Yale University Library 12. i ^m^mz / Edmund Harvey Simon Snowe Sir Wm. Brereton Robert Titchborue, esq. Sir John Wollaston The Lord Fairefax John Blackwell, jun. William Webb Rob. Reynolds, esq. Francis Allen, esq. Howses in St. Martins L< Grand The White Bell in Pater- noster Rowe Certeine farmes, parcell of ye mannor of Howton in Le Springe The Pallace of Ely Divers lands, parcell of the mannor of Rippon The Bit of Gloucester's Pal lace and other lands A messuage in Exeter Twelve parcells of land, parcell of the mannor of Chislett A tenement in Salisbury Bangor House The royalties of Sarum and certain lands Lands called Worth Men nys, and other lands The Labour in vayne, neere Old Fish street B 2 1 Alexander Jones John Bellamy William Cockayne, jun. Joseph Garrett Christopher Goad John Fenton SirWm.Masham,"") Sir Rich. Everard, > Mr. Mildmay J Edward Greene Thomas Barnes Adam Shepardson James Standish William Wood Thomas Hodges John Smith William Batten, Henry Hubbart George Legg John Barksteed The Maior an CoTaltieNew Sarum John Boys [ of I Leonard Bennett £. ,-. d. 30 0 0 329 17 3 7617 2 10 450 0 0 7959 13 6 399 0 0 4391 5 4§ 440 18 5j 3382 7 6| 188 0 0 7999 14 10J 7675 10 7 1041 3 4 222 10 0 491 10 4 175 0 0 312 10 5 445 0 0 3301 10 11 286 13 4 305 17 4 352 0 0 1862 0 0 434 7 3 913 0 4 25 14 0 342 10 0 32 0 0 473 0 0 3590 7 8 662 0 0 544 0 0 SALES OF BISHOPS LANDS Bprics. Date of Convey ance. Coun ties. Lands. Purchasers. Purchase Money. 1647. £¦ *. d. Ca. 19 Nov. Kent The mannor of Frith Stephen Estwick, > Robert Player $ 1559 6 8 Lo. 20 Nov. Lond. The messuage called the Chequer in St. Martin's Richard Prettie 176 0 0 Lo. 22 Nov. Lond. The Three Black Lyons in Ann Grove and } Ellenor Curtis 5 119 5 0 Pater Noster Rowe Yo. 26 Nov. York. Parcell of the demeasnes of the manner of Otley Lord Fairefax 900 12 3j Sa. Wilt. A tennement in Salisbury Thomas Boswell 35 0 0 — — A tennement in New Sarum Edward Staples 32 0 0 Ca. Kent The mannor of Chislett Richard Clotter- \ brooke, Rob. Gale J 4852 12 ll£ No. 29 Nov. Norf. The mannors of Tolthorpe and Felthorpe, Drayton and Taverham John Spencer 558 I 0 Lo. Ess. The mannors of Feeringeand Petteswicke John Lamott 2926 8 4 Yo. 3 Dec. York. Parcell of the mannor ol JVIarton Sir Wm, Constable 547 4 8 Wo. Wore. A water mill, and other lands in Alnechurch Henry Haynes 45 3 4 "' ' Divers other lands parcell of the mannor of Alne church Do. 215 0 0 Yo. York. Divers lands parcell of the mannor of Otley John Rhodes 463 9 0 A messuage and other lands parcell of the mannor of JVIarton Robert Holborne 745 4 2 — 6 Dec. — Reast Park, and other lands John Blackiston, \ Edward Cludd \ 3906 9 0 No. Suff. The scite of Wingfeild, and other lands Lyonell Edgar, { John Browne J 551 2 lj Lo. 8 Dec. Ess. The mannor of Kelvedon Thomas Talcott, \ Edward Smith J 1699 0 10 Ca. Kent Parcell of the mannor of Reculver Major Wm. Masters 367 9 4 — — Parcell of the mannor of Chislett Waller Braemes 965 15 6 — Shoddford Meadowes Do. 146 0 0 Lo. Lond. The Swan in the old Change Philip Owen 102 2 4 Yo. 13 Dec. York. Scalme Parke Thomas Dawnay 1524 14 10 Ca. 15 Dec. Kent The mannor of Pisinge John Nutt 509 0 4 — 17 Dec. . — The mannor of Lecton, et Peter Honywood, ") MichaellHeneage J al. 427 1 7 2 Lo. Hert. The scite of the mannor of Stevenage, &c. George Heate 916 4 0 Co.&L. 18 Dec. Shro. The mannor of Prees Henock Smith 1122 16 2 Sa. 20 Dec. Wilt. The mannor of Bishopston Johu Oldfeild, \ Matt. Cendricke J 2261 16 2£ Gl. 23 Dec. Parte of the mannor of Joseph Edwards, ") John Woods j Droyscourt 88 0 0 No. 24 Dec. Norf. The mannor of Dagworth Sorrells Nathaniel I Alexan der 567 17 6i Yo. 4 Jan. York. Certeine lands wlllin the LoPP of Sherbourne Edward Cludd 231 5 2 Lo. 5 Jan. Lond. The Meareraaide in Blow- bladder street John Adye 171 0 0 Pet. 7 Jan. Northt. Parcell of the mannor of Borough Berrie Walter Sly 467 9 6f Ca. LO Jan. Kent Woolledge Woods, &c. Richard Trotter 485 17 0* BETWEEN 1647 AND 1651. Bpri Date of Convey ance. Coun ties. Lands. Purcha Purchase Money. Lo.Ely Lo. Yo. St. Di Wi. Pet. Wo. Wi.Ca. Chi. Dur. Wi. Yo. Wi. Lo. Ca. No.Yo. Carl. Ca. Sa. Pet. Wi.Yo. St. Da 1647. 10 Jan. 12 Jan. 14 Jan. 16 Jan. 19 Jan. 21 Jan. 31 Jan. 2 Feb. 4 Feb. 7 Feb. 1 1 Feb. 14 Feb. 21 Feb. 24 Feb. 25 Feb. Hert. Lond. York. Pemb. Southt. Northt.Wore. Berk.KentSuss. Durh. Oxon York. Southt. Lond. Kent Norf. The mannor of Greate Had ham, al's Much Hadham The King's Head in Chan cery-lane Certeine houses in Paul Church yard Parcell of the LoPP of Mar- ton neere Sutton Parcell of the mannor of Dewisland The Parke in Southwarke A brewehouse, y* Beare Garden, &c.on the Banck side The mannor of BrPstoke William Collins, "1 Robert Staunton J Rich. Wollaston, 1 Thomas Jones J Chris. Meredith Robert Alderson John Lewis George Thompson Sarah Palmer } Parcell of the mannor of Thwites The mannor and castle of Hartlebury Lollingdon Farme A meadow neere Dover The mannor of Ferring and Fure The mannor house and scite of the mannor of Ferringe and Fure Houses, shopps, and waste ground upon Tyne Bridge Cambridge farme, parcell of the mannor of Witney Parcell of the Sancton Deo* Cox, and ~) MalachyDewdney J Robert Henson Thomas Westrowe Rich. Hutchingson Robert Moulton Anthony Stapley Downeton mills, Sec. Parte of London house of Parcell of the ma Westgate The mannor of Northcreake } Thos. Waterfeild Francis Alder William Wells, " Robert Martin mannor of John Wandbv, Wm.Padley,fho. Whorleton, Ann Woodmausey William Eyre John Harrison, John Bothwell, and others. John Delves York. A fowerth parte of West wood Grange in Marris Surr. Carlile-house, in Lambeth Marsh Kent The mannor of Littleborne Southt. The mannor of Marston Meysey Northt. Parcell of the mannor of Borroughberry Southt. The mannor of Havant Nott. The mannor of Southwell York. Thorpe Grange The mannor of Atper, Dif- fringtivie, and Landugwyl Tym. Cruso, "1 Nath. Knivett, > John Leather J Macbabeus Hollis Matthew Hardy John Bix Robert Jenner John Bellamy William Wolgar Wm. Pierrepoynt Thos.Richardson, Ellis Conliffe David Lewis £. ,. d. 899 0 5 922 0 0 1498 19 4 141 8 0 202 16 3£ 1191 3 4 1783 15 0 1601 4 6 82 0 0 3133 6 lOf 720 0 0 82 8 0 671 10 94 842 0 0 59 2 6 259 5 0 445 4 3§ 257 5 0 606 0 0 118 14 8 430 17 7$ 383 4 0 220 0 0 1715 2 10j 1092 12 9i 389 19 10 1162 5 4 1494 0 0 556 18 10 277 14 1 SALES OF BISHOPS LANDS Bprics. Date of Convey- Coun- ties. Lands. Purchasers. Purchase Money. Ca. Yo. Wi. Ro.Yo.Ba. and W. Yo. Wi. He. Ex.Lo.Sa. Br.Ca.Du.Ca. Yo. No.Ba. and W, Wi.Wi. Co. and L. Ca. Ex. Pe.Chi. Lo. Sar. & Dur. 1647. 25 Feb. 28 Feb. 1 Mart. 3 Mart. 7 Mart. 8 Mart. Wi. No. I 0 Mart. 13 Mart. 15 Mart. 1 8 Mart. 20 Mart. 22 Mart. Kent York. Berk. KentYork. Som.York. Heref. Corn. Wore. Lond. Surr. Durh. Kent York. Suff.Som. Som.Som. Derb. Kent Corn. Petb. Suss. Lond. Lond. and Wilt. Southt. Suff. The mannor of Dudmans- William Richards combe The mannors of Rippon, The Lord Fairfax Marton, Sutton, and Kilborne Parcell of Rippon William Wood Rympton Farme John Payne The mannor of Bromeley Augustyne Skinner Parcell of the mannor of George Naylor Rippon Parcell of the mannor of Wells and Westbury Parcell of the mannor of Rippon Sotwell Farme The mannor of Whitborne Lands in Lawhitton The mannor of Bushley John Casebeard Thomas Meade and Tyrn. Salmon Peier Rayne onj William Leaver Richard Salway, Edm. Waring, Edward Smith Digory Shire Wn ' The Three Cocks, and parte of the Brood Henn, in Paternoster Rowe Parcell of the mannor of Thorfeild Parcell of the mannor of Lambeth The mannor and burrough of Bishopps Auckland Barton Farme The mannor of Bishopps Thorp Barfoots Farme The Royalties of the cittie of Wells, et al. The mannor of Rympton Wm. Adames, ""] John Helmes, \ Sam. Haward, ( George Clarke J Giles Calverte, & \ Adam HaughtonJ Vallentine Wanley Sir Arthur Hasle- \ ridge } Thomas Monins William White The castle and mannor of Taunton The fee-farme rent of Sawley The mannor of Boughton Parcell of the mannor of Philip Bigleston Lawhitton Peterborough Pallace The mannor of Cackham A messuage in Blowblad der-streete The mannors of Ivycliurch Sidney Bere, and and Alderbury, and 200Z. Ferdinando per annum out of Dur- Parkhurst ham House The mannor of Bishopps Sir John Evelyn Sutton The mannors of Thirne, John Guybon Aahby, and Groby Nicholas Martin The Maior, Mas ters, and Bur gesses of We lohu Payne, ThomasTaylor,&Thomas Clothier Brampton Guv- don, John Hill Nath. Hallowes William Kenwricke James Russell John Beauchampe Humphrie Ford } £. s. d. 277 9 2 1388 17 9| 47 12 6 179 0 0 2665 11 H 27 10 0 789 1 104 110 2 8 122 12 0 1348 10 10 161 0 0 960 10 1 987 3 4 410 15 10 150 0 0 6102 8 114 568 0 0 525 7 6 159 6 5 412 13 4 425 7 4| 9210 17 0§ 400 0 0 3116 8 7 857 3 0 3122 0 0 1954 1 2 300 0 0 7280 2 4 2727 13 9 1150 7 0 BETWEEN 1647 AND 1651. Bprics. Date of Convey-nnce. Coun ties. Lands. Purchasers. Purchase Money. 1647. £. s. d. Ca. 22 Mart. Thos. Angier J 916 8 5 Ca. Kent The mannor of Deale Roger Pay, and \ Thos. Llewellin J 745 12 0j Yo. —~~ York. Deereham Grange Wm. and Thomas"! Baxter, for Sir > John Danvers J 1111 7 4 Wi. Som. Honnycroft Mead, parcell of the mannor of Taunton Roger Hill 44 0 0 — Surr. The Faucon on the Stewes Bancke Thomas Rollinson 484 0 0 Ca. ____ Kent The mannor of Guston Robert Master 325 10 0 Lo. ^_^_ Herts. The mannor of Stortford Richard Turner 2845 4 5 Du. 1648. Durh. The mannor of Stockton Wm. Underwood, \ Jas. Nelthorpe j 6165 10 2§ Lo. 31 Mart. Midd. The rents and services of the mannor of Barnesbury Sir Thomas Fowler 47 18 4 Yo. York. Parcell of the mannor of Otley Severall haggs in the pa Thomas Grosvenor 331 13 0 7 Apr. John Needham 3134 8 0 rishes of Wistowe and Cawood Wi. 1 2 Apr. Hants. The scite of the mannor ol Bpp» Sutton Lawr. Lampard 53 9 0 Ca. Kent Parcell of the mannor oi Chistlett John Boys 1067 3 6 Yo. 19 Apr. Nott. Parcell of the mannor oi !- outhwell Edward Cludd 219 9 10 Du. ~~~— Durh. Severall parcells of the mannor of Gateshead by Tine Bridge James Bayles 63 15 10 Wi. 21 Apr. Berk. Catwaries Farme Richard Elderfeild 120. 4 0 SALES OF BISHOPS LANDS. Bprics. Date of Convey ance. Coun ties. Lands, Purchasers. Purchase Money. Lo. Co. and L. Ca.Yo. Lo. Ba. and W. Wo. 1648. 21 Apr. 28 Apr. 1 May 3 May Ca. Wi. Du. Wi. Yo. Wo.As. Yo. Sa. Ba. & W. Ca.Lo. Du. Du. Yo. 8 May OMay 15 May 19 May 23 May 26 May 29 May 3 Jun. 7 Jun. 9 Jun. Lond. Shro.Kent Nott. Lond. Kent Som. York. Som. York. Wore. Nine messuages in Paules Chaine The scite of the mannor of Prees Parcel) of the mannor of Chistlett Norwood Parke The White Harte in Pater noster Rowe Parcell of the mannor of Wells The mannor of Bishopps Aston The mannor of Lidden Flint 1 Denb.Nott. York. Wilt. Som. Kent Lond. Durh. York. Severall parcel! of the mannor of Taunton Deane Lands in Northallerton The mannor of Northal lerton Hamwood Farme The mannor-house and other lands, parte of the mannor of Kilborne The mannor of Welland The mannor and Iordshi of Istervin The Bishopps Pallace i Southwell New Parke, and Hexgrave Parke Parcell of the mannor of Acombe and Fossewray The mannor of Cawood, except certeine parcells The courte Jeetaud royalties of Potterne The mannor of Banwell South Bishoppsden Wood, parte of Westgate mannor Parte of London House Two- third parts of the Colemynes in Tanfeild Moore The third parte of Tanfeild collerie Patley Bridge mill | Christ. Gore Tho. Harpar Edw. Leventhorpe Edward Cludd Ralph Boulton Thomas Blackborne Thomas Rawlins, Edm. Giles, jun, Thomas Monyns Whittingham Wood Brampton Gur- don, John Hill '} John Westell and ") James Danby J William Cave ore, "J ore, > lith J Joseph Whetham (Thomas Richard C sor Nich. Leechmore Tho.Leechmore Matthew Smil Eiumphrie Jones 1 Henry Jones J > Edward Cludd Dame Margaret ~) Melton, Tempest > Milner J Richard Warner, ) Henry Cornish £ William Baxter, i Thomas Baxter J John Smith, ~) Tho. Allen, etal. / John Nutt Richard Coysh Richard Marshall Archibald Lovett John Pickersgall £. s. d. 1244 0 0 147 13 5 476 17 4 964 0 0 248 0 0 724 9 llj 255 4 9 263 11 8 345 0 3 102 10 0 1453 6 84 41 10 0 289 10 8 110 13 6 1254 12 9j| 1666 7 3§ 226 13 4 5080 1 10 43 17 4 4385 9 4 536 1 7 1713 4 10 91 16 0 17 6 8 59 5 0 [To be continued.'] II. EXTRACTS FROM THE CHRONICLE OR CARTULARY OF THE ABBEY OF MEAUX, CO. YORK, CONTAINING THE GENEALOGIES OE SCURRES, HYLDEYHARD, AND STUTEVYLL. This Manuscript, preserved in the library of Sir Thomas Phillipps, Bart, at Middle Hill, in Worcestershire, contains a history of the Abbats of Meaux or Melsa, intermixed with a narrative of the public transactions of the kingdom. It is a folio, written on paper about the end of the fourteenth century, and is probably the same as that mentioned by Dug dale, in his list of Cartularies, then belonging to Sir William Aldford. Caput 9. De Grangid nostra de Hayholm, et Genealogid Feoffatoris nostri. [scil. Roberti de Scurres.] Robertus quoque de Scurres dedit nobis cum se ipso unam carucatam terrse, viz. totum suum Holm quod est inter Leven et Brysthyll, cum suis pertinentiis, ab omni terreno servicio libe- ram et solutam, ubi nunc constructum est manerium nostrum quod Hayholm nuncupatur. Ipse autem Robertus apud nos factus novicius, secundus fuit qui inter nos in noviciatii est de- functus. Cujus donacionem Willielmus frater et heres suus nobis confirmabat ; nosque quiete damans de forinseco servicio Regis et Comitis quod sibi et heredibus suis pro dicta terra, facere debebamus, ut omnino essemus attendentes erga Comitem et heredes suos de predicto forinseco servicio imperpetuum ; ita quod de se et heredibus suis de omnibus secularibus serviciis qui- buscunque quieti in perpetuum maneremus. Quod servicium postea Hawisia, filia et heres prescripti Willielmi Groos, Comi tis Albemarliae, fundatoris nostri, ac Baldwinus de Betoyn, vir suus, cum omnibus serviciis ceterarum terrarum quas de eorum dominio tenebamus in perpetuam elemosinam nobis relaxabant. Et quia prefatus Willielmus de Scurres sine herede de se pro- creato decedebat, hereditas ad Matildem sororem ipsorum Ro berti et Willielmi est jure hereditario devoluta. Quae Matildis, et Turgisius de Bray maritus suus, ipsam elemosinam nobis con- 10 GENEALOGIES OF SCURRES, HYLDEYHARD, firmaverunt, et ut ipsi de omni servicio quod pertinet ad war- dam Castri de Skypse nos acquietarent, fideliter promiserunt. Ad quos etiam Robertum, Willielmum, et Matildem dominium Villae de Ryston pertinebat. Et quia ipsa Matildis sine herede corporis sui decedebat, dominium de Reston descendebat ad Walterum de Scurres, filium Ricardi de Scurres, patrui sui. Qui et ipse Walterus de Scurres, et Dominus Robertus de Scur res, Miles, filius suus, eandein terram de Hayholm nobis iterum in perpetuam elemosinam confirmabant. Quorum quidem gene- alogia in scriptis sic legitur exarata. Asketillus de Scurres fuit dominus de Reston, qui duos filios genuerat, Alanum videlicet et Ricardum. Alanus autem frater senior genuit prescriptum Ro bertum, feofFatorem nostrum, et Willielmum, fratrem suum, ac Matildem, sororem eorundem. Ricardus autem frater junior genuit Walterum. Et quia prefati Robertus, Willielmus, et Ma tildis, sine heredibus de se procreatis decesserunt, hereditas eorum ad dictum Walterum, filium Ricardi, patrui sui, descendebat. At ipse Walterus genuit Dominum Robertum de Scurres, Militem, qui dedit Domino Roberto de Hyldeyhard, seniori, quicquid ha- buit in villa de Reston. Qui quidem Robertus de Hyldeyhard emit terras in Reston, quas Mathaeus de Rowton de nobis tenebat per servicium militare : de quibus terris, tempore Domini Alex- andri, Abbatis quarti, postea referetur. Ipse autem Robertus de H. genuit alium Robertum, qui nobis de valore maritagii sui pro dictis terris in Reston satisfaciebat, ut iterum postea referetur. Ipse autem Robertus junior genuit Thomam. Cujus Thomas terras de feodo nostro in Reston, dum infra aetatem extiterat, usque ad ejus legitimam aetatem, ad firmam pro xxxvi s. annuis dimittebamus. Ipse autem Thomas genuit duas filias, Kateri- nam, viz. et Ceciliam, ad quam Katerinam Reston pertinebat. De qua Dominus Petrus de Nuthyll, Miles, ipsam secundam suam ducens uxorem, Petrum filium suum secundum, ipsius Katherinae heredem, procreavit. At ipse Petrus de Nuthyll, junior, ipsum Reston ex sorte hereditatis matris suae retinet in praesenti. Cap. 10. De molendino super Hull in Cotyngham, et aliis tenementis ibidem, et Geneahgidfeqffatoris nostri [sc. Roberti de StutevyW]. Robertus etiam de Stutevyll, quondam Dominus de Cotyngham, dedit eidem Monasterio nostro sedem unius molendini super ripam AND STUTEVYLL. 11 de Hull, in territorio de Cotyngham, cum aquis quae descendunt de Cotyngham in Hull, et quoddam croftum duarum acrarum et iiij perticarum, et unam piscariam ibidem ; castellum etiam ligneum unde edificatae sunt pistrinum, stabulum, et alias Monas- terii officinae. Dedit etiam Monasterio xxiiii fasces viiffarum de boscis de Cotyngham, ad reficiendas carectas nostras in Hol- dernesse, et duas carectatas virgarum de parco de Kyrkeby, in Moresed, ad reficiendas carectas nostras in Walda. Inceperamus quidem tunc tres grangias in Walda, Blanchemarle, Etton, et Wharrom ; de quibus infra breve in suis locis referetur. Qui etiam Robertus, Miles, genuit Willielmum, Nicholaum, Eusta- chium, et Robertum. Willielmus et Eustachius et Robertus sine liberis mortui sunt. Willielmus vero molendinum, quod pater suus prius nobis contulit, nobis vi sustulit, sicut in sequentibus, tempore Domini Thomae Abbatis, referetur. Ipse tamen Wil lielmus apud nos sepelitur. Nicholaus autem de novo quasi con tulit nobis easdem duas acras et quatuor perticatas terras pre- scriptae, et servicia dimidii feodi unius militis apud Skyren et Crauncewyk, ac obiens duos filios post se reliquit, Robertum, viz. et Nicholaum. Robertus genuit Eustachium, et apud nos tumu- latur. Eustachius autem dedit nobis unum clausum apud Hul- bank, continens x acras prati. Et quia dictus Eustachius sine prole obiit, ad Nicholaum, patruum suum, hereditas est devoluta. Nicholaus autem predictus contulit nobis unum clausum juxta predictas duas acras, et iiii perticas, apud Newland, et etiam pas- turam xxiii vaccis et i tauro in communi pastura de Cotyngham. Qui Nicholaus genuit Johannam, de qua Dominus Hugo de Wake genuit Baldewinum de Wake, qui genuit Johannem, qui genuit Thomam, Johannem, et Margaretam. Thomas vero et Johannes sine prole obierunt, et Margaretam desponsavit Ed- mundus, Comes Canciae, filius Regis Edwardi primi, de qua genuit Robertum, Thomam, a et Johannam. Defuncto Roberto, et Thoma hereditatem assecuto, et sine prole obeunte, Johannae, sorori suae, hereditatis sortem dereliquit. Quam quidam Miles strenuus Dominus Thomas de Holand desponsavit, et ex ea heredem Dominum Thomam de Holand, Comitem Canciae, qui nunc est, generavit. Berardus itaque de Cotyngham novem piscarias in Hull eidem Monasterio conferebat. Dabantur etiam nobis tunc duo alia crofta super ripam de Hull, in eodem territorio, sed tamen qui * An error : Edmund and John, who were both Earls of Kent. — Edit. 12 PERSONS BURIED AT MEAUX ABBEY. fuerunt feoffatores nostri de ipsis croftis minime reperitur. Ipsa tamen crofta, tempore Domini Thomae, Abbatis tertii, fuerunt alienata, sicut postea referetur. Quidam etiam vir nobilis Helias de Fannecourt nomine, cujus pater, miles egregius nomine Gri- rardus, monachus in dicto monasterio nostro effectus fuerat, dedit eisdem Monachis, eo tempore, unam bovatam terrae in Bruneby, et quinque acras prati cum una mansura ibidem. Quae, tempore Hugonis, Abbatis quinti, postea fuerunt alienata. P. In the Cartulary of the Abbey of Meaux, preserved in the Cotton collection, Vitell. C. vi. written in the years 1396-7, of which a brief abstract is given by the editor of the New Monasticon, vol. v. p. 389, we find, at fol. 50, a list of the persons who gave lands to the Abbey on condition of being buried there. As this list is, in many respects, of interest, a copy of it is annexed. De tenementis nobis datis cum corporibus donatorum. Baldewynus Betoyn, Comes Albemarlie, dedit nobis, cum cor- pore suo apud nos sepeliendo, centum solidatos terre in manerio suo de Lintone. Andreas de Brancestria dedit nobis, cum corpore suo apud nos sepeliendo, pasturam pertinentem ad vnam bovatam in boriali parte de le Westkere de Suttone. Amandus Pincerna dedit nobis, cum corpore suo, totum Ty- ryngholme in Benyngholme, cum communi pastura marisci cir- cumjacentis. Henricus de Scures dedit nobis, cum corpore suo apud nos sepeliendo, vnam bovatam terre cum vna mansura in Rystone. Henricus Pethy dedit nobis, cum corpore suo, decern acras terre in Crynokcroft in Kayngham. Johannes de Fryboys, Miles, dedit nobis, cum corpore suo, homagium et servicium et annuum redditum xlij solidorum de terra de Wythefleet. Alanus filius Stephani dedit nobis, cum corpore suo apud nos sepeliendo, annuum redditum 1. denariorum de duabus bovatis terre in Otringham. Petrus Poyz dedit nobis, cum corpore suo apud nos sepeliendo, duas bovatas terre et duo clausa in Owstwyke. Willielmus Pasmere dedit nobis, cum corpore suo sepeliendo, quedam tenementa in Hedone. PERSONS BURIED AT MEAUX ABBEY. 13 Johannes Talone dedit nobis, cum corpore suo, duas bovatas terre cum uno tofto in Tunstalle. Petrus ad Fraxinum dedit nobis, cum corpore suo, duos sel- liones terre in Ryse. Robertus Cokerelle dedit nobis, cum corpore suo apud nos sepeliendo, vnam culturam apud. Wolf hylle, cum prato ad earn pertinente in Coldone. Walterus filius Petri de Spineto dedit nobis, cum corpore suo apud nos sepeliendo, vnam bovatam terre in Hornseburtone, et Henricum filium Symonis, ipsam tenentem, cum sequela sua. Symon filius Alani dedit nobis, cum corpore suo, unam bova tam terre in Setone. Willielmus filius Galfridi de Wy thorn wyk dedit nobis, cum corpore suo, tres bovatas terre cum tofto in Erghome. Emaldus de Monbegone dedit nobis, cum corpore suo, quan- dam particulam terre in Dodyngtone. Thomas filius Gualonis dedit, cum corpore suo, unam caruca tam terre in Drynghowe, cum hominibus earn tenentibus, et sequelis eorum. Baldewynus de Beforthe dedit. nobis, cum seipso, duas parti- culas terre quas habuit intra carucatam terre de la More, scilicet duodecimam partem ipsius carucate. Johannes de Rysome dedit nobis, cum corpore suo, unam ca rucatam terre, cum hominibus earn tenentibus, in Braythayk. Alanus filius Margarete dedit nobis, cum corpore suo, unum toftum in Gronalle. Galfridus de Argenters dedit nobis, cum corpore suo, homagium et redditum duorum denariorum de quatuor toftis in Lokyng- tone. Willielmus filius Gilberti dedit nobis, cum corpore suo, unam culturam terre in Daltone. Stephanus de Crauncewyk dedit nobis, cum corpore suo, homagium et redditum trium solidorum de duabus bovatis terre in Hotone et Crauncewyke. M. 14 III. ABBATS OF TICHFIELD ABBEY, IN HAMPSHIRE. The very short account (comprised in ten lines) of the Premonstraten- sian Abbey of Tichfield, in Hampshire, given by the editors of the new Monasticon, vol. vi. p. 931, will, perhaps, render some occasional illus trations of its history, drawn from the original monastic Registers, acceptable to the Topographer. A description of these Registers (now in the possession of the Duke of Portland) will hereafter be submitted. At present, a list of the Abbats of this monastery, extracted from the " Rememoratorium," compiled in the reign of Richard II. is offered to the " Collectanea." [Fol. 2 14. J Cathalogus Abbatum monasterii de Tychefelde. Dominus Ricardus, primus Abbas hujus ecclesie, venit de Halesoweyn cum fratribus suis, anno Domini mccxxii. et bene et religiose rexit istam ecclesiam ; obiit vero xvj° kalend. Julii, et sepelitur coram hostio capituli. Dominus Ysaac, secundus Abbas istius ecclesie, qui tempore suo perquisivit maneria de Cadelonde et Inkepenne, obiit autem xiij kalend. Julii, et sepelitur in claustro coram hostio capituli, in parte dextera monumenti primi abbatis. Post cujus decessum, Henricus de Branewyk ei successit, et postea in Abbatem monas terii de Halesoweyn postulatus, et ibidem in pace quievit.3 Cui Henricus de Spersolte successit, qui tempore suo perquisivit ma- nerium de Newelonde et secessit. Obiit vero x kalend. Octo- bris, et sepelitur in claustro. Cui successit frater Yvo, qui ad- quisivit tempore suo manerium de Myrabel, et secessit ; et obiit v. nonas Marcii, et sepelitur in claustro. Dominus Adam, Abbas hujus ecclesie tercius,b honorifice istam rexit ecclesiam, et obiit xviij kalend. Octobris, et sepelitur in claustro, ex parte sinistra monumenti Abbatis Petri de Wynton'. Dominus Willielmus de Byketone,c Abbas hujus ecclesie quar- tus, venerabiliter istam rexit ecclesiam, et obiit vj idus Novem- bris, et sepelitur in ecclesia, ad altare Sancti Ricardi. Dominus Johannes Sydemantone,d Abbas hujus ecclesie quin- " He is not mentioned in the imperfect list of the Abbats of Hales Owen, in Monast. vol. vi. p. 927. *> An irregularity in the numbers here seems intentionally to have been introduced by the compiler of the Register, but the cause I am at present unable to explain. c He occurs 20 and 22 Edw. I. d Occurs 34 Edw. I. ABBATS OF TICHFIELD ABBEY. 15 tus, bene rexit istam ecclesiam, et obiit iij nonas Decembris, et sepelitur in claustro, inter hostium librarii, ex parte australi, et monumentum Abbatis Petri de Wynton', ex parte boriali. Dominus Rogerus de Candevere,e Abbas hujus ecclesie sextus, honorifice et religiose rexit istam ecclesiam circiter xviij annos ; obiit vero nonas (sic) Augusti, et sepelitur in claustro, apud in- gressum ecclesie, versus altare Sancti Petri. Dominus Johannes de Combe, f Abbas hujus ecclesie Septimus, qui tempore suo adquisivit et appropriavit maneria de Croftone et Fonteleghe Pageham, et rexit ecclesiam istam circiter xx an nos. Obiit autem iij nonas Maii, et sepelitur in claustro, ad caput monumenti Abbatis Rogeri de Candevere, in medio. Dominus Petrus de Wynton', s Abbas hujus ecclesie octavus, religiose istam rexit ecclesiam uno anno et vj mensibus. Obiit vero xix kalend. Augusti, et sepelitur in claustro, in medio inter monumentum Ade abbatis, ex parte boriali, et monumentum Johannis Sydemantone Abbatis, ex parte australi. Dominus Willielmus de Wollop,h Abbas hujus ecclesie nonus, optime rexit istam ecclesiam xx annis, ix mensibus et iij diebus, qui tempore suo perquisivit et appropriavit terr' et tenem' de Markes et Brykoreslonde. Ac etiam adquisivit, sed non appro priavit terr' et tenem' de Warde, terr' de Froghemour, terr' de Forsteburyeslonde, apud Chark, et tenementa que fuerunt Jo hannis Goudale in Tychefelde. Et tempore suo Johannes Edyn- done pure et libere dedit huic ecclesie manerium suum de Portesy et Copenore. Obiit autem x kalend. Junii, et sepelitur in clau stro, in parte boriali monumenti Rogeri de Candevere Abbatis. Dominus Johannes de Thorni,1 Abbas hujus ecclesie decimus, prudenter rexit istam ecclesiam xix annis, xiij septimanis et v diebus, qui tempore suo appropriavit manerium de Portesy et Copenore, terr' et tenem' de Warde, terr' de Froghemour, terr' de Forsteburyeslonde, apud Chark, et tenementa que fuerunt Johannis Goudale in Tych'. Obiit vero ij kalend. Octobris, et sepelitur in claustro, ad pedes imaginis beate Marie Virginis, quam ibidem in honorem ejusdem genitricis Dei ipse const[r]uit e Recognitio novi Abbatis, 2 Edw. II. Registr. Rotul. Cur. de Tichf. ' Recogn. novi Abb. 3 Edw. III. e The Bp. of Winchester commits the custody of Tichfield Abbey (then vacant) to Peter de Wynton', by an instrument dated 7 kal. Jul. 1332. Registr. Stratford, f. 129. <¦ Ibid. 22 Edw. III. ¦ Recogn. novi Abb. 44 Edw. III. — Elected 8 Sept. 1370. Registr. Wykehara, vol. i. f. 26. 16 ABBATS OF TICHFIELD ABBEY. et ordinavit, ac in quodam boterasJ ipsam imaginem stare fecit. Dominus Johannes de Romesee,1* Abbas hujus ecclesie unde- cimus, honorabiliter rexit istam ecclesiam.1 Dominus Thomas Benstedde, Abbas hujus ecclesie terciodeci- mus, bene rexit istam ecclesiam, et compulsus baculum resignavit. Dominus Willielmus Winchestour alias Fryer, Abbas hujus ecclesie quartodecimus, vj annos et di.m * * * * # # # # # # Willielmus Auysten," Abbas hujus ecclesie xvmus, bene rexit istam ecclesiam xvj annis, qui edificavit domum vulgariter dic- tam be grete place ; preterea et fenestras omnium camerarum, necnon et aliam domum prope crucem corporis ville; cujus obi- tus interfuit viij" k. Novembris, et sepelitur juxta monumentum Johannis Thorny. Dominus Thomas Ooyk (?) Abbas xvjs. 21 annis ecclesiam rexit, et obiit. Dominus Thomas Blankpayne xxa. annis, Abbas xvijs. resig navit pro pensione. Reverendus pater Johannes, Elfinensis Episcopus, Abbas Commendatarius de Welbek et Tichfeld, Ordinis Premon. visi- tator, numero xviijs. monasterium et ecclesiam ruinosa re-edi- ficavit.0 i Buttress. k The process for the election of Joh. de Romeseye is entered in vol. i. f. 208 b, of Bp. Wykeham's Register, and is dated 8 Dec. 1390. 1 The original hand ceases here, and a blank space follows of eight lines. The re maining entries are made by two or three later hands, and the twelfth Abbat is altoge ther omitted. m Three lines have here been intentionally erased. " Occurs in 1478, Regist. Waynflete, ii. f. 63. In the same Reg. f. 144 b, is a com mission to the Bishop's suffragan to bestow the benediction on Will. Aleyn, elected Abbat of Tichfield. Dated 13 Dec. 1470. Is this the same person ? ° " The last Abbat was John Sampson, at the surrender of this convent, 8th Dec. 1538. His predecessor was John Max, Bishop of Elphin in Ireland, whom I find pos sessed of this abbacy in commendam, An. 1535." Willis, vol. ii. pp. 207, 336. At the end of the Tichfield Register, is an instrument from Richard Abbat of the same, dated 8 Hen. VII. which does not seem to agree with the above list. M. 17 IV. PEDIGREE OF THE FAMILY OF FULHAM, OF COMPTON, SURREY. Sir, Your proposal of introducing so much as you can obtain of anv respectable family that are deceased, seems to be a plan that may be of considerable use to some who may have been remotely connected with those families. I therefore send you the inclosed account of a very respectable family, now extinct in the male line, in their late situation of Compton, near Guildford, in Surrey. The earliest knowledge that I have of them does not begin before the time of James the First, but from that time I believe it to be perfectly complete. W. Bray. The Family ofFulham, of Compton. In 1667, Edward Fulham, D. D. purchased the manor of Compton Eastbury, in the parish of Compton,3 with a very good mansion adjoining to the church-yard, and looking over . . . . . acres to the south or south-west. The Fulham family formed matrimonial connections with very respectable families, and have been chiefly devoted to the Church of England, in which they have possessed many livings and other preferments ; but one of them was Recorder of Guildford in 1703, and M. P. for Haslemere in 1705 and 1707, and which was under the patronage of the one of the Molyneux family, who had married the heiress of the More family, of Loseley. The estate at Compton descended to the late Rev. Edward Fulham, who died 1st of June 1 832. He had the living of St. Nicholas' parish, Guildford, on the presentation of Dr. Greene, as Dean of Salisbury, who was his grand-uncle ; but Mr. Fulham resided in the parish of Compton, on his estate, in the ornamenting and improving of which he took great delight, and had made it a much admired situation. The house is a handsome one, adjoining the churchyard. a The manor of Compton Westbury and the leet of the whole parish of Compton, are part of the Loseley estate, belonging to James Molyneux, Esq. 18 FAMILY OF FULHAM, OF COMPTON, CO. SURREY. John Fulham, of Hope under Dynmore, co. Heref.=p Edward Fulham, Surveyor of Westminster Abbey .=p Edward Fulham, D.D. born 1 604 ;=j=Margaret, dau of Sir Robert died 9 Dec. 1694, set. 90.b i Clerke, Knt. of Oxfordshire. ¦J- -r . =Anne, Edward, d. 6 Feb. 1688,c mar , daur. of Sir John Stone- house, of Ox fordshire, Bart. T George,=pKatherine, dau. D.D. d. 23 Nov. 1702.d and coh. of Geo. Evelyn, Esq. of Wotton, in S urrey . She died 23 Oct. 1699-e ! John,: died 25 uary April 1674.S 1726, a3t.64.h Saml died Jan- George, died 6 March 1710, aged 2 months.1" dau. of Robt. Waith, bur. at Comp ton 23 Oct. 1 720.1 I Edwd.born Jan uary 1694; died unmarried 1768, 33t. 75. 1. Eliz.=John, b.=p2. Sarah, da. of . Wicks, relict of SirDud- ley Cul- lum, Bt. She died 22 Jan. 1737- 1697; died 13 July 1777, 33t. 80.k dau. of Charles Greene, Esq. grdd. of Thos. Greene, Bp.ofEly; d. 3 Jan. 1789. 1 Mary,marriedJohnTurner,tradesman, of Guild ford. =p — r ~\ Katharine, mar. Rev. Wm. San son, Rector of Comp ton. A dau. mar. Mr. Ma- riat.l Edward, d. inf.1745-6. Thomas, d. inf. 1747. Sarah. John, d. 1 7 Nov. 1772, 33t. 29.m i — I Edward, d. 1 Jnne 1832, ajt. 84. n Katharine, mar. Thos. Parsons, d. 1795. John Tur ner, mar ried . . . . , and had five sons and two daughters. George Fulham Turner, mar. 1 st daughter of Richard Clif ton, of Guildford, 1 A daugh ter, died at an early age before Esq. ; 2nd. . . . . , she left daughter of ... . school. Hilton, of .... " NOTES ON THE PEDIGREE. b Proctor of the University of Oxford 1639 ; Rector of Wotton near Oxford 1641 ; installed 12 July 1660 first Canon of Windsor ; 1 August created D.D. at Oxford, and appointed Rector of West Ildesley, Berks, and Rector of Hampton Poyle, Ox., and Vicar of Bray in Berks, and was one of the Prebendaries of Winchester. In 1667 he purchased the manor of Compton Eastbury ; but the manor of Compton Westbury, and the leet of the whole of the parish of Compton, are part of the Loseley estate, belonging to James More Molyneux, Esq. — See Manning and Bray's History of Surrey, vol. ii. p. 5. Dr. Edward Fulham had also two daughters : Margaret, who married Henry Bickley, June 14, 1676 ; and Katharine, mar. 1. Robert Waith, Esq. 2. Edw. Jones, D.D. " Rector of West Ildesley, Prebendary of Wellington in the Church of Lichfield, 1673.- — See Manning and Bray's History of Surrey, vol. ii. p. 5. d Instituted Rector of Compton in 1 684 ; Prebendary of Winchester in 1 692, and Rec tor of St. Mary, Southampton; 1700 Archdeacon of Winchester. He was Fellow of Mag dalene College, Oxford i and was one of those who stoutly resisted the intention of King FAMILY OF FULHAM, OF COMPTON, CO. SURREY. 19 NOTES ON THE PEDIGREE. James the Second to introduce a Roman Catholic as head'ofthat College : but I suppose was expelled, and in the Revolution, when William the Third became King, it is pro bable that he had a stall given him in that Cathedral as a recompense for what he had lost at the College. c This lady was one of the three daughters of George Evelyn, the son and heir-appa rent of George Evelyn, Esq. of Wotton, the latter being the elder brother of the so much celebrated John Evelyn, the publication of whose Memoirs from his own MSS. has been so well received by the public. George Evelyn, her father, died in his father's lifetime, leaving by his wife three daughters. The male branch being likely to fail, leaving only daughters, George Evelyn the father made a new settlement of the Wotton estate in favour of » younger brother, the celebrated John Evelyn, subject to the payment of about 6000Z. to each of these three daughters, and which money was paid on John Evelyn coming into possession of the Wotton estate under the new limi tation. — See Evelyn's Memoirs, vol. ii. p. 65, 4to. edit. Mrs. Fulham was buried in Winchester Cathedral, where there is a tablet erected to her memory, the copy of an inscription on which is printed in Gale's History of that Cathedral, 1715, p. 48. ' Buried in Winchester Cathedral by the side of his mother. e A Leghorn Merchant. h Appointed Recorder of Guildford 4th Oct. 1703, was M.P. for Haslemere in 1705 and 1707; this was probably owing to his friendship with the Molyneux family, who were at that time Patrons of this Borough. ¦ Married 19th May 1687. k Instituted Rector of Compton 1722 and of Merrow in 1736, to the latter of which he was presented by Thomas Lord Onslow the patron ; in 1796 he was appointed Pre bendary of Heathfield in the Cathedral of Chichester, and Archdeacon of Landaff; in 1750 one of the Canons of Windsor, having been Chaplain to Arthur Onslow, Esq. Speaker of the House of Commons ; he was Rector of Compton 55 years. 1 A medical gentleman of Guildford, who by the interest of the Onslow family ob tained a Laud-waiter's place in the Custom-house, London. » In 1768 instituted Rector of Chiddingfold, to which he was presented by his grand-uncle, Dr. Thomas Greene, Dean of Salisbury, to which Deanery this presentation and that of St. Nicholas Guildford belonged. He was also Chaplain in Ordinary to the King. " In 1777 instituted Rector of St. Nicholas, Guildford, to which he was presented by his grand-uncle, Dr. Greene, Dean of Salisbury, on the death of Dr. Gilbert, He also inherited the family estate at Compton, where he resided, and died unmarried. ° In Compton Church is an inscription to Mary, wife of Mr. Fulham Turner, of Guildford, and daughter of Mr. William Wyatt, of Felpham, Sussex, She died Oct. 29, 1790, aged 53 years. — Manning and Bray's History of Surrey, vol. ii. p. 13. W. B. Note. In the interval between the communication of this article and its passing through the press, the Editors have to regret the loss of their venerable coadjutor, the veteran Topographer of Surrey ; who died at Shere, Dec. 21, 1832, in his 97th year. C 2 20 V. EXTRACTS FROM A VOLUME OF ROBERT ASKE's COLLECTIONS, MARKED WITH A CINOUEFOIL, WRITTEN IN THE REIGN OF HENRY VIII.a [Fo. 94b.] The Names of the Nobles burriedin the Frere Augustyns of Clare. Sir Richarde Erie of Clare. Lionell Duke of Clarence. Dame Joane of Acres. Sir Edwarde Monthermer, son of the sayde Joane. John Wybourgh. Dame Alice Spencer. Willm Geldryche. Sir John Beauchamp, Knight. John Newbury, Esquier. Willm Capel and Elianor his wyfe. Kempe, Esquier. Roberte Butterwyke, Esquier. The Lady Margarete Scroope, doughter of Westmerland. Joane Candysshe, doughter of Clopton. Dame Alienor Wynkepery. Sir Edmond laste of the Mortemers Erie of Marche. Sir Thomas Grey and his furste wyfe. Luce wyfe of Water Clopton. Sir Thomas Clopton and Ade his wyfe. [Fols. 94, 126.] The Bodies that lyethe berryed in tlie Churche of Harlyng. Sir Robert Harlyng, Knight, anno 1435. Elizabeth Trussell, suster to Wm Trussell, anno 13 of King Henry the 7th. " In the library at Middlehill. — It is not quite certain that Ask was the collector, but it is rendered probable from his speaking of himself in the first person, at f. 1 1, in the following remark : " Memorandum, That I, Robert Aske, servaunt unto th.e Right honorable the Erie of Northumberland, hath resavede of my said Lord & Master in the battlement a bove Sainte Steven's Chapel, at Westmon', the xvii"1 day of May in the xix"' yer off King Henry the VIII. as dotli aper in the end, C Ii." BURIALS IN THE CHAPTER-HOUSE, LONDON. 21 Sir Wm Chamberlain, Knight of the Garter, and Ann his wyfe, doughter of Sir Roberte Harlyng. Sir John Harlyng. [Fol. 103.] The Bodyes buryed in the Chapter-House of London fownded by Sir Water Mannye, Knighte. First, Sir Water Mannye and his wyfe. Item. Marmaduke Lumley. Sir Laurence Bromley, Knight. Sir Edmond Hederset, Knight. Itm. The Duches of ... . (sic) Sir Wm Manny, Knight. Dame Jone Borough. Sir Jno Derewentwater, K*. Robert Oleney, Esquyre. Katherin daughter of Sir Wyllyam Babington. Blanch daughter of Hugh Waterton. Katherin wyfe of John Attepole, daughter and heyre of Richard Lacye. Katherin wyfe of Wyllyam Love. Wyllm Rawlin. Sir John Leyntham and Dame Margaret his wyfe, daughter of John Fraye. John Peke, Esquyre, and Jone his wyfe. Wyllyam Barton, ) _ Wyll- Barton, \^Wy™' John Popeham, Knight. Sir Thomas Thawytes, Knight, and The wyfe of Wyllyam Ardelston. [Fol. 134.J Marriages in the King and the Queues presence where summe officers of armes have be present. Furst, the Due of Bedford, Jasper, to the Duchesse of Buk. Katryne, and the officers of armes had her pareis and mantill for theire fees and larges. Itm. the Viscount Welles to the Lady Cecill the quenes suster. Itm. the Lord Clifford, Henry, to Amye suster of Sir John St. John. Itm. Sir Ric. Pole to Margarete doughter of George Due of Clarence. 22 MARRIAGES IN THE KING'S AND GtUEEN's PRESENCE. Itm. Sir William Gascoigne to doughter of Sir Ric. Frognell. Itm. the Lord Nevill, furst to the doughter of William Pas- ton ; aftur to the suster of Sir William Sands. Itm. Sir Charles Somerset to Elizabeth doughter and heire of Willra Erie of Huntingdon and Lord Herbert. Itm. thErle of Kent to Kateryn suster of therle of Huntingdon. Itm. the son and heire of therle of Devon to the Lady Kate- ryne the quenes suster. Itm. Sir Ric. Guldeford to suster of Sir Nicholas Vaux. Itm. the Due of Buk. Edward, to the lady Alienor suster of therle of Northumberland. Itm. Therle of Northumbreland, Henry, to the Lady Kateryne dpughter of the Countaise of Wiltes. Itm. The Lord Harington, Thomas, son and heire of Marques of Dorset, to Alienore doughter of Olyver St. John. We write no more of mariages by cause the fees of thoffice of Armes, which aunciently they were accustomed to have, is now lost. [Fol. 89.] Pedigree of Broke. Roger Broke, of Leighton, maried the daughter of Bokeley of Weston Woods, in Cheshire. The said Roger had issue, bi the daughter of Bukeley, Thomas Broke of Leighton. Thomas Broke, of Leighton, maried the daughter of Thomas Dawkinson, Eschetour of Cheshire, and Chamberleyne of North Walis, and Constable of the Castell of Carnarvan, bi whos daughter the seid Thomas had issue, John Broke of Leighton, which John maried the daughter of Parker of Copnall (which Parker married the daughter of Copnall, sumtyme Lord of Copnall), of whom he had issue Thomas Broke that now is, which Thomas maried the daughter of Sterkey of Olton, and had issue Richard Broke, which Richard Broke is now one of the religion of Seynt John's Jherusalem. The mother of the wiff of the seid Thomas was daughter of Phillipe Egerton of Edgerton. The mother of Hugh Sterkley (sic) of Olton, was suster to Sir John Nedeham, which was Justice of Chester. Nedeham that now is, heire unto the seid Nedeham. John Sterkey, graundfather to the wiff of Thomas Broke his PEDIGREE OF BROKE. 23 mother, was sister unto Sir John Delves, that wassleyne at Blowre heath. Phelip Egerton, that was father to the wiff of Hugh Sterkeley (sic) of Olton, maried the daughter of William Ma- neringe of Yghtfeld, which was grandfather to John Maneringe, and father to Richard Manering that now is. This pedigree having been written in the reign of Henry VIII. and varying in some degree from that in Ormerod's " History of Cheshire," it has been thought desirable to print it, because the person who wrote it lived at the same period as the Thomas Broke who married Starkey. P. VI. EXTRACTS FROM THE CARTULARY a OF ST. PETER'S ABBEY, AT SHREWSBURY, COMPRISING AN INDEX OF THE CHARTERS. This volume contains 430 folio leaves of original Cartulary, with eight leaves of miscellaneous Charters at the beginning, and six leaves added later at the end. It is written in a fine broad character, about the latter end of the 13th century, between 1278 and 1292. The references in Dugdale to Sir Richard Leveson's copy correspond so exactly with this, that there can be little doubt of its being the identical book. On the last cover are stamped the initials H. L. which are supposed to be those of Sir Henry Leigh or Leighton, of Shropshire. On the page previous to the first Charter is the following note and pedigree, well written in the beginning of Elizabeth's reign, about 1562. Guillaume seigneur de Bellesme et de Alencon en Normendie, fils de Yvon, avoit de Mathild sa feme quatre fils, nommes Guerin seigneur de Dampfront, Fouques, Robert, et Guillaume. Guillaume, le dernier des quatre fils, surnome Talvas, aprees la mort de ses freres demoura Seigneur de Bellesme et de Sees. II estoit home superbe et cruel, et il dona en marriage sa file unique, nomine" Mabille, a Roger du Montgomery, vaillant home et fort prudent, qui estoit de la lignee de Bellesme. La dit Mabille fut petit de stature, mais grande de cuer et de esprit, et a In the possession of Sir Thomas Phillipps, Bart. 24 CARTULARY OF ST. PETER's ABBEY, SHREWSBURY. plus cruelle qu'il ne covient a la condition de un feme. Refe- rant de pres les conditions de ses predecessours, de ce mariage sont issus cinq fils et quatre filles, Hugues, Robert, Roger, Philip et Arnould, Enyne (Emme), Mathilde, Mabille, et Sibille. Les filles furent plus honestes et mieulx condiciones que les fils, pour ce que ils furent de grande entreprise, haltaynes, et cruelles. Apres la conquest d'Angleterre le Conte Roger du Montgo mery espousa la Duchesse de Glocestre. Guillaume de Bellesme, fils de Yvon.=p. . . . r — — — ' Guillaume de Bellesme, dit lalvas.=p. . . . r J Mabill.=pRoger de Montgomery, Conte de Bellesme,=:ADEJLAisA. [ Alencon, Arundel, et Salop. rJ M. . . . , daughter of Erie Roger.=pGiLBERT Lord Talbot. The Pedigree is carried down to George Eyrl of Shrewsbury 1562, with a branch showing the descent of Corbet from Talbot ; but, as it seems to want sufficient authority, we omit it. The first Charter deserves to be transcribed at length, since it is more descriptive of Earl Roger's conduct at the moment when he designed the foundation of the monastery, than that printed in the Monasticon. 1. Testimonium Walteri Constabulatoris, et Roberti Episcopi Cestriw, qualiter Domus (S. Petri) fuit fundata. Venerabilis Comes Rogerius, cum sepius volveret in animo quatinus hanc ecclesiam construeret in honore Sanctorum Apos- tolorum Petri et Pauli, vocans ad se Siwardum, (qui Grossus di- cebatur, et aliquando hujus loci extiterat dominus,) suum ei indi- cavit desiderium, dicens : " Si bono animo hanc ei elemosinam concederet perficiendam, daret ei quandam villam quae Langafeld vocabatur." Quo ille audito, ut erat vir bonus, libenter annuit, et eandem villam accipiens a Comite statim Sco Petro et Mona- chis ejus hilari animo condonavit, in presentia, scilicet Comitis et Baronum ejus: hoc solum tamen retinuit, ut, quoad ipse viveret, a monachis earn habere posset. Quod gratantur (sic) concessum est. Eo autem postea defuncto, et decenter in hoc monasterio sepulto, filius ejus Aldredus, nolens patris sequi vestigia, predic- tam villam sibi retinuit, et vi et potestate Ricardi de Belmesio CARTULARY OF ST. PETEr's ABBEY, SHREWSBURY. 25 (qui tunc Dapifer hujus Comitates erat, et postea Londoniee Episcopus factus est,) per aliquod tempus possedit, vastans omnia quas Pater illius in ea reliquerat. Hsec videns piae memoriae Fulcheredus Abbas, per amorem potius quam per placitum, vil lam predictam reducere studuit. Consilio igitur amicorum et predicti Ricardi dedit supradicto Aldredo quindecim libras, et fratribus ejus donaria, ut jam dictam villam sine retractione sibi redderent. Quo.concesso et coram multis testibus confirmato, recepit Ecclesia quod injuste amiserat. Hoc vero sciendum, quod tunc temporis tantae erat villa ilia paupertatis, quod nee ex- traneis tanti vendi posset. Hujus rei testes extiterunt predictus Ricardus, Rogerus Corbeth et Robertus frater ejus, Hamo Pe- verel, et omnis Comitatus. Supradictus Rogerius Comes con- sfituens hanc ecclesiam nostram dedit Sco Petro et Monachis ejus ecclesiam Sci Gregorii cum omnibus quae ad earn pertinebant, ut in carta Regis scriptum est, eo scilicet tenore, ut dum canonici qui in ea prebendas habebant morte deficerent, prebendae in do- minum Monachorum devenirent. Ricardus vero Capellanus de Meilnil Hermer, qui unam prebendam habebat in eadem eccle sia, dum moreretur a Monachis nostris factus est Monachus, et in nostra ecclesia sepultus. Filius autem illius, Hubertus nomine, laicus, sperans prebendam patris in hereditatem posse sibi ad- quirere, multis modis monachos inde fatigavit. Sed percipiente piissimo Rege Henrico, ut Ricardus Londoniensis Episcopus inde rectum teneret, quia idem Hubertus juste eandem non potuit ha bere prebendam, post multa placita sine omni calumnia dere- liquit. Inde testes fuerunt praedictus gloriosus Rex, Ricardus Episcopus, Alanus filius Flaald, Hamo Peverel, Rogerus Cor beth et Robertus frater ejus, Herbertus filius Helgoti, cum multis aliis probis et honestis hominibus. Rainerius de Tangelanda a habuit quandam terrulam de hec Ecclesia nomine Fertecotam, quam sibi Abbas Fulcheredus tali pacto commiserat, ut eo defuncto sine aliqua retractatione statim in dominium ecclesiae rediret. Filius vero ejus, Willielmus no mine, earn retinere cupiens, similiter nos plurimum fatigavit, et multa placita coadunavit. Tandem vero Fulcheredus Abbas tes timonies suis probans priorem conventionem, quod injuste pre dictus Willielmus ecclesiae volebat auferre, justo judicio vindi- cavit. Hujus rei testes sunt Ricardus Episcopus, et omnes supradicti. » Qy. whether this is a name derived from the Saxon " Tainland " ? P. 26 CARTULARY OF ST. PETER'S ABBEY, SHREWSBURY. Rainaldus filius Elieth reddidit huic Ecclesia; et nobis unam hidam, quam pater ejus aliquando habuerat ad firmam ex hac ecclesia. Et quia hoc spontanea voluntate fecit, sine omni re- tractatione vel calumnia sui aut alicujus heredis illius, dedit illi Godefridus Abbas xii. et xs. coram multis testibus, Teoderico scilicet domino illius qui hanc conventionem inter nos et ilium composuit, Hamone Peverel et Warino dapifero ejus; Williel- mo milite predicti Theodorici, Willielmo Coco, Meriet et We- ret famulis Abbatis, cum multis aliis. Turstinus Buich habuit quandam terram juxta Savernam in confinio Bruge de hac ecclesia ad quendam terminum, set, eo mortuo, Rainaldus filius ejus voluit earn retinere per vim in here- ditate. Qui post patrem non diu superstes existens, in infirmi- tate qua defunctus est, penituit, monachilem habitum a. monachis nostris suscepit, terram reddidit, et seipsum in nostro monasterio ad sepeliendum dedit. His interfuit avunculus ejus Odo, Ri cardus frater ejus, Ulgerius, et alii plures. Herbertus filius Helgoti, nolens post se aliquam calumniam fieri de his quae Pater ejus vel ipse huic ecclesias contulerant, licet hec in carta Regis firmasset, voluit tamen ut filii ejus propria sua con- cessione eadem confirmassent. Misit igitur eos cum pia matre ad hanc ecclesiam, Eutropium scilicet, qui heres post patrem fu- turus erat, cum ceteris fratribus suis Nicholao et Herberto, qui, acceptis orationibus in capitulo et concessis donariis patris et avi, propria manu textum evangelii accipientes, optulerunt super altare Sci Petri quae concessa fuerant coram multis testibus ; haec sunt, ecclesia de Castello quod Stantona dicitur, cum quadam terra quam mater eorum ex sua parte dederat in eadem villa; Nortona, quae sita est juxta nemus quod Lima dicitur ; terra quaedam quam dedit Helgotus avus eorum, cum silvula quae Mora dicitur, et est sita juxta ripam Savernaa, ex hac parte fluminis est sita. Robertus presbiter, filius Wigerii presbyteri, vendidit nobis domum suam de Castello, quae de prioribus vel prima in Castello facta est, licentia et testimonio Ricardi Episcopi, qui in diebus illis istum Comitatum sub Rege gubernabat, et Rainerii qui tunc perfectus (sic) erat. Rogerius Comes dedit quandam terrulam ad sabulum fodien- dum (to dig sand, Gallice sable) ad opus ecclesiae, in qua domus est modo, ita solutam et quietam, ut ipse, qui dominus erat, earn habebat. Haec autem omnia testificatus est Ricardus Londoni- CARTULARY OF ST. PETER'S ABBEY, SHREWSBURY. 27 ensis Episcopus, et omnes barones comitatus cum illo. Quae et ego Walterus Conestabalator, (sic) audito testimonio illorum quia presens eram, proprio sigillo firmavi cum sigillo Episcopi. Pedigrees from the above Document. Siward Grossus, tempore=p. . . . | , fundationis monasterii. j Roger Cor- Robert. I ' 1 ' 1 beth, temp. Aldred, tempore A son. A son. Fulcheredi Fulcheredi Abbatis. Abbatis. Ricardus Capellanus> de=p. . . . Flaald.=p. . . . Meilnil Hermer. | I 1 I ' Alan, temp. Hubert, temp. Henr. I. Henr I. Helgot, held More wood=p. . . Rainer de Tangelanda,=p. . . . on the banks of the Severn. | temp. Fulcheredi Abbatis. I , -1 r J Herbert, temp. Hen. I.=p. . . . William. held Stanton and Norton. | I : p -1 — | Elieth.^=. . . . Eutropius, Nicholas. Herbert. | 1 son and heir. Rainald, temp. Godefridi Abbatis. I " 1 Odo. Turstin Buich, had lands near Bridgnorth.=p. . . . r- 1 ¦ J Rainald. Ricardus. Wiger Presbyter.=p. . . « r J Robert Presbyter. 2. Carta D. Rogeri Comitis, de prima fundatione monasterii Sci Petri Salop. [Printed in Monast. vol. iii. p. 519, new ed.] 3. Carta D. Hugonis Comitis, filii ejus, de terris, ecclesiis, et decimis in Weston, Hennele, Nesse, Optona, Wontenoure, Thokethul, Coleham, Phutesho, Gulidone, Loskesfort, Preston, Hodenet, Peppelawe, Ardulveston, Eston, Stottesdone, Neutone, Walkeslawe, Lya, Saubury, Sibeton, Wolintone, Hetley, Wroc- wardin, Ercalou, Walecot, Heiton. 4. Carta Hugonis predicti, de Libertatibus. 5. Carta ejusdem, de decimis de Stotesdona, Esteleia juxta Brugiam, Welinton, Wrocordina, Opton, Prestona, Oswaldestre, Nesse, Mudle, Lokelthulla, Bolelea, Hodeneth, Peopelawa et 28 CARTULARY OF ST. PETER'S ABBEY, SHREWSBURY. Loscesford, Buton sub Lima, Wulruntuna, Arkaloua, Heitona, Wilsitheland, Cleya, Brugeltona, Kinardeseia. [Printed in Mo- nast. vol. iii. p. 590.] 6. Carta Matildis de Lungespe, filiae et her. Dni Walt, de Clif ford, filii Walteri de C. et Agnetis de Cundy, confirmans cartam patris sui, de bosco in Luhton. [Printed ib. but in part only.] 7. Carta Walt, filii Walt, de Clifford et Agnetis de Cundy, de bosco in Luhton, juxta assartum Rogeri de Ondeslawe. 8. Carta Walt. Clifford de communa. caprarum in bosco de Luhton. " Test. Egidio de Clifford fratre meo." 9. Carta Walt. Clifford, de 100 acr. in bosco de Luhtone. 10. Carta Adami de Beysin, de £¦ virgat. et 4 acr. et 1 feilonem in Walkeslowe, ad emendationem coquinae Abbatia;. 11. Carta Rogeri filii Odonis de Rusberia, de ferndella in Bradestan. 12. Carta Will. fil. Alani, de eadem ferndella in Bradestan. 13. Carta Thomas Mauduht, qua dat homagium Henrici filii Sweyni, et i virgat. in Clia, quam ipse Henricus tenuit. 14. Carta Henrici l™1 de manerio de Bascherche. Data apud " Lecanot." 15. Carta Walchelini Maminot, de restoratione Monachis S. P. terrae de Lega, quam Will. Peverel, avunculus dicti Walche lini, eis injuste abstulit. [Printed in Monast. vol. iii. p. 522.] 16. Carta conventionis inter Hugonem Abb. S. Petri et Johannem Extraneum, de angulo nemoris de Bircha. IT. Carta Will, filii Radulphi de Eyton, de i virgat. terrae in Baschirche. 18. Carta Johannis Extranei, D'ni de Knokyn, qua, dat sectam curia; in maneriis suis de Buton, Mudle, Nesse, Hoptun, Kyntun. 19. Carta Gyrardi de Tornay, qua dat villam de Beiton, Testibus (inter alios) Willielmo de Hedlega, et filiis suis Alano et Willielmo ; Nigello de Sauberia et Roberto filio suo; Osmundo de Tunstall. 20. Carta Hamonis Peverel, qua. dat Villam de Dunstall,,et servicium militis qui eam tenebat, ita ut ipse miles, Osmundus nomine, habeat eam in feudo, 8cc. Test, (inter al.) Turstano fratre ejusdem Osmundi. P. [To be continued.] 29 VII. SYON MONASTERY, MIDDLESEX. In the sixth volume of the Monasticon, p. 540, new edit, is an interest ing account of this religious house, which was founded by Henry V. in 1414, and was the only one in Great Britain which professed the modi fied Order of St. Austin, called the Order of St. Saviour and St. Bridget. The Rule of the Order is not given by Dugdale, probably because he had never met with it, and the deficiency is not supplied by his editors. But among the Add. MSS. in the British Museum, No. 5208, is a volume formerly belonging to this monastery, and neatly written on parchment, soon after the period of its foundation. It contains : 1. ~B.egv.la Sancti Salvatoris, in 24 capp. as adapted to the nuns aud brethren of the Order. 2. Regule beati Augustini Episcopi, secundum exposicionem N. Tryvet. 3. Eccposicio regule Sancti Augustini, per Hugonem de Sancto Victore. 4. Exposicio regule beati Augustini secundum fratrem Nicholaum Trevet. 5. Dialogus inter Racionem et Animam. It is not unreasonable to suppose, that this volume was expressly compiled for the use of the monastery by Nicholas Trevet, who, in all probability, was either father confessor, or one of the professed brothers. At the close of the manuscript is written a memorandum respecting the anniversaries to be celebrated in the monastery, by which we learn that Henry Lord Fitzhngh was the person who first caused the order to be brought into England, and endowed the foundation with twenty pounds a-year. This nobleman is not mentioned in the king's charter, and were it not for this memorandum (a copy of which is annexed) we should be ignorant of the part he had taken in the establishment of the Brigittines. Anno Domini mccccxxxi. communi fratrum consensu visum est sex mortuorum officia singulis annis imperpetuum in hoc debere monasterio celebrari. Primum, pro Rege Henrico Quinto, qui hoc fundavit monasterium, et ordinem perfecte zela- vit. Istud cum omni solennitate teneri debet ipso obitus sui die. Secundum, pro Domino Henrico Fitzhughe, qui hunc ordinem primo adduci fecit in hoc regnum, et huic monasterio in partem dotacionis xxli annuas libras donavit. Istud fieri debet infra 30 RULE OF SYON MONASTERY, MIDDLESEX. octavas epiphanie, die videlicet quarta, si dominica non fuerit.a Tercium, pro fratre Thoma Fisshborne, primo hujus monasterii generali confessore. Quod ipso die quo obiit celebrari debet, quia, predicti regis confessor et consiliarius existens, ipsius bene- volenciam ad hujus monasterii fundacionem et ampliorem dota- cionem ac favorem maxime promovit. Necnon pro ordinis et monasterii hujus spirituali et temporali stabili incremento, tam in Romana curia quam in hiis regno et monasterio strenue desu- davit.b Si autem aliquod horum trium in dominica vel feria secunda contigerit, anticipari debet per cantorem ad proximum diem, quo conveniencius fieri potest. Quartum, pro sororibus et fratribus hujus monasterii professis, in prima ebdomada Adven- tus Domini, die per cantorem assignando. Quintum, pro eorum parentibus et benefactoribus, in feria tercia post dominicam quin- quagesime si a, festo ix lc (sic) vacaverit. Sin autem, in aliqua feria ebdomade precedentis. Sextum, pro fratribus et sororibus capituli nostri, infra octavas reliquiarum, quando agitur de festo loci, vel de commemoracione Virginis gloriose.c Eodem eciam anno concesserunt fratres Richardo Scot capellano, quod vivus et mortuus in suffragiis reputaretur monasterii, veluti si fuisset frater professus, quodque idem pro eo post obitum prima trice- sima et anniversaria die fieret officium, sicut pro professis fieri consuevit. Dedit enim monasterio ducentas libras in pecunia et valor e. There is a much fuller Rule in English of this monastery preserved among the Arundel MSS. in the British Museum, No. 146, but unfor tunately imperfect at the beginning and end.d It contains the most minute directions concerning penance for different grades of offence, the duties of each person holding office, the mode of living, performing ser vice, clothing, &c. An extract or two will show the nature of this rule. In cap. 13, the officers of the monastery are thus enumerated : A pryores, the serches, the chauntres and sub-chauntresses, the sexteyne and undersexteyn, the treseres and undertreseres, » Istud officium tenetur modo, non solum pro dicto Domino Henrico F. sed pro omnibus fundatoribus et fundatricibus prioratuum alicc)aer' (sic) ad monasterium perti- nencium. Marg. note. Istud officium tenetur non solum pro dicto Thoma F. sed pro omnibus abbatissis et confessoribus hujus monasterii imperpetuum. Marg. " Vel quando conveniencius fieri potest. Marg. d Another and perfect copy exists in the library of the Dean'and Chapter of St. Paul's, at the end of which is added u Table of Signs used during the hours of silence by the Sisters, printed in the " Excerpta Historica," pp. 414 — 419. RULE OF SYON MONASTERY, MIDDLESEX. 31 the chambres and under chambresse, the celeres, the fermeres, the keper of the washyng howse, the keper of the garden and of the frutes theof, the keper of the butry and of the freytour, the keper of the whele, the keper of the grates, the keper of the reve- lacion gate, the keper of the cloyster and dortour dores. The fifty-third chapter is entitled, " Of the observaunces in the dor tour," and contains the rule to be observed in the sleeping apartment of the nuns : In the dortour, none schal beholde other, nor make sygne to other, wloute a resonable cause, but alle schal there kepe hyghe silence. There also none shal enclyne to other, thof it be the abbes that passethe by them, but all schal go forthe mekly withe ther veyles down over ther eyn. There none schal jutte up on other wylfully, nor spyt up on the stayres, goyng up or down, nor in none other place reprevably, but yf they trede it oute forthewythe. Nor any schal make any noyse there of unreste, aboute makyng of ther beddes, or schakyng of clothes, or remov- ynge of strawe, or of any other thynge, from curfewe belle into ther pryme, neyther from mete into it be thre of the clokke after none. And therfor to suche as gretly rowte [snore]] or make any un restful noyse in ther sleppe, or at the leste, to suche as may not suffer such unquyetnes, schal be purveyd a nother place, wher they may slepe wkmte unrestyng of other. Ther beddes schal be made of bordes faste nayled togyder, and stuffed with strawe, and they schal have as many clothes up on them as nede requyrethe, after the descrecion of the sovereyne, whiche owethe to se that none have more than nedethe nor lasse, and that two lye not togyder in oo bedde. Ther lyenge schal be in ther stamens gyrde aboute hem withe a lyste, and in ther hosen, and up on ther hedes they may have a nyght kerchyf and a nyght cappe. If any have desire to lyghe in her cowle, none schal pre sume thys, withe oute special licence of the abbes. — In ther beddes they schal sytte and 3yve thankynges to God withe some special but no longe prayers or they slepe. And after thys, they schal blysse themself withe In nomine patris, and slepe withe sylence in pece. The seventh chapter is " Of the Dede, how they shal tie buryed," and contains same curious particulars. When any suster is dede, the dede body schal be leyde bare, al possible honeste saved and kepte, up on a bare borde ordeyned 32 GRANT OF TALLINGTON CHURCH therfor, covered withe lede yf nede be. And there sche schal be wasche withe warme water, by them that have the cure of the fermery, and by other sad [grave] persones, suche as the sove- reyne wyl assygne ther to, whiche done, they schal clothe the body withe stamen, cowle, and mantel, wymple, veyle, and crowne, withe oute rewle cote, but withe hosen and schone tanned, and withe a gyrdel, whiche al schal be of the vileste gere, and in al these, excepte mantel, sche shal be buryed. After th* the body is thus arayed, it schal be leyed up on the bere, and covered withe a cheste, made in maner of a wyde latyce, that the body may be seen, and so it schal be broughte in to the sustres quyer, chapter, cloyster, or in to some other more conveniente place. And the body schal never be wloute two sustres at leste, prayeng for the sowle, saynge ther psauter, or dirige, or any other prayers, tyl it be had to chirch, nor it schal be lefte alone at any tyme, tyl it be buryed. What tyme the body schal be had to the chirche or to sepulture, that is reserved to the discrecion of the confessour and hys brethren, counsel had of the abbes in thys party, as for the sustres. Before that the coorse be buryed schal be seyd a masse of requiem for the soule, but yf it be so corrupte, that it may not so longe be kepte above erthe, withe oute infeccion of other. M. VIII. GRANT OF THE CHURCH OF TALLINGTON, CO. LINC TO THE PRIORY OF BELVOIR, BY WILLIAM DE ALBINEIO BR1TO. Robert de Todenei, founder of the Priory of Belvoir, and who among other manors in Lincolnshire held Talintune in capite, died in 1088, leaving issue several children. William, the eldest son, bore, according to Dugdale,3 the surname of Albini, with the addition of Brito to distinguish him from William de Albini, the King's chief butler, called from his office Pincerna. This William is said, by Maud daughter of Simon St. Liz, Earl of Huntingdon, to be the father of William de Albini, also surnamed Brito, who in the 12th Henry II. certified that he held thirty-eight knight's fees. " Baronage, vol. i. p. 111. TO THE PRIORY OF BELVOIR. 33 Notwithstanding the authorities quoted by Dugdale, perhaps further proof may be wanting that the last-named William was grandson and heir-male of Robert de Todenei, and that Maud de St. Liz was his mo ther ;b but, that William de Albini, who died in the 14 Henry II. bore the surname of Brito, and that he was father by Cicely his wife, of a son William, will appear in the following original charter belonging to John Gage, Esq. Director of the Society of Antiquaries. It will also be seen that the name of Robert Brito occurs among the witnesses to the charter, which purports to be a grant of the church and tithes of Talintune to the Priory of Belvoir.c This grant is not noticed in the new edition of the Monasticon. Wilt de Albineio Brito. & uxor ei9 Cecilia. & fili9 eof Wilt. & alii heredes eo*. cunctis fidelib9 see ectie sal. Sciatis nos dedisse ecctie see marie de Belueeir & monachis ibide do serui- entib9 ppetua donatione in elemosina ecctia de Talintuna cu tra & decimis et o7b9 reb9 ad ea ptinentib9. ta lifee & q'ete. q"nto lifer9 & q'etius potest aliq'd see ecctie donari. Hanc donatione psenti cartula confirmamus. p remissione peccatos nfo£ & r> aTa Henrici regis dni iiri. "? a1ab9 ofhium antecessor n?o£. ut Dg ofhipotens nofe ofhib9 ret'buere dignet: uita etnam. Isti st testes hui9 donationis. Oliuer9. Rodfet9 Brito. Warin9 Ridel. Gaufr de Calumni. Stanhardus presbit. Turstan9 presbiL Roger9, cleric9. In dorso. De ecclia d Talintuna. (In a later hand.) Carta W. de Albeniaco Brif de Eco'ia de 'I dlinton' cum p'tinenciis. (The seal is wanting.) •> The truth seems to be, that Dugdale has made an error, and confounded two persons into one, as remarked by Hornby, p. 105. The elder Maud de St. Liz, daughter of the Earl of Huntingdon, died in 1140 (Dugd. i. 218); but, according to Baker, was living in 1 147, whilst the second Maud de St. Liz, her daughter, who became the wife of Wil liam de Albini Brito I. was living in 1 1 85, aged 60. See the Rotul. de Dominabus, p. 1 , MS. Harl. 2188, f.30 b, and Baker's Northamptonshire, vol. i. p.306. — Edit. = In a roll of knights' fees, taken 20 Hen. 111. among the fees of William de Albini is the following entry : " Will'us de Albiuiaco tenet i feodum et dimid. in Offingtou, TaUingtaii et Casewykes, unde Priores de Belvero, de Novo Loco, et de Bissemede feoffati sunt in pura et perpetua elemosina, de novo feoffamento." MS. Add. Br. Mus. 61 18. p. 42. And in 1277, Archbishop Kilwardby declared the right of the Priory of Belvoir (int. al.) to the advowson of Talinton. Mouast. iii. 285, new ed. D 34 IX. DERBYSHIRE CHURCH NOTES. These notes were taken by Mr. John Reynolds, jun. of Plaistow, co. Derby, about the middle of the last century, and exhibit faithfully the state of the monuments, &c. at that period. They are printed almost verbatim from a copy among the Wolley collections, MS. Add. 6701, Brit. Mus. which contains also occasional notes and additions made by Mr. Wolley himself, whose industry in compiling materials for the history of Derbyshire, is entitled to the praise of every native of that county.3 STAVELEY.b The chancel of the parish church here is built with an aisle on the south side thereof, the same as the church, which said aisle is parted in two from north to south by iron rails or palisadoes, just by the chancel door, and the more easterly part thereof is the burying place of the ancient family of the Frechevilles, the principal branch whereof had their residence here for more than 300 years, till it terminated in females, in 1682. The entrance into this burying place is on your right hand, just as you come up at the communion rails, through a pair of iron gates ; and the first and most remarkable object that pre sents itself, is a curious painted window, just opposite to you, as you enter, which window is secured from injuries on the out side by a fine grate of iron wire. This window contains three panes or lights, that in the middle being broadest, all of which are adorned with curious foliage, angels, &c. and five escutcheons of arms, two in each exterior pane or light, and one large one towards the bottom of the middle one, the blazon of all which follow : » The Wolley collections now form Nos. 6666—6716 of the Add. MSS. in the British Museum, and are comprised in fifty volumes of various sizes Edit. b It fortnnately happens that notes on the monuments and arms in Staveley church were taken in the visitation of that county by Rich. St. George, Norroy, in 161 1 and subsequently, about 1660, by the antiquary Gervase Holies. The notes of the latter were printed in the Topographer, vol. iii. pp. 360-863, from M S. Harl. 682.9, and con tain the same ancient inscriptions as above copied by Reynolds; but as these are but few, it was not thought advisable to omit them, since they are uow given more accurately than before. — Edit. STAVELEY. 35 That escutcheon in the top of the eastermost pane contains two coats impaled, viz. 1 . Az. a bend between 6 escallop shells arg. Frecheville. 2. Az. a fess between 3 lions' heads erased or. Nichols. That at the bottom of the said pane contains also two coats, one of which is sur-tout, namely, Az. a bend between 6 escallops arg. Frecheville. Surtout (or in an escutcheon of pretence) sab. a fret arg. Harrington. That escutcheon at the top of the western pane contains two coats impaled, viz. 1. Frecheville. 2. Or, 3 galtraps and chief sab. [De Vick.] That at the bottom of the same pane contains Frecheville only. The escutcheon towards the bottom of the middle pane con tains 10 coats, namely: 1. Frecheville. 2. Or, 2 chevrons az. Musard. [Fitz-Ralph.~] 3. Gul. 3 annulets or. [Musard.]] 4. Erm. on a bend. az. 3 cinquefoils or. [Beavfey.] 5. Gul. 6' cocks, 3. 2. 1. or. [Nuthill.] 6. Az. a lion ramp, within an orle of 10 cross-crosletts or. [Bruse.] 7- Or, 3 lions pass, in pale gul. [Dive.) 8. Gul. 3 fleurs-de-lis arg. a chief nebule az. and of the 2d- [Watervile.] 9. Arg. on a cross wavey vert, 5 plates. [Peverel of Brunne.] 10. The same as the first. And over all, in an escutcheon of pretence, sab.. a fret arg. Over this escutcheon is placed a baron's coronet, and therein a helmet suitable thereto, whereon is a wreath or torce, of his pro per colours, and thereon the crest of the family of Frecheville, which is an angel couped at the knees, and habited in a silver vestment, his wings and hair gold, having on his head a cap azure, ensigned on the top with a cross patee of the 2d, holding in his left hand an arrow with the point downwards proper, fea thered argent, headed or. Supported by two angels, their hair, wings, head attire, and upper vestments as that of the crest, their under robe as the wings, each holding in his exterior hand an arrow, as that in the crest. d2 36 DERBYSHIRE CHURCH NOTES. Underneath all this is written in round hand capital letters : A° REGNI CAROLI A CAROLO XXVIIJ. And at the bottom of the western pane, in small roman letters : Dom. Johannes Frescheville, Baro de Staveley, posuit, 1676. Underneath this window is the tomb or monument of the above-mentioned Lord Frecheville, with the following inscrip tion wrote thereon, in small roman letters : HERE LIES THE MORTAL PART OF THE RIGHT HONOURABLE JOHN, LORD FRECHEVILLE, BARON OF STAVELEY, GOVERNOUR OF YORKE, &C DESCENDED FROM THE ANTIENT AND NOBLE FAMILIES OF THE FRECHEVILLES, BARONS OF CRICH, AND OF THE MUSARDS, BARONS OF STAVELEY, WHO DEPARTED THIS LIFE MARCH 31st ANNO D'NI 1682, AGED 76 YEARS. ANNE-CHARLOTTE, LADY FRECHEVILLE, IN MEMORY OF HER DEAREST LORD AND HUSBAND, CAUSED THIS MONUMENT TO BE ERECTED. Over this inscription are the paternal arms of Frecheville, without any quarterings. Upon a little monument fastened in the wall, to the eastward of the before-mentioned painted window, is this inscription, in small roman letters : M.S. Petri Frescheville, militis, Domini de Staveley, qui obiit 7mo die Aprilis, Anno D. 1634. Et uxoris ejus moerantissimcE Jo- cosae, Thomae Fleetwood de Vache, in com. Buck. F. quae obiit mense Aprilis, Anno D. 1619. prolem habentes Elizabethan! in- fantem defunctam, Johannem A. 1657 super stitem, et Margare tam, Johannis Ramsden de Langley, in com. Ebor. Eq. aurat. uxorem. Over this inscription is an escutcheon, containing two coats impaled, viz. 1 . Az. a bend between C escallops arg. Frecheville. 2. Party per pale undee or and az. 6 martlets, 2. 2. 2. coun- terchanged. Fleetwood. Upon a large monument in the north-east corner of this bury ing place (facing the last) is the following inscription in roman capitals, gilt with gold : LERE LIES THE MORTAL PART OF CHRISTIAN LADY ST. JOHN, LATE WIFE OF CHARLES LORD ST. JOHN OF BAZINGE, AND DAUGHTER OF JOHN FRECHEVILLE OF STAVELEY, ESQUIRE, WHO, IN MEMORY STAVELEY. 37 OF HIS DEAREST CHILDE, CAUSED THESE STOENS TO BE LAID TOGETHER. SHE DIED IN CHILDBED THE 22d OF JULY, 1653. Over the foregoing inscription are 3 escutcheons, one in the middle, and on each side thereof one, namely; That in the middle, which contains the two coats impaled : 1 . Sab. 3 swords, their points in pile, arg., hilts and pommels or ; in chief a label of 3 points of the second, for a difference (of the 1st son, vivente patre) Pawlett. 2. Frecheville. Crest on a wreath, a falcon with wings expanded or, gorged with a ducal coronet gules, belted of the first, being the crest of Pawlett. That escutcheon more westerly contains 6 coats, viz. 1. Pawlett. 2. Gul. 2 wings conjoined in lure arg.c [Rayney.] 3. Az. 2 lions pass. gard. arg. collared gul. [Delamare.] 4. Barry of 6 pieces erm. and gul. [Husee.] 5. Barry of 6, or and vert, over all a bend gul. [Poynings.] 6. Arg on a chief gul. 2 mullets pierced or. St. John. The whole escutcheon charged with a label of 3 points arg. for a difference. That most easterly contains also 6 coats, namely : 1. Frecheville. 2. Az. 2 chevrons or, designed for Musard. [Fitz-Ralph.] 3. Gul. 3 annulets or. [Musard.] 4. Arg. on a chevron sab. 3 crosses pattee or. [Beaufey A] 5. Gul. 6 cocks, 3. 2. 1. or. [Nuthill.] 6. Sab. a fret arg. Harrington. On an old alabaster chest-tomb, on your left hand as you come into this burying-place, is the following inscription, wrote round the edge of the top stone, in antique letters :e $ic jacct 3jtrh'e£ JFrecfjeuiUe, armiger, qui Oiem j?uu' claitfit evtrerau' ti . . engte SJanuacit anno ©'nt .JUtfl'mo. ©o. nono. <£ujug a'i'e propitietur. ©e9. amen. c It ought to be ermine. — Edit. d The coat of Beaufey of Park Hall, according to Sir Edward Walker, is as blazoned ahvoe, p. 35, and although this second coat also belongs to Beaufey, it might be borne by a different branch, and inserted by mistake for the former one.— Edit. " See Topographer, iii. 361. — Edit. 38 DERBYSHIRE CHURCH NOTES. N. B. The north-east corner of this tombstone has been broken off, and the deficiency is supplied by a piece put in the place, without any letters upon it, which defect I have noted by the dotted space in the above inscription.* Without the before-mentioned burying place, by the north wall of the chancel, and within the communion rails, stands an old chest-tomb, one of whose sides joins to the said wall, and the moulding round the other three sides is inlaid with brass, con taining the following inscription in ancient letters : s [<©rate pro] animabug $etri tfrechtoett, ©'ni De [^tauelen in] com. ©erb. armig'i, qui obiit Die menSig anno ©omini Hftitf mo cccc €t JiaatitDe utocte ejus*. Quorum animabug propittetur ©eu£. amen. N.B. The dotted spaces in this inscription denote where the brass is torn awayn and gone, and the plain spaces shew where the brass is left smooth, without having ever had ought en graven thereon. On the top of this tomb is the portrait of the said Peter in brass, inlaid into the stone, and over his head an old man, sitting in a chair, with a glory about his head, and a crucifix leaning against his knees, to which from the mouth of the said Peter ascend two scrolls, on one of which (being that nearest you) is written : &'c'a arrinitajS, un9 ©eusS, miserere nobi£. And on the other : ©eug p'pitiug e£to mihi peccatori. Upon a brass plate fastened to the wall over the said tomb is written (in eodem charactere) : ' Here bnber fote Iietb the 23oou£ of #enr£ frenchmen $ .Jlato&e fti£ tonf, $ £ume tnme &quier nnto the noble >. " Ibid. 40 DERBYSHIRE CHURCH NOTES. rampant, and, as far as I can perceive, imperially crowned. And upon the top towards the n. w. corner, is an escutcheon impaling two coats, that on the sinister side being Frecheville, and the dexter has a bend, charged with three roundles.0 The Hall stands just by the church, and is a fine old building, erected by Sir Peter Frecheville, in 1604 : as an inscription cut upon a stone in the wall testifieth. Under this inscription are two coats impaled, the 1st Frecheville, the 2d charged with 2 bendlets. Taken ai Stavehy, the ISth ofNovT. 1757. J. Reynolds, Junr. The ravages caused by time, and the destruction effected by less par donable agents among the monuments of our parish churches, is, per haps, no where more strikingly exemplified than in the instance of Staveley, and demonstrates the value of some work like the present to perpetuate what marble and brass fail in handing down to posterity. From Reynolds's account, only one window of painted glass remained when he visited the church, which was put up in the year 1 676. But in Holies 's time several similar windows, containing eleven coats of arms and four figures (viz. of John Frecheville, Esq. Elizabeth, his wife, Peter, his son, and a daughter) were in different parts of the building, all of which must have perished before the middle of the last century. They are copied by him in MS. Harl. 6829, p. 347, and described in the Topographer, vol. iii. p. 361. Yet this was not the only damage received by the chancel of the Frechevilles, for in the notes of St. George, taken half a century previous to Holies, are several more coats mentioned, which had disappeared when the latter visited Staveley ; and as these were not consulted by the editors of the Topographer, it cannot be deemed out of place to insert them here, from MS. Harl. 5809, f. 34. " In Staveley Church, being the Lordship of ST Peter Frechvile, Knight, taken the 24 day of August, 1611." " These in the east chancel windowes." 1 . Paly P of 6 or and az. a fess gul. 2. Gul. 3 lions pass. gard. or. 3. Az. a bend betw. 6 escallops arg. [Frecheville.] " See Topogr. iii. 360. St. George and Holies both copy the escutcheons, viz. 1. Frecheville; 2. Frecheville, impaling Arg. on a bend gul. 3 besants, Worthy; 3. Frecheville, impaling Arg. ft lion ramp. sab. [Stapldon ?] and 4 as first. MS. Harl. 6829, p. 346, compared with MS. Harl. 5809, f. 34. — Edit . P Cheeky, MS. Hall. 1093, f. 128. STAVELEV. 41 4. Barry of 6, arg. and az. [Grey of Codnor.] 5. Az. a fess indented betw. 15 q billets, 9 in chief, and 6 in base, or. [Deincourt.] 6. Arg. a chevron betw. 3 cross-crosslets fitchee sab. [Fyn- derne?] " These 6 in the south windowes." 1. Sab. 6 annulets, 3. 2. 1. or. [Leek.] 2. Sab. on a bordure arg. 8 cinquefoils of the field. Darcy. 3. Arg. 3 livery pots gul. a border sab. besantee. Monboucheri 4. Or, on a fess gul. 3 water-bougets arg.; over all a bend sab. Bingham. 5. Paly of 6 or and gul. on a bend sab. 3 water-bougets arg. Birton. 6. Barry of 6, or and gul. a canton erm. Gousell. In another window. Quarterly, 1 and 4 arg. 10 torteaux, 4. 3. 2. 1. a label of 3 points sab. [Babington.[ 2 and 3. Arg.] a fess verrey or and guL betw. 3 water-bougets sab. [Dethick.] ©rate p' bono £tatu ©'ni SjohV 2&abina,ton., qui tfta' fenestra' Sen fecit. In another window two coats. 1. Arg. a bend betw. 6 martlets sab. [1'empest.] 2. Erm.r five fusils in fess gul. Crest. On a helmet, issuing from a ducal crown, a griffin's head, party per pale erm. and arg. ©rate p' bono jstatu athome arempejSt armig'i et urori£ ejujS, qui igtam fene^tram fieri fecerunt. Two other windows are drawn by St. George, viz. one made by John Frecheville, Esq. with the arms of Frecheville and Leek, and a second made by John Bakewell, chaplain,s with his arms, but as these are the same as those described from Holies in the Topographer, no further notice of them is necessary. Besides the above, St. George has pre served two coats and inscriptions on grave-stones, which became obli terated before Holles's visit. They are : i Twelve. MS. Harl. 1092, f. 128. 1 Gerv. Holies gives this arg.; the spots of the ermine being overlooked by him, or worn out. — Edit. s Who married Catharine, youngest daughter of Anker Frecheville, She died 1 6 Au 1517. MS. Add. 6668, p. 301.— Edit. 42 DERBYSHIRE CHURCH NOTES. " On a very old stone." Hie jacet H&arcjareta tfrechbile, uror [anfieri] l # rechtnfe, que obiit biij0 iDug .... [1336].* Arms, Frecheville, impaling Monboucher. " This also vpon a gravestone, very old, but the inscription is worne out." Frecheville, impaling Fitz-Ralph. CRICH. The Church here is built of stone, and the roof thereof covered with lead ; both the church and the chancel. At the west end is a tower, with an octagonal spire thereupon, in which tower is a ring of five excellent bells. The living is a Vicarage, but whether in the gift of Sir Wol- stan Dixie, of Market Bosworth, in the county of Leicester, Bart, or Sir Edward Wilmot, of Chaddesden, in the county of Derby, Bart, (both of whom claim the right of presenting to the vicarage) 'tis not in my power to determine.11 The present fabrick of the church seems to me to have been built at three several times from the different kinds of workman ship of which it consists ; the north side appearing to be much the oldest, the body of the church or nave the next, and lastly the south aisle seems to be the newest of all. In the middle alley of this church, towards the middle of the same, is a large alabaster paver, to which is affixed a brass plate, containing the following inscription, in roman capitals : JOHN KIRKELAND, YEOAMAN BURIED HEARE, WHOSE ANCESTORS AND HEE LIVED IN WeATCROST ABOVE FIVE HUNDRED YEARE, TILL GENTLE DEATH DID END THEIR DAYES, YET WEE WILL GIVE OUR GOD THE PRAIES. 1652. Weatcrost is for Wheatcroft, a village in Crich parish. In the same middle alley, but somewhat nigher the chancel, is another brass plate, upon a common broad stone, having this in scription thereon, in antique characters : ' MS. Harl. 153 7, f. 57 b. 0 It is in the gift of the Dixie family.— ^. Wolley. CRICH. 43 Here bnDec tljtjS £tone the 2?oDie^ Do [ne <& Robert JBar^ljaU ano JEargaret hi.* tonEe IBhiche in thig toton InueD quietlne aboue fnftn neri£ toitfjotot Debate or gtrnfe. £ ChilDren then haDe bittotu thenm in their Infe iii of theum DoghterjZ anD gonneji toere jsebun <©QD graunt all thenr ^oulcjS regte $ jon in l&cnnn. There is no date upon this plate, and I am told there is a stone coffin under the stone the plate is fastened to. There is also in this middle alley a sword drawn upon one of the pavers, with these letters H. W and 1657, being for one of the Woodwards of Tansley, who died that year, and had been a soldier in the army. Just before the reading-desk door is an inscription cut on a stone, for Elizabeth daughter of Richard Taylor of Washington, who died in 1688, aged 28 years. In the n. E. corner of the church was a chantry, founded (as I have good reason to believe) in the time of king Edward the Third, by Sir Wilham de Wakebrugge, Knight, the vestiges whereof plainly appear at this day.* It was separated from the residue of the north aisle of the church at the second pillar from the east end thereof, so that two of the three windows looking northwards in the said north aisle gave light unto it, as well as to that in the east end. In this chantry the Pooles or Poles of Wakebridge had their burying place, who are descended from Cecily, the sole sister and heir of the before-mentioned William de Wakebrugge, which Cecily was married to John Pole, and from that match several families (if not all) of the Poles or Pooles in Derbyshire are de scended. In an arch in the north wall of this church, betwixt the two windows looking northwards out of this chantry, lies the figure of a man, carved in a very white kind of freestone, habited in a long vestment down to his ancles, and buttoned very thick with small buttons, from the neck down to the hips ; with a long beard and long lank hair, his crown unshaven, and hands con joined over his breast and elevated; resting his feet against a hound couchant ; but both the figures of man and dog are much * Some information on this subject will he given in a future Dumber of the Collec tanea. — Edit. 44 DERBYSHIRE CHURCH NOTES. defaced.y There is an iron rail and palisadoes round it of rude workmanship, which palisadoes are fastened into the hd or top of the tomb, whereon the said figures are carved, with lead, and the iron rail into the wall at both ends in the same manner, all of which seem very ancient, but there are neither arms nor inscription any where upon this tomb, neither have there been, neither in my time, nor any body's now living, that I could ever make out. Tradition says this is the tomb of the before-men tioned Wilham de Wakebrugge, and most probably it is so/ as he founded the chantry in which it is. Within this chantry, on the left hand as you entered it by the old passage thereinto, (which was through a seat or pew adjoin ing the reading desk,) but on the right, as you now enter it, stands an alabaster tomb, having the portraits of a man and a woman drawn out upon the top thereof, both in long vestments, adtalos demissa ; the man having a staff in his right hand, a pair of gloves in his left, and a hawk at his feet ; the woman a pair of gloves in her left hand, and nothing in her right, and an unicorn laid down at her feet. On the south-west corner of this tomb stone, by the head of the man, is drawn an escutcheon of two coats quarterly, the 1st and 4th having an annulet (for a differ ence) on a chevron between 3 crescents, Poole, 2d and 3d, a fess between 6 lozenges, Wakebrugge, and on the northwest corner, just by the woman's head, is another escutcheon, verry, Ferrers; but no colours are distinguished on any of them. Overcross the bottom or east end of this tombstone is the following inscription in roman capital letters, all of which are very plain, only the beginning of the lines are wanting, by reason of the southeast corner being broke off and lost. [HIC Si]tUS» . EST . CORPUS . GERMANI . POOLE . DOMINUS . DE . WATEBIRGE . [iN . COMITa]tU . DARBIE . ARMIGERI . QUI . AB. HOC . SECULO . TRANSMIGRA b APRILIS . ANNO . A . VIRGINIS . y Bassano says there is a hand proceeding from an image holding a cog-wheel to the man's ear; on inspection, it appears what is termed in heraldry a catherine-wheel. — A. Wolley. [See a drawing of it among Lysons's MS. Collections in the British Mu seum. — Edit. z Bassano says that in the east window of the south aisle was a shield of arms, viz. az. two chevrons or j in two of the north aisle windows, az. a fesse (sable) between 6 jozenges gul. and in the east window of the chancel, Barry of six arg. and sab. — A. W. [The MSS. collections of Christ' Bassano (who was a herald painter of Derby) referred to by Mr. Wolley, were taken about the year 1710, and are now in the College of Arms. — Edit.) 3 Jactum, Bassano. b 1 9° Bassano. CRICH. 45 PARTU . 1588 . DUXITQUE . [vXOREM . MAr] GARETAM . FILIAM . EDWARDI . FILII . JOHANNIS . FERRERS . [de . TAM WORTH . MIL]lTIS . POSTEA . RENUPTA . PREDICTA . MARGARETA . FUIT . [jOHANNI . CLAJYE . GENEROSO . ET . UTR1QUE . STEr'iS . ERAT . 1392 . N. B. tus, at the beginning, ought to be tum, and Dominus, Domini ; sterHs is for sterilis, and the last date 1392, must be for 1592.c It appears from the old parish register, that German Poole of Wakebridge was buried 26th April, 1588. About the middle of this chantry (being, as it now is, in the alley going down the north aisle) is a small grey marble stone, whereupon is fixed two brass plates, one of which has the portrait of a man in a long loose garment drawn upon it, but the head is now taken away ; and the other has the following inscription in antique letters, but without date ? pejibitec bic clau£u£ J©oDro£ requiegco HMfm'g <©ui cantarie cuj5to£ bocor ijitiug ante. <£cce q'D e£ca paror pro o'mibu£ atq3 caDauer Jit £um qui£qui£ erit. nil manet, omne perit. forD genV DuDu' familiar^ sS'uie'tf ,<©eorgii honoranbi^imi «£omit# &atop' ac fili" <$ here£ appareV aoini 23ere£for0 be IFennw bentien. ©ui obijt bice^imo nono Die menj5i> Boue'brf a0 b'ni Mill'a D°. riij. The tomb on the left hand is for one Claye of Crich, and his family : on the top are drawn the portraits of a man and his wife, and 3 escutcheons, that on the s. w. comer being arg. a chevron engrailed between 3 trefoils slipt sable, Claye ; that in the middle (between the heads of the two portraitures) is Claye, impaling two coats, party per fess, the first being a saltire engrailed be tween 4 cross-crosslets [Calton e], and the second verry, Ferrers of Tamworth Castle ; his second wife being Margaret, daughter to Edward Ferrers of Tamworth, Esquire, son of Sir John Fer rers, of the same place, Knight, and widow of German Poole, of Wakebridge, Esquire ; that coat on the n. w. corner is his first wife's, alone, in a lozenge-shield, being a saltire engr. betw. 4 cross-crosslets. [Calton.?] The colours on the arms upon this tomb are not distinguished. This tomb is so much worn with boys climbering upon it whilst the churchwardens suffered one Joseph Mather, a lame ignorant person, to teach school in the chancel, (which infamous practice was continued till about 1732,) that most of the writing is obliterated. What I have been able to make out is as follows. Down the south side of the top of this tomb, near the edge, and on the east end, is written : VIVO TIBI, MORIORQUE [tIBI, TIBI CHR1STE, RESURGAm] S CHRISTE, PREHENDO TUAM JUSTITIAMQUE FIDE. HINC ABEAT MORTIS TERROR, TIBI VIVO, REDEMPTOR, MORS MIHI JAM LUCRUM EST ; TU, PIE CHRISTE, SALUS. LAUS DEO. Overcross the middle of the tomb is drawn, as it were, a tablet covering the middle of both the portraitures, having formerly had a long inscription thereon, but now greatly obliterated, and some part quite worn out. What I was able to make out here follows : HBERE LIETH [JOHN CLAY GENTLEMAN AND MARY WHOM HE FIRST] h DID WIVE. WITH HER [HE LIVED NEAR EIGHT YEARS SPACE IN WHICH GOD GAVE THEM] CHILDREN FIVE. " The words within brackets are added by Mr. Wolley. — Edit. ' Ibid. e Ibid. '' The chasms were supplied from the MSS. church notes of Ch' Bassano. — A. W. CRICH. 47 DAUGHTER TO WILLIAM [CALTON] ESQUIR WHO [WAS UNTO THAT ky]nge OF FAME HENRIE THE EIGHT [CHIEF COCK MATCHER] AND [SERVANTE OF HIS HAWKES] BY NAME. AND AS SHE HAD A FORMER MATCH, CHARNELL [OF SWARSTON in] LESTERSHIRE. SO SHE DECEAST [THIS CLAY DID TAKE THE WIDOW OF GERMAN POOLE, ESQUIRE. DAUGHTER OF EDWARD [WHO WAS SON TO SIR JOHN FERRERS OF T]AMWORTH, KNIGHT. SHEE LIES ENTOMBED IN THIS [CHURCH] WITH [HIM TO WHOM SHE] FIRST WAS PLIGHT. AND NOW THIS CLAYE [is] CLOSED IN CLAYE, THE [FAIREST FLESH DOTH F[ADE LIKE GRASS. HE HAD ON SISTER WHO UNTO STU[fFYn] OF [SHIRBROOK] MAR RIED WAS. FOR DEATHE DOTH GIVE AN END TO ALL AND [NOW THIS CLAY SHALL] RESTE HEREIN. ALL CLAYE TO CLAYE SHALL COM AT LAST BY DEATHE [/THE DUE REWARD] OF SYNNE. THOU DEATHE, HIS DEATHE, THY DEATHE [iS HE WHOSE SOULE DOTH] LIVE WITH CRISTE FOR AYE. THE STINGE OF DEATH CAN [NO. ONE] FLEE, THE ^GREATEST MONARCHS ARE] BUT CLAYE. From the eastermost edge of this tablet to the s. e. corner of the tomb, and over the east end is written : ISTE JOHANNES OBIIT MORTEM MENSIS [MAIl] ANNI [1632.] ET ISTA MARIA OBIIT MORTEM [31] MENSIS [AUGUSTI, anno] 1583. Between the legs of the portrait of the man, from the edge of the before-mentioned tablet, down towards the east end of the tomb, is written : HOC LUTUM DEO FIGULO. ROM. IX. And nearer the east end, between his feet: CONDITA ERAT HJEC TUMBA ANNO 1603. 48 DERBYSHIRE CHURCH NOTES. There are three pannels on the south side of the tomb, upon which are drawn the portraits of Mr. Claye's three daughters, with their names added, Susanna, Mary, and Penelope, kneeing upon cushions, with their faces towards the east. Behind each of the two westermost (Susanna and Mary) are drawn escutcheons, party per pale, the dexter half being left uncharged (signifying they were unmarried at the erection of this tomb) and each of the sinister halves bearing their own arms. But behind that portrait which is the most easterly (Penelope) is a shield, party per pale, baron and femme, the 1st on a bend 3 cinquefoils pierced, Brails- ford; 2d, a chevron engrailed, between 3 trefoils slipt, Clay ; and under this escutcheon, and the cushion she kneels on, is written : NUPTA ERAT THOME BRELSFORD DE SENOR. g'n'sO. Upon the four partitions between the pannels are these cha racters 1 603. denoting the year in which the tomb was erected. On the east end are drawn the portraits of Mr. Claye's two sons, William and Theophilus, (each having his name wrote over his head '), kneeling also upon cushions, and looking towards the north : by each of them is written, mortuus est ; and under the cushions : ISTI FILII OBIEBANT IN JUVENTUTE SUA. N.B. All the inscriptions upon this tomb are in roman capital letters. In the old parish register I find that Theophilus Claye was buried the 2d March, 1590. And Thomas Brelsford and Pene lope Claye were married 6th Aug. 1601.k The register being imperfect, I find no others, save the above, in it. Upon the partition betwixt the church and chancel, on that side next the chancel, is written the following incription (over this last mentioned tomb) in antique letters : &ou[e$$ then are mabe of l^eabenfn -spirit : Jrrom tohence then come ne heabenji inherite. 2But knoto that bobne£ maDe of £[ane : ®eath toil! Deboure bn night or Dane J|ett te he fij» hee toa£ gj £ane : $e liuing anD DeaD remaineth Claue. 1 MS. Add. 6666, p. 585. k Bassano says she was buried at Crich, in the tomb of her father tlie ... day of —A. Wolley. CRICH. 49 $i;5 berne name that nature gaue : 3P notae a£ ghalbe in h# graue. CnmejS Doth teache, experience trueg : Chat cfape to Du^te the toinDe up Drneg. Chen thig a toonDet coumpt toee mugt : €hat toant of toinDe ghoulD make Clape bu£t. UpQn a small brass plate affixed to the north wall of this chan cel (on the inside) nearer the communion rails than the vestry door, is the following inscription, in roman capital letters : NOE . SOONER . BLOOMD . BUT . BLASTED . YET . TO . REVIVE . WITH . THINE . AT . THE . REFRESHING . EPHRAIM . SHELMERDINE . MARCH . 1° . 1637 . On the dexter base of the plate is a mount with roses growing upon it, and on the sinister an infant wrapped in swaddling clothes. Upon the same wall, but nearer the north-east corner, is ano ther brass plate, with an escutcheon containing two coats im paled, viz. 1st, Arg. a chevron lozenge , between 3 cross- crosslets fitche" , Reynolds ; 2d, Arg. a chevron between 3 rooks sab. beaked and legged az. Rookeby. And, underneath, the following inscription : Here lies Mary, the wife of George Reynolds, of Plaistow, Gent. who died in child-bed the 7 th day of October, Anno Dofft. 1674, aged 33 years. [Taken at Crich, the 25th of April, 1758, J. Reynolds, Jun.1] In the Visitation of Derbyshire made in 1592 by William Flower, Norroy, and Robert Glover, Somerset, MS. Harl. 6592, at f. 88, are the following notes concerning the church at Crich : — " Crech in the High Peake, the tenure of that noble familie of Musard. Hasculphus Musarde, the 20 of the conqueroure, did hould Creche and Staveley, in the Countie of Darbie, whoe had yssue Richard Musard, Baron of Staveley, whoe had yssue Hasculphus Musard, Baron of Staveley, whoe had yssue Rauff, whoe had yssue Raffe, 6 R. I. whoe had yssue A[micia] M. married to [Anker] Fretsvyle, whoe held Crech and Staveley in his wyves right. It now is in the possession of the Earles of ¦MS. Add. 6666, f. 585, which contains a portion of the above notes on Crich, in Reynolds's own hand-writing, E 50 DERBYSHIRE CHURCH NOTES. Shrewsburie, and, as it were, an appendix to their honor of Winkfeild. It enjoyeth once in the yeare a fayer, and some privileges ; it is now the habitation of John Cleay, gentleman, my verie good friend and kinsman. It is seated on a hill, fertile and well stored both for wood & cole, neare the ryver Darwen. In the Church thes armes : " 1. Party per pale gul. and sab. a lion ramp. arg. [Belters.] 2. Az. 2 cheverons or. [Fitz-Ralph.] 3. England, on a label of 3 points, 6 fleurs-de-lis. 4. Barry of 6, arg. and az. [Grey of Codnor.] 5. Do. , a label of 3 points gul. 6. Arg. a fess gul. betw. 6 lozenges sab. 7. Az. a fess gul. betw. 6 lozenges sab. Per de Wakeburge. 8. Az. a bend betw. 6 escallops arg. [Frecheville.] 9. Arg. a cheveron betw. 3 crescents gul. Poole. 10. Quarterly, 1 and 4, Poole, a crescent for difference or, 2 and 3. Wakebruge. 1 1 . The same coat of Poole and Wakebruge, impaling, Ermine, on a chief gul. 3 besants. 12. The same coat, impaling, Arg. 10 torteaux, 4. 3, 2, 1, a label of 3 points az. [Babington.] 13. The same coat, impaling, Verrey or and gul. [Ferrers.] " Thes three [last] escochions belonged to the younger femelie of the Poles, who married the daughter and heyr of Wacburge, of the mannor of Wakeburge in this parish, build by Sir William Wakeburge, one of the Justices of the Banche, and was a great benefactor to the Church of Crech, as by his Armes soe often sett up in the Church [appeareth]. He alsoe builded a fyne Chapel at Wakeburg, garnishing w^1 orgayne, and other costly devises. " Germanus Pole duxit Margaretam, filiam Edwardi, filii Johannis Ferrers de Tamworth, militis. "Tow Fayre monimentes in glasse, wrought in their vesti- mentes, wth the Armes of Fretsvile : written under thus [not intelligible]. " Hie jacent corpora Johanis Clay et Mariae primse uxoris, quonda vxor Nicholai Charnels de Snarston, et Maria; 2. vx. relictse Germanis Pole de Wakburge, filise Edwardi Ferrers de Tamworth." 1. Arg. a cheveron engrailed betw. 3 trefoils sab. Clay, im paling, Sab. a saltire engrailed betw. 4 cross-crosslets sab. Caulton. 2. Clay, impaling Ferrers. " Hitherto Crech." CRICH. 51 From some church notes taken about 1780, we find that the only coats then remaining in the windows were : " In the middle window of the north aisle, Wakebruge. East window of south do. Fitz-Ralph.m East window in chancel, Frecheville. And several other coats part demolished in other windows." MS. Add. 6667, p. 457. F. M. X. DUGDALE'S MSS. ADDITIONS TO HIS BARONAGE. These additions and corrections are copied from the MSS. notes of the author, in his own handwriting, inserted in a copy of his work now preserved among Gough's books in the Bodleian library. At some futnre period, a new edition of this valuable work may pro bably be undertaken, and it is with the hope of contributing in no small degree to render it more complete, as well as more accurate, that the pages of the " Collectanea " have been opened to the Genealogist. In pursuance with this object, it is proposed to print from the stores of the Bodleian, the whole of the MSS. notes of Dugdale himself, and of Le Neve ; as well as to glean from the additions made by other eminent antiquaries, inserted in various copies of the Baronage. There probably exist many private collections directed towards the improvement of Dug dale, and the Editors would feel obliged by the communication of any particulars which tend to illustrate the descents of the ancient Peerage. Page 1. " Earl of Gloucester." Having in my preface (which, in generall setteth forth the Designe of this worke) briefly intimated, that those eminent per sons, who had the title oi Earles in this Realme, before the Nor man-Conquest, were meerely officiary: before I come to the particular persons, in that age, wcn were so called, of whom I have seen any thing memorable, I shall, by way of Introduction, take notice; that, as to their officiary imployment, they had the Rule and Government of the same Shires or Counties, whereof m The arms, Azure, two chevrons or, usually given to the family of Musard, have, in the preceding communication, been assigned to Fitz-Ralph on the authority of Sir Edward Walker, and the Visitations of Derbyshire ; hut some doubts may exist whether Fitz-Ralph may not have been confounded with Fitz-Ranulph, lord of Alfreton, who bore the same coat. However this may be, no early instance has yet been met with of the right of the Musarda to the above arms. — Edit. E 2 52 DUGDALE'S MSS. ADDITIONS they had those Titles, and wherein they did reside. And as to the attribute and appellation of Comes or Count, it was by reason of their attendance on the king, as Companions in Councills, and upon all other great occasions; for wch respect the territory, whereof they had the governance in a civill capacitie, was called a Countie. But, as the military chardge thereof lay also wholy on them, they are by our old writers frequently termed Duces ; that is to say, Comanders of those forces wcn were armed for the defence and preservation of the peace of those Countries ; and therefore by the Saxons called pejie-togan, the word pepe signifying an army. So that one and the same person is, by those ancient historio graphers, sometimes called Dux, and sometimes Comes. They also not seldome [bear] the title of Ealdormen; non propter senectutem, sed propter sapientiam, as Roger Hoveden ex pressed! — not for their age, but for their wisdome ; wch title of Ealdorman continued till about the yeare mxx. or reign of K. Canutus the Dane ; instead whereof, that king first brought in the name of Earle, wcu in the Danish language did denote men of that dignity and trust. It is, moreover, observable that in those days, sometimes the name of Consul, by reason of the king's advising wtn them ; and sometimes Regains, and Sub-Regulus, from their ruling and governing in their respective provinces, was also attributed to them. But of them who bore those Titles, there are very many, of whom not any thing more then the bare name is to be found. and no notice of the province or territory whereof they did pre side ; as Athelme Dux, Alchere Consul, Alswold Comes, JEthelric sub-Regulus, Graphio Comes, Hocca Comes : How can it then be expected, that I should give an account of their chief Actings ; or that much can be sayd of any, considering how short our old writers are in relating the most memorable occurrences of those illiterate times. I have therefore confin'd my selfe only to such of whom I have met wtn anything much materiall; beginning wtn the most antient, and so taking the rest in order. P. 8, col. 2, 1. penult. " 1018," mxvii. Ing. f. 507 b. lin. 13. P. 11, col. 2, 1. 52, "and had caused," who had caused. P. 22, col. 1, 1. 26, " brother to the Conqueror," add ; that is to say, Son a of Herlewine, a knight, by Herleva or " W. Gemet. lib. 7, cap. 3. TO HIS BARONAGE. 53 Arietta, daughter to Fulbert, chamberlain to Robert Duke of Normandy. P. 45, col. 2, 1. 48, " Twenty-eighth," [read] 22. P. 51, col. 2, 1. 21, " Hfefimunb," add : In 7 E. I. he had another Grant b for a fayre at his man nour of Su'chmunb, in com. Ebor. to be there held upon the eve and day of the Exaltation of the Holy Crosse and two days following. In 9 Ed. I. the like Grant c for a market at his mannour of ©anb&urgh in com. Ebor : on Tuesday every weeke : and a fayre on the eve, day, and morrow of St. Michaell; wth free- warren in all his lands at ©anebp, in com. Ebor ¦ And in 11 Ed. I. a Grant d of the Honour of Wri&raunb, wth all the liberties thereto belonging ; vz. view of frank-pleg, weyfs, wrecks, Stc, and died &c. P. 51. col. 2, line 23, "years of age," add : and John another Son. Of which Arthur, by reason he was not Earle of Richmuno, though he succeeded his father in the Earledome of "SSritannp, I shall say no more, than that he first marryed Beatrice,6 vicountesse of Himogetf, and begot on her two sons; John who was also duke of 'SBritannp, but dyed w^out issue, and Guy Earle of $onthim. Secondly Yoland, daughter and heire to Almaric Earle of jnftontfort, by whom he had issue John Breno, Earle of .S&ontfort and Duke of 'SSritannn, and three daughters; vz1. Blanch, wife to Robert Earle of .CT&arfee; Alice countesse of ©enbo^me, and Beatrice married to Guy earle of %a ©al ; and that he the sayd Arthur departing this life in "iBritannn in a° 1311 (5 Ed. II.) was buryed at ^louarmell. I come there fore to John his younger Brother. This John in an. 1293, fyc. as in text; omitting in lines 24 and 25 ("To which Arthur succeeded John his Brother and heir who") P. 51, col. 2, 1. 50, for "having," read "he" — 1. 51, "Britanny" insert: And being stiled the king's nephew, had a Grant f in fee of the Earledome of Sticiimunb, wth the castles of Richmunb and ¦SBotoej?, and all the mannors and lands thereto belonging, to be held by the services anciently due, Stc. whereupon, 8fc. Page 51, col. 2, 1. 53, add : In 35 Ed. I. he was g in the Scottish warrs. Page 51, col. 2, 1. 56, add : at which time he obtained a Grant h in generall tail of b Cart. 7 E. I. n. 34. « Cart. 9 E. n. 15. "> PatllE. I.m. 22. « Cat. of Nob. by R. B. ' Cart. 34 E. I. ... 1.9. e Rat. Scot. 55 E. I. m. 1. >' Cart 2 E. II. u. 46. 54 DUGDALE's MSS. ADDITIONS the castle of JFobrinaen, with the hamlets of JEaSJinstoii and gartocH, in com. Northampt. ; the town of (Corfee^ep, in com. Line; xxviiis. rent in %Vkeizt\oe ; Lxxijs in SMforb; two ca- rucats of land in =Btanbforb, and cs rent in J©rpbinston, in the same county; the mannours of %s^>tU and iBob&orne, in com. Northumbr.; the mannour and hamlet of ©riffeilb, in com. Ebor. ; xxvi8 viijd rent in S?urteltnn, in the same county; certain lands in Repinbon, in com. Derb. ; ixs yearly rent in great &tiuecle, in com. Hunt. ; iis ixd q. rent in 'SBaibtoincie in the same county ; xxvis viiid rent in 'SSrainp; ton ; viiis rent in great $arton : and Lvijs rent in the town of S?unt= ingbon, (all in that county) ; iiij11 rent in J©i?;Senben, in com. Rutl. ; xvis rent for fifty acres of land in &onbe, in the same county : the mannour of Kemn^ton in com. Bedf. ; (aTottnham in com. Midd. and the half hundred of Subinglanb in com. Suss. And at the same time procured that king's charter > for a market every weeke upon the Wednesday, at his mannour of jfobringfien, and a faire there yearely, on the eve, day, and morrow of Sl Nicholas : also for two faires yearly at his mannour of &toaffiam in com. Norff. one on the eve and day of the Apostles Peter and Paul, and thirteen days following ; the other on the eve and day of St. Peter in Cathedra, and six days following. Also for a market on the Wednesday every week at 'Eeitftofce in com. Suff. and a faire there yearely on the eve and day of St. Margaret, and six days after. Likewise for a market every weeke, on the Saturday at 'SSog'ton in com. Line, and a market every weeke at KitBton on Monday, in the same county. In. 3 Ed. II. for a market k on the Munday at ^ew--'5Biooins in com. Northum. and a fayre there yearely on the eve and day of the holy Trinity, and two days following. Also for a market every weeke on the Fryday at %nz%t$ in com. Ebor. and a fayre on the eve and day of Sl. Swythen's Translation, and two days following. Likewise for a market every weeke on the Wedns- day at SSurrrfiensu in Sussex ; and two faires yearely ; one on the eve and day of the Apostles Philip and Jacob, and two days following; and for a market on the Munday every weeke at ¦JBuftBarhithe in the same county ; and a fayre on the eve and day of the Annunciation of the blessed Virgin, and two days following. In 4 E. II. this John (by the title of John Earle of "PBritannn and Hichmunb) had license ' to grant the county of Sicfimunb, w* the castles of Wcfimunb and 98ott)«iS and all the lands in JEnrjIanb, wch he had of the gift of K. Edw. I. unto Arthur Duke of 'SBtitatinn his 1 Ibid. k Cart. 3 Ed. II. n. 1. ' Pat. 4 E. II. p. 2, in cedilla m. 18. TO HIS BARONAGE. 55 Brother, to hold to him and his heires by the services antiently due. In 1 2 E. II. he was in the warrs of Scotlanb, and the same yeare obtain'd the Grant of a market every weeke, on Fryday, at great ©nfftlb, in com. Ebor. : and a faire there yearely on the Munday after the octaves of Easter, and three days following, wth free warren there, and in his LoPPs of 'SBrigfiam and Ibid. i Ibid. ' Ibid. " Pat. 32 Ed. III. p. 1 , in. 4. > Ibid. " Rot. Vase. 33 E. III. m. 12. >v Compot. Alani de Stokes custodis magna- Gardrobae. * Ibid. 56 DUGDALE's MSS. ADDITIONS This Will'm was also founder y of the Hospitall of Lepers at JfJetoton, in $2oV>emtm (situate betwixt Webbufte and #aut) whereunto he gave z all jfftetoton, and certain lands sometime be longing to %xu0ta)ie, called S?egreine& and .Sutfimareij?, w* a large stocke thereon ; vzl. five hundred sheep, three teames of twenty-four oxen, six bulls, twelve kyne, twenty hoggs, an hundred hens, and threescore horses; as also a mill at iSrejJtune, of five marks per annum value, for the health of the soule of K. Henry the first, who brought him up ; and for the soules of Maud the Empresse, his daughter; Geffrey Earle of Stniou, Henry the second, then king of €nglanb, and king Henry his son, and their heires, as also for the health of his own soule, his father's, his mother's, his brothers', his sisters', and all his an cestors' soules ; wcl" Hospitall did consist a of two Priests, two Clerks, twenty Lepers, and twenty-three servants. Page 65, col. 2, 1. 