orville's Head. Quaheag Bay, near Harpswell. Quakis, one of Penobscot Lakes. Quakish, same as Quakis, q. v. MAINE 49 Quakish, same as Quakis, q. v. Quampheagen Falls, Salmon Falls River, South Berwick, York Co. "A place where fish are taken in nets." Sullivan. Vide N. H. Quampiasan landing, in old town of Kittery, South Berwick. Quampiaysan.Quamscook, one of Cobbesecontee Ponds. Quanoscomcook, St. Andrews, Eastport. Quantabagood Pond. M. H. S. Col. 7, 2d, 198. Quantecook Lake, near Belfast. Quassabam Island. "Pond Island," G. Quawcohead. M. H. S. Col. 6, 2d, 139. Quentabacook Pond, Searsmont, Waldo Co. : source of St. George's River. Quesquitcumegee, Warren. Willis. Quesquitcumegek Ridge, between Thomaston and Westkeag River. "High carrying place." Quibiquesson River, "in Bashaba's dominions," near Pemaquid Purchas' Pilgrimage, Lond. ed. 1673, 74. Quinnebequi, early name of Kennebec. "Long still water." Quisquamago ridge, between Thomaston and Westkeag River. "High carrying place." Willis. Vide Quesquitcumegek. Quito Hill, Casco, Cumberland Co. Quoddy Head, at Lubec, Washington Co. Quohog Bay, near Harpswell. R Ramassoc, a village on the Penobscot. Purchas' Pilgrimage, 1 628. 50 DICTIONARY OF AMERICAN INDIAN NAMES Rascohegan, name of Georgetown, Sagadahoc Co. Rasthegon Island, Sagadahoc. Remobscey. "York Records." Remobscus. Vide Muscongus. Reskeagan Island (probably ancient island) . Vide Rascohegan. Ripogenas River. Rippogenus, one of Penobscot Lakes. Rocameca, an Abnaki village. H-B. of A-I. Vol. 1, p. 5. Roccamecco, Jay Point. Indian Planting-ground. Rockabema Lake, Moro, Aroostook Co. Rockomeko Point, at Canton, Oxford Co. Rockomeko Mountains, Canton, Oxford Co. Romomeko, East Livermore, Androscoggin Co. "Great corn- land." Roswic, same as Arrowsick, q. v. Reed's History of Bath, 18f 4. Rowsick. Rowsik. Rumf eekhungus ? Place near Bath where there was a school for Indians in 1786. Reed, opus cit. s k Sabada Pond, New Gloucester. M. H. S. Col. S, 2d, 279. Sabatis Hill. Vide Sabatos, Sabatos mountain, named for an Indian who accompanied Arnold's expedition. MAINE 51 Sabbatus Lake, Androscoggin Co. Sabbatus Mountain, Androscoggin Co. Sabino, Phipsburg, Sagadahoc. 1608. Sabino, near mouth of Sagadahoc River ; so-called for a Sagamore of that name. Sabotawan, the eastern of Spencer mountains. "The end of the pack" — where the strap and buckle are. L. L. H. Sacadiock. Vide Sagadahoc. Sacantry, Cape, Kennebec River. M. H. S. Col. 6, 2d, 400. Sacarabig, on Presumpscot. "Toward the rising sun." Vide Saccarappa. Willis. Sacasawakie River, Morrill, Waldo Co. Saccarappa village, at Westbrook, Cumberland Co. "Toward the rising sun." Sacatyhock. Vide Sagadahoc. B. Church's History of Indian Wars, p. 201. Sackatehock. Vide Sagadahoc. Saco, York Co. Derived from Shawakatoc, or Shawocotuck, a tribe residing there. Vide Sawocotuck. Saco River, York Co. Saco Bay, York Co. It may mean "the outlet," or "outflow" — literally "a pouring out." Sagadahoc River, Kennebec River. "Land at the mouth," or "mouth of the river." Sagadahoc Co. Sagadahock. Sagadonoc. Saghibpatook Falls, near Chesuncook. "Rough, or hard, falls." L. L. H. 52 DICTIONARY OF AMERICAN INDIAN NAMES Sagosset Island, Sagadahoc. Vide Chegoney. Sahbimskitegwek, Thoroughfare Brook ; "a stream that empties between two large bodies of water." L. L. H. Sahkhabehaluck, Moose River, Moosehead Lake. "There is more water flowing from it than from any other stream that empties into the lake." L. L. H. Sahkkahegan, Telos Lake; "water connecting with another body of water." L. L. H. Salko Hill, near East Machias, Washington Co. Salquin Island, ancient name for Sutquih or Sequin, q. v. Sankderank. Vide Sunkataradunk. Willis. Sankderand, near Pemaquid. M. H. S. Col. 2d, Vol. 4, 289. Sapompeag, same as Lapompeag, q. v. "rope," or "crooked stream." Saponic Pond, Burlington, Penobscot Co. Vide Suponic. Saquasis-diggin Island, Casco Bay. "York Records," XII, 2d part, p. 261. Vide Sebascodegan. Sasana, ancient by-river near Boothbay Harbor. Sasanoa River, Kennebec River. -Willis. Satquin. Vide Sutquin. Smith, 1616. Saugus Island, Penobscot River. "Bad Island." G. Sawacook, north side of Pejepscot, Topsham. Sawacotoc, ancient name of Saco River. Vide Saco, Willis and Prince. Sawocotuck, ancient name of Saco River. Prince. Sawahquatook, ancient name of Saco River. Smith. Sawguatock, ancient name of Saco River. M. H. S. Col. Sawadabscook. Vide Sowadabscook. Sawkhead, same as Sawquid and Sunkeath, q. v. Annals of War ren, C. Eaton, p. 21. MAINE 53 Sawquid, Pleasant Point, Cushing. Willis. Scaggrock River? tributary of Mattawamkeag, Orient, Aroostook Co. Scargery mountain, Kennebunkport, York Co. Scargo mountain, Kennebunkport, York Co. Scataway hill, Scarborough, Cumberland Co. Scatuck, Indian form for Schoodic River. Scoodeag River, St. Croix. "Front River," or "low, swampy meadow." Scoodeag Lakes. Gallatin says that, in the Passamaquoddy dialect, it means "burnt land." Schoodic River, Passamaquoddy Bay; "where fish live all the year." Schoodic Lakes, Passamaquoddy Bay. Vide Scoodeag. Schoodic, several lakes and streams in Maine. "Burnt lands,' or "Trout place." Schoodiac Pond, at Cherryfield, Washington Co. Scitterygusset. Vide Squitregusset and Squidrayset. Scouhegan Falls, Kennebec River. Sebacook. Vide Sebec. G. Sebago Lake, Bridgeton, Cumberland Co. "Great water;" "a stretch of water." "To vomit." J. G. C. Sebaik, Abnaki village, Passamaquoddy. Vide Sebec, "River crossing." Sebamook, Abnaki name for Moosehead Lake. "Extending water." Sebasco Island, Casco Bay. Vide Sebascodegan. Sebascodegan Island, Harpswell, Cumberland Co. Vide Sebas co diggin. Sebascodiggin, Great or Orr's Island, Harpswell, Cumberland Co. 54 DICTIONARY OF AMERICAN INDIAN NAMES Sebascohegan River, a tributary of Mattawamkeag. Sebasticook, Benton, Kennebec Co. Sebasticook River, Benton, Kennebec Co. Seebaticook, Indian Pond, Kennebec River. "'Logon' stream." L. L. H. Sebaycook. Vide Sebago. Sebec Lake, Bowerbank, Piscataquis Co. "Bright, or extending water." Sebec Lake, Barnard, Piscataquis Co. Seboeis Lake, Penobscot Co. Vide Seboois. Seboeis Stream. Seboeis Plantation. Seboois River, branch of Penobscot; "a brook or small stream :" "Little river." Seboois Lakes, Aroostook Co. Seboomook, Elm stream, on the Penobscot. Secarabigg Falls, Amancongon River. Seeboycook, Passamaquoddy, same as Sybaik, q. v. "Pleasant point." Segeunkedunk stream, Brewer, Penobscot Co. Segochet, ancient name for St. George's River. Smith, 1616. Segocket.Segochet, Thomaston, Knox Co. Abnaki village, 1614. Segohquet, St. George's River. Vide Segochet. Segotago, Abnaki village. H-B. of A-I. Vol. 1, p. 5. Seguin Island, near Monhegan, Lincoln Co. Vide Sutquin. Segumkedunk River, Brewer. Willis. MAINE 55 Semiamis headland, near Cape Elizabeth. Sagadahoc Colony, Thayer, p. 69, 70. Senaglecouna, early northern boundary of Maine, "a great wood." Sennebec Lake, at Union, Knox Co. Seremobscus River, east of Pemaquid. Vide Muscongus. Shawacotoc, early name, of Saco. River. Shawakatoc, the name of a tribe formerly residing where Saco now is. Shawocotuck.Shebeag. Vide Chebeague. Shecoway River, Casco Bay. Vide Skeecoway. Sheepscot River, Georgetown, Sagadahoc Co. "Little bird place." or "Bird-flocking river." Shepscooke River. Shippscutt River. Shohomagock's Hill, near Dover. Sisquisic, Cousin's River, North Yarmouth. Vide Sysquissett. Skeecoway River, Casco. "York Records," Vol. 1, p. 134. Skitacook Lake, Oakfield, Aroostook Co. Skitticook River, branch of Mattawamkeag. "Dead-water stream." Skowhegan, on the Kennebec. Skowhegan Falls, on the Kennebec. Vide Scouhegan. Skutarza, a form of Eskutassis, q. v. Skukoal Island, Grass Island. G. Soadabscook Stream, Etna, Penobscot Co.; "a place of large, smooth rocks." Vide Sowadabscook. Sobscook, Nichol's Rock, Penobscot River. "In the river at the head of the tide." G. 56 DICTIONARY OF AMERICAN IFDIAN NAMES Socatean stream, flowing into Moosehead Lake. "Standing Atean" from name of brave chief; or "half burnt land, and burnt timber." Sockhigones, ancient name of Saco River. Gorges. Soghali-manahan, Sugar Island, Moosehead Lake : merely an English-Indian rendering of Sugar-Island. Sologismoodik, Five-island Falls. G. Songo River, Portland. Songo Pond. Sooneybec Pond, "Shady place." Willis. Sooneybeag Pond, "Shady place." Willis. Souneunk Stream. "That runs between mountains. " Sourdnabunk Lake, Piscataquis Co. Sourdnahunk Lake, West branch of Penobscot. Sowadabscook, branch of Lower Penobscot; "a place of large, smooth rocks." L. L. H. Vide Sawadabscook. Sowadapscoo, Indian form of Sowadabscook. General Herrick. Sowhigginock. "York Records," XIV, 387. Sowocatuck, Sokoki village, Saco River. Smith, 1616. Sowungun Island, Eagle Island. G. Spurwink River, Cape Elizabeth, Cumberland Co. H. H. Mass., 1, 311. Spurwinck River, Cape Elizabeth, Cumberland Co. Squa-pan, at Masardis, Aroostook Co. Squamokweeseeboo stream, Penobscot. "Little Salmon stream.' ' G. Squattack Lake, near northern boundary of Maine. MAINE 57 Squaw Heights, at Westport, Lincoln Co. Squaw Mountain, Moosehead Lake. "The mountain which be longs to a woman?" Squaw Island, White Island, Greenbush, Penobscot Co. Squaw-pan Lake, Castle-hill, Aroostook Co. Squethequinset Creek, Casco Bay. "York Records," XII, 2d part, p. 357. Squidrayset Creek, at mouth of Presumpscot River : name de rived from chief. Squiddera Gusset Creek, at mouth of Presumpscot River. "York Records," XIII, p. 377. Squitheragusset Brook. Vide Squidrayset. Squitregusset .Creek, at mouth of Presumpscot River. Vide Squidrayset. Squittergussett's Creek. "York Records," XIII, p. 613. Subecwangamook, Hadley's Lake, Washington Co. Sugalmanahan, Penobscot River, Sugar Island. Vide Soghali- manahan. Suncook, early name of Lovell, Oxford Co. Sunkaradunk, mouth of Kennebec River. "Kennebec Claims." Sunkataradunk, ancient name of Sagadahoc . ' 'Mouth of Rivers . " Sewall. Sunkatunkarunk, Sagadahoc. Vide Sunkataradunk. Sunkeath, same as Sawkhead, q. v. Sunkhaze stream, Greenfield, Penobscot Co. "Dead-water at the mouth" — of the stream. Suponic Pond, Burlington, Penobscot Co. Susquesong, Cousin's Island, North Yarmouth. Susgussugg, Cousin's Island, North Yarmouth. "York Records," VIII, 233. Vide Susquesong. 58 DICTIONARY OF AMERICAN INDIAN NAMES Sutquin, Sequin Island. Vide Salquin, Satquin and Sequin. Swackadock, between Cape Elizabeth and Cape Porpoise. "York Records," XIV, 299. Swagadahock, Kennebec River (Saco River). Willis. Swanckadocke River, Saco River. Swegustagoe River, Royall's River. Vide Wecustego. "Swome tract, Kennebec River. M. H. S. Col. 6, 2d, 400. Sybaik, Pleasant Point, Passamaquoddy, same as Sebaik and Sebec, q. v. Sysquisset Creek, North Yarmouth. Sysladobsis Lake, near Grand Lake, Washington Co. "Rocky lake." L. L. H. Sisladobsis. T Tacook, near Oldtown. "Waves." L. L. H. Taconnet, Waterville, Somerset Co., "a place to cross." Han son's History of Gardiner. Tacconnet Falls, Waterville, Somerset Co. Tahanock, St. George's River. Simancas Map, 1610. Tallagodissik River, Webster's Island. "Painting place for squaws." G. Taplmo? Taplins Island, Damariscotta Bay. Taughtanakagnet. Smith p. 18, 20, 213. 214. TecOttnet. Vide Taconnet. Telastinis Lake, south of Chamberlain Lake. Willis. Telos Lake, near Webster Lake. Vide Pataweekongomoc. Telosinis Lake, south of Chamberlain Lake. Vide Pataquon- gamis. MAINE 59 Temahkwecook, Aroostook Co. "Beaver Place." L. L. H. Temisconata Lake, near northern boundary of Maine. William son. Tepenegine, south of Sheepscot River. M. H. S. Col. 6, 2d, 401. Tewissicke, same as Capisic, q. v. Ticonic Falls, Waterville, Somerset Co. Vide Taconnet. Tiowawaye, Third Lake, East Penobscot. L. L. H. Tirsick. M. H. S. Col. 6, 2d, 401. Tobique, Abnaki village (Maliseet). H-B. of A-I. Vol. 1, p. 5. Togus River, Augusta. Togus. Lakes, Augusta. Togus, Augusta. Tokanock Falls, Kennebec River. M. H. S. Col. 6, 2d, 401. Tolam, Indian name of ancient Falmouth. De Laet, 1633. Tomah River, Waite, Washington Co. Tomah Pond, Waite, Washington Co. Tomah Mountain, Codyville, Washington Co. Tomah, Little Stream, Codyville, Washington Co. Tomahegan Pond, Tomhegan Pond, Moosehead Lake. "An axe or hatchet." A corruption. Tombegewoc, Deering Pond, Salmon Falls River, Sanford. Lyds- ton grant. TorjUhegan, near Moosehead Lake, Somerset Co. ; evidently not original. Tonnemony Hill, York. Tonquewac, one of the summits of Russell mountains, Somerset Co. Totononnock, Waterville, Somerset Co. 60 DICTIONARY OF AMERICAN INDIAN NAMES Toulbah mountains. "A turtle." Towrook, early name of Lebanon. M. H. S. Col. 6, 2d, 306. Towwoh, early names of Lebanon, York Co. Towow. Tuladi River, near northern boundary of Maine. Williamson. Tulamdie River. Vide Tuladi. Tulandic River, branch of Upper St. John. "Where they make canoes." L. L. H. Tunk, Big Mountain, Cherryfield, Washington Co. Tunk, Young Mountain, Cherryfield, Washington Co. Tunk, Great and Little Pond, Cherryfield, Washington Co. Tunk Stream, Cherryfield, Washington Co. u Ulmsasket Ponds. Vide Umsaskis. G. Umasaskis, Sausage Lake, Allagash River. "Tied together like a sausage." Umbagog Lake, Oxford Co. "Clear, shallow lake." Umbazookskus. Vide Umbazooskus. Umbazookscus, Penobscot, "meadow-place." Willis. Umbazooskus, one of Penobscot Lakes, "meadow-place." Umcoleus Lake, near Aroostook River. Umcoleus Stream. Umcolquis. Vide Umcoleus. Derived from a word signifying "whistling duck." Umquolcus River, Oxbow, Aroostook River. MAINE 61 Umsaskis Lake, on Allagash. "Tied together like sausages," — having opposite points which run out to meet one another. L. L. H. Unsuntabunt, Rainbow Lake. "Wet head;" probably corrup tion of Nesuntabunt. Unyjaware, Abnaki village. H-B. of A-I. Vol. 1, p. 5. Upquedopscook, Fish River, entering St. John's. Upquedopsk River, entering St. John's. "Fish River," same as Upquedopscook. G. Usgha River. Willis. V Viger, Abnaki village (Maliseet). H-B. of A-I. Vol. 1, p. 5. w Wabacosoos Lake. Willis. Wabacosoas Lake. M. H. S. Col. Vol. 4, p. 111. Wabasses Lake, near Grand Lake. Wabenungteekook, Penobscot. "Crooked Falls." G. Wabiggamus, Abnaki village, Penobscot River. Smith, pp. 18, 20, 213, 214. Wabossagock, Liberty Point, RobbinSton. P E. Vose. Waccago, Abnaki village. Vide Wakcogo. Smith, pp. 18, 20, 213, 214. 1614. Wahkasekhoc, on Mattawamkeag River. "Where moosehide frames were left, after the hides had been cut out." L. L. H. 62 DICTIONARY OF AMERICAN INDIAN NAMES Wakcogo, Abnaki village, same as Waccago. Smith, opus cit. Wakeag, same as Waukeag (Sullivan, )q. v. Waksrong, Kennebec River. M. H. S. Col. 6, 2d, 401. Walumpkuas River. G. Wallagrass Lakes, at Eagle Lake, Aroostook Co. Wallahgasquegamook, Back Wigwam Lake. G. Wallangasquegamook Lake. G. Wallastook, St. John's River. L. L. H. Wallenipteweekek, South Twin-lake, Penobscot. "Round coves surrounded by burnt land." Walloostook River, St. John's River. Vide Wallastook. "Stream where you get smooth boughs;" or "Beautiful River." L.L.H. Wapskehagan Mountain, Baileyville, Washington Co. Wapskenegan River, Alexander, Washington Co., same as Waps kehagan, q. v. Waquaick, Oak Bay, Eastport. P. E. Vose. Warbeggamus. Vide Wabiggamus. Smith, opus cit. Wasaumkeag, Stockton, Waldo Co. Wassataquoick Mountain, one of Katahdin range. Vide Wassa tegwewick. Wassataquoick River, eastern branch of Penobscot. Vide Was sategwewick. Wassategwewick, eastern branch of Penobscot. "Place where they spear fish;" or "Place of the bright or sparkling stream." L. L. H. Wassatiquoick, same as Wassataquoick. Willis. Wassoosumpsquehemok Island, Marsh's Island, Penobscot. G. Wassumkedewadjo, White-cap mountain, K'taadn; "white-sand mountain." L. L. H. MAINE 63 Watchig Pond, Great, at Standish, Cumberland Co. Watchig Pond, Little, at Standish, Cumberland Co. Watoolwagamook, St. John Pond. "Pond where you keep cattle, sheep, caribou, moose, etc." — "good hunting-ground." L.L.H. Waukeag, Sullivan, Hancock Co. "A seal." Waunnakeseag, "place of mackerel." Willis. Wawenock, probably Woolwich, Sagadahoc Co. Vide Mow- hotiwormet Proper Names. Wawrigwick, same as Norridgewock, q. v. Smith, 1616. Webhannet, Indian name for Wells, York Co. when it included Kennebunk. Welokenabacook Lake, Oxford Co. Welokinbacook, one of Androscoggin Lakes. Wennigansege tract, mentioned in deed of Robinhood, May 29th, 1660, — usually known as the Gutch deed. Wenniganseye River. _ Vide Winnegance. Wescogus, Pleasant River, Columbia, Washington Co. Wescustogo, North Yarmouth, Cumberland Co. Royall's River. Vide Swegustagoe. Wessamesskek River, Westkeag. Vide Wessawasskeag. Wessanansit River, near Skowhegan. M. H. S. Col. Wessanensit River, Skowhegan. Willis. Wessawasskeag, Westkeag, "a land of wonders." To show how the old Indian names degenerate, this name was contracted to Westkeag by the first settlers, afterwards to Keag, and finally to "Gig," the modern appellation. Wessaweskeag, Thomaston. "Land of sights." Willis. Vide Wessawasskeag. Wesserunset, formername of Canaan, Somerset Co. 64 DICTIONARY OF AMERICAN INDIAN NAMES Wesserunset River, at Brighton, Somerset Co. Wesserunsicke, same as Wesserunset, q. v. Westecustego, same as Wescustogo, q. v. Westkeag River, South Thomaston, Knox Co. Vide Wessawass keag. Weweautit. Vose, Dennysville. Wewenoc, Abnaki village, Pentecost Harbour. Whichacasecke, same as Wiscasset, q. v. "York Records," vol. 2. Whisgeag. Whisgeag stream; Bath, Sagadahoc Co., "rapidly running water." Whisgig, near Bath, same as Whisgeag. Whizgeag, near Bath, same as Whisgeag. Whiskeag, near Bath. White-Squaw Island? Greenbush, Penobscot Co. Widipidlock River, Mattawamkeag. Vide Wydopidlock, etc. Willimantic, Dover, Foxcroft, Piscataquis Co. Wincittico River, Sheepscot River. "York Records," XII, 2d part, p. 367. Wincittico Falls, Sheepscot River, "York Records," XII, 2d part, p. 367. Winganssek. Vide Wennigansege. Winnaganset, Boothbay. Winnecook Lake, Unity. Winnegance Village, Sagadahoc Co. Vide Winneganseek. Winnegance Creek, Phipsburg, Sagadahoc Co. Winnegance Stream, Bath. "A river boundary of lands." Winneganne, near Pemaquid, "carrying place." MAINE 65 Winneganseek. Vide Wennigansege. Winnegangseag carrying-place, near Pemaquid, Sagadahoc Co. Winnigans. Vide Wennigansege. Winscheag Bay, east of Mount Desert. Wiscasset, early name of Dresden, Lincoln Co. Wiscasset, Sheepscot. Wishcassick, in New Dartmouth. Vide Wiscasset. Wissacasset. Vide Wiscasset. Withee? Dover, Piscataquis Co. Woboostook, Baker Stream, St. John River. "The waters ap pear white." L. L. H. Wolomontegus Stream, Pittstown, Kennebec Co. Wombemando Island, Penobscot River. "White-man's Island." G. Woolastaququam Hill, Aroostook Co. Woolastook, St. John River. Vide Wallastook. "Stream where you get smooth boughs," or "Beautiful River." Woolastookwaguamok, Baker Lake. "Lake of the stream where you get smooth boughs." L. L. H. Woolastaquaquam, preceding name as applied to stream from lake. L. L. H. Worumbo, at Lisbon, Aroostook Co. Woromontagus River, Augusta, Kennebec Co. Worromontogus River, Augusta, Kennebec Co. Wydopidlock,Wydopiklock, branch of Mattawamkeag. "The river is broad, and there are no trees on its banks except alders." L. L. H. Wytopidlot. Wytopitlock Lake, Mattawamkeag. 66 DICTIONARY OF AMERICAN INDIAN NAMES X Xsebem, early name for Moosehead Lake. "Bright water;" or "Extending water." L. L. H. Y Yeapskesset, Wells, York Co. "York Records," 1, part 2, p. 11. NEW HAMPSHIRE Agiocochook, White Mountains. Belknap. Ahquedaukee, The Wiers, Winnipesaukee. Ahquedaukenash. Vide Aquedoctan. Amenonoosuc River, west tributary of Androscoggin River. Ammoosuc River. Ameriscoggin River, Coos Co., former name of Androscoggin. Ammonoosuc River, Upper, Carroll Co., branch of Androscoggin. "The small or narrow fishing- river." Ammonoosuc River, Lower, flows into Connecticut River. Amokeag Falls. Same as Amoskeag, q. v. Amokeag Village. Same as Amoskeag, q. v. "Fishing- place." Amoskeag Falls, in Merrimack River. "One takes small fish." H-B. of A-I. Vol. 1, p. 50. Androscoggin. Vide Ameriscoggin (also Androscoggin, Me.) Annahooksett Falls, Suncook. Aquahatan, Winnipesaukee, where head of Merrimack River is sues out of lake. Appalachia Station, in Randolph. Aquedaukenash, same as Ahquedaukenash, q. v. "The Weirs." Aquedoctan. Aquedahtan. Ashaeolock. Vide Ashuelot. 68 DICTIONARY OF AMERICAN INDIAN NAMES Ashuelot River, Cheshire Co. "Collection of many waters." Ashuelot, former name of territory now known as Keene and Swanzey. Ashuelot Pond, in Washington. Ashuelot Mountain, in Winchester. Ashuelot Station, in Winchester. Ashuelot, Upper. Vide Ashwillet. Ashwillet River, Cheshire Co. Same as Ashuelot, q. v. Asquam Lake, Holderness, Grafton and Carroll. Asquam Mountain, Holderness, Grafton and Carroll. Asquam River, Holderness, Grafton and Carroll. Asquamchumauke, former name of Baker's River in Grafton Co. Asqueanunckon Brook, mentioned in Indian deed, 1683. 19. N. H. State Papers, 358. Attilah, Peak of White Mountains. /. "Blueberries." Attitash Mountain, in Bartlett. x Awososwi Menahan Island, Winnipesaukee Lake. "Bear Island." B Babboosic Lake. Station in Amherst; same as Papoosuc. Baboosuc Pond, in Amherst and Merrimack. Baboosuc Brook, in Merrimack. Papoose (Baby) Brook. Baboosuc Brook, Little, Hillsborough Co. Babboosuck. Winthrop. Bold Sunapee Mountain, in Newbury. Vide Sunapee. NEW HAMPSHIRE 69 c Cabassauk, early name of Merrimack River. "Place of the Stur geon." Cabbo Lake, in Windham. Fox's History of Dunstable. Map facing p. 13. Catamount Pond, Little Pond, Boscawen. Chebeaque, (Geebig Road), near North River, Dover. Name de rived from that of an Indian Chief. Vide Jebucto. Chickwalnipy River, in Coos Co. Chickwolnepy River, in Coos Co. Chickwalnipy Mountain, in Milan and Success. Chocorua Lake, in Tamworth. Chocorua Mountain in Albany. Mountain named from Indian killed on summit by hunters, in time of peace. Chocurua, Ossipee, Carrol Co. ^ j£^__ Chocurua Peak, Mount Washington Range. - Cocheco, present form of name of Dover. Cochecha, Dover. Deed 1673. Vide Thompson's "Landmarks," p. 255. Cochchechoe River, 1648. Cochecho. Cochechoe, Great Hill, Dover, 1652. Vide Thompson's "Land marks," p. 89. Cochecho Point, Dover. Cochecho Marsh, Dover. Cocheco Pond, in Dover and Sorhersworth. Cochecho River and Falls, in Strafford Co. Cohas Brook, in Manchester. "Little pine-tree." Cohos, same as Coos. 70 DICTIONARY OF AMERICAN INDIAN NAMES Connecticut River. "Long tidal-river." Connecticut Lake, in Pittsburg, N. H. Contoocook, former name of Boscawen. "Crow place or River." Contoocook River, in Merrimack and Hillsborough Counties. Coos County, (diminutive of Coa). "Pine-tree." "Place of pines." Same as Coasset, Mass. This is an Indian name, al though, curiously enough, it occurs in the New Testament. Coosuc Village, mouth of Lower Ammonoosuc. "At the pines." Vide Coassitt, Mass. Cowissewaschook, Indian name for Kearsarge Mountain "Proud or selfish one" J. G. C. "Pointed or peaked mountain." J. H. T. Vide plan of Andover, 27 N. H. State Papers, S6-87, Cusumpe Pond, original name of Asquam Lake, q. v. D Duncanowitt, former name of hills in Dumbarton. Hammond. G Gaentake, former name of Beaver Brook, in Windham. Gonic Village, in Rochester. Vide Squamanagonick. H Husow tract, near Madbury. Vide Whisow, and Whisone. Husone tract, near Madbury. Vide Whisow, and Whisone. Hyponeco Brook, in Swanzey. NEW HAMPSHIRE 71 Jebucto. Vide Chebeaque, (Geebig Road), Dover. Name derived from that of Indian who lived near North River. Thompson's "Landmarks, " p. 82. K Kancamagus Mountain, in Livermore. Derived from name of Indian chief, Kaskaashadi, early name of Merrimack River. "The place of broken water." Kchi Pontegok, Somersworth, Strafford Co, "At the great falls." Kearsarge Mountain, between Sutton and Salisbury. There has been much discussion as to the derivation of this name, many contending as to whether it is of Indian origin or not. If Indian, it must be an Abnaki word, and an Abnaki authority defines it asmeaning "The proud or selfish one." On the other hand, Dr. Trumbull's definition is "Pointed or peaked moun tain," and Dr. Potter favours "High place." Vide Cowisse waschook. Kecheachy, original Indian name for Cocheco (Dover). Stevens, 1833. Kinnicum Pond in Candia. Kodaak Wadjo, Mount Washington. "The top is so hidden," — ¦ in the clouds. Kuncanowet Hills, Dunbarton. "Bear-Mountain place." L Little Babboosic Pond, in Amherst. Vide Babboosic. Little Monadnock Mountain, in Fitzwilliam and Troy. Vide Monadnock. 72 DICTIONARY OF AMERICAN INDIAN NAMES Little Squam Lake, in Holderness and Ashland. Vide Squam. Little Sunapee Lake, in New London. Vide Sunapee. Little Suncook River, in Epsom. Vide Suncook. M Magalloway River, Coos Co. Doubt has been expressed as to this name being aboriginal. Magalloway River, Pittsburg. Magalloway Mountain, Pittsburg. Vide Margallaway. Maharimutts Hill, Hicks's Hill, Madbury. Mahermits Hill, Hicks's Hill, Madbury. Mahomet's Hill, Hicks's Hill, Madbury. Vide Moharimet. Malagoe River, northeast branch of Bellamy River, Barrington. Mallego River, northeast branch of Bellamy River, Barrington. Malamake River, same as Merrimack, 1685. Letter of Kanca magus, S. G. D. p. 297. Margallaway. Vide Magalloway, (a tributary of Androscoggin.) Mascoma Lake, Enfield. "Place of the Bear?" Mascoma River, Grafton Co. Mascoma Pond, Dorchester. Mashamee River, near Canaan, Grafton. M. H. S. Col. Masheshattuck Hill, in Pelham. Masquane Lake. Vide Mascoma. "Birch-bark lake." J. G. C. Massabesic Lake, in Manchester and Auburn. "At the great lake." Massassecum Pond, in Bedford. Named from Penacook Indian. History of Warner, p. 29. NEW HAMPSHIRE 73 Mattabeesick Pond, Chester, Rockingham Co. "At the great, or large, lake or pond." Mattabesec. Vide Massabesic. Menunquatucke, Gilford. Vide Conn. Merramacke, same as Merrimack, q. v. Merrimack River (old Abnaki). "Deep or profound river;" J. G. C, or "swift water." Merrimack Co. Merrimack Town. Minnesquam Lake, in Holderness, near Asquam. Minnewawa River, in Cheshire Co. Moharmot's Hill, Hicks's Hill, Madbury. Moharimet's Planting-ground, near Lamprey River, Durham. These various names are evidently corruptions from that of an Indian Chief, called Mahomet, who lived in the neighbor hood during the XVIIth Century (1686). Vide Thompson's "Landmarks," p. 150. Vide Maharrimutts. Moharimet's Hill Moharimet's Marsh. Mohermitis Hill. Mohawk River, in Coos Co. Molnichwock Brook, in Errol and Cambridge. Monadnock Mountain, in Jaffrey and Dublin. Monadnock Lake, Dublin. "At the silver mountain," or "Place of the unexcelled mountain." Moniack, early name of mouth of Merrimack River. "Place of the Islands." Monnomake, same as Merrimack, q. v. Monomack, same as Merrimack, q. v. H. H. Mass. 2, 343. 74 DICTIONARY OF AMERICAN INDIAN NAMES Monomonock Lake, in Rindge. Name transferred from land. May mean either "Island Place," or "watch, or look-out place." Vide Wonomonock. Montinicus, near Portsmouth. Mossilauke Mountain, Benton. Vide Moosilauke. Moosilauke Mountain, in Benton. "Bald place?" Moosilauke Brook, in Woodstock. Munt Hill, Hampton Falls. Named from an Indian who frequented the place. History of Hampton Falls, p. 387. N Naacook. Vide Naticook. Naamhok. Vide Namaske. Nacook Brook, "east of Merrimack River." J. G. D. Vide Naticook. Naimkeak. Vide Namaske. Namaske, same as Amoskeag, q. v. "At the fish-place." Namaoskeag, same as Amoskeag, Naumkeag, same as Amoskeag, "eel-land." J. H. T. Naimkeak, "same as Amoskeag. Naamhok, early name of Amoskeag. Namaskeag.Namaoskeag. Vide Namaske. Narmarcungawack River, in Coos Co. Narragansett, former name of territory of Amherst, Goffstown, and Bedford. NEW HAMPSHIRE 75 Nashua City, in Hillsborough Co. Nashua River, in Hillsborough Co. "Between." "Land between." Natahook, 1695. Naticook Brook, in Merrimack, former name of part of Litch field. Natticook.Natukkog, Letter 1685. Natukko, S. G. D. p. 297. "A cleared place." C. E. Potter. "History of Manchester." p. 27. Naumkeag. Vide Namaske, also Naumkeag, Mass. Nechawonack, same as Newichwannock, q. v. 1720. Thompson's "Landmarks," 104. Nechewannick. Deed 1661. Thompson's "Landmarks," 104. Nechowanuck River, near Salmon Falls, 1691, Thompson's "Landmarks," 74. Nichewanok River, 1722. Thompson's "Landmarks," 103. Negewonnick. Deed, 1619. Thompson's "Landmarks," 156. Negewonnuck. Vide Newichwannock. Newichwannock River in Strafford Co., former name of territory about Dover. Newichawannock River, Strafford Co. Newichawannock, Piscataqua (Kittery), "my wigwam place." Jenness, First Planting of N. H., p. 56. Nesenkeag Falls, Merrimack River, between Merrimack and Litchfield ; later, called Cromwell's Falls. Nessenkeag Brook, Great, Litchfield. Nesssenkeag Brook, Litchfield. Nichiquiwanick. Vide Newichwannock. Maverick's MS. 1660. "my wigwam place." J. S. Jenness. Nichewane. Vide Newichwannock. 76 DICTIONARY OF AMERICAN INDIAN NAMES Nichmug River. Grafton Co. Nippo Pond, near Isinglass River, Lamprey River, Dovir. Nissitisset River, Hillsborough Co. Nissitissett, former name of territory about Hollis. Nomascom. Lebanon. Norwottock, former name of locality in Hudson and vicinity. Nubanusit River, in Peterborough and Harrisville. Nubanusit Lake, in Hancock and Nelson. o Opechee Lake, between Gilford and Laconia; known also as Round Bay. Osceola Mountain, in Waterville. Ossipee Lake, in Ossipee and Freedom. "A lake formed by an enlargement of the river." Ossipee town, in Carroll Co. Ossipee Mountain, Carroll Co. Ossipee River, Carroll Co. Otternic Pond, in Hudson. I Pack Monadnock mountain, in Temple and Peterborough. Vide Monadnock. Pannaway, original name of settlement at Little Harbour. Pannukog, Concord 1685. Vide Penacook. "Crooked river, or place." Pannukhog, Concord. NEW HAMPSHIRE 77 Papposuc, Amherst, a brook or pond. Papoosuc, Amherst. Vide Baboosuc. Parmachene Lake, in Coos Co. Pascassick River, Rockingham Co. Vide Washuck and Watchic. Pascassokes River, Gorge's Patent, 1631. Vide Piscassick. Pascataquack, former name of Great Bay, between Durham and Newington. Pascaquack.Pascatoquack, near Smith Isles (now Isles of Shoals), same as Piscataqua, q. v. "Young Pilgrims." 351. Pasquaney Lake, Newfound Lake, Bristol. Passaconaway Mountain, in Waterville. Named for great sa chem of Pennacook Indians. Patuckaway mountains, White mountains' range. Paugus Mountain, in Albany. Paugus Lake, between Gilford and Laconia; known as Long Bay. Pawtuckaway River, in Rockingham Co. Pawtuckaway Pond, in Nottingham. Pemigewasset River, in Grafton Co., "swift or rapid current," or "crooked place of pines." Pemigewasset Pond, in Meredith. Pemigewasset Mountain, in Lincoln. Pemmemittequonitt Pond, in or near Pelham. Penacook, former name of Concord. "Crooked river, or place,' or "At the bottom of the hill or high land." Gerard. Pennacook, former name of Concord. "Crooked river, or place,'' or "At the bottom of the hill or high land." Gerard. Penacook Lake, in Concord. 78 DICTIONARY OF AMERICAN INDIAN NAMES Penagooge, Concord, 1675. Vide Penacook. Pennichuck Brook, between Nashua and Merrimack. Pennichuck Pond, in Hollis. Name transferred. "Crooked place." Pennechuck Brook. Suffolk Rec. 449, vol. IV. Pequawket, former name of region about Conway. "Crooked place." Pequawket River, in Carrol Co. Pequawket Pond, in Conway. Pequawket Mountain, in Bartlett and Chatham. Pequaket River, Conway. Pequawkett, said to have been original form. Pequaknet.Pegwagget. Vide Pigwacket and Pickwocket. Pickwocket. Vide Pequawket. Sullivan. Pigwacket. Belknap. Piscassick River, Rockingham Co. Indian name of Lamprey River. Pissacassick River, "White Stone." Vide Piscasset, Maine. Piscataqua River, Rockingham Co.; former name of Portsmouth. "Dark or gloomy river," Father Aubrey. "The confluence of two rivers." Piscataquog River, in Hillsborough Co. Piscataquog Mountain, in Lyndeborough. Piscataquog village, an ancient Indian settlement, former name of West Manchester, now abbreviated to "Squog." Piscataway River, Odiorne's Point, Little Harbour. Vide Piscat aqua. Pissacassick River. Vide Piscasset. "White Stone." NEW HAMPSHIRE 79 Plausawa, mountain in Pembroke and Chichester. Named from Indian. History of Pembroke, 1. Ponemah, in Amherst. Pontoocook Bay or Cove, in Androscoggin River, at Dummer. Potanipo Pond, in Brookline. Potanopa Pond, in Brookline. Powwow River, Kingston. Puscassick. Vide Piscasset. Q Quampeagin, Deed, 1728. Thompson's "Landmarks," p. 213. Quamphegan Falls, at Somersworth. Quamscott Falls, Exeter. Vide Squamscott. Quocheco, Dover, Strafford Co. Vide Cochecho. Quocheco River, Strafford Co. Vide Cochecho. Quomphegan Falls, Deed, 1652. Thompson's "Landmarks," p. 79. Quonektacut River, Connecticut River. "On long river." Quoquinnapasskessanahnog, former name of locality in Amherst. Quoqunnapassackessanahhoy tract, Suffolk Rec. 449, Vol. IV. s Saco River, in Carroll Co. "From the south side." J. G. C. "Out let." J. H. T. Saco Falls. 80 DICTIONARY OF AMERICAN INDIAN NAMES Sagamore Creek, in Portsmouth. Sagumskuffe, former name of locality in Nashua. Scatawit, Dover. Vide Thompson's "Landmarks," p. 46. Scatnet, in Dover City. Vide Thompson's "Landmarks," p. 229. Scatuate, Dover. Vide Thompson's "Landmarks," p. 45. Schohomogomock, former name of hill in Rochester. Suff. Rec, 215, Vol. XII, 1679. Schoodac Brook, in Warner. Sementels, Salmon Falls, Strafford, "gravel, or grains of rock." Seminenal River, Salmon Falls River, "grains of rock." J. G. C. Shadogee, Madbury. Probably not Indian. May be a corruption of Chateaugay ? Shatagee. Shankhassick, former name of Oyster River, in Rockingham Co. Vide Thompson, opus cit., p. 232. See also Sunkhaze, Maine. Shoneeto, former name of Beaver Pond, in Derry. Skatutahkee Hill, in Hancock. Sonoogawnock River, Coos Co. Vide Souheganock. Soucook River, in Merrimack Co., former name of Israel's River, Coos Co. "Stony River," or "at the rocks." J. G. C. Souheganack River, Souhegan, Hillsborough Co. Souheganock, later Souhegan river, in Hillsborough Co., former name of Peterborough, Bedford and Amherst. "At the pointed river." J. G. C. Souhegan, same as Skowhegan, Maine. "Pointed, or south, open ing." "Entering inlet to south river." J. G. C. Souhegan West, Amherst. Souhegan East, Bedford. NEW HAMPSHIRE 81 Squam River, in Ashland. Squam Lake, in Grafton and Carroll Cos. Vide Asquam. Squam Mountain, in Holderness. This name is an abbreviation of Asquam — "Pleasant water place." Squammagonic, near Dover, on Cocheco River. Probably "a salmon fishing-place." J. H. T. Squannagonick Falls. Squammagonake, old planting-field, near Dover, 1686. Squamanagonic Falls, Rochester, Cocheco River. Squamonagonic, Deed 1734, Thompson's "Landmarks," p. 237. Squommonygonnock, Deed 1743, Thompson's "Landmarks." Squamanagonic village, Rochester. Vide Gonic. "Water from the clay-place Hill." Vide Thompson, p. 61. Squamscot, former name of Exeter and vicinity. Squamscot River, in Rockingham Co. ~Vide Squamscott. Squamscott Falls, Exeter. Squamscott, Exeter. Squamscott River, in Rockingham Co. Vide Squamscot. Squannicock, tributary of Nashua River. Squomscutt, Exeter. Winthrop. Sunapee Lake, between Merrimack and Sullivan Cos. Sunapee Mountain, in Newbury. Sunapee town, in Sullivan Co., named for lake. "Stone Lake." J. G. C. Suncook River, in Merrimack and Belknap Cos. Suncook village, in Pembroke, and Mountain in Belknap Co. Suncook Pond, in Northwood. Suncook Pond, in Barnstead, former name of Pembroke. "At the rocks." J. G. C. 82 DICTIONARY OF AMERICAN INDIAN NAMES T Tanipus Pond, same as Potanipo, Hillsborough Co. "Cold pond. Tecumseh Mountain, in Waterville. u Umbagog, partly in Maine, in Errol and Cambridge also. "Clear lake," "doubled up," "shallow," or "great waters near another!" Umpammonoosick, former name of Oliverian Brook, Grafton Co. Hammond. Uncanoonuc Mountain, Hillsborough Co. "Breasts." Uncanoonucks Mountain, Hillsborough Co. "Breasts." A\ T Wachipauka Pond, in Warren, otherwise Meader Pond. Wainooset. Vide Mass. H. H. Mass. 1, 407. Wampineauk, on Merrimack River. "Place of clear water." Wankewan Lake, in Meredith and New Hamptcn. Waukewan.Wanosha Mountain, in Thornton. Wantastquet Mountain, in Chesterfield, Cheshire Co. Wantastiquit Mountain, in Chesterfield, Cheshire Co. Wantestiquet Mountain, in Chesterfield, Cheshire Co. Vide Wan- tastiquet River, Vermont. NEW HAMPSHIRE 83 Washuck River, same as Piscassick, q. v. Washucke, land between Piscassick and Lamprey Rivers. Washuck Neck, between Piscassick and Lamprey Rivers. Watahook Mountain, same as Watatic, q. v. Watchit River, same as Washuck, q. v. Watchet Neck, same as Washuck, q. v. Watchick River, same as Washuck, q. v. Watananock, Nashua River. "Land about the hill," derived from land. J. H. T. Wataqua, original name of Nashua River. "Pickerel." J. G. C. Watatic Mountain, in New Ipswich. Watahook Mountain, in New Ipswich. Wettetook Mountain, in New Ipswich. Wateticke Mountain, in New Ipswich. Waternomee Mountain, in Woodstock Named from Indian chief. Waterquecb.ee Falls, in Connecticut River, at Plainfield. Waterqueechy. Wateticke. Vide Wataqua. Wattannanuck, former name of hill, in Hudson. Vide Watan anock. Wattanummon Hill, near Manchester. Wattanummon's Brook, Concord. Named from chief. Waumbec, contraction of Waumbekketmethna. "White water." Waumbek. Waumbekket, contraction of Waumbekketmethna, q. v. Waumbekketmethna. "The white mountains." Wawobadenik. "At the white mountains." 