29, '' with her." In the margin is written in a modern hand, " It should be Isabel, for Aveline was dead." Nov. 11, 1274. See Chron. T. Wikes." Page 72, col. 2, line 69, add : She was also a benefactresse to the Brethren b of the Repent ance of Jesus in ©rforb, and likewise to Merton Colledge c in that university. (Ela Countess of Warwick.) P. 76, col. 1, line 7, for "Stephen his father," read "by Henry II." Page 82. Here this note on a separate piece of paper is inserted : " Whereas in my first Volume of the Baronage of England, pag. 82 b, I have cited Mr. Augustine Vincent in his discovery of ye Errors of Ralphe Brooke, Yorke Herauld, in his Tract of the Earles of this Realme, for his affirming y* the family of Warren of $opnton in Cheshire were descended from John E. Warren by Maud Nereford, his concubine ; this is to shew, that I have, since that time, seen a pedigree of that family of Warren of ^ogn- ton, drawn by that skilful genealogist Robert Glover, sometime Somers. Herauld in a0 1580 and attested by Wm. Flower, Esqre, then Norroy king of Armes, whereby it appeareth, that the sayd family of Warren of Pojjnton are descended from Reginald de Warren, a younger son to Will'us de Warren the second Earle of Surrey of that name, of whose authorities I do the rather approve and prefer than that of Mr. Vincent."6- - Ex albo registro penes dee. et. cap. Eccl. Cath. Ebor. part i. f. 69. z Ibid. " Ibid. b Hist. Oxon. lib. 1, p. 1 1 1 a. c Ibid. lib. 2, p. 85 b. 1 See on this question, Watson's Memoirs of the Earls of Warren, and Hunter's TO HIS BARONAGE. 57 Nigel de Albini. — Page 122, col. 2, line 3, " JFountainjS," add: To the Church of SSorfte, by his last Will and Testament^ he bequeathed the LoPs of Sfetp-er&n, gileningforb, and ©ranteleie, and one carucate and an half of land in Snarbeforb ; as also to the poore of the Hospitall belonging thereto, two carucates of land in ygamtgm. Roger de Moubray. — Page 123, col. 1, 1. 35, read 1134. 1. 68, add : To the cathedrall of S* Peter at gorfie he gavef the churches of .HBa^am, ^tWi-MaW^t, H a^ao, $an£tune, Slanbalforb, and S?e#ine. He also quit-claymed S to Roger Arch BPP of gorfte and his successors WihzU$$aXz, guninegclitie, 'JSwre^agh, and Stoebene, expressing the extent of those LoPPs by speciall bounds. And on the xv kalends of May, a0 1253, to obtain absolution for himself, and Alice (de Gant) his wife, and their children ; as also to be received into the fraternity of the said Church of S* Peter, he gave h thereto ten pounds per annum lands in <£aue, vzl. Bottti'i&a'ot-West, "iBrigecroft, and =t©alchintune- West, wcn he had formerly taken from it, which grant she the sayd Alice did the yeare following confirmed Mortimer. — Page 138, Pedigree, line 5, dele " Ducis Norm." line 9, " Radulphus " (note not in Dug- dale's hand-writing) Annales Wigornienses make this Ralph the son of Milisaunt daughter to the Earl of Derby. 1. 16, " Margareta filia Will, de Fen- dles," add: (not Dugdale's hand) "de Hispania." Page 171, col. 1, line 53, add: (Elianor Duchess of Buckingham) But dying t elsewhere 13 Febr. 22 H. VIII. she was buryed in the Gray-friers church (near &mitft--fielb) before specified. col. 2, line 48, " in blood," add : by the name of Ld Stafford and to his heirs males ; and enabled to hold all Honours, Castles, &c. and likewise sufnoned to Parliament the same yeare. line 56, " This last mentioned Henry," here insert : " is taken notice m of for one of the learned men of his time, having written divers things ; and translated a Booke out of History of the Deanery of Doncaster, vol. i. p. 110, also tlie Retrosp. Rev. ii. p. 527, 2d 6er. — Edit. e Ex registro dec. et cap. Eccl. Cath. Ebor. part iii. f. 29. f Ibid, parti, f. 38. E Ibid. f. 71. " Ibid, part iii. f. 16. 1 Ibid, part ii. f. 98. k Esc. 22 H. VIII. ' Stowe's Survey. m Baleus deScriptt, p. 112. 58 DUGDALE's MSS. ADDITIONS Latine into English, intituled Utriusq ; potestatis differentia. He " had issue, &c. as in text. Page 171, col. 2, line 62, read: William Stafford of Cheb^eg and Grafton, knight. Page 171, col. 1, line 8, " Henry," (note.) See the life of this Henry the last Ld Stafford, written by Anthony Stafford his kins man, and printed at Honbon in 4t0. a0 1640. Vere Earl of Oxford. — Page 200, col. 1, line ult. and line 1st of col. 2, read : This Robert took to wife Beatrix daughter of — Van Hammema of ifrufen in Jfreeslanb, and was slain at the siege of Maestricht, ann. 1632. col. 2, line 16, " <£&?er," insert : Justice in Eyre of all the Forests south of the Trent. Page 201, col. 2, line 4 from the bottom, note (not Dugdale's) " Milo," created earl of Hereford 25 July, 1141. Page 215, col. 1, line 50, for "Bishop's absence, from that mannor house," read " vacancy of the See." line 52, after " Worcester," add : requiring the same at the gate of the castle of Wanleg. Page 217, col. 1, line 10, add (John de Burgh) : of which John, I finde n that he was born at Caerbiffir, on the morrow after Easter day a0 1312, and on the fourteenth day fol lowing baptized by the Bpp of Sanbaffe ; his chief Godfather being John de Drokensford BPP of <3Batfie: Also that the king wth his two brothers, Thomas and Edmund, seaven Abbots, and many other Noblemen were present thereat. Page 226, end of the pedigree, a note in Mr. Gough's hand writing : Eliz. uxor Georgii "Edw." Nevill D Latimer " nata apud Hanley (Chron. Theoksb. "Sept. 16, 1415 ' ap. Lei. It. 6, 90.) " Georgius." Page 258. Pedigree. Robertus de — add=" Margareta, fil. Ferrers miles Edv. Dom. Spenser." 12 Ric. II. u Annales de Burton in bibl. Cotton. TO HIS BARONAGE. 59 Page 266, col. 2, line 30, for « William" read "Robert;" lines 31, 32, dele " by Margaret Batting&am." Page 273, col. 1, line 47, for "was slain by," read "slew." Page 282, col. 2, line 62, add: Upon the xvth of September, a0 1678, the grave wherein the Body of this Maude Countesse of Northumberland was interred in ¦JSrtierteg-Minster (neere unto the before specified monum1) her body was found in a faire coffin of stone embalmed, and covered wtn cloth of gold, and on her feet slippers embroydered wtu silk and gold, and therewth a wax-lampe, a candle and plate-candlestick. I come now to Henry the succeeding Earle. This Henry, &c. as in line 63. Page 284, col. 1, line 22, add: wCu Elizabeth first marryed to Henry (commonly called Earle oi Ogle) eldest son to Henry Duke of Ifletota^Oe, and afterwards to Charles Duke of &omerjftt. Page 299, col. 1, line 5, " Scotland," add : about wch time, upon that motion made by H. Chichleyi Arch Bpp of Canterfiurg, that the King should rayse an Army, for recovering the Realme of France, wel» was of right de scended to him from his great-grandfather K. Edw. III. he proposed ° that the warr should first begin in Scottanb ; wci kingdome, being an easy conquest (as he sayd), would much conduce to the accomplishing that great designe. But the argu ments used by Thomas Beaufort (then Earle of Dorset, and afterwards Duke of <£wer) to begin wth f ranee, being more pre valent, it was so resolved on, and practised accordingly. Ibid. col. 2, last line, add (Sir John Nevill) : And in the same 38th yeare of that king's reign, had a Suihons P to Parliament amongst the Barons of this realme. Page 304, col. 1, line 3, after " Harrington," add : but afterwards to Willm Ld Hastings. Ibid, line 4, 5, 6, dele "but fourth." P. 308, col. 2, line 28, "Sainton, Knight," read: Sainton in com. Essex, knight, son of Sir John Huddleston of .JUaillum-Castle, in corn. Cumbr. B. B. ¦> Holinsh. Chron. p. 546. ' Claus. 38. H. VI. in dorso m. 2. 60 CHARTERS IN THE CARTULARY OF XI. LIST OF CHARTERS IN THE CARTULARY OF ST. NICHOLAS, AT EXETER. This Cartulary, containing 173 vellum leaves, was formerly in the library of Sir Robert Cotton, and is stamped with his arms on the cover. The form is a small 4to. bound in leather with clasps. On the fly leaf, in the beginning, are Sir Robert's instructions to the binder how he should bind it : " Bind this book very strong, cut it smoth, but as title as you can. I care not for the new notts . lett it be don against Satur day at night ; in any cass I will then send for it .fayll not I pray you. Sow it carfully, and with twisted thred. Place the book as I have, alphabetically." (The words in Italics are so spelled.) On the second page of that fly leaf is " Vitellius D. 9." On another fly leaf is this list of the contents (probably by Dr. Jam " Elenchus contentorum in hoc codice. 1. Tabula Phlebotomise. 2. Chronica brevis a Christi nativitate ad Ann. Dili 1328, in qua agitur de rebus Anglise, Walliae, Hiberniae, Galliae, &c. 3. Nomina Priorum Domus Sci Nicholai in Exon. 4. Registrum Domus Sci Nicholai Exon. in quo etiam conti- nentur variae chartae et privilegia Domus Sci Martini de Bello, ad quam Nicholaus Exoniensis tanquam cella pertinebat. Habetur etiam in hoc registro Charta libertatum Anglias concessa per Regem Johannem." This volume is not mentioned in the Cotton catalogues,1 and it ap pears to have been lent to some person before these were made, who never returned it, and it has thus escaped entire destruction by the fire of 1731, when most of its neighbours in the Vitellius press were burnt. This short notice of the volume will serve to vouch for its au thenticity, and as an introduction to the following Index. The MS. was recently purchased at the sale of Mr. Cooper, Dublin, for the library at Middle-Hill. Index Cartarum. 1. Carta Will. Conq. "In nomine Scae et individuae," &c [Printed in the new Monasticon, vol. iii. p. 244.J * Tanner notices it as being, in his time, in the Cotton library, but in Dr. Smith's Catalogue, fol. Oxon. 1696, it is marked "Deest." ST. NICHOLAS AT EXETER. 61 2. C. Will. Conq. de Libertate Ecclesiae de Bello concessa " Vuiils Dei gra Rex Angliae tam Clericis quam Laicis per An- gliam constitutis salutem." 3. C. Henr. II. de confirmatione Libertatis Eccl. de Batell. 4. C. Joh. de protectione pro Eccl. de Batell. 5. C. 11 Hen. III. Confirmatio cartae R. Johannis predictae. 6. C. Will. II. de donatione Eccl. S. Olavi. 7. C. Will. Conq. de dono Eccl. S. Olavi. [Nos. 6 and 7 are printed in New Monasticon, vol. iii. p. 377. 8. C. Hen. II. Confirmatio Cartarum Will. Conq. et Hen. I. de libertatibus concessis Eccl. S. Nicholai. 9. C. Hen. I. Confirmatio donationum Baronum et Militum per totam Devenesiram Ecclesia? S. Nich. Exon. cum libertatibus. 10. C. Hen. I. Confirm, de Suth et North Tauton. 11. C. Hen. I. Donacio terrae Heraldi de Exonia, scil. de Redlisdon. [Pr. in New Monast. iii. 377.] 12. C. Will. Conq. de Maneriis de Wy, Halsistone, Lymenes- feld, How, Brichtwalditon, et Craumareis. " Wills Dei gratia Rex Angliae, Lanfranco Archiepisc. et Sti- gando Episc. Cicestr," &c. 13. C. Osberni, Exon. Episcopi, confirmans Ecclesiam de Columpton. 14. Ejusden qua dat licenciam sonandi horas suas nocte dieque. 15. G Hen. I. de secta curiae Abbatis S. Martini de Bello. [Pr. in New Monast. iii. 247.] 16. Bulla P. Alexandri Priori S. Nicholai Exon. confirmans Eccl. de Legha. 17. Bulla Clementis P. de conversione Ecclesiarum, cum vaca- verint, in hospitalitatis usum. A0 2do Pontif. 18. C. Johannis Episcopi Exon. de Ecclesia de Pinho. 19. Confirmatio Huberti Archiep. Cantuar. de Eccl. de Pinho. 20. C. Willi fil. Radulfi, de donac. Ecclesiae de Kadebiri, *' consensu uxoris mea? Albredae et heredis mei Radulfi." — "Testes Will. Prior de Kadebiri, Ric. Prior de Toteneis, Gosfridus Prior de S. Pancratio," &c. 21. C. Albredae, " Muredi filii Ivonis filias, consensu dni mei Will, et filii mei Ricardi," de dono Ecclesiae de Cadebiri. 22. C. Walteri fil. Will. " pro salute mea et Cecilise uxoris mea?, &c. et Radulfi fratris mei," confirmans Eccl. de Cadebiri. 23. C. Hugonis de Dinam, filii Hugonis Rufi, de terra sua de Fursdona. "Test. Henr. de Traci, et Durando filio Stephani," &c. 62 CHARTERS IN THE CARTULARY OF " Haec autem carta sigillata sigillo est Henrici de Traci, quia ipse Hugo de Dinam tunc sigillum non habuit." 24. C. B. Episcopi Exon. de Eccl. de Cadebiri. 25. C. Johannis Episcopi Exon. de eadem. " Teste Gardino Priore de Brummora." 26. C. S. Thomae, Cantuar. Archiep. de confirm, de Kadebiri, 27. C. Walteri de Tribus Minutis, " pro salute mea et uxoris meae Le (sic) et heredum meorum J. et W." de dono Ecclesiae de Branford. " Testibus filiis meis prenominatis." 28. C. Willi, (it should be " Ricardi,") de Espech, de Ecclesia de Branford. " S. p. et f. qdsicut Galterus de Tribus Minutis et filius ejus Willielmus, antecessores mei, dederunt Eccl. S. Nich. Exon., et monachis de Bello ibidem servientibus, Ecclesiam S. Petri de Branfort, &c. Et Ego Ricardus Espec, successor eo rum, qui filiam predicti Wiltmi de Tribus Minutis duxi uxorem, &c. Test. Rob. Espac," &c. 29. C. Ric. de Espec qua dat 8 acr. in Branfort. " Testib. Ric. Trencardo," &c 30. C. Roberti de Espech, filii Ricardi Espec. " Test. Magr°. Alardo, tunc Vicecomite Devon." 31. C. Roberti, Episcopi Exon. confirmans donac. Eccl. de Branford. 32. C. Hen. Episcopi Exon. a0 quarto, confirmans Eccl. de Branford. 33. C. Huberti Archiep. Cantuar. confirm, eandem. 34. C. Will. Espech, confirmans donac. " Walt, de Tribus Minutis, et Will, filii ejus, et Ricardi Espec patris mei, et Ro berti Espec fratris mei." 35. Compositio inter Priorem S. Nicfri. Exon. et Ricardum de Crus, militem, de servicio Capellae de Nitherexe. " Test. Rob. de Curtenay, Reginaldo de Curtenay, fratre ejus, Teicio de Bri- oniis, Rogero de la Wurbe, militibus," &c. 36. C. Milisentae de Monte alto, Dominee de Tottonia, reciting that, " Inspeximus cartam Dni Will, de Breosa, avi mei," grant ing 1 tonell of wine " ad missas celebrandas, vel 2 marcas argenti ad vinum emendum, &c. Quam donac. ego Milisenta filia dni Will, de Cantilupo ratam habens, &c. pro salute animas meae et predictorum Dominorum Will, de Breosa, avi mei, Will, de Cantilupo patris mei, necnon Dni Eudonis de la Suche, quon- uam mariti mei, &c. confirmavi." " Testibus Dnis Roberto le Deneys, Ric. filio Stephani, Will. Crespyn, Petro de Fishacre ST. NICHOLAS AT EXETER. 63 militibus, Will. Crespyn de Wolston, Henr. le Marescal, Rob. de Malston, Hunfredo de Malston, Thoma de Halegewill, et aliis multis." 37. C. Osberni Episc. Exon. de confirm, terrae in Pochellee datae per Ruelantium la Dubed. 38. Confirm. Will. Episc. Exon. de Ecclesia de Pochellee. Dat. Exon. a0 3tio. 39. Concordia a0 6 Hen. fil. Joh. inter Julianum de Pocheill petent., et Ricardum Abbatem de Bello, et Petrum Priorem S. Nich. Exon., de presentatione ad Eccl. de Pokeille. 40. 1219, Presentatio Mag. Will. Linguivre ad Eccl. de Po- cheille per Petrum Priorem S. Nich., et admissio ejus per S. Episcopum Exon. 41. C. Brieni de Buterlega, de jure advocacionis Eccl. de Buterlega, "consensu Aaliz. uxoris meaej et heredis mei Ricardi, &c. concesso Priori et Conv. S. Nicni Exon." temp. Barthol. Episc. Exon. 42. C. B. Episcopi Exon. confirmans donac. Briani de Buter- leia. " Test. Alano de Furnellis, Rico Peverel, et Simone Peve rel," &c. 43. C. Rob. Foliot de Ecclesia de North Tauton, data Priori S. Nich. " consensu filiorum meorum Pagani et Gaufridi." 44. C. Osberni Episc. Exon. confirmans donum Rob. Foliot. 45. C. H. Cantuar. Archiep. confirmans idem. 46. Concordia inter Monachos S. Nich. Exon. et Joelem de Valtord, de advocacione Ecclesiae S. Petri de North Tauton. A0 27 Henr. 2d». 47. Bulla P. Honorii, de pensione 2 marc, ab Eccl. de North Tauton. A° 5*° Pontif. 48. Compositio inter Priorem S. Nich. et Priorem de Totte- neis, de decimis de Esseclist. 49. Bulla P. Honorii ad Decanum, Precentorem, et Cancellar. Sarum transmissa, de decimis de Esseclist. A0 5t0. Pontif Ac Compositio de decimis predictis. A0 1223. 50. Carta Edwardi Regis de j- virga et i quadrente in Ke- nebiri. Divinae prospeccionis, qua reguntur omnia, confhientia, Ego Edwardus Angiitis finibus Rex ac defensor constitutus, insomni animo Deum invoco, non solum regiae protectionis nomen ut non habeam, verum etiam divino circumventus auxilio in Dei inimicis (sic) consilio et actibus prevaleam, regnumque meum pacis quiete 64 CHARTERS IN THE CARTULARY OF merear producere. Sepius enim mundi varietas mentem meam inquietat, mover, et conturbat ; en instat undique depo- sitio legis et justitias; undique fervet lis et seditio; undique furit iniqua presumptio; jus et justitiam postponit pecunia, et haec omnia omnium nutrix malorum conflat avaritia. At nostrum est his viriliter malis resistere ; exemplum sumere de bonis ; hoc est, ecclesias Dei ditare, iniquis oppressos judicibus relevare, inter potentem et humilem aequum judicare ; haec sunt in quibus delec- tatur Deus. Hoc inspirante, etiam rogante quodam presbitero, nomine Scepio, pro remedio animae meae donavi S. Mariae et S. Thomae Apostolo, ac S. Olavo Regi ac Martyri, cui Ecclesia quam terra dotavi constructa est, particulam praedii, hoc est, di- midiam virgam et dimidiam quatrentem terrae in loco Kenebiri et Lan (sic) dicto, eo tenore, ut amodo idem rus predictae ecclesiae liberum ab omni censu et servitio subjaceat, ac Presbitero qui eidem praessit (sic) ecclesia?, serviat. Hanc vero donacio- nem ac sanctae basilicas dotationem si quis, quod absit, infelix presumat evertere, sit socius Judae, mortuus cum Annania, sepul- tus cum Saphira, et in bonorum resurrectione dampnatus existat, nisi in hac vita, conversus resipiscat. Anno Dominicae Incarna- tionis mlxiii0, indiccione secunda, Epactaque xviii et concur- rente secunda. Istis terminis predicta terra circumgiratur.*' (The boundaries, having been probably written in Saxon, were omitted by the transcriber of this volume. ) 51. Bulla Honorii P. a° 6t0. confirmans Ecclesias de Bran ford et Pinho. 52. C. Matildis Peverel, de donac. j- ferding apud Alram. 53. C. Matildis Peverel, de terra in magno vico, in australi parte Exoniae, " pro anima patris mei Ranulfi Peverel." " Testes Ricardus Peverel, Hugo Peverel, Ranulfus Peverel, Gosfridus de Furnellis et Philippus filius ejus, Walterus de S. Audomaro, Radulfus fil. Theobaldi, Will. fil. Deringi." 54. C. Radulfi Spalle, de terra de Wevere, data S. Nich. de Exon. " Pro hac concessione Nicholaus, Prior S. Nicholai, de dit mihi 6 marcas argenti, et tribus filiabus meis 3 solidos." b As one object of this work is to preserve the most ancient grants of manors and lands, it is hoped no apology will be required for the introduction of the above Saxon Charter relative to the possessions of this Priory, which is not mentioned by Dugdale, and which was also unknown to the industrious Mr. Oliver of Exeter, whose specimen of the " Devon Monasteries '' causes much regret that his duties prevent him from under taking the Topography of the whole County. ST. NICHOLAS AT EXETER. 65 55. C. Johannis, filii Hugonis de Wevera, " consensu Wi- markae uxoris meae, et heredum meorum dedi, &c. Roberto Rivel, totam terram meam in orientali parte domus mea;, &c. scil. per viam quae jacet de nemore de Wevera, usque ad terram de Plumtre." 56. C. Rob. Rivell de Clistwilme, "dedi, &c. Joelo de Gre- nesling terram meam de Wevera, &c. quam emi de Joh. filio Hugonis de Wevera, &c. Test. Dfio H. de Bikelega, D. Rob. de Brewes, D. Ric. de Biseplega, D. Phil, de Beaumund," &c. 57. C. Joeli de Grenesling; "dedi Priori S. Nich. terram meam de Wevera, quam emi de Robt0 Rivel de Clistwilme." 58. C. Jofcis de Wevera, fil. et heredis Hugonis de VV. de prato vocato Brademede. 59. C. de controversia inter Prior. S. Nich. et Will. Peverel, super servicio Capellse de Aire. " Test. Ric. Peverel, Will. Peverel, Ailwardo decano de Plumtone," &c. 60. C. Hugonis Peverel de Sanford, " pro anima Cecilise, uxoris meae, de Ecclesiae S. Mariae de Columpton decimam bladi de toto Dominico de Aire. " " Testib. Randulfo fratre meo, Will. Hake, Rob. de la Cnolle et Nicolao filio ejus, et toto Hundredo meo de Aire." 61, C. Rogeri de Langeford, de parte decimae suae data in perpetuam elemosinam Ecclesias S. Mariae de Columpton. 62. C. Alani de Furnellis, super decimis molendini de Co lumpton, datis Priori S. Nich. pro animis patris et matris ejus, et fratrum et uxoris et puerorum suorum, et Dominorum Baldwini et Ricardi de Rivers. " Test. Barthol. episc. Exon., Rob. archid. Totoniae, Ricardo priore de Oteri." 63. C. Galfridi de Furnellis, de tercia parte decimarum de Niweland, "quam pater meus Alanus dedit Radulfo presbitero," &c. " Testibus, Philippo fratre meo, Alano presbitero," &c. 64. Conventio inter P. Priorem de S. Nich. Exon. et Galfri- dum de Furnellis, de aqua quae venit de Kentelesbar, per Water- ledam quae transit per Kentelesmore usque Niweland. " Test. Hen. fil. Will., Rico Waleran, Will, de Essche, et Nicholao filio suo, Alano filio Galfridi de Furnellis." 65. Compositio inter P. Priorem S. Nich. Exon. petent. et Clariciam de Hydun, de terr. in Whytefeld. "T. Hugone Peve- rell, Ric. Hydun, Roger, fil. Symonis, militibus, Ric. Makerell, et Nicholao Bissop de Wevera." P. [To be continued.] 66 XII. COLLECTIONS RESPECTING THE MONASTERY OF JARROW ; BY THE REV. JOH* HOOGSON, M.R.S.L. SECRETARY TO THE NEWCASTLE ANTIOUABIAN SOCIETY, INCUMBENT OF JARROW, &C. &C. The Parish of Jarrow, in the County of Durham, is justly celebrated for its Monastery, founded in anno Domini 685 ; but its greatest glory is derived from the famous seminary of learning which nourished in that house in the 7th and 8th centuries ; and from its being the residence of the Venerable Bede, and the place where all his valuable works were written. The Church of Jarrow, too, still numbers three chapelries under it — those of Heworth, South Shields, and Wallsend ; and in for mer times had three Roman towns or stations within it — one at Jarrow, another on the Law on the south side of the mouth of the Tyne, and the third at Wallsend. Of this parish a summary account has been given in Hutchinson's History of Durham ; and a vigorous and more detailed de scription of it is drawn by Surtees. The Treasury of the Dean and Chapter of Durham, however, contains vast stores of curious and valua ble unpublished materials, both respecting the monastery itself, and the parish at large. From these, some years since, I made a great number of extracts, with an intention of publishing a History of the Parish of Jarrow, and its three dependent chapelries. All hope of ever having leisure to accomplish that desirable object I have now for some time, but very unwillingly, relinquished. The plan of the Collectanea Topo- graphica seems, however, to offer a place of public reception to mate rials such as I have collected ; and I therefore do myself the honour of soliciting the proprietors of that work to admit into it the following selections from my Jarrow portfolio. The first extract is of the date of 1 093, and after the expulsion of the dis solute secular canons of Durham, by Bishop Carilepho in 1 083, from the priory there, and the consequent removal of the monks of Jarrow and Wear- mouth to their vacant stalls. It contains a slight sketch of the boundaries of that part of the rectory of Jarrow which is situated on the south side of the Tyne, and also mentions the names of several townships within it, and of the yares or fisheries on that side of the river, as well as the names of the two townships Wallsend and Wifiington (now Wellington) which form the present chapelry of Wallsend, and adjoin the north side of the Tyne. THE MONASTERY OF JARROW. 67 The second and third articles show the value of the Tithes in the se veral townships within the rectory, so far as they were let to annual tenants, in the years of the Bursar's Rolls from which the extracts are made, or were appropriated to individual ecclesiastics. The fourth extract gives a detail of the establishment of the Master and Brethren of the Cell of Jarrow ; and it is a curious inventory of their goods and chattels, spiritual as well as temporal. It proves that the Prior and Convent of Durham did not leave to their brethren of Jarrow an over ample means of support, after they had appropriated to them selves the lands and tithes of nearly the whole parish. The fifth and sixth articles are extracts from two yearly rolls or accounts of the Bailiff of Wardley, where the Priors of Durham had an JEdes Recreandi, or summer residence, situated within a deep four-sided intrench men t, enclosing an area of a little more than six acres. The second of these rolls has its back covered with various minor accounts of receipts and expenses, about the grange of the manor, for seed corn, oxen, poultry, implements of husbandry, repairs, and numerous other particulars. Then the expences at Harangaria, an establishment on the Tyne belonging to the Priory of Durham, for curing herrings ; and the compotus of the resident bailiffs at Wardley and Heworth, which con tain many very curious particulars, but would be difficult to condense, and are too voluminous for publication in their original form. The ex tracts given will, it is thought, be found interesting in a high degree to the reader who is acquainted with Wardley and its neighbourhood ; and cannot fail to engage the attention of general readers, on account of their showing the prices of provisions and labour in the north of England iu the 14th century. 1. Carta Willi epi p'mi, de libertatib3 1 possession eccl Dunelfh. Venerabilib3 patribus, 1c. — In Northymbria ecciiam de Norham cu terra in eade uilla adjacenti *? villa de Scores- withe occidentali • partem ville de Halieland, % villam que dr Faenu ¦ Ecciiam de Thinemutha ¦ Waleshende % Wiflingtun, cii piscariis que ad illas pertinent ex aquiloni parte Tyni fluminis • Scilicet Bondenyare • Wallesyare ¦ Wtwordesyare. In Werhale tota terra in boscho % piano iuxta Tynum ex orientali parte de Mareburne usq, ad mare % piscarias que ex australi parte St fluminis Tini • Sciicet ¦ Hildeyare • Hebbe- yare • Fulyare • Hebbeyare • Hachesyare . Utyare • Vchtredes- yare • Steinreyare ¦ Fuleyare • Ongresyare • Pettheyare ¦ Swine- yare • Utuordeyare • Vtyare ¦ Londeyare • Hoch - Hemminges- f 2 68 COLLECTIONS RESPECTING yare • Bondenyare • Fiddenyare • Sueor. Et uillas scilicet • duas Hewrthas • Gyrve • Heberine • Munketun • Hethewrthe • Prestun • Wiuestove • Hertendun • &c. Stc. Anno M°xc°iii. (Cart. Antiq. Dunelm 3.) 2. Compotus ffis Ade de Derlyngton burs. dom. Dunelm. a festo Sci Martini in hyeme, anno D'ni Mifto CCC. lvto usq, ad idem f'm anno D'ni Mifto CCCmo. lvjt°. Vend. decnjs Poch. de Jarowe. Et de xxij li rec de Johe de Houghton t Johe de Dunelm. *? sociis suis p garb dec. de Wilyngton "? Wallesend. Et de c. s rec de dno Pet0 Swayn, capellano, p deca de Hebine. Et de Ixxiij. s. iiij. d. rec de Johe Dobeson p dec de Preston K Symondsetf. Et de viij. li rec tenent. de Ouheworth . . . . p dec al de duob3 Heworths. Et de xl. s. rec de Thoma Surtays n dec de Fellingf. Et de iij. s. iiij. d. rec de Wifto de Kirkeby p deca de Folaceby. Rico del chechyn suient. man! ij de Wardley p tail 1. §. 3. Parochia de Jarrow e rot. mag. bursarij eccl Dunelm. Circa annum superscript. Pochia de Jarow. Et de xiiij. ii rec de Johne de Duresme % soc suis p decis de WTillyngton t Wallesend de ?min. Pur. be Marie Vrgin. ? Sci Cuthbti in Mart. infa hue compotu. Et de xxxs rec de dha Amicia Surtays p decia de Felling de eis- dem teiis. Et de x. ii. vj. g. vij. d. rec de Thoma Milfl H soc suis p dec3 de ij Heworths de eisdm ?nis. Et de ix. ii. vj. g. viij. d. rec de Symon Fygy % soc suo p dec de Mukton *? He- bern de eisdm ?fnis. Et de v. s. rec de Wifto Kyrkby p dec de Folaceby de eisdm ?fnis. Et de xij. ii. rec de Rico de Sayn- hope p deca de Harton de eisdm Irihis. Et de Cxiij. g. iiij. d. rec de Thoma Dawson, p deca de P'ston "? Symondset de eisdm ?ihis. S'ma Liij. ii. xx. d. Et non plus in denaf p deca de Wyue- stow in manu Prioris. Et decie de Hetheworth % Jarow assiff- nantr magro de Jarow. 4. Status domus de Jarow die Lune px post f'm Assenc D'ni anno D'ni CD° CCCCm0 octavo. Eccl'ia. — Imp'mis. In ecciia iij. calices qa&. ij. deaurat % unus non deaurat • iiij. fiole argent. qa& una est deaurat % alia no • % ij. sut furat • vna glauca casula cu capa % vna tunica vni9 secte ¦ vnu rubni vestimetu ex dono dni Tho. Lan- THE MONASTERY OF JARROW. 69 cellf • vnu alb vestimetu p dieb} ferialib3. It' vna alba rub p!ncib3 ex pcuracoe WalPi Tesedale. It' vna casula cu auib3 depicta % tres paft ptinent. ad magnu altar % iiijor corpalia. It' vna amita cu perift. Itm ij. pani pallid cu albo % blodio n magno altaf. It' unus pannus tinct9 p eodm altar ex dono Thome Leggate. It' vn9 pan9 tinct9 ex dono WalPi Teesdale. Itm vnu missale maochai* 1! duo defectiua. Itm comendaco in quapno. Itm j passionar. Itm iiijor antiphona. It' iij gradai % iiijor pSal?ria • ij baptistar • j legend cii martilogio • j ordinaf • j pcessionaf ¦ j collectar • vnii portiforiu m°ochai ¦ j portifor de usu Sax • j manuale • ij pia ferraa p pistura. It' iiijor manuPgia vnu velu % ij suppellicia. It' ad altar be Vrgi- nis ij casule cii iij alb. It' iiijor linthiamia • iij manuPgia • vnu velu ¦ % ij suppellicia. It' ij tapet lanee. It' . . . phiole de stanno • j tintinnabui. It' unu vestimentu. ex dono dni WalPi epi ultimi. Aula. — Itm in aula • j dorsoriu • iiijor pia bancoa • iiijor mense cu iij scamett • iij pia de trost • ij cathed. It' ij pelves cii ij lauaer • j caminu cu porro ferreo. It' vj qwyssyns. Cam'a. — It' in cama • v ciste • iiij coopter cii ij tapetf • iiij01' pia linthiam' • iij p de langet - % j caneuas. Pantar'. — It' in pantar iiijor mappe p alta mesa % iiijor p scdis miisib3. It' iiijor sinapes % iiijor towels long p locoe ps pandiu t iij p locoe an pandiu. xvj napkyns. It' ij pec arg It' ij tankard de ligno % iij de corio. It' xvj ciphi. It' vj cocleaf argenf. It' ij salsar. It' iiij candelabra de cup° % j de ligno • iiijor arce • xiij cadi % ij trowys. Coquina. — It' in coq'na ij olle • iij posnet • iij patene qaz j est magna % ij pue • j mortar eneii cu pillo ferreo. It' j verQ magnu % iij pua • vna furca ferrea • j brandreth • ij dressing- knyves ij lechingknyues • j secur. It' iiijor chargeouf • xvj doblerf • xviij disches • xij salser£. It' de alia secta xviij dobler^ • xvj disches % vj salsarf . It' j mustard querne + • j craticla • j caminu ferreu. Lardar'. — It' in Lardaf j carcas 1 dimid bouu sals • iiij fattf - ij kitt^1 % iij trowys. PistriNa. — It' in pistrina j bultyngtrowe • j knedyngtrowe • j temesyngesyue • ij bultingclathis ¦ j furca ferf ¦ j pvii plubu in fornac • j secur. * Bound in " Marrock" nr Morocco leather [?] f That is a. mustard mill. 70 COLLECTIONS RESPECTING Brasina. — It' in brasina j maskf'att • ij vasa phibea • iiij0* gylefatt9 • iij saas • j tonmele • j gyleyngmele • J. ij disc'. Deyria. — It' iiij auce • j anser • xxx gosling^ ¦ vj maulardf ¦ x capon • ij galli % viij galiine. Granaii'. — It' in ganaf xvj qHtef fri • xviij q"r? brasij % ij qa? faba^ 1 pisaz. Porcar. — It' in porcaf xlviij . scil3 iij barf • vj sue - x galtf xvj schotys • xiii piggf • Bouar.— It' in bouaf xvj boues - iiij stottf • v vacce • v vitii • j taurus • t j bulstirk'. Stabulu'.— It' in stabula j palefray pc xiij. S. iiijd. j hacknay fte x s. j palefray sadift • j haknay sadift 1 ij fren p quadriga • iij hacknays • ij eque. It' in custodia P'positi. — ij caruce ¦ x somes • iij sokks • iij cuiPis • j quadriga - ij plaustra • iiij hopys de ferro p plaus- tris ¦ iij vange • iii tribule • iiij gapys • iiijor wymbift • j hakk - ij rapis p quadriga % ij p plaustro • j berlepe • j modius ¦ j gauelok • j p de pynsors - j wyndonclath • iiij sacc noue J. viij antique °l xij uln' de sekkclatii • j soudryngyrne cu j ladift • j hopir • iiijor lade-sadift • iij hams • ij stanehams • j trowell ¦ ij chesellf • j puchon • iiijor forkys p feno • iiijor rastra • iii sykyllf p messorib3. Itm in fro semiato xxxvj acr. In pisis % fabis seiatis 1. acr. In ordeo x acr. In auenf semiat xx acr. Et in nouat p fro xl acr. 5. Comp Ade Cart sVient manJij de Wardely a fo Michis anno D'ni M° CCC. lxxvit0 usq, fin Michis anno D'ni &c. Ixxvij0. Comp'c'o bladi. Et de Ixxiiij S. ix d. re in pcio viij qar. b3 fr de xis de ij Heworths de a0 lxxvjt0 (pc q"r. v. s .*) • iii q"r fr de nouo gano de xis de Wyuestowe (pc q"r v. §.) • ij q"r ord de xis de Heworths (pc q"r vs. vjd.) • ij qar auen' eiusd xe pc q"r ijg. vjd. S'ma lxxiiijg. ixd. Recept'. In piinis idem r de xiiijg. iiijd. rec de dho Wifto de Killerby burs' vt p3 p vna indentram. S'mffi xiijg. iiijd. Vendico boil Et de xiijg. iiijd. rec de vno bou vendito. Et de vjg. viijd. rec de excambio j bou. S'm™ xxg. Vendico pftti. Et de xis. rec de ten de Heworths p Col- * The parts within parentheses are interlined. THE MONASTERY OF JARROW. 71 pethmedow. Et de vjs. viijd. rec de H'bag de le de Ou Heworth. Et de iijg. rec de Adam Marton de H'bag del Col- leremedows. Et de ijs. rec de WalPo de Thrilbi p H'bag de picherwelmedowe. S'm" xxijs. viijd. Sum" tot rec viii. xg- ixd. Supplus. In p'mis su.pplus comp pcedent xviijs. xjd. S'm" xviijg. xid. Caruc. In v petf ferf emp! petf xd. iiijg. ijd. In j molde- bredclout vd. In ij ferr podai empt. vijd. S'm" vg. iid. Plaustf . In vj cluts empt p plaustf xijd. S'nv" xijd. Exp'n' necce. In ij hert bou viijd. In vij petf ferf empt p eisd petf xd. vg. xd. (p dent c fac). In opac eiusd ijg. iiijd. S'ma viijg. xd. Sarculaco. It' j mlier sarculant p xvj dies capt p diem ijd ijs. viijd. S'm" ijg. viijd. Empt blad. Et de vj q"r ff empt apud Hebn p seie q"r iiijs. xxiiijg. In ix q"r ff ord * ij q"r aveni f c de xis. lxxiijs. ixd. S'm" iiij11. xvijg. ixd. Falcaco. In falcacone xx acr' p"ti acr' vijd. ob. xijg. vjd. In leuacone °i f cuf eiusd vg. In p"ndio ^ potu dat hoib3 de ij Heworths cii iiij plaustf t j caret accomodat p dco feno mcando xijd. S'm3 xviijg. vjd. Aucupu9. In yjxxviij met "? Iig gai p vnii diem capt p diem . . vsq lxiij/ iiijd. 1 lxv/iiid. xxxvijg. iiid. S'm" xxxvijg. iijd. Stipend. Johi de Lakenby sarut p temp comp xvjs. Johi Caruc socio suo xiiijg. It' j hoi cust boii a fo See Elene vsq ffh Sci Michis tuc px seq'5 iijs. S'm" xxxiijg. S'm" oiu expu xj1'. ijg. jd. Et sc ht in supplus' p cop iiij1'. xjg. iiijd. Et p confessioem sua pp'am lxxiijs. iiijd. 6. Comp. Wifti Colynson suient manJij de Wardely a fo Sci Michis anno D'ni M° CCC° septuagesimo octauo usq idem ffh anno D'ni Mitt° CCC° septuagesimo nono. Recept. In p'mis idem f de xlig. iiijd. rec de d'no Thoma Legat burg vt 53 p una indenPam. Et de xxviijg. rec de d'no Johe de Berynton p man9 Johis de Chiborn % vx°is Ade Mar tin. Et de xg. rec de dno priore. Et de vid. rec de vno corio boii vendit. S'm" lxxixg. xd. Sic. 72 COLLECTIONS RESPECTING Vendic p'ti. Et de iiijg. rec de H'bag p'ti vocat' Celerme- dovv. Et de xviij d. rec de H'bag p'ti vocat Wardelydale. Et de ixd. rec de agist j boii Rog9i Tomson. S'm" vjg. iijd. Vendic sup comp. Et de xxxixg. ixd. ex vendic sup conp P xiij q"r ij b3 . . . onJat sup comp q"r iijg. Et de Jg. rec de v bol>3 f de r instaur. v bob. xg. S'm" iiijii. ixi. ixd. S'm" tot rec xiii. iiijg. xd. Expfi Caruc. E quib3 comp in empt petf ferf ad diilg pc iijs. iijd. *? non plus ij huit v petf ferr' rem' in comp pcedent. In ij plugh-schon * empt iiijd. In ij jugis empt iiijd. In scur' ii caruc de nouo rriemio dni viijd. In emendacone ij caruc iiijd. In cuig dat famii cuf die caruc ad potu iijd. itm fabrop opac ix petf ferf in dius' necc"is petf iijs. iiid. It' in caud empP p bol:>3 cust iijd. Itm in exph xx caruc accomodat' Prr' p j diem ibid in cam xijd. In caS iiijd. In xviij lag cuig emp? p eisd xviiijd. S'm" xjg. vjd. Plaustf. Itm in viij Waynclouts empt vd. In necca empt p plaustr' vijd. In qwitlether empt iijd. In auxacione vni9 plaustri % emendacone alPius iijd. It' in j bast' empt' p Iig plaustr' iiijd. S'm" xxijd. Expfi necc"ie. In iij ceruris fcis p host manerij xd. In xiiij q"r carbon empt p aduent9 Prr' ¦? p bob3 man'ij custod in bieme ijg. vd. It' ij famii port' cc waynscot a gard Ade de Bolkh"m vsq le Sandhill ex pcept' Prr' ijd. It' ij famii port' j bareft bitum' vit" ponte de Tyne, jd. It' hoib3 cariant' aula- baust a Novocastro vsq Dunelm ex pcept' Prr' iiijd. Itm j hoi cariant slatstan calcem 1 sabui p columbar' p vj dies, p diem ijd. xijd. Itm j hoi conduct' ad coopiend le Bire iiijg. It' j mulier tract' stramen p eodein xviijd. It' j mulier faciend 1 portand mort' p le rigging del Bire iiijd. It' j hoi conducto ad faciend una. guter circa g"ng ex pc Prr' xijd. It' ij miier' int"ntib3 l taS xe P's' de ij Heworths vijd. Itm una berlepp empt' xiiijd. It' ij cribris empt' viiid. It' j reymgsife empt' vd. It' j hopp empt1 vd. It' j sacc empt' cont' vj b3 xvd. It' j hoi p fctur' ij hen' iiijd. It' vno famulo conducto ad H'ciand p ix dies tempe vernal cap p die ijd. xviijd. It' Johi Godwyn p colleccone xas ij Heworths p xv dies cap p diem iiijd. vg. ex peep' Prr' ¦? expu in man)io. S'm" xxiijg. iijd. Falcaco. In falcacone xiiij acr "? di p"ti ¦ viijd ¦ ixg. viijd. " That is plough shoes, now by northern ploughmen called race clouts. THE MONASTERY OF JARROW. 73 It' in xlviij mulier' p leuacione % fcur' feni g"i p una diem cuiit p diem ijd. viijg. It' vno hoi Conduct' ad auxiliand p int"c6ne dci feni p iij dies, p diem iiijd. xijd. Itm iij mulier' conduct' ad auxiliand p int"cone 1! tassac dci feni p j diem iijd. S'm" xviijg. xjd. Tritur' % Ventilat'. It' Wifto Bronner p tritdr' xxxvj q°r vj b3 fr' q"r iijd. ixg. ijd. de driic. Itm eidm p tritur' iij q"r b3 de eisd driic cap p qar ijd. viiijd. Itm Rog^o Tomson p tritu- ratione iiij q"r fr' xe de ij Heworths qBr iiijd. ob. xviijd. Itm Wifto Brenn' p tritur' viij q"r ord eiusd xe q"r ijd. ob. xxd. Itm eid p tritur' x q"r vj b3 auen' eiusd xe q"r ijd. xxid. ob. Item eidm p tritur' xiiij q"r ij b3 pig ejusd xe qar iid. ijg. iiijd. In ventilatione eiusd iij q"r p jd. ijg. ijd. S'm" xixg. hid. Aucup. Itm ciiijxxvij me? % Iig g"i p vna diem cuiit p iiijd. lxijg. iiijd. Itm eiusd ad potu vg. jd. Itm ij hoib3 ad tas- sand p v dies p diem iiijd. iijg. iiijd. S'm" lxxg. ixd. Stipend. In p'mis in stipend sui ipi9 p temp9 comp xiijg. iiid. Itm Roberto de Schaffeld caruc p stipend suo Pioa mart' *? pent' xvg. Itm stipend Thome Fische ?m' pent' vjs. Itm in expn uni9 pagett' ex jScepto Prr* in ij ptib^ solutar' empt' viiiid. It' eid p ijef. It' p fcur' vnis tunice p eod ex pc eiusd vd. Itm ciico sc'bent' comp xld. S'm" xxxviijg. xid. Supplug. Itin in supplussag comp pcedent' vijg. viijd. Et de lg. in j)cio v boii empt' de Rog o Coulurd. S'm" Lvijg. viijd. S'm" oiu expu xijii. xxjd. Et sc debentr ei xvjg. xjd. J. H. Whelpington, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, 8th January, 1833. XIII. LIST OF MONASTIC CARTULARIES AT PRESENT EXISTING, OR WHICH ARE KNOWN TO HAVE EXISTED SINCE THE DISSOLU TION OF RELIGIOUS HOUSES. The value of these documents to the Topographer is so obvious as to need no comment, and the utility of a list like the present to those who are in search of information not easily obtained, may be advocated on the authorities of Dugdale, Ashmole, and Bishop Kennet (to say nothing of 74 LIST OF MONASTIC CARTULARIES. Tanner) all of whom compiled similar catalogues of cartularies, more or less perfect. The list which follows is the result of very considerable labour and research, and will doubtless be appreciated by those who know how to estimate it justly. Mere extracts of Cartularies have, in general, been omitted, unless the originals are destroyed or lost. In the column containing the names of possessors, those which are inserted on the au thority of Dugdale or Tanner, are marked with a D. or T. and the date, when known, added. Some additions probably might be made to this list from the muniments of noblemen and gentlemen, still unexplored, and it is hoped that this work may be the means of bringing them to light. County. Monasteries. In whose possession, or where existing. Berk. Abingdon (Saxon) MS. Cott. Tib. B. vi. do Tib. C. ix. — — Jul. A. ix. MS. C. C. C. Camb. Powell, of Sandford, Oxf.— T. Berry, of Culham, Oxf— T. Wray, of Ricot, Oxf.— T. Hosp. of St. Helen Christ's Hospital. — Leland. John Verney.a Dors. Abbotsbury Sir John Strangways, 1652. — D.b Caer. Aberconway MS. Harl. 3725. Heref. Acornbury Augmentation Office. Hert. St. Alban's MS. Cott. Jul. D. in. Tib. E. vi. MS. Cott. Claud. E. vi. Nero, D. i. (Catalog. Benefact.) Nero, D. vn. Otho, D. in. " Whethamstede," Claud. D. i. vol. I. ditto, vol. II MS. Arund. 3 Coll. Arm. ditto, vol. Ill 34 Br. Mus. "Moot " MS. Harl. 602. (olim R. Starkey ?) "Almoner " MS. Lansd. 375. " Wintershulle ". . MS. More, 59. Publ, Libr. Camb. MS. Rawlinson, B. 332. Bodl. Libr. Gwynn, Furnival's Inn. — T. Degge, 1723.— T. * Nasmith, in a note, queries whether the Register seen by Leland was not the same as this. b Said to have been destroyed in the civil wars. Monast. iii. 53, new edit. There are Excerpts from it in Dodsworth's Collection. LIST OF MONASTIC CARTULARIES. 75 County. Monasteries. In whose possession, or where existing. St. Alban's Hosp of St. Julian. MS. Cott. Claud. D. i. Northd. Alnwick Lord W. Howard, of Naworth, 1597. — D. Sir Fra. Brandling, 1639.— D. J. Warburton, Somerset Herald, ] 720. Line. Alvingham MS. Laud. F. 1 1 9, Bibl. Bodl. College of Arms. Buck. Ankerwyke Phil. Harcourt, of Ankerwyke, 1 732. — Hearne. Hert. Ashridge In Ashridge Library, (2 vols.) 1832. Som. Athelney Wadham Wyndham, 1 662 — T. Transcript, Sir Thomas Phillipps, Bt. Middle Hill, Wore. 1832. Hamp. Badesley Duke of Portland, 1739. Flint. Bangor Bishop of Bangor. Line. Bardney Sir W. Thorold. — D. {Transcript of do. Lord Willoughby of Parham. — D.) MS. Cott." Vesp. E. xx. (otim Sir Edward Walker.c) Barlings MS. Cott. Faust. B. i. Camb. Barnwell MS. Harl. 3601. (ol. Rob. Agard, jwrfR.St.George,1600.— T. Trans cript of do. Francis Peck.— Monast.) Sir Edward Peyton.— T. MS. Gough, Bodl. Libr. (otim Dr. Farmer.d) Som. Bath MS. C. C. C. Cambr. ! Lincoln's Inn Libr. . . Sir Thos. Phillipps, Bt. (No. 3518), 1832. " Holloway " MS. Harl. 3970. St. John's Hospital.TVarascnp* of part, Sir Tho. Phillipps, Bart. 1832. Suss. Battle MS. Cott. Dom. A. n. Line. Inn Libr. B. 87- Sir Godfrey Webster, Bart. 1832.— Thorpe, bookseller, 1834. (fragment) MS. Harl. 3586. ''Consuetud. et Augment. Office. Ren tale " Derb. Beauchief Rich. Davies of Lanerch, co. Denb. 1790.— Pegge. Hamp. Beaulieu MS. Cott. Nero, A. xn. r Qy. if this is not the same as the one which belonged to Sir W. Thorold ? d Perhaps the same as Sir E. Peyton's. 76 LIST OF MONASTIC CARTULARIES. County. Monasteries. In whose possession, or where existing. Beaulieu Duke of Portland, 1832. Augm. Office. — Warner. Nott. Beauvale, or Gresely . . MSS. Add. Br. Mus. 6060. Cumb. St. Bees MS. Harl- 484. (ol. Sir John Low- ther, post. Rev. John Strype. — T.) (in Rotulo) Cott. Chart, xiii. 21. Suss. Beigham MS. Cott. Otho, A. n.e (Transcript of do. MS. Add. 6037, 2.) Line. Belvoir Duke of Rutland, 1731 j Duke of Buckingham, 1680.— T. Thomas Lord Brudenel, 1 650. — D. Matth. Hales, of Line. Inn, 1629.— D. Corn. St. Berian MS. More, 267, Publ. Libr. Camb. Ess. Berking (Excerpta) MSS. Cott. Vesp. B. xv. Faust. B. i. Surr. Bermondsey John Selden. — T. Robert Trippis of London. — T. York. Beverley MS. Harl. 4292. Dean and Chapter of Beverley. Sir Tho. Phillipps, Bart. 1 832. Fra. Thorpe, Baron of Exchequer. — T. Ess. Bicknacre Lord Barrington, 1723. — T. Norf. Binham MS. Cott. Claud. D. XIII. (ol. R. Dodsworth, 1 648 ; Sir John Le- gard, of Ganton, co. York, Bt. and Sir Tho. Widdrington, 1652.— D.) Bissemede, See Bushmead. Buck. Bittlesden MS. Harl. 4714. Geo. Duke of Buckingham, 1640.— D. Norf. Blackborough Daniel Gurney, of Runcton, Esq. Nor folk, 1 832. (prius Hudson Gurney, Esq. M.P. j Dr. Macro (T.) ; and Sir Henry Spelman, 1640.— D.*') Nott. Blyth (Blida) MS. Harl. 3759. (Sir Gervase Clif ton, 1677. — Thoroton.) (in Rotulo) Will. Sanderson, of Blythe, 1629.— T. York. Bolton in Craven Wm. Ingleby, of Ripley, 1634.— T. Buck. Borstall Sir John Aubrey, of Borstall, 1 832. Line. Boston Gilda MS. Harl. 4795. Suss. Boxgrave MS. Cott. Claud. A. vi. Northt. Brackley Magd. Coll. Oxford. e Partly burnt in the fire of 1 73 1. ' In Booth's Catalogue, 1773, No. 4808 is a Cartulary of Blackborough, marked 3s.! Qy. if the same as the above ? LIST OF MONASTIC CARTULARIES. 77 County. Wilt. Wilt. Brecon. Monasteries. In whose possession, or where existing. Bradenstoke MS. Cott. Vitell. A. xi. Duke of Buckingham, Stowe (no. 77.) i 832. Bradley (Maiden) Lord Foley, (ol. Thos. Foley, of Whitley, co. Wore.) Transcript of part, Sir Tho. Phillipps, Bart. 1832. Brecknock . . , Wm. Brewster, M. D. of Hereford, 1744. — Monctst. Leic. Bredon , ,.,.... Earl Ferrers, 1 790. Sir Robert Shirley, of Stan ton-Harold, Bt. 1670.— T. York. Bretton Godfr. Wentworth, of Wolley, co. York, 1827. (ol. John Wentworth, of Wolley.— D. . . . . Lord Wharncliffe, 1 827. (Sir F. Wortley, 1 638.— D.) MS. Lansd. 405. (prius Walter Cla- vel, 1709; Sir Wm. Armin, 1634 (T.) ; Sir Tho. Holcroft, Dodsw. James West, 1763. Transcript of do. MS. Coll. Arm.) York. Bridlington Sir Will. Ingleby. Sir John Ingleby, 1697-— T.) Sir Richard Mauleverer. — T. , Walter Clavel— T. James Bellingham, of Levens, co. Westm. 1627.— T- Northd. Brinkburn Arthur Agard, 1604. — T. D. of Buckingham, Stowe (no. 86), 1 832. (Wm. Lord Howard, of Na- worth, 1638.— T.) Glouc. Bristol, St. James MS. More, 351. Publ. Libr. Camb. Bristol, St. Augustine . . Lord Segrave, Berkeley Castle, 1832. . . , Dean and Chap. Bristol. BiUeswyke, or Sir Tho. Phillipps, Bt. (no. 1084), Gaunt's Hospital 1832. (Transcr. Rev. S. Seyer.) Norf. Bromholm MS. More, 93. Publ. Libr. Cambr. Mm. ii. 20. Paston. of Pauntley, co. Glouc. Oxf. Bruerne Brazen Nose Coll. Oxf. Suff. Brusyard Lord Stradbroke. (olim Sir John Rous, of Henham, co. Suff. — T.) Som. Bruton Lord Berkeley of Stratton, 1719 T. (Part transcript of do. Sir Tho. Phillipps, Bart.) Norf. Buckenham Tho. Martin of Palgrave.s e In Booth's Catal. 1774, No. 5800, is this same Cartulary, price li. 7s. and it appears from a MS. note by Craveu Ord, Esq. to have been purchased by him. 78 LIST OF MONASTIC CARTULARIES. County. Monasteries. In whose possession, or where existing. Line. Bullington Rob. Metham, of Bullington, 1 642.-D. Burlington, see Bridlington. Lane. Burscough Duchy of Lancaster Office. Staff. Burton on Trent Marquis of Anglesea, ] 832. Leic. Burton Lazars Hosp. . . MS. Cott. Nero, C. xn. (olim Sir Chr. Hatton.) Snff. Bury St. Edmund Regist. "Cratfield" MS. Cott. Tib. B. ix h "Aston " Claud. A. xn. " Croftis " MS. Harl. 27. (ol. Tho. Eden, LL.D. post. Sir S. Dewes.) " Thomas Abbatis" 230. (ol. Sir E. Peyton ?) " Werketone "... 638. (ol. Tho. Eden, LL.D. post. Sir S. Dewes.) " Kempe " 645. (ol. Tho. Eden, LL.D. post. Sir S. Dewes.) " Lakynhethe " . . 743. (ol. Edw. Stilling- fleet, D.D. Bp. of Wore. (T.) ; Sir Edm. Bacon, 1633.) " Liber Albus " . . 1005. (ol. Dr. Stillingfleet (T.): Sir Edm Bacon, 1633.) " Sacristae " .... 58 " Consuetudinar." 3977- (Leases, temp. 308. Hen. VIII.) "Ickworth" MS. Lansd. 416. (ol. Cha. Batteley, 1698.— T. ; post. J. West.) " Nigrum " Publ. Libr. Cambr. Mm. 4. 19. (Sir Edm. Bacon, 1633.) " Pyncebeck "... Ee. 3. 60. (Sir Edm. Bacon, 1 633. ) Transcript of do. C. Ord.) " Sacristae " . Ff. 2. 23. " Rubeum " Ff. 2. 29. • Ff. 4. 35. (ol. John Cradock, of Rickenhall, Suff.) " Cellerarii, Pars 1 Gg. 4. 4. to the letter C from the letter H Sir Henry Bunbury, Bart, of Milden- to the letter W, hall, Suff. 1 832. (ol. Sir Tho. Han- imperf. mer. — T.) Nearly destroyed in the fire of 1 73 1 . LIST OF MONASTIC CARTULARIES. 79 County. Monasteries. In whose possession, or where existing. Bury, rest of letter W i Sir Tho. Phillipps, Bart. 1832. "Curteys, sive Edmund Woodhouse, Esq. 1832. (ol. Magnum " Sir Edm. Bacon.) " Curteys " MS. Add. 7096. Br. Mus. (Prius C. Ord k ; Dr. Macro ; Tho. Martin ; Rev. John Nowel, 1709 (T.) ; Sir H. Spelman.) Transcript of part, Sir T. Phillipps. " Cellerarii " .... Duchy of Lane. Office. John Covel, S.T.P. Master of Christ Coll. Cambr.— T. Sir Edw. Coke.l— T. "Consuetudinarium" Charles Earl Cornwallis, 1736. — T. Transcript of do. Sir T. Phillipps, ol. C. Ord.) Ditto.— T. " Coquinarii ". . . Douay Library, Flanders. " Swaffham " . . . . Tho. Eden, LL.D. 1 641 .m—T. St. Saviour Sir Tho. Phillipps, Bart. (no. 3792.) 3 1 832. (ol. C. Ord, and Tho. Mar tin. Transcript of do. ol. C. Ord.) Domus Dei MS. Arund. I. Br. Mus. Bedf. Bushmead Arthur Trevor, 1640.— D. Rev. H. W. Gery, 1806,n Suff. Butley Tho. Aske.— T. (Prius Tho. Martin. and P. Le Neve.°— T.) "Calendar. Cartar." Rob Hawes, of Framlingham, 1 7 15. -T. York. Byland Sir Thos. Frankland.— T. (Prius, Brian Fairfax ; John Rushworth, of Line. Inn, 1 647 ; Lord Faucon- berg, 1698.— T.) In St. Mary's Tower, York. — Dodsw. 1 In Craven Ord's Sale, No. 574, this was erroneously entered as the Register of the Abbey of Whepsted. b It had also belonged to Dr. Lort. See Archaeolog. vol. xv. 1 Probably the same as MS. Add. "096. m Said to have been afterwards in the libraries of Sir S. Dewes and Lord Harley ; but none of those now in the Harl. Collection bear that title. n Qy. the same as the preceding ? " In Ives's sale, 1777, lot 457 i it sold for 16s. 6d. Ives had too Cartularies of Butley, both of which previously belonged to Tho. Martin. See MS. Add. (Brit. Mus.) 6489, f. 257 "¦ P. & M. 80 XIV. GENEALOGICAL STATEMENT RESPECTING BEATRIX WIFE OF THOMAS EARL OF ARUNDEL, AND BEATRIX WIFE OF SIR GILBERT TALBOT. According to Dugdale, Beatrix, an illegitimate daughter of the King of Portugal, married Gilbert Lord Talbot; became his widow on the 19th October T Hen. V. 1419 ; a married secondly on the 26th November 6 Hen. IV. 1404, Thomas Fitz Alan Earl of Arundel, who died 10 October 3 Hen. V. 1415 ;b and thirdly, in the 1 1th Hen. VI. 1432,<= John Holland Earl of Hunt ingdon ; whilst other authorities state that the said Beatrix, widow of the Earl of Arundel, remarried Gilbert Lord Talbot, and after his decease became the wife of the Earl of Huntingdon, and then of John Fettiplace of Childrey in Berkshire.d These assertions respecting Beatrix, natural daughter of the King of Portugal, have been repeated with slight variations by every genealogical writer who has mentioned her ; and no attempt has hitherto been made to reconcile the manifest contra dictions in Dugdale's Baronage, or to ascertain the exact facts of the case. The following statements, which are founded upon evidence, throw much light on the point, if they do not even finally settle the question. John the First, King of Portugal, besides the children by his Queen Philippa, daughter of John of Gant and sister of King Henry the Fourth, had issue by Donna Agnez Pires, or Perez, a son named Alphonso and a daughter named Beatrix ; e the son Alphonso was legitimated by his father f on the 20th October a Baronage, vol. i. p. 328. b Ibid. p. S20. c Ibid. vol. ii. p. 80. d Copies of the Visitations of Berkshire in the British Museum, and Collins's Peerage, ed. 1779, vol. iii. p. 8. e " Memorias para a Historia de Portugal que comprebendem o Governo del Rey D. Joao I. do anno de 1383 ate ao anno 1433. Escritas pelo Academico Joseph Soares de Sylva." tomo L pp. 246, 252. Sylva has devoted several pages to Agnes Perez and her family. It appears that she became "Commendadeira " (that is, held a Com- mandery, assigned to her for her support,) or Superior of the Convent De Santos in Lis bon. Ibid. i. p. 252, et seq. Vide also the Colleccao dos Documentos, torn. iv. p. 118. f A copy of the Charter of Legitimation is given by Sylva among the " Documentos BEATRIX, WIFE OF THOMAS EARL OF ARUNDEL. 81 1401; was created Count of Barcellos and afterwards Duke of Braganza, and was the immediate ancestor of the present royal family of Portugal. Donna Beatrix was contracted in 1404 to Thomas Fitz-Alan, Earl of Arundel and Surrey, whom the Portuguese historians pro perly describe " do sangue Real da Inglaterra," s as he was through one descent second cousin, and through another descent third cousin, of Philippa Queen of Portugal : and fourth cousin once removed of the King of Portugal his father-in-law h It may be presumed that his marriage with Beatrix arose from his relationship to the Queen ; but no proof has been found that he was ever in Portugal. This alliance was proposed to Henry the Fourth by Sir John Vasquez de Almada and Doctor Martin Docem ; and Henry wrote to the King of Portugal signifying his approval of it. On the 29th October [query 1404] King John acknowledged the receipt of Henry's letter, and said that he should again write to him by Dr. Docem respecting the arrange ments for Donna Beatrix's voyage, and on other matters con cerning her marriage.' In April 1405 she was solemnly contracted to the Earl at Lisbon, his proxy being Sir John Huelcitsyra,k first gentleman para as Memorias del Rey D. Joao I." tomo iv. p. 72. The charter is dated 20 Oct. 1439, which corresponds with the year 1401, as the Portuguese and Spanish aera till the year 1415, commenced thirty-eight years before the birth of Christ according to the vulgar computation. It can scarcely admit of a. doubt, that similar letters of legitimation were granted to his sister Beatrix. s Memorias, &c. i. p. 246. See the Pedigree No. II. annexed to this article. h See the Pedigree No. I. 1 See the King of Portugal's letters on the subject of the marriage, in the Cottonian MS. Nero B. i. some of which are referred to, and one is printed, in the account of the Earl of Arundel in Bloie's Monumental Remains. In February 2 Hen. IV. (1401) Dr. Martin de Sensu, Ambassador from the King of Portugal to Henry, is stated in a docu ment in the Fcedera (viii. 178) to be then about to return to Poitugal. In September 1403 John Gomez de Silva, Knight and Banner-bearer to King John, was his Ambas sador here, and was then about to return home. Ibid. viii. 329. On the 27 December 1405 Henry replied to a letter which he says had been delivered to him by Sir John Gomez de Silva and Dr. Martin de Sensu. Ibid. viii. k Sir John Wiltshire, respecting whom tlie following notices occur : In Novem ber 1381 he was charged with having rescued a prisoner fiom the custody of the Keeper of the Fleet. (Rot. Pari. iii. 128.) He obtained letters of protection dated 6th March 1386, in consequence of being about to serve under John of Gant in Spain. (Fcedera, viii. 499.) Some messuages in Calais were granted to him and his wife 5th October 1395. (Carte's Norman Rolls, ii. 171.) He was present with Thomas Fitz- Alan Archbishop of Canterbury, and others, when Richard the Second solemnly pro mised Richard Earl of Arundel that no harm should be done to him, a short time G 82 BEATRIX, WIFE OF of the Earl's household;1 and about October in the same year she proceeded to England, accompanied, it appears, by her brother Alphonso Count of Barcellos.™ Her marriage took place at Lambeth, with great splendour, on the 26th of Novem ber following, in the presence of the King and Queen, the Prince of Wales, the Duke of York, the Earl of Kent, the Earl of War wick, her brother Don Alphonso, and many other distinguished personages of the Court. Henry the Fourth acted as her father on the occasion, and a proces verbal of the ceremony, which was performed by her husband's uncle Thomas Arundel, Archbishop ot Canterbury, was legally executed and deposited among the archives of Portugal." She brought the Earl fifty thousand crowns,0 one half of which sum was paid at her marriage, security being given for the remainder ; P but the expences attending her voyage were so heavy that in June following the Earl requested the King to remit him a debt which he owed to his Majesty, in consequence of the destruction of Arundel's lands in Wales, and of " les graundes charges q iay encountre la venue ma muliere," which petition was soon afterwards supported by a letter from the King, his father-in-law, to Henry A before the Earl's execution in 1397. (Rot. Pari. iii. 435.) Sir John Wiltshire again obtained letters of protection on going abroad in April 1398 j (Carte's Norman Rolls, ii. 175.) and in October 1403 he, Sir John Sutheron, and John Waleys, Esquire, " qui versus partes transmarinas profecturi sunt," received letters of general attorney. (Ibid. ii. 186.) On the 22nd April 1412 Wiltshire was appointed u com missioner to settle a dispute respecting the ransom of the Count of Denia. (Fcedera, viii. 730.) His name frequently occurs in St. Lo Kniveton's Collection for a History of the Earls of Arundel, MS. Harl. 4840, and at f. 621 he appears from an inquisition after the death of Beatrix Countess of Arundel, 1 8 Hen. VI. to have then been dead. ' Memorias, &c. torn. i. pp. 247, 248. m The proces verbal of her marriage states that Don Alphonso was present at the ceremony ; and two writs are printed in the Foedera, the one dated 20th January and the other on the 18th February 7 Hen. IV. 1406, commanding that the goods and merchandize, to the value of 1001., of " Alphonso Count of Barcellos, son of the King of Portugal, then lately arrived in England," and of certain Knights in his suite, should be allowed to pass free of duty. Tome viii. pp. 428, 431. n Printed by Sylva among the " Documentos " illustrative of the history of John I tome iv. pp. 76 — 83. Walsingham thus notices the marriage under the year 1405, " Comes Arundelise duxit Londoniis in uxorem filiam Regis Portingaliae notham, satis magnifice, presentibus rege Angliae et regina, in crastino sanctae Kathcrinse." Ypodigma Neustrits, p. 169 ; and in p. 418 of his Chronicle. 0 " Memorias," &c. torn. i. p. 249, and theCottonian MS. Nero B. i. p A curious letrer from King John to Henry the Fourth, respecting the unpaid moiety, occurs in the Cottonian MS. Nero B. i. and is printed in Blore's Monumental Remains. i Ibid. THOMAS EARL OF ARUNDEL. 83 The Earl of Arundel died without issue on the 13th October 3 Hen. V. 1415 ;r and in 1421 his widow, describing herself as " Beatrix who was the wife of Thomas late Earl of Arundel," presented a petition to the King in which she stated that she was born and engendered in Portugal, (" nee et engendree en la terre de Portingale") ; that since her marriage with the late Earl he was seised of divers castles, manors, lands, &c. in England and Wales, part in fee simple and part in fee tail ; that some of the heirs and " terretenaunts " of the late Earl had disturbed the petitioner of her reasonable dower, alleging that she was not dowable because she was born and engendered in Portugal, to her great injury. She therefore prayed that it might be ordained by the authority of Parliament, that she might be enabled in law to enjoy her dower in the said lands as effectually as if she had been born the King's liege woman in the kingdom of England, which request was granted.8 The next notice of her is that on the 1 1th February 5 Hen. VI. 1426, by the style of Beatrix Countess of Arundel, she re ceived letters of protection, being about to go abroad.1 In Feb ruary, 10 Hen. VI. (1432) she executed a receipt for 40/. from her late husband's sister, whom she describes as, " sorore nostra Johanna de Bello campo, Domina de Bergavenny," being part of a larger sum for the purchase of her dower of Bromfield and Yale, in the marches of Wales and Essex." To this instrument her seal, of which the annexed engraving is a copy, was affixed. T Esch. 4 Hen. V. No. 54. See also Esch. 6. Hen. V. No. 49, 8 Hen. V. No. 108, and 4 Hen. VI. No. 40. ¦ Rot. Pari. iv. 130. ' Carte's Gascon Roll, ii. 459. " Harlcian MS. 4840, f. 650. G 2 84 BEATRIX, WIFE OF It was inscribed "sigillum beatricis comitisse arundelie et surreie,"* and contains the arms of Fitz Alan quartering War ren, impaled with the royal arms of Portugal. In the 11th Hen. VI. 1433, Beatrix Countess of Arundel married John Holland, Earl of Huntingdon, afterwards Duke of Exeter, the license for which alliance is dated on the 20th Jan uary in that year : R. Omib3 ad quos, &c. Salt. Sciatis qd nos considerantes quali? carissimus Diis & pa? hr Rex defunctus concesserit caris- sime Consanguinee nre Beatrici Comitisse Arundeft, nup uxi Thome Comitis Arundett, qui de nob tenuit in capite, utdicit', qd ipa alicui psone statui suo convenienti se maritare possit absq, aliquo p fine maritagii pdci solvend, et qd ipa licencia nra carissimo Consanguineo nfo Johi Comiti Huntyngdoii se maritare jam pponit, de gfa nra spali p avisamentum & assensum consilii nfi et consideracoe pmissox, ac eciam x> consideracoem ppinquitatis san guinis quo dci Consanguinei nfi nob sunt adjuncti, et qd idem Consanguineus nf notabile sviciu not in regno nro Franc in ppria psona sua ad magnos labores custus &. expensas sua impen- dit, Concessim dee Beatrici qd ipa Consanguineo nfo p\lco se maritare possit, & qd idem Consanguineus nf eandem Beatrice assume possit in uxem absq. impeticoe nfi vel heredum nfo& tem- 1 Harleian MS. 4840, f. 650. THOMAS EARL OF ARUNDEL. 85 porib} futuris, Solvendo nob ad Receptam Scacii nfi p fine maritagii pdci siimam ducentas marcas ad t?minos Pasche &, Sci Michis p equales porcoes. In cujus, &c. T. R. apud Westmr xx. die Januar. p bre de p'vato Sigillo.y In August in the same year the Countess lost her father the King of Portugal, who in his will, dated in 1426, speaks of her as his daughter Beatrix Countess of Arundel in England.21 In the inscription on his tomb he is said to have left two daughters, " quarum una erat Domina Infans Elizabeth Ducissa Burgundiae, et Comitissa Flandriae, et aliorum Ducatuum, et Comitatuum ; et alia Domina Beatrix Comitissa Huntinto et Arondel ; quae in suis terris permanebant." a The Earl of Huntingdon was appointed Lieutenant of Guienne for six years in the 16 Hen. VI. 1437,b to which province he appears to have been accompanied by his Countess, as she died at Bordeaux without issue on 13th November 1439.° She was buried with her first husband in the College of Arundel, and the following notice of the circumstance occurs in the Register of the Priory of Lewes.d " Domina Beatrix, filia Regis Portugalie, vxor Thome vlti' Comitis Arundeft et Surreyie, et postea vxor Joh'is Comitis Huntyngdon', obijt xiij die mensis Novembr' apd Burdigaf', Anno dni Miftmo ccccmo xxxix0 Sepultaq, est apd Arundeft in collegio iuxa virum suii p'mii." The effigies of the Earl and his Countess were placed on their tomb, an engraving and description of which is given in Stothard's Monumental Effigies and in Blore's Monumental Remains.e ? Rot. Patent. 1 1 Hen. VI. p. 1 , m. 14. The fact of her having actually married the Earl of Huntingdon (which the royal license by itself would not prove) appears from the inquisitions taken after the death of John, Earl of Arundel, 14 Hen. VI. 1436, in which she is called " Beatrix jam uxor Johannis, Comitis Huntyngdon." (MS. Harl. 4840, ff. 581 b, 590 ) ; as well as from the epitaph on her father's monument. * Memorias del Rey D. Joao I. torn. i. p. 297. " Ibid. p. 281. b Dugdale's Baronage, ii. 81, ex autog. penes Cler. Pell, and Chronicle of London, 4to. 1827, page 126. c Register of Lewes, vide postea. The Inquisition taken on her decease states that she died on the 23rd October 18 Hen. VI. 1439; but does not state where her decease took place. It says she died " sine herede." Esch. 18 Hen. VI. No. 28. "> Cottonian MS. Vesp. F. xv. f. 108. ¦ Sir William Burrell, who visited this tomb in 1780, says that at that period the only arms visible on it were those of Fitzalan and Warren, impaling Bohun and Beau- champ (MS. Add. 5699), and this statement has been negligently adopted by Gough, Dal la way, and others. But twenty years later, as the Editors are assured by an able 86 BEATRIX, WIFE OF All which is known of Beatrix Countess of Arundel having been alluded to, the following particulars will be added of Beatrix Lady Talbot ; from which it will be evident that she was a dis tinct person from the Countess of Arundel and Huntingdon, with whom she has been hitherto erroneously identified. antiquary and herald, at the S. E. angle of the monument was a shield, supported by an angel, on which clearly appeared the arms of Fitzalan and Warren, quarterly, impaling Portugal, precisely as on the seal of the Countess of Arundel. On the south side of the tomb five other coats were also then distinguishable, and among them the escutcheon of Portugal, as borne by the Dukes of Braganza. In one of the Wriothesley MSS. sold from the library of Sir George Nayler, Garter King of Arms, (as we are informed by a correspondent,) drawings of the whole of these shields exist, taken in the time of Henry VIII. when the monument was in a perfect state. At present (1833) scarcely a trace of the arms supported by the angel remains, and of the other five coats, only one (the second from the S. E. corner) Is sufficiently perfect to elucidate this inquiry. It still distinctly retains on the sinister side the border of castles dimidiated. Dallaway, in a note to his History of Sussex, vol. ii. p. 196, new ed. describes some paintings of the Earls and Countesses of Arundel, formerly extant in the windows of the chapel, and refers to the Visitation of 1634 (MS. in Coll. Arm. and MS. Harl. 1076) as his authority. Among these he instances Thomas Earl of Arundel, and Beatrix of Por tugal, his wife ; but on examining the MSS. referred to, there appears no evidence to warrant such a description ; the whole of which betrays such an extraordinary want of accuracy, as to create a very unfavourable opinion of Mr. Dallaway's topographical labours. It may be worth notice here (particularly since the historian just cited has omitted to mention it,) that in the Burrell collection of monuments in the chapel at Arundel (MS. Add. 5699, f. 25 b) is a drawing of a grave-stone, near the foot of the Countess Beatrix's monument, on which were the figures in brass of John Threel, marshall of the household to William Earl of Arundel, and Joan, his wife. The latter died 14 Sept. 1459, and beneath her effigy was inscribed : $uju£ £pon£a fui, quonbam tiocitata So&anna, Knte tamen cecibi nece, nullo po££e neganba S?ic anciHabi P- l46V- and Surrey, ob. 1415, s. p. O A quo, the present King of Portugal. 91 XV. NOTICES OF THE FAMILY ,OF FOLJAMBE DURING THE REIGNS OF KING HENRY III. AND KING EDWARD I., CHIEFLY FROM THE PRIVATE CHARTERS OF THE FAMILY ; BY NATHANIEL JOHNSTON, M.D. 1701. From a transcript among Mr. Gough's MSS. in the Bodleian library. The original is preserved among the evidences of the family. See Hunter's History of South Yorkshire, vol. ii. p. 57, sq. THOMAS FOLJAMBE. This Thomas Foljambe, being the antientest person of the family, which manifestly appears in the original deeds which hitherto I have found, I shall begin with him ; and if I shall hap pen to- meet with any evidence of his predecessors besides, I shall give an account of them in a proper place. That it may appear of what quality this Thomas Foljambe was, and the time when he lived, the following prescript will evidence ; No. 1. Whereby Nicholas de Edensover appoints John de Baukwell (now called Bakewell) to perfect the agreement be tween Thomas Foljambe, Balivum de Pecco, concerning Rents in Longsdein.— Dated 1272, 56 Hen. III. That he held this office, appears likewise by another deed : No. 2. Whereby Nicholas son of Peter de Hope, com. Derb. gives to Roger Woodrove of Hope, lands in Hope : — Testibus Tho. Foljambe, tunc custode Ballivat. de Pecco; Willmo Hallye, Petro de Heysill, Rog. fratre ejus; Rob. Balguy ; Willmo le Heyres, now called Eyre. I find also that Thomas executed the same office, by the follow ing Deed : (No. 3.) Wherein Roger Woodrove, of Hope, gives to Nicholas his son, lands in Hope : Test. Dno Tho. Foljambe, Ballivo de Pecco ; Robto Balguy ; Willmo le Heyres ; Rich. fil. Will™' de Hope.— Sans date. From this deed it appears that now this Thomas Foljambe, Bailiff of the Peak, had the title of Dominus, which, though it does not always import that the person before whose name D. or Dom. was prefixed, was a Knight, unless the word Miles was superadded, yet it always signified the person so denominated 92 NOTICES OF THE to be then what we now repute to be in next degree to a Knight, as our Esquires are. Secondly, it is observable that in our age, Jane, daughter and coheiress of Ellis Woodrove of this very Hope, was married to Peter Foljambe, Esquire, father of the present Francis. Thirdly, I must observe that the Peak of Derbyshire is an antient honour belonging to the crown, in which is a castle stiled De Alto Pecco, and the Wapentake is called the Wapentake of the Peak ; and within it is a forest called the Forest of the Peak, as De Campana is in Latin. Also in that age it was an honourable employment to be Bailiff. Then such as either Knights or persons of Quality were intrusted with the custody of the office, as will appear in several deeds hereafter to be inserted, wherein Sir William Horsenden, Knight, then Bailiff, hath the precedence in the order of ranking the Witnesses, before several knights in Deed 23. As also Henry Fleming, a person of an antient family of that surname in the Deed 31. No. 4. It appears also (Dods. Coll. W. 132) that this Thomas Foljambe, 8 Edw. I., was a Knight, by the following Deed, wherein Richard de Weston, Knight, gives to the monas tery of Blida (Blythe in com. Nott.) all his right in the advow- son of the church of Weston. Testibus Dno. Tho. de Furnival (Lord of Sheffield) Dno. Hug. de Pierpoint, Dn°. Rich, de Sher burne, Dn0. Tho. Foljambe, Dn°. Johan. Heyrce, Tho. Allale de Welbeck, Ra. de Noketon : Dat. 1280.— 8 Edw. I. No. 5. Also in the following deed (Dods. Coll. F. 142) wherein Rich, de Sylveyne, de Thorp, Knight, son and heir of Osbert de Sylvayne, gives to the Canons of Radford (Worksop Abbey) of the Grant of his Ancestors, Lands in Nether-Thorpe, Ravinal (Ranfield), Testibus, Thom. de Furnival; Thom. de Foljambe ; Tho. de Eyvill ; Rob. de Montney ; John de Orbery ; et Joh. de Bayley, militibus. By this it appears that he had the Precedence of all the following Knights of ancient and eminent families there mentioned ; and the very next to Tho. de Furnival a great Baron in those parts. That this was the first Thomas is manifest in that he died not until the 11th Edw. I. And I do not find his son Thomas to be a knight, before the 16th Edw. I. or thereabouts. Having found nothing more considerable, I proceed now to the treating of the time of his death ; towards the clearing of FAMILY OF FOLJAMBE. 93 which, I am beholden to the help of the collections of that most industrious antiquary Roger Dodsworth, Esquire; whose volu minous manuscripts I had the perusal of, before they were given by his great patron Thomas Lord Fairfax of Cameron, to the Bodleian Library in Oxford. This laborious gentleman hath exhibited a Record (No. 6), wherein it appears, that this Tho mas Foljambe paid 400 marks for the firm of the castle in the Peake for nine years (Dods. Collect. II. 58). By which it may be computed that he held that castle in firm for nine years, and it may be presumed that the demesne and bailiwick of the Wa pentake, and it may be the Forest, were included. The same author hath from the Record (No. 7) of Escheat inserted that he died on Saturday next after the feast of St. Hilary, 1 1 Edw. I. and held of the King an Oxgang of land by the Sergeantry of keeping the King's forest de Campana, (which was the stile of the forest in the Peak, as will elsewhere appear) himself serving on horseback with his servant on foot (garsoigne ejus ante pedem) ; and divers other lands, paying rent to the castle of Dover (as in the Transcript, for Derby, as I suppose) ; and that he held sixty acres of land in Tideswell of Sir John Daniel; and that Thomas was his son and heir, twenty-seven years of age. As to the children of this Thomas Foljambe, Knight, it is clear by the preceding Escheat that Thomas was his son and heir, of whom and his descendants I shall treat hereafter. Also finding a clear proof of a daughter he had, called Cecilia, before I proceed to enquire into the doubtful title of the rest of his sons or brothers, I shall here insert what I find of this Cecilia : No. 8. For I find a fine levied 8 Edw. I. three years before the death of this Thomas, inter Tho. Foljambe quer. et Rad. de Eccleshall, deforciant, of the Manors of Eccles- hall and Aldwark, and forty shillings rent in Thorp, and twenty shillings rent in Dalton, and five shillings rent in Routhmarshe (now called Rawmarsh), all which lands are in Yorkshire. The right of Thomas for life. Remainder to Robert son of the said Ralph and Cecilia his wife, daughter of the said Thomas Fol jambe. By this fine the quality of the said Thomas Foljambe is farther illustrated, in that his daughter was married into so worshipful a family as that of Eccleshall of Eccleshall, near Shef field, in com. Ebor. was. It is further also observable, that after a long series of years, these lands, or at least considerable lands in these very towns should be part of the inheritance of the pre- 94 NOTICES OF THE sent heir of the family of Foljambe, descending to them by the heiress of Fitzwilliam of Aldwark. I shall begin with such as for the ancientness of their deeds, without dates, I presume might be brothers of the first Sir Tho mas ; especially those, whose sons where any of them appear to have had sons, were found to be living in the time of the first or second Sir Thomas. I shall therefore begin with John Foljambe ; though I find no special deede, wherein he is either styled brother or son of the first Sir Thomas, in which either he passeth or purchaseth lands; yet because there are great numbers of deeds, wherein his son Thomas, by the name of Thomas son of John Foljambe is a party, I shall give this John the preference to William, Roger, and others who were contemporary with Thomas son of John Foljambe. I shall begin with the Deed following : (No. 9.) — Wherein Richard Danyel of Tideswell, com. Derb., gives to Thomas de Wymondham, Clerk, the lands of Thomas Danyel his brother in Tideswell — Testibus Ric. de Vernon, Will, de Horsenden (who was knight afterwards), Hen. de Lytton, Joh. Foljambe, Hug. Martin. Ex autograph, sans date. No. 10. I am prone to believe that this John Foljambe, a wit ness here, might be father of Thomas, of which see more in the first deed of his son Thomas. See Deed, No. 23, and compare it with this : for it is not improbable that John Foljambe then wit ness, was father of Thomas. The first Deed (No. 11.) to prove this Thomas Foljambe to be the son of John shall be what hath so near relation to the first deed wherein John Foljambe is witness ; wherein Thomas of Wymondham gives to Thomas son of John Foljambe, the same lands in Tideswell, ex traditione Dni Ric. Danyel. Testibus Dno Rich, de Vernon ; Robto de Hurdhill ; Rich, le Ragged ; Rad. de Win; Tho. le Archer; Tho. fil. Rogeri de Foljambe. Ex autograph, sans date. No. 12. I shall next place such Deeds as prove that this Tho mas son of John Foljambe had lands in Tideswell ; as in the fol lowing Deed : Wherein Baldwin de Hersy and Cecilia his wife, give to Thomas Foljambe, son of John Foljambe, lands in Tides- well. Sans date. No. 13. Also Cecilia, daughter of Richard Herfield, gives to Thomas Foljambe lands in Tideswell. Testibus Will. Fol- FAMILY OF FOLJAMBE. 95 jambe, &c. I am prone to believe that this William was uncle to this Thomas. No. 14. I find also in an agreement between John Daniel of Tideswell, and Thomas son of John Foljambe, whereby John Daniel gives to this Thomas ten acres in Kirk-Furlong, in Lyt- ton-Dale, and Thomas gives to John Daniel eleven acres in Tideswell. Testibus Rich. Vernon ; Will, de Morteyne ; Gilb. Francis ; Gervas. Bernake ; Rob. de Harthill ; Rob. Abney ; Will, de Heyley; Tho. le Archer; Rich. Ragged; Johanne filio Rogeri Foljambe. See another Deed, No. 26. No. 15. That this Thomas, son of John Foljambe, lived in the time of the first Thomas, 7 Edward I. appears by the follow ing Deed, wherein Sir Richard Daniel of Tideswell gives to Thomas, son of John Foljambe, lands in Tideswell, near the end of the lane in Litton, near Greenhow, and lands upon Kirk- Furlong, towards the manor of the said Thomas Foljambe. Test. Johanne fil. Hugonis Martin; Johanne filio suo. Dat. 7 Edw. I. This Deed is sufficient of itself to prove that this John, father of Thomas, was not the son of the first Sir Thomas, where this Thomas his son lived so early in the age of the first Sir Thomas. Therefore I conclude him to be the brother of the first Sir Thomas. By the word Manor may be either understood his mansion- house or his manor-house ; and if the latter, then this Thomas seems to have had a manor here in Tideswell. That this Thomas, son of John Foljambe, had lands also at Little Hocklow, appears by these following Deeds: (No. 16.) Wherein Richard Daniel of Tideswell, gives to Richard^son of Rawkill, of Little Hocklow, all his right in the lands of Little Hocklow. Test. Will. Morteyn ; Gerv. de Bernake ; Joh. Harthill; Rob. frat. ejus, — militibus : Hen. de Tuddington ; Rob. de Abney; Will. Haley; Tho. le Archer; Rich, le Ragged; Joh. Foljambe, filio Rogeri. No. 17. The same Richard, son of Rawkhill of Little Hock low, gives to Thomas, son of John Foljambe, several lands in Little Hocklow. Testibus Dn0 Roberto de Harthill; Hugone de Styley ; Tho. le Archer; Will™0 Foljambe ; Tho. de Worm- hill, clerico. No. 18. He appears likewise to have lands in Bakewell by the following Deed : — Wherein Gervas de Nottingham gives to 96 NOTICES OF THE Thomas, son of John Foljambe, four acres in Bakewell. Testibus, Rad. de Wyn ; Rob. frat. ejus. No. 19. Also Robert de Attburn gives to the same Thomas, son of John Foljambe, several lands in Bakewell. Test. Dno Robl° de Herthill, Rad. le Wyn. No. 20. He also had lands in Litton or Lyeton, as appears by the following Deed : — Wherein William, son of Ulcotes de Lyeton, gives to Thomas, son of John Foljambe, lands in Lye ton. Sans date. No. 21. Also Andrew de Schagsby gives to the same Thomas lands in Lyeton. Test. Willmo Foljambe; Tho. Foljambe. Sans date. No. 22. This Thomas was a clerk, as appears by the next Deed. Also the same Andrew de Schagsby grants to the same Thomas Foljambe six shillings rent in Leyton, which Thomas, son of Robert Baumford, knight, used to pay. Testibus Will. Hayley; Roberto Bozon ; Will. Foljambe; Tho. Foljambe, clerico. Sans date. It is probable that this Thomas Foljambe, clerk, is the same with Thomas de Wormhill, clerk, in Deed, No. 17. But whose son this Thomas was I have not found. This Thomas, son of John Foljambe, had also lands in Worm- hill, as appears by the following Deed: (No. 23.) Wherein Robert, son and heir of Robert de Wormbill (some times written Wermhill, but generally Wormhill) gives to Tho mas, son of John Foljambe, lands of the inheritance of his father in Wormhill. Testibus, Dn° Willm° de Horsenden, ballivo de Pecco ; Will, de Morteyne : Gervasio Bernake ; Richardo Daniel, — militibus ; Robto le Archer ; Rich, le Ragged ; Johan. Foljambe. Sans date. No. 24. John, son of Adam Forrester of Wormhill, gives to Thomas, son of John Foljambe, lands in Wormhill. Test. Will. Foljambe. Sans date. No. 25. Also Thomas, son of Nicholas de Theyres, gives to the same Thomas nine acres in Wormhill. Testibus, Dn0 Willmo de Morteyne; Gervasio Bernake, militibus; Will. Foljambe, Tho. filio Rogeri Foljambe, Henrico et Willielmo fratribus ejus. Sans date. No. 26. I have found also a different deed of exchange from that mentioned before, No. 14, between John Daniel, and Tho mas son of John Foljambe ; as followeth. Wherein John Daniel FAMILY OF FOLJAMBE. 97 gives to Thomas, son of John Foljambe, the culture of Kirk Furlong, and Salterford in Lytton Dale and Customes Furlong, and the said Thomas gives to the said John (there called John Deryn) in exchange, lands in Tideswell. Testibus, Dn0 Ric. de Vernon, Will. Morteyne, Gilberto Francis, Gervasio Ber nake, Rob. de Harthill, militibus ; Will. Foljambe ; Thomas son of Roger Foljambe; Rob. Bozon; Rob. de Stanton; Hen. filio Rogeri Foljambe; Hugone Martyn. Sans date. This Deed must be made before the 6th Edw. I. because Sir Gilbert Francis was dead in that year, as appears by the Inquisi tion then taken at his death. WILLIAM FOLJAMBE. I suppose that William Foljambe was another brother of Sir Thomas Foljambe, because I find him witness to several Deeds before other branches of the surname, as in Nos. 13, 17, 21, 22, 24, 25, 26, 27. I place these references to the Deeds that the reader may con sider their proofs without inlarging these collections with repeti tions. I shall therefore add one Deed to clear the matter, which may be referred to what I have formerly specified in Lytton or Litton. It is as followeth : No. 27. Margery daughter of Lucy de Weyley gives to Thomas, son of John Foljambe, 7 acres in Lyeton. Testib. j)no "Will. Haley (he was afterwards Bailiff of the Peak), Wil liam Foljambe, Thomas son of Roger Foljambe, Hugone Martyn. Sans date. That this William Foljambe was not that William Foljambe who was brother to the second Sir Thomas Foljambe will appear in its proper place. Though I believe that William had his Christian name from this William, of which first William I find no issue, and its probable that the second William was the inheritor of what estate this William had. ROGER FOLJAMBE. Although I find no Deeds wherein any estate was either con veyed to this Roger or from him, yet being styled in many Deeds father of John, Thomas, Henry, William, and Hugh Foljambe, all or most of which lived in the time of Thomas, son of John Foljambe, as appears in the Deeds before recited, No. 11, 25, 26, I give him a place among the brothers of the first Sir Thomas. h 98 NOTICES OF THE JOHN FOLJAMBE, SON OF ROGER. Although I have seen no Deeds which positively prove this John to be the eldest son of Roger, yet finding the Deeds wherein he is styled the son of Roger, of the number of the ancient ones without date, till I am better informed I place him the eldest. The Deeds wherein by that style he is mentioned as witness, are No. 14 and 1 6, which positively style him John, son of Roger Foljambe, before the 7th of Edward I. as Deed 14 expresseth. No. 28. But it is not certain whether it be of this John whereof Mr. Dodsworth gives the following account ; That in 2 Edw. II. there was a return of an ad quod damnum that John Foljambe of Brode may have a mess, and two bovates in Wyfield, purchased by James Mainwaring of Derby. THOMAS, SON OF ROGER FOLJAMBE. By denomination of Thomas Foljambe, son of Roger Fol jambe, he is witness to the Deeds No. 11, 25, 26, and 27. No. 29. Also John Daniel of Tideswell gives to Thomas, son of Roger Foljambe of Wormhill, half of the mill of Fairfield and the service of it. Test. Dno Alano, Vicario de Tideswell ; Will. Foljambe, Tho. Foljambe, brothers. Sans date. Who those Will, and Tho. were, being brothers, is not easy to guess, for there is no mention of two brothers of these names where William is the elder brother, unless they were sons of the first Thomas, and then William must be the elder brother; or else they were sons of Robert Foljambe, of whom hereafter. It seems probable to me that this Thomas, son of Roger, had a son called Thomas, as will appear in a Deed No. 31, wherein I treat of Henry Foljambe, Bailiff of Tideswell : and it may be he had also a son called Henry, unless that Henry be a younger son of the first Thomas, for which Deed No. 37 may be consulted. HENRY AND WILLIAM, SONS OF ROGER, AND BROTHERS OF THOMAS, SON OF ROGER. These appear by the following Deeds, wherein, (No. 30) John Daniel, son and heir of Sir Richard Daniel, gives to John Martin, son of Hugh Martin, lands in Tideswell. Testibus Du0 Tho. Foljambe, Ada de Herthill, militibus ; Will. Foljambe ; FAMILY OF FOLJAMBE. 99 Thomas, son of Roger Foljambe; Henry and William brothers. Sans date. By this it appears that they lived in the time of the second Sir Thomas Foljambe, and this William Foljambe the witness must either be William the brother of the first or second Sir Thomas, for William son of Roger was a younger brother of Thomas son of Roger Foljambe. These brothers will also be further cleared in my relation of William, brother of the second Sir Thomas. These. Henry and William, brothers of Thomas, son of Roger, were witnesses in the Deeds No. 25, 26, 30, 40, 42, to which I must refer the inquisitive reader. As to Henry, particularly, see Deed No. 27. HUGH, SON OF ROGER FOLJAMBE. This will appear in a Deed, No. 29, as also in the next Deed, wherein I treat of Henry Foljambe, Bailiff of Tideswell, No. 31. HENRY FOLJAMBE, BAILIFF OF TIDESWELL. I am prone to think that this Henry was a younger brother of the first Sir Thomas by the date of this following Deed, wherein, No. 31. Richard, son of Richard Daniel of Tideswell, gives John, son of Hugh Martin of Tideswell, lands which he held of John Daniel his brother. Dated May 12, 1288, 16 Edw. I. Testib. Joh. Fleming, Ballivo de Pecco; Hen. Foljambe tunc Ballivo de Tideswell ; Tho. son of Tho. Foljambe. And this may be a son of Thomas, son of Roger, as I have hinted, in a Deed No. 29. The rest of the witnesses are Hugh, son of Roger Foljambe, Thomas, Andrew, and Henry Andrew's brother. The reason why I believe this Thomas, son of Thomas Foljambe, to be son of Thomas son of Roger, rather than the eldest son of the first Sir Thomas, is, because he follows after Henry the Bailiff of Tideswell, whom he would have preceded if he had been the eldest son of the first Sir Thomas ; besides, I find that Thomas, eldest son of Sir Thomas, was then a Knt. and this Thomas, the witness, may have the precedence of Hugh though his uncle, as being the eldest son of Thomas, son of Roger. ROBERT FOLJAMBE. I find Robert Foljambe witness with William Foljambe, the h 2 100 NOTICES OF THE first of that name, and in order after him, but not styled his brother, as usual where two of a name are witnesses together, if they were brothers, are so styled. Yet I am prone to believe that William and Robert were brothers of the first Sir Thomas; otherwise I am ignorant who was their father ; for by the date of the Deed No. 32, it appears that his son Thomas lived the 6th of Edw. I. that is five years before the first Sir Thomas died, so that then this Robert might be as old as the other Brother of the first Sir Thomas. WILLIAM AND THOMAS FOLJAMBE, SONS OF ROBERT. This is proved in the following Deed, wherein William and Thomas are styled brothers (No. 29), which can agree with none so well as these. Though I find no issue by him ; for Richard, son of William, seems to me rather' to be the son of William, bro ther of this second Sir Thomas, as in Deed No. 38 will appear, but in No. 29, William and Thomas are positively styled brothers. THE YOUNGER SONS OF SIR THOMAS FOLJAMBE THE FIRST. I find that Thomas, son of Robert Foljambe, lived in the 6th Edw. I. by this following Inquisition recorded by Mr. Dodsworth, wherein he recites that (No. 32) Thomas, son of Robert Foljambe, was one of the Jury with Thomas de Langford and Adam de Hertley at an Inquisition taken after the death of Gilbert Francis, who held the manor of Haddon, now the in heritance of the Earl of Rutland. By this it appears that Gilbert Francis was dead the 6th Edw. I. No. 33. I find also that the 14th Edw. I. Thomas, son and heir of Robert Foljambe, held the lands in Wormhill, which was a town in which the younger sons of the family had estates, as ap pears by several Deeds, and its probable they reverted to the family when they died without issue male. No. 34. Thus I have given the best account from the original Deeds, of all the persons I have found relating to this family out of the oldest Deeds, and not finding any certain designation of the fathers of John, William, the eldest Roger, Henry, Robert, and Nicholas, I am at present of opinion that John, William, Thomas, Roger, Henry, and Robert, were bro thers of the first Sir Thomas ; (No. 35) and that William and Nicholas were younger sons of the first Sir Thomas, and so that they were all branches of the same family and not of two FAMILY OF FOLJAMBE. 101 distinct families of Tideswell and Wormhill, as at first I con ceived ; and that which induceth me the rather to believa it is, that all those Deeds are continued in the possession of the present most worthy heir male of the family, from whence it is rational to conclude that their descendants successively who died without issue male, their lands and deeds devolved upon the heirs male of the principal stock. No. 36. However disputable it may be whether John or Wil liam, Roger, Henry, and Robert, were brothers or sons of the first Sir Thomas Foljambe, yet, considering the time of their living, and other circumstances, I think it is past controversy that Wil liam and Nicholas were younger sons of the said Sir Thomas, and probably Henry also. Therefore, before I treat of Sir Thomas Foljambe, eldest son of the first Sir Thomas, 1 shall treat of the younger sons of the first Sir Thomas, and begin with William son of Sir Thomas Fol jambe. This is exactly proved by the following Deed, wherein No. 37. Mr. John Daniel, son of Richard Daniel, gives to John Martin, son of Hugh Martin, lands in Tideswell. Testibus Dn0 Tho. Foljambe; Will, his brother; also, Hugh and Will. Martin ; Hen. Foljambe, son of Roger ; Hen. Foljambe, son o Thos. ; Will, son of Roger. In this Deed may be observed, that Mr. John Daniel, the do nor in several of the preceeding Deeds, is styled son of Richard Daniel, and only son and heir of Sir Richard Daniel, so that it must not seem strange if sometimes we find Thomas son of Thomas Foljambe only, when the father was a knight. Secondly, it is doubtful who this Henry, son of Thomas, was, being placed in order betwixt Henry and William Foljambe, sons of Roger Foljambe, so that either he must be son of Thomas son of Roger, or of Thomas Foljambe the first or second, though his father be not styled a knight. So that 1 shall suspend the de termination, till I find further clearing of the matter. However, as to William Foljambe, I conceive this William Foljambe to be the brother of the second Sir Thomas, as is to be understood in the Deeds whereto William Foljambe is a witness. That he lived in 26th Edw. I. and was called Richard of Wormhill, appears by the Deed, No. 34, in the life of Sir Thomas the second, and hath there the precedence of Ni- 102 NOTICES OF THE cholas Foljambe, who I suppose was his uncle, and this Richard the eldest son of William, brother to the second Sir Thomas. No. 38. Also he was of Wormhill, as appears by the following Deed, wherein John, son of William Martin of Tideswell, gives to Richard le Archer of Great Hocklow, lands in Wormhill : the witnesses are Sir Thomas Foljambe, Sir Richard Daniel, Sir Richard Foljambe of Wormhill, which can be no other but Richard, son of William Foljambe, brother to the second Sir Thomas. NICHOLAS FOLJAMBE, YOUNGEST SON OF THE FIRST SIR THOMAS. I find this Nicholas lived in the 26th Edw. I. as will appear by his being a witness to a Deed of that date in the time of Sir Thomas Foljambe, the third of that name, as in the Deed from Robert, son of Elias de Bradwell and Alice his wife, to Sir Thomas Foljambe. Deed, No. 43, also Deed, No. 30. No. 39. The 13th of Edw. II. I find he held on the day of his death, of the King, one messuage and 30 acres of land by the Serjeanty of keeping the King's Forest de Campana in the Peak per corpus suum, with bows and arrows, and that Robert his son and heir was 23 years old. No. 40. The 14th of Edw. IT. I find that Robert, son and heir of Nicholas Foljambe, held lands in Wormhill by the same tenure. No. 41. Also the 15th of Edw. II. the same Robert did his homage the 4th day of June that year. Having thus with no small trouble arranged out of the heaps of the oldest miscellany Deeds of the anomalous branches of the family, by much revolving in my mind several schemes before I could reduce such confused Deeds into any competent order to please myself, in the hopes of having ranged the series right, all which I submit to the judgment of such as may clear the matter better, or at least to such as may find other deeds to rectify any mistakes, I shall now proceed in the history of Sir Thomas Foljambe, Bailiff of the High Peak, eldest son of Sir Thomas Foljambe. SIR THOMAS FOLJAMBE, ELDEST SON OF THE FIRST SIR THOMAS. No. 42. One of the first Deeds which proves the succession is from Richard de Hereford, who gives to Thomas, son of Thomas Foljambe, lands in Tideswell. Testibus Dno Rad. de Eccleshall, FAMILY OF FOLJAMBE. 103 the same whose son Robert married Cecilia, daughter of the first Sir Thomas, as appears by the fine in Edw. I. and in the first year of his reign, in a Deed, No. 8. The rest of the witnesses are Rich, le Ragged, Thos. le Archer, Wm. Foljambe, who was brother of this Sir Thomas. That he lived in the 16th of Edw. I. appears by the following short note in Mr. Dodsworth's collection, wherein he relates that Thomas Foljambe, son of Thomas Foljambe, held Wormhill. (Pipe Roll 16 Edw. I.) Here, because it is not specified what particular lands he held in Wormhill, it is to be supposed that he held the most or a very considerable part of the town, espe cially seeing this is a record in the Pipe Roll, which takes no notice of owners of small members of villages, but principally of manors or large portions of them. Concerning his marriage I shall relate hereafter in Deed No. 42, upon which Deed I shall make some remarks of its anti quity, and other matters. That he was a knight, and had lands given or purchased by him in Tideswell, will appear in the two following Deeds collated the one with the other. No. 43. The first Deed is from John Daniel, son of Sir Rich ard Danyel, whereby he gives to John, son of Hugh Martyn, lands in Tideswell. Testibus, Tho. Foljambe, Ada de Herthill, militib.; Tho. son of Roger Foljambe ; Hen. and Wm. his bro thers. No. 44. I find also the same John Danyel gives to Sir Thomas Foljambe himself all his lands in Tideswell. Testibus, Ada de Herthill ; Rob. Bozon ; Will. Foljambe. Here also this William Foljambe is to be understood brother of this Sir Thomas, and that he and his son and heir Richard, held lands in Wormhill, is plain by several Deeds before and here after specified. No. 45. That his wife's name was Catherine appears by the following Deed, wherein Thomas Foljambe, son of Thomas Fol jambe, with consent of Catherine his wife, gives to Thomas Fol jambe, son of John Foljambe, lands in Wormhill. Testibus Dno Will, de Morteyn ; Gervasio de Bernake, milit. ; Joh. Danyel ; Thos. son of Roger Foljambe ; Hen. and Will, brothers. By this sole Deed it appears that Thomas, son of John Foljambe, was cotemporary with the second Sir Thomas, which farther illustrates that John was not the common ancestor and 104 NOTICES OF THE father of Sir Thomas, the Bailiff of the High Peak, as I formerly judged, but rather a brother of that Sir Thomas, as I am from this and some other Deeds induced to believe ; otherwise it must be concluded that this gift must be from some other Sir Thomas, son of a Thomas, which could be none of all the Thomas's be fore-mentioned, unless it were a son of Thomas son of Roger, which is not likely when that Thomas, son of Roger, is a witness to this very Deed.a SIR THOMAS FOLJAMBE, THE THIRD, SON AND HEIR OF SIR THOMAS THE SECOND. But here recurs a greater difficulty concerning the death of the second Sir Thomas Foljambe, as will appear by the following Deed, whereby No. 46. Robert son of Elyas de Brad well and Alice his wife, give to Sir Thomas Foljambe of Tideswell, son and heir of Sir Thomas Foljambe, lis. rents in Tideswell. Testib. Rich, son of Will. Foljambe de Wormhill, Nich. Foljambe, Ralph Cotteral. Dat. 26 Edw. I. No. 47. The reason why I doubt whether the second Sir Tho mas was now living is, because, though it is usual to style the son of any person son and heir, either for a year or two after the death of his father, or where such a son conveys any estate as heir to his father, but it is a rare thing to style such a son, son and heir to his father who was dead eleven years before, as Sir Thomas the first was, which inclines me to believe that the second Sir Thomas was about this time dead, and so his son, being a knight also, was now styled son and heir of Sir Thomas. Besides, in the Deed succeeding, No. 44, he is only styled Sir Thomas, and when this third Sir Thomas died, his son, being not knighted, is styled Thomas Foljambe, son and heir of Sir Thomas, as in Deeds Nos. 46, 47, will appear. Secondly, by this Deed it seems to me clear that Richard Foljambe was son and heir to William Foljambe, brother to the second Sir Thomas, and so had the precedence of Nicholas, a younger son of the first Sir Thomas. No. 48. That he lived the 29th of Edw. the First appears by * Here concludes tlie transcript in the possession of the Rev. Mr. Hunter, which has hitherto been followed, and which in p. 91 was erroneously stated to have been copied from the Gough MS. The remaining portion is printed from the Gough copy, furnished by the kindness of the Rev. Dr. Bandinel. FAMILY OF FOLJAMBE. 105 the following Deeds, wherein Richard, son of John Danyell, releases to Thomas Foljambe, Knt. all his right in a certain place, late belonging to Thomas, betwixt the lands of the said Thomas and the manor of John, son of John Pekit. Testib. Dno Rich. Herthill, Dn0 Rog. de Radburne, — Richard, son of William Foljambe of Wormhill. Dated 29 Edw. I. No. 49. That he also lived the 15th of Edw. the Second, appears by the following Deed, wherein John, son of William Martyn of Tideswell, gives to Richard le Archer, of Great Hocklow, lands in Tideswell. Testib. Tho. Foljambe, milit. ; Rich. Danyel, milit. ; Rich. Foljambe of Wormhill ; dated 15 Edw. II. and that he was dead within two years after, will ap pear by the first Deed I shall insert to the life of Thomas his son, No. 50. THOMAS, SON AND HEIR OF THE LAST SIR THOMAS. No. 50. To prove this I shall produce the following Inqui sition in Mr. Dodsworth's Collections, (KK. 132, 17 Edw. II.) wherein it is certified that Thomas, son and heir of Thomas Foljambe, knt. held in Wormhill 15 acres of land by the service of finding a footman, with bow and arrows, in the Forest of the Peak, to keep it cum arcu et sagittis in Forresta de Pecco ad ipsius custodiam. By this Thomas being styled son and heir of Thomas, I con clude his father was then dead, as before noted upon the death of this second Sir Thomas for the same reason, and before I gave an account why sometimes the son is styled son of Thomas or Richard, &c. without the addition of being a knt. though his father was so. In the 1st Edw. HI. also I find this Thomas, son of Thomas, in the following Deed, wherein John son of John Martyn, of Tideswell, gives to John son of Thomas Foljambe, a mess, in Tideswell. Test. Thomas Foljambe, son of Thomas Foljambe, Rad. de Wardeslow. Dated 1327, 1 Edw. III. This John, son of Thomas Foljambe, to whom this deed was made, was the eldest son of this Thomas Foljambe, as will more fully appear hereafter. JOHN FOLJAMBE, SON OF THOMAS. John Foljambe, son of Thomas Foljambe, lived 4 Edw. III. as appears by the following Deed, wherein, (No. 52) William, 106 NOTICES OF THE son of William Peronell of Tideswell, gives to John, son of Thomas Foljambe of Tideswell, a mess. &c. in Tideswell. Test. John Martyn, Rad. de Wardeslow. Dated 14 Edw. III. No. 53. The 21st Edw. III. he is a witness to the charter of John, son of Ralph le Marken of Grendo, wherein he gives to Ralph his son lands in Tideswell. No. 54. The 34th Edw. III. Simon de Langham, Abbat of Westminster, Treasurer of England, constitutes this John Fol jambe of Tideswell collector of the tenths and fifteenths granted to the King in the Wapentake of the High Peak. Of this John it is recorded that multa bona fecit in fabrica- tione Ecclie de Tideswell. He lived to a great age, for in some Deeds I find he was alive the 50th of Edw. III. THOMAS FOLJAMBE, YOUNGER BROTHER OF JOHN. Before I proceed to declare the issue of this John Foljambe, I must interpose an account of Thomas Foljambe, brother to this John, who I suppose was a younger son of Sir Thomas. No. 55. I suppose this Thomas was witness by the name of Thomas Foljambe, son of Thomas Foljambe, to the Deed of John, son of John Martyn of Tideswell, whereby he gives to John Foljambe of Tideswell, lands in Tideswell, 1 Edw. III. as is specified before in the life of Sir Thomas, No. 47. No. 56. This Thomas married Elena, — which Elena, relict of the said Thomas Foljambe, was married to Robert de Stave- leigh, as appears by this following Deed, whereby John Fol jambe of Tideswell passes all the lands which he has settled upon John, son of this Thomas, as will appear below, in reversion after the death of Helen, relict of Thomas Foljambe, as in carta No.' 57, 41st of Edw. III. hereafter specified. No. 57. Also the 44th of Edw. III. Robert Staveleigh and Elena his wife leave to John Foljambe of Tideswell, lands in Tideswell, Elton, and Litton, which Elen held in dower of the gift of Thomas Foljambe her husband. JOHN AND THOMAS FOLJAMBE, SON OF THE AFORESAID THOMAS, WHO WAS BROTHER TO JOHN. No. 58. This Thomas had issue John, who was styled of Elton. I find that this John, and Thomas his brother, were wards to Henry Duke of Lancaster, 39 Edw. III. and Sir God frey Foljambe was his guardian. This Sir Godfrey Foljambe FAMILY OF FOLJAMBE. 107 was eldest son of Thomas Foljambe, grandfather of this John by his second wife, and so was uncle to this John ; and this John and Thomas leave to Richard Bon of Elton, a messuage belong ing to this John. No. 59. The 41st Edw. III. he was married, as appears by the following Deed, whereby John Foljambe of Tideswell, uncle to this John, gives to him, as son of Thomas Foljambe, of Elton, and Johanna his wife, daughter of Anchier Fretchevil of Stave ley, com. Derb. ancestor to the late Lord Fretchevil, all lands, &c. in Tideswell, which he had of the gift of Thomas, son of Sir Thomas Foljambe, to the use of John and Johanna his wife, and the heirs of their bodies, and for default of such issue to the heirs of the aforesaid John, son of Thomas; and to the aforesaid Deed Sir Godfrey Foljambe is witness. ROGER AND THOMAS FOLJAMBE, SONS OF JOHN. No. 60. In the 41st Edw. III. John Foljambe of Tideswell passes the reversion of the same lands to the sons of John and Johanna, after the death of Elena, relict of Thomas Foljambe. I suppose this John died without issue, for I have not found any mention of his children. HUGH FOLJAMBE, BROTHER OF JOHN AND THOMAS, SONS OF THE LAST SIR THOMAS FOLJAMBE. No. 61. I presume that Hugh Foljambe was brother of John and Thomas Foljambe, sons of Sir Thomas Foljambe, being that 1 find him stiled of Elton in the following certificate, wherein Hugh Foljambe of Elton, near Baukwell, had a daughter named Johanna, who testifyeth that in the 10th year of her age she en tered the house of Nuns of Sewall, and before public notary testifieth that she did it without compulsion. This is dated 1369, the 44th Edw. III. THE SONS OF JOHN FOLJAMBE, SON AND HEIR OF SIR THOMAS. No. 62. I shall now proceed to give an account of the sons of John Foljambe of Tideswell, eldest son of Sir Thomas Fol jambe of Tideswell, and how the lands were intailed on them, and for want of their issue upon Sir Godfrey Foljambe, who was the eldest son by the second wife of the said Sir Thomas, though some pedigree makes bim the son of John. 108 NOTICES OF THE The first Intail, as to the time which I have yet found, is dated the 23d of Edw. III. as special provision for Thomas, son of John Foljambe of Tideswell, though that doth not necessarily imply that he was eldest brother of Roger, as will further appear in the intail on the 45th of Edw. III. No. 63. In the first intail, the 23rd of Edw. III. John Steed, chapleyn, gives to John Foljambe of Tideswell two mess, and several parcells of lands in Tideswell, to be held by the said John Foljambe for life, and then to Thomas, son of John, and the heirs of his body, and if he dies without issue, then to Roger, brother of Thomas, and if he dies without issue, then to Agnes, sister to Roger, and if she die without issue then to Joan, sister to Agnes. Dated on the Feast of the Holy Trinity, the 23rd of Edw. III. No. 64. The second intail bears date 45 Edw. III. whereby Thomas Castleton, Vicar of Wirksworth, William del Hogh, and John Eyre, chaplains, give to John Foljambe of Tideswell one mess, and seventy acres of land, which were of Thomas, brother of the said John, and twenty-four acres of land in Longs- den, which were Thomas Ellysses, and the reversion of the lands and rents and half the mill called Over Mill, which Ellena, which was the wife of Thomas Foljambe, held for life in Wormhill, Lytton, and Tideswell, and the reversion of lands in Burton, near Baukwell, which Godfrey Foljambe held for term of life, of the gift of Sir Thomas Foljambe his father [all which reversions were to come to those chapleyns by the gift of John Foljambe, 43 Edw. III. to which Thomas le Archer, of Highlow, and John le Archer are witnesses] : whereupon these chapleyns, &c. settle those lands upon John Foljambe of Tideswell, for life, and after his decease, upon Roger Foljambe, son of the said John, and his heirs male, and if he dies without heirs male, then to Thomas brother of the said Roger and his heirs male, and if Thomas die without issue heirs male, then to remain to Sir Godfrey Foljambe and his heirs male. Then to come to the right heirs of John Foljambe of Tideswell. By this special intail it plainly appears that Roger and Tho mas were the sons of John Foljambe, son of Sir Thomas, and that Sir Godfrey was son also of Sir Thomas. But by the rever- sional intail upon the heirs male of the said Sir Godfrey and his heirs male, coming only upon default of the heirs male of Roger and Thomas, sons of John, it appears that Sir Godfrey was the FAMILY OF FOLJAMBE. 