84 DICTIONARY OF AMERICAN INDIAN NAMES Wecanacohunt. Vide Wecohamet. Hilton's Patent, 1629-30. Wecohamet, Hilton's Point, Dover or Northam; Stevens, 1833. H. H. Mass. 1, 99. Weekasoak, former name of Brook, in Nashua. Weetamoo Mountain, Campton. Vide Weetamoo — "Proper Names." Wequash, or Wickwas Brook, in Meredith. Wequash Pond, in Meredith. Vide Wequash — in "Proper Names." Wettetook. Vide Watatic. Whisone tract, near Madbury. Vide Husow and Husone. Whisow tract, near Madbury. Deed, 1693, Thompson's "Land marks," p. 271. Whrisone tract, near Madbury. Deed, 1702, Thompson's "Land marks," p. 271. Vide Wisrisow. Winicowett, Hampton. Vide Winnicut and Winnecowett. Winichahanat, same as Wecohamet, q. v. Winichahanant, same as Wecohamet, q. v. Winichahauat, same as Wecohamet, q. v. Winnecowett, former name of Hampton. "Beautiful place of pines." Winnicunnet.Winnepauket Lake, in Webster. Winnepesaukee Lake, in Belknap and Carroll Cos. Winnepesaukee* River, in Belknap Co. "Good water-discharge," originally applied to the outlet, J. H. T. — or "Lake region," or "region of Lakes." J. G. C. * Appended to this chapter is a most interesting collection of the various modes of spelling of the name Winnepesaukee (as found, after a laborious search among "the records, maps, gazeteers, and general history of the state' ')by Mr. Otis G. Hammond, of theState Library, N. H. One hundred and thirty-two verbal forms are given, evidencing only too clearly the processes of mutilation and corruption to which the aboriginal names have been subiected by their transcribers. NEW HAMPSHIRE 85 Winnicot River, in Rockingham Co., former name of Stratham. Winnicot Falls, in Rockingham Co. Winnicut, in Rockingham Co. "Beautiful place." Winnicouett, tributary of Piscataqua. Vide Winnicot. Winnichahannat. Vide Wecohamet. Winnisquam Lake, in Belknap Co. "Pleasant water." Winona, in New Hampton. Wisconemuck Pond. Wisrisow. Vide Whisow. Wonolancet Mountain, in Albany. Vide "Proper Names." Wonalancet Mountain, in Albany. Wonomonock. Vide Monomonock. NEW HAMPSHIRE'S LARGEST LAKE AND ITS ORTHOGRAPHY.* Bv Otis G. Hammond,^ Esq. M. A. Another outing season has come and with it come the usual throngs of summer visitors to pass- their short vacations around New Hampshire's largest lake; but of all those who will gaze in admiration over its island- dotted surface, at the blue mountains of the north country, or cast a line in the vain attempt to land the largest trout of the season, how many will know how to spell the curious old name the Indians have handed down to us? I have often heard it said that there were nineteen different ways of spelling the word, which, according to Chandler E. Potter, New Hamp shire's best authority on Indian history and nomenclature, means "the * Republished by permission, t Assistant Editor of State Papers, N. H. 86 DICTIONARY OF AMERICAN INDIAN NAMES beautiful water of the high place," and is made up from winne (beauti ful), nipe (water), kees (high), and anke (place). It occurred to me one day to prove the truth or falsity of such a statement, and, from that time forth, I sought and recorded every form of the name that I could find in the course of my work among the manuscript and printed records of my native state. The result was startling, and seemed to indicate that no other word or name in New Hampshire, certainly, and possibly in all New England, is capable of being spelled, or rather mis-spelled in so many differ ent ways. Instead of the beggarly numberof nineteen, I found onehundred and thirty-two, and my field was confined to the state and provincial records, maps, gazetteers, laws, and works on the general history of the state. If one should search the records of the towns in the vicinity of the lake the number might be doubled and possibly more. Spelling was not a strong point with our forefathers, and the unconscious ingenuity of ig norance produces wonderful results with a few letters. The clearing of spaces in the wilderness for houses, and the struggle with the earth for the actual necessities of life, left little time for mental culture. School facili ties were few, and book-learning was left to the minister and the "squire." The saying in regard to the nineteen different forms I think must have originated from a foot-note by John Farmer in his edition of "Bel knap's History of New Hampshire,'' page 56, in which he notes eighteen forms besides the one ordinarily in use. Following are the one hundred and thirty-two spellings which I have collected, and I am quite sure the reader will find no two of them alike. A search for two like forms he will find as interesting and confusing as "Pigs in clover." These are all ac tually found either in manuscript records or print, and not one of them is the result of the writer's imagination: Winnipiseokee WinepiseokaWinnipisseake Winnepesaket Winepesocky Winnepesocket Winnipisseoce WinnepesaotWinnepisiokee Winnipeseoke WinnipishiokeeWinepissiocke WinipissiokeeWinnipisiocke Winipissiockee Winipiseocee Winnepisioco Winnepissiacoe Winnipistioky Winispisiokee Winnepiseoke Winnipesokie Winnepesiokee Winnapresseakit Winepisseokie WinnepisseokieWinipisioke Winipisioky WinassosawqueWinipisaro Winepessockey Winnespiseoky Winnipissiocky WenapesiocheWinnapissiaukee WinnepissocayWinnapuseakit Wennepisseoka Winipisinket Winipisiackit WinnepiseogeeWinnepisseogee Winnepiseoge Winnipesaukee WinnipesoceeWenepesocke Winnipissiackee Winneposockev NEW HAMPSHIRE 87 Winipisiocke Winnepisseoke Winnepossoke Winnipissokee Winnipissiokee Winnepiseokee Winnipisioke WinipisiokeeWinnepesockeeWinnipisiokee Winnipissioke Winnepissk Winnipesse WinepessiockeeWinnepissiokeeWinnipissiocaWinipissiocaWinnipisseocceeWinnipisseoceWinnipiseoceWinipishokee Winnipeshokee Winnipesauke WinnepesaukeWinnipissaoke Winnapusseakit Winnepesaukee Winipasekek Winepiscocheag Winnipissiockee Winnepissioke Winnipessioke Winnipissauky Winnipicioket Winnipaseket Winnapissaacka Winnepissaocoe Winnipishokey WinnisposiokeeWinnispisiokeeWinnipoisekekWinipoisekek Winnepeseochee WinnepisseoggWinniposockettWenepesiokee WennepesiokeeWinnepeseochee Winipesocee Winepisackey WinepisokeyWinnepiseoky Wenepesioca WinisipisiokieWinnipissacca Winnipisocy Winnepossockey Winnepisseohcee Winipissikee Winnepescocco Winipisokee Winnepisseockegee Winnepasioke WinnepissiaukeeWinnepesiaukee WinnipesocketWinipisseoca Winipisiakit Winnipiseogee Winipiseogee Winipissioket Nikisipique Winnipesaukay WinnepiscockeeWinnipissiockiWinepossockey Winnipishoky Winnipisokee WinnepishokyWinnipiseocaWinnepsackey Winipesoakey Winnopisseag Wenepesiocho The presence of the double "n" and the final double "e," and the possible doubling of the "s" are responsible for manv variations, and the contest between the terminations "auke" and "eogee" for many more. John Farmer, in his foot-note before mentioned, says the word "was prob ably pronounced Win-ne-pis-se-ock-ee." If the Indian gave the name six syllables it is an argument for the ending "eogee," but the present generation has shortened it to five, and the tendency of the last few years is in favor of "auke" with another "e" added. The latter form is generally given as the white man's representation in letters of the sound the red man made when he meant "place." The same sound may be represented by other letters, of course, and the difference between "auke" and." eogee" is very slight, beyond that represented by "k" in one and hard "g" in the other. A few citations to works using the different forms will best show the great confusion that has existed for a hundred years in regard to the cor rect spelling, — 88 DICTIONARY OF AMERICAN INDIAN NAMES Winnipiseogee is used in "Barstow's History of New Hampshire," both editions, 1842 and 1S53; "Sanborn's History of New Hampshire," 1875; ".Merrill's New Hampshire Gazetteer," 1817; "Whiton's History of New Hampshire," 1834, index, the form in the text being Winnepiseogee; "Index to Council Records," 1631-1784, pub. 1896; "General Statutes," 1867. Winnipiseogee, "Belknap's History of New Hampshire," three edi tions, 1784, 171)2, 1813. Winnipissiokee, Holland's map of New Hampshire, 17S4, and here it is also called Richmond; map of New Hampshire, by Samuel Lewis, 1794, in Carey's General Atlas, 1.795 Winnepissiokee, "New Hampshire Laws," 1805. Winnepisiogee, "Farmer and Moore's Gazatteer of New Hampshire," 1823; "Farmer and Moore's Historical Collections." Winnepissiogee, "Carter's Geography of New Hampshire," 1831. Winnepiseogee, "Zell's Atlas," 1875. Winipissioket, "Map of the most Inhabited Part of New England," etc., engraved by Thomas Jefferys, London, 1755. Winnipisiokee, Blanchard and Langdon's "Accurate Map of his Majesty's Province of New Hampshire in New England," etc., Portsmouth, October, 21, 1761, engraved by Thomas Jefferys. Nikisipique, Emanuel Bowen's "New and Accurate Map of New Jersey, Pennsylvania, New York, and New England," etc., London, 1752. Winnipesaukee, "Kurd's Atlas of New Hampshire," 1892; "Public Statutes," 1891; "General Laws," 1878; "House and Senate Journal," 1895; Calvert's Weirs Times; "Report of Endicott Rock Commissioners," 1892; and reports of other commissioners to the house of representatives in 1879 and 1883. Winnepesaukee, "Index to New Hampshire Laws," 1886; "Potter's History of Manchester, N. H.," 1856. Winnipissiogee, "New Hampshire Laws," 1815 and 1830. Our own state officials have never been able to fix on any particular form of spelling, if we may judge by the state publications, as may be seen by the differences in the various compilations of laws The same state of affairs exists in the law reports. The most recent public prints seem to lavor the form Winnipesaukee, and it is to be hoped that this or some other of the one hundred and thirty-two may hereafter be used to the ex clusion of all others. Any one, even the fantastic Nikisipique, would be better than all of them. But when doctors disagree every man will de cide for himself. VERMONT Algonquin Mountain. Warren. Ascutney Mountain, Windsor. "Fire mountain," or "Three brothers," from three valleys: it may be a corruption of Cas- cadnac, "a peaked mountain with steep sides." Kendall. Azzasata quake, early name of Missique River. "The stream that turns back." B Bomoseen Lake, Castleton, Rutland Co. "Pleasant water.' Bombazine Lake, Castleton, Rutland Co. "Pleasant water.' Belamaqueen Bay, Ferrisburgh. Lake Champlain. Bellamaqueam Bay, near St. Albans. Bopquam Bay, Swanton. Bulwagga Bay, opposite Addison. c Canaghsione, Ticonderoga, N. Y. Caniaderi-Guaranti, early Iroquois name of Lake Champlain. "The Gate of the Country." Caughnawaga, near Sorel River, a name also applied to the In dians of Quebec. Chippenhook? Spring, Rutland. Chippenhook? Village, Rutland. 90 DICTIONARY OF AMERICAN INDIAN NAMES Cohasse. Vide Coos (Newbury). "Little pine-tree." Coos, name of Newbury, 1789. "Pine tree." Coosuck, Ox Bow, Newbury. E Ekwanok Mountain, Manchester, Bennington: now known as Equinox. Dr. S. A. Green. Elligo Scootlon Lake, Greensborough and Craftsbury. H Hoosac River, Pownal, "mountain rock." Hoosic River, Pownal. Hinkam? Pond, Sudbury. I Iroquoisia, earliest name of Vermont. K Kahshahquahna, Whitehall. Kakiconte River, Boscawen. M Magog River, flows into Memphremagog Lake. Magog Lake. Vide Memphremagog. Manickmung Mountain, Stratton. Maquam Bay, Swanton. A corruption of Bopquam, q. v. Maquam Lake, Franklin Co. Massawippi Lake, Holland. VERMONT 91 Matincook, Leamington. Memphremagog Lake, Orleans Co. "Beautiful water," or "Lake of abundance." Mettawee River, Dorset. Vide Pawlet. Michiscoui River. Vide Missiquoi. Michiscoui Bay. Mink Brook, Concord. Missique, a corruption of Masseepsque. "The place of arrow flints." Missique Bay, Alburgh. Missisco River, Lowell. Missisco, a corruption of Missikisko, — "much waterfowl." Missisquoi River, Orleans Co. "Big woman?" Missisquoi village (early). Missisquoi Bay. Moosalamoo, Lake Dunmore, Salisbury. Musquash meadow, near Harriman's Brook, Newbury. N Neshobe, Brandon, Dorset. Nickwackett.Nulhegan River, Averill and Wenlock. Nulhegan Pond, Bloomfield. o Ompompanoosuc River, Vershire. Otta Quechee Falls, Windsor Co. Vide Quechee. "Quick, whirl ing falls." Ouynouske Bay, Mallet's Bay. Earliest name of Winooski, q v. 92 DICTIONARY OF AMERICAN INDIAN NAMES Paran? Creek, Shaftesbury. Passumpsic River, or Moose River, Caledonia Co. (Concord), "much clear water." Passumpsic village, Caledonia Co. Pawict. Pawlet River, Dorset. Vide Mettawee. Pecunktuk Stream, Great Otter Creek. "Crooked river." Petoubouque, Lake Champlain. (Abnaki). "The waters that lie between," — the countries of the Abnaki and the Iroquois. According to John Watso or Wadhso, an intelligent Indian of St. Francois. Pico Peak, Clarendon. Pompanoosuc, West Norwich, Windsor Co. Poousoomsuck River, rises at Westmore. Popasquash Island, near St. Albans. Popoquamanutuk, Au Sable River. "The Cranberry River." Q Queechee River, Windsor Co. Quechee River. Quechee Falls. Vide Otta Queechee. Quechee Valley. s Sadawga Pond, Whitingham; probably named for local Indian of same name. Sancoik, near Bennington. VERMONT 93 Saranac River, a corruption of Senhalenactuk,— "the river of sumach trees." Franklin Co., N. Y.; flows into Lake Cham plain. Schaghiticok, name of Indian tribe, and of their residence. Schuytook.Shatterack mountain, Jamaica. Squamkeag, formerly in Vermont. Vide Skuakheag, and Squa- keag, Mass. Sungahneetuk, Lewis Creek. "The Fishing-river." T Tickenecket Pond. Tickeneck Pond. Ticklenaked. Tsinondrosie, Ticonderoga, N. Y. "Noisy or rushing water." w Walumscoick River, Bennington. Vide Walloomsac. Walloomsack, Bennington. Vide Walloomschaick. Walloomsack River, Bennington. Walloomscaik River, Bennington. Walloomschaick River, branch of Hoosac River, Bennington. Wanascatok Brook, Broad Brook, Vernon. "River of otters." Vide Wonakaketuk. Wantastiquet River, West River, Weston, Windsor Co. Wantastitquck River, West River, Weston, Windsor Co. Wicopee Hill, Dummerston. 94 DICTIONARY OF AMERICAN INDIAN NAMES Winooski River, Cabot, near Burlington. "Beautiful River." Name transferred from land. (Abnaki). Winooski Falls, Cabot. Winooski Gorge, Cabot. Winooski Village, Cabot. Winoosque, early spelling of Winooski. Wonakaketuk Stream, Little otter. "River of otters." Vide Wanascatok. MASSACHUSETTS Aberjona River, at Winchester. Abouset River, near Charles River. H. H. Mass. Vol. 1, p. 15. Abbouset River, near Charles River. Abbaquackea tract, southwest of Groton, beyond Nashaway River (1668). Mass. Bay Col. Rec. Vol. IV, Part 2, p. 384. Acashewah, occurs in Philip's deed, 1671. Vide Acushena. Acawmuck, near Plymouth. "To go by water?" Mass. H. S. Col. 2d, Vol. 3. Acchushnutt River, New Bedford. Mass. H. S. Col. 1st, X, 129- 134 (1809). Accomac, early name of Plymouth; "land on the other side, or beyond the water." Accomonticus, Boston; "beyond the hill-little-cove." Ogilby, 1671. Vide Abnaki synonym, — Agamenticus, Me. Accoomeck, Plymouth, Vide Acawmuck. Governor Winthrop. Mass. H. S. Col. 2d, Vol. 3. Accoomeneck. Acoomemeck, "of which Massassoit was sachem." Winthrop, 1638. Acoont River, "Sepaconit," near Marion, Plymouth Co. Acoakset, Westport, Bristol Co. Acoakset River, Westport, Bristol Co. 96 DICTIONARY OF AMERICAN INDIAN NAMES Acockus tract. Aconnquesse, west side of Point Peril. Acoughcouss. Acquiatt neck, Yarmouth. Vide Alquiod. Plym. Rec. Vol. 2, p. 21. Acqussent River, "which flows into Neckatay." Plym. Rec. Vol. 2, p. 11. Acushena, early name of Dartmouth territory. Acushnet Village, site of New Bedford. Acushnet River, New Bedford. Agawam, Ipswich, "a fishing station," — "fish-curing place," or "ground overflowed by water." Agawam, Springfield. "Resort for the fish of passage," — "ground overflowed by water." Agawam, at Westfield River, near Springfield. "Ground over flowed by water." Agawam, Wareham, Plymouth Co. "Fish-curing" (place). "Lowland," "marsh'' or "meadow." Agawam River, Wareham, Plymouth Co. Agowaywam, part of Wareham: same as Agawam. 1622. Ahampatunshauge Pond, Worcester Co. Ahumpatunshauge Pond, Worcester Co. Ahquannissowamsoo River, north side of Teticut River (Cotuh- tikut). Ahquaunauwansuh. Plym. Rec. Vol. 2, 23S (Judicial). Ahquonsooawmsooh. Plym. Rec. Vol. 1, 232. Ahquonsoonumsoo. Plym. Rec. Vol. 1, 232. Akusenag, Dartmouth. Vide Acushena. MASSACHUSETTS 97 Alum Pond, Sturbridge, Worcester Co. (source of Quinebaug; River), probably derived from Allumps, sachem of Quinebaug, or from Indian word signifying "a dog." Vide Allum, Conn. Alum Pond, Little, Holland, Worcester Co. Amaganset? Vide "Indian Names of Boston," Horsford, 1886. Anaquakett, same as Nanaquakett, q. v. Anequeasset tract, near Rochester. "Striped squirrels." Anequeassett tract, near Rochester. "Striped squirrels." Anmoughcawgen, early name of Newton and Cambridge terri tory. Vide Aumoughcawgen. Annasnappet River, East Middleton. Annawamcoate, Plymouth Co. Annawon Rock, Rehoboth. Name derived from that of Anna- wan, one of Philip's distinguished warriors. Annisnippi Brook, near Scituate. "Rocky water." Vide Assin- ippi. Annisquam, near Gloucester. "At the top, or point, of the rock." Annisquam Harbour, near Gloucester. Annursuack Hill, near Concord. Annursuc Hill, near Concord. Annussanatonsett River, Pocasset. Plym. Rec. Vol. 1, p. 239. Anquepinick, near Sunderland, Franklin; "the inclined land." H. A. Wright. Apaum, early Indian name of Plymouth. Aponaganset, Dartmouth. Vide Potagansett, Conn, and Pona- ganset, R. I. Aponecett tract, near Rochester. Apponagansett River. Vide Aponaganset. Apponagansett Harbour. 98 DICTIONARY OF AMERICAN INDIAN NAMES Aquaquesett meadows, near Mattakeeset. Piym. Rec. Vol. 3, p. 144. Aquausowonso River, flowing into Teticut River. Plym. Rec. Vol. 1, pp. 232-3 (1695). Aquausowouso. Vide Ahquannissowamsoo. Aquetnet, Sandwich, Barnstable Co., "at an island." Mass. H. S. Col. 2d, Vol. IV, p. 293. Aquidnose tract, Nantucket, 1687. Aquitnet Point, Nantucket Deed, 1722. Aquonest Pond, near Satucket. Plym. Rec. Vol. 5, p. 109 (1672-3). Aqunoonogqutut tract, Nantucket Deed. Jan. 9th, 1668. Asabeth River. Vide Assabeth and Assabet. Ascopompamocke, near Rochester. Ascoochames tract, near Rochester. Ashimuit Village, at junction of Mashpee, Falmouth and Sand wich. 1674. Vide Ashumet. Ashquoach, Brimfield, Worcester Co., "the ending place." Ashquoach Hill,. West Brookfield, Worcester Co. Ashquoash, West Brdokfield. Mass. H. S. Col. Vol. 1 (1806). Ashuelot, Dalton, Berkshire. Ashuelot, Swansea, Bristol Co. Ashumet Pond, Mashpee. "A spring," same as Ashimuit, q. v. Ashunet Pond, Mashpee. "A spring." Asnacancomic Pond, Hubbardston, "a long house of stones." Vide Asnacomet. Asnacomet Pond, Hubbardston. Asnebumsket Hill, Paxton, Worcester Co. "where a standing rock is on a stony foundation." MASSACHUSETTS 99 Asneconcomet Pond, Hubbardston. "Long stone house," or "house of stones." Asneconic Pond, Hubbardston. Vide Asnacomet. Asnemscutt Pond, near Namasket River. Asneoumsket Pond, near Paxton, Worcester Co. Asnuntuck River, Longmeadow. "Stony River." Aspomsok Hill, Holden, Worcester Co., supposed to be a corrup tion of Asnebumsket. Washburn. Aspowunck, Easthampton, Hampden Co. "A place where nets are set." Hamp. Co. Rec. Wright. Aspowounk. Asquenunseck, West Springfield. Assabasset. "A drinking-place where the water is broad." Assabet, Northborough. "It is miry." Indian Bulletin, 1867. Assabet Village, Maynard, Middlesex. Assabet River, Berlin. Possibly "at the drinking place." Assabet Mount, Northborough. i Assabeth River. Vide Asabeth and Assabet. Assameekq tract, near Dartmouth. Bristol Co. H-B. A-I. p. 102, Vol. 1. Assanippi Brook, near Scituate. "Rocky water" Vide Assinippi. Assattayyagg, Easthampton. Hamp. Co. Rec. "Poplar-tree land." H. A. Wright. Assawanupsit, Lakeville, Plymouth Co. Vide Assawompsett. Mass. H. S. Col. Assawomit, part of Middleborough. Vide Assoowamsoo. Assawompsett, Lakeville, Plymouth Co. Assawompsett Pond, Lakeville, Plymouth Co. Assowamsit Neck, Lakeville, Plymouth Co. 100 DICTIONARY OF AMERICAN INDIAN NAMES Assinippi settlement, Hanover. Assinippi Brook, Hanover. "Rocky water." AsSOnet Village, Freetown, Bristol. The ancient inhabitants of Assonet Bay, Freetown, Bristol. Assonet were supposed to be Assonet Neck, Freetown, Bristol. the authors of the "Digh- Assonet River, Freetown, Bristol. ton Rock" inscription?. Assoowamsoo, part of Middleborough; same as Assawomit, q. v. Atquiod Neck, Yarmouth. Plym. Rec. Vol. 2, p. 21. Astimmoost, Nantucket. Deed, June 5th, 1677. Attaquahunchonitt Neck, Mashpee; east side of Wequaket River. Plym. Rec. Vol. VI. p. 160. Attitash Lake, near Amesbury; — "a huckleberry." Aucoot Cove, near Mattapoiset. Auguan, early form of Agawam. Smith, 1631. Augutteback Pond, Oxford. Possibly "Kettle Pond." Auhquannissonwaumissoo River, Teticut River. Vide Ahquan- nissowamsoo. Aumoughcawgen. Vide Anmoughcawgen. Auntaanta meadow, near Mashpee. Ausotunoog. Vide Housatonic. Autopscot, Nantucket. Dr. B. Sharp. B Babbitasset, a former village in Pepperell, now included in East Pepperell. Dr. S. A. Green. Baddacook, a pond in eastern part of old Groton. Dr. S. A. Green. Baquaug River, same as Payquage, now Miller's River. Vide Mrs. Rowlandson's "Narrative," p. 64. MASSACHUSETTS 101 Bashapish Falls, Mount Washington, Berkshire. Bashbish Mountain, Mt. Washington range. Said to have been named from an Indian squaw called"Bess." Bashbish Stream, Taconic mountains, Berkshire. Bellyhac Hill? Great Swamp, Salem. Bermaken.Big Mystic Pond, Winchester. Bimilick Brook, Worcester; named from Indian sachem. Boggestow Brook, Medway, Norfolk. Boggestow, Sherborn, Middlesex. Boggochoag Hills, Worcester. Mass. H. S. Col. Vol. 1, p. 113. Vide Packachoag. Buddacook Pond, near Groton. c Canesto Brook, Hubbardston. Cannestow River, Barre, Worcester Co. Canopache, east end of Nantucket, "a place of peace." Canoza Lake, near Amesbury. Capaum Pond, Nantucket. Capawack, Martha's Vineyard. Winthrop. Capawock.Capawong Brook, Whately, Franklin Co. Capawonk meadow, west side of Connecticut River, Hampden Co. Cape Poge Pond, Edgartown, Dukes Co. Capoge, Martha's Vineyard. 102 DICTIONARY OF AMERICAN INDIAN NAMES Capowonk meadow, now in Hatfield. Judd's History of Hadley. "where the stream is shut in." H. A. Wright. Vide Matta- omet. Cappowongamick, west of Kuppawonkunchk. "Place shut in by a bend." J. H. T. Vide Kuppawonkunchk. Cappowong. Vide Capawonk. Caskakaches quash tract, near Assawompsett. Plym. Rec. Vol. 1, p. 229. Cataconamog Pond, Lunenburg, Worcester Co. Catacoonamug Pond, Lunenburg. "Great long fishing-place." Catacunnemug Brook, Shirley, Middlesex. "Great long fishing- place." Catcheckawitt Pond, Andover. Vide Cochitewick. Catecunemaug Pond, Lunenburg. Vide Catacoonamug, Cateconimoug Pond, Lunenburg. Cattacapcheise field, Plymouth. Plym. Rec. Vol. 1, p. 27. Cautaugcanteest. Cautaugeanteest Hill, south of Plymouth. Vide Cautaugcanteest. Plym. Rec. Vol. 1, p. 41. Cataumet Harbour, Falmouth. Cataumet Village, Falmouth. Cataumet Neck, Falmouth. Cattones Akees, Hatfield. A corruption of Cottinackeesh, q. v. H. A. Wright. Cawsumsett Neck, near Patucket River. Plym. Rec. Vol. 3, p. 167. (1679.) Chabanakongkomun, land near Dudley. Vide Chaubunakonga- muk. (Gookin.) Chaboken Pond, Harvard. "Hell Pond." MASSACHUSETTS 103 Chachaubunkakowok. Nipmuck village. A-I. H-B. Vol. 11. Chanagongum, contraction for Chaubunakongkomuk. "Bound ary fishing-place." Chapnocunco Pond? Suff. Rec. 344, Vol. XIII, 1684. Chapnocunco tract? "land of Tacomus." Suff. Rec. 344, Vol. XIII, 1684. Chappapemeset, Nantucket. Deed. July 1st, 1690. Chappaquiddick, Edgartown, Dukes. "Separated island." Chappaquiddick Island, Edgartown, Dukes. "Separated island." Chappaquonset Creek, Martha's Vineyard. Chappaquonset, Tisbury, Dukes. Chappaquonsit Pond, Tisbury, Dukes. Chappaquoit Island, West Falmouth. Vide Chassaquoit. Chappaquoit Point, West Falmouth. Chargoggagogmanchogagog, Webster. Vide Chaubunagunga- maug. "Fishing-place at the boundary." Freeland. Chassaquoit Point, West Falmouth. Chaubaqueduck, at Martha's Vineyard. "Separated island." Vide Chappaquiddick. Chaubunakongamuk, name of land about Webster. "Boundary fishing-place." Chaubunagungamaug, same as preceding. Chebacco, Essex. Chebacco Lake, Hamilton, Essex. Checkaby River. Vide Chicopee. Mass. Bay Col. Rec. 4, part 2, p. 436. Cheekwakat, a name for Barnstable. Chepachewest, Sandwich. Vide Pacheweset. 104 DICTIONARY OF AMERICAN INDIAN NAMES Chequapee, Hampden Co. "Cedar land," or "Birch-bark place." Vide Chicopee. Chequesset, Wellfleet. Chequocket, Provincetown. Chesquonapoage Pond, Lancaster. "The great long pond." Chesquonopog Pond. Chessawanacke Island, near Mt. Hope Neck. Plym. Rec. Vol. 2, p. 256. (Judicial.) Chicabee. Chicopee Mountain, Springfield, Hampden Co. Chicopee River, "violent water." Chicopee Falls. Chickopee City, near Springfield. Chickopee Co. Chickataubut Hill, Milton. Name derived from that of sachem. Chickons, Indian Hollow, Hatfield, Hampden Co., "a little kettle;" "a hollow." H. A. Wright. Chippascuit, a tract south of Mastucksett River, Taunton. Chippascutt. Plym. Rec. Vol. 1, p. 242. Chippaquiddick, Edgartown, Dukes. "Separated island." Chippoquiddick. Vide Chappaquiddick. Chissawonook Island, near Mt. Hope Neck, Hog Island. Plym. Rec. Vol. 2, p. 276. Chisawamicke. Vide Chessawanacke. Plym. Rec. Vol. 2, p. 250. Chobocco. Vide Chebacco and Tchobocco. W. Wood. 1634. Chocame tract, Tisbury and Chilmark. M. H. S. Col. 2, 2d, 378. MASSACHUSETTS 105 Chockolog Pond, Uxbridge. Name probably transferred from land. Chocksett, Sterling, Worcester Co. Chocksett land, near Sterling, Worcester Co. Vide Woonsechock- sett. Chupipoggut Pond, bounding Nahleawamet Neck, Middleborough. Plym. Rec. Vol. 1, p. 235. Chuppateest, Coney Island or Neck, Manomet Bay. Chusick Brook, South Hadley, Hampden Co. Rec. A. S. Wright. Coakset, Dartmouth. Coasatke, part of tract at Wasqakage, q. v. Indian deed, 1671. Probably "Pine-tree place." Coasuck Brook, Mill Brook, Northfield. "Pine-tree place." Wright. Coassit, "56 miles above Hadley," Worcester Co. "At the pines." Appleton, 1675. An Indian rendezvous. Coosuc Village, mouth of Lower Ammonoosuc. H-B. of A-I., p. 342. Vide N. H. The former of these two names is sup posed to be identical with the latter. Ibid, 316. Coatue, a neck of land at Nantucket. Coatuit, Osterville, Barnstable (1674), a praying village. Coatuit, a name also applied to Provincetown. Coaxet, Dartmouth. Vide Coakset, applied also to a village near Little Compton, R. I. Cocasset Pond, Foxborough. Cochao Brook,. Randolph. Cochato River, Braintree. Cocheset Village, near West Bridgewater, Plymouth Co. Vide Coweset. "Place of small pine-trees." Cochessett, Brockton. 106 DICTIONARY OF AMERICAN INDIAN NAMES Cochichawick, Andover. "Place of the great cascade." N. H. H. Col. Vol. VIII, 451. Cochichawick Lake, North Andover. "At the wild dashing stream." Cochichawick River, North Andover. "At the wild dashing stream." Cochichowick. Mass. Bay Col. Rec. Vol. 1, 257. Cochichawicke, Andover. Vide supra. Cochickowicke, Andover. Vide Cochichawick. Cochitawake, Andover. Coijchawick, Andover. Coojetawick, Andover. Vide Quichechacke, Qu3^achick, etc. Cochituate Village, Middlesex Co. "Land on rapid streams." Cochituate Lake, Natick. "Very deep water?1" Indian. Bulletin, 1867. Cocyeania Valley, Nantucket. Deed, 1687. Codtanmeet, in Mashpee. Gookin. Coddude, Nantucket. Deed, 1690. VicteCoatue? Cohann, Neponset. R. I. H. S. Col. Vol. IV. Cohanit, Raynham, Bristol Co., "a long place"? Cohannet, Taunton, Bristol Co., "a long place"? Cohasset Brook, Southbridge: "a fishing promontory." Cohasse, Southbridge, Worcester Co., "a fishing promontory." Vide Cohasset. Cohasset, Norfolk Co. Vide Connohasset. Cohasset Harbour, Norfolk Co. Coicus, same as Nonacoicus, Ayer and Groton, q. v. Dr. S. A. Green. MASSACHUSETTS 107 Comassakumkanit, a settlement at Herring Pond, Plymouth, Bourne. Comessett tract, near Hingham. Suff. Rec. 244, Vol. 1. Commet. Vide Asnacancomic. Comet. Conconut Hollow, near Great Swamp, Salem. Conesto Brook, Hubbardston, Worcester Co. Congamond, Southwick, Hampden. Congamond Ponds, Southwick, Hampden. Congamuck Pond. Vide Congamond. Conihast. Suff. Rec. 244, Vol. 1. Conihosset. Vide Cohasset and Connohasset. New England's Prospect. Wood. 1634. Connohasset, same as Cohasset, q. v. "Fishing Promontory," 1635. Conomo Point, West Gloucester. Coonemesset Pond, Hatchville, Barnstable. Coonemosset Pond, Hatchville, Barnstable. Cooxit, Dartmouth. Vide Coakset. H. H. Mass. 1, 313. Cooxissett Village, Plymouth Co. Mass. H. S. Col. 4th, Vol. V, p. 143. (Hinckley.) Copecut Hill, Fall River, Bristol Co. Copecut River, Freetown, Bristol Co. Coppoanissett, same as Penguine Hole, q. v. Plym. Rec. Vol, 1, p. 239. Coquitt, Dartmouth. Gookin. 108 DICTIONARY OF AMERICAN INDIAN NAMES Coskata Pond, Nantucket. Coskata Beach, Nantucket. Coskaty, part of Nantucket, same as Koskata, q. v. Cotochta, Nantucket. Dr. B. Sharp. Cottinackeesh, near Agawam, Springfield. "Plantation-ground." Cottinyakies, Hampden Co. Rec. Wright. Cottochusett, Osterville, Barnstable. Cottoyowsekeesett, near Rochester. Cottochesett Neck, Barnstable Co. Cotochesett Neck. Vide Cottochusett and Cottoyowsekeesett. Cotuhtikut River, same as Teticut, q. v. Cotuhicut River, same as Teticut, q. v. Coteticut River, same as Teticut, q. v. M. H. S. Col. 7, 2d, 291. Cotuit. Vide Coatuit. 1674. Cotuit River, Osterville or Mashpee, Barnstable. Cotukticut land, part of Middleborough. Coutoocook River, Haverhill. "Crow-river." Cowachuck, South Hadley, Hampden Co. Rec. A. S. Vide Qua- quoonuntuck and Cowase. Cowas. Vide Coasuck. Cowase Brook, South Hadley. Hampden Co. Rec. A. 8. H. A. Wright. Cowasset River, said to be the same as Sippiqunnet, q. v. "Place of pines." Cowassock Brook, near Framingham. Cowate Village, Charles River, Middlesex Co. 1677. Gookin. Cowate Falls, Charles River, Middlesex Co. Gookin. MASSACHUSETTS 109 Coweset land, Wareham. Coweset Village, near West Bridgewater, Plymouth Co. Vide Cocheset. Cowsett Brook, North Bridgewater, Plymouth Co. Coxit, same as Coquitt and Coakset, q. v. Gookin. Coychawicke, Mass. Bay Col. Rec. Vol. 1, 257. Vide Cochichowick. Cromeset Point, Wareham, Plymouth Co. Cummaquid, Barnstable. Cummaquid Harbour, Barnstable. Cushnet, New Bedford. Vide Acushnet. Cuttyhunk, Dukes Co., a contraction of a word meaning "a thing that lies out in the water." Cuttyhunk Island, Dukes Co. Cuttyhunk Harbour, Dukes Co. D Deowcook, Rattlesnake Peak, Taconic Range. "Hill of the wolves." E Equies Brook. Probably a corruption of the name of a Mohegan sachem, — Tantoquieson. Vide "Proper Names." Equies Swamp. F Fennapoo? or Bowditch's Ledge, Baker's Island. 110 DICTIONARY OF AMERICAN INDIAN NAMES G Gassetk, near Hadley, Hampden Co. "The little wood," or "a place where the wood is small." H. A. Wright. Gesquoquaset, a tract near Nauset (Eastham). Gotomska, Westport. Gushee Pond, North Raynham, Plymouth Co. H Haquesukkuppamuke tract, Pocasset. Plym. Rec. Vol. 1, p. 241. Harcomonco Pond, Worcester Co. Hashkinnit-chaopket tract, Nantucket. Deed, Jan. 9th, 1668. Hasnebumskitt Hill, near Holden. Vide Asnebumskit. Hasnebumskeat Hill, near Holden. Vide Asnebumskit. Hasnebumskeag Hill, near Holden. Vide Asnebumskit. Hasnemesuchoth, Hassanamesitt. Mass. Bay Col. Rec. Vol. IV, p. 192. Hassanamesitt, Grafton, Worcester Co. "At a place of small stones." Hassanamisitt, Grafton, Worcester Co. "At a place of small stones." Hassanamisco, Grafton, Worcester Co. "At a place of small stones." Hassunimesut, Grafton, Worcester Co. "At a place of small stones." Hassunnimesat, Grafton, Worcester Co. "At a place of small stones." Hassunnek Hill, Holden. "A ledge of rocks." Eliot. Hoanantum Hill, Charles River, Boston. Vide Nonantum.1 MASSACHUSETTS 111 Hobomoco Pond, Westborough, Worcester Co. — the Indian name for the Devil-. Hobomoc Pond, Westborough, Worcester Co. — the Indian name for the Devil. Hobbamocke Pond, Westborough, Worcester Co. — the Indian name for the Devil. Hoccanum, Hadley, Hampshire. "Hook-shaped." Hoccanum, Yarmouth, Barnstable. "Hook-shaped." Hockanum Meadows, Northampton. "Hook-shaped." Hockanome, Hadley, Hampshire. "Hook-shaped." Vide Hoc canum. Hockamock, Easton, Bristol. Hockamock, also name of Raynham, Bristol. Hooestunnic, same as Housatonic River, q. v. Hoosac River, Berkshire, "mountain rock?" Hoosichisick Lake, Milton, Norfolk Co. Hoosicwhisick Lake, Milton, Norfolk Co. Hosokie meadow, Lancaster, Worcester Co. Housatenuc River, same as Housatonic, q. v., "over the moun tain." Housatonic, Stockbridge, Berkshire, "over the mountain." Housatonnuc, Sheffield, Berkshire, "over the mountain." Housetunack, same as Housatonic. Housatonic River, Berkshire. "Beyond the mountain." Humhaw Brook, in Westford. Dr. S. A. Green. Hyanaes Village, near Barnstable. Takes nariie from lyanough or Qyanough, resident chief, in 1621. H-B. of A-I. 1, 371. Hyannis Village, near Barnstable, same as Hyanaes. Hyannis Point, near Barnstable, same as Hyanaes. Hyannis Harbour, near Barnstable, same as Hyanaes. 112 DICTIONARY OF AMERICAN INDIAN NAMES Igowam, same as Agawam. New England's Prospect. Wood, 1634. J Jabish River, Pelham, Hampshire Co. Jamaica (Plain), Suffolk, "a country abounding in springs." Jamaica Pond, Suffolk, "abundance of beavers." Indian Bulletin, 1867. K Kachewalunck Pond, Lunenburg. Vide Uncachewalunk. Kamesit tract, about South Pond, Plymouth. Katama, near Edgartown, Dukes Co. Katama Bay, near Edgartown, Dukes Co. Katama Point, near Edgartown, Dukes Co. Katamawick Island, "York Records" (Me.), Vol. 3, p. 114. Katayma Bay, Edgartown, Dukes Co. Vide Katama. Katamet, part of Sandwich. Vide Kitteaumut and Cataumet. Gookin. Katomucke Island, near Saconesset: one of Nashanow, or Eliza beth Islands. Kawamasohkakannit tract, Breakheart Hill. Plym. Rec. 1, 235. Keekamuit Neck, near Swansea, Bristol Co. Vide Kickemuit. Kekamanest spring, near Swansea. Plym. Rec. Vol. 5, p. 248. 1677. MASSACHUSETTS 113 Kekamaquag, near Woodstock. Kekamowadchaug. Derivation uncertain; possibly "quivering- hill land." Kekamoochaug, land about Dudley, Worcester Co. Probably similar to Chaubunakungomaug. Keketticut, same as Keticut, q. v. "On the great river," Eliot. Kenberma, Hull, Suffolk Co. Kenoza Lake, near Amesbury. Vide Canoza. "Pickerel." Kequassagansett, Gates Pond, Berlin. Vide Kekamowadchaug. Kestokas field, Nantucket. Deed, 1715. Ketaumet, part of Sandwich. Vide Cataumet. Gookin. Ketchiquut. Vide Keticut (near Middleborough). Ketchiqunt (Praying station.) Vide Titicut. 1698. Keticut, same as Keketticut. "On the great river." (Middle borough.) Keuterma.Kickemuit Neck, near Swansea, Bristol Co. Vide Keekamuit. Kickemuit, South Swansea. Bristol Co. Kisnop Creek, Berkshire, a corruption of "John Sconnoup," a Dutch settler. Kissacook Hill, in Westford. Dr. S. A. Green. Kitaumet. Vide Ketaumet. "The village of ponds." Kitteaumut.Kittituck, Blackstone or Nipmuck River "Great or principal river." Konkapot River, Stockbridge, Berkshire, named for Captain John Konkapot, chief of Stockbridge Indians, 1720. Konkapot Creek. 114 DICTIONARY OF AMERICAN INDIAN NAMES Konickey Cliff, Lambert's Cove. Koskata Head, "Cross Katy;" Nantucket. Dr. Benjamin Sharp. Vide Coskaty. Kowpiscowonkouett tract, near Weequancett. Plym. Rec. Vol. 1, 231. Kunckkiunckqualluck, near Hadley. "The rolling or upset land." H. A. Wright. Kunckquachu, Mount Toby. "High mountain." J. H. T. Kuppowonkunok, between Hadley and Barnet. "Close bend place," or "place shut in by a bend." Kuttatuck, Blackstone or Nipmuck River. "Great or principal river." Kuttutuck. Vide Kittituck. L Lakeutta, Nantucket. Deed, July 6th, 1751. Lashaway, outlet of Wickoboag Pond, West Brookfield. "Be tween." Vide Nashua and Nashaway. M. Maanexit River, source in Worcester Co. Vide Mayanexit. Maconesett Neck. Plym. Rec. Vol. IV, 131. (1666.) Mackatoy Island, Dartmouth. Plym. Rec. Vol. VI, p. 257. (1690-1.) Madaket Harbour, west end of Nantucket. Madequecham. Dr. B. Sharp. Maddequecham Pond, Nantucket. MASSACHUSETTS 115 Madaquet Harbour. Nantucket. Dr. Benjamin Sharp. Maddequet, Nantucket. Maddequet Harbour. Magaehnak Village, Sudbury. Middlesex. 