109 son of Sir Thomas by a second marriage, which will further ap pear when I treat of Sir Godfrey, who by virtue of this intail came to be heir of the family, by the death of the descendants of the heirs of Roger, and also of Thomas, his brother, without issue. ROGER FOLJAMBE. No. 65. I shall therefore now treat of Roger Foljambe and his descendants, as eldest son of John Foljambe of Tideswell, son and heir of Sir Thomas. No. 66. Because 1 find not that Thomas his brother left any issue, male at least ; neither have I found any thing considerable of him besides this following Deed, whereby John, son of Robert Cattin, releasetli to Thomas, son of John Foljambe of Tideswell, his right in lands in Tideswell. Dat. 40 Edw. III. 1 shall dis course no further of him at present. Having thus dispatched what I find of Thomas Foljambe, son of John and brother of Roger, I proceed to treat of Roger and his descendants. No. 67. The 7th of Ric. II. Roger Foljambe gives to Henry, Alexander, John, sons of William Redman of Tideswell, and John, son of William le Smith of Wormhill, Chapleyn, one mess, and nine acres of land in Abney. Test. John le Archer of High- low. Also, the same year, Cecilia, late wife of Thomas Boythorp, in her widowhood gives to Roger Foljambe all her right in Abney, which was Robert le Archer's her father. In anno 1392, 16 and 17 Ric. II. I find Roger Foljambe held a place called Skelat. SIR EDWARD FOLJAMBE. Edward Foljambe appears to be son and heir of the last Roger. No. 68. The 3rd of Hen. V. I find a fine betwixt Sir Phillip Leake, Knt. and William Pyrton, Clerk, Querents, and Edward Foljambe, Esq. Defendant, of the manors of Elton and Tides- well, and 400 acres of land, and 40 acres of meadow, &c. in Wormhill, Lytton, Burton, and Abney. This fine seems to be passed to empower this Edward Fol jambe, who was knighted shortly after, to settle a jointure upon Cecilia his wife, daughter of the said Sir Phillip Leake [which Sir Phillip was ancestor to the present Earl of Scarsdale], 110 NOTICES OF THE That he was knight the 3rd Hen. VI. appears by the following Deed indented, wherein is recited, No. 69. That, whereas Dame Joan Countess of Kent, Lady Wake, in the time of Hen. V. has leased to Sir Edward Foljambe and John Cokefield the manor of Chesterfield, the said Sir Ed ward grants to Robert Whittington the government and custody of the same. No. 70. In the 3rd Hen. VI. the aforesaid William Pyrton, Clerk, Quer. in the fine before mentioned, gives to Edward Fol jambe the manor of Tideswell, 8cc. as in the aforesaid fine, and so settles this upon Sir Edward and his heirs male, and for default of such heirs male, to the heirs male of Sir Godfrey Foljambe, and if he died without heirs male, to remain to the heirs of a John Foljambe, brother of Sir Godfrey. That this Sir Edward Foljambe died before 26th Hen. VI. and that Dame Cecilia his relict, was then married to a second husband, and that Roger Foljambe was son and heir of the said Sir Edward and his Lady Cecilia, will clearly appear by the fol lowing conveyance : No. 71. Whereby John Woodburne, Esq. and Dame Cecilia his wife, and Roger Foljambe, son of the said Lady Cecilia, lease to James Draughtgate the manor of Elton for ten years. Dated 26th Henry VI. ROGER FOLJAMBE, SON AND HEIR OF SIR EDWARD FOLJAMBE. No. 72. This Roger, son and heir of Sir Edward, married Godith, the daughter of John Stathani, Esq. as appears by the following settlement made the aforesaid 26th Hen. VI. (No. 73.) whereby Hugh Willoughby, Knt. and John Cokfield, Esq. give to Roger Foljambe, son and heir of Sir Edward Foljambe, lands in Tideswell, which were the lands of Thomas Foljambe, brother of John Foljambe, and lands in Lytton and Hocklow which were Thomas Ellys's, and half of the Over Mill, which Ellen, which was the wife of Thomas Foljambe, held ; and lands in Burton, near Baukwell, [which Godfrey Foljambe formerly held,] to the said Roger, son of Sir Edward Foljambe, and his heirs male. And if he died without heirs male, then to Thomas Foljambe, brother of Roger. And if he die without heirs male, then to the heirs male of Sir Godfrey Foljambe. And if all die without heirs male, then to the right heirs of John Foljambe. Dated the 26th of Hen. VI. FAMILY OF FOLJAMBE. HI No. 74. But it seems that both this Roger and his brother Thomas died this year without issue male, for I find the same year, that John Sacheverill, Esq., Robert Tickhill, Esq., John, Francis, and William Norton, give to Godith Statham, daughter of John Statham, a mess, in Tideswell and other lands, which they held of the feofment of Roger Foljambe, son and heir of Sir Edward Foljambe, which was intail ed to the said Roger and his heirs male, and for want of such issue to Thomas Foljambe of Walton [this Thomas was son of Godfrey Foljambe, knt. whose other progeny dying without issue male, was heir male to the family, which will appear hereafter]. And if the said Thomas Foljambe of Walton die without issue, then to the heirs of the aforesaid Roger Foljambe. No. 75. I find that Godith, the relict of this Roger, lived the 8th of King Edw. IV. the 5th of May, and then received from Henry Foljambe of Walton nine marks of her rents in Tideswell. And the same year John Griffith and John Statham demise to her by the name of Godith Foljambe, relict of Roger Foljambe, Esq. the manor of Tideswell and lands in Hocklow, Wormhill, Abney, Longsden, and Burton, com. Derb. 8 Edw. IV. [To be continued.] XVI. TENANTS IN CAPITE, AND SUB-TENANTS, IN SHROPSHIRE, CIRC. TEMP. EDW. I. (From an original Roll in the collection of Edward Lloyd, Esq. 1832, now in possession of Richard Heber, Esq.) As there is no County History of Shropshire, a Roll like the present is of great value in supplying information as to the possessors of manors and estates in the county in the thirteenth century. It has also this additional value, that it forms a Supplement to the Testa de Neville, for it contains similar information, but is about seventy years later. Al though the Roll is written in a hand of the fifteenth century, yet it was certainly compiled before 21st Edw. I. as appears by the Inquis. post mort. of John fitz Aeri of that year, for he is stated here to be living 112 TENANTS IN CAPITE, AND SUB-TENANTS, and holding the two Whithefords, one of John le Strange, the other of Richard fitz Alan . There are numerous inaccuracies in the writing of this Roll, most of which are indicated where they occur. P. Uffynton. Abbas de Haughmond tenet villam de Uffynton in liberam elemosinam, quae (est) de feodo de castro Holgod, et solet esse gildabilis. Sed statum ejus mutatur (sic) fratres de Templo, qui eam traxerunt ad liberam (sic) suam de castro Holgod, quam quidem libertatem Robertus Burnell', Bothen' (sic) Ep'us, modo tenet. Preston, Rodon, 8fc. Joh'es de Erkelowe tenet villas de Pres ton, Staunton, Rodon, Rodynhurst, de Ricardo filio Alani, et ipse de domino Rege in capite per 2 feoda militar', (sic) et fuit gildabilis. Et Hugo de Woderton tenet villam de Rodynhurst de predicto Johanne, et Petrus Maivysyn tenet villam de Ber- wecke de Ric'o filio Alani, per 1 feodum militis et ipse de d'no Rege in capite, et est gildabilis. Eton Constantine. Adam Montgomery t. villam de Eton Constantyne de Ric'o fil. Alani, per 1. f. m. et ipse de d'no R. in cap. et est gildabilis. Leyghton. Ric'us Leighton t. villas de L. et Garmston de Ric'o fil. Alani, per 1 f. militis et ipse de d'no R. in cap. et est g. Le Cumbere. Tho's Tuchet t. maner. de Lee Cumbere cum membris, scil. Parva Dawley, Ketley, Malyngislee, et Quappyn- sall' de d'no R. in cap. per servicium invendo (sic) ho'i'em eun- dem (sic) sumptibus suis tempore guerrae per 40 dies, et est g. Lawley. Rob'tus Corbet t. % villam de L. de Will, de Hod- net, et ipse de d'no R. in cap. Et Rad'us de Staunton t. aliam £ de Petro Eton et ipse de d'no de Weme, et ipse de d'no R. in cap. et est g. Hadley. Tho's Corbet t. villam de H. de Ric'o fil. (Alani), et ipse de d'no R. in cap. et est g. Wodcote. Will. Rondulfe t. villas de Wodcote et Rye de Hen. de Perce, et ipse de d'no R. in cap. nesciunt per quod ser vicium et est g. Et Michael de Morton t. villam de Eye de eid. (sic) Will. Chetwene. Rogerus de Chetwene t. maner. de C. cum membris, scil. Stocton, Pillisdon, Ellerton, Sanbroke, Howie, et £ villas Pukisley, de Ric'o fil. Alani, per 2 feod. mil. et ipse de d'no R. in cap. et fuit gildabilis. Parva ArcalV. Rogerus de (sic) Extraneus t. maner. de P. A. de d'no R. in cap. cum membris, scil. Acton, Lee, Colston, de IN SHROPSHIRE, CIRC. TEMP. EDW. I. 113 Joh'e Extraneo, et ipse de d'no R. in cap. per serv. 1 feod. mil. et fuit gildabilis. Nagynton. Joh'es de Nagynton t. vill. de N. de Abbas (sic) de Haugmond, et ipse eam t. in liberam elemosinam de dono Wydonys Extraneo (sic) qui eam t. de d'no R. in cap. ut mem- brum Parva Arcall' (sic). Chistill Grange. Abbas de Cumburmayre t. grangiam de Chestill de d'no R. in cap. sine medio per i feod. mil. et est g. Cheryngton. Sibilla de Cheryngton t. vill. de C. de d'no R. in cap. sine medio per £ feod. mil. et est g. Stoke. Theobaldus de Verdon t. maner. de Stoke Lacy cum membris, scil. Allerton, Eton, Wistansweke, Stoke Aubry, Wed- howse, Helschawe, Pechesey, Morton Say, Stuche, Blecheley, Aldeley, Oldfeld, Hull, Waranshall', et Parrake, de d'no R. in cap. sine medio ut membrum Baroniae suae de Ludlowe, et fuit g. De quibus membris Will, de Molventon t. vill. de Eton de eod. Theobaldo. Et M'g'r Walt, de Helshaw t. vill. de Helshaw de eod. Et Rob'tus Corbet t. villam de Blechely de eod. Et Mag'r Ricus Pillisdon t. villam de Warranshall de hered. Ra- nulphi de Albo Monasterio, et ipse de pred'c'o Theobaldo. Paynton. Ph'us de Paynton t. vill. de P. de Milisensia de Suche et ipse (sic) de feod' Montgomery, nesciunt quod per servic', et est g. Haughton. Ric. Leighton t. i vill. de H. de Ric'o filio Alani et ipse de d'no R. in cap. Et Abbas de Haughmond t. alteram -J de feodo Ph'i de Mamyon (sic) in Pulreche et ipse de d'no R. in cap. nesciunt per quod servic. et est g. Whethynton. Rob'tus Halithon t. vill, de W. de Ric. fil. Alan. per j- f. m. et ipse de d'no R. in cap. et est g. Littill' Whetheford. Joh'es fil. Aerya t. i vill. de L. W. de Ric. fil. Alani, et ipse de d'no R. in cap. et est g. Rodyngton. Ph'us Mueyson, Henr. Forastar', Ric. de Fles- broke, et Galfrid. de (sic) Tayler t. vill. de R. et i vill. de Sogdon de Ric. fil. Alani, per J f. m. et ipse de d'no R. in cap. et est g. LillishuU' cum membris. Abbas de Lillishill' t. maner. de L. cum membris, scil. Donyngton, Mokeleston. Item 3 villas de Attecham, Unkynton, et Adbright' lee, de d'no R. in cap. sine medio, in lib. elemos. ut membrum Eccl'iae S. Alchmundi Salop. * Johannes fil. Acri died about 21 Edw. I. 1 114 TENANTS IN CAPITE, AND SUB-TENANTS, de dono Regis, per cartam, et liberam curiam suam, placit. de sanguine fuso, et hutens^ lev', furcas et warennam. Habet et apud Attecham marcatam et feryam per cartam Regis Henrici tercii, et hiis usus est. Longford. Adam de Brimton t. maner. de L. cum membris, sc. Brocketon et Chrestill', de d'no R. in cap. sine m. per cart. per J f. m. et habet ibi lib. cur. suam bis in ann. de sang, fuso et huches (sic) lev. furcas et warennam, et hiis usus est. [Eyemond.] Nicholaus de Audeley t. maner. deE. cum membris, sc. Adeney, Magna Aston, Parva Aston, Parva Halis, Pickestoke, cum villa de Newporte, de d'no R. in cap. s. m. per cartam, red dendo per ann. spervarium mutatum pro omni servicio, quod quid' m. fuit dominicum maner' d'ni R. de quib' membris Will. Eysseby t. vill. de Mag. Aston depred'c'o Nich'o. Et Abbas de Crokesdon t. villam de Adeney in liberam elemosinam de pred'c'o Nich'o. Et Joh'es de Halis t. vill. de Littill' Halis de eod. N. Et Burgenses de Newporte t. villam de Newporte tanquam liberam (sic) burgum de eod. Nich. Et habet ibi pred'c'us Nich. lib. cur. suam, placita [de] sang, fus., et hutens lev., furcas, et warren, marcat. et fer. et hiis usus est. Cheswarden. Rog. Extraneus t. maner. de Cheswardyne cum membris, sc. Magna Sowdeley, Parva Sowdeley, Westumscete, Chepernoll', et Hull', de Joh'e Extraneo, et ipse de d'no R. in cap. sed pred'c'us Rog. faciet d'no R. servic' unius feod. m. et habet ibi lib. cur. suam, [plac] de sang. fus. et hutens levato [et] waren. et hiis usus est. Werne. Walt, de Hopton per Matildam uxorem suam t. maner. de W. cum membris, sc. Aston, StielP, Tilley, Dichelowe, Horton, Wolverley, Edistoston, Coton, Harpecote, Beslow, Dod- yngton, Alkynton, et Edisley. Idem t. maner. de Hynstocke, Upton, Tibrighton, Dawley, Eton, Brocketon, et £ vill. de Dawley, et i vill. de Parva Drayton de d'no R. in cap. sine medio libere tanquam Baroniam per servic' 3 f. m. pro o'i servic' et habet apud Weme marcat. et fer. per cart. R. Henr. 3ti;. [Habet] ibi lib. curiam suam bis in ann. placita de sanguine fuso et hutens, furcas. Habet et apud Weme mer- catam et feryam per cartam R. Henrici tertii (sic) et hiis usus est libertatibus per magnum tempus ; de quibus membris Ankareta quae fuit uxor Willi. Butteler t. vill. de Alkynton et " Hue and Ciy, unde deriv. " Hootings." IN SHROPSHIRE, CIRC. TEMP. EDW. I. 115 Dodyngton, et Edisley, sed homagium facit Will'm's d'no Rege (sic) et servicium apud Weme. Et Hugo de Beslow t. vill. de Beslow de eisdem Waltero et Matilda pro j- unius f. m. Et Ranulphus de Harpecote t. vill. de Harpecote et Steill' de eisd. Walt, pro §¦ f. Et Petrus Eyton t. vill. de Eyton, Brocketon, et Sutton, et -J vill. de Lawley et Cressall', in co. Staff, pro 2 f. m. Et Michiel Moreton et Reginald, de Charnues t. vill. de Tyberton et Dawley de eisd. pro i f. Et Will. Titteley t. vill. de Culsis pro i f. Et Alanus de Buntansdale t. vill. de Bun- tansdale pro j- f. Et Will. Tyteley t. vill. de Upton pro 1 f. Et Abbas de Cumburmayre t. vill. de Drayton in lib. elemos. de eisd. et habet ibi carcatam (sic) et feriam per cart. R. Hen. tercii. Et Will, de Drayton t. vill. de Parva Drayton. Bowlas. Hugo fil. Joh'is t. maner. de Bowlas cum membris, sc. Meiston, Esumbrige, Caynton, Calvynton, Ellerton, et -J vill. de Sogdon de d'no R. in cap. s. m. per cart. Regis Stephani, et habet ibi lib. cur. suam bis in anno, placitam [de] sang, fuso et hutens levat. [et] furcas, et hiis usus est libertatibus per multum tempus, sed nesciunt de waranto. De quibus membris Ed'us Lyde t. vill. de Calvynton de eod. Hug. Et Will, de Caynton t. vill. de Caynton de eod. Hug. Et Will, de Ellerton t. vill. de El lerton de eod. quod quid' maner. Rex Steph. reddidit cuidam Urgero Vanatori habendum adeo libere sicut predecessores tenuerunt. Schawbere. Matilda quas fuit uxor Henrici de Erdyngton t. maner de Schawbere cum membris, scil. £ Parva Whetheford, ut dotam (sic) suam, et debet tenere de d'no R. in cap. sine medio per servic. 1 f. m. quod quid' maner. Rex Joh'es dedit per cartam suam Thomae de Erdyngton ut escaetam suam per forisfactu- ram Ric'i Schawbere quond. d'n's (sic) illius man'ii. Et Ivo Sul- ton t. i Parva Whetheford de pred'c'a Matilda. Et Will. fil. Rogeri t. aliam j- P. W. de Joh'e filio Aeri, et ipse de Ric'o fil. Alani, et ipse de d'no R. in cap. Et vill. de Besford est membr. illius man'ii, sed est infra Hundred' de Pymhull' et habet in d'c'o man'io lib. cur. suam bis in anno. Et Roger Pride, Burgensis Salopiae, t. vill. de Besford de pred'c'a Matilda. Whitheford Magna cum membris. Joh'es fil. Aeri t. vill. de Magna W. Mokynton et J vill. de Edgebalden de Joh'e Ex traneo et ipse de d'no R. in cap. ut membr. man'ii sui de Ruton et est g. i 2 116 TENANTS IN CAPITE, AND SUB-TENANTS, WekeshaW. Will. Laken t. vill. de W. de Nich'o de Audeley ut membr. de Weston quod alali (sic) invenitur et est g. Longislow. Hugo de Longislow t. vill. de L. de d'no R. in cap. per i f. m. ut membr. maner. de Mongomere, et est g. Moreton. Rob. Corbet t. vill. de M. cum membris, scil. Preston in Hundr'o de Pymhull' et Ivelynton in Hundr'o de Brymstre de Rogero de Chetwene, et ipse de Ric'o fil. Alani, et ipse de d'no R. in cap. per i f. m., et est g. Sondford. Rad' Sondford t. vill. de S. cum vill. Rowthall' in Hundr'o de Monslow de d'no R. in cap. s. m. per servic. inveni- endi 1 hominem equitantem (sic) apud Mongomere tempore werrae sumptibus suis pro 40 die[bus,] et est g. Coton. Rob. de Wynkeshull' t. v. de C. de Will, de Hodnete et ipse de Ph'o de Marmyon et ipse de d'no R. in cap. per 20mam partem 1 f. m., et est g. Hopton. Abbas de Haugmond t. j- vill. de H. de Ph'o Marmyon et ipse de d'no R. in cap. et est g. Et Will, de Hodnet t. alteram partem de Ric. fil. Alani per 4tam partem 1 f. m. et ipse de d'no R. in cap., et est g. Hespley. Will. Hodnet t. vill. de H. de Ric'o fil. Alani et ipse de d'no R. in cap., et est g. DE LIBERTATIBUS. Upton. Ric. fil. Alani t. maner. de U. cum membris, scil. Downeton, Houkynton, Magna Ree, Parva Ree, Wroxceter, et Norton, de d'no R. in cap. per serv. militis, liberam tanquam Baroniam. Et habet ibi lib. cur. s. bis in ann. placita [de] sang. fuso et hutens lev. et furcas, quibus usus est. De quib. membris Abbas de Haughamond t. vill. de Downton et Parva Ree in lib. elemos. de pred'c'o Ric'o. Et Joh'es de Lee t. vill. de Ho- kynton de eod. Et pred'c'us Ricus t. resideum (sic) in d'nico. Et praeterea isci tenent de pred'c'o Ric'o ut supra d'cum est ingildabilis (sic), videl. Joh'es de Arkall' 2 feod. Saer de Berweke 1 f., in Rodyngton, et Sogdon i f., Whithenton £ f., Chetwene 2 f. Eyton Abbatis. Abbas de Salop, t. maner. de E. cum membris sc. Aston, Siwaldeton, Riston, Donynton, et Drayton, de d'no R. in cap. sine medio in lib. elemos. de dono Rog'i de Belisimo quond. Com. Salop, et habet ibi lib. cur. suam, plac. de sang, effuso et hutens lev. et furcas [et] warennam, et hiis usus est per cartam pred'c'i Comitis et confirmalionem Regis. IN SHROPSHIRE, CIRC. TEMP. EDW. I. 117 Betton. Idem Abbas t. B. cum membris, sc. Norton, TunstalP, Rigwardyne, Lees, et f- vill. de Parva Drayton. Slepe. Idem Abbas t. maner. de S. cum membris, sc. Crugulton, Kynnersley, et Butterley. Wollerton. Idem Abbas t. vill. de W. de dono Hamonis de PeverelP in lib. elemos. per cart, et confirmationem Regis. Wrowardyn. Joh'es Extraneus t. maner. de W. cum membris, sc. Admaston, Aldescote, Leyton, Burcote, Nesse, Clotley, Walcote, de d'no R. in cap. s. m. per cart, reddendo per ann. viii. lib- pro o'i servic. Et fuit antiquitus maner. d'ni R. De quibus membris Hugo Burnell' t [a blank] redditus in vill. Admaston. Et Abbas de Hamond t. vill. de Walcote in lib. elemos. de pred'c'o Joh'e. Et Rad'us de Clotley t. vill. de Clotley de eod. Et pred'c'us Joh'es t. resedium (sic) maner. et ibi habet cur. suam, plac. [de] sang, effuso et hutens et furcas, et hiis usus est. Albo Monasterio. Bogo de Knovile per Alianorem ejus ux. et Rob. de Bracy per Matildam ux. suam t. maner. de A. M. cum membris, sc. Hilton, BurthalP, Wodhows, Magna Asche, Parva Asche, Tildstoke, Hethley, et Kempley, de Comite Wa- rene, et ipse de d'no R. in cap. ut membrum Baronias suae. Et habet ibi lib. cur. suam bis in anno, plac. [de] sang. eff. et hutens lev. et furcas, marcat. et fer. et warann. nesciunt quo waranto. De quib. membris Nich. Audeleche t. Kempley. Et Joh'es fil. Hug. t. vill. de Hynton de predictis Bogone et Rob'to. Prece. Episcopus Cestre t. maner. de P. cum membr. sc. Darlaston, Leeton, Wotenhull', Mitteley, Willaston, Milheyth', de d'no R. in cap. s. m. libere, ut membrum Baronias suae de Ec- culsall' et habet ibi liberam cur. suam de antiquo et furcas. Item habet ibi ma[r]catam et feryam per cart. R. H. 3. Marchymley. Nich. de Audeley t. maner. de Weston cum membris, sc. Wexhill' et Chirbere de Rob'to de Mo[r]tuo- mari, ut membr. Baronias suae de Burford, et ipse de d'no R. in cap. per i f. m. et habet ibi lib. cur. suam bis in anno, et furcas habet et warennam per cart. R. Hen. 3. et hiis usus est 30 annus elapsus (sic). Status istius libertatis non mutatur. Chorleton. Magister Joh'es Chorleton t. vill. de C. de Eccl'iis B. Marias et B. Julianas Salopiae capell. de d'no R. reddendo per ann. 16 sol. pro o'i servic. Boley. Rob. Corbet t. vill. de B. de Abbate Salop, de (sic) ipse de d'no R. in cap. et infra libertates de Eyton ut supra. 118 TENANTS IN CAPITE, AND SUB-TENANTS, Coldhatton. Abbas de Lilleshill' t. vill. de C. H. de dono Will. Avechard in lib. elemos. et confirmac'o'em per cart. R. H. 3. Tierne. Idem Abbas t. vill. de Tierne in lib. elemos. et con firm, per cart. R. H. 3. ArcaW. Will, de ArcalP t. maner. de A. cum membris, sc. Wal ton, Cotwall', Osbaston, More, Wildislond, et Schurlow, de Rob'to Burnell' et ipse de Rob'to Peche, libere, nullum servic. faciendo d'no R. nesciunt quo waranto. De quibus membris Prior de Wombrige. t. vill. de Schurlow in lib. elemos. de pred'c'o Will, et Thom. de Berewecke t. Wildislow de pred'c'o Will. Sturcheley et Culmayre. Abbas de Bildwas t. vill. de Sturcheley et Culmayre de Rob'to Corbet, et ipse de Ada Brimton, et ipse de d'no R. in cap. et Abbas habet ibi lib. cur. suam per cart. Regis Ricardi. Parva Bildwas. Idem Abbas t. vill. de P. B. de dono [Ric.?] fil. Alani ut membr. Baronias suae libere, habet lib. cur. suam. Adurley. Joh'es Lamare per Petronillam ux. ej. t. maner. de A. cum membr. sc. Schenton, Chalverhall', et Sponeley, de d'no R. in cap. s. m. per 1 f. m. et habet ibi lib. cur. suam bis in anno, plac. de sang, fuso et hutens lev. nesciunt quo waranto. De quibus membr. (sic) hiis usi sunt libertatibus per multum tempus. De quibus membr. Hen. de Schenton t. vill. de Schenton de pred'c'o Joh'e, et Will, de Calverhall' t. vill. de C. de Burgon' (sic) de Knovell' et Alianora ux. ej. et ipse de pred'c'o Joh'e. Ightfeld. Joh'es fil. Griffini de Ightfeld t. vill. de I. de d'no R. in cap. s. m. per •§¦ f. m. et est gild. Sulton. Ivo de Sulton t. vill. de S. de Roberto Corbet, et ipse de capella B. Mariae d'ni R. in castro Salop, et est gild. Rowlton et Elwardyn. Walterus de Ailesbere t. vill. de R. et E. de hered. Henrici de Erdyngton, et ipse de d'no R. in cap. nesciunt per quod servic. et est gild. Ore. Meyler de Ore, Ric'us fil. Ric'i, Ric'us fil. Willielmi, et Alicia quae fuit ux. Rob'ti de Meyler t. vill. de O. de Katerina de Wervelleston, et ipsa de Nich'o de Audeley, et ipse de d'no R. in cap. nesciunt per quod servic. et est gild. Doryngton. Will, de Dorynton t. vill. de D. de Ric'o Harley, et ipse de Priore de Wenlocke, et est gild. Granhangur. Ric. de Lokesford et participes sui t. vill. de G. de Nich'o de Audeley, et ipse de d'no R. in cap. per servic. se quent. Com. et Hund. et est gild. IN SHROPSHIRE, CIRC. TEMP. EDW. I. 119 Lye sub Brockehurst. Betranus (sic pro Bertramus ?) de Burgo t. vill. de L. sub B. de Nich'o Pecheford et ipse de d'no R. in cap. nesciunt per quod servic. et est gild. He Hatton. ' Thos' Corbet t. vill. de He Hatton de Ric. fil. Alani, et ipse de d'no R. in cap. ut membr. Baronias suae, et est gild. Moston. Will. Hodnet t. vill. de M. de Ph'o Marmyon, et ipse de d'no R. in cap. ut membr. Baronias sua; de Kelpek, pro decima part. 1 f. m. et est gild. Hodnet. Will, de Hodnet t. maner. de H. cum membr. sc. Longford, Peplow, Parva Bowlas, Preston, Horton et i villas de Lawley, de d'no R. in cap. nesciunt per quod servic. et est gild. Set habet marcatam, et feryam, et warannam, per cart. Regis Hen. III. et hiis usus est. HUNDR' DE PYMHULL'. Baschurche. Abbas Salop, t. maner. de B. de d'no R. in cap. in lib. pur. et imperpet. elem. ex dono Rog'i de Bedlem. Preston. Abbas de Lilleshill' t. vill. de P. cum membr. de d'no R. in cap. et est gild, et pertinet ad eccl. S. Alkemundi Salop. Nesse. Joh's Extraneus t. maner. de N. de dn'o Reg. in cap. faciendo servic. 1 m. per 15 dies tempore guerras. Schrawardyne. Isabella de Mortuomare t. maner. de S. cum membr. de d'no R. in cap. nomine dotis, et pertin. ad Baroniam de Albo Monasterio, et est gild. Nesse. Isabella de Mortuomare t. Nesse de dn'o R. in cap. et pertin. ad Baroniam de A. M. Montforde. Idem Isabella t. maner. de Montforde, et est feod. Joh'is fil. Alani, et debet sectam ad Com. et Hund. pro ilia terra. Berewecke. Symond Leyburne t. maner. de B. cum membr. de d'no R. in cap. per servic. unius montaris cum uno leporario, et cum uno homine portante unam praam secum, quotiens Rex tran sient in Walliam tempore guerras, et sequetur dominum Regem quousque ilia expendatur, et si Rex voluit (sic) longius eum te- nere, sumptibus D'ni Regis. Loppynton. Will, de Butteler t. L. de d'no R. in cap. per servic. 1 f. m. pro d'c'a villa. Burleton. Item pro villa de Burleton per 40 dies tempore guerrae. It. Joh'es Burleton tenet 3 hyd. terrae ib'm de Joh'e fil. Alani in cap. per servic. 2 partium 1 f. m. 120 TENANTS IN CAPITE, AND SUBTENANTS, Adbrighton. Abbas Salop, t. A. de d'no R. in cap. per feoffa- mentum Com. Rogeri de Bedlem in lib. et pur. elimos. Besford (sic). Rogerus de Pryde t. Preston (sic) de Henr. de Erdyngton in cap. (sic) et dictus Henr. t. diet. vill. de d'no R. in cap. Et est membr. de Schawbere et infra libertatem. Preston. Rob. de Preston t. P. de Joh'e de Chetwynd in cap. per servic. unius montaris per 40 dies ad Alb. Monaster. tempore guerras. Acton. Roger, de Acton t. A. de feod. de Staunton per servic. 1 montaris per 40 dies ad Alb. Monast. tempore guerrae. Idem Roger' t. Fenymer de Ric'o fil. Alani in cap. Rossall. Tho's de Rossall t. R. de feod. Joh'is fil. Alani per servic. 1 m. tempore guerrae ad Album Mon. Eton est membr. de Rossall'. Rossa Parva. Rob. Blecheley t. R. P. in liberum socagium de eccles. S. Ceddi Salop, reddendo per ann. 5 sol. Bicton. Will, quondam D'nus de Bicton de feod. S. Ceddi Salop. Broughton el Yourketon. B. et Y. tenentur de Decano et Ca non, eccl. S. Ceddi Salop, in lib. soc. Et Decanus t. de Ep'o Cestrias sine aliquo servicio. Onslow. Rogerus Onslowe t. O. de ead. eccl. S. Ceddi per servic. 4 sol. Hampton. Rogerus Extraneus t. H. de Joh'e fil. Alani in cap. per servic. 1 f. m. apud Alb. Monast. per 15 dies tempore guerrae. Culmer. Rogerus Extraneus t. vill. de C. de Bartholomeo de Burgo per servic. 3 partis 1 f. m. tempore guerras. Slepe. Rogerus de Slepe t. vill. de S. de Thom. de Rossall' in cap. per servic. 10 sol. per ann. Middill'. Joh'es Extraneus t. M. cum membr. de Joh'e fil. Alani in cap. per servic. 4 part. f. m. tempore guerras ad Alb. Mon. Adbrighton. Joh'es Hussey t. 1 hydam terras de Joh'e Hussey de Adbrighton, faciendo servic. 3 part. 1 f. m. temp. guer. ad Alb. Mon. pro d'e'o Joh'e. Harliscole. Joh'es Hussey t. in ead. et in Harliscote 2 hyd. terr. de feod. Joh'is fil. Alani in cap. faciendo servic. 1 montaris ad Alb. Mon. temp. guer. Franketon. Ric'us Franketon t. F. de Joh'e fil. Alani in cap. per servic. i f. m. ad Alb. Mon. temp. guer. per 15 dies. IN SHROPSHIRE, CIRC. TEMP. EDW. I. 121 Stanwardyne. Petr. de eadem (Stanwardyne? ) t. 1 hyd. ter. de d'no Stanwardyne in cap. per servic. 1 homin. cum 1 arcu et 2 sagitt. sine pennies (sic) per 15 dies apud Stanwardyne super Castrum (sic). Et idem Petrus t. j- hyd. terr. de Deacre (sic) de Salop, in lib. socag. Hordeley. Tho's de Hordeley t. vill. de H. de Abb. Salop, in socag. Cleve et SansalV. Dec. et Canonici B. Mar. Salop, t. vill. de C. et S. de lib. elemos. Regis. Et homines de C. et S. t. de diet. Canonicis in lib. socag. Asteley. Tenentur (sic) eod. modo in lib. socag. de Canonic. et ipsi in lib. elemos. Regis. Willascote. Will. Willascote t. W7. de Thom. Rassall', in cap. per servic. I2d. Meryden. Abbas de Haugmond t. M. in lib. elemos. de dono Rob'ti Girreis. GrynsilF. Abbas de Haugmond t. G. de feodo Joh. fil. Alani in lib. elemos. Stanwardyne super Campum. Tenentur cum membr. de Will. de la Suche, per servic. 1 m. per 15 dies ad Montemgomere temp. guer. Felton Butler. Tenetur de Hamond Butler de feod. Will. Madocke de Castro Holgate faciendo servic. 1 m. ad Montem gomere temp. guer. Weston super Lechefeld. Tenentur de herede Will, de Cant- lope per servic. 3 homin. peditorium (sic) cum arcubus et sagitt. per 15 dies ad Montemgomere temp. guer. Slepe Magna. Tenetur de Ranulpho Butler per serv. 1 montaris per xv. dies ad castr. de Weme. Fittis. Tenetur de [Joh'e?] filio Alani in cap. per serv. 1 mil. temp. guer. per xv. dies ad Alb. Mon. HadnaW. Will. Banaster t. H. de Joh'e fil. Alani in cap. per servic. j- f. m. temp, guerrae. Allerton. Joh'es Ley t. A. de Fulcone fil. Warene, in cap. per servic. 1 lb. piperis per ann. Stanwardyne. Tenetur de Joh'e fil. Alani per servic. in Bosco. c Laken. Joh'es de Laken t. vill. de L. de Rob'to Corbet et ipse de capella d'ni R. in Castro Salop, et est g. ' This has been added in a paler ink, but nearly at the same time. 122 XVII. ACCOUNT OF THE SALE OF BISHOPS' LANDS, BETWEEN THE YEARS 1647 AND 1 65 1. [Continued from p. 8.] Bprics. Date of Conveyance. Coun ties. Lands. Purchasers. Purchase Money. 1648. £. j. d. Wi. 14 Jun. Southt. Parcell of the mannor of East Meon Nathaniell Hal- lowes 848 15 0 Ca. Kent Pinewood, et al. John Bix 1559 12 6 . — Crowdsworth Parke Do. 637 10 0 Wo. 16 Jun. Wore. The scite of the mannor of John Combe, "1 Rich. Quyney, > Jun- J Alvechurch 990 0 0 Ely Camb. The mannor of Downham Sam. Warner 3208 8 9 Ex. Corn. The mannor of Lawhitton John Clowberry, *1 jun. Phil. Big- > gleston J 2108 15 7 6a. Sc 19 Jun. Som. Severall parcells, parte of John Erolyn 144 11 6 W. the mannor of Bath and Wells Br. 22 Jun. — Bristoll Pallace and Parke Thos. and Samuel Clarke 240 0 0 Ca. 23 Jun. Cant. St. Gregories Priorie Peter Honywood, "1 Mich'll Heneage J 983 17 9j — -— ~~ Kent The mannor of Farthing lowe William Harte, > Samuel Slauey £ S43 3 9 Pe. Lond. Three tenem1'8 in Peter William Samford,^ borough Court in Fleet- Robert Brome > 459 10 0 street J Yo. Surr. The mannor-house of Bridgcourte, aPs Yorke- place, in Battersey John Wallis 380 13 0 Wi. Southt. The mannor of Alresford Thomas Hussey 2683 9 \\ 3 4 — 26 Jun. — Longwood Warren Do. 351 Li. Line. The mannor or grange of Anth. Markham, ) Will. Markham ] Tetney 488 11 2 Yo. Nott. Hockerwood Parke John Clarkson 230 0 0 Wi. 5 July Southt. The mannor of Northwal- ton George Wither, ) John Yate J George Taylor 964 13 6 Ba. and 7 July Som. Parte of the mannur of 117 18 10 W. Buckland Sa. 12 July Wilt. The Lopp or mannor of Pot- terne Gregorie Clement 8226 7 ii Dors. The mannor of Chardstocke Lawr. May dwell, ) Matth. Pinder $ 5242 9 7 Wi. "— ~ ~ Som. The borough of Taunton George Searle, } Sam. Whetcombe ) 868 14 7 Sa. Wilt. The Pallace of Salisburie William Baxter, } Thomas Baxter $ 880 2 0 Wi. 14 July Southt South Farme, &c. Richard Dannald 1161 9 2 Ca. IS July Kent Parcell of the mannor of Livingborne, al's Beakes- borne Robert Hales 456 13 2 SALE OF BISHOPS LANDS. 123 Bprics. Date of Convey ance. Coun ties. Lands. Purchasers. Purchase Money. 1648. £. s. d. Ca. 18 July Kent Certeine lands called Cop per lands 3hrist. Wormeall 80 4 8 Ely Jamb. A farme called Chetham Bushes jreorge Farewell 807 0 0 He. 21 July Heref. The scyte of the mannor of Tuppesley Leonard Bennett 529 6 8 Ex. 24 July Joro. The mannors of Cutting- beake and St. Germanes Tho. Arundell, Fra. Godolphin } 1715 3 5§ Ba. and 28 July Som. Severall parcells of the John Elliott, "j w. mannors of Wells and Westbury Tohn Casebeard } 988 5 5| — — Severall other parcells of the same mannors John Casebeard 318 1 6§ Lo. , Ess. The mannor of Layndon Will. Benninge, } 797 18 I§ [Langdon] Etich. Benninge — _ — Midd. The mannor of Collome James Butler 650 17 li Wo. 8 Aug. Wore. The mannor of Ripple William Dormer 895 17 8 Ely Lond. Ely rents in Holborne James Barbon 885 10 10 Ca. Kent Lands called Gavelkinde- lands, in Buckland Andrew Butler 75 3 4 — 9 Aug. Surr. The mannor of Lambeth Thomas Scott, Math. Hardy } 7073 0 8 Wi. 11 Aug. Southt. The Borough and Farme of Farehame Peter Wilkins 909 14 8 Wo. 16 Aug. Wore. Parcell of the mannor nf Kempsey Rich. Venner, Samuel Gardner } 75 12 6 Wi. 1 8 Aug. Southt. Willerssey Warren Thomas Hussey 226 9 0 Wo. 23 Aug. Wore. The mannor of Alvechurch William Combe I860 9 0 — 25 Aug. — The mannors of Grymley and Hallowe John Corhett 3734 3 8§ — ¦ Shrop. The mannors of Holgate, Longstanton, and Rush- bury Hornesey Parke, et al. Thos. Groome, Henry Fewtrell } 396 15 9i Lo. 8 Sept. Midd. Sir John Wollaston 1030 5 10 Ely 13 Sept. Ely The mansion-house and Will. Leman, Esq. 2805 12 6 Grange, called New Barnes Chi. 18 Sept. Suss. The mannor of Streatham Jas. Rus-~] sell, Rich. >Esqr Turner J s. 1694 10 0 Ca. 22 Sept. Kent Masendyew [Maison-dieu] Stephen Estwick } 536 10 0 Brookes William Webb He. Heref. The mannor of Broomeyard Forraigne John Flackett 594 9 2 — — Colwall Parke, et al. Thos. Alderman and John Flacket } 336 13 4 Pe. — — Northt Parcell of the mannor ol Borough Thomas Baynard 146 6 0 Wi. — — Southt The mannors of Newton and Widhay James Stoney 863 4 6 Yo. 25 Sept. Surr. A tennem* and lands in Thomas Andrews 186 17 6 Wandsworth Co. ant Warw. A fee-farme rent of 82" 10" Nath. Taylor and") L. issueinge out of Bpp9 Itchington William Bridges i 866 5 0 Wi. Southt The mannors of Bently ant Alverstock, and Borough of Gosport George Wither and Elizabeth ux. } 1185 4 Sj- Lo. Midd. Fower score and six acres ol land in Fullham Edmund Harvey, Esq. 674 10 0 124 SALE OF BISHOPS LANDS Bprics. Purchasers, Purchase Money. Wi. Lo. Ca. Wo. No.Chi. Ca. Chi. Ex. Ba. and W. Wo.Li. Ca Wo. Co. and L. Sa. Gl. & Br. Wi. 1648. 25 Sept. 28 Sept. Wo. Yo.Ca. Yo. Chi. Ro. Wo. He. & Yo.Wi. Ca.Yo.Du. Ca. 8 Nov. 10 Nov. 15 Nov. 28 Nov. 6 Dec. 8 Dec. Southt. Midd. Kent. Heref.Norf. Suss.Surr. uss. Corn.Som. Wore. Line. Kent Wore. The mannor and castle of Fameham Parcell of the mannor of Wonneholt The mannor of West Courte The mannor and castle of Riccards Castle The mannor of Peterston The mannor of Amberly The mannor of VV addon The mannor of Aldingborne Parcell of the mannor of Cargall Parcell of the mannor of Banwell The mannor of Fladbury John Farwell ~) James Gold J Robert Blaney Thomas Andrewes, alderman Richard Emerson Rich. Mausfeild Thomas Bedford James Butler S' William Brereton William Kendall John Clobery, jun. The mannor of Netlam of Parcell of the mannor Chistlett The mannor of Blockley The mannnr-howse and Parke of Hallowe Staff. The fee-farme rent of the Cittie of Litchfeild Dors. Fee-farme rent of 2601' Glouc. The mannors of Maysmore Preston, Longford, and Ashleworth Southt. The mannor of Itchinswell, and Northampton Farme The mannor of Beaworth Wore. The scyte of the mannor of Northwieke York. The mannor of Mount St John Kent St. Radigons Abbey land York. A messuage and severall parcells of land, parte of the mannor of Kilburne Lond. A messuage in White' Alley Kent Westparke, Hawgrove, Compwood, &c. Wore. Parte of the mannor of Whistons and Claynes Heref.& The mannor of Eastnor, and Surr. i lands in Battersey Southt. The scyte and demeasnes of [ the mannor of Woodhay Surr. Lambeth Ferry and Ferry Boate A messuage and lands in Battersey York. Severall oxgangs of land in Osmotherly Kent The mannor of Reach John Parker Robert Henley, Edward Smith Nath. Lacye, Thomas Lambe Sir John Roberts William Combe William Combe Alderman Andrewes Thomas Browne Alderman Fowke Nich. Love, ") George Wither J Christopher Mercer Richard Vernon, ) Anth. Feme J Thomas Fawcon- berge, Esq. John Fenner Richard Bell Leonard Ward Nich. Smith William Cox Thomas Letchmere Lislibone Longe, "| John Goddard J Christopher Worm- hall Patricke Bamford Thomas Todd Stephen Estwicke £. >. d. 8145 8 0 1232 18 0 987 19 10 94.9 2 3 \ 418 12 6 3341 14 2$ 1612 11 8 3004 9 10 184 9 4 234 15 5 1082 9 6 2029 15 \\ 1123 12 O 1394 12 5 856 10 0 700 0 0 2730 0 0 3819 14 0i 1756 3 1 618 10 2§ 228 13 4 607 7 3j 159 16 0 148 9 2 66 0 0 172 IS 0 224 19 9j U74 0 6§ 527 4 0 1.80 16 Q 202 6 0 186 17 2 748 6 .6 1 BETWEEN 1647 AND l6ol. 125 Bprics. Date of Conveyance. Coun ties. Lands. Purchasers. Purcliase Money. 1648. / £. s. d. Wo. & Chi. 15 Dec. Wor.1 Lond. J The mannor of Withington, and howses in Chancery Lane John How 144 8 6 Du. York. Diverse lands in Sowerby, Northallerton, and Os- motherlie, &c. Robert Medcaife 1031 7 8j Glo. & .. Glouc. The mannor-howse of Robert Gale 176 10 0 Wi. and Southt. Droysecourte, and Mack- nage Farme Lo. & Lond. The Sun and Blacke Boy, Edward Basse 517 13 5 Ro. and Kent. in Thames Street, and lands neere Rochester Yo. 20 Dec. York. The Priorie of Molesby, Henry Hall, ) 765 11 8 al's Moxby William Clarke $ Wo. Wore. The mannor of Kempsey Christopher Merre- dith 1812 15 10 He. 22 Dec. Heref. The scyte and demeasnes of Bishopps Froome John Tutt 155 16 8 Lo. Lond. A messuage called the Crowne, in Blowbladder Streete Humfrye Cantrell 117 0 0 A messuage called the Greyhound, in Martin's le Grand Thomas Jennings 133 16 0 — 23 Dec. — Fox and Goose, andTalbott, in Miehaell le Querne Robert Titchborne 338 10 0 Yo. 25 Dec. York. Angtam Grange Thomas Redshawe 314 13 9 Chi. 26 Dec. Lond. A messuage called the Crowne Thomas Baldwynn 61 10 0 Wi. 28 Dec. Berk. The mannor of Briahtwell Robert Gale 1780 12 10 Glo. 29 Dec. Glouc. The mannors of Brookes- Arthur Creswell, ? John Watson $ thropp, and Harescombe 817 8 4 Lo. . Lo. Fower messuages in Cocke Alley, in St. Martin's John Styles 530 13 4 Ba. & 3 Jan. Som. The mannor of Chard Nathan. Whetham, 3718 9 6 W. Esq. Yo. 6 Jan. York. The mannor or grange of Beck hay Will. White, Esq. 626 11 8 U. 10 Jan. Herts. Parcell uf the demeasnes of the mannor of Ashe- well Henry Colbron 163 3 4 Wi. Oxf. The mannor, towne, and William Bassill, "1 Edward Warcupp f 18 114 burrough of Witney 4916 Ely 12 Jan. Leic. The mannor of Burton Lazars Plio. Jacomheand ) Thomas Dickens J 4457 8 5 Yo. Nott. Hockerwood meadowes, &c. in ye libertyes of South well Gervas Oglethorpe 181 15 3 Ro. & Kent The mannors of Trotis- Nicholas Bond 1632 12 7$ Wi. and Southt. clifie, Westcourte, and Fare ham St. Da. 17 Jan. Br.ec. The LordPP of Clas Lande- velach and Landewy Edward Harbert 208 0 6 B&.& Som. Severall parcells of the man John Windsor 213 6 4$ W. nor of Wells and West bury The mannor of Bugden Li. 19 Jan. Hunt. Alderman Packe 8174 16 6 Wo. 23 Jan. Wore. Grymlie Farme |john Corbett 204 1 S Pet. 24 Jan. Lond. Fower tenuemta in Peterbo-lEdward Woodford 255 0 0 1 rough Courte 126 SALE OF BISHOPS LANDS Bprics. Date of Conveyance. Coun ties. Lands. Purchasers. Purchase Money. 1648. £. a. d. Ba. & 24 Jan. Som. The mannor of Hewish Alderman Averye") W. and Dudley > Ave rye J 2264 4 6J Yo. 26 Jan. York. Parte of the mannor ol Marton Francis Thompson 333 3 8 Carl. Line. The mannor of Home Castle John Nelthorpe, Esq. 1479 4 10 Chi. Lond. A messuage in Chancery Lane Arthur Stocke 124 10 0 Ca. 7 Feb. Kent The mannor of Sotmer Thomasine, Brid- 1 gett, and Mary > Denne ) 702 15 10 Sa. „ „_ Wilt. The mannor of Mouncton Will, and Natth. S Brooke, and > Fra. Bridges j Farley 2499 11 6 Wi. Southt. The mannor of Fountell John Dove, Esq. 609 11 4 Pet. ^—^— Lond. A messuage called the Eagle and Child in Fleet Street Joseph Cave 11 71 5 0 Wo. Wore. The mannor -house and scite Tho. Newsam, ") of Whistons Edw.Barkley, ( Ric. Vernon, and f Edw. Harwood J 1266 S 10 Li. 9 Feb. York. Messingham Grange Robert Skerne 178 0 0 Ely Isle of Ely Barton Farme Richard Cromwell 1289 19 8 Du. 14 Feb. Durh. Fower oxgangs of land & Joseph Bell and \ George Burton J 78 al' in Allertonshire 5 0 Chi. Lond. Certeine tennemts in Chan cery Lane Thomas Ward 91 17 0 St. Da. 1 6 Feb. Breck. A mill and lands in Tral- Henry Powell 76 6 8 Ro. Kent long The mannors of Midleton Cheyney and Cuxton Rob. Fenwicke, Esq 627 12 0 Ely 21 Feb. Ely The mannors of Wisbitch, Barton, Levingtnn, Elme, Thomas Allen, "J Thomas, Matth. ( i ei Upwell, Outwell, and and Fran. Row- [ 2544 Welney land J — 23 Feb. The mannor of Tidd St. Giles Dennis Taylor 472 0 11 Yo. 26 Feb. York. Lands in the townshipp of Bishopps s Thorneton, Daniell Shatter- "^ den and Edw. 1 parte of the mannor of Boyse, Esqs. ( 771 19 9 Rippon J 2 Mar. The mannor of Sancton Will. Webb and ) William Inwood J 864 3 oj Ca. 7 Mar. Kent Canterburie Pallace Edw. Bass, Rich. S Croxhall, and > Cha.Saltonstall j 1275 0 0 Wo. Wore. Parcell of the mannor of Pensey Parte of the mannor of jreorge Wilde 132 3 4 William Wilkinson 335 19 0 Bushley Yo. Nott. Parte of the mannor of Southwell Edward Bellamye 527 2 S Du. "" Durh. The mannor of Crake Sir Thomas Wid-"J drington and > ThomasCoghill J 1163 8 2j Ca. 9 Mar. \enl The mannor of Westgate Abr. Chamber- ) leine ye elder $ 2200 4 9 — — The mannor of Colredd Abr. Chamberleine j 394 3 4 BETWEEN 1647 AND 1651. 127 Bprics. Date of Convey ance. Coun ties. Lands. Purchasers. Purchase Money. 1648. - £. a. d. Ely 9 Mar. Ely Bedwellhay Grange Hamond Ward 618 19 4 Wi. 1 2 M ar. Som. Upper Poundisford Farme Sir John Seymer,^! Tho. Hodges, ( sen. Thomas [ Hodges, jun. J 292 15 2£ — Southt. The mannor of Crawley John Pigeon 83S 11 6 Yo. York. Parcell of the mannor of Kilborne John Pickersgill 396 16 8 Ba. & 14 Mar. Berk. The mannor of Compton Thomas Smith, jun. 170 16 4 W. Parva No. Norf. The mannor and Priorie of Blackborough Nich. Martin 367 11 b\ Wo. 16 Mar. Wore. The mannor of Whistons and Claynes George Pike 2387 15 10 Sa. Wilt. The mannor of Bishopps Cannings Sam. Wightwicke, Esq. 6065 17 1\ Yo. ) Nott. T Kent J Surr. ) The mannors of Askeham, John Blackwell, jun. 3161 1 3* Ro.& } < Stone, and Lambeth Ca. J Wicke Lland. Crossgreene Farme Thomas Hackett 89 13 0 Sa. Wilt. The mannor of Bishopps Lavingtpn Edw. Cressett, Esq. 1467 8 3 No. 19 Mar. Norf. The mannors of Antingham, Chamberleynes, and Cardestones Richard Hunt 852 14 h\ Ca. Kent The mannor of Shelving- ford George Pike 1350 2 6$ No. Norf. The mannor of Horninge Thomas B'ackerhy 2500 16 S Yo. York. Parcel] of the mannor of Marton John Reddinge, Esq. 185 17 4 Glo. Glouc. A messuage and lands in Longford mannor William Molins 24 11 2 St. Da. Radn. The mannors of Glascome and Glascarnon Sylvanus Taylor 52 6 3 — Brec. The mannor of Llandew David Morgann, Esq. Thomas Challenor 546 7 1 Lo. Herts. The mannor of Ash well 416 9 2 No. 21 Mar. Norf. The mannors of Thurgarton James Kendall, "1 John Kendall J and Skyton Hall 495 19 7 Wi. Southt The mannor of Morton Richard Hunt 1175 0 0 Yo. Surr. Fortie-one parcells of land Nathan. Lacy, ~) Will. Bathurst J in Battersey 325 6 6 Ca. — Parcell of the mannor of Lambeth Matthew Hardey 118 6 8 Lo. Hertf. Parcell of the mannor of Much Haddam William Doughtie 600 14 S£ Sa. Dors. A fee-farme rent out of the mannors of Burton and H olrest Edmund Harvey, Esq. 600 0 0 [To be continued.] 128 XVIII. PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA-ROLLS, &C. These Pedigrees are contained in a thin folio volume of 32 pages, preserved amongst the Rawlinson collection in the Bodleian Library, No. 116. They are neatly written in a hand of about Queen Elizabeth's reign, and have an index prefixed, which obviates the partial inconve nience of their not being disposed in chronological order. The volume formerly belonged to Richard St. George, whose arms are on the covers, and afterwards to W. Whiston. B. B. Only a few of the records are noticed in the Placitorum Abbreviatio, fol. 181 1 j but several that do not occur there, have been already pub lished by County Historians, and are therefore omitted. [Fo. l.J Trinitatis, annoE. 1. xviij™ coram Rege. Nott. 48. Barry v. Perpont. [Printed in Placitorum Abbreviatio, p. 222, and in Thoroton's Nottinghamshire, p. 86.] Trinitatis, anno xxiiijt0. Nott. 27. Joh'es filius Johannis fit Hugonis de Cortlingstokes r' seiam suam de uno mesuagio, una carucata terre in Cortling stokes,3 et duobus messuagiis et una carucata terre in Rempston. Hugo de Cortlingstokes. Joh'es. Hugo de Cortlingstokes. Johannes. Joh'es filius. [Fo. lb.] Termino Hillarij, anno xvijm° E. 2. coram Rege. Staff. 75. Aldithelegh v1 Afefeem de Deulacres. [Printed in Plac. Abbrev. p. 344 ; see hereafter, p. 136.] Mich'is, anno tercio. Norff., &c. 126. Racone fatuitatis Johannis Walraunde. [Printed in Plac. Abbrev. p. 310.] * Now Costock, PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA-ROLLS^ &C. 129 [Fo. 2.] Mich'is, anno xm0 E. 3. Nott. 18. Compertu fuit in AssTa per Jur' quod Johannes Emmeston obijt seltusdexiij mesuagiis, vij toftis, xiij stallis, iiijxx acris terre, vij acr' prati, et iiijs. xd. redd, in Grimston et Knesale. Matild. prima uxor.=Joh'es Emmeston duas=pAlic' s'c'da ux'. h'uit ux'es. Alic' nunc quer\ I Johanna, c I Margeria.c Mich'is,A anno E. 3. primo. Glouc'. Hereff. Wigorn', Salop. Staff. Wiltes', M'ch Wall'- 119. Inquisicoes post mortem Johannis Giffard de Brimesfeild una cum extent' man'iox et terr' suar' in dcis Coin, de valore et redd, eo^ct. ac etiam longii piitu inter [eos] qui asserunt se esse her' dci Johannis, et compertu est qd Johannes de Keilewey est heres de integro sanguine. Elias Giffard.=^ 1 r' ' i Berta Isabell' = pElias Giffard.=^=Alic' Matrav's s c'da nupta Musard uxor. Elie de prima Keilewey. 1 ux'. 11' 1 Matill' de=pJoh'esGif-= 1 i i Elias Isabell' Mai il. i Mabi pMargar' de nupta nup ta nupta Longes- fard de de Nova Keile- Tho. le Goc lefridoe Ric'o pey pima Brimes- villa wey. Tabler. Esc uda- Dansey. ux'. feld. s'c'da 1 I moi •e. 1 | uxor. 1 1 . 1 1 rr — i ~ i Johannes Guido Petrus Ric'us Alienor' Kat'ina Johan de Keile le Escu- Dansej r. nupta nupta nes wey. Tabler. damor. Fulconi Nich'o f d e qui 1 1 Lestrange. Audeley. 1 1 obiit sine.S Johannes Editha Alesia Ric'us Joh'es Jacobus n qui clam' nupta nupta Danse y Lestrange de esse her'. Ric'o de Ad' de setatis aetatis 21 Audeley. Grin- Bavent. 40 annor'. | sted. | annor' 1 a i c c They follow exactly in this order in MS. though most likely they are sisters. d Placit' coram D. Rege apud Nerthampt. de term. Pasche, anno r. R. Edw. 3^ p. conq. 2. MS. Lansd. 860 B. f. 64. » Galfrido. MS. Lansd. 860 b. f. 64. ' Jacobo. Ibid. e It may be proper to remark that " prole " is almost always omitted throughout the Manuscript. h Nicholaus. Ibid. K 130 PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA-ROLLS, &C. a b c Tho. de Rog'rus de Grinstede Bavent aetatis Eetatis 25 40 annor'. annor'. Jacobus aetatis 14 annor'. [Fo. 2b.] Mich'is, anno E. 3. xxjm°. Staff. 36. Dominus Rex per bre' de quare impedit implitat Henr' Hillary, pro presentacone ad j>bendam de Wilmindicote, in ecciia collegiata de Tamworth. Ph'us Marmion. Johanna Mazera. Matild' nupta Johanna nupta prim' Henrico obiit sine. | Rob'to le Botiler. Hillary, nescitur cui postea. h Joh 'a nupta Alex' Rad'us. Thomas. Frivill. Baldwinus v' quem Joh'es. Marger'. D'n's Rex r' per ] br'e de quare im- Rad'us nunc inf peditin jure Ra'di aetatem et in inf etatem. custod' R. Edwardus qui ut michi videf obiit, quia d'c'us Hen ricus clam' per legem Anglie. Mich'is, anno E. 3. xxxmo. Nott. 88. Longford et Rivell v. Aslacton. [Printed in Thoroton's Nottinghamshire, p. 137 ] [Fo. 3.] Mich'is, anno E. 2. vjto. Staff. 39. Finis levatus anno vjt0 r. R. E. 2. inter Wm Bagot et Alienor' ux'em ejus, quer', et Ric' Dunmowe captm deforc', de uno mesuagio, una caruc' terre, x acris bosci, et iiijs redd, in Wilbrighton, etc'. Hugo Pev'ell.=pMargeria. I — J =^=Amicia. T Matild'. 1 — ; 1 Margeria. Margareta. I r" Reginald de Eliz. Monte forti. =: = = = Britwell. Gulielmus Rob'tus Rob'tus Wassingle. Lenh'm. Lymboteshey. h In an extract from the same Plea-roll in a MS. in Coll. of Arms, Vine. 79, Hillary is stated to have been her second husband ; which is right, as he died 23 Edw. III. and Thomas de Ludlowe, who was her first husband, died 7 Edw. II. Marmion Case before the House of Lords, July 1814, penes C. G. Y. PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA-ROLLS, &C. 131 Trinitatis, anno H. iiij4, sc'do. Staff. 23. Jur' dicunt qd vj acr' terre voc' Rudingfeild, iiij acr' bosci vocat' Rudingfeldesmore, et uii acr' pti, pceft man'ii de Shareshull, tenentr de Com Staff, et non de Rege in capite, &c. W's Shareshull. I W's Shareshull.=j= , u n W's Shareshull. Eliz. soror et heres.: Joh'a. — I 1 Margareta. > Kat'ina nupta Rogero Will'ley. J_ 1 : 1 Joh'a nupta Isabella inf Jocasa infra Wo Lee. aetatem. aetatem. [Fo. 3*>.] Pasche, anno H. 4. xijm0. Staff. 85. Henricus Granby Mag'r Domus Sli Michis Can tuar', per bre de quare impedit implitat Johannem Epih Coventr' et Lich' et Radm Basset et Thoma' Midelton clicin, pro Rector' de Chedle. Nich'us Stanton. Rad'us Basset de Sapcote. Hervicus Amic' nupta Stanton. Walth'm. Alex' qui dedit d'c'am advoca- c'o'em Mag'ro et Scholar'. I . ; 1 Simon ch'r, qui dedit Rad'us advocac' Hervico de Basset. Stanton. j I Johannes. I Rad'us nunc petens. Mich'is, anno H. 4. xiiijt0. Staff. 11. Matilda que fuit uxor Johannis Lovell implitatr per Regem pro man'io et advocacoe Ecctie de Roxhull, et recitaf pedegradus et descensus hered' Regis probans tittm suu' etc. Rob'tus de Holland^=Matill' filia Alani le Zouche ch'r ch'r, uxor ejus. Rob'tus. I Rob'tus. Matilda nupta Joh'i Lovell ch'r. K2 132 PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA-ROLLS, &C. [Fo. 4.] Hillarij, anno E. 1. iiijt0. De Banco. Nott. 26. Matill' Danyet pet' v' priorem de Wirksop advoc' ecctie de Walcringh'm. Normannus. .1 Reginald. Will'mus. I Adam. I Matil' petens. Trinitatis, anno E. 1. iijtio. Nott. 56. Rofetus fil' Rofeti de Costinton pet' v' Petr' de Esswayt ij. mess, et ij. bovat' terre in Berton sup Trent, et v' Prior' de Lentonj. bovat' ibid. Ivetta et Beatrix amite. I Rob'tus sive Rad'us. I Rob'tus. I Rob'tus petens. Trinitatis, anno E. 1. iiijt0. Nott. 80. Jur' dicunt quod Ricus de Trowell solus p'sentavit ad Ecctiam de Stanford super Sora; I'oh Hugo de Stanford r' p'sentac' sua ad dcam Ecctiam, et prior de Wulvescroft in mia, Petrus Trowell. I Willi'm's. Ric us qui feoffavit inde hunc Hugonem, et de j roda terre. [Fo. 4>\] Hillarii, anno E. 1. v*°. Staff. 2. Petrus de Winton per jud Curie et per defalta De cani de Line' r' p'sentac' suam ad capellam de Mapleton. h Ideo. PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA-ROLLS, &C. 133 Willi'm's Cheyney. Agnes.Alanus.Simon. I Alic' petens. Pasche, anno quinto. Nott. 47. Walterus de Gayteford et Joh'nes de Hotewyt pe- tunt V Galfr'm fil' Joh'nis de Newarc lx acr' terre, iiij acr' prati, duas partes j mess, in Newerc et Balderton. 1 Maugerus sine. 1 . Hewisia soror et heres Willi'm's. 1 Ranulphus. 1 _ -L. l_ jalfr'us. Cecill'. 1 Marg'r'. Willi'm's. Ranulphus. I I Walterus, petens. Johannes, petens. [Fo. 5.] Pasche, anno E. 1. vjt0. Nott. 11. In assia per Jur' compert' est qd Hugo de Capell et omnes subscript' r' seiam de v. toftis, vj. bovat' terre, et vis. iiijd redd: et redd: ij. capon' in Screveton et at. Hugo de Capell'. „ r— T — t— — L t 1. . Cecill' ux' Walteri Laderina uxor W. Elizabetha. Amicia. de Cully. Tassarand. Mich'is, anno E. 1. vjto. Nott. 1 10. Johannes le Botillere implitat Wm le Wallour, qd fac' ei servic'. Willi'm's. I Willi'm's. I Hugo. I Johannes petens. 134 PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA-ROLLS, &C. [Fo. 5b.] Trinitatis, anno E. 1. vijm0. Staff. 83. Johannes Gifford de Chillinton implitat Bofefrn de Som'ford, quod fac' ei servic' pro ten'tis que de eo tenet in Chilinton. Petrus. I Petrus. I 1 ; 1 ; 1 Petrus. W's sine. Hugo sine. Johannes petens. Mich'is, anno E. 1. vijmo. Staff. 35. Galffus de Cannvill petit v' Johem de Som'vill man'iu' de Allerwas, extis iiij. mesuagiis, vi. virgat. t're, et advo- cacoe ecctie ejusd' man'ij. Galfr'us. I Willi'm's. I , Galfr'us petens. Hillarii, anno E. 1 . xm0. Nott. 71. Rohtus de Cokefeld v' Johem de Cokefeld. [Printed in Thoroton's Nottinghamshire, p. 246.] [Fo. 6.] Trinitat', anno E. 1. xm0. Nott. 37. Radus de Crumwell (sic) petit v' Johannem de Burstall unii mesuagiii et iiijor bovatas terre in Birton. Gilb'tus. I r— -^ 1 W's sine. Rob'tus. I Gilb'tus. I i r-J 1 1 Rogerus Christiana Alic'. Johannes sine. nunc pet' (sic). sine. Trinit, anno E. 1. xijmo. Nott. 31. Bret v' Tineslowe. [Printed in Thoroton's Nottinghamshire, p. 274.] Mich'is, annoE. 1. xiiij*0. Staff. 34. Elizabetha que fuit uxor Mathei de Kniveton pet' v' PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA-ROLLS, &C. 135 afebem de Burton tercia' parte unius mesuagij, ij. virgat. terre et xj. acr', et v. acr' prati in Ham. Hugo de Acov'e. I Rob'tus. I Johannes. [Fo. 6b.] Mich'is, anno E. 1. xvt0. Nott. 97. Barry v. Perepount. [Printed in Thoroton's Nottinghamshire, p. 86.] Hillarii, anno E. 1. xvijmo. Nott. 60. Stephus Waleys implitat Rohtm de Eyleston, qd faciat ei consuetudines et recta servicia sua pro ij. car' terre in Eyleston.' Henricus le Waleys. Ric'us. Henricus sine. Steph'us petens. [Fo. 7.] Pasche, anno E. 1. xvijmo. Staff. 73. Petrus de Ardern petit v' Rogeru Epm Coventr' et Lich' xl. acr' terre in Elforde.k Rogerus. I Leuca fil' et heres. I Agnes. I Petrus petens. Mich'is, anno E. 1. xvijmo. Nottingh'm. 8. Willlm's de Ros et Eustachia uxor ejus clamant v' Ricm Foliott, Phpm de Chauncy et Isabell' ux'em ejus, advo- vacoem ecctie de Kirketon. ¦ See Thoroton's Notts, p. 173. k See a pedigree in Shaw's Staffordshire, vol. i. p. 380. 136 PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA-ROLLS, &C. Rad'us de Gresley et Agnes uxor ejus.1 I Agnes. Radulphus. f Eustachia petens. [Fo. 7^.] Hilarii, anno E. 1. xix™. Nottingh'm. 33. Johannes le Graunt pet' v' Isabell' de Roes et Will'm de Stirmund, unii mesuag' et una bovat' terre in Houkes- word et Aslacton.m r Muriella. Muriella. I i r— 1 W's Rob'tus Matill' sine, per q'd sine. sine. resorciebat'r jus Ma till' sorori pime Mu- riell'. Matill' soror Murielle et heres. I Rogerus. Radulphus. Hemic' sine. Rogerus. I 1 1 I Rad'us Henricus Willi'm's Johannes sine. sine. petens. Pasche, anno E. 1. xixno. Staff. 157. Assie ultie p'sentaconis ad ecctiam de Chetelton, q'm Nichus de Aldithelegh, custos terre et her' Rici fil' Henrici de Chetelton, clam' v' Abbem de Deulacres, racoe custod', &c. [The pedigree the same as that before noticed in p. 128.] [Fo. 8.] Hillarii, anno E. 1. xxmo. Nott. 110. Barry v. Perepont. [Thoroton's Nottinghamshire, p. 86.] Trinit', annoE. 1. xxrao. Nott. 177. Ricus de Sutton et Isabell' uxor ejus implitant Nichum de Segrave, pro p'sentacone ad ecctiam de Bonington. 1 The wife of Ralph de Gresley was Isabella de Muschamps. Thoroton, p. 239. m This supplies a pedigree deficient in Thoroton ; who says, "here (at Hawkesworth) were some descents of Grants.'- Nottipghamsluje, p. 136. PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA-ROLLS, &C. 137 Rob'tus Patrike. I Willi'm's." f Isabell'. [Fo. 8*>.] Mich'is, anno ixn0. Regis Johannis.0 Nott. 11. Prior hospitat Jerusalem suih fuit quare non per- mittit Priorem de Lenton p'sentare ad ecctiam de Oseinton. [In Abbr. Plac. p. 99 ; and Thoroton, p. 355.] Pasche, anno E. 1. vit0. de Banco. Nott. 11. Quatuor filie et heredes Hugonis de Capella. [Already inserted in p. 133.] Trinif. anno H. 3. quinto. Nott. 22. Radus de Crumbwell v' Ivone Heriz. [Thoroton, p. 39.] [Fo. 9.] Mich'is, anno H. 3. viijvo. de Banco. Nott. 10. Hugo de Bretun petit v' Hugone de Morton xiiij bovat' terre in Morton. Jordanus Bretun. I Hugo. I Hugo nunc petens. Anno iiijt0 H iiij4'. Oxon. 14. Johannes Mounceux r' seiam sua de ij. mesuagijs, iiij. virgatis terr', viij. acr' pti, et xxijs redd in Wotton et al'. Johannes Mounceus avus. I J 1 Johannes p'r. Elias frater. J. I Alicia. Johannes nunc. quer'. Alicia bastarda. " William had made the same plea in 53 Hen. III. Thoroton, p. 6. 0 Ex lihro intitulat' Divers'. 138 PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA-ROLLS, &C. Anno xim0 H. iiij''. Warw. 15. Robtus Aston et Johanna uxor ejus, et Ws de Redburn et Katherina uxor ejus r' una' caruc' ter' in Amynton v' Thomam de Clinton. Ric'us Meygnill mil' h'uit filiu'. r ^ -r Fil' non no'i'atus Johanna nupta Tho. de Eliz. nupta Rog'o in record'. Clinton mil'. Bradshaw. r -1— -.. Marg'ia nupta Thomasia nupta Tho. Dethek. Regin' Dethek. [Fo. 9b.] Anno viijvo H. iiij11. Derb. 68. Prior de Repindon r' seiam sua de ij. acr' terr', ccc acr' bosci, una roda pti, et xis ijd redd in Repindon et al', v'sus Radum Franceys et iij. alios. Joh'nes avus, qui h'uit Joh'em, qui genuit istum Radulphum. Anno xmo H. iiij1'. Derb. 71. Thomas Stathun et Eliz' uxor ejus recupant man'iu de Chadelowe v' Thoma' Okev'e. Hugo Okovere. I Johannes. I Rogerus. Thomas. I Ph'us. I Thomas. W's de la Lunde ch'r genuit , I Wm sine. Joh'em qui h'uit filiam Eliz. marit' Ric'o filio Ric'i qui obiit sine. Johanna'. I Lucia. I Lucia. Matill'. Johanna. Goditha marit' Rad'o de Stathun. PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA-ROLLS, &C. 139 [Fo. 10.] Mich'is, anno quinto H. 5. coram Rege. Leic. 62. Abbas fete Marie de P't' Leic' et Johannes Claypole clicus implitantr per Eliz' Maundevile, Radum Francis, et Eliz' ux'em ejus, Johannem filiii Johannis Marchall, et Thomam Ov'ton et Margar' ux'em ejus, eo qd p'd'ci Abbas etc. ipos impedier' p'sentare idoneam personam ad ecctiam de Blaby, etc. [This pedigree differs from one in Nichols's Leicestershire, vol. iv. p. 51 ; but may be reconciled with it, by transposing the two first descents here given, as appears to be authorised by the extract from the Abbey Register, quoted ibid. p. 50. Thomas and John, who bore a name different from that of their progenitors, had removed to Shilton in Warwickshire. — J. G. N.] Johannes de Lodbroke. Henricus de Lodbroke ch'r. I Tho' de Shulton. I Joh'es de Shulton. I r ^ 1 . Eliz. Mand'* Katenna. r L "I Eliz' nunc ux' Rad'i Isabell'. Francys. j I Margar' nunc Katerina. q', uxor Tho. = Overton. Johannes, fil' Joh'is Marchall. Mich'is, anno H. 5. ijdo. Ebor. 90. Thomas Clarel pet' v' Radm Lasseles et al' man'iu de Magn' Halghton. I 1 Johannes Clarell donator. W's f 'r ejus et heres. I Thomas. I Willi'm's. I Thomas nunc petens, con sanguineus et heres. [Fo. 10b.] Ass'ia, anno ixno H. iiifiK Dorset. 23. Longum ptitum in quo recitatr parti co terraa que fuer' Laurenc' de Sco Martino inter duas sorores suas, &c. [Related in Hutchins's Dorsetshire, vol, iii. p. 372.] 140 PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA-ROLLS, &C. Anno sup'd'co. 26. Walterus Chauncemarle et Henric' Scuedemore quer' v' Walt'u' Reson, Johem Harrys et Sibill' ux'em ejus, et al' de fend' pro xij. mess. j. molend' aquat. ij. car' terre, lx. acr' pti, cc. acr' pasture, et xls redd in Wirgrove, et al'. W's Stok ch'r. I Johanna p!ma uxor.=pW's Stok duas h'uit uxores.: I =j=Matild' s'c'da uxor. I W's sine, et dedit p'missa Joh'i Mohun et Mathie et her' d'c'i Joh'nis p' script' suu' quod p'fert, et postea obiit p'd' Mathia sine p'le p' p'd' Joh'em Mohun, qui tunc cepit quand' Hawisiam de quibus exiit Johannes. ~T 1 ""I I— "1 Alic' nupta Sibill' Mathia nupta Joh'i nupta Joh'i Mohun Chaunt'. et de Hamme. | h'uit Walterus exit' nuncquer'. Joha'm nupt' cuid' Scuedemore. Johannes. Henricus nunc petens. Johannes nuper maritus d'c'e Sibille. [Fo. 11. J Ass'ia, anno ixn0 H. 4. Devon. 71. Decanus et caplus bti Petri Exon r' seiam sua de uno mesuagio et uno ferlingo terre in Hufeton v' Willi'm Piper, et al'. Johannes Wrey inde se'itus. I Johannes. I Isabell' marit' Ph'o Rike. I Joh'es modo deff' . Ass'ia, anno xxxiijt;o E. 3 Warw. 27. Margareta que fuit uxor W' de Charnells r' seiam suam de uno mess, et una caruc' terre, xxiiij. acr' pti, xx. acr' bosci, iiijs vjd redd in Coleshull v' Johem film W' Charnells. Henricus Charnells. I Willi'm's Charnells. I Joh'es Charnells. PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA-ROLLS, &C. 14l Ass'ia, anno iiijt0 E. 3. Derb. 47. Alicia que est uxor Rogeri de Dugkemanton r' seiam suam de uno mesuagio, xxiiijor acr' terre in Tybesholf, v' Walteru' fil' Willimi de Upton. Walterus de Upton i dedit p'missa j Ph'o de Upton et Mar' ux'i ejus ' 1 et her' de corpor' etc. Willi'm's de Upton. Walterus nunc petens. [Fo. llb.] Anno p'd! co. Derb. 46. Jur' dicunt qd nee Joh'nes de Bek, qui die' se esse Dhm med' man'ii de Sau'keston, nee antec' sui, nee ipi qui ha'unt dominiii med' p'd' ville quod id Joh'es nunc h'et, ha'unt tauru seu aprii in loco qui vocatr Lamfecote, nee at ex' Diium suu, sicut p'd' Johannes, &c. Io p'd' Ws heat return' p'd' av'io*. Ad' de Gratton. I, Rob'tus de Gratton. I. Henricus de Gratton. Ass'ia, anno iiij10 E. 3. Derb. 31. Sibilla que fuit uxor Johannis de Metham r' seiam de ix. bovat' terre cum pertin' in Basselowe, v' Johem fil' Thome Basset in Riston. Rob'tus Basset. I, Rob'tus. I Thomas. I Johannes nunc petens. Ass'ia capt. anno xxviijv0 E.fil. H. Warw. 3. Henricus le Chamfeleine implitat Simonem de Chamfeleine et al' pro terris in Kilmesham. Simon p'r.^plsold m'r. r -H- Nich'us Simon Henric' nunc antenat. sc'd'us. tercius. 142 PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA-ROLLS, &C. [Fo. 12.] Ass'ia, anno xxixn0 E. primi. Derb. 7. Johannes filius Johannis le Sauvage non est prose- cutus pro man'io de Steynesby v' Johannem fil' Rogeri le Sauvage et al'. V Johannes le Sauvage avus. Rogerus avunculus. Johannes modo quer . I Johannes nunc deff '. Anno xijm0 E. Leic. 6. Jur' dicunt qd Rogerus de Moubray majus jus feet ad ecctiam de Melton Moubray quam Prior de Lewes. Willi'm's Moubray. I ¦ 1 Nigellus Moubray sine. Rogerus Moubray. I i 1 1 1 L- t ; 1 Rogerus Mou- Rob'tus Andreas Joh'es Edmund' W's bray ut fr' et Moubray Moubray Moubray Moubray Moubray her' nunc pet', sine. sine. sine. sine. sine. Anno xijmo E. Leic. 9. Willi'm's Hamelin petit v' Alex' Pantulf iij. mesuagia et iiijor bovat. terre in Burton sancti Lazari et pva Dalby. Hamelinus vixit tempore R. Ric'i. I Willi'm's. ! Rad'us. I Nich us obiit sine, et nescit r cujus filius W's nunc petens est. [Fo. 12b.] Ass'ia, anno xijmo E. Leic. 20. Rogerus de Sadinton petit v' plur' div'sas terr' et teiita in Mousele. PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA-ROLLS, &C. 143 Johannes, tempore R. Johannis. Johannes. I Willi'm's. I Johannes.Rogerus nunc. Mich'is, anno iiijt0 H. 3. Ebor. 1. Rofetus de Veteri ponte et Ydonia uxor ejus pet' v' Alic' Comitissam de Augo Castrum et vill' de Tykehull. [Related in Hunter's South Yorkshire, vol. i, p. 227 ; and in Thoroton's Notts, p. 3.] Hertf. 3. Petr' de Britania et Alic' uxor ejus pet' v' Abbem de Fougers advocacoem ecctie de Chesterhunt.k Comes Alanus. Conanus filius ejus. I . Constancia nupta Guidoni. Alicia nunc petens. [Fo. 13.] Hillarii, anno xm0 H. 3. Oxon. 18. Willi'm's de Huntercumbe r' v' Osfetu Giffard seiam de iiijta parte feod' mil' in Ippeden. W's Percehaye. I Christiana marit' Eustachio p'n istius I . Willi'mi nunc petentis. Som'set. 18. Ass'ia etc. si Willi'm's de Monte Ac' pater Ric obiit seitus de ij. hidis terre in Sutton, quas Gilfetus de Say tenet. Contemporanei Robertus de Monte Acuto. Ric'us de Monte Acuto. I I Willi'm's. Willi'm's. I I I i — . : 1 W's qui cognovit se esse Ric'us nunc Drogo. bastard' primogenit'. petens. j Willi'm's. k See Clutterbuck's Herts, vol. ii. p. 109. 144 PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA-ROLLS, &C. Essex. 14. Augustus de Blakeham pet' v' Ricm filiu' Alani uh caruc' terre in Derholt. Hugo. I Gerardus fil'1. I , Galfr'us.^=Matil' soror Galfr'i. I Augustus nunc petens. Suff. 13. Cone' fca inter Amic' ufi fil' Augustini Bernardes- ton et Matild' Basil' et Beatr' sorores suas per Cir'. Augustinus Bernardeston. I 1 r— 1 Amic'. Matill'. Basillia. Beatrix. [Fo. 13^.] Hilarii, anno xm« H. 3. Bedd. 12. Rofetus de Baioc's impltatr eo qd fecit vastii boscojj de hered' Emme et Agnet' filias et her' Jofenis de Baioc's. Johannes de Baioc's. I r ¦->- , Emma. Agnes. Buck. 1. Henricus de St0 Andrea petit v' Rofetu le Sau vage man'iu' de Scemesby et advocacoem ecctie ibfh. Paganus de S'to Andrea et Erneburga ux', et de ip'a desc' I Thomas. I. Henricus nunc petens. Mich'is, anno ixn° R' Johannis. Berk. 5. Prec' est Nicho de Ynglesfem ut feeret cartam q'm Diis Rex, dum fuit Comes Maurriton', ei fecit de man'io de Ynglesfem. WolwardusJ I Ric'us Cam'ar'.l Osb'tus. I r -1— 1 Hugo. Nich'us sine. 1 These appear to be incorrectly placed ; as in the abstract of the plea in the Placi torum Abbreviatio, p. 97, wc find Wolwardus avus, Ricardus avunculus. PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA-ROLLS, &C. 145 [Fo. 14.] Mich'is, anno ixno Regis Johannis. Northumb'r. 5. Ricus de Umfrevill v. Eustach' de Vescy. [Printed in Placitorum Abbreviatio, p. 100 ; and Hodgson's Northum berland, Part II. vol. i. p. 14. See note below.™] Dors't 2. Ad de Wodeton v' Reginald' de RameSby. [Printed in Placitorum Abbreviatio, p. 98.] [Fo. 14b.] Esson' et pVita coram Rege J. nescif annus. Leic. Sewaft fil' Henrici et Isabell' uxor ejus, et Phiis de Ulcote et Johanna uxor ejus, petunt v' Prior' Hospital' Jerlm ij- caruc' terre cum ptin in Danby. [Dalby on the Woulds.] Gilb'tus de Meysnyl a Conquestu. I Rob'tus vixit temp'e R. H. I. I Rob'tus vixit temp'e R. H. II. I i ; i Isabell' petens. Johanna petens. Nescif annus. Ebor. Turstanus de Monte forti petit med ville de Langeton v* Eustachiu de Vescy. Galfr'us Murdrak. J Juliana fil' sua. I JL r i Rob'tus. Henricus. Turstanus nunc petens. m In MS. Lansd. 860 B. f. 79* (where another abstract of this Plea occurs) is ndded : — " Eustachius dicit, quod Odinel de Umfraville pro xv. marcis, i. equo, et ausureo (ric, pro austurco) quietam clamavit dictam custudiam, &c. Sed quia atturnatus dicti Eustachii non negavit descensuin hereditarium, ideu Ricardus recuperet custudiam et consilium dicti heredia, et Enstncbiut in miiericordia.'' 146 PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA-ROLLS, &C. Mich'is, anno xiiij t0 R' J. Sussex. 18. Galfrus de Crauciib pet' v' Wm Morand feud' unius mil' in Hamtonet. Gilb'tus de Sartilli p'avus. I . Claricia fil' et heres. .1 Wxmundus. i . , Galfrid' nunc petens. [Fo. 15. J Mich'is, anno J. xiijtio. Norff. 4. Consideraiu est quod Thomas de Valenyes heat seiam de homagio Galfri de Hickeling pro feod' unius militis cum pertin' in Hikeling, v' Eustach' de Vescy. Willi'm's de Vescy. Brianus de Hickeling. Rob'tus de Valenies. Eustach' fil' ejus. Gaufr'us fil' ejus. Theobald' fil' ejus. I Tho. fil' ejus. Ebor. Ws fil' W» fil' Godrici petit v' Alex' de Creuequer j. acr' terre in Hopton. Retell'. I. Godricus. I Willi'm's. .1. Willi'm's. Ass'ia, anno xxxjm0 E. primi. Suth't. 9. Ricus filius Reginaldi le Porter et al' participes sui r* seiam sua de j. mesuagio, ij. car' terre, x. acr' pti, xxx. acr' bosci, xs redd et redd j1' cumini et jl; piperis in Tadely, v' Jofeem filiu' Regin' et Jofeem Tailler. Rad'us Sodington. I r ; i ; ' 1 1 W's Sodington Eustachia nupta Johanna nupta Waltero le Blunt. obiit sine. W'o de Douerdal. Malta nupta Regin' le Porter. PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA-ROLLS, &C. 147 [Fo. 15b.] Mich'is, anno lijdo H. 3. coram Rege. Ebor. 12. Alanus de Kiuthorpe pet' v' Rofetum Creppinge viij. m'cas et iiijs iiijd ob' redd in Snayth, et al'. Wastehuse. Wasthuse. I Alanus Wasthuse. Emma obiit sine her' de se p' q'd hereditas ad Rad'm devenit. Rad'us fr' ejus. I J ._ I T ~ I Isabell' obiit Emma obiit Cecillia. sine. sine. I, Galfr'us. Alanus de Keuethorp nunc petens. I Willi'm's. Mich'is, anno liijtio H. iiicii. Ebor. 14. Alanus de Keythorpe pet' v' Rob't'm de Crepinges viii. m'catas iiijs viiid redd in Snayth et al'. [The pedigree as the last preceding.] [Fo. 16.] Trinitatis, anno lvt0 H. 3. Leic. 3. Radus Bozun et Loreta uxor ejus r' seiam suam de vi. toftis, et xi. bovat' terre in Claxton, v' Wm de Nevill et Eliz' uxor em ejus. [This pedigree will be found to furnish a very different account of the introduction of the family of Bozun to Claxton (where they resided until the reign of Henry the Eighth), to that given in Nichols's Leices tershire, vol. ii. pp. 131, 132.— J. G. N.] I 1 1 1 Simon de Ropeley. Eva soror. Matilda soror. Loretta soror. Simon fil. sine. Petr'. Rob'tus. Alanus. Petrus. I Petrus de Lekeburn. I — : r Eliz' Loretta p'd'. p'd'. r— , , Dionisia. Isabell' uxor Matild' ux' "I Marg'ia. Wide Nowers. Ph'us. I Milo de Hastings Alani filii Roaldi. Joh'es obiit se'itus de p' missis absq' her' de se ut Jur' dicunt. l2 Rob'tus de Kirke- ton. 148 PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA-ROLLS, &C. Pasch', anno xxvijmo H. 3. Line. 11. Willi'm's de Scremby impl'itatus per Gilfet'm de Gaunt cognovit qd tenet de d'co Gilfeto feod' unius mil' in Scremby per servic' militare. Gilb'tus Comes Line, tempore R. H. avi R. nunc. . J . Alicia filia et heres sine. Rob'tus frr ejus. Gilb'tus. I Gilb'tus nunc. Pasch', anno ixn0 E. 2. coram Rege. Cestr. 113. Frend, de Hunstreton, v' Jofeem del Heth. [Printed in Placitorum Abbreviatio, p. 323.] [Fo. 16b.] Pasch', anno ixn0 E. 2. coram Rege. Cumb. Ebor. North't. 112. Petico Thome de Multon, &c. [Printed in Placitorum Abbreviatio, p. 323.] Pasche, anno xvijmo E. 2. de Banco. Norff. 1 18. Stepfeus de Marham implitat Thomam de Bygeny et Barthfh de Turtevill, eo quod imped' eu, p'sentare ad ec ctiam de Testerton. Ph'us de Snoring. Mabill' I Ric'us Bale fil' et heres. Ric'us T~. ! T. — Christiana, cui Basillia. contigit d'e'm maner' de Test'. Agnes. Ahcia. r Thomas fil'. Johan- Henric' nes de Lestrang Marh'm fil' et fil' et her'. her'. Johan- Ric'us leRous fil'et heres. r 1 Margar'. Thomas inf. aetatem Richolda. existens et in custod' | Mabill*. Alic' uxor Barth'us de Tho. Burgeny Tur. fil' et nunc deft". heres, nunc deff. Ric'us. [To br. continued.] 149 XIX. DEWSBURY, IN THE ARCHBISHOPRIC OF YORK : ITS ECCLESIAS TICAL HISTORY. BY THE REV. JOSEPH HUNTER. PAVLINVS HIC PREDICAVIT ET CELEBRAVIT. The Eastern Calder rises among tlie hills which separate the people of Yorkshire from their neighbours of Lancashire, and after a winding course of about forty miles joins the Aire at Castle- ford, the antient Legiolium, not far from Pontefract. The most considerable of the towns which have arisen upon its banks is Wakefield, which had a church and an extensive soke in the Saxon times. Five or six miles higher on the stream, on its northern bank, and at about an equal distance from its source and fall, stand the church and town of Dewsbury. This place has a peculiar claim upon public attention, arising out of this circumstance, that it is pointed out by a tradition sup ported by some concurrent probabilities, and even by something which aspires to the character if not of contemporary yet of very early documentary evidence, as having been a scene of the labours of one of those apostolic men who, following in the train of Au gustine, were the means of reviving the almost extinguished light of British Christianity. The tradition is in substance this : That Paulinus, the Northumbrian Apostle, in the course of his mission among the subjects of King Edwin, visited this place, and that on tlie low and level ground near the river on which now the church is built, he presented the claims of Christian truth to the inhabit ants of these regions, and performed in the Calder the initiatory rite of Baptism. The main support of this tradition is an inscription on a cross in the church-yard : PAVLINVS HIC PREDICAVIT ET CELEBRAVIT. These words may now be read ; but as the existing cross is con fessedly modern, no such cross or inscription being to be seen here even a century ago, they are rather to be regarded as some thing which has grown out of the tradition, than as affording any support to the tradition. But on the other hand there is evi dence well deserving our regard, that there was a cross at Dews- 150 ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY bury bearing this inscription at a more remote period, the erec tion of which may be referred to early times ; not early enough indeed to raise it into the rank of contemporary evidence, but sufficiently early to carry us back into a period when the invention of such a fact was not likely to have taken place, and when even some faint recollection may be supposed to have remained among the villagery, of the visit made to their forefathers by the Chris tian apostle. None of the Antiquaries and Topographers, professedly and peculiarly of Yorkshire, whose collections have come down to us, seem, however, to have seen this cross : not even Dodsworth, who has done so much, and whose notes were made before the civil wars. Johnston speaks of it only from tradition : and Thoresby, who was at Dewsbury in 1691, "very inquisitive for the stone, could not so much as hear of any that had seen it :" and he pro ceeds to say that " Mr. Pierson an antient minister, a native here, whose father was the minister here for thirty years, told me that neither of them could find any thing of it." a Of the more gene ral inquirers into the antiquities of the British nation, Leland has not any notice of this cross : and, in short, Camden is the only early English Antiquary who has mentioned it, and all subse quent notices are little if any thing more than repetitions of the little which he has related concerning it. Camden was in Yorkshire in 1582 :b and no doubt in these parts, where at Bradley, a few miles higher on the Calder, resided the family of Savile, with several learned members of which family he was intimately acquainted. But Camden does not profess to have seen the cross. He speaks of it rather as of a thing which had been : and we can hardly believe that his is more than a tra ditionary testimony, collected from the people of the neighbour hood, and especially from the information of the Saviles, whose assistance in the preparation of the Britannia he gratefully ac knowledges. Camden, however, was not a man likely to speak of such a cross and such an inscription, if he had not what appeared to him suf ficient reason to believe that a cross bearing that inscription had existed at Dewsbury ; and he lived at no distant period from the Reformation, the time when so much of the ancient sculpture and painting of England, and so much of our historical testimony, perished. •> Diary, &c. vol. i. p. 207. » Epistolae Camdeni, Addenda, p. 85. OF DEWSBURY, YORKSHIRE. 151 I am happy, however, in being able to corroborate the testi mony of Camden by an authority contemporary with his, which, however humble in other respects it may be regarded, is entitled on this point to great weight. It is a piece of doggrel verse written at the very beginning of the seventeenth century, " In praise of Dewsbury." The author was Mr. Thomas Tingle, a minister here ; and Johnston, in whose manuscripts I found the only copy I have ever seen or heard of, took it down about 1670 from the mouth of the Parish-clerk, the only person who could then repeat it : In Church-yard once a Cross did stand Of Apostles pictured there ; And had engraven thereupon, " Paulinus preached here." This testimony is independent of the testimony of Camden, and it is plain and express to the fact of the existence of the Cross. We have also the additional circumstance, that it was not a mere Cross, like the present, in which we have an imitation of the wheel-cross of the Saxons, but one about which were sculp tured figures of the Apostles. This circumstance opens a further view on this curious subject. In the years 1766 and 1767, in digging about the church, various pieces of Saxon sculpture were discovered, which are now heaped together in a sort of pile in the garden of the Vicarage-house. Some of these are represented in engravings in the Loidis and Elmete of Dr. Whitaker. One of the figures in the plate en titled "Sculptured Stones from the Saxon Church of Dewsbury," is plainly our Saviour, and some of the others have the appear ance of being Apostles ; there are also faint traces of a Saxon inscription ; so that on the whole there is a strong probability that we have in these remains portions of the Cross, demolished as it may be presumed at the Reformation, when such things were declared to be superstitious, a time when, as it has been eloquently said, " men seem to have conspired to abolish the memory of the things that had been, and to begin the affairs of the human species afresh." If these sculptures can be received as genuine fragments of the Cross, they are evidences that it was a work of very high anti quity. If it be thought to be too bold an assumption that they are fragments of the Cross, this must at least be allowed, that they are decisive evidences of the existence upon this spot, of 152 ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY something devoted to Christian purposes, at a very remote period. In the latter case it will be allowed that they afford some sup port to the tradition : in the former they go far to show that the Cross was erected not by the Norman family to whom the patron age of Dewsbury fell after the Conquest, nor by the religious house to whom that family conveyed it, but by the Saxon inha bitants of Dewsbury, and those, persons living in the earlier Saxon times. Dr. Whitaker observes that their high antiquity is proved not merely by the style of the workmanship, but by a circumstance which marks a barbarous age, — that the eyes of the figures are made of some white extraneous substance : to which he also adds, as concurrent to the same point, that the genuine Saxon N for S may be traced among the characters which re main.' Such then is the evidence which we possess to the existence of the Cross and its celebrated inscription, and to the people by whom it was erected. I proceed to observe that what we know of the labours of Paulinus is favourable to the tradition. He was employed from A.D. 626 to A.D. 633, the year of the death of King Edwin, in the conversion of the Northumbrians. Beside what he did at York and in the Court of King Edwin, Bede informs us that he spent thirty-six days at Adregin in Ber- nicia ; but that Deira rather than Bernicia, was the scene of his labours, because there the King for the most part resided : and that in Deira, he baptized many in the river Swale near Catte- rick, and founded a church at Campodonum, which is indisputably Doncaster.d He then penetrated into Lindsey and Nottingham shire ; built a church of stone at what is now supposed to be Lincoln ; and performed for many the rite of baptism in the Trent, near the city called by Bede Tiouulfingacaster. Deda, a friend of Bede, was one of those whom Paulinus here baptized. He well remembered the holy man by whom he was thus intro duced into the Christian Church, and gave to Bede that minute and extremely interesting description of the person and manner of Paulinus, which he has delivered down to us in his history. I cannot find that Bede contains more on what we may call the rural labours of Paulinus ; and it is manifest that this is but an • Loidis and Elmete, p. 301. * May I, after all that has heen written on this great question in the topographical history of Yorkshire, hint at the possibility of the " Villa Regia " of King Edwin having been Coningshorough ? OF DEWSBURY, YORKSHIRE. 153 imperfect account of what so zealous a votary would do when he had the King's permission -to make every exertion to reclaim his subjects from idolatry, and was supported by the example and authority of the Court. While we peruse the pages of Bede we must be deeply sensible of the value of such a trustworthy historian. But we cannot but regret that he has not been more particular, and enabled us to trace in the labours of the primitive apostle of Northumbria, the origin of more of the Northumbrian churches. We see, however, in what he has related, that it was the practice of Paulinus to perform his multitudinous baptisms in the running streams ; and few places would be more favourable to this purpose than the flat meadows of Dewsbury. One of the most curious parts of Bede's account of the labours of Paulinus, is that in which he speaks of the conversion of Edwin himself and of Coifn, who appears to have been the arch-priest of the antient superstition. One of the first efforts of these persons, filled with the zeal of new converts, was directed against the tem ple of Godmundham, which must have been a central point of that superstition. They broke into the sacred inclosure ; violated the sanctuary ; and soon a Christian Church arose upon the place. Here then we see the zeal of Paulinus and his converts directed against a place which was sacred in the eyes of the Saxon popu lation, and a Church arising where before had been an idol-tem ple. What is similar to this occurred elsewhere. On the site of Saint Paul's have been found the horns of deer, which are sup posed to mark it as a place in which sacrifices were wont to be made. A Christian Church arose close to the Circle at Abury : and close to the Temple of Minerva at Bath, arose buildings erected for the purpose of Christian devotion. Out of these facts I raise another probability for the early preaching of Christianity at Dewsbury : for Dewsbury may, as it seems to me, be con nected, like Godmundham, with the ancient superstitions of Northumbria. The Roman, or Romano-British relics which have lately been discovered there, and of which it is to be regretted that fuller and more exact accounts have not been given to the world, shew it to have been at least a seat of population before the time of Pau linus. But it is upon the probable etymology of the name that I propose to found this part of the argument. What is this syl lable Dew (in Domesday, the oldest known instance of it, Deu) 154 ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY which in the name is coupled with bury ? The bury oi Deu; not surely a common Saxon appellative, as by a skilful master in this obscure science has been somewhat hastily conjectured. Again we must resort to Camden. At Greetland, a little higher on the stream than Dewsbury, an altar was dug up, in scribed dvi ci brig. In the time of Camden it was preserved at Bradley. Horsley, following him at the distance of nearly a cen tury and a half, found this very altar in the church of Conington. He has given the inscription exactly as it appears, in his plate, Yorkshire, xviii. and has no hesitation in reading the inscription thus : — To the Dui of the state of the Brigantes, Titus Aurelius Aurelianus. Whether dvi be generic or specific, whether it is any kind of obumbration of the sacred word Deus, or the name of some local divinity, like Andates, Bellotucader, or the Sui of the banks of the Avon, is not material to the use which I would make of this inscription. It proves, that in the vale of the Calder an altar was erected to a divinity known by the name Dvi : and it opens a strong probability that Dewsbury is in fact the bury of this Dui, the place peculiarly consecrated to the worship of him, and that it might be on that account peculiarly selected by the Christian Apostle as the scene of his labours. The commemoration of such an event as the preaching of Pau linus by the erection of a cross, may be regarded as so much in the natural course of events, as to require no support from pa rallel instances. But we may observe, since the fact has been already connected with this inquiry, that the Saxon Crosses at Whalley, on the Lancashire side of the mountains, were regarded ages ago as having been erected to commemorate the first preach ing of Christianity in that neighbourhood by Augustine or some of his followers. We may add in the last place, that there was beyond all ques tion a Christian Church at Dewsbury in the Saxon times. This we learn from Domesday Book, a decisive record of the fact, but leaving wholly uncertain the period at which it was erected. We must not, however, pass over in this place the important circumstance, that six of the neighbouring churches render a por tion of their profits to the church at Dewsbury. These, and the sum rendered, are thus returned in the Valor of King Henry the Eighth ; £. s. d. 0 14. 0 4 0 0 2 6 8 2 13 0 1 3 4 0 8 0 OF DEWSBURY, YORKSHIRE. 155 Thornhill Burton Almondbury Huddersfield Heaton - Bradford These payments, not however in the form of money, as they now appear, but as portions of tithe or altarage, are declared in the instrument of Ordination of a Vicarage in 1349, to have been ex antiquo belonging to the Church. And upon this has been raised an argument that the lands which now compose the six parishes did anciently render their whole tithe to the Church of Dewsbury. A right which the Church of Dewsbury had to tithe from a part of the parish of Halifax, has also been construed into proof that the whole of that extensive parish is to be regarded as having originally been subject to the Church of Dewsbury. On different evidence the parish of Mirfield is assumed to have been carved out of the original parish of Dewsbury: and the worthy minister, who two centuries ago chaunted the praise of Dewsbury, speaks of a long-lost render of three-pence from the Church of Wake field, as a proof that the Church of Wakefield owned the Church of Dewsbury in the light of her mother. So that, on the whole, it has been contended that the Church of Dewsbury is in fact the mother church for the whole of the Vale of the Calder, and the wide extent of high land reaching to the county division in the summits of the mountains, bounded on the north by Craven and the wapentake of Skyrack, and on the south by the northern boundary of the Staincross wapentake. This is a very startling position. But if no more is meant by it than that there was a church at Dewsbury long before any church had been erected on the lands which form the western parishes, then it would seem that it must be admitted as a truth. But if it is contended that the Church of Dewsbury could ever have claimed the entire tithe throughout those parishes, and that the lands which now compose them were gradually severed from the parish of Dewsbury as churches arose, then I demur. I ask for better proof than it is, I am persuaded, possible to pro duce ; and I deny that the money payments, called prescriptive, can be received as any sufficient proof of this startling position. Those payments, in the form in which they now appear, came into 156 ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY existence between 1349 and 1530. What they were before, we may perhaps be able to disclose. The earliest view which we possess of the distribution of pro perty in this portion of the kingdom is in Domesday Book, where we find that large portions of the wapentakes of Agbrigg and Morley were royal demesne, and a still larger portion in the hands of various Saxon proprietors. The lands not royal demesne were given in mass to Ilbert de Laci, and formed, with other lands in Skyrack, Staincross, and Osgodcross, the honour of Pon tefract. But the lands which were royal demesne remained in the Crown at the time of the Great Survey. Not long after, how ever, they also were granted out in mass, and the person to whom the grant was made was William de Warren, who had married Gundred, a daughter of the Conqueror. This William had be fore acquired the lands of Coningsborough which had belonged to King Harold. Thus the whole of the country of which we are speaking, was divided between the two fees of the Lacis and the Warrens. Wakefield and Dewsbury were both on the royal demesne, and both accordingly passed to the Warrens. None of the six churches which now render a portion of their profit to the Church of Dewsbury existed at the time of the Domesday Survey, except Thornhill, which may fairly be deemed to have then been of recent foundation. Neither indeed was there any church at Mirfield or at Halifax. The erection of these churches, then, was a work long subsequent to the foundation of the Church of Dewsbury. The Churches of Bradford, Halifax, Mirfield, Almondbury, Heton, Thornhill, and Huddersfield, were erected on lands which belonged not to the Warren but the Laci fee. The Church of Burton only was raised on lands which were given to the Warrens. But in the formation of the parishes to belong to those churches, lands were assigned which belonged to the fee of War ren ; and my hypothesis respecting the origin of the payments now made to the Church of Dewsbury is, that they are compo sitions for tithe arising in portions of the Warren fee, which were assigned as parcel of the parishes annexed to churches founded on the Laci lands ; whence it would follow that the true character of the Church of Dewsbury at the time of the Conquest was this, — that it was the Church of the Royal demesne in this part of the County of York. OF DEWSBURY, YORKSHIRE. 157 The inequality of the payments from the six churches, is of itself a presumptive proof that these payments were not originally in token of filial subjection. Thus Burton pays four pounds, while Bradford, a parish at least equally extensive, pays only eight shillings. But the fact is, that the Church of Burton was raised upon the Warren lands, while the Church of Bradford was erected on the Laci lands, and of the townships assigned to it, only one, Eccleshill, was originally royal demesne. But I now proceed to bring to bear upon this question a piece of evi dence of which no use has heretofore by any one been made, namely, the Accompts of one Edward Savage, who was Proctor of the Church of Dewsbury from 1348 to 1356, of which the originals on skins are now before me. These show distinctly 1st, that there were at that time no money payments at all issuing out of the six churches ; and 2d, that the Church of Dewsbury did receive tithe from certain townships which go to compose those parishes. From Burton indeed, in conformity with what I heretofore said of the Church having been founded on lands belonging to the Warrens and not the Lacis, the Church of Dewsbury received what is described as a portion of the Church ; and the average receipts from the Church for the eight years amounted to 5/. 9s. 10%d. The other townships, and the average receipts, stand thus : £. s. d. Dalton, in the parish of Heton .. .. 2 15 2 Eccleshill, in the parish of Bradford . . . . 1 9 3£ Lockwood,Collersley, Holme, y in the parish of Almondbury 5 4 7 Alstoneley,Thwong, Quernby,Linley, Golcar,Scammonden, J Flockton, -> . . , „ _ , .„ „ „ „ , o T.-.1- 1 > in the parish of Thornhill .. 0 9 2£ Schitlington, J v 2 These were the places from which the Church of Dewsbury received profits during the time that Savage was the Collector, not from the whole parish in any case ; and without being able to show of every one of these places that tjhey were lands of the in the parish of Huddersfield 2 7 0| 3 158 ECCLESIASTICAL HISTORY Warren fee attached to churches of the foundation of the Lacis or their subinfeudatories, I submit that this is the most probable supposition on which the fact can be explained. We further find in these accounts from what portion of the lands which compose the parish of Halifax the Church of Dews bury received tithe. It was from Hipperholm, Rastrick, Brig- house, Toothill, and Fixby ; precisely those portions of the parish which in their civil relations pertained to the Warrens. The average receipts by sale of the tithe was 91. 14s. Id. There is a difficulty in accounting for the Church of Halifax having escaped the imposition of a pension to the Church of Dewsbury, when, at what time soever it was, the six churches made what appears to have been a commutation. There is also a difficulty in respect of the Church of Mirfield which must once have belonged to Dewsbury, and yet, neither in the time of Sa vage nor since, does it appear that Dewsbury had any pecuniary advantages from it. The Church of Mirfield was founded under very peculiar circumstances, the particulars of which may be seen in the Loidis and Elmete : and as it was only a single township that was assigned to it, the Church of Dewsbury might unreluc- tantly forego every claim, on the interposition of even papal au thority, and the reasonable plea of personal danger to the inha bitants of Mirfield in resorting to the morning mass of their more ancient parish church. What, after all the separations from it, constitutes now the parish of Dewsbury, and did so in the time of Savage, is the fol lowing : Dewsbury. Hartshead, where is a chapel founded in the first century after the Conquest. Hanging-Heaton. Earls-Heaton. Chickenley. Ossett.Sothill. The gross value of the tithes in the time of Savage was about 281. per annum. Accompts of the receipts and expenditure of the Proctor of a country church in the middle of the fourteenth century not being of very frequent occurrence, I shall make a few further extracts from those of Dewsbury : OF DEWSBURY, YORKSHIRE. 159 A rent of assize of divers tenants was received, amounting annually to 51. Is. ; but in 1351 there was a six-pence added for a tenement, formerly a chapel. A fulling-mill produced 13s. 4rf. per ann. A water corn-mill usually produced from 3/. to 4Z. ; but in 1350 it produced only 21. as no one would take it on account of the pestilence. A piece of arable at Hartshead produced 13s. 4uk i' Much'. xxx vis. ijd. Munestoke. iiij/. xjs. Weston'. Ijs. Flexlonde. xxxiijs. vjs. Slakstede. xlvs. ijd. Sob'ton'. lxxvijs. vijd. Wordy abb 'is. xxxixs. vjd. Cornhampton'. xviijs. ijd. Barre. xviijd. Borewell'. xxijs. vd. Estrattone. xlviijs. jd. Lam'e. xxijs. ijd. Westratton'. . . xxxvjs. ixd. Warneforde. lxxiijs. 176 TAXATION OF HAMPSHIRE, IN 1334. Hoo. . . xlviijs. ixd. Westbury & Stocke. xlijs. iiijd. S'ma xxiijZ. ixs. iiijd. hundredu' de suttone. HUNDREDU DE BUTLESGAT. Hethlegh'. lxiijs. xd Suttone. xixs. vd. ob. Tystede. xxijs. xjd. ob. Byketon'. xxxjs. iiijd Bromdene. xxvs. ixd. ob. Roppelegh'. Iiijs. iiijd. S'ma xj?. vjs. viijd. ob. HUNDREDU DE FALLEGH . Hauonte.Haylynge. Goseport. Burseldenne. . . Extone.Alu'stoke.Westmoene. . . Kelmestone. . . Henton'. Beoworthe.Alresford'. Medestede. Welde. Chyltecombe. . . Cherytone.Tychebourne. . . Ouynton'. Mourstede.Auynton'. Wordy. Estone.Wynhale.Twyforde.Horton'. Osselbury. S'ma xxviij/. 1 viijs. vjd. xjs. viijd. xs. viijd. iiijs. xd. xxijs. xxxvijs. ijd. xxxiijs. vjd. xxvijs. iijd. xiijs. ijd. xvjs. vjd. xxixs. viijd. xijs. vd. xixs. jd. vjs. vjd. xxxixs. xjd. xxijs. viijd. xjs. vijd. xvijs. vjd. xiijs. iijd. ixs. ixd. xixs. vjs. xd. xxxvijs. jd. xljs. ijd. lvijs. xd. xixs. ixd. xlijs. vjd. xlvijs. xljs. xjd. } xixs. iiijd. xxiiijs. xviijs. ijd. xvijs. viijd. viijs. xd. lxiijs. iiijd. Mulebrouk. Nutshullyng. . . Muchelmersch' & i Abedrig. -> Westputte Marescal. Compton'.Sp'keford' & Drayton Oterborne. Hoghton'.Chylbolton' & Bandesbry. xjs. xjd Wo'synton' & Honton. xis. xd Eledestoke. . . xxs. Sp'sholte. Dane. & Layneston'. Lytletone.Wykefulflode. lxiijs. iiijd. Craule. Somborne. xliijs. ijd. Merdon'. Putte. ¦> ..... . _, , >m». xixs. xid. Sewstede. J J J Aunfelde & Pokenhale. Ciiijs. jd. Hurselegh'. . . xxvijs. S'ma xxxZ. xiijs. hundredu' de thorngat. Shipton'. . . Ciiijs. q Snodynton'. xxxvijs. xjd. ob. q Tude worth'. . . viijs. ijd. Wollop' Bouklo'd'. xj I. xixs. iiijd. ob Wollop' p'orisse. xijZ. xxd. ob. q Bourghonte.Bosynton'.Puttel worth'. Bunetly. Modesfonte.Hyda. Welewe. Empnele. Shyrefeld'. Lokerle.Estdoene. xl. xvijd. ob. q xxijs. xxixs. xijs. vd. xlvijs. xs. vjd. xijs. jd. vjs. lvijs. ijd. ob. q. xxxijs. xxixs. TAXATION OF HAMPSHIRE, IN 1334. 177 Westdoene. Estuderle. Westuderle. Wyggele. vs. xlvs. xxxviijs. xjd. ob. lvjs. jd. q. Cuneton' & Bitleton'. lxiijs. ijd. ob. S'ma ixijZ. ob. HUNDREDU DE SOMBOURNE. Stogb'g'. Romesy. Romesy exa ponte'. Cup'nan.Wobbury. Lee,Welles. Pershute. Mayheneston'. Oke & Stanbryg'. Tymberbury. . . Farle. Eledene & Compton' So'borne R. & Strete. Asshele. Parva So'borne. Vpsomborne. . . Hoghton'.Langestoke. . . Lekford' abb'is. ~j Lekford' abb'isse. S Lekford' Ric'. J S'ma xlviij/. iijs. Is. viij?. iiijd; lxiijs. viijd. lxxvjs. iijd. lxxixs. iiijd. iiij/. xs. xd. iiij/. ixs. xxiiijs. xijs. xxxiiijs. xlvs. viijd. xxjs. viijd. xliijs. ijd. vij/. viijs. ijd. xxis. viijd. xliijs. ii\jd. xxxijs. xd. xxxiiijs. lxiijs. xis. jd. HUNDREDU' DE ANDEU E FOR . Clatford'. . . lxiiijs. xd. ob. Anne abb'is. vj/. xs. vjd. ob. Anne de Bek. . . xlijs. Anne Sauage. . . xxiiijs. Anne de port. xxxixs. vjd. Grateley. . . Iijs. xd. Querle. . . xxxvs. xd. Tudeworth'. , . lxxviijs. xd. Fyfhyde. Chelwarton'.Throkeleston'. Penyton' Crafteyn. Penyton' Meisy. Foxcote.Enham. xxxiiijs. xd. lxvjs. xliiijs. lxjs. iiijd. xxviiijs. jd. xxxvijs. jd. xxvjs. S'ma xij/. viijs. vijd. ob. HUNDRED DE PACCHESTROWE. Fyrnham. Faccombe.Conenolte. Tangele. Lynkenholte. Eston' crook'. Wodecote. Combe. Hursebourne. lxxs. xd. q. lvijs. xd. q. xxvs. viijd. ob. xljs. viijd. ob. xxviijs. xd. q. xxvijs. viijd. ob. q. xxixs. iiijd. q. xliiijs. iiijd. q. lviijs. ob. q. S'ma xviij/. xiiijs. vjd. HUNDRED DE CLERE. VJ/. XS. xd. q. Ijs. xxvjs. xviijs. viijd. xvijs. lxxvjs. viijd. lxvjs. ijd. lxvjs. xd. Clere cu' p'sonatu. Wolu'tone. Iwehurst & Fynligh Okly & Tytegaue. Hanyton'.Ludeshulf '. Sydemanton'. Erleston. Edmondesthorp'. .. Benham.&Laun- >xxxiijs. viijd. celene. J Sanford. . . lxxs. ijd. Frolleburi. , xxx[xs ^ Clerwodecote. J S'ma xxix/. vjs. ijd. ob. HUNDREDU' DE EUYNGAR. Husselborne p'oris. xliijs. xjd. 178 TAXATION OF HAMPSHIRE, IN 1334. Bourne. xis. viijd. Newyton' & X. iiij Z. xs. vjd. Swampton'. xiijs. ijd. Hauekly. Stoke. xlvjs. S'ma xiijZ. ixs xjd. Wyke. Is. ijd. Egeburi. xxxiijs. HUNDREDUM DE BEREMELLESPUT. Bienlygh'. xixs. xjd. Wamebourne. Cxiiijs. Henleghe. xxxijs. viijd. Hodeketon'. xxixs. xjd. Wytecherche. xxxixs. vjd. Vpton'. xxxvjs. Fryfolk. xxxiijs. xd. Weston' Corbet. xvijs. vjd. Baghurst. xvs. vijd. Hereyerde. xxijs. Assheme'sworth'. xiiijs. xd. Elsefeld'. xixs. vijd. Wydehay. xxxvjs. viijd. Farlegh'. lvjs. iiijd. Burgh clere. xlvjs. ijd. Nuthlegh'. xxxs. Echeneswelle. xxixs. Dummere. iiij I. xijs. xd. Nova villa. xvijs. Candeu'e Preston'. vjZ. iijs. viijd. S'ma xxv/. xij s.jd. S'ma xxvijZ. xxijd. HUNDREDU' DE OUERTONE. HUNDREDU DE CRUNDALE. Lauerkestoke. xxixs. iiijd. f iiij/. d.(sic) xl. ijd. xviijs. viijd. Yatelegh'. lxxijs. ijd. Suthamton' & Soutwode. xxxviijs. vjd. Northampton. Polhampton'. Quydhampton'. Farnburgh'. Coue. Crundale. Crokham. xjs. xd. ^xxvs. vjd. xiijs. ijd. Is. vd. Asshe. Tadely.Hauekly. Bradely. Waltham. xxvjs. viijd. xs. xixs. viijd. xxiiijs. xd. xxxvs. Depenhale. Swanthorp'.Ichulle. Alreshete. xxijs. jd. xxxjs. vjd. liiijs. ixd. lvs. ijd. Dene. xiijs. Sutton'. xlixs. ijd. Ou'ton'. lxxijs. viijd. S'ma XxjZ. xiii s. iijd. S'ma xviij/. ix. \ xjd. HUNDREDU' DE ODYh'm. Lys. lxxixs.jd. HUNDRREDU' DE SELEBOURNE. Weston'. xxxijs. xjd. Selebourne. xxjs. ijd. Lasham. xxxijs. ijd. Faryndone. xlvs. jd. Bynteworth'. . . lixs. vjd. q. Norton'. xxxvs. vjd. Dogm'esfeld'. . . lxvijs. ixd. Tystede. xxxixs. iijd. Wynkesfeld'. . . xviijs. ijd. q. Imbeshete. xvs. vjd. Shaldene. xxxvs. ijd. Tystede. xxxixs. iijd. Mourhale. xiijs. TAXATION OF HAMPSHIRE, IN 1334. 179 Shyrefeld'. . . xxxiiijs. jd. q. Eluetham. . . xvjs. vd. Hertlegh'. xxviijs. xd. ob. q. S'ma xxi. xvjs. ijd. ob. LIBERTAS DE BENETLE. Benetle. xis. iiijd. S'ma patet. HONDREDU' DE HOLESHETE. Holeshute.Heghfeld'. Hurcle. Satfeld' Turgys. Bromeshulle. Silchestre.Satfeld' Say. Satfeld' Mortm' Euerly. S'ma xxijZ. vijs. Cijs. ijd. lxxs. vjd. xxviijs. vjd. xxiijs. xd. xxvs. xd. Iijs. xd. lxxvjs. vjd. xxijs. vjd. xlvs. viijd. HUNDREDUM DE CHUTLY. Okly. . . xliijs. Wotton'. . . xxs. iijd. Wortynge. . . xijs. ixd. ' S'ma lxxvjs. HUNDREDUM DE BASYNGESTOKE. iiijZ. xiiijs. ijd. lxixs. iiijd. Basynges. Shyrebourne s'c'i ¦» Joh'is. / Shyrebourne Couday. Bromlegh'. Chynham. Esthrop cu' Lykeput. Toneworth'.Wynesflode. Kempeshete. . . Cludesdenne. . . Hacche. Styuynton. Nywenham.Nately Scures. Som'eshulT. Vpnateleghe. . . Mapelderwelle. Wodegarston'. S'ma xxvjZ. vijs. ijd. xvijs. vjd. xxvs. iiijs. xjs. xd. xviijs. ijd. xijs. iiijd, HUNDREDU' DE AULTON' FORINc'. xviijs. iiijd. lxiiijs. vjd. xxjs. xxjs. xd. xlijs, vjd. xis. xs. iijd. xxxs. vd, viijs. xviijs. N 2 Aulton' abb'is. Ansteye.Halyborne. Estbrok. Hurtlygh'. Westworldham. Estworldham. . . Brockesheued, Lyddeshate. Brambelshete. Chiltele. Crutham.Okhangre. Wynehale. Chauton. Froyle. S'ma xxijZ. xvs. xliiijs. vijd. xxvjs. iiijd. xxxiijs. ijd. xxxjs. vjd. xxxjs. xxvs. iijd. xxs. vjd. xxijs. vjd. xxixs. ixd. xvs. vjd. xxvijs. xxijs. xjs. xxxs. ijd. lxxvs. iijd. vjd. HUNDREDU DE ESTMEONE. Estmoene. Foxefeld'. Stupe. Langerysch'. . . Rammesdon'. Oxenebourn'. . . Combe.Rypplynton'. . . Borde'ne. Ambresham. . . S'ma XxvijZ. xd. xxxijs. iiij/. xvijs. lxxiiijs. vijd. xliiijs. vd. lxvs. vd. lxjs. xxvijs. xlviijs. iijd. xlixs. ijd. xlijs. 180 TAXATION OF HAMPSHIRE, IN 1334. Estborhonte. . . xxxs. xd. HUNDREDU' DE fynchesden'. S'ma xxxvjZ. viijs. ijd. Shete. xxxvijs. iijd. HUNDREDUM DE BOSEBURGH . Buryton'. Westeyton'.Mustede. xxxvs. vjd. xxs. ijd. xxs. vd. Stoke. Estoke. lxxvijs. xd. ob. q. xlijs. Chalghton'. lxxijs. iijd. Northwode. iiij I. vs. vjd. Hen ton'. lvijs. vijd. Mayngham. iir \l. xijs. ixd. ob. q. Clanefeld'. lvs. Suthwode xlvijs. xjd. Idesworthe. xxviijs. viijd. Westyton'. Wade. xlviijs. jd. Is. iijd. ob. Kateryntone. . . iiij/. xxiijd. Blende worth'. . . Cxis. vid. Warblynton'. . . lxiiijs. S'ma xxvjZ. iijd. Empnesworth' iiij/. vijs. S'ma xxixZ. xvjs. ijd. HUNDREDU' DE PETRESFELDE. PORCESTRE . FORINC . Petresfeld'. xxxiiijs. Porcestre for'. xlviijs. vjd. S'ma patet. S'ma patet. HUNDREDUM DE HAMELDON'. HUNDREDU' de farh'm. Hameldon'. xxiijs. jd. ob. Ctockereshull'. xvijs. viijd. ob. Chyddenne. xxxjs. iijd. Northfarham. xxxs. vijd. ob. Cluddone. xxs. iijd. q. Walynton'. xixs. iiijd. ob. Denemede. xxxijs. Cartesfeld'. xxiiijs. iiijd. S'ma Cvjs. viijd. Farham. xvjs. vd. ob. Ca'mous. xixs. xd. ob. HUNDREDU' DE PORTESDOUNE. Bronewych'. xvjs. iijd. ob. Bedhampton'. iiij/. viijs. xd. S'ma vijZ. iiijs. viijd. Farlyntone. xl viijs. vjd. Drayton. xxxs. ijd. HUNDREDUM DE : tycchefeld'. Wydelegh'. xijs. ijd. Tycchefeld'. . . vijZ. vijs. xjd. Walesworth'. . . xlijs. xd. Swanewyk. xxxvjs. Suthewyk. lvijs. xd. Prallyn worth'. xxiiijs. iiijd. Westbourhounte. liiijs. xjd. Bonewode. xis. iiijd. Frodyngton'. . . lxxjs. vjd. Fontelegh'. xxxiijs. iiijd. Porteseye. xlixs. xd. Hpuke. xxxixs. Bourhonte h'berd xxixs. ijd. Croftone. lxxvs. vjd. Wymerynge $t jiiijZ. vijs. vjd. Stobyntone. xliijs. ijd. Huleseye. Rowenore. lxxvjs. vjd. Myddelton'. lxxs. viijd. Wykham. vj/. viijs. vjd. Esteneye. Iiijs. ijd. S'ma xxxijZ, iiijs. vijd. TAXATION OF HAMPSHIRE, IN 1334. 181 Totyntone. . . xlvjs.- iiijd. HUNDREDUM DE WALTHAM. Trestewode. . . lvs. vjd. Waltham. xis. viijd. Wyndelesore. -\ Ashton'. xxxiiijs. Burkle. 1 ... > lxxijs. vjd. Vpham. xxxs. Natele. i Derlegh'. Ijs. viijd. Tachebury. -' Couderyg'. xxxixs. jd. S'ma xxvjZ. xvijs. vd. Burseldene. xxvs. iiijd. Faleleghe. xxxiijs. hundred' nove foreste. Byt'ne. xxxjs. iijd. Lyndhurst. . . xxiiijs. vijd. ob. Swuanemede. . . xxiijs. Bokehurst & Bronkle. lixs. Drokenesford'. xxxjs. Ippele & Botes- 1 ..... .. , rr j-mj/.xvijs. ob. q. asche. J Shydefeld'. xxxiiijs. S"ma xviij I. iiijs. vijd. Hardele. . . xxxvs. viijd. Hollebry & Langele. xxiijs. iiijd. HUNDREDU' DE manesbryg'. Ekeresbry & Leope. lxvjs. iiijd. Letely. Ijs. xd. Badesle. . . lxvs. viijd. Badesle. xxxiiijs. vijd. Wereborne & Pylele. xxxvijs. viijd. Chuleworth'. . . xxvijs. iijd. Batramesle & Wodeton'. xjs. viijd. Boneyat. xijs. iijd. Bourlye. . . xxixs. iiijd. Estle. xxxvijs. xd. Lyndwode & 1 , , , J > xxxvns. vd. ob. Goteshull'. J Berton'. xxijs. Tounhull'. lixs. viijd. Frytham. . . ixs. Bottele. Ijs. ixd. Cariterton'. . . xiijs. xd. Aldyngton'. lxvs. iijd. Mynstede. . . xiijs. Stonham. vijZ. xiiijs. Berklee. . . xiiijs. vijd. Shyrle. Cs. iijd. S'ma xxvijZ. vijs. xjd. ob. q. S'ma xxxZ. xvijs. CADELONDE. HUNDREDU' DE rudbryg'. Cadelonde ¦> J. xxxijs. vnjd. Staneswode i Stone. xxvs. iiijd. Brygmanneston'. xxs. ijd. S'ma patet. Du)>e)>ene. (sic) iiij/. ixs. vijd. Burthes. xiijs. xd. hundred' xp'i eccl'ie. Merchewode. . . iiij/. iijs. Xp'i eccl'ie. . . Iiijs. Nynton'. xxixs. iiijd.' Westoure. . . lxijs. viijd. Langely. xxs. iiijd. Boerton'. . . lxvjs. viijd. Elynge Colebury. xxjs. Nova Lymenton'. vjZ. iijs. Rombrigge. xxiiijs. viijd. Vet' Lemynton'. iiij/. xxd, Oure. xxxvs. xd. Bolre. . . xlixs. 182 TAXATION OF HAMPSHIRE, IN 1334. Sweye. xxxixs. viijd. Wyppyngham. xxijs. Arnewode. xxs. viijd. Penne & Fairle. Is. viijd. Efforde. lxvjs. Wodytone. xxxiiijs. xd. Kyhauene. xixs. Nywetone. vj/. ijs. vijd. Mulleforde. . xxxvs. Godeshulle & Stenebr y. lxxs Hordhulle. xxxiiijs. iiijd. Whytewelle. . . iiij/. ijd. Asshely. lxxvijs. Wroxhale. vj/. iijs. Chyueton'. Cxs. iiijd. Wathe & Netelcombe. , Ixijs. viijd. Hentone. Ivs. iiijd. Sandham & Wyke. viij/. xs. Auene. lxxijs. viijd. Auechestone & Kerne lxxs. Soppele. xxiiijs. Hardele & Eu'londe. Cjs. Wynegeton'. . xxiijs. viijd. Kyngton' & Arreton'. lxjs. Bourne. lviijs. iiijd. Bermardesle. . . xis. Strete. xxijs. viijd. Brerdynge. xxxvjs. Hurne. lxviijs. Roode & Rokle. vijZ. xviijs. Northassheley. xis. jd. Shentlynge. xxxs. ijd. S'ma lx/. ijs. ixd. S'ma lxix/. xvijs. iijd. HUNDREDU DE FORDE. HUNDREDU DE WESTMEDINE. Forde. xis. xjd. Chale. iiijZ. viijs. iiijd. Hale & Chardeforde. iiij/. vs. vd. Kyngeston'. xxxs. ijd. Bro'more. lxxiijs. ijd. ob; Suthshorwelle. xxxjs. viijd. Rokebourne. . . vij/. iiijs. iiijd. Northshorwelle. xvijs. xd. Myggeham. xxxvijs. viijd. Atherfeld'. xviijs. vjd. Bourgate. iiijZ. vijs. Broke. xlijs. viijd. Byketon'. xxxviijs. ijd. Motestone. vj/. vjs. ijd. Ibbesly. Iiijs. Aston'. xxxiiijs. iiijd. Elyngham. Ixijs. iiijd. Shyde. xvijs. viijd. S'ma xxxjZ. ij; ?. ob. Gatescombe. . . vj/. ixs. jd. TAXATORES DE ANNO SEXTO. Chyliartone. Cvjs. iiijd. Park. vijs. vjd. Henricus de Welles ¦ y xh. Bouecombe. Cixs. vjd. Ric'us Fromond'. Caresbrouk. xxijs. ijd. INSULA VECTA. Thorle. lxvjs. xd. Northwode. vij/. vs. HUNDREDU' DE ESTMEDINE. Nygewode. xixs. iiijd. Villa s'c'e Elene. Cijs. iiijd. Shaldefloete. . . xxvs. xjd. Estaundenne & 1 xis. viijd. Watyngwelle. . . xviijs. ijd. M'sh'ton'. Comptone. vijs. vjd. Westaundenne. xxijs. viijd. S'ma Iiij/. iiijs . viijd. TAXATION OF HAMPSHIRE, IN 1334. 183 Halybourne. . xxvs. vjd. Freshewat'e. . . vj/. xiijs. iiijd. Sutheyes. xxxiijs. Assheleye. . . lxxs. Wyke. . xxvs. xd. Eremuth', . . xixs. Westcote. . xxiiijs. Nyweporth. . . vijZ. vs. Isyntone. xliijs. ixd. Sweyneston'. . . xjZ. xiijs. Wateleghe. xvijs. vjd. S'ma xxx/. iiijd. Benstede. lxjs. xjd. Kyngesle. lxjs. vjd. S'ma toci'xvme.M1Ciij/. vjs. vijd.oS. Thuddenne. xiijs. xd. Holtham. } BURGI. Rutherfeld'. xxs. viijd. Civitas Wynton'. Ij/. xs. iiijd. S'ma xxjZ. xvijs. vjd. Soca Wynton'. xjZ. Porcestre int'ncec'. viij/. vs. iijd. Burg' dePortesmuthe'. xij/. xijs. ijd. Burg' de Suth'. Ij/. ijs. iiijd. Burg' de Alresforde. iiij/. xixs. vjd. S'ma Cxxxix/. ixs. vijd. d'nicu' de odih'm. Odiham. . . iiij/. ijs. viijd. Warnebourne. lvijs. vjd. Greywelle. . . lxxiijs. vjd. S'ma xl. xiijs. viijd. d'nicu' de aultone. Aul ton". . . Cxs. D NICU DE ANDEU E. Andeu'e. . . xixZ. xixs. xjd. S'ma patet. d'nicu' de basynstoke. Basynstoke. . . xl. xixs. xjd. S'ma patet. d'nicu' de ryngwode. Ryngwode. . . xxij/. ijs. vjd. Hardebrigge. . . lxiijs. Penyton'. . . lxixs. Buttestherne. .. iiij/. viijs. S'ma xxxiij/. iijs. S'Ma toci' deci'e. CCxxxvijZ. ixs. viijd. S'Ma TOCl' DECIME & QU1NTADECIME CONTINET. MlCCCxl. UbraS. xvj. solid', iij. denarios # obbulum. In the Parliament held at Westminster on Monday next after the Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross (Sept. 17, 1334) a Subsidy was granted to the King on account of the expenses caused by the war with Scotland ; the Barons and Knights of Shires giving him a. fifteenth, as the Citizens and Burgesses did a tenth. The writ addressed to the Abbat of Cerne for collecting this aid in the county of Dorset, is printed in the Appendix to the Rolls of Parliament, vol. ii. p. 44. In all probability the original Rolls of this and all other Subsidies remain in the Exchequer ; but none have ever yet been printed, with .the exception of the ninth levied 1 4 Edw. III. under the title of " No- narum Inquisitiones in Curia Scaccarii." The present copy of the taxation in Hampshire in 8 Edw. III. will be found of service to the topographer, from affording a knowledge of the value of the respective parishes and hamlets as then assessed. F. M. 184 XXIV. LIST OF CHARTERS IN THE CARTULARY OF ST. NICHOLAS PRIORY, AT EXETER. [Continued from p. 65.] 66. Carta Radi Botin de 3 acris in dominio suo. Test. Walt. Botin fratre meo. 67. Invadiatio terras de Cumb, per Adam &. Johannem filios Ricardi de Marisco, a° 1177. 68. Confirmatio Joilis de Torintune de predicta invadiatione. 69. Confirmatio Baldwini de Raddun de predicta invadia tione. 70. Confirmatio Baldwini filii dicti Baldwini de R. de predicta invadiatione. 71. Carta Adse filii Ricardi de Marisco, de Cumb. 72. Quieta clam. Joriis fratris dicti Adas de Marisco de terra de Cumb. 73. Confirmacio Joriis de Toritune, de predicta Cumb. 74. Q. clam. Baldwini de Raddune de predicta Cumb. 75. Littera P. Innocentii 3. super titulo obligationis. 76. C. Regis Johannis de terra de Bradeham, anno 6t0. 77. C. Radulfi Abbatis de Monte S. Michaelis de lite mota per Nicholaum Priorem S. Nicholai Exon. super bosco de Bud- delega, anno 1212. Teste Eudone de Bellocampo tunc Vice- comite Devon. &c. 78. Concordia inter Petr. Prior. S. Nich. Exon. & Morinum hominem Regis de Bradeham, a0 1212. 79. Compositio inter Priorem S. Nich. Exon. & Priorissam de Poleslo de decimis molendinorum de Bradeham. 80. C. Johis Prioris S. Nich. Exon. Johi filio Ricardi Kaulwa, anno 1338. 81. C. Galfridi de Albemare de terra de Saltmede prope Grendelbroc. 82. Conventio inter Prior. S. Nich. &, Johem de la Buscheie de marisco de Saltemed. 83. C. Vicariorum S. Petri Exon. Petro Priori S. Nich. CHARTERS OF ST. NICHOLAS PRIORY, AT EXETER. 185 de terra Sanctuarii Ecclesias nostras de Wodeberi in Saltemede inter aquam de Clist & aquam de Grendel. 84. C. Rofeti fil. Wmi qua, dat Wm0 Huward 1 furling de Radeclive in manerio de Cilleton. 85. C. Wmi Huward Robto Avenel, de terra de Radeclive predicta. 86. C. Rofcti Avenel qua dat Radeclive Priori S. Nich. assensu dni sui Nichi Avenel. 87. C. Johis Amis qua dat terram de Newdiche Priori S. Nich. 88. C. Wlwardi Presbyteri qua, dat Godeclive Priori S. N. " assensu dni mei Rici filii Rad'i & Wmi fratris ejus & Rici fratris mei." 89. Convencio inter Priorem S. Nichi Exon. & Julianum Rectorem Ecclesiae de Torverton, de decima molendini de Gode clive. 90. C. Rooti de Vallibus 'de 6 acris in manerio suo de Pinho. " Teste Rofeto de Vallibus filio meo." 91. C. Rogeri le Butor fil. Henrici le Butor, qua confirmat donum patris ejus. 92. Confirmatio Wmi fil. Rad'i de Cobelehie, quam Robtus de Aufetonia dedit S. Nicho. 93. C. Henrici de AfFetona qua confirmat donum atavi ejus Roberti de AfFetonia de terra de Cobeleia. Test. Wm0 Briwere tunc Vicecomite Devon, &c. 94. C. Rogeri de Tuzseinz de terra de Kenebiri, "assensu Baldwini filii mei." 95. C. Rogeri de Tuzseinz de terra de Munechelaunde. " Testib. Rogero fil. Semeri & Raulfo fratre ejus," &c. 96. C. Wmi Comitis Gloecestrie de 13 denar. in Winklega " pro capitagio Roberti filii mei." Teste H. Comitissa. 97. C. Philip Caheines confirmans diet. 13 denar. 98. C. Rofeti fil. Rofeti, qua dat 20 congres. 99. C. Roftti Burnel & Lucias uxoris ejus qua dant 6d, in' Fareford. 100. C. Henr. le Butor concedens 2 solid, in Matheford. 101. C. Reginaldi de Curtenay q. clam. Rob' tum Cobeleia cum tota sequela sua. 102. C. Wmi de Borehard qua. dat § ferling in Baieston. 103. C. Godefridi Ep'i Winton de redditu 6 solid. 104. C. Saeri de Quincy Comitis Winton qua dat 1. marc. arc. 105. C. Margaretas de Quincy Comitissas, viduas, de reddit. 1 marc. arg. (13s. id.) in Winton. 186 CHARTERS IN THE CARTULARY OF 106. C. Robti de Vallibus de 1 ferdinga in Pinoh, scilicet 32 acras. 107. C. Will, de Rumare de 1 ferdingata in manerio suo de Clive. Test. Rob'to fratre meo, &c. 108. C. Fulconis Painel,, assensu Will, heredis mei, dans libe- rum burgagium in Burgo de Baunton. Test. Will. Painel here de meo, Simon fil. Rorges, &c. 109. C. Rob'ti de Luci, militis, de redd. 6s. in Bikelegh, tem pore Alweredi Prioris. 1 10. C. Will, de Traci de 1 ferdingata in Braneis. 111. C. Will. Com. Albemarle, R. Archiep'o Ebor. qua. dat 16s. redd, in Hotun, in Holdernes. 112. Confirmacio ejusd. per Hawisiam Comitissam, filiam ejus. Teste Jordano Abbate de Torinton, &c. 113. Confirm. Balduini de Betton, Com. Albemarl. de dictis 16s. " assensu Hawisias Comitissa? uxoris meas." 114. C. Will, de Foi'5, filii Willi, de For3 et Hawisias Comi- tissas, confirmans prasdict. 16 solid. 115. C. Will, de Foi-3 dans 20s. de redditu Henrici de Hoton. 116. C. S. de Maloleone qua dat 1 toneilum vini apud Ru- peram. Test. Aymericus de For3, &c. 117. C. S. de Maloleone de 1 dolio vini "percipiend' in nostro torculari de la Flote quas est in Insula de Re." 118. C. Will. Briwere concedens 2s. de manerio meo de Sil- lingesford. Test. Henr. Briwere, &c. 119. C. Will, de Breyosa, fil. Reynaldi de Breyosa, dans 1 toneilum vini apud Tolton. 120. C. Henrici filii Comitis, Com. Cornubiae, dans 1 libram ceras in Braneis. 121. C. Michaelis de S'ca Helena, civis London, de 2s. redd. in parochia S. Agnete. 122. C. Hen. filii Henr. de la Pumeray et Alicias de Ver. " T. Galfr'o de la Pumeray fratre meo," Stc. 123. C. Gaufridi de Leghe qua, dat terram de le Stanisdown in manerio de Clifford, "pro anima Will, filii mei." 124. C. Ric'i de Acford, & Organas ux. ej. Galfrido Clerico Comitis Rag'. 1 ferling. terras " in manerio meo de Clifford." 125. C. Galfridi Clerici Rag', quondam Comitis Cornubias, dans Priori S. Nich. terram, "quam Ric. de Hacford, consensu Organas uxoris ejus, in manerio de Clifford mihi dedit." 126. C. Organas Alias et heredis Galfridi de Lega, " pro salute ST. NICHOLAS PRIORY, AT EXETER. 187 Roberti filii mei, &c. et Rogeri filii Ricardi, domini mei, et pro anima Ric'i de Acford quondam domini mei," confirmans predic- tam ferlingam. 127. Confirm. Rob'ti filii et heredis Ric'i de Acford, de pre dicta ferlinga. 128. C. Will, de Boteraus, dans Hugoni de Tournay 2 ferlin- gas in Lischelehele. 129. C. Hugonis de Turnay, " assensu Aliciae uxoris meas, et Thomae filii mei, et Gildas filias meas, dedi S. Nicholao, &c. ter ram meam in manerio de Molland, quam Will, de Botereaus dedit mihi." Test. Eudone de Bellocampo tunc Vicecomite Devon. (1212). 130. C. Philippi de Mortuomari, " omnib. ballivis et homini bus suis de Mollanda," confirmans donum Hugonis Turnay, in Lechelehele. 131. C. Philippi Mortemer, dans 2 ferlingas Priori S. Nich. in Listelehele. 132. Alia ejusdem, " amico suo P. Priori S. Nich." de dictis ferlingis. 133. C. Walteri de Clavill de 1 quarterio frumenti de domi~ nio suo de Widicumb pro anima sua et uxorum suorum. " Teste Will, filio meo, &c." 134. C. Will. fil. Walteri de Clavile confirmans donum Pa tris, et dans aliud quarterium " de dominio meo de Widicumb. Test. Ricardo Priore de Lega. 135. C. Will, de Clavile de duobus quart, et j- hambra fru menti. Test. Jordano Priore de Lega, 8tc. 136. Confirm. Walteri filii Will, de Clavile de dimidia ham- bra frumenti quam pater suus dedit S. Nich. 137. C. Petr. Burdun, qua. dat 1 quarter, frumenti de dominio suo de Teinton. 138. C. Will, filii Roberti de Punchardon, dans 12d. redd, de terra, quam Will, de Potington tenet de ipso. Teste Hylario Blundo tunc Majore Exon. &c. 139. C. Serlonis, Decani S. Petri de Exon. et Capit. de tercia parte aquas fontis S'cae Sativolas. Test. Hylario Albo tunc Majore Exon. &c. 140. C. Ric'i de Tribus Minetis de 12d. redd, in manerio de Thorinton. 141. Taxatio Vicarias Ecclesias de Cadeberi. Ric'us Blundus tunc Cancellar. Exon. 188 CHARTERS IN THE CARTULARY OF 142. C. Everardi, Vicarii de Cadeberi, de dicta taxatione. 143. C. Ysabellas Reginas, de feria Civitatis Exon. " pro ani ma Joh'is bonas memorias quond' Regis Anglias et mariti nostri." A° lm0 Henrici 3t!i. Teste Wmo Hasten, Majore Exon. 144. Litera P. Honorii de libera sepultura. Dat. a0 5 Pontif. 