1678. Magomiscock Hill, Milford; "grand-view place;" "great rock place or land." Magumkaquag, Hopkinton, "a place of great trees." Magunco Hill, west of Ashland, "a place of great trees." Maguncog, Hopkinton, "a place of great trees." Magunhog, Hopkinton, "a place of great trees." Magunhukquok, Hopkinton, "a place of great trees." Magunkook, Hopkinton, "a place of great trees." Magunkaquog, Hopkinton, originally Magwonkkomuk, "place of the gift," or "granted place." H-B. of A-I. 1, 786. Maguntaquog, modern form, "a place of great trees." Magus Hill, Needham; named for Magus, a sachem, who owned the land. Mahkeenac Lake, Stockbridge and Lenox. Mahmacheckomok, Prospect Hill, Harvard. (1656). Probably named for the great Catacoonamaug sachem. H. S. Nourse. Makamacheckamucks. Makewauma quest tract, Weequancett Neck, Plymouth Co. Plym. Rec. 1, 231. Maktepos, same as Mashpee, q. v. Mamachecomak. Vide Makamacheckamucks. Dr. S. A. Green. (1656.) Mamantapett River, Rehoboth. "Wading River." Wamsutta's deed, 1666. Mamattaquessett, or "Wading River," "north of Massapoag Pond," Norfolk. Suff. Rec. Vol. 7. 116 DICTIONARY OF AMERICAN INDIAN NAMES Mamre, Nantucket. Deed, 1690. Mamwhauge, Rehoboth, Bristol Co. Mana, Nantucket. Spotso's deed, 1692. Manamookeagin, Abington. "The place of many beavers." Manamooskeagin.Manamoiett, same as Monomoy, q. v. Chatham, Cape Cod. Manamoy. Manamoyet.Manamoyit.Manomoy.Maunamoitt.Mananduk? "Cedar-swamp." Vide "Indian Names of Boston." Horsford, 1886. Mananexit. Vide Mayanexit. Manatacat River, Braintree. Vide Monatiquot. Manaticut River, Braintree. Manatiquot River, Braintree, "a look-out place." Manatacat field, Braintree. Mass. Bay Col. Rec. 11, p. 40. Manchage, Sutton, Worcester Co. Vide Mauchaug. Manchaug Village, Sutton, Worcester Co. Manchaug Pond, Sutton, Worcester Co. Manchauge, Sutton, Worcester Co. Manchaugas, Sutton, Worcester Co. Mancuppic Lake, Lowell. Vide Mascuppic. Maneikshun, part of Plymouth. "Black ground." Winthrop. Manhan, Easthampton. Manhan River, Northampton. Vide Minhan, MASSACHUSETTS 117 Mannamit, part of Sandwich. Vide Manomet. Winthrop. Mannanpenokean Brook, running into Housatonic, at Sheffield. Mannimeed. Vide Mannamit. W. Wood, 1634. Manomet Point, Sandwich. Manomet Hill, Sandwich. Manomet Village, Sandwich. Manonscussett, Sandwich, same as Scussett, q. v. Mansikshan, Plymouth. "Blackground." Vide Maneikshun. Manskusseehoank mountain, Rattlesnake mountain, Stockbridge. Manthquohkoma Swamp, Weequancett Neck, Plymouth Co. Plym. Rec. 1, 231. Vide Muchquachema. Manwhauge Plain, South Rehoboth, Bristol Co. Maquan Lake, Hanson, Plymouth Co. Marshpee, Falmouth, Barnstable Co. "Standing water,"' or "great pond." Vide Mashpee. Masaksicke, Longmeadow, near Springfield. "Great meadow." Masaksick.Mascanomo, Manchester, Essex Co. Mascuppic Lake, Lowell. Vide Mancuppic. Mashamurket.Mashamugget Hill, Charlton. "At the great fishing place." Mashamugget. Vide Mashamoquet, Conn. Mashgmugget.Mashashinett tract, Weequancett Neck, Plymouth Co. Plym. Rec. 1, 231. » Mashawmut, Charlestown, Suffolk. Vide Mishaumut. Ogilby, 1671. 118 DICTIONARY OF AMERICAN INDIAN NAMES Mashepagocke Pond, near Salmon Brook, Dunstable. Mass. Bay Col. Rec, meaning probably "Bad Pond." Vide Massa- poag. Mashne Island, Manomet Bay. Mashnee.Mashomuk, Charlestown, Suffolk. Vide Mashawmut and Mish aumut. Mashpee, Falmouth, Barnstable Co. "Standing water "or "great pond." Vide Marshpee. Mashpoag, Sharon, Norfolk. "Great pond" or "Bad pond." Maspenock Pond, partly in Milford, Worcester Co., "choice fish ing place." Maspenock River, Mendon, Worcester Co., "choice fishing-place." Masquabamisk meadow, Quaboag: a bound-mark. Mass. H. S. Col. 1st, 1, 269. Masquatuck Creek, Nantucket. Deed, 1674. Vide Quayz. Mashquomah Swamp, near Assawompsett Neck. Plym. Rec. Vol. 1. Mashquomoh Swamp, near Assawompsett Neck. Plym. Rec. Vol. 1. Mashquttoohk (or Reod) River, Nantucket. Deed, Jan. 9, 1668. Mashquaponitib tract, Nantucket. Deed, Jan, 9, 1668. Masquanspust Pond, Dartmouth (Mattapoisett tract). Masquetuck, same as Quaise, q. v. Masqomcossick tract, Deerfield, Hampden Co. Rec. 1666. Masquomcossick. Deerfield. Masquomp, near Norwottock, Hampden Co. "Red rock," "red water," or "great rock." Masquopeck tract, Nantucket. Deed, 1687. MASSACHUSETTS 119 Massabequash, Marblehead, Essex Co. (or Forest River). Massachusetts. "At or about the great hill." J. H. T. The Rev. John Cotton, in 1708, defines Massachusetts as meaning "a hill in the form of an arrow-head," but Roger Williams says — "The Massachusetts were so-called from the Blue Hills." Vide Messatsoosec. Massachusetts Village, on Massachusetts Bay. Smith, 1614. Probably one of the chief settlements of the tribe of that name. Vide Messatsoosec. Massanamesit, Grafton, Worcester Co. Vide Hassanamesit. Massapanoh tract, near Middleborough. Massapoag Pond, Sharon, Groton and Lunenburg. Massapoag Pond, Dunstable, Middlesex. "Great," or prob ably, "bad pond." Massapoag Brook, Sharon, Norfolk. Massaquockummis Brook, Brookfield, Worcester Co. Vide Massequockummis. Mass. H. S. Col. Vol. 1. Massassoomineuk, near Sandwich, Plymouth Co. "Place of large cranberries." Massaugatucket River, Marshfield. "Great outlet of tidal river." Vide Missaugcatucket. Massequockummis, Brookfield, Worcester Co. "The little marshy meadow;" or "Another brook where meadow is:" a bound- mark. Mass. H. S. Col. 1st, Vol. 1, 269. Vide Massaquoc kummis. Masshapauge Pond, Lunenburg. Vide Massapoag. "Great pond" or probably "bad pond." Massick Island, Stott's Mills, Lowell. Massomuck, Wabaquasset village, 1700. Probably same as Mashamoquet, Massamugget, etc. Massqunnipash Pond, Mattapoiset. Vide Musqunnipash. 120 DICTIONARY OF AMERICAN INDIAN NAMES Maswasehi Mountain, Great Barrington ; "standing up nest." Matchapoxet Pond, near Chatham, Barnstable. Matchap quake, near Rochester. Matchuk meadows, Brookfield, Worcester Co. "Bad land." Matchuk Brook, name transferred from meadows. Matucksett Brook, near Taunton. Plym. Rec. Vol. 1, p. 242. Mastucksett Brook, bounding a tract between Aponett and Taun ton rivers. Mattabaget, near Hadley, Hampden Co. "The rock seeks the water." H. A. Wright. Mattacheese, Yarmouth, Barnstable. Vide Mattakeset. Mattachiest, Barnstable, Barnstable Co. Mattahquesett, Duxbury, Plymouth Co. Plym. Rec. 3, 142. Mattakeese, part of Yarmouth, Cape Cod. Winthrop. Mattakeesee, Yarmouth, Cape Cod. Mattakeesett Village, Duxbury, Plymouth Co. 16S5. Mattakeset, Dukes, part of Edgartown. Winthrop. Mattakeset, Pembroke, same as Mattacheese. Mattaomet meadow, Hatfield, Hampshire. Same as Capowonk, q. v. Mattaoolanick, Hatfield, Hampshire. "Land where the waters meet." H. A. Wright. Mattapan, Dorchester, Suffolk. "A sitting down place" (for rest after carrying). Mattapanock, Dorchester Neck, Suffolk. Mattapoisett, Plymouth Co. Vide Mattabesec, Conn. Mattapoiset. Possibly "a sitting down, or resting place after portage." 1622. MASSACHUSETTS 121 Mattapoisett River, Buzzard's Bay. "A place at a great rivulet or brook." S. G. B. Mattapoiset Neck, Swansea. Mattapoissett. Mattapuyst, same as Mattapoiset, q. v. 1622. Mattaquatcham, 1690. Mattaquitchame Pond, Nantucket. Deed, 1692. Mattkees, same as Mattakeese, Yarmouth. Mattaquason, Chatham. Mauchaug, Oxford, Worcester Co. Vide Manchaug. Barber, His torical Collections, 593. Maugus Hill, Needham, Norfolk ; same as Magus Hill, q. v. Maunamoitt, same as Monomay, q. v. Maunamuchoy meadow, near Mashpee. Vide Auntaanta. Plym. Rec. Maunipensing, same as Monponset, q. v. Mauswaseekhi, Monument Mountain, Berkshire. "Fisher's nest." Mayanexit River, source in Leicester, Worcester Co. Vide Conn. Meeshawn, Nauset village, Truro, Cape Cod, 1698. "Great neck." Megansett, at Dorchester. Megunko Hill, west of Ashland. Vide Magunco. Mehtukquaaumsett, near Marion, Plymouth Co. Plym. Rec. Vol. 1, p. 231. Memassacusett River, near Sandwich, Plymouth Co. Plym. Rec. Vol. 1, p. 134. Memenuckquage, Swansea, Bristol Co. Meminimisset Brook, near Brookfield, Worcester Co. Meminimisset. H. H. Mass. Vol. 1, 265. 122 DICTIONARY OF AMERICAN INDIAN NAMES Menamesick Brook, New Braintree, Worcester Co. Vide Weni- misset. Menameset villages. "Great Fishing-basket," or "Fishing Weir." Temple. Menemesseg, an Indian rendezvous in 167 j. Vide Meminimisset. Menauhant, Falmouth, Barnstable Co. Menchoisset, Rochester, Plymouth Co. Vide Monchauset. Menemsha, Dukes Co. Menemsha Pond, Dukes Co. Menemsha Bight, Dukes Co. Menomee Pond. Vide Monomonack, N. H. "Good grain, or seed." Menotonomy, Arlington (West Cambridge) . Menumesse, near New Braintree, Worcester Co. Mass. H. S. Col. VI, p. 205. Vide Menemesseg. Merrimack, Bradford, near Haverhill, Essex Co. Merrimack River, Haverhill. "Rapid water," or "deep, or pro found river." J. G. C. Merrimac.Messanegtacaneh, bound of Rehoboth. Wamsutta's deed, 1666. Meshmuskuchtekutt tract, Weequancett Neck, Plymouth Co. Plym. Rec. 1, 231. Messapoag, same as Massapoag, q. v. Messatsoosec,* (Massachusetts) — Bay of "The great hill's mouth,' ' — Charles River? Vide Massachusetts. Rasle. Messatsoosec Hill, near Squantum, Suffolk. Vide Massachusetts Village. Messatuag tract, near Marion, Plymouth Co. Plym. Rec. 1, 240. 1665. * Refer also to "Indian Names of Boston" Horsford. 1886. MASSACHUSETTS 123 Metewemesick, near Sturbridge, Worcester Co. "Place of black earth" (Plumbago), on Quaboag River. Roger Williams and W. Tooker (1643). Miacomet Pond, at Nantucket. Miacomit Village, at Nantucket. Mincomonk meadow, Hatfiefd, Hampshire; "over across land," or "land across the brook." H. A. Wright. Mincommuck meadow, Hatfield, Hampshire. Mingo Beach, Beverly, Essex Co. This name is said to have been that of an Indian. The Indian word means "treacherous." Minhan Island, mouth of Manhan River, q. v. "Island." Vide Munhan. Minotoquid River, Braintree. Mass. Bay Col. Rec. Vol. 1, p. 162. Minotiquid River, Braintree. Vide Manatiquot, 1636. Minnechaug, Wilbraham, Hampden Co. "Berry-land." Minnechoag. Minechoag Mountain, Ludlow, Hampden Co. Miramichi Pond, near Plainville, Norfolk. Miscoe Brook, Grafton, Worcester Co. Apparently a fragment of a name, probably the end of Hassanamisco. Miscoe Hill, Mendon, Worcester Co. Mishanegitaconett, Rehoboth, "near Pawtucket River." Wam sutta's deed. 1666. Mishaum Point, Dartmouth. Mishaum, Charles River, Norfolk. "Great Neck." Mishawum, Charlestown, Suffolk. "Great neck." Mishawum, Woburn, Middlesex. "Great neck." 124 DICTIONARY OF AMERICAN INDIAN NAMES Mishaumut, Charlestown. Wood, 1634. "Near the great neck." Deane (1822). "Near the great neck." Vide Mashawmut. Ogil by, 1671. Mishawumut, Charlestown. Misquamsqueece, near Scituate. Plym. Rec. Vol. 1, p. 96. Misquitucket Brook, near Wareham. "Red Brook." flows into Buttermilk Bay. Misquoc Hill, Mendon, Worcester Co. Vide Miscoe. Misquoe Hill, Mendon, Worcester Co. Vide Miscoe. Miskee Hill, Mendon, Worcester Co. Whitney. Vide Miscoe. Mistick, Maiden, Middlesex. Vide Mystic. Mistik Pond, at Winchester, Middlesex. "Great River." Mistick River, Maiden and Medford. "Great River." Missepaug, same as Massapoag, q. v. Missaucatucket River, Marshfield, Plymouth Co. Vide Massa- uga tucket. Missaugatucket River, Marshfield, Plymouth Co. "Great outlet of tidal river." Missaugcatucket River, Marshfield, Plymouth Co. "Great outlet of tidal river." Missogkonnog, Nipmuck village, Central Mass. Mass. H. S. Col. 1st, VI, 201. 1671. Moantuhcake Hill, Washacum, Worcester Co., occurs in a deed of 1689. Moantueake Hill, Shattuck Mss. Mocassin Brook, Phillipston, Worcester Co., "a shoe." Probably not so named by Indians. Moccason Brook, Phillipston, Worcester Co. MASSACHUSETTS 125 Mohawk Brook, North Brookfield, Worcester Co. Probably de rived from Mohawk tribe, — the name meaning "cannibals." Mohawk Hills, North Brookfield. Mohawk Brook, Stockbridge, Berkshire. Mohootset Pond, Carver, Plymouth Co. "The place of the owl." Molpus River, Lunenburg, Worcester Co. Vide Mulpus. Monadoc. Probably same as Monadnock. Vide N. H. W. W. Tooker. Vide Horsford "Indian names of Boston." Monamesset Neck, south of Harwich, Barnstable. Monamoyick Harbour, Orleans, Cape Cod. Vide Monomoy. Monatiquot River, Braintree, Norfolk. "A look-out place." Vide Manatiquot. Monchauset, Rochester, Plymouth Co. Vide Menchoisset. Monchauset tract, Rochester, Plymouth Co. Winthrop. Monechchan, Breakheart Hill, Plymouth Co. "Black bank." Monhiggon River, runs into Quisquaset Pond, near Middle borough. Monomac River, same as Merrimack River. H. H. Mass. Vol, 2, 343. Vide Monnomake, N. H. Monomonoc Pond, Winchendon, Worcester Co. Vide Wonom- onoc. Monomoy Point, Chatham, Cape Cod. Monomoy Island, Chatham, Cape Cod. Monomoy, Chatham, Cape Cod. Monomoy, Nantucket. Spotso's deed, 1692. Monomoyet, same as Monomoy, q. v. Monomoyett, same as Monomoy. Monomoyit, same as Monomoy. Vide Monamoyick. 126 DICTIONARY OF AMERICAN INDIAN NAMES Monoosmoc Brook, Leominster, Worcester Co. "Deep brook." Monoosnoc Hills. Vide Wainooset and Wahnoosnook. Monoosuck Hills, name transferred from brook. Moogunkawg, Hopkinton, Middlesex. Mass. H. S. Col. Vide Magunhog, etc. Moonascaulton Neck, near Sandwich? Plym. Rec. Vol. 1, p. 134. Moose Brook, Barre, Worcester Co. Mooskupka quant Spring, Pocasset ("Pawkeesett") Barnstable. Plym. Rec. Vol. 1, p. 241. Monponset, Halifax, Plymouth Co. Monponset Pond, Halifax, Plymouth Co. Monson, Hampden Co., said to have been a favourite resort of Indians, possibly Monsoni or "Moose people." Montague; Franklin Co. Indian territory so-named, 1753. Monuhchogog, a former Indian village at Oxford, Worcester Co., same as Manchaug, q. v. Eliot. Monument Mountain, Berkshire Co., of Indian origin : supposed to mark grave of first sachem. Moona, Nantucket. Dr. B. Sharp. Mosawquet tract, Nantucket. Deed, 1690. Moskituash Brook, near Rehoboth, Bristol Co. Mossonachud Hill, Leicester, Worcester. "At canoe-hill." Mount Wachusett, Princeton, Worcester. "Mountain-place." Moxisset? 1685. H. H. Mass. Vol. 1, p. 313. Probably derived from an Indian word signifying "a shoe" or "shoes." W. W. Tooker. Muchquachema Swamp, Weequancett Neck, Plymouth Co. Vide Manthquohkoma. Plym. Rec. Vol. 1, p. 231. Mugget Hill? Charlton, Worcester Co. Mulpus Brook, in Shirley. Dr. S. A. Green. MASSACHUSETTS 127 Munham Island, mouth of Manhan River, q. v. Hampden Co. Rec. Wright. Musehauge Swamp, Rutland, Worcester Co., a bound-mark. May mean "grass," or "bad land." Musshauge Swamp, Rutland, Worcester Co. Muschopauge, Rutland, Worcester Co. "Musk-rat Pond;" name transferred. Muscopauge Pond, Rutland, Worcester Co. "Musk-rat Pond." Muschopauge Pond, Rutland, Worcester Co. "Musk-rat Pond." Muscuppic Lake, Lowell, Middlesex. Vide Mascuppic. Muset Creek, Sandwich, Barnstable. Gookin. Mushauwomuk, Boston. "A ferry," or "canoe crossing:" literally, "where there is going by boat." Mushau-Womuk, Boston. "Canoe place," or "Ferry landing place." Muskapasesett tract, Weequancett Neck, Plymouth Co. Plym. Rec. Vol. 1, p. 231. Muskegat Island, Nantucket. Muskeget, Island, Nantucket. Muskeget Channel, Nantucket. Musketaquid, Concord, "a grassy brook." or "the grass-grown river." Winthrop. Musquapog. Vide Muschopauge. Musquashiat Pond, near Cohasset. Musquetequid, Concord, "a grassy brook;" or "the grass-grown river." Vide Musketaquid. Musqunnipash, part of Rochester. Vide Masqunnipash. Mussauwomineukonett tract, Weequancett Neck, Plymouth Co. Plym. Rec. Vol. 1, p. 231. 128 DICTIONARY OF AMERICAN INDIAN NAMES Musshauge Swamp, Rutland, Worcester Co., a bound-mark. May mean "grass," or "bad land." Vide Musehauge. Myacomet Pond, Nantucket. Deed, April 29, 1701. Mystic River, Medford, Middlesex. Mystic Pond, Winchester, Middlesex. Vide Mistick and Mistik. N Naamcoyicke tract, near Eastham, Barnstable. Plym. Rec. V, p. 39. 1670. Vide Naumkoyick. Naamhok, same as Naumkeag (Salem), q. v. Naamkeak, Lowell, Middlesex. "Eel-land." J. H. T. Nabnasset Pond, at Westfield, Hampden Co. Nacata, near Acushnet River, Bristol Co. Mass. H. S. Col. Nacommuck Brook, Brookfield, Worcester Co., "an enclosed point of land." Nahant, near Lynn, Essex Co. "At the point," or, according to some, "twin islands." Nahantum was name of one of local Indian chiefs. Nahanteau, Nahant, Essex Co. "At the point," or "twins." Nahapassumkeck village of Mass. tribe. H-B. of A-I. Vol, 1, 316. Nahteawamet Neck, Assawompsett, Middleborough. Nahudset River, near Middleborough. Nahum-keag, Salem, Essex Co. "Eel-land." J. H. T. Vide Naumkeag. Nahum-keke, Salem, Essex Co. "Eel-land." J. H. T. Nagog Pond, Littleton, Middlesex. Nagog hill, Littleton, Middlesex. Naggawoomcom Pond, Chauncey Pond, Westborough, Worcester Co. "Great Pond?" MASSACHUSETTS 129* Naltaug Brook, Warren, Worcester Co. Mass. H. S. Col. 1st, Vol. 1, p. 269. Vide Naultaug. Nallahamcomgon Brook, Bennet Brook, Northfield, same as Natanas, q. v. Hampden Co. Records. Wright. Namacock Neck, "near Ocinamunt Pond," — both lying off Pot- tanumacutt, Cape Cod. Vide Naaumkoyick. Namatakeeset, same as Mattakeeset, q. v. Mass. H. S. Col. 4th, V, p. 133., also H. H. Mass. Vol. 1, 313. Hinckley. Namaquacket, near Little Compton. Vide Nanaquakett, Namascheuck. Vide Namauasuck and Namasket. Namasket, Middleborough, Plymouth Co., "a place of fish." Namasket River, Middleborough, Plymouth Co., "a place of fish." Namassakeese River, Pembroke, Plymouth Co. Namatakeesett. Vide Wamappahesett. M. H. S. Col. 7, 2d, 278. Namasseket. Vide Namasket. Namauasuck. Vide Namasket. Namecot. Plym. Rec. Vol. VI, p. 197. 1686. Nameunkquassit, same as Namuwouxit, q. v. Namekeake, near Chelmsford, Middlesex. Gookin. Namkeg, Salem, Essex Co. Namshaket, Wellfleet, Barnstable Co., "a fishing-place." Namshaket Creek, Wellfleet, Barnstable Co., "a fishing-place." Namskeket, Wellfleet, Barnstable Co., "a fishing-place." Namununkset, same as Namuwouxit, q. v. Namuwarnuksit River, same as Namuwouxit. Namuwouxit River, near Bridgewater, Plymouth Co. Plym. Rec. Vol. 1, pp. 232-233. Nanajcoyijcus Pond, Harvard, Worcester Co. "An Indian earthen pot" or "dry pines." Vide Nonacoicus. 