145. Privilegium P. Clementis ut cOnvertantur Ecclesias, cum vacaverint, in hospitalitatis usum. Dat. Lateran. a° 2do Pontif. 146. P. Honorii confirmatio 2 marcar. ab Ecclesia de North Tauton. A° 5t0. 147. P. Honorii protectio super bonis Ecclesias S. Nich. " specialiter de Branford et Pinho." A0 6t0. 148. C. Henrici lmi. " Ric'o de Revers, et G. de Magn', &c. salut. Sciatis me dedisse S. Nich'o Exon, terram Heraldi de Exonia, scilicet de Redliston." Test. Rob'to Ep'o Line'. 149. C. Civium Exon. qua, dant Priori S. N. particulam terras de Derardadconducendam aquam. Test. Steph'o de Mandeville, &c. 150. Conventio inter Prior. S. Andreas de Cuwich et Prior* S. N, de capite exclusce suae.3 Will, filio Derlingi tunc preposito Exon. 151. C. Rob'ti filii Henrici Regis per concessionem Mathildis, filias Roberti de Avrenchis et heredis Ricardi filii Baldewini, dans totam vineam quam Rob'tus fil. Baldewini et Ricardus fra ter ejus Eccl. S. N. dederunt. 152. Compositio inter Capit. Exon. et Prior. S. N. de decimis molendinorum, et de piscaria super Exe. 153. P. Prioris S. N. dimissio Durando Fabro de terra extra portam de North. T. Will. Derlingi tunc Majore. 154. P. Prioris S. N. dimissio terras extra portam de Suth Humfrido filio Roberti Spileman. 155. C. Will. fil. Ailwardi fil. Algari, q. clam. S. N. terram jacentem proximam Ecclesias S. Clementis. 156. C. Will. fil. Ric'i Palmere, qua, dat Petro Priori S. N. jus vias a magno vico ad aquam de Exe. 157. Litera Joh'is Lambricht, Ylario Majori Exon. de horto quem Ysabella filia Lambricht tradidit d'co Joh'i ad 22 annos, ab a° 1218. 158. Concessio d'ei Joh'is Prior. S. N. de dicto horto, a0 1227. 159. C. Hen. de la Pumeraie pro anima patris mei H. qua, dat S. N. terr. prope dictum hortum. Test. D'na Roer. matre mea, Goslino fratre meo. » Anglicc, a sluice. ST. NICHOLAS PRIORY, AT EXETER. 189 160. C. Reginaldi de Curtenay et Mathildis uxoris ejus qua, dant terram ante monasterium S. N. Test. Will, de Curtenay et Rob. de Curtenay, &c. 161. C. G. fil. Rob'ti de Lideford de terr. in Vico B. Marias. 162. C. Reymundi de Aqua de 1 domo in Exon. 163. C. Balduini fil. Rad'i le Battere et Sororis suae Agatha?, dans domum in Vico S. Marias. " Hanc autem donacionem fe- cimus inter 4 bancos Gildhall Exon." T. Martino Prudom tunc Majore Exon. 164. C. Samsonis Ro£ dans redd. 4 sol. Will. Derling tunc Majore. 165. C. Rogeri, Prioris S. N. dans Will. Smalecumbe civi Exon. vacuam placeam in Prustene Strete. T. Will. Tantefer tunc Majore, aQ 24 E. 1. 166. C. Will. Smalcumbe de predict, placea, a0 1296. 167. C. Godefridi Capellani qu£i dat 1 cortinam, 1 albam de serico, et 2 cappas. T. Benedicto Priore. 168. C. Bernardi et Dametas uxor, ejus, et Pagani et Elvevas uxor, ejus, et filiorum suorum Gaufridi et Radulfi, Martini et Ricardi, q. clam, terram quam Godefridus de Mandeville, capel- lanus, et Ragenild consocialis ejus, dederunt S. N. Data tempore Henr. 2^ Regis Angliae : Hugone de Ragelega tunc Vice- comite Devon. Waltero de Lucy Abbate de Bello, Osberno Priore S. N. 169. C. Capituli Exon. Galfrido Clerico, filio Roberti. 170. Conventio inter Priorem S. N. et Rob. Prille de I marc. arg. quam Jordanus de Prille pater ejus eis dederat. 171. C. Oliveri de Traci dans Cecilias filias Arthuri de Winton 5 sol. reddit. in Excestre. P. [To be continued.] 190 XXV. EXTRACTS FROM THE CARTULARY OF ST. PETER'S ABBEY, AT SHREWSBURY, COMPRISING AN INDEX OF THE CHARTERS. [Continued frompage 28.] 21. Conventio inter Rad'um Abb. Salop, et Walt, de Dunest' de particula Nemoris de Beitona et Nemoris de Ethdredesh'. quas est apud Rugwordin. Test. Rob. de Lintot, Ivone de Tunstall, &c. 22. C. Fulconis Prioris S. Osithae, de Beiton. Teste Ber nardo Ep'o S. David et Will. Archiep. Cantuar. 23. C. Will. Archiep. Cant. Pagano fil. Joh'is, de Beiton. 24. C. Hamonis Peverell et Sibillas conjugis suae, de Wlurun- ton. T. Will. Peverell, Walchelino Maminoht, &c- 25. C. Will. Peverelli de Dover de Wlurunton, Cinardeseia, & Crugelton. Dat. apud Merlberge. [Printed in New Monast. vol. iii. p. 522.] 26. C. Odonis de Hodenet militis, filii Baldewini militis, et Abb. S. Petri, de bosco de Wulfreton. Test. Joh'e Extraneo tunc Vicecomite Salop, Nich. de Wilileg' sub-Vicecom. Rob. de Geros, Aldulfo de Brasi, Rogero de Piuelesdon tunc Clerico Comitates, Will, de Hercalewe, Hugone de Lega, &c. Acta a0 1241. 27. C. Odonis de Hodenet, quod Lucas, Abbas Salop, &c. pos sint se approviare de assartis in maner. de Wluretone. Test. (inter al.) D. Joh'e de Ercalewe, Joh'e filio Aerii, militibus, Rob. de Say de Morton, &c. 28. Notum, &c. quod Hamo Peverel dedit E. S. P. Salop, vil lam quas vocatur Crugeltuna. Post mort. vero Hamonis, Wal- chelinus Maminoth requisivit abbatem, &c. ut sibi concederent Crugeltunam in escangium de Upetuna. Test. Will. Peverel, Milo de Belchamp et Paganus frater ejus, et Will, de Belchamp, Fulco de Lisures, Hugo de Lisures, Rogerus de Felgeres, See. 29. C. Haimonis Pecche et uxoris ej. et Gaufridi filii eorum, de tercia parte de Crugeltona et Slepe. Test. Ric'o Ep'o Cestrias. 30. C. Hugonis de Dover et Mathildis de Dover uxoris ej. de tertia parte de Crugeltona et Slepa. Test. Mathildi filia Gau fridi de Waltervilla, Walt. fil. Harduini, Alano et W'mo de Hat- leia, Rad. fil. Theoldi de Tirna, Will. fil. Warini de Burewasleia, Rob'to fil. Nigelli de Schawberia. CARTULARY OF ST. PETER'S ABBEY, SHREWSBURY. 191 31. C. Acelinas de Waltervilla et Radi filii ej. confirmans tertiam partem de Crugeltona. Test. Acelina filia Gaufridi de Waltervilla. 32. C. Hamonis Peverel et Sibillas conjugis ej. de Villa de Kinardeseia. T. Alano filio Will, de Hedlega, &c. 33. C. Ivonis Pantulfi filiis suis " pro salute mea et uxoris meas concessi terram vocat. Buthereia, quam Robertus de Eitona illis dederat." Test. Aluredo Abbate de Hageman, Rad'o Pan- tulfo, &c. 34. C.Will. Primi Conquestoris. [printed in New Monasticon, vol. iii. p. 521 .] " Sanctorum Patrum monemur exemplo." 35. C. Henrici lmi. " Sanctorum prisca auctoritate patrum qui in nomine Patris, & Filii, et Spiritus Sancti in Sancta Ecclesia regiminis gubernacula hactenus tenuerunt, quique suos adjutores sanctasque ecclesiae fundatores sua nobis industria suorumque scrip- torum longa traditione cognitos reddiderunt, admoneri videmur, ut ea quas a contemporaneis nostris in sanctas matris Ecclesiae exaltatione facta sunt, presentibus per nos manifestentur, poste- risque dinoscenda nobis scribentibus reserventur. Nos igitur ma- jorum imitantes exempla, jam quaedam pietatis opera referamus quas in Anglica terra gesta sunt a Comite Rogerio anno ab In- carnatione Domini 1087, regnante potentissimo Rege Willelmo, atque in Archiep'atu Cantuar' pontificante Lanfranco. Volumus vero ut religiosi atque fideles Christiani cognoscant quia iccirco nobis ista describere placuit, ut qui ea relegerint vel audierint Deum supplicabiliori afFectu pro sanctas Ecclesias fundatorum salute implorent, et ut presentes ad regna celestia tendentes etiam inter hujus astatis primates quos sequantur inveniant. Igitur ad gloriam summas et individuas Trinitatis atque incomprehensibilis Divinitatis jam proferamus quas nos dicere spopondimus. Rogerius Comes atque Adelaisa Comitissa devotioni religiosas pia mente subditi piissimaque Dei visitatione inspirati, in quadam Ecclesia quas constructa est in honore SS. Apostolor. Petri et Pauli in suburbio Salopesberie civitatis, Monachos religiose vi- ventes posuerunt, concedente Rege Willelmo, qui Deum assidue exorarent tam proutilitate animae Regis Will 'mi atque Mathildis Reginas Regisque Eduuardi, quam pro animarum suarum salute, et pro anima Comitissas Mabiliae, et omnium antecessorum here- dumque suorum qui ante eos ipsum honorem recte possederunt vel possessuri sunt. Hanc etiam S. Petri et Pauli Ecclesiam supra- dictus Comes Rogerius et Adelaisa Comitissa de suis propriis facultatibus, quia parvula erat nee habitationi monachorum con- 192 CARTULARY OF ST. PETER'S ABBEY, SHREWSBURY grua, majorem cupientes efficere, cum magna devotione incepe- runt, sed morte Comitis interveniente imperfectam reliquerunt. In hac etiam ecclesia ea quas infra continentur tam pro animarum suarum quam pro omnium Christianorum salute donaverunt per- petuoque concesserunt. Primo scilicet dederunt ei quendam vicum qui positus est juxta dictam ecclesiam, cum tribus molendinis cunctisque redditibus quas ad eum pertinere hoscuntur. Hie autem vicus dividitur a Civitate Salopesberia solo alveo fluminis inter- currentis cui nomen est Saverna; Vicus autem Biforieta voca- tur, quod lingua Gallorum " ante portam " dicitur. Addiderunt etiam supradictis donis quasdam Ecclesias cum omnibus perti- nentibusad eas tam in terra quam in hominibus, universisque aliis possessionibus quas hie nominatim annotare commodum duxi- mus, scilicet, Ecclesiam S'ci Gregorii, Ecclesiamque de Stotes- dona, et illam de Dodeleberia, illamque de Conendovre, et eam de Walintona, et illam de Eadmundona, et villam de Archalou, et eam de Hodenet, et illam de Toenga, et eam de Donnitona, et illam de Recordina, illam etiam de Bascerce et illam de Nessa. Et super hasc omnia concessit ut milites atque primates sui, qui- cunque in elemosinam conferre vellent huic ecclesiae aliquam par tem terrarum suarum, non quassita licentia a Comite vel ab aliquo alio, libera mente donarent ex eo tempore, liberrimi ab omni servicio ejusdem datas terras in perpetuum. Monachi vero eandem libertatem suscipientes si quandoque de his vel aliis suis rebus co- gerentur geldum communem dare, quod nunquam contingeret, nisi Comes de dominio suo daret, geldum tamen militum nunquam ullo modo darent. Quod omnibus audientibus valde placuit, to- taque sua curia laudando Deoque gratias referendo confirmavit. Addiderunt etiam Comes et Comitissa his supradictis donis quas dam villas quarum nomina hie habentur ; Haitonam scilicet et Alministram et Burtonam, et cum his omnibus concesserunt etiam tributum, quod redditur de lignis quae in civitatem afferuntur per portam quae ad orientem aperitur. Teste Godebaldo et Oilerio sacerdotibus, Herberto Grammatico, Warino Vicecomite, Ro berto filio Thebaldi, Rogerio filio Corbeth, multisque nobilibus atque popularibus qui hasc audierunt et concesserunt. Locus autem ille in quo supradicta ecclesia fundata est fuit de hereditate cujusdam Militis cui nomen Seuuardus. Et quia Comes Rogerius in hereditate illius, eo invito, ecclesiam fun- dare noluit, dedit ei quandam villam nomine Languafectam, ut ipse cum bona voluntate in predicto loco sibi ecclesiam fundare 193 concederet, ejusdemque elemosinas idem Seuuardus particeps ex- isteret. Postea autem memoratus Seuuardus illam eandem vil lam, quam Comes ei dederat, Ecclesias S. P. et P. post mortem suam concessit, fr'nitatemque ejusdem loci recepit. Teste Gode- baldo, et Ricardo de Belmesio, et Ricardo de Monte Uuarult. Post ista autem supradicta dona quidam milites istius provincias eidem loco pro animarum suarum salute de suis possessionibus contulerunt, scilicet Warinus Vicecomes duas hidas terras in villa quas dicitur Tugafort et decimam Obtonas quam et semper eadem Ecclesia habuerat a tempore Regis Eaduuardi ; Ecclesi- amque Beritone cum decima ipsius manerii. Rainadus (sic) vero frater ejus unam Jiidam quae vocatur Lega. Alherius au tem Eadburtonam. Rogerius de Laceio, Manafordam. Hasc omnia concessit atque firmavit venerabilis Comes Rogerius ; tes tibus filiis ejus et cum patre firmantibus Hugone et Rogerio, Arnulfo, cum Baronibus plurimis. Rainaldus, qui, post mortem predicti Warini, uxorem illius cum ejus honore suscepit, et Hugo filius ejusdem Warini dederunt huic Ecclesias S. Petri Ecclesiam S'ci Oswaldi et illam de Muthla, et decimas de Nessa et de Sera- ordina ; concedente Hugone Comite et testimonium perhibente cum pluribus aliis. Gerardus de Tornai dedit unam Villam quas dicitur Bectona ; cujus successor Hamo Peverel, qui ejus honorem post eum cum filia optinuit, rogatu ejusdem bene-morigeratas conjugis contulit villam unam Wlvretonam. Teste Ricardo Londoniensi Episcopo et ceteris plurimis. Theodericus de Sai, juxta eandem villam, ex altera parte fluminis, dedit terram quan dam in manerio suo Stoca, de dominio suo, solutam et quie- tam ab omni geldo vel aliis consuetudinibus. Helgotus dedit quandam (sic) juxta Savernam, quas, pro silvula quae adjacet, Mora vocatur, et piscariam in eodem flu mine. Cujus filius Herbertus et successor in hereditatem attribuit quan dam villam nomine Nortonam, et Ecclesiam de Stantona cum omnibus decimis suis et omnium militum suorum, et cum om nibus quas ad eandem ecclesiam pertinent. Normannus Venator dedit terrulam unam nomine Boleleiam. Hugo de Constantino dimidiam hidam in Pectona. Atotus Bicot aliam dimidiam in Langanara. Oilerius sacerdos unam hidam in Cerletona. Goisfridus i hidam in villa quas dicitur Herleia. Tochil 1 hidam in villa quas Cota dicitur. Odo quoque miles quandam terram nomine Hordeleiam. Toraldus de Ver- leio dedit 1 hidam in Minore Draitona. Robertus filius ejus, qui 194 CARTULARY OF ST. PETER's ABBEY, SHREWSBURY. et heres illius, dedit quandam villam nomine Uuiceuuicam. Teste Ricardo Lundoniensi Episcopo, Hamone Peverel, Toreth, et multis aliis. Robertus Corbet terram unam nomine Loketonam. Teste Ricardo pontifice Lundonias cum totius Comitatus Baronibus. Rainerius Prepositus quandam terrulam cum lacu qui vocatur Finemera. Decimam de Cambristona et Ecclesiam de Ithessala de dit Robertus filius Thetbalt Vicecomes, cum omnibus quas ad eam pertinent et cum decima ipsius manerii, scilicet in nummis et ani- malibus et messibus. Ecclesiam de Wantenouura cum decima ipsius manerii et decimam de Joclehulle dedit Rogerius filius Corbet. Et decimam de Cireberia dedit Gislebertus de Salner- villa, quando Comes Rogerius vir bonae memorias et decus regni sepeliebatur ; et decimam Aneberie dedit nobis Rogerius de La- ceio. Picot de Sai dedit decimam Brantone et Phitesoth. Hu- naldus dedit decimas de Prestona et de Loscafort et decimam equarum suarum agrestium. Haec omnia donaria concesserunt, et sua auctoritate roboraverunt Comites pias memoriae Rogerius, Hugo, et Robertus filii ejus, qui post patrem in hereditate suc- cesserunt quisque in tempore suo. Testibus supra memoratis Ba ronibus cum omnibus in hoc comitatu morantibus. Alanus filius Fladaldi omnia quas ab antecessoribus suis data fuurant vel a baronibus suis, suo tempore vel ante, prompta devotione concessit, et ab omnibus ad eum pertinentibus, excepto geldo Regis, libera et quieta condonavit. Testibus, Ricardo Lundoniensi Episcopo, Hamone Peverello, Rogerio filio Corbet, cum omni fere comi tatu. Post obitum autem Rogerii venerabilis Comitis, Hugo filius ejus digna proles tanti Patris qui post eum successit in honorem, quadam die dum staret ante sepulturam sui patris, divina in- spiratus gratia motusque pietate paterna, convocavit dominum Fulcheredum primum hujus loci Abbatem, coram multis baronibus suis resolutus in lacrimas dixit : " Pacem et quietem volo esse in hoc loco, et ideo constituo hanc abbatiam et omnia ad eam pertinentia ab omni consuetudine hujus terrae quam ego possum condonare esse liberam in perpetuum et pacatam et quie- tani. Et hoc sciant omnes mei fideles quia nichil retineo in honore SS. Apostolorum Petri et Pauli nisi orationes et bene- ficium monachorum in hoc loco manentium, et tam liberum hunc honorem hodie constituo ut nullus sit qui post me aliquid liber- tatis vel quietis possit addere ; hoc tantum retineo quod si Ab bas hujus loci superbia inflatus nollet facere rectum vicinis suis, CARTULARY OF ST. PETER'S ABBEY, SHREWSBURY. 195 ego vel heres meus post me ad rectum eum constringerem facien dum. Et si falsus monetarius de alia terra adventicius in terra S'ci Petri captus fuerit, corpus cum pecunia reddatur Comiti. Si autem falsarius de terra S'ci Petri fuerit, solummodo corpus reddatur Comiti, pecunia autem erit Abbatis. De latronibus autem justiciam sibi concedo et pecuniam, si Abbas per se vel per suos ipsam justiciam facere voluerit; sin autem, corpus tan- tummodo reddatur Comiti, et pecunia erit Abbatis ; hoc tantum modo retineo et nicliil aliud. Decimam vero venationis meas tocius Comitatus Salopesberias concedo perpetuo esse in hoc loco, prae- ter Silvas S'cas Milburgae. Haec autem omnia facio pro anima patris et matris meae et mea et fratrum meorum et omnium ad me pertinentium, et pro anima Regis Willelmi et Mathildis re- ginas et filiorum eorum. Siquis autem vel meo tempore vel post obitum usque in finem sasculi aliquid ex his voluerit infringere vel auferre vel minuere, anathema sit." Barones vero qui tunc aderant presentes, videntes tantam conpunctionem domini sui et tantam audientes libertatem honoris hujus Monasterii, pedibus ejus provoluti gratias egerunt Deo, et tam piissimae venerabilis Comitis voluntati, Arnulfus frater ejusdem Comitis, Ricardus de Belmesio qui postea Londonias Episcopus factus est, Rainaldus Vicecomes, Rogerius Corbet et Robertus frater ejus, Hamundus Peverel, Fulcoius Vicecomes, et omnes fere hujus comitatus barones. Robertus de Belismo, qui post eundem venerabilem Hugonem fratrem suum comitatus suscepit honorem, dedit Ecclesias S'ci Petri et Monachis ejusdem loci Bascerce, cum omnibus quas ad eam villam pertinebant, concedente et sigilli sui auctoritate fir- mante piissimo Rege Henrico. Predictus itaque gloriosissimus Rex Henricus eandem libertatem pacem et quietem quam saspe dictus venerabilis Comes Hugo huic ecclesias sanctorum Aposto- lorum Petri et Pauli condonaverat, prompta voluntate et alacri animo in perpetuum concessit donavit et proprio sigillo roboravit. Comes autem Rogerius qui Pictavensis dicitur, magni Rogerii filius, dedit Eccl'iae S. Petri et monachis ejusdem loci piscariam de Tareuuella pro anima sua et suae conjugis et pro salute animas patris et matris suae, et cum ipsa piscaria terrulam quandam Ocsitonam et Poltonam, et hasc de dominio suo. De rebus autem Godefridi Vicecomitis sui quas idem Godefridus de eo habebat dedit Ecclesiam de Uualetona et eam de Chercheam cum quadam terra quae dicitur Gerhstan, petente eodem Godefrido et multis 196 CARTULARY OF ST. PETER'S ABBEY, SHREWSBURY. precibus exorante, eo quod in Eccl'ia S. Petri haberet quendam filium suum monachum nomine Achardum. Et hasc omnia in- perpetuo firmavit quieta et libera ab omnium hominum invasione, addens quod qui hasc disturbaret anathema esset. Teste Rob'to Ep'o de Cestra, et Hugone ejusdem Civitatis Comite. Quas omnia gloriosus Rex H. cum omnibus supra dictis pro- prio sigillo firmavit. Ego Henricus Rex confirmavi et subscripsi. Ego Radulfus Cantuariensis Archiep'us subscripsi. Ego Ri cardus Londoniensis Episcopus subscripsi. Ego Will'mus Win- toniensis Ep'us subscripsi. Ego Robert. Lincoliensis Ep'us sub scripsi. Ego Rogerus Salesburiensis Ep'us subscripsi. Ego Rober tus Cestrensis Episcopus subscripsi. Ego Ricardus Herefordensis Episcopus subscripsi. Ego Theodulfus Wigornensis Episcopus subscripsi. Ego Radulfus Cicestrensis Episcopus subscripsi. Ego Johannes Bathoniensis Episcopus subscripsi. Ego Bernar- dus Episcopus de S'co David subscripsi. Ego David Bancor- nensis Episcopus subscripsi. Ego Robertus filius Regis sub scripsi. Ego Stephanus Comes Moritonii subscripsi. Ego Rannulfus Cancellarius subscripsi. Ego Will'mus de Tancarvilla subscripsi. Ego Gauffridus de Clintona subscripsi. Ego Wal terus de Glocestra subscripsi. Ego Grimbaldus medicus sub scripsi. Ego Robertus de Stotesberia subscripsi. Ego Ebrar- dus filius ejusdem Rogerii Comitis subscripsi. Ego Will'mus Peverellus subscripsi. Ego Hamundus frater ejus subscripsi. Ego Rogerius filius Corbet subscripsi- Ego Robertus frater ejus subscripsi. Ego Fulcoius Vicecomes subscripsi. Ego Her- bertus filius Helgoti subscripsi. Ego Balduinus de Boilers sub scripsi. Ego Ulgerius Venator subscripsi. Ego Radulfus de Conedoura subscripsi. 36. Hen. 2. Confirmacio de Ecclesiis. 37. Hen. 3. Confirmacio. [Printed in New Monasticon, vol. iii. page 522.] 38. This number is omitted by mistake of the rubricator. 39. Hen. 1. Privilegia de theloneo per Angliam. 40. Matildas Imperatricis Confirmacio. [ To be continued. ] 197 XXVI. LIST OF MONASTIC CARTULARIES AT PRESENT EXISTING, OR WHICH ARE KNOWN TO HAVE EXISTED SINCE THE DISSOLU TION OF RELIGIOUS HOUSES. [Continued from p. 79.] County. Monasteries. In whose possession, or where existing. Cambr. Cambridge, St. John's. . St. John's College, Cambr. Hospital Northt. Canons' Ashby John Orlebar of Hinwick, 1830. (olim Rich. Orlebar of Puddington, Bedf.— D.) Dev. Canons' Legh MS. Harl. 3660. Kent Canterbury, Christ Church Dean and Chapter ( 1 8 vols.) — T. or Holy Trinity. . MS. Cott. Claud. A. in. Galba, E. iv. MS. Arund. 68, Brit. Mus. MS. Add. 6159. Br. Mus. (olim G. W. Beaumont.) " Molash " MS. Tanner, ] 65. Bodl. Libr. (olim W. Bowyer 1566,^os*. Tho. White, Bp. Peterb. 1 685, deinde W. San- croft, Abp. Cant.) C. C. Coll. Oxf. No. 256. (olim I. or B. Twyne.; MS. More, 296. Publ. Libr. Cambr. E. v. 31. St. Augustine MS. Cott. Jul. D. n. Tib. A. ix. " Liber Ruber " . . Claud. D. x. Otho, B. xv.a Vitell. A. n. . D. x.a Faust. A. i. (fragment) MS. Harl. 337. MS. Arundel, 300. Br. Mus. (olim. Lord Wm. Howard of Naworth. — D.) King's Rememb. Office, Exchequer. — D. * Burnt in the fire of 1731. 198 LIST OF MONASTIC CARTULARIES. County. Monasteries. In whose possession, or where existing. Kent Canterbury " Byholt ". . Heneage Finch of Ravenstone, Bucks. 1 646.— D. Sir Tho. Phillipps, Bart. No. 1085. (olim Sir Edw. Dering.) James Earl of Carnarvon. — T. (olim Hen. Earl of Clarendon.) Allen, of Gloucester Hall. — T. St. Gregory MS. More, 283. Publ. Libr. Cambr. LI. ii. 15. St. Saviour MS. Harl. 1006. St. Laurence Hosp. Sir T. Phillipps, 1833. (olim Wm. Monck Mason.) Duke of Newcastle, 1 833. (olim W. M. Mason.) Eastbridge Hosp. Quoted by Somner. Norwich Carhow a Hamp. Carisbrooke Sir R. Worsley, Bt. Apuldercombe. Transcript of part, Sir T. Phillipps, 1833. Norf. Castle Acre MS. Harl. 2110. (olim Sir S. Dewes.) ¦ King's Rememb. Office, Excheq. — D. Roger Dodsworth,^>orf. Sir T. Widdrington. — T. Tho. Martin, 1 772, post. J. Ives. Dors. Cerne MS. More, Publ. Libr. Cambr. LI. i. 3. Northt. Chacombe a (Terrarium) Augment. Off. Cambr. Chateriz MS. Cott. Jul. A. i. Surr. Chertsey King's Rememb. Office, Excheq. — D. MS. Cott. Vitel. A. xiii. MS. Lansd. 434. "Rutherwick" .. 535. (olim Hen. Powle ; Lord Somers ; Sir Jos. Jekyll ; and J. West.) Lord Clifford of Chudleigh, Ugbrook, 1830. Chesh. Chester, St. Werburgh Dean and Chapter. " Irrotularium " MS. Harl. 1 965. "Prisca Sanctorum" 2062. 2148. Sir Thomas Cotton. — D. Suss. Chichester, Cathedral . . Dean and Chapter. Hamp. Christ Church, Twinham. MS. Cott. Tib. D. vi> n Cartularies of Carhow and Chacombe are known to have existed ; but it is not mentioned where. '' The nine first leaves of this Register were destroyed in the fire of 1731; and 6ince that period, by some neglect, the remainder has been lost. Qy. if this was the same with the "Speculum Prioris," from which excerpts are preserved by Dodsworth ? LIST OF MONASTIC CARTULARIES. 199. County. Monasteries. In whose possession, or where existing. Glouc. Cirencester (2 vols.) .. Wm. Masters, 1678. — T. hodie Lord John Thynne ? Edmund Carteret. — T. (olim Hen. Pool de Saperton, post. Sir Rob. Atkins, 1701.) MS- Rawlinson (?) Bodl. Libr. (olim Rich. Parsons, Chanc. of Glouc — T.) St. Mary Chapel. . MS. Dugd. 43. Mus. Ashmol. Suff. Clare (Stoke) MS. Cott. Vitell. D. xm.c Append, xxi. Abstract MS. Jermyn, vol. xxii. Br. Mus. — — Lady Stanhope. Giles Barnardiston of Clare, 1 638. — D. post. Edm. Johnson of Clare. — T. St. Austin MS. Harl. 4835. Transcript MS. Jermyn, vol. xxi. Br. Mus. Clerkenwell MS. Cott. Faust. B. n. Clive Wadham Wyndham, 1662 j Hugh Wyndham, 1677.— D. Cokersand John Dalton of Thurnham, 1832. (olim Rob. Dalton of Th. 1620 ) Transcript Sir T. Phillipps, 1833. Tho. Astle, 1787. Cokesford (2 vols.) .... Lord Townshend of Rainham, 1830. Colchester, St. John's . . John Lord Lucas, 1 633. — D. (2 vols.) Duke of Kent, 1 696.— T. — — Transcript Duke of Buckingham, 1832. (olim Moxznt, post. T. Astle, 1787 ; Lord Hard wick, 1833.) Cold Norton Brazenose Coll. Oxf. Colne Rich. Andrews of Colne, 171 9.— T. Mrs. Holgate, 1781 ; Rev. C. Car- wardine, 1823. (?) Transcript MS. Cole, vol. 59. Br. Mus. Antony Earl of Kent, 1696. — T. Duke of Kent 1739. (Marchioness de Grey, Wrest, 1820 ?) (abstract) Peter le Neve, circa 1 700. Chesh. Combermere MS. Cott. Faust. B. vm. Warw. Combe Vitell. A. i. D. xvn.c Line. Cotun Sir Dudley North, 1 649.— D. c Burnt in the fire of 1731. Midd. Som. Lane. Norf. Essex Oxf. Essex 200 LIST OF MONASTIC CARTULARIES. County. Monasteries. In whose possession, or where existing. Warw. Coventry King's Rememb. Office, Exchequer. — D. (2 vols.) Will. Staunton, of Longbridge House, Warw. 1833. (olim Tho. Sharpe.) Augmentation Office. S. Smythe, 1595.— T. (imperfect) Archdeacon's Office, Coventry. Norf. Crabhouse, or Wigenhale MS. Add. 4733. Br. Mus. (olim Rev. Hen. Robinson, 1765.) Creyk South Henry Dereham of West Dereham, 1632. — — Henry Silly. 1 St. Mary, juxta Burnham (fragm.) Publ. Libr. Cambr. Sir T. Phillipps, Bart. 1832. ¦ Transcript MS. Tanner, Bodl. Libr. MS. C. C. C. Cambr. ¦ (fragment). . . . John Moore, Bp. of Norwich, 1698. — T. Derb. Crich MS. Harl. 3669. Staff. Crokesden William Pierpont of Tong Castle. — D. post. Tho. Earl of Macclesfield.— T. Leic. Duke of Rutland, Bel voir Castle, 1 755. — — Transcript Duke of Buckingham, No. 87. (olim T. Astle.) Sir Thomas Cotton. — D. Line. Croyland Robt. Earl of Aylesbury. — D. Earl of Exeter. — D. Earl of Kent, (ol— Cecil.)— T. Sir Maurice Johnson of Spalding. — T. Mrs. Wingfield of Stamford, 1772. Transcript MS. Cole, vol. 44. Br. Mus. Derb. Dale aliasBe Parco Stanley. MS. Cott. Vesp. E. xxvi. (olim Anchitel Grey of Risley.— T.) Millington of Felley, Notts. 1820. Sam. Roper of Heanore, Derb. — T.d Derb. Darley, alias Little Derby. MS. Cott. Tit. C. ix. (olim Rob. Earl of Kingston, 1630.— D.) Clay of Crich, co. Derby.— T. Dr. Farmer, Master of Eman. Coll. Camb. Transcript MS. Cole, vol. xxi. Br. Mus. MS. Gough, Bodl. Libr. (olim P. Le Neve ?) Kent Davington Quoted by Hasted. Sir John Filmer ? d Qy. if the same with the Cotton MS. LIST OF MONASTIC CARTULARIES. 201 County. Monasteries. In whose possession, or where existing. Northt. Daventry MS. Cott. Claud. D. xn. Duchy of Lancaster Office. John Rushworth, Lincoln's Inn 1651. — D. Line. Deeping MS. Harl. 3658 (Zach. Grey, 1733). Norf. Dereham Rich. Heber, of Hodnet, co. Salop. 1833. Norf. Dereham (West) Duke of Buckingham, Stowe, No. 72, 1833. (olim Tho. Martin, post. J. Ives, deinde Tho. Astle, 1777.) Cambr. Denney Peter Stanley of Denney, 1773 (Cole). Derby, see Darley. Staff. Dieulacres Jolly of Leake. — D. Sir Benj. Rudyerd, 1 637-— D. . . . . Transcript. Walt. Chetwynd of Ingestrie, 1691. — T. Heref. Dore Lord Scudamore. — T. Will. Brome. Kent Dover, S. Martin Archiepisc. Libr. Lambeth. — D. S. Barthol.. . Walter Clavel, 1709.— T. (written 1373.) MS. Rawl. B. 335, Bodl. Libr. S. Radegund alias Bradsole, Will. Pierpoint. — D. . ... Sir Hen. Hamon of Seling, Kent. — D. Sir Cholmeley Dering, Bt.— T. . ... MS. Rawl. B. 336, Bodl. Libr. York. Drax Constable Maxwell of Everingham, 1833. (olim Marmaduke Constable of Everingham, 1620.) Dev. Dunkeswell Quoted in Holland's Camden's Britannia. Essex Dunmow. MS. Harl. 662. Will. Nicolson, Bp. of Carlisle, 1698. (Thoresby's Corresp. i. 348.) Bedf. Dunstable MS. Cott. Tib. A. x. MS. Harl. 1885. (olim W. Duncomb, 1614; postea Rev. J. Clithero and H. Wanley.— T.) Parsons, postea James Mickleton of Furnival's Inn. — T. (now in Cath. Libr. Durham ?) Durh. Durham Dean and Chapter, Durham. MS. Cott. Faust. A. vi. Durham Palace, London. — T. Augustine Lindsell, Canon of Durham. — T. " Irrotulatorium " Duke of Buckingham, Stowe, No. 85, (olim T. Astle.) " Elemosinarii " . . Sir James Middleton of Fcirnival's Inn,— T. p 202 LIST OF MONASTIC CARTULARIES. County. Monasteries. In whose possession, or where existing. Suss. Dureford MS. Cott. Vesp. E. xxiii. Wilts. Edingdon MS. Lansd. 432. Cambr. Ely MS. Cott. Tib. A. vi. ¦ Claud. C. xi. . Nero, C. in. Vesp. A. vi. Tit. A. i. Domit. xv. (fragment) Mus. Ashm. Oxf. 801. Caius and Gonville Coll. Camb. (2 vols.) MS. More, 170. Publ. Libr. Cambr. Glapthorn of Witlesey, postea Tho. Witston, and Will. Fleetwood, Bishop of Ely.— T. Bishop of Ely in Holborn, 1833 ? (2 vols.) Dean and Chapter of Ely. Dr. Smith.— T. Buck. Eton College College Library. Wore. Evesham MS. Cott. Vesp. B. xxiv. Transcript of do. MS. Lansd. 411. " Bremesgrave ' . . MS Cott. Tit. C. ix. — — MS. Harl. 3763. (olim Rich. Fleet wood of Penwortham, Lane. 1 628. — D.) Transcript of part Sir T. Phillipps, 1833. No. 4803. Sir Edw. Coke, J. C. P.— D. Anthony Earl of Kent, 1 696. (olim Cecil).— T. Duke of Kent, 1739. Dev. Exeter, St. Nicholas Sir Tho. Phillipps, No. 64/7- (olim Will, le Neve, post. Sir Rob. Cotton ; in 1830, A. Cooper, of Dublin.d) St. John's. . Dean andChapter,Exeter. (olim XV. leNeve?) Suff. Eye, " Malet " Tho. Dev of Eye, 1636.— D. postea Tho. Martin, 1731. " Danoun '' Tho. Dey, 1636. post. Tho. Martin. Marquess Cornwallis, 1814. Transcript of do. MS. Jermyn, Brit. Mus. vol. x. and Henry Davy of Yoxford. Oxf. Eynsham D. R. Bele, 1 587.— T. (2 vols.) Christ Church, Coll. Oxf. No. 26 and 27. . Philip King.— T. WalterCope, Gent. Usher to LordBurleigh, temp. Eliz. Dev. Ford Ruswell, of , co. Som. — T. d This is the volume from which the extracts are given in this work at p. 60. LIST OF MONASTIC CARTULARIES. 203 County. Monasteries. In whose possession, or where existing. Dev. Ford Will. Drake, postea Francis Gwynne. — T. J . F. Gwynne of Ford, 1832? Wilts. Farley ' Sir Harry Burrard Neale of Chaldfield ? Notts. Felley Gilb. Millington of Felley, 1697.— T. Kent Feversham e John Costelock of Feversham. — T. — Sir Will. Sondes, postea Digges, son of Sir Dudley Digges. — D. Earl of Rockingham, 1726.— T. Northt. Finched Rob. Kirkham, 1 640.— D.*' Herts. Flamstead Sir John Sebright, Bart. 1823 ? (olim Sir Tho. Sebright, and Tho. Saun ders.— T.) Glouc. Flaxley (Rotulus) Sir Tho. Phillipps, Bart. 1 833. (olim Tho. Wynniatt of Stanton, co. Glouc.) Transcript of do. Sir Tho. Phillipps. No. 1310. York. Fountains,? Vol. 1, Lett. A— C. MS. Cott. Tib. C. xn. Vol. 2, Lett. D— I. Sir Will. Ingleby of Ripley, 1833. Vol. 3, Lett. K— Z. Miss Lawrence of Studley, 1830. Univ. Coll. Oxf. J. I. 1830, in folio. — J. IV. 4to. 1830. (olim Rev. H.Todd.) Abstract Sir T. Phillipps. MS. Rawlinson, B. 447. Bodl. Libr. Sir John Trevor. — D. Chas. Fairfax of Menston. — D. Earl of Desmond. — D. Sir Henry Saville. — D. Dean and Chapter, York. Honora, widow of Sir Stephen Proc tor. — D. postea in the Tower of St. Mary's, York. Rich. Chiswell, Bookseller, 1 692.— T. Earl of Denbigh, Newnham, co. Warw. 1 830. Lord Will. Howard, 1590. postea Fr. Thynne. .... Transcript Rich. Richardson of Bierley, 1 672. — T. * Weever cites a Cartulary of Feversham in the Cotton Library. It is not there at present. It is said that James, the Librarian to Sir Robert Cotton, took the liberty of lending Sir Robert's MSS. to whomsoever he pleased. This is a clue to the cause of the loss of those which are not in Smith's Catalogue ; but it appears that some were not restored which were lent afterwards by Sir T. Cotton, as may be proved by his book of loans in the British Museum. f The Kirkhams still possess Finched. Qy. if they have the Cartulary ? « Tanner refers to a Cartulary in the Harleian Collection, 1734, but it is not there now. P2 204 LIST OF MONASTIC CARTULARIES. County. Monasteries. In whose possession, or where existing. Line. Freston Rich. Townley of Nocton, co. Line. — T. Lane. Furness (2 vols.) Duchy of Lancaster Office, 1832. • ¦ Sir Henry Spelman. — T. Dr. Rawlinson, 1742.— T. Leic. Gerondon MS. Lansd. 415. (olim Duke of Bucking ham, 1680.— D. post. J. West, 1763.) (fragm.) Samuel March Phillipps, of Gerondon, 1832. (olim Craven Ord.) York. Gisburn MS. Cott. Cleop. D. n. Som. Glastonbury, "Secretum Abbatis" MS. Wood, 1. Bodl. Libr. (olim Ralph Sheldon.) Marq. of Bath, 1832 ; (Viscount Wey mouth, 1 7 1 7. — T. ) Transcript of part, Sir T. Phillipps, No. 4805. " Moniton " MS. Arundel 2, Brit. Mus.h Dawson Turner of Yarmouth, 1827. (olim Sir Henry Spelman, postea Tho. Clarges, Rev. J. Novell, and Dr. Cox Macro — T.) Abstract of do. MS. Tanner, Bodl. Libr. Mr. Kingman. Countess of Devon. — D. Brian Pope of Butley. — D. • • Dyer of Sharpham, co. Som. — D. Sir John Cotton. William Pierpoint. ( terrarium) Gray of Colchester. — T. (Feodorum Liber). . Major Morgan of Warminster, 1680. Glouc. Gloucester MS. Cott. Domit. A. vm. Appendix, ix. Queen's Coll. Oxf. — T. (2 vols.) Dean and Chapter, Glouc. Hamp. Godesfeld Duke of Portland, 1 739. (See MS. Harl, 6603.) Oxf. Godstow King's Rememb. Office, Exchequer, No. 11. (abstract) MS. Cott. Jul. C. vn. 8. Anthony Earl of Kent, 1 698 ; (olim Cecil.— T.) Dukeof Kent, 1739. MS. Rawl. B. 408. Bodl. Libr. (olim Sir James Ware, postea Henry Earl of Clarendon, deinde D. of Chandos.) Northt. Gresley, see Beauvale. 11 The Arundel MSS. in the Brit. Mus. are those 'which formerly belonged to the Royal Society :— they were transferred in 18«2. LIST OF MONASTIC CARTULARIES. 205 County. Monasteries. In whose possession, or where existing. Shrop. Hales Owen Sir Henry Littleton. — D. Shrop. Haghmon (fragment) . . MS. Harl. 446. (ohm Peter le Neve.) 2188. Walter Barker, 1 639.— D.i John Kynaston. — T.i Mrs. Corbet of Sundorn. 1832 ? i Bedf. Harewood Walter Clavel, 1 709.— T. Glouc. Hayles MS. Harl. 3725.k MS. Reg. 12 E. xiv. ,. , King's Rememb. Office, Exchequer ? Essex Hedingham William Pierpoint. — D. York. Helagh Park MS. Cott. Vesp. A. iv. Lord Wharton. — D. Line. Haverholm Rob. Earl of Kingston, (olim Gervase Hollis, 1 634.— D.) Rev. Edward Lynald of Heling. — D. Westm. Hepp alias Shapp. . Sir James Bellingham of Levens, 1 622. — D. L<3 Wm Howard of Naworth, 1 638.— D. Kent Herbaldoun Hosp Master and Wardens. — T. Archiep. Libr. Lambeth. Transcript Duke of Buckingham, at Stowe. Heref. Hereford Cathedral . . Tho. Lord Weymouth, 1 720. Transcript of part, Sir Tho. Phillipps, 1832, No. 4802. MS. More, 141. Publ. Libr. Cambr. MS. Rawlinson, B. 329. Bodl. Libr. (fragment) MS. Jones 21 Bodl. Libr. Oxford. Northd. Hexham Sir John Fenwick. — D. • " The Black-book" Mrs. Beaumont of Bretton Hall, co. York, 1830. (fragment) J. B. Nichols, Westminster, 1833. (olim R. Thoresby, 1712.) Northt. Higham Ferrers. . Duke of Buckingham, 1833. (olim T. Astle.) Hunt. Hinchingbroke Earl of Sandwich. — T.1 Northd. Holm, juxta Alnwick. . . Lord William Howard of Naworth, 1597. John Warburton, Somerset Herald, 1 720.— T. MS. Harl. 3897. Cumb. Holm Cultram 3891. 3911. Lord W. Howard of Naworth, 1638.— D. postea Cathedral Libr. Carlisle. — T. Transcript of do. MS. Harl. 294. 1 Qy. if these three are the same book ? k Called by mistake a Cartulary of Aberconway. 1 Qy. if burnt in the fire at Hinchingbroke House in 1830. 206 LIST OF MONASTIC CARTULARIES. County. Monasteries. In whose possession, or where existing. Cumb. Holm Cultram John Warburton.— D.h Rev. Hugh Todd.— D. Will. Nicolson, Bp. of Carlisle. (Thoresb. Corresp. vol. ii.) Norf. Horsham Sir John Hobart. — T. Kent Horton Rooke, of Horton. (ol. Will. Somner. — D.) Transcript of do. Sir Cholm. Dering of Surrender— T. Edw. Hasted, 1790. (fragment) MS. Add. 5516. 1. Br. Mus. (olim Edw. Hasted, 1790.) Duke of Buckingham, Stowe, 1833, No. 76- (olim Astle.) Suff. Hoxne Sir Tho. Phillipps, Bt. No. 3793. (olim Tho. Martin, 1731. J. Ives, 1773. T. Astle, 1787, and C. Ord. 1830.) Norf. Hulme, St. Bennet .... MS. Cott. Galba, E. n. Transcript of do. Stowe MS. 102. (olim T. Astle, 1768.) Dean and Chapter, Norwich. Hunt. Huntingdon, St. Mary. . MS. Cott. Faust. C. i. Hamp. Hyde, St. Peter MS. Cott. Vesp. A. vm. 1 Domit. xiv. MS. Harl. 1761. (olim P. le Neve.) Sir Christopher Hatton. — T. Sir Hen. St. George, 1 697. Duke of Buckingham, Stowe, No. 32, 1833. (olim Walter Clavel, 1710. post. T. Astle.) Midd. St. John of Jerusalem. . MS. Cott. Claud. E. vi. Nero, C. ix. Nero, E. vi. MS. Rawl. Bodl. Libr. MS. Lansd. 200. . . Transcript of part, MS. Dugd. 74, Ashmole. Libr. Oxf. York. Keling alias Nunkeling MS. Cott. Otho, C. vm.i Warw. Kenilworth MS. Harl. 3650. (olim Sir Simon Clarke of Salford, 1 640. — D. postea Rich. Graves of Mickleton, 1726, deinde James West.) E. Greswold, 1656.— D. Thomas Shirley.— T. >' Said to be the same as Lord W. Howard's ; but query whether both have not been confounded with the Cartulary of Holm juxta Alnwick. ' Burut in 173 1 . Excerpts are preserved in Dodsworth's MSS. LIST OF MONASTIC CARTULARIES. 207 County. Monasteries. In whose possession, or where existing. Som. Keynsham Quoted in Stow's Chron. and Holland's Camden. Wilts. Kingswood John Smith of Nibley, Glouc. 1651.— D. Sir Robert Atkins, circ. 1710. Wilts. Kington S. Michael Sir William Pole, 1620. John Aubrey, 1 680. (olim Rob. Long.) — T. Rogers of Chippenham.k — T. Warw. Kirkby Monachorum . . Sam. Roper of Line. Inn, 1638. — D. York. Kirkby Hill, Hosp Master and Wardens. York. Kirkham MS. Fairfax, 7, Bodl. Libr. (olim R. Dodsworth, 1632?) St. Mary's Tower, York. York. Kirkstall John Walker of Gray's Inn, 1 707.— T. Duchy of Lane. Office, No. 7 . Line. Kirksted MS. Cott. Vesp. E. xvm. (otim Sir Chr. Hatton.) Warw. Knoll Sir Simon Archer. Transcript MS. Dugdale, Ashmole Mus. Oxf. Wilts. Lacock (2 vols.) Hen. Fox Talbot, of Lacock, 1832. Lane. Lancaster MS. Harl. 3764. Duchy MS. Cott. Cleop. D. vi. (2 vols.) Duchy of Lane. Office. Anthony Earl of Kent, 1 696. Cumb. Lanercost William Lord Howard of Naworth, 1 635 . postea Earl of Carlisle.— T. Kent Langdon, West King's Rememb. Office, Exchequer. Norf. Langley MS. More, 58, Publ. Libr. Cambr. . .' MS. Add. 5948. Br. Mus. Glouc. Lanthony (Abridgment). . Sir Thomas Phillipps, No. 1833. (olim Lord Scudamore, of Home Lacy.) Cornw. Launceston Rich. Escote of Lincoln's Inn. — D. ,MS. Tanner 196. Bodl. Libr. Kent Leedes Sir Edw. Filmer, 1727. — T. postea Sir John F. 1774 (see Hasted' sKent). Suff. Leiston MS. Cott. Vesp. E. xiv. Transcript of do. MS. Jermyn, Br. Mus. vol. iv. Legh, see Canonslegh Leic. Leicester MS. Cott. Vitell. F. xvii. MS. Laud. H. 72, Bodl. Libr. (Printed in Nichols's Leicestershire.) Sir Tho. Cave.— T. Line. Lekeburn Sir George Heneage, 1649. — D. k Qu. if not the same with the one belonging to Aubrey and Long ? 208, LIST OF MONASTIC CARTULARIES. County. Monasteries. In whose possession, or where existing. Northt. Lenton MS. Cott. Otho, B. xiv.l Sam. Roper of Heanor, 1677. — D. Sir Francis Willoughby. — T. Heref. Leominster Tho. Blount of Orleton, 1669.— T. Tho. Lord Coningsby, 1 719- — T. Suss. Lewes (fragment) MS. Cott. Vesp. E. n. _ F. xv. (olim Earl of Dorset, 1 629, post. Edw. Byshe and Matth. Hutton.— T.) , Chapter House, Westminster. John Selden of Inner Temple, 1649.— D.m Staff. Lichfield MS. Harl. 4799. (olim P. le Neve.) , 3688. (olim P. le Neve.) Dean and Chapter, Lichfield. Shrops. Lilleshull Sir Rich. Leveson of Trentham, 1604. — D. Line. Lincoln Cathedral MS. Cott. Vesp. E. xvi. • Episcopal Libr. Bugden Palace. — T. Dean and Chapter, Line. Will. Wake, Archb. Cant. 1717.— T. Midd. London, St. Giles MS. Harl. 4015. (olim Rawlinson.) St. Thos. d'Acon. . MS. Cott. Tib. C. v. Mercers' Hall. St. Barthol. Smithfield. MS. Cott. Vesp. B. ix. MS. Rawl. 356, Bodl. Libr. St. Botolph. ... Sir Thos. Phillipps, Bt. 1 833, No. 3725. Christ Church. . . . MS. Lansd. 448. (fragment) .... John Anstis, Garter King of Arms. — T. William Hunter, M. D. (olim Dr. Bateman,^os£. Tho. Astle. (Monast.) Clerkenwell, see St. John of Jerusalem. Haliwell. . . (Excerpts) MS. Dodsworth, vol. cii. Bodl. Libr. St. Martin's le Grand. MS. Harl. 4080. St. Paul's Dean and Chapter. MS. More, E e, v. 21. Publ. Libr. Cambr. MS. Harl. 4845. Northt. Luffield Dean and Chap. Westminster, 1640. — D. Dean and Chapt. Westm. (olim Okeley, 1 649, postea J. Bat tery, 1710.) Lane. Lytham Tho. Clifton of Lytham.— T. 1 Burnt in 1731. This is the reference given in Smith's Catalogue. The MS. now marked B. xiv. was formerly B. 1. in all probability. ™ Qu. the same as MS. Cott. Vesp. F. xv. [ To be continued. ] P. & M. 209 XXVII. DUGDALE'S MSS. ADDITIONS TO HIS BARONAGE. [Continued from p. 59.] Page 310. To the pedigree of Nevill, Lord Bergavenny, Dugdale has made the following additions : "HenricusD. Bergav." add : obiit 1641, sepultus apud ^Birtina. "Eliz.nx. Tho. Stonore," add : de &tonor in com. Oxon. Arm. " Francisca," add : obiit ante nuptias. " Catherina uxor Rob. Howard mil." add : postea Roberti Berry de SuMota. " Georgius D. filia," &c. read, Maria filia Tho. Gifford, filii Henr. Gifford, Med. D.D. ; and add : a da. Winifrida. " Johannes D. Bergavenny, ob. sine prole," add: 12 Dec. a° 1662. " Eliz. filia, Sac. Will. Chamberlain," for Will, read Joh. " Maria Abbatissa," for Maria read Anna ; same line, for " Anna" read Maria, and add another da. Eliz. " Thomas Nevill, &c. sine prole ;" dele " sine prole" and add '. 1628. r- ! , Henricus obiit in Carolus obiit a0 1 637, Margareta uxor Thomae pueritia, a° 1639. ab equo lapsus. Brooke de Madely, in com. Salop. Arm. P. 311, col. 2, line 14, for "Elizabeth," &c read drawees, daughter to Henry Lord Mordant. line 16, dele " no." line 20, for " Mary" read Anne. line 21, for " Anne," read Eliz. and Mary. line 34, for " William" read John. line 38, " daughter of Henry," read dau. of Thomas son of Henry. Nevill, Lord Latimer. — P. 312, col. 2, line 8 from the bot tom, read, married to Edward, son and heir to Robert. P. 313, the pedigree to be altered according to the last note. Fitz- Alan, Earl of Arundel. — P. 320, col. 1, line 11, " daughter's son," read sister's son. 9 210 DUGDALE'S MSS. ADDITIONS P. 323, col. 2, line 10 from the bottom, " 1 Ric. III." add : In wch yeare by an indenture3 dated 10 Oct. he covenanted with the president and fellows of Magdalen colledg in 2Drforo, that, for the health of his soule and the soule of Thomas Ld Maltra- vers his son, and all their ancestors, they should every day, at prime, celebrate Masse at a certaine Altar in that Colledge, thenceforth to be called the arunurtian Altar ; and for the support thereof, appropriated to the said Colledge for ever, the hospitall of Sl James at agnljo, in the county of Northampt. the said Pre sident and Fellows thereupon covenanting to keepe his anniver sary yearely wth Masse of Requiem ; and that all the Doctors and Masters of that Colledge, thenceforth, in all their sermons in that University and at Paz^'s-crosse, should pray for his and their prosperous state. P. 334, col. 2, line 41. Dugdale has inserted the epitaph of Edward eighth Earl of Shrewsbury at Westminster, which has been printed in several of the Histories of Westminster Abbey. last line, add : But I return to George (the 3d of that name) who enjoying the title of E. of .^rctoahutj, by descent from the famous Earle John (as the Pedigree sheweth) dyed unmarryed 2 Apr. a0 1630, and was buryed in the Church of 8Ifcris!>tutt, in com. Salop. To whom succeeded John his nephew (viz4 son to John his brother) w* John first marryed Mary the daughter to Sr Francis Fortescue of &altiert, in com. Buck. K* of the Bathe, by whom he had issue George, who dying in his life-time childlesse, was buryed by his uncle at Albrighton. He afterwards tooke to wife Frances, daughter to Thomas Ld Arundel of 33taoour ; and had issue by her, three sons ; vz* Thomas Talbot of Honeforo, in com- Salop. Esq. John, who dyed young, and Bruno ; and Anne a daughter, veiled a Nunn in jftatttt. This Earle John dyed 8 Febr. a0 1653 ; to whom succeeded in his honours, Francis, his son and heire; wch Francis first marryed Anne daughter and heire to Sr John Conyers of .^oueburne, in the County Palatine of Durham, Kl (by Elizabeth his wife, now Vicountesse Montgarret, daughter to Sr George Simonds of BricljtroeH, in com. Oxon. Knl by Mary his wife, sister to Edward Ld Faux of Jbartoeuen) by whom he had issue Conyers, who dyed young, and Maria. To his second wife he wedded Anna- " Hist. Oxon. lib. 2, p. 189 h. TO HIS BARONAGE. 211 Maria, daughter to^Robert E. of ffiatlrieart, by whom he had issue Charles and John. This Earle Francis died, 16t0 Martii a0 1667, of a wound received in a duell with George now Duke of 3Buc6ins|)am, by reason of a quarrel! with him concerning the Lady Anna-Maria, his wife. To whom succeeded Charles his son and heire. P. 342, col. 1, line 46, " Sir Thomas Clifford," who had his education in ©jcctet-colledge, SDr-on. and for his singular merits, having in a° 1665 been employ'd Embassador into &toetien, then vz4 5 Dec. was made Comptroller of his Maties Household, and one of the privie Councill; afterward Treasurer. line 52, " ffimjlano," add : 28 Nov. 1672, which place of Ld Treasurer he resigned . . Junij 1673, and departed this life about the beginning of winter next ensuing. Berkeley.— P. 369, col. 1, line 28, for " leaving," read "had." line 36. " This George, now Lord Berkley," add : (thus nobly descended) having diversly manifested his loyalty to our Sovereign K. Charles ye 2Iid in order to his happy restora tion, and since by divers eminent services, was by letters patent bearing date at aaainDoor the xi1'1 day of September in the 31st year of his Ma#es reign, advanced to the title of Vicount 2?ur£Iefv as also to the degree of an Earle, by the title of Earle of IBer&R?, and to his heires male of his body. He took to wife, &c. P. 373, col. 1, line 8 from the bottom. Dugdale has tran scribed the will of Thomas Lord Darcy, which has since been published in Collins's Peerage and Nicolas's Testamenta Vetusta, p. 146. The only variation is, that Dugdale has "the church of Querlton, without the vylle," instead of " without the castle." P. 375, col. 1, line 57, add to Conyers Lord Darcy : " And departing this life the third day of March a0 1653, was bury'd at leaving issue, by Dorothy his wife, daughter to iSr Henry Belasses of 3Bt\n\iQim$), in the County of JPerfee, Kn4 and Bar4, six sons ; vz4 Conyers Darcie, his son and heire, Sr William Darcie, Kn4, Henry, Thomas, Marmaduke, and James ; and seven daughters ; vz4 Barbara, marryed to Matthew Hutton of^asfe, in the County of 2>ot6e, Esqr. ; Ursula to John Stilling- ton of ©effete, Esqr. ; Margaret to Sr Thomas Harrison of aitatyotpe, Kn4 ; Dorothy to John Dalton of {haiofcestoell, Esqr. o 2 212 DUGDALE'S MSS. ADDITIONS Anne to Thomas Metcalfe of IRouti) ©ar&e, fi com. Line. Esqr. ; Grace, first to George Best of $9iaoteton, Esqr., and secondly to Francis Molineux of ^ansfielo, in com. Notingh. Esqr. ; and Mary to Vetera Burnell of OTinJt&orrte, in the sayd County of Noting- ham, Esqr. To whom succeeded Conyers Darcy, his son and heire ; who .most loyally taking armes on the behalf of our late Sovereigne K. Charles (of blessed memory) against his rebellious subjects, in the time of that wicked Insurrection, wctl was raysed and carryed on by the greatest number of the Members of that un happy Long-Parliament begun at Westmr the third day of November 1640, occasion'd by the Scotts Invasion ; behaved himself most valiantly in divers sharp and blowdy fights ; lived to see the happy Restoration of our late Sovereign K. Charles the Second ; in consideration whereof and his father's eminent merits, he was, by his sayd Matie, advanced to the dignity of an Earle of this Realme, by the title of Earle of I&oluemess, his patent bearing date at 2(Ee0tmr the fifth oi December, in the thirty-fourth yeare of his reigne. This last-mentioned Conyers Ld Darcy, E. of ©olberne^, took to wife Grace, the sole daughter and heir to Thomas Rokeby of Skyres, in the sayd County ofjporfie, Esq1', (and is now living, a0 1683, being above eighty years of age) by whom he hath issue Conyers Darcy, his only son : and five daughters ; vz4 Ursula, marryed to ST Christopher Wyvill of IButtan-Constable, in the County of |>or&e, Bar4 ; Elizabeth to Henry Stapleton of Sgilton, in the same County, Bar4 ; Grace to S1 John Legard of (Santon, in the same County, Bar4 ; Margaret to Henry Mai-wood, son and heir to S1 George Marwood of Little !Bujsbp, in the same County, also Baronet; and Anne. Wctl Conyers (his only son) in consideration of his singular loyaltie and merits being sumon'd to Parliament, among the Barons of this Realme, by the title of Ld Conyers, by writt bearing date the first day of November, anno 32 Car. 2, took his place as Ld Conyers, next below the Ld Stourton, and next above the Ld Sands. This Conyers (Ld Conyers) marryed to his first wife the Lady Katherine, daughter to Francis Earle of (KttetmorlartD, but by her had no issue ; secondly the Lady Frances, daughter to Thomas Earle of Berkshire ; by whom he hath issue three sons, John, Philip, and Charles ; and lastly the Lady Frances, daughter to TO HIS BARONAGE. 213 William Duke of gsmewet, widdow of Thomas Earle of Southampton, late Lord high Treasurer of England. Which John (his eldest son) having marryed Bridget the only surviving daughter of Robert late Ld Lexinton, hath issue by her . P. 378, col. 1, line 14 from bottom, for " exalting," read " ex alted." Basset or Sapcote.— P. 382, col. 1, 1. 46, for, " In 42 H. III. he received," read, To him succeeded another Ralphe, who in 42 Hen. III. received. Despenser. — P. 393, col. 2, line 55, dele " in the sight — S4 Dennis day in." ¦ line 57, " October," add, 27*. Urso de Abitot— P. 462, col. 2, 1. 48, for " Little Sprttoerne," read Great SJBalbeme. Mohun.- P. 498, col. 1, line 45, " married," add : In 20 E. III. the King invading jfrance, through .flSormaito?, . he was of the retinue b with Prince Edward in that expedition, and at the seige of eTaIai0. lines 50, 51, dele "as also" to " Edward," and read : And, being a person of much note for his signall prowesse and skilfull military conduct, was made choyse c of in 24 E. III. for one of the first knights companions of the most noble order of the Garter, then newly instituted by that virtuous King. In 29 O. III. he was again of Prince Edward's retinue in the warrs of jfrance. Chandos. — P. 503, col. 1, line 65, " mention," add : First d at the seige of ,t>4 «2uintin£ in 13 E. III. Next at ©ironfo^e,e where the English army was put in array for battell to encounter the French. Afterwards f in that navall-fight before Sluse. Likewise in 20 E. IH.g at that signall battell of Cre^p, under the conduct of the Black Prince, in the van whereof he had then command. In all wch, and for divers other notable services he merited so well, as that, upon the foundation of the most noble order of the Garter instituted by K. Edw. III. about the 24th yeere of his reigne, he was, amongst other eight valiant souldiers of that time, made choyse of for one of the Knights companions of that renouned Societie.h b Rot. Franc. 20 E. III. p. 1, m. 14. " Ins tit. &c. of the order of the Garter, E. A. * Froisard, lib. i. cap. 38. e Ibid. cap. 41. Ibid. lib. ii. cap. 5. t Ibid. cap. 123. 11 Instit. of the Garter, per E. A. p. 702. 214 DUGDALE'S MSS. ADDITIONS P. 504, col. 1, line 26, for " Henry" read Hubert Archbishop. Umfravill — P. 508, col. 1, line 6 from the bottom, after " called Earl of Kyme by some historians," add : though he was not really so ; the vulgar antiently fixing that title on those places whereat Earles of certain counties did usually reside ; as .^trirrut to the Earle of ^emrjrofie ; <3Tut6urg to the Earle of ©eiua ; aruntnrtl to the Earle of &u&?er, &c. Windsore. — P. 509, col. 2, line 5 from the bottom, after " William," insert : having been imployed in the Irish warrs, obtained the King's precept h to the Treasurer and Barons of his Excheqr to make a due allowance unto him of all such monies as were then due to himself and his Men at Armes and Archers in that service ; as also for his passage to and fro, and for his horses lost in that expedition. Moreover, by humble petition,.1 representing that, having been retained by Indenture to serve the King in those his Irish warrs, with Cxx Men at Armes and CC Archers for one whole yeare, and after the first part of the year was over (for the better dispatch) he obtained a speciall J precept to the Treasurer and Barons of the Excheqr to give him a fitt allowance for them. In 42 E. III. he was sent k with the Ld Perci and others into Poictou, wtb- CCC Men at Armes, and a thousand Archers, to keep the frontiers of that province; and in 43 Edw. III. being, &c. P. 510, col. 1, line 17, " Earl of "Emdftunrftam," add : And the same year was Governor ' of Ciritourgfr in jlormanbn. In 4° R. II. he was m also in that expedition then made into Jranre, and rode with the Ld Basset and others, with his banner display'd. In this yeare likewise in ayde of the Duke of ^Sritannp, he assisted n the Duke of ^urtinBfcam at the seige of Iftauntej?. In 6 R. II. he had a principall ° command in the English army at the seige of fpre ; and in 9 R. II. attended P John D. of 3!anca£ter in his journey to Cag'titt. Lastly he had summons, &c. Dynham. — P. 515, col. 1, line 7 from bottom, "Exchequer," insert : By his last will and testament, , in com. Devon.5 (whereof he was patron) in case he should dye w41lin an hundred miles thereof; but if neer Sonbon, in the Gray-friars-chuxch w4hin that Citty. To wch Fryers he bequeathed xln to finde a preist (brother of that Convent) continually to sing masse for his soule, for the space of thirty years ; and once in the yeare to perform a speciall Obit for him ; and that a thousand masses should be sayd for his soule wt4lin one month after his death. To Elizabeth his wife he be queathed his household goods at UameSntfrK, in com. Surr.1 P. 516, col. 1, line 41, Edw. III. read Edw. I. Blount Lord Mountjoy. — P. 521, col. 2, line 48, "with out lawful issue," add : Sr Henry Baker of g)i?pingjur^t, in com. Cant, K4, being found his next heire, as descended from Constance sister to William. Ld Montjoy, his great-grandfather. line 50, " his natural son," read, one of his natural sons by Penelope Countesse of IBartotcft. -. line 54, Charles the First, add : 1 Junii. line 58, iS^ui)4, add: and shortly after made Master of the Ordnance and one of the Gentlemen of the Bed chamber to the King. line 58 — 62, " He took to wife Anne," read : He took to wife Anne, daughter to John Lord Butler of ^BramfWa, in com. Hartf. neice to George Duke of 'SSueWnittjam ; and departing this life in his sayd Ma4ies garrison at <©r.for&, 12 Feb. 1645, was buryed in the south-ile adjoining to the quire of the cathedrall called Christ-Church in that Citty; having had five sons : George and Charles who died in their infancy; Mount- joy, Charles, and Henry, all idiots, who dyed unmarryed; and two daughters ; viz4 Isabell marryed to Nicholas, supposed son to Edward Ld Vaux ; and Anne to Thomas, younger son to Endymion Porter, Groome of the Bedchamber to K. Charles the First. The other illegitimate issue wcn the sayd Charles Earle of ©euon^ite had by Penelope Countesse of l©arte>icft, were two sons, vz4 Sr Charles Blount, Kn4 and Sr John Blount, made K4 of the Bathe at the Coronation of Charles the First ; and two daughters, Elizabeth, and Isabell; wch Isabell became the wife * Erroneously Dorsetshire in Nicolas's Testamenta Vetusta. — Edit. ' And 1690 ounces of plate. Executors, Sir Reginald Bray and Sir Rowland Lytton. Proved 4th May 1509. Test. Vet. 216 DUGDALE'S MSS. ADDITIONS of S1' John Smith, Kn4, son to Sr Thomas Smith, Kn4, sometime Embassador in Bu^ia. Baillol. — P. 524, col. 2, line 7 from bottom, add : This was that John de Baillol, who being a great lover of learning became an eminent benefactor to the University of '©rfori), by conferring certain stipends upon divers poore Schol- lars, untill he could provide habitations and revenues for their support. But departing this life before he could accomplish what he did so designe, gave chardge to the Lady ©erborsitl his wife, and other the executors of his testament, that they should perform the same; wCI1 was accordingly done in the pious foun dation of that antient Colledge, called Baillol Colledge. By the Statutes whereof she appointed that the Scholars there residing should annually celebrate three masses for the health of his soule, and the soules of his ancestors ; and always before their sitting down to meale not omit to pray for the soules aforesayd. But I returne. Of this Hugh, &c. Clinton, Earl of Lincoln. — P. 533, col. 1, 1. ult. for " after which ere long, viz." read ; In 13 Eliz. (as I have been credibly informed) he founded a Free-grammar Schoole at Sforn^a^tle in 2incoIn£6ire. In 14 Eliz. &c. P. 533, col. 2, line 14, " this life," add : 16 January. line 41, "Edward," read Sf Edward, Kn4. line 58, "Elizabeth," add: marryed to Berisford, of in com. Line. line 60, " Arabella," add : marryed to Isaac Johnson of £ftam, in com. Rutl. line 61, "Susanna," add : marryed to Hum phrey, a Kentishman. line 67, « and married," read, This Theophilus first married. line ult. " had issue," add : Edward Ld Clinton (his son and heire) who dyed in his father's life-time ; leaving issue by Margaret his wife, daughter to John Earle of Clare, one son called Edward, and Margaret a daughter. By the same Bridget he had also issue six daughters ; viz4 Katherine, marryed to Sr George Boothe of ©unfiam- Massye, in com. pal. Cestria, Baronet (afterwards Ld De la mer) ; Bridget, Lucie, Margaret, Mary, and Judith. Surviving this Bridget, he afterwards took to wife the daughter of Sr Arthur Gorge, Kn4 (by the Lady Elizabeth Clinton his aunt, widdow of Sr Robert Stanley, TO HIS BARONAGE. 217 Kn4 of the Bathe) and departing this life at Hon&on a0 1667, was buryed : — . To whom succeeded in his honours, Edward his grandson, made Kn4 of the Bathe at the Coronation of K. Charles the 2nd, which Edward marryed a Frenchwoman, neice to Sr William Sl Ravi (of Monpelier) Ranger of l©oaD£tocfee Parke, temp, regis Car. I. P. 565, col. 1, line 31, "and" — insert, died. P. 569, col. 1, line 60, for tucftrnefl-street, w4llin the suburbs of <©rforb. line 55, read, wch Roger, adhering firmly to the King against the rebellious Barons, then in arms ; as a reward for his valour and loyalty, in 50 H. III. obtained a grant e from him of all the lands of William de iHafforb, in $a#$>eH, in com. Bedf. ; 'SBrreforb, in com. Warw. ; Baffotb, in com. Wigorn. ; and Staunton, in com. Cantabr. Also of all the lands of Hugh de Gyrunde in ©obgnston, in com. Buck. ; of all the lands of Thomas Basset of MMefiam, in com. Leic. ; of all the lands of Ankelell de Botevile in IKaperton and Septan, in com. Somerset ; of all the lands of Richard Griffin in l©e£ton, in com. Southampt, and iJEomunbefe, in com. Leic. ; of all the lands of Geffrey de la Mare in Saoricetonrtfi, in com. Hertf. ; and of all the lands of Walter de Chalvestorne in CharbesJtorne, in com. Bedf. ; forfeited to the Crown by their rebellious conjunction w* those Barons, in their open hostilitie against the King at that time. P. 620, col. 1, line 44, "Son," read Brother. Traci.— P. 621, col. 2, line 49, after " That," insert, he gave f the LoPP of IFareruei, in com. Devon, to the Monks of ©uarrera, in the He of 3©i6t ; and that — c Pat. 20 H. III. m. 9. i Hist. Oxon. lib. i. p. 99 a-b, 1 Ex autogr. penes Theophilum Coin. Huntingdon. ' Monast. Angl. vol. i, p. 763 a. TO HIS BARONAGE. 219 Fitz- Herbert P. 624, dele all from line 8, col. 1, "Fitz- Herbert," to line 19 col. 2, " After this viz." and read : Herbert. — The first mention I have of this name and family (wcn is both antient and honourable) is in 5 Steph. where it ap pears S that Herbert, the common ancestor thereof, was Cham berlain to that King ; and that he and Herbert his son then gave CCCliiijli in silver, for livery of his father's lands. By some 4l he is sayd to have been naturall son to King Henry the First, and called Herbert Fitz-Henry and Herbert Fitz-Roy ; but that is not likely ; for plain it is that he had to wife Adela • daughter and coheir to Sr Robert Corbet, Kn4. Lord of the Bo rough of ?tlce£ter, in the county of U5artoicfc ; wctl Adela was one of the concubines to that King, and on whom he begot k a bas.- tard son, called Reginald, afterwards made Earle of CornnjaR by King Stephen. As to the parentage therefore of this Herbert, I cannot positively affirme any thing of certainty; but that wcl1 1 finde1 further memo rable is, that to him and his son Herbert before specified, Thomas ArchbPP of Sorfee gave the Lordships of Haun^fjorouoS, (Cnnertfinrpe, J©ntiertl)orpe, Ktpotjjert&oriie, and the two Sottum?S. Also in (arurgijfleBn, one carucate of land ; in gicfcrireourne three carucates ; in 'SBribjftalt three ; in JTOibetJorpe five ; in ajftilthorpe five ; in (Ctonm one ; and in "JToI&um foure. Also in ffilouce^ter^fiire all the lands which Her man and Turketill held by the service of three knight's fees ; and that, by this Adela his wife he had issue three m sons, Herbert, Stephen,11 and William.0 Which William was, first, Treasurer P of the Church of gorfeej and Chaplain to K. Stephen, and afterwards ArchbPP of that Pro vince ; of whom notable mention is made by Godwyn in his cata logue of Bishops, and that for his strict and holy life he was ca nonized for a Saint. Of whom also an old Register 1 of the Church of JJnrfie thus speaketh, Sanctus il9fflieltnu& 4E6or. Archie- piscopus, fuit filius Werfcerti, Wintoniensis,Camerarii et Thesaurarii Henrici Regis; whereby it seemes that the before mentioned Herbert was also Treasurer to K. Henry the First. * Rot. Pip. 5 Stcph. Hants. h Ex vet. cartulario Bardorum Wall. 1 Ex cod. MS. penes Edw. D. Herbert de Chirbury. * Ibid. 1 Ex registro albo penes D. et Cap. Ebor. part. 1, C. 69. m Ex autogr. penes Thomam Herbert de Tinterne Baronettum. n Ex registro albo, part 2, f. 21, 4. 0 The reference to note ° is omitted by Dugdale. r Ex registro albo, p. 1, f. 32. q Ibid. 220 dugdale's MSS. ADDITIONS To this Herbert succeeded Herbert his sayd son, called r Her- bertus filius Herberti Camerarii (as hath been before observed). Which Herbert obtained from K. Henry the Second, a confirma tion s of all the lands wch Herbert his father held ; as also of the office s of Chamberlain ; and in 1 2 H. II. upon the assessment of the Ayde, which was then levyed for marrying the sayd King's daughter, certify ed that he held one knight's fee in WiXtpbue and three in (3Berft£f)ire. In 6 R. I. he underwent the 4 Shireeve's office u for the county of iBloucejJter, for the one half of that yeare. So likewise afterwards x during the whole reigne of the King, and in 8 Ric. I. y was also Shireeve of Shropshire. Upon the conquest of 31relanb, in the time of K. Henry the 2nd, I find z that, in a great Council! held at <©r-forb a0 1177 that King gave the kingdom of 2nmeric, in that realme, to this Herbert, and William his brother, Reginald Earle of Corntoaft, and Josce- line de la Pomerai their nephew, (the Citty of Sitneric and one Cantred excepted, wctl the King reserved to himself and his heirs,) to be held by the service of sixty knight's fees; but that they refused a that his gift. This was at that time b when King Henry made his son John King of 31relanb. This Herbert tooke to wife c Lucie, the third daughter to Milo Earle of Hereforb, and had d with her, in marriage, the Forest of ©ene and other lands in fEnofanb ; but for some transgression (as it is sayd) he gave them back to K. Henry the Second. \ By the consent of which Lucie,e and Reginald his son, he be stowed4* on the monks of J©atoerlep (in com. Surr.) all his lands in 55obiette ; Peter and Matthew, two other of his sons, being wit nesses to the grant. Of which Reginald I finde no other men tion ; for Peter succeeded in the inheritance. Which Peter first marryed Alice,s daughter of Robert Fitz- Roger (a great Baron in ijiortfrnrntiertanb,) and by her had issue h Reginald; and he two sons John and Adam. After which he tooke to his second wife Alice,* daughter of Sr Blethin Broadspere, lord of 3Han-WotoeIt and SBettienSIen ; and ' Ex autogr. penes prsedict. T. Herbert Bar. » Cart, antiq. R. II. 32. ' Lib. rub. in Scacc. tit. Wilt, et Berks. "I Rot. Pip. eiusd. ann. " Rog. Hoved. f. 323, U. 40. - Ibid. b id;j_ e Monast. Angl. vol. ii. p. 66 b. d Ibjj. " Ex autogr. penes prsefatum T. Herbert. Bar. f Ibid. 8 Rot. Pip. 5 Joh. tit. Bristou. '' Mon. Ang. ut supra. MS. Bardorum Wallicorum. TO HIS BARONAGE. 221 lastly a third, vz4 Isabell^- the daughter and coheir of William de Braose of SBrembre (an eminent Baron) widow of David ap Lewelin, Prince of i©ate£ (Eva her mother being sister to Rich ard Marshall Earle of Pembroke), by which Isabell he had the LoPPs of "iSfenletienen, (CatFjatb, and i©ala?'6ire in the county of 'SBcecft- nocfi, with other lands in several parts of 3©ale£. And being very obsequious to K. John in the time of those troubles which he had with his Barons, was reputed 4 one of his evil Councellors ; being so far trusted that he was by him made Governor m of ©icfterinrj-castle in iorfejjfcire ; as also n Shireeve of that County ; and joined in commission ° with the ArchbPP of «Tanterrjurri, William Earl Warren, and others, to take into safe custody all such persons as should come to Honbon in the Terme of the Epiphany next ensuing the relaxation of the Interdict, to petition the King for pardon of their transgressions ; as also all such as should repaire to the King at Bortfcampton, upon the like occasion. This Peter P obtained from that King the Honor of ¦SBerjStapte in ©etJon£&. w4*1 fifteen knight's fees, wch were part of the posses sions of William de Braos ; but afterwards revolting 1 from K. John, his lands in 3tlce£ter in Warwicksh. were seized r into the King's hands, and given s to William de Camvill. And in 1 H. III. ©liber 4Fit3-S*eginaIb (a bastard son of K. John) obtained a grant 4 of all the other lands of this Peter, to support himself in his service. But before the end of that yeare, returning u to his obedience, the Castle and LoPP of ^lenleUenn and all those lands belonging to the Honour of ISrecfenocft whereof he had been dispossessed by reason of his rebellion, were restored x to him. after which, vz4 in 5 Hen. III. he wasy with the King at the siege of ^itfium-castle in Lincolnshire. P. 624, col. 2, line 55, " Which Reginald," to "of the Welch. And," 1. 59, dele and read : In 41 H. III. this Reginald, amongst other of the Barons- Marchers, he received a speciall z precept to assist Humphrey de Bohun, then Earle of 8?ereforb, in defence of the Marches betwixt maontsomerie and the Earle of Gloucester's lands. And in 42 * MS. Bardorum Wallicorum. ' M. Paris, p. 231, u. 20. ¦" Pat. 15 Joh. m. 1. n Rot. Pip. 16 Job. Ebor. ° Pat. 15 Joh. m. 7. P Testa de Nevill. Devon. « Claus. 18 Joh. m. 6. " Ibid. • Ibid. t Pat. 1 Joh. m. 13. " Ibid. * Ibid. l Claus.5 H. III. m. 11. c Claus. 4 I H. III. in dorso, m. 6. 222 dugdale's mss. additions H. III. Lewelin ap Griffith having hastily invaded the lands of Prince Edward and divers of the King's subjects, he was sufh- oned a to be at ' M. Paris, in a" 1244. TO HIS BARONAGE. 223 &>outh-l©alejS w4n his forces against David ap Lewelin Prince of 3©ale£, and marching betwixt the Hills, was killed i w4h a great •stone, tumbled down upon him by one of the Welch, and buryed k at JTOarrjan-Abbey w4h this epitaph : A0 MCCxliiii Herbertus filius Mathcei lapidibus obrutus est in Wallia, juxta Abbathiam de Margam, in qua erat sepultus ; leaving Peter his brother and •heire. Montacute, Earl of Salisbury.— P. 651, col. 1, line 11, " «re?bn," add : I somewhat doubt that my author is mistaken in the Chris tian name of the eldest of these three daughters, in calling her Anne ; for in the year 1658 there did remaine in the middle of the chancell of U9e£t--lQ?anibon, in com. Essex, a large gravestone •of marble, w4ri the effigies of a woman thereon, in a plate of brasse ; on the verge whereof was this imperfect inscription, postea uxoris illustrissimi principis Joannis Duels Exon. quce quidem Margareta •obiit xiiii0 die mensis Augusti anno D'ni MCCCClvii. The armes of Fitz-Lewis impaling Mountague being engraven thereon.1 P. 653, col. I, line 45, " Thomas Chaucer," add : of «welme, com. Oxon, Scroope of Bolton. — P. 657, col. 2, line 49, " without any lawful issue," add : But by Martha Jeanes, his servant (daughter of a poore taylor, living on (Curflrtb-heath, in com, Bucks.) had one son, named John, a fellow-cofhoner of Trinity-colledg in <©r.forb, who dyed unmaryed ; and three daughters ; Mary, first marryed to Henry son and heir to Henry Earle of Monmouth, and afterwards to Charles now Marquesse of i©incfte£ter; Elizabeth to Thomas Earle Rivers ; and Anabella to John Grubham How of Sangar, in com. Nott. Esq1'. Strange of Knokyn. — P. 666, col. 1, line 35, " 17 Edw. IV." add : and lyeth buryed at Great Weflmgbon, in com. Midd. Grey, Earl of Kent.— P. 718, col. 1, line 63, "in 20 H. VII." dele and read : on Munday m next after the feast of S4 Thomas the Apostle 19 H. VII. line 67, for " him," read : this Richard. > M. Paris, in a" 1244. k Powell's Hist, of Wales, p. 310. 1 The Duke, however, in his will expressly calls both his wives Anne j but see this subject discussed in Gough's Sepulchral Monuments, vol. ii. p. 155. ™ Esc. capt. 21 Nov. 22 H. VII, 224 dugdale's mss. additions P. 718, col. 2, line 29, "scil" insert, 17 Martii. line 42, for 1615, read, 1614. line 45, dele " Sir," and after " of" insert %tb- Jmmpton. line 48, "Longvile," insert, Knt. fourth son to Sr Michael Longvile of l©oIberttin. P. 719, col. 1, line 13, read, upon the seventeenth day of June. line 21, "Frances ;" add, marryed to Christopher Ld Hatton ; which Charles died 17 Maij 1679, unmarryed. line 26, "Job," add, a Divine. line 28, " Priscilla," add : and departing this life .... a0 1643, was buryed in the church of ^Burhache before men tioned ; four of wch five daughters were thus marryed ; vz4 Grace to James Warde, alias Farmer, of tyuckttgttite-Grange, in com.Leic.;-1 Magdalen to John Browne of iStretton, in com. Derb. ; Christian to [Theophilus] Burdet,n Rector of the church of VBuvtnn-Overey, in com. Leic. and Patience to Cooke of Sufi&enham, in com. Leic.u To whom succeeded in his honour Henry his eldest son : wch Henry wedded Mary, &c. as in line 30. — line 32, " issue," to line 40, " Maynard," dele, and read : no surviving issue; and afterwards Arabella daughter to ST Anthony Ben, Kn4. Recorder of Honbon(widdow of Anthony Fane, third son to Francis Earle of MSe^tmorlanb) and by her had issue two sons ; viz4. Anthony, now E. of ?Cient ; Henry, who died young ; and one daughter, named Elizabeth, afterwards married to Banaster Maynard, son and heir to the Lord Maynard; and departing this life Apr. 1649, was buried at flitton, in com. Bedf. To whom succeeded Anthony his only son then living, who tooke to wife Mary the sole daughter and heir to John Z,d Lucas. Grey of Groby. — P. 721, col. 1, line 3 from the bottom, " died," add : 10 Oct. a° 1530.O last line, " issue," to line 3, col. 2, " four sons," dele, and read : In a vault under this (Bradgate) chapel (so built of faire ashler-stone, and scituate on the south side of the quire) his corps, wrapt in cerecloth, w4n embalming, put into a strong coffyn of wood, was layd ; which being opened,P upon removall of " Lady Priscilla was married to Mr. John St. Nicholas, at Burbach, June 5, 1657, and buried there Sept. 20, 1665 ; see registers of Burbach quoted in Nichols's Leicester shire, vol. iv. p. 463, and see pedigree of Fitz-Nicholas, ibid. p. 269. Further particulars of all these ladies will be found ibid. pp. 458, 463 ; the epitaph of Lady Christian Burdet, in vol. ii. p. 535, and a pedigree of Burdet, vol. iv. p. 630. o Burton's Disc, of Leicestersh. p. 51. p Ut supra. TO HIS BARONAGE. 225 the Chappell to the east end of the quire, in the year 1608, (for the reasons in my Antiquities of Warwickshire exprest) through the curiositie of some, the cerecloth was cutt, and the body viewed, but found perfect,0 and nothing corrupted, though P seventy-eight yeares after his death ; being six foot wanting four inches in length, his haire yellow and face broad. By Margaret his wife, daughter of Sir Robert Wotton of "JBocton, in com. Cantii, Knight (widow of William Medley) he had issue four sons, 8cc. col. 2, line 44, " by her," insert : It is sayd. 7. * Cart. 32 H. III. m. 5. ¦ 29 Dec. Fines 6 E. I. rot. 6.9. 230 SHROPSHIRE COLLECTIONS, BY EDW. LLOYD. said Peter, " Qui concessit Roberto Corbet tenementa vocat la Haye de Luctone et tenementa Bragynton in Wallia, et quod Robertus possit assartare et Petrus et haeredes ejus fugabunt in la Haye." In 20 E. I. a Quo Warranto was brought for holding Pleas of the Crown and Wayffe in this manor. The defendant, Peter Corbet, claimed those liberties by prescription, so the Cause was adjourned to Lichfield. At the same Assizes a complaint was exhibited against the said Peter Corbet by William Passenarulf for taking his oxen in their passage through Worthyn, and after detaining him as prisoner in the Castle of Caux ; Peter pleads that he was Custos or Marescal of the King's army under Roger Mortimer, General against the Welsh, and found the said Wil liam returning from the army without leave " cum bobus, ideo cepit." William replied, that those oxen fell to his lot as part of the booty then taken, " et quia Willielmus cognovit quod Petrus cepit boves tempore quo Willielmus habuit de praeda," the Justices declared that they had no cognizance of the plea, so it was dismissed." In 27 E. I. the said Peter Corbet Was found by Inquisition * to be one of the next heirs to Roger de Valletort, a great Baron in the west of England, and then departed this life, 28 E. L, leaving Peter his son and heir,y being thirty years of age; who died with out issue 15 E. II. and left John his brother and heir, twenty- four years of age ; who dying without issue, it was found by Inqui sition 21 E. III. that Thomas Corbet, ancestor of Peter Corbet, had issue Peter and three [two] daughters, viz. Alice, Venice,z and Emme, and that Peter the son had issue another Peter, and that all the heirs male of that line were extinct. It was likewise found that Alice, the eldest daughter of Thomas, became the wife of Robert de Stafford, who had issue Nicholas his son and heir, and Nicholas had issue Edmund, and Edmund had issue Ralph, then Lord Stafford, when the inquisition was found; and that Emme, the other daughter of Thomas Corbet, married de Bromp- ton, who had issue Walter de Brompton her son and heir, who was the father of Brian de Brompton, who left Margaret and Elizabeth his heirs. Margaret took to husband Robert de Har- ley, and Elizabeth, Edmund de Cornwall ; so that the Barony of u Piacit. de Jurat, et Assis. " Esch. 27 E. I. n. 32. 7 Pat. 30 E. I. m. 2. * Venice is a mistake for Ainesciam, which in the Inquisition signifies that Alice was the elder daughter. Vide Du Cange, v. Ainescia. — Edit. CASTLE AND ^BARONY OF CAUX. 231 Peter Corbet ran into three channels, and by agreement z the coheirs made a partition as follows : a Ralph de Stafford gave the King, 24 E. III. fifty marks as a relief for the moiety of the Barony of Caus, which moiety consisted of the manor of Caus, medietas manerii de Worthyn, cum medietate 2 molend'. et 1 molend'. fulleritici, ac maneriorum de Munsterley, de Nether- gorthere in North Wallia, et medietas maner' de Byn Weston." The purparty of Robert the son of Robert de Harley and Mar garet his wife was, the manors of Yockelton, Wentnore, Stretton, Chelvie, with the moiety of two water-mills, and of one fuller's mill, and of the fourth part of the manor of Bin Weston, which were the fourth part of the Barony ; so that of course the remain der fell to the share b of Edmund de Cornwall and Elizabeth his wife, who accordingly paid twenty-five marks relief for their pur party. In 38 E. III. Robert Harley levied a fine of Yockelton, Shelve, Wentnore, and of the fourth part of the forest of Caus, for the use of himself and Johanna his wife for their lives, the remainder to Foulk, the son of Robert Corbet de Morton, and the heirs of his bodyr, the remainder to the right heirs of Johanna.0 But to return to the elder branch, Ralph Lord Stafford died at Tun- bridge in Kent, 46 E. III., leaving Hugh his son and heir, the father of Thomas, who dying without issue, William his brother succeeded, in whose time Roger L'Estrange had the custody of the castle and forest of Caux.d He also died without issue, and then a younger brother, Edmund Earl of Stafford, succeeded, who was afterwards slain at the battle of Shrewsbury, fighting for the King, and left Humphrey his son and heir then an infant. In 12 H. IV. Robert Cluelegh, David Holbache, and Roger Thornes, had a commission to enquire into all trespasses, con tempts, oppressions, deceits, extortions, maintenance, and waste, committed in the territories of Caux, from the time the King was possessed, and to certify the same into the Court of Chancery.e Humphrey Earl of Stafford, in the 23 H. VI. was created Duke of Buckingham, and 25 H. VI. the Duke of Warwick his great competitor for precedency being dead, he had a grant to * Claus. 21 E. Ill.m. 19. • Pat. 16 R. II. p. 1, m. 26. "> Fines Trin. 24 E. III. rot. 3. c The antient members of the Barony of Caux, vid. Esch. 28 E. I. rot. 40. d Esch. 6 R. II. rot. 27. e Orig. 12 H. IV. rot. 24. 232 SHROPSHIRE COLLECTIONS, BY EDW. LLOYD. him and his heirs, to take place, of all Dukes, except the blood Royal. In 38 H. VI. he had a grant of all the forfeitures of Walter Devereux of Weobly, in county of Hereford, Esq. and that Walter de Hopton, of the county of Salop, had incurred ; and afterwards in that year was killed at the battle of Northampton, on the Lancastrian side. To him succeeded Henry his grandson (whose father had been killed at the battle of Saint Albans) then five years of age. This Henry Duke of Buckingham was a great instrument of the pro motion of Richard the Third, by whom he was created Constable of England, and Constable of all the Castles and Steward of all the King's Lordships in the counties of Salop and Hereford ; but plotting with Morton, Bishop of Ely, how to effect the union of the Houses of Lancaster and York by the marriage of Henry Earl of Richmond (afterwards King Henry the Seventh) with the eldest daughter of King Edward the Fourth, the project was dis covered, and he with his friends and adherents fled to arms; but, being disappointed in the measures they had concerted, the Duke betook himself to the house of Humphrey Bannester, an old sex- vant of his, living near Shrewsbury, who, upon the King's Pro clamation promising a thousand pounds reward to any one that should apprehend the Duke, betrayed his lord and master to John Mytton, Esq. Sheriff of the county, and, in conclusion, he was beheaded at Shrewsbury, and left Edward his son and heir, who, by the contrivances of Cardinal Wolsey, was sentenced to death the 13 H. VIII. whereupon the King granted to Walter Devereux, knight, Lord Ferrers, the office of Steward and Con stable of Caux " et officium Janitoris ac Forestarii de Minsterley et Habberley, nee non officium Magistri Deductus Ferarum Regis Forestas de'Hogstowe et Heth pro termino vitas." f Henry his eldest son obtained an act of Parliament, 14 H. VIII. to re verse the attainder, but not to be restored to his honours, and in consequence thereof he enjoyed the possessions of his father, and had issue Edward, the father of Edward who married Isabel the daughter of Thomas Forester of Tonge, in the county of Salop. In 22 Eliz. the Queen pardoned the alienation of the Castle of Cawrs, which Edward Lord Stafford made to Robert Harcourt and his heirs ; S from whom it came to the noble family of the 1 Orig. 13 H. VIII. rot. 29. e Orlg. 3 p. 22 Eliz. rot. 155. BARONY OF CAUX. ELLESMERE. 233 Thynnes, the ancestors of the present Lord Viscount Weymouth, a Peer that maintains the splendour and hospitality of the ancient peerage of England. The old tenants upon the Escheat Rolls were Reginaldus filius Petri, 14 E. I. Philip Burnelh 22 E. I. Sir John Leyburne, 7 E. III.° John Mouthe, 5 H. IV. Thomas Hales, 8 R. V. Hugh Burgh and Elizabeth his wife, sister and heir of Foulke Mouthe, held the fourth part of the Barony of Caux, viz. a moiety of the manor of Worthyn, the manors of Overgorthore, and Baughaltre, which had been the purparty of Edmund de Cornwall, i In 13 E. IV. the Ludlows had an interest here. The ancient fees were Westbury, Wattlesburgh, Alburbury, Eyton, Horton, Hanewode, Wallop, Haberlegh, Aston, Legh, Hope, Walton, and Acton Burnell. J ELLESMERE. In the Confessor's time Edwinus Comes tenuit Ellesmeles, which in Domesday Earl Roger held. In the year 1177, or 23 H. II. the King went to Oxford, and " in generali concilio ibidem celebrato," he gave to Rese, the son of Griffin, " Regulo de South Wales," the country of Merioneth, and to David the son of Owein, " Regulo de North Wales," terram de Ellesmare, Owein having married the King of Eng land's sister.k Robert' Lupus tenet manerium de Elsmere per Ballicam (?) Joh'is Regis. 4 In 6 John, the King gave the castle and manor of Elsmere in frank marriage with his daughter Joan, whose mother is said to be Agatha de Ferrers, the Earl of Derby's daughter, to Lhewellin Prince of North Wales ; m but the 10th of that King, four years h Cart. 7 E. III. ii. 19. • Mich. Fines 13 H. 5. Vitellius, C. li. Cotton. Libr. j Esch. 21 E. III. rot. 55. k Hoveden. l Julius C. n. Cott. Libr. m Pat. 6 Joh. m. S. Rex Thonwe de Erdinton. Mandamus tibi quod statim visis Uteris istis liberes Lewelino Castrum de Elsmere quod est in custodia tua. Teste Galfrido filio Petri, apud Wigorn. 23 die Martii. 234 SHROPSHIRE COLLECTIONS, BY EDW. LLOYD, after, Bartholomew Turoe, the Governor, was commanded upon his allegiance to put the place into the possession of William Earl of Salisbury, the King's brother, and Thomas de Erdinton." So that the King reserved the disposal of the government of the castle, this being a frontier town, and of some importance to the Marches, and consequently not to be left entirely in the power of the Prince of Wales, who, we may suppose, had only the rents and profits arising from the tenants. In 4 H. III. Roger L'Estrange yielded up to the King the inheritance of the manors of Colmere and Hampton, and received in consideration of the same the said manors again, cum Castro et Hundredo de Elsmere ad vitam tantum.0 In 21 H. III. John L'Estrange was Governor of this Castle. In 25 H. III. David, son of Lewellin late Prince of Wales, by his charter in writing, surrendered up Elsmere and Englefeud to the Crown of England.P After that we hear no more of its being in the hands of the Welsh. The continual skirmishes between the English and Welsh made the tenure of the latter very uncer tain; and though King Henry the Second and King John, being embroiled in foreign wars, gave this town and castle in dower, the first with his sister, the other with his natural daughter, in order to conciliate the ancient animosities of both people, yet, upon the least appearance of a rupture, those Kings might, and actually did resume at pleasure, or gave what recompence they thought fit upon the seizure, and such as the Princes of Wales holding upon their good behaviour were glad to receive. In 37 H. III. the manor and hundred of Elsmere were com mitted to John de Grey, paying a fine of 10s. a year. 1 In 43 H. III. Peter de Montfort was Governor of the Castle. In 51 H. III. the manor, castle, and hundred, were granted to Hamon L'Estrange and his heirs " donee sibi et haeredibus provisum sit de eschaetis ad valorem centum librarum per annum.' This Hamon was a younger son of the first John n Rex Bartholomeo Turoe, Prsecipimus tibi, qubd sicut corpus tuum et omnia tene menta tua diligis, statim visis Uteris istis liberes W. Comiti Sarum fratri nostro et Thomae de Erdinton castellum de Elsmere, quia volumus qubd illud custodiant, et in hujus rei testimonium has literas nostras patentes tibi mittimus. Teste meipso apud Warwic' 18 die Decembris. Pat. 10 Joh. m. 3. * Placit. de Jurat et assis. P Pat. 25 H. III. dorso. 1 Pat. 37 H. HI. m. 4. ' Pat. 5 1 H. III. m. 26. ELLESMERE. 235 L'Estrange, Lord of Knockin. We read of him, that the Arch bishop of Canterbury excommunicated him by name for his in solences upon the breaking out of the Barons' wars; but presently after, returning to a just sense of his duty, he had his pardon of the King, and was employed in places of the greatest trust and honour, which he discharged with a fidelity suitable to his great abilities. He is said to have purchased the manors of Colmere and Hampton of Peter de Montford, sometime Go vernor of Ellesmere Castle, and then gave or left them to his brother Sir Roger, who, the 4th E. I. had the royal confirmation of the grant,r with this condition, that upon surrendering a grant of his brother Hamon L'Estrange, which was to him and his heirs, he should be content to accept of a grant from the King of the castle and hundred of Elsmere, to hold for life, the remain der to the King in fee. This Roger afterwards, with the King's approbation and warrant, s 12 E. II. granted several parcels of land, part of the demesnes of the manor, to several persons in fee, at which time the wastes and commons of the manor were in closed and converted into freeholds. In 14 E. II. Oliver de Ingeham, who adhered so firmly to the King upon the insurrection of the Earl of Lancaster and other Lords, was Governor of this Castle.4 In 3 E. III. a writ u was issued to inquire concerning the pur- prestures and encroachments made by the tenants of the neigh bouring manors, and to settle the boundaries of those manors in respect of Elsmere, which being performed, the King x gave the Castle of Elsmere, with the hamlets of Colmere and Hampton to the Lord Eubulo L'Estrange, a younger son of John L'Estrange, Baron of Knockin, in fee; who dying left the same to Roger L'Estrange de Knockin, senior, his cousin and next heir, the father of Roger L'Estrange, who was the father of John L'Estrange/ " qui tenuit de Rege manerium de Elsmere, cum hundredo ibidem et hamlet' de Coulmere et Hampton cum aliis pertinent' in Marchia Walliae par servitium tertias partis unius feodi militis." Richard his son and heir, who was found to be cousin and heir to Phillippa Duchess of York, his mother's sis- r Pat. 4 E. I. m. 36. " Pat. 12 E. II. m. 2. Pat. 12 E. II. p. 2, m. 8, m. 9. t Rot. fin. 14 E. II. m. 2. " Claus. 3 E. III. m. 13. ¦¦ Cart. 5 E. III. n. 83. 7 Paschae fines 1 1 R. II. Vitellius, G. ii. Cott. Lib. 236 SHROPSHIRE COLLECTIONS, BY EDW. LLOYD. ter, died 27 H. VI. and after his decease Elizabeth his relict married Roger Kynaston, Esq. her dower being the manors of Nesse, Strange, Kynton, Colmere hamlet, Hampton hamlet, Knokin castrum et dominium, Elsmere manor and hundred, the Castle of Mudle with the manor.z John, the son of Richard, died 17 E. IV. leaving issue Joan, his sole daughter and heir, married to George, son and heir apparent to Thomas Stanley the first Earl of Derby of that name, in which noble family the inherit ance vested for four descents, when William Earl of Derby had licence, a 42 Eliz. to make an alienation of the manor of Elsmere to Richard Spencer, Esq. and Edward Savage, the year follow ing b obtained the Queen's pardon for the alienation quam fecere Thomae Egerton, Militi, Custodi Magni Sigilli, afterwards Lord Chancellor, and created Baron of Elsmere, from whom the right honourable the Earl of Bridgewater (now Duke) is descended, the present inheritor of Elsmere, Colemere, and Hampton, under whom the tenants at half rack, paying a fine, live very comfort ably and handsomely. In 6 Jac. George Onslow, Esq. alienated the manor of Saint John of Jerusalem, infra villam et parochiam de Elsmere, to Sir Thomas Egerton, Lord Elsmere.0 Having mentioned the arrentation and inclosures of the waste of the manor in 12 E. II., yet the principal tenants to be found upon the Inquisition Rolls, were only John Croesmere, alias Elsmere, and John Hastings. d The antientest freeholds of the manor were Ockle or Otteley (the noble seat of the ancient and worshipful family of the Kynas- tons, of which there have been several knights who have borne the highest offices that gentlemen in a private capacity are ca pable of, particularly the ingenious and learned Sir Francis Ky naston, Esquire of the Body to King Charles the First, and famous for his Latin translation of the Loves of Troilus and Cre- sida out of Chaucer,) Loughton, and Walton. Richard Laken had an extent 5 H. IV. of the lands of John Kynaston, lying in the hundred of Elsmere and Hampton Wood, and which were forfeited to the King.e In 13 E. IV. John Langford, of the town of Shrewsbury, had a grant for life of all the lands and tenements not exceeding the " Inq. 32 H. VI. * 3 p. Orig. 42 Eliz. rot. 149. b Orig. 4 p. 43 Eliz. rot. 85. <- Orig. 2 p. 2 Jac. rot. 67. d Quod damn. 12 E. II. n. 97, 125. » Orig. 5 H. IV. rot. 24, ELLESMERE.^PONTESBURY. 237 yearly value of sixty shillings, late the estate of Edward Elsmere attainted of high treason, which lay in Salop and in the hundred of Elsmere.4" By the statute 27 H. VIII. c. 26, Elsmere cum membris was united to the hundred of Pimhill. In 40 Eliz. the Queen gave a licence to Sir Edward Kynaston knight, to keep a market on Tuesday, and a fair in Elsmere ;S but the account of Leland concerning this town is, that it had four streets, three fairs, and no market. None of the ruins of the castle are left ; but the eminence on which it stood does plainly discover that it has been an ancient fort. [A description of the stained glass in the east window of Ellesmere Church will be found in the Gentleman's Magazine, vol. xcix. ii. 1 15.] PONTESBURY PARISH. Ernui held Pontesberie in the Confessor's time, and also after the Conquest, under Roger the son of Corbet.41 A fine was levied 21 Hen. I. between Thomas Corbet, com plainant, and Herbert, the son of Peter, defendant, de duobus partibus manerii de Pontesbur. jus Herberti. By the Escheat Rolls,1 14 E. I. Reginald, the son of Peter, was lord of the manor ; and 28 E. I. one William de Bowdlers received the profits that accrued from the Court Baron. In 33 E. I. Rehese, the son of Howell, had a gift of the advowson and of the manor of Pontesbury from John, the son of Reginald the son of Peter .k Cart. 2 E. II. Articles the 20th and 32d recite, that the King had the manor of Pontesbury ex dono Magistri Rhesi ap Howell, which he gave to Sir John de Cherleton, then Lord Chamber lain, and the heirs of his body, to hold by the service of the 40th part of a knight's fee, who had also a grant 4 of free warren in this manor. This John de Cherleton was summoned to Parlia ment 17 E. II. being Lord Chamberlain to the King, in which honourable post John Lord Powis his son succeeded him. Ed ward the fourth Lord Powis of that family, sustained great losses and damage by the outrages of the Welsh under Owen Glendwr, and died 8 H. V. leaving two daughters and coheirs, Joan, who ' Pat. 13 E. IV. p. 1, m. 5. » Orig. 4 p. 40 Eliz. rot. 239. h Domesday Book. ' Esc. 14 E. I. k Ex dono Joh'is filii Reginaldi filii Petri. ' Cart. 1 E. II. n. 35. 238 SHROPSHIRE COLLECTIONS, BY EDW. LLOYD. married Sir John Grey of Heton, in com. Northumberland, knight, and Joyce, who married Sir John Tiptoft, Lord Tiptoft, who sometimes is styled Lord Powis. But that title properly ran in the family of the Greys, who were Lords of Powis, for four descents ; when Edward Lord Powis, by his last will and testa ment, 36 H. III. having entailed his estate upon the heirs male of his body, limited the remainder to Edward Grey, his illegitimate son by Jane Orwell, daughter of Sir Lewis Orwell, knt. and to the heirs of his body lawfully begotten, remainder to that child, if a son, wherewith the said Jane Orwell was then great by him, and to the heirs of his body lawfully begotten, the remainder to Jane Grey his daughter, and the heirs of her body lawfully begot ten, the remainder to such woman child as should be born of the body of the said Jane Orwell, in fee. In 2 Eliz. the Queen committed to Edward Grey, Esq. the custody of the manors of Charleton and Pontesbury, habend'. quousque travers. dicti Ed wardi ad inquisitionem inde nuper captam plenarie fuit discuss. et determinat'. m In 42 Eliz. Henry Verdon, Esq. and Ursula his wife, had licence to alienate to William Leighton, n who, 44th Eliz. had the like liberty to convey Pontesbury to Roger Owen, Esq. and his heirs for ever.0 The Earl of Dorset, 13 Jac. I. was trustee for Sir Roger Owen of Condover, knt. P whose descendants are still, and may they long be, lords of that place. The church is supplied by three comportioners presented by Mr. Owen of Condover, the patron. In 10 E. II. The Abbot of Hammond (Haughmon) had a grant of the church of Pontesbury ; q but the advowson was in the Lords of Powis, as appears by all the Escheat Rolls. [Copies of the monumental inscriptions at Pontesbury, with a view of the church, by the late Mr. Daniel Parkes, will be found in the Gentle man's Magazine, vol. xcvn. i. 297.] 01 Orig. 1 p. 2 Eliz. rot. 65. ¦ Orig. 2 p. 42 Eliz. rot. 63. 0 Orig. 5, 44 Eliz. rot. 145. P Orig. 1 p. 13 Juc. rot. 144, 145. 1 Pat. 10 E. II. p. 2, m. 28. 239 XXIX. DESCENT OF THE ESTATE OF CLIFTON-FERRY, IN THE PARISH OF LONG-WITTENHAM, BERKS. Genealogies of the middle ages are almost wholly confined to the families of Sovereign Princes, and some of the chief nobility, beside those pedigrees which have been recorded by the gratitude of recluses to preserve the memory and descent of their founders and principal benefactors. A genealogy, therefore, of a family in one of the lowest stations of life, both in narrative and in the form of a pedigree, written so early as 1437, and reaching back a century farther, may be considered as a curiosity and a rarity. Such is the following, copied by permission of the Rector of Exeter College, Oxford, from the earliest document relating to their estate of Clifton-ferry, in the parish of Long-Witten- ham, in Berkshire. It is a small parchment, about the size of an old charter, and is written on both sides by the same ancient hand j the pedigree is in roundlets. Joh'es Brouns senior, Hythewarde de Westwyttenham in Com' Berk', habuit issu, viz. duos filios Joh'em et Ric'm, et quin- que filias scilicet Matildam, Aliciam, Ysabellam, Rosam, et Cris- tinam. Joh'es primogenitus hereditavit dictum Hythe et ipse obijt sine issu, et tunc descendebat Ric'o fratri suo jure heredi- tario; qui Ric'us habuit issu, viz. Joh'em et Will'm; etpost obitum dicti Ric'i descendit Joh'i filio suo, qui Joh' decessit sine issu ; et postea descendit Will'mo fratri, qui Will'mus habuit unicum filium Joh'em nuncupatum ; qui Joh'es obiit infra etatem et sine issu, et tunc descendit jure hered' ad le issu p'dictarum duarum sororum vz. Alic' et Cristine duabus sororibus p'dict' quinque. Alic' fuit nupta cuidam J nativo [et] habuit filiam Aliciam vocat' que quidem Alicia filia fuit nupta Joh'i Frensh', et genuit ex ea filium Thomam nominatam3 modo superstitem; et alia soror viz. Cristina desponsata fuit cuidam Joh'i Stevenes, qui genuit ex ea filium Joh'em, de quo Joh'e veniebat Emota uxor Will'mi Seward. Et dictus Thomas Frensh', alias Kynge, et Emota uxor Will'mi Seward, admissi fuerunt in plena cur' pro * Sic pro— (wm, 240 DESCENT OF THE ESTATE OF CLIFTON-FERRY, her' coram Joh'e Hore ad tunc senescall', hijs testibus, Ric'o Drayton' armigero, Will'mo Borde, Joh'e Stowe, et Will'mo Felys, ib'm tunc p'sentibus. Hec docta et informata fuerunt per Joh'em Tubbe de Cliffton', etatis sexaginta annorum et am- plius, anno r' r' Henrici sexti post conquestum Anglie xvjm0. Joh'es Brou's de Westwitenham, in com. Berks. Hytheward h'uit duos filios et quinq. filias legitime procreat' de corpore suo. Cristina filia d'ci Joh'is. Ista fuit uxorata cui dam Joh'i Stevenis, et h'uit ex eo filium Joh' em. =p - T— I ; — Rosa morie- bar sine prole, vi- vente p're. Ysabella de- cessit sine sobole ante p'rem. Alicia. Ista fuit nupta cuid' Joh'i North'nativo ex quo h'uit unu' film et filia' Alicia' na- tivos.=p , I Matilda defunc- ta est absq; liberisp're su per state. Joh'es. Iste hereditavit le hithe post morte' p'ris et decessit sine prole un' Ric' fr' successit i' her'. Ric'ush'uit duos filios legitti-mos vz. Joh'em et Will'm. Joh'es filius Cristine qui h'uit filia' legit- time pro creat' viz. Emota'.=j= Henricus Slypon.iste h'uit filia' Matild'. Alic' filia d'ceAlicie soror Henrici nativi. Ista fuit nupta cuid' Joh'i Frensh, h'uit filiu' Thomam. =f= L Emota' fil' Joh'is filij Cristine,adhuc su- perstes. Will' fil'=Matill' fil' Matris Henr' S. . . cogno- iste h'uit mento filiu' Will'm North. et filias duas. Joh' filius Ric'i. Iste successit p'ri suo in her' et raoriebar abs; liberis un' Will' fr' ejus successit in her'. Will'm's fil' Ric'i. Iste Will'us h'uit fi- liu'Joh'- em.=p -J Thomas fil' Alic' & Joh'is Frenshe Joh'es fil' Joh'is. Iste mo- riebar infra etatem & sic devolut' est duab; soro- rib; videlj Alic' & Cris tine & hered' suis. This pedigree seems to have been designed to show that Thomas Frenshe, alias King, grandson of Alice, the second daughter, and (by failure of her brother's issue) coheir of John Brouns, the hi the- ward or ferryman of Clifton, was one of the heirs at law to his great-grandfather's estate. By what means he satisfied the other heirs, it does not appear : but on Holy-rood Day, 18 Hen. VI. (3 May 1440) he conveyed, under the name of " Thomas Kynge de Wittenam Abbatis," all his part of the " hithe" and passage over the Thames at Clifton, with all chambers, houses, lands, meadows, pastures, ditches, waters, and fisheries, to Peter Shotesbroke, Esq. of Newenham, John Shephard of Wittenham-Comitis, clerk, and Thomas Haukyne of the same ; one of the witnesses of his deed being John Tubbe, the old man from whose knowledge of the family the genealogy had been drawn. These three persons re-infeoffed him and Joan his wife of the same estate, for their lives, and to the IN LONG-WITTENHAM, BERKS. 241 assigns of the said Thomas Kynge for ever, on Saturday in Easter-week, 19 Hen. VI. 1441. In 1483, 4 Nov. 22 Edw. IV. Joan Goldry and John Frenshe alias John Kynge, of Redyng, (who seem to have been the widow and the son of Thomas Kynge,) gave their half-part of the hithe to John Yonge, of Watlyngton, his heirs and assigns ; and on the 30th of the same month, the said J. F. alias J. K. released and quit-claimed the same to him ; Sir W. Stoner being the principal wit ness to both deeds. This John Yonge conveyed it to John Mercer, clerk, William Buldry, and Roger Roper of Watlington, and to the heirs and assigns of the last named, 12 Jan. 2 Ric. III. (1485) ; appointing on the 14th, Chr. Swan, bailiff of Abyndon, and John Gibon of Wat lington, his attorneys, to give seizin ; and on the 3 1 st he released the same with the same remainder. Eight years after, this Roger Roper, described as a " draper," demised it unto Ric. Panter, Rector of Exeter College, Will. Ford, Walter Kyngdone, John Philipe, Will. Brue, Will. Merifelde, John Frendshipe, Tho. Laurey, Walter Cowse, and John Hickys, clerks, Rich. Robertis, Walter Dudman, Will. Glovere, Tho. Tremayne, and Peter Druet, scholars (literatis), and to their heirs for ever, by deed dated at Oxford, 1 Aug. 8 Hen. VII. 1493; and by another, on the 28th of Nov. he quit-claimed all his right unto the said Rector and to the Fellows of the College, said to be " then in full pos session," and to their successors ; Tho. Larkyne, Robert and Reginald Curteys, and Roger Aleyne, being witnesses to both these deeds. This is the substance of the only (nine) ancient deeds relating to the estate of Clifton-ferry. W. H. B. XXX. LETTER FROM CARDINAL WOLSEY TO COUNT BEAUMONT, RE SPECTING STONE FOR BUILDING HIS COLLEGES AT IPSWICH AND OXFORD. Ex MSS. Bibl. Reg. Paris, vol. 8539. (Communicated by Sir Cuthbert Sharpe, of Sunderland.) Monseigneur le Grant Maistre, Pour ce que depuis quelque temps de 9a, en l'honneur de Dieu nostre Createur, ay commance a bastir et ediffier deux Colleges, l'un a, Ypswich, qui est le lieu de ma nativite, et l'autre en l'Uni- versite de Oxenford, par la fondacion des quels seront nourriz et alymentez plusieurs escoliers tousjours entretenus en vertu s 242 LETTER FROM CARDINAL WOLSEY. et aussi gens califfiez en dignite sacerdotalle, pour faire le service divin, a fin que a perpetuelle memoire Dieu y soit servie et hon- aox6; Lesquelz ediffices ne se peuvent bonnement parfaire, suyvant ce que deja est commance, a raison que n'avons de par de 9a la pierre a. habondance, com vous avez de par de la. A ceste cause, Monsr. le Grant Maistre, Je vous prie tres affectueuse- ment estre moien enverz le Roy v're Maistre ad ce que son bon plaisir soit me faire cest honneur, de ordonner et lymiter une carriere a Caen, en la basse Normandie, qui est le plus comode, et qu'il soit permis a mes gens, que ce apres j'en voiray par de la pour le meme affaire, de pouvoir tirer et enlever, selon les eschan- tillons qui leur seront baillez, toutes telles pierres qui seront ne- cessaires pour le par fournissement des d' [dites] edifices, sans payer aucun fons de terre, impositions, droitz, ou coustumes quelzconques. Ains puissent passer et estre admenes en cestuy Royaume franchement et quietement. Ce faisant serey du nombre des bienfaicteurs diceulx Colleges, et participant de toutes bonnes ceuvres, prieres, et meditacons qui y seront faictes, a tous jours mais. Et de ma part vous done et faictz 1'un des patrons d'iceulx come j'ay dit au present porteur le vous declairer plus amplement, a. qui j'ay donne charge solliciter l'affaire vers vous, s'il vous plaist luy donner credence, come a celluy a qui je meet bonne confidence. II a des affaires particulieres de par de la parquey je vous prie pour amour de moy l'avoir en vostre bonne recomendation, en ce dont il vous requerra, et vous me ferez fort grant plaisir. Et au surplus je vous advise que la ou il vous plaira m'employer en chose ou vous prendrez plaisir, le me signifiant congnoistrez qu'aurez ung vray et entier amy en moy, dount scayt n're siegneur, qui, Monsr. le grand Maistre, vous ait en mainteign en sa tres saincte garde. Escripte a Rychmont, le xxvi jour de Janvier, 1'an xvc.xxviii. V're tres cordial et parfict amy, T. CarIIs Ebor. A Monsg1' le Comte de Beaumont, Grant Maistre et Mareschale de France. C. S. 243 XXXI. EXTRACTS FROM ASKE's COLLECTIONS. [Continued from page 23.] [Fo. 721".] DESCENDANTS OF MATTHEW FURNEAUX. Be it to be remembred that Matthew de Furneaux had issew thre sonnes, Symond, Henry, and Thomas, and 4 doughters, Elianor, Havise, Jane, and Margarete. The saide Symond a had isseu Elsabeth,b that was maried to John Blownte, knt. the which John and Elsth had issew Alise, that was maried to Wm. Stury, knt. and died without issew. Also the saide Henry and Thomas died without issew ; also the furst doughter Elianor was maried to Henry Haddon, knt. and had issew a doughter callid Mary, which was maried to Wm. Fitzwaren, knt. and had issew Iwon Fitzwarren, knt. and Iwon had issue Jone that was maried to John Chidok, knt. and had for her parte 50&. of land, that is to saie Kelve, and oder lands, that Henry Rogers now hath. The 2nd sister Hawise was maried to John of Bytton, knt. and had yssue 2 sonnes John and Mathew, and 3 doughters, Mawde, Elsabeth, and Beatrice. John died without ysseu ; Mathew maried one Counstance, doughter of Thomas Kingeston, knight, and had isseu John of Bitton, knt. which John married Isabel, doughter of Walter Hurst, and had issew one Katheryne, which Katherine maried one Thomas Rugge,c which Thomas and Katherine had issew Jone, that was maried to Robt. Grendour hir furst husband, and after maryed Sir John Barre, knt. and died without issew of hirbody, and had for her part 50ft. of land, that is to saie, Pury Furneaux, Strengston and Sherington, Heithcumb, and odyr land that Stowell have purchased. The 1st doughter of Sir John of Bytton, Mawde, maried one Symon Basset, knight, of whome comyth Robt. Basset, now aly ve, that claymy th as heyre to my Lady Barre. The 2nd doughter Elsabeth, sister and heir of Mathew of Byt ton, maryed with Hampton, and had isseu Philpot Hampton, which Philpot had Richard, which Richard had John Hampton, « He died 24 Edw. III. b See Collinson's Somersetshire, vol. i. p. 26'2. c Roche in Collinson's Somerset, i. 263. s2 244 DESCENDANTS OF MATTHEW FURNEAUX. which John had 3 doughters, Luce, Jane, and Elsabeth, now being aly ve, that claymy th as heyre to my Lady Barre. The 3rd suster Beatrice maryed Heugh Strowde, knight, and had isseu by hir, Henry, which had Richard Strowde, which Richard had William Stroude, now alive, y4 claymyth as heyre to my Lady Barre. Also the 3rd doughter of Mathew de Furneaux, Jone, was ma ryed to John Tirwitt, knight, and had isseu John Tirwyt, kt. y1 maried one Isabell, and had Thomas Tirwyt, kt. which Thos. weddid one Elsabeth, and had isseu Anne and Jone, which Anne maryed one Will'm Clynton, kt. and had yssew Wm. Clynton, kt. yl died without isseu. And Jone maried John Warde, Esquier, which John died without issew. Also the 4th doughter of Mathew de Furneaux, Margarete, was maried to John Beaupre, kt. which had isseu John Beaupre, kt. and the saide John the father died, after whose decease the said Margarete was maried to Heugh Longland, kt. which had Hugh Longland, kt. and Margaret; which Hugh died without isseu, and Margarete suster to the said Hugh, and Margarete wife of Hugh Longland the father, had for their parte SOU. of lands, Astynton, Warmester, and divers other lands in Somer setshire. The saide Margarete, suster 'to Hugh Longland, maryed John Barbe, and the said Margarete died without issew, and for Seint Barbis parte fell Astynton, d as heir to Margarete Barbe, sister to Hugh Longland, yl died without yssew. The forseid Isabell, suster of John Beaupre, maryed John Longland sone and heire of Hugh Longland, knt. borne and begotten of his first wife, which John and Ysabell had 3 dough ters, Margarete, Jane, and Annes. The furst doughter Margaret maried Leonard Hakeluet, kt. of whom commyth Stepulton of Shroppeshier, and had for his parte lands besides Warmester, and in divers places. The 2nd Jane maried Robt. Yevelton, kt. and Robt. died with out isseu, and Jone maryed with Richard Rynyon, grandfather to Wm. Byvyon (sic), now alyve, and had for his parte lands be sides Yevell or Yevelchester, and in other places, as well as in Somersetshier. The 3rd Anne maryed John Farwaye, and had bytwixte them 2 doughters, the one maryed with Stowell, the other with Berkley Lord of Tekenam and Stowell. And Berkeley as one heyre had 11 Asliington in Somersetshire; see the Gent. Mag. xc. ii. 209. DESCENDANTS OF MATTHEW FURNEAUX. 245 for hir parte the lands at Warmester, and afterward Stowell and Berkley made exchaunge, that Barkley shuld have War mester hole for his parte to hym and to his heyres ; and Stowell to have as mych land therfor in Cornewaile, that was Barkles before that exchange made. Md. That Anselme Basset, knight, maryed Margaret Le- maheu, and had isseu Edmund Basset, knt. and John and 3 doughters, Isabell Pynchard, Margaret Valars, and Katheryne Bisset. Edmond and John died without isseu, after whose deth theritage of ye said Ancelme descendid to ye forsaid Ysabell, Mar garet, and Katherine, as sisters and heyres of the said John. The forsaid Isabell had issew Symon, which maried one Elsa beth, and had issew John; and the said Elsabeth died, and after the said Symon maried one Mauld, and had yssew Maurice and Edmond. And the forsaid John, sone and heire of the forsaid Symon and Elsabeth, maried one Elsabeth which died, and then he maried one Ysabell, and had isseu Margarete, and the forsaid John, Ysabell, and Margaret died. And the said Maurice died, lyving Symon his father. And the forsaid Edmond maryed one Margery, and had isseu John Basset, father of Robt. Basset ; and the said Robt. maried Jane and had yssew Giles Basset now lyving. §. Participatio omnium maneriorum, terrarum, et tenemento- rum, reddituum, servic' et rev'c's cum suis pertin. quag fuere Ali- ciae quae fuit uxor Will. Stury, militis, filias et heredis Elsabeth Blunt, filia? et heredis Simonis de Furneaux, militis, in Com. Wiltshier, facta apud Brigewater, die Veneris prox. post fest. S'ti Gregorii Episcopi, anno r. R. [Henrici] 5li post conq. 8V0. Inter Radulfum Bushe et Alianoram uxorem ejus primam parti- cipem per Will'm Gascoigne, Wm Short, Wm Drew, Robt. Walsham, attornatos ipsorum Rad'i et Elinora?, warrant', et suffic. eorum habentes, ac inter Joh'em Rogers in propria per sona sua, pro 'prima purparcia maneriorum, terrarum et tenemen- torum, &c. predictos Rad'um et Elianoram contingente ; nec- non inter Greyndour in propria persona sua et Johannam uxo rem ejus de secunda purparcia manerior'. ter' et ten'. &c. ipsos conting ; inter etiam Robt. Brent, Thomam Taple, W'm Gascoign, et W'm Hastings, feoffatos Johannis de S'ta Barbara tercii participum de una medietate totius purparcia; predict, mane rior' terr. et ten. &c. illi contingente ; ac etiam inter Leonard Ste- pleton in propria persona sua, Johannem Raynon (sic) in propria persona sua, participes de 2 partibus predicte medietatis, residua? 246 DESCENDANTS OF MATTHEW FURNEAUX. ejusdem tertia? purpartiae illos inde contingentis ; et inter Thom. Barkley et Elisabeth uxor, ejus et Walter Stowell in propria persona sua, et Johannam uxor, ejus, participes totius partis eo- rundem dictorum partium medietatis residua? tercia? purparcia? ilia? inde contingentis. Imprimis pro prima purparcia predictorum Rad'i et Alianora? ac predicti Johannis per eosdem Rad'um et Alianoram clamante assignantur maneria de Culne cum Kelvelton et Holiserd ejus dem manerii membr. ac maner'. de Fedington cum certis terris et tenem' in Ore, qua? extenduntur per annum, 47/. 16s. 3d. ob. unde idem maner. de Fedington allocatur predictis Rad'o et Alianora? uxori ejus per concordiam inter eosdem Rad'um et Ali anoram uxor, ejus et Johannem Rogers factam. Item pro secunda purparcia predictor' Rob'ti Grendour et Johanne uxoris ejus assignantur maneria de Bury, Hethcumbe, Strengeston, Merigge, et Shyrveton, qua? extenduntur per annum 53/. 5s. 5d. Item pro tercia purparcia assignantur predictis Rob'to Brent, Thoma? Taple, Will'o Gascoigne, et Will'o Hasting, feoffatis, &c. unde injure predictor' Joh'is de S'ta Barbara, Leonardi Steple- ton, Joh'is Roynam (sic), Thoma? Berkle,etEliz'tha? uxoris ejus,et Walteri Stowell et Johanna? ux. ej. maneria de Assington, Lytil- ton, et certas terras et ten. in Oldesoke, Steyning, et Warne, in com. Somers'. et maner'- de Warmester in Com. Wilts, qua? extenduntur per ann. 51/. 18s. Id. ob. De quibus assignantur predict, feoff, de S'ta Barbara ut injure, &c. maner. de Astyng- ton [Ashington] cum advocacione ecclesia? ibidem qua? extendun tur per annum 24/. 12s. Id. ob. Et predict. Leonard. Stepilton, ac Thoma? Berkley et Eliza beth ux. ej. predict, maner'. de Warmester in Com. Wilts, qua? extenduntur per ann. ad 12/. viz. dua? inde partes ad eundem Leonardum Stapilton, et tercia pars ad predictos Thom. Barkley et Eliz'th ux. ej. Et predicto Joh'i Raynon (sic) assignantur certa terra? et ten. in Oldesoke, Steyning. et Warne, qua? extenduntur per ann. ad 8/. 8s. 4d. Et ad predict. Walterum Stowell et Johannam uxorem ejus assignantur predictum maner. servic' terr' et ten. in Lytilton qua? extenduntur per annum ad 4/. 8s. 8d. Md- quod predicta Margareta quarta filia infra-scripta Mathei de Furneaux, qua? maritata fuit Johauni Barbe, habuere (sic) inter eos exitum Ricardum Barbe, ut infra specificatur, ac etiam Johan- DESCENDANTS OF MATTHEW FURNEAUX. 247 nem et Johannam, qua? quidem Johanna maritata fuit Will'o Stradling, et habuere exitum Edward. Stradling, militem, et alios. Qui quidem Edwardus habuit exitum Henricum Stradling modo viventem; et predicta Johanna soror predicta? Margareta? maritata fuit Ric'o Durborough, et habuere exitum quandam . . . .a quae fuit maritata Alexandro Hadley, et habuere exitum Johannem Hadley jam superstitem. [Fol. 75 \] Lord Warin of Rali and Johanna his wiffe, daughter of the Lord Botiler of Walis, had a sonne Simond of Rali,b and a daughter Mawde, which was maried unto Mathewe of Furneaux, and of the seid Simonde of Rali came Avis Malet, Mawd Mon- strell, and Margaret of Barry; and of the said Avis Malet came Lord John Malet, Baldwin Malet, Walter Malet, and Richard Malet, and Isabell Blewet, Ladi Mawd of Fesours, Johanna Radington and Alis Wike; and off the seid Lord John Malet came Lord Baldewin Malet that nowe is, and John Malet his brother, and Avis and Constantine, sisters of the seid Baldewin. And off the seid Mawd of Furneaux, sister of the seid Simond, came Simond Furneaux, Ladi Johanna of Gurnay, Ladi Elionor of Haddon, Ladi Margaret of Beaupre, and Avis of Bitton : and of the seid Ladi Johanna of Gurnay cam Lord John Trivet, which was father of the Lord Thos. Tryvet by his [her] furst mariage, and after bi the Lord Thomas of Gurnay his (sic) second mariage, had a sonne Lord Thos. of Gurnay, John of Gurnay, Mathewe [of] Gurnay, Edmond of Gurnay, singer in the church of Well, and Walter Gurnay. And of the seid Ladi Elionora Haddon, sister of the seid John of Gurnay, cam Ladi Johanna le Fitzwaren, wiff of the Lord W'm Fitzwaryn, a nobill knight, of which cam John Fitzwaryn, Phelip Fitzwaryn, Eve Fitzwaryn, and Johanna Cheney, wiff of Edmonde Cheny. And of the seid Ladi Margaret of Bewpre, sister of the seid John of Gurnay, cam Lord John Bewpre, bi his (sic) furst ma riage ; and bi the Lord Hugh Langland his (sic) second mariage, had Isabel Langland, and Margaret, which was maried unto Richard Barbe. And of the seid Isabel Langland cam Margaret Hacklet and Johanna Yevylton, and Johanna Farwey. And of the seid Margaret Barbe cam Richard Barbe and Johanna Dur- " Blank in Orig. b The gravestone of one of these Raleghs at Ashington is engraved in the Gentleman's Magizine, xc. ii. 20,9. 248 BOUNDARIES OF PENDLETON, LANCASHIRE. burwe. And of the seid Avis of Bitton, sister of the seid John of Gurnay, cam Lord John of Bitton, w'ch died at Calis, and Ma thew of Bitton, and Mawde which [was] after bi an other mariage called Mawde Bassat, and Eliz'th Hampton. And the seid Mathew of Bitton was maried unto Constan- tyne Kingston, daughter of the Lord Thomas of Kingston ; and of the seid Mathew and Constantyne came John of Bitton, which died in Portingale; and of the seid Maud More, by his (sic) furst marriage, came Cissill, which was maried to Nicholas Berk ley of Durslei, and died without issue. And after the foresaid Mawde More was maried unto Edmond Bassate, and had sonnes Richard Bassat, Edmond Basset, which now lyvyth, and hath the inheritance of Simond Bassat, father of them. And of Elizabeth Hampton, sister of the seid Mawde Bassat, came John Hampton, which now lyvith. P. XXXII. BOUNDARIES OF PENDLETON, CO. LANCASTER. (Ex Cartis Orig. penes Dom. Tho. Phillipps, Baronetti, olim Edv. Lloyd, Generosi.) The boundaries of manors and parishes often contain in the names of places the records of past events, which those who are well versed in the Saxon language are best capable of unravelling. This observation is occasioned by the word " Bispeslowe." This is a compound word, the last syllable of which is a corruption of the Saxon " leawe," a burial- place, and therefore the whole word probably marks the tumulus or grave of a Saxon of the former name, unless the word " Bispes" itself should be a corruption of the Saxon word, Biscopes, and therefore denote that it is the burial-place of a Bishop. Haec sunt bunda? et divisa? de Wasto nova? Aula? juxta Salt- fekl et de Peniltone, videlicet, " Del Walneysepol usque Brade- hockesnape, sequendo le Lache usque le Wete Snape, sequendo le Rowe lache usque in Saltfekl Clow usque a Wolf hayes-menigyate, et a Wolfhayes-menigyate sequendo alteram viam usque Brade- leyehefd, et a Bradeleyehefd sequendo alteram viam usque Luttle Leye hefd, et a Luttle leye hefd sequendo predictam viam usque Gildenaverforde, et sic per Tippesbroc assendendo usque Bispes lowe, et de Bispeslowe sequendo le Blakelache in Alwinemere, et de Alwinemere usque le Redeforde, et sic per sichetura subtus parcum de Penilbury descendendo in Irewel, et sic Irwell se quendo usque Walneysepol." F. 249 XXXIII. ORIGIN OF THE FAMILY OF STAFFORD. In 1833 nearly one thousand ancient deeds of Shropshire and of the Priory of St. Thomas near Stafford, were sold by auction, and came to the hands of one of the Editors of these Collectanea ; from which he has selected the following deed for the purpose of shewing the probability that the two great families of Stafford and Bagot were descended in the male line from a common ancestor of the name of Bagot. This original charter is undated ; but appears to have been written about the time of King John. It has been injured by wet, and is thereby partly decayed in the middle. The seal is lost. Sciant tam presentes" quam futuri quod Ego Willelmus de Stafford, filius Hervei Bagot, assensu Domini et fratris mei Hervei Bagot, et assensu Domina? et matris mea? Mylisent, pro salute animarum nostrarum et nostrorum (sic) concessi et presenti carta mea confirmavi Ecclesia? S. Thoma? Martyris de Stafford, et Canonicis ibidem Deo servientibus in liberam et puram et perpetuam elemosinam, concessionem et donationem quam Pater meus Herveus fecit predictis canonicis, de Villa de Drayton cum molendino, et cum secta ejusdem molendini, quantumcunque de terra mea pertinet, et cum omnibus aliis libertatibus et comuniis ad predictam Villam de Drayton" et molendinum pertinentibus, tam in refectione stagni quam in attractione molarum, ad tenen dum de me et heredibus meis [libere] et quiete. Reddendo anu- atim dimidiam marcam argenti ; medietatem ad Annunciacionem S. Mariae, et medietatem ad festum Sancti omni seculari servitio et exactione vel qualicunque demanda ad me vel heredes meos pertinente. Salvo tamen forinseco servicio. Et [Ego Wills] et heredes mei warrantizabimus predicta? Ecclesia? et Canonicis predicta omnia contra omnes homines et omnes feminas. Pro hac autem concessione et confirmatione canonici dederunt mihi unam marcam argenti. His testibus W. . . . Bagot de la Yde, Eu done de Mer de Dulverne, Rob'to del Bee, Joh'e de Salt, Hugone de Dokeseya, Hugone de Haenegate, Gerardo de la Lehe, Godefrido de Thoma de Borton, Ricardo filio Musse, Will'mo fil. Roberti, Waltero Wuniaue, Will, filio Will, (sic) Wimeri, et multis aliis. Indorsed^ in an old hand. " Carta Hervei bakot." P. 250 XXXIV. LIST OF CHARTERS IN THE CARTULARY OF ST. NICHOLAS PRIORY, AT EXETER. [Continued from p. 189.] 172. Confirmatio Henrici de Traci de predicto redditu 5 sol. 173. Conf. Cecilia?, filia? Arthuri de Winton, de dicto redditu. 174. Conf. Hen. de Traci, de dicto redditu. 175. Carta Henrici Picot et Rosemunda? uxoris ejus de ven- ditione 3 marcar' redditus de terra sua, inter terram Goseghe et plateam qua? vadit per Vatel lane. Test. Walt. Pruz et Rogero Lidene, tunc prepositis, &c. 176. C. Joh'is Burwin et Amma? uxoris ejus, de redditu 5 sol. de terra inter Ecclesiam S. Joh'is Bapt. et plateam Fabrorum. 177. Quieta Clamacio Joh'is de Dowrea de jure suo in terra in magno vico, Exon. Test. Ylario Blundo, tunc Majore Exon. 178. C. Hermanni Clerici, de terra sua in Exonia. 179. C. Balduini Child, de 1 libr. cera? de domo sua, qua? fuit Edmeri de Moberton. Test. Waltero Probo et Rogero Li dene, prepositis. 180. C. H. I. " Hen. Rex Anglia? Ric'o fil. Balduini et om nibus Baronibus suis de Deven'. Sciatis qd ego concedo et pro anima mea confirmo donum quod Algarus Paiardus, concedente filio suo, dedit et concessit Monachis S. N." Test. Will. fil. Odonis, apud Wodestoc. 181. C. Steph. Rex Angl. de resaisiandis Monachis S. N. in dictis terris Algari Paiardi. Test. Rob'to Avenel, apud Salopes- beriam. 182. C. Rob'ti fil. Rob'ti fil. Radulfi, de reddit. 1 lb. piperis de terra Durandi in Currestrete, quam Gilda amita sua dedit Priori S. N. Test. Will. Briwere, tunc Vicecom. Devon, Will. de Roem. tunc constabul. Exon, Will. Rof, tunc preposito, An drea, fratre Mauritii Prioris. 183. C. Rob. fil. Rad'i concedens Gilde sorori sua? terram quam Durandus tenuit de seipso, tenend pro annua pensione 1 libra? piperis. a " Dovera " in the Rubric title to the Charter. 251 184. " S. p. et f. q. Ego W. Bure pro sal. a'i'a? meae et Ami- cia? ux'is meae dedi Eccl'ae S. N. 12d redd'." Test. Ricardo, Johanne, et Rogero, filiis meis, &c. 185. " S. p. et f. q. e. Galfr. fil. Stephani Sur-la-Hille, pro sal. a'i'a? mea? et Stephani patris mei et Juliana? matris mea?, dedi Eccl. S. N. terram meam in Exon." 186. " S. p. et f. q. e. Alex'r de Tauton pro sal. &c. & Roge- ria? matris mea? do Eccl. S. N. reddit. 6d. de domo mea petrina." Test. W. Thurfe. et Joh'e filio ej. 187. " S. p. et f. q. e. Galfr. fil. Maurici presbyteri de Kel- m'ton, do S. N. reddit. 18 denar. de terra mea in Poulestret." Test. Waltero Turfc. tunc Majore Exon. 188. " O'ib. Sfc. Robt. de Mandaville. Nov. me pro sal. a'ia? meae et uxoris meae dedisse S. N. Exon. tot. tenement. Michaelis de Fonte." 189. " S. p. & f. q. e. Will, de Stoncumbe et Matildis uxor mea do S. N. 12d redd', de terr. et dom. meis in Exon." 190. " S. p. et f. q. e. Ric. le Flamang do S. N. totam terram meam prope Eccl'iam S. Pauli." Test. Waltero Turfe Majore Exon. Ric'o Waleran et Hylario Blundo tunc prepositis, &c. 191. C. Will. Bure confirm. S. N. reddit. de 3 sol. Test. Hy lario Blundo, Majore. 1 92. C. Philippi de Coctuna et Osberti de Coctun, concedens pro a'i'a Will. Innocencii, avunculi eor. Eccl. S. Nich. ortum extra portam australem Exon. 193. Conventio inter R. Priorem S. N. et Robt. fil. Balduini, Capellani de Pochelle, qd diet. Prior dimiserit ad firm, pro vita dicti Rob'ti terram de Bogley, reddendo anuatim 40 sol. Test. Galfr'o de Pomeray ; Hilario, Majore, &c. 194. "S. p. etf.q.e. Editha que fui uxor Rogeri Calabre, assensu filiorum et heredum meor. scil. Alexandri et Johannis, dedi S. N. reddit. de 6d de domo qua? fuit Rogeri Calabre, viri mei." Test. Martino Rof, tunc Majore Exon, Sec. 195. " S. p. etf. q. e. Walt, le Pruz nullum jus habeo in aqua quam Prior et Conv. S. N. mihi ad tempus concesserunt." Test. Hug. de Langeden et Galfr. Strang tunc prepositis Exon. 196. " S. p. & f. q. e. Joh's Clericus fil. Rogeri fil. Henrici, dedi S. N. dom. et terr. quas habui de dono Pavia?, ave (sic) mea?." Test. Hylario, Majore Exon. 197. Peter de Pilefen q. clam. S. N. terr. et domum in Vico Australi Exon. Test. Hylario Blundo, Majore. 252 CHARTERS IN THE CARTULARY OF 198. " O'ib. 8fc. Magister Ricardus, cognomento Capellanus, assignavi S. N. annuam pensionem 6d de domo mea." Test. Godefrido, tunc Priore. 199. " S. p. et f. q. e. Ric'us Blund do terram extra portam de Suth, qua? quond. fuerat Ailwardi Liwil." 200. " O'ib. 8fc. Ysabella uxor Radulfi Musard, dedi cum corpore meo S. N. 5 marc, argenti, percipiendas de Abbatia de Bello Capite, de manerio de Dore, qd dictis Canonicis de Bello Capite et eorum successoribus dedi." Test. Tho. de Muleton ; Robt. de Lexinton; Will. Briwer; Math. fil. Herberti; Joh. de Baius; Serlone, Decano Exon; Jordano Oliver; Robt. Musard; Rad'o fil. Rad'i Musard, Hascuif (sic) de Hardeberg, Gaufr'o de Atrio. 201. " S. p. et f. q. Ego Maisent donavi pro sal. a'i'a? mea? et viri mei Will. Beivin, et filia? mea? Mirabel, jus advocacionis Eccl'ia? Omnium Sanctorum de Racheneford, Monasterio S. Nich'i Exon, et pauperibus qui habitant in Hospitali apud Jor- lesbyri, in eadem civitate." Test. Ric'o Trenchard, Will, de Hochesham, Will, le Peitevin. 202. " O'ib. etc. Robt. Prior S. Nich'i Exon. Nov. nos con- cessisse Will, de Glovernia et her'ib. suis totam terram quam Wal terus filius Gerberti aliquando de nobis tenuit in Bradeham." Test. Rogero tunc Majore Exon. Walt, le Buteler, 8tc. 203. " Edwardus Rex Anglia?, Sfc. Archiep'is, Sfc. Inspexi- mus cartam quam Will. Rex Angl. fecit Eccl'a? S. Martini de Bello in haec verba (printed New Mon. vol. iii. p. 244,) " In nomine sanctas et indiv. Trin. Ego Will. Dei gra' Rex Ang. notum facio omnibus, Sfc. quod cum in Angliam venissem et in finibus Hastyng cum exercitu amplicuissem," fyc. Test. Will. Rex, Lanfranc. Archiep. Cant, Thom. Arch. Ebor., Maur. Ep. Lond." tyc. In- speximus etiam aliam cartam ejusd' Will, in haec verba, (printed New Mon. vol. iii. p. 245). "Will. Dei g. Rex Angl. Lanfranco Archiep'o Cant. Stigand. Ep'o Cycestr. O'ib. successoribus suis regnum Anglia? optinentibus, et cunctis fidelibus, salut. Notum vobis facio quod locum victoria? mea?, 8fc. Test. Petro Ep'o Cestr., Hermanno Ep'o Sar." Inspeximus etiam aliam cart, quam idem progenitor noster fecit, in hasc verba. " Will. D. g. R. Angl. tam clericis quam laicis per Angliam constitutis, salut. fyc. Test. Lanfranc. Arch. Cant., Stig. Cyc. Ep., Walkelin. Ep. Wint.," fyc. Inspeximus etiam aliam cartam quam idem progenitor noster fecit, in hasc v. " Will. D. g. Rex Angl. Lanfranco Archiep'o Cant. et o'ib. Baronibus suis Franc, et Angl. constitutis, &c. Test. 253 Lanfr. Archiep'o Cant'. Will. fil. Osberti', apud Wyndelsore." Inspeximus etiam aliam cart, quam idem Rex fecit. " Will. d. g. R. A. Lanf. Archiep'o," &c. &c. Dat. 6E.I,» 204. Bulla P. Alexandri, qua confirmat omnia dona Regum et aliorum monasterio de Bello scil. " Ipsum locum in quo mo nasterium vestrum situm est cum leuga circumquaque jacente, et o'ib. pertin. suis ; Eccl' am de Sampford, cum plenaria decima, et terra ad ipsam Eccl'iam pertin. E. de Exlinges, cum terra et de cima ad eam pertin. de annona, et omni pecunia ; E. de Trilawa > E. de Migdehala; E. de Nortuna; E. de Heilesham, cum bere- wicis ad illam pertin. scil. Stevekaie, Stipdena, et Brundele, et deseria (sic) de Mendlesham, cum Audreestou; E.deBranford,cum berewicis suis, scil. Brustele, et Ailbrichteston ; E. de Brantham, cum terra et decima sua, et berewicis suis, scil. Hertholt, Scoe- lege, Scelflege, et Beuelege; E. S'ti Olavi de Exonia; E. de Culintuna; E. S'c'i Joh'is de Brechennoch, cum terris et decimis et omnibus ad eam pertin. cellam S'c'i Nicholai, et cellam Bre- cheuinoch, cum univ. pertin. suis. E. vero de Wi, cum terr. et decimis et o'ib. pertin. suis sicut ad opera monasterii vestri, et ad cereum jugiter arsurum coram reliquiis ipsius monasterii, ratio- nabiliter deputata et assignata esse dinoscitur, vobis et Ecclesia? vestra? confirmamus. Ita quidem, quod ad alios usus, nisi fructus inde provenientes superfluant, non debeat converti, salvo jure diocesani Episcopi, et Capellani, qui ibi deservierit. Willam (sic) etiam qua? dicitur Wi, cum o'ib. pertin. suis; Villam de Elfliestona ; Villam de Lymenesfeld ; Villam de Hou ; Villam de Brichwoldintona ; Villam de Craumareys ; Villam de Bromham ; Villam de Apeldreham, et terram 70 solidorum, qua? dicitur Langeherste, et est in manerio de Mienes, cum oi'b. predictarum villarum pertin." &c. &c. Dat. Anagnia?, per manum Graciani, S'c'a? Romana? Eccl'ia? Subdiaconi et Notarii, 18 kal. April. Indiccione 7, Incarnacionis D'nica? anno mclxxhi. Pontifica- tus vero D'ni Alexandri Papa? Tertii, anno xv. 205. C. Will. II. Regis. " Will'o Vic. Bald, et o'ib. Baronibus suis, et ministris qui habitant in Devenesira, salut. Notifico vobis," &c. de Privilegiis. Test. Walchelino Winton. Ep'o et Rogero Bigot, apud Winton. ( Printed in the New Mon. vol. iii. p. 377. J • This is a very long Inspeximus, containing six charters of William the Conqueror, two of William II., four of Henry I., one of Henry III. The Inspeximus is dated anno 6 Edw. I. 254 CHARTERS OF ST. NICHOLAS PRIORY, AT EXETER. 206. C. H. II. " Confirmans consuetudines quas Rex Will. dedit Eccl'ia? S. Martini de Bello, et Rex Henr. avus suus filius ejus predict. Eccl'ia? S. Nich'i confirmavit. Test. Rogero, Archiep'o Ebor. Jocelino Ep'o Sar." &c. 207. Taxatio Vicarias de Columpton, A0. 1269. (This has been inserted by a later hand, and is only a memorandum of it. ) P. [To be continued.] XXXV. PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA-ROLLS, &C. [Continued from p. 148.] [Fo. 17.] Pasche, anno xvijrao E. 2. de Banco. Nott. 30. Barry v. Aslacton. [Printed in Thoroton's Nottinghamshire, p. 84.] Kane. 41. Dominus Rex in jure Juliane fil'. et her' Johannis de Lenham r' advocacoem et p'sentacoem ad ecctiam de Rolvyn- don v' Johem de Segrave junior 'et Julian' ux'em ejus. Isolda. Isabell' de Creuker nupta Henr' de Gaunt. I i r— ' 1 Juliana. Isolda. Alienor'. I I Nich'a. Joh'es. I I Johanna. Joh'es. I J Juliana nupta Juliana nunc J. de Segrave. infra a?tatem. Matil' de Averenches h'uit exitu p' Hugonem de Creuker. I r -, -I -r— -, Agnes. Isold'. Alianor'. Isabell. I Johannes. I Juliana nunc ux' Johannis Segrave. PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA-ROLLS, &C. 255 [Fo. 17b.] Pasche, anno xvijmo. E. 2. de Banco. Lancast. 41 . Henricus filius Henrici de Glasebrok implitat Robtm de Glasebrok pro uno mesuagio et ij bovat' terre in Glass'. Ric'us de Glasebrok. . I Ric'us. 1 . Henricus. I . Henricus nunc petens. Kane. 70. Johannes de Mereworth et Stephus de Chelesfeld r v' Johem de Wish'm p'sentac' ad eccl'iam de Mapelescompe. I n . Basilia nupta .... de Mereworth. Alicia nupta. I I Rogerus. Rob'tus. Johannes petens. a Willi'm's. Somset. 82. Johannes filius Henrici r' v' Walteru' de Thorn- hull et Margeriam uxorem ejus j caruc' terre in Dunhevede. Henricus de Urtiaco maritavit Sabinam. I Henricus. I Henricus. I Johannes nunc petens. [Fo. 18.] Pasche, anno E. 2. xvijm°. de Banco. Ebor. 92. Johannes fil' W fil' Nigelli de Myddleton pet' v' Amic' qua? est uxor Rici de Hohun 1 bovat' terre in Middleton. Gilb'tus Middleton. I . Aunfrid'. I Nigellus. Will'mus. I Johannes nunc petens. * Died seised of the advowson, 39 Edw. III. Hasted's Kent, i. 290. 256 PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA-ROLLS, &C. Pasche, anno Edi. lmi. nono de Banco. Hereff. 29. Osb'tus Le Chapeline de Eton pet' v' Will, de Walth'm unii mesuag' et una virgatam terre, exts lx acr' terre et Cxx pedibus terre in longit' et xxxvij pedibus in lat' in Nether- uouer. [Netherwood ?] Hamundus. Richilda soror ejus. I Emma fil'. I Rob'tus. Osb'tus nunc petens. [Fo. 18b.] Pasche, anno E. lmi. nono de Banco. Buck. 62. Rogerus de Clifford et Isabell' uxor ejus, Rogerus de Ley burn et Idonea uxor ejus, pet' v' Ep'm Decanu et Cap'lfh Line, advocacoem Eccl'ie de Bokeland. Idonea. I Johannes fil'. I Rob'tus fil'. Isabella nunc. Idonea petens. Pasche, anno E. primi vit0. de Banco. Sussex. 6. Willius de Bello campo pet' v' Will. Breuse cas- tru et totam terram de Gowyr in Wall'. Willi'us Breuse, tempore Willi'm's nescitur quis Walrandus fr. R. Johannis. p' Record' sine. Willi'm's fil' ejus. Henricus fil'. Alic' soror. Walrandus i"r. r _L -i Johannes fil'. Thomas fil'. Marg' soror et W's fil'. Isabell' soror. | heres sine. | Willi'm's nunc def. W's de bello Campo. PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA-ROLLS, &C. 257 [Fo. 19.] Anno p'd' co. Devon. 12. Non intraf pl'itu' pro sequent' pedegrad'. Ric'us Baticeyn. I Johanna nupta. Johanna nunc petens. Line. 40. Rogerus de Cotingh'm et Willi'ms Breuer pet' ut jus suu' v' Abb'em de Valle Dei ij acras terre in Lavinton. Erneburga. I i_. I Matill'. I . W's fil'. I Walters fil'. I Rogerus nunc petens. ~ Bihalda.a 7~I 1 Rob'tus fil'. W's fr ejus et heres. Rob'tus fil'.b XX illi'm's filius nunc petens. Ebor. 54. Alanus de Eskelby pet' v' Will, fil' Picoki de Newton x bovat' terre et j acr' dim' in Eskelby et Newton. Wimerus tempore R. H. p'avi R. nunc. I Rob'tus fil'. i"; " , " 1 Steph'us fil'. Ivetta soror et heres ejus. Henricus fil' Ivette. I Alanus nunc fil' petens. [Fo. 19b.] PaScfie aftno E. primi iijcio de Banco. Ebot*< 4. Agnes filia Alani de Stavely pet' v' Ricm de Seyton et Aliciam ux'em ejus iij tofta et ij bovat' terre in Farn- ham. Alanus. Thomas fil'. Thom' fr. Agnes petens. I Alanus filius qui obiit sine. " Qu. Richalda ? L So placed; but probably son of William. T 258 PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA-ROLLS, &C. Anno p'd'o Berk. 7. Rogerus le Graunt pet' v' Regin' le Feuer j molend' et unam hid' terre in Sherve'ham [Shrivenham]. Rogerus. I Willi'm's fil'. .1.. Willi'm's. I Rogerus nunc petens. Kane. 51. Plitum pro Duello. Anketinus, tempore R. H. avi R. nunc. Wilb'tus filius. Hugo fil'. I, Rob'tus filius. Ranulphus filius. I r— L. _, Rob'tus fil'. Walterus fr nunc petens. [Fo. 20.] Mich'is, anno E. 3. quinto. Ebor. 25. Nichus Stapleton pet' v' Anketinu Salvayne quartu turnu p'sentaconis eccl'ie de Tiverington. Anketinus Malore, tempore R. H. 3.=pSarra ux' ejus. I . -j ^ . | . j Margeria Amic' cone' Nich'us Nicha' cone' p'p't' Sarra cone' p'p't' nupta p'p'tem obiit suam Nich'o Sta- sua' dicto Nich'o Sal- suam Wo le sine pleton avo Nich'i de Stapleton avo vaine. Latimer. her'. nunc peten'. petentis. Anketinus fil' et heres. Anketinus Salvaine. Will'm's Latimer. ,1 Will'm's fil' ejus cone' p'p't' sua' Miloni de Sta pleton. Nich'us de Stapleton. Milo de Stapleton. Nich'us Stapleton nunc petens fil' Mi- lonis. PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA-ROLLS, &C. 259 Anno p'd' co. Sussex. 46. Thomas Tregotz petit versus Alicia' atte Thele virgatam terre in Billinghurste. Johannes Tregotz, tempore R. H. p'avi R. nunc J Henricus. I Thomas nunc petens. [Fo. 20b.] Mich'is, anno E. iijcii quinto. Cornub. 204. Jur' dicunt quod div'sa ten'ta in Treuam, petit' per Joh'em filiu' Johannis de Ripariis v' plurios, fuer' alienat' post confeecoem Statuti. Johannes de Ripariis, tempore H. I Johannes fil' Johannis de Ripariis. I Johannes filius. I Johannes nunc petens. Cornub. 112. Aungerus de Treueseck petit v' plurios terras in Lutcoyte. Cascilia. I Rolandus filius. .1 Ric'us filius. I Aungerus filius nunc petens. Ebor. 232. Willifhs Swinton et Isabell' uxor ejus petunt v' Johannem de Kaynell j mesuagiu' xxxviij acras terre et ijas acr' prati in Greynate. I 1 Rob'tus Turvy. Rob'tus fr et heres. I ' 1—1 Rob'tus fil'. Thomas ejus fr et lieres. Johannes filius. I Isabella filia et her' nunc petens. t2 260 PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA-ROLLS, &C. [Fo. 21. J Mich'is, anno E. 3. quinto. Wigorn. 309. Johannes de Wincote et Johanna uxor ejus sum' fuer' ad r'ondend' Nicho filio Willi'mi de Kington pro med' advocac'onis Eccl'ie de Kington. Guido Pipard. Nich'us Kington. r__i_ _, Ivetta fil'. Matild' [fil.] et her'. Willi'm's filius. I ! Ivetta marit' Wo Kardiffe. Nich'us petens. Paulinus fil'. I W's filius. I Johanna nunc def . Warw. 322. Johannes filius Ed'i (sic) de Langley petit v' Laurenc' de Shepye unu' molend' in Coventr'. Galfr'us de Langley. I r n Rob'tus filius. Galfr' fr. I Johannes nunc petens. [Fo. 21b.] j_nno E. 3. p'd'to. Essex. 350. Ricus le Rye et Johanna uxor ejus petunt v' Will' de Bohun j messuagiu iiijxx acr' terre et vi acr' p'ti in Ram- nesden. Johannes de Ramesden. I, Rad'us filius. I Johanna nunc petens. North't. 371. Andreas filius [Joh'is] Russell petit v' Hugonem de Northburgh et Hugonem filium ejus unu' mesuagiu', quadraginta acras terre, quadraginta acras p'ti, et vi m'calas redd' cum p'tin- enciis in Etton. PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA-ROLLS, &C. 261 Will'mus atte More. Will'mus avunculus et heres ejus. Ad' filius. I Willi'mus filius. I Hugo [de Northburgh] nunc petens. Anno R. E. 3. quinto. NorfF. 400. Ricus de Belhouse petit V Rob't'm de Roppes Ch'ir, centum solid' redd' cum pertin' in Grimestun, Congham, Rydone, et Geyton. Ric'us de Belhouse. Theobaldus filius. .! Ric'us filius. I Thomas filius. I Ric'us filius nunc petens. [Fo. 22.] Mich'is, anno E. iijcii quinto. North' t. 414. Johannes de Widevill et Henricus filius Piob'ti de Kersebrook petunt v' Johanne' filiu' Walteri de Blunt ma ner' de Passenham. Henricus de Passenham. I , -«- "I Alicia soror. Margar soror. | I Johannes fil' petens. Henricus filius petens. Warr. 484. Willi'm's le Botiler de Wemme et Ela uxor ejus, Johannes de Peyto et Alicia uxor ejus, petunt v' Nichum de Passeleu maner' de Wylye. [Pedigree as printed in Dugdale's Warwickshire, under Willey.] [Fo. 22t>.] Pasche, anno E. 3. quadragesimo quinto. Cant. 53. Dominus Rex racone custod' hered' Thome de Scalar' impli'tat Joh'em de Meresey capell' pro eccl'ia de Duckesworth. 262 PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA-ROLLS, &C. Rob'tus de Busteler. Ric'us. Thomas. Aliciasoror. Rosa soror. I Agnessoror. Nich'us Joh'es sine. M'sey. H Joh'es Alicia soror. " I I Walt'us de Linton. Johanna soror. Thomas de Scalariis. Henricus Hellion. Johannes inf a?tatem. Suff. 244. Clemens Brachenham et Katerina uxor ejus im- pli'tant Willi'm' Comit' Suff" et Will'm' de Huntingfeild pro rector' de Alderton. Galfr'us de Glanvill. i — — i l.Margareta 2. Emma nupta E'do nupta Comit' Cor- Joh'i nub'. Gray. 1 — | 1 3. Johanna 4. Katerina 5. Alicia nupta nupta Wo nupt' Em'ico non patet cui. Boivill. Perche. I 1 1 Reginaldus. Emma nupta Wo de W's. Anna nupta Wo Malore. Huntingfeild.Rogerus Huntingfeild. . J. . Willi'm's infra aetatem. [Fo. 23.] Pasche, anno E. 3. xlvt°. Leic. 271 . Thomas de Ocheby et Johannes Brabason petunt custod' terre et her' Johanne, que fuit uxor Willi'mi de Wode- ford, que ad eos pertinet eo quod tenent maner' de Sproxton. Rogerus Bra bason sine. Mattheus fr ejus. Willi'm's Brabason. Johannes. I I Johanna de Wodeford. 1 Johanna soror ejus. I p— , Amabill' soror Emma soror Rogerus. I I Thomas. r ejus. I .J . ejus. Rog'us. Theobald'. Tho. Thomas de Oucheby W's Curson. nunc petens. Johannes. I Johannes nunc petens. PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA-ROLLS, §CC. 263 Trinitatis, anno xxxiiijt0 II. iijcii. Devon. 25. Will'm's filius Ric' de Forda petit v' Mauriciu' de Berkelay di'am hid' terre, excepta iiijta parte un' ferling' terre in Estbray, et aliam iiijtam partem ferling' terre ib'm. Willi'm's de Forda. I «, H ^ — n. Steph us. Ric us. Willi'm's. [Fo. 23b.] Anno xxxivt0 H 3. Berk. 7. Milo Basset filius Milonis Basset recuperat per ju- diciu' curie ij carucatas terre, dim' virgat' et una' acra' p'ti, in Northmorton v' Joh'em Basset. Jordanus Basset. I ' 1 • 1 . Milo antenatus. Jordanus. Henricus. I Johannes. Pasche xxxiiijt0 H. iiicii. Sussex. 8. Rogerus de Sancto Johanne petit v' Rob't'm de S'co Johe man' ia de Hannak, Waub'ton, et Bernham. Rogerus de S'co Johanne. I Thomas. I Johannes. I Rogerus. I Johannes. I Rogerus. Essex. 10. Rob'tus de la Haye petit v' Alex' de Stellinge xxx acr' terre in Stow, ut jus. _ i : 1 W's de la Haye sine. Galf rus. Rob'tus nunc petens. 264 PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA-ROLLS, &C. [Fo. 24.] Pasche, anno xxxiiij10 H. 3, Salop. 16. Wilims de Esse sine die pro ij partibus unius mess, et i car' terre in Eue. Baldewinus le Poer h'uit iij filias. I r -r1- n . Petronilla. Elena. Eustachia. I I I Ingeramus Ranulphus Johannes de Fraxino.3 de Solariis.a de Solariis.a Hugo qui Willi'm's. Willi'm's de nunc est. i Solariis. Ric'us infra aetatem. Trinitatis, anno xiiij t0 H. 3. coram Rege. Berk. 4. Concordia inter Archidiac' Berk' et Ric'm de Syfre-> waste pro quad' co'a in boscis de Clifware pro porcis suis. [No pedigree entered here.] Line. 5. Versus Abbatem de Croyland pro una virgata terre in Southerton. Ketelbernus de Keles. I Odo filius. I Alanus filius. ! Willi'm's filius. I Ketelbernus nunc petens. [Fo. 24^.] Anno xiiijt0 H. 3. Sussex. 9. Gilb'tus Marescall et Cascilia uxor ejus, Will'm's Aguiilun, Ricard' Grenested, petunt v' Ric'm de Ci'omhall' et alios ij partes feodi unius mil' in Strathampton. Emma de Falesbv. I Willi'm's. I . , 7. 1 ' — TT T ' — i Ric'us obiit Emma mater Ric i Margeria mater Csecilia uxor sine. de Grenested. W'i Aguiilun. Gilb'ti. a These are probably the husbands of the ladies above. PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA-ROLLS, &C. 265 Trinitatis, anno xxvij H. 3. de Banco. HerefF. 2. Johannes de Thub'vill et Elena ux' ejus petunt v'sus Walteru' de Dunre mah'ia de Dunre et Childesdon. Rob'tus. f : 1 Ric'us. Walterus. I Elena nunc petens. Norff. 5. Galfr'us de Edelmeton pet' v' Will. Capell' de Massingham unu' messuag' etlx acr' terre in Massingh'm. Galfr'us. Galfr'us. „ I I Rogerus. Johannes. i 1 Joh'es. Elias fr. Galfr'us. I I Matild'. Nich'us deff. I Galfr'us petens. [Fo. 25.] Trinitatis, anno xxvijmo JJ. 3«i. Wiltes. 10. Johannes filius Johannis petit v' Abb'em Ciren cester unam virgatam terre in Latton. I 7~1 Rad'us Denn. Christiana soror ejus. J Henricus filius ejus. I Johannes. I Johannes petens. Kane. 15. Editha filia [Ric'i fil.] Hamonis et Alicia soror ejus petunt v' Fulconem Peynferer xliiij acr' terre in Frethenstede [Frinsted]. Petrus de la Wode.=p I r r -1- 1 Rob'tus. Henricus fr. Hamon fr. . ,1 Ric'us fil' Hamonis. I I 1 Editha. Alicia. quibus descendit jus a Ric'o fil' Hamonis.. 266 PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA-ROLLS, &C. Mich'is, anno xxvit0 H. 3. de Banco. Rotel. 25. Rob'tus de Wykh'm petit v' quamplurios terras in Stok. Ric'us Stok. I Rob'tus ut filius. I Rob'tus nunc petens, [Fo. 25b.] Anno viijvo ter'i'o Mich'is, H. iij. de Banco. Devon. 2. Willi'm's de Weston pet' v' W'm Bozun iiij fer ling' terre in Munden. Godefridus. I I ' 1 Odo. Willi'm's. I. Reginald'. I W's. I W's nunc petens. Leic. 2. Walterus de Bello Campo pet' v' W'm Mar' ij hid' terre in Scampelton. W's de Bello Campo. W's f. suus. I Walterus nunc petens. Wiltes. 10. Willi'm's Comes Warr' pet' v' W'm Shorwell qd reddat ei custod' Willifrii fil' Jordani de S'co Martino. Willi'm's. I Godefrid'.Willi 'mus avus I Jordani. I Will's de S'to Martino. PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA-ROLLS, &C. 267 [Fo. 26.] Anno et termino p'd'cis. Hereff. 11. Willi'm's filius Johannis pet' v' Walteru' deKaues j virgatam terre et dim' in Hemfreston. Bern'dus. I Ranulfus. I Matill'. I Willi'm's nunc petens. Cumb'l. 12. Nullum Plit'm intratur. Adam filius Swani. I I ' 1 Amabill'. Matill'. I I Thomas de Burgo Rogerus de Montebegon nunc petens. nunc petens. Mich'is, anno H. 3. nono. Buck. 3. Isabell' de Bolebec Comitissa Oxon' pet' v' Abbem de Woborn' maner' de Mendham als Mendingh'm. Hugo Bolebec. I i 1 ' ~ ~ 1 Walter. Isabell' nupta Rob'to de Ver, Com. Oxon. Constancia nupta | Elie de bello Campo. Hugo le Ver. [Fo. 26b.] Mich'is, anno [H. 3.] nono. Essex. 3. Dominus Rex seisit' fecit terras que fuer' Wi Pillard in Dunesle, eo qd vendidit eas div'sis personis absq3 lie. R. Salop. 3. Non intratur Plitm hie. Baldewinus de Sellers. Math" nupta Ric'o filio Ursi. 1 • Reginal' Ursi'. 1 Marger' primogenit' marit'. 1 1 Mabilla nupta Gernet. 1 ., Matill' marit Rob'to de Cur- Ric'us Engaing. .1 Vitalis Engaing nunc petens. 1 Rog'us Gernet. teye, sine. 268 PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA-ROLLS, &C. Wiltes. 6. Henricus de Bella Quercu pet' v' Will. Luteriz unam hid' terre in Cuvelefeld. Walterus Bade. I. Henricus. I.. Csecilia. I . Henricus nunc. [Fo. 27.] Mich'is, anno H. 3. nono. Bedd. 14. Johannes de Wadelawe pet' v' Ricu' Pirot trecen- tas acras et iij virgatas terre in Harlingdon. 1 — ', ' Maur'. Rounb'ga soror ejus. Eva. I Johannes nunc petens. Essex. 14. Ricus Pirot pet' v' Jordanu le Brun, advocac'o' Eccl'iar' de Essendon [Assingdon] et Hakewell [Hawkswell]. Ric'us Pirot. I Rad'us. ! Rad'us. I Ric'us nunc petens. Line. 18. Henricus de Braybrok et Christiana uxor ejus pet' v' Rad'm de la Breuer unam carucatam terre in Hulme, I ' ' 1 Elias Foliot. Rob'tus Foliot fr ejus et heres. Ric'us fil' ejus. I Margeria filia. '. / Christiana filia Marger' nunc petens. PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA-ROLLS, &C. 269 [Fo. 27b.] Mich'is, anno nono H. 3. de Banco. Essex. 22. Hugo de Nedding pet' v' Simonem de Cantilupo ij caruc' terre in Heni'gh'm. Gunter. I r_ . , Rogerus Neddinge. Adam fr ejus, et de Ada Willi'mo avunculo suo, scil't fr'i Gunter p'ris p'd' Rogeri et Ade. Rad'us filius suus. Hugo. I Rad'us. I Hugo nunc petens. Ebor. 25. Adam de Novo Mercato recuper' seiam suam de advocacone eccl'ie de Hatfield v' Priorem de Lewes. [Related in Hunter's South Yorkshire, vol. i. p. 186.] [Fo. 28.] Mich'is, anno H. 3. nono. Oxon. 38. Henricus de Oilly petit v' Will. Basset feod' dimid. mil' in Ispeden [Ipsden]. Matill' de Oilly sine. Osmundus Basset. I Rob'tus de Oilly .<= Johannes Basset. I I Henricus de Oilly. Willi'm's Basset. Henricus nunc petens. Mich'is, anno H. 3. xxvt0 coram Rege. North't. 28. Walterus Grendall pet' v' Eustach' de Cantilupo x caruc' terre in Berweby [Barby] et advoc' Eccl'ie. Paganus. I Rob'tus. Azilla filia et heres. . I Ric'us. I Rad'us sine. Walterus nunc petens. « See Rennet's Oxfordshire, vol. i. pp. 117-119, 270 FED1GREES FROM THE PLEA-ROLLS, &C. [Fo. 28b.] Mich'is, anno vicesimo quinto H. 3. coram Rege. Ebor. 7. Jur' dicunt quod tres fuere fratres, Ran' de Rye, &c. ideo Margar' rec' feod' unius mil' in Brigenhall, et al'. i ' 1 1 1 Ranulphus de Rye. Johannes. Ph'us. , I r Thomas sine. Rob'tus. Marger' nupta Carolo de le Wardrob R. Johannis. North't. 8, Walterus de Grendal pet' v' Eustachiu de Cante- lup. x caruc' terre in Berweby et advoc' Eccl'e ejusd' vill'. [The pedigree is the same as that in p. 269 ] Anno xlixno H. 3. Rutland' potius Surr'. Gilb'tus de Basevill obiit seitus de div'sis terris in Werplesdon. Gilb'tus de Basevill sine. i — — 7~i 1 1 Hawisia. Alicia maritat' Laderina mar' Wo Margar' mar' Johanni Wo Torrell. de Valoignes. de Wykeford. [Fo. 29.] Anno quadragesimo nono. North't. 20. Petrus de Monte recogn' ij mesuagia et unam virgatam terre in Whitfeld esse j us " Prioris Hospital' Sancti Johannis Bap'te de Brakele pro sum'a xxxi m'c. Gilb'tus de Monte. I r ; -1- 1 Gilb'tus sine. Humfridus. I Petrus. Lincoln. Gilb'tus de Gaunt, custos terre et her' Rob'ti de Welles, heat bre Epo quod admittat idon' personam ad eccl'am «de Malteby, quam Rob'tus de Tateshall clamat. Rob'tus de Welles. I Willi'm's. I Rob'tus. X, , Willi'm's petens. PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA-ROLLS, &C. 271 Anno xvijmo E.fil. R. H. North'ton. 16. Ric'us de la Vache et Mabill' uxor ejus recu per' seiam suam de med' xj mesuagior' xj virgat' terre et ijs redd' in Sutelhangre [Shittlehanger], et al'. Simon de Pateshall. Margeria filia sua nupta Tho' le Sauvage. r- _.X. Mabilla nupta Ric'o de la Alicia nupta Rob'to de Verdon Vache, quer'. deff. [Fo. 29».] Anno viijvo E. primi. Ebor. 23. Johannes le Vavasour non est prosecutus v' Theo bald' le Boteler pro uno mesuagio quinq3 bovat' cum pertin' in Edelington. i 1 1 Rob'tus. Rob'tus fr. Johannes fr et heres. I Willi'm's. Mich'is, anno tricesimo E. lmi. Cornub. 12. Rog'us de Carmyon pet' v' Ricii Twychen unu' mesuagiu' iiijxx acr' terre et x acras bosci in Twechene. Gervasius. I r -«- 1 Sara. Devota. I , I , Roger'. Johannes. Margeria. Hillarii, anno xxviijvo E. 3. North't. 218. Johes filius Ric'i de Brandeston pet' v' Nor- man'm Swinford, chr. man'iu' de Gildesburg [Guilsborough]. r; 1 W's Normant. Isabell' soror et heres. Isabell' filia ejus. I L ~l Ric'us f r et heres. W's filius ejus. Johannes nunc petens. 272 PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA-ROLLS, &C. [Fo. 30.] Hillarii, anno vit0 incipien' vijt0, de Banco. North't. 18. Presentaco ad Eccl'am de Ashley pertinet una vice ad Abbem de Pipewell et Rad'm Basset, chr. de Welledon. Ric'us de Danuz. I Agnes fil' et heres. I Petrus Peverell fil'. I Agnes filia et heres. I Rad'us filius et heres. Derb. 7. Rob'tus de Champanie petit v' Henricu' Comit' Lane' Civ acr' terre, v acr' p'ti, cum pertin' in Duffeld. Uc'tus.d I Rob'tus fil'. I i_ 1 ; — i 1 Rad'us fil'. Nich'us fr. Rob'tus nunc petens. Norff. 143. W. Sneck pet' v' Martinu' atte Lane de Freten- h'm et div'sos alios vi acr' terre et unam rodam cum pertin'. Aluredus. I r_ 1 Rad'us sine. Ric'us. I ; 1 Nich'us. W's petens. [Fo. 30.b] Termino et annop'd'eis. Sussex. 144. Simon fil' Simonis de Perpont, chr. pet' v' Wal teru' de Perpont unu' messuagiu' una' caruc' terre et Cs redd' in Honne. Rob'tus Perpont. Simon. I Simon nunc petens. i Qu. Nich'us ? See a pedigree of Champaine in Nichols's Leic. iv. 1 006. PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA-ROLLS, &C. 273 Lane. 265. Gilb'tus de Rissheton petit v' Joh'em filiu' Rici de Rudecliff et Johanna' uxorem ejus et Johannem filiu' ejusd' maner' de Rissheton. Henricus Blakeburne. I Gilb'tus. I. Henricus. I Gilb'tus. ' I Rob'tus. I Gilb'tus nunc petens est consanguineus et heres. Hillarii, anno xxviijvo. incipien'. Hereff. 156. Edwardus de Kardiff et Johanna uxor ejus, ut filia et heres, petunt v' Reginald' filiu' Rad'i de Acton unu' mesuagiu' lx acr' terre in Colewell. Petrus de Salsomarisco. I Johannes. I Johanna nunc petens. [Fo. 31.] Termino Hillarii anno xxviijv0 E. L de Banco. Devon. 179. Thomas de Asseton recuperat seiam suam de lx acr' more in Asseton v' W'm de Escheleton. Willi'm's de Asseton=FFelicia uxor ejus. T Rob'tus filius. I Johannes. I Thomas nunc petens. Ebor. 182. Thomas filius Willifrii de Holteby petit unu' mesuag' ij bovatas terre in Neuby v' Thomam Baucrom. Willi'm's Holteby=pMatill' uxor ejus. I. Henricus. I Willi'm's. I Thomas nunc petens. u 274 PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA-ROLLS, &C. [Fo. 31b.] Hillarii, anno 3 E. 1. de Banco. Cant. 4. Rad'us Muschet pet' v' W'm. Muschet unu' mesua giu' et Ciiij*x acr' terre et x acras prati in Fenditton et Her- ningsey. i 71, Willi'm's tempore Regis Johannis. Ric'us f r. I !-, Simon sine. W's sine. Rad'us petens. Pasche, xvjto E. lmi. Cant. 30. Williihs de Wengham sum' fuit ad r'ondend' mag'ro Ric'o de Werplesdon custod' domus Scolar' de Merton quare non permittit ip'm mag'ru percipere med' exituu' et proficuorf provenien' in curia man'ii de Gransete. Eustachius de Fertles. I I J 1 Isabell'. Lucia. I I Eustach'. Willi'm's de Apleford. I Willi'm's de Wengh'm. Hillarii, anno tercio R. 2. Cant. 49. potius Essex. Thomas Cosin per assiam implitat Joh'am que fuit uxor W'i Cosin et vij al', quod eum disseiv'unt de man'io et advocacone eccl'ie de Magna Sutton. i 1 Emma prima=W's Cosin h'uit=Beatrix s'c'da Adam Cosin fr d'ci uxor. ij ux'es. uxor. W'i Cosin. II I Petrus. W's vir Matill. 1 Joh'e deff '. | I ' 1 1 I Henricus. Emma. Juliana. Willi'm's. Joh'es Wildeburg', PEDIGREES FROM THE PLEA-ROLLS, &C. 275 [Fo. 32.] Trinitatis, anno sc'do E. 3. Hihnia. 128. Dominus Rex misit hie Piitum de Quo War ranto de anno xv° Ed. 2. v' Rogerum de Mortuomari et Joham ux'em ejus, Quo Waranto tenea't co'ia pl'ita et pl'ita de raptu, incendio, forstall', thesaur' invent', et al'plurima de Corona apud Trym. Walterus Laacy. Gilb'tus. I ' 1 Matill'. Margeria. I I L ~\ I — 1 1 Galfr'us sine. Petrus. Nich'us sine. Joh'nes sine. Theobald . I T "h Joh'na. Matill'. Beatrix. Theobald'. I i -~\ i 1 rJ . 1. Joh'na. 2. Elizabetha. 3. Marger'. 4. Isabell'. 5. Katerina. Pasche, anno quinto E. 3. Buck. 162. Johannes Molins et Egidia uxor ejus r' seiam suam de man'io de Stoke Pogeis. Amicia de Stoke nupta Rob'to de Stogeis [Pogeis] . r -r ; J t~ 1 Alienora. Thomas sine. Petrus sine. Margareta. i Johanna. Alicia. Egidia nupta Joh'ni Molins. Pasche, anno vjt0 E. 3. Suth't. 24. Rog'us Lovedaie per finem dedit Abb'i de Dureford man'ium suu' de Toneworth in plen' elemosi'am, reservand' an nual' redd' xvi1'. Rogerus Loveday. I r ;T -l-t 1 1. Margareta nupta Ric'us 2. Anna nupta Katherina nupta Rog'o Tho. Durant. sine. Ric'o Hacun. de Ticheborne. I Heres dicti Rogeri.. u 2 276 st. george's chapel, Windsor. [Fo. 32b.] Hillarii, anno E. 3. septimo. Norff. 5. Bre Regis de Quare Impedit in jure Rob'ti fil' et her' Rob'ti de Scales inf aetatem existen' pro advocacone eccl'iae de Hokewold. Fulco de Beaufon, tempore R. J. I , , L. r -, _ Emma. Agatha. Johanna. Margeria. Rob'tus de Aguillion Joh'nes de Ingeldesto Rob'tus de Scales fil' ejus fil' ejus et her'. fil' et her' ejus. ether'. r -l-t t n. L- Agatha. Isabell'. Joh'na. Margeria. Thos. Rob'tus.=pIsabell' ux' II I ejus. I ¦— , r J Adam de Lucas de Rad'us Fitz- Andreas Rob'tus in cujus jure Kokefield Ponings Bernard fil' de Sake- d'n's Rex clamat ad- fil' ejus et fil' et et her'. vill fil' vocaco'em p'd'. her'. her'. ejus et her'. North't. 25. Quo Warranto de Thingden. [Printed in Bridges's Northamptonshire, vol. ii. p. 257.] B. B. XXXVI. ROOD LOFT AND WINDOWS OF ST. GEORGE'S CHAPEL, WINDSOR. Lysons, in his account of St. George's Chapel, (Magna Britannia, i. 424) says, "The rood loft and lanthorn were erected in 1516." The following extract from the Liber Niger Ordinis Garterii, (copied in St. Lo Kniveton's Collections respecting the Earls of Arundel, MS. Harl. 4S40, fo. 725 b.) illustrates that statement ; and furnishes the interest ing fact that the Knights of the Order were then contributors to the embellishment of the edifice. It occurs among the proceedings of a council of the Order, held at Greenwich, on St. George's day, 1517. " Ibi decretum est quod pulpitum e quo Crucifixus respicit et vitrea supernei specula in sacello regio Windesori curerentur apposite perficiendae, utque tota Societas insimul, ad id tanto citius et facilius conficiendum, manus porrigeretadjutrices. Summas vero tum appositae fuerunt, ut dux Suff' 401; annumeraret, Comes Arondelliae totidem, Comes Surrey 30l;, Diis Burga- venny 20", &c." J. G. N. Ui XXXVII. GENEALOGICAL AND HISTORICAL NOTES FROM ANCIENT CALENDARS, &C. Previously to the establishment of Parish Registers it was a practice among many families to insert entries of their marriages, births, and deaths in their books of devotion, just in the same manner as a family Bible is now used for the same purpose. To these entries are often added others of an historical nature. They ought certainly to be con sidered good legal evidence, being generally registered by the parties themselves or their immediate relations, and are worth preserving when ever they are met with. In the hope of inducing others to contribute similar articles (which must prove of great value to the genealogist) a specimen is here subjoined from some MSS. which have recently fallen under the notice of an antiquary. Among the documents of this description already published may be enumerated the following : Obits, &c. of the Mandevilles and Bohuns, Earls of Essex, and their families and connections, from a Register of Walden Abbey, MS. Arun del, 51, 2, Br. Mus. printed in the Monasticon, vol. iv. p. 139, new ed. Of the Chaworths and others from a calendar of Beauchief Abbey (MS. olim R. Graves) in Hearne's John of Glastonbury, ii. 557-5C6. Twelve obits of the Fitz-Williams and Clarells, from a missal in the Fitz-William Museum, Cambridge, in Hunter's South Yorkshire, ii. 54. Two obits of Chaucombe, and ten obits and nativities of Segrave, from the Cartulary of Chaucombe Priory, in Black's Catalogue of the MSS. in Coll. Arm. p. 91. [MS. Reg. 2 A. xvm.a] iii. non. Jan. [3 Jan.] Her' decessed queene Katerine. [1437]. xv. kl. Feb. [18 Jan.] This day King Harry the vij1. wedded the queen' Elisabeth, a° dni 1485, juxa coputacone ecc'ie agl'. n A very beautiful Breviary written in the reign of Henry VI. Prefixed are many well-executed illuminations of different Saints ; among them is John, Prior of Bridling ton. On the last miniature are represented a male and female figure kneeling, which are, doubtless, intended for the original owners of the volume, and probably, members of the Grandesone family. The entries are added in three or four different hands in the Calendar. In Mr. Douce's library is a fine copy of the Salisbury missal, printed by Pynson, in 1495, and in the Calendar prefixed are duplicate entries of many of the above historical notices, and some few others, not in the royal MS. which are here subjoined : xii. kl. Feb. Thys day was pol [wjythvpol maryd to .me hys wyff, [a°] d'ni 1509. 278 GENEALOGICAL AND HISTORICAL NOTES v. kl. Feb. [28 Jan.] Natale dni Henrici filij Emundi Comi tis Richemondie, ac dne M'garete vxoris sue, filie Johis nug ducf_ Somerset' anno dni MiHio ccccm0 quinquagesimo sexto. v. kl. Feb. [28 Jan.] The xxviijth daie of January deceassii the noble Prynce Henry the eight', the yere of our Lorde 1546. iii. id. Feb. [11 Feb.] This day 1502, decessed Quene Elisa beth' T the towre of london'. ix. kl. Mar.b [21 Mar.] This day was borri' Edmunde, the iii. son' of kinge Henry the vij. the yere of or Lorde 1498. xv. kl. Apr. [18 Mar.] H'c die nata fuit Maria 3cia filia He'rici 7™. 1495. iv. non. Apr. [2 Apr.] H'c die i a0. d\ 1502. obijt nobilis p*n ceps Arthur5, regf He'rici vij p'mogeitus. Non. Apr. [5 Apr.] Obit9 dni Othon' diis (sic) de Gandesone, a0, dni MJ.ccc^'xxviij0. iv. id. Apr. [10 Apr.] Obit2 icliti Regf Edwardi iiij li. a0. do;. M°cccclxxxiij°. xii. kl. Maii [20 Apr.] Hac die Margareta Seint John Abba- tissa de Shaftesbury fuit consecrata, anno dni M°.ccccm0.lxmo- litt'a dnical' E. ix. kl. Maii [23 Apr.] Obit9 dne Kat'ine Comitesse de Saris- bury, fil' dni Willi de Gandeson\ xii. kl. Jun. [21 May.] Obitus He'rici vit; i t're london'. 1471. vi. kl. Jun. [27 May.] Obitf dni Johis Som's' due', a0 dni M°ccccxliiij°. ii. kl. Jun. [31 May.] Natale dne Margarete filie illustris prin- cipis dni Johis ducf Som'setie, a° dni M°.ccccm0.xliij°. iii. non. Jun. [3 Jun.] Obit9 diie Blaunchie vx' dni Petri diis (sic) de Gandesone, a0 dni M°cccxlvij. xvi. kl. Jul. [16 Jun.] The xvi111 day of Juyn, the yer' of our' lord 1487°. King Harry the vij*. had victori apon his rebellf i batail, at Stoke bisydf Newark, wher & whan was slayn John' therl of licolh and othf. xv. kl. Jul. [17 Jun.] This day 1497, Kinge He'ry the vij xv. kl. Mart. Thys day war borne wythyp[ol] an° d'ni 1512. .... Apr. Will'm Rede was maryed wr Anne his wyffe, also to all' their frendes com ort & to their grete hono'r, vppon seynt Wylfrydes day, that holy confessor. On one of the pages is written, "This book is myne, Anne Frevile, alias Reedi dwellyng yn the dyrty fenn." And at the end of the volume: " Thowgh I come last, Praye for me fast. Tho. Re. . ." b x. kl. Mart, [io Feb ] Mr. Duuce's Missal. FROM ANCIENT CALENDARS, &C. 279 obteigned 1 batell victorye ayenst the Cornishe men, at Blak heth' I Kent. vii. kl. Jul. [25 Jun.] Obit9 dfie AgneE dna (sic) de Gande- son' et eod' die o9 [obitus] dni Willi fil' ei9. iv. kl. Jul. [28 Jun.] Hac die T a°. 1491 natus e Henricus 2«s fi9 Henrici viimi. q1 p9ea creatus e pmceps Wallie. iii. kl. Jul. [29 Jun.] The xxixth daie of June in the yere of or lorde 1510, decessid Ladie Marget douches of Somerset, and mother to the most noble p'nce King Henry the vij*. vi. non. Jul. [2 Jul.] Obit9 dni Petri dhs (sic) de Gandesone. iii. non. Jul. [5 Jul.] This day 1503, Kinge He'ry the vij. and the Quene of Scottfj his doghter, wl a grete mltitude of lordis and other noble gsones, cam to Coliweston vnto my lady his moder.c iii. id. Jul. [13 Jul.] Diis Thomas de Gandesone, clicus, fil' Willi domini de Gandesone, obijt, a0 dni M° ccc°. iv. kl. Aug. [29 Jul.] This day 1504, decessed Tho's lord Stanley and erle of Derby. ii. kl. Aug. [31 Jul.] Obit9 dni Jacobi de Gandesoii diis (sic) de bello mote. iii. non. Aug. [3 Aug.] Obit9 dne Mabilie de Tresgoz. vii. id. Aug. [7 Aug.] This day landed King Harry the vij'. at Milfoord haven', the yer' of or lord MUo. cccc. lxxxv. l'ra doali b. xi. kl. Sept. [22 Aug.] Obit9 Johis de Gandesoii, Epi de Ex- cest'. This day King Harri the vij1 wan the feeld wher' was slayn Kig Richard the third, a0 do1. 1485.d iv. kl. Sept. [29 Aug.] Obit9 Thome Seynt John' Armig'i, Anno dni Ml0. cccclviijo. l'ra dnical A. xii. kl. Oct. [20 Sept.] This day in the mornyng afor' oon of the clokk after mydenight was borne prince Arthur' at Win- chestre, a0 dni 1486. v. kl. Oct. [27 Sept.] This day at Alared i Biskey, my lady pincesse toke hir shipp' toward^ England, in the yere of or lord 1501. vi. non. Oct. [2 Oct.] This day at Plymmouth', in the counte of Deuori, my lady p'ncesse landed, a0, do1. 1501. iv. id. Oct. [12 Oct.] This day, the xij day of October in a0 1537, was borne prynce edwarde, sone vnto the noble kinge Henry the viijth. xi. kl. Nov. [22 Oct.] Obit9 Donsolisie de Gandesoii diia (sic) de Albo Castello ; eod'm die o9 dne Sibelle de Gandeson. ' SeeLeland's Collectanea, 1774, vol. iv. p. 265. i In Mr. Douce's Missal this victory is entered on xiii. kl. Sept. [20 Aug.] 280 GENEALOGICAL AND HISTORICAL NOTES ix. kl. Nov. [24 Oct.] This day the xxiiij day of October dysseasyd Quene Jane, the wyfe of kinge Henry the viiijth. a° 1537. iv.kl.Nov. [29 Oct.] This day ye xxix day of octob. dysseasyde elysabethe lukaz, dowther of poll withypoll, a°. M1. v<=. xxxvij. iii. kl. Nov. [30 Oct.] This day King Harry the vij1. was corouned at Westm' the yeer' of or lord M1. cccclxxxv. the Ire do'cal b. xviii. kl. Dec. [14 Nov.]. Hac die i a°. dni 1501, fuit soleni- sacio mat;monij it' nobile p'ncipe Arthuru pimogeitu He'rici septl, et diiam Katherina regis Hispano^ filia. iv. kl. Dec. [28 Nov ] This safday was bore at^Westm' at nyght aft' the ix1. hour' a qart', my ladi M'garet, the ijd child to the King Harri the vij1. a0 do1. 1489.d ii. non. Dec. [4 Dec] Obit9 dne Agnet' de North' wode, a0. dni M°. ccc°. xlviij. v. id. Dec. [9 Dec] Obit9 dne Agnet' de Gandesoii dna (sic) de Wypeyns. Id. Dec. [13 Dec] Obit9 Gerardi de Gandeson Epi de Ver- done. [MS. Reg. 2 B. xv.e] Obitus Jacobi Comitis Wilts, qui obijt in die sancti March [1 May 1461.] Obitus Edwardi p'ncipis, qui obijt iiijt0 die Maij. [1471.] Obitus Katerine (sic), que obijt xj° die Maij. Obitus Regis Henrici sexti, qui obijt iter vicesimii pimu die Maij & xxijm. die Maij. [1472.] Obitus Auicie Comitisse Wilts, qe obijt tercio die Julij. Obitus Margarete Regine, que obijt tercio die Augusti. [1482.] Obitus Johanne Comitisse Ormond', que obijt in die sancti Oswaldi. [5 Aug. 1430.] Obitus Jacobi Comitis Ormond', q1 obijt vicesimo scdo die Au gusti, oct' Marie. [1452.] Obitus Elizabeth Comitisse Salop', que obijt vndecimo die Septembris. [1473.] Obitus Johannis Comitis Ormond', qui obijt xiiij0 die Octo- bris, Sci Kalixte. [1478.] d The figure 9 is on an erasure. In Mr. Douce's Missal the date is [14] 88. " Breviary executed in the reign of Edward IV. for the family of Butler, Earls of Or mond, whose arms appear on fol. 14 b. The above entries are written together on the first leaf of the volume, before the Calendar. FROM ANCIENT CALENDARS, &C. 281 Obitus Lore f Comitisse Ormond', que obijt vltimo die Oc- tobris. Obitus Anne Comitisse Ormond', que obijt xiijo die Novembris. Obitus Johanne dne Bergevenny, que obijt xiiij0 die No vembris. [MS. Arundel 230, Br. Mus. s] iii. id. Jan. [11 Jan.] Obit' dni Willi de Herford' ? de Watham. iii. non. Feb. [3 Feb.] Obit9 Hawis' Comit' de Oxenef. iii. non. Apr. [3 Apr.] O' Galfridi de Belmut. iv. kl. Maii [28 Apr.] Obit9 diia (sic) Egidie de Horkesley. vi. id. Maii [10 May.] Obit9 diii Rad'i fif WiSi. iii. id. Maii [13 May.] Obit9 dni Will', de Hanigfeld, milite cui9 aie ppicietr d[eus]. viii. kl. Jun. [25 May.] Obit9 dne Johe de Hanigfeld, viij kl. Mai. anno r. Rep:. E. xxx. ii. id. Aug. [12 Aug.] Obit9 fr'is Philippi de Coleham. vii. kl. Sept. [26 Aug.] Obit9 Nichol. de Ely. [MS. Eccl. Cathedr. S. Pauli LondP] vii. id. Sept. [7 Sept.] O' Alicia de Ver Comitissa Oxoe anno gre 1317. ix. kl. Dec. [23 Nov.] O' Matild' Euard de Baudak' anno ge Mifto cc° lxxj°. v. kl. Dec. [27 Nov.] O' Alicia de Trak, piorissa de Hales. iii. kl. Dec. [29 Nov.] O' Wills Euard, Junior, de Baudak', anno gre M°. cc°. lxxij0. xi. kl. Jan. [22 Dec] O' Wills Euard de Baudak', Senior, a° ge 1470. [MS. penes Rev. Mr. HawesS] xv. kl. Maii [17 Apr.] Obitus Margaret Hoke, 1417. iii. non. Maii [5 May.] Obitus d'ni Joh' de Criketot, mil. F Not mentioned by Lodge, in his Peerage of Ireland. e A Psalter in French, of the twelfth century. The entries are in a Calendar prefixed, in various hands of the reigns of Edw. I. and II. The three last months of the Calendar are wanting. h Psalter of the twelfth century. The entries are in a Calendar prefixed. ' Breviary and Calendar written between the years 1280 and 1300. It formerly be longed to the Cathedral Church of Hereford. 282 GENEALOGICAL AND HISTORICAL NOTES non. Oct. [7 Oct.] Obitus d'ne Elene de Criketot. iii. id. Nov. [11 Nov.] Obitus Will'de Criketot. ix. kl. Jan. [24 Dec] Obitus Rob. de Criketot. [MS. Harl. 5793.^] iii. kl. Mart. [27 Feb.] Nat' Thome Danet, a0 do1 Ml0. cccc0. lxxxxix0. non. Mart. [7 Mar.] Obitus Johis Danet, armig'i, D'ni de Brown Kynges Thorp.1 x. kl. Apr. [23 Mar.] Nat. Thome Danet, filij 21 hoc noTe Gerardi Danet, hoa 4 pl merid. a0 diii Ml0 ccccc xvij0. viii. id. Apr. [6 Apr.] Obitus Joh'nis Danet, milit' an° dn1 Mm0. vc xlij. et an0 regni R. Henrici viij". xxxiij. circit' horam xjam ante meridiem. xiv. kl. Maii [18 Apr.] Obitus Lucie Danet. v. non. Maii [3 May.] Obitus Gerardi Danet, uni9 ex cosilo (sic) dn'i Regf , anno diii Ml0 vCoxx cui9 aie ppicief de9. m v. id. Maii [11 May.] Obit9 Matilde de la Hay, quodam ux oris Ric'i Danet. iii. kl. Jun. [30 May.] Nat. Alicie Danet, anno Ml0 ccccc° ixo hoa 5a in mae. v » iii. id. Jul. [13 Jul.] Nat. Rob'ti Danet, a0 diii Ml0 ccccc0 6°. hoa 5a post noa3 [nonam], ii. non. Aug. [4 Aug.] Obit9 Thoe Danet, filij G. Danet. iv. id. Aug. [10 Aug.] Nat. Elizabeth' Danet, a0 do1 Ml0 ccccc0 7°, hoa 7a in mane. viii. kl. Sept. [25 Aug.] Nat. Margarete Danet, a0 do1 Ml0 ccccc0 2°. vi. kl. Sept. [27 Aug.] Nat. Elienor' Danet, a° do1 Mloccccco3°, hoa 3a in mane. iii. kl. Sept. [30 Aug.] Obit9 Rob'ti Danett, filij G. Danett, a0 do1 Ml0 ccccc0 xiiij0. k Breviary and Calendar, written in the reign of Henry VI. which belonged at a later period to the family of Danet. 1 Bromkinsthorpe in Leicestershire. Three imperfect pedigrees of this family will be found in Nichols's History of that County, vol. iii. pp. 235, 969 ; and vol. iv. p. 571 i and another in Nash's Worcestershire, vol. i. p. 347. m He was buried at Tiltey Abbey in Essex ; where is, or was, his epitaph, as follows : Hie jacet sepultus, cum conjuge Mnria, Gerardus Dan't de Brou'kynsthorpe, in com. Lecestriae, arm. serenissimi regis Henrici octavi conciliarius [translated by Salmon, Privy Councillor ; sedqu?] Ob. 4 Maij 1520. Together with the brasses of himself and wife, were those of five male and six female children ; evidently the parties to whom the obits above printed belong. FROM ANCIENT CALENDARS, &C. 283 iv. non. Sept. [2 Sept.] Nat. Joh'is Danet, a0 Ml0 ccccc0 4°, hoaiiija p* noa3. v. id. Sept. [9 Sept.]. Obit9 Anne Danet. iv. id. Sept. [10 Sept.] Obitus Johe Danet, a0 diii Ml0 cccc0 lxxi°. xiv. kl. Oct. [18 Sept.] Obit9 Thome Danet, sacre Theologie pfessoris, a° diii Ml0 cccc0 Ixxxij0. v. non. Oct. [3 Oct.] Nat. Georgij Medley, filij Will'mi Med ley, a°drii M°. vc. viij0. et R. H. vij™. xxiij0. n xvii. kl. Dec. [15 Nov.] Nat. Marie Danet, a0 diii Ml0 ccccc0 x°, hoa la pt medium noctem, a° 2° H. viij. xi. kl. Dec. [21 Nov.] Nat. Nich' Danet, a° diii M^cccccviij0, et a° R. R. H. vij. xxiij0. [Memoranda written in a hand of Hen. VIII. time, and fastened into a copy of the Wyckliffite Bible, MS. Lambeth, 25.] The dayes and yeres wherin ye childrein of Joh'n Tey, esquier, and Constans his wief were christened. Thomas Tey was christened the xxijttl of Januarij, in ye yere of or Lorde god a thousande fyve hundred fortie and three. John Tey the xxjth of Novembre in the yere of or Lorde god a thousande fyve hundred fortie and fyve. William Tey the xxixth of Novembre in the yere of or Lorde god a thousande fyve hundred fortie and seven. Elizabeth Tey thelder, the ixth of June, in the yer of or Lorde god a thousande fyve hundred fortie and nyne. died wlllout Isseu.° Edmonde Tey the xviij* ofDecembre in the yere of or Lorde god a thousande fyve hundred and fvftie. Elizabeth Tey the xxiiij* of Marche in the yere of or Lorde god a thousande fyve hundred fiftie and two. Jane Tey the xth of July in ye yere of or Lorde god a thou sande fyve hundred fyftie and foure. Henry Tey was Christened ye seconde day of Apryll', a° Domini 1557. M. " There was also a memorial for this George Medley in Tiltey church, consisting of brasses of bimself^wife, three sons, and two daughters ( with this inscription : " Here under lyeth buryed, with Mary his wyfe, George Medeley, of Tiltey, in the County of Essex, Esq. He died 21 May 1562." 0 Added in a somewhat later hand. 284 XXXVIII. ACCOUNT OF THE SALE OF BISHOPS' LANDS, BETWEEN THE YEARS 1647 AND 1651. [Continued from p. 127.] Bprics. Date of Convey ance. Coun ties. Lands. Purchasers. Purchase Money. 1648. £. s. d. Pe. 23 Mar. Northt The mannors of Gunthorpe and Thwaits George Smith 613 3 5£ No. Norf. The mannors of Netesheard, Shottisham, et a). Phillipp Skippon, ~) Esq.Will.WebbJ 1115 4 1 If Ely Line. The mannor of North- ormesby John Newall 771 8 8 No. Norf. The scyte of the mannor ol Hen. King, Esq. > Hoveton Lathes Jo. Ayre, f Jo.Cardrowe,& ( Will. Puckle. J 518 2 3| Wo. — — Wore. Several! parcells of the man nor of Hartleberry Thomas Westrow 471 11 2 Ca. — Kent The mannor of Beakesborne and Ford House Rob. Hales, Esq. 2104 18 3 Yo. York. The mannor of Acombe, et a). John Inwood and J Will. Webb. ] 1151 7 10 No. Norf. The Priorye of Wrongey Cornelius Holland, Esq. Sir Will. Roberts 807 0 7 Pe. Northt. The mannor of Withering- 1077 10 6 ton, et al. Yo. Nott. The mannor of Lanham Elob. Sweete and "1 Anth. Mark- ' ham. > 3 647 0 0 Sa. Dors. The mannor of Loaders jtich. Hunte 2264 19 9 He. Heref. The mannor of Bosbury Sylvanus Taylor 7?8 10 6£ Pe. 24 Mar. Line. The fee-farme rent of the mannor of Thurleby rlenry Rice 1113 10 0 Sa. Wilt. The mannors of Dameram and Marton Sir William Litton 2335 14 0J Ca. ^ Kent The mannors of Figiseourt, Steephen Beale 2423 6 0 Ro. \ Yo. 3 Lo. Pol ton, Stansted, et al. Hertf. The mannor of Stevenage, et al. The scite of the mannor of Tho. Ayres, Esq. 1427 7 0 Np. Norf. Samuell Smith 689 14 7j Bacon's Co.&Li. Du. Staff. The maunor of Wibunbury jeorge Foxcroft 876 6 3J ^_^ Durh. Parte of the mannor of Tohn Emerson 406 13 4 Walsingham Ba. and W. Som. The mannor of Wivescombe Tymothie Midleton 1555 15 9 The mannor of Wells Cornelius Burges 4865 1 \\ 1649. Ca. 20 Apr. Kent Herstwood Will.Kendrick.Esq. 194 10 4£ Chi. ' Suss. Manwood Courte and Bi shopps Rowe Mm Beachampe 118 16 0 SALES OF BISHOPS LANDS. 285 Bprics. Date of Convey ance. Coud ties. Lands. Purchasers. Purchase Money. Ex. Lo.Lland. Lo. Yo. St. As. Yo. Lland. Ely Chi. St Da. Yo. Du.Br. Lo. Yo. Wo. Ca. Co. & L. Wi.Co. & L. Chi. Yo. Du. Li. Lland. Glo.Ca. 1649. 23 Apr. 27 Apr. 2 May 9 May 11 May 16 May 23 May 25 May 30 May 1 Juue 4 June 5 June 8 June 15 June 20 June 21 June 22 June 29 June 6 July 10 July Corn. The mannors of Penryn, Penryn Forreyne, and Minster West. The convict Prison, et al. A fee-farme rent of 55Z 14a1. hd. issuing out of the LoPP of Landafle Lond. Two messuages in Pater noster Rowe York. Parcell of the mannor of Rippon Shrop. Two messuages in St. Mar tyns, in Com. Salop. York. Sutton Grange, et al. Monm. Lease lands in the mannor of Biston Ely Parcell of the demeasnes of the mannor of Wisbech Lond. A messuage in Chancery Lane Monm. The mannor of Llandilo- vjla and Landillo parva. et al. York. Parcell of the mannor of Sutton under Whiston Cliffe Durh. iParcell of the [ Wolsingham Glouc. (The mannor Magdalin Midd. The mannor of Wormeholt Lond. The King's Armes in Paul's Church-yard York. Rippon Parke Midd. The mannor of Hillingtoo Kent The mannor of Sheppards Well Northt. The mannor of Breewood Tho. Ceely, Esq. John Bunbury Richard Symonds Will. Bolton Thomas Wise Will. Fell, Jona than Tilcott William Tias David Morgan Jonathan Barnes, Rich. Harrison $ Henry Hood and ~) Anue his wife J David Morgan Robert Hinsley mannor of Fiffead of Southt.Northt.Lond.York. Northd. Line. Monm. Glouc. Kent The mannor of Bitterne Fee-farme rent out of Bpps Itchington A messuage in White's Alley Lands in Rippon Severall parcells of land in the mannor of Northal lerton Severall lands in Northal lerton, et al. Fee-farme rent of 51: re served out of Thorneton Colledge The mannor of Basselegge The mannor of Hope Mel- lishall North Bishoppsden Wood Eastbleane and Westbleane Woods Richard Marshall John Aelst Tho. Browne John Baker Tho. Andrews, Lord Mayor Charles Doe Nath. Andrews, Tho. Canby. George Arnold John Barksteed Nathan. Taylor, Will. Bridges James Hindlo Peter Payne Tho. Lassells Robert Metcalfe Ger. Wynne Wm. James, et al. Rob. Thaier John Bix, Esq. Sir John Roberts £. s. d. 1477 6 8£ 153 0 0 557 4 2 755 6 4 283 16 0 195 10 0 236 4 0 441 7 8 1915 16 5 107 5 0i 617 6 1 104 7 2 158 11 8 1333 13 4 176 2 2£ 182 13 4 1478 4 2 204 3 9j 419 5 lj 2468 18 10 1716 6 8 0 10 6 .92 0 0 560 3 8 553 17 3 289 0 3 50 0 0 131 0 0 130 16 3| 511 1 ; 4270 8 II 286 SALES OF BISHOPS LANDS Bprics. Date of Convey ance. Coun ties. Lands Purchasers. Purchase Money. No. Wi. Chi.Lo. Wi. Ca.Wo.Wi.Lo. Ba. & W. Wi. He. St. As. Ba. and W. No.Wi. Yo. Wo. Yo. Wo. Chi.Lo. No.Ba. & W. Wi. Yo. Sa. Carl. Du. Pet. Lo. Wi. Lo. Yo. Ca. 1649. 10 July 13 July 18 July 1 Aug. 3 Aug. 8 Aug. 15 Aug. 17 Aug. 22 Aug. 24 Aug. 31 Aug. 7 Sept. 14 Sept. 19 Sept. 21 Sept. 26 Sept. 28 Sept. Norf. Southt. Lond. Hertf.Southt. Kent Lond.Southt. Lond.Som. Southt. Lond. Heref.Denb. Som. Norf. SouthtYork. Wore. York. Wore. Suss. Ess. Norf. Som.Southt. York. Dors. Northd. Durh. Severall lands in Landham The mannor of Ashmers- worth Houses in Chancery Lane The Warren of Much Had- dam The mannor of Milland The lands of Southwood Houses in Whitefryers The mannor of Overton A house in Blowbladder- streete Two parcells of land in the mannor of Wells Severall lands in the man nor of Sutton Severall parcells of the ground belonging to the Bpps Pallace The mannor of Shelwicke Will. Croyden Obadiah Sedgwick George Foxcroft Will. Collins, ) Will. Stanton ) Nich. Love, Esq. Edwin Aucher Will. Adderley Thomas Andrews William Lee Tho. Clutterbooke Sir John Evelyn Richard Coysh Parte of the mannor of Wrexham Parcell of the mannor of Wells The mannors of Scottow & little Hauteboys Stoke Parke James Style and John Porter James Lloyd Will. Collins, Will. Cole Rob. Swallow, John Cardrow Tho. Cox aud Mallachy Dudley Will. Popple Edward Estopp Soft Marsh GraDge Two water corne mills Treddington The scite of the mannor of Thomas Andrews Whitcliffe, et al. Severall lands in Rippon The hundred of Oswaldslow, John Corbet, Esq. et al. Broyle Farme The mannors of Wickham and Faunton The mannor of East Wal- '. tham The mannor of Buckland John Lambert, Esq. John Downes Samuell Moyer Edw. Barkham Northt. Midd. Surr.Midd. York.Kent. The mannor of East Meon Lands in Sutton underWhit- ston Cliffe I'he mannor of Langdon The mannor of Bewly Castle The Castle of Durham, et al. Franckland Wood and Parke The mannor of Eye The Gatehouse at Highgate The mannor of Southwarke, and Winchester House Severall coppices at Horsey The Grange of Hoode Severall messuages and lands neere Dover Jo. Jewell Fr. Allen, Esq. Moyses Jenkins Richard Bell Andrew Henley Rob. Bramthwaite Thomas Andrews, Lo. Mayor Tho. Redgar, et al John Bellamy Sir John Wollaston Thomas Walker Sir John Wollaston Dr. Wm. Parker John Davis £. s. d. 213 14 9 655 4 7 225 5 0 333 1 3 2949 10 7 217 1 5 344 0 0 2195 3 1 195 0 0 40 16 0 1717 7 6 300 0 0 176 14 0 50 0 0 76 10 0 5SS 0 2§ 221 18 4 468 0 0 106 16 8 261 17 4 1317 12 8 159 18 3 1309 6 0 3080 5 6 182 13 0 1866 8 0§ 3114 6 5 160 0 4 2094 2 2J 231 10 0 1267 0 10 "2559 2 0 968 IS 10 261 13 4 4380 8 3 1022 18 0 390 10 10 49 2 6 BETWEEN 1647 AND 1651. 287 Bprics. Date of Conveyance. Coun ties. Lands. Purchasers. Purchase Money. 1649. £¦ s. d. Li. 28 Sept. Line. The mannor of Dunhall Rob. Blaney 232 19 2 Ex. Dev. The mannors of B«>s Ny- John Herrick, ^ mett Rob. Rivington S 1157 8 5 Ely Line. The mannor of Thorneton- in-le-Moore George Foxcroft 2752 16 11 Br. Glouc. The mannor of Crouchall Rob. Kirrington, ? Roger Cooke $ Abbotts 568 0 2 Yo. Surr. Severall messuages and Sir Allen Apsley, ) John Hutchinson J 1806 3 6 lands in Battersey Glo. & Glouc. The mannor of Ridge, et al. Will. Molines 979 1 lj Ca. Kent Yo. Nott. The mannor of Scrowby Will. Blackwell \ Thos. Blackwell J 759 6 9 Ba. and W. Lo. Som. The mannor of Westbury Will. Webb 783 6 4 Hertf. Severall parcells of land in Humphrey Hard- 501 9 5 Much Haddam wick Glo. Glouc. The mannor of DroysCourte Gilbert Gynes 312 10 0 Wi. — Berk. The mannor of Bpps Har well Daniell Blagrave 333 0 0 Li. Line. The mannor of Bpp» Norton Wm. Jervis 598 11 8 Wi. Southt. The mannor of Seavington Edw. Woodford \ Charles Doe j 1443 10 6 Pe. Lond. The Bell, and other houses in Carter-lane Tho. Massam 780 10 0 Lo. Hertf. Severall parcells of lands in Much Haddam ChristopherWorme- all 111 19 4 Yo. 12 Oct. York. Severall cottages and lands in Sutton under Whit- ston Cliff Mathew Barker 310 0 0 1 9 Oct. Three-fourth parts of New- John Peirson, ~) Matthew Peirson J steed Grange 708 19 0 — Severall cottages and lands John Person (sic) ^ in Sutton under Whit- Wm.Bosomworth > 83 10 0 s ton Cliff J Lo 2 Nov. Lond. A tenem'tinthe OldChange Rowland Roberts 55 8 4 Li. 9 Nov. Line. Burgh Grange Luke Rawlinson 704 6 5 Du. Northd The mannor of Bpp» Midle- ham Thomas Hesilridge, Esq. 3306 6 6J Ely Camb. The mannor of Watersey John Fiennes 479 19 7 Du. Northd (sic) The Burough of Sunder land, and mannor of Geo. Fenwick, Esq. 2851 9 6 Note' Houghton in the Spring Yo. 30 Nov. The mannor of Northsoake John Blackwell, one of the Contractors 344 2 4 — 7 Dec. York. The mannor of Sutton cum Lound Richard Hunt 1860 10 11 Lo. 14 Dec. Lond. Of a messuage in Paul's Church-yard, in lease to Sarah Feild William Stisted 82 10 O Lo. Midd. Of the mannor of Padding- ton wtn ye appurten'ces Tho. Browne 3958 17 4 Lo. 20 Dec. Lond. Of a messuage called the Swann, in Paul's Church yard, with thappurten'ces Will. Stone 200 0 O a The remainder of the MS. is written in a different hand, and the names of the Counties have not been entered. They are here, in most cases, supplied. 288 SALES OF BISHOPS LANDS Bprics. Date of Conveyance. Coun ties. Lands. Purchasers. Purchase Money. 1649. 1 £¦ s. d. Chi. 24 Dec. Lond, Of divers lands, messuages, and tenemt8 in Chancery- lane John Barnwell 1554 0 8 Ca. 4 Jan. Surr. Of the mannor of Combe with thappurten'ces Tho. Arscott 215 12 ai — 11 Jan. Surr. Of lands in and about Lam - beth Basil] Sprigg 168 15 0 Yo. 16 Jan. York. Of Osgodby Grange John Smyth 608 O 5 No. Norf. Of the mannor- house anc demeasnes of yc mannor of Potterhiegham Joseph Sabberton 289 3 4 Du. 21 Jan. Durh. Of the mannor of Bedling- ton and farme of Chop- pington Rob. Fenwick, Esq. 1296 0 &i Yo. 23 Jan. York. Of severall lands in Rippon Tho. Rodshaw 95 11 6 Wi. 25 Jan. Southt. Of the mannor of Withyton Tho. Andrewes ) Francis Warner $ 1491 0 5 in Downton Br. 30 Jan. Glouc. Of the mannors of Horfeild and Tilton Tho. Andrewes 1256 14 0 Wi. 1 Feb. Southt. Of the mannor or farme of Cold Henleigh Tho. Hussey 130 12 0 Pe. 15 Feb. Northt Of the mannor of Burrough- berry, cum pertinen. Walter St. John "\ Henry St. John / John Thurloe \ Tho. Alyne i Tho. Mathews J 2982 13 9 Yo. Of the mannor or grange of Faulkbridg Will. Markham 909 11 8 York. Of divers lease lands, par- cell of Sutton under Whitston Cliffe Henry Markham 160 1 0 — 20 Feb. _ Of severall parcells of the mannor of Otley Richard Bell 121 0 10 Ely 22 Feb. Camb. Of the manDor of Catteris Richard Salwey 149 17 0 Lo. Herts. Jf parcell of the mannor of Much Hadham Will.Turpin 366 12 9§ He. Heref. Hereford Pallace, the man nors of Shelwick Barton, Tupsley, Bps Exton, Bps Hampton and Sugwas John Birch 2475 12 5| Wi. _ Southt. 3f the mannors of Knoyle, and Upton, and Burrough of Hindon Edmund Ludlowe 4668 12 7| Yo. 26 Feb. Of Marderbie Grange Tho. Redshawe 603 16 5 Lo. 27 Feb. Midd. Of the tolls of Highgate Sir John Wollaston 449 0 0 Li. Line. Of Bitchfeild farme and quit rent John Pearson 99 4 8 Sa. 28 Feb. Wilt. Of ihe mannor of Figh- helden al's Fihelden Will. Methwold 518 12 8 Ca. ult. Feb. Kent Of Covert Wood in the pa rish of Barham John Blackwell 2921 11 8 Yo. 1 Mar. The mannor-hous of Moun- ton Of a messuage called ye Tho. Boys 344 1 4 Br. 6 Mar. Som. John Birch 18 13 4 Gatehouse, in Bristoll Yo. 8 Mar. York. Severall lands, part of the mannor of Moncton Anthony Markham 139 4 0 Lo. ~ Lond. Dfa messuage in St. Faith's parish, in possession of Sarah Feild John Hurst 393 1 3 Ex. Corn. )f the mannor of Cargo!! Tho. Hoghes 2343 11 5 J BETWEEN 1647 AND 1651. 289 Bprics. Date of Convey- Coun- ties. Lands. Purchasers. Purchase Money. Yo. 1649. 8 Mar. 13 Mar. York. Chi. Ca. No. Glo. No.Wi. Carl. No.Chi.Co. and L. Ex. Yo.He. Co. and L. Yo. As. & Bang.Wi. Li. Wi. Ba.& W. 15 Ma 20 Ma 22 Mar. 23 Ma Lond. Kent Norf. Heref.Norf. Southt Norf. Lond. Chesh.Corn. York. Wore. York. Southt. Line. Southt. Som. Of a mesuage and lands part of the mannor of Marton The mannor of Brighton Of the scyte of the mannor or Pryory of Morton Of three closes or parcells of land in Morton, called Low Tolthrop and Tol throp Inge Of the Spurr, ye White Horse, the Goate, and the St. John's Head, in Chan cery Lane Of several lands in the oc- cupac'on of Sir George Ashe, in Kent Of the mannors of Lex- hams, Branch Hall, Cur- pies, and Stoke Holy Crosse Of the mannor of Dew- church, in com. Hereff. Of the mannor of Hoveton St. John's Of the mannor and farme of Easton The mannor of Bpp Rowe Of the mannors of Ludham, Ludham Bacons, Walton Hall, and Potter Higham Of the 3 Cranes in Chancery Lane The mannor of Burton Wai rail Of the mannor of Tregare and Burnire Of Dayhouse farme, parcell of the mannor of Rippon Of 4 tenem'8 in ye Cittie of Worcester Of the mannor of Farmeton, al's Farmedon Of certayne demeasne lands neare unto the Cittie of Yorke Of the mannors of Lande glea and Withervin, and Meliden, and other man nors, LoPP3, and lands Of the mannor of Hamul don Of Morton farme or Grange n the Cittie of Lincolne Of the scite of ye mannor of Bpp8 Stoake and othi lands Of Westbury Parke and other lands X Henry Langley Tho. Hoghes Henry Langley Rob. Thompson Tho. Harding. Giles Hardin Sir George Ash, Kt Edward Woodford Silvanus Taylor Will. Weston Adoniram Byfeild Will. Underwood Samuell Moyer John Smyth Will. Steele, Esq. John Carew Tho. Marsh Grifantius Phillipps Nehemiah Massey Rob. Blayney and John Pickergill John Jones^j and * George ( Twisleton J George Wyther >Esqrs. Obadia Slade Thomas Cox Rob. Bagnall £. s. d. 239 10 0 175 8 4 632 6 0 278 9 8 596 18 4 576 6 0 543 7 0| 181 18 6 882 11 3| 352 5 0 237 4 2 2588 19 4 168 13 4 534 0 4 2329 2 9i 330 9 0 122 8 0 118 16 8 493 17 5 J 3797 0 0 3796 18 11 262 0 7 479 3 4 468 16 3 290 SALES OF BISHOPS LANDS Bprics. Date of Convey Coun- T , Ijands. ties. Purchasers. Purchase Money. ance. 1649. £. s. d. Wo. & Lo. 23 Mar. Wore. Df the mannor of Treding- ton and the Old Pallace John Baker- pnd 0 Will. Dyer / 1174 12 4i Co. and L. Of the mannor of Knowsall Daniell Waldoe 614 14 2£ 1650. Du. 5 Apr. Durh. Of the Burrough of Even- wood Sir Arthure Hasel- r'gg 5833 9 9 No. 3 May Norf. Of the mannor of Bpps Tib- benham Tho. Wood and ) Rich. Lowe £ 321 1 4 Lo. 17 May Lond. Of parcell of the garden be longing to London house Nathaniel Holmes 24 0 0 Sa. 24 May Berk. Of the mannor of Blewberry John Dove 33 6 8 Du. & 31 May York. Of parcell of Northallerton Moses Jenkins 113 0 4 Yo. and of Sutton under Whistoncliffe. Du. _ __, Of divers parcells of land in yc mannor of Northaller ton Henry Darley 1215 1 Oi Carl. ^umb. The mannor of Aspatricke Anthony Pearson 119 19 2 Du. 1 June Durh. Several parcells of land in Rynehope, &c. George Fenwicke, Esq. 2091 16 3 — — — — The manner of Wolsingham Sir Arthur Heslerige 6764 14 4 Carl. Cumb. The mannors of Dalston, Rose Castle, and Lin- stocke Will. Heveningham 4161 12 10 Ox. 19 June Oxf. The forecropp or vesture of land in Osney Stephen Estwicke 169 0 0 Ely 21 June 3amb. 'arcell of the mannor of Downham Richard Turner 687 6 0 St. Da. 28 June The Barony of Lawhaddon John Elliot, 0 Roger Lort, and > Herbert Perrott J 1068 13 llj Lo. 12 July Hertf. Hertein woods, parcell of ye.Raph Skynner and mannor of Steevenage Will. Tayleur 493 17 6 Bang. 18 July The mannor of Gogarth John Jones, Esq. 322 4 Of Llan. 19 July Monm. The mannors of Mattherne and Landogeo Edw. Greene 977 2 0 Du. 27 July York. The mannor of Howden Will. Underwood, "J Tho. Coghill, and J Matthew Bigg J 5192 15 0 Br. 9 Aug. Som. A parcell of ground neere Bristoll John Locke 21 10 0 Yo. 23 Aug. York. Divers lands in Otlie Edmond Vavasor 242 16 5 Wi. 27 Sept. Berk. Stallage, Croft, and other lands, parcell of the man nor of Brightwell Rob. Gale 50 10 0 Ely Camb. Severall fishings, &c. in the John Thurloe & ? Tho. Mathewes $ Isle of Ely 113 10 0 He. 1 Heref. The mannor of Bishopps Froome Rich. Hopton, Esq. 570 16 1 Yo. York. Divers parcells of the man nors of Sutton under Whistoncliffe and Kil- burne Samuell Belsee 1022 18 4 Ro. Kent The Bishopp of Rochester's Charles Bowles & 0 Nath. Andrewes J Pallace 556 13 4 Ch. Chesh. The Archdeacon's house in Chester Adam Bancks 31 18 4 BETWEEN 1647 AND 1651- 29 L Bprics. Date of Convey ance. Coun ties. Lands. Purchasers. Purchase Money 1650. £. s. d. Yo. 27 Sept. York. Lease lands, parcell of ye Lordshipp of Kilburne Valentine Wanley 151 12 1 — ~~" Parcell of the mannor oi Rippon Will. Underwood 321 13 4 Co. & 28 Sept. Staff. The mannor of Eccleshall John Holland, ~) L. Natb. Andrewes, > & Charles Bowles J 14224 3 10 Sa. Wilt. The mannor of Winter- borne Earles John Dove, Esq. 838 6 11$ He. Lond. Severall tenements at Lam beth-hill, London Edward Woodford 93 5 0 St. Da. 1 Nov. The mannor of Llandevy Brevye John Jones, Esq. 186 3 4 No. 27 Nov. Norf. The scyte of the mannor of Ludham Samuell Moyer 1312 10 0 Ch. 13 Dec. Chesh. The Bishop of Chester's Pallace Rob. Mallory and ) Will. Richardson 5 1098 0 0 Ba. and 23 Dec. Som, Severall parcells of the man John Jewell 294 14 4 W. nor of Buckland Co. & 1 Jan. Warw. The Pallace of Coventry Nathaniel Lacey,0 L. Samuell Palmer, & > Obad. Chambers J 105 0 0 Wi. Privett coppice in Bram- bridge Dr. Thomas Cox 39 0 0 No. 15 Jan. Norf. The mannor of Heigham next Norwch Thomas Corbett 737 15 8$ Yo. 21 Mar. York. Severall parcells of land wthin the mannor of Bps Thorpe Gabriell Odiugsells 127 5 10J Br. & __ Som. The mannor of Rowbo- Phillip Nye and 722 1 2j Yo. York. rough, and certain lands in Mar ton. Theophilus Archer Ca. Kent The mannors of Court Ashe in Deale, Brand red in Acris, and Norwood in Whitstaple John Davies 454 19 2 Du. 24 Mar. Durh. The manDor of Easington Walter Boothby 8528 2 3$ Wo. ^__^ The mannor of Witchen- Rich. Turner and ") Thomas Davis f ford 574 12 7j Llan. Monm. The mannors of Biston, al's Bishopston, al's Lunches Cadwalader, and. Landevy Vach Silvanus Taylour 1521 16 7 Ca. Kent The farme called Dover Priorie Raph Buff kin 1218 2 0 Lo. Midd. The mannors of Eling and Francis Allen, Al- 788 7 6 1651. Acton derm' Du. 18 Apr. Durh. The Borough of Durham and Framwellgate The Major, Alder men, and Comon- nalty of Durham 200 0 0 — 2 May — Two parcells of land neere Durham Rich. Marshall 8 13 4 — — The Borough of Northal lerton rfenry Darley and John Wastell 237 3 2 Yo. 10 Sept. Wilden Grange Will. Methwold, one of ye Cont ractors 2183 0 0 Li. 1 9 S A messuage or tenement, called Hathow, al's Had- dow x2 Nathaniel Lacey 137 5 4 292 SALES OF BISHOPS LANDS. Bprics. Date of Convey ance. Coun ties. Lands. Purchasers. Purchase Money. 1651. £¦ s. d. Yo. 19 Sept. York. A messuage or tenement in ye Citty of Yorke Anthony Scarlett 38 8 2 Ex. 26 Sept. Dev. Of two messuages wthin the Citty of Exeter Phillip Starkey 42 13 4 Lland. 27 Sept. Monm. The Lordshipp of Dewis- tow, in com. Monmouth Silvanus Taylo' 57 I 3 Wi. 1 2 Mar. Surr. Severall lands, tenements, houses, and buildings be longing to the mannor of Southwarke Tho. Walker 465 13 4 Du. Durh. Severall parcells of ground upon Tyoe bridge Francis Alder 52 5 8 Ex. 19 Mar. Dev. Three houses in Exeter Arthur Mallacke 84 3 4 At the end of the above list, Mr. Bray has caused to be added a table of the sums produced by the sale of lands in each Bishopric, as follows : £¦ s. d. £. s. d. Canterbury 71,167 18 n* Brought forward York 61,301 8 6* Chester 1,098 0 0 Worcester 26,139 11 11$ Ely 22,641 2 10 London 58,468 18 0 Coventry & Lich 22,06.9 15 1$ Exeter 14,120 3 1 Peterborough 18,479 13 10§£ Gloucester 3,769 15 n Chichester 16,168 15 10 Norwich . 19,734 12 »** Carlisle 6,450 0 10 Winchester 103,664 4 n$ Rochester 8,027 12 4$ Oxford 169 0 0 Bath and Wells 24,433 9 6£ St. David's 2,999 9 6 Bristol 8,391 1 10$ Durham 67,228 8 ai Lincoln 12,086 16 lOf Salisbury 38,383 2 ai St. Asaph 5,297 2 9i| Bangor 473 0 0 Llandaff 3,775 3 8 Hereford 7,600 4 H £ Carried forward 624,158 4 11 $ * A mistake has been made by Mr. Bray, in computing three of the entries which be- 1 ong to Exeter under Oxford, and also in erroneously adding up the amount, so that there is a difference in his total and ours of 600/. 9s. 7d. — Edit. 293 XXXIX. PARTICULARS OF THE ADVOWSON OF LEAMINGTON HASTINGS, IN WARWICKSHIRE, WRITTEN TEMP. JAMES I. This document, which is indorsed, " A Note of the p'ticuler commo dities of Lemmington Hastings," appears to have been prepared in order to recommend to sale the advowson of the Vicarage. It has been pre served among the papers of Sir William Hericke, Goldsmith to King James the First ; by whose lineal descendant, the present William Her- rick, Esq. of Beaumanor Park, Leicestershire, it was presented to me in the year 1831. From the list of the incumbents of Leamington Hastings, printed in Dugdale's History of Warwickshire, it appears that Queen Elizabeth presented to the Vicarage in 1570, Jane Locksmyth, widow, in 1619, and Sir Thomas Trevor, Bart, in 1 646. It was evidently whilst the ad vowson was in the market between these dates that the present docu ment was drawn up. The Fee simple of the Advowson, pesentac'on and right of Patronage of ye Personage and vicarage of Lemmington Hastings, in the Countie of Warwicke, wtbin the Diocesse of Coventrye and Leichfeild. There belongeth to the said pish of Lemmington Hastings these Townes standinge all uppon Mannors and great Fermes of husbandrie. Lemmington the pish Towne, where the church standeth and the psonage howse, wth all other edifices most faire and bewtifull. There belongeth to the same Church a great village of hus bandry called Bradwell, and an other village of husbandrie called Hill. An other village of most fruitfull soyle called Kittes Hardicke, where the Parson hath one hundred acres of glebe land, one pte thereof called Ougham, uppon wch- pcell there is a curtelage called passe yard, uppon wcb- the pson hath builded a tenem1 wthin these five yeares. And alsoe there lyeth an other pcell of gleabe land apptayn- inge to the said Parsonage wthin the sd village of Hardwick called Westcroft, all w<* contayne one hundred acres of most fruitfull arable and pasture grounds. 294 PARTICULARS OF LEAMINGTON HASTINGS. The yearelie commoditie of Lemmington Hastings about 80 yeares past. Impri's the gleabe land called Ougham and Westcroft lyinge in the village of Hardwick, as I remember a plough-land of husbandrie, for it keepeth 10 milch beastes beside rearers ; 200 or three hundred sheepe besides comons ; and a husbandrie of corne and haye, some say foure yard land ; and a yard land is, as I have heard, 50 acres, but they measure not there by the acre. Item, the tyeth corne of the foure townes have beene sold, as it was to bee gathered from the ground, to Coventrie men for 200 markes a yeare, when corne was sold for 18c?. the bushell, wcl» is called a stricke in that cuntrie, and as price of corne beareth in these dayes to 3 times as much. Item, the tyeth hay of all the pish that groweth of the foure townes. Item, the tyeth wooll of the same townes called Lemmington, Hill, Bradwell, and Kittes Hardwick, have beene sold for 40li. the yeare. Item, the tyeth lambs of the foure townes, 100 lambes or more, besides tyeth calves, Easter booke, pigge, goose, and many other commodities not to be expressed. In these days the corne cannot be lesse worth then 2001'. p annu. Tha pish of Lemmington Hastings standeth most fruitfull in a vale or bottome, and yeeldeth noe other grayne or corne then wheet, barlie, and pease ; it yeeldeth noe base corne, as pulse or oates. Westcroft lyeth always for herbage, beeing the greatest parte of the gleebe. Ougham is almost half pt in herbage. Everie yard land is stinted for 50 sheepe. There is noe wast ground for their com'on, but doe com'on uppon their fallowes and their [blank] grounds. Westcroft is [blank] grounds. All the demesnes of the Mannor is above 600 acres, all in- closure for corne, sheepe, and meadowe. One thousand of sheepe may be kept uppon the demesnes of the Manno1' besides all other proffitts that arrise. J. G. N. 295 XL. PEDIGREES SHOWING THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN MANY OF THE NOBILITY AND GENTRY, AND THE BLOOD ROYAL ; COM PILED ABOUT THE YEAR 1505. (Harleian MS. 1074.) The valuable volume in which these pedigrees occur, appears to have been the compilation of a Herald about the latter part of the reign of Henry the Seventh. At folio 286 a collection commences of the pedi grees of numerous families who were descended from the blood royal, or from some other common ancestor of King Henry VII., or of his consort Elizabeth of York. Some of these descents are headed, " Of dyvers oder Nobles wyche ben to the Kyng in the 3 degree." " Here under showeth how the more part of the Nobles of this Realme ben within degree of marriage of my Lord Prince Arthur." " How the Due of Buk- yngham [and other Peers] ys of the Kyng's blod," &c. It is impossible to state the motive with which this compilation was made, whether by order of the King to show how nearly some of his subjects were allied to him in blood, — from that alliance conferring any particular privilege at Court, — or from mere curiosity on the part of the Herald ; but its utility is obvious. As a contemporary collection of pedigrees by an Officer of Arms, it is useful in corroborating what was previously known of the numerous families to which they relate, and from its comprising all the younger children, whose names and marriages are in some cases here only to be found. To the attention of the historian of the period this collection has strong claims, as it explains why many great families espoused the cause of Henry the Seventh ; and it throws much light on many alliances which have hitherto been inexplicable. For instance, it has been a subject of surprise that Sir Richard Pole, of whom, or of whose family, little was known, should have married Margaret Countess of Salisbury, the last descendant of the Plantagenets. One of these pedigrees proves that Sir Richard Pole was nearly related to the King, which accounts for thefact. As these pedigrees are very extensive, and necessarily contain many repetitions, they are here printed in a condensed forrn, by introducing several tables relating to the same family into one. Every name, and the exact words of the MS. have, however, been most carefully retained ; but the spelling has been changed to the present orthography. N. H. N. 296 PEDIGREES OF NOBLE FAMILIES RELATED No. I. " Here under sheweth how the more part of the Nobles of this Realm ben within degree of marriage of my Lord Prince." Harl. MS. 1074, f. 292, 294 a &b, 296. Richard Earl of Rivers. T f- 294 b. Queen Elizabeth. f. 294. Katherine Duchess of Buckingham. The Queen that now is [1487- 1503]. Thomas Mar quess of Dor set [ob. 1501]. T Edward Duke of Bucking ham. Prince Arthur [born 1486, died April 1502]. I Thomas Marquess of Dorset [1501-1530]. Anne Lady Bouchier. ~f f. 296. Henry Earl Lady Fer- of Essex rers of [1483- Chartley. 1539]. No. II. f. 288 & 311b. Thomas Holand Earl of Kent. Margaret Countess of Somerset, [wife of Earl John in No. III.] f. 311 1>. , ~ Eleanor Countess of the March, after wed. to the Lord Powis [of] Charlton. Anne Countess of Cam bridge. T Elizabeth Countess of Essex. William Lord Bourchier. Jdcosa a Lady Tiptoft, married John Lord Tiptoft.* Joyce sister of the Earl of Worcester, wedd. to the eldest son of the Baron of Dudley .=p I Lord of Dudlev. Henry Earl of Essex that now is [1483-1539]. 1 . . . . , wedded to the Lord Roos, and also sister of the Earl of Worcester.^: I Lord Roos, a brother to Dame Lovell, wife of Sir Thomas Lo vell. A sec. manu, TO THE BLOOD ROYAL, TEMP. HENRY VII. 297 No. III. f. 287 a, 288 b, 309, 310, 321, 322. John Duke of Lancaster. John Earl of Ferrers Baron of Ous-=f=Joan.=pRalph Earl of West- Somerset, ley, 1 st husband. I | moreland, 2nd husb. =p r 1 H; A John Duke of Baroness of Cecily Duchess of Somerset. Greystoke. York. =p My Lady the King's mother. The King [1485— 1509.] I Ralph Lord Greystoke [ob. I486]. Many children, about 1 8, and many married in the North country. King Edward IV. his brothers and sisters. [See be low, No. IV.] Baron of Greystoke that now is. [Not so ; the eldest son of the last Baron died v. p. leaving his daughter his heir.] Also many children, especially daughters which were married in the North. Lady Scrope of Upsall, and mother of the Lord Scrope that now is. No. IV. f.305. Cecily Duchess of York. 1 1 George Margaret, wedded Duke of to Charles Duke Cla- of Burgundy. rence. r -i [One name cut off by the binder.] Margaret. r™r Anthony Saint Leger. Anne. Anne Duchess of Exeter, also wed ded to Sir Tho mas Saint Leger. 1 1 King Ed- Elizabeth ward the Duchess Fourth. of Suf- =F folk. J Elizabeth Queen of Eng land. r— r-r~> Cecily Viscountess Welles.' The Lady Anne. TheLady Katherine, wedded to the Earl of Devonshire's son and heir. Madam Bridget, nun. rT~n Edmond Earl of Suffolk. Humphrey. Elizabeth.Anne. 298 PEDIGREES OF NOBLE FAMILIES RELATED No. III. continued. f. 304, 311, 312 b, 321, 322. Eleanor Countess of Northumberland. [See below, No. V.] Anne Duchess of Buckingham. f. 321. f. 312 b. j f. 304. I — ; I Katherine Humph. Countess Earl of of Shrews- Staf- bury. ford. T f- 304.~L John Earl Anne, mar.=j=Sir Tho- of Wilt- Aubrey mas shire. Vere, 1st Cobham, =p husband. 2d husb. "l George Earl of Shrews bury that now is, [1473— 1541]. "1 ThomasTalbot. Jane, =^=Sir Wil liam Kny vett. 2.h. m. 1, Lord Beau mont. Harry Duke of Bucking ham, [1459 —1483]. n EdwardEarl of Wilt shire. Anne,wedded to Sir Edw. A'Borough. r- Edward Knyvett. Charles. No. V. f. 303, 310 c. Eleanor Countess of Northumberland. [See above.] KatherineCountessof Kent. Lord Egre- mont. ~T Katherine, 1 st wedded to Sir Thomas Hunger- ford ; after to Sir Lau rence Raigford. HenryEarl of North umberland, wedded dau. and heir of the Lord Poynings. Earl of Kent. 1 Lady Grey of Wilton. Dau. and heir Henry Earl of of Northumber- Hungerford, land, that wed- wedded to the Lord Hastings. ded the sister of the Earl of Huntingdon[ob. 1489]. Elizabeth, wedded to the son and heir of the Lord Scrope. , wedded to Sir William Gascoyne. Henry, now Earl of Northum berland [ob. 1527]. TO THE BLOOD ROYAL, TEMP. HENRY VII. 299 f. 300. B i Sir John Neville, son and heir of the Earl of Westmoreland, wed ded Elizabeth, one of the heirs of the Earl of Kent. I 1 1 Ralph Earl Sir Thomas Sir John Neville, wedded Anne, of West- Neville. daughter of the Duke of Ex- moreland. =p eter.=p j f. 310. | .J r _L _, Sir Humphrey Earl of Westmoreland,a Neville. wedded dau. of Neville. Sir Bowthe. T Lord Neville, wedded Edith, dau. of Sir William Sandys. In a pedigree in folio 310 d, the Earl's relationship to the King is thus shown : John Duke of Lancaster. John Earl of Somerset. Elizabeth Countess of Huntingdon. John Duke of Somerset. John Duke of Exeter. My Lady, the King's mother. Anne wedded to Sir John Neville, T T1 I I The King. The Earl of Westmoreland that now is. 300 PEDIGREES OF NOBLE FAMILIES RELATED No. III. continued. f 305 b, 314. B -,-- Dau. and heir=^=Edward= ofBeauchamp Lord of Earl of Wor- Berga- cester. venny. f. 321 b, 322, 302 b. f. 287 b. George Lord of Bergaven ny " that now is," f. 314, [ob. 1492.] b = :Sister John = of the Duke Lord of How- Nor- -ard. folk. I 1 -~\ =Katherine=pThomas Richard Duchess of Nor- fork. John Duke of Norfolk. John Duke of Norfolk. I Jane, first wedded to Sir Wil liam Wil- loughby ; aftertotheMarquess of Berke ley. Strang- Earl of ways. Salis bury. f. 302, 320. 1 ~? 7 n Jane Richard Alice Coun- C'tess Earl of Lady tess of War- Fitz- of Arun- wick.=p Hugh. Ox- del. J r Isabel Duch ess of Clarence. ford. i — i ' i — i ' i r~ i — n 1 — n George Cecily Lady Thos. Earl Rich. Lord Elizabeth, first wedded Lord of Dudley. of Arundel FitzHugh, to Sir Will. Parr; after Berga- Edward that now that wed- to Sir Nicholas Vaux. venny, Willough- is [1487- ded the Anne Lady Lovel. [ob. by, wedded 1524.] dau. of Sir Edward. 1535.] Isabel, dan. Sir John of Thomas George. of Thomas Arundel, A'Borough, Alice, wedded to Sir Berkeley. Knt. [ob. circ. John Fiennes 1508.] Thomas. =F John. The Lord Fitz Hugh that now is [1508—1512]. " Circles are placed for other children, but no names occur. TO THE BLOOD ROYAL, TEMP. HENRY VII. 301 f. 303 b. f. 304 b, 322. Sir William Neville, Lord Fauconbridge and Earl of Kent. =p I See below, C. George Lord=pElizabeth, dau. Latimer. and one of the heirs of the Earl of War wick. 1 1 1 John Elea- Lord=pKatherine.=pLord Mar- nor Ha- j Hast- quess Lady ring- ' ( ings, of Stan- ton, W 2nd Mont- ley. 1 st to husb. agu. =p hus- m band, of "I l_ r wed ded to the Lord Scrope, of Upsal. . . . . , wed ded to Sir William Stonor. . . . . , wed ded to Sir ThomasFitz-Wil-liam. . . . . , wed ded to Sir John Mor timer. "1 Harry: Lord Lati mer. George Lord Stan ley. Sir Ed ward Stan ley. T i 1 1 I I Edward Lord Hastings, [1483— 1507.] Ele.. Anne. R.... George. W... Jane, dau. ofJohn Bour-. chier. LordBer-ners. 1 Katherine, first wed ded to Sir Oliver Dudley ; after to Sir James Rat- cliffe. Richard Ld.Latimer, weddeddau. of Humphrey Stafford [14^9 — 1530]. Thos. Ne ville. C. f. 303 b. Alice, wedded to John Conyers. T Elizabeth, wedded to Sir Richard Strangeways. William Jane=Sir Randolph Conyers. Pigot. — I — I Elizabeth. Margaret. j_ Sir James Strangeways, wedded Alice, dau. of Lord Scrope of Upsal. 302 PEDIGREES OF NOBLE FAMILIES RELATED No. VI. f. 300, 301, 321 b. Sir John Neville, Lord of Raby. , =Sir Ralph Neville, Earl of Westmore-=pJoan, dau. of the Duke I land, which had two wives. ^ of Lancaster. j [See No. III.] L . ! _ -j- | Sir John Sir Ralph=^Mary, one of the Philippa Lady Margaret Lady heirs of the Ba- Dacre. Scrope. ron of Ousley. =p =p See No. VII. See No. VIII. , f. 310. Neville. Neville. Sir John Neville. John Neville of Wymersley. I Earl of Westmore land that now is [1485-1523]. f. 300. Sir William: Gascoigne. Sir William Gascoigne, wedded Margaret, dau. of theEarl of Westmoreland.0 — 1 ;Dau. and sole: heir of John Neville. :Sir James Haring-ton. — r~i Margaret, wed ded to Roger Ward. John. -1 Agnes, wed ded to Sir Robert Plumpton. 1 f. 300. John, son and heir of Sir James Harington. Sir William Gascoigne, wedded daughter of Sir Richard Frog- nail. — r-r— I Thomas Gascoigne. Margaret. Eleanor. No. VII. f. 300 b. Philippa Lady Dacre. [See above.] I . , . . , wedded to the Lord Scrope of Upsal. Thomas Lord Dacre, wedded Eliza beth, the daughter of Sir William Bowett.d I Jane, wedded to Sir Richard Fiennes after created Lord Dacre of the South, [ob. 1484.] c Query an error for Northumberland. Vide No. V. '" Most pedigrees of Dacre state that she was the daughter of Richard Bowes. TO THE BLOOD ROYAL, TEMP. HENRY VII. 303' f. 301 b. Sir Thomas Grey=pAlice.^=Sir Gilbert Lancaster, 1st husband. j I 2nd husband. | L — ltt r-i L- Sir Ralph Grey, wed ded to Eliz. dau. of the Lord Fitz-Hugh. Tf- 321 b. Sir Ralph Grey. . , wedded to Arundel. Sir John Grey . , wedded to Salveyn. William Bp. Lan- . , wedded to Widrington. of Ely. caster. No. VIII. f. 301,321b. Margaret Lady Scrope. [See p. 302.] T Harry Lord Scrope. i ; — r— n 1 —\ John Lord Richard, wedded Eleanor, dau. of Robert, Agnes, first Scrope, Masheburn. wedded wedded to Knight of Dame Elizabeth, first wedded to Kathe- Christopher the Garter Sir John Bygod ; after to Harry rine Boynton ; [ob. Rochford ; after to Oliver Saint Buche. after to Sir 1498.] John. Richard Rat- Margaret, first wedded to Pies- cliffe. yngton; after toSir JohnBernard. "T~n Ralph. Richard. George. Humphrey Lord Dacre of the North, wedded the daughter of Sir Thomas A.' Parr. John Dacre. [Circle for one child.] Jane, wedded to Thomas Lord Clif ford. Thomas Lord Dacre, wedded Elizabeth, dau. and heir of Sir Robert Greystoke, which hath 8 brothers and sisters. John Lord Clifford. — rn Margaret. Sir Roger. Sir Robert. Jane.Elizabeth.Maud. Anne. 304 PEDIGREES OF NOBLE FAMILIES RELATED No. IX. Sir John Neville, Lord of Raby. f. 301, 305, 306, 307, 320 b. Ralph Earl of Westmoreland. [See Nos. III. & VI.] f. 306. Eleanor.=pRalph Lord Lumley. f. 306 b, 307- Lord Lumley. Dame Katherine, wedded to Sir John Chideoke. f. 320 b. — I , II George Lord Lumley, wedded dau. of Richard Thorneton. . , wedded to Adam Tyrwhitt. I — Dame Katherine Arundell, first wedded to Wil liam Stafford ; after to Sir John Arundell. Robert Tyr whitt, wed ded Elizabeth, dau. of Rich ard Water- ton. =f= Jane, m. 1. Robert John Fishe- Tyr- born-^e; whitt 2. Harry the Handsard. younger. Thomas Lumley, Elizab. wedded bastard Lady daughter of King Dau- Edward IV'b. beney. I 1 Sir William Tyrwhitt, Jane, wed- Eliza- wedded Anne, daugh- ded to Ro- beth. ter of Sir Robert Con- bert Hey- stable.== lond. Robert Tyrwhitt, wedded Maud, daughter of Robert Tailbois. — m John Tyrwhitt. Agnes.Elizabeth. * Circles occur for three children of Jane Tyrwhitt by John Fishborne, and likewise for three by Harry Handsard, but their names are not stated. TO THE BLOOD ROYAL, TEMP. HENRY VII. 305 f. 306 b 307. Margaret, wedded to Sir John Clervaux. Sir Richard Clervaux,* wedded Elizabeth, daughter of Harry Vavasour. Eliz. first wedded to William Fitz- Harry ; after to William Clarege- net. I Elizabeth. 1 Margaret,wedded to ThomasLaton of Saxhow. Marmaduke Clervaux,wedd. Eliz. dau. of Sir Jas. Strange ways. =p John Clervaux. T r~n John. Jane, wedded to Christoph. Aske. Isabel, wedded to Will, son & h. of Sir Johns Conyers — i _ Alianor. 1 Sir Richard Clervaux was an Esquire of the Body to King Henry the Sixth, and it is. remarkable that his remote consanguinity to Royalty was made a boast in his epitaph, as follows : " &anfruini0 sE&ruaroi quarti ternitiue Hitarbi JBrabiiu^ in teunijJ alterutririue fuit.'' These lines still remain on the verge of a table tomb of unusually massive dimensions, at Croft, in Yorkshire ; a view of which is engraved in Whitaker's History of Rich- mondshire, vol. i. p. 289. It may be remarked that the four lines which precede the short pedigree ib. p. 240, together with the pedigree, relate to the tomb, and have been trans ferred by an error of the press from p. 239. Facing p. 240, is also a pedigree of the whole descent of the Clervaux family, and of their descendants and representatives the Chaytors. s Rogerus in f. 112 of the same MS. where also are added these three other children of Sir Richard Clervaux : Henricus, obiit ; Beatrix, monialis de Synyngtwait ; Robertus. 306 PEDIGREES OF NOBLE FAMILIES RELATED No. X. [The Consanguinity to Royalty in this family commences with Katherine Chideoke ; but, as the remainder of the pedigree occurs at f. 320 of the same MS. the whole is here inserted.] f. 320, 322. Sir John Arundell wedded Annor, dau. of Sir William Lambourn, Knt. f. 322. John Arundell died before his father. i Dame Jane, wedded to Sir William Bodrugan. f. 320. " , Dau. of the^pSir John: Lord Mor- Arun- ley. dell. I Anne,married to Sir James Tyrell. J Dame Katherine, dau. of Sir John Chideoke, and widow of William Stafford. [See No. IX.] f. 320 Sir Harry Bodrugan. r Sir Thos. Arundell, wedded Katherine,sister of the Lord Dynham. ' r Elizabeth, wedd. to Giles Lord Daubeney. [See No. XIV.] DameKatherine, wedded to Sir Walter Courte- nay ; after to John Movie. — n Ellen, mar ried .... Copleston. Margaret, wedd.toSir Will.Capel of London. — r Thoma- sine, wedd. toMar- ney. r-r~- 1 Thos. Tyrell. Jas. Tyrell. Anne, wed ded to Wentworth, son and heir of Sir Harry Wentworth. TTTl — I — r™l John Arundell. Thos.Arundell. Promissa Stradling. . . . . , married toJohnSpeke. marr. Roger. Gains Humphrey. ford. Edward. U- 1 Margaret, dau. of John Moyle, I rn-n Giles Capel. Dorothy, married to the Lord Zouche. Cecily. Elizabeth. hi Mar-ney.Ka- the- wed ded to Beaumont. Dorothy, wedded to Henry Strange ways. Giles Strange ways. John Strange ways. Mary. TO THE BLOOD ROYAL, TEMP. HENRY VII. 307 The arms of Bodrugan are tricked above this pedigree, Bendy Argent and Gules ; and those of Colshill, Cheeky Or and Azure, on a chief Argent a goat Gules. f. 322. Sir Thomas Arundell, knt. wedded dau. of Durnford. Sir Renfrey Arundell, wedd. Jane, dau. of Sir John Colshill. I 1 Ralph JohnArun- Arun- dell, wedd. dell. Maud, sist. of the Earl of Devon shire. I — i r" 1 Elizabeth, Eliz. first Renfrey first wed- wedded Arundell, ded to Edward wed.Ann, William Strad- dau. of Reskimer. ling,after Sir An- =j= to Will, drew ! Lygon. Hogard. ,-— — | Elizabeth, .... first wed- Arun- dedto W. dell, Whetyng- .... don, after pri. .. to Broune. John Arun dell of Tal- verne, wed ded Eliza beth, dau. of John Penpons, 1= I r- John Res kimer. John Strad ling,wedd.Alice, dau. of Lang-ford. t ri Edmond Strad ling, wedd. dau. of John Tre- nouth. Margaret, wed ded to John Hethe. Renfrey Strad ling. l~r-i Edmond Arundell, wedded Jane, dau. of Wal- grave. Anne, wedded John Croker. Anne, wedded to John Dan vers.3 "TTT-l John Whet- yngdon, wedd. dau. of Sir Rich. Croft. Elizabeth, wedded to JohnBrome. Jane, wedd, to John Bodog. Mary. Constance. . . . . , wedded to John Marow. a The children of John Danvers and Anne Stradling (see hereafter, p. 325,) are added as follow in a later hand : Thomas, married the dau. of Wil liam Courtenay. — t~i Richard.William. . . . . , dau. mar ried to Fynes. . . . . , dau. mar ried Sir Maurice A'Barow. Dau. married to Lovet, son and heir. *¦ It does not appear in what way this line is connected. Y2 308 PEDIGREES OF NOBLE FAMILIES RELATED No. XI. Of divers other Nobles whose names hereunder appearen, which been to the King in the iijrde and fourth degree. f. 289, 297 b. John Earl of Somerset, wedded Margaret, dau and heir of Holand Earl of Kent. John Duke of Somerset, wed ded to Margaret Beauchamp. Edmund Duke of Somerset, wedded the dau. and heir of the Earl of Warwick. My Lady the King's Mother. Margaret Countess of Stafford, after wed ded to Sir Richard Darell, Knt. Alianor Countess of Elizabeth* Wiltshire, after wed- wedded to ded to Sir Robert Sir Henry Spencer. Fitz-Lewis. KingHenryVII. m. Eliz. dau. of King Edw. IV I Henry Duke of Bucking ham. Margaret,3-wedd. to the son and heir of Lord Audley. I Margaret wedd. to Sir Os wald Carey of the West Country. 1 Katherine Spencer, married to Henry the 5thjEarlof Northumberland^ Prince Arthur. Edward Duke of Buckingham. Had issue Henry Earl Stafford.^ r~r n John Caru. . . . . , first wedded to the Earl of Rivers ; after to Sir GeorgeNe- ville the bastard.=p dAnne. Edward. Eleanor. Les Armes Caru, Silver, a bend sable, upon the bend iij roses of the field. a From a pedigree at f. 95 b of the same volume. b Added in another hand to the pedigree in folio 239. c In another hand f. 308. d Added in another hand to the pedigree in folio 297 b. TO THE BLOOD ROYAL, TEMP. HENRY VII. 309 Margaret Countess of Devonshire. Jane Queen of Scots, wedded to James I. King of Scots. TI Jane e first wedd.tothe Ld. Howth of Ireland ; after to Fry. 1 — Anna,wedd. toWil- Clifford, Knt Ham after to Sir Paston, William Kny- Esq. vett, Knt. — P j j — Joan, 1st wedd , James to Sir Roger wedded King to Sir of Hugh Scots. Conway, =p Knt. rTTTT William Paston Agnes and Elizabeth.Talbot and Saville. I 1 I 1 Eliz. Duches of Brittany. Joan Duchess of Austria. EllenConntess of Camsere.f Clifford. I JamesKing of Scots. Alexander Duke of Albany. T 4- Lady Ham ilton. The Earl of Mar. James King of Scots. ' Added in another hand to the pedigree in folio 297 b, ' Mary, daughter of James I. is said to have married the Marquis of Campvere in Zeeland. Anderson's Royal Genealogies. 310 PEDIGREES OF NOBLE FAMILIES RELATED No. XII. Of my Lord Welles daughter, Sir Richard Pole, Mistress Verney, Sir John St. John, with other. f. 288 d, 296b, 317 b, 318. John Duke ofcpMargaret Duchess of^pSir Oliver Saint= Somerset. Somerset had three John, first hus- husbands.3 band. =Lionel Lord Welles, last husband. My Lady the King's Mother. Edith, wedded to Geoffry Pole John Saint of Buckinghamshire.b John, Esq. J The King. r Sir Richard Pole, Knt. wedded the LadyMarga- ret, dau. of the Duke of Clarence.0 Alianor, wedded to Ralph Verney, Esq. — ! — ' — Sir John St. John, Knight. Prince Arthur. ~T1 Harry. Arthur. rr John Five daughters Verney. and one son. 1 m Anne, Elizabeth, wedded wedd. to Thomas Kent, to Esq. of Lincoln- Harry shire. Lord A Nun of Shaftes- Clif- bury. ford. Oliver St. John. L—m 1 m Jane. Henry, Anne. Mabill. son and Thomas. heir. Alianor. a Leland having noticed Lady St. John's marriage with the Duke of Somerset in his Itinerary (vi. 27.) adds, " By this meanes were the S. Johns annexid by consanguinite to King Henry the VII." Her son Oliver was the person whom Leland (ibid.) ealls " a blak and big felow that died at Fonterabye in Spayne, when the late Marquise of Dorset was there.'' His will, dated 2nd March 1496, and in which he styles himself " Olyver Seynt John, Esquyer, sonne to the excellent Duchesse of Somersett," is printed in Nicolas's Testamenta Vetusta. In his wife's epitaph, which is printed imperfectly in the Peerages, but at full in Tumor's History of the Soke of Grantham, he is styled " Mastyr Olyu' Sentjohn, squier, sonne unto yc right excellent hye and mightty prynces duchesse of Som'sete, g'ndame unto ou* sov'eyn Lord Kynge Herre the vij." b In another pedigree, f. 117 of the same volume, he is called " Gaulfredus Polle, miles ; " but on a shield in which his wife's arms occupy the sinister side, the dexter is left blank. The coat of Sir Richard Pole on his plate as Knight of the Garter at Wind sor, is Party per pale Argent and Sable, a saltire engrailed Counterchangedj a charge which, if first assigned to him, may have been suggested by his lady's inheritance, the saltire of the Nevilles. e Some remarks on tliis marriage have been made in p. 295. TO THE BLOOD ROYAL, TEMP. HENRY VII. 311 Dame Mary, wedded to Sir Richard Frognall. Elizabeth, wedded first to the Lord Zouche ; after to the Lord Scrope of Bolton. 1 OliverSaint John. John Viscount Welles, wedded Cecily, dau. of K. Edward IV. T r i 1 1 -ri m . Edmond Elizabeth, Margaret, Mary, wed- Sibella.d John Ehza- Frognall wedded to wedded and his Sir Wil- to Wil- brethren liam Gas- Ham and sis- coigne, Catesby. tren. Knt. == ded to Wil- Alianor liam Con- Lady yers.=p= Har- ring- ton. St. beth. John. Eliza beth. Isabel. + I r™r Elizabeth. George. John. William. d She died unmarried 1 July 1483. (Epitaph at Stoke Rochford.) Collins gives another daughter, Margaret, Lady Abbess of Shaftesbury j but she, according to the pedigree before us, was a daughter of John St. John, Esq. and she is again mentioned by Collins in her own place, as Margaret a nun at " Salisbury." 312 PEDIGREES OF NOBLE FAMILIES RELATED No. XIII. f. 317, 31/b, 318, 319. John Stourton. I William Stourton.=^Elizabeth, dau. and one of I the heirs of Sir John Moyne, Knt. John Lord Stourton .=j=Margery, dau- of Margaret, wedded William Carant, Esq. 1 — ¦ J Sir John Wad ham, Knt. i - II ded dau. Westbery; William Lord Stour- Sir Regi- Jane, wedd. John Ca- , first ton, wedded Marga- nald,wed- to Richard rant,wed- wedded to ret, dau. and one of ded Mar- the heirs of Sir garet, wi- John Chideoke, dow of Sir Knt. =j=. Alexander j Hody. of the Lord Cob- Ware. Margaret, wedd. to Sir George ham. Darell, =p Knt. =p 4- after to WiU.Neu- borough. i — r "T John Lord Edw. Lord Stourton. Stourton, i — ri- "i L [ob. 1484.] AVilliam Lord married Agnes,dau.of Faunt- leroy. Stourton [1522- [ob.1522] 1536.] i i i i i r Edith. Katherine, first Avice, Elizabeth, wedded to Sir wed- Alianor. William Berke- ded to Ralph. ley ; after to Harry John. the Lord Grey. Ro- Richard. Margaret,wedd. gers, to James Chid- Esq. ley. Alice, wedd. to Philpott. n~i John Rogers Alexander. Thomas. — r"Ti Margery.Anne.Eliza beth, weddedto Sey mour,Esq. — i Margaret. In the margin are two shields : the one quarterly, 1 and 4, Sable, a bend Or between six fountains wavy Argent and Azure, Stourton. 2nd. Or, a cross engrailed Sable, Mohun. 3rd. Gules, an escutcheon within an orle of martlets Argent, Chideoke. The other shield is Argent, two bars and in chief three mullets Sable, over which ie- written " Wylliam Moyne." TO THE BLOOD ROYAL, TEMP. HENRY VII. 313 f. 317. f. 315. and of .. Peny, dau.=pJohn or=p. . . . ,=p. . , dau. hr. Jenkvn and hr. of ... . Payne. Jenkyn Stour ton, of Pres ton. f. 316. William:Daube-ney, 1st husb. =Alice =fRoM. Stour ton. [See No. XIV.] Hill,2ndhus band. Giles Hill. Margaret, wedded to Sir Hugh Luttrell. "i Sir Ro bert Shot-tes- broke, Knt. 2nd. husb. =Dame =j=Sir John A dau. wedd,to ... Hill of Spak- ston. =p A dau. wedd. to- . Siden- ham. Jane, wed ded to Ni cholas, son and heir of Sir John Wadham. . . . . , wedded to Cheyney, of the County of Somerset. Edith.b f. 315. Beauchamp, Knt. son & hr. of Sir Roger Beauchamp, Chamberlain to King Ed ward III.c Dame Alianor, dau. and heir to her father, wedded to Sir John Cheyney. [See No. XV] John Hill, of Spakston, wedded the daughter of Sir Walter Rodney. Margaret,Duchess of Somer set. My Lady the King's Mother. The King. b " Hie jacet Editha soror Will'i Storton quondam uxor D'ni Joh'is Beauchamp, Militis, et post uxor D'ni Roberti Shottesbroke, Militis, qui obiit xiij0 die Junii, anno Domini 1441, cui' a'i'e p'pi'et'Deus." c " Icy gist Mons* Roger Beauchamp, Ch'l'r, de Blettnesho en la counte de Bedford, fitz et heretier a Mons' John Beauchamp, fitz et heir a Monsr Roger Beauchamp, Cha'berleyn a le tres noble Roy Edward le tierce le quel Sr Roger morut le iije jour de May l'an de grace 1406, de qui l'ame dieu ait mercy." Fol. 297. 314 PEDIGREES OF NOBLE FAMILIES RELATED Dame Jane, dau. of=; Philip Lord Darcy. No. XIV. f.'316a&b. :Sir Giles Dau-=pDame Alice J beney. Daubeney. =pMary, dau. of | .... Leke. William=^=Alice, dau. of: Daube ney. Eliz = dau. of Sir JohnArun dell. -i r Robt. Hill, Avice, first wed. Dame Jane, Jenkin Stour- j 2nd husb. to John Flynt, wedded to ton. , I after to John Sir Robert [See No. XIII.] Lisle.=j= Markham. i -ri Tho. Lisle :Giles Lord Daubeney [so crea ted March, I486]. T Alianor, first wed.toSimon Blount, aft. to Rd. Newton, Esq. for the King's Body. J ri" Henry Earl of Bridgewater [so created July 1538], Cecily Lady FitzWarine. [See No. XVI.] r1 .... wedd. to John Husee, son and heir of the Lord Husee,Chief Justice. 7 H Dau. of Rich ardNew ton. James Dau beney, wed. Elizab. dau. and heir of Robert Pains foot.^= rl, Giles Dau be ney. Eliza beth Mary. r — i Dame Mar garet, wedd. to Sir Harry Willoughby. r~r John,wedd. Anne,dau.of the Viscount Lisle. Margaret. — — TT~I Jane, wedd. to Richard Harbottle. Dorothea.Edward Willough- by. No. XV. f. 288, 297,319 b. Sir John Cheyney, of Sheppey.=pAlianor Shottesbroke (see No. XIII.) Sir John Chey ney, Knt. of the Garter andBan- neret. William Chey ney, Esq. wed ded the dau. of Sir Geof frey Boleyn. i I Hum- T r rm . . . . , wed- Master Edward, ded to Sir Dean of Salisbury. phrey. William Sir Robert Cheyney. Edmond. Sandys, Roger Cheyney.=f= Knt. 4" =p Alexander Cheyney .=p I 4- Francis Cheyney. William Cheyney. SirWilliam Sandys, Knt.a wedded niece of Sir Reginald Bray. Edith, wedded to the Lord Neville, son and heir of the Earl of West- moreland.b _ j RichardSandys. TI a " Chamberlain du Roy." f. 118 of the same MS. b "After she was married to the Lord Darcy." f. 118. TO THE BLOOD ROYAL, TEMP. HENRY VTI. 315 No. XVI. folios 286 a &b, 312, 315". King Edward III. John Duke of Lancaster. Elizabeth Countess of Huntingdon. I John Earl of Somer set. =p Thomas Duke of Gloucester. Anne Countess of Stafford/ mother unto Humphrey Duke of Bucking ham ; and after married to William Lord Bourchier/ Constance first wedded to John Duke Thomas Earl Marshal ; of Somer. after to Sir John Grey set. of Ruthyn. =p — I ; 1 Lord Fitz-Warine John Lord by his wife, and Berners. brother of the Earl =p of Essex. Edmund Earl of Kent. [ob. 1.488.] T I The Earl of Kent that now is [1 488- 1504], My Lady the King's mo ther. Lord Fitz- Warine. [ob. 1479.]