130 DICTIONARY OF AMERICAN INDIAN NAMES Nanahuma, Nantucket. Dr. B. Sharp. Nanakumas, part of Nantucket. Winthrop. .Nanahumack Neck, west end of Nantucket. Deed, 1671. Nanamesset Island, one of Elizabeth Islands. Vide Nanomesett. Nanantomqua meadows, Quaboag Pond: a bound-mark. Mass. H. S. Col. 1st, Vol. 1, p. 269. Nanaquakett, same as Pocasset. Vide also Namaquacket. Nun- naquacket, Nunnacket, etc. Nanepashemet, Marblehead Neck, so called from Nanepashemet, probably the last of the Naumkeag chief sachems. Nanomesett Island, Gosnold, Dukes Co. Vide Nonamesset. Nanomeeset Island. Nantasco, Plymouth Co. Nantasket, Plymouth Co. "Place of low-ebb tide." Nantican, one of Elizabeth Islands, Dukes Co. "York Records," Me. Nantomqua. Vide Nanantomqua. Nantucket Island; appears in maps as Natocko, in 1630. Vide Siasconset. "At the promontory (or point of land) in a river." Nanumackeuitt tract, east of Scituate, sold by Chickatawbut in 1668. Naotucke, Northampton, Hampshire. Vide Noatucke. Nor- k wottock and Nonotucke. Mass. Bay Col. Rec. Vol. 3, p. 360. Naphchecoy, Nantucket. "Round Head." Naponset, Suffolk. "He walks in his sleep ?" "As he is a rapid ?" "It is a good fall," — easily passed over by canoes. Vide Neponset. Naquag, extensive territory in Worcester Co., "an angle-point or corner." Naquog, Rutland, Worcester Co. MASSACHUSETTS 131 Narraganset Hill, south-west of Plymouth. Nasawtuck Hill, near Concord. Nasawtuk.Nashamoiess Village, Martha's Vineyard. 1659. Winthrop. Nashamoless, Edgartown, Dukes. Gookin. Nashanekammuck, Chilmark, Dukes Co. Nashanow Islands, same as Elizabeth Islands, near Falmouth. Nashaquitza, Nantucket. Nashaquitsa Pond. Nashaue-komuk, Chilmark, Martha's Vineyard. "Half-way house." Nashawa River, at Lancaster, Worcester Co. Nashaway, Lancaster, Worcester Co. "Between the branches of the river." Nashawake, Lancaster, Worcester Co. "Between the branches of the river." Nashaway River, Lancaster. Vide Watananock, Nashawa, etc. Nashawannuck, near Easthampton. Nashawog, Lancaster, Worcester Co. Vide Nashaway. "The land between." Nashawena, one of Elizabeth Islands. Nashayte, Nantucket. Dr. B. Sharp. Nashoba Brook, Acton, Middlesex. Nashobah, Littleton, Middlesex, (village and hill). Nashoba Brook, in Westford. Dr. S. A. Green. Nashoba Brook, Westfield, Hampden Co. Nashope, same as Nashoba (Littleton.) H. H. Mass. Vol. 1, p. 156. 132 DICTIONARY OF AMERICAN INDIAN NAMES Nashnakemmuck, Chilmark, Dukes Co. Vide Nashanekam muck. Nashquitse, Chilmark. Vide Nashaquitsa. Nashua River (arising from several sources, near Lancaster, Wor cester Co. Nashaue. Vide Nashaway. Nashuakemmink. Vide Nashnakemmuck. Nashwash, Lancaster, Worcester Co. Vide Nashaway. Win throp. Nasketucket, Fairhaven, Bristol Co. Nasketucket Bay, Fairhaven, Bristol Co. Winthrop. Nasnocomacack Village (Mass.). H-B. of A-I. Vol, 1, p. 816. Natanas Brook, same as Nallahamcomgon, q. v. Northfield. Natick, Middlesex Co. Derivation unsettled; some favour "a place of hills; others, "a clear place," etc. Mr. Tooker defines it as "The place of (our) search." Naticot, near Lowell or Chelmsford: same as Namekeake. S. G. D. p. 278. Natty Pond, Hubbardston, Worcester Co., a corruption. Natuckett, same as Nantucket. Mass. Bay Col. Rec. Vol. IV, p. 199. Naugus Head, Marblehead shore. Naukeag Ponds, Ashburnham, Worcester Co., "sandy land" or "soft earth," name transferred from land. Naukheag. Naultaug, same as Naltaug, q. v. Naumkeag, Salem, Essex Co. "Eel-land." J. H. T. Naumkeek, Salem, Essex Co. "Eel-land." Naumkuk, Salem, Essex Co. "Eel-land." MASSACHUSETTS 133 Naumkoyick Neck, west of Orleans River, Barnstable. Naumkoyick Creek, south of Orleans River. Vide Naamcoyicke. Naumosaukusset River, near Bridgewater. Vide Namuwouxit. Naumox tract, west of East Pepperell road. Name of a chief. Dr. S. A. Green. Nauset, Eastham, Cape Cod. Nauset Beach, Eastham, Cape Cod. Naushaun Island, Gosnold, Dukes. Naushon Island, Gosnold, Dukes. Nawottok, Hadley, Hampden Co. "In the middle of the river." Vide Norwottock, Noatucke, etc. Judd's History of Hadley. Nayassett, near Agawam, Springfield, "where there is a corner." Hampden Co. Rec. H. A. Wright. Nayyagg, near Easthampton, Hampden Co. "Point of land." or "At the point." H- A. Wright. Nayyocossick tract, Deerfield, Hampden Co. Rec. February, 1666. Neckatay River, near Dartmouth, Bristol Co. Vide Nokatay. Neesepegesuck Ponds, Ashby, Middlesex. Name taken from brook. Neesepegesuck Brook, "Two bond brook." Neeseponsonset Pond, Dana, Worcester Co. "Near two ponds." Nekatatacouek tract, Assawompsett. Nemoset Mountain, Ashby, Middlesex: may be "near the fishing- place." Nemunuxet River, same as Namuwouxit, q. v. Nepassooenegg Brook, Mohawk Brook, near Hadley, Hampden Co. Nepesoneag Brook, Mohawk Brook, Sunderland, Hampden Co. Vide Nepassooenegg. 134 DICTIONARY OF AMERICAN INDIAN NAMES Neponset, Suffolk; "He walks in his sleep?" "As he is a rapid?" "It is a good fall," — easily passed over by canoes. Vide Na- ponset. Nepsuchnit. Mass. Bay Col. Rec. Vol. 5, p. 97. Nichewaug, Petersham, Worcester Co., possibly the same as Nashaway, q. v. Nichewoag. Nichmug River, near Grafton, Worcester Co. Vide Nipmuck. Nimpanickhickanuh, Chilmark, Martha's Vineyard. "The place of thunder clefts." Mayhew. Ninipoket, near Middleborough, Plymouth Co. Nipmuck, Mendon, Worcester Co. "Fresh-water fishing place." J. H. T. Name of tribe in Central Mass. Vide "Tribes." Nipmuck River, the Blackstone River, Worcester Co. Nipmuck Pond, Mendon, Worcester Co. Nipmug, same as Nipmuck. Nipmug, name of land in vicinity of Mendon, Worcester Co. Nipnapp River, Quinsigamond, Worcester Co. Nipnet River, same as Nipmuck River, "a place of water;" "well watered." J. H. T. Nippahonset Pond, Raynham, Bristol Co. Nippahonsit. Nippaniquet Pond, Raynham, Bristol Co. Vide Nippenicket. Nippaniquit.Nippenicket Pond, Raynham, Bristol Co., same as Nippaniquet, q. v. Nissitisset River, Pepperell, Middlesex. Vide N. H. Nissitisset Hill, Pepperell, Middlesex. MASSACHUSETTS 135 Nitchawog, Petersham, Worcester Co. "The land between." Vide Nashaway. Noanat Brook, near Natick. Noatucke, Northampton, Hampshire. Vide Naotucke, Nor- wottock and Nonotucke, Mass. Bay Col. Rec. Vol. 3, 360. Nobadeer Pond, Nantucket. Nobska Hill, Falmouth, Barnstable Co. Nobscot Hill, Sudbury, Middlesex. Nobscusset, Dennis, Cape Cod. Nobscusset Point, Dennis, Cape Cod. Nobsquassit, Yarmouth, Barnstable Co. Nockege Brook, Ashburnham, Worcester Co. Vide Naukeag. Nookagee Brook, Ashburnham, Worcester Co. Nookagu Brook, Ashburnham, Worcester Co. Nohono, at Martha's Vineyard. Nokatay Island, near Dartmouth, Bristol Co. Vide Neckatay. Nonacoicus Brook, Harvard, Worcester Co. Mass. H. S. Col. 2d, Vol. 8, 209, etc. Nonacoicus Pond, "An earthen pot," or "dry pines." | Nonacoike. Mass. Bay Col. Rec. Vol. 4, p. 132. Nonacoicus Brook, in Ayer: also a tract in Groton. Vide Coicus. Dr. S. A. Green. Nonamesset, one of Elizabeth Islands; Gosnold, Dukes Co. Nonandem, same as Nonantum, q. v. Mass. H. S. Col. Nonantum, New Cambridge or Newton. "I rejoice," or "I am well-minded." J. H. T. Nonantum Hill, Brighton, Middlesex. Nonotuck, Northampton, Hampshire. "In the middle of the river." Vide Norwottock. 136 DICTIONARY OF AMERICAN INDIAN NAMES Nonotuck Mountain, Northampton, Hampshire. This word occurs in many forms. Nonotucke, same as Nonotuck, Norwottock, Noatucke etc. Nonquit.Nonquitt, Bristol Co. Nookagee Brook, Ashburnham, Worcester Co. Vide Nockege. Noonanetum, Newton; same as Nonantum. "Rejoicing?" H. H. Mass. Vol. 1, p. 153. Noonantomen, Newton. Vide Nonantum. Noosnippi Pond. "Beaver water or pond." Vide Annisnippi. Nope, Martha's Vineyard: so-called by Indians in 1642. S. G. D. Noquochoke Lake, New Bedford. Norwootuck, Hadley, Hampshire. Mass. Bay Col. Rec. Vol. 3, 415, 430. Norwottock, Hadley, Hampden Co. "Far away land," H. A. Wright, or "In the middle of the river." Judd. Norwottock Mountain, Hampden Co. Nosset, same as Nauset. Plym. Rec. Nosska Point, Falmouth, Barnstable. Vide Nobska. Noycoy, near Hadley, Hampden Co. "It is soft" (soil). H. A. Wright. Nubanussuck Pond, in Westford. Dr. S. A. Green. Nucksisset, Pinguine Hole, "near Wenamett sea." Vide Pen- guine. Plym. Rec. V. 97. Numpaug, Edgartown, Martha's Vineyard, same as Nunnepoag, q. v. Nunecoicus Pond, Harvard. Vide Nonacoicus, "an earthen pot," or "dry pines." MASSACHUSETTS 137 Nunketest River, Bridgewater, Plymouth Co. Nunketetest River, Bridgewater, Plymouth Co. Nunnacket, same as Pocasset Neck, q. v. Nunnaquaquett Neck, near Little Compton. Vide Namaquacket. Nunnaquoquitt Neck, Pocasset. Vide Namaquacket. Nunnaquacket Neck, Pocasset. Nunnepoag Pond, Edgartown, Martha's Vineyard. "Fresh pond.' ' Nunnepoag Village, Edgartown, Martha's Vineyard. o Occowa tract, Nantucket, 1752. Vide Orkawa. Ocinamunt Pond, Eastham, Cape Cod. Ockoocangansett Hill, Marlborough; — was an Indian planting- field. Ocsechoxit. Vide Woonsechocksett. Oggawame, part of Nantucket. Ogguonikongquamesut, Marlborough. "Praying town." Vide Ockoocangansett . Ogkoonhquonkam, same as Ogguonikongquamesut, q. v. Ogkoontequonkamis, same as Ogguonikongquamesut, q. v. Mass. Bay Col. Rec. Vol. 4, 192. Oguoinkongquamescit Hill. Mass. Bay Col. Rec. Vol. 4, 363. Ohkonkemme, Tisbury, Martha's Vineyard. Okommakemesit, Marlborough, Middlesex. Okormaw, Nantucket. Dr. B. Sharp. Onkatomka, one of Elizabeth Islands, Dukes Co. Vide Unkateme. Onkawoom, Nantucket. Record, June 5th, 1752. 138 DICTIONARY OF AMERICAN INDIAN NAMES Onkowam tract, near Onset. Plymouth Co. Plym. Rec. Vol, 1, p. 240. Onota Lake, at Pittsfield, Berkshire. Onset, Plymouth Co. Onset Bay, Plymouth Co. Ontset Island, Plymouth Co. Orkawa tract, Nantucket, 1751. Vide Occowa. Osceola mountain, Richmond, Berkshire. Oukote, Milton, Norfolk. "Place of Hills." Vide Unquity-quisset. H. H. Mass. 1, 156. Oungomkos, part of tract at Wasqakage, q. v. Indian deed, 1671. "Place over across?" Wright. Ousatunick. Vide Housatonic. Ouschankamaug, Windsor, Berkshire. Winthrop. Ouschanpamaug, Windsor, Berkshire. Vide Washakamaug. I Pacamakicke, Elizabeth Islands. "York Records," Me., Vol. 3, p. 130. Pacatuck Brook, West Springfield, Hampden Co. Vide Pau- catuck. Pachade village, near Middleborough, Cotton, 1703. A-I. H-B. Vol 11. Pachage Neck , between Namasket River and brook falling into Teticut River. Vide Ptchade. Pachamaquast tract, near Assawompsett. Plym. Rec. Vol. 1, p. 229. Pachaug Neck, Taunton River. "A turning place." MASSACHUSETTS 139 Pachuach, Easthampton, Hampden Co. " Turning off place." Vide Pascomuck and Pasacomuck. H. A. Wright. Pachawesit Neck, near Pocassett. Gookin. Pacheweset, Sandwich. Vide Chepachewest. Pachest tract, near Assawompsett. Plym. Rec. Vol. 1, 229. Pachet Brook? Vide Pochet. Packachoag Hill, Worcester city. Probably means "a turning place." Packachoog Hill, Worcester city. Vide Packachoag and Bog- gachoag. Pakachoog Hill. There are many forms of these names. Packwake Gorge, Housatonic River, Berkshire. "Bend" or "elbow." Pakanokick. Same as Pokanoket, q. v. Pacummohquah Neck. Nantucket. 1662. Pakemitt, Stoughton. Vide Punkapoag. Pamanset River, Dartmouth, Bristol Co. Pamansit River, New Bedford, Bristol Co. Pamaquesicke, Chicopee River, Hampshire. Mass. Bay Col. Rec. 4, pt. 2, 436. Pampaspised River, near Sandwich, Barnstable. Plym. Rec. 4, p. 3. 1661. Pamet, Truro, Cape Cod. Eastham and Wellfleet originally in cluded Pamet and Skeekeek. Vide Skeekeek. Pamet River, Truro, Cape Cod. Pawmet, Truro, Cape Cod. Vide Pamet .Pawmet River, Truro, Cape Cod. Vide Pamet. Pametoopauksett Swamp. Plym. Rec. vol. 4, p. 3. 1661. 140 DICTIONARY OF AMERICAN INDIAN NAMES Panhanet, near Rochester, Plymouth Co. Panoket Island, Manomet Bay. "Little land." Panomescett Neck, near Dartmouth, Bristol Co. Plym. Rec. Vol. 6, p. 97. Papacontucksquash, Miller's River, Montague, Hampden Co. Hampden Co. Pec. H. A. Wright. Paquonckquamaug Lake, Belchertown, Hampshire. "At the shallow lake." H. A. Wright. Pasacomuck, Easthampton, Hampshire. "Place where the road forks." H. A. Wright. Pascomuck. Easthampton, Hampshire. Winthrop. Pasamasatuate tract, near Assowompsett. Plym. Rec. vol. 1, p. 229. Pascomansett Neck, near Dartmouth, Bristol Co. Pascomanset River. Vide Pamansit. Pascamanset River. Plym. Rec. Jud'l II, 166. '¦' Paskesickquopoh Pond, Belchertown, Hampshire. "The branch ing pond." Wright. Paskhommuck, Mount Tom, Northampton, Hampshire. Pasocha Valley, Nantucket, Deed, July 1st, 1690. Pasquenese, one of Elizabeth Islands, Dukes. Vide Penikese. Passonagesit, near Weymouth, Norfolk, "of which Chickatawbut was sachem." T. Morton, New Canaan pp. 106-7. 1637. Passuntquanuncke Neck, South Sea, Barnstable Co. Plym. Rec. Vol. 4, p. 189. 1668. Patackosi, Town Brook, Plymouth. "Narrow." Patantatonet, near Rochester, Plymouth Co. Patopacassett Pond, Breakheart Hill, Plymouth. Plym. Rec. Vol. 1, p. 235. MASSACHUSETTS 141 Patoompacksicke Pond and tract, Breakheart Hill, Plymouth. Patoompawsicke Pond. Vide Patopacassett. Plvm. Rec. Vol. 1, p. 226. (1674). Pattaquattic Ponds, Palmer, Hampden Co. Pattaquattic Hill. Patucket Falls, Connecticut River, South Hadley. Patuxet, Plymouth. "At the little falls," Paucatuck Brook, West Springfield, Hampden Co. Paucomptucke, Deerfield, Franklin Co. Vide Pocomtuck, (1673). Mass. Bay Col. Rec. Vol. 4, part 2, 558. Paugus, Middlesex. Pauhunganuck Brook, Agawam, Springfield. "Land of the mill." H. A. Wright, Pauketucke. Suffolk Co. Mass. Bay Col, Rec. Vol. 4, p. 435. Paukokoesseke, near Wequancett Neck, Plymouth Co., Plym. Rec. Vol. 1, p. 231. Paukopunnakuk Hill, Breakheart Hill, Plymouth. Vide Pockap- punnakaak. Paupakquamcook Pond. "The double pond or fishing place." Paupogquinog Pond. Vide Paupasquachuke, Conn. Pausatuke neck. Plym. Rec. Vol. 4, p. 128. Pautage, West Brookfield, Worcester Co. "Jutting land." Pawhikchatt River, near Marion, Plymouth Co. Plym. Rec. 1, p. 231 Pawkamauket ("King Philip's" spelling, September, 1670.) Same as Pokanoket, q. v. Pawkeesett, same as Pocasset q. v. Pawkunnawkutt, same as Pokanoket, q. v. Pawmet. Truro, Barnstable. Same as Pamet, q. v. 142 DICTIONARY OF AMERICAN INDIAN NAMES Pawmet River, Truro, Barnstable. Same as Pamet. Pawpocsit, Barnstable. Vide Popponessett. Pawpoesit, Barnstable, near Mashpee. Gookin. Pawtucket, Chelmsford, Middlesex. i ¦ Pawtucket Falls, Lowell, on the Merrimack River. "At the falls." J. H. T. Pawtucket Falls, Westfield, on the Westfield River, Hampden. Payquage, Athol, Worcester Co. Same as Poquaig, q. v. Payquage River, Athol, Worcester Co., same as Poquaig q. v. Pecowsic, near Springfield, Hampden Co. Peedee, Nantucket. Dr. B. Sharp. Peeskhamnet Brook, near Teticut River. Pegan Hill, Natick. Old map. Peguusset, Watertown, Middlesex. Vide Pigsgusset. "Where the narrows open out." Pekenut, Stoughton, Norfolk. Vide Pakemitt and Pequimmit. Pemamachuwatunch Mountain, Deerfield, Franklin Co. "At the twisted mountain; Sheldon: History of Deerfield, Vol. 1, p. 29. Penacook, part of Nashua River, Lancaster, "a crooked place." Penecuck, part of Nashua River, Lancaster, "a crooked place." Penecook, part of Nashua River, Lancaster, "a crooked place." Penakese, one of Elizabeth Islands, Dukes. "Sloping land." Vide Penikese. Penguine Hole, near Manomet. Mass. Bay Col. Rec. 4, p. 1 19 (1666). Penikese. Vide Penakese. Penkese Island, in Monomonack Lake, Winchendcn, Worcester Co. Vide Penakese, probably "sloping land." MASSACHUSETTS 143 Penticutt, Haverhill, Essex, same as Pentucket. Pentucket, Haverhill, Essex. "At the crooked river." Pentucket Pond, Georgetown, Essex. Pequag, Indian name for Athol, Worcester Co. Vide Payquage. Pequiog, Indian name for Athol, Worcester Co. "Cleared, or broken, land." Pequimmit, Stoughton, Norfolk: same as Pekenut and Pake- mitt, q. v. Vide Poquaig. Pequod, Wayland, Middlesex. Perquanapaqua, Lenox, Berkshire. "Lake of the still water." Peshchameeset Island, one of Elizabeth Islands, near Falmouth. Plym. Rec. Vol. VI, p. 22 (1679). Petapawag, Groton, Middlesex, same as Petaupauket, q. v. Petapawage, Groton, Middlesex, "Boggy meadow," or "miry land." Petapawage River, Groton. Mass. Bay Col. Rec. Vol. 3, 388. Petaupauket, Groton, Middlesex. Petho-Pogsett tract, near Wequancett Neck, Plymouth Co. Plym. Rec. Vol. 1, p. 231. Petowamacha Hills, Hadley, Hampden Co. Rec. Wright. Petowomuchu Hills, Hadley, Hampden. Petowwag, Easthampton, Hampden Co. "The land from where the water flows to us." Wright. Pewonganuck River, Northampton, Hampden Co. "Mill River." Wright. Pewongenung River, Northampton, Hampden Co. "Mill River." Wright. Picosick, Longmeadow. Vide Pecowsic. 144 DICTIONARY OF AMERICAN INDIAN NAMES Pigsgusset, Watertown, Middlesex. Vide Peguusset. Pimesepoese River, Manomet River, Plymouth Co. 1622. "Pro vision rivulet." Mass. H. S. Col. 2d, Vol. 3. Pinguine Hole, near Manomet. Pispogutt, in Wareham, Plymouth. Gookin. Pitchawam swamp, Granby, Hampshire. Pitchawamache swamp, Granby, Hampshire. Pitchuoohutt tract, near Marion, Plymouth Co. Plym. Rec. 1, p. 231. Poatpos creek, Nantucket, 16S4. Pocasset Village, Sandwich, Barnstable Co., "where a strait widens out." Pocasset River, Sandwich, Barnstable Co., "where a strait widens out." Pochasuck, Westfield, Hampden Co. Vide Pochassic and Poya- sacke, "where the narrows open out." Wright. Pochassic Hill, at Westfield, Hampden Co. Vide Pochasuck. Pochet Neck, near Orleans, Barnstable. Vide Pachet. Pochet Island, near Orleans, Barnstable. Pochik rip, off Siasconset, Nantucket. Dr. Benjamin Sharp. Pochoboquett, near Middleborough, Plymouth Co. Pochoke, part of tract at Wasqakage, q. v. Indian deed, 1671. Probably "a turning off place." Wright. Pochuppunnakaak tract, Breakheart Hill, Plymouth. Vide Paukopunnakuk Plym. Rec. 1, p. 235. Pocksha Pond, Lakeville, Plymouth Co. Pocomo Head, Nantucket. Pocopawmet village, old village of Mass. tribe. Pocomtakuke. Mass. H. S. Col. 1st, Vol. 1, p. 148. MASSACHUSETTS 145 Pocomtuck, Deerfield, Franklin Co. Pocomtuck Rock, Deerfield, Franklin Co. Pocumtuck Mountain, Charlemont, Franklin Co. Podpis, Nantucket. Vide Polpis. Mass. H. S. Col. Podunk tract, North Brookfield, Worcester Co. Podunk Pond, North Brookfield. "Place of burning." Temple. Poekquamscutt, near Wequancett neck, Plymouth Co. Plym. Rec. Vol. 1, p. 231. Poge, Cape, Chappaquiddick Island, Edgartown, Dukes. "Har bour," or "place of shelter." Pohpossegoquohockegge Brook, near mouth of Concord River, Billerica. Pohpossegosquohockegge Brook. Vide Popessgosquockegg. Suf folk Rec. Poggotossuc, Endfield Plantation, east of Connecticut River. Hampden Co. Rec. A-B. 39. "A hollow." Pojassick, Deerfield, Franklin Co. Vide Pochasuck. Pokamquoh Neck, Nantucket. Deed, July 19th, 1673. Pokanoket, Bristol. Favourite hunting-ground of King Philip. "The wood or land on the other side of the water." Pokesset, part of Sandwich, Barnstable Co. Vide Pocasset. Winthrop. Polpis, Nantucket. Polpis Harbour, Nantucket. Polyganset, Dartmouth, Bristol Co. Vide Ponaganset and Ap- ponaganset. Douglass' Summary, Vol. 1, p. 403. Pomagusset Brook, Rutland, Worcester Co. Pomposeticut, Stow, Middlesex. Pompositicut, Stow, Middlesex. 