=p Sir Humphrey Bourchier, Knt.g The King. John Earh of Bath.f [Created Earl of Bath 1536, ob. 1539.] -I f. 315 b. pCecily Lady Fitz-Warine, dau. of Giles Lord Daube ney. [See No. XIV.] Lord Ber ners that now is [1495- 1532]. TT1 7 — John Bourchier. Amyas.Fowke. — I Elizabeth. ' Added in another hand. E His Royal descent is thus noticed in his epitaph in Westminster Abbey : ^ourgchier id?umfrit>ujS, clarap'paginr;i>uctu£ tfottmrbi resijS qui tern' eft toocitatuj*, fohn o'ni %atnt0 proleg «t rj'mulujS 8m£, The word " primulus," which it must be presumed was used poetice for primus, is mis read parvulus in Gough's Sepulchral Monuments, and in the Histories of Westminster Abbey by Dart and Brayley ; although the rest of the epitaph, which describes Sir Humphrey Bourchier as having fought like another Achilles at the battle of Barnet, contradicted such a reading. 316 PEDIGREES OF NOBLE FAMILIES RELATED No. XVII. How My Lord of Derby is of the King's blood. f. 313. Richard Earl of Arundel, I Richard Earl of Anmdel, which wedded Alianor, sister of Henry first Duke of Lancaster. Alice Countess of Kent. Richard Earl of Arundel. Margaret Countess of Somerset. Elizabeth Duchess of Norfolk ; after wedded Sir Ro. Gousill. John Duke of Somerset. My Lady the King's Mo ther. The King. Dame Jane, wedded to Tho mas 1 st Lord Stanley. Thomas Earl of Derby that now is [1504- 1521]. . . . , wedded to Sir John Howard. T Sir John Howard, after made Lord Howard, after Duke of Norfolk. T Thomas Earl of Surrey. TO THE BLOOD ROYAL, TEMP. HENRY VII. 317 How the Earl of Oxford is of the King's blood. f. 309 b. 1 Dame Philippa Serjeaux, Dame Alice Countess of Oxford. T John Earl of Oxford. f. 3 1 3 b. How the Viscount Lisle =p is of the King's blood." j , f. 309 b. j . . . . , first wedded to the Lord Ferrers of John Earl of Oxford. Groby, and after to the Lord Berkeley. [ob. 4 Hen. VIII.] ' . J . , dau. and heir of the Lord William Marquess of Berkeley, Ferrers, wedded to Sir ... . Grey, Earl of Nottingham, and Lord Lord of Astley. of Segrave. r~ 1 Sir John Grey. Edward Viscount Lisle, 2nd son, wedded the =P dau. and heir of Talbot Viscount Lisle. Thomas Marquess of Dorset. " This pedigree is marked "Exemplyfyed." 318 PEDIGREES OF NOBLE FAMILIES RELATED No. XVIII. How the Marquesses of Dorset and of Berkeley be of the King's blood. f. 308 b. King Edward the First had two wives, and by the second had issue I Thomas Brotherton, Earl Marshal of England. T Margaret Duchess of Norfolk and Lady of Segrave. Elizabeth Lady Moubray. T Thomas Duke of Norfolk. Edmond of Woodstock, Earl of Kent. Johanna nupta Thome Hol land, post Principi Wallie. I Thomas Holland Comes Kancie. Margaret Countess of Somerset. A daughter, first wedded to the Lord Ferrers of Groby, last to .. the Lord Berkeley. I X. Dau. and sole heir of the William Mar- Lord Ferrers of Groby, quess of first wedded to Sir ... . Berkeley. Grey, Lord of Astley. ~[ f. 294. Sir John Grey.=^Queen Elizabeth. f. 294. John Duke of Somerset. My Lady the King's Mother. Thomas Marquess of Dorset. [ob. 1501.] T Thomas Marquess of Dorset. [1501-1530.] The Queen.=pThe King. Prince Arthur. Henry Marquess Dorset. '' King Edw. VD' Added in a more modern hand. TO THE BLOOD ROYAL, TEMP. HENRY VII. 319 No. XIX. The following pedigree occurs in the same Manuscript and in the same hand. f. 320 b. Robert Carmynowe. I Roger Carmynowe. T Roger Carmynowe. Oliver Carmynowe, wedded Isould, dau. of Reynold Ferrers. Roger, wedded Elizabeth, dau. of Sir William Botreaux. Thomas Carmynowe. , dau. and one of the heirs, , wedded to wedded to Sir John Arundell. Reskimer. N. H. N, 320 XLI. ACCOUNT OF LECHLADE BRIDGE, GLOUCESTERSHIRE. This Bridge, which is of stone, crosses the river Thames, and joins Wiltshire with Gloucestershire near the town of Lechlade. By an examination of its foundation, it has been ascertained that the present erection, although repaired and altered in the upper part, is the original Bridge, and of great antiquity. The county of Gloucester in the year 1831 indicted George Milward, Esq. the lord of the manor, the Honourable William Frederick Spencer Ponsonby, M. P., Pryce Pryce, Esq. M. P., and others, for not repairing this Bridge, which it was asserted they were bound to do, as owners of the lands formerly 'belonging to the priory of Saint John, at Lechlade, and to rebut this asser tion, it became necessary to search the public records, in order to ascertain the history of the Bridge, and the following is an epitome of the documents found. The trial of the Indictment took place at Hereford, when, after two days investigation, the jury not being able to agree were discharged, having previously suffered themselves to be locked up all night. A second indictment had an exactly similar trial and result, so that the county failed in their attempt. It is said that the expenditure on these two trials would have much more than rebuilt the Bridge. The first record discovered was, a licence on the Charter Rolls in the 12th year of Henry the Third, permitting Peter Fitzher- bert to build a gate at the foot of the Bridge. Peter Fitzherbert was the second husband of Isabella Ferrers, whose descent may be seen in the ordinary genealogical works. She was the heiress of the manor of Lechlade, and founded during the lifetime of her first husband, Roger Mortimer, or during her widowhood, a reli gious house at the foot of the Bridge, which she granted to the Brothers of the hospital of Saint John at Lechlade, " together with the Bridge of Lechlade of her the same Isabel." This grant was confirmed in 1245 by Henry the Third. No further notice of the Bridge occurs until the 12th Edward the Third (1338) when the King gave the prior of the religious house, a grant of Pontage, or right of taking toll for three years in aid of the repairs of the Bridge, which had become ruinous ; at ACCOUNT OF LECHLADE BRIDGE. 321 the end of which period, the Bridge not having been amended, a similar grant was given by the King to the Prior ; and about fifty years afterwards (11th Richard II. 1387) King Richard the Se cond made a third grant of similar purport. As these grants enumerate the ordinary articles of commerce at that period, one of them is here inserted : Inter Recorda Curiae Cancellariae in Turri London asservata, scilicet Rot. Pat. de anno regni regis Ricardi Secundi undecimo, p. 2, m. 32, sic continetur. D' Pontagio concess'. R' diico sibi in Xpo Rico priori de Lichelade salEm. Sciatis qd in auxiliu pontis de Lichelade qui c tis de causis p pceptu carissimi avunculi nfi Thome ducis Gloucestr' & alio^ dfioa in ptibj illis nup existenciu dirutus est & confractus ad gve dampnu hoim p pontem ilium friseunciu re- pandi & emendandi concessirri vofe qd a die confeccois psenciu usq, ad finem duo£ annos px sequen plenarie completes capiatis p manus illos de quib} confiditis & p quib3 respondere volu'itis de reb} venalib3 p pontem ilium tnseuntib3 consuetudines sub- scriptas videit de quoit sumagio bladi ven unu quadrantem de qualt carectata bladi venal unu obolum de quoit equo equa bove & vacca ven unu quadrantem de quoit corio equi & eque ven unu quadrantem de qualt centena pelliu. caprax ceruos bissas damos & damax ven unii obolu de qualt centena pelliu agnos capriolos lepos cuniculos vulpiu catos & squirelloa ven unu quadrantem de quoit sumagio pannos ven unii obolu de quoit panno integro ven unii quadrantem de qualt centena linee tele canevasij pannos Hibn Galuoeth & Worstede ven unu obolu de quoit dolio vini vel cerv9 veil unii denariu de qualt carectata mellis venal unu obolu de quoit trussello pannos veil ducto p carectam duos denarios de qualt carectata plum bi veil unii denariu de av io de pondere sciit de centena unii denariu de qualt peisa cepi & uncti ven unii quadrantem de quoit quar?io waide ven unu obolu de quait centena de alum coperose argail & vertegrese ven unii quadrantem de duab3 miliar^ cepaa ven unii quadrantem de decern shavis aliei ven unu quadrantem de quoit miliari allecis ven unu quadrantem de quait carectata piscis marini ven unu denariu de quoit sumagio piscis marini ven unii quadrantem de quait centena bordi veh unu obolii de quait mola veil unii quadrantem de quoit miliari fagottos veil unii denariu de quoit quar?io salis veil unii quadrantem de quait peisa casei vel butiri ven unu quadrantem de quait carectata busce & car- z 322 ACCOUNT OF LECHLADE BRIDGE. bonu veil p ebdomadam unii obolii de quoit quar?io tanni venai unu quadrantem de quait centena stanni eris vel cupri veil unu obolii de quoit trusselo mciomonij cujusciiq, ven unii quadrantem de quait re alia venali valoris quinq, solidos hie non specificata p pontem illu tnseunte lana pellib3 lanutis corijs boum & vaccas & ferro exceptis unii quadrantem. Et ideo vofe mandam qd con suetudines pdcas usq, ad finem pdcos duos annos capiatis & eas circa reparacoii 8c emendaconem pontis pdei ponatis sicut pdem est. Completo autem ?mino dco^ duos annos dee con suetudines penitus cessent 8c deleantr. In cuj See. T. R. apud Westm scdo die Marcij. Translation. The King to his well-beloved in Christ, Richard, Prior of Lichelade, greeting. Know ye, that in aid of repairing and mending the Bridge of Lichelade, which from certain causes, by the information of our dearest uncle Thomas Duke of Gloucester, and of other Lords lately being in those parts, is burst and broken, to the great damage of the men passing over that Bridge, We grant to you, that from the day of making these presents to the end of two years next following to be fully completed, you take by the hands of those in whom you confide, and for whom you will answer, for things carried over that Bridge to be sold, the following tolls : that is to say, For every horse-load of grass for sale, one farthing ; for every cart-load of grass for sale, one halfpenny ; for every horse, mare, ox, and cow for sale, one far thing; for every hide of ahorse and mare for sale, one farthing; for every hundred-weight of skins of goats, stags, hinds, bucks, and does, for sale, one halfpenny ; for every hundred-weight of skins of lambs, goats, hares, rabbits, foxes, cats, and squirrels for sale, one farthing ; for every horse-load of cloth for sale, one half penny ; for every entire cloth for sale, one farthing; for every hundred-weight of linen cloth, canvass, cloth of Ireland, Galway, and Worsted, one halfpenny; for every cask of wine or ale for sale, one penny ; for every cart-load of honey for sale, one halt- penny ; for every trussel of cloths for sale, brought in a cart, two-pence; for every cart-load of lead for sale, one penny; for avoirdupois, that is to say, for the hundred-weight one penny ; for every poise of candles and tallow for sale, one farthing; for every quarter of woad for sale, one halfpenny; for every hundred weight of alum, copperas, argol,and verdigrisfor sale, one farthing; for 2000 onions lor sale, one farthing; for 10 sheaves of garlick for sale, one farthing ; for every 1000 of herrings for sale, one far thing ; for every cart-load of sea fish for sale, one penny ; for every horse-load of sea fish one farthing; for every 100 of boards for sale, one half-penny; for every mill-stone for sale, one farthing; for every 1000 of faggots for sale, one penny ; for every quarter of salt tor sale, one farthing ; for every poise of cheese or butter for ACCOUNT OF LECHLADE BRIDGE. 323 sale one farthing ; for every cart-load of fire-wood and coals for sale, by the week, one half-penny; for every quarter of bark for sale, one farthing ; for every hundred-weight of tin, brass, or copper for sale, one half-penny ; for every trussel of merchan dize whatsoever for sale, one farthing ; for every other thing for sale of the value of 5 shillings not here specified and carried over that Bridge (except wool, fleeces, hides of oxen and cows, and iron) one farthing. And therefore we command you that you take the aforesaid customs until the end of the aforesaid 2 years, and use them about the reparation and amend ment of the aforesaid Bridge as is before mentioned. But the said term of two years being completed the said customs shall entirely cease. Witness the King at Westminster the second day of March. (11th Ric. II.) It appears by the Hundred Rolls of the 4th Edward I. (1275) that the Prior at that early date possessed a tenement in the tything of Buscot in Berkshire, in which tything one end of the Bridge abuts, and this tenement was doubtless the gift of some patriotic individual for the purpose of assisting in the repairs of the Bridge, as appears by the ensuing Records. In the 21st, 22d, 26th, and 36th years of Henry VIII. (1529 to 1544) are entries on the Court Rolls of the manor of Shriven- ham in Berkshire for the tything of Buscot, that the Prior of St. John's was fined for not repairing the Bridge of Lechlade, and this liability could only have been in respect of the Prior's tene ment at Buscot, as the Hospital possessed no other property within that manor or tything, and could only have become liable in respect of property within such jurisdiction. On the suppression of Monasteries by Henry VIII. the Commissioners certified that the College of Wallingford (to which the Hospital of St. John at Lechlade then belonged) was liable for 31. 6s. 8d. for reparations of St. John's Bridge. (Certificate in Augmentation Office). In the Reign of Edward VI. the Bridge had become so ruinous that the King sent a Commission down to inquire who ought to repair it, and the Commissioners having examined numerous very aged persons, certified that the Prior of St. John's (being then Dean of Wallingford) did repair the Bridge, that he had been fined at Shrivenham Court for not repairing it, and that Jacket's tenement at Buscot was liable to the repairs. From 1579 to 1629 are constant entries on the Court Rolls of Shrivenham manor, of individuals, who were owners of property z 2 324 ACCOUNT OF LECHLADE BRIDGE. at Buscot, being fined for not repairing the Bridge, as they, ought to do by tenure of those lands. From the circumstance of a tenement belonging to the Prior being charged with repairing the Bridge, arose in later years a local opinion that all the lands of the Priory were liable to such repairs ; and to show the folly of trusting to tradition, it may be mentioned that lands have long been " known " by the inhabitants of Lechlade as Priory lands which the Public Records prove never were so, and that even the owners of some of the lands were equally in error with their tenants and the unlettered villagers, in considering them to have belonged to the religious house of St. John. Under the Bridge are weirs for fish, and other purposes, and the eels caught there are in high repute; it is mentioned in the Domesday Survey that there was at that period a fishery of 175 eels there. S. G. XLII. EXTRACTS FROM ASKE's COLLECTIONS; [Continued from page 248.] [Fol. 76 b.] PEDIGREE OF DANVERS, OF COTHEROP, CO. OXON, INCLUDING DESCENTS OF UMPTON, ENGLEFELD, TRACY, GATE, FRAY, WALGRAVE, POWER, LANGSTON, BOTELER, GIFFORD, FOWLER, CHAMBERLAIN, 8CC. 8CC. This pedegre was made the xxvii daie of Marche the yere of our Lorde mvc 8c xx, and in the xith yere of King Henry ye VIIIth. Md. that John Danvers of Cotherop by Banbury had issue bv his first wyfe iii. sonnes and one doughter. Robert the eldest sone was a knight, and one of the King's Justice of his Com en Plase, and he maryed the doughter of Sir Richard Dalaber, Knight, of Herefordshire. And they had issue iiii doughters. One maryed to Sir William Denys, Knight, in Gloucestershire, and they had issue. The iind doughter was maryed to Barnaby in Essex. The iiicl doughter maryed to Henry Frowike, and after Knight, and they had issue a doughter and theire heire, maryed to Michaell Fishear in Bedfordshire, and they had issue. The iiiith doughter was maryed to Hew Umpton, Gent, and they had issue Thomas Umpton, maryed to PEDIGREE OF DANVERS, &C. 325 one of the doughters of John Hyde of Denchworth by Abyndon, and they have issue. Richard Danvers, iinde brother to Sir Robert Danvers, toke to wyf Elsabeth, sister to John Langston of Caverfeld in Bucking hamshire, and they had issue ii sonnes and ii doughters. Richard, his eldest sone, maryed the doughter and heire of Preston, and they had issue a doughter that died; alter whose dethe his bro ther John, as next heire to hym, imediatly after his brother's dissease, for as moch as his brother Richard had no issue male, entered in to all his brother's lands that came to hym by his father ; and the said John Danvers toke to wife one Anne Strad ling," sister and heire to one Edward Stradling, her brother, that died without issue, and they had issue iii sonnes and vi dough ters, and after a Knight ; his eldest sone Thomas maryed the doughter of Sir William Curteney, Knight, and they have issue ; his brother Richard not maryed and died in the Temple Church; his brother William is not maryed. One of thes vi doughters maryed to Fetyplase, and hath issue. The iind dowghter maryed the sone and heire of Sir Mories Abarowe, Knight. The iiird dowghter maryed to Mr. Fynes, and by possibilitye to be Lorde Saie. The iiiith dowghter maryed to Louet sone and heyre, and they had issue. The ii other dowghters be not maryed. Margery, the oldest doughter to Richard Danvers, was maryed to Thomas Englefeld, Knight, and they had issue one sone and ii doughters. Thomas his sone maryed to Sir Robert Throg- merton's doughter Elsabeth, and they have issue ; and the ii doughters be not maryed. Elsabeth, sister to Margery, was maryed to William Dale, Gent, and hath issue. John Danvers, brother to Sir Robert Danvers, was a Doctor of bothe Lawes. His sister Amies was first maryed to Baldington of Aldebury, in Oxinfordshire, and they had issue ii doughters, Alice and Annes. Alice was maryed to Henry Tracy in Gloucestershire, and they had issue ii sonnes and i doughter. William, the eldest sone, is maryed, and hath issue. Rauffe his brother was Priour of Charterhouse by Syon, and there slayne by God wyn, a Monke of that house ; and his sister was maryed to William Joy, Gent. at Teukisbury, and they had issue a sone Richard that maryed the doughter of Giles Gravell. Annes, sister to Alice Trace, was maryed first to Browne of Halton by Oxon, and they had a See the pedigree in p. 307 ante. 326 PEDIGREE OF DANVERS, &C. issue one sone and one doughter; Robert the sone maryed the doughter of William Bessellis, of Bessells, and they had issue ; and his suster Custans was Abbas at Syon. Afterward the said Annes was maryed to Sir Geffraie Gate, Knight, and they had issue William, and he was maryed to one Copdois doughter and heire, and they had issue one Geffraie, now Knight, and he hath issue a sone named John. Md. that Annes Baldington was afterwarde maryed to Sir John Fraye, Knight, and Chief Baron of the King's Exchequer, and they had issue iiii doughters ; first Elsabeth, maryed to Sir Thomas Walgrave, and they had issue iii sonnes and ii doughters. William, the eldest sone, and now Knight, maryed the suster of Roger Wentwurthe, Knight, and they had issue ii sonnes and iii doughters. The ii sones not maryed : one of the susters was maryed to Sir John Fynderne's sone and heire, and they had issue. The iind doughter was maryed to Sir Robert Drewry's sone. The iiird doughter was maryed to Spryng's sone, of Lanam, and his heire. Edward the iind brother to Sir William Walgrave was maryed to Monnok's doughter, and they have issue. The iiird brother, Richard, was maryed not at al. Jane his sister was maryed to Sir Edmond Arundell, and they have no issue. And her sister Anne was maryed to one Fabyon, and they had issue iii sonnes and one doughter ; the iii sonnes be not maryed, and one is a Priest. The sister Mary was maryed to Robert Skerne, fishmonger of London, and they have issue. Afterward the saide Dame Elsabeth Walgrave was maryed to Sir William Saye, and they had issue ii doughters that were Elsabeth the eldest doughter, maryed to the Lord Montjoie, and they have issue a doughter named Gertrude, maryed to the Erie of Devonshire ; Mary the iind doughter was maryed to the Erie of Essex, and they have issue. Margaret the iind doughter to Sir John Fraye was maryed to Sir John Plumer, Knight, otherwise called Sir John Leynham, Knight, and they have no issue. Catherine the iiird doughter to Sir John Fraye was maryed to Humfrey Stafford, and they had issue ii sonnes and i doughter ; Hurnfrey the eldest sone maryed the doughter of Sir John Fogge, and they have issue ; his brother William is maryed and hath issue ; his sister Anne is maryed to the Lorde Latymer and Lorde Connyers, and they have issue. And Anne, the iiiith doughter of Sir John Fraie, died not maryed. Afterward the said Dame Annes Fraie was maryed to PEDIGREE OF DANVERS, &C. 327 Sir John Say, Under Tresorar of England, and afterward to the Lord Wenlok. Now turne we ageyn to John Danvers of Cothorp by Ban bury, and speike of his second wife Jane Breuley, doughter and heire to William Breuley, lord of Waterstoke, in Oxinfordshire. They had issue iiii sonnes and iiii doughters. First, Thomas Danvers, after Knight, the eldest sone, maryed the Lord Say's sister, and they had no issue. And after he maryed Sibill, sister to Richard Fowler, and they have noe issue. William Danvers, iindbrother to Sir Thomas Danvers, was one of the King's Justice of his Comon Plase, and Knight, and he maryed Anne, doughter and heire to William Pery, lorde of Chambrehouse by Reding, and they had issue iii sonnes and iiii doughters. John the eldest sone maryed Anne, doughter toWilliam Hamden of Hare- well, and they had issue iii doughters, one of them maryed to Davis' sone, of Northamptonshire ; the second doughter is not maryed, and the iiird is dedd. Thomas, second brother to John Danvers, was maryed to Elianor, doughter to John Syfford (sic) of Twyford, and they have no issue. William his brother is maryed, and hath issue. And' the eldest sister to John Danvers was maryed to Verney, in Warwikeshire, and they have issue a sonne, maryed to Tames doughter of Feyreford. Marget the iind sister was maryed to Ramsey, and they have issue. Alise the iiird sister was maryed to Rainsford of Mekell Tew, and they have issue. Yzabell the iiii111 sister is maryed to Martyn Dokerey, at Balsale, and they have issue. Henry Danvers, iiird brother to Sir Thomas Danvers, maryed Beatrise, one of the doughters of Sir Rauf Verney, and twise maryed at London, and they had issue one sone not maryed, and iii doughters. Agnes, the eldest doughter, maryed to Richard Croke, and they had issue ii sonnes, one a Priest, and Robert his brother maryed, not maryed (sic). Do rothy, the iind doughter, was maryed to Thomas Darell, and they have issue : their eldest sone Poulle is maryed to John Cheynis doughter, and his doughters be not maryed. Emme the iiird sister is not maryed. Symond the iiiitn brother to Sir Thomas Danvers had no wife. Elsabeth, the eldest sister to Sir Thomas Danvers, was maryed to Thomas Power, sone and heire to Roger Power, lorde of of Blechindon by Oxon, and they had issue ii sonnes and iii doughters. John the eldest sone was maryed to Marget, dough- 328 PEDIGREE OF DANVERS, &C. ter to Thomas Hartewell, lorde of Preston, and they had issue ii sonnes. John, his eldest sonne, maryed to Mary, doughter to Water Curson, of Waterpery in Oxfordshire, and they have issue a sone. Stephyn, brother to John, is maryed, and hath issue. Thomas, brother to John Power, maryed the doughter of John Banks in Lincolnshire, and they had issue a doughter. Elianor, eldest sister to John Power, was maryed to William Hertwell of Preston, and after Knight, and they had issue Ca therine, first maryed to Furthow, and they had issue ; and after to Thomas Brokesby, and had issue. Margery the iind sister to John Power was maryed to Thomas Wellisbourne, and they had issue ii sones and ii doughters. John, the eldest sone, not maryed ; his brother Olyver is maryed and hath issue. Margery, the eldest sister to Olyver, was maryed to one Robert Awode,. and they have issue. Luce, sister to Margery, was maryed to Lyde.of Stoke Lile, and they have issue iii doughters not maryed. Philippe, the iiird sister to Elianor, was maryed to Sir Robert Byndeuell, Knight, and had no issue. Amys, iide sister to Sir Thomas Danvers, was maryed to John Langston of Caverfeld, and they had iii sonnes maryed, and ii dough ters maryed, and besides them they had xvii sons and doughters that died onmaryed. The eldest sone to John Langston, Rich ard, was maryed first to Elsabeth, doughter to Rauf Illingworth, and they have issue a doughter Margery not maryed; and after maryed Jane, the doughter to Andrew Jely of Spalding, and they have issue a sone John and a doughter named Annes ; all they not maryed. Thomas, iiQd brother to Richard, was maryed to Alice, doughter to Nanscylis, and they have no issue : and Christopher, iiird brother to Richard Langston, was maryed to Margaret, doughter to John Hyde of Denchewourth by Abyndon, and they have issue a sone callid Thomas and a doughter Elsabeth. Cloid, sister to Richard Langston, was maryed to John Boteler of Badmynton in Gloucestershire, and they had issue iii sonnes and fyve doughters. Rauf, the eldest sone, was maryed to Sir Alisaunder Baynhamy's sister, and they have issue ; his brother John is maryed, and his brother Robert is not maryed. Alise, eldest sister to Rauf, was first maryed to Norwode, and they had issue a sone ; and after, the said Alice was maryed to Henry Knight, and they have issue. Amys, the iind sister, is maryed to Arthure of Clopton by Bristow, and they have issue. Yzabell, the iiird sister, was maryed to Thomas More, sone and eyre to PEDIGREE OF DANVERS, &C. 329 Thomas More by Buckingham, and they have issue. The iiiith sister is maryed. The vth sister Anne is not maryed. Jane, the iind doughter to John Langston, was maryed to Tho mas Gifford, sone and heire to John Gyfford, Lorde of Twyfford, and they have issue a sone and ii doughters. Thomas his sone, was maryed to Mary, doughter of John Staveley of Bygnell, and they have issue a doughter Ursula maryed to William Wayn- man, sone and heire to his father. Amys, the eldest doughter to Thomas Gifforde, was first maryed to Richard Samuel, and they have issue a sone and ii doughters : and afterwards the said Amys was maryed to John Saxby, merchaunt of Calise. Her sister Mary is not maryed. Jane, the iiird sister to Sir Thomas Danvers, was maryed to Richard Fowler, Chancelor of the Dutchie of Lancaster, and had issue i sone and ii doughters. Richard, his sone and heire, first maryed Elsabeth, doughter to Thomas Wynde- sor, and had issue iii sones and one doughter, and after he was a Knight ; the iii sones be not maryed. Theire sister Brigit is maryed to Robert Hogan, and they have issue. Afterwards the said Sir Richard Fowler maryed Julian, dough ter to Sir John Schaa of London, Knight, and hath issue a sone John. Sibill, sister to Sir Richard Fowler, was maryed to Rich ard Chamberlain, and they had issue iii sonnes and, one doughter. Edward, the eldest sone, now Knight, maryed one of the dough ters of Sir John Verney, and they have issue. William, brother to Sir Edward, was a fryer in Grenewiche. His brother John is not maryed; theire sister Anne was fyrst maryed to Edward Rawley, Knight, and they have a sone maryed to Anne, dough ter to Sir Humfry Conysby, Knight, and now Justice : and after, the saide Anne Rawley was maryed to Fulchurch, and they have issue. Jane, sister to Sibbell Chamberlaine, was a nonne in the Menors. Bona, the iiiith sister to Sir Thomas Danvers, was maryed to Geffraye Pole, of Medmenham in Buckinghamshire, father to Sir Richard Pole, Knight, and nye of kynne to King Henry the VIIth, and they had no issue. [Fol. 80 b.] PEDIGREE OF FITZWARINE. John Kenardesey dyd give the Castell of Helegh with the parke therunto lying, the towne of Recteley, the mannor of Tun- stall and Horton, and xxx shillings wowrth of lande in Over 330 PEDIGREE OF FITZWARINE. Lingesdon, in the Countie of Stafforde, with the appurtenaunces, and the Castell called Redde, w* Moubf, in the Countie of Shrewsbery, to Nicholas Daadeley, Knight, and Johan Lacy, Countes of Lincoln, his wyfe, and to the heires of the body of the same Nicholas cominjj. The Lorde Fulke had yssue Fulke Warren, whiche was his heyre, whiche sayde Fulke had vii sonnes, that is to saye, Fulke Gouch, Sir Payn, Sir William, Sir Alein, Sir Yevan, Denbras, Sir Philip, with ii doughters ; the whiche sayde Fulke Gouche had yssue ii sonnes, that is to say, oone sone, which was born at Leos in Fraunce, and a nother sone called Fulke Duy, whiche sayde Fulke Duy had issue Fulke Vyghan and Phyllypp. And the forsayde Sir Payn tooke to his wyfe oone Alianor, the doughter of Richard Atte Drygge, of Hundr. of Ellysmere, and had more yssue, the whiche be deade; and the foresayde Sir William, Sir Aleyn, Sir Yevan, dyed withoute yssue ; and the foresayde John Denbras never had wiffe, but had oone John Fitzwaryn, bastarde, by a woman of Aston in Corvedale, and there gotten and borne. And afterwarde the forsayde Fulke Duy gave to the foresayde John Fitzwaryn, sone of the foresayde John Denbras, a certein platt of lande within the Lordship of Whityngton, called Fern- hildavid, to holde unto his wille. And after the same John Fitz waryn, bastard, dyd forfytt the same to the forsayde Fulke Duy, and the same Fulke did entre into the forsayde plate by reason of forfyture of the forseyde John Fitzwarein. And after the same John dyd dwell at Aston in Corvedale, and had yssue William Fitzwaryne, the whiche now doth clayme yt. One Fulke Fitzwarrein, Lorde of Whityngton, begatt oone John Gouch of oone Mawde Droghtone, hys concubyne, whiche sayde John Gouch, bastard, begatt John Denbras, whiche sayde John Denbras begatt Jankyn Fitzwaryn, which sayde Jankyn Fitzwaryn begatt William Fitzwaryn. The Rede Fouke had a sone ; his name was the Blake Fouke, and had a sone ; his name was Fouke, that wedded Dame Marga rete, dowghter of Sir James Dauley ; then he had a sone called Fouke Vyghan, he wedded Sir William Cogany's doughter; then he had a sone was called Fouke, he wedded the Lorde Bo- treaux' doughter ; then he had a sone was called Fouke and a doughter Elizabeth. This Fouke was the laste of alle. Then ys his suster ryght heyre and Lady of Whittington. P. 331 XLIII. PARTICULARS OF THE MANOR OF GAINES IN UPMINSTER, ESSEX, IN 1722. Morant (vol. i. p. 108.) states that this manor was "sold in 1721 by a widow of Mr. Graves, brother to Mr. Joseph Graves, a Clergyman of Lewes in Sussex, who had enjoyed it about sixty years, to Mr. Amos White, present possessor." The date here given is evidently a little too early, as it appears from the following letter that the estate was on sale in June 1722. These documents are placed in a copy of Morant's Essex in the possession of John Bowyer Nichols, Esq. F.S.A. and the first is probably in the hand-writing of Sir Nathan Wrighte, of Cranham Hall in Essex, Bart, who was cousin to the Lord Keeper of the same name. An estate in Upminster called the Mannor of Gains, wth the Mannor house, barns, stables, cow houses, and out houses, and about 80 acres of land thereto belonging, att the yearly rent of 65 l; rj ann. The Quit rents . . 13 H odd p ann. Fynes and Herriots coib3 annis 10 p ann. Totall 88 p ann. Mr. Marriot the Attorney in Boswell Court, near Lincolns Inn Fields. Mr. Grave ye son at the 2 Civet Catts, near the Horn Tavern in Fleet Street. 2400 K askt for it. Memorand : The repairs are to be valued at 100 or more. Queery whether itt paies noe fee farme rent, See. One Moietty of Hacton bridge to be kept in repaire by ye owner of ye estate above mentioned ; queery what ye charge of yl will bee. 101* p annum to be paid out of ye estate to a sertain parish (of Lewiss in Sussex) for 8 yeares to come. Note yl Mr. Brett gives no more for ye farme than 641' p ann. Note, ye Bridge above mentioned is now very much out of repaire. Note, ye stewerd has 2U p ann. for collecting ye abovesaid quit rents ; former allowance for Court keeping 2" 2s. Q. the N° of acres the copyholders enjoy. 332 PARTICULARS OF THE MANOR OF GAINES. The following is a letter sent by the post : For Sr Nathan Wright, at Cranham Hall, near Rumford, in Essex. Sir, On the other side you have a pticular, the best I am able to give you at present. I am informed the estate is underlett aud the lands worth more than 64l>. p ann. However, reckning the whole at 871. ( 7s. 3d. or rather 881. as an even sufiie, and that the estate is improveable, and lying soe near London, and in soe good a county, I hope it may be worth 25001. which is not 29 years purchase. The estate is to be sold, and I have had se verall offers, but shall be very glad if I can have an opportunity to oblidge you by letting you into the pchase. I am, Sr, yr most humble Serv1, 14 June 1722. Ob a. Marryat. A pticular of the Mannor 8t farm called Gaines, in Up- minster, in Essex. Impr'is, a mannor house, barnes, stables, 8c other outhouses, & severall closes of arable, meadow, and pasture, containing [blank] acres; whereof six acres are planted with young flourishing fruit trees for an orchard. There is appurtenant to the Mannour a Court Baron, 8c twenty- six Copyholders hold of the said Mannour, 8c about 13 Free holders. Every Copyholder pays a yearly quitt rent, 8c alsoe a fine 8c herriott upon every death & alienac'on. The fines are certain, viz*1. 12d. an acre; the heriott is com pounded usually at 50s. 31*. or 4K. as the Lord Sc the Tennant can agree ; 8c if they disagree, the Custom is for the Lord to take the best live beast, Scfor want thereof the best moveable. The Freeholders pay a year's quittrent on death or alienation. The Quittrents amount to 131. 17s. 3d. p ann. in the whole. The Fines 8c Heriots are 101. p ann. co'munib3 annis, reck'n- ing by a medium of 20 years past. The House 8c Lands are lett at 64l. p anrii to jyjr- J3rett (tho' worth more) as tenn1 at will. Totall 87/. 17s. 3d. At the foot this pencil memorandum : At 25 years purchase 22001. offered 22 years purchase or 19001., difference ab1 3001. J. G. N. 333 XLIV. NOTICES OF THE FAMILY OF FOLJAMBE. BY NATHANIEL JOHNSTON, M. D. 1701. [Continued from page 111.] Having dispatched the preceding principal and collateral branches of the worshipful family of Foljambe, I proceed now to Sir Godfrey Foljambe. SIR GODFREY FOLJAMBE THE FIRST. No. 69. That he was the son of Sir Thomas is evidenced by the Deed (No. 64) of Thomas Castleton, Vicar of Wirksworth, to John Foljambe, of Tideswell, as is before recited ; and in the account given of John Foljambe, of Tideswell, doth fully appear. And that the ancient estates belonging to the family were ulti mately intailed upon him and the heirs male of himself in default of heirs male of John and Thomas his brothers, by the first wife of Sir Thomas Foljambe their father, as hath been sufficiently proved by the preceding settlements (No. 64) ; and that he was a person of eminent quality, and a great ornament to the family, will appear by what follows. No. 70. The 18th of Edw. III. in an exemplification for the abbey of Whalley against Frustan de Penkull, in the wapentake of Blackburnshire, com. Lancaster, Godfrey Foljambe is styled Secundarius Baro Scaccarii. No. 71. The I9th of Edw. III. Sir John Gernon, Knt. gives to Godfrey Foljambe lands in Baukwell, [Bakewell, co. Derb.] and makes John de Gunston and John Woodcock attornies to deliver possession. No. 72. The 39th Edw. III. he hath custody of John, son of Thomas Foljambe, of Elton, who was ward to John Duke of Lancaster, as before specified. No. 73. The 27th Edw. III. he is a knight, and by that style gives to Thomas, his son, his manor of Wauton in the High Peak. Concerning this Thomas, his son, I shall treat more fully hereafter. The 32d Edw. III. John Bardolfe, of Worrnesgay, grants to 334 NOTICES OF THE Godfrey Foljambe, Knt. the manor of Okebrooke, and lands in Ambaston and Thurleston. a The 33d Edw. III. he was chief steward to John of Gaunt, as appears by this following grant: 735d. John Fitz au noble Roy de Angletere et de France, Count de Richmond, &c. Chargeon mon bien ames Rob. de Morton paier a notre bien ame"s Godfrid Foljamb, Senescal de nos terres, anuliament (sic) 201 in part de payment de son fees. Dat. al' an du Reign del nostre tres redout Seignieure Roy et Pere 32. No. 74. The 7th of March that year, he directs his precept to Robert de Morton, receiver, to discharge the expenses of William de Notton and his companions, Justices of the King at Richmond. No. 75. The same year, the 25th of March, he issues out his precept to Robert Morton, to pay the expences of miners sent from the Peak, viz. the master miner " et deus artificers " [two workmen] for surveying the mines of lead in Richmond, let to Piers de Wenselandale. No. 76. The 34th Edw. III. William, Vicar of Castleton, gives to Godfrey Foljambe and Thomas his son, for term of life, all the manor of Pillesley. Test. John Foljambe de Longsden. Monsieur John Gernon, of Essex, grants to Sir Godfrey Fol jambe, Knt. his manor of Baukwell, the 34th Edw. III. No. 77. The 40th Edw. III. he continues capital steward, as appears by inquisition taken before him that year as steward to John Duke of Lancaster, and Robert de Morton is receiver of Pontefract, and Hugh de Brereley master forrester. John fitz au noble Roy d' Angletere, Due de Lancaster, Count de Richmond, Derby, Nicol, et Leicester, Senescal de Angletere, a nostre Receiver de Pontefract, salus. Come nos bien ame"s Monseiur Godfrey Foljambe, Monseiur Rob. de Swillington, Symon Symeon, et Will, de Finchezden, per nostre assent ont appris a fferms de avaf tres hone Dame et mere la Regne, le Ma. de Cowyke et la Soke de Snayth, avoir a term de vie nr dite Dame et mere, payment a Liiij Cynq. (sic) Livres, [he orders his receivers to pay the same yearly ] Date a nr Chastel de Bolyngbrook, 1 April, du Regne nr dit Sire le Roy et Pier 39. The 40th Edw. III. he is knight, and hath precedence of Sir Richard Corbet, Knt. as appears in the charter of Richard Fol jambe to the Abbat of Baldamer. No. 78. The 44th and 45th Edw. HI. he hath free warren in his demesne lands in Hassop and Chaddesden. ' Dodsw. Coll. FAMILY OF FOLJAMBE. 335 The 44th Edw. III. Sir Godfrey Foljambe, Knt. gives to Thomas his son a rent of six marks out of the manor of Pillesley. Testib. Roger North, Rad. Leake, John de Shirley, to which is annexed his seal, which coat of arms the family continues to this day. 80. Edwardus Dei gratia Anglie, &c. Omnibus Angl. Balivis, &c. Sciatis quod charissimus filius noster Johannes Dux Lancastrie, qui in obsequium nostrum versus partes Acquitanie profecturus est, attornavit coram nobis loco suo Godfridum Foljambe, milit. et Symonem Symeon sub-attornatos ad lucrandum et perdendum in omnib. placitis et querelis motis vel movendis pro ipso Duce vel contra ipsum in quibuscumq. curiis Anglie, et ad instantiam ejusdem Ducis concessimus quod iidem Godfridus et Symon vel eorum alter quem presentem esse contigerit, loco ipsius Ducis facere possint vel possit attornatos vel attornatum quos vel quem voluerint vel voluerit in curia nostra coram nobis ad omnia praedict' placita et querelas prosequend' et defendend' et ad lucrandum vel perdendum in eisdam sicut predict' est. In cujus rei testimonium has litteras nostras presentium munimine valituras, si contingat ipsum Ducem iter illud non arripere vel postquam extra terminum ilium in Anglia redierit in partibus supradictis. Teste meipso, Westm. Maij 27, 44 Edw. III. No. 81. The 44th Edw. III. Sir Godfrey Foljambe, Knt. gives to Godfrey Foljambe, jun. the manor of Wool very Cheston, and Mereston. No. 82. The 44th Edw. III. he founded a chantry in the church of Baukwell, the Dean and Chapter of Lichfield con firming it with this preamble : Inspeximus Ordinationem per D™ GodfridumFoljambe,milit.,&c. et inter preclara divine laudis obsequia illud unum de precipuis esse non ambi- gitur, ut alma mater Eccl'a novo semper fetu Ministrorum jugiter sibi famulantium fecundet', quem, Deo rectore et duce, multiplici meritorum semine in suis membris fructum valeat centissimum germinare ; cupientes igitur divinum cultum in Ecclesia Parochiali de Baukewell augere, &c. The Ordination is that Roger de Typshelf be the first Chantry Priest, and he and his successors enjoy the lands in another deed by the King's license settled, — That he pray for the healthful estate of Sir Godfrey and Ann his wife, and their children while they live, and after their decease for their souls and the souls of their parents, and the Brother hood of the Gild of the Holy Cross in Baukwell, and all the faithful, living and dead, at the Altar of the Holy Cross in the nave of the parish church, built by the said Cross ; and that the said Roger and his succes sors be called Keepers of the said Altar. And that he or they celebrate 336 NOTICES OF THE mass in no other place unless there be lawful impediment. And if the Chaplain, without lawful cause, abstain from celebrating mass, that another fit Chaplain be admitted at the pleasure of the Vicar of Bauke- well, to receive the stipend for the time he serve. That every Chaplain that hath the custody of the Altar shall every Sunday celebrate the Mass of the Holy Trinity, unless the greater Double Feasts concur ; on the second day of the week, the office of the dead for the souls of the Founders and the Brethren of the Gild, and the faithful deceased ; on the 3d the Mass of St. Thomas the Martyr ; on the 4th the Mass of the Health of the People [Salus Populi] ; on the 5th that of the Holy Spirit ; on the 6th that of the Holy Cross ; on Saturday that of St. Mary and Saint Margaret ; and after the Confi- teor in each Mass, before the beginning of the Office, turning to the people he say in his mother tongue, " Pray for the soul of Sir Godfrey Foljambe and Ann his wife, and his children, and brothers of the Gild of the Holy Cross, and all the faithful deceased." That the said Chaplain have his constant residence in the said Chantry. That he be not three days away without license from the lord of Hassop for the time being, if the Lord reside there, " Si locum ibidem favere noscatur ;" otherwise not without the leave of the Vicar. If the Chaplain, having not obtained leave, be also away for fifteen days, let him be removed and another fit Chaplain placed by the lord of Hassop for the time being. And when it shall be vacant, the lord of Hassop to present within fifteen days to the Dean and Chapter of Lichfield, and they to give insti tution ; and if the Lord of Hassop neglect, then the Vicar of Baukewell ; and if he present not within fifteen days, then the Abbat of Derby to present ; and if he present not, then the Dean and Chapter of Lichfield to present ; and if they neglect then the Bishop of Coventry and Lich field to present. In the vacancy the goods to be kept by the Vicar and four brethren of the Gild to have the custody and give to the successors, and that every Chaplain leave a fourth part of his goods to the Chantry. No. 83. This Godfrey married Avice b or Anne, daughter of Ireland, of Harteshorn. She survived him ; and in the in- b She is named Avena in the Inqq. post mort. of Sir Godfrey Foljambe, Sir Richard Green, and herself, and doubtless is the same person mentioned in the Ordination of Bakewell chantry. The Inquisition held after the death of Sir Godfrey, " die Veneris prox. ante fest. S. Margarete virg.'' [20 July] 50 Edw. III. No. 24. states, that he held jointly with Avena his wife, on the day of death, the manor of Okebrok, cum pertin. " except, d'nio, reddit. et servic. ac feod. militum in villis de Ambaston et Thurleston," for the term of their lives, of the gift of Nicholas Atte Welde, parson of the church of Darley, and others; the reversion to the right heirs of Sir Godfrey. That ''domus neque situs manerii nichil valent ultra repris." There are 2 carucates of land val. per ann. 40s. meadow val. per ann. 26s. Sd. pasture val. per ann. 30s. " Curia dicti mane- FAMILY OF FOLJAMBE. 337 quisition of the 50th Edw. III. taken at the death of Sir Godfrey Foljambe, it is recited, that he had Richard Foljambe by her; so that it seems to me that Anne was his first wife, and as in the foundation of the chantry appears, and that Avice was the second wife. No. 84. This Avice was re-married to Sir Richard Green, Knt. as will appear in the account of her grandson. The 5th Ric. IL I find Avice, relict of Sir Godfrey Foljambe, Knt. held the ma nor of Hassop.c rii nichil valet.*' There is 10J. annual rent. That said manor is held of the king in capite by knight-service. That the said Godfrey and Avena and Richard Foljambe, son of the said Godfrey and Avena, jointly held a moiety of the manor of Darley, for the term of their lives, of the gift of William Atte Wode. Remainder to the right heirs of said Godfrey. That " situs dicti medietat. manerii nichil valet ultra repr." There is one carucate of land, val. per ann. 40s., meadow val. per ann, 10s., and Al. 13s. Ad. annual rent. That the said manor is held of John Duke of Lancaster, as of Ills Honour of the Castle of High Peak, by knight-service. That the said Godfrey died " die Jovts p. p. fest. Ascenc. Domini," the same year, and that Godfrey Foljambe, son of Godfrey, son of said Godfrey is next heir, ft setat. 9 annor.** Wolley's Collect. MS. Add. 6675. f. 381. The tomb of this Sir Godfrey Foljambe and his wife is in Bakewell church, co. Derby, with their effigies and arms, viz. a shield (sa.) charged with a bend between 6 escallops (or), for Foljambe, and another (gul.) charged with 6 fleurs-de-lis, 3,2, 1. (arg.), for Ireland. lb. f. 358. and MS. "Harl. 5309, f. 38 b; and engraved in Lysons's Derbyshire, p. ccxxv. — Edit. c She died 6 Rich. TI. and the Inquisition (No. 39.) taken at Okebroc, states, that she held the manor of Okebroc in her demesne, as of fee, in cap. " exceptis redd'itib. et feod. milit. in Thurleston et Ambaston,'' for term of life, &e. as above. That she died et die Sabb. p. p. fest. Nat. B. Marie ult. preterit.'* [8 Sept.] aud that Godfrey, son of Godfrey, son of Godfrey Foljambe, Knt. is next ne/ir, " aet. 15 annor. et ampl." That the said Avena, Godfrey, and Richard his son, held conjointly a moiety of the manor of Darley, &c. as above. That she held in Chaddesden and Spondon, 1 messuage, 1 caru cate of land, of the Duke of Lancaster and the Lord de Grey, by foreign service, paying yearly to John de Hokenaston 40s., to the Duke of Lancaster 21s. O^tf. Robert de Twyford 5s. 10^d. and the Princess of England I6^d. The said messuage and land val. p. ann. ult. repr. 9s. 0%%d. Reversion belonging to the right heirs of Godfrey. That the said Avena held certain lands and tenements in Chehnerdon, with a pasture called Flag, held of Thomas de Wendesley, as of his mauor of Wendesley, by the ser vice of 2s. 8 d. per ann. " val. p. ann. ult. repr. 53s. Ad." That she held one tenement in Wardlowe of the Princess, as of her manor of Asheford, by suit of court to Asheford. val. p. ann. ult. repr. \6s. 8d. a certain pasture called Steverdale, paying to the Duke of Lancaster yearly 21s. val. p. ann. ult. repr. 6s. 8d. Also -i pasture called Greteclifof John Lovel, Knt. paying yearly 30s. val. p. ann. ult. repr. 5s. That she held the manor of Hassop of the Duke of Lancaster, as of his mauor of Stertindon, by knight-service, and 5s. yearly rent. The site and manor-house are worth nothing yearly ult. repr. ; 12 acres of land val. p. ann. 16s. Sc?. Meadow val. p. ann. 13s. Ad. Pasture val. p. ann. 13s. Ad. Rents val. p. ann. 26s. 8d. Also, that she held lands in Herdlowe of the Duke of Lancaster, as of his manor of Hertindon, by service of two appearances yearly at the court, val. p. ann. ult. repr. 30s. and held 1 messuage 4 bovates of land in 2 a 338 NOTICES OF THE No. 85. He died the 50th Edw. III. as appears by the inqui sition of that year, and Godfrey, the son of Godfrey his son, was his heir, being then nine years old. He had issue Godfrey, who died in his father's lifetime, and Thomas, of whom in due place. GODFREY FOLJAMBE, SON AND HEIR OF SIR GODFREY. No. 85a. I find a fine the 40th Edw. III. betwixt Godfrey Foljambe, Knt. and Margaret his wife, and Robert Delaport, clerk, of the manor of Kynalton, &c. the right of Godfrey and Margaret, and the heirs of their bodies. (Dodsw. Collect.) This Margaret I suppose was daughter and heir of Payne Villers, of Kinalton, and was the same who was afterwards married to Sir Thomas Rempston, and probably she bought several of those lands that Sir Robert Plompton had with Alice her grandchild, and if it be so, then this Godfrey was also a knight, as will ap pear afterwards. No. 88. The 42d Edw. HI. frere William Rainsbout, Prior of St. Mary of Lancaster, grants to Godfrey, son of Sir Godfrey Foljambe, Knt. and Thomas son of John Foljambe of Tides- well, the advowson of the churches of Croxton and Eccleston. Testib. Anthony Croft de Dalton, Robert de Warsington, Ed mund Laurence, and John de Wassington ; Tuesday after the feast of St. Philip and James. No. 89. The 45th Edw. III. the King hath seen the grant of William Rainbout, late Prior of the church of the blessed Mary in Lancaster, wherein he grants to Godfrey son of Godfrey Fol jambe, Knt. and Thomas son of John Foljambe of Tideswell, the advowson of the churches of Croxton and Eccleston for life, and the King confirms it. No. 90. He lived the 45th Edw. III. for the 11th of July that year the King gave to Godfrey Foljambe and William de Sa- pington, licence to grant four oxgangs and a half in Gratton to a chaplain every day celebrating divine service in the chapel of St. Newbolt, of the abbey ofWellebec, val. p. ann. ult. repr. 30s. Reversion to the right heirs of Godfrey. The Nottinghamshire Inquisition on the same lady, 6nds, that Alveredus, son of God frey Foljambe, Knt. (who is not mentioned by Dr. Johnston) held of the king, as of his ancient demesne of Mansfield, 1 messuage and half carucate of land in Mansfield- Wood- house, for term of his life; and that the said Alveredus died 20 June, 5 Ric. II. That Roger Caus farmed the premises at the yearly rent of 20*. of Avena, mother of Alvered, and that Godfrey, son of Godfrey, son of Sir Godfrey, is next heir. Wolley's Collect. ubi stipr. — Edit. FAMILY OF FOLJAMBE. 339 Margaret in Elton, " pro salubri statu ipsorum Godfridi et Wil lielmi " while they live. No. 91. He married Margaret, as is before related; which Margaret, before the 21st Rich. II. was married to Sir Tho mas Rempston; for I find that Robert Tybshelf, Vicar of Baukewell, grants to Lady Margaret, wife to Sir Thomas Rempston, sometime wife of Sir Godfrey Foljambe the younger, Knt. the manors of Edensore in the Peak, Calton, and Leigh, &c Testib. D° Tho. de Wermesley, mil. &c. (Dodsw. Collect.) No. 92. This Margaret lived to the 17th Hen. VI. as will appear after the account I shall give of Alice her grandchild, and when certainly she did die I have not yet found. But, if she was but fourteen years old at her marriage, she must be about seventy- two years old in the 17th Hen. VI. He had issue Sir Godfrey. No. 93. Margaret married to Sir Nicholas Montgomery, Knt. by whom she had Matildis, that died the 30th Hen. VI., haviug married Thomas Clarell of Aldwarke, who lived to the 36th of Hen. VI. anno 1457. SIR GODFREY FOLJAMBE THE THIRD. Godfrey Foljambe was nine years old at his father's death. He was a knight, as will appear by all the evidences hereafter to be related. No. 94. He seems to be dead before the 12th Rich. II.d and lived not above 22 years. But if he was dead when Sir Richard Green died, then he was under age, and left his daughter and heir unborn. No. 95. By inquisition taken 12th Ric. II. (No. 22.) it ap pears that Sir Richard Green had at his death the manor of Locklawe of John Duke of Lancaster for term of life with Avice [Avena] his wife (relict, I suppose, of Sir Godfrey Foljambe, d The Inquisition taken after his death, 12 Ric. II. No. 81. finds that he died seised of the manor ofOkebroke, one messuage one carucate in Chaddesden and Spondon, cer tain lands in Chelmerdou, and a pasture called Flag, 1 messuage in Wardlowe, a pasture called Steverdale, and another called Gretcliff, the manor of Hassop, lands in Hordlowe, and 1 messuage 4 bovates in Newbolt, by the same tenure as Avena, widow of Sir God frey Foljambe. Also, that the said Godfrey died " die Mercurii prox. a. fest. Nativ. B. Mariae ult. pret." [S Sept.] and that Alice, daughter of the said Sir Godfrey, son of Godfrey, son of Sir Godfrey, is next heir, aged oue year and upwards. Wolley's Collect. ubi supr. — Edit. 2 a2 340 NOTICES OF THE ' Knt.) deceased. The reversion to the right heirs of Avice. And that the said Sir Richard died the 10th Ric. II. And that Alice, daughter of Sir Godfrey Foljambe, Knt. son of Godfrey Fol jambe, son of Sir Godfrey Foljambe, Knt., is next heir, and is one year and more old. And that John Leche Knt. took to farm the said manor to the use of the heir. No. 96. He married Isabell,e daughter of Sir Simon Leche, as the pedigree makes it appear. No. 97. Alice, his daughter and sole heir, was married to Sir Robert Plompton, of Plompton, com. Ebor. By a deed, 3 Hen. IV. Robert Wycard, Esch. com. Derb. delivers full pos session to William Hardisley, attorney for Robert Plompton and Alice his wife, daughter and heir of Godfrey Foljambe, Knt. of all the lands which the said Sir Godfrey held in fee of demesne at the day of his death. (Lib. Plompton, p. 214, ex Collect.) No. 98. This Alice her marriage and tuition was granted by Richard Bishop of , by the manucaption of Richard Daffon, Esch. of , and John Gatefield of Nott. to Sir John Leche for 50 marks, the 13th Ric. II. (Ibid. p. 214.) No. 99. The 17th Ric. II. the same Sir John Leche grants her marriage to Sir William Plompton, to be married to his son and heir. (Ibid. p. 206.) She must then be but eight or nine years old, if she were one year old at Sir Richard Green's death, the 10th Ric. II. No. 100. The 6th Hen. IV. Robert Plompton and Alice his wife grant to Thomas de Glen the manor of Hocklow, with the appurtenances in Hocklow, Spoonden, and Chaddesden, for six years, the rent 40s. (Ibid. p. 216.) No. 101. The same year they gave to Richard de Plompton the rent of 40s. out of Cowbridge, com. Stafford, for life. Testib. William Fencote, William de Leedes, William Thornbury. p Her name must have been Margaret (unless there were two wives), as is evident from the following assignment of her dower. " Assignatio Dotis Margarete que fuit uxor Godfr'i Foljambe Ch'r. fil' Godfr'i, fil. Godfr'i Foljambe, militis, defunct, fact, apud Okebrok, 1 8° die Nov. 12 Ric. II. in presencia Joh'is de Leek, cuiD'n's Rex custodiam t'rar. et ten. que fuerunt p'd'ci Godfr'i commisit ad firmam, &c. per assensum Thome de Foljambe et Rob'ti de Foljambe, propinquor. amieor. et consanguineor. hered. p'd'ci God fr'i ib'm existenc' videl't. Assiguat. p'd'ce Margarete in r'onabilem dotem Man'um de Okebrok cum pertin. ip'am de o'ib's terr. et ten. que fuerunt p'd'ci Godfr'i, quondam viri sui, secundum legem et consuetud. regni Angl. contingent, exceptis duab. partib. bosci de Okebrok, que quidem due partes in emtodia Regis reman, usque ad legitimum etatem hered." Wolley's Collect, ubi supr. — Edit. FAMILY OF FOLJAMBE. 341 No. 101a. This Richard was brother to Robert, and in the same grant there is mention of Robert Plompton son of Alice. No. 102. The 7th Hen. IV. the same Robert Plompton sells to the Lady Mai-garet de Rempston the vesture of his woods in le Combre de Bardolf-wood, juxta Abbathiam de Dale, in com. Derb. for five years, to pay 8Z. 6s. 8d. The same year Robert de Plompton and Alice his wife grant to Henry Foljambe, Abbat of Dale, John de Dene, Canon of the College of Hopton, and Robert Mallert, Vicar of Kynalton, &c. the manor of Hocklow. The 11th Hen. IV. they sell to Thomas Taylor of Nottingham the vesture of a parcel of wood called Nethersharp, in the field of Mykelhalge, for three years. (lb. 229.) No. 104. The 12th Hen. IV. this Robert Plompton is Knt. as appears by many conveyances from this time in the collections of Mr. Christopher Towneley of Carr, in the County of Lancas ter, a diligent and learned antiquary of the family of Towneley, com. Lancaster, dead several years since. . No. 105. The 2d Hen. V. this Sir Robert Plompton is Steward of Knaresborough, as is manifest in the aforesaid collections, of which particular proofs will be exhibited when (if God grant life) I treat of that ancient family. (Dodsw. Collect. 239.) No. 106. The 9th Hen. V. this Sir Robert Plompton died. In the settlement made for the use of his last will the feoffees are Henry Fitz Hugh, lord of Ravensworth, Treasurer of England, the Lady Margaret de Rempston, the Lady Alice de Plomp ton his mother, and others, and he settles 20 marks for life on Godfrey de Plompton his son, &c. Johan and Alice his daughters, &c. No. 107. It seems his lady was then dead, for in Spofforth church this epitaph appears : Hie jacet Robertus Plompton, mil. nuper Senescallus de Knares borough, et Alicia uxor ejus, filia et heres Godfridi Foljambe, mil. qui Robertus obiit 8 Decembris 1421,, quorum a'i'bus p'pitietur Deus. No. 108. William Plompton was son and heir of Sir Robert and Alice, and was under age the 2d Hen. VI. No. 109. The 17th Hen. VI. this William Plompton, Knt. gives to Sir Thomas Rempston, Knt., the Lady Agnes Stapleton, Brian Stapleton, Knt. [he was son-in-law to Sir Thomas Remps ton], &c. the manors of Kynalton, Hassop, Wormhill, Pillesley, Stanton Hall, Chelmston, Cowbridge, and lands in Baukewell, 342 NOTICES OF THE Tideswell, Queston, Slagfield, Martinside, Combre, Wardlow, Spoonden, Hocklow, Twyford, Turndike, Broughton, Crake- marsh, Chesterfield, and Chaddesdon, in the counties of Derby, Nottingham, and Stafford, and the presentation of the Chantry of Baukewell and Mansfield Woodhouses, with the reversion of the lands which the Lady Margaret Rempston held for term of life of his inheritance. Testib. Richard Vernon, Henry Pier- point, Hugh Willoughby, Robert Eyre, Joseph Stafford of Middleton, &c. No. 110. By this it appears that the Lady Margaret Remps ton, widow of the last Godfrey Foljambe, was yet living, and these fore-mentioned lands were those that came by the lady Alice his mother. No. 111. The 24th Hen. VI. the said Sir William gave to John Harrington and William Gargrave the manors of Darley, Stanton, Pillesley, Wormhill, Chaddesden, Spoonden; and the advowson of the chantry lands in Edensor, Wardlow, Bauke well, Martinside, Queston, Tideswell, Hardlow, Chelverton, Slagfield, Castleton, com. Derb. &c. that the feoffees may enfeof Robert Plompton his son and heir, and Elizabeth, daughter of the Lord Clifford, of Westmoreland. Testib. Richard Vernon, Henry Pierpoint, mil. John Curson, Thomas Foljambe, Robert Eyre, the 16th Aug. 24 Hen. VI. No. 112. The 31st Hen. VI. Thomas Rempston, Knt. regrants to Sir William Plompton the manors of Kynalton, Hassop? Wormhill, Pillesley, Stanton, Chelmston, Cowbridge, and all the lands in Baukewell, Tideswell, Queston, Flagfield, Wardlow, Spoonden, Hocklow, Twiford, Broughton, Martinside, Crake- marsh, Turndike, Mony Ash, Chesterfield, and Chaddesdon, com. Nott. Derb. and Stafford, which Margaret de Rempston hath during life, to Sir William Plompton and his heirs, for want of issue, to Godfrey brother of the said Sir William Plomp ton. Dated the 3rd of August. No. 113. The 25th August the said Sir Thomas Rempston makes John Alme senior and Roger Jackson attorneys to give seisin of the manors of Chaddesden, Darley, Okebrook, Burrosash, Stanton, Edensor, Pillesley, Hassop, Wormhill, Chelmsdon, Hardlow, Slagfield, Queston, Combre, Martinside, Betfield, Tideswell, Castleton, Wardlow, Roukham, Baukewell, Calton Lees, Biley, Broughton, Twiford, Spoonden, Newbald, Hocklow, Turndike, Kynalton, Mansfield Houses, Hickling, Outhorp, FAMILY OF FOLJAMBE. 343 Coulston, Crakemarsh, and Cowbridge, com. Derb. Nott. and Stafford. Notwithstanding all these claims yet the reader will find in the succeeding history of the family of the Foljambes, that by virtue of some intails, the next heirs male of the Foljambes, viz. Thomas son of the first Sir Godfrey and his posterity, enjoyed some of them. THOMAS FOLJAMBE, SECOND SON OF THE FIRST SIR GODFREY. No. 1 14. Having seen the direct line of the first Sir God frey Foljambe thus end in a female, we must ascend higher again to deduce the heir male of the family from the first Sir Godfrey, in whose life I have given an account of his settlement of six marks out of his manor of Pillesley on his son Thomas, the 44th Edw. III. being four years after Godfrey his son was married, and the mention of this Thomas, son of Godfrey Foljambe, the 34th Edw. HI. to which I must refer the reader (No. 76). No. 115. So great an estate being by Alice, the daughter and heir of the last Sir Godfrey, carried to the family of the Plomp- tons, it was the good fortune of this Thomas to lay the founda tion of a considerable estate by his marriage with Margaret, daughter of Sir John Loudham, and sister and coheir of Sir John Loudham the younger. The other sister, Isabell, was married to Thomas Beckering, as will further appear when I insert the pedigree of Loudham. No. 116. The 10th Rich. II. Sir John Loudham, Knt. gives to Margaret de Loudham his daughter an annual rent of 12/. out of his manor of Ryby, com. Lincoln. No. 117. The 14th Ric. II. Thomas Foljambe and Robert Langham release to Thomas Stafford, Knt. and Alice his wife, and Nicholas Langford and Margaret his wife, all right in the manor of Penkeston and Normanton, except the advowson of the church of Normanton. There was a fine betwixt them for the same uses. (Dodsw. Collect.) No. 118. The 16th Ric. II. Sir Nicholas de Clifton, Knt. by consent makes partition of the lands that descended to the sisters and heirs of Sir John Loudham, betwixt Thomas Beckering and Isabel! his wife and Thomas Foljambe and Margaret his wife. No. 1 19. The 20th Ric. II. John of Gaunt constitutes Thomas de Wendesley and Thomas Foljambe his surveyors of all the forests within the chase of the Peak. 344 NOTICES OF THE There is a rental of the lands of Thomas Foljambe, lord of Walton, of his lands in Walton and Calale, the 20th Ric. II. No. 120. The 1st Hen. IV. there is an agreement, that whereas Thomas Beckering and Isabell his wife hath the manor and lands in the county of Derby and Lincoln, which were John de Loud ham, Knt. father of Isabell and Margaret, reserving life estate to Margaret wife of Sir John le Zouch, late wife of Sir John Loudham. Dated All Saints' Day, 1st Hen. IV. No. 121. The 10th Hen. IV. Thomas Foljambe, sen. and Ro bert Maynard give to Robert Fern and Joan his wife in farm the new market of Chesterfield. Test. John Cokein, mil. By an inquisition the 29th Hen. VI. after the death of Mar garet, which was wife of Sir John Zouch, Knt. deceased, the jury say, that John de Loudham, Knt. was seised of the manor of Billesthorp and Loudham, and three messuages and two caru- cates in Newton, and the advowson of the church of Billesthorp, and did demise the same to Margaret, which was wife to Sir John Zouch, Knt. for the life of Margaret, and he dying without issue makes the same to remain to Alice, wife of Thomas Rempston, Knt. as heir to Isabell, one of the sisters and heirs of Sir John Loudham, being fifty years old, and Thomas Foljambe, as son of Margaret, another of the sisters and heirs, and that Thomas is forty years old, and Margaret died the 27th May last, and that Elizabeth, wife of William Chaworth, and Margaret, wife of John Chaworth, are the daughters and heirs of Sir John Zouch and Margaret. (Dodsw. Collect. G. G. 40.) Sir John Loudham.: J_ 1. Sir John:=Mar- Loud- garet. ham, died without i — r .2. Sir John Zouch, Knight. Isabell, = sister & coheir,ob. ante 10H.4. -Sir Thos. Becker ing, Knt. 16 Ric. 2. Marga-=pTho- ret, sis ter and coheir. masFol jambe. Elizabeth, daughter and coheir, mar. to William Chaworth. Margaret, mar. to Thomas Chaworth. Alice, daughter,: and heir, 50 years old 29 Hen. 6. Sir Thomas Remps ton, Knight, ob. 36 Hen. 6. I Thomas Foljambe, ob. 29 Hen. 6. Isabell, daughter and coheir, mar. to Sir Bryan Stapleton, Knight. Elizabeth,=pJohn Cheney, daughter and co heir. ob. 6 Hen. 7. Margaret, daughter and coheir, 36 H. 6. mar. to Rich. Bing ham, Esq. John Cheney, xt. 40 ann. 5 Hen, 7. FAMILY OF FOLJAMBE. 345 By another inquisition, the 3d November, the 37th Hen. VI. after the death of Thomas Rempston, Knt. that he held of the in heritance of Elizabeth, wife of John Cheney, Esq., Isabell, wife of Brian Stapleton, Knt. and Margaret, wife of Richard Bingham, jun. Esq. daughter and heir of Alice, which was wife of the said Thomas Rempston, the manor of Tuxford, called Beckering manor, and the advowson of the two chantries of St. Thomas the Martyr and St. Mary the Virgin, in the church of Laxton, and half of the manor of Loudham and Billesthorp, and six mes suages and six carucates in Newton, and the advowson of the church of Billesthorp, and a chantry in Loudham, and the manor of Arsnell, and that Thomas died the 15th October last, and Elizabeth is forty years old, Isabell thirty-six, and Margaret thirty-two years old. This Thomas Foljambe that married Margaret, daughter and heir of Loudham, in the 3d Hen. V. was Alderman of the Guild of Saint Mary in Chesterfield, and grants to William Barber, of Chesterfield, lands belonging to the same. The 6th Hen. V. John Parker, of Walton, gives to Thomas Foljambe, sen. of Walton, all the lands in Walton got of Isabel Ker, of Walton, his aunt. Test. John de Hill, of Walton. The 26th Hen. VI. Thomas Foljambe, of Walton, Esq. and Thomas his son. Whereas Godith Statham, daughter of John Statham, Esq. holds for term of life three messuages and lands in Tideswell and Lytton, the remainder, after the death of Roger Foljambe, to the said Thomas and his heirs, he con firms the possession of Godith for life. By this it appears that the entail on the heirs male was very ancient. The 16th Hen. VI. John le Zouch, Knt. receives of Thomas Foljambe, Esq. 9/. in payment of the dower of Margaret his wife, widow of John Loudham. The 11th Hen. VI. Thomas Foljambe, Esq. grants to Sir Richard Vernon, Knt. the grange of Evanbroke. The 15th Hen. VI. William Hudson, Gent, grants to Thomas Foljambe the lands in Halewell Gate in Chesterfield. This Thomas Foljambe had issue Thomas, of whom here after, Margaret, of whom below, and Joan ; for I find in a Roll of the fraternity of the Guild of Chesterfield, in the first row, Thomas Foljambe is alderman, and in that row is mention of Joan his daughter, which Joan may possibly be the sister of the next Thomas, who was a nun at Sempringham, and that may be 346 NOTICES OF THE the reason why she is set before so many others, next to her father. Margaret married to John Cokefield, for I find that the 22d Hen. VI. a fine was levied between John Cokefield, Esq. and Margaret his wife, querent, and Richard Bingham and William Foljambe, defendant, of the manor of Notthall and Basford, with lands in Radford and Lenton, and the advowson of Nott hall, the right of John and Margaret his wife, and their heirs male, the remainder to John Ayskwith and Margaret his wife? daughter and heir of John Taylboys, jun. Esq. the remainder to the heirs of John Cokefield, Knt. By an inquisition 4th Edw. IV. it is found, that Margaret, wife of John Cokefield, was seised of the manor of Notthall, &c. as before, and that John Cokefield died without issue, and that Margaret was sister to Sir Thomas Foljambe, and that Thomas Foljambe, son and heir of Thomas Foljambe, is her heir, and is four years old. THOMAS FOLJAMBE, SON AND HEIR OF THOMAS FOLJAMBE. Thomas Foljambe (son and heir of Thomas Foljambe and Margaret Loudham) was forty years old the 29th Henry VI. and held the manor of Walton. The 26th Hen. VI. this Thomas Foljambe with his father, in the deed before, wherein his father is entitled to the remainder of Roger Foljambe, son of Sir Edward, died without issue male, which he did. And so the estate of the descendant John* Fol jambe, of Tideswell, came to him and his son, as is cleared ' in the account I give of Roger. This Thomas Foljambe gave lands in Walton, Brampton, Callow, and Redich, and the moiety of the manor of Briming- ton, and lands in Whittington, Tapton, and Normanton, to Henry Foljambe his son. The year obliterated. In the Roll of the fraternity of the Guild of Chesterfield, in the second column, the Prior is Thomas Foljambe, minor, and Joan his wife. He married Jane, daughter of Sir Thomas Ashton, Knt. they had issue Thomas and Henry, and two daughters ; Anne married to William Thorp. I suppose the other daughter was intended a nun at Sempringham ; for I find a letter without date, and by wet and moths much defaced, yet so much as can be read for the matter and writing, and writing of the English in that age, I think worth the transcribing. FAMILY OF FOLJAMBE. 347 I believe it writ to this Thomas, and not to his son. It is sub scribed, To my right reverend Thomas Foljambe this letter to be delivered. Reverant Sir, I com'end me to you, please it you to understand that I have com'uned with your sister as ye desired me by your wryting, if she is disposed to be professed or otherwise; and schyrly, Sir, she is disposed for to continue in her first purpose that she and [?] give her god perse verance, and your consayle be your words in your writing if sche will be religious ; yet I had levehyr sche had nere comen theyr and sche should depart now, and be better pleased than she had bene marryed to the Knight. And yf ye understand it noght in ys world, I trust verily ye shall know that in the world yat is for to come, if our Lord dispose that ye like him to her will, and therefore of your charyte give hyr com- forth in her god and devote purpose, that ye may have thanks of hym. At Sempringham, on the Monday in the Rogation Days. By the humble Minyster of the order of Sempringham. The 22d Hen. VI. I find Thomas Foljambe, jun. and William Foljambe witness with Thomas Clarell. The 35th Hen. VI. Nicholas Longford, Knt. gives to Tho mas Foljambe, Esq. all his lands in Killamarsh and Barlborough for term of years, paying 20/. a-year to Thomas Meverell, John Longford, George Carrington, Roger Foljambe, William Bascet, Esq. The same year John Holme, son and heir of Thomas Holme of Chesterfield, is bound to him in 20/. the condition of the said Thomas enjoy a rent in Chesterfield and lands in Boythorp which he hath, to the grant of Thomas Holme and William Foljambe of Repham. The 1st Edw. IV. he is styled lord of Walton, in a deed wherein he gives to Thomas Babington of Dethick, sen. Esq. an annual rent of 20/. out of the tenements in Loudham, com. Not tingham, for 26 years. Testib. Henry Cullumbell, John Kin- ston. The same year John Peck, of Chesterfield, and Margaret his wife, release to Thomas Foljambe, Richard Fitzwilliams, and John Clarell, Esqrs. all his right in lands in Sheffield, which were John Peck his grandfather's. The 2d Edw. IV. Robert Lacy and Margaret his wife gave to Thomas Foljambe, Esq. Richard Stafford of Heslow, and James Foljambe, chaplain, the right of Margaret in Hope and Castleton, which Elizabeth mother of Margaret held in dower. The 4th Edw. IV. Thomas Foljambe of Walton, Esq. gives to 348 NOTICES OF THE Richard Earl of Warwick, and William Lord Hastings, Chamber lain of the King, the manor of Tideswell, com. Derby, and lands in Tideswell, Hucklow, Wormhill, Abney, Longsdon, and Button. By which it appears that some of the lands in those places still remained to the heirs male, or that he enfeofed those great per sons in those lands for the better recovery of them from Sir William Plompton. But of this I have seen no clear proof. This Thomas married Margery, oldest daughter of Sir Nicholas Longford, Knt. he died without issue, and so his estate de scended to his brother Henry. The marriage is proved by this indenture, dated the 15th Nov. 1454. Wherein it is agreed that Thomas Foljambe, Esq. shall marry Margery, eldest daugh ter of Nicholas Longford, Knt.; that Sir Nicholas pay on the day of marriage 70/. and to find security or sixteen several obligations, of 10/. a piece for fifteen of them, and five marks for the last, the first obligation to be paid on St. Martin's 1454, the second on St. John Baptist day, and so after two half-yearly ; and every obligation to have this condition, that if divorce or disagreement be had between the said Thomas and Margei-y, the cause arising from Thomas, where-through the matrimony or espousal or con tract to be had between them be undone or made void, before any of the days of payment, that payment to be void; or if Mar gery should die without issue being alive at the day of her death then that obligation to be void ; that 20 marks a-year be settled for her jointure. HENRY FOLJAMBE, BROTHER AND HEIR OF THE LAST THOMAS. This Thomas was dead before the 8th Edward IV., for then his relict Margery was remarried to Thomas Odall, and in some writings called Woodhall, Esq. for then Henry Foljambe, bro ther and heir of Thomas, confirms to this Thomas Odall, Esq. and Margery his wife a rent of 24/. a-year for her life, to be re ceived out of the manor of Walton and Brimington, com. Derb. I find acquittance from this Thomas Odall, or Woodhall, Esq. from that time to 1470; and the 17th Edw. IV. for 12/. half yearly rent paid by the said Henry Foljambe of Walton, son of Thomas Foljambe and Jane Ashton, and heir of his brother Thomas. The 8th Henry VI. Richard Lestow, late of Chesterfield, gives to Henry Foljambe, Esq. lands in Chesterfield. Test. Peter Fretchvil. FAMILY OF FOLJAMBE. 349 The 38th Henry VI. William Hudson, of Norton Coakeney, and Alice his wife, acquits Henry Foljambe of all actions, and transfers their right in a mess, and land in Hallewellgate. The 12th Edw. IV. the 10th June, John Abbat of Beau- chief, near Sheffield, (founded by Robert son of Ranulph, Lord of Alfreton and Marnham, for expiation of his crime in being one of the four knights that murdered Thomas Becket, Archbishop of Canterbury, in the reign of Henry II.) grants to Henry Foljambe of Walton for term of life, " pro bono concilio ac supportatione et auxilio nobis impensis, et quod nobis in posterum divina gratia impendet et impendere intendit," an annual rent of 405. yearly. The 12th Edw. IV. John Catton, Sheriff of Nottingham and Derby, receives of Henry Foljambe, Esq, 10/. by virtue of a scire facias. In a paper I find this : Be hyt remembered yat Master Byllyng, Chief Judge of England, and Mr. Stutill of the King our Sovereign Lord's Councel, hath taken an oath of Henry Foljambe, Skyyr, of Walton beside Chesterfeild, and of John Askey's wyff, for to abide the award of Mr. Mollineax of Houws- ton, and of Mr. Francis Tobenall, for the chief rent that he challengeth of Cowseys Hall, so agreed at Lytchfield the 16th May, the 13th of Edw. IV. his reign. Award given by the King our Sovereign Lord and his Councell, that such goods lately set at the manor of Cawsey's Hall be delivered with the encrease, be the same day fourteen days after the warde given be our Sovereign Lord and his Counsell and Chief Judge of England Mr. Byllyng. Gyf covenant not kept, resort agen to the King our Suvereign Lord and his Counsell. The 7th Edward IV. he is in a fine styled Henry Foljambe, Esq. brother and heir of Thomas Foljambe. The 8th Edw. IV. this Henry Foljambe, lord of Wal ton, gives to Thomas Ashton, John Griesley, John Ashton, Knts. Henry Vernon, Richard Willoughby, Henry Pierpoint, John Ayswick, and John Foljambe, of Walton, Gent, all his lands in Brampton and Lytton, which were Thomas Foljambe's his father's, and lands in Hope and Castleton, which were Robert Lacy's and Margaret his wife, and several lands which were Tho mas Foljambe's his brother's, and several lands which William Foljambe and William Marshall, chaplain, jointly, which the said Thomas Foljambe, Esq. and James Foljambe, chaplain, the 14th November, 8th Edw. IV. 350 NOTICES OF THE This year he settled 24/. yearly rent on Margery, the relict of his brother, and Thomas Odall, Esq. her husband, for term of life of Margery. The 8th Edw. IV. Robert Stacey, of Stoke near Newark, and Margaret his wife, acknowledge themselves to have received from Henry Foljambe, of Walton, Esq. 10/. and two coats in payment of a rent which was Richard Abney's, of Hope, brother to the said Margaret. The 12th Edw. IV. Robert Gilbert, son of Nicholas Gilbert of Yolgrave, gives to Henry Foljambe, lord of Walton, Ed mond Vernon, Esq. and John Foljambe of Walton, lands in Baukewell and Burton juxta Baukewell. The 20th of February, the 12th Edw. IV. Henry Foljambe, lord of Walton, gives to Elizabeth, Prioress of Derby, and the Convent, all his lands, messuages, &c. in Reydych, near Derby, for the life of Elizabeth, paying 40s. per ann. And the Prioress and Convent agree that, if any of the ancestors of Henry, that is to say, his grandfather, father, mother, brother, sister, or any other, have any thing of the said place, or owe any duties to the said place, that all such be forgiven. And whereas Thomas Fol jambe, brother of the said Henry, gave to the Prioress 40s. they release it to Henry, and grant at the year's day on the even placebo and dirige, on the morn the high mass and requiem, be said for the said Thomas. No. 153. The 16th Edw. IV. he pays 12/. the half year an nually to Thomas Woodhall, Esq. for the dowry of Margery his wife, late wife to Thomas Foljambe, Esq. No. 154. The 17th Edw. IV. John Rogers de Hand at Park- gate, son and heir of Robert Rogers of the same, gives to Henry Foljambe, Esq. an oxgang in Hanley, in the territory of Stanley. Testib. Dn0 Richard de Longforth, Dno Henry de Pierpoint, Dno Richard Fitz William, Henry Vernon, 23d May. No. 155. The same year Richard Malon, late escheator of the King, in co. Nottingham and Derby, received of Henry Fol jambe of Walton, 3/. for issue and amerciament in the King's Exchequer, being for the late wife of Thomas Foljambe, now of Thomas Odall, for the third part of the manor of Walton. No. 155a. An Indenture the 23d Edw. IV. That, whereas Henry Foljambe, of Walton, Esq. had the manor of Boythorp, with all the appurtenances, by right and title, made by Sir Nicholas Langford, Knt. (father of Rawfe that now is his heir) FAMILY OF FOLJAMBE. 351 to Thomas Foljambe, brother of the said Henry and said Rawfe, confirms to John Foljambe, Gent. No. 156. The 2d Ric. III. (1485), Henry Foljambe, of Walton, presents to the church of Billesthorp. And the 24th of November it is acknowledged that the said Henry Foljambe, and the heirs of Sir Thomas Rempston, are to present " alternis vicibus." The 2d Ric. III. 15th August, he makes his will, though he died not then. He appoints his body to be buried in the church of Chesterfield, before our Lady, he gives to the Guild 6s. 8d. the Vicar to have his best horse, and 6s. 8d., and if Bennet his wife keep her sole, to have all the life landf he hath, except 10/. that is holden of the King, and of what lands he hath purchased, except of what he had enfeoffed John Foljambe in for»his daugh ters, Mary and Jennet, to have either of them to their marriage 300/. ; Elizabeth Thorp and Jennet Thorp (I suppose daughters of William Thorp, his sister's husband) to have either of them to their marriage ten marks, if so be that neither of them be de- fouled ; to Alice Thorp if she be married, 40s. ; to Avice, daugh ter of Nicholas Foxhole, 51.; and all the rest to be equally passed to his four sons, Thomas, Henry, Richard, and John. His executors Henry Vernon, Bennet his wife, John Foljambe, Sir John Puppys, Sir Allen Scha, chapleynes. The 3d Hen. VII. the 29th November 1488, Henry Foljambe is found true patron of Billesthorp. No. 158. The 2d Hen. VII. John Rolsby of Rolstun, gives to Henry Foljambe, of Walton, sen. Esq. lands in Chesterfield, Newbald, Brampton, Bromfield, Tapton, Boythorp, and in an other place, com. Derby. December 22d. John Hudson and Emet his wife, coheir of John Clarke of Somerleigh, sell him their right in Somerleigh. No. 159. The 3d Hen. VII. Henry Eyland, of Bassford, com. Nottingham, grants to Henry Foljambe, of Walton, Esq. the office of Bailyship of the honour and fee of Peverell, in the wa pentake of Scarsdale, in Derbyshire, and is obliged in 80/. to perform it. Dated the 5th of June. No. 160. The 13th Hen. VII. Humphrey de Segeswick, Gent, releaseth to Henry Foljambe, Esq. John Chaloner, Gent. and Gilbert Fulgeham, all actions, &c. No. 160a. Xhe 13th Hen. VII. Rad. Woodhouse! de Wal- ' Lode, i. e. livelihood.' — Edit. 352 NOTICES OF THE new, com. Nottingham, and Agnes his wife, gives to Henry Fol jambe, sen. divers messuages, lands, &c. in Eckington, Reg- noldsh [Renishaw], Kynnoldsmarsh [Killamarsh], Chesterfield, Woodhouse, Benthorp, Bilebey, and Blythe, com. Notts, and Derby. Test. John Balwode of Eckington. I shall now exhibit two letters relating to this Henry : Honourable Cousin, after faithfull commendations like it you to un derstand my Lord is soer and grievously against you for the matter between you and Ash, and purposeth to seek remedy in that matter as a Lord oweth to do for his servant, by means according to the Law, and I promise you he is sharply set thereto. Sir, my Lord, at mine instance, is agreeable if ye be here at Codnore, and if ye will bring with you a learned man and proofe your title good. By this and the following letter it seems there was some differ ences betwixt the Lord Grey of Codnor and this Henry Fol jambe. Henry Foljambe writes to the Lord Grey as followeth : Honourable and my Right Reverend and Worshipfull Lord, I re- com'end me unto your good [Lordship], and have receyved your letter of credence by Sir Robert Skipton, &c as touching the matter for Rawfe Rodbles Lyleland (?) and his moders, in which matter I beseech you to be my good Lord, and remember that I have been in your service when it was full laude (?) upon the lands, and ye be remembered ye appointed me in the King's Chamber that I should have a day assigned me to be paid. I tryst to find you much better Lord to me, when I have a letter from your Lordship here very knowleg of the truth, &c. Jesu, Jesus, pre serve you at all times. Written at Walton on Tuesday before the feast of All Souls. Your owne, Henry Foljambe, Esq. No. 163. In a roll of the fraternity of the Guild of Chester field, next to Robert Barley, Esq. Alderman of the Guild, Henry Foljambe and Benedicta his wife, Godfrey Foljambe, and John Foljambe, are inrolled; then Peter Fretchvile and Matilda his wife, William Barley and Christian his wife, Roger Eyre and Ellen his wife, John Lynacre and Katherine his wife, and many others. No. 164. The 15th Hen. VII. John Bride of Skegby, com. Nottingham, and Ralph his son and heir, are obliged to Henry Foljambe, lord of Walton, to lease to Henry Foljambe and Bennet his wife, Skegby for ten years. The same year John Dunham of Kirklinton, com. Netting- FAMILY OF FOLJAMBE. 353 ham, Esq. gives to Henry Foljambe of Walton, lands in Skip- ton for 61 years. The 16th Hen. VII. by the name of Henry Foljambe, of Wal ton, Esq. he grants to Reynald Bray, Henry Vernon, John Sa vile, and Thomas Ashton, Knts. &c. all his lands in Chesterfield, Newbald, Langley, Boythorp, Netherhill, Hasland Hill, Wyn- gerworth, Hatch wick, Ashover, Beley, Bradway, Birched, Green- hill, Norton, Dunston, Somerleigh, Bromfield, Ashton, Hanley, Woodhaw, Ekyngton, Broughton, Colleson, Woodhouse, Derby, Querndon, Norton Lees, Wirksworth, Barsall, Over Hadden, Abney, Hope, Castleton, Walton, Ounston, Calall, Brompton, Tapton, Whittington, Brymington, Burton juxta Baukewell, Rol- leston, Hatton juxta Southwell, com. Nottingham, and all lands in Helay, Ecclesall, Great and Little Sheffield, Bradfield, Tyn- neslow, Darnall, Rotherham, Wales, and Bromley, com. Ebor. as he the said Henry had purchased of several persons. Dated the 28th August. In the account I am to give of Roger, one of the sons of Henry, it will appear that those lands were thus enfeoffed for the use of the last will of the said Henry, and that he died without declaring any uses ; so that these lands descended to Sir Godfrey his eldest son; but by agreement the younger sons had some divi sions made, as will appear more manifest hereafter. However, it may by this be observed how greatly this Henry increased his estate. By an inquisition taken the 20th Hen. VIII. before Thomas Mering, escheator, after the death of Roger Foljambe, this Henry Foljambe, Esq. father of the said Roger, before his death was seised often messuages, 400 acres of land, 200 acres of mea dow, 200 acres of pasture, and 30 acres of wood in Brampton, and of 13 messuages, 15 cottages, 500 acres of land in Chester field; two messuages, 60 acres of land, and 16 acres of mea dow in Bradway ; of one messuage, 30 acres of land in Res ton ; two messuages, 60 acres of land, 20 acres of meadow, and six acres of wood in Oneston and Somervile ; one messuage and 40 acres of land in Nether Hanley ; two messuages, 60 acres of land in Brimington ; two messuages and 60 acres of land in Han ley near Parkgate, and 30 acres in Eckington ; one messuage and six cottages, and 40 acres of land, and ten acres of land in Beighton ; one messuage and 30 acres of land, and 12 acres of meadow, and seven acres of wood in Wingerworth ; one 2 B 354 NOTICES OF THE messuage and 20 acres of land in Belby ; one messuage, and one shop (selda), and 40 acres of land in Derby ; one barn and 60 acres of land in Over Hadden ; three messuages and 80 acres of land in Abney ; two messuages and one cottage, and 30 acres of land in Hope ; two messuages and 40 acres of land ; 15 acres of meadow in Hehedge, and 20 acres in Tap- ton. And by his charter, the 28th of August, the 16th Hen.VII. feoffed in the same Reginald Bray, Henry Vernon, John Savile, Thomas Ashton, Knts. Henry Shaw, &c. for the feoffees of the will of the said Henry, and he died without declaring his will, and so the feoffees stood seised in this to the use of Godfrey his son. Plow Godfrey and his brother Roger agreed will be shown in the life of Roger. This Henry married Bennett, the daughter of Sir William Vernon, of Nether Hadden ; and it seems he resided in Walton, and had some interest there before the death of Thomas his bro ther ; for I find in the 20th Hen. VI. that Henry Foljambe, of Walton, is bound to Henry Vernon and John Savill in 200/. the 9th of October, for performance, I suppose, of covenants of marriage. They had issue Sir Godfrey, Thomas, Henry, Rich ard, John, and Roger ; Mary married to Miles Bussey ; Jennett to John Leek, of Worksop; Elizabeth married to Richard Town- ley ; Anne married to Robert Colevill. The 27th Hen. VII., Thomas Barley, son and heir of John Barley, late of Dronfield Woodhouse, is bound to Thomas, Henry, Gilbert, Roger, sons of Henry Foljambe, to perform covenants betwixt him and Henry Foljambe, the 14th Hen. VII. then to be void. The 3d of October, . . . Hen. VII. Henry Vernon and John Sa vile, Knts. supervisors of the testament of Henry Foljambe, late of Walton, Esq. made an agreement betwixt Godfrey Foljambe, of Walton, son and heir of Henry, and Thomas, Henry, Gilbert, and Roger, younger sons and brethren of Godfrey ; Bennett, the relict of this Henry Foljambe, Godfrey, Thomas, and Roger, his sons, agree with Henry Harpur and William Moorecock, of Burton, in Staffordshire, to make a tomb for Henry Foljambe, husband of Bennett, in St. Mary's Quire, in the church of All- hallows, in Chesterfield, and to make it as good as is the tomb of Sir Nicholas Montgomery at Colley, with eighteen images under the table, and the arms upon them, and the said Henry in cop per and gilt upon the table of marble, with two arms at the FAMILY OF FOLJAMBE. 355 head, and two arms at the feet of the same, and the table of marble to be of a whole stone, and all fair marble. They pay in hand hi. and the other hi. when all is performed ; the 26th October, the 2d Hen. VHI.f SIR GODFREY FOLJAMBE THE FOURTH. Sir Godfrey Foljambe, Knt. son and heir of Henry Foljambe, was born at Walton on Easter Day, the 27th of March, 12th Edw. IV. 1472. The 21st July, 21st Hen. VII. the King gives his precept, *' Whereas our trusty servant Godfrey Foljambe and one Roger Cook stand bound to our trusty councellor Sir Thomas Lovell, Knt. and others, to our use, in an obligation of 500 marks with Nicholas Saville and Alice Jepson, now de ceased, and the obligation, forfeit, &c. of our especial love we bear unto the said Godfrey, we be content to pardon a great part of the said 500 marks." And the King grants him power to levy on the executors of Nicholas Savile and Alice Jepson. The 12th November, 24th Henry VII. he pays to Robert Blackwell 12s. 8d. for receipt of homage. The 2d Henry VIII. William Zouch, late of Marley, com. Derby, Esq. receives 10/. 6s. 8d. of Godfrey Foljambe, of Wal ton, Esq. which the said William Zouch was charged with, when Sheriff of Derbyshire, in the Exchequer, to levy and take for a riot made by Gilbert Foljambe, late of Walton, and others. He was Sheriff 2d Hen. VIII. and gives his discharge 14th Henry VIII. ; this Gilbert was brother of Godfrey, and by this it should seem as if he was dead, and his brother paid it for him. The 14th Hen. VIII. by the name of Godfrey Foljambe, Esq. he gives to Miles Bushye, Knt. Robert Colevill, Esq. John Bosswell, 8cc. his manor of Brimington and Whittington, com. Derby, and lands in Chesterfield. Dated 23d of April. The 5th Hen. VIII. he gives to the same his manor of Ryby, com. Lincoln, the 27th April, and a tenement called the Angel in Blyth, and lands in Whiston. And the 23d April the same year to the same, his manor of Walton with Brampton, and Callow, com. Derby. John Leek, of Sutton-in-le dale, com. Derby, is bound to him in 200/. to perform covenants, the 18th April, 4th Hen. VIII. f This monument is described as being in a ruinous state in Bassano's Church Notes, in the College of Arms. It will be further noticed in the Appendix to this article, in our Second Volume. — Edit. 2b 2 356 NOTICES OF THE The 15th Henry VIII. 1513 he was Esquire of the Body of the King, and then Thomas Wriothesley, Garter, and John Young, Norroy, the 19th June grant him by the name of Godfrey Foljambe, of Walton, com. Derby, Esq. " de Corpe du Roy," for Supporters or Crest of his Arms, " une Calopus, autrement dit Chatloup,g de Or et de Sables esquartelees, les comes aussi," as more fully appears in the patent itself.1' No. 177. The 7th Hen. VIII. he accomplished the great ad vantage to his two elder sons in procuring their marriage with the heiresses of Fitzwilliam as hereafter shall be related. I might have placed these matters relating to the heiresses of Fitzwilliam in the lives of their husbands, but the date of the transactions about them put me upon the placing them according to the order of years, so that when I come to treat of the sons of this Godfrey I shall refer to their preceding matters. The 8th Henry VIII. Godfrey Foljambe and Roger Foljambe impleaded Nicholas Croft of two messuages and 60 acres of land in Brampton. The 10th Hen. VIII. Whereas Godfrey Foljambe, and John Byron, and Thomas Vernon, Esq. were bound to Sir William Fitzwilliam in the sum of 200/. of the Statute of the Staple which was made for payment of parcell of 800 marks received in part of 1200 marks payable to the said Sir William by the said Godfrey Foljambe for the custody, wardship, and marriage of Alice and Margaret Fitzwilliam, sisters and heirs of William Fitzwilliam, Esq. son and heir of Thomas Fitzwilliam, late of Aldwark, de ceased; if Alice and Margaret die, &c. then the bond to be void. By indenture Dec. 3, 10th Hen. VIII. Thomas Fenys, Esq. son and heir of Thomas Fenys, Lord Dacre, sells to Godfrey Foljambe, Esq. for 400/. all the woods and underwoods of Cotte- rill Woods and Stobarched in the manor of Carleton, com. Ebor. and Nottingham. The 12th Hen. VIII. William Fitzwilliam of Guildford, com. Surrey, Knt. is bound to Godfrey Foljambe of Walton, Knt. in 300/., the condition, if Alice and Margaret, sisters and heirs of William Fitzwilliam, deceased before the feast of the Purification of our Lady next, then the said Sir William Fitzwilliam to pay £ Called a'* cat-wolf" in the description of his Standard printed in the Excerpts Historica, p. 169. — Edit. 11 See a copy of this Patent in MS. Harl. 5809. f. 61b.— Edit. FAMILY OF FOLJAMBE. 357 to Sir Godfrey 200/. if they decease before the 1st of St. Peter ad vincula, then 100/. only. The 13th of Hen. VIII. John Dunham gives to Godfrey Fol jambe, Knt. John Byron, Knt. and John Foljambe, Knt. and James Foljambe, Esq. the manor of Bolton-upon-Derne, Barn- burgh, and Wildthorp. These lands were parcell of the lands of Fitzwilliam. The 16th of Hen VIII. Laurence Savage and Heylyn his wife sell some woods to Sir Godfrey. The 16th Hen. VIII. he was Sheriff of Nottingham and Derby. The 20th Hen. VIII. Simon, Prior of Sempringham, and their Convent, grant to farm to Godfrey Foljambe of Walton, Knt. their grange of Walton 1530. Thomas Lord Cromwell writes to him, but the year is not set down. After my hearty com'endations, ye shall understand I have received your letter of the 19th of this present, and well perused the same, whereby it appears the good rule and diligent dexterity ye use to see such felinous persons as the Hermit (who was sent to me) to be appre hended, and their malice repressed, thanking you heartily for the same, being assured that I will not fail to make report thereof to the King's Highness, who, I doubt not, shall have your gentle proceeding right acceptable. I have sent and removed the said Hermit to my Lord Stew ard, with an indictment there to be brought before the Justices of Assize as to receive such punishment for his pernicious demeaner as the Law requireth, to the fearfull example of all alike. I doubt not but you will do therein to see justice ministered, as to right and duty towards his Majesty shall appertain. Thus fare you heartily well. Your loving friend, Thomas Cromwell,. The 12th of August (the year not expressed). The 20th Hen. VIII. a fine was levied betwixt Godfrey Fol jambe, Knt. querent, and Nicholas Purefoy, Gent., deforciant, of half of the fourth part of the manor of Northorp, and 12 messuages, six cottages, one dovecote, 1000 acres of land, 2000 acres of meadow, 100 acres of pasture, 400 acres of wood, 1000 acres of champ and bruer, and 10s. rent in Northorphall, Ash- over, and Wingerworth, the right of Sir Godfrey Foljambe. The 22d Hen. VIII. Sir Godfrey Foljambe gives to Henry Sayvile and Richard Townley, Esq. and others, lands in Gai- 358 NOTICES OF THE thorp. This Richard Townley married Elizabeth, sister of Sir Godfrey. The 25th Hen. VIII. Sir Ralph Langford sells to Sir Godfrey Foljambe, of Walton, his woods called Morton Park, Causenet, Hagh, &c. The 23d Hen. VIII. Sir Godfrey Foljambe, of Walton, com. Derby, makes his will. My carcass to be buried in the Chappell of Saint GeoTge, besides my lady my wife, in Chesterfield. To the Mother Churches of Coventry and Lichfield, either of them 6s. 8d. James my son, my Ex'or. My funeral mass and dirge, with all other suffrages and obsequies to be done and ministered for my soul according as worship requires after my degree, that my sword, helmet, with the crest upon the head, and my coat of arms be hanged over my tomb and there to remain for ever. A bason and ewer silver gilt with an eagle in the midst, and an apoly saying It is good to have a long throat, a standing cup with a bill on the top of the cover, &c. and other Jewells, to remain to my heir at Walton. To my son Godfrey a bason and ewer. To George my son another. To my son James a tawney velvet gown with the furrs. To Godfrey my son a black velvet gown lattely furred, with jewills. To my son George a tawney velvet gown lined with satin, &c. That thirty of my household servants have each a black gown, and meat and drink at Walton Hall for a quarter of a year, and to every servant of the house of my livery a black gown, and to several others named black gowns. My daughter Ann to have 500 marks. My hines to have a month's diet. My son James to renew the lease of the Prebend of Tickhill, which he had of the late Abbat of Westminster. My son Godfrey to enjoy the farms of Whitley, Hansworth, Haseley, Lymport, Plumpton, and Tickhill, paying to my son James rent, &c. My son James to have East and West Markham, Loudham, and Walesby. To my daughter Margaret my son Godfrey's wife a kirtle of black velvett and a pair [a set] of beads of fine amber with a green tassell. Sir Godfrey Foljambe married Katherine, daughter of John Leake, of Sutton-in-le-Dale, com. Derby, 5th Hen. VII. for I find a deed then dated, wherein Henry Foljambe, of Walton, Esq. settles lands in Redych, Chesterfield, and Brampton, &c. on Godfrey' Foljambe his son and Katherine Leake his wife. John Herdwise, of Chesterfield, covenants with Mr. Henry Fol jambe and John Leake, Esqrs. for a marriage betwixt Godfrey and Katherine Leake, daughter of the said John. This is not dated. There is a complaint before Sir Thomas Audley, Lord Chancellor, that Sir Godfrey Foljambe, uncle to John Leake, son FAMILY OF FOLJAMBE. 359 of Sir John Leake, of Sutton, who had the tuition of the said John Leake, being but eight years old, and did not pay 100 marks, ap pointed for portion to Katherine Leake, daughter of Sir John Leake, now wife to James Mering. This Godfrey had issue, as appears by an extract out of several registers compiled into a book :— Sir James Foljambe, his eldest son, born at Walton on Thurs day before the feast of the Epiphany, 2d Hen. VIII. his god fathers (Testib. coram Deo,) Sir Thomas Vernon, Thomas Fitz- Herbert, Rector of the church of North Wyngfield, and Marga ret Leake ; and before the Bishop, Robert Barley. Here may be noted the use of baptizing with godfathers, called witnesses; and at their Confirmation there was one especially, chosen to be spe cial witness. Godfrey, the second son, was born at Walton, on Thursday on the feast of St. Thomas, 1512, the 4th Hen. VIII. Litera Doni C. his godfathers William Sandall, Prior of the monastery of St. Mary de Novo Loco in Sherwood, John Babington of Stode, Knt. of the order of St. John of Jerusalem, and Isabell Eyre ; before the Bishop, John Reresby, Rector of Ashover. George, the third son, born at Walton on the feast of the Con version of St. Paul ; Litera Dominica B. The godfathers Tho mas Nevile, Esq. John Reresby, Rector of the church of Ashover, and his godmother Elizabeth Rochester ; and before the Bishop, James Berrisford, one of the Canons of Lichfield. His daughters were : Benedict, born at Walton on the feast of the Translation of St. Edward, 1499, litera Dominica F. The godfather Thomas Foljambe, the godmothers, Bennett Foljambe and Meriall Watterton, and before the Bishop, Margaret Bushie. She was married to Sir John Dunham, of Kirklington, com. Nottingham, Knt. Sir Godfrey to pay 500 marks, and to be at costs of apparel, and a dinner on the day of the wedding,1 as ap pears by covenants of marriage, 4th August, 13th Hen. VIII. Katherine, second daughter, was born at Walton on the vigil of St. Mary Magdalen, 1509. The godfather, Gilbert Foljambe, the godmothers, Meriell Watterton, wife of Robert Watterton, Knt. and Elizabeth Fretchvill ; and before the Bishop, Elizabeth Eyre. She was married to Thomas Nevile, of Rolleston Holt, com. Notts, and died in childbed of her daughter Katherine. ' See likewise the marriage dinner a matter of contract, about the year 1568, in Hunter's Doncaster, ii. 67. — Edit. 360 NOTICES OF THE Anne, the third daughter, born at Walton on the vigil of the Translation of St. Edward, 1518. The godfather, Sir John Leake, Knt. ; the godmothers, Anne Colvill and Ann Bosvill, and before the Bishop, Jane Cofrer. She married Francis Lowes. Of James, the eldest son, I shall treat hereafter. Godfrey Foljambe, second son of Sir Godfrey, married Mar garet, second daughter and coheir of Thomas Fitzwilliam, of Aldwark, Esq. The 37th Hen. VIII. the King grants to God frey Foljambe, Esq. sen. and Godfrey Foljambe, jun. the custody of the manor of Steeton, com. Ebor. and 200 acres of land, 40 acres of meadow, 100 acres of waste, and 20 acres of land in Steeton, and 14 messuages and four tofts, 200 acres of land, meadow, and pasture in South Milford, Barcheston, Wickles- field, and Lumby, and three messuages, 100 acres of land and pasture in Wickersley, Thimble, and Wadworth, and the manor of Holling Hall, and three messuages, 100 acres of meadow in Skelmanthorp, and the manor of Thorpeashley, and ten mes suages, seven cottages, 20 acres of meadow, 200 acres of pasture in Aldwarke, and the manor of Whitecroft, and half the manor of Bargh. This Godfrey Foljambe had issue by Brownlow a na tural son Godfrey, called Godfrey Foljambe of Croxden, who married Jane, daughter of George Foljambe, of Barlborough, his father's brother, but had no issue by her. Godfrey Foljambe, of Croxden, com. Stafford, Esq. releaseth to Godfrey Foljambe, of Walton, son and heir apparent of Sir James Foljambe, Knt. his right in the manor of Steeton, the 3d and 4th of Philip and Mary. He was dead before the 1st of Queen Elizabeth, as will appear in the life of Godfrey son of Sir James. By interrogatories exhibited by Hercules Foljambe, he is called Godfrey Foljambe, alias Brownlow. k I find an award, 8th May, 5th Eliz. made by Edward Griffen, Esq. Solicitor General of the Duchy, John Clarell, Esq. the Queen's Attorney in the said Court, Rauf Rooksby, and James Dyer, Esq. Whereas controversy has been betwixt John Fitzwilliam of Kingsley, com. Southampton, Esq. and Elizabeth his wife, and Godfrey Foljambe the elder, Esq. and Margaret his wife, one of the sisters and heirs of 1 In the Wolley Collections (Br. Mus. MS. Addit. 6702, f. 22) is a record of the sale from Godfrey Foljambe, alias Brownlow, of Croxden, to Godfrey Foljambe of Walton, of the manor of Skelmanthorpe, co. York, 25 Sept. 28 Eliz. — Edit. FAMILY Of FOLJAMBE. 361 Thomas Fitzwilliam, Esq. late of Aldwarke; and Godfrey Foljambe, Esq- son and heir of the said Sir Godfrey, of the manor of Slaith Hooton, and lands in Morthing, Brampton, Leighton, Carr House, Thorecroft, Brook- house, Slaith Hooton, Mexborough, S wyn ton, Loversall, Hooton under Hay, the advowson of the churches of Whiston, Ulley, Wickefsley, Rotherham, Dalton, Hooton Roberts, and a burgage in Derby, which John Fitzwilliam claimeth by conveyance from William Fitzwilliam, late Earl of Southampton, for term of life, and after to Godfrey the elder and Margaret his wife, and as cousin and heir of the body of Elizabeth Fitz william wife of Sir Richard Fitzwilliam, Knt. deceased, and grandmother to Thomas Fitzwilliam. They award this John Fitzwilliam to pass this land away to Godfrey, and that he have an annuity of 241. to him and his wife and the longer liver. GEORGE FOLJAMBE, SON OF SIR GODFREY. George, third son of Sir Godfrey, was of Barlborough. He mar ried Dorothy, daughter of Arthur Barlow, and had issue : Henry, his eldest son, who married Mary, sister of John Lord Darcy, relict of Henry Babington of Dethick ; Godfrey, who mar ried Emma, daughter of Tunsted, of Tunsted ; Jane, who married Godfrey, natural son of Godfrey Foljambe, elder brother of George ; Truth ; and Katherine. But I do not find that any of them had issue. Godfrey Foljambe, Knt. gives to George Foljambe, Esq. his son, his meadow, called Wheatley Meadow, in Blyth, in the county of Nottingham, and his heirs, 8cc. the remainder to Godfrey Foljambe, Esq. son of Sir Godfrey, the remainder to James Foljambe, son and heir of Sir Godfrey, the 28th Henry VIII. By some interrogatories it is queried whether Richard Robin son,. Prior of the Fryery of Tickhill and the Convent, did, by in denture, lease to Godfrey Foljambe, Knt. and George his son and heir, lands in Newton-upon-Derwent for years to come. [In the chancel of the church at Sutton in le Dale is an alabaster grave-stone with effigies of the deceased in plate armour and tabard of arms, his helmet and crest under his head, a canopy over his head, an animal at his feet, qu. an antelope.' [the chat- ioup]. " Hie jacet Johannes Foljambe filius et pro tempore heres apparens Godfredi Foljambe, qui obiit apud Sutton en le dale vicessimo septi-ma die mensis [Octob.] anno Domini millesimo quadragentesimo nonagesimo nono '' In the east window of the north aisle are remains of painted glass of the portrait of a Knight in plate armour, with the coat of Leake, and of a lady in head dress, with the coat of Foljambe.] — Lysons's MS. Collections in British Museum. Bassano's Notes in Coll. Arm. f. 274. [ To be continued.] 362 XLV. ABBATS OF HAGHMON, CO. SALOP, AND EXTRACTS FROM THE CARTULARY OF THAT ABBEY. The following list of the Abbats of Haghmon, co. Salop, has been compiled from the communications of two gentlemen of Shrewsbury, and has been principally derived from the Cartulary of that religious house, remaining in the possession of the family of Corbet of Sundorne, co. Salop. It will be found to be much fuller than the lists in Dugdale, Tanner, Willis, and Grose. Abbats of Haghmon, co. Salop. Alured occurs temp. Hen. 2. Fulke, in office 1172-3. Richard, and Ralph, both occur contemporary with Reiner, Bishop of St. Asaph, who was consecrated 1186 and died 1224. John, occurs in 5 John, 1203. Nicholas, contemp. with Stephen, Archbishop of Canterbury, who was consecrated 1206 and died 1228. Osbert, contemporary with Hugh Folliot, Bishop of Hereford, who was consecrated 1219 and died 1234. Engelard, said by Grose to have died 1241.a William. Ralph. Herveus, in office 1236-7. Gilbert, 30 Hen. 3, 1246, and 18 kal. Sept. 1252. Alexander. John, 48 Hen. 3, 1263. Alanus, 2 Edw. ], 1273. Henry de Astley 1283. Gilbert de Kampeden, elected 1283 (Rot. Pat. 12 Edw. 1.) ; in office 1301. Richard de Broke, 1305—1323. Nicholas de Longelnore, July 12, 1325 (19 Edw. 2.)— 1341. Gilbert, 1341. Richard, 1346—1359. John de Smethcote, 45 Edw. 3, 1371. n The succession of Abbats from Engelard to Nicholas de Longelnore, is proved by a document in the Cartulary, wbich contains an account of pleadings in Hilary Term 1 Hen. V. 1414, between the Abbat and Convent, by Johu Rodenhurste their Attorney, against Sir Richard le Strange of Knokin, Knight, relative to the Advowson of Hanmer Church, co. Flint ; which they sought to recover by writ of right, and gained their point. By this document it appears that Engelard, William, Ralph, Herveus, Gilbert, and Alexander, were successively Abbats temp. King Henry son of King John ; John, Alan, and Henry, temp. King Edward son of King Henry ; Gilbert, temp. King Edward; son of King Edward ; and Richard and Nicholas, temp. Edward late King of England, great-grandfather of the King (Henry V.) that now is.— G. M. EXTRACTS FROM THE CARTULARY OF HAGHMON. 363 Nicholas Biriton, 3 Rich. 2, 1379. Radulphus, 10 Rich. 2, 1386—1415. William, 3 Hen. 5, 1415. Roger, 6 Hen. 5, 1418. Richard Burnell, elected 1420 ; resigned 1463. John Ludlowe, D.D., elected in 1463. He is the last Abbat mentioned in the Cartulary, and the date of the deed in which he last occurs is 1478, 18 Edw. 4. Richard Pontesburye, in office 1495. In a Court Roll of Haghmon, among the muniments of the Corbet family, dated Thursday next before the feast of the An nunciation of the Virgin, 17 Hen. VIII. [23 March 1525], Chris topher occurs as Abbat; William Charlton chief Steward, or Seneschal ; Richard Mynd, deputy Steward. Thomas Corvisor, last Abbat, resigned on a pension, Sept. 9, 1539. Extracts from the Cartulary of Haghmon. William de Camberey, of Asforde,. gave "ad opus ecclesia?" the rent of i2d. issuing annually in the township (villa) of As forde, and payable at Michaelmas, from land which Milo of Little Herford held of him. Test. Hugo Carbonel, Henry de Bud- lers, John de Asforde, Nicholas son of Andrew, Geoffrey and James brothers. Alan de la Mare gave to the sustenance of the sick brethren in the infirmary one virgate of land in Bolda [Bold and Charlcot in the parish of Cleobury North, co. Salop.] which Haer and Geoffrey Ribel held, together with a messuage and croft which Edric held, rendering annually to the lord of the said vill 6d. at Michaelmas. Test. Thomas Maudut and Robert his brother. Adam dns de Bolda confirms the same grant and gives the rent of 6c?. to the Abbey. Test. Sir Thomas de Costentin, John fil. Heri. Richard de Soggedon, for the health of his soul and that of Alice his wife, gave to the sustenance of two wax candles before the Altar of the B. V. M. in the Church of Haghmon, one messuage and 4£ acres of land in Cherleton [Charlton or Chorl- ton, in Wrockwardine, co. Salop.] To hold in frank almoigne to sustain two wax candles to be daily burned at the Mass of the B. V. M. before the said Altar for ever. Test. Master John de Cherleton, Ralph de Cherleton, Richard de Bury, John de Appele, Henry de Rodinton. Walter de Clifforde, son of Walter de Clifforde, gave to the 364 EXTRACTS FROM THE CARTULARY OF sustenance of the kitchen of the monks and their refections irf fresh fish, the mill of Culmiton [Culmington], and the mill of Cineton [Shineton near Much Wenlock, co. Salop], and half a virgate of land in Shineton, with a messuage belonging to the mill of Shineton and suit and service. Test. Hugh de Ferrares, Walter de Clifforde, son of Walter the second, Simon the Falconer, at that time Steward. Richard de Clifforde, son of Walter, confirms the said grant. Henry II. confirmed to the sustentation of the church all Herdewike [Hardwick, in Middle, co. Salop] and a moiety of the village of Hadnal [in the same parish], which had been given by Gilbert de Hadenhale in the presence of his superior lord, William Fitz-Alan. William Banastre gave to the sustenance of the poor at the gate all the service of Wido de Hadenhale which he owes for one virgate of land in Hadenhale [Hadnal]. Test. Vivian de Rossale, Thomas his son, Baldwin de Hodenet, Odo his son. William Banastre gave to the poor at the gate, for the health of his soul, and those of Emma his wife and Laurence his son, half a virgate of land in Hadenhale [Hadnal] which Robert Swit held, together with half of the assart land which the said Robert held. Test. John fil. Alan, Vivian de Rosahale, and Thomas his son. Nicholas, Abbat of Haghmon, granted to Hugh, son of Sir Robert de Cheyne, for a certain sum of money, one perpetual chantry in the church of Haghmon to be held by one priest of the Monastery (viz.) every day for the good estate of the said Hugh and all his whilst living, and for his soul after his decease, and for the souls of his ancestors and successors and all faithful people deceased, for ever. Test. Roger Bishop of Lichfield and Coventry, Sir Thomas de Halghton, Roger de Cheyne, Robert Corbet, knights, Robert de Stepulton, Richard Horde, Richard Husee. Dated Friday next after the feast of St. Ambrose, 1336 (10 Edw. III.) Abbat Gilbert granted 100s. to the pittance to be paid annually at two periods of the year at Cheswardine from Rowton, by the ordination of Roger Bishop of Lichfield and Coventry, together with the fish-pool of Pimbeleg [Pimley]. Dated Haghmon, 1252, 14 kal. Sept. Walter Bishop of Lichfield and Coventry, ordains that the church of Cheswardyn, with the fruits and obventions and all HAGHMON, CO. SALOP. 