146 DICTIONARY OF AMERICAN INDIAN NAMES Pompositicut Hill, Stow, Middlesex. Pompositicut tract, Stow, Middlesex. Ponaganset, Dartmouth, Bristol Co. Vide Polyganset and Ap- ponaganset. Poncammooncoe Neck, Nantucket. Vide Pacummohquah. Poniken, Lancaster, Worcester Co., possibly from Panoquin, a Narraganset who, with others, raided Lancaster, in 1675. Vide Quassaponikin ; may mean "the place of the ford." Ponikin Hill, Charlton, Worcester Co. Ponikin Village, Lancaster, Worcester Co. Ponkapog. Vide Punkapog and Punkapoag. Ponnakin Hill. Vide Poniken. Pononokamit, Wellfleet, Barnstable Co. Vide Punonakanit. Pontoosuc Lake, Lanesborough, Berkshire. Pontoosuc, Pittsfield, Berkshire. Pontoosuc River, Pittsfield, Berkshire. "Falls on the brook." Pontoosuc, Plainfield, Hampshire. Pontpetsicke tract? Suff. Rec. 6, Vol. 7. Poohookapog Pond, Sturbridge, Worcester Co. "Cat's Pond." Pookhookappog Pond. Poohpoohsaug.Poontoosuck, same as Pontoosuc, q. v. Popessgosquockegg, at mouth of Concord River. 1671. Mass. Bay Col. Rec. Vol. IV, part 2, p. 57. Popoloup Island, Monomonack Lake, Winchendon, Worcester Co. Popos Neck, near Marion, Plymouth Co. Popponesset, part of Mashpee, Barnstable Co. Winthrop. Poppdnesset Bay, near Mashpee, Barnstable Co. MASSACHUSETTS 147 Poquaig, Athol, Worcester Co. "Cleared land," or "an open place." Vide Payquage, Pequag and Pequiog. J. H. T. Poquomock Neck, east end of Nantucket. Deed, 1671. Same as Pacummoquah, q. v. ; Porchcommock Pond, near Chatham, Barnstable Co. Potcomet tract, Nantucket. Vide Pottacohannet. Potanumaquut Harbour, Cape Cod. Vide Pottanumacutt. Potanumsqunt Village (Nauset). Cape Cod. Vide Pottanuma cutt. Potebaug. Vide Potepaug. Potenumacut, Eastham, Cape Cod. Vide Pottanumacutt. Potepog. Potepaug stream, Brookfield, Worcester Co. Potepaug meadow, Brookfield, Worcester Co., "marshy or damp land" — derived from tract, — or may be a contraction for "Pootikookuppogg Indians" who lived in the neighborhood. L. B. Chase. Potowhommet, Warwick, Franklin Co. Pottacohannet tract, Nantucket, same as Potcomet, q. v. Pottanumacutt Harbour, Eastham, Cape Cod. Pottanumaquate Neck, Eastham, Cape Cod. Pottapaug Hill, Dana, Worcester Co. Name derived from pond. Pottapoag Pond, Dana. "A bulging out or jutting" of the water, inland. Potapoag, near Quacumquasset Lake, Worcester Co. J. H. T. Pottapoug Hill, Dana, Worcester Co. Pottapoug Pond, Dana, Worcester Co. 148 DICTIONARY OF AMERICAN INDIAN NAMES Potumska, at New Bedford, Bristol. Poucha Pond, near Chappaquiddick, Dukes. Powisset, Indian village, near Dedham. Poughkeeste, same as Pocasset, q. v. Powwow River, Gardner, near Amesbury, Essex. Powwow Hill, near Amesbury, Essex. Poyassacke, near Westfield, Hampden Co. 1671. Mass. Bay Col. Rec. Vol. IV, part 2, p. 504. Ptchade Neck. Vide Pachage. Puckcommegon River, Green River, Deerfield, Hampden Co. Rec. A. 8. Pukcommeagon River, Green River, Deerfield. Hatmpden Co. Rec. A. 8. Pumpisset, part of Sandwich, Barnstable Co. Winthrop. Pumspisset, "near Herring Pond, two miles up Manunat River." Gookin. Punkapoag, Canton, Norfolk Co. Punkapoag Pond, at Canton, Norfolk Co. "A spring that bub- blesupfrom red soil," "sweet water." "Shallow pond." Gerard. Vide Ponkapog. Punkapog Pond, at Canton, Norfolk Co. Punkatasset Hill, near Concord, Middlesex. Vide Punkatesset. Punkateese Hill, near Concord, Middlesex. Punkateesit Neck, near Concord, Middlesex. Punkatesset Hill, near Concord, Middlesex. Punonkanit, Wellfleet, Barnstable Co. Vide Pononokamit. MASSACHUSETTS 149 Q QuabaConk, same as Quaboag, Brookfield, Worcester Co., q. v. Quaboag signifies "Red-water place or pond, "Temple : or may , mean land "before the pond," or "the pond before" — some Other pond or tract of land. J. H. T. Many forms of this word are found in early deeds and literature. Vide Queboag. Quabacutt. A Quabakonk. Quabagud (1649). Quabauk.Quabbacutt. Quabin, Greenwich, Hampshire. Quabbin Lake, Greenwich, Hampshire. "Many waters." Quabbin Mountain, Greenwich, Hampshire, "named after famous Indian sachem." Quaboag, Brookfield, Worcester Co., land "before the pond,' or "pond before" some other pond or tract. J. H. T. Vide Quabaconk. Quaboag River, Brookfield, Worcester Co. Quaboag Pond, Brookfield, Worcester Co. "Red-water place, or pond." Temple. Quacumouasit Pond, near Sturbridge, Worcester Co., possibly derived from name of Quacunquasit, a sachem of Quaboag. Quacumquasset Lake, south of Brookfield, Worcester Co. Vide Quacumouasit. Quacumquaset Lake, south of Brookfield, Worcester Co. Quaddick. Vide Pattaquottuck. Quag Pond, Gardner, Worcester Co. "Pine-tree land." Quagana Hill, at Littleton, Middlesex. Quahmsit (Nip.). Vide Quamquisset, Quantisset, etc. 150 DICTIONARY OF AMERICAN INDIAN NAMES Quamakechett Tokopisset tract, near Assawompsett. Plym. Rec. 1, 229. Quamquisset Harbour, at Falmouth. Vide Quahmisit. S. G. D. Book 3, p. 88. Quana, near Agawam, Springfield, Hampden Co. Quanaconwampith, near Onset, Plymouth Co. Plym. Rec, Vol. 1, p. 240. Quanatock, Miller's Brook, Northfield, Hampden Co. Quanatusset, Woodstock, Praying-town. Vide Conn. H. H. Mass. 1, 157. Vide also, Quantisset. Quannapowitt, Wakefield, Middlesex. Quannapowitt Lake, Wakefield, Middlesex. Quanesusset tract, near Mayanexit. Mass. Bay Col. Rec. V, 488 (1689). Quanhiggin River, Mass. Bay Col. Rec. Vol. 3, p. 330. Quanitick, Rutland, Worcester Co., a bound-mark, meaning possibly, "a tall, or long tree." Quanpaukoessett tract, Wequancett, Plymouth Co. Plym. Rec. 1, 231. Vide Paukohoesseke. Quanset Cove, Manomet Bay, Wareham side. Quansit Cove, Manomet Bay, Wareham side. Winthrop. Quansigomog, Hopkinton, Middlesex Co. Vide Quinsigamond. Quantisset, same as Quanatusset, q. v. Vide also Quateseck, Quatiske, and Quatesicke. Vide Conn. Quanumpacke swamp, near Dartmouth — Mattapoiset tract. Plym. Rec. Vol. 1, p. 225 (1673). Quapaukuk, Queensborough, Berkshire. Wright. Quaquoountuck, near Granby, Hampshire, Hampden Co. Rec. A. 8. "The shaking-marsh creek." H. A. Wright. MASSACHUSETTS 151 Quasapauge, Mendon, Worcester Co. "Pickerel Pond." J. H. T, Quascacunquen, Newbury, Essex. Quascacunquen Falls, near Byfield, Essex. Quashnet River, at Mashpee, Barnstable Co. Quassaponikin Hill, Lancaster, Worcester Co. Vide Ponikin. "At the greatest fording-place." Quassink, Hampden Co. "Stony place." Hampden Co. Rec. Wright. Quassink Pond, Sturbridge, Worcester Co. Quassuck Pond, Sturbridge, Worcester Co. "The largest out let." J. H. T. Quateseck, Mass. Bay Col. Rec. Vol. 5, p. 426. Quatesecke. Mass. Bay Col. Rec. Vol. 4, 2d part, pp. 357-8. Vide Quatissik. Quatiske. Mass. Bay Col. Rec. Vol. 4, 2d part, p. 357. Quatissik, Mass. Bay Col. Rec. Vol. 4, 2d part, p. 386. Quayz, Nantucket. "Reed-land." Mass. H. S. Col. Quaise, same as Masquetuck, q. v. Dr. Benjamin Sharp. Queachick, Andover. Vide Cochichawick. Quebaog. Vide Quaboag. Queboag. Vide Quaboag. Quoboag. Vide Quaboag. Quenamet Neck, South Sea, Barnstable Co. Plym. Rec. Vol. 5, p. 37. Quenaumett, near Passuntquanuncke Neck. Plym. Rec. Vol. 4, p. 189. (1668.) Quenibeck, Rutland, Worcester Co. "Long still water." Vide Quanitick. 152 DICTIONARY OF AMERICAN INDIAN NAMES Quequechan, Fall River, Bristol Co. "Quick running water." Quequeteant, Fall River, Bristol Co. Quetaquas Island, near Assowompsett. Plym. Rec. V 1SS. Vide Quittacus. Queta quash River, Middleborough, Plymouth Co. Vide Quit tacus. Quetequas Hills, Rochester, Plymouth Co. Vide Quittacus. Quichechacke, Andover, Essex. Vide Cochickowick. Quichichwick, Andover, Essex. Vide Cochickowick. Vide Historical Sketches of Andover; S. L. Bailey. Quidnet, Nantucket. Dr. Benjamin Sharp. Quillicksqu, Longmeadow, Hampden Co., "mixed, or marshy land." Quinabaag River, Brimfield, Worcester Co., same as Quinebaug, q. v. "Long Pond." Quinackquck, near Nonotuck, Hampden Co. "High land." Wright. Quinapaug, same as Quinebaug, Suffolk Rec. 268, 270, 271. Vol. Ill, 1664. Quinebaug River, Brimfield, Worcester Co. "Long Pond." Quineboag River, Brimfield, Worcester Co. "Long Pond." Quinibaug River, Brimfield, Worcester Co. Winthrop. Qunnubbage River, Brimfield, Worcester Co. Governor Endicott, 1651. Quinibequy River, Charles River. Vide Kennebec, Me. The name was transferred from Maine to Cambridge by Prince Charles, — the names being synonymous with dialectic modi fications. Quinnebeque River. Quinobequin River, Charles River. Quinnebequin River, Charles River. MASSACHUSETTS 153 Quinnebaug River, same as Quinebaug, q. v. "Long Pond." Quinnepoxet River, Holden, Worcester Co. Quinnepoxet Pond, Holden, Worcester Co. "At the little long pond." Quinnepoxet Village, Holden, Worcester Co. Quinobequin, at Medway, Norfolk Co. Quinobin River, Charles River, Norfolk. Quinshepaug, Mendon, Worcester Co. "Pickerel Pond." J.H.T. Vide Quasapauge and Quonshapauge. Quinsigamond Lake, Worcester. "Long-nose (pickerel) fishing- place." Quinsigamond, Worcester. Quinsigamond River, Worcester. Quisquaset Pond, near Middleborough, Plymouth Co. Quissett Hill, Mendon, Worcester Co. Quissitt Hill, Mendon, Worcester Co. •Quitemug Hill, Dudley, Worcester Co., name probably derived from that of John Quittamug, 1630. Quitiquos Pond, Lakeville, Plymouth Co. Vide Quittacus. Quiticus Pond, Lakeville, Plymouth Co. ¦Quittacus Pond, Great, Lakeville, Plymouth Co. Quittacus Pond, Little, Lakeville, Plymouth Co. Quittiquash Hills, Middleborough, Plymouth Co. ¦Quittaquas, part of Middleborough, Plymouth Co. Winthrop. Quittaub, part of Middleborough, Plymouth Co. Winthrop, 1698. •Quittuwashett Pond, Middleborough, Plymouth Co. Qunnubbage, same as Quinebaug, q. v. Governor Endicott, 1651. 154 DICTIONARY OF AMERICAN INDIAN NAMES Quivett Creek, North Brewster, Barnstable Co. Quivett Neck, North Brewster, Barnstable Co. Quohtauanuet tract, Wequancett, Plymouth Co. Plym. Rec. 1, p. 231. Quonahassit, Cohasset, Norfolk. "The long rock place." Quonackquck, near Nonotuck, Hampden Co. "High land." Hampden Co. Rec. Wright. Quonektacut Village, Hadley, Hampden Co. 1659. Quonshapague, Mendon, Worcester Co. "Pickerel Pond." J.H.T. Vide Quasapauge, Quinshepaug, etc. Quonshapauge, Mendon. Quosopanagon meadow, Groton, Middlesex. "On the other side- of the river?" Qunshapage. Vide Quonshapauge. Qunstsipauge, original site of Mendon, Worcester Co. Mass- Bay Col. Rec. Vol. 4, 2d part, p. 341. Qussuknashunk Rock, Breakheart Hill, Plymouth. Plym. Rec. 1, p. 235. Quunkwattchu, Mount Toby, Hadley, Hampden Co. "High mountain." Quyachick, Andover, Essex. Vide Cochichowicke. Historical Sketches of Andover; S. L. Bailey. R Rockrimmon? Springfield, Hampden Co. s k Sabbatia Lake. Saccarappa Pond, Oxford, Worcester Co., a name transferred: from Maine. MASSACHUSETTS 155 Sachacha Pond, Nantucket. Sackatucket, mouth of Herring River, Harwich, Barnstable Co. "The outlet of a tidal river." Sagamore Beach, Sandwich, Barnstable Co. Sagamore Hill, Nantasket, Plymouth Co. Sagaquabe Island, Plymouth Harbour. Hubbard. Vide Saga- quash and Sagoquas. Sagaquash Island, Plymouth Harbour. Sagatabscot Hill, Worcester: may be "The place of hard rock." Sagistonac Falls, Housatonic River, Berkshire. "Water splashing over the rocks." Sagoquas Village. Vide Sagaquabe. H-B. of A-I. Vol. 1, p. 816. 1614. Sagus, same as Saugus, Lynn. New England's Prospect; W. Wood, 1634. Sahnchecontuckquet, at Edgartown, Dukes, 169S. Sanchecantacket, at Edgartown, Dukes. 1698. Sakesett Pond, near Rehoboth, Bristol Co. Plym. Rec. 1, p. 240. (1665.) Sakonnet, Seconnet, Bristol Co. Sanckotuck, Nantucket. Deed, Nov. 3d, 1691. Sanctuit, same as Santuit, q. v. Winthrop. Sankaty Head, at Nantucket. Sankrohonk, near Nonotuck, Hampden Co., same as Sankwonk, q. v. Sankrohoncum. "Land at the outlet." H. A. Wright. Santuit Pond, Osterville, Barnstable Co. Santuit, Osterville, Barnstable Co. 156 DICTIONARY OF AMERICAN INDIAN NAMES Sapokonist Brook, Bound Brook, Nauset (Eastham). Saquatucket, Herring River, Harwich, Barnstable Co. "At the mouth of the tidal stream." Saquatucket, Marshfield, Plymouth Co. Saquish, part of Duxbury Beach. "Plenty of clams." Sarganset River, at Taunton, Bristol Co. Sasacacheh Village. Mass. H. S. Col. Sasagachah Pond, Nantucket. Deed, 1745. Sasagookapaug, Hardwick, Worcester Co. Bound-mark: possibly "Alder, or black snake, pond." Sasaketasick, Rutland, Worcester Co. "Black-snake place." R. W. Sassakataffick, Rutland, Worcester Co. "Black-snake place." Sassakatassick, Rutland, Worcester Co. "Black-snake place." Sasaquash, part of Plymouth. Winthrop. Sasonkususett Pond, near Assowompsett. Plym. Rec. Vol. 1. Sasonkususet Pond, bounding Nahteawamet Neck, Plymouth Co. Sassaquin's Pond, New Bedford, Bristol Co. Probably derives its name from that of a sachem. Satucket, East Bridgewater, Plymouth. Satucket River, East Bridgewater, Plymouth. Satucket territory, East Bridgewater, Plymouth. Satucket, Harwich, Barnstable (Nauset village) 1687. "At the mouth of the tidal stream." Satuit, Scituate, Plymouth Co. "Cold Brook." 1674. Saucauoca tract, Nantucket. Deed, Nov. 3d, 1691. Saughtucket, Duxbury, sold by Massassoit to Myles Standish. Saughtuckquett, Duxbury, Plymouth Co. MASSACHUSETTS 157 Saugus, near Lynn. "The outlet," or "wet or overflown grass land." Saugus River, Lynn, "small outlet," "extended." Saugutagnappiepan quash tract, near Wequancett, Plymouth Co. Plym. Rec. Vol. 1, p. 231. Saukwonk, former name of Manhan River. "At the outlet." Sauquish, part of Plymouth. Vide Saquish, Sasaquash and Sayquish. Sawah quatock, mouth of Herring River, Harwich, Barnstable Co. Sawkatucket, mouth of Herring River. "The outlet of a tidal river." Sawkattukett, Brewster, Barnstable Co. Vide Satucket. Sawwatapskechuwas, Saw-mill Brook, Sunderland, Hampden Co. Sayquish. Vide Sauquish, Saquish and Sasaquash. Scantic Brook, near Longmeadow, Hampden Co. Hampden Co. Rec. Scantic, near Longmeadow, Hampden Co. Scantuck River, near Longmeadow, Hampden Co. Scargo Lake, Dennis, Cape Cod. Schadingmore meadows, Taunton, Bristol Co. Plym. Rec. Vol. 2, p. 100. Scranton? Vide Skarnton, Praying-town. Schenob Brook, Sheffield, Berkshire. Vide Schenob, Conn., said to be a corruption of Sconnoups. Scituate, Plymouth Co. Vide Satuit. Scituate Harbour, Plymouth Co. Scook Pond, near Manomet, Plymouth Co. "The Snake." Sconticut Neck, New Bedford harbour. "Cold Brook." Vide Satuit. Sconticut Point, New Bedford harbour. 158 DICTIONARY OF AMERICAN INDIAN NAMES Scusset River, near Manomet, Plymouth Co. Scusset Beach, near Manomet, Plymouth Co. Scusset Harbour, near Manomet, Plymouth Co. Seccasaw Village (Massachusetts tribe). H-B. of A-I. Vol. 1, p. 816. 1614. Seconchet Village, Martha's Vineyard, Dukes. 1698. Seconckqut Village, Chilmark, Martha's Vineyard, Dukes. Mass. H. S. Col. 1st, X, 131-132. Seconchqut Village, Chilmark, Martha's Vineyard. Seconet, Rehoboth, Bristol Co. Mass. H. S. Col. Vol. 1, p. 313. Seconnet, Rehoboth, Bristol Co. Vide Soghonate. Seconesset, Falmouth (Wood's Hole). Secouchqut, same as Seconchet, q. v. Seeconnosset, Falmouth, Plymouth Co. Vide Seconesset, etc. Seekonk, same as Seconnet, q. v. Seekonk River. Secunke. Segregansett, near Taunton, Bristol Co. Segunesit, Nip. Village. Vide Seconesset. Seipican River, Marion, Plymouth Co. Vw!- as far as can be judged, were numerous and who contributed to the downfall of Philip, although history contains few, if any, ¦ details of their achievements. Tarratines or Tarrateens, a term used by Pilgrims and early set tlers to denote the Abnaki ; but while modern authorities seem inclined to accept this view there is doubt as to the aboriginal source of this term. After the exodus of the main body of the Abnaki to Canada the term Tarratines was applied to the Indians occupying the Penobscot river from source to sea and the contiguous territories. Tunxis or Sepous, resided on the Farmington river, eight or ten miles west of the Connecticut. At an early period they were subject to Sequassen, the sachem who sold Hartford to the English, and they probably formed a part of the great confed eracy which had formerly occupied the Connecticut valley. PRINCIPAL TRIBES 379 Wabinga, a section of the Mahicans who were known also as River Indians. Vide River Indians. They had their dwellings "between the west branch of Delaware and Hudson's river, from Kittatinney ridge down to the Rariton." Jefferson's Notes, 308. Wamesits were Nipmucks located near Wamesit Falls on the Concord river near its confluence with the Merrimack, in the neighborhood of the present city of Lowell, the site of which was the central point of the lands of the Pawtucket tribe. At Wamesit in 1674, there were 15 families of "Praying Indians", but a year or so later they were all disbanded or destroyed during Philip's war, and their lands were seized by their rapa cious white conquerors. Wampanoags or Pokanokets, the subjects of "Good Massassoit", and subsequently of his son, Philip, constituted the third great est nation of the Indians in New England when it was settled by the English. The term has been defined by Dr. Trumbull as meaning Eastlanders, and their territory included what is now called Bristol County (Rhode Island) Tiverton, Little Compton and the entire southern part of Plymouth Colony. The principal residence of the great chiefs of the Wampanoags was called Mount Hope, now included in Bristol, R. I. Pokan oket represented the dominion of the Wampanoags. Wangunks, a Connecticut tribe of some importance, whose terri tories stretched from below Hartford to a considerable distance south of Middletown. Their chief sachem was named Sowheag. Wawenocks, Waweenocks or Weweenocks constituted one of the main divisions of the Abnaki, and were said to be the imme diate subjects of the great Bashaba or supreme ruler who re sided in the vicinity of Pemaquid. Their settlement extended from the east of Sagadahoc to St. George river, but after the death of the Bashaba in 1615, they located on the west side of the Sheepscot river, near the lower falls. They were known as "the ancient regal race." 380 DICTIONARY OF AMERICAN INDIAN NAMES Wepawaugs ; these lived on the eastern bank of the Housatonic river, Conn, and were probably identical with the Paugussetts, q. v. Western Niantics, a sub-division of the Niantics, whose territory extended from Connecticut river eastward along the shore to Niantic river. Zoquageers, a branch of the Abnaki who resided on the eastern shore of Lake Champlain. Many other sub-ordinate tribes are mentioned in the early literature of New England, but they were comparatively un important. The following list will serve as an example : — Accominta, a small tribe formerly dwelling in a village named Agamenticus near the site of York, Maine. They have been regarded as belonging to the Abnaki (Smith) but more proba bly as Pennacooks (Schoolcraft). H-B. A-I. Vol. 1, p. 8. Amaseconti or Aumissoukanti, an Abnaki tribe which occupied territory near Farmington Falls, Sandy River, Me. Capawocks, Mass. Indians, settled at Martha's Vineyard. Cushnocs, of Augusta, Me. ; one of the Kanibas clans. Manisses, the aborigines of Block Island, R. I. Medoctee, a small Abnaki tribe, 1721, on St. John River, New Brunswick. Missiassik, formerly living on Missisquoi River, Vermont, and probably "wanderers" related to Sokokis or Pequakki. Muanbissik, unidentified, but mentioned as included among the Abnaki in a return sent to Governor of New England in 1721. H-B. of A-I. Vol. 1, p. 954. Nawaas, an unidentified tribe dwelling between Scantic and Po dunk, Conn. A-I. H-B. Vol. 2, p. 46. PRINCIPAL TRIBES 381 Pocomtocks, Mass. tribe, resident at Deerfield. Quaboags, Nipmucks, in neighborhood of Brookfield, Mass. Taconnets, of Waterville, Me. — a clan of the Norridgewocks. Winnepesaukees, in the vicinity of Lake Winnepesaukee, N. H. Wunnashowatuckoogs, a Nipmuck clan in Worcester Co., Mass. subject to Canonicus. PRINCIPAL DIALECTS OF THE AMERICAN INDIAN LANGUAGE IN NEW ENGLAND. The Lord's Prayer will serve as an appropriate example; and, as showing the collocation of words, the following formula gives the English translation of the Prayer as it is written in the Indian language : — "Father ours above in Heaven. Admired in high est manner be thy name. Like done thy will on earth as like in Heaven. Let us be forgiven evil doings of ours, as we would forgive wrong doers to us. Not guide us into snares, but help us to escape from evil. Thine thy powerful kingdom, thine the strength, thine the greatest glory. Always, always we wish so." Dr. Jonathan Edwards, in his "Observations on the Muhke- kaneew (Mahican) Language," thus gives the Lord's Prayer in that language: — "Nogh-nuh, ne spummuck oieon, taugh mauweh wneh wtukoseauk neanne annuwoieon. Taugh ne aunchuwutammun wawehtuseek maweh noh pummeh.. Ne aenoihitteeh mauweh awauneek noh hkey oiecheek, ne aunchuwutammun, ne aunoi- hitteet neek spummuk oiecheek. Menenaunuh noonooh wuhhamauk tquogh nuh uhhuyutamauk ngummauweh. Ohquutamouwenaunuh auneh numachoieaukeh he anneh ohquutamouwoieauk numpeh neek mumacheh annehoquaukeet. Cheen hqukquachehsiukeh annehhehenaunuh. Pannee- weh htouwenaunuh neen maumtehkeh. Keah 384 DICTIONARY OF AMERICAN INDIAN NAMES ngwehcheh kwiouwauweh mauweh noh pummeh; kianwoi ; estah awaun wtinnoiyuwun ne aunoieyon ; hanweeweh ne ktinnoieen." In order to afford an opportunity of comparing the principal dialects of the Indian language as spoken by the New England tribes, respectively, I quote the following version of the Lord's Prayer in the Pequot or Mohegan tongue. It was obtained by Governor Saltonstall of Connecticut in the year 1721.* "Co shunongone ihe suck cuck abot. Na naw ui e coom shaw ims nuskspe coue so wunk. Kuck sudamong peamook. Ecook Aiootoomomon uk- kee tawti ee ook ungow. A geescuck mee se nam eyew kee suck askesuck mysput eo honegan. A quon to mi nun namat to omp pa won ganuksh no. Awe ah goon to mi nad macha. Chook quoe a guck, ah greead macon jussuon mattum paw oon ganuck puk kqueaw hus nawn woochet. Matche- took kee kucks sudamong, cumme eke go wonk, ah koont seek coomsako oh woonk. Mackeeme, mackeeme Eeats." The Nipmuck and Wampanoag dialects are naturally very similar, and both will be adequately represented by the following version of the Lord's Prayer, in the Natick or Massachusetts dialect, taken from Eliot's Indian Bible: — "Nooshun kesukqut quttianatamunach koowes- uonk. Peyaumooutch kukketaffootamoonk kut- tenantamoonk ne n nach ohkeit neane kesukqut. Nummeetsuongash asekesukokish assamainnean yeuyeu kesukok. Kah ahquoantamaunnean num- matcheseongash, neane matchenenukqueagig nuta- quontamounnonog. Ahquc sagkompagunnaiin- nean en gutchhuaouganit, webe pohquokwussin- nean wutch matchitut. Newutche kutahtaunn ketassootamoonk, kah menuhkesuonk, kah soh- sumoonk mickeme. Amen." *History of the Indians in Connecticut (De Forest), p. 39 (1851). DIALECTS 385 Finally to complete the comparison, I quote the same prayer, in the language of the Abnaki and Echemin nations, (which were long under the influence of the French missionaries in Maine and New Hampshire), from Dr. Williamson's admirable "History of Maine," Vol. 1, p. 513 — "Metunksenah, ouwane, spumkeagaio, keenuck tleweseh, keahdabeldock, nowdoseh, keaholet- hauttamona, numahzee m'setahmah, t'hahlah- weekeunah, spumkeagaio, meleaneh, neonah, ne- quempebemgees'o'coque maje me, geescool, arbon, musseea'tossee, neonah, commontenesksock, 'thah- lahweekeunah, numesecomeleent, tahhahlaweu- keahmachekecheek, aquehe, aqueahlahkemesah- coque, n'gahne, numazee, neanah, neoje, sawgot, woosawme, keahdabeldock, egomah, keeloah, noa- chee, doneahle, sazoos neahlets, quosque." LIST OF ABNAKI WORDS1 (MAINE AND NEW HAMPSHIRE) "The name Abnaki was first applied to the Indians in Nova Scotia, but was afterwards applied to all the tribes who resided east of the Massachusetts." (Crawford). COMMON OBJECTS, ETC. A wan, air; Kzelomsen, wind; Soglonbi, rain-water; Nbisonbi, mineral- water; Sobagw, sea or ocean; Kchi alakws, morning or even ing star; Pili kisos, new moon; Tka, cold; Pekeda, srnoke; Siguana, last spring; Nibena, last summer; Pebona, last winter; Nebi, water; Pibganbi, muddy- water; Skog, a serpent or snake; Chegual, a frog; Maska, a toad; Wloda, heat; *Seleeted from a Paper by the Hon: John G. Crawford, on " Indians of New Hamp shire," in Manchester Historic Collections, Vol. I, part 2, 1898: by permission. 388 DICTIONARY OF AMERICAN INDIAN NAMES Kisos, sun, moon, month; Skweda, fire, flame; Siguan, spring; Niben, summer; Pebon, winter; Taguogo, autumn; Aremos (modern alemos,) a dog Molsom, a wolf; Wokwses, a fox; Tmakwa, a beaver; Nolka, a deer; Nolkaiia, venison, or deer meat; Magolibo, a caribou; Pabigw, a flea; Alikws, an ant; Kemo, a louse; Mamijola, a butterfly; Mamaska, a toad Skoks, a worm; Sisikwa, a rattlesnake; Mamselabika, a spider; Wawilomwa, a bee ; Wjawas, a fly; Pegues, a mosquito; FOREST TREES, FRUIT, ETC. Anaskemezi, an oak; Wawabibagw, a poplar; Manlakws, an ash; Maskwamozi, a birch; Kokokhoakw, a fir-tree; Saskil, an elder; ABNAKI WORDS 389 Molodagw, a cedar; Chignazakuam, a thorn-tree; Maskwazimenakuam, a wild cherry-tree ; Senomozi, a maple; Kanozas, a willow-tree; Moskwaswaskw, the sweet flag; Msoakw, a dry tree, decayed wood; Maskwa, birch bark; Pobnodageso, Tamarac; Mskikoimins, a strawberry; (Plural ok) Magoliboua, caribou meat; Magoliboawa, caribou skin; Akigw, a seal; Akigwawa, seal skin; Nebes, a lake; Nebesis, a pond; Sen, a stone; Pasaakw, a red-pine; Masozial, ferns (al plural) Asakuam, moss; Walagaskw, bark; Awazon, fuel, firewood; Mskak, black spruce; Sasogsek, sarsaparilla ; Anibi, an elm; Wajoimizi, a beech; Alnisedi, the hemlock; Kawasen, a wind- fall; Msazesso, white spruce; 390 DICTIONARY OF AMERICAN INDIAN NAMES Wdopi, an alder tree; Wigkimizi, bass-wood; Men or min, a berry; Pessimen, currant (Plural al) ; Awasos, a bear; Anikwses, a striped squirrel; Asban, a racoon; Agaskw, a woodchuck; Sips, a bird; Sibsis, a little bird; Mgeso, an eagle; Kokokhas, an owl O'basas, a woodpecker; Kwikueskas, a robin; Senis, a pebble; Pakesso, a partridge; Mateguas, a rabbit; Mikowa, a squirrel; Wobikwsos, a mouse; Moskuas, a musk-rat; Mosbas, a mink; Planigw, a flying squirrel; Kogw, a porcupine; Segogw, a skunk; Mkazas, a crow; Kchimkazas, a raven; Kchi (great) makes raven 'the great crow' Mkazawi, black (ergo crow) ; Ahamo, a hen; Ahamois, a chicken; Nahama, a turkey; Saguasis, a weasel; ABNAKI WORDS 391 FISH, ETC. ^ Namas, a fish; Kabasa, a sturgeon; Mskuamagw, a salmon; Namagw, a salmon trout; Kikomkwa, a sucker; Nahoma, an eel; Watagua, a pickerel; Molazigan, a bass; "Abazi, a tree, was not used in composition, but the termina tion, akuam was tree; thus Azawanimen, a plum, having the final men, is classed under the head of berry, and when applied to the tree became Azawanimenakuam, a plum-tree: Adbimen, a cherry, Adbimenakuam, a cherry-tree." "The termination mozi signified a bush: squeskimenak, rasp berries, squeskimenimozi, a raspberry bush: — sata, a blue-berry, satamozi, a blue-berry bush." (Crawford). The mode of conjugating an Abnaki verb is also very interest ing, as Mr. Crawford indicates. The letters N and K were used as personal pronouns, abbreviations representing the word Nia, I or me, and Kia thee or thou. In the plural N'was used for Niuna, us, we, when they did not include those to whom, and K,' Kiuna us, we, when those to whom they spoke were included; the apostrophe denoting the nasal sound. The following conju gation of the Indicative mood, Present tense, of the passive verb Kazalmegwzimuk, to be loved, will serve as an example : — N'kezalmegwzi, I am loved. 'Kezalmegwzo, He is loved. N'kezalmegwzibena, We are loved. K'kezalmegwziba, You are loved. 'Kezalmegwzoak, They are loved. W at the end of words is generally pronounced as oo, (dou ble o) and, in other cases, when intended to be pronounced, is usually indicated by a special sign somewhat resemb ing an italic w. LIST OF MASSACHUSETTS, OR NATICK, INDAN WORD S* Pomantam, author of life. Annogssue Kesuk, the starry heavens. Puhpeeg, a trumpet or music. Oskon, a hide. Weween, a horn. Tumunk, a beaver. Wonkussis, a fox. Poopohs, a cat. Poohpoohsuog, cats. Attuk, a deer. Annum, a dog Mishannek, a squirrel. Nattoshqussuog, wolves. Psukses, a bird. Wompohtuk, a goose. Sesep, a duck. Monish, a hen. Nampash, a cock. Wunnuppoh, a wing. Kongkont, a crow. Mesonk, the hair. Muskesuk, theeye. Mutchon, a nose. Wou, an egg. Wowonash, eggs. Woddish, a nest. Wosketomp, a man. Mittamwossis or Eshqua, a woman. Nonkup asuh, a boy. Wusskennin, a girl. Wuskenin or Nunkomp, a young man. Wunnechanyog, children. Kehchius or Nukkone wosk, an old man. Papequanne mohtunt, an old woman. Wosketompoo, manhood. Mohhog, a body. Keteahogkau, a soul. Wawaenin, a witness. Wuttotimoin, a nation. Missinnin, people. Muppuhkukquaset, a toe. Oapwas, the hip. Mehquau, the thigh. * Selected from Josiah Cottons "Vocabulary of Mass: Language." 394 DICTIONARY OF AMERICAN INDIAN NAMES Wonnunou, a cheek. Anwunnissue muskesuk, a most handsome face. Missustoon, a lip. Menan, a tongue. Meepit, a tooth. Muttoon, the mouth. Missitteippeg,the neck. Mittik, a shoulder. Muppuhkukquanitch, a finger. Muppuhkuk, the head. Muskonontip, a skull. Meesk, the elbow. Menutcheg, the hand. Unninuhkoe, the right hand. Menatche, the left hand. Missippuskunnicheg, wrists. Mohpanneg, the breast. Uppoochenou, the bosom. Muppuskq, the back. Mukkuttuk, the knee. Muhkont, the leg. Misseet, the foot. Namas, a fish. Ashap, a net. Uhquon, a hook. Anishamog, codfish. Chunkoo, or Apwonnah, an oyster. Kopposh, a sturgeon. Pakonnotam, a haddock. Mishqushkou, a trout. Mogquon, the heel. Mishoon, the chin. Nannumiyeu, the north. Sowaniyeu, the south. Wekeneankquat.warm weather Tohkoi, cold weather. Sonkqueu, cold. Mehpit, an arm. Wapan, wind. Wutchepwoshe wittin, east wind. Neepanon, a shower. Nehchippag, dew. Koon, snow. Missegkon, hail. Nimbau, thunder. Ukkitshamun, lightning. Wadchu, a mountain. Oonouwohkoai, a valley. Quequan, an earthquake. Womonittuonk, love. Sekeneadtuonk, hatred. Penomp, a maiden. Mittumwussis, a wife. Wuttookasin, a mother. Wunnamonien, a son. Uhpuoonkash and Uhpooonk, pipes and tobacco. Kesukod, a day. Nepauz, a month. Upposhpishaonk nepaz, sun-rise- Oowayaonk nepaz, sun-set. Nompoae, morning. NATICK : WORDS 3S Sukkissuog, clams. Pohsequae, noon. Wawamek, a dress. Nukkon, night. Onkqueekhoo, a hat. Pasukkodtummo, a year. Muttassash, stockings. Assannitta, Sunday. Mohkissonash, shoes. Nesikquinshunk, Monday. Uppeshou, a flower. Nishikquinishonk, Tuesday. Kossepeshou, a rose or lily. Yauquinishonk, Wednesday. Appuonk, a chair or stool. Napannatashikquinishonk, Ohkuke, a kettle. Thursday. Appui, a bed. Nequttatashikquinishonk, Fri Pinaquet, a blanket. day. Wasaquonanetick, a light or Nesasuktahsheke sukod, Satur candle. day. Ohhomaquesuuk, a needle or pin. Nequt. 1. Nees, 2. Nish, 3. Yau, 4. Napanna, 5. Nequtta, 6. Nesasuk, 7. Shwosuk, 8. Paskoogot , 9. Piog, 10. Piog nabo nequt, 11. Piog nabo nees, 12. Manunussish ut pepenauonat ketomp : qut anue manunussish osoowunnonat noh-hannoo mahche pepenauonche. Translation. Be slow in choosing a friend, but slower in changing him when thou hast chosen. 396 DICTIONARY OF AMERICAN INDIAN NAMES Tohneit wunnetooe pomantaman kusseeppee keteaonk tapi: tohneit mat "wunnetooe keteaan koosomee seeppee pomantam. Translation. If thou hast lived well, thou hast lived long enough: if thou hast not lived well, thou hast lived too long. BIBLIOGRAPHICAL LIST OF PRIN CIPAL WORKS CONSULTED History of New England. Dr. Palfrey. History of Massachusetts Bay. Hutchinson, 2 vols., 1795. History of Narraganset. Hon. E. R. Potter. History of Rhode Island. Hon. S. G. Arnold. History of Vermont. Thompson. History of Massachusetts. G. L. Austin. History of New England. Governor Winthrop. History of New Hampshire. Belknap. History of Maine, 2 vols. Dr. Williamson. Ancient Dominion of Maine. Rufus King Sewall, 1859. History of Vermont. Dr. R. Williams, 2 vols, 1809. Ogilby's "America," 1671. "History of New York", Broadhead. "History of Indians of Connecticut." De Forest, 1851. Dr. A. Gallatin's "Vocabularies." "Observations on Mohegan Language." Jonathan Edwards. "Biography and History of Indians of North America." S. G: Drake, 1857.,. Vocabulary of Mass. Indian Language. Josiah Cotton. Heckewelder's "On Indian Names." Trans. Am. Philos. Soc: No. 4, 361. "Indian Geographical Names," Trumbull; Conn. H. S. Col. Vol. 2, 1870. "Indian Names of Places in Connecticut." Dr. J. H. Trumbull. "Indians of New Hampshire." Hon. J. G. Crawford, 1898. Gazateer of Massachusetts. Elias»Nason, 1874. 398 DICTIONARY OF AMERICAN INDIAN NAMES "Indian Names of Places in Rhode Island." Dr. Usher Parsons, 1861. "Key to the Indian Language." Roger Williams; Mass. H. S. Co. Church's "Indian Wars." Edited by Drake, 1845. "Early History of Vermont." L. Wilbur, 1899. History of Vermont. Carpenter and Arthur, 1854. History of Rhode Island. Peterson, 1853. History of Vermont. Francis Chase. Hayward's Gazateer of New -Hampshire, 1849. Farmer and Moore's. Gazateer of New Hampshire, 1823. "History of Manchester" (N. H.) C. E. Potter, 1856. "History of Hadley." Judd. "History of West Brookfield." Temple. Gazateer of Maine. Varney. "Woods and Lakes of Maine." Lucius L. Hubbard, 1884. Gazateer of Maine. Hay ward. Natick Dictionary. Dr. J. H. Trumbull. "Indian Local .Names." B. G. Boyd, 1885. Bartlett's Historical Records of Mass. and Conn. "Historical Description of Boston." Dr. Shurtleff. "History and Antiquities of Boston." Drake. .History of Andover, Mass. Abiel Abbot, 1829. "Historical Sketches of Andover," ,.Mass. Miss Bailey. "Indian Names of Boston. "etc. E. JSf. Horsford, 1886. "Indian Names in Salisbury, Conn." J. W. Sanford, 1899. Historical Sketch of Salisbury, Conn. Malcolm S. Rudd, 1899. "Bibliotheca Glottica." Triibner, 1858. "The Bibliography of Vermont." Gilman, 1897. Gazateer of Vermont. Thompson. "Indian Bulletin," for 1867. Report of Am. Soc. for promoting the civilization of Indian tribes. Greenleaf, 1823. BIBLIOGRAPHY 399 "Algic Researches." Schoolcraft, 1839. Historical Gazateer of Vermont, Hemenway, 5 vols. "Hand-book of the American Indians." Vol. I. and II. Bureau of Ethnology. "The Lands of Rhode Island." Sidney S. Rider. Pilling's "Bibliography of Algonquin Indians." "Language of the Abnaquies." Willis. "New England's Prospect." W. Wood, 1634. "Bibliography of Local History of Mass." J. Colbourn. "History of Augusta." J. W. North, 1.870. "History of Barrington." T. W. Bicknell, 1898. "History of Westerly." Rev. F. Denison, 1878. Place-Names of Providence Plantation (XVIIth century). Clarence S. Brigham, 1903. "Names of Towns in Mass." W. H. Whitmore. "History of Lynn." Newhall, 1865. "Old Paths and Legends of New England." K. M. Abbott, 1903. Johnston's Gazateer. "On Plymouth Rock." S. Adams Drake, 1904. Sketch of Dover, N. H. J. C. Stevens, 1833. History of Concord, N. H. Nathaniel Bouton, 1856. "Landmarks of Ancient Dover." Miss M. P Thompson, 1892. History of Concord, N. H. Edited by J. O. Lyford, 2 Vols. 1896. "Purchas' Pilgrimage" (from Hakluyt Papers) 1628. Reed's "History of Bath. "1894. "Groton during the Indian Wars." Hon. S. A. Green, M.D., LL.D., 1883. "Indian Deeds." H. A. Wright. Mass. Bay Colonial Records. Plymouth Records. History of Derby. Orcutt. Providence Early Records. 400 DICTIONARY OF AMERICAN INDIAN NAMES Registry of Deeds, Providence. New Hampshire Records. History of Waterbury. Rev. Dr. Anderson. Collected Records of Conn. Conn. Records of Lands, etc. Mass. Hist. Soc. Collections. Mass. Hist. Soc. Proceedings. Maine Hist. Soc. Collections. Maine Register. R. I. Historical Soc. Collections. Numerous Encyclopaedias, Maps, Deeds, Bulletins of Ethnolo- gical Bureau and of Geological Survey, many hundreds of Local Histories, etc., etc. YALE UNIVERSITY I