365 the appurtenances, together with the rents and profits of the lands of Nagyngton and Hideslonde belonging to the Abbey, should be for the clothing of the brethren of the Monastery. Dated 2 July 1315, and 19th of his consecration. John de Cherleton, senior, John de Cherleton, junior, John Tromewyn, knights, and John son of Richard de Leghton, knight, became bound to the Abbat in the sum of £h0. of silver, dated at Salop, Tuesday next after the feast of St. Martin the Bishop, 17 Edw. III.; conditioned, that, if the said Sir John de Cherleton granted to the Abbey the advowson of the church of Lydom to provide three Chaplains regular in the Church of Haghmon to chaunt for the soul of Sir Edmond Earl of Arun del for ever, then the said bond should be void. Richard dns de Leghton, knight, gave " ad pmocoem " of the sacristy four acres of land and one seilion to build a house upon in Halghton. Test. John de Ercalwe, John son of Aer, knights, Robert de Peninton. Roger son of Gilbert de Halghton gave two acres of land in the field of Halghton to sustain the light before the high altar in the Church of Haghmon. Test. Henry de Sibbeton, Thomas de Halghton, William his son, William de Alemain. William Alemon de Halghton gave two acres of land in Halghton also to sustain the lights of the church. Test. Sir John son of Aer, John diis de Arcalwe, Philip de Peninton, Will. Crasset de Halghton, Roger son of Gilbert, of the same. William son of Richard son of Adam de Asteleg, and Avota his wife, gave for the same purpose, one acre of land in the fields of Halghton. Test. Sir John de Ercalwe, John son of Aer, knights, Philip de Penninton, Richard de Soge- don, clerk, Henry II. gave to the sustentation of their church, the church of Hanmer. Test. Richard de Luci, Hugh de Laci, Robert Marmion, at Salop. [Henry II. was at Shrewsbury 1158.] William Banastre gave to the sustenance of the poor at the gate, a rent of 12d. issuing from land situate in Hauston, which Galfridus de Egebaldeham held formerly of Walter Gethariste. Test. Vivian de Rosshale, Thomas his son, Baldwin de Hodnet, Robert de Acton, Alan de Burcton, Thomas de Lee, William de Balderton. William Banastre, son of William Banastre, gave to the alms of the gate, two virgates of land in the vill of Hauston which had been 366 EXTRACTS FROM THE CARTULARY OF given by Roger de Hauston and Richard his son and heir, and which Wido de Westbury and Richard son of Oliver once held, together with 22 acres of land there. Test. Sir Robert de Gyros, William de Hedlega, Reyner de Acton, and Wido de Hadnall. John, son of Robert de Espelega, lord of Espley, gave to the infirmary a rent of 4s. of silver from one virgate and a half of land which Robert son of Adam de Preston held in Hopton [parish of Hodnet, co. Salop]. Test. Sir John de Hodenet, William his son, John de Hafketon, John his son.. William, dns de Newton, gave to the pittance 3J acres of land in the fields of Newton near Stokesay. Test. Roger Wixi, Roger de Dodemoneston, Luke de Weho, Ranulph de Stoke. Robert de Ardif and Milana his wife gave to the sustentation of the house of the infirm poor (for the health of their souls and that of Hugh de Lacy), a rent of 12d. annually paid by the Canons of Lilleshull for a ditch, situate between their fish-pond and the mill of the said Canons between Dovecotemille and the fish-pond of Okinton. Test. Robert chaplain of With, Reyner de Acton. Maurice de Pulilega gave to the sustentation of the infirmary, one acre of land in Pulley, with the buildings thereon, situate between the land of Osbern and the land of Isabel wife of Enge lard. Test. Robert Infant and Andrew son of Hubert, provosts of Salop. [Andrew son of Hubert, and Robert le Child, occur as provosts of Shrewsbury early in the reign of Henry III.] Isabel de Rodington, widow, gave to the lights of the high altar a rent of 2s. issuing from a virgate and half of land in Ro- dinton, which Hugh, son of the parson, held. Test. Sir William de Hedley, John his son. Henry, son of Ranulph de Rodinton, confirms the same grant. Test. John de Ercall, John son of Aer, knights. Ranulph de Rodinton gave " venditionem " of the meadow called Sistamesne, which Gilbert his grandchild (nepos) sold to the Abbey " ad opus ecctie eorum," for 10s. Test. John le Strange and Hamon his brother, Stephen de Stanton. Clarice, widow, late wife of Roger de Apelegh, gave to the light of the high altar a rent of 1 2d. from her part of the mill of Rodynton. Test. Sir William de Hedlega, John his son, Ste phen de Peninton, Ranulph de Rodinton. Thomas Costentin gave to the augmentation of the alms of the gate the rent which Thomas de Caldecot rendered yearly for half 367 a virgate of land in Sonford [Sandford, in Prees, co. Salop], viz. one pound of pepper at the feast of St. Michael. Test. Vivian de Rossale, Thomas his son. King Henry gave to the sustentation of the church of Hagh mon all Stutte [Stitt, in Ratlinghope, co. Salop]. Robert Bishop of Hereford gave to the augmentation of their sustenance all the tithes of the vill of Stutte ; and, because by his visitation it appeared there was not any church there, he gave the Canons licence to build one in the place where they then had an Oratory, in which there should be a baptistery and sepulture, and service performed once in every week. Test. William Sto- kel, Ralph the Archdeacon. Walter de Hibernia bound himself to Edmund Earl of Arun del and his heirs, to find and sustain six wax candles of six pounds weight about the place or tomb of the said Edmund wheresoever in the said abbey it might happen to be ; to be renewed yearly at the feast of Easter, so that the said wax candles might burn in the vigils and masses in which the wax candles about the tomb of Richard Earl of Arundel, father of the said Edmund, were ac customed to be burned ; and he charges his lands at Upton near Haghmon [Upton Magna, co. Salop] to find the same. Test. Sir William de Ercalwe, John de Lee, John de Chetewin, knights. Dated at Clun, 1st March, 19th Edward 1. c Sunday next before the feast of St. Michael, 15 Edw. 3. [23d Sept. 1341.] Agreement between the monastery of Hagh mon and John son of Walter de Hibernia, of Upton. The monastery agree to find twelve wax candles to burn in the church of Haghmon about the tomb of the Lord Richard, Earl of Arundel, and Alice his Countess, to be renewed yearly, so that after such renovation they should be of the weight of six pounds, and be burned at high mass in the feasts of the Nativity, St. John the Evangelist, Epiphany, Purification of B. V. M., An nunciation of B. V. M., Easter, Pentecost, Nativity of St. John the Baptist, Assumption of B. V. M., Nativity of B. V. M., Ex altation of Holy Cross, All Saints, All Souls, St. Michael, and on the anniversaries of the said Richard Earl of Arundel and Alice his Countess. And for the sustenance of this the said John de Hibernia assigned all his lands to pay yearly to the Sacrist of c This Edmund Fitz Alan, Earl of Arundel, was beheaded 1326, and on his attainder his honours became forfeited, but were restored to his son and heir Richard Fitz Alan, 4 Edw. II. 368 EXTRACTS FROM THE CARTULARY OF Haghmon ten shillings, and charged his lands at Upton [Up ton Magna] therewith. Test. Sir William de Ercalwe. Dated at Haghmon. Matilda the Empress, daughter of King Henry and Lady of England, gave three carucates of land in Walecote [Walcot, in Wellington], with the men and all things belonging, with soch and sach, and thol, theam and infangetheof, for the remission of her sins. Test. D. [David I.] King of Scotland, R. [Robert de Sigello, cons. 1141, ob. 1150 or 1151] Bishop of London, A. [Alexander, cons. 1123, ob. 1147] Bishop of Lincoln. The said Matilda gave also the mill at Walcot. Test. Robert son of Heldeber, Walter son of Alan, Nigel de Brae. King Stephen and King Henry confirm the said grants. Henry II. granted exemption from toll through his whole land of England and Wales. Test. Richard de Luci, William Fitz Adeline his sewer, Hugh de Laci. John, son of Roger de Hauston, grants to Sir Robert de Pres ton, clerk, land in Hauston, reserving a rent to the abbey. Test. Richard Banaster, John clerk of Smethecote [Smethcot, co. Salop], Richard Gery de Acton. Dated on the octave of St. Hilary, 3 Edw. III. [20 January 1330]. Henry III. grants to the abbey of Haghmon the vill of Lee, in Bottewode [Leebotwood, co. Salop], unto the bridge called the Quakinggebrugge, with the chapel and tithes of the said vill, and all Bechecota, from the way called Hauedwey to the place called Goseforde, with the tithes and the oratory of the said vill. Dated at Portsmouth, the 1st August, in 37th year of his reign [1253]. Alexander Bishop of Coventry and Lichfield confirms the said grant, 16 kal. July. William de la Beche gave lands in Eaton Mascott [Eaton Mascote, co. Salop.] Test. Sir Ralph de Picheforde, lord William Hunalde, Roger Sprengehose, Walter de Harpecote, William Marscot, Nicholas de Conedour, clerk of Biriton [Ber- rington, co. Salop], Richard de Eton, Richard de Baschurche. Agreement between the monastery of Haghmon and the Rector of the church of Wrockeworthin or Wrockordin [Wroch- wardine, co. Salop] ; the monastery grants to the church of Wrockeworthin 4 acres of land belonging to the mill of Aldedes- cote [Allscott, in the parish of Wrockwardine], which Ralph the provost (ppositus) holds : and the Rector grants to the mo- HAGHMON, CO. SALOP. 369 nastery permission to dig turves and soil in the moor called " Gretholers," to repair the stank (stagni) of the said mill. Robert de Heyteton gave half a virgate of land in Mershe. Test. Thomas Corbet, Richard Corbet, William parson of Rodynton [Rodington, co. Salop], Stephen the chaplain. Roger de Stanton confirms the grant of Richard de Pres ton to take marl from a field at Preston-upon-Severn [Preston Boats, co. Salop]. Test. Stephen de Stanton, Dan William chaplain of Uffinton [Uffington, co. Salop]. 9 Sept. 1478, 18 Edw. IV. Robert Abbat of Lilleshull, granted to John [John Ludlowe, D. D.] Abbat of Hagh mon, all the great and small tithes, oblations, fruits, and the parochial chapel of the town of Uffinton, and the farm or grange of Pimley, for 99 years, at 40s. rent. 1292, John de Berewic and others, Justices sitting at Salop, decreed that Gilbert, Abbat of Haghmon, should appear at Bradford court for the town of Uffinton. Walter de Clifford gave the church of Culminton [Culming ton, co. Salop], and because the said church yielded only three marks of silver annually, he gave a virgate of land in Siditonia, which Master Roger de Beche held, rendering to him 5s. annually. Test. Osborn son of Hugh, Walter my son, William de Etonia, Robert de Beche, Master Roger his brother. Hugh Folliot, Bishop of Hereford [1219—1234], received at the presentation of Osbert, Abbat of Haghmon, Dan John de Wrocestf to the church of Culminton, and instituted him as par son " salva perpetua vicaria ej usd ecctie a nobis taxata." Test. Adam, chaplain of Westburi [Westbury, co. Salop], Dan Tho mas, Precentor of Hereford, Dan Robert Grossoteste, Dan Richard de Hereford, -official of the said Bishop. Hugh de Fereres confirms a grant of land in Corvewode. Test. William Carbunell, John and Pagan his sons, Simon, chaplain, and Robert, chaplain de Burford (Simone capellano et Rob'to capellano de Burford)* [Burford, co. Salop]. Ralph le Strange granted to Haghmon abbey the perpe tual advowson of the chapel of Knockin (jus patronatus capelle de Knokin), [Knockin, co. Salop]. Test. William Fitz- Alan, John le Strange, William le Strange, Jonas the chaplain. Reiner, Bishop of St. Asaph [1186 — 1224], grants and con firms to Ralph Abbat of Haghmon, the said chapel, ac cording to the deed of Ralph le Strange, subjecting it to the 2 c 370 EXTRACTS FROM THE CARTULARY OF payment of 12d. annually to the mother church of Kinardleg [Kinnerley, co. Salop]. Test. William Fitz-Alan, John le Strange, Hamon his brother. 1248 kal. June. Confirmation by Boniface Archbishop of Canterbury, of an agreement between the church of Kinar- desleg [Kinnerley] and the chapel of Knockin : that the parson of Knockin shall hold all the tithes of Knockin and Norslepe, and those of all lands contained between the divisions of Knockin and Norslepe, and all obventions, paying 12d. annually to the church of Kinnardesleg on the feast of St. Bridget. Reiner, Bishop of St. Asaph [1186-1224], confirms the said agreement in the presence of the Priors of Wombridge and Rowton, Abraam the priest, Fulco Fitz-Warin, and Richard his brother. Brother Anian, Bishop of St. Asaph [1268—1293], to Gilbert de Kampeden, Abbat of Haghmon, greeting: recites, that he had heard that Ralph de Solton, chaplain, had intruded him self into the vicarage of Knockin, and requires the monastery to choose some proper person to the vicarage within eight days. Dated at St. Martin [co. Salop] 8 id. Sept. Richard, Abbat of Haghmon, granted to Thomas, chaplain of Knockin, the tithes of all wood of two years old in the grange of Caldecote. Dated 5 kal. June 1310. John le Strange grants to Haghmon abbey the new chapel of Knockin. Test. Sir Hamon his brother, and Griffin de Kinerton. John le Strange, 5th lord of Knockin, confirms grant of said chapel to Gilbert, Abbat of Haghmon, and the Convent thereof, and their successors. Dated id. Dec. 26 Edw. John le Strange, 6th lord of Knockin, confirms, 10 October 1310. Roger le Strange, lord of Knockin, son of lord John le Strange, 6th Lord of Knockin, confirms said grant. Dated Tuesday next after the feast of St. Oswald, 1328. [9 August.] Richard de Bachesworth, preceptor of the house of St. John of Jerusalem in North Wales, confirmed the gift of the chapel or oratory of St. John and St. David within the limits of the parish chapel of Knockin. Test. Robert de Preston, Stephen de Rossall, William de Smethecote, Walter Cresset. Dated Salop. Thurs day next after the feast of the Epiphany, 1330. [11 January.] John, son of John le Strange, gave all the township of Winele- HAGHMON, CO. SALOP. 371 cote with the mills and fishery, and with two d in the Marches near Winelcote, for the sustenance of a chantry in the hospital of St. John in Oswestry. The said grant was confirmed by K. Edw. [2nd.] John de Rodenhurste occurs as chaplain of this chantry, in a deed dated Tuesday next after the feast of St. Andrew [3 December] 1338. Reiner, Bishop of St. Asaph [1186 to 1224], gave to Hagh mon abbey the hospital built at Oswestry, on land which he bought from the abbey of Salop. Test. Ralph Briton, under- sheriff, Stephen de Stanton, William de Ercalwe, Stephen de Pimbet, Ythel the Dean, David Vachhan. John Fitz- Alan confirms. Test. John le Strange, the younger, William de Drayton, steward, Vivian de Roshale, Thomas, his son. Hugh, Abbat of Shrewsbury [1190], at the request of Reiner, Bishop of St. Asaph [1186 to 1224], granted and confirmed to God, St. Mary, St. Michael, and St. John of Haghmon, the said hospital, with the crofts on each side, and the messuage next to the hospital, and 23 acres of land near the town, with a little meadow, and 9 acres of land next the hospital itself. Stephen, Archbishop of Canterbury [1206 to 1228], confirms. Pope Innocent [Innocent III. 1198 to 1216] confirms. Roger Marescall, of Oswestry, gave to the hospital of Sputte at Oswestry one plat of land in the town of Oswestry, lying be tween the land of the said hospital and land of John the baker. Test. Vivian de Rossale then constable, William the clerk, William the Englishman his brother. Ithel ab Theuet gave to St. John's hospital at Oswestry four acres of land in the field of Weston. Test. William, the stew ard, William le Bret, Einion ab Canau, William Stut. Amilia, daughter of Herebert de Sibbeton, gave to St. John's hospital, a croft under the house in the field of Wodeton, called the Croft of the Infirm. Test. Sir William de Leighton, then constable of Oswestry, Roger son of John. Yevan Lloit, son of Thuder Goth de Weston, gave to St. John two acres in the fields of Weston [Weston Rhynn, in St. Martin]. Test. William clerk of Oswestry, Madoc son of John, Kenwric Seys, Jevan son of Wronou [Wrenoc]. Wrono Seis gave to St. John's hospital 1| acre in the field of Weston. Test. William the steward, William le Bretost. u The Latin word is erased in the Cartulary. 2 c 2 372 EXTRACTS FROM THE CARTULARY OF John, son of Wrono Seys, confirms. Test. Thomas de Rossale Steward, William Le bret. Idenerth, son of Daniel, gave one acre in Weston. Test. Sir Richard de Leghton, Constable [of Oswestry], Eynon son of Keno'. Reiner Bishop of St. Asaph [1186 to 1224] granted to the Prior and brethren of the hospital of Jerusalem in England, the hospital of Oswestry, with all its possessions and appurtenances. Test. David Vewan parson de Witint' [Whittington]. Brother H. de Alneto, Prior of the Knights Hospitallers in England, grants to Reiner Bishop of St. Asaph, the management of his gift of the hospital of St. John, for 20s. yearly. Agreement before Stephen Archbishop of Canterbury [1206 to 1228] between the Prior and Brethren of the Hospitallers and Nicholas Abbat of Haghmon, that the said hospital should remain to the Abbat and Convent of Haghmon for ever, paying annually 20s. to the master of the Hospitallers of North Wales, or to the person who shall be appointed in his place at Hallestan.e Reiner Bishop of St. Asaph commits the care of the said hos pital to Haghmon Abbey. Henry, son of William de Wodeton, gave to Haghmon Abbey land in Great Wodeton. Test. Sir Thomas de Lee, Sir William de Leghton then Constable of Oswestry. William de Leghton, Knight, Constable of Oswestry, testifies said grant in full Court of the Hundred of Oswestry. Test. John le Strange and William Seys provosts of Oswestry. John le Strange gave to the hospital of the White Monastery (Oswestry) and the brethren and poor of the same house the whole township of Winelcote, rendering a rent of 2s. ; but if it should happen that said hospital he gave the same to the sustenance of the poor at the gate of Haghmon Abbey. Test, the Lord Reiner, Bishop of St. Asaph ; Radulphus, Abbat of Lilleshull. John le Strange, son of the said John le Strange, confirms. Test. Sir John Fitz Alan, Sir John le Strange his father, Hamon le Strange his brother. John, son of John le Strange, gave the mill and pool of Winele- cote, together with the township, to sustain one chantry in the hospital of the White Monastery called Sputte, in the time of peace. Test. Ralph Abbat of Lilleshall ; Will. Fitz Alan. W. A. L. c Hallestan now Halstone, near Oswestry, was a preceptory of the Knight Templars, and afterwards of Hospitallers. This was the house described in the Monasticon as having been situated in Norfolk. HAGHMON, CO. SALOP. 373 The following Will, which is the only one in the English language that appears in the Haghmon Cartulary, is that of William Bromshill, Esq. of Aston Rogers, co. Salop, who was High Sheriff of Shropshire in 1408. It is curious, not only as a specimen of the orthography, &c. of the time, but as fixing very nearly the period when the present fine old parochial Church of Worthen was erected. It has evidently been drawn up by an attorney, and I presume by John Rodenhurste, who occurs therein as a legatee, and was the same individual employed by the Abbat and Convent of Haghmon against Sir Richard le Strange, respect ing the advowson of Hanmer Church, as mentioned in the note in p. 362. This is the laste will indentede of me, William Bromshill, Squier. Aboue all thinges in my testament of my meuable godes made contened, first I woll pray, require, and beseche al my feoffees in all my londes and tentis with the appurteiinces, in Aston Rogers and Minton, that they a noon after my decesse make an estate of all my londes and tentis, with the appurtenncf , to the Abbot and Couent of Haghmon : To have and to holde to the said Abbot and Couent and to ther success^ to pray for my sowle and for the soules of myn auncestres for eumore. Ex cept that I woll that Nictias Boerley haue to him, and to his assignes, a tent w* the appurteiinces called Wises place, sette in Aston Rogers aforsaid, peel of the saide londes & tentes ; whiche tent w* the appurteiinces I purchased some tyme of Adam Tolonge, in to the tyme the said Nichas haue arerede and re- ceyued of the saide tent wl the appurteiinces ten markfj sterlinges. Also I woll that my feoffes in all my londes and tentes wl thappurtenances in Hope, Aston-Pigot, Worthin, Lokeley, and Hampton beside Cawes, anoon after my decesse, in the beste wise that they can and may, selle all the said londes and tentes w* the appurteiinces. And I woll that all the money comynge of the sale of the same londes w* the appurteiincf , be holly yeuen to the makinge of the Churche and of the Stepill of Worthin aforsaide. Also I woll that my feoffees in a teiit w' the appur teiinces in medewe,f anoon after my decesse, make an estate of the said teiit w* the appurteiinces to John Rodenhurst ; To haue and to holde to the said John Rodenhurste, to his heires,. and his assignes for eumore, of the cheef lord of that fee, by the s'uice thereof due and of right accustumed. In witnesse wherof to bothe parties of thies my psent wille indentede, I haue sett my ' Meadow Town, not far from Worthen, 374 CHARTERS IN THE CARTULARY OF seal. The date is the first day of Juyll, the yere of the regne of King Harry, the sixth after the conquest, the seuenthe. The Cartulary of Haghmon Abbey, from which the foregoing extracts have been taken, and now in the possession of Mrs. Corbet of Sundorne, is, as conjectured in the List of Cartularies at p. 205, that which pre viously belonged to Walter Barker and John Kynaston, Esqrs. The estates of the former, including the venerable and interesting ruins of Haghmon Abbey, and the domain thereto belonging, passing by the marriage of Amy, daughter and heiress of Thomas Barker of Haghmon, Esq. with Edward, father of the above John Kynaston, to the Kynastons of Hordley ; and thence, by the devise of Corbet Kynaston, son of the above John, to Andrew Corbet of Lee, Adbright Hussey, and Sundorne, Esq. Transcripts of the Shrewsbury and Haghmon Cartularies are among the valuable MSS. of the late Rev. Edward Williams. G. M. XLVI. LIST OF CHARTERS IN THE CARTULARY OF ST. NICHOLAS PRIORY, AT EXETER. [Concluded from p. 254. J 208. Memorandum de decimis Prioratus S. Nicholai. 209. Compositio Mensurarum. 210. Magna Carta R. Johannis. 211. Reges Anglia? et regna eorum usque ad Hen. VI. 212. Carta Hen. I. de Redlistona, Sireford, Cheneberi. 213. C. Hen. I. ad Ep'um Essicestrede Privilegiis S. Nich. 214. C. Will. II. de Ecclia S. Olavi data Monachis de Bello. Test. Thoma Archiep'o Ebor. 215. C. Will. II. de ecclesia S. Olavi. 216. C. Joh'is Archiep'i Cantuar. de bonis ecclesiasticis, anno 1281. 217. C. Joh'is Ep'i Exon. de pensionibus de North Tauton anno 1329. 218. C. Rad'i Abb'is de Bello anno 1249 de 60s. pensionis. 219. C. Joh'is Ep'i Exon. anno 1335 de institutione Rectoris ad ecclesiam de Poghehulle. ST. NICHOLAS PRIORY, AT EXETER. 375 220. C. Alexandri Cementarii, fil. et her. Joh'is Cementarii civis Exon. de messuag. in Exon. 221. C. Joh'is filii Joh'is Bretun, de redditu 6s. 6d. de domo Rob'ti PuUe. 222. C. Nich. filii Reumundi de Aqua, venditio juris de domo in magno vico Exon. 223. C. Joh'is Bretun, q. dat S. Nich'o omnia terra et ten. sua in Exonia. 224. Conventio inter Alanum Priorem S. Nich'i et Henric. de Campo Arnulphi, militem, de redditu tenementi Joh'is Pudding, 3 Edw. I. 225. Testamentum Will, de Wllavestun, Canon. Exon. 1244. 226. C. Ceciliae Alias Radulphi filii Mahtildis, relictae Rici de Chaffecumbe, q. dat S. Nich. 3d. de terra in Exon. 227. C. Henrici Ace de Exonia, q. dat Adas de Grangiis ortum extra portam Exon. 228. Concordia inter Robertum Priorem S. N. Exon. et Mar- geriam Priorissam de Polslo, de 3s. ld. reddit. de Enlacrofte, anno 1 Edw. I. Test. Martino Durleng, Majore Exon. 229. " S. p. et f. q. e. Jordanus Lidene dedi Martino Rof domum in Exonia." 230. " S. p. Sfc. Rogerus Lidene q. clam. S. Martino Rof tene- mentum inter ten. Aluredi de Brenta et Martini de Tottonia." 231. " S. p. §-c. Joh'es Longus dedi Jordano Lidene 2s. redd. de terra quond. Rad'i des Chous in magno vico Exon." 232. " S. p. Sfc. Jordanus Lidene dedi eosdem 2s. S. Nich." 233. " S. p. 8fc. Will. Tantefer do S. Nich'o 3s. redd." 234. " Notum, §-c. Hugo le Noreis 8fc. tenemur reddere 18d. domui B. Mar. Magdalen, et 6d. domui S. Nich'i." 235. " O'ib. Sfc. Fratres Hospit. S. M. Magdalen extra por tam austral. Exon. q. clam, in eisd. 18d. Priori S. Nich'i." 236. " Notum, fyc. Hugo le Noreis " &c. de dictis 6d. de terra Fratrum Leprosorum S. Mar. Magd. 237. " S. p. 8fc. Paganus Bubbe filius Aluredi Bubbe, et Alicia filia dicti Aluredi, q. clam. S. Nich'o tot. terram apud port. Occi dent. Exon." 238. " S. p. 8fc. Walt, presbiter cognomento Peruet q. clam. S. Nich'o jus in tenementis in Exon." 239. " O'ib. fyc. Magr Galfrid. de Exon. dedi Mag'ro Joh'i Rof Archid. Cornubise reddit. in Exon. de terra extra port, orient. B. Joh'is de Hospitalariis et de terr. B. Laurencii." T. Ada de Risforde, Majore Exon. 376 CHARTERS IN THE CARTULARY OF 240. " S. p. «5fc. Stephana relicta Rici Pictavini dedi M. Joh'i Rof, Archid. Cornubia? I2d. redd, in venella S. Joh'is inter eccle siam S. Joh'is et vicum fabrorum." 241. " S. p. Sfc. Ysabella filia Will. Lambrith, quas fui uxor Rob'ti de Collecombe, assensu Rad'i et Ysabella? et Petronella? heredum meorum, dedi Helyseo de Risforde ortum ante por tam S. Nich. Exon." T. Hylario Blundo, Majore. 242. " S. p. §-c. Nos Ysabella et Petronilla filia? Ysabella? de Colecumbe, q. clam. S. Nich'o Exon. jus in gardino ante port. S. Nich." 243. "S. p. Sfc. Will. fil. et her. Helia? de Risforde q. clam. S. Nich'o in dicto gardino." 244. Conventio 1271 inter Priorem S. Nich. et Martin. Der- ling civem Exon. de placea terra? in gardino eorum. 245. " O'ib. 8fc. R. Prior S. Nich. concessit Martino Derling deducere aquam ab aqua? ductu in cimiterio." 246. " S. p. Sfc. Martin Derling tradidi Walt. Wodeman tenem. in Exon." 247. " S. p. Sfc. Agnes filia et heres Walt. Wodeman dedi S. Nich'o messuagium in vico S. Maria? de Arcubus, quod Joh'es Champeneis dicto Waltero dedit." T. Ada de Risforde, Majore. 248. Joh. Champeis (sic) confirmat diet. mess. 249. " Not. Sfc. Jordanus et Paulina filia quond. Joh'is dci Champeneis remis. S. Nich'o diet, mess." T. Ph'o Tinctore, Majore. 250. " S. p. Sfc. Joh'es Champeneis civis Exon. dedi D'no Rob'to de Gurnay 2s. redd, de tenem. in Exon." T. Ada de Risford, Majore. 251. " S. p. Sfc. Joh'es Champeneis tradidi Laurentio de Co- vintre messuag. in Exon." 252. " S. p. Sfc. Laur. de Conventrie dedi diet. mess. S. Nich'o." 253. " S. p. Sfc. Ysabella quond. ux. Walteri Probi dedi S. Nich'o terr. in Exon. — Has terras dedi in plena Gyalda." 254. " S. p. fyc. Galfrid. de Haue, miles, confirm, donum Isabella?." 255. " S. p. Sfc. Joh'es le Sarger confirm. S. Nich'o reddit. de 2d. de tenemento in Exon." T. Aluredo de Porta, Majore. 256. " S. p. fyc. Matildis relicta Symonis de Colecestre dono S. Nich'o Exon. jus in tenem. mariti mei, noie dotis, anno 1268 et anno R. R. Hen. III. 43." T. Walt, de Oxton tunc Majore Exon., Martino Derling, &c. ST. NICHOLAS PRIORY, AT EXETER. 377 257. " S. p. Sj-c. Anastasia filia Symonis de Colecestre q. clam. jus in dco tenem. anno 1268." 258. " S. p. Sec. Reginald. Bealde dedi S. Nich'o tenem. q. Galfrid. Cau mihi dedit in Exon." 259. "S. p. Sec. Matilda relicta Ailgari dedi S. Nich. 6d. redd, de domo quam Matilda dicta Patkele de me tenet." 260. " S. p. Sec. Helewisa Quinel in viduitate mea et assensu filior. meor. Mfi. Petri et Thomas, pro aia Petri Quinel patris eorum dedi S. Nich'o Exon. 12d. redd, in Exon. de domo Will. Bochet." 261. " S. p. Sec. Will. Boschet r> aia Petronilla? uxoris meas dedi S. N. tenem. quod tenui de Petro Quinel." 262. " S. p. Sfc. Pernella quae fui uxor Will. Boschet quiet, clam. Rob'to de Bukinton tertium meum de tenem. in paroch. S. Cuthberti." 263. "S. p. Sec. Will. Boschet tradidi Rob. de Buketon j- tenem. retro curiam S. Nich'i anno 35 Hen. III." T. Martino Rof, Majore. 264. " S. p. Sfc. Walterus fil. et her. Will, de Buketon q. clam. S. Nich. jus meum in tenem. in Exon." T. David Cissore, Majore, anno 14 Edw. I. 265. " S. p. 8fc. Martinus Durling q. clam. . S. N. tenem. in Exon." 266. " S. p. Sec. Vincentius de Okeston clericus dedi David de Servington tenem. in vico boreali Exon." T. Walt. Tauntefer. dat. anno 30 Edw. I. 267. "S. p. Sfc. Vincent, de Okeston confirm. David de Serving- ton tenem. quod fuit Rob'ti Fode in Exon. inter ten. Ph'i Sprynge et Rob'ti de Leuerkebeare et Alicias uxoris sua?." 30 Edw. I. 268. " O'ib. ^-e.David fil. David de Servington q. clam. Rogero Priori S. Nich. jus in placea in Exon." T. Philippo Lovekoc, Majore, 1317. 269. " S. p. 8fc. D. Joh'es de Bordene, Prior Monasterii S. Nich'i Exon. dedi Will, de Ketene, Candeler, civi, placeam in Exon." T. Ric'o le Celer, Majore Exon. 1 Edw. III. 270. " S. p. Sfc. Will. Luhc, assensu Acelinas uxoris meas, dedi Gilberto Pollard nepoti meo mess. in. Exon." 271. " S. p. Sec. Gilbertus Pollard, assensu Damisela? uxoris m. dedi S. Nich. terram in Exon." T. Martino Rof, Majore. 272. " S. p. $c. Will. Lugh dedi S. Nich. redd. 2s. in Exon." 273. Conventio anno 1227, qua Will. Lugh tradidit Jordan0 378 CHARTERS IN THE CARTULARY OF fil. Gilberti et Nich'o fri suo 2s. redd, in Exon. T. Hylario Blunde, Majore Exon. 274. " O'ib. Sec. R. Prior S. Nich. concessi Archidiacono Tot tonise, ad dilatandam aream in qua hospitantur Fratres Minores in Exon. terram Gervasii Viel in Exon." 275. " O'ib. Sfc. Robertus Prior S. Nich. dedi Decano Exon. et Archid. Tottonise ad dilatand. (ut supra) terram Walt, le Waignur et Rob'i Kock." 276. " O'ib. Sec. Frater Will. Gardianus Fratrum Minorum apud Exon." (de non ingrediendo infra civit. Exon. nee extra feodum S. Nich. Exon.) 277. " O'ib. 8cc. Alicia relicta Rad'i Eggulf q. clam. S. Nich. jus dotis in tenem. dicti Rad'i." 278. "O'ib. Sec. Nich'us dictus le Noreis q. clam. S. Nich. domum in Exon." 279. " S. p. Sec. Paulina filia Galfridi Fayrchild, relicta Rogeri de Rokabeare, dedi Thomae filio meo 2s. redd, quos Rad. Eggulf mihi reddere consuevit." T. Ada de Risford, Majore, 1247. 280. " O'ib. Sec. Thomas filius Rogeri de Rokebere q. clam. S. Nich. jus in tenem. in Exon." 281. " O'ib. Sfc. Paulina fil. Galfridi Fairchild q. clam. S. Nich. jus in terra retro curiam S. Nich." 282. " O'ib. Sec. Will. Wittoc q. clam. S. Nich. tenem. in Exon." 283. " O'ib. §-c. Rob. Prior S. Nich. concessi Will. Wittok ten. in Exon." 284. " S. p. Sfc. Will. Cocus q. clam. S. Nich. ten. in Exon." 285. " O'ib. Sfc. Ysabella quond. ux. Walt. Probi q. clam. S. Nich. jus dotis Walt. Probi viri mei." 286. " O'ib. Sec. Joh'es dictus Probus fil. et heres Walt. Probi, q. clam. S. Nich. ten. in Exon." 287. " S. p. fyc. Thomas le Bers, fil. Petri le Bers, q. clam. Johannas Rof, terram in Exon." T. D'no Philippo Majore Exon. 47 Hen. III. 288. " S. p. Sfc. Johanna Rof, in viduit. mea, dedi Joh'i Tybaut 1 mess, in Exon." 289. " S. p. Sec. Jordan. Thebaud dedi S. Nich. 1 mess, in vico la Cumbe." 290. " S. p. Sjc. Rogerus Prior S. Nich. dedi Joh'i de Tavistoke dicto le Dobbere, domum in Cumbestrete, Exon." 31 Edw. I. Test. Rogero Beyvin, Majore. ST. NICHOLAS PRIORY, AT EXETER. 379 291. "S.p. Sec. Michael Pollard dedi S. Nich. I2d. redd, in Exon. de ten. quod teneo de Priorissa de Poleslo." 292. " O'ib. Sec. Mag. Rogerus de Toriz teneor Alano, Priori S. Nich. in 8d. per ann." 293. " S. p. Sfc. Henricus Leaute dedi Joh'i filio meo tenem. super montem S. David extra port, aquilon. Civit. Exon." 294. " O'ib. Sfc. Joh's dictus Leaute fil. et her. Henrici L. q. clam. S. Nich. dicto tenem." 295. " O'ib. Sfc. Phil. Pelliparius q. clam. S. Nich. jus in tertia parte 1 acra? super Mont. S. David extra port, boreal. Exon." 296. " S. p. Syc. Mariota de Brenton in viduit. q. clam. S. Nich. jus in ten. juxta Langebrok extra port, boreal. Exon." 297. " S. p. Sec. Paulinus Hyberniensis dedi D'no Bartholo- meo Archidiacono Exon. 8s. redd, super Mont. S. David." 298. " S. p. Sec. Barth. Archid. Exon dedi Joh'i filio Martini Rof, tria tenementa super Mont. S. David." T. Ada de Risford, Majore, 31 Hen. III. 299. " S. p. Sec. Ric. Boschet dedi Rob. Blound terram meam super Mont. S. David." 300. " S. p. Sec. Raudulph. fil. Andrese q. clam. S. Nich. jus in sulonem terra? super Mont. S. David." 301. " S. p. &fc. Nos Raudulphus et Joh'es et Will, et Cecilia heredes Andrea? Semer, q. clam. S. Nich. jus in terra super Mont. S. David, inter terram Phil. Pelliparii et terram Sarra? et Johanna? filii (sic) dicti Andreae." 302. " S. p. Sfc. Rob. le Ballere dedi Nich. de Ivelchestre 12d. redd, in Mont. S. David." 303. " S. p. fyc. Johanna relicta Petri Pistoris dedi Nich. de Ivelcestre civi Exon. 3s. redd, de ten. quod Walt. Angeri tenuit de Alexandro de Tauton, quondam patre meo. 304. " O'ib. Sec. Dionysia de Stokdun in viduit. mea q. clam. Nich. de Ivelcestre jus in ten. super Mont. S. David, quod ipse emit de Johanna filia mea." 305. " O'ib. Sec. Warinus de Ivelcestre concessi S. Nich. 6d. redd." 306. "Nov. Sfc. Nich'us de Ivelcestria q. clam. S. Nich. 4s. redd, super Mont. S. David. 49 Hen. III." Test. Walt, de Oxton, Majore. 307. " S. p. Sfc. Cristina qua? fui uxor Ric. Sutoris, q. clam. S. Nich. in terr. super Mont. S. David." 308, 309. Carta? ejusdem de eadem. 380 CHARTERS IN THE CARTULARY OF 310. C. ejusdem Johanni Swt, de 1 sillone in Mont. S. David. 311. C. ejusdem quiete clam. S. Nich. 4>d. redd, de Joh'e Swod. 312. "O'ib. Sec. Phil. Faber q. clam. S. Nich. jus in syllone terr. in Mont. S. David." 313. "S. p. Sec. Rad. fil. et her. Will'i Fish defuncti dedi S. Nich. terram patris mei super Mont. S. David." 314. C. ejusdem de ead. 315. "S. p. Sfc. Cecilia qua? fui uxor Will. Fish q. clam. S. Nich. jus dotis in terr. viri mei in Mont. S. David." 316. Conventio inter Galfrid. Strange et Prior. S. Nich. de terra in Mont. S. David. 30 Edw. I. 317. "S. p. Sfc. Adam de Bealdeleghe dedi Galf. Molendinario ten. in Tadieforde." 318. " S. p. Sfc. Philippus clericus fil. Galfri. Molendinarii de Redyghandon q. clam. S. Nich. tenem. Galfr. patris mei." 319, "S. p. Sec. Joh'es Sodh dedi Walt. Molendinario 1 sullonem terra? super Mont. S. David." 320. " S. p. Sfc. Walter le Hore, molendinar. dedi S. Nich. tenement, predict." 321. " S. p. Sfc. Augerus Keng dedi Gilberto de S. Nicholao totam medietat. terra? q. tenui de Alex, de Thautuna super Mont. S. David." T. Walt. fil. Turberti, Majore. 322. "S. p. Sfc. Will, le Mol, cyrotecarius, dedi Joh'i de Thelebrige ten. apud Langebrok." 6 Edw. II. 323. " Notum Sfc. Robertus dictus le Blound de Exon. vendidi Rog. dicto Cormorand, et Walt. Archebol, ortum in parochia S. David, super Mont. 1258." 324. Conventio inter Ric. de Niweton, civem Exon. et Roger. Prior S. Nich. de tenem. super Mont. S. David. 23 Edw. I. 325. " O'ib. 8rc. Roger de Keneburi, dedi S. Nich. terram de gardino meo apud Tadieford." • 326. Ordinacio Vicaria? de Columpton anno 1269 (a note of it only, in a later hand). 327. In another note on this page is the following, "Joh'es Nuton Prior S. Nich'i Exon. fuit seisitus de pensione 2 marc. p. m. Joh'is Nottecome de Ecclia de North Tawnton, recept. ifem in tempore Regis Hen. VI. 39"." (sic.) 328. " O'ib. Sfc. Rogerus Prior S. Nich. dedimus Rob.deNiweton tenem. extra port. austral. civit.Exon. quod quidem tenem. recupe- ravimus versus heredes Joh'is de Crewebeare per judicium curia? Exon. pro defectu solucionis redditus nobis debiti de predicto ST. NICHOLAS PRIORY, AT EXETER. 381 tenemento quia retro fuit per triginta et duos annos et amplius." dat. 24 Edw. I. 329. Presentatio Thoma? de Uppetone ad ecclesiam de Boter- legh per Joh. Priorem S. Nich. 330. "S. p. Sfc. G. Prior S. Nich. concedimus Reginaldo filio Edrici, homini nostro, terram de Haywode." 331. "O'ib. Sec tradidimus Nich'o de Wevere fil. Will'i de Plimtre messuag. in Wevere." 332. " O'ib. Sfc. Alanus Prior S. Nich. tradidimus Gervasio filio Nicholai filii Will'i de Plimtre, terram quam Nicholaus le Graunt filius Osmeri de Tracy de nobis tenuit." 333. " S. p. Sec. Roger. Prior S. Nich. tradidimus Will. Por- tario terram super Montem subtus viam qua? tendit ad molen- dinum nostrum." T. Hilario Blundo, Majore (in a later hand). Here three leaves are lost. The next page commences with part of a Pope's Bull, dated "anno 8 Pontificates n'ri." 334. " S. p. Sec. Gilbertus de Dunfranewill (sic) q. clam. S. Nich. sectam pro terra de Cumbe, de feudo de Toritone, quam Adam de Marisco fil. et heres Ric'i de M. eis donavit." Test. Walt, de Bathonia, Vicecomite Devonia?, Galfrido de la Pomeri, Ric. Bauzan, Ric. de Langeford. 335. "S. p. Sec. Barthol. deBoghelegq. clam. S. Nich. jus meum in terris in Cadebere et confirmavi dim. ferling. quem Will. avus meus concessit Nich. vicario de Kadebere." Test. D'no Will, de Bikelegh, Vicecomite, et D'no Henr. de Campo Arnulfi, militibus, &c Dat. 54 Hen. III. 336. Notum q'd contencio inter Prior. S. Nich. petent. et Gilb. Crispin deforciant, de terra vocat. Muneke Wetelaund, Gervasio de Horton tunc Vicecom. Devon, &c. interveniente, tandem conquievit, 19 Hen. III. 337. " O'ib. Sec. Tho. de Radeclive et Beatrix filia sua q. clam. S. Nich. jus in ferlingo terra? vocato Radeclive in manerio de Chilton. Test. Thoma de Blakeforde," &c. 338. " S. p. Sec. Beatrix de Radeclive, filia Thoma? de Rade clive, in viduitate mea, q. clam, jus in terr. de Radeclive pro 20s. sterl." Dat. 56 Hen. III. 339. " S. p. Sec. Petrus de la Forde dedi S. Nich. Id. annui reddit. de terra de cruce in Pochelle." 340. "S. p.iSfc.Rob. deHortun dedi S. Nich. terras in Pocghulle cum omni jure in advocacione ecclesiae ibid, qua? habui de dono 382 CHARTERS IN THE CARTULARY OF Alianora? fil. Ric'i Pictavensis in viduitate sua." T. Gervasio de Hortun, Vicecomite, Rob. Pictavensi, &c. 341. " S. p. Sec. Robertus filius Regis Henrici, assensu Matillidis de Abrinco uxoris mese, dedi S. Nich. duos ferlingos in manerio meo Calvalegia? juxta Cobbalegiam terram illor. Et dedi eidem ecclesia? hominem nomine Edwium, filium Wranhi. Et hanc donacionem cartas meas annotacione et sigilli mei impressione testiumque subscriptorum attestacione corroboravi, Algari capel- lani, Ailrici presbyteri et Alardi presbyteri et Gilberti capellani, Ric'i Espec, dapiferi, Henr. de Campo Ernulphi, Johelis de Bellomonte, Radulphi Cophini, Galfridi Cophini, Will'i et Joh'is de Hydona, Maci de Pinu, Semari Tumbur, Alberti, Roberti Fabri, et Ric'i Clerici, qui hanc cartam fecit apud Calvalegam anno ab incarn. Domini M. centesimo sexagesimo secundo." 342. " Notum. Sec. Margareta filia Will, de Treiminettes dedi Walt, filio Will, de Branford terram in Schardeclive pro 1 palefrido liardo." T. Antonius de la Briuera, Gosilinus de Treminettes, Ric'us filius Hute, Rob. Avenel, Walt. Perer, &c. 343. " Univ. Sec. Azo vicarius ecclesia? de Branford, de causa inter Prior. S. Nich. et me super taxatione E. de Branford." anno 13 Papa? Gregorii noni. 344. Carta Officialis Epi. Exon. anno 1326 de causa inter Dec. et Cap. Exon. (quibus E. de Stoke Canonicorum est appro- priata,) et Ric'um Horwode, Priorem S. Nich. de jure majorum decimarum de quodam loco Adhelstonisham alias Autayseham nuncupato, infra fines Ecclesia? de Stoke situato. 345. Barthol. Ep'us Exon. clero suo de q. clam, per Will, de Cadabiria in E. de Cadabiria. Dat. 1 166. 346. " S. p. Sec. Brienus de Buterlegh concedo S. Nich. pro aia uxoris mea? Ecclesiam de Buterlegh, in presentia Bartholomei Episcopi nfi." 347. " O'ib. Sec. Alicia de Bristol, soror et heres Walt'i Rectoris ecclesia? de Huneton, dedi S. Nich. terram meam de Buterleya et de la Slade. T. Hugone Peverel de Sampford, Joh'e de Hydon, Guidone de Nonant, militib. &c." 348. Conventio inter Henr. fil. Will, de Kentelisbeare et Galfrid. de Fornellis fil. Alani de Fornellis, de aqua qua? dicitur Kentelisbroch et Waterleda, qua? vadit de Kentelisbere usque ad Niwelande. ST. NICHOLAS PRIORY, AT EXETER. 383 349. " S. p. Sec. Joh'es fil. et her. Walt, de Paddukbrock dedi S. Nich. terram meam de Blakeland et pratum de Meremed." T. Roberto de Siccawilus. 350. "O'ib. Sec. Lucia q. f. uxor Joh'is de Paddokbroke in viduit. q. clam. S. Nich. jus meum in Blakelonda," &c T. Joh'e Hyllari, Will, le Engleys, &c. 351. " O'ib. Sec. Robertus Prior S. Nich. q. clam. Joh'i de Hydon de decimis molendini sui de Witehetfeld." Dat. 1260. 352. " B. Ep'us Exon. univ. Clero Exon. 8cc. quod Prior S. Nich. et Will. Vicarius suus perpetuus de Columpton liberam fecerunt ecclesiam de Columpton in manu nra a solucione 12 d. quos ad edificacionem Ecclesia? Exon. annuatim reddere consue- verat" Dat. 1181. 353. " O'ib. Sec. Emma relicta Nich'i de Khnolle q. clam. S. Nich. jus dotis in terra de la Knolle." T. D'no Joh'e Hydon, &c. 354. " S. p. Sec. Joh'es fil. et her. Nich'i de la Knolle confir- mavi S. Nich. tenement, predict." T. D. Joh'e de Hydon, Rog. de la More, Joh'e de la More, &c. 355. " Not. Sec. Joh'es fil. et her. Nich'i de la Knolle dedi S. N. tot. terram de la Knolle." 356. " S. p. Sec. Joh'es de la Knolle dedi S. Nich. terram meam infra d'nium Prioris et Conv. S. Nich." T. Ph'o de Furneaux. 357. " S. p. Sec. Joh'es de la Knolle dedi Galfr'o Joye parvam domum in Occident, parte aula? d'c'i Galfr'i et quatuor daynas (sic) terra? dca? domui pertin." 358. " S. p. Sec. Joh'es fil. Nich'i de la Knolle dedi Ricardo Ser- vienti de Uppeton cum Joh'a sorore mea in libero maritagio, tot. terram meam de la Knolle, reddendo Priori S. Nich. 5s. per ann." T. Ph'o de Fornays. 359. " S. p. Sec. Rogerus le Tannere et Matildis uxor mea dedimus S. Nich. parvam domum in occid. parte aula? Galfr'i Joye." T. Joh'e de Valletorta, milite, Thoma de Dorwik. 360. " S. p. Sec. Joh'es Tolliro dedi S. Nich. tenem. in villa de Columpton." T. Rogero de Hele, &c. Dat. 1311. 361. " S. p. Sec. Joh'es Tolliro q. clam. Rogero Priori S. Nich. de tenemento in Columpton." 1311. 362. " S. p. Sec. Will, de Chiefthorne fil. Walteri de C. dedi S. Nich. 3i acras super Foxdone juxta le Hannei." T. Hugone Peverel de Sankford (sic), Hylario Blundo, Majore, &c. 363. " S. p. Sec. Fulco Peinel, assensu Will, heredis mei, dedi S. Nich. 1 liberum burgagium in burgo de Bauntuna pro me et uxore 384 CHARTERS IN THE CARTULARY OF mea." Test. Will. Peine! herede meo, Simone filio Roges, Ph'o de Horsie, Jordano de Childtone, Ada de Tedford, Petro Cumyn, Ric'o Waleran tunc senescallo meo, Arnaldo de la Ville, Gode- frido de Baunton. 364. Convencio 1231 inter Joh'em de Weure et Prior. S. Nich. quod diet. Joh'es tradidit ad firm. diet. Priori totam terram quam habuit de Hugone Weure, patre suo. Test. Jocelino vicario de Columpton, Roberto de Prustecote, Will, de Esse, Nich'o de Weure, Andrea de Chastillun, Joh'e de Bideford. 365. "Nov. Sfc Ego Ric. de Langeford anno 1241 q. clamavi Joh'i de Weure terram vocat. la Merse." Test. Will, de Wide- bere, Godefrido de Kelli, Petro de Columstok, Nich'o Bissoph. 366. " S. p. Sec. Nich. Grace fil. Joh'is de Weure q. clam. S. Nich. terram meam in Weure pro 10 marc, arg." Test. D'nis Joh'e Wiger, Vicecomite Devon., Hugone Peverel, militibus, Martino Durling, Majore. 367. " O'ib. Sec. Joh'es fil. Hug. de Weure. Nov. quod tenemur Priori S. Nich. in \2d. sterling, annui redd, solvend. apud Uppeton." 368. " S. p. tyc. Will. Bozun de Clist frater et heres Roberti Bozun dedi Martino filio Will. Rof tot. terram meam de Clist, pro humagio et servic. suo, assensu Matildis q. f. uxor Rob'ti Bozun fratris mei, qua? tertiam partem in dotem tenuit." 369. " S. p. Sec. Will. Bozun de Clist, filius Rogeri, dedi Mar tino fil. Will. Rof, de Exon. medietatem d'nici mei in Clist, ac totam dotem Matildis q. f. uxor Roberti Bozun fratris mei." Test. Will. Ep'o Exon. B. archid. Totton. Hugone Peverel de Sanford, Hugone Peverel de Hermington, Yllario Albo tunc Majore, &c. 370. " S. p. Sfc. Reginaldus de Valletorta confirmavi donum predict. Will. Bozun de Clist." 371. "S. p. Sec. Will. Bozun de Clist dedi Deulecresse Episcopo Judeorum Exon. 5s. reddit. Reddendo michi 1 par calcarium vel 3d." Testib. Martino Prodome, Will, fratre ejus, Joh'e Mosseo le Turk, et Ursello Sier. Amiot, tunc Cyrographo Jude orum predicta? Archidiaconatus, Jac. Judaso de Glovernia, Bonefei filio Ysaac, Mosseo de Burdelt, &c. 372. " S. p. S$c. Ego Deulecresse Episcopus Judeorum vendidi Martino Rof, 5s. reddit. quos Will. Bozun michi vendidit. Reddendo michi annuat. 1 par cyrothecar. albarum vel unum obolum. Pro hac dedit mihi Martinus 40s. quos solvi D'no Regi per manus Josepini de Bristolliis, qui tunc temporis venit ST. NICHOLAS PRIORY, AT EXETER. 385 Exon. cum literis D'ni Regis patentibus ad compellandum Judeos solvere debita D'ni Regis." Testib. Ph'o de Stokes' et Henr. Picot, tunc Cophrariis Christianis, Jacobo Judeo de Gloucestre et Mosseo le Turc tunc Cophrariis Judeis, Hylario Blundo tunc Majore Exon. Amiot, Bonefei filio Ysaac, &c. 373. "S. p. Sec. Martinus Rof dedi S. Nich. terram de Clist." T. D. Will, de Englefeld tunc Vicecom. Devon., D. Will. Everard, D. Will, de Widewrth, militibus, Will. Pruz tunc ballivo D'ni Comitis Cornubias in Exon. 374. " S. p. fyc. Martin. Rof dedi S. Nich. terram meam de Clist." T. Baldwino Child et Walt, de Oxton, Prepositis Exon. 375. " S. p. Sec. Rogerus Bozun fil. et her. Will. Bozun confirm. S. Nich. terram de Clist." 376. " O'ib. Sec. Guuido de Novant D'nus de Clistun q. clam. S. Nich. sectam ad hundred, meum de Clistun, racione terra? suas de Clist-Buzun." T. Roberto de Siccavilla, Jordano de Poltimore. Nota hie de die vocatct " Felling dai." 377. " S. p. Sec. Rogerus de Valletorta D'nus de Hurberton q. clam. S. Nich. pro anima Reginaldi de Valletorta, nepotis mei, terram eorum in parochia de Clistun, de feodo manerii de Hur- burton, de dono Martini Rof quondam Major. Civit. Exon." Test. D'nis Joh'e Wiger, Alex, de Oxton, mil. Walt, de Oxton, Majore Exon. 1272. 378. " O'ib. S$c. Rob. Prior S. Nich. Nov. nos concessisse Will, de Glovernia terram in Bradeham, quam Walterus filius Gereberti aliquando tenuit." T. Martino Rof, Majore Exon. 379. " O'ib. Sec. Rob. Prior S. Nich. Nov. nos dedimus Ricardo Bissup Wimpel 3 pecias terra? de Clist." T. Joh'ne de Alneto, &c. 380. " Univ. S$c. Rogerus de Babbeton q. clam. S. Nich. jus in i ferling in Isenelonde in manerio de Brodeham." 9 Edw. II. 381. "O'ib. S$c. Rogerus de Clavile fil. et her. Will, de Clavile dedi j- marc. arg. de terra Gilberti Cobbe in Halisdon, in Manerio meo de Widecombe.'' T. D. Galfrido de la Bruere, Galfrido de Aubemarle, Thoma de Blakeford. 382. "S. p. S$c. Philippus Chaucebef dedi S. Nich. 1 ferling de d'nico meo de Dunesford et com'unam pastures ejusdem man'ii." T. Olivero de Campo Arnulphi, Henr. de Melewis, Joh'e de Siccawilla, Will, de Hokesham, Alredo Bubba, &c. 383. " O'ib. Sec. Will, de Berkelei, Nov. quod contencio inter Prior. S. Nich. et me et Aviciam uxorem meam de 1 ferling in 2 D 386 CHARTERS IN THE CARTULARY OF Donesford conquievit sic, quod concessi dicto Priori §"c. pre- dictam terram." T. Will, de Hore, &c. 384. Anno 7 Edw. III. Conventio inter Joh'em, Prior. S. Nich. et Margaretam Abbatissam S. Joh'is de Canonlegh, quod d'ca Abbatissa et successores ejus libere possint divertere cursum atte Wrychysheude in Littilmers juxta Chouford, ac aquam qua? vocatur Lurchesbrok juxta Dunsford. T. D. Ric'o de Brayleghe, Ric'o de Chesulden, &c 1333. 385. Saxon Charter to St. Olave's. In nomine D'ni nri Jhesu Christi. Ego Gieda Comitissa con cedo Ecclesia? Sci Olavi Regis et martyris terram meam de Scireford, qua? est de dote mea, pro anima mea et domini mei Comitis Godwini, ut ipsa Ecclesia eam perpetuo jure habeat et teneat, liberam et quietam ab omni terreno servicio. Et si quis eam pervadere vel ab ipsa Ecclesia auferre conatus fuerit, auferat Deus partem ejus de terra vivencium, et cum Juda proditore hereditet infernalia supplicia in secula seculorum, amen. Ego Leoricus Exon. Epus nra auftoritate (sic) confirmavi. Testes sunt, Tostis Dux, Gerith Dux, Sawinus Presbyter, et alii multi. (This seems like a forgery.) 386. " S. p. Sec. Hugo de Curt, concessi Everardo Cole pro homa gio tot. terram illam quam Willielmus de Traci avunculus meus dedit Amia? uxori Everardi in manerio meo de Mortun, scil. majorem moram et minorem, et 1 ferling. de Bughadon, et 1 fer ling de Cranbroc, et f- virgat in Bughadon. Et concessi d'co Everardo totum nemus inter Pulterlacha et fontem de Edlacha usque Inteigha, et tot. moram et terr. inter Wlurichestonam et la Fenhedca.'' Test. Will, de Traci, Alex, de Viteri, Rogero de Hela, Hugone de Morba, Hugone de Saucei. 387. " Sachent tote gens que jeo Hanri de la Pomeray de Byri gardeyn de la terre de Kynedon graunte au Priour S. Nich. que les gorhs et les nusaunces sour la terre de Kynedon, nusaunz le noveau molin de Shireford seyent oztes." Done 29 Edw. I. 388 ." S. p. SfC Walter Brito pro salute Haewisia? uxoris mea? do S. Nich. i (sic) frumenti de d'nio meo de Chederlee, et £ ambram de fabis molitis de manerio meo de Ysle. Et decima casei mei in manerio meo de Bochelande." Test. M'ro Waltero fratre meo. 389. Sciend. quod Otulinus de Hydon dedit S. Nich. Eccle siam et medietat. decima? de Hydun pro aia fratris sui Gaufridi, necnon pro aia uxoris fil. suor. (sic). ST. NICHOLAS PRIORY, AT EXETER. 387 390. " Notum Sec. Osbernus Exon. Ep'us confirmo donum quod Otelinus de Hydun dedit S. Nich. de Ecclesia de Hydun." 391. " S. p. §c. Walterus de Nimet dedi S. Nich. 2s. redd, de manso in Kyppinggescote in p'ochia de Nimeton Episcopi quod Will. Popa de me tenet." T. D'no Reginaldo de Nimet, Alano de Nimet, Olivero de Nimet. 392. " Univ. Sec. Nicholaus Burdun dedi S. Nich. 1 quartar. avena? de dominio de Teinton." T. D. Will, de Englefeld tunc Vicecom. Devon. Martino Rof, Majore Exon. 393. "O'ib. Sec. A. Prior S. Nich. Exon. tradidi D'no Reginaldo de Boterellis totam terr. n'ram in Lifchelehale, redd, annuat. 8s. sterling." Anno 1244. T. D'no Will, de la Pomeray, &c. 394. "O'ib. tyc.Rob. Prior S. Nich. tradidi Thoma? de Horweye clerico terr. n'ram de Holeweye in Kentelisbeare." 395. " S. p. fyc. Robertus Prior S. Nich. concedimus Joh'i de Haywode, terram de Haywode, et terram in mora de Weure." T. D'no Hugone Peverel, D'no Rogero de Claville, militibus, Will. Sangwiner, Roberto de Wodebere, Walt. Dagevill. From hence follow Charters transcribed at a later period. 396. Processus placitus placea? ab hostio australi Ecclesia? S. Nich. usque ad summum Vicum. Anno 3 Edw. III. 397. Breve Regis Symoni de Bereford Escaetori directum de eadem placea, anno 2 Edw. (sic.) 398. Processus placitus terra? de Bradeham qua? vocatur Island, anno 4 Edw. III. 399. Inquisitio de terris in Bradeham. 400. Breve Regis de 50s. solutis Regi de Eccl. Bradeham. 401. Processus de terra de Suth Wympel. 402. De muro gardini Prioris S. Nich. 403. Qualiter Prior S. Nich. sit quietus de scutagio de South Wympel. 404. Inquisitio de terra de Suth Wympel. 405. Processus de gleba in Tadisford et Monte S. David. 406. Breve Regis Rad'o Middelneye Escaetori in co. Som. Dev. &c. direct, de placea terra? juxta portam Prioratus. 407. Breve Regis Joh'i Canford Escaetori in co. Som. Dors. Dev. et Cornub. de placea juxta Portam S. Nich'i. 408. De libertatibus tumberelli, &c. in civitat. Exon. Priori S. Nich. pertinentibus. 409. Placita contra Will, de Foleford, de terra in Dunesford. 2 d 2 388 GRANT OF LANDS IN PRIDINTON 410. Inquisitio quod Prior S. Nich. et Conventus quieti sint de Theoloneo in Exon. 411. Breve Regis Johannis de Canford, escaetori, de placea terrae juxta Portam S. Nich. 412. Carta Ricardi Wilsham Prioris S. Nicholai, inspectis literis Walteri Abbatis de Bello, de sepultura in monasterio S. Nich. 413. Carta Ricardi Prioris S. Nich. seu formula presentacionis ad advocacionem cujusdam Ecclesias. 414. Form of a grant of the next presentation to a Church. P. XLVII. GRANT OF LANDS AT PRIDINTON, IN HAWKEDON, SUFFOLK, FROM RICHARD FITZ GILBERT, EARL OF CLARE, TO THE ABBEY OF ST. EDMUND. Richard Fitz Gilbert, Earl of Clare, elder brother of Gilbert surnamed Strongbow, married the sister of Ranulf second Earl of Chester. Dug dale a gives the marriage on the authority of William of Jumieges ; but neither writer mentions her name. It occurs in the following Charter of lands, in Hawkedon, Suffolk, given by the Earl her husband, in 1 154, to the Sacrist of the Abbey of St. Edmundsbury. The Countess Chris tiana and her second son, Roger, are assenting parties to this grant ; which is extracted from the Registrum Sacristas of the Abbey, preserved in the Public Library at Cambridge. G. [Registrum Sacristai, Abbatia Burgi S. Edmundi in Bib. Pub. Cantab. Fol. 54 v.] De ?ra de Haukedune ap Pridinton. ptin3 ad sac'stam. Omnib3 fidelib3 see mfis Ecce Rics filius Gilefci salfn. Sciatis qd Ego optuli sup altare Sci Eadm St ei cocessi & donaui inppetuam Elemosinam ad suiciu altaris ,p aiab3 diioa meo£b (noiatim Gilfeti comitis de clara& aliorum & ofhiii antecessorum meorum) & meam a Baronage, vol. i. 210. W. Gemetic. apud Duchesne, 312 C. b The scribe has omitted the words from one " meorum" to the other, and they are supplied from another copy in the same IMS. fol. 120, in a later hand. TO THE ABBEY OF ST. EDMUND. 389 Pram q cognoiatur Haukedon q ptinebat ad Pridintuii antiqH9 8c p\er hoc acram Brichtrici videlc ilia q Jacet in? ?ras sci Eadfni Sc vnam acram p"ti q cotigua e illi ?re pdce q appftatur Hauke don que i simul collecte sunt. vij. acre arabil tre Sc vna acra pati. Et pp? hanc donacoem recep* me Abfes Ording' & Ecca sci Eadfni 8c 9iugem meam Sc libos nfos in ff nitatem Sc i pticipacoem oim bnficio^ suo^ Qua vt sco Edfno Sc suo altari incocussa suetur & lifea Sc ab ofni ssuico imunis carta mea afirmaui Sc SuiciS qd de pdca Pra antiqitus fiebat, de residuo feodi mei pficiam Sc illam sco Edo ptegam Sc hedes mei. Fca e Hec aute donaco Anno drii. M°. C. liiijto. Testes sunt Maurici9 Dapifer Rofs fit Humfr' Elyas de Meleford Alwin9 ^sbit9 de Wepstede Rads ^sbit9 de Witton Sc Galfr fr suus Sc Godwin9 de Bulilehe. Sc Lewin9 Wisman Sc Wimudus. [log's Sc' [etiam] filius me9 huic in?fuit donacoi Sc ea cocessit Sc coiux mea Xpiana. Testib3 Rado Coco Sc Rado fil Gilfei de Boxstede Sc Petf de Schimpling*. Sc ibi vbi scm Eadm inuestiui p Wimudu hoiem sci Eadfri afFuiit testes, Ric de Kan, Thurstan9 de Clopton Wills Rontons WalPs fil Wal?i, W. fil Alwini Ric le Kul. Brichtric9. Hugo fil Alstani. Rogs. Godefridus fil Alstani Sec. G, XLVIII. POETICAL HISTORY OF THE FAMILY OF MAUNSELL. The following curious specimen of ancient local poetry is copied from a small thin manuscript volume in the possession of Thomas Philip Mann- sell, Esq. of Thorpe Malsor, Northamptonshire, the lineal representative of the Hugh Mansel, of Berry End, mentioned in the poem. It is writ ten in a small, cramped, and in some parts almost illegible hand, of the time of Charles I ; but is, I apprehend, the composition of an earlier period. It is followed in the volume by entries made by John Maunsell, Barrister at Law, then of Woodford, in Essex, but afterwards of Thorpe Malsor, commencing with the births, marriages, and burials of the family from 1539 to 1606 ; a rough genealogical sketch from Sier le Maunsell, which nearly corresponds with the poem, and is verified by references to deeds from s. d. to 24 Eliz. and ending with a pedigree from Richard Maunsell, of Chicheley, in Buckinghamshire, buried 1539, to which is prefixed, "Mem. Sir John Borough, being Garter King at Armes, there 390 POETICAL HISTORY OF THE was a visitation made by Mr. Yorke and Mr. Lilly, and I being absent at the visitation at Romford, entered my armes and pedigree as followeth, 25 Sept. 1634, for w<=h I paid 27s. 6d." signed " John Maunsell." These private documents furnish a general corroboration of the legen dary tradition of the story ; but it is a most remarkable circumstance that almost every fact related, except the accidental murder, is confirmed by historical evidence from extraneous sources, as will be shown in the accompanying Notes. G. B. Radix Genologia Mauselline de Chichelye. Sier le Maunsell genuit apud Thickthorns, William, Simon, Roger, ut est in tabula genologia a Thoma Maiisello conscripta. In this table here may you see How manye generations nowe gone we be. Some tyme by course we livede here, Wtu cark and care troubled we weare : But at ye laste we were soone gone, And soner forgotten everye one ; Had we not some thinge lefte behinde We had bene worne quite out of minde. But now by writings it may appeare That we sometyme in Chicheley were. Some riche, some pore, some simple, some wise, Some fortuned to good, some unfortunate thrise. For yl some got othar did spende, But blessed be God yl all doth sende. Of us sometyme, some knightes made weare, And in this coiitrye greate rule did beare Ontill y* brother of brother was slayne, For vayne possessions & worldelye gayne. Then fortune begane to turne hir wheele And caused awayeward all to reele. Forthewith did Alhnightye God begiiie To punishe Sc plague us for our synne. But yet at ye laste he of his grace Agayne in Chichelye did us place; In Berrye end, & este end, seates he us sente That we our sinnes ther mighte repente ; But when he see it would not be, One braunche of us eftesone cut of did he. FAMILY OF MAUNSELL. 391 But yet of his mercye for to extende He preferred the other in Berrye ende ; And yl they mighte repente agayne, Both landf and goodf he parted in twayne, And for ye one he cut of ye name The other he keepte wthouten shame. Wherefore remember children all Yl sinefull lyfe hath had a fall ; And that God wtb- mercye his plagues did sende, And wth plagues his mercye did extende, That we mighte once our lives amende ; To him be glory worlde with oute ende. Sier a the syer of us all, a man of micle grace, Above ye corner (as I reed) at Tickthornsb had his place; This Sier did at Turvye take a wife as may appeare, For yl thre lovelye sisters then of Turvye ladyes weare, The eldest Mordane, ye second Ardes, ye 3 Mausell did take,0 And these thre men wth one accorde ther living^ ther did make. And Ardf yl so erneste was ther mindinge to abide, Ferste placed was uppon ye hill under ye hard wood syde. a Sier is doubtless intended for Saher or Seller, no uncommon name in the 12th and 13th centuries, aud the orthography is not improbably varied for the purpose of pro ducing the pun excited by its synonyme. Ralph Mansel held a fee of the new feoffment from Gervase Paganell in 14 Hen. II. 1167, (Lib. Nig. p. 140.) ; aud by deed s. d. with the consent of Cecily his wife, and Seher his son and heir, and for the souls of his father and mother, and his sons Gilbert, Roger, Simon, William, and Hugh, gave his land of " Cuculmes ho" (qu. where ?) to Tickford priory, near Newport Pagnell, in Buckinghamshire. (Mon. Ang. ii. p. 912.) This grant was made in the presence of, and confirmed by, his lord Gervase Paganell, (ibid.) and must have been anterior to 1187 (33 Hen. II.) as the general confirmatory Charter from Gervase to the priory, in that year, includes all the men and lands, meadow and. pasture, and woods, liberties, and ways, of the gift of Ralph Mansell and Cecily his wife. (Ibid. p. 911.) b The manor of Tickthornes orThickthornes in Chicheley and Hardmead, near New port Pagnell, was part of the original endowment of Tickford Priory by Fulke Paga nell. (Ibid. i. p. 686.) c The " three lovely sisters " were the daughters of William de Alneto, and sisters and coheiresses of Hugh de Alneto, of Turvey in Bedfordshire and Maidford in North amptonshire. Of this family an ample account will be found in that exceedingly rare and splendid work, Halstead's Genealogies, and in the portion of the History of Northamptonshire now in the press. The matches with Mordane, or Mordaunt, and Ardres, are historically correct. William de Alneto gave to Eustace le Mordaunt (an cestor of the Earls of Peterborough) with Alice his eldest daughter a moiety of all the lands of his vill of Turvey, to hold by the service of half a fee, (Halstead, p. 447.) and Hugh de Alueto gave to Richard, the son of his sister Sarah, a moiety of his land of Turvey, free from all service save what belonged to the King for so much of the said fee ; (ibid; p. 13,) which Richard, by the name of Richard de Ardres, sold to his cousin 392 POETICAL HISTORY OF THE And Mordane yl soe dealye was to the yl him wth stoode, Placed was in ye midle vale under ye selfe same woode. And Sier le Mausell was, accordinge to his will, Placed nere unto ye toppe of ye other hill.d This Sier ther a sone begotte, & Willia e did him name, Who did his mother ther succeed inheritinge ye same ; For when his mother buried was, & Willia of age pleine, Then did his father suffer him at Turvye still remeane. And he himselfe at Tickethornes bood f wher was his great delight, And yet he had at eche place ye companye of ij knightes. For as ser Mordan & ser Ardf at Turvye dwelt him nere, Soe at Tickthornes by him dwelt ser Gedney Sc ser Bublere ; This to be true that I here wrote all ye y4 doute I praye That ye will take ye paynes to reede ye booke called Domesday. Then Will did at Turvye get a soe Sapso by name, Whom Sier did to Tickthornf take Sc gave to him ye same. For when Sier was dedde and goPieSampson at Tickthornes dwelte, And William like a good father wtu Turvye was contente. This Sampson did a s5e begett, and John s he did him call, Whom he broughte upp in knowledge greate, 8c in ye vertues all. This Jhon, in knowledge of ye lawe who lerned was right well, Henrye ye therd cheefe Justice made of Englande I you tell. And after one of ye xij peer, as chronicles witnesse, Those he was in ye wholl realme to sett at quietnesse ; William le Mordaunt, son of Eustace, his share in the mill of Turvey. (ibid. p. 453.) The existence of the third sister is apocryphal, and the poem is the only authority, if it can be deemed such, for the marriage with Maunsell; which, however, is not unsupported by presumptive evidence. It will subsequently appear that the family cer tainly had an interest in Turvey ; that local spots within the lordship were designated by their name ; and the variation in the terms of the grants from William de Alneto the father, and Hugh the son, must not be forgotten. The former expressly includes a moiety of his vill by the service of half a fee; consequently a moiety only of the vill would descend to Hugh; his grant is only of a moiety of his lands, and the remaining moiety of his lands, or quarter of the vill, might pass to Maunsell with the third sister. d Eustace de Mordaunt, for the souls of himself and his wife Alice (Alneto), granted to Caldwell Priory, near Bedford, lands in Turvey abutting upon the way which leads to the Church of Turvey over " Mansellshull." (Halstead, p. 449.) ' William, Mancell attested more than one conveyance of lands in Turvey from Eustace le Mordaunt. (Halstead, p. 14 and 448.) 'Abode. £ This John is an interpolation introduced for the embellishment of the tale. There was, however, a contemporary John Mansell, ancestor of the Lords Mansel, (Collins's Peerage (1741) vol. iv. p. 266.) who was Lord Keeper of the Great Seal, not Chief Justice of England, and it seems the poet was not able to resist the temptation of appropriating him. FAMILY OF MAUNSELL. 393 Wherof after ensued greate strife, for y* ye barrens wente W* ye comons agaynst ye kinge in Oxford parlamte. This John, then at Thickthornes had ij sons as doth appeare, The youngest Willia, ye eldeste was Thomas to him full dere ; This Thomas then at man's estate his father's parte did take, And wth ye comons did avise ye barrens warre to make. To Nottinghame strayghte waye he wente, as Polidoreh expresse, Wher at ye last he taken was Sc put in greate distresse. But when ye barrens warre was done & he delivered was, Eftesone herto his father's home wtu him his time to passe, Whom he then fonde maried agayne to one y* was full wod,' She was some time one Tickthorne's wife, and came of saving Woode* she was for yl Thomas unto his father came, [blud. For then she had here doughter dere betrothed to Willia, Meaninge therby to gett Thickthorn^ to ye blud agayne Of her husband y' some tyme was, by joyning of them twayne. Wch thinge she now perceaved well she could not bring to passe, For yl it was her husband^ minde to geve it to Thomas. Wherfore she sought meanes all she could this Thomas for to kill, And her daughter at Thickthorne's place, such was her wicked She never lefte until Willia wtu him a huntinge wente, [will. And eche of them ther standingf took with hisboe readye bente. And when the game chanced to come to Thomas somewhat nye, Then eche of them aimed at the game ther arrowes to let flye. And Thomas did the game then strike, but stroake he was wthall, His brother's arrow did him hitt y' to ye grounde he fall ; Then 'owe alasse,' cried all men ther, 'what cruell chance is this, That in pastime of brothers twayne ye one now thus slayne is,' And one strayghte way to ther father went & sayd, ' Of yor sones twayne, Alas (good lord) by cruell chauce one hathe ye other slayne.' ' Thk (qouth he) Lord why live I to se this woefull daye ; Yf this be true, the eldeste is then slayne I dare well say ; The yonger hathe ye marke it selfe then hit wherat he shett, But yet (by . . . . ) 1 assure ye game he never gett.' Forthwth his father in greate rage his land^ conveyde awaye, And gave Tickthornes to Tickford house for his soulle for to pray. Soe he in places manye moe bestoed as he thoughte goode, And litle lefte his sonne Willia he was wtu him soe woode." 11 Polydore Virgil. ' Of an ill-temper, angry. k Then? 394 THE FAMILY OF MAUNSELL. But at ye laste, by meanes of frendf, Turvye he lefte his wife, And y* Willia should have ye same when she ended her life. But Willia . . . unthriftie still, soe sone as his frendf wente, To Mordane strayghte waye Turvye sold x Sc all yl he had, spente. And in Chichelye likewise he sold land J wco cae by his wife, And shortlye had her nothinge lefte, had he not lefte his life. But at ye laste when he gone was, litle y* did remeane Betwene her sones Hughe Sc Willia she parted them in twayne. Thus when Mansell wth Thickthornes blud mingled, Tickthornes he loste, And Turvye sold then quite awaye, so maried to his coste ; But thoughe he be fro Turvye thus with Ard£m worne qite awaye, Yet Axde wod & Mausell hill ther names beare to this daye, And thoughe he have thus Thickthornes loste, yet for remebance The piore for him did daylye praye soe long as a bestode, [good, In Tickthorne's Chappell mas he songe untill yl it was done, And after y* his . . . . sayde at churche in Chichelye towne. Thus Mansellf land was made awaye, unknone be of his nae, Save yl when men olde writingf reed yey chance .... on ye sae. Thus women more wicked then ought was never well con ten te Untill she had her purpose wrought, wc)l we may all repente. Thus God justelye his plagues did sende, desyring quit the place, As he had done, ther stocke alsoe, save yl he shewed grace. But wtu justice he mercye shewed, & Hughe in Buriende" Ferste place he did, the Willia is placed in Estende ; From Estend nowe ye stocke is gone, & nae worne qite awaye, Save yl wher Willia dwelte caled is, Witt Mansell^ at this daye.n 1 Substituting Sampson for John, as the father of Thomas and William, this portion of the narrative is completely authenticated by unquestionable evidence ; for William son of Sampson le Mansell of Turvy by deed dated on the day of the Annunciation of the blessed Virgin (25 March) 15 Edw. I. (1287) sold to William, son of William le Mor daunt, all his lands in " Chechle," (Halstead, p. 456.) and though the conveyance of Mansell's lands in Turvey is not extant, yet the fact is placed beyond doubt by the license which William le Mordaunt had in 25 Edw. I. (1297) to enclose his wood of " Mancels- grove," with other lands in Turvey, and convert them into a park (ibid. p. 457). m Thomas D'Ardres in 49 Edw. III. (1375) conveyed to Robert Mordaunt of Turvey all his lands of Turvey, in exchange for lands at Shephale, Herts, (ibid. p. 471.) " From Hugh of Berry End have descended two branches, both now seated in North amptonshire ; the elder represented, as already stated, by Thomas Philip Maunsell, Esq. of Thorp Malsor ; and the second by John Christopher Mansell, Esq. of Cosgrave. G. B. 395 XLIX. GENEALOGICAL NOTES FROM ANCIENT CALENDARS, &C Continued from p. 283. [MS. Reg. 2 B. xiv.*] Primo die Marcij anno diii Miltmo CCCCm0 octogesimo octauo Sc anno regni Regis Henr' vijmi quarto, Ira dnicali D. obijt Isabella Barre, nup Comitissa Devon' ac nup consors Thome Bourgchier senioris, Militis, vnius filiox Henr' nup Comitis Essex'. xviijo die Marcij anno dni Mittmo CCCC0 lxxiiijto Ifa dnicali A. nata est Johanna Bourgchier, filia Thome Bourgchier, Militis, Sc Isabelle consortf sue Comitisse Devon'. ii. non. Apr. [4 Apr.] Obitus illustrissimi dni diii Henrici Bourgchr, Comitis Essex', Ira dnicali E. A° diii Mmo CCCCmo Ixxxiij0. xxiiijto die April anno dni Miltmo CCCCmo lxxiiijt0 Ira dnicali B. nata est Isabella Bourgchier, filia Thome Bourgchier, M ilitf et Isabelle consortf sue, Comitisse Devon'. ii. id. Aug. [12 Aug.] Obitus Henrici Bourgchier, filij dne Isabelle, Comitisse Essex' et Sororis Rici Ducis Ebos, anno dni Mm0 CCCCmo quinquagesimo octauo. vi. non. Oct. [2 Oct.] Obitus illustrissime dne dne Isabelle, Comitisse Essex', consortis Henrici Bourgchier, Comitis Essex', Ira dnicali E. A° diii M™ CCCCm0 lxxxiiij". iii. kl. Jan. [30 Dec] Obitus Rici Ducis Ebo£, anno diii Miftmo CCCCmo sexagesimo. Edwardus Bourgchier, filius dne Isabelle, Comitisse Essex', et sororis eiusd' Ducis, obijt eisdm die et anno suprascriptf. a The volume from which the above extracts are copied, is a Psalter preceded by a Calendar, written on vellum, about the middle of the fifteenth century, and belonged to the family of Bourchier. On the first page of the Psalter, on the lower margin, is em blazoned the following coat of arms, viz. Quarterly, 1 and 4, Argent, a cross Gules ; 2 and 3, Gules, a fess Argent between 12 Bezants, disposed above 3, 3, below 8,2, 1 ; impaling, quarterly, France and England, a label of 3 points Argent, each bearing 3 Torteaux. Supporters, two eagles Argent, armed and beaked Or, the bird on the left stands on a fetterlock Or, and Bourchier knot. These are the arms of Henry Bourchier, Earl of Essex, and of his wife, Isabel, sister of Richard Duke of York. At the end of the MS. is the autograph of T. Bourgchier. 396 GENEALOGICAL NOTES [MS. Trin. Coll. Dubl. A. 1. lO.b] Ser Henri Gate, "l The berthe of my chyllderne, the ouer Knyght.c J and the daye, w' the names of the god fathers and mothers wrytyne w* my none hande, Henri Gate. The berthe of Mary my furst dauter the xiiij daye of October, the wyche was tusdaye, In the aufter nowne, betux vj and vij of the cloke, the dayt of oure lorde god A thousande v houndere xliiij, at Syone nonerye; godfFathers, Cramer archebushop of Can terbury ; godmothers, my lady Deny and my suster Mary Gate. Henri Gate. The berthe of Elleybethe my seconde dauttere was at Syone the seconde day of January, the wyche was satterdaye, In the auter nowne, betux ix and x of the cloke at nyght, the yei" of ouer lorde god, A 1546 ; godfather, ser Wyman Caru, knyght; godmouthers, my old ladye Darbye, and my lady Henage. Henri Gate. The berthe of Edward my Furst sonne was at Syone the xxiiij day of Aprelle, wyche was one the sondaye, In the autere noune, betux v and vj of the cloke, the yere of ouer lorde god A 1547; godfFauthers, the duke of Soumersete and my brother ser Johne Gate, knyght ; d god mother, the duches of Souffolke, Wyllyby. Henri Gate. b Prefixed to a copy of the WyclifEte translation of the New Testament, which is of considerable curiosity and interest from its having belonged to John Pervie, one of the early Reformers. The entries have been written by Sir Henry Gate on the fly-leaves of the volume. c His wife was Lucy, daughter of Charles Kuevett, by Jane Stafford, whose illus trious pedigree will be found in p. 298 antea, and is set forth in Lady Gate's epi taph, at Seamer, four miles from Scarborough; the following imperfect copy of which is from MS. Add. 5524, f. 28 ; " Quiescit hie nobilis Domina Lucia Gate, charissima conjux preclari viri Henrici Gate, equitis aurati ; filia Caroli Knevetti, filii [Gulielmi Knevetti, equitis aurati] et conjugis Janae, filue et heredis Humphredi ducis Bucking- hamiae, et Annae, consortis suae, filise Radulphi primi Comitis Westmerlandiae, sororis dominae Ceciliae, matris potentissimi regis Edwardi, patris regiuae Elizabeths, matris invictissimi regis Henrici 8. Cujus Humphredi Buckinghamiae ducis mater Anna, filia fuit et ex ase heres Thomae Plantagenistae de Woodstock, ducis Glocestriae, minoris filii magni Regis Ed. 3. progenita ex Eteonora consorta sua, filia et una heredum Hum phredi de Bohun, comitis HerefordUe, Essexise, et Notingamptoaiae (sic) constabularii Angliae, &c. ob. 1 Oct. 1577, in Edibus Semeriis." d Who was involved in the treason of the Duke of Northumberland, and beheaded with him, Aug. 22, 1533. FROM ANCIENT CALENDARS, &C. 397 The berthe of Johne my seconde sone was at Haveryng of the bowthe [Bower], the xij of desembere, wyche was wedynsdaye, In the aufter nowne, be tuxe vij and viij, the yere of the lorde gode A 1548. In the seconde yer of the rayne of Edwarde the syex ; godffathers, the dwke of Northumberlonde and the lord Amerell Semare ; godmother, the old lady Gate, my mother .e Henri Gate. The berthe of Wyllyame Gate my thurde sonne was at Pergo besyde Hauyryng, the seconde daye of June, wyche was mondaye, In the aufter nowne, betuxe ix and x of [the] cloke, the yere of ower lorde gode A 1550. the for the yere of the rayne of kyng Edwarde the syexe ; godfathers, the lord markes of Northamtone and the erll' of Warwyke; godmother, my lady Clyntone, tlie erll' of Kylldare dauter, the wyche boye dye or ever he was a monthe holde, and ys beryde at Chynkeford, in Esex. Henri Gate. The berthe of Francys f my thourde dautter was at Kew the xxix day of January, wyche was sonanday, In the mornyng betux one and too of the cloke, the yere of oure lorde god A 1551 ; godfauther, my lorde of Bedfforde; godmothers, my lady Francyes Souffolke and the duches of Northumberlande. Henri Gate. The berthe of Katerene S my Forthe dautere was In Londone in redcrosse strete, the xxiiij daye of desember, betux ix and x of the cloke at nyght, the yere of ower lorde god, A 1553, the furst yere of the quyne Mary ; godmothers, hur hynest [High ness] and mystrys Clarrencheus ; godffather, M. Rysse that was of the prevye chambere. Henri Gate. The berthe of Harrye my forthe sonne h was In Londone, bysyde Smytheffyelld, the xxvj day of maye, beyng mondaye, In the fore nowne, betux x and xj of the cloke, the yere of oure lorde god A 1555. In the furste and seconde yere of the Rayne of Phelepe and Marye ; godfarthers, the yerll of Penbroke and M. Rochester, comtroler of housold ; godmother, the countes of Arwndell'. By me Henri Gate. = Elizabeth, daughter of Sir William Clopton, widow of Sir Jeffrey Gate. ' Afterwards married to John Alured of Charter House, near Hull. s Subsequently married to Sir Charles Egerton. h Ancestor of the Gates of Gosberton, Lincolnshire. 398 GENEALOGICAL NOTES. [MS. Sloan. 2565.*] xv° Feu nat' fuit Rofet9 terc' fil' dci Clementf , circa hora vj pl mered', et fuit dies ven) is. A0 dni M1 vc xv°. xviij0 die Febr' circa hor' viij pl nona, nat' fuit clemens Har leston scdus fil Clementf Harleston armigeri, Sc fuit dies Sabbati, a0 dni M1 vc xiij0. Monday the xxvij day of October' in the xxxj yer' of the Rayne of Kynge Henry the viij at ix of the cloke at nyte wase Roftrte Harleston borne, the sone of Jhon Harleston, at sowthe wokyngdon in Es . . . ; hys god fathers, £ clemont Harleston, Sc [a line cut off by the binder] bossheyped in the parlamente chamber be the bychope of Yorke. xxviij0 die mcij, hora vij p* mered', a0 diii M1 vc xj° natus fuit Johes fit et heres Clementf Harleston, et fuit tunc dies ven) is. [MS. Add. 5495.k] Nom et partus filior. etfiliar. R. Hales. The third day of Aprill, Anno Dom. 1638, betweene eleuen Sc twelue of the Clocke in the Forenoone, by ye spetiall mercye & prouidence of God, my wife was happily safely deliuered of her first Child Sc first borne sonne Thomas, who was Christ ened the first day of October following at London, in Aldersgate Church: his Godfathers were, my father Tho. Hales, Esq. and my Brother in Law Thomas Longeuile, Esq. of Bradwell, in Buckinghamshire ; his Godmother, my Sister Mris Elizabeth Beake. * A Breviary or book of Hours, and Calendar, written aud illuminated in the Low Countries about the middle of the 15th century. It belonged in the reign of Henry the Eighth to the Harlestone family, as appears by the entries in the Calendar above copied. At fol. 18, is the autograph of " M'res Margaryte Harlyston'." It was probably pre sented by a member of this family to Queen Mary, in whose possession it afterwards was, as is evident from the royal arms and the letters M. R. stamped on the cover. k On a slip of paper prefixed to a volume of miscellaneous papers which formerly belonged to R. Hales. At p. 147, are some memoranda by him in which he mentions his sister Dorothy, his brothers Samuel, Thomas, Luke, aud Stephen, his brothers Longuevile and Short, and his sister Keuuett. M. 399 L. LIST OF MONASTIC CARTULARIES AT PRESENT EXISTING, OR WHICH ARE KNOWN TO HAVE EXISTED SINCE THE DISSOLU TION OF RELIGIOUS HOUSES. [Continued from p, 208.] County. Monasteries. In whose possession, or where existin". Maiden Bradley, see Bradley. Wilts. Malmsbury MS. Cott. Faust. B. viii. Transcript of do. Sir Tho. Phillipps. MS. Lansd. 417. (ol. J. West, 1763.) MS. Wood, 5 Bodl. Libr. (olim Will. Brewster, 1697— .T.) Transcript of do. Sir T. Phillipps, No. 73. King's Rememb. Office, Exchequer. (2 vols.) Will. Bayliff, of Monkton, Wilts.— T. Warneford. (Excerpts from do. MS. James 8, Bodl. Libr.) York. Malton MS. Cott. Claud. D. xi. (olim Sir Chr. Hatton.) Lane. Manchester Dean and Chapter. — D. York. Marham Sir John Hare of Stowhall, Norf. 1632. — D. (Excerpts from do. MS. Harl. 294.) Nott. Mattersey John Neville. — T. Jacobus Neville. — Ashm. York. Melsa, or Meaux MS. Cott. Vitell. C. vi. MS. Lansd. 424. (olim Sir Chr. Hyllyard 1553. postea James, Bp. of Lincoln, 1699— T. See MS. Harl. 6975, and J. West, 1763.) Dean and Chapter, York. — D. . St. Mary's Tower, York, 1639. (olim SirChr.Hildiard, 1627.)— Bodsw. Sir Will. Alford.— D.a Phil. Hildiard of East Horsey, Surrey, 1688— T. Mr. Hilliard. — Ashm.b 1 Qy. the same as the one in the library of Sir Tho. Phillipps, which was bought at the sale of Augustin Cooper's MSS. at Dublin. b This must be the same as one of those previously mentioned. 400 LIST OF MONASTIC CARTULARIES. County. Monasteries. In whose possession, or where existing. Sir Will. Ayrmine, 1 637.— T. John Smith of Heath.— T. Sir Tho. Phillipps, Bart. No. 6478. (ol. Sir Chr. Hyllyard of Wyestede, 1640.) Transcript of do., MS. Lansd. 207. C. and MS. Dodsworth, vol. lxix. Bodl. Libr. J. B. Nichols, Westminster, 1833. Warw. Merival, or De Miravalle Rich. Chamberlayne, Registrar of Court of Wards.— D. „ Quoted by Burton, Hist. Leicest. Surr. Merton MS. Cott. Cleop. C. vn. MS. Laud, E. 54, Bodl. Libr. (Rentale) MS. Coll. Arm. 28. Suff. Metingham Duke of Buckingham, Stow, No. 78. (olim P. Le Neve, T. Martin, and J. Ives, postea T. Astle.b) Cornw. St, Michael's Mount . . . William Earl of Salisbury. — D. Dors. Middleton King's Rememb. Office, Excheq. — T. Buck. Missenden MS. Harl. 3688. Lady Dormer. — D. Edw. Coke of Holkham, Norf. 1715.— T. Monk-Bretton, see Bretton. Northd. Morpeth Ld. W. Howard of Naworth. — D. Hamp. Mottisfont King's Rememb. Office, Excheq. — D. Sir Charles Mill, Bt. 1833. Norf. Mountjoy Clement Heme of Haverland. — T. (fragment) Will. Bladwell of Swanington. — T. Abstract of do. P. Le Neve.— T. Hunt. St. Neot's MS Cott. Faust. A. iv.<= " Sacristse." .... Duke of Buckingham, Stowe, No. 88. (olim Tho. Astle.d) Line. Neuho (Excerpts) P. Le Neve. York. Newburgh St. Mary's tower, York (?) — Dodsw. Bedf. Newenham MS. Harl. 3956. (olim H. Wanley, 1715.— T.) D This is the same which in Booth's Catalogue, 1773, No. 5420, is marked 3/. 3s. At Ives's sale in 1777, lot 482, it was bought by Astle for ll. 5s. c A complete abstract is given in Gorham's St. Neot's, Suppt. pp. v — lvii. The Registrum of St. Neot's, mentioned by Tanner as in the possession of the Earl of Kent, is not a cartulary, but a volume containing some extracts from the Cottonian volume, with others from the Cartularies of Colne and Evesham ; now MS. at Wrest, No. 9. It is the same voiume which has been mentioned as a cartulary under Colne and Evesham, in pp. 1S9, 202 antea, both which entries should therefore be erased. d An abstract will be found in Gorham's St. Neot's, Suppt. pp. lviii — lxvi. LIST OF MONASTIC CARTULARIES. 401 County. Monasteries. In whose possession, or where existing. Dev. Newenham MS. Arund. 1 7, Br. Mus. (olim Duke of Norfolk, 1647— D.) Ld. Will. Howard, 1 589. Sir Tho. Phillipps. (olim Rob. Rolle of Heanton Sackville, 1606.— T. postea Will. Wave], M.D. of Barn staple.) Transcript of do. James Davidson, of Sector, near Axmin- ster, 1833. Sir Henry St. George, Garter King of Arms. — T. Transcript of do. J. Anstis.— T. Buck. Newenton Longueville (2 vols.) New College, Oxf. — T. Northd. Newminster Lord W. Howard of Naworth. — D. Buck. Newport Pagnel, or Painel Henry Duke of Kent, 1739. (olim Cecil.) -T. Ess. Newport Pond Dean and Chapter, Westminster. — T. Line. Newsom, or Newhouse Lady Pelham of Brocklesby, 1 646. — T. (Sir W. Pelham.— D.) Mr. Pelham. — A. Lord Yarborough (?) 1830.c Nott. Newstead King's Rememb. Office, Excheq. — D. Coll. Arm. No. 60. (olim Michael Burton, 1710.) — Lord Byron. Ashmole. (Sir J. Byron, 1640.— D. Robert Earl of Kingston.— T. Vicar of Mansfield, (?) Notts. 1827. Northt. Northampton, St. Andrew, MS. Cott. Vesp. E. xvn.d (olim Sir Chr. Hatton.) MS. Reg. 1 1 B. ix. Br. Mus. (olim John Theyer — T.) Rich. Neale, Bishop of Durham. — T. Sir John Lamb, 1641.— D. (? (in Rotulo) Harding, of Portsea, co. Hants, 1820. St James MS. Cott. Tib. E. v.d — Robert Tanfield, of Inner Temple. (Vincent's Excerpts from do. MS. Coll. Arms, No. 218.) Norton, see Cold Norton. « Qy. the same as Lady Pelham's. a Injured in the fire of 1731. 2e 402 LIST OF MONASTIC CARTULARIES. County. Monasteries. In whose possession, or where existing. Norf. Norwich, Holy Trinity. . (7 vols.) Dean and Chapter, Norwich. (See Tanner.) Edmund Thimelthorpe, 1714. Carhow, (Rotulus) John. Whiting, 1650. — D, Analecta MSS. Tanner, Bodl. Libr. St. Giles Archives of the City of Norwich. York. Nostell MS. Cott. Vesp. E. xix. (olim Sir Chr. Hatton.) Charles Fairfax, of Menston, 1 632. — D. (Excerpts from do. MS. Dods worth, vol. lxxxviii.) Charles Winn, of Nostell, 1 832. (Sir Rowland Wynne, 1714.— T.) Buck. Notley Lord Abingdon. — T. (in Rotulo) Christ Church Coll. Oxford.— T. Line. Nun Coton,or Cotham. . Sir Dudley North, 1659. — D. Warw. Nuneaton (in Rotulo) . . Dean and Chapter, Lichfield. — D. York. Nun Keling, See Keling. Line. Ormesby Rokeby of Skyres, 1 632. — Dodsw. — — Robert Rockley, of Rockley, co. York, 1638.— D. (? pro Rockby.) Oxf. Oseney MS. Cott. Vitell. E. xv. e King's Rememb. Office, Excheq. — D. C. C. Coll. Oxf. (ol. Walt. Cope.— T.) John Stowe, 1591.— T. — — Augustine Steward. — Dodsw. (fragment) MS. Add. 4783. Brit. Mus. (olim Henry Earl of Clarendon, 1696.) Leic. Osulveston (Rentale) . . . MS. Cott. Claud. C. v. (fragment) Publ. Libr. Cambr. Dd. iii. 87. Otterton John Anstis. ¦ (Rentale) Francis Coleridge, of Ottery, co. Devon. 1833. Oxf. Oxford, St. Frideswide, Christ Church Coll. Oxford.— D. or Christ Church. Corp. Chris. Coll. Oxf. No. 1 60. (olim Brian Twyne.— T.) All Souls Coll All Souls Coll.— T. Baliol Coll Baliol Coll.— T. Brazen Nose Coll. Brazen Nose Coll. — T. Corp.ChristiColl.. . Corpus Christi Coll.— T. c Injured in tlie fire of 1 73 1 . LIST OF MONASTIC CARTULARIES. 403 County. Monasteries. In whose possession, or where existing. Exeter Coll Exeter Coll.— T. St. John's Coll . . . Public Library Cambridge. Lincoln Coll Line. Coll.— T. Magdalen Coll. . . . Magdalen Coll.— T. . . . MS. Harl. 4240. Merton Coll Merton Coll.— T. New Coll New Coll.— T. Oriel Coll MS. Lansd. 386. (olim Rich. Graves, and Ja. West, 1731.) Queen's Coll Queen's Coll. — T. University Coll. . * University Coll. — T. P. & M. Additions to and Corrections of the List of Monastic Cartularies in the present Volume. P. 75. Som. Bath. The " Red Book of Bath," belonging to the Marquis of Bath, is not a Cartulary, but a miscellaneous collection of Historical and Theological tracts. Sussex. Battle. Sir Godfrey Webster's two Cartularies of Battle Abbey, with Casley's transcript, have been since sold to Mr. Thorpe the Bookseller. P. 77. "Buck. Brecknock," read "Breck." York. Bretton. For " Whalley," read " Wolley." In Dugdale's time this Cartulary was in the hands of John Wentworth, of the same place. For MS. Lansd. 407, correct 405. It previously belonged, in 1763, to James West. Dodsworth often cites a Cartulary of this house in the possession of Sir Francis Wortley, 1638. Glouc. " Billiswyke," read " BiUeswyke." A transcript was among the MSS. of Seyer of Bristol. Suff. Brusyard. This Cartulary is now in the possession of Lord Stradbroke. P. 78. Line. Bullington. For " Methuen," read " Metham." Suff. Bury St. Edmund : add, " Curteys." Transcript of part, Sir Thomas Phillipps, Bt. • " Coquinarii". . . . Douay library, Flanders. "Consuetudinarium." Transcript, Sir T. Phillipps. (olim C. Ord.) St. Saviour, for " 1 792," read "3792." 2e 2 404 LIST OF MONASTIC CARTULARIES. P. 79. 1. ult. for " afterwards," read " previously." P. 197. Kent. Canterbury, Christ Church. Abstract of a Cartulary, made in 1628. MS. Add. 5506. 4. Br. Mus. (ol. Edw. Hasted.) p. 198. St. Sepulchre (fragment) MS. Add. 5516. 2. Br. Mus. (ol. Edw. Hasted.) P. 199. Clare. For "Lady Stanhope," read " Lord Stanhope.— D*." St. Austin. The MS. Jermyn is a copy of MS. Harl. 4835. Colne. Cole's MS. vol. 5 9, is a transcript of Mrs. Holgate's Cartulary. Essex. Colchester. In 1784 the Cartulary of St. John's was in possession of the Hon. Philip Yorke. Lord Hardwicke's name ought to have been attached to the original, not to the transcript ; but on inquiry it should seem that the Cartulary is, at present, missing. P. 200. Coventry. For " Archdeacon's office," read " City Archives." Leic. For " ," read " Croxton." Line. Croyland. MS. Cole, vol. 44, is a transcript of Mrs. Wing- field's Cartulary. Derb. Darley. MS. Cole, vol. 21, is a copy of Farmer's MS. P. 204. Glouc. Gloucester. The late Lord Scudamore is said to have possessed a Cartulary of St. Peter's. P. 205. Shrop. Haghmon. Dele the reference to MS. Harl. 2188, which only contains a few Excerpts. The Cartulary noted as belonging to Walter Barker, John Kynaston, and Mrs. Corbet, proves, as conjec tured, to be one and the same volume ; a transcript of it was in the pos session of the late Rev. Edw. Williams. (See before, in p. 374.) Bedf. Harewood. This MS. of Walter Clavel, belonged, in 1763, to J. West. There is an abridgement of it in MS. Lansd. 391- Glouc. Hayles. MS. Harl. 3725. In reality, the first portion of this MS. is only a Chronicle of Hayles, and the second is a Chronicle of Aberconwey, intermixed with a few Charters. P. 207. Norf. Langley. The Cartulary, stated to belong to the Pub lic Library, Cambridge, is, in reality, in the Bodleian Library, and marked Bodl. 242. (1926.) Glouc. Lanthony. The late Lord Scudamore appears to have pos sessed six vols, including "Lanthony," " Prima," and " Secunda." P. 208. Shrop. Lilleshull. It is supposed that Sir Richard Leveson exchanged the Cartulary of Lilleshull to Sir Richard Lee for that of Shrewsbury abbey, between the years 1636 and 1638. (Blakeway's History of Shrewsbury, ii. 138.) When Stevens compiled his Supple ment to the Monasticon, the Lilleshull Cartulary was in the possession of John Smith, Esq. of Acton Burnell, whose father Sir Edward Smith, Bart, had married the daughter and coheir of Sir Richard Lee. 405 ADDENDA. P. 11. In lines 32, 33, the names of Robert and Thomas are put for those of Edward and John, who were both Earls of Kent. P. 47, line 5, for Swarston, read Snarston. P. 55, line 8, for Wassington, read Nassington. P. 92. It is probable that Beatrix Lady Talbot was a member of the Portuguese family of Pinto, which is the only house in Portugal that bears the five crescents in saltier as displayed on her seal. P. 228. Mr. Lloyd here states, from Domesday Book, that " Roger, the son of Corbet, held of Earl Roger, all that tract of land since known by the name of the hundred of Ford, with part of Chirbury and Con dover hundreds, which in the whole consisted of nine and thirty manors or hamlets." The number of manors or vills in the County of Salop and borders of Wales adjoining, stated in Domesday Book to be held by Roger son of Corbet, is only twenty-four ; of which, eleven are situated in that part of Shropshire which now constitutes the hundred of Ford. There is, however, every reason to believe that the Roger who held " Ministrelie," "Alretone," and "Alberberie" under Earl Roger de Montgomery was the same individual as Roger son of Corbet. His brother Robert, son of Corbet, also held fifteen manors or vills ; of which three only he within the same hundred, nearly all the others being within the hundred of Chirbury. The manor of Ford itself, whence the name of the hundred, was not in possession of either of the brothers, being retained by Earl Roger de Montgomery in his own hands, as a reference to Domesday Book will show. G. M. P. 254. The two pedigrees in this page both represent the heiresses of Creuker or Crevecoeur, and their descendants ; but the names are thrown much out of place. The following table of their true positions has been communicated by the Rev. Thomas Streatfield, F.S.A. Hamo de Crevecceur.^Matilda de Averenc'. Agnes.=pNicholas de Isolda.=pJohn de Alianor.=pBertram Isabel,— Henry de I Sandwich. | Lenham. ^deCrio1- <*. s.p. Gaunt. John de Sand-=p John de Len-: wich.* . — p. ... J onn ae .Lieu — p. I ham. j John de Segrave.=Juliana. Juliana (or rather Alianor according to the generally received accounts). P. 277, 1. penult. Paul Wythypole was third son of John Wythy- pole, and was of London. He married Anne, dau. of Robert Cursonne, of Brightwell, co. Suff. by whom he had issue Edmund and Elizabeth. MS. Add. (Br. Mus.) 5524, f. 94. 406 ADDENDA. P. 279. In the entry under iii. kl. Jul. the name of the Duchess of Somerset is clearly an error of the writer for Margaret Countess of Richmond and Derby. P. 283. Thomas Dannet, S.T.P. was Dean of Windsor and Almoner to King Edward IV. See a fragment of his epitaph in St. George's chape], printed in Ashmole's Berkshire. P. 295. Pedigrees op Noble Families related to the Blood Royal. — These Pedigrees are written in two or three hands, and the latter portion of them appear, undoubtedly, to be in the hand-writing of Sir Thomas Wriothesley, Garter King of Arms, who died in 1534 ; as may be seen by comparing similar Pedigrees in his hand-writing, in MS. Add. 5530, MS. Harl. 1417, and a Paper written by him in MS. Add. 6113. A few corrections and additions, gleaned from these MSS. as also from the early part of MS. Harl. 1074, are here annexed, as affording information not given in Dugdale's Baronage. P. 297. The names of the " many children " of the Greystoke family are preserved in MS. Harl. 5530, f. cxxxviii, and the pedigree shall be published in our second volume. P. 298. In addition to the children of Sir Will. Knyvett here noticed, we find in MS. Add. 5530, f. clxxi, the names of John, Anne, and Elizabeth. P. 300. The children of Edward Lord Bergavenny for whom circles were left, and who are not mentioned in Dugdale's Baronage, vol. i. p. 310, are thus supplied from the MS. Add. 5530, f. xx : by Lady Eliza beth Beauchamp, Alice, wedded to Sir Thomas Gray ; and Katherine, wedded to Ewarby ; by Katherine Howard, Margaret, wedded to Lord Cobham, and had issue [which add in Dugdale's Baronage, vol. ii. p. 282] Mistress Feythe, Thomas, who wedded dau. of Henry Heydon, George, Leonard,and two vacant circles ; Katherine, wedded toTanfield; andAnne Lady Strange. In the same place Elizabeth, daughter of George the next Lord Abergavenny, is stated to have married Thomas Barkeley (not Sir Edward, as Dugdale) and to have had issue Lora, Anne, Elizabeth. lb. In MS. Add. 5530, f. xxxii, Thomas, who died young, is added to the issue of Katherine, Duchess of Norfolk, by Tho. Strangeways. lb. Elizabeth, daughter of Alice Lady Fitz-Hugh had issue by Sir William Parr, William, who died young, and Alice, who died unmarried. lb. f. cxxxii. In addition also to the children of the same Lady Fitz-Hugh are noted Margery, married to Marmaduke Constable, (Robert in Dugdale, i. 405) and died s. p. Joan and Eleanor, twins, of whom the former was a nun at Dartford. MS. Add. 5530, f. cxxxii. MS. Harl. 1074, f. 139. P. 301. The name of Lord Harington's daughter by Katherine Neville, was Cecily, wedded to Thomas Grey, Marquess of Dorset. By her second husband, Lord Hastings, she had issue Edward, Elisabeth, Anne, ADDENDA. 407 Richard, George, and William. MS. Harl. f. 50 b. MS. Add. 5530, f. cl xxxiii. lb. The children of Eleanor Lady Stanley, (the first wife of Thomas first Earl of Derby) are arranged in the following order in the MS. Add. 5530, f. clxxxiii ; which may be considered an illustration of Dugdale's Baronage, vol. i. 248, where some of them are not mentioned : 1 and 2. John and George, twins ; George, m. the dau. and hr. of Lord Strange ,¦ and had issue, Elizabeth, Eleanor, Thomas, Katherine, and Anthony ; 3. Richard, ob. ; 4. Sir Edward Stanley ; 5. Anne, ob. ; 6. James, clerk; 7. Thomas, ob. ; 8. Alice, ob.; 9. Katherine, ob. ; 10. Agnes, ob.; and 11. William, ob. lb. To the children of Sir Richard Strangeways by Elizabeth Neville, are to be added William and Thomas, who died young. MS. Add. 5530, f. xxxii. MS. Harl. 1074, f. 108. For the issue of Sir James Strange ways by the daughter of Lord Scrope of Upsal, see ib. P. 302. The first wife of John Neville of Wymersley, was Elizabeth, dau. and hr. of Robert Newmarche, by whom he had Joan his sole heir ; his second wife was Margaret, daughter of Sir William Plumpton, and widow of Sir George Darell. Add to the children of the first Sir Wil liam Gascoigne, Elizabeth and Joan, who both died unmarried, and Humphrey, who died young ; to the children of the second, a daughter who died unmarried ; and to those of Sir James Harington, Thomas, who died young, and William, MS. Add. 5530, f. clx. P. 303. Grey. — The name of Sir Thomas Grey's daughter married to Sir Roger Widdrington was Elizabeth. For her issue see MS. Add. 5530, ff. xvi, xc. Sir John Grey married the Cotmtess of Essex, sister to the Duke of York, and was buried at Stoke. Ib. Alice Neville, by Sir Gilbert Lancaster, her second husband, had Sir Gilbert Lancaster, who married a daughter of Sir Thomas Grey of Horton. Ib. Ib. Sir Ralph Grey, by the daughter of Henry Lord Fitz-Hugh, (who married secondly Simon Montford) had issue Sir Ralph ; Sir Thomas, who married a daughter pf Lord Bergavenny ; and four more, whose names are not given. MS. Add. 5530, f. xciv. This last Sir Ralph left Sir Thomas Grey and two more ,¦ and Sir Thomas by Margaret, dau. of Ralph, Lord Greystock, had issue Elizabeth, Anne ; and two others. Ib. Ib. Dacre. — Isabell, dau. of Philippa Lady Dacre, married Henry Lord Scrope of Upsal ; and her brother, Thomas Lord Dacre, married Elizabeth, dau. of Sir William Bowet. By the latter match were issue Jane Lady Fiennes, and Philippa, wedded to Sir Robert Fiennes. Ib. f. xvii. Ib. The " 8 brothers and sisters " of Thomas Lord Dacre (not men tioned by Dugdale, ii. 24) were as follow : Christopher j Hugh, clerk ; 408 ADDENDA. Ralph ; Anne, wedded to Thomas Strangeways ; Humphrey ; Philip ; Elizabeth, wedded to Thomas Huddleston ; and Katherine. MS. Add. 5530, f. xvii. Ib. The same pedigree furnishes these children of Sir Roger Clifford, Barbara, Charles, and a daughter ; and of Sir Robert, a son Thomas (all not mentioned in Dugdale's Baronage, i. 342) ; also the following order of the children of Henry Lord Clifford (ibid. p. 344) : Jane, Mabille, Harry, Anne, Thomas, Eleanor. Ib. Scrope. — Margaret Lady Scrope, who was "buried in the Friars of Clare," was married secondly to William Cresnore, " buried in the Black Friars of Sudbury," by whom she had issue, as given in the MS. Add. 5530, f. xviii. John Lord Scrope married secondly " Lady Zouche, dau. of St. John," [as in p. 310,] by whom he had Mary, wedded to William Conyers, who had issue a daughter. Ib. Dugdale (i. 657) states that Henry Lord Scrope (son of John) mar ried "first, Elizabeth, dau. of Henry Earl of Northumberland; and secondly Alice, sole daughter and heir of Thomas Lord Scrope ofUpsall, on whom he begat a daughter called Elizabeth, married to Sir Gilbert Talbot, Knight; " but the pedigree in MS. Add. 5430, written by Sir Thomas Wriothesley, gives the heiress of Scrope to Henry his son, stating his family as follow : 1. Henry Lord Scrope, married dau. and heir of the Lord Scrope of Bolton [Upsal] ; 2. Elizabeth; 3. Kathe rine ; 4. Agnes; 5. John; and 6. Jane. Richard Scrope " wedded Eleanor, dau. of Wasseborne " [not Mashe- burn], and had issue : I. Elizabeth Lady Beaumont ; 2. Eleanor, wedded to the heir of Sir John Wyndham; 3. Margaret de la Pole ; 4. Anne, nun at Barking; 5. Mary Lady Kingston; 6. Agnes; and 7. Elizabeth. Sir John Bigod, by Elizabeth Scrope, had issue Sir Ralph and Henry. Sir Ralph wedded Margaret, dau. of Sir Robert Constable, and had issue, 1. John, who wedded Jane, dau. of Sir James Strange ways ; 2. Ralph ; 3. Anne, wedded to John Bulmer ; 4. Agnes ; 5. Elizabeth ; 6. a vacant circle. By her second husband, Henry Rocheford, Elizabeth Scrope had Ralph. By her third, Sir Oliver St. John, she had Elizabeth Countess of Kildare, who had issue Henry, Thomas, and James ; and John, who wedded the dau. and heir of Ereby [Iwardby], of Sotherey. Margaret Scrope, ''first wedded to Plesyngton," was married " after to Fouke Stafford ; " and thirdly to John Barnard, by whom she had issue : 1 . John, who wedded Mary , and had issue John ; and 2. Thomas Barnard. The whole family of Henry Lord Scrope, and Elizabeth, daughter of John Lord Scrope of Upsal, are thus enumerated : 1 . John his sue- ADDENDA. 409 cessor; 2. Elizabeth; 3. Margaret; 4. Richard (all above noticed); 5. Agnes, mar. first Christopher Bainton [not Boynton] ; secondly, Sir Richard Ratcliff ; 6. Robert, wedded Katherine, dau. of Zouche ; 7. Eleanor, nun of Sion ; and 8. Ralph, clerk. MS. Add. 5530, f. xviii. P. 304. Katherine Chideoke, by her first husband William Stafford, had Sir Humphrey Stafford (Lord Stafford of Sothewike, and afterwards Earl of Devon) who married Elizabeth daughter of Sir John Barre, and had issue Elizabeth and Anne, both of whom died unmarried. MS. Add. 5530, f. cclv. MS. Harl. 1074, f. 8. Ib. Elizabeth, wife of Sir Giles Daubeney, had a daughter, Cecily. MS. Add. 5530, f. cclv. [See No. XVI.] P. 307. For Elizabeth Arundell, wedded to Whetyngdon, read Anne (?) Her brother's name appears to be John, who was "..'.. ler [to the] pri[nce]." The unconnected line must refer to" the marriage with Broune, or more probably to this John Arundel. P. 313. The following Pedigree of Hill, of Spaxton, co. Somerset. compiled from a paper written about the year 1509, shows the relation ship of the two persons of that name who married the two sisters Stourton, and includes descents of Sidenham, Cheyne, &c. 1st w. Deanys,=f=Sir John Hulle,T=Matilda, dau. of Sir Giles Dauheny, Knt. lord of Bavyngton and South Petherton ; died 21 April, 1416. dau. of . Knt. d. 24 June 1408. RobertHill. 2d w.^John Stourton, of=f=3d w. John, ob. Rauffe: Preston Plukenet, s. p. 23 Hill. co. Som. October, =r 1st. w. 1427. r John HiH,=rCicel, mar. Edith, dau. of Mode of Gloucester. of Spax ton. 2dly, Sir J. Curyell, of Westhan- gre, Kent. Joan, mar. John Siden- William1 ham, of Brimpton, and had Daube- issue : Walter, father of nye,lord John ; Sylvester ; Richard ; of Bar- George ; and a dau. yngton. Alys -^-Robert Stourton. Hill, 2dhusb. John- Hill. Geno- vefa. I I : , John, [dau. ob. of Sir s. p. Walter Tho- Rod- mas, ney.] ob. s.p. Eliz-: abeth. I Sir Wm. John =F Saye. Cheyne. rr— i :John Cheyne Giles Dau- Agas, _i_ of Pinhoo, near Exe ter. beney. Elinor. James. [See p. 314.] dau. of Rob. Brente. :Giles Margaret, m. Hill. Sir Hugh Luttrell.xfs Jane, m. Sir NicholasWadham. f. . Ed Cicel, m. Sir Wm. mund. Courtenay. Robert . . . . , m. Edward Stowell. Elinor, m. Will. Stroud. Isabell, mar. Sir John Wadham. 1 Robert, b. 20 July, 1503, Hughe, born 4 May, 1507. Maud, b. 23 Oct. 1505 ; m. John Trevelyan, of Nettle- combe. Jane, b. 26 Jnne,1508. A child died with 1. Thos.=r=Jane. — Sir Gyllam de Eliz. marr. Edw. its mother. Saye. 4- la Ryver. Wallgrove. The dates of the following births and those in the Pedigree are taken from co-temporary entries on the fly-leaves of a Vellum MS. of Rivers' 410 ADDENDA. translation of the " Dictes and Sayinges of Philosophers," of which this is a specimen at full length, " The natyvyte of Water Hille was the v day of Junii the yer of or Lorde a M Vc & xiii, & in the yer of the Rayne of Kynge Harry the VIHth the v*h, the Dom' call letter B, the p'me xm, and borne betwene xn & i after none." Agatha H ill born 30 May 1479. Andrew Hill born 14 May 1519. John — 5 Sep. 1510. Gyles — 3 Sept. 1524. Baudwyne — 22 Jan. 1511. Peter — 31 July 1526. Walter — 5 Jun. 1513. Agas — 12 Mar. 1529. Anne — 12 Feb. 1514. Dorothy — 4 Aug. 1530. Bryce — 13 Nov. 1516. The following Letter, copied from the original, concerns some of the parties whose names occur in the above Pedigree : Cousyn Trevylion, I com'aunde me unto you in as herty maner as I can, and understand that upon my late wiring unto you for taking hede unto the Kinges game w^in the forest of Exmore, ye have right well endevoured you for the good keping of the same ; for the which I am right hertely well contented wl you, and pray you of yr like contynuance of the same. Howe soo be it I am enformed that of late a little grugge is fallen bitwene my brother Sir Hugh Luttrell and you, for that he hunted of late in the oute wods of the said forest, and therupon a couple of hounds were taken up by s'vants of yors from his s'vants. After that, Cousyn, inasmoche as my said broth'r Luttrell is a borderer of the said forest, and that ye knowe he hath maried my sister, and the man whome I do love tenderly, my minde is and desire uuto you that ye shuld have an yghe unto hym above all others in those p'ties. And that when it shall like hym to kyll a dere or to hunt for his disport, that ye suffer hym soo to do I pray you as hartely as I can. Witen at Grenewich the xx daie of Feverer. " And I pray you, Cousyn, let my said broder take his disporte, and if he list, let hym kyll one dere in somer and a nother in wynter herafter. " To my Cousyn Yor Cousin, Sir John Trevylion, Knight. Giles Daubney." This Giles Daubeney was Lord Daubeney, Chamberlain to Henry the Seventh, and commanded part of the troops in the engagement with Lord Audley on Blackheath, June 22, 1495. His sister, by the mother, married Sir Hugh Luttrell, who was^one of the Knights of the Bath, created at the Coronation of Elizabeth, Queen of Hen. VII. This Forest of Exmoor was lately sold by Government to Mr. Knight, who has inclosed and improved a great part of it. W. C. T. P. 342. Chelmston is in Dr. Johnson's MS. Chelmsley, and after Wardlow occurs Hardlow. P. 352, 1. 5, read, John Cade,balivo de Eckington; 1. 21 for "Lyleland" read lyfe-laud ; 1. 23 for '* full laude upon the lands," read, full caude (cold) upon the sands (a proverbial expression). INDEX [.—MATTERS. Abbats of Tichfield, list of 14—16. of Haghmon, list of 362 Accounts of the bursars of the church of Durham, extracts from 68. of the manor of Wardeley, 1376 and 1379, 70—73 Apoly on an ewer, " It is good to have a long throat" 358 Award of the Chief Justice of England 15 Edw. IV. 349; in the Court of the Dukes of Lancaster 5 Eliz. 360 Baptisms 283, 355, 359—60, 396—8 Baronage, Dugdale's MS. Additions to 51—59, 209—226 Battle of Stoke 278. of Blackheath 279. of Bosworth ib. Bells, of Dewsbury 167 Births of distinguished persons 278— 283, 359—60, 395—8, 410 Bishops' Lands, catalogue of the sales of, between 1647 and 1651, 1—8, 122—127, 284—292 Books in the church of Jarrow 1408, 69 Boundaries of Pendleton, co. Lane. 248 Bridge, historical notices of that at Lechlade 320—324 Burials, at Meaux 12. at Clare 20. at Harling ib. in the Chapter-house, London 21. at Lanthony, near Glou cester 168. atGisborough priory 170 Calopus, or heraldic chat-loup 356 Candles burning round tombs, agree ments for the supply of 367 Cartularies, Monastic, list of 73 — 79> 197—208. 399—400. additions 400. abstracts of, Exeter priory 60 — 65, 184—189,250—254,374—388. Hagh mon abbey 362 — 374. Shrewsbury abbey 23—29, 190—196 Castellum ligneum 11 Chantry, ordination of one in Baukewell church 335 Charter of William de Albiney Brito to Belvoir priory 32. of Edward the Confessor to Exeter priory 64. of Henry III. to Ralph Fitz-Nicholas 174. of Henry 1. to Shrewsbury ab bey 191—196. of William de Stafford to Stafford priory 249. of Robert son of Hen. II. to Exeter priory 382. of the Saxon Countess Gieda to St. Olave's 386. of Richard Fitz-Gilbert to St. Edmund's abbey 388 Church lands, catalogue of the sales of, between 1647 and 1651, 1—8, 122— 127, 284—292 Coronation of Henry VII. 280 Cross, Saxon, at Dewsbury 151 Ealdormen, the Saxon 52 Earls, Dugdale on tbe office of 5J Furniture of the church and monastery of Jarrow 1408, 68—70 Guild of Chesterfield, notices of rolls of 345, 352 Harangaria 67 Hermit, prosecution of one 357 Hythwarde, a ferryman 239 Inventory of the church and monastery of Jarrow 1408, 68 Jews, names of several circa 1250, 384 Letters from Cardinal Wolsev to Count Beaumont 241. of the Minister of the Order ofSempriugham toTbomas Foljambe, esq. 347. of Henry Fol jambe to Lord Grey of Codnor 352. of Thomas Lord Cromwell to Sir Godfrey Foljambe 357. of Giles Lord Daubeney to Sip John Treve- lyan 410 Marriages in the King's and the Queen's presence 21. of Thomas Earl of Arundel and Beatrix of Portugal 84. royal license for her second marriage ib. of Henry VII. 277. of Arthur Prince of Wales 280. contracts of 348, 359 Monastic Cartularies, list of 73 — 79, 197—208,399—400. additions to,400 Monastic rule, of Syon nunnery 29 — 32 furniture at Jarrow 68. farm expenses 69. See Nuns. Monument, agreement for building one t. Henry VII. 354; for providing candles to burn round one, temp. Edw. I. and III. 367 Nuns, their rule at Sioti 29 — 32. form of profession of one, in 1369, 107. letter relating to the profession of one, temp. Heury VI. 347 Obituaries, ancient 277 — 283, 395 "Pair," a set 358 Parishes, formation of, in Yorksh. 156 Particulars of the advowson of Lea mington Hastings 293. of the ma nor of Gaines, in Essex 331 Pedigrees, from the Plea-rolls 128 — 148, 254 — 276. of aferryman in 1437,239. of persons related to the Blood Royal, t. Hen.VlI. 295, 405. For the Names of Pedigrees, see the Index of Persons. Pleas, pedigrees extracted from the rolls of 128—148, 254—276 Poetical History of the Maunsells 389 Pontage grant 1 1 Ric. II. 321 Roodloft at St. George's chapel,Windsor 276 Seals of Beatrice Countess of Arundel and Suney 84. of Beatrice Talbot, Lady of Blakemere 87 Taxation of the Tenth and Fifteenth in Hampshire 1334, 175—183 Tithes, quadragesimal, enumerated 163 Vicarage, proceedings on the founda tion of one, in 1348, 162—166 Wills, of Henry Foljambe, 2 Rich. III. .351. of Sir Godfrey Foljambe, 23 Hen. VIII. 358. of William Brooms- hill 1408,373. INDEX II— PERSONS. Abitot, Urso de 213 Abney, Margaret, Rich ard, 350. Robert 95 bis. A'Borough, Anne, 298. Sir Edward, ib. Sir Maurice 307, 325. Sir Thomas 300 Abraham 370 Abreford, Robert 165 Us, 166 Abrincis. See Avrenches. Ace, Henry 375 Acford, Organa, Richard 186, 187. Robert, Ro ger 187 Acbard 196 Acovre, Hugh, John, Robert 135 Acton, Ralph, Reginald 273. Reyner 366 bis. Robert 365. Roger 120 Adam, 3d Abbat of Lich field 14 Adames, William 6 Adderley, Will 286 Adye, John 4 Aelst, John 285 Aeri. See fil' Aer. Affeton, Henry, Robert 185 Aguillon, Agatha, Isa bella, Robert 276. Margery, William 264 Ailesbere, Walter 118 Ailgar 377 Ailric382 Ailward 188. Dean of Plumton 65 Alan 98. Prior of Exe ter 375, 879, 381. Abbat of Haghmon 362 Alard 382. Vicecom. Devon 62 Albemarle.Geoff. 184,385 Albemarle, Baldwin Earl of 12, 186. Hawise Countess of 136. Wil liam Earl of ib. Albini (Brito) William de 32. Cicely his wife 33. (Pincerna) William de 32 Albus, Yllarius 384 Alder, Francis 5 Alderle, Roger 227 Alderman, Thomas 123 Alderson, Robert 5 Aldford, Sir William 8 Aldredus 24, 25 Alemon, William 365 Alexander, Bp. of Lin coln 368. Abbat of Haghmon 362. 4th Abbat of Meaux 10 Alexander, Nathaniel 4 Aleyn, Roger 241. Wil liam 16 Algar 188, 382 Alherius 193 Allale, Thomas 92 Allen, Francis 3, 286, 291. Thomas 8, 126 Allott, Bartin, Mary 167 Alneto, H. de 372. John de 385. Alice, Hugh William 391 Alme, John 342 Alured, Abbat of Hagh mon 191, 362 Alwin 389 Alyne, Thomas 288 Amiot, a Jew 384 Andrew 250 Andrewes, Alderman 124 Andrews, Nathaniel 285, 290,291. Thomas 123, 124,285, 286, 288 bis Anger, Walter 379 Angier, Thomas 7 Anian, Bp. of St. Asaph 370 Anjou, Geoffry Count of 56 Anne, dau. of Edward IV. 297 Ap Howell, Rhese 237 Ap Rees, Rees 223 Apelegh, Clarice, Roger 366 Apleford, Lucy, Wil liam 274 Appele, John 363 Apsley, Sir Allen 287 de Aqua, Nicholas 375. Reymund 189, 375 Arcalewe. See Ercalewe Arkall, John 116. Wil liam 118 Archebol, Walter 380 Archer, Cecilia, 109. John le 108, 109. Richard 102, 105. Ro bert 96, 102. Theo philus 291. Thomas 94, 95 ter, 103, 108 Ardelston, William 24 Ardent, Agnes, Peter 135 Ardif, Milana, Robert 366 Ardres, Richard, Sarah 391. Thomas 394 Argenters, Galfritlus, 13 Arietta 53 Amis, John 185 Arnold, George 285 Arscott, Thomas 288 Arthur Prince of Wales 295-6. marriage 280. death 278 Arthur, Amys 328 Arundel, Fitz-Alan Earl Dugdale's corrections 209. 214, 276. Anne Countess of 367. Bea trix Countess of 80 — 86. Edward Earl of 365, 367- Jane Co'tess of 300. Mary Co'tess of 397. Richard Earl of 367- Thomas Earl of 80, 81, 276, 300 Arundell, Annor 306. Anne 306-7, 409. Dorothy, Edward 306. Edmond 307. Sir Ed mund 326. Elizabeth 306, 307, 314, 409. Ellen 306. Jane 306, 326. John 306,307,409. Sir John 319. Humph. 306. Katherine 306. Margaret 227, 300. Maud, Ralph, Renfrid 307. Roger 306. Abp. Thomas 82. Sir Tho mas 227, 306, 307. Thomas 123. Tho mas Lord 210. Francis ib. Ays co ugh. See Aysk- with. Asforde, Jahn de 363 Ash, Sir George 289 Ashe, Edward 7 Ashton, Jane 346,347. Sir John 349. Sir Thomas 346, 349, 353, 354. Aske, Christopher, Jane 305. Robert, extracts from his collections 18—23, 168, 243 Asseton, Felicia, John, Robert, Thomas, Wil liam 273 Astley, Adam, Avote 365. Henry 362. Rich ard, William 365 Aston, Joan, Robert 138 Attburn, Robert 96 Attepole, John, Kathe rine 21 Atrio, Geoffry de 252 Aucher, Edwin 286 Audley, James, Kathe rine, Nicholas 129. Lord, Margaret 308. Nicholas 114, 116, 117 bis, 118 bis, 136. Sir Nicholas 330 Avechard, William 118 Avenel, Nicholas 185. Robert 185 bis, 250, 382 Avrenches, Matilda 188, 254,382,408. Robert 188 Averye, Alderman and Dudley 126 Aufetonia. See Affeton Auysten, William 16 Awode, Margery, Ro bert 328 Ayre.John 284 Ayres, Thomas 284 Ayskwith, John, Mar garet 346, 349 Azo 382 Babbeton, Roger 385 Babington, arms 41, 50. Henry 361. John 41, 359. Katherine 21. Mary 261. Thomas 347. Sir William 21. William 228. Bachesworth, Rich. 370 Bade, Cecilia, Henry, Walter 268 Badlesmere, Bartholo- lomew 227 61*. Giles 227. Margaret Bagnall, Robert 289 Bagot, Alianor 130. Wil liam 130. Hervey, Millicent, William 249 Baillol, Dervorgill, Sir John do 216 Baiocis, Agnes, Emma, John, Robert 144 Baius, John 252 Bakewell, John 41, 91 Baker, Constance 215. John 285, 290. Sir Henry 215 Balderton, William 365 Baldington, Alice, Anne 325 Baldwynn, Thomas 125 Bale, Mabill, Richard 148 Balguy, Robert 91 Ballere, Robert de 379 Balwode, John 352 Bamford, Patrick 124 Banaster, William 121 Banastre, William, 364, 365 Ms. Richard 318 Bannester, Humphrey 232 INDEX II PERSONS. Banks, Adam 290. John 328 Barber, William 345 Barbon, James 123 Barcellos, Alphonso Conde de, 80, 82, 90 Bardolfe, John 333 Barker, Amy 374. Mat thew 287. Thomas 374 Barkham, Edward 286 Barkley, Edward 126 Barksteed, John 3, 285 Barley, Christian 352. John 354. Robert 359. Thomas 354. Wm. 352 Barlow, Arthur, Doro thy 361 Barnaby 324 Barnard, John, Marga ret, Mary, Thomas 408 Barnes, Jonathan 285. Thomas 3 Barnwell, John 288 Barre, Elizabeth 409. Sir John 243, 409. Joan 243 Barry, Margaret 247 Bartholomew, Bishop of Exeter 65, 382, 383. Archd. of Exeter 379. Archd. of Totnes 384 Barton, William 21 Bascet, William 347 Baschurcb, Richard 368 Basevill, Gilbert 270 Bass, Edward 125, 126 Bassano, Christopher, his heraldic MSS. 45 Basset, Agnes 272. Sir Anselm 245. Edmond 248. Sir Edmund 245. Giles 245. Henry 263. Isabel 245. Jane 245. John 131, 141. Jor dan 263. Katherine 245. Margaret 245. Mawde 243, 248. Milo 263. Osmund 267. Ralph 131, 213, 272. Richard 248. Robert 141,240,245. Simon 243, 248. Thomas 141,218. William 269 Bassill, William 125 Bath, Cecily Countess of, John Earl of 316 Bathonia, Walter de 38 1 Bathurst, William 127 Batten, William 3 Battere, Agatha, Bald win, Ralph 189 Bauceyn, Joan, Richard 257 Baucrom, Thomas 273 111 Bavent, Adam, Alice 129. Roger 130 Baumford, Robert 96. Thomas ib. Baunton, Godfrey 384 Bauzan, Richard 381 Baxter, Thomas,William 7, 8, 122 Bayles, James 7 Bayley, Sir John 92 Baynard, Thomas 123 Baynhamy, Sir Alisaun- dir 328. Beacham, Jonas, Maryon 172 Beauchamp, Constancia 284. Edith 313. Elias 267. Eudo 184, 187. Isabel 256. John 6, 20, 284. Walter 266. William 256, 366 Beake, Elizabeth 398 Beale, Stephen 284 Bealde, Reginald 377 Bealdeleghe, Adam 380 Beaufey, arms 35, 37 Beaufon,Agatha, Emma, Fulke, Joan, Margery 276 Beaumont 306. Count 241. Elizabeth Lady 408. Lady Jane 298. Joel 382. Philip 65 Beaupre, Sir John 244, 247. Margaret ib. Bee, Robert del 249 Beche, De la, Robert 369. Roger ib. William 368 Beck, Gabriell 7 Beckering, Alice 344. Isabel 343, 344. Sir Thomas 343, 344 Bede the historian 153 Bedford, Ingelram Earl of 225. Jasper Duke and Katherine Duchess of 21. John Earl of 397. Thomas 124 Beforthe, Baldwin 13 Beivin, Maisent, Mira bel, William 252 Bek, John 141 Belasyse, Dorothy, Sir Henry 211 Belchamp, Milo, Pagan, William 190 Bell, Joseph 126. Rich. 124, 286, 288 Bellamy, Edw. 126. John 3, 5, 286 Belesme, Robert 229. Ri chard 24, 25, 193, 195. Roger 116, 1)9, 120. William 23 IV INDEX II. — PERSONS. Belhouse, Richard, Theo bald, Thomas 261 Bellaquercu, Henry 268 Bellers, Baldwin 267 Bellomonte. See Beau mont. Belmesius. See Belesme. Belmunt, Geoffrey 281 Belsec, Samuel 290 Ben, Sir Anthony, Ara bella 224 Benedict, Prior of Exeter 189 Bennett, Leonard 3, 123 Benninge, Richard 123. William ib. Benson, Henry 225 Benstedde, Thomas 16 Berard 1 1 Bere, Sidney 6 Bereford, Simon 387 Beresford, Adin 46. La dy Eliz. 216. Godfrey 46 Bergavenny, Lord 276. pedigree 300, 406. George 209. Henry ib. John Lord ib. Joan Lady 83, 281. Berkeley,Avicia385. Ce cil 241. Elizabeth 244, 246. George 1st Earl, Isabel 300. Katherine 312. Maurice 263. Ni cholas 248. Thomas 244, 246, 300, 400. William 385. Sir Wil liam 312 Berkeley, William Mar quess of 317, 318 Berkshire, Thomas Earl of 212 Bernake, Gervas 95, 96 bis, 97, 103 Bernard, Bishop of St. David's 190, 196 Bernardiston, Amicia, Augustine, Basilia, Beatrix, Matilda 144. Berners, John Lord 301, 315 Berrisford, James 359 Bers (le), Peter, Thomas 378 Berwike, Saer de 116. Thomas 118 Berynton, John de 71 Beslow, Hugh 115 Best, George, Grace 212 Betoyn. See Albemarle. Beysin, Adam 28 Beyvin, Roger 378 Bickleigh. SeeBikelegh, Bicot, Atot 193 Bicton, William 120 Bideford, John 384 Bigg, Matthew 290 Biggleston, Philip 122 Bigod, Agnes, Anne, Elizabeth, Jane, Sir John 303, 408 Bigot, Roger 253 Bikelegh, H. de 65. Wil liam 381 Bindwell, Philippa, Sir Robert 323 Bingham, arms 41. Mar garet, Richard 344 — 6 Birch, John 288 bis Biriton, Nicholas 363 Birton, arms 41 Biseplega, Ric. de 65 Bisset, Katherine 245 Bissopp, Nicholas 65, 384 Bissup, Richard 385 Bix, John 5, 122,285 Blackborne, Gilbert, H. Robert 273. Thomas 8 Blackerby, Thomas 127 Blackiston, John 4 Blackwell, John 3, 127, 287, 288. Robert 355. Thomas, William 287 Blagrave, Daniel 287 Blakeford, Thomas 381, 385 Blakeham, Augustus, Geoffrey, Matilda 144 Blankpayne, Thomas 16 Blayney, Robert 124, 387, 289 Blecheley, Robert 120 Blewet, Isabel 247 Blore, Thomas, bis Der byshire MSS. 44 Blound, Robert le 379, 380 Blount, Alianor 314. Alice 243. Anne, Charles, Sir Charles, Elizabeth 243, 245, 315. George ib. Ger trude 326. Henry 315. Isabel, Sir John 315. John 243. Mountjoy 315. Simon 314 Blunt, Hylarius 187,250, 251 scepe, 376, 378, 381, 383. John 261. Joan 146. Richard 1 87, 252. Walter 146, 261 Bochet, J. William 377. Petronel 377. Richard 379 Bodog, Jane, John 307 Bodrugan, arms of 307. Sir Harry, Jane, Wil liam, 306 Boerley, Nicholas 373 Bogheleg, Bartholomew, William 381 Buhun family 276. Wil liam 260 Boivill, Joan, William 262 Bokeley 22 Bolda, Adam de 363 Bolebec, Hugh, Isabel 267 Boleyn, Sir Geoffry 314 Bolkham, Adam de 72 Boilers, Baldwin, 196 Bolton, William 285 Bon, Richard, 107 Bond, Nicholas 125 Boniface, Abp. of Can terbury 370 Booth, Sir George, Ka therine 216 Boothby, Walter 291 Borchard, William 185 Borde, William 240 Bordene, John 377 Borough, Jane 31. See A'Borough. Borton, Thomas 249 Bosvill, Anne 360 Boswell, John 355. Tho mas 4. See Bosvill. Boteller, Alice, Amys, Anne, Cloid, John, Ralph, Robert 528 Botiler, John, Matilda, Ralph, Robert 130. Joan 247. Ela, Wil liam 261 Botillere, Hugh, John, William 133 Botevile, Anketel de 218 Boterellis. See Bo- treux. Bothwell, John 5 Botin, Ralph, Walter 1 84 Botreaux, Elizabeth 319. the Lord 330. Re ginald 387. William 187 bis. Sir William 319 Boulogne, Reginald Count of 174 Boulton, Ralph 8 Bourchier, arms of 395. Amyas315. Lady Anne 396. Edward 395. Elizabeth 315. Fowke 315. Henry 395. Sir Humphrey 315. Isa bella 395. Jane 301. Joan 395. John 315. Sir Thomas 395. Wil liam, Lord 296 Bowdlers, William 237 Bowes, Richard 302 Bowett, Elizabeth, Sir William 302, 407 Bowles, Charles 290, 291 Boynton, Agnes, Chris topher 303,409 Boys, John, 3, 7. Tho mas 283 Boyse, Edward 126 Boythorp, Cecilia and Thomas 109 Bozun, Loreta 147. Ma tilda 384. Ralph 147. Robert 96, 97, 103, 384-5. Roger 384. William 266, 384-5 Brabason, Amabill, Em ma, Joan, John, Mat thew, Roger, Thomas, William 262 Brae, Nigel de 368 Braci, Robert 169 Bracy, Matilda and Ro bert 117 Brachenham, Clement, Katharine 262 Bradsbaw, Elizabeth, Margaret, Roger, Tho- masia 138 Bradwell, Alice, Elias, Robert 102, 104 Braemes, Walter 4 Braganza. See Barcellos Brancestria, Andreas de 12 Branewyk, Henry de 14 Brandiston, John, Rich ard 271. Branford, Walter, Wil liam 382 Branthwaite, Robert 286 Brasi, Aldulf 190 Bray, Matilda 9. Sir Re ginald 314, 353-4. Turgisius 9. Bray, fVilliam, F.S.A. communication from 17. death of 19 Braybrook, Christiana, Henry 268 Brayleghe, Richard 386 Braose, Eva, Isabell 221. John 256. Reginald 186. Robert 65. Wil liam, 62, 186,221,256 Brelsford, Penelope,Tho- mas 48, bis Brenley, Jane, William 327 Brenn and Bronner, William 73 Brent, Alured 375. Ro bert 245-6 Brenton, Mariota 379 Breosa. See Braose. INDEX II.—-PERSONS. Brereley, Hugh de 334 Brereton,Sir William 3, 124 Bret, William le 371 Bretost, William 371 Brett 330-1 Bretun, Hugh, Jordan John 375 bis Breuer, Geoffrey 385. Ralph de la 268. Ro bert, William 257. Breuse. See Braose. Brichtric 389 Bride, John, Ralph 352 Bridges,William 123,285 Bridget, daughter of Ed ward IV. 297 Bridgwater, Henry (Dau- beny) Earl of 314 Brimton, Adam 114,118 Brioniis, Teicius de 62 Bristol, Alicia, Walter 382 Britanny, Alice, Con stance, Guy, and Peter de 143 Arthur Count of 53. John Count of 53 — 55 Brito, Hawise, Walter 386. Rodbert 285 Briton, Ralph 376 Britwell.Eliz. 130 Briuera (de la), Antony 382 Briwere, Will. 185, 186, 250, 252 Broadspere, Alice 220. Sir Blethin 220 Broke, John 22. Richard 22, 362. Roger, Tho mas 22 Brooke, Margaret, Tho mas 209 Brokesby, Thomas 328 Brome, Elizabeth, John 307. Robert 122 Bromley, Sir Laurence 21 Brompton, Brian, Eliza beth, Emme, Marga ret 230. Bromshill, William 373 Bronne, Eliz. 307 Bronner and Brenn' Wil liam 73 Browne.Annes 325. Cus- tans 326. John 4,224. Robert 326. Lady Magdalen 224. Tho mas 124, 285, 289 Brownlow, Godfrey 360 Brouns, Alicia, Christi na, Isabella, John, Ma tilda, Richard, Rose, William 239-40 Brudenell, Lady Anna- Maria 210 Brue.Will. 241 Bruere. See Breuer and Briwere. Brun, Jordan le 268 Cruse, arms 35 Brus, Adam, Anneys, Joan, Hiloise, Peter, Robert 170 Brynd, Richard 363 B) field, Adouiram 289 Bygeny. See Burgeny By ketone, William de 13 Byllyng 349 Byron, Sir John 356-7 Bytton, Avis 248. Bea trice 243-4. Constance 243, 248. Elizabeth ib. Isabel 243. Sir John 243, 248. John ib. Katherine 243. Mat thew 243, 248. Maud ib. Bubbe, Alicia 375. Alu red 375, 385. Pagan 375 Bublere 392 Buche, Katherine, Ro bert 303 Buckingham, Alianor Duchess of 22. Anne Duchess of 298. Ed ward Duke of 22, 232, 296, 308. George Duke of 215. Henry Duke of 231, 298, 308. Humfrey Duke of 231. Katherine Duchess of 21, 296 Budlers, Henry 363 Buffkin, Ralph 291 Buich,Turston 26. Rai nald ib. Buketon, Robert 377. Walter 377. William 377 Bukinton, Robert 377 Bukyngbam, John 165 Buldry, William 241 Bullock, Job il 39. arnis?7'. Bulmer, Anne, John 408 Bunbury, John 285 Buntansdale, Alan 115 Burdell, Mosseus de 384 Burdet, Lady Christian 224. Rev. Theoph. ib. Burdun, Nicholas 387. Peter 187 Bure, Amicia, John, Richard, Roger 251. William 251 bis. Bureton, Alan 365 Burewasley, Warin 190 VI INDEX II. PERSONS. Burgeny, Alice, Thomas 148 Burges, Cornelius 284 Burgh, Amabil 247. Bar tholomew 120. Betra- nus 119. Elizabeth 233. Hugh 233. Tho mas 267 Burgundy, Charles Duke of, Margaret Duchess of 297 Burleton, John 119 Burley, Beatrice 228. Richard 228 Burnell,Acton212. Hugh 117. Mary 212. Philip 233. Richard 363. Ro bert 118,185. Bishop Robert 112 Burt sal I, John 134 Burton, George 126 Burwin, Anima, John 250 Bury, Richard 363 Buscheie, John de la 184 Bushe, Alianor, Ralph 245-6 Bushye. See Bussey. Bussey, Mary 354. Miles 354-5. Margaret 359 Busteler, Agnes, Alice, Joan, Robert, Rose 262 Butler, Andrew 123. An- karet 1 14. Anne, Lady 215. Hamond 121. James 123, 124. John Lord 125. Ranulph 121. Walter 252. Wil liam 114, 119. Butor, Henry 85 bis. Ro ger ib. Butterlegh, Alice 63. Brian de 63 bis, 382. Richard 62 Butterwyke, Robert 20 Caheines, Philip 185' Cftlabre, Alexander, E- dith, John, Roger 251 Caldecot, Thomas 366 Calton, arms 46, 50. Mary 46, 47. William 47 Calverhall, Will. 118 Calverte, Giles 6 Calumni, Gaufr. de 33 Camberey, William 363 Cambridge, Anne Coun tess of 296 Camden, William, in Yorkshire 150 Camefelde, Anneys, John, Richard, Wil liam 169 Camocke, Edw. 173. de Campo Arnulphi, Sir Henry 375, 381, 382. Oliver 385 Camvill, William 221 Canau, Einion ab 373 Canby, Thomas 285 Candevere, Roger 15 ter. Candy, Agnes 28 bis. Candysshe, Joan 20 Canford, John 387-8 Cannvill, Geoffrey, Wil liam 234 Cantilupe, Eustace, 269, 270. Melisent 62. Si mon 269. William 62 Cantlope, William 121 Capel, Amicia 133. Ce cilia 133, 306. Doro thy 306. Eleanor 20. Elizabeth 133, 306. Giles 306. Hugh, La derina 133. Marga ret, Sir William 306. William 20 Carant, John, Margaret, William 312 Carbonel, Hugh 363. Carbunell, John, Pagan, William 369 Cardigan, Robert Earl of 211 Cardrowe, John, 284, 286 Carew, arms 308. Anne, Edward, Eleanor, 308. John 289, 308. Marga ret, Sir Oswald 308. Sir Wymond 396 Carmyon (or Carmino) John, Roger, Sarah27 1 Carter, Adam 70. See Caruc*. Caruc', John 71 Carmynowe, Elizabeth, Isolda, Oliver, Robert, Roger, Thomas 319 Carrington, George 347 Casebeard, John 6, 123 Castleton, Thomas 108, 333 Catesby, Elizabeth, Geo. John, Margaret, Willi am 311 Cattin, John, Robert 109 Catton, John 349 Cau, Geoffrey 377 Caus, Roger 338 Cautrell, Humphrey 125 Cave, William 8 Cavell, Joseph 126 Cavendish. See Can dysshe. Caynton, Hugh 115 Cecilia, the Princess 21 Ceely, John 285 Celer, Richard le, 377 Cementarius, Alexander John 375 Cendricke, Matthew 4 Cbaffecumbe, Richard 375 Chaloner, John 351. Thomas 127 Cbalvestome, Walter 218 Chamberlain, Anne, Sir Edward 329. Eliza beth 209. Isold 141. Jane 329. John 209, 329. Nicholas 141. Richard 329- Sibill 329. Simon 141. Sir William, K. G. 21. William 329 Chamberleine, Abr. 126 Chambers, Obad. 291 Champanie, Nicholas, Ralph, Robert 272 Champeneis, Adam, John, Jordan, Pau line 376 Chandos, Sir John 213 Chapeline, Osbert de 256 Chaplain, Richard 252 Charlton, William 363, See Cherleton. Cbarnell, Mary 47, 50. Nicholas 50 Charnells, Henry, John, Margaret, William 140 Charnues, Reginald 115 Chastellun, Andrew 384 Chaucebef, Philip 385 Cbaucers, Thomas 223 Chaucombe family 276 Chauncemarle, Alice, John, Walter 140 Chauncy, Isabel, Philip 185 Chaworth family 276. Elizabeth, Margaret, 344. Thomas 228, 344. William 344 Chechyn, Ric. de 68 Cherleton, Joan 237. John 237, 363, 365. Ralph 363 Cheryngton, Sibilla 113 Chester, Hugh Earl of 196. Ranulph, Earl of 388 Chesulden, Richard 386 Chetelton, Henry, Rich ard 136 Chetewin, Sir John 367 Chetwene, Roger de 1 12, 116 Chetwynd, John 120 Cheney, Cheyne, or Cheyney, Agnes, Alan 133. Alexander 314. Alianor 313, 314. Alice 133. Cicel 409. Edw.314. Edmond 247, 314. Elizabeth 344, 345,409. Francis.Hugh 364. Humphrey 314. Joan 247. John 327, 344,345,409. Sir John 313, 314. Sir Robert 314, 364. Roger 314. Sir Roger 364. Simon 133. William 133,314 Chibom, John de 71 Chicheley, Archbp. 59 Chideoke, Sir John 243. 306, 312. Joan 243. Katherine 306. Mar garet 312 Chidley, James, Marga ret 312 Chieftborne, Walter, William 383 Child, Baldwin 250, 385. Robert 366 Cbildton, Jordan 384 Cholmundleigh, Rich. 87 Chorleton, John 117 Christopher, Abbat of Haghmon 363 Cissor, David 377 Citharist. See Gethariste Clare, Christiana C'tess, and Gilbert Earl of388, . 389 Claregenet, Elizabeth, William 305 Clarell family 276. John 139, 360. Margaret 339. Thomas 139, 339. William 139 Clarence, George Duke 21, 297. Isabel Duchess of 300. Lion el Duke of 20. Mar garet of 297 Clarencheus, mystrys 397 Clarke,Emet 351. George 6. John 351. Samuel, Thomas 122. William 125 Clarkson, John 122 Clavile, Roger 385, 387. Walter 187. William 187 tis, 385 Claye, arms 46, 48, 50. John 45, 50. epitaph, 46. Margaret 45, 46. Mary 46, 48. Pene lope, Susanna, Theo philus, William 48 INDEX II. PERSONS. Claypole, John 139 Clement, Gregory 122 Clerke, Margaret and Sir Robert 18 Clervaux, Alianor, Bea trix, Elizabeth, Henry, Jane, John, Sir John, Isabel, Margaret, Marmaduke, Sir Rich ard, Robert 305 Clifford, Alianor 310. Amye 21. Anne 303, 310. Elizabeth 303, 342. Giles 28. Henry Lord 21,310. Isahel 256. Jane 303, 310. Jane Lady 303. John 309. John Lord 303. Mabill 310. Marga ret 303. Maud 303. Rich. 364. Sir Robert 303, 408. Roger 256. Sir Roger 303, 309,408. Thomas 310. Tho mas Lord 303. Tho mas Lord, of Chud- leigh 211. Walter 28 ter. 363, 364, 369. pedigree 408 Clifton, Sir Nicholas 343. Richard 18 Clinton, Anne 244. Ara bella, Bridget, Edward Lord 216. Elizabeth 216. Elizabeth Lady 397. Geoffrey 196. Joan 138. Judith, Lucy, Margaret Lady, Mary, Susanna 216. Thomas 138. SirWil- liani 244 Clobery, John 122, 124 Clopton, Ade, Joan, Lucy, Sir Thomas, Walter20. Thurstan389 Clothier, Thomas 6 Clotley, Ralph 117 Clotterbrooke, Rich. 4 Cludd, Edward 4 his, 7, 8 bis Cluelegh, Robert 231 Clutterbook, Thos. 286 Cnoll, Robert and Nicho las de la 65 Cobbe, Gilbert 385 Cobham, Anne, Sir Tho mas 298. Lord 312 Cobeley, Robert 185 Cockayne, William 3 Cockfield, Adam, Aga tha 276 Coctun, Osbert, Philip 257 2 F Vll Cocus, Willielmus 26,37g Cofrer, Jane 360 Cogany, Sir William 330 Coghill,Thomasl26,290 Coifn 153 Cokefield, John 1 10 bis, 346. Margaret 346 Cokein, Sir John 344 Cokerelle, Robert 13 Colbron, Henry 125 Cole, Everaxd 386. Wil liam 286 Coleham, Philip 281 Colecestre, Anastasia 377- Matilda 376. Simon 376-7 Colevill, Anne, Robert 354, 355, 360 Collecombe, Isabel, Pe- tronel, Ralph 376 Collins, William 5, 286 bis Collshill, Jane, Sir John 307 Columbell, Henry 347 Columstok, Peter 384 Colynson, William 71 Combe, John 15, 122. William 123, 124 Condovre, Ralph 196 Conedour, Nicholas 368 Conliffe, Ellis 5 Constable, Sir William 4. Margery, Marmaduke 406 Constantine, Hugh 193 Conway, Sir Hugh 309 Cony, Edward 173 Conyers, Alice 301. Anne < 210. Eliz. 210. John 33I.SirJohn 210,305. Isabel 305. Mary 311, 408. Roger 305. Wil liam 305, 31 1, 408 Conysby, Anue, Sir Humphrey 329 Cooke, Lady Patience* 224 Cook, Roger 287, 359- William 7 Cooley, John 7 Copdois 326 Cophinus, Geoffrey, Ralph 382 Copleston, Ellen 301 Copnall 22 Corbet, Adela 219, Alicia 228, 230. An drew 374. Emma 230. John 230, 286. Rich ard 369. Sir Rich ard 333. Robert 25, 112, 113, 116, 117, Vill INDEX II— PERSONS. 118 Us, 121, 194, 195, 196, 219, 228, 229, 237. Sir Robert 364. Roger 25 bis, 192, 194 te. Thomas 112, 119, 229, 230, 237, 291, 369 Corbett, John 123, 125, 286. Peter 229, 231. Cormorand, Roger 380 Cornish, Henry 8 Cornwall, Edmund 230, 231. Edmund Earl of 226, 262. Elizabeth 230, 231, 233. Jo hanna 231. Henry Earl of 186. Marga ret Countess 2G2. Re ginald Earl of 186, 219, 220 Cortlingstokes, Hugh John and John 128 Corvisor, Thomas 363 Cosin, Adam, Beatrix, Emma, Juliana, Hen ry, Matilda, Peter, Thomas, William 274 Costentin, Thomas 363, 366 Costinton, Robert 132 Cotteral, Ralph 104 Cottingham, Roger, Ma tilda, Walter, William 257 Cotton, Sir Robert, note to his bookbinder, 60 Couci, Ingelram de 225 Coulurd, Roeer 73 Courtenay, Cecil 409. Katherine 306. Ma tilda, 189. Maud 307- Reginald 62, 185, 189. Robert 62. Walter 30. William 22, 325, 409 Coventry, Laurence 376 Cowse, Walter 241 Cox, Dr. Thomas 286, 289, 291. William 124 Coysh, Richard 8, 286 Crabb, John 7 Craford, William 7 Cranmer, Arehbp. 396 Craucumb, Geoffry 146, 174. Wimund 146 Crauncewyk,Stephan 13 Cresnor, William 408 Crespyn, William 62, 63 Cressett, Edward 127. Walter 370 Creswell, Arthur 125 Creuker, Agnes, Alianor, Hamo, Isabel, Iselda, Matilda 254, 405 Crevequer, Alex. 146 Crewebeare, John 380 Criketot, Elena 282. John 281. Robert, William 282 Criol, Alianor, Bertram 405. See Curyell Crispin, Gilbert 381 Croesmere, John 236 Croft, Anthony 338. Nicholas 356. Sir Richard 307 Croke, Agnes, Richard, Robert 327 Croker, Anne, John 307 Cromhall, Richard 264 Cromwell, Richard 126. Thomas Lord 357 Croxhall, Richard 126 Croyden, William 286 Crus, Richard de 62 Cruso, Tymothy 5 Cullum, Sir Dudley, and Dame Elizabeth 18 Cully,Cecilia, Walter 133 Cumyn, Peter 384 Curt, Hugh de 386 Curteye, Matilda, Ro bert de 267 Curteys, Reginald, Ro bert 241 Curtis, Ellenor 4 Curyell, Cicel, Sir J. 409 Curzon, Anne 405. Em ma 262. John 342. Mary 262. Robert 405. Thomas 262. Walter 328. William 262 Dacre, Anne 407. Chris topher 407. Eliza beth 407. Elizabeth Lady 302. George 303. Hugh 407. Humphrey Lord 303. Humphrey 407. Isabel 407. Jane 302, 303, 407. John 303. Katherine 407. Philip 407. Philippa Lady 302, 407. Ralph 303,407. Richard 303. Thomas Lord 302, 356, 407 Daffon, Richard 340 Dale, Elizabetb,Wiliiam 325 Dalton, Dorothy, John 211 Damory, Robert 35 Danby, James 8 Danet, Alicia, Anne, Elienor,Elizabeth, Ge rard, John, Sir John, Lucy, Margaret, Mary Matilda, Nicholas, Ro bert, Thomas 282,283, 405 Dampfront, Guerin de 23 Danmarti n, Regi nald T74 ^ Daniel, John 93, 95, 96, 98,99, 10 J, 103 bis. Richard 94, 95 bis, 96, 98, 99, 101, 103, 105. Thomas 94 Dannald, Richard 122 Dansey, Mabil, Richard 129 Danvers, Agnes 327- Alice 327. Amy 328. Anne 301, 325. Bona 329. Dorothy 327. Elianor 327. Eliza beth 325, 327. Emma 327. Henry 327. Isa bel 327 bis. Jane 327. John 307,324,325,327, 329. Sir John 7. Mar garet 325. Marget 327. Richard 307, 325. Ro bert 324. Sibill 327. Simon 327. Thomas 307,325. Sir Thomas. 327. William 307,325. Sir William 327 Danuz, Agnes, Richard 272 Danyel, Adam, Norman, Matilda, Reginald,Wil- liam 132 Darcy, Amos 41. Anne 212. Barbara 211. Bridget Lady 212. Charles bis 2 1 2. Con yers 210. Dorothy 211. Elizabeth 2 1 2. Frances Lady 212. Grace 212. Henry 21 1. James 211. Jane 314. John 212. Sir John 170. Ka therine Lady 2 1 2. Mar garet 211, 212. Mar maduke 211. Mary, Philip 212. Philip Lord 314. Thomas 211. Ur sula, 211, 212. Wil liam 211 Darell, Anne 312. Doro thy 327. Elizabeth, Sir George, Margaret 312,407. Paul 327. Sir Richard 308. Thomas 327 Darley, Henry 290, 291 Daubeney, Elizabeth Lady 306. Giles Lord 306. pedigree 313,314, 409 Dauley, Margaret, Sir James 330 Dauney. See Alneto David I. King of Scots 368. Bp. of Bangor 196. Lewelin Prince of Wales 221, 223, 233, 234 Davies, John 291 Davis 327. John 286. Thomas 291 Dawkinson, Thomas 22 Dawnay, Thomas 4 Dawson, Thomas 68. See Dobeson Deacon, Richard 3 Deda 152 Deincourt, arms 41 Delaberc.Sir Richard 324 Delamare arms 37 Delamere, George Lord, Katherine Lady 216 De la Pole, Anne, Eliza beth, Humphrey 297 Delaport, Robert 338 Delves, John 5. Sir John Dene, John de 341 Denia, Count of 82 Denn, Christiana, Ralph 265 Denne, Bridget, Mary, and Thomasine 126 Denny, Lady 396 Denton, Thomas 170 Denys, Robert le 62. Sir William 324 Derby, Thomas Earl of 236,279,316. William Earl of236, 216. Anne Countess of 396 Derewentwater, Sir John 21 Derling, Will. 188, 189 Derlyngton, Adam de 6A Despenser, Dugdale's Corrections to 213 Despenser,Alianor,Hugh 161. Edward Lord 58. Geoffrey 174. Gilbert 161. Margaret 158 Detbick arms 4 1 . M ar- gery, Reginald, Tho mas, Thomasia 138 Deulecresse 384 Devereux, Walter 232 Devon, Charles Earl of 215. Gertrude Coun tess of 326. Isabel Countess of 395. Ka therine Countess of 297. Margaret Coun tess of 307 Dewdney, Malachi 5 Dewsbury, John 161 bis Dickens, Thos. 125 Dinaiu, Hugh de 61, 62 Dive, arms 35 Dixie, Sir Wolstan 42 INDEX II. — PERSONS. Dobbere, John le 378 Dobeson, John 68. See Dawson Dobson, Walter 7 Docwra, Isabel, Martin 327 Docem, Martin 81 Dodemaneston, Roger 366 Dodsworth, Roger 93. his collections 1 50 Doe, Charles 285, 287 Dogewill, Walter 387 Doiley. See Oilly Dokesay, Hugh 249 Dormer, William 123 Dorset, Thomas Marquis of 296, 317,318,349, 406. Margaret Mar chioness of 349 Dorwik, Thomas de383 Dorynton, Wi 1 1 . 118 Doughty, Will. 127 Dove, John 126, 290, 291 Dover, Hugh 190. John 250. Matilda 190 Doverdal, Eustacbia, Will. 146 Downes, John 286 Draughtgate, James 110 Drayton, Richard 240. Will. 115, 371 Drew, William 245 Drokenesford,Jobn de 58 Druet, Peter 241 Drury, Sir Robert 326 Drygge, Richard 330 Dubed, Ruelantius le 63 Dudley, Juice Lady 296. Katherine, Malachi 286. Sir Oliver 301 Dudman, William 241 Dugkemanton, Alicia, Roger 141 Dulverne 249 Dunelm, 1 r , , _„ „ > John de 68 Duresme, J Dunest, Walter 190 Dunbam, Benedicta 359. John 352, 357, 359 Dunfranewill, Gilbert 381 Dunmowe, Richard 130 Dunre, Elena, Richard, Robert, Walter 265 Durand 250 bis Durant, Margaret, Tho mas 275 Durborougb, John, Mar garet, Richard 247 Durleng, Martin 375, 376,377,384 IX Durnford 307 Dyer, Will. 290 Dynham, Elizabeth Lady 215. John Lord 214. Katherine 306 Eccleshall, Cecilia 93. Ralph 93. Robert 93, 102 Edelmeton, Elias, Gef frey, John, Matilda, Roger 265 Edensover,Nicholasde91Edgar, Lyonell 4 Edric 227, 363 Edmund, son of Henry VII. 278 Edward IV. 297. death 278 Edward, Prince (1471) 280 Edward, son of Henry VIII. 279 Edwards, Joseph 4 Edwin, King 149, 152, 168. Earl 233 Edwy 382 Edyndone, John 15 Egebaldeham, Galfred 365 Egerton, Philip 22, 23. Sir Thomas 236 Eggulf,Alicia378. Ralph 378 bis Egremont, Lord 298 Einion 371 Eiton, Robert 191 Elderfield, Richard 7 Elieth 26 Elizabeth of York 296. death 278 Elizabeth, Prioress of Derby 350 Ellerton, Will. 115 Ellesmere, Edward 237. John 236. Thos. Lord 236 Elliott, John 123, 290 Ellys, Thomas 108, 110 Ely, Nicholas 281 Emerson, John 284. Richard 124 Emlyn, John 122 Emmeston, Alice, John, Joan, Margaret, and Matilda 129 Engaing, Margaret, Ri chard, Vitalis 267 Engelard 366. Abbat of Haghmon 362 Englefeld, Elizabeth, Margery, Thomas 325. William 385, 387 INDEX II. — PERSONS. Engleys, William le 383 Ercalewe, Sir John 190, 365 ter, 366. William 190,367, 368,369 Erdington, Henry 115, 118, 120. Matilda 115. Thomas 115, 234 Ernui 237 Escheleton, William 273 Escudamor. See Scu damore Eskelhy, Alan, Henry Ivetta 257 Espec, Richard 62 ter, 382. Robert ib. ter. William ib. Espley, John, Robert 366 Essche, Will, de 65. Ni cholas ii. Esse, Will, de 264, 384 Essex, Elizabeth Coun tess of 296. Henry Earl of 296 bis, 395. Isa bella C'tess of 395, 407. Mary Countess of 326 Esswayt, Peter 132 Estopp, Edward 286 Estwick, Stephen 4, 123, 1 24, 290 Eton, Richard 368. Wil liam 369 Eutropius 26, 27 Evelyn, George and Ka therine 18. John 19. Sir John 6, 286 Everard 188. Matilda, William 281. SirRich- ard 3. Sir William385 Everyngham.Sir Rob. 170 Ewarby. See Iwardby Exeter, Duke of 299. Anne Duchess of 297. Geoffrey de 375. He rald de 188. John Duke of, Anne or Margaret Duchess of 223 Extraneus. See Strange Eyland, Henry 351 Eyleston, Robert 135 Evre, Ellen 352. Eliza- "belh 359. Isabel 359. John 108. Robert 342 bis. Roger 352. Wil liam 5 Eyssebv, Will. 114 Eyton.'Peter 115. Will. fiTRanulphi de 28 Eyvill, Thomas de 92 Faber, Philip 380 Fabyon, Anne 326. Mary 326 Fairchild, Geoffery, Pau lina 378 Fairfax, the Lord 3, 4, 6. Tbos. Lord 93 Fakenham, William 165 Falconer, Simon 364 Falesby, Cecilia, Emma, Margery,Richard,Wil- liam 264 Fane, Anthony, Arabella 224. Lady Katherine 212 Farmer, Lady Grace, James 224 Farewell, George 123. John 124 Farwaye, Anne orJobn 244,' 247 Fauconbridge, Anneys, Walter, Isabel 170 Faunecourt, Girard and Helias de 1 1 Fauntleroy, Agnes 312 Felgeres, Roger 190 Fell, William 285 Felys, William 240 Fencote, William 340 Fendles, Margaret and William de 57 Fenton, John 3 Fenwick, George 390. Robert 126, 288 Fenys, Thomas 356 Fern, Joan, Robert 344 Feme, Anthony 124 Ferrers, Agatha 233. Ed ward 45, 46, 50. Hugh 364. Isabella 320. Isolda 319. John 45, 46, 50. Margaret 45, 46, 50, 58. 'Reynold 319. Robert 58. Wal ter Lord 23^. Lady (ofChartley)296.Lord (of Ouseley) 297. Joan Lady ib. Fertles, Eustace 274 Fesours, Maud 247 Fettiplace 325. John 89. Thomas 88, 89. Wil liam 88 Feuer, Reginald 258 Fewtrell, Henry 123 Fiennes 325. Alice 300. John 287. Sir John 300 fil. Adeline, William 368 — Aer,SirJohn 111,113, 190, 365 ter, 366 — Ailward, William 188 — Alan, Richard 144. Sy mon 13. William 28 — Alstani, Godfrey, Hugh 389 — Andrew, Nicholas 363 fil. Alwin, W. 389 — Bald win, Richard 188, 250. Robert 188, 251 — Comitis, Henry 186 — Corbeth, Roger 192, 194 bis, 197, 405 — Daniel, Idenerth 377 — Deringi, William 64 — Edrici, Reginald 381 — Elieth, Rainald 26 — Flaad, Alanus 25, 194 — Galfridi, Willielmus 13 — Gerbert, Walter 252, 385 — Gilberti, Jordan 377. Nicholas 378. Roger 365. Willielmus 13 — Godric, William 146 — Griffin, John 118 — Gualonis, Thomas 13 — Hamon, Ricbard 265 — Harduini, Walter 190 — Heldeber, Robert 368 — Helgoti, Herbertus 25, 26, 193, 196 — Henry, John 255. Roger 251. Sewall 145 — Herbert, Herbert 220. Matthew 252 — Heri, John 363 — Hubert, Andrew 366 — Hugh, John 117. Os- born 369 — Humfrey, Roger 389 — Hute, Richard 382 — Ivonis, Muredus fil. Albredabisdau. and Richard her son 61 — John, Hugh 1 15. John 265. Madoc 371. Payne 190,229. Roger 371. William 267 — Margaret, Alan 13 — Matthew, Herbert 223 — Maurice, Geoffry 251 — Musse, Ricbard 269 — Nigelli, Robert 190 — Odo, William 250 — Oliver, Ricbard 366 — Osbert, William 252 — Peter, Geoffry 233. Herbert 237. Regi nald 233, 237 — Philippi, John 174 — Picok, William 257 — Ralph, Richard 185. Robert 250 bis, Wil liam 61, 185 to 131 Reginald, John 146, 222, 237. Oliver 221 — Richard, Rich. 118, 138 — Roald, Alan 147 — Rob'ti, Robert 185, 250. William 249 — Rogeri, Robert 220. William 115 — Roges or Rorges, Si mon 186,384 — Semer, Ralph, Roger 185 — Stephani, Alan 12. Durand 61. Richard 62 — Swain, Adam 267. Henr. 28 — Symonis, Henry 13. Roger 65 — Tbebaldi, Robert 192, 194 — Theobald, Radulf. 64 — Theoldi, Rad. 190 — Turberti, Walter 380 — Ursi, Richard 267 — Walter, Walter 389 — Waren, Fulco 121. Hugh 193. William 190. See Fitzwarin — Willielmi, Henry 65. Ralph 281. Richard 118. Robert 185. Walterus 61. Wil liam 146. See Fitz- William — Wimer, William 249. See Fitz Finchezden, Will, de 334 Fische, Thomas 73 Fish, Cecilia, William 380 Fishacre, Peter de 62 Fisher, Michael 324 Fisshborne, Thomas 30 Fitz-Alan, Earl of Arun del. Dugdale's correc tions 209 Fitz-Alan, John 364, 371, 372. Richard 112,121 passim. Walter 368. William 364, 369, 370 372 Fitz-Bemard, Joan, Ralph 276 Fitz-Geffry,£lizabethl71Fitz-Gilbert, Ricbard 388. Roger 308, 309. Ralph 389 Fitz-Harry, Elizabeth, William 305 Fitz-Herbert, Isabella, Peter 320. Thomas 359 INDEX II. — PERSONS. Fitz-Hugb,Alice 300,406. Anne, Edward 300. Elizabeth 300, 303,406. George 300. Henry 341. Henry Lord 19. Joan 406. John 300. Margery 406. Richard Lord, Thomas 300 Fitz-Lewes 223 Fitz-Lewis, Elizabeth, Sir Henry 308 Fitz-Nicholas, Ralph 173—4 Fitz-Ralph, arms 35, 37, 42,50 [51 note] Fitzwarine, pedigree of 330. Sir Alein 330. Cecily Lady 314, 315. Joan 243, 247. Eve 247. Fulk, 229, 330, 370. Jenkyn 330. John 247, 330. Sir Payne 330. Philip, 247, 330. Richard 370. William 243, 247, 300. Fitz-William family 276. Alice 306. Eliz. 360. 361. John 360. Mar garet 356, 368. Ri cbard 347, 350, 361. Thomas 356, 360, 361. William 356, to, 361 Flaad 25 Flamang, Richard le 251 Fleetwood arms 36. Jo- cosa 36. Thomas ib. Fleming, Ellen 169. Henry 92. John 99. Michael 169, Robert 228. William 169. Flesbroke, Richard 113 Flynt, Avice, John 314 Fode, Robert 377 Fogge, Sir John 326 Foleford, William 387 Foliot, Elias, 268. Geffrey 63. Bp. Hugh 362,369. Margery 268. Pagan 63. Richard 135, 268. Robert 63, 268 Foljambe, Agnes 108. Alice 340. Andrew 99, Anne 354, 358, 359. Avena or Avice 335. Benedicta, or Bennet, 350, 352, 354, 359. Catherine 103. Cecilia 93, 109, 110. Dorothy 361. Sir Edward 109, 111. Elena, 106, 108, 110. Elizabeth 354. Emma 361. Francis 92. George 358, 361. Gilbert 351, 354, 355. XI Godfrey 352. Sir God frey 106,108,110,111, 333, 344, 352, 354, 361. Godith 110, ill Henry 96—101, 103- 111, 341, 346, 348, —351, 353—355, 358, 361. Hercules 360. Hugh, 99, 107. Isabel 340. James 347, 349, 358, 360. Jane 360, 361. Jennet 354. Jo hanna, or Joan 107 to, 108, 345, 346. John 94,98, 101, 103, 105, 110, 333, 334, 338, 349, 352, 354, 357, 361. Katherine 358, 359, 361. Margaret 338, 33.9, 343, 346, 348, 349, 358, 560. Mary 350, 354. Ni cholas 100, 102, 104, 105. Peter 92. Ri chard 102, 104, bis, 105, 334, 337, 351, 354. Robert 100, 102, 340. Roger 94, 104, 108, 111,347,353,354. Truth 361. Thomas 94, 111, 333, 334, 338, 340, 342, 351, 354, 369. William 94, 130, 346, 347, 349, 354, 359. Fonte, Michael de 251 Ford, Humphrie 6. Ri chard, Stephen 263. William 241, 263 Forde (de la) Peter 381 Forestar, Henr. 1 13 Fornellis. See Furneaux Forrester,Adam 96, John 16. Forlescue, Sir Francis 210. Mary 210. Fortibus,Aymer, William 186. Hawisia, 9 Fouques 23. Fowke, Alderman, 124 Fowler, Elizabeth, Jane, John, Julian 329. Ri chard, Sibill 327, 329. SirThomas7 Foxcroft, George 284, 286, 287 Foxhole, Avice, Nicholas 356 Francis, Elizabeth, 138. Gilbert 95, 97, 108. John, 138. Ralph 138, 139 Franketon, Richard 120 Fraye, Anne, Annes Xll INDEX II. — PERSONS. Catherine, Elizabeth, John 326. John, Mar garet 21, 326. de Fraxino, Hugh, Inge- ram, Petronilla 264 Fraxinum, Petrus ad 12 Frecheville, Anchier 41, 107. Anne Charlotte Lady 36. Christian 36. Catherine 41. Elizabeth 36,40,359. Jane 36. Joccsa 36. John (1509) 'epitaph 37, 40. John Lord 36. Margaret 36, 42 Matilda 38, 352. Pe ter 36, 38, 40. Peyrs, 38. Frevile, Alexander, 130. Anne 277 Baldwin, Joan 130 Frendship, John 241 Frensh, Alicia, John, Thomas 239, 240 Frognall, Edmond, Eliza beth, Mary 311. Sir Richard 22, 302, 311. Fromond, Richard 182 Frowike, Sir Henry 324 Fry, 309 Fryboys, Sir John 12 Fryer, William 16 Fulbert 53 Fulcheredus, Abbat of Shrewsbury 25 bis. Fulehurch, Anne 329 Fulgebam. See Fol jambe Fulham, Anne, Edward, Elizabeth, George, John, Catherine, Mar garet, Mary, Samuel, Sarah, Thomas 18 Fulke, Prior of Beiton 190. Sheriff of Salop 195, 196 Fulke,Abbatof Haghmon 362 Furneaux, Alann 63, 65, to. Avis 247- Eleanor 243, 247. Elizabeth 243. Geoffrey 64, 65, 382. Havise 243. Henry 243. Jane, or Joan 243, 244, 246, 247. Margaret 243, 244, 246, 247. Mat thew 247. Maud 247. Philip 64, 65, 383. Simon, 243, 245, 24". Thomas 243. Furnival, Thomas Lord, 22, to. Furlhow, Catherine 328 Fygy, Symon 63 Fynderne, arms 41. Sir John 326 Fynes, 307 Gainsford, Margaret 306 Gardinus Prior de Brum- mora, 61 Gardner, Samuel 123 Gale, Robert 4, 125 to. 290 Garrett, Joseph 3 Gargrave, William 342 Gascoigne, pedigree of 302,407. Agnes, Elean. 402. Elizabeth 311. John, Margaret, Tho mas 302. William 22, 245 to. 298, 302, 311 Gate, Annes, 326. Ed ward, Elizabeth 396. Elizabeth, Lady 3972. Francis, 397. Sir Geffrey 326. Harry 397. Sir Henry 396, 397. Sir John 396. John, 326, 396. Ka therine 397. Mary 396 to. William 397. Gatefield, John 340 Gaunt, Alianor 254. Alice 148. Gilbert 148, 270. Henry, Isa bel, Isolda, Juliana 254. Robert 148. Gayteford, Cecilia, Wal ter, and William 133 Gednev, 392 Geldryche, Will. 20 Gerith,386 Gernet, Mabill, Roger 267 Gernon, Sir John 333, 334 Geros, Robert 190 Gery, Richard 368 Gethariste, Walter 365 Gibon, John 241 Giede, the Countess 336 Giffard, Alice, Alienor 129, 327. Amys 329. Berta,Eliasl29. Henry 209. Hugh 134. Isa bel 129. Jane 329. John 122, 134, 327, 329. Katharine, Ma- bil, Margaret, Matilda 129. Jane, Mary 209, 329. Osbert 143. Pe ter 339. Thomas 209, 329. Ursula 329. William 134 Gilbert (three) Abbats of Haghmon 362, 364, 369. See Kampeden Gilbert, Nicholas, Ro bert 350 Gilda 250 to. Giles, Edm. 8 Gilson, Ellen, William 170 Girseis, Robert 121 Glanvill, Alice, Emma, Geoffry, Joan, Kather ine, Margaret 262 Glasebrok, Henry, Rich ard, Robert 255 Glen, Thomas de 340 Glendwr, Owen 237 Gloucester, the Earls of 51. William Earl of 185. H. Countess of 185 Gloucester, James a jew of 384. Walter de 196. Will. 252 Wil liam of 385. Glovere, Will. 241 Goad, Christopher 3 Goddard, John 124 Godebald 192, 193. Godfrey, Prior of Exeter 25 Abbat of Shrews bury 26. Bishop of Winchester 185. She riff of Salop 195 Godolphin, Fra. 123 Godwin 389 Godwyn, John 72 Goisfrid 193 Gold, James 124 Goldry, John 241 Gore, Christopher 8 Goth, Thuder37l Gorge, Sir Arthur 216. Lady Elizabeth ib. Goudale, John 15 bis. Gouge, William 7 Gousell, arms, 41 Grace, Nicholas 384 Grammaticus, Herbert 192 Grandeson, Agneta 279, 280. Blanch 278, Don- solisia 279- Gerard, Bp. of Verdun 280. James 279. John Bp. of Exeter 279. Ka therine 278. Otho Lord 278. Peter 278, 279- Sibella279- Tho mas 279. William 278, 279 Granby, Henry 131 Grangiis, Adam de, 375 Gravell, Giles 325 Grave, Joseph 325 Graunt (le), Henry, John, Matilda 136. Nicholas 381. Ralph, 136. Roger 136, 258. William 136, 258 Greatwood, Mary, Wil liam 228 Grattan, Adam, Henry, Robert 141 Gray, Emma, John, Re ginald 262. Abp. Walter 160 Grendall, Agilla, Ralph, Richard, Walter 269, 270 Grendour, Joan 243, 245,246. Robert ib. Green, Avena 339. Ed ward 290. Sir Richard 336, 337, 339 Greene, Charles 18. Ed ward 3. Bp. Thomas ib. Dean Thomas 19 Grenesling, Joel 65 to Grenested, Emma, Rich ard 264 Gresley, Agnes, Isabella, Ralph 136 Grey, Earl of Kent, Dugdale's additions to 223 Grey of Codnor, arms 41, 40. Lord 352 Grey, Alice, Diana 225. Edward 238. Eliza beth 303, 407. Jane 238. Joan 338. John 334. Sir John 238, 303, 317, 407. Ka therine Lady 312. Sir Ralph 303. Thomas Lord 225. Sir Tho mas 20, 303, 406, 407 quater. Bp. William 303 Greystoke, Lords, pedi- ¦ gree of 297, 405. Eli zabeth, Sir Robert 303 Griesley, Sir John 349 Griffen, Edward 360 Griffin, Prince of Wales 233. Richard 218 Griffith, John 111 Grimbald, medicus 196 Grinstead, Edith, Rich ard 129. Thomas 130 Groome, Thomas 123 Grossoteste, Robert 369 Grosvenor, Thomas 7 Grove, Anne 4, 225. Thomas 225 Guerin 23 INDEX II. PERSONS. Guldeford, Sir Richard 22 Gunston, John de 333 Gurdon, Brampton 6, 8 Gurnay, Edmond, Joan, John, Matthew 247. Robert de 376. Tho mas, Walter 247 Guybon, John 6 Gynes, Gilbert 237 Gyros, Sir Robert 366 Gyrunde, Hugh de 218 Habman, Robert 7 Hacford. See Acford. Hackett, John 123. Thomas 127 Hacun, Anna, Richard 275 Haddon, Elienor 243,247. Sir Henry 243. Joan 247 Hadenhale, Wido 364, 366. Gilbert 364. Hadley, Alexander, John 247 Haduall. See Hadenhale. Haenegate, Hugh 249 Haer 363 Hafketon, John 366 Hake, William 65 Hakeluet, Sir Leonard 244. Margaret 244, 247 Halegewill, Thos. de 63 Hales, Dorothy, Luke -233. R. 398. Robert 122,284. Samuel, Ste phen 398. Thos. 233, 398 Halis, John de 114 Halghton, Gilbert 365. Roger 365. Sir Tho mas 364 Haliihon, Robert 113 Hall, Henry 125 Hallowes, Nath. 6, 122 Hallye, William 91 Hamelin, Nicholas, Ralph, William 142 Hamond, Thomas 7 Hampden, Anne, Wil liam 327 Hampton,Elizabeth, 243, 244, 248. Jane 243. John 243, 248. Lucy, Philpot, Richard 243 Hancocke, William, sen. and jun. 6 Hanigfeld, Joan, William 281 Harbottle, Jane, Ricbard 314 Harcourt, Robert 232 Hardeberg, Haccuif 252 Harding, Giles, Thomas 289 XU1 Hardisley, William 340 Hardwick, Humphrey 287 Hardy, Matthew 5, 123, 127 Harleston, Clement, Clement, John, Mar garet, Robert 393 Harley, Margaret 230, 231. Richard 118. Ro bert 230,231 Harpar, Thomas 8 Harpecote, Ranulph 115. Walter 368 Harpur, Henry 354 Harrison, Elizabeth 171. John 5. Margaret 211. Richard 285. Ro bert 171. Sir Thomas 211. Harington, arms, 35, 37. Alianor Lady 31 1. Sir James John 302, 342 to. Katherine Lady 301. Thomas Lord 22, 407. William 407 Harrys, John, Sibill 140 Harte, Richard 7. Wil liam 122. Hartwell, Catherine 328. John 328. Margaret 327. Stephen/Thomas, William 328 Harthill, Adam 98, 100, 103 to. John 95, 96, 97. Richard 105. Ro bert 94, 95 ter. Hartyng, Ann 21. John 21. Sir Robert 20, 21. Harvey, Edmund 3, 123, 127. Harwood, Edw. 126 Haselrige, Sir Arthur 6, 290 to Hasten, Will. 183 Hastings, Edward Lord - (of Loughborough), Dugdale's corrections for 217 Hastings, Anne 301,406. Dionisia 147. Edward, Elizabeth 406. George 301,406. Hugh 217. John 234, 236. Ka therine 301. Milo 147. Nicholas 217. Philip 147. Richard 407. William 245, 246, 407. William Lord 59, 348 Hatley, Alan, Will. 190 Hatton, Christopher Lord 224. Frances Lady 224 Haue, Geoffrey de 376 Haughton, Adam 6 XIV INDEX II. — PERSONS. Haukyne, Thomas 240 Hauston, John 368. Ri chard 366. Roger 366, 368 Haveryngton, Annevs 169. John 170. Ro bert 169, I/O Haward, Samuel 6 Haye (de la), Geoffry 263. Matilda 282. Robert, William 263 Hayley, William de 95 to, 96, 97 Haynes, Henry 4 Heale, George 4 Hederset, Sir Edmond 21 Hedley, Alan 28, 191. John 360 Ms. Wil liam 28, 191, 366 ter Hele, Roger 383, 386 Helgotus 193 Hellion, Agnes, Henry, John 262 Helmes, John 6 Helshew, Walter de 113 Heneage, Lady 396. Mi chael 4, 122 Henley, Arthur 286. Ro bert 124 Henry I. King 28, 196, 250 Henry II. King 25 Henry HI. King 368 Henry IV. King 82 Henry V. King 29 Henry VI. 38. death 278, 280 Henry VII. 295. birth 278. landing at Mil- ford 279. battle of Bosworth ib., of Stoke 278, of Blackheath ib. coronation 280. mar riage 277 Henry VIII. 47. Birth 229. death 278 Henry, Abbat of Hagh mon. See Astley Henson, Robert 5 Herbertus filius Helgoti 25, 26 Herbert. Dugdale's ac count of the family 219. Adam 220, 222. Alice 220. Edward 125. Elizabeth 22. John 220. Isabell 221. Katherine 22. Lucy 220. Matthew 220, 222. Peter 220, 221. Reginald 220, 221,222. William Lord 222. William Abp. 219 Hercalewe. See Ercalewe Hereford, Earls of, their burials at Lanthony Abbey 168. Humphrey Earl of 221. Milo Earl of 58, 220 Hereford, Cecilia 94. Richard de 94, 102, 369 Herford, William de 281 Hericke, Sir William 293 Herleva 52 Herlewine 52 Herman 219, 250. Bp. of Sarum 252 Herrick, John 287 Hersy, Baldwin, Cecilia 94 Herveus, Abbat of Hagh mon 362 Hervey, Sir Daniel, Eli zabeth 225 Hesilrege, Thomas 287 Hethe, John, Margaret 307 Heton, Richard 165 ter, 166 Heveningham, Will. 290 Heydon 406 Heyree, Sir John 92 Heysill, Peter, Roger 91 Heyteton, Robert 369 Hibernia, Walter de 367. John de ib. Hickeling, Brian, Geof fry 146 Hickys, John 241 Hildeyhard, Cecilia, Ka therine, Robert, and Thomas 10 Hill, Agas, Agatha 409. Alice 313, 407. An drew, Anne, Baldwin, Bryce, Cecil, Deanys, Dorothy, Edith 409. Elizabeth, Hugh 409. Giles 313, 409. Jane 313, 409. John 6, 8, 313, 345, 409. Mar garet 313. Maud 409. Peter409. Robert 313, 409. Roger 3 1 3. Tho mas, Walter 409 Hill (sur la), Geoffrey, Juliana, Stephen 251 Hillary, Edward, Henry, Joan, Margaret, Tho mas 130 Hilton 18 Hindlow, James 285 Hinsley, Robert 285 Hochesham, Will. 252 Hody, Sir Alexander, Margaret 312 Hodges, Thomas 3, 127 Hodnet, Baldwin 190' 365. Sir John 366. Odo 190 bis. William M6ter, 119 to, 366 Hogan, Bridget, Robert 329 Hogard, Sir Andrew, Anne 307 Hogh, William del 108 Hoghes, Tho. 288, 289 Hohun, Amicia, Richard 255 Hoke, Margaret 281 Hokenaston, John de 337 Hokesham, William de 385 Holand. See Kent Holbache, David 231 Holborne, Robert 4 Holderness, Conyers Earl of 212. Grace Countess 212 Holland, Cornelius 284. John 291. Matilda, Robert 131 Holies, Lady Margt. 216 Hollis, Macbabeus 5 Holme, John, Thomas 347 Holmes, Nathaniel 290 Holteby, Matilda, Henry, Thomas, William 273 Honywood, Peter 4, 122 Hood, Anne, Henry 285 Hope, Nicholas 91. Pe ter 91. Richard 91. William 91 Hopton, Matilda 114. Walter 114, 232. Richard 290 Horde, Richard 364 Hordeley, Thomas 121 Hore, John 240. Walter 380. William 386 Horkesley, Egidia 281 Hornbie, Will. 172 Home, Philip 384 Horsenden, Sir William 93, 94, 96 Horton, Gervase 381. Robert 381 Horweye, Thomas 387 Horwode, Richard 382 Hotewyt, John, Marga ret, Ralph 133 Houghton, John de 68 Howe, Annabella 223. John Grubham 223. John 125 Howard, Catherine 209. Lady Frances 212. Robert 209 Howth, Jane Lady 309 Hubbart, Henry 3 Hubert 25. Abp. 214 Huddleston, Sir John 59 Hudson, Alice 349. Emet 351. John 351. Wil liam 345,349 Hugh, Abbat of Shrews bury 28, 3: 1. Abbat of Meaux 12 Humphrey, Lady Susan na 216 Hunald 194 Hunalde, William 368 Hungerford, Katherine, Sir Thomas 298 Huusdon, Henry Lord, Mary Lady 223 Hunt, Richard 127 Us, 284, 237 Huntercombe, Christi ana, Eustace, William 143 Huntingdon, John Earl of 80, 84, 85. Wil liam (Herbert) Earl of 22 to. Huntiiigfield, Emma, Roger, William 262 Hurdbill, Robert 94, 95 Hurst, John 288 Husee, arms 37. John 314. Richard 364 Hussey, John 120 ter. Thomas 122, 123, 238 Huichington, Richard 5 Hutchinson, John 287 Hnttou, Barbara, Mat thew 21 1 Huward, Will. 185 bis. Hybernieusis, Paulinus 379 Hyde, Elizabeth, 328. John 325, 328. Mar garet, Thomas 328 Hydon, Claricia de 65. Geoffrey 386, 387. Sir John 382, 383 scepe. Oielin de 386, 367. William 382 Hyllari, John 383 lllingworth, Elizabeth, Margery, Ralph 328 Ingeldestoii, Joan, John, Thomas 276 Ingham, Oliver 235 Inglesham, Hugh, Ni cholas, Osbert 144 Innocent, Will. 251 Inwood, John 284. Wil liam 126 Ireland, Avena 336 Ireland. See Hibernia Isaac. SeeYsaac. Isabella, Queen 188 INDEX II. — PERSONS. Ivelchestre, Nicholas 379 ter. Warin 379 Jackson, Roger 342 Jacombe, Thomas 125 James, James 360. Will. 285 Jane (Seymour) Queen, death 280 Jeanes, Martha 223 Jely, Andrew, James, Jane, John 328 Jenkins, Moses 286, 290 Jenner, Robert 5 Jennings, Thomas 125 Jepson, Alice 355 Jervis, William 287 Jewell, James 286, 291 Joan of Acre, 20 Jocelin, Bp. of Sarum 254 John, King 221 John I. King of Portugal 80, 82, 85, 90 John, Bp. of Bath 196. Abbat of Beauchief 349. Prior of Brid lington 277. (four) Abbats of Haghmon 362,363. (SeeSmeth- cote and Ludlow). Prior of Exeter 184, 381. SeeBordene and Nuton Johnson, Lady Arabella 216. Isaac 216 Jonas, 369 Jones, Alexander 3. Henry 8. Humphne, ib. John 289, 290, 291. Thomas 5 Jordan, Abbat of Tor- rington 186. Prior of Legh 187 Joy, Richard, William 325 Joye, Geoffrey 383 to Julianus, 185 Kampeden, Gilbert 362 Kardiff, Edward, John 273 Kardiffe, Ivetta, Joan, Paulinus, William 260 Katherine, Queen (14, 37), 277. ofArragon, voyage to England 279. marriage to Prince Ar thur 280. Princess (dau. of Edward IV.) 22 Kan', Ric. de 389 Kaues, Walter 267 Kaulwa, John, Richard 184 Kaynell, John 259 2G XV Keilewey, Berta, Elias, John 129 Keles, Alan, Ketelhurn, Odo, William 264 Kelli, Godfrey 384 Kempe 20 Kenardesey, John 329 Kendall, James & John 127. William 124 Kendrick, William 6, 284 Keneburi, Roger 380 Keng, Auger 380 Kennett 398 Kent, Earl of 315. An thony Earl of, Arabella Countess of 224. Ed mund (of Woodstock) Earl of II. George (Grey) Earl of 22. Joan Countess of 110. Ka therine Countess of 298. Mary Countess of 224. Thomas Earl of 1 1 , 296 Kent, Elizabeth, Tho mas 310 Kentelisbeare, Henry, William 332 Kenwricke. See Ken drick. Ker, Isabel 345 Kersebrook, Henry, Mar garet, Robert 261 Ketelbuni 264 Ketell' 146 Ketene, Will.de 377' Kildare, Elizabeth Coun tess of 408 Killerby, William 70 Kilwardby, Archbp. 33 Kinerton, Griffith 370 King, Henry 284 Kingeston, Constance 243, 248. Sir Thomas, ib. Kington, Nicholas, Wil liam 260 Kinston, John 347 Kirkeby, William de 68, bis. Kirkeland, John (epi taph) 42 Kirkton, Margaret, Ro bert 147 Kirrington, Robert. 287 Kiuthorpe, Alan, Cecilia, Geoffrey, William 147 Knight, Alice, Henry 328 Kniveton, Elizabeth, Matthew 134 Knivett, Nathaniel 5 Knolle (de la) John 383. Joan 383. Nicholas 383 xvi INDEX II PERSONS. Knovile, Alianor and Bogo, 117, 118 Knyvett, Anne 406. Charles 298 . Edward 298. Elizabeth 406. Jane 298. John 406. Joan, Sir William 298, 309 Kock, Robert 378 Rontons, William 389 Kul, Richard le 389 Kyme, Umlravill Earl of 214 Kynaston, Amy 374. Sir Edward 237,374. Eli zabeth 236. Sir Fran cis 236. John 236, 374. Roger 236 Kyngdone, Walter 241 Kynge, Joan, John 241. Thomas, 239,241 Laci, or Lacy, Gilbert 275. Hugh 365, 366, 368. Ilbert tie 156. Katherine & Richard 21. Margaret 275, 347. Matilda 275. Nathaniel 124, 127, 291 bis. Roger 193, 194. Robert 347. Wal ter 275 Laken, John 121. Rich ard 236. William 116 Lakenby, John 71 Lamare, John and Petro- nilla 118 Lambe, Thomas 124 Lambert, John 286 Lamboum, Annor, Sir William, 306 Lambrith, Isabel, Wil liam, 376 Lambricht, Isabella, John 188 Lamott, John 4 Lampard, Lawrence 7 Lancaster, Alice, SirGil- bert 303 Lancaster, Henry Earl of 272. John Duke of 297 Lancells, Thomas 68 Lanfranc, Archbp. 252, 253 Langeden, Hugh 251 Langford, Alice 307. Sir Ralph 358. Richard 381, 384. Roger 65. Thomas 100. See Longford Langham, Nicholas, Margaret 343. Simon de 106 Langley, Geoffry 260. Henry 289. John, Ro bert 260 Langston, Alice, Amys 328. Christopher, Cloid 328. Elizabeth 325. Jane 329. John 325. Margaret, Rich ard, Thomas 328 Larkyue, Thomas 241 Lassells, Ralph 139. Thomas 285 Latimer, Neville Lord 58. DugJale's corrections 209. pedigree 301. Anne Lady 326. Lucy 170. William 258. William Lord 170 Latou, Margaret, Tho mas 305 Laurey, Thomas 241 Laval, Guy Count of 53 Leake, arms, 41 to. Ce cilia 109. Jennett 354. John 340 (note), 354, 355. Katherine 358. Margaret 350. Mary 314. Sir Philip 109. Ralph 335. See Leche. Leather, John 5 Leaute, Henry, John 379 Leaver, William 6 Leche, Sir John, Isabel, Margaret, Sir Simon 340 Lechmere, Thomas 124 Lee, Joan 131. John 116, 367. Thomas 365,372. William 131, 286 Leechmore, Nicholas, Thomas 8 Leedes, William de 340 Leigh, Sir Henry 23 Leighton, Sir Henry 23. Richard 112, 113. William 238. Sir Wil liam 371 Lega, Hugo de 190 Legard, Grace, Sir John 212 Legat, or Leggates, Tho mas 69, 71 Legg, George 3 Leghe, Geoffry, Organa, William 186 LeKhton, John 365. Richard 365 bis, 372. Sir William 372 ter. Lehe, Gerard de la 249 Lekeburn, Matilda, Pe ter, Robert 147 Lemaheu, Margaret 245 Leman, William 123 Lenham, Isolda, John, Juliana, 254, 405. Margery, Robert 130 Leofric, Bp. of Exeter 386 Lcstow, Richard 348 Lestrange, Alianor 129. Basilia 148. Elizabeth 236. Eubulo 235. Fulke 129. Hamon 234, 235. Joan 236. John 129, 148, 234— 236. Richard 235. Roger, 231,234-236 Leuerkebeare, Alice, Ro bert 377 Leventborpe, Edward 8 Leveson, Sir Richard 23 Lewis, David 5. John 5. Lexinton, Bridget, Ro bert Lord 213. Ro bert 252 Ley, John 121 Leyburn, Idonea 256. Roger 256. Simon 119. Sir John 233 Leynham, Sir John 326 Leyntham, Sir John and Dame Margaret 21 Lideford, Robert 189 Lidene, Jordan 375 scepe Roger 250 to, 375 Limoges, Beatrice Vis countess of 53 Lincoln, Edward Earl of 217. Elizabeth Coun tess of (Lady Clinton) 397- Gilbert Earl of 148. John Earl of 278. Theophilus Earl of 216 Linguivre, Will. 63 Linton, Alice, Walter 262 Lintot, Robert 190 Lisle, Edward Viscount 317- John Lord 225. John, Mary, Thomas 314 Lisures, Fulke, Hugh 190 Liwil, Ailward 252 Llewellin, Prinee of Wales 233, 234 Llewellin, Thomas 7. ap Griffith 222 Lloit, Yevan 371 Lloyd, James 286 Locke, John 290 Lucksmyth, Jane 293 Lodbroke, Henry, John 139 Lokesford, Richard 118 London, William de 160 Long, John 375. Lisli- bone 124 Longelnore, Nicholas 362 Longespe, Matilda 128, 129 Longford, John 236, 347. Margery 348, 350. Sir Nicholas 347, 348, 350. Ralph 350 Longforth, Richard de 350 Longislow, Hugh 116 Longland, Agnes, Sir Hugh 244. Joan 246. Isabel, Margaret 244, 247 Longvile, Sir Michael 224 Longuevile, Thomas 398 Loudham, Isabel, Sir John, Margaret 343, 345 Love, Katherine 21. Ni cholas 124, 286. Wil liam 21 Loveday, Anne, Kathe rine, Margaret, Rich ard, Roger 275 Lovekoc, Philip 377 Lovell, Anne Lady 300. John 131, 337. Ma tilda 131 Lovet, 307, 325 Lovett, Archibald 8. Sir Thomas 296. 355 Lowe, Richard 290 Lowes, Anne, Francis 360 Lort, Roger 290 Lucas, Elizabeth 280. John Lord 224. Mary 224 Luci, Richard 365, 368 Lucy, Margaret, Robert 344. Walter 189 Ludlow, Edmund 238. John 363, 369. Joan and Thomas 130 Lugh, William 377 Luke, Acelina, William 377 Luke, Abbat of Shrews bury i.QO Lumley, Marmaduke 21. de la Lunde, Joan, John, Matilda, Wil liam 138 Lupus, Rohert 233 Luteris, William 268 Luttrell, Sir Hugh 313, 410. Margaret 31 3 Lyde, Edward 115. Lucy 328 INDEX II. — PERSONS. Lygon, Elizabeth, Wil liam 307 Lymboteshey, Marga reta, Robert 130 Lynacre, John, Kathe rine 353 Lytton, Henry de 94. Ulcotes de 96. Wil liam 96, 284 Madocke, William 121 Maivysyn, Peter 1 1 2 Makerell, Richard 65 Mainwaring, James 98. See Maneringe Malet, Alice, Avis, Bald win, Constance, Isabel, Joan, John, Ricbard, Walter 247 Mallocke, Arthur 292 Mallert, Robert 341 Maloleone, S. de 186 Malory, Anketin, Ami- cia, Nichola, Nicholas, Margery, Sarra 258. Anne, William 262 Mallory, Robert 291 Malon, Richard 350 Malston, Humphrey de 63 Maltravers,Thomas Lord 210 Maminot, Walchelin 28, 1 90 to. Mandeville Family 276. Godfrey 189. Robert 251. Stephen 188 Maneringe, John, Rich ard and William 23 Manny, SirWalter 21 . Sir William 21 Mansfield, Richard 124. William 266 Mar', William 266 March, Edmund Earl of 20. Eleanor Countess of 296 de la Mare, Alan 363. Geffrey 218. John 227 to. Petronilla 227 Marescall, Cecilia, Gil bert 264. Henry le 63. Roger 371 Margaret, Queen (1482) death 280. Queen of Scots 279. daughter of Henry VII. 280. Abbess of Canonlegh 386. Prioress of Polslo 375 Marham, Agnes, Henry, John, Margaret, Rich - olda, Stephen 148 Mariat 18 Marke, Rob. Count of 35 Marken, Ralph, John, and Ralph 106 Markham, Anthony 122, 284,288. Henry 288. Jane, Margaret, Sir Robert 3)4. William 123,288 Marmion, Joan, Matilda, Mazera 130. Philip 113, 116 to. 119, 130. Robert 365 Marney, Katberine.Tho- masine 306 Marow, John 307 Marriot, Obadiab, 330, 331 Marscot, William 368 Marsh, Adam, John, Ricbard 184 to. Tho mas 7, 289 Marshall, John, Kathe rine 139. Margaret 43. Richard 8, 285, 291. Robert 43. William 349 Martin and Marton, Adam 71 Marten, Hugh 94, 95, 97 to. 98, 99, 101, 103. John 95, 98, 99, 101, 102, 103, 105, 106. Nicholas 6, 127. Ro bert 5. William 101, 102, 105 Marwood, Sir George, Henry, Margaret 212 Mary I. Queen 397 Mary, daughter of Henry VII. 278 Masham, Sir William 3 Massam, Thomas 287 Master, Robert 7 Masters, Major Wil liam 4 Mather, Joseph 46 Mathews, Thomas 288, 290 Matilda, the Empress 368 Matravers, Alice 129 Maudut, Robert 363. Thomas 28,363 Mauley, Hilaria 170 Maundevile, Elizabeth 139 Maunsell, Cecily, 391. Gilbert 391. Hugh389, 391, 394. John 389, 390,392. John-Chris topher 394. Ralph 391. Richard 389. Ro bert 394. Roger 391. Sampson 392, 394. Seyer 389 XV111 INDEX II PERSONS. 391. Simon 390. Tho mas-Philip 389, 394. Thomas 390, 393,394. William 390-394 Maurice, Bp. of London 252. Prior of Exeter 250. dapiferto the Earl of Clare 389 Max, John 16 Maydensone, John 162 Maydwell, Lawrence 122 Maynard, Banastre 224. Elizabeth, Robert 344 Meade, Thomas 6 Medcalfe, Robert 125 Medley, George 283. Margaret 225. Mary 283. William 225, 283 Meere, John 173 Meleford, Elias de 389 Melewis, Henry 385 Melton, Dame Margaret 8 Mer, Eodo de 249 Mercer, Christopher 124. John 241 Meredith, Christopher 5, 125 Meresey, John 261. Ni cholas, Ro,e 262 Mere worth .Basil i a, J oh n, Robert 255 Meriet 26 Merifelde, William 241 Meriiig, James 359. Ka therine 359. Thomas 353 Metcalfe, Anne 212. Ro bert 285. Thomas 212 Metham,John, Sibill 141 Methwold, WillUm 288, 289 Meygnill, or Meysnyl, Elizabeth 138. Gilbert 145. Isabel 145. Joan 138, 145. Richard 138. Robert 145. Meyler, Alicia, and Ro bert 118 Middelneye, Ralph 387 Middleton, Aunfrid, Gil- hert, John, Nigel 225. Thomas 131. Timothy 284. William 255 Mildmay, Mr. 3 Milner, Tempest 7, 8. Thomas 68 Milward, George 320 Mode, Edith 409 Moels, Roger Lord 218 Mohun, Hawise, John Lord 213. Mathia, Sibill 140 Mol, William le 380 Molendinarius, Geoffrey 380 Molins.Egidia, John 275. William 127, 287 Molineaux, Francis 212. Grace 212 Mollineax 349 Molyneux, James More 18 Molventon, William 113 Monbegone,Ernaldus 13 Monboucher,arms 41,42 Monckton, Col. 173 Monins, Thomas 6, 8 Monnok 326 Monstrell, Maud 247 Montacute, Drogo,Rieh- ard, Robert, William 143 Montagu, John Marquis of, aud his daughters 301 Montalt, Melisent de 62 Monte (de), Gilbert, Humfrey, Peter 270 Montebegon, Matilda, Roger 267 Montford, Simon 407 Montfort, Almaric Earl of 53. Henry 145. Pe ter 234, 235. Reginald 130. Robert, Turstan 145. William 227 Montgomery, Adam 112. Arnould 24. Arnulf 193, 194. Ehrard 196. Emme or Enyne 24. Hugh24,193. Mabilla, 24. Margaret 339. Ma tilda 24, 339. Sir Ni cholas 339, 354. Phi lip, Robert, 24. Ro ger, 24, 193. Sybille 24 Monthermer, Sir Ed ward 20 Montjoy, Elizabeth Ladv 326 Montney, Sir John 92 Mont Warult 193 Moorcock, William 354 Moraud, William 146 Morba, Hughde 386 Mordant, Alice, Eustace 391, 392. Thomas 394. William 392 More, Cecilia 248. Isa bel 328. Maud 248. Thomas 328, 329 More, William atte 261 More (de la), John, Ro ger 383 Morgan, David 127, 285, bis Morin 184 Morteyne, Will, de 95, to, 96 to, 97, 103 Mortimer, Isabella 1 19 to-, 320. Joan275. Phi lip 187. Robert 117. Roger 222, 230, 275, 301, 320 Morton, Hugh 137- Mi chael de 112, 115. Ro bert 333, 334. Ste phen Earl of 196 Moubray, Andrew, Ed mund 142. John 55, to, Nigell, Robert, Roger, William 142 Moulton, Robert 5 Mounceux, Alice, Elias, John 137 Mountgarret, Eliz. Vis countess 210 Mountjoy, Mountjoy Lord 215. Anne Lady Mouthe, John 233. Moyer, Samuel 286,289, 291 Moyle, John, Margaret 306 Moyne, Elizabeth. Sir John 312. William ti. Mueyson, Philip 113 Muleton, Thomas 252 Murdrak, Geoffry, Juli ana 145 Musard, arms 35, 37, pedigree of 49- Isabel 129,252. Ralph, Ro bert 252. Muschamp, Isabella 136 Muschet,Ralph, Richard Simon, William 274 Mytton, John 232 Nafford, William de 218 Nagynton, John 113 Nanscylis, Alice Nash, Thomas 3 Naylor, George 6 Nedding, Adam, Gunter, Hugh.Ralph.William,269 Nedeham, Sir John 22 Needham, John 7. Ro bert 228 Neltborpe. James 7, 126 Nereford, Maud 56 Neuborough,William3 12 Neville, Lord Latimer, Dugdale's corrections 209 Neville, Alice, 406, 407 Anne 209, 299, 406. Charles 209. Eliza beth, 147, 209, 406, 407. Faith 406. Fran ces 209. George 209, Sir George 308. Henry 209. Humphrey 299. Joan 406. John 209, 299, 302. Katherine 209,359,406. Marga ret 209, 406, 407. Mary 209. Sir Ralph 302. Thomas 209,299, 301, 359 to, 406. William 147. Wiuefred 209 Newall.John 284 Newbury, John 290 Newere, Geoffry, John 133 Newmarch, Elizabeth, Robert 407 Newsam, Tho. 126 Newton,Alianor,Richard 314. William de 366 Newville, Margaret 129 Nicholas, Prior of Ex eter, 184. three Ab bats of Haghmon 362, 363,364,372. See Bi- riton and Longelnore Nichois, arms 35 Nigellus 227 Nimet, Walter 387. Alexander, Oliver 387. Niweton, Richard 380. Robert 380 Noketon, Ra. de 92 Non am, Guido de 382, 385 Norburgh, Michael 165 to Norris, Hugh 375 to. Nicholas 378 Norfolk, Dukes of, pedi gree 300. John first Duke of 3 16 Normant, William 27 1 North, Alicia, John 240. Roger 335 Northampton, William Marquis of 397 Northburgh, Adam, Hugh, William 260, 261 Northumberland, Earls pedigree 298. Henry 5th Earl of 20,33 to. John Duke of 397. Duchess of 397. Ka therine Countess of 308. Maud Countess 59 Northwoue,Agneta 28 INDEX II. — PERSONS. Norton, John, Francis, William 111 Norwode, Alice 328 Nottecumbe, John 380 Nottingham, Gervase de 95 Notion, William de 334 Novo Mercato, Adam de 269 Nowell, Peter 7 Nowers, Isabell, William 147 Nuthill, arms 35, 37 Nuthyll, Cecilia, Sir Pe ter, Peter jun. 10 Nuton, John 380 Nutt, John 4, 8 Nye, Philip 291 Ocheby, Amabill, Roger, Theobald, Thomas 262 Odall, Margery, Thomas 348, 350 Us' Odingsells, Gabriel 291 Odo, 26, 193 Oglethorpe, Gervase 125 Oilerius 192, 193 Oilly, Henry, Matilda, Robert 269 Okeston, Vincent 377 to. Okevere, Hugh, John, Philip, Roger, Thomas 138 Oldfield, John 4 Oleney, Robert 21 Oliver 33 Oliver, Jordan 252 Olyvere, Agnes 86 Ondeslowe, Roger 28 Onslow, Arthur 19. Geo. 236. Roger 120 Orbery, Sir John 92 Ording, Abbat of St. Ed mund's 389 Ore, Meyler de 1 18 Ormond, Anne Countess o!281. James Earl of 280. Joan Countess of ib. John Earl of ib. Lora Countess of 281 Orwell, Jane 238. Sir Lewis ib. Osbern, Prior of Exeter, 189 Osbert 256. Abbat of Haghmon 362, 369 Overton, Margaret, Tho mas 139 Owein, Prince of Wales 233 Owen, Philip, 4. Sir Ro ger 238 Oxford, Alicia Countess of 281. Hawise Countess of 281. Hugh Earl of 267. Isabel XIX Countess of 267. John Earl of 317. Robert Earl of 267 Oxton, Alexander 385. Walter 376,379,385to. Packe, Alderman 125 Paddukbrock, John, Lucy, Walter 383 Padinton, John, Roger, William 143 Padley, William 5 Paganell, Gervase 391 Paiard, Algar 250 bis Painel, Fulke, William 186 Painsfoot, Elizabeth, Robert 314 Palmer, Samuel 291. Ricbard 188. Sarah 5. William 172, 188 Pancefot, Grimbald, Si- billa 222 Panter, Ric. 241 Pantulf, Alex. 142. Ivo, Ralph 191. Parker 22. John 124, 345. Dr. William 286 Parkhurst, Ferdinand 6 Parr, Alice 406. Eliza beth 300. Sir William 300, 406 Parsons, Katherine and Thomas 18 Pasmere, William 12 Passeleu, Nicholas 261. Robert 174 Passenarulf, Wm. 230 Passenham, Alice,Henry, Margaret 261 Paston, Agnes, Anna, Elizabeth, Saville, Talbot 309. William 22, 309 Pateshull, Margery, Si mon 271 Patkele, Matilda 377 Patrick, Isabel, Robert, William 137 Paulinus 149, 152-5, 168 Pavia251 Pay, Roger 7 Payne 313. John 6 to. Peter 285 Payton, Philip 1 13 Pawlett, arms 37 Peake, Rev. Will. 173 Pearson, Anthony 290. John 288 Peche, Geoffrey, Hamon 190. Robert 118 Pecheford, Nicholas lip Peck, John, Margaret 347 XX Peebles, John 166. Eli zabeth 167 Peinel, Fulke, William 383 Peirson, John, Matthew 287 Peitevin, Will, le 252 Peke, John and Jone 21 Pekit, John 105 Pelliparius, Philip 379 to Pembroke, Richard Earl of 221. William Earl »f 397 Peninton, Robert, 365. Philip 365 to. Ste phen 366 Penkull, Frustan de 333 Peupones, Elizabeth, John 307 Peny 313 Perce, Henry de 1 12 Percebaye, Will. 143 Perche, Anne, Emeric, Katharine 262 Percy, Lady Alianor 22. Perer, Walter 382 Perez, Donna Agnez 80,90 Peronell, William 106 Perrott, Herbert 290 Pervie, John 396 Pery, Anne, Jobn, Wil liam 327 Peter, Bishop of Chester 252. Bishop of Win chester 174. Prior of Exeter 184. Petby, Henry 12 Peruet, Walter 375 Peverel of Brunne, arms 35. Agnes 272 Peverell, Amicia 130. Hamo 25 to, 26, 28, 90 to, 117, 191,-3,-4,- 5. Hugh 64. 65, 130, 382,-3,-4 to. -7. Mar gery 130. Matilda 64. Nicholas 65. Peter 272. Ralph 64 bis, 65. Richard 63,64,65. Si bill 190. Simon 63. William 28, 190 to Peynferer, Fulke 265 Peyto, Alicia, John 26J Philipe, John 241 Philipps, <.rilantius289 Philpott, Alice 312 Pict', Capicer 174 Pictavensis, Alianor, Ri chard, Robert 382 Pictavinus, Stephana, Ri chard 376 Picot, Henry 250, 385. Rosamund 250 INDEX II. — PERSONS. Picheford, Sir Ralph 368 Pickersgill, John 8, 127, 289 Pierpoint, Sir Henry 342 bis, 349-50. Sir Hugh 92. Robert, Si mon, Walter 272. Wil liam 5 Pierson, Rev. Mr. 150 Pigeon, Jobn 127 Pigot, Jane, Sir Ran dolph 301 Pike, George 127 to Pillard, William 267 Pilefen, Peter 251 Pillisdon, Richard 1 13 Pimbel, Stephen 371 Pincerna, Amandus 12 Pinder, Matth. 122 Pinu, Maci de 382 Pinto 405 Pipard, Guy, Ivetta, Ma tilda 260 Piper, William 140 Pirot, Ralph 268. Ri chard 268 to Pistor, Peter 379 Piuelesdon, Roger 190 Player, Robert 4 Plesyngton, Margaret 303, 408 Plimtre, Gervase, Nicho las, William 381 Plompton, Agnes 302. Alice 338, 340, 341. Elizabeth 342. Mar garet 407. Sir Robert 302, 338, 340-342. Sir William 341, 342, 348, 407 Plumer, Sir John, Mar garet 326 Pocheill, Julia de 63 Poer(le), Baldwin, Elena, Eustacbia, Petromlla 264 Poges, Alianor, Alicia, Amicia, John, Marga ret, Peter, Robert, Tho mas 275 Poinings, Isabel, Luke 276 Pole, Alianor,Arthur310. Bona 329. Edith 310. Geoffry3 10,329. Harry 310. Margaret 408. Sir Richard 21, 310, 329. See Poole. Pollard, Damisela, Gil bert 377. Michael 379 Polti more, Jordan de 385 Pomeray, Geoffry 251, 381. Henry 186, 188, 386. Josceline 188, 220. Roer' 188. Wil liam 387 Ponsonby, W. F. S. 320 Pontesburye, Rich. 362 Ponthieu, Guy Count of 53 Poole, Cecily and John 43.German,epitaph 44. 45, 46, 50. Margaret 45, 46. arms 44, 50 Popa, William 387 Popeham, Sir John 21 Popple, William 286 Porta, Alured 376 Portarius, William 381 Porter, Anne 215 Endy- mion 215. John 286. Martha, Reginald, Ri cbard 146. Thos. 215 Potington, William 187 Powell, Henry 126 Power, Elianor 328. Eli zabeth 327. John ib. Margery 328. Marget 327. Mary ib. Phi lippa 328. Roger 327. Thomas ib. Powis, John Lord 237. Edward Lord 237, 238 Poynings, arms 37 Poys, Peter 12 Preston 325. Adam 360. Robert 120, 366, 368 Prettie, Richard 4 Pride, Roger 115, 120 Probus, or Pruz, Isabel 376, 378. John 378 Walter 250, 251, 376 378. William 385 Prodome, Martin 189 384. William 384 Prulle, Jordan, Robert 189 Prustecote, John 384 Pruz. See Probus Pryce, Pryce 320 Puckle, William 7, 284 Pudding, John 375 Pulle, Robert 375 Pulley, Maurice de 366 Punchardon, Robert, William 187 Puppys, Sir John 251 Purefoy, Thomas 357 Pynchard, Edmund 245. Elizabeth, Isabel, John, Margaret, Maud, Maurice, Simon 245 Pyrton, William 109, 110 Quincy, Saer de, Marga ret 185 Quinel, Helwisa, Peter, Thomas 377 Quyney, Richard 122 INDEX If. — PERSONS. XXI Radburne, Roger 105 Raddun, Baldwin 184 to. Radeclive, Beatrix, Tho mas 381 Radington, Joan 247 Ragelega, Hugh 189 Ragged, Rich le 94, 95 to, 96, 103 Raiglord, Katherine, Sir Laurence 298 Rainaldus 26, 193, 195 Rainer 194 Rainsbout, William 338 Rainsford, Alice 327 Ralegh, Avis, Joan, Maud, Margaret, Si mon 247. See Rage lega and Rawley. Ralph, Abbat of Battle 374. Abp. of Canter bury 196. Bp. of Chi chester 196. Abbats of Haghmon (three) 362, 363, 369. Abbat of Lillesball 372 to. Ab bat of Mount St. Mi chel 184. Abbat of Shrewsbury 190 Ramsdeu, John, Mar garet 36 Ramu-den, Joan, John, Ralph 260 Ranulph, Chancellor to Henry I. 196 Ratcliffe, Agnes 303, 409. Sir James, Katherine 301. Sir Richard 303, 409 Rawkhill, Richard son of, 95 bis Rawley, Anne, Sir Ed ward 329 Rawlin, William 21 Rawlins, Thomas 8 Rawlinson, Luke 287 Rayne, Peter 6 Rayney, arms 37 Redburn, Katherine,Wil- liam 138 Reddinge, John 127 Red>-, Anne, Thomas, William 277 note Redgar, Tho. 286 Redman, Alexander, John, Henry, William 109 Redshaw, Thomas 125 Reiner, Bishop of St. Asaph 362, 369, 370-2 Rempston, Margaret 338 -9, 341-2, 344-5. Sir Thomas ib. 351 Reresby, John 359 to Rese, Prince of Wales 233 Reskimer 319. Elizabeth, John 307 Reson, Walter 140 Reynolds, John, his church notes 33 Reynolds, arms of 49. George, Mary ib. Ro bert 3. Rhodes, John 4 Ribel, Geoffrey 363. Rice, Henry 284 Riiford, Adam, Helias, William 376 Ricbard, Bishop of Ches ter 190 Abbat of Haghmon 362. See Burnell and Pontes bury. Bp. of Hereford 196. Prior of Lech lade 324. Prior of Legb 187. Bp. of Lon don 193, 194 ter, 195, 196. Chaplain of Meil- nilHermer25. Prior of Ottery 65. Abbat ofTichfield 14, 16 Richards, William 6 Richardson, Elizabeth, Joseph 167. Thomas 5,8. William 291 Richilda 256 Richmond, the Earls of 53. Edmund Earl of 278. Margaret Count ess of 278, 405 Richmond, Odo 161 Ridel, Warin 33 Rike, John, Isabel 140 Rivall', Peter 174 Rivel, Robert 65 Rivers, Earl of 308. Eliz. Countess 223 Richard Earl 296. Thomas Earl 223. See Ryver Rivington, Robert 287 Ripariis, John 259 Risford, Adam 375, 378, Rissheton, Gilbert de 273 Robert 23. son of Henry I. 196. Bp. of Ches ter 196 to. Prior of Exeter 252, 375, 378. Abbat of Lilleshull 369. Bp. of Lincoln 188,196. Bp. of Lon don 368. Archdeacon of Totness 65 Roberts, Sir John 124, 285. Richard 241. Rowland 287. Sir William 284 Robinson, Richard 361 Rochester, Mr. 397. Eli zabeth 359 Rocbford, Elizabeth, Harry 303, 408. Ralph 408 Rodble, Ralph 352 Rodenhurste, John 362, 370, 373 Rodington, Gilbert 366. Henry 363, 366. Isa bel 366. Ranulph 366 ter. Rodney, Sir Walter 313 Rodshaw, Thomas 288 Roem, William de 250 Rof, Johanna 378. John 375, 376,379. Martin 254, 375, 377, 379, 384, 385, 387. Sam son 189. William 250 Roger 33. Prior of Exe ter 189,377, 378,880, 381. Abbat of Hagh mon 363. Bp. of Sa lisbury 196. Abp. of York 254 Rogers, Alexander, Avice, Harry, John, Marga ret, Thomas 312. Hen. 243. John 245, 246, 350. Robert 350 Rokebeare, Paulina, Ro ger, Thomas 378 Rokeby, arms 49. Grace 212. Mary 49. Ralph 360. Thomas 212 Rollinson, Thomas 7 Rolsby, John 351 Romesee, John de 16 Rondulfe, William 112 Roos, Lord 296. Mar garet 227. Jobn, Philippa 228. Tho mas 228 bis. William 227, 228. Ropeley, Eva, Loretta, Matilda, Simon 147 Roper, Roger 241 Roppes, Robert 261 Ros, Eustachial35. Wil liam ib. Isabella 136. William 135 Rossall, Stephen 370. Thos. 120,121 to, 364, 365,367,371. Vivian 364,365,367,371 bis Rounberga 268 Rous, Alice, Richard 148 Rowland, Francis, Mat thew, Thomas 126 Ronton, Matthew 10 Rudecliff, Joan, John, Richard 273 XXII INDEX II. PERSONS. Rugge, Joane, Kathe rine, Thomas 243 Rumare, Robert, William 186 Rumsey, Marget 327 Rusberia, Rogerus fil. Odonis de 28 Russell, Andrew 260. James 6, 123. John 260 Rye, Joan 260. Joan, Margery, Philip, Ralph 270. Richard 260. Thomas 270 Rynyon, or Ryvyon,Ray- non, Rovnam, John 246. Richard 244. William 244 Rysome, John 13 Rysse, Mr. 397 Ry ver (de la), Sir Gyllam, Jane 409 Sacheverill, John 111 Sackville, Andrew, Mar gery 276 St. Andrew, Erneburga, Henry, Pagan, Tho mas 144 St. Audomar, Walter 64 St. Barbe, Joan 247. Jobn 244, 246. Mar garet^. Ricbard 246-7 St. George, Richard 34 St. Helen, Michael 186 St. John, arms 37. Alia nor 21,311. Amy 21, 310. Edith 310. Eli zabeth 303, 310, 311. Isabel 311. John 263, 310, 311. Sir John 21, 310. Margaret 278, 311. Mary 31 I. Oli ver, 22, 303, 31 I. Sir Oliver 310. Robert, Roger 263. Sibilla 311. Thomas263, 279. Wal ter 288 St. John, of Bazing, Charles and Christian, Lord and Lady, epi taph 36 St. Leger, Anne, Antho ny, Sir Thomas 297 St. Liz, Isabella 171. Maud 33. Rowland 171 St. Martin, Godfrey, Jor dan, William 266 St. Nicholas, John, Lady Priscilla 224. St. Ravi, Sir William 217 Salisbury, Earl of 7. Ka- therineCountess ol 278 Margaret Countess of 21. Richard Earl of 300. Wm. Earl of 234 Salmon, Agnes 86. Tho mas 86. Ty'm. 6 Salnervill, Gilbert 194 Salsomarisco. See Salt- marsh. Salston 59 Salt, John 249 Saltmarsh, Joan, John, Peter 273 Saltonstall, Charles 126 Salvayne, Auketon, Mar gery 258 Salvin 303 Salway, Richard 6, 288 Samford, William 122 Samuel, Amys, Ricbard 329 Sampson, John 16 Sandall, William 359. Sands, Sir William 22 Sandwich, Agnes, John, Juliana, Nicholas 405 Sandys, Edith 299, 314. Richard 314. Sir Wil liam 299, 314 Sangwiner, Will 387 Sapington, William 338 Sarger, John de 376 Sartilli, Claricia, Gilbert 146 Sauberia, Nigellus, and Robertus de 28. Saucei, Hugh de 386 Savage, Edward 157, 160, 236. Heylyn 357. John 141. Laurence 357. Robert 144. Roger 141 Savile of Bradley family 150. Dorothy 162. Ed ward, Sir George ib. Henry 161, 162, 357. Sir John 162, 353,354. Nicholas 355. Thomas 162 Saxby, Amys, John 329 Sawin 386 Sai or Say, Annes, Eliza beth 326. Genovefa 409. Gilbert 143. Jane 409. Sir John 327. Mary 326. Picot 194. Robert 190. Theode- ric 193. Thomas 409. Sir William 326, 409 Savnhope, Richard de 68 Scales, Isabel 276. Joan 262. John 262. Mar gery, Robert 276. Tho mas 261-2 Scarlett, Anthony 292 Scepius, a priest 64 Schaa, Sir Allen 351. Sir John 329. Julian 329 Scbaffeld, Robert de 73 Schagsby, Andrew de 96 Us. Scbawberia, Nigel 190 Schawbere, Richard 115 Schenton, Henry 118 Schimpling, Peter 389 Scot, Richard 30 Scott, Thomas 123. Scremby, Will 148 Scrope, Agnes 303, 408-9. Alice 301, 408. Ana- belia 223. Anne 408. Eleanor 303, 408. Eli zabeth 223,303,408-9. Elizabeth Lady 298, 311, 408. Jane 408. John Lord 223, 303, 407-8-9. Henry Lord 303, 407, 408. Kathe rine 303, 408-9. Mar garet Lady 20, 303, 408-9. Martha 223. Mary 223, 311, 408. Ralph 409. Ricbard 303, 408-9. Robert 303, 409. Thomas Lord 408. Lady (of Upsal) 297, 301-2 Scudamore, Alice, God frey 129- Henry, Joan 140. Matilda, Peter 129 Scurres, Alan 10. Aske- til 10. Henry 12. Ma tilda 9, 10. Richard 10. Robert 9, 10. Wal ter 10. William 9, 10. Sir Robert 10 Searle, George 122 Sedgwick, Obadiah 286 Segeswick, Humphrey 351 Segrave, family 276. John, Juliana 254, 405. Nicholas 136. Stephen 174 Semer, Andrew, Cecilia, Juan, John, Ralph, Sa rah, William 379 Sensu, Martin de 81 Serlo, Dean of Exeter 187, 252 Serviens, Joan, Richard 383 Servington, David 377 ter Seward 192. Emota, William 239-40 Seymour, Elizabeth 312. Lady Frances 212. Sir John 127. Lord Admi ral 3.97 Seys, Kenwric (Wronoti, or Wrenoc) 371-2. John, William 372 Seyton, Alice, Richard 257 liaftesbury, Margaret Abbess of 311 Shareshull, Elizabeth, William 131 Shaw, Henry 354 Shepardson, Adam 3 Shepard, Edmund 173. John 240 Sheffield, Anne, Antho ny, Dorothy 17 1. Christian 172. Ed ward 171. Elizabeth 171-2. Emma 171. George 171-2. James 172. John, Kenelm, Margaret 171. Maria 172. Robert 171. Sampson 172 to, 173. William 171-2. Shelmerdine, Ephraim 49 Shepye, Laurence 260 Sherburne, Sir Richard -, 92 Sherman, John 7 Shire, Digory 6 Shirley, John 335 Short, 398. William 245 Shorwell, William 266 Shotterden, Daniel 126 Shottesbroke, Alianor, Edith, Peter 240. Sir Robert 313 < Shrewsbury, Adelaisa, Countess 191. Anne Countess of 210. Anna Maria Countess of 210. Charles Earl of 211- Eliz. Couniess of 280. Frances Co'tess of 210. Francis Earl of 210, 211. George Earl of 24, 46, 210, 298. Hugh Earl of 27 ter. 194. John Earl of 210, 228. Kathe rine Countess of 298. Mary Countess of 210. Robert Earl of 195. Roger Earl of 27, 116, 119, 120, 191, 195, 227, 233 Shulton, John, Thomas 139 Sibbiton, Amilia, Here- bert 371 Siccaville, John 385. Ro bert de 383, 385 Sidenham 313. George, Joan, Jobn, Richard, Sylvester, Walter 409 Sidley, Isaac 7 Silva, John Gomez de 81 INDEX II. — PERSONS. Simon, Prior of Sem pringham 357 Simonds, Elizabeth, Sir George, Mary 210 Siward (Grossus) 24 Skerne, Mary 326. Ro bert 326 Skevington 217 Skinner, Augustine 6. Ralph 290 Skippon, Philip 284 Skipton, Sir Robert 352 Slade, Obadiah 289 Slaney, Samuel 122 Slepe, Roger de 120 Sly, Walter 4 Smalcumbe, William, 189 to Smithcote, John 362. William 370 Smith, Edward 4, 6, 124. George 284. Henoch 4. Isabel 215. John 3, 8, 109. Sir John 216. Matthew 8, Nicholas 104. Samuel 284. Thomas 127. Sir Thomas 216. William 109 Smyth, John 288, 289 Sneck, Alured, Nicholas, Ralph, Richard, Wil liam 272 Snoring, Agnes, Alice, Basilia, Christiana, Mabill, Philip, Rich ard 148 Snowe, Simon 3 Sodh, Jobn 380 Soggedon, Alice, 363. Richard 363, 365. Solariis, Elena, Eusta- chia, John, Ralph, Richard, William 264 Solton, Ralph de, 370 Somertord, Robert, 134 Somerset, Edmund Duke of 309. John Earl of 278 to-. 297,309, 310. John Duke of 297, 308. Margaret, Countess of 296. William Duke of 213. Sir Charles and Elizabeth 22 Somervill, John 134. Ro bert 227 Sondford, Ralph 116 Sothill, John 167 Southampton, William Earl of 361 Spalle, Ralph 64 Sparkes, George 3 Spike, John 306 SH XXlll Spencer, Dame Alice 20. John 4. Katherine, Margaret 308. Richard 236. Sir Robert 308 Speringe, William 7 Spersolte, Henry de 14 Spileman, Humfrey, Ro bert 188 Spineto, Walterus filius Petri de 13 Sprengehose, Roger 368 Sprigg, Basill 288 Spryng 326. Philip 377. Nancy, Margaret, Ro bert 350 Stafford, Alice 230, 343. Anne 326, 409. An thony 58. Catherine 326. Edmund 230. Edmund Earl 231. Edward Lord 232. Elizabeth 409. Fulke 408. Henry Lord 58. Hugh 231. Humphrey 301, 326, 409. Humphrey Earl 231. Isabel, Lady 232. Jo seph 342. Katherine 306, 409. Margaret Countess of 308. Ni cholas 230. Ralph 230-1. Richard 347. Thomas 231. Wil liam 58, 231, 249,306, 326, 409 Stamford, Elizabeth, Countess of 225. Hugh 132. Thomas Earl of 225 Standish, James 3 Stanhard 33 Stanley, Agnes, Alice, Anne, Anthony 407. Sir Edward, Eleanor Lady 301, 407. Lady Elizabeth 216, 407. George 236, 301,407. James, John, Kathe rine, Richard 407. Sir Robert 216. Thomas, William 407 Stanton, Amicia, Hervey, Nicholas 131. Robert de 97. Roger 369. Stephen 366,369,371. William 286 Stanwardyne, Peter 121 Staples, Edward 4 Stapleton, arms 40. Agnes 344. Sir Brian 341, 344-5. Eliza beth, Henry 212. Isa bel 344-5. Nicholas, Milo, Sarra 258 XXIV Stapley, Anthony 5 Stare, Joan, Will. 170 Starkey, Philip 292. See Sterkey Statham, or Stathun, Godith 110, 111, 138, 345. Elizabeth 138. John 110, 111 to, 345. Ralph, Thomas 1 38 Staunton, Ralph 112. Robert 5 Staveley, Agnes, Alan 257. Elena 106 bis. John, Mary 329. Ro bert 106 bis. Thomas 251 Steed, John 108 Steele, William 289 Stellinge, Alexander 263 Stephen, King, 250. Abp. of Canterbury 362, 372 Stepulton, Leonard 244, 246. Robert 364 Sierkey, Hugh 22, 23. John 22 Stevenes, Cristina, Emota, John 239-40 Stigund, Bp. of Chiches ter 252 Stirmund, William 136 Stistcd, William 287 Stillington, John, Ur sula 221 Stocke, Arthur 126 Stok, Alice, Joan, Ma thia, Matilda, Richard, Sibill, William 140 Stoke, Amicia 275. Ranulph de 3S6 Stokel, William 367 Stokes, Philip 383 Stoncumbe, Matilda, Wilham 251 Stone, William 287 Stonehouse, Sir John 18 Stoney, James 123 Stonor, Elizabeth, Tho mas 209. Sir William 241, 301 Stotesbery, Robert 196 Stourton, Agnes, Ali anor 312. Alice 312- 13-14. Anne 312. Cecil 409. Edith 312- 13. Edward Lord Elizabeth 313. Jane 312. Jenkyn 313. John 313-14, 409. John Lord 313. Ka therine, Margaret, Ralph, Sir Reginald, Richard, William Lord 312 Slowe, John 240 INDEX II. — PERSONS. Stowell, Edward 409. Joan, J^hn, Walter 244-6 Stradling, Alice, Anne 307,325. Anne Lady 406. Edmond, Ed ward 307, 325. Sir Edward 247. Eliza beth 247, 307. Sir Henry, John 247. Margaret, Renfrey 307 Strange, of Knockyn 223. Geoffry 251, 380. Hamo 366, 370, 372. John 28 to, 113, 114, 115, 117, 119, 120, 366, 369, 370 scepe, 371-2. Sir Richard 362. Roger 112, 114, 120,370,372. Wido 113. Will. 369, 371-2 Strangeways, Alice 301. Anne 407. Dorothy306 Elizah. 301,305. Giles 306. Henry 306. Sir James 301, 305, 401, 408. Jane 300. John 306, 408. Margaret 301. Mary 306. Sir Richard 301, 407. Thomas 300, 406-7, 408. William 407 Strigul, Earl of 214 Strode, Beatrice, Henry, Mr Hugh, Richard, William 244 Stroud, Elinor, William 409 Stuffyn 47 Stnry, Alice, Sir William 243, 245 Stut, William 371 Stutill 349 Stutwyll (Stutevill), Eustace, Juan, Nicho las, Robert, William 11 Style, James 286 Styles, John 125 Styley, Hugh de 95 Suche. See Zoueb. Suffolk, Charles Duke of 276. Edmund Earl of 297. Eliz. Duchess of ib. Frances Duchess of 397. Katherine Duchess ol 396. Wil liam Earl of 262 Sulton, Ivo 115, 118 Surrey, Thomas Earl of 276,316 Surtays, Thomas, Amicia 68 Sutheron, Sir John 32 Sutor, Richard 379 Sutton, Isabel, Richard 136 Swallow, Robert 286 Swan, Christopher 241 Swayn, Peter 68 Sweete, Robert 284 Swillington, Robert 334 Swinion, Isabel, William 259 Swod, Swt, or Sodb, Jofert 380 Sydemanlone, John 14, 15 Sylrewaste, Ricbard 264 Sylveyne, Osbert, Rich ard 92 Symeon, Simon 334-5 Symonds, Richard 285 Tabberton, Joseph 288 Tahler,Edith,Guy, Isabel 129 Tailler, Jobn 146 Talbot, Earl of Shrews bury (Dugdale's Cor rections) 210. Ankaret 88. Anne 210. Bea trix Lady 80, 36-88, 89 note, 405. Bruno, Conyers 210. Eliza beth 408. Gilbert Lord 24, 80. Sir Gil bert 408. Sir John 88. Jobn 211. Maria 210. Thomas 210, 298 Talcott, Thomas 4 Talone, John 12 Talvas, Guillaume 23. See Shrewsbury Tames 327 Tancarvill, Will. 196 Tanfield, Katherine 406 Tangelanda, Rainer de 25. William ib. Tannere, Roger le 383 Tantefer, Walter 377. William 189, 375 Taple, Thomas 245-6 Tassarand, Laderina, William 133 Tateshall, Robert 270 Tauton, Alexander 251, 379, 380. Joan 379. Roger 251 Taylboys, John 1/0,346. Margaret 346 Tayler, Geoffrey 113 Tayleur, William 290 Taylor, Dennis 126. Eli zabeths. George 122. Nathaniel 123, 285. Svlvanus 127,284,289, 291-2. Thomas 6, 341 Tedford,Adam 384 INDEX II. — PERSONS. Teesdale, Walter 69 to Tempest, Thomas 41. arms ib. Tey, Constance, Ed mond, Elizabeth, Henry, Jane, John, Thomas, William 283 Thaier, Robert 285 Thele, Alicia 259 Thelebrige, John 380 Thenet, Ithel ab 37 1 Theodericus 26 Tbeodulf, Bishop of Worcester 196 Theyres, Nicholas, Tho mas 96 Thomas, Abbat of Hagh mon. See Corvisor. 3d Abbat of Meaux 11. Abp. of York 219, 252 Thompson, Francis 126. George 5. Robert 289 Thorn. See Spineto Thornbury, William 340 Thornes, Roger 23 1 Tbornbull, Margery, Walter 255 Thorni, Jobn de 15, 16 Thorp, Alice, 351. Anne 346. Elizabeth, Jen net 351. William 346, 351 Thrall, John and Joan 86 Thrilbi, Walter de 71 Thuh'viJJ. See Turbe- vill Thurb', John,Walter25I Thurlowe, John 3, 288, 290 Thwavtes, SirThomas 21 Thweng, Lucy, Marma duke 170 Thynne 233 Tias, William 285 Tich borne, Katherine 275. Robert 3, 125. Roger 275 Tickhill, Robert 1 1 1 Tilcott, Jonathan 285 Tilson, Bp. Henry 167 Tingle, Rev.Thomas 151 Tiptoft, Sir John, Joyce Lady 238, 296 Tirna, Theoid de 190 Tirwhitt, Anne 244. Eli zabeth, Isabel, Joan, Sir John, SirThomas 244 Titteley, William 115 bis Tobenall, Francis 349 Tochil 193 Todd, Thomas 124 Todenei, Robert de 30 Todington, Eustachia, Joan, Ralph, Will. 146 Toeni, Alice 169 Tollino, John 383 Tolonge, Adam 373 Tonison, Roger 72, "3 Toreth 194 Toritune, John 184 to Toriz, Roger 379 Tornai, Gerard 28, 193 Torrell, Alice, William 270 Tosii 386 Totton, Martin 375 iournay, Alice, Gilda, Hugh, Thomas 187 Townley, Elizabeth, Richard 354, 357 Traci or Tracy, 218. Alice, Annes 325. Henry 61, 62, 250, 325. Osmer 189, 381. Ralph 325. William 186, 325, 386 Trak, Alicia 281 Tregoz, Henry, John 259. Mabil279. Tho mas 259 Treiminettes, Gosilin 382. Rich. 187. Wal ter 62. William de 62 ter, 382 Tremayne, Thomas 241 Trencard, Ricbard 62 Trenchard 252 Trenowth, John 307 Trevelyan, John 409-10. Maud 409 Treueseck, Aunger, Ce cilia, Richard, Roland 259 Trevet, Nicholas, 28 Trevor, SirThomas 293 Tribus Minutis. See Treiminettes Trivet, Joan, John, Tho mas 247 Tromewyn, Sir John 365 Trotter, Richard 4 Trowell, Peter, Richard, William 132 Trussell, Elizabeth, Wil liam 20 Tryon, Charles 173 Tubbe, John, 240 to Tuchet, Thomas 112 Tuddington, Henry 95 Tumbur, Semar 382 Tunstall, Ivo 190. Os mund de 28 bis. Tur- stan ib. Tunsted, Emma 361 Tur', Barth'us de 148 Turbevill, Elena 265. Hugh 222. John 265 Turk, Mosseus le 384-5 Turketill 219 Turney. See Tournay. Turner, George-Fulham, John 18. Mary 18, 19. Richard 7, 123, 290, 291 Turoe, Bartholomew 234 Turpin, William 288 Turstan 33 Turvy, Isabella, John, Robert, Thomas 259 Tutbury.Earl of 214 Tutt, John 125 Tuzseinz, Baldwin, Ro ger 185 Twisleton. George 289 Twychen, Ricbard 27 ' Twyford, Robert de 337 Tybaut, John, Jordan 378 Tybshelf, Roger 335, 339 Tyrell, Anne, Sir James, Thomas 306 Ulcote, Joan, Philip 145 Ulgerius 26, 196 Umpton, Hugh, Tho mas 324 Underwood, William 7, 289,290,291 Upton, Philip, Mary, Walter, William 141 Uppetone, Thomas 381 Urger 115 Urtiaco, Henry de, John, Sabrina 255 Vache (de la), Mabill, Richard 271 Vachhan, David 371 Valars, Margaret 245 Valenies, Robert, Theo bald, Thomas 146 Valletorr, Sir John 383. Joel de 63. Reginald 384-5. Roger 230, 385 Vallibus, Robert 185,186 Valoignes, Laderina, William 270 Van Hammema, Beatrix 58 Vaughan. See Vach han and Vewan Vaux, Edward Lord 210, 215. Elizabeth 300. Isabel 215. Mary 210. Nicholas 22,215, 300 Vavasour, Edmond 290. Elizabeth, Harry 305. John, Robert, William 271 Venator, Normannus 193. Ulgerius 196 XXVI INDEX II PERSONS. Venner, Richard 123 Verdon, Alice, 271. Hen. 238. Robert 271 Theobald 113. Ursula 238 Veie, Alice 186. Anne, Aubrey 298 Verley, Torald 193. Ro bert 193 Verney, Alianor 310. Beatrix 327. Sir John 310, 329. Sir Ralph 310,327 Vernon, Bennett 354. Edmund 350. Sir Harry 353-4. Henry 349,350,353-4. Rich. 94. 95, 97, 124, 126, 342 to, 345. Thomas 356, 358. Sir William 354 Vesey, Eustace 145, 146. William 146 Vewan, David 372 de Vick, arms 35 Viel, Gervase 378 de la Ville, Arnald 384 Villers, Margaret, Payne 338 Viteri, Alexander de 386 Wade, William 228 Wadelawe, Eva, John 268 Wadham, Sir Jobn 312, 313, 409. Isabel 409. Jane 313,409. Mar gery 312. Nicholas 313, 409 Waignur, Walter 378 Waith, Anne, Robert 18 Wake, Baldwin, Joan, John, Margaret, Tho mas 11 Wakebrugge, Cecily 44, 50. Sir William 43, 44, 50. arms 44, 50 Waldoe, Daniel 2.90 Waleran, Richard 65, 251, 384 Waleys, Henry 135. Jobn 82. Stephen, Richard 135 Walgrave, Anne 326. Edward, Elizabeth, Jane 307, 326, 409. Richard, Thomas, W'illiam 326 Walkelin, Bp. of Win chester 252-3 Walker, Thomas 292 Wallis, John 123 Wallour, Wilham 133 Walraudua 256 Walsham, Robert 245 Walter, Abbat of Battle 388. Getharista 365 Waltervill, Aceline 191. Geoffrey, Matilda 190. Ralph 191 Waltham, Alexander, Amicia 131. William 256 Wandby, John 5 Wanley, Valentine 61, 291 Warcupp, Edward 125 Ward, Hamond 127. Leonard 124. Mar garet, Roger 302. Tho mas 126 Warde, Lady Grace, James 224. Joan, John 244 Wardeston, Rad. de 105, 106 Wardrob, Charles de la 270 Ware, Jane, Rich. 312 Warin 26, 192, 193 Waring, Edward 6 Warner, Francis 288. Richard 8. Samuel 122 Warren, Ear! 1 17. Gun- dred 156. Jobn Earl 160. William Earl 156, 266 Warren of Poynton, de scent of 56 Warsiugton, or Wassing- ton, Jobn, Robert 338 Warsop, Geo. epitaph 39 Warton, Geo. epitaph 39 Warwick, Henry Duke of 231. John Earl of 397- Penelope C'tess of 215. Ricbard Earl of 300, 348 Wassinglea, Matilda, William 130 Wastell, John 8, 291 Wast house, Alan, Ceci lia, Emma, Isabel, Ralph 147 Waterfield, Thomas 5 Watertnn, Blanch, Hugh 21. Merriel, Sir Ro bert 359 Watervile arms 35 Watson, John 125 Waynman, Ursula, Wil liam 329 Webb, William 3, 123, 126, 284 to, 287 Weho, Luke de 366 atte Welde, Nicholas 336 Welles, Ceci'y Vis countess, 21, 297,311. Elizabeth 311. Henry 182. John Viscount 21, 311. John Lord 310. Robert, William 270 Wellisbourne, John, Lucy, Margery Oliver, 328 Wells, William 5 Wen, Rad.de 94,96 Wendeslev, Thomas de 337, 343 Wengham, Eustace, Isa bel, William 274 Wenlock, Annes Ladv 327 Wenman. See Wayn man Wenselandale, Piers de 334 Wentworth, Anne, Sir Harry 306. Sir Roger 326 Weret 26 Wermesley, Sir Thomas 339 Werplesdon, Rich. 274 Wervelleston, Katharine 118 Westbery 312 Westmoreland Earls pe digree 299, 302. Fran cis Earl of 212. Ralph Earl of 297 Weston, Godfrey, Odo, Reginald 266. Sir Ricbard 92. William 266, 289 Westrowe, Thomas 5, 284 Wevera, or Weure, Hugh 65 scepe, 384. John 65, 384 scepe. Nicho las 65, 381. Wimark65 Weyley, Lucy, Marge ry97 Weymouth, Vise. 233 Whetcombe, Jane 122 Whetham, Joseph 8 Wbetyngdon, Anne 409. Elizabeth 307, 409. Jane, Jobn, Mary 307 White, Amos 330. Hy larius 187. Will. 125 Whittington, Rob. 110 Whorleton, Thomas 5 Wicks, Elizabeth 18 Widdrington, Elizabeth, Sir Roger 303, 467. Sir Thomas 126 Widebere, Will, de 384 Wideville, Alice, John 261 Widewrth, Sir William 385 Wiger 26, 27. John 384-5 Wightwick, Jane 127 Wike, Alice 247 Wilde, George 126 Wildeburg, John 274 Wilileg', Nich. 190 Wilkins, Peter 123 Wilkinson, William 126 Willascote, William 121 Willoughby, Anne 314. Cecily 300. Dorothea 314. Edward 300, 314. Sir Harry 314. Hugh 342. Isabel 300. Jane 300, 314. Jobn 314. Katherine 131. Mar garet 314. Richard 349. Roger 131. Sir William 300 William, Abp. of Canter bury 190. Bp. of Exe ter 384. Two Abbats of Haghmon 362-3. Bp. of Winchester 196. (St.) Abp. of York 219 Wilmot, Sir Edward 42 Wilsham, Richard 388 Wiltshire, Alianor C'tess of 308. Avicia C'tess of 280. Edward Earl of 288. James Earl of 280. John Earl of 298. Sir John 81. Kathe rine Countess of 22 Winchester, Charles Marquis of, Mary Mar chioness of 223. Hugh Earl of 161. Margaret Co'tess of 185. Saer Earl of 185 Winchestour, William 16. See Winton Wincote, Joan, John 260 Windsor, Bridget, Eli zabeth, Thomas 329 Winton, Arthur, Cecilia 189, 250. Peter 14, 15 to, 132 Windsor, John 125. Wil liam Lord 214 Wingfield, Thomas 228 Wimer 257 Wise, Thomas 285 Wiseman, Edmon 7 INDEX II. PERSONS. Wisman, Lewin 389 Wish'm, John 255 Wither, George 122, 123, 124, 289. Elizabeth 123 Withypol, Elizabeth 280. Paul 277 Wittoc, William 378 Wixi, Roger 366 Wllavestun, Will. 375 Wlward 185 Wodborn, Thomas 1 70 de la Wode, Peter 265. William atte 337 Wodebere, Robert 387 Wodeford, Joan 262 Wodeman, Walter 376 Woderton, Hugh de 112 Wodeton, Henry, Wil liam 372 Wodrof, Will, epitaph 45 Wolgar, William 5 Wollaston, Sir John 3, 123, 286,288. Rich. 5 Wolley, Abraham, Esq. his Derbyshire MSS.34 Wollop, William 15 Wolsey, Cardinal 241 Wood, Thos. 290. Whit- tingham 8. William 3, 6 Woodburne,CeciIia,John 110 Woodcock, John 333 Woodford, Edward 125, 287, 239, 291 Woodhall, Margery, Thomas 348, 350 ter Woodhouse, Agnes, Ralph 352 Woodmansey, Ann 5 Woodrove, Roger 91. Ellis, Jane 92 Woods, John 4 Woodward, H. 43 Worcester, Earl of 296 Wormeall, Christ. 123, 124, 287 Wormhill, Robert 96. Thomas 95, 96 Wortley, arms 40 Wotton, Margaret 225. Sir Robert ib. Wranhi 382 Wrenoc, Jevan ap 371. See Kenwric. XXVII Wrey, John 140 Wrighte, Sir Nathan 330, 331 Wriotbesley, SirThomas 406 Wrocestre, John 369 Wuniaue, Walter 249 Wurthe, Roger de la 62 Wyatt, Mary and Will. 19 Wybourgh, John 20 Wycard, Robert 340 Wyk. See Ooyk Wykeford, John, Marga ret 270 Wykh'm, Robert 266 Wymondham, Thomas 94 Wyn, Rad. de 94, 96 bis. Robert 96 Wyndham, Elianor, Sir John 408 Wynkepery, Alianor 20 Wynkeshull, Robert 116 Wynne, Gerard 285 Wythomwyk, Williel mus, filius Galfridi de 13 Wytbypole, Anne, Ed mond, Elizabeth, John 405. Paul 277, 405 Wyvill, Sir Christopher, Ursula 212 Yate, John 122 yevelton, Jane 244, 247. Sir Robert 244 Yonge, John 241 Yvo, Abbat ofTichf. 14 York, Cecily Duchess of 297. Philippa D'chess of 235. Richard Duke of 395 Ysaac, 2d Abbat of Tichfield 14 Ythel the Dean 371 to Zouch, Alan 131. Do rothy Lady 306, 408. Elizabeth Lady 311. Eudo 62. Sir John 344-5. Katherine 408. Margaret, 311, 344-5. Matilda 131. Mil- lice nt 63, 113. Wil liam 121,355. Abp. William 162. INDEX III.— PLACES. For places in Hamphire, not indexed, see the article, pp. 175-133. Abberley, 233 Abbotshury abbey, 74 Aberconway abbey, 74 Abergwilly, 3 Abingdon abbey, 74 Abney, 109, 111, 348, 353, 354 Acombe, York, 8, 284 Aeombury nunnery, 74 Acris, Kent, 291 Acton, Salop 1 12,120,291 Acton Burnell, 233 Acton, Middlesex, 291 Adbrightlee, 113 Adbrighton, 120 bis. Adderbuiy, Hants, 7 Adderley, Salop, 227-8 Adeney, 1 14 Admaston, 117 Adurley, 118 Alton, Devon 135 Albrington, Salop, 210 to, 253 Alburbury, 233 Alcester, 221 Aldebury, 325 Aldeley, 113 Alclerbury, Wilts. 6 Alderton, Suff. 262 Aldescote, 117 Aldingborne, Suss. 124 Aldingham, 170 Aldwark, 93, 356, 360 Alletonshire, 126 Allerton, Salop, 113, 121 Alkeberwe, co. Line. 54 Alkynton, 114 to. AUscott, Salop, 368 Alministra, 192 Almondbury, 155, 156, 163, 164 Alnchurcb, Wore. 4 Alnwick abbey, 75 Alram, 64 Aire, 65 to Alresford, Hants, 122 Alrewas, Staff. 134 Alvechurcb, Wore. 122, 123 Alverstock, Hants, 123 Alvingham priory, 75 Ambaston, 334, 336-7 Amberley, Suss. 124 Amynton, Warw. 138 Anebury, 194 Angram, York, 125 Ankerwick nunnery, 75 Antingham, Norf. 127 Areldreham, 253 Arcall and Arklow. See Ercall Ardulveston, 27 Arsncll, 345 Arundel chapel, 85, 86 Ashby, Suff. 6 Asche, Great and Little, 117 Asfortl, 363 Ashington, Som. 234, 246, 247 Ashmersworth, Hants, 286 Ashley, N'ptsh. 272 Ashleworth, Glouc. 124 Ashover, 353, 357, 359 Ashridge college, 75, 226 Ashton, Devon. 173 Ashton, 353 Ashwell, Herts. 125, 127 Askham, Notts. 127 Aslacton, Notts. 136 Asbatrick, 290 Assingdon, Essex, 268 Astley, 121 Aston, 330 Aston, Great and Little, Salop, 114, 116, 233 Aston, Bishop's, 3 Aston Pigot, 373 Aston Rogers, 373 Athelney abbey, 75 Atper, St. Dav. 5 Attecham, 113 Auckland, Bishop's, 6 Audreeston, 253 Aynho, St. James's hos pital, 210 Bacon's, Norf. 284 Badesley preceptory, 75 Badminton, 328 Baits on, 185 Bakewell, 91, 95, 96, 333-4, 342, 350 Balderton, Notts. 133 Baldwincle, co. Hunts. 54 Balsale, 327 Bampton, 88,383 Bangor cartulary, 75 Banwell, Som. 8, 124 Barby, Nhpsh. 269, 270 Barchestou, 360 Bardney abbey, 75 Barfoots, Suffolk 6 Bargh, 360 Barham, Kent, 288 Barking abbey, 76 Barlborougb, 347 Barlings abbey, 75 Barnbrugh, 357 Barnsbury, Midd. 7 Barnstaple, 221 Barnwall priory, 75 Barsall, 353 Barton farm, Ely, 126. manor, ib. Baschurch, 28, 119, 192, 195 Basford, 346 Basselegge, Monm. 285 Basselow, Derb. 141 Bath abbey, 75 Batley, 167 Battersea.Surr. 124,127, 287. York-place, 122, 127 Battle abbey, 60, 61 to, 62,75, 254, 374 to Bandak, 281 to Baunton, 186 Beakesborne, Kent, 122, 284 Beauchief abbey, 75, 252 Beaulieu priory, Hants, 75, 76 Beauvale priory, 76 Beaworth, Hants, 124 Beckhay, York, 125 Becton, 193 Bedersey, 169 Bedlington, 288 Bedwellhay, Ely, 127 Beigham abbey, 76 Beiton, 28, 190 to Beighton, 353 Belby, 352, 353 Belford,eo. Line. 54 Belvoir, priory of, 32-33, 76 Benthorp, 352 Bentley, Fenny, 46 Bentley, Hants, 123 Benyngholme, 12 Bereford, Warw. 218 Bereweck, 119 Beriton, 193 Bermondsey abbey, 76 Bernham, Sussex, 263 Berrington, Salop, 368 Berry End, Bucks. 389- 394 Berwecke, Salop, 112 Besford, 115, 120 Beslow, 114, 115 Betfield, 342 Betton, Salop, 117 to Beuelege, 253 Beverley abbey, 76. min ster, 59 Bewly, N'thd. 286 Bickleigh, 186 Bicknacre cartulary, 76 Bicton, 120 Bignell, 329 Billesthorp 344- 5, 351 to Billinghurst, 259 Binhani priory, 76 Birchwood, 28 Birched, 353 Birton, Notts. 134 Bishop's Cannings, 127 Bishopsden wood, Kent 8, 285 Bishop's Nymett, Devon, 287 Bishop's Row, Kent, 284, 289 Bishopsthorp, 291 Bishopstoke, Hants, 5, 289 Bishopston, Wilts. 4 Bishopston, Monm. 285, 291 Bishop's Sutton, Southt. and Wilts. 6, 7 Bishop's Thornton, 126 Bissamede, 33 Biston, Monm. 285, 291 Bitchfield, Line. 288 Bithum castle, 221 Bittern, Hants, 285 Bittlesden abbey, 76 Blaby.Leic. 139 Blackborough, Norf. 127 Blackheath,battleof,219Blackmore, 87 ter, 88 Blakeland, 383 Blanchemarle.Yorksh. 11 Blanford, co. Line. 54 Blean, East and West, 285 Blecheley, 113 Blechindon, 327 Bleiileveny, 221 to, 222 Blewbury, Berks, 290 Blockley, Wore. 124 Blyth, 352, 355, 361. priory, 76, 92 Boarstall cartulary, 76 Bochelande, 386 Boghes, co. York, 54 Bold, co. Salop, 363 Boley, Salop, 27,117,193 Bolton priory, 76 Bolton-on-Dearne, 357 Bonington, Notts. 136 Borough Berrie, Northt. 4, 5, 283 Borough, Npn. 123 Bosbury, Heref. 284 Boston, co. Line. 54 guild, 76 Boswortb, Market, 42 Boughton, Kent, 6, 353 Boviette, 221 Bowes castle, 53, 54 Bowlas, 115, 119 Boxgrave priory, 76 Boythorp347, 350, 351, 353 Brackleyhospital76,270 INDEX III. PLACES. Bradeham 184 ter, 252 Bradenstoke priory 77 Bradestun 28 Bradfield 353 Bradford 155, 156, 163 Bradgate chapel 224 Bradley (Maiden) priory 77 , Bradsble abbey 201 Bradway 353 to Bradwell, Warw. 293-4 Bragynton 230 Brambridge 291 Brampton, co. Hants 54 Brampton, Derby 351, 353,356,358,361 Branch Hall, Norf. 289 Braneis 186 to Branford 62 scepe, 64, 188, 253, 332 Brantbam 253 Branton 194 Bray, Berks. 18 Braythayk 13 Brecknock priory 77. St. John 253 Bredgar, Kent 7 Bredon priory 77 Breresagh 56 Bretton priory 77 Brewood, Northt. 285 Brichlwalditon 61 Brichwoldinton 253 Bridlington priory 77 Bridgecroft 57 Bridgnorth (Brug 348 Longstanton, Shrop. 123 Loppynton 1 19 Loscafort, Loscesford, Loskesfort 27, 28, 194 Loseley, Surrey 17 Lotlum, 219 Loudbam 344-5, 347, 358 Loughton, Salop 236 Lound, York 287 Loversall 361 Lucton 230 Ludham 289 Ludingland, Sussex 54 Ludlow 113, 209 Luffield priory 208 Lukton 28 quater Lumby 360 Lupset 166 Lutcoyte, Cornw. 259 Lya 27. see Lega Lydom 365 Lye sub Brockhurst 119 Lymenesfeld 61, 253 Lymport 358 Lytham priory 208 Lytton 95, 96, 97, 109, 110,345 Macknage farm, Hants. 125 Madeley, Salop 209 Maiden Bradley 77 Maidenwell grange, Line. 7 Maisemore, Glouc. 124 Maisondieu brookes, Kent 123 Maltby, Line. 270 Malyngislee 112 Manaford 193 Manwood Court, Kent 284 Maperton, Som. 48 Maplescomb, 255 Mapleton, Staff. 132 Marchymley 117 Marderby 288 Mareburne 67 Margam abbey 223 Markes 15 Marris, York 5 Martin, Wilts. 284 Martinside 342 bis. Marton, York 126, 127 to, 289, 291 MarstonMeysey,Hants.5 Masham, co. York 57 Matheford 185 Mattherne 290 Massingham, Norf. 265 Meaux abbey 9-13 Medmenham 329 Meilnil Hermer 25 Meiston i 15 Meliden289 Melton Moubray, 142 Mendham, Bucks. 267 Mendlesham 253 Meon, East 122 Mereston 335 Merigge 246 Merioneth, county 233 Merrow, Surrey 19 Meryden 121 Messingham, York 126 Mexborough 361 Middle, Salop 120, 364 see Mudle Middleham (Bps) 287 Middleton, York 255 Middleton Cheyney 126 Midthorp 219 Mienes 253 Migdehala 253 Milford haven 279 Milford (South) 360 Milheyth 117 Milland, Hants. 286 Minsterley 231, 232 Minton, Salop 373 Mirfield 155, 156, 158 Mitteley, 117 Mokynton, 115 Molesby, York 125 Molland 187 bis. Moneyash 342 Monkton, York 288 Monkton Farley, 126 Montford 119 Montgomery 121 bis. More, Salop 118 More, la, 13 Moresed, Yorksh. 1 1 Moreton (North) 263 Moreton 116 Morthing 361 Morton, Devon 386 Morton, Hants 127 Morton, Notts. 137 Morton Park 358 Morton Say 113 Morton, York 289 bis. Moston 1 19 Moubray 330 Mounton 288 Mount St. John, York 124 Mouseley, Leic. 142 Moxby, York 125 Mudle 27, 28 Mudle castle 236 Muccleston 113 Munden, Devon 266 Munecbelaunde 185 Muncke Wetelaunde 381 Munketon 68 bis. Munsfield 338, 342 Muthla 193 Myrabel 14 INDEX III. — PLACES. Nafford, Wore. 218 Nagynton 112,365 Nassington, 54, 55 Nesse 27 bis, 28, 117, 119 to, 192, 1.93,236 Netesheard, Norf. 284 Nether-exe, Devon. 62 Netherhill 353 Netherwood, Heref. 256 Netheruouer, Heref. 256 Netlam, Line. 124 Newark, Notts. 132 Newbigging, Ntbb. 54 Newbold 337, 339, 342, 351, 353 New by, York 273 Newdiche 185 bis. Newelonde, Hants. 14 Newland, Yorksh. 11 Newland, Devon. 65 Newport, Salop 1 14 Newsteed grange 287 Newton on Derwent 361 Newton, Hants. 123 Newton, Notts. 345 Newton, Salop 366, 27 Newton, co. York 56, 257 Norham, N'thb'land 67 Normanton 343, 346 Norslepe, Salop 370 Northallerton, York 8 bis. 125, 285, 290, 291 Northampton farm, Hants. 124 Northcave West 57 Northcreake, Norf. 5 Northorp 357 Northsoke 287 Northwalton, Hants. 122 Northwick, Wore. 124 Norton, Derby 353 Norton, Devon. 253 Norton, Salop 26, 116, 117, 193 Norton (Bp's) 287 Norton, Cokeney 349 Norton (Cold) priory 199 Norton Lees 353 Notthall 346 Novo Loco, Priory de 33 Nun Keling priory 206 Nympton, Bp's 387 Oakbrook 334, 336, 339, 340 Obton 193 Ocsiton 195 Offington 33 Okinton 366 Oldfeld 113 Oldsoke 246 his. Olton, 22, 23 Onslow 120 Oneston 353 bis Opton. See Hoptun Ore 118, 246 XXXV Ormsby (North) 284 Osbaston 118 Osgodby 288 Osinotherley, 124, 125 Osney, Oxf. 290 Ossett 158, 167 Ossington, Notts. 137 Oswaldslow, Wore. 286 Oswestry (Oswaldestre) 27, 371-2 Otley, York 3, 4 lis. 7, 288, 290 Otringham 12 Otteley, Salop 236 Ounston, co. Derby 33 Outhorp 342 Outwell.Ely 126 Overton, Hants 286 Owstwyke 12 Oxford, Balliol college 215. Carmelite friars 218. Christ church 215. Christ Church College 241-2. Exeter college 211, 23.9-41. Magdalen college 210. Trinity college 223 Paddington 287 Parrake 113 Passenham, Nthpt. 261 Patley bridge, York 8 Patteswick, Essex 4 Paynton 1 1 3 Paxton, Great 54 Peak of Derby 91, 92, 93, 102, 105, 106 Pechesey 113 Pecton 193 Pendleton, Lane. 248 Penkeston 343 Penryn, Cornw. 285 Pensey, Wore. 126 Peplow 27 bis, 119 Perin, Cornw. 3 Peterborough palace 6 Peterthayes, Som. 7 Peterston, Norf. 124 Peverell 351 Phitesoth 194 Phutesho 27 Pickering castle 221 Pickestoke 114 Pillesley,334-5,341-2,343 Pillisdon, Salop. 112 Pimley, Salop. 364, 369 Pinewood, Kent 122 Pinho 61, 64, 185, 186, 188 Pipewell abbey 272 Pirgo 397 Pising, Kent 4 Plouarmell 53 Plompton 340, 358 Plumtre 65 Plymouth, landing of XXXVI Kath.ofArragon at279 Portsmouth 368 Portesy 15 bis. Pochellee 63 Poghehulle 374 Polton 195 Polton, Kent 284 Polslo priory 375, 379 Ponsbury, or Pontesbury 237-8 Potterheigham 288, 289 Potterne, Wilts 8, 122 Poughill, Devon 381 Poundisford, Som. 127 Preston, Durham 68 ter. Preston Boats 369 Preston, Glouc. 124 Prees, Salop 4, 8, 27 Us, 112, 116, 117, \99bis, 120, 194,367 Preston, co. York 56 Prindinton, Suffolk 388 Pukisley 112 Pulley 366 Pursey Furneaux 243 Quappynsall 112 Quarrera abbey 218 Quernden 353 CJueston 342 to. Racbeneford 252 Radeclive 185 ter. Radford, 92, 346 Ramnesden, Essex 260 Ranfield 92 Ratlinghope, Salop 367 Rawmarsh 93 Re island 1 86 Reach, Kent 124 Reast park, York 4 Recurdin 192 Reeteley 329 Reculver, Kent 3, 4 Red Castle 330 Redliston 61, 188, 374 Redyshandon 380 Ree, Great & Little 116 Reechwood(Long),Kent7 Regnoldsh 352 Repham 347 Repindon, Derb. 138 Reston 353 Redych 350, 358 Richard's Castle, 124 Richmond, co. York 53, 54, 55 Ridge, Glouc. 287 Rigwardyne 1 17, 190 Ripon, York 3, 6 ter, 126, 162 to, manor, 285, 283, 291, park lands 285 286, 288 Ripple, Wore. 123 Ri6ein HoldemessI2,170 Rishton, Lane. 273 Riston, Derb. 141 INDEX III.— PLACES. Riston, Salop 116 Rochester 125, palace 290 Rodynhurst 112 Rodington 113, 116,366, 369 Rodon, Salop 112 Rolston 351, 353 Rolvendon, Kent 254 Roos 169 Rosecastle 290 Rossa Parva 120 Rossall 120 Rotherham 353, 361 Roukham 342 Rowborough, Som. 291 Ruwton, Salop 118, 364 Rowtball 116 Roxhall, Staff. 131 Ruperam 186 Rushbury, Shrop. 123 Ryby, co. Line. 343, 355 Ryden, Norf. 261 Rympton, Berks & Som. 6 bis. Rynehope 290 Ryston, York 10, 12 St. Alban's abbey 74 St. Bee's priory 76 St. Burian, cartulary 76 St. Edmund's abbey 388 St. Germans, Corn. 123 St. Martin's 285 St. Radigon's, Kent 124 Salden, Bucks 210 Salford, Lane. 248 Salisbury, tenements in, 3, 4, palace 122 royal ties of ib. Salter inede 184 bis, 185 Sampford 253 Sanbroke 112 Sancton, York 5, 126 Sandford, Salop 369 Sansall 121 Sau bury 27 Sau'keston, Derb. 141 Sawbridgeworth 218 Saw ley, Derb. 6 Scampton, Leic. 266 Scaum, Kent 4 Scelflege 253 Scemesby, Bucks 144 Schardeclive, 382 Schenton 118 Schurlow 118 Scoeley 253 Scoreswilhe, Nthbld 67 Scottow 286 Scremby, Line. 148 Screveton, Notts 133 Scrowby, Notts 287 Seasalter, Kent 3 Seavington, Hants 287 Sempringham 345-7, 357 Septon, Som. 218 Setone 13 Seton, co. Rutland, 17 1-3 Sewell nunnery 107 Shaftesbury, abbess 278 Shapp abbey, Kent 205 Shareshull, Staff 131 Shawbere 115, 120 Sheephall, Herts 394 Sheffield 353 Shefford, Berks 88, 89 Shelvingford, Kent 127 Shalwick, 286,288 Shepherd's Well, Kent 285 Sherbonrne, York 4,219 Sherington 243 Shineton 364 Sbirbrook 47 Sbireford 386 Shittlehanger, Npsh. 271 Shodford, Kent 4 Shottisbam 284 Shrawardine 1 19, 193 Shrewsbury, extracts from the cartulary of St. Peter's 24-28, 190- 196, abbey 116, 117, 119,120. St.Alkmund 119. St. Chad's 120 quater. King's Chapel at 118, 121. St. Mary & St. Julian 117. St. Oswald's 193, lauds in 192 Shrivenham 258, 323 Shryveton 246 Sibeton 27 Sidinton, Salop 369 Sillingesford 186 Sion nunnery. See Syon Sireford 374 Siwaldeton 1 16 Skegby 352 Skelmanthorp 360 Skipsea castle, York 10 Skipton 353 Skyren, Yorksh. 1 1 Skyton hall, Norf. 127 Slagfield 342 bis. Slaith Hooton 360-1 Sleningford, co. York 57 Slepe, Salop 117, 120, 121, 190 bis. Smethcot, Salop 368 Snarford, co. Line. 57 Snarston, co. Leicester 47, 50 Snaith,Yorkl47,to,334Soft Marsh Grange 286 Somerleigh 351, 353 Somervile 353 Sonde, co. Rutland 54 Sondford 116, Southerton, Line. 264 South farm, Hants 122 Somhwark park, Surrey 5, brewhouse, the Bear Garden, &c.iA. Faulcon in the Stews bank 7 manor 236, 292. Win chester house 286. Southwell, Notts 5, 7, 125, 126, palace 8 Southwood, Kent 286 Sotmer, Kent 126 Sotwell, 6 Sothill 158, 167 Sowdeley, Great & Little 114 Sowerby, York 125 Spalding 328 Sparsholt 89 Spofforth 34 J Spondon 337, 339, 340, 342 Sponley 118, 228 bis. Sproxton, Leic. 262 Sputte, near Oswestry 371-2 Stafford priory 249 Stanford upon Soar 132 Stanley 350 Stansted, Kent 284 Stanton, Salop 26, 1 12, 193 Stanwardyne 121, super Camputn, ib. Stanton hall, Derb. 341-? .Staunton, Camb. 218 Staveley, co. Derby, church-notes 34-42 Steeton, 360 bis. Steill, Salop 114, 115 Stertindon 337 Stevekaie 253 Stevenage 4, 284, 290 Stewkley, Great 54 Steynesby, Derb. 142 Steyning 246 bis. Stipden 253 Still, co. Salop 367 Stockton, Durham 7 Stocton, Salop 112 Stoke, battle of 278 Stoke, Rutland 266 Stoke, Salop 193 Stoke Aubry 1 13 Stoke Canons 382 Stoke Holycross 289 Stoke Lacy 1 1 3 Stoke Lisle 328 Stoke Poges 275 Stokesay, Salop 366 Stoke park, Hants 286 Stone, Kent 127 Stonor 209 Stortford, Herts. 7 Stottesdone 27 Us, 192 INDEX III. — PLACES. Stow, Essex 263 Strange 236 Strathampton, Sussex 364 Streatham, Sussex 123 Strengston 243, 246 Stretton 231 Strigul, earldom 210 Stuche 1 13 Sturcheley 118 Sugwas 288 Sulton 118 Sunderland 287 Sutton (Great) Essex 274 Sutton cum Lound 287 Sutton, Som. 143 Sutton, York 6, 12, 285, 286,287 6^,288,290 bis. Swaffham, Norf. 54 Swindon, Wilts 88 Swinescliff 57 Swinton 361 Symondset 68 bis. Syon monastery, Middle sex, rule of 29 — 32, 326, 396 ter Tadeley, Hants 146 Tadieford 380 bis. 387 Talgard 221 Tallington, 32, 33 Tamworth 46,47, 130 Tanfield collieries 8 Us. Tansley 43 Tapton 346, 351, 353-4 Tarewell 195 Taunton, Som. 6,7, 122 Dean, Som. 8 Taverham, Norf. 4 Tawton, North 61, 63, 188, 374, 330 Tawton, South 61 Teignton 187, 387 Testerton, Norf. 148 Tetney, Line. 122 Tew (Michael) 327 Tewkesbury 325 Thimble 360 Thirne, Suffolk 6 Thirsk, co. York 55 Thorcroft 361 Thorfield 6 Thorinton 187 Thornhill 155, 156, 163 Thornlow 285 Thornton le Moors 287 Thorp 93 Thorpeashly 360 Thorpe grange, York 5 Thorpe Malsor 389 Thurgarton, Norf. 127 Thurfby, Line. 284 Thurleston 334, 336-7 Thwaits, Northt. 5, 284 Tibbenham (Bp's) 290 Tibrighton 114, 115 Tibshelf, Derb. 141 XXXVll Tichfield, 15 to. abbey 14—16 Tickford priory 391,393 Tickhill 143,358,361 Tidd St. Giles 126 Tideswell, Derb. 93, 94, 95, 97, 98, 101, 111, 342 bis, 345, 348 Tierne 118 Tildstoke 1 17 ' Tilley 114 Tiltey, Essex 282-3 Tilton, Glouc. 283 Tiverington, York 258 Tollerthorpe 219 Tolthorpe, Norf. 4 Tolton 186 Toneworth, Hants 275 Tonge 192 Torkesey, co. Line. 54 Torverton 185 Tottenham, Middx. 54 Totton 62 Trallong, Brecon 126 Tredrington, 286, 290 Tregare, Cornw. 289 Treuam, Cornw. 259 Trilawe 253 Trim, Ireland 275 Trotiscliffe, Kent 125 Tunstall 12 Tunstall (Dunstall), co. Salop 28, 117,329 Tugafort 193 Tuppesley, Heref.123,288 Turgisleby 219 Turndike 342 Turvey 391-2, 394 Tutbury, earldom 210 Tuxford 345 Twechene, Cornw. 271 Twyford 327, 329, 342 Tyne bridge, Durh. 5, 7 Tynemouth 67 Tynneslow 353 Tyryngholme 12 Uffington, Salop 112,369 Ulkiltborp 219 Ulley 361 Ulvescroft priory 132 Unkynton 113 Upminster 331 Upton, Hants 288 Upton, Salop 114, 115, 116, 190,367,368 Upwell, Ely 126 Urswick 169 Vache, co. Bucks. 36 Waddon, Surr. 124 Wadworth 360 Wakebridge, or Water- bridge, co. Derby 43 — 47,50 Wakefield 155, 156, 160, 161, 164 XXXVIIIWalashire 221 Walchintune, West 57 Walcot, Salop 27,1 17,368 Walcringham, Notts. 132 Walda, Yorksb. 1 1 Wales, co. York 353 Walesby 358 Walkeslawe 27, 28 Walinton 192 Wallingford college 323 Wallop 233 Wallsend 66, 67, 68 bis Walsingham 284,285,290 Waltham (East),Norf.286 Waltham, Hants 3 Walton, Derb. 333,344-5, 347, 348, 350, 353-5 Walton, Salop 118, 195, 233, 236 Walton hall, Norf. 289 Wandsworth, Surrey 123 Waranshall 113 Warde 15 bis Wardley 66, 68,71 Wardlow337,339,341 ,342 Warminster 244 bis, 245, 246 Warne, Som. 246 bis Washington, co. Derb. 43 Waterperry 328 Watersey, Camb. 287 Waterstoke 327 Watham, prior of 281 Wattlesburgh 233 Waub'ton, Sussex 263 Waverley abbey 221 Wedbowse 113 Weever, Devon. 64, 65 quater, 381, 384, 387 Wekeshall, 116 Welland, Wore. 8 Welbeck abbey 16, 328 Weleham, Leic. 218 Wellington (Wolintone, Welinton) 27 bis, 368 Welney, Ely 126 Wells, Som. 6, 8, 123, 125,284, 285 Us Wem 114, 121 Wendesley 337 Wenlock364. priory 118 Wentnor27, 194,231 Weobly 232 Werhale 67 Westbury, Som. 6, 123, 125,287,289 Westbury, Salop 233,369 West Court, Kent 124,125 Westgate, Kent 5, 8, 126 Westminster prison 285. St. Stephen's chapel 20, 121, 162 Weston, Derb. ? 92 Weston, Hants 218 INDEX III. — PLACES. Weston, Salop 27, 117, 371 Weston Rhym 371 Wesion Woods, Chesh.22 Westpark, Kent 124 Westumscote 114 Wethynton 113 Wharrom, Yorksh. 11 Wheatcroft, co. Derby 42 Whepsted 79 (note) 389 Whimple, South 387 Whiston 361 Whistons, Wore. 3, 124, 126, 127 Whiston cliff see Sutton Whitborne, Heref. 6 Whitchurch, Salop 87 bis. 88, 117, 120 scepe Whitcliffe, York 286 Whiteminster 371-2 Whitecroft 360 Whitfield 65 Whitfield, Npsh. 270 Whithenton 116 Whitley 358 Whitstaple, Kent 3, 291 Whittington 330, 346, 353, 355, 372 Whitton, Suffolk 389 Wibunbury 234 Wickersley 360, 361 Wickham, Essex 286 Wicklesworth 360 Wicewich 194 Widicumb 187 bis. Widhay, Hants 123 Wigenhale nunnery 200 Wikelessale 57 Widcombe, Devon 385 Wilbrighton, Staff. 130 Wilden grange 291 Wildislond 118 Wildthorp 357 Willascote 121 Willaston 117 Willington 66, 67, 68 bis. Willy, Warw. 261 Wilmindicote 130 Wilsitheland 28 Winchester 185, birth of Pr. Arthur at 279 Windsor, St. George's chapel 276 Winelecote 370, 372 Wingerworth 353 bis. 357 Wingfield, Suff.4 Wingfield (North) 359 Winkley 185 Winterborne Earl's 291 Wirgrose 140 Wirksop priory 132 Wirksworth 353 Wisbeach, Ely 126,285 Wissenden, co. Rutl. 54 Wistansweke 1 13 Wistowe, York 7 bis. Witchet field 383 Witherington 284 Withersin 289 Withington 7, 123 Withyton, Hants. 288 Witney, Oxf. 5, 125 Wittenham,Long239-24 1 Wivescombe, Som. 284 Wiuestove 68 bis. 70 Wlurunton 190 bis. Wodcote 112 Wodeton 371-2 Wodhorne, N'humb. 54 Wodhows 117 Wolfhylle 13 Wold-Newton 167 Wollerton 117 Wolverley 1 14 Wombrige priory 118 Woobum abbey 267 Woodhaw 353 Woodhouse 352, 353 Woodstock park 217 Woolvery 335 Woolwich woods 4 Worcester 289 Worksop abbey 92 Wormhill 96 ter. 100, 102, 103, 109, 111, 341-2, 348 Wormholt, Middx. 124, 285 Worplesdon, Surrey 270 Worth Mennys, Kent 3 Worthen 230, 23 L church 373 Wotenhull 117 Wotton, Oxf. 18, 137 Wotton, Surrey 18, 19 Wrexham 286 Wrockwardine 27 to. 1 17, 363, 368 Wrongey, Norf. 284 Wroxeter 1 16 Wrydington 54 Wulruntuna 28 Wulfreton 190, 193 Wulverscroft priory 132 Wy, Devon 61, 253 Us. Wyfield 98 Wyrthorpe 225 Wythefleet 12 Wythiford 113, 115 Wythornwyk 13 Wyverthorpe 219 Yale 83 Yarwell, co. Npn. 54, 55 Yghtfeld 23 York 289, 292 Yorkelton 231 Yourketon 120 J. B. Nichols and Son, 25, Parliament-street.